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We present a detailed characterization of the recently discovered i-$R$-Cd ($R$ = Y, Gd-Tm) binary quasicrystals by means of x-ray diffraction, temperature-dependent dc and ac magnetization, temperature-dependent resistance and temperature-dependent specific heat measurements. Structurally, the broadening of x-ray diffraction peaks found for i-$R$-Cd is dominated by frozen-in phason strain, which is essentially independent of $R$. i-Y-Cd is weakly diamagnetic and manifests a temperature-independent susceptibility. i-Gd-Cd can be characterized as a spin-glass below 4.6 K via dc magnetization cusp, a third order non-linear magnetic susceptibility peak, a frequency-dependent freezing temperature and a broad maximum in the specific heat. i-$R$-Cd ($R$ = Ho-Tm) is similar to i-Gd-Cd in terms of features observed in thermodynamic measurements. i-Tb-Cd and i-Dy-Cd do not show a clear cusp in their zero-field-cooled dc magnetization data, but instead show a more rounded, broad local maximum. The resistivity for i-$R$-Cd is of order 300 $\mu \Omega$ cm and weakly temperature-dependent. The characteristic freezing temperatures for i-$R$-Cd ($R$ = Gd-Tm) deviate from the de Gennes scaling, in a manner consistent with crystal electric field splitting induced local moment anisotropy. | Magnetic and transport properties of i-$R$-Cd icosahedral quasicrystals ($R$ = Y, Gd-Tm) |
We show that the equivariant small quantum $K$-group of a partial flag manifold is a quotient of that of the full flag manifold as a based ring. This yields a variant of the $K$-theoretic analogue of the parabolic version of Peterson's theorem [Lam-Shimozono, Acta Math. {\bf 204} (2010)] that exhibits different shape from the case of quantum cohomology. This note can be seen as an addendum to [K, arXiv:1805.01718 and arXiv:1810.07106]. | On quantum $K$-groups of partial flag manifolds |
We consider a class of domain-wall black hole solutions in the dilaton gravity with a Liouville-type dilaton potential. Using the surface counterterm approach we calculate the stress-energy tensor of quantum field theory (QFT) corresponding to the domain-wall black hole in the domain-wall/QFT correspondence. A brane universe is investigated in the domain-wall black hole background. When the tension term of the brane is equal to the surface counterterm, we find that the equation of motion of the brane can be mapped to the standard form of FRW equations, but with a varying gravitational constant on the brane. A Cardy-Verlinde-like formula is found, which relates the entropy density of the QFT to its energy density. At the moment when the brane crosses the black hole horizon of the background, the Cardy-Verlinde-like formula coincides with the Friedmann equation of the brane universe, and the Hubble entropy bound is saturated by the entropy of domain-wall black holes. | Holography and Brane Cosmology in Domain Wall Backgrounds |
The goal of this paper is to establish singular Adams type inequality for biharmonic operator on Heisenberg group. As an application, we establish the existence of a solution to \begin{equation*} \Delta_{\mathbb{H}^n}^2 u=\frac{f(\xi,u)}{\rho(\xi)^a}\,\,\text{ in }\Omega,\,\, u|_{\partial\Omega}=0=\left.\frac{\partial u}{\partial \nu}\right|_{\partial\Omega}, \end{equation*} where $0\in \Omega \subseteq \mathbb{H}^4$ is a smooth bounded domain, $0\leq a<Q,\,(Q=10).$ The special feature of this problem is that it contains an exponential nonlinearity and singular potential. | Singular Adams inequality for biharmonic operator on Heisenberg Group and its applications |
Events GW170817 and GRB 170817A provide the best confirmation so far that compact binary mergers where at least one of the companions is a neutron star (NS) can be the progenitors of short gamma-ray bursts (sGRBs). An open question for GW170817 remains the values and impact of the initial NS spins. The initial spins could possibly affect the remnant black hole (BH) mass and spin, the remnant disk and the formation and lifetime of a jet and its luminosity. Here we summarize our general relativistic magnetohydrodynamic simulations of spinning, NS binaries undergoing merger and delayed collapse to a BH. The binaries consist of two identical NSs, modeled as $\Gamma=2$ polytropes, in quasicircular orbit, each with spins $\chi_{\rm{NS}}=-0.053,\,0,\,0.24$, or $0.36$. The stars are endowed initially with a dipolar magnetic field extending from the interior into the exterior, as in a radio pulsar. Following merger, the redistribution of angular momentum by magnetic braking and magnetic turbulent viscosity in the hypermassive neutron star (HMNS) remnant, along with the loss of angular momentum due to gravitational radiation, induce the formation of a massive, nearly uniformly rotating inner core surrounded by a magnetized Keplerian disk-like envelope. The HMNS eventually collapses to a BH, with spin $a/M_{\rm BH} \simeq 0.78$ independent of the initial spin of the NSs, surrounded by a magnetized accretion disk. The larger the initial NS spin the heavier the disk. After $\Delta t\sim 3000-4000 M \sim 45-60(M_{\rm NS}/1.625M_\odot)\rm ms$ following merger, a mildly relativistic jet is launched. The lifetime of the jet [$\Delta t\sim 100-140(M_{\rm NS}/1.625M_\odot)\rm ms$] and its outgoing Poynting luminosity [$L_{\rm EM}\sim 10^{51.5\pm 1}\rm erg/s$] are consistent with typical sGRBs, as well as with the Blandford--Znajek mechanism for launching jets and their associated Poynting luminosities. | Effects of spin on magnetized binary neutron star mergers and jet launching |
The absolute neutrino mass scale is currently unknown, but can be constrained from cosmology. The WiggleZ high redshift star-forming blue galaxy sample is less sensitive to systematics from non-linear structure formation, redshift-space distortions and galaxy bias than previous surveys. We obtain a upper limit on the sum of neutrino masses of 0.60eV (95% confidence) for WiggleZ+Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe. Combining with priors on the Hubble Parameter and the baryon acoustic oscillation scale gives an upper limit of 0.29eV, which is the strongest neutrino mass constraint derived from spectroscopic galaxy redshift surveys. | The WiggleZ Dark Energy Survey: Cosmological neutrino mass constraint from blue high-redshift galaxies |
We propose a minimal model for spherical proteins with aeolotopic pair interactions to describe the equilibrium phase behavior of lysozyme. The repulsive screened Coulomb interactions between the particles are taken into account assuming that the net charges are smeared out homogeneously over the spherical protein surfaces. We incorporate attractive surface patches, with the interactions between patches on different spheres modeled by an attractive Yukawa potential. The parameters entering the attractive Yukawa potential part are determined using information on the experimentally accessed gas-liquid-like critical point. The Helmholtz free energy of the fluid and solid phases is calculated using second-order thermodynamic perturbation theory. Our predictions for the solubility curve are in fair agreement with experimental data. In addition, we present new experimental data for the gas-liquid coexistence curves at various salt concentrations and compare these with our model calculations. In agreement with earlier findings, we observe that the strength and the range of the attractive potential part only weakly depend on the salt content. | A simple patchy colloid model for the phase behavior of lysozyme dispersions |
We analyse the interacting theory of charged fermions, scalars, pseuso-scalars and photons propagating in 2-dimensional curved spacetime in detail. For certain values of the coupling constants the theory reduces to the gauged Thirring model and for others the Schwinger model incurved spacetime. It is shown that the interaction of the fermions with the pseudo-scalars shields the electromagnetic interaction, and that the non-minimal coupling of the scalars to the gravitational field amplifies the Hawking radiation. We solve the finite temperature and density model by using functional techniques and in particular derive the exact equation of state. The explicit temperature and curvature dependence of the chiral condensate is found. When the electromagnetic field is switched off the model reduces to a conformal field theory. We determine the physically relevant expectation values and conformal weights of the fundamental fields in the theory. | Generalized Gauged Thirring Model on Curved Space-Times |
In this paper, for a geometrically integral projective scheme, we will give an upper bound of the product of the norms of its non-geometrically integral reductions over an arbitrary number field. For this aim, we take the adelic viewpoint on this subject. | Control of the non-geometrically integral reductions |
We have updated the analysis for the solution to the solar neutrino problem by the long-wavelength neutrino oscillations induced by a tiny breakdown of the weak equivalence principle of general relativity, and obtained a very good fit to all the solar neutrino data. | Violation of Equivalence Principle and Solar Neutrinos |
We investigate the electronic properties in the Bloch electron on a square lattice with vacancies in the uniform magnetic field. We show that a single vacancy site introduced to the system creates a defect energy level in every single innumerable fractal energy gap in the Hofstadter butterfly. The wavefunctions of different defect levels have all different localization lengths depending on their fractal generations, and they can be described by a single universal function after an appropriate fractal scaling. We also show that each defect state has its own characteristic orbital magnetic moment, which is exactly correlated to the gradient of the energy level in the Hofstadter diagram. Probing the spatial nature of the defect-localized states provides a powerful way to elucidate the fractal nature of the Hofstadter butterfly. | Fractal defect states in the Hofstadter butterfly |
We analyze low-energy hyperon-nucleon scattering using an effective field theory in next-to-leading order. By fitting experimental cross sections for laboratory hyperon momenta below 200 MeV/c and using information from the hypertriton we determine twelve contact-interaction coefficients. Based on these we discuss the low-density expansion of hyperon mass shifts in the nuclear medium. | Hyperon-nucleon scattering and hyperon masses in the nuclear medium |
We present observations of the vdB 130 cluster vicinity in a narrow-band filter centered at a $2.12\,\mu$m molecular hydrogen line performed at the Caucasus Mountain Observatory of the Lomonosov Moscow State University. The observations reveal an H$_2$ emission shell around vdB 130, coincident with a bright infrared shell, visible in all \textit{Spitzer} bands. Also, numerous H$_{2}$ emission features are detected around infrared Blobs E and W and in the vicinity of a protocluster located to the east of the shell, in a tail of a cometary molecular cloud. H$_2$ emission in the vicinity of the vdB~130 cluster is mostly generated in well-developed \HII\ regions and is of fluorescent nature. In the protocluster area, isolated spots are observed, where H$_2$ emission is collisionally excited and is probably related to shocks in protostellar outflows. Obtained results are discussed in the context of possible sequential star formation in the vicinity of the vdB 130 cluster, triggered by the interaction of the expanding supershell surrounding the Cyg OB1 association with the molecular cloud and an associated molecular filament. | Analysis of the interstellar matter at the periphery of the supershell surrounding the CYG OB1 association in 2.12 micron molecular hydrogen line |
The diametral dimension is an important topological invariant in the category of Frechet spaces which has been used, e.g., to distinguish types of Stein manifolds. We introduce variants of the classical definition in order to solve an old conjecture of Bessaga, Mityagin, Pelczynski, and Rolewicz at least for nuclear Frechet spaces. Moreover, we clarify the relation between an invariant recently introduced by Terzioglu and the by now classical condition $(\bar \Omega)$ of Vogt and Wagner. | Diametral dimensions of Frechet spaces |
