2 values
Behemoth's muscles contracted quickly regarding the on comer. The beast lunged forward to bare it's full weight in a effort to crush Cloud; the blonde quickly rolled to his right narrowly avoiding the attack. He felt the ground impact and roll over every muscle making him regain his footing a little sloppier than normal and with a low grunt of pain he swung the sword above his head to slash down at the beast's arm.
His blade went right through it and he felt the impact all the way through his body.
"Shit," he groaned, immediately distinguishing the once-frightened features of the man he had encountered two days previous. He checked the man's pulse, and upon finding no result, pulled away from the body. He was long-since dead.
He was probably not even aware that he had been shot.
arged at Jax. "What the hell?" Jax thought as he was too shocked to move. "Grrrrraaaaaaaaaah!" Mitsuno shouted as she sunk her teeth into Jax's neck.
"Get off me you lunatic!" Jax cried as the blade penetrated his skin at an angle that would have sliced any other man.
She made him cry when she played the soundtrack to the musical. Her singing had always affected him deeply, but listening to her on a professional recording only emphasized that Rachel had truly achieved her dream, just as he always knew she would. Forgiving himself for deceiving her those last few days before putting her on the train became easier, but still took its toll, because he wanted her to trust him as he trusted her.
He loved her, and he loved the life she'd created for him in the wake of death, and he desperately tried to protect her, but his.
He wished she'd monologued longer. The latest round had been flat out beating. She had a hammer-shaped tool and had struck him repeatedly with it.
She'd then made a circular hole in his stomach, and then, not to be shy about it, took the hammer from his bleeding back, inserted.
Steve had the upper hand. He saw his chance and as he stumbled, trying to regain his balance and slashed his sword across Herobrine's chest. At that moment pain sliced through Steve's chest and he fell to his knees.
Herobrine had just stabbed him through the heart.
Aurin made a valiant attempt at defending them, but the bird was modified for invulnerability, not fighting skill. He was pinned to the ground with a blade through his neck, warking and fighting but unable to get the leverage to free himself. The other two converged on Cloud, and—thinking of the chill—Cloud snapped off a Fire3.
The two of them were on the ground again, wrestling, before the first guard managed to sneak up behind him out of cover and stab him with his.
Shinji holds his ground in front of his comrade as he fires two shoulder mounted ramjet cannons. The blast strikes the target, moving it back several feet. But once he runs out of rounds, the Angel strikes with a ribbon like arm, severing an arm off Unit One and spinning it into a building.
Another strike and they are out.
E.S., Igor, and Elizabeth watched the gruesome bloodbath, as Nyx tore Ninurta's body from the sword and forced it on the ground.
Then they saw another body, and they knew she had to kill Nyx now.
He scrambled to his feet and burst through the doors, using his shoulder to break through the old, wooden doors. He half closed his eyes, trying to blind Bú Yi and whoever else was watching. He felt for tools in the dimness, his fingers ghosting over blades and sandpaper, leather and fabrics, feathers and rope.
Then something with sharp edges began scratching against his hand and he froze.
"AHHHH!" yelled the Admin, the person had slowly started cutting her waist. "That's a warning!" said the person, "Don't try anything, or else the Admin dies!" She kicks the person and he let go. I tried to get to him, but I was damaged too much.
I thought I died, the person was dead.
All that existed to her was the sword hurtling at her, and all she could do was duck, but she knew she would be too slow. She saw the sword, ready to cut her apart; she heard the whistling of the air against the razor-sharp blade; she felt the point on her face where she knew she would be impaled, and the only thing she could feel was fear. With a puff of smoke and a loud clang, Lieutenant Daled's sword stopped short of Nabooru's cheek, with Impa's glowing arm in the way.
Nabooru's hand grasped back her sword's hilt, a scream tearing through her throat as Daled brought the sword up, and struck again.
"Leave me alone!" She said. He just shrugged it off, sweeping Hawke's legs, and making her fall down. Red knocked down the last guard, and was going for the Knight next, but then a cloud of smoke appeared.
Red heard a gunshot, and then she was knocked out.
