###Context: Wumpuses are not wooden. Wumpuses are dumpuses. Every dumpus is large. Yumpuses are not bright. Each dumpus is a zumpus. Each zumpus is bright. Every zumpus is a tumpus. Each tumpus is shy. Each tumpus is an impus. Impuses are earthy. Every impus is a numpus. Each numpus is blue. Numpuses are rompuses. Rompuses are not transparent. Every rompus is a vumpus. Max is a zumpus. Is the following statement true or false? Max is not bright. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Max is a zumpus. Each zumpus is bright. Max is bright. Hence, the statement Max is not bright is false ###The answer is: False
###Context: Each wumpus is orange. Every impus is not orange. Wumpuses are rompuses. Every rompus is aggressive. Rompuses are yumpuses. Yumpuses are luminous. Every yumpus is a tumpus. Polly is a wumpus. Is the following statement true or false? Polly is orange. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Polly is a wumpus. Each wumpus is orange. Polly is orange. Hence, the statement Polly is orange is true ###The answer is: True
###Context: Each yumpus is sweet. Jompuses are not sweet. Yumpuses are zumpuses. Zumpuses are temperate. Each zumpus is a rompus. Alex is a yumpus. Is the following statement true or false? Alex is sweet. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Alex is a yumpus. Each yumpus is sweet. Alex is sweet. Hence, the statement Alex is sweet is true ###The answer is: True
###Context: Each jompus is sour. Impuses are not dull. Every jompus is a rompus. Rompuses are dull. Rompuses are numpuses. Rex is a rompus. Is the following statement true or false? Rex is not dull. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Rex is a rompus. Rompuses are dull. Rex is dull. Hence, the statement Rex is not dull is false ###The answer is: False
###Context: Every yumpus is not transparent. Vumpuses are transparent. Each vumpus is a tumpus. Polly is a vumpus. Is the following statement true or false? Polly is transparent. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Polly is a vumpus. Vumpuses are transparent. Polly is transparent. Hence, the statement Polly is transparent is true ###The answer is: True
###Context: Each wumpus is luminous. Each numpus is not luminous. Wumpuses are yumpuses. Fae is a wumpus. Is the following statement true or false? Fae is luminous. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Fae is a wumpus. Each wumpus is luminous. Fae is luminous. Hence, the statement Fae is luminous is true ###The answer is: True
###Context: Every numpus is not red. Each numpus is an impus. Every tumpus is red. Sam is a numpus. Is the following statement true or false? Sam is red. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Sam is a numpus. Every numpus is not red. Sam is not red. Hence, the statement Sam is red is false ###The answer is: False
###Context: Each tumpus is earthy. Yumpuses are not earthy. Every tumpus is a rompus. Wren is a tumpus. Is the following statement true or false? Wren is not earthy. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Wren is a tumpus. Each tumpus is earthy. Wren is earthy. Hence, the statement Wren is not earthy is false ###The answer is: False
###Context: Every impus is not spicy. Every impus is a jompus. Each jompus is amenable. Each jompus is a dumpus. Every wumpus is not dull. Dumpuses are dull. Every dumpus is a vumpus. Vumpuses are wooden. Vumpuses are zumpuses. Each zumpus is nervous. Zumpuses are rompuses. Every rompus is floral. Every rompus is a yumpus. Yumpuses are not blue. Yumpuses are tumpuses. Each tumpus is transparent. Every tumpus is a numpus. Sally is a dumpus. Is the following statement true or false? Sally is not dull. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Sally is a dumpus. Dumpuses are dull. Sally is dull. Hence, the statement Sally is not dull is false ###The answer is: False
###Context: Numpuses are feisty. Numpuses are tumpuses. Every tumpus is fruity. Tumpuses are rompuses. Rompuses are not metallic. Each rompus is an impus. Each impus is not transparent. Yumpuses are transparent. Impuses are vumpuses. Every vumpus is not small. Vumpuses are zumpuses. Every zumpus is sweet. Every zumpus is a wumpus. Every wumpus is dull. Wumpuses are jompuses. Fae is an impus. Is the following statement true or false? Fae is transparent. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Fae is an impus. Each impus is not transparent. Fae is not transparent. Hence, the statement Fae is transparent is false ###The answer is: False
###Context: Rompuses are blue. Rompuses are wumpuses. Wumpuses are hot. Each wumpus is an impus. Each impus is opaque. Vumpuses are not hot. Impuses are numpuses. Polly is a wumpus. Is the following statement true or false? Polly is not hot. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Polly is a wumpus. Wumpuses are hot. Polly is hot. Hence, the statement Polly is not hot is false ###The answer is: False
###Context: Every zumpus is sweet. Every zumpus is a jompus. Each jompus is not fruity. Each jompus is a dumpus. Every dumpus is not luminous. Dumpuses are rompuses. Every impus is luminous. Every rompus is not dull. Every rompus is a tumpus. Tumpuses are mean. Tumpuses are wumpuses. Every wumpus is not brown. Wumpuses are yumpuses. Yumpuses are cold. Yumpuses are vumpuses. Vumpuses are not opaque. Vumpuses are numpuses. Wren is a dumpus. Is the following statement true or false? Wren is not luminous. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Wren is a dumpus. Every dumpus is not luminous. Wren is not luminous. Hence, the statement Wren is not luminous is true ###The answer is: True
###Context: Wumpuses are not large. Numpuses are large. Wumpuses are impuses. Polly is a wumpus. Is the following statement true or false? Polly is large. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Polly is a wumpus. Wumpuses are not large. Polly is not large. Hence, the statement Polly is large is false ###The answer is: False
###Context: Rompuses are not opaque. Each numpus is opaque. Numpuses are impuses. Stella is a numpus. Is the following statement true or false? Stella is not opaque. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Stella is a numpus. Each numpus is opaque. Stella is opaque. Hence, the statement Stella is not opaque is false ###The answer is: False