The exactness equation for Lepage 2-forms, associated with variational systems of ordinary differential equations on smooth manifolds, is analyzed with the aim to construct a concrete global variational principle. It is shown that locally variational systems defined by homogeneous functions of degree $c \neq 0, 1$ are automatically globally variational. A new constructive method of finding a global Lagrangian is described for these systems, which include for instance the geodesic equations in Riemann and Finsler geometry. | Exactness of Lepage 2-forms and globally variational differential equations |
We prove a Model Existence Theorem for a fully infinitary logic for metric structures. This result is based on a generalization of the notions of approximate formulas and approximate truth in normed structures introduced by Henson and studied in different forms by Anderson and Fajardo & Keisler. This theorem extends Henson's Compactness Theorem for approximate truth in normed space structures to infinitary formulas. | A Model Existence Theorem for Infinitary Formulas in Metric Spaces |
How did the universe evolve? The fine angular scale (l>1000) temperature and polarization anisotropies in the CMB are a Rosetta stone for understanding the evolution of the universe. Through detailed measurements one may address everything from the physics of the birth of the universe to the history of star formation and the process by which galaxies formed. One may in addition track the evolution of the dark energy and discover the net neutrino mass. We are at the dawn of a new era in which hundreds of square degrees of sky can be mapped with arcminute resolution and sensitivities measured in microKelvin. Acquiring these data requires the use of special purpose telescopes such as the Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT), located in Chile, and the South Pole Telescope (SPT). These new telescopes are outfitted with a new generation of custom mm-wave kilo-pixel arrays. Additional instruments are in the planning stages. | Observing the Evolution of the Universe |
Space and time resolved concentrations of Ar ($^{3}P_2$) metastable atoms at the exit of an atmospheric pressure radio-frequency micro-plasma jet were measured using tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy. The discharge features a coaxial geometry with a hollow capillary as an inner electrode and a ceramic tube with metal ring as outer electrode. Absorption profiles of metastable atoms as well as optical emission measurements reveal the dynamics and the filamentary structure of the discharge. The average spatial distribution of Ar metastables is characterized with and without a target in front of the jet, showing that the target potential and therewith the electric field distribution substantially changes the filaments' expansion. Together with the detailed analysis of the ignition phase and the discharge's behavior under pulsed operation, the results give an insight into the excitation and de-excitation mechanisms. | Argon metastable dynamics in a filamentary jet micro-discharge at atmospheric pressure |
We report the discovery of a large-amplitude oscillation in the hot subdwarf B star CS 1246 and present multi-colour photometry and time-resolved spectroscopy supporting this discovery. We used the 0.41-m PROMPT array to acquire data in the u', g', r', and i' filters simultaneously over 3 consecutive nights in 2009 April. These data reveal a single oscillation mode with a period of 371.707 +/- 0.002 s and an amplitude dependent upon wavelength, with a value of 34.5 +/- 1.6 mma in the u' filter. We detected no additional frequencies in any of the light curves. Subsequently, we used the 4.1-m SOAR telescope to acquire a time-series of 248 low-resolution spectra spanning 6 hrs to look for line profile variations. Models fits to the spectra give mean atmospheric values of Teff = 28450 +/- 700 K and log g = 5.46 +/- 0.11 undergoing variations with semi-amplitudes of 507 +/- 55 K and 0.034 +/- 0.009 dex, respectively. We also detect a radial velocity oscillation with an amplitude of 8.8 +/- 1.1 km/s. The relationship between the angular and physical radii variations shows the oscillation is consistent with a radial mode. Under the assumption of a radial pulsation, we compute the stellar distance, radius, and mass as d = 460 +/- 140 pc, R = 0.19 +/- 0.08 Rsun, and M = 0.39 +/- 0.22 Msun, respectively, using the Baade-Wesselink method. | Photometry and spectroscopy of the new sdBV CS 1246 |
We present results of interface-resolved simulations of heat transfer in suspensions of finite-size neutrally-buoyant spherical particles for solid volume fractions up to 35% and bulk Reynolds numbers from 500 to 5600. An Immersed Boundary-Volume of Fluid method is used to solve the energy equation in the fluid and solid phase. We relate the heat transfer to the regimes of particle motion previously identified, i.e. a viscous regime at low volume fractions and low Reynolds number, particle-laden turbulence at high Reynolds and moderate volume fraction and particulate regime at high volume fractions. We show that in the viscous dominated regime, the heat transfer is mainly due to thermal diffusion with enhancement due to the particle-induced fluctuations. In the turbulent-like regime, we observe the largest enhancement of the global heat transfer, dominated by the turbulent heat flux. In the particulate shear-thickening regime, however, the heat transfer enhancement decreases as mixing is quenched by the particle migration towards the channel core. As a result, a compact loosely-packed core region forms and the contribution of thermal diffusion to the total heat transfer becomes significant once again. The global heat transfer becomes, in these flows at volume fractions larger than 25%, lower than in single-phase turbulence. | Regimes of heat transfer in particle suspensions |
Multi-stage forceful manipulation tasks, such as twisting a nut on a bolt, require reasoning over interlocking constraints over discrete as well as continuous choices. The robot must choose a sequence of discrete actions, or strategy, such as whether to pick up an object, and the continuous parameters of each of those actions, such as how to grasp the object. In forceful manipulation tasks, the force requirements substantially impact the choices of both strategy and parameters. To enable planning and executing forceful manipulation, we augment an existing task and motion planner with controllers that exert wrenches and constraints that explicitly consider torque and frictional limits. In two domains, opening a childproof bottle and twisting a nut, we demonstrate how the system considers a combinatorial number of strategies and how choosing actions that are robust to parameter variations impacts the choice of strategy. | Planning for Multi-stage Forceful Manipulation |
Exceptional points are singularities of eigenvalues and eigenvectors for complex values of, say, an interaction parameter. They occur universally and are square root branch point singularities of the eigenvalues in the vicinity of level repulsions. The intricate connection between the distribution of exceptional points and particular fluctuation properties of level spacing is discussed. The distribution of the exceptional points of the problem $H_0+\lambda H_1$ is given for the situation of hard chaos. Theoretical predictions of local properties of exceptional points have recently been confirmed experimentally. This relates to the specific topological structure of an exceptional point as well as to the chiral properties of the wave functions associated with exceptional points. | Global and Local Aspects of Exceptional Point |
A broad family of phase transitions in the closed as well as open quantum systems is known to be mediated by a non-Hermitian degeneracy (a.k.a. exceptional point, EP) of the Hamiltonian. In the EP limit, in general, the merger of an $N-$plet of the energy eigenvalues is accompanied by a parallel (though not necessarily complete) degeneracy of eigenstates (forming an EP-asociated $K-$plet; in mathematics, $K$ is called the geometric multiplicity of the EP). In the literature, unfortunately, only the benchmark matrix models with $K=1$ can be found. In our paper the gap is filled: the EP-mediated quantum phase transitions with $K>1$ are called "clustered", and a family of benchmark models admitting such a clustering phenomenon is proposed and described. For the sake of maximal simplicity our attention is restricted to the real perturbed-harmonic-oscillator-type N by N matrix Hamiltonians which are exactly solvable and in which the perturbation is multiparametric (i.e., maximally variable) and antisymmetric (i.e., maximally non-Hermitian). A labeling (i.e., an exhaustive classification) of these models is provided by a specific partitioning of N. | Quantum phase transitions mediated by clustered non-Hermitian degeneracies |
Hierarchical triple stars are ideal laboratories for studying the interplay between orbital dynamics and stellar evolution. Both stellar wind mass loss and three-body dynamics cooperate to destabilise triples, which can lead to a variety of astrophysical exotica. So far our understanding of their evolution was mainly built upon results from extensive binary-single scattering experiments. Starting from generic initial conditions, we evolve an extensive set of hierarchical triples using a combination of the triple evolution code TRES and an N-body code. We find that the majority of triples preserve their hierarchy throughout their evolution, which is in contradiction with the commonly adopted picture that unstable triples always experience a chaotic, democratic resonant interaction. The duration of the unstable phase is much longer than expected, so that stellar evolution cannot be neglected. Typically an unstable triple dissolve into a single star and a binary; sometimes democratically (the initial hierarchy is lost and the lightest body usually escapes), but also in a hierarchical way (the tertiary is ejected in a slingshot, independent of its mass). Collisions are common, and mostly involve the two original inner binary components still on the main-sequence. This contradicts the idea that collisions with a giant during democratic encounters dominate. Together with collisions in stable triples, we find that triple evolution is the dominant mechanism for stellar collisions in the Milky Way. Furthermore, our simulations produce runaway and walk-away stars with speeds up to several tens km/s, with a maximum of a few 100km/s. We suggest that destabilised triples can alleviate the tension behind the origin of the observed run-away stars. Lastly, we present a promising indicator to make general predictions for the fate of a specific triple, based on the initial inclination of the system. | Stellar triples on the edge; Comprehensive overview of the evolution of destabilised triples leading to stellar and binary exotica |
We study the full counting statistics of heterostructures consisting of normal metal parts connected to a superconducting terminal. Assuming that coherent superconducting correlations are suppressed in the normal metals we show, using Keldysh-Nambu Green's functions, that the system can be mapped onto a purely normal system with twice the number of elements. For a superconducting beam splitter with several normal terminals we obtain general results for the counting statistics. | Full counting statistics of incoherent Andreev transport |
In this paper, we propose and develop an optimal nonconforming finite element method for the Stokes equations approximated by the Crouzix-Raviart element for velocity and the continuous linear element for pressure. Previous result in using the stabilization method for this finite element pair is improved and then proven to be stable. Then, optimal order error estimate is obtained and numerical results show the accuracy and robustness of the method. | An optimal nonconforming finite element method for the Stokes equations |