Mako's mouth went dry "Korra what-" "Its mistletoe." She said, her smile tugging at her mouth. "Wait! Hold on-" He didn't get to finish, however, because Korra leaned down and fit her lips to his.
As she wrapped her arms around his back and pulled him closer…he stopped breathing.
The smaller, hat wearing body guard had his stomach slashed open, his organ trailing out of his body and pinned to the floor with ice senbon. They were lucky compared to Gato. The short business man had been crucified, upside down, to the wall behind his desk.
His organs had been sliced to ribbons and his head was a lump of pulp.
In less than two months Harry had changed considerably. He was far less withdrawn and after being around a spirit like Sparrow had been able to come to terms more with his past. Like Harry, Sparrow and Hawk were orphans.
Harry's parents and Hawk's parents, while they were still alive, were killed in combat and they were unable to take care of their adopted son.
" She still kept slashing the hand. She slashed the hand one last time and jumped out of the way. The black creature started to stumble.
Alex's fist connected with the side of her head, sending her into an unconscious heap.
" "Hey," Abby attempted to interrupt. "I've been putting my neck out for this. Instead, this is how things are run?" Tony ignored the interruption.
"I know. The kid gets captured, and I get shot, and now I'm the leader of the SAS?" He raised his head.
soon. Attention returning to the man rapidly moving to attack, Sakura blocked, dodged, punched, sliced, everything she could to avoid being hit. Fighting the nin in front, she didn't realize until it was too late.
One of her eyes was now completely red, and the other was swollen, a result of the fight.
Tyson felt rage surging inside him, and finally released it. "You'll pay! DRAGOON ATTACK!" Tyson screamed with all his fury. Dragoon charged at the blade with all of Tyson's anger.
Tyson screamed bloody murder with the blood dripping out of his mouth.
Years, not more than, had he known this man that sat above him. Syaoran Li, was once going to be crowned Prince Of China, but that all changed when a one night stand changed him. A woman, a whore more or less, bit him, for a week it seemed Li wouldn't wake.
Only then did he realize he had just killed a man.
X'ero wasted no time, she clasped her hands together. "Blizzaga." She aimed the spell at Saïx's shoulder.
Saïx jerked, then dived down, rolling into a cross-kick that caught x'ero high, right behind the temple.
Unfortunately for him, the human whose flesh he wanted to chew on, knew damn well how fast he was, and that he shouldn't take chances. Khan, however, was just a dog, and too dumb to realize what guns were, and how much quicker than any dog they were. Not that it mattered, because with the bullet blowing through his skull, Khan was dead before he knew it.
Alex sat there stunned, the bullet still smoking in his skull, trying to process the situation.
Just as she imagined, the inconstant sky let the sun break through again, to peer out in jest. Then the rain soaked clouds gave way fully, the sky lightening to its fullest scope and drenching the city in a golden glow instead of water. It was perhaps, the saddest thing Audrey had ever seen, despite its outward beauty.
It was then that she recalled that her mother had died while she was still a little child, and her grandfather had never recovered from her death.
It wasn't the fling of a temporarily sour marriage; Andrea was asking him to leave his family to be with her and he'd dug a hole so deep he couldn't climb out. And then, the most terrible, unexpected things happened. Everything that could go wrong did.
Andrea and Alex had both been injured and taken to multiple hospitals.
He gasped when his gaze fell on me. I rushed toward him. A Hork-Bajir jumped in my way.
I punched it and barreled into Tobias just as the alien was about to shoot him.
As he was hurtling downwards he could feel hot strawberry filling oozing out from his wound, blinding him. Pastrinator64 flew away, wiping away the filling so he could see. He just barely missed a crack from Olivicious's whip.
The boy smirked; the crack had hurt him in just the right place.
He wasn't sure what bout this man had him so captivated. Alucard's eyes looked at him, a question in their depths that Bruce could not decipher. "I lost my wife long ago in an accident.
I never wanted her to die.
Naraku glared at her but did not speak. He threw her against the wall above her bed and pinned her to her bed. "I'll make you wish you hadn't said that, BITCH!" he shouted, now raging.