###Context: Impuses are not bright. Impuses are vumpuses. Each rompus is bright. Rex is an impus. Is the following statement true or false? Rex is bright. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Rex is an impus. Impuses are not bright. Rex is not bright. Hence, the statement Rex is bright is false ###The answer is: False
###Context: Vumpuses are dull. Vumpuses are impuses. Impuses are not large. Impuses are wumpuses. Each wumpus is transparent. Every wumpus is a yumpus. Every yumpus is aggressive. Yumpuses are tumpuses. Every tumpus is cold. Each zumpus is not transparent. Tumpuses are jompuses. Jompuses are happy. Jompuses are numpuses. Numpuses are metallic. Each numpus is a rompus. Rompuses are not orange. Rompuses are dumpuses. Fae is a wumpus. Is the following statement true or false? Fae is transparent. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Fae is a wumpus. Each wumpus is transparent. Fae is transparent. Hence, the statement Fae is transparent is true ###The answer is: True
###Context: Every impus is temperate. Impuses are zumpuses. Every zumpus is aggressive. Jompuses are dull. Zumpuses are wumpuses. Wumpuses are not dull. Each wumpus is a tumpus. Rex is a wumpus. Is the following statement true or false? Rex is not dull. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Rex is a wumpus. Wumpuses are not dull. Rex is not dull. Hence, the statement Rex is not dull is true ###The answer is: True
###Context: Each dumpus is earthy. Dumpuses are vumpuses. Vumpuses are not sweet. Every vumpus is a jompus. Jompuses are temperate. Each jompus is a numpus. Tumpuses are sweet. Polly is a vumpus. Is the following statement true or false? Polly is sweet. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Polly is a vumpus. Vumpuses are not sweet. Polly is not sweet. Hence, the statement Polly is sweet is false ###The answer is: False
###Context: Dumpuses are small. Zumpuses are not small. Each dumpus is a tumpus. Fae is a dumpus. Is the following statement true or false? Fae is not small. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Fae is a dumpus. Dumpuses are small. Fae is small. Hence, the statement Fae is not small is false ###The answer is: False
###Context: Every vumpus is not kind. Each vumpus is a numpus. Numpuses are luminous. Every numpus is a rompus. Each rompus is transparent. Rompuses are impuses. Every impus is not brown. Each impus is a jompus. Jompuses are sour. Each jompus is a yumpus. Each yumpus is dull. Yumpuses are dumpuses. Dumpuses are not floral. Every zumpus is floral. Dumpuses are tumpuses. Every tumpus is small. Every tumpus is a wumpus. Stella is a dumpus. Is the following statement true or false? Stella is floral. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Stella is a dumpus. Dumpuses are not floral. Stella is not floral. Hence, the statement Stella is floral is false ###The answer is: False
###Context: Each jompus is bright. Impuses are not bright. Every impus is a yumpus. Rex is an impus. Is the following statement true or false? Rex is not bright. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Rex is an impus. Impuses are not bright. Rex is not bright. Hence, the statement Rex is not bright is true ###The answer is: True
###Context: Each zumpus is cold. Each zumpus is a yumpus. Yumpuses are aggressive. Each yumpus is a rompus. Every rompus is small. Each rompus is a numpus. Numpuses are opaque. Every numpus is a vumpus. Vumpuses are liquid. Vumpuses are dumpuses. Every dumpus is dull. Dumpuses are impuses. Impuses are bitter. Wumpuses are not bitter. Every impus is a tumpus. Each tumpus is orange. Each tumpus is a jompus. Sally is an impus. Is the following statement true or false? Sally is bitter. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Sally is an impus. Impuses are bitter. Sally is bitter. Hence, the statement Sally is bitter is true ###The answer is: True
###Context: Tumpuses are orange. Tumpuses are dumpuses. Each rompus is earthy. Dumpuses are not earthy. Dumpuses are jompuses. Jompuses are not dull. Every jompus is an impus. Impuses are temperate. Impuses are numpuses. Each numpus is feisty. Each numpus is a yumpus. Polly is a dumpus. Is the following statement true or false? Polly is earthy. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Polly is a dumpus. Dumpuses are not earthy. Polly is not earthy. Hence, the statement Polly is earthy is false ###The answer is: False
###Context: Wumpuses are floral. Wumpuses are tumpuses. Every tumpus is not blue. Tumpuses are rompuses. Rompuses are nervous. Each rompus is a dumpus. Dumpuses are bright. Each dumpus is a numpus. Every numpus is aggressive. Numpuses are vumpuses. Vumpuses are sweet. Each vumpus is a yumpus. Every yumpus is not luminous. Yumpuses are impuses. Each impus is large. Each impus is a zumpus. Each jompus is not nervous. Sam is a rompus. Is the following statement true or false? Sam is not nervous. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Sam is a rompus. Rompuses are nervous. Sam is nervous. Hence, the statement Sam is not nervous is false ###The answer is: False
###Context: Each yumpus is not cold. Yumpuses are wumpuses. Each numpus is cold. Sam is a yumpus. Is the following statement true or false? Sam is not cold. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Sam is a yumpus. Each yumpus is not cold. Sam is not cold. Hence, the statement Sam is not cold is true ###The answer is: True
###Context: Each tumpus is amenable. Each tumpus is a jompus. Each vumpus is not amenable. Every jompus is sour. Jompuses are yumpuses. Alex is a tumpus. Is the following statement true or false? Alex is amenable. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Alex is a tumpus. Each tumpus is amenable. Alex is amenable. Hence, the statement Alex is amenable is true ###The answer is: True
###Context: Each vumpus is spicy. Every dumpus is not shy. Each dumpus is a rompus. Every rompus is not transparent. Rompuses are jompuses. Jompuses are not spicy. Jompuses are yumpuses. Fae is a jompus. Is the following statement true or false? Fae is not spicy. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Fae is a jompus. Jompuses are not spicy. Fae is not spicy. Hence, the statement Fae is not spicy is true ###The answer is: True
