stringlengths 59
Name: Kanbe Kotori | Gender: Female
Name: Senri Akane | Gender: Female | Aliases: Prez, The Witch of the School
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
[Schoolboy]: "What are you gonna do?"
[Schoolboy]: "A job, duh. I'm gonna help run the logistics."
[Schoolboy]: "Oooh, a businessman."
[Schoolboy]: "What about you?"
[Schoolboy]: "KFC. They need an extra pair of hands during the festival, so the wage goes up 50%."
[Schoolboy]: "Ah, I've heard that job's exhausting. My brother was telling me about how they get several times more customers right at the end."
[Schoolboy]: "How bad is it?"
Similar conversations can be heard from all directions.
The competition for harvest festival jobs is always fierce.
There are some people who are either too sick to work or legitimately can't find any openings, so they're allowed to do extra studying at school.
A lot of people like doing this.
They take attendance during the week, but that's it.
No doubt simply relaxing at school all day would be the easiest option.
[Kotarou]: (...I should really start thinking about an article for my job soon.)
The monthly Terra magazine.
Covering the festival is most important, but I really should submit something before then just to get a feel for it.
I should be able to get some material for them from our Occult Club investigations.
[Teacher]: "The deadline for job approval requests is..."
Someone collapses again.
The sounds of people falling, the heat inside the gym, and the career advisor who sounds like he's chanting a spell...
My mind feels slow and drunk.
I listen to the gentle sounds of students collapsing, imagining their softness.
That was a sexy sound so it must've been a third-year girl.
That soft sound must be a slender first-year.
[Kotarou]: (I want a pretty third-year girl to hold me...)
Bad thoughts.
As my mind falls deeper into the gutter, the passage of time becomes less important.
As I space out, a familiar voice flows out of the speakers.
[Kotori]: "A-an announcement from the Greenery Committee..."
Kotori's standing on stage.
[Kotarou]: "Bu!"
Somehow I slept through all the teachers' speeches and we're on to the students now.
[Kotarou]: (Ah, that's right...I forgot she was forced into that committee...)
People who tend to be absent from homeroom a lot always get thrown into committees for some reason.
[Kotori]: "The Greenery Committee will be placing potted herbs throughout the city until the harvest festival ends."
[Kotori]: "Umm, we need volunteers for this."
[Kotori]: "We're going to split into...people potting the plants, and people placing them around town."
[Kotori]: "And...umm...if you want to help, please fill out the form in the staff room."
[Kotori]: "So........."
She gropes for the words.
[Kotori]: "Ah! And you'll be volunteers, so you won't receive any money."
[Kotarou]: (You said that already, Kotori...)
This is getting hard to watch.
[Kotori]: "We'll be working every Friday afternoon and Saturday midday."
[Kotori]: "Come whenever you can, even if it's only for one day."
[Kotori]: "And..."
She gets stuck again.
I can tell she's nervous, though it's hard to blame her.
She fossilizes.
I want to embrace her and carry her out of the gym right now, but I can't do that.
I think it's been thirty seconds already.
The gym starts murmuring.
[Kotarou]: (You can do it...)
I cheer her on in my heart.
[Kotori]: ".........ah."
She takes a note out of her pocket, as if she just remembered it.
[Kotori]: "W-we'll contact you by phone. Everyone who volunteers will participate."
[Kotori]: "If you participate for just one day, we'll give you a small planter that takes almost no water, and if you participate for three or more days we'll give you a mini salad garden."
[Kotori]: "And some of you may even receive herbs."
[Kotori]: "Also, anyone who arrives without prior notice is welcome to join in."
[Kotori]: "So bring your friend and families."
[Kotarou]: (It's "friends and family", Kotori...)
[Kotori]: "Umm..."
[Kotori]: "That's all!"
She shoots back to her spot.
[Kotarou]: "...haa..."
Just watching that tired me out.
After school, I write an article for the blog.
I'm still not used to posting these things, but I made it work somehow.
[Kotarou]: "Prez, could you check this article for...you're not listening."
The boss glares at the screen, pounding on her keyboard.
She's wearing some huge headphones, so my voice probably can't reach her.
In her right hand is a gaming mouse.
[Kotarou]: "Mmm..."
[Kotarou]: (Fine, I'll upload it as is.)
Once I have the text and images ready, I can just plug them into a template to produce an article.
It doesn't correct any typos that way, but...
[Kotarou]: "...okay, done."
There will probably be new comments soon.
I look forward to them, but I'm also a bit scared.
I try refreshing the screen several times, but they're not posting much today.
I guess this is what happens when catalysts like Egashira are gone.
It's sad when no one reacts at all.
Even faking some comments is better than this...
[Kotarou]: "If I...made my own...then...?"
[Akane]: "That's a trap, Tennouji."
[Akane]: "Blogs are...a labor."
Suddenly Akane is standing behind me, whispering mysteriously, as if mocking my inexperience.
[Kotarou]: "A labor...?"
[Kotarou]: "I see, if I just post more content more often..."
[Akane]: "Exactly, that's how you become an alpha blogger."
[Kotarou]: "Seriously...?"
Alpha blogger.
Someone who has achieved amazing things in the blogosphere.
Could I be an alblo?
This is exciting.
[Kotarou]: "So...I just need to write more articles."
That's not an easy task.
Everything else aside...making these articles takes a lot of time.
I have a job too.
And the more time I spend on the club, the less I spend writing something for that.
My plan was to get a feel for this club, then start investigating something on my own for the job.
But at this rate, I'm not even gathering enough experience points to reach that level.
[Kotarou]: "We need more leads..."
[Akane]: "Go get some."
[Kotarou]: "One article a month just isn't enough...yeah, gotta do at least one a week..."
[Akane]: "Then do that."
[Akane]: "Some alpha bloggers write three per day."
[Kotarou]: "What the hell? ...how much free time do they have?"
[Akane]: "It's not about having time, it's about using it."
[Kotarou]: "Now you're making them sound cool."
[Akane]: "They just use their work computers."
[Kotarou]: ".........you have to risk being fired...?"
[Kotarou]: "But I need to gather information before I can write anything..."
[Akane]: "Behold."
Akane points to the folder for the messages from the submission form.
It shows the number of unread posts.
[Kotarou]: "Ah, you're right."
Some people have submitted information.
Four leads. |
Name: Senri Akane | Gender: Female | Aliases: Prez, The Witch of the School
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
[Kotarou]: "Oooh!"
[Kotarou]: "Wh-what could they be!?"
You obtained Info: "I'm a 31 year-old housewife and my spouse is cheating on me"!
You obtained Info: "Is it bad for a woman to date students? Looking for someone to teach me about sex"!
[Kotarou]: "What kind of crap is this!?"
I flip mental tables.
You deleted Info: "I'm a 31 year-old housewife and my spouse is cheating on me"!
You deleted Info: "Is it bad for a woman to date students? Looking for someone to teach me about sex"!
[Kotarou]: (Eh? Only people at this school can see these posts...why is there an offer for contractor services?)
[Akane]: "...an inside job."
Akane says heavily, as if she'd read my mind.
[Kotarou]: "Internet bullies again...?"
The ruffians who make the internet a stormy sea.
Only a few days ago I learned how terrifying they can be.
[Kotarou]: "Inside the school you mean? I don't like the look of this."
The remaining two submissions also look useless.
[Akane]: "The more you gather, the pickier you can be."
[Akane]: "Tennouji, if you want to win, you must search."
[Akane]: "Then write articles and update frequently. Only then...!"
[Kotarou]: "Synergy kicks in!"
[Akane]: "And all is golden!"
[Akane]: ".........I am not the type of person who says that."
[Kotarou]: "You started doing it. Not my fault."
[Akane]: "Get too complacent and I'll sacrifice you for my black magic."
[Kotarou]: "...meaning you'll politically humiliate me........."
[Akane]: "Anyway, since you haven't posted much yet, it's only natural that no one's submitted anything good."
[Akane]: "If you remain active, people will start gathering naturally."
[Kotarou]: "Hmmmm."
But I don't really have any connections I can exploit to get new leads, so...
If I make more friends...
I'll get more information...
I'll write more articles...
I'll conquer my part-time job...
[Kotarou]: "Dreams get big fast..."
I feel motivated.
[Akane]: "By the way, you got a direct e-mail too."
[Kotarou]: "Eh...?"
Messages from the submission form and email messages go into different folders.
Like Akane said, there's a new email message too.
Our email address is public of course, since we're a club.
So anyone within the school or even at other schools can send us messages.
Who is it...
[Akane]: "Newspaper Club: Inoue"
[Akane]: "You know her?"
[Kotarou]: "Her!?"
I'd never forget that sensationalist...
[Akane]: "I've heard about her before. Have you met?"
[Kotarou]: "...she talked to me a few times."
And accused me of getting into this school illegally.
[Akane]: "Let's see it."
I cannot disobey.
I open the e-mail.
"Tennouji-kun, I saw your article."
That was fast.
So fast I'm slightly afraid of her now.
"It's kinda shoddy, but I guess the information itself is good."
"To be honest I didn't think you'd get something this fast."
"Your writing is awkward and the ending is weak, so it's not that great, but..."
"I guess it was entertaining."
"To wish you luck, I'll give you a lead of my own."
"I happened to find some stuff that'll be right up your alley. It'd feel wrong just having you send me everything, so take a look at it."
"I won't be doing anything with it anyway. Good luck."
"Bye~ Inoue"
You obtained Info: "Cohabitation with Ghosts for no Money Down"!
You obtained Info: "Doll User"!
[Akane]: "And there's your leads. This is what I was talking about."
[Kotarou]: "I really don't like ghosts though..."
[Akane]: "Are you in a position to choose?"
[Akane]: "If you're too scared to do it alone then bring some friends."
[Kotarou]: "Friends..."
Would asking random people really help?
Kotori's probably the only one I know who would join me willingly.
[Akane]: "Keep having your fun for now."
[Akane]: "I'll take care of any trouble you cause."
[Kotarou]: "I'm grateful, but..."
Of course I'm eager to do this.
Get information and write articles.
Improve my skills then earn money with the job.
Enjoy my life with that money.
It's a good chain.
I'm feeling it now.
But I don't get Akane's attitude.
Despite what she says, I get the feeling Akane's babysitting me.
Why's she being so nice?
I look out the window.
[Kotarou]: "Ah, it's Shizuru."
I can recognize her silhouette a mile away.
[Akane]: "Who?"
[Kotarou]: "Hm? A friend."
Shizuru looks in our direction.
[Kotarou]: "Hey, you wanna join us?"
I wave my hand at her.
[Akane]: "How can she see you if you don't open the window?"
[Kotarou]: "Good point."
I slide it open.
[Kotarou]: "Oh, she's gone."
I guess there was no way for her to notice.
Akane takes out a machine and plunks it down on the desk.
[Kotarou]: "What's that?"
[Akane]: "A coffee maker, though I can't use it."
Come to think of it, I can see a tank to pour water in.
It seems pretty old...
[Kotarou]: "Is it broken?"
[Akane]: "It broke after Chihaya fiddled with it. Look...this dial's completely wrong."
[Kotarou]: "Ah..."
I can easily imagine Ohtori doing that.
[Kotarou]: "Can't you just buy a new one?"
[Akane]: "That's wasteful. We should fix it if we can."
[Kotarou]: "I guess..."
That just seems weirdly frugal for you.
[Kotarou]: "Have you repaired something like this before?"
[Akane]: "Not at all."
Then how do you plan on fixing it?
[Kotarou]: "Lemme see it."
The plastic knob comes off effortlessly. Someone must've taken this apart before, or forgot to screw it on.
[Kotarou]: "Uwa, so old..."
I can feel the age from the fading color in the cord.
She seriously wants to try fixing this thing?
I grab a nearby screwdriver and use it to poke around inside.
[Kotarou]: "Hmmmm."
[Akane]: "Can you fix it?"
[Kotarou]: "No...if it was just a broken dial then maybe, but it looks like the machinery inside is shot too."
[Akane]: "Oh well, I'll buy a new one then."
[Kotarou]: "Is this one important to you or something? It doesn't fit with the rest of the room."
[Akane]: "I get attached to things. Besides, did you know spirits live in things you've used for a long time? They're called tsukumogami."
She puts one hand on the machine as she talks. |
Name: Senri Akane | Gender: Female | Aliases: Prez, The Witch of the School
Name: Nakatsu Shizuru | Gender: Female | Aliases: Shizu
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
[Akane]: "If it turns violent it causes calamity as a youkai, and if it remains peaceful it brings about good fortune as a god. Similar stories exist in most countries."
[Kotarou]: "Does the Japanese version say they have to last a hundred years first?"
[Akane]: "It only has eighty years left to go."
She points to the sticker saying when it was made.
Twenty years ago. Before I was born.
[Kotarou]: "We'll be dead by the time that happens."
[Akane]: "The spirits that end up in these items are often those of the humans that used them."
[Kotarou]: "Scary."
[Akane]: "Isn't it wonderful?"
Just what a witch might say.
[Akane]: "Oh well, so much for that."
She shoves it off to one side.
Someone who looks like a secretary (where the hell did she come from?) picks it up.
...she looks like a student, but I've never seen her before.
[Akane]: "Dispose of what's inside too."
...no attachment at all.
And then, a knock.
[Kotarou]: "Hm?"
[Akane]: "Get it."
She points to the door.
[Kotarou]: "Fine..."
I can't disobey the Prez.
Shizuru's standing there.
[Kotarou]: "Huh? What's wrong?"
[Kotarou]: "Well, I'm having trouble too, so..."
[Kotarou]: "Actually, weren't you here a minute ago?"
[Shizuru]: "Did you call me?"
[Kotarou]: "I guess I did, but..."
You saw me? You heard me?
I spend a few moments deciding which to ask.
[Kotarou]: "...you saw me?"
She nods.
[Kotarou]: "Did you hear me?"
I ask both anyway.
She shakes her head.
But if she didn't hear me, then how did she know I called to her?
[Kotarou]: "This room is bugged!!"
[Kotarou]: "Maybe not."
[Shizuru]: "Kotarou."
[Kotarou]: "Hm?"
Shizuru plugs her ears with her fingers.
[Shizuru]: "Aaah. Aaah."
[Kotarou]: "Can you hear me like that?"
[Shizuru]: "Can you hear me like that?"
[Shizuru]: "Aaah. Aaah."
[Kotarou]: "So...you can hear me?"
[Shizuru]: "So...you can hear me?"
[Kotarou]: "Eeeh?"
[Shizuru]: "Eeeh?"
[Kotarou]: "Wait, wait...lemme see if I get this..."
I dash to the end of the hallway.
[Shizuru]: "Do not run in the halls."
She blows her whistle.
[Kotarou]: "Oh, sorry."
I change to a power walk.
I move to a position from which Shizuru can barely see me.
[Kotarou]: "If I married Akane...I would be a wizard."
I return.
[Shizuru]: "If I married Akane...I would be a wizard."
[Kotarou]: "Correct!!"
I clap my hands.
"No, it's really not that..." Shizuru blushes.
[Kotarou]: "So how do you do that anyway?"
She points to her lips.
[Kotarou]: "You want a kiss as a reward?"
[Shizuru]: ".........!!!"
She shakes her hands. "Don't be stupid!! That's embarrassing!!!"
[Kotarou]: "Then..."
[Shizuru]: "I can tell from how your mouth and throat move."
[Kotarou]: "Oooh, lip reading..."
I had no idea people could really do that...
[Kotarou]: "From that distance?"
[Shizuru]: "As long as I can see it...and your mouth moves a lot, Kotarou."
[Kotarou]: "That's amazing..."
Couldn't I make use of this?
With Shizuru's powers, gathering information will be easy.
[Kotarou]: "Wow...with Prez and Shizuru around I can get away with anything."
[Akane]: "Are you suggesting you can control me? Learn your place."
[Kotarou]: "Ah, no, not at all."
Didn't mean for her to hear that.
[Akane]: "I saw. That's an impressive trick."
She hides behind me.
[Kotarou]: "Don't worry, she's a friend."
[Kotarou]: "Come on Shizuru-san, say hello."
I push her forward.
[Shizuru]: "Shizuru."
[Akane]: "I'm Akane."
[Shizuru]: "Pleased to meet you."
[Akane]: "You as well."
[Kotarou]: "Hey, do you mind if she joins us?"
[Shizuru]: "?"
[Kotarou]: "Basically..."
I explain it to Shizuru.
[Shizuru]: "...I'd like to, but..."
[Shizuru]: "I can't join a club."
[Kotarou]: "I see..."
Well, everyone has their own special circumstances...
[Kotarou]: "Then you can just help us."
[Shizuru]: "In that case..."
[Kotarou]: "Really!?"
She gives a thumbs up.
[Akane]: "So forceful..."
[Kotarou]: "So what? It'll be more fun with her around."
[Akane]: "Fun isn't the issue..."
[Akane]: "Having this many outsiders is just..."
[Kotarou]: "It's fine, she'll be useful! Pleaaaase!! Can we keep her!?"
[Akane]: "Yes, fine, fine...I don't feel like dealing with your tantrums."
[Kotarou]: "You heard her, Shizuru. We win!"
[Shizuru]: "I don't understand, but we won?"
[Kotarou]: "We did."
[Shizuru]: "Yay!"
[Akane]: "...it's not that big a deal..."
[Akane]: "But you're responsible for her."
[Kotarou]: "It'll be fine."
[Akane]: "I warned you."
She returns to the club room.
[Shizuru]: "So I'm helping Kotarou?"
[Kotarou]: "Yep."
Prez is just being shy.
I check on the blog at home.
[Kotarou]: "......it's not that bad."
The info turned out to be false, but I think it's still pretty fun to read.
This could work.
And I can recruit even more members.
[Kotarou]: "Tomorrow's Saturday..."
No need to rush.
Let's enjoy each and every day.
Which is why I will now sleep. |
Name: Senri Akane | Gender: Female | Aliases: Prez, The Witch of the School
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
Name: Kanbe Kotori | Gender: Female
Name: Ohtori | Gender: Female | Aliases: Ohtori Chihaya, Chi
October 16th (Saturday)
I open my eyes.
It's a nice morning.
I sit up.
My body feels light.
[Kotarou]: (I hope...)
[Kotarou]: (I hope I can find some leads today...)
I have an objective now.
[Kotarou]: "Okay."
This is the source of power making my body active.
I check all the leads I've gathered so far.
[Kotarou]: "Hmmmm."
Quite a few of them seem interesting.
But...if I'm gonna win this, I'll need a few more options.
[Kotarou]: "There's a lot of stuff around school..."
Maybe I should start by looking for more here.
Even on my own, I could just spend today searching for something in my daily life.
[Ohtori]: "What are you looking for?"
[Kotarou]: "Leads."
[Ohtori]: "Haa..."
[Kotori]: "You're really motivated, Kotarou-kun."
[Kotarou]: "Yeah...maybe that's the power of being in a club."
[Ohtori]: "I don't understand..."
You're the one who asked me this time.
I can even get along well with awkward people. That is the power of being in a club.
Even Kotori's been coming to school every day since she joined.
Viva club power.
Break time.
I wanna check on the site, so I go to the club room.
...is anyone here?
Well I can still kill time with all the books here, even if everyone's away.
I go in anyway.
[Kotarou]: "Is anyone...here?"
After looking around a bit, I find someone.
There's a man looking at me, holding a book in one hand.
The light from the window forms an aura around him, making him look dark.
Once my eyes get used to it, I can see that he's wearing glasses. Even though I'm a guy, I can tell his face looks quite good.
He feels dignified, and also a little cold.
The best way to describe my impression of him would be...an empty church in the snow.
The man soon returns his gaze to the book.
Who is this guy?
I've never seen him before.
[Kotarou]: "Hey."
He ignores me.
[Kotarou]: "Who are you? Are you in the Occult Club?"
[Kotarou]: "Heeey."
[Kotarou]: "I'm asking you a question..."
[Kotarou]: "Ah, are you a third-year? Sorry, I should've spoken more politely."
[Kotarou]: "...stop ignoring me."
[Kotarou]: "At least say hello or something."
[Kotarou]: "Heeeey."
I wave my hands.
He looks up at me again.
[??]: "Good afternoon."
For a moment, it feels like the ice melted.
[Kotarou]: "...ah, right, good afternoon."
[??]: "And go back."
Those words don't register in my brain for a moment.
Then I realize what he said.
...go back?
Back to where...?
[Kotarou]: "Umm...I just came back here."
I give that answer for some reason.
The man looks down at the book again, as if that answer satisfied him.
...what the hell is with this guy?
Do any of the other members know him?
There must be a reason for him being here...
It feels hard to approach him, so I sit down on the far side of the table.
I can see him looking at me.
No wait, he's...glaring.
[??]: "What?"
[Kotarou]: "Huh?"
The question is so sudden I fail to respond properly.
[Kotarou]: "I didn't say anything......"
[??]: "What are you doing?"
[Kotarou]: "Umm, nothing really..."
[??]: "Don't you remember what I told you?"
Everything he says is too sudden...
[Kotarou]: "Umm..."
[Kotarou]: "You told me to go back? I wasn't sure what you meant."
[??]: "Hmm..."
[??]: "I see, I should have explained myself."
[Kotarou]: "I guess I should've asked."
[??]: "I meant go back where you came from."
[??]: "As in leave. Outsiders do not belong in this place."
[Kotarou]: "Eeeeh?"
But I'm not an outsider...
In fact, who is this guy? Isn't he the outsider here?
Did he come here to disband the club or something?
That's kinda what this feels like...
But I'm pretty sure I've never seen this person at school.
...yeah, I would remember seeing someone like this. He leaves a very strong impression.
[Kotarou]: "Who are you?"
[??]: "That's an irrelevant detail. I am telling you to leave."
[??]: "Don't you think it's rude to interrupt someone when they're reading a book?"
[Kotarou]: "Eh...?"
So about that impression I had...
"He feels dignified, and also a little cold."
That's a lie. He's not dignified. He isn't really stiff, yet he's even gentlemanly.
But he's still cold.
Then the door rolls open.
[Akane]: "...oh."
The witch arrives.
[Akane]: "You don't see two boys together here very often."
[??]: "Good day, Ojou-sama. Are you well?"
[Akane]: ".........?"
[Akane]: "Aaah...you're..."
[??]: "Yes, I am."
[Akane]: "That's right."
[??]: "It is."
[Akane]: "Go hang around over there then."
[??]: "Yes, I shall."
He naturally returns to the bookshelves.
[Kotarou]: "Wait wait wait."
[Akane]: "What?"
[Kotarou]: "Do you really have to ask what? Who is this guy?"
[??]: "Do not refer to me as "this guy". You are the outsider here."
[Kotarou]: "Eh? What? You two know each other in real life?"
[Akane]: "I don't know why you're specifying real life, but I do know him."
[Kotarou]: "Eeeh...?"
[Kotarou]: "But he's wearing our uniform, even though I've never seen him before."
[??]: "Nor should you have."
[Kotarou]: "...so you are an outsider."
[Akane]: "Wait, didn't you transfer here too?"
[??]: "No? I have nothing to gain from attending school anymore."
[Kotarou]: "Doesn't that make you an outsider?"
[Akane]: "...true..."
[Akane]: "So why that uniform?"
[??]: "This is Chihaya-san's."
[Kotarou]: "Huh?"
[??]: "For some reason she used my measurements when filling out the order form. That's why she's still wearing her old uniform."
[Kotarou]: "Aaah..."
[Akane]: "I guess it keeps you from standing out...but that's still not the best idea."
[??]: "Really? I quite like wearing this."
[Akane]: "...oh, I see...good for you..."
Apparently Prez has trouble dealing with him too.
[Kotarou]: "So who is this guy?"
[Akane]: "Chihaya's...ummm..."
[??]: "Brother."
[Akane]: "Right."
[Kotarou]: "Huh." |
Name: Senri Akane | Gender: Female | Aliases: Prez, The Witch of the School
Name: Ohtori Sakuya | Gender: Male
Name: Ohtori | Gender: Female | Aliases: Ohtori Chihaya, Chi
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
He doesn't look much like her.
[Akane]: "Anyway, you being here will cause all sorts of problems. Could I ask you to leave?"
She starts chasing him out.
[??]: "I will have to refuse."
She snaps.
[Akane]: "I'm not asking. I'm ordering."
[??]: "That's rather strange. Here you are nothing more than a schoolgirl."
He smiles at her.
[Akane]: "Oh, I see, am I now?"
She smiles too.
[??]: "Ah, perhaps I should pour some tea? Out of good will."
[Akane]: "No thank you. I prefer not to drink anything prepared by "outsiders"."
[??]: "That's a shame."
[Akane]: "Hohoho."
[??]: "Huhuhu."
[Akane]: "Hohohohoho."
[??]: "Huhuhuhuhu."
[Kotarou]: "Hiii!"
This is starting to feel scary somehow!
Maybe I should leave...!?
But I'm also afraid of moving...
[Ohtori]: "Huh? There's more people here than usual."
A voice with no fear.
[Kotarou]: "Ohtori! Thank you!"
[Ohtori]: "Wh-what? What did I do?"
[??]: "Chihaya-san, you're late."
[Ohtori]: "Ah, Sakuya, you came today?"
[??]: "Yes."
So his name's Sakuya?
[Akane]: "Chihaya, please get rid of this nuisance."
[Ohtori]: "Huh? Well, okay. Sakuya, please get rid of yourself."
[Sakuya]: "Understood. Where shall I go?"
[Ohtori]: "I guess you could just wander around school?"
[Sakuya]: "Then I shall do that."
[Akane]: "No."
[Akane]: "...we can't let him stand out."
[Ohtori]: "Then please wander around school without standing out."
[Sakuya]: "Then I shall do that."
[Akane]: "N. O."
[Akane]: "...never mind, just be quiet in your corner over there."
[Ohtori]: "What she said."
[Sakuya]: "Understood."
[Sakuya]: "Then I will prepare some tea."
[Akane]: "No, you don't..."
[Sakuya]: "Do you want any, Ojou-sama? If not, I will only make enough for Chihaya-san and myself."
[Akane]: ".........fine, I'll have some."
[Sakuya]: "Understood."
Prez looks tired as the man continues smiling.
......hang on.
[Kotarou]: "Wait...what about me?"
[Sakuya]: "Hmm? Who are you?"
He wasn't even acknowledging my existence.
[Kotarou]: "...I'm Tennouji Kotarou."
[Sakuya]: "I see, I see. I am Ohtori Sakuya."
[Sakuya]: "Now then, Chihaya-san, Ojou-sama, I shall prepare your tea."
[Kotarou]: "Umm...don't I get any?"
[Sakuya]: "Hmm? Who are you? Outsiders should just leave."
[Kotarou]: "...hey, Ohtori, this guy's going really far out of his way to be a jerk to me."
[Ohtori]: "Huh?"
[Kotarou]: "This guy. Over here."
I point.
[Ohtori]: "Well, he said leave, so why not leave?"
...oh yeah, she's not much different.
[Sakuya]: "I'm shocked. I always strive to live amenably to everyone."
[Ohtori]: "Sakuya's acting normally."
[Kotarou]: "Umm...I have no idea what's normal for him..."
Talking like I know him already isn't going to get us anywhere.
[Kotarou]: "Isn't he your brother?"
[Sakuya]: "I am. Why?"
[Ohtori]: "No you're not. You're Sakuya."
[Sakuya]: "...ahem."
[Ohtori]: "Ah."
[Ohtori]: "He's my brother."
[Sakuya]: "Good afternoon. I am her brother."
[Kotarou]: "I see."
So that wasn't true.
[Akane]: "...Chihaya."
[Ohtori]: "Ah, yes?"
[Akane]: "You forgot your cover story, didn't you?"
[Ohtori]: "Ah, well, are you sure?"
[Akane]: "You need to stop forgetting things so easily."
[Ohtori]: "Yes..."
[Sakuya]: "Hahaha, Chihaya-san is too upright and respectable to lie to anyone. It's not a bad thing."
[Sakuya]: "Now, here is your tea. Would you like milk? How many cubes of sugar?"
[Ohtori]: "Thank you. One's fine."
[Sakuya]: "Then here's one giant sugar cube."
[Akane]: "I'm always amazed at how much you spoil her..."
[Sakuya]: "And here's yours."
[Akane]: "Thank you..."
[Kotarou]: "So, if he's not her brother..."
[Akane]: "It's unnatural for two strangers to live together, right?"
[Kotarou]: "Eh? Live together?"
[Ohtori]: "Aaah..."
[Ohtori]: "That's right, he's supposed to be my brother."
[Akane]: "Be quiet, you forgetful pillock."
[Ohtori]: "Pillock...?"
[Kotarou]: "So who is this guy? Someone's mistress?"
I kinda have to ask why they're living together if they aren't related...
[Sakuya]: "I am no mistress."
[Kotarou]: "Indeed."
[Kotarou]: "So what are you? Her boyfriend?"
[Ohtori]: "......?"
They look at each other.
[Ohtori]: "Oooh, so that's what it looks like."
[Kotarou]: "Isn't that the obvious guess?"
[Sakuya]: "Hahaha, this is quite bothersome. You have some funny acquaintances, Ojou-sama."
[Kotarou]: "...so he says."
Her face says: "I'm too tired to care."
[Ohtori]: "Hmmm, well it's not like that at all."
[Sakuya]: "The honest answer is, I am someone who, for various reasons, is taking care of Chihaya-san."
[Kotarou]: "Eh? So...are you like her butler?"
[Sakuya]: "That's a good approximation."
I've never seen one of those before.
I thought butlers were as mythical as maids, but there's one right here...
[Sakuya]: "Yes...in a way, I am Chihaya-san's..."
[Sakuya]: "Knight."
[Sakuya]: "That's about right."
[Kotarou]: "...haa, I see."
I no longer care enough to ask more...
Not that I've completely lost interest, but I get the feeling I won't learn anything else from him no matter what I ask.
He feels kinda detached from the world...and from common sense.
[Kotarou]: "Anyway, so you're Ohtori-san too..."
It's probably best to change the subject.
[Ohtori]: "Ah, you have a point. It'll feel weird if you have to call both of us Ohtori-san." |
Name: Ohtori Sakuya | Gender: Male
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
Name: Ohtori Chihaya | Gender: Female | Aliases: Chi
Name: Ohtori | Gender: Female | Aliases: Ohtori Chihaya, Chi
Name: Senri Akane | Gender: Female | Aliases: Prez, The Witch of the School
Name: Konohana Lucia | Gender: Female | Aliases: Class Rep
Name: Haruhiko Yoshino | Gender: Male
Name: Kanbe Kotori | Gender: Female
[Akane]: "What's wrong with Chihaya and Sakuya?"
[Sakuya]: "Hahaha, you have a harsh sense of humor. I would never let such a strange man address Chihaya-san by her first name."
[Kotarou]: "You're really good at being annoying."
[Sakuya]: "...hmm? The issue is my first impression of you was terrible. You should be more calm and collected."
[Kotarou]: "You were the one ignoring everything I said."
[Ohtori]: "I don't really mind if he calls me Chihaya."
[Sakuya]: "As you can see, Chihaya-san's mercy knows no bounds, even to the strangest of men."
[Ohtori]: "It's fine..."
[Kotarou]: "Okay then, Chihaya."
[Sakuya]: "You dare use her name so casually? If there were a competition for rudeness, you would be crowned the champion of the world."
[Kotarou]: "You're really good at these polite-sounding insults."
[Sakuya]: "I also hate you for personal reasons."
[Kotarou]: "Uwaaa, that sounds way too familiar."
I guess it runs in the family...
Oh wait, they aren't family.
[Sakuya]: "Now then, I will take my leave."
[Sakuya]: "Chihaya-san, be sure to come home by dinner time."
[Chihaya]: "I know."
[Sakuya]: "Also, I forgot I brought some sweets with me."
He pulls out a bundle of cloth from somewhere.
[Sakuya]: "You may have some too if you like. They're cookies."
[Akane]: "...thank you."
[Sakuya]: "Umm, also...you were..."
[Sakuya]: "Insufferable Shitarou-kun, was it?"
[Kotarou]: "Ten. Nou. Ji. Ko. Ta. Rou!!!"
[Sakuya]: "A minor difference. Pleased to meet you."
[Kotarou]: "Literally everything you say is annoying."
[Sakuya]: "Well, such trivialities are irrelevant."
He really hates me this much just from his first impression...?
I know I didn't handle our initial contact very gracefully, but still...
[Sakuya]: "Ah, also..."
[Kotarou]: "What?"
[Sakuya]: "...please don't stick your neck into things that don't concern you."
[Sakuya]: "After all, I hate you."
[Kotarou]: "...I kinda figured that out already."
He looks over me.
[Kotarou]: "Wh-what?"
Now he looks at Prez.
[Akane]: "What?"
[Sakuya]: "Oh well."
[Sakuya]: "Perhaps he is a suitable companion for you, Ojou-sama."
[Akane]: "Is that a compliment? For either of us?"
[Sakuya]: "I do not know. That is also quite trivial."
[Sakuya]: "Good day to you all."
He bows and leaves.
[Kotarou]: "...so, "Ojou-sama", he just walked out..."
[Kotarou]: "Didn't you say it'd be bad if he stood out?"
[Akane]: "I don't care anymore..."
[Kotarou]: "Ah, I see."
I take a peek outside.
[Sakuya]: "Oh, my apologies, young lady. Are you hurt in any way?"
[Schoolgirl]: "N-no...I'm fine."
[Sakuya]: "Thank goodness. I apologize for my rudeness. Also, it's best if you look forward when you walk."
[Schoolgirl]: "H-haa..."
[Sakuya]: "Farewell."
He walks off.
[Schoolgirl]: "I've never seen him before..."
[Schoolgirl]: "He's so hot..."
[Schoolgirl]: "Wonder what class he's in..."
[Kotarou]: "...Ojou-sama, he's making people talk about him just by walking around."
The whole town will be in an uproar at the rate he's going.
[Akane]: "I don't care...caring just makes me tired..."
[Kotarou]: "Okay..."
[Chihaya]: "Sakuya is pretty cool."
His sister says proudly while stuffing her face with cookies.
[Akane]: "Not that it matters, but break time's over."
[Kotarou]: "Geh!? My original objective, gone!"
They stand up at the same time when class ends.
[Kotarou]: "Where are you going?"
[Kotori]: "A bakery off-campus."
[Lucia]: "I was going to buy lunch."
They both trudge out the door.
...everyone's such a loner today.
[Kotarou]: (Wait, they're both eating lunch nearby instead of going home...?)
Do they have something else to do here?
This is a private school, so we often have class on Saturdays. And the schedule turns into a complete mess as the harvest festival approaches.
So starting this week, every Saturday has only morning classes.
A lot of students choose to eat lunch here before going home, but I always liked leaving immediately.
[Kotarou]: "Oh right...what about you, Chihaya?"
[Chihaya]: "I'm gonna go to Akane-san's room."
[Kotarou]: "I see..."
I'm the only one with no plans.
[Kotarou]: (No, I should just do some club work today.)
But I'm going to eat something first.
[Kotarou]: "Yoshino, let's go eat."
[Yoshino]: "...I refuse."
He leaves the classroom on the winds of nihilism.
Crap, now what...
I know the places Kotori likes to go.
I found her in no time.
[Kotarou]: "Heya."
[Kotori]: "Ah, Kotarou-kun's here!"
[Kotarou]: "I'm gonna do stuff for the club today, so I need to eat nearby."
[Kotarou]: "Have you bought anything yet?"
Kotori is empty-handed.
[Kotori]: "...everything I wanted was gone. I was too late."
[Kotarou]: "At the bakery? Those places sell out?"
[Kotori]: "There was some bread left, but only the unpopular kinds. The ones you put next to real food at a restaurant."
[Kotarou]: "Young growing kids like us need at least a sandwich to fill ourselves up."
[Kotori]: "That is the minimum."
[Kotori]: "Though a foie gras sandwich provides a lot of energy."
I'm sorry.
We've all been leading very pampered lives.
Please forgive us.
...let's get that apology out of the way now.
[Kotarou]: "Should we go to a convenience store?"
[Kotori]: "Hmmmm, we might as well just go to the cafeteria..."
So she really wants to eat lunch.
[Kotarou]: "Are you doing something this afternoon?"
[Kotori]: "I wanted to go straight to the Greenery Committee meeting after this."
[Kotarou]: "Aaah, that..."
The Greenery Committee is a branch of the school.
It used to be part of the city itself. |
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
Name: Kanbe Kotori | Gender: Female
I'm told the idea is to have the townsfolk help make the city even more plant-friendly.
Although she was forced into it, Kotori seems to be enjoying it, and she helps them out a lot.
[Kotarou]: "That's right, there'll be volunteers there planting stuff..."
I might get some good pictures from that.
By the way, I already have a digital camera.
I went back later and bought the one I found in that back alley.
I used up a lot of my life's savings on it.
A tough decision.
So I definitely need to use it for something.
[Kotarou]: "Guess I can at least test it..."
[Kotori]: "So sentimental~"
[Kotarou]: "Stop!"
I stop Kotori from heading back to school.
I might've let her escape if her terrible joke hadn't brought me to my senses.
[Kotarou]: "I wanna see what your committee's doing today."
[Kotori]: "...that's unexpected."
[Kotarou]: "I've decided to live more aggressively."
[Kotarou]: "I'm gonna do tons of things I've never done before."
[Kotarou]: "But is this too sudden?"
[Kotori]: "No, it's fine. Our committee is very gajumal."
[Kotarou]: "Gajumal...?"
I take out my phone and google it.
Apparently it's a tree living primarily in Okinawa.
I don't get it...
[Kotori]: "Gajumal...gasual.........casual!"
[Kotori]: "Uha!"
"I did it!" her face says.
I can't help but think that Kotori will get bullied someday.
[Kotarou]: "And when that happens, I'll be her only ally..."
[Kotori]: "What? What are you talking about...?"
[Kotori]: "I know! Let's just eat lunch with them."
[Kotarou]: "Oh? We can do that?"
[Kotori]: "Volunteers get bentous for free."
[Kotarou]: "Nice. I'm out of pocket change anyway. I'll take advantage of that."
We head to the Greenery Committee meeting.
[Young Man]: "Ah, Kotori-chan!"
[Gentleman]: "It's Kanbe-kun! Heeey, guys, Kanbe-kun's here!"
[Girl]: "Kotori-san, it's been so long!"
[Old Woman]: "I'm so glad to see you."
[Gangster]: "Heya, Kanbe-san!"
[Kotori]: "Hello~"
...Kotori's being treated like a princess.
[Middle-Aged Man]: "I will carry your bookbag."
[Kotori]: "Thank you."
[Middle-Aged Man]: "Hey, you, shifty manservant. Hang on to this. Make sure nothing damages it."
I'm forced to hold it.
I guess I do look like her servant.
[Kotarou]: "...wait, no I don't! Hey, you offered to hold it, so you hold it!"
The middle-aged man is gone.
[Kotarou]: "Daaaa..."
I can't just leave Kotori's things here.
She's in the middle of a huge crowd right now.
I'm finding this hard to believe.
[Kotori]: "Is something the matter~?"
[Committee Woman]: "These general-purpose plants keep withering...they don't appear sick or anything..."
She holds a flower pot out to Kotori.
The dying plant springs back to life.
[Kotori]: "It's fixed now."
[Kotarou]: "How!?"
It only took her an instant.
[Committee Woman]: "Aaah! The flowers are bright and happy again!"
[Old Gentleman]: "Kotori-kun, my bonsai has broken...I moved it to a new pot, but it just isn't growing...even though I took better care of it than my own child..."
Kotori fiddles with the small tree.
It becomes healthy again.
[Kotori]: "It's fixed now."
[Old Gentleman]: "Oooooh! The tree I love more than my own grandson is back to normal!"
[Kotarou]: "I hope that's not true..."
[Gangster]: "Kanbe-san! Please save my honey-bunny (cherry tomatoes)!"
[Kotori]: "Fixed it."
[Gangster]: "Uuoooooooooo! Honeeeeeeeeeey!"
[Kotarou]: "M-magic...?"
[Committee Man]: "Kanbe-san, the committee's broccoli garden is about to be wiped out by a disease!"
[Kotori]: "Fixed!"
[Committee Man]: "I can feel it...the gentle healing waves...they're filling the world..."
[Kotarou]: "Hey, hey, hey, hey..."
Are Kotori's gardening skills really enough to heal plants at gag manga speed?
[Kotori]: "Come at me~"
She gets full of herself and starts dancing.
This is a level of silliness she doesn't display at school.
[Young Man]: "Kanbe-san truly is...a goddess of healing."
[Woman]: "A goddess!"
[Old Man]: "We must all be grateful for her."
[Committee Man]: "Three cheers for Kanbe Kotori, master of gardening!"
[Everyone]: "Hip-hip, hooray!!"
[Kotori]: "Fu~!"
With all this going on, none of the volunteers are having too much difficulty.
Eventually, they start noticing I exist, and give me weird looks.
[Committee Man]: "By the way, who are you? A cockroach?"
[Kotarou]: "Huh?"
[Committee Man]: "My apologies, I confused you with the evil insects that plague my precious flowers."
[Kotarou]: "I'm a friend of Kotori's..."
A guy who looks like a gangster grabs me by the chest.
[Gangster]: "What gives you the right to address her as "Kotori"!?"
[Kotarou]: "...you're gonna have a hard time intimidating me while holding those cherry tomatoes."
[Gangster]: "Ah!? What the hell would you know about cherry tomatoes!?"
[Kotarou]: "Nothing at all..."
[Gangster]: "Cherry tomatoooooooooooooooooooes!"
It's a disease.
This region of spacetime is infectious.
Am I being dragged into that anomaly?
[Kotori]: "I order you to release him."
She speaks in her shogun tone of voice again.
[Committee Man]: "Kanbe-san, who is this man that looks like a cercospora spot?"
[Kotarou]: "What kind of simile is that?"
It's a kind of fungus that forms brown spots on plants and slowly kills them.
[Kotori]: "He's..."
[Committee Man]: "Don't tell me he's your lover!?"
What? Where'd that question come from!?
[Kotarou]: "YES!"
[Kotori]: "NO!"
...so much for that.
Kotori explains who I am and everyone calms down.
But it still feels awkward as hell.
The volunteers clearly still feel put off by the evil insect (me) attached to their leader.
[Kotarou]: (...they care way too much about Kotori.)
And she has the charisma of...no, she's like an idol of the people.
It's kinda like how a young guy playing golf is automatically popular when everyone has tea afterwards.
[Gangster]: "Todaaay's Kanbe-san autograph session is right heeere!" |
Name: Kanbe Kotori | Gender: Female
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
There's already a line of people waiting.
Some of them are young, but most are quite elderly.
[Kotarou]: (So she's like a granddaughter to them...)
[Committee Man]: "Everyone, please line up single-file. Kanbe-san's not going anywhere."
[Kotori]: "I won't run away."
[Old Man]: "Please sign this!"
[Other Young Man]: "M-me too!"
[Man]: "Me three!"
[Woman]: "Me four!"
[Gangster]: "Kanbe-san's autographs have heavenly powers! You'd better get one now while you can!"
[Gangster]: "Do you understand me!? Kanbe-san's signatures are more than just some random comedian's messy handwriting! You, keep in line!"
[Kotori]: "Printing, go!"
I talk to myself as I gaze upon the spectacle.
[Kotarou]: "The signature events were real? ...that's not possible..."
[Committee Woman]: "Yes it is. Kanbe-sama has all the committee's charisma."
A random woman heard me as she walked by.
[Kotarou]: "But what she did back there must've been some kind of magic trick...swapping out the dead plants for live ones in an instant somehow..."
[Committee Woman]: ".........what?"
[Kotarou]: "...just kidding."
[Committee Woman]: "Hmph. I don't know how long you've known her, but you'd better keep your mouth shut."
The woman walks off after giving me one glance.
[Kotori]: "I'm back~♪"
She returns with her arms full of tribute.
[Kotarou]: "You've got a lot of stuff there."
[Kotori]: "I tell them I don't want anything but they keep insisting."
[Kotarou]: "...I'm shocked."
[Kotori]: "Really? I always tell you about these things."
[Kotarou]: "I thought those were all jokes."
[Kotarou]: "So there really is a place that accepts you for who you are..."
I feel alienated.
[Kotori]: "They're just thankful I volunteer so much."
[Kotarou]: "No, this goes way beyond that..."
[Kotarou]: "Yoshino and I might be the only loners left now..."
[Kotori]: "Yoshino-kun would be mad if he heard that."
Everyone else is doing their own thing. I'm the only one doing nothing.
Why the hell have I been in the going home club for so long?
A middle school girl shows up carrying two bentous.
She grabs Kotori's hand and gives her one of them.
[Girl]: "This is for you, Kotori-onee-sama."
[Kotori]: "Thank you."
[Girl]: "...here."
She throws the other one at me.
[Kotarou]: "Hey!"
[Girl]: "Take your time, Onee-sama."
[Kotarou]: "Ow!"
She steps on my feet as she leaves.
[Kotarou]: "...I'm sad now."
[Kotori]: "Ah, a Matsusaka beef bentou! I love these."
[Kotarou]: "Mine's a fried bean sprout bentou..."
Most of it is bean sprouts fried in sesame oil...
On the side are various boiled grasses in soy sauce.
[Kotori]: "Ah, delicious♪ So satisfied♪"
The quick-fried bean sprouts have a certain sweetness to them. The fact that they almost taste good makes me feel even more insulted.
[Kotarou]: "So, what do you normally do for them, Kotori?"
[Kotori]: "I help plant trees along roads, clean things up, maintain the garden in front of the station, that sorta thing."
[Kotarou]: "Aaah, cleaning~ That must be so fun and exciting...I'm glad I came..."
I have to think that way. I have to.
[Kotori]: "I didn't think you had any interest in gardening, Kotarou-kun."
[Kotarou]: "Yeah, I don't, but I wanna try anyway."
[Kotarou]: "That's right, has anything weird happened in the past when you did that kind of work?"
[Kotarou]: "Just wondering if there's something I can use for the Occult Club."
[Kotori]: "We often find rare flowers or gardens that grow miraculously well."
[Kotarou]: "That's not very exciting."
I almost feel like anything's better than nothing.
After we finish eating, Kotori brings a bunch of flower seeds.
They're in a little pouch rather than the usual envelope, so they must not be sold at the usual gardening stores.
[Kotarou]: "I've never seen seeds like these. What are they?"
[Kotori]: "Seeds of happiness."
[Kotarou]: "Oooh, I seeee."
[Kotori]: "Happy!"
[Kotarou]: "Hmmmm."
I'm not coldly ignoring her.
I'm being nice and accepting it.
[Kotori]: "Kotarou-kun, your job is to plant these seeds in all the places on this map."
She didn't want them planted in just one place.
There's marks all over the map.
Completing this request will require going back and forth all over town.
[Kotarou]: "It's gonna take more than one day to do this."
[Kotarou]: "Mind if I spread this out over several days?"
[Kotori]: "Yeah, loans are A-OK."
[Kotarou]: "This isn't a loan...but anyway, I understand."
This is a pretty easy job.
Is volunteering normally like this?
[Kotori]: "I'll show you how to plant them, so follow me."
The long flowerbed in front of the station is overrun with various plants.
Apparently this thing is managed by the Greenery Committee instead of some city worker.
I secure a four-sided area in the flowerbed where nothing's growing yet.
[Kotori]: "Uhyaaa."
Kotori displays extreme shock upon seeing it.
[Kotori]: "There's a spot where nothing is growing for no apparent reason! Oh no!"
[Kotarou]: "Could you stop making it sound more dramatic than it is?"
[Kotori]: "...I thought it'd be better to have some suspense."
[Kotarou]: "It's probably better not to in this case."
Kotori groans and looks disappointed.
[Kotori]: "Anyway, plant the seeds in places like this. Check that this is one of the places."
I check the map.
[Kotarou]: "Looks right to me."
[Kotori]: "So you dig a hole like this."
She carves several deep lines in the flat earth.
She puts each huge seed in carefully, adjusting its direction, then gently puts soil over it from above.
[Kotarou]: "Does it really matter which way it's pointing?"
[Kotori]: "You need to plant them so that the heavy end faces down."
[Kotori]: "These seeds sprout from the light end, and they shoot straight up."
[Kotori]: "Clever!"
[Kotarou]: "The heavy end...?"
I take out a seed and roll it around in my hand.
[Kotarou]: "...it's really hard to tell."
[Kotori]: "I guess it might be hard for a teurama."
[Kotori]: "If you can't do that, there's another way."
Kotori digs a quick hole, tosses in a seed and pushes the soil back where it was.
[Kotori]: "Done."
[Kotarou]: "Suddenly it takes no skill at all..." |
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
Name: Kanbe Kotori | Gender: Female
Name: Haruhiko Yoshino | Gender: Male
[Kotori]: "These seeds can handle some rough treatment. They're strong little guys."
[Kotarou]: "Guess it's nice and easy that way."
[Kotori]: "Someone else is in charge of watering them, so just focus on planting."
[Kotarou]: "Okay, I'll try one."
I dig a hole, try to put the seed in right-side up, then cover it up.
There's nothing particularly hard about this.
It took less than fifteen minutes.
[Kotarou]: "Mind if I take a photo of this?"
[Kotori]: "Go for it."
I take a bunch of pictures of the area around the flowerbed.
Occult value: zero.
Entertainment value: zero.
Even if I uploaded this, very few bored students would pay any attention to it.
[Kotarou]: (...something should happen.)
I want something more hardcore.
[Kotarou]: "I wish a naked Yoshino would leap out of the earth and shout "Today is my real birthdaaaay!" or something."
[Kotarou]: "That'd be a huge scoop."
[Kotori]: "He's the least likely person on earth to do that."
[Kotarou]: "That's why it'd be wonderful."
[Kotori]: "You're weird..."
[Kotarou]: "I need a story with at least that much impact."
[Kotori]: "Then how about this?"
[Kotori]: "If you plant all these seeds for me, Kotarou-kun, I'll find a scoop for you."
[Kotarou]: "Seriously? You have that level of investigative prowess? Sorry, but you really don't look like a good spy..."
Kotori goes "hmph."
[Kotori]: "It'll be easy."
[Kotarou]: "Oh? What? Why are you so confident? Is your inner bird of prey awakening?"
[Kotori]: "Chirp chirp chirp chirp."
[Kotarou]: "That is not a very intimidating bird."
[Kotori]: "I'm actually the best in town at gathering information."
[Kotarou]: "...since when?"
[Kotori]: "My fans tell me tons of stuff."
[Kotarou]: "After seeing them worship you like that, I actually believe you."
[Kotarou]: "Okay, I'll do my best."
[Kotori]: "If I can help you that way, I'll be happy too."
[Kotarou]: "Okay..."
[Kotarou]: "I accept this quest."
New quest: "Say it with flowers"!
I'm gonna complete Kotori-san's quest!
Basically, this quest consists of planting seeds all over Kazamatsuri City!
I have to look for all the seed-planting spots on this map, then plant seeds there!
All I have to do is click on that spot! It's so simple!
But some of these spots are in really weird tionposis (positions) apparently.
I'm gonna look for 'em with all my might!
And here's some good news for you lazy bums out there.
Not completing this event isn't going to lower Kanbe-san's opinion of you at all!
It has nothing at all to do with the plot. It's just a fun little sidequest.
But something nice might happen if you clear it~
And thus, I accept!
[Kotori]: "...muchas gracias."
[Kotarou]: "De nada."
Okay, let's do this!
I'm not sure why I'm so eager.
[Kotarou]: "Strike while the iron is hot..."
Class rep didn't say where she was going...but it's probably the cafeteria.
I know that much about her.
[Kotarou]: "It's time to put that project into practice..."
Today is gonna be a fun lunch...!
What're today's A and B meals...my heart's racing.
We're growing young children! We must pleasantly digest and then expel vast quantities of nutrients.
......in theory.
But why is this happening...?
[Student A]: "H-hey, is he okay? Is that blood he's coughing up!?"
[Student B]: "It was too much for him! No human can take this!"
[Yoshino]: "You've got some nerve Tennouji. Finish what you started."
[Kotarou]: "......uuu...guoooooo..."
A huge crowd of people stands in one corner of the cafeteria.
In the middle of it is me, Tennouji Kotarou.
Crawling along the floor, clawing at it, writhing in agony...
Yoshino grabs me by the neck, pulling me to my feet, and smiles coldly.
[Yoshino]: "You've only just begun proving your manhood. Now stand up."
[Kotarou]: "D-damn iiiiiiiit...*cough!* *hack* *cough!*"
Judging just by this part, it probably looks like I picked a fight and am now being beaten up for it.
It's no fight. But I guess it is my fault.
As I resist the urge to vomit, my mind backtracks ......wondering how my fun lunchtime turned into this.
It was just an hour or two ago...
I was in the hallway. I'd gathered some of my classmates, and was giving them a speech...
[Student A]: "Mmm...you're right, I have heard about that! The cafeteria's fabled super spicy menu...!"
[Student B]: "I've heard the rumors...apparently it was locked away after ambulances showed up."
[Student C]: "No way, are you talking about that legendary Szechuan-style mapo tofu from hell...!?"
[Kotarou]: "Yeah, that's right. That legendary menu created in our cafeteria only a few short years ago..."
Back then, there used to be a group of students who claimed to have the highest spice tolerance in the school.
They called themselves the Black Spice Alliance! Dun-dun-duuun!
[Student A]: "The Black Spice Alliance claimed victory over all sorts of spicy foods. Whenever any restaurant, in any region, claimed to sell something spicy, they immediately set out to defeat it."
[Student B]: ""Only the spiciest food is worth eating!" they proclaimed. After rejecting every non-spicy food on the menu, it is said they brought about the cafeteria's fearsome Black Spice Era."
[Kotarou]: "Exactly. And the legendary mapo tofu is what brought the Alliance to its knees...!!"
[Student C]: "Y-you're mad...that menu is forbidden! Don't break the seal on such a cursed item...!!"
It is said the Black Spice Alliance challenged the cafeteria to make the spiciest food imaginable.
That was when the new chef, who used to work at a Chinese restaurant, gave birth to that mapo for the sole purpose of breaking their wills and returning peace to the cafeteria...!
So we know for a fact that no ordinary human can consume it.
It is none other than heaven's wrath given form to smite the most ardent lovers of spicy food!
[Kotarou]: "And today, during this very lunch break, just one item on that menu will be unsealed. What if someone were to attempt eating it!?"
[Student A]: "No! What fool would throw away their life like that!?"
[Student B]: "It's madness! Any who dared would be coughing up blood and wriggling on the floor!"
[Student C]: "One of the alumni from my club came back to try it...but even the steam coming off it hurt his eyes. That spiciness is not of this world!"
[Kotarou]: "And now that you're all pumped..." |
Name: Kanbe Kotori | Gender: Female
Name: Haruhiko Yoshino | Gender: Male
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
[Kotarou]: "Tier-S ringside seats are 500 yen. Tier-A seats are 300 yen. I can't tell you who the challenger is, but you'll be amazed! Don't miss your chance to see the birth of a legend!"
[Student A]: "One S ticket!"
[Student B]: "Two A tickets please!"
[Student C]: "Don't push, I want one too!"
Kotori watches the fuss from the side.
[Kotori]: "Fuwa~ Yoshino-kun, what's going on over there?"
[Yoshino]: "Heh! Tennouji's started some stupid business. Look at this ticket."
[Kotori]: "Eeeh? Battle with the legendary spicy menu~? Tier-S seating, 500 yen...you're such a boy, you bought one?"
[Yoshino]: "I have no interest in Tennouji's shenanigans...but as a man, I want to see the birth of at least one legend. A woman wouldn't understand."
[Kotori]: "I certainly can't."
Heheheh! These tickets are flying out of my hands!
My class is the only one that knows Konohana Lucia is the new Queen of Spice.
This is my narrow window of opportunity to profit from it.
Men are easily drawn in by mysterious battles like this.
And the enemy is that legendary hell mapo! No one who values their life would ever attempt it!
They can't suppress their curiosity.
[Kotori]: "Kotarou-kun, are you sure about this? Didn't you two make up the other day with the jalapeño?"
[Kotarou]: "Ah, that. I've decided to give this another shot."
[Kotori]: "Aaah, you're gonna gain another plate-licking level..."
[Kotarou]: "I told you I was innocent the last time! I just tried to sniff her bentou!"
[Kotori]: "Wahyaaa, you are guilty."
[Kotarou]: "But I didn't lick it. So I'm only level 3."
[Kotori]: "So you're Boy Who Licked a Girl's Plate Level 3 and Boy Who Sniffed a Girl's Bentou Level 1. Combined, you're Pervert Boy Level 4!"
She found a way to count the time I didn't do it...
[Kotarou]: "Have I learned Energy Drain yet?"
[Kotori]: "If you did, her plates would all be ash by now."
[Kotarou]: "Right. Anyway, I can't get over this until I find something class rep can't stomach."
[Kotarou]: "Kotori, do you know what the classroom ceiling tastes like? I was amazed to discover it tastes like almonds!"
[Kotarou]: "Maybe the other classrooms have ceilings that taste like strawberry or spearmint! Uuooo, Konohana Lucia! I will not forgive this humiliation...!"
[Kotori]: "So how does that lead into ticket sales?"
[Kotarou]: "Revenge is a dish best served cold. Here's my plan."
[Kotarou]: "I asked the lunch lady what the spiciest dish in school history was."
[Kotarou]: "Then she told me about a legendary dish sealed away in the distant past...!"
[Kotori]: "Kotarou-kun, why tickets?"
[Kotarou]: "Yeah, you know class rep's good with spicy food, right?"
[Kotori]: "Aaah, I have heard rumors about that."
[Kotarou]: "So I asked the lunch lady what the spiciest dish in school history was."
[Kotarou]: "Then she told me about a legendary dish sealed away in the distant past...!"
[Kotori]: "So you're going to make class rep eat that legendary mapo tofu to get back at her, and you'll entertain all these boys at the same time."
[Kotori]: "Hoho~ Such treachery."
[Kotarou]: "Huhuhu! Class rep, your spicy legend ends today. Even you cannot beat today's mapo...!"
[Kotarou]: "Your spotless record and arrogant pride will be ripped to shreds! Uhahahahaha!"
[Kotori]: "Uhyaaa, Kotarou-kun, you're like the leader of an evil secret society."
[Kotarou]: "You're on the verge of death flagging me so please stop."
[Student A]: "Hey, I need another S ticket!"
[Student B]: "There's no limit, right!? Gimme five A's!"
[Kotarou]: "Eeeh? Well, as of right now, only one per person! Hihihi, these things sell like hotcakes!"
[Kotori]: "...haa, women really can't understand. But I guess it's okay."
[Yoshino]: "What do you mean?"
[Kotori]: "If class rep brings a bentou she won't go to the cafeteria anyway."
[Yoshino]: "He's more thorough than that. I saw him rummage through class rep's desk and confirm she didn't bring a bentou today."
[Kotori]: "Uhya...now he's Boy Who Searched a Girl's Desk Level 1."
[Kotori]: "...but I still don't think his plan will work out."
[Yoshino]: "Why wouldn't it?"
[Kotori]: "I heard class rep say she promised to eat with a friend today."
[Yoshino]: "What...? Does Tennouji know about this?"
[Kotori]: "Probably not."
[Yoshino]: "......ha, I see. This will be an enjoyable lunch."
[Old Lady]: "Hey, Kotarou-chan! Are you sure about this? That mapo tofu is seriously dangerous...!"
[Kotarou]: "Yep. Make it as lethal as possible. I'll be fine."
[Old Lady]: "So manly! I guess if you managed to eat that level 17 curry you might have a shot at this."
She thinks I ate it?
No, no, there's no way in hell I could do that!
[Kotarou]: "......I think I can smell it from here."
[Old Lady]: "So can I! They're throwing all the ingredients together now. I never thought I'd see that cursed mapo tofu with my own eyes ever again...!"
[Kotarou]: "You were around when the Spice Alliance made it?"
[Old Lady]: "Of course I was! I'm the one who called the ambulance...!"
...so it really is that dangerous.
But I need to go this far if I want to defeat class rep.
You've used people's bodies for combo practice too many times...and now today will be your downfall! Wahaha!
[Old Lady]: "That was pretty impressive when you ate the level 17 curry, Kotarou-chan, but I'm also amazed Lucia-chan ate that parfait the day before."
No, Lucia-chan ate both of them.
[Old Lady]: "You two need to duke it out someday! I'll be cheering for you, Kotarou-chan!"
[Kotarou]: "Haha...maybe someday..."
I actually don't like spicy food at all.
[Old Lady]: "Maybe I should start making your meals extra spicy, Kotarou-chan."
[Kotarou]: "Wh-when I eat spicy food, it's like when a samurai pulls out his sword. You only do it when you or your adversary needs to die. That's why I don't normally eat spicy stuff..."
[Old Lady]: "Ahaha, now you're talking! Good luck, Kotarou-chan! I'll be rooting for you!" |
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
Name: Konohana Lucia | Gender: Female | Aliases: Class Rep
Name: Nakatsu Shizuru | Gender: Female | Aliases: Shizu
She's so convinced I ate the curry.
Oh well. Class rep's the one doing the real work here.
If she foams at the mouth I'll be satisfied!
My pockets are full whether she does or not!
I can't stop laughing, wahaha!
[Kotarou]: "Uueeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh!? Wh-what did you just say, class rep...?"
[Lucia]: "Wh-...what......? Is it that strange...th-that I want to eat lunch with a friend...!?"
[Shizuru]: "Is it that strange?"
[Kotarou]: "Oh, it's Moral Guard Shizuru-san. So you're class rep's friend."
Shizuru nods repeatedly.
Not many people are friends with someone in a different year.
But I can imagine class rep and a moral guardian getting along together.
[Lucia]: "Shizuru and I promised to share her bentou today."
[Shizuru]: "We did."
[Lucia]: "B-besides, why do I have to go to the cafeteria with you...!? You're Boy Who Licked a Girl's Plate Level 3! Pervert Boy Level 3!"
Sorry, I'm actually level 4.
[Lucia]: "B-besides, why do I have to go to the cafeteria with you...!? You're just a pervert who licks girls' plates!"
[Shizuru]: "Kotarou, do you like licking plates?"
[Kotarou]: "Not at all. But I do like licking my fingers after eating potato chips."
[Shizuru]: "Is that tasty?"
[Kotarou]: "Yes, it is. The potato's best flavors come after you've finished eating."
[Kotarou]: "That's the first thing you must learn to be a true potato connoisseur. True champions eat consommé and barbeque flavors, but I prefer the normal salty kind."
[Kotarou]: "You should try it next time you eat potato chips, Shizuru."
[Shizuru]: "I will."
Her eyes glisten and her head nods, as if she just learned one of the great secrets of the world.
[Lucia]: "D-don't make Shizuru do strange things..."
[Lucia]: "Anyway! I have no duty to join you for lunch. Besides, after I beat you into a pulp in front of everyone, why would you willingly ask me to eat with you?"
[Shizuru]: "Revenge..."
[Kotarou]: "*twitch*"
[Lucia]: "...I-I see. It would be reasonable to expect a trap."
[Shizuru]: "Kotarou, your face says I'm right."
[Kotarou]: "No, no, it's nothing like that..."
[Lucia]: "S-such shameless lies...if it's not that, then what is it? Would my not going to the cafeteria today trouble you somehow?"
[Kotarou]: "N-no, that wouldn't make any sense, would it?"
[Lucia]: "Then what is it, pervert?"
I'm sold out of tickets, how can I tell them the guest of honor won't be there!?
I-I need to find a loophole...
[Kotarou]: "Well, it's just...we haven't talked at all for a few days."
[Lucia]: "You're the one who continued being perverse even after I forgave you!"
[Kotarou]: "I told you that one was a misunderstanding...!"
[Lucia]: "You were licking my bentou!"
[Shizuru]: "Is that delicious too?"
[Lucia]: "No no no no, filthy filthy filthy filthy! Pervert pervert pervert, e-e-enemy of women!!"
[Kotarou]: "Calm down, calm down! Listen to me, I wanted to apologize..."
[Lucia]: "I-I remembered all of it...filthy filthy filthy filthy! Pervert pervert pervert, e-e-enemy of women!!"
[Lucia]: "I have never felt such humiliation! I can never forgive you!!"
Crap, I just made it worse.
[Kotarou]: "I'm sorry about that..."
[Lucia]: "Silence silence silence lewd lewd lewd pervert pervert pervert!"
Calling me all this in the middle of the hallway is a bit much...
All the girls walking by are giving me disgusted looks now.
I must avenge this cruel treatment, this slander...!
But I can't do that unless you come to the cafeteria!
[Kotarou]: "So I wanted to make up with you again by eating together."
[Lucia]: "Why would I go with you, you pervert! Filthy filthy filthy animal animal!!"
[Schoolgirl A]: "Eh? What's going on? What'd that guy do~?"
[Schoolgirl B]: "Tennouji-kun's trying to do something to Konohana-san again~"
[Schoolgirl C]: "They say he's been licking Konohana-san's plates. Aaaah, so young~"
...aaah, could you please stop gossiping about that?
Look, you're making class rep uncomfortable. She's seething even more now...
[Lucia]: "A-a-a-anyway! I never want anything to do with you ever again!"
[Lucia]: "Go away go away get out of my sight die die goodbye farewell! Never show your face here again, pervert! Go awaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!"
[Lucia]: "If you keep following me around I will punish you!!"
[Kotarou]: "Wait, class rep, ow! Owowow, don't do that, you'll hit my―!"
[Schoolgirl A]: "Tennouji-kun, hang in there~! The trials of love aren't easy~!"
[Kotarou]: "Daaa! Stop confusing the issue!"
[Lucia]: "What needs to stop is your breathing! Your very existence drains the Earth's resources! Strangle yourself now so you can provide nutrients to plants!!"
Th-this isn't working...
She's completely lost it...anything I try saying now will just make things worse.
[Kotarou]: (Maybe I could get Shizuru to help...!?)
Her stomach growls.
"I'd really like to help but I'm famished..." she indicates.
Shizuru might not be able to help much anyway, now that she's this mad.
I'm gonna have to retreat for now.
If I just give her a chance to calm down, maybe there's still some hope...
[Kotarou]: "I-I prepared something you'll really like, class rep. So if you change your mind, just come..."
[Lucia]: "Why would I!? Hurry up and get out of here, pervert pervert animal animal Tennouji Kotarooooooooooooooou!!"
"Oh dear, I'm so sorry" she lowers her hand and shakes her head.
And thus, just as one might expect, with perfect and elegant simplicity...class rep never showed up.
Why would she? She's having a nice carefree lunch in the courtyard with her friend on a sunny day.
[Old Lady]: "Heya, Kotarou-chan! Here's the legendary food that disbanded the Black Spice Alliance! Szechuan-style mapo tofu!"
"Uuoooooooooooooooooo!" goes the peanut gallery.
Hot, steaming rice and miso on the side. Most normal meals have that.
But the main dish...this mapo tofu...it's not normal.
I can hear it boiling, sizzling. If I inhale its steam by accident, I might pass out immediately. |
Name: Haruhiko Yoshino | Gender: Male
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
Name: Konohana Lucia | Gender: Female | Aliases: Class Rep
Name: Nakatsu Shizuru | Gender: Female | Aliases: Shizu
This truly is the final dish to be served at this world's last banquet, a dish cooked in the very fires of hell itself!
In fact if an actual guy from Szechuan saw this he'd probably call it a blasphemy against mapo tofu...
[Yoshino]: "So? Who's the challenger that's gonna devour this? When's he gonna show up? At least tell us his name."
[Kotarou]: "W-well, it's just...due to various circumstances, she's gonna be late..."
[Kotarou]: "And as for her name, she's been very concerned about privacy lately..."
[Yoshino]: "Right, that's reassuring. But I guess we can wait."
[Yoshino]: "You gathered all these people here after all. There's no way the challenger won't be showing up after all this."
[Kotarou]: "......w-well of course, heheheh."
[Yoshino]: "Hmph, we'll wait a little longer. But if she still doesn't appear, you're gonna have to surprise us."
[Kotarou]: "Surprise you? I didn't really have anything planned..."
[Yoshino]: "What I mean is, if the challenger you speak of doesn't appear within ten minutes, then..."
[Yoshino]: "You, Tennouji Kotarou, in a surprise twist, will turn out to be the real challenger!"
[Student A]: "U-uuoooooooooooooo, is that true, Tennouji!?"
[Student B]: "Is it you!? You're the one giving birth to the legend!?"
[Student C]: "I see, that's why he did all this! He needed to work up the nerve to eat hellish food like this!"
[Student A]: "Yes, that must be it! We're here to cheer Tennouji on...!!"
[Yoshino]: "You heard them. I look forward to seeing you crumble."
Y-Yoshinoooo! He knows everything...
He's doing all this on purpose. This isn't good, there's no way for me to escape now that all eyes are on me.
Wait, that's not even the issue. At this rate I'm gonna have to eat that mapo...!
Even the members of the Black Spice Alliance were sent to the hospital by this stuff...there's no way I can handle it...!
P-please, class rep, come save me...! Class reeeeeeeeeeeep...!!
[Shizuru]: "Saury is delicious boiled, cooked, with cream on top, or ground up and mixed into cookies."
[Lucia]: "I-I prefer it cooked normally. Food is best when it remains simple."
[Shizuru]: "...do you not like it, Lucia?"
[Lucia]: "No, I do like it. Of course I do. It's delicious."
[Lucia]: "E-especially the fruit sandwich with cream and saury. It's very interesting, though a bit too sweet for my tastes..."
[Shizuru]: "Mmm...it's too much for Lucia. What a shame."
[Lucia]: "I-it is good though. You worked hard making it, Shizuru. Yes, it's very good."
The reason they were eating together today was because Shizuru said she'd invented a delicious new food.
But Lucia never dreamed it would be a combination of a fruit sandwich, cream and saury...
However, she wanted to respect their friendship, so she ate it anyway.
[Shizuru]: "...should you go to the cafeteria?"
[Lucia]: "I'm not saying it's bad. I agree you found a new way to appreciate the taste of saury. *munch* *munch*"
[Shizuru]: "You should make up with Kotarou."
[Lucia]: "I am eating lunch with you today, Shizuru. I don't care about Tennouji Kotarou! ...what is his problem anyway? He never stops bothering me!"
[Shizuru]: "...Lucia, you could use another friend."
[Lucia]: "No, I only need you, Shizuru. And if I did want another friend, it would certainly not be that man!"
Lucia continues to devour the saury fruit sandwiches.
Then some excited boys walked by, chatting about something.
They could hear the conversation...
[Student A]: "What's with that huge crowd in the cafeteria!?"
[Student B]: "Apparently they're bringing back part of that legendary menu, but there's no one there to eat it so everyone's stuck waiting."
[Student A]: "Whoa! Do you mean what I think you mean? One of the seven legends of the cafeteria!? That should never have seen the light of day again..."
[Student B]: "But Tennouji persuaded the lunch lady to bring it back! Anyway, who is it? Who did he get to eat that thing...!?"
[Lucia]: "...I-I do not care about Tennouji. He didn't ask me if I wanted him to prepare food for me......ah."
Shizuru grabbed the saury fruit sandwich out of Lucia's hands.
Then she started eating it as she said...
[Shizuru]: "...I'll make something better next time. That's enough for today."
[Lucia]: "I told you I don't care about him!"
[Shizuru]: ".........*munch* *munch*"
...for some reason, she'd had a lot of unfortunate encounters with Tennouji Kotarou recently.
She wondered what he found so fascinating about her. Or maybe irritating.
She didn't want to get involved in another of his schemes, but she also didn't want to trample all over his feelings if he really was trying to make up...
[Lucia]: "Even Shizuru's misunderstanding now...perhaps I have no choice."
Lucia stood up and thanked Shizuru for the food.
Shizuru continued eating the sandwich while waving goodbye.
[Lucia]: "What? ...what is all this!?"
[Lucia]: "All of you, disperse! You have no permission to gather here!"
[Kotarou]: ".........uu...ooo...class rep..."
[Lucia]: "Tennouji Kotarou...!? Wh-what happened? Why are you on the floor crying!? What is going on!? Someone call the nurse...!"
[Kotarou]: "...th-...thank...goodness......you......came......"
[Lucia]: "Wh-what happened to your lips!? They're all red and swollen!!"
She looks at the table, toward the mapo tofu.
There's a spoon sticking in it, so anyone can start eating it whenever they want.
[Lucia]: "...th-there isn't any mapo tofu on today's menu...is this...is this the food you had them make just for me...!?"
[Lucia]: "A-are you...crying because of...?"
[Lucia]: "I see...! You went to all this trouble for me, but I never came...and that hurt your feelings..."
[Lucia]: "...I apologize for trampling over your pure desire to make up with me. I am sorry I hurt you! Tennouji Kotarou, I, Konohana Lucia, give you my sincerest apologies..."
[Kotarou]: (......huh? She's interpreting everything so positively...)
[Lucia]: "I heard some boys talking in the hallway earlier about legendary mapo tofu. Is this it?"
[Lucia]: "I see, this does look delicious. I'm not hungry enough to have the rice and miso as well, but I can eat this at least."
[Kotarou]: "Ah...yes, just the mapo is fine..."
