71 values
the church of scientology should be banned because it encourages its believers to undergo traumatic events which can be damaging to those individuals.
the church of scientology
women in combat are a distraction, as a man's natural instinct is to protect a female. the male soldiers wouldn't be able to effectively do their jobs.
women in combat
its not fair to entice honest citizens into committing crimes.
missionaries often provide volunteer services to under served communities
missionary work
the blockade has left a majority of the population unemployed, humanitarian assistance has been unable to reach the people and resources like fuel have been decreased to a dire level.
blockade of the gaza strip
pride parades help promote a diversity of lifestyle options & thinking
cancel pride parades
public defenders for everyone ensure every defendant gets a fair representation. it evens the playing field despite income or situation.
the use of public defenders
multi-party systems have more plurality of thinking and are more democratic
multi-party system
zoos are places where they physically abuse animals and it is our duty to protect them
Vocational education helps keep young adults in school, off the streets, and out of trouble.
vocational education
more political parties allow us to have more options to choose and more plurality of thought
multi-party system
minors are not mature enough to opt for cosmetic surgery and there is concern that they could later have regrets.
cosmetic surgery for minors
sale of cannabis should not be legalized because it is a dangerous drug and as such is a public health concern
flag burning is an unnecessary gesture that only serves to be divisive
flag burning
We should not fight urbanization because it creates more jobs, more jobs more incomes
fight urbanization
judicial activism should be limited if judges are biased and rule on their own beliefs and its not in the interest of the country or needs of modern day society
judicial activism
payday loans encourage people to take on more debt than they can reasonably afford.
payday loans
embryonic stem cell research has saved and improved many lives that could not have been helped otherwise. with further financial support more could be achieved.
embryonic stem cell research
factory farming provides a faster mass production of food and gives us a way to feed more people than we would if we banned it. there will be less hunger in the world so we shouldn't ban it.
factory farming
the church of scientology has every right to exist as a religious organization than any other, even if people don't agree with their teachings.
the church of scientology
People will hunt whales into extinction if they are given the opportunity.
many religions allow and even promote polygamy, by making it illegal we are restricting the fundamental right of freedom of religion, because we have a legal system based upon one religion.
marriage is an out-dated patriarchal system of female ownership that has no place in a modern equal society.
pride parades enable people that are lgbtq to express themselves and come together in a safe environment.
cancel pride parades
pride parades are harmless. if you don't agree with their stance that is fine, but allowing them to show their pride isn't causing any negatives at all.
cancel pride parades
public defenders are important to upholding our individual rights
the use of public defenders
It is the right of every good citizen to protect themselves and their families from criminals and evil tyrants, being allowed to keep and bear arms is an integral part of achieving this.
the right to keep and bear arms
free speech should never be a criminal offense.
holocaust denial
capital punishment provides a more effective deterrent that simple fines, penalties or light sentences in prison.
capital punishment
driverless cars would make the lives of people who are medically unable to drive much easier because they wouldn’t have to rely on someone else for their transport.
the development of autonomous cars
marriage is an outdated tradition that does not account for our changing society.
subsidies can make journalists biased towards the companies subsidising them
the costs of an austerity regime is too high and would destroy the economy. unemployment rates would surge as spending decreases leading to economic destruction.
austerity regime
whaling is a cruel, unnecessary practice that endangers the populations of many species of marine life
Zoos have breeding programs which has brought many animals back from the brink of extinction.
school uniforms show pride and community and provide fewer distractions from learning.
the use of school uniform
if we abolished the right to bear arms then there would be fewer violent incidents that kill innocent civilians for example, the manchester shootings.
the right to keep and bear arms
urbanization is one of the causes of climate change
fight urbanization
a democratic and free society is said to respect bodily autonomy, therefore we should have the right to do what we want with our organs, including using them in a legal organ trade
organ trade
economic sanctions are an effective way to put pressure on countries that are doing wrong
the use of economic sanctions
we need to abolish intellectual property rights and let people innovate and create without having to worry about who owns what
intellectual property rights
economic sanctions are controversial and punish primarily innocent and poor people who are living on a day-to-day basis to get something to eat
the use of economic sanctions
we should never have foreign policy that aims to kill. we should aim to capture and legitimately take them to trial.
targeted killing
factory farming is a cheaper way to produce large quantities of food
factory farming
nuclear weapons deter wars between large countries because they are afraid about what might be used against them
the abolition of nuclear weapons
Mandatory retirement allows there to be enough jobs for the next generation, which is more important since these are people who don't have family to rely on and are only starting to build their lives.
