<gh_stars>1-10 import datetime from django.db import models class Category(models.Model): class Meta: verbose_name_plural = 'categories' name = models.CharField(max_length=25, null=False, blank=False) color_code = models.CharField(max_length=7, null=False, blank=False) def __unicode__(self): return class Player(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=50, null=False, db_index=True) profile_id = models.IntegerField(null=False, unique=True, db_index=True) group_name = models.CharField(max_length=50, blank=True, null=True, default=None, db_index=True) category = models.ForeignKey(Category, null=True, blank=True) join_date = models.DateTimeField( scrape_date = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True, auto_now_add=True) is_dead = models.BooleanField(default=False, db_index=True) def last_known_position(self): """Grabs the player's last known location from the report set.""" try: last_filed = self.report_set.filter(zombies_only=False) last_filed = last_filed.order_by('-reported_date')[0] except IndexError: last_filed = None try: last_spotted = self.reported_at.order_by('-reported_date')[0] except IndexError: last_spotted = None if last_filed is None and last_spotted is None: return u"Never seen" else: if last_filed is None: return last_spotted elif last_spotted is None: return last_filed else: if last_filed.reported_date >= last_spotted.reported_date: return last_filed else: return last_spotted def __unicode__(self): return
 <script id="sf" type="x-shader/x-fragment"> precision highp float; uniform float time; uniform vec2 mouse; uniform vec2 resolution; float ball(vec2 p, float k, float d) { vec2 r = vec2(p.x - cos(time * k) * d, p.y + sin(time * k) * d); return smoothstep(0.0, 1.0, 0.03 / length(r)); } void main(void) { vec2 q = gl_FragCoord.xy / resolution.xy; vec2 p = -1.0 + 2.0 * q; p.x *= resolution.x / resolution.y; float col = 0.0; for (int i = 1; i <= 7; ++i) { col += ball(p, float(i), 0.3); } for (int i = 1; i <= 5; ++i) { col += ball(p, float(i), 0.1); } gl_FragColor = vec4(col*0.8, col, col*1.8, 1.0); } </script> <script id="sv" type="x-shader/x-vertex"> attribute vec4 vPosition; void main (void) { gl_Position = vPosition; } </script> <canvas id="cnv"></canvas>
import sys from urllib import request, parse, error from multiprocessing import Process urls = [ '', '', '' ] def inspect_status_code(url): try: response = request.urlopen(url) return response.code except error.HTTPError as e: return e.code def inspect(url, user_id): code = inspect_status_code(url+user_id) title = parse.urlparse(url).netloc prefix = '\033[32m' if code == 404 else '\033[31m' suffix = '\033[0m' result = '{}{}{}'.format(prefix, code, suffix) print(title.ljust(16), result) def main(): if len(sys.argv) < 2: print('usage: python3 ${USER_ID}') exit(1) user_id = sys.argv[1] ps = [Process(target=inspect, args=(url, user_id)).start() for url in urls] if __name__ == '__main__': main()
import torch import torch.nn as nn from torchvision import transforms as ttf class RandAugment(nn.Module): def __init__(self, N, M): super().__init__() """ rotate shear x shear y translate y translate x autoContrast sharpness identity contrast color brightness eqaulize solarize posterize """ self.N = N self.M = M self.aug_list = [Rotate, ShearX, ShearY, TranslateX, TranslateY, AutoContrast, Sharpness, Identity, Contrast, Color, Brightness, Equalize, Solarize, Posterize] def forward(self, img): self.aug_index = torch.randperm(len(self.aug_list))[:self.N] self.augmentations = nn.ModuleList([]) for aug_id in self.aug_index: self.augmentations.append(self.aug_list[aug_id](self.M)) self.augmentations = nn.Sequential(*self.augmentations) return self.augmentations(img) class Rotate(nn.Module): def __init__(self, M): super().__init__() self.M = M self.angle = 359 / 10 * self.M def forward(self, img): return ttf.functional.rotate(img, self.angle) class ShearX(nn.Module): def __init__(self, M): super().__init__() self.M = M self.angle = 359 / 10 * self.M - 180 def forward(self, img): return ttf.functional.affine(img, 0, [0, 0], 1, [self.angle, 0]) class ShearY(nn.Module): def __init__(self, M): super().__init__() self.M = M self.angle = 359 / 10 * self.M - 180 def forward(self, img): return ttf.functional.affine(img, 0, [0, 0], 1, [0, self.angle]) class TranslateX(nn.Module): def __init__(self, M): super().__init__() self.M = M def forward(self, img): try: max_size = img.size()[0] except TypeError: max_size = img.size()[0] return ttf.functional.affine(img, 0, [(max_size - 1) / 10 * self.M, 0], 1, [0, 0]) class TranslateY(nn.Module): def __init__(self, M): super().__init__() self.M = M def forward(self, img): try: max_size = img.size()[1] except TypeError: max_size = img.size()[1] return ttf.functional.affine(img, 0, [0, (max_size - 1) / 10 * self.M], 1, [0, 0]) class AutoContrast(nn.Module): def __init__(self, M): super().__init__() self.M = M def forward(self, img): return ttf.functional.autocontrast(img) class Sharpness(nn.Module): def __init__(self, M): super().__init__() self.M = M def forward(self, img): return ttf.functional.adjust_sharpness(img, self.M / 5.) class Identity(nn.Module): def __init__(self, M): super().__init__() self.M = M def forward(self, img): return img class Contrast(nn.Module): def __init__(self, M): super().__init__() self.M = M def forward(self, img): return ttf.functional.adjust_contrast(img, self.M / 5.) class Color(nn.Module): def __init__(self, M): super().__init__() self.M = M def forward(self, img): return ttf.functional.adjust_saturation(img, self.M / 5.) class Brightness(nn.Module): def __init__(self, M): super().__init__() self.M = M def forward(self, img): return ttf.functional.adjust_brightness(img, self.M / 5.) class Equalize(nn.Module): def __init__(self, M): super().__init__() self.M = M def forward(self, img): return ttf.functional.equalize(img) class Solarize(nn.Module): def __init__(self, M): super().__init__() self.M = M def forward(self, img): return ttf.functional.solarize(img, (10 - self.M) * 25.5) class Posterize(nn.Module): def __init__(self, M): super().__init__() self.M = M def forward(self, img): return ttf.functional.posterize(img, round((10 - self.M) / 10 * 8))
<filename>day18/test/ import logging import os.path from day18.code.main import evaluate_expression logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) local_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) sample_input = None def test_sample_input(caplog): # caplog.set_level(logging.INFO) assert evaluate_expression("1 + 2 * 3 + 4 * 5 + 6") == 71 assert evaluate_expression("1 + (2 * 3) + (4 * (5 + 6))") == 51 assert evaluate_expression("2 * 3 + (4 * 5)") == 26 assert evaluate_expression("5 + (8 * 3 + 9 + 3 * 4 * 3)") == 437 assert evaluate_expression("5 * 9 * (7 * 3 * 3 + 9 * 3 + (8 + 6 * 4))") == 12240 assert evaluate_expression("((2 + 4 * 9) * (6 + 9 * 8 + 6) + 6) + 2 + 4 * 2") == 13632 def test_sample_input_with_advanced_priorities(caplog): # caplog.set_level(logging.INFO) assert evaluate_expression("1 + 2 * 3 + 4 * 5 + 6", use_advanced_precedence=True) == 231 assert evaluate_expression("1 + (2 * 3) + (4 * (5 + 6))", use_advanced_precedence=True) == 51 assert evaluate_expression("2 * 3 + (4 * 5)", use_advanced_precedence=True) == 46 assert evaluate_expression("5 + (8 * 3 + 9 + 3 * 4 * 3)", use_advanced_precedence=True) == 1445 assert evaluate_expression("5 * 9 * (7 * 3 * 3 + 9 * 3 + (8 + 6 * 4))", use_advanced_precedence=True) == 669060 assert evaluate_expression("((2 + 4 * 9) * (6 + 9 * 8 + 6) + 6) + 2 + 4 * 2", use_advanced_precedence=True) == 23340 def test_big_input(caplog): # caplog.set_level(logging.INFO) with open(os.path.join(local_path, "input"), "r") as f: content = assert sum(evaluate_expression(x) for x in content.split("\n") if x) == 4696493914530 assert sum(evaluate_expression(x, use_advanced_precedence=True) for x in content.split("\n") if x) == 362880372308125
#!/usr/bin/env python import os import json import sys import argparse def _find_config_file(): config = 'etc/minicondas.json' while not os.path.isfile(config): config = '../{}'.format(config) if len(config) > 70: raise Exception('Cannot locate config file "etc/minicondas.json".') return config def _get(py_version, miniconda_version, attribute): config = _find_config_file() with open(config) as reader: data = json.load(reader) if miniconda_version == 'latest': _all_versions = [i.split('-')[1] for i in data['minicondas'][py_version].keys()] m_start = 'm' + py_version.replace('py', '')[0] _av_ints = sorted([[int(i) for i in item.split('.')] for item in _all_versions]) _all_versions = ['.'.join([str(item) for item in items]) for items in _av_ints] miniconda_version = m_start + '-' + _all_versions[-1] try: attr = data['minicondas'][py_version][miniconda_version][attribute] except: print('Could not find {} attribute for python version: "{}"'.format(attribute, py_version)) return attr if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("py_version", type=str, help="Python version") parser.add_argument("attribute", type=str, choices=['url', 'md5', 'short_id'], help="Attribute") parser.add_argument('-m', '--miniconda-version', default='latest', help='Add Miniconda version (or use "latest").', type=str) args = parser.parse_args() print(_get(args.py_version, args.miniconda_version, args.attribute))
import argparse import sys from os.path import join from os import chdir import subprocess if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-s', '--sge', type=str, default='nosge') parser.add_argument('-l', '--filelist', type=str, default='') parser.add_argument('-zr_root', '--zr_root', type=str, default='/home/korhan/Desktop/zerospeech2017/track2/src/ZRTools') args = parser.parse_args() chdir(args.zr_root) command = './run_disc {} {}'.format(args.sge,args.filelist) print(command)
<gh_stars>0 import socket host = '' port = 12345 addr = (host, port) s = socket.socket() s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) s.bind(addr) s.listen(1) while True: try: cli_sock, cli_addr = s.accept() except KeyboardInterrupt: break print('Hello,', cli_addr) while True: data = cli_sock.recv(1024).decode() # 把bytes类型解码为str类型 if data.strip() == 'quit': break print(data) sdata = input('> ') + '\r\n' cli_sock.send(sdata.encode()) # 将str编码为bytes cli_sock.close() s.close()
<reponame>l337quez/Aplicaci-n-ANDROID-para-control-del-suministro-de-energia- from kivy.uix.gridlayout import GridLayout from kivy.lang import Builder Builder.load_string(''' <NumpadBlueButton@BlueButton>: on_release: self.parent.select_btn(self.text) <Numpad>: cols: 3 rows: 4 spacing: 3, 3 NumpadBlueButton: text: '1' NumpadBlueButton: text: '2' NumpadBlueButton: text: '3' NumpadBlueButton: text: '4' NumpadBlueButton: text: '5' NumpadBlueButton: text: '6' NumpadBlueButton: text: '7' NumpadBlueButton: text: '8' NumpadBlueButton: text: '9' <ActivityNumpad>: cols: 1 rows: 2 spacing: 3, 3 BoxLayout: size_hint_y: 0.5 orientation: 'horizontal' BlueButton: size_hint: 0.2, 1 text: '1' on_release: root.select_btn(1) BlueButton: size_hint: 0.8, 1 text: 'App' on_release: root.select_btn(1) BoxLayout: size_hint_y: 0.5 orientation: 'horizontal' BlueButton: size_hint: 0.2, 1 text: '2' on_release: root.select_btn(2) BlueButton: size_hint: 0.8, 1 text: 'Service' on_release: root.select_btn(2) ''') class Numpad(GridLayout): selected_btn = 1 callback = None def select_btn(self, num): self.selected_btn = num if self.callback: self.callback(num) class ActivityNumpad(GridLayout): selected_btn = 1 callback = None def select_btn(self, num): self.selected_btn = num if self.callback: self.callback(num)
import pygame, sys import time from pygame.math import Vector2 from .config import FPS, xSize, ySize, cell_size, cell_number, CUTTING from .eatable.saw import Saw from .eatable.cake import Cake class Snake(object): is_moving = False def __init__(self, screen: pygame.Surface) -> None: self.load_snake_texture() self.body = [Vector2(5,10),Vector2(4,10),Vector2(3,10)] self.pyScreen = screen self.direction = Vector2(1,0) self.new_block = False self.slowed = False def draw_snake_object(self) -> None: for index, block in enumerate(self.body): # rect for positioning x_pos = int(block.x * cell_size) y_pos = int(block.y * cell_size) block_rect = pygame.Rect(x_pos, y_pos, cell_size, cell_size) # what direction is tha face if index == 0: self.pyScreen.blit(self.head,block_rect) elif index == len(self.body) - 1: self.pyScreen.blit(self.tail,block_rect) else: previous_block = self.body[index + 1] - block next_block = self.body[index - 1] - block if previous_block.x == next_block.x: self.pyScreen.blit(self.body_vertical, block_rect) elif previous_block.y == next_block.y: self.pyScreen.blit(self.body_horizontal, block_rect) else: if previous_block.x == -1 and next_block.y == -1 or previous_block.y == -1 and next_block.x == -1: self.pyScreen.blit(self.body_tl, block_rect) elif previous_block.x == -1 and next_block.y == 1 or previous_block.y == 1 and next_block.x == -1: self.pyScreen.blit(self.body_bl, block_rect) elif previous_block.x == 1 and next_block.y == -1 or previous_block.y == -1 and next_block.x == 1: self.pyScreen.blit(self.body_tr, block_rect) elif previous_block.x == 1 and next_block.y == 1 or previous_block.y == 1 and next_block.x == 1: self.pyScreen.blit(self.body_br, block_rect) def draw_snake(self) -> None: # Update Snake-Model self.update_head_graphics() self.update_tail_graphics() self.draw_snake_object() def update_tail_graphics(self) -> pygame.Surface: tail_relation = self.body[-2] - self.body[-1] if tail_relation == Vector2(-1,0): self.tail = self.tail_left elif tail_relation == Vector2(1,0): self.tail = self.tail_right elif tail_relation == Vector2(0,-1): self.tail = self.tail_up elif tail_relation == Vector2(0,1): self.tail = self.tail_down def update_head_graphics(self) -> pygame.Surface: head_relation = self.body[1] - self.body[0] if head_relation == Vector2(-1,0): self.head = self.head_left elif head_relation == Vector2(1,0): self.head = self.head_right elif head_relation == Vector2(0,-1): self.head = self.head_up elif head_relation == Vector2(0,1): self.head = self.head_down def move_snake(self) -> None: if Saw.get_cutted() == False or len(self.body) < (abs(CUTTING)+1): if self.new_block == True: body_copy = self.body[:] body_copy.insert(0, body_copy[0] + self.direction) self.body = body_copy[:] if Cake.eated_the_cake(): if Cake.get_cake_countdown() != 0: Cake.decrase_cake_countdown() else: Cake.remove_cake() self.new_block = False else: self.new_block = False else: body_copy = self.body[:-1] body_copy.insert(0, body_copy[0] + self.direction) self.body = body_copy[:] else: self.new_block = False body_copy = self.body[:CUTTING] body_copy.insert(0, body_copy[0] + self.direction) self.body = body_copy[:] Saw.cutting_done() Snake.is_moving = False def set_direction(self, vec) -> pygame.Surface: #Snake.is_moving = True self.direction = vec def add_block(self) -> None: self.new_block = True def load_snake_texture(self) -> pygame.Surface: # Kopf self.head_up = pygame.image.load('assets/Schlange/Schlange_Kopf_oben.png') self.head_right = pygame.image.load('assets/Schlange/Schlange_Kopf_rechts.png') self.head_left = pygame.image.load('assets/Schlange/Schlange_Kopf_links.png') self.head_down = pygame.image.load('assets/Schlange/Schlange_Kopf_unten.png') # Schwanz self.tail_up = pygame.image.load('assets/Schlange/Schlange_Schwanz_oben.png') self.tail_down = pygame.image.load('assets/Schlange/Schlange_Schwanz_unten.png') self.tail_right = pygame.image.load('assets/Schlange/Schlange_Schwanz_rechts.png') self.tail_left = pygame.image.load('assets/Schlange/Schlange_Schwanz_links.png') # Körper self.body_vertical = pygame.image.load('assets/Schlange/Schlange_vertikal.png') self.body_horizontal = pygame.image.load('assets/Schlange/Schlange_horizontal.png') # Directions self.body_tr = pygame.image.load('assets/Schlange/Schlange_Ecke_rechts_oben.png') self.body_tl = pygame.image.load('assets/Schlange/Schlange_Ecke_links_oben.png') self.body_br = pygame.image.load('assets/Schlange/Schlange_Ecke_rechts_unten.png') self.body_bl = pygame.image.load('assets/Schlange/Schlange_Ecke_links_unten.png')
# # Copyright (c) 2008-2015 Citrix Systems, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License") # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # from nitro.resource.base.base_resource import base_resource from nitro.resource.base.base_resource import base_response from nitro.service.options import options from nitro.exception.nitro_exception import nitro_exception from nitro.util.nitro_util import nitro_util class snmp_stats(base_resource) : """ """ def __init__(self) : self._clearstats = "" self._snmptotrxpkts = 0 self._snmprxpktsrate = 0 self._snmptottxpkts = 0 self._snmptxpktsrate = 0 self._snmptotgetreqs = 0 self._snmpgetreqsrate = 0 self._snmptotgetnextreqs = 0 self._snmpgetnextreqsrate = 0 self._snmptotgetbulkreqs = 0 self._snmpgetbulkreqsrate = 0 self._snmptotresponses = 0 self._snmpresponsesrate = 0 self._snmptottraps = 0 self._snmptoterrreqdropped = 0 self._snmptotparseerrs = 0 self._snmptotbadversions = 0 self._snmptotbadcommname = 0 self._snmptotbadcommuse = 0 self._snmpunsupportedsecuritylevel = 0 self._snmpnotintimewindow = 0 self._snmpunknownusername = 0 self._snmpunknownengineids = 0 self._snmpwrongdigests = 0 self._snmpdecryptionerrors = 0 @property def clearstats(self) : """Clear the statsistics / counters.<br/>Possible values = basic, full.""" try : return self._clearstats except Exception as e: raise e @clearstats.setter def clearstats(self, clearstats) : """Clear the statsistics / counters :param clearstats: """ try : self._clearstats = clearstats except Exception as e: raise e @property def snmpdecryptionerrors(self) : """SNMP packets that were dropped because they could not be decrypted.""" try : return self._snmpdecryptionerrors except Exception as e: raise e @property def snmptotresponses(self) : """SNMP Get-Response PDUs that have been generated by the NetScaler.""" try : return self._snmptotresponses except Exception as e: raise e @property def snmptotbadcommuse(self) : """The total number of SNMP Messages received that represented an SNMP operation which was not allowed by the SNMP community named in the Message.""" try : return self._snmptotbadcommuse except Exception as e: raise e @property def snmptoterrreqdropped(self) : """SNMP requests dropped.""" try : return self._snmptoterrreqdropped except Exception as e: raise e @property def snmpgetnextreqsrate(self) : """Rate (/s) counter for snmptotgetnextreqs.""" try : return self._snmpgetnextreqsrate except Exception as e: raise e @property def snmptotrxpkts(self) : """SNMP packets received.""" try : return self._snmptotrxpkts except Exception as e: raise e @property def snmptottxpkts(self) : """SNMP packets transmitted.""" try : return self._snmptottxpkts except Exception as e: raise e @property def snmptotparseerrs(self) : """Number of ASN.1 or BER errors encountered when decoding received SNMP Messages.""" try : return self._snmptotparseerrs except Exception as e: raise e @property def snmptottraps(self) : """SNMP Trap PDUs that have been generated by the NetScaler.""" try : return self._snmptottraps except Exception as e: raise e @property def snmptotbadversions(self) : """Number of SNMP messages received, which were for an unsupported SNMP version.""" try : return self._snmptotbadversions except Exception as e: raise e @property def snmptxpktsrate(self) : """Rate (/s) counter for snmptottxpkts.""" try : return self._snmptxpktsrate except Exception as e: raise e @property def snmpresponsesrate(self) : """Rate (/s) counter for snmptotresponses.""" try : return self._snmpresponsesrate except Exception as e: raise e @property def snmpgetreqsrate(self) : """Rate (/s) counter for snmptotgetreqs.""" try : return self._snmpgetreqsrate except Exception as e: raise e @property def snmptotbadcommname(self) : """SNMP messages received, which used an SNMP community name not known to the NetScaler.""" try : return self._snmptotbadcommname except Exception as e: raise e @property def snmptotgetnextreqs(self) : """SNMP Get-Next PDUs that have been accepted and processed.""" try : return self._snmptotgetnextreqs except Exception as e: raise e @property def snmpunknownengineids(self) : """SNMP packets that were dropped because they referenced an SNMP engine ID that was not known to the NetScaler.""" try : return self._snmpunknownengineids except Exception as e: raise e @property def snmpwrongdigests(self) : """SNMP packets that were dropped because they did not contain the expected digest value.""" try : return self._snmpwrongdigests except Exception as e: raise e @property def snmpgetbulkreqsrate(self) : """Rate (/s) counter for snmptotgetbulkreqs.""" try : return self._snmpgetbulkreqsrate except Exception as e: raise e @property def snmpnotintimewindow(self) : """SNMP packets that were dropped because they appeared outside of the authoritative SNMP engine's window.""" try : return self._snmpnotintimewindow except Exception as e: raise e @property def snmptotgetbulkreqs(self) : """SNMP Get-Bulk PDUs that have been accepted and proZcessed.""" try : return self._snmptotgetbulkreqs except Exception as e: raise e @property def snmpunknownusername(self) : """SNMP packets that were dropped because they referenced a user that was not known to the SNMP engine.""" try : return self._snmpunknownusername except Exception as e: raise e @property def snmpunsupportedsecuritylevel(self) : """SNMP packets that were dropped because they requested a security level that was unknown to the NetScaler or otherwise unavailable. """ try : return self._snmpunsupportedsecuritylevel except Exception as e: raise e @property def snmptotgetreqs(self) : """SNMP Get-Request PDUs that have been accepted and processed.""" try : return self._snmptotgetreqs except Exception as e: raise e @property def snmprxpktsrate(self) : """Rate (/s) counter for snmptotrxpkts.""" try : return self._snmprxpktsrate except Exception as e: raise e def _get_nitro_response(self, service, response) : """converts nitro response into object and returns the object array in case of get request. :param service: :param response: """ try : result = service.payload_formatter.string_to_resource(snmp_response, response, self.__class__.__name__.replace('_stats','')) if(result.errorcode != 0) : if (result.errorcode == 444) : service.clear_session(self) if result.severity : if (result.severity == "ERROR") : raise nitro_exception(result.errorcode, str(result.message), str(result.severity)) else : raise nitro_exception(result.errorcode, str(result.message), str(result.severity)) return result.snmp except Exception as e : raise e def _get_object_name(self) : """Returns the value of object identifier argument""" try : return 0 except Exception as e : raise e @classmethod def get(cls, service, name="", option_="") : """Use this API to fetch the statistics of all snmp_stats resources that are configured on netscaler. :param service: :param name: (Default value = "") :param option_: (Default value = "") """ try : obj = snmp_stats() if not name : response = obj.stat_resources(service, option_) return response except Exception as e: raise e class Clearstats: """ """ basic = "basic" full = "full" class snmp_response(base_response) : """ """ def __init__(self, length=1) : self.snmp = [] self.errorcode = 0 self.message = "" self.severity = "" self.sessionid = "" self.snmp = [snmp_stats() for _ in range(length)]
#!/usr/bin/env python from narwhal import repose import unittest from narwhal import conf from narwhal import pathutil import xmlrunner as _xmlrunner import logging import time import argparse import os import deproxy logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) config_dir = pathutil.join(os.getcwd(), 'etc/repose') deployment_dir = pathutil.join(os.getcwd(), 'var/repose') artifact_dir = pathutil.join(os.getcwd(), 'usr/share/repose/filters') log_file = pathutil.join(os.getcwd(), 'var/log/repose/current.log') repose_port = 8888 stop_port = 7777 deproxy_port = 9999 headers = {} startup_wait_time = 15 def setUpModule(): # Set up folder hierarchy logger.debug('setUpModule') pathutil.create_folder(config_dir) pathutil.create_folder(deployment_dir) pathutil.create_folder(os.path.dirname(log_file)) config_verbose = False def apply_config_set(config_set_name, params=None): if params is None: params = {} conf.process_config_set(config_set_name, verbose=config_verbose, destination_path=config_dir, params=params) class TestCompression(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): logger.debug('setUp') self.deproxy = deproxy.Deproxy() self.end_point = self.deproxy.add_endpoint(('localhost', deproxy_port)) pathutil.clear_folder(config_dir) params = { 'port': repose_port, 'target_hostname': 'localhost', 'target_port': deproxy_port, 'deployment_dir': deployment_dir, 'artifact_dir': artifact_dir, 'log_file': log_file } apply_config_set('configs/.config-set.xml', params=params) self.valve = repose.ReposeValve(config_dir=config_dir, stop_port=stop_port) time.sleep(startup_wait_time) def test_compression_with_gzip(self): logger.debug('test_compression_with_gzip') url = 'http://localhost:%i/' % repose_port logger.debug('url = %s' % url) time.sleep(1) mc = self.deproxy.make_request(method='GET', url=url, headers=headers) self.assertEqual(mc.received_response.code, '200', msg=mc) self.assertEqual(len(mc.handlings), 1, msg=mc) def tearDown(self): logger.debug('tearDown') if self.valve is not None: self.valve.stop() if self.deproxy is not None: self.deproxy.shutdown_all_endpoints() available_test_cases = [ TestCompression ] def run(): test_case_map = dict() for tc_class in available_test_cases: test_case_map[tc_class.__name__] = tc_class parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--print-log', help="Print the log to STDERR.", action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--test-case', action='append', help="Which test case to run. Can be specififed " "multiple times. 'all' is the default, and runs all " "available test cases", choices=['all'] + test_case_map.keys(), type=str) args = parser.parse_args() if args.print_log: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format=('%(asctime)s %(levelname)s:%(name)s:' '%(funcName)s:' '%(filename)s(%(lineno)d):' '%(threadName)s(%(thread)d):%(message)s')) global config_verbose config_verbose = True if args.test_case is None: args.test_case = ['all'] test_cases = [] test_cases_set = set() for tc in args.test_case: if tc == 'all': test_cases = available_test_cases break if tc not in test_cases_set: test_cases_set.add(tc) test_cases.append(test_case_map[tc]) logger.debug('run') setUpModule() suite = unittest.TestSuite() loader = unittest.TestLoader() load_tests = loader.loadTestsFromTestCase for test_case in test_cases: suite.addTest(load_tests(test_case)) testRunner = _xmlrunner.XMLTestRunner(output='test-reports') result = if __name__ == '__main__': run()