[Lucia]: "Yes, I will have this at least." |
Name: Haruhiko Yoshino | Gender: Male
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
Name: Senri Akane | Gender: Female | Aliases: Prez, The Witch of the School
Name: Konohana Lucia | Gender: Female | Aliases: Class Rep
[Yoshino]: "C-class rep, you like spicy food...?"
[Lucia]: "I am not picky. I like almost anything, unless it is exceptionally unique. Now then......*munch*"
That magma threw me to the floor, making me cough up blood. But she just took a bite no problem at all.
She doesn't scream. She doesn't convulse. She just...eats it one spoonful at a time.
The crowd watches her, and goes "Uuoooooooooo!" again.
[Lucia]: "...wh-what is wrong with all of you...!? I-is it that funny w-watching me eat mapo tofu!?"
[Lucia]: "Don't stare at me while I eat! That's just rude! If you keep doing that I'll have to punish you with my iron fists!"
The crowd disperses after that threat.
But everyone keeps sneaking peeks in her direction...
[Kotarou]: "H-......how is it, class rep? ...do you like...the special menu I brought back for you...?"
[Lucia]: "Yes, it's not half-bad. Delicious, actually."
[Yoshino]: "Y-you're sure it's not too spicy...?"
[Lucia]: "It is a little spicy, but mapo tofu always is. Yes, that was good. Thank you."
Lucia cleans her plate with a smile on her face.
I almost died just from tasting it, but I can believe in this divine miracle!
A goddess! A true goddess!! The queen of all spice deities has descended unto the world!!
[Kotarou]: "......I am defeated..."
[Lucia]: "I am not sure what you mean. But this was delicious, Tennouji Kotarou. This time I hope we can remain on good terms."
[Lucia]: "...but don't ever lick my plate again!"
[Kotarou]: "I won't, I won't, never again!"
I'm not kidding. If I lick that stuff, my tongue will burn off for good!
But she flattened that entire dish, and said it was just "a little spicy"!
I've lost, I have thoroughly and utterly lost...
I'll just buy her something spicy later with the money I earned today...
[Lucia]: "This time all is truly forgiven. I will never call you a pervert in public again, nor will I use violence. I promise to treat you like any other student."
[Kotarou]: "Ah...yes, I'm glad to hear that. Thank you..."
[Lucia]: "I must be going now. Shizuru is waiting for me."
Class rep stands up.
Afterward, the crowds push forward, crowding around me and the empty plate.
[Kotarou]: "H-how about that, guys? You've just witnessed the goddess of spice incarnate."
No one answers my question.
They're all staring at the plate, mouths agape.
[Yoshino]: "That was one hell of a legend you showed us...dammit, I'm still shaking from it."
[Kotarou]: "Sometimes legends are closer than you think..."
[Student A]: "Wait a minute! I have an objection!"
The crowds start sounding restless.
No doubt they wanted to see someone have a tough fight with hellish levels of spiciness.
But since she had no difficulty whatsoever, they found it kinda boring.
Wait...that's not quite it.
[Student A]: "How do we know that mapo tofu is really that spicy?"
[Student B]: "He's right, there's no way anyone could eat it that easily!"
[Student C]: "Yeah, yeah, you're the only one who's actually tasted it, Tennouji."
[Yoshino]: "What's your problem? You want to bring down the legend of Konohana?"
[Student A]: "I am going to examine that mapo!"
[Kotarou]: "Ah, go for it. But we all know what's going to happen. I wouldn't lick that if I were you."
I'm not falling for that again.
I throw up my hands in surrender and let them at the plate.
A huge number of boys crowd around the plate, run a finger through the leftovers and taste it.
Then they writhe in agony, and realize this is the real legendary mapo. No tricks. No secrets.
[Kotarou]: "Okay, okay, are you all happy now? And now here comes class rep again. See? See?"
[Lucia]: "...wh-......what...is......th-the meaning of this...Tennouji Kotarou..."
As one would expect, she's bright red and trembling with anger.
I know, you're gonna pass judgment on me with those iron fists. But I'm safe this time. I didn't do a thing.
[Lucia]: "Wh-why......are all these b-boys...climbing over each other...to lick my plate...?"
[Kotarou]: "I know, right? They're all disgraceful. Come on, class rep, punish them with those powerful fists of yours. Show them what you're made of!"
[Lucia]: "I believed you were pure......and yet......! Tennouji Kotarou...!"
[Kotarou]: "Uueeeeeeeh!? Wait a minute, class rep! I didn't do a thing this time! Right, Yoshino!? I haven't touched her plate at all, right!?"
[Yoshino]: "Yeah, he's telling the truth. All he did was sell tickets."
[Lucia]: "D-do those tickets......g-g-g-give them the right to lick my plate...!!?"
[Kotarou]: "Uueeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh!? I-I'd never sell anything that indecent! Sure I did sell tickets but they weren't meant to..."
[Lucia]: "How could you!? ...wh-why is my plate......being used as a plaything......by all these men......uuuu...you're horrible......uuuu!"
Umm, she's actually crying...?
Class rep covers her face with both hands and quivers.
Given how she interpreted this scene...all these boys fighting to lick her plate...well, it'd definitely be shocking.
[Kotarou]: "D-don't cry, class rep...this is all a misunderstanding. It's just..."
Ah, crap.
I instinctively try to cheer her up, and in the process enter her firing range.
[Lucia]: "H-how dare...how dare you......disgrace me like this......"
[Kotarou]: "No, no, it's a misunderstanding, class rep..."
[Lucia]: "Pervert pervert pervert filthy filthy filthy animal animal die die enemy of women Tennouji Kotaroooooooooooooooou! I hate you, I hate yooooooooooooooooooou!"
[Kotarou]: "Gopa! Burupigya!? Fugefugadogyamugya!!"
You have changed classes.
Your new title is Organized Perversion Leader Level 1!
Your plate-licking achievements have been nullified.
I decide to eat somewhere off-campus.
Even some snacks from a convenience store would be fine.
It's midday, and the business district is thriving.
There I find someone completely unexpected.
[Kotarou]: "Prez?"
[Akane]: "Oh, Tennouji..."
[Kotarou]: "This is unusual. What are you doing out here?"
[Akane]: "I was annoyed." |
Name: Senri Akane | Gender: Female | Aliases: Prez, The Witch of the School
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
[Kotarou]: "Things got that bad that fast...?"
[Kotarou]: "Chihaya said she was heading to your room..."
I guess that's part of the problem...
[Akane]: "I thought it might be nice to try eating outside for once, but there's so many choices I can't pick one."
[Kotarou]: "Oooh..."
I was planning to eat alone, but I like this coincidence.
Having lunch with Prez might be fun.
[Kotarou]: "It's good to have lots of options."
[Akane]: "But they all look the same."
She has a point. It's all chains around here...
Beef bowl, ramen, curry...
They keep springing up no matter how many competitors are nearby.
There's so many that there's no way to pick any one of them.
[Akane]: "I know. Tennouji, you pick one for me."
[Akane]: "What's the best place to eat in this area?"
[Kotarou]: "That question really doesn't have an answer..."
[Kotarou]: "Everyone has their own tastes and all..."
[Akane]: "Is that ramen I smell?"
[Kotarou]: "So crabstract questions like that just aren't......"
[Akane]: "You mean abstract?"
[Kotarou]: "You're the one who distracted me with food in mid-thought."
[Kotarou]: "So you want ramen?"
[Akane]: "Ramen shops are annoying. You have to answer a million questions to order anything."
[Kotarou]: "There aren't any places like that around here."
[Kotarou]: "Though I can't think of any that stand out as being extremely delicious either."
[Akane]: "Then that's out."
[Kotarou]: "By the way, the same logic gets rid of beef bowl and curry places."
[Akane]: "Then I'll settle for an ordinary traditional restaurant."
[Kotarou]: "I have no idea where one of those would be!"
[Akane]: "And you call yourself an escort?"
[Kotarou]: "Are you sure a family restaurant isn't good enough?"
[Akane]: "I came outside because I hate irritating noisemakers like cash registers."
[Akane]: "I'm taking a huge risk by exposing myself to this stress-filled society."
[Kotarou]: "No wonder you never leave your room..."
[Akane]: "It doesn't have to be fancy. I just want to eat something unusual."
[Kotarou]: "Okay, I'll look for something unusual. Wait right here."
That's not a very fair request, but...
[Kotarou]: (I guess I can do it for Prez...)
I don't mind running a few errands for her.
After wandering around a bit, I find three places that stand out.
[Akane]: "Those sound pretty good. Which one should we go to?"
[Kotarou]: "Hmm......"
[Akane]: "I'm fine with steak, but...that name makes it sound like the cows are diseased."
[Kotarou]: "And their brains turn to sponges, right?"
[Akane]: "Whoever picked that name wasn't thinking straight..."
[Akane]: "But that has nothing to do with the food."
[Kotarou]: "Then let's go."
The building is designed to look like a log cabin. It's strangely empty.
I open the menu and see their mascot, Beef-kun.
"It's so good you'll go crazy!"
Yells the cartoon cow dressed up as a cowboy while eating beef.
There's so much wrong with this image.
Akane gazes coldly at it.
[Akane]: "In human terms, this would be a cannibalistic slave trader."
[Kotarou]: "Let's not talk about it..."
[Akane]: "If the meat tastes bad you're paying."
[Kotarou]: "Geeeeh!"
[Akane]: "Don't worry, I'll pay if it's good."
[Kotarou]: "That's not right..."
We order two ordinary steaks.
They quickly produce two cups of soup.
[Manager]: "Thank you for coming today. Here is your special free emperor red soup."
I have to ask if they're doing this on purpose.
[Akane]: "Tennouji, you taste it first."
[Kotarou]: "Me? ...dammit, fine."
I cautiously sip it.
[Kotarou]: "...ah, it's actually really good."
[Akane]: "If it doesn't infect you with anything, I'll have no complaints."
[Kotarou]: "No restaurant in Japan would ever do that...I think."
[Akane]: "How do you know? It says right here that their food makes you go crazy."
[Kotarou]: "I'm not crazy."
In the end, Akane doesn't touch the soup.
[Manager]: "Here are your crazy steaks."
He sets down two thick steaks, cooked in tons of oil.
The iron plates sizzle underneath them. These look delicious.
[Kotarou]: "By the way...these aren't made from deranged cows, are they...?"
[Manager]: "It is the highest quality Aussie beef. We merely cook it in a crazy way. We're a perfectly ordinary steakhouse..."
[Manager]: "We've undergone a health inspection and everything."
[Kotarou]: "You have?"
[Manager]: "They found no problems whatsoever. But it still hurt our reputation, so no one comes anymore..."
[Manager]: "Then we started offering that soup for free, but it hasn't helped at all."
[Akane]: "The manager is just clueless..."
[Manager]: "Anyway! Our meat is perfectly safe. Please enjoy it."
[Manager]: "...take your time."
The manager disappears into the kitchen.
[Kotarou]: "You heard him."
[Akane]: "...I guess I'll try it."
The meat tastes amazing.
[Kotarou]: "This is great...the inside is a bright pink...and it melts in my mouth..."
[Akane]: "He actually knows what he's doing."
We both devour our steaks in no time.
[Akane]: "I approve of this restaurant."
[Akane]: "As promised, I will be paying."
[Kotarou]: "Haha..."
Prez seems very satisfied.
An Italian restaurant called Saezuriya.
[Akane]: "It feels like I've seen that sign somewhere before."
A green oval with red letters.
An Italian family restaurant with a green oval sign...
That's more than just being similar.
[Kotarou]: "It's probably on purpose."
High-risk business. They stay in business only until they get sued...
The inside is no different from a normal restaurant.
Nor is the menu.
[Kotarou]: "Tastes normal too."
[Akane]: "...the only weird part is the owner's risk-taking."
And yet the shop is quite popular.
There are a lot of married couples and students here.
It's no different from the real place.
[Akane]: "I just can't calm down at restaurants."
[Kotarou]: "You don't like them?"
[Akane]: "Not really......"
[Akane]: "I like eating somewhere quiet. While surfing the net."
[Kotarou]: "You really should try to fix some of those bad habits."
Our meal ends without incident, but just as we're about to leave...
A certain group of people come inside.
[Police]: "Excuse me, we're the Kazamatsuri Police. Is the manager here?" |
Name: Ohtori Chihaya | Gender: Female | Aliases: Chi
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
Name: Senri Akane | Gender: Female | Aliases: Prez, The Witch of the School
Name: Kanbe Kotori | Gender: Female
[Man]: "That would be me."
[Police]: "There's a warrant out for your arrest."
[Police]: "We've asked you to come in for questioning several times, so now we'll have to force you."
[Man]: "...so this day has finally come."
[Man]: "Floor Manager, starting today, you're in charge here. Take care of things for me."
[Floor Manager]: "Boss..."
The man gets taken away.
The guests all watch it happen, stunned.
[Kotarou]: "Th-they actually arrested him!?"
[Akane]: "...yes they did."
That's really not the sort of thing you want to see during lunch...
[Akane]: "The food aside, I really enjoyed the performance."
[Kotarou]: "That's not what that was..."
But Prez seems satisfied anyway.
[Kotarou]: "This was the weirdest one I could find."
[Akane]: "Really? It looks uninspired."
[Kotarou]: "Well, let's go inside."
[Kotarou]: "It's kinda hard to believe this."
[Akane]: "That's not natural."
[Kotarou]: "But it's true."
The system for ordering food is exactly the same as at school.
[Kotarou]: "At least they've made the menu a bit higher-class."
[Kotarou]: "Here's yours."
I hand Prez her meal ticket.
[Akane]: "...tempura soba."
[Kotarou]: "Would you prefer the saury meal?"
[Akane]: "Either one's fine."
Akane sighs.
Then we both eat.
[Akane]: "Since you've used the cafeteria before, how does this compare?"
[Kotarou]: "It tastes good...but it's kinda unnerving."
[Kotarou]: "We're the only ones in uniform after all..."
[Akane]: "I quite like it. The food tastes nice too."
[Akane]: "But do they have permission for this?"
[Kotarou]: "No, they're definitely ripping it off."
During our meal, some adults with stern faces show up.
[Staff]: "Excuse me, could you bring the manager out here?"
[Kotarou]: "Bu!"
It's happening in real time...
[Man]: "That's me."
[Staff]: "You really shouldn't be doing this..."
Prez stands up silently.
She walks over to the group.
Then...they talk for a bit, but I can't hear what they're saying.
She comes back.
[Kotarou]: "Umm, what was that?"
[Akane]: "I just put in a good word for them."
The men glance at Prez as they leave the restaurant.
The manager comes over to us.
[Man]: "Thank you for that...take this as a sign of our gratitude."
He offers her an envelope.
[Akane]: "...okay."
She takes it without hesitation.
[Kotarou]: "Waaaaait a minute, what are you doing!?"
[Kotarou]: "If people find out about this, it's gonna cause problems for our club."
[Akane]: "I can't ignore someone's pure feelings of gratitude."
[Kotarou]: "You'll get arrested for that."
[Akane]: "Tennouji...this world is filled with adults who love shiny, golden candy."
[Kotarou]: "Candy Princess...!"
[Akane]: "Eating out once in a while is nice."
Prez seems satisfied (for weird reasons).
Lunchtime ends, and I go to the club room.
Just to check the blog.
I'm the only one here.
I open up the laptop.
[Kotarou]: "...still no response?"
Do people only comment when a fight breaks out?
This is gonna be a long fight.
[Kotarou]: (So much for comments.)
What I'm really after is information anyway.
What kind of supernatural phenomena have they brought me...
[Kotarou]: "Oh, we've got some."
I did say rumors were fine, so they have no reason to hesitate.
You obtained Info: "I want to confess but I don't have the courage..."!
You obtained Info: "I want to break up with my boyfriend"!
You obtained Info: "Are there any good secondhand clothes shops near the western station?"!
You obtained Info: "I think my girlfriend is cheating on me! Have I been cursed by the ancients?"!
You obtained Info: "Wanna do a group date with the Cooking Research Club?"!
You obtained Info: "Is it okay for second-years to use hair dye?"!
You obtained Info: "My thoughts on bullying"!
You obtained Info: "Is this cheating? I'm really not sure..."!
You obtained Info: "My little brother is such an irritating brat! How much do the rest of you put up with?"!
You obtained Info: "I Have Superpowers"!
Way too many.
And most of them are useless.
There's only one here I can actually make use of.
[Kotarou]: "A high school student with superpowers..."
This is exactly what I was hoping for.
Even if this one is fake...
At least having something to investigate will keep the Occult Club from falling apart.
The others aren't very eager to help yet.
If I don't bring them together, we'll all end up back where we started.
[Kotarou]: (I don't want that.)
I want to do something.
I mean that.
If I don't find more useful information, I won't be able to direct them toward any sort of goal.
But gathering information on my own is just lonely.
[Kotarou]: (...maybe I should ask for help?)
I'll look around the school.
Might as well start on the first floor.
When I return to the club room, everyone's there for some reason.
[Kotarou]: (...oh come on.)
If you were gonna come here we should've all searched for information together.
But having a weekend quest might not be a bad idea.
...as I think about that, Chihaya walks past with a huge tray.
[Chihaya]: "Sakuya made these cakes."
[Kotori]: "Waa~"
[Chihaya]: "And there's some cookies over here."
All the sweets typical modern girls enjoy are on display. They're having a tea party.
[Kotori]: "What about you, Kotarou-kun?"
[Kotarou]: "I'll have some."
There's also some sweets for typical modern boys.
[Kotori]: "Yaaa, I'm starving after doing all that work."
[Kotarou]: "What kind of work?"
[Kotori]: "Fan service."
[Kotarou]: "I see..."
She's so insistent about those fictional fans.
[Kotarou]: "But you know..."
[Kotori]: "Huh?"
[Chihaya]: "What?"
[Kotarou]: "You're gonna get fat."
Kotori freezes.
[Chihaya]: "?"
For some reason this girl is unmoved.
[Kotori]: "I have a question, Tennouji-sensei."
[Kotarou]: "What is it, Kanbe-kun?"
[Kotori]: "Have I gotten fatter? I can't tell."
[Kotarou]: "Ummm...not really."
[Kotori]: "Of course not..."
[Kotarou]: "But as for future predictions..."
[Kotori]: "Oooo..."
[Kotori]: "It's not that bad, is it...?" |
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
Name: Kanbe Kotori | Gender: Female
Name: Senri Akane | Gender: Female | Aliases: Prez, The Witch of the School
Name: Ohtori Chihaya | Gender: Female | Aliases: Chi
[Kotarou]: "Haven't you gained weight since last summer?"
[Kotori]: "Hmmm...it hasn't really changed."
[Kotarou]: "Then I guess it's fine."
[Kotori]: "Indeed."
[Kotarou]: "But as for future predictions..."
[Kotori]: "Oooo..."
[Chihaya]: "Is it really worth worrying about that much?"
[Kotori]: "I see..."
[Akane]: "You really shouldn't compare yourself to her."
[Chihaya]: "Wh-what?"
[Akane]: "She processes calories faster than the rest of us."
[Kotarou]: "Good point..."
Given her strength and her lack of muscles, the only option is to increase the fuel intake.
[Kotori]: "So Chi-chan, how many kilos?"
[Chihaya]: "Do I weigh?"
[Kotori]: "Yeah."
[Chihaya]: "I think it's forty-six."
[Kotori]: "Fuoooooooouuuu..."
Kotori falls forward into the ground with a weird exhalation.
[Kotarou]: "And you, Kotori-san?"
[Kotori]: "Forty-four..."
[Kotarou]: "Wait, you weigh less than her?"
[Kotori]: "She's taller!!"
She leaps back up.
[Kotarou]: "That still doesn't make you fat."
[Kotori]: "B-bu-bu-buuuut..."
[Kotarou]: "Miss."
She sits down.
[Kotarou]: "Are you sure that's the right number? Have you weighed yourself recently?"
[Kotori]: "I-I-I-I'm sure it hasn't changed."
[Kotarou]: "How can you be sure? Spit it out, or I'll force feed you katsudon until you confess!"
[Kotori]: "Uwaaaaaaa...you're gonna make me fat..."
[Kotarou]: "Spill your guuuuuts!! Don't make me force feed you katsudooooooon!!"
[Kotori]: "Kotarou-kun, you have weird fetishes!!"
[Kotarou]: "So basically...if you round up it's forty-five, not forty-four?"
[Kotori]: "Basically, yes."
[Kotori]: "But...is this really a diet...?"
[Kotarou]: "Hmm?"
[Kotori]: "Okay, I'm gonna set a weight loss goal."
[Kotarou]: "Umm..."
[Chihaya]: "But you don't look fat at all."
[Akane]: "Though your chest is a bit big."
[Kotori]: "That's really harsh coming from you, Prez..."
[Kotarou]: "You know..."
[Kotarou]: "Why do you girls care so much about your weight? None of you are even close to being fat."
[Kotarou]: "I think having a little meat on your bones looks healthier than being sticks."
I've never understood the appeal of models.
[Kotori]: "I guess, but..."
[Kotarou]: "However..."
[Kotarou]: "That aside, if you keep wolfing down those sweets it could get bad..."
That's the real problem.
[Kotori]: "So you're saying the best approach is to start dieting after I hit a certain weight?"
[Kotarou]: "That's about right."
[Kotarou]: "Let's make a little poster about this."
I grab a piece of printer paper and a magic marker.
[Kotori]: "Why are you...?"
[Kotarou]: "This should be in a place where everyone can see it."
[Kotarou]: "So, after how many more kilos do you wanna start dieting?"
[Kotori]: "Two..."
[Kotori]: "No, one and a half!"
[Kotarou]: "Okay, so one small bottle's worth."
[Kotori]: "Ooooooo...just thinking about that much fat on my body hurts..."
[Kotarou]: "Really?"
I write down "1.5 kilos until dieting".
[Akane]: "That's really lacking in tension."
[Kotarou]: "You've got a point..."
[Chihaya]: "It makes it look like gaining weight is the goal."
[Kotarou]: "Then let's try this."
"Kanbe Kotori will die in...1.5 kilos."
[Kotori]: "I'll die!?"
[Akane]: "That doesn't solve the problem."
[Chihaya]: "I'm still confused on what we're trying to do."
[Kotarou]: "Hmm..."
[Chihaya]: "Shouldn't the goal be a specific body weight or something?"
[Kotarou]: "Okay, how about this?"
"Humanity will be annihilated...in 1.5 kilos."
[Kotori]: "Why is humanity involved!?"
[Chihaya]: "That has a lot of tension..."
[Akane]: "But it does solve the problem."
[Kotarou]: "Okay, let's use this."
[Kotori]: "Eeeh!?"
We continue that stupid conversation until it's time to go home... |
Name: Konohana Lucia | Gender: Female | Aliases: Class Rep
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
[Lucia]: "Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!"
[Kotarou]: "Gueeeeeeeeee..."
[Kotarou]: "Eh? What did I do this time?"
[Lucia]: "I decided it would be faster to hit you before you said it."
[Kotarou]: "Makes sense..."
[Kotarou]: "The information blackboard from the nurse's office. It says "Beware of this year's influenza outbreak!""
[Kotarou]: "Underneath that it says "Beware of the Ginza Mental Clinic!""
[Kotarou]: "It doesn't really mean anything. Good boys and girls don't listen to this."
[Kotarou]: "Graffiti. It says "Honjou-senpai LOVE☆""
[Kotarou]: "I'll change it to "Honjou-senpai LIVE☆""
[Kotarou]: "Now he'll have the will to live."
[Kotarou]: "More graffiti. It says "Arashou-senpai LOVE♪""
[Kotarou]: "On the side it says "←Seriously!? Who wrote this!?" Arashou must've seen this at some point."
[Kotarou]: "I'll change it to "Arashou-senpai LOVA♪""
[Kotarou]: "And I'll add a comment of my own..."
[Kotarou]: ""Arashou-senpai is such a terrible LOVA♪ Seriously!? Who started that rumor!?""
[Kotarou]: "Generating meaningless sentences like this is part of the fun of writing over things."
[Kotarou]: "Some people are talking about movies. I like movies too."
[Kotarou]: "Let's join in."
[Kotarou]: "Hey! Couldn't "Titanic" have just as easily been called "Big Panic"?"
[Kotarou]: "They threw me out."
[Kotarou]: "Some people are eating."
[Kotarou]: "Well, that has nothing to do with me."
[Kotarou]: "You want me to join in? ...I don't know any of them."
[Kotarou]: "Did you see last night's ep of Gakitsuka?"
[Student]: "Oooh, I did, I did."
[Student]: "Yamazaki gets really lucky sometimes."
[Kotarou]: "Somehow we hit it off immediately..."
[Kotarou]: "I wish the school uniforms would change into maid outfits."
[Student]: "Now there's an idea!"
[Kotarou]: "I've established a weird connection..."
[Kotarou]: "At this rate we'll be chatting about nothing all day...I'd better get going."
[Student]: "Hey, Tennouji."
[Kotarou]: "Ah, hey."
[Kotarou]: "I know him...we're not close or anything. Just a couple of guys going to the same high school."
[Kotarou]: "Apparently they look up to me after that time I accidentally used my full power in PE class..."
[Student]: "What're you up to nowadays?"
[Kotarou]: "I joined the Occult Research Club."
[Student]: "I've never heard of it..."
[Student]: "If you actually practice running you could be as fast as a bullet train."
[Kotarou]: "I hate exercise, that's all."
[Student]: "Well, it's not too late. Come play soccer with me or something if you feel like it."
[Kotarou]: "It'll take me forever to get decent at that."
[Student]: "You've got more than enough talent for it."
[Kotarou]: "No, no, I really can't."
[Student]: "Okay...well, good luck with your club."
[Kotarou]: "Thanks."
[Kotarou]: "...he's a pretty good guy. But since he focuses on sports, there's not much for us to do together."
[Kotarou]: "We never go beyond saying hi to each other."
[Kotarou]: "Should I really try a sport...?"
[Kotarou]: "Hmm..."
[Kotarou]: "Yeah, I should live while I have the chance."
[Kotarou]: "Hm? There's something on the ground."
[Kotarou]: "Th-this is..."
[Kotarou]: "Moldy bread!"
You obtained moldy bread!
[Kotarou]: "I don't want iiiit!!!"
[Kotarou]: "I threw the moldy bread away."
[Kotarou]: "...the moldy bread is gone now."
[Kotarou]: "Why do you even care about it? It was moldy."
[Kotarou]: "You want me to eat it!? Do you really want me to eat that thing!?"
[Kotarou]: "Okay, fine."
I take the moldy bread out of the garbage can and shove it into my mouth.
*munch* *munch*...mmm, delicious☆
Wh-what!? My stomach...
My stomach is in agonizing pain!
[Kotarou]: "Guwaaa! I'll never be able to resume now!"
Aaah...how could this be? My story is going to end right here...
[Kotarou]: "And that's what'll happen, so no."
[Teacher]: "Oh, Tennouji-kun, Konohana-san. It's rare to see you two together."
[Kotarou]: "Is it?"
[Teacher]: "Is Kanbe-san not with you?"
[Kotarou]: "I decided to switch partners for a while."
[Lucia]: "You are a horrible excuse for a man!!!"
[Kotarou]: "Gueeeeeeeeee..."
[Lucia]: "Don't tell me...you always do this when you walk around the school...?"
[Kotarou]: "No, only this time..."
[Kotarou]: "It's a vendor. I should buy a potion to restore my HP."
[Lucia]: "I don't think they sell that...but we can take a break here."
I buy a sports drink, and Lucia buys tea.
[Kotarou]: "Huu..."
[Lucia]: "Huu..."
[Kotarou]: "Sighs of ecstasy."
[Lucia]: "Don't say things like thaaaaaaaaaaaaaat!!!"
[Kotarou]: "Gueeeeeeeeee..."
I'm getting quite desensitized to this now.
[Kotarou]: "Oh yeah...I wouldn't be able to investigate this spot if class rep was around."
[Kotarou]: "Let's hide and wait."
[Kotarou]: "Then we can see the panties of girls walking down from above..."
[Kotarou]: "I keep waiting but no one comes by."
[Kotarou]: "But I did find a lead left by what must be one of my ancestors."
You obtained Info: "The Seven Wonders: #8 - ???"!
[Kotarou]: "I'll make good use of this..."
[Kotarou]: "Wait a minute, how can there be an eighth!?"
[Kotarou]: "Ah, that's right."
[Lucia]: "What?"
[Kotarou]: "Here's a fun fact. Those stairs over there are a P spot."
[Lucia]: "P spot? ...you mean a power spot!?"
[Kotarou]: "No...I mean if you stand there and look up then you have a perfect viewing angle on someone's pa-..."
[Lucia]: "You perveeeeeeeeeeeeert!!!" |
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
Name: Konohana Lucia | Gender: Female | Aliases: Class Rep
[Kotarou]: "Gueeeeeeeeee..."
[Lucia]: "I appreciate the information though, so I will never use those stairs again!"
[Kotarou]: "Dammit...I have to apologize to all five hundred perverse students now..."
[Lucia]: "There aren't even five hundred male students here..."
There's a patch of soil that looks good for planting seeds.
[Kotarou]: (Oh yeah, Kotori asked me to plant seeds...)
[Kotarou]: (Guess I'll do that.)
I scatter some seeds over that patch of soil.
There's a nice patch of soil next to the lake.
[Kotarou]: (Oh yeah, Kotori asked me to plant some seeds...)
[Kotarou]: (This'll look nice once the flowers bloom.)
I scatter some seeds over that patch of soil.
[Kotarou]: "I'd better get back to the club room now."
[Kotarou]: "I'm thinking it's time I head back..."
[Lucia]: "I see. Goodbye for now then."
[Lucia]: "...don't do anything weird in your club either."
[Kotarou]: "She doesn't trust me at all..."
Lucia has left your party!
[Kotarou]: "Okay, back to the club room."
[Kotarou]: "This blackboard is a way for students to get in contact with each other."
[Kotarou]: "I should post a request under the name XYZ. I'm sure a cyberized Ryou-san would help me."
[Kotarou]: "...I know that wouldn't happen."
[Kotarou]: "It's Kadou-kun and Itou-kun."
[Kadou]: "Itou!"
[Itou]: "Yo, Kadou!"
[Kotarou]: "I have witnessed the miraculous moment of Itouyokadou."
[Kotarou]: "Someone scribbled on the rear wall blackboard."
[Kotarou]: ""Sooo, what about next week's Zazae-san?""
[Kotarou]: "...there's nothing after that."
[Kotarou]: "I'd better add something."
[Kotarou]: "Wakame: I'm old enough to feel disillusioned with political parties."
[Kotarou]: "Namihira: It flies in the Arizona sky."
[Kotarou]: "Tarao: Rolling savate."
[Kotarou]: "That's three new lines!"
[Kotarou]: "All right."
[Kotarou]: "A first-year classroom."
[Kotarou]: "They're giving me weird looks...I'd better go."
[First-Year]: "Umm, do you need something?"
[Kotarou]: "Sorry...I don't."
[First-Year]: "...so, Tennouji-senpai, I've heard people say you're a pretty cool guy."
[Kotarou]: "Really!? Who said that!? WHO!?"
[First-Year]: "N-no one in particular, it's just...you're with Yoshino-senpai a lot, so you stand out."
[First-Year]: "I've even heard people talk about you in this class."
[Kotarou]: "It's because of him...?"
[First-Year]: "Honestly, Yoshino-senpai's ranked higher."
[Kotarou]: "Seriously!? But he's stupid!"
[First-Year]: "Well, it's not like I've ever met him..."
[Kotarou]: "For some reason I'm gathering information from all the first-years..."
[Kotarou]: "Yoshino's an idiot."
[First-Year]: "Umm...whether he is or not, saying bad things about your friend will lower your ranking."
[Kotarou]: "Gee, you're right! Yoshino's a great guy!"
[First-Year]: "Ahaha, you're funny, Senpai."
[Kotarou]: "Yoshino's a great guy! I love him!"
[First-Year]: "You're gonna get weird fans if you say things like that."
[Kotarou]: "There are a lot of people like that these days..."
[Kotarou]: "I shouldn't overstay my welcome. Let's go."
[Kotarou]: "Hm?"
It's class rep.
[Kotarou]: "What to do...I doubt I could have a very friendly stroll with her..."
Fortunately, she hasn't noticed me yet. I can still escape if I want to.
It might be fun to follow her, but that might restrict what I can do.
[Kotarou]: "Guess I'll say hi..."
[Lucia]: "Hm? Tennouji Kotarou..."
[Kotarou]: "Hey."
[Lucia]: "You're not plotting something indecent again, are you...?"
[Kotarou]: "Not really."
[Lucia]: "Oh? Then why are you wandering around here?"
[Kotarou]: "Club activities."
[Lucia]: "Coming from you those words could not be more suspicious..."
[Kotarou]: "That's not true. I'm looking for things that might benefit the school."
[Lucia]: "That only makes it sound worse..."
[Lucia]: "But I have some time. I shall supervise you."
[Kotarou]: "Okay~"
[Lucia]: "...why do I feel as though I'm digging my own grave...?"
Lucia has joined your party!
[Kotarou]: "Hmmmm..."
It feels hard to move with her watching me that closely.
[Lucia]: "What's wrong? You seem down."
[Kotarou]: "That's not true. I'm always energetic."
[Lucia]: "Are you?"
[Kotarou]: "If anything walking with a girl makes this feel like a date! I'm so happy!"
[Lucia]: "Wha-...a d-date!?"
[Kotarou]: "Boys love nothing more than bringing cute girls along with them."
[Lucia]: "C-c-c-cute..."
[Lucia]: "H-hmph...do not dole out flattery so lightly."
[Kotarou]: "You're blushing."
[Lucia]: "No I am nooooot!!"
Maybe I should keep pushing her on this...
[Student]: "Oh, Tennouji, what're you doing with class rep?"
[Kotarou]: "The truth is...we're in love."
[Lucia]: "Who on earth would love someone as frivolous as you!?"
[Kotarou]: "Gueeeeeeeeee..."
[Student]: "Hello, Konohana-senpai."
[Lucia]: "Ah, hello."
[Kotarou]: "You know her?"
[Lucia]: "She's on the student council."
[Kotarou]: "I see...hey, which do you think sounds better? Tennouji Lucia or Konohana Kotarou? We're trying to figure out who should enter whose family."
[Lucia]: "What are you talking abooooooooooooout!!?"
[Kotarou]: "Gueeeeeeeeee..."
[Student]: "You two get along well."
[Lucia]: "Wha―!? How can you say that!?"
The operation proceeds smoothly.
There's a flower pot in the classroom.
[Kotarou]: (Oh yeah, Kotori asked me to plant some seeds...)
[Kotarou]: (There's already a lot of plants around here, but we might as well add some more.)
I plant some seeds in the flower pot. |
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
October 17th (Sunday)
I had a dream.
[Kotarou]: "Hm...?"
There's someone beyond the mist.
[Middle-Aged Man]: "So you finally noticed me."
It's a middle-aged man wearing a worn out trench coat, with a cigarette in his mouth.
[Middle-Aged Man]: "I've been waiting a damn long time, you know."
[Kotarou]: "...who are you?"
[Middle-Aged Man]: "I'm in charge of autosaving, you know."
[Kotarou]: "I...don't understand..."
[Middle-Aged Man]: "Oh come on, I've been autosaving for you every day."
[Middle-Aged Man]: "Haa...you're so cold. Maybe I shouldn't have come to apologize..."
[Kotarou]: "Apologize?"
[Middle-Aged Man]: "Well, the truth is, when I've been autosaving..."
[Kotarou]: "I'm trying to say..."
[Kotarou]: "I have no idea what you mean by autosaving, you know!"
[Middle-Aged Man]: "Keaah!? What's not to understand!?"
[Middle-Aged Man]: "Even elementary schoolers know this! ...you know!"
[Kotarou]: "At least try to explain it! ...you know!"
[Middle-Aged Man]: "Umm, well, you know? It just...pops up...in the bottom right corner..."Autosave Complete", right?"
[Kotarou]: "Bottom right corner of what?"
[Middle-Aged Man]: "Haa, fine, I can't explain it to you. You live in a different world."
[Kotarou]: "I have no idea how to react...this is so far beyond me..."
[Middle-Aged Man]: "Anyway, about the autosaves. The truth is I've been slacking lately. I think it said "Autosave Complete" like it should've, but..."
[Middle-Aged Man]: "I wasn't actually saving anything. So if you have to load, you'd end up going back a few days."
[Middle-Aged Man]: "Being thrown back several days is inexcusable...I could get sued for this..."
[Kotarou]: "...not good...I still have no idea what he's saying..."
[Middle-Aged Man]: "I know it looks bad, but humans aren't perfect, you know? None of us get our job done literally every day."
[Middle-Aged Man]: "Thankfully it didn't cause any problems this time."
[Middle-Aged Man]: "But I still feel bad about it, so I figured I'd come apologize at least."
[Kotarou]: "...haa, I see."
[Middle-Aged Man]: "Thank you for understanding. It's beautiful."
[Middle-Aged Man]: "Ah, normally I take my job seriously. I'm just saying I slipped up this one time. Don't think I'm a slacker or anything."
[Middle-Aged Man]: "And, just so you know...it may be called autosaving, but it still requires humans."
[Kotarou]: "Huh?"
[Middle-Aged Man]: "It's kinda like punching a time card...but I have to do that to save all your memories."
[Middle-Aged Man]: "So don't rely too much on these. Do some of it yourself, right? There are manual save options, so use those too. Then everyone will win."
[Kotarou]: "I don't have the slightest idea what you mean...but okay."
[Middle-Aged Man]: "And don't worry, I'm not gonna start getting lazy...you know!"
[Middle-Aged Man]: "But when you get this old, there's a lot of stuff to deal with...you're still young so you wouldn't understand."
[Middle-Aged Man]: "...ah, that's right, there was some weird thing in here earlier, so I chased it away."
[Kotarou]: "Weird thing?"
[Middle-Aged Man]: "What was it...I can't say, never seen anything like it. I guess it was fluttery?"
[Kotarou]: "Fluttery?"
[Middle-Aged Man]: "Anyway...you know! The world is full of mysteries!"
[Middle-Aged Man]: "Bye now!"
[Kotarou]: "...that was a weird dream."
I rummage through the fridge for something to eat.
My parents are away as usual.
They're basically living at work.
There's no good TV on a Sunday either.
I flip through several channels, but nothing looks interesting.
I quickly run out of things to do.
I lie down on the sofa.
[Kotarou]: (What do I usually do to kill time like this?)
I think I spend a lot of it sleeping.
So that's five hours wasted each week, which over a whole year adds up to...
[Kotarou]: "!!"
I leap up.
[Kotarou]: "That much!?"
I don't want to waste any more time.
I must take action immediately.
Before I know it, I'm in my uniform, downtown, eating a popsicle.
My memories up to this point are hazy.
I think I went to the club room.
I think I ate lunch.
I must've done too many impulsive things.
[Kotarou]: (So aimless...)
I should've planned an investigation today.
[Kotarou]: (How do I investigate things anyway?)
I wanna know how the pros do it.
Who could I ask about that?
Suddenly, my phone rings.
[Kotarou]: "Yes, this is Tennouji."
[Ansai]: "This is Ansai, editor for the Monthly Terra Magazine."
[Kotarou]: "Ah, hello."
[Kotarou]: "Do I need to submit an article soon?"
[Ansai]: "No, nothing that serious."
[Ansai]: "I was thinking I could give you some advice, since you just started."
[Kotarou]: "Perfect timing..."
[Ansai]: "Hmm?"
I talk to Ansai-san.
[Ansai]: "...all of our writers seem to do more or less what you've been doing. I'm not aware of any "professional techniques"."
New quest: "Weekend Quest"!
Let's go on a quest with everyone when we have a free weekend.
Some of them are a bit dangerous, since they involve searching an abandoned building or going underground, but since you're young, you'll be fine.
These quests are triggered by a choice.
Information you obtain during the main story or Mappie segments will unlock more choices.
Pick the one you like and enjoy the adventure!
Depending on the quest, you might have a fun time with the club, you might meet new friends, and you might even find new information.
And certain characters will be pleased if you write a report on your adventures.
The information they give you is connected to these weekend quests.
You must spend your weekend questing.
This is common sense to all kids of Kazamatsuri.
[Ansai]: "...so something like that."
[Kotarou]: "Thank you very much. That tutorial was really helpful!"
[Ansai]: "You can investigate anything you think is interesting."
[Ansai]: "Try accessing the editing department's server. There should be some copies of the digital version of Terra, so you can look at those."
[Kotarou]: "I'm probably going to look into some of Kazamatsuri's urban legends. Is that okay?"
[Ansai]: "Sure. UMAs are a hot topic these days. Do you like those?"
[Kotarou]: "Absolutely!"
[Ansai]: "Good, good. It's important to focus on things you find interesting."
[Ansai]: "Our policy is letting everyone do independent research."
[Kotarou]: "Hahaha."
[Kotarou]: "Understood. I'll give it a shot."
[Ansai]: "Okay, good luck."
[Kotarou]: "Yes, time for some investigating...!" |
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
At night I'll organize all the information I have so far, then look some stuff up on the internet.
There's quite a few pages about occult stuff in Kazamatsuri.
The quality is all over the place, but some of them should be useful.
[Kotarou]: "Mmm..."
I'm at a loss.
I should probably take a break for now...
[Kotarou]: "I'll go buy some juice."
Unfortunately I don't see anything worth drinking.
So I refresh myself with the night air.
[Kotarou]: "So peaceful..."
I've heard that big cities are really dangerous at night, but there's hardly any crime in the residential areas around here.
And even if I do run into some tough guy, I can run away from him no problem.
I'm actually much more afraid of my own room right now.
Nothing physical scares me, but I'm not so good with mental stuff...
After walking three steps, I reach a vending machine.
[Kotarou]: "...huh?"
It has no power.
[Kotarou]: ".........?"
That's weird.
[Kotarou]: "...was there a blackout?"
No, lots of buildings nearby are lit up. That's why I can see well in the first place.
Oh well, guess I'll walk somewhere else...
I look around the usual places for another vending machine.
[Kotarou]: "If there were some convenience stores nearby I could just go there..."
I've been told that in the city, several of those stores can coexist on one street.
Sometimes they're even located on the corners of intersections.
What's the point in having so many similar places right next to each other...?
[Kotarou]: "Is it that much of a pain crossing a big street...?"
[Kotarou]: "City kids have it so easy..."
I wish one of those stores would set up here instead.
[Kotarou]: "Oh, there's one."
I find a blue vending machine in front of an old building.
This is the only place that sells Oolong tea.
I insert 150 yen.
[Kotarou]: "Come on, Oolong tea..."
Then I see a new type of zero-calorie drink next to it.
I used to like this kind of juice when I was younger. It has the same packaging, but with a big zero stamped on it.
I think hard.
Everything has zero calories these days. Even stuff like this, for some reason.
If I start drinking stuff like this I'll probably get too much fructose instead of too many calories.
But maybe...
Okay, I've made my decision.
I reach for the button.
Then the vending machine goes dark.
[Kotarou]: ".........eh?"
*plink* *plink*
[Kotarou]: "It ate my coins..."
What the hell...
Another blackout? This time the street lamps are out too.
[Kotarou]: "Something's not right..."
Did something hit a power line just now?
I look up at the nearest telephone pole.
Then even higher up, just above a water tank on top of a building.
[Kotarou]: "The Moon..."
The Moon's shining brilliantly.
It seems brighter than it should be.
Of course, there's plenty of lighting everywhere else in this city.
If the lights weren't out, I probably wouldn't notice how bright the Moon was.
[Kotarou]: "Hm...?"
Something moves on the water tank.
Is that...a dog?
Wait...why would there be a dog up there?
I blink a few times and look up again.
...it's gone.
[Kotarou]: "Am I imagining things...?"
[Kotarou]: "―!?"
Is someone there...?
I rub my eyes and squint again.
...it's a girl.
I can see a skirt going down to that silhouette's knees.
...then it disappears, melting into the darkness.
[Kotarou]: "What the hell..."
Are my eyes deceiving me?
Did I really just see that...?
[Kotarou]: "Ah!"
Another silhouette...jumping down between two buildings.
[Kotarou]: "What...!?"
...should I chase it?
My legs don't move right away.
"Should I really be chasing something like that?"
I've been attacked by occult phenomena several times.
If I chase after something that mysterious...I might be signing my own death warrant.
Honestly, I'm pretty scared right now.
...but if I just go home...
I might just spend the night being afraid of that thing.
[Kotarou]: "Uwa...this is bad."
I guess...I do need to go check it out.
If nothing happens, all's well.
Maybe it was just a helium-filled people-shaped balloon drifting down...it is possible.
I've already lost sight of it...
If I'm gonna chase it now, I might need some help...
Yeah...I need it right now.
I should use it on...
I need to find it again, so...
My eyes are more important.
I need to improve my night-vision.
Can I really do that...?
Physical strength is pretty easy to imagine.
All I have to do is think about making certain muscles stronger.
Once I tried using this power to make myself smarter.
It was a complete failure.
I think it's because I couldn't get a precise image of what I wanted to enhance.
What exactly does "becoming smarter" involve? More memory?
Maybe accelerating my brain?
Train my brain...
[Kotarou]: "...I'd get higher scores on that mobile game."
But that's nowhere near precise enough.
So all I managed to do was make my head hurt.
Probably because I tried directing it with a vague feeling rather than a physical location.
So, my eyes.
This is a pretty vague feeling too.
I've tried improving my senses before, but...
All I ended up doing was speeding up the muscles behind my eyes, which didn't help at all.
I want to see better in the dark.
I want to see farther, like an eagle.
Will this work...?
I concentrate.
...on my eyes.
The sensation of a glowing fluid racing out of my glands.
Boiling engine oil.
I direct it into my eyes.
From inside my body, to the back of my eyes.
Several different cellular components pulse forth from my cells, from my core chemical makeup.
I focus all of them on a single point.
...did it work?
I open my eyes.
[Kotarou]: "Uu..."
I feel dizzy.
[Kotarou]: "Crap..."
This is what it looks like when you wear glasses that aren't meant for you.
[Kotarou]: "This is..."
I tried to make a very slight adjustment.
And it probably is very slight, biologically speaking.
[Kotarou]: "Uuu...I feel sick..."
My legs feel floaty. My eyes hurt.
[Kotarou]: "I really shouldn't have done that..."
I rub my eyes.
But the town does look a bit brighter.
[Kotarou]: "...is that just me?"
But only a little bit.
[Kotarou]: "...okay."
My legs...
If what I just saw was real...then this thing can jump off buildings like a spider.
Which means...I need to make myself more spidery.
I can't do that.
That's completely superhuman.
I can't undo these changes, so if I go that far...
[Kotarou]: "...I'll have to start wearing full-body spandex."
And I won't even be able to shoot web.
But I can change my legs a little.
Making myself run a little faster could still help.
The sensation of a glowing fluid racing out of my glands.
Boiling engine oil.
I direct it into my legs.
Making myself stronger takes some time.
It's slow, but powerful...all of that energy focusing on a single point. |
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
I rethink it.
[Kotarou]: "Now then..."
I hope that actually helps.
The silhouette was heading for the park.
Let's go...
[Kotarou]: "...no."
I shouldn't use it without a good reason.
If I cross the line later, I'm gonna regret using it here.
[Kotarou]: "Such a pain..."
I wish I could toggle the effects on and off at will.
I run through the town at night.
Every so often I look up at the sky.
...this feels pretty good, actually.
Not that I need exercise or anything...but I wonder if people on sports teams always jog like this.
[Kotarou]: "Uu..."
[Kotarou]: "Uboee..."
...this feels bad...
I'm never using it on my eyes again...
My legs feel light.
How much practice would it take for a normal person to run this well?
[Kotarou]: "No..."
It's better not to think about that.
I'll just start feeling unfair to everyone...
I run all the way to the park.
[Kotarou]: "Huu..."
I'm a little tired.
That was quite a bit of exercise...
If I'd just joined a sports team when I was younger, maybe I'd never have encountered any of this occult stuff...
Even now I can't imagine ghosts attacking a real-world athlete.
[Kotarou]: "Hmm..."
I didn't see anything strange on the way here.
If I can't find anything in the park, I probably have no hope of catching it.
Why did I stop in the park? The reason's simple.
Normally people would stop in a place like this.
If it was just a blow-up doll, it'd probably get caught on a tree or something.
I pray that logic applies to what I saw earlier, and start searching the park.
There's nothing creepier than a park at night.
[Kotarou]: "Lots of ghost stories could be set here..."
[Kotarou]: "In that lake..."
[Kotarou]: "Or that sandbox..."
Uwaa, I'd better investigate this later...
[Kotarou]: "...can I go home?"
[Kotarou]: "No, not really..."
I'd be too scared when I got back...
[Kotarou]: "Uueee..."
Squinting makes me feel even worse...
Am I weaker now...?
Anyway, I squint.
No silhouettes...
So it really is gone.
I haven't seen a single person all the way here, so I can't ask anyone else if they saw something.
[Kotarou]: "Hm...?"
What's that red light?
I don't remember any red lights in the park.
[Kotarou]: "That's...ramen!!"
Thanks to my improved eyesight, I can read the text on the paper lanterns outside the ramen stand.
...that was a complete waste.
I really shouldn't use this power if I'm not absolutely sure I need to.
Anyway, let's check it out...
[Kotarou]: "Ah, a ramen stand."
A perfectly ordinary ramen stand with a red paper lantern.
I think the light actually made it a bit harder to see.
[Kotarou]: "Hmmmm."
It looks really normal now.
I keep a fair distance and watch it for a bit.
[Kotarou]: "Hmm..."
Well, the owner isn't a skeleton, and I don't see any ghosts flying around it.
There's about four to five adults eating there. It looks lively. Nothing suspicious at all.
In fact I can hear their laughter from here.
[Kotarou]: "...mmm."
Absolutely nothing suspicious.
Maybe I should ask if they saw something?
No, if they saw what I saw, they wouldn't be laughing like that.
I guess I should look elsewhere.
[??]: "Hey."
[Kotarou]: "!?"
He grabbed my shoulder!?
I jump back instinctively...
[Kotarou]: "O-owww!"
He won't let go...!! He has me pinned down completely!!
[??]: "Oh, sorry."
Then he lets go.
There's a pretty big man behind him.
[Old Man]: "Hello youngster, what're you doing out here so late?"
He speaks lightly.
[Old Man]: "Hmm? Why are you so tense? Geez...you kids are way more dangerous than us these days."
[Kotarou]: "Hm...?"
I try thinking.
This old man probably owns that ramen stand.
[Kotarou]: "S-sorry...a lot's happened."
[Old Man]: "Hmm."
The old man looks over my face carefully.
[Old Man]: "...if you say so."
[Old Man]: "Okay, first-timer!! Come eat some of my ramen!!"
[Kotarou]: "Wh-what!?"
[Old Man]: "Don't hold back, youngster!!"
He pulls my hand forcefully.
[Kotarou]: "No, I..."
...this old guy has some insane strength...
He pulls me all the way to the stand.
[Old Man]: "Hey!! We've got another youngster of unknown origins here!!"
[Man]: "Oh? Why this guy?"
[Old Man]: "Gahahahaha!! Because he came all the way out here by himself!!"
[Man With Glasses]: "Now that's impressive!! Come on boy, drink with us!!"
[Kotarou]: "S-sorry...I don't drink alcohol..."
[Gentleman]: "That boy..."
A gentleman in the middle of the group lays eyes on me.
[Old Man]: "What? You know him?"
[Gentleman]: "No..."
[Old Man]: "Wait one sec, I'll make a bowl of ramen for you!! You there, stop slacking!!"
[Hook-Nosed Man]: "Geez, Gen-san's such a hard boss..."
The man inside the stand takes off his cooking outfit.
...he's wearing a suit underneath. Was he making one of his guests do the cooking...?
[Old Man]: "Pull up a chair over there."
[Kotarou]: "O-okay..."
I sit down in front of him.
...I didn't come here to eat ramen.
That silhouette's probably long gone by now...
[Old Man]: "So what's wrong? Tell me what's on your mind."
[Kotarou]: "Eh?"
[Old Man]: "You must have a reason to be wandering around here this late. You don't have to say it if you don't want to, but you might feel better if you do."
[Kotarou]: "...haa..."
...they're assuming I have a tragic backstory or something.
[Kotarou]: "N-no, it's nothing like that. I'm just..."
[Old Man]: "Just what?"
[Kotarou]: "...haunted."
[Old Man]: "Haunted...?"
[Kotarou]: "Very recently, ghosts have started attacking me at night."
The sound of the gentleman setting down his glass.
[Kotarou]: "...ah, well..."
Suddenly they're all quiet.
[Hook-Nosed Man]: "A familiar...?"
[Kotarou]: "Eh? Familiar?"
I heard the old man behind me mutter.
[Gentleman]: "No..."
The two men make eye contact.
[Gentleman]: "When did you see them?"
[Kotarou]: "Huh?"
[Gentleman]: "...those ghosts. Was it recently?"
[Kotarou]: "Umm, I didn't really see them..."
I encountered something.
But I never saw it directly.
[Kotarou]: "It's just, some really bizarre things happened, then whatever it was knocked me out in an instant."
Through psychological warfare. |
Name: Gen-san | Gender: Male
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
Name: Nakatsu Shizuru | Gender: Female | Aliases: Shizu
Name: Sougen Esaka | Gender: Male
[Man With Glasses]: "So where was it? We'll go exorcise it for you."
[Kotarou]: "You will?"
[Man]: "We're pros at fighting familiars! So where was it?"
There's that word again...
[Gentleman]: "Silence."
A dignified voice.
A composed voice, coming straight from the stomach.
[Gentleman]: "What is your organization?"
[Kotarou]: "My what? Organization?"
[Kotarou]: "Umm...Kazamatsuri's..."
[Kotarou]: "I guess the Occult Research Club?"
[Old Man]: "I see."
[Kotarou]: "Umm, what did he mean by "familiar"...?"
[Gentleman]: "He was referring to a video game."
Oh, just a game...
[Gentleman]: "We are quite fond of games, especially internet games."
Uh-oh, they might all be deadbeats.
[Kotarou]: "But he sounded like he really meant it."
[Gentleman]: "We spend so much time on them that we sometimes confuse them with reality."
They actually are deadbeats.
This is the kind of adult I must not write about.
One of Japan's most shameful sides...
[Gentleman]: "We hunt familiars. We are professionals at it. Tell us what you need."
[Kotarou]: "No, I'm perfectly fine."
[Gentleman]: "I don't know much about ghosts, but if you really did encounter such a thing, I recommend avoiding it."
I just said I don't need any help...
[Kotarou]: "Umm...it's kinda haunting me...so I have no idea how to avoid it..."
[Gentleman]: "You must have been in an abandoned building or a graveyard or some similar place. Young boys who like exploring such places are often cursed and killed in the movies."
[Kotarou]: "That's true."
[Gentleman]: "You know what I'm referring to?"
[Kotarou]: "...I do kinda like that stuff."
[Gentleman]: "Then be more cautious from now on, for your own sake."
[Kotarou]: "I've heard there are a lot of UMAs in Kazamatsuri."
[Kotarou]: "Were you referring to them when you said "familiars"?"
The old men look at each other.
They don't seem bothered, but the air does feel a bit colder now.
[Gentleman]: "I have heard there are a large number of unidentified animals in this area."
[Gentleman]: "Back when we worked as guards, we knew someone who was attacked and killed by such an animal."
[Kotarou]: "You used to be security guards?"
[Old Man]: "Yeah, we're veterans at that."
[Gentleman]: "Though we have since retired and are leading our own lives."
[Kotarou]: "How long ago was this...?"
[Gentleman]: "Decades. I have been in this city since it was a small town."
[Gentleman]: "It did not use to be so advanced."
[Kotarou]: (So these guys are walking encyclopedias of the area.)
Something flashes in my brain.
If I make a connection here, I might get lots of good information later.
[Kotarou]: "Could you tell me more about those unidentified animals?"
[Old Man]: "You enjoy fictional internet war stories that much?"
[Kotarou]: "Not the video game! I meant real ones...UMAs."
[Gentleman]: "That's an awfully dangerous subject for a drinking party."
[Gentleman]: "Not tonight. But if you really want to know, come talk to me some other time."
[Gentleman]: "I come here every so often, so just ask for Esaka. If I see you again we can discuss it."
[Kotarou]: "Thank you."
The gentleman's eyes shine confidently.
[Gentleman]: "I have better information than any strategy guide."
[Kotarou]: "Enough about video games!"
[Old Man]: "Oh, the lady's here too? Hey there!"
Apparently someone else arrived. I think the pot's blocking my view of her.
[Old Man]: "Worry as much as you like while you're young and spry!! Gahahahaha!!"
[??]: "...spry?"
[Old Man]: "Yes lady, spry!!"
[Kotarou]: "Huh?"
That voice sounds familiar.
I lean back to get a look at her.
[Shizuru]: "Fuu, fuu."
Shizuru's blowing on some ramen to cool it off.
She tries sucking up a noodle.
[Shizuru]: "...!!"
Her mouth pops open. It must've been too hot.
She immediately drinks some cold water.
[Shizuru]: "...fuu, fuu..."
This time she holds the water in one hand while blowing.
She continues battling the hot ramen like that for a while, and then...
[Shizuru]: "......?"
[Kotarou]: "Hey."
I wave.
[Shizuru]: "!?"
Shizuru-san is extremely shocked.
[Shizuru]: "!? !?"
She's trying to figure out how to react.
[Esaka]: "You know her?"
[Kotarou]: "We're friends at school."
[Old Man]: "Oooh. Okay then, you, change seats with him."
[Man]: "Fine, if you insist."
I carry my bowl of ramen to a seat next to Shizuru's.
[Shizuru]: "I had no idea you'd be here, Kotarou..."
[Kotarou]: "Neither did I."
[Kotarou]: "Well, let's eat."
Shizuru nods.
We slurp our noodles.
[Kotarou]: "Maybe we're connected by the red string of fate."
[Shizuru]: "......!!!"
"No no no!! Aaaah, that's not truuuue!!" Shizuru freaks out more than ever before.
She's almost hyperventilating.
[Kotarou]: "Calm down, it's a joke."
[Shizuru]: "Huu..."
She calms down.
[Shizuru]: "That was close..."
[Shizuru]: "I almost took it seriously..."
[Old Man]: "You guys are totally falling for each other."
Shizuru's face starts boiling, just like in a manga.
[Shizuru]: "......!!"
She slaps the old man's shoulder.
[Old Man]: "Owowow, it's just a joke, lady."
[Kotarou]: "Is Shizuru a regular here?"
[Shizuru]: "Regular what?"
[Kotarou]: "Customer."
[Old Man]: "Something like that."
[Shizuru]: "Gen-san often buys me menra."
[Kotarou]: "Huh."
Shizuru's got some weird connections.
Oh crap, if I keep talking the ramen will get cold.
The guy everyone calls Gen-san watches us with a big grin on his face.
[Gen-san]: "Gahahahaha!! Isn't it great being young!?"
Now he's laughing at the top of his lungs.
[Kotarou]: "Mm..."
I still wanna know what that shadow was.
...but I guess it's too late now.
These guys seem fun. They're weird in a lot of ways, but Shizuru seems to know them, so they can't be bad.
[Old Man]: "Oh-hooo, not bad."
[Man With Bandanna]: "We're here to join in! And we brought gifts!!" |
Name: Gen-san | Gender: Male
Name: Nakatsu Shizuru | Gender: Female | Aliases: Shizu
Name: Sougen Esaka | Gender: Male
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
[Gen-san]: "Oh! Then we need more seats. Hey, get another table out there!"
[Man]: "Gotcha!!"
...he starts making an impromptu table out of a beer keg and a cutting board.
[Gen-san]: "And that's why I had to say that to him!"
[Gen-san]: "Ha! Apparently "Shit! Fucking bastard" meant "Cough up turds whenever you annoy someone you bastard"!"
[Gen-san]: "You hear that!!! Gyahahahahaha!!"
[Esaka]: "Oooh! And that poker-faced man let you get away with it?"
[Hook-Nosed Man]: "Gen-san used to be unbeatable!!"
[Shizuru]: "Saury's so good~"
[Man With Glasses]: "Hahaha, bring a can of saury out here!!"
[Shizuru]: "I don't drink."
[Gen-san]: "How many more years? You'll be ready before you know it!"
[Esaka]: "Shizuru-kun will be a good woman someday."
[Shizuru]: "Are you Genji?"
[Esaka]: "Oh no, it won't take that long."
[Man]: "Then I'd better make some plans too."
[Old Man]: "I'm still active you know."
Shizuru's popular with the old men.
[Gen-san]: "Besides, I thought you were all dried up?"
[Esaka]: "I wouldn't be so sure."
[Man With Glasses]: "Oh-ho, you sound confident!"
[Esaka]: "Not as much as you youngsters."
[Man With Bandanna]: "Number one! We shall sing "Hot Summer With the Boys"!"
[Man With Glasses]: "Joooiiin iiiin!!!"
[Old Man]: "I have no choice. I shall perform a duet with you."
[Man]: "No one wanted you to do that!!"
They all get excited.
[Kotarou]: "This pork is great."
[Gen-san]: "So the young ones are still hungry! Okay, watch what this old guy can make!!"
[Man]: "I request Peking duck!"
[Man With Glasses]: "Shark-fin soup!"
[Esaka]: "Beef stroganoff."
[Gen-san]: "Sorry but I don't have the ingredients! I'll make some sake-steamed shrimp!"
[Shizuru]: "Shrimp~"
[Kotarou]: "Shrimp~"
[Hook-Nosed Man]: "Sakeee!"
[Man]: "Gimme another bottle!!"
[Esaka]: "All right, I'll open a Jack Daniel."
[Man With Bandanna]: "Our summer is oveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer♪"
[Man]: "Shut uuuuuup!!!"
[Man With Glasses]: "You suck at this!! Stop deluding yourself!!"
[Old Man]: "If I do not sing, I will diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiie!!"
Everyone's loud.
Then I notice that Esaka-san is the only one drinking calmly.
[Kotarou]: "...that guy's dandy."
[Shizuru]: "He's nice and quiet."
[Kotarou]: "Ah."
But Esaka-san is still smiling at the other old men going nuts.
...it feels like he has the highest rank or something.
[Gen-san]: "Fireeeeee!!!"
[Man]: "Yeaaaah!! Gen-san's the greateeeest!!!"
[Man With Glasses]: "Yaaaaaaaaaaahoooooooooooo!!!!"
[Kotarou]: "Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!"
At some point I joined in the ruckus.
I've been here a long time, but if I stay out too late it'll cause problems tomorrow.
Apparently the old men will keep partying until dawn.
...but tomorrow's Monday. They're completely abandoning their work duties.
I guess they really are in opposition with modern society.
They're a bit modest but I have no doubt they've led colorful lives.
[Kotarou]: (It's kinda enchanting...)
Anyway, it's really late, so I decide to walk Shizuru home.
[Kotarou]: "Mmmm...I wasn't planning on being out this late..."
[Shizuru]: "Are you tired?"
[Kotarou]: "I've been running around all day."
[Shizuru]: "Menra restores energy."
[Kotarou]: "Yeah, that ramen was great."
[Shizuru]: ".........?"
[Kotarou]: "Hm? What?"
[Shizuru]: "Menra?"
[Kotarou]: "Well, in the industry I guess it's called menra."
[Shizuru]: "???"
She doesn't seem to understand.
[Shizuru]: "They're the same thing...?"
[Kotarou]: "Yeah, they are."
[Shizuru]: "But ramen is completely different from Old Gen's menra."
Old Gen? ...oh right, that guy everyone called Gen-san.
[Kotarou]: "What I ate was definitely ramen."
[Shizuru]: "I see..."
[Kotarou]: "Have you never been to a ramen shop before?"
[Shizuru]: "I always eat it at convenience stores."
[Kotarou]: "...hmm."
So cup ramen.
I guess I can see cup ramen and proper shop ramen being two completely different things.
She's really never been to a ramen shop before...?
Is she that kind of rich girl?
She points to the right.
[Kotarou]: "Hm? Well I might as well walk you the rest of the way."
[Shizuru]: "We're here."
[Kotarou]: "What?"
She points at a weirdly desolate apartment building.
Even compared to the similar buildings around it, no one would call it fancy.
[Kotarou]: "...do you live alone?"
She nods.
[Shizuru]: "You can come to the door."
[Kotarou]: "Eh? Ah, but, isn't that bad?"
[Shizuru]: ".........?"
Don't look at me with such pure eyes. Now I feel sinful for imagining things.
...no, it's fine, she wasn't thinking that at all.
[Kotarou]: "Okay, just a little bit."
I follow Shizuru inside.
...Shizuru's house.
Nothing happened. I just walked her up to the door and watched her go in.
I caught a glimpse of the inside, then Shizuru acted embarrassed and shooed me away.
But...there was nothing in Shizuru's room.
It wasn't neat and tidy. It was just devoid of anything.
...for some reason, that bothers me.
Living alone...
I look around my room.
The shelves are full of magazines and manga and novels, and I have a TV and some toys.
...she's living all on her own, without any of those things.
[Kotarou]: "Isn't that lonely...?"
Is she so poor she can't buy any of those things?
[Kotarou]: "I had no idea one of my friends was a starving student."
But no matter how poor she is, that doesn't explain it being that empty. Does she just like it that way?
[Kotarou]: "Hmmmm..."
Next time I'm gonna find out.
[Kotarou]: "Today's progress..."
[Kotarou]: "Investigated Shizuru's room. There was absolutely nothing."
I haven't done anything for the Occult Research Club.
I didn't manage to find anything for it.
Guess I'll just get a shower and go to bed... |
Name: Ohtori Chihaya | Gender: Female | Aliases: Chi
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
Name: Nakatsu Shizuru | Gender: Female | Aliases: Shizu
[Kotarou]: "Oh, is that...?"
[Chihaya]: "K-Kotarou...?"
[Kotarou]: "What're you doing here, Chihaya?"
[Chihaya]: "N-nothing in particular."
[Kotarou]: "Ah, I see."
[Kotarou]: "Why do you look so sad...?"
[Chihaya]: "I do not look sad!!!"
[Kotarou]: "Are you lost or something?"
[Chihaya]: "...no."
[Chihaya]: "Anyway! I'm just fine!"
[Kotarou]: "Okay...I'll be going then."
[Kotarou]: "Why are you following me?"
[Chihaya]: "None of your business!"
[Kotarou]: (She wants to try following me until she ends up somewhere familiar again...)
[Kotarou]: "Oh well."
[Chihaya]: "Huh?"
Chihaya has joined your party!
[Kotarou]: "Oh, hey."
[Kotarou]: "Heeey, Shizuru."
[Shizuru]: "Kotarou!"
[Kotarou]: "You seem hesitant."
[Kotarou]: "Hmm, look up."
[Shizuru]: "Hmm."
[Kotarou]: "I can't tell who's obeying who."
[Shizuru]: "What's wrong?"
[Kotarou]: "Nothing, just walking around town."
[Kotarou]: "Oh yeah...you can lipread, right Shizuru?"
[Shizuru]: "*nod* *nod*"
[Kotarou]: "Okay, let's make use of that."
[Kotarou]: "So, will you come with me?"
[Shizuru]: "*nod* *nod*"
[Kotarou]: "Okay, let's go."
Shizuru joined your party!
[Chihaya]: "Where are we?"
[Kotarou]: "An ordinary residential area."
[Chihaya]: "What's that?"
[Kotarou]: "An ordinary dog."
[Chihaya]: "Is that..."
[Kotarou]: "An ordinary Gian Recital."
[Chihaya]: "Ah, all the little kids around here are singing."
[Chihaya]: "Let's go listen to it."
[Kotarou]: "Seriously...?"
Loud, obnoxious sounds cover the area.
[Kotarou]: "This hurts..."
[Chihaya]: "They sound kinda nice."
[Kotarou]: "Seriously?"
I've heard that dinosaurs had slow nervous systems, so their reactions were slow and their senses dull...
[Kotarou]: "This is just painful...let's go."
[Chihaya]: "...who's that masked guy...?"
[Kotarou]: "An ordinary local wrestler called W.G. (Wonderful Giant) Kazamatsuri."
[Chihaya]: "You make it sound normal, but it really isn't."
[Kotarou]: "He's a hero to all the little kids. If Chihaya gets involved she'll shatter their dreams..."
[Kotarou]: "Let's leave for now."
[Kotarou]: "I guess I should at least get an autograph while he's here."
[Kotarou]: "Excuse me! Could I have an autograph!?"
[W.G.]: "Gladly!"
[Kotarou]: "He's a gentleman."
[W.G.]: "I have a public e-mail address, so please use it to root for me!"
[Kotarou]: "I wonder how many local wrestlers do that."
Added W.G. Kazamatsuri's to your contact list!
[Kotarou]: "Amiiigo!"
[W.G.]: "That shout...I just had an idea for a new move!"
W.G. Kazamatsuri invented the Amigo Buster!
[Kotarou]: "Something just started that will never have anything to do with me..."
[W.G.]: "Thank you. Are you from Kazamatsuri Academy? If you're looking for interesting stories, you can have this."
You obtained Info: "I'm the One Who Really Does Have Superpowers"!
[Kotarou]: "Thank you, W.G.!"
[Kotarou]: "Life makes no sense."
[Kotarou]: "Huh!? Is that..."
[Chihaya]: "What is it?"
[Kotarou]: "Nothing..."
[Kotarou]: (There's a banana peel on the ground!)
[Kotarou]: (Any second now Chihaya'll slip on it and I'll see a certain something and then she'll hit me!)
[Kotarou]: (I'd better just avoid it...)
[Kotarou]: "You're going!?"
[Chihaya]: "Yes! What's the big problem?"
[Kotarou]: "Umm...nothing, nothing at all."
[Kotarou]: (I'd like to get it out of her way, but I have no idea who ate it or how long it's been here, so I really don't wanna touch it...)
[Kotarou]: "Which means...I have no choice!"
[Kotarou]: "Uuoooooooooooooooooooo!!"
[Kotarou]: "Guwaaa! I slipped on a banana peeeeel!"
[Chihaya]: "Pu! What are you doing, Kotarou?"
[Kotarou]: "To be honest, I only intended to slip a little, but I completely lost my balance...banana peels are dangerous."
[Chihaya]: "Are you okay?"
[Chihaya]: "Hau!"
[Kotarou]: "What kind of idiot falls into a trap right after seeing someone else fall into it?"
[Kotarou]: "The next time you see a banana peel, assume it marks the entrance to Hell."
[Chihaya]: "That's going a bit far..."
[Chihaya]: "Where are we?"
[Kotarou]: "A field. This is where the community allotments are."
[Chihaya]: "Allotments?"
[Kotarou]: "Anyone can use one by asking the city for permission. Lots of old men and women around here grow stuff."
[Chihaya]: "Oooh, that sounds nice."
[Kotarou]: "I remember eating some of these tomatoes when I was a kid. The owners got mad at me..."
[Kotarou]: "So let that be a warning to you: Never eat stuff growing on someone else's allotment."
I was expecting her to retort with: "I'm not a little kid!"
[Chihaya]: "What?"
She's eating them.
[Kotarou]: "Heeeeeey!! What the hell are you doing!!?"
[Chihaya]: "But they looked delicious..."
[Owner]: "HEEEEEEEEY!!"
[Kotarou]: "Crap! Run!!"
[Kotarou]: "Wait, how old are we again!?"
[Kotarou]: "Let's just apologize..."
[Kotarou]: "I'm sorry."
[Chihaya]: "I'm sorry."
[Owner]: "Now don't do it again."
[Chihaya]: "Okay..."
[Chihaya]: "But they looked so delicious..."
[Owner]: "You can't take things from other people, no matter how delicious they look."
[Chihaya]: "You're right...I'm sorry..."
[Owner]: "You don't look like you're from around here."
[Kotarou]: "She's the rich girl who moved here a few weeks ago."
[Owner]: "What? Oh yeah, I heard about that..."
[Owner]: "Hmm..."
[Chihaya]: "?" |
Name: Ohtori Chihaya | Gender: Female | Aliases: Chi
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
[Owner]: "Okay, take these with you."
[Owner]: "And don't do it again."
[Chihaya]: "Waa, thank you~"
Chihaya obtained a bag full of tomatoes.
[Kotarou]: "Good for you."
[Chihaya]: "I'll eat them when I get home."
[Chihaya]: "Since I'm here, why don't I help you out?"
[Owner]: "No thanks, I'm doing fine."
[Chihaya]: "You're trying to pull this out, right?"
*pop* *pop*
[Owner]: "...what is that girl...?"
[Kotarou]: "Beats me..."
[Owner]: "Haa, rich people really are different..."
[Kotarou]: "I don't think that's why..."
[Chihaya]: "He says there's nothing left I can help with."
[Kotarou]: "Let's go then."
[Pretty Boy]: "You're Tennouji-kun, right?"
[Kotarou]: "I am...but who are you?"
[Pretty Boy]: "Let's just say...I walk the same path as you."
He says with a strange intonation.
Kinda like Hanawa-kun from Chibi Maruko-chan.
[Kotarou]: "What do you want with me?"
[Pretty Boy]: "Do I have to explain everything...?"