He grabbed her hair and pushed her face into her pillow but even that didn't calm him down.
Katara began her arduous task of bending all the water out of the shelter. Once finished with the help of Aang she began bending her element off of the gang. She then turned to Zuko trembling form.
"How is he?" She asked as she helped Katara apply water to Zuko's wounds.
But as predicted the boy with the sword won the battle and thew the corpse of the boyfriend to the ground. I watched it splat on the ground and saw the detectives go after the boy. Before one of the detectives could reach the top of the parkour ladder, the boy thruster the iron sword into the detectives chest and he fell twenty feet and hit the ground.
I ran to the boy and saw the blood pouring out of him.
Akumu counter attacked with a kick to the face. Elsword growled and punched Akumu in the gut with a flaming fist. As Akumu recoiled, he yelled, "Luna Blade!" and knocked Akumu way back.
Akumu grabbed Elsword with his right hand and turned around, using his left hand to kick Elsword in the forehead.
She sang of a sailor, lost at sea as his maiden waited at the shore, going up to the signal light on the edge of the cliff every day to search for his sails among the incoming ships. She went day after day, hardly slept for her pain. Finally, as the song came to a close, the maiden heard word of her husband.
He had been found by a boat, and was now in the hospital.
I watched Gohma, waiting for a reaction. She dropped, screaming, enraged at her children's quick demise, and attacked with her claws; one on each foot. I parried them and slingshotted her eye again, moving in for the kill.
She lashed out viciously, her eyes flashing a light blue as the blood bubbled out.
My arm's fine, just a little sore. Really, it's little more than a nuisance." His eyebrows rose as a look of disbelief stretched over his features.
"What are you talking about? You have _broken _arms, you know! You're not supposed to be able to do anything without your arms.
He launched some shuriken at the person but they countered with shuriken of their own. Jakken retracted his chain quickly and charged at the person. He closed the distance and lashed out with the sickle part of the weapon.
The sickle caught the head of the man's torso and opened several small cuts all over.
" "You don't understand," Liam said, facing Ariel more so than he was facing them. "I had witnessed lives ruined because of the Taelons. Friends of mine, who risked their lives and the lives of their families for the Resistance, were brutally slaughtered by the Taelons.
My brother died. And I swore that if my father did not come back to me, I would hunt him down and see that he never made another.
Jumping into action, we sprung at her with a new determination, slashing at her furiously. She blocked hurriedly, and I kicked her over once again. This time, I slashed at her as Saria nocked multiple arrows.
I was about to give her another head-kick when there was a loud _whoosh_ as I took the bullet through the torso.
" He placed his knife between his teeth and dove underwater to save Rosalina. Rosalina's eyes were half-closed .Buck had to hurry up and get her back on the raft .
Suddenly the water was boiling hot, and his hands were stuck.
"Let me go! I demand you let me go this instance!" Jemma screamed. Zeus lent forward and mashed his lips against Jemma. The demon queen continued to hit Zeus in the chest but the dark god was too strong for her.
Her head came crashing off the wall and blood was running down her face.
" * * * ~January 1st, 2018~ That month in the hospital had passed quickly, and the two partners had slowly become good friends. The doctors were astounded by how quickly they had healed, especially Naoto. She knew that she had her Persona to thank for that.
The three of them had formed their friendship based on the shared interests of the only one who was still alive.
BN Reploids By: Firehedgehog Sidestory: Soldiers Last Duties The world seemed too quiet, too gloomy. Everyone was swathed in black, after all this was the funeral's of the ones who had saved them many times. Rain fell silently around them.
The water did little to break the gloom as they all shared in the sadness of their friend or their partner's death.
At some point someone shoved Ms. Winstrop, who instantly fell backwards against Blair. She narrowed her green eyes at the man walking past the old woman and grabbed his wrist.
Before he could register what was happening, the woman twisted his arm, sending him down.
After the first two weeks in prison no one dared to come close to him again. He had felt numb, really numb, the first weeks in prison. It had been Killer's death that pained him the most.
Even though he had killed the killer, he felt nothing.