from nonebot import CommandSession, on_command from nonebot import on_natural_language, NLPSession, IntentCommand from ....requests import Request from ....responses import * from ....distributor import Distributor from ....utils import image_url_to_path from ....paths import PATHS import os, logging, traceback # BLACKLIST = [3288849221] BLACKLIST = [] @on_natural_language(only_to_me=False, only_short_message=False, allow_empty_message=True) async def _(session: NLPSession): return IntentCommand(100.0, 'porter', args={'message': session.msg_text}) @on_command('porter') async def porter(session: CommandSession): logging.debug('=========== [MultiBot] Entered nonebot porter ==========') # 在任何情况下,把所有消息打包成Request交给分拣中心(Distributor),然后处理分拣中心发回的Response序列 # Resqust打包 request = Request() request.platform = 'CQ' request.user_id = str(session.ctx['user_id']) self_id = str(session.self_id) self_names = ['韩大佬', 'lzy', '林子逸', '子兔', 'xsx', '小石像'] bot_called = False if request.user_id == self_id: logging.debug('=========== [MultiBot] Left nonebot porter ==========') return elif request.user_id in BLACKLIST: logging.debug('=========== [MultiBot] Left nonebot porter ==========') return if '[CQ:at,qq={}]'.format(self_id) in session.ctx['raw_message']: # 被at时 bot_called = True if 'group_id' in session.ctx.keys(): request.group_id = str(session.ctx['group_id']) else: # 私聊时 bot_called = True for message in session.ctx['message']: if message['type'] == 'text' and request.msg is None: text = message['data']['text'].strip() # 呼叫检测 for name in self_names: if name in text: # 被叫到时 bot_called = True text = text.strip() while text[:len(name)] == name: text = text[len(name):] while text[-len(name):] == name: text = text[:-len(name)] for sign in [None, ',', ',', None]: text = text.strip(sign) # 消息段检测 if '请使用' in text and '新版手机QQ' in text: request.echo = True request.msg = '【NonebotPorter】不支持的消息段:"%s"' % text continue # 空文本检测 if text != '': request.msg = text elif message['type'] == 'image' and request.img is None: # 先不下载图片,获取response时下载 request.img = message['data']['url'] # request.img = image_url_to_path(message['data']['url'], header='QQBot') elif message['type'] == 'record' and request.aud is None: request.aud = os.path.join(PATHS['cqhttp'], 'data', 'voices', message['data']['file']) elif message['type'] == 'location': request.loc = {'longitude': float(message['data']['lon']), 'latitude': float(message['data']['lat'])} elif message['type'] not in ['face', 'at', 'anonymous', 'share', 'reply']: request.echo = True request.msg = f"【NonebotPorter】不支持的消息段[{message['type']}]:" \ f"{str(message).replace('CQ:', '$CQ$:')}" continue # 初始化分拣中心 distributor = Distributor() # 获取Response序列,同时下载图片,若出错则返回错误信息 def get_responses(): if request.img: request.img = image_url_to_path(request.img, header='QQBot') response_list = distributor.handle(request=request) return response_list # 用于执行Response序列 async def execute(response_list: list): for response in response_list: try: if isinstance(response, ResponseMsg) or isinstance(response, ResponseGrpMsg): msg = response.text for at_id in response.at_list: msg += '[CQ:at,qq=%s]' % str(at_id) # 过长文本多次发送 max_length = 2000 while len(msg) > 0: msg_left = msg[max_length:] # msg超出maxL的部分 msg = msg[:max_length] # msg只保留maxL内的部分 if isinstance(response, ResponseMsg): # 私聊 await session.send(message=msg) else: # 群消息 await, message=msg) if msg_left != '': # 这轮超出部分为0时 msg = msg_left else: msg = '' elif isinstance(response, ResponseMusic): await session.send(message=f'[CQ:music,type={response.platform},id={response.music_id}]') elif isinstance(response, ResponseImg) or isinstance(response, ResponseGrpImg): # 需要在盘符之后加入一个反斜杠,并且不使用双引号 img_msg = '[CQ:image,file=file:///%s]' % os.path.abspath(response.file).replace(':', ':\\') if isinstance(response, ResponseImg): await session.send(message=img_msg) else: await, message=img_msg) elif isinstance(response, ResponseCQFunc): try: output = await eval('' % response.func_name)(**response.kwargs) except AttributeError: await session.send('【NonebotPorter】不支持的函数:%s' % response.func_name) except TypeError: await session.send('【NonebotPorter】不支持的参数:%s' % str(response.kwargs)) except SyntaxError: await session.send('【NonebotPorter】语法错误') else: await execute(distributor.process_output(output=output)) # 递归处理新的Response序列 except: # 诸如发送失败等问题 logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) # 在筛选后,把Request交给分拣中心,执行返回的Response序列 if bot_called: # 符合呼出条件的,直接执行 await execute(response_list=get_responses()) elif distributor.use_active(request=request, save=False): # 不符合呼出条件的,若有活动Session对应,也可以执行 await execute(response_list=get_responses()) else: logging.debug('=========== [MultiBot] Left nonebot porter ==========') return # 刷新并保存最新的session信息 distributor.refresh_and_save() logging.debug('=========== [MultiBot] Completed nonebot porter ==========')
<reponame>psifertex/CodeHawk-Binary # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Access to the CodeHawk Binary Analyzer Analysis Results # Author: <NAME> # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # The MIT License (MIT) # # Copyright (c) 2016-2020 Kestrel Technology LLC # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ from chb.models.DllFunctionParameter import DllFunctionParameter class DllFunctionAPI(object): def __init__(self,summary,xnode): self.summary = summary self.xnode = xnode def get_calling_convention(self): return xnode.get('cc') def get_adjustment(self): return int(xnode.get('adj')) def get_parameters(self): return [ DllFunctionParameter(self,p) for p in self.xnode.findall('par') ] def get_stack_parameters(self): stackparams = [ p for p in self.get_parameters() if p.is_stack_parameter() ] return sorted(stackparams,key=lambda p:p.get_stack_nr()) def get_stack_parameter_names(self): stackparams = self.get_stack_parameters() return [ for p in stackparams ]
from enum import Enum receive_codes = { "PING": 0, "HANDSHAKE": 1, "DISCONNECT": 2, } handshake_codes = { "UNKNOWN": 0, "WAITING_ACK": 1, "COMPLETED": 2 }
from app.settings import * DEBUG = False TESTING = True SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = 'sqlite:///:memory:' SERVER_NAME = 'localhost' WTF_CSRF_ENABLED = False WTF_CSRF_CHECK_DEFAULT = False WTF_CSRF_METHODS = []
import numpy as np import scipy.sparse import akg from akg import tvm from akg import topi from tests.common.base import get_rtol_atol from tests.common.gen_random import random_gaussian from tests.common.tensorio import compare_tensor from akg.utils import kernel_exec as utils from akg.utils.result_analysis import target_profiling from akg.utils.format_transform import to_tvm_nd_array, get_shape from akg.utils.dsl_create import get_broadcast_shape def csr_mul(dense, sparse_data, col_idx, row_idx, shape): assert len(shape) == 2, "only supports 2-dim sparse tensor" assert len(dense.shape) <= 2 assert dense.dtype == sparse_data.dtype, "data and weight must have the same dtype" num_rows = row_idx.shape[0] - 1 dense_shape = get_shape(dense.shape) sparse_shape = get_shape(shape) broadcast_shape = get_broadcast_shape(dense_shape, sparse_shape) need_expand = tvm.const(len(dense_shape) < len(broadcast_shape)) need_broadcast_first_dim = tvm.const( len(dense_shape) == len(broadcast_shape) and dense_shape[0] < broadcast_shape[0]) need_broadcast_last_dim = tvm.const( len(dense_shape) == len(broadcast_shape) and dense_shape[1] < broadcast_shape[1]) def gen_ir(dense, sparse_data, col_idx, row_idx, output): ib = tvm.ir_builder.create() with ib.for_range(0, num_rows, name='i') as i: start = ib.load(row_idx, i) end = ib.load(row_idx, i + 1) with ib.for_range(0, end - start, name='j') as j: pos = start + j with ib.if_scope(pos < end): val = ib.load(sparse_data, pos) col = ib.load(col_idx, pos) with ib.if_scope(need_expand):, pos, val * ib.load(dense, [col])) with ib.else_scope(): with ib.if_scope(need_broadcast_first_dim):, pos, val * ib.load(dense, [0, col])) with ib.else_scope(): with ib.if_scope(need_broadcast_last_dim):, pos, val * ib.load(dense, [i, 0])) with ib.else_scope():, pos, val * ib.load(dense, [i, col])) return ib.get() output_name = "T_csr_mul_" + + "_" + out_buf = tvm.decl_buffer(sparse_data.shape, sparse_data.dtype, output_name) return tvm.extern([shape], [dense, sparse_data, col_idx, row_idx], lambda ins, outs: gen_ir(ins[0], ins[1], ins[2], ins[3], outs[0]), dtype=sparse_data.dtype, out_buffers=[out_buf], name=output_name) def gen_data(shape1, shape2, dtype1, dtype2): dense = random_gaussian(shape1).astype(dtype1) sparse_data = scipy.sparse.rand(shape2[0], shape2[1], density=0.2, format='csr', dtype=dtype1) expect = sparse_data.multiply(np.broadcast_to(dense, shape2)) return dense,, sparse_data.indices.astype(dtype2), sparse_data.indptr.astype(dtype2), def test_csr_mul(shape1, shape2, dtype1, dtype2, poly_sch=False, attrs=None): if not attrs: attrs = {"target": "cuda"} # gen data op_attrs = [shape2] dense, sparse_data, col_idx, row_idx, expect = gen_data(shape1, shape2, dtype1, dtype2) output_shape = expect.shape attrs["csr_avg_row"] = sparse_data.shape[0] // shape1[0] mod = utils.op_build_test(csr_mul, [shape1, sparse_data.shape, col_idx.shape, row_idx.shape], [dtype1, dtype1, dtype2, dtype2], op_attrs=op_attrs, polyhedral=poly_sch, attrs=attrs, kernel_name="csr_mul") if len(expect.shape) == 0: output_shape = (1, ) output = np.zeros(output_shape, expect.dtype) output = utils.mod_launch(mod, (dense, sparse_data, col_idx, row_idx, output), expect=expect) atol, rtol = get_rtol_atol("csr_mul", dtype1) res = compare_tensor(output, expect, rtol=rtol, atol=atol) print("Test {}".format("Pass" if res else "Failed")) target_name = attrs["target"].split()[0] if not res: mod_source = mod if target_name != "llvm": mod_source = mod.imported_modules[0] print("Error {}:========================".format(target_name)) print(mod_source.get_source()) raise AssertionError("Test fail") if attrs["profiling"]: args_list = to_tvm_nd_array( [dense, sparse_data, col_idx, row_idx, output, expect], akg.tvm.context(target_name, 0)) target_profiling(mod, *args_list, target=target_name, repeat_time=attrs["repeat_time"])
# encoding: utf-8 """ Input/output package. """ from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import io as _io import contextlib import numpy as np from .audio import load_audio_file from .midi import load_midi, write_midi from ..utils import suppress_warnings, string_types ENCODING = 'utf8' # dtype for numpy structured arrays that contain labelled segments # 'label' needs to be castable to str SEGMENT_DTYPE = [('start', np.float), ('end', np.float), ('label', object)] # overwrite the built-in open() to transparently apply some magic file handling @contextlib.contextmanager def open_file(filename, mode='r'): """ Context manager which yields an open file or handle with the given mode and closes it if needed afterwards. Parameters ---------- filename : str or file handle File (handle) to open. mode: {'r', 'w'} Specifies the mode in which the file is opened. Yields ------ Open file (handle). """ # check if we need to open the file if isinstance(filename, string_types): f = fid =, mode) else: f = filename fid = None # yield an open file handle yield f # close the file if needed if fid: fid.close() @suppress_warnings def load_events(filename): """ Load a events from a text file, one floating point number per line. Parameters ---------- filename : str or file handle File to load the events from. Returns ------- numpy array Events. Notes ----- Comments (lines starting with '#') and additional columns are ignored, i.e. only the first column is returned. """ # read in the events, one per line events = np.loadtxt(filename, ndmin=2) # 1st column is the event's time, the rest is ignored return events[:, 0] def write_events(events, filename, fmt='%.3f', delimiter='\t', header=None): """ Write the events to a file, one event per line. Parameters ---------- events : numpy array Events to be written to file. filename : str or file handle File to write the events to. fmt : str or sequence of strs, optional A single format (e.g. '%.3f'), a sequence of formats, or a multi-format string (e.g. '%.3f %.3f'), in which case `delimiter` is ignored. delimiter : str, optional String or character separating columns. header : str, optional String that will be written at the beginning of the file as comment. """ events = np.array(events) # reformat fmt to be a single string if needed if isinstance(fmt, (list, tuple)): fmt = delimiter.join(fmt) # write output with open_file(filename, 'wb') as f: # write header if header is not None: f.write(bytes(('# ' + header + '\n').encode(ENCODING))) # write events for e in events: try: string = fmt % tuple(e.tolist()) except AttributeError: string = e except TypeError: string = fmt % e f.write(bytes((string + '\n').encode(ENCODING))) f.flush() load_onsets = load_events write_onsets = write_events @suppress_warnings def load_beats(filename, downbeats=False): """ Load the beats from the given file, one beat per line of format 'beat_time' ['beat_number']. Parameters ---------- filename : str or file handle File to load the beats from. downbeats : bool, optional Load only downbeats instead of beats. Returns ------- numpy array Beats. """ values = np.loadtxt(filename, ndmin=1) if values.ndim > 1: if downbeats: # rows with a "1" in the 2nd column are downbeats return values[values[:, 1] == 1][:, 0] else: # 1st column is the beat time, the rest is ignored return values[:, 0] return values def write_beats(beats, filename, fmt=None, delimiter='\t', header=None): """ Write the beats to a file. Parameters ---------- beats : numpy array Beats to be written to file. filename : str or file handle File to write the beats to. fmt : str or sequence of strs, optional A single format (e.g. '%.3f'), a sequence of formats (e.g. ['%.3f', '%d']), or a multi-format string (e.g. '%.3f %d'), in which case `delimiter` is ignored. delimiter : str, optional String or character separating columns. header : str, optional String that will be written at the beginning of the file as comment. """ if fmt is None and beats.ndim == 2: fmt = ['%.3f', '%d'] elif fmt is None: fmt = '%.3f' write_events(beats, filename, fmt, delimiter, header) def load_downbeats(filename): """ Load the downbeats from the given file. Parameters ---------- filename : str or file handle File to load the downbeats from. Returns ------- numpy array Downbeats. """ return load_beats(filename, downbeats=True) def write_downbeats(beats, filename, fmt=None, delimiter='\t', header=None): """ Write the downbeats to a file. Parameters ---------- beats : numpy array Beats or downbeats to be written to file. filename : str or file handle File to write the beats to. fmt : str or sequence of strs, optional A single format (e.g. '%.3f'), a sequence of formats (e.g. ['%.3f', '%d']), or a multi-format string (e.g. '%.3f %d'), in which case `delimiter` is ignored. delimiter : str, optional String or character separating columns. header : str, optional String that will be written at the beginning of the file as comment. Notes ----- If `beats` contains both time and number of the beats, they are filtered to contain only the downbeats (i.e. only the times of those beats with a beat number of 1). """ if beats.ndim == 2: beats = beats[beats[:, 1] == 1][:, 0] if fmt is None: fmt = '%.3f' write_events(beats, filename, fmt, delimiter, header) @suppress_warnings def load_notes(filename): """ Load the notes from the given file, one note per line of format 'onset_time' 'note_number' ['duration' ['velocity']]. Parameters ---------- filename: str or file handle File to load the notes from. Returns ------- numpy array Notes. """ return np.loadtxt(filename, ndmin=2) def write_notes(notes, filename, fmt=None, delimiter='\t', header=None): """ Write the notes to a file. Parameters ---------- notes : numpy array, shape (num_notes, 2) Notes, row format 'onset_time' 'note_number' ['duration' ['velocity']]. filename : str or file handle File to write the notes to. fmt : str or sequence of strs, optional A sequence of formats (e.g. ['%.3f', '%d', '%.3f', '%d']), or a multi-format string, e.g. '%.3f %d %.3f %d', in which case `delimiter` is ignored. delimiter : str, optional String or character separating columns. header : str, optional String that will be written at the beginning of the file as comment. Returns ------- numpy array Notes. """ # set default format if fmt is None: fmt = ['%.3f', '%d', '%.3f', '%d'] if not notes.ndim == 2: raise ValueError('unknown format for `notes`') # truncate format to the number of colums given fmt = delimiter.join(fmt[:notes.shape[1]]) # write the notes write_events(notes, filename, fmt=fmt, delimiter=delimiter, header=header) def load_segments(filename): """ Load labelled segments from file, one segment per line. Each segment is of form <start> <end> <label>, where <start> and <end> are floating point numbers, and <label> is a string. Parameters ---------- filename : str or file handle File to read the labelled segments from. Returns ------- segments : numpy structured array Structured array with columns 'start', 'end', and 'label', containing the beginning, end, and label of segments. """ start, end, label = [], [], [] with open_file(filename) as f: for line in f: s, e, l = line.split() start.append(float(s)) end.append(float(e)) label.append(l) segments = np.zeros(len(start), dtype=SEGMENT_DTYPE) segments['start'] = start segments['end'] = end segments['label'] = label return segments def write_segments(segments, filename, fmt=None, delimiter='\t', header=None): """ Write labelled segments to a file. Parameters ---------- segments : numpy structured array Labelled segments, one per row (column definition see SEGMENT_DTYPE). filename : str or file handle Output filename or handle. fmt : str or sequence of strs, optional A sequence of formats (e.g. ['%.3f', '%.3f', '%s']), or a multi-format string (e.g. '%.3f %.3f %s'), in which case `delimiter` is ignored. delimiter : str, optional String or character separating columns. header : str, optional String that will be written at the beginning of the file as comment. Returns ------- numpy structured array Labelled segments Notes ----- Labelled segments are represented as numpy structured array with three named columns: 'start' contains the start position (e.g. seconds), 'end' the end position, and 'label' the segment label. """ if fmt is None: fmt = ['%.3f', '%.3f', '%s'] write_events(segments, filename, fmt=fmt, delimiter=delimiter, header=header) load_chords = load_segments write_chords = write_segments def load_key(filename): """ Load the key from the given file. Parameters ---------- filename : str or file handle File to read key information from. Returns ------- str Key. """ with open_file(filename) as f: return def write_key(key, filename, header=None): """ Write key string to a file. Parameters ---------- key : str Key name. filename : str or file handle Output file. header : str, optional String that will be written at the beginning of the file as comment. Returns ------- key : str Key name. """ write_events([key], filename, fmt='%s', header=header) def load_tempo(filename, split_value=1., sort=None, norm_strengths=None, max_len=None): """ Load tempo information from the given file. Tempo information must have the following format: 'main tempo' ['secondary tempo' ['relative_strength']] Parameters ---------- filename : str or file handle File to load the tempo from. split_value : float, optional Value to distinguish between tempi and strengths. `values` > `split_value` are interpreted as tempi [bpm], `values` <= `split_value` are interpreted as strengths. sort : bool, deprecated Sort the tempi by their strength. norm_strengths : bool, deprecated Normalize the strengths to sum 1. max_len : int, deprecated Return at most `max_len` tempi. Returns ------- tempi : numpy array, shape (num_tempi[, 2]) Array with tempi. If no strength is parsed, a 1-dimensional array of length 'num_tempi' is returned. If strengths are given, a 2D array with tempi (first column) and their relative strengths (second column) is returned. """ # try to load the data from file values = np.loadtxt(filename, ndmin=1) # split the filename according to their filename into tempi and strengths # TODO: this is kind of hack-ish, find a better solution tempi = values[values > split_value] strengths = values[values <= split_value] # make the strengths behave properly strength_sum = np.sum(strengths) # relative strengths are given (one less than tempi) if len(tempi) - len(strengths) == 1: strengths = np.append(strengths, 1. - strength_sum) if np.any(strengths < 0): raise AssertionError('strengths must be positive') # no strength is given, assume an evenly distributed one if strength_sum == 0: strengths = np.ones_like(tempi) / float(len(tempi)) # normalize the strengths if norm_strengths is not None: import warnings warnings.warn('`norm_strengths` is deprecated as of version 0.16 and ' 'will be removed in 0.18. Please normalize strengths ' 'separately.') strengths /= float(strength_sum) # tempi and strengths must have same length if len(tempi) != len(strengths): raise AssertionError('tempi and strengths must have same length') # order the tempi according to their strengths if sort: import warnings warnings.warn('`sort` is deprecated as of version 0.16 and will be ' 'removed in 0.18. Please sort the returned array ' 'separately.') # Note: use 'mergesort', because we want a stable sorting algorithm # which keeps the order of the keys in case of duplicate keys # but we need to apply this '(-strengths)' trick because we want # tempi with uniformly distributed strengths to keep their order sort_idx = (-strengths).argsort(kind='mergesort') tempi = tempi[sort_idx] strengths = strengths[sort_idx] # return at most 'max_len' tempi and their relative strength if max_len is not None: import warnings warnings.warn('`max_len` is deprecated as of version 0.16 and will be ' 'removed in 0.18. Please truncate the returned array ' 'separately.') return np.vstack((tempi[:max_len], strengths[:max_len])).T def write_tempo(tempi, filename, delimiter='\t', header=None, mirex=None): """ Write the most dominant tempi and the relative strength to a file. Parameters ---------- tempi : numpy array Array with the detected tempi (first column) and their strengths (second column). filename : str or file handle Output file. delimiter : str, optional String or character separating columns. header : str, optional String that will be written at the beginning of the file as comment. mirex : bool, deprecated Report the lower tempo first (as required by MIREX). Returns ------- tempo_1 : float The most dominant tempo. tempo_2 : float The second most dominant tempo. strength : float Their relative strength. """ # make the given tempi a 2d array tempi = np.array(tempi, ndmin=2) # default values t1 = t2 = strength = np.nan # only one tempo was detected if len(tempi) == 1: t1 = tempi[0][0] strength = 1. # consider only the two strongest tempi and strengths elif len(tempi) > 1: t1, t2 = tempi[:2, 0] strength = tempi[0, 1] / sum(tempi[:2, 1]) # for MIREX, the lower tempo must be given first if mirex is not None: import warnings warnings.warn('`mirex` argument is deprecated as of version 0.16 ' 'and will be removed in version 0.17. Please sort the ' 'tempi manually') if t1 > t2: t1, t2, strength = t2, t1, 1. - strength # format as a numpy array and write to output out = np.array([t1, t2, strength], ndmin=2) write_events(out, filename, fmt=['%.2f', '%.2f', '%.2f'], delimiter=delimiter, header=header)
from abundsolar import elsolarlogepsilon zfactor = 10 ** -1.92 # mean of s-poor population in NGC5286 # from Marino et al. (2015) 2015MNRAS.450..815M # [Fe/H] = -1.92 # log X/Fe = [X/Fe] + log(X/Fe)_solar targetlogxtofe = { 'o': 0.58 + elsolarlogepsilon['o'] - elsolarlogepsilon['fe'], 'na': 0.18 + elsolarlogepsilon['na'] - elsolarlogepsilon['fe'], 'y': -0.04 +elsolarlogepsilon['y'] - elsolarlogepsilon['fe'], 'zr': 0.17 + elsolarlogepsilon['zr'] - elsolarlogepsilon['fe'], 'ba': 0.03 + elsolarlogepsilon['ba'] - elsolarlogepsilon['fe'], 'la': 0.29 + elsolarlogepsilon['la'] - elsolarlogepsilon['fe'], 'ce': 0.24 + elsolarlogepsilon['ce'] - elsolarlogepsilon['fe'], 'pr': 0.38 + elsolarlogepsilon['pr'] - elsolarlogepsilon['fe'], 'nd': 0.20 + elsolarlogepsilon['nd'] - elsolarlogepsilon['fe'] }
# PROJECT : kungfucms # TIME : 2020/6/9 12:54 # AUTHOR : <NAME> # EMAIL : <EMAIL> # PHONE : 13811754531 # WECHAT : 13811754531 # from django.core.signals import request_started, \ request_finished from django.dispatch import Signal, receiver before_sign_in = Signal(providing_args=["toppings", "size"]) after_sign_in = Signal(providing_args=["toppings", "size"]) sign_in_post_permission = Signal(providing_args=["toppings", "size"]) @receiver(request_started) def before_request(sender, **kwargs): pass @receiver(request_finished) def after_request(sender, **kwargs): pass
<filename><gh_stars>1-10 # Unit tests, I guess. import unittest import typing import main # A test playlist created by myself to test various features of the script. # It contains five videos, added by two different users, # and some videos don't have maxres thumbnails. # This playlist shouldn't be changed. TEST_PLAYLIST: typing.Final = 'PLB2AcRG34VQWlArTnlLR98RZeOnep8-Zb' # Testing functions revolving around YouTube and video filtering. class TestVideoFunctions(unittest.TestCase): def test_get_playlist_items(self): r = main.get_playlist_items(TEST_PLAYLIST) self.assertEqual(len(r['items']), 5) def test_filter_items_by_timestamp(self): r = main.get_playlist_items(TEST_PLAYLIST) filtered = main.filter_playlist_items_by_timestamp(r, 1617985920) self.assertEqual(len(filtered), 2) # Not a test, but used in tests below. def get_playlist_item_embed(pos: int): r = main.get_playlist_items(TEST_PLAYLIST) playlist_item = r['items'][pos] epoch = main.iso_string_to_epoch(playlist_item ['snippet']['publishedAt']) playlist_item['snippet']['publishedAt'] = epoch embed = main.video_info_to_embed(playlist_item) return embed # Testing stuff with the Discord Embeds. class TestEmbeds(unittest.TestCase): def test_maxres_thumbnail(self): embed = get_playlist_item_embed(1) self.assertRegex(embed.thumbnail['url'], '(maxresdefault)') def test_hq_thumbnail_when_no_maxres(self): embed = get_playlist_item_embed(2) self.assertRegex(embed.thumbnail['url'], '(hqdefault)') if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
import subprocess import threading from collections import defaultdict from concurrent.futures import Executor from concurrent.futures.thread import ThreadPoolExecutor class RecursiveLibraryScanner: def __init__(self, executor: Executor, scan_private: bool): self.executor = executor self.libraries = defaultdict(set) self.scanned = set() self.scan_private = scan_private = [] self.all_done = threading.Event() def _check(self, job): if all(j.done() for j in self.all_done.set() def _enqueue(self, target): job = self.executor.submit(self._scan, target) job.add_done_callback(self._check) def _scan(self, target): # print("scanning", target, file=sys.stderr) self.scanned.add(target) for lib in scan_libraries(target): self.libraries[target].add(lib) if lib not in self.scanned: is_private = smells_private(lib) if (is_private and self.scan_private) or not is_private: self._enqueue(lib) def scan(self, target): self._enqueue(target) self.all_done.wait() return self.libraries def scan_libraries_recursive(initial_target, scan_private=True): with ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor: rls = RecursiveLibraryScanner(executor, scan_private=scan_private) return rls.scan(initial_target) def scan_libraries(target): in_load_dylib = False libraries = set() for line in subprocess.check_output( ["otool", "-l", target], encoding="utf-8" ).splitlines(): line = line.strip() if line == "cmd LC_LOAD_DYLIB": in_load_dylib = True if in_load_dylib and line.startswith("name "): words = line.split() lib = words[1] libraries.add(lib) in_load_dylib = False return libraries def smells_private(lib): if lib.startswith("/System/Library"): return True if lib.startswith("/usr/lib/"): return True if lib.startswith("/usr/local/lib/"): return True return False def filter_private(scanned_libraries): public_libraries = { target: {lib for lib in libraries if not smells_private(lib)} for (target, libraries) in scanned_libraries.items() if not smells_private(target) } return public_libraries
