stringlengths 11
| reqs
stringlengths 7
spacebert_ecss | Each telemetry packet transporting an event-action status report shall be of message subtype 7. |
spacebert_ecss | The failure threshold for resistance change shall apply to all circuits on the IST coupon. |
spacebert_ecss | Throughout the project the HFE shall: 1. be responsible for establishing and updating of the users roles, 2. be responsible for the definition, maintenance and verification of system human related requirements, 3. support and approve establishing and updating of users manuals, operations nomenclature and procedures, 4. support and approve definition, design, development and assessment of the required Crew Systems, 5. support and approve definition, design, development and assessment of the required Human Computer Interface software, 6. support and approve definition, design, development and assessment of the required Training Materials. |
spacebert_ecss | For production of previously qualified optical coatings the following conditions shall be met: 1. the minimum set of lot acceptance tests specified in Table 5-4 are performed on a minimum of two samples selected from the flight lot; 2. one untested sample from the flight lot is retained as a reference sample; 3. visual inspection is performed before and after each test as a test result evaluation; 4. reduced spectral performances are agreed between customer and supplier in case of complex measurements and redundancies. |
2019_gateway_WEB | The Gateway shall support at least 7.49 Tbits per day (~935 GB per day) data downlink capacity to Earth. |
2004_hp_srs_web | The duration, including the settling time, of a 3 arcmin amplitude jitter strip average reorientation shall be ? 5 minutes (elapsed time during which pointing requirements cannot be met) |
spacebert_ecss | The total operating time and temperature for electrical space segment equipment burn-in, shall be agreed with the customer. |
spacebert_ecss | Tracks on flex layers shall not change direction within 1 mm on both sides of the interface between flex and rigid sections. NOTE Tracks extend 1 mm out of the rigid part of the PCB before they change direction. Tracks extend 1 mm into the rigid part of the PCB before they change direction. |
spacebert_ecss | Each instruction to checksum a request sequence shall contain: 1. the identifier of the request sequence to checksum. |
2013_echo_srd_WEB | More than 10 (TBC) of the planets observed in the Chemical Census tier shall be observed in the Rosetta Stone tier. |
spacebert_ecss | The following apparatus shall be used for the inspection of small items: 1. Black light inspection lamp NOTE 1 A black light inspection lamp provides illumination that is rich in the near ultra-violet (UVA, 320 nm - 380 nm) region of the electromagnetic spectrum. NOTE 2 There is a risk for the operator related to the use of black light lamps. 2. Digital camera |
spacebert_ecss | Control means shall be presented for customer approval. |
spacebert_ecss | For materials ECSS-E-ST-35 clause 4.7 shall apply. |
spacebert_ecss | The layout of the Acquisition Transfer Confirmation shall be in conformance with Table 8-5 with the following meaning: 1. Reserved bits: all to be set to zero. NOTE These bits are reserved for later use. 2. Number of bytes for next Acquisition Data Block: to be a copy of the corresponding data in the Acquisition Transfer Request acquired from the RT. 3. Error: (a) A 0 in this data field to indicate that the transfer was successfully completed. (b) A 1 in this data field to indicate that the data was transferred with errors. (c) After a protocol reset, set this bit to 0. 4. Reset: (a) A 1 in this data field to indicate that a protocol reset request is granted. (b) A 0 in this data field to indicate that the protocol carries on. 5. Mode: to be a copy of the Mode flag in the Acquisition Transfer Request acquired from the RT. 6. SA: to be a copy of the corresponding data received in the Distribution Transfer Descriptor. 7. Acquisition Block Count: to be a copy of the corresponding data in the Acquisition Transfer Request acquired from the RT. |
0000_gammaj_PURE | Add a product to the system. |
spacebert_ecss | Disconnects shall be detected by the SpaceWire input port. |
2021_tmt_oad_WEB | The NFIRAOS throughput to science instruments shall exceed 60% over 0.8 1.0 microns, and 80% over the 1.0 - 2.4 micron wavelength range [Goal: 90% from 0.6 to 2.5 microns]. |
