358 values
fun error9 () : nothing var c : char; { c <- c*'l'; }
[ "MIT" ]
[{"Name":"AmazonAWSRequest","Enabled":true,"Scanner":3,"Author":"@egarme","UrlEncode":false,"Grep":["true,Or,All Request,Name,s3..*"],"Tags":["All"],"PayloadResponse":false,"NotResponse":false,"isTime":false,"iscontentLength":false,"CaseSensitive":false,"ExcludeHTTP":false,"OnlyHTTP":false,"IsContentType":false,"NegativeCT":false,"IsResponseCode":false,"NegativeRC":false,"isurlextension":false,"NegativeUrlExtension":false,"MatchType":2,"RedirType":0,"MaxRedir":0,"payloadPosition":0,"grepsFile":"","IssueName":"AmazonAWS","IssueSeverity":"Information","IssueConfidence":"Firm","IssueDetail":"Amazon AWS found: \u003cbr\u003e\u003cgrep\u003e","RemediationDetail":"","IssueBackground":"","RemediationBackground":"","VariationAttributes":[],"Scantype":0,"pathDiscovery":false}]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
package flash.system; extern final class ApplicationDomain { @:require(flash10) var domainMemory(get,set) : flash.utils.ByteArray; var parentDomain(get,never) : ApplicationDomain; function new(?parentDomain : ApplicationDomain) : Void; function getDefinition(name : String) : flash.utils.Object; @:require(flash11_3) function getQualifiedDefinitionNames() : flash.Vector<String>; private function get_domainMemory() : flash.utils.ByteArray; private function get_parentDomain() : ApplicationDomain; function hasDefinition(name : String) : Bool; private function set_domainMemory(value : flash.utils.ByteArray) : flash.utils.ByteArray; @:require(flash10) static var MIN_DOMAIN_MEMORY_LENGTH(get,never) : UInt; static var currentDomain(get,never) : ApplicationDomain; private static function get_MIN_DOMAIN_MEMORY_LENGTH() : UInt; private static function get_currentDomain() : ApplicationDomain; }
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
Prefix(:=<>) Ontology(:GrandChild Declaration(Class(:grandchild)) )
Web Ontology Language
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
# ============================================================= # This script is written to generate structured multi-block # grid with almost any types of waviness at TE for almost any # airfoil according to the grid guideline. #============================================================== # written by Pay Dehpanah # last update: Oct 2021 #============================================================== proc Topo_Prep_Mesh {wavyp} { global ypg dsg grg chord_sg ter_sg ler_sg tpts_sg exp_sg imp_sg vol_sg TOTAL_HEIGHT res_lev global model_2D model_Q2D span fixed_snodes span_dimension global N_third rightcon_top rightcon_bot airfoilfront left_hte right_hte leftcons rmesh_trsdoms middoms global blk blkexam cae_solver w1_y GRD_TYP chordln Xzone extr_watchout global HYB_HEIGHT maxstepfac air_Crvs global domBCs blkBCs # collecting boundaries as it builds array set domBCs [] array set blkBCs [] set Xzone [expr $chordln - ($wavyp*$chordln)/100.] set DBall [pw::Database getAll] pw::Entity transform [pwu::Transform rotation -anchor {0 0 0} {1 0 0} 90] $DBall set DBmod [pw::Database getAll -type pw::Model] set Consdb [pw::Connector createOnDatabase -parametricConnectors Aligned -merge 0 [list $DBmod]] set Refcon_sp [lrange $Consdb 3 4] foreach con $Refcon_sp { $con setDimensionFromSpacing $chord_sg } [[lindex $Refcon_sp 0] getDistribution 1] setBeginSpacing $ter_sg [[lindex $Refcon_sp 0] getDistribution 1] setEndSpacing $ler_sg [[lindex $Refcon_sp 1] getDistribution 1] setBeginSpacing $ler_sg [[lindex $Refcon_sp 1] getDistribution 1] setEndSpacing $ter_sg foreach con $Refcon_sp { lappend Refcon_spsp [$con split [$con getParameter -X $Xzone]] } foreach con $Refcon_spsp { lappend leftcons [lindex $con 0] lappend leftcons [lindex $con 1] } [lindex $leftcons 0] setDimension [[lindex $leftcons 3] getDimension ] set left_hte [lindex $Consdb end] set right_hte [lindex $Consdb end-1] $right_hte delete # removing unnecessary connectors foreach con [list {*}[lrange $Consdb 0 2] {*}[lrange $Consdb end-3 end-2]] { $con delete } $left_hte setDimension $tpts_sg lappend leftcons $left_hte set HYB_HEIGHT $TOTAL_HEIGHT if { ! [string compare $GRD_TYP HYB] } { set TOTAL_HEIGHT [expr $chordln*0.08] if { $TOTAL_HEIGHT < [expr 0.65*$extr_watchout] } { set TOTAL_HEIGHT [expr 0.65*$extr_watchout] } } set maxstepfac [list 10000 7000 5000 3000 2000] set leftedge [pw::Edge createFromConnectors $leftcons] set dom_left [pw::DomainStructured create] $dom_left addEdge $leftedge set leftxtr [pw::Application begin ExtrusionSolver [list $dom_left]] $leftxtr setKeepFailingStep true $dom_left setExtrusionSolverAttribute NormalMarchingMode Plane $dom_left setExtrusionSolverAttribute NormalMarchingVector {-0 1 -0} $dom_left setExtrusionSolverAttribute NormalInitialStepSize $dsg $dom_left setExtrusionSolverAttribute SpacingGrowthFactor $grg $dom_left setExtrusionSolverAttribute NormalMaximumStepSize \ [expr [[lindex $leftcons 1] getAverageSpacing]*[lindex $maxstepfac $res_lev]] $dom_left setExtrusionSolverAttribute StopAtHeight $TOTAL_HEIGHT $dom_left setExtrusionSolverAttribute NormalExplicitSmoothing $exp_sg $dom_left setExtrusionSolverAttribute NormalImplicitSmoothing $imp_sg $dom_left setExtrusionSolverAttribute NormalKinseyBarthSmoothing 0.0 $dom_left setExtrusionSolverAttribute NormalVolumeSmoothing $vol_sg $leftxtr run 900 #checking stop condition set stopCond [$leftxtr getStopConditionData [lindex [$leftxtr getRunResult] 1]] if { [string compare [lindex $stopCond 2] Height] } { puts "NORMAL EXTRUSION FAILED! PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE'S GRID SPECIFICATIONS!" $leftxtr end exit -1 } else { $leftxtr end } set dom_left_spa [$dom_left split -I [list [expr $tpts_sg + \ [[lindex $leftcons 0] getDimension] - 1] [expr $tpts_sg + [[lindex $leftcons 0] getDimension] \ + [[lindex $leftcons 1] getDimension] + [[lindex $leftcons 2] getDimension] - 3]]] set dom_left_spb [[lindex $dom_left_spa 0] split -I [list $tpts_sg]] set ref_con [[[lindex $dom_left_spb 0] getEdge 2] getConnector 1] set ref_con_length [$ref_con getLength -arc 1] set ref_con_dim [$ref_con getDimension] if { ! [string compare $GRD_TYP STR] } { set ref_consp [$ref_con split -I [list \ [lindex [$ref_con closestCoordinate [$ref_con getPosition -arc 0.006]] 0]]] } elseif { ! [string compare $GRD_TYP HYB] } { set ref_consp [$ref_con split -I [list [lindex [$ref_con closestCoordinate \ [$ref_con getPosition -grid [expr int($ref_con_dim-2)]]] 0]]] } else { puts "PLEASE SELECT A VALID OPTION FOR GRID TYPE IN INPUT FILE." exit -1 } foreach spdom $dom_left_spb { lappend dom_left_spc [$spdom split -J [[lindex $ref_consp 0] getDimension]] } lappend dom_left_spd [[lindex $dom_left_spa 2] split -J [[lindex $ref_consp 0] getDimension]] set spanSpc [pw::Examine create ConnectorEdgeLength] $spanSpc addEntity [lindex $leftcons 1] $spanSpc addEntity [lindex $leftcons 2] $spanSpc examine set spanSpcv [$spanSpc getMaximum] set trnstp [expr [llength $w1_y]-1] lappend alldoms [lindex $dom_left_spa 1] lappend alldoms [lindex [lindex $dom_left_spd 0] 1] lappend alldoms [lindex [lindex $dom_left_spc 0] 1] lappend alldoms [lindex [lindex $dom_left_spc 1] 1] set fstr [pw::FaceStructured createFromDomains $alldoms] for {set i 0} {$i<[llength $fstr]} {incr i} { lappend blk [pw::BlockStructured create] [lindex $blk $i] addFace [lindex $fstr $i] } set domtrn [pw::Application begin ExtrusionSolver $blk] foreach bl $blk { $bl setExtrusionSolverAttribute Mode Translate $bl setExtrusionSolverAttribute TranslateDirection {0 -1 0} $bl setExtrusionSolverAttribute TranslateDistance $span } if {[string compare $fixed_snodes NO]==0} { $domtrn run $trnstp $domtrn end } else { $domtrn run [expr $span_dimension-1] #checking stop condition if {[string compare [lindex [$domtrn getRunResult] 0] Completed]!=0} { puts "TRANSLATE EXTRUSION FAILED! PLEASE CHECK YOUR INPUT FILE!" $domtrn end exit -1 } $domtrn end } lappend domBCs(1) [lindex $alldoms 0] lappend blkBCs(1) [lindex $blk 0] #collecting BCs | left foreach dom [lrange $alldoms 1 end] { lappend domBCs(1) $dom lappend blkBCs(1) [lindex $blk 1] } #collecting BCs | right and farfield foreach bk $blk { foreach dom [[$bk getFace 6] getDomains] { lappend domBCs(2) $dom lappend blkBCs(2) $bk } foreach dom [[$bk getFace 5] getDomains] { lappend domBCs(3) $dom lappend blkBCs(3) $bk } } set dq_database [pw::Layer getLayerEntities -type pw::Quilt 0] set airfoilfront [[[lindex $blk 0] getFace 3] getDomains] pw::Entity project -type ClosestPoint $airfoilfront $dq_database #collecting BCs | surface foreach dom $airfoilfront { lappend domBCs(0) $dom lappend blkBCs(0) [lindex $blk 0] } foreach bl $blk { $blkexam addEntity $bl lappend hyb_doms [[$bl getFace 1] getDomains] } foreach doms $hyb_doms { foreach dom $doms { lappend hyb_cons [[$dom getEdge 3] getConnector 1] } } set hyb_path [[[lindex [[[lindex $blk 1] getFace 5] getDomains] end] getEdge 2] getConnector 1] set hyb_spcon [[[lindex [[[lindex $blk 1] getFace 1] getDomains] end] getEdge 4] getConnector 1] set airTop_con [[[lindex $airfoilfront 1] getEdge 2] getConnector 1] set airBot_con [[[lindex $airfoilfront 0] getEdge 4] getConnector 1] set N_third [$airBot_con getDimension] set up_Seg [pw::SegmentSpline create] $up_Seg addPoint [[[lindex $leftcons 0] getNode End] getXYZ] $up_Seg addPoint [[$airTop_con getNode End] getXYZ] set up_Crv [pw::Curve create] $up_Crv addSegment $up_Seg set low_Seg [pw::SegmentSpline create] $low_Seg addPoint [[[lindex $leftcons 3] getNode Begin] getXYZ] $low_Seg addPoint [[$airBot_con getNode End] getXYZ] set low_Crv [pw::Curve create] $low_Crv addSegment $low_Seg set air_Crvs [list $up_Crv $low_Crv] set rmesh_trsdoms [list [lindex [lindex $dom_left_spc 0] 0] \ [lindex [lindex $dom_left_spc 1] 0] \ [lindex [lindex $dom_left_spd 0] 0]] set middoms [[[lindex $blk 1] getFace 3] getDomains] if { ! [string compare $GRD_TYP HYB] } { HYBRID_Mesh $hyb_cons $hyb_path $hyb_spcon $N_third} }
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
-- Defines a **struct** with the given name and properties. -- -- The generated struct has a constructor with the given properties -- in the same order as declared. The struct only provides getters, -- not setters, making it immutable by default. -- -- You can pass a block to this macro, that will be inserted inside -- the struct definition. -- -- ``` -- record Point, x, y -- -- point = 1, 2 -- point.to_s # => "Point(@x=1, @y=2)" -- ``` -- -- An example with the block version: -- -- ``` -- record Person, first_name, last_name do -- def full_name -- "{{first_name}} {{last_name}}" -- end -- end -- -- person = "John", "Doe" -- person.full_name # => "John Doe" -- ``` _debug_start_ = true macro record(name, type {} << Struct getter {} init({= |field| "@{{}}".id =}) -> end {=yield=} clone() -> {}.new({= |field| "@{{}}.clone".id =}) end end end -- Prints a series of expressions together with their values. Useful for print style debugging. -- -- ``` -- a = 1 -- pp a # prints "a = 1" -- -- pp [1, 2, 3].map(&.to_s) # prints "[1, 2, 3].map(&.to_s) = ["1", "2", "3"] -- ``` macro pp(...exps) {% for exp in exps %} -- should be $.puts !? ::puts "{{ {=exp.stringify=} }} = {{ ({=exp=}).inspect }}" {% end %} end macro assert-responds-to(var, method) if {=var=}.responds-to?(#{=method=}) {=var=} else raise "expected {=var=} to respond to :{=method=}, not {{ {=var=} }}" end end
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
;; Test that the attributes are handled as they should be. ;; - doc is ignored ;; - export all propagates properly (defmodule test_atts "The real doc string." (doc "This deprecated doc string should be ignored!") (doc "Another deprecated doc string which should be ignored!") (another "attribute") (export (foo 1)) (export all) ;This should propagate (export (bar 1))) (defun foo (x) "Foo has a doc string." (list x)) (extend-module ((doc "More docs")) ((doc "Yet another deprecated doc string which should be ignored!"))) (extend-module () ((doc "More deprecated docs!" "Many in one doc!." "Three doc strings in one doc in fact."))) (defun bar (x) (tuple x))
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
== Test Expert == There are two test expert advisors: * one for the compiled DLL OTMql4Zmq: [[MQL4/Experts/OTMql4/OTZmqCmdEA.mq4|]] * one for the Python [[PyZmq]]: [[MQL4/Experts/OTMql4/OTPyTestZmqEA.mq4|]] See [[PythonOTMql4Zmq]]. === Troubleshooting === During debugging, we have had cases with the compiled DLL OTMql4Zmq of the expert not being able to be removed: this is not normally the case, but only when we have errors in our code. If this happens, it may precent Mt4 from exiting cleanly. If so, you must kill Mt4, and then manually edit the profile for that chart to remove the expert. Go to the {{{profile}}} directory of your Mt4 installation and read the file {{{lastprofile.ini}}} to find out what profile you are currently using. Then go into that directory and search the {{{chr}}} files for the ones that contain an {{{<expert>}}} section. Remove the section that starts with {{{<expert>}}} and ends with {{{</expert>}}}, inclusive. Also remove any backup files your editor might make, as all files in this directory get read by Mt4. Then restart Mt4. ---- Parent: [[Home]]
[ "MIT" ]
<div style="background-color: white; color: red"> <h1>Internal Server Error</h1> </div>
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
/*############################################################################## HPCC SYSTEMS software Copyright (C) 2012 HPCC Systems®. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ############################################################################## */ layout := { string s {maxlength(100)}, }; ds := dataset([{'<abcd>'},{'<abcdefghijklmn>'}], layout); pattern letter := pattern('[a-z]'); pattern letterpair := pattern('[a-z][a-z]'); pattern prelettersmin := repeat(letter, 0, 5, MIN); pattern prelettersmax := repeat(letter, 0, 5); pattern letters := repeat(letter, 1, any); pattern elementmin := '<' preLettersmin letters'>'; pattern elementmax := '<' preLettersmax letters'>'; pattern prepairsmin := repeat(letterpair, 0, 5, MIN); pattern prepairsmax := repeat(letterpair, 0, 5); pattern pairs := repeat(letterpair, 1, any); pattern elementpairmin := '<' prePairsmin pairs '>'; pattern elementpairmax := '<' prePairsmax pairs'>'; layout parseLetters(layout rec) := transform self.s := matchtext(letters); end; layout parsePairs(layout rec) := transform self.s := matchtext(pairs); end; output(parse(ds, s, elementmin, parseLetters(left)), named('Letter_min')); output(parse(ds, s, elementmax, parseLetters(left)), named('Letter_max')); output(parse(ds, s, elementpairmin, parsePairs(left)), named('pair_min')); output(parse(ds, s, elementpairmax, parsePairs(left)), named('pair_max'));
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
export interface A { b: number; } export as namespace moduleA;
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package a type I0 interface { I1 } type T struct { I1 } type I1 interface { M(*T) // removing * makes crash go away }
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
defmodule(CompileSample, do: nil)
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
{ options: { CSS: { prefix: 'cros' }, }, typography: { font_families: { font_family_test: "'Google Sans', 'Noto Sans', sans-serif", font_family_other: "Roboto, 'Noto Sans', sans-serif", }, typefaces: { headline_1: { font_family: '$font_family_test', font_size: 15, font_weight: 500, line_height: 22, } } } }
[ "BSD-3-Clause-No-Nuclear-License-2014", "BSD-3-Clause" ]
-- quick way to maintain a stack of fake ngx variables for testing stack = {} push = (new_ngx) -> joined = if ngx table.insert stack, ngx with joined = {k,v for k,v in pairs ngx} for k,v in pairs new_ngx joined[k] = v else new_ngx export ngx = joined pop = -> export ngx = stack[#stack] stack[#stack] = nil { :push, :pop }
[ "MIT", "Unlicense" ]
program Compil32; { Inno Setup Copyright (C) 1997-2019 Jordan Russell Portions by Martijn Laan For conditions of distribution and use, see LICENSE.TXT. Compiler } {$SetPEFlags 1} {$SETPEOSVERSION 6.0} {$SETPESUBSYSVERSION 6.0} {$WEAKLINKRTTI ON} uses SafeDLLPath in 'SafeDLLPath.pas', Windows, SysUtils, Forms, PathFunc, CompForm in 'CompForm.pas' {CompileForm}, CmnFunc in 'CmnFunc.pas', CmnFunc2 in 'CmnFunc2.pas', CompFunc in 'CompFunc.pas', CompMsgs in 'CompMsgs.pas', CompInt in 'CompInt.pas', CompOptions in 'CompOptions.pas' {OptionsForm}, CompStartup in 'CompStartup.pas' {StartupForm}, CompWizard in 'CompWizard.pas' {WizardForm}, CompWizardFile in 'CompWizardFile.pas' {WizardFileForm}, CompFileAssoc in 'CompFileAssoc.pas', TmSchema in '..\Components\TmSchema.pas', UxTheme in '..\Components\UxTheme.pas', DebugStruct in 'DebugStruct.pas', BrowseFunc in 'BrowseFunc.pas', CompSignTools in 'CompSignTools.pas' {SignToolsForm}, CompInputQueryCombo in 'CompInputQueryCombo.pas', ScintInt in '..\Components\ScintInt.pas', ScintEdit in '..\Components\ScintEdit.pas', ScintStylerInnoSetup in '..\Components\ScintStylerInnoSetup.pas', ModernColors in '..\Components\ModernColors.pas', CompMessageBoxDesigner in 'CompMessageBoxDesigner.pas' {MBDForm}, CompScintEdit in 'CompScintEdit.pas'; {$R *.res} {$R Compil32.manifest.res} {$R CompDocIcon.res} procedure SetAppUserModelID; var Func: function(AppID: PWideChar): HRESULT; stdcall; begin { On Windows 7, for the IDE to be pinnable and show a Jump List, it is necessary to explicitly assign an AppUserModelID because by default the taskbar excludes applications that have "Setup" in their name. } Func := GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle('shell32.dll'), 'SetCurrentProcessExplicitAppUserModelID'); if Assigned(Func) then Func('JR.InnoSetup.IDE.6'); end; procedure RegisterApplicationRestart; const RESTART_MAX_CMD_LINE = 1024; RESTART_NO_CRASH = $1; RESTART_NO_HANG = $2; RESTART_NO_PATCH = $4; RESTART_NO_REBOOT = $8; var Func: function(pwzCommandLine: PWideChar; dwFlags: DWORD): HRESULT; stdcall; CommandLine: WideString; begin { Allow Restart Manager to restart us after updates. } Func := GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle('kernel32.dll'), 'RegisterApplicationRestart'); if Assigned(Func) then begin { Rebuild the command line, can't just use an exact copy since it might contain relative path names but Restart Manager doesn't restore the working directory. } if CommandLineWizard then CommandLine := '/WIZARD' else begin CommandLine := CommandLineFilename; if CommandLine <> '' then CommandLine := '"' + CommandLine + '"'; if CommandLineCompile then CommandLine := '/CC ' + CommandLine; end; if Length(CommandLine) > RESTART_MAX_CMD_LINE then CommandLine := ''; Func(PWideChar(CommandLine), RESTART_NO_CRASH or RESTART_NO_HANG or RESTART_NO_REBOOT); end; end; procedure CreateMutexes; { Creates the two mutexes used by the Inno Setup's own installer/uninstaller to see if the compiler is still running. One of the mutexes is created in the global name space (which makes it possible to access the mutex across user sessions in Windows XP); the other is created in the session name space (because versions of Windows NT prior to 4.0 TSE don't have a global name space and don't support the 'Global\' prefix). } const MutexName = 'InnoSetupCompilerAppMutex'; begin CreateMutex(MutexName); CreateMutex('Global\' + MutexName); { don't localize } end; var InitialCurDir: String; procedure CheckParams; procedure Error; begin MessageBox(0, SCompilerCommandLineHelp3, SCompilerFormCaption, MB_OK or MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); Halt(1); end; var P, I: Integer; S: String; Dummy: Boolean; begin P := NewParamCount; I := 1; while I <= P do begin S := NewParamStr(I); if CompareText(S, '/CC') = 0 then CommandLineCompile := True else if CompareText(S, '/WIZARD') = 0 then begin if I = P then Error; CommandLineWizard := True; CommandLineWizardName := NewParamStr(I+1); Inc(I); end else if CompareText(S, '/ASSOC') = 0 then begin try RegisterISSFileAssociation(False, Dummy); except MessageBox(0, PChar(GetExceptMessage), nil, MB_OK or MB_ICONSTOP); Halt(2); end; Halt; end else if CompareText(S, '/UNASSOC') = 0 then begin try UnregisterISSFileAssociation; except MessageBox(0, PChar(GetExceptMessage), nil, MB_OK or MB_ICONSTOP); Halt(2); end; Halt; end else if (S = '') or (S[1] = '/') or (CommandLineFilename <> '') then Error else CommandLineFilename := PathExpand(PathCombine(InitialCurDir, S)); Inc(I); end; if (CommandLineCompile or CommandLineWizard) and (CommandLineFilename = '') then Error; end; begin InitialCurDir := GetCurrentDir; if not SetCurrentDir(PathExtractDir(NewParamStr(0))) then SetCurrentDir(GetSystemDir); SetAppUserModelID; CreateMutexes; Application.Initialize; CheckParams; RegisterApplicationRestart; { The 'with' is so that the Delphi IDE doesn't mess with these } with Application do begin if CommandLineWizard then Title := CommandLineWizardName else Title := SCompilerFormCaption; end; Application.CreateForm(TCompileForm, CompileForm); Application.Run; end.
[ "FSFAP" ]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <faces-config> <faces-config-extension> <!-- CHECKME RPr: should we overwite the standard xp:dominoDocument? <default-prefix>xp</default-prefix> <namespace-uri></namespace-uri> --> <namespace-uri></namespace-uri> <default-prefix>on</default-prefix> </faces-config-extension> <complex-type> <description>OpenNTF replacement for "document"</description> <display-name>OpenNTF-Document</display-name> <complex-id>org.openntf.domino.xsp.model.openntfDominoDocument </complex-id> <complex-class>org.openntf.domino.xsp.model.OpenntfDominoDocumentData </complex-class> <!-- <property> // currently we do not hava any additional properties </property> --> <complex-extension> <tag-name>dominoDocument</tag-name> <base-complex-id> </base-complex-id> <designer-extension> <priority>5</priority> </designer-extension> </complex-extension> </complex-type> </faces-config>
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
from unittest import skipIf from django.test.utils import override_settings try: import jinja2 except ImportError: jinja2 = None def jinja2_tests(test_func): test_func = skipIf(jinja2 is None, 'this test requires jinja2')(test_func) return override_settings( FORM_RENDERER='django.forms.renderers.Jinja2', TEMPLATES={'BACKEND': 'django.template.backends.jinja2.Jinja2'}, )(test_func)
[ "BSD-3-Clause", "0BSD" ]
#![warn(clippy::size_of_in_element_count)] #![allow(clippy::ptr_offset_with_cast)] use std::mem::{size_of, size_of_val}; use std::ptr::{copy, copy_nonoverlapping, write_bytes}; fn main() { const SIZE: usize = 128; const HALF_SIZE: usize = SIZE / 2; const DOUBLE_SIZE: usize = SIZE * 2; let mut x = [2u8; SIZE]; let mut y = [2u8; SIZE]; // Count expression involving multiplication of size_of (Should trigger the lint) unsafe { copy_nonoverlapping(x.as_ptr(), y.as_mut_ptr(), size_of::<u8>() * SIZE) }; // Count expression involving nested multiplications of size_of (Should trigger the lint) unsafe { copy_nonoverlapping(x.as_ptr(), y.as_mut_ptr(), HALF_SIZE * size_of_val(&x[0]) * 2) }; // Count expression involving divisions of size_of (Should trigger the lint) unsafe { copy(x.as_ptr(), y.as_mut_ptr(), DOUBLE_SIZE * size_of::<u8>() / 2) }; // Count expression involving divisions by size_of (Should not trigger the lint) unsafe { copy(x.as_ptr(), y.as_mut_ptr(), DOUBLE_SIZE / size_of::<u8>()) }; // Count expression involving divisions by multiple size_of (Should not trigger the lint) unsafe { copy(x.as_ptr(), y.as_mut_ptr(), DOUBLE_SIZE / (2 * size_of::<u8>())) }; // Count expression involving recursive divisions by size_of (Should trigger the lint) unsafe { copy(x.as_ptr(), y.as_mut_ptr(), DOUBLE_SIZE / (2 / size_of::<u8>())) }; // No size_of calls (Should not trigger the lint) unsafe { copy(x.as_ptr(), y.as_mut_ptr(), SIZE) }; // Different types for pointee and size_of (Should not trigger the lint) unsafe { y.as_mut_ptr().write_bytes(0u8, size_of::<u16>() / 2 * SIZE) }; }
[ "ECL-2.0", "Apache-2.0", "MIT-0", "MIT" ]
v v "NO"< < 1 @,,< |-1< >~:25*4*-!v ^,"YES"< ^ +1$ _ 25*4*1+- | ^ < v-1 < |:< > ^
[ "MIT" ]
; Script created by Andreas Hausladen ([email protected]) for the JCL ; ; CONDITIONAL COMPILATION ; Include_Binaries Create an installer that can install a precompiled JCL ; Include_Examples Add the Examples directory to the installer (user can then select the component) ; DEBUGGING Development. Uses fast compression (script debugging) ; Include_DelphiX Include the binaries for Delphi X (X in 6..24) #ifndef CmdLineBuild #define JclRoot "..\Jcl" #define JclLib "setupbuild\lib" #define JclBpl "setupbuild\bpl" #define JclHpp "setupbuild\hpp" #define DEBUGGING #endif #define Include_SingleIDE #define Include_Binaries #define Include_Examples #include "Settings.iss" #define MyAppName "Jedi Code Library" #define MyAppVerName "Jedi Code Library " + JclVersionStr #define MyAppPublisher "JCL Team" #define MyAppURL "" ;--------------------------------------------------- ; Setup the preprocessor defines for the binary files #ifdef Include_SingleIDE #define JclLib6 JclLib #define JclBpl6 JclBpl #define JclLib7 JclLib #define JclBpl7 JclBpl #define JclLib9 JclLib #define JclBpl9 JclBpl #define JclLib10 JclLib #define JclBpl10 JclBpl #define JclHpp10 JclHpp #define JclLib11 JclLib #define JclBpl11 JclBpl #define JclHpp11 JclHpp #define JclLib12 JclLib #define JclBpl12 JclBpl #define JclHpp12 JclHpp #define JclLib14 JclLib #define JclBpl14 JclBpl #define JclHpp14 JclHpp #define JclLib15 JclLib #define JclBpl15 JclBpl #define JclHpp15 JclHpp #define JclLib16 JclLib #define JclBpl16 JclBpl #define JclHpp16 JclHpp #define JclLib17 JclLib #define JclBpl17 JclBpl #define JclHpp17 JclHpp #define JclLib18 JclLib #define JclBpl18 JclBpl #define JclHpp18 JclHpp #define JclLib19 JclLib #define JclBpl19 JclBpl #define JclHpp19 JclHpp #define JclLib20 JclLib #define JclBpl20 JclBpl #define JclHpp20 JclHpp #define JclLib21 JclLib #define JclBpl21 JclBpl #define JclHpp21 JclHpp #define JclLib22 JclLib #define JclBpl22 JclBpl #define JclHpp22 JclHpp #define JclLib23 JclLib #define JclBpl23 JclBpl #define JclHpp23 JclHpp #define JclLib24 JclLib #define JclBpl24 JclBpl #define JclHpp24 JclHpp #define JclLib25 JclLib #define JclBpl25 JclBpl #define JclHpp25 JclHpp #endif ;--------------------------------------------------- [Setup] AppName={#MyAppName} AppVerName={#MyAppVerName} AppVersion={#JclVersionStr} AppPublisher={#MyAppPublisher} AppPublisherURL={#MyAppURL} AppSupportURL={#MyAppURL} AppUpdatesURL={#MyAppURL} DefaultDirName=C:\DelphiComponents\JCL DefaultGroupName=DelphiComponents\JEDI Code Library DisableProgramGroupPage=no ;LicenseFile={#JclRoot}\help\MPL-1.1.html OutputBaseFilename=JCLSetup PrivilegesRequired=none #ifdef DEBUGGING Compression=zip/1 #else Compression=lzma/ultra64 #endif SolidCompression=yes ShowLanguageDialog=auto OptimizedChecks=yes ; for skin #define MyWizardBottomImageFile "Skin\images\wizardbottom.bmp" #define MyWizardButtonImageFile "Skin\images\button.bmp" #define MyWizardImageFile "wizard.bmp" #define MyWizardSmallImageFile "wizardsmall.bmp" WizardImageFile=Skin\images\{#MyWizardImageFile} WizardSmallImageFile=Skin\images\{#MyWizardSmallImageFile} #include "Skin\isxskin.iss" [Languages] Name: "english"; MessagesFile: "compiler:Default.isl" Name: "french"; MessagesFile: "compiler:Languages\French.isl" Name: "german"; MessagesFile: "compiler:Languages\German.isl" #ifdef Include_Binaries [Types] Name: "full"; Description: "Full installation" Name: "compact"; Description: "Source only installation" Name: "custom"; Description: "Custom installation"; Flags: iscustom Name: "prefered"; Description: "Prefered installation" #endif [Components] #ifdef Include_Examples Name: "Examples"; Description: "Example projects"; Types: full; #endif #ifdef Include_Binaries #include "IdeComponents.iss" [Components] ; Package selection Name: "Experts"; Description: "Register IDE Experts"; Types: full prefered Name: "Experts\JclDebugExpert"; Description: "Debug Expert"; Types: full prefered Name: "Experts\JclFavoriteFoldersExpert"; Description: "Favorite Folder Expert"; Types: full prefered Name: "Experts\JclProjectAnalysisExpert"; Description: "Project Analysis Expert"; Types: full prefered Name: "Experts\JclRepositoryExpert"; Description: "Repository Expert"; Types: full prefered Name: "Experts\JclSIMDViewExpert"; Description: "SIMD-View Expert"; Types: full prefered Name: "Experts\JclThreadNameExpert"; Description: "Thread Name Expert"; Types: full prefered Name: "Experts\JclUsesExpert"; Description: "Uses Expert"; Types: full prefered Name: "Experts\JclVersionControlExpert"; Description: "Version Control Expert" #endif [Dirs] Name: "{app}\bin" [Files] Source: {#JclRoot}\*.bat; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion Source: {#JclRoot}\*.sh; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion Source: {#JclRoot}\*.txt; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion Source: {#JclRoot}\*.proj; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion Source: {#JclRoot}\devtools\*; DestDir: "{app}\devtools"; Excludes: ".svn,__history"; Flags: ignoreversion sortfilesbyextension recursesubdirs Source: {#JclRoot}\docs\*; DestDir: "{app}\docs"; Excludes: ".svn,__history"; Flags: ignoreversion sortfilesbyextension recursesubdirs Source: {#JclRoot}\experts\*; DestDir: "{app}\experts"; Excludes: ".svn,__history,*.~*,*.txt"; Flags: ignoreversion sortfilesbyextension recursesubdirs Source: {#JclRoot}\install\*; DestDir: "{app}\install"; Excludes: ".svn,__history,*.~*,ISS,dcc32.cfg,*.cmd,*.local,*.identcache"; Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs sortfilesbyextension Source: {#JclRoot}\lib\*; DestDir: "{app}\lib"; Excludes: ".svn,__history,*.dcu,*.obj,*.dcp,*.lib,*.bpi,*.dfm,*.res,*.txt,*.a,*.o"; Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs sortfilesbyextension createallsubdirs Source: {#JclRoot}\packages\*; DestDir: "{app}\packages"; Excludes: ".svn,__history,*.drc,*.txt,*.identcache,*.local,*.~*,*.dcu,*.a,*.o"; Flags: ignoreversion sortfilesbyextension recursesubdirs Source: {#JclRoot}\source\*; DestDir: "{app}\source"; Excludes: ".git,.svn,__history,*.~*,*.hpp,*.txt"; Flags: ignoreversion sortfilesbyextension recursesubdirs #ifdef Include_Examples ; SolidBreak Source: {#JclRoot}\examples\*; DestDir: "{app}\examples"; Excludes: ".svn,__history,*.dcu,*.obj,*.exe,*.map,*.bpl,*.dcp,*.~*,*.drc,*.local,*.a,*.o"; Components: "Examples"; Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs sortfilesbyextension solidbreak #endif #ifdef Include_Binaries #ifdef Include_Delphi6 ; SolidBreak; Source: {#JclLib6}\*; DestDir: "{app}\lib\d6"; Excludes: ".svn,__history,*.txt,*.hpp"; Components: "IDE\Delphi6"; Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs sortfilesbyextension createallsubdirs solidbreak Source: {#JclBpl6}\*; DestDir: "{code:GetDelphiBplDir|6}"; Components: "IDE\Delphi6"; Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs sortfilesbyextension createallsubdirs #endif #ifdef Include_Delphi7 ; SolidBreak; Source: {#JclLib7}\*; DestDir: "{app}\lib\d7"; Excludes: ".svn,__history,*.txt"; Components: "IDE\Delphi7"; Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs sortfilesbyextension createallsubdirs solidbreak Source: {#JclBpl7}\*; DestDir: "{code:GetDelphiBplDir|7}"; Components: "IDE\Delphi7"; Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs sortfilesbyextension createallsubdirs #endif #ifdef Include_Delphi9 ; SolidBreak; Source: {#JclLib9}\*; DestDir: "{app}\lib\d9"; Excludes: ".svn,__history,*.txt,*.hpp"; Components: "IDE\Delphi9"; Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs sortfilesbyextension createallsubdirs solidbreak Source: {#JclBpl9}\*; DestDir: "{code:GetDelphiBplDir|9}"; Components: "IDE\Delphi9"; Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs sortfilesbyextension createallsubdirs #endif #ifdef Include_Delphi10 ; SolidBreak; Source: {#JclLib10}\*; DestDir: "{app}\lib\d10"; Excludes: ".svn,__history,*.txt,*.hpp"; Components: "IDE\Delphi10"; Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs sortfilesbyextension createallsubdirs solidbreak Source: {#JclBpl10}\*; DestDir: "{code:GetDelphiBplDir|10}"; Components: "IDE\Delphi10"; Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs sortfilesbyextension createallsubdirs Source: {#JclHpp10}\*; DestDir: "{code:GetHPPDir|10}"; Components: "IDE\Delphi10"; Flags: ignoreversion sortfilesbyextension #endif #ifdef Include_Delphi11 ; SolidBreak; Source: {#JclLib11}\*; DestDir: "{app}\lib\d11"; Excludes: ".svn,__history,*.txt,*.hpp"; Components: "IDE\Delphi11"; Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs sortfilesbyextension createallsubdirs solidbreak Source: {#JclBpl11}\*; DestDir: "{code:GetDelphiBplDir|11}"; Components: "IDE\Delphi11"; Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs sortfilesbyextension createallsubdirs Source: {#JclHpp11}\*; DestDir: ""{app}\include\d11"; Components: "IDE\Delphi11"; Flags: ignoreversion sortfilesbyextension #endif #ifdef Include_Delphi12 ; SolidBreak; Source: {#JclLib12}\*; DestDir: "{app}\lib\d12"; Excludes: ".svn,__history,*.txt,*.hpp"; Components: "IDE\Delphi12"; Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs sortfilesbyextension createallsubdirs solidbreak Source: {#JclBpl12}\*; DestDir: "{code:GetDelphiBplDir|12}"; Components: "IDE\Delphi12"; Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs sortfilesbyextension createallsubdirs Source: {#JclHpp12}\*; DestDir: ""{app}\include\d12"; Components: "IDE\Delphi12"; Flags: ignoreversion sortfilesbyextension #endif #ifdef Include_Delphi14 ; SolidBreak; Source: {#JclJcl14}\*; DestDir: "{app}\lib\d14"; Excludes: ".svn,__history,*.txt,*.hpp"; Components: "IDE\Delphi14"; Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs sortfilesbyextension createallsubdirs solidbreak Source: {#JclBpl14}\*; DestDir: "{code:GetDelphiBplDir|14}"; Components: "IDE\Delphi14"; Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs sortfilesbyextension createallsubdirs Source: {#JclHpp14}\*; DestDir: ""{app}\include\d14"; Components: "IDE\Delphi14"; Flags: ignoreversion sortfilesbyextension #endif #ifdef Include_Delphi15 ; SolidBreak; Source: {#JclLib15}\*; DestDir: "{app}\lib\d15"; Excludes: ".svn,__history,*.txt,*.hpp"; Components: "IDE\Delphi15"; Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs sortfilesbyextension createallsubdirs solidbreak Source: {#JclBpl15}\*; DestDir: "{code:GetDelphiBplDir|15}"; Components: "IDE\Delphi15"; Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs sortfilesbyextension createallsubdirs Source: {#JclHpp15}\*; DestDir: "{app}\include\d15"; Components: "IDE\Delphi15"; Flags: ignoreversion sortfilesbyextension #endif #ifdef Include_Delphi16 ; SolidBreak; Source: {#JclLib16}\*; DestDir: "{app}\lib\d16"; Excludes: ".svn,__history,*.txt,*.hpp"; Components: "IDE\Delphi16"; Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs sortfilesbyextension createallsubdirs solidbreak Source: {#JclBpl16}\*; DestDir: "{code:GetDelphiBplDir|16}"; Components: "IDE\Delphi16"; Flags: ignoreversion sortfilesbyextension Source: {#JclBpl16}\Win64\*; DestDir: "{code:GetDelphiBplDir|16}\Win64"; Components: "IDE\Delphi16"; Flags: ignoreversion sortfilesbyextension Source: {#JclHpp16}\*; DestDir: "{app}\include\d16"; Components: "IDE\Delphi16"; Flags: ignoreversion sortfilesbyextension #endif #ifdef Include_Delphi17 ; SolidBreak; Source: {#JclLib17}\*; DestDir: "{app}\lib\d17"; Excludes: ".svn,__history,*.txt,*.hpp"; Components: "IDE\Delphi17"; Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs sortfilesbyextension createallsubdirs solidbreak Source: {#JclBpl17}\*; DestDir: "{code:GetDelphiBplDir|17}"; Components: "IDE\Delphi17"; Flags: ignoreversion sortfilesbyextension Source: {#JclBpl17}\Win64\*; DestDir: "{code:GetDelphiBplDir|17}\Win64"; Components: "IDE\Delphi17"; Flags: ignoreversion sortfilesbyextension Source: {#JclHpp17}\*; DestDir: "{app}\include\d17"; Components: "IDE\Delphi17"; Flags: ignoreversion sortfilesbyextension #endif #ifdef Include_Delphi18 ; SolidBreak; Source: {#JclLib18}\*; DestDir: "{app}\lib\d18"; Excludes: ".svn,__history,*.txt,*.hpp"; Components: "IDE\Delphi18"; Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs sortfilesbyextension createallsubdirs solidbreak Source: {#JclBpl18}\*; DestDir: "{code:GetDelphiBplDir|18}"; Components: "IDE\Delphi18"; Flags: ignoreversion sortfilesbyextension Source: {#JclBpl18}\Win64\*; DestDir: "{code:GetDelphiBplDir|18}\Win64"; Components: "IDE\Delphi18"; Flags: ignoreversion sortfilesbyextension Source: {#JclHpp18}\*; DestDir: "{app}\include\d18"; Components: "IDE\Delphi18"; Flags: ignoreversion sortfilesbyextension #endif #ifdef Include_Delphi19 ; SolidBreak; Source: {#JclLib19}\*; DestDir: "{app}\lib\d19"; Excludes: ".svn,__history,*.txt,*.hpp"; Components: "IDE\Delphi19"; Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs sortfilesbyextension createallsubdirs solidbreak Source: {#JclBpl19}\*; DestDir: "{code:GetDelphiBplDir|19}"; Components: "IDE\Delphi19"; Flags: ignoreversion sortfilesbyextension Source: {#JclBpl19}\Win64\*; DestDir: "{code:GetDelphiBplDir|19}\Win64"; Components: "IDE\Delphi19"; Flags: ignoreversion sortfilesbyextension Source: {#JclHpp19}\*; DestDir: "{app}\include\d19"; Components: "IDE\Delphi19"; Flags: ignoreversion sortfilesbyextension #endif #ifdef Include_Delphi20 ; SolidBreak; Source: {#JclLib20}\*; DestDir: "{app}\lib\d20"; Excludes: ".svn,__history,*.txt,*.hpp"; Components: "IDE\Delphi20"; Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs sortfilesbyextension createallsubdirs solidbreak Source: {#JclBpl20}\*; DestDir: "{code:GetDelphiBplDir|20}"; Components: "IDE\Delphi20"; Flags: ignoreversion sortfilesbyextension Source: {#JclBpl20}\Win64\*; DestDir: "{code:GetDelphiBplDir|20}\Win64"; Components: "IDE\Delphi20"; Flags: ignoreversion sortfilesbyextension Source: {#JclHpp20}\*; DestDir: "{app}\include\d20"; Components: "IDE\Delphi20"; Flags: ignoreversion sortfilesbyextension #endif #ifdef Include_Delphi21 ; SolidBreak; Source: {#JclLib21}\*; DestDir: "{app}\lib\d21"; Excludes: ".svn,__history,*.txt,*.hpp"; Components: "IDE\Delphi21"; Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs sortfilesbyextension createallsubdirs solidbreak Source: {#JclBpl21}\*; DestDir: "{code:GetDelphiBplDir|21}"; Components: "IDE\Delphi21"; Flags: ignoreversion sortfilesbyextension Source: {#JclBpl21}\Win64\*; DestDir: "{code:GetDelphiBplDir|21}\Win64"; Components: "IDE\Delphi21"; Flags: ignoreversion sortfilesbyextension Source: {#JclHpp21}\*; DestDir: "{app}\include\d21"; Components: "IDE\Delphi21"; Flags: ignoreversion sortfilesbyextension #endif #ifdef Include_Delphi22 ; SolidBreak; Source: {#JclLib22}\*; DestDir: "{app}\lib\d22"; Excludes: ".svn,__history,*.txt,*.hpp"; Components: "IDE\Delphi22"; Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs sortfilesbyextension createallsubdirs solidbreak Source: {#JclBpl22}\*; DestDir: "{code:GetDelphiBplDir|22}"; Components: "IDE\Delphi22"; Flags: ignoreversion sortfilesbyextension Source: {#JclBpl22}\Win64\*; DestDir: "{code:GetDelphiBplDir|22}\Win64"; Components: "IDE\Delphi22"; Flags: ignoreversion sortfilesbyextension Source: {#JclHpp22}\*; DestDir: "{app}\include\d22"; Components: "IDE\Delphi22"; Flags: ignoreversion sortfilesbyextension #endif #ifdef Include_Delphi23 ; SolidBreak; Source: {#JclLib23}\*; DestDir: "{app}\lib\d23"; Excludes: ".svn,__history,*.txt,*.hpp"; Components: "IDE\Delphi23"; Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs sortfilesbyextension createallsubdirs solidbreak Source: {#JclBpl23}\*; DestDir: "{code:GetDelphiBplDir|23}"; Components: "IDE\Delphi23"; Flags: ignoreversion sortfilesbyextension Source: {#JclBpl23}\Win64\*; DestDir: "{code:GetDelphiBplDir|23}\Win64"; Components: "IDE\Delphi23"; Flags: ignoreversion sortfilesbyextension Source: {#JclHpp23}\*; DestDir: "{app}\include\d23"; Components: "IDE\Delphi23"; Flags: ignoreversion sortfilesbyextension #endif #ifdef Include_Delphi24 ; SolidBreak; Source: {#JclLib24}\*; DestDir: "{app}\lib\d24"; Excludes: ".svn,__history,*.txt,*.hpp"; Components: "IDE\Delphi24"; Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs sortfilesbyextension createallsubdirs solidbreak Source: {#JclBpl24}\*; DestDir: "{code:GetDelphiBplDir|24}"; Components: "IDE\Delphi24"; Flags: ignoreversion sortfilesbyextension Source: {#JclBpl24}\Win64\*; DestDir: "{code:GetDelphiBplDir|24}\Win64"; Components: "IDE\Delphi24"; Flags: ignoreversion sortfilesbyextension Source: {#JclHpp24}\*; DestDir: "{app}\include\d24"; Components: "IDE\Delphi24"; Flags: ignoreversion sortfilesbyextension #endif #ifdef Include_Delphi25 ; SolidBreak; Source: {#JclLib25}\*; DestDir: "{app}\lib\d25"; Excludes: ".svn,__history,*.txt,*.hpp"; Components: "IDE\Delphi25"; Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs sortfilesbyextension createallsubdirs solidbreak Source: {#JclBpl25}\*; DestDir: "{code:GetDelphiBplDir|25}"; Components: "IDE\Delphi25"; Flags: ignoreversion sortfilesbyextension Source: {#JclBpl25}\Win64\*; DestDir: "{code:GetDelphiBplDir|25}\Win64"; Components: "IDE\Delphi25"; Flags: ignoreversion sortfilesbyextension Source: {#JclHpp25}\*; DestDir: "{app}\include\d25"; Components: "IDE\Delphi25"; Flags: ignoreversion sortfilesbyextension #endif #endif ; only source code => execute Jedi Installer [Run] Filename: {app}\install.bat; Description: "Execute JEDI Installer"; Flags: postinstall shellexec; Check: IsSourceInstall; #ifdef Include_Binaries [Registry] #ifdef Include_Delphi6 ; Delphi 6 Root: HKCU; Subkey: "{code:GetDelphiRegKey|6}\Jedi\JCL"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "BplDir"; ValueData: {code:GetDelphiBplDir|6}; Components: "IDE\Delphi6"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue; Root: HKCU; Subkey: "{code:GetDelphiRegKey|6}\Jedi\JCL"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "DcpDir"; ValueData: {app}\lib\d6; Components: "IDE\Delphi6"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue; Root: HKCU; Subkey: "{code:GetDelphiRegKey|6}\Jedi\JCL"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "RootDir"; ValueData: {app}; Components: "IDE\Delphi6"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue; Root: HKCU; Subkey: "{code:GetDelphiRegKey|6}\Jedi\JCL"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "Version"; ValueData: {#JclVersionStr}; Components: "IDE\Delphi6"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue; #endif #ifdef Include_Delphi7 ; Delphi 7 Root: HKCU; Subkey: "{code:GetDelphiRegKey|7}\Jedi\JCL"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "BplDir"; ValueData: {code:GetDelphiBplDir|7}; Components: "IDE\Delphi7"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue; Root: HKCU; Subkey: "{code:GetDelphiRegKey|7}\Jedi\JCL"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "DcpDir"; ValueData: {app}\lib\d7; Components: "IDE\Delphi7"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue; Root: HKCU; Subkey: "{code:GetDelphiRegKey|7}\Jedi\JCL"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "RootDir"; ValueData: {app}; Components: "IDE\Delphi7"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue; Root: HKCU; Subkey: "{code:GetDelphiRegKey|7}\Jedi\JCL"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "Version"; ValueData: {#JclVersionStr}; Components: "IDE\Delphi7"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue; #endif #ifdef Include_Delphi9 ; Delphi 2005 Root: HKCU; Subkey: "{code:GetDelphiRegKey|9}\Jedi\JCL"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "BplDir"; ValueData: {code:GetDelphiBplDir|9}; Components: "IDE\Delphi9"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue; Root: HKCU; Subkey: "{code:GetDelphiRegKey|9}\Jedi\JCL"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "DcpDir"; ValueData: {app}\lib\d9; Components: "IDE\Delphi9"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue; Root: HKCU; Subkey: "{code:GetDelphiRegKey|9}\Jedi\JCL"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "RootDir"; ValueData: {app}; Components: "IDE\Delphi9"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue; Root: HKCU; Subkey: "{code:GetDelphiRegKey|9}\Jedi\JCL"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "Version"; ValueData: {#JclVersionStr}; Components: "IDE\Delphi9"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue; #endif #ifdef Include_Delphi10 ; Delphi 2006 Root: HKCU; Subkey: "{code:GetDelphiRegKey|10}\Jedi\JCL"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "BplDir"; ValueData: {code:GetDelphiBplDir|10}; Components: "IDE\Delphi10"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue; Root: HKCU; Subkey: "{code:GetDelphiRegKey|10}\Jedi\JCL"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "DcpDir"; ValueData: {app}\lib\d10; Components: "IDE\Delphi10"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue; Root: HKCU; Subkey: "{code:GetDelphiRegKey|10}\Jedi\JCL"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "RootDir"; ValueData: {app}; Components: "IDE\Delphi10"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue; Root: HKCU; Subkey: "{code:GetDelphiRegKey|10}\Jedi\JCL"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "Version"; ValueData: {#JclVersionStr}; Components: "IDE\Delphi10"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue; #endif #ifdef Include_Delphi11 ; Delphi 2007 Root: HKCU; Subkey: "{code:GetDelphiRegKey|11}\Jedi\JCL"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "BplDir"; ValueData: {code:GetDelphiBplDir|11}; Components: "IDE\Delphi11"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue; Root: HKCU; Subkey: "{code:GetDelphiRegKey|11}\Jedi\JCL"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "DcpDir"; ValueData: {app}\lib\d11; Components: "IDE\Delphi11"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue; Root: HKCU; Subkey: "{code:GetDelphiRegKey|11}\Jedi\JCL"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "RootDir"; ValueData: {app}; Components: "IDE\Delphi11"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue; Root: HKCU; Subkey: "{code:GetDelphiRegKey|11}\Jedi\JCL"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "Version"; ValueData: {#JclVersionStr}; Components: "IDE\Delphi11"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue; Root: HKCU; Subkey: "{code:GetDelphiRegKey|11}\Globals"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "ForceEnvOptionsUpdate"; ValueData: "1"; Components: "IDE\Delphi11"; #endif #ifdef Include_Delphi12 ; Delphi 2009 Root: HKCU; Subkey: "{code:GetDelphiRegKey|12}\Jedi\JCL"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "BplDir"; ValueData: {code:GetDelphiBplDir|12}; Components: "IDE\Delphi12"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue; Root: HKCU; Subkey: "{code:GetDelphiRegKey|12}\Jedi\JCL"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "DcpDir"; ValueData: {app}\lib\d12; Components: "IDE\Delphi12"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue; Root: HKCU; Subkey: "{code:GetDelphiRegKey|12}\Jedi\JCL"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "RootDir"; ValueData: {app}; Components: "IDE\Delphi12"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue; Root: HKCU; Subkey: "{code:GetDelphiRegKey|12}\Jedi\JCL"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "Version"; ValueData: {#JclVersionStr}; Components: "IDE\Delphi12"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue; Root: HKCU; Subkey: "{code:GetDelphiRegKey|12}\Globals"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "ForceEnvOptionsUpdate"; ValueData: "1"; Components: "IDE\Delphi12"; #endif #ifdef Include_Delphi14 ; Delphi 2010 Root: HKCU; Subkey: "{code:GetDelphiRegKey|14}\Jedi\JCL"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "BplDir"; ValueData: {code:GetDelphiBplDir|14}; Components: "IDE\Delphi14"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue; Root: HKCU; Subkey: "{code:GetDelphiRegKey|14}\Jedi\JCL"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "DcpDir"; ValueData: {app}\lib\d14; Components: "IDE\Delphi14"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue; Root: HKCU; Subkey: "{code:GetDelphiRegKey|14}\Jedi\JCL"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "RootDir"; ValueData: {app}; Components: "IDE\Delphi14"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue; Root: HKCU; Subkey: "{code:GetDelphiRegKey|14}\Jedi\JCL"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "Version"; ValueData: {#JclVersionStr}; Components: "IDE\Delphi14"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue; Root: HKCU; Subkey: "{code:GetDelphiRegKey|14}\Globals"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "ForceEnvOptionsUpdate"; ValueData: "1"; Components: "IDE\Delphi14"; #endif #ifdef Include_Delphi15 ; Delphi XE Root: HKCU; Subkey: "{code:GetDelphiRegKey|15}\Jedi\JCL"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "BplDir"; ValueData: {code:GetDelphiBplDir|15}; Components: "IDE\Delphi15"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue; Root: HKCU; Subkey: "{code:GetDelphiRegKey|15}\Jedi\JCL"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "DcpDir"; ValueData: {app}\lib\d15; Components: "IDE\Delphi15"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue; Root: HKCU; Subkey: "{code:GetDelphiRegKey|15}\Jedi\JCL"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "RootDir"; ValueData: {app}; Components: "IDE\Delphi15"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue; Root: HKCU; Subkey: "{code:GetDelphiRegKey|15}\Jedi\JCL"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "Version"; ValueData: {#JclVersionStr}; Components: "IDE\Delphi15"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue; Root: HKCU; Subkey: "{code:GetDelphiRegKey|15}\Globals"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "ForceEnvOptionsUpdate"; ValueData: "1"; Components: "IDE\Delphi15"; #endif #ifdef Include_Delphi16 ; Delphi XE2 Root: HKCU; Subkey: "{code:GetDelphiRegKey|16}\Jedi\JCL"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "BplDir"; ValueData: {code:GetDelphiBplDir|16}; Components: "IDE\Delphi16"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue; Root: HKCU; Subkey: "{code:GetDelphiRegKey|16}\Jedi\JCL"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "DcpDir"; ValueData: {app}\lib\d16; Components: "IDE\Delphi16"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue; Root: HKCU; Subkey: "{code:GetDelphiRegKey|16}\Jedi\JCL"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "RootDir"; ValueData: {app}; Components: "IDE\Delphi16"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue; Root: HKCU; Subkey: "{code:GetDelphiRegKey|16}\Jedi\JCL"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "Version"; ValueData: {#JclVersionStr}; Components: "IDE\Delphi16"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue; Root: HKCU; Subkey: "{code:GetDelphiRegKey|16}\Globals"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "ForceEnvOptionsUpdate"; ValueData: "1"; Components: "IDE\Delphi16"; #endif #ifdef Include_Delphi17 ; Delphi XE3 Root: HKCU; Subkey: "{code:GetDelphiRegKey|17}\Jedi\JCL"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "BplDir"; ValueData: {code:GetDelphiBplDir|17}; Components: "IDE\Delphi17"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue; Root: HKCU; Subkey: "{code:GetDelphiRegKey|17}\Jedi\JCL"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "DcpDir"; ValueData: {app}\lib\d17; Components: "IDE\Delphi17"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue; Root: HKCU; Subkey: "{code:GetDelphiRegKey|17}\Jedi\JCL"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "RootDir"; ValueData: {app}; Components: "IDE\Delphi17"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue; Root: HKCU; Subkey: "{code:GetDelphiRegKey|17}\Jedi\JCL"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "Version"; ValueData: {#JclVersionStr}; Components: "IDE\Delphi17"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue; Root: HKCU; Subkey: "{code:GetDelphiRegKey|17}\Globals"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "ForceEnvOptionsUpdate"; ValueData: "1"; Components: "IDE\Delphi17"; #endif #ifdef Include_Delphi18 ; Delphi XE4 Root: HKCU; Subkey: "{code:GetDelphiRegKey|18}\Jedi\JCL"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "BplDir"; ValueData: {code:GetDelphiBplDir|18}; Components: "IDE\Delphi18"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue; Root: HKCU; Subkey: "{code:GetDelphiRegKey|18}\Jedi\JCL"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "DcpDir"; ValueData: {app}\lib\d18; Components: "IDE\Delphi18"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue; Root: HKCU; Subkey: "{code:GetDelphiRegKey|18}\Jedi\JCL"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "RootDir"; ValueData: {app}; Components: "IDE\Delphi18"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue; Root: HKCU; Subkey: "{code:GetDelphiRegKey|18}\Jedi\JCL"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "Version"; ValueData: {#JclVersionStr}; Components: "IDE\Delphi18"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue; Root: HKCU; Subkey: "{code:GetDelphiRegKey|18}\Globals"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "ForceEnvOptionsUpdate"; ValueData: "1"; Components: "IDE\Delphi18"; #endif #ifdef Include_Delphi19 ; Delphi XE5 Root: HKCU; Subkey: "{code:GetDelphiRegKey|19}\Jedi\JCL"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "BplDir"; ValueData: {code:GetDelphiBplDir|19}; Components: "IDE\Delphi19"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue; Root: HKCU; Subkey: "{code:GetDelphiRegKey|19}\Jedi\JCL"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "DcpDir"; ValueData: {app}\lib\d19; Components: "IDE\Delphi19"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue; Root: HKCU; Subkey: "{code:GetDelphiRegKey|19}\Jedi\JCL"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "RootDir"; ValueData: {app}; Components: "IDE\Delphi19"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue; Root: HKCU; Subkey: "{code:GetDelphiRegKey|19}\Jedi\JCL"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "Version"; ValueData: {#JclVersionStr}; Components: "IDE\Delphi19"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue; Root: HKCU; Subkey: "{code:GetDelphiRegKey|19}\Globals"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "ForceEnvOptionsUpdate"; ValueData: "1"; Components: "IDE\Delphi19"; #endif #ifdef Include_Delphi20 ; Delphi XE6 Root: HKCU; Subkey: "{code:GetDelphiRegKey|20}\Jedi\JCL"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "BplDir"; ValueData: {code:GetDelphiBplDir|20}; Components: "IDE\Delphi20"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue; Root: HKCU; Subkey: "{code:GetDelphiRegKey|20}\Jedi\JCL"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "DcpDir"; ValueData: {app}\lib\d20; Components: "IDE\Delphi20"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue; Root: HKCU; Subkey: "{code:GetDelphiRegKey|20}\Jedi\JCL"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "RootDir"; ValueData: {app}; Components: "IDE\Delphi20"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue; Root: HKCU; Subkey: "{code:GetDelphiRegKey|20}\Jedi\JCL"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "Version"; ValueData: {#JclVersionStr}; Components: "IDE\Delphi20"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue; Root: HKCU; Subkey: "{code:GetDelphiRegKey|20}\Globals"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "ForceEnvOptionsUpdate"; ValueData: "1"; Components: "IDE\Delphi20"; #endif #ifdef Include_Delphi21 ; Delphi XE7 Root: HKCU; Subkey: "{code:GetDelphiRegKey|21}\Jedi\JCL"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "BplDir"; ValueData: {code:GetDelphiBplDir|21}; Components: "IDE\Delphi21"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue; Root: HKCU; Subkey: "{code:GetDelphiRegKey|21}\Jedi\JCL"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "DcpDir"; ValueData: {app}\lib\d21; Components: "IDE\Delphi21"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue; Root: HKCU; Subkey: "{code:GetDelphiRegKey|21}\Jedi\JCL"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "RootDir"; ValueData: {app}; Components: "IDE\Delphi21"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue; Root: HKCU; Subkey: "{code:GetDelphiRegKey|21}\Jedi\JCL"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "Version"; ValueData: {#JclVersionStr}; Components: "IDE\Delphi21"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue; Root: HKCU; Subkey: "{code:GetDelphiRegKey|21}\Globals"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "ForceEnvOptionsUpdate"; ValueData: "1"; Components: "IDE\Delphi21"; #endif #ifdef Include_Delphi22 ; Delphi XE8 Root: HKCU; Subkey: "{code:GetDelphiRegKey|22}\Jedi\JCL"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "BplDir"; ValueData: {code:GetDelphiBplDir|22}; Components: "IDE\Delphi22"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue; Root: HKCU; Subkey: "{code:GetDelphiRegKey|22}\Jedi\JCL"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "DcpDir"; ValueData: {app}\lib\d22; Components: "IDE\Delphi22"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue; Root: HKCU; Subkey: "{code:GetDelphiRegKey|22}\Jedi\JCL"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "RootDir"; ValueData: {app}; Components: "IDE\Delphi22"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue; Root: HKCU; Subkey: "{code:GetDelphiRegKey|22}\Jedi\JCL"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "Version"; ValueData: {#JclVersionStr}; Components: "IDE\Delphi22"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue; Root: HKCU; Subkey: "{code:GetDelphiRegKey|22}\Globals"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "ForceEnvOptionsUpdate"; ValueData: "1"; Components: "IDE\Delphi22"; #endif #ifdef Include_Delphi23 ; Delphi 10 Seattle Root: HKCU; Subkey: "{code:GetDelphiRegKey|23}\Jedi\JCL"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "BplDir"; ValueData: {code:GetDelphiBplDir|23}; Components: "IDE\Delphi23"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue; Root: HKCU; Subkey: "{code:GetDelphiRegKey|23}\Jedi\JCL"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "DcpDir"; ValueData: {app}\lib\d23; Components: "IDE\Delphi23"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue; Root: HKCU; Subkey: "{code:GetDelphiRegKey|23}\Jedi\JCL"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "RootDir"; ValueData: {app}; Components: "IDE\Delphi23"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue; Root: HKCU; Subkey: "{code:GetDelphiRegKey|23}\Jedi\JCL"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "Version"; ValueData: {#JclVersionStr}; Components: "IDE\Delphi23"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue; Root: HKCU; Subkey: "{code:GetDelphiRegKey|23}\Globals"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "ForceEnvOptionsUpdate"; ValueData: "1"; Components: "IDE\Delphi23"; #endif #ifdef Include_Delphi24 ; Delphi 10.1 Berlin Root: HKCU; Subkey: "{code:GetDelphiRegKey|24}\Jedi\JCL"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "BplDir"; ValueData: {code:GetDelphiBplDir|24}; Components: "IDE\Delphi24"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue; Root: HKCU; Subkey: "{code:GetDelphiRegKey|24}\Jedi\JCL"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "DcpDir"; ValueData: {app}\lib\d24; Components: "IDE\Delphi24"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue; Root: HKCU; Subkey: "{code:GetDelphiRegKey|24}\Jedi\JCL"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "RootDir"; ValueData: {app}; Components: "IDE\Delphi24"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue; Root: HKCU; Subkey: "{code:GetDelphiRegKey|24}\Jedi\JCL"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "Version"; ValueData: {#JclVersionStr}; Components: "IDE\Delphi24"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue; Root: HKCU; Subkey: "{code:GetDelphiRegKey|24}\Globals"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "ForceEnvOptionsUpdate"; ValueData: "1"; Components: "IDE\Delphi24"; #endif #ifdef Include_Delphi25 ; Delphi 10.2 Root: HKCU; Subkey: "{code:GetDelphiRegKey|25}\Jedi\JCL"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "BplDir"; ValueData: {code:GetDelphiBplDir|25}; Components: "IDE\Delphi25"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue; Root: HKCU; Subkey: "{code:GetDelphiRegKey|25}\Jedi\JCL"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "DcpDir"; ValueData: {app}\lib\d25; Components: "IDE\Delphi25"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue; Root: HKCU; Subkey: "{code:GetDelphiRegKey|25}\Jedi\JCL"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "RootDir"; ValueData: {app}; Components: "IDE\Delphi25"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue; Root: HKCU; Subkey: "{code:GetDelphiRegKey|25}\Jedi\JCL"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "Version"; ValueData: {#JclVersionStr}; Components: "IDE\Delphi25"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue; Root: HKCU; Subkey: "{code:GetDelphiRegKey|25}\Globals"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "ForceEnvOptionsUpdate"; ValueData: "1"; Components: "IDE\Delphi25"; #endif #endif [UninstallDelete] Type: files; Name: "{app}\bin\JediInstaller.exe" Type: files; Name: "{app}\bin\JCL-install.ini" Type: files; Name: "{app}\bin\*.log" Type: files; Name: "{app}\source\*.hpp" Type: files; Name: "{app}\source\*.~*" Type: files; Name: "{app}\source\common\*.hpp" Type: files; Name: "{app}\source\vcl\*.hpp" Type: files; Name: "{app}\source\windows\*.hpp" Type: files; Name: "{app}\source\common\*.dcu" Type: files; Name: "{app}\source\vcl\*.dcu" Type: files; Name: "{app}\source\windows\*.dcu" ; lib\Delphi 6 Type: files; Name: "{app}\lib\d6\*" Type: files; Name: "{app}\lib\d6\debug\*" Type: files; Name: "{code:GetDelphiBplDir|6}\Jcl*.~bpl"; ; lib\Delphi 7 Type: files; Name: "{app}\lib\d7\*" Type: files; Name: "{app}\lib\d7\debug\*" Type: files; Name: "{code:GetDelphiBplDir|7}\Jcl*.~bpl"; ; lib\Delphi 2005 Type: files; Name: "{app}\lib\d9\*" Type: files; Name: "{app}\lib\d9\debug\*" Type: files; Name: "{code:GetDelphiBplDir|9}\Jcl*.~bpl"; ; lib\Delphi/C++Builder 2006 Type: files; Name: "{app}\lib\d10\*" Type: files; Name: "{app}\lib\d10\debug\*" Type: files; Name: "{code:GetDelphiBplDir|10}\Jcl*.~bpl"; ; lib\Delphi/C++Builder 2007 Type: files; Name: "{app}\lib\d11\*" Type: files; Name: "{app}\lib\d11\debug\*" Type: files; Name: "{app}\include\d11\*" Type: files; Name: "{code:GetDelphiBplDir|11}\Jcl*.~bpl"; ; lib\Delphi/C++Builder 2009 Type: files; Name: "{app}\lib\d12\*" Type: files; Name: "{app}\lib\d12\debug\*" Type: files; Name: "{app}\include\d12\*" Type: files; Name: "{code:GetDelphiBplDir|12}\Jcl*.~bpl"; ; lib\Delphi/C++Builder 2010 Type: files; Name: "{app}\lib\d14\*" Type: files; Name: "{app}\lib\d14\debug\*" Type: files; Name: "{app}\include\d14\*" Type: files; Name: "{code:GetDelphiBplDir|14}\Jcl*.~bpl"; ; lib\Delphi/C++Builder XE Type: files; Name: "{app}\lib\d15\*" Type: files; Name: "{app}\lib\d15\debug\*" Type: files; Name: "{app}\include\d15\*" Type: files; Name: "{code:GetDelphiBplDir|15}\Jcl*.~bpl"; ; lib\Delphi/C++Builder XE2 Type: files; Name: "{app}\lib\d16\win32\*" Type: files; Name: "{app}\lib\d16\win32\debug\*" Type: files; Name: "{app}\lib\d16\win64\*" Type: files; Name: "{app}\lib\d16\win64\debug\*" Type: files; Name: "{app}\include\d16\*" Type: files; Name: "{code:GetDelphiBplDir|16}\Jcl*.~bpl"; ; lib\Delphi/C++Builder XE3 Type: files; Name: "{app}\lib\d17\win32\*" Type: files; Name: "{app}\lib\d17\win32\debug\*" Type: files; Name: "{app}\lib\d17\win64\*" Type: files; Name: "{app}\lib\d17\win64\debug\*" Type: files; Name: "{app}\include\d17\*" Type: files; Name: "{code:GetDelphiBplDir|17}\Jcl*.~bpl"; ; lib\Delphi/C++Builder XE4 Type: files; Name: "{app}\lib\d18\win32\*" Type: files; Name: "{app}\lib\d18\win32\debug\*" Type: files; Name: "{app}\lib\d18\win64\*" Type: files; Name: "{app}\lib\d18\win64\debug\*" Type: files; Name: "{app}\include\d18\*" Type: files; Name: "{code:GetDelphiBplDir|18}\Jcl*.~bpl"; ; lib\Delphi/C++Builder XE5 Type: files; Name: "{app}\lib\d19\win32\*" Type: files; Name: "{app}\lib\d19\win32\debug\*" Type: files; Name: "{app}\lib\d19\win64\*" Type: files; Name: "{app}\lib\d19\win64\debug\*" Type: files; Name: "{app}\include\d19\*" Type: files; Name: "{code:GetDelphiBplDir|19}\Jcl*.~bpl"; ; lib\Delphi/C++Builder XE6 Type: files; Name: "{app}\lib\d20\win32\*" Type: files; Name: "{app}\lib\d20\win32\debug\*" Type: files; Name: "{app}\lib\d20\win64\*" Type: files; Name: "{app}\lib\d20\win64\debug\*" Type: files; Name: "{app}\include\d20\*" Type: files; Name: "{code:GetDelphiBplDir|20}\Jcl*.~bpl"; ; lib\Delphi/C++Builder XE7 Type: files; Name: "{app}\lib\d21\win32\*" Type: files; Name: "{app}\lib\d21\win32\debug\*" Type: files; Name: "{app}\lib\d21\win64\*" Type: files; Name: "{app}\lib\d21\win64\debug\*" Type: files; Name: "{app}\include\d21\*" Type: files; Name: "{code:GetDelphiBplDir|21}\Jcl*.~bpl"; ; lib\Delphi/C++Builder XE8 Type: files; Name: "{app}\lib\d22\win32\*" Type: files; Name: "{app}\lib\d22\win32\debug\*" Type: files; Name: "{app}\lib\d22\win64\*" Type: files; Name: "{app}\lib\d22\win64\debug\*" Type: files; Name: "{app}\include\d22\*" Type: files; Name: "{code:GetDelphiBplDir|22}\Jcl*.~bpl"; ; lib\Delphi/C++Builder 10 Seattle Type: files; Name: "{app}\lib\d23\win32\*" Type: files; Name: "{app}\lib\d23\win32\debug\*" Type: files; Name: "{app}\lib\d23\win64\*" Type: files; Name: "{app}\lib\d23\win64\debug\*" Type: files; Name: "{app}\include\d23\*" Type: files; Name: "{code:GetDelphiBplDir|23}\Jcl*.~bpl"; ; lib\Delphi/C++Builder 10.1 Berlin Type: files; Name: "{app}\lib\d24\win32\*" Type: files; Name: "{app}\lib\d24\win32\debug\*" Type: files; Name: "{app}\lib\d24\win64\*" Type: files; Name: "{app}\lib\d24\win64\debug\*" Type: files; Name: "{app}\include\d24\*" Type: files; Name: "{code:GetDelphiBplDir|24}\Jcl*.~bpl"; ; lib\Delphi/C++Builder 10.2 Type: files; Name: "{app}\lib\d25\win32\*" Type: files; Name: "{app}\lib\d25\win32\debug\*" Type: files; Name: "{app}\lib\d25\win64\*" Type: files; Name: "{app}\lib\d25\win64\debug\*" Type: files; Name: "{app}\include\d25\*" Type: files; Name: "{code:GetDelphiBplDir|25}\Jcl*.~bpl"; [Icons] Name: "{group}\{cm:ProgramOnTheWeb,{#MyAppName}}"; Filename: "{#MyAppURL}" Name: "{group}\{cm:UninstallProgram,{#MyAppName}}"; Filename: "{uninstallexe}" #include "ComponentInstallerScript.iss" [Code] // callbacks for the ComponentInstaller procedure UserRegisterComponents(Components: TStrings); begin end; procedure UserUnregisterComponents(Components: TStrings); // uninstall all JCL experts, not only the one that the user had selected // during the installation. The user could have started the JediInstaller // or have added additional designtime packages by hand. var IdeList: TStrings; IdeIndex: Integer; IdeKind: TIdeKind; Version: Integer; begin { // Uninstall from all IDEs ? for Version := 6 to LastInstalledIDEVersionNumber do UninstallExpertsPrefixed(ikDelphi, Version, 'Jcl'); for Version := 6 to 6 do UninstallExpertsPrefixed(ikBCB, Version, 'Jcl');} IdeList := TStringList.Create; try GetSelectedList(IdeList, 'IDE', Components); // unregister per IDE for IdeIndex := 0 to IdeList.Count - 1 do begin ExtractIdeInfo(IdeList[IdeIndex], IdeKind, Version); UninstallExpertsPrefixed(IdeKind, Version, 'Jcl'); end; finally IdeList.Free; end; end; function MapExpert(IdeKind: TIdeKind; Version: Integer; const ExpertName: string): string; begin if StartsText('Jcl', ExpertName) then begin if Version < 9 then begin case IdeKind of ikDelphi: Result := GetDelphiBplDir(IntToStr(Version)) + '\' + ExpertName + 'DLLd' + IntToStr(Version) + '0.dll'; ikBCB: Result := GetBCBBplDir(IntToStr(Version)) + '\' + ExpertName + 'DLLc' + IntToStr(Version) + '0.dll'; end; end else Result := GetDelphiBplDir(IntToStr(Version)) + '\' + ExpertName + IntToStr(Version) + '0.bpl'; end; end; function MapDesignPackage(IdeKind: TIdeKind; Version: Integer; const PackageName: string): string; begin Result := ''; end; procedure GetSearchPaths(IdeKind: TIdeKind; Version: Integer; var SearchPaths, DebugPaths, BrowsePaths, IncludePaths: string); var LibDir, AppDir: string; begin AppDir := ExpandConstant('{app}'); SearchPaths := ''; DebugPaths := ''; BrowsePaths := ''; IncludePaths := ''; case IdeKind of ikDelphi: if Version >= 16 then // XE2+ LibDir := AppDir + '\lib\d' + IntToStr(Version) + '\$(Platform)' // is replaced by Win32/Win64 in the CompInstall.dll else LibDir := AppDir + '\lib\d' + IntToStr(Version); ikBCB: LibDir := AppDir + '\lib\c' + IntToStr(Version); else Exit; end; SearchPaths := LibDir + ';' + AppDir + '\source\Include'; DebugPaths := LibDir + '\debug'; BrowsePaths := AppDir + '\source\common;' + AppDir + '\source\vcl;' + AppDir + '\source\windows'; if Version >= 11 then IncludePaths := ExpandConstant('{app}') + '\include\d' + IntToStr(Version) else if Version = 10 then IncludePaths := GetHPPDir(IntToStr(Version)); end; // events function InitializeSetup(): Boolean; begin Result := InitComponentInstaller; end; procedure CurStepChanged(CurStep: TSetupStep); begin if CurStep = ssPostInstall then RegisterComponents; end; function InitializeUninstall(): Boolean; begin Result := InitComponentUninstaller; end; procedure CurUninstallStepChanged(CurUninstallStep: TUninstallStep); begin if CurUninstallStep = usUninstall then UnregisterComponents; end; // Skin procedure CurPageChanged(CurPageID: Integer); begin // update calls for skin UpdateButton(WizardForm.BackButton, bidBack); UpdateButton(WizardForm.NextButton, bidNext); UpdateButton(WizardForm.CancelButton, bidCancel); end; procedure InitializeWizard(); begin // initialize call for skin InitializeSkin; end;
Inno Setup
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
<div class="ui basic segment"> <h1 class="ui dividing header"> Metacasts <div class="sub header">Sneaky, sneaky</div> </h1> <div class="actions"> <%= link to: Routes.admin_metacast_path(@conn, :new), class: "ui right floated primary basic button" do %> <i class="icon unmute"></i> Add Metacast <% end %> </div> </div> <div class="ui basic segment"> <%= if Enum.any?(@metacasts) do %> <h2 class="ui header">Metacasts</h2> <%= render("_table.html", assigns) %> <% end %> </div>
[ "MIT" ]
# Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Snowplow Analytics Ltd. All rights reserved. # # This program is licensed to you under the Apache License Version 2.0, # and you may not use this file except in compliance with the Apache License Version 2.0. # You may obtain a copy of the Apache License Version 2.0 at # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the Apache License Version 2.0 is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the Apache License Version 2.0 for the specific language governing permissions and limitations there under. # # Version: 0.1.0 # # Author(s): Yali Sassoon # Copyright: Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Snowplow Analytics Ltd # License: Apache License Version 2.0 - dashboard: last_6_months title: "Last 6 months" layout: tile tile_size: 100 elements: - name: new_vs_returning_visitors_by_week title: New vs returning visitors by week type: area base_view: visits dimensions: [visits.occurred_week] pivots: [visits.new_vs_returning_visitor] measures: [visits.visits_count] filters: visits.occurred_month: last 6 months limit: 500 width: height: legend_align: stacking: normal x_axis_label: x_axis_datetime: true x_axis_datetime_label: x_axis_label_rotation: y_axis_orientation: y_axis_combined: y_axis_labels: Visits y_axis_min: 0 y_axis_max: - name: new_visitors_by_refr_medium title: New visitors by referer medium, by week type: area base_view: visitors dimensions: [visitors.first_touch_week] pivots: [source_original.refr_medium] measures: [visitors.visitors_count] filters: visitors.first_touch_date: last 6 months limit: 500 width: height: legend_align: stacking: normal x_axis_label: x_axis_datetime: true x_axis_datetime_label: x_axis_label_rotation: y_axis_orientation: y_axis_combined: y_axis_labels: y_axis_min: 0 y_axis_max: - name: cohort_analysis title: Cohort analysis (user retention by month first touched website) type: table base_view: visits dimensions: [visitors.first_touch_week] pivots: [visits.occurred_week] measures: [visits.visitors_count] filters: visitors.first_touch_date: last 6 months sorts: [visitors.first_touch_week] limit: 500 width: height: - name: visitors_and_events_by_cohort title: Visitors and events per visitor by cohort type: column base_view: visitors dimensions: [visitors.first_touch_month] measures: [visitors.visitors_count, visitors.events_per_visitor] filters: visitors.first_touch_month: last 6 months sorts: [visitors.first_touch_month desc] limit: 500 width: height: legend_align: stacking: x_axis_label: x_axis_datetime: x_axis_datetime_label: x_axis_label_rotation: y_axis_orientation: y_axis_combined: y_axis_labels: y_axis_min: y_axis_max: - name: fraction_of_visits_from_returning_visitors title: Fraction of total visits from returning (rather than new) visits by week type: line base_view: visits dimensions: [visits.occurred_week] measures: [visits.returning_visitors_count_over_total_visitors_count] filters: visits.occurred_month: last 6 months limit: 500 width: height: legend_align: stacking: x_axis_label: x_axis_datetime: true x_axis_datetime_label: x_axis_label_rotation: y_axis_orientation: y_axis_combined: y_axis_labels: y_axis_min: 0 y_axis_max: hide_points: - name: average_events_per_visit title: Average events per visit by week type: line base_view: events dimensions: [events.occurred_week] measures: [events.events_per_visitor] filters: events.occurred_date: last 6 months limit: 500 width: height: legend_align: stacking: x_axis_label: x_axis_datetime: true x_axis_datetime_label: x_axis_label_rotation: y_axis_orientation: y_axis_combined: y_axis_labels: y_axis_min: 0 y_axis_max: hide_points: - name: bounce_rate_by_week title: Bounce rate by week type: line base_view: visits dimensions: [visits.occurred_week] measures: [visitors.bounce_rate] filters: visits.occurred_date: last 6 months limit: 500 width: height: legend_align: stacking: x_axis_label: x_axis_datetime: true x_axis_datetime_label: x_axis_label_rotation: y_axis_orientation: y_axis_combined: y_axis_labels: y_axis_min: 0 y_axis_max: hide_points: - name: visits_and_engagement_by_landing_page title: Number of visits and engagement levels by landing page type: table base_view: visits dimensions: [landing_page.landing_page] measures: [visits.visits_count, visits.events_per_visit] filters: visits.occurred_date: last 6 months limit: 500 width: height:
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
/* * Copyright 2010-2021 JetBrains s.r.o. and Kotlin Programming Language contributors. * Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file. */ package org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.declarations.utils import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.declarations.FirDeclaration import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.declarations.FirFile import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.declarations.FirRegularClass import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.declarations.builder.FirRegularClassBuilder import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.declarations.builder.FirTypeParameterBuilder import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.declarations.impl.FirFileImpl import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.declarations.impl.FirRegularClassImpl fun FirTypeParameterBuilder.addDefaultBoundIfNecessary() { if (bounds.isEmpty()) { bounds += moduleData.session.builtinTypes.nullableAnyType } } fun FirRegularClassBuilder.addDeclaration(declaration: FirDeclaration) { declarations += declaration if (companionObject == null && declaration is FirRegularClass && declaration.isCompanion) { companionObject = declaration } } fun FirRegularClassBuilder.addDeclarations(declarations: Collection<FirDeclaration>) { declarations.forEach(this::addDeclaration) } fun FirFile.addDeclaration(declaration: FirDeclaration) { require(this is FirFileImpl) declarations += declaration } fun FirRegularClass.addDeclaration(declaration: FirDeclaration) { @Suppress("LiftReturnOrAssignment") when (this) { is FirRegularClassImpl -> declarations += declaration else -> throw IllegalStateException() } }
[ "ECL-2.0", "Apache-2.0" ]
// Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making Mars available. // Copyright (C) 2016 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT License (the "License"); you may not use this file except in // compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is // distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, // either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // // scope_autoreleasepool.cpp // MicroMessenger // // Created by yerungui on 12-11-30. // #include "comm/objc/scope_autoreleasepool.h" #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> Scope_AutoReleasePool::Scope_AutoReleasePool() : m_pool([[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]) { } Scope_AutoReleasePool::~Scope_AutoReleasePool() { [m_pool drain]; } void comm_export_symbols_3(){}
[ "BSD-2-Clause", "Apache-2.0" ]
require(httr) data = list( `grant_type` = 'client_credentials' ) res <- httr::POST(url = 'http://localhost/api/oauth/token/', body = data, httr::authenticate('foo', 'bar'))
[ "MIT" ]
-- order by and sort by ordinal positions create temporary view data as select * from values (1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 1), (2, 2), (3, 1), (3, 2) as data(a, b); select * from data order by 1 desc; -- mix ordinal and column name select * from data order by 1 desc, b desc; -- order by multiple ordinals select * from data order by 1 desc, 2 desc; -- 1 + 0 is considered a constant (not an ordinal) and thus ignored select * from data order by 1 + 0 desc, b desc; -- negative cases: ordinal position out of range select * from data order by 0; select * from data order by -1; select * from data order by 3; -- sort by ordinal select * from data sort by 1 desc; -- turn off order by ordinal set spark.sql.orderByOrdinal=false; -- 0 is now a valid literal select * from data order by 0; select * from data sort by 0;
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
## PaginationFromHash (object) + from: `0x2dcb7cb4288b84766a1bef4a1bd4ae9ac15ab817f06ad07efc4dac035bcfdb45` (string, required) + limit: 2 (number, required) + direction: `older` (string, required) + count: 268 (number, required) ## PaginationFromNumber (object) + from: 5 (number, required) + limit: 2 (number, required) + direction: `older` (string, required) + count: 268 (number, required)
API Blueprint
[ "Apache-2.0", "MIT" ]
/* * Copyright © 2017 Intel Corporation * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next * paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the * Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS * IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef VK_UTIL_H #define VK_UTIL_H #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* common inlines and macros for vulkan drivers */ #include <vulkan/vulkan.h> #define vk_foreach_struct(__iter, __start) \ for (struct VkBaseOutStructure *__iter = (struct VkBaseOutStructure *)(__start); \ __iter; __iter = __iter->pNext) #define vk_foreach_struct_const(__iter, __start) \ for (const struct VkBaseInStructure *__iter = (const struct VkBaseInStructure *)(__start); \ __iter; __iter = __iter->pNext) /** * A wrapper for a Vulkan output array. A Vulkan output array is one that * follows the convention of the parameters to * vkGetPhysicalDeviceQueueFamilyProperties(). * * Example Usage: * * VkResult * vkGetPhysicalDeviceQueueFamilyProperties( * VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice, * uint32_t* pQueueFamilyPropertyCount, * VkQueueFamilyProperties* pQueueFamilyProperties) * { * VK_OUTARRAY_MAKE(props, pQueueFamilyProperties, * pQueueFamilyPropertyCount); * * vk_outarray_append(&props, p) { * p->queueFlags = ...; * p->queueCount = ...; * } * * vk_outarray_append(&props, p) { * p->queueFlags = ...; * p->queueCount = ...; * } * * return vk_outarray_status(&props); * } */ struct __vk_outarray { /** May be null. */ void *data; /** * Capacity, in number of elements. Capacity is unlimited (UINT32_MAX) if * data is null. */ uint32_t cap; /** * Count of elements successfully written to the array. Every write is * considered successful if data is null. */ uint32_t *filled_len; /** * Count of elements that would have been written to the array if its * capacity were sufficient. Vulkan functions often return VK_INCOMPLETE * when `*filled_len < wanted_len`. */ uint32_t wanted_len; }; static inline void __vk_outarray_init(struct __vk_outarray *a, void *data, uint32_t *restrict len) { a->data = data; a->cap = *len; a->filled_len = len; *a->filled_len = 0; a->wanted_len = 0; if (a->data == NULL) a->cap = UINT32_MAX; } static inline VkResult __vk_outarray_status(const struct __vk_outarray *a) { if (*a->filled_len < a->wanted_len) return VK_INCOMPLETE; else return VK_SUCCESS; } static inline void * __vk_outarray_next(struct __vk_outarray *a, size_t elem_size) { void *p = NULL; a->wanted_len += 1; if (*a->filled_len >= a->cap) return NULL; if (a->data != NULL) p = (uint8_t *)a->data + (*a->filled_len) * elem_size; *a->filled_len += 1; return p; } #define vk_outarray(elem_t) \ struct { \ struct __vk_outarray base; \ elem_t meta[]; \ } #define vk_outarray_typeof_elem(a) __typeof__((a)->meta[0]) #define vk_outarray_sizeof_elem(a) sizeof((a)->meta[0]) #define vk_outarray_init(a, data, len) \ __vk_outarray_init(&(a)->base, (data), (len)) #define VK_OUTARRAY_MAKE(name, data, len) \ vk_outarray(__typeof__((data)[0])) name; \ vk_outarray_init(&name, (data), (len)) #define vk_outarray_status(a) \ __vk_outarray_status(&(a)->base) #define vk_outarray_next(a) \ ((vk_outarray_typeof_elem(a) *) \ __vk_outarray_next(&(a)->base, vk_outarray_sizeof_elem(a))) /** * Append to a Vulkan output array. * * This is a block-based macro. For example: * * vk_outarray_append(&a, elem) { * elem->foo = ...; * elem->bar = ...; * } * * The array `a` has type `vk_outarray(elem_t) *`. It is usually declared with * VK_OUTARRAY_MAKE(). The variable `elem` is block-scoped and has type * `elem_t *`. * * The macro unconditionally increments the array's `wanted_len`. If the array * is not full, then the macro also increment its `filled_len` and then * executes the block. When the block is executed, `elem` is non-null and * points to the newly appended element. */ #define vk_outarray_append(a, elem) \ for (vk_outarray_typeof_elem(a) *elem = vk_outarray_next(a); \ elem != NULL; elem = NULL) static inline void * __vk_find_struct(void *start, VkStructureType sType) { vk_foreach_struct(s, start) { if (s->sType == sType) return s; } return NULL; } #define vk_find_struct(__start, __sType) \ __vk_find_struct((__start), VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_##__sType) #define vk_find_struct_const(__start, __sType) \ (const void *)__vk_find_struct((void *)(__start), VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_##__sType) static inline void __vk_append_struct(void *start, void *element) { vk_foreach_struct(s, start) { if (s->pNext) continue; s->pNext = (struct VkBaseOutStructure *) element; break; } } uint32_t vk_get_driver_version(void); uint32_t vk_get_version_override(void); #define VK_EXT_OFFSET (1000000000UL) #define VK_ENUM_EXTENSION(__enum) \ ((__enum) >= VK_EXT_OFFSET ? ((((__enum) - VK_EXT_OFFSET) / 1000UL) + 1) : 0) #define VK_ENUM_OFFSET(__enum) \ ((__enum) >= VK_EXT_OFFSET ? ((__enum) % 1000) : (__enum)) #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* VK_UTIL_H */
[ "MIT" ]