<filename>methods/ import functools import itertools import os import random import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from sklearn import metrics from sklearn import preprocessing from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split, KFold, cross_val_score from keras.layers import Dense, Activation, Flatten, Dropout, Reshape from keras.layers import Conv1D, Conv2D, MaxPooling2D from keras.models import Sequential, Model from keras.utils.np_utils import to_categorical from keras import optimizers from keras.optimizers import Adam, SGD from keras.layers.normalization import BatchNormalization from keras.regularizers import l2 import copy def model_net(X_train1, X_train2, X_train3, y_train, nb_epoch=60,weights=None): nb_classes = 2 img_dim1 = X_train1.shape[1:] img_dim2 = X_train2.shape[1:] img_dim3 = X_train3.shape[1:] ##########parameters######### init_form = 'RandomUniform' learning_rate = 0.001 nb_dense_block = 1 nb_layers = 5 nb_filter = 32 growth_rate = 32 # growth_rate = 24 filter_size_block1 = 13 filter_size_block2 = 7 filter_size_block3 = 3 filter_size_ori = 1 dense_number = 32 dropout_rate = 0.2 dropout_dense = 0.3 weight_decay = 0.0001 nb_batch_size = 512 ################### # Construct model # ################### from methods.phosnet import Phos model = Phos(nb_classes, nb_layers, img_dim1, img_dim2, img_dim3, init_form, nb_dense_block, growth_rate, filter_size_block1, filter_size_block2, filter_size_block3, nb_filter, filter_size_ori, dense_number, dropout_rate, dropout_dense, weight_decay) # Model output # choose optimazation opt = Adam(lr=learning_rate, beta_1=0.9, beta_2=0.999, epsilon=1e-08) # model compile model.compile(loss='binary_crossentropy', optimizer=opt, metrics=['accuracy']) # load weights# if weights is not None: model.load_weights(weights) # model2 = copy.deepcopy(model) model2 = model model2.load_weights(weights) for num in range(len(model2.layers) - 1): model.layers[num].set_weights(model2.layers[num].get_weights()) if nb_epoch > 0 :[X_train1, X_train2, X_train3], y_train, batch_size=nb_batch_size, # validation_data=([X_val1, X_val2, X_val3, y_val), # validation_split=0.1, epochs= nb_epoch, shuffle=True, verbose=1) return model
<filename>misc/ # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Wed Apr 1 17:05:31 2020 @author: craig We've been using some online order files in our original PsychoPy-derived web-based MST. This converts those actual .csv files into the .js ones we'll be using here """ import os, csv, glob inpath=os.path.join('G:',os.sep,'Shared drives','Stark Lab','MST_Psychopy','InitialPPy_Online_Version','OnlineOrders') outpath=os.path.join("C:",os.sep,"Users","craig","OneDrive - University of California - Irvine","Documents","cordova_cMST","www","jsOrders") studyfiles=glob.glob(os.path.join(inpath,"MST*p1_o*csv")) testfiles=glob.glob(os.path.join(inpath,"MST*p2_o*csv")) for fname in studyfiles: print(fname) stim=[] cond=[] with open(fname,"r") as infile: reader=csv.reader(infile,delimiter=',') next(reader) for row in reader: stim.append(row[0]) cond.append(row[1]) infile.close() outfname=fname.replace('csv','js').replace(inpath,outpath) outfile=open(outfname,"w") outfile.write('var trial_stim=[\n') for i in range(len(cond)): outfile.write(' {' + "stim: '{0}', cond: '{1}'".format(stim[i],cond[i]) + '}') if i < (len(cond)-1): outfile.write(',\n') else: outfile.write('\n') outfile.write(']\n') outfile.close() for fname in testfiles: print(fname) stim=[] cond=[] lbin=[] corr3=[] corr2=[] with open(fname,"r") as infile: reader=csv.reader(infile,delimiter=',') next(reader) for row in reader: stim.append(row[0]) cond.append(row[1]) lbin.append(row[2]) if row[3]=='v': corr3.append('0') corr2.append('0') elif row[3]=='b': corr3.append('1') corr2.append('2') elif row[3]=='n': corr3.append('2') corr2.append('2') else: corr3.append('-1') corr2.append('-1') infile.close() outfname=fname.replace('csv','js').replace(inpath,outpath) outfile=open(outfname,"w") outfile.write('var trial_stim=[\n') for i in range(len(cond)): outfile.write(' {' + "stim: '{0}', cond: '{1}', lbin: {2}, corr3: {3}, corr2: {4}".format(stim[i],cond[i],lbin[i],corr3[i],corr2[i]) + '}') if i < (len(cond)-1): outfile.write(',\n') else: outfile.write('\n') outfile.write(']\n') outfile.close()
from fabric.decorators import task from fabric.operations import run, sudo, local from ConfigParser import ConfigParser import geospatial from fabric.context_managers import lcd cp = ConfigParser()'ocgis.cfg') if cp.get('install','location') == 'local': run = local cd = lcd def lsudo(op): local('sudo {0}'.format(op)) sudo = lsudo SRC = cp.get('install','src') INSTALL = cp.get('install','install') J = cp.get('install','j') @task(default=True) def deploy(): # geospatial.install_hdf() geospatial.install_netCDF4()
example_snippets/multimenus_snippets/NewSnippets/SymPy/Functions/Combinatorial functions/Stirling number of the second
stirling(n, k)
from django.conf.urls import patterns, include, url urlpatterns = patterns('', url(r'^', include('demo.urls')), url(r'^login/$', 'django.contrib.auth.views.login', {'template_name': 'nuit/generic/login.html'}), url(r'^logout/$', 'django.contrib.auth.views.logout'), )
<reponame>samuelmaudo/yepes # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- from __future__ import unicode_literals from django.core import checks from django.core.validators import MinLengthValidator from django.db import models from django.utils import six from django.utils.encoding import force_text from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from yepes import forms from yepes.fields.calculated import CalculatedField from yepes.utils import unidecode from yepes.utils.deconstruct import clean_keywords from yepes.validators import CharSetValidator def check_max_length_attribute(self, **kwargs): if (self.max_length is not None and (not isinstance(self.max_length, six.integer_types) or self.max_length <= 0)): return [ checks.Error( "'max_length' must be None or a positive integer.", hint=None, obj=self, id='yepes.E111', ) ] else: return [] def check_min_length_attribute(self, **kwargs): if self.min_length is None: return [] elif (not isinstance(self.min_length, six.integer_types) or self.min_length <= 0): return [ checks.Error( "'min_length' must be None or a positive integer.", hint=None, obj=self, id='yepes.E112', ) ] elif (isinstance(self.max_length, six.integer_types) and self.max_length < self.min_length): return [ checks.Error( "'min_length' cannot be greater than 'max_length'.", hint="Decrease 'min_length' or increase 'max_length'.", obj=self, id='yepes.E113', ) ] else: return [] class CharField(CalculatedField, models.CharField): description = _('String') def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.charset = kwargs.pop('charset', None) self.force_ascii = kwargs.pop('force_ascii', False) self.force_lower = kwargs.pop('force_lower', False) self.force_upper = kwargs.pop('force_upper', False) self.min_length = kwargs.pop('min_length', None) self.normalize_spaces = kwargs.pop('normalize_spaces', True) self.trim_spaces = kwargs.pop('trim_spaces', False) super(CharField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if self.min_length is not None: self.validators.append(MinLengthValidator(self.min_length)) if self.charset is not None: self.validators.append(CharSetValidator(self.charset)) def check(self, **kwargs): errors = super(CharField, self).check(**kwargs) errors.extend(self._check_min_length_attribute(**kwargs)) return errors _check_min_length_attribute = check_min_length_attribute def deconstruct(self): name, path, args, kwargs = super(CharField, self).deconstruct() path = path.replace('yepes.fields.char', 'yepes.fields') clean_keywords(self, kwargs, variables={ 'charset': None, 'force_ascii': False, 'force_lower': False, 'force_upper': False, 'min_length': None, 'normalize_spaces': True, 'trim_spaces': False, }) return (name, path, args, kwargs) def formfield(self, **kwargs): params = { 'form_class': forms.CharField, 'charset': self.charset, 'force_ascii': self.force_ascii, 'force_lower': self.force_lower, 'force_upper': self.force_upper, 'max_length': self.max_length, 'min_length': self.min_length, 'normalize_spaces': self.normalize_spaces, 'trim_spaces': self.trim_spaces, } params.update(kwargs) return super(CharField, self).formfield(**params) def to_python(self, value): if value is None: return value if not isinstance(value, six.string_types): value = force_text(value) if self.normalize_spaces: value = ' '.join(value.split()) elif self.trim_spaces: value = value.strip() if not value: return value if self.force_ascii: value = unidecode(value) if self.force_lower: value = value.lower() elif self.force_upper: value = value.upper() return value
<reponame>rickie/hopla<filename>src/tests/hoplalib/hatchery/<gh_stars>0 #!/usr/bin/env python3 import random from typing import List import click import pytest from hopla.hoplalib.errors import YouFoundABugRewardError from hopla.hoplalib.hatchery.hatchdata import HatchPotionData from hopla.hoplalib.hatchery.hatchpotionmodels import HatchPotion, HatchPotionCollection, \ HatchPotionException _SAMPLE_SIZE = 10 class TestHatchPotion: def test__init__invalid_name_fail(self): name = "InvalidName" with pytest.raises(HatchPotionException) as exec_info: HatchPotion(name, quantity=1) assert str(exec_info.value).startswith(f"{name} is not a valid hatching potion name.") assert exec_info.errisinstance((YouFoundABugRewardError, click.ClickException)) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "potion_name,quantity", list(zip(random.sample(HatchPotionData.hatch_potion_names, k=_SAMPLE_SIZE), range(-_SAMPLE_SIZE, 0))) ) def test__init__invalid_quantity_fail(self, potion_name: str, quantity: int): with pytest.raises(HatchPotionException) as exec_info: HatchPotion(potion_name, quantity=quantity) assert str(exec_info.value).startswith(f"{quantity} is below 0.") assert exec_info.errisinstance((YouFoundABugRewardError, click.ClickException)) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "potion_name,quantity", list(zip(random.sample(HatchPotionData.hatch_potion_names, k=_SAMPLE_SIZE), range(0, _SAMPLE_SIZE))) ) def test__repr__ok(self, potion_name: str, quantity: int): potion = HatchPotion(potion_name, quantity=quantity) result: str = repr(potion) assert result == f"HatchPotion({potion_name}: {quantity})" def test__eq__(self): assert HatchPotion("Red") == HatchPotion("Red") assert HatchPotion("Shimmer", quantity=1) == HatchPotion("Shimmer") assert HatchPotion("Silver") != HatchPotion("Silver", quantity=2) assert HatchPotion("Watery") != HatchPotion("Glow") @pytest.mark.parametrize("potion_name,quantity", [ ("Base", 10), ("CottonCandyBlue", 1), ("Golden", 0), ]) def test_is_standard_potion(self, potion_name: str, quantity: int): potion = HatchPotion(potion_name, quantity=quantity) assert potion.is_standard_hatch_potion() is True assert potion.is_magic_hatch_potion() is False assert potion.is_wacky_hatch_potion() is False @pytest.mark.parametrize("potion_name,quantity", [ ("BirchBark", 10), ("Windup", 1), ("Vampire", 0), ("Ruby", 9), ("Amber", 69), ("MossyStone", 42), ("SolarSystem", 9001), ]) def test_is_magic_potion(self, potion_name: str, quantity: int): potion = HatchPotion(potion_name, quantity=quantity) assert potion.is_standard_hatch_potion() is False assert potion.is_magic_hatch_potion() is True assert potion.is_wacky_hatch_potion() is False @pytest.mark.parametrize("potion_name,quantity", [ ("Veggie", 10), ("Dessert", 0), ]) def test_is_wacky_hatch_potion(self, potion_name: str, quantity: int): potion = HatchPotion(potion_name, quantity=quantity) assert potion.is_standard_hatch_potion() is False assert potion.is_magic_hatch_potion() is False assert potion.is_wacky_hatch_potion() is True class TestHatchPotionCollection: def test__init__empty_ok(self): collection = HatchPotionCollection() assert collection == HatchPotionCollection({}) assert len(collection) == 0 def test__init__ok(self): potion_dict = {"Base": 0, "Moonglow": 42, "Sunset": 2} collection = HatchPotionCollection(potion_dict) assert collection["Base"] == HatchPotion("Base", quantity=0) assert collection["Moonglow"] == HatchPotion("Moonglow", quantity=42) assert collection["Sunset"] == HatchPotion("Sunset", quantity=2) def test__eq__ok(self): left = HatchPotionCollection({"Frost": 1, "Glow": 1}) right = HatchPotionCollection({"Glow": 1, "Frost": 2}) assert left != right assert HatchPotionCollection() == HatchPotionCollection() assert HatchPotionCollection({"StarryNight": 1}) != HatchPotionCollection() assert HatchPotionCollection({"Windup": 2}) == HatchPotionCollection({"Windup": 2}) assert HatchPotionCollection({"Frost": 1}) != HatchPotionCollection({"Frost": 2}) def test__iter__ok(self): collection = HatchPotionCollection({"Base": 1, "Moonglow": 42, "Sunset": 2}) iterator = iter(collection) assert next(iterator) == "Base" assert next(iterator) == "Moonglow" assert next(iterator) == "Sunset" with pytest.raises(StopIteration): next(iterator) def test__getitem__ok(self): collection = HatchPotionCollection({"Base": 1, "Moonglow": 42, "Sunset": 0}) assert collection["Base"] == HatchPotion("Base", quantity=1) assert collection["Moonglow"] == HatchPotion("Moonglow", quantity=42) assert collection["Sunset"] == HatchPotion("Sunset", quantity=0) def test_values_ok(self): potion1, quantity1 = "Dessert", 10 potion2, quantity2 = "MossyStone", 1 potion3, quantity3 = "StainedGlass", 2 collection = HatchPotionCollection({ potion1: quantity1, potion2: quantity2, potion3: quantity3 }) generator = collection.values() assert next(generator) == HatchPotion(potion1, quantity=quantity1) assert next(generator) == HatchPotion(potion2, quantity=quantity2) assert next(generator) == HatchPotion(potion3, quantity=quantity3) with pytest.raises(StopIteration): _ = next(generator) def test_values_as_list_ok(self): potion1, quantity1 = "Golden", 1 potion2, quantity2 = "Sunshine", 41 potion3, quantity3 = "Vampire", 3 collection = HatchPotionCollection({ potion1: quantity1, potion2: quantity2, potion3: quantity3 }) result: List[HatchPotion] = list(collection.values()) expected: List[HatchPotion] = [ HatchPotion(potion1, quantity=quantity1), HatchPotion(potion2, quantity=quantity2), HatchPotion(potion3, quantity=quantity3) ] assert result == expected def test_remove_hatch_potion_ok(self): potion1_quantity = 3 potion2_quantity = 42 potion3_name, potion3_quantity = "Sunset", 1 collection = HatchPotionCollection({ "Base": potion1_quantity, "Moonglow": potion2_quantity, potion3_name: potion3_quantity }) collection.remove_hatch_potion(HatchPotion("Base")) collection.remove_hatch_potion(HatchPotion("Moonglow")) collection.remove_hatch_potion(HatchPotion(potion3_name)) assert collection["Base"] == HatchPotion("Base", quantity=potion1_quantity - 1) assert collection["Moonglow"] == HatchPotion("Moonglow", quantity=potion2_quantity - 1) assert collection[potion3_name] == HatchPotion(potion3_name, quantity=potion3_quantity - 1) def test_remove_hatch_potion_not_available_faile(self): collection = HatchPotionCollection({"Base": 1}) not_found_potion_name = "Moonglow" with pytest.raises(HatchPotionException) as exec_info: collection.remove_hatch_potion(HatchPotion(not_found_potion_name)) expected_msg = f"{not_found_potion_name} was not in the collection " assert str(exec_info.value).startswith(expected_msg)
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # author: linlei #for data/all name of file like run_0023454_All_file014_SFO-2.dst #for data/skim & mc, we use new file naming rule, #file name like resonance_eventType_streamId_runL_runH_*.dst import os import os.path import ROOT from ROOT import gROOT from amga import mdclient,mdinterface import string import re import time #get number behiend string "exp" def getNum(expNum): format = re.compile(r"\d+") res = if res is not None: return #Get expNum and resonance from ExpSearch according runids def getExpRes(runids): entries = [] expRes = {} expNumList = [] resList = [] #print"runids",runids client = mdclient.MDClient('',8822,'amga','Amg@Us3r') #client = mdclient.MDClient('',8822,'root') #get all entries under catalog "/BES3/ExpSearch" client.listEntries('/BES3_test/ExpSearch') entry = client.getEntry()[0] while entry: entries.append(entry) entry = client.getEntry()[0] if entries is None: print "ExpSearch directory is empty, please run createBesDir first" return Flase for item in entries: #for each entry,get its attributes in amga client.getattr(item,['Id','runFrm','runTo','expNum','resonance']) result = client.getEntry()[1] # print item # print result runfrm = string.atoi(result[1]) runto = string.atoi(result[2]) for runid in runids: #check all runid whether between runfrm and runto of each entry #under catalog "/BES3/ExpSearch" if runfrm<=runid<=runto: #if this runid between runfrm and runto,and expNum isn't in expNumList #add this expNum to expNumList if result[3] not in expNumList: expNumList.append(result[3]) #resonance of this id isn't in resonance List,add it to resList if result[4] not in resList: resList.append(result[4]) #only including one resonance if len(resList) == 1: expRes["resonance"] = resList[0] else: #has several resonances,may be has something wrong to this file print "serveral resonance:",resList return False #only including one expNum if len(expNumList) == 1: expRes["expNum"] = expNumList[0] else: #if including several expNums,combine these expNum into mexpN1pN2p... sorted(expNumList) str = "m" + expNumList[0] for expNum in expNumList[1:]: str = str + "p+" + getNum(expNum) expRes["expNum"] = str return expRes #check whether eventType is stored in eventTypeList in amga def eventTypeCheck(eventType): entries = [] client = mdclient.MDClient('',8822,'amga','Amg@Us3r') #client = mdclient.MDClient('',8822,'root') client.listEntries('/BES3_test/EventTypeList') entry = client.getEntry()[0] while entry: entries.append(entry) entry = client.getEntry()[0] for entry in entries: #get name of each entry client.getattr(entry,['FILE']) result = client.getEntry()[1] #compare eventType with name of each entry if eventType == result[0]: return True return False #judge format of file class JudgeFormat(Exception): def __init__(self, format): self.format = format def __str__(self): return repr("the File's format is not ",self.format) #type of srcformat is list,it includes many formats def checkFormat(srcformat,file): flag = 0 #print "file",file for format in srcformat: #if format of file is in srcformat if file.endswith(format): flag = 1 return flag #Before reading information from .root file,we need to use changeFormat #function to create a .root link for .dst file def changeFormat(dstfile,rootfile,srcformat=[".dst",".tag"],destformat=[".root"]): flag = checkFormat(srcformat,dstfile) if flag==0: raise JudgeFormat(srcformat) return flag = checkFormat(destformat,rootfile) if flag==0: raise JudgeFormat(destformat) return #if this rootfile has exists,then delete it if os.path.exists(rootfile): os.unlink(rootfile) #create a new rootfile for dstfile os.symlink(dstfile,rootfile) return rootfile #dstfile like /bes3fs/offline/data/655-1/4040/dst/110504/run_0023474_All_file007_SFO-2.dst, #return run_0023474_All_file007_SFO-2 def getLFN(dstfile,format=[".dst",".tag"]): flag = checkFormat(format,dstfile) if flag==0: raise JudgeFormat(format) return #split dstfile by "/",then get "lfn.dst" items=dstfile.split("/") length=len(items) filename=items[length-1] #split "*.dst" by "." #get lfn lfn = filename.split('.')[0] return lfn #get size of dst file def getFileSize(dstfile,format = [".dst",".tag"]): flag = checkFormat(format,dstfile) if flag==0: raise JudgeFormat(format) return if os.path.exists(dstfile): #get file's size return os.path.getsize(dstfile) #lfn like resonance_eventType_streamId_runL_runH_*,get attributes:resonance,eventType,streamId,runL,runH #lfn like run_0009947_All_file001_SFO-1,get attribute runId def splitLFN(lfn,type): result = {} items = lfn.split("_") if type == "all": if items[2] == "All": runId = string.atoi(items[1]) return runId else: result["resonance"] = items[0] result["eventType"] = items[1] result["streamId"] = items[2] result["runL"] = string.atoi(items[3]) result["runH"] = string.atoi(items[4]) return result #get runIdList from JobOptions def getRunIdList(jobOptions): result = {} runIdList = [] str1=jobOptions[0] pat = re.compile(r'RunIdList= {-\d+(,-?\d+)+}') res1 = if res1 is not None: #get a string like:RunIdList={-10513,0,-10629} str2 = result["description"] = str2 pat = re.compile(r'-\d+(,-?\d+)+') list = if list is not None: #get a string like:-10513,0,-10629 runIds = #split runIds according ',' items=runIds.split(',') #members' style in items is string,we need to change their style to integer for i in items: if i!='0': runid=abs(string.atoi(i)) runIdList.append(runid) result["runIdList"] = runIdList return result #get Boss version, runid, Entry number, JobOptions from root file def getCommonInfo(rootfile): commoninfo = {} gROOT.ProcessLine('gSystem->Load("");') gROOT.ProcessLine('TFile file("%s");'%rootfile) gROOT.ProcessLine('TTree* tree =(TTree*)file.Get("JobInfoTree");') gROOT.ProcessLine('TTree* tree1 =(TTree*)file.Get("Event");') gROOT.ProcessLine('TBranch* branch =(TBranch*)tree->GetBranch("JobInfo");') gROOT.ProcessLine('TBranch* branch1 =(TBranch*)tree1->GetBranch("TEvtHeader");') gROOT.ProcessLine('TJobInfo* jobInfo = new TJobInfo();') gROOT.ProcessLine('TEvtHeader* evtHeader = new TEvtHeader();') gROOT.ProcessLine('branch->SetAddress(&jobInfo);') gROOT.ProcessLine('branch1->SetAddress(&evtHeader);') gROOT.ProcessLine('branch->GetEntry(0);') gROOT.ProcessLine('branch1->GetEntry(0);') gROOT.ProcessLine('Int_t num=tree1.GetEntries()') #get Boss Version commoninfo["bossVer"] = ROOT.jobInfo.getBossVer() #get RunId commoninfo["runId"] = abs(ROOT.evtHeader.getRunId()) #get all entries commoninfo["eventNum"] = ROOT.num #get TotEvtNo #commoninfo["TotEvtNo"] = list(i for i in ROOT.jobInfo.getTotEvtNo()) #get JobOption commoninfo["jobOptions"] = list(i for i in ROOT.jobInfo.getJobOptions()) #set DataType commoninfo["dataType"]='dst' return commoninfo #get bossVer,eventNum,dataType,fileSize,name,eventType,expNum, #resonance,runH,runL,status,streamId,description class DataAll(object): def __init__(self,dstfile,rootfile): self.dstfile = dstfile self.rootfile = rootfile def getAttributes(self): #store all attributes attributes = {} expRes = {} runIds = [] #change the .dst file to .root file rootfile = changeFormat(self.dstfile,self.rootfile) if getFileSize(self.dstfile)<5000: print "Content of this file is null:",self.dstfile return "error" else: attributes = getCommonInfo(rootfile) #get filesize by calling getFileSize function #get name by calling getLFN function attributes["fileSize"] = getFileSize(self.dstfile) attributes["LFN"] = getLFN(self.dstfile) #for .dst files of Data/All,their EventType are "all" attributes["eventType"] = "all" #get runId from filename runId = splitLFN(attributes["LFN"],"all") #compare runid of rootfile with runid in filename if attributes["runId"] == runId: runIds.append(attributes["runId"]) #get expNum and Resonance by calling getExpRes(runIds) expRes = getExpRes(runIds) if expRes == False: print "Can't get expNum and resonance of this file" return "error" attributes["expNum"] = expRes["expNum"] attributes["resonance"] = expRes["resonance"] #set RunH=RunId and RunL=RunId attributes["runH"] = attributes["runId"] attributes["runL"] = attributes["runId"] else: print "runId of %s,in filename is %d,in rootfile is %d"%(self.dstfile,lfnInfo["runId"],attributes["runId"]) return "error" #set values of attribute status,streamId,Description #and these values are null #-1 <=> value of status is null #-1 <=> value of streamId is null #null <=> value of Description is null attributes["status"] = -1 attributes["streamId"] = 'stream0' attributes["description"] = 'null' del attributes["runId"] del attributes["jobOptions"] return attributes #get resonance,runL,runH,eventType,streamId,LFN from file name #file name like resonance_eventType_streamId_runL_runH_*.dst #get bossVer,runL,runH,eventNum by reading information from rootfile class Others(object): def __init__(self,dstfile,rootfile): self.dstfile = dstfile self.rootfile = rootfile def getAttributes(self): #store all attributes attributes = {} expRes = {} lfnInfo = {} runIds = [] #change the .dst file to .root file rootfile = changeFormat(self.dstfile,self.rootfile) if getFileSize(self.dstfile)<5000: print "Content of this file is null:",self.dstfile return "error" else: attributes = getCommonInfo(rootfile) #get filesize by calling getFileSize function #get lfn by calling getLFN function attributes["fileSize"] = getFileSize(self.dstfile) attributes["LFN"] = getLFN(self.dstfile) #get resonance,eventType,streamId,runL,runH in filename by calling splitLFN function lfnInfo = splitLFN(attributes["LFN"],"others") #if runL is equal to runH,this file only has one runId if lfnInfo["runL"] == lfnInfo["runH"]: #if runId in filename also is equal to runId in rootfile if attributes["runId"] == lfnInfo["runL"]: runIds.append(attributes["runId"]) attributes["runL"] = attributes["runId"] attributes["runH"] = attributes["runId"] #get expNum and Resonance by calling getExpRes() expRes = getExpRes(runIds) if expRes == False: print "Can't get expNum and resonance of this file" return "error" attributes["expNum"] = expRes["expNum"] attributes["description"] = "null" #if resonance in filename is same as resonance that get from ExpSearch if expRes["resonance"] == lfnInfo["resonance"]: attributes["resonance"] = expRes["resonance"] else: print "Error %s:resonance in filename is %s,in ExpSearch is %s"%(self.dstfile,lfnInfo["resonance"],expRes["resonance"]) return "error" else: print "Error %s:in the filename,runL = runH = %d,but runId in the root file is %d"%(self.dstfile,lfnInfo["runL"],attributes["runId"]) return "error" else: #this dst file has several runIds,get them from JobOptions by calling getRunIdList function result = getRunIdList(attributes["jobOptions"]) if result is not None: runH = max(result["runIdList"]) runL = min(result["runIdList"]) if runL == lfnInfo["runL"]: if runH == lfnInfo["runH"]: attributes["runL"] = lfnInfo["runL"] attributes["runH"] = lfnInfo["runH"] #get expNum and Resonance by calling getExpRes(runid) expRes = getExpRes(result["runIdList"]) if expRes == False: print "Error:",this.dstfile return "error" attributes["expNum"] = expRes["expNum"] attributes["description"] = result["description"] if expRes["resonance"] == lfnInfo["resonance"]: attributes["resonance"] = lfnInfo["resonance"] else: print "Error %s:resonance in filename is %s,in ExpSearch is %s"%(self.dstfile,lfnInfo["resonance"],expRes["resonance"]) return "error" else: print "Error %s:runH in filename is %d,in jobOptions is %d"%(self.dstfile,lfnInfo["runH"],runH) return "error" else: print "Error %s:runL in filename is %d,in jobOptions is %d"%(self.dstfile,lfnInfo["runL"],runL) return "error" #get streamId from filename attributes["streamId"] = lfnInfo["streamId"] #check eventType in filename evtType_exists = eventTypeCheck(lfnInfo["eventType"]) if evtType_exists == True: attributes["eventType"] = lfnInfo["eventType"] else: print "Error %s:eventType %s in filename is not stored in AMGA"%(self.dstfile,lfnInfo["eventType"]) return "error" #set values of attribute status #-1 <=> value of status is null attributes["status"] = -1 del attributes["runId"] del attributes["jobOptions"] return attributes if __name__=="__main__": import time start=time.time() obj = DataAll("/bes3fs/offline/data/661-1/psipp/dst/100118/run_0011414_All_file001_SFO-1.dst","/panfs/") end = time.time() print "661:",str(start - end) start = time.time() obj = DataAll("/bes3fs/offline/data/655-1/psipp/dst/100118/run_0011414_All_file001_SFO-1.dst","/panfs/") end = time.time() print "655:",str(start - end)
import json import os # make it easy to change this for testing XDG_DATA_HOME=os.getenv('XDG_DATA_HOME','/usr/share/') def default_search_folders(app_name): ''' Return the list of folders to search for configuration files ''' return [ '%s/cdis/%s' % (XDG_DATA_HOME, app_name), '/usr/share/cdis/%s' % app_name, '/var/www/%s' % app_name ] def find_paths(file_name,app_name,search_folders=None): ''' Search the given folders for file_name search_folders defaults to default_search_folders if not specified return the first path to file_name found ''' search_folders = search_folders or default_search_folders(app_name) possible_files = [ os.path.join(folder, file_name) for folder in search_folders ] return [ path for path in possible_files if os.path.exists(path) ] def load_json(file_name,app_name,search_folders=None): ''' json.load(file_name) after finding file_name in search_folders return the loaded json data or None if file not found ''' actual_files = find_paths(file_name, app_name, search_folders) if not actual_files: return None with open(actual_files[0], 'r') as reader: return json.load(reader)