spacebert_ecss | Upon qualification of the drying procedure for each hardware configuration, the established drying cycle requirements shall be implemented. |
spacebert_ecss | For each telecommand packet transporting a request to delete report types from the application process storage-control configuration, the application data field shall have the structure specified in Figure 8-162. |
2018_jpss_l0_web | The algorithm shall produce an ozone nadir profile product that has a mapping uncertainty (3 sigma) of < 25 km. |
spacebert_ecss | Each telecommand packet secondary header shall have the structure specified in Figure 7-9. |
spacebert_ecss | The accelerometer locations should be selected to ensure linear independence of the mode shapes of interest while retaining information about selected modal responses in the measurement data. NOTE 1 For the mode shapes of interest, see 4.1.2. NOTE 2 The following criteria can be applied in selecting the accelerometer locations: · Retain DOFs with a large kinetic energy. · Retain DOFs with a high mass-stiffness ratio. · Retain DOFs that maximize the observability of mode shapes (effective independence). · Remove only one DOF per iteration when optimizing the accelerometer locations with respect to kinetic energy and mass-stiffness ratio. NOTE 3 The suitability of the measurement locations can be assessed by evaluating the sensitivity of the predicted dynamic characteristics of the TAM with respect to the sensor locations. This can be done by using one of the following: · The single (MIF) and multi-variate mode indicator function (MMIF) calculated from the reference FEM (not the TAM) response at the measurement DOFs. · The AutoMAC calculated from the reference FEM modes at the measurement DOFs. |
spacebert_ecss | For non-maintainable systems, the availability during mission lifetime requirements shall be established considering that the mission is still operational at end of life. NOTE For example, no single point failure is considered as an unavailability contributor. |
2021_tmt_oad_WEB | The enclosure and unprotected equipment shall meet its Facility Performance requirements at wind speeds up to 30m/s (3s gust at 20m elevation). |
2004_hp_srs_web | Bus transients due to inter-domain operation shall be in accordance with the requirements of AD6-9. |
2019_gateway_WEB | <TBR-L2-GW-053> The Gateway shall operate in an orbit that limits the time during perilune passage, below 10,000 km but not lower than 1500 km altitude, above the lunar surface to less than 8 consecutive hours. |
2021_jpss2_web | The Spacecraft shall generate the 4-bit Virtual Channel Frame Count Cycle field with an initial value of 0000. |
2005_claruslow_PURE | The Clarus system shall collect pavement-related observations. |
spacebert_ecss | Each instruction to load a raw memory atomic data area in a non-interruptible transaction shall contain: 1. if the raw data memory management subservice manages more than one memory, the identifier of the memory; 2. the address of where to load the data, expressed as a byte pointer aligned on the memory access alignment constraint; 3. the bit mask, with length equal to the memory access alignment constraint; 4. the data to load, with length equal to the memory access alignment constraint. |
2021_jpss2_web | The X-band HRD interface shall have an end of spacecraft design life coverage (half angle) of 62 degrees about +/-Z S/C axis. |
2006_eirenesys15_PURE | Many trains employ multiple active traction vehicles. Where these vehicles are not connected by on-train wiring, it shall be possible for a permanent radio connection to be established between each of the active cabs. (I) |
spacebert_ecss | The electrical power available to the propulsion system throughout the mission is also a major input for the sizing and shall be determined. |
2008_keepass_PURE | Not exist |
spacebert_ecss | The following test steps shall be performed for group 6 in this order: 1. bake-out in conformance with clause 9.2.2; 2. reflow simulation in conformance with clause 9.8.3; 3. rework simulation on at least 4 PTH of the PCB in conformance with clause 9.5.4; 4. thermal cycling in conformance with clause 9.8.4; 5. microsectioning in conformance with clause 9.5.2; 6. evaluation of acceptance criteria in conformance with clause 10. |
spacebert_ecss | Crew station layouts shall be designed to take advantage of the human body preferred attitudes and movement capabilities made possible by the specific mission environment. |