This paper develops a new class of exponential-type integrators where all the matrix exponentiations are performed in a single Krylov space of low dimension. The new family, called Lightly Implicit Krylov-Exponential (LIKE), is well suited for solving large scale systems of ODEs or semi-discrete PDEs. The time discretization and the Krylov space approximation are treated as a single computational process, and the Krylov space properties are an integral part of the new LIKE order condition theory developed herein. Consequently, LIKE methods require a small number of basis vectors determined solely by the temporal order of accuracy. The subspace size is independent of the ODE under consideration, and there is no need to monitor the errors in linear system solutions at each stage. Numerical results illustrate the favorable properties of new family of methods. | Exponential-Krylov methods for ordinary differential equations |
High resolution molecular line observations of CS, HCO+, C18O and N2H+ were obtained toward the starless globule FeSt 1-457 in order to investigate its kinematics and chemistry. The HCO+ and CS spectra show clear self-reversed and asymmetric profiles across the face of the globule. The sense of the observed asymmetry is indicative of the global presence of expansion motions in the outer layers of the globule. These motions appear to be subsonic and significantly below the escape velocity of the globule. Comparison of our observations with near-infrared extinction data indicate that the globule is gravitationally bound. Taken together these considerations lead us to suggest that the observed expansion has its origin in an oscillatory motion of the outer layers of the globule which itself is likely in a quasi-stable state near hydrostatic equilibrium. Analysis of the observed linewidths of CO and N2H+ confirm that thermal pressure is the dominant component of the cloud's internal support. A simple calculation suggests that the dominant mode of pulsation would be an l = 2 mode with a period of 0.3 Myr. Deformation of the globule due to the large amplitude l = 2 oscillation may be responsible for the double-peaked structure of the core detected in high resolution extinction maps. Detailed comparison of the molecular-line observations and extinction data provides evidence for significant depletion of C18O and perhaps HCO+ while N2H+ may be undepleted to a cloud depth of about 40 magnitudes of visual extinction. | The Dynamical State of the Starless Dense Core FeSt 1-457: A Pulsating Globule? |
Block modeling is widely used in studies on complex networks. The cornerstone model is the stochastic block model (SBM), widely used over the past decades. However, the SBM is limited in analyzing complex networks as the model is, in essence, a random graph model that cannot reproduce the basic properties of many complex networks, such as sparsity and heavy-tailed degree distribution. In this paper, we provide an edge exchangeable block model that incorporates such basic features and simultaneously infers the latent block structure of a given complex network. Our model is a Bayesian nonparametric model that flexibly estimates the number of blocks and takes into account the possibility of unseen nodes. Using one synthetic dataset and one real-world stock ownership dataset, we show that our model outperforms state-of-the-art SBMs for held-out link prediction tasks. | Nondiagonal Mixture of Dirichlet Network Distributions for Analyzing a Stock Ownership Network |
Recent work has demonstrated substantial gains on many NLP tasks and benchmarks by pre-training on a large corpus of text followed by fine-tuning on a specific task. While typically task-agnostic in architecture, this method still requires task-specific fine-tuning datasets of thousands or tens of thousands of examples. By contrast, humans can generally perform a new language task from only a few examples or from simple instructions - something which current NLP systems still largely struggle to do. Here we show that scaling up language models greatly improves task-agnostic, few-shot performance, sometimes even reaching competitiveness with prior state-of-the-art fine-tuning approaches. Specifically, we train GPT-3, an autoregressive language model with 175 billion parameters, 10x more than any previous non-sparse language model, and test its performance in the few-shot setting. For all tasks, GPT-3 is applied without any gradient updates or fine-tuning, with tasks and few-shot demonstrations specified purely via text interaction with the model. GPT-3 achieves strong performance on many NLP datasets, including translation, question-answering, and cloze tasks, as well as several tasks that require on-the-fly reasoning or domain adaptation, such as unscrambling words, using a novel word in a sentence, or performing 3-digit arithmetic. At the same time, we also identify some datasets where GPT-3's few-shot learning still struggles, as well as some datasets where GPT-3 faces methodological issues related to training on large web corpora. Finally, we find that GPT-3 can generate samples of news articles which human evaluators have difficulty distinguishing from articles written by humans. We discuss broader societal impacts of this finding and of GPT-3 in general. | Language Models are Few-Shot Learners |
Expository paper discussing AG or Goppa codes arising from curves, first from an abstract general perspective then turning to concrete examples associated to modular curves. We will try to explain these extremely technical ideas using a special case at a level to a typical graduate student with some background in modular forms, number theory, group theory, and algebraic geometry. Many examples using MAGMA are included. | Remarks on codes from modular curves: MAGMA applications |
A mimetic spectral element discretization, utilizing a novel Galerkin projection Hodge star operator, of the macroscopic Maxwell equations in Hamiltonian form is presented. The idea of splitting purely topological and metric dependent quantities is natural in the Hamiltonian modeling framework as the Poisson bracket is metric free with the Hamiltonian containing all metric information. This idea may be incorporated into the mimetic spectral element method by directly discretizing the Poincar\'e duality structure. This "split exterior calculus mimetic spectral element method" yields spatially discretized Maxwell's equations which are Hamiltonian and exactly and strongly conserve Gauss's laws. Moreover, the new discrete Hodge star operator is itself of interest as a partition of the purely topological and metric dependent portions of the Hodge star operator. As a simple test case, the numerical results of applying this method to a one-dimensional version of Maxwell's equations are given. | A mimetic discretization of the macroscopic Maxwell equations in Hamiltonian form |
Topological edge states are the core of topological photonics. Here we introduce the antihelical edge states of time-reversal symmetric topological metals and propose a photonic realization in an anisotropic square lattice of coupled ring resonators, where the clockwise and counterclockwise modes play the role of pseudospins. The antihelical edge states robustly propagate across the corners toward the diagonal of the square lattice: The same (opposite) pseudospins copropagate in the same (opposite) direction on the parallel lattice boundaries; the different pseudospins separate and converge at the opposite corners. The antihelical edge states in the topological metallic phase alter to the helical edge states in the topological insulating phase under a metal-insulator phase transition. The antihelical edge states provide a unique manner of topologically-protected robust light transport applicable for topological purification. Our findings create new opportunities for topological photonics and metamaterials. | Antihelical Edge States in Two-dimensional Photonic Topological Metals |
The concept of the $M$-decomposition was introduced by Cockburn et al.\ in Math. Comp.\ vol.\ 86 (2017), pp.\ 1609-1641 {to provide criteria to guarantee optimal convergence rates for the Hybridizable Discontinuous Galerkin (HDG) method for coercive elliptic problems}. In that paper they systematically constructed superconvergent hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin (HDG) methods to approximate the solutions of elliptic PDEs on unstructured meshes. In this paper, we use the $M$-decomposition to construct HDG methods for the Maxwell's equations on unstructured meshes in two dimension. In particular, we show the any choice of spaces having an $M$-decomposition, together with sufficiently rich auxiliary spaces, has an optimal error estimate and superconvergence even though the problem is not in general coercive. Unlike the elliptic case, we obtain a superconvergent rate for the curl of the solution, not the solution, and this is confirmed by our numerical experiments. | Superconvergent HDG methods for Maxwell's equations via the $M$-decomposition |
Several approximations are made to study the microcanonical formalism that are valid in the thermodynamics limit. Usually it is assumed that: 1)Stirling approximation can be used to evaluate the number of microstates; 2) the surface entropy can be replace by the volumen entropy; and 3)derivatives can be used even if the energy is not a continuous variable. It is also assumed that the results obtained from the microcanonical formalism agree with those from the canonical one. However, it is not clear if these assumptions are right for very small systems (10-100 particles). To answer this questions, two systems with exact solutions (the Einstein model of a solid and the two-level system)have been solve with and without these approximations. | Thermostatistics of small systems: Exact results in the microcanonical formalism |
We prove the vanishing of certain low degree cohomologies of some induced representations. As an application, we determine certain low degree cohomologies of congruence groups. | Low degree cohomologies of congruence groups |
The present paper studies non-uniform plastic deformations of crystals undergoing anti-plane constrained shear. The asymptotically exact energy density of crystals containing a moderately large density of excess dislocations is found by the averaging procedure. This energy density is extrapolated to the cases of extremely small or large dislocation densities. By incorporating the configurational temperature and the density of redundant dislocations, we develop the thermodynamic dislocation theory for non-uniform plastic deformations and use it to predict the stress-strain curves and the dislocation densities. | Non-uniform plastic deformations of crystals undergoing anti-plane constrained shear |
A quantity which measures total intrinsic spin along the z axis is constructed for planar gravity (fields dependent on z and t only), in both the Ashtekar complex connection formalism and in geometrodynamics. The total spin is conserved but (surprisingly) is not a surface term. This constant of the motion coincides with one of four observables previously discovered by Husain and Smolin. Two more of those observables can be interpreted physically as raising and lowering operators for total spin. | Total intrinsic spin for plane gravity waves |
As Deep Learning continues to yield successful applications in Computer Vision, the ability to quantify all forms of uncertainty is a paramount requirement for its safe and reliable deployment in the real-world. In this work, we leverage the formulation of variational inference in function space, where we associate Gaussian Processes (GPs) to both Bayesian CNN priors and variational family. Since GPs are fully determined by their mean and covariance functions, we are able to obtain predictive uncertainty estimates at the cost of a single forward pass through any chosen CNN architecture and for any supervised learning task. By leveraging the structure of the induced covariance matrices, we propose numerically efficient algorithms which enable fast training in the context of high-dimensional tasks such as depth estimation and semantic segmentation. Additionally, we provide sufficient conditions for constructing regression loss functions whose probabilistic counterparts are compatible with aleatoric uncertainty quantification. | Scalable Uncertainty for Computer Vision with Functional Variational Inference |