<?zpl version="2.0"?><smil> <head> <meta name="generator" content="Zune -- 2.3.1338.0"/> <meta name="itemCount" content="35"/> <meta name="totalDuration" content="9151987"/> <meta name="averageRating" content="7"/> <properties>2wAAAHIAAAAxU1BT4IWf8vlPaBCrkQgAKyez2SkAAAAFAAAAAB8QAAADAAAAAgAA AEEAAAACAAAAQgAAAAIAAABDAAAALQAAAAQAAAAAHxAAAAEAAAALAAAAQwBoAHIA aQBzAEcAdQB6AGEAawAAADAAAAAAABwAAAAxU1BTpmpjKD2V0hG11gDAT9kY0AAA AAAtAAAAMVNQU5IERGSLTNERi3AIADaxGgMRAAAACQAAAAATAAAASwAAAAAAAAAc AAAAMVNQU5AERGSLTNERi3AIADaxGgMAAAAAAAAAAA== </properties><title>NewTitle</title></head> <body> <seq> <media src="C:\Users\Public\Music\Spearhead\Everyone Deserves Music\01 What I Be.wma" serviceId="{FEE46200-0500-11DB-89CA-0019B92A3933}" albumTitle="Everyone Deserves Music" albumArtist="Michael Franti (Spearhead)" trackTitle="What I Be" trackArtist="Michael Franti (Spearhead)" duration="285159"/> <media src="C:\Users\Public\Music\Spearhead\Everyone Deserves Music\12 Crazy Crazy Crazy.wma" serviceId="{09E56200-0500-11DB-89CA-0019B92A3933}" albumTitle="Everyone Deserves Music" albumArtist="Michael Franti (Spearhead)" trackTitle="Crazy Crazy Crazy" trackArtist="Michael Franti (Spearhead)" duration="208426"/> <media src="C:\Users\Public\Music\Spearhead\Everyone Deserves Music\03 Everyone Deserves Music.wma" serviceId="{00E56200-0500-11DB-89CA-0019B92A3933}" albumTitle="Everyone Deserves Music" albumArtist="Michael Franti (Spearhead)" trackTitle="Everyone Deserves Music" trackArtist="Michael Franti (Spearhead)" duration="276626"/> <media src="C:\Users\Public\Music\Spearhead\Everyone Deserves Music\04 Never Too Late.wma" serviceId="{01E56200-0500-11DB-89CA-0019B92A3933}" albumTitle="Everyone Deserves Music" albumArtist="Michael Franti (Spearhead)" trackTitle="Never Too Late" trackArtist="Michael Franti (Spearhead)" duration="290706"/> <media src="C:\Users\Public\Music\Spearhead\Everyone Deserves Music\05 Bomb the World.wma" serviceId="{02E56200-0500-11DB-89CA-0019B92A3933}" albumTitle="Everyone Deserves Music" albumArtist="Michael Franti (Spearhead)" trackTitle="Bomb the World" trackArtist="Michael Franti (Spearhead)" duration="268799"/> <media src="C:\Users\Public\Music\Spearhead\Home\05 Of Course You Can.wma" serviceId="{6E830C00-0500-11DB-89CA-0019B92A3933}" albumTitle="Home" albumArtist="Michael Franti (Spearhead)" trackTitle="Of Course You Can" trackArtist="Michael Franti (Spearhead)" duration="278959"/> <media src="C:\Users\Public\Music\Spearhead\Everyone Deserves Music\06 Pray for Grace.wma" serviceId="{03E56200-0500-11DB-89CA-0019B92A3933}" albumTitle="Everyone Deserves Music" albumArtist="Michael Franti (Spearhead)" trackTitle="Pray for Grace" trackArtist="Michael Franti (Spearhead)" duration="292866"/> <media src="C:\Users\Public\Music\Spearhead\Everyone Deserves Music\09 Feelin' Free.wma" serviceId="{06E56200-0500-11DB-89CA-0019B92A3933}" albumTitle="Everyone Deserves Music" albumArtist="Michael Franti (Spearhead)" trackTitle="Feelin' Free" trackArtist="Michael Franti (Spearhead)" duration="234333"/> <media src="C:\Users\Public\Music\Spearhead\Everyone Deserves Music\10 Love Invincible.wma" serviceId="{07E56200-0500-11DB-89CA-0019B92A3933}" albumTitle="Everyone Deserves Music" albumArtist="Michael Franti (Spearhead)" trackTitle="Love Invincible" trackArtist="Michael Franti (Spearhead)" duration="230106"/> <media src="C:\Users\Public\Music\Michael Franti &amp; Spearhead\Stay Human\14 Thank You.wma" serviceId="{775D4900-0500-11DB-89CA-0019B92A3933}" albumTitle="Stay Human" albumArtist="Michael Franti &amp; Spearhead" trackTitle="Thank You" trackArtist="Michael Franti" duration="295106"/> <media src="C:\Users\Public\Music\Michael Franti &amp; Spearhead\Stay Human\16 We Don't Mind.wma" serviceId="{795D4900-0500-11DB-89CA-0019B92A3933}" albumTitle="Stay Human" albumArtist="Michael Franti &amp; Spearhead" trackTitle="We Don't Mind" trackArtist="Michael Franti" duration="289892"/> <media src="C:\Users\Public\Music\Michael Franti &amp; Spearhead\Stay Human\03 Stay Human (All the Freaky People).wma" serviceId="{6C5D4900-0500-11DB-89CA-0019B92A3933}" albumTitle="Stay Human" albumArtist="Michael Franti &amp; Spearhead" trackTitle="Stay Human (All the Freaky People)" trackArtist="Michael Franti" duration="266706"/> <media src="C:\Users\Public\Music\Original Soundtrack\The Thomas Crown Affair [1999]\01 Windmills of Your Mind.wma" serviceId="{154C2E00-0500-11DB-89CA-0019B92A3933}" albumTitle="The Thomas Crown Affair [1999]" albumArtist="Original Soundtrack" trackTitle="Windmills of Your Mind" trackArtist="Sting" duration="257133"/> <media src="C:\Users\Public\Music\Original Soundtrack\The Thomas Crown Affair [1999]\03 Everything (...Is Never Quite Enough).wma" serviceId="{174C2E00-0500-11DB-89CA-0019B92A3933}" albumTitle="The Thomas Crown Affair [1999]" albumArtist="Original Soundtrack" trackTitle="Everything (...Is Never Quite Enough)" trackArtist="Wasis Diop" duration="272933"/> <media src="C:\Users\Public\Music\Original Soundtrack\The Thomas Crown Affair [1999]\12 Quick Exit.wma" albumTitle="The Thomas Crown Affair [1999]" albumArtist="Original Soundtrack" trackTitle="Quick Exit" trackArtist="Thomas Crown Affair" duration="88253"/> <media src="C:\Users\Public\Music\Beth Orton\Central Reservation\02 Sweetest Decline.wma" serviceId="{31863200-0500-11DB-89CA-0019B92A3933}" albumTitle="Central Reservation" albumArtist="Beth Orton" trackTitle="Sweetest Decline" trackArtist="Beth Orton" duration="339399"/> <media src="C:\Users\Public\Music\Beth Orton\Central Reservation\12 Central Reservation [Ben Watt Mix].wma" serviceId="{3B863200-0500-11DB-89CA-0019B92A3933}" albumTitle="Central Reservation" albumArtist="Beth Orton" trackTitle="Central Reservation [Ben Watt Mix]" trackArtist="Beth Orton" duration="241786"/> <media src="C:\Users\Public\Music\Beth Orton\Daybreaker\02 Concrete Sky.wma" serviceId="{D07E5600-0500-11DB-89CA-0019B92A3933}" albumTitle="Daybreaker" albumArtist="Beth Orton" trackTitle="Concrete Sky" trackArtist="Beth Orton" duration="274119"/> <media src="C:\Users\Public\Music\Les Nubians\One Step Forward\06 One Step Forward.wma" serviceId="{3BB35D00-0500-11DB-89CA-0019B92A3933}" albumTitle="One Step Forward" albumArtist="Les Nubians" trackTitle="One Step Forward" trackArtist="Les Nubians" duration="349866"/> <media src="C:\Users\Public\Music\Les Nubians\One Step Forward\02 Temperature Rising [Edit].wma" serviceId="{37B35D00-0500-11DB-89CA-0019B92A3933}" albumTitle="One Step Forward" albumArtist="Les Nubians" trackTitle="Temperature Rising [Edit]" trackArtist="Les Nubians" duration="219773"/> <media src="C:\Users\Public\Music\Les Nubians\One Step Forward\08 Me and Me.wma" serviceId="{3DB35D00-0500-11DB-89CA-0019B92A3933}" albumTitle="One Step Forward" albumArtist="Les Nubians" trackTitle="Me and Me" trackArtist="Les Nubians" duration="295039"/> <media src="C:\Users\Public\Music\Beth Orton\Central Reservation\02 Sweetest Decline.wma" serviceId="{31863200-0500-11DB-89CA-0019B92A3933}" albumTitle="Central Reservation" albumArtist="Beth Orton" trackTitle="Sweetest Decline" trackArtist="Beth Orton" duration="339399"/> <media src="C:\Users\Public\Music\Beth Orton\Central Reservation\12 Central Reservation [Ben Watt Mix].wma" serviceId="{3B863200-0500-11DB-89CA-0019B92A3933}" albumTitle="Central Reservation" albumArtist="Beth Orton" trackTitle="Central Reservation [Ben Watt Mix]" trackArtist="Beth Orton" duration="241786"/> <media src="C:\Users\Public\Music\Beth Orton\Daybreaker\02 Concrete Sky.wma" serviceId="{D07E5600-0500-11DB-89CA-0019B92A3933}" albumTitle="Daybreaker" albumArtist="Beth Orton" trackTitle="Concrete Sky" trackArtist="Beth Orton" duration="274119"/> <media src="C:\Users\Public\Music\Original Soundtrack\The Thomas Crown Affair [1999]\01 Windmills of Your Mind.wma" serviceId="{154C2E00-0500-11DB-89CA-0019B92A3933}" albumTitle="The Thomas Crown Affair [1999]" albumArtist="Original Soundtrack" trackTitle="Windmills of Your Mind" trackArtist="Sting" duration="257133"/> <media src="C:\Users\Public\Music\Original Soundtrack\The Thomas Crown Affair [1999]\03 Everything (...Is Never Quite Enough).wma" serviceId="{174C2E00-0500-11DB-89CA-0019B92A3933}" albumTitle="The Thomas Crown Affair [1999]" albumArtist="Original Soundtrack" trackTitle="Everything (...Is Never Quite Enough)" trackArtist="Wasis Diop" duration="272933"/> <media src="C:\Users\Public\Music\Abdullah Dollar Brand Ibrahim\Mindif\02 African Market.wma"/> <media src="C:\Users\Public\Music\Gomez\Bring It On\05 Tijuana Lady.wma" serviceId="{DDAD2300-0500-11DB-89CA-0019B92A3933}" albumTitle="Bring It On" albumArtist="Gomez" trackTitle="Tijuana Lady" trackArtist="Gomez" duration="428839"/> <media src="C:\Users\Public\Music\Coldplay\Blue Room\03 See You Soon.wma" serviceId="{50FA3800-0500-11DB-89CA-0019B92A3933}" albumTitle="Blue Room" albumArtist="Coldplay" trackTitle="See You Soon" trackArtist="Coldplay" duration="171372"/> <media src="C:\Users\Public\Music\Coldplay\Blue Room\04 High Speed.wma" serviceId="{51FA3800-0500-11DB-89CA-0019B92A3933}" albumTitle="Blue Room" albumArtist="Coldplay" trackTitle="High Speed" trackArtist="Coldplay" duration="256466"/> <media src="C:\Users\Public\Music\Coldplay\Parachutes\06 Trouble.wma" serviceId="{D9874100-0500-11DB-89CA-0019B92A3933}" albumTitle="Parachutes" albumArtist="Coldplay" trackTitle="Trouble" trackArtist="Coldplay" duration="270893"/> <media src="C:\Users\Public\Music\Gomez\Split the Difference\02 These 3 Sins.wma" serviceId="{76C56A00-0500-11DB-89CA-0019B92A3933}" albumTitle="Split the Difference" albumArtist="Gomez" trackTitle="These 3 Sins" trackArtist="Gomez" duration="157666"/> <media src="C:\Users\Public\Music\Les Nubians\One Step Forward\10 Amour À Mort.wma" serviceId="{3FB35D00-0500-11DB-89CA-0019B92A3933}" albumTitle="One Step Forward" albumArtist="Les Nubians" trackTitle="Amour À Mort" trackArtist="Les Nubians" duration="343679"/> <media src="C:\Users\Public\Music\Les Nubians\One Step Forward\11 Insomnie.wma" serviceId="{40B35D00-0500-11DB-89CA-0019B92A3933}" albumTitle="One Step Forward" albumArtist="Les Nubians" trackTitle="Insomnie" trackArtist="Les Nubians" duration="260773"/> <media src="C:\Users\Public\Music\Madonna\Ray Of Light\03 Ray Of Light.wma" serviceId="{F8A31D00-0500-11DB-89CA-0019B92A3933}" albumTitle="Ray of Light" albumArtist="Madonna" trackTitle="Ray of Light" trackArtist="Madonna" duration="320944"/> </seq> </body> </smil>
[ "MIT" ]
datatype list a = Nil | Cons of a * list a fun isNil (t ::: Type) (ls : list t) : bool = case ls of Nil => True | Cons _ => False fun append (t ::: Type) (ls1 : list t) (ls2 : list t) : list t = case ls1 of Nil => ls2 | Cons (x, ls1') => Cons (x, append ls1' ls2) fun appendR (t ::: Type) (ls2 : list t) (ls1 : list t) : list t = case ls1 of Nil => ls2 | Cons (x, ls1') => Cons (x, appendR ls2 ls1') (*fun naughty (t ::: Type) (ls : list t) : list t = naughty ls*) fun append1 (t ::: Type) (ls1 : list t) (ls2 : list t) : list t = case ls1 of Nil => ls2 | Cons (x, ls1') => Cons (x, append2 ls2 ls1') and append2 (t ::: Type) (ls2 : list t) (ls1 : list t) : list t = case ls1 of Nil => ls2 | Cons (x, ls1') => Cons (x, append1 ls1' ls2)
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
with Ada.Containers.Vectors; with Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random; with Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Integer_Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Integer_Text_IO; procedure Insertion_Sort is ------------------------------ -- Constant, types, package -- ------------------------------ ARRAY_SIZE : constant Natural := 10; RANGE_MIN : constant Integer := 1; RANGE_MAX : constant Integer := 100; package P_Vectors is new Ada.Containers.Vectors (Positive, Integer); use P_Vectors; ----------------------- -- Method prototype -- ----------------------- -- Initializing an array with default values function Init_Vector return Vector; procedure Put (Tab : Vector); procedure Swap (a : in out Integer; b : in out Integer); function Sort (T : Vector) return Vector; ----------------------------- -- Declaration of methods -- ----------------------------- function Init_Vector return Vector is subtype T_Interval is Integer range RANGE_MIN .. RANGE_MAX; package P_Random is new Ada.numerics.discrete_random (T_Interval); use P_Random; seed : Generator; T : Vector; begin Reset (seed); for i in 1 .. ARRAY_SIZE loop Append (T, Random (seed)); end loop; return T; end Init_Vector; procedure Put (Tab : Vector) is begin for e of Tab loop Put (e, Width => 0); Put (";"); end loop; end Put; procedure Swap (a : in out Integer; b : in out Integer) is c : constant Integer := a; begin a := b; b := c; end Swap; function Sort (T : Vector) return Vector is Tab : Vector := T; begin for i in First_Index (T) + 1 .. Last_Index (T) loop for j in reverse First_Index (T) + 1 .. i loop exit when Tab (j - 1) <= Tab (j); Swap (Tab (j - 1), Tab (j)); end loop; end loop; return Tab; end Sort; --------------- -- Variables -- --------------- T : Vector := Init_Vector; begin Put ("Array : "); Put (T); New_Line; T := Sort (T); Put ("Sorted array : "); Put (T); end Insertion_Sort;
Sorting/Insertion Sort/Ada/insertion_sort.adb
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
#summary tar 5 manual page == NAME == *tar* - format of tape archive files == DESCRIPTION == The *tar* archive format collects any number of files, directories, and other file system objects (symbolic links, device nodes, etc.) into a single stream of bytes. The format was originally designed to be used with tape drives that operate with fixed-size blocks, but is widely used as a general packaging mechanism. === General Format=== A *tar* archive consists of a series of 512-byte records. Each file system object requires a header record which stores basic metadata (pathname, owner, permissions, etc.) and zero or more records containing any file data. The end of the archive is indicated by two records consisting entirely of zero bytes. For compatibility with tape drives that use fixed block sizes, programs that read or write tar files always read or write a fixed number of records with each I/O operation. These "blocks" are always a multiple of the record size. The maximum block size supported by early implementations was 10240 bytes or 20 records. This is still the default for most implementations although block sizes of 1MiB (2048 records) or larger are commonly used with modern high-speed tape drives. (Note: the terms "block" and "record" here are not entirely standard; this document follows the convention established by John Gilmore in documenting *pdtar*.) === Old-Style Archive Format=== The original tar archive format has been extended many times to include additional information that various implementors found necessary. This section describes the variant implemented by the tar command included in At v7, which seems to be the earliest widely-used version of the tar program. The header record for an old-style *tar* archive consists of the following: {{{ struct header_old_tar { char name[100]; char mode[8]; char uid[8]; char gid[8]; char size[12]; char mtime[12]; char checksum[8]; char linkflag[1]; char linkname[100]; char pad[255]; }; }}} All unused bytes in the header record are filled with nulls. <dl> <dt>_name_</dt><dd> Pathname, stored as a null-terminated string. Early tar implementations only stored regular files (including hardlinks to those files). One common early convention used a trailing "/" character to indicate a directory name, allowing directory permissions and owner information to be archived and restored. </dd><dt>_mode_</dt><dd> File mode, stored as an octal number in ASCII. </dd><dt>_uid_, _gid_</dt><dd> User id and group id of owner, as octal numbers in ASCII. </dd><dt>_size_</dt><dd> Size of file, as octal number in ASCII. For regular files only, this indicates the amount of data that follows the header. In particular, this field was ignored by early tar implementations when extracting hardlinks. Modern writers should always store a zero length for hardlink entries. </dd><dt>_mtime_</dt><dd> Modification time of file, as an octal number in ASCII. This indicates the number of seconds since the start of the epoch, 00:00:00 UTC January 1, 1970. Note that negative values should be avoided here, as they are handled inconsistently. </dd><dt>_checksum_</dt><dd> Header checksum, stored as an octal number in ASCII. To compute the checksum, set the checksum field to all spaces, then sum all bytes in the header using unsigned arithmetic. This field should be stored as six octal digits followed by a null and a space character. Note that many early implementations of tar used signed arithmetic for the checksum field, which can cause interoperability problems when transferring archives between systems. Modern robust readers compute the checksum both ways and accept the header if either computation matches. </dd><dt>_linkflag_, _linkname_</dt><dd> In order to preserve hardlinks and conserve tape, a file with multiple links is only written to the archive the first time it is encountered. The next time it is encountered, the _linkflag_ is set to an ASCII Sq 1 and the _linkname_ field holds the first name under which this file appears. (Note that regular files have a null value in the _linkflag_ field.) </dd></dl> Early tar implementations varied in how they terminated these fields. The tar command in At v7 used the following conventions (this is also documented in early BSD manpages): the pathname must be null-terminated; the mode, uid, and gid fields must end in a space and a null byte; the size and mtime fields must end in a space; the checksum is terminated by a null and a space. Early implementations filled the numeric fields with leading spaces. This seems to have been common practice until the IEEE Std 1003.1-1988 (``POSIX.1'') standard was released. For best portability, modern implementations should fill the numeric fields with leading zeros. === Pre-POSIX Archives=== An early draft of IEEE Std 1003.1-1988 (``POSIX.1'') served as the basis for John Gilmore's *pdtar* program and many system implementations from the late 1980s and early 1990s. These archives generally follow the POSIX ustar format described below with the following variations: <ul> <li> The magic value is "ustar\ \&" (note the following space). The version field contains a space character followed by a null. </li><li> The numeric fields are generally filled with leading spaces (not leading zeros as recommended in the final standard). </li><li> The prefix field is often not used, limiting pathnames to the 100 characters of old-style archives. </li></ul> === POSIX ustar Archives=== IEEE Std 1003.1-1988 (``POSIX.1'') defined a standard tar file format to be read and written by compliant implementations of *tar*(1). This format is often called the "ustar" format, after the magic value used in the header. (The name is an acronym for "Unix Standard TAR".) It extends the historic format with new fields: {{{ struct header_posix_ustar { char name[100]; char mode[8]; char uid[8]; char gid[8]; char size[12]; char mtime[12]; char checksum[8]; char typeflag[1]; char linkname[100]; char magic[6]; char version[2]; char uname[32]; char gname[32]; char devmajor[8]; char devminor[8]; char prefix[155]; char pad[12]; }; }}} <dl> <dt>_typeflag_</dt><dd> Type of entry. POSIX extended the earlier _linkflag_ field with several new type values: <dl> <dt>"0"</dt><dd> Regular file. NUL should be treated as a synonym, for compatibility purposes. </dd><dt>"1"</dt><dd> Hard link. </dd><dt>"2"</dt><dd> Symbolic link. </dd><dt>"3"</dt><dd> Character device node. </dd><dt>"4"</dt><dd> Block device node. </dd><dt>"5"</dt><dd> Directory. </dd><dt>"6"</dt><dd> FIFO node. </dd><dt>"7"</dt><dd> Reserved. </dd><dt>Other</dt><dd> A POSIX-compliant implementation must treat any unrecognized typeflag value as a regular file. In particular, writers should ensure that all entries have a valid filename so that they can be restored by readers that do not support the corresponding extension. Uppercase letters "A" through "Z" are reserved for custom extensions. Note that sockets and whiteout entries are not archivable. </dd></dl> It is worth noting that the _size_ field, in particular, has different meanings depending on the type. For regular files, of course, it indicates the amount of data following the header. For directories, it may be used to indicate the total size of all files in the directory, for use by operating systems that pre-allocate directory space. For all other types, it should be set to zero by writers and ignored by readers. </dd><dt>_magic_</dt><dd> Contains the magic value "ustar" followed by a NUL byte to indicate that this is a POSIX standard archive. Full compliance requires the uname and gname fields be properly set. </dd><dt>_version_</dt><dd> Version. This should be "00" (two copies of the ASCII digit zero) for POSIX standard archives. </dd><dt>_uname_, _gname_</dt><dd> User and group names, as null-terminated ASCII strings. These should be used in preference to the uid/gid values when they are set and the corresponding names exist on the system. </dd><dt>_devmajor_, _devminor_</dt><dd> Major and minor numbers for character device or block device entry. </dd><dt>_name_, _prefix_</dt><dd> If the pathname is too long to fit in the 100 bytes provided by the standard format, it can be split at any _/_ character with the first portion going into the prefix field. If the prefix field is not empty, the reader will prepend the prefix value and a _/_ character to the regular name field to obtain the full pathname. The standard does not require a trailing _/_ character on directory names, though most implementations still include this for compatibility reasons. </dd></dl> Note that all unused bytes must be set to NUL. Field termination is specified slightly differently by POSIX than by previous implementations. The _magic_, _uname_, and _gname_ fields must have a trailing NUL. The _pathname_, _linkname_, and _prefix_ fields must have a trailing NUL unless they fill the entire field. (In particular, it is possible to store a 256-character pathname if it happens to have a _/_ as the 156th character.) POSIX requires numeric fields to be zero-padded in the front, and requires them to be terminated with either space or NUL characters. Currently, most tar implementations comply with the ustar format, occasionally extending it by adding new fields to the blank area at the end of the header record. === Pax Interchange Format=== There are many attributes that cannot be portably stored in a POSIX ustar archive. IEEE Std 1003.1-2001 (``POSIX.1'') defined a "pax interchange format" that uses two new types of entries to hold text-formatted metadata that applies to following entries. Note that a pax interchange format archive is a ustar archive in every respect. The new data is stored in ustar-compatible archive entries that use the "x" or "g" typeflag. In particular, older implementations that do not fully support these extensions will extract the metadata into regular files, where the metadata can be examined as necessary. An entry in a pax interchange format archive consists of one or two standard ustar entries, each with its own header and data. The first optional entry stores the extended attributes for the following entry. This optional first entry has an "x" typeflag and a size field that indicates the total size of the extended attributes. The extended attributes themselves are stored as a series of text-format lines encoded in the portable UTF-8 encoding. Each line consists of a decimal number, a space, a key string, an equals sign, a value string, and a new line. The decimal number indicates the length of the entire line, including the initial length field and the trailing newline. An example of such a field is: {{{ 25 ctime=1084839148.1212\en }}} Keys in all lowercase are standard keys. Vendors can add their own keys by prefixing them with an all uppercase vendor name and a period. Note that, unlike the historic header, numeric values are stored using decimal, not octal. A description of some common keys follows: <dl> <dt>*atime*, *ctime*, *mtime*</dt><dd> File access, inode change, and modification times. These fields can be negative or include a decimal point and a fractional value. </dd><dt>*uname*, *uid*, *gname*, *gid*</dt><dd> User name, group name, and numeric UID and GID values. The user name and group name stored here are encoded in UTF8 and can thus include non-ASCII characters. The UID and GID fields can be of arbitrary length. </dd><dt>*linkpath*</dt><dd> The full path of the linked-to file. Note that this is encoded in UTF8 and can thus include non-ASCII characters. </dd><dt>*path*</dt><dd> The full pathname of the entry. Note that this is encoded in UTF8 and can thus include non-ASCII characters. </dd><dt>*realtime.`*`*, *security.`*`*</dt><dd> These keys are reserved and may be used for future standardization. </dd><dt>*size*</dt><dd> The size of the file. Note that there is no length limit on this field, allowing conforming archives to store files much larger than the historic 8GB limit. </dd><dt>*SCHILY.`*`*</dt><dd> Vendor-specific attributes used by Joerg Schilling's *star* implementation. </dd><dt>*SCHILY.acl.access*, *SCHILY.acl.default*</dt><dd> Stores the access and default ACLs as textual strings in a format that is an extension of the format specified by POSIX.1e draft 17. In particular, each user or group access specification can include a fourth colon-separated field with the numeric UID or GID. This allows ACLs to be restored on systems that may not have complete user or group information available (such as when NIS/YP or LDAP services are temporarily unavailable). </dd><dt>*SCHILY.devminor*, *SCHILY.devmajor*</dt><dd> The full minor and major numbers for device nodes. </dd><dt>*SCHILY.fflags*</dt><dd> The file flags. </dd><dt>*SCHILY.realsize*</dt><dd> The full size of the file on disk. XXX explain? XXX </dd><dt>*,* *SCHILY.ino*, *SCHILY.nlinks*</dt><dd> The device number, inode number, and link count for the entry. In particular, note that a pax interchange format archive using Joerg Schilling's *SCHILY.`*`* extensions can store all of the data from _struct_ stat. </dd><dt>*LIBARCHIVE.xattr.*_namespace_._key_</dt><dd> Libarchive stores POSIX.1e-style extended attributes using keys of this form. The _key_ value is URL-encoded: All non-ASCII characters and the two special characters "=" and "%" are encoded as "%" followed by two uppercase hexadecimal digits. The value of this key is the extended attribute value encoded in base 64. XXX Detail the base-64 format here XXX </dd><dt>*VENDOR.`*`*</dt><dd> XXX document other vendor-specific extensions XXX </dd></dl> Any values stored in an extended attribute override the corresponding values in the regular tar header. Note that compliant readers should ignore the regular fields when they are overridden. This is important, as existing archivers are known to store non-compliant values in the standard header fields in this situation. There are no limits on length for any of these fields. In particular, numeric fields can be arbitrarily large. All text fields are encoded in UTF8. Compliant writers should store only portable 7-bit ASCII characters in the standard ustar header and use extended attributes whenever a text value contains non-ASCII characters. In addition to the *x* entry described above, the pax interchange format also supports a *g* entry. The *g* entry is identical in format, but specifies attributes that serve as defaults for all subsequent archive entries. The *g* entry is not widely used. Besides the new *x* and *g* entries, the pax interchange format has a few other minor variations from the earlier ustar format. The most troubling one is that hardlinks are permitted to have data following them. This allows readers to restore any hardlink to a file without having to rewind the archive to find an earlier entry. However, it creates complications for robust readers, as it is no longer clear whether or not they should ignore the size field for hardlink entries. === GNU Tar Archives=== The GNU tar program started with a pre-POSIX format similar to that described earlier and has extended it using several different mechanisms: It added new fields to the empty space in the header (some of which was later used by POSIX for conflicting purposes); it allowed the header to be continued over multiple records; and it defined new entries that modify following entries (similar in principle to the *x* entry described above, but each GNU special entry is single-purpose, unlike the general-purpose *x* entry). As a result, GNU tar archives are not POSIX compatible, although more lenient POSIX-compliant readers can successfully extract most GNU tar archives. {{{ struct header_gnu_tar { char name[100]; char mode[8]; char uid[8]; char gid[8]; char size[12]; char mtime[12]; char checksum[8]; char typeflag[1]; char linkname[100]; char magic[6]; char version[2]; char uname[32]; char gname[32]; char devmajor[8]; char devminor[8]; char atime[12]; char ctime[12]; char offset[12]; char longnames[4]; char unused[1]; struct { char offset[12]; char numbytes[12]; } sparse[4]; char isextended[1]; char realsize[12]; char pad[17]; }; }}} <dl> <dt>_typeflag_</dt><dd> GNU tar uses the following special entry types, in addition to those defined by POSIX: <dl> <dt>7</dt><dd> GNU tar treats type "7" records identically to type "0" records, except on one obscure RTOS where they are used to indicate the pre-allocation of a contiguous file on disk. </dd><dt>D</dt><dd> This indicates a directory entry. Unlike the POSIX-standard "5" typeflag, the header is followed by data records listing the names of files in this directory. Each name is preceded by an ASCII "Y" if the file is stored in this archive or "N" if the file is not stored in this archive. Each name is terminated with a null, and an extra null marks the end of the name list. The purpose of this entry is to support incremental backups; a program restoring from such an archive may wish to delete files on disk that did not exist in the directory when the archive was made. Note that the "D" typeflag specifically violates POSIX, which requires that unrecognized typeflags be restored as normal files. In this case, restoring the "D" entry as a file could interfere with subsequent creation of the like-named directory. </dd><dt>K</dt><dd> The data for this entry is a long linkname for the following regular entry. </dd><dt>L</dt><dd> The data for this entry is a long pathname for the following regular entry. </dd><dt>M</dt><dd> This is a continuation of the last file on the previous volume. GNU multi-volume archives guarantee that each volume begins with a valid entry header. To ensure this, a file may be split, with part stored at the end of one volume, and part stored at the beginning of the next volume. The "M" typeflag indicates that this entry continues an existing file. Such entries can only occur as the first or second entry in an archive (the latter only if the first entry is a volume label). The _size_ field specifies the size of this entry. The _offset_ field at bytes 369-380 specifies the offset where this file fragment begins. The _realsize_ field specifies the total size of the file (which must equal _size_ plus _offset_). When extracting, GNU tar checks that the header file name is the one it is expecting, that the header offset is in the correct sequence, and that the sum of offset and size is equal to realsize. </dd><dt>N</dt><dd> Type "N" records are no longer generated by GNU tar. They contained a list of files to be renamed or symlinked after extraction; this was originally used to support long names. The contents of this record are a text description of the operations to be done, in the form "Rename %s to %s\en" or "Symlink %s to %s\en ;" in either case, both filenames are escaped using K&R C syntax. Due to security concerns, "N" records are now generally ignored when reading archives. </dd><dt>S</dt><dd> This is a "sparse" regular file. Sparse files are stored as a series of fragments. The header contains a list of fragment offset/length pairs. If more than four such entries are required, the header is extended as necessary with "extra" header extensions (an older format that is no longer used), or "sparse" extensions. </dd><dt>V</dt><dd> The _name_ field should be interpreted as a tape/volume header name. This entry should generally be ignored on extraction. </dd></dl> </dd><dt>_magic_</dt><dd> The magic field holds the five characters "ustar" followed by a space. Note that POSIX ustar archives have a trailing null. </dd><dt>_version_</dt><dd> The version field holds a space character followed by a null. Note that POSIX ustar archives use two copies of the ASCII digit "0". </dd><dt>_atime_, _ctime_</dt><dd> The time the file was last accessed and the time of last change of file information, stored in octal as with _mtime_. </dd><dt>_longnames_</dt><dd> This field is apparently no longer used. </dd><dt>Sparse _offset_ / _numbytes_</dt><dd> Each such structure specifies a single fragment of a sparse file. The two fields store values as octal numbers. The fragments are each padded to a multiple of 512 bytes in the archive. On extraction, the list of fragments is collected from the header (including any extension headers), and the data is then read and written to the file at appropriate offsets. </dd><dt>_isextended_</dt><dd> If this is set to non-zero, the header will be followed by additional "sparse header" records. Each such record contains information about as many as 21 additional sparse blocks as shown here: {{{ struct gnu_sparse_header { struct { char offset[12]; char numbytes[12]; } sparse[21]; char isextended[1]; char padding[7]; }; }}} </dd><dt>_realsize_</dt><dd> A binary representation of the file's complete size, with a much larger range than the POSIX file size. In particular, with *M* type files, the current entry is only a portion of the file. In that case, the POSIX size field will indicate the size of this entry; the _realsize_ field will indicate the total size of the file. </dd></dl> === GNU tar pax archives=== GNU tar 1.14 (XXX check this XXX) and later will write pax interchange format archives when you specify the *--posix* flag. This format uses custom keywords to store sparse file information. There have been three iterations of this support, referred to as "0.0", "0.1", and "1.0". <dl> <dt>*GNU.sparse.numblocks*, *GNU.sparse.offset*, *GNU.sparse.numbytes*, *GNU.sparse.size*</dt><dd> The "0.0" format used an initial *GNU.sparse.numblocks* attribute to indicate the number of blocks in the file, a pair of *GNU.sparse.offset* and *GNU.sparse.numbytes* to indicate the offset and size of each block, and a single *GNU.sparse.size* to indicate the full size of the file. This is not the same as the size in the tar header because the latter value does not include the size of any holes. This format required that the order of attributes be preserved and relied on readers accepting multiple appearances of the same attribute names, which is not officially permitted by the standards. </dd><dt>**</dt><dd> The "0.1" format used a single attribute that stored a comma-separated list of decimal numbers. Each pair of numbers indicated the offset and size, respectively, of a block of data. This does not work well if the archive is extracted by an archiver that does not recognize this extension, since many pax implementations simply discard unrecognized attributes. </dd><dt>*GNU.sparse.major*, *GNU.sparse.minor*, **, *GNU.sparse.realsize*</dt><dd> The "1.0" format stores the sparse block map in one or more 512-byte blocks prepended to the file data in the entry body. The pax attributes indicate the existence of this map (via the *GNU.sparse.major* and *GNU.sparse.minor* fields) and the full size of the file. The ** holds the true name of the file. To avoid confusion, the name stored in the regular tar header is a modified name so that extraction errors will be apparent to users. </dd></dl> === Solaris Tar=== XXX More Details Needed XXX Solaris tar (beginning with SunOS XXX 5.7 ?? XXX) supports an "extended" format that is fundamentally similar to pax interchange format, with the following differences: <ul> <li> Extended attributes are stored in an entry whose type is *X*, not *x*, as used by pax interchange format. The detailed format of this entry appears to be the same as detailed above for the *x* entry. </li><li> An additional *A* entry is used to store an ACL for the following regular entry. The body of this entry contains a seven-digit octal number followed by a zero byte, followed by the textual ACL description. The octal value is the number of ACL entries plus a constant that indicates the ACL type: 01000000 for POSIX.1e ACLs and 03000000 for NFSv4 ACLs. </li></ul> === AIX Tar=== XXX More details needed XXX === Mac OS X Tar=== The tar distributed with Apple's Mac OS X stores most regular files as two separate entries in the tar archive. The two entries have the same name except that the first one has "._" added to the beginning of the name. This first entry stores the "resource fork" with additional attributes for the file. The Mac OS X *CopyFile*() API is used to separate a file on disk into separate resource and data streams and to reassemble those separate streams when the file is restored to disk. === Other Extensions=== One obvious extension to increase the size of files is to eliminate the terminating characters from the various numeric fields. For example, the standard only allows the size field to contain 11 octal digits, reserving the twelfth byte for a trailing NUL character. Allowing 12 octal digits allows file sizes up to 64 GB. Another extension, utilized by GNU tar, star, and other newer *tar* implementations, permits binary numbers in the standard numeric fields. This is flagged by setting the high bit of the first byte. This permits 95-bit values for the length and time fields and 63-bit values for the uid, gid, and device numbers. GNU tar supports this extension for the length, mtime, ctime, and atime fields. Joerg Schilling's star program supports this extension for all numeric fields. Note that this extension is largely obsoleted by the extended attribute record provided by the pax interchange format. Another early GNU extension allowed base-64 values rather than octal. This extension was short-lived and is no longer supported by any implementation. == SEE ALSO == *ar*(1), *pax*(1), *tar*(1) == STANDARDS == The *tar* utility is no longer a part of POSIX or the Single Unix Standard. It last appeared in Version 2 of the Single UNIX Specification (``SUSv2''). It has been supplanted in subsequent standards by *pax*(1). The ustar format is currently part of the specification for the *pax*(1) utility. The pax interchange file format is new with IEEE Std 1003.1-2001 (``POSIX.1''). == HISTORY == A *tar* command appeared in Seventh Edition Unix, which was released in January, 1979. It replaced the *tp* program from Fourth Edition Unix which in turn replaced the *tap* program from First Edition Unix. John Gilmore's *pdtar* public-domain implementation (circa 1987) was highly influential and formed the basis of *GNU* tar (circa 1988). Joerg Shilling's *star* archiver is another open-source (GPL) archiver (originally developed circa 1985) which features complete support for pax interchange format. This documentation was written as part of the *libarchive* and *bsdtar* project by Tim Kientzle <[email protected].>
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
;======================================================================================= ; ; Function: CreateIconsDll ; Description: Creates an Icon Resources Dll from ico files in a folder. ; ; Author: Pulover [Rodolfo U. Batista] ([email protected]) ; Credits: DllCreateEmpty() by SKAN ; ReplaceIcon() based on ReplaceAhkIcon() by fincs ; ;======================================================================================= ; ; Usage example: ; ; CreateIconsDll("MyDll.dll", "C:\MyIcons") ; ;======================================================================================= CreateIconsDll(File, Folder) { IfNotExist, %File% DllCreateEmpty(File) Index := 1, Counter := 0 module := DllCall("BeginUpdateResource", "str", File, "uint", 0, "ptr") Loop, %Folder%\*.ico { Counter++, Index := ReplaceIcon(module, A_LoopFileLongPath, Index) If (Counter = 20) { DllCall("EndUpdateResource", "ptr", module, "uint", 0) , module := DllCall("BeginUpdateResource", "str", File, "uint", 0, "ptr") , Counter := 0 } } DllCall("EndUpdateResource", "ptr", module, "uint", 0) return Index - 1 } ReplaceIcon(re, IcoFile, iconID) { f := FileOpen(IcoFile, "r") if (!IsObject(f)) return false VarSetCapacity(igh, 8), f.RawRead(igh, 6) if NumGet(igh, 0, "UShort") != 0 || NumGet(igh, 2, "UShort") != 1 return false wCount := NumGet(igh, 4, "UShort") , VarSetCapacity(rsrcIconGroup, rsrcIconGroupSize := 6 + wCount*14) , NumPut(NumGet(igh, "Int64"), rsrcIconGroup, "Int64") ; fast copy , ige := &rsrcIconGroup + 6 Loop, %wCount% { thisID := (iconID-1) + A_Index , f.RawRead(ige+0, 12) ; read all but the offset , NumPut(thisID, ige+12, "UShort") , imgOffset := f.ReadUInt() , oldPos := f.Pos , f.Pos := imgOffset , VarSetCapacity(iconData, iconDataSize := NumGet(ige+8, "UInt")) , f.RawRead(iconData, iconDataSize) , f.Pos := oldPos , DllCall("UpdateResource", "ptr", re, "ptr", 3, "ptr", thisID, "ushort", 0x409, "ptr", &iconData, "uint", iconDataSize, "uint") , ige += 14 } return thisID + 1, DllCall("UpdateResource", "ptr", re, "ptr", 14, "ptr", iconID, "ushort", 0x409, "ptr", &rsrcIconGroup, "uint", rsrcIconGroupSize, "uint") } DllCreateEmpty(F := "empty.dll") { ; ;Creates Empty Resource-Only DLL (1536 bytes) / CD:05-Sep-2010 | LM:25-Oct-2010 - by SKAN IfNotEqual,A_Tab, % TS:=A_NowUTC, EnvSub,TS,1970,S ; Src := "0X5A4DY3CXB8YB8X4550YBCX2014CYCCX210E00E0YD0X7010BYD8X400YE4X1000YE8X1000YECX78A" . "E0000YF0X1000YF4X200YF8X10005YFCX10005Y100X4Y108X3000Y10CX200Y114X2Y118X40000Y11CX200" . "0Y120X100000Y124X1000Y12CX10Y140X1000Y144X10Y158X2000Y15CX8Y1B0X7273722EY1B4X63Y1B8X1" . "0Y1BCX1000Y1C0X200Y1C4X200Y1D4X40000040Y1D8X6C65722EY1DCX636FY1E0X8Y1E4X2000Y1E8X200Y" . "1ECX400Y1FCX42000040", VarSetCapacity(Trg,1536,0), Numput(TS,Trg,192),AC := 0x40000000 Loop, Parse, Src, XY Mod(A_Index,2) ? O := "0x" A_LoopField : NumPut("0x" A_LoopField, Trg, O) If (hF := DllCall("CreateFile", Str,F, UInt,AC,UInt,2,Ptr,0,UInt,2,Int,0,Int,0)) > 0 B := DllCall("_lwrite", Ptr,hF,Ptr,&Trg,UInt,1536), DllCall("CloseHandle",Ptr,hF) Return B ? F : }
[ "Unlicense" ]
codegen utils = require './codegenUtils' module.exports (terms) = terms.term { constructor (object, name) = self.object = object = name field reference = true generate (scope) = self.code ( self.object.generate (scope) '.' codegen utils.concat name ( ) generate target (args, ...) = self.generate (args, ...) }
[ "MIT" ]
(defn rand "Returns a random floating point number between 0 (inclusive) and n (default 1) (exclusive)." ([] (scm* [n] (random-real))) ([n] (* (rand) n)))
[ "MIT" ]
:- module(bparrays, [new_array/2, a2_new/3, a3_new/4, is_array/1, '$aget'/3]). :- use_module(library(lists), [flatten/2]). new_array(X, Dim.Dims) :- functor(X, '[]', Dim), recurse_new_array(0, Dim, Dims, X). recurse_new_array(_, _, [], _X) :- !. recurse_new_array(Dim, Dim, _Dims, _X) :- !. recurse_new_array(I0, Dim, Dims, X) :- I is I0+1, arg(I, X, A), new_array(A, Dims), recurse_new_array(0, Dim, Dims, X). a2_new(X, Dim1, Dim2) :- functor(X, '[]', Dim1), recurse_new_array(0, Dim1, [Dim2], X). a2_new(X, Dim1, Dim2, Dim3) :- functor(X, '.', Dim1), recurse_new_array(0, Dim1, [Dim2,Dim3], X). is_array(X) :- functor(X, '[]', _Dim). '$aget'(A,[],A). '$aget'(A,I.Is,A) :- arg(I, A, X), '$aget'(X,Is,A). array_to_list(A, List) :- flatten(A, List).
