--- title: "Introduction to AHPWR package" author: "Luciane Ferreira Alcoforado and Orlando Celso Longo" subtitle: "Academia da Força Aérea and Universidade Federal Fluminense" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Introduction to AHP package} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ```{r, include = FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) ``` ```{r setup} knitr::opts_chunk$set(warning = FALSE, message = FALSE) library(AHPWR) library(kableExtra) ``` This is the introduction to our package AHPWR. All theory about this method is concerned about Saaty and Vargas (2012). The examples are inspired by this reference. ## AHP According to Saaty and Vargas (2012), The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is a basic approach to decision making. It is designed to cope with both the rational and the intuitive to select **the best** from a **number of alternatives** evaluated with respect to **several criteria**. In this process, the decision maker carries out simple **pairwise comparison judgments** which are then used to develop overall priorities for **ranking the alternatives**. The AHP both allows for inconsistency in the judgments and provides a means to improve consistency. The simplest form used to structure a decision problem is a hierarchy consisting of three levels: **the goal of the decision** at the top level, followed by a second level consisting of the **criteria** by which the **alternatives**, located in the third level, will be evaluated. ## A tree level hierarchy In the AHPWR package we can create the tree level hierarchy of the problem, as in the following example: ```{r} #generic, c= 4 criteria and a = 3 alternatives flow_chart(names=NULL, c=4, a=3) ``` You can change the graphics according to ggplot2 options: ```{r} #generic, c= 4 criteria and a = 3 alternatives p=flow_chart(names=NULL, c=4, a=3) p+ggplot2::labs(title = "A tree level hierarchy", x="", y="") ``` ```{r} #generic, c= 4 criteria and a = 3 alternatives p=flow_chart(names=NULL, c=4, a=3) p+ggplot2::labs(title = "A tree level hierarchy", x="", y="")+ggplot2::theme_void() ``` ```{r} #generic, c= 4 criteria and a = 3 alternatives goal = "Satisfation with House" criterios = c("Size", "Age", "Yard", "Neighborhood" ) alternatives = c("house A", "house B", "house C") names = c(goal, criterios, alternatives) p=flow_chart(names, c=4, a=3) p+ggplot2::labs(title = "A tree level hierarchy", x="", y="")+ggplot2::theme_void() ``` ## The comparative judment The next step is comparative judgment. The elements on the second level are arranged into a matrix and the family buying the house makes judgments about the relative importance of the elements with respect to the overall goal, Satisfaction with House. The questions to ask when comparing two criteria are of the following kind: of the two alternatives being compared, which is considered more important by the family and how much more important is it with respect to family satisfaction with the house, which is the overall goal? Paired comparison judgments in the AHP are applied to pairs of homogeneous elements. The fundamental scale of values to represent the intensities of judgments is shown in Table 1. This scale has been validated for effectiveness, not only in many applications by a number of people, but also through theoretical justification of what scale one must use in the comparison of homogeneous elements. ```{r echo=FALSE} `Intensity of importance` = 1:9 Definicion = c("Equal Importance", " Weak", "Moderate importance", "Moderate plus", "Strong importance", "Strong plus", "Very strong or demonstrated importance", "Very, very strong", "Extreme importance") tab = data.frame(`Intensity of importance`, Definicion) knitr::kable(tab, caption = "Table 1: The fundamental Scale") ``` Here we will use the holistic judgment criterion proposed by Godoy (2014). It provides weights for each criterion using the Saaty scale: assuming that there are $n$ criteria, establish different weights for each of the criteria according to their importance, with $w1$ being the weight of criterion 1; $w2$ the weight of criterion 2 and so on. The judge, before assigning a holistic weight, should order the items from the most important to the least important and then establish the weights that should be different for each item and descending according to the established order, unless two consecutive items have the same importance, only in this case can they have the same weight. For example, if $w1 < w2 < ... < wn$ so order the items are A1 is less important than A2 which is less important than A3 and so on ; or An is more important than An-1 which is more important than An-2 and so on. The hierarchy matrix will be constructed by making $a_{ij} = wi – wj +1$ if $wi > wj$ (ie, criterion $i$ has greater importance than criterion $j$); $aij = 1/(wj – wi +1)$ if $wi < wj$. ### Example 1: The problem is to determine the best choice between two alternatives A1 = construction of a bridge connecting two points; A2 = construction of a tunnel connecting two points, based on the following criteria: C1-life cycle, C2-maintenance cost, C3-environmental impacts, C4-construction cost. Holistic Judgment: M1 - Criteria judgment matrix Weights attributed by the evaluators to each criterion: w1=2; w2 = 5; w3 = 2; w4 = 3, therefore, the order of importance of the criteria according to the judge is criterion 2 followed by criterion 4 followed by both criterion 1 and 3 with the same importance. ```{r} x = c("life cycle", "maintenance cost", "environmental impacts", "construction cost") #criteria y = c(2,5,2,3) #weights m1 = matrix_ahp(x,y) m1 ``` The table with all date about the matrix, the first line informs the weights assigned by the evaluators, the following lines up to the penultimate one show the comparison matrix between criteria or alternatives and the last line informs the priority vector and the CR consistency index. ```{r} names(y) = x table=tabela_holistica(pesos=y) table knitr::kable(table) ``` We can customize our table, highlighting the main information in gray: ```{r} require(magrittr) require(kableExtra) knitr::kable(, align = 'c', digits = 2) %>% row_spec(1, italic = TRUE, background = 'gray') %>% row_spec(2:5, color = 'black', background = 'yellow') %>% row_spec(6, underline = TRUE, color = 'black',background = 'gray',bold = TRUE,) %>% column_spec(6, background = 'gray') ``` M2 -Judgment matrix of alternatives in relation to criterion C1 - life cycle Weights assigned by evaluators for each Alternative: w1= 1, w2 = 3 ```{r} x = c("bridge", "tunnel") #criteria life cycle y = c(1,3) #weights m2 = matrix_ahp(x,y) m2 ``` ```{r} names(y) = x table=tabela_holistica(pesos=y) table ``` M3 -Judgment matrix of alternatives in relation to criterion C2 - maintenance cost Weights assigned by evaluators for each Alternative: w1= 1, w2 = 4 ```{r} x = c("bridge", "tunnel") #criteria maintenance cost y = c(1,4) #weights m3 = matrix_ahp(x,y) m3 ``` ```{r} names(y) = x table=tabela_holistica(pesos=y) table ``` M4 -Judgment matrix of alternatives in relation to criterion C3 - environmental impacts Weights assigned by evaluators for each Alternative: w1= 1, w2 = 2 ```{r} x = c("bridge", "tunnel") #criteria environmental impacts y = c(1,2) #weights m4 = matrix_ahp(x,y) m4 ``` ```{r} names(y) = x table=tabela_holistica(pesos=y) table ``` M5 -Judgment matrix of alternatives in relation to criterion C4 - construction cost Weights assigned by evaluators for each Alternative: w1= 5, w2 = 3 ```{r} x = c("bridge", "tunnel") #criteria construction cost y = c(5,3) #weights m5 = matrix_ahp(x,y) m5 ``` ```{r} names(y) = x table=tabela_holistica(pesos=y) table ``` ## Consistency index and ratio If $a_{ij}$ represents the importance of alternative i over alternative j and $a_{jk}$ represents the importance of alternative j over alternative k and $a_{ik}$, the importance of alternative i over alternative k, must equal $a_{ij}a_{jk}$ or $a_{ij}a_{jk} = a_{ik}$ for the judgments to be consistent. The consistency index of a matrix of comparisons is given by $ic = (\lambda_{max} - n)/(n - 1)$. The consistency ratio (RC) is obtained by comparing the C.I. with the appropriate one of the following set of numbers (See Table 1.2) each of which is an average random consistency index derived from a sample of randomly generated reciprocal matrices using the scale 1/9, 1/8,…, 1,…, 8, 9. If it is not less than 0.10, study the problem and revise the judgments. ```{r} #consistency index CI(m1) CI(m2) CI(m3) CI(m4) CI(m5) ``` ```{r} #consistency ratio CR(m1) CR(m2) CR(m3) CR(m4) CR(m5) ``` All the consistency ratio are less than 0.1, therefore all judgment matrices are considered consistent. ## Priority vectors ```{r} lista = list(m1, m2, m3, m4, m5) calcula_prioridades(lista) ``` Each vector shows the weight of the criterio or alternative relative to the corresponding judgment matrix. For example, the first vector matches the m1 matrix, so it provides the relative weights of each criteria: 0.12 for criteria 1; 0.54 for criteria 2, 0.12 for criteria 3 and 0.22 for criteria 4. The second vector corresponds to the m2 matrix, so it provides the weights of each alternative when considering criterion 1: 0.25 for alternative 1 and 0.75 for alternative 2, and so on. ## Problem has only one level of criteria Let be a problem with m alternatives, $A_1, A_2, ..., A_m$ and n criteria $C_1, C_2, ..., C_n$. The first matrix produces $P(C_i)$ = priority of the ith criterion for i = 1, 2, ..., n The second until n+1 matrix produces $P(A_j|C_i)$ = priority of the j-th alternative conditional on the i-th criterion in case the problem has only one level of criteria, j=1, 2, ..., m and i=1, 2, ...,n. In this case $P(A_j) = \sum_{i=1}^{n}P(A_j|C_i)P(C_i)$, $j=1, 2, ...,m$ The function **ahp_geral()** will provide a table containing the marginal weights of each criterion, the conditional weights of each alternative given a certain criterion, the global weights of each alternative and a consistency ratio CR. | Criteria | Weights | A1 | A2 | ... | Am | CR | | |-----------------|---------|-----------|-----------|-----|-----------|---|---| | Alternatives -> | 1 | $P(A1)$ | $P(A2)$ | ... | $P(Am)$ | | | | $C1$ | $P(C1)$ | $P(A1|C1)P(C1)$ | $P(A2|C1)P(C1)$ | ... | $P(Am|C1)P(C1)$ | $CR(M_1)$ | | | $C2$ | $P(C2)$ | $P(A1|C2)P(C2)$ | $P(A2|C2)P(C2)$ | ... | $P(Am|C2)P(C2)$ | $CR(M_2)$ | | | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | | | | $Cn$ | $P(Cn)$ | $P(A1|Cn)P(Cn)$ | $P(A2|Cn)P(Cn)$ | ... | $P(Am|Cn)P(Cn)$ | $CR(M_{n+1}$) | | | | | | | | | | | Observe that $\sum_{j=1}^{m}P(A_j) =1$, $\sum_{i=1}^{n}P(C_i) =1$, $P(A_j) = \sum_{i=1}^{n}P(A_j|C_i)P(C_i)$, $j=1, 2, ...,m$ The alternative with the highest priority value may be the decision maker's final choice. ## Hierarchic Synthesis and Rank Hierarchic synthesis is obtained by a process of weighting and adding down the hierarchy leading to a multilinear form. ### Example 2: Problem with 4 criteria and 2 alternatives ```{r} lista ahp_geral(lista) ``` ### Example 3: Problem with 5 criteria and 3 alternatives ```{r} x=paste0(letters[3],1:5) #criteria names C1, C2, ..., C5 y=c(5,2,7,3,2) #judgments m1=matrix_ahp(x,y) x=paste0(letters[1],1:3) #alternatives names A1, A2, A3 y=c(4.4,5.2,3) m2=matrix_ahp(x,y) y=c(2,4,3) m3=matrix_ahp(x,y) y=c(4.9,5,3.3) m4=matrix_ahp(x,y) y=c(4.4,4.2,4.3) m5=matrix_ahp(x,y) y=c(5.4,5.2,5.7) m6=matrix_ahp(x,y) base=list(m1, m2, m3, m4, m5, m6) base calcula_prioridades(base) #fornece somente os vetores prioridades lapply(base,tabela_holistica) #fornece uma tabela com a matriz de comparação o vetor prioridade e o CR. ahp_geral(base) ``` ## Table ```{r} table1 = ahp_geral(base) transforma_tabela(table1) ``` ```{r} formata_tabela(table1) formata_tabela(table1, cores = "GRAY") formata_tabela(table1, cores = "WHITE") ``` ```{r} ranque(table1) ``` ## Criteria and sub-criteria When the problem has one level of criteria and a second level of subcriteria, it will be necessary to map the hierarchical structure as follows: Let $n$ be the number of criteria in the problem with $m$ alternatives and $n_{i}$ the number of sub-criteria of the ith criterion, so let's define the mapping vector $map = c(n_1, n_2, ..., n_n)$. This mapping must match the list of paired matrices $M_1, M_2, ..., M_h$, as follows: - M1 must be an $nxn$ matrix comparing criteria - If $n_1=0$ M2 must be an $mxm$ matrix comparing the alternatives; if not there should be a $n_ixn_i$ matrix comparing the sub-criteria in the light of criterion 1 and a sequence of $n_1$ $mxm$ matrices comparing the alternatives in the light of each sub-criterion of the current criterion, in this case there will be $n_1+1$ matrices: $M_2, M_3, ..., M_{n1+2}$ - For $i, i=1,...,n$, if $n_i=0$ the next matrix must be an $mxm$ matrix comparing the alternatives; if not there should be a $n_ixn_i$ matrix comparing the sub-criteria in the light of criterion i and a sequence of $n_i$ $mxm$ matrices comparing the alternatives in the light of each sub-criterion of the current criterion, in this case there will be $n_i+1$ matrices: $M_{i1}, M_{i2}, ..., M_{ini+1}$ For example suppose a problem with n=5 criteria, m=2 alternatives and $n_1=0, n_2=2, n_3=4, n_4=0, n_5=0$ the number of sub-criterion for each corresponding criterion. So, M1 will be a 5x5 matrix comparing all five criteria M2 will be a 2x2 matrix comparing all two alternatives in the light of criterion 1 because n1=0 M3 will be a 2x2 matrix comparing all two sub-criteria of criteria 2, because n2=2 M4 will be a 2x2 matrix comparing all two alternatives in the light of sub-criterion 1 of criteria 2 M5 will be a 2x2 matrix comparing all two alternatives in the light of sub-criterion 2 of criteria 2 M6 will be a 4x4 matrix comparing all four sub-criteria of criteria 3, because n3=4 M7 will be a 2x2 matrix comparing all two alternatives in the light of sub-criterion 1 of criteria 3 M8 will be a 2x2 matrix comparing all two alternatives in the light of sub-criterion 2 of criteria 3 M9 will be a 2x2 matrix comparing all two alternatives in the light of sub-criterion 3 of criteria 3 M10 will be a 2x2 matrix comparing all two alternatives in the light of sub-criterion 4 of criteria 3 M11 will be a 2x2 matrix comparing all two alternatives in the light of criterion 4 because n4=0 M12 will be a 2x2 matrix comparing all two alternatives in the light of criterion 5 because n5=0 **It is extremely important that the list of matrices be in this order because the method takes this matched mapping into account.** ### Example 4: two criteria with two subcriteria ```{r} #two criteria, each with two subcriteria map = c(2,2) #x with names and y with holistic judgment x=paste0(letters[3],1:2) #2 criteria y=c(5,7) m1=matrix_ahp(x,y) # matrix compare two criteria x=paste0("SC1",1:2) y=c(4,6) m2=matrix_ahp(x,y) # matrix compare two subcriteria of criteria 1 x=paste0(letters[1],1:3) y=c(2,4,5) m3=matrix_ahp(x,y) #alternatives for subcriteria 1 - criteria 1 y=c(4.9,5, 2) m4=matrix_ahp(x,y) #alternatives for subcriteria 2 - criteria 1 y=c(4.4,8, 6) x=paste0("SC2",1:2) m5=matrix_ahp(x,y) #matrix compare two subcriteria of criteria 2 y=c(5.4,5.2, 1) x=paste0(letters[1],1:3) m6=matrix_ahp(x,y) #alternatives for subcriteria 1 - criteria 2 y=c(9,5.2, 3) m7=matrix_ahp(x,y) #alternatives for subcriteria 2 - criteria 2 base=list(m1, m2, m3, m4, m5, m6, m7) base ``` ## Problem has two levels of criteria Let be a problem with m alternatives, $A_1, A_2, ..., A_m$, n criteria $C_1, C_2, ..., C_n$ with n_k_i sub-criteria corresponding to the ith criterion. The first matrix produces $P(C_i)$ or $P(SCi_k|C_i)$ = priority of the ith criterion or kth subcriterion of ith criterion for $i = 1, 2, ..., n$ and $k = 1, ..., n_{i}$. The next matrices produce comparisons of criteria versus alternatives or criteria versus subcriteria followed by comparisons of alternatives versus each subcriteria corresponding to the parent criteria, according to the established mapping, $map = c(n_{k1}, n_{k2}, ..., n_{kn})$. We will consider two situations: + For each criterion i with $n_{i}$ > 0 we will have $n_i$ subcriteria $SC_{i1}, SC_{i2},...SC_{in_i}$: $C_i = SC_{i1}\cup SC_{i2}\cup...\cup SC_{in_i}$ $P(SC_{ik}) = P(SC_{ik}|C_i)P(C_i)$, $k=1, 2, ...,n_{i}, i=1,2,...n$ $P(C_i) = \sum_{k=1}^{n_{i}}P(SC_{ik})$, $i=1, 2, ...,n$ $P(A_j|C_i) = \sum_{k=1}^{n_i}P(Aj|SCik)P(SCik|Ci)$ $P(A_j) = \sum_{i=1}^{n}P(A_j|C_i)P(C_i)$, $j=1, 2, ...,m$ + For otherwise (each criterion i with $n_{i}$ = 0) we have the same expression for a one level of criterion: $P(A_j) = \sum_{i=1}^{n}P(A_j|C_i)P(C_i)$, $j=1, 2, ...,m$ The function **ahp_s()** will provide a table containing the marginal weights of each criterion/subcriterion, the conditional weights of each alternative given a certain criterion/sucriterion and the global weights of each alternative. | Criteria | Weights | A1 | A2 | ... | Am |CR | | |-----------------|----------|--------------|--------------|-----|--------------|---|---| | Alternatives -> | 1 | $P(A1)$ | $P(A2)$ | ... | $P(Am)$ | $CR(M_1)$ | | | $SC_{11}$ | $P(SC_{11}|C1)$ | $P(A1|SC_{11})P(SC_{11}|C1)$ | $P(A2|SC11)P(SC11|C1)$ | ... | $P(Am|SC11)P(SC11|C1)$ | $CR(M_3)$ | | | $SC_{12}$ | $P(SC_{12}|C1)$ | $P(A1|SC_{12})P(SC_{12}|C1)$ | $P(A2|SC_{12})P(SC_{12}|C1)$ | ... | $P(Am|SC_{12})P(SC_{12}|C1)$ | $CR(M_4)$ | | | ... | | | | | | | | | $SC_{1n_1}$ | $P(SC_{1n_1}|C1)$ | $P(A1|SC_{1n_1})P(SC_{1n_1}|C1)$ | $P(A2|SC_{1n_1})P(SC_{1n_1}|C1)$ | ... | $P(Am|SC_{1n_1})P(SC_{1n_1}|C1)$ | $CR(M_{2+n_1})$ | | | $C1$ | $P(C1)$ | $P(A1|C1)P(C1)$ | $P(A2|C1)P(C1)$ | ... | $P(Am|C1)P(C1)$ | $CR(M_{2})$ | | | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | | | | $Cn$ | $P(Cn)$ | $P(A1|Cn)P(Cn)$ | $P(A2|Cn)P(Cn)$ | | $P(Am|Cn)P(Cn)$ | $CR(M_{1+n+n_1+...+n_n})$ | | | | | | | | | | | Observe that $\sum_{j=1}^{m}P(A_j) =1$, $\sum_{i=1}^{n}P(C_i) =1$, $\sum_{k=1}^{n_i}P(SC_{ik}|Ci) =1$, $P(C_i) = \sum_{k=1}^{n_{i}}P(SC_{ik})$, $i=1, 2, ...,n$ and $P(A_j) = \sum_{i=1}^{n}P(A_j|C_i)P(C_i)$, $j=1, 2, ...,m$ The alternative with the highest priority value may be the decision maker's final choice. ## Hierarchic Synthesis and Rank Hierarchic synthesis is obtained by a process of weighting and adding down the hierarchy leading to a multilinear form. ### Example 5: Problem with 2 criteria, two subcriteria and 3 alternatives ```{r} #Priority vector and CR # calcula_prioridades(base) #fornece somente os vetores prioridades lapply(base,tabela_holistica) #fornece uma tabela com a matriz de comparação o vetor prioridade e o CR. ahp_s(base,map) tb = ahp_s(base,map) transforma_tabela(tb) formata_tabela(tb) ``` ## Comparing ahp_geral and ahp_s with one level The **ahp_geral()** function constructs the summary table equal from **ahp_s**, for problem with no subcriteria. Anyway, both produce the criteria and alternative weights, in this respect the functions return the same value when problem has one level of criteria. We recommend using ahp_s when the problem has subcriteria. ### Example 6 Consider the problem with 6 criteria and 4 alternatives ```{r} p1=c(2,4,5,1,6,3) #holistcs weights for compare 6 criteria p2=c(5, 4, 6, 7) #holistcs weights for compare 4 alternatives for criterion 1 p3=c(2, 8, 2, 7) #holistcs weights for compare 4 alternatives for criterion 2 p4=c(5, 1, 4, 1) #holistcs weights for compare 4 alternatives for criterion 3 p5=c(3.4, 4, 2, 3) #holistcs weights for compare 4 alternatives for criterion 4 p6=c(6, 4, 2, 2.5) #holistcs weights for compare 4 alternatives for criterion 5 p7=c(5, 3, 6, 1.8) #holistcs weights for compare 4 alternatives for criterion 6 x1=paste0("C",1:6) x= paste0("A",1:4) m1 = matrix_ahp(x1,p1) m2 = matrix_ahp(x,p2) m3 = matrix_ahp(x,p3) m4 = matrix_ahp(x,p4) m5 = matrix_ahp(x,p5) m6 = matrix_ahp(x,p6) m7 = matrix_ahp(x,p7) base=list(m1,m2, m3, m4, m5, m6, m7) formata_tabela(ahp_geral(base)) formata_tabela(ahp_s(base, map=c(0,0,0,0,0,0))) ``` ## References Alcoforado, L.F. (2021) Utilizando a Linguagem R: conceitos, manipulação, visualização, Modelagem e Elaboração de Relatório, Alta Books, Rio de Janeiro. Godoi, W.C. (2014). Método de construção das matrizes de julgamento paritário no AHP – método de julgamento holístico. Revista Gestão Industrial, ISSN 1808-0448 / v. 10, n. 03: p.474- 493, D.O.I: 10.3895/gi.v10i3.1970 Longo, O.C., Alcoforado, L.F., Levy, A (2022). Utilização do pacote AHP na tomada de decisão. In IX Xornada de Usuarios de R en Galicia, Oliveira, L.S., AHP, (2020) URL =, Acesso em 20/09/2022. Oliveira, L.S., Alcoforado, L.F., Ross, S.D., Simão, A.S. (2019). Implementando a AHP com R. Anais do SER, ISSN 2526-7299, v.4, n.2. URL: Saaty, T.L., Vargas, L.G. (2012), Models, Methods, Concepts and Applications of the Analytic Hierarchy Process, Second Edition, Springer, New York. Triantaphyllou, E., Shu, B., Nieto Sanchez, S., Ray, T. (1998). Multi-Criteria Decision Making: An Opera-tions Research Approach. Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, (J.G. Webster, Ed.), John Wiley & Sons, New York, NY, Vol. 15, pp. 175-186. ```{r echo=FALSE} #para checar o pacote #devtools::check(args = c("--as-cran"), check_dir = dirname(getwd())) ```
--- title: "Introduction to AHPWR package" author: "Luciane Ferreira Alcoforado and Orlando Celso Longo" subtitle: "Academia da Força Aérea and Universidade Federal Fluminense" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Introduction to AHP package} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ```{r, include = FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) ``` ```{r setup} knitr::opts_chunk$set(warning = FALSE, message = FALSE) library(AHPWR) library(kableExtra) ``` This is the introduction to our package AHPWR. All theory about this method is concerned about Saaty and Vargas (2012). The examples are inspired by this reference. ## AHP According to Saaty and Vargas (2012), The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is a basic approach to decision making. It is designed to cope with both the rational and the intuitive to select **the best** from a **number of alternatives** evaluated with respect to **several criteria**. In this process, the decision maker carries out simple **pairwise comparison judgments** which are then used to develop overall priorities for **ranking the alternatives**. The AHP both allows for inconsistency in the judgments and provides a means to improve consistency. The simplest form used to structure a decision problem is a hierarchy consisting of three levels: **the goal of the decision** at the top level, followed by a second level consisting of the **criteria** by which the **alternatives**, located in the third level, will be evaluated. ## A tree level hierarchy In the AHPWR package we can create the tree level hierarchy of the problem, as in the following example: ```{r} #generic, c= 4 criteria and a = 3 alternatives flow_chart(names=NULL, c=4, a=3) ``` You can change the graphics according to ggplot2 options: ```{r} #generic, c= 4 criteria and a = 3 alternatives p=flow_chart(names=NULL, c=4, a=3) p+ggplot2::labs(title = "A tree level hierarchy", x="", y="") ``` ```{r} #generic, c= 4 criteria and a = 3 alternatives p=flow_chart(names=NULL, c=4, a=3) p+ggplot2::labs(title = "A tree level hierarchy", x="", y="")+ggplot2::theme_void() ``` ```{r} #generic, c= 4 criteria and a = 3 alternatives goal = "Satisfation with House" criterios = c("Size", "Age", "Yard", "Neighborhood" ) alternatives = c("house A", "house B", "house C") names = c(goal, criterios, alternatives) p=flow_chart(names, c=4, a=3) p+ggplot2::labs(title = "A tree level hierarchy", x="", y="")+ggplot2::theme_void() ``` ## The comparative judment The next step is comparative judgment. The elements on the second level are arranged into a matrix and the family buying the house makes judgments about the relative importance of the elements with respect to the overall goal, Satisfaction with House. The questions to ask when comparing two criteria are of the following kind: of the two alternatives being compared, which is considered more important by the family and how much more important is it with respect to family satisfaction with the house, which is the overall goal? Paired comparison judgments in the AHP are applied to pairs of homogeneous elements. The fundamental scale of values to represent the intensities of judgments is shown in Table 1. This scale has been validated for effectiveness, not only in many applications by a number of people, but also through theoretical justification of what scale one must use in the comparison of homogeneous elements. ```{r echo=FALSE} `Intensity of importance` = 1:9 Definicion = c("Equal Importance", " Weak", "Moderate importance", "Moderate plus", "Strong importance", "Strong plus", "Very strong or demonstrated importance", "Very, very strong", "Extreme importance") tab = data.frame(`Intensity of importance`, Definicion) knitr::kable(tab, caption = "Table 1: The fundamental Scale") ``` Here we will use the holistic judgment criterion proposed by Godoy (2014). It provides weights for each criterion using the Saaty scale: assuming that there are $n$ criteria, establish different weights for each of the criteria according to their importance, with $w1$ being the weight of criterion 1; $w2$ the weight of criterion 2 and so on. The judge, before assigning a holistic weight, should order the items from the most important to the least important and then establish the weights that should be different for each item and descending according to the established order, unless two consecutive items have the same importance, only in this case can they have the same weight. For example, if $w1 < w2 < ... < wn$ so order the items are A1 is less important than A2 which is less important than A3 and so on ; or An is more important than An-1 which is more important than An-2 and so on. The hierarchy matrix will be constructed by making $a_{ij} = wi – wj +1$ if $wi > wj$ (ie, criterion $i$ has greater importance than criterion $j$); $aij = 1/(wj – wi +1)$ if $wi < wj$. ### Example 1: The problem is to determine the best choice between two alternatives A1 = construction of a bridge connecting two points; A2 = construction of a tunnel connecting two points, based on the following criteria: C1-life cycle, C2-maintenance cost, C3-environmental impacts, C4-construction cost. Holistic Judgment: M1 - Criteria judgment matrix Weights attributed by the evaluators to each criterion: w1=2; w2 = 5; w3 = 2; w4 = 3, therefore, the order of importance of the criteria according to the judge is criterion 2 followed by criterion 4 followed by both criterion 1 and 3 with the same importance. ```{r} x = c("life cycle", "maintenance cost", "environmental impacts", "construction cost") #criteria y = c(2,5,2,3) #weights m1 = matrix_ahp(x,y) m1 ``` The table with all date about the matrix, the first line informs the weights assigned by the evaluators, the following lines up to the penultimate one show the comparison matrix between criteria or alternatives and the last line informs the priority vector and the CR consistency index. ```{r} names(y) = x table=tabela_holistica(pesos=y) table knitr::kable(table) ``` We can customize our table, highlighting the main information in gray: ```{r} require(magrittr) require(kableExtra) knitr::kable(, align = 'c', digits = 2) %>% row_spec(1, italic = TRUE, background = 'gray') %>% row_spec(2:5, color = 'black', background = 'yellow') %>% row_spec(6, underline = TRUE, color = 'black',background = 'gray',bold = TRUE,) %>% column_spec(6, background = 'gray') ``` M2 -Judgment matrix of alternatives in relation to criterion C1 - life cycle Weights assigned by evaluators for each Alternative: w1= 1, w2 = 3 ```{r} x = c("bridge", "tunnel") #criteria life cycle y = c(1,3) #weights m2 = matrix_ahp(x,y) m2 ``` ```{r} names(y) = x table=tabela_holistica(pesos=y) table ``` M3 -Judgment matrix of alternatives in relation to criterion C2 - maintenance cost Weights assigned by evaluators for each Alternative: w1= 1, w2 = 4 ```{r} x = c("bridge", "tunnel") #criteria maintenance cost y = c(1,4) #weights m3 = matrix_ahp(x,y) m3 ``` ```{r} names(y) = x table=tabela_holistica(pesos=y) table ``` M4 -Judgment matrix of alternatives in relation to criterion C3 - environmental impacts Weights assigned by evaluators for each Alternative: w1= 1, w2 = 2 ```{r} x = c("bridge", "tunnel") #criteria environmental impacts y = c(1,2) #weights m4 = matrix_ahp(x,y) m4 ``` ```{r} names(y) = x table=tabela_holistica(pesos=y) table ``` M5 -Judgment matrix of alternatives in relation to criterion C4 - construction cost Weights assigned by evaluators for each Alternative: w1= 5, w2 = 3 ```{r} x = c("bridge", "tunnel") #criteria construction cost y = c(5,3) #weights m5 = matrix_ahp(x,y) m5 ``` ```{r} names(y) = x table=tabela_holistica(pesos=y) table ``` ## Consistency index and ratio If $a_{ij}$ represents the importance of alternative i over alternative j and $a_{jk}$ represents the importance of alternative j over alternative k and $a_{ik}$, the importance of alternative i over alternative k, must equal $a_{ij}a_{jk}$ or $a_{ij}a_{jk} = a_{ik}$ for the judgments to be consistent. The consistency index of a matrix of comparisons is given by $ic = (\lambda_{max} - n)/(n - 1)$. The consistency ratio (RC) is obtained by comparing the C.I. with the appropriate one of the following set of numbers (See Table 1.2) each of which is an average random consistency index derived from a sample of randomly generated reciprocal matrices using the scale 1/9, 1/8,…, 1,…, 8, 9. If it is not less than 0.10, study the problem and revise the judgments. ```{r} #consistency index CI(m1) CI(m2) CI(m3) CI(m4) CI(m5) ``` ```{r} #consistency ratio CR(m1) CR(m2) CR(m3) CR(m4) CR(m5) ``` All the consistency ratio are less than 0.1, therefore all judgment matrices are considered consistent. ## Priority vectors ```{r} lista = list(m1, m2, m3, m4, m5) calcula_prioridades(lista) ``` Each vector shows the weight of the criterio or alternative relative to the corresponding judgment matrix. For example, the first vector matches the m1 matrix, so it provides the relative weights of each criteria: 0.12 for criteria 1; 0.54 for criteria 2, 0.12 for criteria 3 and 0.22 for criteria 4. The second vector corresponds to the m2 matrix, so it provides the weights of each alternative when considering criterion 1: 0.25 for alternative 1 and 0.75 for alternative 2, and so on. ## Problem has only one level of criteria Let be a problem with m alternatives, $A_1, A_2, ..., A_m$ and n criteria $C_1, C_2, ..., C_n$. The first matrix produces $P(C_i)$ = priority of the ith criterion for i = 1, 2, ..., n The second until n+1 matrix produces $P(A_j|C_i)$ = priority of the j-th alternative conditional on the i-th criterion in case the problem has only one level of criteria, j=1, 2, ..., m and i=1, 2, ...,n. In this case $P(A_j) = \sum_{i=1}^{n}P(A_j|C_i)P(C_i)$, $j=1, 2, ...,m$ The function **ahp_geral()** will provide a table containing the marginal weights of each criterion, the conditional weights of each alternative given a certain criterion, the global weights of each alternative and a consistency ratio CR. | Criteria | Weights | A1 | A2 | ... | Am | CR | | |-----------------|---------|-----------|-----------|-----|-----------|---|---| | Alternatives -> | 1 | $P(A1)$ | $P(A2)$ | ... | $P(Am)$ | | | | $C1$ | $P(C1)$ | $P(A1|C1)P(C1)$ | $P(A2|C1)P(C1)$ | ... | $P(Am|C1)P(C1)$ | $CR(M_1)$ | | | $C2$ | $P(C2)$ | $P(A1|C2)P(C2)$ | $P(A2|C2)P(C2)$ | ... | $P(Am|C2)P(C2)$ | $CR(M_2)$ | | | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | | | | $Cn$ | $P(Cn)$ | $P(A1|Cn)P(Cn)$ | $P(A2|Cn)P(Cn)$ | ... | $P(Am|Cn)P(Cn)$ | $CR(M_{n+1}$) | | | | | | | | | | | Observe that $\sum_{j=1}^{m}P(A_j) =1$, $\sum_{i=1}^{n}P(C_i) =1$, $P(A_j) = \sum_{i=1}^{n}P(A_j|C_i)P(C_i)$, $j=1, 2, ...,m$ The alternative with the highest priority value may be the decision maker's final choice. ## Hierarchic Synthesis and Rank Hierarchic synthesis is obtained by a process of weighting and adding down the hierarchy leading to a multilinear form. ### Example 2: Problem with 4 criteria and 2 alternatives ```{r} lista ahp_geral(lista) ``` ### Example 3: Problem with 5 criteria and 3 alternatives ```{r} x=paste0(letters[3],1:5) #criteria names C1, C2, ..., C5 y=c(5,2,7,3,2) #judgments m1=matrix_ahp(x,y) x=paste0(letters[1],1:3) #alternatives names A1, A2, A3 y=c(4.4,5.2,3) m2=matrix_ahp(x,y) y=c(2,4,3) m3=matrix_ahp(x,y) y=c(4.9,5,3.3) m4=matrix_ahp(x,y) y=c(4.4,4.2,4.3) m5=matrix_ahp(x,y) y=c(5.4,5.2,5.7) m6=matrix_ahp(x,y) base=list(m1, m2, m3, m4, m5, m6) base calcula_prioridades(base) #fornece somente os vetores prioridades lapply(base,tabela_holistica) #fornece uma tabela com a matriz de comparação o vetor prioridade e o CR. ahp_geral(base) ``` ## Table ```{r} table1 = ahp_geral(base) transforma_tabela(table1) ``` ```{r} formata_tabela(table1) formata_tabela(table1, cores = "GRAY") formata_tabela(table1, cores = "WHITE") ``` ```{r} ranque(table1) ``` ## Criteria and sub-criteria When the problem has one level of criteria and a second level of subcriteria, it will be necessary to map the hierarchical structure as follows: Let $n$ be the number of criteria in the problem with $m$ alternatives and $n_{i}$ the number of sub-criteria of the ith criterion, so let's define the mapping vector $map = c(n_1, n_2, ..., n_n)$. This mapping must match the list of paired matrices $M_1, M_2, ..., M_h$, as follows: - M1 must be an $nxn$ matrix comparing criteria - If $n_1=0$ M2 must be an $mxm$ matrix comparing the alternatives; if not there should be a $n_ixn_i$ matrix comparing the sub-criteria in the light of criterion 1 and a sequence of $n_1$ $mxm$ matrices comparing the alternatives in the light of each sub-criterion of the current criterion, in this case there will be $n_1+1$ matrices: $M_2, M_3, ..., M_{n1+2}$ - For $i, i=1,...,n$, if $n_i=0$ the next matrix must be an $mxm$ matrix comparing the alternatives; if not there should be a $n_ixn_i$ matrix comparing the sub-criteria in the light of criterion i and a sequence of $n_i$ $mxm$ matrices comparing the alternatives in the light of each sub-criterion of the current criterion, in this case there will be $n_i+1$ matrices: $M_{i1}, M_{i2}, ..., M_{ini+1}$ For example suppose a problem with n=5 criteria, m=2 alternatives and $n_1=0, n_2=2, n_3=4, n_4=0, n_5=0$ the number of sub-criterion for each corresponding criterion. So, M1 will be a 5x5 matrix comparing all five criteria M2 will be a 2x2 matrix comparing all two alternatives in the light of criterion 1 because n1=0 M3 will be a 2x2 matrix comparing all two sub-criteria of criteria 2, because n2=2 M4 will be a 2x2 matrix comparing all two alternatives in the light of sub-criterion 1 of criteria 2 M5 will be a 2x2 matrix comparing all two alternatives in the light of sub-criterion 2 of criteria 2 M6 will be a 4x4 matrix comparing all four sub-criteria of criteria 3, because n3=4 M7 will be a 2x2 matrix comparing all two alternatives in the light of sub-criterion 1 of criteria 3 M8 will be a 2x2 matrix comparing all two alternatives in the light of sub-criterion 2 of criteria 3 M9 will be a 2x2 matrix comparing all two alternatives in the light of sub-criterion 3 of criteria 3 M10 will be a 2x2 matrix comparing all two alternatives in the light of sub-criterion 4 of criteria 3 M11 will be a 2x2 matrix comparing all two alternatives in the light of criterion 4 because n4=0 M12 will be a 2x2 matrix comparing all two alternatives in the light of criterion 5 because n5=0 **It is extremely important that the list of matrices be in this order because the method takes this matched mapping into account.** ### Example 4: two criteria with two subcriteria ```{r} #two criteria, each with two subcriteria map = c(2,2) #x with names and y with holistic judgment x=paste0(letters[3],1:2) #2 criteria y=c(5,7) m1=matrix_ahp(x,y) # matrix compare two criteria x=paste0("SC1",1:2) y=c(4,6) m2=matrix_ahp(x,y) # matrix compare two subcriteria of criteria 1 x=paste0(letters[1],1:3) y=c(2,4,5) m3=matrix_ahp(x,y) #alternatives for subcriteria 1 - criteria 1 y=c(4.9,5, 2) m4=matrix_ahp(x,y) #alternatives for subcriteria 2 - criteria 1 y=c(4.4,8, 6) x=paste0("SC2",1:2) m5=matrix_ahp(x,y) #matrix compare two subcriteria of criteria 2 y=c(5.4,5.2, 1) x=paste0(letters[1],1:3) m6=matrix_ahp(x,y) #alternatives for subcriteria 1 - criteria 2 y=c(9,5.2, 3) m7=matrix_ahp(x,y) #alternatives for subcriteria 2 - criteria 2 base=list(m1, m2, m3, m4, m5, m6, m7) base ``` ## Problem has two levels of criteria Let be a problem with m alternatives, $A_1, A_2, ..., A_m$, n criteria $C_1, C_2, ..., C_n$ with n_k_i sub-criteria corresponding to the ith criterion. The first matrix produces $P(C_i)$ or $P(SCi_k|C_i)$ = priority of the ith criterion or kth subcriterion of ith criterion for $i = 1, 2, ..., n$ and $k = 1, ..., n_{i}$. The next matrices produce comparisons of criteria versus alternatives or criteria versus subcriteria followed by comparisons of alternatives versus each subcriteria corresponding to the parent criteria, according to the established mapping, $map = c(n_{k1}, n_{k2}, ..., n_{kn})$. We will consider two situations: + For each criterion i with $n_{i}$ > 0 we will have $n_i$ subcriteria $SC_{i1}, SC_{i2},...SC_{in_i}$: $C_i = SC_{i1}\cup SC_{i2}\cup...\cup SC_{in_i}$ $P(SC_{ik}) = P(SC_{ik}|C_i)P(C_i)$, $k=1, 2, ...,n_{i}, i=1,2,...n$ $P(C_i) = \sum_{k=1}^{n_{i}}P(SC_{ik})$, $i=1, 2, ...,n$ $P(A_j|C_i) = \sum_{k=1}^{n_i}P(Aj|SCik)P(SCik|Ci)$ $P(A_j) = \sum_{i=1}^{n}P(A_j|C_i)P(C_i)$, $j=1, 2, ...,m$ + For otherwise (each criterion i with $n_{i}$ = 0) we have the same expression for a one level of criterion: $P(A_j) = \sum_{i=1}^{n}P(A_j|C_i)P(C_i)$, $j=1, 2, ...,m$ The function **ahp_s()** will provide a table containing the marginal weights of each criterion/subcriterion, the conditional weights of each alternative given a certain criterion/sucriterion and the global weights of each alternative. | Criteria | Weights | A1 | A2 | ... | Am |CR | | |-----------------|----------|--------------|--------------|-----|--------------|---|---| | Alternatives -> | 1 | $P(A1)$ | $P(A2)$ | ... | $P(Am)$ | $CR(M_1)$ | | | $SC_{11}$ | $P(SC_{11}|C1)$ | $P(A1|SC_{11})P(SC_{11}|C1)$ | $P(A2|SC11)P(SC11|C1)$ | ... | $P(Am|SC11)P(SC11|C1)$ | $CR(M_3)$ | | | $SC_{12}$ | $P(SC_{12}|C1)$ | $P(A1|SC_{12})P(SC_{12}|C1)$ | $P(A2|SC_{12})P(SC_{12}|C1)$ | ... | $P(Am|SC_{12})P(SC_{12}|C1)$ | $CR(M_4)$ | | | ... | | | | | | | | | $SC_{1n_1}$ | $P(SC_{1n_1}|C1)$ | $P(A1|SC_{1n_1})P(SC_{1n_1}|C1)$ | $P(A2|SC_{1n_1})P(SC_{1n_1}|C1)$ | ... | $P(Am|SC_{1n_1})P(SC_{1n_1}|C1)$ | $CR(M_{2+n_1})$ | | | $C1$ | $P(C1)$ | $P(A1|C1)P(C1)$ | $P(A2|C1)P(C1)$ | ... | $P(Am|C1)P(C1)$ | $CR(M_{2})$ | | | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | | | | $Cn$ | $P(Cn)$ | $P(A1|Cn)P(Cn)$ | $P(A2|Cn)P(Cn)$ | | $P(Am|Cn)P(Cn)$ | $CR(M_{1+n+n_1+...+n_n})$ | | | | | | | | | | | Observe that $\sum_{j=1}^{m}P(A_j) =1$, $\sum_{i=1}^{n}P(C_i) =1$, $\sum_{k=1}^{n_i}P(SC_{ik}|Ci) =1$, $P(C_i) = \sum_{k=1}^{n_{i}}P(SC_{ik})$, $i=1, 2, ...,n$ and $P(A_j) = \sum_{i=1}^{n}P(A_j|C_i)P(C_i)$, $j=1, 2, ...,m$ The alternative with the highest priority value may be the decision maker's final choice. ## Hierarchic Synthesis and Rank Hierarchic synthesis is obtained by a process of weighting and adding down the hierarchy leading to a multilinear form. ### Example 5: Problem with 2 criteria, two subcriteria and 3 alternatives ```{r} #Priority vector and CR # calcula_prioridades(base) #fornece somente os vetores prioridades lapply(base,tabela_holistica) #fornece uma tabela com a matriz de comparação o vetor prioridade e o CR. ahp_s(base,map) tb = ahp_s(base,map) transforma_tabela(tb) formata_tabela(tb) ``` ## Comparing ahp_geral and ahp_s with one level The **ahp_geral()** function constructs the summary table equal from **ahp_s**, for problem with no subcriteria. Anyway, both produce the criteria and alternative weights, in this respect the functions return the same value when problem has one level of criteria. We recommend using ahp_s when the problem has subcriteria. ### Example 6 Consider the problem with 6 criteria and 4 alternatives ```{r} p1=c(2,4,5,1,6,3) #holistcs weights for compare 6 criteria p2=c(5, 4, 6, 7) #holistcs weights for compare 4 alternatives for criterion 1 p3=c(2, 8, 2, 7) #holistcs weights for compare 4 alternatives for criterion 2 p4=c(5, 1, 4, 1) #holistcs weights for compare 4 alternatives for criterion 3 p5=c(3.4, 4, 2, 3) #holistcs weights for compare 4 alternatives for criterion 4 p6=c(6, 4, 2, 2.5) #holistcs weights for compare 4 alternatives for criterion 5 p7=c(5, 3, 6, 1.8) #holistcs weights for compare 4 alternatives for criterion 6 x1=paste0("C",1:6) x= paste0("A",1:4) m1 = matrix_ahp(x1,p1) m2 = matrix_ahp(x,p2) m3 = matrix_ahp(x,p3) m4 = matrix_ahp(x,p4) m5 = matrix_ahp(x,p5) m6 = matrix_ahp(x,p6) m7 = matrix_ahp(x,p7) base=list(m1,m2, m3, m4, m5, m6, m7) formata_tabela(ahp_geral(base)) formata_tabela(ahp_s(base, map=c(0,0,0,0,0,0))) ``` ## References Alcoforado, L.F. (2021) Utilizando a Linguagem R: conceitos, manipulação, visualização, Modelagem e Elaboração de Relatório, Alta Books, Rio de Janeiro. Godoi, W.C. (2014). Método de construção das matrizes de julgamento paritário no AHP – método de julgamento holístico. Revista Gestão Industrial, ISSN 1808-0448 / v. 10, n. 03: p.474- 493, D.O.I: 10.3895/gi.v10i3.1970 Longo, O.C., Alcoforado, L.F., Levy, A (2022). Utilização do pacote AHP na tomada de decisão. In IX Xornada de Usuarios de R en Galicia, Oliveira, L.S., AHP, (2020) URL =, Acesso em 20/09/2022. Oliveira, L.S., Alcoforado, L.F., Ross, S.D., Simão, A.S. (2019). Implementando a AHP com R. Anais do SER, ISSN 2526-7299, v.4, n.2. URL: Saaty, T.L., Vargas, L.G. (2012), Models, Methods, Concepts and Applications of the Analytic Hierarchy Process, Second Edition, Springer, New York. Triantaphyllou, E., Shu, B., Nieto Sanchez, S., Ray, T. (1998). Multi-Criteria Decision Making: An Opera-tions Research Approach. Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, (J.G. Webster, Ed.), John Wiley & Sons, New York, NY, Vol. 15, pp. 175-186. ```{r echo=FALSE} #para checar o pacote #devtools::check(args = c("--as-cran"), check_dir = dirname(getwd())) ```
AHPhybrid <- function(title, Alternatives, Qualitative_criteria, Quantitative_criteria, Quantitative_crit_min_max, n_alt, n_crit, n_crit_Qual, n_crit_Quant, Criteria_Comparison, Alternatives_comparison_qualit_crit, Alternatives_quantitative_crit) { print(title) if((n_alt <= 2) && (n_crit <= 2) ){ print("For implementation is necessary a minimum of 02 alternatives and 02 criteria") }else{ ###Criteria Evaluation sum_col <- c() for (j in 1:n_crit) { sum_col_value = 0 for(i in 1:n_crit){ sum_col_value = sum_col_value + Criteria_Comparison[i,j] } sum_col <- append(sum_col, sum_col_value) } #Normalizing value_normalized <- c() for (j in 1:n_crit) { for(i in 1:n_crit){ value = Criteria_Comparison[j,i]/sum_col[i] value_normalized <- append(value_normalized, value) } } criteria_normalized <- matrix(value_normalized, ncol = n_crit, nrow = n_crit, byrow = TRUE) #Priority Obtaining priority_crit <- c() for (j in 1:n_crit) { sum_row_value = 0 for(i in 1:n_crit){ sum_row_value = sum_row_value + criteria_normalized[j,i] } priority_value <- round((sum_row_value/n_crit),3) priority_crit <- append(priority_crit, priority_value) } criteria <- c() criteria <- append(Qualitative_criteria, Quantitative_criteria) priority_crit_table <- data.frame(criteria, priority_crit) #Consistency Evaluation weight_cons_value <- c() for (j in 1:n_crit) { for(i in 1:n_crit){ value = Criteria_Comparison[j,i]*priority_crit[i] weight_cons_value <- append(weight_cons_value, value) } } weight_cons_value <- matrix(weight_cons_value, ncol = n_crit, nrow = n_crit, byrow = TRUE) sum_weight <- c() for (j in 1:n_crit) { sum_row_value = 0 for(i in 1:n_crit){ sum_row_value = sum_row_value + weight_cons_value[j,i] } sum_weight <- append(sum_weight, sum_row_value) } sum_lambda = 0 for (j in 1:n_crit) { sum_lambda = sum_lambda + (sum_weight[j]/priority_crit[j]) } max_lambda = sum_lambda/n_crit max_lambda cons_index = (max_lambda - n_crit)/(n_crit - 1) radio_index <- c(0, 0, 0.58, 0.9, 1.12, 1.24, 1.32, 1.41, 1.45, 1.49, 1.51, 1.48, 1.56, 1.57, 1.59) ri = radio_index[n_crit] consistency_criteria <- round((cons_index / ri), 3) consistency_criteria print("") print("") print("===== Criteria Priorities:") print("") print(priority_crit_table) print("") print(paste("The consistency ratio is:", consistency_criteria)) print("") if (consistency_criteria <= 0.1) { print("The assignments are consistent.") } else { print("The assignments are not consistent.") } print("") print("") print("") print("") n_crit_Qual ### Alternatives Evaluation Alternatives_priorities <- c() ## in Qualitative Criteria if (length(Qualitative_criteria)>=1){ for (k in 1:n_crit_Qual) { sum_col_alt <- c() for (j in 1:n_alt) { sum_col_value = 0 for(i in 1:n_alt){ sum_col_value = sum_col_value + Alternatives_comparison_qualit_crit[[k]][i,j] } sum_col_alt <- append(sum_col_alt, sum_col_value) } #Normalizing value_normalized_alt <- c() for (j in 1:n_alt) { for(i in 1:n_alt){ value = Alternatives_comparison_qualit_crit[[k]][j,i]/sum_col_alt[i] value_normalized_alt <- append(value_normalized_alt, value) } } alt_normalized <- matrix(value_normalized_alt, ncol = n_alt, nrow = n_alt, byrow = TRUE) #Priority Obtaining priority_alt_crit <- c() for (j in 1:n_alt) { sum_row_value = 0 for(i in 1:n_alt){ sum_row_value = sum_row_value + alt_normalized[j,i] } priority_value <- sum_row_value/n_alt priority_alt_crit <- append(priority_alt_crit, priority_value) } priority_alt_table <- data.frame(Alternatives, priority_alt_crit) #Consistency Evaluation if (n_alt <= 2) { consistency_alt_crit <- 0 }else{ weight_cons_value_alt <- c() for (j in 1:n_alt) { for(i in 1:n_alt){ value = Alternatives_comparison_qualit_crit[[k]][j,i]*priority_alt_crit[i] weight_cons_value_alt <- append(weight_cons_value_alt, value) } } weight_cons_value_alt <- matrix(weight_cons_value_alt, ncol = n_alt, nrow = n_alt, byrow = TRUE) sum_weight <- c() for (j in 1:n_alt) { sum_row_value = 0 for(i in 1:n_alt){ sum_row_value = sum_row_value + weight_cons_value_alt[j,i] } sum_weight <- append(sum_weight, sum_row_value) } sum_lambda = 0 for (j in 1:n_alt) { sum_lambda = sum_lambda + (sum_weight[j]/priority_alt_crit[j]) } max_lambda = sum_lambda/n_alt cons_index_alt_crit = (max_lambda - n_alt)/(n_alt - 1) radio_index <- c(0, 0, 0.58, 0.9, 1.12, 1.24, 1.32, 1.41, 1.45, 1.49, 1.51, 1.48, 1.56, 1.57, 1.59) ri = radio_index[n_alt] consistency_alt_crit <- (cons_index_alt_crit / ri) } #Printing evaluation in qualitative criteria print("") print("") print(paste("=== Alternatives Priorities in Criterion", Qualitative_criteria[k],":")) print("") print(priority_alt_table) print("") print(paste("The consistency ratio is:", round(consistency_alt_crit,3))) if (consistency_alt_crit <= 0.1) { print("The assignments are consistent.") } else { print("The assignments are not consistent.") } print("") #Saving all priorities Alternatives_priorities <- append(Alternatives_priorities, priority_alt_crit ) } } # in Quantitative Criteria if (length(Quantitative_criteria)>=1){ for (k in 1:n_crit_Quant) { sum_col = 0 for (i in 1:n_alt) { if(Quantitative_crit_min_max[k] == "min"){ sum_col = sum_col + (1/Alternatives_quantitative_crit[i,k]) }else{ sum_col = sum_col + Alternatives_quantitative_crit[i,k] } } priorities_simple <- c() for (i in 1:n_alt) { if(Quantitative_crit_min_max[k] == "min"){ alt_crit_quant_norm = (1/Alternatives_quantitative_crit[i,k])/sum_col }else{ alt_crit_quant_norm = Alternatives_quantitative_crit[i,k]/sum_col } priorities_simple <- append(priorities_simple, alt_crit_quant_norm ) Alternatives_priorities <- append(Alternatives_priorities, alt_crit_quant_norm ) } priority_alt_table <- data.frame(Alternatives, priorities_simple) print("") print("") print(paste("=== Alternatives Priorities in Criterion", Quantitative_criteria[k],":")) print("") print(priority_alt_table) print("") } } Alternatives_priorities <- matrix(Alternatives_priorities, ncol = n_crit, nrow = n_alt) rownames(Alternatives_priorities) <- Alternatives colnames(Alternatives_priorities) <- criteria print("") print("") print("") print("") print("=====Alternatives priorities for each criterion:") print(Alternatives_priorities) ###Aggregation Process values_aggreg <- c() for (j in 1:n_alt) { for (i in 1:n_crit) { value = round((priority_crit[i] * Alternatives_priorities[j,i]),3) values_aggreg <- append(values_aggreg, value) } } print("") print("") print("") print("") print("===== Global Index :") values_aggreg <- matrix(values_aggreg, ncol = n_crit, nrow = n_alt, byrow = TRUE) rownames(values_aggreg) <- Alternatives colnames(values_aggreg) <- criteria values_aggreg global_preference <- c() for (j in 1:n_alt) { sum_preference = 0 for (i in 1:n_crit) { sum_preference = sum_preference + values_aggreg[j,i] } global_preference <- append(global_preference, sum_preference) } print("Final Results") Final_Result <- data.frame(Alternatives, global_preference) ordering <- sort(global_preference, decreasing = TRUE) for(i in 1:n_alt){ print(paste(Alternatives[match(ordering[i],global_preference)],'=',ordering[i])) } } }
eps <- 0.0001 rin <- c(0,0,0.52,0.89,1.11,1.25,1.35,1.40,1.45,1.49,1.52,1.54,1.56,1.58,1.59) rth <- c(0,0,0.05,0.09,rep(0.1,11)) fs <- c(1/(9:1),2:9) # added 14.8.2023 fs2 <- sort(unique(as.vector(outer(fs, fs, "/")))) lim <- 500 lc2 <- lim*(lim-1)/2 ord <- rep(3:12,each=2) Q1 <- c(0.25,1.442,0.243,1.414,0.219,1.319,0.201,1.319,0.186,1.313,0.17,1.3, 0.158,1.29,0.146,1.284,0.135,1.283,0.127,1.281) Q2 <- c(0.376,1.747,0.325,1.348,0.281,1.341,0.247,1.314,0.222,1.304,0.2,1.294, 0.182,1.297,0.169,1.303,0.155,1.296,0.144,1.292) Q3 <- c(0.499,1.26,0.402,1.357,0.342,1.345,0.297,1.338,0.261,1.33,0.233,1.321, 0.211,1.324,0.194,1.311,0.176,1.306,0.163,1.307) Q4 <- c(0.746,1.4,0.691,1.402,0.627,1.381,0.563,1.353,0.482,1.339,0.435,1.34, 0.424,1.331,0.331,1.326,0.293,1.322,0.278,1.319) type <- rep(c('0D','1C'),10) ec <- data.frame(cbind(ord,Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4,type)) notPCM <- function(PCM) { if (!setequal(diag(PCM),rep(1,nrow(PCM)))) return(TRUE) for (i in 1:(nrow(PCM)-1)) for (j in (i+1):ncol(PCM)) if (PCM[i,j]!=1/PCM[j,i]) return(TRUE) return(FALSE) } bestM <- function(pcm, granularityLow=TRUE) { if (granularityLow==TRUE) { opt <- fs } else { opt <- fs2 } #tSc <- c(1/(9:1),2:9) p <- pcm o <- nrow(pcm) bestMatrix <- diag(o) ep <- abs(Re(eigen(p)$vectors[,1])) for (r in 1:(o-1)) for (c in (r+1):o) { b <- opt[which.min(abs(ep[r]/ep[c]-opt))[1]] bestMatrix[r, c] <- b bestMatrix[c, r] <- 1/b } return(bestMatrix) } randomPert <- function(val, granularityLow) { if (granularityLow==TRUE) { opt <- fs } else { opt <- fs2 } r <- which(rank(abs(val-opt))<=5) randomChoice <- opt[sample(r,1)] return(randomChoice) } perturb <- function(PCM, granularityLow=TRUE) { pertPCM <- diag(rep(1,nrow(PCM))) for (i in 1:(nrow(PCM)-1)) for (j in (i+1):nrow(PCM)) { r <- randomPert(PCM[i,j], granularityLow) pertPCM[i,j] <- r pertPCM[j,i] <- 1/r } return(pertPCM) } mDev <- function(pcm, ppcm) { o <- nrow(pcm) gm <- 1 for (r in 1:(o-1)) for (c in (r+1):o) { rat <- ppcm[r,c] / pcm[r,c] rat <- ifelse(rat < 1, 1/rat, rat) gm <- gm * rat } mgm <- gm^(2/(o*(o-1))) return(inconGM=mgm) } #' @param vec #' #' @title Create a Pairwise Comparison Matrix of order n for Analytic Hierarchy #' Process from a vector of length n(n-1)/2 comparison ratios #' @description Create a Pairwise Comparison Matrix of order n from a vector of #' length n(n-1)/2 independent upper triangular elements #' #' @param vec The preference vector of length as the order of the 'PCM' #' #' @returns A Pairwise Comparison Matrix corresponding to the upper triangular #' elements #' @importFrom stats runif #' @examples #' PCM <- createPCM(c(1,2,0.5,3,0.5,2)); #' PCM <- createPCM(c(1,.5,2,1/3,4,2,.25,1/3,.5,1,.2,6,2,3,1/3)); #' @export createPCM <- function(vec) { n <- (1+sqrt(1+8*length(vec)))/2 if (n!=as.integer(n)) { return(1) } else { pcm <- diag(n) vecPtr <- 0 for (r in 1:(n-1)) for (c in (r+1):n) { vecPtr <- vecPtr+1 pcm[r,c] <- vec[vecPtr] pcm[c,r] <- 1/vec[vecPtr] } } return(pcm) } #' @title Simulated Logical Pairwise Comparison Matrix for the #' Analytic Hierarchy Process #' #' @description Creates a logical pairwise comparison matrix for the Analytic #' Hierarchy Process such as would be created by a rational decision maker #' based on a relative vector of preferences for the alternatives involved. #' Choices of the pairwise comparison ratios are from the Fundamental Scale #' and simulate a reasonable degree of error. The algorithm is modified from #' a paper by Bose, A [2022], \doi{} #' #' @param ord The desired order of the Pairwise Comparison Matrix #' @param prefVec The preference vector of length as the order of the #' input matrix #' @param granularityLow The Scale for pairwise comparisons; default (TRUE) #' is the fundamental scale; else uses a more find grained scale, derived #' from pairwise ratios of the elements of the Fundamental Scale. #' @returns A Logical Pairwise Comparison Matrix #' @importFrom stats runif #' @examples #' lPCM <- createLogicalPCM(3,c(1,2,3)); #' lPCM <- createLogicalPCM(5,c(0.25,0.4,0.1,0.05,0.2)); #' @export createLogicalPCM <- function(ord, prefVec=rep(NA,ord), granularityLow=TRUE) { if ( stop("The first parameter is mandatory") if (!is.numeric(ord) || ord %% 1 != 0) stop("The first parameter has to be an integer") if (!all( && !is.numeric(prefVec)) stop("The second parameter has to be a numeric vector") if (!all( && length(prefVec)!=ord) stop("The length of the second parameter has to be the same as the first") if (granularityLow==TRUE) { opt <- fs } else { opt <- fs2 } # opt <- ifelse(granularityLow,fs,fs2) if ([1])) prefVec <- runif(ord) mperfect <- outer(prefVec, prefVec, "/") m <- bestM(mperfect, granularityLow) # now creating a logical PCM for (r in 1:(ord-1)) { for (c in (r+1):ord) { m1 <- which.min(abs(opt-m[r,c])) m2 <- which.min(abs(opt[-m1]-m[r,c])) m3 <- which.min(abs(opt[-c(m1,m2)]-m[r,c])) # random choice from the nearest 3 allChoices <- choices <- c(m1, m2, m3) if (m[r,c] >= 1) { choices <- allChoices[opt[allChoices] >= 1] } else if (m[r,c] < 1) { choices <- allChoices[opt[allChoices] <= 1] } m[r,c] <- sample(opt[choices],1) m[c,r] <- 1/m[r,c] } } return(logicalPCM=m) } #' @title Saaty CR Consistency #' #' @description Computes and returns the Consistency Ratio for an input #' PCM and its boolean status of consistency based on Consistency Ratio #' #' @param typePCM boolean flag indicating if the first argument is a PCM or a #' vector of upper triangular elements #' @param PCM A pairwise comparison matrix #' #' @returns A list of 3 elements, a boolean for the 'CR' consistency of the #' input 'PCM', the 'CR' consistency value and the principal eigenvector #' @importFrom stats runif #' @examples #' CR.pcm1 <- CR(matrix( #' c(1,1,7,1,1, 1,1,5,1,1/3, 1/7,1/5,1,1/7,1/8, 1,1,7,1,1, #' 1,3,8,1,1), nrow=5, byrow=TRUE)) #' CR.pcm1 #' CR.pcm1a <- CR(c(1,7,1,1, 5,1,1/3, 1/7,1/8, 1), typePCM=FALSE) #' CR.pcm1a #' CR.pcm2 <- CR(matrix( #' c(1,1/4,1/4,7,1/5, 4,1,1,9,1/4, 4,1,1,8,1/4, #' 1/7,1/9,1/8,1,1/9, 5,4,4,9,1), nrow=5, byrow=TRUE)) #' CR.pcm2 #' CR.pcm2a <- CR(c(1/4,1/4,7,1/5, 1,9,1/4, 8,1/4, 1/9),typePCM=FALSE) #' CR.pcm2a #' @export CR <- function(PCM,typePCM=TRUE) { if (!typePCM) { if (!is.vector(PCM)) stop("Input is not a vector of pairwise ratios") if (length(PCM)<3 | length(PCM)>66) stop("Input vector is not of appropriate length for a PCM of order 3 to 12") PCM <- createPCM(PCM) if (!is.matrix(PCM)) stop("Input vector does not have required values for all upper triangular elements") } else { if (!is.matrix(PCM)) stop("Input is not a matrix") if (nrow(PCM)!=ncol(PCM)) stop("Input is not a square matrix") if (nrow(PCM)==2 | nrow(PCM)>12) stop("Input matrix should be of order 3 upto 12") if (notPCM(PCM)) stop("Input is not a positive reciprocal matrix") } CR <- ((Re(eigen(PCM)$values[1])-nrow(PCM))/(nrow(PCM)-1))/rin[nrow(PCM)] CR <- ifelse(abs(CR)<eps,0,CR) CRcons <- ifelse(CR<rth[nrow(PCM)],TRUE,FALSE) ev <- Re(eigen(PCM)$vectors[,1]) return(list(CRconsistent=CRcons, CR=CR, eVec=ev)) } #' @title Improve the CR consistency of a PCM #' #' @description For an input pairwise comparison matrix, PCM that is #' inconsistent, this function returns a consistent PCM if possible, #' with the relative preference for its alternatives as close as #' possible to the original preferences, as in the principal right eigenvector. #' @param PCM A pairwise comparison matrix #' @param typePCM boolean flag indicating if the first argument is a PCM or a #' vector of upper triangular elements #' @returns A list of 4 elements, suggested PCM, a boolean for the CR #' consistency of the input PCM, the CR consistency value, a boolean for the #' CR consistency of the suggested PCM, the CR consistency value of the #' suggested PCM #' @importFrom stats runif #' @examples #' CR.suggest2 <- improveCR(matrix( #' c(1,1/4,1/4,7,1/5, 4,1,1,9,1/4, 4,1,1,8,1/4, #' 1/7,1/9,1/8,1,1/9, 5,4,4,9,1), nrow=5, byrow=TRUE)) #' CR.suggest2 #' CR.suggest2a <- improveCR(c(1/4,1/4,7,1/5, 1,9,1/4, 8,1/4, 1/9), #' typePCM=FALSE) #' CR.suggest2a #' CR.suggest3 <- improveCR(matrix( #' c(1,7,1,9,8, 1/7,1,1/6,7,9, 1,6,1,9,9, 1/9,1/7,1/9,1,5, #' 1/8,1/9,1/9,1/5,1), nrow=5, byrow=TRUE)) #' CR.suggest3 #' @export improveCR <- function(PCM,typePCM=TRUE) { if (!typePCM) { if (!is.vector(PCM)) stop("Input is not a vector of pairwise ratios") if (length(PCM)<3 | length(PCM)>66) stop("Input vector is not of appropriate length for a PCM of order 3 to 12") PCM <- createPCM(PCM) if (!is.matrix(PCM)) stop("Input vector does not have required values for all upper triangular elements") } else { if (!is.matrix(PCM)) stop("Input is not a matrix") if (nrow(PCM)!=ncol(PCM)) stop("Input is not a square matrix") if (nrow(PCM)==2 | nrow(PCM)>12) stop("Input matrix should be of order 3 upto 12") if (notPCM(PCM)) stop("Input is not a positive reciprocal matrix") } CR <- ((Re(eigen(PCM)$values[1])-nrow(PCM))/(nrow(PCM)-1))/rin[nrow(PCM)] CR <- ifelse(abs(CR)<eps,0,CR) CRcons <- ifelse(CR<rth[nrow(PCM)],TRUE,FALSE) #if (CRcons) stop("Input PCM is already CR consistent") sPCM <- bestM(PCM) sCR <- ((Re(eigen(sPCM)$values[1])-nrow(sPCM))/(nrow(sPCM)-1))/rin[nrow(sPCM)] sCR <- ifelse(abs(sCR)<eps,0,sCR) #if(sCR > rin[nrow(sPCM)]) # stop("Input PCM though not CR consistent cannot be improved") sCRcons <- ifelse(sCR<rth[nrow(sPCM)],TRUE,FALSE) return(list(suggestedPCM=sPCM, CR.originalConsistency=CRcons, CR.original=CR, suggestedCRconsistent=sCRcons, suggestedCR=sCR)) } #' @title Compute Sensitivity #' #' @description This function returns a sensitivity measure for an input #' pairwise comparison matrix, PCM. Sensitivity is measured by Monte Carlo #' simulation of 500 PCMs which are perturbations of the input PCM. The #' perturbation algorithm makes a random choice from one of the 5 closest #' items in the Fundamental Scale \{1/9, 1/8, ..... 1/2, 1, 2, ..... 8, 9\} #' for each element in the PCM, ensuring the the pairwise reciprocity is #' maintained. The sensitivity measure is the average Spearman's rank #' correlation of the vector of ranks of the principal eigenvectors of #' (i) the input PCM and (ii) the perturbed PCM. The average of the 500 such #' rank correlations is reported as the measure of sensitivity. #' @param PCM A pairwise comparison matrix #' @param typePCM boolean flag indicating if the first argument is a PCM or a #' vector of upper triangular elements #' @param granularityLow The Scale for pairwise comparisons; default (TRUE) #' is the fundamental scale; else uses a more find grained scale, derived #' from pairwise ratios of the elements of the Fundamental Scale. #' @returns The average Spearman's rank correlation between the principal #' eigenvectors of the input and the perturbed 'PCMs' #' @importFrom stats runif #' @examples #' revcons1 <- revisedConsistency(matrix( #' c(1,1/4,1/4,7,1/5, 4,1,1,9,1/4, 4,1,1,8,1/4, #' 1/7,1/9,1/8,1,1/9, 5,4,4,9,1), nrow=5, byrow=TRUE)) #' revcons1 #' sensitivity2 <- sensitivity(matrix( #' c(1,7,1,9,8, 1/7,1,1/6,7,9, 1,6,1,9,9, 1/9,1/7,1/9,1,5, #' 1/8,1/9,1/9,1/5,1), nrow=5, byrow=TRUE)) #' sensitivity2 #' @export sensitivity <- function(PCM,typePCM=TRUE,granularityLow=TRUE) { if (!typePCM) { if (!is.vector(PCM)) stop("Input is not a vector of pairwise ratios") if (length(PCM)<3 | length(PCM)>66) stop("Input vector is not of appropriate length for a PCM of order 3 to 12") PCM <- createPCM(PCM) if (!is.matrix(PCM)) stop("Input vector does not have required values for all upper triangular elements") } else { if (!is.matrix(PCM)) stop("Input is not a matrix") if (nrow(PCM)!=ncol(PCM)) stop("Input is not a square matrix") if (nrow(PCM)==2 | nrow(PCM)>12) stop("Input matrix should be of order 3 upto 12") if (notPCM(PCM)) stop("Input is not a positive reciprocal matrix") } ev0 <- abs(Re(eigen(PCM)$vectors[,1])) d0 <- rank(-ev0) cs <- 0 for (i in 1:lim) { c <- perturb(PCM, granularityLow) ev <- abs(Re(eigen(c)$vectors[,1])) d <- rank(-ev) cs <- cs + stats::cor(d0, d, method="spearman") } meanCor <- cs / lim return(meanCor) } #' @title Evaluate Revised Consistency #' #' @description This function returns the revised consistency classification #' for a PCM, evaluated by comparison with the threshold of consistency for #' intentional PCMs in the same preference heterogeneity quartile. The measure #' for inconsistency is the geometric mean of ratios in comparison with the #' corresponding benchmark PCM. #' #' @param PCM A pairwise comparison matrix #' @param typePCM boolean flag indicating if the first argument is a PCM or a #' vector of upper triangular elements #' @returns A list of four elements, #' revCons = the revised consistency classification, #' inconGM = the Geometric Mean measure of inconsistency with the best 'PCM', #' dQrtl = the preference heterogeneity quartile for the normalized #' eigenvector, and diff = the preference heterogeneity measure #' @importFrom stats runif #' @examples #' revCon1 <- revisedConsistency(matrix( #' c(1,1/4,1/4,7,1/5, 4,1,1,9,1/4, 4,1,1,8,1/4, #' 1/7,1/9,1/8,1,1/9, 5,4,4,9,1), nrow=5, byrow=TRUE)) #' revCon1 #' revCon2 <- revisedConsistency(c(7,1,9,8, 1/6,7,9, 9,9, 5), typePCM=FALSE) #' revCon2 #' @export revisedConsistency <- function(PCM,typePCM=TRUE) { if (!typePCM) { if (!is.vector(PCM)) stop("Input is not a vector of pairwise ratios") if (length(PCM)<3 | length(PCM)>66) stop("Input vector is not of appropriate length for a PCM of order 3 to 12") PCM <- createPCM(PCM) if (!is.matrix(PCM)) stop("Input vector does not have required values for all upper triangular elements") } else { if (!is.matrix(PCM)) stop("Input is not a matrix") if (nrow(PCM)!=ncol(PCM)) stop("Input is not a square matrix") if (nrow(PCM)==2 | nrow(PCM)>12) stop("Input matrix should be of order 3 upto 12") if (notPCM(PCM)) stop("Input is not a positive reciprocal matrix") } evector <- abs(Re(eigen(PCM)$vectors[,1])) evector <- evector/sum(evector) diff <- max(evector)[1] - min(evector)[1] d <- as.numeric(unname(ec[ec$ord==nrow(PCM) & ec$type=='0D',2:5])) inc <- ec[ec$ord==nrow(PCM) & ec$type=='1C',2:5] # The true part of this is statement added to solve # the problem of min(which(d>diff)) not having any argument if (max(d)[1]<diff) { dQrtl <- "Q4" inconGM <- mDev(PCM, bestM(PCM)) inconsThreshold <- as.numeric(inc[1]) revCons <- inconGM <= inconsThreshold } else { column <- min(which(d>diff)) # Need to add the below line to take care of PCMs with eigenvalue = 0 column <- ifelse(is.infinite(column),1,column) inconsThreshold <- as.numeric(inc[column]) inconGM <- mDev(PCM, bestM(PCM)) dQrtl <- paste0("Q",column) revCons <- inconGM <= inconsThreshold } return(list(revCons=revCons,inconGM=inconGM,dQrtl=dQrtl,diff=diff)) }
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#-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #' New Generalized Log-logistic (GLL) hazard function. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #' @param kappa : scale parameter #' @param alpha : shape parameter #' @param eta : shape parameter #' @param zeta : shape parameter #' @param t : positive argument #' @param log :log scale (TRUE or FALSE) #' @return the value of the NGLL hazard function #' @export #' #' @author Abdisalam Hassan Muse, Samuel Mwalili, Oscar Ngesa, Mutua Kilai, \email{[email protected]} #' #' @examples #' t=runif(10,min=0,max=1) #' hNGLL(t=t, kappa=0.5, alpha=0.35, eta=0.7, zeta=1.4, log=FALSE) #' hNGLL<- function(t,kappa,alpha,eta,zeta, log=FALSE){ pdf0 <- ((alpha*kappa)*((t*kappa)^(alpha-1)))/(1+zeta*((t*eta)^alpha))^(((kappa^alpha)/(zeta*(eta^alpha)))+1) cdf0 <- (1-((1+zeta*((t*eta)^alpha))^(-((kappa^alpha)/(zeta*(eta^alpha)))))) cdf0 <- ifelse(cdf0==1,0.9999999,cdf0) log.h <- log(pdf0) - log(1-cdf0) ifelse(log, return(log.h), return(exp(log.h))) } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #' New Generalized Log-logistic (GLL) cumulative hazard function. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #' @param kappa : scale parameter #' @param alpha : shape parameter #' @param eta : shape parameter #' @param zeta : shape parameter #' @param t : positive argument #' @return the value of the NGLL cumulative hazard function #' @references Hassan Muse, A. A new generalized log-logistic distribution with increasing, decreasing, unimodal and bathtub-shaped hazard rates: properties and applications, in Proceedings of the Symmetry 2021 - The 3rd International Conference on Symmetry, 8–13 August 2021, MDPI: Basel, Switzerland, doi:10.3390/Symmetry2021-10765. #' @export #' #' @author Abdisalam Hassan Muse, Samuel Mwalili, Oscar Ngesa, Mutua Kilai, \email{[email protected]} #' #' @examples #' t=runif(10,min=0,max=1) #' CHNGLL(t=t, kappa=0.5, alpha=0.35, eta=0.7, zeta=1.4) #' CHNGLL <- function(t,kappa,alpha,eta,zeta){ cdf0 <- (1-((1+zeta*((t*eta)^alpha))^(-((kappa^alpha)/(zeta*(eta^alpha)))))) return(-log(1-cdf0)) } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #' Kumaraswamy Weibull (KW) Hazard Function. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #' @param alpha : scale parameter #' @param kappa : shape parameter #' @param eta : shape parameter #' @param zeta : shape parameter #' @param t : positive argument #' @param log :log scale (TRUE or FALSE) #' @return the value of the KW hazard function #' @references Cordeiro, G. M., Ortega, E. M., & Nadarajah, S. (2010). The Kumaraswamy Weibull distribution with application to failure data. Journal of the Franklin Institute, 347(8), 1399-1429. #' @export #' #' @author Abdisalam Hassan Muse, Samuel Mwalili, Oscar Ngesa, Mutua Kilai, \email{[email protected]} #' #' @examples #' t=runif(10,min=0,max=1) #' hKW(t=t, alpha=0.35, kappa=0.5, eta=1.20, zeta=1.5, log=FALSE) #' hKW <- function(t,alpha,kappa,eta,zeta,log=FALSE){ log.h <- (log(kappa)+log(zeta)+log(eta)+log(alpha)+((zeta-1)*log(1-exp(-alpha*t^kappa)))+((kappa-1)*log(t)+log(exp(-alpha*t^kappa))))-(log(1-(1-exp(-alpha*t^kappa))^zeta)) ifelse(log, return(log.h), return(exp(log.h))) } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #' Kumaraswamy Weibull (KW) Cumulative Hazard Function. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #' @param alpha : scale parameter #' @param kappa : shape parameter #' @param eta : shape parameter #' @param zeta : shape parameter #' @param t : positive argument #' @return the value of the KW cumulative hazard function #' @export #' #' @author Abdisalam Hassan Muse, Samuel Mwalili, Oscar Ngesa, Mutua Kilai, \email{[email protected]} #' #' @examples #' t=runif(10,min=0,max=1) #' CHKW(t=t, alpha=0.35, kappa=0.5, eta=1.20, zeta=1.5) #' CHKW<- function(t,alpha,kappa,eta,zeta){ sf <- (1-(1-exp(-alpha*t^kappa))^zeta)^eta return(-log(sf)) } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #' Generalized Log-logistic (GLL) hazard function. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #' @param kappa : scale parameter #' @param alpha : shape parameter #' @param eta : shape parameter #' @param t : positive argument #' @param log :log scale (TRUE or FALSE) #' @return the value of the GLL hazard function #' @references Muse, A. H., Mwalili, S., Ngesa, O., Alshanbari, H. M., Khosa, S. K., & Hussam, E. (2022). Bayesian and frequentist approach for the generalized log-logistic accelerated failure time model with applications to larynx-cancer patients. Alexandria Engineering Journal, 61(10), 7953-7978. #' @export #' #' @author Abdisalam Hassan Muse, Samuel Mwalili, Oscar Ngesa, Mutua Kilai, \email{[email protected]} #' #' @examples #' t=runif(10,min=0,max=1) #' hGLL(t=t, kappa=0.5, alpha=0.35, eta=0.7, log=FALSE) #' hGLL<- function(t, kappa,alpha,eta, log = FALSE){ val<-log(kappa)+log(alpha)+(alpha-1)*log(kappa*t)-log(1+(eta*t)^alpha) if(log) return(val) else return(exp(val)) } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #' Generalized Log-logistic (GLL) cumulative hazard function. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #' @param kappa : scale parameter #' @param alpha : shape parameter #' @param eta : shape parameter #' @param t : positive argument #' @return the value of the GLL cumulative hazard function #' @references Muse, A. H., Mwalili, S., Ngesa, O., Almalki, S. J., & Abd-Elmougod, G. A. (2021). Bayesian and classical inference for the generalized log-logistic distribution with applications to survival data. Computational intelligence and neuroscience, 2021. #' @export #' #' @author Abdisalam Hassan Muse, Samuel Mwalili, Oscar Ngesa, Mutua Kilai, \email{[email protected]} #' #' @examples #' t=runif(10,min=0,max=1) #' CHGLL(t=t, kappa=0.5, alpha=0.35, eta=0.9) #' CHGLL <- function(t, kappa,alpha, eta){ val <- ((kappa^alpha)/(eta^alpha))*log(1+((eta*t)^alpha)) return(val) } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #' Modified Kumaraswamy Weibull (MKW) Hazard Function. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #' @param alpha : inverse scale parameter #' @param kappa : shape parameter #' @param eta : shape parameter #' @param t : positive argument #' @param log :log scale (TRUE or FALSE) #' @return the value of the MKW hazard function #' @references Khosa, S. K. (2019). Parametric Proportional Hazard Models with Applications in Survival analysis (Doctoral dissertation, University of Saskatchewan). #' @export #' #' @author Abdisalam Hassan Muse, Samuel Mwalili, Oscar Ngesa, Mutua Kilai, \email{[email protected]} #' #' @examples #' t=runif(10,min=0,max=1) #' hMKW(t=t, alpha=0.35, kappa=0.7, eta=1.4, log=FALSE) #' hMKW <- function(t,alpha,kappa,eta,log=FALSE){ log.h <- (log(kappa)+log(eta)+log(alpha)+((eta-1)*log(1-exp(-t^kappa)))+((kappa-1)*log(t)+log(exp(-t^kappa))))-(log(1-(1-exp(-t^kappa))^eta)) ifelse(log, return(log.h), return(exp(log.h))) } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #' Modified Kumaraswamy Weibull (MKW) Cumulative Hazard Function. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #' @param alpha : Inverse scale parameter #' @param kappa : shape parameter #' @param eta : shape parameter #' @param t : positive argument #' @return the value of the MKW cumulative hazard function #' @export #' #' @author Abdisalam Hassan Muse, Samuel Mwalili, Oscar Ngesa, Mutua Kilai, \email{[email protected]} #' #' @examples #' t=runif(10,min=0,max=1) #' CHMKW(t=t,alpha=0.35, kappa=0.7, eta=1.4) #' CHMKW<- function(t,alpha,kappa,eta){ sf <- (1-(1-exp(-t^kappa))^eta)^alpha return(-log(sf)) } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #' Exponentiated Weibull (EW) Probability Density Function. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #' @param lambda : scale parameter #' @param kappa : shape parameter #' @param alpha : shape parameter #' @param t : positive argument #' @param log :log scale (TRUE or FALSE) #' @return the value of the EW probability density function #' @export #' #' @author Abdisalam Hassan Muse, Samuel Mwalili, Oscar Ngesa, Mutua Kilai, \email{[email protected]} #' #' @examples #' t=runif(10,min=0,max=1) #' dexpweibull(t=t, lambda=0.6,kappa=0.5, alpha=0.45, log=FALSE) #' dexpweibull<- function(t,lambda,kappa,alpha,log=FALSE){ log.pdf <- log(alpha) + (alpha-1)*pweibull(t,scale=lambda,shape=kappa,log.p=TRUE) + dweibull(t,scale=lambda,shape=kappa,log=TRUE) ifelse(log, return(log.pdf), return(exp(log.pdf))) } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #' Exponentiated Weibull (EW) Cumulative Distribution Function. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #' @param lambda : scale parameter #' @param kappa : shape parameter #' @param alpha : shape parameter #' @param t : positive argument #' @param log.p :log scale (TRUE or FALSE) #' @return the value of the EW cumulative distribution function #' @export #' #' @author Abdisalam Hassan Muse, Samuel Mwalili, Oscar Ngesa, Mutua Kilai, \email{[email protected]} #' #' @examples #' t=runif(10,min=0,max=1) #' pexpweibull(t=t, lambda=0.65,kappa=0.45, alpha=0.25, log.p=FALSE) #' pexpweibull<- function(t,lambda,kappa,alpha,log.p=FALSE){ log.cdf <- alpha*pweibull(t,scale=lambda,shape=kappa,log.p=TRUE) ifelse(log.p, return(log.cdf), return(exp(log.cdf))) } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #' Exponentiated Weibull (EW) Hazard Function. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #' @param lambda : scale parameter #' @param kappa : shape parameter #' @param alpha : shape parameter #' @param t : positive argument #' @param log :log scale (TRUE or FALSE) #' @return the value of the EW hazard function #' @references Khan, S. A. (2018). Exponentiated Weibull regression for time-to-event data. Lifetime data analysis, 24(2), 328-354. #' @export #' #' @author Abdisalam Hassan Muse, Samuel Mwalili, Oscar Ngesa, Mutua Kilai, \email{[email protected]} #' #' @examples #' t=runif(10,min=0,max=1) #' hEW(t=t, lambda=0.9, kappa=0.5, alpha=0.75, log=FALSE) #' hEW <- function(t,lambda,kappa,alpha,log=FALSE){ log.pdf <- log(alpha) + (alpha-1)*pweibull(t,scale=lambda,shape=kappa,log.p=TRUE) + dweibull(t,scale=lambda,shape=kappa,log=TRUE) cdf <- exp(alpha*pweibull(t,scale=lambda,shape=kappa,log.p=TRUE) ) log.h <- log.pdf - log(1-cdf) ifelse(log, return(log.h), return(exp(log.h))) } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #' Exponentiated Weibull (EW) Cumulative Hazard Function. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #' @param lambda : scale parameter #' @param kappa : shape parameter #' @param alpha : shape parameter #' @param t : positive argument #' @return the value of the EW cumulative hazard function #' @references Rubio, F. J., Remontet, L., Jewell, N. P., & Belot, A. (2019). On a general structure for hazard-based regression models: an application to population-based cancer research. Statistical methods in medical research, 28(8), 2404-2417. #' @export #' #' @author Abdisalam Hassan Muse, Samuel Mwalili, Oscar Ngesa, Mutua Kilai, \email{[email protected]} #' #' @examples #' t=runif(10,min=0,max=1) #' CHEW(t=t, lambda=0.9, kappa=0.5, alpha=0.75) #' CHEW<- function(t,lambda,kappa,alpha){ cdf <- exp(alpha*pweibull(t,scale=lambda,shape=kappa,log.p=TRUE) ) return(-log(1-cdf)) } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #' Modified Log-logistic (MLL) hazard function. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #' @param kappa : scale parameter #' @param alpha : shape parameter #' @param eta : shape parameter #' @param t : positive argument #' @param log :log scale (TRUE or FALSE) #' @return the value of the MLL hazard function #' @export #' #' @author Abdisalam Hassan Muse, Samuel Mwalili, Oscar Ngesa, Mutua Kilai, \email{[email protected]} #' #' @examples #' t=runif(10,min=0,max=1) #' hMLL(t=t, kappa=0.75, alpha=0.5, eta=0.9,log=FALSE) #' hMLL<- function(t,kappa,alpha,eta,log=FALSE){ log.h <- log(kappa*(kappa*t)^(alpha-1)*exp(eta*t)*(alpha+eta*t)/(1+((kappa*t)^alpha)*exp(eta*t))) ifelse(log, return(log.h), return(exp(log.h))) } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #' Modified Log-logistic (MLL) cumulative hazard function. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #' @param kappa : scale parameter #' @param alpha : shape parameter #' @param eta : shape parameter #' @param t : positive argument #' @return the value of the MLL cumulative hazard function #' @references Kayid, M. (2022). Applications of Bladder Cancer Data Using a Modified Log-Logistic Model. Applied Bionics and Biomechanics, 2022. #' @export #' #' @author Abdisalam Hassan Muse, Samuel Mwalili, Oscar Ngesa, Mutua Kilai, \email{[email protected]} #' #' @examples #' t=runif(10,min=0,max=1) #' CHMLL(t=t, kappa=0.75, alpha=0.5, eta=0.9) #' CHMLL<- function(t,kappa,alpha,eta){ sf <- 1/(1+((kappa*t)^alpha)*exp(eta*t)) return(-log(sf)) } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #' Power Generalised Weibull (PGW) hazard function. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #' @param kappa : scale parameter #' @param alpha : shape parameter #' @param eta : shape parameter #' @param t : positive argument #' @param log :log scale (TRUE or FALSE) #' @return the value of the PGW hazard function #' @export #' #' @author Abdisalam Hassan Muse, Samuel Mwalili, Oscar Ngesa, Mutua Kilai, \email{[email protected]} #' #' @examples #' t=runif(10,min=0,max=1) #' hPGW(t=t, kappa=0.5, alpha=1.5, eta=0.6,log=FALSE) #' hPGW <- function(t, kappa,alpha, eta, log = FALSE){ val <- log(alpha) - log(eta) - alpha*log(kappa) + (alpha-1)*log(t) + (1/eta - 1)*log( 1 + (t/kappa)^alpha ) if(log) return(val) else return(exp(val)) } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #' Power Generalised Weibull (PGW) cumulative hazard function. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #' @param kappa : scale parameter #' @param alpha : shape parameter #' @param eta : shape parameter #' @param t : positive argument #' @return the value of the PGW cumulative hazard function #' @references Alvares, D., & Rubio, F. J. (2021). A tractable Bayesian joint model for longitudinal and survival data. Statistics in Medicine, 40(19), 4213-4229. #' @export #' #' @author Abdisalam Hassan Muse, Samuel Mwalili, Oscar Ngesa, Mutua Kilai, \email{[email protected]} #' #' @examples #' t=runif(10,min=0,max=1) #' CHPGW(t=t, kappa=0.5, alpha=1.5, eta=0.6) #' CHPGW <- function(t, kappa, alpha, eta){ val <- -1 + ( 1 + (t/kappa)^alpha)^(1/eta) return(val) } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #' Generalised Gamma (GG) Probability Density Function. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #' @param kappa : scale parameter #' @param alpha : shape parameter #' @param eta : shape parameter #' @param t : positive argument #' @param log :log scale (TRUE or FALSE) #' @return the value of the GG probability density function #' @export #' #' @author Abdisalam Hassan Muse, Samuel Mwalili, Oscar Ngesa, Mutua Kilai, \email{[email protected]} #' #' @examples #' t=runif(10,min=0,max=1) #' dggamma(t=t, kappa=0.5, alpha=0.35, eta=0.9,log=FALSE) #' dggamma <- function(t, kappa, alpha, eta, log = FALSE){ val <- log(eta) - alpha*log(kappa) - lgamma(alpha/eta) + (alpha - 1)*log(t) - (t/kappa)^eta if(log) return(val) else return(exp(val)) } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #' Generalised Gamma (GG) Cumulative Distribution Function. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #' @param kappa : scale parameter #' @param alpha : shape parameter #' @param eta : shape parameter #' @param t : positive argument #' @param log.p :log scale (TRUE or FALSE) #' @return the value of the GG cumulative distribution function #' @export #' #' @author Abdisalam Hassan Muse, Samuel Mwalili, Oscar Ngesa, Mutua Kilai, \email{[email protected]} #' #' @examples #' t=runif(10,min=0,max=1) #' pggamma(t=t, kappa=0.5, alpha=0.35, eta=0.9,log.p=FALSE) #' pggamma <- function(t, kappa, alpha, eta, log.p = FALSE){ val <- pgamma( t^eta, shape = alpha/eta, scale = kappa^eta, log.p = TRUE) if(log.p) return(val) else return(exp(val)) } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #' Generalised Gamma (GG) Survival Function. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #' @param kappa : scale parameter #' @param alpha : shape parameter #' @param eta : shape parameter #' @param t : positive argument #' @param log.p :log scale (TRUE or FALSE) #' @return the value of the GG survival function #' @export #' #' @author Abdisalam Hassan Muse, Samuel Mwalili, Oscar Ngesa, Mutua Kilai, \email{[email protected]} #' #' @examples #' t=runif(10,min=0,max=1) #' sggamma(t=t, kappa=0.5, alpha=0.35, eta=0.9,log.p=FALSE) #' sggamma <- function(t, kappa, alpha, eta, log.p = FALSE){ val <- pgamma( t^eta, shape = alpha/eta, scale = kappa^eta, log.p = TRUE, lower.tail = FALSE) if(log.p) return(val) else return(exp(val)) } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #' Generalised Gamma (GG) Hazard Function. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #' @param kappa : scale parameter #' @param alpha : shape parameter #' @param eta : shape parameter #' @param t : positive argument #' @param log :log scale (TRUE or FALSE) #' @return the value of the GG hazard function #' @references Agarwal, S. K., & Kalla, S. L. (1996). A generalized gamma distribution and its application in reliabilty. Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 25(1), 201-210. #' @export #' #' @author Abdisalam Hassan Muse, Samuel Mwalili, Oscar Ngesa, Mutua Kilai, \email{[email protected]} #' #' @examples #' t=runif(10,min=0,max=1) #' hGG(t=t, kappa=0.5, alpha=0.35, eta=0.9,log=FALSE) #' hGG <- function(t, kappa, alpha, eta, log = FALSE){ val <- dggamma(t, kappa, alpha, eta, log = TRUE) - sggamma(t, kappa, alpha, eta, log.p = TRUE) if(log) return(val) else return(exp(val)) } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #' Generalised Gamma (GG) Cumulative Hazard Function. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #' @param kappa : scale parameter #' @param alpha : shape parameter #' @param eta : shape parameter #' @param t : positive argument #' @return the value of the GG cumulative hazard function #' @export #' #' @author Abdisalam Hassan Muse, Samuel Mwalili, Oscar Ngesa, Mutua Kilai, \email{[email protected]} #' #' @examples #' t=runif(10,min=0,max=1) #' CHGG(t=t, kappa=0.5, alpha=0.35, eta=0.9) #' CHGG <- function(t, kappa, alpha, eta){ val <- -pgamma( t^eta, shape = alpha/eta, scale = kappa^eta, log.p = TRUE, lower.tail = FALSE) return(val) } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #' Log-logistic (LL) Hazard Function. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #' @param kappa : scale parameter #' @param alpha : shape parameter #' @param t : positive argument #' @param log :log scale (TRUE or FALSE) #' @return the value of the LL hazard function #' @export #' #' @author Abdisalam Hassan Muse, Samuel Mwalili, Oscar Ngesa, Mutua Kilai, \email{[email protected]} #' #' @examples #' t=runif(10,min=0,max=1) #' hLL(t=t, kappa=0.5, alpha=0.35,log=FALSE) #' hLL<- function(t,kappa,alpha, log = FALSE){ pdf0 <- dllogis(t,shape=alpha,scale=kappa) cdf0 <- pllogis(t,shape=alpha,scale=kappa) val<-log(pdf0)-log(1-cdf0) if(log) return(val) else return(exp(val)) } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #' Log-logistic (LL) Cumulative Hazard Function. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #' @param kappa : scale parameter #' @param alpha : shape parameter #' @param t : positive argument #' @return the value of the LL cumulative hazard function #' @export #' #' @author Abdisalam Hassan Muse, Samuel Mwalili, Oscar Ngesa, Mutua Kilai, \email{[email protected]} #' #' @examples #' t=runif(10,min=0,max=1) #' CHLL(t=t, kappa=0.5, alpha=0.35) #' CHLL<- function(t,kappa,alpha){ cdf <- pllogis(t,shape=alpha,scale=kappa) val<--log(1-cdf) return(val) } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #' Weibull (W) Hazard Function. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #' @param kappa : scale parameter #' @param alpha : shape parameter #' @param t : positive argument #' @param log :log scale (TRUE or FALSE) #' @return the value of the w hazard function #' @export #' #' @author Abdisalam Hassan Muse, Samuel Mwalili, Oscar Ngesa, Mutua Kilai, \email{[email protected]} #' #' @examples #' t=runif(10,min=0,max=1) #' hW(t=t, kappa=0.75, alpha=0.5,log=FALSE) #' hW<- function(t,kappa,alpha, log = FALSE){ val<- log(alpha*kappa*t^(alpha-1)) if(log) return(val) else return(exp(val)) } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #' Weibull (W) Cumulative Hazard Function. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #' @param kappa : scale parameter #' @param alpha : shape parameter #' @param t : positive argument #' @return the value of the W cumulative hazard function #' @export #' #' @author Abdisalam Hassan Muse, Samuel Mwalili, Oscar Ngesa, Mutua Kilai, \email{[email protected]} #' #' @examples #' t=runif(10,min=0,max=1) #' CHW(t=t, kappa=0.75, alpha=0.5) #' CHW<- function(t,kappa,alpha){ val <- kappa*t^alpha return(val) } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #' Lognormal (LN) Hazard Function. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #' @param kappa : meanlog parameter #' @param alpha : sdlog parameter #' @param t : positive argument #' @param log :log scale (TRUE or FALSE) #' @return the value of the LN hazard function #' @export #' #' @author Abdisalam Hassan Muse, Samuel Mwalili, Oscar Ngesa, Mutua Kilai, \email{[email protected]} #' #' @examples #' t=runif(10,min=0,max=1) #' hLN(t=t, kappa=0.5, alpha=0.75,log=FALSE) #' hLN <- function(t,kappa,alpha, log = FALSE){ pdf0 <- dlnorm(t,meanlog=kappa,sdlog=alpha) cdf0 <- plnorm(t,meanlog=kappa,sdlog=alpha) val<-log(pdf0)-log(1-cdf0) if(log) return(val) else return(exp(val)) } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #' Lognormal (LN) Cumulative Hazard Function. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #' @param kappa : meanlog parameter #' @param alpha : sdlog parameter #' @param t : positive argument #' @return the value of the LN cumulative hazard function #' @export #' #' @author Abdisalam Hassan Muse, Samuel Mwalili, Oscar Ngesa, Mutua Kilai, \email{[email protected]} #' #' @examples #' t=runif(10,min=0,max=1) #' CHLN(t=t, kappa=0.75, alpha=0.95) #' CHLN<- function(t,kappa,alpha){ cdf <- plnorm(t,meanlog=kappa,sdlog=alpha) val<--log(1-cdf) return(val) } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #' Burr-XII (BXII) Hazard Function. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #' @param kappa : scale parameter #' @param alpha : shape parameter #' @param t : positive argument #' @param log :log scale (TRUE or FALSE) #' @return the value of the BXII hazard function #' @export #' #' @author Abdisalam Hassan Muse, Samuel Mwalili, Oscar Ngesa, Mutua Kilai, \email{[email protected]} #' #' @examples #' t=runif(10,min=0,max=1) #' hBXII(t=t, kappa=0.85, alpha=0.45,log=FALSE) #' hBXII<- function(t,kappa,alpha, log = FALSE){ h0<-(alpha*kappa*t^(kappa-1))/(1+t^kappa) val <- log(h0) if(log) return(val) else return(exp(val)) } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #' Burr-XII (BXII) Cumulative Hazard Function. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #' @param kappa : scale parameter #' @param alpha : shape parameter #' @param t : positive argument #' @return the value of the BXII cumulative hazard function #' @export #' #' @author Abdisalam Hassan Muse, Samuel Mwalili, Oscar Ngesa, Mutua Kilai, \email{[email protected]} #' #' @examples #' t=runif(10,min=0,max=1) #' CHBXII(t=t, kappa=0.5, alpha=0.35) #' CHBXII<- function(t,kappa,alpha){ cdf0 <- (1-((1+t^kappa))^(-alpha)) H0<--log(1-cdf0) return(H0) } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #' Gamma (G) Hazard Function. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #' @param shape : shape parameter #' @param scale : scale parameter #' @param t : positive argument #' @param log :log scale (TRUE or FALSE) #' @return the value of the G hazard function #' @export #' #' @author Abdisalam Hassan Muse, Samuel Mwalili, Oscar Ngesa, Mutua Kilai, \email{[email protected]} #' #' @examples #' t=runif(10,min=0,max=1) #' hG(t=t, shape=0.5, scale=0.85,log=FALSE) #' hG <- function(t, shape, scale, log = FALSE){ lpdf0 <- dgamma(t, shape = shape, scale = scale, log = T) ls0 <- pgamma(t, shape = shape, scale = scale, lower.tail = FALSE, log.p = T) val <- lpdf0 - ls0 if(log) return(val) else return(exp(val)) } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #' Gamma (G) Cumulative Hazard Function. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #' @param shape : shape parameter #' @param scale : scale parameter #' @param t : positive argument #' @return the value of the G cumulative hazard function #' @export #' #' @author Abdisalam Hassan Muse, Samuel Mwalili, Oscar Ngesa, Mutua Kilai, \email{[email protected]} #' #' @examples #' t=runif(10,min=0,max=1) #' CHG(t=t, shape=0.85, scale=0.5) #' CHG <- function(t, shape, scale){ H0 <- -pgamma(t, shape = shape, scale = scale, lower.tail = FALSE, log.p = TRUE) return(H0) } ############################################################################################### ############################################################################################### ############################################################################################### #' Overall Survival AH model. ############################################################################################### ############################################################################################### ############################################################################################### ######################################################################################################## #' @description The flexible parametric accelerated hazards (AH) model's maximum likelihood estimation, log-likelihood, and information criterion. #' Baseline hazards: NGLL, GLL,KW, EW, MLL, PGW, GG, MKW, Log-logistic, Weibull, Log-normal, Burr-XII, and Gamma ######################################################################################################## #' @param init : initial points for optimisation #' @param z : design matrix for covariates (p x n), p >= 1 #' @param delta : vital indicator (0-alive,1 - dead,) #' @param time : survival times #' @param basehaz : {baseline hazard structure including baseline #' (NGLLAH,GLLAH,EWAH,KWAH,MLLAH,PGWAH,GGAH, #' MKWAH,LLAH,WAH,GAH,LNAH,BXIIAH)} #' @param method :"nlminb" or a method from "optim" #' @param n : The number of the observations of the data set #' @param maxit :The maximum number of iterations. Defaults to 1000 #' @param log :log scale (TRUE or FALSE) #' @details The function AHMLE returns MLE estimates and information criterion. #' @format By default the function calculates the following values: #' \itemize{ #' \item AIC: Akaike Information Criterion; #' \item CAIC: Consistent Akaikes Information Criterion; #' \item BIC: Bayesian Information Criterion; #' \item BCAIC: Bozdogan’s Consistent Akaike Information Criterion; #' \item HQIC: Hannan-Quinn information criterion; #' \item par: maximum likelihood estimates; #' \item Value: value of the likelihood function; #' \item Convergence: 0 indicates successful completion and 1 indicates that the iteration limit maxit. #' } #' @return a list containing the output of the optimisation (OPT) and the information criterion including (AIC, BIC, CAIC, BCAIC, and HQIC). #' @export #' #' @author Abdisalam Hassan Muse, Samuel Mwalili, Oscar Ngesa, Mutua Kilai, \email{[email protected]} #' #' @examples #' #Example #1 #' data(ipass) #' time<-ipass$time #' delta<-ipass$status #' z<-ipass$arm #' AHMLE(init = c(1.0,1.0,1.0,0.5),time = time,delta = delta,n=nrow(z), #' basehaz = "GLLAH",z = z,method = "Nelder-Mead", #' maxit = 1000) #' #' #Example #2 #' data(bmt) #' time<-bmt$Time #' delta<-bmt$Status #' z<-bmt$TRT #' AHMLE(init = c(1.0,1.0,1.0,0.5),time = time,delta = delta,n=nrow(z), #' basehaz = "GLLAH",z = z,method = "Nelder-Mead", #' maxit = 1000) #' #'#Example #3 #'data("e1684") #'time<-e1684$FAILTIME #'delta<-e1684$FAILCENS #'TRT<-e1684$TRT #'AGE<-e1684$TRT #'z<-as.matrix(cbind(scale(TRT), scale(AGE) )) #'AHMLE(init = c(1.0,1.0,1.0,0.5,0.75),time = time,delta = delta,n=nrow(z), #'basehaz = "GLLAH",z = z,method = "Nelder-Mead",maxit = 1000) #' #'#Example #4 #'data("LeukSurv") #'time<-LeukSurv$time #'delta<-LeukSurv$cens #'age<-LeukSurv$age #'wbc<-LeukSurv$wbc #'tpi<-LeukSurv$tpi #'z<-as.matrix(cbind(scale(age), scale(tpi),scale(wbc) )) #'AHMLE(init = c(1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,0.5,0.65,0.85),time = time,delta = delta,n=nrow(z), #'basehaz = "NGLLAH",z = z,method = "Nelder-Mead",maxit = 1000) #' AHMLE<- function(init, time, delta,n, basehaz, z, method = "Nelder-Mead", maxit = 1000,log=FALSE){ # Required variables time <- as.vector(time) delta <- as.vector(as.logical(delta)) z <- as.matrix(z) n<-nrow(z) time.obs <- time[delta] if(!is.null(z)) z.obs <- z[delta,] p0 <- dim(z)[2] # NGLL - AH Model if(basehaz == "NGLLAH"){ log.lik <- function(par){ ae0 <- exp(par[1]); be0 <- exp(par[2]); ce0 <- exp(par[3]); de0<-exp(par[4]);beta <- par[5:(4+p0)]; z.beta <- as.vector(z%*%beta) exp.z.beta <- exp(z.beta) exp.z.beta.obs <- exp(z.beta[delta]) lhaz0 <- hNGLL(time.obs*exp.z.beta.obs,ae0,be0,ce0,de0, log = TRUE) val <- - sum(lhaz0) + sum(CHNGLL(time*exp.z.beta,ae0,be0,ce0,de0)/exp.z.beta) return(sum(val)) } } # KW- AH Model if(basehaz == "KWAH"){ log.lik <- function(par){ ae0 <- par[1]; be0 <- par[2]; ce0 <- par[3]; de0<-par[4];beta <- par[5:(4+p0)]; z.beta <- as.vector(z%*%beta) exp.z.beta <- exp(z.beta) exp.z.beta.obs <- exp(z.beta[delta]) lhaz0 <- hKW(time.obs*exp.z.beta.obs,ae0,be0,ce0,de0, log = TRUE) val <- - sum(lhaz0) + sum(CHKW(time*exp.z.beta,ae0,be0,ce0,de0)/exp.z.beta) return(sum(val)) } } # GLL - AH Model if(basehaz == "GLLAH"){ log.lik <- function(par){ ae0 <- exp(par[1]); be0 <- exp(par[2]); ce0 <- exp(par[3]); beta <- par[4:(3+p0)]; z.beta <- as.vector(z%*%beta) exp.z.beta <- exp(z.beta) exp.z.beta.obs <- exp(z.beta[delta]) lhaz0 <- hGLL(time.obs*exp.z.beta.obs,ae0,be0,ce0, log = TRUE) val <- - sum(lhaz0) + sum(CHGLL(time*exp.z.beta,ae0,be0,ce0)/exp.z.beta) return(sum(val)) } } # EW - AH Model if(basehaz == "EWAH"){ log.lik <- function(par){ ae0 <- par[1]; be0 <- par[2]; ce0 <- par[3]; beta <- par[4:(3+p0)]; z.beta <- as.vector(z%*%beta) exp.z.beta <- exp(z.beta) exp.z.beta.obs <- exp(z.beta[delta]) lhaz0 <- hEW(time.obs*exp.z.beta.obs,ae0,be0,ce0, log = TRUE) val <- - sum(lhaz0) + sum(CHEW(time*exp.z.beta,ae0,be0,ce0)/exp.z.beta) return(sum(val)) } } # MLL - AH Model if(basehaz == "MLLAH"){ log.lik <- function(par){ ae0 <- exp(par[1]); be0 <- exp(par[2]); ce0 <- exp(par[3]); beta <- par[4:(3+p0)]; z.beta <- as.vector(z%*%beta) exp.z.beta <- exp(z.beta) exp.z.beta.obs <- exp(z.beta[delta]) lhaz0 <- hMLL(time.obs*exp.z.beta.obs,ae0,be0,ce0, log = TRUE) val <- - sum(lhaz0) + sum(CHMLL(time*exp.z.beta,ae0,be0,ce0)/exp.z.beta) return(sum(val)) } } # PGW - AH Model if(basehaz == "PGWAH"){ log.lik <- function(par){ ae0 <- exp(par[1]); be0 <- exp(par[2]); ce0 <- exp(par[3]); beta <- par[4:(3+p0)]; z.beta <- as.vector(z%*%beta) exp.z.beta <- exp(z.beta) exp.z.beta.obs <- exp(z.beta[delta]) lhaz0 <- hPGW(time.obs*exp.z.beta.obs,ae0,be0,ce0, log = TRUE) val <- - sum(lhaz0) + sum(CHPGW(time*exp.z.beta,ae0,be0,ce0)/exp.z.beta) return(sum(val)) } } # GG - AH Model if(basehaz == "GGAH"){ log.lik <- function(par){ ae0 <- exp(par[1]); be0 <- exp(par[2]); ce0 <- exp(par[3]); beta <- par[4:(3+p0)]; z.beta <- as.vector(z%*%beta) exp.z.beta <- exp(z.beta) exp.z.beta.obs <- exp(z.beta[delta]) lhaz0 <- hGG(time.obs*exp.z.beta.obs,ae0,be0,ce0, log = TRUE) val <- - sum(lhaz0) + sum(CHGG(time*exp.z.beta,ae0,be0,ce0)/exp.z.beta) return(sum(val)) } } # MKW - AH Model if(basehaz == "MKWAH"){ log.lik <- function(par){ ae0 <- par[1]; be0 <- par[2]; ce0<-par[3]; beta <- par[4:(3+p0)]; z.beta <- as.vector(z%*%beta) exp.z.beta <- exp(z.beta) exp.z.beta.obs <- exp(z.beta[delta]) lhaz0 <- hMKW(time.obs*exp.z.beta.obs,ae0,be0,ce0, log = TRUE) val <- - sum(lhaz0) + sum(CHMKW(time*exp.z.beta,ae0,be0,ce0)/exp.z.beta) return(sum(val)) } } # Loglogistic - AH Model if(basehaz == "LLAH"){ log.lik <- function(par){ ae0 <- exp(par[1]); be0 <- exp(par[2]); beta <- par[3:(2+p0)]; z.beta <- as.vector(z%*%beta) exp.z.beta <- exp(z.beta) exp.z.beta.obs <- exp(z.beta[delta]) lhaz0 <- hLL(time.obs*exp.z.beta.obs,ae0,be0, log = TRUE) val <- - sum(lhaz0) + sum(CHLL(time*exp.z.beta,ae0,be0)/exp.z.beta) return(sum(val)) } } # Weibull - AH Model if(basehaz == "WAH"){ log.lik <- function(par){ ae0 <- exp(par[1]); be0 <- exp(par[2]); beta <- par[3:(2+p0)]; z.beta <- as.vector(z%*%beta) exp.z.beta <- exp(z.beta) exp.z.beta.obs <- exp(z.beta[delta]) lhaz0 <- hW(time.obs*exp.z.beta.obs,ae0,be0, log = TRUE) val <- - sum(lhaz0) + sum(CHW(time*exp.z.beta,ae0,be0)/exp.z.beta) return(sum(val)) } } # Gamma - AH Model if(basehaz == "GAH"){ log.lik <- function(par){ ae0 <- exp(par[1]); be0 <- exp(par[2]); beta <- par[3:(2+p0)]; z.beta <- as.vector(z%*%beta) exp.z.beta <- exp(z.beta) exp.z.beta.obs <- exp(z.beta[delta]) lhaz0 <- hG(time.obs*exp.z.beta.obs,ae0,be0, log = TRUE) val <- - sum(lhaz0) + sum(CHG(time*exp.z.beta,ae0,be0)/exp.z.beta) return(sum(val)) } } # Lognormal - AH Model if(basehaz == "LNAH"){ log.lik <- function(par){ ae0 <- exp(par[1]); be0 <- exp(par[2]); beta <- par[3:(2+p0)]; z.beta <- as.vector(z%*%beta) exp.z.beta <- exp(z.beta) exp.z.beta.obs <- exp(z.beta[delta]) lhaz0 <- hLN(time.obs*exp.z.beta.obs,ae0,be0, log = TRUE) val <- - sum(lhaz0) + sum(CHLN(time*exp.z.beta,ae0,be0)/exp.z.beta) return(sum(val)) } } # BURXII - AH Model if(basehaz == "BXIIAH"){ log.lik <- function(par){ ae0 <- exp(par[1]); be0 <- exp(par[2]); beta <- par[3:(2+p0)]; z.beta <- as.vector(z%*%beta) exp.z.beta <- exp(z.beta) exp.z.beta.obs <- exp(z.beta[delta]) lhaz0 <- hBXII(time.obs*exp.z.beta.obs,ae0,be0, log = TRUE) val <- - sum(lhaz0) + sum(CHBXII(time*exp.z.beta,ae0,be0)/exp.z.beta) return(sum(val)) } } if(method != "nlminb") OPT <- optim(init,log.lik,control=list(maxit=maxit), method = method) if(method == "nlminb") OPT <- nlminb(init,log.lik,control=list(iter.max=maxit)) p=length(OPT$par) l=OPT$value AIC=2*l + 2*p CAIC=AIC+(2*p*(p+1)/(n-l+1)) HQIC= 2*l+2*log(log(n))*p BCAIC=2*l+(p*(log(n)+1)) BIC=(2*l)+(p*(log(n))) result = (list("AIC" = AIC , "CAIC " = CAIC, "BIC" = BIC, "HQIC" = HQIC, "BCAIC" = BCAIC)) OUT <- list(OPT = OPT, result=result) return(OUT) } ############################################################################################### ############################################################################################### ############################################################################################### #' Relative Survival AH model. ############################################################################################### ############################################################################################### ############################################################################################### ######################################################################################################## #' @description The flexible parametric accelerated excess hazards (AEH) model's maximum likelihood estimation, log-likelihood, and information criterion. #' Baseline hazards:NGLL, GLL, KW,EW, MLL, PGW, GG, MKW, Log-logistic, Weibull, Log-normal, Burr-XII, and Gamma ######################################################################################################## #' @param init : initial points for optimisation #' @param z : design matrix for covariates (p x n), p >= 1 #' @param delta : vital indicator (0-alive,1 - dead) #' @param time : survival times #' @param basehaz : {baseline hazard structure including baseline #' (NGLLAEH,GLLAEH,EWAEH,KWAEH,MLLAEH, #' PGWAEH,GGAEH,MKWAEH,LLAEH,WAEH,GAEH, #' LNAEH,BXIIAEEH)} #' @param hp.obs : population hazards (for uncensored individuals) #' @param n : The number of the observations of the data set #' @param method :"nlminb" or a method from "optim" #' @param log :log scale (TRUE or FALSE) #' @param maxit :The maximum number of iterations. Defaults to 1000 #' @format By default the function calculates the following values: #' \itemize{ #' \item AIC: Akaike Information Criterion; #' \item CAIC: Consistent Akaikes Information Criterion; #' \item BIC: Bayesian Information Criterion; #' \item BCAIC: Bozdogan’s Consistent Akaike Information Criterion; #' \item HQIC: Hannan-Quinn information criterion; #' \item par: maximum likelihood estimates; #' \item Value: value of the likelihood function; #' \item Convergence: 0 indicates successful completion and 1 indicates that the iteration limit maxit. #' } #' @return a list containing the output of the optimisation (OPT) and the information criterion including (AIC, BIC, CAIC, BCAIC, and HQIC). #' @export #' #' @author Abdisalam Hassan Muse, Samuel Mwalili, Oscar Ngesa, Mutua Kilai, \email{[email protected]} #' #' @examples #' data(bmt) #' time<-bmt$Time #' delta<-bmt$Status #' z<-bmt$TRT #' AEHMLE(init = c(1.0,0.5,1.0,0.5),time = time,delta = delta,n=nrow(z), #' basehaz = "GLLAEH",z = z,hp.obs=0.6,method = "Nelder-Mead", #' maxit = 1000) #' AEHMLE <- function(init, time, delta, n,basehaz, z, hp.obs, method = "Nelder-Mead", maxit = 1000, log=FALSE){ # Required variables time <- as.vector(time) delta <- as.vector(as.logical(delta)) z <- as.matrix(z) n<-nrow(z) time.obs <- time[delta] if(!is.null(z)) z.obs <- z[delta,] hp.obs <- as.vector(hp.obs) p0 <- dim(z)[2] # NGLL - AH Model if(basehaz == "NGLLAH"){ log.lik <- function(par){ ae0 <- exp(par[1]); be0 <- exp(par[2]); ce0 <- exp(par[3]); de0<-exp(par[4]);beta <- par[5:(4+p0)]; z.beta <- as.vector(z%*%beta) exp.z.beta <- exp(z.beta) exp.z.beta.obs <- exp(z.beta[delta]) lhaz0 <- log(hp.obs+hNGLL(time.obs*exp.z.beta.obs,ae0,be0,ce0,de0, log = FALSE)) val <- - sum(lhaz0) + sum(CHNGLL(time*exp.z.beta,ae0,be0,ce0,de0)/exp.z.beta) return(sum(val)) } } # KW - AH Model if(basehaz == "KWAH"){ log.lik <- function(par){ ae0 <- exp(par[1]); be0 <- exp(par[2]); ce0 <- exp(par[3]); de0<-exp(par[4]);beta <- par[5:(4+p0)]; z.beta <- as.vector(z%*%beta) exp.z.beta <- exp(z.beta) exp.z.beta.obs <- exp(z.beta[delta]) lhaz0 <- log(hp.obs+hKW(time.obs*exp.z.beta.obs,ae0,be0,ce0,de0, log = FALSE)) val <- - sum(lhaz0) + sum(CHKW(time*exp.z.beta,ae0,be0,ce0,de0)/exp.z.beta) return(sum(val)) } } # GLL - AEH Model if(basehaz == "GLLAEH"){ log.lik <- function(par){ ae0 <- exp(par[1]); be0 <- exp(par[2]); ce0 <- exp(par[3]); beta <- par[4:(3+p0)]; z.beta <- as.vector(z%*%beta) exp.z.beta <- exp(z.beta) exp.z.beta.obs <- exp(z.beta[delta]) lhaz0 <- log(hp.obs+hGLL(time.obs*exp.z.beta.obs,ae0,be0,ce0, log = FALSE)) val <- - sum(lhaz0) + sum(CHGLL(time*exp.z.beta,ae0,be0,ce0)/exp.z.beta) return(sum(val)) } } # EW - AEH Model if(basehaz == "EWAEH"){ log.lik <- function(par){ ae0 <- par[1]; be0 <- par[2]; ce0 <- par[3]; beta <- par[4:(3+p0)]; z.beta <- as.vector(z%*%beta) exp.z.beta <- exp(z.beta) exp.z.beta.obs <- exp(z.beta[delta]) lhaz0 <- log(hp.obs+hEW(time.obs*exp.z.beta.obs,ae0,be0,ce0, log = FALSE)) val <- - sum(lhaz0) + sum(CHEW(time*exp.z.beta,ae0,be0,ce0)/exp.z.beta) return(sum(val)) } } # MLL - AEH Model if(basehaz == "MLLAEH"){ log.lik <- function(par){ ae0 <- exp(par[1]); be0 <- exp(par[2]); ce0 <- exp(par[3]); beta <- par[4:(3+p0)]; z.beta <- as.vector(z%*%beta) exp.z.beta <- exp(z.beta) exp.z.beta.obs <- exp(z.beta[delta]) lhaz0 <- log(hp.obs+hMLL(time.obs*exp.z.beta.obs,ae0,be0,ce0, log = FALSE)) val <- - sum(lhaz0) + sum(CHMLL(time*exp.z.beta,ae0,be0,ce0)/exp.z.beta) return(sum(val)) } } # PGW - AEH Model if(basehaz == "PGWAEH"){ log.lik <- function(par){ ae0 <- exp(par[1]); be0 <- exp(par[2]); ce0 <- exp(par[3]); beta <- par[4:(3+p0)]; z.beta <- as.vector(z%*%beta) exp.z.beta <- exp(z.beta) exp.z.beta.obs <- exp(z.beta[delta]) lhaz0 <- log(hp.obs+hPGW(time.obs*exp.z.beta.obs,ae0,be0,ce0, log = FALSE)) val <- - sum(lhaz0) + sum(CHPGW(time*exp.z.beta,ae0,be0,ce0)/exp.z.beta) return(sum(val)) } } # GG - AEH Model if(basehaz == "GGAEH"){ log.lik <- function(par){ ae0 <- exp(par[1]); be0 <- exp(par[2]); ce0 <- exp(par[3]); beta <- par[4:(3+p0)]; z.beta <- as.vector(z%*%beta) exp.z.beta <- exp(z.beta) exp.z.beta.obs <- exp(z.beta[delta]) lhaz0 <- log(hp.obs+hGG(time.obs*exp.z.beta.obs,ae0,be0,ce0, log = FALSE)) val <- - sum(lhaz0) + sum(CHGG(time*exp.z.beta,ae0,be0,ce0)/exp.z.beta) return(sum(val)) } } # MKW- AEH Model if(basehaz == "MKWAEH"){ log.lik <- function(par){ ae0 <- par[1]; be0 <- par[2]; ce0<-par[3];beta <- par[4:(3+p0)]; z.beta <- as.vector(z%*%beta) exp.z.beta <- exp(z.beta) exp.z.beta.obs <- exp(z.beta[delta]) lhaz0 <- log(hp.obs+hMKW(time.obs*exp.z.beta.obs,ae0,be0,ce0, log = FALSE)) val <- - sum(lhaz0) + sum(CHMKW(time*exp.z.beta,ae0,be0,ce0)/exp.z.beta) return(sum(val)) } } # Loglogistic - AEH Model if(basehaz == "LLAEH"){ log.lik <- function(par){ ae0 <- exp(par[1]); be0 <- exp(par[2]); beta <- par[3:(2+p0)]; z.beta <- as.vector(z%*%beta) exp.z.beta <- exp(z.beta) exp.z.beta.obs <- exp(z.beta[delta]) lhaz0 <- log(hp.obs+hLL(time.obs*exp.z.beta.obs,ae0,be0, log = FALSE)) val <- - sum(lhaz0) + sum(CHLL(time*exp.z.beta,ae0,be0)/exp.z.beta) return(sum(val)) } } # Weibull - AEH Model if(basehaz == "WAEH"){ log.lik <- function(par){ ae0 <- exp(par[1]); be0 <- exp(par[2]); beta <- par[3:(2+p0)]; z.beta <- as.vector(z%*%beta) exp.z.beta <- exp(z.beta) exp.z.beta.obs <- exp(z.beta[delta]) lhaz0 <- log(hp.obs+hW(time.obs*exp.z.beta.obs,ae0,be0, log = FALSE)) val <- - sum(lhaz0) + sum(CHW(time*exp.z.beta,ae0,be0)/exp.z.beta) return(sum(val)) } } # Gamma - AEH Model if(basehaz == "GAEH"){ log.lik <- function(par){ ae0 <- exp(par[1]); be0 <- exp(par[2]); beta <- par[3:(2+p0)]; z.beta <- as.vector(z%*%beta) exp.z.beta <- exp(z.beta) exp.z.beta.obs <- exp(z.beta[delta]) lhaz0 <- log(hp.obs+hG(time.obs*exp.z.beta.obs,ae0,be0, log = FALSE)) val <- - sum(lhaz0) + sum(CHG(time*exp.z.beta,ae0,be0)/exp.z.beta) return(sum(val)) } } # Lognormal - AEH Model if(basehaz == "LNAEH"){ log.lik <- function(par){ ae0 <- exp(par[1]); be0 <- exp(par[2]); beta <- par[3:(2+p0)]; z.beta <- as.vector(z%*%beta) exp.z.beta <- exp(z.beta) exp.z.beta.obs <- exp(z.beta[delta]) lhaz0 <- log(hp.obs+hLN(time.obs*exp.z.beta.obs,ae0,be0, log = FALSE)) val <- - sum(lhaz0) + sum(CHLN(time*exp.z.beta,ae0,be0)/exp.z.beta) return(sum(val)) } } # BURXII - AEH Model if(basehaz == "BXIIAEH"){ log.lik <- function(par){ ae0 <- exp(par[1]); be0 <- exp(par[2]); beta <- par[3:(2+p0)]; z.beta <- as.vector(z%*%beta) exp.z.beta <- exp(z.beta) exp.z.beta.obs <- exp(z.beta[delta]) lhaz0 <- log(hp.obs+ hBXII(time.obs*exp.z.beta.obs,ae0,be0, log = FALSE)) val <- - sum(lhaz0) + sum(CHBXII(time*exp.z.beta,ae0,be0)/exp.z.beta) return(sum(val)) } } if(method != "nlminb") OPT <- optim(init,log.lik,control=list(maxit=maxit), method = method) if(method == "nlminb") OPT <- nlminb(init,log.lik,control=list(iter.max=maxit)) p=length(OPT$par) l=OPT$value AIC=2*l + 2*p CAIC=AIC+(2*p*(p+1)/(n-l+1)) HQIC= 2*l+2*log(log(n))*p BCAIC=2*l+(p*(log(n)+1)) BIC=(2*l)+(p*(log(n))) result = (list("AIC" = AIC , "CAIC " = CAIC, "BIC" = BIC, "HQIC" = HQIC, "BCAIC" = BCAIC)) OUT <- list(OPT = OPT, result=result) return(OUT) }
#' @import stats rootSolve stats4 flexsurv #' @importFrom stats pweibull dweibull plnorm dlnorm plogis dlogis alias #' @importFrom stats nlminb glm.control optim qnorm pnorm optimHess optimize optimise #' @importFrom stats4 mle #' @importFrom rootSolve uniroot.all hessian #' @importFrom flexsurv hgamma hlnorm hllogis dgompertz pgompertz NULL
#' The Leukemia Survival Data #' #' @name LeukSurv #' @docType data #' @author Abdisalam Hassan Muse, Samuel Mwalili, Oscar Ngesa, Mutua Kilai, \email{[email protected]} #' @keywords datasets #' @description A dataset on the survival of acute myeloid leukemia in 1,043 pateietns, first analyzed by Henderson et al. (2002). It is of interest to investigate possible spatial variation in survival after accounting for known subject-specific prognostic factors, which include age, sex, white blood cell count (wbc) at diagnosis, and the Townsend score (tpi) for which higher values indicates less affluent areas. Both exact residential locations of all patients and their administrative districts (24 districts that make up the whole region) are available. #' @format A data frame with 1043 rows and 9 variables: #'\itemize{ #' \item time: survival time in days #' \item cens: right censoring status 0=censored, 1=dead #' \item xcoord: coordinates in x-axis of residence #' \item ycoord: coordinates in y-axis of residence #' \item age: age in years #' \item sex:male=1 female=0 #' \item wbc:white blood cell count at diagnosis, truncated at 500 #' \item tpi: the Townsend score for which higher values indicates less affluent areas #' \item district:administrative district of residence #'} #' #'@references Henderson, R., Shimakura, S., and Gorst, D. (2002), Modeling spatial variation in leukemia survival data, \emph{Journal of the American Statistical Association}, 97(460), 965-972. #' NULL
#' Bone Marrow Transplant (bmt) data set #' #' @name bmt #' @docType data #' @author Abdisalam Hassan Muse, Samuel Mwalili, Oscar Ngesa, Mutua Kilai, \email{[email protected]} #' @keywords datasets #' @description Bone marrow transplant study which is widely used in the hazard-based regression models #' @format There were 46 patients in the allogeneic treatment and 44 patients in the autologous treatment group #' \itemize{ #' \item Time: time to event #' \item Status: censor indicator, 0 for censored and 1 for uncensored #' \item TRT: 1 for autologous treatment group; 0 for allogeneic treatment group #' } #' @references Robertson, V. M., Dickson, L. G., Romond, E. H., & Ash, R. C. (1987). Positive antiglobulin tests due to intravenous immunoglobulin in patients who received bone marrow transplant. Transfusion, 27(1), 28-31. NULL
#' Melanoma data set #' #'@name e1684 #'@docType data #'@author Abdisalam Hassan Muse, Samuel Mwalili, Oscar Ngesa, Mutua Kilai, \email{[email protected]} #' @keywords datasets #' @description Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) data used for modeling hazard-based regression models #' @format A data frame with 284 observations on the following 5 variables. #' \itemize{ #' \item TRT: 0=control group, 1=IFN treatment group #' \item FAILTIME: observed relapse-free time #' \item FAILCENS: relapse-free censor indicator #' \item AGE:continuous variable, which is centered to the mean #' \item SEX: 0 for male, 1 fopr female #' } #' @references Kirkwood, J. M., Manola, J., Ibrahim, J., Sondak, V., Ernstoff, M. S., & Rao, U. (2004). A pooled analysis of eastern cooperative oncology group and intergroup trials of adjuvant high-dose interferon for melanoma. Clinical Cancer Research, 10(5), 1670-1677. NULL
#' IRESSA Pan-Asia Study (IPASS) data set #' #' @name ipass #' @docType data #' @author Abdisalam Hassan Muse, Samuel Mwalili, Oscar Ngesa, Mutua Kilai, \email{[email protected]} #' @keywords datasets #' @description Argyropoulos and Unruh (2015) published reconstructed IPASS clinical trial data. Despite being reconstructed, this data set retains all of the features shown in references, as well as full access to the observations from this clinical trial.The database spans the months of March 2006 to April 2008.The study's main goal is to compare gefitinib to carboplatin/paclitaxel doublet chemotherapy as first-line treatment in terms of progression-free survival (in months) in selected non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients. #' @format A data frame with 1217 rows and 3 variables: #' \itemize{ #' \item time: progression free survival (in months) #' \item status: failure indicator (1 - failure; 0 - otherwise) #' \item arm: (1 - gefitinib; 0 - carboplatin/paclitaxel doublet chemotherapy) #' } #' @references Argyropoulos, C. and Unruh, M. L. (2015). Analysis of time to event outcomes in randomized controlled trials by generalized additive models. PLOS One 10, 1-33. #' NULL
#' Calculate AICc for a permutational multivariate analysis of variance (PERMANOVA) #' #' @description #' This function calculates the Akaike's Information Criterion (AICc) for a permutational multivariate analysis of variance (PERMANOVA) model. The AICc is a modified version of the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) that is more appropriate for small sample sizes and high-dimensional models. #' #' @param adonis2_model An object of class adonis2 from the vegan package #' #' @return A data frame with the AICc, the number of parameters (k) and the number of observations (N). #' #' @examples #' #' library(vegan) #' data(dune) #' data(dune.env) #' #' # Run PERMANOVA using adonis2 #' #' Model <- adonis2(dune ~ Management*A1, data = dune.env) #' #' # Calculate AICc #' AICc_permanova2(Model) #' #' @details #' The AICc calculation for a PERMANOVA model is: #' #' \deqn{AICc = AIC + \frac{2k(k+1)}{n-k-1}}{AICc = AIC + (2k(k+1))/(n-k-1)} #' #' where AIC is the Akaike Information Criterion, k is the number of parameters in the model (excluding the intercept), and n is the number of observations. #' #' @export #' #' @import vegan #' #' @references #' Zuur, A. F., Ieno, E. N., Walker, N. J., Saveliev, A. A., & Smith, G. M. (2009). Mixed effects models and extensions in ecology with R. Springer Science & Business Media. #' #' @seealso \code{\link{adonis2}} #' #' @keywords models AICc_permanova2 <- function(adonis2_model) { # Ok, now extract appropriate terms from the adonis model Calculating AICc # using residual sum of squares (RSS or SSE) since I don't think that adonis # returns something I can use as a likelihood function... maximum likelihood # and MSE estimates are the same when distribution is gaussian See e.g. #; # # So using RSS or MSE estimates is fine as long as the residuals are # Gaussian If models have different # conditional likelihoods then AIC is not valid. However, comparing models # with different error distributions is ok (above link). RSS <- adonis2_model$SumOfSqs[ length(adonis2_model$SumOfSqs) - 1 ] MSE <- RSS / adonis2_model$Df[ length(adonis2_model$Df) - 1 ] nn <- adonis2_model$Df[ length(adonis2_model$Df) ] + 1 k <- nn - adonis2_model$Df[ length(adonis2_model$Df) - 1 ] # AIC : 2*k + n*ln(RSS/n) # AICc: AIC + [2k(k+1)]/(n-k-1) # based on; # ; #; #; # AIC <- 2*k + nn*log(RSS/nn) AICc <- AIC + (2*k*(k + 1))/(nn - k - 1) output <- data.frame(AICc = AICc, k = k, N = nn) return(output) }
#' Akaike-Adjusted R Squared Calculation with Model Averaging #' #' Calculates the adjusted R squared for each predictor using the Akaike #' Information Criterion (AIC) and model averaging. AIC is used to compare the #' performance of candidate models and select the best one. Then, the R squared #' is adjusted based on the weight of evidence in favor of each model. The final #' result is a long-format table of variable names and corresponding adjusted #' R squared values. #' #' @param DF A data.frame containing the variables to calculate the adjusted #' R squared for. The data.frame should include the columns: #' "form", "AICc", "max_vif", "k", "DeltaAICc", "AICWeight", and "N". #' @return A data.frame with columns "Variable" and "Full_Akaike_Adjusted_RSq". #' Each row represents a predictor, and its corresponding adjusted R #' squared value based on the Akaike-adjusted model averaging process. #' @details The adjusted R squared is calculated as: #' \deqn{Adjusted R^2 = 1 - (RSS / (N - k - 1)) * ((N - 1) / (N - k - 1))} #' where RSS is the residual sum of squares, N is the sample size, and #' k is the number of predictors. The R squared is adjusted based on the #' weight of evidence in favor of each model, which is calculated as: #' \deqn{w_i = exp(-0.5 * DeltaAICc_i) / sum(exp(-0.5 * DeltaAICc))} #' where w_i is the weight of evidence in favor of the ith model, and #' DeltaAICc_i is the difference in AICc between the ith model and the #' best model. Model averaging uses the weights to combine the #' performance of different models in the final calculation of the #' adjusted R squared. #' #' @importFrom dplyr mutate_at vars matches everything select summarise_if #' @importFrom tidyr pivot_longer #' #' @examples #' library(data.table) #' df <- data.table(form = c(1,2,3), #' AICc = c(10,20,30), #' max_vif = c(3,4,5), #' k = c(1,2,3), #' DeltaAICc = c(2,5,8), #' AICWeight = c(0.2,0.5,0.3), #' N = c(100,100,100), #' A1 = c(0.3, 0.5, NA), #' A2 = c(0.7, NA, 0.2), #' A3 = c(0.2, 0.3, 0.6)) #' akaike_adjusted_rsq(df) #' #' @export akaike_adjusted_rsq <- function(DF) { AICc <- DeltaAICc <- max_vif <- AICWeight <- Model <- k <- N <- NULL Result <- DF |> dplyr::mutate_at(dplyr::vars(-dplyr::matches("form|max_vif|AICc|k|DeltaAICc|N|AICWeight")), ~ifelse(, 0, .x))|> dplyr::mutate_at(dplyr::vars(-dplyr::matches("form|max_vif|AICc|k|DeltaAICc|N|AICWeight")), ~.x * AICWeight)|> dplyr::summarise_if(is.numeric, sum)|> dplyr::select(-AICc, -DeltaAICc, -AICWeight, -matches("Model"), -max_vif, -k, -N)|> tidyr::pivot_longer(dplyr::everything(), names_to = "Variable", values_to = "Full_Akaike_Adjusted_RSq") return(Result) }
#' @title Filters out equations with high multicollinearity #' #' @description This function takes a dataframe with several models and #' calculates the maximum Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) for a given #' model. And either filters out the ones with high collinearity or it #' flags them accordingly #' #' @param all_forms A data frame generated by \code{\link{make_models}} #' @param env_data A dataset with the variables described in all_froms #' @param ncores An integer specifying the number of cores to use for parallel processing #' @param filter logical, if TRUE it filters out the models with a maximum VIF of high or higher, if FALSE it generates a new column called collinearity, wich will #' @param verbose logical, defaults TRUE, sends messages about processing times #' @return A data.frame with the models, fitering out the ones with high collinearity or flagginf them. #' @importFrom parallel makeCluster stopCluster #' @importFrom doParallel registerDoParallel #' @importFrom dplyr bind_rows filter mutate #' @importFrom stringr str_replace_all #' @importFrom stats rnorm lm as.formula complete.cases #' #' @examples #'\donttest{ #' library(vegan) #' data(dune) #' data(dune.env) #' AllModels <- make_models(vars = c("A1", "Moisture", "Manure")) #' #' filter_vif(all_forms = AllModels, #' env_data = dune.env) #'} #' @export filter_vif <- function(all_forms, env_data, ncores = 2, filter = TRUE, verbose = TRUE){ max_vif <- x <- NULL meta_data <- all_forms meta_data$max_vif <- NA if(!filter){ meta_data$collinearity <- NA } # Check for missing values missing_rows <- !complete.cases(env_data) if (any(missing_rows)) { if(verbose){ # Print message about missing rows and columns message(sprintf("Removing %d rows with missing values\n", sum(missing_rows))) message("Columns with missing values: ") message(names(env_data)[colSums( > 0], sep = ", ") } } # Filter out missing rows new_env_data <- env_data[complete.cases(env_data), ] cl <- parallel::makeCluster(ncores) doParallel::registerDoParallel(cl) Fs <- foreach(x = 1:nrow(meta_data), .packages = c("dplyr", "AICcPermanova", "stringr"), .combine = bind_rows) %dopar% { Response = new_env_data Response$y <- rnorm(n = nrow(Response)) gc() Temp <- meta_data[x,] Temp$max_vif <- tryCatch( expr = VIF(lm(as.formula(stringr::str_replace_all(Temp$form[1], "Distance ", "y")), data = Response)), error = function(e) NA ) Temp } parallel::stopCluster(cl) if(filter){ Fs <- Fs |> dplyr::filter(max_vif < 5) } if(!filter){ Fs <- Fs |> dplyr::mutate(collinearity = ifelse(max_vif < 5, "low", "high")) } return(Fs) }
#' @title Fit PERMANOVA models and arrange by AICc #' #' @description This function fits PERMANOVA models for all combinations of variables in a given dataset, and arranges the models by Akaike Information Criterion (AICc) score. The function also calculates the maximum variance inflation factor (max_vif) for each model. #' #' @param all_forms A data frame generated by \code{\link{make_models}} #' @param veg_data A dataset with vegetation presence absense or abundance data #' @param env_data A dataset with the variables described in all_froms #' @param ncores An integer specifying the number of cores to use for parallel processing #' @param log logical if true, a log file will be generated #' @param verbose logical, defaults TRUE, sends messages about processing times #' @param logfile the text file that will be generated as a log #' @param multiple after how many loops to write a log file #' @param method method for distance from \code{\link{vegdist}} #' @param strata a block variable similar to the use in \code{\link{adonis2}} #' #' @return A data.frame with fitted models arranged by AICc, including the formula used, the number of #' explanatory variables, R2, adjusted R2, and the AICc and max VIF. #' #' #' @importFrom parallel makeCluster stopCluster #' @importFrom doParallel registerDoParallel #' @importFrom foreach foreach %dopar% #' @importFrom vegan vegdist adonis2 #' @importFrom dplyr bind_rows bind_cols select filter arrange #' @importFrom broom tidy #' @importFrom tidyr pivot_longer #' @importFrom stringr str_replace_all #' @importFrom stats rnorm lm as.formula complete.cases #' @examples #' #' \donttest{ #' library(vegan) #' data(dune) #' data(dune.env) #' #' AllModels <- make_models(vars = c("A1", "Moisture", "Manure")) #' #' fit_models(all_forms = AllModels, #' veg_data = dune, #' env_data = dune.env) #' } #' #' @references #' Anderson, M. J. (2001). A new method for non-parametric multivariate analysis of variance. Austral Ecology, 26(1), 32-46. #' #' #' @export fit_models <- function(all_forms, veg_data, env_data, method = "bray", ncores = 2, log = TRUE, logfile = "log.txt", multiple = 100, strata = NULL, verbose = FALSE){ AICc <- R2 <- term <- x <- NULL if(log){ if(file.exists(logfile)){ file.remove(logfile) } } meta_data <- all_forms if(!("max_vif" %in% colnames(meta_data))){ meta_data$max_vif <- NA } vegetation_data = veg_data # Check for missing values missing_rows <- !complete.cases(env_data) if (any(missing_rows)) { if(verbose){ # Print message about missing rows and columns message(sprintf("Removing %d rows with missing values\n", sum(missing_rows))) message("Columns with missing values: ") message(names(env_data)[colSums( > 0], sep = ", ") } } # Filter out missing rows new_env_data <- env_data[complete.cases(env_data), ] vegetation_data <- vegetation_data[complete.cases(env_data), ] cl <- parallel::makeCluster(ncores) doParallel::registerDoParallel(cl) Distance <- vegan::vegdist(vegetation_data, method = method) Fs <- foreach(x = 1:nrow(meta_data), .packages = c("vegan", "dplyr", "AICcPermanova", "tidyr", "broom"), .combine = bind_rows, .export = c("Distance")) %dopar% { Response = new_env_data Response$y <- rnorm(n = nrow(Response)) gc() Temp <- meta_data[x,] if(is.null(strata)){ Model <- try(vegan::adonis2(as.formula(Temp$form[1]), data = Response, by = "margin")) } if(!is.null(strata)){ # Convert strata variable to factor strata_factor <- factor(Response[[strata]]) Model <- try(with(Response, vegan::adonis2(as.formula(Temp$form[1]), data = Response, by = "margin", strata = strata_factor)), silent = TRUE) } Temp <- tryCatch( expr = cbind(Temp, AICcPermanova::AICc_permanova2(Model)), error = function(e) NA ) if($max_vif)){ Temp$max_vif <- tryCatch( expr = VIF(lm(as.formula(stringr::str_replace_all(Temp$form[1], "Distance ", "y")), data = Response)), error = function(e) NA ) } Rs <- tryCatch( { tidy_model <- broom::tidy(Model) if (inherits(tidy_model, "try-error")) { stop("Error occurred in broom::tidy(Model)") } tidy_model |> dplyr::filter(!(term %in% c("Residual", "Total"))) |> dplyr::select(term, R2) |> tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = term, values_from = R2) }, error = function(e) { message("Error: ", conditionMessage(e)) NULL } ) if(log){ if((x %% multiple) == 0){ sink(logfile, append = TRUE) cat(paste("finished", x, "number of models", Sys.time(), "of", nrow(meta_data))) cat("\n") sink() } } Temp <- bind_cols(Temp, Rs) Temp } parallel::stopCluster(cl) Fs <- Fs |> dplyr::arrange(AICc) return(Fs) } #' Get Maximum Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) from a Model #' #' This function calculates the maximum Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) for a given model. #' The VIF is a measure of collinearity among predictor variables within a regression model. #' It quantifies how much the variance of an estimated regression coefficient is increased due to collinearity. #' A VIF of 1 indicates no collinearity, while values above 1 indicate increasing levels of collinearity. #' A VIF of 5 or greater is often considered high, indicating a strong presence of collinearity. #' #' @param model A regression model, such as those created by lm, glm, or other similar functions. #' #' @return The maximum VIF value. #' #' @references #' - Belsley, D. A., Kuh, E., & Welsch, R. E. (1980). Regression Diagnostics: Identifying Influential Data and Sources of Collinearity. John Wiley & Sons. #' - Kutner, M. H., Nachtsheim, C. J., Neter, J., & Li, W. (2004). Applied Linear Statistical Models. McGraw-Hill/Irwin. #' - O'Brien, R. M. (2007). A caution regarding rules of thumb for variance inflation factors. Quality & Quantity, 41(5), 673-690. #' #' @importFrom car vif #' #' @keywords collinearity #' #' @export VIF <- function(model) { tryCatch({ vif <- car::vif(model) max(vif) }, error = function(e) { if (grepl("aliased coefficients", e$message)) { 20000 } else if (grepl("model contains fewer than 2 terms", e$message)) { 0 } else { stop(e) } }) }
#' @title Create models with different combinations of variables #' @description Generates all possible linear models for a given set of #' predictor variables using the distance matrix as a response variable. #' The function allows for the user to specify the maximum number of #' variables in a model, which can be useful in cases where there are #' many predictors. The output is a data frame containing all the #' possible models, which can be passed to the fit_models function for #' fitting using a PERMANOVA approach. #' @param vars A character vector of variables to use for modeling #' @param ncores An integer specifying the number of cores to use for parallel processing #' @param k maximum number of variables in a model, default is NULL #' @param verbose logical, defaults TRUE, sends messages about processing times #' @return A data frame containing all the possible linear permanova #' models #' #' @importFrom parallel makeCluster #' @importFrom doParallel registerDoParallel #' @importFrom utils combn #' @importFrom data.table data.table #' @importFrom data.table rbindlist #' @importFrom data.table := #' @importFrom future plan cluster #' @importFrom furrr future_map_dfr #' @export #' #' @examples #' \donttest{ #' make_models(vars = c("A", "B", "C", "D"), #' ncores = 2, verbose = FALSE) #' #' # using k as a way to limit number of variables #' make_models(vars = c("A", "B", "C", "D"), #' ncores = 2, k = 2, verbose = FALSE) #'} #' @references #' Anderson, M. J. (2001). A new method for non-parametric multivariate analysis of variance. Austral Ecology, 26(1), 32-46. make_models <- function(vars, ncores = 2, k = NULL, verbose = TRUE) { max_vif <- NULL # create data table of variables to use for modeling vars <- unlist(strsplit(vars, "\\s*,\\s*")) dt <- data.table::data.table(vars) # set response and dataset variables dataset <- "Distance" forms <- list() if(is.null(k)){ MaxVars <- length(vars) } if(!is.null(k)){ MaxVars <- k } # loop over different numbers of variables to include in models for(i in 1:MaxVars) { test <- combn(vars, i, simplify = FALSE) cl <- parallel::makeCluster(ncores) future::plan(future::cluster, workers = cl) # loop over all combinations of variables and create a list of formulas formulas <- furrr::future_map_dfr(test, function(x) { form <- paste(dataset, "~", paste(x, collapse = " + ")) data.frame(form = form, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) }) parallel::stopCluster(cl) if(verbose){ message(paste(i, "of", MaxVars, "ready", Sys.time())) } forms[[i]] <- formulas } # combine all formulas into a single data table and add the null model all_forms <- data.table::rbindlist(forms, use.names = TRUE, fill = TRUE) all_forms <- unique(all_forms, by = "form", fromLast = TRUE) null_mod <- data.table::data.table(form = paste(dataset, "~ 1", collapse = "")) all_forms <- data.table::rbindlist(list(all_forms, null_mod), use.names = TRUE, fill = TRUE) return( }
#' Select models based on AICc and VIF. #' #' This function selects models from a data frame based on the AICc and VIF values. Models with AICc greater than negative infinity and VIF less than or equal to 6 are considered. The difference in AICc values for each model is calculated with respect to the model with the minimum AICc. Models with a difference in AICc less than or equal to the specified delta_aicc value are selected. #' #' @param df a data frame containing the models to select from. #' @param delta_aicc a numeric value specifying the maximum difference in AICc values allowed. #' @return a data frame containing the selected models and the AIC weights. #' @examples #' df <- data.frame(AICc = c(10, 12, 15, 20), max_vif = c(2, 4, 5, 6)) #' select_models(df) #' select_models(df, delta_aicc = 5) #' @importFrom data.table setDT .SD #' @export select_models <- function(df, delta_aicc = 2){ AICc <- DeltaAICc <- max_vif <- AICWeight <- NULL Result <- data.table::setDT(df)[AICc > -Inf & max_vif <= 5, DeltaAICc := AICc - min(AICc)][DeltaAICc <= delta_aicc][, AICWeight := exp( -0.5*DeltaAICc)/sum(exp( -0.5*DeltaAICc))] |> # remove columns with only NAs Result <- Result[, colSums( != nrow(Result), drop = FALSE] return(Result) }
##compute AIC, AICc, QAIC, QAICc ##generic AICc <- function(mod, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, ...){ UseMethod("AICc", mod) } AICc.default <- function(mod, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, ...){ stop("\nFunction not yet defined for this object class\n") } ##aov objects AICc.aov <- function(mod, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, ...){ if(identical(nobs, NULL)) {n <- length(mod$fitted)} else {n <- nobs} LL <- logLik(mod)[1] K <- attr(logLik(mod), "df") #extract correct number of parameters included in model - this includes LM if(second.ord == TRUE) {AICc <- -2*LL+2*K*(n/(n-K-1))} else{AICc <- -2*LL+2*K} if(return.K == TRUE) AICc[1] <- K #attributes the first element of AICc to K AICc } ##betareg objects AICc.betareg <- function(mod, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, ...){ if(identical(nobs, NULL)) {n <- length(mod$fitted)} else {n <- nobs} LL <- logLik(mod)[1] K <- attr(logLik(mod), "df") #extract correct number of parameters included in model - this includes LM if(second.ord == TRUE) {AICc <- -2*LL+2*K*(n/(n-K-1))} else{AICc <- -2*LL+2*K} if(return.K == TRUE) AICc[1] <- K #attributes the first element of AICc to K AICc } ##clm objects AICc.clm <- function(mod, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, ...){ if(identical(nobs, NULL)) {n <- length(fitted(mod))} else {n <- nobs} LL <- logLik(mod)[1] K <- attr(logLik(mod), "df") #extract correct number of parameters included in model - this includes LM if(second.ord == TRUE) {AICc <- -2*LL+2*K*(n/(n-K-1))} else{AICc <- -2*LL+2*K} if(return.K == TRUE) AICc[1] <- K #attributes the first element of AICc to K AICc } ##clmm objects AICc.clmm <- function(mod, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, ...){ if(identical(nobs, NULL)) {n <- length(fitted(mod))} else {n <- nobs} LL <- logLik(mod)[1] K <- attr(logLik(mod), "df") #extract correct number of parameters included in model - this includes LM if(second.ord == TRUE) {AICc <- -2*LL+2*K*(n/(n-K-1))} else{AICc <- -2*LL+2*K} if(return.K == TRUE) AICc[1] <- K #attributes the first element of AICc to K AICc } ##coxme objects AICc.coxme <- function(mod, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, ...){ if(identical(nobs, NULL)) {n <- length(mod$linear.predictor)} else {n <- nobs} LL <- extractLL(mod)[1] K <- attr(extractLL(mod), "df") #extract correct number of parameters included in model if(second.ord==TRUE) {AICc <- -2*LL+2*K*(n/(n-K-1))} else{AICc <- -2*LL+2*K} if(return.K==TRUE) AICc[1] <- K #attributes the first element of AICc to K AICc } ##coxph objects AICc.coxph <- function(mod, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, ...){ if(identical(nobs, NULL)) {n <- length(residuals(mod))} else {n <- nobs} LL <- extractLL(mod)[1] K <- attr(extractLL(mod), "df") #extract correct number of parameters included in model if(second.ord == TRUE) {AICc <- -2*LL+2*K*(n/(n-K-1))} else{AICc <- -2*LL+2*K} if(return.K == TRUE) AICc[1] <- K #attributes the first element of AICc to K AICc } ##fitdist (from fitdistrplus) AICc.fitdist <- function(mod, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, ...){ if(identical(nobs, NULL)) {n <- mod$n} else {n <- nobs} LL <- logLik(mod) K <- length(mod$estimate) if(second.ord == TRUE) {AICc <- -2*LL+2*K*(n/(n-K-1))} else{AICc <- -2*LL+2*K} if(return.K == TRUE) AICc[1] <- K #attributes the first element of AICc to K AICc } ##fitdistr (from MASS) AICc.fitdistr <- function(mod, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, ...){ if(identical(nobs, NULL)) {n <- mod$n} else {n <- nobs} LL <- logLik(mod)[1] K <- attr(logLik(mod), "df") #extract correct number of parameters included in model - this includes LM if(second.ord == TRUE) {AICc <- -2*LL+2*K*(n/(n-K-1))} else{AICc <- -2*LL+2*K} if(return.K == TRUE) AICc[1] <- K #attributes the first element of AICc to K AICc } ##glm and lm objects AICc.glm <- function(mod, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, c.hat = 1, ...){ if(is.null(nobs)) { n <- length(mod$fitted) } else {n <- nobs} LL <- logLik(mod)[1] K <- attr(logLik(mod), "df") #extract correct number of parameters included in model - this includes LM if(c.hat == 1) { if(second.ord == TRUE) {AICc <- -2*LL+2*K*(n/(n-K-1))} else{AICc <- -2*LL+2*K} } if(c.hat > 1 && c.hat <= 4) { K <- K+1 if(second.ord==TRUE) { AICc <- (-2*LL/c.hat)+2*K*(n/(n-K-1)) ##adjust parameter count to include estimation of dispersion parameter } else{ AICc <- (-2*LL/c.hat)+2*K} } if(c.hat > 4) stop("High overdispersion and model fit is questionable\n") if(c.hat < 1) stop("You should set \'c.hat\' to 1 if < 1, but values << 1 might also indicate lack of fit\n") ##check if negative binomial and add 1 to K for estimation of theta if glm( ) was used if(!"Negative Binomial", table=family(mod)$family))) { if(!identical(class(mod)[1], "negbin")) { #if not negbin, add + 1 because k of negbin was estimated glm.convert( ) screws up logLik K <- K+1 if(second.ord == TRUE) { AICc <- -2*LL+2*K*(n/(n-K-1)) } else { AICc <- -2*LL+2*K } } if(c.hat != 1) stop("You should not use the c.hat argument with the negative binomial") } ##add 1 for theta parameter in negative binomial fit with glm( ) ##check if gamma and add 1 to K for estimation of shape parameter if glm( ) was used if(identical(family(mod)$family, "Gamma") && c.hat > 1) stop("You should not use the c.hat argument with the gamma") ##an extra condition must be added to avoid adding a parameter for theta with negative binomial when glm.nb( ) is fit which estimates the correct number of parameters if(return.K == TRUE) AICc[1] <- K #attributes the first element of AICc to K AICc } ##glmmTMB objects AICc.glmmTMB <- function(mod, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, c.hat = 1, ...){ if(is.null(nobs)) { n <- nrow(mod$frame) names(n) <- NULL } else {n <- nobs} LL <- logLik(mod)[1] K <- attr(logLik(mod), "df") #extract correct number of parameters included in model if(c.hat == 1) { if(second.ord == TRUE) {AICc <- -2*LL+2*K*(n/(n-K-1))} else{AICc <- -2*LL+2*K} } if(c.hat > 1 && c.hat <= 4) { K <- K+1 if(second.ord==TRUE) { AICc <- (-2*LL/c.hat)+2*K*(n/(n-K-1)) ##adjust parameter count to include estimation of dispersion parameter } else{ AICc <- (-2*LL/c.hat)+2*K} } if(c.hat > 4) stop("High overdispersion and model fit is questionable\n") if(c.hat < 1) stop("You should set \'c.hat\' to 1 if < 1, but values << 1 might also indicate lack of fit\n") if(return.K == TRUE) AICc[1] <- K #attributes the first element of AICc to K AICc } ##gls objects AICc.gls <- function(mod, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, ...){ if(identical(nobs, NULL)) {n<-length(mod$fitted)} else {n <- nobs} LL <- logLik(mod)[1] K <- attr(logLik(mod), "df") #extract correct number of parameters included in model - this includes LM if(second.ord == TRUE) {AICc <- -2*LL+2*K*(n/(n-K-1))} else{AICc <- -2*LL+2*K} if(return.K == TRUE) AICc[1] <- K #attributes the first element of AICc to K AICc } ##gnls objects AICc.gnls <- function(mod, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, ...){ if(identical(nobs, NULL)) {n <- length(fitted(mod))} else {n <- nobs} LL <- logLik(mod)[1] K <- attr(logLik(mod), "df") #extract correct number of parameters included in model if(second.ord == TRUE) {AICc <- -2*LL+2*K*(n/(n-K-1))} else{AICc <- -2*LL+2*K} if(return.K == TRUE) AICc[1] <- K #attributes the first element of AICc to K AICc } ##hurdle objects AICc.hurdle <- function(mod, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, ...){ if(identical(nobs, NULL)) {n <- length(mod$fitted)} else {n <- nobs} LL <- logLik(mod)[1] K <- attr(logLik(mod), "df") #extract correct number of parameters included in model - this includes LM if(second.ord == TRUE) {AICc <- -2*LL + 2*K*(n/(n-K-1))} else{AICc <- -2*LL + 2*K} if(return.K == TRUE) AICc[1] <- K #attributes the first element of AICc to K AICc } ##lavaan AICc.lavaan <- function(mod, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, ...){ if(identical(nobs, NULL)) {n <- mod@Data@nobs[[1]]} else {n <- nobs} LL <- logLik(mod)[1] K <- attr(logLik(mod), "df") #extract correct number of parameters included in model if(second.ord == TRUE) {AICc <- -2*LL+2*K*(n/(n-K-1))} else{AICc <- -2*LL+2*K} if(return.K == TRUE) AICc[1] <- K #attributes the first element of AICc to K AICc } ##lm objects AICc.lm <- function(mod, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, ...){ if(identical(nobs, NULL)) {n <- length(mod$fitted)} else {n <- nobs} LL <- logLik(mod)[1] K <- attr(logLik(mod), "df") #extract correct number of parameters included in model - this includes LM if(second.ord == TRUE) {AICc <- -2*LL+2*K*(n/(n-K-1))} else{AICc <- -2*LL+2*K} if(return.K == TRUE) AICc[1] <- K #attributes the first element of AICc to K AICc } ##lme objects AICc.lme <- function(mod, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, ...){ if(identical(nobs, NULL)) {n <- nrow(mod$fitted)} else {n <- nobs} LL <- logLik(mod)[1] K <- attr(logLik(mod), "df") #extract correct number of parameters included in model - this includes LM if(second.ord == TRUE) {AICc <- -2*LL+2*K*(n/(n-K-1))} else{AICc <- -2*LL+2*K} if(return.K == TRUE) AICc[1] <- K #attributes the first element of AICc to K AICc } ##lmerModLmerTest objects AICc.lmerModLmerTest <- function(mod, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, ...){ if(is.null(nobs)) { n <- mod@devcomp$dims["n"] names(n) <- NULL } else {n <- nobs} LL <- logLik(mod)[1] K <- attr(logLik(mod), "df") #extract correct number of parameters included in model if(second.ord == TRUE) {AICc <- -2*LL+2*K*(n/(n-K-1))} else{AICc <- -2*LL+2*K} if(return.K == TRUE) AICc[1] <- K #attributes the first element of AICc to K AICc } ##lmekin objects AICc.lmekin <- function(mod, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, ...){ if(identical(nobs, NULL)) {n <- length(mod$residuals)} else {n <- nobs} LL <- extractLL(mod)[1] K <- attr(extractLL(mod), "df") #extract correct number of parameters included in model - this includes LM if(second.ord == TRUE) {AICc <- -2*LL+2*K*(n/(n-K-1))} else{AICc <- -2*LL+2*K} if(return.K == TRUE) AICc[1] <- K #attributes the first element of AICc to K return(AICc) } ##maxlike objects AICc.maxlikeFit <- function(mod, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, c.hat = 1, ...) { LL <- extractLL(mod)[1] K <- attr(extractLL(mod), "df") if(is.null(nobs)) { n <- nrow(mod$points.retained) } else {n <- nobs} if(second.ord == TRUE) {AICc <- -2 * LL + 2 * K * (n/(n - K - 1))} else {AICc <- -2*LL + 2*K} if(c.hat != 1) stop("\nThis function does not support overdispersion in \'maxlikeFit\' models\n") if(identical(return.K, TRUE)) { return(K) } else {return(AICc)} } ##mer object AICc.mer <- function(mod, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, ...){ if(is.null(nobs)) { n <- mod@dims["n"] } else {n <- nobs} LL <- logLik(mod)[1] K <- attr(logLik(mod), "df") #extract correct number of parameters included in model if(second.ord == TRUE) {AICc <- -2*LL+2*K*(n/(n-K-1))} else{AICc <- -2*LL+2*K} if(return.K == TRUE) AICc[1] <- K #attributes the first element of AICc to K AICc } ##merMod objects AICc.merMod <- function(mod, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, ...){ if(is.null(nobs)) { n <- mod@devcomp$dims["n"] names(n) <- NULL } else {n <- nobs} LL <- logLik(mod)[1] K <- attr(logLik(mod), "df") #extract correct number of parameters included in model if(second.ord == TRUE) {AICc <- -2*LL+2*K*(n/(n-K-1))} else{AICc <- -2*LL+2*K} if(return.K == TRUE) AICc[1] <- K #attributes the first element of AICc to K AICc } ##mult objects AICc.multinom <- function(mod, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, c.hat = 1, ...){ if(identical(nobs, NULL)) {n<-length(mod$fitted)/length(mod$lev)} else {n <- nobs} LL <- logLik(mod)[1] K <- attr(logLik(mod), "df") #extract correct number of parameters included in model - this includes LM if(c.hat == 1) { if(second.ord==TRUE) { AICc <- -2*LL+2*K*(n/(n-K-1)) } else{ AICc <- -2*LL+2*K } } if(c.hat > 1 && c.hat <= 4) { K <- K+1 if(second.ord == TRUE) { AICc <- (-2*LL/c.hat)+2*K*(n/(n-K-1)) #adjust parameter count to include estimation of dispersion parameter } else{ AICc <- (-2*LL/c.hat)+2*K } } if(c.hat > 4) stop("High overdispersion and model fit is questionable") if(return.K==TRUE) AICc[1]<-K #attributes the first element of AICc to K AICc } ##glm.nb AICc.negbin <- function(mod, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, ...){ if(identical(nobs, NULL)) {n <- length(mod$fitted)} else {n <- nobs} LL <- logLik(mod)[1] K <- attr(logLik(mod), "df") #extract correct number of parameters included in model - this includes LM if(second.ord == TRUE) {AICc <- -2*LL+2*K*(n/(n-K-1))} else{AICc <- -2*LL+2*K} if(return.K == TRUE) AICc[1] <- K #attributes the first element of AICc to K AICc } ##nlme objects AICc.nlme <- function(mod, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, ...){ if(identical(nobs, NULL)) {n <- nrow(mod$fitted)} else {n <- nobs} LL <- logLik(mod)[1] K <- attr(logLik(mod), "df") #extract correct number of parameters included in model - this includes LM if(second.ord == TRUE) {AICc <- -2*LL+2*K*(n/(n-K-1))} else{AICc <- -2*LL+2*K} if(return.K == TRUE) AICc[1] <- K #attributes the first element of AICc to K AICc } ##nls objects AICc.nls <- function(mod, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, ...){ if(identical(nobs, NULL)) { n <- length(fitted(mod)) ##add warning if returning a constant with length(fitted(mod)) if(n == 1) { warning(paste("\nlength(fitted(mod)) returned the following scalar: ", n, "\nif sample size is larger than this value, supply sample size using 'nobs' argument\n")) } if(n > 1 && n < 5) { warning(paste("\nlength(fitted(mod)) returned: ", n, "\nif sample size is larger than this value, supply sample size using the 'nobs' argument\n")) } } else { n <- nobs } LL <- logLik(mod)[1] K <- attr(logLik(mod), "df") #extract correct number of parameters included in model if(second.ord == TRUE) {AICc <- -2*LL+2*K*(n/(n-K-1))} else{AICc <- -2*LL+2*K} if(return.K == TRUE) AICc[1] <- K #attributes the first element of AICc to K AICc } ##polr objects AICc.polr <- function(mod, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, ...){ if(identical(nobs, NULL)) {n<-length(mod$fitted)} else {n <- nobs} LL <- logLik(mod)[1] K <- attr(logLik(mod), "df") #extract correct number of parameters included in model - this includes LM if(second.ord == TRUE) { AICc <- -2*LL+2*K*(n/(n-K-1)) } else{ AICc <- -2*LL+2*K } if(return.K == TRUE) AICc[1] <- K #attributes the first element of AICc to K AICc } ##rlm objects ##only valid for M-estimation (Huber M-estimator) ##modified from Tharmaratnam and Claeskens 2013 (equation 8) ##AICc.rlm <- function(mod, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, ...) ##{ ## if(second.ord == TRUE) stop("\nOnly 'second.ord = FALSE' is supported for 'rlm' models\n") ## ##extract design matrix ## X <- model.matrix(mod) ## ##extract scale ## scale.m <- mod$s ## ##extract threshold value ## cval <- mod$k2 ## ##extract residuals ## res <- residuals(mod) ## res.scaled <- res/scale.m ## n <- length(res) ## ##partial derivatives based on Huber's loss function ## dPsi <- ifelse(abs(res.scaled) <= cval, 2, 0) ## Psi <- (ifelse(abs(res.scaled) <= cval, 2*res.scaled, 2*cval*sign(res.scaled)))^2 ## J <- (t(X) %*% diag(as.vector(dPsi)) %*% X * (1/(scale.m^2)))/n ## inv.J <- solve(J) ## ##variance ## K.var <- (t(X) %*% diag(as.vector(Psi)) %*% X * (1/(scale.m^2)))/n ## AIC <- 2*n*(log(scale.m)) + 2 * sum(diag(inv.J %*%(K.var))) ## if(return.K) {AIC <- 2 * sum(diag(inv.J %*%(K.var)))} ## return(AIC) ##} ##the estimator below extracts the estimates obtained from M- or MM-estimator ##and plugs them in the normal likelihood function AICc.rlm <- function(mod, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, ...){ if(identical(nobs, NULL)) {n <- length(mod$fitted)} else {n <- nobs} LL <- logLik(mod)[1] K <- attr(logLik(mod), "df") #extract correct number of parameters included in model - this includes LM if(second.ord == TRUE) {AICc <- -2*LL+2*K*(n/(n-K-1))} else{AICc <- -2*LL+2*K} if(return.K == TRUE) AICc[1] <- K #attributes the first element of AICc to K AICc } ##survreg objects AICc.survreg <- function(mod, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, ...){ if(identical(nobs, NULL)) {n <- nrow(mod$y)} else {n <- nobs} LL <- logLik(mod)[1] K <- attr(logLik(mod), "df") #extract correct number of parameters included in model - this includes LM if(second.ord == TRUE) {AICc <- -2*LL+2*K*(n/(n-K-1))} else{AICc <- -2*LL+2*K} if(return.K == TRUE) AICc[1] <- K #attributes the first element of AICc to K AICc } ##unmarkedFit objects ##create function to extract AICc from 'unmarkedFit' AICc.unmarkedFit <- function(mod, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, c.hat = 1, ...) { LL <- extractLL(mod)[1] K <- attr(extractLL(mod), "df") if(is.null(nobs)) { n <- dim(mod@data@y)[1] } else {n <- nobs} if(c.hat == 1) { if(second.ord == TRUE) {AICc <- -2 * LL + 2 * K * (n/(n - K - 1))} else {AICc <- -2*LL + 2*K} } if(c.hat > 1 && c.hat <= 4) { ##adjust parameter count to include estimation of dispersion parameter K <- K + 1 if(second.ord == TRUE) { AICc <- (-2 * LL/c.hat) + 2 * K * (n/(n - K - 1)) } else { AICc <- (-2 * LL/c.hat) + 2*K} } if(c.hat > 4) stop("\nHigh overdispersion and model fit is questionable\n") if(c.hat < 1) stop("\nYou should set \'c.hat\' to 1 if < 1, but values << 1 might also indicate lack of fit\n") if(identical(return.K, TRUE)) { return(K) } else {return(AICc)} } ##vglm objects AICc.vglm <- function(mod, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, c.hat = 1, ...){ if(is.null(nobs)) { n <- nrow([email protected]) } else {n <- nobs} LL <- extractLL(mod)[1] ##extract number of estimated parameters K <- attr(extractLL(mod), "df") if(c.hat !=1) { <- mod@family@vfamily if( != "poissonff" && != "binomialff") stop("\nOverdispersion correction only appropriate for Poisson or binomial models\n") } if(c.hat == 1) { if(second.ord == TRUE) {AICc <- -2*LL+2*K*(n/(n-K-1))} else{AICc <- -2*LL+2*K} } if(c.hat > 1 && c.hat <= 4) { K <- K + 1 if(second.ord==TRUE) { AICc <- (-2*LL/c.hat) + 2*K*(n/(n-K-1)) ##adjust parameter count to include estimation of dispersion parameter } else{ AICc <- (-2*LL/c.hat) + 2*K} } if(c.hat > 4) stop("High overdispersion and model fit is questionable\n") if(c.hat < 1) stop("You should set \'c.hat\' to 1 if < 1, but values << 1 might also indicate lack of fit\n") if(return.K == TRUE) AICc[1] <- K #attributes the first element of AICc to K AICc } ##zeroinfl objects AICc.zeroinfl <- function(mod, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, ...){ if(identical(nobs, NULL)) {n <- length(mod$fitted)} else {n <- nobs} LL <- logLik(mod)[1] K <- attr(logLik(mod), "df") #extract correct number of parameters included in model - this includes LM if(second.ord == TRUE) {AICc <- -2*LL + 2*K*(n/(n-K-1))} else{AICc <- -2*LL + 2*K} if(return.K == TRUE) AICc[1] <- K #attributes the first element of AICc to K AICc }