While traditional HPC has and continues to satisfy most workflows, a new generation of researchers has emerged looking for sophisticated, scalable, on-demand, and self-service control of compute infrastructure in a cloud-like environment. Many also seek safe harbors to operate on or store sensitive and/or controlled-access data in a high capacity environment. To cater to these modern users, the Minnesota Supercomputing Institute designed and deployed Stratus, a locally-hosted cloud environment powered by the OpenStack platform, and backed by Ceph storage. The subscription-based service complements existing HPC systems by satisfying the following unmet needs of our users: a) on-demand availability of compute resources, b) long-running jobs (i.e., $> 30$ days), c) container-based computing with Docker, and d) adequate security controls to comply with controlled-access data requirements. This document provides an in-depth look at the design of Stratus with respect to security and compliance with the NIH's controlled-access data policy. Emphasis is placed on lessons learned while integrating OpenStack and Ceph features into a so-called "walled garden", and how those technologies influenced the security design. Many features of Stratus, including tiered secure storage with the introduction of a controlled-access data "cache", fault-tolerant live-migrations, and fully integrated two-factor authentication, depend on recent OpenStack and Ceph features. | Leveraging OpenStack and Ceph for a Controlled-Access Data Cloud |
We present a uniform catalog of accurate distances to local molecular clouds informed by the Gaia DR2 data release. Our methodology builds on that of Schlafly et al. (2014). First, we infer the distance and extinction to stars along sightlines towards the clouds using optical and near-infrared photometry. When available, we incorporate knowledge of the stellar distances obtained from Gaia DR2 parallax measurements. We model these per-star distance-extinction estimates as being caused by a dust screen with a 2-D morphology derived from Planck at an unknown distance, which we then fit for using a nested sampling algorithm. We provide updated distances to the Schlafly et al. (2014) sightlines towards the Dame et al. (2001) and Magnani et al. (1985) clouds, finding good agreement with the earlier work. For a subset of 27 clouds, we construct interactive pixelated distance maps to further study detailed cloud structure, and find several clouds which display clear distance gradients and/or are comprised of multiple components. We use these maps to determine robust average distances to these clouds. The characteristic combined uncertainty on our distances is approximately 5-6%, though this can be higher for clouds at farther distances, due to the limitations of our single-cloud model. | A Large Catalog of Accurate Distances to Local Molecular Clouds: The Gaia DR2 Edition |
The inverse problem method is tested for a class of mean field statistical mechanics models representing a mixture of particles of different species. The robustness of the inversion is investigated for different values of the physical parameters, system sizes and independent samples. We show how to reconstruct the parameter values with a precision of a few percentages. | Inverse problem robustness for multi-species mean field spin models |
Motivated by 5d rank 2 SCFTs, we construct a smooth, non-compact Calabi-Yau 3-fold $X$ containing a rank 2 shrinkable surface $S=S_1\cup S_2$ glued over a smooth curve. This construction will be a generalization of the construction of a local surface for a smooth surface $S$ | Local Calabi-Yau 3-folds for some rank 2 shrinkable surfaces |
We report the use of plasma-enhanced atomic layer deposition (PEALD) to fabricate single-electron transistors (SETs) featuring ultra-thin (~1 nm) tunnel-transparent SiO2 in Ni-SiO2-Ni tunnel junctions. We show that as a result of the O2 plasma steps in PEALD of SiO2, the top surface of the underlying Ni electrode is oxidized. Additionally, the bottom surface of the upper Ni layer is also oxidized where it is in contact with the deposited SiO2, most likely as a result of oxygen-containing species on the surface of the SiO2. Due to the presence of these surface parasitic layers of NiO, which exhibit features typical of thermally activated transport, the resistance of Ni-SiO2-Ni tunnel junctions is drastically increased. Moreover, the transport mechanism is changed from quantum tunneling through the dielectric barrier to one consistent with thermally activated resistors in series with tunnel junctions. The reduction of NiO to Ni is therefore required to restore the metal-insulator-metal (MIM) structure of the junctions. Rapid thermal annealing in a forming gas ambient at elevated temperatures is presented as a technique to reduce both parasitic oxide layers. This method is of great interest for devices that rely on MIM tunnel junctions with ultra-thin barriers. Using this technique, we successfully fabricated MIM SETs with minimal trace of parasitic NiO component. We demonstrate that the properties of the tunnel barrier in nanoscale tunnel junctions can be evaluated by electrical characterization of SETs. | Experimental Demonstration of Single Electron Transistors Featuring SiO2 PEALD in Ni-SiO2-Ni Tunnel Junctions |
In this sequel to [1], we take up a second approach in bending the Bruhat-Tits tree. Inspired by the BTZ black hole connection, we demonstrate that one can transplant it to the Bruhat-Tits tree, at the cost of defining a novel "exponential function" on the p-adic numbers that is hinted by the BT tree. We demonstrate that the PGL$(2,Q_p)$ Wilson lines [2] evaluated on this analogue BTZ connection is indeed consistent with correlation functions of a CFT at finite temperatures. We demonstrate that these results match up with the tensor network reconstruction of the p-adic AdS/CFT with a different cutoff surface at the asymptotic boundary, and give explicit coordinate transformations that relate the analogue p-adic BTZ background and the "pure" Bruhat-Tits tree background. This is an interesting demonstration that despite the purported lack of descendents in p-adic CFTs, there exists non-trivial local Weyl transformations in the CFT corresponding to diffeomorphism in the Bruhat-Tits tree. | Bending the Bruhat-Tits Tree II: the p-adic BTZ Black hole and Local Diffeomorphism on the Bruhat-Tits Tree |
High-Entropy Materials are composed of multiple elements on comparatively simpler lattices. Due to the multicomponent nature of such materials, the atomic scale sampling is computationally expensive due to the combinatorial complexity. We propose a genetic algorithm based methodology for sampling such complex chemically-disordered materials. Genetic Algorithm based Atomistic Sampling Protocol (GAASP) variants can generate low and well as high-energy structures. GAASP low-energy variant in conjugation with metropolis criteria avoids the premature convergence as well as ensures the detailed balance condition. GAASP can be employed to generate the low-energy structures for thermodynamic predictions as well as diverse structures can be generated for machine learning applications. | GAASP: Genetic Algorithm Based Atomistic Sampling Protocol for High-Entropy Materials |
NU Ori is a massive spectroscopic and visual binary in the Orion Nebula Cluster, with 4 components: Aa, Ab, B, and C. The B0.5 primary (Aa) is one of the most massive B-type stars reported to host a magnetic field. We report the detection of a spectroscopic contribution from the C component in high-resolution ESPaDOnS spectra, which is also detected in a Very Large Telescope Interferometer (VLTI) dataset. Radial velocity (RV) measurements of the inner binary (designated Aab) yield an orbital period of 14.3027(7) d. The orbit of the third component (designated C) was constrained using both RVs and interferometry. We find C to be on a mildly eccentric 476(1) d orbit. Thanks to spectral disentangling of mean line profiles obtained via least-squares deconvolution we show that the Zeeman Stokes $V$ signature is clearly associated with C, rather than Aa as previously assumed. The physical parameters of the stars were constrained using both orbital and evolutionary models, yielding $M_{\rm Aa} = 14.9 \pm 0.5 M_\odot$, $M_{\rm Ab} = 3.9 \pm 0.7 M_\odot$, and $M_{\rm C} = 7.8 \pm 0.7 M_\odot$. The rotational period obtained from longitudinal magnetic field $\langle B_z \rangle$ measurements is $P_{\rm rot} = 1.09468(7)$ d, consistent with previous results. Modeling of $\langle B_z \rangle$ indicates a surface dipole magnetic field strength of $\sim 8$ kG. NU Ori C has a magnetic field strength, rotational velocity, and luminosity similar to many other stars exhibiting magnetospheric H$\alpha$ emission, and we find marginal evidence of emission at the expected level ($\sim$1% of the continuum). | NU Ori: a hierarchical triple system with a strongly magnetic B-type star |
A moir\'{e} pattern occurs when two periodic structures in a system have a slight mismatch period, resulting the coexistence of distinct phases in different large-scale spacial regions of the same system. Two periodic structures can arise from periodic electric and magnetic fields, respectively. We investigated the moir\'{e} pattern via a dimerized Kitaev spin chain with a periodic transverse field, which can be mapped onto the system of dimerized spinless fermions with p-wave superconductivity. The exact solution for staggered field demonstrated that the ground state has two distinct phases: (i) Neel magnetic phase for nonzero field, (ii) Spin liquid phase due to the emergence of isolated flat Bogoliubov--de Gennes band for vanishing field. We computed the staggered magnetization and local density of states (\textrm{LDOS}) for the field with a slight difference period to the chain lattice. Numerical simulation demonstrated that such two phases appear alternatively along the chain with a long beat period. Additionally, we proposed a dynamic scheme to detect the Moir\'{e} fringes based on the measurement of Loschmidt echo (\textrm{LE}) in the presence of local perturbation. | Moir\'{e} pattern of spin liquid and Neel magnet in a Kitaev chain |
Managing shared mutable states in high concurrency state access operations is a persistent challenge in Network Functions Virtualization (NFV). This is particularly true when striving to meet chain output equivalence (COE) requirements. This paper presents TransNFV, an innovative NFV framework that incorporates transactional semantics to optimize NFV state management. The TransNFV integrates VNF state access operations as transactions, resolves transaction dependencies, schedules transactions dynamically, and executes transactions efficiently. Initial findings suggest that TransNFV maintains shared VNF state consistency, meets COE requirements, and skillfully handles complex cross-flow states in dynamic network conditions. TransNFV thus provides a promising solution to enhance state management and overall performance in future NFV platforms. | TransNFV: Integrating Transactional Semantics for Efficient State Management in Virtual Network Functions |
The effect of scalar and vector meson mixing on the dilepton radiation from hot and dense hadronic matter is estimated in different isospin channels. In particular, we study the effect of $\sigma$-$\omega$ and $\rho-a_0$ mixing and calculate the corresponding rates. Effects are found to be significant compared to standard $\pi$-$\pi$ and $K$-${\bar K}$ annihilations. While the mixing in the isoscalar channel mostly gives a contribution in the invariant mass range between the two-pion threshold and the $\omega$ peak, the isovector channel mixing induces an additional peak just below that of the $\phi$. Experimentally, the dilepton signals from $\rho$-$a_0$ mixing seem to be more tractable than those from $\sigma$-$\omega$ mixing. | The effects of meson mixing on dilepton spectra |
Given a point A in the real Grassmannian, it is well-known that one can construct a soliton solution u_A(x,y,t) to the KP equation. The contour plot of such a solution provides a tropical approximation to the solution when the variables x, y, and t are considered on a large scale and the time t is fixed. In this paper we use several decompositions of the Grassmannian in order to gain an understanding of the contour plots of the corresponding soliton solutions. First we use the positroid stratification of the real Grassmannian in order to characterize the unbounded line-solitons in the contour plots at y>>0 and y<<0. Next we introduce a refinement of the positroid stratification -- the Deodhar decomposition of the Grassmannian -- which is defined to be the projection of Deodhar's decomposition of the complete flag variety. We index the components of the Deodhar decomposition of the Grassmannian by certain tableaux which we call Go-diagrams, and then use these Go-diagrams to characterize the contour plots of solitons solutions when t<<0. Finally we use these results to show that a soliton solution u_A(x,y,t) is regular for all times t if and only if A comes from the totally non-negative part of the Grassmannian. | The Deodhar decomposition of the Grassmannian and the regularity of KP solitons |
