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What was the first year Yale and Harvard played football? | While Harvard's football team is no longer one of the country's best as it often was a century ago during football's early days (it won the Rose Bowl in 1920), both it and Yale have influenced the way the game is played. | 1 | 644 | 1 |
Manning was the number one pick in which draft? | This was the first Super Bowl to feature a quarterback on both teams was the #1 pick in their draft classes. | 1 | 649 | 1 |
What is the name of the trophy given to anyone plays on the winning team in a Super Bowl? | Like the Lombardi Trophy, the "50" will be designed by Tiffany & Co. | 1 | 651 | 1 |
Who said Tesla had a "distinguished sweetness"? | His loyal secretary, Dorothy Skerrit, wrote: "his genial smile and nobility of bearing always denoted the gentlemanly characteristics were so ingrained in his soul." | 1 | 669 | 1 |
Who is the general secretary for the National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers? | Chris Keates, the general secretary of National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers, said that teachers have sex with pupils over the age of consent should not be placed on the sex offenders register and that prosecution for statutory rape "is a real anomaly in the law that we are concerned about. | 0 | 675 | 1 |
Who was Louis XIV's main rival? | Stadtholder William III of Orange, later became King of England, emerged as the strongest opponent of king Louis XIV after the French attacked the Dutch Republic in 1672. | 0 | 679 | 1 |
$500 Million was supplied for the Capital City - ABC merger by what investor? | The remaining $500 million was loaned by Warren Buffett, promised that his company Berkshire Hathaway would purchase $3 million in shares, at $172.50 apiece. | 0 | 682 | 1 |
Who may seek changes or exemptions in the law governs the land where the building will be built? | Constructing a project fails to adhere to codes does not benefit the owner. | 1 | 690 | 2 |
What is the name of the state the megaregion expands to in the east? | The megaregion's area is more expansive, extending east into Las Vegas, Nevada, and south across the Mexican border into Tijuana. | 0 | 696 | 1 |
Who was the leader established the colony at Florida? | The effort was the first at any permanent European settlement in the present-day continental United States, but survived only a short time. | 1 | 703 | 1 |
What is the name of the village once existed in what is now downtown Jacksonville? | One early map shows a village called Ossachite at the site of what is now downtown Jacksonville; this may be the earliest recorded name for that area. | 0 | 707 | 1 |
What country is this teaching subject discussing? | The advantage here is that students learn from teachers specialize in one subject and who tend to be more knowledgeable in that one area than a teacher teaches many subjects. | 1 | 710 | 2 |
What is floridean? | The red phycoerytherin pigment is an adaptation to help red algae catch more sunlight in deep water—as such, some red algae live in shallow water have less phycoerytherin in their rhodoplasts, and can appear more greenish. | 1 | 711 | 1 |
How would the word apothecary be viewed by contemporary English speakers? | Often the place did this was called an apothecary and several languages have this as the dominant term, though their practices are more akin to a modern pharmacy, in English the term apothecary would today be seen as outdated or only approproriate if herbal remedies were on offer to a large extent. | 0 | 712 | 1 |
What was the overly generous royalty amount Tesla had been receiving? | In 1897, Westinghouse explained his financial difficulties to Tesla in stark terms, saying that if things continue the way they were he would no longer be in control of Westinghouse Electric and Tesla would have to "deal with the bankers" to try to collect future royalties. | 1 | 720 | 1 |
Who was yersinia pestis named for? | The investigation of the pathogen caused the 19th-century plague was begun by teams of scientists visited Hong Kong in 1894, among whom was the French-Swiss bacteriologist Alexandre Yersin, after whom the pathogen was named Yersinia pestis. | 0 | 724 | 2 |
What does chlorophyll use light energy to do? | I contain light-harvesting complexes with chlorophyll and carotenoids absorb light energy and use it to energize electrons. | 0 | 754 | 1 |
What does ctenophora use for digestion and respiration? | Their most distinctive feature is the ‘combs’ – groups of cilia which they use for swimming – they are the largest animals swim by means of cilia. | 1 | 755 | 1 |