##defunct functions - package AICcmodavg M. J. Mazerolle (updated 17 November 2016)
##custom functions for user-supplied model input ##Custom AICc computation where user inputs logL, K, and nobs manually ##convenient when output imported from other software AICcCustom <- function(logL, K, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, c.hat = 1) { if(is.null(nobs) && identical(second.ord, TRUE)) { stop("\nYou must supply a value for 'nobs' for the second-order AIC\n") } else {n <- nobs} LL <- logL if(c.hat == 1) { if(second.ord == TRUE) {AICc <- -2*LL+2*K*(n/(n-K-1))} else{AICc <- -2*LL+2*K} } if(c.hat > 1 && c.hat <= 4) { K <- K+1 if(second.ord==TRUE) { AICc <- (-2*LL/c.hat)+2*K*(n/(n-K-1)) ##adjust parameter count to include estimation of dispersion parameter } else{ AICc <- (-2*LL/c.hat)+2*K} # cat("\nc-hat estimate was added to parameter count\n") } if(c.hat > 4) stop("High overdispersion and model fit is questionable\n") if(c.hat < 1) stop("You should set \'c.hat\' to 1 if < 1, but values << 1 might also indicate lack of fit\n") if(return.K == TRUE) AICc <- K AICc } ##Custom model selection where user inputs logL, K, and nobs manually ##convenient when output imported from other software aictabCustom <- function(logL, K, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, c.hat = 1){ ##check if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(logL), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } ##check that nobs is the same for all models if(length(unique(nobs)) > 1) stop("\nSample size must be identical for all models\n") ##check that logL, K, estimate, se are vectors of same length nlogL <- length(logL) nK <- length(K) if(!all(nlogL == c(nlogL, nK))) stop("\nArguments 'logL' and 'K' must be of equal length\n") ##create model selection table Results <- NULL Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- AICcCustom(logL = logL, K = K, return.K = TRUE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat) #extract number of parameters Results$AICc <- AICcCustom(logL = logL, K = K, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat) #extract AICc Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc - min(Results$AICc) #compute delta AICc Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc) #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute Akaike weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(K)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") ##check if AICc and c.hat = 1 if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat == 1) { Results$LL <- logL } ##rename correctly to QAICc and add column for c-hat if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat > 1) { colnames(Results) <- c("Modnames", "K", "QAICc", "Delta_QAICc", "ModelLik", "QAICcWt") LL <- logL Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat Results$c_hat <- c.hat } ##rename correctly to AIC if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat == 1) { colnames(Results)<-c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt") Results$LL <- logL } ##rename correctly to QAIC and add column for c-hat if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat > 1) { colnames(Results)<-c("Modnames", "K", "QAIC", "Delta_QAIC", "ModelLik", "QAICWt") LL <- logL Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat Results$c_hat<-c.hat } if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ################################################### ################################################### ##BIC-related functions ##BIC useBICCustom <- function(logL, K, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, c.hat = 1){ if(is.null(nobs)) { stop("\nYou must supply a value for 'nobs' for the BIC\n") } else {n <- nobs} LL <- logL if(c.hat == 1) { BIC <- -2*LL + K * log(n) } if(c.hat > 1 && c.hat <= 4) { K <- K+1 BIC <- -2*LL/c.hat + K * log(n) } if(c.hat > 4) stop("High overdispersion and model fit is questionable\n") if(c.hat < 1) stop("You should set \'c.hat\' to 1 if < 1, but values << 1 might also indicate lack of fit\n") if(return.K == TRUE) BIC <- K #attributes the first element of BIC to K BIC } ##model selection with BIC bictabCustom <- function(logL, K, modnames = NULL, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, c.hat = 1){ ##check if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(logL), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } ##check that nobs is the same for all models if(length(unique(nobs)) > 1) stop("\nSample size must be identical for all models\n") ##check that logL, K, estimate, se are vectors of same length nlogL <- length(logL) nK <- length(K) if(!all(nlogL == c(nlogL, nK))) stop("\nArguments 'logL' and 'K' must be of equal length\n") ##create model selection table Results <- NULL Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- useBICCustom(logL = logL, K = K, return.K = TRUE, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat) #extract number of parameters Results$BIC <- useBICCustom(logL = logL, K = K, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat) #extract BIC Results$Delta_BIC <- Results$BIC - min(Results$BIC) #compute delta BIC Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_BIC) #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights Results$BICWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute BIC weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$BIC)) != length(K)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") ##check if BIC and c.hat = 1 if(c.hat == 1) { Results$LL <- logL } ##rename correctly to QBIC and add column for c-hat if(c.hat > 1) { colnames(Results) <- c("Modnames", "K", "QBIC", "Delta_QBIC", "ModelLik", "QBICWt") LL <- logL Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat Results$c_hat <- c.hat } if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("bictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##Custom model averaging where user inputs estimates and SE's manually ##convenient when model type or SE's not available from predict methods modavgCustom <- function(logL, K, modnames = NULL, estimate, se, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, c.hat = 1, useBIC = FALSE){ ##check if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(logL), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } ##check that logL, K, estimate, se are vectors of same length nlogL <- length(logL) nK <- length(K) nestimate <- length(estimate) nse <- length(se) if(!all(nlogL == c(nlogL, nK, nestimate, nse))) stop("\nArguments 'logL', 'K', 'estimate', and 'se' must be of equal length\n") ##compute table if(!useBIC) { new_table <- aictabCustom(modnames = modnames, logL = logL, K = K, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) #recompute AIC table and associated measures } if(useBIC) { new_table <- bictabCustom(modnames = modnames, logL = logL, K = K, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) #recompute AIC table and associated measures } new_table$Estimate <- estimate new_table$SE <- se ##if c-hat is estimated adjust the SE's by multiplying with sqrt of c-hat if(c.hat > 1) { new_table$SE <-new_table$SE*sqrt(c.hat) } if(!useBIC) { ##AICc ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_estimate <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Estimate) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Estimate- Modavg_estimate)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Estimate- Modavg_estimate)^2))) } } ##QAICc if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_estimate <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*new_table$Estimate) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Estimate- Modavg_estimate)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Estimate- Modavg_estimate)^2))) } } ##AIC if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == FALSE) { Modavg_estimate <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Estimate) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Estimate- Modavg_estimate)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Estimate- Modavg_estimate)^2))) } } ##QAIC if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == FALSE) { Modavg_estimate <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*new_table$Estimate) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Estimate- Modavg_estimate)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Estimate- Modavg_estimate)^2))) } } } if(useBIC){ ##BIC if(c.hat == 1) { Modavg_estimate <- sum(new_table$BICWt*new_table$Estimate) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$BICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Estimate- Modavg_estimate)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$BICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Estimate- Modavg_estimate)^2))) } } ##QBIC if(c.hat > 1) { Modavg_estimate <- sum(new_table$QBICWt*new_table$Estimate) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QBICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Estimate- Modavg_estimate)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QBICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Estimate- Modavg_estimate)^2))) } } } zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE) Lower_CL <- Modavg_estimate - zcrit*Uncond_SE Upper_CL <- Modavg_estimate + zcrit*Uncond_SE out.modavg <- list("Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.est" = Modavg_estimate, "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL"= Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL) class(out.modavg) <- c("modavgCustom", "list") return(out.modavg) } ##print method print.modavgCustom <- function(x, digits = 2, ...) { ic <- colnames(x$Mod.avg.table)[3] cat("\nMultimodel inference on manually-supplied parameter based on", ic, "\n") cat("\n", ic, "table used to obtain model-averaged estimate:\n") oldtab <- x$Mod.avg.table if (any(names(oldtab)=="c_hat")) {cat("\t(c-hat estimate = ", oldtab$c_hat[1], ")\n")} cat("\n") if (any(names(oldtab)=="c_hat")) { <- cbind(oldtab[,2], oldtab[,3], oldtab[,4], oldtab[,6], oldtab[,9], oldtab[,10]) } else { <- cbind(oldtab[,2], oldtab[,3], oldtab[,4], oldtab[,6], oldtab[,8], oldtab[,9]) } colnames( <- c(colnames(oldtab)[c(2, 3, 4, 6)], "Estimate", "SE") rownames( <- oldtab[, 1] print(round(, digits = digits)) cat("\nModel-averaged estimate:", eval(round(x$Mod.avg.est, digits = digits)), "\n") cat("Unconditional SE:", eval(round(x$Uncond.SE, digits = digits)), "\n") cat("",x$Conf.level*100, "% Unconditional confidence interval:", round(x$Lower.CL, digits = digits), ",", round(x$Upper.CL, digits = digits), "\n\n") } ##function for generic information criteria ictab <- function(ic, K, modnames = NULL, sort = TRUE, = NULL){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(ic), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } ##check that logL, K, estimate, se are vectors of same length nic <- length(ic) nK <- length(K) if(!all(nic == c(nic, nK))) stop("\nArguments 'ic' and 'K' must be of equal length\n") Results <- NULL Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- K Results$IC <- ic Results$Delta_IC <- Results$IC - min(Results$IC) #compute delta IC Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_IC) #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights Results$ICWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute Akaike weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$IC)) != length(K)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") ##check if name of IC is specified if(!is.null( { ##replace IC with names(Results) <- gsub(pattern = "IC", replacement =, x = names(Results)) } if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on delta IC Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("ictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } print.ictab <- function(x, digits = 2, ...) { cat("\nModel selection based on ", colnames(x)[3], ":\n", sep = "") cat("\n") #check if Cum.Wt should be printed if(any(names(x) == "Cum.Wt")) { <- cbind(x[, c(2:4, 6:7)]) colnames( <- colnames(x)[c(2:4, 6:7)] rownames( <- x[, 1] } else { <- cbind(x[, c(2:4, 6)]) colnames( <- colnames(x)[c(2:4, 6)] rownames( <- x[, 1] } print(round(, digits = digits)) #select rounding off with digits argument cat("\n") } ##model averaging for generic IC where user inputs estimates and SE's manually modavgIC <- function(ic, K, modnames = NULL, estimate, se, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, = NULL){ ##check if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(ic), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } ##check that logL, K, estimate, se are vectors of same length nic <- length(ic) nK <- length(K) nestimate <- length(estimate) nse <- length(se) if(!all(nic == c(nic, nK, nestimate, nse))) stop("\nArguments 'ic', 'K', 'estimate', and 'se' must be of equal length\n") ##compute table new_table <- ictab(ic = ic, K = K, modnames = modnames, sort = FALSE, = new_table$Estimate <- estimate new_table$SE <- se ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL Modavg_estimate <- sum(new_table[, 6] * new_table$Estimate) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table[, 6] * sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Estimate- Modavg_estimate)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table[, 6] * (new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Estimate - Modavg_estimate)^2))) } zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE) Lower_CL <- Modavg_estimate - zcrit*Uncond_SE Upper_CL <- Modavg_estimate + zcrit*Uncond_SE out.modavg <- list("Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.est" = Modavg_estimate, "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL"= Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL) class(out.modavg) <- c("modavgIC", "list") return(out.modavg) } ##print method print.modavgIC <- function(x, digits = 2, ...) { ic <- colnames(x$Mod.avg.table)[3] cat("\nMultimodel inference on manually-supplied parameter based on", ic, "\n") cat("\n", ic, "table used to obtain model-averaged estimate:\n") oldtab <- x$Mod.avg.table cat("\n") <- cbind(oldtab[, c(2:4, 6:8)]) colnames( <- colnames(oldtab)[c(2:4, 6:8)] rownames( <- oldtab[, 1] print(round(, digits = digits)) cat("\nModel-averaged estimate:", eval(round(x$Mod.avg.est, digits = digits)), "\n") cat("Unconditional SE:", eval(round(x$Uncond.SE, digits = digits)), "\n") cat("",x$Conf.level*100, "% Unconditional confidence interval:", round(x$Lower.CL, digits = digits), ",", round(x$Upper.CL, digits = digits), "\n\n") }
##generic DIC <- function(mod, return.pD = FALSE, ...) { UseMethod("DIC", mod) } ##default DIC.default <- function(mod, return.pD = FALSE, ...) { stop("\nFunction not yet defined for this object class\n") } ##bugs DIC.bugs <- function(mod, return.pD = FALSE, ...){ ## DIC = posterior mean of the deviance + pD, where pD is the effective number of parameters if(return.pD == FALSE){ DIC <- mod$DIC } else {DIC <- mod$pD} return(DIC) } ##jags DIC.rjags <- function(mod, return.pD = FALSE, ...){ ## DIC = posterior mean of the deviance + pD, where pD is the effective number of parameters if(return.pD == FALSE){ DIC <- mod$BUGSoutput$DIC } else {DIC <- mod$BUGSoutput$pD} return(DIC) } ##jagsUI DIC.jagsUI <- function(mod, return.pD = FALSE, ...){ ## DIC = posterior mean of the deviance + pD, where pD is the effective number of parameters if(return.pD == FALSE){ DIC <- mod$DIC } else {DIC <- mod$pD} return(DIC) }
##Goodness-of-fit test based on the chi-square ##chi-square Nmix.chisq <- function(mod, ...) { UseMethod("Nmix.chisq", mod) } Nmix.chisq.default <- function(mod, ...) { stop("\nFunction not yet defined for this object class\n") } ##PCount Nmix.chisq.unmarkedFitPCount <- function(mod, ...) { ##extract original data from model object obs <- mod@data@y ##extract fitted values fits <- fitted(mod) ##check if sites were removed from analysis sr <- mod@sitesRemoved if(length(sr) > 0) { obs <- obs[-sr, ] fits <- fits[-sr, ] } ##add NA's where fitted values are NA #obs[] <- NA ##compute chi-square chi.sq <- sum((obs - fits)^2/fits, na.rm = TRUE) #added argument na.rm = TRUE when NA's occur result <- list(chi.square = chi.sq, model.type = class(mod)[1]) class(result) <- "Nmix.chisq" return(result) } ##PCO Nmix.chisq.unmarkedFitPCO <- function(mod, ...) { ##extract original data from model object obs <- mod@data@y ##extract fitted values fits <- fitted(mod) ##check if sites were removed from analysis sr <- mod@sitesRemoved if(length(sr) > 0) { obs <- obs[-sr, ] fits <- fits[-sr, ] } ##add NA's where fitted values are NA #obs[] <- NA ##compute chi-square chi.sq <- sum((obs - fits)^2/fits, na.rm = TRUE) #added argument na.rm = TRUE when NA's occur result <- list(chi.square = chi.sq, model.type = class(mod)[1]) class(result) <- "Nmix.chisq" return(result) } ##unmarkedFitMPois Nmix.chisq.unmarkedFitMPois <- function(mod, ...) { ##extract original data from model object obs <- mod@data@y ##extract fitted values fits <- fitted(mod) ##check if sites were removed from analysis sr <- mod@sitesRemoved if(length(sr) > 0) { obs <- obs[-sr, ] fits <- fits[-sr, ] } ##add NA's where fitted values are NA #obs[] <- NA ##compute chi-square chi.sq <- sum((obs - fits)^2/fits, na.rm = TRUE) #added argument na.rm = TRUE when NA's occur result <- list(chi.square = chi.sq, model.type = class(mod)[1]) class(result) <- "Nmix.chisq" return(result) } ##unmarkedFitDS Nmix.chisq.unmarkedFitDS <- function(mod, ...) { ##extract original data from model object obs <- mod@data@y ##extract fitted values fits <- fitted(mod) ##check if sites were removed from analysis sr <- mod@sitesRemoved if(length(sr) > 0) { obs <- obs[-sr, ] fits <- fits[-sr, ] } ##add NA's where fitted values are NA #obs[] <- NA ##compute chi-square chi.sq <- sum((obs - fits)^2/fits, na.rm = TRUE) #added argument na.rm = TRUE when NA's occur result <- list(chi.square = chi.sq, model.type = class(mod)[1]) class(result) <- "Nmix.chisq" return(result) } ##unmarkedFitGDS Nmix.chisq.unmarkedFitGDS <- function(mod, ...) { ##extract original data from model object obs <- mod@data@y ##extract fitted values fits <- fitted(mod) ##check if sites were removed from analysis sr <- mod@sitesRemoved if(length(sr) > 0) { obs <- obs[-sr, ] fits <- fits[-sr, ] } ##add NA's where fitted values are NA #obs[] <- NA ##compute chi-square chi.sq <- sum((obs - fits)^2/fits, na.rm = TRUE) #added argument na.rm = TRUE when NA's occur result <- list(chi.square = chi.sq, model.type = class(mod)[1]) class(result) <- "Nmix.chisq" return(result) } ##unmarkedFitGPC Nmix.chisq.unmarkedFitGPC <- function(mod, ...) { ##extract original data from model object obs <- mod@data@y ##extract fitted values fits <- fitted(mod) ##check if sites were removed from analysis sr <- mod@sitesRemoved if(length(sr) > 0) { obs <- obs[-sr, ] fits <- fits[-sr, ] } ##add NA's where fitted values are NA #obs[] <- NA ##compute chi-square chi.sq <- sum((obs - fits)^2/fits, na.rm = TRUE) #added argument na.rm = TRUE when NA's occur result <- list(chi.square = chi.sq, model.type = class(mod)[1]) class(result) <- "Nmix.chisq" return(result) } ##unmarkedFitGMM Nmix.chisq.unmarkedFitGMM <- function(mod, ...) { ##extract original data from model object obs <- mod@data@y ##extract fitted values fits <- fitted(mod) ##check if sites were removed from analysis sr <- mod@sitesRemoved if(length(sr) > 0) { obs <- obs[-sr, ] fits <- fits[-sr, ] } ##add NA's where fitted values are NA #obs[] <- NA ##compute chi-square chi.sq <- sum((obs - fits)^2/fits, na.rm = TRUE) #added argument na.rm = TRUE when NA's occur result <- list(chi.square = chi.sq, model.type = class(mod)[1]) class(result) <- "Nmix.chisq" return(result) } ##multmixOpen Nmix.chisq.unmarkedFitMMO <- function(mod, ...) { ##extract original data from model object obs <- mod@data@y ##extract fitted values fits <- fitted(mod) ##check if sites were removed from analysis sr <- mod@sitesRemoved if(length(sr) > 0) { obs <- obs[-sr, ] fits <- fits[-sr, ] } ##add NA's where fitted values are NA #obs[] <- NA ##compute chi-square chi.sq <- sum((obs - fits)^2/fits, na.rm = TRUE) #added argument na.rm = TRUE when NA's occur result <- list(chi.square = chi.sq, model.type = class(mod)[1]) class(result) <- "Nmix.chisq" return(result) } ##distsampOpen Nmix.chisq.unmarkedFitDSO <- function(mod, ...) { ##extract original data from model object obs <- mod@data@y ##extract fitted values fits <- fitted(mod) ##check if sites were removed from analysis sr <- mod@sitesRemoved if(length(sr) > 0) { obs <- obs[-sr, ] fits <- fits[-sr, ] } ##add NA's where fitted values are NA #obs[] <- NA ##compute chi-square chi.sq <- sum((obs - fits)^2/fits, na.rm = TRUE) #added argument na.rm = TRUE when NA's occur result <- list(chi.square = chi.sq, model.type = class(mod)[1]) class(result) <- "Nmix.chisq" return(result) } ##generic Nmix.gof.test <- function(mod, nsim = 5, plot.hist = TRUE, report = NULL, parallel = TRUE, ncores, cex.axis = 1, cex.lab = 1, cex.main = 1, lwd = 1,...){ UseMethod("Nmix.gof.test", mod) } Nmix.gof.test.default <- function(mod, nsim = 5, plot.hist = TRUE, report = NULL, parallel = TRUE, ncores, cex.axis = 1, cex.lab = 1, cex.main = 1, lwd = 1,...){ stop("\nFunction not yet defined for this object class\n") } ##PCount Nmix.gof.test.unmarkedFitPCount <- function(mod, nsim = 5, plot.hist = TRUE, report = NULL, parallel = TRUE, ncores, cex.axis = 1, cex.lab = 1, cex.main = 1, lwd = 1, ...){ ##more bootstrap samples are recommended (e.g., 1000, 5000, or 10 000) ##extract model type model.type <- Nmix.chisq(mod)$model.type ##if NULL, don't print test statistic at each iteration if(is.null(report)) { ##compute GOF P-value out <- parboot(mod, statistic = function(i) Nmix.chisq(i)$chi.square, nsim = nsim, parallel = parallel, ncores = ncores) } else { ##compute GOF P-value out <- parboot(mod, statistic = function(i) Nmix.chisq(i)$chi.square, nsim = nsim, report = report, parallel = parallel, ncores = ncores) } ##determine significance p.value <- sum([email protected] >= out@t0)/nsim if(p.value == 0) { p.display <- paste("<", round(1/nsim, digits = 4)) } else { p.display = paste("=", round(p.value, digits = 4)) } ##create plot if(plot.hist) { hist([email protected], main = as.expression(substitute("Bootstrapped "*chi^2*" fit statistic ("*nsim*" samples)", list(nsim = nsim))), xlim = range(c([email protected], out@t0)), xlab = paste("Simulated statistic ", "(observed = ", round(out@t0, digits = 2), ")", sep = ""), cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.main = cex.main) title(main = bquote(paste(italic(P), .(p.display))), line = 0.5, cex.main = cex.main) abline(v = out@t0, lty = "dashed", col = "red", lwd = lwd) } ##estimate c-hat c.hat.est <- out@t0/mean([email protected]) ##assemble result gof.out <- list(model.type = model.type, chi.square = out@t0, = [email protected], p.value = p.value, c.hat.est = c.hat.est, nsim = nsim) class(gof.out) <- "Nmix.chisq" return(gof.out) } ##PCO Nmix.gof.test.unmarkedFitPCO <- function(mod, nsim = 5, plot.hist = TRUE, report = NULL, parallel = TRUE, ncores, cex.axis = 1, cex.lab = 1, cex.main = 1, lwd = 1, ...){ ##more bootstrap samples are recommended (e.g., 1000, 5000, or 10 000) ##extract model type model.type <- Nmix.chisq(mod)$model.type ##if NULL, don't print test statistic at each iteration if(is.null(report)) { ##compute GOF P-value out <- parboot(mod, statistic = function(i) Nmix.chisq(i)$chi.square, nsim = nsim, parallel = parallel, ncores = ncores) } else { ##compute GOF P-value out <- parboot(mod, statistic = function(i) Nmix.chisq(i)$chi.square, nsim = nsim, report = report, parallel = parallel, ncores = ncores) } ##determine significance p.value <- sum([email protected] >= out@t0)/nsim if(p.value == 0) { p.display <- paste("<", round(1/nsim, digits = 4)) } else { p.display = paste("=", round(p.value, digits = 4)) } ##create plot if(plot.hist) { hist([email protected], main = as.expression(substitute("Bootstrapped "*chi^2*" fit statistic ("*nsim*" samples)", list(nsim = nsim))), xlim = range(c([email protected], out@t0)), xlab = paste("Simulated statistic ", "(observed = ", round(out@t0, digits = 2), ")", sep = ""), cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.main = cex.main) title(main = bquote(paste(italic(P), .(p.display))), line = 0.5, cex.main = cex.main) abline(v = out@t0, lty = "dashed", col = "red", lwd = lwd) } ##estimate c-hat c.hat.est <- out@t0/mean([email protected]) ##assemble result gof.out <- list(model.type = model.type, chi.square = out@t0, = [email protected], p.value = p.value, c.hat.est = c.hat.est, nsim = nsim) class(gof.out) <- "Nmix.chisq" return(gof.out) } ##DS Nmix.gof.test.unmarkedFitDS <- function(mod, nsim = 5, plot.hist = TRUE, report = NULL, parallel = TRUE, ncores, cex.axis = 1, cex.lab = 1, cex.main = 1, lwd = 1, ...){ ##more bootstrap samples are recommended (e.g., 1000, 5000, or 10 000) ##extract model type model.type <- Nmix.chisq(mod)$model.type ##if NULL, don't print test statistic at each iteration if(is.null(report)) { ##compute GOF P-value out <- parboot(mod, statistic = function(i) Nmix.chisq(i)$chi.square, nsim = nsim, parallel = parallel, ncores = ncores) } else { ##compute GOF P-value out <- parboot(mod, statistic = function(i) Nmix.chisq(i)$chi.square, nsim = nsim, report = report, parallel = parallel, ncores = ncores) } ##determine significance p.value <- sum([email protected] >= out@t0)/nsim if(p.value == 0) { p.display <- paste("<", round(1/nsim, digits = 4)) } else { p.display = paste("=", round(p.value, digits = 4)) } ##create plot if(plot.hist) { hist([email protected], main = as.expression(substitute("Bootstrapped "*chi^2*" fit statistic ("*nsim*" samples)", list(nsim = nsim))), xlim = range(c([email protected], out@t0)), xlab = paste("Simulated statistic ", "(observed = ", round(out@t0, digits = 2), ")", sep = ""), cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.main = cex.main) title(main = bquote(paste(italic(P), .(p.display))), line = 0.5, cex.main = cex.main) abline(v = out@t0, lty = "dashed", col = "red", lwd = lwd) } ##estimate c-hat c.hat.est <- out@t0/mean([email protected]) ##assemble result gof.out <- list(model.type = model.type, chi.square = out@t0, = [email protected], p.value = p.value, c.hat.est = c.hat.est, nsim = nsim) class(gof.out) <- "Nmix.chisq" return(gof.out) } ##GDS Nmix.gof.test.unmarkedFitGDS <- function(mod, nsim = 5, plot.hist = TRUE, report = NULL, parallel = TRUE, ncores, cex.axis = 1, cex.lab = 1, cex.main = 1, lwd = 1, ...){ ##more bootstrap samples are recommended (e.g., 1000, 5000, or 10 000) ##extract model type model.type <- Nmix.chisq(mod)$model.type ##if NULL, don't print test statistic at each iteration if(is.null(report)) { ##compute GOF P-value out <- parboot(mod, statistic = function(i) Nmix.chisq(i)$chi.square, nsim = nsim, parallel = parallel, ncores = ncores) } else { ##compute GOF P-value out <- parboot(mod, statistic = function(i) Nmix.chisq(i)$chi.square, nsim = nsim, report = report, parallel = parallel, ncores = ncores) } ##determine significance p.value <- sum([email protected] >= out@t0)/nsim if(p.value == 0) { p.display <- paste("<", round(1/nsim, digits = 4)) } else { p.display = paste("=", round(p.value, digits = 4)) } ##create plot if(plot.hist) { hist([email protected], main = as.expression(substitute("Bootstrapped "*chi^2*" fit statistic ("*nsim*" samples)", list(nsim = nsim))), xlim = range(c([email protected], out@t0)), xlab = paste("Simulated statistic ", "(observed = ", round(out@t0, digits = 2), ")", sep = ""), cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.main = cex.main) title(main = bquote(paste(italic(P), .(p.display))), line = 0.5, cex.main = cex.main) abline(v = out@t0, lty = "dashed", col = "red", lwd = lwd) } ##estimate c-hat c.hat.est <- out@t0/mean([email protected]) ##assemble result gof.out <- list(model.type = model.type, chi.square = out@t0, = [email protected], p.value = p.value, c.hat.est = c.hat.est, nsim = nsim) class(gof.out) <- "Nmix.chisq" return(gof.out) } ##GMM Nmix.gof.test.unmarkedFitGMM <- function(mod, nsim = 5, plot.hist = TRUE, report = NULL, parallel = TRUE, ncores, cex.axis = 1, cex.lab = 1, cex.main = 1, lwd = 1, ...){ ##more bootstrap samples are recommended (e.g., 1000, 5000, or 10 000) ##extract model type model.type <- Nmix.chisq(mod)$model.type ##if NULL, don't print test statistic at each iteration if(is.null(report)) { ##compute GOF P-value out <- parboot(mod, statistic = function(i) Nmix.chisq(i)$chi.square, nsim = nsim, parallel = parallel, ncores = ncores) } else { ##compute GOF P-value out <- parboot(mod, statistic = function(i) Nmix.chisq(i)$chi.square, nsim = nsim, report = report, parallel = parallel, ncores = ncores) } ##determine significance p.value <- sum([email protected] >= out@t0)/nsim if(p.value == 0) { p.display <- paste("<", round(1/nsim, digits = 4)) } else { p.display = paste("=", round(p.value, digits = 4)) } ##create plot if(plot.hist) { hist([email protected], main = as.expression(substitute("Bootstrapped "*chi^2*" fit statistic ("*nsim*" samples)", list(nsim = nsim))), xlim = range(c([email protected], out@t0)), xlab = paste("Simulated statistic ", "(observed = ", round(out@t0, digits = 2), ")", sep = ""), cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.main = cex.main) title(main = bquote(paste(italic(P), .(p.display))), line = 0.5, cex.main = cex.main) abline(v = out@t0, lty = "dashed", col = "red", lwd = lwd) } ##estimate c-hat c.hat.est <- out@t0/mean([email protected]) ##assemble result gof.out <- list(model.type = model.type, chi.square = out@t0, = [email protected], p.value = p.value, c.hat.est = c.hat.est, nsim = nsim) class(gof.out) <- "Nmix.chisq" return(gof.out) } ##GPC Nmix.gof.test.unmarkedFitGPC <- function(mod, nsim = 5, plot.hist = TRUE, report = NULL, parallel = TRUE, ncores, cex.axis = 1, cex.lab = 1, cex.main = 1, lwd = 1,...){ ##more bootstrap samples are recommended (e.g., 1000, 5000, or 10 000) ##extract model type model.type <- Nmix.chisq(mod)$model.type ##if NULL, don't print test statistic at each iteration if(is.null(report)) { ##compute GOF P-value out <- parboot(mod, statistic = function(i) Nmix.chisq(i)$chi.square, nsim = nsim, parallel = parallel, ncores = ncores) } else { ##compute GOF P-value out <- parboot(mod, statistic = function(i) Nmix.chisq(i)$chi.square, nsim = nsim, report = report, parallel = parallel, ncores = ncores) } ##determine significance p.value <- sum([email protected] >= out@t0)/nsim if(p.value == 0) { p.display <- paste("<", round(1/nsim, digits = 4)) } else { p.display = paste("=", round(p.value, digits = 4)) } ##create plot if(plot.hist) { hist([email protected], main = as.expression(substitute("Bootstrapped "*chi^2*" fit statistic ("*nsim*" samples)", list(nsim = nsim))), xlim = range(c([email protected], out@t0)), xlab = paste("Simulated statistic ", "(observed = ", round(out@t0, digits = 2), ")", sep = ""), cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.main = cex.main) title(main = bquote(paste(italic(P), .(p.display))), line = 0.5, cex.main = cex.main) abline(v = out@t0, lty = "dashed", col = "red", lwd = lwd) } ##estimate c-hat c.hat.est <- out@t0/mean([email protected]) ##assemble result gof.out <- list(model.type = model.type, chi.square = out@t0, = [email protected], p.value = p.value, c.hat.est = c.hat.est, nsim = nsim) class(gof.out) <- "Nmix.chisq" return(gof.out) } ##MPois Nmix.gof.test.unmarkedFitMPois <- function(mod, nsim = 5, plot.hist = TRUE, report = NULL, parallel = TRUE, ncores, cex.axis = 1, cex.lab = 1, cex.main = 1, lwd = 1, ...){ ##more bootstrap samples are recommended (e.g., 1000, 5000, or 10 000) ##extract model type model.type <- Nmix.chisq(mod)$model.type ##if NULL, don't print test statistic at each iteration if(is.null(report)) { ##compute GOF P-value out <- parboot(mod, statistic = function(i) Nmix.chisq(i)$chi.square, nsim = nsim, parallel = parallel, ncores = ncores) } else { ##compute GOF P-value out <- parboot(mod, statistic = function(i) Nmix.chisq(i)$chi.square, nsim = nsim, report = report, parallel = parallel, ncores = ncores) } ##determine significance p.value <- sum([email protected] >= out@t0)/nsim if(p.value == 0) { p.display <- paste("<", round(1/nsim, digits = 4)) } else { p.display = paste("=", round(p.value, digits = 4)) } ##create plot if(plot.hist) { hist([email protected], main = as.expression(substitute("Bootstrapped "*chi^2*" fit statistic ("*nsim*" samples)", list(nsim = nsim))), xlim = range(c([email protected], out@t0)), xlab = paste("Simulated statistic ", "(observed = ", round(out@t0, digits = 2), ")", sep = ""), cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.main = cex.main) title(main = bquote(paste(italic(P), .(p.display))), line = 0.5, cex.main = cex.main) abline(v = out@t0, lty = "dashed", col = "red", lwd = lwd) } ##estimate c-hat c.hat.est <- out@t0/mean([email protected]) ##assemble result gof.out <- list(model.type = model.type, chi.square = out@t0, = [email protected], p.value = p.value, c.hat.est = c.hat.est, nsim = nsim) class(gof.out) <- "Nmix.chisq" return(gof.out) } ##multmixOpen Nmix.gof.test.unmarkedFitMMO <- function(mod, nsim = 5, plot.hist = TRUE, report = NULL, parallel = TRUE, ncores, cex.axis = 1, cex.lab = 1, cex.main = 1, lwd = 1, ...){ ##more bootstrap samples are recommended (e.g., 1000, 5000, or 10 000) ##extract model type model.type <- Nmix.chisq(mod)$model.type ##if NULL, don't print test statistic at each iteration if(is.null(report)) { ##compute GOF P-value out <- parboot(mod, statistic = function(i) Nmix.chisq(i)$chi.square, nsim = nsim, parallel = parallel, ncores = ncores) } else { ##compute GOF P-value out <- parboot(mod, statistic = function(i) Nmix.chisq(i)$chi.square, nsim = nsim, report = report, parallel = parallel, ncores = ncores) } ##determine significance p.value <- sum([email protected] >= out@t0)/nsim if(p.value == 0) { p.display <- paste("<", round(1/nsim, digits = 4)) } else { p.display = paste("=", round(p.value, digits = 4)) } ##create plot if(plot.hist) { hist([email protected], main = as.expression(substitute("Bootstrapped "*chi^2*" fit statistic ("*nsim*" samples)", list(nsim = nsim))), xlim = range(c([email protected], out@t0)), xlab = paste("Simulated statistic ", "(observed = ", round(out@t0, digits = 2), ")", sep = ""), cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.main = cex.main) title(main = bquote(paste(italic(P), .(p.display))), line = 0.5, cex.main = cex.main) abline(v = out@t0, lty = "dashed", col = "red", lwd = lwd) } ##estimate c-hat c.hat.est <- out@t0/mean([email protected]) ##assemble result gof.out <- list(model.type = model.type, chi.square = out@t0, = [email protected], p.value = p.value, c.hat.est = c.hat.est, nsim = nsim) class(gof.out) <- "Nmix.chisq" return(gof.out) } ##distsampOpen Nmix.gof.test.unmarkedFitDSO <- function(mod, nsim = 5, plot.hist = TRUE, report = NULL, parallel = TRUE, ncores, cex.axis = 1, cex.lab = 1, cex.main = 1, lwd = 1, ...){ ##more bootstrap samples are recommended (e.g., 1000, 5000, or 10 000) ##extract model type model.type <- Nmix.chisq(mod)$model.type ##if NULL, don't print test statistic at each iteration if(is.null(report)) { ##compute GOF P-value out <- parboot(mod, statistic = function(i) Nmix.chisq(i)$chi.square, nsim = nsim, parallel = parallel, ncores = ncores) } else { ##compute GOF P-value out <- parboot(mod, statistic = function(i) Nmix.chisq(i)$chi.square, nsim = nsim, report = report, parallel = parallel, ncores = ncores) } ##determine significance p.value <- sum([email protected] >= out@t0)/nsim if(p.value == 0) { p.display <- paste("<", round(1/nsim, digits = 4)) } else { p.display = paste("=", round(p.value, digits = 4)) } ##create plot if(plot.hist) { hist([email protected], main = as.expression(substitute("Bootstrapped "*chi^2*" fit statistic ("*nsim*" samples)", list(nsim = nsim))), xlim = range(c([email protected], out@t0)), xlab = paste("Simulated statistic ", "(observed = ", round(out@t0, digits = 2), ")", sep = ""), cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.main = cex.main) title(main = bquote(paste(italic(P), .(p.display))), line = 0.5, cex.main = cex.main) abline(v = out@t0, lty = "dashed", col = "red", lwd = lwd) } ##estimate c-hat c.hat.est <- out@t0/mean([email protected]) ##assemble result gof.out <- list(model.type = model.type, chi.square = out@t0, = [email protected], p.value = p.value, c.hat.est = c.hat.est, nsim = nsim) class(gof.out) <- "Nmix.chisq" return(gof.out) } ##print method print.Nmix.chisq <- function(x, digits.vals = 2, digits.chisq = 4, ...) { cat("\nChi-square goodness-of-fit for N-mixture model of \'", x$model.type, "\' class\n", sep = "") cat("\nObserved chi-square statistic =", round(x$chi.square, digits = digits.chisq), "\n") if(length(x) > 2){ cat("Number of bootstrap samples =", x$nsim) cat("\nP-value =", x$p.value) cat("\n\nQuantiles of bootstrapped statistics:\n") print(quantile(x$, digits = digits.vals) cat("\nEstimate of c-hat =", round(x$c.hat.est, digits = digits.vals), "\n") } cat("\n") }
##create generic aictab aictab <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...) { ##format list according to model class cand.set <- formatCands(cand.set) UseMethod("aictab", cand.set) } ##default to indicate when object class not supported aictab.default <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...) { stop("\nFunction not yet defined for this object class\n") } ##aov aictab.AICaov.lm <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) formula(b)[2]) if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same response variable for all models\n") Results <- NULL Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = AICc, return.K = TRUE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs)) #extract number of parameters Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = AICc, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs)) #extract AICc # Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc - min(Results$AICc) #compute delta AICc Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc) #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute Akaike weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") ##extract LL Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1])) ##rename correctly to AIC if(second.ord == FALSE) { colnames(Results)[1:6] <- c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt") } if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##betareg aictab.AICbetareg <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) formula(b)[2]) if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same response variable for all models\n") Results <- NULL Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = AICc, return.K = TRUE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs)) #extract number of parameters Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = AICc, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs)) #extract AICc # Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc - min(Results$AICc) #compute delta AICc Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc) #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute Akaike weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") ##extract LL Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1])) ##rename correctly to AIC if(second.ord == FALSE) { colnames(Results)[1:6] <- c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt") } if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##clm aictab.AICsclm.clm <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) formula(b)[2]) if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same response variable for all models\n") Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = TRUE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs)) #extract number of parameters Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs)) #extract AICc # Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc - min(Results$AICc) #compute delta AICc Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc) #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute Akaike weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X= cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1])) ##rename correctly to AIC if(second.ord == FALSE) { colnames(Results)[1:6] <- c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt") } if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##clm aictab.AICclm <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) formula(b)[2]) if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same response variable for all models\n") Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = TRUE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs)) #extract number of parameters Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs)) #extract AICc # Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc - min(Results$AICc) #compute delta AICc Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc) #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute Akaike weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X= cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1])) ##rename correctly to AIC if(second.ord == FALSE) { colnames(Results)[1:6] <- c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt") } if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##clmm aictab.AICclmm <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) formula(b)[2]) if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same response variable for all models\n") Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = TRUE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs)) #extract number of parameters Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs)) #extract AICc # Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc - min(Results$AICc) #compute delta AICc Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc) #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute Akaike weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X= cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1])) ##rename correctly to AIC if(second.ord == FALSE) { colnames(Results)[1:6] <- c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt") } if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##coxme aictab.AICcoxme <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) formula(b)$fixed[2]) if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same response variable for all models\n") ##arrange in table Results <- data.frame(Modnames=modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = TRUE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs)) #extract number of parameters Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs)) #extract AICc Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc - min(Results$AICc) #compute delta AICc Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc) #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute Akaike weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") ##add partial log-likelihood column Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN=function(i) extractLL(i)[1])) ##rename correctly to AIC if(second.ord==FALSE) { colnames(Results)[1:6] <- c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt") } if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##coxph and clogit aictab.AICcoxph <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) formula(b)[2]) if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same response variable for all models\n") ##arrange in table Results <- data.frame(Modnames=modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = TRUE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs)) #extract number of parameters Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs)) #extract AICc Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc - min(Results$AICc) #compute delta AICc Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc) #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute Akaike weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") ##add partial log-likelihood column Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i)[1])) ##rename correctly to AIC if(second.ord == FALSE) { colnames(Results)[1:6] <- c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt") } if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##fitdist (from fitdistrplus) aictab.AICfitdist <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models #check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) formula(b)[2]) #if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same response variable for all models\n") Results <- NULL Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = AICc, return.K = TRUE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs)) #extract number of parameters Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = AICc, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs)) #extract AICc # Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc - min(Results$AICc) #compute delta AICc Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc) #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute Akaike weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") ##extract LL Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1])) ##rename correctly to AIC if(second.ord == FALSE) { colnames(Results)[1:6] <- c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt") } if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##fitdistr (from MASS) aictab.AICfitdistr <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models #check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) formula(b)[2]) #if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same response variable for all models\n") Results <- NULL Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = AICc, return.K = TRUE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs)) #extract number of parameters Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = AICc, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs)) #extract AICc # Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc - min(Results$AICc) #compute delta AICc Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc) #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute Akaike weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") ##extract LL Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1])) ##rename correctly to AIC if(second.ord == FALSE) { colnames(Results)[1:6] <- c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt") } if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##glm aictab.AICglm.lm <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, c.hat = 1, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) formula(b)[2]) if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same response variable for all models\n") Results <- NULL Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = AICc, return.K = TRUE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat)) #extract number of parameters Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = AICc, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat)) #extract AICc Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc - min(Results$AICc) #compute delta AICc Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc) #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute Akaike weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") ##check if AICc and c.hat = 1 if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat == 1) { Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN=function(i) logLik(i)[1])) } ##rename correctly to QAICc and add column for c-hat if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat > 1) { colnames(Results) <- c("Modnames", "K", "QAICc", "Delta_QAICc", "ModelLik", "QAICcWt") LL <- unlist(lapply(X=cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1])) Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat Results$c_hat <- c.hat } ##rename correctly to AIC if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat == 1) { colnames(Results)<-c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt") Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X=cand.set, FUN=function(i) logLik(i)[1])) } ##rename correctly to QAIC and add column for c-hat if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat > 1) { colnames(Results)<-c("Modnames", "K", "QAIC", "Delta_QAIC", "ModelLik", "QAICWt") LL <- unlist(lapply(X=cand.set, FUN=function(i) logLik(i)[1])) Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat Results$c_hat<-c.hat } if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##glmerMod aictab.AICglmmTMB <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, c.hat = 1, ...){ #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta AICc ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) formula(b)[2]) if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same response variable for all models\n") Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = TRUE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat)) #extract number of parameters Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat)) #extract AICc Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc - min(Results$AICc) #compute delta AICc Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc) #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute Akaike weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") ##check if AICc and c.hat = 1 if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat == 1) { Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN=function(i) logLik(i)[1])) } ##rename correctly to QAICc and add column for c-hat if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat > 1) { colnames(Results) <- c("Modnames", "K", "QAICc", "Delta_QAICc", "ModelLik", "QAICcWt") LL <- unlist(lapply(X=cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1])) Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat Results$c_hat <- c.hat } ##rename correctly to AIC if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat == 1) { colnames(Results)<-c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt") Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X=cand.set, FUN=function(i) logLik(i)[1])) } ##rename correctly to QAIC and add column for c-hat if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat > 1) { colnames(Results)<-c("Modnames", "K", "QAIC", "Delta_QAIC", "ModelLik", "QAICWt") LL <- unlist(lapply(X=cand.set, FUN=function(i) logLik(i)[1])) Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat Results$c_hat<-c.hat } if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##gls aictab.AICgls <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...){ #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta AICc ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) formula(b)[2]) if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same response variable for all models\n") Results <- NULL ##check if models were fit with same method (REML or ML) check_ML <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i$method)) if (any(check_ML != "ML")) { warning("\nModel selection for fixed effects is only appropriate with method='ML':", "\n", "REML (default) should only be used to select random effects for a constant set of fixed effects\n") } check.method <- unique(check_ML) if(identical(check.method, c("ML", "REML"))) { stop("\nYou should not have models fit with REML and ML in the same candidate model set\n") } Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = TRUE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs)) #extract number of parameters Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs)) #extract AICc # Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc - min(Results$AICc) #compute delta AICc Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc) #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute Akaike weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") #check if ML or REML used and add column accordingly if(identical(check.method, "ML")) { Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN=function(i) logLik(i)[1])) } if(identical(check.method, "REML")) { Results$Res.LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1])) } #rename correctly to AIC if(second.ord == FALSE) { colnames(Results)[1:6] <- c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt") } if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##gnls aictab.AICgnls.gls <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...){ #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta AICc ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) formula(b)[2]) if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same response variable for all models\n") Results <- data.frame(Modnames=modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = TRUE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs)) #extract number of parameters Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs)) #extract AICc # Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc - min(Results$AICc) #compute delta AICc Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc) #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute Akaike weights Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1])) ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") ##rename correctly to AIC if(second.ord == FALSE) { colnames(Results)[1:6] <- c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt") } if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##hurdle aictab.AIChurdle <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...){ #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta AICc ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } #if(c.hat != 1) stop("\nThis function does not support overdispersion in \'zeroinfl\' models\n") ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) formula(b)[2]) if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same data set for all models\n") Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = TRUE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs)) #extract number of parameters Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs)) #extract AICc # Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc - min(Results$AICc) #compute delta AICc Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc) #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute Akaike weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X= cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i))) ##rename correctly to AIC if(second.ord == FALSE) { colnames(Results)[1:6] <- c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt") } if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##lavaan aictab.AIClavaan <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##add check to see whether observed variables are the same for all models check.obs <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) b@[email protected][[1]])) ##frequency of each observed variable freq.obs <- table(check.obs) if(length(unique(freq.obs)) > 1) stop("\nModels with different sets of observed variables are not directly comparable\n") Results <- NULL Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = AICc, return.K = TRUE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs)) #extract number of parameters Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = AICc, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs)) #extract AICc # Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc - min(Results$AICc) #compute delta AICc Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc) #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute Akaike weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") ##extract LL Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1])) ##rename correctly to AIC if(second.ord == FALSE) { colnames(Results)[1:6] <- c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt") } if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##lm aictab.AIClm <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) formula(b)[2]) if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same response variable for all models\n") Results <- NULL Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = AICc, return.K = TRUE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs)) #extract number of parameters Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = AICc, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs)) #extract AICc # Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc - min(Results$AICc) #compute delta AICc Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc) #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute Akaike weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") ##extract LL Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1])) ##rename correctly to AIC if(second.ord == FALSE) { colnames(Results)[1:6] <- c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt") } if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##lme aictab.AIClme <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...){ #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta AICc ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) formula(b)[2]) if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same response variable for all models\n") Results <- NULL #check if models were fit with same method (REML or ML) check_ML <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i$method)) if (any(check_ML != "ML")) { warning("\nModel selection for fixed effects is only appropriate with method='ML':", "\n", "REML (default) should only be used to select random effects for a constant set of fixed effects\n") } check.method <- unique(check_ML) if(identical(check.method, c("ML", "REML"))) { stop("\nYou should not have models fit with REML and ML in the same candidate model set\n") } Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = TRUE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs)) #extract number of parameters Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs)) #extract AICc Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc-min(Results$AICc) #compute delta AICc Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc) #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute Akaike weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") #check if ML or REML used and add column accordingly if(identical(check.method, "ML")) { Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X= cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1])) } if(identical(check.method, "REML")) { Results$Res.LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1])) } #rename correctly to AIC if(second.ord == FALSE) { colnames(Results)[1:6] <- c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt") } if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##lmekin aictab.AIClmekin <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...){ #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta AICc ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) formula(b)[2]) if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same response variable for all models\n") Results <- NULL #check if models were fit with same method (REML or ML) check_ML <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i$method)) if (any(check_ML != "ML")) { warning("\nModel selection for fixed effects is only appropriate with method='ML':", "\n", "REML (default) should only be used to select random effects for a constant set of fixed effects\n") } check.method <- unique(check_ML) if(identical(check.method, c("ML", "REML"))) { stop("\nYou should not have models fit with REML and ML in the same candidate model set\n") } Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = TRUE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs)) #extract number of parameters Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs)) #extract AICc # Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc-min(Results$AICc) #compute delta AICc Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc) #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute Akaike weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") #check if ML or REML used and add column accordingly if(identical(check.method, "ML")) { Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X= cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i)[1])) } if(identical(check.method, "REML")) { Results$Res.LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i)[1])) } #rename correctly to AIC if(second.ord == FALSE) { colnames(Results)[1:6] <- c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt") } if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##maxlike aictab.AICmaxlikeFit.list <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, c.hat = 1, ...){ #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta AICc ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } if(c.hat != 1) stop("\nThis function does not support overdispersion in \'maxlikeFit\' models\n") ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models #check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) nrow(b$points.retained)) #if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same data set for all models\n") Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = TRUE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs)) #extract number of parameters Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs)) #extract AICc Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc - min(Results$AICc) #compute delta AICc Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc) #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute Akaike weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X= cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i))) ##rename correctly to AIC if(second.ord == FALSE) { colnames(Results)[1:6] <- c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt") } if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##mer - lme4 version < 1 aictab.AICmer <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...){ #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta AICc ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if (is.null(modnames)) { if (is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) formula(b)[2]) if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same response variable for all models\n") Results <- NULL #check if models were fit with same method (REML or ML) check_bin <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@dims["REML"])) check_ML <- ifelse(check_bin == 1, "REML", "ML") if (any(check_ML != "ML")) { warning("\nModel selection for fixed effects is only appropriate with ML estimation:", "\n", "REML (default) should only be used to select random effects for a constant set of fixed effects\n") } check.method <- unique(check_ML) if(length(check.method) > 1) { stop("\nYou should not have models fit with REML and ML in the same candidate model set\n") } Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = TRUE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs)) #extract number of parameters Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs)) #extract AICc # Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc - min(Results$AICc) #compute delta AICc Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc) #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute Akaike weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") #check if ML or REML used and add column accordingly if(identical(check.method, "ML")) { Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN=function(i) logLik(i)[1])) } if(identical(check.method, "REML")) { Results$Res.LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN=function(i) logLik(i)[1])) } #rename correctly to AIC if(second.ord == FALSE) { colnames(Results)[1:6] <- c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt") } if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##lmerMod aictab.AIClmerMod <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...){ #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta AICc ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##check for subclass of object sub.class <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = class) ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) formula(b)[2]) if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same response variable for all models\n") Results <- NULL ##check if models were fit with same method (REML or ML) check_REML <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) isREML(i))) check_ML <- ifelse(check_REML, "REML", "ML") if (any(check_REML)) { warning("\nModel selection for fixed effects is only appropriate with ML estimation:", "\n", "REML (default) should only be used to select random effects for a constant set of fixed effects\n") } check.method <- unique(check_ML) if(length(check.method) > 1) { stop("\nYou should not have models fit with REML and ML in the same candidate model set\n") } Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = TRUE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs)) #extract number of parameters Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs)) #extract AICc Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc - min(Results$AICc) #compute delta AICc Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc) #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute Akaike weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") #check if ML or REML used and add column accordingly if(identical(check.method, "ML")) { Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1])) } if(identical(check.method, "REML")) { Results$Res.LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1])) } #rename correctly to AIC if(second.ord == FALSE) { colnames(Results)[1:6] <- c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt") } if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##lmerModLmerTest aictab.AIClmerModLmerTest <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...){ #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta AICc ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##check for subclass of object sub.class <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = class) ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) formula(b)[2]) if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same response variable for all models\n") Results <- NULL ##check if models were fit with same method (REML or ML) check_REML <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) isREML(i))) check_ML <- ifelse(check_REML, "REML", "ML") if (any(check_REML)) { warning("\nModel selection for fixed effects is only appropriate with ML estimation:", "\n", "REML (default) should only be used to select random effects for a constant set of fixed effects\n") } check.method <- unique(check_ML) if(length(check.method) > 1) { stop("\nYou should not have models fit with REML and ML in the same candidate model set\n") } Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = TRUE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs)) #extract number of parameters Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs)) #extract AICc Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc - min(Results$AICc) #compute delta AICc Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc) #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute Akaike weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") #check if ML or REML used and add column accordingly if(identical(check.method, "ML")) { Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1])) } if(identical(check.method, "REML")) { Results$Res.LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1])) } #rename correctly to AIC if(second.ord == FALSE) { colnames(Results)[1:6] <- c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt") } if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##glmerMod aictab.AICglmerMod <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...){ #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta AICc ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) formula(b)[2]) if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same response variable for all models\n") Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = TRUE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs)) #extract number of parameters Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs)) #extract AICc Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc - min(Results$AICc) #compute delta AICc Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc) #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute Akaike weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") ##add LL Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1])) ##rename correctly to AIC if(second.ord == FALSE) { colnames(Results)[1:6] <- c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt") } if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##glm.nb aictab.AICnegbin.glm.lm <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) formula(b)[2]) if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same response variable for all models\n") Results <- NULL Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = AICc, return.K = TRUE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs)) #extract number of parameters Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = AICc, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs)) #extract AICc Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc - min(Results$AICc) #compute delta AICc Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc) #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute Akaike weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") ##check if AICc and c.hat = 1 if(second.ord == TRUE) { Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN=function(i) logLik(i)[1])) } ##rename correctly to AIC if(second.ord == FALSE) { colnames(Results)<-c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt") Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X=cand.set, FUN=function(i) logLik(i)[1])) } if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##nlme aictab.AICnlme.lme <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...){ #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta AICc ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) formula(b)[2]) if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same response variable for all models\n") Results <- NULL #check if models were fit with same method (REML or ML) check_ML <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i$method)) if (any(check_ML != "ML")) { warning("\nModel selection for fixed effects is only appropriate with method='ML':", "\n", "REML (default) should only be used to select random effects for a constant set of fixed effects\n") } check.method <- unique(check_ML) if(identical(check.method, c("ML", "REML"))) { stop("\nYou should not have models fit with REML and ML in the same candidate model set\n") } Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = TRUE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs)) #extract number of parameters Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs)) #extract AICc Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc-min(Results$AICc) #compute delta AICc Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc) #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute Akaike weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") #check if ML or REML used and add column accordingly if(identical(check.method, "ML")) { Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X= cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1])) } if(identical(check.method, "REML")) { Results$Res.LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1])) } #rename correctly to AIC if(second.ord == FALSE) { colnames(Results)[1:6] <- c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt") } if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##nlmerMod aictab.AICnlmerMod <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...){ #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta AICc ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) unlist(strsplit(x = as.character(formula(b)), split = "~"))[2]) if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same response variable for all models\n") Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = TRUE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs)) #extract number of parameters Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs)) #extract AICc Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc - min(Results$AICc) #compute delta AICc Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc) #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute Akaike weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") ##add LL Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1])) #rename correctly to AIC if(second.ord == FALSE) { colnames(Results)[1:6] <- c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt") } if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##multinom aictab.AICmultinom.nnet <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, c.hat = 1, ...){ #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta AICc ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) formula(b)[2]) if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same response variable for all models\n") Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = AICc, return.K = TRUE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat)) #extract number of parameters Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = AICc, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat)) #extract AICc # Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc - min(Results$AICc) #compute delta AICc Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc) #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute Akaike weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") ##check if LL computed if(second.ord==TRUE && c.hat == 1) { Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1])) } ##rename correctly to QAICc and add column for c-hat if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat > 1) { colnames(Results) <- c("Modnames", "K", "QAICc", "Delta_QAICc", "ModelLik", "QAICcWt") LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1])) Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat Results$c_hat <- c.hat } ##rename correctly to AIC if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat == 1) { colnames(Results) <- c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt") Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1])) } ##rename correctly to QAIC and add column for c-hat if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat > 1) { colnames(Results) <- c("Modnames", "K", "QAIC", "Delta_QAIC", "ModelLik", "QAICWt") LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1])) Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat Results$c_hat <- c.hat } if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##lme aictab.AIClme <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...){ #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta AICc ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) formula(b)[2]) if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same response variable for all models\n") Results <- NULL ##check if models were fit with same method (REML or ML) check_ML <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i$method)) if (any(check_ML != "ML")) { warning("\nModel selection for fixed effects is only appropriate with method=ML:", "\n", "REML (default) should only be used to select random effects for a constant set of fixed effects\n") } check.method <- unique(check_ML) if(identical(check.method, c("ML", "REML"))) { stop("\nYou should not have models fit with REML and ML in the same candidate model set\n") } Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = TRUE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs)) #extract number of parameters Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs)) #extract AICc # Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc - min(Results$AICc) #compute delta AICc Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc) #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute Akaike weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") #check if ML or REML used and add column accordingly if(identical(check.method, "ML")) { Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X= cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1])) } if(identical(check.method, "REML")) { Results$Res.LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1])) } #rename correctly to AIC if(second.ord == FALSE) { colnames(Results)[1:6] <- c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt") } if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##nls aictab.AICnls <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...){ #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta AICc ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) formula(b)[2]) if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same response variable for all models\n") Results <- data.frame(Modnames=modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = TRUE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs)) #extract number of parameters Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs)) #extract AICc # Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc - min(Results$AICc) #compute delta AICc Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc) #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute Akaike weights Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1])) ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") ##rename correctly to AIC if(second.ord == FALSE) { colnames(Results)[1:6] <- c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt") } if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##polr aictab.AICpolr <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...){ #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta AICc ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) formula(b)[2]) if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same response variable for all models\n") Results <- NULL Results <- data.frame(Modnames=modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = AICc, return.K = TRUE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs)) #extract number of parameters Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = AICc, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs)) #extract AICc # Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc - min(Results$AICc) #compute delta AICc Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc) #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute Akaike weights Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1])) ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") #rename correctly to AIC if(second.ord==FALSE) { colnames(Results)[1:6]<-c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt") } if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##rlm aictab.AICrlm.lm <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...){ #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta AICc ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) formula(b)[2]) if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same response variable for all models\n") Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = TRUE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs)) #extract number of parameters Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs)) #extract AICc Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc - min(Results$AICc) #compute delta AICc Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc) #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute Akaike weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X= cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1])) ##rename correctly to AIC if(second.ord == FALSE) { colnames(Results)[1:6] <- c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt") } if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##survreg aictab.AICsurvreg <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) formula(b)[2]) if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same response variable for all models\n") Results <- NULL Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = AICc, return.K = TRUE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs)) #extract number of parameters Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = AICc, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs)) #extract AICc # Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc - min(Results$AICc) #compute delta AICc Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc) #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute Akaike weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") ##extract LL Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1])) ##rename correctly to AIC if(second.ord == FALSE) { colnames(Results)[1:6] <- c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt") } if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##occu aictab.AICunmarkedFitOccu <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, c.hat = 1, ...){ #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta AICc ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = TRUE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat)) #extract number of parameters Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat)) #extract AICc # Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc-min(Results$AICc) #compute delta AICc Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc) #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute Akaike weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") ##check if AICc and c.hat = 1 if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat == 1) { Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) } ##rename correctly to QAICc and add column for c-hat if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat > 1) { colnames(Results) <- c("Modnames", "K", "QAICc", "Delta_QAICc", "ModelLik", "QAICcWt") LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat Results$c_hat <- c.hat } ##rename correctly to AIC if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat==1) { colnames(Results)<-c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt") Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) } ##rename correctly to QAIC and add column for c-hat if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat > 1) { colnames(Results)<-c("Modnames", "K", "QAIC", "Delta_QAIC", "ModelLik", "QAICWt") LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat Results$c_hat<-c.hat } if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##colext aictab.AICunmarkedFitColExt <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, c.hat = 1, ...){ #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta AICc ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = TRUE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat)) #extract number of parameters Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat)) #extract AICc # Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc-min(Results$AICc) #compute delta AICc Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc) #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute Akaike weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") ##check if AICc and c.hat = 1 if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat == 1) { Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) } ##rename correctly to QAICc and add column for c-hat if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat > 1) { colnames(Results) <- c("Modnames", "K", "QAICc", "Delta_QAICc", "ModelLik", "QAICcWt") LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat Results$c_hat <- c.hat } ##rename correctly to AIC if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat==1) { colnames(Results)<-c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt") Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) } ##rename correctly to QAIC and add column for c-hat if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat > 1) { colnames(Results)<-c("Modnames", "K", "QAIC", "Delta_QAIC", "ModelLik", "QAICWt") LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat Results$c_hat<-c.hat } if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##occuRN aictab.AICunmarkedFitOccuRN <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, c.hat = 1, ...){ #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta AICc ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##add check for use of c-hat #if(c.hat > 1) stop("\nThe correction for overdispersion is not appropriate with Royle-Nichols heterogeneity models\n") Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = TRUE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat)) #extract number of parameters Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat)) #extract AICc Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc-min(Results$AICc) #compute delta AICc Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc) #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute Akaike weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") ##check if AICc and c.hat = 1 if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat == 1) { Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) } ##rename correctly to QAICc and add column for c-hat if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat > 1) { colnames(Results) <- c("Modnames", "K", "QAICc", "Delta_QAICc", "ModelLik", "QAICcWt") LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat Results$c_hat <- c.hat } ##rename correctly to AIC if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat==1) { colnames(Results)<-c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt") Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) } ##rename correctly to QAIC and add column for c-hat if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat > 1) { colnames(Results)<-c("Modnames", "K", "QAIC", "Delta_QAIC", "ModelLik", "QAICWt") LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat Results$c_hat<-c.hat } if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##pcount aictab.AICunmarkedFitPCount <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, c.hat = 1, ...){ #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta AICc ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = TRUE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat)) #extract number of parameters Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat)) #extract AICc # Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc - min(Results$AICc) #compute delta AICc Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc) #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute Akaike weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") ##check if AICc and c.hat = 1 if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat == 1) { Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) } ##rename correctly to QAICc and add column for c-hat if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat > 1) { colnames(Results) <- c("Modnames", "K", "QAICc", "Delta_QAICc", "ModelLik", "QAICcWt") LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat Results$c_hat <- c.hat } ##rename correctly to AIC if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat == 1) { colnames(Results)<-c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt") Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) } ##rename correctly to QAIC and add column for c-hat if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat > 1) { colnames(Results)<-c("Modnames", "K", "QAIC", "Delta_QAIC", "ModelLik", "QAICWt") LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat Results$c_hat<-c.hat } if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##same function as that for objects created by pcount( ) aictab.AICunmarkedFitPCO <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, c.hat = 1, ...){ #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta AICc ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = TRUE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat)) #extract number of parameters Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat)) #extract AICc Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc - min(Results$AICc) #compute delta AICc Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc) #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute Akaike weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") ##check if AICc and c.hat = 1 if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat == 1) { Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) } ##rename correctly to QAICc and add column for c-hat if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat > 1) { colnames(Results) <- c("Modnames", "K", "QAICc", "Delta_QAICc", "ModelLik", "QAICcWt") LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat Results$c_hat <- c.hat } ##rename correctly to AIC if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat == 1) { colnames(Results)<-c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt") Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) } ##rename correctly to QAIC and add column for c-hat if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat > 1) { colnames(Results)<-c("Modnames", "K", "QAIC", "Delta_QAIC", "ModelLik", "QAICWt") LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat Results$c_hat<-c.hat } if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##distsamp aictab.AICunmarkedFitDS <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, c.hat = 1, ...){ #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta AICc ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = TRUE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat)) #extract number of parameters Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat)) #extract AICc # Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc - min(Results$AICc) #compute delta AICc Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc) #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute Akaike weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") ##check if AICc and c.hat = 1 if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat == 1) { Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) } ##rename correctly to QAICc and add column for c-hat if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat > 1) { colnames(Results) <- c("Modnames", "K", "QAICc", "Delta_QAICc", "ModelLik", "QAICcWt") LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat Results$c_hat <- c.hat } ##rename correctly to AIC if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat == 1) { colnames(Results)<-c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt") Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) } ##rename correctly to QAIC and add column for c-hat if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat > 1) { colnames(Results)<-c("Modnames", "K", "QAIC", "Delta_QAIC", "ModelLik", "QAICWt") LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat Results$c_hat<-c.hat } if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##gdistsamp aictab.AICunmarkedFitGDS <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, c.hat = 1, ...){ #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta AICc ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##add check for use of c-hat #if(c.hat > 1) stop("\nThe correction for overdispersion is not appropriate for distance sampling models\n") Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = TRUE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat)) #extract number of parameters Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat)) #extract AICc Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc - min(Results$AICc) #compute delta AICc Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc) #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute Akaike weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") ##check if AICc and c.hat = 1 if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat == 1) { Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) } ##rename correctly to QAICc and add column for c-hat if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat > 1) { colnames(Results) <- c("Modnames", "K", "QAICc", "Delta_QAICc", "ModelLik", "QAICcWt") LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat Results$c_hat <- c.hat } ##rename correctly to AIC if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat == 1) { colnames(Results)<-c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt") Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) } ##rename correctly to QAIC and add column for c-hat if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat > 1) { colnames(Results)<-c("Modnames", "K", "QAIC", "Delta_QAIC", "ModelLik", "QAICWt") LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat Results$c_hat<-c.hat } if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##occuFP aictab.AICunmarkedFitOccuFP <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, c.hat = 1, ...){ #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta AICc ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##add check for use of c-hat ##if(c.hat > 1) stop("\nThe correction for overdispersion is not yet implemented for false-positive occupancy models\n") Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = TRUE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat)) #extract number of parameters Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat)) #extract AICc # Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc - min(Results$AICc) #compute delta AICc Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc) #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute Akaike weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") ##check if AICc and c.hat = 1 if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat == 1) { Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) } ##rename correctly to QAICc and add column for c-hat if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat > 1) { colnames(Results) <- c("Modnames", "K", "QAICc", "Delta_QAICc", "ModelLik", "QAICcWt") LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat Results$c_hat <- c.hat } ##rename correctly to AIC if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat == 1) { colnames(Results)<-c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt") Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) } ##rename correctly to QAIC and add column for c-hat if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat > 1) { colnames(Results)<-c("Modnames", "K", "QAIC", "Delta_QAIC", "ModelLik", "QAICWt") LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat Results$c_hat<-c.hat } if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##occuMulti aictab.AICunmarkedFitOccuMulti <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, c.hat = 1, ...){ #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta AICc ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##add check for use of c-hat #if(c.hat > 1) stop("\nThe correction for overdispersion is not yet implemented for multispecies occupancy models\n") Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = TRUE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat)) #extract number of parameters Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat)) #extract AICc # Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc - min(Results$AICc) #compute delta AICc Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc) #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute Akaike weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") ##check if AICc and c.hat = 1 if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat == 1) { Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) } ##rename correctly to QAICc and add column for c-hat if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat > 1) { colnames(Results) <- c("Modnames", "K", "QAICc", "Delta_QAICc", "ModelLik", "QAICcWt") LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat Results$c_hat <- c.hat } ##rename correctly to AIC if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat == 1) { colnames(Results)<-c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt") Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) } ##rename correctly to QAIC and add column for c-hat if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat > 1) { colnames(Results)<-c("Modnames", "K", "QAIC", "Delta_QAIC", "ModelLik", "QAICWt") LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat Results$c_hat<-c.hat } if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##multinomPois aictab.AICunmarkedFitMPois <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, c.hat = 1, ...){ #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta AICc ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##add check for use of c-hat #if(c.hat > 1) stop("\nThe correction for overdispersion is not yet implemented for multinomial Poisson models\n") Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = TRUE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat)) #extract number of parameters Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat)) #extract AICc # Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc - min(Results$AICc) #compute delta AICc Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc) #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute Akaike weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") ##check if AICc and c.hat = 1 if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat == 1) { Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) } ##rename correctly to QAICc and add column for c-hat if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat > 1) { colnames(Results) <- c("Modnames", "K", "QAICc", "Delta_QAICc", "ModelLik", "QAICcWt") LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat Results$c_hat <- c.hat } ##rename correctly to AIC if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat == 1) { colnames(Results)<-c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt") Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) } ##rename correctly to QAIC and add column for c-hat if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat > 1) { colnames(Results)<-c("Modnames", "K", "QAIC", "Delta_QAIC", "ModelLik", "QAICWt") LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat Results$c_hat<-c.hat } if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##gmultmix aictab.AICunmarkedFitGMM <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, c.hat = 1, ...){ #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta AICc ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##add check for use of c-hat #if(c.hat > 1) stop("\nThe correction for overdispersion is not yet implemented for generalized multinomial mixture models\n") Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = TRUE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat)) #extract number of parameters Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat)) #extract AICc Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc - min(Results$AICc) #compute delta AICc Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc) #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute Akaike weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") ##check if AICc and c.hat = 1 if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat == 1) { Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) } ##rename correctly to QAICc and add column for c-hat if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat > 1) { colnames(Results) <- c("Modnames", "K", "QAICc", "Delta_QAICc", "ModelLik", "QAICcWt") LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat Results$c_hat <- c.hat } ##rename correctly to AIC if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat == 1) { colnames(Results) <- c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt") Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) } ##rename correctly to QAIC and add column for c-hat if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat > 1) { colnames(Results) <- c("Modnames", "K", "QAIC", "Delta_QAIC", "ModelLik", "QAICWt") LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat Results$c_hat <- c.hat } if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##gpcount aictab.AICunmarkedFitGPC <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, c.hat = 1, ...){ #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta AICc ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##add check for use of c-hat #if(c.hat > 1) stop("\nThe correction for overdispersion is not yet implemented for generalized binomial mixture models\n") Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = TRUE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat)) #extract number of parameters Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat)) #extract AICc Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc - min(Results$AICc) #compute delta AICc Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc) #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute Akaike weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") ##check if AICc and c.hat = 1 if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat == 1) { Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) } ##rename correctly to QAICc and add column for c-hat if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat > 1) { colnames(Results) <- c("Modnames", "K", "QAICc", "Delta_QAICc", "ModelLik", "QAICcWt") LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat Results$c_hat <- c.hat } ##rename correctly to AIC if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat == 1) { colnames(Results) <- c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt") Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) } ##rename correctly to QAIC and add column for c-hat if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat > 1) { colnames(Results) <- c("Modnames", "K", "QAIC", "Delta_QAIC", "ModelLik", "QAICWt") LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat Results$c_hat <- c.hat } if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##vglm aictab.AICvglm <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, c.hat = 1, ...){ #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta AICc ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) formula(b)[2]) if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same response variable for all models\n") ##changed to AICcmodavg:::AICc.vglm to avoid conflicts with VGAM Results <- data.frame(Modnames=modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = AICc, return.K = TRUE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat)) #extract number of parameters Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = AICc, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat)) #extract AICc Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc - min(Results$AICc) #compute delta AICc Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc) #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute Akaike weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") ##check if AICc and c.hat = 1 if(second.ord==TRUE && c.hat == 1) { Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i))) } ##rename correctly to QAICc and add column for c-hat if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat > 1) { colnames(Results) <- c("Modnames", "K", "QAICc", "Delta_QAICc", "ModelLik", "QAICcWt") LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i))) Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat Results$c_hat <- c.hat } ##rename correctly to AIC if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat == 1) { colnames(Results)<-c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt") Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i))) } ##rename correctly to QAIC and add column for c-hat if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat > 1) { colnames(Results)<-c("Modnames", "K", "QAIC", "Delta_QAIC", "ModelLik", "QAICWt") LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i))) Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat Results$c_hat <- c.hat } if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##occuMS aictab.AICunmarkedFitOccuMS <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, c.hat = 1, ...){ #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta AICc ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = TRUE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat)) #extract number of parameters Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat)) #extract AICc Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc - min(Results$AICc) #compute delta AICc Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc) #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute Akaike weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") ##check if AICc and c.hat = 1 if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat == 1) { Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) } ##rename correctly to QAICc and add column for c-hat if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat > 1) { colnames(Results) <- c("Modnames", "K", "QAICc", "Delta_QAICc", "ModelLik", "QAICcWt") LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat Results$c_hat <- c.hat } ##rename correctly to AIC if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat == 1) { colnames(Results) <- c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt") Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) } ##rename correctly to QAIC and add column for c-hat if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat > 1) { colnames(Results) <- c("Modnames", "K", "QAIC", "Delta_QAIC", "ModelLik", "QAICWt") LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat Results$c_hat <- c.hat } if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##occuTTD aictab.AICunmarkedFitOccuTTD <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, c.hat = 1, ...){ #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta AICc ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = TRUE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat)) #extract number of parameters Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat)) #extract AICc Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc - min(Results$AICc) #compute delta AICc Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc) #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute Akaike weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") ##check if AICc and c.hat = 1 if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat == 1) { Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) } ##rename correctly to QAICc and add column for c-hat if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat > 1) { colnames(Results) <- c("Modnames", "K", "QAICc", "Delta_QAICc", "ModelLik", "QAICcWt") LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat Results$c_hat <- c.hat } ##rename correctly to AIC if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat == 1) { colnames(Results) <- c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt") Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) } ##rename correctly to QAIC and add column for c-hat if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat > 1) { colnames(Results) <- c("Modnames", "K", "QAIC", "Delta_QAIC", "ModelLik", "QAICWt") LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat Results$c_hat <- c.hat } if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##multmixOpen aictab.AICunmarkedFitMMO <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, c.hat = 1, ...){ #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta AICc ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = TRUE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat)) #extract number of parameters Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat)) #extract AICc Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc - min(Results$AICc) #compute delta AICc Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc) #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute Akaike weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") ##check if AICc and c.hat = 1 if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat == 1) { Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) } ##rename correctly to QAICc and add column for c-hat if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat > 1) { colnames(Results) <- c("Modnames", "K", "QAICc", "Delta_QAICc", "ModelLik", "QAICcWt") LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat Results$c_hat <- c.hat } ##rename correctly to AIC if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat == 1) { colnames(Results) <- c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt") Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) } ##rename correctly to QAIC and add column for c-hat if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat > 1) { colnames(Results) <- c("Modnames", "K", "QAIC", "Delta_QAIC", "ModelLik", "QAICWt") LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat Results$c_hat <- c.hat } if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##distsampOpen aictab.AICunmarkedFitDSO <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, c.hat = 1, ...){ #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta AICc ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = TRUE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat)) #extract number of parameters Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat)) #extract AICc Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc - min(Results$AICc) #compute delta AICc Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc) #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute Akaike weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") ##check if AICc and c.hat = 1 if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat == 1) { Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) } ##rename correctly to QAICc and add column for c-hat if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat > 1) { colnames(Results) <- c("Modnames", "K", "QAICc", "Delta_QAICc", "ModelLik", "QAICcWt") LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat Results$c_hat <- c.hat } ##rename correctly to AIC if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat == 1) { colnames(Results) <- c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt") Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) } ##rename correctly to QAIC and add column for c-hat if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat > 1) { colnames(Results) <- c("Modnames", "K", "QAIC", "Delta_QAIC", "ModelLik", "QAICWt") LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat Results$c_hat <- c.hat } if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##zeroinfl aictab.AICzeroinfl <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...){ #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta AICc ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } #if(c.hat != 1) stop("\nThis function does not support overdispersion in \'zeroinfl\' models\n") ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) formula(b)[2]) if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same data set for all models\n") Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = TRUE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs)) #extract number of parameters Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs)) #extract AICc # Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc - min(Results$AICc) #compute delta AICc Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc) #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute Akaike weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X= cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i))) ##rename correctly to AIC if(second.ord == FALSE) { colnames(Results)[1:6] <- c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt") } if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } print.aictab <- function(x, digits = 2, LL = TRUE, ...) { cat("\nModel selection based on ", colnames(x)[3], ":\n", sep = "") if (any(names(x) == "c_hat")) {cat("(c-hat estimate = ", x$c_hat[1], ")\n", sep = "")} cat("\n") #check if Cum.Wt should be printed if(any(names(x) == "Cum.Wt")) { <- cbind(x[, 2], x[, 3], x[, 4], x[, 6], x[, "Cum.Wt"], x[, 7]) colnames( <- c(colnames(x)[c(2, 3, 4, 6)], "Cum.Wt", colnames(x)[7]) rownames( <- x[, 1] } else { <- cbind(x[, 2], x[, 3], x[, 4], x[, 6], x[, 7]) colnames( <- c(colnames(x)[c(2, 3, 4, 6, 7)]) rownames( <- x[, 1] } #if LL==FALSE if(identical(LL, FALSE)) { names.cols <- colnames( sel.LL <- which(attr(regexpr(pattern = "LL", text = names.cols), "match.length") > 1) <-[, -sel.LL] } print(round(, digits = digits)) #select rounding off with digits argument cat("\n") }
##approximate F-test in presence of overdispersion ##generic anovaOD <- function(mod.simple, mod.complex, c.hat = 1, nobs = NULL, ...){ UseMethod("anovaOD", mod.simple) } anovaOD.default <- function(mod.simple, mod.complex, c.hat = 1, nobs = NULL, ...){ stop("\nFunction not yet defined for this object class\n") } ##glm anovaOD.glm <- function(mod.simple, mod.complex, c.hat = 1, nobs = NULL, ...){ if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion: model fit is questionable\n") if(c.hat < 1) { warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n") c.hat <- 1 } ##check for distributions modFamily1 <- family(mod.simple)$family modFamily2 <- family(mod.complex)$family if(!identical(modFamily1, modFamily2)) stop("\nComparisons only appropriate for models using the same distribution\n") if(!identical(modFamily1, "poisson") && !identical(modFamily1, "binomial")) { if(c.hat > 1) stop("\ndistribution not appropriate for overdispersion correction\n\n") } ##for binomial, check that number of trials > 1 if(identical(modFamily1, "binomial")) { if(!any(mod.simple$prior.weights > 1)) stop("\nOverdispersion correction only appropriate for success/trials syntax\n\n") } ##response variable y1 <- mod.simple$y y2 <- mod.complex$y ##number of observations if(is.null(nobs)) { nobs <- length(y1) } ##check that data are the same if(!identical(y1, y2)) stop("\nData set should be identical to compare models\n") ##extract log-likelihood LL1 <- logLik(mod.simple) LL2 <- logLik(mod.complex) LL.simple <- LL1[1] LL.complex <- LL2[1] ##extract number of estimated parameters K.simple <- attr(LL1, "df") K.complex <- attr(LL2, "df") ##residual df of complex model df.complex <- nobs - K.complex ##extract model formula simpleForm <- formula(mod.simple) form.simple <- paste(simpleForm[2], "~", simpleForm[3]) complexForm <- formula(mod.complex) form.complex <- paste(complexForm[2], "~", complexForm[3]) ##- 2 * (logLik(simple) - logLik(complex)) LR <- -2 * (LL.simple - LL.complex) ##difference in number of estimated parameters K.diff <- K.complex - K.simple ##use chi-square if no overdispersion if(c.hat == 1) { Chistat <- LR df <- K.diff pval <- 1 - pchisq(Chistat, df = df) devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex, LL.simple, LL.complex, NA, K.diff, NA, LR, NA, Chistat, NA, pval), nrow = 2, ncol = 6) colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik", "Kdiff", "-2LL", "Chistat", "pval") } else { ##compute F statistic Fstat <- LR/((K.diff)*c.hat) ##compute df df.num <- K.diff df.denom <- df.complex ##P value pval <- 1 - pf(Fstat, df1 = df.num, df2 = df.denom) devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex, LL.simple, LL.complex, NA, K.diff, NA, LR, NA, Fstat, NA, pval), nrow = 2, ncol = 6) colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik", "Kdiff", "-2LL", "F", "pval") } ##assemble in list outList <- list(form.simple = form.simple, form.complex = form.complex, c.hat = c.hat, devMat = devMat) class(outList) <- c("anovaOD", "list") return(outList) } ##vglm anovaOD.vglm <- function(mod.simple, mod.complex, c.hat = 1, nobs = NULL, ...){ if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion: model fit is questionable\n") if(c.hat < 1) { warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n") c.hat <- 1 } ##check family of vglm to avoid problems fam.type1 <- mod.simple@family@vfamily[1] fam.type2 <- mod.complex@family@vfamily[1] if(!identical(fam.type1, fam.type2)) stop("\nComparisons only appropriate for models using the same distribution\n") if(!(fam.type1 == "poissonff" || fam.type1 == "binomialff" || fam.type1 == "multinomial")) stop("\nDistribution not supported by function\n") if(fam.type1 == "binomialff") { if(!any([email protected] > 1)) stop("\nOverdispersion correction only appropriate for success/trials syntax\n\n") } ##number of observations y1 <- mod.simple@y y2 <- mod.complex@y ##number of observations if(is.null(nobs)) { nobs <- length(y1) } ##check that data are the same if(!identical(y1, y2)) stop("\nData set should be identical to compare models\n") ##extract log-likelihood LL1 <- extractLL(mod.simple) LL2 <- extractLL(mod.complex) LL.simple <- LL1[1] LL.complex <- LL2[1] ##extract number of estimated parameters K.simple <- attr(LL1, "df") K.complex <- attr(LL2, "df") ##extract model formula simpleForm <- formula(mod.simple) form.simple <- paste(simpleForm[2], "~", simpleForm[3]) complexForm <- formula(mod.complex) form.complex <- paste(complexForm[2], "~", complexForm[3]) ##residual df of complex model df.complex <- nobs - K.complex ##- 2 * (logLik(simple) - logLik(complex)) LR <- -2 * (LL.simple - LL.complex) ##difference in number of estimated parameters K.diff <- K.complex - K.simple ##use chi-square if no overdispersion if(c.hat == 1) { Chistat <- LR df <- K.diff pval <- 1 - pchisq(Chistat, df = df) devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex, LL.simple, LL.complex, NA, K.diff, NA, LR, NA, Chistat, NA, pval), nrow = 2, ncol = 6) colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik", "Kdiff", "-2LL", "Chistat", "pval") } else { ##compute F statistic Fstat <- LR/((K.diff)*c.hat) ##compute df df.num <- K.diff df.denom <- df.complex ##P value pval <- 1 - pf(Fstat, df1 = df.num, df2 = df.denom) devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex, LL.simple, LL.complex, NA, K.diff, NA, LR, NA, Fstat, NA, pval), nrow = 2, ncol = 6) colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik", "Kdiff", "-2LL", "F", "pval") } ##assemble in list outList <- list(form.simple = form.simple, form.complex = form.complex, c.hat = c.hat, devMat = devMat) class(outList) <- c("anovaOD", "list") return(outList) } ##multinom anovaOD.multinom <- function(mod.simple, mod.complex, c.hat = 1, nobs = NULL, ...){ if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion: model fit is questionable\n") if(c.hat < 1) { warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n") c.hat <- 1 } ##number of observations nobs1 <- nrow(mod.simple$fitted.values) nobs2 <- nrow(mod.complex$fitted.values) ##check that sample size is the same if(!identical(nobs1, nobs2)) stop("\nData set should be identical to compare models\n") ##number of observations if(is.null(nobs)) { nobs <- nobs1 } ##extract log-likelihood LL1 <- logLik(mod.simple) LL2 <- logLik(mod.complex) LL.simple <- LL1[1] LL.complex <- LL2[1] ##extract number of estimated parameters K.simple <- attr(LL1, "df") K.complex <- attr(LL2, "df") ##extract model formula simpleForm <- formula(mod.simple) form.simple <- paste(simpleForm[2], "~", simpleForm[3]) complexForm <- formula(mod.complex) form.complex <- paste(complexForm[2], "~", complexForm[3]) ##residual df of complex model df.complex <- nobs - K.complex ##- 2 * (logLik(simple) - logLik(complex)) LR <- -2 * (LL.simple - LL.complex) ##difference in number of estimated parameters K.diff <- K.complex - K.simple ##use chi-square if no overdispersion if(c.hat == 1) { Chistat <- LR df <- K.diff pval <- 1 - pchisq(Chistat, df = df) devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex, LL.simple, LL.complex, NA, K.diff, NA, LR, NA, Chistat, NA, pval), nrow = 2, ncol = 6) colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik", "Kdiff", "-2LL", "Chistat", "pval") } else { ##compute F statistic Fstat <- LR/((K.diff)*c.hat) ##compute df df.num <- K.diff df.denom <- df.complex ##P value pval <- 1 - pf(Fstat, df1 = df.num, df2 = df.denom) devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex, LL.simple, LL.complex, NA, K.diff, NA, LR, NA, Fstat, NA, pval), nrow = 2, ncol = 6) colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik", "Kdiff", "-2LL", "F", "pval") } ##assemble in list outList <- list(form.simple = form.simple, form.complex = form.complex, c.hat = c.hat, devMat = devMat) class(outList) <- c("anovaOD", "list") return(outList) } ############################### ##residual DF for mixed models is difficult ##glmerMod anovaOD.glmerMod <- function(mod.simple, mod.complex, c.hat = 1, nobs = NULL, ...){ if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion: model fit is questionable\n") if(c.hat < 1) { warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n") c.hat <- 1 } ##check for distributions modFamily1 <- family(mod.simple)$family modFamily2 <- family(mod.complex)$family if(!identical(modFamily1, modFamily2)) stop("\nComparisons only appropriate for models using the same distribution\n") if(!identical(modFamily1, "poisson") && !identical(modFamily1, "binomial")) { if(c.hat > 1) stop("\ndistribution not appropriate for overdispersion correction\n\n") } ##number of observations y1 <- mod.simple@resp$y y2 <- mod.complex@resp$y ##check that data are the same if(!identical(y1, y2)) stop("\nData set should be identical to compare models\n") ##number of observations if(is.null(nobs)) { nobs <- length(y1) } ##for binomial, check that number of trials > 1 if(identical(modFamily1, "binomial")) { if(!any(mod.simple@resp$weights > 1)) stop("\nOverdispersion correction only appropriate for success/trials syntax\n\n") } ##extract LL LL.simple <- logLik(mod.simple) LL.complex <- logLik(mod.complex) ##extract number of estimated parameters K.simple <- attr(logLik(mod.simple), "df") K.complex <- attr(logLik(mod.complex), "df") ##residual df of complex model df.complex <- nobs - K.complex ##extract model formula simpleForm <- formula(mod.simple) form.simple <- paste(simpleForm[2], "~", simpleForm[3]) complexForm <- formula(mod.complex) form.complex <- paste(complexForm[2], "~", complexForm[3]) ##- 2 * (logLik(simple) - logLik(complex)) LR <- -2 * (LL.simple - LL.complex) ##difference in number of estimated parameters K.diff <- K.complex - K.simple ##use chi-square if no overdispersion if(c.hat == 1) { Chistat <- LR df <- K.diff pval <- 1 - pchisq(Chistat, df = df) devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex, LL.simple, LL.complex, NA, K.diff, NA, LR, NA, Chistat, NA, pval), nrow = 2, ncol = 6) colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik", "Kdiff", "-2LL", "Chistat", "pval") } else { ##compute F statistic Fstat <- LR/((K.diff)*c.hat) ##compute df df.num <- K.diff df.denom <- df.complex ##P value pval <- 1 - pf(Fstat, df1 = df.num, df2 = df.denom) devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex, LL.simple, LL.complex, NA, K.diff, NA, LR, NA, Fstat, NA, pval), nrow = 2, ncol = 6) colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik", "Kdiff", "-2LL", "F", "pval") } ##assemble in list outList <- list(form.simple = form.simple, form.complex = form.complex, c.hat = c.hat, devMat = devMat) class(outList) <- c("anovaOD", "list") return(outList) } ##glmmTMB anovaOD.glmmTMB <- function(mod.simple, mod.complex, c.hat = 1, nobs = NULL, ...) { if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion: model fit is questionable\n") if(c.hat < 1) { warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n") c.hat <- 1 } ##check for distributions ##check for distributions modFamily1 <- family(mod.simple)$family modFamily2 <- family(mod.complex)$family if(!identical(modFamily1, modFamily2)) stop("\nComparisons only appropriate for models using the same distribution\n") if(!identical(modFamily1, "poisson") && !identical(modFamily1, "binomial")) { if(c.hat > 1) stop("\ndistribution not appropriate for overdispersion correction\n\n") } ##extract response y1Name <- mod.simple$modelInfo$respCol y2Name <- mod.simple$modelInfo$respCol y1 <- mod.simple$frame[, y1Name, drop = FALSE] y2 <- mod.simple$frame[, y2Name, drop = FALSE] ##check that data are the same if(!identical(y1, y2)) stop("\nData set should be identical to compare models\n") ##number of observations if(is.null(nobs)) { nobs <- nrow(y1) } ##if binomial, check if n > 1 for each case if(modFamily1 == "binomial") { resp <- mod.simple$frame[, mod.simple$modelInfo$respCol] if(!is.matrix(resp)) { if(!any(names(mod.simple$frame) == "(weights)")) { stop("\nOverdispersion correction only appropriate for success/trials syntax\n\n") } } } ##extract LL LL.simple <- logLik(mod.simple) LL.complex <- logLik(mod.complex) ##extract number of estimated parameters K.simple <- attr(logLik(mod.simple), "df") K.complex <- attr(logLik(mod.complex), "df") ##residual df of complex model df.complex <- nobs - K.complex ##extract model formula simpleForm <- formula(mod.simple) form.simple <- paste(simpleForm[2], "~", simpleForm[3]) complexForm <- formula(mod.complex) form.complex <- paste(complexForm[2], "~", complexForm[3]) ##- 2 * (logLik(simple) - logLik(complex)) LR <- -2 * (LL.simple - LL.complex) ##difference in number of estimated parameters K.diff <- K.complex - K.simple ##use chi-square if no overdispersion if(c.hat == 1) { Chistat <- LR df <- K.diff pval <- 1 - pchisq(Chistat, df = df) devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex, LL.simple, LL.complex, NA, K.diff, NA, LR, NA, Chistat, NA, pval), nrow = 2, ncol = 6) colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik", "Kdiff", "-2LL", "Chistat", "pval") } else { ##compute F statistic Fstat <- LR/((K.diff)*c.hat) ##compute df df.num <- K.diff df.denom <- df.complex ##P value pval <- 1 - pf(Fstat, df1 = df.num, df2 = df.denom) devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex, LL.simple, LL.complex, NA, K.diff, NA, LR, NA, Fstat, NA, pval), nrow = 2, ncol = 6) colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik", "Kdiff", "-2LL", "F", "pval") } ##assemble in list outList <- list(form.simple = form.simple, form.complex = form.complex, c.hat = c.hat, devMat = devMat) class(outList) <- c("anovaOD", "list") return(outList) } ##occu anovaOD.unmarkedFitOccu <- function(mod.simple, mod.complex, c.hat = 1, nobs = NULL, ...) { if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion: model fit is questionable\n") if(c.hat < 1) { warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n") c.hat <- 1 } ##extract response y1 <- mod.simple@data@y y2 <- mod.complex@data@y ##check that data are the same if(!identical(y1, y2)) stop("\nData set should be identical to compare models\n") ##number of observations if(is.null(nobs)) { nobs <- nrow(y1) } ##extract LL LL.simple <- logLik(mod.simple) LL.complex <- logLik(mod.complex) ##extract number of estimated parameters K.simple <- length(coef(mod.simple)) K.complex <- length(coef(mod.complex)) ##residual df of complex model df.complex <- nobs - K.complex ##extract model formula ##simple model form.simplePsi <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "state") form.simplePsi2 <- paste("psi(", form.simplePsi, ")", sep = "") form.simpleDet <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "det") form.simpleDet2 <- paste("p(", form.simpleDet, ")", sep = "") form.simple <- paste(form.simplePsi2, form.simpleDet2, sep = "") ##complex model form.complexPsi <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "state") form.complexPsi2 <- paste("psi(", form.complexPsi, ")", sep = "") form.complexDet <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "det") form.complexDet2 <- paste("p(", form.complexDet, ")", sep = "") form.complex <- paste(form.complexPsi2, form.complexDet2, sep = "") ##- 2 * (logLik(simple) - logLik(complex)) LR <- -2 * (LL.simple - LL.complex) ##difference in number of estimated parameters K.diff <- K.complex - K.simple ##use chi-square if no overdispersion if(c.hat == 1) { Chistat <- LR df <- K.diff pval <- 1 - pchisq(Chistat, df = df) devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex, LL.simple, LL.complex, NA, K.diff, NA, LR, NA, Chistat, NA, pval), nrow = 2, ncol = 6) colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik", "Kdiff", "-2LL", "Chistat", "pval") } else { ##compute F statistic Fstat <- LR/((K.diff)*c.hat) ##compute df df.num <- K.diff df.denom <- df.complex ##P value pval <- 1 - pf(Fstat, df1 = df.num, df2 = df.denom) devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex, LL.simple, LL.complex, NA, K.diff, NA, LR, NA, Fstat, NA, pval), nrow = 2, ncol = 6) colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik", "Kdiff", "-2LL", "F", "pval") } ##assemble in list outList <- list(form.simple = form.simple, form.complex = form.complex, c.hat = c.hat, devMat = devMat) class(outList) <- c("anovaOD", "list") return(outList) } ##colext anovaOD.unmarkedFitColExt <- function(mod.simple, mod.complex, c.hat = 1, nobs = NULL, ...) { if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion: model fit is questionable\n") if(c.hat < 1) { warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n") c.hat <- 1 } ##extract response y1 <- mod.simple@data@y y2 <- mod.complex@data@y ##check that data are the same if(!identical(y1, y2)) stop("\nData set should be identical to compare models\n") ##number of observations if(is.null(nobs)) { nobs <- nrow(y1) } ##extract LL LL.simple <- logLik(mod.simple) LL.complex <- logLik(mod.complex) ##extract number of estimated parameters K.simple <- length(coef(mod.simple)) K.complex <- length(coef(mod.complex)) ##residual df of complex model df.complex <- nobs - K.complex ##extract model formula ##simple model form.simplePsi <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "psi") form.simplePsi2 <- paste("psi(", form.simplePsi, ")", sep = "") form.simpleGam <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "col") form.simpleGam2 <- paste("gam(", form.simpleGam, ")", sep = "") form.simpleEps <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "ext") form.simpleEps2 <- paste("eps(", form.simpleEps, ")", sep = "") form.simpleDet <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "det") form.simpleDet2 <- paste("p(", form.simpleDet, ")", sep = "") form.simple <- paste(form.simplePsi2, form.simpleGam2, form.simpleEps2, form.simpleDet2, sep = "") ##complex model form.complexPsi <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "psi") form.complexPsi2 <- paste("psi(", form.complexPsi, ")", sep = "") form.complexGam <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "col") form.complexGam2 <- paste("gam(", form.complexGam, ")", sep = "") form.complexEps <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "ext") form.complexEps2 <- paste("eps(", form.complexEps, ")", sep = "") form.complexDet <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "det") form.complexDet2 <- paste("p(", form.complexDet, ")", sep = "") form.complex <- paste(form.complexPsi2, form.complexGam2, form.complexEps2, form.complexDet2, sep = "") ##- 2 * (logLik(simple) - logLik(complex)) LR <- -2 * (LL.simple - LL.complex) ##difference in number of estimated parameters K.diff <- K.complex - K.simple ##use chi-square if no overdispersion if(c.hat == 1) { Chistat <- LR df <- K.diff pval <- 1 - pchisq(Chistat, df = df) devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex, LL.simple, LL.complex, NA, K.diff, NA, LR, NA, Chistat, NA, pval), nrow = 2, ncol = 6) colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik", "Kdiff", "-2LL", "Chistat", "pval") } else { ##compute F statistic Fstat <- LR/((K.diff)*c.hat) ##compute df df.num <- K.diff df.denom <- df.complex ##P value pval <- 1 - pf(Fstat, df1 = df.num, df2 = df.denom) devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex, LL.simple, LL.complex, NA, K.diff, NA, LR, NA, Fstat, NA, pval), nrow = 2, ncol = 6) colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik", "Kdiff", "-2LL", "F", "pval") } ##assemble in list outList <- list(form.simple = form.simple, form.complex = form.complex, c.hat = c.hat, devMat = devMat) class(outList) <- c("anovaOD", "list") return(outList) } ##occuRN anovaOD.unmarkedFitOccuRN <- function(mod.simple, mod.complex, c.hat = 1, nobs = NULL, ...) { if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion: model fit is questionable\n") if(c.hat < 1) { warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n") c.hat <- 1 } ##extract response y1 <- mod.simple@data@y y2 <- mod.complex@data@y ##check that data are the same if(!identical(y1, y2)) stop("\nData set should be identical to compare models\n") ##number of observations if(is.null(nobs)) { nobs <- nrow(y1) } ##extract LL LL.simple <- logLik(mod.simple) LL.complex <- logLik(mod.complex) ##extract number of estimated parameters K.simple <- length(coef(mod.simple)) K.complex <- length(coef(mod.complex)) ##residual df of complex model df.complex <- nobs - K.complex ##extract model formula ##simple model form.simpleLam <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "state") form.simpleLam2 <- paste("lam(", form.simpleLam, ")", sep = "") form.simpleDet <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "det") form.simpleDet2 <- paste("p(", form.simpleDet, ")", sep = "") form.simple <- paste(form.simpleLam2, form.simpleDet2, sep = "") ##complex model form.complexLam <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "state") form.complexLam2 <- paste("lam(", form.complexLam, ")", sep = "") form.complexDet <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "det") form.complexDet2 <- paste("p(", form.complexDet, ")", sep = "") form.complex <- paste(form.complexLam2, form.complexDet2, sep = "") ##- 2 * (logLik(simple) - logLik(complex)) LR <- -2 * (LL.simple - LL.complex) ##difference in number of estimated parameters K.diff <- K.complex - K.simple ##use chi-square if no overdispersion if(c.hat == 1) { Chistat <- LR df <- K.diff pval <- 1 - pchisq(Chistat, df = df) devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex, LL.simple, LL.complex, NA, K.diff, NA, LR, NA, Chistat, NA, pval), nrow = 2, ncol = 6) colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik", "Kdiff", "-2LL", "Chistat", "pval") } else { ##compute F statistic Fstat <- LR/((K.diff)*c.hat) ##compute df df.num <- K.diff df.denom <- df.complex ##P value pval <- 1 - pf(Fstat, df1 = df.num, df2 = df.denom) devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex, LL.simple, LL.complex, NA, K.diff, NA, LR, NA, Fstat, NA, pval), nrow = 2, ncol = 6) colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik", "Kdiff", "-2LL", "F", "pval") } ##assemble in list outList <- list(form.simple = form.simple, form.complex = form.complex, c.hat = c.hat, devMat = devMat) class(outList) <- c("anovaOD", "list") return(outList) } ##occuFP anovaOD.unmarkedFitOccuFP <- function(mod.simple, mod.complex, c.hat = 1, nobs = NULL, ...) { if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion: model fit is questionable\n") if(c.hat < 1) { warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n") c.hat <- 1 } ##extract response y1 <- mod.simple@data@y y2 <- mod.complex@data@y ##check that data are the same if(!identical(y1, y2)) stop("\nData set should be identical to compare models\n") ##number of observations if(is.null(nobs)) { nobs <- nrow(y1) } ##extract LL LL.simple <- logLik(mod.simple) LL.complex <- logLik(mod.complex) ##extract number of estimated parameters K.simple <- length(coef(mod.simple)) K.complex <- length(coef(mod.complex)) ##residual df of complex model df.complex <- nobs - K.complex ##extract model formula ##simple model ##determine if certain detections (b) occur form.simplePsi <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "state") form.simplePsi2 <- paste("psi(", form.simplePsi, ")", sep = "") form.simpleFp <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "fp") form.simpleFp2 <- paste("fp(", form.simpleFp, ")", sep = "") form.simpleDet <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "det") form.simpleDet2 <- paste("p(", form.simpleDet, ")", sep = "") if(exists("b", mod.simple@estimates@estimates)){ form.simpleB <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "b") form.simpleB2 <- paste("b(", form.simpleB, ")", sep = "") form.simple <- paste(form.simplePsi2, form.simpleFp2, form.simpleB2, form.simpleDet2, sep = "") } else { form.simple <- paste(form.simplePsi2, form.simpleFp2, form.simpleDet2, sep = "") } ##complex model ##determine if certain detections (b) occur form.complexPsi <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "state") form.complexPsi2 <- paste("psi(", form.complexPsi, ")", sep = "") form.complexFp <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "fp") form.complexFp2 <- paste("fp(", form.complexFp, ")", sep = "") form.complexDet <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "det") form.complexDet2 <- paste("p(", form.complexDet, ")", sep = "") if(exists("b", mod.complex@estimates@estimates)){ form.complexB <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "b") form.complexB2 <- paste("b(", form.complexB, ")", sep = "") form.complex <- paste(form.complexPsi2, form.complexFp2, form.complexB2, form.complexDet2, sep = "") } else { form.complex <- paste(form.complexPsi2, form.complexFp2, form.complexDet2, sep = "") } ##- 2 * (logLik(simple) - logLik(complex)) LR <- -2 * (LL.simple - LL.complex) ##difference in number of estimated parameters K.diff <- K.complex - K.simple ##use chi-square if no overdispersion if(c.hat == 1) { Chistat <- LR df <- K.diff pval <- 1 - pchisq(Chistat, df = df) devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex, LL.simple, LL.complex, NA, K.diff, NA, LR, NA, Chistat, NA, pval), nrow = 2, ncol = 6) colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik", "Kdiff", "-2LL", "Chistat", "pval") } else { ##compute F statistic Fstat <- LR/((K.diff)*c.hat) ##compute df df.num <- K.diff df.denom <- df.complex ##P value pval <- 1 - pf(Fstat, df1 = df.num, df2 = df.denom) devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex, LL.simple, LL.complex, NA, K.diff, NA, LR, NA, Fstat, NA, pval), nrow = 2, ncol = 6) colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik", "Kdiff", "-2LL", "F", "pval") } ##assemble in list outList <- list(form.simple = form.simple, form.complex = form.complex, c.hat = c.hat, devMat = devMat) class(outList) <- c("anovaOD", "list") return(outList) } ##pcount anovaOD.unmarkedFitPCount <- function(mod.simple, mod.complex, c.hat = 1, nobs = NULL, ...) { if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion: model fit is questionable\n") if(c.hat < 1) { warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n") c.hat <- 1 } ##check for distributions modFamily1 <- mod.simple@mixture modFamily2 <- mod.complex@mixture if(!identical(modFamily1, modFamily2)) stop("\nComparisons only appropriate for models using the same mixture distribution\n") if(!identical(modFamily1, "P") && !identical(modFamily1, "ZIP")) { if(c.hat > 1) stop("\ndistribution not appropriate for overdispersion correction\n\n") } ##extract response y1 <- mod.simple@data@y y2 <- mod.complex@data@y ##check that data are the same if(!identical(y1, y2)) stop("\nData set should be identical to compare models\n") ##number of observations if(is.null(nobs)) { nobs <- nrow(y1) } ##extract LL LL.simple <- logLik(mod.simple) LL.complex <- logLik(mod.complex) ##extract number of estimated parameters K.simple <- length(coef(mod.simple)) K.complex <- length(coef(mod.complex)) ##residual df of complex model df.complex <- nobs - K.complex ##extract model formula ##simple model form.simpleLam <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "state") form.simpleLam2 <- paste("lam(", form.simpleLam, ")", sep = "") form.simpleDet <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "det") form.simpleDet2 <- paste("p(", form.simpleDet, ")", sep = "") form.simple <- paste(form.simpleLam2, form.simpleDet2, sep = "") ##complex model form.complexLam <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "state") form.complexLam2 <- paste("lam(", form.complexLam, ")", sep = "") form.complexDet <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "det") form.complexDet2 <- paste("p(", form.complexDet, ")", sep = "") form.complex <- paste(form.complexLam2, form.complexDet2, sep = "") ##- 2 * (logLik(simple) - logLik(complex)) LR <- -2 * (LL.simple - LL.complex) ##difference in number of estimated parameters K.diff <- K.complex - K.simple ##use chi-square if no overdispersion if(c.hat == 1) { Chistat <- LR df <- K.diff pval <- 1 - pchisq(Chistat, df = df) devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex, LL.simple, LL.complex, NA, K.diff, NA, LR, NA, Chistat, NA, pval), nrow = 2, ncol = 6) colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik", "Kdiff", "-2LL", "Chistat", "pval") } else { ##compute F statistic Fstat <- LR/((K.diff)*c.hat) ##compute df df.num <- K.diff df.denom <- df.complex ##P value pval <- 1 - pf(Fstat, df1 = df.num, df2 = df.denom) devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex, LL.simple, LL.complex, NA, K.diff, NA, LR, NA, Fstat, NA, pval), nrow = 2, ncol = 6) colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik", "Kdiff", "-2LL", "F", "pval") } ##assemble in list outList <- list(form.simple = form.simple, form.complex = form.complex, c.hat = c.hat, devMat = devMat) class(outList) <- c("anovaOD", "list") return(outList) } ##pcountOpen anovaOD.unmarkedFitPCO <- function(mod.simple, mod.complex, c.hat = 1, nobs = NULL, ...) { if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion: model fit is questionable\n") if(c.hat < 1) { warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n") c.hat <- 1 } ##check for distributions modFamily1 <- mod.simple@mixture modFamily2 <- mod.complex@mixture if(!identical(modFamily1, modFamily2)) stop("\nComparisons only appropriate for models using the same mixture distribution\n") if(!identical(modFamily1, "P") && !identical(modFamily1, "ZIP")) { if(c.hat > 1) stop("\ndistribution not appropriate for overdispersion correction\n") } ##extract response y1 <- mod.simple@data@y y2 <- mod.complex@data@y ##check that data are the same if(!identical(y1, y2)) stop("\nData set should be identical to compare models\n") ##number of observations if(is.null(nobs)) { nobs <- nrow(y1) } ##extract LL LL.simple <- logLik(mod.simple) LL.complex <- logLik(mod.complex) ##extract number of estimated parameters K.simple <- length(coef(mod.simple)) K.complex <- length(coef(mod.complex)) ##residual df of complex model df.complex <- nobs - K.complex ##extract model formula ##simple model form.simpleLam <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "lambda") form.simpleLam2 <- paste("lam(", form.simpleLam, ")", sep = "") form.simpleGam <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "gamma") form.simpleGam2 <- paste("gam(", form.simpleGam, ")", sep = "") form.simpleOmega <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "omega") form.simpleOmega2 <- paste("omega(", form.simpleOmega, ")", sep = "") form.simpleDet <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "det") form.simpleDet2 <- paste("p(", form.simpleDet, ")", sep = "") if(exists("iota", mod.simple@estimates@estimates)){ form.simpleIota <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "iota") form.simpleIota2 <- paste("iota(", form.simpleIota, ")", sep = "") form.simple <- paste(form.simpleLam2, form.simpleGam2, form.simpleOmega2, form.simpleIota2, form.simpleDet2, sep = "") } else { form.simple <- paste(form.simpleLam2, form.simpleGam2, form.simpleOmega2, form.simpleDet2, sep = "") } ##complex model form.complexLam <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "lambda") form.complexLam2 <- paste("lam(", form.complexLam, ")", sep = "") form.complexGam <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "gamma") form.complexGam2 <- paste("gam(", form.complexGam, ")", sep = "") form.complexOmega <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "omega") form.complexOmega2 <- paste("omega(", form.complexOmega, ")", sep = "") form.complexDet <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "det") form.complexDet2 <- paste("p(", form.complexDet, ")", sep = "") if(exists("iota", mod.complex@estimates@estimates)){ form.complexIota <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "iota") form.complexIota2 <- paste("iota(", form.complexIota, ")", sep = "") form.complex <- paste(form.complexLam2, form.complexGam2, form.complexOmega2, form.complexIota2, form.complexDet2, sep = "") } else { form.complex <- paste(form.complexLam2, form.complexGam2, form.complexOmega2, form.complexDet2, sep = "") } ##- 2 * (logLik(simple) - logLik(complex)) LR <- -2 * (LL.simple - LL.complex) ##difference in number of estimated parameters K.diff <- K.complex - K.simple ##use chi-square if no overdispersion if(c.hat == 1) { Chistat <- LR df <- K.diff pval <- 1 - pchisq(Chistat, df = df) devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex, LL.simple, LL.complex, NA, K.diff, NA, LR, NA, Chistat, NA, pval), nrow = 2, ncol = 6) colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik", "Kdiff", "-2LL", "Chistat", "pval") } else { ##compute F statistic Fstat <- LR/((K.diff)*c.hat) ##compute df df.num <- K.diff df.denom <- df.complex ##P value pval <- 1 - pf(Fstat, df1 = df.num, df2 = df.denom) devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex, LL.simple, LL.complex, NA, K.diff, NA, LR, NA, Fstat, NA, pval), nrow = 2, ncol = 6) colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik", "Kdiff", "-2LL", "F", "pval") } ##assemble in list outList <- list(form.simple = form.simple, form.complex = form.complex, c.hat = c.hat, devMat = devMat) class(outList) <- c("anovaOD", "list") return(outList) } ##distsamp anovaOD.unmarkedFitDS <- function(mod.simple, mod.complex, c.hat = 1, nobs = NULL, ...) { if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion: model fit is questionable\n") if(c.hat < 1) { warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n") c.hat <- 1 } ##extract response y1 <- mod.simple@data@y y2 <- mod.complex@data@y ##check that data are the same if(!identical(y1, y2)) stop("\nData set should be identical to compare models\n") ##number of observations if(is.null(nobs)) { nobs <- nrow(y1) } ##extract LL LL.simple <- logLik(mod.simple) LL.complex <- logLik(mod.complex) ##extract number of estimated parameters K.simple <- length(coef(mod.simple)) K.complex <- length(coef(mod.complex)) ##residual df of complex model df.complex <- nobs - K.complex ##extract model formula ##simple model form.simpleLam <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "state") form.simpleLam2 <- paste("lam(", form.simpleLam, ")", sep = "") form.simpleDet <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "det") form.simpleDet2 <- paste("p(", form.simpleDet, ")", sep = "") key.simple <- mod.simple@keyfun form.simple <- paste(form.simpleLam2, form.simpleDet2, " (", key.simple, ")", sep = "") ##complex model form.complexLam <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "state") form.complexLam2 <- paste("lam(", form.complexLam, ")", sep = "") form.complexDet <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "det") form.complexDet2 <- paste("p(", form.complexDet, ")", sep = "") key.complex <- mod.complex@keyfun form.complex <- paste(form.complexLam2, form.complexDet2, " (", key.complex, ")", sep = "") ##- 2 * (logLik(simple) - logLik(complex)) LR <- -2 * (LL.simple - LL.complex) ##difference in number of estimated parameters K.diff <- K.complex - K.simple ##use chi-square if no overdispersion if(c.hat == 1) { Chistat <- LR df <- K.diff pval <- 1 - pchisq(Chistat, df = df) devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex, LL.simple, LL.complex, NA, K.diff, NA, LR, NA, Chistat, NA, pval), nrow = 2, ncol = 6) colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik", "Kdiff", "-2LL", "Chistat", "pval") } else { ##compute F statistic Fstat <- LR/((K.diff)*c.hat) ##compute df df.num <- K.diff df.denom <- df.complex ##P value pval <- 1 - pf(Fstat, df1 = df.num, df2 = df.denom) devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex, LL.simple, LL.complex, NA, K.diff, NA, LR, NA, Fstat, NA, pval), nrow = 2, ncol = 6) colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik", "Kdiff", "-2LL", "F", "pval") } ##assemble in list outList <- list(form.simple = form.simple, form.complex = form.complex, c.hat = c.hat, devMat = devMat) class(outList) <- c("anovaOD", "list") return(outList) } ##gdistsamp anovaOD.unmarkedFitGDS <- function(mod.simple, mod.complex, c.hat = 1, nobs = NULL, ...) { if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion: model fit is questionable\n") if(c.hat < 1) { warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n") c.hat <- 1 } ##check for distributions modFamily1 <- mod.simple@mixture modFamily2 <- mod.complex@mixture if(!identical(modFamily1, modFamily2)) stop("\nComparisons only appropriate for models using the same mixture distribution\n") if(!identical(modFamily1, "P") && !identical(modFamily1, "ZIP")) { if(c.hat > 1) stop("\ndistribution not appropriate for overdispersion correction\n") } ##extract response y1 <- mod.simple@data@y y2 <- mod.complex@data@y ##check that data are the same if(!identical(y1, y2)) stop("\nData set should be identical to compare models\n") ##number of observations if(is.null(nobs)) { nobs <- nrow(y1) } ##extract LL LL.simple <- logLik(mod.simple) LL.complex <- logLik(mod.complex) ##extract number of estimated parameters K.simple <- length(coef(mod.simple)) K.complex <- length(coef(mod.complex)) ##residual df of complex model df.complex <- nobs - K.complex ##extract model formula ##simple model form.simpleLam <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "lambda") form.simpleLam2 <- paste("lam(", form.simpleLam, ")", sep = "") form.simplePhi <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "phi") form.simplePhi2 <- paste("phi(", form.simplePhi, ")", sep = "") form.simpleDet <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "det") form.simpleDet2 <- paste("p(", form.simpleDet, ")", sep = "") key.simple <- mod.simple@keyfun form.simple <- paste(form.simpleLam2, form.simplePhi2, form.simpleDet2, " (", key.simple, ")", sep = "") ##complex model form.complexLam <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "lambda") form.complexLam2 <- paste("lam(", form.complexLam, ")", sep = "") form.complexPhi <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "phi") form.complexPhi2 <- paste("phi(", form.complexPhi, ")", sep = "") form.complexDet <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "det") form.complexDet2 <- paste("p(", form.complexDet, ")", sep = "") key.complex <- mod.complex@keyfun form.complex <- paste(form.complexLam2, form.complexPhi2, form.complexDet2, " (", key.complex, ")", sep = "") ##- 2 * (logLik(simple) - logLik(complex)) LR <- -2 * (LL.simple - LL.complex) ##difference in number of estimated parameters K.diff <- K.complex - K.simple ##use chi-square if no overdispersion if(c.hat == 1) { Chistat <- LR df <- K.diff pval <- 1 - pchisq(Chistat, df = df) devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex, LL.simple, LL.complex, NA, K.diff, NA, LR, NA, Chistat, NA, pval), nrow = 2, ncol = 6) colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik", "Kdiff", "-2LL", "Chistat", "pval") } else { ##compute F statistic Fstat <- LR/((K.diff)*c.hat) ##compute df df.num <- K.diff df.denom <- df.complex ##P value pval <- 1 - pf(Fstat, df1 = df.num, df2 = df.denom) devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex, LL.simple, LL.complex, NA, K.diff, NA, LR, NA, Fstat, NA, pval), nrow = 2, ncol = 6) colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik", "Kdiff", "-2LL", "F", "pval") } ##assemble in list outList <- list(form.simple = form.simple, form.complex = form.complex, c.hat = c.hat, devMat = devMat) class(outList) <- c("anovaOD", "list") return(outList) } ##multinomPois anovaOD.unmarkedFitMPois <- function(mod.simple, mod.complex, c.hat = 1, nobs = NULL, ...) { if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion: model fit is questionable\n") if(c.hat < 1) { warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n") c.hat <- 1 } ##extract response y1 <- mod.simple@data@y y2 <- mod.complex@data@y ##check that data are the same if(!identical(y1, y2)) stop("\nData set should be identical to compare models\n") ##number of observations if(is.null(nobs)) { nobs <- nrow(y1) } ##extract LL LL.simple <- logLik(mod.simple) LL.complex <- logLik(mod.complex) ##extract number of estimated parameters K.simple <- length(coef(mod.simple)) K.complex <- length(coef(mod.complex)) ##residual df of complex model df.complex <- nobs - K.complex ##extract model formula ##simple model form.simpleLam <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "state") form.simpleLam2 <- paste("lam(", form.simpleLam, ")", sep = "") form.simpleDet <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "det") form.simpleDet2 <- paste("p(", form.simpleDet, ")", sep = "") form.simple <- paste(form.simpleLam2, form.simpleDet2, sep = "") ##complex model form.complexLam <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "state") form.complexLam2 <- paste("lam(", form.complexLam, ")", sep = "") form.complexDet <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "det") form.complexDet2 <- paste("p(", form.complexDet, ")", sep = "") form.complex <- paste(form.complexLam2, form.complexDet2, sep = "") ##- 2 * (logLik(simple) - logLik(complex)) LR <- -2 * (LL.simple - LL.complex) ##difference in number of estimated parameters K.diff <- K.complex - K.simple ##use chi-square if no overdispersion if(c.hat == 1) { Chistat <- LR df <- K.diff pval <- 1 - pchisq(Chistat, df = df) devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex, LL.simple, LL.complex, NA, K.diff, NA, LR, NA, Chistat, NA, pval), nrow = 2, ncol = 6) colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik", "Kdiff", "-2LL", "Chistat", "pval") } else { ##compute F statistic Fstat <- LR/((K.diff)*c.hat) ##compute df df.num <- K.diff df.denom <- df.complex ##P value pval <- 1 - pf(Fstat, df1 = df.num, df2 = df.denom) devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex, LL.simple, LL.complex, NA, K.diff, NA, LR, NA, Fstat, NA, pval), nrow = 2, ncol = 6) colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik", "Kdiff", "-2LL", "F", "pval") } ##assemble in list outList <- list(form.simple = form.simple, form.complex = form.complex, c.hat = c.hat, devMat = devMat) class(outList) <- c("anovaOD", "list") return(outList) } ##gmultmix anovaOD.unmarkedFitGMM <- function(mod.simple, mod.complex, c.hat = 1, nobs = NULL, ...) { if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion: model fit is questionable\n") if(c.hat < 1) { warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n") c.hat <- 1 } ##check for distributions modFamily1 <- mod.simple@mixture modFamily2 <- mod.complex@mixture if(!identical(modFamily1, modFamily2)) stop("\nComparisons only appropriate for models using the same mixture distribution\n") if(!identical(modFamily1, "P") && !identical(modFamily1, "ZIP")) { if(c.hat > 1) stop("\ndistribution not appropriate for overdispersion correction\n\n") } ##extract response y1 <- mod.simple@data@y y2 <- mod.complex@data@y ##check that data are the same if(!identical(y1, y2)) stop("\nData set should be identical to compare models\n") ##number of observations if(is.null(nobs)) { nobs <- nrow(y1) } ##extract LL LL.simple <- logLik(mod.simple) LL.complex <- logLik(mod.complex) ##extract number of estimated parameters K.simple <- length(coef(mod.simple)) K.complex <- length(coef(mod.complex)) ##residual df of complex model df.complex <- nobs - K.complex ##extract model formula ##simple model form.simpleLam <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "lambda") form.simpleLam2 <- paste("lam(", form.simpleLam, ")", sep = "") form.simplePhi <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "phi") form.simplePhi2 <- paste("phi(", form.simplePhi, ")", sep = "") form.simpleDet <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "det") form.simpleDet2 <- paste("p(", form.simpleDet, ")", sep = "") form.simple <- paste(form.simpleLam2, form.simplePhi2, form.simpleDet2, sep = "") ##complex model form.complexLam <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "lambda") form.complexLam2 <- paste("lam(", form.complexLam, ")", sep = "") form.complexPhi <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "phi") form.complexPhi2 <- paste("phi(", form.complexPhi, ")", sep = "") form.complexDet <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "det") form.complexDet2 <- paste("p(", form.complexDet, ")", sep = "") form.complex <- paste(form.complexLam2, form.complexPhi2, form.complexDet2, sep = "") ##- 2 * (logLik(simple) - logLik(complex)) LR <- -2 * (LL.simple - LL.complex) ##difference in number of estimated parameters K.diff <- K.complex - K.simple ##use chi-square if no overdispersion if(c.hat == 1) { Chistat <- LR df <- K.diff pval <- 1 - pchisq(Chistat, df = df) devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex, LL.simple, LL.complex, NA, K.diff, NA, LR, NA, Chistat, NA, pval), nrow = 2, ncol = 6) colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik", "Kdiff", "-2LL", "Chistat", "pval") } else { ##compute F statistic Fstat <- LR/((K.diff)*c.hat) ##compute df df.num <- K.diff df.denom <- df.complex ##P value pval <- 1 - pf(Fstat, df1 = df.num, df2 = df.denom) devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex, LL.simple, LL.complex, NA, K.diff, NA, LR, NA, Fstat, NA, pval), nrow = 2, ncol = 6) colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik", "Kdiff", "-2LL", "F", "pval") } ##assemble in list outList <- list(form.simple = form.simple, form.complex = form.complex, c.hat = c.hat, devMat = devMat) class(outList) <- c("anovaOD", "list") return(outList) } ##gpcount anovaOD.unmarkedFitGPC <- function(mod.simple, mod.complex, c.hat = 1, nobs = NULL, ...) { if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion: model fit is questionable\n") if(c.hat < 1) { warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n") c.hat <- 1 } ##check for distributions modFamily1 <- mod.simple@mixture modFamily2 <- mod.complex@mixture if(!identical(modFamily1, modFamily2)) stop("\nComparisons only appropriate for models using the same mixture distribution\n") if(!identical(modFamily1, "P") && !identical(modFamily1, "ZIP")) { if(c.hat > 1) stop("\ndistribution not appropriate for overdispersion correction\n\n") } ##extract response y1 <- mod.simple@data@y y2 <- mod.complex@data@y ##check that data are the same if(!identical(y1, y2)) stop("\nData set should be identical to compare models\n") ##number of observations if(is.null(nobs)) { nobs <- nrow(y1) } ##extract LL LL.simple <- logLik(mod.simple) LL.complex <- logLik(mod.complex) ##extract number of estimated parameters K.simple <- length(coef(mod.simple)) K.complex <- length(coef(mod.complex)) ##residual df of complex model df.complex <- nobs - K.complex ##extract model formula ##simple model form.simpleLam <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "lambda") form.simpleLam2 <- paste("lam(", form.simpleLam, ")", sep = "") form.simplePhi <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "phi") form.simplePhi2 <- paste("phi(", form.simplePhi, ")", sep = "") form.simpleDet <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "det") form.simpleDet2 <- paste("p(", form.simpleDet, ")", sep = "") form.simple <- paste(form.simpleLam2, form.simplePhi2, form.simpleDet2, sep = "") ##complex model form.complexLam <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "lambda") form.complexLam2 <- paste("lam(", form.complexLam, ")", sep = "") form.complexPhi <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "phi") form.complexPhi2 <- paste("phi(", form.complexPhi, ")", sep = "") form.complexDet <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "det") form.complexDet2 <- paste("p(", form.complexDet, ")", sep = "") form.complex <- paste(form.complexLam2, form.complexPhi2, form.complexDet2, sep = "") ##- 2 * (logLik(simple) - logLik(complex)) LR <- -2 * (LL.simple - LL.complex) ##difference in number of estimated parameters K.diff <- K.complex - K.simple ##use chi-square if no overdispersion if(c.hat == 1) { Chistat <- LR df <- K.diff pval <- 1 - pchisq(Chistat, df = df) devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex, LL.simple, LL.complex, NA, K.diff, NA, LR, NA, Chistat, NA, pval), nrow = 2, ncol = 6) colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik", "Kdiff", "-2LL", "Chistat", "pval") } else { ##compute F statistic Fstat <- LR/((K.diff)*c.hat) ##compute df df.num <- K.diff df.denom <- df.complex ##P value pval <- 1 - pf(Fstat, df1 = df.num, df2 = df.denom) devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex, LL.simple, LL.complex, NA, K.diff, NA, LR, NA, Fstat, NA, pval), nrow = 2, ncol = 6) colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik", "Kdiff", "-2LL", "F", "pval") } ##assemble in list outList <- list(form.simple = form.simple, form.complex = form.complex, c.hat = c.hat, devMat = devMat) class(outList) <- c("anovaOD", "list") return(outList) } ##occuMulti anovaOD.unmarkedFitOccuMulti <- function(mod.simple, mod.complex, c.hat = 1, nobs = NULL, ...) { if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion: model fit is questionable\n") if(c.hat < 1) { warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n") c.hat <- 1 } ##extract response y1 <- mod.simple@data@y y2 <- mod.complex@data@y ##check that data are the same if(!identical(y1, y2)) stop("\nData set should be identical to compare models\n") ##number of observations if(is.null(nobs)) { nobs <- nrow(y1) } ##number of species nspecies <- length(mod.simple@data@ylist) genericNames <- paste("sp", 1:nspecies, sep = "") ##extract LL LL.simple <- logLik(mod.simple) LL.complex <- logLik(mod.complex) ##extract number of estimated parameters K.simple <- length(coef(mod.simple)) K.complex <- length(coef(mod.complex)) ##residual df of complex model df.complex <- nobs - K.complex ##extract model formula ##simple model ##extract labels of fDesign simple.fDesign <- mod.simple@data@fDesign simple.colNames <- substr(x = colnames(simple.fDesign), start = 1, stop = 2) ##extract state formulas simpleState <- mod.simple@stateformulas ##replace ~ 1 by "." simplerState <- gsub(pattern = "~1", replacement = ".", x = simpleState) form.simplePsi <- paste(simple.colNames, "(", simplerState, ")", sep = "") form.simplePsi2 <- paste(form.simplePsi, collapse = "") form.simplePsi3 <- paste("psi[", form.simplePsi2, "]", collapse = "") ##extract detection formulas simpleDet <- mod.simple@detformulas ##replace ~ 1 by "." simplerDet <- gsub(pattern = "~1", replacement = ".", x = simpleDet) form.simpleDet <- paste(genericNames, "(", simplerDet, ")", sep = "") form.simpleDet2 <- paste(form.simpleDet, collapse = "") form.simpleDet3 <- paste("p[", form.simpleDet2, "]", collapse = "") form.simple <- paste(form.simplePsi3, form.simpleDet3, sep = "") ##complex model ##extract labels of fDesign complex.fDesign <- mod.complex@data@fDesign complex.colNames <- substr(x = colnames(complex.fDesign), start = 1, stop = 2) ##extract state formulas complexState <- mod.complex@stateformulas ##replace ~ 1 by "." complexrState <- gsub(pattern = "~1", replacement = ".", x = complexState) form.complexPsi <- paste(complex.colNames, "(", complexrState, ")", sep = "") form.complexPsi2 <- paste(form.complexPsi, collapse = "") form.complexPsi3 <- paste("psi[", form.complexPsi2, "]", collapse = "") ##extract detection formulas complexDet <- mod.complex@detformulas ##replace ~ 1 by "." complexrDet <- gsub(pattern = "~1", replacement = ".", x = complexDet) form.complexDet <- paste(genericNames, "(", complexrDet, ")", sep = "") form.complexDet2 <- paste(form.complexDet, collapse = "") form.complexDet3 <- paste("p[", form.complexDet2, "]", collapse = "") form.complex <- paste(form.complexPsi3, form.complexDet3, sep = "") ##- 2 * (logLik(simple) - logLik(complex)) LR <- -2 * (LL.simple - LL.complex) ##difference in number of estimated parameters K.diff <- K.complex - K.simple ##use chi-square if no overdispersion if(c.hat == 1) { Chistat <- LR df <- K.diff pval <- 1 - pchisq(Chistat, df = df) devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex, LL.simple, LL.complex, NA, K.diff, NA, LR, NA, Chistat, NA, pval), nrow = 2, ncol = 6) colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik", "Kdiff", "-2LL", "Chistat", "pval") } else { ##compute F statistic Fstat <- LR/((K.diff)*c.hat) ##compute df df.num <- K.diff df.denom <- df.complex ##P value pval <- 1 - pf(Fstat, df1 = df.num, df2 = df.denom) devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex, LL.simple, LL.complex, NA, K.diff, NA, LR, NA, Fstat, NA, pval), nrow = 2, ncol = 6) colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik", "Kdiff", "-2LL", "F", "pval") } ##assemble in list outList <- list(form.simple = form.simple, form.complex = form.complex, c.hat = c.hat, devMat = devMat) class(outList) <- c("anovaOD", "list") return(outList) } ##occuMS anovaOD.unmarkedFitOccuMS <- function(mod.simple, mod.complex, c.hat = 1, nobs = NULL, ...) { if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion: model fit is questionable\n") if(c.hat < 1) { warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n") c.hat <- 1 } ##extract response y1 <- mod.simple@data@y y2 <- mod.complex@data@y ##check for each model single season vs dynamic nseason.simple <- mod.simple@data@numPrimary nseason.complex <- mod.complex@data@numPrimary ##check that data are the same if(!identical(y1, y2)) stop("\nData set should be identical to compare models\n") ##number of observations if(is.null(nobs)) { nobs <- nrow(y1) } ##extract LL LL.simple <- logLik(mod.simple) LL.complex <- logLik(mod.complex) ##extract number of estimated parameters K.simple <- length(coef(mod.simple)) K.complex <- length(coef(mod.complex)) ##residual df of complex model df.complex <- nobs - K.complex ##extract model formula ##simple model if(nseason.simple == 1) { form.simplePsi <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "state") form.simplePsi2 <- paste("psi(", form.simplePsi, ")", sep = "") form.simpleDet <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "det") form.simpleDet2 <- paste("p(", form.simpleDet, ")", sep = "") form.simple <- paste(form.simplePsi2, form.simpleDet2, sep = "") } else { form.simplePsi <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "state") form.simplePsi2 <- paste("psi(", form.simplePsi, ")", sep = "") form.simplePhi <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "transition") form.simplePhi2 <- paste("phi(", form.simplePhi, ")", sep = "") form.simpleDet <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "det") form.simpleDet2 <- paste("p(", form.simpleDet, ")", sep = "") form.simple <- paste(form.simplePsi2, form.simplePhi2, form.simpleDet2, sep = "") } ##complex model if(nseason.complex == 1) { form.complexPsi <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "state") form.complexPsi2 <- paste("psi(", form.complexPsi, ")", sep = "") form.complexDet <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "det") form.complexDet2 <- paste("p(", form.complexDet, ")", sep = "") form.complex <- paste(form.complexPsi2, form.complexDet2, sep = "") } else { form.complexPsi <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "state") form.complexPsi2 <- paste("psi(", form.complexPsi, ")", sep = "") form.complexPhi <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "transition") form.complexPhi2 <- paste("phi(", form.complexPhi, ")", sep = "") form.complexDet <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "det") form.complexDet2 <- paste("p(", form.complexDet, ")", sep = "") form.complex <- paste(form.complexPsi2, form.complexPhi2, form.complexDet2, sep = "") } ##- 2 * (logLik(simple) - logLik(complex)) LR <- -2 * (LL.simple - LL.complex) ##difference in number of estimated parameters K.diff <- K.complex - K.simple ##use chi-square if no overdispersion if(c.hat == 1) { Chistat <- LR df <- K.diff pval <- 1 - pchisq(Chistat, df = df) devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex, LL.simple, LL.complex, NA, K.diff, NA, LR, NA, Chistat, NA, pval), nrow = 2, ncol = 6) colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik", "Kdiff", "-2LL", "Chistat", "pval") } else { ##compute F statistic Fstat <- LR/((K.diff)*c.hat) ##compute df df.num <- K.diff df.denom <- df.complex ##P value pval <- 1 - pf(Fstat, df1 = df.num, df2 = df.denom) devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex, LL.simple, LL.complex, NA, K.diff, NA, LR, NA, Fstat, NA, pval), nrow = 2, ncol = 6) colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik", "Kdiff", "-2LL", "F", "pval") } ##assemble in list outList <- list(form.simple = form.simple, form.complex = form.complex, c.hat = c.hat, devMat = devMat) class(outList) <- c("anovaOD", "list") return(outList) } ##occuTTD anovaOD.unmarkedFitOccuTTD <- function(mod.simple, mod.complex, c.hat = 1, nobs = NULL, ...) { if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion: model fit is questionable\n") if(c.hat < 1) { warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n") c.hat <- 1 } ##extract response y1 <- mod.simple@data@y y2 <- mod.complex@data@y ##check for each model single season vs dynamic nseason.simple <- mod.simple@data@numPrimary nseason.complex <- mod.complex@data@numPrimary ##check that data are the same if(!identical(y1, y2)) stop("\nData set should be identical to compare models\n") ##number of observations if(is.null(nobs)) { nobs <- nrow(y1) } ##extract LL LL.simple <- logLik(mod.simple) LL.complex <- logLik(mod.complex) ##extract number of estimated parameters K.simple <- length(coef(mod.simple)) K.complex <- length(coef(mod.complex)) ##residual df of complex model df.complex <- nobs - K.complex ##extract model formula ##simple model if(nseason.simple == 1) { form.simplePsi <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "psi") form.simplePsi2 <- paste("psi(", form.simplePsi, ")", sep = "") form.simpleDet <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "det") form.simpleDet2 <- paste("p(", form.simpleDet, ")", sep = "") form.simple <- paste(form.simplePsi2, form.simpleDet2, sep = "") } else { form.simplePsi <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "psi") form.simplePsi2 <- paste("psi(", form.simplePsi, ")", sep = "") form.simpleGam <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "col") form.simpleGam2 <- paste("gam(", form.simpleGam, ")", sep = "") form.simpleEps <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "ext") form.simpleEps2 <- paste("eps(", form.simpleEps, ")", sep = "") form.simpleDet <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "det") form.simpleDet2 <- paste("p(", form.simpleDet, ")", sep = "") form.simple <- paste(form.simplePsi2, form.simpleGam2, form.simpleEps2, form.simpleDet2, sep = "") } ##complex model if(nseason.complex == 1) { form.complexPsi <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "psi") form.complexPsi2 <- paste("psi(", form.complexPsi, ")", sep = "") form.complexDet <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "det") form.complexDet2 <- paste("p(", form.complexDet, ")", sep = "") form.complex <- paste(form.complexPsi2, form.complexDet2, sep = "") } else { form.complexPsi <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "psi") form.complexPsi2 <- paste("psi(", form.complexPsi, ")", sep = "") form.complexGam <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "col") form.complexGam2 <- paste("gam(", form.complexGam, ")", sep = "") form.complexEps <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "ext") form.complexEps2 <- paste("eps(", form.complexEps, ")", sep = "") form.complexDet <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "det") form.complexDet2 <- paste("p(", form.complexDet, ")", sep = "") form.complex <- paste(form.complexPsi2, form.complexGam2, form.complexEps2, form.complexDet2, sep = "") } ##- 2 * (logLik(simple) - logLik(complex)) LR <- -2 * (LL.simple - LL.complex) ##difference in number of estimated parameters K.diff <- K.complex - K.simple ##use chi-square if no overdispersion if(c.hat == 1) { Chistat <- LR df <- K.diff pval <- 1 - pchisq(Chistat, df = df) devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex, LL.simple, LL.complex, NA, K.diff, NA, LR, NA, Chistat, NA, pval), nrow = 2, ncol = 6) colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik", "Kdiff", "-2LL", "Chistat", "pval") } else { ##compute F statistic Fstat <- LR/((K.diff)*c.hat) ##compute df df.num <- K.diff df.denom <- df.complex ##P value pval <- 1 - pf(Fstat, df1 = df.num, df2 = df.denom) devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex, LL.simple, LL.complex, NA, K.diff, NA, LR, NA, Fstat, NA, pval), nrow = 2, ncol = 6) colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik", "Kdiff", "-2LL", "F", "pval") } ##assemble in list outList <- list(form.simple = form.simple, form.complex = form.complex, c.hat = c.hat, devMat = devMat) class(outList) <- c("anovaOD", "list") return(outList) } ##multmixOpen anovaOD.unmarkedFitMMO <- function(mod.simple, mod.complex, c.hat = 1, nobs = NULL, ...) { if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion: model fit is questionable\n") if(c.hat < 1) { warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n") c.hat <- 1 } ##check for distributions modFamily1 <- mod.simple@mixture modFamily2 <- mod.complex@mixture if(!identical(modFamily1, modFamily2)) stop("\nComparisons only appropriate for models using the same mixture distribution\n") if(!identical(modFamily1, "P") && !identical(modFamily1, "ZIP")) { if(c.hat > 1) stop("\ndistribution not appropriate for overdispersion correction\n") } ##extract response y1 <- mod.simple@data@y y2 <- mod.complex@data@y ##check that data are the same if(!identical(y1, y2)) stop("\nData set should be identical to compare models\n") ##number of observations if(is.null(nobs)) { nobs <- nrow(y1) } ##extract LL LL.simple <- logLik(mod.simple) LL.complex <- logLik(mod.complex) ##extract number of estimated parameters K.simple <- length(coef(mod.simple)) K.complex <- length(coef(mod.complex)) ##residual df of complex model df.complex <- nobs - K.complex ##extract model formula ##simple model form.simpleLam <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "lambda") form.simpleLam2 <- paste("lam(", form.simpleLam, ")", sep = "") form.simpleGam <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "gamma") form.simpleGam2 <- paste("gam(", form.simpleGam, ")", sep = "") form.simpleOmega <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "omega") form.simpleOmega2 <- paste("omega(", form.simpleOmega, ")", sep = "") form.simpleDet <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "det") form.simpleDet2 <- paste("p(", form.simpleDet, ")", sep = "") if(exists("iota", mod.simple@estimates@estimates)){ form.simpleIota <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "iota") form.simpleIota2 <- paste("iota(", form.simpleIota, ")", sep = "") form.simple <- paste(form.simpleLam2, form.simpleGam2, form.simpleOmega2, form.simpleIota2, form.simpleDet2, sep = "") } else { form.simple <- paste(form.simpleLam2, form.simpleGam2, form.simpleOmega2, form.simpleDet2, sep = "") } ##complex model form.complexLam <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "lambda") form.complexLam2 <- paste("lam(", form.complexLam, ")", sep = "") form.complexGam <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "gamma") form.complexGam2 <- paste("gam(", form.complexGam, ")", sep = "") form.complexOmega <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "omega") form.complexOmega2 <- paste("omega(", form.complexOmega, ")", sep = "") form.complexDet <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "det") form.complexDet2 <- paste("p(", form.complexDet, ")", sep = "") if(exists("iota", mod.complex@estimates@estimates)){ form.complexIota <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "iota") form.complexIota2 <- paste("iota(", form.complexIota, ")", sep = "") form.complex <- paste(form.complexLam2, form.complexGam2, form.complexOmega2, form.complexIota2, form.complexDet2, sep = "") } else { form.complex <- paste(form.complexLam2, form.complexGam2, form.complexOmega2, form.complexDet2, sep = "") } ##- 2 * (logLik(simple) - logLik(complex)) LR <- -2 * (LL.simple - LL.complex) ##difference in number of estimated parameters K.diff <- K.complex - K.simple ##use chi-square if no overdispersion if(c.hat == 1) { Chistat <- LR df <- K.diff pval <- 1 - pchisq(Chistat, df = df) devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex, LL.simple, LL.complex, NA, K.diff, NA, LR, NA, Chistat, NA, pval), nrow = 2, ncol = 6) colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik", "Kdiff", "-2LL", "Chistat", "pval") } else { ##compute F statistic Fstat <- LR/((K.diff)*c.hat) ##compute df df.num <- K.diff df.denom <- df.complex ##P value pval <- 1 - pf(Fstat, df1 = df.num, df2 = df.denom) devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex, LL.simple, LL.complex, NA, K.diff, NA, LR, NA, Fstat, NA, pval), nrow = 2, ncol = 6) colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik", "Kdiff", "-2LL", "F", "pval") } ##assemble in list outList <- list(form.simple = form.simple, form.complex = form.complex, c.hat = c.hat, devMat = devMat) class(outList) <- c("anovaOD", "list") return(outList) } ##distsampOpen anovaOD.unmarkedFitDSO <- function(mod.simple, mod.complex, c.hat = 1, nobs = NULL, ...) { if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion: model fit is questionable\n") if(c.hat < 1) { warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n") c.hat <- 1 } ##check for distributions modFamily1 <- mod.simple@mixture modFamily2 <- mod.complex@mixture if(!identical(modFamily1, modFamily2)) stop("\nComparisons only appropriate for models using the same mixture distribution\n") if(!identical(modFamily1, "P") && !identical(modFamily1, "ZIP")) { if(c.hat > 1) stop("\ndistribution not appropriate for overdispersion correction\n") } ##extract response y1 <- mod.simple@data@y y2 <- mod.complex@data@y ##check that data are the same if(!identical(y1, y2)) stop("\nData set should be identical to compare models\n") ##number of observations if(is.null(nobs)) { nobs <- nrow(y1) } ##extract LL LL.simple <- logLik(mod.simple) LL.complex <- logLik(mod.complex) ##extract number of estimated parameters K.simple <- length(coef(mod.simple)) K.complex <- length(coef(mod.complex)) ##residual df of complex model df.complex <- nobs - K.complex ##extract model formula ##simple model form.simpleLam <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "lambda") form.simpleLam2 <- paste("lam(", form.simpleLam, ")", sep = "") form.simpleGam <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "gamma") form.simpleGam2 <- paste("gam(", form.simpleGam, ")", sep = "") form.simpleOmega <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "omega") form.simpleOmega2 <- paste("omega(", form.simpleOmega, ")", sep = "") form.simpleDet <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "det") form.simpleDet2 <- paste("p(", form.simpleDet, ")", sep = "") if(exists("iota", mod.simple@estimates@estimates)){ form.simpleIota <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "iota") form.simpleIota2 <- paste("iota(", form.simpleIota, ")", sep = "") form.simple <- paste(form.simpleLam2, form.simpleGam2, form.simpleOmega2, form.simpleIota2, form.simpleDet2, sep = "") } else { form.simple <- paste(form.simpleLam2, form.simpleGam2, form.simpleOmega2, form.simpleDet2, sep = "") } ##complex model form.complexLam <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "lambda") form.complexLam2 <- paste("lam(", form.complexLam, ")", sep = "") form.complexGam <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "gamma") form.complexGam2 <- paste("gam(", form.complexGam, ")", sep = "") form.complexOmega <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "omega") form.complexOmega2 <- paste("omega(", form.complexOmega, ")", sep = "") form.complexDet <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "det") form.complexDet2 <- paste("p(", form.complexDet, ")", sep = "") if(exists("iota", mod.complex@estimates@estimates)){ form.complexIota <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "iota") form.complexIota2 <- paste("iota(", form.complexIota, ")", sep = "") form.complex <- paste(form.complexLam2, form.complexGam2, form.complexOmega2, form.complexIota2, form.complexDet2, sep = "") } else { form.complex <- paste(form.complexLam2, form.complexGam2, form.complexOmega2, form.complexDet2, sep = "") } ##- 2 * (logLik(simple) - logLik(complex)) LR <- -2 * (LL.simple - LL.complex) ##difference in number of estimated parameters K.diff <- K.complex - K.simple ##use chi-square if no overdispersion if(c.hat == 1) { Chistat <- LR df <- K.diff pval <- 1 - pchisq(Chistat, df = df) devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex, LL.simple, LL.complex, NA, K.diff, NA, LR, NA, Chistat, NA, pval), nrow = 2, ncol = 6) colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik", "Kdiff", "-2LL", "Chistat", "pval") } else { ##compute F statistic Fstat <- LR/((K.diff)*c.hat) ##compute df df.num <- K.diff df.denom <- df.complex ##P value pval <- 1 - pf(Fstat, df1 = df.num, df2 = df.denom) devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex, LL.simple, LL.complex, NA, K.diff, NA, LR, NA, Fstat, NA, pval), nrow = 2, ncol = 6) colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik", "Kdiff", "-2LL", "F", "pval") } ##assemble in list outList <- list(form.simple = form.simple, form.complex = form.complex, c.hat = c.hat, devMat = devMat) class(outList) <- c("anovaOD", "list") return(outList) } ##maxlike anovaOD.maxlikeFit <- function(mod.simple, mod.complex, c.hat = 1, nobs = NULL, ...){ if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion: model fit is questionable\n") if(c.hat < 1) { warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n") c.hat <- 1 } ##response variable y1 <- mod.simple$points.retained y2 <- mod.complex$points.retained ##number of observations if(is.null(nobs)) { nobs <- nrow(y1) } ##check that data are the same if(!identical(y1, y2)) stop("\nData set should be identical to compare models\n") ##extract log-likelihood LL1 <- logLik(mod.simple) LL2 <- logLik(mod.complex) LL.simple <- LL1[1] LL.complex <- LL2[1] ##extract number of estimated parameters K.simple <- length(coef(mod.simple)) K.complex <- length(coef(mod.complex)) ##residual df of complex model df.complex <- nobs - K.complex ##extract model formula simpleForm <- formula(mod.simple) form.simple <- paste("y ~", simpleForm[2]) complexForm <- formula(mod.complex) form.complex <- paste("y ~", complexForm[2]) ##- 2 * (logLik(simple) - logLik(complex)) LR <- -2 * (LL.simple - LL.complex) ##difference in number of estimated parameters K.diff <- K.complex - K.simple ##use chi-square if no overdispersion if(c.hat == 1) { Chistat <- LR df <- K.diff pval <- 1 - pchisq(Chistat, df = df) devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex, LL.simple, LL.complex, NA, K.diff, NA, LR, NA, Chistat, NA, pval), nrow = 2, ncol = 6) colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik", "Kdiff", "-2LL", "Chistat", "pval") } else { ##compute F statistic Fstat <- LR/((K.diff)*c.hat) ##compute df df.num <- K.diff df.denom <- df.complex ##P value pval <- 1 - pf(Fstat, df1 = df.num, df2 = df.denom) devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex, LL.simple, LL.complex, NA, K.diff, NA, LR, NA, Fstat, NA, pval), nrow = 2, ncol = 6) colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik", "Kdiff", "-2LL", "F", "pval") } ##assemble in list outList <- list(form.simple = form.simple, form.complex = form.complex, c.hat = c.hat, devMat = devMat) class(outList) <- c("anovaOD", "list") return(outList) } ##residual df of most complex model is required to compute F statistic ##this value is difficult to obtain for models of unmarked classes and glmm's ##potentially give option to user of specifying effective sample size (as in AICc) ##nobs print.anovaOD <- function(x, digits = 4, ...) { ##extract information simple.text <- x$form.simple complex.text <- x$form.complex ##if text too long, truncate name if(nchar(simple.text) > 70) { simple.text <- paste(substr(x = simple.text, start = 1, stop = 70), " ...", sep = "") } ##if text too long, truncate name if(nchar(complex.text) > 70) { complex.text <- paste(substr(x = complex.text, start = 1, stop = 70), " ...", sep = "") } c.hat <- x$c.hat outMat <- x$devMat rownames(outMat) <- c("1", "2") ##check value of P and set to < 0.0001 #pval <- ifelse(outMat[, "pval"] < 0.0001, "< 0.0001", outMat[, "pval"]) ##replace NA's with spaces #outMat[] <- " " if(c.hat == 1) { ##add names colnames(outMat) <- c("K", "logLik", "Kdiff", "-2logLik", "Chisq", "Pr(>Chisq)") cat("\nAnalysis of deviance table\n", sep = "") } else { ##add names colnames(outMat) <- c("K", "logLik", "Kdiff", "-2logLik", "F", "Pr(>F)") cat("\nAnalysis of deviance table corrected for overdispersion\n", sep = "") } cat("\nSimple model (1): ", simple.text, "\nComplex model (2): ", complex.text, "\n\n") printCoefmat(outMat, digits = digits, signif.stars = FALSE, cs.ind = 1, na.print = "") if(c.hat > 1) { cat("\n(c-hat = ", c.hat, ")", "\n", sep = "") } cat("\n") }
##create generic bictab bictab <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...) { ##format list according to model class cand.set <- formatCands(cand.set) UseMethod("bictab", cand.set) } ##default to indicate when object class not supported bictab.default <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...) { stop("\nFunction not yet defined for this object class\n") } ##aov bictab.AICaov.lm <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) formula(b)[2]) if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same response variable for all models\n") Results <- NULL Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = useBIC, return.K = TRUE, nobs = nobs)) #extract number of parameters Results$BIC <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = useBIC, return.K = FALSE, nobs = nobs)) #extract BIC # Results$Delta_BIC <- Results$BIC - min(Results$BIC) #compute delta BIC Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_BIC) #compute model likelihood required to compute BIC weights Results$BICWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute BIC weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$BIC)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") ##extract LL Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1])) if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on BIC weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of BIC weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("bictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##betareg bictab.AICbetareg <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) formula(b)[2]) if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same response variable for all models\n") Results <- NULL Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = useBIC, return.K = TRUE, nobs = nobs)) #extract number of parameters Results$BIC <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = useBIC, return.K = FALSE, nobs = nobs)) #extract BIC # Results$Delta_BIC <- Results$BIC - min(Results$BIC) #compute delta BIC Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_BIC) #compute model likelihood required to compute BIC weights Results$BICWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute BIC weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$BIC)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") ##extract LL Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1])) if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on BIC weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of BIC weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("bictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##clm bictab.AICsclm.clm <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) formula(b)[2]) if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same response variable for all models\n") Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, useBIC, return.K = TRUE, nobs = nobs)) #extract number of parameters Results$BIC <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, useBIC, return.K = FALSE, nobs = nobs)) #extract BIC # Results$Delta_BIC <- Results$BIC - min(Results$BIC) #compute delta BIC Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_BIC) #compute model likelihood required to compute BIC weights Results$BICWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute BIC weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$BIC)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X= cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1])) if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on BIC weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of BIC weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("bictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##clm bictab.AICclm <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) formula(b)[2]) if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same response variable for all models\n") Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, useBIC, return.K = TRUE, nobs = nobs)) #extract number of parameters Results$BIC <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, useBIC, return.K = FALSE, nobs = nobs)) #extract BIC # Results$Delta_BIC <- Results$BIC - min(Results$BIC) #compute delta BIC Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_BIC) #compute model likelihood required to compute BIC weights Results$BICWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute BIC weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$BIC)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X= cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1])) if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on BIC weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of BIC weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("bictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##clmm bictab.AICclmm <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) formula(b)[2]) if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same response variable for all models\n") Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, useBIC, return.K = TRUE, nobs = nobs)) #extract number of parameters Results$BIC <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, useBIC, return.K = FALSE, nobs = nobs)) #extract BIC # Results$Delta_BIC <- Results$BIC - min(Results$BIC) #compute delta BIC Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_BIC) #compute model likelihood required to compute BIC weights Results$BICWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute BIC weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$BIC)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X= cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1])) if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on BIC weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of BIC weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("bictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##coxme bictab.AICcoxme <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) formula(b)$fixed[2]) if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same response variable for all models\n") ##arrange in table Results <- data.frame(Modnames=modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, useBIC, return.K = TRUE, nobs = nobs)) #extract number of parameters Results$BIC <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, useBIC, return.K = FALSE, nobs = nobs)) #extract BIC Results$Delta_BIC <- Results$BIC - min(Results$BIC) #compute delta BIC Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_BIC) #compute model likelihood required to compute BIC weights Results$BICWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute BIC weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$BIC)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") ##add partial log-likelihood column Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN=function(i) extractLL(i)[1])) if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on BIC weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of BIC weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("bictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##coxph and clogit bictab.AICcoxph <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) formula(b)[2]) if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same response variable for all models\n") ##arrange in table Results <- data.frame(Modnames=modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, useBIC, return.K = TRUE, nobs = nobs)) #extract number of parameters Results$BIC <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, useBIC, return.K = FALSE, nobs = nobs)) #extract BIC Results$Delta_BIC <- Results$BIC - min(Results$BIC) #compute delta BIC Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_BIC) #compute model likelihood required to compute BIC weights Results$BICWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute BIC weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$BIC)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") ##add partial log-likelihood column Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i)[1])) if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on BIC weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of BIC weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("bictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##fitdist (from fitdistrplus) bictab.AICfitdist <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models #check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) formula(b)[2]) #if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same response variable for all models\n") Results <- NULL Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = useBIC, return.K = TRUE, nobs = nobs)) #extract number of parameters Results$BIC <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = useBIC, return.K = FALSE, nobs = nobs)) #extract BIC # Results$Delta_BIC <- Results$BIC - min(Results$BIC) #compute delta BIC Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_BIC) #compute model likelihood required to compute BIC weights Results$BICWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute BIC weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$BIC)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") ##extract LL Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1])) if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on BIC weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of BIC weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("bictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##fitdistr (from MASS) bictab.AICfitdistr <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models #check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) formula(b)[2]) #if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same response variable for all models\n") Results <- NULL Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = useBIC, return.K = TRUE, nobs = nobs)) #extract number of parameters Results$BIC <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = useBIC, return.K = FALSE, nobs = nobs)) #extract BIC # Results$Delta_BIC <- Results$BIC - min(Results$BIC) #compute delta BIC Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_BIC) #compute model likelihood required to compute BIC weights Results$BICWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute BIC weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$BIC)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") ##extract LL Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1])) if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on BIC weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of BIC weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("bictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##glm bictab.AICglm.lm <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, c.hat = 1, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) formula(b)[2]) if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same response variable for all models\n") Results <- NULL Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = useBIC, return.K = TRUE, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat)) #extract number of parameters Results$BIC <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = useBIC, return.K = FALSE, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat)) #extract BIC Results$Delta_BIC <- Results$BIC - min(Results$BIC) #compute delta BIC Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_BIC) #compute model likelihood required to compute BIC weights Results$BICWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute BIC weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$BIC)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") ##check if BIC and c.hat = 1 if(c.hat == 1) { Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN=function(i) logLik(i)[1])) } ##rename correctly to QBIC and add column for c-hat if(c.hat > 1) { colnames(Results) <- c("Modnames", "K", "QBIC", "Delta_QBIC", "ModelLik", "QBICWt") LL <- unlist(lapply(X=cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1])) Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat Results$c_hat <- c.hat } if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on BIC weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of BIC weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("bictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##glmmTMB bictab.AICglmmTMB <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, c.hat = 1, ...){ #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta BIC ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) formula(b)[2]) if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same response variable for all models\n") Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, useBIC, return.K = TRUE, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat)) #extract number of parameters Results$BIC <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, useBIC, return.K = FALSE, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat)) #extract BIC Results$Delta_BIC <- Results$BIC - min(Results$BIC) #compute delta BIC Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_BIC) #compute model likelihood required to compute BIC weights Results$BICWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute BIC weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$BIC)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") ##check if BIC and c.hat = 1 if(c.hat == 1) { Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN=function(i) logLik(i)[1])) } ##rename correctly to QBIC and add column for c-hat if(c.hat > 1) { colnames(Results) <- c("Modnames", "K", "QBIC", "Delta_QBIC", "ModelLik", "QBICWt") LL <- unlist(lapply(X=cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1])) Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat Results$c_hat <- c.hat } if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on BIC weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of BIC weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("bictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##gls bictab.AICgls <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...){ #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta BIC ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) formula(b)[2]) if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same response variable for all models\n") Results <- NULL ##check if models were fit with same method (REML or ML) check_ML <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i$method)) if (any(check_ML != "ML")) { warning("\nModel selection for fixed effects is only appropriate with method='ML':", "\n", "REML (default) should only be used to select random effects for a constant set of fixed effects\n") } check.method <- unique(check_ML) if(identical(check.method, c("ML", "REML"))) { stop("\nYou should not have models fit with REML and ML in the same candidate model set\n") } Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, useBIC, return.K = TRUE, nobs = nobs)) #extract number of parameters Results$BIC <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, useBIC, return.K = FALSE, nobs = nobs)) #extract BIC # Results$Delta_BIC <- Results$BIC - min(Results$BIC) #compute delta BIC Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_BIC) #compute model likelihood required to compute BIC weights Results$BICWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute BIC weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$BIC)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") #check if ML or REML used and add column accordingly if(identical(check.method, "ML")) { Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN=function(i) logLik(i)[1])) } if(identical(check.method, "REML")) { Results$Res.LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1])) } if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on BIC weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of BIC weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("bictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##gnls bictab.AICgnls.gls <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...){ #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta BIC ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) formula(b)[2]) if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same response variable for all models\n") Results <- data.frame(Modnames=modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, useBIC, return.K = TRUE, nobs = nobs)) #extract number of parameters Results$BIC <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, useBIC, return.K = FALSE, nobs = nobs)) #extract BIC # Results$Delta_BIC <- Results$BIC - min(Results$BIC) #compute delta BIC Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_BIC) #compute model likelihood required to compute BIC weights Results$BICWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute BIC weights Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1])) ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$BIC)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on BIC weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of BIC weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("bictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##hurdle bictab.AIChurdle <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...){ #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta BIC ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } #if(c.hat != 1) stop("\nThis function does not support overdispersion in \'zeroinfl\' models\n") ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) formula(b)[2]) if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same data set for all models\n") Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, useBIC, return.K = TRUE, nobs = nobs)) #extract number of parameters Results$BIC <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, useBIC, return.K = FALSE, nobs = nobs)) #extract BIC # Results$Delta_BIC <- Results$BIC - min(Results$BIC) #compute delta BIC Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_BIC) #compute model likelihood required to compute BIC weights Results$BICWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute BIC weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$BIC)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X= cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i))) if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on BIC weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of BIC weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("bictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##lavaan bictab.AIClavaan <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##add check to see whether observed variables are the same for all models check.obs <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) b@[email protected][[1]])) ##frequency of each observed variable freq.obs <- table(check.obs) if(length(unique(freq.obs)) > 1) stop("\nModels with different sets of observed variables are not directly comparable\n") Results <- NULL Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = useBIC, return.K = TRUE, nobs = nobs)) #extract number of parameters Results$BIC <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = useBIC, return.K = FALSE, nobs = nobs)) #extract BIC # Results$Delta_BIC <- Results$BIC - min(Results$BIC) #compute delta BIC Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_BIC) #compute model likelihood required to compute BIC weights Results$BICWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute BIC weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$BIC)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") ##extract LL Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1])) if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on BIC weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of BIC weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("bictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##lm bictab.AIClm <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) formula(b)[2]) if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same response variable for all models\n") Results <- NULL Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = useBIC, return.K = TRUE, nobs = nobs)) #extract number of parameters Results$BIC <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = useBIC, return.K = FALSE, nobs = nobs)) #extract BIC # Results$Delta_BIC <- Results$BIC - min(Results$BIC) #compute delta BIC Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_BIC) #compute model likelihood required to compute BIC weights Results$BICWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute BIC weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$BIC)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") ##extract LL Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1])) if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on BIC weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of BIC weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("bictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##lme bictab.AIClme <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...){ #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta BIC ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) formula(b)[2]) if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same response variable for all models\n") Results <- NULL #check if models were fit with same method (REML or ML) check_ML <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i$method)) if (any(check_ML != "ML")) { warning("\nModel selection for fixed effects is only appropriate with method='ML':", "\n", "REML (default) should only be used to select random effects for a constant set of fixed effects\n") } check.method <- unique(check_ML) if(identical(check.method, c("ML", "REML"))) { stop("\nYou should not have models fit with REML and ML in the same candidate model set\n") } Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, useBIC, return.K = TRUE, nobs = nobs)) #extract number of parameters Results$BIC <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, useBIC, return.K = FALSE, nobs = nobs)) #extract BIC Results$Delta_BIC <- Results$BIC-min(Results$BIC) #compute delta BIC Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_BIC) #compute model likelihood required to compute BIC weights Results$BICWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute BIC weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$BIC)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") #check if ML or REML used and add column accordingly if(identical(check.method, "ML")) { Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X= cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1])) } if(identical(check.method, "REML")) { Results$Res.LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1])) } if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on BIC weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of BIC weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("bictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##lmekin bictab.AIClmekin <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...){ #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta BIC ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) formula(b)[2]) if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same response variable for all models\n") Results <- NULL #check if models were fit with same method (REML or ML) check_ML <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i$method)) if (any(check_ML != "ML")) { warning("\nModel selection for fixed effects is only appropriate with method='ML':", "\n", "REML (default) should only be used to select random effects for a constant set of fixed effects\n") } check.method <- unique(check_ML) if(identical(check.method, c("ML", "REML"))) { stop("\nYou should not have models fit with REML and ML in the same candidate model set\n") } Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, useBIC, return.K = TRUE, nobs = nobs)) #extract number of parameters Results$BIC <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, useBIC, return.K = FALSE, nobs = nobs)) #extract BIC # Results$Delta_BIC <- Results$BIC-min(Results$BIC) #compute delta BIC Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_BIC) #compute model likelihood required to compute BIC weights Results$BICWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute BIC weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$BIC)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") #check if ML or REML used and add column accordingly if(identical(check.method, "ML")) { Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X= cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i)[1])) } if(identical(check.method, "REML")) { Results$Res.LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i)[1])) } if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on BIC weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of BIC weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("bictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##maxlike bictab.AICmaxlikeFit.list <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, c.hat = 1, ...){ #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta BIC ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } if(c.hat != 1) stop("\nThis function does not support overdispersion in \'maxlikeFit\' models\n") ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models #check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) nrow(b$points.retained)) #if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same data set for all models\n") Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, useBIC, return.K = TRUE, nobs = nobs)) #extract number of parameters Results$BIC <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, useBIC, return.K = FALSE, nobs = nobs)) #extract BIC Results$Delta_BIC <- Results$BIC - min(Results$BIC) #compute delta BIC Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_BIC) #compute model likelihood required to compute BIC weights Results$BICWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute BIC weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$BIC)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X= cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i))) if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on BIC weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of BIC weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("bictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##mer - lme4 version < 1 bictab.AICmer <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...){ #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta BIC ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if (is.null(modnames)) { if (is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) formula(b)[2]) if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same response variable for all models\n") Results <- NULL #check if models were fit with same method (REML or ML) check_bin <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@dims["REML"])) check_ML <- ifelse(check_bin == 1, "REML", "ML") if (any(check_ML != "ML")) { warning("\nModel selection for fixed effects is only appropriate with ML estimation:", "\n", "REML (default) should only be used to select random effects for a constant set of fixed effects\n") } check.method <- unique(check_ML) if(length(check.method) > 1) { stop("\nYou should not have models fit with REML and ML in the same candidate model set\n") } Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, useBIC, return.K = TRUE, nobs = nobs)) #extract number of parameters Results$BIC <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, useBIC, return.K = FALSE, nobs = nobs)) #extract BIC # Results$Delta_BIC <- Results$BIC - min(Results$BIC) #compute delta BIC Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_BIC) #compute model likelihood required to compute BIC weights Results$BICWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute BIC weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$BIC)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") #check if ML or REML used and add column accordingly if(identical(check.method, "ML")) { Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN=function(i) logLik(i)[1])) } if(identical(check.method, "REML")) { Results$Res.LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN=function(i) logLik(i)[1])) } if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on BIC weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of BIC weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("bictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##lmerMod bictab.AIClmerMod <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...){ #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta BIC ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##check for subclass of object sub.class <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = class) ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) formula(b)[2]) if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same response variable for all models\n") Results <- NULL ##check if models were fit with same method (REML or ML) check_REML <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) isREML(i))) check_ML <- ifelse(check_REML, "REML", "ML") if (any(check_REML)) { warning("\nModel selection for fixed effects is only appropriate with ML estimation:", "\n", "REML (default) should only be used to select random effects for a constant set of fixed effects\n") } check.method <- unique(check_ML) if(length(check.method) > 1) { stop("\nYou should not have models fit with REML and ML in the same candidate model set\n") } Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, useBIC, return.K = TRUE, nobs = nobs)) #extract number of parameters Results$BIC <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, useBIC, return.K = FALSE, nobs = nobs)) #extract BIC Results$Delta_BIC <- Results$BIC - min(Results$BIC) #compute delta BIC Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_BIC) #compute model likelihood required to compute BIC weights Results$BICWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute BIC weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$BIC)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") #check if ML or REML used and add column accordingly if(identical(check.method, "ML")) { Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1])) } if(identical(check.method, "REML")) { Results$Res.LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1])) } if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on BIC weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of BIC weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("bictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##lmerModLmerTest bictab.AIClmerModLmerTest <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...){ #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta BIC ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##check for subclass of object sub.class <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = class) ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) formula(b)[2]) if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same response variable for all models\n") Results <- NULL ##check if models were fit with same method (REML or ML) check_REML <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) isREML(i))) check_ML <- ifelse(check_REML, "REML", "ML") if (any(check_REML)) { warning("\nModel selection for fixed effects is only appropriate with ML estimation:", "\n", "REML (default) should only be used to select random effects for a constant set of fixed effects\n") } check.method <- unique(check_ML) if(length(check.method) > 1) { stop("\nYou should not have models fit with REML and ML in the same candidate model set\n") } Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, useBIC, return.K = TRUE, nobs = nobs)) #extract number of parameters Results$BIC <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, useBIC, return.K = FALSE, nobs = nobs)) #extract BIC Results$Delta_BIC <- Results$BIC - min(Results$BIC) #compute delta BIC Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_BIC) #compute model likelihood required to compute BIC weights Results$BICWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute BIC weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$BIC)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") #check if ML or REML used and add column accordingly if(identical(check.method, "ML")) { Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1])) } if(identical(check.method, "REML")) { Results$Res.LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1])) } if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on BIC weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of BIC weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("bictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##glmerMod bictab.AICglmerMod <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...){ #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta BIC ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) formula(b)[2]) if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same response variable for all models\n") Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, useBIC, return.K = TRUE, nobs = nobs)) #extract number of parameters Results$BIC <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, useBIC, return.K = FALSE, nobs = nobs)) #extract BIC Results$Delta_BIC <- Results$BIC - min(Results$BIC) #compute delta BIC Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_BIC) #compute model likelihood required to compute BIC weights Results$BICWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute BIC weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$BIC)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") ##add LL Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1])) if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on BIC weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of BIC weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("bictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##negbin bictab.AICnegbin.glm.lm <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) formula(b)[2]) if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same response variable for all models\n") Results <- NULL Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = useBIC, return.K = TRUE, nobs = nobs)) #extract number of parameters Results$BIC <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = useBIC, return.K = FALSE, nobs = nobs)) #extract BIC # Results$Delta_BIC <- Results$BIC - min(Results$BIC) #compute delta BIC Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_BIC) #compute model likelihood required to compute BIC weights Results$BICWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute BIC weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$BIC)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") ##extract LL Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1])) if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on BIC weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of BIC weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("bictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##nlme bictab.AICnlme.lme <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...){ #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta BIC ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) formula(b)[2]) if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same response variable for all models\n") Results <- NULL #check if models were fit with same method (REML or ML) check_ML <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i$method)) if (any(check_ML != "ML")) { warning("\nModel selection for fixed effects is only appropriate with method='ML':", "\n", "REML (default) should only be used to select random effects for a constant set of fixed effects\n") } check.method <- unique(check_ML) if(identical(check.method, c("ML", "REML"))) { stop("\nYou should not have models fit with REML and ML in the same candidate model set\n") } Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, useBIC, return.K = TRUE, nobs = nobs)) #extract number of parameters Results$BIC <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, useBIC, return.K = FALSE, nobs = nobs)) #extract BIC Results$Delta_BIC <- Results$BIC-min(Results$BIC) #compute delta BIC Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_BIC) #compute model likelihood required to compute BIC weights Results$BICWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute BIC weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$BIC)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") #check if ML or REML used and add column accordingly if(identical(check.method, "ML")) { Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X= cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1])) } if(identical(check.method, "REML")) { Results$Res.LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1])) } if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on BIC weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of BIC weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("bictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##nlmerMod bictab.AICnlmerMod <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...){ #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta BIC ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) unlist(strsplit(x = as.character(formula(b)), split = "~"))[2]) if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same response variable for all models\n") Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, useBIC, return.K = TRUE, nobs = nobs)) #extract number of parameters Results$BIC <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, useBIC, return.K = FALSE, nobs = nobs)) #extract BIC Results$Delta_BIC <- Results$BIC - min(Results$BIC) #compute delta BIC Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_BIC) #compute model likelihood required to compute BIC weights Results$BICWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute BIC weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$BIC)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") ##add LL Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1])) if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on BIC weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of BIC weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("bictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##multinom bictab.AICmultinom.nnet <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, c.hat = 1, ...){ #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta BIC ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) formula(b)[2]) if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same response variable for all models\n") Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = useBIC, return.K = TRUE, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat)) #extract number of parameters Results$BIC <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = useBIC, return.K = FALSE, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat)) #extract BIC # Results$Delta_BIC <- Results$BIC - min(Results$BIC) #compute delta BIC Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_BIC) #compute model likelihood required to compute BIC weights Results$BICWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute BIC weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$BIC)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") ##check if LL computed if(c.hat == 1) { Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1])) } ##rename correctly to QBIC and add column for c-hat if(c.hat > 1) { colnames(Results) <- c("Modnames", "K", "QBIC", "Delta_QBIC", "ModelLik", "QBICWt") LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1])) Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat Results$c_hat <- c.hat } if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on BIC weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of BIC weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("bictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##lme bictab.AIClme <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...){ #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta BIC ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) formula(b)[2]) if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same response variable for all models\n") Results <- NULL ##check if models were fit with same method (REML or ML) check_ML <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i$method)) if (any(check_ML != "ML")) { warning("\nModel selection for fixed effects is only appropriate with method=ML:", "\n", "REML (default) should only be used to select random effects for a constant set of fixed effects\n") } check.method <- unique(check_ML) if(identical(check.method, c("ML", "REML"))) { stop("\nYou should not have models fit with REML and ML in the same candidate model set\n") } Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, useBIC, return.K = TRUE, nobs = nobs)) #extract number of parameters Results$BIC <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, useBIC, return.K = FALSE, nobs = nobs)) #extract BIC # Results$Delta_BIC <- Results$BIC - min(Results$BIC) #compute delta BIC Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_BIC) #compute model likelihood required to compute BIC weights Results$BICWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute BIC weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$BIC)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") #check if ML or REML used and add column accordingly if(identical(check.method, "ML")) { Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X= cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1])) } if(identical(check.method, "REML")) { Results$Res.LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1])) } if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on BIC weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of BIC weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("bictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##nls bictab.AICnls <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...){ #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta BIC ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) formula(b)[2]) if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same response variable for all models\n") Results <- data.frame(Modnames=modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, useBIC, return.K = TRUE, nobs = nobs)) #extract number of parameters Results$BIC <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, useBIC, return.K = FALSE, nobs = nobs)) #extract BIC # Results$Delta_BIC <- Results$BIC - min(Results$BIC) #compute delta BIC Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_BIC) #compute model likelihood required to compute BIC weights Results$BICWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute BIC weights Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1])) ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$BIC)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on BIC weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of BIC weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("bictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##polr bictab.AICpolr <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...){ #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta BIC ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) formula(b)[2]) if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same response variable for all models\n") Results <- NULL Results <- data.frame(Modnames=modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = useBIC, return.K = TRUE, nobs = nobs)) #extract number of parameters Results$BIC <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = useBIC, return.K = FALSE, nobs = nobs)) #extract BIC # Results$Delta_BIC <- Results$BIC - min(Results$BIC) #compute delta BIC Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_BIC) #compute model likelihood required to compute BIC weights Results$BICWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute BIC weights Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1])) ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$BIC)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on BIC weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of BIC weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("bictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##rlm bictab.AICrlm.lm <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...){ #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta BIC ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) formula(b)[2]) if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same response variable for all models\n") Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, useBIC, return.K = TRUE, nobs = nobs)) #extract number of parameters Results$BIC <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, useBIC, return.K = FALSE, nobs = nobs)) #extract BIC Results$Delta_BIC <- Results$BIC - min(Results$BIC) #compute delta BIC Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_BIC) #compute model likelihood required to compute BIC weights Results$BICWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute BIC weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$BIC)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X= cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1])) if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on BIC weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of BIC weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("bictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##survreg bictab.AICsurvreg <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) formula(b)[2]) if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same response variable for all models\n") Results <- NULL Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = useBIC, return.K = TRUE, nobs = nobs)) #extract number of parameters Results$BIC <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = useBIC, return.K = FALSE, nobs = nobs)) #extract BIC # Results$Delta_BIC <- Results$BIC - min(Results$BIC) #compute delta BIC Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_BIC) #compute model likelihood required to compute BIC weights Results$BICWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute BIC weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$BIC)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") ##extract LL Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1])) if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on BIC weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of BIC weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("bictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##occu bictab.AICunmarkedFitOccu <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, c.hat = 1, ...){ #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta BIC ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, useBIC, return.K = TRUE, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat)) #extract number of parameters Results$BIC <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, useBIC, return.K = FALSE, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat)) #extract BIC # Results$Delta_BIC <- Results$BIC-min(Results$BIC) #compute delta BIC Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_BIC) #compute model likelihood required to compute BIC weights Results$BICWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute BIC weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$BIC)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") ##check if BIC and c.hat = 1 if(c.hat == 1) { Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) } ##rename correctly to QBIC and add column for c-hat if(c.hat > 1) { colnames(Results) <- c("Modnames", "K", "QBIC", "Delta_QBIC", "ModelLik", "QBICWt") LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat Results$c_hat <- c.hat } if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on BIC weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of BIC weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("bictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##colext bictab.AICunmarkedFitColExt <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, c.hat = 1, ...){ #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta BIC ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, useBIC, return.K = TRUE, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat)) #extract number of parameters Results$BIC <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, useBIC, return.K = FALSE, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat)) #extract BIC # Results$Delta_BIC <- Results$BIC-min(Results$BIC) #compute delta BIC Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_BIC) #compute model likelihood required to compute BIC weights Results$BICWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute BIC weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$BIC)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") ##check if BIC and c.hat = 1 if(c.hat == 1) { Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) } ##rename correctly to QBIC and add column for c-hat if(c.hat > 1) { colnames(Results) <- c("Modnames", "K", "QBIC", "Delta_QBIC", "ModelLik", "QBICWt") LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat Results$c_hat <- c.hat } if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on BIC weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of BIC weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("bictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##occuRN bictab.AICunmarkedFitOccuRN <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, c.hat = 1, ...){ #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta BIC ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##add check for use of c-hat #if(c.hat > 1) stop("\nThe correction for overdispersion is not appropriate with Royle-Nichols heterogeneity models\n") Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, useBIC, return.K = TRUE, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat)) #extract number of parameters Results$BIC <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, useBIC, return.K = FALSE, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat)) #extract BIC Results$Delta_BIC <- Results$BIC-min(Results$BIC) #compute delta BIC Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_BIC) #compute model likelihood required to compute BIC weights Results$BICWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute BIC weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$BIC)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") ##check if BIC and c.hat = 1 if(c.hat == 1) { Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) } ##rename correctly to QBIC and add column for c-hat if(c.hat > 1) { colnames(Results) <- c("Modnames", "K", "QBIC", "Delta_QBIC", "ModelLik", "QBICWt") LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat Results$c_hat <- c.hat } if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on BIC weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of BIC weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("bictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##pcount bictab.AICunmarkedFitPCount <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, c.hat = 1, ...){ #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta BIC ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, useBIC, return.K = TRUE, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat)) #extract number of parameters Results$BIC <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, useBIC, return.K = FALSE, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat)) #extract BIC # Results$Delta_BIC <- Results$BIC - min(Results$BIC) #compute delta BIC Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_BIC) #compute model likelihood required to compute BIC weights Results$BICWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute BIC weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$BIC)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") ##check if BIC and c.hat = 1 if(c.hat == 1) { Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) } ##rename correctly to QBIC and add column for c-hat if(c.hat > 1) { colnames(Results) <- c("Modnames", "K", "QBIC", "Delta_QBIC", "ModelLik", "QBICWt") LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat Results$c_hat <- c.hat } if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on BIC weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of BIC weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("bictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##same function as that for objects created by pcount( ) bictab.AICunmarkedFitPCO <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, c.hat = 1, ...){ #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta BIC ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, useBIC, return.K = TRUE, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat)) #extract number of parameters Results$BIC <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, useBIC, return.K = FALSE, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat)) #extract BIC Results$Delta_BIC <- Results$BIC - min(Results$BIC) #compute delta BIC Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_BIC) #compute model likelihood required to compute BIC weights Results$BICWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute BIC weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$BIC)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") ##check if BIC and c.hat = 1 if(c.hat == 1) { Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) } ##rename correctly to QBIC and add column for c-hat if(c.hat > 1) { colnames(Results) <- c("Modnames", "K", "QBIC", "Delta_QBIC", "ModelLik", "QBICWt") LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat Results$c_hat <- c.hat } if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on BIC weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of BIC weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("bictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##distsamp bictab.AICunmarkedFitDS <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, c.hat = 1, ...){ #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta BIC ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, useBIC, return.K = TRUE, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat)) #extract number of parameters Results$BIC <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, useBIC, return.K = FALSE, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat)) #extract BIC # Results$Delta_BIC <- Results$BIC - min(Results$BIC) #compute delta BIC Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_BIC) #compute model likelihood required to compute BIC weights Results$BICWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute BIC weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$BIC)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") ##check if BIC and c.hat = 1 if(c.hat == 1) { Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) } ##rename correctly to QBIC and add column for c-hat if(c.hat > 1) { colnames(Results) <- c("Modnames", "K", "QBIC", "Delta_QBIC", "ModelLik", "QBICWt") LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat Results$c_hat <- c.hat } if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on BIC weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of BIC weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("bictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##gdistsamp bictab.AICunmarkedFitGDS <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, c.hat = 1, ...){ #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta BIC ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##add check for use of c-hat #if(c.hat > 1) stop("\nThe correction for overdispersion is not appropriate for distance sampling models\n") Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, useBIC, return.K = TRUE, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat)) #extract number of parameters Results$BIC <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, useBIC, return.K = FALSE, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat)) #extract BIC Results$Delta_BIC <- Results$BIC - min(Results$BIC) #compute delta BIC Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_BIC) #compute model likelihood required to compute BIC weights Results$BICWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute BIC weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$BIC)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") ##check if BIC and c.hat = 1 if(c.hat == 1) { Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) } ##rename correctly to QBIC and add column for c-hat if(c.hat > 1) { colnames(Results) <- c("Modnames", "K", "QBIC", "Delta_QBIC", "ModelLik", "QBICWt") LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat Results$c_hat <- c.hat } if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on BIC weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of BIC weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("bictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##occuFP bictab.AICunmarkedFitOccuFP <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, c.hat = 1, ...){ #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta BIC ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, useBIC, return.K = TRUE, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat)) #extract number of parameters Results$BIC <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, useBIC, return.K = FALSE, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat)) #extract BIC # Results$Delta_BIC <- Results$BIC - min(Results$BIC) #compute delta BIC Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_BIC) #compute model likelihood required to compute BIC weights Results$BICWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute BIC weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$BIC)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") ##check if BIC and c.hat = 1 if(c.hat == 1) { Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) } ##rename correctly to QBIC and add column for c-hat if(c.hat > 1) { colnames(Results) <- c("Modnames", "K", "QBIC", "Delta_QBIC", "ModelLik", "QBICWt") LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat Results$c_hat <- c.hat } if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on BIC weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of BIC weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("bictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##occuMulti bictab.AICunmarkedFitOccuMulti <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, c.hat = 1, ...){ #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta BIC ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##add check for use of c-hat #if(c.hat > 1) stop("\nThe correction for overdispersion is not yet implemented for multinomial Poisson models\n") Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, useBIC, return.K = TRUE, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat)) #extract number of parameters Results$BIC <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, useBIC, return.K = FALSE, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat)) #extract BIC # Results$Delta_BIC <- Results$BIC - min(Results$BIC) #compute delta BIC Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_BIC) #compute model likelihood required to compute BIC weights Results$BICWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute BIC weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$BIC)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") ##check if BIC and c.hat = 1 if(c.hat == 1) { Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) } ##rename correctly to QBIC and add column for c-hat if(c.hat > 1) { colnames(Results) <- c("Modnames", "K", "QBIC", "Delta_QBIC", "ModelLik", "QBICWt") LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat Results$c_hat <- c.hat } if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on BIC weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of BIC weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("bictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##multinomPois bictab.AICunmarkedFitMPois <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, c.hat = 1, ...){ #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta BIC ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##add check for use of c-hat #if(c.hat > 1) stop("\nThe correction for overdispersion is not yet implemented for multinomial Poisson models\n") Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, useBIC, return.K = TRUE, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat)) #extract number of parameters Results$BIC <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, useBIC, return.K = FALSE, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat)) #extract BIC # Results$Delta_BIC <- Results$BIC - min(Results$BIC) #compute delta BIC Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_BIC) #compute model likelihood required to compute BIC weights Results$BICWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute BIC weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$BIC)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") ##check if BIC and c.hat = 1 if(c.hat == 1) { Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) } ##rename correctly to QBIC and add column for c-hat if(c.hat > 1) { colnames(Results) <- c("Modnames", "K", "QBIC", "Delta_QBIC", "ModelLik", "QBICWt") LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat Results$c_hat <- c.hat } if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on BIC weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of BIC weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("bictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##gmultmix bictab.AICunmarkedFitGMM <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, c.hat = 1, ...){ #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta BIC ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##add check for use of c-hat #if(c.hat > 1) stop("\nThe correction for overdispersion is not yet implemented for generalized multinomial mixture models\n") Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, useBIC, return.K = TRUE, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat)) #extract number of parameters Results$BIC <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, useBIC, return.K = FALSE, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat)) #extract BIC Results$Delta_BIC <- Results$BIC - min(Results$BIC) #compute delta BIC Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_BIC) #compute model likelihood required to compute BIC weights Results$BICWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute BIC weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$BIC)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") ##check if BIC and c.hat = 1 if(c.hat == 1) { Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) } ##rename correctly to QBIC and add column for c-hat if(c.hat > 1) { colnames(Results) <- c("Modnames", "K", "QBIC", "Delta_QBIC", "ModelLik", "QBICWt") LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat Results$c_hat <- c.hat } if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on BIC weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of BIC weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("bictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##gpcount bictab.AICunmarkedFitGPC <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, c.hat = 1, ...){ #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta BIC ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##add check for use of c-hat #if(c.hat > 1) stop("\nThe correction for overdispersion is not yet implemented for generalized binomial mixture models\n") Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, useBIC, return.K = TRUE, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat)) #extract number of parameters Results$BIC <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, useBIC, return.K = FALSE, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat)) #extract BIC Results$Delta_BIC <- Results$BIC - min(Results$BIC) #compute delta BIC Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_BIC) #compute model likelihood required to compute BIC weights Results$BICWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute BIC weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$BIC)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") ##check if BIC and c.hat = 1 if(c.hat == 1) { Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) } ##rename correctly to QBIC and add column for c-hat if(c.hat > 1) { colnames(Results) <- c("Modnames", "K", "QBIC", "Delta_QBIC", "ModelLik", "QBICWt") LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat Results$c_hat <- c.hat } if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on BIC weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of BIC weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("bictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##occuMS bictab.AICunmarkedFitOccuMS <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, c.hat = 1, ...){ #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta BIC ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##add check for use of c-hat #if(c.hat > 1) stop("\nThe correction for overdispersion is not yet implemented for multinomial Poisson models\n") Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, useBIC, return.K = TRUE, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat)) #extract number of parameters Results$BIC <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, useBIC, return.K = FALSE, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat)) #extract BIC # Results$Delta_BIC <- Results$BIC - min(Results$BIC) #compute delta BIC Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_BIC) #compute model likelihood required to compute BIC weights Results$BICWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute BIC weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$BIC)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") ##check if BIC and c.hat = 1 if(c.hat == 1) { Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) } ##rename correctly to QBIC and add column for c-hat if(c.hat > 1) { colnames(Results) <- c("Modnames", "K", "QBIC", "Delta_QBIC", "ModelLik", "QBICWt") LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat Results$c_hat <- c.hat } if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on BIC weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of BIC weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("bictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##occuTTD bictab.AICunmarkedFitOccuTTD <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, c.hat = 1, ...){ #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta BIC ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##add check for use of c-hat #if(c.hat > 1) stop("\nThe correction for overdispersion is not yet implemented for multinomial Poisson models\n") Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, useBIC, return.K = TRUE, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat)) #extract number of parameters Results$BIC <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, useBIC, return.K = FALSE, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat)) #extract BIC # Results$Delta_BIC <- Results$BIC - min(Results$BIC) #compute delta BIC Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_BIC) #compute model likelihood required to compute BIC weights Results$BICWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute BIC weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$BIC)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") ##check if BIC and c.hat = 1 if(c.hat == 1) { Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) } ##rename correctly to QBIC and add column for c-hat if(c.hat > 1) { colnames(Results) <- c("Modnames", "K", "QBIC", "Delta_QBIC", "ModelLik", "QBICWt") LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat Results$c_hat <- c.hat } if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on BIC weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of BIC weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("bictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##multmixOpen bictab.AICunmarkedFitMMO <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, c.hat = 1, ...){ #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta BIC ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##add check for use of c-hat #if(c.hat > 1) stop("\nThe correction for overdispersion is not yet implemented for multinomial Poisson models\n") Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, useBIC, return.K = TRUE, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat)) #extract number of parameters Results$BIC <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, useBIC, return.K = FALSE, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat)) #extract BIC # Results$Delta_BIC <- Results$BIC - min(Results$BIC) #compute delta BIC Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_BIC) #compute model likelihood required to compute BIC weights Results$BICWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute BIC weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$BIC)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") ##check if BIC and c.hat = 1 if(c.hat == 1) { Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) } ##rename correctly to QBIC and add column for c-hat if(c.hat > 1) { colnames(Results) <- c("Modnames", "K", "QBIC", "Delta_QBIC", "ModelLik", "QBICWt") LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat Results$c_hat <- c.hat } if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on BIC weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of BIC weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("bictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##distsampOpen bictab.AICunmarkedFitDSO <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, c.hat = 1, ...){ #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta BIC ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##add check for use of c-hat #if(c.hat > 1) stop("\nThe correction for overdispersion is not yet implemented for multinomial Poisson models\n") Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, useBIC, return.K = TRUE, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat)) #extract number of parameters Results$BIC <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, useBIC, return.K = FALSE, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat)) #extract BIC # Results$Delta_BIC <- Results$BIC - min(Results$BIC) #compute delta BIC Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_BIC) #compute model likelihood required to compute BIC weights Results$BICWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute BIC weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$BIC)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") ##check if BIC and c.hat = 1 if(c.hat == 1) { Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) } ##rename correctly to QBIC and add column for c-hat if(c.hat > 1) { colnames(Results) <- c("Modnames", "K", "QBIC", "Delta_QBIC", "ModelLik", "QBICWt") LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat Results$c_hat <- c.hat } if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on BIC weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of BIC weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("bictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##vglm bictab.AICvglm <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, c.hat = 1, ...){ #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta BIC ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) formula(b)[2]) if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same response variable for all models\n") Results <- data.frame(Modnames=modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = useBIC, return.K = TRUE, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat)) #extract number of parameters Results$BIC <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = useBIC, return.K = FALSE, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat)) #extract BIC Results$Delta_BIC <- Results$BIC - min(Results$BIC) #compute delta BIC Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_BIC) #compute model likelihood required to compute BIC weights Results$BICWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute BIC weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$BIC)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") ##check if BIC and c.hat = 1 if(c.hat == 1) { Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i))) } ##rename correctly to QBIC and add column for c-hat if(c.hat > 1) { colnames(Results) <- c("Modnames", "K", "QBIC", "Delta_QBIC", "ModelLik", "QBICWt") LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i))) Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat Results$c_hat <- c.hat } if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on BIC weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of BIC weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("bictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##zeroinfl bictab.AICzeroinfl <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...){ #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta BIC ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } #if(c.hat != 1) stop("\nThis function does not support overdispersion in \'zeroinfl\' models\n") ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) formula(b)[2]) if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same data set for all models\n") Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, useBIC, return.K = TRUE, nobs = nobs)) #extract number of parameters Results$BIC <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, useBIC, return.K = FALSE, nobs = nobs)) #extract BIC # Results$Delta_BIC <- Results$BIC - min(Results$BIC) #compute delta BIC Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_BIC) #compute model likelihood required to compute BIC weights Results$BICWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute BIC weights ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$BIC)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X= cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i))) if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on BIC weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of BIC weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("bictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } print.bictab <- function(x, digits = 2, LL = TRUE, ...) { cat("\nModel selection based on ", colnames(x)[3], ":\n", sep = "") if (any(names(x) == "c_hat")) {cat("(c-hat estimate = ", x$c_hat[1], ")\n", sep = "")} cat("\n") #check if Cum.Wt should be printed if(any(names(x) == "Cum.Wt")) { <- cbind(x[, 2], x[, 3], x[, 4], x[, 6], x[, "Cum.Wt"], x[, 7]) colnames( <- c(colnames(x)[c(2, 3, 4, 6)], "Cum.Wt", colnames(x)[7]) rownames( <- x[, 1] } else { <- cbind(x[, 2], x[, 3], x[, 4], x[, 6], x[, 7]) colnames( <- c(colnames(x)[c(2, 3, 4, 6, 7)]) rownames( <- x[, 1] } #if LL==FALSE if(identical(LL, FALSE)) { names.cols <- colnames( sel.LL <- which(attr(regexpr(pattern = "LL", text = names.cols), "match.length") > 1) <-[, -sel.LL] } print(round(, digits = digits)) #select rounding off with digits argument cat("\n") }
##generic boot.wt boot.wt <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, nsim = 100, ...){ cand.set <- formatCands(cand.set) UseMethod("boot.wt", cand.set) } ##default to indicate when object class not supported boot.wt.default <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, nsim = 100, ...) { stop("\nFunction not yet defined for this object class\n") } ##aov boot.wt.AICaov.lm <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, nsim = 100, ...) { ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##extract data from first model data <- eval(cand.set[[1]]$call$data, environment(formula(cand.set[[1]]))) ##create vector to store top model top <- character(nsim) for(i in 1:nsim) { ##resample data <- data[sample(x = rownames(data), replace = TRUE), ] ##store results results <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(j) update(j, data = ##compute AIC table out <- aictab(cand.set = results, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = TRUE) ##determine highest-ranked model top[i] <- as.character(out$Modnames[1]) } ##compute selection frequencies for each model rel.freqs <- table(top)/nsim ##check whether all models appear in table if(length(cand.set) != length(rel.freqs)) { ##assign 0 freqs for models never appearing at first rank all.freqs <- rep(0, times = length(modnames)) names(all.freqs) <- modnames ##iterate over observed models for (k in 1:length(rel.freqs)){ all.freqs[names(rel.freqs)[k]] <- rel.freqs[k] } rel.freqs <- all.freqs } ##original model selection orig.aic <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) ##sort table according to model names orig.aic <- orig.aic[order(orig.aic$Modnames), ] ##sort relative frequencies according to model names rel.freqs <- rel.freqs[order(names(rel.freqs))] ##rename column for relative frequencies names(orig.aic)[7] <- "PiWt" ##add column for pi_i orig.aic$PiWt<- rel.freqs ##reorder if required if (sort) { orig.aic <- orig.aic[order(orig.aic[, 3]), ] #orig.aic$Cum.PiWt <- cumsum(orig.aic[, 7]) } class(orig.aic) <- c("boot.wt", "data.frame") return(orig.aic) } ##betareg boot.wt.AICbetareg <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, nsim = 100, ...) { ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##extract data from first model data <- eval(cand.set[[1]]$call$data, environment(formula(cand.set[[1]]))) ##create vector to store top model top <- character(nsim) for(i in 1:nsim) { ##resample data <- data[sample(x = rownames(data), replace = TRUE), ] ##store results results <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(j) update(j, data = ##compute AIC table out <- aictab(cand.set = results, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = TRUE) ##determine highest-ranked model top[i] <- as.character(out$Modnames[1]) } ##compute selection frequencies for each model rel.freqs <- table(top)/nsim ##check whether all models appear in table if(length(cand.set) != length(rel.freqs)) { ##assign 0 freqs for models never appearing at first rank all.freqs <- rep(0, times = length(modnames)) names(all.freqs) <- modnames ##iterate over observed models for (k in 1:length(rel.freqs)){ all.freqs[names(rel.freqs)[k]] <- rel.freqs[k] } rel.freqs <- all.freqs } ##original model selection orig.aic <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) ##sort table according to model names orig.aic <- orig.aic[order(orig.aic$Modnames), ] ##sort relative frequencies according to model names rel.freqs <- rel.freqs[order(names(rel.freqs))] ##rename column for relative frequencies names(orig.aic)[7] <- "PiWt" ##add column for pi_i orig.aic$PiWt<- rel.freqs ##reorder if required if (sort) { orig.aic <- orig.aic[order(orig.aic[, 3]), ] #orig.aic$Cum.PiWt <- cumsum(orig.aic[, 7]) } class(orig.aic) <- c("boot.wt", "data.frame") return(orig.aic) } ##clm boot.wt.AICsclm.clm <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, nsim = 100, ...) { ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##extract data from first model data <- eval(cand.set[[1]]$call$data, environment(formula(cand.set[[1]]))) ##create vector to store top model top <- character(nsim) for(i in 1:nsim) { ##resample data <- data[sample(x = rownames(data), replace = TRUE), ] ##store results results <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(j) update(j, data = ##compute AIC table out <- aictab(cand.set = results, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = TRUE) ##determine highest-ranked model top[i] <- as.character(out$Modnames[1]) } ##compute selection frequencies for each model rel.freqs <- table(top)/nsim ##check whether all models appear in table if(length(cand.set) != length(rel.freqs)) { ##assign 0 freqs for models never appearing at first rank all.freqs <- rep(0, times = length(modnames)) names(all.freqs) <- modnames ##iterate over observed models for (k in 1:length(rel.freqs)){ all.freqs[names(rel.freqs)[k]] <- rel.freqs[k] } rel.freqs <- all.freqs } ##original model selection orig.aic <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) ##sort table according to model names orig.aic <- orig.aic[order(orig.aic$Modnames), ] ##sort relative frequencies according to model names rel.freqs <- rel.freqs[order(names(rel.freqs))] ##rename column for relative frequencies names(orig.aic)[7] <- "PiWt" ##add column for pi_i orig.aic$PiWt<- rel.freqs ##reorder if required if (sort) { orig.aic <- orig.aic[order(orig.aic[, 3]), ] #orig.aic$Cum.PiWt <- cumsum(orig.aic[, 7]) } class(orig.aic) <- c("boot.wt", "data.frame") return(orig.aic) } ##glm boot.wt.AICglm.lm <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, nsim = 100, c.hat = 1, ...) { ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##extract data from first model data <- eval(cand.set[[1]]$call$data, environment(formula(cand.set[[1]]))) ##create vector to store top model top <- character(nsim) for(i in 1:nsim) { ##resample data <- data[sample(x = rownames(data), replace = TRUE), ] ##store results results <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(j) update(j, data = ##compute AIC table out <- aictab(cand.set = results, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = TRUE, c.hat = c.hat) ##determine highest-ranked model top[i] <- as.character(out$Modnames[1]) } ##compute selection frequencies for each model rel.freqs <- table(top)/nsim ##check whether all models appear in table if(length(cand.set) != length(rel.freqs)) { ##assign 0 freqs for models never appearing at first rank all.freqs <- rep(0, times = length(modnames)) names(all.freqs) <- modnames ##iterate over observed models for (k in 1:length(rel.freqs)){ all.freqs[names(rel.freqs)[k]] <- rel.freqs[k] } rel.freqs <- all.freqs } ##original model selection orig.aic <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) ##sort table according to model names orig.aic <- orig.aic[order(orig.aic$Modnames), ] ##sort relative frequencies according to model names rel.freqs <- rel.freqs[order(names(rel.freqs))] ##sort table according to model names orig.aic <- orig.aic[order(orig.aic$Modnames), ] ##sort relative frequencies according to model names rel.freqs <- rel.freqs[order(names(rel.freqs))] ##rename column for relative frequencies names(orig.aic)[7] <- "PiWt" ##add column for pi_i orig.aic$PiWt<- rel.freqs ##reorder if required if (sort) { orig.aic <- orig.aic[order(orig.aic[, 3]), ] #orig.aic$Cum.PiWt <- cumsum(orig.aic[, 7]) } class(orig.aic) <- c("boot.wt", "data.frame") return(orig.aic) } ##hurdle models boot.wt.AIChurdle <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, nsim = 100, ...) { ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##extract data from first model data <- eval(cand.set[[1]]$call$data, environment(formula(cand.set[[1]]))) ##create vector to store top model top <- character(nsim) for(i in 1:nsim) { ##resample data <- data[sample(x = rownames(data), replace = TRUE), ] ##store results results <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(j) update(j, data = ##compute AIC table out <- aictab(cand.set = results, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = TRUE) ##determine highest-ranked model top[i] <- as.character(out$Modnames[1]) } ##compute selection frequencies for each model rel.freqs <- table(top)/nsim ##check whether all models appear in table if(length(cand.set) != length(rel.freqs)) { ##assign 0 freqs for models never appearing at first rank all.freqs <- rep(0, times = length(modnames)) names(all.freqs) <- modnames ##iterate over observed models for (k in 1:length(rel.freqs)){ all.freqs[names(rel.freqs)[k]] <- rel.freqs[k] } rel.freqs <- all.freqs } ##original model selection orig.aic <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) ##sort table according to model names orig.aic <- orig.aic[order(orig.aic$Modnames), ] ##sort relative frequencies according to model names rel.freqs <- rel.freqs[order(names(rel.freqs))] ##rename column for relative frequencies names(orig.aic)[7] <- "PiWt" ##add column for pi_i orig.aic$PiWt<- rel.freqs ##reorder if required if (sort) { orig.aic <- orig.aic[order(orig.aic[, 3]), ] #orig.aic$Cum.PiWt <- cumsum(orig.aic[, 7]) } class(orig.aic) <- c("boot.wt", "data.frame") return(orig.aic) } ##lm boot.wt.AIClm <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, nsim = 100, ...) { ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##extract data from first model data <- eval(cand.set[[1]]$call$data, environment(formula(cand.set[[1]]))) ##create vector to store top model top <- character(nsim) for(i in 1:nsim) { ##resample data <- data[sample(x = rownames(data), replace = TRUE), ] ##store results results <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(j) update(j, data = ##compute AIC table out <- aictab(cand.set = results, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = TRUE) ##determine highest-ranked model top[i] <- as.character(out$Modnames[1]) } ##compute selection frequencies for each model rel.freqs <- table(top)/nsim ##check whether all models appear in table if(length(cand.set) != length(rel.freqs)) { ##assign 0 freqs for models never appearing at first rank all.freqs <- rep(0, times = length(modnames)) names(all.freqs) <- modnames ##iterate over observed models for (k in 1:length(rel.freqs)){ all.freqs[names(rel.freqs)[k]] <- rel.freqs[k] } rel.freqs <- all.freqs } ##original model selection orig.aic <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) ##sort table according to model names orig.aic <- orig.aic[order(orig.aic$Modnames), ] ##sort relative frequencies according to model names rel.freqs <- rel.freqs[order(names(rel.freqs))] ##rename column for relative frequencies names(orig.aic)[7] <- "PiWt" ##add column for pi_i orig.aic$PiWt<- rel.freqs ##reorder if required if (sort) { orig.aic <- orig.aic[order(orig.aic[, 3]), ] #orig.aic$Cum.PiWt <- cumsum(orig.aic[, 7]) } class(orig.aic) <- c("boot.wt", "data.frame") return(orig.aic) } ##multinom boot.wt.AICmultinom.nnet <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, nsim = 100, c.hat = 1, ...) { ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##extract data from first model data <- eval(cand.set[[1]]$call$data, environment(formula(cand.set[[1]]))) ##create vector to store top model top <- character(nsim) for(i in 1:nsim) { ##resample data <- data[sample(x = rownames(data), replace = TRUE), ] ##store results results <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(j) update(j, data = ##compute AIC table out <- aictab(cand.set = results, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = TRUE, c.hat = c.hat) ##determine highest-ranked model top[i] <- as.character(out$Modnames[1]) } ##compute selection frequencies for each model rel.freqs <- table(top)/nsim ##check whether all models appear in table if(length(cand.set) != length(rel.freqs)) { ##assign 0 freqs for models never appearing at first rank all.freqs <- rep(0, times = length(modnames)) names(all.freqs) <- modnames ##iterate over observed models for (k in 1:length(rel.freqs)){ all.freqs[names(rel.freqs)[k]] <- rel.freqs[k] } rel.freqs <- all.freqs } ##original model selection orig.aic <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) ##sort table according to model names orig.aic <- orig.aic[order(orig.aic$Modnames), ] ##sort relative frequencies according to model names rel.freqs <- rel.freqs[order(names(rel.freqs))] ##rename column for relative frequencies names(orig.aic)[7] <- "PiWt" ##add column for pi_i orig.aic$PiWt<- rel.freqs ##reorder if required if (sort) { orig.aic <- orig.aic[order(orig.aic[, 3]), ] #orig.aic$Cum.PiWt <- cumsum(orig.aic[, 7]) } class(orig.aic) <- c("boot.wt", "data.frame") return(orig.aic) } ##polr boot.wt.AICpolr <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, nsim = 100, ...) { ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##extract data from first model data <- eval(cand.set[[1]]$call$data, environment(formula(cand.set[[1]]))) ##create vector to store top model top <- character(nsim) for(i in 1:nsim) { ##resample data <- data[sample(x = rownames(data), replace = TRUE), ] ##store results results <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(j) update(j, data = ##compute AIC table out <- aictab(cand.set = results, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = TRUE) ##determine highest-ranked model top[i] <- as.character(out$Modnames[1]) } ##compute selection frequencies for each model rel.freqs <- table(top)/nsim ##check whether all models appear in table if(length(cand.set) != length(rel.freqs)) { ##assign 0 freqs for models never appearing at first rank all.freqs <- rep(0, times = length(modnames)) names(all.freqs) <- modnames ##iterate over observed models for (k in 1:length(rel.freqs)){ all.freqs[names(rel.freqs)[k]] <- rel.freqs[k] } rel.freqs <- all.freqs } ##original model selection orig.aic <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) ##sort table according to model names orig.aic <- orig.aic[order(orig.aic$Modnames), ] ##sort relative frequencies according to model names rel.freqs <- rel.freqs[order(names(rel.freqs))] ##rename column for relative frequencies names(orig.aic)[7] <- "PiWt" ##add column for pi_i orig.aic$PiWt<- rel.freqs ##reorder if required if (sort) { orig.aic <- orig.aic[order(orig.aic[, 3]), ] #orig.aic$Cum.PiWt <- cumsum(orig.aic[, 7]) } class(orig.aic) <- c("boot.wt", "data.frame") return(orig.aic) } ##rlm boot.wt.AICrlm.lm <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, nsim = 100, ...) { ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##extract data from first model data <- eval(cand.set[[1]]$call$data, environment(formula(cand.set[[1]]))) ##create vector to store top model top <- character(nsim) for(i in 1:nsim) { ##resample data <- data[sample(x = rownames(data), replace = TRUE), ] ##store results results <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(j) update(j, data = ##compute AIC table out <- aictab(cand.set = results, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = TRUE) ##determine highest-ranked model top[i] <- as.character(out$Modnames[1]) } ##compute selection frequencies for each model rel.freqs <- table(top)/nsim ##check whether all models appear in table if(length(cand.set) != length(rel.freqs)) { ##assign 0 freqs for models never appearing at first rank all.freqs <- rep(0, times = length(modnames)) names(all.freqs) <- modnames ##iterate over observed models for (k in 1:length(rel.freqs)){ all.freqs[names(rel.freqs)[k]] <- rel.freqs[k] } rel.freqs <- all.freqs } ##original model selection orig.aic <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) ##sort table according to model names orig.aic <- orig.aic[order(orig.aic$Modnames), ] ##sort relative frequencies according to model names rel.freqs <- rel.freqs[order(names(rel.freqs))] ##rename column for relative frequencies names(orig.aic)[7] <- "PiWt" ##add column for pi_i orig.aic$PiWt<- rel.freqs ##reorder if required if (sort) { orig.aic <- orig.aic[order(orig.aic[, 3]), ] #orig.aic$Cum.PiWt <- cumsum(orig.aic[, 7]) } class(orig.aic) <- c("boot.wt", "data.frame") return(orig.aic) } ##survreg boot.wt.AICsurvreg <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, nsim = 100, ...) { ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##extract data from first model data <- eval(cand.set[[1]]$call$data, environment(formula(cand.set[[1]]))) ##create vector to store top model top <- character(nsim) for(i in 1:nsim) { ##resample data <- data[sample(x = rownames(data), replace = TRUE), ] ##store results results <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(j) update(j, data = ##compute AIC table out <- aictab(cand.set = results, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = TRUE) ##determine highest-ranked model top[i] <- as.character(out$Modnames[1]) } ##compute selection frequencies for each model rel.freqs <- table(top)/nsim ##check whether all models appear in table if(length(cand.set) != length(rel.freqs)) { ##assign 0 freqs for models never appearing at first rank all.freqs <- rep(0, times = length(modnames)) names(all.freqs) <- modnames ##iterate over observed models for (k in 1:length(rel.freqs)){ all.freqs[names(rel.freqs)[k]] <- rel.freqs[k] } rel.freqs <- all.freqs } ##original model selection orig.aic <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) ##sort table according to model names orig.aic <- orig.aic[order(orig.aic$Modnames), ] ##sort relative frequencies according to model names rel.freqs <- rel.freqs[order(names(rel.freqs))] ##rename column for relative frequencies names(orig.aic)[7] <- "PiWt" ##add column for pi_i orig.aic$PiWt<- rel.freqs ##reorder if required if (sort) { orig.aic <- orig.aic[order(orig.aic[, 3]), ] #orig.aic$Cum.PiWt <- cumsum(orig.aic[, 7]) } class(orig.aic) <- c("boot.wt", "data.frame") return(orig.aic) } ##vglm boot.wt.AICvglm <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, nsim = 100, c.hat = 1, ...) { ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##extract data from first model data <- eval(cand.set[[1]]@call$data, environment(formula(cand.set[[1]]))) ##create vector to store top model top <- character(nsim) for(i in 1:nsim) { ##resample data <- data[sample(x = rownames(data), replace = TRUE), ] ##store results results <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(j) update(j, data = ##compute AIC table out <- aictab(cand.set = results, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = TRUE, c.hat = c.hat) ##determine highest-ranked model top[i] <- as.character(out$Modnames[1]) } ##compute selection frequencies for each model rel.freqs <- table(top)/nsim ##check whether all models appear in table if(length(cand.set) != length(rel.freqs)) { ##assign 0 freqs for models never appearing at first rank all.freqs <- rep(0, times = length(modnames)) names(all.freqs) <- modnames ##iterate over observed models for (k in 1:length(rel.freqs)){ all.freqs[names(rel.freqs)[k]] <- rel.freqs[k] } rel.freqs <- all.freqs } ##original model selection orig.aic <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) ##sort table according to model names orig.aic <- orig.aic[order(orig.aic$Modnames), ] ##sort relative frequencies according to model names rel.freqs <- rel.freqs[order(names(rel.freqs))] ##rename column for relative frequencies names(orig.aic)[7] <- "PiWt" ##add column for pi_i orig.aic$PiWt<- rel.freqs ##reorder if required if (sort) { orig.aic <- orig.aic[order(orig.aic[, 3]), ] #orig.aic$Cum.PiWt <- cumsum(orig.aic[, 7]) } class(orig.aic) <- c("boot.wt", "data.frame") return(orig.aic) } ##zeroinfl boot.wt.AICzeroinfl <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, nsim = 100, ...) { ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##extract data from first model data <- eval(cand.set[[1]]$call$data, environment(formula(cand.set[[1]]))) ##create vector to store top model top <- character(nsim) for(i in 1:nsim) { ##resample data <- data[sample(x = rownames(data), replace = TRUE), ] ##store results results <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(j) update(j, data = ##compute AIC table out <- aictab(cand.set = results, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = TRUE) ##determine highest-ranked model top[i] <- as.character(out$Modnames[1]) } ##compute selection frequencies for each model rel.freqs <- table(top)/nsim ##check whether all models appear in table if(length(cand.set) != length(rel.freqs)) { ##assign 0 freqs for models never appearing at first rank all.freqs <- rep(0, times = length(modnames)) names(all.freqs) <- modnames ##iterate over observed models for (k in 1:length(rel.freqs)){ all.freqs[names(rel.freqs)[k]] <- rel.freqs[k] } rel.freqs <- all.freqs } ##original model selection orig.aic <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) ##sort table according to model names orig.aic <- orig.aic[order(orig.aic$Modnames), ] ##sort relative frequencies according to model names rel.freqs <- rel.freqs[order(names(rel.freqs))] ##rename column for relative frequencies names(orig.aic)[7] <- "PiWt" ##add column for pi_i orig.aic$PiWt<- rel.freqs ##reorder if required if (sort) { orig.aic <- orig.aic[order(orig.aic[, 3]), ] #orig.aic$Cum.PiWt <- cumsum(orig.aic[, 7]) } class(orig.aic) <- c("boot.wt", "data.frame") return(orig.aic) } print.boot.wt <- function(x, digits = 2, ...) { cat("\nModel selection based on ", colnames(x)[3], ":\n", sep = "") if (any(names(x) == "c_hat")) {cat("(c-hat estimate = ", x$c_hat[1], ")\n", sep = "")} cat("\n") ##check if Cum.Wt should be printed <- cbind(x[, 2], x[, 3], x[, 4], x[, 6], x[, 7]) colnames( <- c(colnames(x)[c(2, 3, 4, 6, 7)]) rownames( <- x[, 1] print(round(, digits = digits)) #select rounding off with digits argument cat("\n") }