2005_microcare_PURE | The above details are the master part and following are captured as transaction part Batch No Voucher No |
2005_skal1_WEB | Alarm notification shall be active (via SMS, email, etc.) rather than passive (requiring an Operator query) |
spacebert_ecss | Galvanic couples shall be in conformance with values from Table 5-1 of ECSS-Q-ST-70. |
2004_hp_srs_web | The spacecraft structure shall withstand the complete set of tests at qualification level with sufficient margins without the need of any refurbishment for flight. |
2013_loft_mrd_web | The Nominal Operations Phase (NOP) shall last 4 years. |
spacebert_ecss | A NACK shall not be requested to be sent if an unrecognized control word is received. |
2005_skal1_WEB | There shall be a single geodetic model for all telescopes, published as part of the Telescope Model. |
spacebert_ecss | The power for telemetry conditioning of equipment shall not be supplied from other unrelated units that are not permanently powered. |
spacebert_ecss | Mission-related requirements placed on the explosive subsystem shall be specified. |
spacebert_ecss | The TCS thermal balance test specification shall define the configuration of the test article, including number, type, location of sensors, acquisition rate and format output, the test set-up, the necessary GSE, the test conditions and the applicable constraints. NOTE The TBT should be harmonized with the system thermal vacuum test (TVT), which generally takes place in sequential order in the same vacuum chamber. |
spacebert_ecss | The evaluation report shall contain the date of test completion. |
spacebert_ecss | The supplier shall issue an Equipment Radiation Analysis document identifying all sensitive components w.r.t. the relevant radiation effects, possibly their impact and giving an adequate engineering solution (e.g. local shielding, design solution, specific test, RVT) for the relevant equipment. |
spacebert_ecss | The material characteristics shall be determined on material samples obtained by the same manufacturing process as the part themselves. |
spacebert_ecss | The rate of temperature change shall not exceed 10 °C/minute. |
spacebert_ecss | The supplier shall identify and specify the list of the equipment necessary to set up and run the approved test procedures. |
2013_loft_mrd_web | The S/C design shall enable the operational control by the ground segment during all mission phases and modes in both nominal and contingency situations. |
spacebert_ecss | Adhesion tape exceeding the shelf life shall be re-lifed by test before use. |
spacebert_ecss | On receipt of the RX_ENABLE.request primitive the encoding layer shall enable its input port. |
spacebert_ecss | The Alignment state machine shall leave the Not Ready state and move to the Near-End Ready state when the Aligned condition is fulfilled. |
2011_dot_WEB | The Network Services Subsystem shall support an interface to an authorized System Operator to configure system network parameters. |
spacebert_ecss | For each telecommand packet transporting a request to time-shift scheduled activities identified by request identifier, the application data field shall have the structure specified in Figure 8-94. |
2021_gmt_oad_web | The GMT in the NGAO wavefront control mode shall maintain a median NGWS Calibration error no greater than 22.4 nm RMS on-axis when using an R=10 guide star. |
spacebert_ecss | For each valid instruction to delete all time-based scheduling groups, the time-based scheduling subservice shall: 1. for each group that has no associated activity, delete the identifier of that group; 2. for each group that has associated activities, generate a failed execution notification for that group. |
spacebert_ecss | The Receive Synchronisation state machine shall leave the CheckSync State on one of the following conditions, which are evaluated in the order given: 1. When LaneReset is asserted, move to the LostSync state. 2. When word realignment occurs, move to the LostSync state. 3. When a total of more than four words are received that contain an invalid symbol or contain a disparity error, move to the LostSync state. 4. When all symbols within a word are valid, move to the Ready state. |
2018_jpss_l0_web | The algorithm shall produce a temperature profile product that has a measurement accuracy of 0.6 K at 500 mb for cloudy sea scenes; |