###Context: Every dumpus is luminous. Each dumpus is a numpus. Numpuses are cold. Numpuses are tumpuses. Tumpuses are bright. Each tumpus is a yumpus. Every yumpus is opaque. Jompuses are amenable. Yumpuses are zumpuses. Every zumpus is not amenable. Zumpuses are rompuses. Rompuses are blue. Rompuses are wumpuses. Wumpuses are spicy. Every wumpus is a vumpus. Wren is a zumpus. Is the following statement true or false? Wren is not amenable. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Wren is a zumpus. Every zumpus is not amenable. Wren is not amenable. Hence, the statement Wren is not amenable is true ###The answer is: True
###Context: Zumpuses are amenable. Each zumpus is a jompus. Jompuses are opaque. Jompuses are vumpuses. Vumpuses are blue. Every wumpus is not opaque. Every vumpus is a dumpus. Stella is a jompus. Is the following statement true or false? Stella is not opaque. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Stella is a jompus. Jompuses are opaque. Stella is opaque. Hence, the statement Stella is not opaque is false ###The answer is: False
###Context: Impuses are dull. Every impus is a yumpus. Yumpuses are temperate. Each yumpus is a zumpus. Dumpuses are not dull. Wren is an impus. Is the following statement true or false? Wren is not dull. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Wren is an impus. Impuses are dull. Wren is dull. Hence, the statement Wren is not dull is false ###The answer is: False
###Context: Every rompus is floral. Rompuses are jompuses. Every jompus is spicy. Jompuses are impuses. Impuses are not blue. Impuses are zumpuses. Zumpuses are kind. Each zumpus is a vumpus. Each vumpus is dull. Yumpuses are feisty. Vumpuses are dumpuses. Dumpuses are not feisty. Every dumpus is a numpus. Numpuses are not liquid. Numpuses are tumpuses. Every tumpus is small. Tumpuses are wumpuses. Polly is a dumpus. Is the following statement true or false? Polly is feisty. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Polly is a dumpus. Dumpuses are not feisty. Polly is not feisty. Hence, the statement Polly is feisty is false ###The answer is: False
###Context: Each zumpus is nervous. Zumpuses are rompuses. Each rompus is not transparent. Each rompus is a numpus. Numpuses are large. Numpuses are dumpuses. Every tumpus is not nervous. Each dumpus is amenable. Each dumpus is an impus. Each impus is not brown. Every impus is a wumpus. Wumpuses are earthy. Wumpuses are vumpuses. Vumpuses are sweet. Vumpuses are yumpuses. Each yumpus is dull. Yumpuses are jompuses. Wren is a zumpus. Is the following statement true or false? Wren is not nervous. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Wren is a zumpus. Each zumpus is nervous. Wren is nervous. Hence, the statement Wren is not nervous is false ###The answer is: False
###Context: Every rompus is transparent. Each rompus is an impus. Impuses are not small. Each impus is a wumpus. Each wumpus is not earthy. Every wumpus is a dumpus. Each vumpus is earthy. Sally is a wumpus. Is the following statement true or false? Sally is earthy. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Sally is a wumpus. Each wumpus is not earthy. Sally is not earthy. Hence, the statement Sally is earthy is false ###The answer is: False
###Context: Every yumpus is not opaque. Yumpuses are tumpuses. Each tumpus is small. Tumpuses are rompuses. Each dumpus is not blue. Rompuses are blue. Each rompus is a numpus. Every numpus is fruity. Numpuses are zumpuses. Each zumpus is nervous. Every zumpus is an impus. Impuses are kind. Each impus is a wumpus. Wumpuses are not bright. Wumpuses are jompuses. Rex is a rompus. Is the following statement true or false? Rex is not blue. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Rex is a rompus. Rompuses are blue. Rex is blue. Hence, the statement Rex is not blue is false ###The answer is: False
###Context: Yumpuses are not cold. Yumpuses are numpuses. Numpuses are not floral. Numpuses are wumpuses. Wumpuses are large. Wumpuses are vumpuses. Vumpuses are spicy. Each vumpus is a rompus. Each rompus is not liquid. Rompuses are dumpuses. Each dumpus is not opaque. Every dumpus is a tumpus. Zumpuses are cold. Tumpuses are dull. Each tumpus is a jompus. Each jompus is aggressive. Jompuses are impuses. Alex is a yumpus. Is the following statement true or false? Alex is cold. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Alex is a yumpus. Yumpuses are not cold. Alex is not cold. Hence, the statement Alex is cold is false ###The answer is: False
###Context: Every numpus is not small. Numpuses are rompuses. Jompuses are small. Wren is a numpus. Is the following statement true or false? Wren is small. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Wren is a numpus. Every numpus is not small. Wren is not small. Hence, the statement Wren is small is false ###The answer is: False
###Context: Rompuses are blue. Numpuses are transparent. Every numpus is a vumpus. Vumpuses are amenable. Every vumpus is a jompus. Jompuses are temperate. Jompuses are tumpuses. Each tumpus is not floral. Every tumpus is a yumpus. Each yumpus is liquid. Each yumpus is a zumpus. Each zumpus is not dull. Each zumpus is a dumpus. Every dumpus is not blue. Each dumpus is an impus. Sam is a dumpus. Is the following statement true or false? Sam is not blue. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Sam is a dumpus. Every dumpus is not blue. Sam is not blue. Hence, the statement Sam is not blue is true ###The answer is: True
###Context: Every vumpus is large. Every vumpus is a numpus. Each numpus is red. Tumpuses are opaque. Every numpus is an impus. Every impus is bright. Each impus is a rompus. Every rompus is happy. Every rompus is a dumpus. Dumpuses are not opaque. Dumpuses are jompuses. Each jompus is hot. Jompuses are zumpuses. Fae is a dumpus. Is the following statement true or false? Fae is not opaque. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Fae is a dumpus. Dumpuses are not opaque. Fae is not opaque. Hence, the statement Fae is not opaque is true ###The answer is: True