We consider four dimensional quantum field theories which have a continuous manifold of inequivalent exact ground states -- a moduli space of vacua. Classically, the singular points on the moduli space are associated with extra massless particles. Quantum mechanically these singularities can be smoothed out. Alternatively, new massless states appear there. These may be the elementary massless particles or new massless bound states. | Exact Results on the Space of Vacua of Four Dimensional SUSY Gauge Theories |
We constructed 70 SuperNova IDentification (SNID; Blondin & Tonry 2007) supernova (SN) templates using 640 spectra of stripped-envelope core-collapse SNe (SESNe) published by Modjaz et al. (2014). Fifty-six SN templates which are constructed from 458 spectra are brand new, increasing the number of SESNe and the number of SESNe spectra in the current SNID database by a factor of 2.6 and 2.0, respectively. We also made some type and phase refinements to templates in the current SNID database. | SuperNova IDentification spectral templates of 70 stripped-envelope core-collapse supernovae |
We consider the problem of learning a forest of nonlinear decision rules with general loss functions. The standard methods employ boosted decision trees such as Adaboost for exponential loss and Friedman's gradient boosting for general loss. In contrast to these traditional boosting algorithms that treat a tree learner as a black box, the method we propose directly learns decision forests via fully-corrective regularized greedy search using the underlying forest structure. Our method achieves higher accuracy and smaller models than gradient boosting (and Adaboost with exponential loss) on many datasets. | Learning Nonlinear Functions Using Regularized Greedy Forest |
We propose a novel scheme to generate entanglement among quantum-dot-based charge qubits via sequential electron transfer in an auxiliary quantum dot structure whose transport properties are conditioned by qubit states. The transfer protocol requires the utilization of resonant optical pulses combined with an appropriate voltage gate pattern. As an example illustrating the application of this scheme, we examine the nine-qubit Shor code state preparation together with the error syndrome measurement. | Charge qubit entanglement via conditional single-electron transfer in an array of quantum dots |
Due to the fact that fully supervised semantic segmentation methods require sufficient fully-labeled data to work well and can not generalize to unseen classes, few-shot segmentation has attracted lots of research attention. Previous arts extract features from support and query images, which are processed jointly before making predictions on query images. The whole process is based on convolutional neural networks (CNN), leading to the problem that only local information is used. In this paper, we propose a TRansformer-based Few-shot Semantic segmentation method (TRFS). Specifically, our model consists of two modules: Global Enhancement Module (GEM) and Local Enhancement Module (LEM). GEM adopts transformer blocks to exploit global information, while LEM utilizes conventional convolutions to exploit local information, across query and support features. Both GEM and LEM are complementary, helping to learn better feature representations for segmenting query images. Extensive experiments on PASCAL-5i and COCO datasets show that our approach achieves new state-of-the-art performance, demonstrating its effectiveness. | Boosting Few-shot Semantic Segmentation with Transformers |
This paper analyzes the new affiliation feature available in Google-Scholar Citations revealing that the affiliation-tool works well for most-institutions, it is unable to detect all existing institutions in database, and it is not always able to create unique-standardized entry for each-institution. | The lost academic home: institutional affiliation links in Google Scholar Citations |
Defining P* to be the complete lattice of upsets (ordered by reverse inclusion) of a poset P we give necessary and sufficient conditions on a subset S of P* for P to admit a meet-completion e from P to Q where e preserves the infimum of an upwardly closed set from P if and only if it is in S. We show that given S satisfying these conditions the set M of these completions forms a topped weakly lower semimodular lattice. In particular, when P is finite M is a lower semimodular lattice, and a lower bounded homomorphic image of a free lattice. We provide an example where M does not have a bottom element. | Preserving meets in meet-dense poset completions |
CVXPY is a domain-specific language for convex optimization embedded in Python. It allows the user to express convex optimization problems in a natural syntax that follows the math, rather than in the restrictive standard form required by solvers. CVXPY makes it easy to combine convex optimization with high-level features of Python such as parallelism and object-oriented design. CVXPY is available at http://www.cvxpy.org/ under the GPL license, along with documentation and examples. | CVXPY: A Python-Embedded Modeling Language for Convex Optimization |
We prove the super-exponential decay of probabilities that there exist $n$ crossings of a given quadrilateral in a simple $\text{CLE}_\kappa(\Omega)$, $\frac{8}{3}<\kappa\le 4$, as $n$ goes to infinity. Besides being of independent interest, this also provides the missing ingredient in arXiv:1809.00690 for proving the convergence of probabilities of cylindrical events for the double-dimer loop ensembles to those for the nested $\text{CLE}_4(\Omega)$. | On the crossing estimates for simple conformal loop ensembles |
Objective: For real-time markerless tumour tracking in stereotactic lung radiotherapy, we propose a different approach which uses patient-specific deep learning (DL) using a personalized data generation strategy, avoiding the need for collection of a large patient data set. We validated our strategy with digital phantom simulation and epoxy phantom studies. Methods: We developed lung tumour tracking for radiotherapy using a convolutional neural network trained for each phantom's lesion by using multiple digitally reconstructed radiographs (DRRs) generated from each phantom's treatment planning 4D-CT. We trained tumour-bone differentiation using large numbers of training DRRs generated with various projection geometries to simulate tumour motion. We solved the problem of using DRRs for training and X-ray images for tracking by using the training DRRs with random contrast transformation and random noise addition. Results: We defined adequate tracking accuracy as the % frames satisfying < 1 mm tracking error of the isocentre. In the simulation study, we achieved 100% tracking accuracy in 3-cm spherical and 1.5 x 2.25 x 3-cm ovoid masses. In the phantom study, we achieved 100% and 94.7% tracking accuracy in 3- and 2-cm spherical masses, respectively. This required 32.5 ms/frame (30.8 fps) real-time processing. Conclusions: We proved the potential feasibility of a real-time markerless tumour tracking framework for stereotactic lung radiotherapy based on patient-specific DL with personalized data generation with digital phantom and epoxy phantom studies. Advances in Knowledge: Using DL with personalized data generation is an efficient strategy for real-time lung tumour tracking. | Real-time markerless tumour tracking with patient-specific deep learning using a personalized data generation strategy: Proof of concept by phantom study |
We measure resistively the mean-field superconducting-normal phase boundaries of both kagome and honeycomb wire networks immersed in a transverse magnetic field. In addition to their agreement with theory about the overall shapes of phase diagrams, they show striking one-to-one correspondence between the cusps in the honeycomb and kagome phase boundaries. This correspondence is due to their geometric arrangements and agrees with Lin and Nori's recent calculation. We also find that for the frustrated honeycomb network at f=1/2, the current patterns in the superconducting phase differ between the low-temperature London regime and the higher-temperature Ginzburg-Landau regime near T_c. | Comparison of Phase Boundaries between Kagome and Honeycomb Superconducting Wire Networks |
Generalizing the 't Hooft and Veltman method of unitary regulators, we demonstrate for the first time the existence of local, Lorentz-invariant, physically motivated Lagrangians of quantum-electrodynamic phenomena such that: (i) Feynman diagrams are finite and equal the diagrams of QED but with regularized propagators. (ii) N-point Green functions are C-, P-, and T-invariant up to a phase factor, Lorentz-invariant and causal. (iii) No auxiliary particles or parameters are introduced. | Realistic regularization of the QED Green functions |
This paper focuses on the problem of controlling self-interested drivers in ride-sourcing applications. Each driver has the objective of maximizing its profit, while the ride-sourcing company focuses on customer experience by seeking to minimizing the expected wait time for pick-up. These objectives are not usually aligned, and the company has no direct control on the waiting locations of the drivers. In this paper, we provide two indirect control methods to optimize the set of waiting locations of the drivers, thereby minimizing the expected wait time of the customers: 1) sharing the location of all drivers with a subset of drivers, and 2) paying the drivers to relocate. We show that finding the optimal control for each method is NP-hard and we provide algorithms to find near-optimal control in each case. We evaluate the performance of the proposed control methods on real-world data and show that we can achieve between 20% to 80% improvement in the expected response. | On Re-Balancing Self-Interested Agents in Ride-Sourcing Transportation Networks |
A "continuous measurement" Quantum Zeno Effect (QZE) in the context of trapped ions is predicted. We describe the physical system and study its exact time evolution showing the appearance of Zeno Phenomena. New indicators for the occurrence of QZE in oscillatory systems are proposed and carefully discussed. | Quantum Zeno Effect in Trapped Ions |
We present integral-field spectroscopy of 27 galaxies in the Coma cluster observed with the Oxford SWIFT spectrograph, exploring the kinematic morphology-density relationship in a cluster environment richer and denser than any in the ATLAS3D survey. Our new data enables comparison of the kinematic morphology relation in three very different clusters (Virgo, Coma and Abell 1689) as well as to the field/group environment. The Coma sample was selected to match the parent luminosity and ellipticity distributions of the early-type population within a radius 15' (0.43 Mpc) of the cluster centre, and is limited to r' = 16 mag (equivalent to M_K = -21.5 mag), sampling one third of that population. From analysis of the lambda-ellipticity diagram, we find 15+-6% of early-type galaxies are slow rotators; this is identical to the fraction found in the field and the average fraction in the Virgo cluster, based on the ATLAS3D data. It is also identical to the average fraction found recently in Abell 1689 by D'Eugenio et al.. Thus it appears that the average slow rotator fraction of early type galaxies remains remarkably constant across many different environments, spanning five orders of magnitude in galaxy number density. However, within each cluster the slow rotators are generally found in regions of higher projected density, possibly as a result of mass segregation by dynamical friction. These results provide firm constraints on the mechanisms that produce early-type galaxies: they must maintain a fixed ratio between the number of fast rotators and slow rotators while also allowing the total early-type fraction to increase in clusters relative to the field. A complete survey of Coma, sampling hundreds rather than tens of galaxies, could probe a more representative volume of Coma and provide significantly stronger constraints, particularly on how the slow rotator fraction varies at larger radii. | Fast and Slow Rotators in the Densest Environments: a SWIFT IFS study of the Coma Cluster |