#==========================================================# # Process: e+e- -> Z/gamma -> mu+mu- # Author: <NAME> # Date: 2018.7.16 # Version: 1.0 #==========================================================# class Event_Output(object): def output(self, i, p1, p2, p3, p4): with open("event.txt","a") as events: events.write("===================="+"event "+str(i)+"====================") events.write("\n") events.write("pem: "+str(p1)) events.write("\n") events.write("pep: "+str(p2)) events.write("\n") events.write("pmm: "+str(p3)) events.write("\n") events.write("pmp: "+str(p4)) events.write("\n") events.write("\n")
import numpy """ Utility variables and functions """ aa2au = 1.8897261249935897 # bohr / AA # converts nuclear charge to atom label Z2LABEL = { 1: 'H', 2: 'He', 3: 'Li', 4: 'Be', 5: 'B', 6: 'C', 7: 'N', 8: 'O', 9: 'F', 10: 'Ne', 11: 'NA', 12: 'Mg', 13: 'Al', 14: 'Si', 15: 'P', 16: 'S', 17: 'Cl', 18: 'Ar' } # converts an atomic label to a nuclear charge LABEL2Z = {} for key in Z2LABEL: LABEL2Z[Z2LABEL[key]] = key # masses from UIPAC: MASSES = {0: 0.00, 1: 1.00784, 2: 4.002602, 3: 6.938, 4: 9.01218, 5: 10.806, 6: 12.0096, 7: 14.00643, 8: 15.99903, 9: 18.998403, 10: 20.1797, 11: 22.9898, 12: 24.304, 13: 26.9815, 14: 28.084, 15: 30.973, 16: 32.059, 17: 35.446, 18: 39.948 } # <NAME>al radii from Alvarez (2013), DOI: 2013/dt/c3dt50599e # all values in Angstrom VDWRADII = {0: 0.00, 1: 1.20, 2: 1.43, 3: 2.12, 4: 1.98, 5: 1.91, 6: 1.77, 7: 1.66, 8: 1.50, 9: 1.46, 10: 1.58, 11: 2.50, 12: 2.51, 13: 2.25, 14: 2.19, 15: 1.90, 16: 1.89, 17: 1.82, 18: 1.83 } # Covalent radii from Pykko and Atsumi (2009), DOI: 0.1002/chem.200800987 # all values in Angstrom COVALENTRADII = {0: 0.00, 1: 0.32, 2: 0.46, 3: 1.33, 4: 1.02, 5: 0.85, 6: 0.75, 7: 0.71, 8: 0.63, 9: 0.64, 10: 0.67, 11: 1.55, 12: 1.39, 13: 1.26, 14: 1.16, 15: 1.11, 16: 1.03, 17: 0.99, 18: 0.96 } # Coordination numbers from Pykko and Atsumi (2009), DOI: 0.1002/chem.200800987 COORDINATION = {0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 1, 3: 1, 4: 2, 5: 3, 6: 4, 7: 3, 8: 2, 9: 1, 10: 1, 11: 1, 12: 2, 13: 3, 14: 4, 15: 3, 16: 2, 17: 1, 18: 1 } def idamax(a): """ Returns the index of maximum absolute value (positive or negative) in the input array a. Note: Loosely based of a subroutine in GAMESS with the same name Arguments: a -- a numpy array where we are to find the maximum value in (either positive or negative) Returns: the index in the array where the maximum value is. """ idx = -1 v = 0.0 for i, value in enumerate(numpy.abs(a)): if value > v: idx = i v = value return idx def idamin(a): """ Returns the index of minimum absolute value (positive or negative) in the input array a. Arguments: a -- a numpy array where we are to find the minimum value in (either positive or negative) Returns: the index in the array where the maximum value is. """ idx = -1 v = 1.0e30 for i, value in enumerate(numpy.abs(a)): if value < v: idx = i v = value return idx
LC3-Longest Substring Without Repeating
<filename>LC3-Longest Substring Without Repeating class Solution: def lengthOfLongestSubstring(self, s: str) -> int: #Leetcode 3 - Longest substring without repeating characters st = en = poi = 0 substr = temp = '' maxlen = 0 for i in range(len(s)): if s[i] not in temp: temp += s[i] else: if maxlen < len(temp): maxlen = len(temp) substr = temp st = poi en = i - 1 while s[i] in temp: temp = temp[1:] poi = poi + i temp += s[i] if maxlen < len(temp): maxlen = len(temp) substr = temp #print(f"Longest substring is {substr} and length is {maxlen} and from {st} to {en}") return(maxlen)
<reponame>imk1/MethylationQTLCode def makeIGVToolsSortScript(bismarkFileNameListFileName, suffix, scriptFileName, codePath): # Make a script that will use gatk to convert Hapmap files to VCF files bismarkFileNameListFile = open(bismarkFileNameListFileName) scriptFile = open(scriptFileName, 'w+') for line in bismarkFileNameListFile: # Iterate through the chromosomes and write a line in the script for each for each population bismarkFileName = line.strip() bismarkFileNameElements = bismarkFileName.split(".") fileTypeLength = len(bismarkFileNameElements[-1]) outputFileName = bismarkFileName[0:len(bismarkFileName) - fileTypeLength] + suffix scriptFile.write("java -Xmx4g -jar " + codePath + "/" + "igvtools.jar sort " + bismarkFileName + " " + outputFileName + "\n") bismarkFileNameListFile.close() scriptFile.close() if __name__=="__main__": import sys bismarkFileNameListFileName = sys.argv[1] suffix = sys.argv[2] scriptFileName = sys.argv[3] codePath = sys.argv[4] # Should not contain a / at the end makeIGVToolsSortScript(bismarkFileNameListFileName, suffix, scriptFileName, codePath)
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # a=[0]*6 for i in range(6): a[i]=[int(x) for x in input().split()] c=-9*9 for i in range(1,5): for j in range(1,5): c=max(c,a[i-1][j-1]+a[i-1][j]+a[i-1][j+1]+a[i][j]+a[i+1][j-1]+a[i+1][j]+a[i+1][j+1]) print(c)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Singleton class to manage configuration Description: Todo: """ import json import os import sys import logging import constant class Config(object): # Here will be the instance stored. __instance = None @classmethod def getInstance(cls): """ Static access method. """ if Config.__instance == None: raise Exception("Any configuration is not initialized yet!") return Config.__instance def __init__(self, url): """ Virtually private constructor. """ if Config.__instance != None: raise Exception("This class is a singleton!") else: self.config = dict() self.load(url) self._url = url Config.__instance = self def load(self, url): try: self.config = json.load(open(url)) self.config["version"] = constant.APPVERSION except Exception as error: logging.error(error, exc_info=True) return self.config def store(self): try: with open(self._url, "w") as outfile: json.dump(self.config, outfile, indent=4) except Exception as error: logging.error(error, exc_info=True)
<gh_stars>1-10 # import unittest from unittest import TestCase import numpy as np from rigid_opt.sdf_gradient_field import calculate_gradient_wrt_twist from math_utils.transformation import twist_vector_to_matrix2d def sdf_gradient_wrt_to_twist(live_field, y_field, x_field, twist_vector, offset, voxel_size): sdf_gradient_wrt_to_voxel = np.zeros((1, 2)) if y_field - 1 < 0: post_sdf = live_field[y_field + 1, x_field] if post_sdf < -1: sdf_gradient_wrt_to_voxel[0, 1] = 0 else: sdf_gradient_wrt_to_voxel[0, 1] = post_sdf - live_field[y_field, x_field] elif y_field + 1 > live_field.shape[0] - 1: pre_sdf = live_field[y_field - 1, x_field] if pre_sdf < -1: sdf_gradient_wrt_to_voxel[0, 1] = 0 else: sdf_gradient_wrt_to_voxel[0, 1] = live_field[y_field, x_field] - pre_sdf else: pre_sdf = live_field[y_field - 1, x_field] post_sdf = live_field[y_field + 1, x_field] if (post_sdf < -1) or (pre_sdf < -1): sdf_gradient_wrt_to_voxel[0, 1] = 0 else: sdf_gradient_wrt_to_voxel[0, 1] = (post_sdf - pre_sdf) / 2 if x_field - 1 < 0: post_sdf = live_field[y_field, x_field + 1] if post_sdf < -1: sdf_gradient_wrt_to_voxel[0, 0] = 0 else: sdf_gradient_wrt_to_voxel[0, 0] = post_sdf - live_field[y_field, x_field] elif x_field + 1 > live_field.shape[1] - 1: pre_sdf = live_field[y_field, x_field - 1] if pre_sdf < -1: sdf_gradient_wrt_to_voxel[0, 0] = 0 else: sdf_gradient_wrt_to_voxel[0, 0] = live_field[y_field, x_field] - pre_sdf else: pre_sdf = live_field[y_field, x_field - 1] post_sdf = live_field[y_field, x_field + 1] if (post_sdf < -1) or (pre_sdf < -1): sdf_gradient_wrt_to_voxel[0, 0] = 0 else: sdf_gradient_wrt_to_voxel[0, 0] = (post_sdf - pre_sdf) / 2 x_voxel = (x_field + offset[0])*voxel_size z_voxel = (y_field + offset[2])*voxel_size point = np.array([[x_voxel, z_voxel, 1.]], dtype=np.float32).T twist_matrix_homo_inv = twist_vector_to_matrix2d(-twist_vector) trans =, point) voxel_gradient_wrt_to_twist = np.array([[1, 0, trans[1]], [0, 1, -trans[0]]]) return, voxel_gradient_wrt_to_twist).reshape((1, -1)) class MyTestCase(TestCase): def test_sdf_gradient_wrt_twist01(self): live_field = np.array([[1, 0, -1], [1, 0, -1], [1, 0, -1]]) twist_vector = np.array([[0.], [0.], [0.]]) offset = np.array([-1, -1, 1]) voxel_size = 1 gradient_field = calculate_gradient_wrt_twist(live_field, twist_vector, array_offset=offset, voxel_size=voxel_size) expected_gradient_field = np.zeros((live_field.shape[0], live_field.shape[1], 3), dtype=np.float32) for y_field in range(live_field.shape[0]): for x_field in range(live_field.shape[1]): expected_gradient_field[y_field, x_field] = sdf_gradient_wrt_to_twist(live_field, y_field, x_field, twist_vector, offset, voxel_size) self.assertTrue(np.allclose(expected_gradient_field, gradient_field)) def test_sdf_gradient_wrt_twist02(self): live_field = np.array([[1, 1, 1], [0, 0, 0], [-1, -1, -1]]) twist_vector = np.array([[0.], [0.], [0.]]) offset = np.array([-1, -1, 1]) voxel_size = 1 gradient_field = calculate_gradient_wrt_twist(live_field, twist_vector, array_offset=offset, voxel_size=voxel_size) expected_gradient_field = np.zeros((live_field.shape[0], live_field.shape[1], 3), dtype=np.float32) for y_field in range(live_field.shape[0]): for x_field in range(live_field.shape[1]): expected_gradient_field[y_field, x_field] = sdf_gradient_wrt_to_twist(live_field, y_field, x_field, twist_vector, offset, voxel_size) self.assertTrue(np.allclose(expected_gradient_field, gradient_field)) def test_sdf_gradient_wrt_twist03(self): live_field = np.array([[1, 1, 1], [0, 0, 0], [-1, -1, -1]]) twist_vector = np.array([[0.], [0.], [0.]]) offset = np.array([-1, -1, 1]) voxel_size = 2 gradient_field = calculate_gradient_wrt_twist(live_field, twist_vector, array_offset=offset, voxel_size=voxel_size) expected_gradient_field = np.zeros((live_field.shape[0], live_field.shape[1], 3), dtype=np.float32) for y_field in range(live_field.shape[0]): for x_field in range(live_field.shape[1]): expected_gradient_field[y_field, x_field] = sdf_gradient_wrt_to_twist(live_field, y_field, x_field, twist_vector, offset, voxel_size) self.assertTrue(np.allclose(expected_gradient_field, gradient_field)) def test_sdf_gradient_wrt_twist04(self): live_field = np.array([[1, 0, -1], [1, 0, -1], [1, 0, -1]]) twist_vector = np.array([[0.], [1.], [0.]]) offset = np.array([-1, -1, 1]) voxel_size = 1 gradient_field = calculate_gradient_wrt_twist(live_field, twist_vector, array_offset=offset, voxel_size=voxel_size) expected_gradient_field = np.zeros((live_field.shape[0], live_field.shape[1], 3), dtype=np.float32) for y_field in range(live_field.shape[0]): for x_field in range(live_field.shape[1]): expected_gradient_field[y_field, x_field] = sdf_gradient_wrt_to_twist(live_field, y_field, x_field, twist_vector, offset, voxel_size) self.assertTrue(np.allclose(expected_gradient_field, gradient_field)) def test_sdf_gradient_wrt_twist05(self): live_field = np.array([[1, 0, -1], [1, 0, -1], [1, 0, -1]]) twist_vector = np.array([[0.], [-1.], [0.]]) offset = np.array([-1, -1, 1]) voxel_size = 1 gradient_field = calculate_gradient_wrt_twist(live_field, twist_vector, array_offset=offset, voxel_size=voxel_size) expected_gradient_field = np.zeros((live_field.shape[0], live_field.shape[1], 3), dtype=np.float32) for y_field in range(live_field.shape[0]): for x_field in range(live_field.shape[1]): expected_gradient_field[y_field, x_field] = sdf_gradient_wrt_to_twist(live_field, y_field, x_field, twist_vector, offset, voxel_size) self.assertTrue(np.allclose(expected_gradient_field, gradient_field)) def test_sdf_gradient_wrt_twist06(self): live_field = np.array([[1, 0, -1], [1, 0, -1], [1, 0, -1]]) twist_vector = np.array([[0.], [0.], [.5]]) offset = np.array([-1, -1, 1]) voxel_size = 0.5 gradient_field = calculate_gradient_wrt_twist(live_field, twist_vector, array_offset=offset, voxel_size=voxel_size) expected_gradient_field = np.zeros((live_field.shape[0], live_field.shape[1], 3), dtype=np.float32) for y_field in range(live_field.shape[0]): for x_field in range(live_field.shape[1]): expected_gradient_field[y_field, x_field] = sdf_gradient_wrt_to_twist(live_field, y_field, x_field, twist_vector, offset, voxel_size) self.assertTrue(np.allclose(expected_gradient_field, gradient_field))
import numpy as np import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import as px import plotly.graph_objects as go import streamlit as st import io import base64 from util import process_file def limit_x_values(data, x_column, settings): st.markdown("### Limit x Range") x_min = st.number_input("Choose minimum x:", value=min([min(df[x_column].values) for df in data])) x_max = st.number_input("Choose maximum x:", value=max([max(df[x_column].values) for df in data])) settings['x_min'] = x_min settings['x_max'] = x_max data_out = [] for df in data: mask = (df[x_column].values > x_min) * (df[x_column].values < x_max) data_out.append(df[mask]) return data_out, settings scales = {'A': 1, 'mA': 1e3, 'µA': 1e6} def scale_current(data, y_column, settings): st.markdown("### Scale Current") scale = st.selectbox("Scale:", list(scales.keys()), index=1) settings['y_scale'] = scale data_out = [] for df in data: df2 = df.copy() df2[y_column] = df2[y_column] * scales[scale] data_out.append(df2) return data_out, settings # def process_data(data, y_column, settings): # st.markdown("### Rescale y-axis") # st.selectbox("Choose y-axis scale:", value=[0, 3, 6, 9], format_func= def run(): df = None cols = None x_column = y_column = None combined_data = None processing="None" if 'ever_submitted' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.ever_submitted = False settings = {"processing": "None"} st.markdown("""## Combine CSV Electrochemistry files This helper will combine multiple CSV files (or Excel spreadsheets) for easy plotting. """) files = st.file_uploader("Upload CSV or Excel Files", accept_multiple_files=True) if files: st.write(files) filenames = [(i, for i, f in enumerate(files)] data = [process_file(f) for f in files] ind_fname = st.selectbox("Choose data to display: ", filenames, format_func=lambda x: x[1], index=0) st.write("""## Labels Use the boxes below to change the labels for each line that will go on the graph. """) labels = [st.text_input(f"{filename[0]}. {filename[1]}", value=filename[1]) for filename in filenames] if ind_fname: df = data[ind_fname[0]] cols = list(df.columns) st.write("## Choose columns") with st.form("column_chooser_and_run"): x_column = st.selectbox("Choose the x column: ", cols) y_column = st.selectbox("Choose y column: ", cols, index=len(cols)-1) submitted = st.form_submit_button() st.session_state.ever_submitted = submitted | st.session_state.ever_submitted use_plotly = st.checkbox("Use plotly?", value=False) if data is not None: data, settings = limit_x_values(data, x_column, settings) data, settings = scale_current(data, y_column, settings) # data, settings = normalize_data(data, x_column, settings) # x_data = combined_data[x_column].values # Plotting if use_plotly: fig = go.Figure() else: fig, ax = plt.subplots() for df, fname, label in zip(data, filenames, labels): if use_plotly: fig.add_trace(go.Line(x=df[x_column], y=df[y_column], name=str(fname[0])+"-"+label)) else: ax.plot(df[x_column].values, df[y_column].values, label=str(fname[0])+"-"+label) y_label_default = f"{y_column} ({settings['y_scale']})" st.markdown("### Plotting options") x_label = st.text_input("x-axis label: ", value=x_column) y_label = st.text_input('y-axis label: ', value=y_label_default) grid = st.checkbox("Grid?", value=False) if grid and not use_plotly: ax.grid() if use_plotly: fig.update_layout(xaxis_title=x_label, yaxis_title=y_label) st.plotly_chart(fig) else: ax.set_xlabel(x_label) ax.set_ylabel(y_label) ax.legend() st.pyplot(fig) # # Saving # st.markdown("### Output options") # st.write(combined_data) # filename = st.text_input("Filename:", value="data") # write_excel(combined_data, filename) if __name__ == "__main__": run()
<gh_stars>0 #!/usr/bin/env python """ .. module:: externalNllFast :synopsis: Wrapper for all nllfast versions. .. moduleauthor:: <NAME> <<EMAIL>> """ from __future__ import print_function try: import commands as executor except ImportError: import subprocess as executor import os from import ExternalTool from import logger class ExternalNllFast(ExternalTool): """ An instance of this class represents the installation of nllfast. """ def __init__(self, sqrts, nllfastVersion, testParams, testCondition): """ :param sqrts: sqrt of s, in TeV, as an integer, :param nllfastVersion: version of the nllfast tool :param testParams: what are the test params we need to run things with? :param testCondition: the line that should be the last output line when running executable :srcPath: the path of the source code, for compilation """ ExternalTool.__init__(self) self.sqrts = int(sqrts) = "nllfast%d" % sqrts self.nllfastVersion = nllfastVersion path = "<install>/lib/nllfast/nllfast-" location = path + self.nllfastVersion + "/" self.cdPath = self.absPath(location) self.executablePath = self.cdPath + "/nllfast_%dTeV" % self.sqrts self.testParams = testParams self.testCondition = testCondition self.srcPath = self.cdPath self.executable = "" def compile(self): """ Try to compile nllfast. """"Trying to compile %s", cmd = "cd %s; make" % self.srcPath out = executor.getoutput(cmd) # out = subprocess.check_output ( cmd, shell=True, universal_newlines=True ) return True def fetch(self): """ Fetch and unpack tarball. """ import urllib, tarfile tempfile = "/tmp/nllfast7.tar.gz" f = open(tempfile, "w") url = "" \ % self.sqrts"fetching tarball from " + url) R = urllib.urlopen(url) l = R.readlines() for line in l: f.write(line) R.close() f.close() tar = for item in tar: tar.extract(item, self.srcPath + "/") def unlink(self, inputFile): """ Remove inputFile.out """ return # fname = "%s/%s.out" % (self.cdPath, inputFile) # if os.path.exists(fname): # os.unlink(fname) def run_(self, params): """ Execute nllfast7. :params params: parameters used (e.g. gg cteq5 .... ) :returns: stdout and stderr, or error message """ cmd = "cd %s; %s %s" % (self.cdPath, self.executablePath, params) out = executor.getoutput(cmd) # out = subprocess.check_output ( cmd, shell=True, universal_newlines=True ) out = out.split("\n") return out def run(self, process, pdf, squarkmass, gluinomass): """ Execute nllfast. :params process: which process: st, sb, gg, gdcpl, sdcpl, ss, sg, tot :params pdf: cteq=cteq6, mstw2008 :params squarkmass: squarkmass, None if squark decoupled :params gluinomass: gluinomass, None if gluino decoupled :returns: stdout and stderr, or error message """ processes = ["st", "sb", "gg", "gdcpl", "sdcpl", "ss", "sg", "tot"] if not process in processes: return None if not pdf in ["cteq", "cteq6", "mstw", "mstw2008"]: return None if not squarkmass: return self.run_("%s %s %s") % (process, pdf, gluinomass) if not gluinomass: return self.run_("%s %s %s") % (process, pdf, squarkmass) return self.run_("%s %s %s %s") % \ (process, pdf, squarkmass, gluinomass) def checkInstallation(self): """ Checks if installation of tool is valid by looking for executable and executing it. """ if not os.path.exists(self.executablePath): logger.error("Executable '%s' not found. Maybe you didn't compile " \ "the external tools in smodels/lib?", self.executablePath) return False if not os.access(self.executablePath, os.X_OK): logger.error("%s is not executable", self.executable) return False out = self.run_(self.testParams) if out[-1].find(self.testCondition) == -1: logger.error("Setup invalid: " + str(out)) return False self.unlink("gg") return True class ExternalNllFast7(ExternalNllFast): """ An instance of this class represents the installation of nllfast 7. """ def __init__(self): ExternalNllFast.__init__(self, 7, "1.2", testParams="gg cteq 500 600", testCondition="500. 600. 0.193E+00 " "0.450E+00 0.497E+00") class ExternalNllFast8(ExternalNllFast): """ An instance of this class represents the installation of nllfast 8. """ def __init__(self): ExternalNllFast.__init__(self, 8, "2.1", testParams="gg cteq 500 600", testCondition="500. 600. 0.406E+00 " "0.873E+00 0.953E+00") class ExternalNllFast13(ExternalNllFast): """ An instance of this class represents the installation of nllfast 8. """ def __init__(self): ExternalNllFast.__init__(self, 13, "3.1", testParams="gg cteq 500 600", testCondition="600. 0.394E+01 0.690E+01 " "0.731E+01 0.394E+00" ) nllFastTools = { 7 : ExternalNllFast7(), 8 : ExternalNllFast8(), 13 : ExternalNllFast13() } if __name__ == "__main__": for (sqrts, tool) in nllFastTools.items(): print("%s: installed in %s" % (, tool.installDirectory()))
<reponame>EasonC13/<gh_stars>100-1000 from iota.commands import FilterCommand from iota.commands.core.broadcast_transactions import \ BroadcastTransactionsCommand from iota.commands.core.store_transactions import StoreTransactionsCommand import asyncio __all__ = [ 'BroadcastAndStoreCommand', ] class BroadcastAndStoreCommand(FilterCommand): """ Executes ``broadcastAndStore`` extended API command. See :py:meth:`iota.api.Iota.broadcast_and_store` for more info. """ command = 'broadcastAndStore' def get_request_filter(self): pass def get_response_filter(self): pass async def _execute(self, request: dict) -> dict: # Submit the two coroutines to the already running event loop await asyncio.gather( BroadcastTransactionsCommand(self.adapter)(**request), StoreTransactionsCommand(self.adapter)(**request), ) return { 'trytes': request['trytes'], }
from pwn import * context.log_level = 'debug' e = ELF('./test_shellcode32') r = remote("", 9017)#process('./test_shellcode32') context(arch='i386', os='linux') sc = shellcraft.pushstr('/home/pwn/flag') sc +="esp", 0, 0) # fd = open("./flag", 0, 0); sc +="eax", "esp", 100) # read(fd, esp, 100); sc += shellcraft.write(1, "esp", 100) # write(1, esp, 100); r.sendline(asm(sc)) r.interactive()
import sc_utils import model_factory import numpy as np from keras.preprocessing.text import Tokenizer from keras.preprocessing.sequence import pad_sequences INPUT_LENGTH = 100 # Prepare data X_train, Y_train, X_test, Y_test = sc_utils.load_data() X_train, Y_train, X_val, Y_val, X_test, Y_test, tokenizer = sc_utils.preprocess_data(X_train, Y_train, X_test, Y_test, INPUT_LENGTH) embedding_matrix = sc_utils.create_embedding_matrix(tokenizer) print("X_train.shape: " + str(X_train.shape)) print("Y_train.shape: " + str(Y_train.shape)) print("X_val.shape: " + str(X_val.shape)) print("Y_val.shape: " + str(Y_val.shape)) print("X_test.shape: " + str(X_test.shape)) print("Y_test.shape: " + str(Y_test.shape)) print("embedding_matrix.shape: " + str(embedding_matrix.shape)) # Create model #model = model_factory.create_baseline_model(embedding_matrix, INPUT_LENGTH) model = model_factory.create_rnn_model(embedding_matrix, INPUT_LENGTH) #model = model_factory.create_bidir_rnn_model(embedding_matrix, INPUT_LENGTH) #model = model_factory.create_train_emb_rnn_model(embedding_matrix, INPUT_LENGTH) model.summary() # Train model, Y_train, batch_size=200, epochs=30) # Evaluate model on validation set val_loss, val_accuracy = model.evaluate(X_val, Y_val, verbose=0) print("Accuracy on validation set: " + str(val_accuracy * 100) + "%") # Evaluate model on test set test_loss, test_accuracy = model.evaluate(X_test, Y_test, verbose=0) print("Accuracy on test set: " + str(test_accuracy * 100) + "%") # Test model on my own texts reviews = [ "This movie is bad. I don't like it it all. It's terrible.", "I love this movie. I've seen it many times and it's still awesome.", "I don't think this movie is as bad as most people say. It's actually pretty good." ] print("Testing model on my own texts:") print(reviews) reviews = tokenizer.texts_to_sequences(reviews) reviews = pad_sequences(reviews, maxlen=INPUT_LENGTH, padding="post") reviews = np.array(reviews) pred = model.predict(reviews) print(pred) print("The model predicts:") sentiment_str = "Negative" if pred[0][0] < 0.5 else "Positive" print(sentiment_str + " on the first text") sentiment_str = "Negative" if pred[1][0] < 0.5 else "Positive" print(sentiment_str + " on the second text") sentiment_str = "Negative" if pred[2][0] < 0.5 else "Positive" print(sentiment_str + " on the third text")
from modules.visitor.symbol_table import SymbolTable from .ast_node import ASTNode from .if_node import IfNode class LineNode(ASTNode): def __init__(self, expression, depth, no_end = False): self.expression = expression self.depth = depth self.no_end = no_end super().__init__(expression.position) def __repr__(self): return f"[{self.expression}]" def interpret(self, interpreter): return self.get_expression(interpreter) def transpile(self, transpiler): transpiler.depth = self.depth expression = self.get_expression(transpiler) indent = "\t" * self.depth return f"{indent}{expression}{'' if self.no_end else ';'}\n" def get_expression(self, visitor): if isinstance(self.expression, IfNode): visitor.symbol_table = SymbolTable(visitor.symbol_table) expression = self.expression.visit(visitor) visitor.symbol_table = visitor.symbol_table.parent return expression return self.expression.visit(visitor)
from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import hashlib import io import os import random from PIL import Image, ImageStat import tensorflow as tf from datasets import dataset_utils flags = flags.DEFINE_string('dataset_dir', '/home/ace19/dl_data/materials', 'Root Directory to dataset.') flags.DEFINE_string('output_path', '/home/ace19/dl_data/materials/query.record', 'Path to output TFRecord') flags.DEFINE_string('dataset_category', 'query', 'dataset category, train|validation|test') FLAGS = flags.FLAGS def get_label_map(label_to_index): label_map = {} # cls_lst = os.listdir(FLAGS.dataset_dir) cls_path = os.path.join(FLAGS.dataset_dir, FLAGS.dataset_category) cls_lst = os.listdir(cls_path) for i, cls in enumerate(cls_lst): data_path = os.path.join(cls_path, cls) img_lst = os.listdir(data_path) for n, img in enumerate(img_lst): img_path = os.path.join(data_path, img) label_map[img_path] = label_to_index[cls] return label_map def dict_to_tf_example(image_name, dataset_directory, label_map=None, image_subdirectory='train'): """ Args: image: a single image name dataset_directory: Path to root directory holding PCam dataset label_map: A map from string label names to integers ids. image_subdirectory: String specifying subdirectory within the PCam dataset directory holding the actual image data. Returns: example: The converted tf.Example. Raises: ValueError: if the image pointed to by image is not a valid PNG """ # full_path = os.path.join(dataset_directory, image_subdirectory, image_name) full_path = os.path.join(dataset_directory, image_name) with, 'rb') as fid: encoded = encoded_io = io.BytesIO(encoded) image = width, height = image.size format = image.format image_stat = ImageStat.Stat(image) mean = image_stat.mean std = image_stat.stddev key = hashlib.sha256(encoded).hexdigest() # if image_subdirectory.lower() == 'test': # label = -1 # else: # label = int(label_map[image_name]) label = int(label_map[full_path]) example = tf.train.Example(features=tf.train.Features(feature={ 'image/height': dataset_utils.int64_feature(height), 'image/width': dataset_utils.int64_feature(width), 'image/filename': dataset_utils.bytes_feature(image_name.encode('utf8')), 'image/fullpath': dataset_utils.bytes_feature(full_path.encode('utf8')), 'image/source_id': dataset_utils.bytes_feature(image_name.encode('utf8')), 'image/key/sha256': dataset_utils.bytes_feature(key.encode('utf8')), 'image/encoded': dataset_utils.bytes_feature(encoded), 'image/format': dataset_utils.bytes_feature(format.encode('utf8')), 'image/class/label': dataset_utils.int64_feature(label), # 'image/text': dataset_util.bytes_feature('label_text'.encode('utf8')) 'image/mean': dataset_utils.float_list_feature(mean), 'image/std': dataset_utils.float_list_feature(std) })) return example def main(_): tf.compat.v1.logging.set_verbosity(tf.compat.v1.logging.INFO) options = writer =, options=options) # cls_lst = os.listdir(FLAGS.dataset_dir) dataset_lst = os.path.join(FLAGS.dataset_dir, FLAGS.dataset_category) cls_lst = os.listdir(dataset_lst) cls_lst.sort() label_to_index = {} for i, cls in enumerate(cls_lst): cls_path = os.path.join(dataset_lst, cls) if os.path.isdir(cls_path): label_to_index[cls] = i label_map = get_label_map(label_to_index) random.shuffle(cls_lst) for i, cls in enumerate(cls_lst): cls_path = os.path.join(dataset_lst, cls) img_lst = os.listdir(cls_path) total = len(img_lst) for idx, image in enumerate(img_lst): if idx % 100 == 0:'On image %d of %d', idx, total) tf_example = dict_to_tf_example(image, cls_path, label_map, FLAGS.dataset_category) writer.write(tf_example.SerializeToString()) writer.close() if __name__ == '__main__':