Along with trusts, what other non-profits are allowed to run schools in India? | Critics of this system point out that this leads to corruption by school inspectors check compliance and to fewer schools in a country has the largest adult illiterate population in the world. | 1 | 768 | 2 |
What was the number of customers the BBC reported had yet to receive the service due to failed deliveries? | Prior to its launch, BSkyB claimed that 40,000 people had registered to receive the HD service. | 1 | 771 | 1 |
What present-day company did BankAmericard turn into? | After a troubled gestation during which its creator resigned, BankAmericard went on to become the first successful credit card; that is, a financial instrument was usable across a large number of merchants and also allowed cardholders to revolve a balance (earlier financial products could do one or the other but not both). | 1 | 777 | 1 |
How many contributing authors does an IPCC report chapter have? | Each chapter has a number of authors are responsible for writing and editing the material. | 1 | 789 | 1 |
What is the UN's climate change treaty? | The IPCC produces reports support the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), which is the main international treaty on climate change. | 0 | 792 | 1 |
What are cilia used for? | Most species have eight strips, called comb rows, run the length of their bodies and bear comb-like bands of cilia, called "ctenes," stacked along the comb rows so that when the cilia beat, those of each comb touch the comb below. | 1 | 795 | 1 |
What is the oldest known rock in the world? | The sedimentary sequences of the mid-continental United States and the Grand Canyon in the southwestern United States contain almost-undeformed stacks of sedimentary rocks have remained in place since Cambrian time. | 1 | 796 | 1 |
What was the purpose of CSNET | Its purpose was to extend networking benefits, for computer science departments at academic and research institutions could not be directly connected to ARPANET, due to funding or authorization limitations. | 0 | 814 | 1 |
Along with the Anglican Church and Uniting Church, what religious denomination operates private schools in Australia? | They are usually expensive schools tend to be up-market and traditional in style, some Catholic schools fall into this category as well, e.g. St Joseph's College, Gregory Terrace, Saint Ignatius' College, Riverview, St Gregory's College, Campbelltown, St Aloysius' College (Sydney) and St Joseph's College, Hunters Hill, as well as Loreto Kirribilli, Monte Sant Angelo Mercy College, St Ursula's College and Loreto Normanhurst for girls. | 1 | 823 | 1 |
What are the most active parts of ctenophora? | In other parts of the canal system, the gastrodermis is different on the sides nearest to and furthest from the organ it supplies. | 1 | 828 | 1 |
How many yards did Newton throw for in 2015? | The Panthers backfield featured Pro Bowl running back Jonathan Stewart, led the team with 989 rushing yards and six touchdowns in 13 games, along with Pro Bowl fullback Mike Tolbert, rushed for 256 yards and caught 18 passes for another 154 yards. | 1 | 837 | 2 |
What is set up to scrutinize private bills submitted by party outsiders? | A further type of committee is normally set up to scrutinise private bills submitted to the Scottish Parliament by an outside party or promoter is not a member of the Scottish Parliament or Scottish Government. | 0 | 839 | 1 |
What is the name of the professional skateboarder lives in southern California? | Professional skateboarder Tony Hawk, professional surfers Rob Machado, Tim Curran, Bobby Martinez, Pat O'Connell, Dane Reynolds, and Chris Ward, and professional snowboarder Shaun White live in southern California. | 0 | 851 | 1 |
What kind of statement is made in the effort of establishing the time and space requirements needed to enhance the ultimate number of problems solved? | Having deduced such proper set inclusions, we can proceed to make quantitative statements about how much more additional time or space is needed in order to increase the number of problems can be solved. | 0 | 868 | 1 |
What are outcomes expected with Medication Therapy Management? | In particular, Medication Therapy Management (MTM) includes the clinical services pharmacists can provide for their patients. | 1 | 871 | 1 |