###Context: Jompuses are hot. Every dumpus is not small. Dumpuses are tumpuses. Each tumpus is bright. Each tumpus is a wumpus. Each wumpus is not hot. Every wumpus is a zumpus. Each zumpus is sweet. Zumpuses are impuses. Alex is a wumpus. Is the following statement true or false? Alex is hot. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Alex is a wumpus. Each wumpus is not hot. Alex is not hot. Hence, the statement Alex is hot is false ###The answer is: False
###Context: Jompuses are small. Jompuses are yumpuses. Each yumpus is amenable. Yumpuses are vumpuses. Each vumpus is earthy. Each vumpus is a dumpus. Dumpuses are bright. Dumpuses are rompuses. Impuses are not amenable. Each rompus is spicy. Each rompus is a zumpus. Every zumpus is temperate. Zumpuses are wumpuses. Wren is a yumpus. Is the following statement true or false? Wren is not amenable. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Wren is a yumpus. Each yumpus is amenable. Wren is amenable. Hence, the statement Wren is not amenable is false ###The answer is: False
###Context: Numpuses are not shy. Numpuses are vumpuses. Vumpuses are not temperate. Jompuses are sour. Every vumpus is a tumpus. Each tumpus is opaque. Tumpuses are zumpuses. Zumpuses are blue. Zumpuses are rompuses. Every rompus is small. Every rompus is a wumpus. Each wumpus is metallic. Wumpuses are dumpuses. Every dumpus is earthy. Dumpuses are impuses. Impuses are not sour. Impuses are yumpuses. Stella is an impus. Is the following statement true or false? Stella is sour. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Stella is an impus. Impuses are not sour. Stella is not sour. Hence, the statement Stella is sour is false ###The answer is: False
###Context: Each jompus is hot. Every zumpus is not hot. Every jompus is a dumpus. Wren is a jompus. Is the following statement true or false? Wren is not hot. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Wren is a jompus. Each jompus is hot. Wren is hot. Hence, the statement Wren is not hot is false ###The answer is: False
###Context: Every numpus is amenable. Every jompus is not liquid. Every numpus is a zumpus. Each zumpus is liquid. Each zumpus is a tumpus. Alex is a zumpus. Is the following statement true or false? Alex is liquid. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Alex is a zumpus. Each zumpus is liquid. Alex is liquid. Hence, the statement Alex is liquid is true ###The answer is: True
###Context: Every rompus is not red. Every rompus is a dumpus. Each dumpus is floral. Each dumpus is a tumpus. Each tumpus is not metallic. Tumpuses are numpuses. Each numpus is spicy. Numpuses are wumpuses. Each wumpus is opaque. Wumpuses are vumpuses. Vumpuses are not amenable. Each vumpus is a zumpus. Zumpuses are large. Impuses are not opaque. Zumpuses are jompuses. Jompuses are temperate. Each jompus is a yumpus. Polly is a wumpus. Is the following statement true or false? Polly is opaque. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Polly is a wumpus. Each wumpus is opaque. Polly is opaque. Hence, the statement Polly is opaque is true ###The answer is: True
###Context: Each vumpus is not earthy. Vumpuses are jompuses. Jompuses are large. Jompuses are zumpuses. Zumpuses are sour. Zumpuses are tumpuses. Each tumpus is transparent. Dumpuses are earthy. Every tumpus is a rompus. Stella is a vumpus. Is the following statement true or false? Stella is not earthy. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Stella is a vumpus. Each vumpus is not earthy. Stella is not earthy. Hence, the statement Stella is not earthy is true ###The answer is: True
###Context: Each wumpus is not fruity. Numpuses are transparent. Numpuses are rompuses. Each rompus is not amenable. Rompuses are jompuses. Jompuses are large. Jompuses are dumpuses. Each dumpus is nervous. Dumpuses are tumpuses. Each tumpus is not wooden. Every tumpus is a yumpus. Every yumpus is fruity. Yumpuses are vumpuses. Each vumpus is not sweet. Each vumpus is a zumpus. Polly is a yumpus. Is the following statement true or false? Polly is not fruity. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Polly is a yumpus. Every yumpus is fruity. Polly is fruity. Hence, the statement Polly is not fruity is false ###The answer is: False
###Context: Impuses are shy. Dumpuses are not shy. Each dumpus is a wumpus. Rex is a dumpus. Is the following statement true or false? Rex is not shy. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Rex is a dumpus. Dumpuses are not shy. Rex is not shy. Hence, the statement Rex is not shy is true ###The answer is: True
###Context: Each jompus is transparent. Each yumpus is angry. Each yumpus is a rompus. Rompuses are not transparent. Rompuses are tumpuses. Rex is a rompus. Is the following statement true or false? Rex is transparent. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Rex is a rompus. Rompuses are not transparent. Rex is not transparent. Hence, the statement Rex is transparent is false ###The answer is: False
###Context: Rompuses are not shy. Rompuses are dumpuses. Dumpuses are liquid. Every dumpus is a yumpus. Yumpuses are floral. Each jompus is not small. Yumpuses are impuses. Each impus is transparent. Each impus is a numpus. Numpuses are small. Each numpus is a tumpus. Every tumpus is sweet. Tumpuses are wumpuses. Wumpuses are dull. Every wumpus is a zumpus. Sally is a numpus. Is the following statement true or false? Sally is not small. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Sally is a numpus. Numpuses are small. Sally is small. Hence, the statement Sally is not small is false ###The answer is: False
###Context: Every wumpus is happy. Rompuses are large. Wumpuses are yumpuses. Yumpuses are cold. Every yumpus is a zumpus. Zumpuses are red. Each zumpus is a jompus. Each jompus is not large. Jompuses are dumpuses. Each dumpus is earthy. Dumpuses are tumpuses. Each tumpus is angry. Tumpuses are numpuses. Numpuses are bitter. Every numpus is a vumpus. Each vumpus is not transparent. Every vumpus is an impus. Fae is a jompus. Is the following statement true or false? Fae is large. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Fae is a jompus. Each jompus is not large. Fae is not large. Hence, the statement Fae is large is false ###The answer is: False