from .bubble_sort import *
""" Given a string containing just the characters '(', ')', '{', '}', '[' and ']', determine if the input string is valid. The brackets must close in the correct order, "()" and "()[]{}" are all valid but "(]" and "([)]" are not. """ def is_valid(s:"str")->"bool": stack = [] dic = { ")":"(", "}":"{", "]":"["} for char in s: if char in dic.values(): stack.append(char) elif char in dic.keys(): if stack == []: return False s = stack.pop() if dic[char] != s: return False return stack == [] if __name__ == "__main__": paren = "[]" print(paren, is_valid(paren)) paren = "[]()[]" print(paren, is_valid(paren)) paren = "[[[]]" print(paren, is_valid(paren)) paren = "{([])}" print(paren, is_valid(paren)) paren = "(}" print(paren, is_valid(paren))
<reponame>jcnaud/snippet<gh_stars>1-10 # coding: utf-8 ## Source : import os from io import BytesIO from pdfminer.pdfinterp import PDFResourceManager, PDFPageInterpreter from pdfminer.converter import TextConverter from pdfminer.pdfpage import PDFPage def pdf2txt(path): """ Extract text from PDF file, and return the string contained inside :param path (str) path to the .pdf file :return: text (str) string extracted """ rsrcmgr = PDFResourceManager() retstr = BytesIO() device = TextConverter(rsrcmgr, retstr) with open(path, "rb") as fp: # open in 'rb' mode to read PDF bytes interpreter = PDFPageInterpreter(rsrcmgr, device) for page in PDFPage.get_pages(fp, check_extractable=True): interpreter.process_page(page) device.close() text = retstr.getvalue() retstr.close() return text.decode('utf-8') def main(): print(pdf2txt('./simple1.pdf')) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
<gh_stars>100-1000 #!/usr/bin/env python import logging import sys import textwrap import xmlrpc.client USAGE = 'Usage: <SPRINT>' HEADER = ' your friendly report view of the sprint!' # Note: Most of the bugzila api code comes from Scrumbugz. cache = {} log = logging.getLogger(__name__) BZ_URL = '' SESSION_COOKIES_CACHE_KEY = 'bugzilla-session-cookies' BZ_RESOLUTIONS = ['', 'FIXED', 'INVALID', 'WONTFIX', 'DUPLICATE', 'WORKSFORME', 'DUPLICATE'] BZ_FIELDS = [ 'id', 'status', 'resolution', 'summary', 'whiteboard', 'assigned_to', 'priority', 'severity', 'product', 'component', 'blocks', 'depends_on', 'creation_time', 'last_change_time', 'target_milestone', ] UNWANTED_COMPONENT_FIELDS = [ 'sort_key', 'is_active', 'default_qa_contact', 'default_assigned_to', 'description' ] class SessionTransport(xmlrpc.client.SafeTransport): """ XML-RPC HTTPS transport that stores auth cookies in the cache. """ _session_cookies = None @property def session_cookies(self): if self._session_cookies is None: cookie = cache.get(SESSION_COOKIES_CACHE_KEY) if cookie: self._session_cookies = cookie return self._session_cookies def parse_response(self, response): cookies = self.get_cookies(response) if cookies: self._session_cookies = cookies cache.set(SESSION_COOKIES_CACHE_KEY, self._session_cookies, 0) log.debug('Got cookie: %s', self._session_cookies) return xmlrpc.client.Transport.parse_response(self, response) def send_host(self, connection, host): cookies = self.session_cookies if cookies: for cookie in cookies: connection.putheader('Cookie', cookie) log.debug('Sent cookie: %s', cookie) return xmlrpc.client.Transport.send_host(self, connection, host) def get_cookies(self, response): cookie_headers = None if hasattr(response, 'msg'): cookies = response.msg.getheaders('set-cookie') if cookies: log.debug('Full cookies: %s', cookies) cookie_headers = [c.split(';', 1)[0] for c in cookies] return cookie_headers class BugzillaAPI(xmlrpc.client.ServerProxy): def get_bug_ids(self, **kwargs): """Return list of ids of bugs from a search.""" kwargs.update({ 'include_fields': ['id'], }) log.debug('Searching bugs with kwargs: %s', kwargs) bugs = return [bug['id'] for bug in bugs.get('bugs', [])] def get_bugs(self, **kwargs): get_history = kwargs.pop('history', True) get_comments = kwargs.pop('comments', True) kwargs.update({ 'include_fields': BZ_FIELDS, }) if 'ids' in kwargs: kwargs['permissive'] = True log.debug('Getting bugs with kwargs: %s', kwargs) bugs = self.Bug.get(kwargs) else: if 'whiteboard' not in kwargs: kwargs['whiteboard'] = ['u=', 'c=', 'p='] log.debug('Searching bugs with kwargs: %s', kwargs) bugs = bug_ids = [bug['id'] for bug in bugs.get('bugs', [])] if not bug_ids: return bugs # mix in history and comments history = comments = {} if get_history: history = self.get_history(bug_ids) if get_comments: comments = self.get_comments(bug_ids) for bug in bugs['bugs']: bug['history'] = history.get(bug['id'], []) bug['comments'] = comments.get(bug['id'], {}).get('comments', []) bug['comments_count'] = len(comments.get(bug['id'], {}) .get('comments', [])) return bugs def get_history(self, bug_ids): log.debug('Getting history for bugs: %s', bug_ids) try: history = self.Bug.history({'ids': bug_ids}).get('bugs') except xmlrpc.client.Fault: log.exception('Problem getting history for bug ids: %s', bug_ids) return {} return dict((h['id'], h['history']) for h in history) def get_comments(self, bug_ids): log.debug('Getting comments for bugs: %s', bug_ids) try: comments = self.Bug.comments({ 'ids': bug_ids, 'include_fields': ['id', 'creator', 'time', 'text'], }).get('bugs') except xmlrpc.client.Fault: log.exception('Problem getting comments for bug ids: %s', bug_ids) return {} return dict((int(bid), cids) for bid, cids in comments.items()) def wrap(text, indent=' '): text = text.split('\n\n') text = [textwrap.fill(part, expand_tabs=True, initial_indent=indent, subsequent_indent=indent) for part in text] return '\n\n'.join(text) def sprint_stats(bugs): """Print bugs stats block.""" # Return dict of bugs stats # # * total points # * breakdown of points by component # * breakdown of points by focus # * breakdown of points by priority # * other things? def parse_whiteboard(whiteboard): bits = { 'u': '', 'c': '', 'p': '', 's': '' } for part in whiteboard.split(' '): part = part.split('=') if len(part) != 2: continue if part[0] in bits: bits[part[0]] = part[1] return bits def get_history(bugs, sprint): history = [] for bug in bugs: for item in bug.get('history', []): for change in item.get('changes', []): added = parse_whiteboard(change['added']) removed = parse_whiteboard(change['removed']) if ((change['field_name'] == 'status_whiteboard' and removed['s'] != sprint and added['s'] == sprint)): history.append(( item['when'], bug, item['who'], removed['s'], added['s'] )) return history def sprint_timeline(bugs, sprint): """Print timeline block.""" timeline = [] history = get_history(bugs, sprint) # Try to associate the change that added the sprint to the # whiteboard with a comment. for when, bug, who, removed, added in history: reason = 'NO COMMENT' for comment in bug.get('comments', []): if comment['time'] == when and comment['creator'] == who: reason = comment['text'] break timeline.append(( when, bug['id'], who, removed, added, reason )) timeline.sort(key=lambda item: item[0]) for mem in timeline: print('%s: %s: %s' % (mem[0], mem[1], mem[2])) print(' %s -> %s' % (mem[3] if mem[3] else 'unassigned', mem[4])) print(wrap(mem[5])) print('') def print_header(text): print(text) print('=' * len(text)) print('') def main(argv): # logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) if not argv: print(USAGE) print('Error: Must specify the sprint to report on. e.g. 2012.19') return 1 sprint = argv[0] print(HEADER) print('') print('Working on %s' % sprint) print('') bugzilla = BugzillaAPI( BZ_URL, transport=SessionTransport(use_datetime=True), allow_none=True) bugs = bugzilla.get_bugs( product=[''], whiteboard=['s=' + sprint], resolution=BZ_RESOLUTIONS, history=True, comments=True) bugs = bugs['bugs'] print_header('Timeline') sprint_timeline(bugs, sprint) if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main(sys.argv[1:]))
<reponame>jfroejk/cartridge_quickpay<gh_stars>0 from django.http import HttpRequest, HttpResponse, HttpResponseRedirect, JsonResponse, \ HttpResponseBadRequest, HttpResponseForbidden from django.template import loader from django.template.response import TemplateResponse from django.shortcuts import redirect, render from django.utils.timezone import now from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from django.db import transaction from mezzanine.conf import settings from mezzanine.utils.importing import import_dotted_path from import checkout from import Order from import OrderForm import json import logging import re from urllib.parse import urlencode from typing import Callable, List, Optional from .payment import get_quickpay_link, sign, sign_order, start_subscription, capture_subscription_order, \ acquirer_requires_popup, acquirer_supports_subscriptions, order_currency from .models import QuickpayPayment, get_private_key handler = lambda s: import_dotted_path(s) if s else lambda *args: None billship_handler = handler(settings.SHOP_HANDLER_BILLING_SHIPPING) tax_handler = handler(settings.SHOP_HANDLER_TAX) order_handler = handler(settings.SHOP_HANDLER_ORDER) order_form_class = (lambda s: import_dotted_path(s) if s else OrderForm)(getattr(settings, 'QUICKPAY_ORDER_FORM', None)) def quickpay_checkout(request: HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse: """Checkout using Quickpay payment form. Use the normal cartridge.views.checkout_steps for GET and for the rest other payments steps, use this special version for POSTing paument form for Quickpay. Settings: QUICKPAY_ORDER_FORM = dotted path to order form to use QUICKPAY_FRAMED_MODE = <whether to use framed Quickpay> QUICKPAY_SHOP_BASE_URL: str required = URL of the shop for success, cancel and callback URLs QUICKPAY_ACQUIRER: str|list required = The acquirer(s) to use, e.g. 'clearhaus' QUICKPAY_AUTO_CAPTURE: bool default False = Whether to auto-capture payment setup: from cartridge_quickpay.views import checkout_quickpay, order_form_class ... url("^shop/checkout/", checkout_steps, {'form_class': order_form_class}), url("^shop/checkout_quickpay/", checkout_quickpay, name="checkout_quickpay"), url("^shop/", include("")), ... ** FOR FRAMED MODE: ** Change checkout.html - <form ... onsubmit="return false"> - Change submit button to: - <button class="btn btn-lg btn-primary pull-right" onclick="checkout_quickpay();">Go to payment</button> - add payment modal <div class="modal db-modal fade" id="payment_window" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="payment_window_label"> <div class="modal-dialog" role="document"> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-body"> <iframe id="payment_iframe" style="width: 100%; border: none; height: 90vh;"></iframe> </div> </div> </div> </div> - and add JS at the bottom: <script> function checkout_quickpay() { $.post("{% url 'quickpay_checkout' %}", $('.checkout-form').serialize(), function(data) { if (data.success) { $('#payment_iframe').attr('src', data.payment_link); $('#payment_window').modal('show'); } else { alert("failed"); } }); } </script> """ framed: bool = getattr(settings, 'QUICKPAY_FRAMED_MODE', False) acquirer = request.POST.get('acquirer', None) logging.debug("quickpay_checkout: using acquirer {}".format(acquirer or '<any>')) in_popup = acquirer_requires_popup(acquirer) step = checkout.CHECKOUT_STEP_FIRST # Was: _LAST checkout_errors = [] initial = checkout.initial_order_data(request, order_form_class) logging.debug("quickpay_checkout: initial order data = {}".format(initial)) form = order_form_class(request, step, initial=initial, data=request.POST) if form.is_valid(): logging.debug("quickpay_checkout() - Form valid") request.session["order"] = dict(form.cleaned_data) try: billship_handler(request, form) tax_handler(request, form) except checkout.CheckoutError as e: logging.warn("quickpay_checkout() - billship or tax handler failed") checkout_errors.append(e) # Create order and Quickpay payment, redirect to Quickpay/Mobilepay form order = order.setup(request) # Order is saved here so it gets an ID # Handle subscription or one-time order if (hasattr(order, 'has_subscription') and order.has_subscription() and acquirer_supports_subscriptions(acquirer)): quickpay_subs_id, quickpay_link = start_subscription( order, order.items.all().order_by('id')[0]) logging.debug("quickpay_checkout() - starting subscription {}, payment link {}" .format(quickpay_subs_id, quickpay_link)) else: # One-time order OR subscription with acquirer that doesn't support subscriptions quickpay_link: str = get_quickpay_link(order, acquirer)['url'] logging.debug("quickpay_checkout() - product purchase (or subscription w/o auto-renewal), payment link {}" .format(quickpay_link)) # Redirect to Quickpay if framed: logging.debug("quickpay_checkout() - JSON response {}" .format(str({'success': True, 'payment_link': quickpay_link}))) return JsonResponse({'success': True, 'payment_link': quickpay_link}) # Medsende om url skal åbnes i nyt vindue, åben i JS, håndtere at returside havner i iframe igen elif in_popup: logging.debug("quickpay_checkout() - Opening popup window") return render(request, "cartridge_quickpay/payment_toplevel.html", {'quickpay_link': quickpay_link}) else: logging.debug("quickpay_checkout() - Redirect response") return HttpResponseRedirect(redirect_to=quickpay_link) # Form invalid, go back to checkout step step_vars = checkout.CHECKOUT_STEPS[step - 1] template = "shop/%s.html" % step_vars["template"] context = {"CHECKOUT_STEP_FIRST": step == checkout.CHECKOUT_STEP_FIRST, "CHECKOUT_STEP_LAST": step == checkout.CHECKOUT_STEP_LAST, "CHECKOUT_STEP_PAYMENT": (settings.SHOP_PAYMENT_STEP_ENABLED and step == checkout.CHECKOUT_STEP_PAYMENT), "step_title": step_vars["title"], "step_url": step_vars["url"], "steps": checkout.CHECKOUT_STEPS, "step": step, "form": form, "payment_url": ""} page = loader.get_template(template).render(context=context, request=request) if framed: logging.debug("quickpay_checkout() - Form not OK, JSON response") return JsonResponse({'success': False, 'page': page}) else: logging.debug("quickpay_checkout() - Form not OK, page response") return HttpResponse(page) def escape_frame(f: Callable[[HttpRequest], HttpResponse]) -> Callable[[HttpRequest], HttpResponse]: """Escape iframe when payment is in a iframe and the shop itself is not""" def f_escape(request: HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse: if request.GET.get('framed'): logging.debug("cartridge_quickpay.views.escape_frame: Escaping") url = request.path get_args = request.GET.copy() get_args.pop('framed') if get_args: url += '?' + get_args.urlencode() res = '<html><head><script>window.parent.location.replace("{}");</script></head></html>'.format(url) return HttpResponse(res) else: logging.debug("cartridge_quickpay.views.escape_frame: NOT in frame") return f(request) f_escape.__name__ = f.__name__ return f_escape def escape_popup(f: Callable[[HttpRequest], HttpResponse]) -> Callable[[HttpRequest], HttpResponse]: """Escape payment popup window""" def f_escape(request: HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse: if request.GET.get('popup'): logging.debug("cartridge_quickpay.views.escape_popup: Escaping") url = request.path get_args = request.GET.copy() get_args.pop('popup') if get_args: url += '?' + get_args.urlencode() res = '<html><head><script>var opener = window.opener; opener.document.location = "{}"; window.close(); opener.focus();</script></head></html>'.format(url) return HttpResponse(res) else: logging.debug("cartridge_quickpay.views.escape_popup: NOT in popup") return f(request) f_escape.__name__ = f.__name__ return f_escape @escape_frame @escape_popup def failed(request: HttpRequest): """Payment failed""" logging.warning("payment_quickpay.views.failed(), GET args = {}".format(request.GET)) qp_failed_url = getattr(settings, 'QUICKPAY_FAILED_URL', '') if qp_failed_url: return HttpResponseRedirect(qp_failed_url) else: # Assumes the template is available... return render(request, "shop/quickpay_failed.html") @escape_frame @escape_popup def success(request: HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse: """Quickpay payment succeeded. GET args: id : int = ID of order hash : str = signature hash of order. Raise NB: Form not available (quickpay order handler) NB: Only safe to call more than once if order_handler is """ order_id = request.GET.get('id') if order_id: order = Order.objects.get(pk=order_id) else: order = Order.objects.from_request(request) # Raises DoesNotExist if order not found order_hash = sign_order(order) logging.debug("\n ---- payment_quickpay.views.success()\n\norder = %s, sign arg = %s, check sign = %s" % (order, request.GET.get('hash'), sign_order(order))) logging.debug("data: {}".format(dict(request.GET))) # Check hash. if request.GET.get('hash') != order_hash: logging.warn("cartridge_quickpay:success - hash doesn't match order") return HttpResponseForbidden() # Call order handler order_handler(request, order_form=None, order=order) response = redirect("shop_complete") return response try: from cartridge_subscription.models import Subscription, SubscriptionPeriod except ImportError: Subscription = None @csrf_exempt @transaction.atomic def callback(request: HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse: """Callback from Quickpay. Register payment status in case it wasn't registered already""" def update_payment() -> Optional[QuickpayPayment]: """Update QuickPay payment from Quickpay result""" # Refers order, data from outer scope payment: Optional[QuickpayPayment] = QuickpayPayment.get_order_payment(order) if payment is not None: payment.update_from_res(data) # NB: qp.test_mode == data['test_mode'] return payment data = json.loads(request.body.decode('utf-8')) logging.debug("\n ---- payment_quickpay.views.callback() ----") logging.debug("Got data {}\n".format(data)) # We may get several callbacks with states "new", "pending", or "processed" # We're only interested in "processed" for payments and "active" for new subscriptions qp_state = data.get('state', None) if (qp_state in ('processed', 'active', 'rejected') or not getattr(settings, 'QUICKPAY_AUTO_CAPTURE', False) and qp_state == 'pending'): logging.debug("payment_quickpay.views.callback(): QP state is {}, processing".format(qp_state)) else: logging.debug("payment_quickpay.views.callback(): QP state is {}, skipping".format(qp_state)) return HttpResponse("OK") # Get the order order_id_payment_id_string = data.get('order_id','') logging.debug('order_id_payment_id_string: {}'.format(order_id_payment_id_string)) order_id = re.sub('_\d+', '', order_id_payment_id_string) logging.debug('order_id: {}'.format(order_id)) try: order = Order.objects.filter(pk=order_id).select_for_update()[0] # Lock order to prevent race condition except IndexError: # Order not found, ignore logging.warning("payment_quickpay.views.callback(): order id {} not found, skipping".format(order_id)) return HttpResponse("OK") # Check checksum. If we have multiple agreements, we need the order currency to get the right one checksum = sign(request.body, get_private_key(order_currency(order))) logging.debug("Request checksum = {}".format(request.META['HTTP_QUICKPAY_CHECKSUM_SHA256'])) logging.debug("Calculated checksum = {}".format(checksum)) if checksum != request.META['HTTP_QUICKPAY_CHECKSUM_SHA256']: logging.error('Quickpay callback: checksum failed {}'.format(data)) return HttpResponseBadRequest() logging.debug("payment_quickpay.views.callback(): order.status = {}".format(order.status)) if data['state'] == 'rejected': update_payment() elif data['type'] == 'Subscription' and Subscription is not None: # Starting a NEW subscription. The Subscription is created in order_handler logging.error("payment_quickpay.views.callback(): starting subscription, order {}".format( # Capture the initial subscription payment capture_subscription_order(order) # Starts async capture, next callback is 'accepted' elif data['accepted']: # Normal or subscription payment # If autocapture, the payment will have been captured. # If not autocapture, the payment will have been reserved only and must be captured later. # -- The order can be considered paid (reserved or captured) if and only if we get here. # -- An order is paid if and only if it has a transaction_id"payment_quickpay.views.callback(): accepted payment, order {}".format( payment = update_payment() order.transaction_id = data['id'] logging.debug("payment_quickpay.views.callback(): calling order_handler, qp subscription = {}" .format(data.get('subscription_id', '-'))) order_handler(request=None, order_form=None, order=order, payment=payment) logging.debug("payment_quickpay.views.callback(): final order.status: {}".format(order.status)) return HttpResponse("OK")
<gh_stars>0 from typing import Tuple from pgzero.builtins import Actor from pygame import Vector2 from .settings import ANIMATION_SPEED, HEIGHT, SPEED, WALK_IMAGES, WIDTH _TIME = 0.0 ALL = {} X = Vector2(1, 0) Y = Vector2(0, 1) def add(direction: Tuple[int, int]): actor = Actor(WALK_IMAGES[0]) ALL[actor] = Vector2(direction) return actor add((1, 0)).midright = (WIDTH, HEIGHT / 2) add((0, 1)).midbottom = (WIDTH / 2, HEIGHT) def draw(): for actor in ALL: actor.draw() def update(dt): global _TIME _TIME += dt for actor in ALL: update_one(actor, dt) def update_one(actor, dt): image_num = int(_TIME * ANIMATION_SPEED) % len(WALK_IMAGES) actor.image = WALK_IMAGES[image_num] if not image_num: return direction = ALL[actor] delta = direction * SPEED * dt if actor.left + delta.x <= 0 or actor.right + delta.x >= WIDTH: ALL[actor] = direction.reflect(X) delta = delta.reflect(X) if + delta.y <= 0 or actor.bottom + delta.y >= HEIGHT: ALL[actor] = direction.reflect(Y) delta = delta.reflect(Y) actor.x += delta.x actor.y += delta.y
<gh_stars>0 # File Input Output # Write in a file '''file = open("abc.txt", "w+") file.write("python is great language. \nYeah its great! !\n") file. write ("How are you. \nYeah its great! ! \n") file. write ("Hello Priyanka!\n") file.close() # Read through file file = open("abc.txt", "r+") #print( #print(file.readlines()) print(file.readline()) print(file.readable()) file.close() # Use of Append in File # Difference between write and append file = open("abc.txt", "a+") file.write("How are you!\n") file.write("What are you doing today!\n") print(file.tell()) file.close()''' file = open("abc.txt", "w+") file.write("hello Soni!\n") file.write("how are you!\n") file.close() #read through file file = open("abc.txt", "r+") #print( #print(file.readline()) #print(file.readlines()) print(file.readable()) print( file.close() #use of append in file file = open("abc.txt", "a+") file.write("what are you doing!\n") print(file.tell()) file.close()
import pandas as pd import psycopg2 #from sqlalchemy import create_engine psql_credeintal = { 'database': 'wode', 'user': 'wode', 'password': '***', 'host': '', 'port': '5432' } con = psycopg2.connect(**psql_credeintal) def get_winrate(user_id): query = "SELECT position, winrate FROM positions WHERE user_id='%s' order by position" % user_id query_results = pd.read_sql_query(query,con) return query_results get_winrate(119807644)
from django.urls import path from . import views # from django.views.generic import RedirectView urlpatterns = [ path("", views.CategoriesView.as_view(), name="products.category"), # path("detail/", RedirectView.as_view(url="/b2b/products/")), path("detail/<slug:slug>", views.ProductDetail.as_view(), name="products.detail"), path("<str:cat>/", views.ProductsView.as_view(), name="products.products"), path( "<str:cat>/<str:child>", views.ProductsView.as_view(), name="products.products" ), path("<str:cat>/<str:tag>/", views.ProductsView.as_view(), name="products.tags"), ]
pythonbrasil/exercicios/decisao/DE resp
fm = str(input("Digite o sexo - [M - Masculino] ou [F - Feminino]: ")) def foum(): if fm == "M": print("M - Masculino") if fm == "F": print("F - Feminino") def si(): while fm != "M" and fm != "F": print("Sexo inválido, tente novamente!") fm = str(input("Digite o sexo - [M - Masculino] ou [F - Feminino]: ")) foum() si() foum()
<reponame>ytyaru/GitHub.Upload.UserRegister.Insert.Token.201704031122 #!python3 #encoding:utf-8 import sqlite3 #from AuthList import AuthList import AuthList import traceback import pyotp class AccountGetter: def __init__(self): def connect(self, db_path): self.connector = sqlite3.connect(db_path) self.cursor = connector.cursor()
import sys input = sys.stdin.readline import heapq as hq # input t = int(input()) for _ in range(t): chapter = int(input()) pages = list(map(int, input().split())) # process ''' 각 장이 섞여도 됨. >> 힙에서 제일 작은 거 두 개 합치고 다시 넣음. ''' sol = 0 hq.heapify(pages) for _ in range(chapter - 1): cost = hq.heappop(pages) + hq.heappop(pages) sol += cost hq.heappush(pages, cost) # output print(sol)
""" BlueSky simulation client class """ # TODO: Need to re-add the tests for string parsing/units from the old API tests import os from typing import List from semver import VersionInfo from .bluesky_aircraft_controls import BlueSkyAircraftControls from .bluesky_simulator_controls import BlueSkySimulatorControls from bluebird.settings import Settings from bluebird.sim_client.bluesky.bluesky_client import BlueSkyClient from bluebird.utils.abstract_sim_client import AbstractSimClient from bluebird.utils.timer import Timer _BS_MIN_VERSION = os.getenv("BS_MIN_VERSION") if not _BS_MIN_VERSION: raise ValueError("The BS_MIN_VERSION environment variable must be set") MIN_SIM_VERSION = VersionInfo.parse(_BS_MIN_VERSION) # TODO Check cases where we need this def _assert_valid_args(args: list): """ Since BlueSky only accepts commands in the form of (variable-length) strings, we need to check the arguments for each command string we construct before sending it """ # Probably a cleaner way of doing this... assert all( x and not x.isspace() and x != "None" for x in map(str, args) ), f"Invalid argument in : {args}" class SimClient(AbstractSimClient): """AbstractSimClient implementation for BlueSky""" @property def aircraft(self) -> BlueSkyAircraftControls: return self._aircraft_controls @property def simulation(self) -> BlueSkySimulatorControls: return self._sim_controls @property def sim_version(self) -> VersionInfo: return self._client.host_version def __init__(self, **kwargs): self._client = BlueSkyClient() self._aircraft_controls = BlueSkyAircraftControls(self._client) self._sim_controls = BlueSkySimulatorControls(self._client) def start_timers(self) -> List[Timer]: return self._client.start_timers() def connect(self, timeout=1) -> None: self._client.connect( Settings.SIM_HOST, event_port=Settings.BS_EVENT_PORT, stream_port=Settings.BS_STREAM_PORT, timeout=timeout, ) def shutdown(self, shutdown_sim: bool = False) -> bool: self._client.stop() return True
<filename>data-structures/ from os import linesep num_tests = int(input()) for i in range(num_tests): input() perms = list(map(int, input().split())) nums = list(map(str, input().split())) out = [0] * len(perms) for j in range(len(perms)): out[perms[j]-1] = str(nums[j]) print(linesep.join(out)) if i != num_tests - 1: print()