[Kotarou]: "You haven't explained anything yet."
[Pretty Boy]: "Because I don't want people to overhear."
This is annoying...
[Chihaya]: "Who's this?"
[Kotarou]: "I have absolutely no idea..."
[Kotarou]: "Well, I'll be going then. I have someone with me."
[Pretty Boy]: "Wait right there!"
[Pretty Boy]: "You are woefully lacking in patience..."
[Kotarou]: "I just want to stay away from weirdos."
[Pretty Boy]: "Very well..."
He looks around.
Then he takes a few things out of his backpack.
[Pretty Boy]: "Look at these."
He shows me some books while Chihaya's looking the other way.
[Kotarou]: "Th-these are...!?"
Porn books.
[Chihaya]: "?"
[Kotarou]: "Sorry Chihaya, wait there for a minute!"
[Kotarou]: "No way I can let her see these...now then..."
[Kotarou]: "No way! These are all Rank B or higher! Amazing!"
[Pretty Boy]: "Hu! Do you understand now?"
[Kotarou]: "How did you get all these?"
[Pretty Boy]: "Let's just say, the same way as you."
[Kotarou]: "So...you picked them up off the street?"
[Pretty Boy]: "We can't buy anything this erotic in stores, after all."
[Pretty Boy]: "The only thing wrong with this town is how every store insists on checking your age."
[Kotarou]: "I feel exactly the same way."
We gaze at each other.
Something connects between us. Something that cannot be seen.
[Pretty Boy]: "So my instincts were right about you."
[Pretty Boy]: "Neither of us can buy these at stores or through the internet..."
[Kotarou]: "But scrounging around for a handful of erotic images on the net just isn't enough..."
We gaze at each other again.
A hot gaze.
We grasp each other's hand.
[Pretty Boy]: "My friend."
[Pretty Boy]: "Porn books lying in the street are a form of art."
[Pretty Boy]: "The slightly seedy atmosphere around them makes them so much better. But no one understands..."
[Kotarou]: "I do, brother."
[Pretty Boy]: "I will devote the rest of my life to this."
[Kotarou]: "You look like one of Johnny's idols when you say that..."
[Pretty Boy]: "Tennouji-kun, will you become my porn book trading partner?"
[Kotarou]: "Of course. You could succeed Fukuyama Masaharu if you wanted."
[Pretty Boy]: "Huhu, such flattery..."
[Kotarou]: "Pleased to meet you, Hanawa!"
[Pretty Boy]: "...that's not my name."
You became friends with Porn Book Prince!
[Kotarou]: "Amiiigo!"
[Chihaya]: "So what was that all about?"
[Kotarou]: "Nothing."
[Kotarou]: "Hm...?"
I feel a weird presence near this thicket.
[Chihaya]: "What is it?"
[Kotarou]: "Sorry, wait here a moment."
Was I imagining it...?
[Kotarou]: (That guy...that's the kid I met at school recently.)
The one who was rambling on about Sukumon.
[Child]: "Hey old man, we meet again."
[Kotarou]: "...I'm a high school student, you know."
[Child]: "To kids like us, anyone above middle school age is the same as an old man!"
[Kotarou]: "...such insolence. Respect your elders."
[Child]: "If you were the Sukumon Champion then I might respect you."
[Kotarou]: "What the hell are "Sukumon" anyway?"
[Child]: "You know that famous video game franchise where you catch monsters and battle them? Sukumon are a rip-off of that."
[Kotarou]: "...you're not supposed to say that."
[Child]: "But that's only a game, and these are real!"
[Kotarou]: "What do you mean?"
[Child]: "I'll prove it! Monster cage!"
It's just an insect cage.
[Child]: "I choose you, Kanabu!"
He opens the cage and out flies a ten-centimeter long kanabun.
[Kotarou]: "Eh!? You again!?"
The kanabun flies just above the ground.
Apparently it's too heavy to fly well.
...this is Guiness Book of Records-tier ickiness.
At least it's just a kanabun...
[Child]: "This is a kanabun-shaped Sukumon called Kanabu."
[Child]: "Its special move is Body Slam. And any light-type attacks bounce off it."
[Kotarou]: "Isn't he just a mutant?"
[Child]: "You're so stubborn. If it was just a mutant I wouldn't be able to control it."
[Kotarou]: "Can you control it?"
[Child]: "Of course. Whenever you catch a Sukumon it starts obeying you."
[Kotarou]: "Why are they called "Sukumon" anyway?"
[Child]: "Because they were first discovered in the school."
[Child]: "There are Sukumon living all over Kazamatsuri, especially where there's lots of trees."
[Kotarou]: "So why were they at school?"
[Child]: "I'm saying they live there too."
[Child]: "They say the rarest ones appear in the school."
[Kotarou]: "Our school does have a lot of trees...but I've never seen any."
[Child]: "They don't come out when people are around."
[Kotarou]: "I had no idea..."
[Child]: "Like that beetle you saw in the school at night."
[Kotarou]: "That was one of them!?"
It was definitely a very strange creature...
[Child]: "If you're interested, try using that thing I gave you to catch one."
[Kotarou]: "Okay...if I feel like it..."
Guess I can leave the thicket now...
[Kotarou]: "Sorry about that."
[Chihaya]: "So what was that all about?"
[Kotarou]: "I'm not really sure..." |
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
Name: Ohtori Chihaya | Gender: Female | Aliases: Chi
Name: Nakatsu Shizuru | Gender: Female | Aliases: Shizu
[Chihaya]: "Ah, I know this area."
[Kotarou]: "So you can find your way home from here?"
[Chihaya]: "Ah, no, I was never lost to begin with."
[Kotarou]: "Maybe I should call it a day too..."
[Chihaya]: "Okay, goodbye then."
[Kotarou]: "Bye."
[Kotarou]: "...in the end we spent almost no time actually looking for information..."
[Kotarou]: "Shizuru, read that man's lips."
[Shizuru]: "He's not talking."
[Kotarou]: "Good point."
[Kotarou]: "Shizuru, read that woman's lips."
[Shizuru]: "Takeda-san, the sale starts at seven!"
[Kotarou]: "So much for that."
[Shizuru]: "It's important information."
[Kotarou]: "Shizuru, read that elementary schooler's lips."
[Shizuru]: "I'm gonna use my new year's money to buy a Pokomon!"
[Kotarou]: "We have to battle sometime."
[Shizuru]: "I'm not the one speaking."
[Kotarou]: "I see..."
[Kotarou]: "Shizuru, read that salaryman's lips."
[Shizuru]: "After last month's transaction, their stock has..."
[Kotarou]: "Insider trading!? Crap, we didn't hear a thing!"
[Kotarou]: "Shizuru, read that high schooler's lips."
[Shizuru]: "That's like, so lame!"
[Kotarou]: "No content whatsoever."
[Kotarou]: "Shizuru, read that other high schooler's lips."
[Shizuru]: "How's the GDP forecast? We may have escaped the financial crisis, but the worldwide economy is still far from stable..."
[Kotarou]: "Wow...an economic academic..."
[Shizuru]: "I don't understand it at all."
[Kotarou]: "There's a lot of high schoolers around here, don't get hung up on just one of them."
[Shizuru]: "Yes."
[Kotarou]: "Shizuru, read that dog's lips."
[Shizuru]: "Dogs don't talk."
[Kotarou]: "I agree."
[Kotarou]: "Shizuru, read that cat's lips."
[Shizuru]: "Cats don't talk."
[Kotarou]: "I know, but give it your best shot."
[Shizuru]: "Mm..."
[Shizuru]: "Meow."
[Kotarou]: "Read more."
[Shizuru]: "Hisss!"
[Shizuru]: "Mroow."
[Shizuru]: "Haaaaaaaa!"
[Kotarou]: "I'm satisfied. Thanks."
[Shizuru]: "What was the point of that?"
[Kotarou]: "I just wanted to make you meow."
*bop* *bop*
[Kotarou]: "She hit me."
[Kotarou]: "It's a vacant lot. No one's here."
[Shizuru]: "Mmm..."
[Kotarou]: "Don't worry. We'll be able to use your powers elsewhere."
[Shizuru]: "Yes."
[Kotarou]: "Might as well take a look around."
[Kotarou]: "Th-this is..."
[Kotarou]: "An old boxing glove!"
[Shizuru]: "......?"
[Kotarou]: "Someone must have been training here."
[Kotarou]: "Either when they were really young...or maybe someone's still using this as a secret training ground..."
[Shizuru]: "Boys are hard to understand."
[Kotarou]: "True. Only boys find this enchanting."
[Kotarou]: "Training..."
[Kotarou]: (That brings back memories...)
[Kotarou]: (Back when I used to devise new martial arts moves, and figure out what I wanted my secret techniques to be...)
[Kotarou]: (Maybe I should combine karate with boxing to make a brand new art called "karaxing"...)
[Shizuru]: "What's wrong?"
[Kotarou]: "It's nothing."
[Kotarou]: (If I add in a bunch of kicks it'll be karakickxing...)
[Shizuru]: "What's wrong?"
[Kotarou]: "It's nothing."
[Kotarou]: "All kids have to go through that phase. Otherwise they become boring realist brats."
[Kotarou]: "I guess that's enough of that."
[Shizuru]: "Okay."
[Kotarou]: "See you later."
[Kotarou]: "She leaves a proud, confident smile behind as she departs like the wind."
[Kotarou]: "Come to think of it, we didn't find any information, but oh well."
There's a barrier on the footbridge.
Now I can't get across.
There's a note attached to one end of the barrier.
"Danger! Do not cross here."
I didn't have to think to realize what this meant.
My brain immediately feels the revelation.
[Kotarou]: "...this means..."
I must not cross on this side of the bridge.
But if I go on the side without the note, I won't be punished.
[Kotarou]: "I have solved your little puzzle!"
I walk along the side of the bridge.
The ground falls out from under my feet.
[Kotarou]: "Wait, that's what it meaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaant!!"
It was trying to inform me of a real danger.
I am truly beyond stupid.
I deserve to be removed from the gene pool.
[Man]: "Grab my hand, boy!"
A random passerby saves me.
[Kotarou]: "Thank you for saving me..."
[Man]: "That was dangerous."
[Kotarou]: "Yes...but who are you?"
[Man]: "I am a wandering man. I am always wandering from one place to the next."
[Wandering Man]: "Don't make your mother worry now. Farewell."
The man's cloak swings around as he turns away.
[Kotarou]: "Wait!"
[Wandering Man]: "...what is it?"
[Kotarou]: "Could we swap phone numbers?"
[Wandering Man]: "..................okay."
He doesn't seem to mind at all.
We swap contact information via infrared technology.
[Wandering Man]: "Farewell, boy."
Once more, the man sets off gallantly into the sunset.
[Kotarou]: "That man...he can do it."
You became friends with Wandering Man!
[Kotarou]: "Amiiigo!"
[Kotarou]: (Oh yeah, Kotori asked me to plant some seeds...)
[Kotarou]: (The park seems like a good place.)
I scatter some seeds over that patch of soil.
A mailbox.
[Kotarou]: (Oh yeah, Kotori asked me to plant some seeds...)
[Kotarou]: "Wait, I'm gonna plant them here?"
[Kotarou]: "Apparently it works."
I plant seeds in the mailbox.
Then a postman immediately shows up and carries the seeds away in his bag.
[Kotarou]: "Fly to the ends of the earth, little seeds..."
[Kotarou]: (What? ...I feel nature from this building's roof.)
[Kotarou]: (I must plant Kotori's seeds here...)
I climb up.
I scatter some seeds on the roof.
...then they throw me out.
[Kotarou]: "Sorry..."
But I still planted them! |
Name: Nakatsu Shizuru | Gender: Female | Aliases: Shizu
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
October 18th (Monday)
I walk down the hallway during break time, and...
[Kotarou]: "Oh, it's Shizuru."
She's sunbathing in the courtyard again.
[Kotarou]: "Oh well..."
Shizuru's nice, but she's so honest it feels like she's sucking the poison out of me or something...
[Kotarou]: (I feel like I'm changing...)
I'm not even sure why I feel that way.
I remember the questionnaire Prez gave me.
That answer was the honest truth.
I'm not inherently afraid of changing, but since I don't know how I should be changing, I do feel uneasy when I notice it happening.
[Kotarou]: "Maybe I'm thinking too hard..."
Well, it's fine.
Shizuru seems happy anyway.
[Kotarou]: "Oh well..."
Shizuru's nice, but she's so honest it feels like she's sucking the poison out of me or something...
[Kotarou]: (I feel like I'm changing...)
I'm not even sure why I feel that way.
I remember the questionnaire Prez gave me.
That answer was the honest truth.
I'm not inherently afraid of changing, but since I don't know how I should be changing, I do feel uneasy when I notice it happening.
[Kotarou]: "Maybe I'm thinking too hard..."
Well, it's fine.
Shizuru seems happy anyway.
She looks like she's enjoying it. I shouldn't disturb her.
And I know for a fact she can wake herself up in time with an alarm.
Might as well say hi to her, since I'm here.
I head out into the courtyard.
[Kotarou]: "I have so much free time..."
Well, I don't think I really have that much...
Anyway, on to Shizuru-san.
[Kotarou]: "You seem to be enjoying your nap."
She probably won't wake up for a while.
She wakes up after I move a few steps closer.
[Kotarou]: "Hey."
[Shizuru]: "...hay!?"
But the blood doesn't seem to be flowing to her brain yet.
[Shizuru]: ".........?"
She looks at me. "Is something happening today?"
[Kotarou]: "No, nothing in particular."
She pats the ground next to her.
She pulls a waterproof sheet out of her skirt and lays it out next to her.
Then she pats it again.
[Kotarou]: "Okay, okay."
I sit down there.
[Kotarou]: "Fuu..."
[Kotarou]: "So peaceful."
She nods.
[Kotarou]: "But the black hands of evil have already infiltrated it."
"What!?" She stiffens her shoulders.
[Kotarou]: "Fortunately we repelled them yesterday."
"I see...then the world is safe..." She loosens her shoulders again.
[Shizuru]: ".........?"
After a short pause...
[Shizuru]: "Kotarou, what were you doing yesterday?"
[Kotarou]: "Investigating the town."
[Shizuru]: "...that's dangerous."
[Kotarou]: "Well, I guess something dangerous could happen."
Though I can handle ordinary hoodlums.
[Shizuru]: "Kotarou, I'm worried about you."
[Kotarou]: "Hm? Really?"
[Shizuru]: "I do worry."
[Kotarou]: "You dowry?"
[Shizuru]: "I dowry..."
[Kotarou]: "Actually, aren't you in just as much danger, Shizuru? You're the one walking out to that ramen stand in the middle of the night."
[Shizuru]: ".........?"
"How is that dangerous?" She looks at me.
She seems far more concerned about my safety than hers.
I guess having the old men around means she'll be fine?
[Shizuru]: "Dowry?"
Ah, now she's asking what a dowry is.
[Kotarou]: "I'll be fine. I'm not really doing anything that dangerous, and I'll run away as soon as I stumble across any real trouble."
She still seems puzzled by this. Is "dowry" the problem now?
Hmm...I could tell her, and watch her head shake like a motor again...
Or I could not tell her, and see if she asks someone else.
Probably Lucia.
But if she hears Shizuru ask about a "dowry" because of a conversation with me...she'll do more damage to me than any ghost.
...speaking of ghosts, I never found out who that shadowy girl with the skirt was last night.
At least I think it was a girl wearing a skirt, but given how dark it was there's no way to know for sure.
Besides, what kind of girl would be wandering around that late at...
[Shizuru]: ".........?"
There's no way...
[Kotarou]: "Shizuru..."
[Shizuru]: "?"
[Kotarou]: "Do you dowry?"
She looks extremely troubled.
[Kotarou]: "Stand up for me."
She stands up.
[Kotarou]: "Okay, jump."
Boing. Boing.
[Kotarou]: "Now fly up into the third floor classroom."
[Shizuru]: "!?"
She holds both hands up in the air and jumps as high as she can.
As I watch her feeble attempts...
[Kotarou]: "Shizuru, you need to yell "Jeah!""
[Shizuru]: "Jeah!"
Unfortunately she can't even jump onto a tree, much less a building.
She continues hopping around, yelling "Jeah!" and "Duwa!" and such.
[Kotarou]: "Thank you, Shizuru. I was wrong after all."
[Shizuru]: "???"
[Kotarou]: "Something happened last night that's been bugging me. I wondered for a moment if you were involved, but that was stupid."
A complicated expression.
[Kotarou]: "Well, I saw something jumping between the roofs of buildings..."
[Kotarou]: "Fuguu!?"
She jabs the tip of my nose.
I think I made her mad.
[Kotarou]: "S-sorry, sorry...the "jeah" part was completely unnecessary."
[Shizuru]: "...what are you talking about?"
Now I'm the one puzzled.
[Kotarou]: "Uhhh..."
[Kotarou]: "Last night, I saw something jump from roof-to-roof..."
[Kotarou]: "Pufu!"
She jabs me again.
...my head feels a bit light. I must've exhaled too quickly.
[Kotarou]: "What was that about?"
[Kotarou]: "I'm sorry if I said something bad..."
[Shizuru]: "You did nothing wrong."
[Kotarou]: "?"
[Shizuru]: "Kotarou."
[Shizuru]: "It's dangerous at night."
[Kotarou]: "Like I said, that applies to you too."
She stares at me.
...somehow Shizuru really doesn't seem concerned about her own safety.
[Kotarou]: "I guess you can have one of those old men walk you home."
She nods.
So, back on topic...
[Kotarou]: "Wait, what were we talking about?"
[Shizuru]: "Menra~"
[Kotarou]: "Aaah, that's right, menra. That was delicious."
[Shizuru]: "Yes. Old Gen's menra is exquisite."
[Kotarou]: "...does eating out appeal more when you live alone?"
[Shizuru]: "Sometimes."
[Kotarou]: "Hmm..." |
Name: Nakatsu Shizuru | Gender: Female | Aliases: Shizu
Name: Konohana Lucia | Gender: Female | Aliases: Class Rep
Name: Haruhiko Yoshino | Gender: Male
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
Come to think of it, she seems to make her own bentous.
[Kotarou]: "What kind of allowance do you get?"
[Kotarou]: "...from your parents...?"
She looks troubled again.
[Kotarou]: (Hm...?)
I remember Chihaya.
Her parents are gone, and she lives with her butler-like-thing.
[Kotarou]: (Maybe it's similar for Shizuru...?)
If so, I've been insensitive again...
[Shizuru]: "...it's a long story, but I don't have an allowance. I do have money though."
[Kotarou]: "Thought so."
[Shizuru]: "?"
[Kotarou]: "Chihaya doesn't have any parents either, so..."
Of course she gets no allowance...
[Kotarou]: "Are yours gone too...?"
I immediately realize I probably shouldn't have asked.
[Shizuru]: "...they're alive."
[Kotarou]: "Huh?"
[Shizuru]: "My parents are both healthy."
...assuming they were dead without asking would've actually been worse.
[Kotarou]: "...sorry."
[Shizuru]: "I forgive you."
I am immediately forgiven.
[Kotarou]: "So...why?"
[Shizuru]: "It's complicated."
[Kotarou]: "...I see."
[Shizuru]: "You want to know?"
[Kotarou]: "If you don't want to talk about it, it's all right."
[Shizuru]: "Then I might tell you someday."
[Kotarou]: "Okay."
...I seem to know a lot of people with troubled pasts.
[Shizuru]: "More importantly, Old Gen's menra is exquisite."
[Kotarou]: "Yeah, it was delicious."
I guess Shizuru's trying to change the subject.
So we spend the rest of break talking about food.
[Teacher]: "Okay, now...Konohana."
[Lucia]: "Yes."
Class rep accepts her order and walks up to the blackboard.
She picks up the chalk and quickly writes out the answer.
Even when she's using chalk, her hands are covered by white cotton gloves.
Those gloves are part of class rep's trademark image.
I was very curious about them when I first met her.
But no one else seems to care.
Whenever I ask, they always say she's been wearing them since she came here.
So everyone assumed it was just part of her personality.
...I have to admit I'm curious.
It makes some sense in winter, but doesn't it get really stuffy, wearing gloves all year round?
[Kotarou]: "Hmmmm..."
It's not good to pry into these things. Everyone has things they want to hide for good reasons.
[Kotarou]: (Including Shizuru...)
Anyway, it's best if I leave that subject alone.
[Kotarou]: "Why does class rep always wear gloves?"
[Yoshino]: "Shut up, how would I know? Rumor has it she's a clean freak and doesn't like touching things directly."
That's right, I remember that rumor now.
It's normal for some people to be a bit paranoid about germs, but in this weather even a necktie is uncomfortable. If she's wearing those gloves through sheer stubbornness...
[Kotarou]: "Wait a minute. If she's a clean freak, wouldn't she be avoiding people more?"
[Yoshino]: "Shut up, how would I know? ...though that's a good point. She never takes her gloves off, but she also never seems to mind talking to people."
Despite his repetitive lead-ins, Yoshino continues the conversation with me. It's adorable.
[Kotarou]: "And she eats in the cafeteria too. I'm pretty sure clean freaks would hate using shared trays and utensils."
[Yoshino]: "You might be right...when they first introduced those eco-friendly reusable chopsticks, it felt really weird using them instead of the disposable wooden ones I was used to."
[Yoshino]: "It was so stupid."
Kazamatsuri's restaurants used to all use wooden chopsticks.
But after the city became fully developed, people started feeling stronger about being environmentally active, so they got phased out.
Disposable things like wooden chopsticks and paper plates disappeared, in favor of eco-friendly versions that could be washed and reused.
Of course, our school's cafeteria is no different.
Our chopsticks get washed thoroughly in the kitchen before being given to people again.
There are no health problems with it, but I have to wonder if someone obsessed with cleanliness would be all right with using something that anyone anywhere might have used earlier.
[Kotarou]: "And this leads me to conclude that class rep might wear those gloves for some other reason."
[Yoshino]: "Huh? Like what?"
[Kotarou]: "This is just a guess, but...maybe..."
[Yoshino]: "...maybe?"
[Kotarou]: "Maybe...she has some accursed power, and needs to hide the symbol on her hand it's sealed in!"
[Yoshino]: "Wh-what...?"
[Kotarou]: "You've had fantasies about that when you were young too, right?"
[Yoshino]: "...s-stop. Say no more..."
[Kotarou]: "I'm different from all those dreamers! I have a secret, cursed power of my own, and I've been hiding it all my life!"
[Kotarou]: "Stop! Don't awaken my poweeeeeer!"
[Yoshino]: "Uuoooooooooooooooooooo, stooooooooooooooooooooop!"
[Teacher]: "That's enough, Tennouji, Yoshino!"
The teacher yells at us.
I quietly return to my studies, but Yoshino lies face-down on his desk panting.
[Yoshino]: "D-damn iiiiiit...don't you dare remember this...forget it, forgeeeeeeeet iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit..."
[Kotarou]: "There might be some embarrassing secret hidden underneath class rep's gloves...oooh, I'm getting all tingly now."
[Yoshino]: "Stop it, Tennouji, everyone has wounds that must never be reopened...leave her be......"
[Kotarou]: "But aren't you curious? There might be an evil dragon's seal engraved in the back of her hand."
[Yoshino]: "Uuoooooooooooooooooooooo...guoooooooooooooooooooooo..."
[Kotarou]: "By the way, Yoshino-san, could you lend me an eraser? A brand new one with sharp points please."
[Yoshino]: "Screw that. Even the scraps produced by my erasing is too good for you."
[Kotarou]: "Stop it. Just stop. Don't summon the evil dragon sleeping inside me..."
[Yoshino]: "Uguoooooooooooooooo!! Here you are, Tennouji-san, please erase as much as you like with these sharp, fresh corners!"
[Kotarou]: "My shoulders are stiff. My throat's dry. My homework's a pain."
[Yoshino]: "I will rub them with all my might! And I'll go buy some juice! And please copy all of my homewoooooooooooooork!"
[Teacher]: "I thought I told you to be quiet, Yoshino!" |
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
Name: Konohana Lucia | Gender: Female | Aliases: Class Rep
Name: Kanbe Kotori | Gender: Female
Name: Ohtori Chihaya | Gender: Female | Aliases: Chi
Name: Haruhiko Yoshino | Gender: Male
[Yoshino]: "S-sorry! Dammit...remember this. No wait, don't remember it, uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..."
[Kotarou]: "Why do you talk so violently? ...I order you to respond in a bright and innocent manner to everything I say."
[Yoshino]: "That's it, I'm through with your..."
[Kotarou]: "Uu...the cursed power is taking control of me...don't let the demon inside me awaken...!"
[Yoshino]: "Uu-uoooooooooooooo!"
[Yoshino]: "Uuu...yaaaay! I'm a carnival of innocence!"
[Kotarou]: "The weather is great today, Yoshino!"
[Yoshino]: "Hooray for sunny skies! Japan, cha-cha-cha!"
[Kotarou]: "May tomorrow be-pwahahaha!!"
My outburst cuts off the exchange.
Japan cha-cha-cha...that was just...
[Yoshino]: "S-stop this already..."
Our classmates are chuckling.
[Yoshino]: "D-don't look...don't listen! I'll kill you all, you hear me!?"
[Kotarou]: "That also sounds violent...instead of "I'll kill you", say "I'll ferment some celery"."
[Yoshino]: "I'm gonna ferment some celery, you hear me!?"
[Teacher]: "Yoshino...that's quite enough. And you really shouldn't ferment celery."
[Yoshino]: "Gaaa...d-damn you..."
[Kotarou]: "Do it a little quieter, Yoshino-kun."
[Yoshino]: "Do you want me to ki-...ferment your celery!? Do you!?"
Yoshino-kun is more pleasant than expected.
Does he really say "I'll kill you" that often?
[Chihaya]: "Yoshino-kun...I don't think celery would taste good if you fermented it."
[Yoshino]: "I'm not gonna!"
[Yoshino]: "Tennouji...I will ferment your celery later...!"
[Chihaya]: "Which is it?"
[Yoshino]: "Guoooooooooooooooooo...!"
I satisfy myself with Yoshino-kun.
Hmmm, it's really handy knowing someone's deepest darkest secrets~
There is no doubt in my mind that class rep's gloves conceal something equally shameful!
Maybe she drew some weird symbol on the back of her hand in oil, so now she has to hide it!
Our class rep is the type to protect law and order with violence.
She has a strong sense of justice, and will not forgive any transgression.
If you talk back to her, you'll receive a rocket uppercut from those white fists.
However, if I could learn class rep's secrets......I could make good use of them.
In this class, being late, sleeping at our seats, leaving early, and all other forms of improper behavior are unforgivable. Such conduct would always get discovered by class rep and reported to the teacher.
But if I can blackmail class rep, I'll be able to do all of that myself!
[Kotarou]: "I can sleep or be tardy or leave early whenever I want. I could even copy her homework. Oooh, what a wonderful school life that would be!"
Class rep probably has good grades.
Maybe I could just let her do all of my summer homework. That effectively means two more weeks of summer vacation!
Waooooooh! Now that's dreaming big...now I absolutely must find out class rep's secrets.
I will remove those secret gloves, release class rep's shameful seal, and expose the truth underneath!
[Kotarou]: "And then class rep will do whatever I say. Ha! Soon I will begin a life of luxury!"
H-hey, class rep! Starting today, address me as "Master"! You are now my personal maid~!
What? You're too embarrassed to say that!? Do you want me to reveal your embarrassing secret~?
Huhuhu, that's more like it, humans are best when they're obedient. Such innocence~ Come hither! Hither!
My shoulders are stiff, rub them♪ Ahya~ That's good~!
What's that? Your chest is heavy so your shoulders are stiff too? Oh-hyo-hyo, then perhaps I should rub you in return~♪
[Kotarou]: "But instead of your shoulders, I'll rub your chest~♪ Squeeze, squeeze, squeeze, squeeze♪"
[Kotarou]: "Oh my, why is this sensation so unmistakably real?"
[Lucia]: "............thy."
[Kotarou]: "Hey, class rep, good timing. Could you pinch my cheek please? Softly if you can. Gently~"
[Lucia]: "F-f-filthy filthy filthy filthy! I can't believe you! I can't! Die right now and lower the classroom's discomfort indeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeex!!"
[Schoolgirl A]: "Kyaaaaan, Tennouji-kun's so bold~!"
[Schoolgirl B]: "He wants to touch them, he wants to touch them so bad! A pubescent boy longing after the forbidden fruit on a girl's chest!"
[Schoolgirl C]: "Kyaaaan, pervert pervert pervert~ So bold~!!"
[Chihaya]: "So that's what you were doing. You really are horrible..."
[Kotori]: "Everyone forgive him. You too Chi-chan. Kotarou-kun's not that bad on the inside."
[Kotarou]: "Kotori-san, I don't think that's specific enough to help in this situation..."
For a short while, all the girls in the class laugh at me...
Damn youuuu, Konohana Luciaaaa...!
I will expose the secret of your white gloves before the public eye! I will make my free homework paradise and slightly perverse but exciting maid life a reality!
Now then, how can we make her remove her gloves?
Summon her somewhere without any people around and tear them off by force?
No no no no, we can't do that...!
If I try that I'll have to endure more than just her iron fists. She'll send me on an all-expenses-paid trip to hell in a handbasket!
[Kotarou]: "Even that might be optimistic...normally she'd just flat out kill me. I can't attack from the front. I need a plan. Class rep! You will pay for doing this to me!"
And for those reasons, I decide to use my head.
I just need to make class rep remove her gloves on her own.
[Kotarou]: "Class rep, look ouuut!!"
[Lucia]: "Eh? Wa!"
Class ends and everyone is slowly shuffling out of the classroom. And then, suddenly, out of nowhere, a basketball!
I think it's coming from my direction, but it's clearly a common but unfortunate accident when PE class is in session.
[Lucia]: "W-watch out...! Who threw this basketball!?"
[Lucia]: "What? What is this!?"
[Kotori]: "Wahya, what happened to that thing? It's covered in mud..."
[Lucia]: "Wh-who did this...!?"
[Kotarou]: "Oh, class rep, your gloves are covered in mud. You'd better take them off." |
Name: Ohtori Chihaya | Gender: Female | Aliases: Chi
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
Name: Nakatsu Shizuru | Gender: Female | Aliases: Shizu
Name: Konohana Lucia | Gender: Female | Aliases: Class Rep
Name: Kanbe Kotori | Gender: Female
[Kotori]: "Waaa, that's terrible. You'd better go wash them."
[Lucia]: "Fortunately, I have spares. But who would do something so sinister!?"
Damn...I wasn't expecting spares.
But I won't give up that easily. I will uncover class rep's secret, even if it kills me!
[Kotarou]: "Class rep, look ouuut!! An eraser fell from the sky!"
[Lucia]: "Eh? Dowa!!"
[Kotarou]: "Class rep, look ouuut!! That desk is covered in ink for some reason!"
[Lucia]: "Hmm? Fugya!?"
[Kotarou]: "Class rep, look ouuut!! An open can of juice!"
[Lucia]: "What!? Gyapu!"
Class rep has surprisingly good reflexes.
She evades all my attacks by a hair's breadth.
But each time I accomplish my real objective: ruining her gloves.
The problem is she has a spare pair every single time.
H-how many spare gloves does she have!?
Now this is a war of attrition. Will I give up first, or will she run out of spares first!?
And thus, my clandestine activities result in class rep being attacked by mysterious poltergeists all day long.
[Kotarou]: "Class rep, look ouuut!! A sudden can of paint!"
[Lucia]: "Wa!? Pigya!"
She flawlessly evades my precise attack from behind.
But as planned, I stained her gloves yet again.
Oh? ...up until now she switched to her spares immediately. She's not doing that now.
Was that...her final pair!?
[Lucia]: "What on earth is going on today!? This is absurd!"
[Kotarou]: "I couldn't agree more. By the way, how many spare gloves do you have?"
[Lucia]: "Tennouji. I challenge you to rock paper scissors."
She holds out paper instead of the usual rock. I follow suit without thinking.
My palm is covered in the same paint I just used to attack her.
[Lucia]: "Oh, what a coincidence. Your hands are also covered in paint."
[Kotarou]: "Oh, what a coincidence. Your gloves are also covered in paint."
[Lucia]: "...is this why you shouted a warning every single time?"
[Kotarou]: "No, no, that's a misunderstanding. I wasn't after your gloves, class rep."
[Lucia]: "M-my gloves...!? Th-there is nothing special about them."
[Kotarou]: "Huhuhu, I've already figured it out, Konohana Lucia-kun. Those gloves conceal a shameful secret. Now, confess!"
[Lucia]: "I have no secret, you ruffian!"
[Kotarou]: "Then take off your gloves and show me your hands. If you're guilty, there will be a mysterious symbol on them!"
[Kotarou]: "No doubt it'll be some embarrassing and painful coat of arms like the ones in that fantasy manga I read forever ago."
[Kotarou]: "Now, show it to me without shame! Come on, do it!"
[Lucia]: "I-I don't know what you're talking about, but it's not true. There's nothing on my hands!"
[Kotarou]: "Then show me and I'll stop bugging you."
[Lucia]: "......wh-wh-wh-why do I have to show you my hands? No. It's filthy. It's indecent!"
Suddenly, a whistle blows.
Oh, it's moral guard Shizuru-san.
[Shizuru]: "No, Kotarou. Do not bully people."
[Lucia]: "H-he's not bullying me! Tennouji Kotarou is insisting that I take off my gloves."
[Shizuru]: "If you don't want to, then that's bullying. You must not bully girls. *phweeeeet*"
She blows it again.
Hmmmm, if she remains adamant that this is bullying, I'm done for.
And I'd finally managed to corner class rep...I was so close to having my maid school life...!
[Lucia]: "Maid school life?"
[Shizuru]: "Is that the college you want to go to?"
[Kotarou]: "No, no, class rep was supposed to start doing that tomorrow."
[Shizuru]: "I don't understand."
[Lucia]: "What could that possibly have to do with my gloves?"
[Kotarou]: "Umm, well...I figured you were hiding something embarrassing on your hand."
[Lucia]: "Now I am even more confused. Why would you think there is something on my hand?"
[Shizuru]: "You've made a mistake, Kotarou."
[Lucia]: "That seems to be the case...he has convinced himself I wear these gloves to hide something."
[Shizuru]: "Kotarou, will you back down after seeing Lucia's hands?"
[Kotarou]: "Eh? I guess so..."
I feel left out of the conversation...
And the way they're talking, it's almost like class rep doesn't have any secrets after all...
[Lucia]: "Were all the strange incidents today your doing? Did you do all of that just to see my hands?"
[Kotarou]: "Umm, well, kinda..."
[Lucia]: "Haa...you can only see it once. Look at it as much as you like, and learn how wasted your efforts today have been."
Class rep heaves a sigh, and pulls off her final paint-stained gloves...
...and her bare hands......
[Kotarou]: "They look completely normal......can I see the other side?"
[Lucia]: "I-is this enough!?"
Looks like showing someone her hands is uncomfortable for her. Must be because she wears gloves so often.
She very slowly turns them around, showing me all 360 degrees.
Sadly, there's absolutely nothing unusual about them.
[Shizuru]: "Lucia's hands are pretty."
[Lucia]: "Thank you."
[Kotarou]: "Ummm...so why do you wear those gloves every day? I was sure they were hiding something..."
[Lucia]: "Because I don't want to touch filthy people like you! Are you satisfied now!? You filthy filthy filthy boy!"
[Kotarou]: "So you really do just wear them for cleanliness."
[Kotarou]: "My wonderful school life is gone...*sob*..."
[Shizuru]: "Lucia, your gloves are ruined. Do you have spares?"
[Lucia]: "I'm out of white ones. Fortunately, I have one other left."
Class rep pulls a very un-feminine thick-skinned glove out of her pocket.
There are rivets on the knuckles. It looks like something a heavy metal rocker would wear.
Getting hit by that thing would probably hurt.
[Kotarou]: "I think I know where this is going."
[Lucia]: "*smile*"
[Kotarou]: "*nervous smile*"
All my work is done for today.
[Kotarou]: "Hey, Koto, ri! Let's begin n-n-n-now!"
[Kotori]: "Okay~ Shake it now, baby now~♪"
I invite Kotori to the club with a hip and a hop.
She seems utterly baffled.
[Kotarou]: "Yeah, we're always like this."
[Chihaya]: "Always...?"
[Kotori]: "Shake it now." |
Name: Senri Akane | Gender: Female | Aliases: Prez, The Witch of the School
Name: Ohtori Chihaya | Gender: Female | Aliases: Chi
Name: Nakatsu Shizuru | Gender: Female | Aliases: Shizu
Name: Konohana Lucia | Gender: Female | Aliases: Class Rep
Name: Kanbe Kotori | Gender: Female
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
[Chihaya]: "Umm, sorry...I don't understand."
[Kotori]: "Baby now!?"
She appends her emotions to the lyrics.
[Kotarou]: "It's an in-joke, don't worry about it."
[Kotori]: "Tee-hee."
[Kotarou]: "You too, Chihaya. Let's begin n-n-n-now!"
[Kotori]: "Chi-chan~ Shake it now, baby now~♪"
[Chihaya]: "Wh-what am I supposed to do!?"
[Kotarou]: "I guess it's a bit too soon."
[Kotori]: "Yeah, no helping it."
[Chihaya]: "I-I'll try to learn..."
Maybe someday Chihaya will join in our hip and hop.
Shizuru's eating a rice cookie in the club room.
[Kotarou]: "Oh, you got here fast."
"No, I only just got here☆" She replies like a lover.
That's a lie.
[Akane]: "...you're responsible."
[Kotarou]: "Huh? What for, Prez?"
[Akane]: "Oh, nothing..."
[Akane]: "Just forcing me to entertain your random guests."
[Kotarou]: "Ah."
So Prez gave her the rice cookie.
[Shizuru]: "It's delicious."
[Akane]: "I see...thank you."
[Chihaya]: "So, who is this?"
[Kotori]: "I've seen her in the cafeteria."
[Shizuru]: "...Kotarou."
She looks at me for help.
[Kotarou]: "Ummm, she's a friend of mine. She'll be helping us with the club."
[Kotori]: "Hoeee, you're actually recruiting people..."
[Kotarou]: "This is Shizuru."
[Kotarou]: "She's multi-purpose and portable."
[Shizuru]: "I am Shizuru."
[Shizuru]: "I'm a mutable porpoise and porthole."
My sales pitch turned nautically nonsensical.
[Kotori]: "Ummm, I'm Kotori. Second-year."
[Shizuru]: "Kotori-san Year Two..."
[Kotori]: "Ooooo..."
[Kotarou]: "What?"
[Kotori]: "Somehow...hearing a first-year using my given name feels weird!"
[Shizuru]: "Kotori...senpai."
[Kotori]: "It's weird! I'm twitching all over!"
[Kotori]: "Uuuuu...sorry, I'm not used to it."
[Shizuru]: "Kotori."
[Kotori]: "That's accurate."
[Kotarou]: "You're okay with her using your first name all by itself?"
[Kotori]: "Don't you do the same thing, Kotarou-kun? I'm used to this."
She's quite honest.
[Kotori]: "Anyway, this is Chi-chan-senpai."
[Shizuru]: "Chi-senpai."
Evidently she didn't think the "-chan" was a good idea.
[Chihaya]: "You don't need to call me senpai either."
[Shizuru]: "...Chi."
[Chihaya]: "You can use whatever you want."
[Shizuru]: "Mmm..."
[Shizuru]: "I hope we get along well."
She bows.
[Kotori]: "Yep, me too."
[Chihaya]: "Me three."
Introduction complete.
[Kotori]: "Now that we have a new member...it feels much more like a club now."
[Kotarou]: "That's a good thing."
[Akane]: "Such a good thing..."
[Kotarou]: "Prez, is something wrong?"
[Akane]: "I don't approve of friendly gatherings or uncontrolled mobs in this room."
[Akane]: "Tennouji, there will only be something wrong if you mismanage them."
...so she's not convinced Shizuru will help with club activities.
But I'm sure she will, even if all she does is make us all feel peaceful.
[Kotarou]: "Now then...let me show you what our new Occult Club member is capable of."
Let's go investigate something. I've got a stockpile of leads to choose from.
[Kotarou]: "Hmmmm, what are the options..."
As I rifle through my mental notebook...
Someone's cell phone rings.
She steps back.
[Kotori]: "A friend?"
She nods.
Then she says "It's me" to the mysterious caller.
That's a lie.
[Shizuru]: "It's me."
...or not.
[Shizuru]: "Right now? Umm..."
[Kotarou]: "I am currently participating in a club orchestrated by nice guy Tennouji Kotarou."
[Shizuru]: "I am currently participating in a club orchestrated by nice guy Tennouji Kotarou."
She repeats it word for word.
[Shizuru]: "Why? Umm..."
She's thinking out loud again.
[Kotarou]: "I am head over heels for him."
[Shizuru]: "I am head over heels for him."
[Kotarou]: "So much so I want him to eat me."
[Shizuru]: "So much so I want him to eat me."
[Kotarou]: "I'm ripe for the picking, uhun~"
[Shizuru]: "I'm ripe for the picking, uhun~"
[Kotarou]: "...we joke around like that all the time but never mean it."
[Shizuru]: "She hung up."
[Kotarou]: "What."
[Chihaya]: "Who was that?"
[Shizuru]: "Lucia."
The moment I hear that name, my blood freezes.
[Kotori]: "Lucia as in Konohana Lucia-san?"
She nods.
Is class rep truly capable of writing that all off as a joke?
No, if she hung up at that point, there's no doubt...
See? I can hear her running.
I can hear her closing in.
I freak out.
It feels like the top of my stomach is being squeezed.
There's only one thing I can do.
[Lucia]: "Tennouji Kotarooooooooooooou!!"
[Kotarou]: "Jesus...I pray for you in hell."
Farewell, earth.
I fly through the sky...
[Lucia]: "If it was a joke then you should have said so..."
[Shizuru]: "You hung up before we did."
[Lucia]: "M-mmm..."
[Kotarou]: "Please don't kill me over hasty conclusions."
[Lucia]: "I-it's still your fault for telling such an indecent joke! No, that was far too malicious to pass as a joke!"
[Shizuru]: "I'm ripe for the picking, uhun~"
[Kotarou]: "See? Shizuru knew it was a joke and joined in out of her own free will."
[Lucia]: "Mm...uu..."
[Shizuru]: "You might be wrong this time, Lucia."
[Shizuru]: "Bullying is not cool."
Shizuru almost speaks a legendary line without realizing it. |
Name: Nakatsu Shizuru | Gender: Female | Aliases: Shizu
Name: Konohana Lucia | Gender: Female | Aliases: Class Rep
Name: Kanbe Kotori | Gender: Female
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
Name: Senri Akane | Gender: Female | Aliases: Prez, The Witch of the School
Name: Ohtori Chihaya | Gender: Female | Aliases: Chi
[Shizuru]: "But Kotarou, you shouldn't start jokes like that without knowing who we're talking to."
[Kotarou]: "You're right..."
[Shizuru]: "Mutual fault."
[Kotarou]: "But you repeated after me without hesitation..."
[Shizuru]: "I'm also at fault."
[Chihaya]: "You're all so adult."
[Shizuru]: "I'm ripe, uhun~"
[Kotarou]: "That's completely out of character so you probably shouldn't use it."
[Shizuru]: "Muu..."
[Lucia]: "By the way...what is this room? I did not know there was such a place in this school."
Suddenly, the lights go out.
[Akane]: "Welcome, gypsy, to my secret lair."
This again...
[Lucia]: "Secret lair...!?"
[Kotori]: "*munch* *munch*"
[Chihaya]: "These are delicious~"
[Shizuru]: "*nibble* *nibble* *nibble*"
[Lucia]: "I can hear the others eating rice crackers. Are you sure this qualifies as a secret lair?"
[Kotarou]: "Prez, this really isn't the right time to use that..."
The lights come back on.
[Akane]: "You're no fun."
[Akane]: "My private intellectual dwelling has been infected by morons..."
[Kotarou]: "What's the problem? It's more fun this way."
[Lucia]: "Why are you all here anyway?"
[Lucia]: "I am aware Tennouji has been searching the school recently..."
[Kotarou]: "This is the Occult Research Club."
[Lucia]: "Occult?"
[Kotarou]: "This is what we do..."
I show her the blog, which describes our club activities.
[Lucia]: "I see. I understand the basic concept, but..."
[Lucia]: "...why is Shizuru here?"
[Shizuru]: "To help out."
[Lucia]: "???"
[Kotarou]: "We're actually friends."
Shizuru nods and holds my hand, trying to look friendly for Lucia.
[Lucia]: "...why are you and Shizuru..."
[Kotarou]: "It's a long story."
[Shizuru]: "Yes, a long story."
[Kotarou]: "And thus, for the pursuit of knowledge...for the creation of entertainment...and in order to pry open the contradictions of our modern society..."
[Akane]: "Also for boobs."
[Lucia]: "......what?"
[Kotarou]: "Umm, nothing...we just have fun investigating the unknown and answering the world's deepest questions."
[Akane]: "Also boobs."
I feel cold sweat.
[Akane]: "Weren't you going to touch my chest?"
[Kotarou]: "Um-um-umm, th-th-that's not what it sounds like..."
[Akane]: "I thought that was part of your synergy diagram before."
[Kotarou]: "You read my mind!?"
[Kotori]: "Not this again..."
[Lucia]: "Tennouji Kotarou?"
Cold air brushes against my cheek.
[Kotarou]: "It's nothing, really..."
[Akane]: "What happened to performing lewd conduct?"
[Kotarou]: "You brought up that part! All I asked for was boobs!"
[Kotarou]: "...oops."
[Shizuru]: "Kotarou...unfortunately my boobs aren't big enough for you to enjoy touching them..."
[Kotarou]: "That's your response!? Umm, small boobs are also in huge demand these days and I wouldn't exactly mind myself!!"
[Lucia]: "You would dare...violate Shizuru as well...?"
[Kotarou]: "No, I was just nipping her inferiority complex in the bud, I wasn't gonna..."
[Lucia]: "Are you prepared?"
[Kotarou]: "Prepared..."
The world feels distant all of a sudden.
Yes...I saw this in a dream once.
[Me]: "I..."
[Me]: "I wanted to fly."
[Me]: "...to ride the wind...through this azure sky..."
She told me...
[Her]: "You can..."
[Her]: "You can fly as far as you like."
[Her]: "Yes―――"
[Lucia]: "―――Using my fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiists!!!"
[Kotarou]: "Nogyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!"
Fly to the blue...to the sky of my dreams...
As those lines pass through my mind, I dance through the sky in a tailspin.
Goodnight, Moon.
[Chihaya]: "That was some great hangtime."
[Lucia]: "...the point is! There is no reason for Shizuru to participate in a club led by this horrible excuse for a man!"
[Kotarou]: "Actually...Akane's in charge..."
[Lucia]: "Why should I care? Shizuru, let's go."
She looks troubled.
[Shizuru]: "...Kotarou isn't as horrible as you say he is, Lucia."
Though I am pretty horrible.
[Lucia]: "Wh-what has come over you? ...why defend this greedy, shameless man?"
[Shizuru]: "Is it not natural for boys his age to show interest in boobs?"
[Shizuru]: "Is it not natural for him to want to touch them?"
Shizuru begins vouching for all pubescent boys on Earth.
Right now, she is a goddess.
[Shizuru]: "But Kotarou isn't the type to act on that desire directly...though you may not believe me."
[Lucia]: "He touched mine just this morning!"
[Shizuru]: "...wasn't that an accident? Lucia, you tend to blame people for things before making sure they're guilty."
[Lucia]: "W-well..."
I feel a strong trust in me.
An angel has truly descended upon us.
[Kotarou]: "And it's not like boobs are the only reason I'm running this club..."
[Lucia]: "M-maybe, but...I don't know how boys would feel about this, nor do I want to..."
[Lucia]: "If I allowed him to follow his disgusting urges it would become unpleasant for all of us. Would it not?"
[Shizuru]: "Mmm...it's unpleasant for you, Lucia?"
[Lucia]: "Of course...how is it not unsettling to have someone stare at your chest?"
[Lucia]: "So what if mine are larger than average? I cannot stand it when boys go on and on about it!"
Aaah, class rep's chest is pretty big. Pubescent boys must gaze upon it with passion quite often...
[Shizuru]: "Lucia..."
[Shizuru]: "You have no right to complain about that!"
Heavy words...
[Chihaya]: "......*munch* *munch*"
Approximately one person is still inhaling snacks, but most of the room has frozen.
That was probably the most powerful thing Shizuru's said yet...
[Shizuru]: "That aside..."
[Shizuru]: "I have already accepted."
[Shizuru]: "I don't want to go back on my promise."
[Lucia]: "All right, I understand."
[Lucia]: "I do not know why you are defending this man's honor, Shizuru..." |
Name: Konohana Lucia | Gender: Female | Aliases: Class Rep
Name: Nakatsu Shizuru | Gender: Female | Aliases: Shizu
Name: Senri Akane | Gender: Female | Aliases: Prez, The Witch of the School
Name: Kanbe Kotori | Gender: Female
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
Name: Ohtori Chihaya | Gender: Female | Aliases: Chi
[Lucia]: "But if you insist, then I have the right and duty to keep watch over you and ensure nothing indecent happens."
[Shizuru]: "I don't think it's a duty."
[Lucia]: "It feels like one!"
[Lucia]: "Tennouji Kotarou, I will be joining this group of yours."
[Kotarou]: "......huh?"
[Lucia]: "Understood!?"
[Kotarou]: "Ah, sure, glad to have you."
[Lucia]: "Do not misunderstand. I am not here to help you, but to protect Shizuru."
[Kotori]: "A textbook tsundere rival character..."
[Kotarou]: "I'm still a bit confused, but..."
Lucia is now your friend!
[Shizuru]: "And that is that."
[Chihaya]: "I didn't follow all that, but you're going to help with the club, right?"
[Lucia]: "That's right. I hope we get along."
[Kotarou]: "Conflict is brewing..."
[Akane]: "Tennouji..."
Prez glares at me.
[Kotarou]: "B-but this was her idea!"
[Kotarou]: "Besides, you've seen how powerful she is. She'll do wonders for our party's offensive capabilities."
[Akane]: "You plan on doing things that require offensive power? I look forward to this..."
[Lucia]: "So, what are we going to do today?"
[Kotarou]: "Oh yeah, that's right."
[Chihaya]: "I think we spent all our club time talking about this."
[Kotarou]: "Ah, you're right..."
There used to be a pile of rice cookies in front of Chihaya.
And this hungry hungry heroine has been wolfing them down the entire time we were talking.
[Kotori]: "Chi-chan, that's too much."
[Chihaya]: "Huh? Is it?"
[Akane]: "...you'll need to buy more."
[Chihaya]: "Wh-what!? These aren't free!?"
[Kotarou]: "So much for today's club activities..."
There's no time left, so I'd better give up on that...
[Kotarou]: "We won't be able to investigate anything today, but everyone keep an eye out for potential leads!"
The girls continue making happy noises and devouring snacks.
Well...I guess it's not a bad thing, but...
[Kotarou]: "At this rate we'll never complete any real quests..."
But I still need to keep my eyes out for more information.
No slacking off now. |
Name: Nakatsu Shizuru | Gender: Female | Aliases: Shizu
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
Name: Haruhiko Yoshino | Gender: Male
October 19th (Tuesday)
Oh, it's Yoshino.
...he's hanging his head in front of the vending machine...
[Kotarou]: "What's wrong, Yoshino-san?"
[Yoshino]: "You..."
[Yoshino]: "Begone. I'm in no mood to watch your pitiful comedy acts."
[Kotarou]: "I'm not doing any comedy...but what is it?"
[Yoshino]: "You might not understand, but..."
[Yoshino]: "The world is so meaningless..."
He hangs his head again.
[Kotarou]: "Meaningless...?"
[Kotarou]: "What is it? Hu! Tell me what's on your mind, huhu!"
[Yoshino]: "Stop laughing with a straight face, bastard."
[Kotarou]: "Ahahahaha, you're just so funny."
[Yoshino]: "...I'll kill you."
He grabs my chest.
[Kotarou]: "Sorry! Sorry! I'm sorry!"
[Kotarou]: "Come on, tell me. It's okay, Yoshino."
[Yoshino]: "You're still mocking me...but all right."
[Yoshino]: "A minute ago, I picked up a 500 yen coin over there."
[Kotarou]: "Oooh."
[Yoshino]: "So...since I was parched, I put it into this vending machine here."
[Yoshino]: "And then it ate the coin."
[Kotarou]: "Eh? This thing's broken?"
I put a ten yen coin in.
I pull the return lever.
[Kotarou]: "You're right...it's not responding."
[Yoshino]: "Easy come, easy go is a very true statement..."
He looks up at the sky.
[Yoshino]: "So...I was thinking."
[Yoshino]: "Human happiness...is so transient..."
He covers his eyes with one hand and looks down.
Why is everything this guy does so funny?
[Kotarou]: "That's true..."
I turn away from Yoshino. I can't stop myself from smirking.
But if he sees me smirking I'll get kicked again.
[Kotarou]: "Well..."
I suppress my smirk and turn around.
[Kotarou]: "That's just how the cookie crumbles."
[Yoshino]: "Yeah, whoever said life is beautiful was a big fat liar."
[Kotarou]: "Life is beautiful is a lie..."
[Kotarou]: "Huhuuuuuuu!!!"
I couldn't hold it in anymore.
He grabs me by the chest and impounds me with his fists.
[Kotarou]: "Ah, sorry, sorry!! You're just so funny!"
[Yoshino]: "...I'm gonna pulverize you."
[Kotarou]: "Yeah, I guess that makes sense."
[Kotarou]: "But I can understand what you mean about it being meaningless."
[Yoshino]: "You can't get away with doing bad things after all."
[Kotarou]: "But if you did something good instead, maybe that would help?"
[Yoshino]: "...I see, you have a point."
[Yoshino]: "Okay, next time I see money on the ground I'll go find who dropped it, no matter how long it takes..."
[Yoshino]: "Even if I have to run around school yelling."
[Kotarou]: "But if it's only a hundred yen or so, would the guy even notice it was gone?"
[Yoshino]: "You have a point."
[Yoshino]: "500 yen and below is too little to be worth it."
[Kotarou]: "Sounds good."
[Yoshino]: "Then if I find more than 500 I'll run around school yelling to find who dropped it..."
[Kotarou]: "Good luck with that."
Yoshino-kun discovers his conscience.
[Yoshino]: "As for right now, leaving this vending machine alone doesn't feel right..."
[Yoshino]: "Ha! I know. I'll write a sign saying it's out of order."
He's diligent.
[Yoshino]: "Hm?"
He looks in the shadow of the vending machine.
[Yoshino]: "This is someone's change purse."
[Kotarou]: "Ah, you're right."
A cute pink change purse is lying on the ground next to the vending machine.
Yoshino picks it up.
[Yoshino]: "Crap...there's 501 yen in it."
[Kotarou]: "Hmmm...what to do?"
[Yoshino]: "There's 501 yen in this damn thing!"
[Kotarou]: "Eh? Well, yes there is."
[Yoshino]: "I just said I'd run all over school if I found more than 500..."
[Yoshino]: "I just said it!"
[Kotarou]: "Well, we did conclude 500 was a good cut-off line..."
[Yoshino]: "Why did I say that!?"
[Yoshino]: "I've already committed myself!!"
[Kotarou]: "So...I guess you have to find the owner."
[Yoshino]: "Who dropped this change puuurse!?"
He really is running around school yelling at everyone.
They say diligence is just a kind of stupidity, but I think stupidity can be a virtue.
The right thing to do can sometimes be comical.
But it's still right.
And he's proving my point as we speak.
[Yoshino]: "Hey, did you drop this?"
[First-Year]: "Hii! Wh-what did I do!?"
No, he's just stupid.
[Kotarou]: "Wait a minute, don't scare him like that."
[Yoshino]: "Fine, go."
[Kotarou]: "Sorry, we're looking for someone who dropped their purse."
[First-Year]: "O-okay..."
The first-year leaves, confused.
[Yoshino]: "Don't get in my way...and why are you following me anyway?"
[Kotarou]: "Who cares? I'm pretty useful, you know."
[Yoshino]: "Fine...do what you want."
[Yoshino]: "Whoever dropped this purse, show yourseeeelf!! I'm here to give it back to youuuu!!"
Unfortunately the owner probably won't come out after hearing this (though maybe the criminal mastermind behind all this will come out to fight him).
There must be a way to do this peacefully without hurting Yoshino's pride...
Then a familiar face comes out of the classroom.
[Shizuru]: ".........?"
It's the criminal mastermind.
That's a lie.
"What on earth is going on here?" Shizuru's face asks.
I'd probably be confused too, given how Yoshino's acting.
[Kotarou]: "We're looking for someone who dropped their change purse."
[Shizuru]: ".........?"
She seems to understand and yet be puzzled at the same time.
[Shizuru]: "So why the yelling...?"
[Kotarou]: "He has his reasons. It's best to let him be."
[Shizuru]: "...mmm."
"Ah!" She remembers.
[Shizuru]: "That's the guy you traded the anpan to."
Oh yeah, I never introduced them.
[Yoshino]: "What? Who's this girl?"
[Shizuru]: ".........!"
She hides behind me.
I guess she's shy.
[Kotarou]: "It's fine, this guy may call himself a mad dog, but he won't bite." |
Name: Nakatsu Shizuru | Gender: Female | Aliases: Shizu
Name: Haruhiko Yoshino | Gender: Male
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
Name: Ohtori Sakuya | Gender: Male
She's wary of him. Yoshino does look pretty scary on first glance.
[Yoshino]: "You know her?"
[Kotarou]: "Yeah, this is Shizuru-san. She looks cute on the outside, but in the seaside back alleys she's known as Bloody Shizuru. Underestimate her and you'll be a puddle of blood in 0.5 seconds."
[Yoshino]: "What...!? She's from there!?"
[Shizuru]: "A puddle...?"
[Shizuru]: "Anyway, I'm Shizuru. Pleased to meet you."
[Yoshino]: "Y-yes...pleased to meet you as well."
I successfully freaked out Yoshino for no reason.
She pulls my sleeve. "Who is he?"
[Kotarou]: "Ah, this guy. He's..."
[Kotarou]: "A local weirdo."
[Yoshino]: "Hey...what's with that half-assed introduction?"
She nods, impressed.
[Yoshino]: "Why are you believing him!?"
[Kotarou]: "As far as Shizuru is concerned, all you do is commit gaffes such as joyously inhaling the smell of anpan and running through the halls yelling at people."
[Shizuru]: "Gaffes...?"
[Kotarou]: "You're thinking of giraffes."
[Kotarou]: "Detective Edogawa Kumin."
[Shizuru]: "Oooh..."
She's impressed.
[Yoshino]: "You bastard, that's not my name and I'm not a detective!! What made you say I was!?"
[Kotarou]: "It just felt right."
[Shizuru]: "Edogawa-san?"
[Yoshino]: "Nooo!!!"
[Kotarou]: "Alexei Hexas the Third."
[Yoshino]: "You bastard...don't make it sound like I'm the third generation of people who casts hexes on asses!!"
[Shizuru]: "What...?"
She is in shock.
[Shizuru]: "Hex...ass..."
[Shizuru]: "Hexas!"
[Yoshino]: "Don't explain the joke! And I have no interest in asses!!"
[Yoshino]: "You...how dare you make such a fool out of me!?"
[Kotarou]: "Well it's all a lie."
[Yoshino]: "Oh, I see, you were lying."
[Kotarou]: "Yeah, the whole time."
[Yoshino]: "...I'll kill you. I really will kill you."
[Kotarou]: "Owww!! My shoulder blade seriously hurts!!"
[Yoshino]: "Looks like you won't get it until I give you a proper strangling."
[Shizuru]: "Are you fighting?"
[Kotarou]: "Not quite, Shizuru. I know what it looks like, but actually this guy loves me."
[Yoshino]: "Screw you! I never wanted to hang out with you in the first place!"
[Kotarou]: "So you hate me?"
[Yoshino]: "Yes, I hate you. Every moment I spend with you makes my temple throb in frustration."
[Kotarou]: "What this guy really meant to say is that he loves me."
[Shizuru]: "Oh-ho..."
Shizuru-san believes me instantly.
[Yoshino]: "Cut it out already or I'll kill you!"
[Kotarou]: "Whoa whoa whoa, it's just a joke, just a joke."
[Yoshino]: "...someday, you will die."
Anyway, introductions are over.
[Kotarou]: "Shizuru, if you see anyone who lost their change purse, please tell us."
[Shizuru]: "Roger."
[Yoshino]: "Anyway, pleased to meet you, oh great and powerful Shizu-san."
[Shizuru]: "Farewell Giraffe-san."
[Kotarou]: "You mean gaffer."
[Yoshino]: "Don't correct her!!"
[Shizuru]: "Farewell Detective Edogawa Kumin-san."
[Yoshino]: "Not that!! I've never lived in Edogawa once in my life!!"
[Shizuru]: "Farewell Hexas."
[Yoshino]: "Nooo! I've never cast a hex on anyone! Much less on their ass!!"
[Yoshino]: "You're gonna make all the first-year girls spread weird rumors about me!!"
[Kotarou]: "Don't worry, it'll be fine."
...I don't think Shizuru has that many friends.
Speaking of which...
[Kotarou]: "Oops."
[Yoshino]: "Huh? What is it?"
[Kotarou]: "I just realized I don't know Shizuru's surname. I should've asked."
[Yoshino]: "100% your fault."
[Kotarou]: "Hmmm, well I can always ask next time."
I've bumped into Shizuru a lot though, you'd think I'd have heard it by now...
Actually, she always introduces herself with just her first name...
[Yoshino]: "By the way, is something wrong with her eye?"
He points to his right eye as he says that.
He must mean her eyepatch. I guess it really does stand out.
[Kotarou]: "Well...I don't actually know."
[Yoshino]: "I see. Then I won't ask."
I actually don't know much about Shizuru at all.
...why does she like me so much?
[Yoshino]: "I still can't find this person..."
[Kotarou]: "Hmm, you'd think they'd notice their change purse was missing."
They must have dropped it a few days ago, so maybe they're too sick to go to school today or something.
[Kotarou]: "Ah."
[Yoshino]: "What?"
[Kotarou]: "The vending machine's fixed."
I just saw a student buy a carbonated beverage from it.
[Kotarou]: "I'll have some cocoa then."
[Yoshino]: "Do whatever you want..."
[Kotarou]: "What about you, Yoshino?"
[Yoshino]: "Nothing...I'm not in the mood..."
He can't hold back his frustration.
[Yoshino]: "Dammit! I should never have made that stupid vow."
[Yoshino]: "Enough, I'm through with this! I'm going back to being a bad boy!"
[Kotarou]: "Hold on a second, Yoshino-kun."
I buy Yoshino's favorite sports drink and hand it to him.
[Kotarou]: "People get swept off the path very easily. But they can never attain true happiness if they let that happen."
[Kotarou]: "No matter how long and hard that path is, there's always a reward waiting at the end."
[Kotarou]: "On an easy path you'll never get anything worthwhile, but there are lots of things you can only obtain on the hardest paths."
[Yoshino]: "...that sounds familiar..."
[Kotarou]: "Yeah, people seem to think of me as a brainless idiot so I've been trying to fix that recently."
[??]: "Très bien!!"
[Kotarou]: "Hm?"
I turn around.
[Sakuya]: "Huhuhu, that was a rather amusing speech. You don't sound braindead at all right now."
He's here.
[Kotarou]: "...you're very heavily implying that I normally do sound braindead." |
Name: Ohtori Sakuya | Gender: Male
Name: Haruhiko Yoshino | Gender: Male
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
Name: Ohtori Chihaya | Gender: Female | Aliases: Chi
[Sakuya]: "Well, that is trivial."
[Yoshino]: "Who's this...?"
Yoshino-kun examines Sakuya carefully.
[Yoshino]: "Uu..."
[Sakuya]: "?"
[Kotarou]: "What's wrong, Yoshino?"
[Yoshino]: "N-nothing."
[Sakuya]: "My name is Ohtori Sakuya. Are you...a friend of Smelly Footarou-kun?"
[Kotarou]: "It's Tennouji Kotarou."
[Sakuya]: "They are quite similar."
Only the last few syllables...
[Kotarou]: "Wait...if Yoshino's Hexas and I'm Smelly Footarou...that means I'm gonna be Smelly Assrou any minute now!!"
[Yoshino]: "I told you I've never hexed anyone!!"
[Sakuya]: "That aside, Footarou-kun, friend thereof."
[Kotarou]: "It's Kotarou."
[Sakuya]: "You appear to have my purse."
[Yoshino]: "This is yours?"
[Sakuya]: "Yes, it's mine."
[Sakuya]: "Open it and check the name on the tag."
[Yoshino]: "Hm? Let's see...o...h...t..."
[Sakuya]: "It says Ohtori, right?"
[Kotarou]: "Yeah, it does."
[Sakuya]: "I dropped it this morning, and have been looking for it ever since. I am indebted to you."
Since he annoys me, maybe I should rewrite it as "Oh! Tori!"
But before I make up my mind, Sakuya takes it away.
[Sakuya]: "Hmm, what is your friend's name?"
[Yoshino]: "...Yoshino."
[Sakuya]: "Thank you very much, Yoshino-kun."
[Sakuya]: "I will repay you for this someday. Come to me when you are in dire need of assistance."
[Yoshino]: "O-okay."
[Sakuya]: "Do not hesitate to ask, Yoshino-kun."
[Kotarou]: "Eh? You act normal to Yoshino?"
[Sakuya]: "Of course. I only hate you, Footarou-kun."
[Kotarou]: "...I see."
Also it's Kotarou.
[Kotarou]: "Why do you hate me so much anyway?"
I really don't remember doing anything to you.
[Sakuya]: "Good question. When I first saw you, I felt as though I'd met my destiny."
[Sakuya]: "Perhaps we will be enemies someday, huhuhu."
[Kotarou]: "That's not much of an answer."
[Sakuya]: "Well, you're also a frivolous man who acts close to Chihaya-san all the time. Is that not a good enough reason?"
[Kotarou]: "What's wrong with being nice to a transfer student?"
[Sakuya]: "Don't you have a childhood friend anyway, Footarou-kun?"
[Kotarou]: "I haven't gotten anywhere with Kotori."
[Sakuya]: "So she's your backup? You are horrible."
[Kotarou]: "It's not that..."
[Sakuya]: "In that case, let me leave you with these words."
[Sakuya]: ""Do not take your money or your pulse for granted.""
[Yoshino]: "Those are heavy words..."
[Sakuya]: "Please do not forget them."
[Kotarou]: "I don't like the sound of them..."
[Kotarou]: "Also, why do you have such a fancy change purse?"
[Kotarou]: "Uu."
He puts his index finger to my lips.
[Sakuya]: "Shh."
He pats me on the head.
[Kotarou]: "Umm...I'm sure girls would love that, but on me it's just weird..."
[Sakuya]: "Hahaha, you're such a disgusting playboy, Footarou-kun."
[Kotarou]: "You really are annoying."
[Chihaya]: "Oh, Sakuya?"
[Sakuya]: "Yes, Chihaya-san?"
[Chihaya]: "What are you doing here?"
[Sakuya]: "I stopped by after doing some shopping."
[Kotarou]: "And you just happen to be wearing our uniform?"
[Sakuya]: "Changing on campus is far from difficult."
[Kotarou]: "You changed here...?"
[Sakuya]: "Would you like a drink, Chihaya-san?"
[Chihaya]: "I would."
She rummages through her pocket.
[Chihaya]: "Huh? Where'd my purse go..."
He just did something to Chihaya's pocket.
[Sakuya]: "Try checking it again."
[Chihaya]: "Eh?"
[Chihaya]: "I-it's there now. I guess I wasn't looking hard enough, eheheh."
...she pulls a small pink change purse out of her pocket.
[Kotarou]: "Umm, but we..."
He puts his finger to my nose, telling me to be quiet.
I go quiet for some reason.
Do they both share it or something?
[Yoshino]: "...I'm going now."
[Kotarou]: "Oh, are you?"
[Yoshino]: "I'm not here to play nice with you."
[Sakuya]: "Really? Please be nice to Chihaya-san at least."
[Yoshino]: "Sorry, wolves don't make friends with anyone."
[Sakuya]: "Exactly my point. Wolves can do more with their fangs than just hurt people."
[Yoshino]: "Hu...I wouldn't be so sure. Can fangs red with blood ever protect sheep? ...I'd like to know myself."
Somehow these two are hitting it off...
[Kotarou]: "Eh? What about me?"
[Sakuya]: "I hate you."
[Chihaya]: "He hates you."
I noticed.
Yoshino walks off in silence.
[Kotarou]: "Ah, wait..."
[Kotarou]: "See you later."
[Sakuya]: "I pray those become your final words on earth."
[Kotarou]: "...I shouldn't have said anything."
I wave goodbye to the (not really) siblings and follow Yoshino.
[Yoshino]: "What? ...don't follow me."
[Kotarou]: "You know you like it."
[Yoshino]: "I'll kill you."
[Kotarou]: "I'm sorry."
[Yoshino]: "......fine."
[Yoshino]: "That man is no pipsqueak."
[Kotarou]: "Yeah, apparently he's one of the world's few butlers."
[Yoshino]: "...a butler..."
[Yoshino]: "That's rather appealing..."
[Kotarou]: "And thus begins Yoshino-kun's interest in boy's love."
[Kotarou]: "That hurts."
[Yoshino]: "Say that again and you die."
[Kotarou]: "I wouldn't mind if you killed me."
[Yoshino]: "Seriously? Should I beat you to death right now?"
He grabs me by the chest.
[Kotarou]: "Sorry, that wasn't serious."
[Yoshino]: "I told you to stop following me."
[Kotarou]: "Our homes are in the same direction."
[Yoshino]: "Hmph, fine."
[Yoshino]: "I don't feel like starting a bloodbath with you..." |
Name: Haruhiko Yoshino | Gender: Male
Name: Senri Akane | Gender: Female | Aliases: Prez, The Witch of the School
Name: Ohtori Sakuya | Gender: Male
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
Name: Ohtori Chihaya | Gender: Female | Aliases: Chi
Name: Kanbe Kotori | Gender: Female
Name: Konohana Lucia | Gender: Female | Aliases: Class Rep
Name: Nakatsu Shizuru | Gender: Female | Aliases: Shizu
[Kotarou]: "We met a lot of people today."
Yoshino seems kinda shy.
But still...
[Kotarou]: (Why did he slip it into Chihaya's pocket...?)
Chihaya drops something
→Sakuya finds it
→He returns it to Chihaya without her noticing
→She never has to worry about it.
It's a beautiful flowchart.
Well, it only worked because Yoshino found the purse, but since Chihaya didn't notice I guess it makes sense.
[Kotarou]: (He's really going out of his way to spoil her...)
Or maybe it's part of a butler's job to take care of things without their master having to worry about them.
[Yoshino]: "What the hell are you thinking?"
[Kotarou]: "I was just thinking I'd like to be one myself."
[Yoshino]: "One what?"
[Kotarou]: "A butler."
[Yoshino]: "...so we're both drawn to it."
[Kotarou]: "Well, that's not really a bad thing."
[Kotarou]: "Come to think of it, did I ever tell Sakuya about Kotori being my childhood friend...?"
[Yoshino]: "Huh? It's obvious just looking at you two."
[Kotarou]: "Just by looking...?"
[Kotarou]: "Ah."
[Sakuya]: "I also hate you for personal reasons."
[Sakuya]: "...please don't stick your neck into things that don't concern you."
[Sakuya]: "After all, I hate you."
[Sakuya]: "Well, you're also a frivolous man who acts close to Chihaya-san all the time. Is that not a good enough reason?"
[Kotarou]: "...has he been watching me since she first transferred...?"
That would be terrifying.
Is this guy a ninja?
[Yoshino]: "I don't know what you're thinking, but..."
[Yoshino]: "Considering how much you're following me, I take it you're ready to finally settle this?"
[Kotarou]: "Settle?"
[Yoshino]: "You and I..."
[Kotarou]: "Hmm..."
[Kotarou]: "You are always going on about that for some reason..."
[Kotarou]: "Fine, let's settle whatever it is."
[Yoshino]: "That's more like it."
[Kotarou]: "But I thought you didn't want to."
[Yoshino]: "When it comes to dueling with you, my tension climaxes in an instant..."
[Yoshino]: "Now, where should we do this?"
[Kotarou]: "The river bed, underneath the bridge. It's a perfect place for a fight. No one will interfere."
[Yoshino]: "Very well. So, when?"
[Kotarou]: "Soon."
[Yoshino]: "When is soon?"
[Kotarou]: "I don't feel like it today."
[Kotarou]: "I think you'd win if we did it now. I'm not very in the zone."
[Yoshino]: "What...?"
[Yoshino]: "What the hell is the point in beating you up if you're like that!?"
[Yoshino]: "When!? When will you be in the fucking zone!?!"
[Kotarou]: "Like I said, soon."
[Yoshino]: "When the hell is sooooon!!?"
Sorry, but "soon" is a cruel adult's way of running away from problems.
We talk warmly (not really) and return to class.