[ "Artistic-1.0-Perl", "ClArtistic" ]
ModelNames = {{"Neutral", "Selection", "Discrete", "Freqs", "Gamma", "2 Gamma", "Beta", "Beta & w", "Beta & Gamma", "Beta & (Gamma+1)", "Beta & (Normal>1)", "0 & 2 (Normal>1)", "3 Normal", "RE: Lognormal", "RE: Gamma", "RE: Discrete"}}; ParameterCount = {{0, 1, 3, 4, 2, 4, 2, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 1, 2, 4 }}; MAXIMUM_ITERATIONS_PER_VARIABLE = 2000; OPTIMIZATION_PRECISION = 0.001; function SetWDistribution (resp) { if (rateType == 0) { global P = .5; P:<1; categFreqMatrix = {{P,1-P}}; categRateMatrix = {{0,1}}; category c = (2, categFreqMatrix , MEAN, ,categRateMatrix, 0, 1e25); } else { if (rateType == 1) { global P1 = 1/3; global P2 = 0; P1:<1; P2:<1; global W = 1; categFreqMatrix = {{P1,(1-P1)*P2, (1-P1)*(1-P2)}} ; categRateMatrix = {{0,1,W}}; category c = (3, categFreqMatrix , MEAN, ,categRateMatrix, 0, 1e25); } else { if (rateType == 2) { global P1 = 1/3; global P2 = .5; P1:<1; P2:<1; global W1 = .25; global R1 = 4; global R2 = 3; R1:>1; R2:>1; categFreqMatrix = {{P1,(1-P1)*P2, (1-P1)*(1-P2)}} ; categRateMatrix = {{W1,W1*R1,W1*R1*R2}}; category c = (3, categFreqMatrix , MEAN, ,categRateMatrix, 0, 1e25); } else { if (rateType == 3) { global P1 = 1/5; global P2 = 1/4; global P3 = 1/3; global P4 = 1/2; P1:<1; P2:<1; P3:<1; P4:<1; categFreqMatrix = {{P1, (1-P1)P2, (1-P1)(1-P2)*P3, (1-P1)(1-P2)(1-P3)P4, (1-P1)(1-P2)(1-P3)(1-P4)}} ; categRateMatrix = {{0,1/3,2/3,1,3}}; category c = (5, categFreqMatrix , MEAN, ,categRateMatrix, 0, 1e25); } else { if (rateType == 4) { global alpha = .5; global beta = 1; alpha:>0.01;alpha:<100; beta:>0.01; beta:<200; category c = (resp, EQUAL, MEAN, GammaDist(_x_,alpha,beta), CGammaDist(_x_,alpha,beta), 0 , 1e25,CGammaDist(_x_,alpha+1,beta)*alpha/beta); } else { if (rateType == 5) { global alpha = .5; global beta = 1; global alpha2= .75; global P = .5; alpha:>0.01;alpha:<100; beta:>0.01; beta:<200; P:<1; alpha2:>0.01;alpha2:<100; category c = (resp, EQUAL, MEAN, P*GammaDist(_x_,alpha,beta) + (1-P)*GammaDist(_x_,alpha2,alpha2) , P*CGammaDist(_x_,alpha,beta) + (1-P)*CGammaDist(_x_,alpha2,alpha2), 0 , 1e25, P*CGammaDist(_x_,alpha+1,beta)*alpha/beta + (1-P)*CGammaDist(_x_,alpha2+1,alpha2)); } else { if (rateType == 6) { global betaP = 1; global betaQ = 1; betaP:>0.05;betaP:<85; betaQ:>0.05;betaQ:<85; category c = (resp, EQUAL, MEAN, _x_^(betaP-1)*(1-_x_)^(betaQ-1)/Beta(betaP,betaQ), IBeta(_x_,betaP,betaQ), 0 , 1,IBeta(_x_,betaP+1,betaQ)*betaP/(betaP+betaQ)); } else { if (rateType == 7) { global W = 2; /*W:>1;*/ global P = 1-1/(resp+1); global betaP = 1; global betaQ = 2; betaP:>0.05; betaQ:>0.05; betaP:<85; betaQ:<85; P:>0.0000001; P:<0.9999999; categFreqMatrix = {resp+1,1}; for (k=0; k<resp; k=k+1) { categFreqMatrix[k]:=P/resp__; } categFreqMatrix[resp]:=(1-P); category c = (resp+1, categFreqMatrix, MEAN, P*_x_^(betaP-1)*(1-Min(_x_,1))^(betaQ-1)/Beta(betaP,betaQ)+W-W, P*IBeta(Min(_x_,1),betaP,betaQ)+(1-P)*(_x_>=W), 0,1e25, P*IBeta(Min(_x_,1),betaP+1,betaQ)*betaP/(betaP+betaQ)+(1-P)*W*(_x_>=W)); } else { if (rateType == 8) { global P = .5; global betaP = 1; global betaQ = 2; betaP:>0.05;betaP:<85; betaQ:>0.05;betaQ:<85; global alpha = .5; global beta = 1; alpha:>0.01;alpha:<100; beta:>0.01; beta:<200; P:<1; category c = (resp, EQUAL, MEAN, P*_x_^(betaP-1)*(1-Min(_x_,1))^(betaQ-1)/Beta(betaP,betaQ)+(1-P)*GammaDist(_x_,alpha,beta), P*IBeta(Min(_x_,1),betaP,betaQ)+(1-P)*CGammaDist(_x_,alpha,beta), 0,1e25, P*betaP/(betaP+betaQ)*IBeta(Min(_x_,1),betaP+1,betaQ)+(1-P)*alpha/beta*CGammaDist(_x_,alpha+1,beta)); } else { if (rateType == 9) { global P = .5; P:<1; global betaP = 1; betaP:>0.05;betaP:<85; global betaQ = 2; betaQ:>0.05;betaQ:<85; global alpha = .5; alpha:>0.01;alpha:<100; global beta = 1; beta:>0.01;beta:<500; category c = (resp, EQUAL, MEAN, P*_x_^(betaP-1)*(1-Min(_x_,1))^(betaQ-1)/Beta(betaP,betaQ)+(1-P)*(_x_>1)*GammaDist(Max(1e-20,_x_-1),alpha,beta), P*IBeta(Min(_x_,1),betaP,betaQ)+(1-P)*CGammaDist(Max(_x_-1,0),alpha,beta), 0,1e25, P*betaP/(betaP+betaQ)*IBeta(Min(_x_,1),betaP+1,betaQ)+ (1-P)*(alpha/beta*CGammaDist(Max(0,_x_-1),alpha+1,beta)+CGammaDist(Max(0,_x_-1),alpha,beta))); } else { if (rateType == 10) { global P = .5; global betaP = 1; global betaQ = 2; betaP:>0.05; betaQ:>0.05; betaP:<85; betaQ:<85; global mu = 3; global sigma = .01; sigma:>0.0001; sqrt2pi = Sqrt(8*Arctan(1)); P:<1; category c = (resp, EQUAL, MEAN, P*_x_^(betaP-1)*(1-Min(_x_,1))^(betaQ-1)/Beta(betaP,betaQ)+ (1-P)*(_x_>=1)*Exp(-(_x_-mu)(_x_-mu)/(2*sigma*sigma))/(sqrt2pi__*sigma)/ZCDF((mu-1)/sigma), P*IBeta(Min(_x_,1),betaP,betaQ)+(1-P)*(_x_>=1)*(1-ZCDF((mu-_x_)/sigma)/ZCDF((mu-1)/sigma)), 0,1e25, P*betaP/(betaP+betaQ)*IBeta(Min(_x_,1),betaP+1,betaQ)+ (1-P)*(_x_>=1)*(mu*(1-ZCDF((1-mu)/sigma)-ZCDF((mu-_x_)/sigma))+ sigma*(Exp((mu-1)(1-mu)/(2*sigma*sigma))-Exp((_x_-mu)(mu-_x_)/(2*sigma*sigma)))/sqrt2pi__)/ZCDF((mu-1)/sigma)); } else { if (rateType == 11) { global P = 1/3; global P1 = .5; global mu = 3; global sigma = .5; sigma:>0.0001; global sigma1 = 1; sigma1:>0.0001; sqrt2pi = Sqrt(8*Arctan(1)); P:<1; P1:<1; categFreqMatrix = {resp+1,1}; for (k=1; k<=resp; k=k+1) { categFreqMatrix[k]:=(1-P)/resp__; } categFreqMatrix[0]:=P; category c = (resp+1, categFreqMatrix, MEAN, (1-P)((1-P1)*Exp(-(_x_-mu)(_x_-mu)/(2*sigma1*sigma1))/(sqrt2pi__*sigma1)/ZCDF(mu/sigma1)+ P1*Exp(-(_x_-1)(_x_-1)/(2*sigma*sigma))/(sqrt2pi__*sigma)/ZCDF(1/sigma)), P+(1-P)(_x_>1e-20)((1-P1)(1-ZCDF((mu-_x_)/sigma1)/ZCDF(mu/sigma1))+ P1*(1-ZCDF((1-_x_)/sigma)/ZCDF(1/sigma))), 0,1e25, (1-P)((1-P1)(mu*(1-ZCDF(-mu/sigma1)-ZCDF((mu-_x_)/sigma1))+ sigma1*(Exp(-mu*mu/(2*sigma1*sigma1))-Exp((_x_-mu)(mu-_x_)/(2*sigma1*sigma1)))/sqrt2pi__)/ZCDF(mu/sigma1)+ P(1-ZCDF(-1/sigma)-ZCDF((1-_x_)/sigma)+ sigma*(Exp(-1/(2*sigma*sigma))-Exp((_x_-1)(1-_x_)/(2*sigma*sigma)))/sqrt2pi__)/ZCDF(1/sigma)) ); } else { if (rateType == 12) { global P = 1/3; global P1 = .5; global mu = 3; global sigma = .25; global sigma1 = .5; global sigma2 = 1; sigma:>0.0001; sigma1:>0.0001; sigma2:>0.0001; sqrt2pi = Sqrt(8*Arctan(1)); P:<1; P1:<1; category c = (resp, EQUAL , MEAN, 2*P*Exp(-_x_^2/(2*sigma*sigma))+ (1-P)((1-P1)*Exp((_x_-mu)(mu-_x_)/(2*sigma2*sigma2))/(sqrt2pi__*sigma2)/ZCDF(mu/sigma2)+ P1*Exp((1-_x_)(_x_-1)/(2*sigma1*sigma1))/(sqrt2pi__*sigma1)/ZCDF(1/sigma1)), P*(1-2*ZCDF(-_x_/sigma))+ (1-P)((1-P1)(1-ZCDF((mu-_x_)/sigma2)/ZCDF(mu/sigma2))+ P1*(1-ZCDF((1-_x_)/sigma1)/ZCDF(1/sigma1))), 0,1e25, 2*P*sigma*(1-Exp(-_x_*_x_/(2*sigma*sigma)))/sqrt2pi__+ (1-P)((1-P1)(mu*(1-ZCDF(-mu/sigma2)-ZCDF((mu-_x_)/sigma2))+ sigma2*(Exp(-mu*mu/(2*sigma2*sigma2))-Exp((_x_-mu)(mu-_x_)/(2*sigma2*sigma2)))/sqrt2pi__)/ZCDF(mu/sigma2)+ P1(1-ZCDF(-1/sigma1)-ZCDF((1-_x_)/sigma1)+ sigma1*(Exp(-1/(2*sigma1*sigma1))-Exp((_x_-1)(1-_x_)/(2*sigma1*sigma1)))/sqrt2pi__)/ZCDF(mu/sigma1)) ); } else { if (rateType == 13) { global sigma = .1; sigma:>0.0001;sigma:<10; sqrt2pi = Sqrt(8*Arctan(1)); global _x_:<1e200; category c = (resp, EQUAL, MEAN, Exp (-Log(_x_)*Log(_x_) / (2*sigma*sigma)) / (_x_*sigma*sqrt2pi__), /*density*/ ZCDF (Log(_x_)/sigma), /*CDF*/ 1e-200, /*left bound*/ 1e200, /*right bound*/ Exp (.5*sigma^2)*ZCDF (Log(_x_)/sigma-sigma), CONSTANT_ON_PARTITION ); } else { if (rateType == 14) { global alpha = .5; global beta = 1; alpha:>0.01;alpha:<100; beta:>0.01; beta:<200; category c = (resp, EQUAL, MEAN, GammaDist(_x_,alpha,beta), CGammaDist(_x_,alpha,beta), 0 , 1e25,CGammaDist(_x_,alpha+1,beta)*alpha/beta,CONSTANT_ON_PARTITION); } else { global P1 = 1/3; global P2 = .5; P1:<1; P2:<1; global W1 = .25; global R1 = 4; global R2 = 3; R1:>1; R2:>1; categFreqMatrix = {{P1,(1-P1)*P2, (1-P1)*(1-P2)}} ; categRateMatrix = {{W1,W1*R1,W1*R1*R2}}; category c = (3, categFreqMatrix , MEAN, ,categRateMatrix, 0, 1e25, ,CONSTANT_ON_PARTITION); } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } return 0; } /* ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________*/ function FrameText (frameChar,vertChar,parOff,theText) { h = Abs (theText)+4; fprintf (stdout,"\n"); for (k=0; k<parOff; k=k+1) { fprintf (stdout," "); } for (k=0; k<h;k=k+1) { fprintf (stdout,frameChar); } fprintf (stdout,"\n"); for (k=0; k<parOff; k=k+1) { fprintf (stdout," "); } fprintf (stdout,vertChar," ",theText," ",vertChar,"\n"); for (k=0; k<parOff; k=k+1) { fprintf (stdout," "); } for (k=0; k<h;k=k+1) { fprintf (stdout,frameChar); } fprintf (stdout,"\n"); return 0; } /* ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________*/ function BuildCodonFrequencies4 (obsF) { PIStop = 1.0; result = {ModelMatrixDimension,1}; hshift = 0; for (h=0; h<64; h=h+1) { first = h$16; second = h%16$4; third = h%4; if (_Genetic_Code[h]==10) { hshift = hshift+1; PIStop = PIStop-obsF[first][0]*obsF[second][0]*obsF[third][0]; continue; } result[h-hshift][0]=obsF[first][0]*obsF[second][0]*obsF[third][0]; } return result*(1.0/PIStop); } /* ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________*/ function BuildCodonFrequencies12 (obsF) { PIStop = 1.0; result = {ModelMatrixDimension,1}; hshift = 0; for (h=0; h<64; h=h+1) { first = h$16; second = h%16$4; third = h%4; if (_Genetic_Code[h]==10) { hshift = hshift+1; PIStop = PIStop-obsF[first][0]*obsF[second][1]*obsF[third][2]; continue; } result[h-hshift][0]=obsF[first][0]*obsF[second][1]*obsF[third][2]; } return result*(1.0/PIStop); } /* ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________*/ function GetDistributionParameters (sigLevel) { GetInformation (distrInfo,c); D = Columns(distrInfo); E = 0.0; T = 0.0; sampleVar = 0.0; for (k=0; k<D; k=k+1) { T = distrInfo[0][k]*distrInfo[1][k]; E = E+T; sampleVar = T*distrInfo[0][k]+sampleVar; } sampleVar = sampleVar-E*E; fprintf (LAST_FILE_PATH,"\n\n------------------------------------------------\n\ndN/dS = ",E, " (sample variance = ",sampleVar,")\n"); for (k=0; k<D; k=k+1) { fprintf (LAST_FILE_PATH,"\nRate[",Format(k+1,0,0),"]=", Format(distrInfo[0][k],12,8), " (weight=", Format(distrInfo[1][k],9,7),")"); } for (k=0; k<D; k=k+1) { if (distrInfo[0][k]>1) break; } if (k<D) /* have rates > 1 */ { ConstructCategoryMatrix(marginals,lf,COMPLETE); CC = Columns (marginals); if (rateType>=13) /* subset rate variation */ { CC = CC/numberOfSubsets; subsetMarginals = {D,numberOfSubsets}; for (v=0; v<numberOfSubsets; v=v+1) { for (l=0; l<D; l=l+1) { for (h=0; h<CC; h=h+1) { subsetMarginals[l][v] = subsetMarginals[l][v] + marginals[l][v*CC+h]; } } } marginals = subsetMarginals; subsetMarginals = 0; fprintf (LAST_FILE_PATH,"\n\n------------------------------------------------\n\n Subsets with dN/dS>1 (Posterior cutoff = ",sigLevel,")\n\n"); for (v=0; v<numberOfSubsets; v=v+1) { sampleVar = 0; for (h=0; h<D; h=h+1) { sampleVar = sampleVar+distrInfo[1][h]*marginals[h][v]; } positiveProb = 0; for (l=k; l<D; l=l+1) { positiveProb = positiveProb+distrInfo[1][l]*marginals[l][v]; } positiveProb = positiveProb/sampleVar; marginals[0][v] = positiveProb; if (positiveProb>=sigLevel) { fprintf (LAST_FILE_PATH,Format (v+1,0,0)," (",positiveProb,")\n"); } } fprintf (LAST_FILE_PATH,"\n\n------------------------------------------------\n\n Subsets with dN/dS<=1 (Posterior cutoff = ",sigLevel,")\n\n"); for (v=0; v<numberOfSubsets; v=v+1) { if (marginals[0][v]<sigLevel) { fprintf (LAST_FILE_PATH,Format (v+1,0,0)," (",marginals[0][v],")\n"); } } } else { fprintf (LAST_FILE_PATH,"\n\n------------------------------------------------\n\n Sites with dN/dS>1 (Posterior cutoff = ",sigLevel,")\n\n"); for (v=0; v<CC; v=v+1) { sampleVar = 0; for (h=0; h<D; h=h+1) { sampleVar = sampleVar+distrInfo[1][h]*marginals[h][v]; } positiveProb = 0; for (l=k; l<D; l=l+1) { positiveProb = positiveProb+distrInfo[1][l]*marginals[l][v]; } positiveProb = positiveProb/sampleVar; marginals[0][v] = positiveProb; if (positiveProb>=sigLevel) { fprintf (LAST_FILE_PATH,Format (v+1,0,0)," (",positiveProb,")\n"); } } fprintf (LAST_FILE_PATH,"\n\n------------------------------------------------\n\n Sites with dN/dS<=1 (Posterior cutoff = ",sigLevel,")\n\n"); for (v=0; v<CC; v=v+1) { if (marginals[0][v]<sigLevel) { fprintf (LAST_FILE_PATH,Format (v+1,0,0)," (",marginals[0][v],")\n"); } } } marginals = 0; } else { fprintf (LAST_FILE_PATH,"\n\n------------------------------------------------\n\n No rate classes with dN/dS>1."); } fprintf (LAST_FILE_PATH,"\n\n------------------------------------------------\n\n"); return E; } /* ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________*/ function PopulateModelMatrix (ModelMatrixName&, EFV) { ModelMatrixName = {ModelMatrixDimension,ModelMatrixDimension}; hshift = 0; if (modelType==0) { for (h=0; h<64; h=h+1) { if (_Genetic_Code[h]==10) { hshift = hshift+1; continue; } vshift = hshift; for (v = h+1; v<64; v=v+1) { diff = v-h; if (_Genetic_Code[v]==10) { vshift = vshift+1; continue; } if ((h$4==v$4)||((diff%4==0)&&(h$16==v$16))||(diff%16==0)) { if (h$4==v$4) { transition = v%4; transition2= h%4; } else { if(diff%16==0) { transition = v$16; transition2= h$16; } else { transition = v%16$4; transition2= h%16$4; } } if (_Genetic_Code[0][h]==_Genetic_Code[0][v]) { ModelMatrixName[h-hshift][v-vshift] := t*EFV__[transition__]; ModelMatrixName[v-vshift][h-hshift] := t*EFV__[transition2__]; } else { ModelMatrixName[h-hshift][v-vshift] := c*t*EFV__[transition__]; ModelMatrixName[v-vshift][h-hshift] := c*t*EFV__[transition2__]; } } } } } else { if (modelType==1) { for (h=0; h<64; h=h+1) { if (_Genetic_Code[h]==10) { hshift = hshift+1; continue; } vshift = hshift; for (v = h+1; v<64; v=v+1) { diff = v-h; if (_Genetic_Code[v]==10) { vshift = vshift+1; continue; } nucPosInCodon = 2; if ((h$4==v$4)||((diff%4==0)&&(h$16==v$16))||(diff%16==0)) { if (h$4==v$4) { transition = v%4; transition2= h%4; } else { if(diff%16==0) { transition = v$16; transition2= h$16; nucPosInCodon = 0; } else { transition = v%16$4; transition2= h%16$4; nucPosInCodon = 1; } } if (_Genetic_Code[0][h]==_Genetic_Code[0][v]) { ModelMatrixName[h-hshift][v-vshift] := t*EFV__[transition__][nucPosInCodon__]; ModelMatrixName[v-vshift][h-hshift] := t*EFV__[transition2__][nucPosInCodon__]; } else { ModelMatrixName[h-hshift][v-vshift] := c*t*EFV__[transition__][nucPosInCodon__]; ModelMatrixName[v-vshift][h-hshift] := c*t*EFV__[transition2__][nucPosInCodon__]; } } } } } else { for (h=0; h<64; h=h+1) { if (_Genetic_Code[h]==10) { hshift = hshift+1; continue; } vshift = hshift; for (v = h+1; v<64; v=v+1) { diff = v-h; if (_Genetic_Code[v]==10) { vshift = vshift+1; continue; } if ((h$4==v$4)||((diff%4==0)&&(h$16==v$16))||(diff%16==0)) { if (h$4==v$4) { transition = v%4; transition2= h%4; } else { if(diff%16==0) { transition = v$16; transition2= h$16; } else { transition = v%16$4; transition2= h%16$4; } } if (_Genetic_Code[0][h]==_Genetic_Code[0][v]) { if (Abs(transition-transition2)%2) { ModelMatrixName[h-hshift][v-vshift] := kappa*t; ModelMatrixName[v-vshift][h-hshift] := kappa*t; } else { ModelMatrixName[h-hshift][v-vshift] := t; ModelMatrixName[v-vshift][h-hshift] := t; } } else { if (Abs(transition-transition2)%2) { ModelMatrixName[h-hshift][v-vshift] := kappa*c*t; ModelMatrixName[v-vshift][h-hshift] := kappa*c*t; } else { ModelMatrixName[h-hshift][v-vshift] := c*t; ModelMatrixName[v-vshift][h-hshift] := c*t; } } } } } } } return (modelType>1); } /* ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________*/ function PopulateModelMatrix2 (ModelMatrixName&, EFV) { ModelMatrixName = {ModelMatrixDimension,ModelMatrixDimension}; hshift = 0; for (h=0; h<64; h=h+1) { if (_Genetic_Code[h]==10) { hshift = hshift+1; continue; } vshift = hshift; for (v = h+1; v<64; v=v+1) { diff = v-h; if (_Genetic_Code[v]==10) { vshift = vshift+1; continue; } if ((h$4==v$4)||((diff%4==0)&&(h$16==v$16))||(diff%16==0)) { if (h$4==v$4) { transition = v%4; transition2= h%4; } else { if(diff%16==0) { transition = v$16; transition2= h$16; } else { transition = v%16$4; transition2= h%16$4; } } if (_Genetic_Code[0][h]==_Genetic_Code[0][v]) { if (Abs(transition-transition2)%2) { ExecuteCommands ("ModelMatrixName[h-hshift][v-vshift] := kappa"+l+"*t;ModelMatrixName[v-vshift][h-hshift] := kappa"+l+"*t;"); } else { ModelMatrixName[h-hshift][v-vshift] := t; ModelMatrixName[v-vshift][h-hshift] := t; } } else { if (Abs(transition-transition2)%2) { ExecuteCommands ("ModelMatrixName[h-hshift][v-vshift] := c*kappa"+l+"*t;ModelMatrixName[v-vshift][h-hshift] := c*kappa"+l+"*t;"); } else { ModelMatrixName[h-hshift][v-vshift] := c*t; ModelMatrixName[v-vshift][h-hshift] := c*t; } } } } } return 1; } /* ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________*/ function spawnLikelihood (kappaSharedOrNot) { if (kappaSharedOrNot) { for (l=0; l<numberOfSubsets;l=l+1) { if (modelType<=1) { ExecuteCommands ("modelMatrix"+l+" = 0;MULTIPLY_BY_FREQS = PopulateModelMatrix (\"modelMatrix"+l+"\", observedFreq"+l+");"); } else { ExecuteCommands ("modelMatrix"+l+" = 0;MULTIPLY_BY_FREQS = PopulateModelMatrix2 (\"modelMatrix"+l+"\", observedFreq"+l+");"); } ExecuteCommands ("Model theModel"+l+" = (modelMatrix"+l+",vectorOfFrequencies"+l+",MULTIPLY_BY_FREQS);"); partitionTreeString=partitionTrees[l]; ExecuteCommands ("Tree subsetTree"+l+"=partitionTreeString;"); } } else { MULTIPLY_BY_FREQS = PopulateModelMatrix ("modelMatrix", observedFreq); Model theModel = (modelMatrix,vectorOfFrequencies,MULTIPLY_BY_FREQS); for (v=0; v<numberOfSubsets;v=v+1) { partitionTreeString=partitionTrees[v]; ExecuteCommands ("Tree subsetTree"+v+"=partitionTreeString;"); } } lfSpawnString = "LikelihoodFunction lf = ("; for (v=0; v<numberOfSubsets;v=v+1) { if (v) { lfSpawnString = lfSpawnString+","; } lfSpawnString = lfSpawnString+"subsetFilter"+v+",subsetTree"+v; } lfSpawnString = lfSpawnString+");"; ExecuteCommands (lfSpawnString); return 0; } /* ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________*/ NICETY_LEVEL = 3; #include "TemplateModels/chooseGeneticCode.def"; ModelMatrixDimension = 64; for (h = 0 ;h<64; h=h+1) { if (_Genetic_Code[h]==10) { ModelMatrixDimension = ModelMatrixDimension-1; } } #include "MFPSreader.def"; /* now spawn the dataset filters */ lowerSeqBound = 0; for (modelType=0; modelType<numberOfSubsets; modelType = modelType+1) { ExecuteCommands ("DataSetFilter subsetFilter"+modelType+"= CreateFilter (ds,3,\"\",(speciesIndex>=lowerSeqBound)&&(speciesIndex<lowerSeqBound+partitionLengths[modelType]),GeneticCodeExclusions);"); lowerSeqBound = lowerSeqBound+partitionLengths[modelType]; } chosenModelList = {17,1}; ChoiceList (modelType,"Distributions",1,SKIP_NONE, "Run All","Run all available dN/dS distributions", "Run Custom","Choose from available dN/dS distributions."); if (modelType<0) { return; } if (modelType==0) { for (rateType = 0; rateType<17; rateType=rateType+1) { chosenModelList[rateType][0] = 1; } } else { ChoiceList (modelTypes,"Distributions",0,SKIP_NONE, "Single Rate","Single Rate", "Neutral","Neutral", "Selection","Selection", "Discrete","Discrete", "Freqs","Freqs", "Gamma","Gamma", "2 Gamma","2 Gamma", "Beta","Beta", "Beta & w","Beta & w", "Beta & Gamma","Beta & Gamma", "Beta & (Gamma+1)","Beta & (Gamma+1)", "Beta & (Normal>1)","Beta & (Normal>1)", "0 & 2 (Normal>1)","0 & 2 (Normal>1)", "3 Normal","3 Normal", "RE:Log normal","Random Effects: Log normal", "RE:Gamma","Random Effects: Gamma", "RE:Discrete","Random Effects: 3 bin Discrete"); if (modelTypes[0]<0) { return; } for (rateType = 0; rateType < Rows(modelTypes)*Columns(modelTypes); rateType = rateType + 1) { modelType = modelTypes[rateType]; chosenModelList[modelType] = 1; } } ChoiceList (shareType,"Choose parameter sharing mode",1,SKIP_NONE, "All","Share dN/dS, transversion/transition ratio (if applicable) and base frequencies for all subsets.", "dN/dS Only","Share only dN/dS. Transversion/transition ratio (if applicable) and base frequencies are separate for each subset." ); if (shareType<0) { return; } ChoiceList (modelType,"Choose a model",1,SKIP_NONE, "MG94 1x4","Muse-Gaut 94 model with 4(-1) nucleotide frequency parameters (intra-codon position independent).", "MG94 3x4","Muse-Gaut 94 model with 12(-3) nucleotide frequency parameters (intra-codon position specific).", "GY94 1x4","Goldman-Yang 94 model with 4(-1) nucleotide frequency parameters (intra-codon position independent).", "GY94 3x4","Goldman-Yang 94 model with 12(-3) nucleotide frequency parameters (intra-codon position specific)." ); if (modelType<0) { return; } if ((modelType==0)||(modelType==2)) { if (shareType==0) { HarvestFrequencies (observedFreq,filteredData,1,1,0); vectorOfFrequencies = BuildCodonFrequencies4 (observedFreq); } else { for (v=0; v<numberOfSubsets;v=v+1) { ExecuteCommands ("global kappa"+v+"=2.;HarvestFrequencies (observedFreq"+v+",subsetFilter"+v+",1,1,0);vectorOfFrequencies"+v+"= BuildCodonFrequencies4 (observedFreq"+v+");"); } } } else { if (shareType==0) { HarvestFrequencies (observedFreq,filteredData,3,1,1); vectorOfFrequencies = BuildCodonFrequencies12 (observedFreq); } else { for (v=0; v<numberOfSubsets;v=v+1) { ExecuteCommands ("global kappa"+v+"=2.;HarvestFrequencies (observedFreq"+v+",subsetFilter"+v+",3,1,1);vectorOfFrequencies"+v+"= BuildCodonFrequencies12 (observedFreq"+v+");"); } } } if (modelType>1) { global kappa = 2.; } fprintf (stdout, "\n\n\nChoose the cutoff (0 to 1) for posterior of dN/dS>1 for a site to be considered under selective pressure:"); fscanf (stdin, "Number",psigLevel); if ((psigLevel <= 0)||(psigLevel>1)) { psigLevel = .95; } fprintf (stdout, "\n>Using ", psigLevel , " cutoff\n"); fprintf (stdout, "\nChoose the number of categories in discretized distributions:"); fscanf (stdin, "Number",categCount); categCount = categCount$1; if (categCount<=0) { categCount = 8; } fprintf (stdout, "\n>Using ", Format (categCount,0,0), " categories.\n"); SetDialogPrompt ("Write detailed results to:"); fprintf (PROMPT_FOR_FILE,CLEAR_FILE); global c = 1.; dummyVar = FrameText ("-","|",2,"SUMMARY TABLE"); tableSeparator = "+-------------------------+----------------+---------------+-----+\n"; fprintf (stdout, "\n\"p\" is the number of parameters in addition to the branch lengths.\nDetailed results including sites with dN/dS>1 will be written to\n",LAST_FILE_PATH,"\n\n"); fprintf (stdout, tableSeparator, "| MODEL (Number & Desc) | Log likelihood | dN/dS | p |\n", tableSeparator); cachedBranchLengths = {{-1,-1}}; if (chosenModelList[0]>0) { timer = Time(1); fprintf (LAST_FILE_PATH,"\n*** RUNNING SINGLE RATE MODEL ***\n#################################\n"); dummy = spawnLikelihood (shareType); Optimize (res,lf); fprintf (LAST_FILE_PATH,"\n>Done in ", Time(1)-timer, " seconds \n\n"); fprintf (LAST_FILE_PATH,lf,"\n\n-----------------------------------\n\ndN/dS = ",c,"\n\n"); fprintf (stdout, "| 0. Single Rate Model | ",Format (res[1][0],14,6)," | ",Format (c,13,8)," | 0 |\n", tableSeparator); timer = res[1][1]-res[1][2]; cachedBranchLengths = {timer,1}; for (rateType = timer; rateType < Columns(cachedBranchLengths); rateType = rateType+1) { cachedBranchLengths[rateType-timer][0] = res [0][rateType]; } } for (rateType = 0; rateType < 16; rateType = rateType + 1) { if (chosenModelList[rateType+1]==0) { continue; } timer = Time(1); dummy = SetWDistribution (categCount); dummy = spawnLikelihood (shareType); fprintf (LAST_FILE_PATH,"\n*** RUNNING MODEL ", Format(rateType+1,0,0), " (",ModelNames[rateType],") ***\n######################################\n"); /*if (cachedBranchLengths[0][0]>=0.0) { v = ParameterCount[rateType]; if (modelType>1) { v=v+1; } for (h=0; h<Rows(cachedBranchLengths); h=h+1) { SetParameter (lf,h+v,cachedBranchLengths[h][0]); } }*/ Optimize (res,lf); fprintf (LAST_FILE_PATH,"\n>Done in ",Time(1)-timer, " seconds \n\n", lf); fprintf (stdout, "| "); if (rateType<9) { fprintf (stdout," "); } fprintf (stdout, Format (rateType+1,0,0), ". ", ModelNames[rateType]); for (dummy = Abs(ModelNames[rateType])+5; dummy<25; dummy = dummy+1) { fprintf (stdout," "); } dummy = GetDistributionParameters(psigLevel); fprintf (stdout,"| ",Format (res[1][0],14,6)," | ",Format (dummy,13,8)," | ", Format(ParameterCount[rateType],0,0)," |\n",tableSeparator); if (modelType>1) { kappa = 2.; } }
[ "MIT" ]
<div>before<noscript>noscript long long long long long long long long</noscript>after</div> <div>before<details><summary>summary long long long long </summary>details</details>after</div> <div>before<dialog open>dialog long long long long long long long long </dialog>after</div> <div>before<object data="horse.wav"><param name="autoplay" value="true"/><param name="autoplay" value="true"/></object>after</div> <div>before<meter min="0" max="1" low=".4" high=".7" optimum=".5" value=".2"></meter>after</div> <div>before<progress value=".5" max="1"></progress>after</div>
[ "MIT" ]
#!/usr/bin/env -S wolfram -script (* bubblesort takes a list as argument and repeatedly applies a substitution until the pattern can't be matched anymore. The pattern '{left___, x_, y_, right___} /; y < x' matches any list where two elements x and y with y < x exist. 'left___' and 'right___' are BlanckNullSequences, i.e. sequences with variable length (zero length sequences allowed). The above pattern then gets replaced with the similar pattern '{left, y, x, right}', where y and x are switched. Note: ReplaceRepeated[pattern][list] can be written as list .// pattern in short form. *) bubblesort[list_] := ReplaceRepeated[ {left___, x_, y_, right___} /; y < x -> {left, y, x, right} ][list]; (*Example list*) list = {1, 52, 55, 100, 100, 26} Print[bubblesort[list]]
[ "CC0-1.0" ]
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/style.css"> <title>{{}}</title> </head> <body> <h1>{{}} <a href="/user/{{}}/edit">edit</a></h1> {{#if hasMessages}} <ul> {{#each messages}} <li>{{this}}</li> {{/each}} </ul> {{/if}} {{#if user.pets.length}} <p>View {{}}'s pets:</p> <ul> {{#each user.pets}} <li><a href="/pet/{{id}}">{{name}}</a></li> {{/each}} </ul> {{else}} <p>No pets!</p> {{/if}} </body> </html>
[ "MIT" ]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!-- generated with COPASI 4.5.31 (development) ( at 2010-03-16 17:32:20 UTC --> <?oxygen RNGSchema="" type="xml"?> <COPASI xmlns="" versionMajor="1" versionMinor="0" versionDevel="31"> <ListOfFunctions> <Function key="Function_1" name="Allosteric inhibition (empirical)" type="PreDefined" reversible="true"> <Expression> (Vf*substrate/Kms-Vr*product/Kmp)/(1+substrate/Kms+product/Kmp+(Inhibitor/Ki)^n) </Expression> <ListOfParameterDescriptions> <ParameterDescription key="FunctionParameter_9" name="substrate" order="0" role="substrate"/> <ParameterDescription key="FunctionParameter_15" name="product" order="1" role="product"/> <ParameterDescription key="FunctionParameter_19" name="Inhibitor" order="2" role="modifier"/> <ParameterDescription key="FunctionParameter_13" name="Vf" order="3" role="constant"/> <ParameterDescription key="FunctionParameter_1" name="Vr" order="4" role="constant"/> <ParameterDescription key="FunctionParameter_5" name="Kms" order="5" role="constant"/> <ParameterDescription key="FunctionParameter_17" name="Kmp" order="6" role="constant"/> <ParameterDescription key="FunctionParameter_23" name="n" order="7" role="constant"/> <ParameterDescription key="FunctionParameter_21" name="Ki" order="8" role="constant"/> </ListOfParameterDescriptions> </Function> <Function key="Function_28" name="Reversible Michaelis-Menten" type="PreDefined" reversible="true"> <Expression> (Vf*substrate/Kms-Vr*product/Kmp)/(1+substrate/Kms+product/Kmp) </Expression> <ListOfParameterDescriptions> <ParameterDescription key="FunctionParameter_181" name="substrate" order="0" role="substrate"/> <ParameterDescription key="FunctionParameter_210" name="product" order="1" role="product"/> <ParameterDescription key="FunctionParameter_198" name="Kms" order="2" role="constant"/> <ParameterDescription key="FunctionParameter_212" name="Kmp" order="3" role="constant"/> <ParameterDescription key="FunctionParameter_188" name="Vf" order="4" role="constant"/> <ParameterDescription key="FunctionParameter_206" name="Vr" order="5" role="constant"/> </ListOfParameterDescriptions> </Function> </ListOfFunctions> <Model key="Model_0" name="SEQFB 2" simulationType="time" timeUnit="s" volumeUnit="ml" areaUnit="m²" lengthUnit="m" quantityUnit="mmol" type="deterministic"> <MiriamAnnotation> <rdf:RDF xmlns:dcterms="" xmlns:rdf=""> <rdf:Description rdf:about="#Model_0"> <dcterms:created> <rdf:Description> <dcterms:W3CDTF>2010-02-18T12:59:32Z</dcterms:W3CDTF> </rdf:Description> </dcterms:created> </rdf:Description> </rdf:RDF> </MiriamAnnotation> <Comment> <body xmlns=""> This is Hofmeyr&apos;s SEQFB Newton only this version does not find a steady state </body> </Comment> <ListOfCompartments> <Compartment key="Compartment_1" name="compartment" simulationType="fixed" dimensionality="3"> </Compartment> </ListOfCompartments> <ListOfMetabolites> <Metabolite key="Metabolite_33" name="X" simulationType="fixed" compartment="Compartment_1"> </Metabolite> <Metabolite key="Metabolite_50" name="A" simulationType="reactions" compartment="Compartment_1"> </Metabolite> <Metabolite key="Metabolite_22" name="B" simulationType="reactions" compartment="Compartment_1"> </Metabolite> <Metabolite key="Metabolite_23" name="C" simulationType="reactions" compartment="Compartment_1"> </Metabolite> <Metabolite key="Metabolite_24" name="D" simulationType="reactions" compartment="Compartment_1"> </Metabolite> <Metabolite key="Metabolite_25" name="E" simulationType="reactions" compartment="Compartment_1"> </Metabolite> <Metabolite key="Metabolite_26" name="F" simulationType="reactions" compartment="Compartment_1"> </Metabolite> <Metabolite key="Metabolite_27" name="Y" simulationType="fixed" compartment="Compartment_1"> </Metabolite> <Metabolite key="Metabolite_28" name="Z" simulationType="fixed" compartment="Compartment_1"> </Metabolite> </ListOfMetabolites> <ListOfReactions> <Reaction key="Reaction_124" name="R1" reversible="true"> <ListOfSubstrates> <Substrate metabolite="Metabolite_33" stoichiometry="1"/> </ListOfSubstrates> <ListOfProducts> <Product metabolite="Metabolite_50" stoichiometry="1"/> </ListOfProducts> <ListOfModifiers> <Modifier metabolite="Metabolite_22" stoichiometry="1"/> </ListOfModifiers> <ListOfConstants> <Constant key="Parameter_647" name="Vf" value="10"/> <Constant key="Parameter_634" name="Vr" value="1"/> <Constant key="Parameter_705" name="Kms" value="1"/> <Constant key="Parameter_591" name="Kmp" value="1"/> <Constant key="Parameter_644" name="n" value="2"/> <Constant key="Parameter_592" name="Ki" value="1"/> </ListOfConstants> <KineticLaw function="Function_1"> <ListOfCallParameters> <CallParameter functionParameter="FunctionParameter_9"> <SourceParameter reference="Metabolite_33"/> </CallParameter> <CallParameter functionParameter="FunctionParameter_15"> <SourceParameter reference="Metabolite_50"/> </CallParameter> <CallParameter functionParameter="FunctionParameter_19"> <SourceParameter reference="Metabolite_22"/> </CallParameter> <CallParameter functionParameter="FunctionParameter_13"> <SourceParameter reference="Parameter_647"/> </CallParameter> <CallParameter functionParameter="FunctionParameter_1"> <SourceParameter reference="Parameter_634"/> </CallParameter> <CallParameter functionParameter="FunctionParameter_5"> <SourceParameter reference="Parameter_705"/> </CallParameter> <CallParameter functionParameter="FunctionParameter_17"> <SourceParameter reference="Parameter_591"/> </CallParameter> <CallParameter functionParameter="FunctionParameter_23"> <SourceParameter reference="Parameter_644"/> </CallParameter> <CallParameter functionParameter="FunctionParameter_21"> <SourceParameter reference="Parameter_592"/> </CallParameter> </ListOfCallParameters> </KineticLaw> </Reaction> <Reaction key="Reaction_33" name="R2" reversible="true"> <ListOfSubstrates> <Substrate metabolite="Metabolite_50" stoichiometry="1"/> </ListOfSubstrates> <ListOfProducts> <Product metabolite="Metabolite_22" stoichiometry="1"/> </ListOfProducts> <ListOfConstants> <Constant key="Parameter_608" name="Kms" value="1"/> <Constant key="Parameter_642" name="Kmp" value="1"/> <Constant key="Parameter_826" name="Vf" value="2"/> <Constant key="Parameter_669" name="Vr" value="1"/> </ListOfConstants> <KineticLaw function="Function_28"> <ListOfCallParameters> <CallParameter functionParameter="FunctionParameter_181"> <SourceParameter reference="Metabolite_50"/> </CallParameter> <CallParameter functionParameter="FunctionParameter_210"> <SourceParameter reference="Metabolite_22"/> </CallParameter> <CallParameter functionParameter="FunctionParameter_198"> <SourceParameter reference="Parameter_608"/> </CallParameter> <CallParameter functionParameter="FunctionParameter_212"> <SourceParameter reference="Parameter_642"/> </CallParameter> <CallParameter functionParameter="FunctionParameter_188"> <SourceParameter reference="Parameter_826"/> </CallParameter> <CallParameter functionParameter="FunctionParameter_206"> <SourceParameter reference="Parameter_669"/> </CallParameter> </ListOfCallParameters> </KineticLaw> </Reaction> <Reaction key="Reaction_126" name="R3" reversible="true"> <ListOfSubstrates> <Substrate metabolite="Metabolite_22" stoichiometry="1"/> </ListOfSubstrates> <ListOfProducts> <Product metabolite="Metabolite_23" stoichiometry="1"/> </ListOfProducts> <ListOfModifiers> <Modifier metabolite="Metabolite_24" stoichiometry="1"/> </ListOfModifiers> <ListOfConstants> <Constant key="Parameter_570" name="Vf" value="1"/> <Constant key="Parameter_640" name="Vr" value="1"/> <Constant key="Parameter_637" name="Kms" value="1"/> <Constant key="Parameter_641" name="Kmp" value="1"/> <Constant key="Parameter_671" name="n" value="2"/> <Constant key="Parameter_645" name="Ki" value="1"/> </ListOfConstants> <KineticLaw function="Function_1"> <ListOfCallParameters> <CallParameter functionParameter="FunctionParameter_9"> <SourceParameter reference="Metabolite_22"/> </CallParameter> <CallParameter functionParameter="FunctionParameter_15"> <SourceParameter reference="Metabolite_23"/> </CallParameter> <CallParameter functionParameter="FunctionParameter_19"> <SourceParameter reference="Metabolite_24"/> </CallParameter> <CallParameter functionParameter="FunctionParameter_13"> <SourceParameter reference="Parameter_570"/> </CallParameter> <CallParameter functionParameter="FunctionParameter_1"> <SourceParameter reference="Parameter_640"/> </CallParameter> <CallParameter functionParameter="FunctionParameter_5"> <SourceParameter reference="Parameter_637"/> </CallParameter> <CallParameter functionParameter="FunctionParameter_17"> <SourceParameter reference="Parameter_641"/> </CallParameter> <CallParameter functionParameter="FunctionParameter_23"> <SourceParameter reference="Parameter_671"/> </CallParameter> <CallParameter functionParameter="FunctionParameter_21"> <SourceParameter reference="Parameter_645"/> </CallParameter> </ListOfCallParameters> </KineticLaw> </Reaction> <Reaction key="Reaction_117" name="R4" reversible="true"> <ListOfSubstrates> <Substrate metabolite="Metabolite_23" stoichiometry="1"/> </ListOfSubstrates> <ListOfProducts> <Product metabolite="Metabolite_24" stoichiometry="1"/> </ListOfProducts> <ListOfConstants> <Constant key="Parameter_649" name="Kms" value="1"/> <Constant key="Parameter_670" name="Kmp" value="1"/> <Constant key="Parameter_804" name="Vf" value="5"/> <Constant key="Parameter_700" name="Vr" value="1"/> </ListOfConstants> <KineticLaw function="Function_28"> <ListOfCallParameters> <CallParameter functionParameter="FunctionParameter_181"> <SourceParameter reference="Metabolite_23"/> </CallParameter> <CallParameter functionParameter="FunctionParameter_210"> <SourceParameter reference="Metabolite_24"/> </CallParameter> <CallParameter functionParameter="FunctionParameter_198"> <SourceParameter reference="Parameter_649"/> </CallParameter> <CallParameter functionParameter="FunctionParameter_212"> <SourceParameter reference="Parameter_670"/> </CallParameter> <CallParameter functionParameter="FunctionParameter_188"> <SourceParameter reference="Parameter_804"/> </CallParameter> <CallParameter functionParameter="FunctionParameter_206"> <SourceParameter reference="Parameter_700"/> </CallParameter> </ListOfCallParameters> </KineticLaw> </Reaction> <Reaction key="Reaction_116" name="R5" reversible="true"> <ListOfSubstrates> <Substrate metabolite="Metabolite_22" stoichiometry="1"/> </ListOfSubstrates> <ListOfProducts> <Product metabolite="Metabolite_25" stoichiometry="1"/> </ListOfProducts> <ListOfModifiers> <Modifier metabolite="Metabolite_26" stoichiometry="1"/> </ListOfModifiers> <ListOfConstants> <Constant key="Parameter_679" name="Vf" value="1"/> <Constant key="Parameter_735" name="Vr" value="1"/> <Constant key="Parameter_568" name="Kms" value="1"/> <Constant key="Parameter_593" name="Kmp" value="1"/> <Constant key="Parameter_627" name="n" value="2"/> <Constant key="Parameter_740" name="Ki" value="1"/> </ListOfConstants> <KineticLaw function="Function_1"> <ListOfCallParameters> <CallParameter functionParameter="FunctionParameter_9"> <SourceParameter reference="Metabolite_22"/> </CallParameter> <CallParameter functionParameter="FunctionParameter_15"> <SourceParameter reference="Metabolite_25"/> </CallParameter> <CallParameter functionParameter="FunctionParameter_19"> <SourceParameter reference="Metabolite_26"/> </CallParameter> <CallParameter functionParameter="FunctionParameter_13"> <SourceParameter reference="Parameter_679"/> </CallParameter> <CallParameter functionParameter="FunctionParameter_1"> <SourceParameter reference="Parameter_735"/> </CallParameter> <CallParameter functionParameter="FunctionParameter_5"> <SourceParameter reference="Parameter_568"/> </CallParameter> <CallParameter functionParameter="FunctionParameter_17"> <SourceParameter reference="Parameter_593"/> </CallParameter> <CallParameter functionParameter="FunctionParameter_23"> <SourceParameter reference="Parameter_627"/> </CallParameter> <CallParameter functionParameter="FunctionParameter_21"> <SourceParameter reference="Parameter_740"/> </CallParameter> </ListOfCallParameters> </KineticLaw> </Reaction> <Reaction key="Reaction_115" name="R6" reversible="true"> <ListOfSubstrates> <Substrate metabolite="Metabolite_25" stoichiometry="1"/> </ListOfSubstrates> <ListOfProducts> <Product metabolite="Metabolite_26" stoichiometry="1"/> </ListOfProducts> <ListOfConstants> <Constant key="Parameter_599" name="Kms" value="1"/> <Constant key="Parameter_835" name="Kmp" value="1"/> <Constant key="Parameter_738" name="Vf" value="5"/> <Constant