Factory farming mistreats animals and doesn't care for the quality. It's only an industry interested in profit making and could thus lead to people getting diseases from badly raised cattle
factory farming
everyone has the right to alter their bodies or appearances in which ever way makes them feel comfortable and at ease.
cosmetic surgery
the legality of marriage helps with health care and government benefits,
the olympic games are an unnecessary competition that stokes up nationism and xenophobia whilst being a front for international fraud and corruption.
the olympic games
economic sanctions are an important and valuable tool in international relations with countries. they are a diplomatic option that can be used to solve problems without military conflict.
the use of economic sanctions
some women, through no fault of their own, are incapable of being biological mothers - surrogacy gives them the chance of such an incredible experience.
school uniforms are too costly for some parents
the use of school uniform
targeted killing often results in the death of innocent citizens and is unnecessary when arrest and trial actually provide a better platform to ensure people answer to their crimes
targeted killing
safe spaces foster isolation and retreat from the rest of society and they do nothing to address underlying safety issues.
safe spaces
racial profiling only hurts minorities and gives them a stronger feeling of resentment towards authorities
racial profiling
with today's epidemic of obesity it is essential that we ban fast food.
fast food
television should be abandoned because we are becoming addicted to it and it is nothing but trash and smut all the time.
whaling is cruel and unnecessary; it should be banned.
We should subsidize Wikipedia to ensure that it is properly maintained and impartial as it is such a valuable global resource.
we should not stop the development of autonomous cars because they can help with people that can't or don't drive and they won't drive drunk, tired or on drugs
the development of autonomous cars
sex selection makes it easier for families to plan when having children.
sex selection
homeopathy lacks scientific evidence and may be more counterproductive than beneficial for people
foster care provides children with much-needed stability and security, and foster parents do an excellent job of bringing these children up in a family environment
foster care
embryonic stem cell research can create significant, life saving advancements in medicine.
embryonic stem cell research
we should abandon the use of school uniform because it limits kids the freedom of expressing themselves
the use of school uniform
for some people, payday loans are the only option and taking them away would result in people resorting to illegal actions to obtain money instead.
payday loans
whaling is carried out in an indiscrimate and inhumane manner, driving certain species to the brink of extinction.
sex selection allows people to play god and can create an imbalance between sexes in the population as a whole
sex selection
many innocent people lost their lives in the holocaust. denying it happened is an insult to their families and the survivors.
holocaust denial
our schools should be safe for our children to attend, so there must be zero-tolerance for those who make them unsafe.
zero-tolerance policy in schools
subsidizing stay-at-home dads would make men lazy and disinterested in working
stay-at-home dads
telemarketing interfers with people's lives and takes advantage of the weak members of society because the callers lie to them and take their money under false pretenses.
Child actors are fine to use as long as there is a responsible adult watching them.
the use of child actors
wikipedia should not be subsidized as it is easily manipulated to contain incorrect information which can spread quickly and not accurate
factory farming is a cost effective method of food production which allows everyone to access expensive foods at a better price
factory farming
organ trade will give organs to those who sometimes will wait years for a match
organ trade
being forced to do anything inhibits freedom.
compulsory voting
television allows people to spend time together, enjoying a show or movie and being able to enjoy a shared pastime regardless of weather and physical restrictions.
marriage brings stability to the family unit which children need to develop into proper citizens of a society.
there is nothing wrong with using technology to help people in the stock market who make large orders process them automatically in a slower process. it allows use to use electronic trading today.
algorithmic trading
Forcing a person to retire solely because he or she has reached a certain arbitrary age is no different from denying a person a job because of sex, race or religion
autonomous cars can make enable people with disabilities or visual impairments to lead a more independent life.
the development of autonomous cars
compulsory voting will improve voter turn out and ensure that everyone is fairly represented.
compulsory voting
we should ban naturopathy because it is a topic without a lot of scientific backing or research to prove it's usefulness.
the supreme court held in 2008 that guantanamo does not provide the detainees with the constitutionally required access to, or suitable substitute to, a court trial, meaning they are held there illegally
guantanamo bay detention camp
judicial activism undermines the rule of law
judicial activism
it was a horrible, tragic event, the worst this world has ever seen. we need to learn from history and if it is denied, it opens the door for it to happen again if people don't believe it ever happened.
holocaust denial
telemarketers are a nuisance and waste our valuable time.
there are thousands of people waiting desperately for organs.
organ trade
telemarketing is an invasion of privacy, especially when they call at late hours, during meals and/or repetitively even after asking for the call to stop.
We should subsidize vocational education because these skills are essential to the economy.
vocational education
we should not ban cosmetic surgery for minors because some minors do need some sort of surgery to improve their lifestyle such as cleft palate
cosmetic surgery for minors
to profile someone as a potential criminal using just their race is clearly a racist practice
racial profiling
payday loans are discriminatory. they are only served to poor people at a high rate which perpetuate their continuous poverty
payday loans
for multiple reasons the right of intellectual property should not be abolished since it gives others the participation of making their intellect known and putting it into practice in various activities
intellectual property rights
people have the right to decide how they vote and even if they want to vote. compulsory voting is one step away from the government having total control over everything we do, what would the next step be?
compulsory voting
the blockade is necessary in order to protect sovereignty.
blockade of the gaza strip
Creating such a secluded environment for this detention camp has encouraged and legitimized unlawful and immoral behaviour on the part of the soldiers in charge of the detainees.
guantanamo bay detention camp
Legalizing marijuana would end the costly enforcement of marijuana laws and free up police resources which could focus on more serious crimes.