This story is for adoption. * * *. It was Dark, and it was cold, and he was burning.
The burning was inside him, in the depths of his body.
just then Rick came in. "Karen" he yelled. TINK! TINK! TINK! three direct hits.
The next second the two of them were in puddles of their own blood.
) grinned from under it's cover. Quistis suddenly felt a sharp pain in her stomach. She looked down and figured out what happened in a second.
Not one second later, the giant man that killed her parents and brother, Alex Rider.
And he saw. He instantly regretted his public revenge on The Joker, naming this young man as one of his victims. It had only marked him as well as his yellow and green uniform had, when The Joker took open his head with a crowbar.
The wound was a deep one, but Alex had survived.
The first person that comes towards me is Jeff and I quickly dodge his first blow, and the second but the third he manages to drag down my left arm. I hiss at the pain but manage to clear the tears from my eyes. I swing my sword out and he stops it from connecting with his stomach, but he isn't so lucky the second time.
This time he dies a long slow death as I rip his stomach apart with my steel blade.
Matthias stood in the rafters of the Abbey bell tower. He glanced at the rat waiting for him to come down and trembled with rage. How dare Cluny threaten his friends! Angrily, Matthias raised the sword of Martin over his head and brought it down.
His sword pierced through the rat’s head, and Matthias let out a triumphant scream.
"Put your arm around my waist and hold tight." I whispered to Will and he stared but did what I said and was smart enough to grab the rail behind his head though made it look casual. I let my bow materialise in my hand and one arrow in the other.
He grinned at me and I shot him through the chest.
By now, after the forest and the arrows the armies where around the same size, this made everyone seem a bit more confident. "CHAARRRGEE!" the princess shouted, following that a roar errupted from the armies that stood behind her as the royalties started to charge the armies soon followed, the princess took of on lady rainicorn so that she could fire her arrows from the air, now the whole army was sprinting towards the lich's army. Both armies where letting out war crys, even finn marceline and jake were as they got closer and closer jake grew bigger and bigger, they were a few meters apart and at this moment jake jumped over into the middle of the other army and started to wack them with his huge arms although it took a while to actually kill them with no weapons jake was slowing them down.
Before he could kill a single one of them a hail of arrows from a few hundred meters away hit jake in the forehead causing him to.
He fell back. She went to kick him again when he snatched at her foot. She just shifted her weight and drove her other knee into his face using the captured foot for leverage.
He crumpled to the floor.
She watched as Sophitia front flipped herself landing on the beast other leg. She watched as Sophitia swung her sword full force across its upper leg sending silver blood flying through the air. She pulled up Rekki-Maru slicing across the knee.
A look of sheer determination came across Sophitia’s face as she stepped back and pulled back her boot, smashing it through its knee forcing it to give way.
"Count, we must call of the human healers. The detective will die if we delay!" Count D pursed his lips. Most of the wound was minor.
The one in his chest, though, was terrible.
I shot him five more times, and he still got up. So I pulled out my sword and slashed him three times on instinct. Each slash ripped into him and spilled waves of black Ichor.
With a cry of pain and despair he fell back on his hands and knees, twitching.
I remained silently beside the doorway, waiting for her to finish her meditations, though I did not have to wait for long. Within minutes, the auras faded and the Bahmi woman drew herself upward and turned towards me. "I have unpleasant news, Aradia," she began, cutting to the chase as she usually did.
"Your father is dead, and your brother is ill - a very slight fever, but the medic says that he just needs to stay inside for a.
He took Blaine's legs and put them on his shoulders. He spread Blaine's legs out far before lining himself up with his entrance. Sebastian looked at Blaine who returned the stare.
"You have no say in this!" Sebastian raised his hand and pushed and Sebastian fell backwards to the ground.
"Even with that fire spell directly hitting you, you're still alive huh? Always a fighter, but I guess thats why you are my other half." Kairi continued into the mansion, up the stairs, and into the white room. She laid down the blonde onto her bed and took out a knife.
She cut her clothing off and began to wash her wound.
s kidding, but Rayne was serious. "No really, I'm dead serious." "Well it would depend on how long you were dead.