key="Parameter_734" name="Vr" value="1"/> </ListOfConstants> <KineticLaw function="Function_28"> <ListOfCallParameters> <CallParameter functionParameter="FunctionParameter_181"> <SourceParameter reference="Metabolite_25"/> </CallParameter> <CallParameter functionParameter="FunctionParameter_210"> <SourceParameter reference="Metabolite_26"/> </CallParameter> <CallParameter functionParameter="FunctionParameter_198"> <SourceParameter reference="Parameter_599"/> </CallParameter> <CallParameter functionParameter="FunctionParameter_212"> <SourceParameter reference="Parameter_835"/> </CallParameter> <CallParameter functionParameter="FunctionParameter_188"> <SourceParameter reference="Parameter_738"/> </CallParameter> <CallParameter functionParameter="FunctionParameter_206"> <SourceParameter reference="Parameter_734"/> </CallParameter> </ListOfCallParameters> </KineticLaw> </Reaction> <Reaction key="Reaction_114" name="R7" reversible="true"> <ListOfSubstrates> <Substrate metabolite="Metabolite_24" stoichiometry="1"/> </ListOfSubstrates> <ListOfProducts> <Product metabolite="Metabolite_27" stoichiometry="1"/> </ListOfProducts> <ListOfConstants> <Constant key="Parameter_741" name="Kms" value="1"/> <Constant key="Parameter_803" name="Kmp" value="1"/> <Constant key="Parameter_653" name="Vf" value="10"/> <Constant key="Parameter_834" name="Vr" value="1"/> </ListOfConstants> <KineticLaw function="Function_28"> <ListOfCallParameters> <CallParameter functionParameter="FunctionParameter_181"> <SourceParameter reference="Metabolite_24"/> </CallParameter> <CallParameter functionParameter="FunctionParameter_210"> <SourceParameter reference="Metabolite_27"/> </CallParameter> <CallParameter functionParameter="FunctionParameter_198"> <SourceParameter reference="Parameter_741"/> </CallParameter> <CallParameter functionParameter="FunctionParameter_212"> <SourceParameter reference="Parameter_803"/> </CallParameter> <CallParameter functionParameter="FunctionParameter_188"> <SourceParameter reference="Parameter_653"/> </CallParameter> <CallParameter functionParameter="FunctionParameter_206"> <SourceParameter reference="Parameter_834"/> </CallParameter> </ListOfCallParameters> </KineticLaw> </Reaction> <Reaction key="Reaction_113" name="R8" reversible="true"> <ListOfSubstrates> <Substrate metabolite="Metabolite_26" stoichiometry="1"/> </ListOfSubstrates> <ListOfProducts> <Product metabolite="Metabolite_28" stoichiometry="1"/> </ListOfProducts> <ListOfConstants> <Constant key="Parameter_796" name="Kms" value="1"/> <Constant key="Parameter_674" name="Kmp" value="1"/> <Constant key="Parameter_696" name="Vf" value="10"/> <Constant key="Parameter_697" name="Vr" value="1"/> </ListOfConstants> <KineticLaw function="Function_28"> <ListOfCallParameters> <CallParameter functionParameter="FunctionParameter_181"> <SourceParameter reference="Metabolite_26"/> </CallParameter> <CallParameter functionParameter="FunctionParameter_210"> <SourceParameter reference="Metabolite_28"/> </CallParameter> <CallParameter functionParameter="FunctionParameter_198"> <SourceParameter reference="Parameter_796"/> </CallParameter> <CallParameter functionParameter="FunctionParameter_212"> <SourceParameter reference="Parameter_674"/> </CallParameter> <CallParameter functionParameter="FunctionParameter_188"> <SourceParameter reference="Parameter_696"/> </CallParameter> <CallParameter functionParameter="FunctionParameter_206"> <SourceParameter reference="Parameter_697"/> </CallParameter> </ListOfCallParameters> </KineticLaw> </Reaction> </ListOfReactions> <StateTemplate> <StateTemplateVariable objectReference="Model_0"/> <StateTemplateVariable objectReference="Metabolite_22"/> <StateTemplateVariable objectReference="Metabolite_24"/> <StateTemplateVariable objectReference="Metabolite_26"/> <StateTemplateVariable objectReference="Metabolite_50"/> <StateTemplateVariable objectReference="Metabolite_25"/> <StateTemplateVariable objectReference="Metabolite_23"/> <StateTemplateVariable objectReference="Metabolite_33"/> <StateTemplateVariable objectReference="Metabolite_27"/> <StateTemplateVariable objectReference="Metabolite_28"/> <StateTemplateVariable objectReference="Compartment_1"/> </StateTemplate> <InitialState type="initialState"> 0 6.022141500000001e+18 6.022141500000001e+20 6.022141500000001e+21 6.022141500000001e+18 6.022141500000001e+21 6.022141500000001e+18 6.022141500000001e+21 1.2044283e+21 6.022141500000001e+20 1 </InitialState> </Model> <ListOfTasks> <Task key="Task_6" name="Steady-State" type="steadyState" scheduled="true" updateModel="false"> <Report reference="Report_3" target="" append="1"/> <Problem> <Parameter name="JacobianRequested" type="bool" value="1"/> <Parameter name="StabilityAnalysisRequested" type="bool" value="1"/> </Problem> <Method name="Enhanced Newton" type="EnhancedNewton"> <Parameter name="Resolution" type="unsignedFloat" value="1e-09"/> <Parameter name="Derivation Factor" type="unsignedFloat" value="0.001"/> <Parameter name="Use Newton" type="bool" value="1"/> <Parameter name="Use Integration" type="bool" value="0"/> <Parameter name="Use Back Integration" type="bool" value="0"/> <Parameter name="Accept Negative Concentrations" type="bool" value="0"/> <Parameter name="Iteration Limit" type="unsignedInteger" value="50"/> <Parameter name="Maximum duration for forward integration" type="unsignedFloat" value="1e+09"/> <Parameter name="Maximum duration for backward integration" type="unsignedFloat" value="1e+06"/> </Method> </Task> <Task key="Task_7" name="Time-Course" type="timeCourse" scheduled="false" updateModel="false"> <Problem> <Parameter name="StepNumber" type="unsignedInteger" value="50"/> <Parameter name="StepSize" type="float" value="1"/> <Parameter name="Duration" type="float" value="50"/> <Parameter name="TimeSeriesRequested" type="bool" value="1"/> <Parameter name="OutputStartTime" type="float" value="0"/> </Problem> <Method name="Deterministic (LSODA)" type="Deterministic(LSODA)"> <Parameter name="Integrate Reduced Model" type="bool" value="0"/> <Parameter name="Relative Tolerance" type="unsignedFloat" value="1e-06"/> <Parameter name="Absolute Tolerance" type="unsignedFloat" value="1e-12"/> <Parameter name="Max Internal Steps" type="unsignedInteger" value="10000"/> </Method> </Task> <Task key="Task_0" name="Scan" type="scan" scheduled="false" updateModel="false"> <Problem> <Parameter name="Subtask" type="unsignedInteger" value="1"/> <ParameterGroup name="ScanItems"> </ParameterGroup> <Parameter name="Output in subtask" type="bool" value="1"/> <Parameter name="Adjust initial conditions" type="bool" value="0"/> </Problem> <Method name="Scan Framework" type="ScanFramework"> </Method> </Task> <Task key="Task_9" name="Elementary Flux Modes" type="fluxMode" scheduled="false" updateModel="false"> <Report reference="Report_4" target="" append="1"/> <Problem> </Problem> <Method name="Bit Pattern Tree Algorithm" type="EFMBitPatternTreeMethod"> </Method> </Task> <Task key="Task_10" name="Optimization" type="optimization" scheduled="false" updateModel="false"> <Report reference="Report_5" target="" append="1"/> <Problem> <Parameter name="Subtask" type="cn" value="CN=Root,Vector=TaskList[Steady-State]"/> <ParameterText name="ObjectiveExpression" type="expression"> </ParameterText> <Parameter name="Maximize" type="bool" value="0"/> <ParameterGroup name="OptimizationItemList"> </ParameterGroup> <ParameterGroup name="OptimizationConstraintList"> </ParameterGroup> </Problem> <Method name="Random Search" type="RandomSearch"> <Parameter name="Number of Iterations" type="unsignedInteger" value="100000"/> <Parameter name="Random Number Generator" type="unsignedInteger" value="1"/> <Parameter name="Seed" type="unsignedInteger" value="0"/> </Method> </Task> <Task key="Task_1" name="Parameter Estimation" type="parameterFitting" scheduled="false" updateModel="false"> <Report reference="Report_7" target="" append="1"/> <Problem> <Parameter name="Maximize" type="bool" value="0"/> <ParameterGroup name="OptimizationItemList"> </ParameterGroup> <ParameterGroup name="OptimizationConstraintList"> </ParameterGroup> <Parameter name="Steady-State" type="cn" value="CN=Root,Vector=TaskList[Steady-State]"/> <Parameter name="Time-Course" type="cn" value="CN=Root,Vector=TaskList[Time-Course]"/> <ParameterGroup name="Experiment Set"> </ParameterGroup> <ParameterGroup name="Cross Validation Set"> <Parameter name="Threshold" type="unsignedInteger" value="5"/> <Parameter name="Weight" type="unsignedFloat" value="1"/> </ParameterGroup> </Problem> <Method name="Evolutionary Programming" type="EvolutionaryProgram"> <Parameter name="Number of Generations" type="unsignedInteger" value="200"/> <Parameter name="Population Size" type="unsignedInteger" value="20"/> <Parameter name="Random Number Generator" type="unsignedInteger" value="1"/> <Parameter name="Seed" type="unsignedInteger" value="0"/> </Method> </Task> <Task key="Task_2" name="Metabolic Control Analysis" type="metabolicControlAnalysis" scheduled="false" updateModel="false"> <Report reference="Report_17" target="" append="1"/> <Problem> <Parameter name="Steady-State" type="key" value="Task_9"/> </Problem> <Method name="MCA Method (Reder)" type="MCAMethod(Reder)"> <Parameter name="Modulation Factor" type="unsignedFloat" value="1e-09"/> </Method> </Task> <Task key="Task_3" name="Lyapunov Exponents" type="lyapunovExponents" scheduled="false" updateModel="false"> <Report reference="Report_16" target="" append="1"/> <Problem> <Parameter name="ExponentNumber" type="unsignedInteger" value="3"/> <Parameter name="DivergenceRequested" type="bool" value="1"/> <Parameter name="TransientTime" type="float" value="0"/> </Problem> <Method name="Wolf Method" type="WolfMethod"> <Parameter name="Orthonormalization Interval" type="unsignedFloat" value="1"/> <Parameter name="Overall time" type="unsignedFloat" value="1000"/> <Parameter name="Relative Tolerance" type="unsignedFloat" value="1e-06"/> <Parameter name="Absolute Tolerance" type="unsignedFloat" value="1e-12"/> <Parameter name="Max Internal Steps" type="unsignedInteger" value="10000"/> </Method> </Task> <Task key="Task_4" name="Time Scale Separation Analysis" type="timeScaleSeparationAnalysis" scheduled="false" updateModel="false"> <Report reference="Report_0" target="" append="1"/> <Problem> <Parameter name="StepNumber" type="unsignedInteger" value="100"/> <Parameter name="StepSize" type="float" value="0.01"/> <Parameter name="Duration" type="float" value="1"/> <Parameter name="TimeSeriesRequested" type="bool" value="1"/> <Parameter name="OutputStartTime" type="float" value="0"/> </Problem> <Method name="ILDM (LSODA,Deuflhard)" type="TimeScaleSeparation(ILDM,Deuflhard)"> <Parameter name="Deuflhard Tolerance" type="unsignedFloat" value="1e-06"/> </Method> </Task> <Task key="Task_5" name="Sensitivities" type="sensitivities" scheduled="false" updateModel="false"> <Report reference="Report_18" target="" append="1"/> <Problem> <Parameter name="SubtaskType" type="unsignedInteger" value="1"/> <ParameterGroup name="TargetFunctions"> <Parameter name="SingleObject" type="cn" value=""/> <Parameter name="ObjectListType" type="unsignedInteger" value="7"/> </ParameterGroup> <ParameterGroup name="ListOfVariables"> <ParameterGroup name="Variables"> <Parameter name="SingleObject" type="cn" value=""/> <Parameter name="ObjectListType" type="unsignedInteger" value="41"/> </ParameterGroup> </ParameterGroup> </Problem> <Method name="Sensitivities Method" type="SensitivitiesMethod"> <Parameter name="Delta factor" type="unsignedFloat" value="0.001"/> <Parameter name="Delta minimum" type="unsignedFloat" value="1e-12"/> </Method> </Task> <Task key="Task_8" name="Moieties" type="moieties" scheduled="false" updateModel="false"> <Problem> </Problem> <Method name="Householder Reduction" type="Householder"> </Method> </Task> </ListOfTasks> <ListOfReports> <Report key="Report_3" name="Steady-State" taskType="steadyState" separator="&#x09;" precision="6"> <Comment> <body xmlns=""> Automatically generated report. </body> </Comment> <Footer> <Object cn="CN=Root,Vector=TaskList[Steady-State]"/> </Footer> </Report> <Report key="Report_4" name="Elementary Flux Modes" taskType="fluxMode" separator="&#x09;" precision="6"> <Comment> <body xmlns=""> Automatically generated report. </body> </Comment> <Footer> <Object cn="CN=Root,Vector=TaskList[Elementary Flux Modes],Object=Result"/> </Footer> </Report> <Report key="Report_5" name="Optimization" taskType="optimization" separator="&#x09;" precision="6"> <Comment> <body xmlns=""> Automatically generated report. </body> </Comment> <Header> <Object cn="CN=Root,Vector=TaskList[Optimization],Object=Description"/> <Object cn="String=\[Function Evaluations\]"/> <Object cn="Separator=&#x09;"/> <Object cn="String=\[Best Value\]"/> <Object cn="Separator=&#x09;"/> <Object cn="String=\[Best Parameters\]"/> </Header> <Body> <Object cn="CN=Root,Vector=TaskList[Optimization],Problem=Optimization,Reference=Function Evaluations"/> <Object cn="Separator=&#x09;"/> <Object cn="CN=Root,Vector=TaskList[Optimization],Problem=Optimization,Reference=Best Value"/> <Object cn="Separator=&#x09;"/> <Object cn="CN=Root,Vector=TaskList[Optimization],Problem=Optimization,Reference=Best Parameters"/> </Body> <Footer> <Object cn="String=&#x0a;"/> <Object cn="CN=Root,Vector=TaskList[Optimization],Object=Result"/> </Footer> </Report> <Report key="Report_7" name="Parameter Estimation" taskType="parameterFitting" separator="&#x09;" precision="6"> <Comment> <body xmlns=""> Automatically generated report. </body> </Comment> <Header> <Object cn="CN=Root,Vector=TaskList[Parameter Estimation],Object=Description"/> <Object cn="String=\[Function Evaluations\]"/> <Object cn="Separator=&#x09;"/> <Object cn="String=\[Best Value\]"/> <Object cn="Separator=&#x09;"/> <Object cn="String=\[Best Parameters\]"/> </Header> <Body> <Object cn="CN=Root,Vector=TaskList[Parameter Estimation],Problem=Parameter Estimation,Reference=Function Evaluations"/> <Object cn="Separator=&#x09;"/> <Object cn="CN=Root,Vector=TaskList[Parameter Estimation],Problem=Parameter Estimation,Reference=Best Value"/> <Object cn="Separator=&#x09;"/> <Object cn="CN=Root,Vector=TaskList[Parameter Estimation],Problem=Parameter Estimation,Reference=Best Parameters"/> </Body> <Footer> <Object cn="String=&#x0a;"/> <Object cn="CN=Root,Vector=TaskList[Parameter Estimation],Object=Result"/> </Footer> </Report> <Report key="Report_17" name="Metabolic Control Analysis" taskType="metabolicControlAnalysis" separator="&#x09;" precision="6"> <Comment> <body xmlns=""> Automatically generated report. </body> </Comment> <Header> <Object cn="CN=Root,Vector=TaskList[Metabolic Control Analysis],Object=Description"/> </Header> <Footer> <Object cn="String=&#x0a;"/> <Object cn="CN=Root,Vector=TaskList[Metabolic Control Analysis],Object=Result"/> </Footer> </Report> <Report key="Report_16" name="Lyapunov Exponents" taskType="lyapunovExponents" separator="&#x09;" precision="6"> <Comment> <body xmlns=""> Automatically generated report. </body> </Comment> <Header> <Object cn="CN=Root,Vector=TaskList[Lyapunov Exponents],Object=Description"/> </Header> <Footer> <Object cn="String=&#x0a;"/> <Object cn="CN=Root,Vector=TaskList[Lyapunov Exponents],Object=Result"/> </Footer> </Report> <Report key="Report_0" name="Time Scale Separation Analysis" taskType="timeScaleSeparationAnalysis" separator="&#x09;" precision="6"> <Comment> <body xmlns=""> Automatically generated report. </body> </Comment> <Header> <Object cn="CN=Root,Vector=TaskList[Time Scale Separation Analysis],Object=Description"/> </Header> <Footer> <Object cn="String=&#x0a;"/> <Object cn="CN=Root,Vector=TaskList[Time Scale Separation Analysis],Object=Result"/> </Footer> </Report> <Report key="Report_18" name="Sensitivities" taskType="sensitivities" separator="&#x09;" precision="6"> <Comment> <body xmlns=""> Automatically generated report. </body> </Comment> <Header> <Object cn="CN=Root,Vector=TaskList[Sensitivities],Object=Description"/> </Header> <Footer> <Object cn="String=&#x0a;"/> <Object cn="CN=Root,Vector=TaskList[Sensitivities],Object=Result"/> </Footer> </Report> </ListOfReports> <GUI> </GUI> </COPASI>
Component Pascal
[ "Artistic-2.0" ]
using Uno; using Fuse.Controls; using Fuse.Gestures; public class Logger : Button { public Logger() { Fuse.Gestures.Clicked.AddHandler(this, ClickHandler); } public void ClickHandler(object _, object __) { debug_log("Hello from Uno"); } }
[ "MIT" ]
<html> <head> {{ HEAD }} {% if (ENV.NODE_ENV === 'dev') { %} <!-- debug scripts --> {% } else if (ENV.NODE_ENV === 'production') { %} <!-- production scripts --> {% } %} </head> <body> {{ APP }} </body> </html>
[ "MIT" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
<cfcomponent> <cffunction name="foo"> <cfquery name="qry"> or l1.googleID in (<cfqueryparam list="true" value="#value=arguments.placeIDs#">) </cfquery> </cffunction> </cfcomponent>
ColdFusion CFC
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
theory EvmSep imports "Separation_Algebra" begin instantiation "set" :: (type) zero begin definition zero_set_def: "0 \<equiv> {}" instance .. end instantiation "set" :: (type) sep_algebra begin definition plus_set_def: "s1 + s2 \<equiv> s1 \<union> s2" definition sep_disj_set_def: "sep_disj s1 s2 \<equiv> s1 \<inter> s2 = {}" instance apply (intro_classes ; fastforce simp: plus_set_def sep_disj_set_def zero_set_def) done end lemmas sep_set_conv = zero_set_def plus_set_def sep_disj_set_def declare sep_conj_assoc[simp] end
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
<!-- <__trans phrase="Please put the tracking code of Google Analytics here."> -->
[ "MIT" ]
package com.baeldung.stringtobybiginteger; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import java.math.BigInteger; import org.junit.Test; public class StringToBigIntegerUnitTest { @Test public void whenGetStringWithOutRadix_thenOK() { String inputString = "878"; BigInteger result = new BigInteger(inputString); assertEquals("878", result.toString()); } @Test public void whenGetStringWithRadix_thenOK() { String inputString = "290f98"; BigInteger result = new BigInteger(inputString, 16); assertEquals("2690968", result.toString()); } @Test(expected = NumberFormatException.class) public void whenGetStringWithOutRadix_thenThrowError() { String inputString = "290f98"; new BigInteger(inputString); } @Test(expected = NumberFormatException.class) public void whenGetStringWithRadix_thenThrowError() { String inputString = "290f98"; new BigInteger(inputString, 7); } @Test public void whenGetStringUsingByte_thenOk() { String inputString = "290f98"; byte[] inputStringBytes = inputString.getBytes(); BigInteger result = new BigInteger(inputStringBytes); assertEquals("290f98", new String(result.toByteArray())); } }
[ "MIT" ]
// ISSUE: KT-14612 typealias S = @S Suppress
[ "ECL-2.0", "Apache-2.0" ]
-- -- Copyright 2009-2016 the original author or authors. -- -- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -- You may obtain a copy of the License at -- -- -- -- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -- WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -- limitations under the License. -- drop table users if exists; drop table friend if exists; create table users ( id int, name varchar(20) ); create table friend ( user_id int, friend_id int ); insert into users (id, name) values (1, 'User1'), (2, 'User2'), (3, 'User3'); insert into friend (user_id, friend_id) values (1, 2), (2, 2), (2, 3); drop table blog if exists; drop table author if exists; create table blog ( id int, title varchar(16), author_id int, co_author_id int ); create table author ( id int, name varchar(16), reputation int ); insert into blog (id, title, author_id, co_author_id) values (1, 'Blog1', 1, 2), (2, 'Blog2', 2, 3); insert into author (id, name, reputation) values (1, 'Author1', 1), (2, 'Author2', 2), (3, 'Author3', 3);
[ "ECL-2.0", "Apache-2.0" ]
{{ pillar['crtfile'] }}: x509.certificate_managed: - signing_private_key: {{ pillar['keyfile'] }} - CN: testy-mctest - basicConstraints: "critical CA:true" - keyUsage: "critical cRLSign, keyCertSign" - subjectKeyIdentifier: hash - authorityKeyIdentifier: keyid,issuer:always - days_valid: 1460 - days_remaining: 0 - backup: True - watch: - x509: {{ pillar['keyfile'] }} {{ pillar['keyfile'] }}: x509.private_key_managed: - bits: 4096 - backup: True
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <Project Type="Project" LVVersion="16008000"> <Item Name="My Computer" Type="My Computer"> <Property Name="" Type="Bool">true</Property> <Property Name="server.control.propertiesEnabled" Type="Bool">true</Property> <Property Name="server.tcp.enabled" Type="Bool">false</Property> <Property Name="server.tcp.port" Type="Int">0</Property> <Property Name="server.tcp.serviceName" Type="Str">My Computer/VI Server</Property> <Property Name="server.tcp.serviceName.default" Type="Str">My Computer/VI Server</Property> <Property Name="" Type="Bool">true</Property> <Property Name="" Type="Bool">true</Property> <Property Name="specify.custom.address" Type="Bool">false</Property> <Item Name="Source" Type="Folder" URL=".."> <Property Name="NI.DISK" Type="Bool">true</Property> </Item> <Item Name="Dependencies" Type="Dependencies"> <Item Name="user.lib" Type="Folder"> <Item Name="Array Size(s)" Type="VI" URL="/&lt;userlib&gt;/_OpenG.lib/lvdata/lvdata.llb/Array Size(s)"/> <Item Name="Array to Array of" Type="VI" URL="/&lt;userlib&gt;/_OpenG.lib/lvdata/lvdata.llb/Array to Array of"/> <Item Name="Build Error" Type="VI" URL="/&lt;userlib&gt;/_OpenG.lib/error/error.llb/Build Error"/> <Item Name="Cluster to Array of" Type="VI" URL="/&lt;userlib&gt;/_OpenG.lib/lvdata/lvdata.llb/Cluster to Array of"/> <Item Name="Get Array Element" Type="VI" URL="/&lt;userlib&gt;/_OpenG.lib/lvdata/lvdata.llb/Get Array Element"/> <Item Name="Get Data Name from" Type="VI" URL="/&lt;userlib&gt;/_OpenG.lib/lvdata/lvdata.llb/Get Data Name from"/> <Item Name="Get Data" Type="VI" URL="/&lt;userlib&gt;/_OpenG.lib/lvdata/lvdata.llb/Get Data"/> <Item Name="Get Element TD from Array" Type="VI" URL="/&lt;userlib&gt;/_OpenG.lib/lvdata/lvdata.llb/Get Element TD from Array"/> <Item Name="Get Header from" Type="VI" URL="/&lt;userlib&gt;/_OpenG.lib/lvdata/lvdata.llb/Get Header from"/> <Item Name="Get Last" Type="VI" URL="/&lt;userlib&gt;/_OpenG.lib/lvdata/lvdata.llb/Get Last"/> <Item Name="Get" Type="VI" URL="/&lt;userlib&gt;/_OpenG.lib/lvdata/lvdata.llb/Get"/> <Item Name="Get Variant" Type="VI" URL="/&lt;userlib&gt;/_OpenG.lib/lvdata/lvdata.llb/Get Variant"/> <Item Name="Parse String with" Type="VI" URL="/&lt;userlib&gt;/_OpenG.lib/lvdata/lvdata.llb/Parse String with"/> <Item Name="Reshape 1D" Type="VI" URL="/&lt;userlib&gt;/_OpenG.lib/lvdata/lvdata.llb/Reshape 1D"/> <Item Name="Reshape Array to 1D" Type="VI" URL="/&lt;userlib&gt;/_OpenG.lib/lvdata/lvdata.llb/Reshape Array to 1D"/> <Item Name="Set Data" Type="VI" URL="/&lt;userlib&gt;/_OpenG.lib/lvdata/lvdata.llb/Set Data"/> <Item Name="Split Cluster" Type="VI" URL="/&lt;userlib&gt;/_OpenG.lib/lvdata/lvdata.llb/Split Cluster"/> <Item Name="Type Descriptor Enumeration__ogtk.ctl" Type="VI" URL="/&lt;userlib&gt;/_OpenG.lib/lvdata/lvdata.llb/Type Descriptor Enumeration__ogtk.ctl"/> <Item Name="Type Descriptor Header__ogtk.ctl" Type="VI" URL="/&lt;userlib&gt;/_OpenG.lib/lvdata/lvdata.llb/Type Descriptor Header__ogtk.ctl"/> <Item Name="Type Descriptor__ogtk.ctl" Type="VI" URL="/&lt;userlib&gt;/_OpenG.lib/lvdata/lvdata.llb/Type Descriptor__ogtk.ctl"/> <Item Name="Variant to Header" Type="VI" URL="/&lt;userlib&gt;/_OpenG.lib/lvdata/lvdata.llb/Variant to Header"/> </Item> <Item Name="vi.lib" Type="Folder"> <Item Name="" Type="VI" URL="/&lt;vilib&gt;/Utility/error.llb/"/> <Item Name="Check if File or Folder" Type="VI" URL="/&lt;vilib&gt;/Utility/libraryn.llb/Check if File or Folder"/> <Item Name="Check Special" Type="VI" URL="/&lt;vilib&gt;/Utility/error.llb/Check Special"/> <Item Name="Clear" Type="VI" URL="/&lt;vilib&gt;/Utility/error.llb/Clear"/> <Item Name="Close" Type="VI" URL="/&lt;vilib&gt;/Utility/file.llb/Close"/> <Item Name="Compare Two" Type="VI" URL="/&lt;vilib&gt;/Utility/libraryn.llb/Compare Two"/> <Item Name="" Type="VI" URL="/&lt;vilib&gt;/_oldvers/_oldvers.llb/"/> <Item Name="Convert property node font to graphics" Type="VI" URL="/&lt;vilib&gt;/Utility/error.llb/Convert property node font to graphics"/> <Item Name="Create Directory" Type="VI" URL="/&lt;vilib&gt;/Utility/libraryn.llb/Create Directory"/> <Item Name="Details Display" Type="VI" URL="/&lt;vilib&gt;/Utility/error.llb/Details Display"/> <Item Name="DialogType.ctl" Type="VI" URL="/&lt;vilib&gt;/Utility/error.llb/DialogType.ctl"/> <Item Name="DialogTypeEnum.ctl" Type="VI" URL="/&lt;vilib&gt;/Utility/error.llb/DialogTypeEnum.ctl"/> <Item Name="Edit LVProj.lvlib" Type="Library" URL="/&lt;vilib&gt;/Utility/EditLVProj/Edit LVProj.lvlib"/> <Item Name="Error Cluster From Error" Type="VI" URL="/&lt;vilib&gt;/Utility/error.llb/Error Cluster From Error"/> <Item Name="Error Code" Type="VI" URL="/&lt;vilib&gt;/Utility/error.llb/Error Code"/> <Item Name="ErrWarn.ctl" Type="VI" URL="/&lt;vilib&gt;/Utility/error.llb/ErrWarn.ctl"/> <Item Name="eventvkey.ctl" Type="VI" URL="/&lt;vilib&gt;/event_ctls.llb/eventvkey.ctl"/> <Item Name="Find First" Type="VI" URL="/&lt;vilib&gt;/Utility/error.llb/Find First"/> <Item Name="Find" Type="VI" URL="/&lt;vilib&gt;/Utility/error.llb/Find"/> <Item Name="Format Message" Type="VI" URL="/&lt;vilib&gt;/Utility/error.llb/Format Message"/> <Item Name="General Error Handler Core" Type="VI" URL="/&lt;vilib&gt;/Utility/error.llb/General Error Handler Core"/> <Item Name="General Error" Type="VI" URL="/&lt;vilib&gt;/Utility/error.llb/General Error"/> <Item Name="Get File" Type="VI" URL="/&lt;vilib&gt;/Utility/libraryn.llb/Get File"/> <Item Name="Get LV Class Default" Type="VI" URL="/&lt;vilib&gt;/Utility/LVClass/Get LV Class Default"/> <Item Name="Get String Text" Type="VI" URL="/&lt;vilib&gt;/Utility/error.llb/Get String Text"/> <Item Name="Get Text" Type="VI" URL="/&lt;vilib&gt;/picture/picture.llb/Get Text"/> <Item Name="" Type="VI" URL="/&lt;vilib&gt;/Utility/error.llb/"/> <Item Name="" Type="VI" URL="/&lt;vilib&gt;/Utility/error.llb/"/> <Item Name="GOOP Object Repository Method.ctl" Type="VI" URL="/&lt;vilib&gt;/Utility/_goopsup.llb/GOOP Object Repository Method.ctl"/> <Item Name="GOOP Object Repository Statistics.ctl" Type="VI" URL="/&lt;vilib&gt;/Utility/_goopsup.llb/GOOP Object Repository Statistics.ctl"/> <Item Name="GOOP Object" Type="VI" URL="/&lt;vilib&gt;/Utility/_goopsup.llb/GOOP Object"/> <Item Name="High Resolution Relative" Type="VI" URL="/&lt;vilib&gt;/Utility/High Resolution Relative"/> <Item Name="Is Path and Not" Type="VI" URL="/&lt;vilib&gt;/Utility/file.llb/Is Path and Not"/> <Item Name="JKI JSON Serialization.lvlib" Type="Library" URL="/&lt;vilib&gt;/addons/_JKI.lib/Serialization/JSON/JKI JSON Serialization.lvlib"/> <Item Name="JKI Serialization.lvlib" Type="Library" URL="/&lt;vilib&gt;/addons/_JKI.lib/Serialization/Core/JKI Serialization.lvlib"/> <Item Name="List Directory and" Type="VI" URL="/&lt;vilib&gt;/Utility/libraryn.llb/List Directory and"/> <Item Name="Longest Line Length in" Type="VI" URL="/&lt;vilib&gt;/Utility/error.llb/Longest Line Length in"/> <Item Name="LVBoundsTypeDef.ctl" Type="VI" URL="/&lt;vilib&gt;/Utility/miscctls.llb/LVBoundsTypeDef.ctl"/> <Item Name="LVPositionTypeDef.ctl" Type="VI" URL="/&lt;vilib&gt;/Utility/miscctls.llb/LVPositionTypeDef.ctl"/> <Item Name="LVRectTypeDef.ctl" Type="VI" URL="/&lt;vilib&gt;/Utility/miscctls.llb/LVRectTypeDef.ctl"/> <Item Name="MD5Checksum" Type="VI" URL="/&lt;vilib&gt;/Utility/MD5Checksum.llb/MD5Checksum"/> <Item Name="MD5Checksum" Type="VI" URL="/&lt;vilib&gt;/Utility/MD5Checksum.llb/MD5Checksum"/> <Item Name="MD5Checksum format" Type="VI" URL="/&lt;vilib&gt;/Utility/MD5Checksum.llb/MD5Checksum format"/> <Item Name="MD5Checksum" Type="VI" URL="/&lt;vilib&gt;/Utility/MD5Checksum.llb/MD5Checksum"/> <Item Name="NI_Database_API.lvlib" Type="Library" URL="/&lt;vilib&gt;/addons/database/NI_Database_API.lvlib"/> <Item Name="NI_FileType.lvlib" Type="Library" URL="/&lt;vilib&gt;/Utility/lvfile.llb/NI_FileType.lvlib"/> <Item Name="NI_PackedLibraryUtility.lvlib" Type="Library" URL="/&lt;vilib&gt;/Utility/LVLibp/NI_PackedLibraryUtility.lvlib"/> <Item Name="NI_XML.lvlib" Type="Library" URL="/&lt;vilib&gt;/xml/NI_XML.lvlib"/> <Item Name="Not Found" Type="VI" URL="/&lt;vilib&gt;/Utility/error.llb/Not Found"/> <Item Name="Open" Type="VI" URL="/&lt;vilib&gt;/Utility/file.llb/Open"/> <Item Name="Read Delimited Spreadsheet (DBL).vi" Type="VI" URL="/&lt;vilib&gt;/Utility/file.llb/Read Delimited Spreadsheet (DBL).vi"/> <Item Name="Read Delimited Spreadsheet (I64).vi" Type="VI" URL="/&lt;vilib&gt;/Utility/file.llb/Read Delimited Spreadsheet (I64).vi"/> <Item Name="Read Delimited Spreadsheet (string).vi" Type="VI" URL="/&lt;vilib&gt;/Utility/file.llb/Read Delimited Spreadsheet (string).vi"/> <Item Name="Read Delimited" Type="VI" URL="/&lt;vilib&gt;/Utility/file.llb/Read Delimited"/> <Item Name="Read File+ (string).vi" Type="VI" URL="/&lt;vilib&gt;/Utility/file.llb/Read File+ (string).vi"/> <Item Name="Read Lines From File (with error IO).vi" Type="VI" URL="/&lt;vilib&gt;/Utility/file.llb/Read Lines From File (with error IO).vi"/> <Item Name="Recursive File" Type="VI" URL="/&lt;vilib&gt;/Utility/libraryn.llb/Recursive File"/> <Item Name="Search and Replace" Type="VI" URL="/&lt;vilib&gt;/Utility/error.llb/Search and Replace"/> <Item Name="Set Bold" Type="VI" URL="/&lt;vilib&gt;/Utility/error.llb/Set Bold"/> <Item Name="Set String" Type="VI" URL="/&lt;vilib&gt;/Utility/error.llb/Set String"/> <Item Name="Simple Error" Type="VI" URL="/&lt;vilib&gt;/Utility/error.llb/Simple Error"/> <Item Name="Space" Type="VI" URL="/&lt;vilib&gt;/dlg_ctls.llb/Space"/> <Item Name="System" Type="VI" URL="/&lt;vilib&gt;/Platform/system.llb/System"/> <Item Name="TagReturnType.ctl" Type="VI" URL="/&lt;vilib&gt;/Utility/error.llb/TagReturnType.ctl"/> <Item Name="Three Button Dialog" Type="VI" URL="/&lt;vilib&gt;/Utility/error.llb/Three Button Dialog"/> <Item Name="Three Button" Type="VI" URL="/&lt;vilib&gt;/Utility/error.llb/Three Button"/> <Item Name="TRef" Type="VI" URL="/&lt;vilib&gt;/Utility/traverseref.llb/TRef"/> <Item Name="TRef TravTarget.ctl" Type="VI" URL="/&lt;vilib&gt;/Utility/traverseref.llb/TRef TravTarget.ctl"/> <Item Name="Trim" Type="VI" URL="/&lt;vilib&gt;/Utility/error.llb/Trim"/> <Item Name="VariantType.lvlib" Type="Library" URL="/&lt;vilib&gt;/Utility/VariantDataType/VariantType.lvlib"/> <Item Name="VI Scripting - Traverse.lvlib" Type="Library" URL="/&lt;vilib&gt;/Utility/traverseref.llb/VI Scripting - Traverse.lvlib"/> <Item Name="whitespace.ctl" Type="VI" URL="/&lt;vilib&gt;/Utility/error.llb/whitespace.ctl"/> <Item Name="Write Delimited Spreadsheet (DBL).vi" Type="VI" URL="/&lt;vilib&gt;/Utility/file.llb/Write Delimited Spreadsheet (DBL).vi"/> <Item Name="Write Delimited Spreadsheet (I64).vi" Type="VI" URL="/&lt;vilib&gt;/Utility/file.llb/Write Delimited Spreadsheet (I64).vi"/> <Item Name="Write Delimited Spreadsheet (string).vi" Type="VI" URL="/&lt;vilib&gt;/Utility/file.llb/Write Delimited Spreadsheet (string).vi"/> <Item Name="Write Delimited" Type="VI" URL="/&lt;vilib&gt;/Utility/file.llb/Write Delimited"/> <Item Name="Write Spreadsheet" Type="VI" URL="/&lt;vilib&gt;/Utility/file.llb/Write Spreadsheet"/> </Item> <Item Name="DOMUserDefRef.dll" Type="Document" URL="DOMUserDefRef.dll"> <Property Name="NI.PreserveRelativePath" Type="Bool">true</Property> </Item> <Item Name="System" Type="VI" URL="System"> <Property Name="NI.PreserveRelativePath" Type="Bool">true</Property> </Item> </Item> <Item Name="Build Specifications" Type="Build"/> </Item> </Project>
Source/SLL Toolkit Project.lvproj
[ "MIT" ]
import { TestOptions } from '../../types'; const options: TestOptions = { injector: { shouldInclude({ component, prop }) { if ( === 'Snackbar' && === 'id') { return true; } }, }, }; export default options;
[ "MIT" ]
Prefix: obo: <> Ontology: <> Import: <> Import: <> Import: <>
Web Ontology Language
[ "CC0-1.0" ]
<?Lassoscript // Last modified 9/12/09 by ECL, Landmann InterActive /* Tagdocs; {Tagname= OutputFooter } {Description= Outputs the already-built $FooterContent } {Author= Eric Landmann } {AuthorEmail= [email protected] } {ModifiedBy= } {ModifiedByEmail= } {Date= 3/18/08 } {Usage= OutputFooter } {ExpectedResults= Outputs the HTML in $FooterContent } {Dependencies= $FooterContent must be defined, otherwise there will be no output } {DevelNotes= $FooterContent is created in This tag is merely a convenience to make it less awkward for a designer } {ChangeNotes= 8/31/09 Integrated into itPage codebase. } /Tagdocs; */ If: !(Lasso_TagExists:'OutputFooter'); Define_Tag:'OutputFooter', -Description='Outputs $FooterContent, which contains the left nav content for the LI CMS 3.0'; Local('Result') = null; // Check if $FooterContent is defined If: (Var_Defined:'FooterContent'); #Result += '<!-- OutputFooter -->\n'; #Result += ($FooterContent); Return: (Encode_Smart:(#Result)); Else; If: $svDebug == 'Y'; '<strong>OutputFooter: </strong>$FooterContent is undefined<br>\n'; /If; /If; /Define_Tag; Log_Critical: 'Custom Tag Loaded - OutputFooter'; /If; ?>
Documentation/ModeDevelopment/Reference Files/LassoScript-HTML/itpage/LassoStartup/OutputFooter.lasso
[ "MIT" ]
PREFIX : <> SELECT ?s ?num WHERE { ?s ?p ?num FILTER isNumeric(?num) }
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
// // Copyright (c) 2019, chunquedong // Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0 // // History: // 2019-02-04 Jed Young Creation // class GenParamDefault : CompilerStep { ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Constructor ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// new make(CompilerContext compiler) : super(compiler) { } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Run ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// override Void run() { //log.debug("GenParamDefault") walk(compiler.cunits, VisitDepth.slotDef) bombIfErr //types.each |TypeDef t| { t.dump } } override Void visitMethodDef(MethodDef def) { if (!def.params.any { it.hasDefault }) return for (i:=0; i<def.params.size; ++i) { param := def.params[i] if (!param.hasDefault) continue genOverloading(i) } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Synthetic ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Void genOverloading(Int paramCount) { // our constructor definition m := MethodDef(curMethod.loc, curType) = m.flags = curMethod.flags.or(FConst.Synthetic).or(FConst.Overload) .and(FConst.Async.not).and(FConst.Native.not).and(FConst.Abstract.not) m.ret = curMethod.ret m.inheritedRet = curMethod.inheritedRet m.code = Block(curMethod.loc) loc := curMethod.loc args := Expr[,] for (i:=0; i<paramCount; ++i) { param := curMethod.params[i] nparam := m.addParamVar(param.paramType, pvar := LocalVarExpr(loc, nparam) args.add(pvar) } defExpr := curMethod.paramDefs[paramCount].def args.add(defExpr) callExpr := CallExpr(loc, curMethod.isStatic ? StaticTargetExpr(loc, curMethod.parent.asRef) : ThisExpr(loc) , curMethod, args) if (curMethod.returnType.isVoid) { m.code.add(callExpr.toStmt) m.code.add(ReturnStmt(loc)) } else { m.code.add(ReturnStmt(loc, callExpr)) } curType.addSlot(m) } }
[ "AFL-3.0" ]
//@module: commonjs // @declaration: true export module a { export function foo(x: number) { return x; } } export module c { import b =; var bVal = b(10); export var bVal2 = b; }
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
KT element: KtImportDirective FIR element: FirImportImpl FIR element rendered: import a.b.c
[ "ECL-2.0", "Apache-2.0" ]
#(assert #t) #(display "Fine")
[ "MIT" ]
#include <metal_stdlib> #include "OperationShaderTypes.h" using namespace metal; typedef struct { float opacity; } OpacityUniform; fragment half4 opacityFragment(SingleInputVertexIO fragmentInput [[stage_in]], texture2d<half> inputTexture [[texture(0)]], constant OpacityUniform& uniform [[ buffer(1) ]]) { constexpr sampler quadSampler; half4 color = inputTexture.sample(quadSampler, fragmentInput.textureCoordinate); return half4(color.rgb, color.a * half(uniform.opacity)); }
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
; CLW file contains information for the MFC ClassWizard [General Info] Version=1 ClassCount=1 ResourceCount=1 NewFileInclude1=#include "stdafx.h" Class1=CPortView LastClass=CPortView LastTemplate=CFormView Resource1=IDD_NODEVIEW [DLG:IDD_NODEVIEW] Type=1 Class=CPortView ControlCount=8 Control1=IDC_BUTTON1,button,1342242816 Control2=IDC_BUTTON2,button,1342242816 Control3=IDC_EDIT3,edit,1350631552 Control4=IDC_STATIC,static,1342308352 Control5=IDC_EDIT1,edit,1484849280 Control6=IDC_STATIC,static,1342177288 Control7=IDC_STATIC,static,1342308352 Control8=IDC_CHECK1,button,1342242819 [CLS:CPortView] Type=0 HeaderFile=PortView.h ImplementationFile=PortView.cpp BaseClass=CFormView Filter=D LastObject=IDC_CHECK1 VirtualFilter=VWC
[ "MIT" ]
INSERT INTO a (id, k) VALUES (2, 3), (5, 7);
[ "Apache-2.0", "BSD-3-Clause" ]