##create generic c_hat c_hat <- function(mod, method = "pearson", ...) { ##format list according to model class UseMethod("c_hat", mod) } ##default to indicate when object class not supported c_hat.default <- function(mod, method = "pearson", ...) { stop("\nFunction not yet defined for this object class\n") } ##function to compute c-hat from Poisson or binomial GLM with success/total syntax c_hat.glm <- function(mod, method = "pearson", ...){ ##determine family of model fam <- family(mod)$family ##if binomial, check if n > 1 for each case if(fam == "binomial") { ##extract number of trials n.trials <- mod$prior.weights if(identical(unique(n.trials), 1)) { stop("\nWith a binomial distribution, the number of successes must be summarized for valid computation of c-hat\n") } } ##Poisson or binomial if(!any(fam == c("poisson", "binomial"))) { stop("\nEstimation of c-hat only valid for Poisson or binomial GLM's\n") } ##Pearson chi-square chisq <- sum(residuals(mod, type = "pearson")^2) ##return estimate based on Pearson chi-square if(method == "pearson") { c_hat.est <- chisq/mod$df.residual attr(c_hat.est, "method") <- "pearson estimator" } ##return estimate based on deviance estimator if(method == "deviance") { ##estimate deviance mod.deviance <- sum(residuals(mod, type = "deviance")^2) c_hat.est <- mod.deviance/mod$df.residual attr(c_hat.est, "method") <- "deviance estimator" } ##extract raw residuals raw.res <- residuals(mod, type = "response") ##extract fitted values fit.vals <- fitted(mod) ##estimate for Poisson if(fam == "poisson") { si <- 1/fit.vals * raw.res <- mean(si) } ##estimate for binomial if(fam == "binomial") { si <- (1 - 2 * fit.vals)/((n.trials * fit.vals) * (1 - fit.vals)) <- mean(si) } ##return estimate based on Farrington estimator if(method == "farrington") { c_hat.est <- (chisq - sum(si))/mod$df.residual attr(c_hat.est, "method") <- "farrington estimator" } ##return estimate based on Fletcher estimator if(method == "fletcher") { c_hat.est <- (chisq/mod$df.residual)/(1 + attr(c_hat.est, "method") <- "fletcher estimator" } class(c_hat.est) <- "c_hat" return(c_hat.est) } ##function to compute c-hat from Poisson or binomial GLM with success/total syntax c_hat.glmmTMB <- function(mod, method = "pearson", ...){ ##determine family of model fam <- family(mod)$family ##extract response ##if binomial, check if n > 1 for each case if(fam == "binomial") { resp <- mod$frame[, mod$modelInfo$respCol] if(!is.matrix(resp)) { if(!any(names(mod$frame) == "(weights)")) { stop("\nWith a binomial distribution, the number of successes must be summarized for valid computation of c-hat\n") } } } ##Poisson or binomial if(!any(fam == c("poisson", "binomial"))) { stop("\nEstimation of c-hat only valid for Poisson or binomial distributions\n") } ##number of parameters estimated n.parms <- attr(logLik(mod), "df") ##total number of observations n.obs <- nrow(model.frame(mod)) ##residual df res.df <- n.obs - n.parms ##Pearson chi-square chisq <- sum(residuals(mod, type = "pearson")^2) ##return estimate based on Pearson chi-square if(method == "pearson") { c_hat.est <- chisq/res.df attr(c_hat.est, "method") <- "pearson estimator" } else {stop("\nOnly Pearson estimator is currently supported for this model class\n")} class(c_hat.est) <- "c_hat" return(c_hat.est) } ##function to compute c-hat from Poisson or binomial GLM with success/total syntax c_hat.vglm <- function(mod, method = "pearson", ...){ ##determine family of model fam <- mod@family@vfamily if(length(fam) > 1) fam <- fam[1] ##if binomial, check if n > 1 for each case if(fam == "binomialff") { ##extract number of trials n.trials <- [email protected] if(identical(nrow([email protected]), 0)) { stop("\nWith a binomial distribution, the number of successes must be summarized for valid computation of c-hat\n") } } ##Poisson or binomial if(!any(fam == c("poissonff", "binomialff"))) { stop("\nEstimation of c-hat only valid for Poisson or binomial GLM's\n") } ##Pearson chi-square chisq <- sum(residuals(mod, type = "pearson")^2) ##return estimate based on Pearson chi-square if(method == "pearson") { c_hat.est <- chisq/[email protected] attr(c_hat.est, "method") <- "pearson estimator" } ##return estimate based on deviance estimator if(method == "deviance") { ##estimate deviance mod.deviance <- sum(residuals(mod, type = "deviance")^2) c_hat.est <- mod.deviance/[email protected] attr(c_hat.est, "method") <- "deviance estimator" } ##extract raw residuals raw.res <- residuals(mod, type = "response") ##extract fitted values fit.vals <- fitted(mod) ##estimate for Poisson if(fam == "poisson") { si <- 1/fit.vals * raw.res <- mean(si) } ##estimate for binomial if(fam == "binomialff") { si <- (1 - 2 * fit.vals)/((n.trials * fit.vals) * (1 - fit.vals)) <- mean(si) } ##return estimate based on Farrington estimator if(method == "farrington") { c_hat.est <- (chisq - sum(si))/[email protected] attr(c_hat.est, "method") <- "farrington estimator" } ##return estimate based on Fletcher estimator if(method == "fletcher") { c_hat.est <- (chisq/[email protected])/(1 + attr(c_hat.est, "method") <- "fletcher estimator" } class(c_hat.est) <- "c_hat" return(c_hat.est) } ##method for GLMM from lme4 c_hat.merMod <- function(mod, method = "pearson", ...) { #determine family of model fam <- family(mod)$family ##if binomial, check if n > 1 for each case if(fam == "binomial") { if(identical(unique(mod@resp$weights), 1)) { stop("\nWith a binomial distribution, the number of successes must be summarized for valid computation of c-hat\n") } } ##Poisson or binomial if(!any(fam == c("poisson", "binomial"))) { stop("\nEstimation of c-hat only valid for Poisson or binomial GLMM's\n") } ##number of parameters estimated n.parms <- attr(logLik(mod), "df") ##total number of observations n.obs <- nrow(model.frame(mod)) ##residual df res.df <- n.obs - n.parms if(method == "pearson") { chisq <- sum(residuals(mod, type = "pearson")^2) c_hat.est <- chisq/res.df attr(c_hat.est, "method") <- "pearson estimator" } else {stop("\nOnly Pearson estimator is currently supported for GLMM's\n")} class(c_hat.est) <- "c_hat" return(c_hat.est) } ##print method print.c_hat <- function(x, digits = 2, ...) { cat("'c-hat' ", paste(round(x, digits = digits), collapse = ", "), " (method: ", attr(x, "method"), ")\n", sep = "") }
##generic checkConv <- function(mod, ...) { UseMethod("checkConv", mod) } ##default checkConv.default <- function(mod, ...) { stop("\nFunction not yet defined for this object class\n") } ##betareg checkConv.betareg <- function(mod, ...) { if(mod$optim$convergence == 0) { conv <- TRUE } else {conv <- FALSE} msg <- mod$optim$message out <- list(converged = conv, message = msg) class(out) <- "checkConv" return(out) } ##clm checkConv.clm <- function(mod, ...) { if(mod$convergence$code == 0) { conv <- TRUE } else {conv <- FALSE} msg <- mod$convergence$alg.message out <- list(converged = conv, message = msg) class(out) <- "checkConv" return(out) } ##clmm checkConv.clmm <- function(mod, ...) { if(mod$optRes$convergence == 0) { conv <- TRUE } else {conv <- FALSE} msg <- mod$optRes$message out <- list(converged = conv, message = msg) class(out) <- "checkConv" return(out) } ##glm checkConv.glm <- function(mod, ...) { if(mod$converged) { conv <- TRUE } else {conv <- FALSE} msg <- NULL ##object does not include a message from IWLS algorithm out <- list(converged = conv, message = msg) class(out) <- "checkConv" return(out) } ##glmmTMB checkConv.glmmTMB <- function(mod, ...) { if(mod$fit$convergence == 0) { conv <- TRUE } else {conv <- FALSE} msg <- mod$fit$message ##object does not include a message from IWLS algorithm out <- list(converged = conv, message = msg) class(out) <- "checkConv" return(out) } ##hurdle checkConv.hurdle <- function(mod, ...) { if(mod$converged) { conv <- TRUE } else {conv <- FALSE} msg <- NULL ##object does not include a message from IWLS algorithm out <- list(converged = conv, message = msg) class(out) <- "checkConv" return(out) } ##lavaan checkConv.lavaan <- function(mod, ...) { if(mod@Fit@converged) { conv <- TRUE } else {conv <- FALSE} msg <- NULL ##object does not include a message from IWLS algorithm out <- list(converged = conv, message = msg) class(out) <- "checkConv" return(out) } ##maxlikefit checkConv.maxlikeFit <- function(mod, ...) { if(mod$optim$convergence == 0) { conv <- TRUE } else {conv <- FALSE} msg <- mod$optim$message out <- list(converged = conv, message = msg) class(out) <- "checkConv" return(out) } ##merMod checkConv.merMod <- function(mod, ...) { if(mod@optinfo$conv$opt == 0) { conv <- TRUE } else {conv <- FALSE} msg <- NULL ##object does not include a message from IWLS algorithm out <- list(converged = conv, message = msg) class(out) <- "checkConv" return(out) } ##lmerModLmerTest checkConv.lmerModLmerTest <- function(mod, ...) { if(mod@optinfo$conv$opt == 0) { conv <- TRUE } else {conv <- FALSE} msg <- NULL ##object does not include a message from IWLS algorithm out <- list(converged = conv, message = msg) class(out) <- "checkConv" return(out) } ##multinom checkConv.multinom <- function(mod, ...) { if(mod$convergence == 0) { conv <- TRUE } else {conv <- FALSE} msg <- NULL ##object does not include a message from IWLS algorithm out <- list(converged = conv, message = msg) class(out) <- "checkConv" return(out) } ##nls checkConv.nls <- function(mod, ...) { if(mod$convInfo$isConv) { conv <- TRUE } else {conv <- FALSE} msg <- mod$convInfo$stopMessage out <- list(converged = conv, message = msg) class(out) <- "checkConv" return(out) } ##polr checkConv.polr <- function(mod, ...) { if(mod$convergence == 0) { conv <- TRUE } else {conv <- FALSE} msg <- NULL ##object does not include a message from IWLS algorithm out <- list(converged = conv, message = msg) class(out) <- "checkConv" return(out) } ##unmarked checkConv.unmarkedFit <- function(mod, ...) { if(mod@opt$convergence == 0) { conv <- TRUE } else {conv <- FALSE} msg <- mod@opt$message out <- list(converged = conv, message = msg) class(out) <- "checkConv" return(out) } ##zeroinfl checkConv.zeroinfl <- function(mod, ...) { if(mod$converged) { conv <- TRUE } else {conv <- FALSE} msg <- NULL ##object does not include a message from IWLS algorithm out <- list(converged = conv, message = msg) class(out) <- "checkConv" return(out) } print.checkConv <- function(x, ...) { cat("\nConverged: ", x$converged, "\n") if(!is.null(x$message)) { cat("(", x$message, ")", "\n", sep = "") } }
##check SE's of parameters in model ##and identify SE's above a given threshold ##or with NaN ##mainly used with unmarkedFit objects, but also useful with classic GLM's checkParms <- function(mod, se.max = 25, simplify = TRUE, ...) { UseMethod("checkParms", mod) } checkParms.default <- function(mod, se.max = 25, simplify = TRUE, ...) { stop("\nFunction not yet defined for this object class\n") } ##unmarkedFit objects checkParms.unmarkedFit <- function(mod, se.max = 25, simplify = TRUE, ...) { ##extract SE SEs <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mod))) ##extract names var.names <- names(SEs) ##extract parms, if unmarkedFrame, multinomial parm.names <- sapply(var.names, FUN = function(i) unlist(strsplit(i, split = "\\("))[1], simplify = TRUE) ##unique parms <- unique(parm.names) ##format to matrix ##models with several groups of parameters matSE <- data.frame(SEs = SEs, variable = var.names, parameter = parm.names) ##request simplified output if(identical(simplify, TRUE)) { ##create matrix to hold results for parm with highest SE out.result <- data.frame(variable = rep(NA, 1), = rep(NA, 1), = rep(NA, 1)) ##identify maximum value of SE in model maxSE <- max(SEs) ##check if length = 0 (when NaN are present) if(is.nan(maxSE)) { nan.var <- as.character(matSE[is.nan(matSE$SEs), "variable"]) if(length(nan.var) == 1) { nameSE <- nan.var } else {nameSE <- nan.var[1]} parmSE <- as.character(matSE[which(matSE$variable == nameSE), "parameter"]) } else { nameSE <- as.character(matSE[which(matSE$SEs == maxSE), "variable"]) parmSE <- as.character(matSE[which(matSE$SEs == maxSE), "parameter"]) } ##add to rowname rownames(out.result) <- parmSE out.result[, "variable"] <- nameSE out.result[, ""] <- maxSE out.result[, ""] <- length(which(matSE$SEs > se.max)) } ##requesting long output if(identical(simplify, FALSE)) { ##create list to hold results for each parm type out.result <- data.frame(variable = rep(NA, length(, = rep(NA, length(, = rep(NA, length( rownames(out.result) <- ##for each parameter, identify maximum value of SE for(j in { mat.parm <- matSE[matSE$parameter %in% j, ] maxSE <- max(mat.parm$SEs) out.result[j, ""] <- maxSE nameSE <- as.character(mat.parm[which(mat.parm$SEs == maxSE), "variable"]) ##check if NaN are present if(is.nan(maxSE)) { nan.var <- as.character(mat.parm[is.nan(mat.parm$SEs), "variable"]) if(length(nan.var) == 1) { nameSE <- nan.var } else {nameSE <- nan.var[1]} } out.result[j, "variable"] <- nameSE ##determine number of SE's > SE.limit out.result[j, ""] <- length(which(mat.parm$SEs > se.max)) } } out <- list(model.class = class(mod), se.max = se.max, result = out.result) class(out) <- "checkParms" return(out) } ##betareg objects checkParms.betareg <- function(mod, se.max = 25, ...) { ##extract SE SEs <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mod))) ##extract names var.names <- names(SEs) ##format as matrix matSE <- data.frame(SEs = SEs, variable = var.names) ##create matrix to hold results for parm with highest SE out.result <- data.frame(variable = rep(NA, 1), = rep(NA, 1), = rep(NA, 1)) ##identify maximum value of SE in model maxSE <- max(SEs) ##check if length = 0 (when NaN are present) if(is.nan(maxSE)) { nan.var <- as.character(matSE[is.nan(matSE$SEs), "variable"]) if(length(nan.var) == 1) { nameSE <- nan.var } else {nameSE <- nan.var[1]} } else { nameSE <- as.character(matSE[which(matSE$SEs == maxSE), "variable"]) } rownames(out.result) <- "beta" out.result[, "variable"] <- nameSE out.result[, ""] <- maxSE out.result[, ""] <- length(which(matSE$SEs > se.max)) out <- list(model.class = class(mod), se.max = se.max, result = out.result) class(out) <- "checkParms" return(out) } ##clm objects checkParms.clm <- function(mod, se.max = 25, ...) { ##extract SE SEs <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mod))) ##extract names var.names <- names(SEs) ##format as matrix matSE <- data.frame(SEs = SEs, variable = var.names) ##create matrix to hold results for parm with highest SE out.result <- data.frame(variable = rep(NA, 1), = rep(NA, 1), = rep(NA, 1)) ##identify maximum value of SE in model maxSE <- max(SEs) ##check if length = 0 (when NaN are present) if(is.nan(maxSE)) { nan.var <- as.character(matSE[is.nan(matSE$SEs), "variable"]) if(length(nan.var) == 1) { nameSE <- nan.var } else {nameSE <- nan.var[1]} } else { nameSE <- as.character(matSE[which(matSE$SEs == maxSE), "variable"]) } rownames(out.result) <- "beta" out.result[, "variable"] <- nameSE out.result[, ""] <- maxSE out.result[, ""] <- length(which(matSE$SEs > se.max)) out <- list(model.class = class(mod), se.max = se.max, result = out.result) class(out) <- "checkParms" return(out) } ##clmm objects checkParms.clmm <- function(mod, se.max = 25, ...) { ##extract SE SEs <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mod))) ##extract names var.names <- names(SEs) ##format as matrix matSE <- data.frame(SEs = SEs, variable = var.names) ##create matrix to hold results for parm with highest SE out.result <- data.frame(variable = rep(NA, 1), = rep(NA, 1), = rep(NA, 1)) ##identify maximum value of SE in model maxSE <- max(SEs) ##check if length = 0 (when NaN are present) if(is.nan(maxSE)) { nan.var <- as.character(matSE[is.nan(matSE$SEs), "variable"]) if(length(nan.var) == 1) { nameSE <- nan.var } else {nameSE <- nan.var[1]} } else { nameSE <- as.character(matSE[which(matSE$SEs == maxSE), "variable"]) } rownames(out.result) <- "beta" out.result[, "variable"] <- nameSE out.result[, ""] <- maxSE out.result[, ""] <- length(which(matSE$SEs > se.max)) out <- list(model.class = class(mod), se.max = se.max, result = out.result) class(out) <- "checkParms" return(out) } ##coxme objects checkParms.coxme <- function(mod, se.max = 25, ...) { ##extract SE SEs <- extractSE(mod) ##extract names var.names <- names(SEs) ##format as matrix matSE <- data.frame(SEs = SEs, variable = var.names) ##create matrix to hold results for parm with highest SE out.result <- data.frame(variable = rep(NA, 1), = rep(NA, 1), = rep(NA, 1)) ##identify maximum value of SE in model maxSE <- max(SEs) ##check if length = 0 (when NaN are present) if(is.nan(maxSE)) { nan.var <- as.character(matSE[is.nan(matSE$SEs), "variable"]) if(length(nan.var) == 1) { nameSE <- nan.var } else {nameSE <- nan.var[1]} } else { nameSE <- as.character(matSE[which(matSE$SEs == maxSE), "variable"]) } rownames(out.result) <- "beta" out.result[, "variable"] <- nameSE out.result[, ""] <- maxSE out.result[, ""] <- length(which(matSE$SEs > se.max)) out <- list(model.class = class(mod), se.max = se.max, result = out.result) class(out) <- "checkParms" return(out) } ##coxph objects checkParms.coxph <- function(mod, se.max = 25, ...) { ##extract SE SEs <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mod))) ##extract names var.names <- names(SEs) ##format as matrix matSE <- data.frame(SEs = SEs, variable = var.names) ##create matrix to hold results for parm with highest SE out.result <- data.frame(variable = rep(NA, 1), = rep(NA, 1), = rep(NA, 1)) ##identify maximum value of SE in model maxSE <- max(SEs) ##check if length = 0 (when NaN are present) if(is.nan(maxSE)) { nan.var <- as.character(matSE[is.nan(matSE$SEs), "variable"]) if(length(nan.var) == 1) { nameSE <- nan.var } else {nameSE <- nan.var[1]} } else { nameSE <- as.character(matSE[which(matSE$SEs == maxSE), "variable"]) } rownames(out.result) <- "beta" out.result[, "variable"] <- nameSE out.result[, ""] <- maxSE out.result[, ""] <- length(which(matSE$SEs > se.max)) out <- list(model.class = class(mod), se.max = se.max, result = out.result) class(out) <- "checkParms" return(out) } ##GLM's checkParms.glm <- function(mod, se.max = 25, ...) { ##extract SE SEs <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mod))) ##extract names var.names <- names(SEs) ##format as matrix matSE <- data.frame(SEs = SEs, variable = var.names) ##create matrix to hold results for parm with highest SE out.result <- data.frame(variable = rep(NA, 1), = rep(NA, 1), = rep(NA, 1)) ##identify maximum value of SE in model maxSE <- max(SEs) ##check if length = 0 (when NaN are present) if(is.nan(maxSE)) { nan.var <- as.character(matSE[is.nan(matSE$SEs), "variable"]) if(length(nan.var) == 1) { nameSE <- nan.var } else {nameSE <- nan.var[1]} } else { nameSE <- as.character(matSE[which(matSE$SEs == maxSE), "variable"]) } rownames(out.result) <- "beta" out.result[, "variable"] <- nameSE out.result[, ""] <- maxSE out.result[, ""] <- length(which(matSE$SEs > se.max)) out <- list(model.class = class(mod), se.max = se.max, result = out.result) class(out) <- "checkParms" return(out) } ##GLM's checkParms.glmmTMB <- function(mod, se.max = 25, ...) { ##extract SE SEs <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mod)$cond)) ##extract names var.names <- names(SEs) ##format as matrix matSE <- data.frame(SEs = SEs, variable = var.names) ##create matrix to hold results for parm with highest SE out.result <- data.frame(variable = rep(NA, 1), = rep(NA, 1), = rep(NA, 1)) ##identify maximum value of SE in model maxSE <- max(SEs) ##check if length = 0 (when NaN are present) if(is.nan(maxSE)) { nan.var <- as.character(matSE[is.nan(matSE$SEs), "variable"]) if(length(nan.var) == 1) { nameSE <- nan.var } else {nameSE <- nan.var[1]} } else { nameSE <- as.character(matSE[which(matSE$SEs == maxSE), "variable"]) } rownames(out.result) <- "beta" out.result[, "variable"] <- nameSE out.result[, ""] <- maxSE out.result[, ""] <- length(which(matSE$SEs > se.max)) out <- list(model.class = class(mod), se.max = se.max, result = out.result) class(out) <- "checkParms" return(out) } ##gls objects checkParms.gls <- function(mod, se.max = 25, ...) { ##extract SE SEs <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mod))) ##extract names var.names <- names(SEs) ##format as matrix matSE <- data.frame(SEs = SEs, variable = var.names) ##create matrix to hold results for parm with highest SE out.result <- data.frame(variable = rep(NA, 1), = rep(NA, 1), = rep(NA, 1)) ##identify maximum value of SE in model maxSE <- max(SEs) ##check if length = 0 (when NaN are present) if(is.nan(maxSE)) { nan.var <- as.character(matSE[is.nan(matSE$SEs), "variable"]) if(length(nan.var) == 1) { nameSE <- nan.var } else {nameSE <- nan.var[1]} } else { nameSE <- as.character(matSE[which(matSE$SEs == maxSE), "variable"]) } rownames(out.result) <- "beta" out.result[, "variable"] <- nameSE out.result[, ""] <- maxSE out.result[, ""] <- length(which(matSE$SEs > se.max)) out <- list(model.class = class(mod), se.max = se.max, result = out.result) class(out) <- "checkParms" return(out) } ##gnls objects checkParms.gnls <- function(mod, se.max = 25, ...) { ##extract SE SEs <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mod))) ##extract names var.names <- names(SEs) ##format as matrix matSE <- data.frame(SEs = SEs, variable = var.names) ##create matrix to hold results for parm with highest SE out.result <- data.frame(variable = rep(NA, 1), = rep(NA, 1), = rep(NA, 1)) ##identify maximum value of SE in model maxSE <- max(SEs) ##check if length = 0 (when NaN are present) if(is.nan(maxSE)) { nan.var <- as.character(matSE[is.nan(matSE$SEs), "variable"]) if(length(nan.var) == 1) { nameSE <- nan.var } else {nameSE <- nan.var[1]} } else { nameSE <- as.character(matSE[which(matSE$SEs == maxSE), "variable"]) } rownames(out.result) <- "beta" out.result[, "variable"] <- nameSE out.result[, ""] <- maxSE out.result[, ""] <- length(which(matSE$SEs > se.max)) out <- list(model.class = class(mod), se.max = se.max, result = out.result) class(out) <- "checkParms" return(out) } ##hurdle objects checkParms.hurdle <- function(mod, se.max = 25, ...) { ##extract SE SEs <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mod))) ##extract names var.names <- names(SEs) ##format as matrix matSE <- data.frame(SEs = SEs, variable = var.names) ##create matrix to hold results for parm with highest SE out.result <- data.frame(variable = rep(NA, 1), = rep(NA, 1), = rep(NA, 1)) ##identify maximum value of SE in model maxSE <- max(SEs) ##check if length = 0 (when NaN are present) if(is.nan(maxSE)) { nan.var <- as.character(matSE[is.nan(matSE$SEs), "variable"]) if(length(nan.var) == 1) { nameSE <- nan.var } else {nameSE <- nan.var[1]} } else { nameSE <- as.character(matSE[which(matSE$SEs == maxSE), "variable"]) } rownames(out.result) <- "beta" out.result[, "variable"] <- nameSE out.result[, ""] <- maxSE out.result[, ""] <- length(which(matSE$SEs > se.max)) out <- list(model.class = class(mod), se.max = se.max, result = out.result) class(out) <- "checkParms" return(out) } ##classic linear regression (lm) checkParms.lm <- function(mod, se.max = 25, ...) { ##extract SE SEs <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mod))) ##extract names var.names <- names(SEs) ##format as matrix matSE <- data.frame(SEs = SEs, variable = var.names) ##create matrix to hold results for parm with highest SE out.result <- data.frame(variable = rep(NA, 1), = rep(NA, 1), = rep(NA, 1)) ##identify maximum value of SE in model maxSE <- max(SEs) ##check if length = 0 (when NaN are present) if(is.nan(maxSE)) { nan.var <- as.character(matSE[is.nan(matSE$SEs), "variable"]) if(length(nan.var) == 1) { nameSE <- nan.var } else {nameSE <- nan.var[1]} } else { nameSE <- as.character(matSE[which(matSE$SEs == maxSE), "variable"]) } rownames(out.result) <- "beta" out.result[, "variable"] <- nameSE out.result[, ""] <- maxSE out.result[, ""] <- length(which(matSE$SEs > se.max)) out <- list(model.class = class(mod), se.max = se.max, result = out.result) class(out) <- "checkParms" return(out) } ##lme objects checkParms.lme <- function(mod, se.max = 25, ...) { ##extract SE SEs <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mod))) ##extract names var.names <- names(SEs) ##format as matrix matSE <- data.frame(SEs = SEs, variable = var.names) ##create matrix to hold results for parm with highest SE out.result <- data.frame(variable = rep(NA, 1), = rep(NA, 1), = rep(NA, 1)) ##identify maximum value of SE in model maxSE <- max(SEs) ##check if length = 0 (when NaN are present) if(is.nan(maxSE)) { nan.var <- as.character(matSE[is.nan(matSE$SEs), "variable"]) if(length(nan.var) == 1) { nameSE <- nan.var } else {nameSE <- nan.var[1]} } else { nameSE <- as.character(matSE[which(matSE$SEs == maxSE), "variable"]) } rownames(out.result) <- "beta" out.result[, "variable"] <- nameSE out.result[, ""] <- maxSE out.result[, ""] <- length(which(matSE$SEs > se.max)) out <- list(model.class = class(mod), se.max = se.max, result = out.result) class(out) <- "checkParms" return(out) } ##lmekin objects checkParms.lmekin <- function(mod, se.max = 25, ...) { ##extract SE SEs <- extractSE(mod) ##extract names var.names <- names(SEs) ##format as matrix matSE <- data.frame(SEs = SEs, variable = var.names) ##create matrix to hold results for parm with highest SE out.result <- data.frame(variable = rep(NA, 1), = rep(NA, 1), = rep(NA, 1)) ##identify maximum value of SE in model maxSE <- max(SEs) ##check if length = 0 (when NaN are present) if(is.nan(maxSE)) { nan.var <- as.character(matSE[is.nan(matSE$SEs), "variable"]) if(length(nan.var) == 1) { nameSE <- nan.var } else {nameSE <- nan.var[1]} } else { nameSE <- as.character(matSE[which(matSE$SEs == maxSE), "variable"]) } rownames(out.result) <- "beta" out.result[, "variable"] <- nameSE out.result[, ""] <- maxSE out.result[, ""] <- length(which(matSE$SEs > se.max)) out <- list(model.class = class(mod), se.max = se.max, result = out.result) class(out) <- "checkParms" return(out) } ##maxlike objects checkParms.maxlikeFit <- function(mod, se.max = 25, ...) { ##extract SE SEs <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mod))) ##extract names var.names <- names(SEs) ##format as matrix matSE <- data.frame(SEs = SEs, variable = var.names) ##create matrix to hold results for parm with highest SE out.result <- data.frame(variable = rep(NA, 1), = rep(NA, 1), = rep(NA, 1)) ##identify maximum value of SE in model maxSE <- max(SEs) ##check if length = 0 (when NaN are present) if(is.nan(maxSE)) { nan.var <- as.character(matSE[is.nan(matSE$SEs), "variable"]) if(length(nan.var) == 1) { nameSE <- nan.var } else {nameSE <- nan.var[1]} } else { nameSE <- as.character(matSE[which(matSE$SEs == maxSE), "variable"]) } rownames(out.result) <- "beta" out.result[, "variable"] <- nameSE out.result[, ""] <- maxSE out.result[, ""] <- length(which(matSE$SEs > se.max)) out <- list(model.class = class(mod), se.max = se.max, result = out.result) class(out) <- "checkParms" return(out) } ##mer objects - old versions of lme4 #checkParms.mer <- function(mod, se.max = 25, ...) { # # ##extract SE # SEs <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mod))) # # ##extract names # var.names <- names(SEs) # # ##format as matrix # matSE <- data.frame(SEs = SEs, variable = var.names) # # ##create matrix to hold results for parm with highest SE # out.result <- data.frame(variable = rep(NA, 1), # = rep(NA, 1), # = rep(NA, 1)) # # ##identify maximum value of SE in model # maxSE <- max(SEs) # # ##check if length = 0 (when NaN are present) # if(is.nan(maxSE)) { # nan.var <- as.character(matSE[is.nan(matSE$SEs), "variable"]) # if(length(nan.var) == 1) { # nameSE <- nan.var # } else {nameSE <- nan.var[1]} # } else { # nameSE <- as.character(matSE[which(matSE$SEs == maxSE), "variable"]) # } # # rownames(out.result) <- "beta" # # out.result[, "variable"] <- nameSE # out.result[, ""] <- maxSE # out.result[, ""] <- length(which(matSE$SEs > se.max)) # # out <- list(model.class = class(mod), se.max = se.max, result = out.result) # class(out) <- "checkParms" # return(out) #} ##merMod objects checkParms.merMod <- function(mod, se.max = 25, ...) { ##extract SE SEs <- extractSE(mod) ##extract names var.names <- names(SEs) ##format as matrix matSE <- data.frame(SEs = SEs, variable = var.names) ##create matrix to hold results for parm with highest SE out.result <- data.frame(variable = rep(NA, 1), = rep(NA, 1), = rep(NA, 1)) ##identify maximum value of SE in model maxSE <- max(SEs) ##check if length = 0 (when NaN are present) if(is.nan(maxSE)) { nan.var <- as.character(matSE[is.nan(matSE$SEs), "variable"]) if(length(nan.var) == 1) { nameSE <- nan.var } else {nameSE <- nan.var[1]} } else { nameSE <- as.character(matSE[which(matSE$SEs == maxSE), "variable"]) } rownames(out.result) <- "beta" out.result[, "variable"] <- nameSE out.result[, ""] <- maxSE out.result[, ""] <- length(which(matSE$SEs > se.max)) out <- list(model.class = class(mod), se.max = se.max, result = out.result) class(out) <- "checkParms" return(out) } ##lmerModLmerTest objects checkParms.lmerModLmerTest <- function(mod, se.max = 25, ...) { ##extract SE SEs <- extractSE(mod) ##extract names var.names <- names(SEs) ##format as matrix matSE <- data.frame(SEs = SEs, variable = var.names) ##create matrix to hold results for parm with highest SE out.result <- data.frame(variable = rep(NA, 1), = rep(NA, 1), = rep(NA, 1)) ##identify maximum value of SE in model maxSE <- max(SEs) ##check if length = 0 (when NaN are present) if(is.nan(maxSE)) { nan.var <- as.character(matSE[is.nan(matSE$SEs), "variable"]) if(length(nan.var) == 1) { nameSE <- nan.var } else {nameSE <- nan.var[1]} } else { nameSE <- as.character(matSE[which(matSE$SEs == maxSE), "variable"]) } rownames(out.result) <- "beta" out.result[, "variable"] <- nameSE out.result[, ""] <- maxSE out.result[, ""] <- length(which(matSE$SEs > se.max)) out <- list(model.class = class(mod), se.max = se.max, result = out.result) class(out) <- "checkParms" return(out) } ##multinom objects checkParms.multinom <- function(mod, se.max = 25, ...) { ##extract SE SEs <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mod))) ##extract names var.names <- names(SEs) ##format as matrix matSE <- data.frame(SEs = SEs, variable = var.names) ##create matrix to hold results for parm with highest SE out.result <- data.frame(variable = rep(NA, 1), = rep(NA, 1), = rep(NA, 1)) ##identify maximum value of SE in model maxSE <- max(SEs) ##check if length = 0 (when NaN are present) if(is.nan(maxSE)) { nan.var <- as.character(matSE[is.nan(matSE$SEs), "variable"]) if(length(nan.var) == 1) { nameSE <- nan.var } else {nameSE <- nan.var[1]} } else { nameSE <- as.character(matSE[which(matSE$SEs == maxSE), "variable"]) } rownames(out.result) <- "beta" out.result[, "variable"] <- nameSE out.result[, ""] <- maxSE out.result[, ""] <- length(which(matSE$SEs > se.max)) out <- list(model.class = class(mod), se.max = se.max, result = out.result) class(out) <- "checkParms" return(out) } ##nlme objects checkParms.nlme <- function(mod, se.max = 25, ...) { ##extract SE SEs <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mod))) ##extract names var.names <- names(SEs) ##format as matrix matSE <- data.frame(SEs = SEs, variable = var.names) ##create matrix to hold results for parm with highest SE out.result <- data.frame(variable = rep(NA, 1), = rep(NA, 1), = rep(NA, 1)) ##identify maximum value of SE in model maxSE <- max(SEs) ##check if length = 0 (when NaN are present) if(is.nan(maxSE)) { nan.var <- as.character(matSE[is.nan(matSE$SEs), "variable"]) if(length(nan.var) == 1) { nameSE <- nan.var } else {nameSE <- nan.var[1]} } else { nameSE <- as.character(matSE[which(matSE$SEs == maxSE), "variable"]) } rownames(out.result) <- "beta" out.result[, "variable"] <- nameSE out.result[, ""] <- maxSE out.result[, ""] <- length(which(matSE$SEs > se.max)) out <- list(model.class = class(mod), se.max = se.max, result = out.result) class(out) <- "checkParms" return(out) } ##nls objects checkParms.nls <- function(mod, se.max = 25, ...) { ##extract SE SEs <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mod))) ##extract names var.names <- names(SEs) ##format as matrix matSE <- data.frame(SEs = SEs, variable = var.names) ##create matrix to hold results for parm with highest SE out.result <- data.frame(variable = rep(NA, 1), = rep(NA, 1), = rep(NA, 1)) ##identify maximum value of SE in model maxSE <- max(SEs) ##check if length = 0 (when NaN are present) if(is.nan(maxSE)) { nan.var <- as.character(matSE[is.nan(matSE$SEs), "variable"]) if(length(nan.var) == 1) { nameSE <- nan.var } else {nameSE <- nan.var[1]} } else { nameSE <- as.character(matSE[which(matSE$SEs == maxSE), "variable"]) } rownames(out.result) <- "beta" out.result[, "variable"] <- nameSE out.result[, ""] <- maxSE out.result[, ""] <- length(which(matSE$SEs > se.max)) out <- list(model.class = class(mod), se.max = se.max, result = out.result) class(out) <- "checkParms" return(out) } ##polr objects checkParms.polr <- function(mod, se.max = 25, ...) { ##extract SE SEs <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mod))) ##extract names var.names <- names(SEs) ##format as matrix matSE <- data.frame(SEs = SEs, variable = var.names) ##create matrix to hold results for parm with highest SE out.result <- data.frame(variable = rep(NA, 1), = rep(NA, 1), = rep(NA, 1)) ##identify maximum value of SE in model maxSE <- max(SEs) ##check if length = 0 (when NaN are present) if(is.nan(maxSE)) { nan.var <- as.character(matSE[is.nan(matSE$SEs), "variable"]) if(length(nan.var) == 1) { nameSE <- nan.var } else {nameSE <- nan.var[1]} } else { nameSE <- as.character(matSE[which(matSE$SEs == maxSE), "variable"]) } rownames(out.result) <- "beta" out.result[, "variable"] <- nameSE out.result[, ""] <- maxSE out.result[, ""] <- length(which(matSE$SEs > se.max)) out <- list(model.class = class(mod), se.max = se.max, result = out.result) class(out) <- "checkParms" return(out) } ##rlm objects checkParms.rlm <- function(mod, se.max = 25, ...) { ##extract SE SEs <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mod))) ##extract names var.names <- names(SEs) ##format as matrix matSE <- data.frame(SEs = SEs, variable = var.names) ##create matrix to hold results for parm with highest SE out.result <- data.frame(variable = rep(NA, 1), = rep(NA, 1), = rep(NA, 1)) ##identify maximum value of SE in model maxSE <- max(SEs) ##check if length = 0 (when NaN are present) if(is.nan(maxSE)) { nan.var <- as.character(matSE[is.nan(matSE$SEs), "variable"]) if(length(nan.var) == 1) { nameSE <- nan.var } else {nameSE <- nan.var[1]} } else { nameSE <- as.character(matSE[which(matSE$SEs == maxSE), "variable"]) } rownames(out.result) <- "beta" out.result[, "variable"] <- nameSE out.result[, ""] <- maxSE out.result[, ""] <- length(which(matSE$SEs > se.max)) out <- list(model.class = class(mod), se.max = se.max, result = out.result) class(out) <- "checkParms" return(out) } ##survreg objects checkParms.survreg <- function(mod, se.max = 25, ...) { ##extract SE SEs <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mod))) ##extract names var.names <- names(SEs) ##format as matrix matSE <- data.frame(SEs = SEs, variable = var.names) ##create matrix to hold results for parm with highest SE out.result <- data.frame(variable = rep(NA, 1), = rep(NA, 1), = rep(NA, 1)) ##identify maximum value of SE in model maxSE <- max(SEs) ##check if length = 0 (when NaN are present) if(is.nan(maxSE)) { nan.var <- as.character(matSE[is.nan(matSE$SEs), "variable"]) if(length(nan.var) == 1) { nameSE <- nan.var } else {nameSE <- nan.var[1]} } else { nameSE <- as.character(matSE[which(matSE$SEs == maxSE), "variable"]) } rownames(out.result) <- "beta" out.result[, "variable"] <- nameSE out.result[, ""] <- maxSE out.result[, ""] <- length(which(matSE$SEs > se.max)) out <- list(model.class = class(mod), se.max = se.max, result = out.result) class(out) <- "checkParms" return(out) } ##vglm objects checkParms.vglm <- function(mod, se.max = 25, ...) { ##extract SE SEs <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mod))) ##extract names var.names <- names(SEs) ##format as matrix matSE <- data.frame(SEs = SEs, variable = var.names) ##create matrix to hold results for parm with highest SE out.result <- data.frame(variable = rep(NA, 1), = rep(NA, 1), = rep(NA, 1)) ##identify maximum value of SE in model maxSE <- max(SEs) ##check if length = 0 (when NaN are present) if(is.nan(maxSE)) { nan.var <- as.character(matSE[is.nan(matSE$SEs), "variable"]) if(length(nan.var) == 1) { nameSE <- nan.var } else {nameSE <- nan.var[1]} } else { nameSE <- as.character(matSE[which(matSE$SEs == maxSE), "variable"]) } rownames(out.result) <- "beta" out.result[, "variable"] <- nameSE out.result[, ""] <- maxSE out.result[, ""] <- length(which(matSE$SEs > se.max)) out <- list(model.class = class(mod), se.max = se.max, result = out.result) class(out) <- "checkParms" return(out) } ##zeroinfl objects checkParms.zeroinfl <- function(mod, se.max = 25, ...) { ##extract SE SEs <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mod))) ##extract names var.names <- names(SEs) ##format as matrix matSE <- data.frame(SEs = SEs, variable = var.names) ##create matrix to hold results for parm with highest SE out.result <- data.frame(variable = rep(NA, 1), = rep(NA, 1), = rep(NA, 1)) ##identify maximum value of SE in model maxSE <- max(SEs) ##check if length = 0 (when NaN are present) if(is.nan(maxSE)) { nan.var <- as.character(matSE[is.nan(matSE$SEs), "variable"]) if(length(nan.var) == 1) { nameSE <- nan.var } else {nameSE <- nan.var[1]} } else { nameSE <- as.character(matSE[which(matSE$SEs == maxSE), "variable"]) } rownames(out.result) <- "beta" out.result[, "variable"] <- nameSE out.result[, ""] <- maxSE out.result[, ""] <- length(which(matSE$SEs > se.max)) out <- list(model.class = class(mod), se.max = se.max, result = out.result) class(out) <- "checkParms" return(out) } ##print method print.checkParms <- function(x, digits = 2, ...) { ##result data frame out.frame <- x$result ##round numeric variables out.frame$ <- round(out.frame$, digits = digits) print(out.frame) }
confset <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, method = "raw", level = 0.95, delta = 6, c.hat = 1) { ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } aic.table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, sort = TRUE, c.hat = c.hat, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs) ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models - these two lines not compatible with unmarked objects #check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) formula(b)[2]) #if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("You must use the same response variable for all models\n") nmods <- nrow(aic.table) #method based on simply summing the Akaike weights until a given value is reached if(method=="raw") { iter <- 1 sum.wt <- 0 while(level >= sum.wt) { sum.wt <- aic.table[iter,6]+sum.wt if(sum.wt < level) iter <- iter + 1 } <- list("method" = method, "level" = level, "table" = aic.table[1:iter,]) } #method based on ranking models ordinally according to their delta AIC values if (method=="ordinal") { substantial <- aic.table[which(aic.table[,4] <= 2),] some <- aic.table[which(aic.table[,4] > 2 & aic.table[,4] <= 7),] little <- aic.table[which(aic.table[,4] > 7 & aic.table[,4] <= 10), ] none <- aic.table[which(aic.table[,4] > 10), ] <- list("method" = method, "substantial" = substantial, "some" = some, "little" = little, "none" = none) } #method based on relative likelihoods for some cutoff value if (method=="ratio") { cutoff <- exp(-1*delta/2) #if a given cutoff value is requested, one can compute the corresponding delta AIC value as: #-2*log(cutoff); -2*log(0.125) = 4.16 ratios <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1) for (i in 1:nmods) { ratios[i] <- aic.table[i, 5]/aic.table[1, 5] } <- list("method" = method, "cutoff" = cutoff, "delta" = delta, "table" = aic.table[which(ratios> cutoff),]) } class( <- c("confset", "list") return( } print.confset <- function(x, digits = 2, ...) { if(x$method == "raw") { cat("\nConfidence set for the best model\n\n") cat("Method:\t", "raw sum of model probabilities\n\n") perc <- x$level*100 perc.char <- paste(perc, "%", sep = "") cat(perc.char, "confidence set:\n") <- cbind(x$table[, 2], x$table[, 3], x$table[, 4], x$table[, 6]) colnames( <- colnames(x$table)[c(2, 3, 4, 6)] rownames( <- x$table[, 1] print(round(, digits = digits)) #select rounding off with digits argument cat("\n") sum.wt <- round(sum([, 4]), digits = digits) cat("Model probabilities sum to", sum.wt, "\n\n") } if(x$method == "ordinal") { cat("\nConfidence set for the best model\n\n") cat("Method:\t", "ordinal ranking based on delta AIC\n\n") cat("Models with substantial weight:\n") <- cbind(x$substantial[, 2], x$substantial[, 3], x$substantial[, 4], x$substantial[, 6]) colnames( <- colnames(x$substantial)[c(2, 3, 4, 6)] rownames( <- x$substantial[,1] print(round(, digits = digits)) #select rounding off with digits argument cat("\n\n") cat("Models with some weight:\n") <- cbind(x$some[, 2], x$some[, 3], x$some[, 4], x$some[, 6]) colnames( <- colnames(x$some)[c(2, 3, 4, 6)] rownames( <- x$some[, 1] print(round(, digits = digits)) #select rounding off with digits argument cat("\n\n") cat("Models with little weight:\n") <- cbind(x$little[, 2], x$little[, 3], x$little[, 4], x$little[, 6]) colnames( <- colnames(x$little)[c(2, 3, 4, 6)] rownames( <- x$little[, 1] print(round(, digits = digits)) #select rounding off with digits argument cat("\n\n") cat("Models with no weight:\n") <- cbind(x$none[, 2], x$none[, 3], x$none[, 4], x$none[, 6]) colnames( <- colnames(x$none)[c(2, 3, 4, 6)] rownames( <- x$none[, 1] print(round(, digits = digits)) #select rounding off with digits argument cat("\n\n") } if(x$method == "ratio") { cat("\nConfidence set for the best model\n\n") cat("Method:\t", "ranking based on relative model likelihood\n\n") round.cut <- round(x$cutoff, digits = digits) cat("Cutoff value:\t", round.cut, "(corresponds to delta AIC of", paste(x$delta,")", sep = ""),"\n\n") cat("Confidence set for best model:\n") <- cbind(x$table[, 2], x$table[, 3], x$table[, 4], x$table[, 6]) colnames( <- colnames(x$table)[c(2, 3, 4, 6)] rownames( <- x$table[, 1] print(round(, digits = digits)) #select rounding off with digits argument cat("\n\n") } }
##summarize detection histories and count data countDist <- function(object, plot.freq = TRUE, plot.distance = TRUE, cex.axis = 1, cex.lab = 1, cex.main = 1, ...){ UseMethod("countDist", object) } countDist.default <- function(object, plot.freq = TRUE, plot.distance = TRUE, cex.axis = 1, cex.lab = 1, cex.main = 1, ...){ stop("\nFunction not yet defined for this object class\n") } ##for unmarkedFrameDS countDist.unmarkedFrameDS <- function(object, plot.freq = TRUE, plot.distance = TRUE, cex.axis = 1, cex.lab = 1, cex.main = 1, ...) { ##extract data yMat <- object@y nsites <- nrow(yMat) n.seasons <- 1 nvisits <- 1 ##visits per season n.visits.season <- 1 ##distance classes dist.classes <- [email protected] ##number of distance classes n.dist.classes <- length(dist.classes) - 1 ##units unitsIn <- object@unitsIn ##create string of names dist.names <- rep(NA, n.dist.classes) for(i in 1:n.dist.classes){ dist.names[i] <- paste(dist.classes[i], "-", dist.classes[i+1], sep = "") } ##collapse yMat into a single vector yVec <- as.vector(yMat) ##determine size of plot window ##when both types are requested if(plot.freq && plot.distance) { ##reset graphics parameters and save in object nRows <- 1 nCols <- 2 oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(nRows, nCols)) } ##when single type is requested if(plot.freq && !plot.distance) { ##reset graphics parameters and save in object nRows <- 1 nCols <- 1 oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(nRows, nCols)) } ##when single type is requested if(!plot.freq && plot.distance) { ##reset graphics parameters and save in object nRows <- 1 nCols <- 1 oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(nRows, nCols)) } ##summarize counts if(plot.freq) { ##create histogram barplot(table(yVec), ylab = "Frequency", xlab = "Counts of individuals", main = "Distribution of raw counts", cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.names = cex.axis, cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.main = cex.main) } ##summarize counts per distance dist.sums.full <- colSums(yMat, na.rm = TRUE) names(dist.sums.full) <- dist.names dist.table.seasons <- list(dist.sums.full) names(dist.table.seasons) <- "season1" if(plot.distance) { ##create histogram barplot(dist.sums.full, ylab = "Frequency", xlab = paste("Distance class (", unitsIn, ")", sep = ""), main = "Distribution of distance data", cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.names = cex.axis, cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.main = cex.main) } ##raw counts count.table.full <- table(yVec, exclude = NULL, deparse.level = 0) count.table.seasons <- list(count.table.full) ##for each season, determine frequencies out.freqs <- matrix(data = NA, ncol = 2, nrow = n.seasons) colnames(out.freqs) <- c("sampled", "detected") rownames(out.freqs) <- "Season-1" ySeason <- yMat ##determine proportion of sites with at least 1 detection det.sum <- apply(X = ySeason, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) ifelse(sum(i, na.rm = TRUE) > 0, 1, 0)) ##check sites with observed detections and deal with NA's sum.rows <- rowSums(ySeason, na.rm = TRUE) <- rowSums( == ncol(ySeason) ##number of sites sampled out.freqs[1, 1] <- sum(! ##number of sites with at least 1 detection out.freqs[1, 2] <- sum(det.sum) ##create a matrix with proportion of sites with colonizations ##and extinctions based on raw data out.props <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(out.freqs), ncol = 1) colnames(out.props) <- "naive.occ" rownames(out.props) <- rownames(out.freqs) out.props[, 1] <- out.freqs[, 2]/out.freqs[, 1] ##reset to original values if(any(plot.freq || plot.distance)) { on.exit(par(oldpar)) } out.count <- list("count.table.full" = count.table.full, "count.table.seasons" = count.table.seasons, "dist.sums.full" = dist.sums.full, "dist.table.seasons" = dist.table.seasons, "dist.names" = dist.names, "n.dist.classes" = n.dist.classes, "out.freqs" = out.freqs, "out.props" = out.props, "n.seasons" = n.seasons, "n.visits.season" = n.visits.season, "missing.seasons" = FALSE) class(out.count) <- "countDist" return(out.count) } ##for unmarkedFitDS countDist.unmarkedFitDS <- function(object, plot.freq = TRUE, plot.distance = TRUE, cex.axis = 1, cex.lab = 1, cex.main = 1, ...) { ##extract data yMat <- object@data@y nsites <- nrow(yMat) n.seasons <- 1 nvisits <- 1 ##visits per season n.visits.season <- 1 ##distance classes dist.classes <- object@[email protected] ##number of distance classes n.dist.classes <- length(dist.classes) - 1 ##units unitsIn <- object@data@unitsIn ##create string of names dist.names <- rep(NA, n.dist.classes) for(i in 1:n.dist.classes){ dist.names[i] <- paste(dist.classes[i], "-", dist.classes[i+1], sep = "") } ##collapse yMat into a single vector yVec <- as.vector(yMat) ##determine size of plot window ##when both types are requested if(plot.freq && plot.distance) { ##reset graphics parameters and save in object nRows <- 1 nCols <- 2 oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(nRows, nCols)) } ##when single type is requested if(plot.freq && !plot.distance) { ##reset graphics parameters and save in object nRows <- 1 nCols <- 1 oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(nRows, nCols)) } ##when single type is requested if(!plot.freq && plot.distance) { ##reset graphics parameters and save in object nRows <- 1 nCols <- 1 oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(nRows, nCols)) } ##summarize counts if(plot.freq) { ##create histogram barplot(table(yVec), ylab = "Frequency", xlab = "Counts of individuals", main = "Distribution of raw counts", cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.names = cex.axis, cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.main = cex.main) } ##summarize counts per distance dist.sums.full <- colSums(yMat, na.rm = TRUE) names(dist.sums.full) <- dist.names dist.table.seasons <- list(dist.sums.full) names(dist.table.seasons) <- "season1" if(plot.distance) { ##create histogram barplot(dist.sums.full, ylab = "Frequency", xlab = paste("Distance class (", unitsIn, ")", sep = ""), main = "Distribution of distance data", cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.names = cex.axis, cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.main = cex.main) } ##raw counts count.table.full <- table(yVec, exclude = NULL, deparse.level = 0) count.table.seasons <- list(count.table.full) ##for each season, determine frequencies out.freqs <- matrix(data = NA, ncol = 2, nrow = n.seasons) colnames(out.freqs) <- c("sampled", "detected") rownames(out.freqs) <- "Season-1" ySeason <- yMat ##determine proportion of sites with at least 1 detection det.sum <- apply(X = ySeason, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) ifelse(sum(i, na.rm = TRUE) > 0, 1, 0)) ##check sites with observed detections and deal with NA's sum.rows <- rowSums(ySeason, na.rm = TRUE) <- rowSums( == ncol(ySeason) ##number of sites sampled out.freqs[1, 1] <- sum(! ##number of sites with at least 1 detection out.freqs[1, 2] <- sum(det.sum) ##create a matrix with proportion of sites with colonizations ##and extinctions based on raw data out.props <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(out.freqs), ncol = 1) colnames(out.props) <- "naive.occ" rownames(out.props) <- rownames(out.freqs) out.props[, 1] <- out.freqs[, 2]/out.freqs[, 1] ##reset to original values if(any(plot.freq || plot.distance)) { on.exit(par(oldpar)) } out.count <- list("count.table.full" = count.table.full, "count.table.seasons" = count.table.seasons, "dist.sums.full" = dist.sums.full, "dist.table.seasons" = dist.table.seasons, "dist.names" = dist.names, "n.dist.classes" = n.dist.classes, "out.freqs" = out.freqs, "out.props" = out.props, "n.seasons" = n.seasons, "n.visits.season" = n.visits.season, "missing.seasons" = FALSE) class(out.count) <- "countDist" return(out.count) } ##for unmarkedFrameGDS countDist.unmarkedFrameGDS <- function(object, plot.freq = TRUE, plot.distance = TRUE, cex.axis = 1, cex.lab = 1, cex.main = 1, ...) { ##extract data yMat <- object@y nsites <- nrow(yMat) n.seasons <- 1 ##for GDS - several visits in single season nvisits <- object@numPrimary ##visits per season n.visits.season <- 1 ##distance classes dist.classes <- [email protected] ##number of distance classes n.dist.classes <- length(dist.classes) - 1 ##units unitsIn <- object@unitsIn ##create string of names dist.names <- rep(NA, n.dist.classes) for(i in 1:n.dist.classes){ dist.names[i] <- paste(dist.classes[i], "-", dist.classes[i+1], sep = "") } ##collapse yMat into a single vector yVec <- as.vector(yMat) ##determine size of plot window ##when both types are requested if(plot.freq && plot.distance) { ##reset graphics parameters and save in object nRows <- 1 nCols <- 2 oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(nRows, nCols)) } ##when single type is requested if(plot.freq && !plot.distance) { ##reset graphics parameters and save in object nRows <- 1 nCols <- 1 oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(nRows, nCols)) } ##when single type is requested if(!plot.freq && plot.distance) { ##reset graphics parameters and save in object nRows <- 1 nCols <- 1 oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(nRows, nCols)) } ##summarize counts if(plot.freq) { ##create histogram barplot(table(yVec), ylab = "Frequency", xlab = "Counts of individuals", main = "Distribution of raw counts", cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.names = cex.axis, cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.main = cex.main) } ##summarize counts per distance dist.sums.full <- rep(NA, n.dist.classes) ##create matrix to hold indices of visits x dist.classes mat.dist <- matrix(1:(nvisits*n.dist.classes), nrow = n.dist.classes, ncol = nvisits) for(j in 1:n.dist.classes) { dist.sums.full[j] <- sum(colSums(yMat[, mat.dist[j, ]], na.rm = TRUE), na.rm = TRUE) } names(dist.sums.full) <- dist.names dist.table.seasons <- list(dist.sums.full) names(dist.table.seasons) <- "season1" if(plot.distance) { ##create histogram barplot(dist.sums.full, ylab = "Frequency", xlab = paste("Distance class (", unitsIn, ")", sep = ""), main = "Distribution of distance data", cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.names = cex.axis, cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.main = cex.main) } ##raw counts count.table.full <- table(yVec, exclude = NULL, deparse.level = 0) count.table.seasons <- list(count.table.full) ##for each season, determine frequencies out.freqs <- matrix(data = NA, ncol = 2, nrow = n.seasons) colnames(out.freqs) <- c("sampled", "detected") rownames(out.freqs) <- "Season-1" ySeason <- yMat ##determine proportion of sites with at least 1 detection det.sum <- apply(X = ySeason, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) ifelse(sum(i, na.rm = TRUE) > 0, 1, 0)) ##check sites with observed detections and deal with NA's sum.rows <- rowSums(ySeason, na.rm = TRUE) <- rowSums( == ncol(ySeason) ##number of sites sampled out.freqs[1, 1] <- sum(! ##number of sites with at least 1 detection out.freqs[1, 2] <- sum(det.sum) ##create a matrix with proportion of sites with colonizations ##and extinctions based on raw data out.props <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(out.freqs), ncol = 1) colnames(out.props) <- "naive.occ" rownames(out.props) <- rownames(out.freqs) out.props[, 1] <- out.freqs[, 2]/out.freqs[, 1] ##reset to original values if(any(plot.freq || plot.distance)) { on.exit(par(oldpar)) } out.count <- list("count.table.full" = count.table.full, "count.table.seasons" = count.table.seasons, "dist.sums.full" = dist.sums.full, "dist.table.seasons" = dist.table.seasons, "dist.names" = dist.names, "n.dist.classes" = n.dist.classes, "out.freqs" = out.freqs, "out.props" = out.props, "n.seasons" = n.seasons, "n.visits.season" = n.visits.season, "missing.seasons" = FALSE) class(out.count) <- "countDist" return(out.count) } ##for unmarkedFitGDS countDist.unmarkedFitGDS <- function(object, plot.freq = TRUE, plot.distance = TRUE, cex.axis = 1, cex.lab = 1, cex.main = 1, ...) { ##extract data yMat <- object@data@y nsites <- nrow(yMat) n.seasons <- 1 ##for GDS - several visits in single season nvisits <- object@data@numPrimary ##visits per season n.visits.season <- 1 ##distance classes dist.classes <- object@[email protected] ##number of distance classes n.dist.classes <- length(dist.classes) - 1 ##units unitsIn <- object@data@unitsIn ##create string of names dist.names <- rep(NA, n.dist.classes) for(i in 1:n.dist.classes){ dist.names[i] <- paste(dist.classes[i], "-", dist.classes[i+1], sep = "") } ##collapse yMat into a single vector yVec <- as.vector(yMat) ##determine size of plot window ##when both types are requested if(plot.freq && plot.distance) { ##reset graphics parameters and save in object nRows <- 1 nCols <- 2 oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(nRows, nCols)) } ##when single type is requested if(plot.freq && !plot.distance) { ##reset graphics parameters and save in object nRows <- 1 nCols <- 1 oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(nRows, nCols)) } ##when single type is requested if(!plot.freq && plot.distance) { ##reset graphics parameters and save in object nRows <- 1 nCols <- 1 oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(nRows, nCols)) } ##summarize counts if(plot.freq) { ##create histogram barplot(table(yVec), ylab = "Frequency", xlab = "Counts of individuals", main = "Distribution of raw counts", cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.names = cex.axis, cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.main = cex.main) } ##summarize counts per distance dist.sums.full <- rep(NA, n.dist.classes) ##create matrix to hold indices of visits x dist.classes mat.dist <- matrix(1:(nvisits*n.dist.classes), nrow = n.dist.classes, ncol = nvisits) for(j in 1:n.dist.classes) { dist.sums.full[j] <- sum(colSums(yMat[, mat.dist[j, ]], na.rm = TRUE), na.rm = TRUE) } names(dist.sums.full) <- dist.names dist.table.seasons <- list(dist.sums.full) names(dist.table.seasons) <- "season1" if(plot.distance) { ##create histogram barplot(dist.sums.full, ylab = "Frequency", xlab = paste("Distance class (", unitsIn, ")", sep = ""), main = "Distribution of distance data", cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.names = cex.axis, cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.main = cex.main) } ##raw counts count.table.full <- table(yVec, exclude = NULL, deparse.level = 0) count.table.seasons <- list(count.table.full) ##for each season, determine frequencies out.freqs <- matrix(data = NA, ncol = 2, nrow = n.seasons) colnames(out.freqs) <- c("sampled", "detected") rownames(out.freqs) <- "Season-1" ySeason <- yMat ##determine proportion of sites with at least 1 detection det.sum <- apply(X = ySeason, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) ifelse(sum(i, na.rm = TRUE) > 0, 1, 0)) ##check sites with observed detections and deal with NA's sum.rows <- rowSums(ySeason, na.rm = TRUE) <- rowSums( == ncol(ySeason) ##number of sites sampled out.freqs[1, 1] <- sum(! ##number of sites with at least 1 detection out.freqs[1, 2] <- sum(det.sum) ##create a matrix with proportion of sites with colonizations ##and extinctions based on raw data out.props <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(out.freqs), ncol = 1) colnames(out.props) <- "naive.occ" rownames(out.props) <- rownames(out.freqs) out.props[, 1] <- out.freqs[, 2]/out.freqs[, 1] ##reset to original values if(any(plot.freq || plot.distance)) { on.exit(par(oldpar)) } out.count <- list("count.table.full" = count.table.full, "count.table.seasons" = count.table.seasons, "dist.sums.full" = dist.sums.full, "dist.table.seasons" = dist.table.seasons, "dist.names" = dist.names, "n.dist.classes" = n.dist.classes, "out.freqs" = out.freqs, "out.props" = out.props, "n.seasons" = n.seasons, "n.visits.season" = n.visits.season, "missing.seasons" = FALSE) class(out.count) <- "countDist" return(out.count) } ##for unmarkedFrameDSO countDist.unmarkedFrameDSO <- function(object, plot.freq = TRUE, plot.distance = TRUE, cex.axis = 1, cex.lab = 1, cex.main = 1, plot.seasons = FALSE, ...) { ##extract data yMat <- object@y nsites <- nrow(yMat) n.seasons <- object@numPrimary n.seasons.adj <- n.seasons #total number of plots fixed to 11 or 12, depending on plots requested n.columns <- ncol(yMat) seasonNames <- paste("season", 1:n.seasons, sep = "") ##visits per season n.visits.season <- 1 ##distance breaks dist.breaks <- [email protected] ##number of distance classes n.dist.classes <- length(dist.breaks) - 1 ##units unitsIn <- object@unitsIn ##create string of names dist.names <- rep(NA, n.dist.classes) for(i in 1:n.dist.classes){ dist.names[i] <- paste(dist.breaks[i], "-", dist.breaks[i+1], sep = "") } ##determine size of plot window ##when two types are requested if(plot.freq && plot.distance && !plot.seasons) { ##reset graphics parameters and save in object nRows <- 1 nCols <- 2 oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(nRows, nCols)) } if(plot.freq && !plot.distance && !plot.seasons) { ##reset graphics parameters and save in object nRows <- 1 nCols <- 1 oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(nRows, nCols)) } if(!plot.freq && plot.distance && !plot.seasons) { ##reset graphics parameters and save in object nRows <- 1 nCols <- 1 oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(nRows, nCols)) } ##if only season-specific plots are requested if(plot.seasons) { if(!plot.freq && !plot.distance) { ##determine arrangement of plots in matrix if(n.seasons >= 12) { n.seasons.adj <- 12 warning("\nOnly first 12 seasons are plotted\n") } } if(plot.freq && !plot.distance || !plot.freq && plot.distance) { ##determine arrangement of plots in matrix if(n.seasons >= 11) { n.seasons.adj <- 11 warning("\nOnly first 11 seasons are plotted\n") } } if(plot.freq && plot.distance) { ##determine arrangement of plots in matrix if(n.seasons >= 10) { n.seasons.adj <- 10 warning("\nOnly first 10 seasons are plotted\n") } } if(n.seasons.adj <= 12) { ##if n.seasons < 12 ##if 12, 11, 10 <- 4 x 3 ##if 9, 8, 7 <- 3 x 3 ##if 6, 5 <- 3 x 2 ##if 4 <- 2 x 2 ##if 3 <- 3 x 1 ##if 2 <- 2 x 1 if(n.seasons.adj >= 10) { nRows <- 4 nCols <- 3 } else { if(n.seasons.adj >= 7) { nRows <- 3 nCols <- 3 } else { if(n.seasons.adj >= 5) { nRows <- 3 nCols <- 2 } else { if(n.seasons.adj == 4) { nRows <- 2 nCols <- 2 } else { if(n.seasons.adj == 3) { nRows <- 3 nCols <- 1 } else { nRows <- 2 nCols <- 1 } } } } } } ##reset graphics parameters and save in object oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(nRows, nCols)) } ##distances across years yVec <- as.vector(yMat) ##summarize counts if(plot.freq) { ##create histogram barplot(table(yVec), ylab = "Frequency", xlab = "Counts of individuals", main = paste("Distribution of raw counts (", n.seasons, " seasons combined)", sep = ""), cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.names = cex.axis, cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.main = cex.main) } ##columns for each season col.seasons <- seq(1, n.columns, by = n.dist.classes) yMat.seasons <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons) names(yMat.seasons) <- seasonNames minusOne <- n.dist.classes - 1 ##iterate over each season for(i in 1:n.seasons) { ##extract yMat for each year yMat1 <- yMat[, col.seasons[i]:(col.seasons[i]+minusOne)] yMat.seasons[[i]] <- yMat1 } ##check if any seasons were not sampled y.seasonsNA <- sapply(yMat.seasons, FUN = function(i) all( ##collapse list into matrix fullData <-"rbind", yMat.seasons) ##summarize counts per distance dist.sums.full <- colSums(fullData, na.rm = TRUE) names(dist.sums.full) <- dist.names if(plot.distance) { ##create histogram barplot(dist.sums.full, ylab = "Frequency", xlab = paste("Distance class (", unitsIn, ")", sep = ""), main = paste("Distribution of distance data (", n.seasons, " seasons combined)", sep = ""), cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.names = cex.axis, cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.main = cex.main) } dist.table.seasons <- vector("list", n.seasons) names(dist.table.seasons) <- seasonNames for(i in 1:n.seasons) { yMat2 <- yMat.seasons[[i]] ##summarize counts per distance dist.sums.season <- colSums(yMat2, na.rm = TRUE) names(dist.sums.season) <- dist.names ##replace with NA if not sampled if(y.seasonsNA[i]) { dist.sums.season[1:length(dist.names)] <- NA } dist.table.seasons[[i]] <- dist.sums.season ##check for missing season if(y.seasonsNA[i]) {next} #skip to next season if current season not sampled if(plot.seasons) { ##create histogram barplot(dist.sums.season, ylab = "Frequency", xlab = paste("Distance class (", unitsIn, ")", sep = ""), main = paste("Distribution of distance data (season ", i, ")", sep = ""), cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.names = cex.axis, cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.main = cex.main) } } ##raw counts count.table.full <- table(yVec, exclude = NULL, deparse.level = 0) count.table.seasons <- lapply(yMat.seasons, table) ##for each season, determine frequencies out.seasons <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons) out.freqs <- matrix(data = NA, ncol = 6, nrow = n.seasons) colnames(out.freqs) <- c("sampled", "detected", "colonized", "extinct", "static", "common") rownames(out.freqs) <- paste("Season-", 1:n.seasons, sep = "") for(i in 1:n.seasons) { ySeason <- yMat.seasons[[i]] ##determine proportion of sites with at least 1 detection det.sum <- apply(X = ySeason, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) ifelse(sum(i, na.rm = TRUE) > 0, 1, 0)) ##check sites with observed detections and deal with NA's sum.rows <- rowSums(ySeason, na.rm = TRUE) <- rowSums( == ncol(ySeason) ##number of sites sampled out.freqs[i, 1] <- sum(! ##number of sites with at least 1 detection out.freqs[i, 2] <- sum(det.sum) ##sites without detections none <- which(sum.rows == 0) ##sites with at least one detection some <- which(sum.rows != 0) out.seasons[[i]] <- list("none" = none, "some" = some) } ##populate out.freqs with freqs of extinctions and colonizations for(j in 2:n.seasons) { none1 <- out.seasons[[j-1]]$none some1 <- out.seasons[[j-1]]$some none2 <- out.seasons[[j]]$none some2 <- out.seasons[[j]]$some ##add check for seasons without sampling or previous season without sampling if(y.seasonsNA[j] || y.seasonsNA[j-1]) { if(y.seasonsNA[j]) { out.freqs[j, 2:6] <- NA } if(y.seasonsNA[j-1]) { out.freqs[j, 3:6] <- NA } } else { ##colonizations out.freqs[j, 3] <- sum(duplicated(c(some2, none1))) ##extinctions out.freqs[j, 4] <- sum(duplicated(c(some1, none2))) ##no change out.freqs[j, 5] <- sum(duplicated(c(some1, some2))) + sum(duplicated(c(none1, none2))) ##sites both sampled in t and t-1 year1 <- c(none1, some1) year2 <- c(none2, some2) out.freqs[j, 6] <- sum(duplicated(c(year1, year2))) } } ##create a matrix with proportion of sites with colonizations ##and extinctions based on raw data out.props <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(out.freqs), ncol = 4) colnames(out.props) <- c("naive.occ", "naive.colonization", "naive.extinction", "naive.static") rownames(out.props) <- rownames(out.freqs) for(k in 1:n.seasons) { ##proportion of sites with detections out.props[k, 1] <- out.freqs[k, 2]/out.freqs[k, 1] ##add check for seasons without sampling if(y.seasonsNA[k]) { out.props[k, 2:4] <- NA } else { ##proportion colonized out.props[k, 2] <- out.freqs[k, 3]/out.freqs[k, 6] ##proportion extinct out.props[k, 3] <- out.freqs[k, 4]/out.freqs[k, 6] ##proportion static out.props[k, 4] <- out.freqs[k, 5]/out.freqs[k, 6] } } ##reset to original values if(any(plot.freq || plot.distance || plot.seasons)) { on.exit(par(oldpar)) } out.count <- list("count.table.full" = count.table.full, "count.table.seasons" = count.table.seasons, "dist.sums.full" = dist.sums.full, "dist.table.seasons" = dist.table.seasons, "dist.names" = dist.names, "n.dist.classes" = n.dist.classes, "out.freqs" = out.freqs, "out.props" = out.props, "n.seasons" = n.seasons, "n.visits.season" = n.visits.season, "missing.seasons" = y.seasonsNA) class(out.count) <- "countDist" return(out.count) } ##for unmarkedFitDSO countDist.unmarkedFitDSO <- function(object, plot.freq = TRUE, plot.distance = TRUE, cex.axis = 1, cex.lab = 1, cex.main = 1, plot.seasons = FALSE, ...) { ##extract data yMat <- object@data@y nsites <- nrow(yMat) n.seasons <- object@data@numPrimary n.seasons.adj <- n.seasons #total number of plots fixed to 11 or 12, depending on plots requested n.columns <- ncol(yMat) seasonNames <- paste("season", 1:n.seasons, sep = "") ##visits per season n.visits.season <- 1 ##distance breaks dist.breaks <- object@[email protected] ##number of distance classes n.dist.classes <- length(dist.breaks) - 1 ##units unitsIn <- object@data@unitsIn ##create string of names dist.names <- rep(NA, n.dist.classes) for(i in 1:n.dist.classes){ dist.names[i] <- paste(dist.breaks[i], "-", dist.breaks[i+1], sep = "") } ##determine size of plot window ##when two types are requested if(plot.freq && plot.distance && !plot.seasons) { ##reset graphics parameters and save in object nRows <- 1 nCols <- 2 oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(nRows, nCols)) } if(plot.freq && !plot.distance && !plot.seasons) { ##reset graphics parameters and save in object nRows <- 1 nCols <- 1 oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(nRows, nCols)) } if(!plot.freq && plot.distance && !plot.seasons) { ##reset graphics parameters and save in object nRows <- 1 nCols <- 1 oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(nRows, nCols)) } ##if only season-specific plots are requested if(plot.seasons) { if(!plot.freq && !plot.distance) { ##determine arrangement of plots in matrix if(n.seasons >= 12) { n.seasons.adj <- 12 warning("\nOnly first 12 seasons are plotted\n") } } if(plot.freq && !plot.distance || !plot.freq && plot.distance) { ##determine arrangement of plots in matrix if(n.seasons >= 11) { n.seasons.adj <- 11 warning("\nOnly first 11 seasons are plotted\n") } } if(plot.freq && plot.distance) { ##determine arrangement of plots in matrix if(n.seasons >= 10) { n.seasons.adj <- 10 warning("\nOnly first 10 seasons are plotted\n") } } if(n.seasons.adj <= 12) { ##if n.seasons < 12 ##if 12, 11, 10 <- 4 x 3 ##if 9, 8, 7 <- 3 x 3 ##if 6, 5 <- 3 x 2 ##if 4 <- 2 x 2 ##if 3 <- 3 x 1 ##if 2 <- 2 x 1 if(n.seasons.adj >= 10) { nRows <- 4 nCols <- 3 } else { if(n.seasons.adj >= 7) { nRows <- 3 nCols <- 3 } else { if(n.seasons.adj >= 5) { nRows <- 3 nCols <- 2 } else { if(n.seasons.adj == 4) { nRows <- 2 nCols <- 2 } else { if(n.seasons.adj == 3) { nRows <- 3 nCols <- 1 } else { nRows <- 2 nCols <- 1 } } } } } } ##reset graphics parameters and save in object oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(nRows, nCols)) } ##distances across years yVec <- as.vector(yMat) ##summarize counts if(plot.freq) { ##create histogram barplot(table(yVec), ylab = "Frequency", xlab = "Counts of individuals", main = paste("Distribution of raw counts (", n.seasons, " seasons combined)", sep = ""), cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.names = cex.axis, cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.main = cex.main) } ##columns for each season col.seasons <- seq(1, n.columns, by = n.dist.classes) yMat.seasons <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons) names(yMat.seasons) <- seasonNames minusOne <- n.dist.classes - 1 ##iterate over each season for(i in 1:n.seasons) { ##extract yMat for each season yMat1 <- yMat[, col.seasons[i]:(col.seasons[i]+minusOne)] yMat.seasons[[i]] <- yMat1 } ##check if any seasons were not sampled y.seasonsNA <- sapply(yMat.seasons, FUN = function(i) all( ##collapse list into matrix fullData <-"rbind", yMat.seasons) ##summarize counts per distance dist.sums.full <- colSums(fullData, na.rm = TRUE) names(dist.sums.full) <- dist.names if(plot.distance) { ##create histogram barplot(dist.sums.full, ylab = "Frequency", xlab = paste("Distance class (", unitsIn, ")", sep = ""), main = paste("Distribution of distance data (", n.seasons, " seasons combined)", sep = ""), cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.names = cex.axis, cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.main = cex.main) } dist.table.seasons <- vector("list", n.seasons) names(dist.table.seasons) <- seasonNames for(i in 1:n.seasons) { yMat2 <- yMat.seasons[[i]] ##summarize counts per distance dist.sums.season <- colSums(yMat2, na.rm = TRUE) names(dist.sums.season) <- dist.names ##replace with NA if not sampled if(y.seasonsNA[i]) { dist.sums.season[1:length(dist.names)] <- NA } dist.table.seasons[[i]] <- dist.sums.season ##check for missing season if(y.seasonsNA[i]) {next} #skip to next season if current season not sampled if(plot.seasons) { ##create histogram barplot(dist.sums.season, ylab = "Frequency", xlab = paste("Distance class (", unitsIn, ")", sep = ""), main = paste("Distribution of distance data (season ", i, ")", sep = ""), cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.names = cex.axis, cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.main = cex.main) } } ##raw counts count.table.full <- table(yVec, exclude = NULL, deparse.level = 0) count.table.seasons <- lapply(yMat.seasons, table) ##for each season, determine frequencies out.seasons <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons) out.freqs <- matrix(data = NA, ncol = 6, nrow = n.seasons) colnames(out.freqs) <- c("sampled", "detected", "colonized", "extinct", "static", "common") rownames(out.freqs) <- paste("Season-", 1:n.seasons, sep = "") for(i in 1:n.seasons) { ySeason <- yMat.seasons[[i]] ##determine proportion of sites with at least 1 detection det.sum <- apply(X = ySeason, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) ifelse(sum(i, na.rm = TRUE) > 0, 1, 0)) ##check sites with observed detections and deal with NA's sum.rows <- rowSums(ySeason, na.rm = TRUE) <- rowSums( == ncol(ySeason) ##number of sites sampled out.freqs[i, 1] <- sum(! ##number of sites with at least 1 detection out.freqs[i, 2] <- sum(det.sum) ##sites without detections none <- which(sum.rows == 0) ##sites with at least one detection some <- which(sum.rows != 0) out.seasons[[i]] <- list("none" = none, "some" = some) } ##populate out.freqs with freqs of extinctions and colonizations for(j in 2:n.seasons) { none1 <- out.seasons[[j-1]]$none some1 <- out.seasons[[j-1]]$some none2 <- out.seasons[[j]]$none some2 <- out.seasons[[j]]$some ##add check for seasons without sampling or previous season without sampling if(y.seasonsNA[j] || y.seasonsNA[j-1]) { if(y.seasonsNA[j]) { out.freqs[j, 2:6] <- NA } if(y.seasonsNA[j-1]) { out.freqs[j, 3:6] <- NA } } else { ##colonizations out.freqs[j, 3] <- sum(duplicated(c(some2, none1))) ##extinctions out.freqs[j, 4] <- sum(duplicated(c(some1, none2))) ##no change out.freqs[j, 5] <- sum(duplicated(c(some1, some2))) + sum(duplicated(c(none1, none2))) ##sites both sampled in t and t-1 year1 <- c(none1, some1) year2 <- c(none2, some2) out.freqs[j, 6] <- sum(duplicated(c(year1, year2))) } } ##create a matrix with proportion of sites with colonizations ##and extinctions based on raw data out.props <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(out.freqs), ncol = 4) colnames(out.props) <- c("naive.occ", "naive.colonization", "naive.extinction", "naive.static") rownames(out.props) <- rownames(out.freqs) for(k in 1:n.seasons) { ##proportion of sites with detections out.props[k, 1] <- out.freqs[k, 2]/out.freqs[k, 1] ##add check for seasons without sampling if(y.seasonsNA[k]) { out.props[k, 2:4] <- NA } else { ##proportion colonized out.props[k, 2] <- out.freqs[k, 3]/out.freqs[k, 6] ##proportion extinct out.props[k, 3] <- out.freqs[k, 4]/out.freqs[k, 6] ##proportion static out.props[k, 4] <- out.freqs[k, 5]/out.freqs[k, 6] } } ##reset to original values if(any(plot.freq || plot.distance || plot.seasons)) { on.exit(par(oldpar)) } out.count <- list("count.table.full" = count.table.full, "count.table.seasons" = count.table.seasons, "dist.sums.full" = dist.sums.full, "dist.table.seasons" = dist.table.seasons, "dist.names" = dist.names, "n.dist.classes" = n.dist.classes, "out.freqs" = out.freqs, "out.props" = out.props, "n.seasons" = n.seasons, "n.visits.season" = n.visits.season, "missing.seasons" = y.seasonsNA) class(out.count) <- "countDist" return(out.count) } ##print method print.countDist <- function(x, digits = 2, ...) { if(x$n.seasons == 1) { cat("\nSummary of counts:\n") count.mat <- matrix(x$count.table.full, nrow = 1) colnames(count.mat) <- names(x$count.table.full) rownames(count.mat) <- "Frequency" print(count.mat) cat("\nSummary of distance data:\n") out.mat <- matrix(x$dist.sums.full, nrow = 1) colnames(out.mat) <- names(x$dist.sums.full) rownames(out.mat) <- "Frequency" print(out.mat) cat("\nProportion of sites with at least one detection:\n", round(x$out.props[, "naive.occ"], digits), "\n\n") cat("Frequencies of sites with detections:\n") ##add matrix of frequencies print(x$out.freqs) } if(x$n.seasons > 1) { cat("\nSummary of counts across", x$n.seasons, "seasons:\n") count.mat <- matrix(x$count.table.full, nrow = 1) colnames(count.mat) <- names(x$count.table.full) rownames(count.mat) <- "Frequency" print(count.mat) ##if some seasons have not been sampled if(any(x$missing.seasons)) { if(sum(x$missing.seasons) == 1) { cat("\nNote: season", which(x$missing.seasons), "was not sampled\n") } else { cat("\nNote: seasons", paste(which(x$missing.seasons), sep = ", "), "were not sampled\n") } } cat("\nSummary of counts for each distance class across", x$n.seasons, "seasons:\n") dist.mat <- matrix(x$dist.sums.full, nrow = 1) colnames(dist.mat) <- names(x$dist.sums.full) rownames(dist.mat) <- "Frequency" print(dist.mat) cat("\n") cat("\nSeason-specific counts for each distance class: \n") cat("\n") for(i in 1:x$n.seasons) { if(!x$missing.seasons[i]) { cat("Season", i, "\n") } else { cat("Season", i, "(no sites sampled)", "\n") } <- x$dist.table.seasons[[i]] out.mat <- matrix(, nrow = 1) colnames(out.mat) <- names( rownames(out.mat) <- "Frequency" print(out.mat) cat("--------\n\n") } ##cat("\n") cat("Frequencies of sites with detections, extinctions, and colonizations:\n") ##add matrix of frequencies print(x$out.freqs) } }
##summarize detection histories and count data countHist <- function(object, plot.freq = TRUE, cex.axis = 1, cex.lab = 1, cex.main = 1, ...){ UseMethod("countHist", object) } countHist.default <- function(object, plot.freq = TRUE, cex.axis = 1, cex.lab = 1, cex.main = 1, ...){ stop("\nFunction not yet defined for this object class\n") } ##for unmarkedFramePCount countHist.unmarkedFramePCount <- function(object, plot.freq = TRUE, cex.axis = 1, cex.lab = 1, cex.main = 1, ...) { ##extract data yMat <- object@y nsites <- nrow(yMat) n.seasons <- 1 nvisits <- ncol(yMat) ##visits per season n.visits.season <- nvisits/n.seasons seasonNames <- paste("season", 1:n.seasons, sep = "") ##collapse yMat into a single vector yVec <- as.vector(yMat) ##summarize detection histories if(plot.freq) { ##create histogram barplot(table(yVec), ylab = "Frequency", xlab = "Counts of individuals", main = "Distribution of raw counts", cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.names = cex.axis, cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.main = cex.main) } ##raw counts count.table.full <- table(yVec, exclude = NULL, deparse.level = 0) count.table.seasons <- list(count.table.full) names(count.table.seasons) <- seasonNames ##summarize count histories hist.full <- apply(X = yMat, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = "|")) hist.table.full <- table(hist.full, deparse.level = 0) ##for each season, determine frequencies hist.table.seasons <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons) names(hist.table.seasons) <- seasonNames out.freqs <- matrix(data = NA, ncol = 2, nrow = n.seasons) colnames(out.freqs) <- c("sampled", "detected") rownames(out.freqs) <- "Season-1" hist.table.seasons[[1]] <- hist.table.full ##determine proportion of sites with at least 1 detection det.sum <- apply(X = yMat, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) ifelse(sum(i, na.rm = TRUE) > 0, 1, 0)) ##check sites with observed detections and deal with NA's sum.rows <- rowSums(yMat, na.rm = TRUE) <- rowSums( == ncol(yMat) ##number of sites sampled out.freqs[1, 1] <- sum(! ##number of sites with at least 1 detection out.freqs[1, 2] <- sum(det.sum) ##create a matrix with proportion of sites with colonizations ##and extinctions based on raw data out.props <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(out.freqs), ncol = 1) colnames(out.props) <- "naive.occ" rownames(out.props) <- rownames(out.freqs) out.props[, 1] <- out.freqs[, 2]/out.freqs[, 1] out.count <- list("count.table.full" = count.table.full, "count.table.seasons" = count.table.seasons, "hist.table.full" = hist.table.full, "hist.table.seasons" = hist.table.seasons, "out.freqs" = out.freqs, "out.props" = out.props, "n.seasons" = n.seasons, "n.visits.season" = n.visits.season, "missing.seasons" = FALSE) class(out.count) <- "countHist" return(out.count) } ##for unmarkedFitPCount countHist.unmarkedFitPCount <- function(object, plot.freq = TRUE, cex.axis = 1, cex.lab = 1, cex.main = 1, ...) { ##extract data yMat <- object@data@y nsites <- nrow(yMat) n.seasons <- 1 nvisits <- ncol(yMat) ##visits per season n.visits.season <- nvisits/n.seasons seasonNames <- paste("season", 1:n.seasons, sep = "") ##collapse yMat into a single vector yVec <- as.vector(yMat) ##summarize detection histories if(plot.freq) { ##create histogram barplot(table(yVec), ylab = "Frequency", xlab = "Counts of individuals", main = "Distribution of raw counts", cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.names = cex.axis, cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.main = cex.main) } ##raw counts count.table.full <- table(yVec, exclude = NULL, deparse.level = 0) count.table.seasons <- list(count.table.full) names(count.table.seasons) <- seasonNames ##count histories hist.full <- apply(X = yMat, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = "|")) hist.table.full <- table(hist.full, deparse.level = 0) ##for each season, determine frequencies hist.table.seasons <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons) names(hist.table.seasons) <- seasonNames out.freqs <- matrix(data = NA, ncol = 2, nrow = n.seasons) colnames(out.freqs) <- c("sampled", "detected") rownames(out.freqs) <- "Season-1" hist.table.seasons[[1]] <- hist.table.full ##determine proportion of sites with at least 1 detection det.sum <- apply(X = yMat, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) ifelse(sum(i, na.rm = TRUE) > 0, 1, 0)) ##check sites with observed detections and deal with NA's sum.rows <- rowSums(yMat, na.rm = TRUE) <- rowSums( == ncol(yMat) ##number of sites sampled out.freqs[1, 1] <- sum(! ##number of sites with at least 1 detection out.freqs[1, 2] <- sum(det.sum) ##create a matrix with proportion of sites with colonizations ##and extinctions based on raw data out.props <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(out.freqs), ncol = 1) colnames(out.props) <- "naive.occ" rownames(out.props) <- rownames(out.freqs) out.props[, 1] <- out.freqs[, 2]/out.freqs[, 1] out.count <- list("count.table.full" = count.table.full, "count.table.seasons" = count.table.seasons, "hist.table.full" = hist.table.full, "hist.table.seasons" = hist.table.seasons, "out.freqs" = out.freqs, "out.props" = out.props, "n.seasons" = n.seasons, "n.visits.season" = n.visits.season, "missing.seasons" = FALSE) class(out.count) <- "countHist" return(out.count) } ##for unmarkedFrameGPC countHist.unmarkedFrameGPC <- function(object, plot.freq = TRUE, cex.axis = 1, cex.lab = 1, cex.main = 1, ...) { ##extract data yMat <- object@y nsites <- nrow(yMat) n.seasons <- 1 nvisits <- ncol(yMat) ##visits per season n.visits.season <- nvisits/n.seasons seasonNames <- paste("season", 1:n.seasons, sep = "") ##collapse yMat into a single vector yVec <- as.vector(yMat) ##summarize detection histories if(plot.freq) { ##create histogram barplot(table(yVec), ylab = "Frequency", xlab = "Counts of individuals", main = "Distribution of raw counts", cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.names = cex.axis, cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.main = cex.main) } ##raw counts count.table.full <- table(yVec, exclude = NULL, deparse.level = 0) count.table.seasons <- list(count.table.full) names(count.table.seasons) <- seasonNames ##summarize count histories hist.full <- apply(X = yMat, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = "|")) hist.table.full <- table(hist.full, deparse.level = 0) ##for each season, determine frequencies hist.table.seasons <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons) names(hist.table.seasons) <- seasonNames out.freqs <- matrix(data = NA, ncol = 2, nrow = n.seasons) colnames(out.freqs) <- c("sampled", "detected") rownames(out.freqs) <- "Season-1" hist.table.seasons[[1]] <- hist.table.full ##determine proportion of sites with at least 1 detection det.sum <- apply(X = yMat, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) ifelse(sum(i, na.rm = TRUE) > 0, 1, 0)) ##check sites with observed detections and deal with NA's sum.rows <- rowSums(yMat, na.rm = TRUE) <- rowSums( == ncol(yMat) ##number of sites sampled out.freqs[1, 1] <- sum(! ##number of sites with at least 1 detection out.freqs[1, 2] <- sum(det.sum) ##create a matrix with proportion of sites with colonizations ##and extinctions based on raw data out.props <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(out.freqs), ncol = 1) colnames(out.props) <- "naive.occ" rownames(out.props) <- rownames(out.freqs) out.props[, 1] <- out.freqs[, 2]/out.freqs[, 1] out.count <- list("count.table.full" = count.table.full, "count.table.seasons" = count.table.seasons, "hist.table.full" = hist.table.full, "hist.table.seasons" = hist.table.seasons, "out.freqs" = out.freqs, "out.props" = out.props, "n.seasons" = n.seasons, "n.visits.season" = n.visits.season, "missing.seasons" = FALSE) class(out.count) <- "countHist" return(out.count) } ##for unmarkedFitGPC countHist.unmarkedFitGPC <- function(object, plot.freq = TRUE, cex.axis = 1, cex.lab = 1, cex.main = 1, ...) { ##extract data yMat <- object@data@y nsites <- nrow(yMat) n.seasons <- 1 nvisits <- ncol(yMat) ##visits per season n.visits.season <- nvisits/n.seasons seasonNames <- paste("season", 1:n.seasons, sep = "") ##collapse yMat into a single vector yVec <- as.vector(yMat) ##summarize detection histories if(plot.freq) { ##create histogram barplot(table(yVec), ylab = "Frequency", xlab = "Counts of individuals", main = "Distribution of raw counts", cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.names = cex.axis, cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.main = cex.main) } ##raw counts count.table.full <- table(yVec, exclude = NULL, deparse.level = 0) count.table.seasons <- list(count.table.full) names(count.table.seasons) <- seasonNames ##count histories hist.full <- apply(X = yMat, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = "|")) hist.table.full <- table(hist.full, deparse.level = 0) ##for each season, determine frequencies hist.table.seasons <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons) names(hist.table.seasons) <- seasonNames out.freqs <- matrix(data = NA, ncol = 2, nrow = n.seasons) colnames(out.freqs) <- c("sampled", "detected") rownames(out.freqs) <- "Season-1" hist.table.seasons[[1]] <- hist.table.full ##determine proportion of sites with at least 1 detection det.sum <- apply(X = yMat, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) ifelse(sum(i, na.rm = TRUE) > 0, 1, 0)) ##check sites with observed detections and deal with NA's sum.rows <- rowSums(yMat, na.rm = TRUE) <- rowSums( == ncol(yMat) ##number of sites sampled out.freqs[1, 1] <- sum(! ##number of sites with at least 1 detection out.freqs[1, 2] <- sum(det.sum) ##create a matrix with proportion of sites with colonizations ##and extinctions based on raw data out.props <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(out.freqs), ncol = 1) colnames(out.props) <- "naive.occ" rownames(out.props) <- rownames(out.freqs) out.props[, 1] <- out.freqs[, 2]/out.freqs[, 1] out.count <- list("count.table.full" = count.table.full, "count.table.seasons" = count.table.seasons, "hist.table.full" = hist.table.full, "hist.table.seasons" = hist.table.seasons, "out.freqs" = out.freqs, "out.props" = out.props, "n.seasons" = n.seasons, "n.visits.season" = n.visits.season, "missing.seasons" = FALSE) class(out.count) <- "countHist" return(out.count) } ##for unmarkedFrameMPois countHist.unmarkedFrameMPois <- function(object, plot.freq = TRUE, cex.axis = 1, cex.lab = 1, cex.main = 1, ...) { ##extract data yMat <- object@y nsites <- nrow(yMat) n.seasons <- 1 nvisits <- ncol(yMat) ##visits per season n.visits.season <- nvisits/n.seasons seasonNames <- paste("season", 1:n.seasons, sep = "") ##collapse yMat into a single vector yVec <- as.vector(yMat) ##summarize detection histories if(plot.freq) { ##create histogram barplot(table(yVec), ylab = "Frequency", xlab = "Counts of individuals", main = "Distribution of raw counts", cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.names = cex.axis, cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.main = cex.main) } ##raw counts count.table.full <- table(yVec, exclude = NULL, deparse.level = 0) count.table.seasons <- list(count.table.full) names(count.table.seasons) <- seasonNames ##summarize count histories hist.full <- apply(X = yMat, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = "|")) hist.table.full <- table(hist.full, deparse.level = 0) ##for each season, determine frequencies hist.table.seasons <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons) names(hist.table.seasons) <- seasonNames out.freqs <- matrix(data = NA, ncol = 2, nrow = n.seasons) colnames(out.freqs) <- c("sampled", "detected") rownames(out.freqs) <- "Season-1" hist.table.seasons[[1]] <- hist.table.full ##determine proportion of sites with at least 1 detection det.sum <- apply(X = yMat, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) ifelse(sum(i, na.rm = TRUE) > 0, 1, 0)) ##check sites with observed detections and deal with NA's sum.rows <- rowSums(yMat, na.rm = TRUE) <- rowSums( == ncol(yMat) ##number of sites sampled out.freqs[1, 1] <- sum(! ##number of sites with at least 1 detection out.freqs[1, 2] <- sum(det.sum) ##create a matrix with proportion of sites with colonizations ##and extinctions based on raw data out.props <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(out.freqs), ncol = 1) colnames(out.props) <- "naive.occ" rownames(out.props) <- rownames(out.freqs) out.props[, 1] <- out.freqs[, 2]/out.freqs[, 1] out.count <- list("count.table.full" = count.table.full, "count.table.seasons" = count.table.seasons, "hist.table.full" = hist.table.full, "hist.table.seasons" = hist.table.seasons, "out.freqs" = out.freqs, "out.props" = out.props, "n.seasons" = n.seasons, "n.visits.season" = n.visits.season, "missing.seasons" = FALSE) class(out.count) <- "countHist" return(out.count) } ##for unmarkedFitMPois countHist.unmarkedFitMPois <- function(object, plot.freq = TRUE, cex.axis = 1, cex.lab = 1, cex.main = 1, ...) { ##extract data yMat <- object@data@y nsites <- nrow(yMat) n.seasons <- 1 nvisits <- ncol(yMat) ##visits per season n.visits.season <- nvisits/n.seasons seasonNames <- paste("season", 1:n.seasons, sep = "") ##collapse yMat into a single vector yVec <- as.vector(yMat) ##summarize detection histories if(plot.freq) { ##create histogram barplot(table(yVec), ylab = "Frequency", xlab = "Counts of individuals", main = "Distribution of raw counts", cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.names = cex.axis, cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.main = cex.main) } ##raw counts count.table.full <- table(yVec, exclude = NULL, deparse.level = 0) count.table.seasons <- list(count.table.full) names(count.table.seasons) <- seasonNames ##summarize count histories hist.full <- apply(X = yMat, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = "|")) hist.table.full <- table(hist.full, deparse.level = 0) ##for each season, determine frequencies hist.table.seasons <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons) names(hist.table.seasons) <- seasonNames out.freqs <- matrix(data = NA, ncol = 2, nrow = n.seasons) colnames(out.freqs) <- c("sampled", "detected") rownames(out.freqs) <- "Season-1" hist.table.seasons[[1]] <- hist.table.full ##determine proportion of sites with at least 1 detection det.sum <- apply(X = yMat, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) ifelse(sum(i, na.rm = TRUE) > 0, 1, 0)) ##check sites with observed detections and deal with NA's sum.rows <- rowSums(yMat, na.rm = TRUE) <- rowSums( == ncol(yMat) ##number of sites sampled out.freqs[1, 1] <- sum(! ##number of sites with at least 1 detection out.freqs[1, 2] <- sum(det.sum) ##create a matrix with proportion of sites with colonizations ##and extinctions based on raw data out.props <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(out.freqs), ncol = 1) colnames(out.props) <- "naive.occ" rownames(out.props) <- rownames(out.freqs) out.props[, 1] <- out.freqs[, 2]/out.freqs[, 1] out.count <- list("count.table.full" = count.table.full, "count.table.seasons" = count.table.seasons, "hist.table.full" = hist.table.full, "hist.table.seasons" = hist.table.seasons, "out.freqs" = out.freqs, "out.props" = out.props, "n.seasons" = n.seasons, "n.visits.season" = n.visits.season, "missing.seasons" = FALSE) class(out.count) <- "countHist" return(out.count) } ##for unmarkedFramePCO countHist.unmarkedFramePCO <- function(object, plot.freq = TRUE, cex.axis = 1, cex.lab = 1, cex.main = 1, plot.seasons = FALSE, ...) { ##extract data yMat <- object@y nsites <- nrow(yMat) n.seasons <- object@numPrimary n.seasons.adj <- n.seasons #total number of plots fixed to 11 or 12, depending on plots requested nvisits <- ncol(yMat) ##visits per season n.visits.season <- nvisits/n.seasons seasonNames <- paste("season", 1:n.seasons, sep = "") ##collapse yMat into a single vector yVec.full <- as.vector(yMat) ##raw counts count.table.full <- table(yVec.full, exclude = NULL, deparse.level = 0) ##summarize count histories hist.full <- apply(X = yMat, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = "|")) hist.table.full <- table(hist.full, deparse.level = 0) ##for each season, determine frequencies yVectors <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons) out.seasons <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons) count.table.seasons <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons) names(count.table.seasons) <- seasonNames hist.table.seasons <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons) names(hist.table.seasons) <- seasonNames out.freqs <- matrix(data = NA, ncol = 6, nrow = n.seasons) colnames(out.freqs) <- c("sampled", "detected", "colonized", "extinct", "static", "common") rownames(out.freqs) <- paste("Season-", 1:n.seasons, sep = "") ##sequence of visits vis.seq <- seq(from = 1, to = nvisits, by = n.visits.season) for(i in 1:n.seasons) { col.start <- vis.seq[i] col.end <- col.start + (n.visits.season - 1) ySeason <- yMat[, col.start:col.end] ##summarize count histories if(is.null(ncol(ySeason))){ ySeason <- as.matrix(ySeason) } yVec.season <- as.vector(ySeason) yVectors[[i]] <- yVec.season det.hist <- apply(X = ySeason, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = "|")) hist.table.seasons[[i]] <- table(det.hist, deparse.level = 0) count.table.seasons[[i]] <- table(yVec.season, exclude = NULL) ##determine proportion of sites with at least 1 detection det.sum <- apply(X = ySeason, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) ifelse(sum(i, na.rm = TRUE) > 0, 1, 0)) ##check sites with observed detections and deal with NA's sum.rows <- rowSums(ySeason, na.rm = TRUE) <- rowSums( == ncol(ySeason) ##number of sites sampled out.freqs[i, 1] <- sum(! out.freqs[i, 2] <- sum(det.sum) ##sites without detections none <- which(sum.rows == 0) ##sites with at least one detection some <- which(sum.rows != 0) out.seasons[[i]] <- list("none" = none, "some" = some) } ##check if any seasons were not sampled y.seasonsNA <- sapply(yVectors, FUN = function(i) all( ##if only season-specific plots are requested if(!plot.freq && plot.seasons) { ##determine arrangement of plots in matrix if(n.seasons >= 12) { n.seasons.adj <- 12 warning("\nOnly first 12 seasons are plotted\n") } if(n.seasons.adj <= 12) { ##if n.seasons < 12 ##if 12, 11, 10 <- 4 x 3 ##if 9, 8, 7 <- 3 x 3 ##if 6, 5 <- 3 x 2 ##if 4 <- 2 x 2 ##if 3 <- 3 x 1 ##if 2 <- 2 x 1 if(n.seasons.adj >= 10) { nRows <- 4 nCols <- 3 } else { if(n.seasons.adj >= 7) { nRows <- 3 nCols <- 3 } else { if(n.seasons.adj >= 5) { nRows <- 3 nCols <- 2 } else { if(n.seasons.adj == 4) { nRows <- 2 nCols <- 2 } else { if(n.seasons.adj == 3) { nRows <- 3 nCols <- 1 } else { nRows <- 2 nCols <- 1 } } } } } } ##reset graphics parameters and save in object oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(nRows, nCols)) } ##if both plots for seasons and combined are requested ##summarize detection histories if(plot.freq) { if(!plot.seasons) { nRows <- 1 nCols <- 1 } if(plot.seasons && n.seasons >= 12) { n.seasons.adj <- 11 warning("\nOnly first 11 seasons are plotted\n") } if(plot.seasons && n.seasons.adj <= 11) { if(n.seasons.adj >= 9) { nRows <- 4 nCols <- 3 } else { if(n.seasons.adj >= 6) { nRows <- 3 nCols <- 3 } else { if(n.seasons.adj >= 4) { nRows <- 3 nCols <- 2 } else { if(n.seasons.adj == 3) { nRows <- 2 nCols <- 2 } else { if(n.seasons.adj == 2) { nRows <- 3 nCols <- 1 } } } } } } ##reset graphics parameters and save in object oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(nRows, nCols)) ##histogram for data combined across seasons barplot(table(yVec.full), ylab = "Frequency", xlab = "Counts of individuals", main = paste("Distribution of raw counts (", n.seasons, " seasons combined)", sep = ""), cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.names = cex.axis, cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.main = cex.main) } ##iterate over each season if(plot.seasons) { for(k in 1:n.seasons.adj) { ##check for missing season if(y.seasonsNA[k]) {next} #skip to next season if current season not sampled ##histogram for data combined across seasons barplot(table(yVectors[[k]]), ylab = "Frequency", xlab = "Counts of individuals", main = paste("Distribution of raw counts (season ", k, ")", sep = ""), cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.names = cex.axis, cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.main = cex.main) } } ##populate out.freqs with freqs of extinctions and colonizations for(j in 2:n.seasons) { none1 <- out.seasons[[j-1]]$none some1 <- out.seasons[[j-1]]$some none2 <- out.seasons[[j]]$none some2 <- out.seasons[[j]]$some ##add check for seasons without sampling or previous season without sampling if(y.seasonsNA[j] || y.seasonsNA[j-1]) { if(y.seasonsNA[j]) { out.freqs[j, 2:6] <- NA } if(y.seasonsNA[j-1]) { out.freqs[j, 3:6] <- NA } } else { ##colonizations out.freqs[j, 3] <- sum(duplicated(c(some2, none1))) ##extinctions out.freqs[j, 4] <- sum(duplicated(c(some1, none2))) ##no change out.freqs[j, 5] <- sum(duplicated(c(some1, some2))) + sum(duplicated(c(none1, none2))) ##sites both sampled in t and t-1 year1 <- c(none1, some1) year2 <- c(none2, some2) out.freqs[j, 6] <- sum(duplicated(c(year1, year2))) } } ##create a matrix with proportion of sites with colonizations ##and extinctions based on raw data out.props <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(out.freqs), ncol = 4) colnames(out.props) <- c("naive.occ", "naive.colonization", "naive.extinction", "naive.static") rownames(out.props) <- rownames(out.freqs) for(k in 1:n.seasons) { ##proportion of sites with detections out.props[k, 1] <- out.freqs[k, 2]/out.freqs[k, 1] ##add check for seasons without sampling if(y.seasonsNA[k]) { out.props[k, 2:4] <- NA } else { ##proportion colonized out.props[k, 2] <- out.freqs[k, 3]/out.freqs[k, 6] ##proportion extinct out.props[k, 3] <- out.freqs[k, 4]/out.freqs[k, 6] ##proportion static out.props[k, 4] <- out.freqs[k, 5]/out.freqs[k, 6] } } ##reset to original values if(any(plot.freq || plot.seasons)) { on.exit(par(oldpar)) } out.count <- list("count.table.full" = count.table.full, "count.table.seasons" = count.table.seasons, "hist.table.full" = hist.table.full, "hist.table.seasons" = hist.table.seasons, "out.freqs" = out.freqs, "out.props" = out.props, "n.seasons" = n.seasons, "n.visits.season" = n.visits.season, "missing.seasons" = y.seasonsNA) class(out.count) <- "countHist" return(out.count) } ##for unmarkedFitPCO countHist.unmarkedFitPCO <- function(object, plot.freq = TRUE, cex.axis = 1, cex.lab = 1, cex.main = 1, plot.seasons = FALSE, ...) { ##extract data yMat <- object@data@y nsites <- nrow(yMat) n.seasons <- object@data@numPrimary n.seasons.adj <- n.seasons #total number of plots fixed to 11 or 12, depending on plots requested nvisits <- ncol(yMat) ##visits per season n.visits.season <- nvisits/n.seasons seasonNames <- paste("season", 1:n.seasons, sep = "") ##collapse yMat into a single vector yVec.full <- as.vector(yMat) ##raw counts count.table.full <- table(yVec.full, exclude = NULL, deparse.level = 0) ##summarize count histories hist.full <- apply(X = yMat, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = "|")) hist.table.full <- table(hist.full, deparse.level = 0) ##for each season, determine frequencies yVectors <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons) out.seasons <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons) count.table.seasons <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons) names(count.table.seasons) <- seasonNames hist.table.seasons <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons) names(hist.table.seasons) <- seasonNames out.freqs <- matrix(data = NA, ncol = 6, nrow = n.seasons) colnames(out.freqs) <- c("sampled", "detected", "colonized", "extinct", "static", "common") rownames(out.freqs) <- paste("Season-", 1:n.seasons, sep = "") ##sequence of visits vis.seq <- seq(from = 1, to = nvisits, by = n.visits.season) for(i in 1:n.seasons) { col.start <- vis.seq[i] col.end <- col.start + (n.visits.season - 1) ySeason <- yMat[, col.start:col.end] ##summarize count histories if(is.null(ncol(ySeason))){ ySeason <- as.matrix(ySeason) } yVec.season <- as.vector(ySeason) yVectors[[i]] <- yVec.season det.hist <- apply(X = ySeason, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = "|")) hist.table.seasons[[i]] <- table(det.hist, deparse.level = 0) count.table.seasons[[i]] <- table(yVec.season, exclude = NULL) ##determine proportion of sites with at least 1 detection det.sum <- apply(X = ySeason, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) ifelse(sum(i, na.rm = TRUE) > 0, 1, 0)) ##check sites with observed detections and deal with NA's sum.rows <- rowSums(ySeason, na.rm = TRUE) <- rowSums( == ncol(ySeason) ##number of sites sampled out.freqs[i, 1] <- sum(! out.freqs[i, 2] <- sum(det.sum) ##sites without detections none <- which(sum.rows == 0) ##sites with at least one detection some <- which(sum.rows != 0) out.seasons[[i]] <- list("none" = none, "some" = some) } ##check if any seasons were not sampled y.seasonsNA <- sapply(yVectors, FUN = function(i) all( ##if only season-specific plots are requested if(!plot.freq && plot.seasons) { ##determine arrangement of plots in matrix if(n.seasons >= 12) { n.seasons.adj <- 12 warning("\nOnly first 12 seasons are plotted\n") } if(n.seasons.adj <= 12) { ##if n.seasons < 12 ##if 12, 11, 10 <- 4 x 3 ##if 9, 8, 7 <- 3 x 3 ##if 6, 5 <- 3 x 2 ##if 4 <- 2 x 2 ##if 3 <- 3 x 1 ##if 2 <- 2 x 1 if(n.seasons.adj >= 10) { nRows <- 4 nCols <- 3 } else { if(n.seasons.adj >= 7) { nRows <- 3 nCols <- 3 } else { if(n.seasons.adj >= 5) { nRows <- 3 nCols <- 2 } else { if(n.seasons.adj == 4) { nRows <- 2 nCols <- 2 } else { if(n.seasons.adj == 3) { nRows <- 3 nCols <- 1 } else { nRows <- 2 nCols <- 1 } } } } } } ##reset graphics parameters and save in object oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(nRows, nCols)) } ##if both plots for seasons and combined are requested ##summarize detection histories if(plot.freq) { if(!plot.seasons) { nRows <- 1 nCols <- 1 } if(plot.seasons && n.seasons >= 12) { n.seasons.adj <- 11 warning("\nOnly first 11 seasons are plotted\n") } if(plot.seasons && n.seasons.adj <= 11) { if(n.seasons.adj >= 9) { nRows <- 4 nCols <- 3 } else { if(n.seasons.adj >= 6) { nRows <- 3 nCols <- 3 } else { if(n.seasons.adj >= 4) { nRows <- 3 nCols <- 2 } else { if(n.seasons.adj == 3) { nRows <- 2 nCols <- 2 } else { if(n.seasons.adj == 2) { nRows <- 3 nCols <- 1 } } } } } } ##reset graphics parameters and save in object oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(nRows, nCols)) ##histogram for data combined across seasons barplot(table(yVec.full), ylab = "Frequency", xlab = "Counts of individuals", main = paste("Distribution of raw counts (", n.seasons, " seasons combined)", sep = ""), cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.names = cex.axis, cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.main = cex.main) } ##iterate over each season if(plot.seasons) { for(k in 1:n.seasons.adj) { ##check for missing season if(y.seasonsNA[k]) {next} #skip to next season if current season not sampled ##histogram for data combined across seasons barplot(table(yVectors[[k]]), ylab = "Frequency", xlab = "Counts of individuals", main = paste("Distribution of raw counts (season ", k, ")", sep = ""), cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.names = cex.axis, cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.main = cex.main) } } ##populate out.freqs with freqs of extinctions and colonizations for(j in 2:n.seasons) { none1 <- out.seasons[[j-1]]$none some1 <- out.seasons[[j-1]]$some none2 <- out.seasons[[j]]$none some2 <- out.seasons[[j]]$some ##add check for seasons without sampling or previous season without sampling if(y.seasonsNA[j] || y.seasonsNA[j-1]) { if(y.seasonsNA[j]) { out.freqs[j, 2:6] <- NA } if(y.seasonsNA[j-1]) { out.freqs[j, 3:6] <- NA } } else { ##colonizations out.freqs[j, 3] <- sum(duplicated(c(some2, none1))) ##extinctions out.freqs[j, 4] <- sum(duplicated(c(some1, none2))) ##no change out.freqs[j, 5] <- sum(duplicated(c(some1, some2))) + sum(duplicated(c(none1, none2))) ##sites both sampled in t and t-1 year1 <- c(none1, some1) year2 <- c(none2, some2) out.freqs[j, 6] <- sum(duplicated(c(year1, year2))) } } ##create a matrix with proportion of sites with colonizations ##and extinctions based on raw data out.props <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(out.freqs), ncol = 4) colnames(out.props) <- c("naive.occ", "naive.colonization", "naive.extinction", "naive.static") rownames(out.props) <- rownames(out.freqs) for(k in 1:n.seasons) { ##proportion of sites with detections out.props[k, 1] <- out.freqs[k, 2]/out.freqs[k, 1] ##add check for seasons without sampling if(y.seasonsNA[k]) { out.props[k, 2:4] <- NA } else { ##proportion colonized out.props[k, 2] <- out.freqs[k, 3]/out.freqs[k, 6] ##proportion extinct out.props[k, 3] <- out.freqs[k, 4]/out.freqs[k, 6] ##proportion static out.props[k, 4] <- out.freqs[k, 5]/out.freqs[k, 6] } } ##reset to original values if(any(plot.freq || plot.seasons)) { on.exit(par(oldpar)) } out.count <- list("count.table.full" = count.table.full, "count.table.seasons" = count.table.seasons, "hist.table.full" = hist.table.full, "hist.table.seasons" = hist.table.seasons, "out.freqs" = out.freqs, "out.props" = out.props, "n.seasons" = n.seasons, "n.visits.season" = n.visits.season, "missing.seasons" = y.seasonsNA) class(out.count) <- "countHist" return(out.count) } ##for unmarkedFrameGMM countHist.unmarkedFrameGMM <- function(object, plot.freq = TRUE, cex.axis = 1, cex.lab = 1, cex.main = 1, plot.seasons = FALSE, ...) { ##extract data yMat <- object@y nsites <- nrow(yMat) n.seasons <- object@numPrimary n.seasons.adj <- n.seasons #total number of plots fixed to 11 or 12, depending on plots requested nvisits <- ncol(yMat) ##visits per season n.visits.season <- nvisits/n.seasons seasonNames <- paste("season", 1:n.seasons, sep = "") ##collapse yMat into a single vector yVec.full <- as.vector(yMat) ##raw counts count.table.full <- table(yVec.full, exclude = NULL, deparse.level = 0) ##summarize count histories hist.full <- apply(X = yMat, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = "|")) hist.table.full <- table(hist.full, deparse.level = 0) ##for each season, determine frequencies yVectors <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons) out.seasons <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons) count.table.seasons <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons) names(count.table.seasons) <- seasonNames hist.table.seasons <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons) names(hist.table.seasons) <- seasonNames out.freqs <- matrix(data = NA, ncol = 6, nrow = n.seasons) colnames(out.freqs) <- c("sampled", "detected", "colonized", "extinct", "static", "common") rownames(out.freqs) <- paste("Season-", 1:n.seasons, sep = "") ##sequence of visits vis.seq <- seq(from = 1, to = nvisits, by = n.visits.season) for(i in 1:n.seasons) { col.start <- vis.seq[i] col.end <- col.start + (n.visits.season - 1) ySeason <- yMat[, col.start:col.end] ##summarize count histories if(is.null(ncol(ySeason))){ ySeason <- as.matrix(ySeason) } yVec.season <- as.vector(ySeason) yVectors[[i]] <- yVec.season det.hist <- apply(X = ySeason, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = "|")) hist.table.seasons[[i]] <- table(det.hist, deparse.level = 0) count.table.seasons[[i]] <- table(yVec.season, exclude = NULL) ##determine proportion of sites with at least 1 detection det.sum <- apply(X = ySeason, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) ifelse(sum(i, na.rm = TRUE) > 0, 1, 0)) ##check sites with observed detections and deal with NA's sum.rows <- rowSums(ySeason, na.rm = TRUE) <- rowSums( == ncol(ySeason) ##number of sites sampled out.freqs[i, 1] <- sum(! out.freqs[i, 2] <- sum(det.sum) ##sites without detections none <- which(sum.rows == 0) ##sites with at least one detection some <- which(sum.rows != 0) out.seasons[[i]] <- list("none" = none, "some" = some) } ##check if any seasons were not sampled y.seasonsNA <- sapply(yVectors, FUN = function(i) all( ##if only season-specific plots are requested if(!plot.freq && plot.seasons) { ##determine arrangement of plots in matrix if(n.seasons >= 12) { n.seasons.adj <- 12 warning("\nOnly first 12 seasons are plotted\n") } if(n.seasons.adj <= 12) { ##if n.seasons < 12 ##if 12, 11, 10 <- 4 x 3 ##if 9, 8, 7 <- 3 x 3 ##if 6, 5 <- 3 x 2 ##if 4 <- 2 x 2 ##if 3 <- 3 x 1 ##if 2 <- 2 x 1 if(n.seasons.adj >= 10) { nRows <- 4 nCols <- 3 } else { if(n.seasons.adj >= 7) { nRows <- 3 nCols <- 3 } else { if(n.seasons.adj >= 5) { nRows <- 3 nCols <- 2 } else { if(n.seasons.adj == 4) { nRows <- 2 nCols <- 2 } else { if(n.seasons.adj == 3) { nRows <- 3 nCols <- 1 } else { nRows <- 2 nCols <- 1 } } } } } } ##reset graphics parameters and save in object oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(nRows, nCols)) } ##if both plots for seasons and combined are requested ##summarize detection histories if(plot.freq) { if(!plot.seasons) { nRows <- 1 nCols <- 1 } if(plot.seasons && n.seasons >= 12) { n.seasons.adj <- 11 warning("\nOnly first 11 seasons are plotted\n") } if(plot.seasons && n.seasons.adj <= 11) { if(n.seasons.adj >= 9) { nRows <- 4 nCols <- 3 } else { if(n.seasons.adj >= 6) { nRows <- 3 nCols <- 3 } else { if(n.seasons.adj >= 4) { nRows <- 3 nCols <- 2 } else { if(n.seasons.adj == 3) { nRows <- 2 nCols <- 2 } else { if(n.seasons.adj == 2) { nRows <- 3 nCols <- 1 } } } } } } ##reset graphics parameters and save in object oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(nRows, nCols)) ##histogram for data combined across seasons barplot(table(yVec.full), ylab = "Frequency", xlab = "Counts of individuals", main = paste("Distribution of raw counts (", n.seasons, " seasons combined)", sep = ""), cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.names = cex.axis, cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.main = cex.main) } ##iterate over each season if(plot.seasons) { for(k in 1:n.seasons.adj) { ##check for missing season if(y.seasonsNA[k]) {next} #skip to next season if current season not sampled ##histogram for data combined across seasons barplot(table(yVectors[[k]]), ylab = "Frequency", xlab = "Counts of individuals", main = paste("Distribution of raw counts (season ", k, ")", sep = ""), cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.names = cex.axis, cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.main = cex.main) } } ##populate out.freqs with freqs of extinctions and colonizations for(j in 2:n.seasons) { none1 <- out.seasons[[j-1]]$none some1 <- out.seasons[[j-1]]$some none2 <- out.seasons[[j]]$none some2 <- out.seasons[[j]]$some ##add check for seasons without sampling or previous season without sampling if(y.seasonsNA[j] || y.seasonsNA[j-1]) { if(y.seasonsNA[j]) { out.freqs[j, 2:6] <- NA } if(y.seasonsNA[j-1]) { out.freqs[j, 3:6] <- NA } } else { ##colonizations out.freqs[j, 3] <- sum(duplicated(c(some2, none1))) ##extinctions out.freqs[j, 4] <- sum(duplicated(c(some1, none2))) ##no change out.freqs[j, 5] <- sum(duplicated(c(some1, some2))) + sum(duplicated(c(none1, none2))) ##sites both sampled in t and t-1 year1 <- c(none1, some1) year2 <- c(none2, some2) out.freqs[j, 6] <- sum(duplicated(c(year1, year2))) } } ##create a matrix with proportion of sites with colonizations ##and extinctions based on raw data out.props <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(out.freqs), ncol = 4) colnames(out.props) <- c("naive.occ", "naive.colonization", "naive.extinction", "naive.static") rownames(out.props) <- rownames(out.freqs) for(k in 1:n.seasons) { ##proportion of sites with detections out.props[k, 1] <- out.freqs[k, 2]/out.freqs[k, 1] ##add check for seasons without sampling if(y.seasonsNA[k]) { out.props[k, 2:4] <- NA } else { ##proportion colonized out.props[k, 2] <- out.freqs[k, 3]/out.freqs[k, 6] ##proportion extinct out.props[k, 3] <- out.freqs[k, 4]/out.freqs[k, 6] ##proportion static out.props[k, 4] <- out.freqs[k, 5]/out.freqs[k, 6] } } ##reset to original values if(any(plot.freq || plot.seasons)) { on.exit(par(oldpar)) } out.count <- list("count.table.full" = count.table.full, "count.table.seasons" = count.table.seasons, "hist.table.full" = hist.table.full, "hist.table.seasons" = hist.table.seasons, "out.freqs" = out.freqs, "out.props" = out.props, "n.seasons" = n.seasons, "n.visits.season" = n.visits.season, "missing.seasons" = y.seasonsNA) class(out.count) <- "countHist" return(out.count) } ##for unmarkedFitGMM countHist.unmarkedFitGMM <- function(object, plot.freq = TRUE, cex.axis = 1, cex.lab = 1, cex.main = 1, plot.seasons = FALSE, ...) { ##extract data yMat <- object@data@y nsites <- nrow(yMat) n.seasons <- object@data@numPrimary n.seasons.adj <- n.seasons #total number of plots fixed to 11 or 12, depending on plots requested nvisits <- ncol(yMat) ##visits per season n.visits.season <- nvisits/n.seasons seasonNames <- paste("season", 1:n.seasons, sep = "") ##collapse yMat into a single vector yVec.full <- as.vector(yMat) ##raw counts count.table.full <- table(yVec.full, exclude = NULL, deparse.level = 0) ##summarize count histories hist.full <- apply(X = yMat, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = "|")) hist.table.full <- table(hist.full, deparse.level = 0) ##for each season, determine frequencies yVectors <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons) out.seasons <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons) count.table.seasons <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons) names(count.table.seasons) <- seasonNames hist.table.seasons <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons) names(hist.table.seasons) <- seasonNames out.freqs <- matrix(data = NA, ncol = 6, nrow = n.seasons) colnames(out.freqs) <- c("sampled", "detected", "colonized", "extinct", "static", "common") rownames(out.freqs) <- paste("Season-", 1:n.seasons, sep = "") ##sequence of visits vis.seq <- seq(from = 1, to = nvisits, by = n.visits.season) for(i in 1:n.seasons) { col.start <- vis.seq[i] col.end <- col.start + (n.visits.season - 1) ySeason <- yMat[, col.start:col.end] ##summarize count histories if(is.null(ncol(ySeason))){ ySeason <- as.matrix(ySeason) } yVec.season <- as.vector(ySeason) yVectors[[i]] <- yVec.season det.hist <- apply(X = ySeason, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = "|")) hist.table.seasons[[i]] <- table(det.hist, deparse.level = 0) count.table.seasons[[i]] <- table(yVec.season, exclude = NULL) ##determine proportion of sites with at least 1 detection det.sum <- apply(X = ySeason, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) ifelse(sum(i, na.rm = TRUE) > 0, 1, 0)) ##check sites with observed detections and deal with NA's sum.rows <- rowSums(ySeason, na.rm = TRUE) <- rowSums( == ncol(ySeason) ##number of sites sampled out.freqs[i, 1] <- sum(! out.freqs[i, 2] <- sum(det.sum) ##sites without detections none <- which(sum.rows == 0) ##sites with at least one detection some <- which(sum.rows != 0) out.seasons[[i]] <- list("none" = none, "some" = some) } ##check if any seasons were not sampled y.seasonsNA <- sapply(yVectors, FUN = function(i) all( ##if only season-specific plots are requested if(!plot.freq && plot.seasons) { ##determine arrangement of plots in matrix if(n.seasons >= 12) { n.seasons.adj <- 12 warning("\nOnly first 12 seasons are plotted\n") } if(n.seasons.adj <= 12) { ##if n.seasons < 12 ##if 12, 11, 10 <- 4 x 3 ##if 9, 8, 7 <- 3 x 3 ##if 6, 5 <- 3 x 2 ##if 4 <- 2 x 2 ##if 3 <- 3 x 1 ##if 2 <- 2 x 1 if(n.seasons.adj >= 10) { nRows <- 4 nCols <- 3 } else { if(n.seasons.adj >= 7) { nRows <- 3 nCols <- 3 } else { if(n.seasons.adj >= 5) { nRows <- 3 nCols <- 2 } else { if(n.seasons.adj == 4) { nRows <- 2 nCols <- 2 } else { if(n.seasons.adj == 3) { nRows <- 3 nCols <- 1 } else { nRows <- 2 nCols <- 1 } } } } } } ##reset graphics parameters and save in object oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(nRows, nCols)) } ##if both plots for seasons and combined are requested ##summarize detection histories if(plot.freq) { if(!plot.seasons) { nRows <- 1 nCols <- 1 } if(plot.seasons && n.seasons >= 12) { n.seasons.adj <- 11 warning("\nOnly first 11 seasons are plotted\n") } if(plot.seasons && n.seasons.adj <= 11) { if(n.seasons.adj >= 9) { nRows <- 4 nCols <- 3 } else { if(n.seasons.adj >= 6) { nRows <- 3 nCols <- 3 } else { if(n.seasons.adj >= 4) { nRows <- 3 nCols <- 2 } else { if(n.seasons.adj == 3) { nRows <- 2 nCols <- 2 } else { if(n.seasons.adj == 2) { nRows <- 3 nCols <- 1 } } } } } } ##reset graphics parameters and save in object oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(nRows, nCols)) ##histogram for data combined across seasons barplot(table(yVec.full), ylab = "Frequency", xlab = "Counts of individuals", main = paste("Distribution of raw counts (", n.seasons, " seasons combined)", sep = ""), cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.names = cex.axis, cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.main = cex.main) } ##iterate over each season if(plot.seasons) { for(k in 1:n.seasons.adj) { ##check for missing season if(y.seasonsNA[k]) {next} #skip to next season if current season not sampled ##histogram for data combined across seasons barplot(table(yVectors[[k]]), ylab = "Frequency", xlab = "Counts of individuals", main = paste("Distribution of raw counts (season ", k, ")", sep = ""), cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.names = cex.axis, cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.main = cex.main) } } ##populate out.freqs with freqs of extinctions and colonizations for(j in 2:n.seasons) { none1 <- out.seasons[[j-1]]$none some1 <- out.seasons[[j-1]]$some none2 <- out.seasons[[j]]$none some2 <- out.seasons[[j]]$some ##add check for seasons without sampling or previous season without sampling if(y.seasonsNA[j] || y.seasonsNA[j-1]) { if(y.seasonsNA[j]) { out.freqs[j, 2:6] <- NA } if(y.seasonsNA[j-1]) { out.freqs[j, 3:6] <- NA } } else { ##colonizations out.freqs[j, 3] <- sum(duplicated(c(some2, none1))) ##extinctions out.freqs[j, 4] <- sum(duplicated(c(some1, none2))) ##no change out.freqs[j, 5] <- sum(duplicated(c(some1, some2))) + sum(duplicated(c(none1, none2))) ##sites both sampled in t and t-1 year1 <- c(none1, some1) year2 <- c(none2, some2) out.freqs[j, 6] <- sum(duplicated(c(year1, year2))) } } ##create a matrix with proportion of sites with colonizations ##and extinctions based on raw data out.props <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(out.freqs), ncol = 4) colnames(out.props) <- c("naive.occ", "naive.colonization", "naive.extinction", "naive.static") rownames(out.props) <- rownames(out.freqs) for(k in 1:n.seasons) { ##proportion of sites with detections out.props[k, 1] <- out.freqs[k, 2]/out.freqs[k, 1] ##add check for seasons without sampling if(y.seasonsNA[k]) { out.props[k, 2:4] <- NA } else { ##proportion colonized out.props[k, 2] <- out.freqs[k, 3]/out.freqs[k, 6] ##proportion extinct out.props[k, 3] <- out.freqs[k, 4]/out.freqs[k, 6] ##proportion static out.props[k, 4] <- out.freqs[k, 5]/out.freqs[k, 6] } } ##reset to original values if(any(plot.freq || plot.seasons)) { on.exit(par(oldpar)) } out.count <- list("count.table.full" = count.table.full, "count.table.seasons" = count.table.seasons, "hist.table.full" = hist.table.full, "hist.table.seasons" = hist.table.seasons, "out.freqs" = out.freqs, "out.props" = out.props, "n.seasons" = n.seasons, "n.visits.season" = n.visits.season, "missing.seasons" = y.seasonsNA) class(out.count) <- "countHist" return(out.count) } ##multmixOpen countHist.unmarkedFrameMMO <- function(object, plot.freq = TRUE, cex.axis = 1, cex.lab = 1, cex.main = 1, plot.seasons = FALSE, ...) { ##extract data yMat <- object@y nsites <- nrow(yMat) n.seasons <- object@numPrimary n.seasons.adj <- n.seasons #total number of plots fixed to 11 or 12, depending on plots requested nvisits <- ncol(yMat) ##visits per season n.visits.season <- nvisits/n.seasons seasonNames <- paste("season", 1:n.seasons, sep = "") ##collapse yMat into a single vector yVec.full <- as.vector(yMat) ##raw counts count.table.full <- table(yVec.full, exclude = NULL, deparse.level = 0) ##summarize count histories hist.full <- apply(X = yMat, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = "|")) hist.table.full <- table(hist.full, deparse.level = 0) ##for each season, determine frequencies yVectors <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons) out.seasons <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons) count.table.seasons <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons) names(count.table.seasons) <- seasonNames hist.table.seasons <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons) names(hist.table.seasons) <- seasonNames out.freqs <- matrix(data = NA, ncol = 6, nrow = n.seasons) colnames(out.freqs) <- c("sampled", "detected", "colonized", "extinct", "static", "common") rownames(out.freqs) <- paste("Season-", 1:n.seasons, sep = "") ##sequence of visits vis.seq <- seq(from = 1, to = nvisits, by = n.visits.season) for(i in 1:n.seasons) { col.start <- vis.seq[i] col.end <- col.start + (n.visits.season - 1) ySeason <- yMat[, col.start:col.end] ##summarize count histories if(is.null(ncol(ySeason))){ ySeason <- as.matrix(ySeason) } yVec.season <- as.vector(ySeason) yVectors[[i]] <- yVec.season det.hist <- apply(X = ySeason, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = "|")) hist.table.seasons[[i]] <- table(det.hist, deparse.level = 0) count.table.seasons[[i]] <- table(yVec.season, exclude = NULL) ##determine proportion of sites with at least 1 detection det.sum <- apply(X = ySeason, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) ifelse(sum(i, na.rm = TRUE) > 0, 1, 0)) ##check sites with observed detections and deal with NA's sum.rows <- rowSums(ySeason, na.rm = TRUE) <- rowSums( == ncol(ySeason) ##number of sites sampled out.freqs[i, 1] <- sum(! out.freqs[i, 2] <- sum(det.sum) ##sites without detections none <- which(sum.rows == 0) ##sites with at least one detection some <- which(sum.rows != 0) out.seasons[[i]] <- list("none" = none, "some" = some) } ##check if any seasons were not sampled y.seasonsNA <- sapply(yVectors, FUN = function(i) all( ##if only season-specific plots are requested if(!plot.freq && plot.seasons) { ##determine arrangement of plots in matrix if(n.seasons >= 12) { n.seasons.adj <- 12 warning("\nOnly first 12 seasons are plotted\n") } if(n.seasons.adj <= 12) { ##if n.seasons < 12 ##if 12, 11, 10 <- 4 x 3 ##if 9, 8, 7 <- 3 x 3 ##if 6, 5 <- 3 x 2 ##if 4 <- 2 x 2 ##if 3 <- 3 x 1 ##if 2 <- 2 x 1 if(n.seasons.adj >= 10) { nRows <- 4 nCols <- 3 } else { if(n.seasons.adj >= 7) { nRows <- 3 nCols <- 3 } else { if(n.seasons.adj >= 5) { nRows <- 3 nCols <- 2 } else { if(n.seasons.adj == 4) { nRows <- 2 nCols <- 2 } else { if(n.seasons.adj == 3) { nRows <- 3 nCols <- 1 } else { nRows <- 2 nCols <- 1 } } } } } } ##reset graphics parameters and save in object oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(nRows, nCols)) } ##if both plots for seasons and combined are requested ##summarize detection histories if(plot.freq) { if(!plot.seasons) { nRows <- 1 nCols <- 1 } if(plot.seasons && n.seasons >= 12) { n.seasons.adj <- 11 warning("\nOnly first 11 seasons are plotted\n") } if(plot.seasons && n.seasons.adj <= 11) { if(n.seasons.adj >= 9) { nRows <- 4 nCols <- 3 } else { if(n.seasons.adj >= 6) { nRows <- 3 nCols <- 3 } else { if(n.seasons.adj >= 4) { nRows <- 3 nCols <- 2 } else { if(n.seasons.adj == 3) { nRows <- 2 nCols <- 2 } else { if(n.seasons.adj == 2) { nRows <- 3 nCols <- 1 } } } } } } ##reset graphics parameters and save in object oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(nRows, nCols)) ##histogram for data combined across seasons barplot(table(yVec.full), ylab = "Frequency", xlab = "Counts of individuals", main = paste("Distribution of raw counts (", n.seasons, " seasons combined)", sep = ""), cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.names = cex.axis, cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.main = cex.main) } ##iterate over each season if(plot.seasons) { for(k in 1:n.seasons.adj) { ##check for missing season if(y.seasonsNA[k]) {next} #skip to next season if current season not sampled ##histogram for data combined across seasons barplot(table(yVectors[[k]]), ylab = "Frequency", xlab = "Counts of individuals", main = paste("Distribution of raw counts (season ", k, ")", sep = ""), cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.names = cex.axis, cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.main = cex.main) } } ##populate out.freqs with freqs of extinctions and colonizations for(j in 2:n.seasons) { none1 <- out.seasons[[j-1]]$none some1 <- out.seasons[[j-1]]$some none2 <- out.seasons[[j]]$none some2 <- out.seasons[[j]]$some ##add check for seasons without sampling or previous season without sampling if(y.seasonsNA[j] || y.seasonsNA[j-1]) { if(y.seasonsNA[j]) { out.freqs[j, 2:6] <- NA } if(y.seasonsNA[j-1]) { out.freqs[j, 3:6] <- NA } } else { ##colonizations out.freqs[j, 3] <- sum(duplicated(c(some2, none1))) ##extinctions out.freqs[j, 4] <- sum(duplicated(c(some1, none2))) ##no change out.freqs[j, 5] <- sum(duplicated(c(some1, some2))) + sum(duplicated(c(none1, none2))) ##sites both sampled in t and t-1 year1 <- c(none1, some1) year2 <- c(none2, some2) out.freqs[j, 6] <- sum(duplicated(c(year1, year2))) } } ##create a matrix with proportion of sites with colonizations ##and extinctions based on raw data out.props <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(out.freqs), ncol = 4) colnames(out.props) <- c("naive.occ", "naive.colonization", "naive.extinction", "naive.static") rownames(out.props) <- rownames(out.freqs) for(k in 1:n.seasons) { ##proportion of sites with detections out.props[k, 1] <- out.freqs[k, 2]/out.freqs[k, 1] ##add check for seasons without sampling if(y.seasonsNA[k]) { out.props[k, 2:4] <- NA } else { ##proportion colonized out.props[k, 2] <- out.freqs[k, 3]/out.freqs[k, 6] ##proportion extinct out.props[k, 3] <- out.freqs[k, 4]/out.freqs[k, 6] ##proportion static out.props[k, 4] <- out.freqs[k, 5]/out.freqs[k, 6] } } ##reset to original values if(any(plot.freq || plot.seasons)) { on.exit(par(oldpar)) } out.count <- list("count.table.full" = count.table.full, "count.table.seasons" = count.table.seasons, "hist.table.full" = hist.table.full, "hist.table.seasons" = hist.table.seasons, "out.freqs" = out.freqs, "out.props" = out.props, "n.seasons" = n.seasons, "n.visits.season" = n.visits.season, "missing.seasons" = y.seasonsNA) class(out.count) <- "countHist" return(out.count) } ##for unmarkedFitMMO countHist.unmarkedFitMMO <- function(object, plot.freq = TRUE, cex.axis = 1, cex.lab = 1, cex.main = 1, plot.seasons = FALSE, ...) { ##extract data yMat <- object@data@y nsites <- nrow(yMat) n.seasons <- object@data@numPrimary n.seasons.adj <- n.seasons #total number of plots fixed to 11 or 12, depending on plots requested nvisits <- ncol(yMat) ##visits per season n.visits.season <- nvisits/n.seasons seasonNames <- paste("season", 1:n.seasons, sep = "") ##collapse yMat into a single vector yVec.full <- as.vector(yMat) ##raw counts count.table.full <- table(yVec.full, exclude = NULL, deparse.level = 0) ##summarize count histories hist.full <- apply(X = yMat, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = "|")) hist.table.full <- table(hist.full, deparse.level = 0) ##for each season, determine frequencies yVectors <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons) out.seasons <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons) count.table.seasons <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons) names(count.table.seasons) <- seasonNames hist.table.seasons <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons) names(hist.table.seasons) <- seasonNames out.freqs <- matrix(data = NA, ncol = 6, nrow = n.seasons) colnames(out.freqs) <- c("sampled", "detected", "colonized", "extinct", "static", "common") rownames(out.freqs) <- paste("Season-", 1:n.seasons, sep = "") ##sequence of visits vis.seq <- seq(from = 1, to = nvisits, by = n.visits.season) for(i in 1:n.seasons) { col.start <- vis.seq[i] col.end <- col.start + (n.visits.season - 1) ySeason <- yMat[, col.start:col.end] ##summarize count histories if(is.null(ncol(ySeason))){ ySeason <- as.matrix(ySeason) } yVec.season <- as.vector(ySeason) yVectors[[i]] <- yVec.season det.hist <- apply(X = ySeason, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = "|")) hist.table.seasons[[i]] <- table(det.hist, deparse.level = 0) count.table.seasons[[i]] <- table(yVec.season, exclude = NULL) ##determine proportion of sites with at least 1 detection det.sum <- apply(X = ySeason, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) ifelse(sum(i, na.rm = TRUE) > 0, 1, 0)) ##check sites with observed detections and deal with NA's sum.rows <- rowSums(ySeason, na.rm = TRUE) <- rowSums( == ncol(ySeason) ##number of sites sampled out.freqs[i, 1] <- sum(! out.freqs[i, 2] <- sum(det.sum) ##sites without detections none <- which(sum.rows == 0) ##sites with at least one detection some <- which(sum.rows != 0) out.seasons[[i]] <- list("none" = none, "some" = some) } ##check if any seasons were not sampled y.seasonsNA <- sapply(yVectors, FUN = function(i) all( ##if only season-specific plots are requested if(!plot.freq && plot.seasons) { ##determine arrangement of plots in matrix if(n.seasons >= 12) { n.seasons.adj <- 12 warning("\nOnly first 12 seasons are plotted\n") } if(n.seasons.adj <= 12) { ##if n.seasons < 12 ##if 12, 11, 10 <- 4 x 3 ##if 9, 8, 7 <- 3 x 3 ##if 6, 5 <- 3 x 2 ##if 4 <- 2 x 2 ##if 3 <- 3 x 1 ##if 2 <- 2 x 1 if(n.seasons.adj >= 10) { nRows <- 4 nCols <- 3 } else { if(n.seasons.adj >= 7) { nRows <- 3 nCols <- 3 } else { if(n.seasons.adj >= 5) { nRows <- 3 nCols <- 2 } else { if(n.seasons.adj == 4) { nRows <- 2 nCols <- 2 } else { if(n.seasons.adj == 3) { nRows <- 3 nCols <- 1 } else { nRows <- 2 nCols <- 1 } } } } } } ##reset graphics parameters and save in object oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(nRows, nCols)) } ##if both plots for seasons and combined are requested ##summarize detection histories if(plot.freq) { if(!plot.seasons) { nRows <- 1 nCols <- 1 } if(plot.seasons && n.seasons >= 12) { n.seasons.adj <- 11 warning("\nOnly first 11 seasons are plotted\n") } if(plot.seasons && n.seasons.adj <= 11) { if(n.seasons.adj >= 9) { nRows <- 4 nCols <- 3 } else { if(n.seasons.adj >= 6) { nRows <- 3 nCols <- 3 } else { if(n.seasons.adj >= 4) { nRows <- 3 nCols <- 2 } else { if(n.seasons.adj == 3) { nRows <- 2 nCols <- 2 } else { if(n.seasons.adj == 2) { nRows <- 3 nCols <- 1 } } } } } } ##reset graphics parameters and save in object oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(nRows, nCols)) ##histogram for data combined across seasons barplot(table(yVec.full), ylab = "Frequency", xlab = "Counts of individuals", main = paste("Distribution of raw counts (", n.seasons, " seasons combined)", sep = ""), cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.names = cex.axis, cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.main = cex.main) } ##iterate over each season if(plot.seasons) { for(k in 1:n.seasons.adj) { ##check for missing season if(y.seasonsNA[k]) {next} #skip to next season if current season not sampled ##histogram for data combined across seasons barplot(table(yVectors[[k]]), ylab = "Frequency", xlab = "Counts of individuals", main = paste("Distribution of raw counts (season ", k, ")", sep = ""), cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.names = cex.axis, cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.main = cex.main) } } ##populate out.freqs with freqs of extinctions and colonizations for(j in 2:n.seasons) { none1 <- out.seasons[[j-1]]$none some1 <- out.seasons[[j-1]]$some none2 <- out.seasons[[j]]$none some2 <- out.seasons[[j]]$some ##add check for seasons without sampling or previous season without sampling if(y.seasonsNA[j] || y.seasonsNA[j-1]) { if(y.seasonsNA[j]) { out.freqs[j, 2:6] <- NA } if(y.seasonsNA[j-1]) { out.freqs[j, 3:6] <- NA } } else { ##colonizations out.freqs[j, 3] <- sum(duplicated(c(some2, none1))) ##extinctions out.freqs[j, 4] <- sum(duplicated(c(some1, none2))) ##no change out.freqs[j, 5] <- sum(duplicated(c(some1, some2))) + sum(duplicated(c(none1, none2))) ##sites both sampled in t and t-1 year1 <- c(none1, some1) year2 <- c(none2, some2) out.freqs[j, 6] <- sum(duplicated(c(year1, year2))) } } ##create a matrix with proportion of sites with colonizations ##and extinctions based on raw data out.props <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(out.freqs), ncol = 4) colnames(out.props) <- c("naive.occ", "naive.colonization", "naive.extinction", "naive.static") rownames(out.props) <- rownames(out.freqs) for(k in 1:n.seasons) { ##proportion of sites with detections out.props[k, 1] <- out.freqs[k, 2]/out.freqs[k, 1] ##add check for seasons without sampling if(y.seasonsNA[k]) { out.props[k, 2:4] <- NA } else { ##proportion colonized out.props[k, 2] <- out.freqs[k, 3]/out.freqs[k, 6] ##proportion extinct out.props[k, 3] <- out.freqs[k, 4]/out.freqs[k, 6] ##proportion static out.props[k, 4] <- out.freqs[k, 5]/out.freqs[k, 6] } } ##reset to original values if(any(plot.freq || plot.seasons)) { on.exit(par(oldpar)) } out.count <- list("count.table.full" = count.table.full, "count.table.seasons" = count.table.seasons, "hist.table.full" = hist.table.full, "hist.table.seasons" = hist.table.seasons, "out.freqs" = out.freqs, "out.props" = out.props, "n.seasons" = n.seasons, "n.visits.season" = n.visits.season, "missing.seasons" = y.seasonsNA) class(out.count) <- "countHist" return(out.count) } ##print method print.countHist <- function(x, digits = 2, ...) { if(x$n.seasons == 1) { ##convert NA to . for nicer printing hist.names <- names(x$hist.table.full) names(x$hist.table.full) <- gsub(pattern = "NA", replacement = ".", x = hist.names) cat("\nSummary of counts:\n") count.mat <- matrix(x$count.table.full, nrow = 1) colnames(count.mat) <- names(x$count.table.full) rownames(count.mat) <- "Frequency" print(count.mat) cat("\nSummary of count histories:\n") ##account for number of visits, number of unique histories, number of separators num.chars <- nchar(paste(names(x$hist.table.full), collapse = "")) if(num.chars >= 80) { cat("\nNote: Count histories exceed 80 characters and are not displayed\n") } else { out.mat <- matrix(x$hist.table.full, nrow = 1) colnames(out.mat) <- names(x$hist.table.full) rownames(out.mat) <- "Frequency" print(out.mat) } cat("\nProportion of sites with at least one detection:\n", round(x$out.props[, "naive.occ"], digits), "\n\n") cat("Frequencies of sites with detections:\n") ##add matrix of frequencies print(x$out.freqs) } if(x$n.seasons > 1) { cat("\nSummary of counts (", x$n.seasons, " seasons combined): \n", sep ="") count.mat <- matrix(x$count.table.full, nrow = 1) colnames(count.mat) <- names(x$count.table.full) rownames(count.mat) <- "Frequency" print(count.mat) cat("\nSummary of count histories:\n") if(x$n.visits.season == 1) { visits <- 1 } else { visits <- x$n.visits.season - 1 } num.chars <- nchar(paste(names(x$hist.table.full), collapse = "")) if(num.chars >= 80) { cat("\nNote: Count histories exceed 80 characters and are not displayed\n") } else { out.mat <- matrix(x$hist.table.full, nrow = 1) colnames(out.mat) <- names(x$hist.table.full) rownames(out.mat) <- "Frequency" print(out.mat) } ##if some seasons have not been sampled if(any(x$missing.seasons)) { if(sum(x$missing.seasons) == 1) { cat("\nNote: season", which(x$missing.seasons), "was not sampled\n") } else { cat("\nNote: seasons", paste(which(x$missing.seasons), sep = ", "), "were not sampled\n") } } cat("\nSeason-specific counts: \n") cat("\n") for(i in 1:x$n.seasons) { if(!x$missing.seasons[i]) { cat("Season", i, "\n") } else { cat("Season", i, "(no sites sampled)", "\n") } <- x$count.table.seasons[[i]] out.mat <- matrix(, nrow = 1) colnames(out.mat) <- names( rownames(out.mat) <- "Frequency" print(out.mat) cat("--------\n\n") } cat("Frequencies of sites with detections, extinctions, and colonizations:\n") ##add matrix of frequencies print(x$out.freqs) } }
##covariance diagnostic for N-mixture model ##code slightly modified from Dennis et al. 2015: Biometrics 71: 237-246 ##values <= 0 suggest lambda is infinite (data too sparse) and is likely ##to introduce problems during model fitting ##generic covDiag <- function(object, ...){ UseMethod("covDiag", object) } covDiag.default <- function(object, ...){ stop("\nFunction not yet defined for this object class\n") } ##for unmarkedFramePcount covDiag.unmarkedFramePCount <- function(object, ...){ yMat <- object@y p1 <- ct <- 0 nvisits <- ncol(yMat) for(i in 1:(nvisits - 1)){ for(j in (i+1):nvisits){ p1 <- p1 + yMat[,i]*yMat[,j] ct <- ct+1 } } cov.diag <- mean(p1, na.rm = TRUE)/ct-mean(yMat, na.rm = TRUE)^2 if(cov.diag <= 0) { msg <- "Warning: lambda is infinite, data too sparse" } else { msg <- NULL } out <- list("cov.diag" = cov.diag, "message" = msg) class(out) <- "covDiag" return(out) } ##pcount covDiag.unmarkedFitPCount <- function(object, ...){ yMat <- object@data@y p1 <- ct <- 0 nvisits <- ncol(yMat) for(i in 1:(nvisits - 1)){ for(j in (i+1):nvisits){ p1 <- p1 + yMat[,i]*yMat[,j] ct <- ct+1 } } cov.diag <- mean(p1, na.rm = TRUE)/ct-mean(yMat, na.rm = TRUE)^2 if(cov.diag <= 0) { msg <- "Warning: lambda is infinite, data too sparse" } else { msg <- NULL } out <- list("cov.diag" = cov.diag, "message" = msg) class(out) <- "covDiag" return(out) } print.covDiag <- function(x, digits = 4, ...) { cat("\nCovariance diagnostic: ", round(x$cov.diag, digits), "\n") if(!is.null(x$message)) { cat(x$message, "\n") } }