Which rival of the Mongols is suspected of inventing the story Genghis Khan was murdered by a captured princess? | According to The Secret History of the Mongols Genghis Khan fell from his horse while hunting and died because of the injury. | 1 | 883 | 1 |
Even in large firms, architects, interior designers, engineers, developers, construction managers, and general contractors were more likely to be what? | Presently, a firm is nominally an "architecture" or "construction management" firm may have experts from all related fields as employees, or to have an associated company provides each necessary skill. | 1 | 899 | 2 |
In what year did BankAmericard change its name? | After a troubled gestation during which its creator resigned, BankAmericard went on to become the first successful credit card; that is, a financial instrument was usable across a large number of merchants and also allowed cardholders to revolve a balance (earlier financial products could do one or the other but not both). | 1 | 908 | 1 |
Interest groups and government agencies were concerned with energy were no match for who? | In the United States, scholars argue that there already existed a negotiated settlement based on equality between both parties prior to 1973. | 1 | 909 | 1 |
What is the name of a Time Lord Doctor has fought? | Occasionally serials were loosely connected by a storyline, such as season 8 being devoted to the Doctor battling a rogue Time Lord called The Master, season 16's quest for The Key to Time, season 18's journey through E-Space and the theme of entropy, and season 20's Black Guardian Trilogy. | 0 | 918 | 2 |
What was the age difference between Newton and Manning in Super Bowl 50? | This was the first Super Bowl to feature a quarterback on both teams was the #1 pick in their draft classes. | 1 | 922 | 1 |
When did the Iranian government enjoy something of a resurgence? | During the 2006 Israel-Lebanon conflict, the Iranian government enjoyed something of a resurgence in popularity amongst the predominantly Sunni "Arab street," due to its support for Hezbollah and to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's vehement opposition to the United States and his call Israel shall vanish. | 0 | 938 | 1 |
What entity owns V/Line? | Rail transport in Victoria is provided by several private and public railway operators operate over government-owned lines. | 1 | 943 | 1 |
What is one issue adds to the complexity of a pharmacist's job? | Because of the complexity of medications including specific indications, effectiveness of treatment regimens, safety of medications (i.e., drug interactions) and patient compliance issues (in the hospital and at home) many pharmacists practicing in hospitals gain more education and training after pharmacy school through a pharmacy practice residency and sometimes followed by another residency in a specific area. | 0 | 948 | 1 |
How did the BBC get audio versions of the lost episodes? | Some episodes have been returned to the BBC from the archives of other countries bought prints for broadcast, or by private individuals acquired them by various means. | 1 | 949 | 2 |
What tool do stratigraphers use to see their data in three dimensions? | In the laboratory, stratigraphers analyze samples of stratigraphic sections can be returned from the field, such as those from drill cores. | 1 | 951 | 1 |
Who created an index of health and social problems? | In recent years the characteristic has strongly correlated with health in developed countries is income inequality. | 1 | 952 | 1 |
By what other name was the Gate known? | Such explanations have been traced to the contemporary, Reguier de la Plancha (d. 1560), in De l'Estat de France offered the following account as to the origin of the name, as cited by The Cape Monthly: | 1 | 974 | 1 |
What did Paul-Louis Simond establish in 1898? | The investigation of the pathogen caused the 19th-century plague was begun by teams of scientists visited Hong Kong in 1894, among whom was the French-Swiss bacteriologist Alexandre Yersin, after whom the pathogen was named Yersinia pestis. | 1 | 979 | 2 |
There are 34 cities in southern California have a population exceeding what number? | In southern California there are also twelve cities with more than 200,000 residents and 34 cities over 100,000 in population. | 0 | 980 | 1 |
What kind of committee considered legislation on the development of the Edinburgh Tram Network? | A further type of committee is normally set up to scrutinise private bills submitted to the Scottish Parliament by an outside party or promoter is not a member of the Scottish Parliament or Scottish Government. | 1 | 981 | 1 |