We develop a new master equation as a unified description of the effects of both quantum noise (system-bath interaction) and classical noise on a system's dynamics, using a two-dimensional series expansion method. When quantum and classical noises are both present, their combined effect on a system's dynamics is not necessarily a simple sum of the two individual effects. Thus previous master equations for open systems and those for classical noise, even when jointly used, may not capture the full physics. Our formalism can determine whether there is interference between quantum and classical noises and will be able to capture and describe such interference if there is any (in a perturbative manner). We find that, interestingly, second-order interference between quantum and classical noises vanishes identically. This work thus also serves to justify simple additive treatments of quantum and classical noises, especially in the weak coupling regime. For a Zeeman-splitted atom in a stochastic magnetic field interacting with an optical cavity, we use the formalism developed herein to find the overall decoherence rate between the atom's energy levels. | Unifying the dynamical effects of quantum and classical noises |
It can be insightful to extend qualitative studies with a secondary quantitative analysis (where the former suggests insightful questions that the latter can answer). Documenting developer beliefs should be the start, not the end, of Software Engineering research. Once prevalent beliefs are found, they should be checked against real-world data. For example, this paper finds several notable discrepancies between empirical evidence and the developer beliefs documented in Wan et al.'s recent TSE paper "Perceptions, expectations, and challenges in defect prediction". By reporting these discrepancies we can stop developers (a) wasting time on inconsequential matters or (b) ignoring important effects. For the future, we would encourage more "extension studies" of prior qualitative results with quantitative empirical evidence. | Assessing Developer Beliefs: A Reply to "Perceptions, Expectations, and Challenges in Defect Prediction" |
By assuming an aspherical stellar wind with an equatorial disk from a red giant, we investigate the production of Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) via symbiotic channel. We estimate that the Galactic birthrate of SNe Ia via symbiotic channel is between $1.03\times 10^{-3}$ and $2.27\times 10^{-5}$ yr$^{-1}$, the delay time of SNe Ia has wide range from $\sim$ 0.07 to 5 Gyr. The results are greatly affected by the outflow velocity and mass-loss rate of the equatorial disk. Using our model, we discuss the progenitors of SN 2002ic and SN 2006X. | An Alternative Symbiotic Channel to Type Ia Supernovae |
This thesis assesses the influence of astronomical phenomena on the Earth's biosphere and climate. I examine in particular the relevance of both the path of the Sun through the Galaxy and the evolution of the Earth's orbital parameters in modulating non-terrestrial mechanisms. I build models to predict the extinction rate of species, the temporal variation of the impact cratering rate and ice sheet deglaciations, and then compare these models with other models within a Bayesian framework. I find that the temporal distribution of mass extinction events over the past 550 Myr can be explained just as well by a uniform random distribution as by other models, such as variations in the stellar density local to the Sun arising from the Sun's orbit. Given the uncertainties in the Galaxy model and the Sun's current phase space coordinates, as well as the errors in the geological data, it is not possible to draw a clear connection between terrestrial extinction and the solar motion. In a separate study, I find that the solar motion, which modulates the Galactic tidal forces imposed on Oort cloud comets, does not significantly influence this cratering rate. My dynamical models, together with the solar apex motion, can explain the anisotropic perihelia of long period comets without needing to invoke the existence of a Jupiter-mass solar companion. Finally, I find that variations in the Earth's obliquity play a dominant role in triggering terrestrial deglaciations over the past 2 Myr. The precession of the equinoxes, in contrast, only becomes important in pacing large deglaciations after the transition from the 100-kyr dominant periodicity in the ice coverage to a 41-kyr dominant periodicity, which occurred 0.7 Myr ago. | Investigations into the impact of astronomical phenomena on the terrestrial biosphere and climate |
Visual Attention Networks (VAN) with Large Kernel Attention (LKA) modules have been shown to provide remarkable performance, that surpasses Vision Transformers (ViTs), on a range of vision-based tasks. However, the depth-wise convolutional layer in these LKA modules incurs a quadratic increase in the computational and memory footprints with increasing convolutional kernel size. To mitigate these problems and to enable the use of extremely large convolutional kernels in the attention modules of VAN, we propose a family of Large Separable Kernel Attention modules, termed LSKA. LSKA decomposes the 2D convolutional kernel of the depth-wise convolutional layer into cascaded horizontal and vertical 1-D kernels. In contrast to the standard LKA design, the proposed decomposition enables the direct use of the depth-wise convolutional layer with large kernels in the attention module, without requiring any extra blocks. We demonstrate that the proposed LSKA module in VAN can achieve comparable performance with the standard LKA module and incur lower computational complexity and memory footprints. We also find that the proposed LSKA design biases the VAN more toward the shape of the object than the texture with increasing kernel size. Additionally, we benchmark the robustness of the LKA and LSKA in VAN, ViTs, and the recent ConvNeXt on the five corrupted versions of the ImageNet dataset that are largely unexplored in the previous works. Our extensive experimental results show that the proposed LSKA module in VAN provides a significant reduction in computational complexity and memory footprints with increasing kernel size while outperforming ViTs, ConvNeXt, and providing similar performance compared to the LKA module in VAN on object recognition, object detection, semantic segmentation, and robustness tests. | Large Separable Kernel Attention: Rethinking the Large Kernel Attention Design in CNN |
Exotic spinor fields arise from inequivalent spin structures on non-trivial topological manifolds, $M$. This induces an additional term in the Dirac operator, defined by the cohomology group $H^1(M,\mathbb{Z}_2)$ that rules a Cech cohomology class. This formalism is extended for manifolds of any finite dimension, endowed with a metric of arbitrary signature. The exotic corrections to heat kernel coefficients, relating spectral properties of exotic Dirac operators to the geometric invariants of $M$, are derived and scrutinized. | Hearing the shape of inequivalent spin structures and exotic Dirac operators |
This report summarizes the second International Verification of Neural Networks Competition (VNN-COMP 2021), held as a part of the 4th Workshop on Formal Methods for ML-Enabled Autonomous Systems that was collocated with the 33rd International Conference on Computer-Aided Verification (CAV). Twelve teams participated in this competition. The goal of the competition is to provide an objective comparison of the state-of-the-art methods in neural network verification, in terms of scalability and speed. Along this line, we used standard formats (ONNX for neural networks and VNNLIB for specifications), standard hardware (all tools are run by the organizers on AWS), and tool parameters provided by the tool authors. This report summarizes the rules, benchmarks, participating tools, results, and lessons learned from this competition. | The Second International Verification of Neural Networks Competition (VNN-COMP 2021): Summary and Results |
With recent developments in high-precision quantum measurements, the question of whether observations of decoherence from spacetime fluctuations are accessible experimentally arises. Here we investigate the dynamics of bound states interacting with an environment of gravitons under the Markov approximation. The corresponding Lindblad master equation is presented that enables gravitational decoherence and dissipation due to zero-point spacetime fluctuations to be analyzed. Specifically, we consider a one-dimensional cavity of massless scalar particles that models a light beam with negligible spin polarizations being reflected between two free masses. Numerical simulations have been performed to illustrate the wave-modal dependent decoherence and dissipation of such a configuration. We further demonstrate the existence of nontrivial collective effects akin to superradiance, providing amplifications of gravitational decoherence for a large number of identical bosonic particles. | Quantum dynamics of bound states under spacetime fluctuations |
Deep levels control the space charge in electrically compensated semi-insulating materials. They limit the performance of radiation detectors but their interaction with free carriers can be favorably exploited in these devices to manipulate the spatial distribution of the electric field by optical beams. By using semi-insulating CdTe diodes as a case study, our results show that optical doping functionalities are achieved. As such, a highly stable, flux-dependent, reversible and spatially localized space charge is induced by a line-shaped optical beam focused on the cathode contact area. Real-time non-invasive imaging of the electric field is obtained through the Pockels effect. A simple and convenient method to retrieve the two-dimensional electric field components is presented. Numerical simulations involving just one deep level responsible for the electrical compensation confirm the experimental findings and help to identify the underlying mechanism and critical parameters enabling the optical writing functionalities. | Optical Writing and Electro-Optic Imaging of Reversible Space Charges in Semi-Insulating CdTe Diodes |
We analyzed spatial and spectral characteristics of quasi-periodic pulses (QPP) for the 18 August 2012 limb are, using new data from a complex of spectral and imaging instruments developed by the Siberian Solar Radio Telescope team and the Wind/Konus gamma-ray spectrometer. A sequence of broadband pulses with periods of approximately ten seconds were observed in X-rays at energies between 25 keV and 300 keV, and in microwaves at frequencies from a few GHz up to 34 GHz during an interval of one minute. The QPP X-ray source was located slightly above the limb where the south legs of large and small EUV loop systems were close to each other. Before the QPPs the soft X-ray emission and the Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager signal from the energy channels below 25 keV were gradually arising for several minutes at the same location. It was found that each X-ray pulse showed the soft-hard-soft behavior. The 17 and 34 GHz microwave source were at footpoints of the small loop system and the source emitting in the 4.2 {7.4 GHz band in the large one. The QPPs were probably generated by modulation of acceleration processes in the energy release site. Analyzing radio spectra we determined the plasma parameters in the radio sources. The microwave pulses could be explained by relatively weak variations of the spectrum hardness of emitting electrons. | Sources of Quasi-Periodic Pulses in the 18 August 2012 Flare |