###Context: Every zumpus is opaque. Zumpuses are numpuses. Each numpus is cold. Each numpus is an impus. Jompuses are not cold. Sam is a numpus. Is the following statement true or false? Sam is cold. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Sam is a numpus. Each numpus is cold. Sam is cold. Hence, the statement Sam is cold is true ###The answer is: True
###Context: Each tumpus is not temperate. Each numpus is not small. Each numpus is a vumpus. Every vumpus is not kind. Vumpuses are rompuses. Every rompus is temperate. Every rompus is a yumpus. Alex is a rompus. Is the following statement true or false? Alex is not temperate. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Alex is a rompus. Every rompus is temperate. Alex is temperate. Hence, the statement Alex is not temperate is false ###The answer is: False
###Context: Every tumpus is cold. Each tumpus is an impus. Impuses are not kind. Every impus is a jompus. Jompuses are not sweet. Each jompus is a dumpus. Dumpuses are dull. Rompuses are kind. Every dumpus is a vumpus. Each vumpus is wooden. Every vumpus is a zumpus. Zumpuses are opaque. Zumpuses are wumpuses. Wren is an impus. Is the following statement true or false? Wren is kind. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Wren is an impus. Impuses are not kind. Wren is not kind. Hence, the statement Wren is kind is false ###The answer is: False
###Context: Each rompus is not shy. Jompuses are shy. Rompuses are dumpuses. Max is a rompus. Is the following statement true or false? Max is shy. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Max is a rompus. Each rompus is not shy. Max is not shy. Hence, the statement Max is shy is false ###The answer is: False
###Context: Yumpuses are fruity. Yumpuses are zumpuses. Each zumpus is not large. Each zumpus is a vumpus. Every vumpus is not hot. Vumpuses are dumpuses. Dumpuses are sour. Every rompus is transparent. Every dumpus is an impus. Impuses are red. Every impus is a numpus. Numpuses are bright. Every numpus is a wumpus. Wumpuses are not transparent. Wumpuses are jompuses. Each jompus is amenable. Each jompus is a tumpus. Alex is a wumpus. Is the following statement true or false? Alex is not transparent. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Alex is a wumpus. Wumpuses are not transparent. Alex is not transparent. Hence, the statement Alex is not transparent is true ###The answer is: True
###Context: Each yumpus is temperate. Yumpuses are zumpuses. Each zumpus is not feisty. Each zumpus is a rompus. Rompuses are spicy. Every rompus is a vumpus. Every vumpus is transparent. Vumpuses are impuses. Every impus is red. Impuses are tumpuses. Each tumpus is bright. Tumpuses are jompuses. Jompuses are fruity. Numpuses are not fruity. Every jompus is a wumpus. Fae is a jompus. Is the following statement true or false? Fae is fruity. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Fae is a jompus. Jompuses are fruity. Fae is fruity. Hence, the statement Fae is fruity is true ###The answer is: True
###Context: Impuses are not sweet. Each impus is a rompus. Rompuses are feisty. Rompuses are yumpuses. Yumpuses are not metallic. Every yumpus is a vumpus. Numpuses are sweet. Alex is an impus. Is the following statement true or false? Alex is not sweet. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Alex is an impus. Impuses are not sweet. Alex is not sweet. Hence, the statement Alex is not sweet is true ###The answer is: True
###Context: Wumpuses are sweet. Each wumpus is a dumpus. Dumpuses are opaque. Dumpuses are tumpuses. Tumpuses are blue. Tumpuses are yumpuses. Every yumpus is not earthy. Yumpuses are rompuses. Numpuses are not wooden. Rompuses are bright. Each rompus is an impus. Impuses are not cold. Each impus is a vumpus. Vumpuses are wooden. Every vumpus is a jompus. Max is a vumpus. Is the following statement true or false? Max is not wooden. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Max is a vumpus. Vumpuses are wooden. Max is wooden. Hence, the statement Max is not wooden is false ###The answer is: False
###Context: Zumpuses are not large. Every zumpus is a vumpus. Vumpuses are nervous. Every vumpus is a numpus. Every numpus is not kind. Numpuses are rompuses. Every rompus is metallic. Rompuses are jompuses. Jompuses are sour. Every dumpus is dull. Each jompus is a yumpus. Yumpuses are not transparent. Yumpuses are wumpuses. Wumpuses are not dull. Wumpuses are impuses. Alex is a wumpus. Is the following statement true or false? Alex is dull. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Alex is a wumpus. Wumpuses are not dull. Alex is not dull. Hence, the statement Alex is dull is false ###The answer is: False
###Context: Zumpuses are not kind. Zumpuses are wumpuses. Dumpuses are kind. Stella is a zumpus. Is the following statement true or false? Stella is kind. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Stella is a zumpus. Zumpuses are not kind. Stella is not kind. Hence, the statement Stella is kind is false ###The answer is: False
###Context: Numpuses are orange. Every numpus is a rompus. Every tumpus is not earthy. Each rompus is not bitter. Each rompus is a jompus. Jompuses are earthy. Each jompus is a wumpus. Each wumpus is opaque. Each wumpus is an impus. Max is a jompus. Is the following statement true or false? Max is earthy. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Max is a jompus. Jompuses are earthy. Max is earthy. Hence, the statement Max is earthy is true ###The answer is: True
###Context: Wumpuses are luminous. Each wumpus is a rompus. Rompuses are hot. Rompuses are yumpuses. Yumpuses are large. Yumpuses are vumpuses. Vumpuses are not feisty. Vumpuses are dumpuses. Numpuses are not large. Dumpuses are not kind. Dumpuses are jompuses. Every jompus is not dull. Jompuses are tumpuses. Every tumpus is opaque. Tumpuses are zumpuses. Every zumpus is not orange. Each zumpus is an impus. Alex is a yumpus. Is the following statement true or false? Alex is large. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Alex is a yumpus. Yumpuses are large. Alex is large. Hence, the statement Alex is large is true ###The answer is: True