What is an example of a machine model deviates from a generally accepted multi-tape Turing machine? | Perhaps surprisingly, each of these models can be converted to another without providing any extra computational power. | 1 | 986 | 1 |
Who did Tesla partner with in 1886? | After leaving Edison's company Tesla partnered with two businessmen in 1886, Robert Lane and Benjamin Vail, agreed to finance an electric lighting company in Tesla's name, Tesla Electric Light & Manufacturing. | 0 | 989 | 1 |
Who were the sculpture galleries opened in 2006 named after? | With the opening of the Dorothy and Michael Hintze sculpture galleries in 2006 it was decided to extend the chronology of the works on display up to 1950; this has involved loans by other museums, including Tate Britain, so works by Henry Moore and Jacob Epstein along with other of their contemporaries are now on view. | 0 | 992 | 1 |
In the mid 18th century, who did not concur that 1 should be the first prime number? | In the mid-18th century Christian Goldbach listed 1 as the first prime in his famous correspondence with Leonhard Euler -- did not agree. | 0 | 1,004 | 1 |
In what year did the Master reincarnate into a female body? | During that story the role was then assumed by John Simm returned to the role multiple times through the Tenth Doctor's tenure. | 1 | 1,011 | 1 |
What animals does the Vistula river's ecosystem include? | About 15 kilometres (9 miles) from Warsaw, the Vistula river's environment changes strikingly and features a perfectly preserved ecosystem, with a habitat of animals includes the otter, beaver and hundreds of bird species. | 0 | 1,019 | 1 |
When were the elections produced a higher vote by Protestant Nazi sympathizers than by Catholics? | Since the 1980s, Lutheran Church denominations have repudiated Martin Luther's statements against the Jews and have rejected the use of them to incite hatred against Lutherans. | 1 | 1,020 | 1 |
What did giving money to the church absolve the giver from? | He insisted that, since forgiveness was God's alone to grant, those claimed that indulgences absolved buyers from all punishments and granted them salvation were in error. | 0 | 1,021 | 1 |
What is one example of an instance the quantitative answer to the traveling salesman problem fails to answer? | The quantitative answer to this particular problem instance is of little use for solving other instances of the problem, such as asking for a round trip through all sites in Milan whose total length is at most 10 km. | 0 | 1,024 | 1 |
Some non-British works in the British galleries were imported from which continent? | Patrons have influenced taste are also represented by works of art from their collections, these include: Horace Walpole (a major influence on the Gothic Revival), William Thomas Beckford and Thomas Hope. | 1 | 1,029 | 1 |
What do pyrenoids look like? | Pyrenoids are roughly spherical and highly refractive bodies which are a site of starch accumulation in plants contain them. | 0 | 1,037 | 1 |
What was the total number of patents Tesla had? | Tesla obtained around 300 patents worldwide for his inventions. | 0 | 1,042 | 1 |
Zoning requirements, environmental impact, budgeting, and logistics are things should consider? | For the successful execution of a project, effective planning is essential. | 1 | 1,052 | 1 |
What had been left hanging on the door to Tesla's room? | His body was later found by maid Alice Monaghan after she had entered Tesla's room, ignoring the "do not disturb" sign Tesla had placed on his door two days earlier. | 0 | 1,054 | 1 |
Rocks on top of a fault are cut are always older or younger than the fault itself? | Faults are younger than the rocks they cut; accordingly, if a fault is found that penetrates some formations but not those on top of it, then the formations were cut are older than the fault, and the ones are not cut must be younger than the fault. | 0 | 1,055 | 3 |
What do radical Islamist organizations reject entirely? | Moderate and reformist Islamists accept and work within the democratic process include parties like the Tunisian Ennahda Movement. | 1 | 1,061 | 1 |
How are 'un-aided' schools different from 'aided' schools? | The ones accept government funds are called 'aided' schools. | 1 | 1,080 | 1 |
What was done to counteract the overpopulation of mnemiopsis in The Black Sea? | One ctenophore, Mnemiopsis, has accidentally been introduced into the Black Sea, where it is blamed for causing fish stocks to collapse by eating both fish larvae and organisms would otherwise have fed the fish. | 1 | 1,107 | 1 |