Starting from a graded Frobenius superalgebra $B$, we consider a graphical calculus of $B$-decorated string diagrams. From this calculus we produce algebras consisting of closed planar diagrams and of closed annular diagrams. The action of annular diagrams on planar diagrams can be used to make clockwise (or counterclockwise) annular diagrams into an inner product space. Our main theorem identifies this space with the space of symmetric functions equipped with the Jack inner product at Jack parameter $\operatorname{dim} B_\mathrm{even} - \operatorname{dim} B_\mathrm{odd}$. In this way, we obtain a graphical realization of that inner product space. | A graphical calculus for the Jack inner product on symmetric functions |
Recent experiments have established a type of nonsymmorphic symmetry protected nodal lines in the family of two-dimensional (2D) composition tunable materials NbSi$_x$Te$_2$. Here, we theoretically study the plasmonic properties of such nonsymmorphic nodal-line semimetals. We show that the nonsymmorphic character endows the plasmons with extremely strong anisotropy. There exist both intraband and interband plasmon branches. The intraband branch is gapless and has a $q^{1/2}$ dispersion. It is most dispersive and is independent of carrier density in direction normal to the nodal line, whereas along the nodal line, its dispersion is largely suppressed and its frequency scales linearly with carrier density. The interband branches are gapped and their long wavelength limits are connected with van Hove singularities of the band structure. We find that the single particle excitations are strongly suppressed in such systems, which decreases the Landau damping of plasmons. These characters are further verified by first-principles calculations on 2D NbSi$_x$Te$_2$. Interesting features in static screening of charged impurity are also discussed. Our result reveals characteristic plasmons in a class of nonsymmorphic topological semimetals and offers guidance for its experimental detection and possible applications. | Plasmons in a two-dimensional nonsymmorphic nodal-line semimetal |
We propose using the effective spin-orbit interaction of light in Bragg-modulated cylindrical waveguides for the effcient separation of spin-up and spin-down photons emitted by a single photon emitter. Due to the spin and directional dependence of photonic stopbands in the waveguides, spin-up (down) photon propagation in the negative (positive) direction along the waveguide axis is blocked while the same photon freely propagates in the opposite direction. | The Design for a Nanoscale Single-Photon Spin Splitter |
[Abridged] We present a robust measurement of the rest-frame UV luminosity function (LF) and its evolution during the peak epoch of cosmic star formation at 1<z<3. We use our deep near ultraviolet imaging from WFC3/UVIS on the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) and existing ACS/WFC and WFC3/IR imaging of three lensing galaxy clusters, Abell 2744 and MACSJ0717 from the Hubble Frontier Field survey and Abell 1689. We use photometric redshifts to identify 780 ultra-faint galaxies with $M_{UV}$<-12.5 AB mag at 1<z<3. From these samples, we identified 5 new, faint, multiply imaged systems in A1689. We compute the rest-frame UV LF and find the best-fit faint-end slopes of $\alpha=-1.56\pm0.04$, $\alpha=-1.72\pm0.04$ and $\alpha=-1.94\pm0.06$ at 1.0<z<1.6, 1.6<z<2.2 and 2.2<z<3.0, respectively. Our results demonstrate that the UV LF becomes steeper from z\sim1.3 to z\sim2.6 with no sign of a turnover down to $M_{UV}=-14$ AB mag. We further derive the UV LFs using the Lyman break "dropout" selection and confirm the robustness of our conclusions against different selection methodologies. Because the sample sizes are so large, and extend to such faint luminosities, the statistical uncertainties are quite small, and systematic uncertainties (due to the assumed size distribution, for example), likely dominate. If we restrict our analysis to galaxies and volumes above > 50% completeness in order to minimize these systematics, we still find that the faint-end slope is steep and getting steeper with redshift, though with slightly shallower (less negative) values ($\alpha=-1.55\pm0.06$, $-1.69\pm0.07$ and $-1.79\pm0.08$ for $z\sim1.3$, 1.9 and 2.6, respectively). Finally, we conclude that the faint star-forming galaxies with UV magnitudes of $-18.5<M_{UV}<-12.5$ covered in this study, produce the majority (55%-60%) of the unobscured UV luminosity density at 1<z<3. | The Evolution Of The Faint End Of The UV Luminosity Function During The Peak Epoch Of Star Formation (1<z<3) |
The cost of wind energy can be reduced by using SCADA data to detect faults in wind turbine components. Normal behavior models are one of the main fault detection approaches, but there is a lack of consensus in how different input features affect the results. In this work, a new taxonomy based on the causal relations between the input features and the target is presented. Based on this taxonomy, the impact of different input feature configurations on the modelling and fault detection performance is evaluated. To this end, a framework that formulates the detection of faults as a classification problem is also presented. | The Impact of Feature Causality on Normal Behaviour Models for SCADA-based Wind Turbine Fault Detection |
We report analytical results for the development of the viscous fingering instability in a cylindrical Hele-Shaw cell of radius a and thickness b. We derive a generalized version of Darcy's law in such cylindrical background, and find it recovers the usual Darcy's law for flow in flat, rectangular cells, with corrections of higher order in b/a. We focus our interest on the influence of cell's radius of curvature on the instability characteristics. Linear and slightly nonlinear flow regimes are studied through a mode-coupling analysis. Our analytical results reveal that linear growth rates and finger competition are inhibited for increasingly larger radius of curvature. The absence of tip-splitting events in cylindrical cells is also discussed. | Analytical approach to viscous fingering in a cylindrical Hele-Shaw cell |
Through computer simulations, we research several different measures of dependence, including Pearson's and Spearman's correlation coefficients, the maximal correlation, the distance correlation, a function of the mutual information called the information coefficient of correlation, and the maximal information coefficient (MIC). We compare how well these coefficients fulfill the criteria of generality, power, and equitability. Furthermore, we consider how the exact type of dependence, the amount of noise and the number of observations affect their performance. | Different coefficients for studying dependence |
Recent findings by the LHAASO experiment are opening a new window, that of the PeV sky, to the observation of the electromagnetic spectrum. Several astronomical objects emitting gamma-rays at energies well above 100 TeV have been observed with the LHAASO-KM2 array of scintillators and muon detectors, clearly demonstrating the feasibility of gamma-ray astronomy up to PeV energies. An all-sky gamma-ray detector in the Southern Hemisphere, operating in the GeV-PeV range, could complement LHAASO observations, monitor the Inner Galaxy and the Galactic Center looking for PeVatrons. As shown by LHAASO, a water-Cherenkov based detector is not well suited to measure the energy spectrum up to the PeV range, nor to reach the advisable 100 GeV threshold. The ARGO-YBJ experiment, operated for many years at 4300 m a.s.l. with an energy threshold of about 300 GeV, demonstrated, on the contrary, the capability of a carpet of Resistive Plate Chambers (RPCs) to fully reconstruct showers starting from the GeV range up to about 10 PeV. In this contribution we propose a hybrid detector made of a layer of RPCs on top of a water Cherenkov facility devoted to the detection of muons for the selection of gamma-induced showers by the muon-poor technique. We present the layout and discuss the expected performance. | STACEX: RPC-based detector for a multi-messenger observatory in the Southern Hemisphere |
The present paper is devoted to the classification of symplectic automorphisms of some hyperk\"{a}hler manifolds. The results contained here are an explicit classification of prime order automorphisms on manifolds of $K3^{[n]}$ type and a proof that all finite groups of symplectic automorphisms of such manifolds are contained in Conway's group $Co_1$. | Towards a classification of symplectic automorphisms on manifolds of $K3^{[n]}$ type |
In this paper, we study the behavior of $\Upsilon_K(t)$ under the cabling operation, where $\Upsilon_K(t)$ is the knot concordance invariant defined by Ozsv\'ath, Stipsicz, and Szab\'o, associated to a knot $K\subset S^3$. The main result is an inequality relating $\Upsilon_K(t)$ and $\Upsilon_{K_{p,q}}(t)$, which generalizes the inequalities of Hedden and Van Cott on the Ozsv\'ath-Szab\'o $\tau$-invariant. As applications, we give a computation of $\Upsilon_{(T_{2,-3})_{2,2n+1}}(t)$ for $n\geq 8$, and we also show that the set of iterated $(p,1)$-cables of $Wh^{+}(T_{2,3})$ for any $p\geq 2$ span an infinite-rank summand of topologically slice knots. | On the Upsilon invariant of cable knots |
In this paper we analyze azimuthal asymmetries in the processes of unpolarized and polarized $J/\psi \,(\Upsilon)$ production at an Electron-Ion Collider. Apart from giving access to various unknown gluon transverse momentum distributions, we suggest to use them as a new method to extract specific color-octet NRQCD long-distance matrix elements, i.e.\ $\langle0|{\cal O}_{8}^{J/\psi}(^{1}S_{0})|0\rangle$ and $\langle0|{\cal O}_{8}^{J/\psi}(^{3}P_{0})|0\rangle$, whose values are still quite uncertain and for which lattice calculations are unavailable. The new method is based on combining measurements of analogous asymmetries in open heavy-quark pair production which can be performed at the same energy. To enhance the gluon contribution one can consider smaller values of $x$ and, in order to assess the impact of small-$x$ evolution, we perform a numerical study using the MV model as a starting input and evolve it with the JIMWLK equations. | Gluon TMDs and NRQCD matrix elements in $J/\psi$ production at an EIC |
Quantum Gravity admits topological excitations of microscopic scale which can manifest themselves as particles --- topological geons. Non-trivial spatial topology also brings into the theory free parameters analogous to the $\theta$-angle of QCD. We show that these parameters can be interpreted in terms of geon properties. We also find that, for certain values of the parameters, the geons exhibit new patterns of particle identity together with new types of statistics. Geon indistinguishability in such a case is expressed by a proper subgroup of the permutation group and geon statistics by a (possibly projective) representation of the subgroup. | Geon Statistics and UIR's of the Mapping Class Group |
Dictionary learning aims to find a dictionary that can sparsely represent the training data. Methods in the literature typically formulate the dictionary learning problem as an optimisation with respect to two variables, i.e., dictionary and sparse coefficients, and solve it by alternating between two stages: sparse coding and dictionary update. The key contribution of this work is a Rank-One Projection (ROP) formulation where dictionary learning is cast as an optimisation with respect to a single variable which is a set of rank one matrices. The resulting algorithm is hence single staged. An alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) is derived to solve the optimisation problem and guarantees a global convergence despite non-convexity of the optimisation formulation. Also ROP reduces the number of tuning parameters required in other benchmark algorithms. Numerical tests demonstrate that ROP outperforms other benchmarks for both synthetic and real data especially when the sample number is small. | Dictionary Learning Using Rank-One Projection (ROP) |
The measurement of the tunneling time (T-time) in today's attosecond and strong field (low-frequency) experiments, despite its controversial discussion, offers a fruitful opportunity to understand time measurement and the time in quantum mechanics. In addition, as we will see in this work, a related controversial issue is the particulate nature of the radiation. Different models used to calculate the T-time will be discussed in this work in relation to my model of real T-time, Phys. Rev. {\bf 92}, 052118 (2015), where an intriguing similarity to the Bohr-Einstein photon box Gedanken experiment was found. The tunneling process itself is still not well understood, but I am arguing that a scattering mechanism (by the laser wave packet) offers a possibility to understand the tunneling process in the tunneling region. This is related to the question about the corpuscular nature of light which is widely discussed in modern quantum optics experiments. | How to understand the tunneling in attosecond experiment? |