spacebert_ecss | The FMEA worksheet shall contain any pertinent remarks relevant to and clarifying any other column in the worksheet line. |
spacebert_ecss | The selection of the statistical methods and functional parameters shall be justified and approved by the customer. |
2021_gmt_oad_web | The mount shall limit the gravity deflection of the IP instrument window dRX with respect to OSS coordinates due to changing zenith angles and GIR angle to ? 100 ?rad. |
2005_skal1_WEB | The interface between CSP and TM shall be compliant with the SKA- TEL.CSP.SE-TEL.TM.SE-ICD-001. Interface Control Document. |
2000_nasax38_PURE | During alignment, Redundancy Management shall [SRS126] update MET (and, by extension, SEP). |
spacebert_ecss | In case the LCL/RLCL/HLCL switch fails in a dissipative failure and in case no other protection removes the failure, all the surrounding components shall be within derating. |
2005_skal1_WEB | The SKA1_Low array shall have a sensitivity per polarization at zenith of greater than 535 m2K-1 at 160 MHz when assuming a sky noise temperature following the law 60.lambda^2.55 |
spacebert_ecss | For qualification humidity test the space segment equipment shall be installed in the chamber and tested in accordance with the following processes and steps: 1. Pretest Conditions. Keep the chamber temperature at room ambient conditions with uncontrolled humidity. 2. Cycle 1. Perform the following process: (a) Increase the temperature to +35 °C over a one hour period. (b) Increase the humidity to not less than 95 % over a one hour period with the temperature maintained at +35 °C. (c) Hold the conditions and for two hours. (d) Reduced the temperature to +2 °C over a two hour period with the relative humidity stabilized at not less than 95 %. (e) Hold conditions for two hours. 3. Cycle 2. Repeat the foregoing cycle but increase the temperature from +2 C to +35 °C over a two hour period (moisture is not added to the chamber until +35 °C is reached). 4. Cycle 3. Perform the following process: (a) Increase the chamber temperature to +35 °C over a two hour period without adding any moisture to the chamber. (b) Dry the test component with air at room temperature and 50 % maximum relative humidity by blowing air through the chamber for six hours. (c) Set the volume of air used per minute equal to one to three times the test chamber volume. NOTE A suitable container can be used in place of the test chamber for drying the test component. 5. Cycle 4. Perform the following process: (a) Place the space segment equipment in the test chamber and increase the temperature to +35 °C. (b) Increase the relative humidity to 90 % over a one hour period. (c) Maintain conditions and for at least one hour. (d) Reduce the temperature to +2 °C over a one hour period with the relative humidity stabilized at 90 %. (e) Maintain conditions for at least one hour. (f) Follow the drying cycle (Cycle 3). 6. Check the space segment equipment prior to the test and at the end of Cycle 3 (within 2 h after the drying) and visually inspect for deterioration or damage. 7. Test the space segment equipment functionally during the Cycle 4 period of stability (i.e. following the 1 h-period after reaching +35 °C and 90 % relative humidity conditions). 8. Inspect the space segment equipment visually for deterioration or damage after removal from the chamber. |
spacebert_ecss | Susceptibility to hydrogen embrittlement shall be evaluated by comparing mechanical properties (in hydrogen rich environment with those obtained in air or inert gas. NOTE Examples or mechanical properties are fracture toughness and tensile strength. |
2021_tmt_srd_WEB | The site shall have long coherence time of atmosphere (easier for AO). |
spacebert_ecss | If the packet assembly controller defined in clause 5.5.4 is in use, then the Segment Data Field may be absent from some TC Segments. |
spacebert_ecss | The room temperature of the facility shall be maintained at 22 °C ± 3 °C. |
2021_gmt_oad_web | Electronic equipment installed on the GMT shall be compatible with VHF/UHF radios up to 5W radiating power, Cell phones, and WIFI communications transmitting at a distance of 1 meter, which comply with FCC part 15 and part 18, or CISPR-11 and CISPR-22 standards. |
2011_dot_WEB | The Service Monitor Subsystem shall report status when hardware is available. |