You seem, if there is such a word, dead enough.
Then a howl. She steeled herself, raising the gun as the creature plowed straight at her. She unloaded the whole damn pistol clip into the patchwork person.
She could see bits of white in the eyes and mouth, blood, but she did not waste time, hitting the creature in the head, twice,.
The big Nord's customary battle cries were abruptly silenced as a Kynaz drove a katana into his abdomen. Roliand pulled the blade further in to draw his enemy closer and hacked the Dremora's head in half, but another blade penetrated his back, sending him to his knees. The Knight Brother tried to raise his dai-katana for one last attack, but one of his attackers kicked him over and drove his spear through his throat.
He was brought to the floor, and as he tried to regain his feet another weapon entered his body.
" She asked. "Oh this, The 9th Wonder by Isaac Mendez. He used to live here you know.
But one day a group of men broke into his house and killed his parents at knifepoint.
The bear ignored the other wolves. He shook his forepaw, making Troy fall down on top of Luna. Then it shook its head frantically, shaking Hayden.
When he fell off, the wolf yelped, and blood poured out of his shoulder.
He opened his eyes and stared directly into Limelight's. Floating a little off the ground she picked Drago up and clenched her free hand. She formed it into a fist before swinging upward, catching him in the chin and sending him flying into the air.
He began to rise again and landed heavily on the back of the couch, breaking it.
I wiggled my way through the heaving press of bodies until I was coming up hard on a straight path to the captain, his shining plate armor blazing orange in the light from the fire. He had his sword out, pointed at me, and he was shouting to his men to stop me, to do anything, when I was on him. I hit him twice, leaning back both times to gain momentum and rocketing forward, and he reeled each time.
When I landed a punch to his jaw and knocked him off balance, he fell, slamming into the ground.
Navi hovered in the branches of the tree, unsure of what to do in this situation. Link back-flipped and so did his twin. He slashed, only to meet cold, dark steel.
Both boys were dead.
Her distraction though slight, was enough. The Bringer took full advantage of his opponent's distraction and struck. With his dagger armed left hand he penetrated her defenses swinging across his body from right to left striking Dawn's right forearm, her sword arm, drawing blood, causing her to cry out in shock and pain, dropping her sword.
Her attack against the right side of her torso struck her like an executioner, splitting her torso wide open with the blunt end of his dagger.
e arcing down once again, this time ripping through one of the straw walls of a hut, exposing a woman cowering in the corner of the hut, fearful for her life, her whimpers audible even over the snarling of the inhuman evil. The woman's terrified noises seemed to set something off in Caithas, filling him with a rage that almost made him go berserk, yet he reined it in as he felt newfound strength surge through him. The knight realized the claws were the most dangerous part of the monster, so he quickly rushed the monster while it was distracted by the woman and dug his blade into the beast's stumpy left arm, and the monstrosity screamed upon feeling the steel sword slide into its arm and snapped its head around at impossible speed as it watched Caithas withdraw the shortsword and begin hacking away furiously.
The creature suddenly lost its balance, dropping the woman and falling down in a pained heap.
what was he talking about? His limbs were all pinned and he didn't have a tail. Kai spat acid onto Ray's face making him scream in pain, he threw his hands to his face as he felt the burning. Kai pushed the cringing Neko-Jin Angel off him "Now to put you out of your misery, see you in Hell" Kai was about to rip Ray's head off, when suddenly pain ripped through his body.
He had no arms, no legs, no head.
She never had the chance to. The attack never came, for a perfectly positioned arrow flew across Shadow's path, cutting the sentience off and forcing it to a stop while Natalia drew a second arrow. Apparently unsurprised at the intrusion, Shadow changed its course and ran at the archer.
The attack missed, cutting a line across Natalia's chest.
The future that some insolent person took away without any regret. He shook his head as the tears began building up again. He looked to the bed where he had found Lilo's body.
She could not be alive.
I withdrew my blade as he was turning around. I dove to the side to avoid his spell, a fireball that whizzed above my head and smashed into the chapel. I rolled to my feet and cut the dremora down before he could utter another incantation.