<filename> import pygame import sys from game_window_class import * WIDTH, HEIGHT = 800, 800 BACKGROUND = (33, 47, 60) #initial game setup def get_events(): global running for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: running = False def update(): game_window.update() def draw(): window.fill(BACKGROUND) game_window.draw() pygame.init() window = pygame.display.set_mode((WIDTH, HEIGHT)) clock = pygame.time.Clock() game_window = Game_window(window, 150, 180) running = True while running: get_events() update() draw() pygame.display.update() clock.tick() pygame.quit() sys.exit()
<reponame>BigJerBD/Kankei-Backend<gh_stars>0 from components.kankeiforms.kankeiform import KankeiForm def init(config): KankeiForm.timeout = config.DB_TIMEOUT_SEC from . import exploration from . import comparison from . import random def get_kankeiforms(config): init(config) return KankeiForm.registry def get_kankeiforms_dict(config): """ note:: currently simply forward query config, however it is not ideal since we want to present information about `querying` and not the config :return: """ init(config) return { grp: {name: content.asdict() for name, content in content.items()} for grp, content in KankeiForm.registry.items() }
<gh_stars>0 from OpenGL.GLUT import * from import GCraftApp from gcraft.core.input_event import InputEvent import wx from wx import glcanvas class GCraftCanvas(wx.glcanvas.GLCanvas): def __init__(self, parent: wx.Window, gc_app: GCraftApp): wx.glcanvas.GLCanvas.__init__(self, parent, -1) self._renderer = gc_app self._renderer.swap_buffers = self.on_swap_buffers self._renderer_inited = False self._last_mouse_pos = None self._context = wx.glcanvas.GLContext(self) self.Bind(wx.EVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND, self.on_erase_background_event) self.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self.on_resize_event) self.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.on_paint_event) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MOUSE_EVENTS, self.on_mouse_event) self.Bind(wx.EVT_KEY_DOWN, self.on_key_down_event) self.Bind(wx.EVT_KEY_UP, self.on_key_up_event) def init(self): glutInit() self._renderer_inited = True self._renderer.on_init() self.resize() def resize(self): if self._renderer_inited: size = self.GetClientSize() self.SetCurrent(self._context) self._renderer.on_reshape(size.width, size.height) def render(self): self._renderer.on_render() self._renderer.input_state.clear_mouse_movement() def on_swap_buffers(self): self.SwapBuffers() def on_erase_background_event(self, event): pass # Do nothing, to avoid flashing on MSW. def on_resize_event(self, event): wx.CallAfter(self.resize) event.Skip() def on_paint_event(self, event): self.SetCurrent(self._context) if not self._renderer_inited: self.init() self.render() self.Refresh(False) def on_mouse_event(self, event): if event.GetEventType() == wx.wxEVT_LEFT_DOWN: input_event = InputEvent(InputEvent.IE_MOUSE, mouse_x=event.X, mouse_y=event.Y, mouse_btn=0, state=True) self._renderer.input_state.update_state(input_event) self._renderer.on_input(input_event) elif event.GetEventType() == wx.wxEVT_LEFT_UP: input_event = InputEvent(InputEvent.IE_MOUSE, mouse_x=event.X, mouse_y=event.Y, mouse_btn=0, state=False) self._renderer.input_state.update_state(input_event) self._renderer.on_input(input_event) if event.GetEventType() == wx.wxEVT_RIGHT_DOWN: input_event = InputEvent(InputEvent.IE_MOUSE, mouse_x=event.X, mouse_y=event.Y, mouse_btn=1, state=True) self._renderer.input_state.update_state(input_event) self._renderer.on_input(input_event) elif event.GetEventType() == wx.wxEVT_RIGHT_UP: input_event = InputEvent(InputEvent.IE_MOUSE, mouse_x=event.X, mouse_y=event.Y, mouse_btn=1, state=False) self._renderer.input_state.update_state(input_event) self._renderer.on_input(input_event) elif event.GetEventType() == wx.wxEVT_MOTION: if self._last_mouse_pos is None: self._last_mouse_pos = [event.X, event.Y] input_event = InputEvent(InputEvent.IE_MOUSE_MOVE, mouse_x=event.X, mouse_y=event.Y, mouse_dx=self._last_mouse_pos[0] - event.X, mouse_dy=self._last_mouse_pos[1] - event.Y) self._renderer.input_state.update_state(input_event) self._renderer.on_input(input_event) self._last_mouse_pos[0] = event.X self._last_mouse_pos[1] = event.Y def on_key_down_event(self, event): input_event = InputEvent(InputEvent.IE_KEY_DOWN, mouse_x=event.Y, mouse_y=event.Y, key=event.GetKeyCode()) self._renderer.input_state.update_state(input_event) self._renderer.on_input(input_event) def on_key_up_event(self, event): input_event = InputEvent(InputEvent.IE_KEY_UP, mouse_x=event.Y, mouse_y=event.Y, key=event.GetKeyCode()) self._renderer.input_state.update_state(input_event) self._renderer.on_input(input_event) class GCraftContinuousRenderer(wx.Timer): def __init__(self, canvas: GCraftCanvas): wx.Timer.__init__(self) self.canvas = canvas def start(self): wx.Timer.Start(self, 10) def stop(self): wx.Timer.Stop(self) def Notify(self): self.canvas.Refresh(False) class GCraftContinuousCanvas(GCraftCanvas): def __init__(self, parent: wx.Window, gc_app: GCraftApp): GCraftCanvas.__init__(self, parent, gc_app) self.renderer_timer = GCraftContinuousRenderer(self) def start(self): self.renderer_timer.start() def stop(self): self.renderer_timer.stop()
import pytest from anndata import AnnData from pandas.testing import assert_frame_equal import numpy as np from import moran, ripley_k, co_occurrence MORAN_K = "moranI" def test_ripley_k(adata: AnnData): """Check ripley score and shape.""" ripley_k(adata, cluster_key="leiden") # assert ripley in adata.uns assert "ripley_k_leiden" in adata.uns.keys() # assert clusters intersection cat_ripley = set(adata.uns["ripley_k_leiden"]["leiden"].unique()) cat_adata = set(adata.obs["leiden"].cat.categories) assert cat_ripley.isdisjoint(cat_adata) is False def test_moran_seq_par(dummy_adata: AnnData): """Check whether moran results are the same for seq. and parallel computation.""" moran(dummy_adata) dummy_adata.var["highly_variable"] = np.random.choice([True, False], size=dummy_adata.var_names.shape) df = moran(dummy_adata, copy=True, n_jobs=1, seed=42, n_perms=50) df_parallel = moran(dummy_adata, copy=True, n_jobs=2, seed=42, n_perms=50) idx_df = df.index.values idx_adata = dummy_adata[:, dummy_adata.var.highly_variable.values].var_names.values assert MORAN_K in dummy_adata.uns.keys() assert "pval_sim_fdr_bh" in dummy_adata.uns[MORAN_K] assert dummy_adata.uns[MORAN_K].columns.shape == (4,) # test highly variable assert dummy_adata.uns[MORAN_K].shape != df.shape # assert idx are sorted and contain same elements assert not np.array_equal(idx_df, idx_adata) np.testing.assert_array_equal(sorted(idx_df), sorted(idx_adata)) # check parallel gives same results with pytest.raises(AssertionError, match=r'.*\(column name="pval_sim"\) are different.*'): # because the seeds will be different, we don't expect the pval_sim values to be the same assert_frame_equal(df, df_parallel) @pytest.mark.parametrize("n_jobs", [1, 2]) def test_moran_reproducibility(dummy_adata: AnnData, n_jobs: int): """Check moran reproducibility results.""" moran(dummy_adata) dummy_adata.var["highly_variable"] = np.random.choice([True, False], size=dummy_adata.var_names.shape) # seed will work only when multiprocessing/loky df_1 = moran(dummy_adata, copy=True, n_jobs=n_jobs, seed=42, n_perms=50) df_2 = moran(dummy_adata, copy=True, n_jobs=n_jobs, seed=42, n_perms=50) idx_df = df_1.index.values idx_adata = dummy_adata[:, dummy_adata.var.highly_variable.values].var_names.values assert MORAN_K in dummy_adata.uns.keys() # assert fdr correction in adata.uns assert "pval_sim_fdr_bh" in dummy_adata.uns[MORAN_K] assert dummy_adata.uns[MORAN_K].columns.shape == (4,) # test highly variable assert dummy_adata.uns[MORAN_K].shape != df_1.shape # assert idx are sorted and contain same elements assert not np.array_equal(idx_df, idx_adata) np.testing.assert_array_equal(sorted(idx_df), sorted(idx_adata)) # check parallel gives same results assert_frame_equal(df_1, df_2) def test_co_occurrence(adata: AnnData): """ check ripley score and shape """ co_occurrence(adata, cluster_key="leiden") # assert occurrence in adata.uns assert "leiden_co_occurrence" in adata.uns.keys() assert "occ" in adata.uns["leiden_co_occurrence"].keys() assert "interval" in adata.uns["leiden_co_occurrence"].keys() # assert shapes arr = adata.uns["leiden_co_occurrence"]["occ"] assert arr.ndim == 3 assert arr.shape[2] == 49 assert arr.shape[1] == arr.shape[0] == adata.obs["leiden"].unique().shape[0] # @pytest.mark.parametrize(("ys", "xs"), [(10, 10), (None, None), (10, 20)]) @pytest.mark.parametrize(("n_jobs", "n_splits"), [(1, 2), (2, 2)]) def test_co_occurrence_reproducibility(adata: AnnData, n_jobs: int, n_splits: int): """Check co_occurrence reproducibility results.""" arr_1, interval_1 = co_occurrence(adata, cluster_key="leiden", copy=True, n_jobs=n_jobs, n_splits=n_splits) arr_2, interval_2 = co_occurrence(adata, cluster_key="leiden", copy=True, n_jobs=n_jobs, n_splits=n_splits) np.testing.assert_array_equal(sorted(interval_1), sorted(interval_2)) np.testing.assert_allclose(arr_1, arr_2)
import gym import numpy as np import torch import torch.optim as optim from utils_main import make_env, save_files from neural_network import ActorCritic from ppo_method import ppo from common.multiprocessing_env import SubprocVecEnv from itertools import count use_cuda = torch.cuda.is_available() device = torch.device("cuda" if use_cuda else "cpu") num_envs = 2 env_name = "CustomEnv-v0" envs = [make_env(env_name) for i in range(num_envs)] envs = SubprocVecEnv(envs) num_inputs = envs.observation_space.shape[0] num_outputs = envs.action_space.shape[0] # Hyper params: hidden_size = 400 lr = 3e-6 num_steps = 20 mini_batch_size = 5 ppo_epochs = 4 threshold_reward = -0.01 model = ActorCritic(num_inputs, num_outputs, hidden_size).to(device) env = gym.make(env_name) my_ppo = ppo(model, env) optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=lr) max_frames = 1_500_0000 frame_idx = 0 test_rewards = [] save_iteration = 1000 model_save_iteration = 1000 state = envs.reset() early_stop = False def trch_ft_device(input, device): output = torch.FloatTensor(input).to(device) return output saver_model = save_files() while frame_idx < max_frames and not early_stop: log_probs = [] values = [] states = [] actions = [] rewards = [] masks = [] entropy = 0 for _ in range(num_steps): state = trch_ft_device(state, device) dist, value = model(state) action = dist.sample() next_state, reward, done, _ = envs.step(action.cpu().numpy()) log_prob = dist.log_prob(action) entropy += dist.entropy().mean() # appending log_probs.append(log_prob) values.append(value) rewards.append(torch.FloatTensor(reward).unsqueeze(1).to(device)) masks.append(torch.FloatTensor(1 - done).unsqueeze(1).to(device)) states.append(state) actions.append(action) # next iteration init. state = next_state frame_idx += 1 if frame_idx % save_iteration == 0: test_reward = np.mean([my_ppo.test_env() for _ in range(num_envs)]) test_rewards.append(test_reward) # plot(frame_idx, test_rewards) if test_reward > threshold_reward: early_stop = True if frame_idx % model_save_iteration == 0: saver_model.model_save(model) next_state = trch_ft_device(next_state, device) _, next_value = model(next_state) returns = my_ppo.compute_gae(next_value, rewards, masks, values) returns = log_probs = values = states = actions = advantage = returns - values my_ppo.ppo_update(ppo_epochs, mini_batch_size, states, actions, log_probs, returns, advantage, optimizer) max_expert_num = 50000 num_steps = 0 expert_traj = [] # building an episode based on the current model. for i_episode in count(): state = env.reset() done = False total_reward = 0 while not done: state = torch.FloatTensor(state).unsqueeze(0).to(device) dist, _ = model(state) action = dist.sample().cpu().numpy()[0] next_state, reward, done, _ = env.step(action) state = next_state total_reward += reward expert_traj.append(np.hstack([state, action])) num_steps += 1 print("episode:", i_episode, "reward:", total_reward) if num_steps >= max_expert_num: break expert_traj = np.stack(expert_traj) print() print(expert_traj.shape) print()"expert_traj.npy", expert_traj)
The container /Robotic Arm/
<reponame>ReEn-Neom/ReEn.Neom-source-code- from __future__ import absolute_import import math import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from random import randint import torch from .misc import * from .transforms import transform, transform_preds __all__ = ['accuracy', 'AverageMeter'] def get_preds(scores): ''' get predictions from score maps in torch Tensor return type: torch.LongTensor ''' assert scores.dim() == 4, 'Score maps should be 4-dim' maxval, idx = torch.max(scores.view(scores.size(0), scores.size(1), -1), 2) maxval = maxval.view(scores.size(0), scores.size(1), 1) idx = idx.view(scores.size(0), scores.size(1), 1) + 1 preds = idx.repeat(1, 1, 2).float() preds[:,:,0] = (preds[:,:,0] - 1) % scores.size(3) + 1 preds[:,:,1] = torch.floor((preds[:,:,1] - 1) / scores.size(3)) + 1 pred_mask =, 1, 2).float() preds *= pred_mask return preds def calc_dists(preds, target, normalize): preds = preds.float() target = target.float() dists = torch.zeros(preds.size(1), preds.size(0)) for n in range(preds.size(0)): for c in range(preds.size(1)): if target[n,c,0] > 1 and target[n, c, 1] > 1: dists[c, n] = torch.dist(preds[n,c,:], target[n,c,:])/normalize[n] else: dists[c, n] = -1 return dists def dist_acc(dists, thr=0.5): ''' Return percentage below threshold while ignoring values with a -1 ''' if > 0: return dists.le(thr).eq( / else: return -1 def accuracy(output, target, idxs, thr=0.5): ''' Calculate accuracy according to PCK, but uses ground truth heatmap rather than x,y locations First value to be returned is average accuracy across 'idxs', followed by individual accuracies ''' preds = get_preds(output) gts = get_preds(target) norm = torch.ones(preds.size(0))*output.size(3)/4.0 dists = calc_dists(preds, gts, norm) acc = torch.zeros(len(idxs)+1) avg_acc = 0 cnt = 0 for i in range(len(idxs)): acc[i+1] = dist_acc(dists[idxs[i]-1], thr=thr) if acc[i+1] >= 0: avg_acc = avg_acc + acc[i+1] cnt += 1 if cnt != 0: acc[0] = avg_acc / cnt return acc def final_preds_bbox(output, bbox, res): preds = get_preds(output) # float typ preds = preds.numpy() for i in range(preds.shape[0]): width = bbox[2][i] - bbox[0][i] height = bbox[3][i] - bbox[1][i] for j in range(preds.shape[1]): preds[i, j, :] = preds[i, j, :] / res * np.array([width, height]) + np.array([bbox[0][i], bbox[0][i]]) return torch.from_numpy(preds) def final_preds(output, center, scale, res): coords = get_preds(output) # float type # pose-processing for n in range(coords.size(0)): for p in range(coords.size(1)): hm = output[n][p] px = int(math.floor(coords[n][p][0])) py = int(math.floor(coords[n][p][1])) if px > 1 and px < res[0] and py > 1 and py < res[1]: diff = torch.Tensor([hm[py - 1][px] - hm[py - 1][px - 2], hm[py][px - 1]-hm[py - 2][px - 1]]) coords[n][p] += diff.sign() * .25 coords[:, :, 0] += 0.5 coords[:, :, 1] -= 0.5 preds = coords.clone() # Transform back for i in range(coords.size(0)): preds[i] = transform_preds(coords[i], center[i], scale[i], res) if preds.dim() < 3: preds = preds.view(1, preds.size()) return preds def d3_acc(preds, gts, percent = .5): num_samples = len(preds) acc = np.zeros_like(preds[0]) hit = 0 # miss_list = [] max_error_list = [] #max angle error for each image res_list = [] for i in range(num_samples): pred = np.array(preds[i]) gt = np.array(gts[i]) res = np.abs(pred - gt) res[0:7] = np.abs((res[0:7] + 180.0) % 360.0 - 180.0) max_error_list.append(np.max(res[0:4])) res_list.append(res) # if not np.any(res[0:4]>10): #false prediction # acc += res # hit = hit + 1 # else: # miss_list.append(i) top_n = int(percent * num_samples) #take top N images with smallesr error. sorted_list = np.argsort(max_error_list) for i in range(top_n): acc += res_list[sorted_list[i]] return (acc/top_n)[:4] class AverageMeter(object): """Computes and stores the average and current value""" def __init__(self): self.reset() def reset(self): self.val = 0 self.avg = 0 self.sum = 0 self.count = 0 def update(self, val, n=1): self.val = val self.sum += val * n self.count += n self.avg = self.sum / self.count
<reponame>timgates42/python-deployer<filename>deployer/contrib/loggers/ from deployer.loggers import Logger, RunCallback, ForkCallback from deployer.utils import esc1 class OnHostLogger(Logger): """ Log all transactions on every host in: ~/.deployer/history """ def __init__(self, username): from socket import gethostname self.from_host = gethostname() self.username = username def log_run(self, run_entry): if not run_entry.sandboxing:""" mkdir -p ~/.deployer/; echo -n `date '+%%Y-%%m-%%d %%H:%%M:%%S | ' ` >> ~/.deployer/history; echo -n '%s | %s | %s | ' >> ~/.deployer/history; echo '%s' >> ~/.deployer/history; """ % ('sudo' if run_entry.use_sudo else ' ', esc1(self.from_host), esc1(self.username), esc1(run_entry.command or '') )) return RunCallback() def log_fork(self, fork_entry): # Use the same class OnHostLogger in forks. class callback(ForkCallback): def get_fork_logger(c): return OnHostLogger(self.username) return callback()
<gh_stars>1-10 from .. import util exchangeAbi = util.read_json("./uniswap/abi/Exchange.json") factoryAbi = util.read_json("./uniswap/abi/Factory.json") contracts = { "factory": { "address": "0xc0a47dFe034B400B47bDaD5FecDa2621de6c4d95", "abi": factoryAbi, }, "exchange": { "abi": exchangeAbi, }, }
<filename>src/wready/ from .sig_handler import SignalInterruptHandler from .wready_client import TaskContext, WReadyClient from .wready_server import InitTask, WReadyServer, WReadyServerObserver
from rest_framework import mixins, viewsets from ..models import Rank from ..serializers import RankSerializer class RanksViewSet(mixins.ListModelMixin, viewsets.GenericViewSet): serializer_class = RankSerializer queryset = Rank.objects.filter(is_tab=True).order_by("order")
import datetime import os from typing import List, Optional import unittest from parentopticon.db import test_utilities from parentopticon.db.model import ColumnInteger, ColumnText, Model class ModelTests(test_utilities.DBTestCase): "Test all of our logic around the model class." class MyTable(Model): COLUMNS = { "id": ColumnInteger(autoincrement=True, primary_key=True), "count": ColumnInteger(), "name": ColumnText(null=True), } def _makerows(self, names: Optional[List[str]] = None): "Make a few rows. Useful for many tests." names = names or ["foo", "bar", "baz"] return { ModelTests.MyTable.insert(self.db, count=(i+1)*2, name=name) for i, name in enumerate(names) } def setUp(self): super().setUp() self.db.execute_commit_return(ModelTests.MyTable.create_statement()) self.db.execute_commit_return(ModelTests.MyTable.truncate_statement()) def test_create_statement(self): "Can we get a proper create table clause?" result = ModelTests.MyTable.create_statement() expected = "\n".join(( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS MyTable (", "count INTEGER,", "id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,", "name TEXT", ");", )) self.assertEqual(result, expected) def test_insert(self): "Can we insert a row into a table?" rowid = ModelTests.MyTable.insert(self.db, count=3, name="foobar") found = self.db.execute("SELECT count, name FROM MyTable").fetchall() self.assertEqual(len(found), 1) def test_get(self): "Can we get a row from the table?" rowid = ModelTests.MyTable.insert(self.db, count=3, name="foobar") result = ModelTests.MyTable.get(self.db, rowid) self.assertEqual(, rowid) self.assertEqual(result.count, 3) self.assertEqual(, "foobar") def test_get_none(self): "Can we get None when the row does not exist?" result = ModelTests.MyTable.get(self.db, -1) self.assertIs(result, None) def test_list_all(self): "Can we get several rows from the table?" rowids = self._makerows() results = ModelTests.MyTable.list(self.db) self.assertEqual({ for result in results}, rowids) def test_list_some(self): "Can we get several rows from the table with a where clause?" rowids = self._makerows() results = ModelTests.MyTable.list_where(self.db, where="count >= 4") self.assertEqual({result.count for result in results}, {4, 6}) def test_list_with_none(self): "Can we get a list where an item is NULL?" rowids = self._makerows(names=["foo", None, "bar"]) results = ModelTests.MyTable.list(self.db, name=None) self.assertEqual({result.count for result in results}, {4}) def test_search_not_found(self): "Can we search and not find something?" results =, name="sir-not-appearing") self.assertIs(results, None) def test_search_one(self): "Can we search and find a single row?" rowids = self._makerows() results =, name="foo") self.assertEqual(, "foo") self.assertEqual(results.count, 2) def test_search_many(self): "Do we error when we have multiple matches?" self._makerows(names=["foo", "foo", "bar"]) with self.assertRaises(ValueError):, name="foo") def test_search_with_none(self): "Do we properly search for NULL columns?" self._makerows(names=["foo", None, "bar"]) results =, name=None) self.assertEqual(, None) self.assertEqual(results.count, 4) def test_update(self): "Can we update a row with update()?" rows = self._makerows(names=["foo"]) row_id = list(rows)[0] ModelTests.MyTable.update(self.db, row_id, name="biff") results = ModelTests.MyTable.get(self.db, row_id) self.assertEqual(, "biff") def test_update_multiple(self): "Can we update a row with multiple values?" rows = self._makerows(names=["foo"]) row_id = list(rows)[0] ModelTests.MyTable.update(self.db, row_id, name="biff", count=100) results = ModelTests.MyTable.get(self.db, row_id) self.assertEqual(results.count, 100) self.assertEqual(, "biff")
def section1(): """ # Data Versioning Dataloop's powerful data versioning provides you with unique tools for data management - clone, merge, slice & dice your files, to create multiple versions for various applications. Sample use cases include: Golden training sets management Reproducibility (dataset training snapshot) Experimentation (creating subsets from different kinds) Task/Assignment management Data Version "Snapshot" - Use our versioning feature as a way to save data (items, annotations, metadata) before any major process. For example, a snapshot can serve as a roll-back mechanism to original datasets in case of any error without losing the data. ## Clone Datasets Cloning a dataset creates a new dataset with the same files as the original. Files are actually a reference to the original binary and not a new copy of the original, so your cloud data remains safe and protected. When cloning a dataset, you can add a destination dataset, remote file path, and more... """ def section2(): """ ## Merge Datasets Dataset merging outcome depends on how similar or different the datasets are. * Cloned Datasets - items, annotations, and metadata will be merged. This means that you will see annotations from different datasets on the same item. * Different datasets (not clones) with similar recipes - items will be summed up, which will cause duplication of similar items. * Datasets with different recipes - Datasets with different default recipes cannot be merged. Use the 'Switch recipe' option on dataset level (3-dots action button) to match recipes between datasets and be able to merge them. """
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Learn more: import os, sys from setuptools import setup, find_packages def read_requirements() -> List: """Parse requirements from requirements.txt.""" reqs_path = os.path.join('.', 'requirements.txt') with open(reqs_path, 'r') as f: requirements = [line.rstrip() for line in f] return requirements setup( name='sample', version='0.1.0', description='Sample package for', long_description=readme, author='<NAME>', author_email='<EMAIL>', install_requires=read_requirements(), url='test', license=license, packages=find_packages(exclude=('tests', 'docs')) )
<reponame>cmc333333/peacecorps-site import logging from django import forms from django.contrib.admin.forms import AdminAuthenticationForm from django.contrib.auth.forms import ( AdminPasswordChangeForm, PasswordChangeForm, UserCreationForm) from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from contenteditor import models class LoggingAuthenticationForm(AdminAuthenticationForm): """Override login form to log attempts""" def clean(self): logger = logging.getLogger("peacecorps.login") try: cleaned = super(LoggingAuthenticationForm, self).clean() if cleaned.get('password'):"%s successfully logged in", self.cleaned_data['username']) else: logger.warn("Failed login attempt for %s", self.cleaned_data.get('username')) return cleaned except forms.ValidationError: logger.warn("Failed login attempt for %s", self.cleaned_data.get('username')) raise class StrictUserCreationForm(UserCreationForm): password1 = forms.CharField( label=_("Password"), widget=forms.PasswordInput, help_text=_(""" Enter a password. Requirements include: at least 20 characters, at least one uppercase letter, at least one lowercase letter, at least one number, and at least one special character. """)) def clean_password1(self): """Adds to the default password validation routine in order to enforce stronger passwords""" password = self.cleaned_data['password1'] errors = models.password_errors(password) # If password_validator returns errors, raise an error, else proceed. if errors: raise forms.ValidationError('\n'.join(errors)) else: return password class StrictAdminPasswordChangeForm(AdminPasswordChangeForm): """Password form for editing a user""" password1 = forms.CharField( label=_("Password"), widget=forms.PasswordInput, help_text=_(""" Enter a password. Requirements include: at least 20 characters, at least one uppercase letter, at least one lowercase letter, at least one number, and at least one special character. """)) def clean_password1(self): """Adds to the default password validation routine in order to enforce stronger passwords""" password = self.cleaned_data['password1'] errors = models.password_errors(password) # Also check that this is a new password if self.user.check_password(self.cleaned_data['password1']): errors.append("Must not reuse a password") # If password_validator returns errors, raise an error, else proceed. if errors: raise forms.ValidationError('\n'.join(errors)) else: return password def save(self): user = super(StrictAdminPasswordChangeForm, self).save() user.extra.password_expires = models.expires() return user class StrictPasswordChangeForm(PasswordChangeForm): """Password form residing at /admin/password_change""" new_password1 = forms.CharField( label=_("New password"), widget=forms.PasswordInput, help_text=_(""" Enter a password. Requirements include: at least 20 characters, at least one uppercase letter, at least one lowercase letter, at least one number, and at least one special character. """)) def clean_new_password1(self): """Adds to the default password validation routine in order to enforce stronger passwords""" password = self.cleaned_data['<PASSWORD>'] errors = models.password_errors(password) # Also check that this is a new password if self.user.check_password(self.cleaned_data['<PASSWORD>1']): errors.append("Must not reuse a password") # If password_validator returns errors, raise an error, else proceed. if errors: raise forms.ValidationError('\n'.join(errors)) else: return password def save(self): user = super(StrictPasswordChangeForm, self).save() user.extra.password_expires = models.expires() return user