###Context: Jompuses are opaque. Every jompus is a numpus. Each zumpus is not feisty. Numpuses are luminous. Every numpus is a wumpus. Every wumpus is bitter. Each wumpus is a rompus. Rompuses are temperate. Rompuses are tumpuses. Each tumpus is bright. Every tumpus is an impus. Every impus is not angry. Impuses are dumpuses. Each dumpus is feisty. Dumpuses are yumpuses. Every yumpus is not small. Yumpuses are vumpuses. Sam is a dumpus. Is the following statement true or false? Sam is feisty. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Sam is a dumpus. Each dumpus is feisty. Sam is feisty. Hence, the statement Sam is feisty is true ###The answer is: True
###Context: Dumpuses are not transparent. Every impus is transparent. Impuses are jompuses. Every jompus is large. Jompuses are zumpuses. Rex is an impus. Is the following statement true or false? Rex is not transparent. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Rex is an impus. Every impus is transparent. Rex is transparent. Hence, the statement Rex is not transparent is false ###The answer is: False
###Context: Tumpuses are not liquid. Each tumpus is a yumpus. Yumpuses are not fruity. Zumpuses are fruity. Each yumpus is a jompus. Fae is a yumpus. Is the following statement true or false? Fae is not fruity. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Fae is a yumpus. Yumpuses are not fruity. Fae is not fruity. Hence, the statement Fae is not fruity is true ###The answer is: True
###Context: Each jompus is metallic. Every wumpus is aggressive. Jompuses are rompuses. Every rompus is not bitter. Each rompus is a dumpus. Each dumpus is not aggressive. Dumpuses are vumpuses. Sally is a dumpus. Is the following statement true or false? Sally is not aggressive. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Sally is a dumpus. Each dumpus is not aggressive. Sally is not aggressive. Hence, the statement Sally is not aggressive is true ###The answer is: True
###Context: Impuses are large. Every impus is a yumpus. Yumpuses are feisty. Yumpuses are zumpuses. Each zumpus is temperate. Each zumpus is a wumpus. Wumpuses are not red. Every wumpus is a jompus. Every jompus is opaque. Every jompus is a dumpus. Numpuses are red. Alex is a wumpus. Is the following statement true or false? Alex is not red. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Alex is a wumpus. Wumpuses are not red. Alex is not red. Hence, the statement Alex is not red is true ###The answer is: True
###Context: Each wumpus is shy. Every wumpus is a tumpus. Tumpuses are not luminous. Each impus is luminous. Tumpuses are numpuses. Each numpus is amenable. Every numpus is a jompus. Jompuses are not large. Jompuses are yumpuses. Yumpuses are floral. Every yumpus is a vumpus. Vumpuses are not transparent. Vumpuses are rompuses. Stella is a tumpus. Is the following statement true or false? Stella is luminous. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Stella is a tumpus. Tumpuses are not luminous. Stella is not luminous. Hence, the statement Stella is luminous is false ###The answer is: False
###Context: Dumpuses are hot. Rompuses are metallic. Rompuses are numpuses. Numpuses are dull. Each numpus is a tumpus. Tumpuses are not opaque. Every tumpus is a zumpus. Zumpuses are large. Each zumpus is a jompus. Every jompus is floral. Jompuses are impuses. Every impus is not hot. Each impus is a wumpus. Every wumpus is not spicy. Every wumpus is a vumpus. Vumpuses are blue. Every vumpus is a yumpus. Polly is an impus. Is the following statement true or false? Polly is not hot. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Polly is an impus. Every impus is not hot. Polly is not hot. Hence, the statement Polly is not hot is true ###The answer is: True
###Context: Every jompus is not small. Jompuses are rompuses. Rompuses are not earthy. Each rompus is a numpus. Each numpus is bright. Every dumpus is small. Every numpus is a yumpus. Stella is a jompus. Is the following statement true or false? Stella is small. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Stella is a jompus. Every jompus is not small. Stella is not small. Hence, the statement Stella is small is false ###The answer is: False
###Context: Jompuses are shy. Jompuses are vumpuses. Each rompus is not shy. Max is a jompus. Is the following statement true or false? Max is shy. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Max is a jompus. Jompuses are shy. Max is shy. Hence, the statement Max is shy is true ###The answer is: True
###Context: Each dumpus is not large. Each dumpus is a yumpus. Every yumpus is not fruity. Wumpuses are large. Every yumpus is a zumpus. Polly is a dumpus. Is the following statement true or false? Polly is not large. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Polly is a dumpus. Each dumpus is not large. Polly is not large. Hence, the statement Polly is not large is true ###The answer is: True
###Context: Each rompus is dull. Every rompus is an impus. Impuses are brown. Every zumpus is not dull. Impuses are numpuses. Sam is a rompus. Is the following statement true or false? Sam is not dull. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Sam is a rompus. Each rompus is dull. Sam is dull. Hence, the statement Sam is not dull is false ###The answer is: False
###Context: Impuses are brown. Impuses are dumpuses. Every dumpus is transparent. Every yumpus is not transparent. Every dumpus is a vumpus. Rex is a dumpus. Is the following statement true or false? Rex is transparent. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Rex is a dumpus. Every dumpus is transparent. Rex is transparent. Hence, the statement Rex is transparent is true ###The answer is: True
###Context: Impuses are cold. Impuses are wumpuses. Wumpuses are angry. Wumpuses are dumpuses. Dumpuses are not sour. Dumpuses are numpuses. Numpuses are red. Every numpus is a vumpus. Rompuses are sour. Max is a dumpus. Is the following statement true or false? Max is sour. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Max is a dumpus. Dumpuses are not sour. Max is not sour. Hence, the statement Max is sour is false ###The answer is: False
