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Right , they 're overmanned , alright , they have very high wages , alright , er , that is one of the major courses of er , causes of resource mis - allocation , it 's this very large , very inefficient government sector .
And er , one way to , to get people to stay on the land is to introduce some sort of , what we might call market disciplines , if that was n't such a dirty word , er , into the government , the government sector where there are clear inefficiencies .
Okay , right , erm it 's nearly time to go , but before we do , can I just give you some bits and pieces , you , you may well have copies of last year 's exam paper , but if you have n't , this is for development and integration of trade er , have a look at those sorts of essays you 're being asked to do .
But also , look as those er , those short answers , now it 's important that you answer the short answer questions well alright , because it 's , it 's a lot easier to get good marks on a short answer question , providing you do it well , than it is on a long answer question .
Alright , erm , but most people do n't , do n't ans do n't answer short answer questions very well at all , and that 's why they get low , low marks for them .
Always re bear in mind , that whenever you do a short answer question , right , you 've only got 15 minutes to do it in .
Right , there , there is n't a great deal that you can get in , in 15 minutes .
But what , what you must have , right , is a definition of erm , the er , sort of thing that you 're asked to write about .
I mean , factor price equalization , intra - industry measuring intra - industry trade , optimal intervention , reciprocal dumping , they 're all jargon , bits of jargon effect effectively , so you must , you must have a definition .
Right now , although the determinals in industrial specialization within countries , alright , now although you ca n't really define that , you might be able to say something about industrial specialization .
You know it 's fairly obvious what it is , but with most of these will , will require , require a definition .
Right , so you must put a definition , a definition in there .
An example of it in use , and you must have ex what I 'm saying , it 's very important to have empirical erm , examples in your essays , right , because they will also be required in the short answer questions as well .
Right , you know , what is an example of erm , reciprocal dumping ?
Right now you may , erm , don't know anything in particular , but I know that the European Community and the United , United States are always trying to out , erm , beat each other in terms of subsidies on food products , so put , put that in .
Alright , if it 's a , so you , you 've got to have a definition , alright , you must have a , an example of it in , in action .
Any form of empirical evidence is useful , alright , erm sometimes you know , you 're asked , you know , what is the effective protection , or define , or write brief a brief essay on effective protection , right you 'll , you 'll want to say something there about how it 's measured .
Now what essentially , what you 're doing , is that you 're writing an essay in very , very condensed form , so it 's just , I mean you still , still must have the same recipe in there when you write a short answer , right , but you just have to be very , very brief , so you know , para paragraph on definition , you know , paragraph of examples , right , erm , paragraph on some sort of explanation or erm , how it 's , how it 's measured erm , has it been a contentious issue erm , what are the problems with this er , with this concept erm , right , you 've got to get those sort of things in there , like you would in an essay , if you were asked to write an essay on reciprocal dumping you 'd , you 'd have all those things in there , right , but you only need to write a sentence , a sentence about them .
You know , nobody 's expecting 3 or 4 sides , right , you 've got quarter of an hour , not erm , you know , if , if you can write a side 1/2 you , you 'll be doing much better than most people , alright , so you 're just thinking about a side really , depending on how big your handwriting is .
But you must have , you know , do n't ramble on about the same thing , right , cos , for , for , for any more than a couple of sentences , cos then , you know , you c start entering into sort of diminishing marginal returns very , very quickly on these short answer questions , what you want to , do is sort of say a sentence about as much as you can rather than go into in depth discussion about erm , any particular aspect .
Alright , so it 's a bit of er , a sort of blunderbuss type of approach that you 've got , that you 've got to use .
Get a definition in , get an application in , get empirical evidence in , get measurement problems in erm , get sort of contentious issues type of , or criticisms in erm , do n't draw , do n't do diagrams as they 're probably , the only , the only principal difference between this and an essay , you just have n't got the time , right , so do n't be tempted , unless you can do a very quick diagram that sum , sums it up .
Alright , I do n't recommend doing diagrams cos you spend 5 , 5 10 minutes drawing the diagram and explaining you know , what the curves are on it , erm , so you do n't really need to draw , draw diagrams in these short answer questions .
Again that 's only a general principle .
Occasionally you might be , but erm , if I can , if you look at er , the erm , the European Community 's erm , short answers , right , they 've actually given you an except there , a dia diagram , right .
Question , question 1 , question 2 , alright .
It 's a pretty complicated diagram , I would n't expect you to draw that in 15 minutes , and explain the , the
If they give you a diagram like that , can you just talk about the lines , you do n't have to say what they are ?
No , that 's right , yes .
Basically , you could say like with gains or something , gains are A , B , C.
That 's right ,
I reckon that 's , that 's the way that
it will be assu it will be assumed that , yes
everything on there is known about that , just specific areas .
Alright , but you know , you 've got so little time , you know , 15 minutes is very , very short period of time , so whatever you say .
Not wanting to induce panicking .
What I do recommend you do is er , you know , use these short answers in your , in your revision , and sort of , you know , revise on say interim district trade , and then just write a question in 15 minutes , and you realize that you ca n't really write very much , and it 's good discipline , because once you 've made the mistake , you know , of writing , you know , 2 paragraphs on some aspect of it , you realize you have n't got any time to , to do anything else .