##summarize detection histories and count data detHist <- function(object, ...){ UseMethod("detHist", object) } detHist.default <- function(object, ...){ stop("\nFunction not yet defined for this object class\n") } ##for unmarkedFrameOccu (same as data format for occuRN) detHist.unmarkedFrameOccu <- function(object, ...) { ##extract data yMat <- object@y nsites <- nrow(yMat) n.seasons <- 1 nvisits <- ncol(yMat) ##visits per season n.visits.season <- nvisits/n.seasons seasonNames <- paste("season", 1:n.seasons, sep = "") ##summarize detection histories hist.full <- apply(X = yMat, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = "")) hist.table.full <- table(hist.full, deparse.level = 0) ##for each season, determine frequencies hist.table.seasons <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons) names(hist.table.seasons) <- seasonNames out.freqs <- matrix(data = NA, ncol = 2, nrow = n.seasons) colnames(out.freqs) <- c("sampled", "detected") rownames(out.freqs) <- "Season-1" hist.table.seasons[[1]] <- hist.table.full ##determine proportion of sites with at least 1 detection det.sum <- apply(X = yMat, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) ifelse(sum(i, na.rm = TRUE) > 0, 1, 0)) ##check sites with observed detections and deal with NA's sum.rows <- rowSums(yMat, na.rm = TRUE) <- rowSums( == ncol(yMat) ##number of sites sampled out.freqs[1, 1] <- sum(! ##number of sites with at least 1 detection out.freqs[1, 2] <- sum(det.sum) ##create a matrix with proportion of sites with colonizations ##and extinctions based on raw data out.props <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(out.freqs), ncol = 1) colnames(out.props) <- "naive.occ" rownames(out.props) <- rownames(out.freqs) out.props[, 1] <- out.freqs[, 2]/out.freqs[, 1] out.det <- list("hist.table.full" = hist.table.full, "hist.table.seasons" = hist.table.seasons, "out.freqs" = out.freqs, "out.props" = out.props, "n.seasons" = n.seasons, "n.visits.season" = n.visits.season, "n.species" = 1, "missing.seasons" = FALSE) class(out.det) <- "detHist" return(out.det) } ##for occu detHist.unmarkedFitOccu <- function(object, ...) { ##extract data yMat <- object@data@y nsites <- nrow(yMat) n.seasons <- 1 nvisits <- ncol(yMat) ##visits per season n.visits.season <- nvisits/n.seasons seasonNames <- paste("season", 1:n.seasons, sep = "") ##summarize detection histories hist.full <- apply(X = yMat, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = "")) hist.table.full <- table(hist.full, deparse.level = 0) ##for each season, determine frequencies hist.table.seasons <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons) names(hist.table.seasons) <- seasonNames out.freqs <- matrix(data = NA, ncol = 2, nrow = n.seasons) colnames(out.freqs) <- c("sampled", "detected") rownames(out.freqs) <- "Season-1" hist.table.seasons[[1]] <- hist.table.full ##determine proportion of sites with at least 1 detection det.sum <- apply(X = yMat, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) ifelse(sum(i, na.rm = TRUE) > 0, 1, 0)) ##check sites with observed detections and deal with NA's sum.rows <- rowSums(yMat, na.rm = TRUE) <- rowSums( == ncol(yMat) ##number of sites sampled out.freqs[1, 1] <- sum(! ##number of sites with at least 1 detection out.freqs[1, 2] <- sum(det.sum) ##create a matrix with proportion of sites with colonizations ##and extinctions based on raw data out.props <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(out.freqs), ncol = 1) colnames(out.props) <- "naive.occ" rownames(out.props) <- rownames(out.freqs) out.props[, 1] <- out.freqs[, 2]/out.freqs[, 1] out.det <- list("hist.table.full" = hist.table.full, "hist.table.seasons" = hist.table.seasons, "out.freqs" = out.freqs, "out.props" = out.props, "n.seasons" = n.seasons, "n.visits.season" = n.visits.season, "n.species" = 1, "missing.seasons" = FALSE) class(out.det) <- "detHist" return(out.det) } ##for unmarkedFrameOccuFP detHist.unmarkedFrameOccuFP <- function(object, ...) { ##extract data yMat <- object@y nsites <- nrow(yMat) n.seasons <- 1 nvisits <- ncol(yMat) ##visits per season n.visits.season <- nvisits/n.seasons seasonNames <- paste("season", 1:n.seasons, sep = "") ##summarize detection histories hist.full <- apply(X = yMat, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = "")) hist.table.full <- table(hist.full, deparse.level = 0) ##for each season, determine frequencies hist.table.seasons <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons) names(hist.table.seasons) <- seasonNames out.freqs <- matrix(data = NA, ncol = 2, nrow = n.seasons) colnames(out.freqs) <- c("sampled", "detected") rownames(out.freqs) <- "Season-1" hist.table.seasons[[1]] <- hist.table.full ##determine proportion of sites with at least 1 detection det.sum <- apply(X = yMat, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) ifelse(sum(i, na.rm = TRUE) > 0, 1, 0)) ##check sites with observed detections and deal with NA's sum.rows <- rowSums(yMat, na.rm = TRUE) <- rowSums( == ncol(yMat) ##number of sites sampled out.freqs[1, 1] <- sum(! ##number of sites with at least 1 detection out.freqs[1, 2] <- sum(det.sum) ##create a matrix with proportion of sites with colonizations ##and extinctions based on raw data out.props <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(out.freqs), ncol = 1) colnames(out.props) <- "naive.occ" rownames(out.props) <- rownames(out.freqs) out.props[, 1] <- out.freqs[, 2]/out.freqs[, 1] out.det <- list("hist.table.full" = hist.table.full, "hist.table.seasons" = hist.table.seasons, "out.freqs" = out.freqs, "out.props" = out.props, "n.seasons" = n.seasons, "n.visits.season" = n.visits.season, "n.species" = 1, "missing.seasons" = FALSE) class(out.det) <- "detHist" return(out.det) } ##for occuFP detHist.unmarkedFitOccuFP <- function(object, ...) { ##extract data yMat <- object@data@y nsites <- nrow(yMat) n.seasons <- 1 nvisits <- ncol(yMat) ##visits per season n.visits.season <- nvisits/n.seasons seasonNames <- paste("season", 1:n.seasons, sep = "") ##summarize detection histories hist.full <- apply(X = yMat, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = "")) hist.table.full <- table(hist.full, deparse.level = 0) ##for each season, determine frequencies hist.table.seasons <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons) names(hist.table.seasons) <- seasonNames out.freqs <- matrix(data = NA, ncol = 2, nrow = n.seasons) colnames(out.freqs) <- c("sampled", "detected") rownames(out.freqs) <- "Season-1" hist.table.seasons[[1]] <- hist.table.full ##determine proportion of sites with at least 1 detection det.sum <- apply(X = yMat, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) ifelse(sum(i, na.rm = TRUE) > 0, 1, 0)) ##check sites with observed detections and deal with NA's sum.rows <- rowSums(yMat, na.rm = TRUE) <- rowSums( == ncol(yMat) ##number of sites sampled out.freqs[1, 1] <- sum(! ##number of sites with at least 1 detection out.freqs[1, 2] <- sum(det.sum) ##create a matrix with proportion of sites with colonizations ##and extinctions based on raw data out.props <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(out.freqs), ncol = 1) colnames(out.props) <- "naive.occ" rownames(out.props) <- rownames(out.freqs) out.props[, 1] <- out.freqs[, 2]/out.freqs[, 1] out.det <- list("hist.table.full" = hist.table.full, "hist.table.seasons" = hist.table.seasons, "out.freqs" = out.freqs, "out.props" = out.props, "n.seasons" = n.seasons, "n.visits.season" = n.visits.season, "n.species" = 1, "missing.seasons" = FALSE) class(out.det) <- "detHist" return(out.det) } ##for occuRN detHist.unmarkedFitOccuRN <- function(object, ...) { ##extract data yMat <- object@data@y nsites <- nrow(yMat) n.seasons <- 1 nvisits <- ncol(yMat) ##visits per season n.visits.season <- nvisits/n.seasons seasonNames <- paste("season", 1:n.seasons, sep = "") ##summarize detection histories hist.full <- apply(X = yMat, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = "")) hist.table.full <- table(hist.full, deparse.level = 0) ##for each season, determine frequencies hist.table.seasons <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons) names(hist.table.seasons) <- seasonNames out.freqs <- matrix(data = NA, ncol = 2, nrow = n.seasons) colnames(out.freqs) <- c("sampled", "detected") rownames(out.freqs) <- "Season-1" hist.table.seasons[[1]] <- hist.table.full ##determine proportion of sites with at least 1 detection det.sum <- apply(X = yMat, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) ifelse(sum(i, na.rm = TRUE) > 0, 1, 0)) ##check sites with observed detections and deal with NA's sum.rows <- rowSums(yMat, na.rm = TRUE) <- rowSums( == ncol(yMat) ##number of sites sampled out.freqs[1, 1] <- sum(! ##number of sites with at least 1 detection out.freqs[1, 2] <- sum(det.sum) ##create a matrix with proportion of sites with colonizations ##and extinctions based on raw data out.props <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(out.freqs), ncol = 1) colnames(out.props) <- "naive.occ" rownames(out.props) <- rownames(out.freqs) out.props[, 1] <- out.freqs[, 2]/out.freqs[, 1] out.det <- list("hist.table.full" = hist.table.full, "hist.table.seasons" = hist.table.seasons, "out.freqs" = out.freqs, "out.props" = out.props, "n.seasons" = n.seasons, "n.visits.season" = n.visits.season, "n.species" = 1, "missing.seasons" = FALSE) class(out.det) <- "detHist" return(out.det) } ##for unmarkedMultFrame detHist.unmarkedMultFrame <- function(object, ...) { ##extract data yMat <- object@y nsites <- nrow(yMat) n.seasons <- object@numPrimary nvisits <- ncol(yMat) ##visits per season n.visits.season <- nvisits/n.seasons seasonNames <- paste("season", 1:n.seasons, sep = "") ##summarize detection histories ##starting and ending columns colStarts <- seq(from = 1, to = nvisits, by = n.visits.season) colEnds <- colStarts + (n.visits.season - 1) yrows <- list( ) ##add check for seasons not sampled y.seasons <- list( ) ##subsequent seasons for(i in 1:n.seasons) { yrows[[i]] <- apply(yMat[, colStarts[i]:colEnds[i]], MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = "")) y.seasons[[i]] <- yMat[, colStarts[i]:colEnds[i]] } ##check if any seasons were not sampled y.seasonsNA <- sapply(y.seasons, FUN = function(i) all( ##organize and paste rows hist.full <- = "paste", args = c(yrows, sep = "'")) hist.table.full <- table(hist.full, deparse.level = 0) ##for each season, determine frequencies out.seasons <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons) hist.table.seasons <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons) names(hist.table.seasons) <- seasonNames out.freqs <- matrix(data = NA, ncol = 6, nrow = n.seasons) colnames(out.freqs) <- c("sampled", "detected", "colonized", "extinct", "static", "common") rownames(out.freqs) <- paste("Season-", 1:n.seasons, sep = "") ##sequence of visits vis.seq <- seq(from = 1, to = nvisits, by = n.visits.season) for(i in 1:n.seasons) { col.start <- vis.seq[i] col.end <- col.start + (n.visits.season - 1) ySeason <- yMat[, col.start:col.end] ##summarize detection histories det.hist <- apply(X = ySeason, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = "")) hist.table.seasons[[i]] <- table(det.hist, deparse.level = 0) ##determine proportion of sites with at least 1 detection det.sum <- apply(X = ySeason, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) ifelse(sum(i, na.rm = TRUE) > 0, 1, 0)) ##check sites with observed detections and deal with NA's sum.rows <- rowSums(ySeason, na.rm = TRUE) <- rowSums( == ncol(ySeason) ##number of sites sampled out.freqs[i, 1] <- sum(! ##detections out.freqs[i, 2] <- sum(det.sum) ##sites without detections none <- which(sum.rows == 0) ##sites with at least one detection some <- which(sum.rows != 0) out.seasons[[i]] <- list("none" = none, "some" = some) } ##populate out.freqs with freqs of extinctions and colonizations for(j in 2:n.seasons) { none1 <- out.seasons[[j-1]]$none some1 <- out.seasons[[j-1]]$some none2 <- out.seasons[[j]]$none some2 <- out.seasons[[j]]$some ##add check for seasons without sampling or previous season without sampling if(y.seasonsNA[j] || y.seasonsNA[j-1]) { if(y.seasonsNA[j]) { out.freqs[j, 2:6] <- NA } if(y.seasonsNA[j-1]) { out.freqs[j, 3:6] <- NA } } else { ##colonizations out.freqs[j, 3] <- sum(duplicated(c(some2, none1))) ##extinctions out.freqs[j, 4] <- sum(duplicated(c(some1, none2))) ##no change out.freqs[j, 5] <- sum(duplicated(c(some1, some2))) + sum(duplicated(c(none1, none2))) ##sites both sampled in t and t-1 year1 <- c(none1, some1) year2 <- c(none2, some2) out.freqs[j, 6] <- sum(duplicated(c(year1, year2))) } } ##create a matrix with proportion of sites with colonizations ##and extinctions based on raw data out.props <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(out.freqs), ncol = 4) colnames(out.props) <- c("naive.occ", "naive.colonization", "naive.extinction", "naive.static") rownames(out.props) <- rownames(out.freqs) for(k in 1:n.seasons) { ##proportion of sites with detections out.props[k, 1] <- out.freqs[k, 2]/out.freqs[k, 1] ##add check for seasons without sampling if(y.seasonsNA[k]) { out.props[k, 2:4] <- NA } else { ##proportion colonized out.props[k, 2] <- out.freqs[k, 3]/out.freqs[k, 6] ##proportion extinct out.props[k, 3] <- out.freqs[k, 4]/out.freqs[k, 6] ##proportion static out.props[k, 4] <- out.freqs[k, 5]/out.freqs[k, 6] } } out.det <- list("hist.table.full" = hist.table.full, "hist.table.seasons" = hist.table.seasons, "out.freqs" = out.freqs, "out.props" = out.props, "n.seasons" = n.seasons, "n.visits.season" = n.visits.season, "n.species" = 1, "missing.seasons" = y.seasonsNA) class(out.det) <- "detHist" return(out.det) } ##for colext detHist.unmarkedFitColExt <- function(object, ...) { ##extract data yMat <- object@data@y nsites <- nrow(yMat) n.seasons <- object@data@numPrimary nvisits <- ncol(yMat) ##visits per season n.visits.season <- nvisits/n.seasons seasonNames <- paste("season", 1:n.seasons, sep = "") ##summarize detection histories ##starting and ending columns colStarts <- seq(from = 1, to = nvisits, by = n.visits.season) colEnds <- colStarts + (n.visits.season - 1) yrows <- list( ) ##add check for seasons not sampled y.seasons <- list( ) ##subsequent seasons for(i in 1:n.seasons) { yrows[[i]] <- apply(yMat[, colStarts[i]:colEnds[i]], MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = "")) y.seasons[[i]] <- yMat[, colStarts[i]:colEnds[i]] } ##check if any seasons were not sampled y.seasonsNA <- sapply(y.seasons, FUN = function(i) all( ##organize and paste rows hist.full <- = "paste", args = c(yrows, sep = "'")) hist.table.full <- table(hist.full, deparse.level = 0) ##for each season, determine frequencies out.seasons <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons) hist.table.seasons <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons) names(hist.table.seasons) <- seasonNames out.freqs <- matrix(data = NA, ncol = 6, nrow = n.seasons) colnames(out.freqs) <- c("sampled", "detected", "colonized", "extinct", "static", "common") rownames(out.freqs) <- paste("Season-", 1:n.seasons, sep = "") ##sequence of visits vis.seq <- seq(from = 1, to = nvisits, by = n.visits.season) for(i in 1:n.seasons) { col.start <- vis.seq[i] col.end <- col.start + (n.visits.season - 1) ySeason <- yMat[, col.start:col.end] ##summarize detection histories det.hist <- apply(X = ySeason, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = "")) hist.table.seasons[[i]] <- table(det.hist, deparse.level = 0) ##determine proportion of sites with at least 1 detection det.sum <- apply(X = ySeason, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) ifelse(sum(i, na.rm = TRUE) > 0, 1, 0)) ##check sites with observed detections and deal with NA's sum.rows <- rowSums(ySeason, na.rm = TRUE) <- rowSums( == ncol(ySeason) ##number of sites sampled out.freqs[i, 1] <- sum(! ##detections out.freqs[i, 2] <- sum(det.sum) ##sites without detections none <- which(sum.rows == 0) ##sites with at least one detection some <- which(sum.rows != 0) out.seasons[[i]] <- list("none" = none, "some" = some) } ##populate out.freqs with freqs of extinctions and colonizations for(j in 2:n.seasons) { none1 <- out.seasons[[j-1]]$none some1 <- out.seasons[[j-1]]$some none2 <- out.seasons[[j]]$none some2 <- out.seasons[[j]]$some ##add check for seasons without sampling or previous season without sampling if(y.seasonsNA[j] || y.seasonsNA[j-1]) { if(y.seasonsNA[j]) { out.freqs[j, 2:6] <- NA } if(y.seasonsNA[j-1]) { out.freqs[j, 3:6] <- NA } } else { ##colonizations out.freqs[j, 3] <- sum(duplicated(c(some2, none1))) ##extinctions out.freqs[j, 4] <- sum(duplicated(c(some1, none2))) ##no change out.freqs[j, 5] <- sum(duplicated(c(some1, some2))) + sum(duplicated(c(none1, none2))) ##sites both sampled in t and t-1 year1 <- c(none1, some1) year2 <- c(none2, some2) out.freqs[j, 6] <- sum(duplicated(c(year1, year2))) } } ##create a matrix with proportion of sites with colonizations ##and extinctions based on raw data out.props <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(out.freqs), ncol = 4) colnames(out.props) <- c("naive.occ", "naive.colonization", "naive.extinction", "naive.static") rownames(out.props) <- rownames(out.freqs) for(k in 1:n.seasons) { ##proportion of sites with detections out.props[k, 1] <- out.freqs[k, 2]/out.freqs[k, 1] ##add check for seasons without sampling if(y.seasonsNA[k]) { out.props[k, 2:4] <- NA } else { ##proportion colonized out.props[k, 2] <- out.freqs[k, 3]/out.freqs[k, 6] ##proportion extinct out.props[k, 3] <- out.freqs[k, 4]/out.freqs[k, 6] ##proportion static out.props[k, 4] <- out.freqs[k, 5]/out.freqs[k, 6] } } out.det <- list("hist.table.full" = hist.table.full, "hist.table.seasons" = hist.table.seasons, "out.freqs" = out.freqs, "out.props" = out.props, "n.seasons" = n.seasons, "n.visits.season" = n.visits.season, "n.species" = 1, "missing.seasons" = y.seasonsNA) class(out.det) <- "detHist" return(out.det) } ############################# ############################# ##TO CHANGE HERE ##for unmarkedFrameOccuMulti detHist.unmarkedFrameOccuMulti <- function(object, ...) { ##extract species detection data speciesList <- object@ylist speciesNames <- names(object@ylist) if(is.null(speciesNames)) { speciesNames <- paste("species", 1:nspecies, sep = "") } nspecies <- length(speciesList) n.seasons <- 1 nsites <- nrow(speciesList[[1]]) nvisits <- ncol(speciesList[[1]]) ##visits per season n.visits.season <- nvisits/n.seasons ##generic name to include in detection history genericNames <- letters[1:nspecies] ##combine detection histories of each species histList <- vector(mode = "list", length = nspecies) for(sp in 1:nspecies) { detVector <- as.vector(speciesList[[sp]]) histList[[sp]] <- ifelse(detVector == 1, genericNames[sp], detVector) } comboDet <-"paste", c(histList, sep = "")) ##number of co-occurrences in any given survey across sites coOcc <- table(comboDet) comboMat <- matrix(comboDet, nrow = nsites, ncol = nvisits) ##detection histories comboHist <- apply(comboMat, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = "'")) hist.table.full <- table(comboHist) ##for each season, determine frequencies out.freqs <- matrix(data = NA, ncol = 2, nrow = nspecies) colnames(out.freqs) <- c("sampled", "detected") rownames(out.freqs) <- speciesNames ##create a matrix with proportion of sites with detections ##based on raw data out.props <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(out.freqs), ncol = 1) colnames(out.props) <- "naive.occ" rownames(out.props) <- rownames(out.freqs) hist.table.species <- vector(mode = "list", length = nspecies) names(hist.table.species) <- speciesNames for(i in 1:nspecies) { yMat <- speciesList[[i]] ##summarize detection histories hist.full <- apply(X = yMat, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = "")) hist.table.species[[i]] <- table(hist.full, deparse.level = 0) ##determine proportion of sites with at least 1 detection det.sum <- apply(X = speciesList[[i]], MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) ifelse(sum(i, na.rm = TRUE) > 0, 1, 0)) ##check sites with observed detections and deal with NA's sum.rows <- rowSums(speciesList[[i]], na.rm = TRUE) <- rowSums([[i]])) == ncol(yMat) ##number of sites sampled out.freqs[i, 1] <- sum(! ##number of sites with at least 1 detection out.freqs[i, 2] <- sum(det.sum) ##proportion of sites with detections out.props[i, 1] <- out.freqs[i, 2]/out.freqs[i, 1] } ##add frequencies of co-occurrences hist.table.species$coOcc <- coOcc out.det <- list("hist.table.full" = hist.table.full, "hist.table.species" = hist.table.species, "out.freqs" = out.freqs, "out.props" = out.props, "n.seasons" = n.seasons, "n.visits.season" = n.visits.season, "n.species" = nspecies, "missing.seasons" = FALSE) class(out.det) <- "detHist" return(out.det) } ##for occuMulti detHist.unmarkedFitOccuMulti <- function(object, ...) { ##extract species detection data speciesList <- object@data@ylist speciesNames <- names(object@data@ylist) if(is.null(speciesNames)) { speciesNames <- paste("species", 1:nspecies, sep = "") } nspecies <- length(speciesList) n.seasons <- 1 nsites <- nrow(speciesList[[1]]) nvisits <- ncol(speciesList[[1]]) ##visits per season n.visits.season <- nvisits/n.seasons ##generic name to include in detection history genericNames <- letters[1:nspecies] ##combine detection histories of each species histList <- vector(mode = "list", length = nspecies) for(sp in 1:nspecies) { detVector <- as.vector(speciesList[[sp]]) histList[[sp]] <- ifelse(detVector == 1, genericNames[sp], detVector) } comboDet <-"paste", c(histList, sep = "")) ##number of co-occurrences in any given survey across sites coOcc <- table(comboDet) comboMat <- matrix(comboDet, nrow = nsites, ncol = nvisits) ##detection histories comboHist <- apply(comboMat, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = "'")) hist.table.full <- table(comboHist) ##for each season, determine frequencies out.freqs <- matrix(data = NA, ncol = 2, nrow = nspecies) colnames(out.freqs) <- c("sampled", "detected") rownames(out.freqs) <- speciesNames ##create a matrix with proportion of sites with detections ##based on raw data out.props <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(out.freqs), ncol = 1) colnames(out.props) <- "naive.occ" rownames(out.props) <- rownames(out.freqs) hist.table.species <- vector(mode = "list", length = nspecies) names(hist.table.species) <- speciesNames for(i in 1:nspecies) { yMat <- speciesList[[i]] ##summarize detection histories hist.full <- apply(X = yMat, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = "")) hist.table.species[[i]] <- table(hist.full, deparse.level = 0) ##determine proportion of sites with at least 1 detection det.sum <- apply(X = speciesList[[i]], MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) ifelse(sum(i, na.rm = TRUE) > 0, 1, 0)) ##check sites with observed detections and deal with NA's sum.rows <- rowSums(speciesList[[i]], na.rm = TRUE) <- rowSums([[i]])) == ncol(yMat) ##number of sites sampled out.freqs[i, 1] <- sum(! ##number of sites with at least 1 detection out.freqs[i, 2] <- sum(det.sum) ##proportion of sites with detections out.props[i, 1] <- out.freqs[i, 2]/out.freqs[i, 1] } ##add frequencies of co-occurrences hist.table.species$coOcc <- coOcc out.det <- list("hist.table.full" = hist.table.full, "hist.table.species" = hist.table.species, "out.freqs" = out.freqs, "out.props" = out.props, "n.seasons" = n.seasons, "n.visits.season" = n.visits.season, "n.species" = nspecies, "missing.seasons" = FALSE) class(out.det) <- "detHist" return(out.det) } ##for occuMS detHist.unmarkedFrameOccuMS <- function(object, ...) { ##extract data yMat <- object@y nsites <- nrow(yMat) n.seasons <- object@numPrimary nvisits <- ncol(yMat) ##visits per season n.visits.season <- nvisits/n.seasons seasonNames <- paste("season", 1:n.seasons, sep = "") ##no missing season when single season y.seasonsNA <- FALSE ##for each season, determine frequencies out.seasons <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons) hist.table.seasons <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons) names(hist.table.seasons) <- seasonNames if(n.seasons == 1) { ##summarize detection histories hist.full <- apply(X = yMat, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = "")) hist.table.full <- table(hist.full, deparse.level = 0) out.freqs <- matrix(data = NA, ncol = 2, nrow = 1) colnames(out.freqs) <- c("sampled", "detected") rownames(out.freqs) <- "Season-1" ##sequence of visits vis.seq <- seq(from = 1, to = nvisits, by = n.visits.season) for(i in 1:n.seasons) { col.start <- vis.seq[i] col.end <- col.start + (n.visits.season - 1) ySeason <- yMat[, col.start:col.end] ##summarize detection histories det.hist <- apply(X = ySeason, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = "")) hist.table.seasons[[i]] <- table(det.hist, deparse.level = 0) ##determine proportion of sites with at least 1 detection det.sum <- apply(X = ySeason, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) ifelse(sum(i, na.rm = TRUE) > 0, 1, 0)) ##check sites with observed detections and deal with NA's sum.rows <- rowSums(ySeason, na.rm = TRUE) <- rowSums( == ncol(ySeason) ##number of sites sampled out.freqs[i, 1] <- sum(! out.freqs[i, 2] <- sum(det.sum) ##sites without detections none <- which(sum.rows == 0) ##sites with at least one detection some <- which(sum.rows != 0) out.seasons[[i]] <- list("none" = none, "some" = some) } out.props <- matrix(NA, nrow = 1, ncol = 1) colnames(out.props) <- "naive.occ" rownames(out.props) <- rownames(out.freqs) out.props[, 1] <- out.freqs[, 2]/out.freqs[, 1] } if(n.seasons > 1) { ##summarize detection histories ##starting and ending columns colStarts <- seq(from = 1, to = nvisits, by = n.visits.season) colEnds <- colStarts + (n.visits.season - 1) yrows <- list( ) yMat.seasons <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons) ##subsequent seasons for(i in 1:n.seasons) { yrows[[i]] <- apply(yMat[, colStarts[i]:colEnds[i]], MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = "")) yMat.seasons[[i]] <- yMat[, colStarts[i]:colEnds[i]] } ##check if any seasons were not sampled y.seasonsNA <- sapply(yMat.seasons, FUN = function(i) all( ##organize and paste rows hist.full <- = "paste", args = c(yrows, sep = "'")) hist.table.full <- table(hist.full, deparse.level = 0) out.freqs <- matrix(data = NA, ncol = 6, nrow = n.seasons) colnames(out.freqs) <- c("sampled", "detected", "colonized", "extinct", "static", "common") rownames(out.freqs) <- paste("Season-", 1:n.seasons, sep = "") ##sequence of visits vis.seq <- seq(from = 1, to = nvisits, by = n.visits.season) for(i in 1:n.seasons) { col.start <- vis.seq[i] col.end <- col.start + (n.visits.season - 1) ySeason <- yMat[, col.start:col.end] ##summarize detection histories det.hist <- apply(X = ySeason, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = "")) hist.table.seasons[[i]] <- table(det.hist, deparse.level = 0) ##determine number of sites with at least 1 detection det.sum <- apply(X = ySeason, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) ifelse(sum(i, na.rm = TRUE) > 0, 1, 0)) ##check sites with observed detections and deal with NA's sum.rows <- rowSums(ySeason, na.rm = TRUE) <- rowSums( == ncol(ySeason) ##number of sites sampled out.freqs[i, 1] <- sum(! out.freqs[i, 2] <- sum(det.sum) ##sites without detections none <- which(sum.rows == 0) ##sites with at least one detection some <- which(sum.rows != 0) out.seasons[[i]] <- list("none" = none, "some" = some) } ##populate out.freqs with freqs of extinctions and colonizations for(j in 2:n.seasons) { none1 <- out.seasons[[j-1]]$none some1 <- out.seasons[[j-1]]$some none2 <- out.seasons[[j]]$none some2 <- out.seasons[[j]]$some ##add check for seasons without sampling or previous season without sampling if(y.seasonsNA[j] || y.seasonsNA[j-1]) { if(y.seasonsNA[j]) { out.freqs[j, 2:6] <- NA } if(y.seasonsNA[j-1]) { out.freqs[j, 3:6] <- NA } } else { ##colonizations out.freqs[j, 3] <- sum(duplicated(c(some2, none1))) ##extinctions out.freqs[j, 4] <- sum(duplicated(c(some1, none2))) ##no change out.freqs[j, 5] <- sum(duplicated(c(some1, some2))) + sum(duplicated(c(none1, none2))) ##sites both sampled in t and t-1 year1 <- c(none1, some1) year2 <- c(none2, some2) out.freqs[j, 6] <- sum(duplicated(c(year1, year2))) } } ##create a matrix with proportion of sites with colonizations ##and extinctions based on raw data out.props <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(out.freqs), ncol = 4) colnames(out.props) <- c("naive.occ", "naive.colonization", "naive.extinction", "naive.static") rownames(out.props) <- rownames(out.freqs) for(k in 1:n.seasons) { ##proportion of sites with detections out.props[k, 1] <- out.freqs[k, 2]/out.freqs[k, 1] ##add check for seasons without sampling if(y.seasonsNA[k]) { out.props[k, 2:4] <- NA } else { ##proportion colonized out.props[k, 2] <- out.freqs[k, 3]/out.freqs[k, 6] ##proportion extinct out.props[k, 3] <- out.freqs[k, 4]/out.freqs[k, 6] ##proportion static out.props[k, 4] <- out.freqs[k, 5]/out.freqs[k, 6] } } } out.det <- list("hist.table.full" = hist.table.full, "hist.table.seasons" = hist.table.seasons, "out.freqs" = out.freqs, "out.props" = out.props, "n.seasons" = n.seasons, "n.visits.season" = n.visits.season, "n.species" = 1, "missing.seasons" = y.seasonsNA) class(out.det) <- "detHist" return(out.det) } ##for occuMS detHist.unmarkedFitOccuMS <- function(object, ...) { ##extract data yMat <- object@data@y nsites <- nrow(yMat) n.seasons <- object@data@numPrimary nvisits <- ncol(yMat) ##visits per season n.visits.season <- nvisits/n.seasons seasonNames <- paste("season", 1:n.seasons, sep = "") ##no missing season when single season y.seasonsNA <- FALSE ##for each season, determine frequencies out.seasons <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons) hist.table.seasons <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons) names(hist.table.seasons) <- seasonNames if(n.seasons == 1) { ##summarize detection histories hist.full <- apply(X = yMat, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = "")) hist.table.full <- table(hist.full, deparse.level = 0) out.freqs <- matrix(data = NA, ncol = 2, nrow = 1) colnames(out.freqs) <- c("sampled", "detected") rownames(out.freqs) <- "Season-1" ##sequence of visits vis.seq <- seq(from = 1, to = nvisits, by = n.visits.season) for(i in 1:n.seasons) { col.start <- vis.seq[i] col.end <- col.start + (n.visits.season - 1) ySeason <- yMat[, col.start:col.end] ##summarize detection histories det.hist <- apply(X = ySeason, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = "")) hist.table.seasons[[i]] <- table(det.hist, deparse.level = 0) ##determine proportion of sites with at least 1 detection det.sum <- apply(X = ySeason, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) ifelse(sum(i, na.rm = TRUE) > 0, 1, 0)) ##check sites with observed detections and deal with NA's sum.rows <- rowSums(ySeason, na.rm = TRUE) <- rowSums( == ncol(ySeason) ##number of sites sampled out.freqs[i, 1] <- sum(! out.freqs[i, 2] <- sum(det.sum) ##sites without detections none <- which(sum.rows == 0) ##sites with at least one detection some <- which(sum.rows != 0) out.seasons[[i]] <- list("none" = none, "some" = some) } out.props <- matrix(NA, nrow = 1, ncol = 1) colnames(out.props) <- "naive.occ" rownames(out.props) <- rownames(out.freqs) out.props[, 1] <- out.freqs[, 2]/out.freqs[, 1] } if(n.seasons > 1) { ##summarize detection histories ##starting and ending columns colStarts <- seq(from = 1, to = nvisits, by = n.visits.season) colEnds <- colStarts + (n.visits.season - 1) yrows <- list( ) yMat.seasons <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons) ##subsequent seasons for(i in 1:n.seasons) { yrows[[i]] <- apply(yMat[, colStarts[i]:colEnds[i]], MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = "")) yMat.seasons[[i]] <- yMat[, colStarts[i]:colEnds[i]] } ##check if any seasons were not sampled y.seasonsNA <- sapply(yMat.seasons, FUN = function(i) all( ##organize and paste rows hist.full <- = "paste", args = c(yrows, sep = "'")) hist.table.full <- table(hist.full, deparse.level = 0) out.freqs <- matrix(data = NA, ncol = 6, nrow = n.seasons) colnames(out.freqs) <- c("sampled", "detected", "colonized", "extinct", "static", "common") rownames(out.freqs) <- paste("Season-", 1:n.seasons, sep = "") ##sequence of visits vis.seq <- seq(from = 1, to = nvisits, by = n.visits.season) for(i in 1:n.seasons) { col.start <- vis.seq[i] col.end <- col.start + (n.visits.season - 1) ySeason <- yMat[, col.start:col.end] ##summarize detection histories det.hist <- apply(X = ySeason, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = "")) hist.table.seasons[[i]] <- table(det.hist, deparse.level = 0) ##determine number of sites with at least 1 detection det.sum <- apply(X = ySeason, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) ifelse(sum(i, na.rm = TRUE) > 0, 1, 0)) ##check sites with observed detections and deal with NA's sum.rows <- rowSums(ySeason, na.rm = TRUE) <- rowSums( == ncol(ySeason) ##number of sites sampled out.freqs[i, 1] <- sum(! out.freqs[i, 2] <- sum(det.sum) ##sites without detections none <- which(sum.rows == 0) ##sites with at least one detection some <- which(sum.rows != 0) out.seasons[[i]] <- list("none" = none, "some" = some) } ##populate out.freqs with freqs of extinctions and colonizations for(j in 2:n.seasons) { none1 <- out.seasons[[j-1]]$none some1 <- out.seasons[[j-1]]$some none2 <- out.seasons[[j]]$none some2 <- out.seasons[[j]]$some ##add check for seasons without sampling or previous season without sampling if(y.seasonsNA[j] || y.seasonsNA[j-1]) { if(y.seasonsNA[j]) { out.freqs[j, 2:6] <- NA } if(y.seasonsNA[j-1]) { out.freqs[j, 3:6] <- NA } } else { ##colonizations out.freqs[j, 3] <- sum(duplicated(c(some2, none1))) ##extinctions out.freqs[j, 4] <- sum(duplicated(c(some1, none2))) ##no change out.freqs[j, 5] <- sum(duplicated(c(some1, some2))) + sum(duplicated(c(none1, none2))) ##sites both sampled in t and t-1 year1 <- c(none1, some1) year2 <- c(none2, some2) out.freqs[j, 6] <- sum(duplicated(c(year1, year2))) } } ##create a matrix with proportion of sites with colonizations ##and extinctions based on raw data out.props <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(out.freqs), ncol = 4) colnames(out.props) <- c("naive.occ", "naive.colonization", "naive.extinction", "naive.static") rownames(out.props) <- rownames(out.freqs) for(k in 1:n.seasons) { ##proportion of sites with detections out.props[k, 1] <- out.freqs[k, 2]/out.freqs[k, 1] ##add check for seasons without sampling if(y.seasonsNA[k]) { out.props[k, 2:4] <- NA } else { ##proportion colonized out.props[k, 2] <- out.freqs[k, 3]/out.freqs[k, 6] ##proportion extinct out.props[k, 3] <- out.freqs[k, 4]/out.freqs[k, 6] ##proportion static out.props[k, 4] <- out.freqs[k, 5]/out.freqs[k, 6] } } } out.det <- list("hist.table.full" = hist.table.full, "hist.table.seasons" = hist.table.seasons, "out.freqs" = out.freqs, "out.props" = out.props, "n.seasons" = n.seasons, "n.visits.season" = n.visits.season, "n.species" = 1, "missing.seasons" = y.seasonsNA) class(out.det) <- "detHist" return(out.det) } ##print method print.detHist <- function(x, digits = 2, ...) { ##convert NA to . for nicer printing hist.names <- names(x$hist.table.full) names(x$hist.table.full) <- gsub(pattern = "NA", replacement = ".", x = hist.names) if(identical(x$n.seasons, 1)) { if(x$n.species > 1) { nspecies <- x$n.species speciesNames <- rownames(x$out.freqs) ##convert NA to . for nicer printing for(d in 1:nspecies) { hist.names <- names(x$hist.table.species[[d]]) names(x$hist.table.species[[d]]) <- gsub(pattern = "NA", replacement = ".", x = hist.names) } ##species code in detection histories speciesCode <- character( ) for(j in 1:nspecies) { speciesCode[j] <- paste(speciesNames[j], " (", letters[j], ")", sep = "") } cat("\nSummary of detection histories: \n") num.chars <- nchar(paste(names(x$hist.table.full), collapse = "")) if(num.chars >= 80) { cat("\nNote: Detection histories exceed 80 characters and are not displayed\n") } else { cat("(") cat(speciesCode, sep = ", ") cat(")\n") out.mat <- matrix(x$hist.table.full, nrow = 1) colnames(out.mat) <- names(x$hist.table.full) rownames(out.mat) <- "Frequency" print(out.mat) } cat("\nSpecies-specific detection histories: \n") cat("\n") for(i in 1:nspecies) { cat(speciesNames[i], "\n") <- x$hist.table.species[[i]] out.mat <- matrix(, nrow = 1) colnames(out.mat) <- names( rownames(out.mat) <- "Frequency" print(out.mat) cat("--------\n\n") } cat("Frequency of co-occurrence among sites: \n") cat("(") cat(speciesCode, sep = ", ") cat(")\n") <- x$hist.table.species$coOcc occ.mat <- matrix(, nrow = 1) colnames(occ.mat) <- names( rownames(occ.mat) <- "Frequency" print(occ.mat) cat("\nProportion of sites with at least one detection:\n") print(x$out.props[, "naive.occ"], digits) cat("\n") cat("Frequencies of sites with detections:\n") ##add matrix of frequencies print(x$out.freqs) } else { cat("\nSummary of detection histories: \n") out.mat <- matrix(x$hist.table.full, nrow = 1) colnames(out.mat) <- names(x$hist.table.full) rownames(out.mat) <- "Frequency" print(out.mat) cat("\nProportion of sites with at least one detection:\n", round(x$out.props[, "naive.occ"], digits), "\n\n") cat("Frequencies of sites with detections:\n") ##add matrix of frequencies print(x$out.freqs) } } if(x$n.seasons > 1) { ##convert NA to . for nicer printing for(d in 1:x$n.seasons) { hist.names <- names(x$hist.table.seasons[[d]]) names(x$hist.table.seasons[[d]]) <- gsub(pattern = "NA", replacement = ".", x = hist.names) } cat("\nSummary of detection histories (", x$n.seasons, " seasons combined): \n", sep ="") ##determine number of characters num.chars <- nchar(paste(names(x$hist.table.full), collapse = "")) if(num.chars >= 80) { cat("\nNote: Detection histories exceed 80 characters and are not displayed\n") } else { out.mat <- matrix(x$hist.table.full, nrow = 1) colnames(out.mat) <- names(x$hist.table.full) rownames(out.mat) <- "Frequency" print(out.mat) } ##if some seasons have not been sampled if(any(x$missing.seasons)) { if(sum(x$missing.seasons) == 1) { cat("\nNote: season", which(x$missing.seasons), "was not sampled\n") } else { cat("\nNote: seasons", paste(which(x$missing.seasons), sep = ", "), "were not sampled\n") } cat("\nSeason-specific detection histories: \n") cat("\n") for(i in 1:x$n.seasons) { if(!x$missing.seasons[i]) { cat("Season", i, "\n") } else { cat("Season", i, "(no sites sampled)", "\n") } <- x$hist.table.seasons[[i]] out.mat <- matrix(, nrow = 1) colnames(out.mat) <- names( rownames(out.mat) <- "Frequency" print(out.mat) cat("--------\n\n") } } ##cat("\n") cat("Frequencies of sites with detections, extinctions, and colonizations:\n") ##add matrix of frequencies print(x$out.freqs) } }
##summarize time to detection data detTime <- function(object, plot.time = TRUE, plot.seasons = FALSE, cex.axis = 1, cex.lab = 1, cex.main = 1, ...){ UseMethod("detTime", object) } detTime.default <- function(object, plot.time = TRUE, plot.seasons = FALSE, cex.axis = 1, cex.lab = 1, cex.main = 1, ...){ stop("\nFunction not yet defined for this object class\n") } ##for ummarkedFrameOccuTTD detTime.unmarkedFrameOccuTTD <- function(object, plot.time = TRUE, plot.seasons = FALSE, cex.axis = 1, cex.lab = 1, cex.main = 1, ...) { ##extract data yMat <- object@y nsites <- nrow(yMat) n.seasons <- object@numPrimary nvisits <- ncol(yMat) ##visits per season n.visits.season <- nvisits/n.seasons n.seasons.adj <- n.seasons #total number of plots fixed to 11 or 12, depending on plots requested seasonNames <- paste("season", 1:n.seasons, sep = "") surveyLength <- object@surveyLength if(plot.seasons && n.seasons == 1) { warning("\nCannot plot data across seasons with only 1 season of data: reset to plot.seasons = FALSE\n") plot.seasons <- FALSE } if(plot.time && !plot.seasons) { nRows <- 1 nCols <- 1 ##reset graphics parameters and save in object oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(nRows, nCols)) } if(!plot.time && plot.seasons) { ##determine arrangement of plots in matrix if(plot.seasons && n.seasons >= 12) { n.seasons.adj <- 12 warning("\nOnly first 12 seasons are plotted\n") } if(plot.seasons && n.seasons.adj <= 12) { ##if n.seasons < 12 ##if 12, 11, 10 <- 4 x 3 ##if 9, 8, 7 <- 3 x 3 ##if 6, 5 <- 3 x 2 ##if 4 <- 2 x 2 ##if 3 <- 3 x 1 ##if 2 <- 2 x 1 if(n.seasons.adj >= 10) { nRows <- 4 nCols <- 3 } else { if(n.seasons.adj >= 7) { nRows <- 3 nCols <- 3 } else { if(n.seasons.adj >= 5) { nRows <- 3 nCols <- 2 } else { if(n.seasons.adj == 4) { nRows <- 2 nCols <- 2 } else { if(n.seasons.adj == 3) { nRows <- 3 nCols <- 1 } else { nRows <- 2 nCols <- 1 } } } } } ##reset graphics parameters and save in object oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(nRows, nCols)) } } ##if both plots for seasons and combined are requested if(plot.time && plot.seasons) { if(plot.seasons && n.seasons >= 12) { n.seasons.adj <- 11 warning("\nOnly first 11 seasons are plotted\n") } if(plot.seasons && n.seasons.adj <= 11) { if(n.seasons.adj >= 9) { nRows <- 4 nCols <- 3 } else { if(n.seasons.adj >= 6) { nRows <- 3 nCols <- 3 } else { if(n.seasons.adj >= 4) { nRows <- 3 nCols <- 2 } else { if(n.seasons.adj == 3) { nRows <- 2 nCols <- 2 } else { if(n.seasons.adj == 2) { nRows <- 3 nCols <- 1 } } } } } } ##reset graphics parameters and save in object oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(nRows, nCols)) } ##combine all seasons ##Censoring distance censoredDist.full <- surveyLength uniqueDist.full <- unique(as.vector(censoredDist.full)) ##determine data that were censored uncensoredIndex.full <- yMat < censoredDist.full uncensoredData.full <- yMat[uncensoredIndex.full] ncensored.full <- nsites - sum(uncensoredIndex.full) if(plot.time) { ##check that maximum times are the same for all sites if(n.seasons == 1) { if(length(uniqueDist.full) == 1) { main.title <- paste("Distribution of time to detection (survey length: ", uniqueDist.full, " min.)", sep = "") } else { main.title <- paste("Distribution of time to detection (survey length: ", min(uniqueDist.full), "-", max(uniqueDist.full), " min.)", sep = "") } } if(n.seasons > 1) { if(length(uniqueDist.full) == 1) { main.title <- paste("Distribution of time to detection (", n.seasons, " seasons, survey length: ", uniqueDist.full, " min.)", sep = "") } else { main.title <- paste("Distribution of time to detection (", n.seasons, " seasons, survey length: ", min(uniqueDist.full), "-", max(uniqueDist.full), " min.)", sep = "") } } hist(uncensoredData.full, xlim = c(0, uniqueDist.full), xlab = "Time to detection (min.)", main = main.title, cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.main = cex.main) } ##quantiles for entire data time.table.full <- quantile(uncensoredData.full, na.rm = TRUE) ##store data for each season ##columns for each season col.seasons <- seq(1, nvisits, by = n.visits.season) ##list to store raw data yMat.seasons <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons) names(yMat.seasons) <- seasonNames minusOne <- n.visits.season - 1 ##list to store quantiles excluding censored times time.table.seasons <- vector("list", n.seasons) names(time.table.seasons) <- seasonNames ##list of uncensored observations uncensoredData.seasons <- vector("list", n.seasons) names(uncensoredData.seasons) <- seasonNames ##vector of censored observations censored.seasons <- vector("numeric", n.seasons) names(censored.seasons) <- seasonNames ##list of unique values of maximum effort uniqueDist.seasons <- vector("list", n.seasons) names(uniqueDist.seasons) <- seasonNames ##list of maximum effort censoredDist.seasons <- vector("list", n.seasons) names(censoredDist.seasons) <- seasonNames ##iterate over each season for(i in 1:n.seasons) { ##extract yMat for each season yMat1 <- yMat[, col.seasons[i]:(col.seasons[i]+minusOne), drop = FALSE] yMat.seasons[[i]] <- yMat1 ##Censoring values censoredDist <- surveyLength[, col.seasons[i]:(col.seasons[i]+minusOne), drop = FALSE] censoredDist.seasons[[i]] <- censoredDist uniqueDist.seasons[[i]] <- unique(as.vector(censoredDist)) ##determine data that were censored uncensoredIndex <- yMat1 < censoredDist uncensoredData <- yMat1[uncensoredIndex] uncensoredData.seasons[[i]] <- uncensoredData ncensored <- nsites - sum(uncensoredIndex) ##summarize times per season time.quantiles <- quantile(uncensoredData, na.rm = TRUE) time.table.seasons[[i]] <- time.quantiles censored.seasons[i] <- ncensored } ##check if any seasons were not sampled y.seasonsNA <- sapply(yMat.seasons, FUN = function(i) all( if(plot.seasons) { for(i in 1:n.seasons) { if(length(uniqueDist.seasons[[i]]) == 1) { main.title <- paste("Distribution of time to detection (season ", i, ", survey length: ", uniqueDist.seasons[[i]], " min.)", sep = "") } else { main.title <- paste("Distribution of time to detection (season ", i, ", survey length: ", min(uniqueDist.seasons[[i]]), "-", max(uniqueDist.seasons[[i]]), " min.)", sep = "") } ##create histogram ##check for missing season if(y.seasonsNA[i]) {next} #skip to next season if current season not sampled hist(uncensoredData.seasons[[i]], xlim = c(0, uniqueDist.seasons[[i]]), xlab = "Time to detection (min.)", main = main.title, cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.main = cex.main) } } if(n.seasons == 1) { ##for each season, determine frequencies out.freqs <- matrix(data = NA, ncol = 2, nrow = n.seasons) colnames(out.freqs) <- c("sampled", "detected") rownames(out.freqs) <- "Season-1" ##sequence of visits for(i in 1:n.seasons) { ySeason <- yMat.seasons[[i]] censored <- censoredDist.seasons[[i]] uncensoredObs <- matrix(NA, ncol = n.visits.season, nrow = nsites) for(j in 1:ncol(ySeason)){ ##observations uncensoredObs[, j] <- ySeason[, j] < censored[, j] } ##determine proportion of sites with at least 1 detection det.sum <- rowSums(uncensoredObs, na.rm = TRUE) ##check sites with observed detections and deal with NA's sum.rows <- rowSums(uncensoredObs, na.rm = TRUE) <- rowSums( == ncol(ySeason) ##number of sites sampled out.freqs[i, 1] <- sum(! out.freqs[i, 2] <- sum(det.sum) } ##create a matrix with proportion of sites with colonizations ##and extinctions based on raw data out.props <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(out.freqs), ncol = 1) colnames(out.props) <- "naive.occ" rownames(out.props) <- rownames(out.freqs) out.props[, 1] <- out.freqs[, 2]/out.freqs[, 1] } if(n.seasons > 1) { out.seasons <- vector("list", n.seasons) names(out.seasons) <- seasonNames ##for each season, determine frequencies out.freqs <- matrix(data = NA, ncol = 6, nrow = n.seasons) colnames(out.freqs) <- c("sampled", "detected", "colonized", "extinct", "static", "common") rownames(out.freqs) <- paste("Season-", 1:n.seasons, sep = "") ##sequence of visits for(i in 1:n.seasons) { ySeason <- yMat.seasons[[i]] censored <- censoredDist.seasons[[i]] uncensoredObs <- matrix(NA, ncol = n.visits.season, nrow = nsites) for(j in 1:ncol(ySeason)){ ##observations uncensoredObs[, j] <- ySeason[, j] < censored[, j] } ##determine proportion of sites with at least 1 detection det.sum <- rowSums(uncensoredObs, na.rm = TRUE) ##check sites with observed detections and deal with NA's sum.rows <- rowSums(uncensoredObs, na.rm = TRUE) <- rowSums( == ncol(ySeason) ##number of sites sampled out.freqs[i, 1] <- sum(! out.freqs[i, 2] <- sum(det.sum) ##sites without detections none <- which(sum.rows == 0) ##sites with at least one detection some <- which(sum.rows != 0) out.seasons[[i]] <- list("none" = none, "some" = some) } ##populate out.freqs with freqs of extinctions and colonizations for(j in 2:n.seasons) { none1 <- out.seasons[[j-1]]$none some1 <- out.seasons[[j-1]]$some none2 <- out.seasons[[j]]$none some2 <- out.seasons[[j]]$some ##add check for seasons without sampling or previous season without sampling if(y.seasonsNA[j] || y.seasonsNA[j-1]) { if(y.seasonsNA[j]) { out.freqs[j, 2:6] <- NA } if(y.seasonsNA[j-1]) { out.freqs[j, 3:6] <- NA } } else { ##colonizations out.freqs[j, 3] <- sum(duplicated(c(some2, none1))) ##extinctions out.freqs[j, 4] <- sum(duplicated(c(some1, none2))) ##no change out.freqs[j, 5] <- sum(duplicated(c(some1, some2))) + sum(duplicated(c(none1, none2))) ##sites both sampled in t and t-1 year1 <- c(none1, some1) year2 <- c(none2, some2) out.freqs[j, 6] <- sum(duplicated(c(year1, year2))) } } ##create a matrix with proportion of sites with colonizations ##and extinctions based on raw data out.props <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(out.freqs), ncol = 4) colnames(out.props) <- c("naive.occ", "naive.colonization", "naive.extinction", "naive.static") rownames(out.props) <- rownames(out.freqs) for(k in 1:n.seasons) { ##proportion of sites with detections out.props[k, 1] <- out.freqs[k, 2]/out.freqs[k, 1] ##add check for seasons without sampling if(y.seasonsNA[k]) { out.props[k, 2:4] <- NA } else { ##proportion colonized out.props[k, 2] <- out.freqs[k, 3]/out.freqs[k, 6] ##proportion extinct out.props[k, 3] <- out.freqs[k, 4]/out.freqs[k, 6] ##proportion static out.props[k, 4] <- out.freqs[k, 5]/out.freqs[k, 6] } } } ##reset to original values if(any(plot.time || plot.seasons)) { on.exit(par(oldpar)) } out.det <- list("time.table.full" = time.table.full, "time.table.seasons" = time.table.seasons, "out.freqs" = out.freqs, "out.props" = out.props, "n.seasons" = n.seasons, "n.visits.season" = n.visits.season, "missing.seasons" = y.seasonsNA) class(out.det) <- "detTime" return(out.det) } ##for occuTTD detTime.unmarkedFitOccuTTD <- function(object, plot.time = TRUE, plot.seasons = FALSE, cex.axis = 1, cex.lab = 1, cex.main = 1, ...) { ##extract data yMat <- object@data@y nsites <- nrow(yMat) n.seasons <- object@data@numPrimary nvisits <- ncol(yMat) ##visits per season n.visits.season <- nvisits/n.seasons n.seasons.adj <- n.seasons #total number of plots fixed to 11 or 12, depending on plots requested seasonNames <- paste("season", 1:n.seasons, sep = "") surveyLength <- object@data@surveyLength if(plot.seasons && n.seasons == 1) { warning("\nCannot plot data across seasons with only 1 season of data: reset to plot.seasons = FALSE\n") plot.seasons <- FALSE } if(plot.time && !plot.seasons) { nRows <- 1 nCols <- 1 ##reset graphics parameters and save in object oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(nRows, nCols)) } if(!plot.time && plot.seasons) { ##determine arrangement of plots in matrix if(plot.seasons && n.seasons >= 12) { n.seasons.adj <- 12 warning("\nOnly first 12 seasons are plotted\n") } if(plot.seasons && n.seasons.adj <= 12) { ##if n.seasons < 12 ##if 12, 11, 10 <- 4 x 3 ##if 9, 8, 7 <- 3 x 3 ##if 6, 5 <- 3 x 2 ##if 4 <- 2 x 2 ##if 3 <- 3 x 1 ##if 2 <- 2 x 1 if(n.seasons.adj >= 10) { nRows <- 4 nCols <- 3 } else { if(n.seasons.adj >= 7) { nRows <- 3 nCols <- 3 } else { if(n.seasons.adj >= 5) { nRows <- 3 nCols <- 2 } else { if(n.seasons.adj == 4) { nRows <- 2 nCols <- 2 } else { if(n.seasons.adj == 3) { nRows <- 3 nCols <- 1 } else { nRows <- 2 nCols <- 1 } } } } } ##reset graphics parameters and save in object oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(nRows, nCols)) } } ##if both plots for seasons and combined are requested if(plot.time && plot.seasons) { if(plot.seasons && n.seasons >= 12) { n.seasons.adj <- 11 warning("\nOnly first 11 seasons are plotted\n") } if(plot.seasons && n.seasons.adj <= 11) { if(n.seasons.adj >= 9) { nRows <- 4 nCols <- 3 } else { if(n.seasons.adj >= 6) { nRows <- 3 nCols <- 3 } else { if(n.seasons.adj >= 4) { nRows <- 3 nCols <- 2 } else { if(n.seasons.adj == 3) { nRows <- 2 nCols <- 2 } else { if(n.seasons.adj == 2) { nRows <- 3 nCols <- 1 } } } } } } ##reset graphics parameters and save in object oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(nRows, nCols)) } ##combine all seasons ##Censoring distance censoredDist.full <- surveyLength uniqueDist.full <- unique(as.vector(censoredDist.full)) ##determine data that were censored uncensoredIndex.full <- yMat < censoredDist.full uncensoredData.full <- yMat[uncensoredIndex.full] ncensored.full <- nsites - sum(uncensoredIndex.full) if(plot.time) { ##check that maximum times are the same for all sites if(n.seasons == 1) { if(length(uniqueDist.full) == 1) { main.title <- paste("Distribution of time to detection (survey length: ", uniqueDist.full, " min.)", sep = "") } else { main.title <- paste("Distribution of time to detection (survey length: ", min(uniqueDist.full), "-", max(uniqueDist.full), " min.)", sep = "") } } if(n.seasons > 1) { if(length(uniqueDist.full) == 1) { main.title <- paste("Distribution of time to detection (", n.seasons, " seasons, survey length: ", uniqueDist.full, " min.)", sep = "") } else { main.title <- paste("Distribution of time to detection (", n.seasons, " seasons, survey length: ", min(uniqueDist.full), "-", max(uniqueDist.full), " min.)", sep = "") } } hist(uncensoredData.full, xlim = c(0, uniqueDist.full), xlab = "Time to detection (min.)", main = main.title, cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.main = cex.main) } ##quantiles for entire data time.table.full <- quantile(uncensoredData.full, na.rm = TRUE) ##store data for each season ##columns for each season col.seasons <- seq(1, nvisits, by = n.visits.season) ##list to store raw data yMat.seasons <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons) names(yMat.seasons) <- seasonNames minusOne <- n.visits.season - 1 ##list to store quantiles excluding censored times time.table.seasons <- vector("list", n.seasons) names(time.table.seasons) <- seasonNames ##list of uncensored observations uncensoredData.seasons <- vector("list", n.seasons) names(uncensoredData.seasons) <- seasonNames ##vector of censored observations censored.seasons <- vector("numeric", n.seasons) names(censored.seasons) <- seasonNames ##list of unique values of maximum effort uniqueDist.seasons <- vector("list", n.seasons) names(uniqueDist.seasons) <- seasonNames ##list of maximum effort censoredDist.seasons <- vector("list", n.seasons) names(censoredDist.seasons) <- seasonNames ##iterate over each season for(i in 1:n.seasons) { ##extract yMat for each season yMat1 <- yMat[, col.seasons[i]:(col.seasons[i]+minusOne), drop = FALSE] yMat.seasons[[i]] <- yMat1 ##Censoring values censoredDist <- surveyLength[, col.seasons[i]:(col.seasons[i]+minusOne), drop = FALSE] censoredDist.seasons[[i]] <- censoredDist uniqueDist.seasons[[i]] <- unique(as.vector(censoredDist)) ##determine data that were censored uncensoredIndex <- yMat1 < censoredDist uncensoredData <- yMat1[uncensoredIndex] uncensoredData.seasons[[i]] <- uncensoredData ncensored <- nsites - sum(uncensoredIndex) ##summarize times per season time.quantiles <- quantile(uncensoredData, na.rm = TRUE) time.table.seasons[[i]] <- time.quantiles censored.seasons[i] <- ncensored } ##check if any seasons were not sampled y.seasonsNA <- sapply(yMat.seasons, FUN = function(i) all( if(plot.seasons) { for(i in 1:n.seasons) { if(length(uniqueDist.seasons[[i]]) == 1) { main.title <- paste("Distribution of time to detection (season ", i, ", survey length: ", uniqueDist.seasons[[i]], " min.)", sep = "") } else { main.title <- paste("Distribution of time to detection (season ", i, ", survey length: ", min(uniqueDist.seasons[[i]]), "-", max(uniqueDist.seasons[[i]]), " min.)", sep = "") } ##create histogram ##check for missing season if(y.seasonsNA[i]) {next} #skip to next season if current season not sampled hist(uncensoredData.seasons[[i]], xlim = c(0, uniqueDist.seasons[[i]]), xlab = "Time to detection (min.)", main = main.title, cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.main = cex.main) } } if(n.seasons == 1) { ##for each season, determine frequencies out.freqs <- matrix(data = NA, ncol = 2, nrow = n.seasons) colnames(out.freqs) <- c("sampled", "detected") rownames(out.freqs) <- "Season-1" ##sequence of visits for(i in 1:n.seasons) { ySeason <- yMat.seasons[[i]] censored <- censoredDist.seasons[[i]] uncensoredObs <- matrix(NA, ncol = n.visits.season, nrow = nsites) for(j in 1:ncol(ySeason)){ ##observations uncensoredObs[, j] <- ySeason[, j] < censored[, j] } ##determine proportion of sites with at least 1 detection det.sum <- rowSums(uncensoredObs, na.rm = TRUE) ##check sites with observed detections and deal with NA's sum.rows <- rowSums(uncensoredObs, na.rm = TRUE) <- rowSums( == ncol(ySeason) ##number of sites sampled out.freqs[i, 1] <- sum(! out.freqs[i, 2] <- sum(det.sum) } ##create a matrix with proportion of sites with colonizations ##and extinctions based on raw data out.props <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(out.freqs), ncol = 1) colnames(out.props) <- "naive.occ" rownames(out.props) <- rownames(out.freqs) out.props[, 1] <- out.freqs[, 2]/out.freqs[, 1] } if(n.seasons > 1) { out.seasons <- vector("list", n.seasons) names(out.seasons) <- seasonNames ##for each season, determine frequencies out.freqs <- matrix(data = NA, ncol = 6, nrow = n.seasons) colnames(out.freqs) <- c("sampled", "detected", "colonized", "extinct", "static", "common") rownames(out.freqs) <- paste("Season-", 1:n.seasons, sep = "") ##sequence of visits for(i in 1:n.seasons) { ySeason <- yMat.seasons[[i]] censored <- censoredDist.seasons[[i]] uncensoredObs <- matrix(NA, ncol = n.visits.season, nrow = nsites) for(j in 1:ncol(ySeason)){ ##observations uncensoredObs[, j] <- ySeason[, j] < censored[, j] } ##determine proportion of sites with at least 1 detection det.sum <- rowSums(uncensoredObs, na.rm = TRUE) ##check sites with observed detections and deal with NA's sum.rows <- rowSums(uncensoredObs, na.rm = TRUE) <- rowSums( == ncol(ySeason) ##number of sites sampled out.freqs[i, 1] <- sum(! out.freqs[i, 2] <- sum(det.sum) ##sites without detections none <- which(sum.rows == 0) ##sites with at least one detection some <- which(sum.rows != 0) out.seasons[[i]] <- list("none" = none, "some" = some) } ##populate out.freqs with freqs of extinctions and colonizations for(j in 2:n.seasons) { none1 <- out.seasons[[j-1]]$none some1 <- out.seasons[[j-1]]$some none2 <- out.seasons[[j]]$none some2 <- out.seasons[[j]]$some ##add check for seasons without sampling or previous season without sampling if(y.seasonsNA[j] || y.seasonsNA[j-1]) { if(y.seasonsNA[j]) { out.freqs[j, 2:6] <- NA } if(y.seasonsNA[j-1]) { out.freqs[j, 3:6] <- NA } } else { ##colonizations out.freqs[j, 3] <- sum(duplicated(c(some2, none1))) ##extinctions out.freqs[j, 4] <- sum(duplicated(c(some1, none2))) ##no change out.freqs[j, 5] <- sum(duplicated(c(some1, some2))) + sum(duplicated(c(none1, none2))) ##sites both sampled in t and t-1 year1 <- c(none1, some1) year2 <- c(none2, some2) out.freqs[j, 6] <- sum(duplicated(c(year1, year2))) } } ##create a matrix with proportion of sites with colonizations ##and extinctions based on raw data out.props <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(out.freqs), ncol = 4) colnames(out.props) <- c("naive.occ", "naive.colonization", "naive.extinction", "naive.static") rownames(out.props) <- rownames(out.freqs) for(k in 1:n.seasons) { ##proportion of sites with detections out.props[k, 1] <- out.freqs[k, 2]/out.freqs[k, 1] ##add check for seasons without sampling if(y.seasonsNA[k]) { out.props[k, 2:4] <- NA } else { ##proportion colonized out.props[k, 2] <- out.freqs[k, 3]/out.freqs[k, 6] ##proportion extinct out.props[k, 3] <- out.freqs[k, 4]/out.freqs[k, 6] ##proportion static out.props[k, 4] <- out.freqs[k, 5]/out.freqs[k, 6] } } } ##reset to original values if(any(plot.time || plot.seasons)) { on.exit(par(oldpar)) } out.det <- list("time.table.full" = time.table.full, "time.table.seasons" = time.table.seasons, "out.freqs" = out.freqs, "out.props" = out.props, "n.seasons" = n.seasons, "n.visits.season" = n.visits.season, "missing.seasons" = y.seasonsNA) class(out.det) <- "detTime" return(out.det) } ##print method print.detTime <- function(x, digits = 2, ...) { if(identical(x$n.seasons, 1)) { cat("\nSummary of time to detection:\n") time.mat <- matrix(x$time.table.full, nrow = 1) colnames(time.mat) <- names(x$time.table.full) rownames(time.mat) <- "Times" print(round(time.mat, digits = digits)) cat("\nProportion of sites with at least one detection:\n", round(x$out.props[, "naive.occ"], digits), "\n\n") cat("Frequencies of sites with detections:\n") ##add matrix of frequencies print(x$out.freqs) } else { cat("\nSummary of time to detection (", x$n.seasons, " seasons combined): \n", sep ="") time.mat <- matrix(x$time.table.full, nrow = 1) colnames(time.mat) <- names(x$time.table.full) rownames(time.mat) <- "Time" print(round(time.mat, digits = digits)) ##if some seasons have not been sampled if(any(x$missing.seasons)) { if(sum(x$missing.seasons) == 1) { cat("\nNote: season", which(x$missing.seasons), "was not sampled\n") } else { cat("\nNote: seasons", paste(which(x$missing.seasons), sep = ", "), "were not sampled\n") } } cat("\nSeason-specific time to detection: \n") cat("\n") for(i in 1:x$n.seasons) { if(!x$missing.seasons[i]) { cat("Season", i, "\n") } else { cat("Season", i, "(no sites sampled)", "\n") } <- x$time.table.seasons[[i]] out.mat <- matrix(, nrow = 1) colnames(out.mat) <- names( rownames(out.mat) <- "Time" print(round(out.mat, digits = digits)) cat("--------\n\n") } cat("Frequencies of sites with detections, extinctions, and colonizations:\n") ##add matrix of frequencies print(x$out.freqs) } }
##generic dictab <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...) { ##format list according to model class cand.set <- formatCands(cand.set) UseMethod("dictab", cand.set) } ##default dictab.default <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...) { stop("\nFunction not yet defined for this object class\n") } ##bugs dictab.AICbugs <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...) { ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$pD <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, DIC, return.pD = TRUE)) #extract number of parameters Results$DIC <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, DIC, return.pD = FALSE)) #extract DIC # Results$Delta_DIC <- Results$DIC - min(Results$DIC) #compute delta DIC Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_DIC) #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights Results$DICWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute Akaike weights Results$Deviance <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) i$mean$deviance)) ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$DIC)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("dictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##rjags dictab.AICrjags <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...) { ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } modnames <- names(cand.set) } Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$pD <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, DIC, return.pD = TRUE)) #extract number of parameters Results$DIC <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, DIC, return.pD = FALSE)) #extract DIC # Results$Delta_DIC <- Results$DIC - min(Results$DIC) #compute delta DIC Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_DIC) #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights Results$DICWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute Akaike weights Results$Deviance <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) i$mean$deviance)) ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$DIC)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("dictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } ##jagsUI dictab.AICjagsUI <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...) { ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } modnames <- names(cand.set) } Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames) #assign model names to first column Results$pD <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, DIC, return.pD = TRUE)) #extract number of parameters Results$DIC <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, DIC, return.pD = FALSE)) #extract DIC # Results$Delta_DIC <- Results$DIC - min(Results$DIC) #compute delta DIC Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_DIC) #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights Results$DICWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik) #compute Akaike weights Results$Deviance <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) i$mean$deviance)) ##check if some models are redundant if(length(unique(Results$DIC)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") if(sort) { Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6]) #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL} class(Results) <- c("dictab", "data.frame") return(Results) } print.dictab <- function(x, digits = 2, deviance = TRUE, ...) { cat("\nModel selection based on", colnames(x)[3], ":\n") cat("\n") #check if Cum.Wt should be printed if(any(names(x) == "Cum.Wt")) { <- cbind(x[, 2], x[, 3], x[, 4], x[, 6], x[, "Cum.Wt"], x[, 7]) colnames( <- c(colnames(x)[c(2, 3, 4, 6)], "Cum.Wt", colnames(x)[7]) rownames( <- x[, 1] } else { <- cbind(x[, 2], x[, 3], x[, 4], x[, 6], x[, 7]) colnames( <- c(colnames(x)[c(2, 3, 4, 6, 7)]) rownames( <- x[, 1] } ##if deviance==FALSE if(identical(deviance, FALSE)) { names.cols <- colnames( <- which(attr(regexpr(pattern = "Deviance", text = names.cols), "match.length") > 1) <-[,] } print(round(, digits = digits)) #select rounding off with digits argument cat("\n") }
evidence <- function(aic.table, model.high = "top", model.low = "second.ranked") { ##if multComp object, extract relevant table if(identical(class(aic.table)[1], "multComp")) { if(! { aic.table <- aic.table$model.table } ##coerce to aictab class(aic.table) <- c("aictab", "data.frame") } if(identical(class(aic.table)[1], "boot.wt")) { ##coerce to aictab class(aic.table) <- c("aictab", "data.frame") } ##if bictab result if(identical(class(aic.table)[1], "bictab")) { ##coerce to aictab class(aic.table) <- c("aictab", "data.frame") } ##if dictab result if(identical(class(aic.table)[1], "dictab")) { ##coerce to aictab class(aic.table) <- c("aictab", "data.frame") } ##if ictab result if(identical(class(aic.table)[1], "ictab")) { ##coerce to aictab class(aic.table) <- c("aictab", "data.frame") } if(!identical(class(aic.table)[1], "aictab")) {stop("\nThe input object must be of class 'aictab'\n")} ##sort model table in case it is not <- aic.table[order(aic.table[, 4]), ] ##top model if(identical(model.high, "top")) { ##determine which is the highest ranking model <-[1, 1] top.wt <-[1, 6] } else { <- model.high top.wt <-[which($Modnames == paste(model.high)), 6] } ##model compared if(identical(model.low, "second.ranked")) { <-[2, 1] sec.wt <-[2, 6] } else { <- model.low sec.wt <-[which($Modnames == paste(model.low)), 6] } ##compute evidence ratio ev.ratio <- top.wt/sec.wt ev.ratio.list <- list("Model.high" = paste(, "Model.low" = paste(, "Ev.ratio" = ev.ratio) class(ev.ratio.list) <- c("evidence", "list") return(ev.ratio.list) } print.evidence <- function(x, digits = 2, ...) { cat("\nEvidence ratio between models '", x$Model.high,"' and '", x$Model.low, "':\n", sep = "") cat(round(x$Ev.ratio, digits = digits), "\n\n") }
##extract condition number #Values of the condition number near 0 or negative indicate a problem, possibly #indicating fitting a model with too many parameters for the given data set. extractCN <- function(mod, method = "svd", ...){ UseMethod("extractCN", mod) } extractCN.default <- function(mod, method = "svd", ...) { stop("\nFunction not yet defined for this object class\n") } ##unmarkedFit objects extractCN.unmarkedFit <- function(mod, method = "svd", ...) { ##extract Hessian matrix hess <- mod@opt$hessian ##SVD if(identical(method, "svd")) { s <- svd(hess, nu = 0, nv = 0)$d CN <- max(s)/min(s[s > 0]) } ##eigen if(identical(method, "eigen")) { eigenvals <- eigen(hess)$values CN <- max(eigenvals)/min(eigenvals) } ##compute log10 logKappa <- log10(CN) ##arrange results out <- list("CN" = CN, "log10" = logKappa, "method" = method) class(out) <- "extractCN" return(out) } ##print method print.extractCN <- function(x, digits = 2, ...) { nice.vector <- c("Condition number" = x$CN, "log10" = x$log10) print(round(nice.vector, digits = digits)) }
##extract log-likelihood of model ##generic extractLL <- function(mod, ...) { UseMethod("extractLL", mod) } ##generic extractLL.default <- function(mod, ...) { stop("\nFunction not yet defined for this object class\n") } ##methods ##coxme objects extractLL.coxme <- function(mod, type = "Integrated", ...) { ##fixed effects fixed.K <- length(fixef(mod)) ##random effects random.K <- length(ranef(mod)) df <- fixed.K + random.K LL <- mod$loglik[type] attr(LL, "df") <- df return(LL) } ##coxph objects extractLL.coxph <- function(mod, ...) { coefs <- coef(mod) if(is.null(coefs)) { ncoefs <- 0 LL <- mod$loglik[1] #when null model, only 1 log-likelihood value } else { ncoefs <- length(coefs) LL <- mod$loglik[2] #second value is the logLik at the solution } attr(LL, "df") <- ncoefs return(LL) } ##lmekin objects extractLL.lmekin <- function(mod, ...) { LL <- mod$loglik #K = fixed + random + residual variance fixed.K <- length(fixef(mod)) random.K <- length(ranef(mod)) df <- fixed.K + random.K + 1 attr(LL, "df") <- df return(LL) } ##maxlikeFit objects extractLL.maxlikeFit <- function(mod, ...) { LL <- logLik(mod) df <- length(coef(mod)) attr(LL, "df") <- df return(LL) } ##unmarkedFit objects extractLL.unmarkedFit <- function(mod, ...) { LL <- -1*mod@negLogLike df <- length(mod@opt$par) attr(LL, "df") <- df return(LL) } ##vglm objects extractLL.vglm <- function(mod, ...) { LL <- logLik(mod) df <- length(coef(mod)) if(identical(mod@family@vfamily, "gaussianff")) {df <- df + 1} attr(LL, "df") <- df return(LL) }
##create SE extractor function that includes estimate labels ##generic extractSE <- function(mod, ...) { UseMethod("extractSE", mod) } extractSE.default <- function(mod, ...) { stop("\nFunction not yet defined for this object class\n") } ##methods ##coxme objects extractSE.coxme <- function(mod, ...){ ##extract vcov matrix vcov.mat <- as.matrix(vcov(mod)) se <- sqrt(diag(vcov.mat)) fixed.labels <- names(fixef(mod)) names(se) <- fixed.labels return(se) } ##lmekin objects extractSE.lmekin <- function(mod, ...){ ##extract vcov matrix vcov.mat <- as.matrix(vcov(mod)) se <- sqrt(diag(vcov.mat)) fixed.labels <- names(fixef(mod)) names(se) <- fixed.labels return(se) } ##mer objects extractSE.mer <- function(mod, ...){ ##extract vcov matrix vcov.mat <- as.matrix(vcov(mod)) se <- sqrt(diag(vcov.mat)) fixed.labels <- names(fixef(mod)) names(se) <- fixed.labels return(se) } ##merMod objects extractSE.merMod <- function(mod, ...){ ##extract vcov matrix vcov.mat <- as.matrix(vcov(mod)) se <- sqrt(diag(vcov.mat)) fixed.labels <- names(fixef(mod)) names(se) <- fixed.labels return(se) } ##lmerModLmerTest objects extractSE.lmerModLmerTest <- function(mod, ...){ ##extract vcov matrix vcov.mat <- as.matrix(vcov(mod)) se <- sqrt(diag(vcov.mat)) fixed.labels <- names(fixef(mod)) names(se) <- fixed.labels return(se) }
##extracting data characteristics for subsequent prediction typically with modavgPred or modavgEffect ##generic extractX <- function(cand.set, ...){ cand.set <- formatCands(cand.set) UseMethod("extractX", cand.set) } ##default extractX.default <- function(cand.set, ...){ stop("\nFunction not yet defined for this object class\n") } ##aov extractX.AICaov.lm <- function(cand.set, ...) { ##extract predictors from list form.list <- as.character(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(x) formula(x)[[3]])) ##extract based on "+" form.noplus <- unlist(sapply(form.list, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\+"))) ##remove extra white space form.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", form.noplus) unique.clean <- unique(form.clean) ##exclude empty strings and intercept unique.predictors <- unique.clean[nchar(unique.clean) != 0 & unique.clean != "1"] ##extract response resp <- unique(as.character(sapply(cand.set, FUN = function(x) formula(x)[[2]]))) ##check if different response used if(length(resp) > 1) stop("\nThe response variable should be identical in all models\n") ##extract data from model objects dsets <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i$model) ##remove model names from list names(dsets) <- NULL ##combine data sets combo <- = "cbind", dsets) dframe <- combo[, unique(names(combo))] ##remove response from data frame dframe <- dframe[, names(dframe) != resp] ##assemble results result <- list("predictors" = unique.predictors, "data" = dframe) class(result) <- "extractX" return(result) } ##glm extractX.AICglm.lm <- function(cand.set, ...) { ##extract predictors from list form.list <- as.character(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(x) formula(x)[[3]])) ##extract based on "+" form.noplus <- unlist(sapply(form.list, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\+"))) ##remove extra white space form.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", form.noplus) unique.clean <- unique(form.clean) ##exclude empty strings and intercept unique.predictors <- unique.clean[nchar(unique.clean) != 0 & unique.clean != "1"] ## ##extract response resp <- unique(as.character(sapply(cand.set, FUN = function(x) formula(x)[[2]]))) ## ##check if different response used if(length(resp) > 1) stop("\nThe response variable should be identical in all models\n") ##extract data from model objects dsets <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i$model) ##remove model names from list names(dsets) <- NULL ##combine data sets combo <- = "cbind", dsets) dframe <- combo[, unique(names(combo))] ##remove response from data frame dframe <- dframe[, names(dframe) != resp] ##assemble results result <- list("predictors" = unique.predictors, "data" = dframe) class(result) <- "extractX" return(result) } ##glmmTMB extractX.AICglmmTMB <- function(cand.set, ...) { ##extract predictors from list form.list <- as.character(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(x) formula(x)[[3]])) ##extract based on "+" form.noplus <- unlist(sapply(form.list, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\+"))) ##remove extra white space form.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", form.noplus) unique.clean <- unique(form.clean) ##exclude empty strings and intercept unique.predictors <- unique.clean[nchar(unique.clean) != 0 & unique.clean != "1"] ##extract response resp <- unique(as.character(sapply(cand.set, FUN = function(x) formula(x)[[2]]))) ##check if different response used if(length(resp) > 1) stop("\nThe response variable should be identical in all models\n") ##check for | in variance terms <- which(regexpr("\\|", unique.predictors) != -1) ##remove variance terms from string of predictors if(length( > 0) {unique.predictors <- unique.predictors[]} ##extract data from model objects dsets <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) (i$frame)) ##remove model names from list names(dsets) <- NULL ##combine data sets combo <- = "cbind", dsets) dframe <- combo[, unique(names(combo))] ##remove response from data frame dframe <- dframe[, names(dframe) != resp] ##check for interactions specified with * <- any(regexpr("\\*", unique.predictors) != -1) ##check for interaction terms <- any(regexpr("\\:", unique.predictors) != -1) and if( && { ##separate terms in interaction terms.nostar <- unlist(sapply(unique.predictors, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\*"))) ##remove extra white space terms.nostar.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", terms.nostar) ##separate terms in interaction terms.nointer <- unlist(sapply(terms.nostar.clean, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\:"))) ##remove extra white space terms.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", terms.nointer) } if( && ! { ##separate terms in interaction terms.nostar <- unlist(sapply(unique.predictors, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\*"))) ##remove extra white space terms.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", terms.nostar) } if(! && { ##separate terms in interaction terms.nointer <- unlist(sapply(unique.predictors, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\:"))) ##remove extra white space terms.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", terms.nointer) } ##none if(! && ! { ##remove extra white space terms.clean <- unique.predictors } ##combine in single character vector final.predictors <- unique(terms.clean) ##check for I( ) custom variables in formula <- which(regexpr("I\\(", final.predictors) != -1) ##if I( ) used if(length( > 0) { dframe <- dframe[, final.predictors[], drop = FALSE] } else { dframe <- dframe[, final.predictors, drop = FALSE] } ##assemble results result <- list("predictors" = unique.predictors, "data" = dframe) class(result) <- "extractX" return(result) } ##gls extractX.AICgls <- function(cand.set, ...) { ##extract predictors from list form.list <- as.character(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(x) formula(x)[[3]])) ##extract based on "+" form.noplus <- unlist(sapply(form.list, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\+"))) ##remove extra white space form.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", form.noplus) unique.clean <- unique(form.clean) ##exclude empty strings and intercept unique.predictors <- unique.clean[nchar(unique.clean) != 0 & unique.clean != "1"] ##extract response resp <- unique(as.character(sapply(cand.set, FUN = function(x) formula(x)[[2]]))) ##check if different response used if(length(resp) > 1) stop("\nThe response variable should be identical in all models\n") ##extract data from model objects dsets <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) getData(i)) ##remove model names from list names(dsets) <- NULL ##combine data sets combo <- = "cbind", dsets) dframe <- combo[, unique(names(combo))] ##remove response from data frame dframe <- dframe[, names(dframe) != resp] ##check for interactions specified with * <- any(regexpr("\\*", unique.predictors) != -1) ##check for interaction terms <- any(regexpr("\\:", unique.predictors) != -1) and if( && { ##separate terms in interaction terms.nostar <- unlist(sapply(unique.predictors, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\*"))) ##remove extra white space terms.nostar.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", terms.nostar) ##separate terms in interaction terms.nointer <- unlist(sapply(terms.nostar.clean, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\:"))) ##remove extra white space terms.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", terms.nointer) } if( && ! { ##separate terms in interaction terms.nostar <- unlist(sapply(unique.predictors, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\*"))) ##remove extra white space terms.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", terms.nostar) } if(! && { ##separate terms in interaction terms.nointer <- unlist(sapply(unique.predictors, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\:"))) ##remove extra white space terms.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", terms.nointer) } ##none if(! && ! { ##remove extra white space terms.clean <- unique.predictors } ##combine in single character vector final.predictors <- unique(terms.clean) ##check for I( ) custom variables in formula <- which(regexpr("I\\(", final.predictors) != -1) ##if I( ) used if(length( > 0) { dframe <- dframe[, final.predictors[], drop = FALSE] } else { dframe <- dframe[, final.predictors, drop = FALSE] } ##assemble results result <- list("predictors" = unique.predictors, "data" = dframe) class(result) <- "extractX" return(result) } ##lm extractX.AIClm <- function(cand.set, ...) { ##extract predictors from list form.list <- as.character(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(x) formula(x)[[3]])) ##extract based on "+" form.noplus <- unlist(sapply(form.list, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\+"))) ##remove extra white space form.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", form.noplus) unique.clean <- unique(form.clean) ##exclude empty strings and intercept unique.predictors <- unique.clean[nchar(unique.clean) != 0 & unique.clean != "1"] ##extract response resp <- unique(as.character(sapply(cand.set, FUN = function(x) formula(x)[[2]]))) ##check if different response used if(length(resp) > 1) stop("\nThe response variable should be identical in all models\n") ##extract data from model objects dsets <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i$model) ##remove model names from list names(dsets) <- NULL ##combine data sets combo <- = "cbind", dsets) dframe <- combo[, unique(names(combo))] ##remove response from data frame dframe <- dframe[, names(dframe) != resp] ##assemble results result <- list("predictors" = unique.predictors, "data" = dframe) class(result) <- "extractX" return(result) } ##lme extractX.AIClme <- function(cand.set, ...) { ##extract predictors from list form.list <- as.character(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(x) formula(x)[[3]])) ##extract based on "+" form.noplus <- unlist(sapply(form.list, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\+"))) ##remove extra white space form.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", form.noplus) unique.clean <- unique(form.clean) ##exclude empty strings and intercept unique.predictors <- unique.clean[nchar(unique.clean) != 0 & unique.clean != "1"] ##extract response resp <- unique(as.character(sapply(cand.set, FUN = function(x) formula(x)[[2]]))) ##check if different response used if(length(resp) > 1) stop("\nThe response variable should be identical in all models\n") ##extract data from model objects dsets <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) getData(i)) ##remove model names from list names(dsets) <- NULL ##combine data sets combo <- = "cbind", dsets) dframe <- combo[, unique(names(combo))] ##remove response from data frame dframe <- dframe[, names(dframe) != resp] ##check for interactions specified with * <- any(regexpr("\\*", unique.predictors) != -1) ##check for interaction terms <- any(regexpr("\\:", unique.predictors) != -1) and if( && { ##separate terms in interaction terms.nostar <- unlist(sapply(unique.predictors, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\*"))) ##remove extra white space terms.nostar.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", terms.nostar) ##separate terms in interaction terms.nointer <- unlist(sapply(terms.nostar.clean, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\:"))) ##remove extra white space terms.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", terms.nointer) } if( && ! { ##separate terms in interaction terms.nostar <- unlist(sapply(unique.predictors, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\*"))) ##remove extra white space terms.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", terms.nostar) } if(! && { ##separate terms in interaction terms.nointer <- unlist(sapply(unique.predictors, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\:"))) ##remove extra white space terms.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", terms.nointer) } ##none if(! && ! { ##remove extra white space terms.clean <- unique.predictors } ##combine in single character vector final.predictors <- unique(terms.clean) ##check for I( ) custom variables in formula <- which(regexpr("I\\(", final.predictors) != -1) ##if I( ) used if(length( > 0) { dframe <- dframe[, final.predictors[], drop = FALSE] } else { dframe <- dframe[, final.predictors, drop = FALSE] } ##assemble results result <- list("predictors" = unique.predictors, "data" = dframe) class(result) <- "extractX" return(result) } ##glmerMod extractX.AICglmerMod <- function(cand.set, ...) { ##extract predictors from list form.list <- as.character(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(x) formula(x)[[3]])) ##extract based on "+" form.noplus <- unlist(sapply(form.list, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\+"))) ##remove extra white space form.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", form.noplus) unique.clean <- unique(form.clean) ##exclude empty strings and intercept unique.predictors <- unique.clean[nchar(unique.clean) != 0 & unique.clean != "1"] ##extract response resp <- unique(as.character(sapply(cand.set, FUN = function(x) formula(x)[[2]]))) ##check if different response used if(length(resp) > 1) stop("\nThe response variable should be identical in all models\n") ##check for | in variance terms <- which(regexpr("\\|", unique.predictors) != -1) ##remove variance terms from string of predictors if(length( > 0) {unique.predictors <- unique.predictors[]} ##extract data from model objects dsets <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) (i@frame)) ##remove model names from list names(dsets) <- NULL ##combine data sets combo <- = "cbind", dsets) dframe <- combo[, unique(names(combo))] ##remove response from data frame dframe <- dframe[, names(dframe) != resp] ##check for interactions specified with * <- any(regexpr("\\*", unique.predictors) != -1) ##check for interaction terms <- any(regexpr("\\:", unique.predictors) != -1) and if( && { ##separate terms in interaction terms.nostar <- unlist(sapply(unique.predictors, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\*"))) ##remove extra white space terms.nostar.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", terms.nostar) ##separate terms in interaction terms.nointer <- unlist(sapply(terms.nostar.clean, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\:"))) ##remove extra white space terms.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", terms.nointer) } if( && ! { ##separate terms in interaction terms.nostar <- unlist(sapply(unique.predictors, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\*"))) ##remove extra white space terms.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", terms.nostar) } if(! && { ##separate terms in interaction terms.nointer <- unlist(sapply(unique.predictors, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\:"))) ##remove extra white space terms.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", terms.nointer) } ##none if(! && ! { ##remove extra white space terms.clean <- unique.predictors } ##combine in single character vector final.predictors <- unique(terms.clean) ##check for I( ) custom variables in formula <- which(regexpr("I\\(", final.predictors) != -1) ##if I( ) used if(length( > 0) { dframe <- dframe[, final.predictors[], drop = FALSE] } else { dframe <- dframe[, final.predictors, drop = FALSE] } ##assemble results result <- list("predictors" = unique.predictors, "data" = dframe) class(result) <- "extractX" return(result) } ##lmerMod extractX.AIClmerMod <- function(cand.set, ...) { ##extract predictors from list form.list <- as.character(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(x) formula(x)[[3]])) ##extract based on "+" form.noplus <- unlist(sapply(form.list, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\+"))) ##remove extra white space form.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", form.noplus) unique.clean <- unique(form.clean) ##exclude empty strings and intercept unique.predictors <- unique.clean[nchar(unique.clean) != 0 & unique.clean != "1"] ##extract response resp <- unique(as.character(sapply(cand.set, FUN = function(x) formula(x)[[2]]))) ##check if different response used if(length(resp) > 1) stop("\nThe response variable should be identical in all models\n") ##check for | in variance terms <- which(regexpr("\\|", unique.predictors) != -1) ##remove variance terms from string of predictors if(length( > 0) {unique.predictors <- unique.predictors[]} ##extract data from model objects dsets <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@frame) ##remove model names from list names(dsets) <- NULL ##combine data sets combo <- = "cbind", dsets) dframe <- combo[, unique(names(combo))] ##remove response from data frame dframe <- dframe[, names(dframe) != resp] ##check for interactions specified with * <- any(regexpr("\\*", unique.predictors) != -1) ##check for interaction terms <- any(regexpr("\\:", unique.predictors) != -1) and if( && { ##separate terms in interaction terms.nostar <- unlist(sapply(unique.predictors, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\*"))) ##remove extra white space terms.nostar.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", terms.nostar) ##separate terms in interaction terms.nointer <- unlist(sapply(terms.nostar.clean, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\:"))) ##remove extra white space terms.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", terms.nointer) } if( && ! { ##separate terms in interaction terms.nostar <- unlist(sapply(unique.predictors, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\*"))) ##remove extra white space terms.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", terms.nostar) } if(! && { ##separate terms in interaction terms.nointer <- unlist(sapply(unique.predictors, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\:"))) ##remove extra white space terms.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", terms.nointer) } ##none if(! && ! { ##remove extra white space terms.clean <- unique.predictors } ##combine in single character vector final.predictors <- unique(terms.clean) ##check for I( ) custom variables in formula <- which(regexpr("I\\(", final.predictors) != -1) ##if I( ) used if(length( > 0) { dframe <- dframe[, final.predictors[], drop = FALSE] } else { dframe <- dframe[, final.predictors, drop = FALSE] } ##assemble results result <- list("predictors" = unique.predictors, "data" = dframe) class(result) <- "extractX" return(result) } ##lmerModLmerTest extractX.AIClmerModLmerTest <- function(cand.set, ...) { ##extract predictors from list form.list <- as.character(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(x) formula(x)[[3]])) ##extract based on "+" form.noplus <- unlist(sapply(form.list, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\+"))) ##remove extra white space form.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", form.noplus) unique.clean <- unique(form.clean) ##exclude empty strings and intercept unique.predictors <- unique.clean[nchar(unique.clean) != 0 & unique.clean != "1"] ##extract response resp <- unique(as.character(sapply(cand.set, FUN = function(x) formula(x)[[2]]))) ##check if different response used if(length(resp) > 1) stop("\nThe response variable should be identical in all models\n") ##check for | in variance terms <- which(regexpr("\\|", unique.predictors) != -1) ##remove variance terms from string of predictors if(length( > 0) {unique.predictors <- unique.predictors[]} ##extract data from model objects dsets <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@frame) ##remove model names from list names(dsets) <- NULL ##combine data sets combo <- = "cbind", dsets) dframe <- combo[, unique(names(combo))] ##remove response from data frame dframe <- dframe[, names(dframe) != resp] ##check for interactions specified with * <- any(regexpr("\\*", unique.predictors) != -1) ##check for interaction terms <- any(regexpr("\\:", unique.predictors) != -1) and if( && { ##separate terms in interaction terms.nostar <- unlist(sapply(unique.predictors, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\*"))) ##remove extra white space terms.nostar.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", terms.nostar) ##separate terms in interaction terms.nointer <- unlist(sapply(terms.nostar.clean, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\:"))) ##remove extra white space terms.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", terms.nointer) } if( && ! { ##separate terms in interaction terms.nostar <- unlist(sapply(unique.predictors, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\*"))) ##remove extra white space terms.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", terms.nostar) } if(! && { ##separate terms in interaction terms.nointer <- unlist(sapply(unique.predictors, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\:"))) ##remove extra white space terms.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", terms.nointer) } ##none if(! && ! { ##remove extra white space terms.clean <- unique.predictors } ##combine in single character vector final.predictors <- unique(terms.clean) ##check for I( ) custom variables in formula <- which(regexpr("I\\(", final.predictors) != -1) ##if I( ) used if(length( > 0) { dframe <- dframe[, final.predictors[], drop = FALSE] } else { dframe <- dframe[, final.predictors, drop = FALSE] } ##assemble results result <- list("predictors" = unique.predictors, "data" = dframe) class(result) <- "extractX" return(result) } ##rlm extractX.AICrlm.lm <- function(cand.set, ...) { ##extract predictors from list form.list <- as.character(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(x) formula(x)[[3]])) ##extract based on "+" form.noplus <- unlist(sapply(form.list, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\+"))) ##remove extra white space form.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", form.noplus) unique.clean <- unique(form.clean) ##exclude empty strings and intercept unique.predictors <- unique.clean[nchar(unique.clean) != 0 & unique.clean != "1"] ##extract response resp <- unique(as.character(sapply(cand.set, FUN = function(x) formula(x)[[2]]))) ##check if different response used if(length(resp) > 1) stop("\nThe response variable should be identical in all models\n") ##extract data from model objects dsets <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i$model) ##remove model names from list names(dsets) <- NULL ##combine data sets combo <- = "cbind", dsets) dframe <- combo[, unique(names(combo))] ##remove response from data frame dframe <- dframe[, names(dframe) != resp] ##assemble results result <- list("predictors" = unique.predictors, "data" = dframe) class(result) <- "extractX" return(result) } ##survreg extractX.AICsurvreg <- function(cand.set, ...) { ##extract predictors from list form.list <- as.character(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(x) formula(x)[[3]])) ##extract based on "+" form.noplus <- unlist(sapply(form.list, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\+"))) ##remove extra white space form.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", form.noplus) unique.clean <- unique(form.clean) ##exclude empty strings and intercept unique.predictors <- unique.clean[nchar(unique.clean) != 0 & unique.clean != "1"] ##extract data from model object - identical for each because uses eval(data) dsets <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(i$call$data)) ##remove model names from list names(dsets) <- NULL ##combine data sets combo <- = "cbind", dsets) dframe <- combo[, unique(names(combo))] ##extract response ##resp <- unique(as.character(sapply(cand.set, FUN = function(x) formula(x)[[2]]))) ##check if different response used ##if(length(resp) > 1) stop("\nThe response variable should be identical in all models\n") ##check for interactions specified with * <- any(regexpr("\\*", unique.predictors) != -1) ##check for interaction terms <- any(regexpr("\\:", unique.predictors) != -1) and if( && { ##separate terms in interaction terms.nostar <- unlist(sapply(unique.predictors, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\*"))) ##remove extra white space terms.nostar.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", terms.nostar) ##separate terms in interaction terms.nointer <- unlist(sapply(terms.nostar.clean, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\:"))) ##remove extra white space terms.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", terms.nointer) } if( && ! { ##separate terms in interaction terms.nostar <- unlist(sapply(unique.predictors, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\*"))) ##remove extra white space terms.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", terms.nostar) } if(! && { ##separate terms in interaction terms.nointer <- unlist(sapply(unique.predictors, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\:"))) ##remove extra white space terms.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", terms.nointer) } ##none if(! && ! { ##remove extra white space terms.clean <- unique.predictors } ##combine in single character vector final.predictors <- unique(terms.clean) ##check for I( ) custom variables in formula <- which(regexpr("I\\(", final.predictors) != -1) ##if I( ) used if(length( > 0) { dframe <- dframe[, final.predictors[], drop = FALSE] } else { dframe <- dframe[, final.predictors, drop = FALSE] } ##assemble results result <- list("predictors" = unique.predictors, "data" = dframe) class(result) <- "extractX" return(result) } ##unmarkedFitOccu extractX.AICunmarkedFitOccu <- function(cand.set, parm.type = NULL, ...) { ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?extractX for details\n")} ##extract predictors from list ##psi if(identical(parm.type, "psi")) { form.list <- as.character(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(x) x@formula[[3]])) } ##detect if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) { form.list <- as.character(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(x) x@formula[[2]])) ##remove ~ form.list <- gsub("~", replacement = "", x = form.list) } ##extract based on "+" form.noplus <- unlist(sapply(form.list, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\+"))) ##remove extra white space form.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", form.noplus) unique.clean <- unique(form.clean) ##exclude empty strings and intercept unique.predictors <- unique.clean[nchar(unique.clean) != 0 & unique.clean != "1"] ##extract data from model objects - identical for all models dsets <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) unmarked::getData(i)) ##check that same data are used unique.dsets <- unique(dsets) if(length(unique.dsets) != 1) stop("\nData sets differ across models:\n check data carefully\n") unFrame <- unique.dsets[[1]] ##extract siteCovs siteVars <- siteCovs(unFrame) ##extract obsCovs obsVars <- obsCovs(unFrame) ##check for interactions specified with * <- any(regexpr("\\*", unique.predictors) != -1) ##check for interaction terms <- any(regexpr("\\:", unique.predictors) != -1) and if( && { ##separate terms in interaction terms.nostar <- unlist(sapply(unique.predictors, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\*"))) ##remove extra white space terms.nostar.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", terms.nostar) ##separate terms in interaction terms.nointer <- unlist(sapply(terms.nostar.clean, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\:"))) ##remove extra white space terms.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", terms.nointer) } if( && ! { ##separate terms in interaction terms.nostar <- unlist(sapply(unique.predictors, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\*"))) ##remove extra white space terms.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", terms.nostar) } if(! && { ##separate terms in interaction terms.nointer <- unlist(sapply(unique.predictors, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\:"))) ##remove extra white space terms.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", terms.nointer) } ##none if(! && ! { ##remove extra white space terms.clean <- unique.predictors } ##combine in single character vector final.predictors <- unique(terms.clean) ##find where predictors occur if(!is.null(obsVars)) { obsID <- obsVars[, intersect(final.predictors, names(obsVars)), drop = FALSE] if(nrow(obsID) > 0) { <- capture.output(str(obsID))[-1] } else { <- NULL } } else { <- NULL} if(!is.null(siteVars)) { siteID <- siteVars[, intersect(final.predictors, names(siteVars)), drop = FALSE] if(nrow(siteID) > 0) { <- capture.output(str(siteID))[-1] } else { <- NULL } } else { <- NULL} ##store data sets data.out <- list( ) if(is.null(obsVars)) { data.out$obsCovs <- NULL } else {data.out$obsCovs <- obsID} if(is.null(siteVars)) { data.out$siteCovs <- NULL } else {data.out$siteCovs <- siteID} ##assemble results result <- list("predictors" = unique.predictors, "data" = data.out) class(result) <- "extractX" return(result) } ##unmarkedFitColExt extractX.AICunmarkedFitColExt <- function(cand.set, parm.type = NULL, ...) { ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?extractX for details\n")} ##extract predictors from list ##psi if(identical(parm.type, "psi")) { form.list <- as.character(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(x) x@psiformula)) ##remove ~ form.list <- gsub("~", replacement = "", x = form.list) } ##gamma if(identical(parm.type, "gamma")) { form.list <- as.character(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(x) x@gamformula)) ##remove ~ form.list <- gsub("~", replacement = "", x = form.list) } ##epsilon if(identical(parm.type, "epsilon")) { form.list <- as.character(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(x) x@epsformula)) ##remove ~ form.list <- gsub("~", replacement = "", x = form.list) } ##detect if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) { form.list <- as.character(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(x) x@detformula)) ##remove ~ form.list <- gsub("~", replacement = "", x = form.list) } ##extract based on "+" form.noplus <- unlist(sapply(form.list, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\+"))) ##remove extra white space form.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", form.noplus) unique.clean <- unique(form.clean) ##exclude empty strings and intercept unique.predictors <- unique.clean[nchar(unique.clean) != 0 & unique.clean != "1"] ##extract data from model objects - identical for all models dsets <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) unmarked::getData(i)) ##check that same data are used unique.dsets <- unique(dsets) if(length(unique.dsets) != 1) stop("\nData sets differ across models:\n check data carefully\n") unFrame <- unique.dsets[[1]] ##extract siteCovs siteVars <- siteCovs(unFrame) ##extract obsCovs obsVars <- obsCovs(unFrame) ##extract yearlySiteCovs yearlyVars <- yearlySiteCovs(unFrame) ##check for interactions specified with * <- any(regexpr("\\*", unique.predictors) != -1) ##check for interaction terms <- any(regexpr("\\:", unique.predictors) != -1) and if( && { ##separate terms in interaction terms.nostar <- unlist(sapply(unique.predictors, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\*"))) ##remove extra white space terms.nostar.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", terms.nostar) ##separate terms in interaction terms.nointer <- unlist(sapply(terms.nostar.clean, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\:"))) ##remove extra white space terms.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", terms.nointer) } if( && ! { ##separate terms in interaction terms.nostar <- unlist(sapply(unique.predictors, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\*"))) ##remove extra white space terms.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", terms.nostar) } if(! && { ##separate terms in interaction terms.nointer <- unlist(sapply(unique.predictors, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\:"))) ##remove extra white space terms.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", terms.nointer) } ##none if(! && ! { ##remove extra white space terms.clean <- unique.predictors } ##combine in single character vector final.predictors <- unique(terms.clean) ##find where predictors occur if(!is.null(obsVars)) { obsID <- obsVars[, intersect(final.predictors, names(obsVars)), drop = FALSE] if(nrow(obsID) > 0) { <- capture.output(str(obsID))[-1] } else { <- NULL } } else { <- NULL} if(!is.null(siteVars)) { siteID <- siteVars[, intersect(final.predictors, names(siteVars)), drop = FALSE] if(nrow(siteID) > 0) { <- capture.output(str(siteID))[-1] } else { <- NULL } } else { <- NULL} if(!is.null(yearlyVars)) { yearlyID <- yearlyVars[, intersect(final.predictors, names(yearlyVars)), drop = FALSE] if(nrow(yearlyID) > 0) { <- capture.output(str(yearlyID))[-1] } else { <- NULL } } else { <- NULL} ##store data sets data.out <- list( ) if(is.null(obsVars)) { data.out$obsCovs <- NULL } else {data.out$obsCovs <- obsID} if(is.null(siteVars)) { data.out$siteCovs <- NULL } else {data.out$siteCovs <- siteID} if(is.null(yearlyVars)) { data.out$yearlySiteCovs <- NULL } else {data.out$yearlySiteCovs <- yearlyID} ##assemble results result <- list("predictors" = unique.predictors, "data" = data.out) class(result) <- "extractX" return(result) } ##unmarkedFitOccurRN extractX.AICunmarkedFitOccuRN <- function(cand.set, parm.type = NULL, ...) { ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?extractX for details\n")} ##extract predictors from list ##psi if(identical(parm.type, "psi")) { form.list <- as.character(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(x) x@formula[[3]])) ##remove ~ form.list <- gsub("~", replacement = "", x = form.list) } ##detect if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) { form.list <- as.character(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(x) x@formula[[2]])) ##remove ~ form.list <- gsub("~", replacement = "", x = form.list) } ##extract based on "+" form.noplus <- unlist(sapply(form.list, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\+"))) ##remove extra white space form.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", form.noplus) unique.clean <- unique(form.clean) ##exclude empty strings and intercept unique.predictors <- unique.clean[nchar(unique.clean) != 0 & unique.clean != "1"] ##extract data from model objects - identical for all models dsets <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) unmarked::getData(i)) ##check that same data are used unique.dsets <- unique(dsets) if(length(unique.dsets) != 1) stop("\nData sets differ across models:\n check data carefully\n") unFrame <- unique.dsets[[1]] ##extract siteCovs siteVars <- siteCovs(unFrame) ##extract obsCovs obsVars <- obsCovs(unFrame) ##check for interactions specified with * <- any(regexpr("\\*", unique.predictors) != -1) ##check for interaction terms <- any(regexpr("\\:", unique.predictors) != -1) and if( && { ##separate terms in interaction terms.nostar <- unlist(sapply(unique.predictors, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\*"))) ##remove extra white space terms.nostar.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", terms.nostar) ##separate terms in interaction terms.nointer <- unlist(sapply(terms.nostar.clean, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\:"))) ##remove extra white space terms.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", terms.nointer) } if( && ! { ##separate terms in interaction terms.nostar <- unlist(sapply(unique.predictors, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\*"))) ##remove extra white space terms.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", terms.nostar) } if(! && { ##separate terms in interaction terms.nointer <- unlist(sapply(unique.predictors, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\:"))) ##remove extra white space terms.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", terms.nointer) } ##none if(! && ! { ##remove extra white space terms.clean <- unique.predictors } ##combine in single character vector final.predictors <- unique(terms.clean) ##find where predictors occur if(!is.null(obsVars)) { obsID <- obsVars[, intersect(final.predictors, names(obsVars)), drop = FALSE] if(nrow(obsID) > 0) { <- capture.output(str(obsID))[-1] } else { <- NULL } } else { <- NULL} if(!is.null(siteVars)) { siteID <- siteVars[, intersect(final.predictors, names(siteVars)), drop = FALSE] if(nrow(siteID) > 0) { <- capture.output(str(siteID))[-1] } else { <- NULL } } else { <- NULL} ##store data sets data.out <- list( ) if(is.null(obsVars)) { data.out$obsCovs <- NULL } else {data.out$obsCovs <- obsID} if(is.null(siteVars)) { data.out$siteCovs <- NULL } else {data.out$siteCovs <- siteID} ##assemble results result <- list("predictors" = unique.predictors, "data" = data.out) class(result) <- "extractX" return(result) } ##unmarkedFitPCO extractX.AICunmarkedFitPCO <- function(cand.set, parm.type = NULL, ...) { ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?extractX for details\n")} ##extract predictors from list ##lambda if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) { form.list <- as.character(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(x) x@formlist$lambdaformula)) ##remove ~ form.list <- gsub("~", replacement = "", x = form.list) } ##gamma if(identical(parm.type, "gamma")) { form.list <- as.character(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(x) x@formlist$gammaformula)) ##remove ~ form.list <- gsub("~", replacement = "", x = form.list) } ##omega if(identical(parm.type, "omega")) { form.list <- as.character(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(x) x@formlist$omegaformula)) ##remove ~ form.list <- gsub("~", replacement = "", x = form.list) } ##iota if(identical(parm.type, "iota")) { ##check that parameter appears in all models parfreq <- sum(sapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) any(names(i@estimates@estimates) == parm.type))) if(!identical(length(cand.set), parfreq)) { stop("\nParameter \'iota\' does not appear in all models\n") } form.list <- as.character(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(x) x@formlist$iotaformula)) ##remove ~ form.list <- gsub("~", replacement = "", x = form.list) } ##detect if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) { form.list <- as.character(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(x) x@formlist$pformula)) ##remove ~ form.list <- gsub("~", replacement = "", x = form.list) } ##extract based on "+" form.noplus <- unlist(sapply(form.list, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\+"))) ##remove extra white space form.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", form.noplus) unique.clean <- unique(form.clean) ##exclude empty strings and intercept unique.predictors <- unique.clean[nchar(unique.clean) != 0 & unique.clean != "1"] ##extract data from model objects - identical for all models dsets <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) unmarked::getData(i)) ##check that same data are used unique.dsets <- unique(dsets) if(length(unique.dsets) != 1) stop("\nData sets differ across models:\n check data carefully\n") unFrame <- unique.dsets[[1]] ##extract siteCovs siteVars <- siteCovs(unFrame) ##extract obsCovs obsVars <- obsCovs(unFrame) ##extract yearlySiteCovs yearlyVars <- yearlySiteCovs(unFrame) ##check for interactions specified with * <- any(regexpr("\\*", unique.predictors) != -1) ##check for interaction terms <- any(regexpr("\\:", unique.predictors) != -1) and if( && { ##separate terms in interaction terms.nostar <- unlist(sapply(unique.predictors, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\*"))) ##remove extra white space terms.nostar.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", terms.nostar) ##separate terms in interaction terms.nointer <- unlist(sapply(terms.nostar.clean, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\:"))) ##remove extra white space terms.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", terms.nointer) } if( && ! { ##separate terms in interaction terms.nostar <- unlist(sapply(unique.predictors, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\*"))) ##remove extra white space terms.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", terms.nostar) } if(! && { ##separate terms in interaction terms.nointer <- unlist(sapply(unique.predictors, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\:"))) ##remove extra white space terms.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", terms.nointer) } ##none if(! && ! { ##remove extra white space terms.clean <- unique.predictors } ##combine in single character vector final.predictors <- unique(terms.clean) ##find where predictors occur if(!is.null(obsVars)) { obsID <- obsVars[, intersect(final.predictors, names(obsVars)), drop = FALSE] if(nrow(obsID) > 0) { <- capture.output(str(obsID))[-1] } else { <- NULL } } else { <- NULL} if(!is.null(siteVars)) { siteID <- siteVars[, intersect(final.predictors, names(siteVars)), drop = FALSE] if(nrow(siteID) > 0) { <- capture.output(str(siteID))[-1] } else { <- NULL } } else { <- NULL} if(!is.null(yearlyVars)) { yearlyID <- yearlyVars[, intersect(final.predictors, names(yearlyVars)), drop = FALSE] if(nrow(yearlyID) > 0) { <- capture.output(str(yearlyID))[-1] } else { <- NULL } } else { <- NULL} ##store data sets data.out <- list( ) if(is.null(obsVars)) { data.out$obsCovs <- NULL } else {data.out$obsCovs <- obsID} if(is.null(siteVars)) { data.out$siteCovs <- NULL } else {data.out$siteCovs <- siteID} if(is.null(yearlyVars)) { data.out$yearlySiteCovs <- NULL } else {data.out$yearlySiteCovs <- yearlyID} ##assemble results result <- list("predictors" = unique.predictors, "data" = data.out) class(result) <- "extractX" return(result) } ##unmarkedFitPCount extractX.AICunmarkedFitPCount <- function(cand.set, parm.type = NULL, ...) { ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?extractX for details\n")} ##extract predictors from list ##lambda if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) { form.list <- as.character(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(x) x@formula[[3]])) ##remove ~ form.list <- gsub("~", replacement = "", x = form.list) } ##detect if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) { form.list <- as.character(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(x) x@formula[[2]])) ##remove ~ form.list <- gsub("~", replacement = "", x = form.list) } ##extract based on "+" form.noplus <- unlist(sapply(form.list, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\+"))) ##remove extra white space form.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", form.noplus) unique.clean <- unique(form.clean) ##exclude empty strings and intercept unique.predictors <- unique.clean[nchar(unique.clean) != 0 & unique.clean != "1"] ##extract data from model objects - identical for all models dsets <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) unmarked::getData(i)) ##check that same data are used unique.dsets <- unique(dsets) if(length(unique.dsets) != 1) stop("\nData sets differ across models:\n check data carefully\n") unFrame <- unique.dsets[[1]] ##extract siteCovs siteVars <- siteCovs(unFrame) ##extract obsCovs obsVars <- obsCovs(unFrame) ##check for interactions specified with * <- any(regexpr("\\*", unique.predictors) != -1) ##check for interaction terms <- any(regexpr("\\:", unique.predictors) != -1) and if( && { ##separate terms in interaction terms.nostar <- unlist(sapply(unique.predictors, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\*"))) ##remove extra white space terms.nostar.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", terms.nostar) ##separate terms in interaction terms.nointer <- unlist(sapply(terms.nostar.clean, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\:"))) ##remove extra white space terms.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", terms.nointer) } if( && ! { ##separate terms in interaction terms.nostar <- unlist(sapply(unique.predictors, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\*"))) ##remove extra white space terms.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", terms.nostar) } if(! && { ##separate terms in interaction terms.nointer <- unlist(sapply(unique.predictors, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\:"))) ##remove extra white space terms.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", terms.nointer) } ##none if(! && ! { ##remove extra white space terms.clean <- unique.predictors } ##combine in single character vector final.predictors <- unique(terms.clean) ##find where predictors occur if(!is.null(obsVars)) { obsID <- obsVars[, intersect(final.predictors, names(obsVars)), drop = FALSE] if(nrow(obsID) > 0) { <- capture.output(str(obsID))[-1] } else { <- NULL } } else { <- NULL} if(!is.null(siteVars)) { siteID <- siteVars[, intersect(final.predictors, names(siteVars)), drop = FALSE] if(nrow(siteID) > 0) { <- capture.output(str(siteID))[-1] } else { <- NULL } } else { <- NULL} ##store data sets data.out <- list( ) if(is.null(obsVars)) { data.out$obsCovs <- NULL } else {data.out$obsCovs <- obsID} if(is.null(siteVars)) { data.out$siteCovs <- NULL } else {data.out$siteCovs <- siteID} ##assemble results result <- list("predictors" = unique.predictors, "data" = data.out) class(result) <- "extractX" return(result) } ##unmarkedFitDS extractX.AICunmarkedFitDS <- function(cand.set, parm.type = NULL, ...) { ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?extractX for details\n")} ##extract predictors from list ##lambda if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) { form.list <- as.character(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(x) x@formula[[3]])) ##remove ~ form.list <- gsub("~", replacement = "", x = form.list) } ##detect if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) { form.list <- as.character(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(x) x@formula[[2]])) ##remove ~ form.list <- gsub("~", replacement = "", x = form.list) } ##extract based on "+" form.noplus <- unlist(sapply(form.list, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\+"))) ##remove extra white space form.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", form.noplus) unique.clean <- unique(form.clean) ##exclude empty strings and intercept unique.predictors <- unique.clean[nchar(unique.clean) != 0 & unique.clean != "1"] ##extract data from model objects - identical for all models dsets <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) unmarked::getData(i)) ##check that same data are used unique.dsets <- unique(dsets) if(length(unique.dsets) != 1) stop("\nData sets differ across models:\n check data carefully\n") unFrame <- unique.dsets[[1]] ##extract siteCovs siteVars <- siteCovs(unFrame) ##extract obsCovs obsVars <- obsCovs(unFrame) ##check for interactions specified with * <- any(regexpr("\\*", unique.predictors) != -1) ##check for interaction terms <- any(regexpr("\\:", unique.predictors) != -1) and if( && { ##separate terms in interaction terms.nostar <- unlist(sapply(unique.predictors, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\*"))) ##remove extra white space terms.nostar.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", terms.nostar) ##separate terms in interaction terms.nointer <- unlist(sapply(terms.nostar.clean, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\:"))) ##remove extra white space terms.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", terms.nointer) } if( && ! { ##separate terms in interaction terms.nostar <- unlist(sapply(unique.predictors, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\*"))) ##remove extra white space terms.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", terms.nostar) } if(! && { ##separate terms in interaction terms.nointer <- unlist(sapply(unique.predictors, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\:"))) ##remove extra white space terms.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", terms.nointer) } ##none if(! && ! { ##remove extra white space terms.clean <- unique.predictors } ##combine in single character vector final.predictors <- unique(terms.clean) ##find where predictors occur if(!is.null(obsVars)) { obsID <- obsVars[, intersect(final.predictors, names(obsVars)), drop = FALSE] if(nrow(obsID) > 0) { <- capture.output(str(obsID))[-1] } else { <- NULL } } else { <- NULL} if(!is.null(siteVars)) { siteID <- siteVars[, intersect(final.predictors, names(siteVars)), drop = FALSE] if(nrow(siteID) > 0) { <- capture.output(str(siteID))[-1] } else { <- NULL } } else { <- NULL} ##store data sets data.out <- list( ) if(is.null(obsVars)) { data.out$obsCovs <- NULL } else {data.out$obsCovs <- obsID} if(is.null(siteVars)) { data.out$siteCovs <- NULL } else {data.out$siteCovs <- siteID} ##assemble results result <- list("predictors" = unique.predictors, "data" = data.out) class(result) <- "extractX" return(result) } ##unmarkedFitGDS extractX.AICunmarkedFitGDS <- function(cand.set, parm.type = NULL, ...) { ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?extractX for details\n")} ##extract predictors from list ##lambda if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) { form.list <- as.character(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(x) x@formlist$lambdaformula)) ##remove ~ form.list <- gsub("~", replacement = "", x = form.list) } ##phi if(identical(parm.type, "phi")) { form.list <- as.character(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(x) x@formlist$phiformula)) ##remove ~ form.list <- gsub("~", replacement = "", x = form.list) } ##detect if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) { form.list <- as.character(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(x) x@formlist$pformula[[2]])) ##remove ~ form.list <- gsub("~", replacement = "", x = form.list) } ##extract based on "+" form.noplus <- unlist(sapply(form.list, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\+"))) ##remove extra white space form.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", form.noplus) unique.clean <- unique(form.clean) ##exclude empty strings and intercept unique.predictors <- unique.clean[nchar(unique.clean) != 0 & unique.clean != "1"] ##extract data from model objects - identical for all models dsets <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) unmarked::getData(i)) ##check that same data are used unique.dsets <- unique(dsets) if(length(unique.dsets) != 1) stop("\nData sets differ across models:\n check data carefully\n") unFrame <- unique.dsets[[1]] ##extract siteCovs siteVars <- siteCovs(unFrame) ##extract obsCovs obsVars <- obsCovs(unFrame) ##extract yearlySiteCovs yearlyVars <- yearlySiteCovs(unFrame) ##check for interactions specified with * <- any(regexpr("\\*", unique.predictors) != -1) ##check for interaction terms <- any(regexpr("\\:", unique.predictors) != -1) and if( && { ##separate terms in interaction terms.nostar <- unlist(sapply(unique.predictors, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\*"))) ##remove extra white space terms.nostar.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", terms.nostar) ##separate terms in interaction terms.nointer <- unlist(sapply(terms.nostar.clean, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\:"))) ##remove extra white space terms.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", terms.nointer) } if( && ! { ##separate terms in interaction terms.nostar <- unlist(sapply(unique.predictors, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\*"))) ##remove extra white space terms.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", terms.nostar) } if(! && { ##separate terms in interaction terms.nointer <- unlist(sapply(unique.predictors, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\:"))) ##remove extra white space terms.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", terms.nointer) } ##none if(! && ! { ##remove extra white space terms.clean <- unique.predictors } ##combine in single character vector final.predictors <- unique(terms.clean) ##find where predictors occur if(!is.null(obsVars)) { obsID <- obsVars[, intersect(final.predictors, names(obsVars)), drop = FALSE] if(nrow(obsID) > 0) { <- capture.output(str(obsID))[-1] } else { <- NULL } } else { <- NULL} if(!is.null(siteVars)) { siteID <- siteVars[, intersect(final.predictors, names(siteVars)), drop = FALSE] if(nrow(siteID) > 0) { <- capture.output(str(siteID))[-1] } else { <- NULL } } else { <- NULL} if(!is.null(yearlyVars)) { yearlyID <- yearlyVars[, intersect(final.predictors, names(yearlyVars)), drop = FALSE] if(nrow(yearlyID) > 0) { <- capture.output(str(yearlyID))[-1] } else { <- NULL } } else { <- NULL} ##store data sets data.out <- list( ) if(is.null(obsVars)) { data.out$obsCovs <- NULL } else {data.out$obsCovs <- obsID} if(is.null(siteVars)) { data.out$siteCovs <- NULL } else {data.out$siteCovs <- siteID} if(is.null(yearlyVars)) { data.out$yearlySiteCovs <- NULL } else {data.out$yearlySiteCovs <- yearlyID} ##assemble results result <- list("predictors" = unique.predictors, "data" = data.out) class(result) <- "extractX" return(result) } ##unmarkedFitOccuFP extractX.AICunmarkedFitOccuFP <- function(cand.set, parm.type = NULL, ...) { ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?extractX for details\n")} ##extract predictors from list ##psi if(identical(parm.type, "psi")) { form.list <- as.character(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(x) x@stateformula)) ##remove ~ form.list <- gsub("~", replacement = "", x = form.list) } ##fp if(identical(parm.type, "falsepos") || identical(parm.type, "fp")) { form.list <- as.character(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(x) x@FPformula)) ##remove ~ form.list <- gsub("~", replacement = "", x = form.list) } ##certain if(identical(parm.type, "certain")) { ##check that parameter appears in all models parfreq <- sum(sapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) any(names(i@estimates@estimates) == parm.type))) if(!identical(length(cand.set), parfreq)) { stop("\nParameter \'b\' does not appear in all models\n") } form.list <- as.character(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(x) x@Bformula)) ##remove ~ form.list <- gsub("~", replacement = "", x = form.list) } ##detect if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) { form.list <- as.character(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(x) x@detformula)) ##remove ~ form.list <- gsub("~", replacement = "", x = form.list) } ##extract based on "+" form.noplus <- unlist(sapply(form.list, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\+"))) ##remove extra white space form.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", form.noplus) unique.clean <- unique(form.clean) ##exclude empty strings and intercept unique.predictors <- unique.clean[nchar(unique.clean) != 0 & unique.clean != "1"] ##extract data from model objects - identical for all models dsets <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) unmarked::getData(i)) ##check that same data are used unique.dsets <- unique(dsets) if(length(unique.dsets) != 1) stop("\nData sets differ across models:\n check data carefully\n") unFrame <- unique.dsets[[1]] ##extract siteCovs siteVars <- siteCovs(unFrame) ##extract obsCovs obsVars <- obsCovs(unFrame) ##check for interactions specified with * <- any(regexpr("\\*", unique.predictors) != -1) ##check for interaction terms <- any(regexpr("\\:", unique.predictors) != -1) and if( && { ##separate terms in interaction terms.nostar <- unlist(sapply(unique.predictors, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\*"))) ##remove extra white space terms.nostar.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", terms.nostar) ##separate terms in interaction terms.nointer <- unlist(sapply(terms.nostar.clean, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\:"))) ##remove extra white space terms.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", terms.nointer) } if( && ! { ##separate terms in interaction terms.nostar <- unlist(sapply(unique.predictors, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\*"))) ##remove extra white space terms.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", terms.nostar) } if(! && { ##separate terms in interaction terms.nointer <- unlist(sapply(unique.predictors, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\:"))) ##remove extra white space terms.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", terms.nointer) } ##none if(! && ! { ##remove extra white space terms.clean <- unique.predictors } ##combine in single character vector final.predictors <- unique(terms.clean) ##find where predictors occur if(!is.null(obsVars)) { obsID <- obsVars[, intersect(final.predictors, names(obsVars)), drop = FALSE] if(nrow(obsID) > 0) { <- capture.output(str(obsID))[-1] } else { <- NULL } } else { <- NULL} if(!is.null(siteVars)) { siteID <- siteVars[, intersect(final.predictors, names(siteVars)), drop = FALSE] if(nrow(siteID) > 0) { <- capture.output(str(siteID))[-1] } else { <- NULL } } else { <- NULL} ##store data sets data.out <- list( ) if(is.null(obsVars)) { data.out$obsCovs <- NULL } else {data.out$obsCovs <- obsID} if(is.null(siteVars)) { data.out$siteCovs <- NULL } else {data.out$siteCovs <- siteID} ##assemble results result <- list("predictors" = unique.predictors, "data" = data.out) class(result) <- "extractX" return(result) } ##unmarkedFitGMM extractX.AICunmarkedFitMPois <- function(cand.set, parm.type = NULL, ...) { ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?extractX for details\n")} ##extract predictors from list ##lambda if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) { form.list <- as.character(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(x) x@formula[[3]])) ##remove ~ form.list <- gsub("~", replacement = "", x = form.list) } ##detect if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) { form.list <- as.character(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(x) x@formula[[2]])) ##remove ~ form.list <- gsub("~", replacement = "", x = form.list) } ##extract based on "+" form.noplus <- unlist(sapply(form.list, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\+"))) ##remove extra white space form.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", form.noplus) unique.clean <- unique(form.clean) ##exclude empty strings and intercept unique.predictors <- unique.clean[nchar(unique.clean) != 0 & unique.clean != "1"] ##extract data from model objects - identical for all models dsets <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) unmarked::getData(i)) ##check that same data are used unique.dsets <- unique(dsets) if(length(unique.dsets) != 1) stop("\nData sets differ across models:\n check data carefully\n") unFrame <- unique.dsets[[1]] ##extract siteCovs siteVars <- siteCovs(unFrame) ##extract obsCovs obsVars <- obsCovs(unFrame) ##check for interactions specified with * <- any(regexpr("\\*", unique.predictors) != -1) ##check for interaction terms <- any(regexpr("\\:", unique.predictors) != -1) and if( && { ##separate terms in interaction terms.nostar <- unlist(sapply(unique.predictors, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\*"))) ##remove extra white space terms.nostar.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", terms.nostar) ##separate terms in interaction terms.nointer <- unlist(sapply(terms.nostar.clean, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\:"))) ##remove extra white space terms.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", terms.nointer) } if( && ! { ##separate terms in interaction terms.nostar <- unlist(sapply(unique.predictors, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\*"))) ##remove extra white space terms.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", terms.nostar) } if(! && { ##separate terms in interaction terms.nointer <- unlist(sapply(unique.predictors, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\:"))) ##remove extra white space terms.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", terms.nointer) } ##none if(! && ! { ##remove extra white space terms.clean <- unique.predictors } ##combine in single character vector final.predictors <- unique(terms.clean) ##find where predictors occur if(!is.null(obsVars)) { obsID <- obsVars[, intersect(final.predictors, names(obsVars)), drop = FALSE] if(nrow(obsID) > 0) { <- capture.output(str(obsID))[-1] } else { <- NULL } } else { <- NULL} if(!is.null(siteVars)) { siteID <- siteVars[, intersect(final.predictors, names(siteVars)), drop = FALSE] if(nrow(siteID) > 0) { <- capture.output(str(siteID))[-1] } else { <- NULL } } else { <- NULL} ##store data sets data.out <- list( ) if(is.null(obsVars)) { data.out$obsCovs <- NULL } else {data.out$obsCovs <- obsID} if(is.null(siteVars)) { data.out$siteCovs <- NULL } else {data.out$siteCovs <- siteID} ##assemble results result <- list("predictors" = unique.predictors, "data" = data.out) class(result) <- "extractX" return(result) } ##unmarkedFitGMM extractX.AICunmarkedFitGMM <- function(cand.set, parm.type = NULL, ...) { ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?extractX for details\n")} ##extract predictors from list ##lambda if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) { form.list <- as.character(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(x) x@formlist$lambdaformula)) ##remove ~ form.list <- gsub("~", replacement = "", x = form.list) } ##phi if(identical(parm.type, "phi")) { form.list <- as.character(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(x) x@formlist$phiformula)) ##remove ~ form.list <- gsub("~", replacement = "", x = form.list) } ##detect if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) { form.list <- as.character(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(x) x@formlist$pformula)) ##remove ~ form.list <- gsub("~", replacement = "", x = form.list) } ##extract based on "+" form.noplus <- unlist(sapply(form.list, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\+"))) ##remove extra white space form.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", form.noplus) unique.clean <- unique(form.clean) ##exclude empty strings and intercept unique.predictors <- unique.clean[nchar(unique.clean) != 0 & unique.clean != "1"] ##extract data from model objects - identical for all models dsets <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) unmarked::getData(i)) ##check that same data are used unique.dsets <- unique(dsets) if(length(unique.dsets) != 1) stop("\nData sets differ across models:\n check data carefully\n") unFrame <- unique.dsets[[1]] ##extract siteCovs siteVars <- siteCovs(unFrame) ##extract obsCovs obsVars <- obsCovs(unFrame) ##extract yearlySiteCovs yearlyVars <- yearlySiteCovs(unFrame) ##check for interactions specified with * <- any(regexpr("\\*", unique.predictors) != -1) ##check for interaction terms <- any(regexpr("\\:", unique.predictors) != -1) and if( && { ##separate terms in interaction terms.nostar <- unlist(sapply(unique.predictors, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\*"))) ##remove extra white space terms.nostar.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", terms.nostar) ##separate terms in interaction terms.nointer <- unlist(sapply(terms.nostar.clean, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\:"))) ##remove extra white space terms.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", terms.nointer) } if( && ! { ##separate terms in interaction terms.nostar <- unlist(sapply(unique.predictors, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\*"))) ##remove extra white space terms.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", terms.nostar) } if(! && { ##separate terms in interaction terms.nointer <- unlist(sapply(unique.predictors, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\:"))) ##remove extra white space terms.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", terms.nointer) } ##none if(! && ! { ##remove extra white space terms.clean <- unique.predictors } ##combine in single character vector final.predictors <- unique(terms.clean) ##find where predictors occur if(!is.null(obsVars)) { obsID <- obsVars[, intersect(final.predictors, names(obsVars)), drop = FALSE] if(nrow(obsID) > 0) { <- capture.output(str(obsID))[-1] } else { <- NULL } } else { <- NULL} if(!is.null(siteVars)) { siteID <- siteVars[, intersect(final.predictors, names(siteVars)), drop = FALSE] if(nrow(siteID) > 0) { <- capture.output(str(siteID))[-1] } else { <- NULL } } else { <- NULL} if(!is.null(yearlyVars)) { yearlyID <- yearlyVars[, intersect(final.predictors, names(yearlyVars)), drop = FALSE] if(nrow(yearlyID) > 0) { <- capture.output(str(yearlyID))[-1] } else { <- NULL } } else { <- NULL} ##store data sets data.out <- list( ) if(is.null(obsVars)) { data.out$obsCovs <- NULL } else {data.out$obsCovs <- obsID} if(is.null(siteVars)) { data.out$siteCovs <- NULL } else {data.out$siteCovs <- siteID} if(is.null(yearlyVars)) { data.out$yearlySiteCovs <- NULL } else {data.out$yearlySiteCovs <- yearlyID} ##assemble results result <- list("predictors" = unique.predictors, "data" = data.out) class(result) <- "extractX" return(result) } ##unmarkedFitGPC extractX.AICunmarkedFitGPC <- function(cand.set, parm.type = NULL, ...) { ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?extractX for details\n")} ##extract predictors from list ##lambda if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) { form.list <- as.character(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(x) x@formlist$lambdaformula)) ##remove ~ form.list <- gsub("~", replacement = "", x = form.list) } ##phi if(identical(parm.type, "phi")) { form.list <- as.character(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(x) x@formlist$phiformula)) ##remove ~ form.list <- gsub("~", replacement = "", x = form.list) } ##detect if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) { form.list <- as.character(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(x) x@formlist$pformula)) ##remove ~ form.list <- gsub("~", replacement = "", x = form.list) } ##extract based on "+" form.noplus <- unlist(sapply(form.list, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\+"))) ##remove extra white space form.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", form.noplus) unique.clean <- unique(form.clean) ##exclude empty strings and intercept unique.predictors <- unique.clean[nchar(unique.clean) != 0 & unique.clean != "1"] ##extract data from model objects - identical for all models dsets <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) unmarked::getData(i)) ##check that same data are used unique.dsets <- unique(dsets) if(length(unique.dsets) != 1) stop("\nData sets differ across models:\n check data carefully\n") unFrame <- unique.dsets[[1]] ##extract siteCovs siteVars <- siteCovs(unFrame) ##extract obsCovs obsVars <- obsCovs(unFrame) ##extract yearlySiteCovs yearlyVars <- yearlySiteCovs(unFrame) ##check for interactions specified with * <- any(regexpr("\\*", unique.predictors) != -1) ##check for interaction terms <- any(regexpr("\\:", unique.predictors) != -1) and if( && { ##separate terms in interaction terms.nostar <- unlist(sapply(unique.predictors, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\*"))) ##remove extra white space terms.nostar.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", terms.nostar) ##separate terms in interaction terms.nointer <- unlist(sapply(terms.nostar.clean, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\:"))) ##remove extra white space terms.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", terms.nointer) } if( && ! { ##separate terms in interaction terms.nostar <- unlist(sapply(unique.predictors, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\*"))) ##remove extra white space terms.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", terms.nostar) } if(! && { ##separate terms in interaction terms.nointer <- unlist(sapply(unique.predictors, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\:"))) ##remove extra white space terms.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", terms.nointer) } ##none if(! && ! { ##remove extra white space terms.clean <- unique.predictors } ##combine in single character vector final.predictors <- unique(terms.clean) ##find where predictors occur if(!is.null(obsVars)) { obsID <- obsVars[, intersect(final.predictors, names(obsVars)), drop = FALSE] if(nrow(obsID) > 0) { <- capture.output(str(obsID))[-1] } else { <- NULL } } else { <- NULL} if(!is.null(siteVars)) { siteID <- siteVars[, intersect(final.predictors, names(siteVars)), drop = FALSE] if(nrow(siteID) > 0) { <- capture.output(str(siteID))[-1] } else { <- NULL } } else { <- NULL} if(!is.null(yearlyVars)) { yearlyID <- yearlyVars[, intersect(final.predictors, names(yearlyVars)), drop = FALSE] if(nrow(yearlyID) > 0) { <- capture.output(str(yearlyID))[-1] } else { <- NULL } } else { <- NULL} ##store data sets data.out <- list( ) if(is.null(obsVars)) { data.out$obsCovs <- NULL } else {data.out$obsCovs <- obsID} if(is.null(siteVars)) { data.out$siteCovs <- NULL } else {data.out$siteCovs <- siteID} if(is.null(yearlyVars)) { data.out$yearlySiteCovs <- NULL } else {data.out$yearlySiteCovs <- yearlyID} ##assemble results result <- list("predictors" = unique.predictors, "data" = data.out) class(result) <- "extractX" return(result) } ##unmarkedFitOccu extractX.AICunmarkedFitOccuMulti <- function(cand.set, parm.type = NULL, ...) { ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?extractX for details\n")} ##extract predictors from list ##psi if(identical(parm.type, "psi")) { form.list <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(x) names(x@estimates@estimates$state@estimates)) } ##detect if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) { form.list <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(x) names(x@estimates@estimates$det@estimates)) } ##exclude empty strings and intercept formStrings <- unlist(form.list) notInclude <- grep(pattern = "(Intercept)", x = formStrings) formNoInt <- formStrings[-notInclude] ##extract only variable names formJustVars <- unlist(strsplit(formNoInt, split = "\\]")) formMat <- matrix(data = formJustVars, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) ##remove extra white space form.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", formMat[, 2]) unique.predictors <- unique(form.clean) ##extract data from model objects - identical for all models dsets <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) unmarked::getData(i)) ##check that same data are used unique.dsets <- unique(dsets) if(length(unique.dsets) != 1) stop("\nData sets differ across models:\n check data carefully\n") unFrame <- unique.dsets[[1]] ##extract siteCovs siteVars <- siteCovs(unFrame) ##extract obsCovs obsVars <- obsCovs(unFrame) ##check for interactions specified with * <- any(regexpr("\\*", unique.predictors) != -1) ##check for interaction terms <- any(regexpr("\\:", unique.predictors) != -1) and if( && { ##separate terms in interaction terms.nostar <- unlist(sapply(unique.predictors, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\*"))) ##remove extra white space terms.nostar.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", terms.nostar) ##separate terms in interaction terms.nointer <- unlist(sapply(terms.nostar.clean, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\:"))) ##remove extra white space terms.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", terms.nointer) } if( && ! { ##separate terms in interaction terms.nostar <- unlist(sapply(unique.predictors, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\*"))) ##remove extra white space terms.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", terms.nostar) } if(! && { ##separate terms in interaction terms.nointer <- unlist(sapply(unique.predictors, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\:"))) ##remove extra white space terms.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", terms.nointer) } ##none if(! && ! { ##remove extra white space terms.clean <- unique.predictors } ##combine in single character vector final.predictors <- unique(terms.clean) ##find where predictors occur if(!is.null(obsVars)) { obsID <- obsVars[, intersect(final.predictors, names(obsVars)), drop = FALSE] if(nrow(obsID) > 0) { <- capture.output(str(obsID))[-1] } else { <- NULL } } else { <- NULL} if(!is.null(siteVars)) { siteID <- siteVars[, intersect(final.predictors, names(siteVars)), drop = FALSE] if(nrow(siteID) > 0) { <- capture.output(str(siteID))[-1] } else { <- NULL } } else { <- NULL} ##store data sets data.out <- list( ) if(is.null(obsVars)) { data.out$obsCovs <- NULL } else {data.out$obsCovs <- obsID} if(is.null(siteVars)) { data.out$siteCovs <- NULL } else {data.out$siteCovs <- siteID} ##assemble results result <- list("predictors" = unique.predictors, "data" = data.out) class(result) <- "extractX" return(result) } ##unmarkedFitOccuMS extractX.AICunmarkedFitOccuMS <- function(cand.set, parm.type = NULL, ...) { ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?extractX for details\n")} ##extract predictors from list ##psi if(identical(parm.type, "psi")) { form.list <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(x) x@psiformulas) } ##detect if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) { form.list <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(x) x@detformulas) } ##transition if(identical(parm.type, "phi")) { ##check that parameter appears in all models nseasons <- unique(sapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@data@numPrimary)) if(nseasons == 1) { stop("\nParameter \'phi\' does not appear in single-season models\n") } form.list <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(x) x@phiformulas) } ##exclude empty strings and intercept formStrings <- gsub(pattern = "~", replacement = "", x = unlist(form.list)) formNoInt <- formStrings[formStrings != "1"] ##remove extra white space form.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", formNoInt) unique.predictors <- unique(form.clean) ##extract data from model objects - identical for all models dsets <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) unmarked::getData(i)) ##check that same data are used unique.dsets <- unique(dsets) if(length(unique.dsets) != 1) stop("\nData sets differ across models:\n check data carefully\n") unFrame <- unique.dsets[[1]] ##extract siteCovs siteVars <- siteCovs(unFrame) ##extract obsCovs obsVars <- obsCovs(unFrame) ##check for interactions specified with * <- any(regexpr("\\*", unique.predictors) != -1) ##check for interaction terms <- any(regexpr("\\:", unique.predictors) != -1) and if( && { ##separate terms in interaction terms.nostar <- unlist(sapply(unique.predictors, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\*"))) ##remove extra white space terms.nostar.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", terms.nostar) ##separate terms in interaction terms.nointer <- unlist(sapply(terms.nostar.clean, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\:"))) ##remove extra white space terms.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", terms.nointer) } if( && ! { ##separate terms in interaction terms.nostar <- unlist(sapply(unique.predictors, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\*"))) ##remove extra white space terms.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", terms.nostar) } if(! && { ##separate terms in interaction terms.nointer <- unlist(sapply(unique.predictors, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\:"))) ##remove extra white space terms.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", terms.nointer) } ##none if(! && ! { ##remove extra white space terms.clean <- unique.predictors } ##combine in single character vector final.predictors <- unique(terms.clean) ##find where predictors occur if(!is.null(obsVars)) { obsID <- obsVars[, intersect(final.predictors, names(obsVars)), drop = FALSE] if(nrow(obsID) > 0) { <- capture.output(str(obsID))[-1] } else { <- NULL } } else { <- NULL} if(!is.null(siteVars)) { siteID <- siteVars[, intersect(final.predictors, names(siteVars)), drop = FALSE] if(nrow(siteID) > 0) { <- capture.output(str(siteID))[-1] } else { <- NULL } } else { <- NULL} ##store data sets data.out <- list( ) if(is.null(obsVars)) { data.out$obsCovs <- NULL } else {data.out$obsCovs <- obsID} if(is.null(siteVars)) { data.out$siteCovs <- NULL } else {data.out$siteCovs <- siteID} ##assemble results result <- list("predictors" = unique.predictors, "data" = data.out) class(result) <- "extractX" return(result) } ##unmarkedFitOccuTTD extractX.AICunmarkedFitOccuTTD <- function(cand.set, parm.type = NULL, ...) { ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?extractX for details\n")} ##extract predictors from list ##psi if(identical(parm.type, "psi")) { form.list <- as.character(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(x) x@psiformula)) ##remove ~ form.list <- gsub("~", replacement = "", x = form.list) } ##gamma if(identical(parm.type, "gamma")) { nseasons <- unique(sapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@data@numPrimary)) if(nseasons == 1) { stop("\nParameter \'gamma\' does not appear in single-season models\n") } form.list <- as.character(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(x) x@gamformula)) ##remove ~ form.list <- gsub("~", replacement = "", x = form.list) } ##epsilon if(identical(parm.type, "epsilon")) { nseasons <- unique(sapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@data@numPrimary)) if(nseasons == 1) { stop("\nParameter \'epsilon\' does not appear in single-season models\n") } form.list <- as.character(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(x) x@epsformula)) ##remove ~ form.list <- gsub("~", replacement = "", x = form.list) } ##detect if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) { form.list <- as.character(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(x) x@detformula)) ##remove ~ form.list <- gsub("~", replacement = "", x = form.list) } ##extract based on "+" form.noplus <- unlist(sapply(form.list, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\+"))) ##remove extra white space form.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", form.noplus) unique.clean <- unique(form.clean) ##exclude empty strings and intercept unique.predictors <- unique.clean[nchar(unique.clean) != 0 & unique.clean != "1"] ##extract data from model objects - identical for all models dsets <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) unmarked::getData(i)) ##check that same data are used unique.dsets <- unique(dsets) if(length(unique.dsets) != 1) stop("\nData sets differ across models:\n check data carefully\n") unFrame <- unique.dsets[[1]] ##extract siteCovs siteVars <- siteCovs(unFrame) ##extract obsCovs obsVars <- obsCovs(unFrame) ##extract yearlySiteCovs yearlyVars <- yearlySiteCovs(unFrame) ##check for interactions specified with * <- any(regexpr("\\*", unique.predictors) != -1) ##check for interaction terms <- any(regexpr("\\:", unique.predictors) != -1) and if( && { ##separate terms in interaction terms.nostar <- unlist(sapply(unique.predictors, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\*"))) ##remove extra white space terms.nostar.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", terms.nostar) ##separate terms in interaction terms.nointer <- unlist(sapply(terms.nostar.clean, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\:"))) ##remove extra white space terms.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", terms.nointer) } if( && ! { ##separate terms in interaction terms.nostar <- unlist(sapply(unique.predictors, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\*"))) ##remove extra white space terms.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", terms.nostar) } if(! && { ##separate terms in interaction terms.nointer <- unlist(sapply(unique.predictors, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\:"))) ##remove extra white space terms.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", terms.nointer) } ##none if(! && ! { ##remove extra white space terms.clean <- unique.predictors } ##combine in single character vector final.predictors <- unique(terms.clean) ##find where predictors occur if(!is.null(obsVars)) { obsID <- obsVars[, intersect(final.predictors, names(obsVars)), drop = FALSE] if(nrow(obsID) > 0) { <- capture.output(str(obsID))[-1] } else { <- NULL } } else { <- NULL} if(!is.null(siteVars)) { siteID <- siteVars[, intersect(final.predictors, names(siteVars)), drop = FALSE] if(nrow(siteID) > 0) { <- capture.output(str(siteID))[-1] } else { <- NULL } } else { <- NULL} if(!is.null(yearlyVars)) { yearlyID <- yearlyVars[, intersect(final.predictors, names(yearlyVars)), drop = FALSE] if(nrow(yearlyID) > 0) { <- capture.output(str(yearlyID))[-1] } else { <- NULL } } else { <- NULL} ##store data sets data.out <- list( ) if(is.null(obsVars)) { data.out$obsCovs <- NULL } else {data.out$obsCovs <- obsID} if(is.null(siteVars)) { data.out$siteCovs <- NULL } else {data.out$siteCovs <- siteID} if(is.null(yearlyVars)) { data.out$yearlySiteCovs <- NULL } else {data.out$yearlySiteCovs <- yearlyID} ##assemble results result <- list("predictors" = unique.predictors, "data" = data.out) class(result) <- "extractX" return(result) } ##unmarkedFitMMO extractX.AICunmarkedFitMMO <- function(cand.set, parm.type = NULL, ...) { ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?extractX for details\n")} ##extract predictors from list ##lambda if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) { form.list <- as.character(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(x) x@formlist$lambdaformula)) ##remove ~ form.list <- gsub("~", replacement = "", x = form.list) } ##gamma if(identical(parm.type, "gamma")) { form.list <- as.character(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(x) x@formlist$gammaformula)) ##remove ~ form.list <- gsub("~", replacement = "", x = form.list) } ##omega if(identical(parm.type, "omega")) { form.list <- as.character(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(x) x@formlist$omegaformula)) ##remove ~ form.list <- gsub("~", replacement = "", x = form.list) } ##iota if(identical(parm.type, "iota")) { ##check that parameter appears in all models parfreq <- sum(sapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) any(names(i@estimates@estimates) == parm.type))) if(!identical(length(cand.set), parfreq)) { stop("\nParameter \'iota\' does not appear in all models\n") } form.list <- as.character(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(x) x@formlist$iotaformula)) ##remove ~ form.list <- gsub("~", replacement = "", x = form.list) } ##detect if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) { form.list <- as.character(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(x) x@formlist$pformula)) ##remove ~ form.list <- gsub("~", replacement = "", x = form.list) } ##extract based on "+" form.noplus <- unlist(sapply(form.list, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\+"))) ##remove extra white space form.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", form.noplus) unique.clean <- unique(form.clean) ##exclude empty strings and intercept unique.predictors <- unique.clean[nchar(unique.clean) != 0 & unique.clean != "1"] ##extract data from model objects - identical for all models dsets <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) unmarked::getData(i)) ##check that same data are used unique.dsets <- unique(dsets) if(length(unique.dsets) != 1) stop("\nData sets differ across models:\n check data carefully\n") unFrame <- unique.dsets[[1]] ##extract siteCovs siteVars <- siteCovs(unFrame) ##extract obsCovs obsVars <- obsCovs(unFrame) ##extract yearlySiteCovs yearlyVars <- yearlySiteCovs(unFrame) ##check for interactions specified with * <- any(regexpr("\\*", unique.predictors) != -1) ##check for interaction terms <- any(regexpr("\\:", unique.predictors) != -1) and if( && { ##separate terms in interaction terms.nostar <- unlist(sapply(unique.predictors, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\*"))) ##remove extra white space terms.nostar.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", terms.nostar) ##separate terms in interaction terms.nointer <- unlist(sapply(terms.nostar.clean, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\:"))) ##remove extra white space terms.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", terms.nointer) } if( && ! { ##separate terms in interaction terms.nostar <- unlist(sapply(unique.predictors, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\*"))) ##remove extra white space terms.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", terms.nostar) } if(! && { ##separate terms in interaction terms.nointer <- unlist(sapply(unique.predictors, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\:"))) ##remove extra white space terms.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", terms.nointer) } ##none if(! && ! { ##remove extra white space terms.clean <- unique.predictors } ##combine in single character vector final.predictors <- unique(terms.clean) ##find where predictors occur if(!is.null(obsVars)) { obsID <- obsVars[, intersect(final.predictors, names(obsVars)), drop = FALSE] if(nrow(obsID) > 0) { <- capture.output(str(obsID))[-1] } else { <- NULL } } else { <- NULL} if(!is.null(siteVars)) { siteID <- siteVars[, intersect(final.predictors, names(siteVars)), drop = FALSE] if(nrow(siteID) > 0) { <- capture.output(str(siteID))[-1] } else { <- NULL } } else { <- NULL} if(!is.null(yearlyVars)) { yearlyID <- yearlyVars[, intersect(final.predictors, names(yearlyVars)), drop = FALSE] if(nrow(yearlyID) > 0) { <- capture.output(str(yearlyID))[-1] } else { <- NULL } } else { <- NULL} ##store data sets data.out <- list( ) if(is.null(obsVars)) { data.out$obsCovs <- NULL } else {data.out$obsCovs <- obsID} if(is.null(siteVars)) { data.out$siteCovs <- NULL } else {data.out$siteCovs <- siteID} if(is.null(yearlyVars)) { data.out$yearlySiteCovs <- NULL } else {data.out$yearlySiteCovs <- yearlyID} ##assemble results result <- list("predictors" = unique.predictors, "data" = data.out) class(result) <- "extractX" return(result) } ##unmarkedFitDSO extractX.AICunmarkedFitDSO <- function(cand.set, parm.type = NULL, ...) { ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?extractX for details\n")} ##extract predictors from list ##lambda if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) { form.list <- as.character(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(x) x@formlist$lambdaformula)) ##remove ~ form.list <- gsub("~", replacement = "", x = form.list) } ##gamma if(identical(parm.type, "gamma")) { form.list <- as.character(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(x) x@formlist$gammaformula)) ##remove ~ form.list <- gsub("~", replacement = "", x = form.list) } ##omega if(identical(parm.type, "omega")) { form.list <- as.character(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(x) x@formlist$omegaformula)) ##remove ~ form.list <- gsub("~", replacement = "", x = form.list) } ##iota if(identical(parm.type, "iota")) { ##check that parameter appears in all models parfreq <- sum(sapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) any(names(i@estimates@estimates) == parm.type))) if(!identical(length(cand.set), parfreq)) { stop("\nParameter \'iota\' does not appear in all models\n") } form.list <- as.character(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(x) x@formlist$iotaformula)) ##remove ~ form.list <- gsub("~", replacement = "", x = form.list) } ##detect if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) { form.list <- as.character(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(x) x@formlist$pformula)) ##remove ~ form.list <- gsub("~", replacement = "", x = form.list) } ##extract based on "+" form.noplus <- unlist(sapply(form.list, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\+"))) ##remove extra white space form.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", form.noplus) unique.clean <- unique(form.clean) ##exclude empty strings and intercept unique.predictors <- unique.clean[nchar(unique.clean) != 0 & unique.clean != "1"] ##extract data from model objects - identical for all models dsets <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) unmarked::getData(i)) ##check that same data are used unique.dsets <- unique(dsets) if(length(unique.dsets) != 1) stop("\nData sets differ across models:\n check data carefully\n") unFrame <- unique.dsets[[1]] ##extract siteCovs siteVars <- siteCovs(unFrame) ##extract obsCovs obsVars <- obsCovs(unFrame) ##extract yearlySiteCovs yearlyVars <- yearlySiteCovs(unFrame) ##check for interactions specified with * <- any(regexpr("\\*", unique.predictors) != -1) ##check for interaction terms <- any(regexpr("\\:", unique.predictors) != -1) and if( && { ##separate terms in interaction terms.nostar <- unlist(sapply(unique.predictors, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\*"))) ##remove extra white space terms.nostar.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", terms.nostar) ##separate terms in interaction terms.nointer <- unlist(sapply(terms.nostar.clean, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\:"))) ##remove extra white space terms.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", terms.nointer) } if( && ! { ##separate terms in interaction terms.nostar <- unlist(sapply(unique.predictors, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\*"))) ##remove extra white space terms.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", terms.nostar) } if(! && { ##separate terms in interaction terms.nointer <- unlist(sapply(unique.predictors, FUN = function(i) strsplit(i, split = "\\:"))) ##remove extra white space terms.clean <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", terms.nointer) } ##none if(! && ! { ##remove extra white space terms.clean <- unique.predictors } ##combine in single character vector final.predictors <- unique(terms.clean) ##find where predictors occur if(!is.null(obsVars)) { obsID <- obsVars[, intersect(final.predictors, names(obsVars)), drop = FALSE] if(nrow(obsID) > 0) { <- capture.output(str(obsID))[-1] } else { <- NULL } } else { <- NULL} if(!is.null(siteVars)) { siteID <- siteVars[, intersect(final.predictors, names(siteVars)), drop = FALSE] if(nrow(siteID) > 0) { <- capture.output(str(siteID))[-1] } else { <- NULL } } else { <- NULL} if(!is.null(yearlyVars)) { yearlyID <- yearlyVars[, intersect(final.predictors, names(yearlyVars)), drop = FALSE] if(nrow(yearlyID) > 0) { <- capture.output(str(yearlyID))[-1] } else { <- NULL } } else { <- NULL} ##store data sets data.out <- list( ) if(is.null(obsVars)) { data.out$obsCovs <- NULL } else {data.out$obsCovs <- obsID} if(is.null(siteVars)) { data.out$siteCovs <- NULL } else {data.out$siteCovs <- siteID} if(is.null(yearlyVars)) { data.out$yearlySiteCovs <- NULL } else {data.out$yearlySiteCovs <- yearlyID} ##assemble results result <- list("predictors" = unique.predictors, "data" = data.out) class(result) <- "extractX" return(result) } ##print method print.extractX <- function(x, ...) { if(length(x$predictors) > 0) { cat("\nPredictors appearing in candidate models:\n") cat(x$predictors, sep = " ") cat("\n") ##if unmarkedFit model if(!$data)) { ##determine number of elements nitems <- length(x$data) for(i in 1:nitems) { ##check if data frame contains data if(ncol(x$data[[i]]) > 0) { cat("\nStructure of predictors in ", names(x$data)[i], ":\n", sep = "") cat(capture.output(str(x$data[[i]]))[-1], sep = "\n") } } cat("\n") } else { cat("\nStructure of predictors:", "\n") cat(capture.output(str(x$data))[-1], sep = "\n") cat("\n") } } else { ##if only intercept is present cat("\nNo predictors appear in candidate models\n") cat("\n") } }