###Context: Rompuses are fruity. Zumpuses are not luminous. Every rompus is a jompus. Jompuses are large. Jompuses are tumpuses. Tumpuses are bright. Tumpuses are impuses. Each impus is blue. Impuses are dumpuses. Every dumpus is luminous. Every dumpus is a wumpus. Every wumpus is temperate. Wumpuses are numpuses. Each numpus is aggressive. Numpuses are vumpuses. Vumpuses are transparent. Every vumpus is a yumpus. Wren is a dumpus. Is the following statement true or false? Wren is luminous. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Wren is a dumpus. Every dumpus is luminous. Wren is luminous. Hence, the statement Wren is luminous is true ###The answer is: True
###Context: Wumpuses are not shy. Wumpuses are jompuses. Every jompus is not transparent. Every jompus is a tumpus. Tumpuses are red. Tumpuses are yumpuses. Every numpus is transparent. Fae is a jompus. Is the following statement true or false? Fae is transparent. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Fae is a jompus. Every jompus is not transparent. Fae is not transparent. Hence, the statement Fae is transparent is false ###The answer is: False
###Context: Each rompus is mean. Rompuses are numpuses. Each numpus is feisty. Every wumpus is bright. Numpuses are yumpuses. Yumpuses are not bright. Every yumpus is a zumpus. Zumpuses are not temperate. Zumpuses are tumpuses. Every tumpus is spicy. Tumpuses are jompuses. Sally is a yumpus. Is the following statement true or false? Sally is not bright. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Sally is a yumpus. Yumpuses are not bright. Sally is not bright. Hence, the statement Sally is not bright is true ###The answer is: True
###Context: Jompuses are not kind. Every jompus is a vumpus. Vumpuses are opaque. Every vumpus is a dumpus. Dumpuses are luminous. Each yumpus is kind. Dumpuses are wumpuses. Every wumpus is cold. Each wumpus is a numpus. Numpuses are orange. Numpuses are tumpuses. Tumpuses are not feisty. Tumpuses are impuses. Alex is a jompus. Is the following statement true or false? Alex is kind. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Alex is a jompus. Jompuses are not kind. Alex is not kind. Hence, the statement Alex is kind is false ###The answer is: False
###Context: Every vumpus is not sweet. Each vumpus is a rompus. Every impus is sweet. Wren is a vumpus. Is the following statement true or false? Wren is not sweet. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Wren is a vumpus. Every vumpus is not sweet. Wren is not sweet. Hence, the statement Wren is not sweet is true ###The answer is: True
###Context: Zumpuses are bright. Each zumpus is a numpus. Each numpus is not happy. Rompuses are happy. Each numpus is a tumpus. Tumpuses are not blue. Tumpuses are yumpuses. Stella is a numpus. Is the following statement true or false? Stella is not happy. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Stella is a numpus. Each numpus is not happy. Stella is not happy. Hence, the statement Stella is not happy is true ###The answer is: True
###Context: Every vumpus is angry. Every vumpus is an impus. Impuses are happy. Every impus is a yumpus. Each numpus is not bright. Yumpuses are bright. Each yumpus is a rompus. Rompuses are sweet. Rompuses are wumpuses. Each wumpus is not luminous. Wumpuses are zumpuses. Stella is a yumpus. Is the following statement true or false? Stella is not bright. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Stella is a yumpus. Yumpuses are bright. Stella is bright. Hence, the statement Stella is not bright is false ###The answer is: False
###Context: Every dumpus is not sour. Every zumpus is not liquid. Each dumpus is an impus. Impuses are small. Impuses are vumpuses. Vumpuses are liquid. Every vumpus is a rompus. Fae is a vumpus. Is the following statement true or false? Fae is liquid. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Fae is a vumpus. Vumpuses are liquid. Fae is liquid. Hence, the statement Fae is liquid is true ###The answer is: True
###Context: Each vumpus is not wooden. Every vumpus is a jompus. Every dumpus is wooden. Alex is a vumpus. Is the following statement true or false? Alex is wooden. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Alex is a vumpus. Each vumpus is not wooden. Alex is not wooden. Hence, the statement Alex is wooden is false ###The answer is: False
###Context: Every yumpus is not temperate. Each numpus is temperate. Each numpus is a tumpus. Tumpuses are large. Each tumpus is an impus. Fae is a numpus. Is the following statement true or false? Fae is not temperate. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Fae is a numpus. Each numpus is temperate. Fae is temperate. Hence, the statement Fae is not temperate is false ###The answer is: False
###Context: Each impus is cold. Every impus is a jompus. Jompuses are not aggressive. Jompuses are zumpuses. Every zumpus is transparent. Each zumpus is a yumpus. Yumpuses are bright. Yumpuses are dumpuses. Dumpuses are large. Dumpuses are rompuses. Rompuses are sour. Numpuses are aggressive. Each rompus is a vumpus. Rex is a jompus. Is the following statement true or false? Rex is aggressive. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Rex is a jompus. Jompuses are not aggressive. Rex is not aggressive. Hence, the statement Rex is aggressive is false ###The answer is: False
###Context: Every vumpus is opaque. Impuses are not opaque. Impuses are yumpuses. Stella is an impus. Is the following statement true or false? Stella is opaque. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Stella is an impus. Impuses are not opaque. Stella is not opaque. Hence, the statement Stella is opaque is false ###The answer is: False
###Context: Numpuses are fruity. Every rompus is not fruity. Numpuses are vumpuses. Max is a numpus. Is the following statement true or false? Max is fruity. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Max is a numpus. Numpuses are fruity. Max is fruity. Hence, the statement Max is fruity is true ###The answer is: True