You wo n't , hopefully you wo n't make that mistake again , so , short , sweet , crisp answers to these erm , these short answer questions .
Do n't bother doing diagrams , get a sentence in on everything you know , right although it 's not
Well , that does n't sound very sophisticated to say , these are the questions when you just write everything you know about a particular issue .
But they are , you do straight out what you can think up about it .
Yes , that 's essentially , essentially it .
Apart from the essays
write anyway for 30 minutes
Not quite the same approach there , but I mean , it 's not , not everything you know , but write something about everything you know about
the short answers .
A , a sentence on everything you can , think of that , that relates to it , but if you do , do practise them , it 's only just to , to talk about it , it 's difficult to know what you can write in 15 minutes .
Right , I 'm here vir virtually throughout the vacation , erm , I 'll be here until the beginning of next term , so if you are having problems of any sort , or want me to run through something with you , just er , feel free to disturb me .
Sorry , sorry
It 's alright , so come along and see me , if you have any problems , it 's much better you talk it over with me before the problem gets out of hand .
Alright , so , come and see me as soon as the problems start to emerge , and I can probably tell you that you 're , you 're wasting time and energy worrying about it , so
we 're going to sit and
so , er , come and see me before you know , if you are having any problems , just come along .
Okay , do n't forget to have a few days break over Christmas , do n't work all the time , have a jolly good time .
See you next year .
Yes , bye
You want me to start again ?
Yeah .
Right erm , could you tell me about how you left school please ?
I were let good .
Well it was 1913 , I know that because I was 13 .
You see I were born in 1900 so that means to say that when it 's 1998 I 'll be 98 , I think they did that so I could er reckon me age up more easily .
But 1913 I went to this examination and it was called a Labour Examination , and if you were able to pass this examination you could leave school at 13 .
Well it 'd probably be the June or July before I went in for this exam , which they did n't hold very frequently and er then I had to to pass this exam and that I could leave school in the August , Bank Holiday .
So I left in the Bank Holiday and er I went to work at er , the first job , me father worked there .
and on Street .
And er me job there was turning sock what you 'd call halfoes you know mens ' socks , from one side to the other on a piece of wood , you know you 'd pull the stocking onto this wood , put your finger on the back , turned it over and threw it down .
And er we used to get the work come to us all jumble up in waggons , and throw it onto a bench and then of course you 'd got to pick the top before you could turn it .
That 's 2 and half pence in today 's money .
But but strange to relate er I can remember on you know a number of occasions earning a golden half sovereign , you know real gold it was then , the you know there was the gold coins .
And so er it it was a a reasonably good wage but when I 1st started of course I was n't on piece rate , you used to get a 1 penny an hour , when we worked Saturday morning got about 6 and 6pence a week .
And er and that 's how I went on .
Now in 1915 , the the of course the War'd started and I can remember this so well because the day after my birthday er there was a raid , a Zeppelin raid on and I saw this Zeppelin and that day the 31st of January 1915 when this raid was , I went to work at 6 in the morning and I finished work at quarter to 9 at night .
This was n't regular , the real hour was half past six until six o'clock but when we were very busy you could stop you know as long as you like nobody'd ever bother .
All all the boss used to say , Well if anybody comes round th that you do n't know just go and hide in a hamper .
You know in case there was any inspector or anybody but er I do n't remember anybody ever coming .
We just worked as long as we liked and it and it was hard work of course it was , turning these socks like that , 2 , well it was 100 dozen pays , that 's 2400 .
And you used to get sixpence for that .
So how much could you earn in a week ?
Well that 's well I cou I could earn a lo er a golden half sovereign .
That was it .
Did this go to your , did you live with your mother at the time , with your parents ?
Oh of course oh I I was only 14 aye .
Of course and that w oh I and ti and so anyway I started er work in August nineteen thirteen and er when December came around er there was a strike .
And at that time the hosiery finishing union had perhaps got 800 or 900 members spread over perhaps 8 factories .
And er there was a er er one of the prominent factories was at .
Now it er they said that this chap had g had gone to work after an illness and the boss said , Well er you 've been away 6 weeks , he said , There 's no job here for you now .
He 'd worked there years and years .
And he got the sack so the firm came on strike .
And er then they started blacklegs and when they started the rest of the firms all came as well then and I remember er going down on the picket lines and er they 'd be all the members there .
You know I do n't know who would n't go .
Er with the addition of a lot of of members of the public who sympathized and knew what was happening .
Well they got these blacklegs and I could tell you a story about that as well .
Now a man as I used to visit , older than me now , er the blacklegs used to be escorted with police to their homes like from this factory .
They 'd sometimes er take them in vans depending where they lived and how many of them , but where there was a single one 2 police used to escort him , and they escorted him what , where we what they call the viaduct .
And it was a real big viaduct at , back of .
And er he tells me he says , Well we night that we were going to do it , meeting them from work it w it was getting dark of course , December , he said that there was only me turned up .
He says er er and he says me pal did n't come , he said , Well , I thought well I 've come here to do it , and I 'm going .
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