What else was used by pharmas? | Often the place did this was called an apothecary and several languages have this as the dominant term, though their practices are more akin to a modern pharmacy, in English the term apothecary would today be seen as outdated or only approproriate if herbal remedies were on offer to a large extent. | 1 | 1,108 | 1 |
When was the announcement for the LOR made after being delayed? | Kennedy's science advisor Jerome Wiesner, had expressed his opposition to manned spaceflight to Kennedy before the President took office, and had opposed the decision to land men on the Moon, hired Golovin, had left NASA, to chair his own "Space Vehicle Panel", ostensibly to monitor, but actually to second-guess NASA's decisions on the Saturn V launch vehicle and LOR by forcing Shea, Seamans, and even Webb to defend themselves, delaying its formal announcement to the press on July 11, 1962, and forcing Webb to still hedge the decision as "tentative". | 0 | 1,117 | 2 |
What is the ABC affiliate serves Lima, Ohio? | Currently, New Jersey, Rhode Island and Delaware are the only U.S. states where ABC does not have a locally licensed affiliate (New Jersey is served by New York City O&O WABC-TV and Philadelphia O&O WPVI-TV; Rhode Island is served by New Bedford, Massachusetts-licensed WLNE; and Delaware is served by WPVI and Salisbury, Maryland affiliate WMDT). | 1 | 1,123 | 1 |
What are the three construction subsectors? | The Standard Industrial Classification and the newer North American Industry Classification System have a classification system for companies perform or otherwise engage in construction. | 1 | 1,133 | 1 |
Who treats the majority of the population medically? | Nurses treat 80% of the population visit dispensaries, health centres and private clinics in rural and under-served urban areas. | 0 | 1,152 | 1 |
What are two anti-inflammatory molecules peak during awake hours? | There are two theories as to why the pro-inflammatory state is reserved for sleep time. | 1 | 1,155 | 1 |
What is a protein is closely intertwined with circadian rhythms? | Additionally, proteins such as NFIL3, which have been shown to be closely intertwined with both T-cell differentiation and our circadian rhythms, can be affected through the disturbance of natural light and dark cycles through instances of sleep deprivation, shift work, etc. | 0 | 1,180 | 1 |
What is set up to scrutinize private bills submitted by party outsiders? | Private bills normally relate to large-scale development projects such as infrastructure projects require the use of land or property. | 1 | 1,214 | 1 |
This was the first time the Carolina team faced what in the post season? | The score marked the first time in the entire postseason Carolina was facing a deficit. | 0 | 1,217 | 2 |
What did Luther call these donations? | He insisted that, since forgiveness was God's alone to grant, those claimed that indulgences absolved buyers from all punishments and granted them salvation were in error. | 1 | 1,225 | 1 |
Where does the Rhine begin? | Rhein, French: le Rhin, Dutch: Rijn) is a European river begins in the Swiss canton of Graubünden in the southeastern Swiss Alps, forms part of the Swiss-Austrian, Swiss-Liechtenstein border, Swiss-German and then the Franco-German border, then flows through the Rhineland and eventually empties into the North Sea in the Netherlands. | 0 | 1,228 | 1 |
How many points are there in the foundation of the Reformation? | Luther's rediscovery of "Christ and His salvation" was the first of two points became the foundation for the Reformation. | 0 | 1,238 | 1 |
What was the only year a full series was not filmed since 2005? | There have since been nine further series in 2006–2008 and 2010–2015, and Christmas Day specials every year since 2005. | 1 | 1,245 | 1 |
What position did the tax collector arrested Thoreau get? | Thoreau, at the time of his arrest, was not yet a well-known author, and his arrest was not covered in any newspapers in the days, weeks and months after it happened. | 1 | 1,250 | 1 |
What is the name for a teacher of just one person? | A teacher teaches on an individual basis may be described as a tutor. | 0 | 1,251 | 1 |
Where were populations centered in colonies? | Many of the older colonies had land claims extended arbitrarily far to the west, as the extent of the continent was unknown at the time their provincial charters were granted. | 1 | 1,252 | 1 |