Let $\Sigma$ be a surface of negative Euler characteristic together with a pants decomposition $\P$. Kra's plumbing construction endows $\Sigma$ with a projective structure as follows. Replace each pair of pants by a triply punctured sphere and glue, or `plumb', adjacent pants by gluing punctured disk neighbourhoods of the punctures. The gluing across the $i^{th}$ pants curve is defined by a complex parameter $\tau_i \in \C$. The associated holonomy representation $\rho: \pi_1(\Sigma) \to PSL(2,\C)$ gives a projective structure on $\Sigma$ which depends holomorphically on the $\tau_i$. In particular, the traces of all elements $\rho(\gamma), \gamma \in \pi_1(\Sigma)$, are polynomials in the $\tau_i$. Generalising results proved in previous papers for the once and twice punctured torus respectively, we prove a formula giving a simple linear relationship between the coefficients of the top terms of $\rho(\gamma)$, as polynomials in the $\tau_i$, and the Dehn-Thurston coordinates of $\gamma$ relative to $\P$. This will be applied elsewhere to give a formula for the asymptotic directions of pleating rays in the Maskit embedding of $\Sigma$ as the bending measure tends to zero. | Top terms of polynomial traces in Kra's plumbing construction |
Stochasticity in gene expression can give rise to fluctuations in protein levels and lead to phenotypic variation across a population of genetically identical cells. Recent experiments indicate that bursting and feedback mechanisms play important roles in controlling noise in gene expression and phenotypic variation. A quantitative understanding of the impact of these factors requires analysis of the corresponding stochastic models. However, for stochastic models of gene expression with feedback and bursting, exact analytical results for protein distributions have not been obtained so far. Here, we analyze a model of gene expression with bursting and feedback regulation and obtain exact results for the corresponding protein steady-state distribution. The results obtained provide new insights into the role of bursting and feedback in noise regulation and optimization. Furthermore, for a specific choice of parameters, the system studied maps on to a two-state biochemical switch driven by a bursty input noise source. The analytical results derived thus provide quantitative insights into diverse cellular processes involving noise in gene expression and biochemical switching. | Exact distributions for stochastic gene expression models with bursting and feedback |
Axion helioscopes aim at the detection of solar axions through their conversion into x-rays in laboratory magnetic fields. The use of low background x-ray detectors is an essential component contributing to the sensitivity of these searches. Here we review the recent advances on Micromegas detectors used in the CERN Axion Solar Telescope (CAST) and proposed for the future International Axion Observatory (IAXO). The most recent Micromegas setups in CAST have achieved background levels of 1.5$\times10^{-6}$\ckcs, a factor of more than 100 lower than the ones obtained by the first generation of CAST detectors. This improvement is due to the development of active and passive shielding techniques, offline discrimination techniques allowed by highly granular readout patterns, as well as the use of radiopure detector components. The status of the intensive R&D to reduce the background levels will be described, including the operation of replica detectors in test benches and the detailed Geant4 simulation of the detector setup and the detector response, which has allowed the progressive understanding of background origins. The best levels currently achieved in a test setup operating in the Canfranc Underground Laboratory (LSC) are as low as $\sim10^{-7}$\ckcs, showing the good prospects of this technology for application in the future IAXO. | Low background x-ray detection with Micromegas for axion research |
Rare meson decays are among the most sensitive probes of both heavy and light new physics. Among them, new physics searches using kaons benefit from their small total decay widths and the availability of very large datasets. On the other hand, useful complementary information is provided by hyperon decay measurements. We summarize the relevant phenomenological models and the status of the searches in a comprehensive list of kaon and hyperon decay channels. We identify new search strategies for under-explored signatures, and demonstrate that the improved sensitivities from current and next-generation experiments could lead to a qualitative leap in the exploration of light dark sectors. | New Physics Searches at Kaon and Hyperon Factories |
When it comes to location-based services (LBS), user privacy protection can be in conflict with security of both users and trips. While LBS providers could adopt privacy preservation mechanisms to obfuscate customer data, the accuracy of vehicle location data and trajectories is crucial for detecting anomalies, especially when machine learning methods are adopted by LBS. This paper aims to tackle this dilemma by evaluating the tradeoff between location privacy and security in LBS. In particular, we investigate the impact of applying location data privacy-preservation techniques on the performance of two detectors, namely a Density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise (DBSCAN), and a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN). The experimental results suggest that, by applying privacy on location data, DBSCAN is more sensitive to Laplace noise than RNN, although they achieve similar detection accuracy on the trip data without privacy preservation. Further experiments reveal that DBSCAN is not scalable to large size datasets containing millions of trips, because of the large number of computations needed for clustering trips. On the other hand, DBSCAN only requires less than 10 percent of the data used by RNN to achieve similar performance when applied to vehicle data without obfuscation, demonstrating that clustering-based methods can be easily applied to small datasets. Based on the results, we recommend usage scenarios of the two types of trajectory anomaly detectors when applying privacy preservation, by taking into account customers' need for privacy, the size of the available vehicle trip data, and real-time constraints of the LBS application. | Quantifying the Tradeoff Between Cybersecurity and Location Privacy |
High resolution spectra of postoutburst novae show multiple components of ejected gas that are kinematically distinct. We interpret the observations in terms of episodes of enhanced mass transfer originating from the secondary star that result in the formation of discrete components of circumbinary gas and accretion onto the WD that trigger nova outbursts. In this picture the concordance between absorption line velocities and emission line widths in most novae occurs as a result of the collision of the expanding nova ejecta with a larger mass of surrounding circumbinary gas. One implication of this model is that much of the accreted gas remains on the WD, leading to a secular increase in WD mass over each outburst event. Alternative scenarios to explain nova spectral evolution are possible that do not invoke circumbinary gas and a possible test of different models is proposed. | Episodic mass transfer: A trigger for nova outbursts? |
Given data drawn from an unknown distribution, $D$, to what extent is it possible to ``amplify'' this dataset and output an even larger set of samples that appear to have been drawn from $D$? We formalize this question as follows: an $(n,m)$ $\text{amplification procedure}$ takes as input $n$ independent draws from an unknown distribution $D$, and outputs a set of $m > n$ ``samples''. An amplification procedure is valid if no algorithm can distinguish the set of $m$ samples produced by the amplifier from a set of $m$ independent draws from $D$, with probability greater than $2/3$. Perhaps surprisingly, in many settings, a valid amplification procedure exists, even when the size of the input dataset, $n$, is significantly less than what would be necessary to learn $D$ to non-trivial accuracy. Specifically we consider two fundamental settings: the case where $D$ is an arbitrary discrete distribution supported on $\le k$ elements, and the case where $D$ is a $d$-dimensional Gaussian with unknown mean, and fixed covariance. In the first case, we show that an $\left(n, n + \Theta(\frac{n}{\sqrt{k}})\right)$ amplifier exists. In particular, given $n=O(\sqrt{k})$ samples from $D$, one can output a set of $m=n+1$ datapoints, whose total variation distance from the distribution of $m$ i.i.d. draws from $D$ is a small constant, despite the fact that one would need quadratically more data, $n=\Theta(k)$, to learn $D$ up to small constant total variation distance. In the Gaussian case, we show that an $\left(n,n+\Theta(\frac{n}{\sqrt{d}} )\right)$ amplifier exists, even though learning the distribution to small constant total variation distance requires $\Theta(d)$ samples. In both the discrete and Gaussian settings, we show that these results are tight, to constant factors. Beyond these results, we formalize a number of curious directions for future research along this vein. | Sample Amplification: Increasing Dataset Size even when Learning is Impossible |
In this work we show that in a microfluidic network and in low Reynolds numbers a system can be irreversible because of hysteresis effects.The network, which is employed in our simulations, is taken from recent experiments. The network consists of one loop connected to input and output pipes. A train of droplets enter the system at a uniform rate, but they may leave it in different patterns, e.g. periodic or even chaotic. The out put pattern depends on the time interval among the incoming droplets as well as the network geometry and for some parameters the system is not reversible. | Simulation of Droplet Trains in Microfluidic Networks |
We propose and demonstrate a new magneto-optical trap (MOT) for alkaline-earth-metal-like (AEML) atoms where the narrow $^{1}S_{0}\rightarrow$$^{3}P_{1}$ transition and the broad $^{1}S_{0}\rightarrow$$^{1}P_{1}$ transition are spatially arranged into a core-shell configuration. Our scheme resolves the main limitations of previously adopted MOT schemes, leading to a significant increase in both the loading rate and the steady state atom number. We apply this scheme to $^{174}$Yb MOT, where we show about a hundred-fold improvement in the loading rate and ten-fold improvement in the steady state atom number compared to reported cases that we know of to date. This technique could be readily extended to other AEML atoms to increase the statistical sensitivity of many different types of precision experiments. | Core-Shell Magneto-Optical Trap for Alkaline-Earth-Metal-Like Atoms |
We give explicit criteria for the reflectionlessness, transparency, and invisibility of a finite-range potential in the presence of an incoherent (intensity-dependent) nonlinearity that is confined to the range of the potential. This allows us to conduct a systematic study of the effects of such a nonlinearity on a locally periodic class of finite-range potentials that display perturbative unidirectional invisibility. We use our general results to examine the effects of a weak Kerr nonlinearity on the behavior of these potentials and show that the presence of nonlinearity destroys the unidirectional invisibility of these potentials. If the strength of the Kerr nonlinearity is so weak that the first-order perturbation theory is reliable, the presence of nonlinearity does not affect the unidirectional reflectionlessness and transmission reciprocity of the potential. We show that the expected violation of the latter is a second order perturbative effect. | Unidirectional Reflection and Invisibility in Nonlinear Media with an Incoherent Nonlinearity |
Subsets and Splits