###Context: Each rompus is not cold. Each tumpus is earthy. Each tumpus is a vumpus. Vumpuses are not bright. Vumpuses are zumpuses. Zumpuses are cold. Each zumpus is a jompus. Sam is a zumpus. Is the following statement true or false? Sam is not cold. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Sam is a zumpus. Zumpuses are cold. Sam is cold. Hence, the statement Sam is not cold is false ###The answer is: False
###Context: Yumpuses are earthy. Yumpuses are dumpuses. Every dumpus is aggressive. Each dumpus is a rompus. Rompuses are dull. Each rompus is a jompus. Each jompus is cold. Every jompus is a numpus. Zumpuses are not brown. Each numpus is transparent. Numpuses are impuses. Each impus is not large. Impuses are wumpuses. Wumpuses are not spicy. Wumpuses are vumpuses. Vumpuses are brown. Vumpuses are tumpuses. Fae is a vumpus. Is the following statement true or false? Fae is brown. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Fae is a vumpus. Vumpuses are brown. Fae is brown. Hence, the statement Fae is brown is true ###The answer is: True
###Context: Every yumpus is dull. Yumpuses are jompuses. Jompuses are not blue. Each jompus is a zumpus. Each zumpus is angry. Zumpuses are dumpuses. Each vumpus is not angry. Fae is a zumpus. Is the following statement true or false? Fae is not angry. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Fae is a zumpus. Each zumpus is angry. Fae is angry. Hence, the statement Fae is not angry is false ###The answer is: False
###Context: Every vumpus is transparent. Each vumpus is a wumpus. Wumpuses are bright. Every wumpus is a rompus. Rompuses are not metallic. Each rompus is a numpus. Every numpus is aggressive. Jompuses are not bright. Each numpus is a tumpus. Every tumpus is hot. Tumpuses are zumpuses. Each zumpus is brown. Zumpuses are dumpuses. Fae is a wumpus. Is the following statement true or false? Fae is not bright. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Fae is a wumpus. Wumpuses are bright. Fae is bright. Hence, the statement Fae is not bright is false ###The answer is: False
###Context: Every zumpus is shy. Each numpus is fruity. Each zumpus is a rompus. Each rompus is not fruity. Rompuses are vumpuses. Rex is a rompus. Is the following statement true or false? Rex is not fruity. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Rex is a rompus. Each rompus is not fruity. Rex is not fruity. Hence, the statement Rex is not fruity is true ###The answer is: True
###Context: Every vumpus is hot. Each vumpus is a wumpus. Every wumpus is opaque. Wumpuses are yumpuses. Each yumpus is not metallic. Every yumpus is a tumpus. Numpuses are metallic. Polly is a yumpus. Is the following statement true or false? Polly is metallic. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Polly is a yumpus. Each yumpus is not metallic. Polly is not metallic. Hence, the statement Polly is metallic is false ###The answer is: False
###Context: Every numpus is bright. Tumpuses are not bright. Tumpuses are jompuses. Every jompus is not hot. Every jompus is a dumpus. Fae is a tumpus. Is the following statement true or false? Fae is bright. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Fae is a tumpus. Tumpuses are not bright. Fae is not bright. Hence, the statement Fae is bright is false ###The answer is: False
###Context: Jompuses are liquid. Every jompus is a vumpus. Numpuses are not liquid. Vumpuses are not cold. Vumpuses are tumpuses. Tumpuses are shy. Every tumpus is a rompus. Polly is a jompus. Is the following statement true or false? Polly is not liquid. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Polly is a jompus. Jompuses are liquid. Polly is liquid. Hence, the statement Polly is not liquid is false ###The answer is: False
###Context: Rompuses are fruity. Each rompus is a dumpus. Every dumpus is large. Each dumpus is a jompus. Wumpuses are not spicy. Jompuses are not feisty. Jompuses are impuses. Impuses are spicy. Every impus is a yumpus. Each yumpus is mean. Yumpuses are zumpuses. Zumpuses are not transparent. Zumpuses are numpuses. Numpuses are not orange. Each numpus is a vumpus. Every vumpus is temperate. Vumpuses are tumpuses. Wren is an impus. Is the following statement true or false? Wren is spicy. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Wren is an impus. Impuses are spicy. Wren is spicy. Hence, the statement Wren is spicy is true ###The answer is: True
###Context: Every vumpus is dull. Vumpuses are rompuses. Rompuses are transparent. Rompuses are jompuses. Jompuses are not brown. Jompuses are yumpuses. Each yumpus is wooden. Each yumpus is a tumpus. Each tumpus is not large. Tumpuses are numpuses. Numpuses are bitter. Every numpus is a dumpus. Wumpuses are not bitter. Wren is a numpus. Is the following statement true or false? Wren is bitter. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Wren is a numpus. Numpuses are bitter. Wren is bitter. Hence, the statement Wren is bitter is true ###The answer is: True
###Context: Each jompus is not opaque. Every zumpus is not sweet. Every zumpus is a dumpus. Dumpuses are not bright. Dumpuses are rompuses. Each rompus is not small. Rompuses are impuses. Each impus is not temperate. Every impus is a wumpus. Every wumpus is opaque. Each wumpus is a vumpus. Vumpuses are shy. Vumpuses are numpuses. Numpuses are aggressive. Each numpus is a yumpus. Every yumpus is not fruity. Yumpuses are tumpuses. Wren is a wumpus. Is the following statement true or false? Wren is not opaque. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Wren is a wumpus. Every wumpus is opaque. Wren is opaque. Hence, the statement Wren is not opaque is false ###The answer is: False
###Context: Each impus is metallic. Impuses are tumpuses. Tumpuses are aggressive. Tumpuses are numpuses. Each numpus is large. Numpuses are jompuses. Every jompus is opaque. Each rompus is not fruity. Jompuses are zumpuses. Zumpuses are not bright. Every zumpus is a vumpus. Each vumpus is fruity. Vumpuses are yumpuses. Every yumpus is not sour. Yumpuses are dumpuses. Fae is a vumpus. Is the following statement true or false? Fae is not fruity. ###Response: Let's think step by step. Fae is a vumpus. Each vumpus is fruity. Fae is fruity. Hence, the statement Fae is not fruity is false ###The answer is: False