[Kotarou]: "Let's make an ad!"
I suddenly stand up and grab everyone's attention.
But they're all either staring blankly at me or starting to build a plastic RGM-79 model, so I must have not gotten my point across.
I pull out the whiteboard and write "Occult Club Advertisement" on it.
[Kotarou]: "Let's make a commercial!"
I hit the whiteboard.
[Shizuru]: "I thought you said "app"...!"
[Kotarou]: "Nope, ad."
[Kotori]: "Umm..."
[Chihaya]: "What do you mean...a commercial?"
[Kotarou]: "Those things that play between parts of a TV show. How did you not know that, Chihaya?"
[Chihaya]: "I know what they are! I meant why do we suddenly need to make one!?"
[Kotarou]: "Umm...doesn't everyone need an ad in this day and age?"
[Chihaya]: "There's no way we can make one. I'm trying to say that makes no sense."
[Kotarou]: ""It's never been done before"..."no one can do it right now"...I'm sick of hearing those words. We should aim for something new and never-before seen!"
[Kotarou]: "It's a new frontier! I have a dream!!! Yes we can!!!!"
[Kotarou]: "Let's go for it! Aim for the shining blue sea! For the endless sky! For the golden land! For our one true homeland!!"
[Akane]: "Are you stupid?"
[Akane]: "Tennouji is a true idiot. I never realized you were this stupid. You're so dumb my mouth is stuck open. Such a dumb man. Men are so dumb! Ahaha, Y-chromosomes are so braindead!!"
[Kotarou]: "Thank you for insulting half of the human race..."
[Chihaya]: "Ahaha, Kotarou is such an idiot."
[Chihaya]: "Wh-why are you looking at me like that!?"
[Kotarou]: "Having an idiot call me an idiot just makes me feel sorry for the idiot..."
[Chihaya]: "Wh-what does that mean!? Only idiots call other people idiots!"
[Kotarou]: "I guess none of you are suited to be hot-blooded characters."
[Shizuru]: "Yes..."
[Shizuru]: "You can!"
Only one person is excited after my speech.
[Kotarou]: "I'm grateful, Shizuru, but people are too cold..."
"That's not true, boss..." She shakes her head, but she knows she's not the kind of passionate character who can lead this group.
[Lucia]: "So, what are you planning? How do you expect us to make a commercial?"
[Kotarou]: "Yes, yes, that's right. You're probably imagining a video playing on TV between parts of a show."
[Kotarou]: "But that's not what I mean. I'm after something smaller...but that can still speak to the world."
[Kotori]: "Ah, I think I understand."
[Kotarou]: "We have known each other for years, after all."
[Akane]: "So it'll be on Youtube or NicoNico or something?"
[Kotarou]: "Yes, yes, you've worked it out too, Prez."
[Chihaya]: "What are you talking about?"
[Kotarou]: "I am disappointed in you."
[Chihaya]: "Wh-what do you mean!? I don't know so what's wrong with asking!?"
[Kotarou]: "The point is we'll record a video and upload it to the internet."
[Chihaya]: "Upload a video...?" |
Name: Konohana Lucia | Gender: Female | Aliases: Class Rep
Name: Kanbe Kotori | Gender: Female
Name: Nakatsu Shizuru | Gender: Female | Aliases: Shizu
Name: Ohtori Chihaya | Gender: Female | Aliases: Chi
Name: Senri Akane | Gender: Female | Aliases: Prez, The Witch of the School
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
[Kotarou]: "You're a pretty rare character Chihaya, so please remain ignorant forever."
I turn away.
[Kotarou]: "Now, onto the next topic."
[Chihaya]: "Please tell me!!"
[Kotarou]: "It's best to accept your ignorance, Ohtori-kun."
[Chihaya]: "What kind of attitude is that!?"
[Akane]: "He's talking about this."
Akane brings a laptop over.
Shizuru looks at it along with Chihaya. I guess she wasn't familiar with it either.
[Lucia]: "But anything we're capable of making would probably not impress anyone."
[Kotarou]: "I thought about that. I believe that, as long as it's sufficiently familiar and amusing, we can grab our listeners' attention and make it go viral."
[Kotarou]: "So when we upload it, we'll plaster it over as many big-name forums as possible to get threads going. No single site is good enough for us."
[Kotarou]: "We're going to carpet bomb the most well-populated areas of the internet. They'll call us spammers, but that'll only make us more famous."
[Kotarou]: "If the video itself is amusing, that's all that matters."
[Akane]: "So you're going to rely on viral marketing? Are you really capable of doing that?"
[Kotarou]: "Well, we have a witch here with 255 charisma."
[Akane]: "If you want, but you'll be the one flamed for this."
[Kotarou]: "I'll just have to put up with it."
[Lucia]: "Will it really be that simple?"
[Kotarou]: "There's a lot of objections today."
[Kotori]: "Hmmm, I guess it's okay to try. It sounds fun."
"Yeah, yeah, you're damn right about that, Ha-san!!" Shizuru nods next to me.
[Kotarou]: "Who's Ha-san?"
[Shizuru]: ".........?"
She thinks with all her might.
But she cannot produce an answer. Most of the questions in this world have no answer.
[Akane]: "Let's give it a shot I guess."
[Kotarou]: "Okay, it's been decided."
[Kotarou]: "Now, I'll need to ask for your help to get the recording equipment, Prez."
[Akane]: "We do have a camera here."
[Kotarou]: "Oh? Really?"
[Akane]: "It's useful for many things. I wasn't expecting this, but since it's here you're free to use it."
I'd better not ask what she was expecting.
Akane rummages through the shelves and takes out a box with a camera in it.
[Kotarou]: "Oooh."
[Shizuru]: "Oooh."
Everyone gathers around it.
[Kotarou]: "Shizuru, wanna carry it?"
"No thank you. I almost got killed thirteen years ago by a camera-shaped bomb in LA," she declines.
That's a protracted lie.
[Kotarou]: "Kotori?"
[Kotori]: "I'm not good with technology."
[Kotarou]: "Chihaya...that'd be bad."
[Chihaya]: "What!? Why not me!?"
[Kotarou]: "You'd break it..."
[Chihaya]: "N-no I wouldn't."
[Akane]: "She wouldn't be able to use it properly anyway. You've told me before you don't know how to operate a microwave."
[Chihaya]: "Uuu..."
[Akane]: "You also broke the hairdryer I loaned you."
[Akane]: "How is that even possible? I've never met someone who managed to break one of those."
[Chihaya]: "But...that was...ummm..."
[Kotarou]: "I see."
[Kotarou]: "Ah, okay, okay, I understand. I'll let you play with it when we're done, so don't cry."
[Chihaya]: "I'm not crying!"
[Akane]: "Well, if she breaks it she'll have to pay for it."
[Chihaya]: "Uuu...I don't break that much..."
She's in complete denial.
[Kotarou]: "Now then..."
I skim over the manual and start fiddling with the controls.
[Kotarou]: "Ah, there's no card in here."
[Akane]: "I have a four gig one."
[Kotarou]: "Not a sixty-four gigs?"
[Akane]: "What are you planning on filming?"
She hands me the card.
[Kotarou]: "Okay, time for a test."
I point the camera toward myself. I make sure Akane's visible over my shoulder.
[Kotarou]: "WHOOOO!! The witch's curse is real!! QYHAAAAAAA!!"
[Akane]: "...what are you doing?"
[Kotarou]: "Something blair-like and witch-like. There's an actual witch here after all."
That famous movie which had the camera shake around so much you couldn't tell what was happening. It didn't have many witches.
[Akane]: "I see. So we'll release that footage after you meet an untimely death."
[Lucia]: "That does sound about right."
[Kotarou]: "...come to think of it, this is kind of serious..."
I am actually being haunted and everything.
[Kotarou]: "Wait...so I'm going to die!?"
She takes the camera off me.
[Akane]: "It's captured your stupid face very well. Should we use this for publicity?"
[Akane]: "Once you die under mysterious circumstances the commercial will be complete. Maybe we should start faking our activities after that."
[Kotarou]: "Stooooop! Don't kill me!! If you do that people will be pissed off if I don't die!!"
[Akane]: "Then apologize."
[Kotarou]: "I'm sorry I got full of myself."
[Chihaya]: "You're so obedient when she threatens you..."
[Kotarou]: "A man's first priority is always his own life."
I look into the viewfinder.
[Kotarou]: "Okaaay, Kotori, gimme a sexy pose!"
[Kotori]: "Eh? Ah, umm..."
[Kotori]: "Iyaaan~☆"
She twists her hips.
[Kotarou]: "Nice, nice. Now let's do Shizuru next."
[Shizuru]: "!?"
[Shizuru]: "...iyaaan~☆"
They both play along (though Shizuru's performance is questionable).
[Lucia]: "What are you making them do...?"
[Kotarou]: "Okay, next is class rep."
[Lucia]: "Wh―!? M-me?"
[Kotarou]: "Just go with the flow."
[Lucia]: "Uu...mmm..."
[Lucia]: "Iya..."
[Kotarou]: "Oh, good, good. That's getting sexy."
[Lucia]: "...yaa..."
[Kotarou]: "Yeah, yeah."
[Lucia]: "I can't do iiiiiit!! You perverse man!!! I shall purify you!!" |
Name: Senri Akane | Gender: Female | Aliases: Prez, The Witch of the School
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
Name: Kanbe Kotori | Gender: Female
Name: Konohana Lucia | Gender: Female | Aliases: Class Rep
Name: Haruhiko Yoshino | Gender: Male
Name: Ohtori Chihaya | Gender: Female | Aliases: Chi
Name: Nakatsu Shizuru | Gender: Female | Aliases: Shizu
*crack* *splotch* *bam* *thwack*
[Kotarou]: "Aguaaa!! Th-the camera!! Protect the camera!!"
I hand it to Akane.
*crack* *splotch* *bam* *thwack*
Then she attacks again.
[Akane]: "This is an incredible video..."
[Chihaya]: "This is kinda fun."
[Lucia]: "Ah!! S-stop it!! Do not keep filming!!"
[Kotarou]: "Please stop stepping on me..."
I escape.
[Akane]: "Let's try playing it back."
Akane starts the playback and everyone gathers around the camera.
*crack* *splotch* *bam* *thwack*
A disgraceful video plays...
[Kotori]: "This is a weirdly overpowering video..."
[Akane]: "This is kinda good."
[Lucia]: "N-no, no!! Erase it!! Erase it right now!!"
[Kotori]: "Why? It's cool."
[Lucia]: ".........it's..."
[Lucia]: "It's embarrassing..."
[Akane]: "What a shame."
The camera bleeps as she deletes it..
Prez is always indifferent.
[Akane]: "By the way, you can watch the video on this LCD screen as you record it."
She flicks out a panel on the camera with an LCD screen in it.
[Kotarou]: "All the recent ones have that."
[Chihaya]: "Yeah, it's much easier this way."
[Kotarou]: "Kids these days! You want the machine to do everything for you!"
[Chihaya]: "Wh-what!? When did I say that!?"
[Kotarou]: "You implied it."
[Chihaya]: "Noooo, I'm not that lazy!"
[Akane]: "Enough with the childish squabble."
[Kotarou]: "Okay."
[Chihaya]: "So cold..."
[Kotarou]: "Now then..."
[Kotarou]: "First, the concept. I think we should make something horror-like, to fit the Occult Club's theme."
[Kotori]: "Could we add some ghost pictures to it in post-production?"
[Kotarou]: "No faking. We'll just have to pray some attention-seeking ghosts pass by as we film."
[Kotarou]: "Don't underestimate my sixth sense. I've been photographed with ghosts in the past."
[Kotori]: "That's reassuring."
[Kotarou]: "But if that happens again I won't be able to sleep tonight, so I kinda hope my sixth sense isn't that good..."
[Shizuru]: "A conundrum..."
Shizuru worries about me with a quiet face.
[Kotarou]: "Don't worry. I'm prepared to sacrifice myself if need be."
"I see...but you're not going to the next world alone, friend." She nods.
[Akane]: "Really?"
[Kotarou]: "As long as I'm not in danger."
[Kotori]: "You live a dangerous life, Kota-san."
[Kotarou]: "Kinda."
It has been dangerous lately, but I want to use everything I can to deal with it.
[Kotarou]: "But we can't just hope for a lucky break like that. We need to come up with a real script and have everyone play their part."
[Lucia]: "Acting? I've never done that before."
[Kotarou]: "Don't worry, you'll only have one or two lines."
[Kotarou]: "We just need one person to do all the narration. Hmm..."
[Kotarou]: "Shizuru."
I remember her acting pretty well earlier.
She nods.
[Kotarou]: "Now we need a ghost. I think it's pretty obvious that Prez should play that part."
[Akane]: "...me? Why?"
[Kotarou]: "Because your hair is straight and long, and you have this mysterious, bewitching atmosphere around you."
[Akane]: "I'm not sure I agree with that, but if you insist..."
[Kotarou]: "Okay, first we have the cut where Prez comes out of the TV with disheveled hair."
[Akane]: "How?"
[Kotarou]: "Eh? You can't do it?"
[Akane]: "What makes you think it's so easy?"
[Akane]: "Have you ever met someone in real life who could come out of a TV?"
[Kotarou]: "You're right...it just felt like you could do that."
[Kotarou]: "Then we'll have to remove the insides of the TV."
[Akane]: "Will you fix it afterwards?"
[Kotarou]: "It will have to be a noble sacrifice."
[Kotarou]: "Wh-what? What's the problem? You're rich."
[Akane]: "The wealthy only remain wealthy because they do not squander their wealth. People who waste money fall into ruin without exception."
You seem to be wasting a lot of money on PCs though...
[Kotarou]: "So much for doing that..."
[Kotarou]: "Instead, come out of this cardboard box with disheveled hair."
I hold out a huge box in front of her.
[Akane]: "...okay."
[Chihaya]: "There's something about an ice-maker written on the side here. Are you sure?"
[Kotarou]: "It's fine."
[Chihaya]: "This just feels stupid..."
[Akane]: "Does it really matter?"
[Chihaya]: "Well, if you don't mind, Akane-san, I guess it's okay."
[Kotarou]: "Okay, now the cut where a girl screams."
[Kotarou]: "This'll be Kotori."
[Kotori]: "'Kaaay."
[Kotori]: "Ummm, how exactly should I do that?"
[Kotarou]: "Just scream like you saw something really scary."
[Kotori]: "K-kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!"
[Kotori]: "Like that?"
[Kotarou]: "Hmm, that's good, but...it's lacking in impact."
[Kotarou]: "Try something like "Gu...uu...gyaaaaaaaaam!!""
[Lucia]: "Why the "m" at the end...?"
[Kotori]: "Gu...uu...gyaaaaaaaaam!!"
[Kotarou]: "Okay, that was perfect. Let's go with that."
[Chihaya]: "You're actually gonna use that?"
[Kotarou]: "As for the next cut..."
[Kotarou]: "We're gonna need him for this..."
[Kotori]: "Him?"
This guy.
[Yoshino]: "What did you call me here for? What are all these girls doing here?"
[Yoshino]: "Are they spectators? A fight between men is too much for most girls...if you don't like seeing blood, you should go..."
He's pumped for this.
[Kotarou]: "Okay, now run past the camera while shouting "What is youuuuth!?""
[Yoshino]: "Screw you! Why would I shout that!?"
[Kotarou]: "Please, we need your character here!" |
Name: Senri Akane | Gender: Female | Aliases: Prez, The Witch of the School
Name: Nakatsu Shizuru | Gender: Female | Aliases: Shizu
Name: Konohana Lucia | Gender: Female | Aliases: Class Rep
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
Name: Haruhiko Yoshino | Gender: Male
[Yoshino]: "Stop mocking me. What makes you think I'd stoop so low as to play around with you idiots...?"
[Akane]: "I couldn't agree more."
[Kotarou]: "Come on! Just run past the camera while shouting "What is youuuuth!?"! You can hit me as much as you want afterward! You can even kick me!"
[Yoshino]: "That's just weird! And why are you so desperate to make me do something so stupid?"
[Kotarou]: "The ad won't be complete without you."
[Yoshino]: "I don't care."
[Shizuru]: "Is the giraffe leaving?"
[Yoshino]: "I am...but I'm not a giraffe."
[Shizuru]: "Is Edogawa-san leaving?"
[Yoshino]: "I am...and stop believing that already."
[Shizuru]: "Hexas is leaving..."
[Yoshino]: "...that's not my name..."
I think he's regretting the fact that he never told Shizuru his real name.
[Yoshino]: "Anyway, I'm leaving."
[Shizuru]: "...so you won't do it...?"
[Yoshino]: "Uu..."
Oh? This guy's weak to Shizuru...
[Kotarou]: "Shizuru, you want him to join in, right?"
[Shizuru]: ".........?"
She doesn't seem to understand, so I whisper in her ear.
[Kotarou]: "Help me out here. Just tell him you want him to participate."
She nods.
[Shizuru]: ".........?"
She walks over to Yoshino.
[Yoshino]: "Wh-what are you...?"
She walks back to me.
[Shizuru]: "...what do I do...?"
[Kotarou]: "It's simple. Just ask him to join in. Though it might be a good idea to do it in a way he'd like..."
[Kotarou]: "So no going "iyaaan~""
That was never funny, so I don't want it to happen again.
She's a little unhappy.
[Shizuru]: "A way he'd like..."
She hardens her resolve and heads back to Yoshino.
[Yoshino]: "What? ...that bastard isn't brainwashing you, is he?"
Shizuru shakes her head.
She takes up her stance.
[Shizuru]: "You..."
[Shizuru]: "And I..."
She holds out her fist.
[Shizuru]: "We can do it!"
A few seconds pass.
[Kotarou]: "...I don't understand..."
[Lucia]: "She is most likely imitating Kane Kosugi."
[Kotarou]: "Kane? Would Yoshino like him? Actually, why did she choose that anyway? Gaah! I can't decide what part of that to make a joke out of!"
[Yoshino]: "If you say so..."
[Kotarou]: "It worked!?"
[Yoshino]: "So...you need me to shout something while running around, right?"
[Kotarou]: "Yoshino..."
I put my hand on his shoulder.
[Kotarou]: "Thank you. You really do like Kane."
[Yoshino]: "What the hell are you talking about?"
[Kotarou]: "I'm not a big fan myself, but let's work out together sometime!"
[Yoshino]: "I never said I liked it and why do we have to work out!? No way in hell can I do that!"
[Shizuru]: "We can do it!"
[Yoshino]: "Hmph, fine, I'll do it."
Yoshino is the wild animal to Shizuru's animal tamer.
[Kotarou]: "So, run by the camera while shouting "What is youuuuth!?""
[Yoshino]: "...that doesn't make any sense, but I have no choice..."
[Kotarou]: "Okay, now...action!"
[Yoshino]: "What is youuuuth!?"
[Kotarou]: "Cut."
[Kotarou]: "Are you even trying?"
[Yoshino]: "...you're the one screwing around with everyone. Are you seriously asking me that...?"
[Kotarou]: "Hmmm, I guess...I'd like to feel a more youthful vigor from your performance."
[Lucia]: "...is there any of that in this club?"
[Kotarou]: "But that's the whole point of the commercial."
[Kotarou]: "Okay, take two...action!"
[Yoshino]: "What is youuuuth!?"
[Kotarou]: "Nowhere near enough! Take three!"
[Kotarou]: "Okay! Perfect."
I pat Yoshino on the shoulder.
[Kotarou]: "You did it, Yoshino-kun."
[Yoshino]: "I want to break your skull."
[Kotarou]: "Anyway, I'll show it to you when it's done. You really helped. Thank you."
[Shizuru]: "Thank you."
[Yoshino]: "Uu...don't you forget this..."
[Yoshino]: "My fangs are always sharp, and ready to tear out your windpipe..."
Prez replays Yoshino's passionate shout.
[Yoshino]: "D-damn youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!"
He runs away.
[Kotarou]: "...don't do that, Yoshino-kun has pride too. Don't shame him so much he runs away."
[Akane]: "You're the one who tore his pride into little tiny pieces..."
[Akane]: "Actually..."
[Shizuru]: "?"
"What is it?" She looks at us.
It's true, Shizuru is the one who pushed Yoshino into doing that.
[Shizuru]: "We can do it!"
She likes that phrase. |
Name: Nakatsu Shizuru | Gender: Female | Aliases: Shizu
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
October 20th (Wednesday)
A weird girl appeared in my dreams last night.
[Girl]: "...Kotarou-chan."
[Kotarou]: "What? Who are you?"
[Girl]: "I'm Yasuko."
[Kotarou]: "...who?"
[Yasuko]: "Yasuko the shikigami."
[Kotarou]: "Another one?"
[Kotarou]: "I've been leaving one under my pillow every night..."
[Yasuko]: "It's me tonight."
[Kotarou]: "Okay."
[Yasuko]: "I came into your dreams as a spirit."
[Yasuko]: "To protect you."
[Kotarou]: "Is there a reason I have to put the shikigami under my pillow?"
[Yasuko]: "The enemy is strong..."
[Kotarou]: "Are you all reading off a script?"
[Yasuko]: "But don't worry. I will protect you."
[Kotarou]: "Thanks, but..."
[Yasuko]: "So promise me, Kotarou-chan. If I win, marry me."
[Kotarou]: "Yasuko...you're so..."
[Kotarou]: "All right, we'll have seven kids."
[Yasuko]: "Our family will be a baseball team!"
And then my dream ended.
[Kotarou]: "...such a nice morning."
I feel refreshed.
[Kotarou]: "Today is a lovely day."
Every day's been nice and peaceful since I got those shikigami.
Come to think of it, there was someone in my dream.
[Kotarou]: (What was her name...Yasuko?)
I check the shikigami under my pillow.
Lately checking under my pillow has started to feel like crossing off days on a calendar.
I pull out scraps of paper.
The shikigami has been torn to pieces.
[Kotarou]: "Yasukooooooooooooo!"
I always cry when they appear in my dreams.
I return from the bathroom.
[Kotarou]: "Ah, it's Shizuru again."
Pair of Ponytails is sitting in the usual spot in the courtyard.
By the way, Pair of Ponytails is a random encounter monster.
[Kotarou]: "She really likes that spot..."
Maybe I should go visit her.
Yeah, I shouldn't.
Shizuru-san spends her free time there because she's busy all day. I shouldn't disturb her rest.
Okay, let's go.
Incidentally, I always seem to think hard about little choices like this. Is that normal?
I think most people make these decisions completely subconsciously...
Who am I even talking to? Let's go.
[Kotarou]: "Such nice weather..."
[Shizuru]: "Mmm~..."
[Kotarou]: "Well, it is really nice..."
[Shizuru]: "Mmm~..."
We relax next to each other.
It's so peaceful my brain is melting.
[Both]: "Fuwaaa~..."
Yawning in sync.
[Kotarou]: "Don't imitate me!"
[Shizuru]: "I wasn't..."
[Kotarou]: "Sorry, I imitated you."
[Shizuru]: "I forgive you..."
[Kotarou]: "Mmm..."
[Shizuru]: "Huu..."
[Kotarou]: "Hm?"
A weak whistle blow.
[Shizuru]: "Kotarou, violation 1."
[Kotarou]: "What?"
[Shizuru]: "No sleeping in the courtyard."
[Shizuru]: "Kotarou sleeping causes problems."
[Kotarou]: "Why?"
[Shizuru]: "It's hard to wake you up..."
[Kotarou]: "I guess that makes sense."
[Kotarou]: "But don't worry, I'm not going to sleep."
[Shizuru]: "I see..."
[Shizuru]: "But we mustn't be late."
[Kotarou]: "You're good at waking up, so it'll be fine..."
"I am?" She tilts her head.
[Kotarou]: "Well, I won't sleep so it'll be fine...fuaaaaa..."
[Shizuru]: "...fuwa~"
[Kotarou]: "Such nice weather today~"
[Shizuru]: "Mmm~"
This is too peaceful...
[Shizuru]: "Mmm..."
*rub* *rub*
Shizuru rubs her right eye.
[Shizuru]: "Huu..."
[Kotarou]: "Wait wait wait."
[Shizuru]: "......?"
[Kotarou]: "You just rubbed under your eyepatch, didn't you?"
[Kotarou]: "You're not asleep, are you? Wake up."
Her eyes open wide.
[Kotarou]: "Is it okay to remove that thing?"
[Shizuru]: "It won't hurt..."
[Shizuru]: "No."
[Shizuru]: "The sunlight feels too bright after I remove it."
That's a normal reaction.
[Kotarou]: "So there's nothing wrong with your eye?"
[Shizuru]: "There's nothing...wrong with it..."
[Kotarou]: "Then why do you wear an eyepatch?"
[Shizuru]: "Because it's weird."
[Kotarou]: "Weird?"
She looks hesitant.
[Shizuru]: "...you won't tell anyone?"
[Kotarou]: "If you don't want me to."
[Shizuru]: "Then I don't want you to."
[Kotarou]: "Okay."
[Shizuru]: "If you'll keep that promise, then..."
[Shizuru]: "I can show you, Kotarou."
Why is my heart pounding so much?
[Kotarou]: "Wait wait wait."
[Shizuru]: ".........?"
[Kotarou]: "This feels weird."
[Kotarou]: "This is supposed to be more...you know..."
[Kotarou]: "It should feel more exciting when a secret like this gets revealed."
[Shizuru]: ".........?"
[Kotarou]: "Never mind, continue."
She's a bit confused, but she nods.
[Shizuru]: "Okay..."
Aaah, I see, that explains it.
[Kotarou]: "...you were hiding this."
[Shizuru]: "Yes."
Her eyes are different colors. She has heterochromia.
For some reason that comes up a lot in manga, but I've never seen it in real life before...
I hear it's treated as a sign of mystique or a mark of uniqueness.
But seeing it in front of me like this...
[Kotarou]: (I can see why people might find it disturbing...)
The two eyes are just so different.
Shizuru's normal appearance, with the eyepatch, is also pretty unusual.
But nowhere near as much as this...
Wait, Shizuru just showed me something she normally hides all the time. I can't think like that.
...if I look at it in a different way, it's actually really pretty.
[Kotarou]: "Hm?"
[Kotarou]: "Ah."
I've been staring at her eye point-blank.
[Kotarou]: "S-sorry."
She looks up at me.
...does she want to know what I think of it?
[Kotarou]: "I think it's pretty."
That's my honest opinion.
"No no no!" She shakes her hands.
[Shizuru]: "...is that enough?"
[Kotarou]: "Yeah, I'm satisfied." |
Name: Nakatsu Shizuru | Gender: Female | Aliases: Shizu
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
Name: Touka Nishikujou | Gender: Female
She puts her eyepatch back on.
[Shizuru]: "...huu..."
She sighs, having completed a difficult task.
She does wear it all the time. That must've been kinda stressful for her.
Maybe something bad happened in the past because of it?
...she's been hiding it all this time. There must've been something.
[Kotarou]: "...I do think it's pretty."
All I can do is tell her that.
[Kotarou]: "I do."
She's a really good girl, so I have to be as nice about it as possible.
[Kotarou]: "It's pretty."
[Kotarou]: "Pretty."
Her reactions amuse me so I keep saying it.
[Kotarou]: "You're cute, Shizuru."
[Shizuru]: ".........!!!"
*bop* *bop*
She hits my shoulder (not that it hurts).
She finally noticed I was toying with her.
[Kotarou]: "It's fine, sorry about that."
She sulks.
[Nishikujou]: "Oh my, are you two fighting?"
[Kotarou]: "Ah, Nishikujou-sensei."
[Nishikujou]: "Hi hi hiii~"
She sits down with us, setting down a huge bundle of stuff.
[Nishikujou]: "Come on, both of you say you're sorry."
Not that it matters, but the stuff she set down is blocking my view of Shizuru.
[Nishikujou]: "You're sorry."
[Both]: "...I'm sorry."
[Nishikujou]: "Okay, it's all better now."
We were never fighting in the first place, but she looks happy so I won't mention that.
[Kotarou]: "So what are you doing?"
[Nishikujou]: "Landscape painting."
[Kotarou]: "Aaah..."
[Nishikujou]: "Uhuhu, wanna see?"
She holds up a canvas.
[Kotarou]: "That's pretty good."
It's clearly rough and unfinished, but it's already captured the scenery with photographic precision.
[Nishikujou]: "Right?"
[Kotarou]: "But I didn't think you were an art teacher."
[Nishikujou]: "I'm not, this is just me helping out the art club. They needed samples for some reason."
[Kotarou]: "Huh."
Actually, I've never taken any of her classes, and I have no idea what she teaches.
[Nishikujou]: "Oh? What is it, Shizuru-chan?"
[Shizuru]: "...you just wanted a reason to walk around...mugyu."
She buries Shizuru's face in her chest.
[Nishikujou]: "Uhuhuhuhu, they asked me to, so I couldn't say no."
[Nishikujou]: "It's not like they were desperate or I was forced into it or anything."
So basically she does whatever she wants with her time.
[Nishikujou]: "So..."
[Nishikujou]: "This stuff is pretty heavy."
[Kotarou]: "More importantly, Shizuru's having trouble breathing."
She's flailing.
[Nishikujou]: "Oh."
[Nishikujou]: "This is no good, Shizuru-chan always helps me out with these things, but right now..."
[Nishikujou]: "This is terrible."
Her smile doesn't look the slightest bit troubled by it.
[Nishikujou]: "It'd be nice to have a man's help though."
[Kotarou]: "...I'm fine with helping."
[Nishikujou]: "Oh, Tennouji-kun, you're a good man. Uhuhu."
[Kotarou]: "But I'd be late for class."
[Nishikujou]: "Then you can just say you were busy helping me. I'll tell them later too."
[Nishikujou]: "Okay, here you go♪"
She hands me everything but the canvases.
[Nishikujou]: "Now, to the prep room~"
[Kotarou]: "Whatever..."
[Nishikujou]: "I'll tell your teacher all about it later, don't worry."
[Kotarou]: "Got it."
I think about students that actively contribute to their school.
[Shizuru]: "Kotarou."
[Kotarou]: "Oh, you've recovered?"
[Shizuru]: "...I'll help."
[Kotarou]: "Don't worry about it, this is nothing."
She furrows her brows.
[Nishikujou]: "Shizuru-chan wants to help. Just hand her something."
[Kotarou]: "Okay, take this pouch."
[Shizuru]: "Got it."
We all walk inside while carrying our respective baggage.
[Student]: "Ah, Nishikujou-sensei, hello."
[Nishikujou]: "Hello, good afternoon~"
[Student]: "Sensei, could you help with math some more? I'm falling behind again..."
[Nishikujou]: "Okay, ask me next time I'm free."
She's popular.
[Kotarou]: "...you're a math teacher?"
[Nishikujou]: "Uhuhu, nope."
[Student]: "Sensei, could you help me with this kanbun translation?"
[Nishikujou]: "Isn't that your homework? You have to go look up the words yourself."
[Student]: "So much for that..."
[Student]: "I wonder if an internet dictionary would make this faster..."
[Nishikujou]: "I'll pretend I didn't hear that."
[Student]: "Ah, I meant I was gonna use the library's internet."
He was gonna use his cell phone for it...
[Kotarou]: "You seem really popular."
[Nishikujou]: "Oh, do I?"
[Shizuru]: "All the first-years love her."
[Kotarou]: "Oooh."
I even remember someone in our class lamenting that Nishikujou-sensei doesn't teach any of our classes.
[Nishikujou]: "You learn some good words in Japanese class."
[Kotarou]: "Hm? What do you mean? Something from his excerpt?"
[Nishikujou]: "You've done this one before, right Tennouji-kun?"
[Kotarou]: "Umm, I think so..."masa ni sun'in wo oshimu beshi"?"
[Shizuru]: "You must treasure even the smallest amount of time."
[Kotarou]: "Ah, yeah, that's what it meant."
I remember it after she says it.
[Nishikujou]: "You should really think about what it means instead of just trying to get points."
[Kotarou]: "Haa..."
[Shizuru]: "......?"
[Nishikujou]: "Time is precious."
[Kotarou]: "Well, yeah, but..."
[Nishikujou]: "Uhuhu, so young, Tennouji-kun."
[Kotarou]: "Wh-what do you mean?"
[Shizuru]: "Kotarou, are you not treasuring your time?"
[Kotarou]: "...I think I am."
That's why I've been doing so many things lately.
[Nishikujou]: "Isn't that good enough?"
[Shizuru]: "I don't understand."
[Nishikujou]: "Then let's think about it."
[Kotarou]: "Isn't your job to teach people stuff?"
[Nishikujou]: "Uhuhu, I only do that in my assigned subject. The rest is up to me." |
Name: Haruhiko Yoshino | Gender: Male
Name: Konohana Lucia | Gender: Female | Aliases: Class Rep
Name: Touka Nishikujou | Gender: Female
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
[Kotarou]: "Haa..."
[Nishikujou]: "Kyaaa☆ You're so cute when you're worried, Shizuru-chan~♪"
She embraces Shizuru from behind.
"I was thinking about something..." says her face, but she puts up with it anyway.
[Nishikujou]: "Tennouji-kun."
[Kotarou]: "What?"
[Nishikujou]: "Are you jealous?"
[Kotarou]: "Umm...not really."
[Nishikujou]: "Wanna hold her too, Tennouji-kun?"
[Kotarou]: "Wouldn't that be problematic?"
[Nishikujou]: "Aren't you two lovey-dovey?"
[Kotarou]: "Umm, I don't think..."
[Nishikujou]: "Time is not to be wasted."
[Kotarou]: "Incidentally, you don't teach Japanese, do you?"
[Nishikujou]: "Uhuhu, nope."
*diiing* *dooong*
[Nishikujou]: "Aww, the bell rang."
[Kotarou]: "...let's get a move on."
[Nishikujou]: "There's no point rushing that much."
[Kotarou]: "Time is not to be wasted you know."
[Nishikujou]: "That's true~ But sometimes it's not~"
[Kotarou]: "Haa..."
[Nishikujou]: "Uhuhu, you also need to stop and smell the roses sometimes~"
[Kotarou]: "Why use that idiom here...?"
We eventually make it to the art prep room.
[Yoshino]: "I commend you for not running away. You have guts."
[Kotarou]: "I was gonna say the same thing to you. It looks like we'll finally be able to settle this."
A dry wind blows between us.
A time is coming when two men must settle their score...
[Yoshino]: "And today is that day for you and me."
[Kotarou]: "I'm ready whenever you are. Pray to your God, if you still have one after all this."
[Yoshino]: "You're the one who should be praying. For forgiveness."
[Kotarou]: "Draw."
[Yoshino]: "You can shoot first."
This place behind the school is a graveyard for true men.
Today, two men with a death wish are about to settle a score.
And soon, after the roar of the firearms echoes, one of those men will suffer death itself...
[Yoshino]: "What? You won't shoot...?"
[Kotarou]: "Don't act tough. I can see your fingers shaking."
[Yoshino]: "Shoot, you coward."
*twitch* *twitch*...
The two men facing each other behind the school cautiously close the distance between them.
The battle has already begun. Either of us can shoot first.
No matter how quickly we pull the trigger, no matter how suddenly this duel ends, neither of us will begrudge the other.
And because we feel that exact same tension, we move at the same instant!
[Kotarou]: "This is goodbye, Yoshinooooooooooooooooo!"
[Yoshino]: "Farewell, Tennouji, Adioooooooooooos!!"
*bang!* *bang!!* Both men draw and fire at their targets!
We both missed!?
Both of our bullets fly out with sharp metallic noises, bouncing off empty tin cans behind us.
[Yoshino]: "...not bad."
[Kotarou]: "That's only the first shot. If you don't take this seriously you'll be out in no time."
[Yoshino]: "Excellent. Play time's over now."
[Kotarou]: "Today is the last day your existence plagues me! Diiie, Yoshinooooooooooooooooo!!"
We crouch down to the ground and run our hands along it.
We each pick up a pebble, and throw it like a bullet!
[Yoshino]: "Uuoryaaaaaaaaaaaaa, nuoryaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!"
[Kotarou]: "Too slow! Too slow!! Behold my quickdraw poweeeeeeeeeeeeer!!"
We're each surrounded by a circle of ten tin cans. We got them out of the dumpster.
They act as our life points.
Neither of us can enter the other's circle.
So we have to use rocks to knock them down!
*tink* *tink!*
A cacophony of sharp metallic noises.
At the beginning we acted like this was a tense duel, but now we're more like little kids having a snowball fight.
[Kotarou]: "That's your last can!"
[Yoshino]: "Same for you! You've only got one can left!"
[Kotarou]: "We're both protecting our last can with our bodies. So we're at a stalemate."
[Yoshino]: "...indeed. I like this. The suspense is unbearable."
[Kotarou]: "But if we start throwing rocks at each other, we'll get hurt. How about we agree to both stand aside."
[Yoshino]: "It would be stupid to get injured over a silly game like this."
Both men are surprisingly conscious of their safety.
The rocks may be small, but getting hit in the face with one would hurt, so we both agree to a change of rules.
[Kotarou]: "On my signal, we both jump to one side and shoot."
[Yoshino]: "Good. This time we will settle it for good..."
[Kotarou]: "One...two......go!!"
One of the men groans in agony. Proof that the battle has been decided.
And...slowly, he falls to his knees......then onto the ground.
[Kotarou]: "Uu.........haa...!!"
I fall flat on my back, arms and legs spread out.
I wasn't pretending to be shot because Yoshino beat me or anything.
I fell because of an extremely violent, physical impact...and there's a big lump on my head now.
[Kotarou]: "Y-Yoshino, that's not fair...! Shooting the gunman is against the rules!"
[Yoshino]: "Shut up...now that I think about it, I shouldn't be playing along with your stupid games..."
[Kotarou]: "What? You were eager to join in."
[Yoshino]: "I was just goaded in by what you said."
[Kotarou]: "But wasn't it fun?"
[Yoshino]: "Shut up...I told you to be quiet."
Yoshino doesn't deny it. That's one of the best things about him.
[Kotarou]: "But wolves never back down from a challenge after accepting it, right?"
[Yoshino]: "That sounds familiar..."
[Kotarou]: "And those rules apply to wolves just as much as they do to gunmen."
We're dueling gunmen who aren't allowed to shoot the other gunman...because it'd hurt.
But Yoshino has no excuses to make in response.
Instead, he turns his back to me, and runs for the hills...
[Kotarou]: "...hey! Wait, Yoshino! Dammit, what's with you!? Don't think you've won!!"
[Lucia]: "I think that was a rational strategic withdrawal. Don't worry, I will add fleeing from authorities to his list of offenses when I punish him!"
[Kotarou]: "C-class rep...!? So that impact I felt just now was..." |
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
Name: Konohana Lucia | Gender: Female | Aliases: Class Rep
[Lucia]: "Tennouji Kotarooooooooooooooooooou! Why are all these cans scattered across the ground!? Did you carry these out here just to use them for your foolish game!?"
[Kotarou]: "Men are willing to risk their lives for foolish games."
[Lucia]: "Oh-ho, then you're prepared to pay for this crime with your life?"
[Kotarou]: "No, that's a lie, I'm not. I was just going overboard with my silly fantasies. I'm sorry."
I become extremely honest when I hear class rep cracking her knuckles. It's so strange.
The lawless gunman begins picking up after himself...
[Kotarou]: "Okay, that's all of them."
[Lucia]: "T-Tennouji Kotarooooooooooooou...what is this? The aluminum and steel cans are all mixed together! Separate them!"
[Kotarou]: "Umm, they were already mixed up when I found them."
[Lucia]: "You played with them, so it's your responsibility."
I'll be punished by the iron fists again if I keep talking back.
I grumble about it and begin separating them.
[Kotarou]: "Okay, there."
[Lucia]: "Did you wash the insides of the cans?"
[Kotarou]: "Eeeh? We have to do that too? That's just a pain...ah, no, no, never mind, I'll wash every inch of them."
Class rep cracks her knuckles again. Disobeying her will only add more bumps to my head.
It is true that I brought all that garbage out here to play with it...I'd better just give up and do as she says.
I wash out all the cans at a water fountain near the garbage area.
Then I put them in their separate boxes...
[Lucia]: "Wait, wait, wait. If you do that they'll make a disorderly pile. Crush them first."
[Kotarou]: "Fine, fine, I'll crush them. Or else my head will be crushed."
[Lucia]: "There's a tool here for crushing them."
[Kotarou]: "I can crush cans without mechanical assistance. Terya!"
I stomp on an aluminum can as hard as possible. *crunch!*
Oooh, that was a good hit. This is actually kinda fun.
[Lucia]: "If you miss when doing that, the can will fly off and potentially hit someone. It's better to use the crusher."
[Kotarou]: "Do we really need a machine just for crushing cans...?"
Class rep teaches me how to use that weird device.
It looks like a strange wastebasket.
You drop cans in from above, step on the pedal, and the cans are flattened just like that.
[Lucia]: "Then step on this pedal. That will crush them neatly."
[Kotarou]: "Wow! This is pretty fun! Put in a can, step on the pedal! Oooh, so much fun!"
[Lucia]: "As you can see, even a child can use this. It can also crush steel cans."
[Kotarou]: "Whoa, you're right! I can't put a dent in these things with my feet! This is fun...! Crap, I'm getting really into it."
[Lucia]: "Look how small they are after crushing. Now there won't be a huge unwieldy pile."
[Lucia]: "And be sure to put the aluminum and steel ones in separate boxes."
[Kotarou]: "I always thought separating garbage was a pain, but this is weirdly satisfying."
[Kotarou]: "And I really like this can crusher. If I had one of these at my house I might enjoy sorting the garbage."
[Lucia]: "I had a similar thought. I asked the school for help with that, but they do not seem to have the budget for it."
[Lucia]: "I do believe more people would take this seriously if they had devices like this in their own homes."
[Kotarou]: "Recycling has gotten popular lately, but it hasn't permeated down to our younger generation yet. I wasn't all that aware of how it worked."
Not sorting cans into boxes isn't gonna destroy the earth after all.
Even if we don't do it, someone else will end up doing it later. So we don't want to.
That, and going to the trouble of washing, crushing and separating cans feels kinda dirty.
...wait a minute, wasn't class rep a clean freak?
That's right. She wears those gloves all day every day because she doesn't like touching things.
I would've expected someone like that to be bothered by the smell of garbage.
But she's going out of her way to help sort garbage and recycle it...
Maybe "clean freak" isn't so accurate. She just likes keeping the world clean.
[Kotarou]: "So the cans we separate here today will be reborn?"
[Lucia]: "The earth has limited resources. From any individual's perspective it looks limitless, but given the number of people on earth, we are sure to exhaust them someday."
[Lucia]: "If every individual acts irresponsibly, the sum total of their actions will slowly devour the planet."
[Kotarou]: "Even the slightest individual waste can cause vast destruction when viewed on a global scale."
[Lucia]: "But humanity has realized this. We know we cannot keep doing this, and there is still time. That is why I think the goals of Kazamatsuri city are wonderful."
Kazamatsuri is the textbook example of a next-generation environmentally-conscious city.
It's filled with advanced facilities to deal with problems like recycling and ensure our continued harmony with nature.
...but I haven't been conscious of that at all. I'm sorry.
[Kotarou]: "So all the aluminum cans I crush here today will become new juice cans."
[Kotarou]: "If I ever buy one of them...that's going to be an amazing feeling."
[Lucia]: "Your small contribution here will benefit the environment, Tennouji."
[Lucia]: "A single person may not be able to do much, but if everyone works together we can extend the earth's lifespan."
Extend the earth's lifespan...now we're talking big.
I thought only narrators on late night documentaries ever talked on such a grand scale.
If Kotori or Yoshino started talking like this...I'd give Kotori cold medicine, and Yoshino a 45-degree chop.
But class rep is saying it with a straight face......no, she completely believes it.
And she sounds so happy talking about it that I keep chiming in to keep it going.
......well, there is a limit of course.
Class rep continues talking about these grand designs without getting bored.
Umm...when is she going to finish? ...this is almost as long as the speech we get on the first day of school.
[Lucia]: "We must ensure a better future for our descendants."
[Lucia]: "Each of us must recognize that we are but cells in a humongous organism, and it is our duty to ensure the continued life of that organism's future!"
[Lucia]: "I want to be not just the representative of our little classroom, but the representative of Earth itself in......um, excuse me."
I was probably staring blankly at her.
Class rep looks embarrassed, as if she'd fallen into a bad habit.
[Lucia]: "......s-sorry. I tend to get overexcited about this subject...I have probably said many embarrassing things, please forget them."
Class rep apologizes with a bright red face. So she's aware she went overboard.
[Kotarou]: "It's fine, I'm still glad you taught me about this. From now on I will wash, crush and separate cans before throwing them away."
[Kotarou]: "This was an information lesson about the future of humanity from our own local Earth rep." |
Name: Senri Akane | Gender: Female | Aliases: Prez, The Witch of the School
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
Name: Ohtori Chihaya | Gender: Female | Aliases: Chi
Name: Konohana Lucia | Gender: Female | Aliases: Class Rep
Name: Ohtori Sakuya | Gender: Male
[Lucia]: "Uuuuu, don't remind me I said that...it was a shameful, impulsive statement."
[Kotarou]: "Earth rep......hu...that was pretty incredible."
[Lucia]: "Say no more! Do not embarrass me further!"
She's the one who said it, but she's getting red and throwing punches at me.
This is fun. I'd better write "Earth rep" on the corner of the blackboard later.
[Lucia]: "Do that and I'll hit you."
[Kotarou]: "How hard?"
[Lucia]: "Very."
[Kotarou]: "How many times?"
[Lucia]: "Many. Until you start convulsing."
[Kotarou]: "...I'm sorry. Please be nice to the Earth and Tennouji Kotarou."
"We must ensure a better future for our descendants"...
...it's possible to get passionate about possibilities fifty years in the future, even right now.
But class rep's talking about a future centuries, maybe even millennia from now.
She's seriously concerned about a future none of us will ever be able to see.
Hmm...so Konohana Lucia is the type who can get serious about those things.
She's really admirable.
[Kotarou]: "Definitely gonna write "Earth rep" on the board later."
[Kotarou]: "Ah, crap, I said it out loud."
[Lucia]: "...Te-...Tennouji Kotaroooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooou!"
[Kotarou]: "Is it just us today?"
[Akane]: "Looks like it."
Prez is elegantly working on her nails.
[Kotarou]: "So much for doing anything today..."
[Akane]: "Indeed."
[Kotarou]: "You have no motivation at all."
[Kotarou]: "You don't look busy. Why don't we go somewhere?"
[Akane]: "No. It'd be a pain."
[Kotarou]: "The supernatural phenomena of Kazamatsuri await! Let's investigate something!"
[Akane]: "They're all plasma."
[Kotarou]: "That's not true!"
[Kotarou]: "You haven't even checked..."
[Akane]: "If you can think of a club activity we can do right here, I'll join in."
[Kotarou]: "You'd just be watching me do it."
[Kotarou]: "Are you asking me to bring some guy with superpowers in here to show off!?"
[Akane]: "That's actually a good idea. Bring someone who claims to have superpowers or talk to ghosts."
[Akane]: "We'll have him demonstrate it for us, and judge how plausible it is. Sound good?"
[Kotarou]: "...that does seem like an efficient way to do this."
I'm pretty sure I have a lead on someone like that...
[Kotarou]: "Let's give it a shot..."
"I Have Superpowers".
Might as well use this one.
I call him up and ask him to come to the club room.
[Kotarou]: "...he's here."
[Kotarou]: "Thank you for coming. Now, let me introduce him."
[Kotarou]: "This is Midoribashi-kun from class 1-B."
[Akane]: "I look forward to this."
[Midoribashi]: "My superpower is called metamorphosis."
[Midoribashi]: "Eventually I'll be able to transform into any substance, but right now it hasn't fully awakened."
[Akane]: "Could you demonstrate?"
[Midoribashi]: "Of course."
The boy pulls out a tiny boston bag.
[Midoribashi]: "Metamorphosis!"
Midoribashi-kun gets into the bag and zips it up from the inside.
Only his head is sticking out.
[Midoribashi]: "Done~"
[Kotarou]: "I can't believe it! How can a human fit inside this little bag!?"
[Kotarou]: "This is without question――!"
[Akane]: "An impressive talent."
[Kotarou]: "...right."
[Akane]: "You have incredible talent as a performer...but that's no superpower."
[Kotarou]: (She's not even interested...)
[Kotarou]: "Thank you."
[Akane]: "Thank you as well."
[Kotarou]: "...do you want me to leave?"
[Akane]: "The stupider your leads, the colder my heart."
She shoos me away.
On the other hand, the better my leads...
The softer her heart...
[Kotarou]: (I can do this...!)
[Akane]: "...why are you suddenly so eager...?"
After Prez chases me out, I wander around town aimlessly.
[Kotarou]: "Crap, unplanned expenses..."
I impulsively buy the latest manga magazine when I walk by the bookshop.
A special edition. Almost 2000 yen.
[Kotarou]: "Shouldn't all the Jumps be the same price...?"
There's probably some really complex reasons for that in the publishing world.
[Kotarou]: "Hm?"
There's a bunch of delinquents in school uniform hanging around a cigarette vending machine...
No wait, those guys are surrounding a man with a robe...
[Kotarou]: (Are they fighting...?)
[Student A]: "Agiah!? O-owwww!!"
[Student B]: "Y-you-!"
[Student C]: "Hey, stop it...this guy's not normal."
The robed man buys a pack of cigarettes and starts to leave.
[Student B]: "Don't get so cocky..."
One of the students puts his hand in his pocket.
...something shines.
This could get bad if knives get involved. I'd better call the cops.
[Man]: "Hmph."
The moment the man turns around...
[Student A]: "Ah!?"
I hear an explosion, and fire erupts from the student's chest as he lies on the ground.
[Student A]: "Hot!! Hooot!!"
[Student B]: "What are you doing!? Put it out! Throw your coffee on it!!"
[Kotarou]: "Wh-what?"
The man walks over to me, without showing any interest in their predicament.
He walks past me.
Nothing happens.
[Kotarou]: "What was with that guy...?"
The delinquents put out the fire and run off somewhere.
[Kotarou]: "...mmm."
What the hell happened to him?
[Kotarou]: "Did his lighter malfunction or something?"
Maybe the shock of hitting the ground set it off...?
Oh well, it's no big deal...
[Kotarou]: "There are a lot of ruffians in this town..."
It's sad to see my town fall so low.
I pass by the park and remember someone.
[Kotarou]: "I wonder how the hissy cat's doing."
I decide to check on him.
[Kotarou]: "Oh."
I forgot to bring something.
Maybe I should go buy some fish paste at a convenience store...
I buy four fish-paste cakes and a small bottle of juice, then return to the park.
[Kotarou]: "Ah."
[Chihaya]: "Ah."
I bump into her.
[Sakuya]: "If it isn't Despicable Twatarou-kun. How are you on this fine day?" |
Name: Ohtori Chihaya | Gender: Female | Aliases: Chi
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
Name: Ohtori Sakuya | Gender: Male
[Kotarou]: "It's Tennouji Kotarou."
The rude man is here too.
[Sakuya]: "They are very similar."
[Kotarou]: "You're doing that on purpose..."
[Sakuya]: "What are you doing here today? Looking for spare change on the side of the road? It must be disheartening to find a bottle cap that looks like a coin at first."
[Kotarou]: "I'm not that poor and I'm not stupid enough to get the two confused."
[Chihaya]: "We're out here shopping."
[Kotarou]: "Oh-ho."
[Kotarou]: "By the way, why are you wearing that? It feels weird talking to someone in that outfit."
[Sakuya]: "What? You mean me?"
[Kotarou]: "Is that a costume or something?"
[Sakuya]: "It is an exceedingly natural costume, and also my regular attire."
[Kotarou]: "I see..."
Well, he is supposed to be a butler...
[Chihaya]: "Since we're here, let's go on a walk, Sakuya."
[Sakuya]: "Yes. The weather is lovely today, perfect for enjoying the trees."
[Chihaya]: "You're right."
[Kotarou]: "...umm..."
What should I do?
[Kotarou]: "Well, I have something to do here so I might as well join you."
[Sakuya]: "Do you now? Then let us return home."
[Kotarou]: "...I see."
[Chihaya]: "Eeeh?"
[Sakuya]: "Mm..."
[Sakuya]: "...if you are sure."
[Kotarou]: "Why do you sound so conflicted?"
[Sakuya]: "Do you really want me to answer that?"
[Kotarou]: "You're right. Never mind."
[Chihaya]: "So Kotarou, what're you here for?"
[Kotarou]: "Giving something to a friend."
[Chihaya]: "In the park? What kind of person are they?"
[Kotarou]: "He's not so good with people. He always hides out around there."
[Kotarou]: "And he hisses when you get close."
[Chihaya]: "That sounds...like a very difficult life..."
[Sakuya]: "Hahaha, well it is one of Twatarou-kun's friends."
[Kotarou]: "Pretty much."
I ignore the insult and head for the usual bench.
[Kotarou]: "Ah, there he is."
[Chihaya]: "Where?"
[Kotarou]: "Let me introduce you. This is my friend, hissy cat."
[Hissy Cat]: "Hissss!"
[Chihaya]: "Waaa! A cat!"
[Hissy Cat]: "Hiss! Hissss!"
[Chihaya]: "Calm down, I'm not going to hurt you."
[Hissy Cat]: "Hiss!"
Chihaya approaches him.
[Kotarou]: "What...this girl...the cat's letting her approach him..."
He must be in a good mood today.
I try approaching him too.
[Hissy Cat]: "Hisssssss!!!!"
He does his best to intimidate me.
[Chihaya]: "He's not your friend at all, Kotarou."
[Kotarou]: "Friendship has many forms."
[Chihaya]: "That doesn't make sense..."
What!? He stopped hissing...
[Kotarou]: "If he loses his identity as the hissing cat...instead of Hissy Cat, he'll just be Cat!!"
I try approaching him again.
[Hissy Cat]: "Hissss."
[Kotarou]: "That's more like it."
I want him to retain his noble status forever.
[Chihaya]: "Doesn't he hate you?"
[Kotarou]: "No, he's like this to everyone."
[Kotarou]: "Hm?"
I look around and notice a bunch of elderly people watching her.
[Elderly People]: "That cat likes her...?"
[Elderly People]: "Who is that girl..."
[Elderly People]: "Dozens of cats have walked up to me in the past, but that cat would never allow me near it..."
Those who've taken walks in this park for decades are all flabbergasted.
[Kotarou]: "You're already impressing people."
[Chihaya]: "I am?"
[Chihaya]: "Hm~..."
[Chihaya]: "Well, I'm used to it. Anyway, do you have any food?"
[Kotarou]: "Ah, yeah."
I hand her the fish-paste cakes I bought.
[Kotarou]: "Here."
[Chihaya]: "Thank you."
*munch* *munch*
[Chihaya]: "That was delicious."
She put it in her mouth before I had a chance to stop her...
[Kotarou]: "Don't eat it! That wasn't meant for you!"
[Chihaya]: "Wa?"
[Kotarou]: "Ah, she swallowed the whole thing!? That was supposed to be for the cat!"
[Chihaya]: "Aaah! That's why!"
One of my precious cakes was lost to this girl's stomach...
[Hissy Cat]: "Hisss."
[Kotarou]: "Do you just not know how to meow or something? You should try being cute around people."
[Chihaya]: "Come to think of it, I haven't heard him meow once."
[Kotarou]: "I can't exactly teach him how, and I doubt he wants to learn..."
[Hissy Cat]: "Hiss."
Maybe some of these hisses are meant to convey positive feelings.
But unfortunately his expressions don't change enough for me to try interpreting them.
[Kotarou]: "Hmmmm."
[Kotarou]: "What do you think about..."
I was about to ask Sakuya, but he's not here anymore.
He's way over there.
[Kotarou]: "What are you doing."
[Sakuya]: "Nothing."
[Cat]: "Meow~"
[Kotarou]: "Oh, perfect."
I pick up a nicer cat.
[Kotarou]: "Look at this guy, he's much more expressive than..."
[Sakuya]: "!!"
[Sakuya]: "Haaaaa!!!"
*bam* *bam* *bam* *bam!!*
He executes a perfect backflip and moon somersault, getting even farther away.
[Kotarou]: "...the hell are you doing?"
[Sakuya]: "Exercise. I have not had enough lately."
[Kotarou]: "If you can flip like that there's no way you haven't had enough."
[Kotarou]: "Go!"
I release the cat in Sakuya's direction.
[Sakuya]: ".........!!!"
He freezes in place.
The cat is just as weirded out, so it heads back.
[Kotarou]: "...do you hate cats?"
He freezes again.
[Kotarou]: "What's wrong with your butler?"
[Chihaya]: "Huh? Oh yeah, Sakuya's afraid of cats."
[Kotarou]: "Oh-hooo."
[Kotarou]: "Well that's good to know. Here you go!"
I pick up a cat and head toward him.
[Sakuya]: ".........!!!"
[Kotarou]: "Uu!?"
He slips behind me.
[Hissy Cat]: "Hissss!!"
[Sakuya]: "Gyaaaaaaaaa!!!"
He twitches from the cat's hiss behind him. |
Name: Ohtori Chihaya | Gender: Female | Aliases: Chi
Name: Ohtori Sakuya | Gender: Male
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
[Chihaya]: "It's okay, it's okay."
[Hissy Cat]: "Hiss."
[Kotarou]: "...he has it pretty bad."
[Chihaya]: "Anyway, try to keep cats at least two meters away from Sakuya."
[Kotarou]: "Okay...that I can do..."
I set down the remaining fish-paste cakes, and all the cats head towards them.
[Sakuya]: "Huu...my heart almost stopped."
[Kotarou]: "What kind of reaction is that?"
[Chihaya]: "Sakuya had his ear bitten by a cat when he was really little."
[Sakuya]: "Chihaya-san, that's not true."
[Sakuya]: "Actually it bit me then I leaped up and did a somersault but my face landed in a pile of cat food so dozens of cats assaulted me and violated my eyes with their claws and fangs."
[Kotarou]: "I get the point, sorry about that."
That's a traumatic past.
[Sakuya]: "That childhood tragedy was enough to scar me for life."
[Chihaya]: "So now whenever he sees a cat, he freezes up."
[Kotarou]: "I get not liking them...but they're just cats. Can't you shoo them away or something?"
[Sakuya]: "You keep saying I dislike them, but that is not the case. If anything I love all animals and believe cats deserve as much care as any other."
[Sakuya]: "I can also understand why many consider them cute. It is only natural. They just happen to be terrifying for me."
[Kotarou]: "So you never want to go near them yourself..."
[Sakuya]: "Of course not."
[Kotarou]: "Hmm."
[Kotarou]: "That's good to know."
I pick up a cat.
[Kotarou]: "!?"
[Sakuya]: "...you will not live very long if you keep doing that."
He's behind me somehow.
[Kotarou]: "S-sorry."
Every time this guy tries to intimidate me, I really do feel like I'm in mortal danger.
[Cat]: "Meow."
The cat pops its head up from behind my shoulder.
[Sakuya]: ".........!!"
He leaps back, and...
[Hissy Cat]: "Hisssssss!!!!"
Then he spooks the hissy cat.
[Sakuya]: "Gy--..."
[Sakuya]: "Gyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!"
[Hissy Cat]: "Hiss!!!"
[Cat]: "Fugyaaaaaaa!!"
Everyone flees at Sakuya's scream...
He's completely still.
I wave my hand in front of him, but he doesn't react.
[Kotarou]: "This guy...he's in a coma standing up..."
[Chihaya]: "Eeeh?"
[Chihaya]: "That's not good, we need to go home."
[Kotarou]: "Do we wait until he unfossilizes?"
[Chihaya]: "I'll just have to carry him home."
She picks Sakuya up in both hands.
Sakuya himself remains perfectly stiff, like a mannequin...
[Kotarou]: "...this looks really surreal..."
[Chihaya]: "I don't want to drag his feet along the ground, so you hold up that end of him, Kotarou."
[Kotarou]: "Eh? All the way to your house? How far is it?"
[Chihaya]: "Only five minutes on foot. If you don't want to, it's okay..."
[Kotarou]: "Nah, I'll help."
I pick up his legs.
[Kotarou]: "Heaaaave, ho! One, two!"
[Chihaya]: "Don't vocalize everything! You'll make us stand out!!"
[Kotarou]: "We kind of already are..."
We walk to Chihaya's house, carrying Sakuya like a stretcher.
I continue saying "One, two, one, two" all the way there.
[Kotarou]: "Is it around here?"
[Chihaya]: "It's this one."
[Kotarou]: "Umm, this doesn't look like a house."
It's surrounded by a wall.
[Chihaya]: "I know what my own house looks like."
[Kotarou]: "...haa."
...I can see a dangerous-looking mansion beyond the trees on the other side of this wall. Is that really her house?
Truth is stranger than fiction.
[Kotarou]: "Huge! And it all feels historic!!"
[Kotarou]: "Is this antique lighting? Haa, even the way the light shines through the windows makes it feel like we've gone back in time."
[Chihaya]: "What are you doing?"
[Kotarou]: "Oh, hello Ojou-san. It was just so beautiful..."
[Chihaya]: "I don't understand."
[Kotarou]: "Just imitating someone from a movie..."
I probably should've picked someone else.
[Chihaya]: "Also, I don't think it's that old. I only just moved here."
[Kotarou]: "Eh? Really?"
So it's just made to look antique?
[Kotarou]: "What's going on with this place...are you rich?"
[Chihaya]: "Haa...I'm not really sure, but they said a quarter of their assets went into this house."
This place must be worth at least a hundred million yen.
[Kotarou]: "A quarter..."
So those people still have three quarters left...
[Kotarou]: "Uwaa..."
She's super rich.
She sets down the frozen Sakuya on the sofa.
[Kotarou]: "So what do we do with this mannequin?"
[Chihaya]: "I'm pretty sure I get out herbal tea."
[Kotarou]: "No, you can skip the hospitality."
[Chihaya]: "Huh?"
She thinks.
[Kotarou]: "I mean this is no time to be giving tea to your guests."
[Chihaya]: "Ah."
She hits her palm with her fist.
[Chihaya]: "I wouldn't give you that, Kotarou."
Apparently that wasn't what she meant.
[Kotarou]: "Good point..."
That is just like her.
I'm still lost, but the herbal tea has nothing to do with me.
[Chihaya]: "What do I do with it again...maybe I'll remember when I see it..."
She rummages through a high shelf.
[Kotarou]: "Ah."
[Chihaya]: "Gyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!"
The stuff on the shelf comes down in a tremendous crash.
[Kotarou]: "Crap, I forgot."
[Chihaya]: "Forgot what!?"
[Kotarou]: "Though it is your fault so I guess I shouldn't blame myself..."
[Chihaya]: "M-my fault?"
[Kotarou]: "You caused that to happen to you, so it's your fault."
I phrase it in a way little kids can understand.
[Chihaya]: "I-I know I did, but you could at least lend me a hand getting up..."
[Kotarou]: "Okay, here."
I hold out a hand.
[Chihaya]: "Ah, thanks..."
She takes it.
[Chihaya]: "Wait, why am I holding your hand, Kotarou!?"
[Kotarou]: "You told me to do this..."
[Chihaya]: "That was a figure of speech!"
Well, most of the things on the shelf were plastic so they didn't break, and almost nothing spilled out.
[Kotarou]: "You must get everything in plastic on purpose..." |
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
Name: Ohtori Sakuya | Gender: Male
Name: Ohtori Chihaya | Gender: Female | Aliases: Chi
I reflect on Sakuya's labor.
Not that I like him now or anything.
[Chihaya]: "Ah, here it is."
[Kotarou]: "Doesn't your head hurt?"
[Chihaya]: "No it doesn't! And it's my fault so don't worry about me!!"
[Kotarou]: "I see..."
[Chihaya]: "Ummm, I boil the water, and..."
[Chihaya]: "Where'd I put the kettle..."
[Kotarou]: "Kettle?"
She's going to use a flame?
An open flame...
In this mansion...
[Kotarou]: "Don't do it! You'll burn the place down!!"
[Chihaya]: "Why are you stopping me with that delusion?"
[Kotarou]: "I'll do it. You sit down over there."
[Chihaya]: "Don't get so serious about this..."
[Kotarou]: "Mansions like this burn! And if it burns down over something this stupid the mystery will have a lame reveal!"
[Chihaya]: "I-I don't understand!!"
[Kotarou]: "Just let me do it."
[Chihaya]: "...if you really want to."
Huu...I've managed to avoid the worst possible climax at least.
[Kotarou]: "Umm..."
I find the kettle, pour water into it and start the flame.
[Kotarou]: "Whoa..."
The kitchen's as big as a small bar.
[Chihaya]: "Ah, that's right. We have incense. I'll light some."
Igniting the curtains...
[Kotarou]: "Stooooooooooooop!!"
I race over to Chihaya and swipe the lighter out of her hands.
[Chihaya]: "Wh-what was that for!!?"
[Kotarou]: "You fool! How dare you try to light incense with a lighter! Do you want to kill us all!?"
[Chihaya]: "Incense won't kill us!"
[Kotarou]: "Anyway, stay away from fire. It's too dangerous."
[Chihaya]: "I don't understand you at all..."
[Chihaya]: "I'll go warm up the bath then."
The bath...
Water heater...
[Kotarou]: "Stooooooooooooop! Boilers in mansions always explode when they get too hot!!"
[Chihaya]: "It's never done that before!"
[Chihaya]: "Geez, calm down Kotarou, nothing bad's gonna happen!"
[Kotarou]: "Trust me or you'll die!"
[Chihaya]: "I have no reason to believe you!!!"
[Kotarou]: "Hm?"
I hear some clacking noises from the kitchen.
[Kotarou]: "Crap! The water's already boiling!!"
[Kotarou]: "The flame's gone! The gas is leaking!! Open a window, now!!!"
[Chihaya]: "You're the dangerous one, Kotarou!!"
We fight to keep the kitchen under control...
*pour* *pour* *pour*
[Kotarou]: "So why am I pouring tea for you again?"
[Chihaya]: "Didn't you volunteer to do that?"
[Kotarou]: "No, not that."
I'm asking why we needed tea in the first place.
[Chihaya]: "Also, that's jasmine tea."
[Kotarou]: "Oooh."
The smell wafting up from it definitely felt herb-like.
[Kotarou]: "Not that it matters, but real jasmine usually stinks..."
When it starts doing that my veranda becomes uninhabitable.
I still can't forget the incredible impact that odor had. Now whenever I hear about jasmine I cringe a little.
Incidentally, that jasmine stench cursed my house's veranda garden, so the entirety of it was reduced to a dry unwatered flower bed.
...I know it's my fault.
But it's still weird that it smells good when used in tea like this.
[Kotarou]: "Hmm."
I taste it.
[Chihaya]: "Aaah!"
[Kotarou]: "Hmm..."
It's just normal tea.
[Kotarou]: "I feel at peace."
[Chihaya]: "What are you drinking!?"
[Kotarou]: "What's wrong? I'm the guest here."
[Kotarou]: "That aside, what do we do with this?"
[Chihaya]: "Put it in front of Sakuya."
[Kotarou]: "Haa..."
[Chihaya]: "Sakuya, it's jasmine tea."
He gets up.
[Sakuya]: "Well now, Chihaya-san, thank you so much. Jasmine tea is truly the best way to wake up in the morning."
Sakuya fully recovers in an instant and begins an elegant teatime.
We got him back to normal, but I still don't like his attitude.
[Sakuya]: "Oh, excuse me, I should go pour a cup for you, Chihaya-san."
[Chihaya]: "That's okay. I won't be able to sleep if I have some now."
[Sakuya]: "I see. By the way..."
[Sakuya]: "Why is Insolentarou-kun here?"
[Kotarou]: "Stop doing that."
[Kotarou]: "Also I helped carry you all the way here. You should be grateful."
[Sakuya]: "I see. In that case..."
Sakuya stands up and looks for something on a shelf.
[Sakuya]: "I shall give you this as a token of my gratitude."
[Kotarou]: "Eh? You're giving me something?"
[Sakuya]: "Yes, this is the milk bottle cap collection you always wanted, Insolentarou-kun."
[Kotarou]: "Oh my God, really!? I'm so happy!!"
[Kotarou]: "Don't mock me."
[Sakuya]: "It was a joke."
[Kotarou]: "I've never laughed at any of your jokes."
[Sakuya]: "That aside, these days milk is mostly in plastic bottles, so these are becoming valuable artifacts."
[Sakuya]: "Look, you can even play pogs with them."
[Chihaya]: "Yaaay."
[Kotarou]: "Those make some really loud noises. That doesn't sound like pogs at all..."
[Sakuya]: "Oh? You don't like pogs?"
[Kotarou]: "Well, I was born in the information age, I'm already a teenager, and you're the potential opponent, so no I don't think I would enjoy it in the slightest."
[Chihaya]: "Kotarou would probably be bad at it."
[Kotarou]: "And now she's eating something again! You two are way too spontaneous!!"
[Chihaya]: "I get hungry after moving around."
She cuts up a baumkuchen and stuffs it into her mouth.
[Kotarou]: "Can I have some?"
[Chihaya]: "Sure, if you want."
I eat a piece. This is good.
[Kotarou]: "It's good, but..."
[Kotarou]: "Why am I here again?"
[Chihaya]: "Didn't you help carry Sakuya here?"
[Kotarou]: "Well, yeah..."
[Sakuya]: "Then you could join us for dinner..." |
Name: Ohtori Chihaya | Gender: Female | Aliases: Chi
Name: Ohtori Sakuya | Gender: Male
Name: Gen-san | Gender: Male
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
[Sakuya]: "But of course Insolentarou-kun will refuse and it would be rude to force him to stay so unfortunately we will have to watch him leave with smiles on our faces."
[Kotarou]: "I take it you're telling me to leave."
[Kotarou]: "Not that I have anything to do here anyway."
[Kotarou]: "But gimme another bite of that baumkuchen."
[Chihaya]: "You're gonna get fat you know."
You're the last person I wanna hear that from.
[Kotarou]: "I don't have anything else to do anyway."
[Chihaya]: "...you're leaving?"
[Kotarou]: "Why not? This guy's still here."
[Chihaya]: "Hmmmm..."
[Sakuya]: "Footarou-kun clearly wants to leave. Is there some reason why we should not let him?"
[Kotarou]: "It's Kotarou."
[Chihaya]: "See you tomorrow then."
[Kotarou]: "Yeah, see you tomorrow."
[Sakuya]: "Goodbye, Footarou-kun."
[Kotarou]: "It's Kotarou but goodbye."
I wave goodbye.
Huh, I still have a fish-paste cake leftover.
[Kotarou]: "Guess I'll eat this..."
I munch on it as I walk home.
[Kotarou]: "Mmm..."
It was pretty good.
[Kotarou]: "Heeey, kitty kitty kitty~"
I shake it around, luring the cats walking down the path.
[Cat]: "Mm~ Meow!"
One comes over.
[Kotarou]: "Good kitty, good kitty."
I give it a little piece.
[Kotarou]: "Okay, next..."
As I walk, I give little pieces to all the cats I see. Several start following me.
[Kotarou]: "These guys are really friendly..."
Then I realize they're all heading for an old guy sitting on the bench.
[Old Man]: "Oooh, that's a good kitty."
The old man takes some dried sardines out of his pocket.
[Kotarou]: "I see, that's how he trains them."
These cats must be this friendly because of how much the old men feed them.
[Kotarou]: "...on the other hand."
[Hissy Cat]: "Hiss."
He hasn't changed.
[Kotarou]: "Glad to see you're doing well."
I tear off a piece of the cake for him, but he won't come get it.
[Kotarou]: "Oh well..."
I throw it toward the hissy cat.
He starts acting even more worried, looking back and forth between me and the cake.
[Kotarou]: "Eat it."
He grabs it in his mouth with a quick, nimble motion, then runs off a fair distance before eating it.
[Hissy Cat]: "Hiss."
He turns toward me and hisses again.
[Kotarou]: "You want more?"
I hold out another piece, but that scares him and he goes even further away.
[Kotarou]: "He just keeps going away..."
It really will be hard to make friends with this guy.
[Gen-san]: "Oh! If it isn't the boy from the other night! Now this is a strange coincidence."
I hear a voice behind me.
[Kotarou]: "Ah, you're that ramen shop guy."
That's right, Gen-san.
[Gen-san]: "Gahahahahaha! Glad to see you caring so much about the animals!"
[Gen-san]: "I was just carrying some ingredients over here. You guys should come again tonight!"
[Cat]: "Mrrow."
[Kitten]: "Myaa."
[Cat]: "Meow~"
More of them gather.
I can kinda tell them apart.
[Gen-san]: "Come on, eat, eat!"
[Kotarou]: "Huh, you come here a lot too?"
[Gen-san]: "Sometimes."
There are a lot of cats around here. I guess that draws people like him.
[Gen-san]: "I have a tabby and a tortoiseshell at home. So I can't come here every day."
[Kotarou]: "Oooh."
We feed the cats as we talk.
Gen-san had brought cartilage and meat with all the bones removed.
I've actually heard before that the sharp bones in a bird can be dangerous for cats.
The cats continue gnawing their way through the sardines.
[Gen-san]: "I've heard feeding them this stuff encourages them to look through dumpsters."