100 5 0 0 0 1 11 28 14 40 97 37 96 76 1 25 21 34 [0] [0] [0] [0] [0] [0] [0] [0] [0] [0] [0] 1 1 10 13 91 94 44 17 26 35 95 12 55 [12] [12] [12] [12] [12] [12] [12] [12] [12] [-50] 2 1 15 88 47 46 6 71 86 68 44 62 14 65 16 10 80 95 [14] [14] [14] [14] [14] [14] [14] [14] [14] [-23] [14] [14] [14] [14] [14] 3 1 1 17 [10] 4 1 3 48 101 8 [-83] [11] [11] 5 1 6 91 15 52 73 77 50 [11] [-43] [11] [11] [11] [11] 6 1 1 22 [8] 7 1 2 74 35 [-149] [14] 8 1 2 12 101 [13] [13] 9 1 2 77 79 [-63] [6] 10 1 3 101 68 56 [11] [11] [-122] 11 1 2 47 39 [15] [-64] 12 1 1 29 [14] 13 1 1 39 [14] 14 1 12 46 50 45 2 76 74 47 29 53 56 63 11 [10] [10] [10] [10] [10] [10] [10] [10] [10] [10] [10] [10] 15 1 2 58 5 [7] [7] 16 1 1 83 [13] 17 1 1 56 [15] 18 1 11 22 54 39 61 48 24 68 25 62 81 16 [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] 19 1 10 38 2 83 86 14 35 70 17 82 15 [11] [-39] [11] [-42] [-47] [11] [11] [11] [11] [11] 20 1 10 47 87 44 71 46 11 70 84 60 4 [11] [11] [11] [11] [11] [11] [11] [11] [-32] [11] 21 1 10 35 45 13 69 90 3 74 42 56 24 [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] 22 1 2 38 39 [7] [-115] 23 1 15 48 16 65 71 47 95 92 66 17 8 99 70 32 80 38 [15] [15] [15] [15] [15] [15] [15] [15] [15] [15] [15] [15] [15] [15] [15] 24 1 2 101 70 [15] [15] 25 1 18 26 64 35 4 51 33 53 12 87 43 68 56 24 95 6 13 66 29 [15] [15] [15] [15] [-78] [15] [15] [15] [15] [-87] [15] [15] [15] [15] [15] [15] [15] [15] 26 1 1 92 [10] 27 1 9 66 13 75 31 10 17 51 4 24 [13] [13] [13] [13] [13] [13] [13] [13] [13] 28 1 15 81 11 12 8 22 61 87 54 48 52 59 31 4 33 70 [13] [13] [13] [13] [13] [13] [13] [13] [13] [13] [13] [13] [13] [13] [13] 29 1 1 31 [12] 30 1 3 77 79 101 [-78] [-77] [15] 31 1 2 74 24 [-137] [13] 32 1 12 6 80 16 39 53 54 29 31 8 75 61 1 [15] [15] [15] [15] [15] [15] [15] [15] [15] [15] [15] [15] 33 1 2 95 44 [-103] [11] 34 1 16 10 53 38 33 13 91 12 54 55 31 66 48 95 45 88 47 [7] [7] [7] [7] [7] [7] [7] [7] [7] [7] [7] [7] [7] [7] [7] [7] 35 1 3 7 101 74 [-74] [11] [-157] 36 1 4 38 75 61 101 [-102] [-142] [-92] [7] 37 1 15 56 29 77 3 52 90 22 61 62 70 96 35 39 17 38 [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] 38 1 4 6 101 61 62 [-106] [8] [8] [-131] 39 1 2 88 101 [13] [13] 40 1 10 8 53 92 75 87 38 7 12 57 88 [10] [10] [10] [10] [10] [10] [10] [10] [10] [10] 41 1 9 54 69 3 83 39 6 100 48 22 [8] [8] [8] [8] [8] [8] [8] [8] [8] 42 1 13 48 36 24 9 62 10 11 31 72 35 58 22 79 [15] [15] [15] [15] [15] [15] [15] [15] [15] [15] [15] [15] [15] 43 1 10 13 36 33 6 18 71 56 17 82 38 [11] [11] [11] [11] [11] [11] [11] [11] [11] [11] 44 1 2 10 101 [7] [7] 45 1 2 101 69 [11] [11] 46 1 3 5 80 73 [-54] [10] [10] 47 1 2 6 39 [9] [-83] 48 1 2 16 4 [-79] [9] 49 1 4 52 90 101 9 [-84] [-73] [9] [-72] 50 1 3 63 73 49 [-49] [7] [7] 51 1 9 92 43 56 3 26 66 87 75 7 [7] [7] [7] [7] [7] [7] [7] [7] [7] 52 1 1 77 [7] 53 1 1 33 [8] 54 1 3 82 71 45 [-85] [13] [-99] 55 1 10 6 39 71 62 7 82 12 23 44 8 [7] [7] [7] [7] [7] [7] [7] [7] [7] [7] 56 1 1 45 [15] 57 1 11 7 81 75 33 69 44 88 41 29 4 70 [14] [14] [14] [14] [14] [14] [14] [14] [14] [14] [14] 58 1 2 9 73 [-40] [9] 59 1 14 93 7 38 78 9 39 77 45 35 79 37 3 81 21 [-52] [12] [12] [12] [12] [12] [12] [12] [12] [12] [-79] [12] [12] [-61] 60 1 10 7 10 63 44 91 81 20 35 95 92 [8] [8] [8] [8] [8] [8] [8] [8] [8] [8] 61 1 1 36 [15] 62 1 2 26 101 [14] [14] 63 1 6 49 77 58 9 52 15 [13] [13] [13] [13] [13] [13] 64 1 15 87 7 83 45 66 18 56 43 33 16 67 13 48 29 95 [15] [15] [15] [15] [15] [-53] [15] [-87] [15] [15] [15] [15] [15] [15] [15] 65 1 7 63 30 58 5 99 80 15 [-68] [5] [5] [-58] [-52] [-53] [-60] 66 1 1 7 [6] 67 1 13 75 70 17 62 35 18 39 29 83 33 31 40 54 [11] [11] [11] [11] [11] [-96] [11] [11] [11] [11] [11] [-130] [11] 68 1 2 54 10 [11] [-68] 69 1 1 81 [6] 70 1 1 66 [14] 71 1 3 3 101 54 [-137] [15] [-62] 72 1 10 38 28 13 77 17 92 22 8 69 79 [11] [11] [11] [11] [11] [11] [11] [11] [11] [11] 73 1 3 49 30 9 [15] [15] [-57] 74 1 1 16 [11] 75 1 1 62 [7] 76 1 15 26 39 74 63 35 53 38 62 15 61 16 12 66 54 14 [15] [15] [15] [15] [15] [15] [15] [15] [15] [15] [15] [15] [15] [15] [-38] 77 1 2 52 90 [-43] [15] 78 1 20 26 69 48 68 87 39 3 37 21 93 56 42 49 33 52 98 35 66 29 38 [14] [14] [14] [14] [14] [14] [14] [-92] [-69] [-65] [14] [-87] [14] [14] [14] [14] [14] [14] [14] [14] 79 1 3 9 90 58 [-56] [-56] [15] 80 1 6 65 52 99 46 5 58 [10] [10] [-50] [-28] [-51] [10] 81 1 1 95 [7] 82 1 1 53 [5] 83 1 1 48 [12] 84 1 16 99 34 45 36 82 24 47 92 50 20 13 88 5 46 91 69 [7] [-80] [7] [7] [7] [7] [7] [7] [7] [-61] [7] [7] [7] [7] [7] [7] 85 1 8 6 31 68 97 53 92 83 38 [9] [9] [9] [9] [9] [9] [9] [9] 86 1 15 82 14 12 54 6 24 71 48 36 92 2 45 26 19 8 [14] [-40] [14] [14] [14] [14] [14] [14] [14] [14] [-32] [14] [14] [14] [14] 87 1 1 13 [9] 88 1 1 11 [6] 89 1 14 71 30 82 81 11 53 77 31 79 96 4 39 69 93 [11] [11] [11] [11] [11] [11] [11] [11] [11] [-73] [11] [11] [11] [11] 90 1 1 9 [13] 91 1 1 99 [8] 92 1 1 87 [7] 93 1 11 6 31 54 44 38 56 45 35 59 69 73 [15] [15] [15] [15] [15] [15] [15] [15] [15] [15] [15] 94 1 15 60 46 8 83 92 56 50 74 44 75 47 88 33 24 63 [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] 95 1 2 45 82 [-54] [7] 96 1 10 89 83 39 56 8 77 69 74 90 68 [13] [13] [13] [13] [13] [13] [13] [13] [13] [13] 97 1 12 7 10 31 48 27 47 81 33 68 26 54 62 [10] [10] [10] [10] [10] [10] [10] [10] [10] [10] [10] [10] 98 1 14 24 61 26 37 47 81 87 11 12 7 38 92 78 54 [6] [6] [6] [-83] [6] [6] [6] [6] [6] [6] [6] [6] [-58] [6] 99 1 3 73 46 91 [5] [5] [-30] 100 1 7 13 36 82 69 85 44 88 [13] [13] [13] [13] [13] [13] [13] 101 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 12 3 0 1 3 2 2 1 14 1 2 3 1 3 3 1 10 1 1 3 1 0 4 1 11 1 3 1 0 3 5 1 11 1 1 2 0 1 6 1 8 0 2 3 1 3 7 1 14 3 3 3 1 2 8 1 13 1 1 2 1 0 9 1 6 0 1 2 1 1 10 1 11 3 3 1 0 2 11 1 15 1 0 1 2 2 12 1 14 3 3 0 3 1 13 1 14 3 1 3 3 3 14 1 10 1 3 1 3 3 15 1 7 2 3 0 1 2 16 1 13 1 2 1 0 1 17 1 15 1 3 0 0 3 18 1 5 0 1 3 1 1 19 1 11 2 0 1 2 1 20 1 11 3 3 2 0 2 21 1 5 2 3 1 3 0 22 1 7 0 2 2 1 2 23 1 15 0 1 0 2 3 24 1 15 3 1 3 2 1 25 1 15 0 3 1 2 2 26 1 10 3 1 1 2 3 27 1 13 2 2 3 3 0 28 1 13 2 3 1 3 0 29 1 12 2 3 2 0 2 30 1 15 0 2 2 0 2 31 1 13 3 0 2 1 1 32 1 15 3 0 3 3 2 33 1 11 1 2 1 0 3 34 1 7 3 2 2 3 2 35 1 11 3 1 2 0 3 36 1 7 3 0 2 3 1 37 1 5 3 2 1 0 3 38 1 8 2 1 3 2 0 39 1 13 0 3 2 2 1 40 1 10 0 1 2 2 2 41 1 8 1 2 0 2 1 42 1 15 2 3 1 2 2 43 1 11 0 2 1 1 2 44 1 7 3 0 3 3 3 45 1 11 1 3 3 1 3 46 1 10 3 1 0 2 1 47 1 9 1 3 3 0 2 48 1 9 1 1 3 1 2 49 1 9 0 0 1 2 2 50 1 7 2 1 2 3 2 51 1 7 3 1 1 2 2 52 1 7 0 2 1 1 2 53 1 8 1 0 3 2 3 54 1 13 0 3 1 3 0 55 1 7 0 2 2 1 2 56 1 15 3 0 3 2 3 57 1 14 1 2 3 3 0 58 1 9 0 1 1 2 2 59 1 12 3 2 0 1 1 60 1 8 1 3 2 2 3 61 1 15 3 3 1 3 3 62 1 14 3 2 0 1 2 63 1 13 2 1 3 3 1 64 1 15 2 3 3 1 3 65 1 5 2 0 2 3 3 66 1 6 1 3 3 3 1 67 1 11 1 2 1 0 1 68 1 11 1 2 1 0 3 69 1 6 3 2 2 0 3 70 1 14 1 3 3 2 0 71 1 15 2 1 3 0 1 72 1 11 2 2 0 3 3 73 1 15 0 2 3 3 1 74 1 11 1 2 3 0 2 75 1 7 3 0 3 0 3 76 1 15 3 2 2 3 1 77 1 15 2 2 1 0 3 78 1 14 3 1 1 3 2 79 1 15 0 2 3 2 1 80 1 10 3 1 3 1 1 81 1 7 0 1 1 1 3 82 1 5 1 2 2 0 2 83 1 12 3 0 2 0 2 84 1 7 3 1 2 0 1 85 1 9 3 3 2 1 1 86 1 14 2 2 3 0 1 87 1 9 3 0 2 3 2 88 1 6 0 1 3 2 3 89 1 11 1 2 1 2 1 90 1 13 2 0 3 1 1 91 1 8 2 2 3 0 3 92 1 7 2 1 2 0 3 93 1 15 0 2 0 2 2 94 1 5 3 1 0 2 3 95 1 7 1 0 3 1 3 96 1 13 0 3 0 2 3 97 1 10 1 0 1 2 2 98 1 6 1 1 0 3 2 99 1 5 3 1 2 1 0 100 1 13 1 1 2 3 1 101 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 9 8 9 9
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
/* * Copyright 2020-2021 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use * this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy * in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at * */ #include "crypto/rand.h" #include "crypto/rand_pool.h" #include <openssl/core_dispatch.h> #include <openssl/err.h> size_t ossl_rand_get_entropy(ossl_unused OSSL_CORE_HANDLE *handle, unsigned char **pout, int entropy, size_t min_len, size_t max_len) { size_t ret = 0; size_t entropy_available; RAND_POOL *pool; pool = ossl_rand_pool_new(entropy, 1, min_len, max_len); if (pool == NULL) { ERR_raise(ERR_LIB_RAND, ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE); return 0; } /* Get entropy by polling system entropy sources. */ entropy_available = ossl_pool_acquire_entropy(pool); if (entropy_available > 0) { ret = ossl_rand_pool_length(pool); *pout = ossl_rand_pool_detach(pool); } ossl_rand_pool_free(pool); return ret; } void ossl_rand_cleanup_entropy(ossl_unused OSSL_CORE_HANDLE *handle, unsigned char *buf, size_t len) { OPENSSL_secure_clear_free(buf, len); } size_t ossl_rand_get_nonce(ossl_unused OSSL_CORE_HANDLE *handle, unsigned char **pout, size_t min_len, size_t max_len, const void *salt, size_t salt_len) { size_t ret = 0; RAND_POOL *pool; pool = ossl_rand_pool_new(0, 0, min_len, max_len); if (pool == NULL) { ERR_raise(ERR_LIB_RAND, ERR_R_MALLOC_FAILURE); return 0; } if (!ossl_pool_add_nonce_data(pool)) goto err; if (salt != NULL && !ossl_rand_pool_add(pool, salt, salt_len, 0)) goto err; ret = ossl_rand_pool_length(pool); *pout = ossl_rand_pool_detach(pool); err: ossl_rand_pool_free(pool); return ret; } void ossl_rand_cleanup_nonce(ossl_unused OSSL_CORE_HANDLE *handle, unsigned char *buf, size_t len) { OPENSSL_clear_free(buf, len); }
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
CREATE TABLE `tb_iuqrkykntm` ( `col_vqbxwxbdco` float(53) NULL, `col_axuvjogcci` datetime DEFAULT '2019-07-04 00:00:00', `col_rrrdiozgxi` mediumtext CHARACTER SET latin1, `col_hjaoyhupuv` varchar(176) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci, UNIQUE `col_rrrdiozgxi` (`col_rrrdiozgxi`(23)), UNIQUE KEY `uk_gscqcjtlyg` (`col_hjaoyhupuv`(13)) ) DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; CREATE TABLE `tb_fkndvyyooo` LIKE `tb_iuqrkykntm`; RENAME TABLE `tb_iuqrkykntm` TO `tb_gwhacmapbj`; RENAME TABLE `tb_gwhacmapbj` TO `tb_havvvaohnr`; RENAME TABLE `tb_havvvaohnr` TO `tb_nduadhjfex`; DROP TABLE tb_nduadhjfex, tb_fkndvyyooo; CREATE TABLE `tb_tilukdjjhc` ( `col_kxelvjyosf` int(150), `col_laleouwpiw` int NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', PRIMARY KEY (`col_laleouwpiw`), UNIQUE `uk_hkgebfxhma` (`col_kxelvjyosf`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; ALTER TABLE `tb_tilukdjjhc` ADD `col_fgidnnqvqm` year NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE `tb_tilukdjjhc` ADD COLUMN `col_loxvzbzvge` char CHARACTER SET utf8 NULL AFTER `col_kxelvjyosf`; ALTER TABLE `tb_tilukdjjhc` ADD COLUMN (`col_uzxvkpgggz` mediumblob, `col_gqssffnbgo` tinyblob); ALTER TABLE `tb_tilukdjjhc` ADD `col_jtyftybbku` decimal(13,5) NOT NULL AFTER `col_uzxvkpgggz`; ALTER TABLE `tb_tilukdjjhc` ADD COLUMN `col_drlfahzqxk` datetime(4) NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE `tb_tilukdjjhc` ADD (`col_bzzxemkcuj` double, `col_olnmovdyfw` bit(3) NULL DEFAULT b'0'); ALTER TABLE `tb_tilukdjjhc` ADD COLUMN `col_avfiwopsik` float; ALTER TABLE `tb_tilukdjjhc` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4; ALTER TABLE `tb_tilukdjjhc` ALTER COLUMN `col_bzzxemkcuj` DROP DEFAULT; ALTER TABLE `tb_tilukdjjhc` CHANGE COLUMN `col_gqssffnbgo` `col_pmqkhijpcr` varbinary(71) NULL DEFAULT '\0' AFTER `col_fgidnnqvqm`; ALTER TABLE `tb_tilukdjjhc` CHANGE `col_drlfahzqxk` `col_idhlrzdwud` char CHARACTER SET utf8 NOT NULL AFTER `col_avfiwopsik`; ALTER TABLE `tb_tilukdjjhc` CHANGE COLUMN `col_avfiwopsik` `col_kcysycgbek` blob(2086586212); ALTER TABLE `tb_tilukdjjhc` DROP COLUMN `col_bzzxemkcuj`; ALTER TABLE `tb_tilukdjjhc` DROP PRIMARY KEY; ALTER TABLE `tb_tilukdjjhc` DROP KEY `uk_hkgebfxhma`;
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
// This file is part of OpenCV project. // It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory // of this distribution and at // // Copyright (C) 2018-2020 Intel Corporation #include "precomp.hpp" #include <ade/util/assert.hpp> #include "api/gorigin.hpp" #include "api/gnode_priv.hpp" cv::GOrigin::GOrigin(GShape s, const cv::GNode& n, std::size_t p, const cv::gimpl::HostCtor c, cv::detail::OpaqueKind k) : shape(s), node(n), port(p), ctor(c), kind(k) { } cv::GOrigin::GOrigin(GShape s, cv::gimpl::ConstVal v) : shape(s), node(cv::GNode::Const()), value(v), port(INVALID_PORT), kind(util::holds_alternative<detail::VectorRef>(v) ? util::get<detail::VectorRef>(v).getKind() : cv::detail::OpaqueKind::CV_UNKNOWN) { } bool cv::detail::GOriginCmp::operator() (const cv::GOrigin &lhs, const cv::GOrigin &rhs) const { const GNode::Priv* lhs_p = &lhs.node.priv(); const GNode::Priv* rhs_p = &rhs.node.priv(); if (lhs_p == rhs_p) { if (lhs.port == rhs.port) { // A data Origin is uniquely identified by {node/port} pair. // The situation when there're two Origins with same {node/port}s // but with different shapes (data formats) is illegal! GAPI_Assert(lhs.shape == rhs.shape); } return lhs.port < rhs.port; } else return lhs_p < rhs_p; }
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
The AMEE category business/agriculture/livestock/manure contains data on the emissions associated with the storage and treatment of livestock manure, sourced from the IPCC [[|National Greenhouse Gas Inventories Programme]]. These categories represent //Tier 1// approaches. The data is organised into the following subcategories which relate to CH,,4,, and N,,2,,O emissions respectively: *[[Manure_associated_methane_emissions]] *[[Manure_associated_nitrous_oxide_emissions]]
[ "MIT" ]
package {{invokerPackage}}; import java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage; import retrofit2.*; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.lang.reflect.WildcardType; import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture; import java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage; import java.util.function.Function; /** * Creates {@link CallAdapter} instances that convert {@link Call} into {@link java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage} */ public class Play25CallAdapterFactory extends CallAdapter.Factory { private Function<RuntimeException, RuntimeException> exceptionConverter = Function.identity(); public Play25CallAdapterFactory() { } public Play25CallAdapterFactory( Function<RuntimeException, RuntimeException> exceptionConverter) { this.exceptionConverter = exceptionConverter; } @Override public CallAdapter<?, ?> get(Type returnType, Annotation[] annotations, Retrofit retrofit) { if (!(returnType instanceof ParameterizedType)) { return null; } ParameterizedType type = (ParameterizedType) returnType; if (type.getRawType() != CompletionStage.class) { return null; } return createAdapter((ParameterizedType) returnType); } private CallAdapter<?, CompletionStage<?>> createAdapter(ParameterizedType returnType) { // Get CompletionStage type argument Type[] types = returnType.getActualTypeArguments(); if (types.length != 1) { throw new IllegalStateException("Must be exactly one type parameter"); } Type resultType = types[0]; Class<?> rawTypeParam = getRawType(resultType); boolean includeResponse = false; if (rawTypeParam == Response.class) { if (!(resultType instanceof ParameterizedType)) { throw new IllegalStateException("Response must be parameterized" + " as Response<T>"); } resultType = ((ParameterizedType) resultType).getActualTypeArguments()[0]; includeResponse = true; } return new ValueAdapter(resultType, includeResponse, exceptionConverter); } /** * Adapter that coverts values returned by API interface into CompletionStage */ private static final class ValueAdapter<R> implements CallAdapter<R, CompletionStage<R>> { private final Type responseType; private final boolean includeResponse; private Function<RuntimeException, RuntimeException> exceptionConverter; ValueAdapter(Type responseType, boolean includeResponse, Function<RuntimeException, RuntimeException> exceptionConverter) { this.responseType = responseType; this.includeResponse = includeResponse; this.exceptionConverter = exceptionConverter; } @Override public Type responseType() { return responseType; } @Override public CompletionStage<R> adapt(final Call<R> call) { final CompletableFuture<R> promise = new CompletableFuture(); call.enqueue(new Callback<R>() { @Override public void onResponse(Call<R> call, Response<R> response) { if (response.isSuccessful()) { if (includeResponse) { promise.complete((R) response); } else { promise.complete(response.body()); } } else { promise.completeExceptionally(exceptionConverter.apply(new HttpException(response))); } } @Override public void onFailure(Call<R> call, Throwable t) { promise.completeExceptionally(t); } }); return promise; } } }
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
# coding: utf-8 def my_found(req): my_dict = {'XXS':[42, 36, 8, 38, 24], 'XS':(2), 'S':(4), 'M':(6), 'L':(8), 'XL':(10), 'XXL':(12), 'XXXL':(14)} if req[0] != 'XXS': answ = my_dict['XXS'][req[1]-1]+my_dict[req[0]] else: answ = my_dict['XXS'][req[1]-1] return answ country = {1:'Россия', 2:'Германия', 3:'США', 4:'Франция', 5:'Великобритания'} print('Программа перевода размеров женского белья из\n' 'международной системы в системы следующих стран:\n' '1 - Россия, 2 - Германия, 3 - США, 4 - Франция, 5 - Великобритания.\n' 'Справка (международная система): XXS, XS, S, M, L, XL, XXL, XXXL') req = [] while len(req)<=1: req = list(input('>>> Введите через пробел международный размер и страну,\n' 'в систему которой перевести данный размер: ').split()) req[0] = req[0].upper() if len(req)<=1: print('Вы таки что-то сделали не так... \nНужно повторить попытку!') else:req[1] = int(req[1]) print(f'Выбранный Вами размер "{req[0]}" в системе размеров "{country[req[1]]}" будет: {my_found(req)}')
[ "MIT" ]
#include "pch.h" #include "native_event_waiter.h" void NativeEventWaiter::run() { while (!aborting) { auto result = WaitForSingleObject(event_handle, timeout); if (!aborting && result == WAIT_OBJECT_0) { action(); } } } NativeEventWaiter::NativeEventWaiter(const std::wstring& event_name, std::function<void()> action) { event_handle = CreateEventW(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, event_name.c_str()); this->action = action; running_thread = std::thread([&]() { run(); }); } NativeEventWaiter::~NativeEventWaiter() { aborting = true; SetEvent(event_handle); running_thread.join(); CloseHandle(event_handle); }
[ "MIT" ]
[ "Info-ZIP" ]
doors new door,pass For door=1:1:100 Set door(door)=0 For pass=1:1:100 For door=pass:pass:100 Set door(door)='door(door) For door=1:1:100 If door(door) Write !,"Door",$j(door,4)," is open" Write !,"All other doors are closed." Quit Do doors Door 1 is open Door 4 is open Door 9 is open Door 16 is open Door 25 is open Door 36 is open Door 49 is open Door 64 is open Door 81 is open Door 100 is open All other doors are closed.
[ "Info-ZIP" ]
$! File: $! $! $Id$ $! $! Set up build environment for building Curl under GNV on VMS. $! $! GNV needs some files moved into the other directories to help with $! the configure script and the build. $! $! Copyright 2009, John Malmberg $! $! Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any $! purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above $! copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. $! $! THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES $! WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF $! MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR $! ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES $! WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN $! ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT $! OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. $! $! 30-May-2009 J. Malmberg $! $!======================================================================= $! $! Save this so we can get back. $ default_dir = f$environment("default") $! $! Move to where the Configure script is. $ set def [--] $! $! Get the path to where the Configure script is. $ base_dir = f$environment("default") $! $! Allow arguments to be grouped together with comma or separated by spaces $! Do no know if we will need more than 8. $ args = "," + p1 + "," + p2 + "," + p3 + "," + p4 + "," $ args = args + p5 + "," + p6 + "," + p7 + "," + p8 + "," $! $! Provide lower case version to simplify parsing. $ args_lower = f$edit(args, "LOWERCASE,COLLAPSE") $! $ args_len = f$length(args) $ args_lower_len = f$length(args_lower) $! $ tests = 0 $ if f$locate(",test", args_lower) .lt. args_lower_len $ then $ tests = 1 $ endif $! $ examples = 0 $ if f$locate(",exam", args_lower) .lt. args_lower_len $ then $ examples = 1 $ endif $! $! We want detailed build logs. $ clist = "/list/show=(expan,includ)" $! $! We want full symbol names in exact case. Need a common $! repository for all directories. $ cnames = "/names=(shortened,as_is)/repository=''base_dir'" $! $! Set the compiler options for GNV CC wrapper to inherit. $ cc :== cc'clist''cnames'/nested_include_directory=none $ cxx :== cxx'clist''cnames'/nested_include_directory=none $ pointer_size = "32" $! Note 64 bit pointers requires all libraries to either have $! 64 bit pointers or have #pragma directives. $! Currently building curl on VMS with 64 bit pointers does not work. $! $! A logical name to make it easier to find some of the hacks. $ define/job gnv_hacks 'base_dir' $! $! A logical name to find the [.packages.vms] directory where we started. $ define/job gnv_packages_vms 'default_dir' $! $! Kerberos headers: $ if f$trnlnm("gssapi") .eqs. "" $ then $ if f$search("sys$sysroot:[kerberos]include.dir") .nes. "" $ then $ define/job gssapi sys$sysroot:[kerberos.include] $ endif $ endif $! $! OpenSSL headers $ if f$trnlnm("openssl") .eqs. "" $ then $ if f$trnlnm("ssl$include") .nes. "" $ then $ define/job openssl ssl$include: $ endif $ endif $! $! C compiler include path. $ define/job decc$system_include prj_root:[.include.curl],- [-.packages.vms],- ssl$include:,gnv$gnu:[usr.include],- gnv$gnu:[usr.include.libz],gnv$gnu:[include],- gnv$zlib_include:,- sys$sysroot:[kerberos.include] $! $! Set up a include list for the compiler to find all the header files $! that they need. $! $ define/job decc$user_include src_root:[.include.curl] $ define ssl_lib sys$library: $! $! Calculate what is needed in the option files $ libzshr_line = "" $ try_shr = "gnv$libzshr''pointer_size'" $ if f$search(try_shr) .nes. "" then libzshr_line = "''try_shr'/share" $ if (libzshr_line .eqs. "") $ then $ try_shr = "sys$share:" + try_shr $ if f$search("''try_shr'.exe") .nes. "" $ then $ libzshr_line = "''try_shr'/share" $ endif $ endif $! $! Kerberos $ gssrtlshr_line = "" $ try_shr = "sys$share:gss$rtl" $ if f$search("''try_shr'.exe") .nes. "" $ then $ gssrtlshr_line = "''try_shr'/share" $ endif $! $! HP OpenSSL $ libcryptoshr_line = "" $ try_shr = "sys$share:ssl$libcrypto_shr''pointer_size'" $ if f$search("''try_shr'.exe") .nes. "" $ then $ libcryptoshr_line = "''try_shr'/share" $ endif $! $ libsslshr_line = "" $ try_shr = "sys$share:ssl$libssl_shr''pointer_size'" $ if f$search("''try_shr'.exe") .nes. "" $ then $ libsslshr_line = "''try_shr'/share" $ endif $! $! $! Copy over the gnv$conftest* files to base directory. $!----------------------------------------------------- $ copy 'default_dir'gnv_conftest.c_first 'base_dir'gnv$conftest.c_first $ create 'base_dir'gnv$conftest.opt $ open/append opt 'base_dir'gnv$conftest.opt $ if libzshr_line .nes. "" then write opt libzshr_line $ if libcryptoshr_line .nes. "" then write opt libcryptoshr_line $ if libsslshr_line .nes. "" then write opt libsslshr_line $ close opt $ purge 'base_dir'gnv$conftest.* $ rename 'base_dir'gnv$conftest.* ;1 $! $! $! $! GNV helper files for building the test curl binary. $!----------------------------------------------- $ create [.src]gnv$curl.opt $ open/append opt [.src]gnv$curl.opt $ write opt "gnv_packages_vms:curlmsg.obj" $ if libzshr_line .nes. "" then write opt libzshr_line $ if gssrtlshr_line .nes. "" then write opt gssrtlshr_line $ if libcryptoshr_line .nes. "" then write opt libcryptoshr_line $ if libsslshr_line .nes. "" then write opt libsslshr_line $ close opt $ purge [.src]gnv$*.* $ rename [.src]gnv$*.* ;1 $! $! $! Create the libcurl $!------------------------------------------------------ $ create 'default_dir'gnv_libcurl_linker.opt $ open/append opt 'default_dir'gnv_libcurl_linker.opt $ if libzshr_line .nes. "" then write opt libzshr_line $ if gssrtlshr_line .nes. "" then write opt gssrtlshr_line $ if libcryptoshr_line .nes. "" then write opt libcryptoshr_line $ if libsslshr_line .nes. "" then write opt libsslshr_line $ close opt $! $! $! Create the template linker file $!--------------------------------- $ create 'default_dir'gnv_template_linker.opt $ open/append opt 'default_dir'gnv_template_linker.opt $ write opt "gnv_vms_common:vms_curl_init_unix.obj" $ if libzshr_line .nes. "" then write opt libzshr_line $ if gssrtlshr_line .nes. "" then write opt gssrtlshr_line $ if libcryptoshr_line .nes. "" then write opt libcryptoshr_line $ if libsslshr_line .nes. "" then write opt libsslshr_line $ close opt $! $! Copy over the gnv$*.opt files for [.docs.examples] $!---------------------------------------------------- $ if examples .ne. 0 $ then $ example_apps = "10-at-a-time,anyauthput,certinfo,cookie_interface,debug" $ example_apps = example_apps + ",fileupload,fopen,ftpget,ftpgetresp" $ example_apps = example_apps + ",ftpupload,getinfo,getinmemory" $ example_apps = example_apps + ",http-post,httpcustomheader,httpput" $ example_apps = example_apps + ",https,multi-app,multi-debugcallback" $ example_apps = example_apps + ",multi-double,multi-post,multi-single" $ example_apps = example_apps + ",persistent,post-callback,postit2" $ example_apps = example_apps + ",sendrecv,sepheaders,simple,simplepost" $ example_apps = example_apps + ",simplessl" $! $ i = 0 $example_loop: $ ap_name = f$element(i, ",", example_apps) $ if ap_name .eqs. "," then goto example_loop_end $ if ap_name .eqs. "" then goto example_loop_end $ copy 'default_dir'gnv_template_linker.opt - [.docs.examples]gnv$'ap_name'.opt $ i = i + 1 $ goto example_loop $example_loop_end: $! $! clean up the copy. $ purge [.docs.examples]gnv$*.opt $ rename [.docs.examples]gnv$*.opt ;1 $ endif $! $! $ if tests .ne. 0 $ then $ libtest_apps = "lib500,lib501,lib502,lib503,lib504,lib505,lib506,lib507" $ libtest_apps = libtest_apps + ",lib508,lib510,lib511,lib512,lib513,lib514" $ libtest_apps = libtest_apps + ",lib515,lib516,lib517,lib518,lib519,lib520" $ libtest_apps = libtest_apps + ",lib521,lib523,lib524,lib525,lib526,lib527" $ libtest_apps = libtest_apps + ",lib529,lib530,lib532,lib533,lib536,lib537" $ libtest_apps = libtest_apps + ",lib539,lib540,lib541,lib542,lib543,lib544" $ libtest_apps = libtest_apps + ",lib545,lib547,lib548,lib549,lib552,lib553" $ libtest_apps = libtest_apps + ",lib554,lib555,lib556,lib557,lib558,lib559" $ libtest_apps = libtest_apps + ",lib560,lib562,lib564" $ i = 0 $libtest_loop: $ ap_name = f$element(i, ",", libtest_apps) $ if ap_name .eqs. "," then goto libtest_loop_end $ if ap_name .eqs. "" then goto libtest_loop_end $ copy 'default_dir'gnv_template_linker.opt - [.tests.libtest]gnv$'ap_name'.opt $ i = i + 1 $ goto libtest_loop $libtest_loop_end: $! $! clean up the copy. $ purge [.tests.libtest]gnv$*.opt $ rename [.tests.libtest]gnv$*.opt ;1 $ endif $! $! $! Build the Message file. $!-------------------------- $ if f$search("[.packages.vms]curlmsg.obj") .eqs. "" $ then $ message [.packages.vms]curlmsg.msg/object=[.packages.vms] $ endif $ if f$search("gnv$curlmsg.exe") .eqs. "" $ then $ link/share=gnv$curlmsg.exe [.packages.vms]curlmsg.obj $ endif $! $! $! $! Need to build the common init module. $!------------------------------------------- $ init_obj = "[.packages.vms]curl_crtl_init.obj" $ if f$search(init_obj) .eqs. "" $ then $ cc'cflags' 'default_dir'curl_crtl_init.c/obj='init_obj' $ purge 'init_obj' $ rename 'init_obj' ;1 $ endif $! $all_exit: $! $ set def 'default_dir' $! $! Verify can break things in bash, especially in Configure scripts. $ set nover $ exit
DIGITAL Command Language
[ "curl" ]
#world { polygon-fill: @b; }
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
Module: dylan-test-suite Synopsis: Dylan test suite Author: Andy Armstrong Copyright: Original Code is Copyright (c) 1995-2004 Functional Objects, Inc. All rights reserved. License: See License.txt in this distribution for details. Warranty: Distributed WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND /// Core functionality tests (for some arbitrary value of "core"). define test test-<boolean> () //---*** Fill this in... end test; define test test-<character> () //---*** Fill this in... end test; define test test-<class> () //---*** Fill this in... end test; define test test-<object> () //---*** Fill this in... end test; define test test-<singleton> () //---*** Fill this in... end test; define test test-<symbol> () //---*** Fill this in... end test; define test test-<type> () //---*** Fill this in... end test; define test test-make () //---*** Fill this in... end test; define test test-initialize () //---*** Fill this in... end test; define test test-slot-initialized? () //---*** Fill this in... end test; define test test-list () //---*** Fill this in... end test; define test test-pair () //---*** Fill this in... end test; define test test-range () //---*** Fill this in... end test; define test test-singleton () //---*** Fill this in... end test; define test test-limited () //---*** Fill this in... end test; define test test-type-union () let union = #f; check-instance?("type-union(<string>, <integer>) returns a type", <type>, union := type-union(<string>, <integer>)); check-instance?("\"string\" is an instance of type-union(<string>, <integer>)", union, "string"); check-instance?("10 is an instance of type-union(<string>, <integer>)", union, 10); check-false("instance?(#t, type-union(<string>, <integer>))", instance?(#t, union)); end test; define test test-vector () //---*** Fill this in... end test; /// Function tests define test test-<function> () //---*** Fill this in... end test; define test test-<generic-function> () //---*** Fill this in... end test; define test test-<method> () //---*** Fill this in... end test; define test test-compose () //---*** Fill this in... end test; define test test-complement () //---*** Fill this in... end test; define test test-disjoin () //---*** Fill this in... end test; define test test-conjoin () //---*** Fill this in... end test; define test test-curry () //---*** Fill this in... end test; define test test-rcurry () //---*** Fill this in... end test; define test test-always () check-false("always(#f)(#t)", always(#f)(#t)); check-false("always(#f)(10)", always(#f)(10)); check-true("always(#t)(#t)", always(#t)(#t)); check-true("always(#t)(10)", always(#t)(10)); end test; /// Condition tests // TODO(cgay): seal this and don't share with common-dylan-test-suite, // or separate the shared code into a different library. define open generic test-condition-class (class :: subclass(<condition>), #key, #all-keys) => (); define method test-condition-class (class :: subclass(<condition>), #key abstract?, #all-keys) => () unless (abstract?) test-condition(make-condition(class)) end end method; define constant $condition-string = "%d ~= %d"; define constant $condition-arguments = #(1, 2); define method make-condition (class :: subclass(<condition>)) => (condition :: <condition>) make(class, format-string: $condition-string, format-arguments: $condition-arguments) end method make-condition; /// Condition test functions define method test-condition (condition :: <condition>) => () test-output("test-condition(<condition>)\n"); do(method (function) function(condition) end, vector(// Functions on <condition> do-test-signal, do-test-error, do-test-cerror, do-test-break, // Generic functions on <condition> do-test-default-handler, do-test-return-query, do-test-return-allowed?, do-test-return-description )) end method test-condition; define method test-condition (condition :: <simple-error>) => () test-output("test-condition(<simple-error>)\n"); next-method(); do(method (function) function(condition) end, vector(// Functions on <simple-error> do-test-condition-format-string, do-test-condition-format-arguments )) end method test-condition; define method test-condition (condition :: <type-error>) => () next-method(); do(method (function) function(condition) end, vector(// Functions on <type-error> do-test-type-error-value, do-test-type-error-expected-type )) end method test-condition; define method test-condition (condition :: <simple-warning>) => () next-method(); do(method (function) function(condition) end, vector(// Functions on <simple-warning> do-test-condition-format-string, do-test-condition-format-arguments )) end method test-condition; define method test-condition (condition :: <restart>) => () next-method(); do(method (function) function(condition) end, vector(// Generic functions on <restart> do-test-restart-query )) end method test-condition; define method test-condition (condition :: <simple-restart>) => () next-method(); do(method (function) function(condition) end, vector(// Functions on <simple-restart> do-test-condition-format-string, do-test-condition-format-arguments )) end method test-condition; define method do-test-signal (condition :: <condition>) => () //---*** Fill this in... end method; define method do-test-error (condition :: <condition>) => () //---*** Fill this in... end method; define method do-test-cerror (condition :: <condition>) => () //---*** Fill this in... end method; define method do-test-break (condition :: <condition>) => () //---*** Fill this in... end method; define method do-test-default-handler (condition :: <condition>) => () //---*** Fill this in... end method; define method do-test-return-query (condition :: <condition>) => () //---*** Fill this in... end method; define method do-test-return-allowed? (condition :: <condition>) => () //---*** Fill this in... end method; define method do-test-return-description (condition :: <condition>) => () //---*** Fill this in... end method; define method do-test-condition-format-string (condition :: <condition>) => () let name = format-to-string("%= condition-format-string matches specified format string", condition); check-equal(name, condition-format-string(condition), $condition-string) end method; define method do-test-condition-format-arguments (condition :: <condition>) => () let name = format-to-string("%= condition-format-arguments match specified format arguments", condition); check-equal(name, condition-format-arguments(condition), $condition-arguments) end method; define method do-test-type-error-value (condition :: <condition>) => () //---*** Fill this in... end method; define method do-test-type-error-expected-type (condition :: <condition>) => () //---*** Fill this in... end method; define method do-test-restart-query (condition :: <condition>) => () //---*** Fill this in... end method; define test test-<condition> () test-condition-class(<condition>, abstract?: #t); end; define test test-<error> () test-condition-class(<error>, abstract?: #t); end; define test test-<sealed-object-error> () test-condition-class(<sealed-object-error>); end; define test test-<serious-condition> () test-condition-class(<serious-condition>, abstract?: #t); end; define test test-<simple-error> () test-condition-class(<simple-error>); end; define test test-<simple-warning> () test-condition-class(<simple-warning>); end; define test test-<type-error> () test-condition-class(<type-error>); end; define test test-<warning> () test-condition-class(<warning>, abstract?: #t); end; define suite dylan-conditions-test-suite () test test-<condition>; test test-<error>; test test-<sealed-object-error>; test test-<serious-condition>; test test-<simple-error>; test test-<simple-warning>; test test-<type-error>; test test-<warning>; end; /// Equality and comparison functions define test test-~ () end; define test test-== () end; define test test-~== () end; define test test-= () end; define test test-~= () end; define test test-< () end; define test test-> () end; define test test-<= () end; define test test->= () end; define test test-min () end; define test test-max () end; /// Coercing and copying functions define test test-identity () end; define test test-values () end; define test test-as () end; define test test-as-uppercase () end; define test test-as-uppercase! () end; define test test-as-lowercase () end; define test test-as-lowercase! () end; define test test-shallow-copy () end; define test test-type-for-copy () end; /// Type functions define test test-instance? () end; define test test-subtype? () end; define test test-object-class () end; define test test-all-superclasses () end; define test test-direct-superclasses () end; define test test-direct-subclasses () end; /// Function handling functions define test test-generic-function-methods () end; define test test-add-method () end; define test test-generic-function-mandatory-keywords () end; define test test-function-specializers () end; define test test-function-arguments () end; define test test-function-return-values () end; define test test-applicable-method? () end; define test test-sorted-applicable-methods () end; define test test-find-method () end; define test test-remove-method () end; define suite dylan-core-test-suite () test test-<boolean>; test test-<character>; test test-<class>; test test-<object>; test test-<singleton>; test test-<symbol>; test test-<type>; test test-make; test test-initialize; test test-slot-initialized?; test test-list; test test-pair; test test-range; test test-singleton; test test-limited; test test-type-union; test test-vector; test test-<function>; test test-<generic-function>; test test-<method>; test test-compose; test test-complement; test test-disjoin; test test-conjoin; test test-curry; test test-rcurry; test test-always; test test-~; test test-==; test test-~==; test test-=; test test-~=; test test-<; test test->; test test-<=; test test->=; test test-min; test test-max; test test-identity; test test-values; test test-as; test test-as-uppercase; test test-as-uppercase!; test test-as-lowercase; test test-as-lowercase!; test test-shallow-copy; test test-type-for-copy; test test-instance?; test test-subtype?; test test-object-class; test test-all-superclasses; test test-direct-superclasses; test test-direct-subclasses; test test-generic-function-methods; test test-add-method; test test-generic-function-mandatory-keywords; test test-function-specializers; test test-function-arguments; test test-function-return-values; test test-applicable-method?; test test-sorted-applicable-methods; test test-find-method; test test-remove-method; suite dylan-conditions-test-suite; end suite dylan-core-test-suite;
[ "BSD-2-Clause" ]
<%= render partial: 'partial', locals: {'first' => '1'} %> <%= render partial: 'partial', locals: {'second' => '2'} %>
[ "MIT" ]
somefile-exists: file: - managed - name: {{ pillar['name'] }} somefile-blockreplace: file: - blockreplace - append_if_not_found: true - name: {{ pillar['name'] }} - template: jinja - source: salt://issue-49043 - require: - file: somefile-exists - context: unicode_string: "\xe4\xf6\xfc"
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
#!/bin/bash my_var="Hola Mundo" echo ${my_var} my_filename="interesting-text-file.txt" echo ${my_filename:0:21} echo ${my_filename%.*} complicated_filename="hello-world.tar.gz" echo ${complicated_filename%%.*} echo ${my_filename/.*/} echo 'interesting-text-file.txt' | sed 's/.txt*//' echo 'interesting-text-file.txt' | cut -f1 -d"." echo ${complicated_filename} | cut -f1 -d"."