I had only just finished using my blade on the creature when I saw him coming up behind me.
The woman saw him and said, "Oh so what? Another punk trying to get at me? Bring it on then! You'll just become another offering to Lord Jashin!" Naruto smirked under his hood, and vanished, appearing next to the woman, while the thugs died, one by one, until one was left. Hidan smirked, and cut the thug with a sword that she drew from her sleeve. She then licked the blood, her pale skin turning ash gray, with white spots that made her look like a skeleton.
Seeing the dead body of the last thug, she smirked, and cut the man's throat, while he screamed in torment.
Sohini. 'Nice to meet you Sohini, long time no see!' The long nosed espada sneered, blasting a cero at Sohini. Sohini dodged it and she sent a powerful kido at the espada.
It fell down, hit by that kendo stick.
So they fought, night and day, hateful words being thrown back and forth until one day the vivacious redhead went a step too far. The words rang through Alice as if she was sitting underneath a church bell that had just gone off. "No one else on this Earth will ever love you Alice, and you fucking know it! That whore Claire? She probably shacked up with someone the second she got to Alaska, forgetting all about the freak she had come across in the desert.
I'm just going to miss you!" Alex screamed out of pure hatred, eyes bloodshot from crying, lips swollen from cursing and bruised from punching.
The big Nord's customary battle cries were abruptly silenced as a Kynaz drove a katana into his abdomen. Roliand pulled the blade further in to draw his enemy closer and hacked the Dremora's head in half, but another blade penetrated his back, sending him to his knees. The Knight Brother tried to raise his dai-katana for one last attack, but one of his attackers kicked him over and drove his spear through his throat.
He let out a gut-wrenching scream of agony as he crumbled into the dirt and lay still.
Wasting no time, Red X rushed forward, extending his wrist blade and slamming it down into Cyborg's chest. Sparks and electricity flew from the gash X had made, and Cyborg let out a loud, pained scream. X flipped over to Raven, who was able to stand and was still trying to wrench her arms free from the X wrapped around them.
Hissed in pain, Raven managed to fling him off, but not before her wrists had been broken.
The beast tore the makeshift club from Summers and threw it away. He then chased the blonde man over a tower roof top. Due to the torrential rain the roof tiles were slick and summers almost fell.
He was about to be killed by the creature when suddenly the beast was struck by lightning.
I gave a hand signal for Dawn to quickly take the kid and to bring him to safety. I saw a bandit run towards Dawn while she was still comforting the kid. I drew another arrow and aimed towards his shoulder but he he grabbed it crushed it into two.
I had a chance to jump out of the way and shot the first one in front of me and the bandit was hit in the stomach.
Halsey saw Naruto's vitals. They were down, but were slightly higher then average people. She turned back and went into the monitoring room.
She saw, with concern, that he was still unconscious.
Then he proceeded by ripping his sword out and doing a small back flip off. When he landed on his feet he glared up into the terrified eyes of the Hollow. "This is where it ends!" He held his sword with both hands on one side of his body and jumped straight up into the air.
The Hollow started thrashing around wildly, but it eventually got knocked out cold.
Alistair raised his shield higher and charged the beast. It was temporarily bewildered and at who would dare do such a thing. But then a great hand swept the air, looking to knock Alistair from his feet.
He fell to one knee, breathing heavily, but not from the pain of being knocked down.
One rushed him and he aimed a kick high at the man's head, breaking his neck. "Run!" he shouted to Eikou grabbing the fallen soldiers sword and taking out another soldier. Eikou ran and looked back when she hear her brother's cry of pain.
A few of the wounded soldiers were bleeding and they were getting worse because of the cold.
That nothing could not be seen by it. Naruto ran forward, clearing several of his paths as more popped up. He followed the path to his right, swinging at Sasuke's stomach.
He felt one of his legs collapse and he knew he was already in serious trouble.
' "I didn't say anything else, I didn't need to. I knew that even if I couldn't think of a way out of the situation I had gotten myself into, I would die for the people I loved most. I would die for the family that loved me.