##utility function to determine family of distribution and link function on object of 'mer' class <- function(mod) { if(identical(paste(class(mod)), "mer")) { call.mod <- mod@call ##determine type of call: lmer( ) vs glmer( ) <- call.mod[1] ##supported link <- "yes" ##for lmer if(identical(as.character(, "lmer")) { fam.type <- "gaussian" link.type <- "identity" } ##for glmer if(identical(as.character(, "glmer")) { <- call.mod$family ##determine family of glmm and set to canonical link if(! = "binomial", table = { fam.type <- "binomial" link.type <- "logit" } else { if(! = "poisson", table = { fam.type <- "poisson" link.type <- "log" } else { if(! = "Negative Binomial", table = { fam.type <- "Negative.Binomial" link.type <- "log" } else { if(! = "gaussian", table = { fam.type <- "gaussian" link.type <- "identity" } else { if(! = "Gamma", table = { fam.type <- "Gamma" link.type <- "log" } else {fam.type <- "other"} } } } ##check for family type other than binomial, Poisson, normal, negative binomial, or Gamma if(identical(fam.type, "other")) stop("\nThis distribution family is not yet supported\n") ##determine if canonical link was used if(length( > 1){ link.type <- as.character($link) } ##check for links supported by this function if(identical(fam.type, "binomial")) { if(!identical(link.type, "logit")) <- "no" } if(identical(fam.type, "poisson")) { if(!identical(link.type, "log") && !identical(link.type, "identity")) <- "no" } if(identical(fam.type, "Negative.Binomial")) { if(!identical(link.type, "log") && !identical(link.type, "identity")) <- "no" } if(identical(fam.type, "gaussian")) { if(!identical(link.type, "log") && !identical(link.type, "identity")) <- "no" } if(identical(fam.type, "Gamma")) { if(!identical(link.type, "log")) <- "no" } ##if(identical(, "no")) stop("\nOnly canonical link is supported with current version of function\n") ##if(identical(link.type, "other")) stop("\nThis function is not yet defined for the specified link function\n") } } <- list("family" = fam.type, "link" = link.type, "" = } if(identical(paste(class(mod)), "lmerMod") || identical(paste(class(mod)), "glmerMod")) { call.mod <- mod@call ##determine type of call: lmer( ) vs glmer( ) <- call.mod[1] ##supported link <- "yes" if(identical(as.character(, "lmer")) { fam.type <- "gaussian" link.type <- "identity" } if(identical(as.character(, "glmer")) { <- mod@resp$family fam.type <-$family link.type <-$link ##check for links supported by this function if(identical(fam.type, "binomial")) { if(!identical(link.type, "logit")) <- "no" } if(identical(fam.type, "poisson")) { if(!identical(link.type, "log") && !identical(link.type, "identity")) <- "no" } if(! = "Negative Binomial", table = fam.type))) { ##modify fam.type fam.type <- "Negative.Binomial" if(!identical(link.type, "log") && !identical(link.type, "identity")) <- "no" } if(identical(fam.type, "gaussian")) { if(!identical(link.type, "log") && !identical(link.type, "identity")) <- "no" } if(identical(fam.type, "Gamma")) { if(!identical(link.type, "log")) <- "no" } } <- list("family" = fam.type, "link" = link.type, "" = } return( }
##generic importance <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, ...){ cand.set <- formatCands(cand.set) UseMethod("importance", cand.set) } ##default importance.default <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, ...){ stop("\nFunction not yet defined for this object class\n") } ##aov importance.AICaov.lm <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##reverse parm reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm) ##extract labels mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) rownames(summary(i)$coefficients)) ##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int" ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parm in the model include <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(cand.set), ncol=1) ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:length(cand.set)) { idents <- NULL form <- mod_formula[[i]] ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list if(is.null(reversed.parm)) { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(paste(parm), form[j]) } } else { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j]) } } include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) } ##add a check to determine if include always == 0 if (sum(include)==0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) ##add a check to determine if the same number of models include and exlude parameter if (length(which(include == 1)) != length(which(include != 1)) ) { stop("\nImportance values are only meaningful when the number of models with and without parameter are equal\n") } <- sum(new_table[which(include == 1), 6]) #select models including a given parameter w.minus <- 1 - imp <- list("parm" = parm, "" =, "w.minus" = w.minus) class(imp) <- c("importance", "list") return(imp) } ##betareg importance.AICbetareg <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##reverse parm reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm) ##extract labels ##determine if parameter is on mean or phi if(regexpr(pattern = "\\(phi\\)_", parm) == "-1") { mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) rownames(summary(i)$coefficients$mean)) } else { ##replace parm parm <- gsub(pattern = "\\(phi\\)_", "", parm) mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) rownames(summary(i)$coefficients$precision)) } ##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int" ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parm in the model include <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(cand.set), ncol=1) ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:length(cand.set)) { idents <- NULL form <- mod_formula[[i]] ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list if(is.null(reversed.parm)) { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(paste(parm), form[j]) } } else { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j]) } } include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) } ##add a check to determine if include always == 0 if (sum(include)==0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) ##add a check to determine if the same number of models include and exlude parameter if (length(which(include == 1)) != length(which(include != 1)) ) { stop("\nImportance values are only meaningful when the number of models with and without parameter are equal\n") } <- sum(new_table[which(include == 1), 6]) #select models including a given parameter w.minus <- 1 - imp <- list("parm" = parm, "" =, "w.minus" = w.minus) class(imp) <- c("importance", "list") return(imp) } ##clm importance.AICsclm.clm <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##reverse parm reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm) ##extract labels mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) rownames(summary(i)$coefficients)) ##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int" ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parm in the model include <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(cand.set), ncol=1) ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:length(cand.set)) { idents <- NULL form <- mod_formula[[i]] ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list if(is.null(reversed.parm)) { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(paste(parm), form[j]) } } else { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j]) } } include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) } ##add a check to determine if include always == 0 if (sum(include)==0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) ##add a check to determine if the same number of models include and exlude parameter if (length(which(include == 1)) != length(which(include != 1)) ) { stop("\nImportance values are only meaningful when the number of models with and without parameter are equal\n") } <- sum(new_table[which(include == 1), 6]) #select models including a given parameter w.minus <- 1 - imp <- list("parm" = parm, "" =, "w.minus" = w.minus) class(imp) <- c("importance", "list") return(imp) } ##clm importance.AICclm <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##reverse parm reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm) ##extract labels mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) rownames(summary(i)$coefficients)) ##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int" ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parm in the model include <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(cand.set), ncol=1) ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:length(cand.set)) { idents <- NULL form <- mod_formula[[i]] ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list if(is.null(reversed.parm)) { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(paste(parm), form[j]) } } else { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j]) } } include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) } ##add a check to determine if include always == 0 if (sum(include)==0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) ##add a check to determine if the same number of models include and exlude parameter if (length(which(include == 1)) != length(which(include != 1)) ) { stop("\nImportance values are only meaningful when the number of models with and without parameter are equal\n") } <- sum(new_table[which(include == 1), 6]) #select models including a given parameter w.minus <- 1 - imp <- list("parm" = parm, "" =, "w.minus" = w.minus) class(imp) <- c("importance", "list") return(imp) } ##clmm importance.AICclmm <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##reverse parm reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm) ##extract labels mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) rownames(summary(i)$coefficients)) ##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int" ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parm in the model include <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(cand.set), ncol=1) ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:length(cand.set)) { idents <- NULL form <- mod_formula[[i]] ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list if(is.null(reversed.parm)) { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(paste(parm), form[j]) } } else { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j]) } } include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) } ##add a check to determine if include always == 0 if (sum(include)==0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) ##add a check to determine if the same number of models include and exlude parameter if (length(which(include == 1)) != length(which(include != 1)) ) { stop("\nImportance values are only meaningful when the number of models with and without parameter are equal\n") } <- sum(new_table[which(include == 1), 6]) #select models including a given parameter w.minus <- 1 - imp <- list("parm" = parm, "" =, "w.minus" = w.minus) class(imp) <- c("importance", "list") return(imp) } ##clogit importance.AICclogit.coxph <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##reverse parm reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm) ##extract labels mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) rownames(summary(i)$coefficients)) ##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int" ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parm in the model include <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(cand.set), ncol=1) ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:length(cand.set)) { idents <- NULL form <- mod_formula[[i]] ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list if(is.null(reversed.parm)) { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(paste(parm), form[j]) } } else { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j]) } } include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) } ##add a check to determine if include always == 0 if (sum(include)==0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) ##add a check to determine if the same number of models include and exlude parameter if (length(which(include == 1)) != length(which(include != 1)) ) { stop("\nImportance values are only meaningful when the number of models with and without parameter are equal\n") } <- sum(new_table[which(include == 1), 6]) #select models including a given parameter w.minus <- 1 - imp <- list("parm" = parm, "" =, "w.minus" = w.minus) class(imp) <- c("importance", "list") return(imp) } ##coxme importance.AICcoxme <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##reverse parm reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm) ##extract labels mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) labels(coef(i))) ##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int" ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parm in the model include <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(cand.set), ncol=1) ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:length(cand.set)) { idents <- NULL form <- mod_formula[[i]] ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list if(is.null(reversed.parm)) { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(paste(parm), form[j]) } } else { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j]) } } include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) } ##add a check to determine if include always == 0 if (sum(include)==0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) ##add a check to determine if the same number of models include and exlude parameter if (length(which(include == 1)) != length(which(include != 1)) ) { stop("\nImportance values are only meaningful when the number of models with and without parameter are equal\n") } <- sum(new_table[which(include == 1), 6]) #select models including a given parameter w.minus <- 1 - imp <- list("parm" = parm, "" =, "w.minus" = w.minus) class(imp) <- c("importance", "list") return(imp) } ##coxph importance.AICcoxph <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##reverse parm reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm) ##extract labels mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) rownames(summary(i)$coefficients)) ##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int" ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parm in the model include <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(cand.set), ncol=1) ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:length(cand.set)) { idents <- NULL form <- mod_formula[[i]] ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list if(is.null(reversed.parm)) { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(paste(parm), form[j]) } } else { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j]) } } include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) } ##add a check to determine if include always == 0 if (sum(include)==0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) ##add a check to determine if the same number of models include and exlude parameter if (length(which(include == 1)) != length(which(include != 1)) ) { stop("\nImportance values are only meaningful when the number of models with and without parameter are equal\n") } <- sum(new_table[which(include == 1), 6]) #select models including a given parameter w.minus <- 1 - imp <- list("parm" = parm, "" =, "w.minus" = w.minus) class(imp) <- c("importance", "list") return(imp) } ##glm importance.AICglm.lm <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, c.hat = 1, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##reverse parm reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm) ##extract labels mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) rownames(summary(i)$coefficients)) ##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int" ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parm in the model include <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(cand.set), ncol=1) ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:length(cand.set)) { idents <- NULL form <- mod_formula[[i]] ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list if(is.null(reversed.parm)) { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(paste(parm), form[j]) } } else { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j]) } } include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) } ##add a check to determine if include always == 0 if (sum(include)==0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) ##add a check to determine if the same number of models include and exlude parameter if (length(which(include == 1)) != length(which(include != 1)) ) { stop("\nImportance values are only meaningful when the number of models with and without parameter are equal\n") } <- sum(new_table[which(include == 1), 6]) #select models including a given parameter w.minus <- 1 - imp <- list("parm" = parm, "" =, "w.minus" = w.minus) class(imp) <- c("importance", "list") return(imp) } ##glmer importance.AICglmerMod <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##reverse parm reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm) ##extract labels mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(fixef(i))) ##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int" ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parm in the model include <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(cand.set), ncol=1) ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:length(cand.set)) { idents <- NULL form <- mod_formula[[i]] ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list if(is.null(reversed.parm)) { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(paste(parm), form[j]) } } else { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j]) } } include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) } ##add a check to determine if include always == 0 if (sum(include)==0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) ##add a check to determine if the same number of models include and exlude parameter if (length(which(include == 1)) != length(which(include != 1)) ) { stop("\nImportance values are only meaningful when the number of models with and without parameter are equal\n") } <- sum(new_table[which(include == 1), 6]) #select models including a given parameter w.minus <- 1 - imp <- list("parm" = parm, "" =, "w.minus" = w.minus) class(imp) <- c("importance", "list") return(imp) } ##glmmTMB importance.AICglmmTMB <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, c.hat = 1, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##reverse parm reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm) ##extract labels mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(fixef(i)$cond)) ##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int" ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parm in the model include <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(cand.set), ncol=1) ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:length(cand.set)) { idents <- NULL form <- mod_formula[[i]] ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list if(is.null(reversed.parm)) { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(paste(parm), form[j]) } } else { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j]) } } include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) } ##add a check to determine if include always == 0 if (sum(include)==0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) ##add a check to determine if the same number of models include and exlude parameter if (length(which(include == 1)) != length(which(include != 1)) ) { stop("\nImportance values are only meaningful when the number of models with and without parameter are equal\n") } <- sum(new_table[which(include == 1), 6]) #select models including a given parameter w.minus <- 1 - imp <- list("parm" = parm, "" =, "w.minus" = w.minus) class(imp) <- c("importance", "list") return(imp) } ##gls importance.AICgls <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##reverse parm reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm) ##extract labels mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) labels(summary(i)$coefficients)) ##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int" ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parm in the model include <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(cand.set), ncol=1) ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:length(cand.set)) { idents <- NULL form <- mod_formula[[i]] ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list if(is.null(reversed.parm)) { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(paste(parm), form[j]) } } else { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j]) } } include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) } ##add a check to determine if include always == 0 if (sum(include)==0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) ##add a check to determine if the same number of models include and exlude parameter if (length(which(include == 1)) != length(which(include != 1)) ) { stop("\nImportance values are only meaningful when the number of models with and without parameter are equal\n") } <- sum(new_table[which(include == 1), 6]) #select models including a given parameter w.minus <- 1 - imp <- list("parm" = parm, "" =, "w.minus" = w.minus) class(imp) <- c("importance", "list") return(imp) } ##hurdle importance.AIChurdle <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##reverse parm reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm) ##extract labels mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) labels(coef(i))) ##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int" ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parm in the model include <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(cand.set), ncol=1) ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:length(cand.set)) { idents <- NULL form <- mod_formula[[i]] ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list if(is.null(reversed.parm)) { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(paste(parm), form[j]) } } else { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j]) } } include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) } ##add a check to determine if include always == 0 if (sum(include)==0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) ##add a check to determine if the same number of models include and exlude parameter if (length(which(include == 1)) != length(which(include != 1)) ) { stop("\nImportance values are only meaningful when the number of models with and without parameter are equal\n") } <- sum(new_table[which(include == 1), 6]) #select models including a given parameter w.minus <- 1 - imp <- list("parm" = parm, "" =, "w.minus" = w.minus) class(imp) <- c("importance", "list") return(imp) } ##lm importance.AIClm <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##reverse parm reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm) ##extract labels mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) rownames(summary(i)$coefficients)) ##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int" ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parm in the model include <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(cand.set), ncol=1) ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:length(cand.set)) { idents <- NULL form <- mod_formula[[i]] ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list if(is.null(reversed.parm)) { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(paste(parm), form[j]) } } else { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j]) } } include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) } ##add a check to determine if include always == 0 if (sum(include)==0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) ##add a check to determine if the same number of models include and exlude parameter if (length(which(include == 1)) != length(which(include != 1)) ) { stop("\nImportance values are only meaningful when the number of models with and without parameter are equal\n") } <- sum(new_table[which(include == 1), 6]) #select models including a given parameter w.minus <- 1 - imp <- list("parm" = parm, "" =, "w.minus" = w.minus) class(imp) <- c("importance", "list") return(imp) } ##lme importance.AIClme <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##reverse parm reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm) ##extract labels mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) labels(summary(i)$coefficients$fixed)) ##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int" ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parm in the model include <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(cand.set), ncol=1) ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:length(cand.set)) { idents <- NULL form <- mod_formula[[i]] ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list if(is.null(reversed.parm)) { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(paste(parm), form[j]) } } else { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j]) } } include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) } ##add a check to determine if include always == 0 if (sum(include)==0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) ##add a check to determine if the same number of models include and exlude parameter if (length(which(include == 1)) != length(which(include != 1)) ) { stop("\nImportance values are only meaningful when the number of models with and without parameter are equal\n") } <- sum(new_table[which(include == 1), 6]) #select models including a given parameter w.minus <- 1 - imp <- list("parm" = parm, "" =, "w.minus" = w.minus) class(imp) <- c("importance", "list") return(imp) } ##lmekin importance.AIClmekin <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##reverse parm reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm) ##extract labels mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(fixef(i))) ##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int" ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parm in the model include <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(cand.set), ncol=1) ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:length(cand.set)) { idents <- NULL form <- mod_formula[[i]] ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list if(is.null(reversed.parm)) { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(paste(parm), form[j]) } } else { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j]) } } include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) } ##add a check to determine if include always == 0 if (sum(include)==0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) ##add a check to determine if the same number of models include and exlude parameter if (length(which(include == 1)) != length(which(include != 1)) ) { stop("\nImportance values are only meaningful when the number of models with and without parameter are equal\n") } <- sum(new_table[which(include == 1), 6]) #select models including a given parameter w.minus <- 1 - imp <- list("parm" = parm, "" =, "w.minus" = w.minus) class(imp) <- c("importance", "list") return(imp) } ##maxlike importance.AICmaxlikeFit.list <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, c.hat = 1, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##reverse parm reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm) ##extract labels mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(fixef(i))) ##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int" ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parm in the model include <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(cand.set), ncol=1) ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:length(cand.set)) { idents <- NULL form <- mod_formula[[i]] ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list if(is.null(reversed.parm)) { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(paste(parm), form[j]) } } else { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j]) } } include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) } ##add a check to determine if include always == 0 if (sum(include)==0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) ##add a check to determine if the same number of models include and exlude parameter if (length(which(include == 1)) != length(which(include != 1)) ) { stop("\nImportance values are only meaningful when the number of models with and without parameter are equal\n") } <- sum(new_table[which(include == 1), 6]) #select models including a given parameter w.minus <- 1 - imp <- list("parm" = parm, "" =, "w.minus" = w.minus) class(imp) <- c("importance", "list") return(imp) } ##mer importance.AICmer <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##reverse parm reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm) ##extract labels mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) labels(fixef(i))) ##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int" ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parm in the model include <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(cand.set), ncol=1) ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:length(cand.set)) { idents <- NULL form <- mod_formula[[i]] ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list if(is.null(reversed.parm)) { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(paste(parm), form[j]) } } else { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j]) } } include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) } ##add a check to determine if include always == 0 if (sum(include)==0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) ##add a check to determine if the same number of models include and exlude parameter if (length(which(include == 1)) != length(which(include != 1)) ) { stop("\nImportance values are only meaningful when the number of models with and without parameter are equal\n") } <- sum(new_table[which(include == 1), 6]) #select models including a given parameter w.minus <- 1 - imp <- list("parm" = parm, "" =, "w.minus" = w.minus) class(imp) <- c("importance", "list") return(imp) } ##lmerModLmerTest importance.AIClmerModLmerTest <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##reverse parm reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm) ##extract labels mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) labels(fixef(i))) ##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int" ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parm in the model include <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(cand.set), ncol=1) ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:length(cand.set)) { idents <- NULL form <- mod_formula[[i]] ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list if(is.null(reversed.parm)) { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(paste(parm), form[j]) } } else { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j]) } } include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) } ##add a check to determine if include always == 0 if (sum(include)==0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) ##add a check to determine if the same number of models include and exlude parameter if (length(which(include == 1)) != length(which(include != 1)) ) { stop("\nImportance values are only meaningful when the number of models with and without parameter are equal\n") } <- sum(new_table[which(include == 1), 6]) #select models including a given parameter w.minus <- 1 - imp <- list("parm" = parm, "" =, "w.minus" = w.minus) class(imp) <- c("importance", "list") return(imp) } ##multinom importance.AICmultinom.nnet <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, c.hat = 1, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##reverse parm reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm) ##extract labels mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) colnames(summary(i)$coefficients)) ##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int" ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parm in the model include <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(cand.set), ncol=1) ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:length(cand.set)) { idents <- NULL form <- mod_formula[[i]] ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list if(is.null(reversed.parm)) { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(paste(parm), form[j]) } } else { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j]) } } include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) } ##add a check to determine if include always == 0 if (sum(include)==0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) ##add a check to determine if the same number of models include and exlude parameter if (length(which(include == 1)) != length(which(include != 1)) ) { stop("\nImportance values are only meaningful when the number of models with and without parameter are equal\n") } <- sum(new_table[which(include == 1), 6]) #select models including a given parameter w.minus <- 1 - imp <- list("parm" = parm, "" =, "w.minus" = w.minus) class(imp) <- c("importance", "list") return(imp) } ##glm.nb importance.AICnegbin.glm.lm <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##reverse parm reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm) ##extract labels mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) rownames(summary(i)$coefficients)) ##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int" ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parm in the model include <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(cand.set), ncol=1) ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:length(cand.set)) { idents <- NULL form <- mod_formula[[i]] ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list if(is.null(reversed.parm)) { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(paste(parm), form[j]) } } else { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j]) } } include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) } ##add a check to determine if include always == 0 if (sum(include)==0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) ##add a check to determine if the same number of models include and exlude parameter if (length(which(include == 1)) != length(which(include != 1)) ) { stop("\nImportance values are only meaningful when the number of models with and without parameter are equal\n") } <- sum(new_table[which(include == 1), 6]) #select models including a given parameter w.minus <- 1 - imp <- list("parm" = parm, "" =, "w.minus" = w.minus) class(imp) <- c("importance", "list") return(imp) } ##nlmer importance.AICnlmerMod <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##reverse parm reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm) ##extract labels mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(fixef(i))) ##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int" ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parm in the model include <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(cand.set), ncol=1) ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:length(cand.set)) { idents <- NULL form <- mod_formula[[i]] ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list if(is.null(reversed.parm)) { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(paste(parm), form[j]) } } else { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j]) } } include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) } ##add a check to determine if include always == 0 if (sum(include)==0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) ##add a check to determine if the same number of models include and exlude parameter if (length(which(include == 1)) != length(which(include != 1)) ) { stop("\nImportance values are only meaningful when the number of models with and without parameter are equal\n") } <- sum(new_table[which(include == 1), 6]) #select models including a given parameter w.minus <- 1 - imp <- list("parm" = parm, "" =, "w.minus" = w.minus) class(imp) <- c("importance", "list") return(imp) } ##polr importance.AICpolr <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##reverse parm reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm) ##extract labels mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) rownames(summary(i)$coefficients)) ##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int" ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parm in the model include <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(cand.set), ncol=1) ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:length(cand.set)) { idents <- NULL form <- mod_formula[[i]] ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list if(is.null(reversed.parm)) { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(paste(parm), form[j]) } } else { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j]) } } include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) } ##add a check to determine if include always == 0 if (sum(include)==0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) ##add a check to determine if the same number of models include and exlude parameter if (length(which(include == 1)) != length(which(include != 1)) ) { stop("\nImportance values are only meaningful when the number of models with and without parameter are equal\n") } <- sum(new_table[which(include == 1), 6]) #select models including a given parameter w.minus <- 1 - imp <- list("parm" = parm, "" =, "w.minus" = w.minus) class(imp) <- c("importance", "list") return(imp) } ##rlm importance.AICrlm.lm <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##reverse parm reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm) ##extract labels mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) rownames(summary(i)$coefficients)) ##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int" ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parm in the model include <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(cand.set), ncol=1) ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:length(cand.set)) { idents <- NULL form <- mod_formula[[i]] ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list if(is.null(reversed.parm)) { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(paste(parm), form[j]) } } else { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j]) } } include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) } ##add a check to determine if include always == 0 if (sum(include)==0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) ##add a check to determine if the same number of models include and exlude parameter if (length(which(include == 1)) != length(which(include != 1)) ) { stop("\nImportance values are only meaningful when the number of models with and without parameter are equal\n") } <- sum(new_table[which(include == 1), 6]) #select models including a given parameter w.minus <- 1 - imp <- list("parm" = parm, "" =, "w.minus" = w.minus) class(imp) <- c("importance", "list") return(imp) } ##survreg importance.AICsurvreg <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##reverse parm reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm) ##extract labels mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) names(summary(i)$coefficients)) ##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int" ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parm in the model include <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(cand.set), ncol=1) ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:length(cand.set)) { idents <- NULL form <- mod_formula[[i]] ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list if(is.null(reversed.parm)) { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(paste(parm), form[j]) } } else { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j]) } } include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) } ##add a check to determine if include always == 0 if (sum(include)==0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) ##add a check to determine if the same number of models include and exlude parameter if (length(which(include == 1)) != length(which(include != 1)) ) { stop("\nImportance values are only meaningful when the number of models with and without parameter are equal\n") } <- sum(new_table[which(include == 1), 6]) #select models including a given parameter w.minus <- 1 - imp <- list("parm" = parm, "" =, "w.minus" = w.minus) class(imp) <- c("importance", "list") return(imp) } ##colext importance.AICunmarkedFitColExt <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##reverse parm reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm) ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?importance for details\n")} ##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int" ##psi - initial occupancy if(identical(parm.type, "psi")) { ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$psi))) ##create label for parm parm.unmarked <- "psi" parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="") } ##gamma - extinction if(identical(parm.type, "gamma")) { ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$col))) ##create label for parm parm.unmarked <- "col" parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="") } ##epsilon - extinction if(identical(parm.type, "epsilon")) { ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$ext))) ##create label for parm parm.unmarked <- "ext" parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="") } ##detect if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) { mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$det))) parm.unmarked <- "p" parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="") } ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parm in the model include <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(cand.set), ncol=1) ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:length(cand.set)) { idents <- NULL form <- mod_formula[[i]] ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list if(is.null(reversed.parm)) { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(paste(parm), form[j]) } } else { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j]) } } include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) } ##add a check to determine if include always == 0 if (sum(include)==0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) ##add a check to determine if the same number of models include and exlude parameter if (length(which(include == 1)) != length(which(include != 1)) ) { stop("\nImportance values are only meaningful when the number of models with and without parameter are equal\n") } <- sum(new_table[which(include == 1), 6]) #select models including a given parameter w.minus <- 1 - imp <- list("parm" = parm, "" =, "w.minus" = w.minus) class(imp) <- c("importance", "list") return(imp) } ##occu importance.AICunmarkedFitOccu <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##reverse parm reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm) ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?importance for details\n")} ##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int" ##psi if(identical(parm.type, "psi")) { ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$state))) parm.unmarked <- "psi" parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="") } ##detect if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) { mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$det))) parm.unmarked <- "p" parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="") } ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parm in the model include <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(cand.set), ncol=1) ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:length(cand.set)) { idents <- NULL form <- mod_formula[[i]] ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list if(is.null(reversed.parm)) { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(paste(parm), form[j]) } } else { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j]) } } include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) } ##add a check to determine if include always == 0 if (sum(include)==0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) ##add a check to determine if the same number of models include and exlude parameter if (length(which(include == 1)) != length(which(include != 1)) ) { stop("\nImportance values are only meaningful when the number of models with and without parameter are equal\n") } <- sum(new_table[which(include == 1), 6]) #select models including a given parameter w.minus <- 1 - imp <- list("parm" = parm, "" =, "w.minus" = w.minus) class(imp) <- c("importance", "list") return(imp) } ##occuFP importance.AICunmarkedFitOccuFP <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##reverse parm reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm) ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?importance for details\n")} ##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int" ##psi if(identical(parm.type, "psi")) { ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$state))) parm.unmarked <- "psi" parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="") } ##detect if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) { mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$det))) parm.unmarked <- "p" parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="") } ##false positives - fp if(identical(parm.type, "fp")) { mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$fp))) parm.unmarked <- "fp" parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="") } ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parm in the model include <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(cand.set), ncol=1) ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:length(cand.set)) { idents <- NULL form <- mod_formula[[i]] ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list if(is.null(reversed.parm)) { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(paste(parm), form[j]) } } else { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j]) } } include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) } ##add a check to determine if include always == 0 if (sum(include)==0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) ##add a check to determine if the same number of models include and exlude parameter if (length(which(include == 1)) != length(which(include != 1)) ) { stop("\nImportance values are only meaningful when the number of models with and without parameter are equal\n") } <- sum(new_table[which(include == 1), 6]) #select models including a given parameter w.minus <- 1 - imp <- list("parm" = parm, "" =, "w.minus" = w.minus) class(imp) <- c("importance", "list") return(imp) } ##occuRN importance.AICunmarkedFitOccuRN <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##reverse parm reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm) ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?importance for details\n")} ##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int" ##lambda - abundance if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) { ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$state))) parm.unmarked <- "lam" parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="") } ##detect if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) { mod_formula<-lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$det))) parm.unmarked <- "p" parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="") } ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parm in the model include <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(cand.set), ncol=1) ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:length(cand.set)) { idents <- NULL form <- mod_formula[[i]] ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list if(is.null(reversed.parm)) { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(paste(parm), form[j]) } } else { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j]) } } include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) } ##add a check to determine if include always == 0 if (sum(include)==0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) ##add a check to determine if the same number of models include and exlude parameter if (length(which(include == 1)) != length(which(include != 1)) ) { stop("\nImportance values are only meaningful when the number of models with and without parameter are equal\n") } <- sum(new_table[which(include == 1), 6]) #select models including a given parameter w.minus <- 1 - imp <- list("parm" = parm, "" =, "w.minus" = w.minus) class(imp) <- c("importance", "list") return(imp) } ##pcount importance.AICunmarkedFitPCount <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##reverse parm reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm) ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?importance for details\n")} ##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int" ##lambda - abundance if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) { ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$state))) ##create label for parm parm.unmarked <- "lam" parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="") } ##detect if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) { mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$det))) parm.unmarked <- "p" parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="") } ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parm in the model include <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(cand.set), ncol=1) ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:length(cand.set)) { idents <- NULL form <- mod_formula[[i]] ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list if(is.null(reversed.parm)) { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(paste(parm), form[j]) } } else { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j]) } } include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) } ##add a check to determine if include always == 0 if (sum(include)==0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) ##add a check to determine if the same number of models include and exlude parameter if (length(which(include == 1)) != length(which(include != 1)) ) { stop("\nImportance values are only meaningful when the number of models with and without parameter are equal\n") } <- sum(new_table[which(include == 1), 6]) #select models including a given parameter w.minus <- 1 - imp <- list("parm" = parm, "" =, "w.minus" = w.minus) class(imp) <- c("importance", "list") return(imp) } ##pcountOpen importance.AICunmarkedFitPCO <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##reverse parm reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm) ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?importance for details\n")} ##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int" ##lambda - abundance if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) { ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$lambda))) parm.unmarked <- "lam" parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="") } ##gamma - recruitment if(identical(parm.type, "gamma")) { ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$gamma))) ##determine if same H0 on gamma (gamConst, gamAR, gamTrend) strip.gam <- sapply(mod_formula, FUN = function(i) unlist(strsplit(i, "\\("))[[1]]) unique.gam <- unique(strip.gam) if(length(unique.gam) > 1) stop("\nDifferent formulations of gamma parameter occur among models:\n beta estimates cannot be model-averaged\n") ##create label for parm parm.unmarked <- unique.gam parm <- paste(unique.gam, "(", parm, ")", sep="") } ##omega - apparent survival if(identical(parm.type, "omega")) { ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$omega))) ##create label for parm parm.unmarked <- "omega" parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="") } ##detect if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) { mod_formula<-lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$det))) parm.unmarked <- "p" parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="") } ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parm in the model include <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(cand.set), ncol=1) ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:length(cand.set)) { idents <- NULL form <- mod_formula[[i]] ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list if(is.null(reversed.parm)) { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(paste(parm), form[j]) } } else { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j]) } } include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) } ##add a check to determine if include always == 0 if (sum(include)==0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) ##add a check to determine if the same number of models include and exlude parameter if (length(which(include == 1)) != length(which(include != 1)) ) { stop("\nImportance values are only meaningful when the number of models with and without parameter are equal\n") } <- sum(new_table[which(include == 1), 6]) #select models including a given parameter w.minus <- 1 - imp <- list("parm" = parm, "" =, "w.minus" = w.minus) class(imp) <- c("importance", "list") return(imp) } ##distsamp importance.AICunmarkedFitDS <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##reverse parm reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm) ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?importance for details\n")} ##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int" ##lambda - abundance if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) { ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$state))) parm.unmarked <- "lam" parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="") } ##detect if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) { ##check for key function used keyid <- unique(sapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@keyfun)) if(length(keyid) > 1) stop("\nDifferent key functions used across models:\n", "cannot compute model-averaged estimate\n") if(identical(keyid, "uniform")) stop("\nDetection parameter not found in models\n") ##set key prefix used in coef( ) if(identical(keyid, "halfnorm")) { parm.key <- "sigma" } if(identical(keyid, "hazard")) { parm.key <- "shape" } if(identical(keyid, "exp")) { parm.key <- "rate" } ##label for intercept - label different with this model type if(identical(parm, "Int")) {parm <- "(Intercept)"} mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$det))) parm <- paste("p", "(", parm.key, "(", parm, "))", sep="") if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("p", "(", parm.key, "(", reversed.parm, "))", sep="")} ##stop("\nImportance values for detection covariates not yet supported for unmarkedFitDS class\n") } ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parm in the model include <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(cand.set), ncol=1) ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:length(cand.set)) { idents <- NULL form <- mod_formula[[i]] ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list if(is.null(reversed.parm)) { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(paste(parm), form[j]) } } else { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j]) } } include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) } ##add a check to determine if include always == 0 if (sum(include)==0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) ##add a check to determine if the same number of models include and exlude parameter if (length(which(include == 1)) != length(which(include != 1)) ) { stop("\nImportance values are only meaningful when the number of models with and without parameter are equal\n") } <- sum(new_table[which(include == 1), 6]) #select models including a given parameter w.minus <- 1 - imp <- list("parm" = parm, "" =, "w.minus" = w.minus) class(imp) <- c("importance", "list") return(imp) } ##gdistsamp importance.AICunmarkedFitGDS <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##reverse parm reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm) ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?importance for details\n")} ##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int" ##lambda - abundance if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) { ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$state))) parm.unmarked <- "lam" parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="") } ##detect if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) { stop("\nImportance values for detection covariates not yet supported for unmarkedFitGDS class\n") } ##availability if(identical(parm.type, "phi")) { stop("\nImportance values for availability covariates not yet supported for unmarkedFitGDS class\n") } ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parm in the model include <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(cand.set), ncol=1) ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:length(cand.set)) { idents <- NULL form <- mod_formula[[i]] ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list if(is.null(reversed.parm)) { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(paste(parm), form[j]) } } else { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j]) } } include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) } ##add a check to determine if include always == 0 if (sum(include)==0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) ##add a check to determine if the same number of models include and exlude parameter if (length(which(include == 1)) != length(which(include != 1)) ) { stop("\nImportance values are only meaningful when the number of models with and without parameter are equal\n") } <- sum(new_table[which(include == 1), 6]) #select models including a given parameter w.minus <- 1 - imp <- list("parm" = parm, "" =, "w.minus" = w.minus) class(imp) <- c("importance", "list") return(imp) } ##multinomPois importance.AICunmarkedFitMPois <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##reverse parm reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm) ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?importance for details\n")} ##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int" ##lambda - abundance if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) { ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$state))) parm.unmarked <- "lambda" parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="") } ##detect if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) { mod_formula<-lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$det))) parm.unmarked <- "p" parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="") } ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parm in the model include <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(cand.set), ncol=1) ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:length(cand.set)) { idents <- NULL form <- mod_formula[[i]] ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list if(is.null(reversed.parm)) { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(paste(parm), form[j]) } } else { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j]) } } include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) } ##add a check to determine if include always == 0 if (sum(include)==0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) ##add a check to determine if the same number of models include and exlude parameter if (length(which(include == 1)) != length(which(include != 1)) ) { stop("\nImportance values are only meaningful when the number of models with and without parameter are equal\n") } <- sum(new_table[which(include == 1), 6]) #select models including a given parameter w.minus <- 1 - imp <- list("parm" = parm, "" =, "w.minus" = w.minus) class(imp) <- c("importance", "list") return(imp) } ##gmultmix importance.AICunmarkedFitGMM <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##reverse parm reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm) ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?importance for details\n")} ##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int" ##lambda - abundance if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) { ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$lambda))) parm.unmarked <- "lambda" parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="") } ##detect if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) { mod_formula<-lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$det))) parm.unmarked <- "p" parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="") } ##availability if(identical(parm.type, "phi")) { mod_formula<-lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$phi))) parm.unmarked <- "phi" parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="") } ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parm in the model include <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(cand.set), ncol=1) ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:length(cand.set)) { idents <- NULL form <- mod_formula[[i]] ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list if(is.null(reversed.parm)) { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(paste(parm), form[j]) } } else { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j]) } } include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) } ##add a check to determine if include always == 0 if (sum(include)==0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) ##add a check to determine if the same number of models include and exlude parameter if (length(which(include == 1)) != length(which(include != 1)) ) { stop("\nImportance values are only meaningful when the number of models with and without parameter are equal\n") } <- sum(new_table[which(include == 1), 6]) #select models including a given parameter w.minus <- 1 - imp <- list("parm" = parm, "" =, "w.minus" = w.minus) class(imp) <- c("importance", "list") return(imp) } ##gmultmix importance.AICunmarkedFitGPC <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##reverse parm reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm) ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?importance for details\n")} ##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int" ##lambda - abundance if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) { ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$lambda))) parm.unmarked <- "lambda" parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="") } ##detect if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) { mod_formula<-lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$det))) parm.unmarked <- "p" parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="") } ##availability if(identical(parm.type, "phi")) { mod_formula<-lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$phi))) parm.unmarked <- "phi" parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="") } ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parm in the model include <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(cand.set), ncol=1) ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:length(cand.set)) { idents <- NULL form <- mod_formula[[i]] ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list if(is.null(reversed.parm)) { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(paste(parm), form[j]) } } else { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j]) } } include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) } ##add a check to determine if include always == 0 if (sum(include)==0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) ##add a check to determine if the same number of models include and exlude parameter if (length(which(include == 1)) != length(which(include != 1)) ) { stop("\nImportance values are only meaningful when the number of models with and without parameter are equal\n") } <- sum(new_table[which(include == 1), 6]) #select models including a given parameter w.minus <- 1 - imp <- list("parm" = parm, "" =, "w.minus" = w.minus) class(imp) <- c("importance", "list") return(imp) } ##occuMulti importance.AICunmarkedFitOccuMulti <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm ##parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##reverse parm reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm) ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?importance for details\n")} ##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int" ##psi if(identical(parm.type, "psi")) { ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(x) labels(coef(x@estimates@estimates$state))) parm.unmarked <- "psi" parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="") } ##detect if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) { mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(x) labels(coef(x@estimates@estimates$det))) parm.unmarked <- "p" parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="") } ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parm in the model include <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(cand.set), ncol=1) ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:length(cand.set)) { idents <- NULL form <- mod_formula[[i]] ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list if(is.null(reversed.parm)) { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(paste(parm), form[j]) } } else { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j]) } } include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) } ##add a check to determine if include always == 0 if (sum(include)==0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) ##add a check to determine if the same number of models include and exlude parameter if (length(which(include == 1)) != length(which(include != 1)) ) { stop("\nImportance values are only meaningful when the number of models with and without parameter are equal\n") } <- sum(new_table[which(include == 1), 6]) #select models including a given parameter w.minus <- 1 - imp <- list("parm" = parm, "" =, "w.minus" = w.minus) class(imp) <- c("importance", "list") return(imp) } ##occuMS importance.AICunmarkedFitOccuMS <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm ##parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##reverse parm reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm) ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?importance for details\n")} ##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int" ##psi if(identical(parm.type, "psi")) { ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(x) labels(coef(x@estimates@estimates$state))) parm.unmarked <- "psi" parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="") } ##detect if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) { mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(x) labels(coef(x@estimates@estimates$det))) parm.unmarked <- "p" parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="") } ##transition if(identical(parm.type, "phi")) { ##check that parameter appears in all models nseasons <- unique(sapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@data@numPrimary)) if(nseasons == 1) { stop("\nParameter \'phi\' does not appear in single-season models\n") } mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(x) labels(coef(x@estimates@estimates$transition))) parm.unmarked <- "phi" parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="") } ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parm in the model include <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(cand.set), ncol=1) ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:length(cand.set)) { idents <- NULL form <- mod_formula[[i]] ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list if(is.null(reversed.parm)) { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(paste(parm), form[j]) } } else { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j]) } } include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) } ##add a check to determine if include always == 0 if (sum(include)==0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) ##add a check to determine if the same number of models include and exlude parameter if (length(which(include == 1)) != length(which(include != 1)) ) { stop("\nImportance values are only meaningful when the number of models with and without parameter are equal\n") } <- sum(new_table[which(include == 1), 6]) #select models including a given parameter w.minus <- 1 - imp <- list("parm" = parm, "" =, "w.minus" = w.minus) class(imp) <- c("importance", "list") return(imp) } ##occuTTD importance.AICunmarkedFitOccuTTD <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##reverse parm reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm) ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?importance for details\n")} ##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int" ##psi - initial occupancy if(identical(parm.type, "psi")) { ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$psi))) ##create label for parm parm.unmarked <- "psi" parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="") } ##gamma - colonization if(identical(parm.type, "gamma")) { nseasons <- unique(sapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@data@numPrimary)) if(nseasons == 1) { stop("\nParameter \'gamma\' does not appear in single-season models\n") } ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$col))) ##create label for parm parm.unmarked <- "col" parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="") } ##epsilon - extinction if(identical(parm.type, "epsilon")) { nseasons <- unique(sapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@data@numPrimary)) if(nseasons == 1) { stop("\nParameter \'epsilon\' does not appear in single-season models\n") } ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$ext))) ##create label for parm parm.unmarked <- "ext" parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="") } ##detect - lambda parameter is a rate of a species not detected in t to be detected at next time step if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) { mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$det))) parm.unmarked <- "lam" parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="") } ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parm in the model include <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(cand.set), ncol=1) ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:length(cand.set)) { idents <- NULL form <- mod_formula[[i]] ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list if(is.null(reversed.parm)) { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(paste(parm), form[j]) } } else { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j]) } } include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) } ##add a check to determine if include always == 0 if (sum(include)==0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) ##add a check to determine if the same number of models include and exlude parameter if (length(which(include == 1)) != length(which(include != 1)) ) { stop("\nImportance values are only meaningful when the number of models with and without parameter are equal\n") } <- sum(new_table[which(include == 1), 6]) #select models including a given parameter w.minus <- 1 - imp <- list("parm" = parm, "" =, "w.minus" = w.minus) class(imp) <- c("importance", "list") return(imp) } ##multmixOpen importance.AICunmarkedFitMMO <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##reverse parm reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm) ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?importance for details\n")} ##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int" ##lambda - abundance if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) { ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$lambda))) parm.unmarked <- "lam" parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="") } ##gamma - recruitment if(identical(parm.type, "gamma")) { ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$gamma))) ##determine if same H0 on gamma (gamConst, gamAR, gamTrend) strip.gam <- sapply(mod_formula, FUN = function(i) unlist(strsplit(i, "\\("))[[1]]) unique.gam <- unique(strip.gam) if(length(unique.gam) > 1) stop("\nDifferent formulations of gamma parameter occur among models:\n beta estimates cannot be model-averaged\n") ##create label for parm parm.unmarked <- unique.gam parm <- paste(unique.gam, "(", parm, ")", sep="") } ##omega - apparent survival if(identical(parm.type, "omega")) { ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$omega))) ##create label for parm parm.unmarked <- "omega" parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="") } ##iota (for immigration = TRUE with dynamics = "autoreg", "trend", "ricker", or "gompertz") if(identical(parm.type, "iota")) { not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@formlist$iotaformula) ##check that parameter appears in all models parfreq <- sum(sapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) any(names(i@estimates@estimates) == parm.type))) if(!identical(length(cand.set), parfreq)) { stop("\nParameter \'iota\' (parm.type = \"", parm.type, "\") does not appear in all models:", "\ncannot compute model-averaged estimate across all models\n") } ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$iota))) ##create label for parm parm.unmarked <- "iota" parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="") } ##detect if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) { mod_formula<-lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$det))) parm.unmarked <- "p" parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="") } ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parm in the model include <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(cand.set), ncol=1) ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:length(cand.set)) { idents <- NULL form <- mod_formula[[i]] ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list if(is.null(reversed.parm)) { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(paste(parm), form[j]) } } else { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j]) } } include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) } ##add a check to determine if include always == 0 if (sum(include)==0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) ##add a check to determine if the same number of models include and exlude parameter if (length(which(include == 1)) != length(which(include != 1)) ) { stop("\nImportance values are only meaningful when the number of models with and without parameter are equal\n") } <- sum(new_table[which(include == 1), 6]) #select models including a given parameter w.minus <- 1 - imp <- list("parm" = parm, "" =, "w.minus" = w.minus) class(imp) <- c("importance", "list") return(imp) } ##distsampOpen importance.AICunmarkedFitDSO <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##reverse parm reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm) ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?importance for details\n")} ##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int" ##lambda - abundance if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) { ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$lambda))) parm.unmarked <- "lam" parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="") } ##gamma - recruitment if(identical(parm.type, "gamma")) { ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$gamma))) ##determine if same H0 on gamma (gamConst, gamAR, gamTrend) strip.gam <- sapply(mod_formula, FUN = function(i) unlist(strsplit(i, "\\("))[[1]]) unique.gam <- unique(strip.gam) if(length(unique.gam) > 1) stop("\nDifferent formulations of gamma parameter occur among models:\n beta estimates cannot be model-averaged\n") ##create label for parm parm.unmarked <- unique.gam parm <- paste(unique.gam, "(", parm, ")", sep="") } ##omega - apparent survival if(identical(parm.type, "omega")) { ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$omega))) ##create label for parm parm.unmarked <- "omega" parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="") } ##iota (for immigration = TRUE with dynamics = "autoreg", "trend", "ricker", or "gompertz") if(identical(parm.type, "iota")) { not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@formlist$iotaformula) ##check that parameter appears in all models parfreq <- sum(sapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) any(names(i@estimates@estimates) == parm.type))) if(!identical(length(cand.set), parfreq)) { stop("\nParameter \'iota\' (parm.type = \"", parm.type, "\") does not appear in all models:", "\ncannot compute model-averaged estimate across all models\n") } ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$iota))) ##create label for parm parm.unmarked <- "iota" parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="") } ##detect if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) { mod_formula<-lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$det))) parm.unmarked <- "sigma" parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="") } ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parm in the model include <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(cand.set), ncol=1) ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:length(cand.set)) { idents <- NULL form <- mod_formula[[i]] ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list if(is.null(reversed.parm)) { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(paste(parm), form[j]) } } else { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j]) } } include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) } ##add a check to determine if include always == 0 if (sum(include)==0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) ##add a check to determine if the same number of models include and exlude parameter if (length(which(include == 1)) != length(which(include != 1)) ) { stop("\nImportance values are only meaningful when the number of models with and without parameter are equal\n") } <- sum(new_table[which(include == 1), 6]) #select models including a given parameter w.minus <- 1 - imp <- list("parm" = parm, "" =, "w.minus" = w.minus) class(imp) <- c("importance", "list") return(imp) } ##vglm importance.AICvglm <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, c.hat = 1, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##reverse parm reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm) ##extract labels mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) labels(coefficients(i))) ##check whether parm is involved in interaction or if label changes for some models - e.g., ZIP models ##if : not already included if(regexpr(":", parm, fixed = TRUE) == -1) { ##if : not included parm.inter <- c(paste(parm, ":", sep = ""), paste(":", parm, sep = "")) inter.check <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.inter[1], mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1" & attr(regexpr(parm.inter[2], mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1", 0, 1) if(sum(inter.check) > 0) warning("\nLabel of parameter of interest seems to change across models:\n", "check model syntax for possible problems\n") } else { ##if : already included ##remove : from parm simple.parm <- unlist(strsplit(parm, split = ":"))[1] ##search for simple.parm and parm in model formulae no.colon <- sum(ifelse(attr(regexpr(simple.parm, mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") != "-1", 1, 0)) with.colon <- sum(ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") != "-1", 0, 1)) ##check if both are > 0 if(no.colon > 0 && with.colon > 0) warning("\nLabel of parameter of interest seems to change across models:\n", "check model syntax for possible problems\n") } ##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int" ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parm in the model include <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(cand.set), ncol=1) ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:length(cand.set)) { idents <- NULL form <- mod_formula[[i]] ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list if(is.null(reversed.parm)) { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(paste(parm), form[j]) } } else { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j]) } } include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) } ##add a check to determine if include always == 0 if (sum(include)==0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) ##add a check to determine if the same number of models include and exlude parameter if (length(which(include == 1)) != length(which(include != 1)) ) { stop("\nImportance values are only meaningful when the number of models with and without parameter are equal\n") } <- sum(new_table[which(include == 1), 6]) #select models including a given parameter w.minus <- 1 - imp <- list("parm" = parm, "" =, "w.minus" = w.minus) class(imp) <- c("importance", "list") return(imp) } ##zeroinfl importance.AICzeroinfl <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##reverse parm reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm) ##extract labels mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) labels(coef(i))) ##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int" ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parm in the model include <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(cand.set), ncol=1) ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:length(cand.set)) { idents <- NULL form <- mod_formula[[i]] ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list if(is.null(reversed.parm)) { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(paste(parm), form[j]) } } else { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j]) } } include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) } ##add a check to determine if include always == 0 if (sum(include)==0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) ##add a check to determine if the same number of models include and exlude parameter if (length(which(include == 1)) != length(which(include != 1)) ) { stop("\nImportance values are only meaningful when the number of models with and without parameter are equal\n") } <- sum(new_table[which(include == 1), 6]) #select models including a given parameter w.minus <- 1 - imp <- list("parm" = parm, "" =, "w.minus" = w.minus) class(imp) <- c("importance", "list") return(imp) } ##function for nicer printing of importance values print.importance <- function(x, digits = 2, ...) { cat("\nImportance values of '", x$parm, "':\n\n", sep = "") cat("w+ (models including parameter):", round(x$, digits = digits), "\n") cat("w- (models excluding parameter):", round(x$w.minus, digits = digits), "\n") cat("\n") }
##MacKenzie and Bailey goodness of fit test for single season occupancy models ##generic function to compute chi-square mb.chisq <- function(mod, print.table = TRUE, ...){ UseMethod("mb.chisq", mod) } mb.chisq.default <- function(mod, print.table = TRUE, ...){ stop("\nFunction not yet defined for this object class\n") } ##for single-season occupancy models of class unmarkedFitOccu mb.chisq.unmarkedFitOccu <- function(mod, print.table = TRUE, ...) { ##step 1: ##extract detection histories y.raw <- mod@data@y ##if some rows are all NA and sites are discarded, adjust sample size accordingly N.raw <- nrow(y.raw) #if(all NA) {N - number of rows with all NA} ##identify sites without data na.raw <- apply(X = y.raw, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) all( ##remove sites without data <- y.raw[!na.raw, ] N <- N.raw - sum(na.raw) #N is required for computations in the end Ts <- ncol( det.hist <- apply(X =, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = "")) ##compute predicted values of occupancy preds.psi <- predict(mod, type = "state")$Predicted ##compute predicted values of p preds.p <- matrix(data = predict(mod, type = "det")$Predicted, ncol = Ts, byrow = TRUE) ##assemble in data.frame out.hist <- data.frame(det.hist, preds.psi, stringsAsFactors = TRUE) ##identify unique histories un.hist <- unique(det.hist) n.un.hist <- length(un.hist) ##identify if missing values occur na.vals <- length(grep(pattern = "NA", x = un.hist)) > 0 if(na.vals) { ##identify each history with NA <- grep(pattern = "NA", x = un.hist) <- grep(pattern = "NA", x = det.hist) ##cohorts with NA <- sort(un.hist[]) <- length( ##determine cohorts that will be grouped together (same missing value) <- gsub(pattern = "NA", replacement = "N", x = ##determine which visit has missing value na.visits <- sapply(strsplit(x =, split = ""), FUN = function(i) paste(ifelse(i == "N", 1, 0), collapse = "")) ##add cohort labels for histories names( <- na.visits ##number of histories in each cohort n.hist.missing.cohorts <- table(na.visits) ##number of missing cohorts n.missing.cohorts <- length(n.hist.missing.cohorts) <- out.hist[, ]$det.hist <- droplevels($det.hist) ##groupings in <- sapply(X =$det.hist, FUN = function(i) gsub(pattern = "1", replacement = "0", x = i))$coh <- sapply(X =, FUN = function(i) gsub(pattern = "NA", replacement = "1", x = i)) ##number of sites in each missing cohort freqs.missing.cohorts <- table($coh) ##number of sites with each history na.freqs <- table(det.hist[]) <- preds.p[, ] ##cohorts without NA <- sort(un.hist[]) <- out.hist[, , drop = FALSE]$det.hist <- droplevels($det.hist) <- length( <- length(det.hist) - length( <- preds.p[, ] } else { <- sort(un.hist) <- out.hist <- preds.p <- length( <- length(det.hist) } ##for each missing data cohort, determine number of sites for each ##iterate over each site for each unique history if( > 0) { ##expected frequencies for non-missing data exp.freqs <- rep(NA, names(exp.freqs) <- ########################################SORT ENCOUNTER HISTORIES CHECK THAT ORDER IS IDENTICAL TO OBSERVED FREQS ##iterate over detection histories for (i in { eq.solved <- rep(NA, select.hist <-[i] ##strip all values strip.hist <- unlist(strsplit(select.hist, split = "")) ##translate each visit in probability statement hist.mat <- matrix(NA, nrow =, ncol = Ts) ##iterate over sites for(j in { ##in extreme cases where only a single cohort occurs without missing values if( == 1) { hist.mat[j, ] <- ifelse(strip.hist == "1",, ifelse(strip.hist == "0", 1 -, 0)) } else { hist.mat[j, ] <- ifelse(strip.hist == "1",[j, ], ifelse(strip.hist == "0", 1 -[j, ], 0)) } ##combine into equation combo.p <- paste(hist.mat[j, ], collapse = "*") ##for history without detection if(sum(as.numeric(strip.hist)) == 0) { combo.first <- paste(c([j, "preds.psi"], combo.p), collapse = "*") combo.psi.p <- paste((1 -[j, "preds.psi"]), "+", combo.first) } else { combo.psi.p <- paste(c([j, "preds.psi"], combo.p), collapse = "*") } eq.solved[j] <- eval(parse(text = as.expression(combo.psi.p))) } exp.freqs[i] <- sum(eq.solved, na.rm = TRUE) } ##for each detection history, compute observed frequencies freqs <- table($det.hist) out.freqs <- matrix(NA, nrow =, ncol = 4) colnames(out.freqs) <- c("Cohort", "Observed", "Expected", "Chi-square") rownames(out.freqs) <- names(freqs) ##cohort out.freqs[, 1] <- 0 ##observed out.freqs[, 2] <- freqs ##expected out.freqs[, 3] <- exp.freqs ##chi-square out.freqs[, 4] <- ((out.freqs[, "Observed"] - out.freqs[, "Expected"])^2)/out.freqs[, "Expected"] } ##if missing values if(na.vals) { ##create list to store the chisquare for each cohort missing.cohorts <- list( ) ##check if has only 1 row and change to matrix if(!is.matrix( { <- matrix(data =, nrow = 1)} for(m in 1:n.missing.cohorts) { ##select cohort select.cohort <-[which($coh == names(freqs.missing.cohorts)[m]), ] <-[which($coh == names(freqs.missing.cohorts)[m]), ] ##replace NA's with 1 to remove from likelihood if(!is.matrix( { <- matrix(data =, nrow = 1)}[, gregexpr(pattern = "N", text = gsub(pattern = "NA", replacement = "N", x = select.cohort$det.hist[1]))[[1]]] <- 1 <- nrow(select.cohort) <- table(droplevels(select.cohort$det.hist)) <- sort(unique(select.cohort$det.hist)) <- length( <- rep(NA, names( <- for(i in { ##number of sites in given history n.sites.hist <-[i] ##this should be number of sites for each history eq.solved <- rep(NA, ##replace NA's with N select.hist <- gsub(pattern = "NA", replacement = "N", x =[i]) ##strip all values strip.hist <- unlist(strsplit(select.hist, split = "")) ##translate each visit in probability statement hist.mat <- matrix(NA, nrow =, ncol = Ts) ##iterate over sites for(j in { ################## ##modified if(Ts == 1) { hist.mat[j, ] <- ifelse(strip.hist == "1",[j], ifelse(strip.hist == "0", 1 -[j], 1)) } else { hist.mat[j, ] <- ifelse(strip.hist == "1",[j, ], ifelse(strip.hist == "0", 1 -[j, ], 1)) } ##modified ################## ##replace NA by 1 (missing visit is removed from likelihood) ################################################### ###for missing value, remove occasion ################################################### ##combine into equation combo.p <- paste(hist.mat[j, ], collapse = "*") ##for history without detection if(sum(as.numeric(gsub(pattern = "N", replacement = "0", x = strip.hist))) == 0) { combo.first <- paste(c(select.cohort[j, "preds.psi"], combo.p), collapse = "*") combo.psi.p <- paste((1 - select.cohort[j, "preds.psi"]), "+", combo.first) } else { combo.psi.p <- paste(c(select.cohort[j, "preds.psi"], combo.p), collapse = "*") } eq.solved[j] <- eval(parse(text = as.expression(combo.psi.p))) }[i] <- sum(eq.solved, na.rm = TRUE) } ##compute chisq for missing data cohorts ##for each detection history, compute observed frequencies <- matrix(NA, nrow =, ncol = 4) colnames( <- c("Cohort", "Observed", "Expected", "Chi-square") rownames( <- ##cohort[, 1] <- m ##observed[, 2] <- ##expected[, 3] <- ##chi-square[, 4] <- (([, "Observed"] -[, "Expected"])^2)/[, "Expected"] missing.cohorts[[m]] <- list( = } } ##test statistic is chi-square for all possible detection histories ##for observed detection histories, chisq = sum((obs - exp)^2)/exp = Y ##to avoid computing all possible detection histories, it is possible to obtain it by subtraction: #for unobserved detection histories, chisq = sum((obs - exp)^2)/exp = sum(0 - exp)^2/exp = sum(exp) = X ##X = N.sites - sum(exp values from observed detection histories) ##Thus, test statistic = Y + X = Y + N - sum(exp values from observed detection histories) ##compute partial chi-square for observed detection histories (Y) #chisq.obs.det <- sum(((out.freqs[, "observed"] - out.freqs[, "expected"])^2)/out.freqs[, "expected"]) ##compute partial chi-square for unobserved detection histories (X) if(na.vals) { chisq.missing <-"rbind", lapply(missing.cohorts, FUN = function(i) i$ if( > 0) { chisq.unobs.det <- N - sum(out.freqs[, "Expected"]) - sum(chisq.missing[, "Expected"]) chisq.table <- rbind(out.freqs, chisq.missing) } else { chisq.unobs.det <- N - sum(chisq.missing[, "Expected"]) chisq.table <- chisq.missing } } else { chisq.unobs.det <- N - sum(out.freqs[, "Expected"]) <- 0 chisq.table <- out.freqs } ##test statistic (Y + X = Y - sum(exp observed detection histories) chisq <- sum(chisq.table[, "Chi-square"]) + chisq.unobs.det if(print.table) { out <- list(chisq.table = chisq.table, chi.square = chisq, model.type = "single-season") } else { out <- list(chi.square = chisq, model.type = "single-season") } class(out) <- "mb.chisq" return(out) } ##dynamic occupancy models of class unmarkedFitColExt mb.chisq.unmarkedFitColExt <- function(mod, print.table = TRUE, ...) { ##information on data set ##extract number of seasons <- mod@data detections <- n.seasons <- n.sites <- nrow(detections) ##total visits total.visits <- ncol(detections) ##number of visits per season n.visits <- total.visits/n.seasons ##determine if certain sites have no data for certain visits ##split encounter history for each season starts <- seq(1, total.visits, by = n.visits) ##create list to hold seasons y.seasons <- list( ) for(k in 1:n.seasons) { first.col <- starts[k] y.seasons[[k]] <- detections[, first.col:(first.col+n.visits-1)] } ##check if any seasons were not sampled y.seasonsNA <- sapply(y.seasons, FUN = function(i) all( ################################# ##from model ##predict init psi psi.init.pred <- predict(mod, type = "psi")$Predicted ##predict gamma gam.pred <- matrix(data = predict(mod, type = "col")$Predicted, ncol = n.seasons, byrow = TRUE)[, 1:(n.seasons - 1)] ##predict epsilon eps.pred <- matrix(data = predict(mod, type = "ext")$Predicted, ncol = n.seasons, byrow = TRUE)[, 1:(n.seasons - 1)] ##predicted p p.pred <- matrix(data = predict(mod, type = "det")$Predicted, ncol = total.visits, nrow = n.sites, byrow = TRUE) ##divide p's for each season p.seasons <- list( ) for(k in 1:n.seasons) { first.col <- starts[k] p.seasons[[k]] <- p.pred[, first.col:(first.col+n.visits-1)] } ##compute predicted values of psi for each season psi.seasons <- list( ) ##add first year in list psi.seasons[[1]] <- psi.init.pred ##compute psi recursively for each year given psi(t - 1), epsilon, and gamma if(n.seasons == 2) { psi.seasons[[2]] <- psi.seasons[[1]] * (1 - eps.pred) + (1 - psi.seasons[[1]]) * gam.pred } else { for(m in 2:(n.seasons)){ psi.seasons[[m]] <- psi.seasons[[m-1]] * (1 - eps.pred[, m-1]) + (1 - psi.seasons[[m-1]]) * gam.pred[, m-1] } } ################################################ ###the following is adapted from mb.chisq ##create list to hold table for each year out <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons) ##add label for seasons season.labels <- paste("Season", 1:n.seasons, sep = "") names(out) <- season.labels #names(all.chisq) <- season.labels ##iterate over seasons for (season in 1:n.seasons) { ##step 1: ##extract detection histories y.raw <- y.seasons[[season]] ##if some rows are all NA and sites are discarded, adjust sample size accordingly N.raw <- nrow(y.raw) ##if(all NA) {N - number of rows with all NA} ##identify sites without data na.raw <- apply(X = y.raw, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) all( ##remove sites without data <- y.raw[!na.raw, ] #in mb.chisq( ) for single season data, sites without data are removed ##with multiseason model, missing data in some years create an imbalance - better to maintain number of sites constant across years ##this creates a new cohort with only missing values <- y.raw ##number of observed detection histories (excludes cases with all NA's) N <- N.raw - sum(na.raw) ##check if any columns are empty nodata.raw <- apply(X =, MARGIN = 2, FUN = function(i) all( <- which(nodata.raw == FALSE) ##select only columns with data if(any(nodata.raw)) { <-[,] } ##T is required for computations in the end ##if only a single visit, ncol( ) returns NULL ########################### ##modified if(is.vector({ Ts <- 1 } else { Ts <- ncol( } ##if no data, skip to next season if(Ts == 0) {next} ##if single visit, returns error if(Ts == 1) { det.hist <- paste(, sep = "") } else { det.hist <- apply(X =, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = "")) } ##modified ########################### ##compute predicted values of occupancy for season i preds.psi <- psi.seasons[[season]] ##MODIFIED FROM mb.chisq - change iteration number ##extract matrix of p's for season i if(any(nodata.raw)) { preds.p <- p.seasons[[season]][,] } else { preds.p <- p.seasons[[season]] } ##assemble in data.frame out.hist <- data.frame(det.hist, preds.psi, stringsAsFactors = TRUE) ##identify unique histories un.hist <- unique(det.hist) n.un.hist <- length(un.hist) ##identify if missing values occur na.vals <- length(grep(pattern = "NA", x = un.hist)) > 0 if(na.vals) { ##identify each history with NA <- grep(pattern = "NA", x = un.hist) <- grep(pattern = "NA", x = det.hist) ##cohorts with NA <- sort(un.hist[]) <- length( ##determine cohorts that will be grouped together (same missing value) <- gsub(pattern = "NA", replacement = "N", x = ##determine which visit has missing value na.visits <- sapply(strsplit(x =, split = ""), FUN = function(i) paste(ifelse(i == "N", 1, 0), collapse = "")) ##add cohort labels for histories names( <- na.visits ##number of histories in each cohort n.hist.missing.cohorts <- table(na.visits) ##number of missing cohorts n.missing.cohorts <- length(n.hist.missing.cohorts) <- out.hist[, ]$det.hist <- droplevels($det.hist) ##groupings in <- sapply(X =$det.hist, FUN = function(i) gsub(pattern = "1", replacement = "0", x = i))$coh <- sapply(X =, FUN = function(i) gsub(pattern = "NA", replacement = "1", x = i)) ##number of sites in each missing cohort freqs.missing.cohorts <- table($coh) ##number of sites with each history na.freqs <- table(det.hist[]) ##################### ##modified if(Ts == 1) { <- preds.p[] } else { <- preds.p[, ] } ##modified ##################### ##cohorts without NA <- sort(un.hist[]) <- out.hist[, , drop = FALSE]$det.hist <- droplevels($det.hist) <- length( <- length(det.hist) - length( ##################### ##modified if(Ts == 1) { <- preds.p[] } else { <- preds.p[, ] } ##modified ##################### } else { <- sort(un.hist) <- out.hist <- preds.p <- length( <- length(det.hist) } ##for each missing data cohort, determine number of sites for each ##iterate over each site for each unique history if( > 0) { ##expected frequencies for non-missing data exp.freqs <- rep(NA, names(exp.freqs) <- ########################################SORT ENCOUNTER HISTORIES CHECK THAT ORDER IS IDENTICAL TO OBSERVED FREQS ##iterate over detection histories for (i in { eq.solved <- rep(NA, select.hist <-[i] ##strip all values strip.hist <- unlist(strsplit(select.hist, split = "")) ##translate each visit in probability statement hist.mat <- matrix(NA, nrow =, ncol = Ts) ##iterate over sites for(j in { ##in extreme cases where only a single cohort occurs without missing values ############ ##modified if( == 1 || Ts == 1) { ##modified ############# hist.mat[j, ] <- ifelse(strip.hist == "1",, ifelse(strip.hist == "0", 1 -, 0)) } else { hist.mat[j, ] <- ifelse(strip.hist == "1",[j, ], ifelse(strip.hist == "0", 1 -[j, ], 0)) } ##combine into equation combo.p <- paste(hist.mat[j, ], collapse = "*") ##for history without detection if(sum(as.numeric(strip.hist)) == 0) { combo.first <- paste(c([j, "preds.psi"], combo.p), collapse = "*") combo.psi.p <- paste((1 -[j, "preds.psi"]), "+", combo.first) } else { combo.psi.p <- paste(c([j, "preds.psi"], combo.p), collapse = "*") } eq.solved[j] <- eval(parse(text = as.expression(combo.psi.p))) } exp.freqs[i] <- sum(eq.solved, na.rm = TRUE) } ##for each detection history, compute observed frequencies freqs <- table($det.hist) out.freqs <- matrix(NA, nrow =, ncol = 4) colnames(out.freqs) <- c("Cohort", "Observed", "Expected", "Chi-square") rownames(out.freqs) <- names(freqs) ##cohort out.freqs[, 1] <- 0 ##observed out.freqs[, 2] <- freqs ##expected out.freqs[, 3] <- exp.freqs ##chi-square out.freqs[, 4] <- ((out.freqs[, "Observed"] - out.freqs[, "Expected"])^2)/out.freqs[, "Expected"] } ##if missing values if(na.vals) { ##create list to store the chisquare for each cohort missing.cohorts <- list( ) ##check if has only 1 row and change to matrix if(!is.matrix( { <- matrix(data =, nrow = 1)} for(m in 1:n.missing.cohorts) { ##select cohort select.cohort <-[which($coh == names(freqs.missing.cohorts)[m]), ] ####################### ##modified if(Ts == 1) { <-[which($coh == names(freqs.missing.cohorts)[m])] } else { <-[which($coh == names(freqs.missing.cohorts)[m]), ] } ##modified ####################### ##replace NA's with 1 to remove from likelihood if(!is.matrix( { <- matrix(data =, nrow = 1)}[, gregexpr(pattern = "N", text = gsub(pattern = "NA", replacement = "N", x = select.cohort$det[1]))[[1]]] <- 1 <- nrow(select.cohort) <- table(droplevels(select.cohort$det.hist)) <- sort(unique(select.cohort$det.hist)) <- length( <- rep(NA, names( <- for(i in { ##number of sites in given history n.sites.hist <-[i] ##this should be number of sites for each history eq.solved <- rep(NA, ##replace NA's with N select.hist <- gsub(pattern = "NA", replacement = "N", x =[i]) ##strip all values strip.hist <- unlist(strsplit(select.hist, split = "")) ##translate each visit in probability statement hist.mat <- matrix(NA, nrow =, ncol = Ts) ##iterate over sites for(j in { hist.mat[j, ] <- ifelse(strip.hist == "1",[j, ], ifelse(strip.hist == "0", 1 -[j, ], 1)) ##replace NA by 1 (missing visit is removed from likelihood) ################################################### ###for missing value, remove occasion ################################################### ##combine into equation combo.p <- paste(hist.mat[j, ], collapse = "*") ##for history without detection if(sum(as.numeric(gsub(pattern = "N", replacement = "0", x = strip.hist))) == 0) { combo.first <- paste(c(select.cohort[j, "preds.psi"], combo.p), collapse = "*") combo.psi.p <- paste((1 - select.cohort[j, "preds.psi"]), "+", combo.first) } else { combo.psi.p <- paste(c(select.cohort[j, "preds.psi"], combo.p), collapse = "*") } eq.solved[j] <- eval(parse(text = as.expression(combo.psi.p))) }[i] <- sum(eq.solved, na.rm = TRUE) } ##compute chisq for missing data cohorts ##for each detection history, compute observed frequencies <- matrix(NA, nrow =, ncol = 4) colnames( <- c("Cohort", "Observed", "Expected", "Chi-square") rownames( <- ##cohort[, 1] <- m ##observed[, 2] <- ##expected[, 3] <- ##chi-square[, 4] <- (([, "Observed"] -[, "Expected"])^2)/[, "Expected"] missing.cohorts[[m]] <- list( = } } ##test statistic is chi-square for all possible detection histories ##for observed detection histories, chisq = sum((obs - exp)^2)/exp = Y ##to avoid computing all possible detection histories, it is possible to obtain it by subtraction: ##for unobserved detection histories, chisq = sum((obs - exp)^2)/exp = sum(0 - exp)^2/exp = sum(exp) = X ##X = N.sites - sum(exp values from observed detection histories) ##Thus, test statistic = Y + X = Y + N - sum(exp values from observed detection histories) ##compute partial chi-square for observed detection histories (Y) ##chisq.obs.det <- sum(((out.freqs[, "observed"] - out.freqs[, "expected"])^2)/out.freqs[, "expected"]) ##compute partial chi-square for unobserved detection histories (X) if(na.vals) { chisq.missing <-"rbind", lapply(missing.cohorts, FUN = function(i) i$ ##check for sites never sampled in table sites.never <- rownames(chisq.missing) never.sampled <- grep(pattern = paste(rep(NA, Ts), collapse = ""), x = sites.never) if(length(never.sampled) > 0) { ##remove row for site never sampled chisq.missing <- chisq.missing[-never.sampled, , drop = FALSE] } if( > 0) { chisq.unobs.det <- N - sum(out.freqs[, "Expected"]) - sum(chisq.missing[, "Expected"]) chisq.table <- rbind(out.freqs, chisq.missing) } else { chisq.unobs.det <- N - sum(chisq.missing[, "Expected"]) chisq.table <- chisq.missing } } else { chisq.unobs.det <- N - sum(out.freqs[, "Expected"]) <- 0 chisq.table <- out.freqs } ##test statistic (Y + X = Y - sum(exp observed detection histories) chisq <- sum(chisq.table[, "Chi-square"]) + chisq.unobs.det if(print.table) { out[[season]] <- list(chisq.table = chisq.table, chi.square = chisq) #change to iteration number } else { out[[season]] <- list(chi.square = chisq) } } ##add a final named element combining the chi-square all.chisq <- unlist(lapply(out, FUN = function(i) i$chi.square)) ##add label for seasons sampled.seasons <- which(!y.seasonsNA) new.season.labels <- paste("Season", sampled.seasons, sep = " ") names(all.chisq) <- new.season.labels ##print table or only test statistic if(print.table) { out.nice <- list(tables = out, all.chisq = all.chisq, n.seasons = n.seasons, model.type = "dynamic", missing.seasons = y.seasonsNA) } else { out.nice <- list(all.chisq = all.chisq, n.seasons = n.seasons, model.type = "dynamic", missing.seasons = y.seasonsNA) } class(out.nice) <- "mb.chisq" return(out.nice) } ##Royle-Nichols count model of class unmarkedFitOccuRN - modified by Dan Linden mb.chisq.unmarkedFitOccuRN <- function (mod, print.table = TRUE, maxK = NULL, ...){ ##add a check to inform user that maxK is now extracted from model object if(is.null(maxK)) { maxK <- mod@K } y.raw <- mod@data@y N.raw <- nrow(y.raw) na.raw <- apply(X = y.raw, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) all( <- y.raw[!na.raw, ] N <- N.raw - sum(na.raw) ################### ###modified by Dan Linden T <- ncol( K <- 0:maxK ################ det.hist <- apply(X =, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = "")) preds.lam <- predict(mod, type = "state")$Predicted preds.p <- matrix(data = predict(mod, type = "det")$Predicted, ncol = T, byrow = TRUE) out.hist <- data.frame(det.hist, preds.lam, stringsAsFactors = TRUE) un.hist <- unique(det.hist) n.un.hist <- length(un.hist) na.vals <- length(grep(pattern = "NA", x = un.hist)) > 0 if (na.vals) { <- grep(pattern = "NA", x = un.hist) <- grep(pattern = "NA", x = det.hist) <- sort(un.hist[]) <- length( <- gsub(pattern = "NA", replacement = "N", x = na.visits <- sapply(strsplit(x =, split = ""), FUN = function(i) paste(ifelse(i == "N", 1, 0), collapse = "")) names( <- na.visits n.hist.missing.cohorts <- table(na.visits) n.missing.cohorts <- length(n.hist.missing.cohorts) <- out.hist[, ]$det.hist <- droplevels($det.hist) <- sapply(X =$det.hist, FUN = function(i) gsub(pattern = "1", replacement = "0", x = i))$coh <- sapply(X =, FUN = function(i) gsub(pattern = "NA", replacement = "1", x = i)) freqs.missing.cohorts <- table($coh) na.freqs <- table(det.hist[]) <- preds.p[, ] <- sort(un.hist[]) <- out.hist[, , drop = FALSE]$det.hist <- droplevels($det.hist) <- length( <- length(det.hist) - length( <- preds.p[, ] } else { <- sort(un.hist) <- out.hist <- preds.p <- length( <- length(det.hist) } if ( > 0) { exp.freqs <- rep(NA, names(exp.freqs) <- for (i in { eq.solved <- rep(NA, select.hist <-[i] strip.hist <- unlist(strsplit(select.hist, split = "")) ####################### ###modified by Dan Linden hist.mat <- new.hist.mat <- new.hist.mat1 <- new.hist.mat0 <- matrix(NA, nrow =, ncol = T) ####################### for (j in { if ( == 1) { ####################### ###modified by Dan Linden hist.mat[j,] <- } else { hist.mat[j,] <-[j,]} ##Pr(y.ij=1|K) p.k.mat <- sapply(hist.mat[j,], function(r) {1 - (1 - r)^K}) ##new.hist.mat1[j,] <- dpois(K,[j, "preds.lam"]) %*% p.k.mat ##new.hist.mat0[j,] <- dpois(K,[j, "preds.lam"]) %*% (1 - p.k.mat) ##new.hist.mat[j,] <- ifelse(strip.hist == "1", ## new.hist.mat1[j,], ifelse(strip.hist == "0", ## new.hist.mat0[j,], 0)) ##combo.lam.p <- paste(new.hist.mat[j, ], collapse = "*") ##eq.solved[j] <- eval(parse(text = as.expression(combo.lam.p))) ###start modifications by Ken Kellner obs <- as.integer(strip.hist) pk <- dpois(K,[j,"preds.lam"]) cp <- t(p.k.mat) * obs + (1 - t(p.k.mat)) * (1 - obs) prod_cp <- apply(cp, 2, prod, na.rm = TRUE) eq.solved[j] <- sum(pk * prod_cp) ###end modifications by Ken Kellner } exp.freqs[i] <- sum(eq.solved, na.rm = TRUE) } ####################### ##for each detection history, compute observed frequencies freqs <- table($det.hist) out.freqs <- matrix(NA, nrow =, ncol = 4) colnames(out.freqs) <- c("Cohort", "Observed", "Expected", "Chi-square") rownames(out.freqs) <- names(freqs) ##cohort out.freqs[, 1] <- 0 ##observed out.freqs[, 2] <- freqs ##expected out.freqs[, 3] <- exp.freqs ##chi-square out.freqs[, 4] <- ((out.freqs[, "Observed"] - out.freqs[, "Expected"])^2)/out.freqs[, "Expected"] } ##if missing values if (na.vals) { missing.cohorts <- list() if (!is.matrix( { <- matrix(data =, nrow = 1) } for (m in 1:n.missing.cohorts) { select.cohort <-[which($coh == names(freqs.missing.cohorts)[m]), ] <-[which($coh == names(freqs.missing.cohorts)[m]), ] if (!is.matrix( { <- matrix(data =, nrow = 1) }[, gregexpr(pattern = "N", text = gsub(pattern = "NA", replacement = "N", x = select.cohort$det.hist[1]))[[1]]] <- 1 <- nrow(select.cohort) <- table(droplevels(select.cohort$det.hist)) <- sort(unique(select.cohort$det.hist)) <- length( <- rep(NA, names( <- for (i in { n.sites.hist <-[i] eq.solved <- rep(NA, select.hist <- gsub(pattern = "NA", replacement = "N", x =[i]) strip.hist <- unlist(strsplit(select.hist, split = "")) ####################### ###modified by Dan Linden hist.mat <- new.hist.mat <- new.hist.mat1 <-new.hist.mat0 <- matrix(NA, nrow =, ncol = T) for (j in { hist.mat[j, ] <-[j, ] ##Pr(y.ij=1|K) p.k.mat <- sapply(hist.mat[j,],function(r){1 - (1 - r)^K}) ##new.hist.mat1[j,] <- dpois(K,select.cohort[j, "preds.lam"]) %*% p.k.mat ##new.hist.mat0[j,] <- dpois(K,select.cohort[j, "preds.lam"]) %*% (1-p.k.mat) ##new.hist.mat[j,] <- ifelse(strip.hist == "1", ## new.hist.mat1[j,], ifelse(strip.hist == "0", ## new.hist.mat0[j,], 1)) ##combo.lam.p <- paste(new.hist.mat[j, ], collapse = "*") ##eq.solved[j] <- eval(parse(text = as.expression(combo.lam.p))) ###start modifications by Ken Kellner obs <- suppressWarnings(as.integer(strip.hist)) pk <- dpois(K, select.cohort[j,"preds.lam"]) cp <- t(p.k.mat) * obs + (1 - t(p.k.mat)) * (1 - obs) prod_cp <- apply(cp, 2, prod, na.rm = TRUE) eq.solved[j] <- sum(pk * prod_cp) ###end modifications by Ken Kellner }[i] <- sum(eq.solved, na.rm = TRUE) } ####################### <- matrix(NA, nrow =, ncol = 4) colnames( <- c("Cohort", "Observed", "Expected", "Chi-square") rownames( <-[, 1] <- m[, 2] <-[, 3] <-[, 4] <- (([, "Observed"] -[, "Expected"])^2)/[, "Expected"] missing.cohorts[[m]] <- list( = } } if (na.vals) { chisq.missing <-"rbind", lapply(missing.cohorts, FUN = function(i) i$ if ( > 0) { chisq.unobs.det <- N - sum(out.freqs[, "Expected"]) - sum(chisq.missing[, "Expected"]) chisq.table <- rbind(out.freqs, chisq.missing) } else { chisq.unobs.det <- N - sum(chisq.missing[, "Expected"]) chisq.table <- chisq.missing } } else { chisq.unobs.det <- N - sum(out.freqs[, "Expected"]) <- 0 chisq.table <- out.freqs } chisq <- sum(chisq.table[, "Chi-square"]) + chisq.unobs.det if(print.table) { out <- list(chisq.table = chisq.table, chi.square = chisq, model.type = "royle-nichols") } else { out <- list(chi.square = chisq, model.type = "royle-nichols") } class(out) <- "mb.chisq" return(out) } ##simulating data from model to compute P-value of test statistic ##create generic mb.gof.test mb.gof.test <- function(mod, nsim = 5, plot.hist = TRUE, report = NULL, parallel = TRUE, ncores, cex.axis = 1, cex.lab = 1, cex.main = 1, lwd = 1, ...){ UseMethod("mb.gof.test", mod) } mb.gof.test.default <- function(mod, nsim = 5, plot.hist = TRUE, report = NULL, parallel = TRUE, ncores, cex.axis = 1, cex.lab = 1, cex.main = 1, lwd = 1, ...){ stop("\nFunction not yet defined for this object class\n") } ##for single-season occupancy models of class unmarkedFitOccu mb.gof.test.unmarkedFitOccu <- function(mod, nsim = 5, plot.hist = TRUE, report = NULL, parallel = TRUE, ncores, cex.axis = 1, cex.lab = 1, cex.main = 1, lwd = 1, ...){#more bootstrap samples are recommended (e.g., 1000, 5000, or 10 000) ##extract table from fitted model mod.table <- mb.chisq(mod) ##if NULL, don't print test statistic at each iteration if(is.null(report)) { ##compute GOF P-value out <- parboot(mod, statistic = function(i) mb.chisq(i)$chi.square, nsim = nsim, parallel = parallel, ncores = ncores) } else { ##compute GOF P-value out <- parboot(mod, statistic = function(i) mb.chisq(i)$chi.square, nsim = nsim, report = report, parallel = parallel, ncores = ncores) } ##determine significance p.value <- sum([email protected] >= out@t0)/nsim if(p.value == 0) { p.display <- paste("<", round(1/nsim, digits = 4)) } else { p.display <- paste("=", round(p.value, digits = 4)) } ##create plot if(plot.hist) { hist([email protected], main = paste("Bootstrapped MacKenzie and Bailey fit statistic (", nsim, " samples)", sep = ""), xlim = range(c([email protected], out@t0)), xlab = paste("Simulated statistic ", "(observed = ", round(out@t0, digits = 2), ")", sep = ""), cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.main = cex.main) title(main = bquote(paste(italic(P), " ", .(p.display))), line = 0.5, cex.main = cex.main) abline(v = out@t0, lty = "dashed", col = "red", lwd = lwd) } ##estimate c-hat c.hat.est <- out@t0/mean([email protected]) ##assemble result gof.out <- list(model.type = mod.table$model.type, chisq.table = mod.table$chisq.table, chi.square = mod.table$chi.square, = [email protected], p.value = p.value, c.hat.est = c.hat.est, nsim = nsim) class(gof.out) <- "mb.chisq" return(gof.out) } ##dynamic occupancy models of class unmarkedFitColExt mb.gof.test.unmarkedFitColExt <- function(mod, nsim = 5, plot.hist = TRUE, report = NULL, parallel = TRUE, ncores, cex.axis = 1, cex.lab = 1, cex.main = 1, lwd = 1, plot.seasons = FALSE, ...){#more bootstrap samples are recommended (e.g., 1000, 5000, or 10 000) ##extract table from fitted model mod.table <- mb.chisq(mod) n.seasons <- mod.table$n.seasons n.seasons.adj <- n.seasons #total number of plots fixed to 11 or 12, depending on plots requested missing.seasons <- mod.table$missing.seasons ##number of seasons with data <- sum(missing.seasons) ##if NULL, don't print test statistic at each iteration if(is.null(report)) { ##compute GOF P-value out <- parboot(mod, statistic = function(i) mb.chisq(i)$all.chisq, nsim = nsim, parallel = parallel, ncores = ncores) } else { ##compute GOF P-value out <- parboot(mod, statistic = function(i) mb.chisq(i)$all.chisq, #extract chi-square for each year nsim = nsim, report = report, parallel = parallel, ncores = ncores) } ##list to hold results p.vals <- list( ) if(plot.hist && !plot.seasons) { nRows <- 1 nCols <- 1 ##reset graphics parameters and save in object oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(nRows, nCols)) } ##if only season-specific plots are requested if(!plot.hist && plot.seasons) { ##determine arrangement of plots in matrix if(plot.seasons && n.seasons >= 12) { n.seasons.adj <- 12 warning("\nOnly first 12 seasons are plotted\n") } if(plot.seasons && n.seasons.adj <= 12) { ##if n.seasons < 12 ##if 12, 11, 10 <- 4 x 3 ##if 9, 8, 7 <- 3 x 3 ##if 6, 5 <- 3 x 2 ##if 4 <- 2 x 2 ##if 3 <- 3 x 1 ##if 2 <- 2 x 1 if(n.seasons.adj >= 10) { nRows <- 4 nCols <- 3 } else { if(n.seasons.adj >= 7) { nRows <- 3 nCols <- 3 } else { if(n.seasons.adj >= 5) { nRows <- 3 nCols <- 2 } else { if(n.seasons.adj == 4) { nRows <- 2 nCols <- 2 } else { if(n.seasons.adj == 3) { nRows <- 3 nCols <- 1 } else { nRows <- 2 nCols <- 1 } } } } } } ##reset graphics parameters and save in object oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(nRows, nCols)) } ##if both plots for seasons and summary are requested if(plot.hist && plot.seasons){ ##determine arrangement of plots in matrix if(plot.seasons && n.seasons >= 12) { n.seasons.adj <- 11 warning("\nOnly first 11 seasons are plotted\n") } if(plot.seasons && n.seasons.adj <= 11) { if(n.seasons.adj >= 9) { nRows <- 4 nCols <- 3 } else { if(n.seasons.adj >= 6) { nRows <- 3 nCols <- 3 } else { if(n.seasons.adj >= 4) { nRows <- 3 nCols <- 2 } else { if(n.seasons.adj == 3) { nRows <- 2 nCols <- 2 } else { if(n.seasons.adj == 2) { nRows <- 3 nCols <- 1 } } } } } } ##reset graphics parameters and save in object oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(nRows, nCols)) } ##determine significance for each season if(!any(missing.seasons)) { for(k in 1:n.seasons) { p.value <- sum([email protected][, k] >= out@t0[k])/nsim if(p.value == 0) { p.display <- paste("<", round(1/nsim, digits = 4)) } else { p.display <- paste("=", round(p.value, digits = 4)) } p.vals[[k]] <- list("p.value" = p.value, "p.display" = p.display) } ##create plot for first 12 plots if(plot.seasons) { ##add a check to handle error with plotting window tryHist <- try(expr = { for(k in 1:n.seasons.adj) { hist([email protected][, k], main = paste("Bootstrapped MacKenzie and Bailey fit statistic (", nsim, " samples) - season ", k, sep = ""), xlim = range(c([email protected][, k], out@t0[k])), xlab = paste("Simulated statistic ", "(observed = ", round(out@t0[k], digits = 2), ")", sep = ""), cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.main = cex.main) title(main = bquote(paste(italic(P), " ", .(p.vals[[k]]$p.display))), line = 0.5, cex.main = cex.main) abline(v = out@t0[k], lty = "dashed", col = "red", lwd = lwd) } }, silent = TRUE) if(is(tryHist, "try-error")) { warning("\nFigure margins are too wide for the current plotting window: adjust graphical parameters.\n") } } } else { for(k in { p.value <- sum([email protected][, k] >= out@t0[k])/nsim if(p.value == 0) { p.display <- paste("<", round(1/nsim, digits = 4)) } else { p.display <- paste("=", round(p.value, digits = 4)) } p.vals[[k]] <- list("p.value" = p.value, "p.display" = p.display) } ##create plot for first 12 plots if(plot.seasons) { ##add a check to handle error with plotting window tryHist <- try(expr = { for(k in { hist([email protected][, k], main = paste("Bootstrapped MacKenzie and Bailey fit statistic (", nsim, " samples) - season ", k, sep = ""), xlim = range(c([email protected][, k], out@t0[k])), xlab = paste("Simulated statistic ", "(observed = ", round(out@t0[k], digits = 2), ")", sep = ""), cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.main = cex.main) title(main = bquote(paste(italic(P), " ", .(p.vals[[k]]$p.display))), line = 0.5, cex.main = cex.main) abline(v = out@t0[k], lty = "dashed", col = "red", lwd = lwd) } }, silent = TRUE) if(is(tryHist, "try-error")) { warning("\nFigure margins are too wide for the current plotting window: adjust graphical parameters.\n") } } } ##estimate c-hat obs.chisq <- sum(mod.table$all.chisq) boot.chisq <- sum(colMeans([email protected])) c.hat.est <- obs.chisq/boot.chisq all.p.vals <- lapply(p.vals, FUN = function(i) i$p.value) ##lapply(mod.table, FUN = function(i) i$chisq.table) ##compute P-value for obs.chisq sum.chisq <- rowSums([email protected]) <- sum(sum.chisq >= obs.chisq)/nsim if( == 0) { <- paste("< ", 1/nsim) } else { <- paste("=", round(, digits = 4)) } ##optionally show sum of chi-squares ##create plot if(plot.hist) { hist(sum.chisq, main = paste("Bootstrapped sum of chi-square statistic (", nsim, " samples)", sep = ""), xlim = range(c(sum.chisq, obs.chisq)), xlab = paste("Simulated statistic ", "(observed = ", round(obs.chisq, digits = 2), ")", sep = ""), cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.main = cex.main) title(main = bquote(paste(italic(P), " ", .(, line = 0.5, cex.main = cex.main) abline(v = obs.chisq, lty = "dashed", col = "red", lwd = lwd) } ##reset to original values if(any(plot.hist || plot.seasons)) { on.exit(par(oldpar)) } ##check if missing seasons if(identical(mod.table$model.type, "dynamic")) { missing.seasons <- mod.table$missing.seasons } else { missing.seasons <- NULL } ##assemble result gof.out <- list(model.type = mod.table$model.type, chisq.table = mod.table, chi.square = obs.chisq, = sum.chisq, p.value = all.p.vals, =, c.hat.est = c.hat.est, nsim = nsim, n.seasons = n.seasons, missing.seasons = missing.seasons) class(gof.out) <- "mb.chisq" return(gof.out) } ##Royle-Nichols count models of class unmarkedFitOccuRN mb.gof.test.unmarkedFitOccuRN <- function (mod, nsim = 5, plot.hist = TRUE, report = NULL, parallel = TRUE, ncores, cex.axis = 1, cex.lab = 1, cex.main = 1, lwd = 1, maxK = NULL, ...){ ##extract table from fitted model mod.table <- mb.chisq(mod, ...) if(is.null(report)) { ##compute GOF P-value out <- parboot(mod, statistic = function(i) mb.chisq(i)$chi.square, nsim = nsim, parallel = parallel) } else { out <- parboot(mod, statistic = function(i) mb.chisq(i)$chi.square, nsim = nsim, report = report, parallel = parallel) } ##determine significance p.value <- sum([email protected] >= out@t0)/nsim if (p.value == 0) { p.display <- paste("<", round(1/nsim, digits = 4)) } else { p.display <- paste("=", round(p.value, digits = 4)) } ##create plot if(plot.hist) { hist([email protected], main = paste("Bootstrapped MacKenzie and Bailey fit statistic (", nsim, " samples)", sep = ""), xlim = range(c([email protected], out@t0)), xlab = paste("Simulated statistic ", "(observed = ", round(out@t0, digits = 2), ")", sep = ""), cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.main = cex.main) title(main = bquote(paste(italic(P), " ", .(p.display))), line = 0.5, cex.main = cex.main) abline(v = out@t0, lty = "dashed", col = "red", lwd = lwd) } ##estimate c-hat c.hat.est <- out@t0/mean([email protected]) gof.out <- list(model.type = mod.table$model.type, chisq.table = mod.table$chisq.table, chi.square = mod.table$chi.square, = [email protected], p.value = p.value, c.hat.est = c.hat.est, nsim = nsim) class(gof.out) <- "mb.chisq" return(gof.out) } ##print function print.mb.chisq <- function(x, digits.vals = 2, digits.chisq = 4, ...) { ##single-season occupancy models if(identical(x$model.type, "single-season")) { cat("\nMacKenzie and Bailey goodness-of-fit for single-season occupancy model\n") if(any(names(x) == "chisq.table")) { cat("\nPearson chi-square table:\n\n") ##replace NA with "." for nicer printing nice.rows <- gsub(pattern = "NA", replacement = ".", rownames(x$chisq.table)) rownames(x$chisq.table) <- nice.rows print(round(x$chisq.table, digits = digits.vals)) } cat("\nChi-square statistic =", round(x$chi.square, digits = digits.chisq), "\n") if(any(names(x) == "c.hat.est")) { cat("Number of bootstrap samples =", x$nsim) cat("\nP-value =", x$p.value) cat("\n\nQuantiles of bootstrapped statistics:\n") print(quantile(x$, digits = digits.vals) cat("\nEstimate of c-hat =", round(x$c.hat.est, digits = digits.vals), "\n") } cat("\n") } ##single-season Royle-Nichols occupancy models if(identical(x$model.type, "royle-nichols")) { cat("\nMacKenzie and Bailey goodness-of-fit for Royle-Nichols occupancy model\n") if(any(names(x) == "chisq.table")) { cat("\nPearson chi-square table:\n\n") ##replace NA with "." for nicer printing nice.rows <- gsub(pattern = "NA", replacement = ".", rownames(x$chisq.table)) rownames(x$chisq.table) <- nice.rows print(round(x$chisq.table, digits = digits.vals)) } cat("\nChi-square statistic =", round(x$chi.square, digits = digits.chisq), "\n") if(any(names(x) == "c.hat.est")) { cat("Number of bootstrap samples =", x$nsim) cat("\nP-value =", x$p.value) cat("\n\nQuantiles of bootstrapped statistics:\n") print(quantile(x$, digits = digits.vals) cat("\nEstimate of c-hat =", round(x$c.hat.est, digits = digits.vals), "\n") } cat("\n") } ##dynamic occupancy models if(identical(x$model.type, "dynamic")) { cat("\nGoodness-of-fit for dynamic occupancy model\n") cat("\nNumber of seasons: ", x$n.seasons, "\n") ##cat("\nPearson chi-square table:\n\n") ##print(round(x$chisq.table, digits = digits.vals)) ##x$chisq.table cat("\nChi-square statistic:\n") if(any(names(x) == "all.chisq")) { print(round(x$all.chisq, digits = digits.chisq)) if(any(x$missing.seasons)) { if(sum(x$missing.seasons) == 1) { cat("\nNote: season", which(x$missing.seasons), "was not sampled\n") } else { cat("\nNote: seasons", paste(which(x$missing.seasons), sep = ", "), "were not sampled\n") } } cat("\nTotal chi-square =", round(sum(x$all.chisq), digits = digits.chisq), "\n") } else { print(round(x$chisq.table$all.chisq, digits = digits.chisq)) if(any(x$missing.seasons)) { if(sum(x$missing.seasons) == 1) { cat("\nNote: season", which(x$missing.seasons), "was not sampled\n") } else { cat("\nNote: seasons", paste(which(x$missing.seasons), sep = ", "), "were not sampled\n") } } cat("\nTotal chi-square =", round(sum(x$chi.square), digits = digits.chisq), "\n") cat("Number of bootstrap samples =", x$nsim) cat("\nP-value =", x$ cat("\n\nQuantiles of bootstrapped statistics:\n") print(quantile(x$, digits = digits.vals) cat("\nEstimate of c-hat =", round(x$c.hat.est, digits = digits.vals), "\n") } } cat("\n") }