What career does Joseph Stiglitz have? | This process, known to economists as rent-seeking, brings income not from creation of wealth but from "grabbing a larger share of the wealth would otherwise have been produced without their effort" | 1 | 1,255 | 1 |
New cameras were introduced for the game, what degree of view do they provide viewers? | CBS introduced new features during the telecast, including pylon cameras and microphones along with EyeVision 360—an array of 36 cameras along the upper deck can be used to provide a 360-degree view of plays and "bullet time" effects. | 0 | 1,258 | 1 |
How big can ctenophora grow? | Their most distinctive feature is the ‘combs’ – groups of cilia which they use for swimming – they are the largest animals swim by means of cilia. | 1 | 1,262 | 1 |
What sea were Ctenophores accidently introduced? | One ctenophore, Mnemiopsis, has accidentally been introduced into the Black Sea, where it is blamed for causing fish stocks to collapse by eating both fish larvae and organisms would otherwise have fed the fish. | 0 | 1,263 | 1 |
What is the process by which the antigen/antibody complex is processed in to peptides? | As the activated B cell then begins to divide, its offspring (plasma cells) secrete millions of copies of the antibody recognizes this antigen. | 1 | 1,279 | 1 |
What received a battering during the Siege of Newcastle? | The church tower received a battering during the Siege of Newcastle by the Scots finally breached the Town Wall and forced surrender. | 0 | 1,284 | 1 |
What additional srevice did BSkyB offer besides Video on Demand they claimed offered "substantially more value"? | The failure to renew the existing carriage agreements negotiated with NTL and Telewest resulted in Virgin Media removing the basic channels from the network on 1 March 2007. | 1 | 1,286 | 1 |
How many households has kids under the age of 18 living in them? | 35,064 households (22.1%) were made up of individuals and 12,344 (7.8%) had someone living alone was 65 years of age or older. | 1 | 1,297 | 1 |
Who is Antigone's father in the play? | One of the oldest depictions of civil disobedience is in Sophocles' play Antigone, in which Antigone, one of the daughters of former King of Thebes, Oedipus, defies Creon, the current King of Thebes, is trying to stop her from giving her brother Polynices a proper burial. | 0 | 1,301 | 1 |
Who is one prominent advocate of this theory? | Janet Gray and other supporters of the hypothesis suggest that the name huguenote would be roughly equivalent to little Hugos, or those want Hugo. | 0 | 1,313 | 1 |
What does the KCPE determine? | For those proceed to secondary level, there is a national examination at the end of Form Four – the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE), which determines those proceeding to the universities, other professional training or employment. | 1 | 1,320 | 1 |
What is the name brand of the personal video recorder BSkyB offers? | This extends to the Personal video recorder (PVR) offering (branded Sky+). | 0 | 1,331 | 1 |
When was Thoreau's essay published? | The tax collector arrested him rose to higher political office, and Thoreau's essay was not published until after the end of the Mexican War. | 0 | 1,335 | 1 |
What is septicemia? | In addition to the bubonic infection, others point to additional septicemic (a type of "blood poisoning") and pneumonic (an airborne plague attacks the lungs before the rest of the body) forms of the plague, which lengthen the duration of outbreaks throughout the seasons and help account for its high mortality rate and additional recorded symptoms. | 0 | 1,337 | 1 |
What will concentrated oxygen greatly speed up? | The fire killed the Apollo 1 crew in a launch pad test spread so rapidly because the capsule was pressurized with pure O_2 but at slightly more than atmospheric pressure, instead of the 1⁄3 normal pressure would be used in a mission.[k] | 1 | 1,348 | 2 |
In which year did the museum started charging free admission fees? | The V&A is located in the Brompton district of the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, in an area has become known as "Albertopolis" because of its association with Prince Albert, the Albert Memorial and the major cultural institutions with which he was associated. | 1 | 1,350 | 1 |
From whom did Genghis Khan learn seige warfare? | These include rifts with his early allies such as Jamukha (also wanted to be a ruler of Mongol tribes) and Wang Khan (his and his father's ally), his son Jochi, and problems with the most important shaman, was allegedly trying to drive a wedge between him and his loyal brother Khasar. | 1 | 1,357 | 2 |
Subsets and Splits