[ "MIT" ]
Library: tools-interface Author: 7/17: Seth LaForge Synopsis: Interface between spec file tools and the project manager. Target-type: dll Files: library tools-interface project-files Copyright: Original Code is Copyright (c) 1995-2004 Functional Objects, Inc. All rights reserved. License: See License.txt in this distribution for details. Warranty: Distributed WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND
[ "BSD-2-Clause" ]
// Copyright 2012 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "src/runtime/runtime.h" #include "src/base/hashmap.h" #include "src/base/platform/wrappers.h" #include "src/codegen/reloc-info.h" #include "src/execution/isolate.h" #include "src/handles/handles-inl.h" #include "src/heap/heap.h" #include "src/objects/contexts.h" #include "src/objects/objects-inl.h" #include "src/runtime/runtime-utils.h" namespace v8 { namespace internal { // Header of runtime functions. #define F(name, number_of_args, result_size) \ Address Runtime_##name(int args_length, Address* args_object, \ Isolate* isolate); FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_RETURN_OBJECT(F) #undef F #define P(name, number_of_args, result_size) \ ObjectPair Runtime_##name(int args_length, Address* args_object, \ Isolate* isolate); FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC_RETURN_PAIR(P) #undef P #define F(name, number_of_args, result_size) \ { \ Runtime::k##name, Runtime::RUNTIME, #name, FUNCTION_ADDR(Runtime_##name), \ number_of_args, result_size \ } \ , #define I(name, number_of_args, result_size) \ { \ Runtime::kInline##name, Runtime::INLINE, "_" #name, \ FUNCTION_ADDR(Runtime_##name), number_of_args, result_size \ } \ , static const Runtime::Function kIntrinsicFunctions[] = { FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC(F) FOR_EACH_INLINE_INTRINSIC(I)}; #undef I #undef F namespace { V8_DECLARE_ONCE(initialize_function_name_map_once); static const base::CustomMatcherHashMap* kRuntimeFunctionNameMap; struct IntrinsicFunctionIdentifier { IntrinsicFunctionIdentifier(const unsigned char* data, const int length) : data_(data), length_(length) {} static bool Match(void* key1, void* key2) { const IntrinsicFunctionIdentifier* lhs = static_cast<IntrinsicFunctionIdentifier*>(key1); const IntrinsicFunctionIdentifier* rhs = static_cast<IntrinsicFunctionIdentifier*>(key2); if (lhs->length_ != rhs->length_) return false; return CompareCharsEqual(lhs->data_, rhs->data_, rhs->length_); } uint32_t Hash() { return StringHasher::HashSequentialString<uint8_t>( data_, length_, v8::internal::kZeroHashSeed); } const unsigned char* data_; const int length_; }; void InitializeIntrinsicFunctionNames() { base::CustomMatcherHashMap* function_name_map = new base::CustomMatcherHashMap(IntrinsicFunctionIdentifier::Match); for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kIntrinsicFunctions); ++i) { const Runtime::Function* function = &kIntrinsicFunctions[i]; IntrinsicFunctionIdentifier* identifier = new IntrinsicFunctionIdentifier( reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(function->name), static_cast<int>(strlen(function->name))); base::HashMap::Entry* entry = function_name_map->InsertNew(identifier, identifier->Hash()); entry->value = const_cast<Runtime::Function*>(function); } kRuntimeFunctionNameMap = function_name_map; } } // namespace bool Runtime::NeedsExactContext(FunctionId id) { switch (id) { case Runtime::kInlineAsyncFunctionReject: case Runtime::kInlineAsyncFunctionResolve: // For %_AsyncFunctionReject and %_AsyncFunctionResolve we don't // really need the current context, which in particular allows // us to usually eliminate the catch context for the implicit // try-catch in async function. return false; case Runtime::kAddPrivateField: case Runtime::kAddPrivateBrand: case Runtime::kCreatePrivateAccessors: case Runtime::kCopyDataProperties: case Runtime::kCreateDataProperty: case Runtime::kCreatePrivateNameSymbol: case Runtime::kCreatePrivateBrandSymbol: case Runtime::kLoadPrivateGetter: case Runtime::kLoadPrivateSetter: case Runtime::kReThrow: case Runtime::kThrow: case Runtime::kThrowApplyNonFunction: case Runtime::kThrowCalledNonCallable: case Runtime::kThrowConstAssignError: case Runtime::kThrowConstructorNonCallableError: case Runtime::kThrowConstructedNonConstructable: case Runtime::kThrowConstructorReturnedNonObject: case Runtime::kThrowInvalidStringLength: case Runtime::kThrowInvalidTypedArrayAlignment: case Runtime::kThrowIteratorError: case Runtime::kThrowIteratorResultNotAnObject: case Runtime::kThrowNotConstructor: case Runtime::kThrowRangeError: case Runtime::kThrowReferenceError: case Runtime::kThrowAccessedUninitializedVariable: case Runtime::kThrowStackOverflow: case Runtime::kThrowStaticPrototypeError: case Runtime::kThrowSuperAlreadyCalledError: case Runtime::kThrowSuperNotCalled: case Runtime::kThrowSymbolAsyncIteratorInvalid: case Runtime::kThrowSymbolIteratorInvalid: case Runtime::kThrowThrowMethodMissing: case Runtime::kThrowTypeError: case Runtime::kThrowUnsupportedSuperError: #if V8_ENABLE_WEBASSEMBLY case Runtime::kThrowWasmError: case Runtime::kThrowWasmStackOverflow: #endif // V8_ENABLE_WEBASSEMBLY return false; default: return true; } } bool Runtime::IsNonReturning(FunctionId id) { switch (id) { case Runtime::kThrowUnsupportedSuperError: case Runtime::kThrowConstructorNonCallableError: case Runtime::kThrowStaticPrototypeError: case Runtime::kThrowSuperAlreadyCalledError: case Runtime::kThrowSuperNotCalled: case Runtime::kReThrow: case Runtime::kThrow: case Runtime::kThrowApplyNonFunction: case Runtime::kThrowCalledNonCallable: case Runtime::kThrowConstructedNonConstructable: case Runtime::kThrowConstructorReturnedNonObject: case Runtime::kThrowInvalidStringLength: case Runtime::kThrowInvalidTypedArrayAlignment: case Runtime::kThrowIteratorError: case Runtime::kThrowIteratorResultNotAnObject: case Runtime::kThrowThrowMethodMissing: case Runtime::kThrowSymbolIteratorInvalid: case Runtime::kThrowNotConstructor: case Runtime::kThrowRangeError: case Runtime::kThrowReferenceError: case Runtime::kThrowAccessedUninitializedVariable: case Runtime::kThrowStackOverflow: case Runtime::kThrowSymbolAsyncIteratorInvalid: case Runtime::kThrowTypeError: case Runtime::kThrowConstAssignError: #if V8_ENABLE_WEBASSEMBLY case Runtime::kThrowWasmError: case Runtime::kThrowWasmStackOverflow: #endif // V8_ENABLE_WEBASSEMBLY return true; default: return false; } } bool Runtime::MayAllocate(FunctionId id) { switch (id) { case Runtime::kCompleteInobjectSlackTracking: case Runtime::kCompleteInobjectSlackTrackingForMap: return false; default: return true; } } bool Runtime::IsAllowListedForFuzzing(FunctionId id) { CHECK(FLAG_fuzzing); switch (id) { // Runtime functions allowlisted for all fuzzers. Only add functions that // help increase coverage. case Runtime::kArrayBufferDetach: case Runtime::kDeoptimizeFunction: case Runtime::kDeoptimizeNow: case Runtime::kDisableOptimizationFinalization: case Runtime::kEnableCodeLoggingForTesting: case Runtime::kFinalizeOptimization: case Runtime::kGetUndetectable: case Runtime::kNeverOptimizeFunction: case Runtime::kOptimizeFunctionOnNextCall: case Runtime::kOptimizeOsr: case Runtime::kPrepareFunctionForOptimization: case Runtime::kPretenureAllocationSite: case Runtime::kSetAllocationTimeout: case Runtime::kSimulateNewspaceFull: case Runtime::kWaitForBackgroundOptimization: return true; // Runtime functions only permitted for non-differential fuzzers. // This list may contain functions performing extra checks or returning // different values in the context of different flags passed to V8. case Runtime::kGetOptimizationStatus: case Runtime::kHeapObjectVerify: case Runtime::kIsBeingInterpreted: case Runtime::kVerifyType: return !FLAG_allow_natives_for_differential_fuzzing; case Runtime::kBaselineOsr: case Runtime::kCompileBaseline: return ENABLE_SPARKPLUG; default: return false; } } const Runtime::Function* Runtime::FunctionForName(const unsigned char* name, int length) { base::CallOnce(&initialize_function_name_map_once, &InitializeIntrinsicFunctionNames); IntrinsicFunctionIdentifier identifier(name, length); base::HashMap::Entry* entry = kRuntimeFunctionNameMap->Lookup(&identifier, identifier.Hash()); if (entry) { return reinterpret_cast<Function*>(entry->value); } return nullptr; } const Runtime::Function* Runtime::FunctionForEntry(Address entry) { for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kIntrinsicFunctions); ++i) { if (entry == kIntrinsicFunctions[i].entry) { return &(kIntrinsicFunctions[i]); } } return nullptr; } const Runtime::Function* Runtime::FunctionForId(Runtime::FunctionId id) { return &(kIntrinsicFunctions[static_cast<int>(id)]); } const Runtime::Function* Runtime::RuntimeFunctionTable(Isolate* isolate) { #ifdef USE_SIMULATOR // When running with the simulator we need to provide a table which has // redirected runtime entry addresses. if (!isolate->runtime_state()->redirected_intrinsic_functions()) { size_t function_count = arraysize(kIntrinsicFunctions); Function* redirected_functions = new Function[function_count]; memcpy(redirected_functions, kIntrinsicFunctions, sizeof(kIntrinsicFunctions)); for (size_t i = 0; i < function_count; i++) { ExternalReference redirected_entry = ExternalReference::Create(static_cast<Runtime::FunctionId>(i)); redirected_functions[i].entry = redirected_entry.address(); } isolate->runtime_state()->set_redirected_intrinsic_functions( redirected_functions); } return isolate->runtime_state()->redirected_intrinsic_functions(); #else return kIntrinsicFunctions; #endif } std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, Runtime::FunctionId id) { return os << Runtime::FunctionForId(id)->name; } } // namespace internal } // namespace v8
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
sub init() ' assume parent node will be attached to the rootscene node tree, otherwise ' node focus is meaningless and won't work as expected. = "top" m.child1 ="child1") m.child2 ="child2") m.child3 ="child3") m.child4 ="child4") m.child5 ="child5") m.child6 ="child6") m.child1.observeField("focusedChild", "onFocusChild1") m.child2.observeField("focusedChild", "onFocusChild2") m.child3.observeField("focusedChild", "onFocusChild3") m.child4.observeField("focusedChild", "onFocusChild4") m.child5.observeField("focusedChild", "onFocusChild5") m.child6.observeField("focusedChild", "onFocusChild6")"focusedChild", "onFocusTop") ' focus on a leaf node, then unset m.child3.setFocus(true) m.child3.setFocus(false) print "----" ' focus on a leaf node, then a sibling leaf node m.child3.setFocus(true) m.child4.setFocus(true) m.child4.setFocus(false) print "----" ' focus on a leaf node, then a leaf node in a different subtree m.child3.setFocus(true) m.child6.setFocus(true) m.child6.setFocus(false) print "----" ' focus on a parent node, then a leaf node in its tree m.child1.setFocus(true) m.child3.setFocus(true) m.child3.setFocus(false) print "----" ' focus on a parent node, then a leaf node in a separate subtree m.child1.setFocus(true) m.child6.setFocus(true) m.child6.setFocus(false) end sub function getMessage(node as object, event as object) as string print "*" + + "* " + + " " + event.getData().id.toStr() + " " + node.isInFocusChain().toStr() end function sub onFocusTop(event as object) getMessage(, event) end sub sub onFocusChild1(event as object) getMessage(m.child1, event) end sub sub onFocusChild2(event as object) getMessage(m.child2, event) end sub sub onFocusChild3(event as object) getMessage(m.child3, event) end sub sub onFocusChild4(event as object) getMessage(m.child4, event) end sub sub onFocusChild5(event as object) getMessage(m.child5, event) end sub sub onFocusChild6(event as object) getMessage(m.child6, event) end sub
[ "MIT" ]
#tag Class Protected Class WKNavigationDelegate Inherits NSObject #tag Method, Flags = &h1000 Sub Constructor() // Calling the overridden superclass constructor. // Note that this may need modifications if there are multiple constructor choices. // Possible constructor calls: // Constructor() -- From NSObject // Constructor(ref as ptr) -- From NSObject Super.Constructor(Initialize(Allocate(TargetClass))) if dispatch = nil then dispatch = new xojo.Core.Dictionary dispatch.Value( = self End Sub #tag EndMethod #tag Method, Flags = &h21 Private Sub HandleError(err as ptr) declare function code_ lib FoundationLib selector "code" (obj_id as ptr) as Integer declare function localizedMessage lib FoundationLib selector "localizedDescription" (obj_id as ptr) as CFStringRef dim code as Integer = code_(err) dim msg as Text = localizedMessage(err) RaiseEvent Error(code,msg) End Sub #tag EndMethod #tag Method, Flags = &h21 Private Sub HandleFinishLoad(navigation as ptr) try RaiseEvent DocumentComplete(navigation) Catch end try End Sub #tag EndMethod #tag Method, Flags = &h21 Private Function HandleShouldLoad(url As Text, userAction As Boolean) As Boolean Try Return Not CancelLoad(url, userAction) Catch end try End Function #tag EndMethod #tag Method, Flags = &h21 Private Sub HandleStartLoad(navigation as ptr) try RaiseEvent DocumentBegin(navigation) Catch end try End Sub #tag EndMethod #tag Method, Flags = &h21 Private Shared Sub impl_error(pid as ptr, sel as ptr, view as ptr, navigation as ptr, err as ptr) #Pragma Unused sel #Pragma Unused view #Pragma Unused navigation WKNavigationDelegate(dispatch.Value(pid)).HandleError(err) End Sub #tag EndMethod #tag Method, Flags = &h21 Private Shared Sub impl_FinishLoad(pid as ptr, sel as ptr, view as ptr, navigation as ptr) #Pragma Unused sel #Pragma Unused view WKNavigationDelegate(dispatch.Value(pid)).HandleFinishLoad(navigation) End Sub #tag EndMethod #tag Method, Flags = &h21 Private Shared Sub impl_ShouldLoad(pid as ptr, sel as ptr, webView as ptr, navigationAction as ptr, decisionHandler as Ptr) #Pragma Unused sel #Pragma Unused webView Declare Function request_ Lib FoundationLib selector "request" (obj_id As ptr) As ptr Dim req As ptr = request_(navigationAction) declare function URL_ lib FoundationLib selector "URL" (obj_id as ptr) as ptr dim nsurlref as ptr = URL_(req) declare Function absoluteString lib FoundationLib selector "absoluteString" (obj_id as ptr) as CFStringRef Dim url As Text = absoluteString(nsurlref) Declare Function navigationType_ Lib FoundationLib selector "navigationType" (obj_id As ptr) As WKNavigationType Dim navtype As WKNavigationType = navigationtype_(navigationAction) Dim shouldLoad As Boolean shouldLoad = WKNavigationDelegate(dispatch.Value(pid)).HandleShouldLoad(url, navtype=WKNavigationType.linkActivated) Dim fp As NavDecisionHandler = New NavDecisionHandler(decisionHandler.Block_layout.invoke) fp.Invoke(decisionHandler, If(shouldLoad, WKNavigationActionPolicy.allow, WKNavigationActionPolicy.cancel)) End Sub #tag EndMethod #tag Method, Flags = &h21 Private Shared Sub impl_startLoad(pid as ptr, sel as ptr, view as ptr, navigation as ptr) #Pragma Unused sel #Pragma Unused view WKNavigationDelegate(dispatch.Value(pid)).HandleStartLoad(navigation) End Sub #tag EndMethod #tag DelegateDeclaration, Flags = &h21 Private Delegate Sub NavDecisionHandler(obj As Ptr, policy As WKNavigationActionPolicy) #tag EndDelegateDeclaration #tag Method, Flags = &h21 Private Shared Sub NavigationAllow(Byref value As WKNavigationActionPolicy) value = WKNavigationActionPolicy.allow End Sub #tag EndMethod #tag Method, Flags = &h21 Private Shared Sub NavigationCancel(Byref value As WKNavigationActionPolicy) value = WKNavigationActionPolicy.cancel End Sub #tag EndMethod #tag Method, Flags = &h21 Private Shared Function TargetClass() As Ptr // From Static targetID As ptr if targetID = nil then using Extensions dim methods() as UIKit.TargetClassMethodHelper methods.Append new UIKit.TargetClassMethodHelper("webView:decidePolicyForNavigationAction:decisionHandler:", AddressOf impl_ShouldLoad, "v@:@@@") methods.Append new UIKit.TargetClassMethodHelper("webView:didStartProvisionalNavigation:", AddressOf impl_startLoad, "v@:@@") methods.Append new UIKit.TargetClassMethodHelper("webView:didFinishNavigation:", AddressOf impl_FinishLoad, "v@:@@") methods.Append new UIKit.TargetClassMethodHelper("webView:didFailProvisionalNavigation:withError:", AddressOf impl_error, "v@:@@@") methods.Append new UIKit.TargetClassMethodHelper("webView:didFailNavigation:withError:", AddressOf impl_error, "v@:@@@") 'methods.Append new UIKit.TargetClassMethodHelper("webViewDidFinishLoad:", AddressOf impl_FinishLoad, "v@:@") 'methods.Append new UIKit.TargetClassMethodHelper("webView:didFailLoadWithError:", AddressOf impl_error, "v@:@@") targetID = BuildTargetClass("NSObject","MyWKNavigationDelegate", methods) end if Return targetID End Function #tag EndMethod #tag Hook, Flags = &h0 Event CancelLoad(url as Text, userAction As Boolean) As Boolean #tag EndHook #tag Hook, Flags = &h0 Event DocumentBegin(navigation As ptr) #tag EndHook #tag Hook, Flags = &h0 Event DocumentComplete(navigation as ptr) #tag EndHook #tag Hook, Flags = &h0 Event Error(errorCode as integer, errorMessage as Text) #tag EndHook #tag Property, Flags = &h21 Private Shared dispatch As xojo.Core.Dictionary #tag EndProperty #tag Structure, Name = Block_Layout, Flags = &h1 isa_ as Ptr flags as int32 reserved as int32 invoke as ptr descriptor as ptr #tag EndStructure #tag Enum, Name = WKNavigationActionPolicy, Type = Integer, Flags = &h0 cancel = 0 allow #tag EndEnum #tag Enum, Name = WKNavigationType, Type = Integer, Flags = &h0 linkActivated formSubmitted backForward reload formResubmitted other #tag EndEnum #tag ViewBehavior #tag ViewProperty Name="Name" Visible=true Group="ID" InitialValue="" Type="String" EditorType="" #tag EndViewProperty #tag ViewProperty Name="Index" Visible=true Group="ID" InitialValue="-2147483648" Type="Integer" EditorType="" #tag EndViewProperty #tag ViewProperty Name="Super" Visible=true Group="ID" InitialValue="" Type="String" EditorType="" #tag EndViewProperty #tag ViewProperty Name="Left" Visible=true Group="Position" InitialValue="0" Type="Integer" EditorType="" #tag EndViewProperty #tag ViewProperty Name="Top" Visible=true Group="Position" InitialValue="0" Type="Integer" EditorType="" #tag EndViewProperty #tag EndViewBehavior End Class #tag EndClass
[ "MIT" ]
// Test that we can quantify lifetimes outside a constraint (i.e., including // the self type) in a where clause. Specifically, test that we cannot nest // quantification in constraints (to be clear, there is no reason this should not // we're testing we don't crash or do something stupid). trait Bar<'a> { fn bar(&self); } impl<'a, 'b> Bar<'b> for &'a u32 { fn bar(&self) {} } fn foo<T>(x: &T) where for<'a> &'a T: for<'b> Bar<'b> //~^ error: nested quantification of lifetimes {} fn main() {}
[ "ECL-2.0", "Apache-2.0", "MIT-0", "MIT" ]
#include "clustering/administration/issues/table.hpp" #include <map> #include "clustering/administration/datum_adapter.hpp" #include "clustering/administration/tables/table_metadata.hpp" #include "clustering/administration/tables/table_status.hpp" #include "clustering/table_manager/table_meta_client.hpp" class table_availability_issue_t : public issue_t { public: table_availability_issue_t( const namespace_id_t &_table_id, table_status_t &&_status) : issue_t(from_hash(base_issue_id, _table_id)), table_id(_table_id), status(std::move(_status)) { } bool is_critical() const { return status.readiness < table_readiness_t::writes; } const datum_string_t &get_name() const { return table_availability_issue_type; } private: static const datum_string_t table_availability_issue_type; static const uuid_u base_issue_id; bool build_info_and_description( const metadata_t &metadata, server_config_client_t *server_config_client, table_meta_client_t *table_meta_client, admin_identifier_format_t identifier_format, ql::datum_t *info_out, datum_string_t *description_out) const; const namespace_id_t table_id; const table_status_t status; }; bool table_availability_issue_t::build_info_and_description( const metadata_t &metadata, UNUSED server_config_client_t *server_config_client, table_meta_client_t *table_meta_client, admin_identifier_format_t identifier_format, ql::datum_t *info_out, datum_string_t *description_out) const { ql::datum_t db_name_or_uuid; name_string_t db_name; ql::datum_t table_name_or_uuid; name_string_t table_name; if (!convert_table_id_to_datums(table_id, identifier_format, metadata, table_meta_client, &table_name_or_uuid, &table_name, &db_name_or_uuid, &db_name)) { return false; } ql::datum_t status_datum = convert_table_status_to_datum(status, identifier_format); ql::datum_object_builder_t builder(status_datum); builder.overwrite("table", table_name_or_uuid); builder.overwrite("db", db_name_or_uuid); *info_out = std::move(builder).to_datum(); // Provide a textual description of the problem as well if (!status.total_loss) { const char *blurb; switch (status.readiness) { case table_readiness_t::unavailable: blurb = "not available for any operations"; break; case table_readiness_t::outdated_reads: blurb = "available for outdated reads, but not up-to-date reads or writes"; break; case table_readiness_t::reads: blurb = "available for outdated and up-to-date reads, but not writes"; break; case table_readiness_t::writes: blurb = "available for all operations, but some replicas are not ready"; break; case table_readiness_t::finished: // fallthrough intentional default: unreachable(); } std::string text = strprintf( "Table `%s.%s` is %s. The following servers are not reachable: ", db_name.c_str(), table_name.c_str(), blurb); bool first = true; for (const server_id_t &server : status.disconnected) { if (first) { first = false; } else { text += ", "; } text += status.server_names.get(server).c_str(); } *description_out = datum_string_t(text); } else { *description_out = datum_string_t(strprintf( "Table `%s.%s` is not available for any operations. No servers are " "reachable for this table.", db_name.c_str(), table_name.c_str())); } return true; } const datum_string_t table_availability_issue_t::table_availability_issue_type = datum_string_t("table_availability"); const uuid_u table_availability_issue_t::base_issue_id = str_to_uuid("4ae8c575-b103-3335-a79a-121089e34339"); table_issue_tracker_t::table_issue_tracker_t( server_config_client_t *_server_config_client, table_meta_client_t *_table_meta_client, namespace_repo_t *_namespace_repo) : server_config_client(_server_config_client), table_meta_client(_table_meta_client), namespace_repo(_namespace_repo) { } table_issue_tracker_t::~table_issue_tracker_t() { } std::vector<scoped_ptr_t<issue_t> > table_issue_tracker_t::get_issues( signal_t *interruptor) const { std::map<namespace_id_t, table_basic_config_t> table_names; table_meta_client->list_names(&table_names); // Convert to a vector of ids so we can index it in pmap std::vector<namespace_id_t> table_ids; table_ids.reserve(table_names.size()); for (auto const &pair : table_names) { table_ids.push_back(pair.first); } std::vector<scoped_ptr_t<issue_t> > issues; throttled_pmap(table_ids.size(), [&] (int64_t i) { check_table(table_ids[i], &issues, interruptor); }, 16); if (interruptor->is_pulsed()) { throw interrupted_exc_t(); } return issues; } void table_issue_tracker_t::check_table(const namespace_id_t &table_id, std::vector<scoped_ptr_t<issue_t> > *issues_out, signal_t *interruptor) const { table_status_t status; try { table_config_and_shards_t config; table_meta_client->get_config(table_id, interruptor, &config); get_table_status(table_id, config, namespace_repo, table_meta_client, server_config_client, interruptor, &status); } catch (const interrupted_exc_t &) { // Ignore interruption - can't be passed through pmap return; } catch (const no_such_table_exc_t &) { // Ignore any tables that have stopped existing return; } catch (const failed_table_op_exc_t &) { status.readiness = table_readiness_t::unavailable; status.total_loss = true; } if (status.readiness != table_readiness_t::finished && (status.total_loss || !status.disconnected.empty())) { issues_out->emplace_back(make_scoped<table_availability_issue_t>( table_id, std::move(status))); } }
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
#include <string> namespace AwakeConstants { // Name of the powertoy module. inline const std::wstring ModuleKey = L"Awake"; }
[ "MIT" ]
%option c++ %option yyclass="WKTScanner" %option nodefault noyywrap %option never-interactive %option yylineno %option case-insensitive %option prefix="wkt" %{ #include "common/geo/io/wkt/WKTScanner.h" #include "WKTParser.hpp" #include <stdlib.h> #define YY_USER_ACTION \ yylloc->step(); \ yylloc->columns(yyleng); %} %% /* WKT shape type prefix */ "POINT" { return TokenType::KW_POINT; } "LINESTRING" { return TokenType::KW_LINESTRING; } "POLYGON" { return TokenType::KW_POLYGON; } "," { return TokenType::COMMA; } "(" { return TokenType::L_PAREN; } ")" { return TokenType::R_PAREN; } -?(([0-9]+\.?)|([0-9]*\.?[0-9]+)([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?) { yylval->doubleVal = atof(yytext); return TokenType::DOUBLE; } [ \t\n\r] {} . { /** * Any other unmatched byte sequences will get us here, * including the non-ascii ones, which are negative * in terms of type of `signed char'. At the same time, because * Bison translates all negative tokens to EOF(i.e. YY_NULL), * so we have to cast illegal characters to type of `unsinged char' * This will make Bison receive an unknown token, which leads to * a syntax error. * * Please note that it is not Flex but Bison to regard illegal * characters as errors, in such case. */ return static_cast<unsigned char>(yytext[0]); /** * Alternatively, we could report illegal characters by * throwing a `syntax_error' exception. * In such a way, we could distinguish illegal characters * from normal syntax errors, but at cost of poor performance * incurred by the expensive exception handling. */ // throw WKTParser::syntax_error(*yylloc, "char illegal"); } %%
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
20 5 2 0 0 1 13 18 11 2 12 5 7 20 1 8 4 6 14 3 [0 0 0] [0 0 0] [0 0 0] [0 0 0] [0 0 0] [0 0 0] [0 0 0] [0 0 0] [0 0 0] [0 0 0] [0 0 0] [0 0 0] [0 0 0] 1 3 5 15 9 21 11 14 [1 4 -4 -2 0 6 8 4 6] [10 26 -6 0 12 1 6 0 8] [10 4 3] [21 26 -7 8 10 10 1 9 8] [19 -8 -7 1 6 3 4 1 -1] 2 3 5 8 15 14 21 12 [7 3 -3 9 12 4 -1 -3 -2] [5 3 8 18 16 19 11 0 1] [10 3 1 0 9 14 6 -1 8] [4 7 4] [-2 -2 9 14 12 4 9 12 11] 3 3 6 15 20 16 21 13 18 [12 2 5 0 -3 14 0 4 5] [-5 14 -2 19 8 16 0 0 2] [17 3 20 25 15 14 1 4 0] [7 9 2] [8 20 -6 4 15 18 2 0 1] [5 5 -4 -7 21 17 4 3 6] 4 3 5 12 14 9 21 10 [15 -4 8 9 3 5 -6 19 11] [13 4 6 0 -1 3 2 24 9] [13 9 5 14 7 4 2 2 4] [5 5 8] [14 13 2 3 10 2 12 14 12] 5 3 9 17 16 21 13 15 20 18 14 19 [7 2 9 0 0 0 12 1 -2] [-2 -3 5 1 0 0 2 11 12] [4 1 4] [5 1 12 1 2 0 6 11 -1] [11 9 7 0 0 1 0 8 -3] [8 1 -2 3 0 1 6 7 -3] [6 -3 -3 0 1 2 -1 4 0] [10 -3 2 3 1 3 9 -2 10] [0 3 3 0 0 2 7 1 12] 6 3 8 14 20 13 21 19 17 18 16 [1 0 6 8 -1 4 -1 7 25] [7 8 5 7 8 1 -1 17 2] [0 8 9 9 5 0 4 15 -6] [3 4 9] [-1 6 9 7 12 7 23 1 15] [-1 5 2 1 1 12 11 5 -3] [5 -1 4 5 11 2 22 8 -3] [9 5 -1 6 5 2 16 0 14] 7 3 9 13 21 17 20 18 14 19 16 15 [-1 0 5 2 7 -8 14 2 -1] [2 9 5] [0 4 0 3 22 -1 -2 -3 3] [4 3 4 -5 7 8 4 9 11] [1 0 4 -2 4 23 -4 -3 9] [0 4 1 7 3 -1 3 -3 0] [0 3 0 -2 19 24 0 2 0] [3 5 1 26 22 21 15 14 7] [-1 5 3 -4 13 22 13 4 2] 8 3 6 19 16 20 21 17 18 [7 -2 3 -5 -5 13 1 9 17] [1 5 0 13 -2 4 -2 -6 -4] [7 9 9 13 3 0 21 -1 -2] [3 6 10] [3 7 3 17 5 7 21 27 12] [7 4 1 13 2 3 22 12 -9] 9 3 3 8 13 21 [16 13 24 -6 -1 21 10 5 10] [19 22 17 14 24 -1 13 11 7] [8 8 5] 10 3 5 13 4 21 8 15 [14 26 20 0 21 14 18 6 2] [-11 -14 -12 -5 -14 -8 -6 -6 -6] [9 7 8] [-3 7 -4 11 20 4 18 9 24] [27 -4 7 -6 11 18 -4 10 22] 11 3 6 13 16 20 17 21 19 [6 4 4 -3 0 8 2 1 0] [-1 2 5 17 -4 16 1 2 0] [6 0 4 12 17 8 2 3 0] [6 4 5 -4 8 -1 3 1 2] [2 6 1] [3 -1 6 1 -1 13 0 0 2] 12 3 4 21 11 18 2 [8 10 3] [3 23 21 21 1 0 4 1 4] [1 6 19 6 -4 -1 8 4 3] [-11 -11 -8 -6 -10 -10 -10 -11 -2] 13 3 4 11 6 21 5 [-64 -177 -67 -83 -48 -76 -149 -155 -79] [-73 -124 -159 -171 -163 -158 -47 -170 -149] [6 2 3] [-96 -167 -154 -122 -61 -156 -107 -101 -62] 14 3 1 21 [4 8 6] 15 3 3 3 21 5 [-72 -49 -65 -83 -163 -81 -97 -71 -46] [8 8 4] [-137 -86 -119 -66 -119 -53 -130 -76 -69] 16 3 1 21 [2 7 6] 17 3 1 21 [1 6 4] 18 3 5 7 9 21 6 5 [-51 -134 -44 -119 -58 -102 -103 -82 -154] [-167 -139 -131 -165 -48 -60 -122 -106 -163] [3 10 2] [-89 -135 -162 -46 -151 -168 -136 -92 -123] [-159 -105 -122 -74 -93 -71 -165 -50 -144] 19 3 1 21 [5 3 2] 20 3 5 1 21 9 11 8 [-157 -169 -56 -140 -168 -135 -126 -90 -161] [4 6 4] [-76 -91 -121 -67 -113 -57 -106 -103 -122] [-102 -110 -108 -74 -170 -100 -136 -112 -128] [-166 -151 -56 -67 -67 -51 -104 -174 -128] 21 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 10 4 2 4 5 2 1 2 2 4 4 2 4 5 2 1 2 3 3 4 2 4 5 2 1 2 2 1 4 4 2 5 4 4 4 3 2 7 4 2 5 4 4 4 3 3 4 4 2 5 4 4 4 3 3 1 7 4 1 5 4 1 4 3 2 9 4 1 5 4 1 4 3 3 2 4 1 5 4 1 4 3 4 1 5 2 1 4 2 4 1 2 2 5 2 1 4 2 4 1 2 3 8 2 1 4 2 4 1 2 5 1 4 4 4 1 1 1 5 3 2 1 4 4 1 1 1 5 3 3 4 4 4 1 1 1 5 3 6 1 3 5 1 4 1 1 5 4 2 4 5 1 4 1 1 5 4 3 9 5 1 4 1 1 5 4 7 1 2 1 2 3 2 3 2 1 2 9 1 2 3 2 3 2 1 3 5 1 2 3 2 3 2 1 8 1 3 4 4 2 3 3 5 3 2 6 4 4 2 3 3 5 3 3 10 4 4 2 3 3 5 3 9 1 8 3 4 2 1 1 4 4 2 8 3 4 2 1 1 4 4 3 5 3 4 2 1 1 4 4 10 1 9 3 5 5 3 2 2 4 2 7 3 5 5 3 2 2 4 3 8 3 5 5 3 2 2 4 11 1 2 1 2 2 3 1 2 2 2 6 1 2 2 3 1 2 2 3 1 1 2 2 3 1 2 2 12 1 8 3 5 4 2 3 4 4 2 10 3 5 4 2 3 4 4 3 3 3 5 4 2 3 4 4 13 1 6 1 3 1 4 4 4 1 2 2 1 3 1 4 4 4 1 3 3 1 3 1 4 4 4 1 14 1 4 5 1 4 3 3 3 5 2 8 5 1 4 3 3 3 5 3 6 5 1 4 3 3 3 5 15 1 8 2 2 5 1 3 5 4 2 8 2 2 5 1 3 5 4 3 4 2 2 5 1 3 5 4 16 1 2 1 5 3 5 1 1 3 2 7 1 5 3 5 1 1 3 3 6 1 5 3 5 1 1 3 17 1 1 2 3 2 5 3 4 2 2 6 2 3 2 5 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 2 5 3 4 2 18 1 3 4 2 4 2 2 2 1 2 10 4 2 4 2 2 2 1 3 2 4 2 4 2 2 2 1 19 1 5 5 5 4 3 1 1 2 2 3 5 5 4 3 1 1 2 3 2 5 5 4 3 1 1 2 20 1 4 1 4 4 3 5 4 3 2 6 1 4 4 3 5 4 3 3 4 1 4 4 3 5 4 3 21 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 14 18 14 13 63 119
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
(defmacro inverse-eta-delay-macro [inverse-eta-delay G] -> (let TEMP (intern (str (gensym s/c))) [lambda TEMP [freeze [G TEMP]]])) (defmacro disj-macro [disj G] -> G [disj G0 G1 G2 | G*] -> [disj G0 [disj G1 G2 | G*]]) (defmacro conj-macro [conj G] -> G [conj G0 G1 G2 | G*] -> [conj G0 [conj G1 G2 | G*]]) (defmacro conde-macro [conde | CL*] -> [inverse-eta-delay [disj | (map (lambda CL (cons conj CL)) CL*)]]) (defmacro fresh-macro [fresh [] | G*] -> [conj | G*] [fresh [X | X*] | G* ] -> [call/fresh [lambda X [fresh X* | G*]]]) (defmacro run-macro [run N [Q] | G*] -> [mK-reify [take N [call/empty-state [fresh [Q] | G*]]]])
[ "MIT" ]
#+TITLE: lang/racket #+DATE: July 29, 2018 #+SINCE: v2.0.9 #+STARTUP: inlineimages nofold * Table of Contents :TOC_3:noexport: - [[#description][Description]] - [[#maintainers][Maintainers]] - [[#module-flags][Module Flags]] - [[#plugins][Plugins]] - [[#prerequisites][Prerequisites]] - [[#arch-linux][Arch Linux]] - [[#features][Features]] - [[#configuration][Configuration]] - [[#racket-smart-open-bracket-mode][racket-smart-open-bracket-mode]] - [[#unicode-input][Unicode Input]] - [[#troubleshooting][Troubleshooting]] * Description This module provides integration for [[][racket-mode]]. ** Maintainers This module has no dedicated maintainers. ** Module Flags + =+lsp= Enables LSP support. Requires jeapostrophe/racket-langserver. + =+xp= Enables the explore mode, which "analyzes expanded code to explain and explore." ** Plugins + [[][racket-mode]] * Prerequisites This module only requires ~racket~. Install it directly from the [[][racket website]], or check your package manger. ** Arch Linux #+begin_src bash pacman -S racket #+end_src Or, for fewer dependencies: #+begin_src bash pacman -S racket-minimal #+end_src * TODO Features * Configuration ** racket-smart-open-bracket-mode ~racket-smart-open-bracket-mode~ gets turned off automatically if you use ~parinfer~, ~lispy~. If you wish to enable it, add the following to your ~config.el~: #+BEGIN_SRC elisp (after! racket-mode (add-hook! racket-mode #'racket-smart-open-bracket-mode)) #+END_SRC ** Unicode Input The optional ~racket-unicode~ input method lets you type unicode characters such as λ or π. To enable unicode input for a single buffer, run ~racket-unicode-input-method-enable~. To enable unicode input by default on all racket buffers, add the following hooks to your ~config.el~: #+BEGIN_SRC elisp (add-hook 'racket-mode-hook #'racket-unicode-input-method-enable) (add-hook 'racket-repl-mode-hook #'racket-unicode-input-method-enable) #+END_SRC Once enabled, unicode input can be toggled by pressing C-\ or running ~toggle-input-method~. * TODO Troubleshooting
[ "MIT" ]
package; import; import; import; import; import junit.framework.TestCase; /** * Created by wenshao on 21/02/2017. */ public class JSONPParseTest3 extends TestCase { public void test_f() throws Exception { String text = "parent.callback ({'id':1, 'name':'ido)nans'},1,2 ); /**/ "; JSONPObject jsonpObject = (JSONPObject) JSON.parseObject(text, JSONPObject.class); assertEquals("parent.callback", jsonpObject.getFunction()); assertEquals(3, jsonpObject.getParameters().size()); JSONObject param = (JSONObject) jsonpObject.getParameters().get(0); assertEquals(1, param.get("id")); assertEquals("ido)nans", param.get("name")); String json = JSON.toJSONString(jsonpObject, SerializerFeature.BrowserSecure, SerializerFeature.MapSortField); assertEquals("/**/parent.callback({\"id\":1,\"name\":\"ido\\u0029nans\"},1,2)", json); } }
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