[Gen-san]: "Apparently we're supposed to let them hunt naturally."
[Kotarou]: "Ah, you mean catch mice?"
[Gen-san]: "Yeah. If they stop doing that, mice will breed out of control."
He's got a point.
[Kotarou]: "Ah, I'm out."
[Gen-san]: "Good, I need to use up everything I brought too. Keep watching for a while."
[Gen-san]: "And come have menra again sometime! You'll have to pay this time but I'll give you extra!"
[Kotarou]: "Okay, when I get the chance."
[Gen-san]: "Bring the lady with you!"
[Kotarou]: "If we happen to run into each other."
[Gen-san]: "Gahahahaha! You make it sound so hard, boy!"
[Kotarou]: "I should be going now."
[Gen-san]: "Oh, wait a minute."
[Kotarou]: "Hm? What is it?"
[Gen-san]: "You said you like investigating weird stuff around town, right?"
[Gen-san]: "I heard about this one recently! Maybe it'll help."
You obtained Info: "Mysterious Building in Town - Rumored Ghost Activity"!
[Kotarou]: "Oooh, thanks! This actually looks useful!"
[Gen-san]: "Don't stick your neck into anything dangerous now!"
[Gen-san]: "Especially in the forest!"
[Kotarou]: "The forest?"
[Gen-san]: "There are supposed to be almost no animals in there, but lately everyone says they're seeing some."
[Gen-san]: "Anyway, take care boy!"
[Kotarou]: "Yes, thank you very much."
There are some good people in this town. |
Name: Ohtori Chihaya | Gender: Female | Aliases: Chi
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
Name: Konohana Lucia | Gender: Female | Aliases: Class Rep
Name: Kanbe Kotori | Gender: Female
Name: Haruhiko Yoshino | Gender: Male
October 21st (Thursday)
The bell rings. It's the start of class.
I can hear the sounds of chairs moving back as people stand up to greet the teacher in various classrooms.
But that's not happening in ours yet.
Come on already...where the hell is our teacher?
[Kotori]: "What happened to Sensei? She's really late..."
[Kotarou]: "This is inexcusable. We always get our ears talked off when we're late."
[Kotori]: "Then we'll make her extend the class however many minutes she's late."
[Kotarou]: "No, let's end class on time."
There's no way I'm cutting into our break time by doing that.
Well, Sensei's human too. Everyone's late once in a while.
I know how awkward it feels to be late and have to sneak into a quiet classroom.
So it's our job as students to keep the classroom lively until she gets here.
I have no idea if everyone else has the same thought or not, but they're all chatting away, so it is quite lively.
[Lucia]: "Everyone, study quietly! I will go to the staff room in search of her!"
Class rep advocates silence, but everyone talks anyway. They're all free spirits.
She tells us to study again then heads out.
What should I do...
Of course I don't feel like studying.
Maybe I should spend this lazy, boring time sleeping.
Although...if I made things even more lively, it might be fun to see class rep get mad when she comes back.
Let's sleep.
[Kotori]: "Oh, he's sleeping..."
[Kotori]: "I'll sleep too."
[Chihaya]: "Is that really a good idea...?"
[Chihaya]: "Oh well, let's all sleep."
When I wake up, class is over.
Autumn hibernation is dangerous.
Let's make some noise.
It's like I'm still in elementary school.
[Kotarou]: "Yoshino, let's collaborate."
[Yoshino]: "Shut up...our only collaboration will be a final duel."
He immediately starts talking in Yoshino-speak.
[Kotarou]: "Actually, why aren't you leaving the classroom?"
[Yoshino]: "Once the teacher's civilized dictatorship is lost, this room is but a lawless wasteland......I belong in chaotic, noisy classrooms like this."
[Kotarou]: "What kind of lawless wasteland are you imagining? The image I had was of pioneer wagons crossing a desert filled with cacti."
[Yoshino]: "I can trust only myself. The rest is all a concrete jungle of lions and hyenas."
[Kotarou]: "Oh, wild animals. Actually, isn't that guy over there a friend of lions and hyenas?"
[Yoshino]: "Whaaat? Wh-where!?"
I point to the hallway.
On the other side of the open door......there's a wild animal who rules the earth with only his four legs.
Our classmates also start to notice the animal I'm pointing at.
[Kotori]: "What is it, Kotarou-kun? ......aaah."
[Kotarou]: "It's a friend of lions and hyenas."
[Chihaya]: "You're right, they're all cats. This guy must've come here looking for food."
I don't think hyenas are cats, but they are all carnivores of the savanna so close enough.
[Kotori]: "Can you eat wieners? Here."
[Wild Feline Animal]: "Meoooooooow!"
The wild feline animal (specifically, a cat) leaps happily onto the wiener Kotori tosses on the ground.
The other girls see it and start saying "Cute~".
[Cat]: "Meoooow, meoooow."
[Chihaya]: "This cat's amazing. It's not afraid of us at all."
[Kotarou]: "Not while we're feeding it. The cats who're willing to hang out around this school are convinced that humans will feed them if they act cute enough."
[Kotori]: "It's a kind of symbiosis."
[Kotarou]: "Though it's kinda one-sided. Us humans don't gain anything."
[Chihaya]: "We get cuteness and relaxation from them. Those are very important. Only cats can give them to us."
[Kotori]: "Come here, kitty~ Waaa, you're so smart. You deserve petting."
[Chihaya]: "Wow, he's even letting you pet him. Oooh, good kitty."
The cat is soon welcomed in the classroom, and is given various pieces of people's bentous as they all pamper it.
No doubt he just obtained more than enough calories for today.
How did he even get in here? To make this happen he'd have to come in and out of the school several times, hoping the teachers never found him.
[Kotori]: "Huh? Where are you going? You don't want any more?"
[Chihaya]: "He's probably full."
[Yoshino]: "He leaves as soon as he's done eating. Now that's a wild bastard."
[Chihaya]: "He's not like humans! Half of every cat is kindness!"
[Kotarou]: "Thinking about that statement makes my head hurt..."
[Kotori]: "Something's going on out there......ah, look, look! There's another one in the hallway!"
[Another Cat]: "Hisss!"
[Kotarou]: "Oooh! This next one really is wild."
Apparently two cats made it into the school.
But this new one is kinda...unsociable.
Ah, wait, this is the hissy cat from the park.
Apparently that first cat invited the hissy cat to the class.
He must've told him there was food in here.
[Cat]: "Meow~ Meow~"
[Hissy Cat]: "Hissss!"
[Chihaya]: "They don't seem to get along well."
[Kotori]: "It feels like they're having an argument."
[Kotarou]: "I think the hissy cat doesn't want to get his food from humans."
[Yoshino]: "...he's not allowed to get food by being pampered."
[Yoshino]: "No matter how hungry he is, those born as hunters have their pride."
[Chihaya]: "Angry cats like that always get skinny. They could just eat."
[Kotarou]: "Hissy cat's just shy. I feel a strange affinity with him."
[Kotori]: "Men always seem to put their pride first. I can kinda imagine what they're talking about."
Hisss! Hisssss!
Meow, meooow! Meow!!
How could I take food from humans!? I lead a proud and noble life!
Don't be stupid! You haven't eaten anything for days!
See? Your stomach's growling. You can have some of mine. Just eat something!
I will only eat what I get through hunting or stealing! I want no offerings from those humans! ...*groooooooooooowl*...
[Kotarou]: "Something like that...though there's no way to know for sure unless they start talking."
[Hissy Cat]: "Fugya!?"
I pick up Hissy Cat.
[Kotori]: "Wawa, what're you doing to him!?" |
Name: Konohana Lucia | Gender: Female | Aliases: Class Rep
Name: Ohtori Chihaya | Gender: Female | Aliases: Chi
Name: Kanbe Kotori | Gender: Female
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
[Kotarou]: "I'm going to do what must be done. Guys who aren't honest about their needs can only starve."
[Kotarou]: "Kotori, Chihaya, pick up all the wiener bits on the floor. I'm gonna force-feed him!"
[Chihaya]: "Ah, I see. Here you go. These are delicious, so eat up..."
[Kotori]: "They're nearing their expiration date, but they're still delicious~"
[Hissy Cat]: "Hiss! Hisss!"
[Kotarou]: "Owowowowow! Stop fighting! Pipe down and swallow this thing!"
[Hissy Cat]: "Hiss! Hissss!"
[Cat]: "Meooooow! Meow, meooow!"
Hiss! Screw you, no way I'm eating that weird stuff!
Meow~! Just eat it! How long are you going to drag this out!?
I force the wiener bits into his mouth and cover his face with my hand.
How about that!? Will you eat them now!?
[Chihaya]: "I-is it working...?"
[Kotarou]: "...yeah, he finally ate it!"
[Kotori]: "Ahahaha, we did it."
He's no longer struggling. He seems to have given up.
He snatches something else and takes it into a corner begrudgingly.
Then the other cat acts relieved.
The hissy cat must've been really hungry. He's tearing into that thing.
He's actually kinda cute when he's not hissing at everyone.
[Kotarou]: "Geez, what a pain. Kotori, you handle the rest. Let him eat until he's full."
[Kotori]: "Sure. They can eat as much as they like~"
Our classmates are all huddled around the cats.
The other cat is being picked up, cuddled by everyone, and fed various pieces of bentous.
Everyone's learning to be nice to animals. This is a wonderful class.
We're supposed to be learning about trigonometry, but this is much more valuable. Forgive us, math...
[Kotori]: "They're so cute~ Come on, Chi-chan, you hold him now. He's soft and warm and cute~"
[Chihaya]: "I-I'm just fine. I don't really want to...wawa!"
Chihaya suddenly acts hesitant. She must find it embarrassing to touch a cat that much.
But it's written on her face that she does want to hold it, so Kotori pushes the hissy cat onto her.
Once he's in her chest, she's a prisoner of his softness.
[Chihaya]: "...uwaaaaa...s-so soft...so cuuuute......"
They're both the type to deny what they really want, so they get along fine.
I hope Chihaya and Hissy Cat both learn something from this experience.
[Chihaya]: "Come on, purr, purr."
He's enjoying it!?
[Kotarou]: "She has tamed the fearsome Hissy Cat..."
[Kotori]: "Chi-chan's talented."
[Chihaya]: "No, I'm just petting him."
[Lucia]: "Uwa, what is going on here!? What are you all doing in the middle of class!?"
[Kotarou]: "Class rep? It's terrible, two wild feline animals snuck into the school and the whole class is panicking."
[Lucia]: "W-wild animals!?"
[Kotarou]: "Yeah, a starving animal in search of food. It's already eaten several people."
People's bentous, I mean.
Class rep blinks a few times, but soon grasps the situation and hits me in the head.
[Lucia]: "Do not make such malicious jokes. I almost believed you."
[Kotarou]: "Would you use those white fists on it if it was real?"
[Lucia]: "That is my duty as class representative!"
[Kotarou]: "...unless you have a tranquilizer gun, I would recommend you focus on evacuating the survivors."
[Kotori]: "Oh, class rep. What happened to Sensei?"
[Lucia]: "It is going to be a little longer before he arrives. We are to study until then."
[Lucia]: "Everyone, return to your seats and open your books! This is not break time!"
[Chihaya]: "Eeeh? ...but they're so cute, why can't we pet them a little longer?"
[Lucia]: "It doesn't matter how cute they are, this is not what we do at school! Ohtori-san, Kanbe-san, carry those cats to the door!"
[Chihaya]: "Okay, in a minute."
[Lucia]: "You have had plenty of time to play with them before I came!"
[Chihaya]: "I only just got to hold it a minute ago."
Chihaya said she didn't want to, but now that she's holding him she doesn't want to let go.
[Kotarou]: "You hold him too, class rep. There's a special kind of healing only cats can do."
[Lucia]: "I have never heard of such a thing."
[Kotarou]: "It's very important for strict people like you, class rep. Just try it, he won't bite."
[Lucia]: "I-it's fine. I do not like animals, it is fine!"
[Kotori]: "Huh? You don't like cats, class rep?"
[Lucia]: "Not just cats, but all animals. They're filthy!"
[Chihaya]: "Mm...do you really think it's fair to call him filthy? Look how cute he is. You're just being mean!"
[Kotarou]: "Geez...class rep's holding back too."
[Kotarou]: "You know you'll like it, just try it~ Your body will be honest, huheheh!"
She's just like Chihaya. Despite what she says, she'll fawn all over it once it's in her arms!
Now, class rep, we will heal you with kitty power!
[Chihaya]: "Come on, hold it and you'll understand."
[Chihaya]: "It's small and fluffy and soft and waaaaarm~"
[Hissy Cat]: "......hiss."
An unsociable cat, and a class rep who claims to hate animals. Once again, two creatures who deny themselves things they actually like.
Chihaya slowly brings Hissy Cat toward class rep's chest.
Cats really stretch out when you hold them like that.
He even looks ashamed of his silly appearance right now.
I didn't know cats had such rich facial expressions.
[Hissy Cat]: "Hiss."
[Lucia]: "Uuu......uu."
Class rep doesn't look that unhappy about it. Her fingers are twitching from his cuteness.
It's certainly possible that cats contain some healing chemical that no other creature does.
If we could extract it, and use it to heal the entire world, there would never be another war.
But then...
[Hissy Cat]: "Hissgyaaaa!"
[Kotori]: "Ah!"
It was so sudden I couldn't tell what happened.
Hissy Cat flies out of the classroom like a bullet. The other cat follows.
All that remains is a crowd of students lost for words.
...and Chihaya lying on the ground after class rep shoved her...
[Chihaya]: "...wait a minute......what was that for!?"
[Kotori]: "Ch-Chi-chan, are you okay...?"
[Chihaya]: "I'm fine, but what about the cat!? There was no reason to hit him! And you drove him away! Why would you do such a thing!?" |
Name: Ohtori Sakuya | Gender: Male
Name: Haruhiko Yoshino | Gender: Male
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
Name: Kanbe Kotori | Gender: Female
Name: Konohana Lucia | Gender: Female | Aliases: Class Rep
Name: Ohtori Chihaya | Gender: Female | Aliases: Chi
Our classmates agree with Chihaya.
Evidently class rep really doesn't like animals...but even so, what she did was overkill.
I know class rep tends to use her raw strength to solve problems, but until now that was always funny. She managed to use it when it was socially acceptable.
...but this time she was just wrong.
The happy, peaceful atmosphere brought about by the cats was shattered...
[Chihaya]: "If you hated them that much you should've said so. Hitting him like that was cruel. You're too violent!"
[Lucia]: "I told you in the first place that I don't like animals! You're the one who forced it on me!"
[Chihaya]: "That doesn't mean you have to knock him to the ground!"
[Chihaya]: "He finally started acting nice to humans! We were finally getting along!"
[Chihaya]: "After what you did he might never approach a human again! You've traumatized him!"
[Kotori]: "I don't think it was that bad...and class rep did say she didn't like animals..."
[Kotori]: "It's our fault for trying to force our opinions on her..."
[Kotarou]: "...y-yeah, you're right. Different people feel differently about cats. There's no need to force it."
[Kotarou]: "Class rep just happens not to like cats. Right, class rep?"
Class rep looks down with a bright red face.
She bites her lower lip, as if enduring some powerful emotion...she must be frustrated by the fact that everyone is blaming her for this.
...I can understand that. She hates animals, and we tried to force one on her.
She couldn't stand it, and tried to swipe it away.
But she swiped a little too hard, and knocked Chihaya and the cat to the ground. Then the cats ran away and she looked like the villain.
...like she says, Chihaya tried to force her to hold something she didn't want to.
Of course she can't understand why everyone in the class sees her as the bad guy here...
[Kotori]: "...class rep, why do you hate animals so much? ...they're so cute."
[Lucia]: "They're filthy! I don't want to touch them!"
[Chihaya]: "Stop calling them filthy!? What's dirty about them anyway!?"
[Chihaya]: "Humans are just as filthy as any cat!"
[Lucia]: "Exactly, humans are animals too! They're all the same! So don't force me to touch them!!"
......wait, wait, what?
I think blood's rushing to her head...that's definitely going too far.
*mumble* *mumble* *mumble* *mumble* *whisper* *whisper* *whisper* *whisper*
The warm, sunny time a few minutes ago is long gone.
Everyone's gossiping now.
......you know class rep's a real clean freak...
Yeah but that's still going too far.
She's been like this since before she came here...apparently a lot happened in the past...
*whisper* *whisper* *murmur* *murmur* *murmur* *murmur*...
[Teacher]: "Hey, what's going on in here!? We told you all to study! Get back to your seats!"
Finally the teacher arrives and breaks everyone up.
They all return to their seats as if nothing happened.
[Yoshino]: "Hmph. It's your fault for pestering her. Class rep said she hated animals."
[Kotarou]: "Well...that's true, but..."
[Yoshino]: "It's up to each individual whether they like or hate cats, or whether they find animals filthy, or even whether they find humans filthy."
[Yoshino]: "None of you have the right to complain about someone feeling that way."
[Kotarou]: "......I guess."
Yoshino's probably right.
Class rep did turn Chihaya down, so Chihaya was probably wrong for forcing it on her.
But the way the classroom feels, it's like class rep was wrong for not accepting the cat.
[Kotarou]: "...I really screwed up."
[Yoshino]: "So you do understand. Pretending to help others like that has a huge penalty."
Yoshino's cold.
The classroom's back to normal, as if the cat incident never happened.
......it was just an honest misunderstanding. It's not a big deal.
I shake my head, throw the issue out of my mind and start pretending to take notes...
[Female Voice]: "Ecaterina!"
[Kotarou]: "Hm?"
A voice from the hallway.
I look over there to find a lady dressed in luxurious clothes.
[Lady]: "Aaah...! I looked everywhere for you, Ecaterina!"
The lady rushes over to one of the cats and hugs it.
It's supposed to be a tearful reunion, but it's so sudden and unexpected we just stare at it blankly.
The other cat runs off down the hall...
[Chihaya]: "......what's going on?"
[Sakuya]: "I apologize for this commotion."
His head pops out through the window.
[Kotarou]: "Geh! He's here!"
[Chihaya]: "Sakuya, did you bring her here?"
[Sakuya]: "Yes. I bumped into her on the street and she told me what was troubling her."
[Sakuya]: "So we combined our strength to search for her cat, and our information told us it wandered in here."
[Kotarou]: "What kind of information network do you have?"
You can get information on cats wandering into school...
[Lady]: "Thank you for helping me find my Ecaterina. I will repay you for this someday."
[Sakuya]: "No, it is all right. I only did what was polite."
[Kotori]: "A real life gentleman..."
[Sakuya]: "Now then, Matarou-kun."
[Kotarou]: "It's Kotarou."
Now I'm a bull-fighter.
[Sakuya]: "My apologies, but could you escort this lady outside?"
[Kotarou]: "Eeeh? Why can't you do it..."
[Chihaya]: "There might still be cats in the hallway."
[Lady]: "Oh, don't worry about me...I'll be fine on my own."
[Sakuya]: "You will? Take care then."
[Lady]: "Thank you."
The lady leaves.
[Kotori]: "That was dramatic."
[Lucia]: "Wh-what is going on here!?"
Class rep returns.
[Chihaya]: "Sakuya, you're causing trouble so please go away."
[Sakuya]: "Oh, excuse me. I was focused on what was going on in front of me...that is a bad habit. I will work on it."
[Lucia]: "Who are you?"
[Sakuya]: "Are you a friend of Chihaya-san's? I am her brother."
[Lucia]: "You are? ...I didn't know Ohtori-san had a brother here."
[Sakuya]: "I brought that lady here in search of her cat."
[Lucia]: "I see. Much appreciated."
[Lucia]: "But we are in class. I would prefer it if you did not cause trouble."
[Sakuya]: "...my apologies. It seems I really have created a commotion here."
[Sakuya]: "I will take my leave now."
He leaves through the window.
[Lucia]: "...what is with that man...?" |
Name: Konohana Lucia | Gender: Female | Aliases: Class Rep
Name: Sougen Esaka | Gender: Male
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
Name: Senri Akane | Gender: Female | Aliases: Prez, The Witch of the School
Name: Ohtori Chihaya | Gender: Female | Aliases: Chi
[Kotarou]: "He's probably the most mysterious character we know."
[Chihaya]: "He's perfectly normal."
[Lucia]: "Ohtori-san...he may be your brother, but he should not interrupt our class. I have to wonder what is wrong with him."
[Chihaya]: "Mm...what choice did he have? You heard why he was here."
[Kotarou]: "Okaaay, that's enough of that."
They're slightly antagonistic.
During lunch, Prez has some spare time.
[Akane]: "Tennouji."
[Kotarou]: "Yes?"
[Akane]: "I'm bored. Summon one of your clowns."
The only way to make her stop mocking me like this is to produce some results...
[Kotarou]: "Okay...I need someone with real superpowers!"
After going home, I head out in the evening to look for more information.
[Kotarou]: (There's gotta be something out here...)
As I think about it, I end up in an unfamiliar place.
I see stands and carts scattered around the streets.
[Kotarou]: (Ah, that's right, that ramen stand...)
Those things can move around, so it may very well be here today...
I look around for a bit, but I can't see that particular stand.
...those were weird people.
I wonder if they can provide any more information.
I remember they said some weird things.
Something about unidentified animals.
It felt strange at the time so I remember it well.
Maybe I can ask a bit more about that.
Unfortunately I have no idea where they are.
[Kotarou]: (How to find them...)
I'll just have to start looking.
[Kotarou]: "Here it is..."
I arrive at a nice-looking antique shop.
It feels foreign, but not to the point where it breaks the scenery.
I go inside.
I'm overpowered by the sudden bourgeoisie atmosphere.
Though this is to be expected from a shop that handles pieces of art.
It looks like a study in some old movie, but made a couple times bigger.
Even the thick rug in the entrance looks expensive. I wonder if I should take my shoes off.
There isn't a huge number of actual antiques, so they're all spaced out.
I guess they aren't selling that well.
A middle-aged couple walks past me, out the door.
This clearly isn't the kind of store high-school kids go to.
[Esaka]: "Welcome."
[Kotarou]: "Ah."
[Esaka]: "Oooh, you are..."
[Kotarou]: "...hello."
He looks at me, searching for something.
It takes a while.
[Esaka]: "...hmm."
[Esaka]: "Is this a coincidence?"
[Kotarou]: "No, I was looking for you."
[Esaka]: "I don't recall giving you my business card."
[Kotarou]: "I asked around."
[Esaka]: "I see."
The intensity in his eyes clears up.
[Esaka]: "I'm glad to see such a young guest."
[Esaka]: "Once again, welcome to Forest."
[Kotarou]: "Thank you."
[Esaka]: "I am Esaka, the owner of this establishment."
He holds out his hand.
I grasp it.
[Kotarou]: (Uu...this feels weird...)
He isn't crushing my hand.
But I can tell he has a much stronger grip than I do.
Shaking hands with a vise is pretty intimidating.
I don't think I'm that weak, but there's no way I can beat this guy.
[Kotarou]: "I'm Tennouji Kotarou. Second-year at Kazamatsuri Academy."
[Esaka]: "Oooh, that school."
[Kotarou]: "You know it?"
[Esaka]: "I am technically still a student. A first-year actually, so you are my senior."
[Kotarou]: ".........huh?"
I doubt my ears.
He doesn't seem to be joking...
And that's not the right timing for a joke anyway.
As I act puzzled, Esaka-san suddenly roars with a demonic face.
I jump and plaster myself against the back wall.
I felt mortal danger when he did that.
But Esaka-san continues talking to me as if nothing happened.
[Esaka]: "Are you shopping today?"
[Kotarou]: "N-no, investigating."
[Esaka]: "Oh?"
[Esaka]: "If you aren't in a hurry, let's talk over some tea."
The gentleman invites me to an expensive table.
[Kotarou]: (I-is this all right?)
This must be an antique. It looks pricey.
I follow him over and sit down opposite him.
[Esaka]: "Do you like tea?"
[Kotarou]: "I automatically drink anything put in front of me without complaining."
[Esaka]: "Excellent. Good soldiers eat whenever they can."
[Esaka]: "Bring us the usual."
Before long, a plate with tea and cookies for two is brought out from the back of the shop.
Esaka-san looks relaxed.
[Kotarou]: (I guess it's fine...)
What the hell happened to him before?
I sip my black tea as I wonder.
[Kotarou]: "This is great!"
[Esaka]: "I see."
[Kotarou]: "I'm not a big fan of black tea, but this is excellent."
[Kotarou]: "I almost want to chug this stuff."
[Esaka]: "Glad to hear it."
[Kotarou]: "These cookies are good too."
[Kotarou]: "It's all so good I can feel my brainpower lowering."
[Esaka]: "So can I."
[Esaka]: "People return to their primal selves when they eat extremely good food."
[Kotarou]: "When I eat something good I end up shoving a lot of it in my mouth and people get mad at me."
[Esaka]: "So do I."
[Esaka]: "People return to their squirrel selves when they eat extremely good food."
We devour it all immediately.
[Esaka]: "Do you like Chinese-style buns?"
[Kotarou]: "I think they like me."
[Esaka]: "Good answer. You really are young. Someone, bring them."
He talks to someone in the back of the shop again.
Before long, a paper box with two meat buns is delivered to our table.
He opens the box, and steam rises out.
[Kotarou]: "These are lightyears ahead of convenience store meat buns!"
[Esaka]: "They're made at a nearby Chinese place, but I have a weakness for them."
They're also bigger than convenience store meat buns.
[Esaka]: "Now, let us eat."
[Kotarou]: "Okay then."
There's only one way to eat a meat bun.
Open your mouth wide and take huge bites.
[Kotarou]: "Th-this is...!"
The inside is soft and warm.
I can feel the deliciousness melting my brain.
Only my hunter-gatherer instincts ensure I continue eating it.
[Kotarou]: "...huh?"
Before I realize it, it's gone.
[Kotarou]: "I don't remember it at all..."
[Esaka]: "A common occurrence."
[Kotarou]: "Really...?"
[Esaka]: "Actually, meat buns contain a drug that causes memory loss."
[Kotarou]: ".........okay."
[Esaka]: "Wait, WHYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!" |
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
Name: Sougen Esaka | Gender: Male
I leap out of my chair and hide behind some furniture.
[Kotarou]: ".........umm?"
[Esaka]: "Are you full?"
He asks calmly.
[Kotarou]: (...what the hell?)
That makes no sense.
Is this some kind of generation gap confusion?
[Kotarou]: "...do meat buns...really have drugs in them?"
[Esaka]: "Of course not."
[Kotarou]: "???"
[Esaka]: "So, are you full?"
[Kotarou]: "Umm...I could eat more..."
[Esaka]: "Very well. Bring it."
This time, meat sandwiches come out.
[Kotarou]: (This is very strange...he's just sitting there quietly...eating everything that comes out.)
Is this paradise?
I become intoxicated by the dreamlike atmosphere.
[Kotarou]: "These aren't normal sandwiches, are they?"
[Esaka]: "They are quite different from the sort of special meat mayo slightly spicy cutlet salty sandwich you might find at a convenience store."
[Kotarou]: "You know a lot."
That's actually a really common sandwich.
[Esaka]: "I tried one yesterday."
[Kotarou]: "Huh. You don't look like the type to eat that stuff."
[Esaka]: "When the situation calls for it, I will eat my own socks."
[Esaka]: "That is what it means to be a pro."
[Kotarou]: "What about salty sandwiches?"
[Esaka]: "Not bad, but they taste crude. Unlike these, of course."
[Esaka]: "These are made by a nearby Western restaurant."
[Kotarou]: "It looks like an ordinary sandwich."
[Esaka]: "Eat it, and you will understand."
[Kotarou]: "Okay then."
[Esaka]: "How is it?"
[Kotarou]: "Great..."
[Esaka]: "I see, I see."
[Kotarou]: "I thought warm sandwiches were all the same...but now..."
I immerse myself in eating.
My cheeks fill up like a hamster's, and I remember my dignity.
Crap, this is bad manners.
I look up.
[Esaka]: "Mmmm, how is it?"
The old man is a hamster too.
He's holding sandwiches in both hands like a kid.
Apparently I don't have to worry about manners.
[Kotarou]: (I'd like to think he's a nice guy...)
From now on I'm going to completely ignore him when he shouts like that.
I munch.
Aaah, so good...
So good...
My brain melts.
What have I been doing up until now?
For what purpose have I lived?
What is the meaning of life?
Those questions arise, and then disappear.
[Kotarou]: "That was great."
[Esaka]: "I am glad you enjoyed it."
I'm definitely full now.
I might not even need dinner.
[Kotarou]: "Thank you for the food..."
[Esaka]: "It was nothing."
[Esaka]: "Anyway, Tennouji-kun, what are you looking for? Let me guess...are you in search of true love?"
[Kotarou]: "Does this shop sell love?"
[Esaka]: "Of course. We just recently received some secondhand love. True love made from the heartwood of a Lebanon pine..."
[Esaka]: "How do you get love from drilling into a TREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!"
[Kotarou]: "...I dunno."
[Kotarou]: "But I wanted to ask more about something you and your friends mentioned the last time we met."
[Esaka]: "Ask away."
Esaka-san is calm again, so I tell him.
I start explaining the part that was bugging me.
[Kotarou]: "And then...you guys said something about 'familiars'."
[Esaka]: "...what?"
[Kotarou]: "Eh?"
[Esaka]: "Say that one more time."
[Kotarou]: "You guys said there might be familiars or something."
[Esaka]: "In a video game."
[Kotarou]: "Outside of that."
[Esaka]: "Real-life familiars...?"
[Kotarou]: "Well, it's a weird term, so let's go with 'unidentified animals.'"
[Kotarou]: "So UMAs or cryptids or whatever."
[Esaka]: "Something like Nessie or Bigfoot I take it?"
[Kotarou]: "There's a lot of rumors about creatures like that in Kazamatsuri."
[Kotarou]: "It's rare for there to be so many in the same city."
[Esaka]: "What rumors are these?"
[Kotarou]: "Umm...considering how long you've lived here, I just assumed you'd know."
[Esaka]: "Sorry I failed to meet your expectations."
[Kotarou]: "I see..."
[Esaka]: "If you mean stories about people being attacked by wild boars, there used to be a lot of those."
[Esaka]: "Perhaps today's stories stem from those."
[Kotarou]: "Aaah, my hopes are crushed..."
[Esaka]: "Are UMAs the only things you're investigating?"
[Kotarou]: "No, our club is multi-disciplinary."
[Kotarou]: "UMAs, superpowers, ghosts, UFOs, they're all good."
[Esaka]: "Then how about this?"
He hands me a pile of documents.
This looks like an old but serious investigation report.
It's about...some underground ruins found within the town.
[Kotarou]: "Why do you have this?"
Isn't this an important archeological find?
[Esaka]: "One of my friends put together this report on some of the local archeological research."
[Esaka]: "He said those ruins may have been left by ancient royalty."
[Esaka]: "In the end various data such as the estimated date of the ruins showed it was probably of no historical significance after all, so he abandoned his investigation."
[Esaka]: "But because he spent so much money on it, it became a taboo subject at his university."
[Kotarou]: "So we know this is fake?"
[Esaka]: "Some of the 'artifacts' he found were bottle caps."
That is so fake...
Searching underground ruins sounds great, but I know Prez will just laugh at me when we're done there.
[Kotarou]: (No, wait...)
After looking in more detail, more questions come up.
The stuff in the photographs is clearly manmade.
...so why does this even exist? Why would someone dig it out?
I may be able to find something interesting there even if it isn't ancient.
But it's probably over my club's heads right now.
[Kotarou]: "Sorry, this looks amazing...but I think it's a bit beyond me."
[Kotarou]: "We've only just gotten started, so we have little experience..."
[Esaka]: "So this dungeon is too high-level for you? In that case...come."
He calls his secretary again.
[Esaka]: "This is something I picked up when I was still working in security."
[Esaka]: "Kazamatsuri's ancient history is full of riddles. This was excavated from those 'ruins.'"
A clay doll is placed on the table.
[Kotarou]: "This is..."
It's a haniwa.
I've seen dolls like this in the shapes of people or horses, but...
[Kotarou]: "...a dinosaur?"
This is...a tyrannosaurus rex.
[Esaka]: "Perhaps this city contains a place where dinosaurs once lived."
Come to think of it, part of this city is called Tatsusato (dragon village). |
Name: Sougen Esaka | Gender: Male
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
[Kotarou]: "Did they have legends about dragon gods?"
[Esaka]: "I doubt it myself, but this seems like an interesting subject to investigate. How about it?"
[Kotarou]: "It really does..."
This is the sort of thing boys love.
[Kotarou]: "But it'll be pretty hard. It's illegal to enter ruins without permission."
[Kotarou]: "And it's often impossible to get in contact with the owner to get their permission..."
[Esaka]: "Don't worry, those ruins happen to be on my private property."
[Esaka]: "If you're interested I'll allow you entry."
[Kotarou]: "They're that close to town?"
Close enough to be safe, and no risk of adults trying to stop us.
It should be an easy investigation.
[Kotarou]: "I'll take it!"
You obtained Info: "The T-Rex survived into the 20th century!"!
[Esaka]: "I'm glad you liked it."
[Kotarou]: "This is perfect."
[Esaka]: "Good, good."
Esaka-san nods, satisfied.
[Esaka]: "Tennouji-kun, this is my business card. Call me if you need anything."
[Kotarou]: "Ah, thanks. Having an actual card is kinda cool, heheh..."
His pearl-white card says this:
"I never want to see your dirty face again Esaka Sougen"
[Kotarou]: (...the hell is this!?)
I don't understand...
This is clearly where his title should be.
Is it some kind of alias?
Like how Nero is called the Tyrant, Da Vinci the Uomo Universale, and Edison the Wizard of Menlo Park?
But in the corner is a super-deformed version of Esaka-san slipping on a banana peel.
SD Esaka-san's speech bubble has "Whoa!" in it.
This sense of humor goes way beyond old.
I can't tell if I should ignore it or make fun of it.
Given his weird behavior earlier, ignoring it seems better.
[Esaka]: "Is something wrong?"
[Kotarou]: "Ah, no..."
[Kotarou]: "This is a wonderful business card. I would like to carry something like this when I grow up."
[Esaka]: "I see, I see."
[Esaka]: "Those cards cost 5,000,000 yen each. Pay up."
[Esaka]: "But WHYYYYYYYYYY!"
[Esaka]: "Who would ever pay that much for a piece of PAPEEEEEEEEEER!!"
[Esaka]: "How can you run a business by charging money for your CAAAAAAAAAARDS!!!!"
[Kotarou]: "Thank you very much for the information."
You obtained Info: "Ancient Ruins in Kazamatsuri!? The Mysterious City of Gold Lost in Time"!
You became friends with Esaka Sougen!
[Kotarou]: "Amiiigo!"
At night, I reread the documents Esaka-san gave me.
[Kotarou]: "Hmmm."
A huge underground space...
There's really something like this in Kazamatsuri?
But all he found was bottle caps.
In one way it's just stupid, but...
[Kotarou]: (...something's bugging me about it.)
If we keep doing what we've been doing with the club so far...
[Kotarou]: (...I should really use an off-day to do some real investigating.)
I'll save this lead for the future.
First, we need to increase our level.
[Kotarou]: "I hope I can keep finding leads like this..."
And hopefully I'll gain more from doing all this than just my part-time job salary. |
Name: Haruhiko Yoshino | Gender: Male
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
[Kotarou]: "Umm, have you seen any drunks around here?"
[Pedestrian]: "Eh? I remember seeing a lot during flower-viewing season..."
[Pedestrian]: "But now that you mention it, I think I've seen a bunch of drunk old men a few times recently."
[Kotarou]: "Yes, that's them. Do you know where they are?"
[Pedestrian]: "Hmmm, not really. Sorry."
[Kotarou]: "It's okay, thanks anyway."
So they are around here.
Let's keep searching.
[Pedestrian]: "Hey, are you from this town?"
He asks me a question.
[Kotarou]: "I am."
[Pedestrian]: "I've heard there's a huge environmental protection group here. Do you know about that?"
[Kotarou]: "The entire city is like that."
[Pedestrian]: "Hmmm, how should I put this..."
[Pedestrian]: "Is it true that most people involved in it are residents here?"
[Kotarou]: "I don't think so..."
[Pedestrian]: "What about your parents? What do they do for a living?"
[Kotarou]: "They're just researchers."
[Pedestrian]: "Researchers? What field?"
[Kotarou]: "I'm not actually sure..."
[Kotarou]: "Though my parents are mathematicians so I don't think they do that much for the environment."
[Pedestrian]: "Math is the foundation of many other fields. I wouldn't be so hasty."
[Kotarou]: "...really?"
...I remembered something.
My parents used to attend a huge meeting of environmentalists.
[Pedestrian]: "Mathematicians are useful everywhere."
[Pedestrian]: "What are your parents working in now?"
[Kotarou]: "...dunno."
I'm not sure why, but I feel like I should be wary of this guy.
Something doesn't feel right about him.
[Pedestrian]: "Could you introduce me to them?"
[Kotarou]: "Sorry...I don't like talking to them much."
[Pedestrian]: "Oh, are you having a rebellious phase?"
[Kotarou]: "Something like that."
[Pedestrian]: "That's a shame."
[Kotarou]: "Can I go now?"
[Pedestrian]: "Sure, sorry for holding you up."
[Pedestrian]: "Hey, you over there! Can you spare a minute?"
He runs off.
Is he a journalist or something?
He seems to be searching the town for something...
The weird part is he's only talking to minors.
[Kotarou]: (Oooh...they're weaker...)
Now I know exactly why I felt so wary before.
[Kotarou]: (Th-this is scary...I'm being spied on...)
I don't want to get involved, so I leave immediately.
Yoshino's trying to help an old lady cross the street.
[Yoshino]: "Okay, hold on to me."
[Old Woman]: "Thank you..."
[Yoshino]: "...don't misunderstand. I'm just getting you out of my way."
[Old Woman]: "Yes, yes, I know."
[Yoshino]: "This crosswalk doesn't have a signal."
[Yoshino]: "They could easily put one here if they wanted...what a pain."
[Old Woman]: "That's why I need someone nice to help me."
[Yoshino]: "...I've never met anyone that benevolent."
[Old Woman]: "Thank you so much."
Yoshino helps her.
[Old Woman]: "How can I ever repay you?"
[Yoshino]: "I did it for my own sake. You don't need to thank me."
[Old Woman]: "I still want to give you something."
[Yoshino]: "You really don't..."
Yoshino obtained 500 yen!
[Yoshino]: "...hmph, I wasn't after that."
[Old Woman]: "Thank you...thank you."
The old lady walks off.
[Yoshino]: "...hm."
[Kotarou]: "Good job."
[Yoshino]: "Guooo!?"
Yoshino throws himself to one side.
*roll* *roll* *roll*
After rolling around a few times he smoothly leaps to his feet and takes on a fighting stance.
[Yoshino]: "Tennouji, you!"
[Kotarou]: "You did something good."
[Yoshino]: "...you saw that?"
[Yoshino]: "No, you couldn't have. Right?"
He glares at me.
He seems afraid of something. I can't figure out what.
[Kotarou]: "What are you talking about? I saw it."
[Kotarou]: "Huhuhu, that old lady was holding your hand."
I imitate Yoshino.
[Yoshino]: "Your eyes!"
He aims for them.
[Kotarou]: "Whoa! What was that for!?"
[Yoshino]: "I sure as hell didn't have that creepy smile!"
[Kotarou]: "The smile was all me, it wasn't part of the imitation!"
[Yoshino]: "Are you mocking me!?"
[Kotarou]: "Don't be so humble. You did good."
[Yoshino]: "Do you know what humility is?"
[Kotarou]: "You act like a bad boy but you're actually really nice, Yoshino!"
[Yoshino]: "...uuuu!"
He holds his chest in agony.
[Kotarou]: "What? Are you sick?"
[Yoshino]: "Well done, Tennouji...I didn't think you could inflict...this much mental damage..."
[Kotarou]: "Are you mentally ill?"
[Yoshino]: "No!"
[Yoshino]: "...our hearts...operate at different temperatures..."
[Kotarou]: "...I see..."
[Yoshino]: "Listen. I'm no good guy!"
He screams from the bottom of his soul.
[Kotarou]: "I didn't expect to run into such a wonderful Yoshino scene today when I was looking for someone."
[Yoshino]: "Who the hell are you looking for?"
[Kotarou]: "Any chance you could give me a hand?"
[Yoshino]: "Even if I could I wouldn't."
[Kotarou]: "I'm after a group of middle-aged men who drink a lot around here."
[Yoshino]: "...the hell? Why do you want to find them?"
[Kotarou]: "I'm told they all dropped out of school in the prime of life."
[Yoshino]: "So they're outlaws."
[Yoshino]: "What are their leather jackets like?"
[Kotarou]: "...the hell are you talking about?"
Is he implying that every single outlaw wears a leather jacket?
[Yoshino]: "You didn't know?"
[Yoshino]: "All outlaws wear leather jackets."
[Yoshino]: "Men who've left their lives can no longer wear suits."
[Yoshino]: "No, they are not allowed to wear suits."
[Yoshino]: "They are no longer white. They must never be again."
[Yoshino]: "Men who walk along a barren field and never turn back cannot wear anything other than a leather jacket."
[Yoshino]: "But they're expensive. I can only wear a hand-me-down from my brother."
[Kotarou]: "You have a brother?"
[Yoshino]: "...he lost his fangs. He's only a sheep now."
He sounds contemptuous.
[Kotarou]: "Sheep don't have fangs to begin with. Shouldn't he just be a toothless wolf?"
[Yoshino]: "...anyway, he lost his fangs."
[Kotarou]: "But that means you're wearing a fangless guy's jacket." |
Name: Haruhiko Yoshino | Gender: Male
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
[Yoshino]: "He used to have fangs."
[Kotarou]: "What were they like?"
[Yoshino]: "My brother...used to fight the establishment."
[Kotarou]: "Sorry for all the questions, but what exactly do you mean by "establishment"?"
[Yoshino]: "The school."
[Yoshino]: "Also the teachers."
[Kotarou]: "...so he was just a delinquent?"
[Yoshino]: "What?"
He intimidates me.
[Kotarou]: "...please continue."
[Yoshino]: "He was a wolf until his second year."
[Yoshino]: "That I can say for certain. In this ice age where people act coldly to everyone else, he was a constant beacon of rebellion."
[Yoshino]: "But in his third year, he changed..."
[Yoshino]: "He started...studying for his entrance exams! Goddammit!"
[Kotarou]: "You should respect him for that. Are you stupid?"
[Yoshino]: "How dare you, of all people, call me stupid!"
[Kotarou]: "So what happened to him?"
[Yoshino]: "He failed the first year, but after that he got in."
[Yoshino]: "Then he started wearing ridiculous clothes, made friends with a bunch of restaurant designers and started chasing after women."
[Yoshino]: "By his second year he finally got a whore, and then he got a job..."
[Yoshino]: "And...his proud mercuric blood was tainted, and his soul corrupted..."
[Kotarou]: "That last part makes no sense. Translate it for me."
[Yoshino]: "...he became a salaryman, got married, and had a kid."
[Kotarou]: "Isn't that great?"
[Kotarou]: "That ordinary happiness is one of the best things in the world."
[Yoshino]: "...hmph. It's not for me."
[Yoshino]: "I'm going now."
I say something to Yoshino as he leaves.
[Kotarou]: "Hey, you wanna help me?"
[Kotarou]: "I'll buy you some juice."
[Yoshino]: "No. I'm not here to act friendly."
[Yoshino]: "Besides, there's no way to find them if you don't know what kind of jackets they wear."
[Kotarou]: "None of them wear jackets."
[Yoshino]: "What? Then they aren't outlaws."
[Yoshino]: "People who don't even wear leather jackets, but continue drinking heavily into old age...in this heartless, corrupt world, that can only mean one kind of people."
[Yoshino]: "VIPs."
[Kotarou]: "Yoshino Logic is weirdly powerful."
[Yoshino]: "...compliments won't make me help you."
[Yoshino]: "But I'll overlook what you did today."
He leaves gallantly.
Because of Yoshino, I'll probably start laughing next time I see a guy in a leather jacket.
There's a guy in a leather jacket.
He has a moustache and looks like he's in his late twenties.
[Kotarou]: "Hu!"
Crap, I can't hold it in.
And our eyes meet.
The jacket approaches me.
It grabs me by the chest.
[Leather Jacket]: "Hey, did you just laugh at me?"
[Kotarou]: "Sorry, it wasn't at you."
[Leather Jacket]: "Do you think I'm weak? Do you?"
[Kotarou]: "Not at all. You just reminded me of something funny."
[Leather Jacket]: "Don't lie you brat."
[Leather Jacket]: "What the hell did I make you remember?"
[Kotarou]: "I have a friend named Yoshino, and I was laughing at him."
[Leather Jacket]: "Yoshino...?"
[Leather Jacket]: "Where are you from?"
[Kotarou]: "Umm, Kazamatsuri."
[Leather Jacket]: "Kazamatsuri...! So you know Yoshino Haruhiko?"
[Kotarou]: "Eh? You know him?"
[Leather Jacket]: "You idiot, Yoshino-san's the king."
[Kotarou]: "...king?"
[Leather Jacket]: "That guy's the slum king."
[Leather Jacket]: "A powerful outlaw who used his strength to bring order to these lawless slums."
[Kotarou]: "Where are these slums?"
[Leather Jacket]: "These back alleys turn into slums at night. A paradise for hoodlums and ruffians. You didn't know that?"
.........are you serious?
[Kotarou]: "I'm just a rich boy."
[Leather Jacket]: "This slum used to be run by rotten dogs controlling it with drugs and violence...but Yoshino came, and with just one fist changed it into a wolf's town."
[Leather Jacket]: "Yoshino-san purged all ten teams of rotten dogs, forcing them to stop living on drugs and scams and theft."
[Leather Jacket]: "We call the villains Yoshino-san crushed the Jukkai, and avoid them like the plague."
[Kotarou]: ".........seriously?"
[Leather Jacket]: "Duh. No follower of the king would lie about him."
I had no idea Yoshino infected such a large area.
[Leather Jacket]: "But even after doing all that, he never brings any subordinates with him. He's always alone."
[Leather Jacket]: "Do you understand why? Because he's a wolf. We have the utmost respect for him."
[Kotarou]: "All these kids pretending to be gangsters..."
[Leather Jacket]: "Are you retarded!? How dare you say that!"
[Leather Jacket]: "How the hell do you know Yoshino-san anyway? Are you his younger brother?"
[Kotarou]: "Younger? ...we're in the same year."
[Leather Jacket]: "Your age isn't the issue. How do you know him?"
[Kotarou]: "It's nothing weird...Yoshino's just a friend. Nothing more, nothing less."
[Leather Jacket]: "...huh?"
[Kotarou]: "We fight sometimes, but that's because we trust each other."
[Leather Jacket]: "How is this possible!? The king has a friend...?"
[Leather Jacket]: "It's only a weekday and already I'm tripping balls!"
[Kotarou]: "Umm..."
[Leather Jacket]: "Excuse me, cool boy."
Suddenly, the jacket starts acting respectful.
[Leather Jacket]: "I'm sorry for grabbing you. Something came over me."
[Leather Jacket]: "Oooh, God! I have wrinkled this man's shirt!"
[Kotarou]: "It's not a big deal...why the change in attitude anyway?"
[Leather Jacket]: "If you're a friend of the king, that makes you a wolf. You have maximum coolness."
[Kotarou]: "......"
[Leather Jacket]: "We welcome you. That's all there is to it."
Yoshino's influence has some really silly effects...
[Kotarou]: "Did you know Yoshino can be pretty gloomy sometimes?"
[Leather Jacket]: "Hmm...no I did not, cool boy."
[Leather Jacket]: "If one of the rotten dogs over there said that I'd beat them to a pulp, but..."
[Kotarou]: "You don't have to keep calling them dogs...well, not that it matters..."
There's way too much wrong with this to bother correcting anything.
[Leather Jacket]: "Us wolves will lend you our strength anytime." |
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
[Kotarou]: "Eh? Seriously?"
[Leather Jacket]: "Seriously. Our hierarchy is determined by our souls."
[Leather Jacket]: "For a friend of the king, even I would abandon my pride."
Unbelievable things are happening.
Maybe I could ask him for help?
[Kotarou]: "I'm looking for some people."
[Leather Jacket]: "Okay, what kind of freakish bastards are they? Or are they bitches?"
[Kotarou]: "No, they're old men."
I tell him everything I know.
[Leather Jacket]: "I see, that's pretty vague."
[Leather Jacket]: "Time to call up the Wolf Pack."
[Kotarou]: "We're gonna search the whole town...?"
[Leather Jacket]: "Wolves don't make friends, but they do work together. Just watch. We'll find those guys even if they're hiding in their own assholes."
The jacket starts making calls.
[Leather Jacket]: "...there. Now we just wait."
[Kotarou]: "Sorry for making you go to all this trouble..."
[Leather Jacket]: "Don't worry about it. You're older than me anyway."
[Kotarou]: "...what?"
[Leather Jacket]: "I'm a first-year, so if you're the same age as the king you're one year older than me."
[Kotarou]: "...what!?"
He's younger!?
That's the biggest surprise all day.
Dammit, I should've acted more authoritative!
[Leather Jacket]: "What's wrong? ...you're looking scary now..."
[Kotarou]: "How long will it take? I can't wait that long."
[Leather Jacket]: "...why are you acting differently?"
[Kotarou]: "I'm taking full advantage of my seniority."
[Leather Jacket]: "Hm?"
[Kotarou]: "I can do and say whatever I want to those younger than me."
[Leather Jacket]: "...that's an awfully closed mind."
[Kotarou]: "It's a rather new idea these days."
[Kotarou]: "So, when?"
[Leather Jacket]: "Umm, there's no way to know until we find them..."
[Kotarou]: "I see. Then I'll keep searching on my own too. Call me if you find them."
[Leather Jacket]: "Okay, here's my number."
We exchange phone numbers.
[Kotarou]: "I'm Tennouji. A man who rules over common sense."
[Leather Jacket]: "Call me Winter Fang."
[Kotarou]: "You sure you don't want me to use your actual name...?"
You became friends with Winter Fang!
One person has been added to your contacts list!
[Kotarou]: "Just some guy smiling."
[Leather Jacket]: "Smiling?"
[Leather Jacket]: "Well I like smiling too."
[Leather Jacket]: "But smiling at people makes you look like a dick. Especially around here. Be more careful."
[Kotarou]: "Yes, I'm sorry."
Somehow I get away with it.
[Leather Jacket]: "So what's a city boy like you doing in this slum?"
[Kotarou]: "Slum...? I'm just looking for some people..."
I tell him about them.
[Leather Jacket]: "Drunks...there's tons of them around here..."
[Leather Jacket]: "Well, that area's pretty safe so try looking there."
He tells me a place they might be.
My cell phone rings.
[Kotarou]: "It's me."
[Winter Fang]: "This is Winter Fang."
[Kotarou]: "Who are you?"
[Winter Fang]: "I told you my name earlier...I was the guy in the leather jacket."
[Kotarou]: "Aaah, you."
[Winter Fang]: "My friends finished their search for the drunks you're after."
[Kotarou]: "Wow, that's an impressive milf pack you've got."
[Winter Fang]: "It's wolf pack..."
[Winter Fang]: "Anyway, we found one hundred and twenty-four drunks who fit your description."
[Kotarou]: "That's way too many."
[Kotarou]: "But I'm seriously amazed your health pack can process that much information."
[Winter Fang]: "Okay, cool boy. You can mock me as much as you like, but please call them the wolf pack."
[Winter Fang]: "We're good at this sort of thing. Wolves have a great sense of smell."
[Winter Fang]: "Anyway, we know that's too many, so we picked out five groups that seem likely."
[Winter Fang]: "They're not far, so you should be able to find the guys you're after."
[Kotarou]: "Now that's more like it..."
[Kotarou]: "Thanks for the help, rapper."
[Winter Fang]: "I'm not a rapper..."
[Winter Fang]: "If none of them pan out, call me again."
[Kotarou]: "Thanks."
Winter Fang sends me some coordinates.
Let's go investigate.
From what he said, they should be over here...
[Kotarou]: "Sorry, could you spare a moment?"
[Pedestrian]: "No."
The pedestrian walks away.
[Kotarou]: "Huh...?"
That was more than just being busy.
[Kotarou]: "...s-so cooold!"
Has modern man lost its soul!?
[Kotarou]: "Excuse me, I'm looking for some drunks around here..."
[Pedestrian]: "Sorry, could you ask someone else? I'm busy."
He's carrying maps and documents. He must be examining the geography here.
[Pedestrian]: "I'm preparing for the harvest festival."
[Kotarou]: "Ah, sorry for disturbing you."
The whole town gets busy as the festival approaches.
[Kotarou]: "Excuse me, could I ask you a few questions?"
[Pedestrian]: "Sure, ask away."
I find an intellectual gentleman.
[Kotarou]: "Have you seen any drunks around here? I'm after some who dress like gentlemen."
[Pedestrian]: "...I have not seen them."
[Pedestrian]: "But I know about them."
[Kotarou]: "Really? Who are they?"
[Pedestrian]: "Well...I am one of them."
[Kotarou]: "Eh...?"
[Kotarou]: "You seem very calm...is that just me?"
[Pedestrian]: "I am actually drunk."
[Kotarou]: "Your face isn't even red."
[Pedestrian]: "My face is normal and my speed is unimpaired, but I am thoroughly wasted."
[Kotarou]: "So gentlemen remain gentlemen even when drunk?"
[Pedestrian]: "Yes. I am a professor at a university in this city."
[Kotarou]: "So is it the power of intelligensia?"
[Pedestrian]: "Yes, gentlemen can dissolve the alcohol in their system just like solving a math problem."
[Kotarou]: "Amazing."
[Pedestrian]: "But I am drunk."
[Pedestrian]: "...and thus, I strip."
[Kotarou]: "What?"
The gentleman suddenly begins stripping.
[Kotarou]: "Please stop!"
[Pedestrian]: "Only by returning to one's naked form can you become truly human."
[Kotarou]: "You're still human with clothes on!"
The stripping does not stop.
[Pedestrian]: "Being naked does not harm humanity's intelligence. Then why should I not be naked?"
[Kotarou]: "I don't know why! Just don't strip!" |
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
[Pedestrian]: "Are you denying me my right to be naked?"
[Pedestrian]: "This is a flagrant disturbance of the social norms!"
[Kotarou]: "S-someone, heeeeelp!"
There's huge commotion.
Cops come and drag him away.
[Kotarou]: "...that was tiring."
[Hoodlum A]: "Helloooo, we're gangsters! Oh-ho, look at this little rich academy boy~"
[Hoodlum B]: "What~? Really~? What're you doing out here?"
A group of gangsters surrounds me.
I've never met them before.
[Kotarou]: "...I'm looking for someone."
[Hoodlum A]: "Gyahaha, will you look at that."
[Hoodlum B]: "Ha! Ha! What? What?"
For some reason they find it hilarious.
[Kotarou]: "I said I'm looking for someone."
[Hoodlum A]: "Heeeee saaaaid heeee's loooking for someooooone!"
[Hoodlum B]: "Gyahaahaha, that's great!"
[Kotarou]: "Do you guys know any drunks in this area...?"
Their expressions change.
[Hoodlum A]: "Huh? What did you say?"
[Hoodlum B]: "Don't address your elders as "you guys"! Do you want to get hit?"
[Kotarou]: "...elders? How old are you?"
[Hoodlum A]: "Hoooow ooooold areeee weeeee?"
He moves his face toward mine from below, the way only gangsters do.
His twisted lips open right next to my face.
[Hoodlum A]: "...one thousand years."
[Hoodlum B]: "Gyahaha, a thousand! No way in hell!"
[Hoodlum A]: "So, gimme 50,000 yen, ATM-kun!"
[Hoodlum B]: "There we go~ Give us all you've got! Pitiful rich kid! You have no choice!"
[Hoodlum A]: "Give us your money now and we won't hit you too hard."
[Hoodlum B]: "Gyahaha, so you'll hit him anyway! I feel so sorry for him!"
[Hoodlum A]: "It's a good chance to teach the rich boy how the real world works!"
[Kotarou]: "Did you have fun learning how the real world works? Did you?"
[Hoodlum B]: "...it was a blast. (facial bruising)"
[Hoodlum A]: "...that was a valuable experience. (front teeth broken)"
I didn't use violence. I used boxing (and a gentle voice).
I have no scruples about beating up guys like this.
[Kotarou]: "So back to my question."
[Kotarou]: "Do you know any drunks who hang out around here?"
They shake their heads.
[Kotarou]: "...didn't think so."
[Kotarou]: "Also, from now on call yourselves lamesters instead of gangsters. Got it?"
[Hoodlum A]: "...yes."
[Hoodlum B]: "...yes."
[Kotarou]: "You just go to some fancy Italian restaurant often enough you got delusions about being badass mafia thugs, right?"
[Hoodlum A]: "...right."
[Hoodlum B]: "...right."
[Kotarou]: "Also, don't you dare lay a finger on anyone from my school."
I did something good.
But I didn't get any information.
[Pedestrian]: "Drunks? I've seen them before. They come here a lot."
[Kotarou]: "I'm trying to find them."
[Pedestrian]: "Hmmm...well I don't know who they are, unfortunately..."
Once again, no leads.
[Pedestrian]: "Sorry I couldn't help. You can have this instead."
You obtained Info: "Monster in the Forest!? The Legendary Treeman!"!
[Kotarou]: "Th-thank you..."
[Kotarou]: (Oh yeah, Kotori asked me to plant some seeds...)
[Kotarou]: "I can feel greenness from this building..."
[Kotarou]: "But the entrance is locked. Let's climb over the walls."
[Kotarou]: "I don't know why I care this much, but I'm gonna give it my all."
[Kotarou]: "I did it..."
I plant the seeds on the roof.
There's a goth loli.
She's sipping sake out of a flask.
She looks young, but the way she drinks conveys a lot of grief.
[Kotarou]: "Umm...minors really shouldn't drink..."
[Goth Loli]: "...sorry kid, but I'm twenty-nine."
[Kotarou]: "N-no way...!"
She only looks fourteen.
No wait, I think I can see evidence of advanced makeup techniques...
[Goth Loli]: "Thanks for the compliment though. So why are you talking to me? You want my number?"
[Kotarou]: "No, I'm looking for someone..."
[Goth Loli]: "Ah, then come sit down here. Listen to me and I'll give you some Gossuri info."
[Kotarou]: "Huh...?"
[Goth Loli]: "I've been thinking about retiring from goth...I'm getting too old for it, after all..."
[Goth Loli]: "I started doing this when I was thirteen, and got fed up with my ordinary life. I wanted to try acting out a different me..."
[Goth Loli]: "When I put pictures of myself on the internet, I got fans almost immediately..."
Her profound confession continues on for ages.
[Goth Loli]: "...only the old fans still come to my site anymore, and no one worships me as much as they used to now that they're all married..."
[Goth Loli]: "What was it? Friendship? That would be nice, but...then there's no reason for me to be goth anymore..."
[Goth Loli]: "I've started wondering about it a lot lately...my mail order photobooks aren't selling much anymore..."
[Goth Loli]: "I've realized I have to do a lot of work to make this goth outfit work nowadays. But I can't decide how I should change my life...something like that."
The talk goes on for over an hour.
[Kotarou]: "...I-I see...you've had a rough life."
[Goth Loli]: "What do you think I should do, boy? Should I keep being goth?"
[Kotarou]: "I think you know the answer to that better than any of us."
[Goth Loli]: "What do you mean?"
[Kotarou]: "If you can find an outfit that doesn't make you want to drink, that's the right answer."
[Goth Loli]: "Drink...?"
[Kotarou]: "Try wearing lots of different clothes until you find something like that."
The goth loli thinks for a while, then nods.
[Goth Loli]: "...I see. You might be right."
[Kotarou]: "Good luck with that."
[Goth Loli]: "Yes, Gossuri will work hard. Thank you."
[Kotarou]: "I'll cheer you on, Gossuri-san..."
[Gossuri-san]: "I'm glad I told you about this. Now, I promised to give you information..."
[Gossuri-san]: "There's several groups of drunks here, this is like their mecca. However..."
[Gossuri-san]: "There's only one group of middle-aged men. I don't know much about them, but there's a shop some of them own."
[Gossuri-san]: "It's over there. Give it a shot."
[Kotarou]: "Yes! Thank you so much!" |
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
Obtained the location of Antique Shop "Forest"!
As expected, there's a drunk guy here.
[Kotarou]: "Are you drunk?"
[Drunk]: "Yes~"
He doesn't seem to know much.
But I might as well check.
[Kotarou]: "I'm looking for a group of middle aged men who drink around here a lot..."
[Drunk]: "I am not druuuuuunk!"
[Kotarou]: "...excuse me."
He seems useless so I leave.
As expected, there's a drunk guy here.
[Kotarou]: "Are you drunk?"
[Young Drunk]: "If I drink I'll get drunk~!"
I already know he's useless.
[Kotarou]: "I'm looking for a group of middle aged men who drink around here a lot..."
[Young Drunk]: "I've been drinking since last night."
[Kotarou]: "...that's dangerous."
There's a bottle in his hand.
I guess this is what they call binge drinking.
[Kotarou]: "You'll get alcohol poisoning."
[Young Drunk]: "That'll give me stuff to write in my blog~"
[Young Drunk]: "Being fearless is so cool~"
[Kotarou]: "It stops being cool as soon as you say it..."
[Young Drunk]: "I like living in the moment~ My life has no defense, only offense!"
A pension notebook falls out of his pocket.
[Young Drunk]: "No, my book of safety..."
The young drunk hurriedly picks it back up with surprisingly agility.
[Kotarou]: "You're actually saving for your future!"
[Kotarou]: "You stupid life planner! How dare you call yourself fearless!?"
[Young Drunk]: "...uuuuuu!"
This guy's lame. He's a waste of my time.
I walk away.
As expected, there's a drunk here.
But the drunk is surrounded by lots of teenagers.
[Kotarou]: "What's going on here?"
[Teenager]: "You don't know!? It's a charisma live! Charisma!"
[Kotarou]: "Charisma what?"
[Teenager]: "You are so behind the times..."
[Kotarou]: "The times move too fast for me."
[Teenager]: "It's a live street performance...by charismatic drunks!"
[Kotarou]: "Now that's just dumb."
[Teenager]: "You don't understand! Everyone's here for his charisma!"
[Kotarou]: "Is this drunk guy that amazing?"
[Teenager]: "He's an old homeless man who lost his job in the 50's."
[Kotarou]: "That's so ordinary..."
[Teenager]: "You idiot, that's what's perfect about it. Ah, crap, I'm gonna be late!"
[Teenager]: "I'm not gonna miss his binge performance this time!"
The teenager dives into the crowd with cell phone in hand.
[Teenager]: "Driiiiiink!"
[Teenager]: "Look this waaay!"
[Teenager]: "Yes, he looked at me! He looked at me!"
[Teenager]: "Breathe on me!"
[Teenager]: "Do it again! Again!"
[Bouncer]: "Stop! You cannot touch him! Do not touch the professional drunkard!"
[Teenager]: "He's drinking the sake I gave hiiiiim!"
I don't get this at all...
I can't see his face, so I can't ask him any questions, and there's no way this is the guy anyway.
I decide to leave.
As expected, there's a...wait, that's not a drunk.
There's a dignified salaryman with black-rimmed glasses.
He's sitting up straight on a bench.
[Kotarou]: (...is he drunk?)
His face looks flushed.
The salaryman turns toward me.
[Salaryman]: "Do you need something?"
[Kotarou]: "Umm...are you drunk?"
[Salaryman]: "Noooonsense!"
[Kotarou]: "R-right...of course you can't drink on the job..."
[Salaryman]: "We have work to do outdoors sometimes."
Might as well ask him.
[Kotarou]: "I'm looking for a group of middle aged men who drink around here a lot..."
[Salaryman]: "Jasmomen."
The man pulls a whiskey bottle out of his back and starts chugging it.
[Kotarou]: "Umm, aren't you working...?"
[Salaryman]: "Refreeeeeeeeesh!"
[Kotarou]: "...sorry."
The whiskey bottle is soon empty.
The man then takes out another bottle and swirls it around.
This is an overpowering scene.
[Kotarou]: "...is it good?"
[Salaryman]: "Excellent!"
"Outdoor work" covers a lot of stuff.
I'd better remember this guy's workplace.
[Kazamatsuri Student]: "Hey, you!"
[Kotarou]: "Huh? A student? What are you doing here...?"
[Kazamatsuri Student]: "You were talking to a short woman in gothic clothes just now, right!?"
[Kotarou]: "You mean Gossuri-san...?"
[Kazamatsuri Student]: "I'm actually a huge fan of hers..."
[Kotarou]: "Eh? ...but she's almost thirty and is leading a pretty bad life right now."
[Kazamatsuri Student]: "Those facts only make her cuter!"
[Kotarou]: "I will never understand goth loli fans..."
[Kazamatsuri Student]: "So what did you talk about?"
...I explain a lot of what she told me.
[Kazamatsuri Student]: "I see..."
[Kotarou]: "Your beloved Gossuri-san might stop being Gossuri-san soon."
[Kazamatsuri Student]: "So what!? No matter what clothes she wears, she's still my idol!"
[Kotarou]: "I see...good luck with that."
[Kazamatsuri Student]: "Thank you so much. You're from the Occult Research Club, right? Take this lead as thanks!"
You obtained Info: "Super- and Spiritual Power Combo Pack"!
[Kotarou]: "Thank you!"
[Kotarou]: (Oh yeah, Kotori asked me to plant some seeds...)
[Kotarou]: "Let's try this building."
It's a bar with lots of suspicious-looking men inside.
All the men smoking inside turn their sharp eyes toward me.
[Man]: "Who the hell are you!?"
[Kotarou]: "I came to plant seeds here."
I speak casually.
[Man]: "You brat! Get hiiiiiiiiiiiiim!"
A ferocious battle ensues.
And then...
[Kotarou]: "The likes of you will not stop me."
I plant some seeds in that building.
[Kotarou]: (Oh yeah, Kotori asked me to plant some seeds...)
[Kotarou]: (I need to get some in between these buildings...)
I squeeze my way in.
Will they really grow in a dark place like this...?
[Kotarou]: "Aaah!"
Various reflections from windows and other bits of glass gather on a single holy spot.
[Kotarou]: "It's an urban miracle..."
I scatter some seeds in that alleyway.
These plants will also be holy when they bloom. |
Name: Konohana Lucia | Gender: Female | Aliases: Class Rep
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
Name: Kanbe Kotori | Gender: Female
Name: Haruhiko Yoshino | Gender: Male
Name: Ohtori Chihaya | Gender: Female | Aliases: Chi
October 22nd (Friday)
I wake up.
[Kotarou]: "Friday..."
Apparently lots of schools have Saturday off completely.
[Kotarou]: "...I'm so jealous..."
Unfortunately us Kazamatsuri kids feel not the slightest bit of exhilaration on Friday afternoon.
[Kotarou]: (On the other hand...)
Being at school means I can look for leads on campus.
It might be fun gathering up rumors during break time.
We students are the primary audience for ghost stories and urban legends after all.
[Kotarou]: "Yoshinoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!"
[Yoshino]: "Uuoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!"
...haa, haa! How do you like that!?
[Yoshino]: "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuu...not bad at all."
[Kotarou]: "Come, it's your turn now!"
[Yoshino]: "Here I come Tennouji, take mine all the waaaaaaaaaaaay!"
......uu, oooooooooooooo, that was passionate...
[Kotarou]: "Not bad...but I know you can do better than this..."
[Yoshino]: "Same to you! Put all your strength into it. I can take anything you can dish out!"
[Kotarou]: "Very well! Here's everything I've gooooooooooooooooooot!"
Nuooryaaaa! *thud!*
Two sweaty men pound their hot feelings into each other!
Uuuuuuuuuuuuuu...that's it, Yoshino! That's my partner! Now it's my turn, take thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis!
*bam!* *shoom!* Nuha! No, not yet, not yet!
Sweat drops and fiery passion produced by male flesh! Our souls are on fire!
Then we focus all of that heat into a single point, and...uuoooooooooooooooooo, Yoshinoooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
[Kotori]: "They're such good friends~ Though it's really easy to misinterpret that conversation~"
[Chihaya]: "I-I don't understand. What are you talking about?"
Lunch break. The weather's so good we have to do something outside.
Tons of people are running around the courtyard like puppies, playing various games.
This looks exactly the same as it did back in elementary school.
Yoshino and I are no different. We have to do something fun out here.
At first we thought about doing dodgeball, but we couldn't get anyone to play with us.
But we still had these balls.
So we figured we could make dodgeball work with only two people.
Throwing balls at each other isn't exactly uncommon in the world of men.
Some other boys are doing the same thing, though without quite as much ferocity.
I think those guys are playing soccer.
[Kotarou]: "Yoshino, wanna play soccer?"
[Yoshino]: "Sports where you can't attack the enemy are boring. Kill or be killed. That lethal moment is the greatest drug of all..."
[Kotarou]: "So you're an adrenaline junkie. Maybe Japan is too boring for you."
[Yoshino]: "Japan is very cramped. I want to leave here as soon as possible and carve my name into the rest of the world."
[Kotarou]: "That's ambitious. What're you gonna do outside of Japan?"
[Yoshino]: "How should I know? We'll see what happens after I go."
[Kotarou]: "So you just want to get out."
[Yoshino]: "From my point of view, everyone here is a little chick who plans on living their whole life inside the egg. I'm amazed they can put up with such a tiny reservation."
[Kotarou]: "I guess you've never felt homesick."
[Yoshino]: "I will leave this town. I will leave this country. And then, I will leave this planet. I will become a man so huge the Earth itself cannot contain me."
Haa...that's pretty ambitious.
His boasting has reached a level where I can only respect it.
I don't think I'd want to move out of this town unless something really bad happened, and I have no urge to go on a journey anywhere.
I'm perfectly satisfied with this town, this world I'm in right now.
But to Yoshino, that makes me a baby chick who never wants to leave the egg.
[Kotarou]: "You'd better become a big shot in the future."
[Yoshino]: "Of course I will."
[Yoshino]: "And Tennouji, don't disappoint me by being so small you feel satisfied with this tiny world."
For once, Yoshino's bombastic words hit home for me.
99.9% of what this guy's big mouth outputs is utter nonsense. But once in a while he says something important.
That's why I never get sick of it.
Right then, I see a marvelous long shot flying toward me.
It flies over my head, bounces a few times then plows through the pansies behind me.
Ooooh, that's dangerous, class rep is walking over there. That ball's flying right in front of her.
...uwa, class rep's getting mad.
[Lucia]: "H-heeeeeeeeeey!! That was dangerous! All of you, be more careful!"
[Student A]: "Sorry, class rep~ Could you get the ball for us!?"
The guy who kicked it apologizes from far away.
The ball is right in the middle of the pansy bush.
Class rep looks angry and troubled. She looks back and forth between the guy and the pansy bush.
[Lucia]: "N-no. It's your ball. You get it."
[Student A]: "Don't get so mad~! Come on, throw us the ball!"
[Lucia]: "No. It's filthy! I don't want to touch it."
[Yoshino]: "...here it goes again."
Yoshino grumbles.
The ball was within inches of hitting her, so I can see why she's angry.
But she's already making this sound like a much more serious problem...
[Student A]: "Cut it out! All you have to do is kick it over here. You can do that at least!"
[Lucia]: "I-I said I don't want to! It's filthy!"
The other soccer players start gathering.
We walk toward her too.
[Kotarou]: "Was class rep really this unsociable?"
[Yoshino]: "She's been this way since coming to high school."
[Yoshino]: "She wants nothing to do with most people."
According to Yoshino, conflicts like this have happened a few times before, even in our class.
I probably just ignored them at the time because I didn't want to get involved...
By the time I get there, three boys are arguing with her.
[Lucia]: "I-I told you I don't want to touch it!"
[Student A]: "We're not asking you to pick it up and lick it! We just asked you to kick it back!"
[Student B]: "What's filthy about kicking it? You're wearing shoes, so what's the problem!? How neurotic are you!?"
[Lucia]: "Y-you're the ones who kicked the ball over here! I have no obligation to kick it back!"
[Kotori]: "Heeeey! No fighting!" |
Name: Kanbe Kotori | Gender: Female
Name: Ohtori Chihaya | Gender: Female | Aliases: Chi
Name: Haruhiko Yoshino | Gender: Male
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
Name: Konohana Lucia | Gender: Female | Aliases: Class Rep
[Chihaya]: "Boys shouldn't gang up on a girl like that. You're all horrible!"
[Kotarou]: "She's right. Now stop fighting! Stop it!"
[Yoshino]: "Geez, it's your ball. Go pick it up already and leave."
[Student A]: "What!? Yoshinooo!"
[Kotarou]: "Aaah, none of that, please. Yoshino-kun, no provoking them."
[Kotarou]: "Okay, I'll get your ball~ Would you like a potato with that?"
I enter the pansy bush, pick up the ball, and throw it over to them.
This fight annoys the hell out of me, so I want it to end right now.
[Kotarou]: "Keep it up and a teacher might come. Just go already."