<filename>intralinks/utils/ """ For educational purpose only """ def associate_users_and_groups(users, groups, group_members): users_by_id = {u['id']:u for u in users} groups_by_id = {g['id']:g for g in groups} for u in users: u['groups'] = [] for g in groups: g['groupMembers'] = [] for m in group_members: group = groups_by_id[m['workspaceGroupId']] user = users_by_id[m['workspaceUserId']] group['groupMembers'].append(user['id']) user['groups'].append(group['id']) for g in groups: if g['groupMemberCount'] != len(g['groupMembers']): raise Exception(g) class PathBuilder: def __init__(self, objects): self.objects = objects self.objects_by_id = {o['id']:o for o in objects} def get_object(self, object_id): return self.objects_by_id[object_id] def get_parent(self, o): return self.get_object(o['parentId']) def has_parent(self, o): return 'parentId' in o and o['parentId'] != -1 def build_paths(self): for o in self.objects: self.__build_path_helper__(o) def __build_path_helper__(self, o): if 'ids' not in o: parent_ids = [] parent_names = [] if self.has_parent(o): parent = self.get_parent(o) if 'children_ids' not in parent: parent['children_ids'] = [] parent['children_ids'].append(o['id']) self.__build_path_helper__(parent) parent_ids = parent['ids'] parent_names = parent['names'] o['ids'] = parent_ids + [o['id']] o['names'] = parent_names + [o['name']] o['fullPath'] = '/'.join(o['names']) def build_paths(*arg): objects = [] for a in arg: objects.extend(a) PathBuilder(objects).build_paths()
<reponame>davidcortesortuno/finmag<filename>examples/boost_python/demo3_numpy/ import numpy as np import demo3_module a = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]], dtype=float) print "Trace of a:", demo3_module.trace(a)
<filename>_unittests/ut_sklapi/ """ @brief test log(time=2s) """ import unittest from logging import getLogger import numpy from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline from sklearn.preprocessing import Binarizer, StandardScaler, OneHotEncoder from skl2onnx import convert_sklearn from skl2onnx.common.data_types import FloatTensorType from skl2onnx.helpers.onnx_helper import load_onnx_model, save_onnx_model from skl2onnx.helpers.onnx_helper import select_model_inputs_outputs from skl2onnx.helpers.onnx_helper import enumerate_model_node_outputs from pyquickhelper.pycode import ExtTestCase class TestOnnxHelper(ExtTestCase): def setUp(self): logger = getLogger('skl2onnx') logger.disabled = True def get_model(self, model): try: import onnxruntime assert onnxruntime is not None except ImportError: return None from onnxruntime import InferenceSession session = InferenceSession(save_onnx_model(model)) return lambda X:, {'input': X})[0] def test_onnx_helper_load_save(self): model = make_pipeline(StandardScaler(), Binarizer(threshold=0.5)) X = numpy.array([[0.1, 1.1], [0.2, 2.2]]) model_onnx = convert_sklearn( model, 'binarizer', [('input', FloatTensorType([1, 2]))]) filename = "temp_onnx_helper_load_save.onnx" save_onnx_model(model_onnx, filename) model = load_onnx_model(filename) list(enumerate_model_node_outputs(model)) new_model = select_model_inputs_outputs(model, 'variable') self.assertTrue(new_model.graph is not None) # pylint: disable=E1101 tr1 = self.get_model(model) tr2 = self.get_model(new_model) X = X.astype(numpy.float32) X1 = tr1(X) X2 = tr2(X) self.assertEqual(X1.shape, (2, 2)) self.assertEqual(X2.shape, (2, 2)) def test_onnx_helper_load_save_init(self): model = make_pipeline(Binarizer(), OneHotEncoder( sparse=False), StandardScaler()) X = numpy.array([[0.1, 1.1], [0.2, 2.2], [0.4, 2.2], [0.2, 2.4]]) model_onnx = convert_sklearn( model, 'pipe3', [('input', FloatTensorType([1, 2]))]) filename = "temp_onnx_helper_load_save.onnx" save_onnx_model(model_onnx, filename) model = load_onnx_model(filename) list(enumerate_model_node_outputs(model)) new_model = select_model_inputs_outputs(model, 'variable') self.assertTrue(new_model.graph is not None) # pylint: disable=E1101 tr1 = self.get_model(model) tr2 = self.get_model(new_model) X = X.astype(numpy.float32) X1 = tr1(X) X2 = tr2(X) self.assertEqual(X1.shape, (4, 2)) self.assertEqual(X2.shape, (4, 2)) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()
<filename>src/constellix/domains/record/type/ """A Record""" import logging _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) class DomainRecord(object): def __init__(self, protocol=None, domain=None): super().__init__() self.__protocol = protocol self.__domain = domain @property def record_type(self): try: return self.__record_type except AttributeError: return None @property def domain_id(self): try: return except AttributeError: return None
<reponame>skylifewww/pharmacognosy<gh_stars>0 default_app_config = 'pharmacognosy.users.apps.Config'
# Generated by Django 2.2.13 on 2021-07-22 14:49 from django.db import migrations, models class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ('des', '0032_auto_20210713_2127'), ] operations = [ migrations.AlterField( model_name='astrometryjob', name='status', field=models.IntegerField(choices=[(1, 'Idle'), (2, 'Running'), (3, 'Completed'), (4, 'Failed'), (5, 'Aborted'), (6, 'Warning'), (7, 'Launched')], default=1, verbose_name='Status'), ), ]
<reponame>antopen/alipay-sdk-python-all<gh_stars>100-1000 #!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import json from alipay.aop.api.constant.ParamConstants import * class MultiStagePayLineInfo(object): def __init__(self): self._payment_amount = None self._payment_idx = None @property def payment_amount(self): return self._payment_amount @payment_amount.setter def payment_amount(self, value): self._payment_amount = value @property def payment_idx(self): return self._payment_idx @payment_idx.setter def payment_idx(self, value): self._payment_idx = value def to_alipay_dict(self): params = dict() if self.payment_amount: if hasattr(self.payment_amount, 'to_alipay_dict'): params['payment_amount'] = self.payment_amount.to_alipay_dict() else: params['payment_amount'] = self.payment_amount if self.payment_idx: if hasattr(self.payment_idx, 'to_alipay_dict'): params['payment_idx'] = self.payment_idx.to_alipay_dict() else: params['payment_idx'] = self.payment_idx return params @staticmethod def from_alipay_dict(d): if not d: return None o = MultiStagePayLineInfo() if 'payment_amount' in d: o.payment_amount = d['payment_amount'] if 'payment_idx' in d: o.payment_idx = d['payment_idx'] return o
<reponame>ayoubbargueoui1996/osm-devops # Copyright 2017 Sandvine # # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import pytest import time @pytest.mark.vim @pytest.mark.openstack @pytest.mark.vmware class TestClass(object): def test_empty_vim(self,osm): assert not osm.get_api().vim.list() @pytest.fixture(scope='function') def cleanup_test_add_vim_account(self,osm,request): def teardown(): try: for vim in osm.get_api().vim.list(False): osm.get_api().vim.delete(vim['name']) except: pass request.addfinalizer(teardown) @pytest.mark.openstack @pytest.mark.smoke def test_add_vim_account(self,osm,openstack,cleanup_test_add_vim_account): os_access = {} vim_name = 'helloworld-os' os_access['vim-url'] = '' os_access['vim-username'] = 'pytest2' os_access['vim-password'] = '<PASSWORD>' os_access['vim-tenant-name'] = 'pytest3' os_access['vim-type'] = 'openstack' os_access['description'] = 'a test vim' assert not osm.get_api().vim.create(vim_name,os_access) resp=osm.get_api().vim.get(vim_name) assert resp['name'] == vim_name assert resp['vim_type'] == 'openstack' assert resp['vim_url'] == os_access['vim-url'] assert resp['vim_user'] == os_access['vim-username'] assert resp['vim_tenant_name'] == os_access['vim-tenant-name'] assert not osm.get_api().vim.delete(vim_name) @pytest.mark.vmware #@<EMAIL> def test_add_vim_account_vmware(self,osm,vmware,cleanup_test_add_vim_account): os_access = {} vim_name = 'helloworld-vmware' os_access['vim-url'] = '' os_access['vim-username'] = 'pytest2' os_access['vim-password'] = '<PASSWORD>' os_access['vim-tenant-name'] = 'pytest3' os_access['vim-type'] = 'vmware' os_access['description'] = 'a test vim' assert not osm.get_api().vim.create(vim_name,os_access) resp=osm.get_api().vim.get(vim_name) assert resp['name'] == vim_name assert resp['vim_type'] == 'vmware' assert resp['vim_url'] == os_access['vim-url'] assert resp['vim_user'] == os_access['vim-username'] assert resp['vim_tenant_name'] == os_access['vim-tenant-name'] assert not osm.get_api().vim.delete(vim_name) <EMAIL> def test_add_multiple_accounts(self,osm,cleanup_test_add_vim_account): os_access = {} vims = [ {'name': 'testvim1', 'vim-type': 'openstack'}, {'name': 'testvim2','vim-type': 'vmware'} ] os_access['vim-url'] = '' os_access['vim-username'] = 'pytest2' os_access['vim-password'] = '<PASSWORD>' os_access['vim-tenant-name'] = 'pytest3' os_access['description'] = 'a test vim' for vim in vims: os_access['vim-type'] = vim['vim-type'] assert not osm.get_api().vim.create(vim['name'],os_access) resp=osm.get_api().vim.get(vim['name']) assert resp['name'] == vim['name'] assert resp['vim_type'] == vim['vim-type'] assert resp['vim_url'] == os_access['vim-url'] assert resp['vim_user'] == os_access['vim-username'] assert resp['vim_tenant_name'] == os_access['vim-tenant-name'] for vim in osm.get_api().vim.list(False): osm.get_api().vim.delete(vim['name'])
<filename> from setuptools import setup, find_packages from codecs import open from os import path here = path.abspath(path.dirname(__file__)) with open(path.join(here, "")) as f: long_desc = setup( name="pyumlgen", version="0.1.6", description="Generate UML diagrams with type information from python modules", author="<NAME>", packages=find_packages(), entry_points={ "console_scripts": [ "pyumlgen=pyumlgen:main" ] } )
from aocd import get_data def part1(a): return sum(len(l) - len(l.encode('utf-8').decode('unicode_escape')) + 2 for l in a) def part2(a): return sum(len(l.encode('unicode_escape').decode('utf-8').replace('"', '\\"')) - len(l) + 2 for l in a) if __name__ == '__main__': data = get_data(day=8, year=2015) inp = data.splitlines() print(part1(inp)) print(part2(inp))
from typing import Dict, Iterator, List, Type from dataclassy import dataclass from pluggy import PluginManager # type: ignore from ape.api.accounts import AccountAPI, AccountContainerAPI, TestAccountAPI from ape.types import AddressType from ape.utils import cached_property, singledispatchmethod from .config import ConfigManager from .converters import ConversionManager from .networks import NetworkManager @dataclass class AccountManager: """ The ``AccountManager`` is a container of containers for :class:`~ape.api.accounts.AccountAPI` objects. All containers must subclass :class:`~ape.api.accounts.AccountContainerAPI` and are treated as singletons. Import the accounts manager singleton from the root ``ape`` namespace. Usage example:: from ape import accounts # "accounts" is the AccountManager singleton my_accounts = accounts.load("dev") """ config: ConfigManager converters: ConversionManager plugin_manager: PluginManager network_manager: NetworkManager @cached_property def containers(self) -> Dict[str, AccountContainerAPI]: """ The list of all :class:`~ape.api.accounts.AccountContainerAPI` instances across all installed plugins. Returns: dict[str, :class:`~ape.api.accounts.AccountContainerAPI`] """ containers = {} data_folder = self.config.DATA_FOLDER data_folder.mkdir(exist_ok=True) for plugin_name, (container_type, account_type) in self.plugin_manager.account_types: # Ignore containers that contain test accounts. if issubclass(account_type, TestAccountAPI): continue accounts_folder = data_folder / plugin_name accounts_folder.mkdir(exist_ok=True) containers[plugin_name] = container_type(accounts_folder, account_type, self.config) return containers @property def aliases(self) -> Iterator[str]: """ All account aliases from every account-related plugin. The "alias" is part of the :class:`~ape.api.accounts.AccountAPI`. Use the account alias to load an account using method :meth:`~ape.managers.accounts.AccountManager.load`. Returns: Iterator[str] """ for container in self.containers.values(): yield from container.aliases def get_accounts_by_type(self, type_: Type[AccountAPI]) -> List[AccountAPI]: """ Get a list of accounts by their type. Args: type_ (Type[:class:`~ape.api.accounts.AccountAPI`]): The type of account to get. Returns: List[:class:`~ape.api.accounts.AccountAPI`] """ accounts_with_type = [] for account in self: if isinstance(account, type_): self._inject_provider(account) accounts_with_type.append(account) return accounts_with_type def __len__(self) -> int: """ The number of accounts managed by all account plugins. Returns: int """ return sum(len(container) for container in self.containers.values()) def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[AccountAPI]: for container in self.containers.values(): for account in container: self._inject_provider(account) yield account def __repr__(self) -> str: return "[" + ", ".join(repr(a) for a in self) + "]" @cached_property def test_accounts(self) -> List[TestAccountAPI]: """ Accounts generated from the configured test mnemonic. These accounts are also the subject of a fixture available in the ``test`` plugin called ``accounts``. Configure these accounts, such as the mnemonic and / or number-of-accounts using the ``test`` section of the `ape-config.yaml` file. Usage example:: def test_my_contract(accounts): # The "accounts" fixture uses the AccountsManager.test_accounts() sender = accounts[0] receiver = accounts[1] ... Returns: List[:class:`~ape.api.accounts.TestAccountAPI`] """ accounts = [] for plugin_name, (container_type, account_type) in self.plugin_manager.account_types: if not issubclass(account_type, TestAccountAPI): continue container = container_type(None, account_type, self.config) for account in container: self._inject_provider(account) accounts.append(account) return accounts def load(self, alias: str) -> AccountAPI: """ Get an account by its alias. Raises: IndexError: When there is no local account with the given alias. Returns: :class:`~ape.api.accounts.AccountAPI` """ if alias == "": raise ValueError("Cannot use empty string as alias!") for account in self: if account.alias and account.alias == alias: self._inject_provider(account) return account raise IndexError(f"No account with alias '{alias}'.") @singledispatchmethod def __getitem__(self, account_id) -> AccountAPI: raise NotImplementedError(f"Cannot use {type(account_id)} as account ID.") @__getitem__.register def __getitem_int(self, account_id: int) -> AccountAPI: """ Get an account by index. For example, when you do the CLI command ``ape accounts list --all``, you will see a list of enumerated accounts by their indices. Use this method as a quicker, ad-hoc way to get an account from that index. **NOTE**: It is generally preferred to use :meth:`~ape.managers.accounts.AccountManager.load` or :meth:`~ape.managers.accounts.AccountManager.__getitem_str`. Returns: :class:`~ape.api.accounts.AccountAPI` """ for idx, account in enumerate(self.__iter__()): if account_id == idx: self._inject_provider(account) return account raise IndexError(f"No account at index '{account_id}'.") @__getitem__.register def __getitem_str(self, account_str: str) -> AccountAPI: """ Get an account by address. Raises: IndexError: When there is no local account with the given address. Returns: :class:`~ape.api.accounts.AccountAPI` """ account_id = self.converters.convert(account_str, AddressType) for container in self.containers.values(): if account_id in container: account = container[account_id] self._inject_provider(account) return account raise IndexError(f"No account with address '{account_id}'.") def __contains__(self, address: AddressType) -> bool: """ Determine if the given address matches an account in ``ape``. Args: address (:class:`~ape.types.AddressType`): The address to check. Returns: bool: ``True`` when the given address is found. """ return any(address in container for container in self.containers.values()) def _inject_provider(self, account: AccountAPI): if self.network_manager.active_provider is not None: account.provider = self.network_manager.active_provider
<reponame>ondiiik/meteoink<filename>simulator/web/ from config import location from log import dump_exception def page(web): try: i = int(web.args['idx']) args = web.args['name'], float(web.args['lat']), float(web.args['lon']) location[i].name, location[i].lat, location[i].lon = args location[i].flush() except Exception as e: dump_exception('WEB error:', e) yield web.index
<gh_stars>0 """A lib to define pydantic models extendable at runtime.""" # shortcut to main used class from .main import ExtendableModelMeta from .version import __version__
<reponame>DNKonanov/uni_cli import setuptools setuptools.setup( name="uniqpy", version="0.1.3", author="<NAME>", author_email="<EMAIL>", description="UNIQUAC-based tool for multicomponent VLEs", long_description="uniqpy", long_description_content_type="", url="", project_urls={ "Bug Tracker": "", }, classifiers=[ "Programming Language :: Python :: 3", "License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License", "Operating System :: OS Independent", ], python_requires=">=3.7", include_package_data=True, packages=['uniqpy'], install_requires=[ 'numpy', 'scipy' ], entry_points={ 'console_scripts': [ 'uniqpy=uniqpy.uni_cli:main' ] } )
# Solution of; # Project Euler Problem 113: Non-bouncy numbers # # # Working from left-to-right if no digit is exceeded by the digit to its left # it is called an increasing number; for example, 134468. Similarly if no # digit is exceeded by the digit to its right it is called a decreasing # number; for example, 66420. We shall call a positive integer that is neither # increasing nor decreasing a "bouncy" number; for example, 155349. As n # increases, the proportion of bouncy numbers below n increases such that # there are only 12951 numbers below one-million that are not bouncy and only # 277032 non-bouncy numbers below 1010. How many numbers below a googol # (10100) are not bouncy? # # by lcsm29 import timed def dummy(n): pass if __name__ == '__main__': n = 1000 i = 10000 prob_id = 113 timed.caller(dummy, n, i, prob_id)
<filename>dataspot-bokeh/dataspot/statistics/<gh_stars>1-10 from openpyxl import load_workbook class ExcelImporter: def __init__(self): self.__relationships = dict() def set_relationships(self, ws, statistic): relationships = self.__relationships relationships[statistic] = dict() for row in ws.iter_rows(values_only=True): if row[0] in relationships[statistic]: for ind, i in enumerate(row): if ind > 0 and i is not None and i not in relationships[statistic][row[0]]: relationships[statistic][row[0]].append(i) else: relationships[statistic][row[0]] = [i for ind, i in enumerate(row) if ind > 0 and i is not None] def get_relationships(self): return self.__relationships def build(self, path): wb = load_workbook(path) for sheet in wb.sheetnames: ws = wb[sheet] self.set_relationships(ws=ws, statistic=sheet)
<reponame>LouisPi/PiPortableRecorder """tests for Context and ContextManager objects""" import os import unittest from threading import Event from mock import patch, Mock try: from context_manager import ContextManager, Context, ContextError except ImportError: print("Absolute imports failed, trying relative imports") os.sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath('.'))) # Store original __import__ orig_import = __import__ def import_mock(name, *args, **kwargs): if name in ['helpers'] and not kwargs: #Have to filter for kwargs since there's a package in 'json' #that calls __builtins__.__import__ with keyword arguments #and we don't want to mock that call return Mock() return orig_import(name, *args, **kwargs) with patch('__builtin__.__import__', side_effect=import_mock): from context_manager import ContextManager, Context, ContextError class TestContext(unittest.TestCase): """tests context class""" def test_constructor(self): """Tests constructor""" c = Context("test_context", lambda *a, **k: True) self.assertIsNotNone(c) def test_threading(self): """Tests whether threaded and non-threaded contexts behave as they should""" c = Context("test_context", lambda *a, **k: True) e = Event() finished = Event() c.signal_finished = finished.set c.threaded = False # Need to set this flag, otherwise a validation check fails c.activate() assert(not e.isSet()) assert(not finished.isSet()) c.threaded = True c.set_target(e.set) c.activate() finished.wait() assert(e.isSet()) def test_targetless_threaded_context(self): """Tests whether a target-less threaded context fails to activate""" c = Context("test_context", lambda *a, **k: True) try: c.activate() except ContextError: pass else: raise AssertionError # After marking context as non-threaded, it should activate OK c.threaded = False try: c.activate() except: raise AssertionError else: pass class TestContextManager(unittest.TestCase): """tests context manager class and interaction between contexts""" def test_constructor(self): """Tests constructor""" cm = ContextManager() self.assertIsNotNone(cm) def test_initial_contexts(self): """Tests whether initial contexts are getting created""" cm = ContextManager() cm.init_io(Mock(), Mock()) #Implicitly creates initial contexts for context_alias, context in cm.contexts.items(): assert(context_alias in cm.initial_contexts) assert(context) def test_basic_context_switching(self): """Tests whether basic context switching works""" cm = ContextManager() cm.initial_contexts = [cm.fallback_context, "test1", "test2"] cm.init_io(Mock(), Mock()) assert(cm.current_context is None) cm.switch_to_context(cm.fallback_context) assert(cm.current_context == cm.fallback_context) e1 = Event() e2 = Event() cm.register_context_target("test1", e1.wait) cm.register_context_target("test2", e2.wait) cm.switch_to_context("test1") assert(cm.current_context == "test1") assert(cm.get_previous_context("test1") == cm.fallback_context) cm.switch_to_context("test2") assert(cm.current_context == "test2") assert(cm.get_previous_context("test2") == "test1") cm.switch_to_context("test1") assert(cm.current_context == "test1") assert(cm.get_previous_context("test1") == "test2") #Setting events so that threads exit e1.set() e2.set() def test_context_switching_on_context_finish(self): """Tests whether basic context switching works""" cm = ContextManager() cm.init_io(Mock(), Mock()) cm.switch_to_context(cm.fallback_context) e1 = Event() c = cm.create_context("test1") cm.register_context_target("test1", e1.wait) cm.switch_to_context("test1") assert(cm.current_context == "test1") finished = Event() def new_signal_finished(): c.event_cb(, "finished") finished.set() with patch.object(c, 'signal_finished', side_effect=new_signal_finished) as p: e1.set() #Waiting for the thread to exit finished.wait() assert(cm.current_context == cm.fallback_context) def test_targetless_context_switching(self): """Tests that switching to a target-less context fails""" cm = ContextManager() cm.init_io(Mock(), Mock()) cm.switch_to_context(cm.fallback_context) cm.create_context("test1") assert(cm.current_context == cm.fallback_context) cm.switch_to_context("test1") assert(cm.current_context == cm.fallback_context) def test_failsafe_fallback_on_io_fail(self): cm = ContextManager() cm.fallback_context = "m" cm.initial_contexts = ["m"] cm.init_io(Mock(), Mock()) cm.switch_to_context(cm.fallback_context) c1 = cm.create_context("t1") c2 = cm.create_context("t2") e1 = Event() e2 = Event() cm.register_context_target("t1", e1.wait) cm.register_context_target("t2", e2.wait) cm.switch_to_context("t1") # Fucking things up - since context objects are app-accessible, # we can't really rely on them staying the same del c1.i c1.signal_finished = lambda: True del c2.i # Both current and new contexts are fucked up cm.switch_to_context("t2") # Setting events so that threads exit e1.set() e2.set() assert(cm.current_context == cm.fallback_context) def test_failsafe_fallback_on_thread_fail(self): cm = ContextManager() cm.fallback_context = "m" cm.initial_contexts = ["m"] cm.init_io(Mock(), Mock()) cm.switch_to_context(cm.fallback_context) c1 = cm.create_context("t1") c2 = cm.create_context("t2") e1 = Event() e2 = Event() cm.register_context_target("t1", e1.wait) cm.register_context_target("t2", e2.wait) cm.switch_to_context("t1") # Removing c1.set_target(None) del c1.thread c1.signal_finished = lambda: True c2.set_target(None) # Again, switcing to the fucked up context cm.switch_to_context("t2") # Setting events so that threads exit e1.set() e2.set() assert(cm.current_context == cm.fallback_context) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() """ def test_left_key_exits(self): r = Refresher(lambda: "Hello", get_mock_input(), get_mock_output(), name=r_name) r.refresh = lambda *args, **kwargs: None # This test doesn't actually test whether the Refresher exits # It only tests whether the in_foreground attribute is set # Any ideas? Maybe use some kind of "timeout" library? def scenario(): r.keymap["KEY_LEFT"]() assert not r.in_foreground # If the test fails, either the assert will trigger a test failure, # or the idle loop will just run indefinitely # The exception thrown should protect from the latter raise KeyboardInterrupt with patch.object(r, 'idle_loop', side_effect=scenario) as p: try: r.activate() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass #Test succeeded def test_shows_data_on_screen(self): i = get_mock_input() o = get_mock_output() r = Refresher(lambda: "Hello", i, o, name=r_name) def scenario(): r.refresh() r.deactivate() with patch.object(r, 'idle_loop', side_effect=scenario) as p: r.activate() #The scenario should only be called once assert r.idle_loop.called assert r.idle_loop.call_count == 1 assert o.display_data.called assert o.display_data.call_count == 2 #One in to_foreground, and one in patched idle_loop assert o.display_data.call_args_list[0][0] == ("Hello", ) assert o.display_data.call_args_list[1][0] == ("Hello", ) def test_pause_resume(self): i = get_mock_input() o = get_mock_output() r = Refresher(lambda: "Hello", i, o, name=r_name, refresh_interval=0.1) #refresh_interval is 0.1 so that _counter always stays 0 #and idle_loop always refreshes #Doing what an activate() would do, but without a loop r.to_foreground() assert o.display_data.called assert o.display_data.call_count == 1 #to_foreground calls refresh() r.idle_loop() assert o.display_data.call_count == 2 #not paused r.pause() r.idle_loop() assert o.display_data.call_count == 2 #paused, so count shouldn't change r.resume() assert o.display_data.call_count == 3 #resume() refreshes the display r.idle_loop() assert o.display_data.call_count == 4 #should be refresh the display normally now def test_keymap_restore_on_resume(self): i = get_mock_input() o = get_mock_output() r = Refresher(lambda: "Hello", i, o, name=r_name, refresh_interval=0.1) r.refresh = lambda *args, **kwargs: None r.to_foreground() assert i.set_keymap.called assert i.set_keymap.call_count == 1 assert i.set_keymap.call_args[0][0] == r.keymap assert "KEY_LEFT" in r.keymap r.pause() assert i.set_keymap.call_count == 1 #paused, so count shouldn't change i.set_keymap(None) assert i.set_keymap.call_args[0][0] != r.keymap r.resume() assert i.set_keymap.call_count == 3 #one explicitly done in the test right beforehand assert i.set_keymap.call_args[0][0] == r.keymap def test_set_interval(self): i = get_mock_input() o = get_mock_output() r = Refresher(lambda: "Hello", i, o, name=r_name, refresh_interval=1) assert(r.refresh_interval == 1) assert(r.sleep_time == 0.1) assert(r.iterations_before_refresh == 10) # Refresh intervals up until 0.1 don't change the sleep time r.set_refresh_interval(0.1) assert(r.refresh_interval == 0.1) assert(r.sleep_time == 0.1) assert(r.iterations_before_refresh == 1) # Refresh intervals less than 0.1 change sleep_time to match refresh interval r.set_refresh_interval(0.01) assert(r.refresh_interval == 0.01) assert(r.sleep_time == 0.01) assert(r.iterations_before_refresh == 1) # Now setting refresh_interval to a high value r.set_refresh_interval(10) assert(r.refresh_interval == 10) assert(r.sleep_time == 0.1) # Back to normal assert(r.iterations_before_refresh == 100) def test_update_keymap(self): i = get_mock_input() o = get_mock_output() r = Refresher(lambda: "Hello", i, o, name=r_name, refresh_interval=0.1) r.refresh = lambda *args, **kwargs: None # We need to patch "process_callback" because otherwise the keymap callbacks # are wrapped and we can't test equivalence with patch.object(r, 'process_callback', side_effect=lambda keymap:keymap) as p: keymap1 = {"KEY_LEFT": lambda:1} r.update_keymap(keymap1) assert(r.keymap == keymap1) keymap2 = {"KEY_RIGHT": lambda:2} r.update_keymap(keymap2) keymap2.update(keymap1) assert(r.keymap == keymap2)"""