/******************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) {date} Red Hat Inc. and/or its affiliates and others * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 which is available at * * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 ********************************************************************************/ import java.lang { Types { nativeString } } import com.intellij.lang { ASTNode } import com.intellij.lang.annotation { AnnotationHolder, Annotator } import com.intellij.openapi.editor.colors { TextAttributesKey } import com.intellij.openapi.util { TextRange } import com.intellij.psi { PsiElement } import java.util.regex { Pattern } import org.eclipse.ceylon.ide.intellij.highlighting { ceylonHighlightingColors } import org.eclipse.ceylon.ide.intellij.psi { CeylonPsi, CeylonPsiVisitor, CeylonTokens, CeylonCompositeElement } shared class CeylonSyntaxAnnotator() extends CeylonPsiVisitor(false) satisfies Annotator { variable AnnotationHolder? holder = null; value docLinkPattern = Pattern.compile("""\[\[([^\]\[]*)\]\]"""); value escapePattern = Pattern.compile("""\\[^{]|\\\{[^}]*\}|^\)"""); value codePattern = Pattern.compile("""`[^`]*`"""); value annotationHolder { assert (exists annotationHolder = holder); return annotationHolder; } shared actual void annotate(PsiElement element, AnnotationHolder holder) { this.holder = holder; element.accept(this); this.holder = null; } shared actual void visitCompilerAnnotationPsi(CeylonPsi.CompilerAnnotationPsi element) { super.visitCompilerAnnotationPsi(element); value anno = annotationHolder.createInfoAnnotation(element, null); anno.textAttributes = ceylonHighlightingColors.annotation; } shared actual void visitMetaLiteralPsi(CeylonPsi.MetaLiteralPsi element) { super.visitMetaLiteralPsi(element); value anno = annotationHolder.createInfoAnnotation(element, null); anno.textAttributes = ceylonHighlightingColors.meta; } /*shared actual void visitDocLinkPsi(CeylonPsi.DocLinkPsi element) { super.visitDocLinkPsi(element); value anno = annotationHolder.createInfoAnnotation(element, null); anno.textAttributes = ceylonHighlightingColors.interp; }*/ function isWhitespace(PsiElement p) => p.node.elementType ==; shared actual void visitStringTemplatePsi(CeylonPsi.StringTemplatePsi element) { super.visitStringTemplatePsi(element); for (child in element.children) { if (is CeylonPsi.ExpressionPsi child) { variable PsiElement? prev = child; while (true) { prev = prev?.prevSibling; if (exists p = prev, isWhitespace(p)) { } else { break; } } variable PsiElement? next = child; while (true) { next = next?.nextSibling; if (exists n = next, isWhitespace(n)) { } else { break; } } value startOffset = if (exists p = prev, p.text.endsWith("\`\`")) then p.textRange.endOffset - 2 else child.textRange.startOffset; value endOffset = if (exists n = next, n.text.startsWith("\`\`")) then n.textRange.startOffset + 2 else child.textRange.endOffset; value range = TextRange(startOffset, endOffset); value anno = annotationHolder.createInfoAnnotation(range, null); anno.textAttributes = ceylonHighlightingColors.interpolation; } } } void createAnnotations(Pattern pattern, PsiElement element, TextAttributesKey key) { value offset = element.textOffset; value matcher = pattern.matcher(nativeString(element.text)); while (matcher.find()) { value anno = annotationHolder.createInfoAnnotation( TextRange(offset + matcher.start(0), offset + matcher.end(0)), null); anno.textAttributes = key; } } void highlightCodeBlocks(PsiElement element, Integer quoteSize) { value indent = " ".repeat(quoteSize+4); variable value offset = element.textOffset; variable value inCode = false; for (line in element.text.linesWithBreaks) { value length = nativeString(line).length(); if (line.whitespace) { inCode = true; } else if (line.startsWith(indent)) { if (inCode) { value ann = annotationHolder.createInfoAnnotation( TextRange(offset+quoteSize+4, offset+length-1), null); ann.textAttributes = ceylonHighlightingColors.code; } } else { inCode = false; } offset += length; } } shared actual void visitElement(PsiElement element) { super.visitElement(element); value elementType = element.node.elementType; if (elementType == CeylonTokens.astringLiteral || elementType == CeylonTokens.averbatimString) { value anno = annotationHolder.createInfoAnnotation(element, null); anno.textAttributes = ceylonHighlightingColors.annotationString; createAnnotations { pattern = codePattern; element = element; key = ceylonHighlightingColors.code; }; createAnnotations { pattern = docLinkPattern; element = element; key = ceylonHighlightingColors.docLink; }; assert (is CeylonCompositeElement parent = element.parent); if (exists node = parent.ceylonNode) { highlightCodeBlocks { element = element; quoteSize = node.token.charPositionInLine + (elementType == CeylonTokens.averbatimString then 3 else 1); }; } } if (elementType == CeylonTokens.astringLiteral || elementType == CeylonTokens.stringLiteral || elementType == CeylonTokens.stringStart || elementType == CeylonTokens.stringEnd || elementType == CeylonTokens.stringMid || elementType == CeylonTokens.charLiteral) { createAnnotations { pattern = escapePattern; element = element; key = ceylonHighlightingColors.escape; }; } if (is CeylonPsi.StringTemplatePsi element) { visitStringTemplatePsi(element); } } shared actual void visitIdentifierPsi(CeylonPsi.IdentifierPsi element) { super.visitIdentifierPsi(element); PsiElement? prevSibling = element.prevSibling; ASTNode? firstChildNode = element.node.firstChildNode; if (!element.parent is CeylonPsi.ImportPathPsi, exists firstChildNode, firstChildNode.elementType == CeylonTokens.lidentifier, exists prevSibling, prevSibling.node.elementType == CeylonTokens.memberOp) { value anno = annotationHolder.createInfoAnnotation(element, null); anno.textAttributes = ceylonHighlightingColors.member; } if (exists firstChildNode, firstChildNode.elementType == CeylonTokens.aidentifier) { value anno = annotationHolder.createInfoAnnotation(element, null); anno.textAttributes = ceylonHighlightingColors.annotation; } } shared actual void visitImportPathPsi(CeylonPsi.ImportPathPsi element) { super.visitImportPathPsi(element); value anno = annotationHolder.createInfoAnnotation(element, null); anno.textAttributes = ceylonHighlightingColors.packages; } }
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
%% Translate Elixir quoted expressions to Erlang Abstract Format. -module(elixir_erl_pass). -export([translate/3, translate_args/3]). -include("elixir.hrl"). %% = translate({'=', Meta, [{'_', _, Atom}, Right]}, _Ann, S) when is_atom(Atom) -> Ann = ?ann(Meta), {TRight, SR} = translate(Right, Ann, S), {{match, Ann, {var, Ann, '_'}, TRight}, SR}; translate({'=', Meta, [Left, Right]}, _Ann, S) -> Ann = ?ann(Meta), {TRight, SR} = translate(Right, Ann, S), case elixir_erl_clauses:match(Ann, fun translate/3, Left, SR) of {TLeft, #elixir_erl{extra_guards=ExtraGuards, context=Context} = SL0} when ExtraGuards =/= [], Context =/= match -> SL1 = SL0#elixir_erl{extra_guards=[]}, {ResultVarName, SL2} = elixir_erl_var:build('_', SL1), Match = {match, Ann, TLeft, TRight}, Generated = erl_anno:set_generated(true, Ann), ResultVar = {var, Generated, ResultVarName}, ResultMatch = {match, Generated, ResultVar, Match}, True = {atom, Generated, true}, Reason = {tuple, Generated, [{atom, Generated, badmatch}, ResultVar]}, RaiseExpr = ?remote(Generated, erlang, error, [Reason]), GuardsExp = {'if', Generated, [ {clause, Generated, [], [ExtraGuards], [ResultVar]}, {clause, Generated, [], [[True]], [RaiseExpr]} ]}, {{block, Generated, [ResultMatch, GuardsExp]}, SL2}; {TLeft, SL} -> {{match, Ann, TLeft, TRight}, SL} end; %% Containers translate({'{}', Meta, Args}, _Ann, S) when is_list(Args) -> Ann = ?ann(Meta), {TArgs, SE} = translate_args(Args, Ann, S), {{tuple, Ann, TArgs}, SE}; translate({'%{}', Meta, Args}, _Ann, S) when is_list(Args) -> translate_map(?ann(Meta), Args, S); translate({'%', Meta, [{'^', _, [{Name, _, Context}]} = Left, Right]}, _Ann, S) when is_atom(Name), is_atom(Context) -> translate_struct_var_name(?ann(Meta), Left, Right, S); translate({'%', Meta, [{Name, _, Context} = Left, Right]}, _Ann, S) when is_atom(Name), is_atom(Context) -> translate_struct_var_name(?ann(Meta), Left, Right, S); translate({'%', Meta, [Left, Right]}, _Ann, S) -> translate_struct(?ann(Meta), Left, Right, S); translate({'<<>>', Meta, Args}, _Ann, S) when is_list(Args) -> translate_bitstring(Meta, Args, S); %% Blocks translate({'__block__', Meta, Args}, _Ann, S) when is_list(Args) -> Ann = ?ann(Meta), {TArgs, SA} = translate_block(Args, Ann, [], S), {{block, Ann, lists:reverse(TArgs)}, SA}; %% Compilation environment macros translate({'__CALLER__', Meta, Atom}, _Ann, S) when is_atom(Atom) -> {{var, ?ann(Meta), '__CALLER__'}, S#elixir_erl{caller=true}}; translate({'__STACKTRACE__', Meta, Atom}, _Ann, S = #elixir_erl{stacktrace=Var}) when is_atom(Atom) -> {{var, ?ann(Meta), Var}, S}; translate({'super', Meta, Args}, _Ann, S) when is_list(Args) -> Ann = ?ann(Meta), %% In the expanded AST, super is used to invoke a function %% in the current module originated from a default clause %% or a super call. {TArgs, SA} = translate_args(Args, Ann, S), {super, {Kind, Name}} = lists:keyfind(super, 1, Meta), if Kind == defmacro; Kind == defmacrop -> MacroName = elixir_utils:macro_name(Name), {{call, Ann, {atom, Ann, MacroName}, [{var, Ann, '__CALLER__'} | TArgs]}, SA#elixir_erl{caller=true}}; Kind == def; Kind == defp -> {{call, Ann, {atom, Ann, Name}, TArgs}, SA} end; %% Functions translate({'&', Meta, [{'/', _, [{{'.', _, [Remote, Fun]}, _, []}, Arity]}]}, _Ann, S) when is_atom(Fun), is_integer(Arity) -> Ann = ?ann(Meta), {TRemote, SR} = translate(Remote, Ann, S), TFun = {atom, Ann, Fun}, TArity = {integer, Ann, Arity}, {{'fun', Ann, {function, TRemote, TFun, TArity}}, SR}; translate({'&', Meta, [{'/', _, [{Fun, _, Atom}, Arity]}]}, Ann, S) when is_atom(Fun), is_atom(Atom), is_integer(Arity) -> case S of #elixir_erl{expand_captures=true} -> {Vars, SV} = lists:mapfoldl(fun(_, Acc) -> {Var, _, AccS} = elixir_erl_var:assign(Meta, Acc), {Var, AccS} end, S, tl(lists:seq(0, Arity))), translate({'fn', Meta, [{'->', Meta, [Vars, {Fun, Meta, Vars}]}]}, Ann, SV); #elixir_erl{expand_captures=false} -> {{'fun', ?ann(Meta), {function, Fun, Arity}}, S} end; translate({fn, Meta, Clauses}, _Ann, S) -> Transformer = fun({'->', CMeta, [ArgsWithGuards, Expr]}, Acc) -> {Args, Guards} = elixir_utils:extract_splat_guards(ArgsWithGuards), elixir_erl_clauses:clause(?ann(CMeta), fun translate_fn_match/3, Args, Expr, Guards, Acc) end, {TClauses, NS} = lists:mapfoldl(Transformer, S, Clauses), {{'fun', ?ann(Meta), {clauses, TClauses}}, NS}; %% Cond translate({'cond', CondMeta, [[{do, Clauses}]]}, Ann, S) -> [{'->', Meta, [[Condition], _]} = H | T] = lists:reverse(Clauses), FirstMeta = if is_atom(Condition), Condition /= false, Condition /= nil -> ?generated(Meta); true -> Meta end, Error = {{'.', Meta, [erlang, error]}, Meta, [cond_clause]}, {Case, SC} = build_cond_clauses([H | T], Error, FirstMeta, S), translate(replace_case_meta(CondMeta, Case), Ann, SC); %% Case translate({'case', Meta, [Expr, Opts]}, _Ann, S) -> translate_case(Meta, Expr, Opts, S); %% Try translate({'try', Meta, [Opts]}, _Ann, S) -> Ann = ?ann(Meta), Do = proplists:get_value('do', Opts, nil), {TDo, SB} = translate(Do, Ann, S), Catch = [Tuple || {X, _} = Tuple <- Opts, X == 'rescue' orelse X == 'catch'], {TCatch, SC} = elixir_erl_try:clauses(Ann, Catch, SB), {TAfter, SA} = case lists:keyfind('after', 1, Opts) of {'after', After} -> {TBlock, SAExtracted} = translate(After, Ann, SC), {unblock(TBlock), SAExtracted}; false -> {[], SC} end, Else = elixir_erl_clauses:get_clauses(else, Opts, match), {TElse, SE} = elixir_erl_clauses:clauses(Else, SA), {{'try', ?ann(Meta), unblock(TDo), TElse, TCatch, TAfter}, SE}; %% Receive translate({'receive', Meta, [Opts]}, _Ann, S) -> Do = elixir_erl_clauses:get_clauses(do, Opts, match), case lists:keyfind('after', 1, Opts) of false -> {TClauses, SC} = elixir_erl_clauses:clauses(Do, S), {{'receive', ?ann(Meta), TClauses}, SC}; _ -> After = elixir_erl_clauses:get_clauses('after', Opts, expr), {TClauses, SC} = elixir_erl_clauses:clauses(Do ++ After, S), {FClauses, TAfter} = elixir_utils:split_last(TClauses), {_, _, [FExpr], _, FAfter} = TAfter, {{'receive', ?ann(Meta), FClauses, FExpr, FAfter}, SC} end; %% Comprehensions and with translate({for, Meta, [_ | _] = Args}, _Ann, S) -> elixir_erl_for:translate(Meta, Args, true, S); translate({with, Meta, [_ | _] = Args}, _Ann, S) -> {Exprs, [{do, Do} | Opts]} = elixir_utils:split_last(Args), {ElseClause, SE} = translate_with_else(Meta, Opts, S), translate_with_do(Exprs, ?ann(Meta), Do, ElseClause, SE); %% Variables translate({'^', _, [{Name, VarMeta, Kind}]}, _Ann, #elixir_erl{context=match} = S) when is_atom(Name), is_atom(Kind) -> {Var, VS} = elixir_erl_var:translate(VarMeta, Name, Kind, S), case S#elixir_erl.extra of pin_guard -> {PinVarName, PS} = elixir_erl_var:build('_', VS), Ann = ?ann(?generated(VarMeta)), PinVar = {var, Ann, PinVarName}, Guard = {op, Ann, '=:=', Var, PinVar}, {PinVar, PS#elixir_erl{extra_guards=[Guard | PS#elixir_erl.extra_guards]}}; _ -> {Var, VS} end; translate({Name, Meta, Kind}, _Ann, S) when is_atom(Name), is_atom(Kind) -> elixir_erl_var:translate(Meta, Name, Kind, S); %% Local calls translate({Name, Meta, Args}, _Ann, S) when is_atom(Name), is_list(Meta), is_list(Args) -> Ann = ?ann(Meta), {TArgs, NS} = translate_args(Args, Ann, S), {{call, Ann, {atom, Ann, Name}, TArgs}, NS}; %% Remote calls translate({{'.', _, [Left, Right]}, Meta, []}, _Ann, #elixir_erl{context=guard} = S) when is_tuple(Left), is_atom(Right), is_list(Meta) -> Ann = ?ann(Meta), {TLeft, SL} = translate(Left, Ann, S), TRight = {atom, Ann, Right}, {?remote(Ann, erlang, map_get, [TRight, TLeft]), SL}; translate({{'.', _, [Left, Right]}, Meta, []}, _Ann, S) when is_tuple(Left), is_atom(Right), is_list(Meta) -> Ann = ?ann(Meta), {TLeft, SL} = translate(Left, Ann, S), TRight = {atom, Ann, Right}, Generated = erl_anno:set_generated(true, Ann), {Var, SV} = elixir_erl_var:build('_', SL), TVar = {var, Generated, Var}, TError = {tuple, Ann, [{atom, Ann, badkey}, TRight, TVar]}, {{'case', Generated, TLeft, [ {clause, Generated, [{map, Ann, [{map_field_exact, Ann, TRight, TVar}]}], [], [TVar]}, {clause, Generated, [TVar], [[?remote(Generated, erlang, is_map, [TVar])]], [?remote(Ann, erlang, error, [TError])]}, {clause, Generated, [TVar], [], [{call, Generated, {remote, Generated, TVar, TRight}, []}]} ]}, SV}; translate({{'.', _, [Left, Right]}, Meta, Args}, _Ann, S) when (is_tuple(Left) orelse is_atom(Left)), is_atom(Right), is_list(Meta), is_list(Args) -> translate_remote(Left, Right, Meta, Args, S); %% Anonymous function calls translate({{'.', _, [Expr]}, Meta, Args}, _Ann, S) when is_list(Args) -> Ann = ?ann(Meta), {TExpr, SE} = translate(Expr, Ann, S), {TArgs, SA} = translate_args(Args, Ann, SE), {{call, Ann, TExpr, TArgs}, SA}; %% Literals translate({Left, Right}, Ann, S) -> {TLeft, SL} = translate(Left, Ann, S), {TRight, SR} = translate(Right, Ann, SL), {{tuple, Ann, [TLeft, TRight]}, SR}; translate(List, Ann, S) when is_list(List) -> translate_list(List, Ann, [], S); translate(Other, Ann, S) -> {elixir_erl:elixir_to_erl(Other, Ann), S}. %% Helpers translate_case(Meta, Expr, Opts, S) -> Ann = ?ann(Meta), Clauses = elixir_erl_clauses:get_clauses(do, Opts, match), {TExpr, SE} = translate(Expr, Ann, S), {TClauses, SC} = elixir_erl_clauses:clauses(Clauses, SE), {{'case', Ann, TExpr, TClauses}, SC}. translate_list([{'|', _, [Left, Right]}], Ann, List, Acc) -> {TLeft, LAcc} = translate(Left, Ann, Acc), {TRight, TAcc} = translate(Right, Ann, LAcc), {build_list([TLeft | List], TRight, Ann), TAcc}; translate_list([H | T], Ann, List, Acc) -> {TH, TAcc} = translate(H, Ann, Acc), translate_list(T, Ann, [TH | List], TAcc); translate_list([], Ann, List, Acc) -> {build_list(List, {nil, Ann}, Ann), Acc}. build_list([H | T], Acc, Ann) -> build_list(T, {cons, Ann, H, Acc}, Ann); build_list([], Acc, _Ann) -> Acc. %% Pack a list of expressions from a block. unblock({'block', _, Exprs}) -> Exprs; unblock(Expr) -> [Expr]. translate_fn_match(Arg, Ann, S) -> {TArg, TS} = translate_args(Arg, Ann, S#elixir_erl{extra=pin_guard}), {TArg, TS#elixir_erl{extra=S#elixir_erl.extra}}. %% Translate args translate_args(Args, Ann, S) -> lists:mapfoldl(fun (Arg, SA) when is_list(Arg) -> translate_list(Arg, Ann, [], SA); (Arg, SA) when is_tuple(Arg) -> translate(Arg, Ann, SA); (Arg, SA) -> {elixir_erl:elixir_to_erl(Arg, Ann), SA} end, S, Args). %% Translate blocks translate_block([], _Ann, Acc, S) -> {Acc, S}; translate_block([H], Ann, Acc, S) -> {TH, TS} = translate(H, Ann, S), translate_block([], Ann, [TH | Acc], TS); translate_block([{'__block__', Meta, Args} | T], Ann, Acc, S) when is_list(Args) -> {TAcc, SA} = translate_block(Args, ?ann(Meta), Acc, S), translate_block(T, Ann, TAcc, SA); translate_block([{for, Meta, [_ | _] = Args} | T], Ann, Acc, S) -> {TH, TS} = elixir_erl_for:translate(Meta, Args, false, S), translate_block(T, Ann, [TH | Acc], TS); translate_block([{'=', _, [{'_', _, Ctx}, {for, Meta, [_ | _] = Args}]} | T], Ann, Acc, S) when is_atom(Ctx) -> {TH, TS} = elixir_erl_for:translate(Meta, Args, false, S), translate_block(T, Ann, [TH | Acc], TS); translate_block([H | T], Ann, Acc, S) -> {TH, TS} = translate(H, Ann, S), translate_block(T, Ann, [TH | Acc], TS). %% Cond build_cond_clauses([{'->', NewMeta, [[Condition], Body]} | T], Acc, OldMeta, S) -> {NewCondition, Truthy, Other, ST} = build_truthy_clause(NewMeta, Condition, Body, S), Falsy = {'->', OldMeta, [[Other], Acc]}, Case = {'case', NewMeta, [NewCondition, [{do, [Truthy, Falsy]}]]}, build_cond_clauses(T, Case, NewMeta, ST); build_cond_clauses([], Acc, _, S) -> {Acc, S}. replace_case_meta(Meta, {'case', _, Args}) -> {'case', Meta, Args}; replace_case_meta(_Meta, Other) -> Other. build_truthy_clause(Meta, Condition, Body, S) -> case returns_boolean(Condition, Body) of {NewCondition, NewBody} -> {NewCondition, {'->', Meta, [[true], NewBody]}, false, S}; false -> {Var, _, SV} = elixir_erl_var:assign(Meta, S), Head = {'when', [], [Var, {{'.', [], [erlang, 'andalso']}, [], [ {{'.', [], [erlang, '/=']}, [], [Var, nil]}, {{'.', [], [erlang, '/=']}, [], [Var, false]} ]} ]}, {Condition, {'->', Meta, [[Head], Body]}, {'_', [], nil}, SV} end. %% In case a variable is defined to match in a condition %% but a condition returns boolean, we can replace the %% variable directly by the boolean result. returns_boolean({'=', _, [{Var, _, Ctx}, Condition]}, {Var, _, Ctx}) when is_atom(Var), is_atom(Ctx) -> case elixir_utils:returns_boolean(Condition) of true -> {Condition, true}; false -> false end; %% For all other cases, we check the condition but %% return both condition and body untouched. returns_boolean(Condition, Body) -> case elixir_utils:returns_boolean(Condition) of true -> {Condition, Body}; false -> false end. %% with translate_with_else(Meta, [], S) -> Generated = ?ann(?generated(Meta)), {VarName, SC} = elixir_erl_var:build('_', S), Var = {var, Generated, VarName}, {{clause, Generated, [Var], [], [Var]}, SC}; translate_with_else(Meta, [{else, [{'->', _, [[{Var, VarMeta, Kind}], Clause]}]}], S) when is_atom(Var), is_atom(Kind) -> Ann = ?ann(Meta), Generated = erl_anno:set_generated(true, Ann), {ElseVarErl, SV} = elixir_erl_var:translate(VarMeta, Var, Kind, S#elixir_erl{context=match}), {TranslatedClause, SC} = translate(Clause, Ann, SV#elixir_erl{context=nil}), {{clause, Generated, [ElseVarErl], [], [TranslatedClause]}, SC}; translate_with_else(Meta, [{else, Else}], S) -> Generated = ?generated(Meta), {ElseVarEx, ElseVarErl, SE} = elixir_erl_var:assign(Generated, S), {RaiseVar, _, SV} = elixir_erl_var:assign(Generated, SE), RaiseExpr = {{'.', Generated, [erlang, error]}, Generated, [{with_clause, RaiseVar}]}, RaiseClause = {'->', Generated, [[RaiseVar], RaiseExpr]}, GeneratedElse = [build_generated_clause(Generated, ElseClause) || ElseClause <- Else], Case = {'case', Generated, [ElseVarEx, [{do, GeneratedElse ++ [RaiseClause]}]]}, {TranslatedCase, SC} = translate(Case, ?ann(Meta), SV), {{clause, ?ann(Generated), [ElseVarErl], [], [TranslatedCase]}, SC}. build_generated_clause(Generated, {'->', _, [Args, Clause]}) -> NewArgs = [build_generated_clause_arg(Generated, Arg) || Arg <- Args], {'->', Generated, [NewArgs, Clause]}. build_generated_clause_arg(Generated, Arg) -> {Expr, Guards} = elixir_utils:extract_guards(Arg), NewGuards = [build_generated_guard(Generated, Guard) || Guard <- Guards], concat_guards(Generated, Expr, NewGuards). build_generated_guard(Generated, {{'.', _, _} = Call, _, Args}) -> {Call, Generated, [build_generated_guard(Generated, Arg) || Arg <- Args]}; build_generated_guard(_, Expr) -> Expr. concat_guards(_Meta, Expr, []) -> Expr; concat_guards(Meta, Expr, [Guard | Tail]) -> {'when', Meta, [Expr, concat_guards(Meta, Guard, Tail)]}. translate_with_do([{'<-', Meta, [Left, Expr]} | Rest], _Ann, Do, Else, S) -> Ann = ?ann(Meta), {Args, Guards} = elixir_utils:extract_guards(Left), {TExpr, SR} = translate(Expr, Ann, S), {TArgs, SA} = elixir_erl_clauses:match(Ann, fun translate/3, Args, SR), TGuards = elixir_erl_clauses:guards(Ann, Guards, SA#elixir_erl.extra_guards, SA), {TBody, SB} = translate_with_do(Rest, Ann, Do, Else, SA#elixir_erl{extra_guards=[]}), Clause = {clause, Ann, [TArgs], TGuards, unblock(TBody)}, {{'case', erl_anno:set_generated(true, Ann), TExpr, [Clause, Else]}, SB}; translate_with_do([Expr | Rest], Ann, Do, Else, S) -> {TExpr, TS} = translate(Expr, Ann, S), {TRest, RS} = translate_with_do(Rest, Ann, Do, Else, TS), {{block, Ann, [TExpr | unblock(TRest)]}, RS}; translate_with_do([], Ann, Do, _Else, S) -> translate(Do, Ann, S). %% Maps and structs translate_struct_var_name(Ann, Name, Args, S0) -> {{map, MapAnn, TArgs0}, S1} = translate_struct(Ann, Name, Args, S0), {TArgs1, S2} = generate_struct_name_guard(TArgs0, [], S1), {{map, MapAnn, TArgs1}, S2}. translate_struct(Ann, Name, {'%{}', _, [{'|', _, [Update, Assocs]}]}, S) -> Generated = erl_anno:set_generated(true, Ann), {VarName, VS} = elixir_erl_var:build('_', S), Var = {var, Ann, VarName}, Map = {map, Ann, [{map_field_exact, Ann, {atom, Ann, '__struct__'}, {atom, Ann, Name}}]}, Match = {match, Ann, Var, Map}, Error = {tuple, Ann, [{atom, Ann, badstruct}, {atom, Ann, Name}, Var]}, {TUpdate, TU} = translate(Update, Ann, VS), {TAssocs, TS} = translate_map(Ann, Assocs, {ok, Var}, TU), {{'case', Generated, TUpdate, [ {clause, Ann, [Match], [], [TAssocs]}, {clause, Generated, [Var], [], [?remote(Ann, erlang, error, [Error])]} ]}, TS}; translate_struct(Ann, Name, {'%{}', _, Assocs}, S) -> translate_map(Ann, [{'__struct__', Name}] ++ Assocs, none, S). translate_map(Ann, [{'|', Meta, [Update, Assocs]}], S) -> {TUpdate, SU} = translate(Update, Ann, S), translate_map(?ann(Meta), Assocs, {ok, TUpdate}, SU); translate_map(Ann, Assocs, S) -> translate_map(Ann, Assocs, none, S). translate_map(Ann, Assocs, TUpdate, #elixir_erl{extra=Extra} = S) -> Op = translate_key_val_op(TUpdate, S), {TArgs, SA} = lists:mapfoldl(fun({Key, Value}, Acc0) -> {TKey, Acc1} = translate(Key, Ann, Acc0#elixir_erl{extra=map_key}), {TValue, Acc2} = translate(Value, Ann, Acc1#elixir_erl{extra=Extra}), {{Op, Ann, TKey, TValue}, Acc2} end, S, Assocs), build_map(Ann, TUpdate, TArgs, SA). translate_key_val_op(_TUpdate, #elixir_erl{extra=map_key}) -> map_field_assoc; translate_key_val_op(_TUpdate, #elixir_erl{context=match}) -> map_field_exact; translate_key_val_op(none, _) -> map_field_assoc; translate_key_val_op(_, _) -> map_field_exact. build_map(Ann, {ok, TUpdate}, TArgs, SA) -> {{map, Ann, TUpdate, TArgs}, SA}; build_map(Ann, none, TArgs, SA) -> {{map, Ann, TArgs}, SA}. %% Translate bitstrings translate_bitstring(Meta, Args, S) -> build_bitstr(Args, ?ann(Meta), S, []). build_bitstr([{'::', Meta, [H, V]} | T], Ann, S, Acc) -> {Size, Types} = extract_bit_info(V, Meta, S#elixir_erl{context=nil}), build_bitstr(T, Ann, S, Acc, H, Size, Types); build_bitstr([], Ann, S, Acc) -> {{bin, Ann, lists:reverse(Acc)}, S}. build_bitstr(T, Ann, S, Acc, H, default, Types) when is_binary(H) -> Element = case requires_utf_conversion(Types) of false -> %% See explanation in elixir_erl:elixir_to_erl/1 to %% know why we can simply convert the binary to a list. {bin_element, Ann, {string, 0, binary_to_list(H)}, default, default}; true -> %% UTF types require conversion. {bin_element, Ann, {string, 0, elixir_utils:characters_to_list(H)}, default, Types} end, build_bitstr(T, Ann, S, [Element | Acc]); build_bitstr(T, Ann, S, Acc, H, Size, Types) -> {Expr, NS} = translate(H, Ann, S), build_bitstr(T, Ann, NS, [{bin_element, Ann, Expr, Size, Types} | Acc]). requires_utf_conversion([bitstring | _]) -> false; requires_utf_conversion([binary | _]) -> false; requires_utf_conversion(_) -> true. extract_bit_info({'-', _, [L, {size, _, [Size]}]}, Meta, S) -> {extract_bit_size(Size, Meta, S), extract_bit_type(L, [])}; extract_bit_info({size, _, [Size]}, Meta, S) -> {extract_bit_size(Size, Meta, S), []}; extract_bit_info(L, _Meta, _S) -> {default, extract_bit_type(L, [])}. extract_bit_size(Size, Meta, S) -> {TSize, _} = translate(Size, ?ann(Meta), S), TSize. extract_bit_type({'-', _, [L, R]}, Acc) -> extract_bit_type(L, extract_bit_type(R, Acc)); extract_bit_type({unit, _, [Arg]}, Acc) -> [{unit, Arg} | Acc]; extract_bit_type({Other, _, []}, Acc) -> [Other | Acc]. %% Optimizations that are specific to Erlang and change %% the format of the AST. translate_remote('Elixir.String.Chars', to_string, Meta, [Arg], S) -> Ann = ?ann(Meta), {TArg, TS} = translate(Arg, Ann, S), {VarName, VS} = elixir_erl_var:build('_', TS), Generated = erl_anno:set_generated(true, Ann), Var = {var, Generated, VarName}, Guard = ?remote(Generated, erlang, is_binary, [Var]), Slow = ?remote(Generated, 'Elixir.String.Chars', to_string, [Var]), Fast = Var, {{'case', Generated, TArg, [ {clause, Generated, [Var], [[Guard]], [Fast]}, {clause, Generated, [Var], [], [Slow]} ]}, VS}; translate_remote(maps, put, Meta, [Key, Value, Map], S) -> Ann = ?ann(Meta), case translate_args([Key, Value, Map], Ann, S) of {[TKey, TValue, {map, _, InnerMap, Pairs}], TS} -> {{map, Ann, InnerMap, Pairs ++ [{map_field_assoc, Ann, TKey, TValue}]}, TS}; {[TKey, TValue, {map, _, Pairs}], TS} -> {{map, Ann, Pairs ++ [{map_field_assoc, Ann, TKey, TValue}]}, TS}; {[TKey, TValue, TMap], TS} -> {{map, Ann, TMap, [{map_field_assoc, Ann, TKey, TValue}]}, TS} end; translate_remote(maps, merge, Meta, [Map1, Map2], S) -> Ann = ?ann(Meta), case translate_args([Map1, Map2], Ann, S) of {[{map, _, Pairs1}, {map, _, Pairs2}], TS} -> {{map, Ann, Pairs1 ++ Pairs2}, TS}; {[{map, _, InnerMap1, Pairs1}, {map, _, Pairs2}], TS} -> {{map, Ann, InnerMap1, Pairs1 ++ Pairs2}, TS}; {[TMap1, {map, _, Pairs2}], TS} -> {{map, Ann, TMap1, Pairs2}, TS}; {[TMap1, TMap2], TS} -> {{call, Ann, {remote, Ann, {atom, Ann, maps}, {atom, Ann, merge}}, [TMap1, TMap2]}, TS} end; translate_remote(Left, Right, Meta, Args, S) -> Ann = ?ann(Meta), {TLeft, SL} = translate(Left, Ann, S), {TArgs, SA} = translate_args(Args, Ann, SL), Arity = length(Args), TRight = {atom, Ann, Right}, %% Rewrite Erlang function calls as operators so they %% work in guards, matches and so on. case (Left == erlang) andalso elixir_utils:guard_op(Right, Arity) of true -> case TArgs of [TOne] -> {{op, Ann, Right, TOne}, SA}; [TOne, TTwo] -> {{op, Ann, Right, TOne, TTwo}, SA} end; false -> {{call, Ann, {remote, Ann, TLeft, TRight}, TArgs}, SA} end. generate_struct_name_guard([{map_field_exact, Ann, {atom, _, '__struct__'} = Key, Var} | Rest], Acc, S0) -> {ModuleVarName, S1} = elixir_erl_var:build('_', S0), Generated = erl_anno:set_generated(true, Ann), ModuleVar = {var, Generated, ModuleVarName}, Match = {match, Generated, ModuleVar, Var}, Guard = ?remote(Generated, erlang, is_atom, [ModuleVar]), S2 = S1#elixir_erl{extra_guards=[Guard | S1#elixir_erl.extra_guards]}, {lists:reverse(Acc, [{map_field_exact, Ann, Key, Match} | Rest]), S2}; generate_struct_name_guard([Field | Rest], Acc, S) -> generate_struct_name_guard(Rest, [Field | Acc], S).
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
use("ispec") describe(Message, describe("rewrite", it("should rewrite a very simple message chain", msg = 'foo output = msg rewrite( '(:x) => '(something(:x)) ) msg should == 'foo output should == 'something(foo) ) it("should rewrite a next into an argument", msg = '(foo bar) output = msg rewrite( '(:x :y) => '(:x(:y))) output should == 'foo(bar) ) it("should rewrite an argument into a next", msg = 'foo(bar) output = msg rewrite( '(:x(:y)) => '(:x :y)) output should == '(foo bar) ) it("should duplicate something if needed", msg = 'foo(bar) output = msg rewrite( '(:x(:y)) => '(:x :y :y)) output should == '(foo bar bar) ) it("should ignore pieces before it can't do anything with", msg = '(bux(blarg) foo bar) output = msg rewrite( '(:x :y) => '(:x(:y))) output should == '(bux(blarg) foo(bar)) ) it("should ignore pieces after it can't do anything with", msg = '(foo bar bux(blarg)) output = msg rewrite( '(:x :y) => '(:x(:y))) output should == '(foo(bar) bux(blarg)) ) it("should apply the same pattern at more than one place", msg = '(foo(bar) qux(bar) blarg foo(muxie)) output = msg rewrite( '(:x(:y)) => '(:x :y)) output should == '(foo bar qux bar blarg foo muxie) ) it("should match a fixed thing on the left hand side", msg = '(foo(bar) blux(barg)) output = msg rewrite( '(foo(:y)) => '(foo :y)) output should == '(foo bar blux(barg)) ) it("should apply two patterns in a row, just as if you had called them each by its own", msg = '(foo(bar) bar(bax)) msg rewrite( '(:x(:y)) => '(:x :y), '(:q :p) => '(:p :q :q) ) should == msg rewrite('(:x(:y)) => '(:x :y)) rewrite('(:q :p) => '(:p :q :q)) ) it("should be possible to grab more than one thing using the :all: pattern", msg = '(foo bar bax quux blax) output = msg rewrite( '(:x :all(2,:y)) => '(:x(:y))) output should == '(foo(bar bax) quux blax) ) it("should be possible to grab the rest using the :all: pattern", msg = '(foo bar bax quux) output = msg rewrite( '(:x :all(:y)) => '(:x(:y))) output should == '(foo(bar bax quux)) ) it("should be possible to grab only up to the terminator with the rest pattern", msg = '(foo bar bax quux. fluxie blarb) output = msg rewrite( '(foo :all(:y)) => '(foo(:y))) output should == '(foo(bar bax quux). fluxie blarb) ) it("should be possible to grab up to a point with until", msg = '(foo bar bax quux) output = msg rewrite( '(:x :until(bax, :y)) => '(:x(:y))) output should == '(foo(bar bax) quux) ) it("should handle calls to internal: as if it was a non-argument thing", msg = '(foo(1)) output = msg rewrite( '(:x(:y)) => '(:x bar(:y))) output should == '(foo bar(1)) msg = '(foo("flux")) output = msg rewrite( '(:x(:y)) => '(:x bar(:y))) output should == '(foo bar("flux")) ) it("should be possible to unify on specific literals", msg = 'foo(42) output = msg rewrite( '(:x(42)) => '(bar(:x))) output should == '(bar(foo)) ) it("should be possible to insert a new literal", msg = 'foo output = msg rewrite( '(:x) => '(foo bar(:x(42)))) output should == '(foo bar(foo(42))) ) it("should be possible to specify unmatched names with :not", msg = '(foo bar quux) output = msg rewrite( '(:not(foo) :x) => '(foo :x)) output should == '(foo foo quux) msg = '(foo bar baz bletch quux) output = msg rewrite( '(:not(foo, bar, baz) :x) => '(fox :x)) output should == '(foo bar baz fox quux) ) it("should be possible to unify on the unmatched name", msg = '(foo bar quux) output = msg rewrite( '(:not(foo, :y) :x) => '(:x :y)) output should == '(foo quux bar) ) it("should work recursively", msg = '(foo x bar(foo y)) output = msg rewrite:recursively( '(foo :b) => '(:b foo)) output should == '(x foo bar(y foo)) ) ) )
[ "ICU", "MIT" ]
<div class="alert alert-error displayed_alert" data-alert="alert"> <a class="close" href="#">&times;</a> <p>The connection to the server failed. Try <a href="#" id="rerun_query">running</a> the query again.</p> </div>
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
<? my ($content, @title) = @_; my $ctx = $main::context; ?> ? if (@title) { .SH <?= uc $title[-1] ?> ? } ?= $ctx->{unhtmlize}->($content) ? if (my @notes = @{$ctx->{notes}}) { .SS Notes: .PP ? for (my $index = 0; $index < @notes; ++$index) { [<?= $index + 1 ?>]<?= $notes[$index] ?> ? } ? }
[ "MIT" ]
/* * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #pragma once #include <folly/net/NetOpsDispatcher.h> #include <folly/portability/GMock.h> namespace folly { namespace netops { namespace test { class MockDispatcher : public Dispatcher { public: MockDispatcher() = default; virtual ~MockDispatcher() = default; /** * Configures mocked methods to forward calls to default implementation. */ void forwardToDefaultImpl() { ON_CALL( *this, getsockopt(testing::_, testing::_, testing::_, testing::_, testing::_)) .WillByDefault(testing::Invoke([this]( NetworkSocket s, int level, int optname, void* optval, socklen_t* optlen) { return Dispatcher::getsockopt(s, level, optname, optval, optlen); })); ON_CALL(*this, sendmsg(testing::_, testing::_, testing::_)) .WillByDefault(testing::Invoke( [this](NetworkSocket s, const msghdr* message, int flags) { return Dispatcher::sendmsg(s, message, flags); })); ON_CALL( *this, setsockopt(testing::_, testing::_, testing::_, testing::_, testing::_)) .WillByDefault(testing::Invoke([this]( NetworkSocket s, int level, int optname, const void* optval, socklen_t optlen) { return Dispatcher::setsockopt(s, level, optname, optval, optlen); })); } MOCK_METHOD5( getsockopt, int(NetworkSocket s, int level, int optname, void* optval, socklen_t* optlen)); MOCK_METHOD3( sendmsg, ssize_t(NetworkSocket s, const msghdr* message, int flags)); MOCK_METHOD4( sendmmsg, int(NetworkSocket s, mmsghdr* msgvec, unsigned int vlen, int flags)); MOCK_METHOD5( setsockopt, int(NetworkSocket s, int level, int optname, const void* optval, socklen_t optlen)); }; } // namespace test } // namespace netops } // namespace folly
[ "Apache-2.0" ]