spacebert_ecss | In batteries having to tolerate a single fault and where the effects of a single cell failure are mitigated by the use of a cell bypass device, the following shall be met: 1. The probability of the bypass circuit untimely operation is lower than the probability of a failure of the cell. 2. If the bypass operation is not instantaneous, the power system design is able to operate without damage during the transient situation. 3. The maximum number of cells that can be bypassed after a failure or a wrong command is equal to the number of failures allowed by the specific mission design. |
2012_d51_web | The SICCI System shall perform processing for SIC module Product Formatting within a temporal threshold, which is a multiple of <x> kilobytes processed and <y> seconds |
2008_earthcare_web | The COM subsystem shall be compliant with the TM Synchronization and Channel Coding Standard (CCSDS 131.0-B-1). |
0000_mss_WEB | The thermovision camera shall work independently (when other sensors are disabled) |
2000_nasax38_PURE | Communication services shall [SRS051] detect message passing between application tasks living on the same virtual group and bypass the usage of the network element. |
2021_gmt_oad_web | The mount shall limit the elastic and hysteric displacement of the Secondary mirror vertex dZ with respect to OSS coordinates due to changing zenith angles to ? 1.4 mm. |
spacebert_ecss | The MOP shall list the applicable and reference documents in support of the generation of the document. |
spacebert_ecss | For each telecommand packet transporting a request to delete parameter functional reporting definitions, the application data field shall have the structure specified in Figure 8-47. |
spacebert_ecss | When a customer supplies a product to a supplier he shall have the responsibility of a supplier in respect of that product. |
spacebert_ecss | Applications of thick coatings that can result in damage to the coated items shall be evaluated by testing. |
spacebert_ecss | Settling and thermal stabilization shall be performed prior to functional performance testing. |
2018_jpss_l0_web | The algorithm shall produce an ice concentration product in all ice-covered regions of the global ocean. |
spacebert_ecss | For each valid instruction to delete a service type from the application process storage-control configuration, the packet selection subservice shall, for the related packet store: 1. delete the service type storage-control definitions related to that specified application process identifier and service type identifier; 2. if that service type storage-control definition deletion results in an emptied application process storage-control definition, delete that application process storage-control definition. |
spacebert_ecss | For each request to create a parameter functional reporting definition that is rejected, the parameter functional reporting configuration subservice shall generate a failed start of execution notification. |
2005_claruslow_PURE | The Clarus program shall maintain a comprehensive Clarus system test environment. |
2006_hgs_ird_web | The MOC shall make available to the ICCs the malfunctions or operation problems information related to their instruments. |
spacebert_ecss | The propulsion system design shall prevent undesired mixtures, migration or leakage of propellant, propellant vapours and combustion gases during the whole mission. |
spacebert_ecss | The supplier shall apply a traceability system for the test pieces in conformance with requirements from clause 5.2.5 of ECSS-Q-ST-20. |
2018_jpss_l0_web | The algorithm shall produce a cloud mask product that has a probability of correct typing of 88% Snow-free Land, Night |
spacebert_ecss | Ionizing radiation limits shall be specified. |
spacebert_ecss | All metallic finishes shall be verified in compliance with requirements from clause 5.5. |
spacebert_ecss | Sufficient information shall be provided by the sub-suppliers such that the data required by the customer is fully populated. |
spacebert_ecss | The NCR shall contain alpha or numerical identification of updated issues. |
2005_skal1_WEB | The SKA1_Mid shall have the configuration defined in the TB |
2021_tmt_ord_WEB | The TMT observatory shall support access control and search criteria for planned use cases and the expected observatory user types. |
spacebert_ecss | Each telemetry packet transporting a checked raw memory data report shall be of message subtype 10. |
Subsets and Splits