# coding: utf-8 from __future__ import absolute_import from datetime import date, datetime # noqa: F401 from typing import List, Dict # noqa: F401 from swagger_server.models.base_model_ import Model from swagger_server import util class DataUtility(Model): """NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program. Do not edit the class manually. """ def __init__(self, url: str=None, accuracy: float=None, consistency: float=None, completeness: float=None, timeliness: float=None): # noqa: E501 """DataUtility - a model defined in Swagger :param url: The url of this DataUtility. # noqa: E501 :type url: str :param accuracy: The accuracy of this DataUtility. # noqa: E501 :type accuracy: float :param consistency: The consistency of this DataUtility. # noqa: E501 :type consistency: float :param completeness: The completeness of this DataUtility. # noqa: E501 :type completeness: float :param timeliness: The timeliness of this DataUtility. # noqa: E501 :type timeliness: float """ self.swagger_types = { 'url': str, 'accuracy': float, 'consistency': float, 'completeness': float, 'timeliness': float } self.attribute_map = { 'url': 'URL', 'accuracy': 'accuracy', 'consistency': 'consistency', 'completeness': 'completeness', 'timeliness': 'timeliness' } self._url = url self._accuracy = accuracy self._consistency = consistency self._completeness = completeness self._timeliness = timeliness @classmethod def from_dict(cls, dikt) -> 'DataUtility': """Returns the dict as a model :param dikt: A dict. :type: dict :return: The DataUtility of this DataUtility. # noqa: E501 :rtype: DataUtility """ return util.deserialize_model(dikt, cls) @property def url(self) -> str: """Gets the url of this DataUtility. :return: The url of this DataUtility. :rtype: str """ return self._url @url.setter def url(self, url: str): """Sets the url of this DataUtility. :param url: The url of this DataUtility. :type url: str """ if url is None: raise ValueError("Invalid value for `url`, must not be `None`") # noqa: E501 self._url = url @property def accuracy(self) -> float: """Gets the accuracy of this DataUtility. :return: The accuracy of this DataUtility. :rtype: float """ return self._accuracy @accuracy.setter def accuracy(self, accuracy: float): """Sets the accuracy of this DataUtility. :param accuracy: The accuracy of this DataUtility. :type accuracy: float """ if accuracy is None: raise ValueError("Invalid value for `accuracy`, must not be `None`") # noqa: E501 self._accuracy = accuracy @property def consistency(self) -> float: """Gets the consistency of this DataUtility. :return: The consistency of this DataUtility. :rtype: float """ return self._consistency @consistency.setter def consistency(self, consistency: float): """Sets the consistency of this DataUtility. :param consistency: The consistency of this DataUtility. :type consistency: float """ if consistency is None: raise ValueError("Invalid value for `consistency`, must not be `None`") # noqa: E501 self._consistency = consistency @property def completeness(self) -> float: """Gets the completeness of this DataUtility. :return: The completeness of this DataUtility. :rtype: float """ return self._completeness @completeness.setter def completeness(self, completeness: float): """Sets the completeness of this DataUtility. :param completeness: The completeness of this DataUtility. :type completeness: float """ if completeness is None: raise ValueError("Invalid value for `completeness`, must not be `None`") # noqa: E501 self._completeness = completeness @property def timeliness(self) -> float: """Gets the timeliness of this DataUtility. :return: The timeliness of this DataUtility. :rtype: float """ return self._timeliness @timeliness.setter def timeliness(self, timeliness: float): """Sets the timeliness of this DataUtility. :param timeliness: The timeliness of this DataUtility. :type timeliness: float """ if timeliness is None: raise ValueError("Invalid value for `timeliness`, must not be `None`") # noqa: E501 self._timeliness = timeliness
<reponame>MartinMa28/Algorithms_review class Solution: def minAddToMakeValid(self, S: str) -> int: stack = [] violations = 0 if S == '': return 0 for idx, ch in enumerate(S): if ch == '(': stack.append(idx) elif ch == ')': if len(stack) == 0: violations += 1 else: stack.pop() if len(stack) > 0: violations += len(stack) return violations
import os from django.shortcuts import render,get_object_or_404, redirect from django.http import FileResponse from .models import GameCategory, Game from comment.forms import GameCommentForm,SubGCommentForm from comment.models import SubGComment from .forms import UploadGameForm BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) def portfllio(request): categories = GameCategory.objects.all().order_by("name") gameList = [] for cate in categories: games = Game.objects.filter(category ="-createTime") temp = (cate,games) gameList.append(temp) return render(request, 'home/portfolio.html', context={'gameList': gameList}) def gameInfo(request,pk): game = get_object_or_404(Game, pk=pk) form = GameCommentForm() subForm = SubGCommentForm() c = game.gamecomment_set.all() comments = [] for comment in c: subComment = SubGComment.objects.filter("createTime") temp = (comment,subComment) comments.append(temp) context = { 'game': game, 'form': form, 'subForm': subForm, 'comments': comments, } return render(request, 'game/game.html', context=context) def downloadGame(request, pk): gameObj = get_object_or_404(Game, pk=pk) url = BASE_DIR+str('/', '\\') name = str( file = open(url, 'rb') response = FileResponse(file) response['Content-Type'] = 'application/octet-stream' response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment;filename="{0}"'.format(name) gameObj.increase_times() return response def uploadGame(request): categories = GameCategory.objects.all() if request.method == 'POST': form = UploadGameForm(request.POST) gamelication = request.FILES['game'] if form.is_valid(): game = = gamelication if 'icon' not in request.POST: game.icon = request.FILES['icon'] if 'foreImg' not in request.POST: game.foreImg = request.FILES['foreImg'] return redirect('/') else: form = UploadGameForm() return render(request, 'game/upload.html', context={'form': form, 'categories': categories}) def deleteGame(request, pk): Game.objects.filter(pk=pk).delete() return redirect("/user/") def editGame(request, pk): categories = GameCategory.objects.all() game = get_object_or_404(Game, pk=pk) if request.method == 'POST': content = request.POST = content['name'] game.version = content['version'] = content['category'] game.inTro = content['inTro'] if 'icon' not in request.POST: game.icon = request.FILES['icon'] if 'foreImg' not in request.POST: game.foreImg = request.FILES['foreImg'] if 'game' not in request.POST: = request.FILES['game'] return redirect("/user/") context = {'categories': categories,'game': game} return render(request, 'game/edit.html',context=context)
<gh_stars>0 """ Models for Characters """ from .ancestry import Ancestry, SubAncestry from .background import Background from .character import Character, ClassAndLevel, InventoryAdventuringGear, \ InventoryArmor, InventoryTool, InventoryWeapon, InventoryWondrousItem, SkillProficiency from .character_class import CharacterClass, Archetype, FeaturesAtLevel, \ SpellsKnownAtLevel, SpellSlotsAtLevel from .feature import Feature
<filename>src/packModules/ def filewrite(outcontent,filename): try: filecontent = open("outFiles/outcontent.txt", mode="a", encoding="utf-8") filecontent.write("\n\n\n=========={}==========\n".format(filename)) filecontent.write("\n".join(str(el) for el in outcontent)) except IOError as identifier: print(str(identifier)) finally: filecontent.close()
<filename>ebel/ """Collect of methods used for validating a BEL file.""" import os import re import csv import difflib import logging from typing import Iterable, Union, Optional from textwrap import fill import numpy as np import pandas as pd import ebel.database from ebel.parser import check_bel_script_line_by_line, check_bel_script, bel_to_json logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def validate_bel_file(bel_script_path: str, force_new_db: bool = False, line_by_line: bool = False, reports: Union[Iterable[str], str] = None, bel_version: str = '2_1', tree: bool = False, sqlalchemy_connection_str: str = None, json_file: bool = True, force_json: bool = False,): """Validate BEL script for correct syntax following eBNF grammar. Parameters ---------- bel_script_path: str Path to BEL file or directory contaiing BEL files. force_new_db: bool Delete current database of namespaces/values and generate a new one. Defaults to False. line_by_line: bool TODO: Write this. reports: Iterable[str] or str List of file paths to write reports to. Multiple formats of the report can be generated at once. Acceptable formats include: CSV, TSV, TXT, XLS, XLSX, JSON, HTML, MD bel_version: {'1', '2', '2_1'} Which BEL grammar version should be used for validating the BEL file. Current available are 1.0, 2.0, and 2.1. Defaults to the most recent version. tree: bool Generates a tree of relationships derived from the BEL file. Defaults to False. sqlalchemy_connection_str: str Path to SQLLite database to be used for storing/looking up used namespaces and values. If None given, it uses the generated e(BE:L) database (default). json_file: bool If True, generates a JSON file that can be used for importing BEL relationships into an e(BE:L) generated OrientDB database. Only creates the JSON file when there are no grammar or syntax errors. Defaults to True. force_json: bool If True, will create an importable JSON file even if there are namespace/value errors. Defaults to False. Returns ------- dict Dictionary of file paths and results for each BEL file processed. Examples -------- Task: Validate BEL script `my.bel` for BEL syntax 2.0, create error reports in Markdown and JSON format. In case of no errors create a JSON file for the import of BEL network into Cytoscape: > ebel validate my.bel -v 2 -r,error_report.json """ validation_results = dict() if bel_script_path.startswith('"') and bel_script_path.endswith('"'): bel_script_path = bel_script_path[1:-1] if reports and reports.startswith('"') and reports.endswith('"'): reports = reports[1:-1] if line_by_line: # TODO: This is perhaps not working result = check_bel_script_line_by_line(bel_script_path, error_report_file_path=reports, bel_version=bel_version) if reports:"Wrote report to %s\n" % reports) else:"\n".join([x.to_string() for x in result]) + "\n") else: if sqlalchemy_connection_str: ebel.database.set_connection(sqlalchemy_connection_str) bel_files = _create_list_bel_files(bel_path=bel_script_path) validation_results['bel_files_checked'] = bel_files for bel_file in bel_files: # Create dict to be filled for individual BEL files. validation_results[bel_file] = dict()"Processing {bel_file}") result = check_bel_script( bel_script_path=bel_file, force_new_db=force_new_db, bel_version=bel_version, ) if json_file: if not result['errors'] or force_json: json_file = _write_odb_json(bel_path=bel_file, results=result, bel_version=bel_version) validation_results[bel_file]['json'] = json_file if tree: if result['errors']: logger.error("Tree can not be printed because errors still exists\n") else: logger.debug(result['tree']) validation_results[bel_file]['tree'] = result['tree'] if result['warnings'] and reports: report_paths = _write_report(reports, result, report_type='warnings') validation_results[bel_file]['reports'] = report_paths elif result['errors']: if not reports:'\n'.join([x.to_string() for x in result['errors']]) + "\n") else: _write_report(reports, result, report_type='errors') def repair_bel_file(bel_script_path: str, new_file_path: Optional[str] = None): """Repair a BEL document. Parameters ---------- bel_script_path : str Path to the BEL file. new_file_path : str (optional) Export repaired version of file to new path. """ # if evidence: # regular expression for missing continuous line (\ at the end of line) with open(bel_script_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as belfile: content = new_content = content for regex_pattern in re.findall(r'\n((SET\s+(DOCUMENT\s+Description|Evidence|SupportingText)' r'\s*=\s*)"(((?<=\\)"|[^"])+)"\s*\n*)', content): if regex_pattern[2].startswith("DOCUMENT"): new_prefix = "SET DOCUMENT Description = " else: new_prefix = "SET Support = " new_evidence_text = re.sub(r"(\\?[\r\n]+)|\\ ", " ", regex_pattern[3].strip()) new_evidence_text = re.sub(r"\s{2,}", " ", new_evidence_text) new_evidence_text = re.sub(r'(\\)(\w)', r'\g<2>', new_evidence_text) new_evidence_text = fill(new_evidence_text, break_long_words=False).replace("\n", " \\\n") new_evidence = new_prefix + '"' + new_evidence_text + '"\n\n' new_content = new_content.replace(regex_pattern[0], new_evidence) if content != new_content: if new_file_path: with open(new_file_path + ".diff2repaired", "w") as new_file: new_file.write('\n'.join(list(difflib.ndiff(content.split("\n"), new_content.split("\n"))))) else: with open(bel_script_path, "w") as output_file: output_file.write(new_content) def _write_odb_json(bel_path: str, results: dict, bel_version: str) -> str: json_path = bel_path + ".json" if int(bel_version[0]) > 1: json_tree = bel_to_json(results['tree']) open(json_path, "w").write(json_tree) return json_path def _create_list_bel_files(bel_path: str) -> list: """Export all BEL files in directory as list. If single file is passed, returns a list with that path.""" if os.path.isdir(bel_path): bel_files = [] for file in os.listdir(bel_path): if file.endswith(".bel"): bel_file_path = os.path.join(bel_path, file) bel_files.append(bel_file_path) else: bel_files = [bel_path] return bel_files def _write_report(reports: Union[Iterable[str], str], result: dict, report_type: str) -> list: """Write report in different types depending on the file name suffix in reports. Parameters ---------- reports : Iterable[str] or str List of report formats or comma separated list of report file names. result : dict return value of check_bel_script methode. report_type : str `report_type` could be 'warnings' or 'errors'. Returns ------- list List of file paths for the reports written. """ # TODO: report_type options should be constants errors_or_warns_as_list_of_dicts = [x.to_dict() for x in result[report_type]] columns = [report_type[:-1] + "_class", "url", "keyword", "entry", "line_number", "column", "hint"] df = pd.DataFrame(data=errors_or_warns_as_list_of_dicts, columns=columns) df.index += 1 if isinstance(reports, str): reports = reports.split(",") for report in reports: if report.endswith('.csv'): df.to_csv(report) if report.endswith('.xls'): df.to_excel(report) if report.endswith('.xlsx'): df.to_excel(report, engine='xlsxwriter') if report.endswith('.tsv'): df.to_csv(report, sep='\t') if report.endswith('.json'): df.to_json(report) if report.endswith('.txt'): open(report, "w").write(df.to_string()) if report.endswith('.html'): df.to_html(report) if report.endswith('.md'): cols = df.columns df2 = pd.DataFrame([['---', ] * len(cols)], columns=cols) if df.hint.dtype == np.str: df.hint = df.hint.str.replace(r'\|', '&#124;') if df.entry.dtype == np.str: df.entry = df.entry.str.replace(r'\|', '&#124;') df.url = [("[url](" + str(x) + ")" if not pd.isna(x) else '') for x in df.url] url_template = "[%s](" + report.split(".bel.")[0] + ".bel?expanded=true&viewer=simple#L%s)" df.line_number = [url_template % (x, x) for x in df.line_number] df3 = pd.concat([df2, df]) df3.to_csv(report, sep="|", index=False, quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE, escapechar="\\") return reports
<reponame>Integreat/cms-v2 """ This module includes functions related to the event API endpoint. """ from copy import deepcopy from datetime import timedelta from django.conf import settings from django.http import JsonResponse from django.utils import timezone from django.utils.html import strip_tags from import EventTranslation from ...cms.utils.slug_utils import generate_unique_slug from ..decorators import json_response from .locations import transform_poi def transform_event(event): """ Function to create a JSON from a single event object. :param event: The event which should be converted :type event: :return: data necessary for API :rtype: dict """ return { "id":, "start_date": event.start_date, "end_date": event.end_date, "all_day": event.is_all_day, "start_time": event.start_time, "end_time": event.end_time, "recurrence_id": if event.recurrence_rule else None, "timezone": settings.CURRENT_TIME_ZONE, } def transform_event_translation(event_translation): """ Function to create a JSON from a single event_translation object. :param event_translation: The event translation object which should be converted :type event_translation: :return: data necessary for API :rtype: dict """ event = event_translation.event if event.location: location_translation = ( event.location.get_public_translation(event_translation.language.slug) or event.location.best_translation ) else: location_translation = None absolute_url = event_translation.get_absolute_url() return { "id":, "url": settings.BASE_URL + absolute_url, "path": absolute_url, "title": event_translation.title, "modified_gmt": event_translation.last_updated.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), "excerpt": strip_tags(event_translation.content), "content": event_translation.content, "available_languages": event_translation.available_languages, "thumbnail": event.icon.url if event.icon else None, "location": transform_poi(event.location, location_translation), "event": transform_event(event), "hash": None, } def transform_event_recurrences(event_translation, today): """ Yield all future recurrences of the event. :param event_translation: The event translation object which should be converted :type event_translation: :param today: The first date at which event may be yielded :type today: :return: An iterator over all future recurrences up to ``settings.API_EVENTS_MAX_TIME_SPAN_DAYS`` :rtype: Iterator[:class:``] """ event = event_translation.event recurrence_rule = event.recurrence_rule if not recurrence_rule: return # In order to avoid unnecessary computations, check if any future event # may be valid and return early if that is not the case if ( recurrence_rule.recurrence_end_date and recurrence_rule.recurrence_end_date < today ): return event_length = event.end_date - event.start_date start_date = event.start_date = None # Store language and slug for usage in loop current_language = event_translation.language current_slug = event_translation.slug # Calculate all recurrences of this event for recurrence_date in recurrence_rule.iter_after(start_date): if recurrence_date - max(start_date, today) > timedelta( days=settings.API_EVENTS_MAX_TIME_SPAN_DAYS ): break if recurrence_date < today or recurrence_date == start_date: continue # Create all temporary translations of this recurrence recurrence_translations = {} if event.region.fallback_translations_enabled: languages = event.region.active_languages else: languages = event.public_languages for language in languages: # Create copy in memory to make sure original translation is not affected by changes event_translation = deepcopy(event_translation) # Fake the requested language event_translation.language = language event_translation.slug = generate_unique_slug( **{ "slug": f"{current_slug}-{recurrence_date}", "manager": EventTranslation.objects, "object_instance": event_translation, "foreign_model": "event", "region": event.region, "language": language, } ) # Reset id to make sure id does not conflict with existing event translation = None # Set date to recurrence date event_translation.event.start_date = recurrence_date event_translation.event.end_date = recurrence_date + event_length # Clear cached property in case url with different language was already calculated before try: del event_translation.url_prefix except AttributeError: pass recurrence_translations[language.slug] = event_translation # Set the prefetched public translations to make sure the recurrence translations are correctly listed in available languages for recurrence_translation in recurrence_translations.values(): recurrence_translation.event.prefetched_public_translations_by_language_slug = ( recurrence_translations ) # Update translation object with the one with prefetched temporary translations event_translation = recurrence_translations[current_language.slug] # Clear cached property in case available languages with different recurrence was already calculated before try: del event_translation.available_languages except AttributeError: pass yield transform_event_translation(event_translation) @json_response # pylint: disable=unused-argument def events(request, region_slug, language_slug): """ List all events of the region and transform result into JSON :param request: The current request :type request: ~django.http.HttpRequest :param region_slug: The slug of the requested region :type region_slug: str :param language_slug: The slug of the requested language :type language_slug: str :return: JSON object according to APIv3 events endpoint definition :rtype: ~django.http.JsonResponse """ region = request.region # Throw a 404 error when the language does not exist or is disabled region.get_language_or_404(language_slug, only_active=True) result = [] now = for event in event_translation = event.get_public_translation(language_slug) if event_translation: if event.end_date >= now: result.append(transform_event_translation(event_translation)) for future_event in transform_event_recurrences(event_translation, now): result.append(future_event) return JsonResponse( result, safe=False ) # Turn off Safe-Mode to allow serializing arrays
<gh_stars>0 def s3_hello(person_name): print('Hello There Person:', person_name) def s3_push_delete_local(local_file, bucket, bucket_filepath): print('def s3_push_delete_local(local_file, bucket, bucket_filepath):')
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. from odoo import api, models class ChangeProductionQty(models.TransientModel): _inherit = 'change.production.qty' @api.model def _update_product_to_produce(self, prod, qty, old_qty): modification = super(ChangeProductionQty, self)._update_product_to_produce(prod, qty, old_qty) for sub_product_line in prod.bom_id.sub_products: move = prod.move_finished_ids.filtered(lambda x: x.subproduct_id == sub_product_line and x.state not in ('done', 'cancel')) if move: product_uom_factor = prod.product_uom_id._compute_quantity(prod.product_qty - prod.qty_produced, prod.bom_id.product_uom_id) qty1 = sub_product_line.product_qty qty1 *= product_uom_factor / prod.bom_id.product_qty modification[move[0]] = (qty1, move[0].product_uom_qty) move[0].write({'product_uom_qty': qty1}) else: move = prod._create_byproduct_move(sub_product_line) modification[move] = (move.product_uom_qty, 0) return modification
<gh_stars>1-10 import xml.sax from collections import Counter, defaultdict """ Custom handler for parsing OpenStreetMap XML files. While parsing the XML file, handler keeps trace of: - tags count - tags ancestors It is possible to register callback functions for start or end events. The callbacks for start event will be called passing the following arguments: - stack - locator The callbacks for end event will be called passing the following arguments: - element name - element children - locator Return value of callbacks is ignored by the handler class. This enables to enhance the parser with 'on the fly' data quality audit or export. """ class OpenStreetMapXmlHandler(xml.sax.ContentHandler): def __init__(self): """ Constructor. This class is intended to be used as a context manager. The state of object keeps a trace of stack while parsing. This enables to collect information from children. The stack is destroyed when end event occured. This enables to limit memory usage while parsing. The _stack internal variable stores tuples - element unique identifier - element name (as provided by start event) - element attributes (as provided by start event) """ xml.sax.ContentHandler.__init__(self) #super not working here ??? def __enter__(self): """ Context manager entry point. """ self._id = 0 #unique identifier incremented at self._stack = [ ] #current stack of element being read self._element_tags = Counter() #counter of element tags self._element_ancestors = defaultdict(set) #collection of ancestors per tag self._start_callbacks = [ ] #start event callbacks self._end_callbacks = [ ] #end event callbacks self._children = { } #children elements of elements being read return self def __exit__(self, *args): """ Context manager exit point. """ pass def startElement(self, name, attrs): """ Method invoked when starting to read an element in XML dataset. This method is part of of xml.sax.ContentHandler interface and is overloaded here. - name: tag of element being read - attrs: element attributes """ #Get identifier for current element identifier = self._requestUniqueIdentifier() #Has element a parent? If yes get the id. try: parent_tuple = self._stack[-1] if parent_tuple[1] == 'osm': #We ignore osm element as it has too many children parent = None else: parent = parent_tuple[0] except IndexError: parent = None #Exploit current stack to get ancestor ancestor = ".".join([s[1] for s in self._stack]) self._element_ancestors[name].add(ancestor) #Update tag counter self._element_tags[name] += 1 #Update parent children (if any) if parent is not None: self._children[parent].append((name, attrs)) #Initialisation of own children self._children[identifier] = [ ] #Update stack self._stack.append((identifier, name, attrs)) #Use registered callbacks for callback in self._start_callbacks: callback(self._stack, self._locator) def endElement(self, name): """ Method invoked when ending to read an element in XML dataset. This method is part of of xml.sax.ContentHandler interface and is overloaded here. - name: tag of element being read """ #Get identifier identifier = self._stack[-1][0] #Use registered callbacks before element is cleaned for callback in self._end_callbacks: callback(name, self._children[identifier], self._locator) #Cleaning identifier, name, attrs = self._stack.pop(-1) del self._children[identifier] def getTagsCount(self): """ Get a dictionnary with tags count. - return: dictionnary where keys are tags and values are count """ return dict(self._element_tags) def getTagsAncestors(self): """ Get a dictionnary with tags ancestors. - return: dictionnary where keys are tags and values are a sequence of all different ancestors path """ return dict(self._element_ancestors) def registerStartEventCallback(self, func): """ Register a callback for start event. Note that return value of callback is ignored. Any exception raised by callback is not catched by handler, so you should take care of catching all exceptions within the callback itself. - func: a callable object taking stack and locator as arguments. """ self._start_callbacks.append(func) def registerEndEventCallback(self, func): """ Register a callback for end event. Note that return value of callback is ignored. Any exception raised by callback is not catched by handler, so you should take care of catching all exceptions within the callback itself. - func: a callable object taking element name, element children and locator as arguments. """ self._end_callbacks.append(func) def clearCallbacks(self): """ Remove all registered callbacks. """ self._end_callbacks = [ ] self._start_callbacks = [ ] def _requestUniqueIdentifier(self): """ Return a unique identifier used at parsing time. - return: identifier """ self._id += 1 return self._id