##generic modavg <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, exclude = NULL, warn = TRUE, ...){ cand.set <- formatCands(cand.set) UseMethod("modavg", cand.set) } ##default modavg.default <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, exclude = NULL, warn = TRUE, ...){ stop("\nFunction not yet defined for this object class\n") } ##aov modavg.AICaov.lm <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, exclude = NULL, warn = TRUE, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } #####MODIFICATIONS BEGIN####### ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##reverse parm reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm) exclude <- reverse.exclude(exclude = exclude) #####MODIFICATIONS END###### ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) rownames(summary(i)$coefficients)) #extract model formula for each model in cand.set nmods <- length(cand.set) ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parm in the model include <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1) ##add a check for multiple instances of same variable in given model (i.e., interactions) include.check <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1) ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:nmods) { idents <- NULL idents.check <- NULL form <- mod_formula[[i]] ###################################################################################################### ###################################################################################################### ###MODIFICATIONS BEGIN ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list if(is.null(reversed.parm)) { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")== "-1" , 0, 1) } } else { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j]) idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" & attr(regexpr(reversed.parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" , 0, 1) } } ###MODIFICATIONS END ###################################################################################################### ###################################################################################################### include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) include.check[i] <- ifelse(sum(idents.check)>1, "duplicates", "OK") } ##################################################### ##exclude == NULL; warn=TRUE: warn that duplicates occur and stop if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, TRUE)) { if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) { stop("\nSome models possibly include more than one instance of the parameter of interest.\n", "This may be due to the presence of interaction/polynomial terms, or variables\n", "with similar names:\n", "\tsee \"?modavg\" for details on variable specification and \"exclude\" argument\n") } } ##exclude == NULL; warn=FALSE: compute model-averaged beta estimate from models including variable of interest, ##assuming that the variable is not involved in interaction or higher order polynomial (x^2, x^3, etc...), ##warn that models were not excluded if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, FALSE)) { if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) { warning("Multiple instances of parameter of interest in given model is presumably\n", "not due to interaction or polynomial terms - these models will not be\n", "excluded from the computation of model-averaged estimate\n") } } ##warn if exclude is neither a list nor NULL if(!is.null(exclude)) { if(!is.list(exclude)) {stop("\nItems in \"exclude\" must be specified as a list\n")} } ##if exclude is list if(is.list(exclude)) { ##determine number of elements in exclude nexcl <- length(exclude) ##check each formula for presence of exclude variable extracted with formula( ) not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=formula) ##set up a new list with model formula forms <- list() for (i in 1:nmods) { form.tmp <- strsplit(as.character(not.include[i]), split="~")[[1]][-1] if(attr(regexpr("\\+", form.tmp), "match.length")==-1) { #this line causes problems if intercept is removed from model forms[i] <- form.tmp } else {forms[i] <- strsplit(form.tmp, split=" \\+ ")} #this line causes problems if intercept is removed from model } ##additional check to see whether some variable names include "+" check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\+", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]])) if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nPlease avoid \"+\" in variable names\n") ##additional check to determine if intercept was removed from models check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\- 1", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]])) if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nModels without intercept are not supported in this version, please use alternative parameterization\n") ##search within formula for variables to exclude mod.exclude <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=nexcl) ##iterate over each element in exclude list for (var in 1:nexcl) { ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:nmods) { idents <- NULL form.excl <- forms[[i]] ##iterate over each element of forms[[i]] for (j in 1:length(form.excl)) { idents[j] <- identical(exclude[var][[1]], gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", form.excl[j])) } mod.exclude[i,var] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) } } ##determine outcome across all variables to exclude to.exclude <- rowSums(mod.exclude) ##exclude models following models from model averaging include[which(to.exclude>=1)] <- 0 } ##add a check to determine if include always == 0 if (sum(include)==0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } new.cand.set <- cand.set[which(include==1)] #select models including a given parameter <- modnames[which(include==1)] #update model names ## new_table <- aictab(cand.set = new.cand.set, modnames =, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) #recompute AIC table and associated measures new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)])) ##AICc ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL if(second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##AIC if(second.ord == FALSE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE) Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta-zcrit*Uncond_SE Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta+zcrit*Uncond_SE out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta, "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL"= Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL) class(out.modavg) <- c("modavg", "list") return(out.modavg) } ##betareg modavg.AICbetareg <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, exclude = NULL, warn = TRUE, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } #####MODIFICATIONS BEGIN####### ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##reverse parm - problematic for parameters on "(phi)_temp:batch4" vs "batch4:(phi)_temp" reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm) exclude <- reverse.exclude(exclude = exclude) #####MODIFICATIONS END###### ##extract labels ##determine if parameter is on mean or phi if(regexpr(pattern = "\\(phi\\)_", parm) == "-1") { parm.phi <- NULL ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) rownames(summary(i)$coefficients$mean)) } else { ##replace parm parm.phi <- gsub(pattern = "\\(phi\\)_", "", parm) if(regexpr(pattern = ":", parm) != "-1") { warning(cat("\nthis function does not yet support interaction terms on phi:\n", "use 'modavgCustom' instead\n")) } mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) rownames(summary(i)$coefficients$precision)) } nmods <- length(cand.set) ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parm in the model include <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1) ##add a check for multiple instances of same variable in given model (i.e., interactions) include.check <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1) ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list ##if parameters on mean if(is.null(parm.phi)) { for (i in 1:nmods) { idents <- NULL idents.check <- NULL form <- mod_formula[[i]] ###################################################################################################### ###################################################################################################### ###MODIFICATIONS BEGIN ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list if(is.null(reversed.parm)) { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")== "-1" , 0, 1) } } else { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j]) idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" & attr(regexpr(reversed.parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" , 0, 1) } } ###MODIFICATIONS END ###################################################################################################### ###################################################################################################### include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) include.check[i] <- ifelse(sum(idents.check)>1, "duplicates", "OK") } } ##if parameters on phi if(!is.null(parm.phi)) { for (i in 1:nmods) { idents <- NULL idents.check <- NULL form <- mod_formula[[i]] ###################################################################################################### ###################################################################################################### ###MODIFICATIONS BEGIN ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list #if(is.null(reversed.parm)) { ##do not consider reversed parm here because of "(phi)_" prefix in coefficients for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm.phi, form[j]) idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.phi, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")== "-1" , 0, 1) } # } else { # for (j in 1:length(form)) { # idents[j] <- identical(parm.phi, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j]) # idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" & attr(regexpr(reversed.parm, form[j], # fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" , 0, 1) # } # } ###MODIFICATIONS END ###################################################################################################### ###################################################################################################### include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) include.check[i] <- ifelse(sum(idents.check)>1, "duplicates", "OK") } } ##################################################### ##exclude == NULL; warn=TRUE: warn that duplicates occur and stop if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, TRUE)) { if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) { stop("\nSome models possibly include more than one instance of the parameter of interest.\n", "This may be due to the presence of interaction/polynomial terms, or variables\n", "with similar names:\n", "\tsee \"?modavg\" for details on variable specification and \"exclude\" argument\n") } } ##exclude == NULL; warn=FALSE: compute model-averaged beta estimate from models including variable of interest, ##assuming that the variable is not involved in interaction or higher order polynomial (x^2, x^3, etc...), ##warn that models were not excluded if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, FALSE)) { if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) { warning("Multiple instances of parameter of interest in given model is presumably\n", "not due to interaction or polynomial terms - these models will not be\n", "excluded from the computation of model-averaged estimate\n") } } ##warn if exclude is neither a list nor NULL if(!is.null(exclude)) { if(!is.list(exclude)) {stop("\nItems in \"exclude\" must be specified as a list\n")} } ##if exclude is list if(is.list(exclude)) { ##determine number of elements in exclude nexcl <- length(exclude) ##check each formula for presence of exclude variable extracted with formula( ) not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=formula) ##set up a new list with model formula forms <- list() for (i in 1:nmods) { form.tmp <- strsplit(as.character(not.include[i]), split="~")[[1]][-1] if(attr(regexpr("\\+", form.tmp), "match.length")==-1) { #this line causes problems if intercept is removed from model forms[i] <- form.tmp } else {forms[i] <- strsplit(form.tmp, split=" \\+ ")} #this line causes problems if intercept is removed from model } ##additional check to see whether some variable names include "+" check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\+", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]])) if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nPlease avoid \"+\" in variable names\n") ##additional check to determine if intercept was removed from models check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\- 1", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]])) if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nModels without intercept are not supported in this version, please use alternative parameterization\n") ##search within formula for variables to exclude mod.exclude <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=nexcl) ##iterate over each element in exclude list for (var in 1:nexcl) { ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:nmods) { idents <- NULL form.excl <- forms[[i]] ##iterate over each element of forms[[i]] for (j in 1:length(form.excl)) { idents[j] <- identical(exclude[var][[1]], gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", form.excl[j])) } mod.exclude[i,var] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) } } ##determine outcome across all variables to exclude to.exclude <- rowSums(mod.exclude) ##exclude models following models from model averaging include[which(to.exclude>=1)] <- 0 } ##add a check to determine if include always == 0 if (sum(include)==0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } new.cand.set <- cand.set[which(include==1)] #select models including a given parameter <- modnames[which(include==1)] #update model names ## new_table <- aictab(cand.set = new.cand.set, modnames =, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) #recompute AIC table and associated measures new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)])) ##AICc ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL if(second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##AIC if(second.ord == FALSE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE) Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta-zcrit*Uncond_SE Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta+zcrit*Uncond_SE out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta, "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL"= Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL) class(out.modavg) <- c("modavg", "list") return(out.modavg) } ##clm modavg.AICsclm.clm <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, exclude = NULL, warn = TRUE, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##check that link function is the same for all models <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN=function(i) i$link)) <- unique(x = if(length( > 1) stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model-averaged beta estimate\n", "from models using different link functions\n") #####MODIFICATIONS BEGIN####### ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##reverse parm reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm) exclude <- reverse.exclude(exclude = exclude) #####MODIFICATIONS END###### ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) rownames(summary(i)$coefficients)) nmods <- length(cand.set) ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parms in the model include <- matrix(NA, nrow = nmods, ncol = 1) ##add a check for multiple instances of same variable in given model (i.e., interactions) include.check <- matrix(NA, nrow = nmods, ncol = 1) ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:nmods) { idents <- NULL idents.check <- NULL form <- mod_formula[[i]] ###################################################################################################### ###################################################################################################### ###MODIFICATIONS BEGIN ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list if(is.null(reversed.parm)) { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")== "-1" , 0, 1) } } else { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j]) idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" & attr(regexpr(reversed.parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" , 0, 1) } } ###MODIFICATIONS END ###################################################################################################### ###################################################################################################### include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) include.check[i] <- ifelse(sum(idents.check)>1, "duplicates", "OK") } ##################################################### ##exclude == NULL; warn=TRUE: warn that duplicates occur and stop if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, TRUE)) { ##check for duplicates in same model if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) { stop("\nSome models include more than one instance of the parameter of interest. \n", "This may be due to the presence of interaction/polynomial terms, or variables\n", "with similar names:\n", "\tsee \"?modavg\" for details on variable specification and \"exclude\" argument\n") } } ##exclude == NULL; warn=FALSE: compute model-averaged beta estimate from models including variable of interest, ##assuming that the variable is not involved in interaction or higher order polynomial (x^2, x^3, etc...), ##warn that models were not excluded if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, FALSE)) { if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) { warning("\nMultiple instances of parameter of interest in given model is presumably\n", "not due to interaction or polynomial terms - these models will not be\n", "excluded from the computation of model-averaged estimate\n") } } ##warn if exclude is neither a list nor NULL if(!is.null(exclude)) { if(!is.list(exclude)) {stop("\nItems in \"exclude\" must be specified as a list\n")} } ##if exclude is list if(is.list(exclude)) { ##determine number of elements in exclude nexcl <- length(exclude) ##check each formula for presence of exclude variable extracted with formula( ) not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = formula) ##set up a new list with model formula forms <- list() for (i in 1:nmods) { form.tmp <- as.character(not.include[[i]])[3] if(attr(regexpr("\\+", form.tmp), "match.length")==-1) { forms[i] <- form.tmp } else {forms[i] <- strsplit(form.tmp, split=" \\+ ")} } ##additional check to see whether some variable names include "+" check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\+", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]])) if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nPlease avoid \"+\" in variable names\n") ##additional check to determine if intercept was removed from models check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\- 1", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]])) if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nModels without intercept are not supported in this version, please use alternative parameterization\n") ##search within formula for variables to exclude mod.exclude <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=nexcl) ##iterate over each element in exclude list for (var in 1:nexcl) { ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:nmods) { idents <- NULL form.excl <- forms[[i]] ##iterate over each element of forms[[i]] for (j in 1:length(form.excl)) { idents[j] <- identical(exclude[var][[1]], gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", form.excl[j])) } mod.exclude[i,var] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) } } ##determine outcome across all variables to exclude to.exclude <- rowSums(mod.exclude) ##exclude models following models from model averaging include[which(to.exclude>=1)] <- 0 } ##add a check to determine if include always == 0 if (sum(include)==0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } new.cand.set <- cand.set[which(include==1)] #select models including a given parameter <- modnames[which(include==1)] #update model names new_table <- aictab(cand.set=new.cand.set,, second.ord=second.ord, nobs=nobs, sort=FALSE) #recompute AIC table and associated measures new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN=function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN=function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)])) ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL if(second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } else { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE) Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta, "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL) class(out.modavg) <- c("modavg", "list") return(out.modavg) } ##clm modavg.AICclm <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, exclude = NULL, warn = TRUE, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##check that link function is the same for all models <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN=function(i) i$link)) <- unique(x = if(length( > 1) stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model-averaged beta estimate\n", "from models using different link functions\n") #####MODIFICATIONS BEGIN####### ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##reverse parm reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm) exclude <- reverse.exclude(exclude = exclude) #####MODIFICATIONS END###### ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) rownames(summary(i)$coefficients)) nmods <- length(cand.set) ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parms in the model include <- matrix(NA, nrow = nmods, ncol = 1) ##add a check for multiple instances of same variable in given model (i.e., interactions) include.check <- matrix(NA, nrow = nmods, ncol = 1) ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:nmods) { idents <- NULL idents.check <- NULL form <- mod_formula[[i]] ###################################################################################################### ###################################################################################################### ###MODIFICATIONS BEGIN ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list if(is.null(reversed.parm)) { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")== "-1" , 0, 1) } } else { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j]) idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" & attr(regexpr(reversed.parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" , 0, 1) } } ###MODIFICATIONS END ###################################################################################################### ###################################################################################################### include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) include.check[i] <- ifelse(sum(idents.check)>1, "duplicates", "OK") } ##################################################### ##exclude == NULL; warn=TRUE: warn that duplicates occur and stop if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, TRUE)) { ##check for duplicates in same model if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) { stop("\nSome models include more than one instance of the parameter of interest. \n", "This may be due to the presence of interaction/polynomial terms, or variables\n", "with similar names:\n", "\tsee \"?modavg\" for details on variable specification and \"exclude\" argument\n") } } ##exclude == NULL; warn=FALSE: compute model-averaged beta estimate from models including variable of interest, ##assuming that the variable is not involved in interaction or higher order polynomial (x^2, x^3, etc...), ##warn that models were not excluded if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, FALSE)) { if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) { warning("\nMultiple instances of parameter of interest in given model is presumably\n", "not due to interaction or polynomial terms - these models will not be\n", "excluded from the computation of model-averaged estimate\n") } } ##warn if exclude is neither a list nor NULL if(!is.null(exclude)) { if(!is.list(exclude)) {stop("\nItems in \"exclude\" must be specified as a list\n")} } ##if exclude is list if(is.list(exclude)) { ##determine number of elements in exclude nexcl <- length(exclude) ##check each formula for presence of exclude variable extracted with formula( ) not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = formula) ##set up a new list with model formula forms <- list() for (i in 1:nmods) { form.tmp <- as.character(not.include[[i]])[3] if(attr(regexpr("\\+", form.tmp), "match.length")==-1) { forms[i] <- form.tmp } else {forms[i] <- strsplit(form.tmp, split=" \\+ ")} } ##additional check to see whether some variable names include "+" check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\+", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]])) if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nPlease avoid \"+\" in variable names\n") ##additional check to determine if intercept was removed from models check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\- 1", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]])) if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nModels without intercept are not supported in this version, please use alternative parameterization\n") ##search within formula for variables to exclude mod.exclude <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=nexcl) ##iterate over each element in exclude list for (var in 1:nexcl) { ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:nmods) { idents <- NULL form.excl <- forms[[i]] ##iterate over each element of forms[[i]] for (j in 1:length(form.excl)) { idents[j] <- identical(exclude[var][[1]], gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", form.excl[j])) } mod.exclude[i,var] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) } } ##determine outcome across all variables to exclude to.exclude <- rowSums(mod.exclude) ##exclude models following models from model averaging include[which(to.exclude>=1)] <- 0 } ##add a check to determine if include always == 0 if (sum(include)==0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } new.cand.set <- cand.set[which(include==1)] #select models including a given parameter <- modnames[which(include==1)] #update model names new_table <- aictab(cand.set=new.cand.set,, second.ord=second.ord, nobs=nobs, sort=FALSE) #recompute AIC table and associated measures new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN=function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN=function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)])) ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL if(second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } else { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE) Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta, "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL) class(out.modavg) <- c("modavg", "list") return(out.modavg) } ##clmm modavg.AICclmm <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, exclude = NULL, warn = TRUE, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##check that link function is the same for all models <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN=function(i) i$link)) <- unique(x = if(length( > 1) stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model-averaged beta estimate\n", "from models using different link functions\n") #####MODIFICATIONS BEGIN####### ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##reverse parm reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm) exclude <- reverse.exclude(exclude = exclude) #####MODIFICATIONS END###### ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) rownames(summary(i)$coefficients)) nmods <- length(cand.set) ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parms in the model include <- matrix(NA, nrow = nmods, ncol = 1) ##add a check for multiple instances of same variable in given model (i.e., interactions) include.check <- matrix(NA, nrow = nmods, ncol = 1) ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:nmods) { idents <- NULL idents.check <- NULL form <- mod_formula[[i]] ###################################################################################################### ###################################################################################################### ###MODIFICATIONS BEGIN ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list if(is.null(reversed.parm)) { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")== "-1" , 0, 1) } } else { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j]) idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" & attr(regexpr(reversed.parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" , 0, 1) } } ###MODIFICATIONS END ###################################################################################################### ###################################################################################################### include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) include.check[i] <- ifelse(sum(idents.check)>1, "duplicates", "OK") } ##################################################### ##exclude == NULL; warn=TRUE: warn that duplicates occur and stop if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, TRUE)) { ##check for duplicates in same model if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) { stop("\nSome models include more than one instance of the parameter of interest. \n", "This may be due to the presence of interaction/polynomial terms, or variables\n", "with similar names:\n", "\tsee \"?modavg\" for details on variable specification and \"exclude\" argument\n") } } ##exclude == NULL; warn=FALSE: compute model-averaged beta estimate from models including variable of interest, ##assuming that the variable is not involved in interaction or higher order polynomial (x^2, x^3, etc...), ##warn that models were not excluded if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, FALSE)) { if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) { warning("\nMultiple instances of parameter of interest in given model is presumably\n", "not due to interaction or polynomial terms - these models will not be\n", "excluded from the computation of model-averaged estimate\n") } } ##warn if exclude is neither a list nor NULL if(!is.null(exclude)) { if(!is.list(exclude)) {stop("\nItems in \"exclude\" must be specified as a list\n")} } ##if exclude is list if(is.list(exclude)) { ##determine number of elements in exclude nexcl <- length(exclude) ##check each formula for presence of exclude variable extracted with formula( ) not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = formula) ##set up a new list with model formula forms <- list() for (i in 1:nmods) { form.tmp <- as.character(not.include[[i]])[3] if(attr(regexpr("\\+", form.tmp), "match.length")==-1) { forms[i] <- form.tmp } else {forms[i] <- strsplit(form.tmp, split=" \\+ ")} } ##additional check to see whether some variable names include "+" check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\+", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]])) if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nPlease avoid \"+\" in variable names\n") ##additional check to determine if intercept was removed from models check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\- 1", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]])) if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nModels without intercept are not supported in this version, please use alternative parameterization\n") ##search within formula for variables to exclude mod.exclude <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=nexcl) ##iterate over each element in exclude list for (var in 1:nexcl) { ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:nmods) { idents <- NULL form.excl <- forms[[i]] ##iterate over each element of forms[[i]] for (j in 1:length(form.excl)) { idents[j] <- identical(exclude[var][[1]], gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", form.excl[j])) } mod.exclude[i,var] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) } } ##determine outcome across all variables to exclude to.exclude <- rowSums(mod.exclude) ##exclude models following models from model averaging include[which(to.exclude>=1)] <- 0 } ##add a check to determine if include always == 0 if (sum(include)==0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } new.cand.set <- cand.set[which(include==1)] #select models including a given parameter <- modnames[which(include==1)] #update model names new_table <- aictab(cand.set=new.cand.set,, second.ord=second.ord, nobs=nobs, sort=FALSE) #recompute AIC table and associated measures new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN=function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN=function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)])) ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL if(second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } else { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE) Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta, "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL) class(out.modavg) <- c("modavg", "list") return(out.modavg) } ##coxme modavg.AICcoxme <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, exclude = NULL, warn = TRUE, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } #####MODIFICATIONS BEGIN####### ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##reverse parm reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm) exclude <- reverse.exclude(exclude = exclude) #####MODIFICATIONS END###### ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) names(fixef(i))) nmods <- length(cand.set) ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parms in the model include <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1) ##add a check for multiple instances of same variable in given model (i.e., interactions) include.check <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1) ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:nmods) { idents <- NULL idents.check <- NULL form <- mod_formula[[i]] ###################################################################################################### ###################################################################################################### ###MODIFICATIONS BEGIN ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list if(is.null(reversed.parm)) { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")== "-1" , 0, 1) } } else { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j]) idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" & attr(regexpr(reversed.parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" , 0, 1) } } ###MODIFICATIONS END ###################################################################################################### ###################################################################################################### include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) include.check[i] <- ifelse(sum(idents.check)>1, "duplicates", "OK") } ##################################################### ##exclude == NULL; warn=TRUE: warn that duplicates occur and stop if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, TRUE)) { ##check for duplicates in same model if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) { stop("\nSome models include more than one instance of the parameter of interest. \n", "This may be due to the presence of interaction/polynomial terms, or variables\n", "with similar names:\n", "\tsee \"?modavg\" for details on variable specification and \"exclude\" argument\n") } } ##exclude == NULL; warn=FALSE: compute model-averaged beta estimate from models including variable of interest, ##assuming that the variable is not involved in interaction or higher order polynomial (x^2, x^3, etc...), ##warn that models were not excluded if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, FALSE)) { if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) { warning("\nMultiple instances of parameter of interest in given model is presumably\n", "not due to interaction or polynomial terms - these models will not be\n", "excluded from the computation of model-averaged estimate\n") } } ##warn if exclude is neither a list nor NULL if(!is.null(exclude)) { if(!is.list(exclude)) {stop("\nItems in \"exclude\" must be specified as a list\n")} } ##if exclude is list if(is.list(exclude)) { ##determine number of elements in exclude nexcl <- length(exclude) ##check each formula for presence of exclude variable extracted with formula( ) not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) formula(i)$fixed) ##set up a new list with model formula forms <- list( ) for (i in 1:nmods) { form.tmp <- strsplit(as.character(not.include[i]), split="~")[[1]][-1] if(attr(regexpr("\\+", form.tmp), "match.length")==-1) { forms[i] <- form.tmp } else {forms[i] <- strsplit(form.tmp, split=" \\+ ")} } ##additional check to see whether some variable names include "+" check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\+", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]])) if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nPlease avoid \"+\" in variable names\n") ##search within formula for variables to exclude mod.exclude <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=nexcl) ##iterate over each element in exclude list for (var in 1:nexcl) { ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:nmods) { idents <- NULL form.excl <- forms[[i]] ##iterate over each element of forms[[i]] for (j in 1:length(form.excl)) { idents[j] <- identical(exclude[var][[1]], gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", form.excl[j])) } mod.exclude[i,var] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) } } ##determine outcome across all variables to exclude to.exclude <- rowSums(mod.exclude) ##exclude models following models from model averaging include[which(to.exclude>=1)] <- 0 } ##add a check to determine if include always == 0 if (sum(include)==0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } new.cand.set <- cand.set[which(include==1)] #select models including a given parameter <- modnames[which(include==1)] #update model names new_table <- aictab(cand.set=new.cand.set,, second.ord=second.ord, nobs=nobs, sort=FALSE) #recompute AIC table and associated measures new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN=function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN=function(i) extractSE(i)[paste(parm)])) ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL if(second.ord==TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } else { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1 - conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE) Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE out.modavg <- list("Parameter" = paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta, "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL) class(out.modavg) <- c("modavg", "list") return(out.modavg) } ##coxph and clogit modavg.AICcoxph <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, exclude = NULL, warn = TRUE, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } #####MODIFICATIONS BEGIN####### ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##reverse parm reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm) exclude <- reverse.exclude(exclude = exclude) #####MODIFICATIONS END###### ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) rownames(summary(i)$coefficients)) nmods <- length(cand.set) ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parms in the model include <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1) ##add a check for multiple instances of same variable in given model (i.e., interactions) include.check <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1) ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:nmods) { idents <- NULL idents.check <- NULL form <- mod_formula[[i]] ###################################################################################################### ###################################################################################################### ###MODIFICATIONS BEGIN ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list if(is.null(reversed.parm)) { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")== "-1" , 0, 1) } } else { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j]) idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" & attr(regexpr(reversed.parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" , 0, 1) } } ###MODIFICATIONS END ###################################################################################################### ###################################################################################################### include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) include.check[i] <- ifelse(sum(idents.check)>1, "duplicates", "OK") } ##################################################### ##exclude == NULL; warn=TRUE: warn that duplicates occur and stop if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, TRUE)) { ##check for duplicates in same model if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) { stop("\nSome models include more than one instance of the parameter of interest. \n", "This may be due to the presence of interaction/polynomial terms, or variables\n", "with similar names:\n", "\tsee \"?modavg\" for details on variable specification and \"exclude\" argument\n") } } ##exclude == NULL; warn=FALSE: compute model-averaged beta estimate from models including variable of interest, ##assuming that the variable is not involved in interaction or higher order polynomial (x^2, x^3, etc...), ##warn that models were not excluded if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, FALSE)) { if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) { warning("\nMultiple instances of parameter of interest in given model is presumably\n", "not due to interaction or polynomial terms - these models will not be\n", "excluded from the computation of model-averaged estimate\n") } } ##warn if exclude is neither a list nor NULL if(!is.null(exclude)) { if(!is.list(exclude)) {stop("\nItems in \"exclude\" must be specified as a list\n")} } ##if exclude is list if(is.list(exclude)) { ##determine number of elements in exclude nexcl <- length(exclude) ##check each formula for presence of exclude variable extracted with formula( ) not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=formula) ##set up a new list with model formula forms <- list( ) for (i in 1:nmods) { form.tmp <- strsplit(as.character(not.include[i]), split="~")[[1]][-1] if(attr(regexpr("\\+", form.tmp), "match.length")==-1) { forms[i] <- form.tmp } else {forms[i] <- strsplit(form.tmp, split=" \\+ ")} } ##additional check to see whether some variable names include "+" check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\+", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]])) if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nPlease avoid \"+\" in variable names\n") ##search within formula for variables to exclude mod.exclude <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=nexcl) ##iterate over each element in exclude list for (var in 1:nexcl) { ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:nmods) { idents <- NULL form.excl <- forms[[i]] ##iterate over each element of forms[[i]] for (j in 1:length(form.excl)) { idents[j] <- identical(exclude[var][[1]], gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", form.excl[j])) } mod.exclude[i,var] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) } } ##determine outcome across all variables to exclude to.exclude <- rowSums(mod.exclude) ##exclude models following models from model averaging include[which(to.exclude>=1)] <- 0 } ##add a check to determine if include always == 0 if (sum(include)==0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } new.cand.set <- cand.set[which(include==1)] #select models including a given parameter <- modnames[which(include==1)] #update model names new_table <- aictab(cand.set=new.cand.set,, second.ord=second.ord, nobs=nobs, sort=FALSE) #recompute AIC table and associated measures new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN=function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN=function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)])) ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL if(second.ord==TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } else { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1 - conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE) Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE out.modavg <- list("Parameter" = paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta, "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL) class(out.modavg) <- c("modavg", "list") return(out.modavg) } ##glm modavg.AICglm.lm <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, exclude = NULL, warn = TRUE, c.hat = 1, gamdisp = NULL, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##check that link function is the same for all models <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) i$family$link)) <- unique(x = if(length( > 1) stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model-averaged beta estimate\n", "from models using different link functions\n") ##check family of glm to avoid problems when requesting predictions with argument 'dispersion' fam.type <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) family(i)$family)) fam.unique <- unique(fam.type) if(identical(fam.unique, "gaussian")) {disp <- NULL} else{disp <- 1} ##poisson and binomial defaults to 1 (no separate parameter for variance) ##for negative binomial - reset to NULL if(any(regexpr("Negative Binomial", fam.type) != -1)) { disp <- NULL ##check for mixture of negative binomial and other ##number of models with negative binomial negbin.num <- sum(regexpr("Negative Binomial", fam.type) != -1) if(negbin.num < length(fam.type)) { stop("\nFunction does not support mixture of negative binomial with other distributions in model set\n") } } ##gamma is treated separately #####MODIFICATIONS BEGIN####### ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##reverse parm reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm) exclude <- reverse.exclude(exclude = exclude) #####MODIFICATIONS END###### ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) rownames(summary(i)$coefficients)) #extract model formula for each model in cand.set nmods <- length(cand.set) ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parm in the model include <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1) ##add a check for multiple instances of same variable in given model (i.e., interactions) include.check <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1) ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:nmods) { idents <- NULL idents.check <- NULL form <- mod_formula[[i]] ###################################################################################################### ###################################################################################################### ###MODIFICATIONS BEGIN ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list if(is.null(reversed.parm)) { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")== "-1" , 0, 1) } } else { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j]) idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" & attr(regexpr(reversed.parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" , 0, 1) } } ###MODIFICATIONS END ###################################################################################################### ###################################################################################################### include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) include.check[i] <- ifelse(sum(idents.check)>1, "duplicates", "OK") } ##################################################### ##exclude == NULL; warn=TRUE: warn that duplicates occur and stop if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, TRUE)) { if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) { stop("\nSome models possibly include more than one instance of the parameter of interest.\n", "This may be due to the presence of interaction/polynomial terms, or variables\n", "with similar names:\n", "\tsee \"?modavg\" for details on variable specification and \"exclude\" argument\n") } } ##exclude == NULL; warn=FALSE: compute model-averaged beta estimate from models including variable of interest, ##assuming that the variable is not involved in interaction or higher order polynomial (x^2, x^3, etc...), ##warn that models were not excluded if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, FALSE)) { if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) { warning("Multiple instances of parameter of interest in given model is presumably\n", "not due to interaction or polynomial terms - these models will not be\n", "excluded from the computation of model-averaged estimate\n") } } ##warn if exclude is neither a list nor NULL if(!is.null(exclude)) { if(!is.list(exclude)) {stop("\nItems in \"exclude\" must be specified as a list\n")} } ##if exclude is list if(is.list(exclude)) { ##determine number of elements in exclude nexcl <- length(exclude) ##check each formula for presence of exclude variable extracted with formula( ) not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=formula) ##set up a new list with model formula forms <- list() for (i in 1:nmods) { form.tmp <- strsplit(as.character(not.include[i]), split="~")[[1]][-1] if(attr(regexpr("\\+", form.tmp), "match.length")==-1) { #this line causes problems if intercept is removed from model forms[i] <- form.tmp } else {forms[i] <- strsplit(form.tmp, split=" \\+ ")} #this line causes problems if intercept is removed from model } ##additional check to see whether some variable names include "+" check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\+", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]])) if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nPlease avoid \"+\" in variable names\n") ##additional check to determine if intercept was removed from models check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\- 1", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]])) if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nModels without intercept are not supported in this version, please use alternative parameterization\n") ##search within formula for variables to exclude mod.exclude <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=nexcl) ##iterate over each element in exclude list for (var in 1:nexcl) { ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:nmods) { idents <- NULL form.excl <- forms[[i]] ##iterate over each element of forms[[i]] for (j in 1:length(form.excl)) { idents[j] <- identical(exclude[var][[1]], gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", form.excl[j])) } mod.exclude[i,var] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) } } ##determine outcome across all variables to exclude to.exclude <- rowSums(mod.exclude) ##exclude models following models from model averaging include[which(to.exclude>=1)] <- 0 } ##add a check to determine if include always == 0 if (sum(include)==0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } new.cand.set <- cand.set[which(include==1)] #select models including a given parameter <- modnames[which(include==1)] #update model names ## new_table <- aictab(cand.set = new.cand.set, modnames =, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) #recompute AIC table and associated measures new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i, dispersion = disp)))[paste(parm)])) ##if c-hat is estimated adjust the SE's by multiplying with sqrt of c-hat if(c.hat > 1) { new_table$SE <- new_table$SE*sqrt(c.hat) } gam1<-unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN=function(i) family(i)$family[1]=="Gamma")) #check for gamma regression models ##correct SE's for estimates of gamma regressions if(any(gam1)==TRUE) { ##check for specification of gamdisp argument if(is.null(gamdisp)) stop("\nYou must specify a gamma dispersion parameter with gamma generalized linear models\n") new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN=function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i, dispersion=gamdisp)))[paste(parm)])) } ##AICc ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##QAICc if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##AIC if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == FALSE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##QAIC if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == FALSE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE) Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta-zcrit*Uncond_SE Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta+zcrit*Uncond_SE out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta, "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL"= Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL) class(out.modavg) <- c("modavg", "list") return(out.modavg) } ##glmmTMB modavg.AICglmmTMB <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, exclude = NULL, warn = TRUE, c.hat = 1, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } #####MODIFICATIONS BEGIN####### ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##reverse parm reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm) exclude <- reverse.exclude(exclude = exclude) #####MODIFICATIONS END###### ##check for nlmer models #if(any(unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) as.character(i@call)[1])) == "nlmer")) warning("\nNon-linear models are part of the candidate model set: model-averaged estimates may not be meaningful\n") ################### ##determine families of model fam.list <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) family(i)$family)) check.fam <- unique(fam.list) if(length(check.fam) > 1) stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model-averaged beta estimate\n", "from models using different families of distributions\n") ##determine link functions link.list <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) family(i)$link)) <- unique(link.list) if(length( > 1) stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model-averaged beta estimate\n", "from models using different link functions\n") ################### ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) labels(fixef(i)$cond)) nmods <- length(cand.set) ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parms in the model include <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1) ##add a check for multiple instances of same variable in given model (i.e., interactions) include.check <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1) ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:nmods) { idents <- NULL idents.check <- NULL form <- mod_formula[[i]] ###################################################################################################### ###################################################################################################### ###MODIFICATIONS BEGIN ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list if(is.null(reversed.parm)) { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")== "-1" , 0, 1) } } else { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j]) idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" & attr(regexpr(reversed.parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" , 0, 1) } } ###MODIFICATIONS END ###################################################################################################### ###################################################################################################### include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) include.check[i] <- ifelse(sum(idents.check)>1, "duplicates", "OK") } ##################################################### ###exclude == NULL; warn=TRUE: warn that duplicates occur and stop if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, TRUE)) { ##check for duplicates in same model if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) { stop("\nSome models include more than one instance of the parameter of interest. \n", "This may be due to the presence of interaction/polynomial terms, or variables\n", "with similar names:\n", "\tsee \"?modavg\" for details on variable specification and \"exclude\" argument\n") } } ##exclude == NULL; warn=FALSE: compute model-averaged beta estimate from models including variable of interest, ##assuming that the variable is not involved in interaction or higher order polynomial (x^2, x^3, etc...), ##warn that models were not excluded if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, FALSE)) { if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) { warning("\nMultiple instances of parameter of interest in given model is presumably\n", "not due to interaction or polynomial terms - these models will not be\n", "excluded from the computation of model-averaged estimate\n") } } ##warn if exclude is neither a list nor NULL if(!is.null(exclude)) { if(!is.list(exclude)) {stop("\nItems in \"exclude\" must be specified as a list\n")} } ##if exclude is list if(is.list(exclude)) { ##determine number of elements in exclude nexcl <- length(exclude) ##check each formula for presence of exclude variable extracted with formula( ) not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = formula) #random effect portion is returned within parentheses ##because matching uses identical( ) to check fixed effects against formula( ), ##should not be problematic for variables included in random effects ##set up a new list with model formula forms <- list( ) for (i in 1:nmods) { form.tmp <- strsplit(as.character(not.include[i]), split="~")[[1]][-1] if(attr(regexpr("\\+", form.tmp), "match.length")==-1) { forms[i] <- form.tmp } else {forms[i] <- strsplit(form.tmp, split=" \\+ ")} } ###################################### ##remove leading and trailing spaces as well as spaces within string ##forms <- lapply(, FUN = function(b) gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", b)) ###################################### ##additional check to see whether some variable names include "+" check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\+", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]])) if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nPlease avoid \"+\" in variable names\n") ##additional check to determine if intercept was removed from models check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\- 1", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]])) if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nModels without intercept are not supported in this version, please use alternative parameterization\n") ##search within formula for variables to exclude mod.exclude <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=nexcl) ##iterate over each element in exclude list for (var in 1:nexcl) { ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:nmods) { idents <- NULL form.excl <- forms[[i]] ##iterate over each element of forms[[i]] for (j in 1:length(form.excl)) { idents[j] <- identical(exclude[var][[1]], gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", form.excl[j])) } mod.exclude[i,var] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) } } ##determine outcome across all variables to exclude to.exclude <- rowSums(mod.exclude) ##exclude models following models from model averaging include[which(to.exclude>=1)] <- 0 } ##add a check to determine if include always == 0 if (sum(include)==0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } new.cand.set <- cand.set[which(include==1)] #select models including a given parameter <- modnames[which(include==1)] #update model names new_table <- aictab(cand.set=new.cand.set,, second.ord=second.ord, nobs=nobs, sort=FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) #recompute AIC table and associated measures new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN=function(i) fixef(i)$cond[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN=function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)$cond))[paste(parm)])) ##if c-hat is estimated adjust the SE's by multiplying with sqrt of c-hat if(c.hat > 1) { new_table$SE <- new_table$SE*sqrt(c.hat) } ##AICc ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##QAICc if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##AIC if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == FALSE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##QAIC if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == FALSE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE) Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta-zcrit*Uncond_SE Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta+zcrit*Uncond_SE out.modavg <- list("Parameter" = paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta, "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL"= Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL) class(out.modavg) <- c("modavg", "list") return(out.modavg) } ##gls modavg.AICgls <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, exclude = NULL, warn = TRUE, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } #####MODIFICATIONS BEGIN####### ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##reverse parm reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm) exclude <- reverse.exclude(exclude = exclude) #####MODIFICATIONS END###### ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) labels(summary(i)$coefficients)) nmods <- length(cand.set) ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parms in the model include <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1) ##add a check for multiple instances of same variable in given model (i.e., interactions) include.check <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1) ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:nmods) { idents <- NULL idents.check <- NULL form <- mod_formula[[i]] ###################################################################################################### ###################################################################################################### ###MODIFICATIONS BEGIN ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list if(is.null(reversed.parm)) { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")== "-1" , 0, 1) } } else { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j]) idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" & attr(regexpr(reversed.parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" , 0, 1) } } ###MODIFICATIONS END ###################################################################################################### ###################################################################################################### include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) include.check[i] <- ifelse(sum(idents.check)>1, "duplicates", "OK") } ##################################################### ##exclude == NULL; warn=TRUE: warn that duplicates occur and stop if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, TRUE)) { ##check for duplicates in same model if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) { stop("\nSome models include more than one instance of the parameter of interest. \n", "This may be due to the presence of interaction/polynomial terms, or variables\n", "with similar names:\n", "\tsee \"?modavg\" for details on variable specification and \"exclude\" argument\n") } } ##exclude == NULL; warn=FALSE: compute model-averaged beta estimate from models including variable of interest, ##assuming that the variable is not involved in interaction or higher order polynomial (x^2, x^3, etc...), ##warn that models were not excluded if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, FALSE)) { if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) { warning("\nMultiple instances of parameter of interest in given model is presumably\n", "not due to interaction or polynomial terms - these models will not be\n", "excluded from the computation of model-averaged estimate\n") } } ##warn if exclude is neither a list nor NULL if(!is.null(exclude)) { if(!is.list(exclude)) {stop("\nItems in \"exclude\" must be specified as a list\n")} } ##if exclude is list if(is.list(exclude)) { ##determine number of elements in exclude nexcl <- length(exclude) ##check each formula for presence of exclude variable extracted with formula( ) not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=formula) ##set up a new list with model formula forms <- list() for (i in 1:nmods) { form.tmp <- strsplit(as.character(not.include[i]), split="~")[[1]][-1] if(attr(regexpr("\\+", form.tmp), "match.length")==-1) { forms[i] <- form.tmp } else {forms[i] <- strsplit(form.tmp, split=" \\+ ")} } ##additional check to see whether some variable names include "+" check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\+", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]])) if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nPlease avoid \"+\" in variable names\n") ##additional check to determine if intercept was removed from models check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\- 1", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]])) if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nModels without intercept are not supported in this version, please use alternative parameterization\n") ##search within formula for variables to exclude mod.exclude <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=nexcl) ##iterate over each element in exclude list for (var in 1:nexcl) { ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:nmods) { idents <- NULL form.excl <- forms[[i]] ##iterate over each element of forms[[i]] for (j in 1:length(form.excl)) { idents[j] <- identical(exclude[var][[1]], gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", form.excl[j])) } mod.exclude[i,var] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) } } ##determine outcome across all variables to exclude to.exclude <- rowSums(mod.exclude) ##exclude models following models from model averaging include[which(to.exclude>=1)] <- 0 } ##add a check to determine if include always == 0 if (sum(include)==0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } new.cand.set <- cand.set[which(include==1)] #select models including a given parameter <- modnames[which(include==1)] #update model names new_table <- aictab(cand.set=new.cand.set,, second.ord=second.ord, nobs=nobs, sort=FALSE) #recompute AIC table and associated measures new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN=function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN=function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)])) ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL if(second.ord==TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } else { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE) Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta-zcrit*Uncond_SE Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta+zcrit*Uncond_SE out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta, "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL) class(out.modavg) <- c("modavg", "list") return(out.modavg) } ##hurdle modavg.AIChurdle <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, exclude = NULL, warn = TRUE, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##check that link function is the same for all models <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN=function(i) i$link)) <- unique( if(length( > 1) stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model-averaged beta estimate\n", "from models using different link functions\n") #####MODIFICATIONS BEGIN####### ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##reverse parm reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm) exclude <- reverse.exclude(exclude = exclude) #####MODIFICATIONS END###### ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) labels(coefficients(i))) #extract model formula for each model in cand.set nmods <- length(cand.set) ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parm in the model include <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1) ##add a check for multiple instances of same variable in given model (i.e., interactions) include.check <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1) ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:nmods) { idents <- NULL idents.check <- NULL form <- mod_formula[[i]] ###################################################################################################### ###################################################################################################### ###MODIFICATIONS BEGIN ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list if(is.null(reversed.parm)) { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")== "-1" , 0, 1) } } else { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j]) idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" & attr(regexpr(reversed.parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" , 0, 1) } } ###MODIFICATIONS END ###################################################################################################### ###################################################################################################### include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) include.check[i] <- ifelse(sum(idents.check)>1, "duplicates", "OK") } ##################################################### ##exclude == NULL; warn=TRUE: warn that duplicates occur and stop if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, TRUE)) { if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) { stop("\nSome models possibly include more than one instance of the parameter of interest.\n", "This may be due to the presence of interaction/polynomial terms, or variables\n", "with similar names:\n", "\tsee \"?modavg\" for details on variable specification and \"exclude\" argument\n") } } ##exclude == NULL; warn=FALSE: compute model-averaged beta estimate from models including variable of interest, ##assuming that the variable is not involved in interaction or higher order polynomial (x^2, x^3, etc...), ##warn that models were not excluded if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, FALSE)) { if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) { warning("Multiple instances of parameter of interest in given model is presumably\n", "not due to interaction or polynomial terms - these models will not be\n", "excluded from the computation of model-averaged estimate\n") } } ##warn if exclude is neither a list nor NULL if(!is.null(exclude)) { if(!is.list(exclude)) {stop("\nItems in \"exclude\" must be specified as a list\n")} } ##if exclude is list if(is.list(exclude)) { ##determine number of elements in exclude nexcl <- length(exclude) ##check each formula for presence of exclude variable extracted with formula( ) not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=formula) ##set up a new list with model formula forms <- list() for (i in 1:nmods) { form.tmp <- strsplit(as.character(not.include[i]), split="~")[[1]][-1] if(attr(regexpr("\\+", form.tmp), "match.length")==-1) { #this line causes problems if intercept is removed from model forms[i] <- form.tmp } else {forms[i] <- strsplit(form.tmp, split=" \\+ ")} #this line causes problems if intercept is removed from model } ##additional check to see whether some variable names include "+" check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\+", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]])) if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nPlease avoid \"+\" in variable names\n") ##additional check to determine if intercept was removed from models check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\- 1", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]])) if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nModels without intercept are not supported in this version, please use alternative parameterization\n") ##search within formula for variables to exclude mod.exclude <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=nexcl) ##iterate over each element in exclude list for (var in 1:nexcl) { ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:nmods) { idents <- NULL form.excl <- forms[[i]] ##iterate over each element of forms[[i]] for (j in 1:length(form.excl)) { idents[j] <- identical(exclude[var][[1]], gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", form.excl[j])) } mod.exclude[i,var] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) } } ##determine outcome across all variables to exclude to.exclude <- rowSums(mod.exclude) ##exclude models following models from model averaging include[which(to.exclude>=1)] <- 0 } ##add a check to determine if include always == 0 if (sum(include)==0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } new.cand.set <- cand.set[which(include==1)] #select models including a given parameter <- modnames[which(include==1)] #update model names ## new_table <- aictab(cand.set = new.cand.set, modnames =, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) #recompute AIC table and associated measures new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN=function(i) coefficients(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN=function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)])) ##AICc ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL if(second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##AIC if(second.ord == FALSE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE) Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta-zcrit*Uncond_SE Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta+zcrit*Uncond_SE out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta, "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL"= Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL) class(out.modavg) <- c("modavg", "list") return(out.modavg) } ##lm modavg.AIClm <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, exclude = NULL, warn = TRUE, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } #####MODIFICATIONS BEGIN####### ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##reverse parm reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm) exclude <- reverse.exclude(exclude = exclude) #####MODIFICATIONS END###### ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) rownames(summary(i)$coefficients)) #extract model formula for each model in cand.set nmods <- length(cand.set) ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parm in the model include <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1) ##add a check for multiple instances of same variable in given model (i.e., interactions) include.check <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1) ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:nmods) { idents <- NULL idents.check <- NULL form <- mod_formula[[i]] ###################################################################################################### ###################################################################################################### ###MODIFICATIONS BEGIN ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list if(is.null(reversed.parm)) { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")== "-1" , 0, 1) } } else { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j]) idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" & attr(regexpr(reversed.parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" , 0, 1) } } ###MODIFICATIONS END ###################################################################################################### ###################################################################################################### include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) include.check[i] <- ifelse(sum(idents.check)>1, "duplicates", "OK") } ##################################################### ##exclude == NULL; warn=TRUE: warn that duplicates occur and stop if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, TRUE)) { if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) { stop("\nSome models possibly include more than one instance of the parameter of interest.\n", "This may be due to the presence of interaction/polynomial terms, or variables\n", "with similar names:\n", "\tsee \"?modavg\" for details on variable specification and \"exclude\" argument\n") } } ##exclude == NULL; warn=FALSE: compute model-averaged beta estimate from models including variable of interest, ##assuming that the variable is not involved in interaction or higher order polynomial (x^2, x^3, etc...), ##warn that models were not excluded if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, FALSE)) { if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) { warning("Multiple instances of parameter of interest in given model is presumably\n", "not due to interaction or polynomial terms - these models will not be\n", "excluded from the computation of model-averaged estimate\n") } } ##warn if exclude is neither a list nor NULL if(!is.null(exclude)) { if(!is.list(exclude)) {stop("\nItems in \"exclude\" must be specified as a list\n")} } ##if exclude is list if(is.list(exclude)) { ##determine number of elements in exclude nexcl <- length(exclude) ##check each formula for presence of exclude variable extracted with formula( ) not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=formula) ##set up a new list with model formula forms <- list() for (i in 1:nmods) { form.tmp <- strsplit(as.character(not.include[i]), split="~")[[1]][-1] if(attr(regexpr("\\+", form.tmp), "match.length")==-1) { #this line causes problems if intercept is removed from model forms[i] <- form.tmp } else {forms[i] <- strsplit(form.tmp, split=" \\+ ")} #this line causes problems if intercept is removed from model } ##additional check to see whether some variable names include "+" check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\+", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]])) if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nPlease avoid \"+\" in variable names\n") ##additional check to determine if intercept was removed from models check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\- 1", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]])) if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nModels without intercept are not supported in this version, please use alternative parameterization\n") ##search within formula for variables to exclude mod.exclude <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=nexcl) ##iterate over each element in exclude list for (var in 1:nexcl) { ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:nmods) { idents <- NULL form.excl <- forms[[i]] ##iterate over each element of forms[[i]] for (j in 1:length(form.excl)) { idents[j] <- identical(exclude[var][[1]], gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", form.excl[j])) } mod.exclude[i,var] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) } } ##determine outcome across all variables to exclude to.exclude <- rowSums(mod.exclude) ##exclude models following models from model averaging include[which(to.exclude>=1)] <- 0 } ##add a check to determine if include always == 0 if (sum(include)==0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } new.cand.set <- cand.set[which(include==1)] #select models including a given parameter <- modnames[which(include==1)] #update model names ## new_table <- aictab(cand.set = new.cand.set, modnames =, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) #recompute AIC table and associated measures new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)])) ##AICc ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL if(second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##AIC if(second.ord == FALSE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE) Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta-zcrit*Uncond_SE Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta+zcrit*Uncond_SE out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta, "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL"= Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL) class(out.modavg) <- c("modavg", "list") return(out.modavg) } ##lme modavg.AIClme <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, exclude = NULL, warn = TRUE, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } #####MODIFICATIONS BEGIN####### ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##reverse parm reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm) exclude <- reverse.exclude(exclude = exclude) #####MODIFICATIONS END###### ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) labels(summary(i)$coefficients$fixed)) nmods <- length(cand.set) ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parms in the model include <- matrix(NA, nrow = nmods, ncol = 1) ##add a check for multiple instances of same variable in given model (i.e., interactions) include.check <- matrix(NA, nrow = nmods, ncol = 1) ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:nmods) { idents <- NULL idents.check <- NULL form <- mod_formula[[i]] ###################################################################################################### ###################################################################################################### ###MODIFICATIONS BEGIN ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list if(is.null(reversed.parm)) { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")== "-1" , 0, 1) } } else { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j]) idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" & attr(regexpr(reversed.parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" , 0, 1) } } ###MODIFICATIONS END ###################################################################################################### ###################################################################################################### include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) include.check[i] <- ifelse(sum(idents.check)>1, "duplicates", "OK") } ##################################################### ##exclude == NULL; warn=TRUE: warn that duplicates occur and stop if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, TRUE)) { ##check for duplicates in same model if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) { stop("\nSome models include more than one instance of the parameter of interest. \n", "This may be due to the presence of interaction/polynomial terms, or variables\n", "with similar names:\n", "\tsee \"?modavg\" for details on variable specification and \"exclude\" argument\n") } } ##exclude == NULL; warn=FALSE: compute model-averaged beta estimate from models including variable of interest, ##assuming that the variable is not involved in interaction or higher order polynomial (x^2, x^3, etc...), ##warn that models were not excluded if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, FALSE)) { if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) { warning("\nMultiple instances of parameter of interest in given model is presumably\n", "not due to interaction or polynomial terms - these models will not be\n", "excluded from the computation of model-averaged estimate\n") } } ##warn if exclude is neither a list nor NULL if(!is.null(exclude)) { if(!is.list(exclude)) {stop("\nItems in \"exclude\" must be specified as a list\n")} } ##if exclude is list if(is.list(exclude)) { ##determine number of elements in exclude nexcl <- length(exclude) ##check each formula for presence of exclude variable extracted with formula( ) not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=formula) ##set up a new list with model formula forms <- list() for (i in 1:nmods) { form.tmp <- strsplit(as.character(not.include[i]), split="~")[[1]][-1] if(attr(regexpr("\\+", form.tmp), "match.length")==-1) { forms[i] <- form.tmp } else {forms[i] <- strsplit(form.tmp, split=" \\+ ")} } ##additional check to see whether some variable names include "+" check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\+", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]])) if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nPlease avoid \"+\" in variable names\n") ##additional check to determine if intercept was removed from models check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\- 1", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]])) if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nModels without intercept are not supported in this version, please use alternative parameterization\n") ##search within formula for variables to exclude mod.exclude <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=nexcl) ##iterate over each element in exclude list for (var in 1:nexcl) { ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:nmods) { idents <- NULL form.excl <- forms[[i]] ##iterate over each element of forms[[i]] for (j in 1:length(form.excl)) { idents[j] <- identical(exclude[var][[1]], gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", form.excl[j])) } mod.exclude[i,var] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) } } ##determine outcome across all variables to exclude to.exclude <- rowSums(mod.exclude) ##exclude models following models from model averaging include[which(to.exclude>=1)] <- 0 } ##add a check to determine if include always == 0 if (sum(include)==0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } new.cand.set <- cand.set[which(include==1)] #select models including a given parameter <- modnames[which(include==1)] #update model names new_table <- aictab(cand.set = new.cand.set, modnames =, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) #recompute AIC table and associated measures new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) fixef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)])) ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL if(second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } else { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE) Lower_CL<-Modavg_beta-zcrit*Uncond_SE Upper_CL<-Modavg_beta+zcrit*Uncond_SE out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta, "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL) class(out.modavg) <- c("modavg", "list") return(out.modavg) } ##lmekin modavg.AIClmekin <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, exclude = NULL, warn = TRUE, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } #####MODIFICATIONS BEGIN####### ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##reverse parm reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm) exclude <- reverse.exclude(exclude = exclude) #####MODIFICATIONS END###### ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) labels(fixef(i))) nmods <- length(cand.set) ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parms in the model include <- matrix(NA, nrow = nmods, ncol = 1) ##add a check for multiple instances of same variable in given model (i.e., interactions) include.check <- matrix(NA, nrow = nmods, ncol = 1) ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:nmods) { idents <- NULL idents.check <- NULL form <- mod_formula[[i]] ###################################################################################################### ###################################################################################################### ###MODIFICATIONS BEGIN ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list if(is.null(reversed.parm)) { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")== "-1" , 0, 1) } } else { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j]) idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" & attr(regexpr(reversed.parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" , 0, 1) } } ###MODIFICATIONS END ###################################################################################################### ###################################################################################################### include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) include.check[i] <- ifelse(sum(idents.check)>1, "duplicates", "OK") } ##################################################### ##exclude == NULL; warn=TRUE: warn that duplicates occur and stop if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, TRUE)) { ##check for duplicates in same model if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) { stop("\nSome models include more than one instance of the parameter of interest. \n", "This may be due to the presence of interaction/polynomial terms, or variables\n", "with similar names:\n", "\tsee \"?modavg\" for details on variable specification and \"exclude\" argument\n") } } ##exclude == NULL; warn=FALSE: compute model-averaged beta estimate from models including variable of interest, ##assuming that the variable is not involved in interaction or higher order polynomial (x^2, x^3, etc...), ##warn that models were not excluded if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, FALSE)) { if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) { warning("\nMultiple instances of parameter of interest in given model is presumably\n", "not due to interaction or polynomial terms - these models will not be\n", "excluded from the computation of model-averaged estimate\n") } } ##warn if exclude is neither a list nor NULL if(!is.null(exclude)) { if(!is.list(exclude)) {stop("\nItems in \"exclude\" must be specified as a list\n")} } ##if exclude is list if(is.list(exclude)) { ##determine number of elements in exclude nexcl <- length(exclude) ##check each formula for presence of exclude variable extracted with formula( ) not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=formula) ##set up a new list with model formula forms <- list() for (i in 1:nmods) { form.tmp <- strsplit(as.character(not.include[i]), split="~")[[1]][-1] if(attr(regexpr("\\+", form.tmp), "match.length")==-1) { forms[i] <- form.tmp } else {forms[i] <- strsplit(form.tmp, split=" \\+ ")} } ##additional check to see whether some variable names include "+" check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\+", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]])) if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nPlease avoid \"+\" in variable names\n") ##additional check to determine if intercept was removed from models check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\- 1", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]])) if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nModels without intercept are not supported in this version, please use alternative parameterization\n") ##search within formula for variables to exclude mod.exclude <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=nexcl) ##iterate over each element in exclude list for (var in 1:nexcl) { ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:nmods) { idents <- NULL form.excl <- forms[[i]] ##iterate over each element of forms[[i]] for (j in 1:length(form.excl)) { idents[j] <- identical(exclude[var][[1]], gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", form.excl[j])) } mod.exclude[i,var] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) } } ##determine outcome across all variables to exclude to.exclude <- rowSums(mod.exclude) ##exclude models following models from model averaging include[which(to.exclude>=1)] <- 0 } ##add a check to determine if include always == 0 if (sum(include)==0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } new.cand.set <- cand.set[which(include==1)] #select models including a given parameter <- modnames[which(include==1)] #update model names ##compute table new_table <- aictab(cand.set = new.cand.set, modnames =, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) #recompute AIC table and associated measures new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) fixef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractSE(i)[paste(parm)])) ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL if(second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } else { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1 - conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE) Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE out.modavg <- list("Parameter" = paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta, "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL) class(out.modavg) <- c("modavg", "list") return(out.modavg) } ##maxlike modavg.AICmaxlikeFit.list <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, exclude = NULL, warn = TRUE, c.hat = 1, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } if(c.hat != 1) stop("\nThis function does not support overdispersion in \'maxlikeFit\' models\n") ##check that link function is the same for all models <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN=function(i) i$link)) <- unique(x = if(length( > 1) stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model-averaged beta estimate\n", "from models using different link functions\n") #####MODIFICATIONS BEGIN####### ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##reverse parm reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm) exclude <- reverse.exclude(exclude = exclude) #####MODIFICATIONS END###### ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) names(coef(i))) nmods <- length(cand.set) ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parms in the model include <- matrix(NA, nrow = nmods, ncol = 1) ##add a check for multiple instances of same variable in given model (i.e., interactions) include.check <- matrix(NA, nrow = nmods, ncol = 1) ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:nmods) { idents <- NULL idents.check <- NULL form <- mod_formula[[i]] ###################################################################################################### ###################################################################################################### ###MODIFICATIONS BEGIN ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list if(is.null(reversed.parm)) { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")== "-1" , 0, 1) } } else { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j]) idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" & attr(regexpr(reversed.parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" , 0, 1) } } ###MODIFICATIONS END ###################################################################################################### ###################################################################################################### include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) include.check[i] <- ifelse(sum(idents.check)>1, "duplicates", "OK") } ##################################################### ##exclude == NULL; warn=TRUE: warn that duplicates occur and stop if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, TRUE)) { ##check for duplicates in same model if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) { stop("\nSome models include more than one instance of the parameter of interest. \n", "This may be due to the presence of interaction/polynomial terms, or variables\n", "with similar names:\n", "\tsee \"?modavg\" for details on variable specification and \"exclude\" argument\n") } } ##exclude == NULL; warn=FALSE: compute model-averaged beta estimate from models including variable of interest, ##assuming that the variable is not involved in interaction or higher order polynomial (x^2, x^3, etc...), ##warn that models were not excluded if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, FALSE)) { if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) { warning("\nMultiple instances of parameter of interest in given model is presumably\n", "not due to interaction or polynomial terms - these models will not be\n", "excluded from the computation of model-averaged estimate\n") } } ##warn if exclude is neither a list nor NULL if(!is.null(exclude)) { if(!is.list(exclude)) {stop("\nItems in \"exclude\" must be specified as a list\n")} } ##if exclude is list if(is.list(exclude)) { ##determine number of elements in exclude nexcl <- length(exclude) ##check each formula for presence of exclude variable extracted with formula( ) not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = formula) ##set up a new list with model formula forms <- list() for (i in 1:nmods) { form.tmp <- as.character(not.include[[i]])[3] if(attr(regexpr("\\+", form.tmp), "match.length")==-1) { forms[i] <- form.tmp } else {forms[i] <- strsplit(form.tmp, split=" \\+ ")} } ##additional check to see whether some variable names include "+" check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\+", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]])) if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nPlease avoid \"+\" in variable names\n") ##additional check to determine if intercept was removed from models check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\- 1", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]])) if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nModels without intercept are not supported in this version, please use alternative parameterization\n") ##search within formula for variables to exclude mod.exclude <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=nexcl) ##iterate over each element in exclude list for (var in 1:nexcl) { ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:nmods) { idents <- NULL form.excl <- forms[[i]] ##iterate over each element of forms[[i]] for (j in 1:length(form.excl)) { idents[j] <- identical(exclude[var][[1]], gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", form.excl[j])) } mod.exclude[i,var] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) } } ##determine outcome across all variables to exclude to.exclude <- rowSums(mod.exclude) ##exclude models following models from model averaging include[which(to.exclude>=1)] <- 0 } ##add a check to determine if include always == 0 if (sum(include)==0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } new.cand.set <- cand.set[which(include==1)] #select models including a given parameter <- modnames[which(include==1)] #update model names new_table <- aictab(cand.set=new.cand.set,, second.ord=second.ord, nobs=nobs, sort=FALSE, c.hat = 1) #recompute AIC table and associated measures new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN=function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN=function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)])) ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL if(second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } else { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE) Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta, "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL) class(out.modavg) <- c("modavg", "list") return(out.modavg) } ##mer modavg.AICmer <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, exclude = NULL, warn = TRUE, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } #####MODIFICATIONS BEGIN####### ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##reverse parm reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm) exclude <- reverse.exclude(exclude = exclude) #####MODIFICATIONS END###### ##check for nlmer models if(any(unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) as.character(i@call)[1])) == "nlmer")) warning("\nNon-linear models are part of the candidate model set: model-averaged estimates may not be meaningful\n") ################### ##determine families of model fam.list <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)$family)) check.fam <- unique(fam.list) if(length(check.fam) > 1) stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model-averaged beta estimate\n", "from models using different families of distributions\n") ##determine link functions link.list <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)$link)) <- unique(link.list) if(length( > 1) stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model-averaged beta estimate\n", "from models using different link functions\n") ################### ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) labels(fixef(i))) nmods <- length(cand.set) ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parms in the model include <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1) ##add a check for multiple instances of same variable in given model (i.e., interactions) include.check <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1) ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:nmods) { idents <- NULL idents.check <- NULL form <- mod_formula[[i]] ###################################################################################################### ###################################################################################################### ###MODIFICATIONS BEGIN ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list if(is.null(reversed.parm)) { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")== "-1" , 0, 1) } } else { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j]) idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" & attr(regexpr(reversed.parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" , 0, 1) } } ###MODIFICATIONS END ###################################################################################################### ###################################################################################################### include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) include.check[i] <- ifelse(sum(idents.check)>1, "duplicates", "OK") } ##################################################### ###exclude == NULL; warn=TRUE: warn that duplicates occur and stop if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, TRUE)) { ##check for duplicates in same model if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) { stop("\nSome models include more than one instance of the parameter of interest. \n", "This may be due to the presence of interaction/polynomial terms, or variables\n", "with similar names:\n", "\tsee \"?modavg\" for details on variable specification and \"exclude\" argument\n") } } ##exclude == NULL; warn=FALSE: compute model-averaged beta estimate from models including variable of interest, ##assuming that the variable is not involved in interaction or higher order polynomial (x^2, x^3, etc...), ##warn that models were not excluded if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, FALSE)) { if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) { warning("\nMultiple instances of parameter of interest in given model is presumably\n", "not due to interaction or polynomial terms - these models will not be\n", "excluded from the computation of model-averaged estimate\n") } } ##warn if exclude is neither a list nor NULL if(!is.null(exclude)) { if(!is.list(exclude)) {stop("\nItems in \"exclude\" must be specified as a list\n")} } ##if exclude is list if(is.list(exclude)) { ##determine number of elements in exclude nexcl <- length(exclude) ##check each formula for presence of exclude variable extracted with formula( ) not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=formula) #random effect portion is returned within parentheses ##because matching uses identical( ) to check fixed effects against formula( ), ##should not be problematic for variables included in random effects ##set up a new list with model formula forms <- list() for (i in 1:nmods) { form.tmp <- strsplit(as.character(not.include[i]), split="~")[[1]][-1] if(attr(regexpr("\\+", form.tmp), "match.length")==-1) { forms[i] <- form.tmp } else {forms[i] <- strsplit(form.tmp, split=" \\+ ")} } ###################################### ##remove leading and trailing spaces as well as spaces within string ##forms <- lapply(, FUN = function(b) gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", b)) ###################################### ##additional check to see whether some variable names include "+" check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\+", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]])) if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nPlease avoid \"+\" in variable names\n") ##additional check to determine if intercept was removed from models check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\- 1", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]])) if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nModels without intercept are not supported in this version, please use alternative parameterization\n") ##search within formula for variables to exclude mod.exclude <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=nexcl) ##iterate over each element in exclude list for (var in 1:nexcl) { ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:nmods) { idents <- NULL form.excl <- forms[[i]] ##iterate over each element of forms[[i]] for (j in 1:length(form.excl)) { idents[j] <- identical(exclude[var][[1]], gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", form.excl[j])) } mod.exclude[i,var] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) } } ##determine outcome across all variables to exclude to.exclude <- rowSums(mod.exclude) ##exclude models following models from model averaging include[which(to.exclude>=1)] <- 0 } ##add a check to determine if include always == 0 if (sum(include)==0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } new.cand.set <- cand.set[which(include==1)] #select models including a given parameter <- modnames[which(include==1)] #update model names new_table <- aictab(cand.set=new.cand.set,, second.ord=second.ord, nobs=nobs, sort=FALSE) #recompute AIC table and associated measures new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN=function(i) fixef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN=function(i) extractSE(i)[paste(parm)])) ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL if(second.ord==TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } else { Modavg_beta<-sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE<-sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE<-sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE) Lower_CL<-Modavg_beta-zcrit*Uncond_SE Upper_CL<-Modavg_beta+zcrit*Uncond_SE out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta, "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL) class(out.modavg) <- c("modavg", "list") return(out.modavg) } ##lmerMod modavg.AIClmerMod <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, exclude = NULL, warn = TRUE, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } #####MODIFICATIONS BEGIN####### ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##reverse parm reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm) exclude <- reverse.exclude(exclude = exclude) #####MODIFICATIONS END###### ##check for nlmer models #if(any(unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) as.character(i@call)[1])) == "nlmer")) warning("\nNon-linear models are part of the candidate model set: model-averaged estimates may not be meaningful\n") ################### ################### ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) labels(fixef(i))) nmods <- length(cand.set) ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parms in the model include <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1) ##add a check for multiple instances of same variable in given model (i.e., interactions) include.check <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1) ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:nmods) { idents <- NULL idents.check <- NULL form <- mod_formula[[i]] ###################################################################################################### ###################################################################################################### ###MODIFICATIONS BEGIN ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list if(is.null(reversed.parm)) { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")== "-1" , 0, 1) } } else { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j]) idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" & attr(regexpr(reversed.parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" , 0, 1) } } ###MODIFICATIONS END ###################################################################################################### ###################################################################################################### include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) include.check[i] <- ifelse(sum(idents.check)>1, "duplicates", "OK") } ##################################################### ###exclude == NULL; warn=TRUE: warn that duplicates occur and stop if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, TRUE)) { ##check for duplicates in same model if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) { stop("\nSome models include more than one instance of the parameter of interest. \n", "This may be due to the presence of interaction/polynomial terms, or variables\n", "with similar names:\n", "\tsee \"?modavg\" for details on variable specification and \"exclude\" argument\n") } } ##exclude == NULL; warn=FALSE: compute model-averaged beta estimate from models including variable of interest, ##assuming that the variable is not involved in interaction or higher order polynomial (x^2, x^3, etc...), ##warn that models were not excluded if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, FALSE)) { if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) { warning("\nMultiple instances of parameter of interest in given model is presumably\n", "not due to interaction or polynomial terms - these models will not be\n", "excluded from the computation of model-averaged estimate\n") } } ##warn if exclude is neither a list nor NULL if(!is.null(exclude)) { if(!is.list(exclude)) {stop("\nItems in \"exclude\" must be specified as a list\n")} } ##if exclude is list if(is.list(exclude)) { ##determine number of elements in exclude nexcl <- length(exclude) ##check each formula for presence of exclude variable extracted with formula( ) not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = formula) #random effect portion is returned within parentheses ##because matching uses identical( ) to check fixed effects against formula( ), ##should not be problematic for variables included in random effects ##set up a new list with model formula forms <- list( ) for (i in 1:nmods) { form.tmp <- strsplit(as.character(not.include[i]), split="~")[[1]][-1] if(attr(regexpr("\\+", form.tmp), "match.length")==-1) { forms[i] <- form.tmp } else {forms[i] <- strsplit(form.tmp, split=" \\+ ")} } ###################################### ##remove leading and trailing spaces as well as spaces within string ##forms <- lapply(, FUN = function(b) gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", b)) ###################################### ##additional check to see whether some variable names include "+" check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\+", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]])) if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nPlease avoid \"+\" in variable names\n") ##additional check to determine if intercept was removed from models check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\- 1", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]])) if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nModels without intercept are not supported in this version, please use alternative parameterization\n") ##search within formula for variables to exclude mod.exclude <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=nexcl) ##iterate over each element in exclude list for (var in 1:nexcl) { ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:nmods) { idents <- NULL form.excl <- forms[[i]] ##iterate over each element of forms[[i]] for (j in 1:length(form.excl)) { idents[j] <- identical(exclude[var][[1]], gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", form.excl[j])) } mod.exclude[i,var] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) } } ##determine outcome across all variables to exclude to.exclude <- rowSums(mod.exclude) ##exclude models following models from model averaging include[which(to.exclude>=1)] <- 0 } ##add a check to determine if include always == 0 if (sum(include)==0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } new.cand.set <- cand.set[which(include==1)] #select models including a given parameter <- modnames[which(include==1)] #update model names new_table <- aictab(cand.set=new.cand.set,, second.ord=second.ord, nobs=nobs, sort=FALSE) #recompute AIC table and associated measures new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN=function(i) fixef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN=function(i) extractSE(i)[paste(parm)])) ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL if(second.ord==TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } else { Modavg_beta<-sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE<-sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE<-sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE) Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta-zcrit*Uncond_SE Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta+zcrit*Uncond_SE out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta, "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL) class(out.modavg) <- c("modavg", "list") return(out.modavg) } ##lmerModLmerTest modavg.AIClmerModLmerTest <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, exclude = NULL, warn = TRUE, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } #####MODIFICATIONS BEGIN####### ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##reverse parm reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm) exclude <- reverse.exclude(exclude = exclude) #####MODIFICATIONS END###### ##check for nlmer models #if(any(unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) as.character(i@call)[1])) == "nlmer")) warning("\nNon-linear models are part of the candidate model set: model-averaged estimates may not be meaningful\n") ################### ################### ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) labels(fixef(i))) nmods <- length(cand.set) ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parms in the model include <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1) ##add a check for multiple instances of same variable in given model (i.e., interactions) include.check <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1) ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:nmods) { idents <- NULL idents.check <- NULL form <- mod_formula[[i]] ###################################################################################################### ###################################################################################################### ###MODIFICATIONS BEGIN ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list if(is.null(reversed.parm)) { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")== "-1" , 0, 1) } } else { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j]) idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" & attr(regexpr(reversed.parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" , 0, 1) } } ###MODIFICATIONS END ###################################################################################################### ###################################################################################################### include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) include.check[i] <- ifelse(sum(idents.check)>1, "duplicates", "OK") } ##################################################### ###exclude == NULL; warn=TRUE: warn that duplicates occur and stop if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, TRUE)) { ##check for duplicates in same model if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) { stop("\nSome models include more than one instance of the parameter of interest. \n", "This may be due to the presence of interaction/polynomial terms, or variables\n", "with similar names:\n", "\tsee \"?modavg\" for details on variable specification and \"exclude\" argument\n") } } ##exclude == NULL; warn=FALSE: compute model-averaged beta estimate from models including variable of interest, ##assuming that the variable is not involved in interaction or higher order polynomial (x^2, x^3, etc...), ##warn that models were not excluded if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, FALSE)) { if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) { warning("\nMultiple instances of parameter of interest in given model is presumably\n", "not due to interaction or polynomial terms - these models will not be\n", "excluded from the computation of model-averaged estimate\n") } } ##warn if exclude is neither a list nor NULL if(!is.null(exclude)) { if(!is.list(exclude)) {stop("\nItems in \"exclude\" must be specified as a list\n")} } ##if exclude is list if(is.list(exclude)) { ##determine number of elements in exclude nexcl <- length(exclude) ##check each formula for presence of exclude variable extracted with formula( ) not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = formula) #random effect portion is returned within parentheses ##because matching uses identical( ) to check fixed effects against formula( ), ##should not be problematic for variables included in random effects ##set up a new list with model formula forms <- list( ) for (i in 1:nmods) { form.tmp <- strsplit(as.character(not.include[i]), split="~")[[1]][-1] if(attr(regexpr("\\+", form.tmp), "match.length")==-1) { forms[i] <- form.tmp } else {forms[i] <- strsplit(form.tmp, split=" \\+ ")} } ###################################### ##remove leading and trailing spaces as well as spaces within string ##forms <- lapply(, FUN = function(b) gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", b)) ###################################### ##additional check to see whether some variable names include "+" check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\+", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]])) if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nPlease avoid \"+\" in variable names\n") ##additional check to determine if intercept was removed from models check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\- 1", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]])) if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nModels without intercept are not supported in this version, please use alternative parameterization\n") ##search within formula for variables to exclude mod.exclude <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=nexcl) ##iterate over each element in exclude list for (var in 1:nexcl) { ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:nmods) { idents <- NULL form.excl <- forms[[i]] ##iterate over each element of forms[[i]] for (j in 1:length(form.excl)) { idents[j] <- identical(exclude[var][[1]], gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", form.excl[j])) } mod.exclude[i,var] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) } } ##determine outcome across all variables to exclude to.exclude <- rowSums(mod.exclude) ##exclude models following models from model averaging include[which(to.exclude>=1)] <- 0 } ##add a check to determine if include always == 0 if (sum(include)==0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } new.cand.set <- cand.set[which(include==1)] #select models including a given parameter <- modnames[which(include==1)] #update model names new_table <- aictab(cand.set=new.cand.set,, second.ord=second.ord, nobs=nobs, sort=FALSE) #recompute AIC table and associated measures new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN=function(i) fixef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN=function(i) extractSE(i)[paste(parm)])) ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL if(second.ord==TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } else { Modavg_beta<-sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE<-sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE<-sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE) Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta-zcrit*Uncond_SE Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta+zcrit*Uncond_SE out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta, "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL) class(out.modavg) <- c("modavg", "list") return(out.modavg) } ##glmerMod modavg.AICglmerMod <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, exclude = NULL, warn = TRUE, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } #####MODIFICATIONS BEGIN####### ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##reverse parm reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm) exclude <- reverse.exclude(exclude = exclude) #####MODIFICATIONS END###### ##check for nlmer models #if(any(unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) as.character(i@call)[1])) == "nlmer")) warning("\nNon-linear models are part of the candidate model set: model-averaged estimates may not be meaningful\n") ################### ##determine families of model fam.list <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)$family)) check.fam <- unique(fam.list) if(length(check.fam) > 1) stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model-averaged beta estimate\n", "from models using different families of distributions\n") ##determine link functions link.list <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)$link)) <- unique(link.list) if(length( > 1) stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model-averaged beta estimate\n", "from models using different link functions\n") ################### ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) labels(fixef(i))) nmods <- length(cand.set) ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parms in the model include <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1) ##add a check for multiple instances of same variable in given model (i.e., interactions) include.check <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1) ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:nmods) { idents <- NULL idents.check <- NULL form <- mod_formula[[i]] ###################################################################################################### ###################################################################################################### ###MODIFICATIONS BEGIN ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list if(is.null(reversed.parm)) { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")== "-1" , 0, 1) } } else { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j]) idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" & attr(regexpr(reversed.parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" , 0, 1) } } ###MODIFICATIONS END ###################################################################################################### ###################################################################################################### include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) include.check[i] <- ifelse(sum(idents.check)>1, "duplicates", "OK") } ##################################################### ###exclude == NULL; warn=TRUE: warn that duplicates occur and stop if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, TRUE)) { ##check for duplicates in same model if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) { stop("\nSome models include more than one instance of the parameter of interest. \n", "This may be due to the presence of interaction/polynomial terms, or variables\n", "with similar names:\n", "\tsee \"?modavg\" for details on variable specification and \"exclude\" argument\n") } } ##exclude == NULL; warn=FALSE: compute model-averaged beta estimate from models including variable of interest, ##assuming that the variable is not involved in interaction or higher order polynomial (x^2, x^3, etc...), ##warn that models were not excluded if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, FALSE)) { if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) { warning("\nMultiple instances of parameter of interest in given model is presumably\n", "not due to interaction or polynomial terms - these models will not be\n", "excluded from the computation of model-averaged estimate\n") } } ##warn if exclude is neither a list nor NULL if(!is.null(exclude)) { if(!is.list(exclude)) {stop("\nItems in \"exclude\" must be specified as a list\n")} } ##if exclude is list if(is.list(exclude)) { ##determine number of elements in exclude nexcl <- length(exclude) ##check each formula for presence of exclude variable extracted with formula( ) not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = formula) #random effect portion is returned within parentheses ##because matching uses identical( ) to check fixed effects against formula( ), ##should not be problematic for variables included in random effects ##set up a new list with model formula forms <- list( ) for (i in 1:nmods) { form.tmp <- strsplit(as.character(not.include[i]), split="~")[[1]][-1] if(attr(regexpr("\\+", form.tmp), "match.length")==-1) { forms[i] <- form.tmp } else {forms[i] <- strsplit(form.tmp, split=" \\+ ")} } ###################################### ##remove leading and trailing spaces as well as spaces within string ##forms <- lapply(, FUN = function(b) gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", b)) ###################################### ##additional check to see whether some variable names include "+" check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\+", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]])) if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nPlease avoid \"+\" in variable names\n") ##additional check to determine if intercept was removed from models check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\- 1", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]])) if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nModels without intercept are not supported in this version, please use alternative parameterization\n") ##search within formula for variables to exclude mod.exclude <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=nexcl) ##iterate over each element in exclude list for (var in 1:nexcl) { ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:nmods) { idents <- NULL form.excl <- forms[[i]] ##iterate over each element of forms[[i]] for (j in 1:length(form.excl)) { idents[j] <- identical(exclude[var][[1]], gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", form.excl[j])) } mod.exclude[i,var] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) } } ##determine outcome across all variables to exclude to.exclude <- rowSums(mod.exclude) ##exclude models following models from model averaging include[which(to.exclude>=1)] <- 0 } ##add a check to determine if include always == 0 if (sum(include)==0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } new.cand.set <- cand.set[which(include==1)] #select models including a given parameter <- modnames[which(include==1)] #update model names new_table <- aictab(cand.set=new.cand.set,, second.ord=second.ord, nobs=nobs, sort=FALSE) #recompute AIC table and associated measures new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN=function(i) fixef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN=function(i) extractSE(i)[paste(parm)])) ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL if(second.ord==TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } else { Modavg_beta<-sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE<-sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE<-sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE) Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta-zcrit*Uncond_SE Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta+zcrit*Uncond_SE out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta, "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL) class(out.modavg) <- c("modavg", "list") return(out.modavg) } ##multinom modavg.AICmultinom.nnet <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, exclude = NULL, warn = TRUE, c.hat = 1, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } #####MODIFICATIONS BEGIN####### ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##reverse parm reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm) exclude <- reverse.exclude(exclude = exclude) #####MODIFICATIONS END###### ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula<-lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) colnames(summary(i)$coefficients)) nmods <- length(cand.set) ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parm in the model include <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1) ##add a check for multiple instances of same variable in given model (i.e., interactions) include.check <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1) ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:nmods) { idents <- NULL idents.check <- NULL form <- mod_formula[[i]] ###################################################################################################### ###################################################################################################### ###MODIFICATIONS BEGIN ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list if(is.null(reversed.parm)) { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")== "-1" , 0, 1) } } else { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j]) idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" & attr(regexpr(reversed.parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" , 0, 1) } } ###MODIFICATIONS END ###################################################################################################### ###################################################################################################### include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) include.check[i] <- ifelse(sum(idents.check)>1, "duplicates", "OK") } ##################################################### ##exclude == NULL; warn=TRUE: warn that duplicates occur and stop if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, TRUE)) { if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) { stop("\nSome models possibly include more than one instance of the parameter of interest.\n", "This may be due to the presence of interaction/polynomial terms, or variables\n", "with similar names:\n", "\tsee \"?modavg\" for details on variable specification and \"exclude\" argument\n") } } ##exclude == NULL; warn=FALSE: compute model-averaged beta estimate from models including variable of interest, ##assuming that the variable is not involved in interaction or higher order polynomial (x^2, x^3, etc...), ##warn that models were not excluded if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, FALSE)) { if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) { warning("\nMultiple instances of parameter of interest in given model is presumably\n", "not due to interaction or polynomial terms - these models will not be\n", "excluded from the computation of model-averaged estimate\n") } } ##warn if exclude is neither a list nor NULL if(!is.null(exclude)) { if(!is.list(exclude)) {stop("\nItems in \"exclude\" must be specified as a list\n")} } ##if exclude is list if(is.list(exclude)) { ##determine number of elements in exclude nexcl <- length(exclude) ##check each formula for presence of exclude variable extracted with formula( ) - in multinom( ) must be extracted from call not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) formula(i$call)) ##set up a new list with model formula forms <- list() for (i in 1:nmods) { form.tmp <- strsplit(as.character(not.include[i]), split="~")[[1]][-1] if(attr(regexpr("\\+", form.tmp), "match.length")==-1) { forms[i] <- form.tmp } else {forms[i] <- strsplit(form.tmp, split=" \\+ ")} } ##additional check to see whether some variable names include "+" check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\+", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]])) if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nPlease avoid \"+\" in variable names\n") ##additional check to determine if intercept was removed from models check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\- 1", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]])) if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nModels without intercept are not supported in this version, please use alternative parameterization\n") ##search within formula for variables to exclude mod.exclude <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=nexcl) ##iterate over each element in exclude list for (var in 1:nexcl) { ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:nmods) { idents <- NULL form.excl <- forms[[i]] ##iterate over each element of forms[[i]] for (j in 1:length(form.excl)) { idents[j] <- identical(exclude[var][[1]], gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", form.excl[j])) } mod.exclude[i,var] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) } } ##determine outcome across all variables to exclude to.exclude <- rowSums(mod.exclude) ##exclude models following models from model averaging include[which(to.exclude>=1)] <- 0 } ##add a check to determine if include always == 0 if (sum(include)==0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } new.cand.set<-cand.set[which(include==1)] #select models including a given parameter<-modnames[which(include==1)] #update model names ## ##determine number of levels - 1 mod.levels <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) rownames(summary(i)$coefficients)) #extract level of response variable check.levels <- unlist(unique(mod.levels)) ##recompute AIC table and associated measures new_table<-aictab(cand.set=new.cand.set,, second.ord=second.ord, nobs=nobs, sort=FALSE, c.hat=c.hat) ##create object to store model-averaged estimate and SE's of k - 1 level of response out.est <- matrix(data=NA, nrow=length(check.levels), ncol=4) colnames(out.est) <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE", "Lower.CL", "Upper.CL") rownames(out.est) <- check.levels ##iterate over levels of response variable for (g in 1:length(check.levels)) { ##extract beta estimate for parm new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN=function(i) coef(i)[check.levels[g], paste(parm)])) ##extract SE of estimate for parm new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN=function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(check.levels[g], ":", parm, sep="")])) ##if c-hat is estimated adjust the SE's by multiplying with sqrt of c-hat if(c.hat > 1) {new_table$SE<-new_table$SE*sqrt(c.hat)} ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL ##AICc if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##QAICc ##if c-hat is estimated compute values accordingly and adjust table names if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##AIC if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == FALSE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##QAIC ##if c-hat is estimated compute values accordingly and adjust table names if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == FALSE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } out.est[g, 1] <- Modavg_beta out.est[g, 2] <- Uncond_SE } zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE) out.est[,3] <- out.est[,1] - zcrit*out.est[,2] out.est[,4] <- out.est[,1] + zcrit*out.est[,2] out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = out.est[,1], "Uncond.SE" = out.est[,2], "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL"= out.est[,3], "Upper.CL" = out.est[,4]) class(out.modavg) <- c("modavg", "list") return(out.modavg) } ##glm.nb modavg.AICnegbin.glm.lm <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, exclude = NULL, warn = TRUE, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##check that link function is the same for all models <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) i$family$link)) <- unique(x = if(length( > 1) stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model-averaged beta estimate\n", "from models using different link functions\n") #####MODIFICATIONS BEGIN####### ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##reverse parm reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm) exclude <- reverse.exclude(exclude = exclude) #####MODIFICATIONS END###### ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) rownames(summary(i)$coefficients)) #extract model formula for each model in cand.set nmods <- length(cand.set) ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parm in the model include <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1) ##add a check for multiple instances of same variable in given model (i.e., interactions) include.check <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1) ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:nmods) { idents <- NULL idents.check <- NULL form <- mod_formula[[i]] ###################################################################################################### ###################################################################################################### ###MODIFICATIONS BEGIN ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list if(is.null(reversed.parm)) { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")== "-1" , 0, 1) } } else { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j]) idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" & attr(regexpr(reversed.parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" , 0, 1) } } ###MODIFICATIONS END ###################################################################################################### ###################################################################################################### include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) include.check[i] <- ifelse(sum(idents.check)>1, "duplicates", "OK") } ##################################################### ##exclude == NULL; warn=TRUE: warn that duplicates occur and stop if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, TRUE)) { if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) { stop("\nSome models possibly include more than one instance of the parameter of interest.\n", "This may be due to the presence of interaction/polynomial terms, or variables\n", "with similar names:\n", "\tsee \"?modavg\" for details on variable specification and \"exclude\" argument\n") } } ##exclude == NULL; warn=FALSE: compute model-averaged beta estimate from models including variable of interest, ##assuming that the variable is not involved in interaction or higher order polynomial (x^2, x^3, etc...), ##warn that models were not excluded if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, FALSE)) { if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) { warning("Multiple instances of parameter of interest in given model is presumably\n", "not due to interaction or polynomial terms - these models will not be\n", "excluded from the computation of model-averaged estimate\n") } } ##warn if exclude is neither a list nor NULL if(!is.null(exclude)) { if(!is.list(exclude)) {stop("\nItems in \"exclude\" must be specified as a list\n")} } ##if exclude is list if(is.list(exclude)) { ##determine number of elements in exclude nexcl <- length(exclude) ##check each formula for presence of exclude variable extracted with formula( ) not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=formula) ##set up a new list with model formula forms <- list() for (i in 1:nmods) { form.tmp <- strsplit(as.character(not.include[i]), split="~")[[1]][-1] if(attr(regexpr("\\+", form.tmp), "match.length")==-1) { #this line causes problems if intercept is removed from model forms[i] <- form.tmp } else {forms[i] <- strsplit(form.tmp, split=" \\+ ")} #this line causes problems if intercept is removed from model } ##additional check to see whether some variable names include "+" check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\+", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]])) if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nPlease avoid \"+\" in variable names\n") ##additional check to determine if intercept was removed from models check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\- 1", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]])) if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nModels without intercept are not supported in this version, please use alternative parameterization\n") ##search within formula for variables to exclude mod.exclude <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=nexcl) ##iterate over each element in exclude list for (var in 1:nexcl) { ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:nmods) { idents <- NULL form.excl <- forms[[i]] ##iterate over each element of forms[[i]] for (j in 1:length(form.excl)) { idents[j] <- identical(exclude[var][[1]], gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", form.excl[j])) } mod.exclude[i,var] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) } } ##determine outcome across all variables to exclude to.exclude <- rowSums(mod.exclude) ##exclude models following models from model averaging include[which(to.exclude>=1)] <- 0 } ##add a check to determine if include always == 0 if (sum(include)==0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } new.cand.set <- cand.set[which(include==1)] #select models including a given parameter <- modnames[which(include==1)] #update model names ## new_table <- aictab(cand.set = new.cand.set, modnames =, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) #recompute AIC table and associated measures new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)])) ##AICc ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL if(second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##AIC if(second.ord == FALSE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE) Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta-zcrit*Uncond_SE Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta+zcrit*Uncond_SE out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta, "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL"= Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL) class(out.modavg) <- c("modavg", "list") return(out.modavg) } ##polr modavg.AICpolr <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, exclude = NULL, warn = TRUE, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } #####MODIFICATIONS BEGIN####### ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##reverse parm reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm) exclude <- reverse.exclude(exclude = exclude) #####MODIFICATIONS END###### ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula<-lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) rownames(summary(i)$coefficients)) nmods <- length(cand.set) ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parm in the model include <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1) ##add a check for multiple instances of same variable in given model (i.e., interactions) include.check <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1) ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:nmods) { idents <- NULL idents.check <- NULL form <- mod_formula[[i]] ###################################################################################################### ###################################################################################################### ###MODIFICATIONS BEGIN ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list if(is.null(reversed.parm)) { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")== "-1" , 0, 1) } } else { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j]) idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" & attr(regexpr(reversed.parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" , 0, 1) } } ###MODIFICATIONS END ###################################################################################################### ###################################################################################################### include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) include.check[i] <- ifelse(sum(idents.check)>1, "duplicates", "OK") } ##################################################### ##exclude == NULL; warn=TRUE: warn that duplicates occur and stop if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, TRUE)) { if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) { stop("\nSome models possibly include more than one instance of the parameter of interest.\n", "This may be due to the presence of interaction/polynomial terms, or variables\n", "with similar names:\n", "\tsee \"?modavg\" for details on variable specification and \"exclude\" argument\n") } } ##exclude == NULL; warn=FALSE: compute model-averaged beta estimate from models including variable of interest, ##assuming that the variable is not involved in interaction or higher order polynomial (x^2, x^3, etc...), ##warn that models were not excluded if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, FALSE)) { if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) { warning("Multiple instances of parameter of interest in given model is presumably\n", "not due to interaction or polynomial terms - these models will not be\n", "excluded from the computation of model-averaged estimate\n") } } ##warn if exclude is neither a list nor NULL if(!is.null(exclude)) { if(!is.list(exclude)) {stop("\nItems in \"exclude\" must be specified as a list\n")} } ##if exclude is list if(is.list(exclude)) { ##determine number of elements in exclude nexcl <- length(exclude) ##check each formula for presence of exclude variable extracted with formula( ) - in polr( ) must be extracted from call not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) formula(i$call)) ##set up a new list with model formula forms <- list() for (i in 1:nmods) { form.tmp <- strsplit(as.character(not.include[i]), split="~")[[1]][-1] if(attr(regexpr("\\+", form.tmp), "match.length")==-1) { forms[i] <- form.tmp } else {forms[i] <- strsplit(form.tmp, split=" \\+ ")} } ##additional check to see whether some variable names include "+" check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\+", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]])) if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nPlease avoid \"+\" in variable names\n") ##additional check to determine if intercept was removed from models check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\- 1", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]])) if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nModels without intercept are not supported in this version, please use alternative parameterization\n") ##search within formula for variables to exclude mod.exclude <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=nexcl) ##iterate over each element in exclude list for (var in 1:nexcl) { ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:nmods) { idents <- NULL form.excl <- forms[[i]] ##iterate over each element of forms[[i]] for (j in 1:length(form.excl)) { idents[j] <- identical(exclude[var][[1]], gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", form.excl[j])) } mod.exclude[i,var] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) } } ##determine outcome across all variables to exclude to.exclude <- rowSums(mod.exclude) ##exclude models following models from model averaging include[which(to.exclude>=1)] <- 0 } ##add a check to determine if include always == 0 if (sum(include)==0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } new.cand.set<-cand.set[which(include==1)] #select models including a given parameter<-modnames[which(include==1)] #update model names new_table<-aictab(cand.set=new.cand.set,, second.ord=second.ord, nobs=nobs, sort=FALSE) #recompute AIC table and associated measures ##add logical test to distinguish between intercepts and other coefs if(attr(regexpr(pattern = "\\|", text = parm), "match.length")==-1) { new_table$Beta_est<-unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN=function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) } else {new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN=function(i) (i)$zeta[paste(parm)])) } ##extract beta estimate for parm new_table$SE<-unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN=function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)])) ##AICc ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL based on AICc if(second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta<-sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE<-sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE<-sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##AICc ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL based on AIC if(second.ord == FALSE) { Modavg_beta<-sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE<-sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE<-sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE) Lower_CL<-Modavg_beta-zcrit*Uncond_SE Upper_CL<-Modavg_beta+zcrit*Uncond_SE out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta, "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL"= Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL) class(out.modavg) <- c("modavg", "list") return(out.modavg) } ##rlm modavg.AICrlm.lm <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, exclude = NULL, warn = TRUE, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } #####MODIFICATIONS BEGIN####### ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##reverse parm reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm) exclude <- reverse.exclude(exclude = exclude) #####MODIFICATIONS END###### ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) rownames(summary(i)$coefficients)) nmods <- length(cand.set) ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parms in the model include <- matrix(NA, nrow = nmods, ncol = 1) ##add a check for multiple instances of same variable in given model (i.e., interactions) include.check <- matrix(NA, nrow = nmods, ncol = 1) ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:nmods) { idents <- NULL idents.check <- NULL form <- mod_formula[[i]] ###################################################################################################### ###################################################################################################### ###MODIFICATIONS BEGIN ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list if(is.null(reversed.parm)) { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")== "-1" , 0, 1) } } else { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j]) idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" & attr(regexpr(reversed.parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" , 0, 1) } } ###MODIFICATIONS END ###################################################################################################### ###################################################################################################### include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) include.check[i] <- ifelse(sum(idents.check)>1, "duplicates", "OK") } ##################################################### ##exclude == NULL; warn=TRUE: warn that duplicates occur and stop if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, TRUE)) { ##check for duplicates in same model if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) { stop("\nSome models include more than one instance of the parameter of interest. \n", "This may be due to the presence of interaction/polynomial terms, or variables\n", "with similar names:\n", "\tsee \"?modavg\" for details on variable specification and \"exclude\" argument\n") } } ##exclude == NULL; warn=FALSE: compute model-averaged beta estimate from models including variable of interest, ##assuming that the variable is not involved in interaction or higher order polynomial (x^2, x^3, etc...), ##warn that models were not excluded if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, FALSE)) { if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) { warning("\nMultiple instances of parameter of interest in given model is presumably\n", "not due to interaction or polynomial terms - these models will not be\n", "excluded from the computation of model-averaged estimate\n") } } ##warn if exclude is neither a list nor NULL if(!is.null(exclude)) { if(!is.list(exclude)) {stop("\nItems in \"exclude\" must be specified as a list\n")} } ##if exclude is list if(is.list(exclude)) { ##determine number of elements in exclude nexcl <- length(exclude) ##check each formula for presence of exclude variable extracted with formula( ) not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = formula) ##set up a new list with model formula forms <- list() for (i in 1:nmods) { form.tmp <- strsplit(as.character(not.include[i]), split="~")[[1]][-1] if(attr(regexpr("\\+", form.tmp), "match.length")==-1) { forms[i] <- form.tmp } else {forms[i] <- strsplit(form.tmp, split=" \\+ ")} } ##additional check to see whether some variable names include "+" check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\+", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]])) if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nPlease avoid \"+\" in variable names\n") ##additional check to determine if intercept was removed from models check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\- 1", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]])) if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nModels without intercept are not supported in this version, please use alternative parameterization\n") ##search within formula for variables to exclude mod.exclude <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=nexcl) ##iterate over each element in exclude list for (var in 1:nexcl) { ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:nmods) { idents <- NULL form.excl <- forms[[i]] ##iterate over each element of forms[[i]] for (j in 1:length(form.excl)) { idents[j] <- identical(exclude[var][[1]], gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", form.excl[j])) } mod.exclude[i,var] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) } } ##determine outcome across all variables to exclude to.exclude <- rowSums(mod.exclude) ##exclude models following models from model averaging include[which(to.exclude>=1)] <- 0 } ##add a check to determine if include always == 0 if (sum(include)==0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } new.cand.set <- cand.set[which(include==1)] #select models including a given parameter <- modnames[which(include==1)] #update model names new_table <- aictab(cand.set=new.cand.set,, second.ord=second.ord, nobs=nobs, sort=FALSE) #recompute AIC table and associated measures new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN=function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN=function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)])) ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL if(second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } else { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE) Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta, "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL) class(out.modavg) <- c("modavg", "list") return(out.modavg) } ##survreg modavg.AICsurvreg <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, exclude = NULL, warn = TRUE, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##check that distribution is the same for all models check.dist <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) i$dist) unique.dist <- unique(x = check.dist) if(length(unique.dist) > 1) stop("\nFunction does not support model-averaging estimates from different distributions\n") #####MODIFICATIONS BEGIN####### ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##reverse parm reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm) exclude <- reverse.exclude(exclude = exclude) #####MODIFICATIONS END###### ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) names(summary(i)$coefficients)) #extract model formula for each model in cand.set nmods <- length(cand.set) ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parm in the model include <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1) ##add a check for multiple instances of same variable in given model (i.e., interactions) include.check <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1) ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:nmods) { idents <- NULL idents.check <- NULL form <- mod_formula[[i]] ###################################################################################################### ###################################################################################################### ###MODIFICATIONS BEGIN ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list if(is.null(reversed.parm)) { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")== "-1" , 0, 1) } } else { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j]) idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" & attr(regexpr(reversed.parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" , 0, 1) } } ###MODIFICATIONS END ###################################################################################################### ###################################################################################################### include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) include.check[i] <- ifelse(sum(idents.check)>1, "duplicates", "OK") } ##################################################### ##exclude == NULL; warn=TRUE: warn that duplicates occur and stop if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, TRUE)) { if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) { stop("\nSome models possibly include more than one instance of the parameter of interest.