I didn't say any more as they pulled the plastic wrap off their legs and the blood began to seep through.
She snapped her head to the right and locked her blue eyes on her lost kukris. They lifted in the air and came flying to her then were snatched out of the air. Alice gave a low cry at the undead clones, who met her challenge and came for her.
The clones were very fast and came at her, but she was faster and took them out with a dagger.
He nodded and ran inside the camp to find Chiron. To get the attention of the beef boy i shouted "HEY BEEF HEAD, OVER HERE!". he turned towards me and roared as he charged for me i sidestepped his blow and slashed with an ice blade i made from water vapor.
He went down on his knees and i sliced his face with my sword.
Some of the blame rests on you yes, but much more rests on many others; me because of the fact that I too just watched it all happen—Kevin for ever joining the Death Eaters—Fudge for pushing you to kill when you could have just as easily stunned or disarmed—Voldemort for starting all of this mess. The list goes on and on and you cannot try to take the blame on your own; you have to let it go and until you do that, you will never find the peace you are looking for." Harry heard his words, knew that they were true, and saw the many places that he needed to apply them in his own life.
"I killed Sirius.
"Know what?" Liza was frowning, confused. "That, in this time period, Vongola Decimo is dead." "What?" Liza's eyes were wide, her mouth open.
"No way!" "He was killed by a mysterious assassin.
I had an odd moment of feeling stunned, mentally comparing her to S'Jirra. The differences could fill the void. Whatever reason they had parted, I found myself glad S'Jirra had been my mother instead of this vibrant sexy beauty.
I had felt this way before, as the day she'd been killed.
" Well, that explained his assumption about her being more important than the average commoner. What it didn't explain was the scent all over that cave. "When I was five years old, a man stormed my castle.
He killed my mother and father, and then he took me to this cave, and he let me live with a giant spider for a month.
Haruko was still standing still and hadn't moved since her friend arrived. This made Midori uneasy since he wasn't sure what she was planning. Suddenly he felt a sharp pain in his back.
Turning around he saw the blood spilling down from the wound.
We're all on edge after this. You said you lost your entire unit on that Cerberus mission, correct?" I nodded. "I understand the pain.
I lost my entire unit when I was a teenager.
The yakuza took this as his chance, swinging the pipe against his temple, felling Naruto to the wet dirty ground. Naruto brought his arms up once more, blocking him, trying to find an opening for himself. He was about to bring down once more on him, Naruto rolling away and swiftly getting to his feet, Naruto swung his switchblade, piercing him through the ribs, a bone already broken.
He rushed up to where he was pinned, the yakuza being pushed further and further back as he came.
That book has given me such nightmares. Was that world anything like that, by any chance?" "Well, not quite," Calvin replied, quietly. "Basically, crime really was rampant - and Biff created all these pollution-causing devices.
All the kids who died when their pollution-causing devices exploded made it into a world much like ours - but with no electricity.
Taylor is sure gonna piss her off about that. * * * It had been a tough day. Two children murdered, then covered in plastic and thrown into the river.
A bullet wound in his back.
The other wolves were too distracted to help. They had all finally managed to corner the bear. It seemed to notice how many wolves were there and now that they were all teaming up, he began to back away.
He looked at the wolves, then he looked at the bear that had already been vanquished.
Blood poured from Momoko's throat as she fell to the ground, neither of them having a chance to even scream. He breezed past them like nothing, approaching my little sister calmly. I slid in between them feeling my shins tear from the friction, my arms wrapped around the girl as the katana struck, my back to my enemy.
We fell with a crash and I was lying there, seeing my sweet, pretty little sister behead my enemy.
Frayed skin hung uselessly over the gaping cavity that had once been her torso, and pieces of tissue mixed with blood were scattered about her limp and motionless body. A smoky haze of Nobody vapor hovered above her like a storm cloud. Yet in stark contrast to this there was a radiant smile on her face, and her face was angelically peaceful.
Her golden blond hair was matted, strewn with dried blood and her pale, flawless porcelain skin was marred by dark bruises from multiple.