[Yoshino]: "Hmph, fools. I'll show you just how terrible that shot was. Try and stop me!"
Yoshino snatches the ball out of my hands and starts charging to the goal with a fearsome dribble.
The boys follow him after giving class rep one last look.
Yoshino was probably doing that on purpose to help.
This should do. Now there won't have to be a huge scene here.
[Kotarou]: "And class rep, don't start calling things filthy over a stupid ball."
[Chihaya]: "...are you being a clean freak again? If you keep going overboard with it you'll just cause problems for everyone."
[Lucia]: "Leave me alone. I didn't ask for your opinion."
[Chihaya]: "Aaah, I seeee, well sorry!"
[Kotori]: "That's enough, Chi-chan~"
After what happened with the cat, Chihaya probably can't shrug this off so easily...
[Kotarou]: "Chihaya, don't provoke her either."
[Kotarou]: "Soccer balls roll all over the ground after all."
[Kotarou]: "It might've picked up a dog turd or something. I can understand why she wouldn't want to touch it."
[Kotori]: "H-he's right. That's why goalkeepers wear gloves."
[Kotarou]: "That's not really the issue...anyway, everyone has their own standard of cleanliness."
[Kotarou]: "Class rep has her own viewpoint. None of us have the right to deny that."
[Chihaya]: "......Konohana-san, I used to like you. You helped me out a lot right after I transferred."
[Chihaya]: "But I don't get why you act like this. I don't think I respect you as much anymore."
[Lucia]: "I-I do not need your respect. Besides, how am I at fault for any of this!?"
[Lucia]: "I was just walking, and the ball flew past me. That's all! What blunder did I commit!?"
[Chihaya]: "I agree that the boy who kicked it is the one at fault."
[Chihaya]: "But you were right next to it, Konohana-san. Any normal person would just throw it back to them."
[Chihaya]: "...aren't you the class representative? Shouldn't you do more than just punish people who break the rules?"
[Chihaya]: "I can't help but think you're missing something important."
[Kotarou]: "*phweet!* Red card! Kotori, please drag her off the field and cool her head down."
[Kotori]: "O-okay...let's go, Chi-chan, no one did anything wrong here..."
[Lucia]: "That's right, no one's in the wrong."
[Chihaya]: "That's right! No one did anything wrong."
[Chihaya]: "So can I ask you something? If you really didn't want to pick it up, why not just kick it out of the bush?"
[Chihaya]: "Konohana-san, does it bother you that much to have the bottom of your shoe come into contact with filth?"
[Chihaya]: "If it does then you might as well spend the rest of your life cooped up at home!"
[Kotori]: "Stop it, Chi-chan. Come on, let's go."
[Lucia]: "...it's not that I can't stand filth on my shoes."
[Chihaya]: "Oooh, then why didn't you kick it back to them?"
[Kotarou]: "Chihaya! Cut it out already! This conversation is over!"
[Lucia]: "I didn't......want to touch the......"
[Chihaya]: "Eh? Touch what?"
Class rep just said she didn't want to touch...something.
I heard what she said, but it was such a shock I'm certain I misheard something.
So I automatically fall silent, waiting for class rep to clarify.
[Chihaya]: "...what did you not want to touch?"
[Chihaya]: "What was it!?"
Chihaya pries.
She probably heard it too. But like me, it was such a shock......she has to hear it again.
Class rep looks down, bites her lip and shivers...then the words burst out.
[Lucia]: "The flowers! I didn't want to touch them!"
[Kotarou]: ".........eh?"
[Kotori]: "Wh-why not...? They're so pretty..."
[Chihaya]: "So......even flowers are filthy to you."
[Lucia]: "They are filthy! I don't want to touch them! Is that wrong!?"
She doesn't leave any room for doubt.
...she's still biting her lip, and tears form in the corner of her eyes as she says that.
After forcing her to say all that...I remember what Yoshino said the other day.
"None of you have the right to complain about someone feeling that way."
[Chihaya]: "Are you that obsessed with cleanliness? Is the world really that filthy? That doesn't make any sense!"
[Kotarou]: "Stop, Chihaya, that's enough! I said this conversation is over!"
Aaah, dammit, she's still holding a grudge after the cat incident yesterday.
Girls are scary...she looked totally fine, but she hadn't forgotten it for a second.
Well, from Chihaya's point of view what happened that day was probably a huge shock.
She just wanted to share the joy of holding a cat with someone else.
She was probably hoping that would be the start of a new friendship.
But she never thought she'd be rejected that violently. That might've hurt her deeply.
Still, class rep has the right to live how she wants.
Her viewpoint is different from the norm, so some people may feel rejected or weirded out.
But that doesn't change the fact that class rep has that right.
And she's doing her best not to cause trouble in the process. We have to respect that!
Aaah, geez, why do I have to defend class rep's honor!? Why do I keep sticking my neck into her fights!?
[Chihaya]: "These beautiful flowers are filthy? Really?"
[Chihaya]: "If they feel that way to you, doesn't that make you the filthy one!?"
[Lucia]: "I...I'm not filthy......"
[Chihaya]: "Then how can you say these flowers are filthy!? Look at them!!"
Come on, Chihaya, calm down already...
Chihaya opens her arms wide and scoops out a bunch of the pansies.
Then she throws them into class rep's face.
...due to a gust of wind that just happens to be passing by, it turns into a beautiful whirlwind of blossoms...
But it isn't a display of beauty or friendship...
Class rep has no choice......but to hang her head in shame before Chihaya's anger.
[Kotori]: "That is enooough!" |
Name: Konohana Lucia | Gender: Female | Aliases: Class Rep
Name: Ohtori Chihaya | Gender: Female | Aliases: Chi
Name: Nakatsu Shizuru | Gender: Female | Aliases: Shizu
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
Name: Kanbe Kotori | Gender: Female
Name: Senri Akane | Gender: Female | Aliases: Prez, The Witch of the School
[Kotori]: "Come on, Chi-chan, let's go! I'm gonna get mad if you don't leave now~!"
[Chihaya]: "You're right, any more of this would be unpleasant."
[Chihaya]: "I came here thinking they were picking a fight with you, but it was a waste of time."
[Kotarou]: "Don't say that. Thank you, Chihaya...for helping class rep."
[Chihaya]: "...you're welcome."
[Lucia]: "......thank you."
[Kotori]: "That's no good...please, make up already..."
[Chihaya]: "I'd like to, but I don't think we can shake hands. My hand's probably too filthy."
[Chihaya]: "It's all right, I'm good at dealing with these things. I'll forget all about it and act normally in class."
So she'll act normal even though she's still mad.
......why do these two have to be like this? Aaaaah, it's so frustrating!
Chihaya turns around and walks off.
Kotori makes eye contact with me for a moment, then leaves too.
Class rep watches them leave, then brushes off the flowers on her clothes...
[Kotarou]: "......don't worry about it. She's still mad about the cat incident."
[Lucia]: "I understand her feelings......after what I did to her, it is only natural to be hurt."
[Kotarou]: "You're living in a strange way too. But you get mad about it too easily."
[Kotarou]: "Yoshino walks his own path with pride, so when he does weird stuff it feels refreshing. But you don't do that, class rep."
[Lucia]: "......so what if I don't?"
[Kotarou]: "If you want to live that way, then you should be less sensitive about it."
[Lucia]: "I......I..."
[Kotarou]: "Hm? What?"
[Lucia]: "I...I am not.........uu...living this way......because I want to...!!"
Class rep...no...
Konohana Lucia howls.
To be honest......I have no idea what she's referring to.
I thought she chose to live that way...
But those tears...she's enduring something that only she has to deal with...
I can hear the bell for the end of lunch break.
Class rep rubs her eyes.
I ask her if she's okay, but she ignores me and walks off.
What the hell......?
By the time afternoon class starts, class rep looks no different from usual...
[Kotarou]: (Oh...)
We have a few e-mail submissions.
You obtained Info: "A Supergirl is Born"!
You obtained Info: "The Seven Wonders: #4 - Hanako-san of the Toilet"!
I hope one of these turns out to be useful...
I turn around, and find our members have already begun slacking off.
Doesn't feel like a good time to try looking for information.
[Kotarou]: "So much for doing something today..."
Now I've got a lot of time to kill.
I guess I could just spend it lazily like everyone else here...
Prez suddenly stands up.
[Kotarou]: "Huh? Prez, where are you going?"
[Akane]: "I feel like going outside, so I'll go buy a drink or something."
[Kotarou]: "I see..."
The Prez leaves with a weak look on her face.
[Kotarou]: "Well, cooping herself up all day with a laptop isn't good for her..."
[Chihaya]: "That's true..."
[Kotori]: "Prez really does live here, doesn't she?"
[Lucia]: "What is it?"
[Shizuru]: "...where is Prez' house...?"
[Kotarou]: "That's a good question."
[Lucia]: "Now that you mention it, I do not know much about her either..."
[Kotarou]: "Don't worry about it, I've known her a while longer but I don't know that stuff either."
[Kotori]: "Is there some reason she really doesn't want to go home?"
[Chihaya]: "Not really, I think she just never feels like it."
[Kotarou]: "Isn't that really bad?"
[Chihaya]: "I guess it kinda is."
[Chihaya]: "But Akane-san's always been like that."
[Kotarou]: "Hmm...so where is Prez' house?"
[Chihaya]: "...I actually don't know."
[Kotarou]: "Eh? Seriously?"
[Chihaya]: "Well, I've known Akane-san for a long time, but I've never been in this city before."
[Kotarou]: "Hmm..."
[Kotori]: "She never calls you to visit?"
[Chihaya]: "I've actually offered to come, and she refused."
[Kotarou]: "Probably because you'd break all her stuff..."
[Chihaya]: "No I wouldn't!"
[Kotarou]: "That aside...Prez' home does feel pretty mysterious..."
[Kotarou]: "Maybe any man who trespasses just disappears, or the place is overgrown with bizarre flora, or Harrison Ford goes there to break some kind of curse..."
[Kotarou]: "The more I think about it, the more mysterious it seems..."
"Hmmm," thinks everyone.
One of them isn't thinking at all and is munching on snacks instead, but that's normal so it isn't worthy of comment.
[Akane]: "...what are you all thinking about?"
Prez comes back.
[Kotori]: "Oh...we were wondering where your house is, Prez."
[Akane]: "My house?"
[Akane]: "Isn't it right here?"
She just...she just called this abandoned classroom her house...
[Kotarou]: "No, I mean your original house."
[Akane]: "...my original house..."
[Akane]: "...that's an idea, maybe I should go back..."
[Kotarou]: "Oh? Seriously?"
[Akane]: "Maybe later today."
[Kotarou]: "...it's autumn you know."
It's almost dark already.
[Akane]: "Now, time to lock up and go home."
[Kotori]: "Okaaay."
[Kotarou]: "Bye-bye."
[Chihaya]: "Let's go."
[Akane]: "My house is this way."
Prez leaves the group first.
[Kotarou]: "Ah, okay then. Bye now."
[Akane]: "Bye."
[Shizuru]: "Goodbye."
[Kotori]: "See you tomorrow."
We all walk off naturally.
After rounding the corner, I press against the wall and peek around, watching Prez.
[Kotori]: "You don't have to take it that seriously."
[Kotarou]: "This is Prez...if she notices us, she'll use all sorts of methods to shake us off."
Like a vision impairment spell (smoke bombs) or shadow doppelgänger summoning (her secret service) or dark fossilization hexes (revealing embarrassing parts of our pasts).
[Chihaya]: "True, she probably wouldn't show us where it is if we asked..."
[Kotarou]: "You seem very interested, Shizuru."
[Shizuru]: "Yeah."
[Lucia]: "This is nonsense...I am leaving."
[Shizuru]: "Are you sure?" |
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
Name: Konohana Lucia | Gender: Female | Aliases: Class Rep
Name: Kanbe Kotori | Gender: Female
Name: Nakatsu Shizuru | Gender: Female | Aliases: Shizu
Name: Ohtori Chihaya | Gender: Female | Aliases: Chi
[Lucia]: "Wh-why do I have to do something so imprudent..."
Class rep tags along with Shizuru.
[Kotarou]: "Okay...we have to follow her without being noticed."
[Shizuru]: "Yes."
[Kotarou]: "I'm counting on you, Shizuru."
She replies, "Okay," with a hand gesture.
[Kotori]: "She turned a corner."
[Kotarou]: "Run quietly to that corner."
[Chihaya]: "Waaa!"
I bump into Chihaya's leg.
She hits the ground.
[Kotarou]: "Ah, sorry."
[Chihaya]: "Owwww..."
[Kotarou]: "Quiet! Do you want her to hear us!?"
[Chihaya]: "You made me trip, Kotarou!!"
[Kotarou]: "And I apologized."
[Chihaya]: "It didn't sound like an apology at all!"
[Kotori]: "...she's gonna hear us."
[Kotori]: "There's a lot more people here now..."
[Kotarou]: "Crap! It's the businessmen's after five rush!"
[Kotarou]: "Not that it matters, but doesn't "after five rush" sound like a fighting move?"
She nods in agreement.
[Chihaya]: "Anyway, we need to do something or we'll lose her."
[Kotarou]: "Okay, open up a path with your Chihaya beam."
[Chihaya]: "I don't shoot beams!"
[Lucia]: "But wouldn't the Chihaya beam draw too much attention to us?"
[Chihaya]: "Why are you assuming I have a beam...?"
[Shizuru]: "She's over there."
Shizuru slips through the crowds.
[Kotori]: "Wa, she's fast."
[Kotarou]: "We'd better follow her."
We continue our pursuit for the next ten minutes.
[Kotarou]: "She's going really far..."
[Chihaya]: "It has to be somewhere in this city, but..."
[Kotarou]: "Shizuru, where'd she go?"
She points.
With Shizuru's eyesight, we don't have to worry about losing her.
[Kotori]: "I hope nothing bad happens..."
[Kotarou]: "Why would it...?"
[Kotarou]: "!?"
A black cat crosses our path.
[Kotarou]: "N-noooo...!!"
[Kotarou]: "Impossible...a whole family of black cats is walking single-file perpendicular to us!?"
[Kotori]: "So much bad luck..."
[Chihaya]: "Ah!"
[Chihaya]: "Th-there's a group of crows circling overhead, looking and cawing at us..."
[Lucia]: "Look at that intersection..."
[Kotarou]: "Whaaat!? All four cars there are hearses!?"
[Kotarou]: "N-no...I need to look at some plants, that'll calm me down."
[Kotarou]: "...hm? These flowers are pretty, but..."
[Kotori]: "Uwa, these are bamboo flowers!"
[Kotarou]: "That's a sign of impending famine!"
[Kotarou]: "Wh-what in the world is...uu!?"
[Kotarou]: "My top four shoelaces all snapped!?"
[Kotori]: "Legend says you lose one friend for every broken shoelace..."
[Chihaya]: "But if only four of us die, won't one be left over?"
[Kotarou]: "Umm...my socks tore too..."
[Chihaya]: "Oh..."
Now my shoes and socks are flopping around so much it's hard to walk.
[Shizuru]: "......!"
[Shizuru]: "Who's there...!?"
[Man]: "Helloooooo!!!"
An athletic guy pole vaults over our heads.
[Kotori]: "That's the legendary pole vaulting geezer...he's real!?"
[Kotarou]: "Eh? I've never heard that myth..."
[Kotarou]: "Hm?"
Shizuru starts quivering.
[Lucia]: "What's wrong, Shizuru?"
[Shizuru]: "I-if someone goes over me..."
[Shizuru]: "I have to go over them..."
[Shizuru]: "Or I'll never get any taller!"
[Kotarou]: "Uwaa, that's a serious problem..."
[Lucia]: "...that's clearly a superstition..."
[Shizuru]: ".........!!"
She runs desperately after the old man.
[Kotarou]: "Wow, those two are fast. They're already gone..."
...somehow Shizuru manages to fly over the old man (it was very acrobatic and involved a low wall) and returns to us after calming down.
[Kotarou]: "This town is full of weirdos..."
The old piper, the old flute-player, the old marathon runner...though I think every town has at least one of those.
[Kotori]: "What now...we've completely lost track of Prez."
[Lucia]: "So much for that."
[Kotarou]: "Also my socks have fallen so far my heels are exposed inside my shoe and the chafing is really painful."
[Kotori]: "What on earth caused this series of unfortunate omens...?"
[Kotarou]: "I don't know...but I now know to fear Prez' mysteries, and to value the importance of socks to our daily lives..."
[Lucia]: "At least the latter is a truly important lesson..."
[Shizuru]: "Don't worry about the pursuit."
[Chihaya]: "Eh? You know where she went?"
[Shizuru]: "Last I saw, she was entering that building over there."
[Kotarou]: "Seriously!? So Prez' apartment is in there!?"
...then it turns out to be a tenant building with a net café.
[Kotarou]: "Chihaya..."
[Chihaya]: "Haa..."
[Kotarou]: "Is the Prez you know a net café refugee?"
[Chihaya]: "...maybe she just wanted to stop by there?"
It's possible.
[Kotarou]: "What should we do..."
[Kotori]: "Infiltrate and continue searching?"
[Kotarou]: "I see. You're eager, Kotori."
[Kotori]: "We came all this way after all."
[Lucia]: "I don't mind either way."
"Let's go! Everyone, let's go in!" Captain Shizuru nods.
By the way, she wasn't that passionate about it.
[Chihaya]: "But I've never been in a place like this..."
[Kotori]: "Me neither."
[Kotarou]: "Neither have I."
[Kotori]: "Is it okay for us all to go in as a group?"
[Kotori]: "It seems like a net café would be a dark, quiet place where everyone reads manga or types on their computers, trying not to make too much noise..."
[Kotori]: "And then if you start talking a tough man would show up and start cracking his knuckles..."
[Kotarou]: "Umm...I think we'll be fine if we just keep quiet."
[Lucia]: "According to that sign, we need identification to enter."
[Kotarou]: "Geh, ID? I don't have my student ID on me..."
[Chihaya]: "Me neither..."
[Kotori]: "Now what?" |
Name: Ohtori Chihaya | Gender: Female | Aliases: Chi
Name: Ohtori Sakuya | Gender: Male
Name: Senri Akane | Gender: Female | Aliases: Prez, The Witch of the School
Name: Kanbe Kotori | Gender: Female
Name: Konohana Lucia | Gender: Female | Aliases: Class Rep
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
Name: Nakatsu Shizuru | Gender: Female | Aliases: Shizu
[Sakuya]: "Do not fear, I have prepared five special membership tickets in case of such an event."
[Chihaya]: "Ah, Sakuya."
[Kotarou]: "Where did you come from...?"
[Sakuya]: "That is a trivial matter. For now, these should allow you to enter the café for free."
[Chihaya]: "Thank you, Sakuya."
[Lucia]: "Are you sure it's all right for us to use these?"
[Sakuya]: "But of course. I happen to be friends with the proprietor."
He hands out four of the cards as he says that.
[Kotarou]: "What about me?"
[Sakuya]: "What? Unfortunately I only have five, and one is for me."
[Kotarou]: "Damn you, Honekawa!"
I can kind of understand why Nobita-kun would react to this by crying to his blue robot cat for help.
[Chihaya]: "Sakuya, this was all Kotarou's idea, so please let him go instead of you."
[Sakuya]: "It was but a joke. Here, Atarou-kun."
[Kotarou]: "I'm not a gag manga protagonist."
In any event, he gives me the card.
[Sakuya]: "See you all later. Don't get lost in there."
[Kotarou]: "Haa..."
[Shizuru]: "We'll be fine."
[Sakuya]: "So dependable. I will trust you to keep them all safe, Shizuru-san."
"Hmph, I can protect them with one finger...go wait for me on the dreadnought," she eagerly replies.
[Sakuya]: "Chihaya-san doesn't visit places like this very often..."
[Sakuya]: "As her caretaker, I am overjoyed to see her having fun around the city."
[Chihaya]: "I-it's not that big a deal, really!"
[Sakuya]: "Hahaha, my apologies."
[Sakuya]: "By the way, Akane-ojou-sama is in the VIP room on the sixth floor. I hope this aids you in your stalking, Atarou-kun."
[Kotarou]: "...you'd be such a nice guy if you said only half as much..."
[Sakuya]: "I see. Thank you for that."
[Sakuya]: "Call me if you need anything."
[Chihaya]: "Thank you~"
[Kotarou]: "Also it's Kotarou."
[Kotori]: "Now, charge~"
We leave Sakuya behind and enter the café.
[Kotarou]: "Uuoooo, there's a full set of the Drabon Gall reprint! I wanna read the interviews with Torinama Akira-sensei! (low voice)"
[Kotori]: "Wide screen TV, expensive headphones, 3D surround sound! I wanna watch movies here! (low voice)"
[Chihaya]: "Waaa, you can drink as much cocoa as you want... (low voice)"
[Shizuru]: "......... (secured a complete set of Taiyō ni Wameke! episodes with Jeans in them)"
[Kotarou]: "Ha..."
[Kotori]: "What's wrong, Kotarou-kun?"
[Kotarou]: "You're enjoying this too much!"
Everyone's forgotten our original objective.
[Kotarou]: "Th-this is bad! We need to find everyone and get back on track!"
Shizuru's staring intently at the on-screen performance in her booth.
[Kotarou]: "Oh good, a stopping point..."
[Shizuru]: "The acting was wonderful..."
After finishing her DVD, Shizuru regroups with us.
[Chihaya]: "*munch* *munch*"
She's eating rice balls from a vending machine while reading the latest shoujo manga.
There are several paper cups on the table.
[Kotarou]: "...you have a really low cost-performance ratio."
[Chihaya]: "Wh-what's the big deal!?"
[Kotarou]: "Okay, now class rep..."
[Kotarou]: "She should've gotten the farthest on her own, but we still haven't found her..."
[Kotori]: "I wonder where she got stuck."
[Kotarou]: "I don't think I've seen anything here class rep would like..."
[Lucia]: "Uuuuu...d-don't go back to the foreeeest..."
She was watching an emotional animal movie.
[Lucia]: "Ha!"
[Shizuru]: "...let's look for Prez."
[Lucia]: "Wh-what!? You could have just asked!"
[Kotarou]: "Umm, we couldn't find you."
[Lucia]: "That's because you all started searching the shelves for manga and DVDs..."
[Kotori]: "Aaaah, I've seen this before. It's so sad."
[Chihaya]: "Is it?"
[Lucia]: "S-silence! If we're going to resume the search then let's go!"
[Kotarou]: "The sixth floor VIP room...here we are."
[Kotori]: "It's huge...this is like a hotel."
[Kotarou]: "She probably is using it as one."
[Chihaya]: "Ummm..."
[Shizuru]: "She's not here."
[Kotarou]: "What?"
[Employee]: "The VIP left a short while ago."
[Lucia]: "...sorry, this is my fault..."
[Kotori]: "No, no, it's not your fault class rep."
[Kotarou]: "We're all at fault here."
[Shizuru]: "We underestimated...the net café..."
Shizuru clenches her membership card and grumbles.
[Kotarou]: "You bought one...?"
[Shizuru]: "Yes, but I'd like to come back with someone else."
[Kotori]: "Then let's all come again."
"Hmm." She nods.
[Chihaya]: "So now what? Are we done for today?"
[Kotarou]: "I guess."
[Lucia]: "It is getting quite late. Everyone take care on your way home."
She waves goodbye.
[Kotori]: "Time to go home~"
[Kotarou]: "Yeah."
Everyone starts heading home.
[Kotori]: "Yaaa, that was a pretty fun day."
[Kotarou]: "Glad to hear it."
Kotori likes the indoors, so that must've been a wonderful place for her.
[Akane]: "......Tennouji."
Someone calls my name.
[Kotarou]: "Geh!"
[Akane]: "There you are again."
[Kotori]: "Eh? Prez, did you know?"
[Akane]: "My room can monitor the rest of the café."
[Kotarou]: "You're calling that 'your' room too?"
[Akane]: "Let's just say...I have some dirt on the proprietor there."
Her web is vast...
[Akane]: "So...what were you doing? Did you want to write an article on me or something?"
[Kotarou]: "Eh? No, nothing like that."
[Akane]: "If you ever try..."
[Akane]: "Boooom."
She mimics an explosion with her hand.
[Kotori]: "Assassination..." |
Name: Senri Akane | Gender: Female | Aliases: Prez, The Witch of the School
Name: Kanbe Kotori | Gender: Female
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
[Kotarou]: "Don't be so ominous...I'm almost taking you seriously..."
[Akane]: "And that's why you should never do it again."
[Kotarou]: "Umm, I wasn't after an article on you to begin with..."
That makes me notice something.
[Kotarou]: "Is there something you don't want me to write about?"
[Akane]: "Huh?"
[Kotarou]: "A mysterious high school girl. You could be an idol on the net."
[Akane]: "Sorry, but I have no interest in being a scandalous idol."
[Akane]: "Do it again and I'll inflict just enough social sanctions that you can barely live a normal life."
[Kotarou]: "You make it sound like you're being lenient...what would you normally do!?"
[Akane]: "I like leaving my victims with one last fragment of hope so I can crush it later."
[Akane]: "You'll be cowering in agony in the darkest corners of society, searching for a spider's thread to die on."
[Kotarou]: "That's even worse!"
[Akane]: "Hopefully you understand now."
[Kotori]: "Prez, are you really that worried about your privacy?"
[Akane]: "...yes."
[Akane]: "Please stop it."
[Kotarou]: "...okay."
She sounds serious.
[Kotarou]: "I won't do it again..."
[Akane]: "Good."
[Akane]: "I'm in a bad mood now, so I'll go home."
[Kotarou]: "Eh? Home?"
[Akane]: "Yes."
[Kotarou]: "...so the club room?"
I'll have to avoid prying into her business from now on... |
Name: Haruhiko Yoshino | Gender: Male
Name: Nakatsu Shizuru | Gender: Female | Aliases: Shizu
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
October 23rd (Saturday)
The weekend.
Once again, we only have morning class today.
Some of the students and teachers will start preparing for the harvest festival this afternoon.
As for me...
[Kotarou]: "A quest..."
Today I will make it happen.
[Kotarou]: "Maybe I haven't prepared enough..."
Well, I'll see how things play out.
Evidently I've been really bad at paying attention to other people...
[Kotarou]: "I had no idea there was someone else in my class that bad at socializing."
Konohana Lucia...
I've been in the same class as her since April.
Seeing her scribble furiously in her notebook during class makes her seem completely different from when she refused to kick that soccer ball.
I guess the same goes for Chihaya. She's also taking notes with a calm face.
I'm not trying to take sides with class rep or the transfer student, and it doesn't really affect me if they don't get along.
But I can't say I have nothing to do with this.
......I want to help. But I don't know what I can do.
[Yoshino]: "She's been causing trouble like that ever since she came here. She's famous for it."
[Kotarou]: "I can see that. There's no way what happened yesterday hasn't happened before."
[Yoshino]: "And when it happens, everyone starts avoiding her. That's best for everyone."
If she wasn't such a clean freak, class rep would be pretty attractive. She's a serious student, and a good person at heart.
She's a good role model for the rest of the class to look up to.
So she ended up getting the position of class rep, since that puts her at just the right distance from everyone else.
[Kotarou]: "You know a lot about this. You weren't in her class last year, were you?"
[Yoshino]: "When someone acts that weird it's natural to hear about them. If you're bad at hearing rumors or gunshots, you won't last long in the wastelands."
[Kotarou]: "Sorry, but I don't care much about things that don't affect me."
I just thought class rep was an exemplary student, if a bit stubborn.
I thought she was reasonably popular and had quite a few friends.
[Yoshino]: "During her first year, her class had to split up into groups for a field trip, and Konohana performed flawlessly as class rep."
[Yoshino]: "No one had any complaints about the group division or the bus seating."
[Yoshino]: "But none of them ever accepted her as a friend."
[Yoshino]: "She also delivers handouts to people who are too sick to come to school."
[Yoshino]: "One day, Konohana herself had to stay home due to a cold. The teacher asked if someone could deliver the day's handouts to her, but no one volunteered."
[Kotarou]: "Those are some cold classmates."
[Yoshino]: "It wasn't that. None of them knew where Konohana lived."
[Yoshino]: "She didn't have a single friend, so none of them had ever been to her house. No one knew where to go."
Konohana Lucia is doing so well as the class rep...
But she doesn't have any friends?
[Yoshino]: "And those white gloves make her stand out. There were rumors about a super clean freak in the school almost immediately."
[Kotarou]: "I never heard about that..."
[Yoshino]: "You're not the type to listen to stupid girls' gossip. Don't worry about it."
[Kotarou]: "That must be horrible for her."
[Yoshino]: "If it's that bad then she should change herself. If she wants to keep living that way, then she'll have to pay the price."
[Yoshino]: "Anyway, Konohana has been doing pretty okay so far."
[Kotarou]: "...I see, Chihaya's a transfer student so she doesn't know any of this."
[Yoshino]: "Exactly. I think Kanbe was filling her in earlier."
[Yoshino]: "Konohana never meant to insult anyone, so Ohtori should get over it eventually."
[Kotarou]: "......I hope they make up."
[Yoshino]: "They won't. They'll just learn to put the right distance between each other."
They won't be friends ever again.
――She was never friends with anyone in the first place.
[Kotarou]: "......that's not good enough."
[Yoshino]: "Aaah?"
[Kotarou]: "I know class rep and Chihaya."
[Kotarou]: "They both have their quirks, but they're both good girls at heart. They should be able to get along."
[Yoshino]: "...hmph. Stop trying to stick your neck into things like this."
[Kotarou]: "I know I don't dream as big as you. I'm not the type of guy who'll fly off into space someday."
[Kotarou]: "I'm just a little boy who can't overlook an argument between friends."
[Yoshino]: "Looks like it. You let all sorts of stupid little things bother you."
[Kotarou]: "......there must be a reason why class rep acts like that."
"I...I am not.........uu...living this way......because I want to...!!"
[Kotarou]: "............class rep said that herself. There must be a reason. If I can find out what it is, maybe I can help her."
[Yoshino]: "Heh, if you want to cause trouble, then be my guest. Have fun living the rest of your life in this tiny little town."
[Kotarou]: "Is there anything wrong with that?"
[Yoshino]: "It suits you. Though I won't hang around for it."
Yoshino retorts and smiles mockingly.
Then the teacher says "This'll be on the test," forcing even him to look at the blackboard.
......he's probably right that I don't need to do this.
But...I can't leave those two alone.
I'll get involved because I want to.
But what should I do? How does one even start bringing people back together...
[Yoshino]: "You're friends with that eyepatch girl, right? I've heard she's friends with Lucia."
[Kotarou]: "Yoshino..."
[Yoshino]: "Shut up, we're in class."
[Shizuru]: "...that's right, Lucia's my friend."
[Kotarou]: "A moral guardian and a class representative. That does make sense."
I called Shizuru at the start of break and asked her to come talk to me.
She must've realized I have a reason for going out of my way to call her.
Shizuru answers honestly when I ask about Lucia.
[Shizuru]: "...did something happen again with Lucia?"
[Kotarou]: "Good guess...yeah, something did happen."
Shizuru probably knows all about the trouble Lucia's caused in the past.
[Shizuru]: "Kotarou."
[Shizuru]: "Are you trying to...?"
[Kotarou]: "Hm?"
She thinks hard for a while.
[Shizuru]: "It might be better to let me handle it."
[Kotarou]: "What makes you say that?"
[Shizuru]: "Girls are better at dealing with other girls."
[Kotarou]: "...when you put it like that, it's hard to object..."
[Shizuru]: "...Kotarou, you being around Lucia might make it more complicated."
...I think back.
I definitely don't know much about Lucia. Sticking my neck into things I don't understand might make things worse.
Should I really take action here?
Shizuru seems to have known Lucia much longer, so maybe I should leave it to her... |
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
Name: Kanbe Kotori | Gender: Female
Name: Nakatsu Shizuru | Gender: Female | Aliases: Shizu
Lucia might just get annoyed if I try talking to her about this.
It might be a good idea to back down and leave it to Shizuru...
It's the obvious answer.
[Kotarou]: "Yeah..."
Shizuru knows Lucia far better than I do. She'll know what to do.
[Kotarou]: "Okay, I'll let you handle it then."
[Kotarou]: "But if there's anything I can do, I'm willing to help."
[Shizuru]: "Okay."
[Shizuru]: "I'll tell Lucia that you wanted to help her, and later I'll tell you how it turns out."
[Kotarou]: "Thanks..."
[Shizuru]: "I'll take care of it."
She says with pride.
[Kotarou]: "Okay...good luck then."
[Shizuru]: "Bye."
I really do think this is the best way to solve it.
Class ends.
[Kotarou]: (Shizurucia aren't here...)
No point having a weekend quest with both of them missing.
I guess we can just hang out for today.
The harvest festival isn't that far off.
The town should be getting livelier by the day.
[Kotarou]: (I guess I could ask someone to hang out with me.)
Then I see Kotori leaving the classroom.
It was mostly subconscious.
I didn't have any particular reason to do it.
But I started following Kotori down the hallway.
[Kotarou]: "Kotoriii."
[Kotori]: "Oooooh!"
I grab her shoulder from behind and she freaks out.
[Kotori]: "That was scaaary."
[Kotarou]: "Sorry, sorry."
[Kotarou]: "You gonna go eat?"
[Kotori]: "At some point, but that's not the important part."
[Kotarou]: "Are you that busy?"
[Kotori]: "The Greenery Committee has a lot to do right now."
[Kotarou]: "Can I come with you?"
[Kotori]: "Sure...but it might not be any fun this time."
[Kotarou]: "That's fine, I just want to stalk you."
I tell her gently.
[Kotori]: "Buoooooooo!"
[Kotori]: "An honest pervert!"
[Kotarou]: "I always stare at your butt when you walk out the door."
[Kotori]: "My proud 88 centimeter hips..."
[Kotarou]: (They're only 83...)
Through various methods, I've obtained detailed knowledge of Kotori's three sizes.
She overstated that one by a full five centimeters.
[Kotarou]: (By the way, her bust is also 83...)
[Kotarou]: "What's your bust size?"
[Kotori]: "88."
[Kotori]: "My boobs and butt are the same size."
[Kotarou]: "Glamorous~"
[Kotori]: "Uhuheheheheheh..."
[Kotarou]: "Now that you're in a good mood, can I join your party?"
[Kotori]: "There you go trying to follow me again."
[Kotori]: "Hmmm..."
[Kotori]: "Sorry, it's kind of a job, so I really can't..."
[Kotarou]: "I see."
[Kotori]: "Just go to the club room. I'll be done soon, so I'll go meet you there."
[Kotarou]: "Okay, thanks."
Kotori puts her hand to my chest.
A rare moment of contact.
[Kotori]: "Sorry I always do this."
[Kotarou]: "No, it's okay..."
[Kotarou]: "...I'm not that needy."
It's always been this way with Kotori.
[Kotori]: "Bye now."
I watch Kotori walk away.
This part always nags at me.
[Kotarou]: (Just once...)
Yes, just once.
[Kotarou]: (Well, technically twice.)
[Kotarou]: "...yeah, I'll do it."
I say it out loud.
I'm not going to stalk her.
If she really doesn't want me there, I'll just go back to the club room.
This time, I really will back off if I have to.
...Yoshino's here for her after all.
[Kotarou]: (I don't like it, but...)
[Kotarou]: (Anyway.)
I take one step forward.
Everyone says you need the courage to step forward.
But the price of that courage is not small.
It's possible to shatter your heart by doing this.
We should never stop trying...
But humans don't have infinite strength.
We all have our limits.
But I've decided to try moving forward one more time.
I'm so scared I'm shaking, and I might lose a lot from doing this...
I will win, I will have it, I will step forward.
None of me sees this decision as beautiful or healthy.
The last thing I want is someone to tell me "You did well" after my heart breaks.
I just want it. I want it so badly, I'm going to do something about it.
I want it so badly I could kill.
So badly that, if I make one wrong move, I'll become a real stalker.
[Kotarou]: "Okay, here we go."
I follow Kotori.
[Kotarou]: "Sorry, I came along anyway."
[Kotori]: "Whaaaaaaat!?"
When we arrive, I announce my presence.
[Kotori]: "Wh-why...?"
[Kotarou]: "I just did..."
[Kotori]: "I told you not to..."
[Kotarou]: "I did anyway..."
She stares at me.
Kotori's normally very chirpy, but she's actually very harsh.
I know that.
I'm prepared for her judgment.
[Kotori]: "...haa, fine."
[Kotori]: "Following a maiden like that can be really bad you know. If the cops get involved."
[Kotarou]: "Sorry..."
Kotori frowns, then points to a vending machine.
[Kotori]: "...give me juice."
So she wants me to pay for it.
[Kotarou]: "Okay!"
I buy it immediately.
I know which ones Kotori likes.
[Kotarou]: "Is Fizzy Apple Pororoca good enough?"
[Kotori]: "Good choice. You know what you're doing."
She drinks it on the spot.
I can hear fizzy sounds from Kotori's throat.
[Kotori]: "...huu...that's better."
[Kotori]: "So, since you're here, will you help me?"
[Kotori]: "...Kotarou-san?"
[Kotarou]: "S-sorry! I'll help!"
[Kotarou]: "...what should I do?"
Now I'm standing straight up for some reason.
Is she really okay with this?
Have I moved one step closer to her?
She isn't rejecting me at least.
That makes me happy.
[Kotori]: "This time the mission is to prune some plants that have gotten too big."
[Kotarou]: "So lawnmowing?"
[Kotori]: "Here's your tools."
The committee wheelbarrow is filled with gardening supplies.
Giant scissors, a sickle, soil, etc.
[Kotarou]: "Are you the only one doing this, Kotori?"
I can't see anyone else here.
There were a few here when Kotori arrived, but not anymore.
[Kotori]: "The harvest festival is approaching so we're running low on volunteers. Everyone's busy in their assigned areas." |
Name: Kanbe Kotori | Gender: Female
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
[Kotori]: "So in the end it was good for you to come along, Kotarou-kun."
[Kotarou]: "Perfect. I'm good at manual labor."
[Kotori]: "Then let's go."
[Kotarou]: "By the way, what do we get for this?"
[Kotori]: "The satisfaction of a job well done."
Kotori and I head to the problem spot.
[Kotarou]: "Wow, these guys are out of control..."
The area is completely overrun.
I was prepared for this, but it's all weeds.
Maybe this used to be a flowerbed, but if so that's long gone.
There's tons of dead grass. Maybe sixty percent of it still counts as green.
[Kotarou]: "I know I'm not on the committee...but I don't want people coming to the festival to see something like this."
[Kotori]: "Exactly!"
[Kotori]: "I just wish we'd noticed this sooner..."
[Kotarou]: "How did it happen?"
[Kotori]: "They're all volunteers, so some of them leave randomly, and then the areas they were assigned become very hard to monitor."
[Kotori]: "The person assigned to this area said he was checking it regularly, but clearly he wasn't."
[Kotori]: "We only found out because a concerned citizen complained to city hall."
[Kotarou]: "Thank god for that..."
[Kotori]: "It'd be terrible if we didn't get to it in time! We might have had to just paint it all green and pray for the best."
[Kotarou]: "...that wouldn't really...count as greenery...would it?"
I feel the weight of her responsibility.
And some anger toward that irresponsible dolt.
[Kotori]: "And so, Kotarou-kun, please eradicate all the weeds over here."
[Kotarou]: "Okay. As one of Kazamatsuri's kids, I will clean up this mess."
She briefly explains weed pulling to me.
It's more than just yanking them out of the ground.
In addition to digging them out and getting rid of all the roots, you need to mix some soil renewal chemicals into the soil before putting it back. It's actually a lot of work.
After memorizing all the steps, I put on gloves and get out a sickle.
[Kotarou]: "What about you, Kotori-san?"
[Kotori]: "I'll do the same over there."
Kotori heads off, and I start working here.
I'm amazed at how far the weeds' roots can extend.
In a sense it's inspiring to see how strong living things can be.
But the tangled web of criss-crossing roots is also kinda disturbing.
I tried pulling on one, and it felt like tugging on a wire going underneath the floor. It's far beyond just being "strong".
It feels like a disease crawling through the soil.
Cutting down the grass on the surface won't do a thing to it.
I needed to use a hoe to get all the roots out.
In the end it takes three hours just to finish my area.
[Kotarou]: (...there's no way Kotori could've done this on her own.)
Evidently I stalked her at the right time.
[Kotarou]: (I guess this should do it...)
I finish putting all the soil back in place.
Having soil with nothing in it is better than having that carpet of weeds.
I don't know all the details, but apparently you don't have to worry about weeds coming back for a while when you do it this way.
The chemical we're using includes lime.
I'm told it makes the soil more alkaline, and increases the calcium density.
The white roots I extracted fill up three garbage bags.
And this is just one little garden.
[Kotarou]: (It's easy to get plants growing...but it takes a lot of work to keep away these disgusting ones...)
The plants we're cultivating are just the ones that happen to serve us somehow.
It's not my field of expertise, but I still feel a huge dilemma about it.
[Kotarou]: (...oh well, it doesn't matter.)
[Kotarou]: (How's Kotori doing?)
I decide to check on her.
Kazamatsuri is an environmentally-conscious city.
There are constant experiments going on to try and improve our cohabitation with nature.
Hence there are trees and flowerbeds all around town, including plants growing up walls, and lots of private gardens too.
[Kotarou]: (But that's not all plants...)
Greenery is supposed to have a positive image.
It's pretty, beautiful, wonderful, just good in general.
I thought the same vague thing before.
But that's not accurate.
If people stop managing them properly, they stop being like that.
[Kotarou]: (They're like parasites...)
This place is covered in strange, overgrown plants.
In an inconspicuous place where the light doesn't reach.
There's something there, swollen up in various places with a warped beauty.
It looks engorged.
[Kotori]: "You shouldn't touch it. Bugs are growing in there."
[Kotarou]: "Daaaaa!?"
[Kotori]: "Those things might pop if you touch them, then tons of stuff will come out. It's icky."
[Kotarou]: "We get pests in this season?"
[Kotori]: "...this disease isn't normal."
[Kotarou]: "Oh, it's a disease...that makes sense, bugs wouldn't eat away at this much of it..."
[Kotori]: "...this plant catches it really easily if you don't keep an eye out for it."
[Kotarou]: "This is really freaky..."
[Kotori]: "I didn't want you to see stuff like this, Kotarou-kun."
[Kotarou]: "...the weeds back there were also incredible. The volume of roots was just sickening."
[Kotori]: "Yeah...this area is a little unusual."
[Kotarou]: "You're not making these guys grow with your mad gardening skills, right?"
[Kotori]: "The thing about Kazamatsuri is...under the right conditions, plants bloom overnight."
Even I can understand how weird that is.
[Kotori]: "But the downside is...they transform."
[Kotori]: "Almost like they're evolving."
I hear the word "evolution" a lot, but I don't really know how it works.
Something to do with natural selection? That's all I remember.
[Kotori]: "...we'll have to cut the whole thing off, put it in a garbage bag and spray it with some pesticide."
[Kotarou]: "I'll help."
We do that work together.
When we spray the pesticide, I can see all the lumps tearing open.
[Kotarou]: "......!"
Countless insects pour out.
The bag starts making a creepy rustling noise.
Thankfully it's not fully transparent.
But it's still disturbing enough to give me goosebumps.
Even during that, Kotori's hands are busy tying it up.
[Kotori]: "...done."
[Kotarou]: "...good job. Seriously."
[Kotori]: "I'm used to it. But you did good too, Kotarou-kun. Thanks."
[Kotarou]: "...welcome."
I can't help but wonder if there's something wrong with the way humans handle plants.
Since our gardens look nothing like what would grow naturally, they feel deceitful.
But I also think...
Humans need this deceit.
People can't endure greenery that isn't beautiful.
And Kazamatsuri has a lot that is.
There are no insects in the forest. There must not be any.
I'm sure someone's driven them away from us, using some kind of chemical. |
Name: Kanbe Kotori | Gender: Female
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
Name: Nakatsu Shizuru | Gender: Female | Aliases: Shizu
[Kotarou]: "Living in the forest really wouldn't be as pretty as it sounds."
[Kotori]: "Well yeah, living things are like that."
[Kotori]: "Life can be filthy, smelly and creepy sometimes."
[Kotori]: "If a human lives a good life, it's really hard for them to go down to living in poverty."
[Kotori]: "Life in general is the same. Once it becomes pretty, it mustn't go back to being the primitive mess it started out as. That's what it feels like to me..."
[Kotarou]: "Are you always thinking about this stuff?"
Kotori smiles back in response.
[Kotori]: "You get used to enjoying the simple pleasures."
[Kotarou]: "I thought I was used to it, since I have no big ambitions."
[Kotori]: "Yeah, yeah, ten million yen a year is plenty."
[Kotarou]: "Ten miiiiiillion!?"
[Kotarou]: "That's a huge dream, you know."
[Kotarou]: "Oh Kotori, please be a less expensive woman..."
[Kotori]: "Then gimme all your spare zinc coins."
[Kotarou]: "You're collecting coins at your age?"
[Kotori]: "I'm a frugal woman."
[Kotarou]: "Frugal women don't ask for ten million yen."
[Kotori]: "I don't want that much."
[Kotori]: "I just want you to earn that much, Kotarou-kun."
[Kotarou]: "...you're missing the point..."
[Kotori]: "You can do it, Kotarou-kun. Then you can get a cute bride."
I'm speechless for a moment.
She always manages to avoid the question this way.
[Kotarou]: (Is this really the same...as usual...?)
It shouldn't be. Not today.
Kotori turned me down, then I followed her anyway, and now we're talking again.
She hasn't rejected me.
That should make today special somehow.
Before I realize it, my mouth is opening and choosing words.
[Kotarou]: "Hey, Kotori."
[Kotori]: "What?"
[Kotarou]: "Can we go to the harvest festival together?"
I'll just say goodbye before she goes.
[Kotarou]: "Kotori!"
[Kotori]: "What?"
[Kotarou]: "...are you going home now?"
[Kotori]: "I have more to do with the committee today."
[Kotori]: "So I'll be late for club today."
[Kotarou]: "Got it."
Kotori runs off.
That's not true.
I should do something myself.
[Kotarou]: "This might only make things worse, but..."
[Kotarou]: "I still want to stick my neck into it."
[Shizuru]: "Mmm..."
[Shizuru]: "...I kind of expected that."
[Kotarou]: "Yeah."
[Shizuru]: "Okay."
She looks at me again, waiting for another question.
[Kotarou]: "To be blunt, is class rep really a clean freak?"
[Shizuru]: "What makes you ask that?"
[Kotarou]: "I'm not sure. Would it be too cheesy to say...something in her eyes told me...?"
[Shizuru]: "Yes."
[Kotarou]: "Mmm, sorry."
Shizuru is calm and blunt as always.
But that's why she can get along so well with someone as fiery as class rep.
I tell her everything that happened, and that I want her help in getting Chihaya and class rep to make up...
[Shizuru]: "Kotarou."
[Kotarou]: "Hm?"
[Shizuru]: "Are you Lucia's friend?"
[Kotarou]: "I like to think I am."
[Shizuru]: "...a friend of a friend is a friend of mine."
[Kotarou]: "I thought I was already your friend."
[Shizuru]: "You're right. That was dumb."
Shizuru scratches her head adorably.
Then she gazes at me.
As if judging my worth...no, trying to figure out my true intentions.
So for a short while, I simply gaze back at her. She's telling me not to ask about class rep merely out of curiosity.
[Shizuru]: "......I can tell you."
[Kotarou]: "Hm...?"
[Shizuru]: "If you'll always be Lucia's friend."
[Kotarou]: "No problem, I'll stick with her forever. I'm not going to space, after all."
[Shizuru]: "Space...??"
[Kotarou]: "Aaah, sorry, inside joke."
After school, Shizuru and I meet up again.
There's a crepe stand in the park, so we buy something there.
At this time of day the park is full of kids in the going home club, running around to get the most out of their last few minutes here.
[Kotarou]: "Pudding, strawberry, and anchovies. What do you want?"
[Shizuru]: "Anchovies."
[Kotarou]: "Whoa, Shizuru-san, I didn't expect you to like bitter foods."
[Shizuru]: "They're delicious. You should have a bite, Kotarou."
Shizuru stuffs her cheeks with the anchovy crepe. Then she looks at me.
Anchovies are normally pickled in salt and used on pizza. Apparently putting cream on them makes a nice sweet and salty flavor. Just watching her eat makes me want to try it.
[Kotarou]: "N-no, no, it's okay."
[Shizuru]: "Really? That's a shame."
[Kotarou]: "......huh? Shizuru, you've eaten with class rep before, right?"
[Shizuru]: "Yes. My lunch had saury fruit sandwiches."
[Kotarou]: "I'll question the sanity of that combination later."
[Kotarou]: "The point is, class rep had no trouble eating something you made, right?"
Konohana Lucia called cats and flowers filthy.
...would someone like that really be able to eat food that someone else made?
Actually, how could she even eat at the cafeteria?
[Shizuru]: "......Lucia isn't obsessed with cleanliness."
[Kotarou]: "Then why does she tell everyone she is?"
Shizuru lowers her hands.
Then she looks down, thinking hard about what she should tell me...
[Kotarou]: "She wears gloves all day long. That can't be comfortable. Why would she go that far if she isn't a clean freak?"
[Shizuru]: "Those gloves have no meaning."
[Kotarou]: "No meaning...?"
[Shizuru]: "...Lucia showed you her hands before."
Oh yeah, that's right.
I thought those gloves were hiding some kind of secret, and eventually I forced her to take them off...
[Kotarou]: "I remember that. There was nothing weird about them......in fact they were beautiful."
[Shizuru]: "Lucia's hands are pretty."
[Shizuru]: "She doesn't need gloves...but she's afraid...of not wearing them."
[Kotarou]: "Because it's filthy?"
[Shizuru]: "...yes."
[Kotarou]: "Wait a minute, doesn't that make her a clean freak?"
[Shizuru]: "No, it's not the same thing."
[Kotarou]: "Her hands were pretty."
[Kotarou]: "And you just said they were yourself."
[Shizuru]: "That's right. Lucia's hands are beautiful." |
What is Shizuru trying to say...?
If she's not a clean freak, and her gloves don't mean anything...then what!?
I can hear the voices of children playing.
Some of them are running around chasing each other. Some of them are singing together.
I can also hear balls being kicked around, and someone playing a pianica...
Have you seen sunflowers before?
If you water them every day, they slowly grow taller, and by summer they'll have bright yellow flowers.
And after that, they make lots and lots of seeds.
Grow bigger. Much, much bigger.
Show us how many seeds you can make. You'll have to compete with all your friends after all.
Sensei told me sunflowers make tons of seeds.
So, when my sunflower makes seeds, and tons of other sunflowers start growing...
And that repeats over and over and over, wouldn't that fill the whole world with sunflowers?
Sunflowers symbolize happiness.
Happiness can cover the world.
And if the very first seed was mine, that would be so wonderful.
When I imagined that...
My world became a field of sunflowers...
A bright blue sky. Clouds like white cotton.
A field of sunflowers making waves in the wind. A strong wind carrying heat with it.
That's the ideal world I imagined.
A ladybug crawls up one of the leaves.
It's cute.
I poke it, and it rolls over and falls off the leaf.
Ah, sorry, I'll put you back.
I pick up the ladybug and put it back on the leaf.
But it rolls off yet again. What a clumsy bug.
It's probably playing dead because I scared it.
Such a waste, after crawling all the way up to that leaf...
Could I bend the leaf so that it would stay up? Then I could just leave and it would eventually stop playing dead.
I try gently bending the leaf toward an angle where it might be able to support the ladybug.
...this is hard. This sunflower's leaves won't do what I want them to.
It was such a strong, bulky leaf...but it snapped off.
That causes the ladybug to fall off and land on the ground again.
It lies face-up, not moving a muscle. None of its little legs are clawing at the air.
...not a single one.
I feel very worried when I notice that.
...then I notice the leaf I broke off is curling up and wilting in my hand.
...it was so bright and strong before, why......
Then the huge flower starts drooping, as if bowing to me.
There's no wind blowing on it, so why...? If you keep bowing like that you'll break your stem.
I hurriedly prop up that huge flower......like holding up a person fainting from anemia.
But the petals fall off one by one, all losing their color.........why? Why?
Aaah, I understand now. That ladybug wasn't playing dead. It really was dead.
And now this sunflower is wilting and dying too.........why!? WHY!?
The sunflower slowly curls up and turns dark brown in my hands......
......as if someone cruelly trod it into the mud.
It crumbles into little pieces...
......my hands look like puddles of dirty water, thick with rotten filth.
On top of that, pus starts oozing out from my hands...
I don't know what to do with those tainted hands...rubbing them off on my clothes doesn't work, so I try shaking the mud off.
Then the mud I fling off lands on several other sunflowers, and melts through them. I can hear them crumpling up and falling over...
What...is this......?
What happened......to my hands......?
This filthy, pus-like substance oozes out endlessly.
......a puddle forms as it drips from my hands.
No! No! No! This is filthy! It's scary! Stop it!
I want to wipe off all of that filthy liquid, but there's nothing I can wipe it off on, so I fling my hands around wildly.
That sends more filthy drops flying through the air.
And every sunflower they land on bends over, snaps, and crumbles. They're all lying flat on the ground.
Before I knew it, the bright, lush field around me had turned into a muddy wasteland.
All the once-beautiful sunflowers lie down in the mud, slowly melting into a thick soup...
It looked as if the sunflowers were distancing themselves from me.
......more keep falling.
As if chains of sunflower dominoes had been started where I was standing.
The field of sunflowers was nowhere to be seen anymore.
There was only a carpet of rotting sunflowers, knocked down into the filthy mud...
And then......I found just one sunflower that was barely managing to stand up within the filth.
I was happy. I ran toward it without thinking......to make sure it was okay.
Don't touch it!
I jump back at the boy's voice, and stand still in the darkness.
No, it's not a boy's voice. It might be a girl's......I can't hear the words, but I can feel the whispering.
I can't blame that voice for being mad at me.
After all, all the sunflowers rotted because of my filthy hands......
If I touch that last sunflower, it'll rot too...
Since it's just another sunflower.
...I bite my lip and look down......I suppress my desire to touch the sunflower, and clench both hands.
Then I quietly walk away.
I can't shake the feeling that last sunflower will die too if I don't get away from it...
......then I start running.
Behind me, I can finally hear everyone's happy voices coming back.
Because I didn't touch it, the last sunflower was just fine. That's why everyone's smiling again...
After running through the darkness......I end up in an inorganic place, filled with white fluorescent light.
......this is my bathroom.
I stick my tainted hands into the running water, so cold it hurts, and wash them viciously.
The clear stream of water almost immediately turns filthy and muddy as I wash my hands with it.
The porcelain sink becomes covered in that filthy spray.
*scrub* *scrub* *scrub* *scrub*
This water is so cold it hurts, but it's still not cleaning my hands at all...
I wash and I wash...
I wash and wash and wash and wash...but the filthy pus keeps oozing out.
Where is this stuff coming from? Is it oozing out of the wrinkles in my palm? Or from under my fingernails?
I grab a toothbrush and thoroughly, diligently, obsessively scrub around all ten of my nails.
But it doesn't help. Making my nails cleaner doesn't help. I have to dig out the source...
As I do that, the sink fills up with filthy water, eventually overflowing.
It starts bubbling, then the drain blocks up, and the filth rapidly fills the whole sink.
...and then, something stuck in the drain pops out into the sink.
......four dead goldfish...no, I remember, there's five of them...they're all floating upside down.
*blub* *blub* *blub*...the drain makes horrible noises as it tries to spit out something even worse.
I don't have to see it to know what it is............I know it's......a dead rabbit......
It's not my fault, I didn't kill them......
But if I hadn't approached and petted the rabbit, it wouldn't have died. It would still be alive. Everyone would still be smiling...
So maybe it is my fault.
Tears fall from my eyes......as I feel a mix of anger and sadness, as the dead goldfish swirl around my hands, I continue washing.
Aaah, this pus really is oozing out of my hands. |
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
Name: Konohana Lucia | Gender: Female | Aliases: Class Rep
Name: Ohtori Chihaya | Gender: Female | Aliases: Chi
Name: Nakatsu Shizuru | Gender: Female | Aliases: Shizu
I have to get it all out. But how? By digging and digging and digging until I can get every last drop out...
I grab a razor and put the blade to my palm.
......I'll cut open this useless skin. Then it should all flow out of me......
I push the blade down.
The sharp pain pulls me back to reality.
How long have I been washing my hands...?
Forever, and ever, and ever, and ever......I've never stopped washing my hands here...
[Lucia]: "What.........am I...doing...?"
I turn off the water, curse and wipe my hands with a towel.
My hands ache from the cold water, almost like frostbite.
I clench my hands together to warm them up...and to crush that pain.
Then I lean back against the wall......and slowly, slowly slide down to the floor in a heap.
I cover my face with my cold hands......and groan.
[Lucia]: "......I'm sorry...everyone... ......I'm so......filthy...... ......I'm......sorry ......Ohtori-san..."
......that adorable cat. Its softness and warmth. Ohtori Chihaya's smile as she held it out to me.
And her broken, crushed expression...after I knocked her to the cold, hard ground with my own hands.
[Lucia]: "......sorry......I'm so sorry...... ......I can't......hold him... ......uu......uuuuu..."
I scratch at my face......I look at my clear, white hands...then tears fall from my swollen eyes once again...
October 25th (Monday)
[Kotarou]: "Chihaya, did you ever raise sunflowers in elementary school?"
[Chihaya]: "......we grew morning-glories. Why?"
[Kotarou]: "Did they grow okay?"
[Chihaya]: "I think so."
[Kotarou]: "Did everyone in the class have the same luck?"
[Chihaya]: "Some of them had bad luck so theirs withered...but why are you asking?"
[Kotarou]: "Exactly. Like you said, they had bad luck......class rep also had bad luck with her sunflowers."
[Chihaya]: "......I don't really want to talk about Konohana-san."
Chihaya realizes I called her out to the courtyard to talk about class rep, and looks very displeased.
[Chihaya]: "I'm not fighting with Konohana-san right now anyway."
[Chihaya]: "If you're trying to help us "make up", you're just bothering us. If that's all, I'll be leaving now."
[Kotarou]: "It wasn't just sunflowers. Her bad luck continued."
[Kotarou]: "Everyone in her class took turns feeding a goldfish. But the day after class rep fed it, it died."
[Chihaya]: "...goldfish die pretty easily."
[Kotarou]: "One day she volunteered to take care of a rabbit, and the day after it passed away."
[Chihaya]: "......rabbits are weak animals."
[Kotarou]: "That's right. All of those things can happen through sheer bad luck no matter how well one takes care of them."
[Kotarou]: "......class rep just experienced all that bad luck in a very short span of time."
[Chihaya]: "......and?"
The cruel social structure of young children blamed her for all of that.
They said her hands were "filthy and tainted", that all sunflowers she touched wilted, and any animals she touched died.
[Kotarou]: "That was when she started worrying about cleanliness...but rumors like that don't go away easily."
[Kotarou]: "No matter how clean her hands were, the other children never forgave her."
[Chihaya]: "......so that's why she started wearing those gloves?"
[Kotarou]: "Yes......that was when class rep started to avoid touching things directly."
Konohana Lucia is so stubborn about wearing those gloves that everyone assumes she's a clean freak. And she claims everything is too filthy to touch...
But it's not that flowers or cats or humans are filthy.
......her own hands are filthy...that's why she doesn't want to touch them. No......that's why she can't touch them.
[Shizuru]: "Lucia is still afraid of touching things directly."
[Kotarou]: "But why? There's nothing weird about sunflowers wilting or goldfish dying."
[Shizuru]: "She was unlucky. She had too much bad luck too close together."
[Kotarou]: "...but wasn't that a long time ago? We're in high school now."
[Kotarou]: "Why is she still so worried about those bad childhood memories?"
Shizuru eats the last bite of her crepe.
As she finishes, there's nothing for me to do except watch all the kids playing in the park.
What are they playing?
It looks kinda like tag, but they clearly aren't using the same rules.
...they're probably using rules that no one else can understand.
Young children still come up with special rules that only they can understand...
[Shizuru]: "What if she touched a flower, and it did wilt? ......Lucia's terrified of that."
[Kotarou]: "So that's why she acts like that?"
That's why she doesn't want to touch flowers.
She couldn't enter the flowerbed to get the soccer ball.
That's why she can't touch animals.
She can't hold an adorable cat even when someone offers her one.
[Shizuru]: "......I heard all this second-hand, so I don't know everything that happened back then."
[Shizuru]: "But...what happened definitely left deep wounds in Lucia's heart."
[Shizuru]: "Lucia has tried to heal those wounds. She's tried forgetting about it, and overcoming it, in lots of different ways."
[Shizuru]: "......in the end, she decided those gloves were the easiest solution."
[Kotarou]: "If she doesn't touch anything, then nothing will wilt or die?"
[Kotarou]: "That can't be right. That's like admitting that she killed the sunflower and the goldfish."
[Shizuru]: "Kotarou, you said it's common for sunflowers to wilt and goldfish to die."
[Shizuru]: "But what if there was another unfortunate coincidence? What would you say then?"
When she says it like that......I can't answer.
[Kotarou]: "......so..."
[Kotarou]: "She's going to live the rest of her life afraid of touching any other living thing? ...seriously?"
[Shizuru]: "Lucia loves flowers and animals too......anyone can see that from looking at her room."
[Chihaya]: "...so her room is full of stuffed animals and fake flowers?"
[Kotarou]: "Yeah, apparently......so everything you're mad about is just a misunderstanding."
[Kotarou]: "Including the cat incident. Class rep likes cats, and she did want to hold it."
[Kotarou]: "...she was just afraid it might die if she did."
[Chihaya]: "So that's why she pushed the cat away and didn't want to enter the flowerbed...?"
[Kotarou]: "That's right...it was all just a sequence of unfortunate coincidences. She's not a bad person."
Chihaya seems to be understanding me now.
But her emotions aren't so simple that this resolves the conflict instantly.
......geez, why's it so hard to get people to forgive each other? |
Name: Ohtori Chihaya | Gender: Female | Aliases: Chi
Name: Kanbe Kotori | Gender: Female
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
[Chihaya]: "Well...I understand what happened in the past, and why she's acting that way now."
[Kotarou]: "You do?"
[Chihaya]: "But I can't just forgive her for what she did that easily."
[Kotarou]: "Then what do you want?"
[Chihaya]: "Lucia and I should be the ones to figure that out. Right?"
Chihaya's expression softens a little.
At first glance she's shrugging her shoulders in frustration, but I know she's beginning to understand.
[Chihaya]: "I don't want to stay on bad terms with her forever."
[Chihaya]: "So I want to talk to her openly about this, and make up for good."
[Kotarou]: "Exactly. If things get any tenser between you two I'll suffocate."
[Chihaya]: "......is that the only reason you're trying to get me and Konohana-san back together? You're weird."
[Kotarou]: "Yeah, I'm willing and able to handle anything in this city."
[Chihaya]: "Anything? ...then could you tell me where Konohana-san's house is?"
[Kotarou]: "Why?"
[Chihaya]: "Well, I was thinking of going there to check on her."
Class rep was absent today.
Ostensibly she has a cold...but given everything that happened, it's probably an emotional reason.
Chihaya seems to have made the same assumption.
[Chihaya]: "I said too much myself...so I'll take responsibility for that by going to her myself. Is that all right?"
[Kotarou]: "Of course. That's perfect."
[Chihaya]: "...I'm still unfamiliar with this city, so please help me find her house."
I don't actually know where it is, but I can just ask Shizuru.
Shizuru wants her to have more friends.
She knows this problem prevents class rep from making friends, but she still wants her to make more.
I'm sure she'd be willing to tell me.
[Kotarou]: "Okay. Shall we go right after school?"
[Chihaya]: "Of course. See you then."
Chihaya still looks unhappy, but she's probably feeling better on the inside.
Now she just wants an opportunity to forgive class rep.
And I'll give it to her.
Okay, now where is class rep's house...
I figured I could just ask Shizuru after class, but our homeroom ended late so she went home without me.
...not good. I can't just tell Chihaya I don't know where class rep's house is. I wouldn't look cool anymore.
[Kotori]: "Then why not ask the teacher? If you say you're going to check on her I'm sure she'll tell you~"
[Kotarou]: "Oh, good idea. Why don't you come with us, Kotori?"
[Kotori]: "Sure. I'd also like those two to be friends again. I'll go meddle with you~"
[Kotarou]: "Okay."
I talk to our teacher, and she tells me the address right away.
Then the three of us start heading for class rep's house...
Though the apartment she lives in is pretty far away.
It's nowhere near any of our houses, so not only Chihaya but even Kotori and I don't know this neighborhood very well.
[Kotori]: "I've never been here before."
[Kotarou]: "We never have a reason to come here usually. Good thing I asked the teacher to draw a map for us."
[Chihaya]: "Ah, a cake shop. Let's buy something for Konohana-san."
We take a detour into a small, cute cake shop and split the cost of four little cakes.
Since none of us know what class rep likes, we bought a shortcake, a chocolate cake, a Mont Blanc and a green tea cake.
I asked whether they had any super spicy cakes, but they just laughed and looked at me like a crazy person.
After we leave the cake shop, there's a flower shop next door begging us to come in.
[Kotori]: "This is great, it's like we're visiting a hospital."
[Chihaya]: "Ah, let's go here too. Let's buy some flowers too."
[Kotarou]: "......flowers...it is a typical present for a sick person, but I dunno if it's a good idea for a class rep."
[Chihaya]: "No, we should buy some."
[Kotori]: "...eh? You sure...?"
[Chihaya]: "Yes. She actually likes flowers, right?"
[Kotarou]: "...yeah, that's what Shizuru said. She just doesn't want to touch them because they might wilt."
[Chihaya]: "Well, sunflowers wilt really quickly if there's the wrong amount of water, fertilizer or bad weather."
[Chihaya]: "But I won't buy sunflowers. She's not a youkai or anything, so they're not gonna wilt the moment she touches them."
[Kotarou]: "That's true...but class rep wears those gloves because she's afraid they might..."
[Chihaya]: "So she hasn't even tried touching them."
[Chihaya]: "She just avoids them endlessly and convinces herself she's right to do so."
[Kotori]: "That might be part of it, but..."
[Chihaya]: "It's been several years since that happened. She should have gotten over it by now."
[Chihaya]: "She avoids things because they make her feel uncomfortable. But that creates a vicious cycle. Someday it'll cause serious problems for her."
[Kotarou]: "So you want to break her out of that cycle by force?"
[Chihaya]: "I'm not that mean!"
[Chihaya]: "I just want her to remember that flowers look and smell nice."
[Chihaya]: "Maybe it'll help her take a step forward."
[Kotori]: "I guess that's okay then."
[Kotori]: "So they're not to scare her, but to try and make up."
[Kotarou]: "......hmm..."
[Chihaya]: "I'm hoping this might help her get over what happened in the past. What do you think?"
She definitely has a point.
From what Shizuru said, class rep still likes flowers and animals even though she's afraid of touching them.
We can't force her to touch these flowers, but she might be able to water them at least.
[Kotarou]: "What do you think, Kotori? It seems okay to me as long we aren't forcing her to do anything."
[Kotori]: "Yeah, I guess it could work."
[Kotori]: "If we're really lucky class rep might remember there's no reason to be afraid of flowers."
[Chihaya]: "If we were friends I'd try to help her with that."
[Chihaya]: "Isn't it sad to be born a girl but never get to touch flowers or animals?"
I wonder if Chihaya has any similar experiences. This feels like more than just sympathy.
But I do know one thing now.
Ohtori Chihaya seems like a short-tempered, unpleasant girl at times, but she also has plenty of kindness and consideration.
That's why I'm sure.
Despite their fighting and all the awkwardness between them, Chihaya never wanted that to happen.
She wants to be friends with her...and she can be nice to her even in this situation.
If she didn't really want to make up, then she wouldn't have proposed we go talk to class rep, much less buy flowers for her.
[Kotarou]: "You're actually pretty nice."
[Chihaya]: "To everyone but you, Kotarou."
She'd be so cute if she was more honest. Such a shame.
We get a bouquet of pastel-colored flowers. |
Name: Konohana Lucia | Gender: Female | Aliases: Class Rep
Name: Ohtori Chihaya | Gender: Female | Aliases: Chi
Name: Kanbe Kotori | Gender: Female
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
Cakes and flowers. Yeah, we couldn't be more prepared for this.
Then we round the corner......
There's a nice little two-story apartment building. It was probably built very recently.
On top is a little open air garden, like many other buildings in this city......it's pretty nice.
[Kotori]: "According to the map...this is the place."
[Kotarou]: "Does she live alone? These look like single rooms."
[Chihaya]: "They do. Being sick at home alone can't be fun......I'm glad we came."
[Kotori]: "Do you think she'd like it if we cooked something for her? Maybe jjigae? We just passed a supermarket, so I could go..."
She probably would like that, but if the three of us barged in and started making that, it'd just feel awkward for her.
[Kotarou]: "For today let's just check on her, offer her the cakes then leave her alone."
[Chihaya]: "Yeah. And ideally we could make up in the process."
[Kotori]: "Room 204......that's the farthest back on the second floor."
We go up the stairs, then all the way around. All the rooms we pass by are empty.
It's a bit lonely, but the walls probably aren't that thick so maybe it's nicer without anyone living next door.
[Chihaya]: "204, Konohana......this is it."
This is where class rep lives.
The cutesy nameplate and the little planter outside the door both have nice-looking artificial flowers in them.
I see, Shizuru was right. She clearly likes flowers. But if they were real she'd be too afraid of killing them.
...she probably won't like the fact that Chihaya brought flowers.
Let's just hope she understands that Chihaya wants to help her get past her fear.
[Kotori]: "Umm...I'm gonna ring the bell."
[Kotarou]: "Okay. Grind that bell into the dust."
[Chihaya]: "Just poke it normally."
[Kotori]: "Okay, going for a grinding poke~ ......huh?"
We can hear someone moving around even though we haven't rung the bell yet.
Huh? Did we happen to get here when she was about to go out...?
The door opens, and class rep almost walks right into us.
I've never seen her outside of school, so seeing her out of uniform is interesting.
That long gothic jacket suits her mature demeanor quite well.
There's no way it'd look as good on Kotori or Chihaya.
Class rep looks at her three guests with shock.
[Lucia]: "...wh-what? Tennouji Kotarou!? Kanbe-san...even Ohtori-san...?"
[Kotarou]: "Hey, class rep. Sorry for coming unannounced. How are you feeling?"
[Kotori]: "You don't look that ill."
[Lucia]: "Y-...yes. After taking some medicine I got much better."
[Chihaya]: "Looks like it. You're doing well enough to want to go outside. Glad to hear it."
[Lucia]: "...wh-what is...the meaning of this...?"
Class rep notices the bouquet and the cakes we brought, then starts to get worried.
[Kotarou]: "We bought some cakes for you, and Chihaya brought flowers."
As expected, class rep's face turns dark for a moment.
We knew this was coming. Chihaya explains herself quickly. None of us want class rep to think we came here to torture her.
[Lucia]: "......I-I appreciate the thought, but..."
[Chihaya]: "I was told you actually like flowers. Even from here, the flowers I can see in your apartment look lovely."
The part of the apartment we can see behind class rep is very neatly arranged.
It's also beautifully decorated with fake flowers, making it extremely clear how much she really loves flowers.
After seeing this, no one would ever believe she avoided those pansies because she thought they were filthy.
But she's stepping back now because of the living flowers Chihaya brought...
[Kotori]: "You really don't like live flowers..."
[Chihaya]: "I've heard about everything that happened in the past, and why it made you afraid of touching flowers and animals."
[Lucia]: "......how do you..."
Class rep loses her composure a little upon realizing that we know about her past.
But Chihaya continues smiling brightly.
[Chihaya]: "Sunflowers wilt for no reason all the time!"
[Chihaya]: "Once when I was younger I tried to grow some roses, even though I had no idea what I was doing. Every last one of them died."
[Chihaya]: "Some of them were eaten by bugs, others started rotting and made a huge mess."
[Chihaya]: "But that kind of failure is something everyone experiences when they're too young to know any better."
[Lucia]: "......I...understand...what you're......trying to say..."
[Chihaya]: "I'm sure the other boys made a big deal out of it at the time."
[Chihaya]: "And they used that little, meaningless accident to hurt you deeply."
[Kotarou]: "Shizuru told us...about what happened to you......about the sunflower and the goldfish."
[Kotarou]: "...so many of those coincidences happened around the same time, and everyone else wouldn't let you forget it, so you became afraid of touching things."
[Lucia]: "......I see...Shizuru told you..."
[Kotori]: "Ah, we're not mad about the cat or the soccer ball or anything, by the way."
[Chihaya]: "I lost my cool back then, since I didn't know what'd happened."
[Chihaya]: "Now I know why you said those things, Konohana-san......so..."
[Kotarou]: "She traveled a great distance to find you and be friends again."
[Chihaya]: "D-don't steal my lines! B-basically what he said!"
[Kotori]: "We're not angry at all. We sympathize with you, class rep."
[Kotori]: "It's so sad not being able to touch flowers when you love them so much..."
Before she could finish, Chihaya holds out the bouquet.
Chihaya's smiling strongly.
[Chihaya]: "It's all right. They won't wilt even if you touch them. I guarantee it."
[Lucia]: "......I appreciate...the thought, but......"
[Chihaya]: "And even if they do wilt when you touch them, it won't be your fault, Konohana-san!"
[Chihaya]: "It's that flower shop's fault for selling us flowers that die so quickly. If that happens we'll go demand a refund!"
Chihaya swings her fist.
She must be making it look silly on purpose.
Chihaya's trying her best to keep everything calm and friendly, hoping class rep will accept her bouquet.
Hoping that would make them friends again, putting all their fights behind them.
...that's what she wants more than anything right now.
[Lucia]: "...thank you. I really do appreciate the thought, but..."
[Chihaya]: "Come on! It'll be fine...!"
[Lucia]: "Ah!"
Chihaya makes one final push. All the pretty flowers end up in class rep's chest.
Just like that cat from a few days ago. In fact, this is a repeat of that day...
[Chihaya]: "See? Those flowers won't..."
......the petals scatter, fluttering through the air. For just a moment, it has a fantastical beauty.
But behind that beauty, class rep's expression is filled with...not only loneliness, but pain.
The bouquet had fallen apart, strewn across the floor. |
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
Name: Nakatsu Shizuru | Gender: Female | Aliases: Shizu
Name: Ohtori Chihaya | Gender: Female | Aliases: Chi
Name: Kanbe Kotori | Gender: Female
Name: Konohana Lucia | Gender: Female | Aliases: Class Rep
Chihaya had been knocked back into me. If I wasn't here to catch her, she would've ended up on the ground.
The box of cakes Kotori was holding also got knocked away by class rep's hands, and is now a pitiful mess on the ground.
We don't have to open the box to know they're ruined...
...yes, it's a repeat of that day...and it ended the same exact way...
[Lucia]: "......ah......"
Regret shows on both of their faces.
From class rep's point of view, this was a perfect chance to go back to being friends.
...but she needed more time before she could try holding that bouquet on her own.
It must've been the same for Chihaya. If class rep took this bouquet, that would've been a perfect sign of their friendship.
...but that was a rule she'd invented on her own.
She knew full well that class rep was afraid of touching flowers. But she underestimated the depth of that wound...
If she gave class rep those flowers, that'd be the end of their fighting.
...it wasn't as shallow an idea as it sounds. It was also a message, a way of saying they could get back together no problem.
So instead of a lengthy, dramatic build-up, she chose to hand class rep the bouquet as casually as possible.
They both made mistakes, and those mistakes ran into each other headfirst...
[Kotarou]: "Ummm...well......"
I try to think of something I can say to repair the damage, but...dammit, I can't think of anything...!
I know I need to say something fast!
I know what these two are like.
If I don't butt in now, they'll start covering up their sadness and regret with anger!
[Lucia]: "......I..."
[Lucia]: "I never once said I wanted these! You are not helping!!"
[Chihaya]: "Aaah, I see, that's right, you hate flowers after all. I was just meddling in your private life, I'm so sorry!"
[Lucia]: "Yes, you were meddling!! I told you I don't like them! I always said I don't want to touch flowers or animals! When did I say I liked them!?"
[Chihaya]: "That's right, you never did say that, I'm sorry!!"
[Chihaya]: "I apologize for pushing those despicable flowers on you. Since you hate flowers, animals, people and everything else, just stay cooped up in there for the rest of your life!"
[Lucia]: "That's what I did all day today! You're the ones who came to me!!"
[Kotori]: "Stoooooooooop! Why are you both saying things you don't mean!? You both want to make up!"
[Chihaya]: "That's true. I felt that way at first, but now that feeling is completely and utterly gone!"
[Lucia]: "I do not recall being friends with Ohtori-san to begin with! Not once have we been friendly with each other!!"
[Chihaya]: "You're right, I don't remember being friends with you either!"
[Chihaya]: "Go be alone, acting high and mighty just because you're the class rep!! Go ahead and have no friends!!"
Aaah, idiot......even Chihaya herself looks like she knows she shouldn't have said that...
Because of her obsession with cleanliness, class rep hasn't had a single friend other than Shizuru...
Everyone understood that, but didn't touch on it, and now......Chihaya, you idiot......
If she apologized right away, the wound might've been shallow.
But Chihaya's too riled up to do anything like that.
After a while, she frowns and speaks again.
[Chihaya]: "I'm sorry for disturbing you. I'll go home now. Goodbye. I hope we never meet again!"
[Lucia]: "Yes, goodbye! Go home, go home!! Never come here again, Ohtori Chihaya!!"
Chihaya turns around and steps away down the stairs.
Class rep silently watches her leave, then glares at us, implying she has nothing to say to us.
She looks like a small animal with its hair standing on end to make itself look intimidating. Neither I nor Kotori can think of anything to say to her...
[Kotarou]: "C-class rep..."
[Lucia]: "......do not set foot in here ever again!"
Class rep says that and goes back inside.
The sound of the door slamming shut is none other than her fierce rejection...
All that remains are the smashed cake box and the scattered flowers.
[Kotarou]: "......how did this happen...?"
[Kotori]: "All we can do for now is leave them alone..."
I wonder whether or not to ring the doorbell as Kotori shakes her head.
Kotori crouches down and gathers up the flowers. She puts them back into a bouquet, then leaves it next to the door.
As expected, the cakes are a complete mess...we can't leave these here.
We look at class rep's nameplate one last time, then walk away, wondering what we should do now...
Then I hear footsteps racing up the stairs......did Chihaya come back?
No, someone much smaller.
......it's Shizuru.
[Shizuru]: "......Kotarou? Kotori...? Why are you here...?"
[Kotarou]: "Hm...? ......well..."
Shizuru seems to have figured out what happened based on the crushed cake box in my hands.
After Kotori and I tell her what happened, Shizuru sighs softly.
[Shizuru]: "I'm glad you want to help her, but that's too much for Lucia."
[Kotarou]: "......yeah, maybe we were being optimistic..."
[Shizuru]: "...I'll calm Lucia down. Kotarou, Kotori, take care of Chi."
[Kotarou]: "O-okay...thanks..."
[Kotori]: "You're amazing, Shizu-chan...you're the only one class rep...no, Konohana-san trusts."
[Shizuru]: "I'm special. But there's no reason she can't make friends with anyone else."
Class rep and Shizuru.
......they're not even in the same year, much less the same class. Why are they so close?
Whatever the reason, there's no doubt she's the only one here who can possibly help class rep.
[Kotarou]: "Okay, take care of class rep for us, Moral Guard."
[Shizuru]: "*nod*"
We'll just have to trust her.
Shizuru seems to understand that we need to do something about this, for class rep's sake.
For today we have to leave and let her do what she can...
Tomorrow we'll talk to Chihaya at school...or so I thought.
Somehow we spotted her in the park on the way home.
...she's sitting on a swing, looking down at the ground. I can tell how she feels without asking...
[Kotori]: "...Chi-chan."
Kotori tries to talk to her, but Chihaya doesn't answer.
...even so, I still think there's hope.
If she really hated class rep, she'd never get sad like this.
[Kotarou]: "Well that sucked. What on earth do we do now?"
I say something casually and sit down on the adjacent swing.
She's clearly giving off a "Please leave me alone!" aura, but everyone who does that really wants the opposite.
Chihaya wants to talk to someone to help sort out her feelings...
Kotori understands that too.
So we both gaze up in silence at the evening sky until Chihaya opens her mouth......
[Chihaya]: "......that was horrible." |
Name: Ohtori Chihaya | Gender: Female | Aliases: Chi
Name: Nakatsu Shizuru | Gender: Female | Aliases: Shizu
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
Name: Haruhiko Yoshino | Gender: Male
Name: Kanbe Kotori | Gender: Female
[Kotarou]: "Don't get mad. Class rep didn't mean to do that either."
[Chihaya]: "No! I was the horrible one!"
Chihaya shouts, still looking down.
I can see teardrops falling on her skirt.
[Chihaya]: "...I'm horrible!"
[Chihaya]: "I heard all about the painful things that happened to her, but I didn't take them seriously at all!"
[Chihaya]: "Her wounds are so deep she hasn't removed her gloves even once since I met her!"
[Chihaya]: "But I ignored that obvious fact and did something impulsive...I'm the horrible one here!"
[Chihaya]: "If she could touch flowers that easily she would've gotten past it years ago!"
[Chihaya]: "The whole reason she's still in pain is because it's too deep a wound for her to overcome that quickly!!"
[Chihaya]: "That should've been obvious if I just took a second to think about it! Why did I......do something so......without even thinking about Konohana-san's feelings...!!"
[Kotori]: "......Chi-chan."
Kotori puts her hand on Chihaya's head, but it's already too late to hold back the tears.
[Chihaya]: "I'm horrible...I really can't make friends...uuuuuuu, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan......"
This is no time for us to chime in......we need to let her get all her feelings out.
So we both spend the next few minutes listening quietly to Chihaya...
October 26th (Tuesday)
[Kotarou]: "......yeah, I was thinking the same thing."
[Shizuru]: "Lucia regrets what happened...getting mad only made things worse."
After talking to Shizuru, I know for sure that class rep feels exactly the same as Chihaya.
Namely, they both want to make up with each other, and they both feel bad about what they said yesterday.
[Shizuru]: "Flowers don't die when she touches them. She may not like holding them, but Lucia should have endured it."
[Kotarou]: "If she could do that, this wouldn't be an issue to begin with."
[Shizuru]: "......that's true."
[Kotarou]: "Class rep's in pain too..."
[Shizuru]: "She's been trying to fix it. It's already much better than it used to be."
If someone has a deep wound, they're the only ones who can truly heal it.
If she doesn't defeat it herself, it'll never go away.
No one can get rid of it for her, no matter how far they go.
Those flowers really were a mistake...
Chihaya thought it'd be okay......but I should've stopped her.
I'm partly responsible for naïvely hoping it'd work out...
[Shizuru]: "We can't turn back time. There's no point regretting it, and no one meant to do any harm."
[Kotarou]: "......then why does this keep happening? They both want to make up but they keep failing at it."
[Shizuru]: "The hedgehog's dilemma. Getting too close isn't always a sign of love."
The hedgehog's dilemma...that's from a famous Schopenhauer parable.
Two hedgehogs who want to be friends try to get close to each other, but they hurt each other with their spines.
But they can be good friends without getting that close.
......there's a distance where people can still be kind to each other.
[Shizuru]: "I think this gave Lucia the push she needs to face it."
[Shizuru]: "It won't be much longer...before she gets past her old wounds."
[Kotarou]: "......yeah, class rep's been working hard to overcome it all this time...she can do it."
And we'll be there to support her.
Friends don't try to meddle with or forcibly correct their friends' problems. That's just forcing their values on someone else.
[Kotarou]: "They're really troublesome hedgehogs...they both wanna make up but they keep poking each other."
[Shizuru]: "It's so sad. I want to help them."
"What do we do..." we both sigh.
[Yoshino]: "Hey, morons. Kanbe told me you screwed up big time."
[Kotarou]: "Yoshino? ......well, yeah, we did. It was pathetic..."
[Yoshino]: "And thanks to you it's awkward as hell in the classroom today. Do something about it."
[Shizuru]: "Can't you do something?"
[Yoshino]: "I'm a man who fights against the world."
[Yoshino]: "Minimalistic problems like a squabble between two girls in this little Japanese town are not what I deal with."
[Shizuru]: "......Kotarou, is he a bad guy?"
[Kotarou]: "Only 90% bad."
[Yoshino]: "If you don't remove the spines quickly they'll start rotting. Stop wasting time and get this resolved."
[Kotarou]: "...I know that...do you have any good ideas for getting two stubborn, angry people back together...?"
[Yoshino]: "Figuring that out is your job. You're the one who said "leave the town to me.""
[Kotarou]: "......yeah, you're right."
[Kotarou]: "...sorry for making the class so awkward. Just give us a little while longer. We'll take care of it."
[Yoshino]: "If they both want to be friends, then bringing them together is all you need to do."
[Yoshino]: "The problem is coming up with an excuse."
[Kotarou]: "Yeah......an excuse to bring them together..."
[Kotarou]: "What could we do...maybe visit her again...?"
[Shizuru]: "Going to Lucia's house is a bad idea. She won't want to see anyone but me there."
[Kotarou]: "Yeah, and our visit yesterday was a huge failure..."
[Yoshino]: "Geez, you're pathetic. You can't even come up with a single excuse to bring two girls to the same place."
[Yoshino]: "The best you can do is complain at each other."
[Shizuru]: "......Kotarou, I don't like him."
[Kotarou]: "Don't worry, neither do I."
Yoshino smiles mockingly, then waves and walks away...
But he says one last thing before leaving.
[Yoshino]: "A new café just opened near the station."
[Yoshino]: "I hear they sell humongous parfaits, and you don't have to pay if you finish one within a certain time limit."
Aaah, I have heard about that place.
I'm surprised a wild man like Yoshino checked up on a parfait place.
[Yoshino]: "I was thinking of challenging your stomach to a duel there, but after seeing your gloomy face I'm not hungry anymore."
[Kotarou]: "Are you sure they really have that offer?"
[Yoshino]: "They also have two-person parfaits that are even bigger. That was how I intended to settle it."
[Yoshino]: "It's free if you can eat it in forty-five minutes, but any longer and it's 5000 yen. Quite the thrilling gamble."
[Yoshino]: "I wanted to see you eat until cream poured out your nose and your guts exploded, but we'll have to do that some other time." |
Name: Konohana Lucia | Gender: Female | Aliases: Class Rep
Name: Kanbe Kotori | Gender: Female
Name: Ohtori Chihaya | Gender: Female | Aliases: Chi
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
Name: Nakatsu Shizuru | Gender: Female | Aliases: Shizu
Name: Haruhiko Yoshino | Gender: Male
[Kotarou]: "R-......right. Once I've resolved this, we'll have our duel."
[Yoshino]: "Heh! I must be losing my edge if I'm challenging you to a parfait."
Yoshinoooooooooooooooooooooo......thank you! You really are my partner...
Shizuru also understands what Yoshino told us. She nods her head several times at amazing speed.
Yeah, I know, we can't miss this chance!
[Kotarou]: "Would class rep be okay with eating a parfait with someone?"
[Shizuru]: "She might hesitate, but as long as they don't share spoons it'll probably be fine."
[Kotarou]: "Does she like parfaits?"
[Shizuru]: "Yes, she loves them. Though she couldn't eat one with saury."
Why saury...? I'll have to ask Shizuru about that later.
We need to move quickly while they're still both regretting their actions.
[Kotarou]: "They really are bad at being honest."
[Kotarou]: "I will restore their friendship! But there's no way they'd happily come together and say "I want to be friends again." The whole problem is they aren't that honest."
[Kotarou]: "And so, we need a strategy!"
[Shizuru]: "Strategery!"
[Kotarou]: "So what we'll do is pretend that class rep asked Chihaya to come, and Chihaya asked class rep to come."
[Kotarou]: "Given their personalities, they're both sure to come if the other one asks them!"
[Kotarou]: "So how about it?"
[Lucia]: "I-I appreciate the thought, but this is unnecessary!"
[Shizuru]: "Lucia, you told me you wanted to make up with her. Was that a lie...?"
[Lucia]: "...n-no...it's just..."
[Shizuru]: "Kotarou, Lucia kept saying she wanted to make up over and over as she cried in my chest."
[Kotarou]: "Wow...class rep in Shizuru's chest..."
[Kotarou]: "Given all the iron fist judgments I can't imagine class rep doing that at all."
[Lucia]: "I...I-I...I wasn't crying, I wasn't!"
[Shizuru]: "You were, yes you were. Lucia cries a lot. She's so needy. Like a little baby."
[Lucia]: "What!? N-n-no I don't cry, I don't, I'm not needy! A-a-aaand I'm definitely no baby!"
[Kotarou]: "......class rep cried like a baby in Shizuru's chest, saying "We had a fight, but I still wanna be friends"...? I can't imagine that at all..."
[Shizuru]: "She did cry. She's always been a crybaby. And I'm the only one she- fuga!"
Class rep covers Shizuru's mouth, her face red and twisted with anger...she might suffocate her.
Evidently she finds that embarrassing. She's acting like an angry cat.
[Lucia]: "Fugiiii! Garrrrrrrrrrrr!"
[Kotarou]: "I-I'm not scared. I'm not scared. It's okay, class rep..."
[Lucia]: "Gurrrrrrrrrrrr......huuuu..."
[Kotarou]: "I dunno what happened, but I won't pry any further."
[Kotarou]: "Anyway, you and Chihaya can't keep fighting forever, right?"
[Lucia]: "...I know that!"
[Shizuru]: "Fugamoga, fugafuga!"
[Lucia]: "......that's true, but..."
[Shizuru]: "Fugafuga. Mogamoga."
[Shizuru]: "Mogafuga."
[Lucia]: "......f-...fine! I'll go to that parfait shop, all right!"
[Kotarou]: "Oooh, I have no idea how you persuaded her, but nice job!"
Shizuru's mouth is still covered, but she gives me a thumbs up.
[Lucia]: "If Ohtori-san asked me to go, then...I cannot ignore her request."
[Lucia]: "A class representative must be a model of proper behavior. I cannot allow this to continue..."
[Shizuru]: "Be more honest, Lucia. You want to be friends with- fuga!"
[Lucia]: "I will go to the parfait shop at the time she requested! Now, would you please leave us alone!?"
[Shizuru]: "Fugamoga~! Fugamoheh~"
[Kotarou]: "Okay, okay, but you'd better come. Shizuru, I'm not sure what you said, but good luck!"
[Shizuru]: "Mogaaa."
[Lucia]: "Shizuru, be quiet! What I said yesterday wasn't...well...!"
I'm not sure why, but class rep's really mad at Shizuru right now. They're such good friends...
......and thank God Shizuru's helping.
She knows class rep's pain better than anyone, and she's the only one who can talk to her about it.
And the fact that class rep has a friend proves she doesn't want to be alone.
[Kotori]: "Kotarou-kun~ How'd it go with class rep?"
[Kotarou]: "No problem, she's coming. What about Chihaya?"
[Kotori]: "Just fine, she's coming too."
[Kotori]: "She pouted a lot, but said "If class rep insists then I guess...""
The preparations are complete.
Now we just need to get the giant parfait between them and let them work it out.
Then at the end I'll announce "I set this all up!" and let them beat the crap out of me if they feel like it.
After school.
Class rep, Chihaya, Shizuru, Kotori and me all assemble at the newly opened café in front of the station...
I see, they really do offer jumbo parfaits.
What looks like a leaderboard is pasted on the wall, proudly showing the names and times of people who managed to finish their enormous parfaits...
Most intimidating of all, there's a showcase with samples in it.
Every last one of them is enormous!
The smallest parfait has the volume of a basketball...
Incidentally, the largest jumbo parfait on offer is called the "Olympus Mons", and has to be ordered in advance. And you have to show your IDs to eat it...
According to the menu, the name comes from the Olympus Mons volcano on Mars, which is the largest volcano in the solar system.
Its peak height is 25000 meters! I think Everest is only around 8000...
So I guess that makes this the strongest parfait in the solar system...also, instead of "price" it says "consultation fee"...
[Kotori]: "That is not a one-man job..."
[Kotarou]: "Indeed. It's probably something you'd order in place of a wedding cake and have everyone at the reception eat it together."
[Chihaya]: "...dessert goes in a different stomach, but even so, this is worrying."
[Shizuru]: "None of them have saury..."
[Lucia]: "I don't think...normal customers would buy that."
Class rep and Chihaya both look fine.
But they aren't making eye contact. They're still feeling awkward. |
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
Name: Nakatsu Shizuru | Gender: Female | Aliases: Shizu
Name: Kanbe Kotori | Gender: Female
Name: Ohtori Chihaya | Gender: Female | Aliases: Chi
Name: Konohana Lucia | Gender: Female | Aliases: Class Rep
Since they aren't saying anything, it's safe to assume they both believe the other invited them. Perfect.
[Kotarou]: "Anyway, today's guests of honor, class rep and Chihaya, your seats are over here. Shizuru, Kotori and I will take this box seat."
[Chihaya]: "......well, that makes sense."
[Lucia]: "...let us go."
They both want to make up, so they're still hesitant to speak to each other.
They feel like job applicants at an interview...
They both look down in silence for a while, but eventually Chihaya raises her head.
[Chihaya]: "...well......I was acting very immature yesterday...I should've been more considerate."
[Lucia]: "...mmm, you have done nothing wrong, Ohtori-san."
[Chihaya]: "Mmmmmm!"
[Kotori]: "Aaah, come on, don't fight! You're supposed to have fun eating a parfait so you can be friends again, right?"
[Kotarou]: "Exactly! You can't defeat today's monstrous parfait unless you work together!"
[Kotarou]: "It is called the 45-minute Tag Team Parfait!"
[Lucia]: "...that's an odd name. Why "tag team"?"
[Shizuru]: "Because the two of you are fighting against the clock."
[Kotarou]: "If you finish it in forty-five minutes it's free, but otherwise it's 5000 yen. How about it? Isn't that exciting!?"
[Kotori]: "So we'll all be in big trouble if you can't work together..."
[Chihaya]: "...so each of us would have to pay 2500 yen? This is just silly."
[Lucia]: "I-I do not have that much on me. Do we have no choice but to force ourselves...?"
[Kotarou]: "That's right. If you don't wanna pay, you gotta eat!"
[Chihaya]: "I'm fine with that. But Konohana-san, do you really want to eat a parfait out of the same glass as me?"
[Chihaya]: "It's tough being a clean freak after all!"
[Lucia]: "Mmmmm..."
[Shizuru]: "Lucia, it's all right."
[Lucia]: "Garrrrrrrrrrrrrr, garrrrrrrrrr!"
[Chihaya]: "Hmph...!"
[Kotori]: "...mmm, they're both so stubborn. Can they really make up like this?"
[Kotarou]: "Not at this rate...we need to remind them why we're here."
As we wait for the parfaits to be made, we talk to class rep and Chihaya again.
[Lucia]: "......y-yes, I know that."
[Kotarou]: "Are you suuuure?"
[Kotarou]: "You're being too stubborn! Swallow your pride and be honest! Chihaya set this all up just for you!"
[Lucia]: "I-I know that...I am grateful to her for doing that."
[Lucia]: "Of course I want our relationship to go back to the way it was..."
[Lucia]: "But Ohtori-san had to insult me-!"
[Shizuru]: "It's all right, it's all right."
No matter how much class rep pouts, Shizuru treats her like an angry cat.
Class rep knows she shouldn't get mad so easily, but it's still hard for her.
And of course, it's the same for Chihaya...
[Chihaya]: "I know that! I don't want things to stay this awkward."
[Kotarou]: "Then calm down a little! Relax, relax!"
[Chihaya]: "I am relaxing! Konohana-san isn't trying to open up at all!"
[Kotori]: "Class rep's doing her best too~ Don't give up now, Chi-chan~..."
[Chihaya]: "Uuu! Well, you know, I can understand how Konohana-san feels after inviting me here to make up."
[Chihaya]: "And I do want to make up! But Konohana-san keeps making everything so tense!"
See? They're both screwing up in exactly the same way...
Geez...they both want to make up, so I thought it'd be as simple as bringing them together and letting them work it out...
I didn't expect them both to be this dishonest with themselves.
At this rate there's no way that parfait will be enough to bring them together.
[Kotarou]: "Hmmm...what do we do now?"
[Shizuru]: "Kotarou, where are you going?"
[Kotarou]: "Quick bathroom break...I need to think up another plan..."
[Kotori]: "I hope you find inspiration..."
[Kotarou]: "Tell me if either of you think of something. I'm all ears."
[Kotori]: "O-okay~"
I orchestrated this plan. I have to make them friends again, whatever it takes, and end this fighting today.
Kotori and Shizuru have done more than enough. I can't rely on them.
...it's kinda passive of me, but I might just have to hope this shop's parfait is enough to melt their hearts.
The kitchen is right next to the bathrooms.
As I walk by, I can see the two giant parfaits we ordered being made.
That is huge......
Even with two people working together, consuming all of that in only forty-five minutes will be a serious challenge.
......and the guys back there making it look surprisingly rough.
In fact, they look like stereotypical tough guys.
They're wearing terrible T-shirts, and if I bumped into them on the street I'd probably shiver a little.
No wait, people like that often turn out to like cute or sweet things after all, but are just embarrassed about it...
[Kotarou]: "Never mind, judging people by their appearance is rude...I should just wash my hands..."
Then I start hearing them whisper to each other.
[Employee]: "Boss, there's no doubt about it, that's her!"
[Manager]: "You idiot! We're at work, call me Manager!"
[Employee]: "Heh, heheheh, sorry Manager..."
[Employee]: "But I'm sure of it! That uniform, that hair, that face, it's definitely Konohana Lucia!"
Oooh? What's this? Why do they know class rep when she's never been to this shop before?
Is class rep that famous...? Or do they know her from somewhere else?
...that can't be right. Class rep would never have any opportunity to meet people who look like gangsters.
I wanna know what they're talking about, so I hide in a corner and continue listening.
[Manager]: "I see......that woman......the one who flattened the cafeteria's Szechuan-style hell mapo..."
[Employee]: "Yeah! I heard she did it without even breaking a sweat..."
[Manager]: "Th-...that hellfire...without even sweating......"
[Manager]: "...the one and only spicy food that ever defeated us, making us cough up blood and writhe in agony......she ate without any discomfort..."
[Manager]: "The mapo that brought an end to my, our legend! I despise that mapo! I looooooooooaaaaaaathe it!!"
[Manager]: "Ahyooooooooooooo! Just remembering it makes my throat buuuuurn, water water wateeeeeeeer!! O-okay, sorry! *glug* *glug* Phew..." |
Name: Nakatsu Shizuru | Gender: Female | Aliases: Shizu
Name: Kanbe Kotori | Gender: Female
Name: Ohtori Chihaya | Gender: Female | Aliases: Chi
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
Name: Konohana Lucia | Gender: Female | Aliases: Class Rep
Only people who go to our school's cafeteria should know about that mapo tofu.
So are these guys alumni...?
No, no, there's gotta be more to it than that. I'm forgetting something.
What was it!? I'm sure the lunch lady told me this...
What was the story surrounding that mapo again? ......hmmm...
That's right, it was made to defeat the Black whatever-it-was group of spicy food lovers...
[Employee]: "It must've been some kind of trick. There's no way in hell that girl could've eaten that mapo!"
[Manager]: "Y-you're right...then let's find out if that rumor was really true or not!"
[Manager]: "Konohana Luciaaaa, little do you know, we are the remnants of the legendary Black Spice Alliance!!"
I-I remember now...! The Black Spice Alliance! Those spice-lovers that brought an age of darkness to the school!
But according to the legend, they broke up after the mapo defeated them...
[Manager]: "We all used to sing "We love spicy food~♪", but then spicy food destroyed us! We had to swallow our pride and suffer that disgrace in silence!"
[Manager]: "We sealed away our love of spice and retired to the world of sweets...and have been hiding it ever since!"
[Employee]: "I'd forgotten all about that disgrace! Uuoooooooooo, boooooooooss!"
[Manager]: "No, call me Manager! Anyway, we will be the end of her today!"
[Manager]: "We will find out for sure whether that delicate maiden is truly more powerful than the Black Spice Alliance! Uhahahahahahahahahahaha!!"
I enter the bathroom and try to process everything I just heard.
There's no way. No way, no way, no way. This is getting too weird...
We're supposed to be here so class rep can have a friendly chat over a parfait and make up.
...but they weren't relaxing at all, so we were wondering what to do about it, and now suddenly the Black Spice Alliance is here?
P-please, don't make this any harder for us!
[Kotarou]: "Wait......hahahaha, what am I getting so worked up about."
[Kotarou]: "This is a café, and we ordered a parfait."
[Kotarou]: "The Black Spice Alliance? They're just parfait makers now...I have nothing to worry about..."
I start heading back just as the 45-minute Tag Team Parfaits get set down on our tables.
I see, those two definitely seem like the type to give something a weird name like that.
Still......even after seeing it in the show window and in the kitchen...the incredible size of that parfait is still intimidating.
That glass is almost as big as a sink. It's completely filled with ice cream, whipped cream, piles of fruit and more!
And two of those things are being carried out...this is almost otherworldly...
[Kotori]: "Kotarou-kun~! It's here, it's here, it's huuuge!"
[Kotarou]: "This is amazing...okay, comrades! Let's band together to devour this thing!"
[Kotarou]: "Now, begin!"
[Shizuru]: "......*chew* *chew*"
Shizuru started eating before either of us, not bothering to wait for my signal.
She gives a thumbs up, indicating it tastes fine.
Good, the sheer size of it doesn't mean the flavor suffered at all.
The problem is...how much of it can I handle...
Well, we already committed to it, so I'm gonna enjoy this to the fullest!
I try eating a bite right away. Despite its size, the parfait tastes wonderful.
No doubt it'd be much more popular if they gave it a better name.
What about class rep and Chihaya?
They're gazing into the parfait, as if glaring at each other.
Next to class rep is a stopwatch the store gave us. The forty-five minutes start the moment the spoon touches it.
[Lucia]: "I have to eat all of this in forty-five minutes? And with Ohtori-san?"
[Chihaya]: "I agree. Why do I have to eat a parfait with someone I'm not even friends with?"
[Lucia]: "That's just as true for me! How can you say that after inviting me here!?"
[Chihaya]: "Huh!? I should be asking you that! Besides, why are you so- moga!"
[Kotarou]: "Okay, okay, that's enough fighting! You've got forty-five minutes to eat this thing. Ready, set, go!"
[Kotarou]: "Come on, eat, eat! You don't wanna cough up 5000 yen, do you!?"
They both believe the other one invited them here...
Right now I don't see any sign of them making up, so pushing them would just make things worse.
I start the stopwatch and nag them to start eating. For now it works.
Although they both came here hoping to make things right, it's still too awkward for them to really open up, so it's better they just eat for a while right now.
...the plan to have them make up with this parfait was just a fantasy after all...
[Chihaya]: "Buha!? *cough* *cough* *cough* *cough*, *cooough* *cough* *cough* *cough!!*"
The moment she takes a bite, Chihaya starts coughing violently.
[Lucia]: "...are you all right?"
[Chihaya]: "*cough* *cough* *cough*!? *cooough* *cough* *cough!!* Uuu...*cough*...gaha! Wh-......what is this!?"
She probably choked after eating too fast......or so I thought at first.
It was more like shock than choking. Her eyes were wide open...what happened?
Chihaya tries another bite, but immediately begins coughing again.
She gets out of her seat and races for the bathroom.
Class rep shrugs after seeing that.
[Lucia]: "Everyone chokes on food once in a while, but making that big a deal out of it is just unpleasant...is eating a parfait with me that intolerable for her?"
[Kotarou]: "N-no, no...that can't be it."
[Kotarou]: "Chihaya invited you here today to make up, right? She must not be feeling well..."
[Lucia]: "That's still puzzling. Ohtori-san asked me to come here, yet she has looked displeased this entire time."
[Lucia]: "What on earth is she trying to do!? Is this all a bizarre plot to make me pay for half of the parfait!?"
[Shizuru]: "Lucia, it's okay, it's okay, it's okay."
She believes Chihaya organized all this, so after seeing that even class rep is getting suspicious.
She was told they were here to make up, but Chihaya has looked annoyed the whole time so far.
Then they have to eat this 5000 yen parfait, and suddenly Chihaya feels sick. I can't blame her for suspecting something...
But I'm more worried about Chihaya right now...that coughing wasn't normal.
[Kotori]: "I wonder what happened to Chi-chan...did she get sick really suddenly...?"
[Kotarou]: "......no...wait......it can't be..."
If this was any other café, I would also assume Chihaya was feeling bad. |
Name: Konohana Lucia | Gender: Female | Aliases: Class Rep
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
Name: Ohtori Chihaya | Gender: Female | Aliases: Chi
...but now that I know this place is run by the Black Spice Alliance...there's a much more frightening possibility!
[Kotarou]: "...c-class rep, could I try a bite of that parfait...?"
[Lucia]: "No. This is for me and Ohtori-san. It is not for men who lick girls' plates!"
Class rep refuses, and resumes battle with the mountainous parfait. She wants to finish what she started without my help.
......class rep's perfectly fine, but Chihaya started coughing violently...there's only one answer.
[Kotarou]: "I-I wonder if Chihaya's okay..."
[Chihaya]: "*cough* *cough* *cough!* *cough* *cough!!* *glug* *glug* *glug* *glug*, pu!"
After knocking, I open the door slightly.
As I feared, Chihaya's nose is bright red, and she's gargling over and over...
Wow, her lips are swollen up like cod roe......
She notices me, then leaps over and grasps me by the collar.
[Chihaya]: "Wh-wh-wh-what on earth is that parfaaaaaaaaaaait!? I thought I was gonna die! Are you trying to kill me!?"
I-I knew it...the worst-case scenario is taking place...
Dammit! I already have to figure out how to get these two back together, but on top of that I have the Black Spice Alliance to deal with!
Damn you two! Why did you have to make this spice showdown happen today!?
[Chihaya]: "So this is what Konohana-san's trying to tell me!"
[Chihaya]: "She brought me here just to make me eat that!! That's just too cruel!"
Not good, not good...Chihaya thinks class rep is behind all of this.
Which means she thinks the spiciness of that parfait was class rep's fault...!
To her it looks like class rep asked her to come here just to make her eat that. That's more than enough reason to never talk to her again.
[Kotarou]: "W-wait, wait, calm down! The chefs must've made a mistake..."
I glance toward Lucia.
Not good, she's having no trouble at all with it...
[Chihaya]: "It's no mistake, it's Konohana-san's plot!"
[Chihaya]: "Only the part I ate was spicy! She's perfectly fine!"
[Chihaya]: "She must know exactly which parts aren't spicy!"
Ah, I see...Chihaya doesn't know how good class rep is at handling spicy food.
So she had no choice but to conclude it was a plot...
Well yeah, that parfait is hellish. Being able to eat that isn't normal.
A conspiracy is the most natural explanation.
That stupid Alliance just made everything even worse!
Class rep and Chihaya are both annoyed or angry at each other now. Is there any hope left of them making up!?
Class rep innocently continues eating the parfait with a look of ecstasy on her face.
......n-...no, I can't give up yet.
This situation is bizarre enough already. Maybe I can take advantage of it to make them accept some crazy explanation I come up with in the next few minutes...
...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu......wait...I know!
[Kotarou]: "A plot? Don't be stupid, that's not it at all!"
[Chihaya]: "If it's not a plot, then how do you explain the fact that Konohana-san's okay!?"
[Kotarou]: "If that's bothering you, then just eat a little from all sides of the parfait."
[Kotarou]: "It should be the same spiciness everywhere. The shop screwed up when they made it."
[Chihaya]: "Then go ask them to give us a new one right away!"
[Chihaya]: "No human can eat something like that! Hiiii, my tongue is tingling!"
[Kotarou]: "No, class rep won't want to trade it in...she's eating as much of it as she can on her own right now."
[Chihaya]: "Why!? Why can Konohana-san eat something that spicy without even flinching!?"
Indeed, class rep still looks like she's genuinely enjoying it...
I don't have a clue how she does it either.
[Kotarou]: "Listen, calm down. I lied about something today. Class rep didn't invite you here today, I did."
[Chihaya]: "You did!? .........aaah, I see. You do seem like the type to meddle in other people's business."
[Chihaya]: "So that's why class rep was acting so sullen the whole time."
[Chihaya]: "So I assume you told Konohana-san that I invited her?"
[Kotarou]: "Yeah, that's right. Sorry for tricking you two. I really wanted to bring you two together today."
[Chihaya]: "Let people solve their own problems! How do you plan on taking responsibility for my burnt tongue!?"
[Kotarou]: "I said listen! ...so, the point is, class rep thinks you ordered that super spicy parfait."
[Chihaya]: "...............t-true. I hope she doesn't blame me for that."
[Kotarou]: "Class rep isn't blaming you. Like you said, she's still eating it with a perfectly straight face...behold!"
I point toward class rep through some decorative plants we can spy on her from.
[Chihaya]: "......sh-she's eating it...I can't believe it. How can she endure something that spicy...?"
[Kotarou]: "Class rep's a little calmer than you. She realized right away that the spiciness was probably the café's fault."
[Chihaya]: "Then she should've told them that and asked for a new one. Why is she..."
[Kotarou]: "Despite that mistake, to class rep that parfait is still something made for the purpose of bringing you two back together!"
[Chihaya]: "...eh? I'm not sure what you mean..."
[Kotarou]: "Class rep doesn't want to be picky about the parfait you ordered for her. Do you understand?"
[Kotarou]: "You and class rep are both bad at being honest, but you both want to be friends again. Isn't that right!?"
[Chihaya]: "Well, yeah, but..."
[Kotarou]: "So class rep took that hellish spiciness as a challenge!"
[Chihaya]: "A......challenge!?"
[Kotarou]: "That's right, a challenge!"
[Kotarou]: "That ginormous spicy hell parfait is a challenge from the heavens given to you two because you won't be honest with yourselves and make up already. That's what class rep is thinking!"
[Kotarou]: "Yes, that parfait is none other than the discord between you two incarnate! Only by working together to devour it whole can you two finally overcome this!"
[Kotarou]: "Class rep believes that! And that is why she can silently endure the spiciness!!"
[Chihaya]: "Th-that can't......"
[Kotarou]: "Class rep's in just as much pain as you right now!"
[Kotarou]: "But she hasn't been fazed in the slightest! She's pretending it's delicious! Do you know why!?"
[Kotarou]: "Because that parfait is meant to bring you two back together!!"
[Chihaya]: "G-gaaaaaan!!"
...d-...did it work...?
I-I think it did...she's completely buying my story and is deeply moved by it! |
Name: Kanbe Kotori | Gender: Female
Name: Ohtori Chihaya | Gender: Female | Aliases: Chi
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
Name: Nakatsu Shizuru | Gender: Female | Aliases: Shizu
Name: Konohana Lucia | Gender: Female | Aliases: Class Rep
[Chihaya]: "I also...wanted to be friends again..."
[Chihaya]: "But I complained and ran away to the bathroom..."
[Chihaya]: "......and she's spent all this time quietly battling that parfait..."
[Kotarou]: "Chihaya......that's how badly class rep wants to be friends with you!"
[Kotarou]: "Just like you, she's terrible at expressing her feelings with words! Please understand that this is her way of showing her resolve!"
[Chihaya]: "...I-I'm the same way, so I understand. I'll have to show my own resolve the same way."
[Chihaya]: "I have to eat half of that parfait. I can't let her have all of it!"
[Kotarou]: "That's right, that's the spirit! The two of you can definitely do it!"
[Chihaya]: "Okaaaay, let's do thiiiis!!"
She clenches her fists and runs off with fire in her eyes.
I can't believe I pulled that off...that was a lot of ad libbing.
I worried it was getting too cheesy, but maybe that was for the best...
[Lucia]: "I-...is there something on my face...?"
[Chihaya]: (Y-you're amazing...Konohana-san!)
[Chihaya]: (...you've been eating this hellish parfait the whole time I was gone...just to be friends again!)
Class rep looks taken aback when she sees Chihaya looking toward her with tears in her eyes.
Given everything she's seen Chihaya do so far, this makes no sense at all.
[Lucia]: "...a-are you all right? Did the parfait not agree with you?"
[Chihaya]: "No, I'm fine! We will destroy this parfait together! We must complete this ceremony!"
[Lucia]: "C-ceremony...? You're taking this too seriously..."
[Chihaya]: "No, this is that serious. This parfait is a test for us because we can't be honest with ourselves!"
[Chihaya]: "We can defeat it together! We will finish it in forty-five minutes and then we'll be friends again! We can do this!"
[Lucia]: "Y-......yes..."
Class rep doesn't have the slightest idea why Chihaya is burning with the passion of youth.
But despite her shock she seems to be thinking about the "be friends" part.
[Lucia]: "...you're...right......we'll finish this together in forty-five minutes, then everything will be behind us."
[Chihaya]: "Yes, we can do this! Now I'm gonna make up for lost time!"
[Chihaya]: "Fugafuga, mogumogu, mokyumokyu! Uuuuu, *cough* *cough* *cough!!* Fuhiiiiii! Not yet, not yet! *munch* *munch* *munch!!*"
[Lucia]: "S-slow down, you'll choke again..."
[Chihaya]: "Don't worry about me. We're both in pain right now! I will not be defeated so easily...!"
[Chihaya]: "*munch* *munch* *slurp* *slurp!* Fuhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! I will not give uuup!"
Chihaya continues shoveling the parfait into her mouth even as her lips and eyes turn red.
Sometimes she coughs from the spice, but her spoon never stops moving.
Class rep finds that intimidating at first, but eventually...
[Lucia]: "I cannot lose to this. Here we go...!"
[Chihaya]: "Fugafuga! Fuhiiiiiii!!"
[Shizuru]: "Chi's a different person when she gets into something."
[Kotori]: "Kotarou-kun, you're amazing...what on earth did you tell Chi-chan?"
[Kotarou]: "Th-that's a trade secret. Anyway, I'm glad they finally sound like friends now..."
Though I'll probably need Kotori's help to keep this web of lies intact after all the dust settles.
I look toward the kitchen and find the employees watching with awe.
[Employee]: "Th-they're both eating it like it's nothing!"
[Manager]: "How could this be...are modern schoolgirls capable of eating such spice...?"
[Manager]: "Th-the spices we conquered were nothing...our lives were a complete waste...we can no longer live in society! We must become monks!"
[Employee]: "Booooooooooss!! I will follow you anywhere! Uuoooooooooon...!"
...the two tough guys embrace each other and cry.
They indirectly helped me get those two back together, so I guess it's okay...
Still, class rep is amazing...
A parfait made by those guys must be spicy beyond imagination.
Chihaya has some amazing willpower to put up with that, but the fact that class rep seems to be genuinely enjoying it remains unbelievable.
[Shizuru]: "It's almost forty-five minutes...they're actually gonna finish it."
[Kotori]: "Amazing! Amazing! Keep going~!"
[Lucia]: "This is......the last piece!"
Class rep puts the final banana in her mouth!
They'd both silently agreed to leave that banana for last, as the finale.
She gulps down the last piece of it......and they defeat the parfait!
[Chihaya]: "F-fuoooooooooooo......fuoooooooooooooooo!"
It's hard to tell whether Chihaya is screaming with joy, or from the pain she's been holding in all this time.
But despite her tears and running nose, her expression has a clear sense of accomplishment...
Then the manager comes out and prostrates himself on the floor.
[Manager]: "...I-I am humbled!! I never thought anyone would be able to eat that monstrosity!"
[Lucia]: "Well, someone has! We ate it together in under forty-five minutes. So it's free, right!?"
[Manager]: "O-of course it is! I am truly in awe...next time we will present you with a proper, normal-tasting parfait..."
[Lucia]: "No, this parfait was delicious! I would love to eat it again."
[Chihaya]: "Fugee!? Fugugugugugugu......"
Chihaya's eyes swim and she falls to the floor, foaming at the mouth after hearing class rep's bold statement.
[Lucia]: "A-are you all right!? What happened to you!? Keep it together!"
[Kotarou]: "......it's all right, class rep. Let her rest in peace..."
[Kotarou]: "...you saw Chihaya go to the bathroom earlier, right? ...she hasn't been feeling very well today."
[Lucia]: "What...!? She carried out this plan despite being so horribly ill!?"
[Kotarou]: "She got ill after inviting you."
[Kotarou]: "But she wanted to make up so badly she forced herself to put up with it. Please try to understand her feelings!"
[Lucia]: "I-I see...! No wonder she has been acting so strange all day..."
[Lucia]: "Ohtori Chihaya! I, Konohana Lucia, will not forget your devotion!"
Class rep holds Chihaya's hand, though she's already unconscious and foaming at the mouth.
In her mind, there's probably a spotlight shining down on Chihaya from the ceiling, and an angel showering them with flowers and offering its blessings.
[Shizuru]: "Lucia's rather simple, so this should be enough." |
Name: Ohtori Chihaya | Gender: Female | Aliases: Chi
Name: Nakatsu Shizuru | Gender: Female | Aliases: Shizu
Name: Konohana Lucia | Gender: Female | Aliases: Class Rep
Name: Kanbe Kotori | Gender: Female
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
Name: Haruhiko Yoshino | Gender: Male
[Kotori]: "Kotarou-kun, you're amazing...I was afraid you'd need two tongues to pull that off."
[Kotarou]: "I'm never telling lies that weird ever again..."
[Kotarou]: "Don't tell them what really happened. I'd like this to remain a beautiful memory."
[Kotori]: "Yep, agreed."
[Shizuru]: "Lucia, congratulations. Now you two can be friends again."
[Lucia]: "Thank you...our...no, my stubbornness caused so much trouble for all of you. I am truly sorry..."
[Kotarou]: "It's fine. I'm just the type who can't ignore a problem when I see it."
[Kotori]: "I wonder if Chi-chan's okay..."
[Lucia]: "She pushed herself too hard...she's completely unconscious now."
[Chihaya]: "......fugigigigigigi...the mustard...the cayenne...they're attacking meeee..."
Even in her dreams, she can't escape the spice...
Was this parfait really spicy enough to knock someone out? ...I feel kinda bad now.
Class rep holds Chihaya's limp hand, as if shaking it.
That's her way of showing she sees them as friends again. We've witnessed it.
[Kotori]: "...so, about those gloves...do you think you can take them off?"
Class rep's still wearing those white gloves as she holds Chihaya's hands.
Maybe someday she'll be able to take them off and shake hands directly...
Class rep lowers her head.
[Shizuru]: "......don't force her."
[Kotori]: "Y-you're right...sorry..."
[Lucia]: "No......I should be apologizing. Someday...I would like to take these off."
She looks down at her white gloves holding Chihaya's hand.
[Lucia]: "I'm sure there will be a day......when I can take these gloves off."
[Lucia]: "And when that day comes...Ohtori Chihaya, I will shake your hand. I promise."
Unfortunately, those words can't reach Chihaya right now.
But I will tell Chihaya what she said.
[Lucia]: "Thank you, Tennouji Kotarou."
[Kotarou]: "I didn't do anything."
[Lucia]: "Sorry, but I knew you were the one to set all this up, Tennouji."
[Kotarou]: "What? You did!? How did you find out!?"
[Shizuru]: "Sorry, I blurted it out by accident."
She scratches her head shamefully, as she explains that she thought it'd be okay if she corrected herself quickly enough.
[Kotori]: "I don't think it matters too much whether she knows that. You pretended to be fooled because you wanted to make up, right?"
[Lucia]: "Mm......u..."
[Kotarou]: "That's right. You knew it was me, but you came anyway."
[Shizuru]: "Admirable."
[Lucia]: "I-I did nothing admirable..."
Class rep says that, her face turning red.
Still, I can't lick class rep's parfait glass anymore...
How spicy was this thing...?
I'm still impressed Chihaya finished it, but she's on the floor foaming. I don't even want to imagine how spicy it must've been.
[Kotarou]: "Hey......are you sure that parfait was delicious...?"
[Lucia]: "It was very delicious. It was meant to bring me and Ohtori-san back together, so how could it not be?"
[Kotarou]: "Ah, no, not like that. I mean...do you seriously want to have that again...?"
[Lucia]: "Such nonsense. It was wonderful. I like the parfaits here. I have never eaten one this delicious before!"
I-if she's serious, that's kinda scary...
The Black Spice Alliance members act horrified in the background. They'll probably focus on making genuinely delicious parfaits from now on.
...though as it turned out, two days later they released a new line of super spicy parfaits, and started inviting people to challenge them...
There's no way in hell I'm trying one of those.
Class rep's white gloves remain her trademark.
Their whiteness shows that her wounds have yet to heal.
But every day, she's making a little more progress. Someday she'll be able to take them off.
And now she has friends who will be there for her when that day comes.
Konohana Lucia isn't alone anymore.
Kotori, me, and of course Chihaya. We're more than just classmates now.
October 27th (Wednesday)
[Kotori]: "And now we know that adversity strengthens the bonds of friendship."
[Kotarou]: "It really is a pain dealing with people who refuse to say what they want. I really hope you two work on that in the future."
[Chihaya]: "B-be quiet. Friendships between girls are complicated!"
[Kotarou]: "At least the classroom is finally calm enough I can sleep in here again. Just as it should be."
The door rolls open and class rep returns.
...evidently the teacher's going to be late again.
[Lucia]: "It's going to be a little longer! Everyone keep studying!"
[Lucia]: "Hey! Tennouji Kotarou, return to your seat! Do I need to pound into you the fact that we're in class!?"
[Chihaya]: "Come on, back to your seats. Class rep told us to study. Boys, back to your seats! Hey, Yoshino!"
[Yoshino]: "Yeah, yeah, I'm going. Looks like we have two class reps now."
[Kotarou]: "It all worked out in the end, right?"
[Yoshino]: "Hearing a few shrill voices like that is just right."
[Kotarou]: "I can get things done when I put my mind to it, right?"
[Yoshino]: "Heh. What would you have done without my suggestion?"
Yoshino's still talking trash, but on the inside he's glad those two are friends again.
...he's definitely right. If he hadn't told me about that café, the classroom would still feel awkward as hell.
[Kotarou]: "I guess I owe you one then...do you still want to settle our score over a parfait?"
[Yoshino]: "If you beg me so hard your forehead rubs against the floor, I'll consider it."
[Kotarou]: "Well, they were incredibly good parfaits, you know. I'm willing to pay, so let's go sometime. Come on."
Of course I'll buy him a spicy one.
Kotori immediately glares at me.
[Kotori]: "You're plotting something evil."
[Kotarou]: "You're so rude. My mind is always filled with peace. Never plots."
[Kotori]: "Peace? Really?"
[Kotarou]: "It's so peaceful~"
[Kotori]: "...yeah, I guess so."
It feels like having these conflicts once in a while is a good thing. Maybe that's something special about youth.
Our class and our class rep are perfectly normal today.
They say a woman's heart is like the autumn sky, in that both can change at the drop of a hat.
But autumn skies are always clear at the end.
I look out the window.
The heat of summer still lingers as the sky carries cool winds for the next season... |
Name: Kanbe Kotori | Gender: Female
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
I get a text from Shizuru.
"I want to bring Chi and Lucia together for a talk. We won't be participating in club activities today."
[Kotarou]: (...did something happen between them?)
I'd better ask about it tomorrow.
Once homeroom ends, Chihaya and Lucia both leave through different doors.
[Kotori]: "...what's going on?"
[Kotarou]: "Dunno...but there's no club today."
[Kotori]: "Okay."
[Kotori]: "I kinda wanted to go this time, so now I'm not sure what to do."
[Kotarou]: "True..."
Aaah, Kotori's even starting to enjoy it...
I can feel the evil spirit of the going home club loosening its grip on her.
[Kotarou]: "How about we buy something sweet and unhealthy on the way home?"
[Kotori]: "That sounds appealing, Kotarou-kun."
[Kotori]: "But sorry, I have to do some work for the Committee today."
[Kotarou]: "...is it just me, or is the Greenery Committee the busiest organization in our school?"
[Kotori]: "It might be..."
[Kotori]: "It started out as a volunteer group after all."
[Kotori]: "The school only runs one branch."
[Kotarou]: "You take it really seriously considering they forced you into it."
[Kotori]: "Kotori-san likes working hard."
[Kotori]: "And so, bye-bye~"
Kotori waves to me then walks away.
[Kotarou]: "Dammit..."
I decide to follow her.
No, I'd better not...
I get a text from Shizuru.
"I want to bring Chi and Lucia together for a talk. We won't be participating in club activities today."
[Kotarou]: "Shizuru...good luck."
I send her an encouraging reply.
I didn't feel like playing around after that, so I went straight home.
I texted Kotori too so she knew there'd be no club.
Late at night, Shizuru finally contacts me again.
A reassuring word.
"How'd it go?" I ask.
"We concluded that Chi likes Chow Chows."
I am extremely curious how that resolved anything.
At night, Shizuru texts me.
"They had a fight a few days ago but I took care of it for now."
"They" must refer to Chihaya and Lucia. All three of them were absent today.
[Kotarou]: "...when did that happen?"
Those two certainly don't seem like they'd get along well...
Sometimes it felt like they could start arguing at any moment.
But at least it's okay now.
I send Shizuru a congratulatory reply. |
Name: Kanbe Kotori | Gender: Female
Name: Chibimoth | Gender: Unknown
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
October 24th (Sunday)
Kotori stops by in the afternoon.
She brings a pet.
[Kotarou]: "...is that a panda?"
[Kotori]: "Are you blind?"
[Kotori]: "It's clearly a dog."
Kotori brought something she calls a dog.
It's round and fluffy.
[Kotarou]: "...are you sure it's a dog?"
[Dog]: "Bu!"
Its long hair covers its mouth, so I can't see its expression.
I still doubt it's really a dog.
It looks more like an egg-shaped youkai.
[Kotarou]: "What breed?"
[Kotori]: "Dunno. I found him in the forest."
Then how can you be sure it's a dog...?
[Kotarou]: "This thing looks like an overgrown rolled up sweater."
[Kotori]: "I told you it's a dog."
[Kotarou]: "I still don't buy it..."
If she's that sure about it, then...well, it does kinda sorta look like one...
As our club activities become more serious and the girl-to-boy ratio increases (I like calling it the harem ratio), we're probably going to start exploring more dangerous places.
So one day Kotori said...
[Kotori]: "We need a bodyguard."
Being the only boy in the group definitely makes me feel uneasy.
I'd like to bring Yoshino with us, but he clearly wouldn't want to.
The defense problem has been shelved for some time now.
Apparently this guy's our answer.
[Kotarou]: "What's his name?"
[Kotori]: "Chibimoth."
[Kotarou]: "...that's a weird name."
[Kotarou]: "So how strong is he?"
[Kotori]: "The strongest."
[Kotarou]: "Really...?"
[Kotarou]: "That's a pretty vague description."
[Kotori]: "He's definitely stronger than Yoshino-kun."
Poor Yoshino...
[Kotarou]: "Yoshino's actually pretty strong, you know."
[Kotori]: "This guy is three Yoshinos strong."
[Kotarou]: "Three times Yoshino? No way."
[Kotori]: "Wanna find out?"
[Kotori]: "You can punch him."
[Kotarou]: "Umm, I don't want to punch a small animal..."
[Kotarou]: "Besides, this dog-like-thing looks more like a pet than a bodyguard."
[Kotori]: "Chibimoth, fight just a little."
[Chibimoth]: "Bu!"
I fly through the sky, silent and expressionless.
There's no time to go "Gyaa!" or "Guwaa!" or anything.
No one would be able to scream after being hit in the gut by a wrecking ball.
I hit the ground face-first and my body starts twitching.
[Kotori]: "Three Yoshino."
Kotori reiterates proudly as she looks down on me coldly.
[Kotarou]: "That was at least ten Yoshino!"
I hop back up and run over to her.
[Kotori]: "Ah, good, you're alive."
[Kotarou]: "I thought I was dead! In fact if I was any weaker I would've died!"
[Kotori]: "Sorry."
[Kotarou]: "Goddamn, this guy is powerful."
[Chibimoth]: "Bu!"
[Kotori]: "I found him in the forest."
[Kotarou]: "I'm still not sure he's a dog...he looks like an obese boar."
His fur's too long for me to tell.
[Kotori]: "He's probably a Saint Bernard."
[Kotarou]: "No."
[Kotarou]: "If he's this strong, he has to be a purebred Killer Bernard."
[Kotarou]: "He's just the wrong color."
[Kotori]: "This is no video game."
[Kotarou]: "I like this Chibimoth guy."
[Chibimoth]: "Gyu! Bu!"
[Kotarou]: "Huh?"
I rub his head and discover something odd.
[Kotarou]: "I think I just saw a really long nose..."
[Kotori]: "No waaaay."
[Kotarou]: "No, I'm sure...hey, show me that again."
I rummage around in his fur.
[Chibimoth]: "Bumofu!"
I receive a combo resembling a 3-hit rotating body blow into a 6-hit air-to-air rotating body blow.
[Kotarou]: ".........! .........!!"
By the way, I can't scream because I can't breathe. It hurts so much I could die.
...humans are so weak.
[Kotarou]: "This guy's dangerous! He's a wild animal!"
[Kotori]: "You're making him mad."
[Kotori]: "You've gotta respect him."
[Chibimoth]: "Mosu!"
He seems satisfied with his victory.
I think something was bugging me a second ago, but my memories have been demolished.
[Kotarou]: "Okay, he's strong. But what if he attacks us?"
[Kotori]: "He never attacks me."
[Kotarou]: "Isn't he a wild dog? We have to train him."
[Kotori]: "I have trained him. I was going to do a test today."
[Kotarou]: "Test?"
[Kotori]: "Walk around and see if he keeps us safe."
[Kotori]: "You're not doing anything, so come with us."
[Kotarou]: "So we'll pretend to be walking a dog, but really we'll be testing his skills as a bodyguard."
[Kotarou]: "Sounds good. Let's go."
[Kotori]: "Thank you."
[Kotori]: "We need to go somewhere with a high random encounter rate."
[Kotarou]: "You're being kinda reckless..."
What would we encounter anyway? Slimes?
I think for a minute, and get an idea.
[Kotarou]: "Let's go to the slums."
[Kotori]: "...slums?"
[Winter Fang]: "Welcome to K-Slum, paradise for all stylish youngsters!"
[Kotarou]: "This is Winter Fang. He's a friend of Yoshino's, and thus a friend of mine."
Kotori looks at Winter Fang and starts shaking.
[Kotarou]: "What's wrong?"
[Kotori]: "S-..."
[Winter Fang]: "S-?"
[Kotori]: "So old!"
[Kotarou]: "He's actually one year below us."
[Kotori]: "No way, he looks older than my dad..."
[Kotarou]: "Look at what you did. Now Winter Fang's depressed and quietly showing us his moped license as proof of age."
[Kotori]: "He really is younger than us...but he looks so old..."
[Kotarou]: "I thought the same thing when I met him...but I wasn't so rude about it, Kotori..."
[Winter Fang]: "...yeah."
[Kotori]: "Sorry for calling you old."
[Winter Fang]: "It's fine...I do look that old...anyway, what are you here for?"
[Kotarou]: "Ah, we wanted to take our dog on a walk around here."
[Winter Fang]: "...that's a dog?"
[Chibimoth]: "Mo!"
[Kotarou]: "Politically, he is recognized as a dog." |
Name: Kanbe Kotori | Gender: Female
Name: Chibimoth | Gender: Unknown
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
[Winter Fang]: "Politically? ...well, you can walk him wherever you want."
[Kotarou]: "Would there be any problems if we did?"
[Winter Fang]: "...K-Slum isn't very peaceful."
[Kotarou]: "That's perfect."
[Winter Fang]: "Huh?"
[Kotarou]: "Never mind."
[Kotori]: "Kotarou-kun, don't tell me you're..."
[Kotarou]: "Hey, be quiet."
[Kotori]: "Looking for test subjects..."
[Kotarou]: "Silence!"
[Winter Fang]: "What are you talking about?"
[Kotarou]: "She's telling me not to pick fights with anyone."
[Winter Fang]: "I'd listen to her if I were you."
[Kotarou]: "Also, I see tons of open-air shops. This place feels more jumbled than lawless."
[Winter Fang]: "Yeah, this used to be a place for guys to earn a little cash, but before anyone knew it it turned into this bazaar."
[Kotarou]: "Didn't they used to sell drugs here?"
[Winter Fang]: "Yeah, I told you the king got rid of that, right? That used to be the main thing."
[Winter Fang]: "Now...parts of it are doing okay."
[Kotarou]: "Parts of it..."
[Kotarou]: "So would anyone attack me if I walked my dog here?"
[Winter Fang]: "I doubt anyone's dumb enough to attack you in broad daylight..."
[Winter Fang]: "But you have a talent for annoying people..."
Suddenly I'm the bad guy.
[Winter Fang]: "Well, you'll probably be fine, but be careful."
[Winter Fang]: "It may be a bazaar, but we don't sell any fights here, haha."
[Kotarou]: "That joke stinks like a dog."
I seem to have hurt him more than expected.
[Kotori]: "Stinks like a dog?"
[Kotarou]: "I'm pretty sure that's how these guys say a joke is lame."
[Kotori]: "Hmmm, that's weird."
[Kotarou]: "I know a place where we can find lots of bad guys."
[Kotori]: "Where?"
[Kotarou]: "The slums."
[Kotori]: "...what slums?"
I'm referring to the back alleys where ruffians tend to gather.
[Kotori]: "Oooh, it really does look like a slum."
As usual there's a bunch of suspicious-looking shops and some tough guys glaring at us with bloodshot eyes.
[Kotori]: "But it feels dangerous..."
[Kotarou]: "That's better for our experiment. We'll only have to do self-defense."
[Kotori]: "I guess so."
[Kotarou]: "Okay, let's search the slum."
[Kotori]: "Oooh."
[Chibimoth]: "Mosu!"
Our adventure begins.
[Kotarou]: "Look, Kotori, a bad guy."
[Kotori]: "Oooh, he looks bad."
In one corner of the slum we find a tough-looking boy.
Gaudy brown hair, golden jewelry, purple sweats and sandals.
He's walking bow-legged for no reason, and glares at us, trying to be intimidating.
This is the classic kind of gangster.
He probably wants to pick a fight with the first guy he sees.
[Kotarou]: "I'm gonna try walking past him."
[Kotori]: "What about me?"
[Kotarou]: "Stay here. It might get annoying later if he knows you."
[Kotori]: "Okay. But what if he fights?"
[Kotarou]: "Then you order this guy to do something."
[Kotori]: "But that's violent..."
[Kotarou]: "Listen, Kotori. This isn't violence. This is education."
[Kotori]: "Education..."
[Kotarou]: "We want to teach them that doing bad things results in punishment...we will educate them physically."
[Kotori]: "Whoa."
[Kotori]: "Though I can't think of any better way to test out Chibimoth."
[Kotarou]: "Right?"
[Kotori]: "Make sure you don't do anything."
[Kotarou]: "Of course~"
[Kotarou]: "Here I go."
I approach the bad guy.
I try looking as evil as possible, giving off an "I wanna fight" aura.
[Gangster]: "--!!"
I can feel his attention turn toward me.
The gangster moves.
He bumps into my shoulder deliberately.
[Kotarou]: "Ah..."
[Gangster]: "Aaah, that hurt. That was your fault. We need to talk."
[Gangster]: "Dammit, I definitely broke something. So what the hell are you gonna do to compensate me?"
[Gangster]: "Now, it's time for you to pay up. How much is it? Well this is special, so double the usual!"
I've never seen an excuse with this bad a delivery.
I want to beat him up myself.
But I have to hold it in.
[Kotarou]: "Eh? ...what compensation...? You bumped into me..."
I act weak, and he gets more confident.
[Gangster]: "Sorry, can't hear you. Now shut up and pay me. Be a good boy. If you pay before I hurt you your grades might go up."
That's enough of that.
[Kotarou]: "Who would pay a weird purple idiot like you?"
[Gangster]: "Huh...?"
[Kotarou]: "You're a tick on the ass of society. Do you want me to squash you?"
[Kotarou]: "You should be paying me. Those purple sweats of yours are traumatizing. What if I remember those things when I'm on the job and start laughing during an important meeting?"
[Gangster]: "Wha--...huh?"
He wasn't expecting any sort of counter attack, so he's baffled for a moment.
[Gangster]: "A-are you mocking meee!?"
Okay, done.
[Kotori]: "You did provoke him after all..."
[Kotarou]: "Geh, you're here?"
Kotori's standing right behind me.
[Kotori]: "I knew you were gonna do that..."
Kotori apologizes to the gangster without fear.
[Kotori]: "Umm, sorry about what he said. I don't have any money, but I can give you some Jasco stamps."
[Kotori]: "Hmmm..."
[Kotori]: "I'll be generous. Here's a whole sheet of thirty-six."
[Kotori]: "If you take this to Jasco you can get a box of tissues for free."
[Kotori]: "Your nose will have nothing to worry about."
[Gangster]: "What's with this rice ball woman!?"
[Kotori]: "Rice...ball...?"
[Gangster]: "I'm gonna beat you into a puuuuulp!"
Kotori smiles.
[Kotori]: "Chibimoth, fight with vigor."
[Chibimoth]: "Mo!"
Something snakelike shoots out from Chibimoth's face (I can't tell what because of all the fur).
[Gangster]: "What?"
It wraps around his legs like a whip, and then...
[Gangster]: "...eh?"
[Kotarou]: "...eh?"
It throws him up into the air with ease. |
Name: Kanbe Kotori | Gender: Female
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
Name: Chibimoth | Gender: Unknown
He peaks at around seven or eight meters.
It's so incredible I just stare at the poor guy.
A simple but evil attack.
[Kotarou]: "...crap."
If he falls headfirst this could get gruesome.
I can't let Kotori get a criminal record.
[Kotarou]: "I'll save you, gangster!"
Just before he hits the concrete, I kick him in the gut.
[Gangster]: "Pigya!"
The gangster flies off sideways, crashing into a wall instead of landing headfirst.
[Kotarou]: "Thank goodness I made it in time!"
[Kotori]: "...you're evil."
It feels good to help people.
Anyway, what the hell was that snake-like thing...?
[Gangster]: "...I'm sorry. Please take this and let me go."
You obtained 470 yen!
[Kotarou]: "Okay. Now, from now on, instead of those purple sweats, you have to wear a Murasaki staff T-shirt."
[Gangster]: "...okay."
[Kotarou]: "Also you're not a gangster anymore, but a lamester."
[Lamester]: "...okay."
[Kotori]: "Hey, we really shouldn't take his money. We're blackmailing him."
[Kotarou]: "This isn't blackmail. This is gold farming."
I explain to her in a gentle voice.
[Kotori]: "That's not the issue!"
[Kotarou]: "Now, let's go. We need to beat up more of these guys."
[Kotori]: "...it's not my fault if you get expelled for this."
[Gangster]: "The hell do you want!?"
[Kotarou]: "Kotori-san, chastise this hoodlum."
[Kotori]: "Chibimoth, fight just a bit."
[Chibimoth]: "Mo!"
[Gangster]: "Gyaaaaaaaaaaa!"
[Gangster]: "...I'm sorry. Please take this and let me go."
You obtained 870 yen!
[Kotarou]: "Okay, from now on you're a lamester."
[Lamester]: "...okay."
[Gangster]: "You wanna fight me!?"
[Kotarou]: "Kotori-san, take out your anger on him."
[Kotori]: "Chibimoth, fight gently."
[Chibimoth]: "Mo!"
[Gangster]: "Ogyaaaaaaaaa!"
[Gangster]: "...I'm sorry. Please take this and let me go."
You obtained 340 yen!
[Kotarou]: "Okay, from now on you're a lamester."
[Lamester]: "...okay."
[Gangster]: "Well look at those nice clothes of yours."
[Gangster]: "You must be a rich boy. Maybe I'll take your allowance."
[Kotori]: "Chibimoth, fight momentarily."
[Chibimoth]: "Mo!"
[Gangster]: "Guuuuu!"
[Gangster]: "...sorry, please take this."
You obtained 780 yen!
[Gangster]: "Don't act so full of yourself, boy!"
[Gangster]: "Come here for a second. I'll let you go with only one bruise."
[Kotori]: "Chibimoth, fight for a short while."
[Chibimoth]: "Bu!"
[Gangster]: "Guhaaa!"
[Gangster]: "...forgive me...I was wrong..."
You obtained 990 yen!
[Gangster]: "Gyaaaaaaaaaaaaa!"
You obtained 100 yen!
[Kotarou]: "From now on, you're a lamester."
[Lamester]: "...okay."
Yet another lamester is born.
[Kotori]: "Chibimoth, fight gently."
[Chibimoth]: "Mo!"
*baffun* *baffun!*
[Gangster]: "Higiiiiiiiii!"
[Gangster]: "...I'm sorry. Please take this and let me go."
You obtained 1150 yen!
[Kotarou]: "By the way, are "fight gently" and "fight a little" actual commands for him?"
[Kotori]: "Yep. I've trained him well."
[Kotarou]: "None of those orders sound very serious..."
[Kotori]: "It'd be dangerous if he fought seriously."
[Kotori]: "I don't think he's using more than 30% of his strength."
[Kotori]: "30% Chibimoth = 3 Yoshino."
[Kotarou]: "...so much for Yoshino."
Actually, would any human be able to beat this thing?
[Kotarou]: "Hey, are you a gangster? You are riiiiiiight!?"
[Pedestrian]: "Hiiiii! What's wrong with you!? No I'm not!"
[Kotarou]: "You gangsters...never stop following me..."
[Kotarou]: "Now that I've randomly encountered you...I must punish you!"
[Pedestrian]: "Uwaa! I'm sorry!"
[Kotarou]: "I'll kill you then loot your corpse!"
[Pedestrian]: "Please don't treat me like some monster in a video game!"
[Kotarou]: "Heheh, crying won't save you...I'll turn you into gold..."
[Kotarou]: "Kotori, give the signal!"
[Kotori]: "Chibimoth, fight somewhat."
[Chibimoth]: "Mo!"
[Kotarou]: "Obobobobobobobo!"
I receive a 34-hit rotating body blow combo.
[Kotarou]: "Kotori...that's mean..."
[Kotori]: "That guy's normal."
[Kotarou]: "Auu..."
[Kotori]: "Are you sane yet?"
[Kotarou]: "...yes."
[Kotarou]: "Is that a shop...?"
[Kotori]: "This place always has tons of stands and open-air shops near festival time."
There are rows of them going down both sides of the street.
One of them looks kinda like a traditional goldfish scooping stand, except run by a skinhead.
[Stand Runner]: "Welcome. Would you like to play a fishing minigame?"
[Kotarou]: "A fishing minigame?"
[Stand Runner]: "You know, like the ones that come up in video games all the time."
[Kotarou]: "Yeah, those are pretty common."
[Stand Runner]: "This is a real-life version."
[Kotarou]: "That sounds boring."
[Stand Runner]: "Heheheh...don't be like that."
[Stand Runner]: "10 yen for one try."
[Kotarou]: "That's cheap."
I doubt he can make money at that price.
[Kotori]: "Why's there a big wooden board over this pool?"
The pool in front of him (it's the same kind used for goldfish scooping) is covered by a board with several holes in it.
I can't see anything in the pool.
[Stand Runner]: "It's more exciting if you can't see the fish."
[Stand Runner]: "In fishing minigames it's always a matter of luck whether you catch something."
[Kotarou]: "You know that's not a good thing, right?"
[Stand Runner]: "Wanna try it? You might even get a rare item if you catch the right fish."
[Kotarou]: "...fine, if you insist." |
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
Name: Kanbe Kotori | Gender: Female
Name: Chibimoth | Gender: Unknown
I hand him a few coins and get two miniature fishing rods.
[Kotarou]: "Here's yours, Kotori."
[Kotori]: "Thank you."
[Stand Runner]: "Heheh, good luck now..."
We both lower our lures into a hole.
We catch things immediately.
[Kotarou]: "I got something."
[Kotori]: "Me too."
We both pull up our catch, and find they're both boots.
Tiny doll-sized boots.
[Stand Runner]: "Oh, you caught them."
The man's attitude changes.
[Stand Runner]: "Those boots...grant you luck in financial affairs, heheh."
[Kotarou]: "These will give me money?"
[Stand Runner]: "Yes, each one can provide 30,000 yen..."
[Kotarou]: "Wow. That's a lie, right?"
[Stand Runner]: "It's true. But.........they'll be providing it to me!"
Two bad-looking men stand up behind him. I guess they're his henchmen.
[Stand Runner]: "You two owe me a total of 60,000 yen."
[Kotarou]: "You tricked us!"
[Stand Runner]: "I didn't trick you at all, rich boy."
[Stand Runner]: "You just let yourself get duped!"
[Kotori]: "Chibimoth, fight significantly."
[Chibimoth]: "Mo!"
*bam* *bam* *bam* *bam!*
[Stand Runner]: "Oooooooooooooooo!?"
[Kotarou]: "Amazing...he bounced between all three of them!"
That really was "significant"!
[Kotori]: "That's enough."
[Chibimoth]: "Mo!"
He undoes his transformation in midair and lands on the ground soundlessly.
S-so coooool...
[Kotarou]: "Chibimoth...I have newfound respect for you..."
[Chibimoth]: "Mosu."
[Kotarou]: "I don't care if you're a dog anymore. You are who you are."
[Chibimoth]: "Mo..."
[Kotarou]: "Chibimoth!"
[Chibimoth]: "Momosu!"
I empathized with Chibimoth.
I feel like we made a connection.
You became friends with Chibimoth!
[Kotarou]: (...is this his number?)
I think about it, and realize it's the number to his heart.
Proof we connected today.
[Kotori]: "Look, Kotarou-kun. This pool has nothing but boots in it."
[Kotarou]: "Ah, that's horrible. This whole stand is a big scam."
[Stand Runner]: "Dammit, you found me out..."
[Stand Runner]: "Please, forgive me..."
You obtained 2470 yen!
[Kotarou]: "Okay. From now on, you guys are foodlums instead of hoodlums."
[Foodlum]: "...okay."
[Kotarou]: "Make sure you write "foodlum" on your business cards."
[Foodlum]: "...okay."
So much for a relaxing minigame.
[Gangster A]: "Look, there they are!"
[Gangster B]: "How dare you beat up all our friends!"
[Gangster C]: "We're gonna pound your face in!"
They must know some of the lamesters we defeated earlier.
[Kotarou]: "Kotori-san."
[Kotori]: "Chibimoth, fight averagely."
[Chibimoth]: "Mobu!"
[Gangsters]: "Guwaaaaaaaaaaaaa!"
Chibimoth performed his usual rotating body blow, but with an additional shockwave.
A single powerful blow knocks down all three of them like bowling pins.
[Kotarou]: "This guy's invincible..."
[Kotarou]: "Is it just me, or do the laws of physics stop working around him?"
[Chibimoth]: "Mosu."
[Gangsters]: "Sorry...take this."
You obtained 1840 yen!
[Kotarou]: "We could make a living off this..."
[Kotori]: "Don't give in to temptation."
[Hoodlum A]: "So you're the newcomers who think you're better than us!"
[Hoodlum B]: "How dare you disturb the peace of the slums!"
[Hoodlum C]: "We will never forgive the justice that insists on crushing the slight evils of gangsters who live peacefully!"
[Hoodlum D]: "We will protect our right...to earn livings through fraud, theft and blackmail!"
[Hoodlum E]: "No matter how powerful justice may be, evil will always triumph!"
[Kotarou]: "Do it."
[Kotori]: "Chibimoth, fight quickly."
[Hoodlums]: "Gyaaaaaaaaaaaaa!"
[Kotarou]: "...fools."
Winter Fang rushes toward us.
[Winter Fang]: "Bro...I've gotten some complaints."
[Kotarou]: "Complaints?"
[Winter Fang]: "You guys are causing too much trouble."
[Winter Fang]: "Could you please stop provoking people?"
[Kotori]: "Time to reap what we sowed."
[Kotarou]: "Awww, it was just starting to get fun."
[Winter Fang]: "The guys around here may act tough, but they're really not that bad."
[Winter Fang]: "Try not to pick on them too much."
[Kotarou]: "If you say so..."
[Kotarou]: "Guess that's it for the test."
[Kotori]: "That was more than enough."
[Kotori]: "I think he'll do just fine as a bodyguard."
[Kotarou]: "Yeah, I can't complain now that I know how strong he is."
[Kotori]: "Small but powerful."
[Chibimoth]: "Mosu!"
[Kotarou]: "He's not a dog, right?"
[Kotori]: "He's a dog."
[Kotarou]: "Winter Fang, what do you think?"
[Winter Fang]: "...I guess he's a dog."
[Kotarou]: "Huh? Really?"
...does this thing seriously look like one?
[Winter Fang]: "There are lots of different kinds of dogs."
[Winter Fang]: "I wouldn't be surprised if one of them looked kinda like that."
[Kotarou]: "I see..."
[Kotarou]: "We'll leave for today now."
[Winter Fang]: "We appreciate it."
[Kotarou]: "Give this back to all the guys we beat up."
I hand him all the gold we farmed.
[Winter Fang]: "Bro, are you sure? Isn't this your loot?"
[Kotarou]: "Well, it's kinda illegal..."
I was having too much fun to notice, but it's almost evening now.
[Kotarou]: "It's getting cold. Let's go home."
[Kotori]: "Okay."
We say goodbye to Winter Fang and leave.
An old guy in a leather jacket rushes toward us.
[Kotarou]: "Ah, it's that guy I met a few days ago."
[Leather Jacket]: "Sorry, you're gonna have to stop now."
[Leather Jacket]: "You've caused a lot of trouble around here. Could you please stop now?"
[Kotori]: "Time to reap what we sowed."
[Kotarou]: "Awww, it was just starting to get fun."
[Leather Jacket]: "I'm going to settle this once and for all..." |
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
Name: Kanbe Kotori | Gender: Female
Name: Chibimoth | Gender: Unknown
He pulls out a knife.
[Kotori]: "Wa."
The leather jacket pulls back his hair and puts the knife to it.
[Leather Jacket]: "On my soul, my regent, could I ask you to leave?"
[Kotarou]: "Umm...you don't have to go that far, we were just about to leave..."
[Kotarou]: "Is your hair that important?"
[Leather Jacket]: "I spend half an hour on it every morning, and visit the barber once a week."
[Kotori]: "Then let's stop here. I kinda feel sorry for him."
[Kotarou]: "You're right."
[Kotori]: "...getting his hair won't help us anyway."
[Kotarou]: "Are you the leader around here?"
[Leather Jacket]: "It's not a big group, but I do lead something."
[Kotarou]: "Give this back to all the guys we beat up."
I hand him all the gold we farmed.
[Kotarou]: "We really shouldn't have taken this."
[Leather Jacket]: "...oooh...are you a cop or something?"
[Kotarou]: "Remember me. The next time lawlessness runs out of control, I will come again..."
[Leather Jacket]: "I will remember those words..."
[Leather Jacket]: "And that dog-like animal."
[Chibimoth]: "Mosu."
Does he really look like a dog...?
[Kotori]: "Kotarou-kun, you did something kinda good."
[Kotarou]: "Assuming he actually gives the money back to everyone."
We leave for now.
[Kotarou]: "Kotori, do you need to go pee?"
[Kotori]: "Punch."
[Kotarou]: "My heart feels warm!"
[Kotarou]: "In case you didn't notice, your fists heal people, so they don't count as violence."
[Kotori]: "There's no way they could be that soft."
[Kotori]: "Tao!"
[Kotarou]: "...my HP's full so you don't need to do that. Anyway, do you need to urinate? There's a bathroom right over there."
[Kotori]: "I appreciate the concern..."
[Kotori]: "But be a little less explicit when you ask this pure maiden such things."
[Kotarou]: "Aaah, I see...sorry."
Being a maiden overrides being my childhood friend.
[Kotarou]: "But you say "peeing" and such yourself all the time..."
[Kotori]: "No I don't."
[Kotarou]: "Yes you do."
[Kotori]: "I do not."
[Kotarou]: "But just the other day you..."
[Kotori]: "Did not."
[Kotarou]: "That's not a complete sentence..."
[Kotori]: "You know what I meant."
[Kotarou]: "Anyway, you always announce when you go to the bathroom."
[Kotori]: "I probably do say that, but I never explicitly discuss my instinctive need to urinate."
[Kotarou]: "Are you suuure?"
[Kotori]: "Yep. Kotori-san is a girl after all."
[Kotarou]: "You really don't feel like one..."
[Kotarou]: "...okay, let me try that again."
[Kotarou]: "Kotori, I will stand here for five minutes. You can do whatever you want in that time."
[Kotori]: "Unnatural. Awkward. Too obvious."
[Kotarou]: "Maiden's hearts are too complicated..."
[Kotarou]: "Anyway, you don't need a break, right?"
[Kotori]: "Technically, no."
[Kotori]: "I will go take one, but I don't need one."
[Kotarou]: "What does that mean?"
[Kotori]: "Maidens who don't take the chance to admit they need to go will eventually...submit to their need...to go..."
[Kotori]: "I have a meeting so I'm gonna go now."
She suddenly changes to a throaty voice, then immediately heads for the bathroom.
She doesn't want me to comment on how bad that was.
[Kotarou]: "Gaa...you keep using crude humor yourself..."
She's no entertainer.
[Kotori]: "I'm back."
She looks relieved.
[Kotori]: "Do you need to go, Kotarou-kun?"
[Kotarou]: "I can control it."
[Kotori]: "...boys have it so good."
[Kotori]: "You never have to worry about "that time of the month" either."
[Kotarou]: "Sorry."
[Kotarou]: "But isn't that why we have to be nice to you?"
[Kotori]: "I wish you'd be a bit more elegant about it."
[Kotori]: "Then you'll have no problem getting a cute girl."
[Kotarou]: "...right."
Why does she go out of her way to say things like that?
I change the subject.
[Kotarou]: "Wanna eat out somewhere?"
[Kotori]: "Mosu!"
Kotori tugs on the leash.
[Kotarou]: "Ah, I see."
Can't go into a restaurant with a pet.
[Kotarou]: "...guess we'll go home then."
[Kotori]: "Yeah, maybe some other time."
We walk aimlessly down unfamiliar back roads.
We assumed we'd end up on a familiar street eventually.
[Kotarou]: "...we're lost."
[Kotori]: "Hmmmm."
[Kotarou]: "I should've had Mappie on."
[Kotarou]: "Which way is that...?"
I point, completing my meaningless question.
[Kotori]: "Probably that way."
Kotori points in some other direction.
[Kotarou]: "Hm...then I guess it's this way?"
I point in the opposite direction.
[Kotori]: "It'll be bad if that turns out to be the wrong way."
[Kotori]: "Let's split up and check."
[Kotarou]: "Okay, we'll walk for a few minutes then come back here."
We split up.
[Kotarou]: "Dammit, they caught up...!"
The dogs are faster than me after all.
[Kotarou]: "Chibimoth, we're going up!"
Dogs aren't so good at climbing.
But what about Chibimoth...?
[Chibimoth]: "Mosu!"
He leaps onto the wall in one bound.
...what the hell are his specs?
[Chibimoth]: "Mo."
A long nose comes out from under his hair.
[Kotarou]: "Ah, you are an elephant..."
[Kotarou]: "...you want me to grab on?"
[Chibimoth]: "Mo!"
[Kotarou]: "You're such a nice guy..."
[Kotarou]: "But I can get up there on my own."
I concentrate power in my legs.
My muscles feel just a little more powerful than usual. Getting that sensation is the key.
I leap up, and grab onto the high wall with one hand.
Unfortunately my center of gravity doesn't keep going, so I have to drag myself up.
[Kotarou]: "Daaa...that was dangerous..."
Even with a running start, 185 centimeters seems to be my jumping limit.
...for now.
That's still pretty high for a high-school kid...
Part of me would like to call myself Mr. Parkour, but I can't let anyone see what I'm capable of.
It's just not fair.
The three dogs approach. |
Name: Chibimoth | Gender: Unknown
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
[Kotarou]: "Hmph, you'll never get up here."
One of the dogs leaps two meters into the air, right at me.
[Kotarou]: "...huh?"
These dogs have gotten a lot better at jumping...
But I notice that too late, and end up falling off the wall.
[Kotarou]: "*cough*...!"
I twisted my body in time, so I managed not to get pinned down under the creature's body.
But I took enough fall damage that I can't move.
The dog picks itself up and shakes its head.
It doesn't seem injured.
He looks at me with calm eyes, and bares his fangs with an expression of rage.
A sharp, black body.
Is it black because it hunts at night?
A cruel night hunter.
[Kotarou]: (Mo...ve...)
My body begins to get over its numbness.
[Kotarou]: (Move......aaah...)
I try to get up and run away, but that just makes it hurt more.
If it attacks me, I won't be able to run away.
I have two choices.
Wait for Chibimoth to save me.
Or boost my strength in the little time I have left.
In other words, step on the accelerator.
Push the switch controlling the limits of my physical body.
...or in more cliché language, unleash my true power.
There's a slight delay before my power takes effect.
Hopefully it won't be too long...
My power's actually really bad for combat, considering how long it takes to start up.
There's no point flaunting your power.
It's just nonsense to find some new ability sleeping within you in the middle of a life-threatening situation.
That's why I don't like reading certain kinds of manga.
Combatants need to be strong before the battle begins.
But there's no way to know how strong they have to be until it happens.
[Kotarou]: (Quickly...)
I turn my mind inward.
There I find an eternal hot spring, the source of my power.
It will never dry up, no matter how much I take.
That power is incredibly effective, yet it has no cost. I find that terrifying.
It feels like using too much will bring about something terrible...
The dog takes one step forward, not lowering his guard.
Maybe he's waiting for the other dogs to show up before attacking me.
He's the type to hunt in packs.
Either that or he's underestimating me, and feels like killing me slowly.
I don't care why. The fact that he's doing that is all I need.
Humans are weak.
Doubling their muscle strength doesn't make them twice as powerful.
We're bipedal creatures created against all odds through a miraculous equilibrium in nature. If we lose that intricate balance, we stop working very quickly.
Bipedal locomotion doesn't mix well with raw strength.
Which is why I've been strengthening myself a little at a time.
The result is that I'm noticeably faster and stronger than my peers. But not superhuman.
So what I'm about to try now scares me.
If I unbalance my body, I might never be able to recover.
I strengthen myself just a little.
I only use my true strength, I only push down on the accelerator when I've decided I need to reform myself in a drastic way.
Can I get out of here alive by being just a little stronger?
Absolutely not.
I might have to cross a dangerous line today.
Humans abandoned physical strength in order to hone their intellect.
I'd like to use that intellect to survive this.
But right now, I need strength.
I'm gonna need a lot of raw energy to make up for that inefficiency...
The core of my body starts feeling warm and tingly.
My stomach heats up, as if I swallowed a hot coal.
[Kotarou]: (...there we go.)
Virtual heat, drawn from the hot spring inside my mind.
Despite not being real, it passes through my body, converting things that are.
Where and when will I pay the price for this ability?
[Black Dog]: "......!"
The dog notices I'm changing.
It lunges at me immediately.
[Kotarou]: "...damn."
I'm trying to get stronger, but once it attacks my body freezes up.
Nonetheless I force myself to move, and my left leg heads straight for the dog's face.
I miss.
As expected, he bites into my calf.
[Kotarou]: "......!"
Before he causes fatal damage, I throw my right leg forward.
That hits him square in the face.
I use the rest of the momentum to roll myself backward.
After gaining some distance, I pick myself up.
Despite taking damage, the dog turns back toward me in no time.
Humans tend to back off as soon as they get hit, but animals are different.
There's no way to deter an animal.
I leap to one side as the dog charges toward me.
It immediately turns around and charges again.
I evade him again.
Humans can't dodge biting attacks very well, and dogs have better reflexes too.
But after two dodges, I end up in a nice spot.
Right next to the wall.
[Kotarou]: (It's working...)
It took a lot of focus just to get closer to the wall.
That's how big a gap there is between humans and beasts.
I know I can't beat this thing.
I can see the other two dogs running toward us. They finally finished running around the wall.
[Kotarou]: "So fast..."
It looks like they're going at a hundred kilometers an hour. Is that just me?
Everything about this is strange.
But the bite marks in my left leg still ache, proving this is no dream.
I hope he didn't have rabies...
Before his third attack lands, I jump.
After flying two meters straight up, I land comfortably on the wall.
This time I didn't need a running start.
...I'll never need one again.
[Kotarou]: "Chibimoth!"
[Chibimoth]: "Mo!"
But I already know this isn't high enough to keep me safe.
I run along the wall and leap onto a nearby roof.
I jump from roof to roof like a ninja.
Even those dogs can't follow me this far.
After running for several minutes, I jump back down into an alley.
And then...
[Salaryman]: "Wa!"
[Kotarou]: "Ah, sorry..."
I land right next to a passing salaryman, causing him to fall backward.
[Kotarou]: "Are you okay?"
[Salaryman]: "Salaryman is shocked!"
[Kotarou]: "...I'm sorry."
[Salaryman]: "Kids these days..."
He walks off, annoyed.
[Kotarou]: "I'm sorry!"
I made it back.
I duck into an alley and wait.
I think they lost me.
I'll just stay here...
As I wait, I observe Chibimoth.
...I remember when his nose grew earlier.
That nose...
It looked really familiar.
[Kotarou]: "...not quite an elephant, but..."
A mammoth...?
[Kotarou]: "Uu..."
My eyes swim for a moment.
I finally remember.
Mammoths went extinct a long time ago.
[Kotarou]: "...are you the last of your kind?"
[Chibimoth]: "Mosu?"
[Kotarou]: "Not that it matters...there'd be a huge commotion if people found out about you."
[Kotarou]: "I'll keep pretending you're a dog."
[Chibimoth]: "Mosu."
He nods, understandingly.
He seems pretty intelligent.
...there's no way mammoths are still alive in this day and age.
I look around.
No sign of the dogs.
[Kotarou]: "Are they gone...?" |
Name: Chibimoth | Gender: Unknown
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
Name: Kanbe Kotori | Gender: Female
[Kotarou]: "...oh my."
It's already evening.
Just like when I got lost in the school. It feels like time jumped forward a few hours.
[Kotarou]: "...something's definitely fishy about this."
Unfortunately I can't think of any explanations.
"Alternate dimension" is the best I can come up with.
[Chibimoth]: "Mosu!"
[Kotarou]: "Sorry, you're right, we've gotta find your owner."
...will I ever find out what's causing this?
For some reason, I get the feeling I'll find out really soon.
I head back to the rendezvous point and find Kotori pacing around.
[Kotarou]: "Kotori, I'm sorry!"
[Kotori]: "I thought you got kidnapped by some foreign country."
[Kotarou]: "Chibi and I got lost in a fantastic alleyway..."
[Kotori]: "My path turned out to be the right one."
[Kotarou]: "Okay..."
[Kotori]: "Where'd you go?"
[Kotarou]: "Ummmm..."
I doubt I can explain it well.
[Kotarou]: "...I really don't know."
So I decide not to tell her.
[Kotori]: "You have scratches on your cheek."
[Kotori]: "Did you get in a fight...?"
[Kotarou]: "No, no, I just fell over."
I probably got it from one of the dogs.
Kotori examines my body closely.
[Kotori]: "You seem to have taken a lot of damage."
[Kotarou]: "...I fell over several times."
[Kotori]: "We need to do first aid."
[Kotarou]: "I'll do it myself when I get home."
I don't want to see a doctor.
[Kotori]: "Can I do it for you?"
[Kotarou]: "It's okay, I can do it myself."
[Kotarou]: "Ah, you can have this guy back. He was a big help."
[Chibimoth]: "Mosu."
I hand her the leash.
[Kotarou]: "I'll go buy some medicine before going home, so bye for now."
[Kotori]: "Ah, bye-bye..."
[Kotarou]: "Bye-byeee."
Today's been very unusual, so I can't quite calm down.
But I feel like walking around for a bit, so I wander aimlessly around town.
The town is full of people heading home for the evening.
I find that very comforting.
I'm deeply relieved I made it back to reality after wandering headfirst into that bizarre place.
There are a lot of mysteries hidden in this world.
For the first time...that thought scares me. |
Name: Chibimoth | Gender: Unknown
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
[Kotarou]: "...no good."
I keep going and going, but I still can't see anything familiar.
Evidently I should've followed Kotori.
[Kotarou]: (Still, this is a really lonely street.)
It's not a private road or anything, but there isn't a single person here.
That doesn't seem normal at all.
Feeling nervous, I arrive at the rendezvous point.
Of course, Kotori isn't here.
[Chibimoth]: "Mosu!"
[Kotarou]: "Whoa, don't scare me..."
Chibimoth was behind me.
[Kotarou]: "Where's your owner?"
[Chibimoth]: "Bu!"
I think he means "Dunno".
He's dragging the leash behind him.
[Kotarou]: "Did you follow me instead?"
[Chibimoth]: "Mosu!"
[Kotarou]: "I guess I'm flattered..."
Does he like me that much?
I don't get animals...
[Kotarou]: "If you're here, that means this is real."
[Chibimoth]: "Mo?"
[Kotarou]: "Nothing. I've just gotten lost in some weird places before..."
Why am I talking to an animal?
I sit down.
I try calling Kotori, but as expected I have no signal.
[Kotarou]: "This is strange..."
This is an intersection between two roads, but there's no one here at all.
No cars either.
No people, no birds, no cats.
A world where nothing moves except me and Chibimoth.
Of course there are brief times when I don't see any people or birds for a minute.
But for this long?
[Kotarou]: "Is this a gap in civilization...?"
People are everywhere in the modern world, but every so often there are little gaps where no one goes for some reason.
If you wandered into one of those places...
That'd feel just like this, right?
[Kotarou]: "I don't like this...it's weirding me out..."
[Chibimoth]: "Mo?"
[Kotarou]: "It's like an actual supernatural phenomenon..."
[Kotarou]: "...wait."
I take pictures of the area around me.
[Chibimoth]: "Mo! Mo?"
[Kotarou]: "Sorry, later. I wanna record this."
Though this probably won't make much of an article.
There's no one to interview after all.
I soon run out of pictures to take, so I sit down, hold my knees and try to kill some time.
[Kotarou]: "Hey, Chibimoth."
[Chibimoth]: "Momu."
[Kotarou]: "...what are we waiting for?"
[Chibimoth]: "Mo...?"
[Kotarou]: "I get the feeling waiting for her won't work."
[Chibimoth]: "Mosu."
The animal nods.
Sometimes he seems to understand me.
[Kotarou]: "Hey...you're an elephant, right?"
[Chibimoth]: "Mo, mosu! Mosu!"
He denies it.
He's a little flustered.
I'll try putting pressure on him.
[Kotarou]: "How long are you gonna play dumb...?"
[Chibimoth]: "Mosu...mo...!"
Oooh, oooh, he's freaking out now.
[Kotarou]: "Okay, enough screwing around. Let's get moving."
[Kotarou]: "We're gonna find our way out of this black hole in society."
[Chibimoth]: "Bumooo..."
[Kotarou]: "...it's taking a while this time..."
[Chibimoth]: "Mo?"
[Kotarou]: "I'm getting a little impatient."
My throat's dry too.
I find a vending machine.
I put in a coin, but it doesn't react.
Evidently there's no power here.
[Kotarou]: "Dammit, it ate my coin..."
I pull the cancel switch, but the coin doesn't come back.
Apparently it's not working.
[Kotarou]: "Chibimoth..."
[Chibimoth]: "M-mosu?"
Chibimoth recoils.
[Kotarou]: "This is self-defense, right?"
[Chibimoth]: "...mo! Mo!"
[Kotarou]: "This is a long-lost alley the world never sees. No one will care. Come on, Chibimoth, destroy that vending machine!"
[Chibimoth]: "Mo, mo..."
[Chibimoth]: "Mosu!"
The vending machine falls sideways to the ground with a thud.
That pops open the front panel.
[Kotarou]: "...I knew it."
I ignore all the coins and look inside.
It's filled with rough machinery.
I've never seen the inside of a vending machine before.
I just know there are slots or rails or something with cans on them, and some stuff to push cans off the end.
Right now, I can see a very rough, incomplete version of that.
This might be what you get if you try building a non-working clay model of it.
A fake machine.
I've seen things like this displayed as avant-garde art before.
[Kotarou]: "There isn't a single can in here. Instead..."
I grab one of the cylinders.
[Kotarou]: "...rocks?"
A rock used to imitate a 500 ml can.
Of course, there's no beverage inside.
I feel afraid.
[Kotarou]: "...is there really a place like this in the city? Or..."
Am I somewhere else?
But where else could I be?
I was just walking around town. I don't remember going into a cave or getting on a truck or falling down a hole.
There was no opportunity for me to end up somewhere outside the city.
[Kotarou]: "...this is getting annoying."
I decide to try walking a bit farther.
There's someone there.
[Kotarou]: "Wait, hide."
[Chibimoth]: "Mo?"
[Kotarou]: "He's suspicious...let's just watch for now."
We observe him from the shadows.
Judging by his body shape, he's probably a man.
But he's wearing a parka so it's hard to tell...
That's no parka.
...that's a robe.
A hooded robe, stereotypically worn by magicians.
[Kotarou]: (...I've seen that before.)
That's right, I bumped into someone like that before.
Are those clothes popular now?
I've never heard anyone talk about them.
Is this the same person as back then?
No, it doesn't feel like it.
His face is hidden so there's no way to tell.
But he's very suspicious.
[Kotarou]: (I'll just assume he's a trend-setter trying to make long mythril robes the next big thing...)
If I don't think that, it's just too creepy.
[Kotarou]: "Anyway, since there's someone here...that means I'm not dreaming, right?"
[Chibimoth]: "...mo."
So there are mysterious places like this in the city.
Maybe it's a kind of art.
[Kotarou]: "...better take a picture."
I hold up my cell phone, then stop myself.
Cell phone cameras make a loud noise.
He'd notice me.
[Kotarou]: (Uwaaa, I should've brought a proper camera!)
No point regretting it now.
After thinking hard about it, I decide to talk to him.
I take a deep breath and step out into the road.
The robed man has his back to me. He hasn't seen me yet. |
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
Name: Chibimoth | Gender: Unknown
[Kotarou]: "Chibimoth, you stay here."
[Chibimoth]: "Mosu..."
I walk as quietly as I can toward him.
With every step...
"He hasn't heard me yet."
"I can still turn back."
"I can still hide."
Those thoughts choke my mind.
I know what that means.
Part of me knows it's better to not let him find me...
But I can't stop now.
[Kotarou]: "Excuse me."
[Kotarou]: "I'm lost. Could you help me?"
The robed man turns around. I still can't see his face under the hood.
[Kotarou]: "I've never been here before, so..."
[Kotarou]: "I'm trying to get to Nagarekawa Street in Kazamatsuri's 4th District. Do you know which way that is?"
Just in case, I pretend I haven't noticed how weird this place is.
The robed man seems to be hesitating.
He raises one finger and points.
[Kotarou]: "That way? Thank you!"
[Kotarou]: "Bye!"
I make sure I thank him before jogging away.
I round a corner, then immediately peek back around it to see what he's doing.
He's still looking this way.
[Kotarou]: "...crap."
I was planning on talking a little more, but...
That was so tense I just couldn't do it.
I didn't feel any danger, but I definitely felt it was better to keep moving.
I watch the robed man from the shadows.
The man seems to be walking somewhere deliberately.
After a while, he disappears around a corner.
I kinda wanna follow him, but that'd be pretty tricky.
[Kotarou]: "Escaping is more important..."
[Kotarou]: "Let's try going in the opposite direction. Chibimoth, don't make any noise, okay?"
[Chibimoth]: "Umo!"
[Kotarou]: "There's lots of buildings here so I won't have to camp outside..."
[Kotarou]: "But there's no food or water."
[Chibimoth]: "Mosuu..."
I look around one of the buildings, and discover the inside looks weird.
There are rooms there and everything, but all the details are off.
Where an AC unit should be, there's just a giant bulge.
Where electrical outlets should be, there are only slight indentations.
Some of the doors don't even open.
There are bathrooms, but the toilets don't connect to anything.
There are faucets and sinks too, but I can only assume the pipes don't lead anywhere.
Which means I can't get any water from them.
[Kotarou]: "What the hell does this mean...?"
[Chibimoth]: "...mosu?"
This is like a low-quality copy of the city.
What's the point in making a city with no power or plumbing?
[Kotarou]: "...this is a huge scoop!"
Assuming I'm not dreaming.
And I can escape.
Most of the normal residences are closed, so I can't get in.
The doors look real, but they aren't actually capable of opening.
But once in a while there's a more accurate one that can open.
I'm in one of them right now.
Taking a break.
[Kotarou]: "I...need...food..."
My IQ is plummeting.
At this rate I'll be living on my primal instincts.
I want to find food.
I look around.
[Kotarou]: "Oh."
I see meat.
Thick round slices of meat.
I want to tear them to shreds.
I do that.
[Chibimoth]: "Mmooooooooo!"
[Chibimoth]: "Mosu!"
[Kotarou]: "Owwww! .........huh?"
He hits me, and I come to my senses.
The meat was Chibimoth.
I was seeing things.
[Kotarou]: "Sorry...I tried to eat you."
[Chibimoth]: "Mosu! Mosu!"
How the hell did I mistake this guy for raw meat?
[Kotarou]: "We're not gonna find any food lying here. We'd better move."
[Chibimoth]: "Mosu!"
[Kotarou]: "Besides, there's a bentou right here if I need it."
[Chibimoth]: "...m-mosu?"
Chibimoth and I stop walking at the same time.
[Kotarou]: "...something's approaching us."
[Chibimoth]: "...mosu."
Unsurprisingly, his senses are pretty sharp too.
For various complicated reasons, my senses happen to be sharper than a normal human's, so we're about even.
[Kotarou]: "...it's an enemy."
I feel goosebumps.
Unknown malice is being directed at me.
My instincts warn me this isn't something I can just laugh off.
[Kotarou]: "I feel more than one."
There are multiple sources of malice.
At least two...maybe more...
We'd better run.
[Kotarou]: "Chibimoth, follow me."
[Chibimoth]: "Mosu."
We leave quickly.
But I can feel them hot on our heels.
In fact, they're getting closer.
I try to look behind me while running, and I can just barely see a black dog-like creature jumping in the distance.
[Kotarou]: "Those dogs again!?"
The same huge black dogs that chased me before.
Suddenly I feel more tense.
[Kotarou]: "Run!"
[Chibimoth]: "Mosu."
[Kotarou]: "Crap, they're getting too close..."
[Kotarou]: "Chibimosu, we've gotta speed up!"
[Chibimoth]: "Mosu!"
[Kotarou]: "Whoa, not good!"
[Kotarou]: "We're not gonna make it if we don't run at full speed!"
[Kotarou]: "Daaa...I can't find anywhere familiar..."
I've been walking for a long time though...
[Kotarou]: "I'll just have to talk to the first person I find."
[Chibimoth]: "Mosu."
Fortunately, I find a group of people right away.
They're running off in another direction.
[Kotarou]: "Excuse me, are you busy!?"
All three of them are wearing similar robes.
But I don't care.
The robed men turn around all at once, and look at me, puzzled.
[Kotarou]: "Umm...I'm kinda lost, so..."
I notice three enormous black dogs at their feet.
I recognize those dogs.
They're the same as the one that chased me before.
One of the robed men says something in a hushed voice, then the other two nod.
The leader points at me.
The three dogs get up with precise, mechanical motions.
I'm not stupid enough to hesitate in this situation.
Those men are enemies.
Part of me still can't believe what's happening.
But my instincts say they're a threat, so my reasoning freezes and changes gears.
I turn around and sprint away from them.
I flee.
[Kotarou]: "Run for it!"
[Chibimoth]: "Mosu."
[Chibimoth]: "Mo!"
[Kotarou]: "Ah!"
Chibimoth takes Kotori's seeds out of my pocket.
Then he runs off in another direction.
[Kotarou]: "Where are you going, Chibimoth!?"
...oh, he's heading for a seed-planting spot.
Chibimoth plants seeds there.
[Chibimoth]: "Mosu!"
[Kotarou]: "You risked your life for me and Kotori..." |
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
My friendship with Chibimoth deepens.
[Kotarou]: "Crap, we've gotta keep running." |
Name: Kanbe Kotori | Gender: Female
Name: Haruhiko Yoshino | Gender: Male
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
October 25th (Monday)
[Kotarou]: "Aaauuuu..."
Another week begins.
A lot has happened...but I'm not sure any of it helped me.
[Kotarou]: "But at least the Occult Club membership is stable now."
I haven't gotten very far with finding ghost stories or writing articles, but at least we're getting in the habit of investigating something.
[Kotarou]: "We're just getting started."
I give myself a pep talk and put on my uniform.
After school.
I wanna head to the club room, but...
[Kotarou]: "...this is such a pain."
[Yoshino]: "That's my line...don't you dare sneak away."
I'm on exciting cleaning duty with Yoshino-kun.
[Kotarou]: "Hey, Yoshino, we're all alone right now."
[Yoshino]: "Say that again and I'll send you flying."
[Kotarou]: "It was just a joke."
[Yoshino]: "Your jokes are lamer than Degawa's."
[Kotarou]: "Actually, with him it's more fun to laugh at the sheer lameness he exudes."
[Yoshino]: "You bastard...Degawa's doing the best he can! I won't let you ridicule him!!"
[Kotarou]: "But you just called him lame too."
[Yoshino]: "Not being funny is an art of its own...is there anyone besides Degawa who does it that well? You know nothing about his work."
He's weirdly supportive.
Though I guess we do need people like that.
[Kotarou]: "Okay, I'm gonna focus on cleaning."
[Kotarou]: "Uuuurya~"
I put more strength into my broom and race around the classroom.
[Yoshino]: "The hell are you doing?"
[Kotarou]: "Eh? Trying to end this quickly."
[Yoshino]: "Screw you...you'll never get all the dirt in one place like that...you need to use long, slow strokes toward the center of the room."
[Yoshino]: "Like this!!"
[Kotarou]: "Yoshino, you might be meant for teaching."
[Yoshino]: "Wh-whaaat!? That's the last career I'd ever consider!!"
[Kotarou]: "Okay, that should do it for cleaning."
[Yoshino]: "Hmph...you haven't even done that corner."
As usual his attention to detail doesn't fit his character at all.
[Kotarou]: "Better clean the blackboard now."
[Yoshino]: "...dammit, why did it have to be you..."
[Kotarou]: "Who would you want to clean with?"
[Yoshino]: "No one. I am always a lone wolf."
[Kotarou]: "Then you're lucky it was me. Maybe this isn't ideal, but it's better than a random stranger."
[Yoshino]: "Heh, you're as bad as it gets."
[Kotarou]: "That hurts pretty hard..."
[Yoshino]: "Do you understand? The only thing I ever want from you...is a battle..."
[Kotarou]: "Give me a break, I'm not buying that."
[Yoshino]: "Are you that afraid of showing your bust? You baby."
[Kotarou]: "Umm...ummmm..."
B...I need another b-word...
[Yoshino]: "Hmph, is that the best you've got?"
Somehow I lost...
At some point our conversation turned into a challenge to keep using words starting with b.
[Kotarou]: "You were just hoping I'd screw up so you wouldn't have to admit to not knowing any more words."
[Yoshino]: "So stupid. You have bad taste in excuses."
[Kotarou]: "Wasn't "bad" the first one you used?"
[Yoshino]: "Who cares?"
He continues sweeping up diligently.
I clean the erasers with the machine hanging under the chalk tray (dunno what it's called but it sucks off all the particles).
[Kotarou]: "...what is this thing called?"
[Yoshino]: "An eraser cleaner?"
[Kotarou]: "Its technical name?"
[Yoshino]: "It's sometimes called a Rafel Cleaner."
[Kotarou]: "Huh. What's a rafel?"
[Yoshino]: "How should I know? ...maybe that's the word for eraser in some other language."
He's so polite, answering the question even after trying to scare me off.
[Kotarou]: "Rafel...so the shortened name for this thing would be Raclean."
[Kotarou]: "That doesn't sound very good...but eraser cleaner is so long it's a pain! We need a term for this thing!!"
[Yoshino]: "Who cares?"
[Yoshino]: "Ah, I'm done. You do the rest."
[Kotarou]: "You don't wanna go home with me?"
[Yoshino]: "That's just wrong...besides, haven't you been doing things here after school lately?"
[Kotarou]: "Well, kinda."
[Yoshino]: "Screw that. I'm not going to hang out with you. Farewell."
[Kotarou]: "Yanagisawa Shingo?"
[Yoshino]: "You watch way too much TV..."
[Kotarou]: "By the way, what did you mean by "showing your bust?" I don't have boobs."
[Yoshino]: "I meant a bust in blackjack!"
[Kotarou]: "Aaah."
[Kotarou]: "But wouldn't that be "going bust?""
[Yoshino]: "Shut up...I said I'm going home!"
[Kotarou]: "Okay, bye."
[Yoshino]: "Hmph...you never stop being annoying..."
Yoshino grumbles as he heads out.
[Kotarou]: "...aaah..."
Now I'm alone.
At least I'm done here, so I can go meet up with everyone...
[Kotarou]: "Hm?"
I look at the courtyard.
I haven't seen Shizuru today.
[Kotarou]: "Hmm."
That bugs me, so I call up Kotori.
[Kotori]: "Ah, what is it? You're done already?"
[Kotarou]: "Yeah. Is Shizuru with you?"
[Kotori]: "I haven't seen Shizu-chan."
[Kotarou]: "I see. Well, I'm heading over there now."
[Kotori]: "Hurry and be late~"
[Kotarou]: "I'll be fashionably late then."
I hang up.
[Kotarou]: "...I assume she means hurry."
If I don't head for the club room soon they'll start something without me...
Oh well...
Guess I should go meet up with the rest of the club.
Oh well, might as well make a little detour.
I head down to the first-year classroom.
[Kotarou]: "Ummmm..."
What class was she in...
I walk down the hall, surrounded by first-years.
[Kotarou]: (If only Yoshino was here...)
He was with me when we saw her go into her classroom...
Some of the classrooms have closed doors. There's no way to check them.
[Kotarou]: "Hm?"
[Schoolgirl]: "...are you sure? Okay then..."
[Schoolgirl]: "Umm, bye, Nakatsu-san."
A tall, soft-spoken girl says goodbye to someone through an open door.
I look inside.
...there she is. |
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
Name: Senri Akane | Gender: Female | Aliases: Prez, The Witch of the School
Name: Ohtori Chihaya | Gender: Female | Aliases: Chi
Name: Nakatsu Shizuru | Gender: Female | Aliases: Shizu
Name: Ohtori Sakuya | Gender: Male
Name: Kanbe Kotori | Gender: Female
[Kotarou]: "Yo."
[Shizuru]: ".........!?"
As usual she changes her expression several times without a word.
[Kotarou]: "Are you on cleaning duty today?"
Shizuru's holding a broom and dustpan.
She nods twice.
[Kotarou]: "Only you?"
I'm pretty sure cleaning duty is always assigned to two people...
[Shizuru]: "The other one went home."
[Kotarou]: "Why?"
[Shizuru]: "She had an appointment to get to."
[Kotarou]: "...was that the girl I just saw leave?"
[Shizuru]: "Not her."
[Kotarou]: "I'm confused."
[Shizuru]: "She offered to help me because the other girl had to leave."
[Kotarou]: "Aaah."
Comprehension occurs.
[Kotarou]: "But why'd you send her home? She offered to help you..."
[Shizuru]: "It's my job."
[Kotarou]: "...well, I could help."
[Shizuru]: "...no, I'm all right."
[Kotarou]: "You know, when someone offers to help you..."
[Kotarou]: "They're usually much happier when you accept instead of politely decline."
Meddling people are always like that. We love being relied on.
[Shizuru]: "...mmm."
[Shizuru]: "I was assigned this job..."
[Kotarou]: "And the other girl who was assigned it left, right?"
[Shizuru]: "She had no choice."
[Kotarou]: "Yeah, I get that."
[Shizuru]: "You have somewhere to be too, Kotarou."
[Kotarou]: "And you have to be there with me."
[Shizuru]: "...mmm."
[Kotarou]: "The best option is to wrap this up quickly so we can go there as soon as possible."
[Kotarou]: "So let's finish this."
[Shizuru]: "...you'll help?"
[Kotarou]: "Yep."
Shizuru makes a troubled, complicated expression, but I start cleaning the blackboard anyway.
[Kotarou]: "Have you seen this before? It's called a rafel cleaner. It cleans erasers."
[Shizuru]: "Oooh..."
She seems impressed.
[Kotarou]: "Apparently "rafel" means eraser in some foreign language."
[Shizuru]: "Oooh~"
She's even more impressed.
[Shizuru]: "You know so much, Kotarou."
[Kotarou]: "Thanks."
Though I learned all of it from Yoshino-kun earlier.
We finish cleaning.
[Kotarou]: "So what about club?"
[Shizuru]: "Unfortunately I can't go today..."
[Kotarou]: "Oh..."
[Shizuru]: "Call me if you need something."
[Kotarou]: "I doubt we'll need anything in particular..."
[Shizuru]: "Mmm."
We put the cleaning tools away and leave the classroom.
[Kotarou]: "See you later."
She nods a few times.
She waves goodbye.
[Kotarou]: "Yeah, see you."
...for some reason that felt really good.
[Kotarou]: "Are they still here..."
Chihaya and Kotori should be coming to club today.
[Akane]: "The others left to search for information."
[Kotarou]: "Seriously?"
They're actually motivated now?
[Kotarou]: "Then I'd better go too..."
[Akane]: "Yes, good luck."
[Kotarou]: "Come on, Prez, you investigate too."
[Akane]: "I'm not going to take that advice from someone who neglected the club to hang out with a cute first-year."
[Kotarou]: "Uuu..."
I can't argue with that...
No choice, I'll have to go alone.
I head straight for the club room.
[Kotarou]: "So, what are we doing today?"
In the club room I find the stationary class rep, the two Ohtoris, and Kotori...who's slowly building a nest here.
Shizurucia are only helpers, so they only come here when they feel like it.
That's probably not gonna change anytime soon.
After all, we don't do very much...
[Sakuya]: "Chihaya-san, here is your tea."
[Chihaya]: "Thank you."
[Kotori]: "Yaaay."
The two Ojou-samas enjoy their elegant tea time, as Prez suddenly starts pounding furiously on her keyboard.
[Kotarou]: "Uwa, don't do that."
[Chihaya]: "What happened?"
[Kotarou]: "Well...I guess this is normal."
Not good. None of these girls attempt to do anything at all if I don't give them any direction, just like lemmings.
At this rate they'll all keep marching blindly down the road of time, right into a monster's mouth.
[Kotarou]: (I need a lead...)
I open my laptop and check the blog.
Nothing much has changed.
[Kotarou]: "Hmmmm..."
I guess I really should do this gradually, starting off with short but fun articles...
No, I still need their help in order to make them.
But right now they're all lemmings...
[Kotarou]: "An endless spiral staircase..."
I need to break that cycle...with my own hands...
[Kotarou]: "Okay."
I stand up.
[Kotarou]: "Everyone!"
Three pairs of eyes turn toward me.
...one of them still has her headphones in, so I'll just ignore her for now.
[Kotarou]: "Starting today, I want us to gather information for a weekend quest!"
[Chihaya]: "Eeeh?"
[Kotori]: "Can I eat these first?"
[Akane]: "Good luck with that."
[Sakuya]: "Loontarou-kun...I would like to ask you not to be so loud when you voice such deluded fantasy nonsense."
[Kotarou]: "You're not even in this club."
Since no one wants to talk about it right this instant, I wait for them all to finish eating.
[Kotarou]: "Okay, first we ask around."
[Kotarou]: "Please don't look so unhappy..."
[Kotarou]: "You can investigate cyberspace as usual if you want."
[Akane]: "Okay."
[Chihaya]: "But I don't think Akane-san has ever dug up a lead for us..."
[Akane]: "Everything I find online is worthless."
[Akane]: "...I do have some URLs of sites that might be useful references, and I made copies of some of the text."
[Kotarou]: "Could you show us?"
[Akane]: "If you insist."
Prez hands me her laptop.
[Kotarou]: "Let's see..."
I open one of the URLs in her text file.
A huge image board thread appears.
■■■Kazamatsuri Ghost Activity Thread 51■■■
[Kotarou]: "There are fifty-one of these!?"
[Akane]: "This town is a treasure trove of occult hearsay. Though most of it's about the forest."
[Kotarou]: "That forest..."
It definitely deserves some rumors.
[Kotarou]: "A lot of people claim to have seen UMAs."
[Kotori]: "The discussion is looping endlessly..."
[Kotarou]: "Hmm..." |
Name: Ohtori Sakuya | Gender: Male
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
Name: Ohtori Chihaya | Gender: Female | Aliases: Chi
Name: Senri Akane | Gender: Female | Aliases: Prez, The Witch of the School
Name: Kanbe Kotori | Gender: Female
As expected, we're gonna have to investigate the forest at some point. There's no way an Occult Club can avoid it.
[Sakuya]: "I see. There is also information on some ruins."
[Akane]: "Every city has a few abandoned buildings."
[Akane]: "Did you know about the athletic park in the outskirts?"
[Kotarou]: "Eh? Oh yeah, that place. I played there a lot as a kid."
[Chihaya]: "What's it like?"
[Kotori]: "It's a huge, huge place, and tons of people bring kids there on weekends. There's even cherry blossom trees."
[Akane]: "They say it's a mysterious area where several suicides have taken place."
[Kotarou & Kotori]: "Eeeeeeeeeh!?"
[Kotarou]: "I-I never heard about that!?"
[Akane]: "They happened about eight years ago...wouldn't that be right around when you went?"
[Kotori]: "I've never heard of this..."
[Kotarou]: "She's right...I'm getting some hits on it."
[Akane]: "Some stories only become well-known among the people living right next to the source."
[Kotarou]: "The net is amazing..."
[Akane]: "Though it's probably fake."
[Kotarou]: "...what?"
[Akane]: "None of those posts cite articles or studies."
[Kotarou]: "Oh yeah..."
[Sakuya]: "She's right...a cursory search fails to produce any local news articles about it."
[Sakuya]: "I might be able to confirm it if I access the newspaper company's database."
[Kotori]: "You can do that?"
[Sakuya]: "There is a certain unpublicized method which would allow me to do it."
[Sakuya]: "It would take but an instant to retrieve data on all past versions of this newspaper's website."
[Kotarou]: "You...can do that...?"
This guy is not to be trifled with...
[Akane]: "All right, we can try to find out if that rumor's true or not."
[Akane]: "Though it's almost guaranteed not to be what you want."
[Kotarou]: "I'd really like to follow a lead with more promise..."
[Chihaya]: "You did a lot of research on this, Akane-san."
[Akane]: "...huh?"
[Kotori]: "You're right, she did."
[Kotarou]: "Prez, thank you for the information."
[Akane]: "...I just stumbled across it. Nothing more."
[Akane]: "Anyway, I don't have to go outside now, right?"
[Sakuya]: "Ojou-sama, you would be much more charming if you were the slightest bit more social."
[Akane]: "...you annoy me."
I have to agree.
[Kotarou]: "Okay, we'll leave Prez behind, so now what..."
[Chihaya]: "Should we split up?"
[Kotarou]: "I guess so."
[Chihaya]: "Okay, bye."
[Kotarou]: "I'm very worried now..."
[Chihaya]: "I-I'll be just fine on my own."
[Chihaya]: "I'll walk around the school once then come right back."
[Sakuya]: "I will be going then."
Sakuya goes out the window.
[Kotarou]: "......"
I could go on my own like Chihaya, or I could go with Kotori...
[Kotori]: "I have an idea where to look, so I'll go alone."
It feels like she's making a preemptive strike.
Actually, Sakuya does stupid things sometimes, so maybe it'd be a good idea to look for Chihaya while searching on my own.
[Kotori]: "What should we do...I know a place I could check out."
[Kotarou]: "Hmm..."
[Kotarou]: "I'll go solo."
[Kotori]: "Let society shape you into a more capable adult by the time you come back."
[Kotarou]: "Yeah, I'll try."
In the end, I couldn't find any good info on my own.
[Kotarou]: "It's really late now..."
I walk down a hallway with absolutely no one in it.
A silent hallway feels just as terrifying in the evening as it does as night, but in a different way.
[Kotarou]: (I'm alone again...)
I focus my senses in all directions.
I notice something I'd never consider if there were others around.
The only reason I feel terrified here is because of what happened to me and Yoshino a while back.
What would happen if I wandered into that alternate dimension by myself?
I'd probably panic.
Even though I'm used to being alone.
Not much farther to the club room.
Prez should be behind that door.
I count down the remaining steps.
[Schoolgirl]: "Excuse me!"
I stop at four.
I turn around to find a first-year girl I've never met.
[Kotarou]: "...you mean me?"
[Schoolgirl]: "Ah! Y-yes..."
I think about it, but I don't know of any reason why she'd be talking to me.
[Kotarou]: "Ah."
I'm in front of the club room.
[Kotarou]: "Are you here to join the Occult Club?"
[Schoolgirl]: "Eh? No, it's not that..."
I was wrong.
[Schoolgirl]: "I was just a bit lost."
[Kotarou]: "Oooh...well this place is pretty big."
[Schoolgirl]: "Y-yes, it is..."
[Schoolgirl]: "I'm not even sure how many floors I've climbed..."
[Kotarou]: "...what's your name?"
[Schoolgirl]: "Wh-what? It's Nishinari..."
[Kotarou]: "Did you see a hallway that seemed to go on forever?"
[Nishinari]: "Ah, that's it! I went up and up and up but I never seemed to get any higher..."
[Kotarou]: "I see..."
[Kotarou]: "About that."
[Nishinari]: "Yes?"
[Kotarou]: "You're just tired."
[Kotarou]: "More and more students are getting Infinite Hallway Syndrome or IHS lately."
[Kotarou]: "You feel like you're always moving forward, when in reality you barely take a single step."
[Kotarou]: "Hallucinations like that are a common symptom."
I'm rather impressed at how easily I'm lying to her.
[Nishinari]: "I-I have an illness that serious!?"
[Kotarou]: "It's not that serious. Just get some rest and don't worry about it."
[Kotarou]: "Have you stressed yourself out by cramming for a test or something?"
[Kotarou]: "You should go home and get some sleep."
[Nishinari]: "...okay..."
[Kotarou]: "Oh, and don't bother looking up anything on it at home."
[Kotarou]: "It was only recently discovered so there won't be any info on it."
[Nishinari]: "I-I see..."
Nishinari-san lowers her head then trots off.
[Kotarou]: "...telling her the truth would only make her more worried."
I'm nice to my fellow classmates. |
Name: Kanbe Kotori | Gender: Female
Name: Ohtori Chihaya | Gender: Female | Aliases: Chi
Name: Senri Akane | Gender: Female | Aliases: Prez, The Witch of the School
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
[Kotarou]: "That was a good find."
[Kotori]: "Welcome back."
[Chihaya]: "Welcome back."
Two skilled detectives greet me when I return.
[Kotarou]: "Did you guys find anything?"
[Kotori]: "It was a fulfilling trip."
[Kotarou]: "Oooh?"
[Kotori]: "So I bumped into Chi-chan and Sakuya-san on the way."
[Kotori]: "And we went shopping at the supermarket. I haven't been there in ages."
The table is covered in plastic bags full of snacks.
[Kotarou]: "Glad to hear it..."
So they found nothing.
For now I start eating rice crackers.
Also, there's a huge wrapped-up pile of something in front of Chihaya...
[Kotori]: "That's right, Sakuya-san said he'd bring bentous on Wednesday."
[Kotarou]: "Oh, okay..."
Eating lunch with him...
[Kotarou]: (That's probably not going to be very enjoyable...)
[Kotarou]: "...eating together as a group does sound nice."
[Chihaya]: "Doesn't it?"
Well, it certainly feels like something a club would do.
[Kotarou]: (Am I ever going to get an article written at this rate...?)
I'll have to try harder next time...
[Akane]: "Go away, you're distracting."
[Kotarou]: "S-so cooold!"
[Akane]: "You must have something better to do than kill time with me."
This is pointless...
[Kotarou]: (I should really give up on getting her boobs...)
[Akane]: "...if you're going to think such indecent things, you should really make a bit more effort to bring them to fruition."
[Kotarou]: "You read my mind!?"
[Kotarou]: "Actually, never mind, that doesn't matter."
What do I do now...
[Kotarou]: "So Kotori, can I come with you...?"
Guess I'll have to go alone...
Guess I'll have to go alone...
I stay in the club room after everyone else leaves.
[Akane]: "You aren't going?"
[Kotarou]: "I was thinking of trying to get you involved."
[Akane]: "Didn't I already do something?"
[Kotarou]: "I want you to come investigate with me."
[Kotarou]: "You need to get out more, Prez."
[Akane]: "Are you trying to kill me?"
I never said that...
[Akane]: "I'm an armchair detective. I don't need to go anywhere."
[Kotarou]: "You're not solving crimes, you're just surfing the net."
[Akane]: "...if I find an interesting crime then I'll solve it. Like a murder mystery."
[Kotarou]: "That's not what our club is about."
[Akane]: "So how do you plan on going outside without approaching irritating crowds?"
[Kotarou]: "You really need to see a counselor."
[Akane]: "I can blackmail any counselor so they'll only say what I want them to say."
[Kotarou]: "Why would you blackmail them!? That's just stupid!"
[Akane]: "Well, if you have an idea, I'm all ears."
[Kotarou]: "...I guess we can try doing some experiments in here then."
[Akane]: "Like fortune-telling?"
[Kotarou]: "Like table turning."
[Akane]: "So you want to try and verify supernatural phenomena."
[Akane]: "I see you haven't given up on my boobs..."
[Kotarou]: "No, I have not."
Few men get the opportunity to touch boobs they aren't going out with.
I have no intention of letting this chance slip away.
[Akane]: "A slave to your hormones..."
[Akane]: "...fine. I'll deny that lust of yours."
Prez opens a drawer and pulls out a wooden board.
[Akane]: "Since you love the supernatural so much, I assume you know what this is?"
[Kotarou]: "I think so...a Oui-something board?"
[Akane]: "A Ouija board."
[Kotarou]: "Yeah, that's it."
It's like a foreign version of table turning.
The board has all the letters of the alphabet and Arabic numerals on it.
On the sides are words like "YES", "NO" and "GOODBYE".
[Kotarou]: "Using this, we can communicate with spirits."
Table turning generally uses a coin, but Ouija boards come with a special heart-shaped piece of wood called a planchette.
Everyone puts their fingers on it, asks a question, and the spirit answers.
Just like table turning, there are a few things you have to be very careful about...
[Kotarou]: "Okay, put your finger on the planchette."
Akane rests her fingers on it gently.
I put my hand on hers.
[Akane]: "That's uncomfortable."
She throws it off.
[Kotarou]: "That's just mean..."
[Kotarou]: "...okay, is this good enough?"
We each put only our index fingers on it.
[Kotarou]: "Now we ask a question. If there's a spirit here, the planchette should move."
But if there isn't one, it won't budge.
[Akane]: "...you're not going to move it yourself, right?"
[Kotarou]: "Same to you. Don't push down on it or anything."
[Akane]: "Don't underestimate me. I was Buddha in a previous life you know."
[Kotarou]: "You make lying look far too easy...anyway, let's go."
So, what should I ask about...
[Kotarou]: "...what is Senri Akane most interested in?"
[Akane]: "Huh?"
[Kotarou]: "Please tell me."
[Akane]: "Can't you just ask me that directly?"
[Kotarou]: "But you'll just lie to me."
[Kotarou]: "I want the spirits to tell me the truth."
[Akane]: "I wouldn't lie. The most interesting thing for me right now is world peace."
The planchette moves rapidly onto the "NO".
[Akane]: "Eh...? Tennouji, did you do that?"
[Kotarou]: "No...this is...the power of the spirits. There are spirits here with us, right now."
[Kotarou]: "And they're telling me you just lied. You have no interest in peace!"
[Akane]: "Th-that can't be..."
[Kotarou]: "What is Senri Akane most interested in!? Tell me!"
The planchette slides energetically.
It points to the letter S, then moves to E.
Then it races straight for the third letter...!
[Kotarou]: "Now I know! Prez, you spend all day thinking about se―..."
Akane's fingers wrap around mine, squeezing them.
[Akane]: "Submit!"
By the time I notice she's squeezing my joints, she's already throwing me sideways into the floor.
[Kotarou]: "...owwwwwwww..."
I've never experienced such a powerful takedown move.
Akane stands victorious over me as I crawl to my feet.
[Akane]: "You moved it yourself!"
[Kotarou]: "...yes I did. I'm sorry." |
Name: Senri Akane | Gender: Female | Aliases: Prez, The Witch of the School
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
[Akane]: "There are no spirits in this world...understand?"
[Kotarou]: "Well...not in this room, at least..."
Because of my foolish, perverse heart, I end up subjugated by force.
[Kotarou]: "Does Senri Akane want a boyfriend?"
[Akane]: "Wait."
[Kotarou]: "Answer me!"
[Akane]: "Who are you talking to?"
[Kotarou]: "The spirits."
[Akane]: "Why would spirits know how I feel about love?"
[Kotarou]: "They're spirits."
[Akane]: "And this is why you keep failing."
[Kotarou]: "But if they answer me now, it'll be proof of their power!"
[Kotarou]: "Please, answer me, spirits!"
And then...the planchette doesn't budge.
[Kotarou]: "Spirit-chan...please..."
[Akane]: "Personifying the spirits as cute girls won't make them any more real."
[Akane]: "They don't exist to begin with."
[Kotarou]: "Damn iiiiiiiit!"
And then, history...I mean, the planchette moves!
[Akane]: "What!?"
The tip of the heart points to "YES".
[Kotarou]: "YES!"
[Akane]: "...you moved it."
[Akane]: "Tennouji, that was just your hand."
[Kotarou]: "No, I was praying. I wasn't moving anything."
[Kotarou]: "Spirits moved it."
[Kotarou]: "Now, I demand access to your boobs!"
[Akane]: "Uuu..."
[Kotarou]: "...you'd better give up, boss. This is going to end with me groping you no matter what."
[Kotarou]: "You have no other choice!"
[Akane]: "...I have choices. I will make a different choice!"
[Akane]: "I will turn the tables on your perverse trap...!"
[Kotarou]: "What!?"
Why are there actual choices here!?
[Kotarou]: "There's no way you can do that!"
[Akane]: "I can and I will! Because..."
[Kotarou]: "Because...?"
[Akane]: "...I'm the one who moved it."
[Kotarou]: ".........eh?"
[Akane]: "I moved it myself. I chose YES. That means a human did it! No spirits were involved!"
[Kotarou]: "Oh come on..."
[Akane]: "Humans are perfectly capable of doing this. Will you relent now?"
[Kotarou]: "...you are so lying!"
[Akane]: "And you can't prove it!"
[Kotarou]: "Aaah, that's cheating! No fair! You suck!"
[Akane]: "Say whatever you like."
[Kotarou]: "Uu..."
She's invincible once she gets entrenched.
I'd better let her have this one...
[Kotarou]: "...I see...so you want a boyfriend. You openly admit to that?"
[Akane]: "I...admit...that."
[Kotarou]: "So you don't have one right now?"
[Akane]: "...so what if I don't?"
[Kotarou]: "You're single, and you want a boyfriend. You like love as much as the next girl."
[Akane]: "I-I am a maiden after all...I have the right to love. What's wrong with that?"
[Kotarou]: "Nothing...it's just cute."
[Akane]: ".........uu!"
Akane bites her lip and turns red.
She seems to be enduring tremendous shame.
That's actually not a bad reaction...
[Kotarou]: "Turn the tables you say? There's no way for you to...guwaaaaaaa!?"
Akane squeezes my joints without a word.
This hurts like hell.
[Kotarou]: "I've never felt so much pain in my liiiiiiiife!"
[Akane]: "Admit it, you moved it!"
[Kotarou]: "I-I admit it! I didn't move it, but...I admit iiit!"
[Akane]: "So there's no spirit."
She releases me.
[Kotarou]: "...that was just violence."
[Akane]: "So? A win is a win. My chest is safe for today, thankfully."
[Kotarou]: "...I will fondle it one of these days."
[Kotarou]: "...answer me. What's going on in the spirit world these days?"
I ask the air.
The planchette...doesn't budge.
[Kotarou]: "What's going to happen to Japan's foreign policy?"
It doesn't move.
[Kotarou]: "When will humanity make contact with aliens?"
It doesn't flinch.
[Akane]: "This is pointless."
[Kotarou]: "...that's weird."
[Kotarou]: "Maybe the spirits are ignoring me?"
[Akane]: "That's the same as spirits not existing."
[Akane]: "Hmph, this experiment was a failure."
[Kotarou]: "Wait! We haven't proven there aren't any..."
I reach out, trying to stop Akane from leaving, but I accidentally fondle her butt in the process.
I fly.
I have no idea what moves she used, but I landed upside-down on the floor after spinning around a few times.
So the world looks upside down.
[Akane]: "Don't assault me!"
Akane spins around, then walks off into her private room.
All alone, I start fiddling with the planchette.
[Kotarou]: "What can I do to get bigger?"
Still no reaction.
Ouija boards are a way to draw out low-tier spirits.
I've heard doing this by yourself is dangerous, but I've got shikigami here so I should be fine.
Unfortunately I can't think of any more questions.
[Kotarou]: "What color are Senri Akane's panties?"
I gaze at the board, and realize something.
[Kotarou]: "Wait...do you know English?"
If it's a Japanese spirit, maybe it doesn't know what all these words and symbols mean.
[Kotarou]: "Umm...spirit-san, can you speak English?"
A few seconds after I ask, the planchette moves.
It points to "YES".
[Kotarou]: "Geeeh..."
Ghosts all used to be human after all.
This is incredible...
[Kotarou]: "I see, I should've been asking yes-no questions."
I realize all my questions were extremely open-ended.
[Kotarou]: "So...do you know the truth?"
The planchette circles around the board, stopping at the same place as before.
[Kotarou]: "Oooooh..."
[Kotarou]: "Can I get a girlfriend?"
[Kotarou]: "Ohohoho."
[Kotarou]: "Within a year?"
[Kotarou]: "Wait a minute, wait a minute...that fast!?"
[Kotarou]: "Umm...will I be rich?"
[Kotarou]: "On a scale of 1 to 9, where 1 is part-timer, and 9 is an oil baron, how rich?"
[Kotarou]: "Hahaha..."
[Kotarou]: "I had no idea...I was destined for such greatness."
[Kotarou]: "Though if I start acting complacent because of this I could get screwed over badly." |
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
Name: Nakatsu Shizuru | Gender: Female | Aliases: Shizu
Name: Konohana Lucia | Gender: Female | Aliases: Class Rep
Name: Ohtori Chihaya | Gender: Female | Aliases: Chi
Name: Haruhiko Yoshino | Gender: Male
Name: Kanbe Kotori | Gender: Female
Name: Akira Inoue | Gender: Female
Name: Senri Akane | Gender: Female | Aliases: Prez, The Witch of the School
[Kotarou]: "That's right, does Senri Akane like me? Probably not, but..."
[Kotarou]: "What!?"
[Kotarou]: "She was hiding feelings for me? That's actually kinda cute."
[Kotarou]: "Dunno if I'd marry her, but I wouldn't mind going out with her."
[Kotarou]: "Wait..."
[Kotarou]: "Is there anyone else who likes me?"
[Kotarou]: "H-how many?"
[Kotarou]: "All of them!? Really!? That means..."
[Kotarou]: "Crap, I'm over-deluding myself..."
[Kotarou]: "This means!"
[Kotarou]: "Not again! Stop pulling me over there when I look away!"
[Kotarou]: "Aaah, I'm done for..."
Then I wake up.
Akane's face is right next to mine.
[Akane]: "Sorry, I thought I threw you gently. I didn't expect you to pass out."
[Akane]: "You shouldn't have hit your head..."
I cry.
[Akane]: "Wh-what's wrong? Does it hurt that badly?"
[Kotarou]: "You shattered something, but it wasn't my head."
[Kotarou]: "It was my dreams."
[Akane]: "...oh no...you're insane."
[Kotarou]: "No I'm not!"
[Kotarou]: "...I don't really have anywhere to go myself..."
[Kotori]: "Well, if you want..."
I decide to follow Kotori.
[Kotarou]: "So what were you going to check out?"
[Kotori]: "It's nothing impressive, but..."
[Kotori]: "There might be something mysterious going on there."
[Kotarou]: "Really...?"
[Kotarou]: "How mysterious are we talking?"
[Kotori]: "...from what I've seen..."
[Kotori]: "Nostradamus-tier."
[Kotarou]: "Damn..."
I wipe off some sweat.
[Kotarou]: "I'm getting pumped for this."
[Kotori]: "Be as excited as you like today."
Now, let's take a bunch of detours on our way there.
So this is the place.
It looks like an ordinary house...
[Kotarou]: "I had no idea there was a big mystery living this close to us."
[Kotori]: "I've been texting the client."
[Kotarou]: "I like the sound of "client"."
[Kotarou]: "Sounds professional."
[Kotarou]: "Hey, do you know why "cry ant" became "client"?"
[Kotori]: "Because your English grades are bad. Those only sound the same in Japanese."
[Kotori]: "Anyway, someone in the client's family...can see."
[Kotarou]: "...don't tell me he can see...?"
Kotori nods slowly.
[Kotori]: "Spirits."
She leads me to the front door of the Yamaguchi house.
A young housewife comes out to greet us, and lets us sit down on her porch.
Apparently Kotori knows her.
[Housewife]: "Kotori-chan, I'll go get my step-mother, so wait here."
[Kotori]: "No problem."
[Housewife]: "Is this your boyfriend?"
[Kotori]: "My boyacquaintance."
[Kotarou]: "At least call me a friend..."
[Housewife]: "Aaah, you're the Tennouji boy..."
She gives me an odd look.
[Kotarou]: "Is something wrong?"
[Housewife]: "No, nothing."
She observes my face carefully.
[Kotarou]: "What is it?"
[Housewife]: "Oh, I'm sorry. Make yourself at home, and help yourself to these."
The housewife heads inside.
[Kotori]: "Yay, cakes."
[Kotarou]: "...do I have a really bad reputation in this neighborhood?"
[Kotarou]: "People who've moved here recently act normally, but anyone who's lived here long enough is kinda..."
[Kotori]: "You're imagining things."
[Kotarou]: "I hope so."
[Old Woman]: "Kotori-chan?"
As she pokes the cake, an old woman comes out, carrying a cat.
[Kotarou]: "Th-this woman can see spirits!?"
[Kotori]: "Not her, the cat."
[Kotarou]: "...eh? The cat?"
[Old Woman]: "Yes, he can see them."
[Kotarou]: "The cat sees spirits?"
[Old Woman]: "He does."
[Kotarou]: "Eh?"
She puts the cat down on the floor. He looks around, completely unconcerned about the presence of guests.
[Old Woman]: "...here they come."
Then the cat opens his eye wide and glares at a corner of the garden. There's nothing there.
Kotori immediately says:
[Kotori]: "He's seeing spirits~"
[Kotarou]: "That's just an act!"
I feel like an idiot for preparing myself to take pictures of it...
[Kotori]: "He's still seeing them, so cuuute~"
[Kotarou]: "...it is cute."
[Old Woman]: "Did you enjoy it?"
[Kotarou]: "...I feel a bit left behind."
[Old Woman]: "Then your sense of humor needs work."
Somehow it's my fault.
We end up having a nice chat over some tea.
[Kotori]: "How was it?"
[Kotarou]: "...I feel like we accomplished nothing."
[Kotori]: "Just pretend the cat really could see spirits."
[Kotori]: "He stole the hearts of everyone on the porch!"
[Kotarou]: "That's not the kind of hook we're after..."
I try putting together a report anyway.
"Did you know!? There's a cat that can see spirits! And he protects his owner from them! Cats are seriously incredible!"
I did my best to make it sound exciting.
This article would be worthless without some impact.
I try sending it to people.
They reply immediately.
[Sender: Akane]: "Idiot."
[Sender: Inoue]: "Idiot."
[Kotarou]: "Damn iiiiiit!"
I knew this would happen, but I still don't like it.
[Kotarou]: "If you don't like it, then I'll just do this!"
I send it to other people.
They reply right away.
[Sender: Kotori]: "Idiot♪"
[Sender: Chihaya]: "Are you stupid? ^、^;"
[Sender: Lucia]: "Fool."
[Sender: Shizuru]: "Oolfay."
[Sender: Yoshino]: "Die."
[Kotarou]: "Guooooo!"
It hurts.
But I can see love in Kotori's reply.
[Kotarou]: "Kotori's nice..." |
Name: Kanbe Kotori | Gender: Female
Name: Tennouji Kotarou | Gender: Male
As I walk around, I bump shoulders with a staggering middle school girl.
[Middle School Girl]: "Ah...my anemia..."
The middle school girl collapses.
[Kotori]: "Can you stand? Should we take you to a doctor?"
[Middle School Girl]: "...no, it's all right. Thank you. I'll be going now..."
The middle school girl leaves.
[Kotarou]: "Hm...?"
She left something behind.
You obtained toilet paper (Rarity: ★)!
[Kotori]: "Kotarou-kun, what's that?"
[Kotarou]: "Probably...loot."
A feral cat is walking along the top of a wall.
[Kotori]: "He's pretty cute."
She rubs his head.
Then the cat falls over and sleeps.
He's purring. It must've felt good.
[Kotori]: "Oooh, I have the golden fingers~"
Something falls off the cat.
[Kotarou]: "...hm?"
You obtained Socks of Unlimited Small Arms Ammo (Rarity: ★★★)!
[Kotarou]: "...I can't use these."
This country has a law against carrying guns.
...I see, so that's why the rarity isn't that high.
And how does making the cat sleep count as defeating it?
[Kotori]: "What's that?"
[Kotarou]: "Probably...loot."
As I walk around, I bump into a man.
[Man]: "Whoa!"
The man slips, hits his head and passes out.
[Kotarou]: "Are you okay? ...hm?"
The man dropped something.
You obtained Zanbatō Longsword (Rarity: ★★★★★)!
[Kotarou]: "No, that's illegal!"
[Kotori]: "Put it back, put it back!"
I put the loot back in the man's pocket.
[Man]: "...aaah, sorry about that. I was thinking about something."
[Kotarou]: "It's fine..."
[Man]: "What's the best way to close in when facing a giant enemy...*mumble* *mumble* *mumble*"
The man leaves.
[Kotarou]: "...what do you think he does for a living?"
[Kotori]: "...dunno."
[Kotarou]: (There's something in the road...)
[Kotarou]: (A porn book? ...you guys love being alone in the middle of nowhere...)
[Kotarou]: (Okay, I'll adopt you.)
[Kotarou]: "Uhyooo, 75/100!"
You obtained Porn Book (Rank B)!
[Kotori]: "Hey!"
She knocks it out of my hand.
[Kotarou]: "My Rank B...!"
[Kotori]: "Healthy lust stems from a healthy mind!"
[Kotarou]: "What the hell is healthy lust?"
[Kotori]: "A long-distance relationship with a pen pal!"
[Kotarou]: "You've never written a letter either..."
[Kotarou]: (There's something in the road...)
[Kotarou]: (A porn book? ...it must be lonely down there...)
[Kotarou]: (Okay, I'll take care of you.)
[Kotarou]: "This is a 90...!"
You obtained Porn Book (Rank A)!
[Kotori]: "Hey!"
She steals it at lightspeed.
[Kotarou]: "My rank A...!"
[Kotori]: "Uhyaaa, erotiiiic!"
[Kotori]: "Too erotic for a boy!"
[Kotori]: "So I'm confiscating it."
[Kotarou]: "...are you my mother?"
I'll never be able to get any porn books with Kotori around...
[Kotarou]: (Why are all the good porn books popping up now...?)
[Kotarou]: (Kotori's like a hawk.)
[Kotarou]: (This is my last chance.)
I pick up the porn book as quickly as possible.
[Kotori]: "Heeey, wait up boooy."
But Kotori takes it away.
[Kotori]: "How dare you pick this up! You are filthy!"
[Kotori]: "You can keep this."
[Kotarou]: "Really?"
After throwing all the other porn books back into the sea...she accepted one!
[Kotarou]: "Miiine!"
I immediately judge the quality.
You obtained Porn Book (Rank F)!
[Kotarou]: "...wh-what is this..."
Her breasts are fully exposed, she's completely naked, and yet...
[Kotarou]: "It's a porn book...but it's not erotic at all!"
[Kotarou]: "This is only 5/100!"
[Kotori]: "Ohohoho."
[Kotarou]: "Ah, something's here, I can feel it."
[Kotori]: "How do you know?"
[Kotarou]: "Cerebral dowsing."
[Kotarou]: "If there's a treasure buried here, you can have half the ingots."
[Kotori]: "I'd prefer coins."
[Kotarou]: "It should be around here..."
You obtained hearsay from a piece of paper!
"Copper wire sells well. Any cables you find lying around are treasure waiting to be found!"
[Kotarou]: "This is clearly meant for the hunters and gatherers living here..."
"Come to our fun little store, with all sorts of nice cheap things~ Don't worry if they look familiar~ All that matters is they're cheap~♪"
A fishy jingle plays.
[Kotori]: "Fuoooooo!"
The moment she hears that, Kotori awakens.
[Kotori]: "I have bad news for you!"
[Kotarou]: "Your eyes are glittering."
[Kotori]: "The store's gravity well has captured me."
[Kotarou]: "G-gravity well...?"
[Kotori]: "Uwaaa, I'm being sucked in~ How is this happening~!?"
[Kotori]: "Th-the pull is so strong...is this a clearance sale!?"
[Kotarou]: "...you've never been this bouncy before."
[Kotori]: "Huh? It's a clearance sale at Jasco!"
[Kotarou]: "That's right...I saw a banner for that a few hundred meters back."
[Kotori]: "Kotarou-kun, let's go!"
[Kotarou]: "Weren't we here to do research?"
[Kotori]: "...there might be a big secret hidden within the store."
[Kotarou]: (You just wanna shop...)
[Kotarou]: "Sure. I haven't been here much."
[Kotori]: "This place is great!"
[Kotori]: "They sell everything super cheap."
[Kotarou]: "This is pretty cheap, but it doesn't look so good..."
And that annoying name keeps making me think of a certain department store instead.
There's a supermarket in the corner of the first floor.
If someone asked whether it felt shabby or not, I'd have to say yes.
There are even families fighting in there.
That happens all over the place here.
[Kotori]: "Hurry hurry hurry!"
[Kotarou]: "Calm down."
[Kotori]: "Hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry!"
[Kotori]: "Now, how many times did I say "hurry"?"
[Kotarou]: "Ummm, eight?"
[Kotori]: "I'm gonna work here~ Once I grow another 50 centimeters I'm gonna apply here~ Welcome to Jasco~"
[Kotarou]: "You're losing it!" |
Subsets and Splits