\n", "This may be due to the presence of interaction/polynomial terms, or variables\n", "with similar names:\n", "\tsee \"?modavg\" for details on variable specification and \"exclude\" argument\n") } } ##exclude == NULL; warn=FALSE: compute model-averaged beta estimate from models including variable of interest, ##assuming that the variable is not involved in interaction or higher order polynomial (x^2, x^3, etc...), ##warn that models were not excluded if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, FALSE)) { if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) { warning("Multiple instances of parameter of interest in given model is presumably\n", "not due to interaction or polynomial terms - these models will not be\n", "excluded from the computation of model-averaged estimate\n") } } ##warn if exclude is neither a list nor NULL if(!is.null(exclude)) { if(!is.list(exclude)) {stop("\nItems in \"exclude\" must be specified as a list\n")} } ##if exclude is list if(is.list(exclude)) { ##determine number of elements in exclude nexcl <- length(exclude) ##check each formula for presence of exclude variable extracted with formula( ) not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=formula) ##set up a new list with model formula forms <- list() for (i in 1:nmods) { form.tmp <- strsplit(as.character(not.include[i]), split="~")[[1]][-1] if(attr(regexpr("\\+", form.tmp), "match.length")==-1) { #this line causes problems if intercept is removed from model forms[i] <- form.tmp } else {forms[i] <- strsplit(form.tmp, split=" \\+ ")} #this line causes problems if intercept is removed from model } ##additional check to see whether some variable names include "+" check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\+", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]])) if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nPlease avoid \"+\" in variable names\n") ##additional check to determine if intercept was removed from models check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\- 1", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]])) if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nModels without intercept are not supported in this version, please use alternative parameterization\n") ##search within formula for variables to exclude mod.exclude <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=nexcl) ##iterate over each element in exclude list for (var in 1:nexcl) { ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:nmods) { idents <- NULL form.excl <- forms[[i]] ##iterate over each element of forms[[i]] for (j in 1:length(form.excl)) { idents[j] <- identical(exclude[var][[1]], gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", form.excl[j])) } mod.exclude[i,var] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) } } ##determine outcome across all variables to exclude to.exclude <- rowSums(mod.exclude) ##exclude models following models from model averaging include[which(to.exclude>=1)] <- 0 } ##add a check to determine if include always == 0 if (sum(include)==0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } new.cand.set <- cand.set[which(include==1)] #select models including a given parameter <- modnames[which(include==1)] #update model names ## new_table <- aictab(cand.set = new.cand.set, modnames =, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) #recompute AIC table and associated measures new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)])) ##AICc ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL if(second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##AIC if(second.ord == FALSE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE) Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta-zcrit*Uncond_SE Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta+zcrit*Uncond_SE out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta, "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL"= Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL) class(out.modavg) <- c("modavg", "list") return(out.modavg) } ##vglm modavg.AICvglm <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, exclude = NULL, warn = TRUE, c.hat = 1, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##check that link function is the same for all models <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN=function(i) i@family@blurb[3])) <- unique( if(length( > 1) stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model-averaged beta estimate\n", "from models using different link functions\n") ##check family of vglm to avoid problems when requesting predictions with argument 'dispersion' fam.type <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) i@family@vfamily)) fam.unique <- unique(fam.type) if(identical(fam.unique, "gaussianff")) {disp <- NULL} else{disp <- 1} if(identical(fam.unique, "gammaff")) stop("\nGamma distribution is not supported yet\n") ##poisson and binomial defaults to 1 (no separate parameter for variance) ##for negative binomial - reset to NULL if(identical(fam.unique, "negbinomial")) {disp <- NULL} #####MODIFICATIONS BEGIN####### ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##reverse parm reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm) exclude <- reverse.exclude(exclude = exclude) #####MODIFICATIONS END###### ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) labels(coefficients(i))) #extract model formula for each model in cand.set nmods <- length(cand.set) ##check whether parm is involved in interaction or if label changes for some models - e.g., ZIP models ##if : not already included if(regexpr(":", parm, fixed = TRUE) == -1){ ##if : not included parm.inter <- c(paste(parm, ":", sep = ""), paste(":", parm, sep = "")) inter.check <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.inter[1], mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1" & attr(regexpr(parm.inter[2], mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1", 0, 1) if(sum(inter.check) > 0) warning("\nLabel of parameter of interest seems to change across models:\n", "check model syntax for possible problems\n") } else { ##if : already included ##remove : from parm simple.parm <- unlist(strsplit(parm, split = ":"))[1] ##search for simple.parm and parm in model formulae no.colon <- sum(ifelse(attr(regexpr(simple.parm, mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") != "-1", 1, 0)) with.colon <- sum(ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") != "-1", 0, 1)) ##check if both are > 0 if(no.colon > 0 && with.colon > 0) warning("\nLabel of parameter of interest seems to change across models:\n", "check model syntax for possible problems\n") } ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parm in the model include <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1) ##add a check for multiple instances of same variable in given model (i.e., interactions) include.check <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1) ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:nmods) { idents <- NULL idents.check <- NULL form <- mod_formula[[i]] ###################################################################################################### ###################################################################################################### ###MODIFICATIONS BEGIN ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list if(is.null(reversed.parm)) { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")== "-1" , 0, 1) } } else { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j]) idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" & attr(regexpr(reversed.parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" , 0, 1) } } ###MODIFICATIONS END ###################################################################################################### ###################################################################################################### include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) include.check[i] <- ifelse(sum(idents.check)>1, "duplicates", "OK") } ##################################################### ##exclude == NULL; warn=TRUE: warn that duplicates occur and stop if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, TRUE)) { if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) { stop("\nSome models possibly include more than one instance of the parameter of interest.\n", "This may be due to the presence of interaction/polynomial terms, or variables\n", "with similar names:\n", "\tsee \"?modavg\" for details on variable specification and \"exclude\" argument\n") } } ##exclude == NULL; warn=FALSE: compute model-averaged beta estimate from models including variable of interest, ##assuming that the variable is not involved in interaction or higher order polynomial (x^2, x^3, etc...), ##warn that models were not excluded if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, FALSE)) { if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) { warning("Multiple instances of parameter of interest in given model is presumably\n", "not due to interaction or polynomial terms - these models will not be\n", "excluded from the computation of model-averaged estimate\n") } } ##warn if exclude is neither a list nor NULL if(!is.null(exclude)) { if(!is.list(exclude)) {stop("\nItems in \"exclude\" must be specified as a list\n")} } ##if exclude is list if(is.list(exclude)) { ##determine number of elements in exclude nexcl <- length(exclude) ##check each formula for presence of exclude variable extracted with formula( ) not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = formula) ##set up a new list with model formula forms <- list() for (i in 1:nmods) { form.tmp <- strsplit(as.character(not.include[i]), split="~")[[1]][-1] if(attr(regexpr("\\+", form.tmp), "match.length")==-1) { #this line causes problems if intercept is removed from model forms[i] <- form.tmp } else {forms[i] <- strsplit(form.tmp, split=" \\+ ")} #this line causes problems if intercept is removed from model } ##additional check to see whether some variable names include "+" check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\+", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]])) if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nPlease avoid \"+\" in variable names\n") ##additional check to determine if intercept was removed from models check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\- 1", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]])) if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nModels without intercept are not supported in this version, please use alternative parameterization\n") ##search within formula for variables to exclude mod.exclude <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=nexcl) ##iterate over each element in exclude list for (var in 1:nexcl) { ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:nmods) { idents <- NULL form.excl <- forms[[i]] ##iterate over each element of forms[[i]] for (j in 1:length(form.excl)) { idents[j] <- identical(exclude[var][[1]], gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", form.excl[j])) } mod.exclude[i,var] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) } } ##determine outcome across all variables to exclude to.exclude <- rowSums(mod.exclude) ##exclude models following models from model averaging include[which(to.exclude>=1)] <- 0 } ##add a check to determine if include always == 0 if (sum(include)==0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } new.cand.set <- cand.set[which(include==1)] #select models including a given parameter <- modnames[which(include==1)] #update model names ## new_table <- aictab(cand.set = new.cand.set, modnames =, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) #recompute AIC table and associated measures new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN=function(i) coefficients(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN=function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i, dispersion = disp)))[paste(parm)])) ##if c-hat is estimated adjust the SE's by multiplying with sqrt of c-hat if(c.hat > 1) { new_table$SE <- new_table$SE*sqrt(c.hat) } ##AICc ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##QAICc if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##AIC if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == FALSE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##QAIC if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == FALSE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE) Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta-zcrit*Uncond_SE Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta+zcrit*Uncond_SE out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta, "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL"= Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL) class(out.modavg) <- c("modavg", "list") return(out.modavg) } ##zeroinfl modavg.AICzeroinfl <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, exclude = NULL, warn = TRUE, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##check that link function is the same for all models <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN=function(i) i$link)) <- unique( if(length( > 1) stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model-averaged beta estimate\n", "from models using different link functions\n") #####MODIFICATIONS BEGIN####### ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##reverse parm reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm) exclude <- reverse.exclude(exclude = exclude) #####MODIFICATIONS END###### ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) labels(coefficients(i))) #extract model formula for each model in cand.set nmods <- length(cand.set) ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parm in the model include <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1) ##add a check for multiple instances of same variable in given model (i.e., interactions) include.check <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1) ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:nmods) { idents <- NULL idents.check <- NULL form <- mod_formula[[i]] ###################################################################################################### ###################################################################################################### ###MODIFICATIONS BEGIN ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list if(is.null(reversed.parm)) { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")== "-1" , 0, 1) } } else { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j]) idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" & attr(regexpr(reversed.parm, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" , 0, 1) } } ###MODIFICATIONS END ###################################################################################################### ###################################################################################################### include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) include.check[i] <- ifelse(sum(idents.check)>1, "duplicates", "OK") } ##################################################### ##exclude == NULL; warn=TRUE: warn that duplicates occur and stop if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, TRUE)) { if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) { stop("\nSome models possibly include more than one instance of the parameter of interest.\n", "This may be due to the presence of interaction/polynomial terms, or variables\n", "with similar names:\n", "\tsee \"?modavg\" for details on variable specification and \"exclude\" argument\n") } } ##exclude == NULL; warn=FALSE: compute model-averaged beta estimate from models including variable of interest, ##assuming that the variable is not involved in interaction or higher order polynomial (x^2, x^3, etc...), ##warn that models were not excluded if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, FALSE)) { if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) { warning("Multiple instances of parameter of interest in given model is presumably\n", "not due to interaction or polynomial terms - these models will not be\n", "excluded from the computation of model-averaged estimate\n") } } ##warn if exclude is neither a list nor NULL if(!is.null(exclude)) { if(!is.list(exclude)) {stop("\nItems in \"exclude\" must be specified as a list\n")} } ##if exclude is list if(is.list(exclude)) { ##determine number of elements in exclude nexcl <- length(exclude) ##check each formula for presence of exclude variable extracted with formula( ) not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=formula) ##set up a new list with model formula forms <- list() for (i in 1:nmods) { form.tmp <- strsplit(as.character(not.include[i]), split="~")[[1]][-1] if(attr(regexpr("\\+", form.tmp), "match.length")==-1) { #this line causes problems if intercept is removed from model forms[i] <- form.tmp } else {forms[i] <- strsplit(form.tmp, split=" \\+ ")} #this line causes problems if intercept is removed from model } ##additional check to see whether some variable names include "+" check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\+", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]])) if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nPlease avoid \"+\" in variable names\n") ##additional check to determine if intercept was removed from models check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\- 1", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]])) if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nModels without intercept are not supported in this version, please use alternative parameterization\n") ##search within formula for variables to exclude mod.exclude <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=nexcl) ##iterate over each element in exclude list for (var in 1:nexcl) { ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:nmods) { idents <- NULL form.excl <- forms[[i]] ##iterate over each element of forms[[i]] for (j in 1:length(form.excl)) { idents[j] <- identical(exclude[var][[1]], gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", form.excl[j])) } mod.exclude[i,var] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) } } ##determine outcome across all variables to exclude to.exclude <- rowSums(mod.exclude) ##exclude models following models from model averaging include[which(to.exclude>=1)] <- 0 } ##add a check to determine if include always == 0 if (sum(include)==0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } new.cand.set <- cand.set[which(include==1)] #select models including a given parameter <- modnames[which(include==1)] #update model names ## new_table <- aictab(cand.set = new.cand.set, modnames =, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) #recompute AIC table and associated measures new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN=function(i) coefficients(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN=function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)])) ##AICc ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL if(second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##AIC if(second.ord == FALSE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE) Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta-zcrit*Uncond_SE Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta+zcrit*Uncond_SE out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta, "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL"= Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL) class(out.modavg) <- c("modavg", "list") return(out.modavg) } ####added functionality for reversing parameters ##added additional argument parm.type = "psi", "gamma", "epsilon", "lambda", "omega", "detect" ##model type: parameters labeled in unmarked - parameters labeled in AICcmodavg.unmarked ##single season: state, det - USE psi, detect ##multiseason model: psi, col, ext, det - USE psi, gamma, epsilon, detect ##RN heterogeneity model: state, det - USE lambda, detect ##N-mixture: state, det - USE lambda, detect ##Open N-mixture: lambda, gamma, omega, iota, det - USE lambda, gamma, omega, iota, detect ##distsamp: state, det - USE lambda, detect ##gdistsamp: state, det, phi - USE lambda, detect, phi ##false-positive occupancy: state, det, fp - USE psi, detect, fp ##gpcount: lambda, phi, det - USE lambda, phi, detect ##gmultmix: lambda, phi, det - USE lambda, phi, detect ##multinomPois: state, det - USE lambda, detect ##occuMulti: state, det - USE lambda, detect ##occuMS: state, det - USE psi, detect ##occuTTD: psi, det, col, ext - USE psi, detect, gamma, epsilon ##pcount.spHDS: state, det - USE lambda, detect ##multmixOpen: lambda, gamma, omega, iota, det - USE lambda, gamma, epsilon, iota, detect ##distsampOpen: lambda, gamma, omega, iota, det - USE lambda, gamma, epsilon, iota, detect modavg.AICunmarkedFitOccu <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, exclude = NULL, warn = TRUE, c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...){ ##note that parameter is referenced differently from unmarked object - see labels( ) ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavg for details\n")} #####MODIFICATIONS BEGIN####### ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) parm.strip <- parm #to use later ##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int" ##reverse parm reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm) reversed.parm.strip <- reversed.parm #to use later exclude <- reverse.exclude(exclude = exclude) #####MODIFICATIONS END###### ##single-season occupancy model ##psi if(identical(parm.type, "psi")) { ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$state))) parm <- paste("psi", "(", parm, ")", sep="") if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("psi", "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")} not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@formula[[3]]) parm.type1 <- "state" } ##detect if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) { mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$det))) parm <- paste("p", "(", parm, ")", sep="") if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("p", "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")} not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@formula[[2]]) parm.type1 <- "det" } ################## ##extract link function <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$", parm.type1, "@invlink", sep = "")))) <- unique( <-[1] if(length( > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n", "with different link functions\n")} ################## nmods <- length(cand.set) ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parms in the model include <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1) ##add a check for multiple instances of same variable in given model (i.e., interactions) include.check <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1) ################################## ################################## ###ADDED A NEW OBJECT TO STRIP AWAY lam( ) from parm on line 35 ###to enable search with regexpr( ) ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:nmods) { idents <- NULL idents.check <- NULL form <- mod_formula[[i]] ###################################################################################################### ###################################################################################################### ###MODIFICATIONS BEGIN ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list if(is.null(reversed.parm)) { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) ##added parm.strip here for regexpr( ) idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.strip, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")== "-1" , 0, 1) } } else { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j]) idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.strip, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" & attr(regexpr(reversed.parm.strip, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" , 0, 1) } } ###MODIFICATIONS END ###################################################################################################### ###################################################################################################### include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) include.check[i] <- ifelse(sum(idents.check)>1, "duplicates", "OK") } ##################################################### #exclude == NULL; warn=TRUE: warn that duplicates occur and stop if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, TRUE)) { #check for duplicates in same model if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) { stop("\nSome models include more than one instance of the parameter of interest. \n", "This may be due to the presence of interaction/polynomial terms, or variables\n", "with similar names:\n", "\tsee \"?modavg\" for details on variable specification and \"exclude\" argument\n") } } #exclude == NULL; warn=FALSE: compute model-averaged beta estimate from models including variable of interest, #assuming that the variable is not involved in interaction or higher order polynomial (x^2, x^3, etc...), #warn that models were not excluded if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, FALSE)) { if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) { warning("\nMultiple instances of parameter of interest in given model is presumably\n", "not due to interaction or polynomial terms - these models will not be\n", "excluded from the computation of model-averaged estimate\n") } } #warn if exclude is neither a list nor NULL if(!is.null(exclude)) { if(!is.list(exclude)) {stop("\nItems in \"exclude\" must be specified as a list")} } #if exclude is list if(is.list(exclude)) { #determine number of elements in exclude nexcl <- length(exclude) #check each formula for presence of exclude variable in not.include list #not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = formula) #set up a new list with model formula forms <- list() for (i in 1:nmods) { form.tmp <- as.character(not.include[i]) #changed from other versions as formula returned is of different structure for unmarked objects if(attr(regexpr("\\+", form.tmp), "match.length")==-1) { forms[i] <- form.tmp } else {forms[i] <- strsplit(form.tmp, split=" \\+ ")} } #additional check to see whether some variable names include "+" check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\+", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]])) if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nPlease avoid \"+\" in variable names\n") ##additional check to determine if intercept was removed from models check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\- 1", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]])) if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nModels without intercept are not supported in this version, please use alternative parameterization\n") #search within formula for variables to exclude mod.exclude <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=nexcl) #iterate over each element in exclude list for (var in 1:nexcl) { #iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:nmods) { idents <- NULL form.excl <- forms[[i]] #iterate over each element of forms[[i]] for (j in 1:length(form.excl)) { idents[j] <- identical(exclude[var][[1]], form.excl[j]) } mod.exclude[i,var] <- ifelse(any(idents == 1), 1, 0) } } #determine outcome across all variables to exclude to.exclude <- rowSums(mod.exclude) #exclude models following models from model averaging include[which(to.exclude >= 1)] <- 0 } ##add a check to determine if include always == 0 if (sum(include) == 0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } new.cand.set <- cand.set[which(include == 1)] #select models including a given parameter <- modnames[which(include == 1)] #update model names new_table <- aictab(cand.set = new.cand.set, modnames =, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) #recompute AIC table and associated measures new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm ##if reversed.parm is not null and varies across models, potentially check for it here new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)])) ##if reversed.parm is not null and varies across models, potentially check for it here ##if c-hat is estimated adjust the SE's by multiplying with sqrt of c-hat if(c.hat > 1) { new_table$SE <- new_table$SE*sqrt(c.hat) } ##AICc ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##QAICc if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##AIC if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == FALSE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##QAIC if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == FALSE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1 - conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE) Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta, "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL) class(out.modavg) <- c("modavg", "list") return(out.modavg) } ##colext modavg.AICunmarkedFitColExt <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, exclude = NULL, warn = TRUE, c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...){ ##note that parameter is referenced differently from unmarked object - see labels( ) ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavg for details\n")} #####MODIFICATIONS BEGIN####### ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) parm.strip <- parm #to use later ##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int" ##reverse parm reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm) reversed.parm.strip <- reversed.parm #to use later exclude <- reverse.exclude(exclude = exclude) #####MODIFICATIONS END###### ##multiseason occupancy model ##psi - initial occupancy if(identical(parm.type, "psi")) { ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$psi))) ##create label for parm parm <- paste("psi", "(", parm, ")", sep="") if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("psi", "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")} not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@psiformula) parm.type1 <- "psi" } ##gamma - colonization if(identical(parm.type, "gamma")) { ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$col))) ##create label for parm parm <- paste("col", "(", parm, ")", sep="") if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("col", "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")} not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@gamformula) parm.type1 <- "col" } ##epsilon - extinction if(identical(parm.type, "epsilon")) { ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$ext))) ##create label for parm parm <- paste("ext", "(", parm, ")", sep="") if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("ext", "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")} ##for epsilon not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@epsformula) parm.type1 <- "ext" } ##detect if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) { mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$det))) parm <- paste("p", "(", parm, ")", sep="") if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("p", "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")} not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@detformula) parm.type1 <- "det" } ################## ##extract link function <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$", parm.type1, "@invlink", sep = "")))) <- unique( <-[1] if(length( > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n", "with different link functions\n")} ################## nmods <- length(cand.set) ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parms in the model include <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1) ##add a check for multiple instances of same variable in given model (i.e., interactions) include.check <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1) ################################## ################################## ###ADDED A NEW OBJECT TO STRIP AWAY lam( ) from parm on line 35 ###to enable search with regexpr( ) ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:nmods) { idents <- NULL idents.check <- NULL form <- mod_formula[[i]] ###################################################################################################### ###################################################################################################### ###MODIFICATIONS BEGIN ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list if(is.null(reversed.parm)) { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) ##added parm.strip here for regexpr( ) idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.strip, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")== "-1" , 0, 1) } } else { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j]) idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.strip, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" & attr(regexpr(reversed.parm.strip, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" , 0, 1) } } ###MODIFICATIONS END ###################################################################################################### ###################################################################################################### include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) include.check[i] <- ifelse(sum(idents.check)>1, "duplicates", "OK") } ##################################################### #exclude == NULL; warn=TRUE: warn that duplicates occur and stop if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, TRUE)) { #check for duplicates in same model if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) { stop("\nSome models include more than one instance of the parameter of interest. \n", "This may be due to the presence of interaction/polynomial terms, or variables\n", "with similar names:\n", "\tsee \"?modavg\" for details on variable specification and \"exclude\" argument\n") } } #exclude == NULL; warn=FALSE: compute model-averaged beta estimate from models including variable of interest, #assuming that the variable is not involved in interaction or higher order polynomial (x^2, x^3, etc...), #warn that models were not excluded if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, FALSE)) { if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) { warning("\nMultiple instances of parameter of interest in given model is presumably\n", "not due to interaction or polynomial terms - these models will not be\n", "excluded from the computation of model-averaged estimate\n") } } #warn if exclude is neither a list nor NULL if(!is.null(exclude)) { if(!is.list(exclude)) {stop("\nItems in \"exclude\" must be specified as a list")} } #if exclude is list if(is.list(exclude)) { #determine number of elements in exclude nexcl <- length(exclude) #check each formula for presence of exclude variable in not.include list #not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = formula) #set up a new list with model formula forms <- list() for (i in 1:nmods) { form.tmp <- as.character(not.include[i]) #changed from other versions as formula returned is of different structure for unmarked objects if(attr(regexpr("\\+", form.tmp), "match.length")==-1) { forms[i] <- form.tmp } else {forms[i] <- strsplit(form.tmp, split=" \\+ ")} } #additional check to see whether some variable names include "+" check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\+", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]])) if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nPlease avoid \"+\" in variable names\n") ##additional check to determine if intercept was removed from models check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\- 1", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]])) if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nModels without intercept are not supported in this version, please use alternative parameterization\n") #search within formula for variables to exclude mod.exclude <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=nexcl) #iterate over each element in exclude list for (var in 1:nexcl) { #iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:nmods) { idents <- NULL form.excl <- forms[[i]] #iterate over each element of forms[[i]] for (j in 1:length(form.excl)) { idents[j] <- identical(exclude[var][[1]], form.excl[j]) } mod.exclude[i,var] <- ifelse(any(idents == 1), 1, 0) } } #determine outcome across all variables to exclude to.exclude <- rowSums(mod.exclude) #exclude models following models from model averaging include[which(to.exclude >= 1)] <- 0 } ##add a check to determine if include always == 0 if (sum(include) == 0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } new.cand.set <- cand.set[which(include == 1)] #select models including a given parameter <- modnames[which(include == 1)] #update model names new_table <- aictab(cand.set = new.cand.set, modnames =, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) #recompute AIC table and associated measures new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm ##if reversed.parm is not null and varies across models, potentially check for it here new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)])) ##if reversed.parm is not null and varies across models, potentially check for it here ##if c-hat is estimated adjust the SE's by multiplying with sqrt of c-hat if(c.hat > 1) { new_table$SE <- new_table$SE*sqrt(c.hat) } ##AICc ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##QAICc if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##AIC if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == FALSE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##QAIC if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == FALSE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1 - conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE) Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta, "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL) class(out.modavg) <- c("modavg", "list") return(out.modavg) } ##occuRN modavg.AICunmarkedFitOccuRN <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, exclude = NULL, warn = TRUE, c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...){ ##note that parameter is referenced differently from unmarked object - see labels( ) ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavg for details\n")} #####MODIFICATIONS BEGIN####### ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) parm.strip <- parm #to use later ##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int" ##reverse parm reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm) reversed.parm.strip <- reversed.parm #to use later exclude <- reverse.exclude(exclude = exclude) #####MODIFICATIONS END###### ##Royle-Nichols heterogeneity model ##lambda - abundance if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) { ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$state))) parm <- paste("lam", "(", parm, ")", sep="") if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("lam", "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")} not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@formula[[3]]) parm.type1 <- "state" } ##detect if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) { mod_formula<-lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$det))) parm <- paste("p", "(", parm, ")", sep="") if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("p", "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")} not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@formula[[2]]) parm.type1 <- "det" } ################## ##extract link function <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$", parm.type1, "@invlink", sep = "")))) <- unique( <-[1] if(length( > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n", "with different link functions\n")} ################## nmods <- length(cand.set) ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parms in the model include <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1) ##add a check for multiple instances of same variable in given model (i.e., interactions) include.check <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1) ################################## ################################## ###ADDED A NEW OBJECT TO STRIP AWAY lam( ) from parm on line 35 ###to enable search with regexpr( ) ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:nmods) { idents <- NULL idents.check <- NULL form <- mod_formula[[i]] ###################################################################################################### ###################################################################################################### ###MODIFICATIONS BEGIN ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list if(is.null(reversed.parm)) { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) ##added parm.strip here for regexpr( ) idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.strip, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")== "-1" , 0, 1) } } else { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j]) idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.strip, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" & attr(regexpr(reversed.parm.strip, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" , 0, 1) } } ###MODIFICATIONS END ###################################################################################################### ###################################################################################################### include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) include.check[i] <- ifelse(sum(idents.check)>1, "duplicates", "OK") } ##################################################### #exclude == NULL; warn=TRUE: warn that duplicates occur and stop if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, TRUE)) { #check for duplicates in same model if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) { stop("\nSome models include more than one instance of the parameter of interest. \n", "This may be due to the presence of interaction/polynomial terms, or variables\n", "with similar names:\n", "\tsee \"?modavg\" for details on variable specification and \"exclude\" argument\n") } } #exclude == NULL; warn=FALSE: compute model-averaged beta estimate from models including variable of interest, #assuming that the variable is not involved in interaction or higher order polynomial (x^2, x^3, etc...), #warn that models were not excluded if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, FALSE)) { if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) { warning("\nMultiple instances of parameter of interest in given model is presumably\n", "not due to interaction or polynomial terms - these models will not be\n", "excluded from the computation of model-averaged estimate\n") } } #warn if exclude is neither a list nor NULL if(!is.null(exclude)) { if(!is.list(exclude)) {stop("\nItems in \"exclude\" must be specified as a list")} } #if exclude is list if(is.list(exclude)) { #determine number of elements in exclude nexcl <- length(exclude) #check each formula for presence of exclude variable in not.include list #not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = formula) #set up a new list with model formula forms <- list() for (i in 1:nmods) { form.tmp <- as.character(not.include[i]) #changed from other versions as formula returned is of different structure for unmarked objects if(attr(regexpr("\\+", form.tmp), "match.length")==-1) { forms[i] <- form.tmp } else {forms[i] <- strsplit(form.tmp, split=" \\+ ")} } #additional check to see whether some variable names include "+" check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\+", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]])) if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nPlease avoid \"+\" in variable names\n") ##additional check to determine if intercept was removed from models check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\- 1", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]])) if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nModels without intercept are not supported in this version, please use alternative parameterization\n") #search within formula for variables to exclude mod.exclude <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=nexcl) #iterate over each element in exclude list for (var in 1:nexcl) { #iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:nmods) { idents <- NULL form.excl <- forms[[i]] #iterate over each element of forms[[i]] for (j in 1:length(form.excl)) { idents[j] <- identical(exclude[var][[1]], form.excl[j]) } mod.exclude[i,var] <- ifelse(any(idents == 1), 1, 0) } } #determine outcome across all variables to exclude to.exclude <- rowSums(mod.exclude) #exclude models following models from model averaging include[which(to.exclude >= 1)] <- 0 } ##add a check to determine if include always == 0 if (sum(include) == 0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } new.cand.set <- cand.set[which(include == 1)] #select models including a given parameter <- modnames[which(include == 1)] #update model names new_table <- aictab(cand.set = new.cand.set, modnames =, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) #recompute AIC table and associated measures new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm ##if reversed.parm is not null and varies across models, potentially check for it here new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)])) ##if reversed.parm is not null and varies across models, potentially check for it here ##if c-hat is estimated adjust the SE's by multiplying with sqrt of c-hat if(c.hat > 1) { new_table$SE <- new_table$SE*sqrt(c.hat) } ##AICc ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##QAICc if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##AIC if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == FALSE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##QAIC if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == FALSE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1 - conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE) Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta, "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL) class(out.modavg) <- c("modavg", "list") return(out.modavg) } ##pcount modavg.AICunmarkedFitPCount <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, exclude = NULL, warn = TRUE, c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...){ ##note that parameter is referenced differently from unmarked object - see labels( ) ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavg for details\n")} #####MODIFICATIONS BEGIN####### ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) parm.strip <- parm #to use later ##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int" ##reverse parm reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm) reversed.parm.strip <- reversed.parm #to use later exclude <- reverse.exclude(exclude = exclude) #####MODIFICATIONS END###### ##single season N-mixture model ##lambda - abundance if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) { ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$state))) ##create label for parm parm <- paste("lam", "(", parm, ")", sep="") if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("lam", "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")} not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@formula[[3]]) parm.type1 <- "state" } ##detect if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) { mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$det))) parm <- paste("p", "(", parm, ")", sep="") if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("p", "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")} not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@formula[[2]]) parm.type1 <- "det" } ################## ##extract link function <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$", parm.type1, "@invlink", sep = "")))) <- unique( <-[1] if(length( > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n", "with different link functions\n")} ################## nmods <- length(cand.set) ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parms in the model include <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1) ##add a check for multiple instances of same variable in given model (i.e., interactions) include.check <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1) ################################## ################################## ###ADDED A NEW OBJECT TO STRIP AWAY lam( ) from parm on line 35 ###to enable search with regexpr( ) ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:nmods) { idents <- NULL idents.check <- NULL form <- mod_formula[[i]] ###################################################################################################### ###################################################################################################### ###MODIFICATIONS BEGIN ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list if(is.null(reversed.parm)) { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) ##added parm.strip here for regexpr( ) idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.strip, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")== "-1" , 0, 1) } } else { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j]) idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.strip, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" & attr(regexpr(reversed.parm.strip, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" , 0, 1) } } ###MODIFICATIONS END ###################################################################################################### ###################################################################################################### include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) include.check[i] <- ifelse(sum(idents.check)>1, "duplicates", "OK") } ##################################################### #exclude == NULL; warn=TRUE: warn that duplicates occur and stop if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, TRUE)) { #check for duplicates in same model if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) { stop("\nSome models include more than one instance of the parameter of interest. \n", "This may be due to the presence of interaction/polynomial terms, or variables\n", "with similar names:\n", "\tsee \"?modavg\" for details on variable specification and \"exclude\" argument\n") } } #exclude == NULL; warn=FALSE: compute model-averaged beta estimate from models including variable of interest, #assuming that the variable is not involved in interaction or higher order polynomial (x^2, x^3, etc...), #warn that models were not excluded if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, FALSE)) { if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) { warning("\nMultiple instances of parameter of interest in given model is presumably\n", "not due to interaction or polynomial terms - these models will not be\n", "excluded from the computation of model-averaged estimate\n") } } #warn if exclude is neither a list nor NULL if(!is.null(exclude)) { if(!is.list(exclude)) {stop("\nItems in \"exclude\" must be specified as a list")} } #if exclude is list if(is.list(exclude)) { #determine number of elements in exclude nexcl <- length(exclude) #check each formula for presence of exclude variable in not.include list #not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = formula) #set up a new list with model formula forms <- list() for (i in 1:nmods) { form.tmp <- as.character(not.include[i]) #changed from other versions as formula returned is of different structure for unmarked objects if(attr(regexpr("\\+", form.tmp), "match.length")==-1) { forms[i] <- form.tmp } else {forms[i] <- strsplit(form.tmp, split=" \\+ ")} } #additional check to see whether some variable names include "+" check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\+", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]])) if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nPlease avoid \"+\" in variable names\n") ##additional check to determine if intercept was removed from models check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\- 1", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]])) if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nModels without intercept are not supported in this version, please use alternative parameterization\n") #search within formula for variables to exclude mod.exclude <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=nexcl) #iterate over each element in exclude list for (var in 1:nexcl) { #iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:nmods) { idents <- NULL form.excl <- forms[[i]] #iterate over each element of forms[[i]] for (j in 1:length(form.excl)) { idents[j] <- identical(exclude[var][[1]], form.excl[j]) } mod.exclude[i,var] <- ifelse(any(idents == 1), 1, 0) } } #determine outcome across all variables to exclude to.exclude <- rowSums(mod.exclude) #exclude models following models from model averaging include[which(to.exclude >= 1)] <- 0 } ##add a check to determine if include always == 0 if (sum(include) == 0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } new.cand.set <- cand.set[which(include == 1)] #select models including a given parameter <- modnames[which(include == 1)] #update model names new_table <- aictab(cand.set = new.cand.set, modnames =, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) #recompute AIC table and associated measures new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm ##if reversed.parm is not null and varies across models, potentially check for it here new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)])) ##if reversed.parm is not null and varies across models, potentially check for it here ##if c-hat is estimated adjust the SE's by multiplying with sqrt of c-hat if(c.hat > 1) { new_table$SE <- new_table$SE*sqrt(c.hat) } ##AICc ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##QAICc if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##AIC if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == FALSE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##QAIC if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == FALSE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1 - conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE) Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta, "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL) class(out.modavg) <- c("modavg", "list") return(out.modavg) } ##pcountOpen modavg.AICunmarkedFitPCO <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, exclude = NULL, warn = TRUE, c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...){ ##note that parameter is referenced differently from unmarked object - see labels( ) ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavg for details\n")} #####MODIFICATIONS BEGIN####### ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) parm.strip <- parm #to use later ##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int" ##reverse parm reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm) reversed.parm.strip <- reversed.parm #to use later exclude <- reverse.exclude(exclude = exclude) #####MODIFICATIONS END###### ##open version of N-mixture model ##lambda - abundance if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) { ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$lambda))) parm <- paste("lam", "(", parm, ")", sep="") if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("lam", "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")} not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@formlist$lambdaformula) parm.type1 <- "lambda" } ##gamma - recruitment if(identical(parm.type, "gamma")) { ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$gamma))) ##determine if same H0 on gamma (gamConst, gamAR, gamTrend) strip.gam <- sapply(mod_formula, FUN = function(i) unlist(strsplit(i, "\\("))[[1]]) unique.gam <- unique(strip.gam) if(length(unique.gam) > 1) stop("\nDifferent formulations of gamma parameter occur among models:\n beta estimates cannot be model-averaged\n") ##create label for parm parm <- paste(unique.gam, "(", parm, ")", sep="") if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste(unique.gam, "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")} not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@formlist$gammaformula) parm.type1 <- "gamma" } ##omega - apparent survival if(identical(parm.type, "omega")) { ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$omega))) ##create label for parm parm <- paste("omega", "(", parm, ")", sep="") if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("omega", "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")} not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@formlist$omegaformula) parm.type1 <- "omega" } ##iota (for immigration = TRUE with dynamics = "autoreg", "trend", "ricker", or "gompertz") if(identical(parm.type, "iota")) { ##create label for parm parm <- paste("iota", "(", parm, ")", sep="") if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("iota", "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")} not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@formlist$iotaformula) ##check that parameter appears in all models parfreq <- sum(sapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) any(names(i@estimates@estimates) == parm.type))) if(!identical(length(cand.set), parfreq)) { stop("\nParameter \'iota\' (parm.type = \"", parm.type, "\") does not appear in all models:", "\ncannot compute model-averaged estimate across all models\n") } ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$iota))) parm.type1 <- "iota" } ##detect if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) { mod_formula<-lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$det))) parm <- paste("p", "(", parm, ")", sep="") if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("p", "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")} not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@formlist$pformula) parm.type1 <- "det" } ################## ##extract link function <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$", parm.type1, "@invlink", sep = "")))) <- unique( <-[1] if(length( > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n", "with different link functions\n")} ################## nmods <- length(cand.set) ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parms in the model include <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1) ##add a check for multiple instances of same variable in given model (i.e., interactions) include.check <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1) ################################## ################################## ###ADDED A NEW OBJECT TO STRIP AWAY lam( ) from parm on line 35 ###to enable search with regexpr( ) ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:nmods) { idents <- NULL idents.check <- NULL form <- mod_formula[[i]] ###################################################################################################### ###################################################################################################### ###MODIFICATIONS BEGIN ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list if(is.null(reversed.parm)) { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) ##added parm.strip here for regexpr( ) idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.strip, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")== "-1" , 0, 1) } } else { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j]) idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.strip, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" & attr(regexpr(reversed.parm.strip, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" , 0, 1) } } ###MODIFICATIONS END ###################################################################################################### ###################################################################################################### include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) include.check[i] <- ifelse(sum(idents.check)>1, "duplicates", "OK") } ##################################################### #exclude == NULL; warn=TRUE: warn that duplicates occur and stop if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, TRUE)) { #check for duplicates in same model if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) { stop("\nSome models include more than one instance of the parameter of interest. \n", "This may be due to the presence of interaction/polynomial terms, or variables\n", "with similar names:\n", "\tsee \"?modavg\" for details on variable specification and \"exclude\" argument\n") } } #exclude == NULL; warn=FALSE: compute model-averaged beta estimate from models including variable of interest, #assuming that the variable is not involved in interaction or higher order polynomial (x^2, x^3, etc...), #warn that models were not excluded if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, FALSE)) { if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) { warning("\nMultiple instances of parameter of interest in given model is presumably\n", "not due to interaction or polynomial terms - these models will not be\n", "excluded from the computation of model-averaged estimate\n") } } #warn if exclude is neither a list nor NULL if(!is.null(exclude)) { if(!is.list(exclude)) {stop("\nItems in \"exclude\" must be specified as a list")} } #if exclude is list if(is.list(exclude)) { #determine number of elements in exclude nexcl <- length(exclude) #check each formula for presence of exclude variable in not.include list #not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = formula) #set up a new list with model formula forms <- list() for (i in 1:nmods) { form.tmp <- as.character(not.include[i]) #changed from other versions as formula returned is of different structure for unmarked objects if(attr(regexpr("\\+", form.tmp), "match.length")==-1) { forms[i] <- form.tmp } else {forms[i] <- strsplit(form.tmp, split=" \\+ ")} } #additional check to see whether some variable names include "+" check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\+", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]])) if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nPlease avoid \"+\" in variable names\n") ##additional check to determine if intercept was removed from models check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\- 1", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]])) if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nModels without intercept are not supported in this version, please use alternative parameterization\n") #search within formula for variables to exclude mod.exclude <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=nexcl) #iterate over each element in exclude list for (var in 1:nexcl) { #iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:nmods) { idents <- NULL form.excl <- forms[[i]] #iterate over each element of forms[[i]] for (j in 1:length(form.excl)) { idents[j] <- identical(exclude[var][[1]], form.excl[j]) } mod.exclude[i,var] <- ifelse(any(idents == 1), 1, 0) } } #determine outcome across all variables to exclude to.exclude <- rowSums(mod.exclude) #exclude models following models from model averaging include[which(to.exclude >= 1)] <- 0 } ##add a check to determine if include always == 0 if (sum(include) == 0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } new.cand.set <- cand.set[which(include == 1)] #select models including a given parameter <- modnames[which(include == 1)] #update model names new_table <- aictab(cand.set = new.cand.set, modnames =, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) #recompute AIC table and associated measures new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm ##if reversed.parm is not null and varies across models, potentially check for it here new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)])) ##if reversed.parm is not null and varies across models, potentially check for it here ##if c-hat is estimated adjust the SE's by multiplying with sqrt of c-hat if(c.hat > 1) { new_table$SE <- new_table$SE*sqrt(c.hat) } ##AICc ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##QAICc if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##AIC if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == FALSE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##QAIC if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == FALSE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1 - conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE) Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta, "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL) class(out.modavg) <- c("modavg", "list") return(out.modavg) } ##distsamp modavg.AICunmarkedFitDS <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, exclude = NULL, warn = TRUE, c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...){ ##note that parameter is referenced differently from unmarked object - see labels( ) ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavg for details\n")} #####MODIFICATIONS BEGIN####### ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) parm.strip <- parm #to use later ##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int" ##reverse parm reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm) reversed.parm.strip <- reversed.parm #to use later exclude <- reverse.exclude(exclude = exclude) #####MODIFICATIONS END###### ##Distance sampling model ##lambda - abundance if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) { ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$state))) parm <- paste("lam", "(", parm, ")", sep="") if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("lam", "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")} not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@formula[[3]]) parm.type1 <- "state" } ##detect if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) { ##check for key function used keyid <- unique(sapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@keyfun)) if(length(keyid) > 1) stop("\nDifferent key functions used across models:\n", "cannot compute model-averaged estimate\n") if(identical(keyid, "uniform")) stop("\nDetection parameter not found in models\n") ##set key prefix used in coef( ) if(identical(keyid, "halfnorm")) { parm.key <- "sigma" } if(identical(keyid, "hazard")) { parm.key <- "shape" } if(identical(keyid, "exp")) { parm.key <- "rate" } ##label for intercept - label different with this model type if(identical(parm, "Int")) {parm <- "(Intercept)"} mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$det))) parm <- paste("p", "(", parm.key, "(", parm, "))", sep="") if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("p", "(", parm.key, "(", reversed.parm, "))", sep="")} not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@formula[[2]]) parm.type1 <- "det" } ################## ##extract link function <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$", parm.type1, "@invlink", sep = "")))) <- unique( <-[1] if(length( > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n", "with different link functions\n")} ################## nmods <- length(cand.set) ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parms in the model include <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1) ##add a check for multiple instances of same variable in given model (i.e., interactions) include.check <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1) ################################## ################################## ###ADDED A NEW OBJECT TO STRIP AWAY lam( ) from parm on line 35 ###to enable search with regexpr( ) ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:nmods) { idents <- NULL idents.check <- NULL form <- mod_formula[[i]] ###################################################################################################### ###################################################################################################### ###MODIFICATIONS BEGIN ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list if(is.null(reversed.parm)) { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) ##added parm.strip here for regexpr( ) idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.strip, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")== "-1" , 0, 1) } } else { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j]) idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.strip, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" & attr(regexpr(reversed.parm.strip, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" , 0, 1) } } ###MODIFICATIONS END ###################################################################################################### ###################################################################################################### include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) include.check[i] <- ifelse(sum(idents.check)>1, "duplicates", "OK") } ##################################################### #exclude == NULL; warn=TRUE: warn that duplicates occur and stop if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, TRUE)) { #check for duplicates in same model if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) { stop("\nSome models include more than one instance of the parameter of interest. \n", "This may be due to the presence of interaction/polynomial terms, or variables\n", "with similar names:\n", "\tsee \"?modavg\" for details on variable specification and \"exclude\" argument\n") } } #exclude == NULL; warn=FALSE: compute model-averaged beta estimate from models including variable of interest, #assuming that the variable is not involved in interaction or higher order polynomial (x^2, x^3, etc...), #warn that models were not excluded if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, FALSE)) { if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) { warning("\nMultiple instances of parameter of interest in given model is presumably\n", "not due to interaction or polynomial terms - these models will not be\n", "excluded from the computation of model-averaged estimate\n") } } #warn if exclude is neither a list nor NULL if(!is.null(exclude)) { if(!is.list(exclude)) {stop("\nItems in \"exclude\" must be specified as a list")} } #if exclude is list if(is.list(exclude)) { #determine number of elements in exclude nexcl <- length(exclude) #check each formula for presence of exclude variable in not.include list #not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = formula) #set up a new list with model formula forms <- list() for (i in 1:nmods) { form.tmp <- as.character(not.include[i]) #changed from other versions as formula returned is of different structure for unmarked objects if(attr(regexpr("\\+", form.tmp), "match.length")==-1) { forms[i] <- form.tmp } else {forms[i] <- strsplit(form.tmp, split=" \\+ ")} } #additional check to see whether some variable names include "+" check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\+", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]])) if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nPlease avoid \"+\" in variable names\n") ##additional check to determine if intercept was removed from models check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\- 1", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]])) if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nModels without intercept are not supported in this version, please use alternative parameterization\n") #search within formula for variables to exclude mod.exclude <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=nexcl) #iterate over each element in exclude list for (var in 1:nexcl) { #iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:nmods) { idents <- NULL form.excl <- forms[[i]] #iterate over each element of forms[[i]] for (j in 1:length(form.excl)) { idents[j] <- identical(exclude[var][[1]], form.excl[j]) } mod.exclude[i,var] <- ifelse(any(idents == 1), 1, 0) } } #determine outcome across all variables to exclude to.exclude <- rowSums(mod.exclude) #exclude models following models from model averaging include[which(to.exclude >= 1)] <- 0 } ##add a check to determine if include always == 0 if (sum(include) == 0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } new.cand.set <- cand.set[which(include == 1)] #select models including a given parameter <- modnames[which(include == 1)] #update model names new_table <- aictab(cand.set = new.cand.set, modnames =, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) #recompute AIC table and associated measures new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm ##if reversed.parm is not null and varies across models, potentially check for it here new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)])) ##if reversed.parm is not null and varies across models, potentially check for it here ##if c-hat is estimated adjust the SE's by multiplying with sqrt of c-hat if(c.hat > 1) { new_table$SE <- new_table$SE*sqrt(c.hat) } ##AICc ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##QAICc if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##AIC if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == FALSE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##QAIC if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == FALSE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1 - conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE) Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta, "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL) class(out.modavg) <- c("modavg", "list") return(out.modavg) } ##gdistsamp modavg.AICunmarkedFitGDS <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, exclude = NULL, warn = TRUE, c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...){ ##note that parameter is referenced differently from unmarked object - see labels( ) ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavg for details\n")} #####MODIFICATIONS BEGIN####### ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) parm.strip <- parm #to use later ##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int" ##reverse parm reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm) reversed.parm.strip <- reversed.parm #to use later exclude <- reverse.exclude(exclude = exclude) #####MODIFICATIONS END###### ##Distance sampling model with availability ##lambda - abundance if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) { ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$lambda))) parm <- paste("lambda", "(", parm, ")", sep="") if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("lam", "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")} not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@formlist$lambdaformula) parm.type1 <- "lambda" } ##detect if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) { ##check for key function used keyid <- unique(sapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@keyfun)) if(length(keyid) > 1) stop("\nDifferent key functions used across models:\n", "cannot compute model-averaged estimate\n") if(identical(keyid, "uniform")) stop("\nDetection parameter not found in models\n") mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$det))) parm <- paste("p", "(", parm, ")", sep="") if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("p", "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")} not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@formula[[2]]) parm.type1 <- "det" } ##availability if(identical(parm.type, "phi")) { ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$phi))) parm <- paste("phi", "(", parm, ")", sep="") if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("phi", "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")} not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@formlist$phiformula) parm.type1 <- "phi" } ################## ##extract link function <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$", parm.type1, "@invlink", sep = "")))) <- unique( <-[1] if(length( > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n", "with different link functions\n")} ################## nmods <- length(cand.set) ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parms in the model include <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1) ##add a check for multiple instances of same variable in given model (i.e., interactions) include.check <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1) ################################## ################################## ###ADDED A NEW OBJECT TO STRIP AWAY lam( ) from parm on line 35 ###to enable search with regexpr( ) ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:nmods) { idents <- NULL idents.check <- NULL form <- mod_formula[[i]] ###################################################################################################### ###################################################################################################### ###MODIFICATIONS BEGIN ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list if(is.null(reversed.parm)) { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) ##added parm.strip here for regexpr( ) idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.strip, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")== "-1" , 0, 1) } } else { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j]) idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.strip, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" & attr(regexpr(reversed.parm.strip, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" , 0, 1) } } ###MODIFICATIONS END ###################################################################################################### ###################################################################################################### include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) include.check[i] <- ifelse(sum(idents.check)>1, "duplicates", "OK") } ##################################################### #exclude == NULL; warn=TRUE: warn that duplicates occur and stop if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, TRUE)) { #check for duplicates in same model if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) { stop("\nSome models include more than one instance of the parameter of interest. \n", "This may be due to the presence of interaction/polynomial terms, or variables\n", "with similar names:\n", "\tsee \"?modavg\" for details on variable specification and \"exclude\" argument\n") } } #exclude == NULL; warn=FALSE: compute model-averaged beta estimate from models including variable of interest, #assuming that the variable is not involved in interaction or higher order polynomial (x^2, x^3, etc...), #warn that models were not excluded if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, FALSE)) { if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) { warning("\nMultiple instances of parameter of interest in given model is presumably\n", "not due to interaction or polynomial terms - these models will not be\n", "excluded from the computation of model-averaged estimate\n") } } #warn if exclude is neither a list nor NULL if(!is.null(exclude)) { if(!is.list(exclude)) {stop("\nItems in \"exclude\" must be specified as a list")} } #if exclude is list if(is.list(exclude)) { #determine number of elements in exclude nexcl <- length(exclude) #check each formula for presence of exclude variable in not.include list #not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = formula) #set up a new list with model formula forms <- list() for (i in 1:nmods) { form.tmp <- as.character(not.include[i]) #changed from other versions as formula returned is of different structure for unmarked objects if(attr(regexpr("\\+", form.tmp), "match.length")==-1) { forms[i] <- form.tmp } else {forms[i] <- strsplit(form.tmp, split=" \\+ ")} } #additional check to see whether some variable names include "+" check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\+", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]])) if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nPlease avoid \"+\" in variable names\n") ##additional check to determine if intercept was removed from models check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\- 1", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]])) if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nModels without intercept are not supported in this version, please use alternative parameterization\n") #search within formula for variables to exclude mod.exclude <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=nexcl) #iterate over each element in exclude list for (var in 1:nexcl) { #iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:nmods) { idents <- NULL form.excl <- forms[[i]] #iterate over each element of forms[[i]] for (j in 1:length(form.excl)) { idents[j] <- identical(exclude[var][[1]], form.excl[j]) } mod.exclude[i,var] <- ifelse(any(idents == 1), 1, 0) } } #determine outcome across all variables to exclude to.exclude <- rowSums(mod.exclude) #exclude models following models from model averaging include[which(to.exclude >= 1)] <- 0 } ##add a check to determine if include always == 0 if (sum(include) == 0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } new.cand.set <- cand.set[which(include == 1)] #select models including a given parameter <- modnames[which(include == 1)] #update model names new_table <- aictab(cand.set = new.cand.set, modnames =, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) #recompute AIC table and associated measures new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm ##if reversed.parm is not null and varies across models, potentially check for it here new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)])) ##if reversed.parm is not null and varies across models, potentially check for it here ##if c-hat is estimated adjust the SE's by multiplying with sqrt of c-hat if(c.hat > 1) { new_table$SE <- new_table$SE*sqrt(c.hat) } ##AICc ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##QAICc if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##AIC if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == FALSE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##QAIC if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == FALSE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1 - conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE) Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta, "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL) class(out.modavg) <- c("modavg", "list") return(out.modavg) } ##occuFP modavg.AICunmarkedFitOccuFP <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, exclude = NULL, warn = TRUE, c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...){ ##note that parameter is referenced differently from unmarked object - see labels( ) ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavg for details\n")} #####MODIFICATIONS BEGIN####### ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) parm.strip <- parm #to use later ##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int" ##reverse parm reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm) reversed.parm.strip <- reversed.parm #to use later exclude <- reverse.exclude(exclude = exclude) #####MODIFICATIONS END###### ##single-season false-positive occupancy model ##psi if(identical(parm.type, "psi")) { ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$state))) parm <- paste("psi", "(", parm, ")", sep="") if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("psi", "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")} not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@stateformula) parm.type1 <- "state" } ##detect if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) { mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$det))) parm <- paste("p", "(", parm, ")", sep="") if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("p", "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")} not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@detformula) parm.type1 <- "det" } ##false positives - fp if(identical(parm.type, "falsepos") || identical(parm.type, "fp")) { mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$fp))) parm <- paste("fp", "(", parm, ")", sep="") if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("fp", "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")} not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@FPformula) parm.type1 <- "fp" } ##certainty of detections - b if(identical(parm.type, "certain")) { mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$b))) parm.unmarked <- "b" parm <- paste("b", "(", parm, ")", sep="") if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("b", "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")} not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@Bformula) ##check that parameter appears in all models parfreq <- sum(sapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) any(names(i@estimates@estimates) == parm.unmarked))) if(!identical(length(cand.set), parfreq)) { stop("\nParameter \'b\' (parm.type = \"", parm.type, "\") does not appear in all models:", "\ncannot compute model-averaged estimate across all models\n") } parm.type1 <- "b" } ################## ##extract link function <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$", parm.type1, "@invlink", sep = "")))) <- unique( <-[1] if(length( > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n", "with different link functions\n")} ################## nmods <- length(cand.set) ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parms in the model include <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1) ##add a check for multiple instances of same variable in given model (i.e., interactions) include.check <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1) ################################## ################################## ###ADDED A NEW OBJECT TO STRIP AWAY lam( ) from parm on line 35 ###to enable search with regexpr( ) ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:nmods) { idents <- NULL idents.check <- NULL form <- mod_formula[[i]] ###################################################################################################### ###################################################################################################### ###MODIFICATIONS BEGIN ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list if(is.null(reversed.parm)) { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) ##added parm.strip here for regexpr( ) idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.strip, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")== "-1" , 0, 1) } } else { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j]) idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.strip, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" & attr(regexpr(reversed.parm.strip, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" , 0, 1) } } ###MODIFICATIONS END ###################################################################################################### ###################################################################################################### include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) include.check[i] <- ifelse(sum(idents.check)>1, "duplicates", "OK") } ##################################################### #exclude == NULL; warn=TRUE: warn that duplicates occur and stop if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, TRUE)) { #check for duplicates in same model if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) { stop("\nSome models include more than one instance of the parameter of interest. \n", "This may be due to the presence of interaction/polynomial terms, or variables\n", "with similar names:\n", "\tsee \"?modavg\" for details on variable specification and \"exclude\" argument\n") } } #exclude == NULL; warn=FALSE: compute model-averaged beta estimate from models including variable of interest, #assuming that the variable is not involved in interaction or higher order polynomial (x^2, x^3, etc...), #warn that models were not excluded if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, FALSE)) { if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) { warning("\nMultiple instances of parameter of interest in given model is presumably\n", "not due to interaction or polynomial terms - these models will not be\n", "excluded from the computation of model-averaged estimate\n") } } #warn if exclude is neither a list nor NULL if(!is.null(exclude)) { if(!is.list(exclude)) {stop("\nItems in \"exclude\" must be specified as a list")} } #if exclude is list if(is.list(exclude)) { #determine number of elements in exclude nexcl <- length(exclude) #check each formula for presence of exclude variable in not.include list #not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = formula) #set up a new list with model formula forms <- list() for (i in 1:nmods) { form.tmp <- as.character(not.include[i]) #changed from other versions as formula returned is of different structure for unmarked objects if(attr(regexpr("\\+", form.tmp), "match.length")==-1) { forms[i] <- form.tmp } else {forms[i] <- strsplit(form.tmp, split=" \\+ ")} } #additional check to see whether some variable names include "+" check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\+", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]])) if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nPlease avoid \"+\" in variable names\n") ##additional check to determine if intercept was removed from models check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\- 1", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]])) if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nModels without intercept are not supported in this version, please use alternative parameterization\n") #search within formula for variables to exclude mod.exclude <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=nexcl) #iterate over each element in exclude list for (var in 1:nexcl) { #iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:nmods) { idents <- NULL form.excl <- forms[[i]] #iterate over each element of forms[[i]] for (j in 1:length(form.excl)) { idents[j] <- identical(exclude[var][[1]], form.excl[j]) } mod.exclude[i,var] <- ifelse(any(idents == 1), 1, 0) } } #determine outcome across all variables to exclude to.exclude <- rowSums(mod.exclude) #exclude models following models from model averaging include[which(to.exclude >= 1)] <- 0 } ##add a check to determine if include always == 0 if (sum(include) == 0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } new.cand.set <- cand.set[which(include == 1)] #select models including a given parameter <- modnames[which(include == 1)] #update model names new_table <- aictab(cand.set = new.cand.set, modnames =, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) #recompute AIC table and associated measures new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm ##if reversed.parm is not null and varies across models, potentially check for it here new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)])) ##if reversed.parm is not null and varies across models, potentially check for it here ##if c-hat is estimated adjust the SE's by multiplying with sqrt of c-hat if(c.hat > 1) { new_table$SE <- new_table$SE*sqrt(c.hat) } ##AICc ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##QAICc if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##AIC if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == FALSE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##QAIC if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == FALSE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1 - conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE) Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta, "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL) class(out.modavg) <- c("modavg", "list") return(out.modavg) } ##multinomPois modavg.AICunmarkedFitMPois <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, exclude = NULL, warn = TRUE, c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...){ ##note that parameter is referenced differently from unmarked object - see labels( ) ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavg for details\n")} #####MODIFICATIONS BEGIN####### ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) parm.strip <- parm #to use later ##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int" ##reverse parm reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm) reversed.parm.strip <- reversed.parm #to use later exclude <- reverse.exclude(exclude = exclude) #####MODIFICATIONS END###### ##multinomPois model ##lambda - abundance if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) { ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$state))) ##create label for parm parm <- paste("lambda", "(", parm, ")", sep="") if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("lambda", "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")} not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@formula[[3]]) parm.type1 <- "state" } ##detect if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) { mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$det))) parm <- paste("p", "(", parm, ")", sep="") if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("p", "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")} not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@formula[[2]]) parm.type1 <- "det" } ################## ##extract link function <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$", parm.type1, "@invlink", sep = "")))) <- unique( <-[1] if(length( > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n", "with different link functions\n")} ################## nmods <- length(cand.set) ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parms in the model include <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1) ##add a check for multiple instances of same variable in given model (i.e., interactions) include.check <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1) ################################## ################################## ###ADDED A NEW OBJECT TO STRIP AWAY lam( ) from parm on line 35 ###to enable search with regexpr( ) ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:nmods) { idents <- NULL idents.check <- NULL form <- mod_formula[[i]] ###################################################################################################### ###################################################################################################### ###MODIFICATIONS BEGIN ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list if(is.null(reversed.parm)) { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) ##added parm.strip here for regexpr( ) idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.strip, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")== "-1" , 0, 1) } } else { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j]) idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.strip, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" & attr(regexpr(reversed.parm.strip, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" , 0, 1) } } ###MODIFICATIONS END ###################################################################################################### ###################################################################################################### include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) include.check[i] <- ifelse(sum(idents.check)>1, "duplicates", "OK") } ##################################################### #exclude == NULL; warn=TRUE: warn that duplicates occur and stop if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, TRUE)) { #check for duplicates in same model if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) { stop("\nSome models include more than one instance of the parameter of interest. \n", "This may be due to the presence of interaction/polynomial terms, or variables\n", "with similar names:\n", "\tsee \"?modavg\" for details on variable specification and \"exclude\" argument\n") } } #exclude == NULL; warn=FALSE: compute model-averaged beta estimate from models including variable of interest, #assuming that the variable is not involved in interaction or higher order polynomial (x^2, x^3, etc...), #warn that models were not excluded if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, FALSE)) { if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) { warning("\nMultiple instances of parameter of interest in given model is presumably\n", "not due to interaction or polynomial terms - these models will not be\n", "excluded from the computation of model-averaged estimate\n") } } #warn if exclude is neither a list nor NULL if(!is.null(exclude)) { if(!is.list(exclude)) {stop("\nItems in \"exclude\" must be specified as a list")} } #if exclude is list if(is.list(exclude)) { #determine number of elements in exclude nexcl <- length(exclude) #check each formula for presence of exclude variable in not.include list #not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = formula) #set up a new list with model formula forms <- list() for (i in 1:nmods) { form.tmp <- as.character(not.include[i]) #changed from other versions as formula returned is of different structure for unmarked objects if(attr(regexpr("\\+", form.tmp), "match.length")==-1) { forms[i] <- form.tmp } else {forms[i] <- strsplit(form.tmp, split=" \\+ ")} } #additional check to see whether some variable names include "+" check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\+", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]])) if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nPlease avoid \"+\" in variable names\n") ##additional check to determine if intercept was removed from models check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\- 1", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]])) if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nModels without intercept are not supported in this version, please use alternative parameterization\n") #search within formula for variables to exclude mod.exclude <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=nexcl) #iterate over each element in exclude list for (var in 1:nexcl) { #iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:nmods) { idents <- NULL form.excl <- forms[[i]] #iterate over each element of forms[[i]] for (j in 1:length(form.excl)) { idents[j] <- identical(exclude[var][[1]], form.excl[j]) } mod.exclude[i,var] <- ifelse(any(idents == 1), 1, 0) } } #determine outcome across all variables to exclude to.exclude <- rowSums(mod.exclude) #exclude models following models from model averaging include[which(to.exclude >= 1)] <- 0 } ##add a check to determine if include always == 0 if (sum(include) == 0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } new.cand.set <- cand.set[which(include == 1)] #select models including a given parameter <- modnames[which(include == 1)] #update model names new_table <- aictab(cand.set = new.cand.set, modnames =, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) #recompute AIC table and associated measures new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm ##if reversed.parm is not null and varies across models, potentially check for it here new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)])) ##if reversed.parm is not null and varies across models, potentially check for it here ##if c-hat is estimated adjust the SE's by multiplying with sqrt of c-hat if(c.hat > 1) { new_table$SE <- new_table$SE*sqrt(c.hat) } ##AICc ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##QAICc if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##AIC if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == FALSE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##QAIC if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == FALSE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1 - conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE) Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta, "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL) class(out.modavg) <- c("modavg", "list") return(out.modavg) } ##gmultmix modavg.AICunmarkedFitGMM <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, exclude = NULL, warn = TRUE, c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...){ ##note that parameter is referenced differently from unmarked object - see labels( ) ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavg for details\n")} #####MODIFICATIONS BEGIN####### ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) parm.strip <- parm #to use later ##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int" ##reverse parm reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm) reversed.parm.strip <- reversed.parm #to use later exclude <- reverse.exclude(exclude = exclude) #####MODIFICATIONS END###### ##gmultmix model ##lambda - abundance if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) { ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$lambda))) parm <- paste("lambda", "(", parm, ")", sep="") if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("lambda", "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")} not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@formlist$lambdaformula) parm.type1 <- "lambda" } ##detect if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) { mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$det))) parm <- paste("p", "(", parm, ")", sep="") if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("p", "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")} not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@formlist$pformula) parm.type1 <- "det" } ##availability if(identical(parm.type, "phi")) { mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$phi))) parm <- paste("phi", "(", parm, ")", sep="") if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("phi", "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")} not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@formlist$phiformula) parm.type1 <- "phi" } ################## ##extract link function <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$", parm.type1, "@invlink", sep = "")))) <- unique( <-[1] if(length( > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n", "with different link functions\n")} ################## nmods <- length(cand.set) ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parms in the model include <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1) ##add a check for multiple instances of same variable in given model (i.e., interactions) include.check <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1) ################################## ################################## ###ADDED A NEW OBJECT TO STRIP AWAY lam( ) from parm on line 35 ###to enable search with regexpr( ) ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:nmods) { idents <- NULL idents.check <- NULL form <- mod_formula[[i]] ###################################################################################################### ###################################################################################################### ###MODIFICATIONS BEGIN ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list if(is.null(reversed.parm)) { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) ##added parm.strip here for regexpr( ) idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.strip, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")== "-1" , 0, 1) } } else { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j]) idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.strip, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" & attr(regexpr(reversed.parm.strip, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" , 0, 1) } } ###MODIFICATIONS END ###################################################################################################### ###################################################################################################### include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) include.check[i] <- ifelse(sum(idents.check)>1, "duplicates", "OK") } ##################################################### #exclude == NULL; warn=TRUE: warn that duplicates occur and stop if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, TRUE)) { #check for duplicates in same model if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) { stop("\nSome models include more than one instance of the parameter of interest. \n", "This may be due to the presence of interaction/polynomial terms, or variables\n", "with similar names:\n", "\tsee \"?modavg\" for details on variable specification and \"exclude\" argument\n") } } #exclude == NULL; warn=FALSE: compute model-averaged beta estimate from models including variable of interest, #assuming that the variable is not involved in interaction or higher order polynomial (x^2, x^3, etc...), #warn that models were not excluded if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, FALSE)) { if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) { warning("\nMultiple instances of parameter of interest in given model is presumably\n", "not due to interaction or polynomial terms - these models will not be\n", "excluded from the computation of model-averaged estimate\n") } } #warn if exclude is neither a list nor NULL if(!is.null(exclude)) { if(!is.list(exclude)) {stop("\nItems in \"exclude\" must be specified as a list")} } #if exclude is list if(is.list(exclude)) { #determine number of elements in exclude nexcl <- length(exclude) #check each formula for presence of exclude variable in not.include list #not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = formula) #set up a new list with model formula forms <- list() for (i in 1:nmods) { form.tmp <- as.character(not.include[i]) #changed from other versions as formula returned is of different structure for unmarked objects if(attr(regexpr("\\+", form.tmp), "match.length")==-1) { forms[i] <- form.tmp } else {forms[i] <- strsplit(form.tmp, split=" \\+ ")} } #additional check to see whether some variable names include "+" check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\+", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]])) if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nPlease avoid \"+\" in variable names\n") ##additional check to determine if intercept was removed from models check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\- 1", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]])) if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nModels without intercept are not supported in this version, please use alternative parameterization\n") #search within formula for variables to exclude mod.exclude <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=nexcl) #iterate over each element in exclude list for (var in 1:nexcl) { #iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:nmods) { idents <- NULL form.excl <- forms[[i]] #iterate over each element of forms[[i]] for (j in 1:length(form.excl)) { idents[j] <- identical(exclude[var][[1]], form.excl[j]) } mod.exclude[i,var] <- ifelse(any(idents == 1), 1, 0) } } #determine outcome across all variables to exclude to.exclude <- rowSums(mod.exclude) #exclude models following models from model averaging include[which(to.exclude >= 1)] <- 0 } ##add a check to determine if include always == 0 if (sum(include) == 0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } new.cand.set <- cand.set[which(include == 1)] #select models including a given parameter <- modnames[which(include == 1)] #update model names new_table <- aictab(cand.set = new.cand.set, modnames =, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) #recompute AIC table and associated measures new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm ##if reversed.parm is not null and varies across models, potentially check for it here new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)])) ##if reversed.parm is not null and varies across models, potentially check for it here ##if c-hat is estimated adjust the SE's by multiplying with sqrt of c-hat if(c.hat > 1) { new_table$SE <- new_table$SE*sqrt(c.hat) } ##AICc ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##QAICc if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##AIC if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == FALSE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##QAIC if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == FALSE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1 - conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE) Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta, "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL) class(out.modavg) <- c("modavg", "list") return(out.modavg) } ##gpcount modavg.AICunmarkedFitGPC <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, exclude = NULL, warn = TRUE, c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...){ ##note that parameter is referenced differently from unmarked object - see labels( ) ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavg for details\n")} #####MODIFICATIONS BEGIN####### ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) parm.strip <- parm #to use later ##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int" ##reverse parm reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm) reversed.parm.strip <- reversed.parm #to use later exclude <- reverse.exclude(exclude = exclude) #####MODIFICATIONS END###### ##gpcount ##lambda - abundance if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) { ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$lambda))) parm <- paste("lambda", "(", parm, ")", sep="") if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("lambda", "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")} not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@formlist$lambdaformula) parm.type1 <- "lambda" } ##detect if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) { mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$det))) parm <- paste("p", "(", parm, ")", sep="") if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("p", "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")} not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@formlist$pformula) parm.type1 <- "det" } ##availability if(identical(parm.type, "phi")) { mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$phi))) parm <- paste("phi", "(", parm, ")", sep="") if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("phi", "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")} not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@formlist$phiformula) parm.type1 <- "phi" } ################## ##extract link function <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$", parm.type1, "@invlink", sep = "")))) <- unique( <-[1] if(length( > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n", "with different link functions\n")} ################## nmods <- length(cand.set) ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parms in the model include <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1) ##add a check for multiple instances of same variable in given model (i.e., interactions) include.check <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1) ################################## ################################## ###ADDED A NEW OBJECT TO STRIP AWAY lam( ) from parm on line 35 ###to enable search with regexpr( ) ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:nmods) { idents <- NULL idents.check <- NULL form <- mod_formula[[i]] ###################################################################################################### ###################################################################################################### ###MODIFICATIONS BEGIN ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list if(is.null(reversed.parm)) { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) ##added parm.strip here for regexpr( ) idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.strip, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")== "-1" , 0, 1) } } else { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j]) idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.strip, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" & attr(regexpr(reversed.parm.strip, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" , 0, 1) } } ###MODIFICATIONS END ###################################################################################################### ###################################################################################################### include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) include.check[i] <- ifelse(sum(idents.check)>1, "duplicates", "OK") } ##################################################### #exclude == NULL; warn=TRUE: warn that duplicates occur and stop if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, TRUE)) { #check for duplicates in same model if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) { stop("\nSome models include more than one instance of the parameter of interest. \n", "This may be due to the presence of interaction/polynomial terms, or variables\n", "with similar names:\n", "\tsee \"?modavg\" for details on variable specification and \"exclude\" argument\n") } } #exclude == NULL; warn=FALSE: compute model-averaged beta estimate from models including variable of interest, #assuming that the variable is not involved in interaction or higher order polynomial (x^2, x^3, etc...), #warn that models were not excluded if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, FALSE)) { if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) { warning("\nMultiple instances of parameter of interest in given model is presumably\n", "not due to interaction or polynomial terms - these models will not be\n", "excluded from the computation of model-averaged estimate\n") } } #warn if exclude is neither a list nor NULL if(!is.null(exclude)) { if(!is.list(exclude)) {stop("\nItems in \"exclude\" must be specified as a list")} } #if exclude is list if(is.list(exclude)) { #determine number of elements in exclude nexcl <- length(exclude) #check each formula for presence of exclude variable in not.include list #not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = formula) #set up a new list with model formula forms <- list() for (i in 1:nmods) { form.tmp <- as.character(not.include[i]) #changed from other versions as formula returned is of different structure for unmarked objects if(attr(regexpr("\\+", form.tmp), "match.length")==-1) { forms[i] <- form.tmp } else {forms[i] <- strsplit(form.tmp, split=" \\+ ")} } #additional check to see whether some variable names include "+" check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\+", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]])) if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nPlease avoid \"+\" in variable names\n") ##additional check to determine if intercept was removed from models check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\- 1", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]])) if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nModels without intercept are not supported in this version, please use alternative parameterization\n") #search within formula for variables to exclude mod.exclude <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=nexcl) #iterate over each element in exclude list for (var in 1:nexcl) { #iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:nmods) { idents <- NULL form.excl <- forms[[i]] #iterate over each element of forms[[i]] for (j in 1:length(form.excl)) { idents[j] <- identical(exclude[var][[1]], form.excl[j]) } mod.exclude[i,var] <- ifelse(any(idents == 1), 1, 0) } } #determine outcome across all variables to exclude to.exclude <- rowSums(mod.exclude) #exclude models following models from model averaging include[which(to.exclude >= 1)] <- 0 } ##add a check to determine if include always == 0 if (sum(include) == 0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } new.cand.set <- cand.set[which(include == 1)] #select models including a given parameter <- modnames[which(include == 1)] #update model names new_table <- aictab(cand.set = new.cand.set, modnames =, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) #recompute AIC table and associated measures new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm ##if reversed.parm is not null and varies across models, potentially check for it here new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)])) ##if reversed.parm is not null and varies across models, potentially check for it here ##if c-hat is estimated adjust the SE's by multiplying with sqrt of c-hat if(c.hat > 1) { new_table$SE <- new_table$SE*sqrt(c.hat) } ##AICc ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##QAICc if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##AIC if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == FALSE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##QAIC if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == FALSE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1 - conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE) Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta, "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL) class(out.modavg) <- c("modavg", "list") return(out.modavg) } ##occuMulti modavg.AICunmarkedFitOccuMulti <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, exclude = NULL, warn = TRUE, c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...){ ##note that parameter is referenced differently from unmarked object - see labels( ) ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavg for details\n")} #####MODIFICATIONS BEGIN####### ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm #parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) parm.strip <- parm #to use later ##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int" ##reverse parm reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm) reversed.parm.strip <- reversed.parm #to use later exclude <- reverse.exclude(exclude = exclude) #####MODIFICATIONS END###### ##single-season occupancy model ##psi if(identical(parm.type, "psi")) { ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$state))) parm <- paste("psi", "(", parm, ")", sep="") if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("psi", "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")} ##not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@formula[[3]]) not.include <- mod_formula parm.type1 <- "state" } ##detect if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) { mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$det))) parm <- paste("p", "(", parm, ")", sep="") if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("p", "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")} ##not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@formula[[2]]) not.include <- mod_formula parm.type1 <- "det" } ################## ##extract link function <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$", parm.type1, "@invlink", sep = "")))) <- unique( <-[1] if(length( > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n", "with different link functions\n")} ################## nmods <- length(cand.set) ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parms in the model include <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1) ##add a check for multiple instances of same variable in given model (i.e., interactions) include.check <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1) ################################## ################################## ###ADDED A NEW OBJECT TO STRIP AWAY lam( ) from parm on line 35 ###to enable search with regexpr( ) ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:nmods) { idents <- NULL idents.check <- NULL form <- mod_formula[[i]] ###################################################################################################### ###################################################################################################### ###MODIFICATIONS BEGIN ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list if(is.null(reversed.parm)) { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) ##added parm.strip here for regexpr( ) idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.strip, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")== "-1" , 0, 1) } } else { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j]) idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.strip, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" & attr(regexpr(reversed.parm.strip, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" , 0, 1) } } ###MODIFICATIONS END ###################################################################################################### ###################################################################################################### include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) include.check[i] <- ifelse(sum(idents.check)>1, "duplicates", "OK") } ##################################################### #exclude == NULL; warn=TRUE: warn that duplicates occur and stop if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, TRUE)) { #check for duplicates in same model if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) { stop("\nSome models include more than one instance of the parameter of interest. \n", "This may be due to the presence of interaction/polynomial terms, or variables\n", "with similar names:\n", "\tsee \"?modavg\" for details on variable specification and \"exclude\" argument\n") } } #exclude == NULL; warn=FALSE: compute model-averaged beta estimate from models including variable of interest, #assuming that the variable is not involved in interaction or higher order polynomial (x^2, x^3, etc...), #warn that models were not excluded if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, FALSE)) { if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) { warning("\nMultiple instances of parameter of interest in given model is presumably\n", "not due to interaction or polynomial terms - these models will not be\n", "excluded from the computation of model-averaged estimate\n") } } #warn if exclude is neither a list nor NULL if(!is.null(exclude)) { if(!is.list(exclude)) {stop("\nItems in \"exclude\" must be specified as a list")} } #if exclude is list if(is.list(exclude)) { #determine number of elements in exclude nexcl <- length(exclude) #check each formula for presence of exclude variable in not.include list #not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = formula) #set up a new list with model formula forms <- list() for (i in 1:nmods) { form.tmp <- as.character(not.include[i]) #changed from other versions as formula returned is of different structure for unmarked objects if(attr(regexpr("\\+", form.tmp), "match.length")==-1) { forms[i] <- form.tmp } else {forms[i] <- strsplit(form.tmp, split=" \\+ ")} } #additional check to see whether some variable names include "+" check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\+", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]])) if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nPlease avoid \"+\" in variable names\n") ##additional check to determine if intercept was removed from models check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\- 1", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]])) if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nModels without intercept are not supported in this version, please use alternative parameterization\n") #search within formula for variables to exclude mod.exclude <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=nexcl) #iterate over each element in exclude list for (var in 1:nexcl) { #iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:nmods) { idents <- NULL form.excl <- forms[[i]] #iterate over each element of forms[[i]] for (j in 1:length(form.excl)) { idents[j] <- identical(exclude[var][[1]], form.excl[j]) } mod.exclude[i,var] <- ifelse(any(idents == 1), 1, 0) } } #determine outcome across all variables to exclude to.exclude <- rowSums(mod.exclude) #exclude models following models from model averaging include[which(to.exclude >= 1)] <- 0 } ##add a check to determine if include always == 0 if (sum(include) == 0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } new.cand.set <- cand.set[which(include == 1)] #select models including a given parameter <- modnames[which(include == 1)] #update model names new_table <- aictab(cand.set = new.cand.set, modnames =, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) #recompute AIC table and associated measures new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm ##if reversed.parm is not null and varies across models, potentially check for it here new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)])) ##if reversed.parm is not null and varies across models, potentially check for it here ##if c-hat is estimated adjust the SE's by multiplying with sqrt of c-hat if(c.hat > 1) { new_table$SE <- new_table$SE*sqrt(c.hat) } ##AICc ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##QAICc if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##AIC if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == FALSE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##QAIC if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == FALSE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1 - conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE) Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta, "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL) class(out.modavg) <- c("modavg", "list") return(out.modavg) } ##multmixOpen modavg.AICunmarkedFitMMO <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, exclude = NULL, warn = TRUE, c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...){ ##note that parameter is referenced differently from unmarked object - see labels( ) ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavg for details\n")} #####MODIFICATIONS BEGIN####### ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) parm.strip <- parm #to use later ##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int" ##reverse parm reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm) reversed.parm.strip <- reversed.parm #to use later exclude <- reverse.exclude(exclude = exclude) #####MODIFICATIONS END###### ##open version of N-mixture model ##lambda - abundance if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) { ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$lambda))) parm <- paste("lam", "(", parm, ")", sep="") if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("lam", "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")} not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@formlist$lambdaformula) parm.type1 <- "lambda" } ##gamma - recruitment if(identical(parm.type, "gamma")) { ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$gamma))) ##determine if same H0 on gamma (gamConst, gamAR, gamTrend) strip.gam <- sapply(mod_formula, FUN = function(i) unlist(strsplit(i, "\\("))[[1]]) unique.gam <- unique(strip.gam) if(length(unique.gam) > 1) stop("\nDifferent formulations of gamma parameter occur among models:\n beta estimates cannot be model-averaged\n") ##create label for parm parm <- paste(unique.gam, "(", parm, ")", sep="") if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste(unique.gam, "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")} not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@formlist$gammaformula) parm.type1 <- "gamma" } ##omega - apparent survival if(identical(parm.type, "omega")) { ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$omega))) ##create label for parm parm <- paste("omega", "(", parm, ")", sep="") if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("omega", "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")} not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@formlist$omegaformula) parm.type1 <- "omega" } ##iota (for immigration = TRUE with dynamics = "autoreg", "trend", "ricker", or "gompertz") if(identical(parm.type, "iota")) { ##create label for parm parm <- paste("iota", "(", parm, ")", sep="") if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("iota", "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")} not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@formlist$iotaformula) ##check that parameter appears in all models parfreq <- sum(sapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) any(names(i@estimates@estimates) == parm.type))) if(!identical(length(cand.set), parfreq)) { stop("\nParameter \'iota\' (parm.type = \"", parm.type, "\") does not appear in all models:", "\ncannot compute model-averaged estimate across all models\n") } ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$iota))) parm.type1 <- "iota" } ##detect if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) { mod_formula<-lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$det))) parm <- paste("p", "(", parm, ")", sep="") if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("p", "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")} not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@formlist$pformula) parm.type1 <- "det" } ################## ##extract link function <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$", parm.type1, "@invlink", sep = "")))) <- unique( <-[1] if(length( > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n", "with different link functions\n")} ################## nmods <- length(cand.set) ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parms in the model include <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1) ##add a check for multiple instances of same variable in given model (i.e., interactions) include.check <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1) ################################## ################################## ###ADDED A NEW OBJECT TO STRIP AWAY lam( ) from parm on line 35 ###to enable search with regexpr( ) ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:nmods) { idents <- NULL idents.check <- NULL form <- mod_formula[[i]] ###################################################################################################### ###################################################################################################### ###MODIFICATIONS BEGIN ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list if(is.null(reversed.parm)) { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) ##added parm.strip here for regexpr( ) idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.strip, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")== "-1" , 0, 1) } } else { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j]) idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.strip, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" & attr(regexpr(reversed.parm.strip, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" , 0, 1) } } ###MODIFICATIONS END ###################################################################################################### ###################################################################################################### include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) include.check[i] <- ifelse(sum(idents.check)>1, "duplicates", "OK") } ##################################################### #exclude == NULL; warn=TRUE: warn that duplicates occur and stop if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, TRUE)) { #check for duplicates in same model if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) { stop("\nSome models include more than one instance of the parameter of interest. \n", "This may be due to the presence of interaction/polynomial terms, or variables\n", "with similar names:\n", "\tsee \"?modavg\" for details on variable specification and \"exclude\" argument\n") } } #exclude == NULL; warn=FALSE: compute model-averaged beta estimate from models including variable of interest, #assuming that the variable is not involved in interaction or higher order polynomial (x^2, x^3, etc...), #warn that models were not excluded if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, FALSE)) { if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) { warning("\nMultiple instances of parameter of interest in given model is presumably\n", "not due to interaction or polynomial terms - these models will not be\n", "excluded from the computation of model-averaged estimate\n") } } #warn if exclude is neither a list nor NULL if(!is.null(exclude)) { if(!is.list(exclude)) {stop("\nItems in \"exclude\" must be specified as a list")} } #if exclude is list if(is.list(exclude)) { #determine number of elements in exclude nexcl <- length(exclude) #check each formula for presence of exclude variable in not.include list #not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = formula) #set up a new list with model formula forms <- list() for (i in 1:nmods) { form.tmp <- as.character(not.include[i]) #changed from other versions as formula returned is of different structure for unmarked objects if(attr(regexpr("\\+", form.tmp), "match.length")==-1) { forms[i] <- form.tmp } else {forms[i] <- strsplit(form.tmp, split=" \\+ ")} } #additional check to see whether some variable names include "+" check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\+", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]])) if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nPlease avoid \"+\" in variable names\n") ##additional check to determine if intercept was removed from models check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\- 1", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]])) if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nModels without intercept are not supported in this version, please use alternative parameterization\n") #search within formula for variables to exclude mod.exclude <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=nexcl) #iterate over each element in exclude list for (var in 1:nexcl) { #iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:nmods) { idents <- NULL form.excl <- forms[[i]] #iterate over each element of forms[[i]] for (j in 1:length(form.excl)) { idents[j] <- identical(exclude[var][[1]], form.excl[j]) } mod.exclude[i,var] <- ifelse(any(idents == 1), 1, 0) } } #determine outcome across all variables to exclude to.exclude <- rowSums(mod.exclude) #exclude models following models from model averaging include[which(to.exclude >= 1)] <- 0 } ##add a check to determine if include always == 0 if (sum(include) == 0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } new.cand.set <- cand.set[which(include == 1)] #select models including a given parameter <- modnames[which(include == 1)] #update model names new_table <- aictab(cand.set = new.cand.set, modnames =, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) #recompute AIC table and associated measures new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm ##if reversed.parm is not null and varies across models, potentially check for it here new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)])) ##if reversed.parm is not null and varies across models, potentially check for it here ##if c-hat is estimated adjust the SE's by multiplying with sqrt of c-hat if(c.hat > 1) { new_table$SE <- new_table$SE*sqrt(c.hat) } ##AICc ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##QAICc if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##AIC if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == FALSE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##QAIC if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == FALSE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1 - conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE) Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta, "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL) class(out.modavg) <- c("modavg", "list") return(out.modavg) } ##distsampOpen modavg.AICunmarkedFitDSO <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, exclude = NULL, warn = TRUE, c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...){ ##note that parameter is referenced differently from unmarked object - see labels( ) ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavg for details\n")} #####MODIFICATIONS BEGIN####### ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) parm.strip <- parm #to use later ##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int" ##reverse parm reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm) reversed.parm.strip <- reversed.parm #to use later exclude <- reverse.exclude(exclude = exclude) #####MODIFICATIONS END###### ##open version of N-mixture model ##lambda - abundance if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) { ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$lambda))) parm <- paste("lam", "(", parm, ")", sep="") if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("lam", "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")} not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@formlist$lambdaformula) parm.type1 <- "lambda" } ##gamma - recruitment if(identical(parm.type, "gamma")) { ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$gamma))) ##determine if same H0 on gamma (gamConst, gamAR, gamTrend) strip.gam <- sapply(mod_formula, FUN = function(i) unlist(strsplit(i, "\\("))[[1]]) unique.gam <- unique(strip.gam) if(length(unique.gam) > 1) stop("\nDifferent formulations of gamma parameter occur among models:\n beta estimates cannot be model-averaged\n") ##create label for parm parm <- paste(unique.gam, "(", parm, ")", sep="") if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste(unique.gam, "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")} not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@formlist$gammaformula) parm.type1 <- "gamma" } ##omega - apparent survival if(identical(parm.type, "omega")) { ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$omega))) ##create label for parm parm <- paste("omega", "(", parm, ")", sep="") if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("omega", "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")} not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@formlist$omegaformula) parm.type1 <- "omega" } ##iota (for immigration = TRUE with dynamics = "autoreg", "trend", "ricker", or "gompertz") if(identical(parm.type, "iota")) { ##create label for parm parm <- paste("iota", "(", parm, ")", sep="") if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("iota", "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")} not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@formlist$iotaformula) ##check that parameter appears in all models parfreq <- sum(sapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) any(names(i@estimates@estimates) == parm.type))) if(!identical(length(cand.set), parfreq)) { stop("\nParameter \'iota\' (parm.type = \"", parm.type, "\") does not appear in all models:", "\ncannot compute model-averaged estimate across all models\n") } ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$iota))) parm.type1 <- "iota" } ##detect if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) { ##check for key function used keyid <- unique(sapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@keyfun)) if(length(keyid) > 1) stop("\nDifferent key functions used across models:\n", "cannot compute model-averaged estimate\n") if(identical(keyid, "uniform")) stop("\nDetection parameter not found in models\n") ##set key prefix used in coef( ) if(identical(keyid, "halfnorm")) { parm.key <- "sigma" } if(identical(keyid, "hazard")) { parm.key <- "shape" } if(identical(keyid, "exp")) { parm.key <- "rate" } mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$det))) parm <- paste("sigma", "(", parm, ")", sep="") if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("sigma", "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")} not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@formlist$pformula[[2]]) parm.type1 <- "det" } ################## ##extract link function <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$", parm.type1, "@invlink", sep = "")))) <- unique( <-[1] if(length( > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n", "with different link functions\n")} ################## nmods <- length(cand.set) ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parms in the model include <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1) ##add a check for multiple instances of same variable in given model (i.e., interactions) include.check <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1) ################################## ################################## ###ADDED A NEW OBJECT TO STRIP AWAY lam( ) from parm on line 35 ###to enable search with regexpr( ) ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:nmods) { idents <- NULL idents.check <- NULL form <- mod_formula[[i]] ###################################################################################################### ###################################################################################################### ###MODIFICATIONS BEGIN ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list if(is.null(reversed.parm)) { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) ##added parm.strip here for regexpr( ) idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.strip, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")== "-1" , 0, 1) } } else { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j]) idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.strip, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" & attr(regexpr(reversed.parm.strip, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" , 0, 1) } } ###MODIFICATIONS END ###################################################################################################### ###################################################################################################### include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) include.check[i] <- ifelse(sum(idents.check)>1, "duplicates", "OK") } ##################################################### #exclude == NULL; warn=TRUE: warn that duplicates occur and stop if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, TRUE)) { #check for duplicates in same model if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) { stop("\nSome models include more than one instance of the parameter of interest. \n", "This may be due to the presence of interaction/polynomial terms, or variables\n", "with similar names:\n", "\tsee \"?modavg\" for details on variable specification and \"exclude\" argument\n") } } #exclude == NULL; warn=FALSE: compute model-averaged beta estimate from models including variable of interest, #assuming that the variable is not involved in interaction or higher order polynomial (x^2, x^3, etc...), #warn that models were not excluded if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, FALSE)) { if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) { warning("\nMultiple instances of parameter of interest in given model is presumably\n", "not due to interaction or polynomial terms - these models will not be\n", "excluded from the computation of model-averaged estimate\n") } } #warn if exclude is neither a list nor NULL if(!is.null(exclude)) { if(!is.list(exclude)) {stop("\nItems in \"exclude\" must be specified as a list")} } #if exclude is list if(is.list(exclude)) { #determine number of elements in exclude nexcl <- length(exclude) #check each formula for presence of exclude variable in not.include list #not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = formula) #set up a new list with model formula forms <- list() for (i in 1:nmods) { form.tmp <- as.character(not.include[i]) #changed from other versions as formula returned is of different structure for unmarked objects if(attr(regexpr("\\+", form.tmp), "match.length")==-1) { forms[i] <- form.tmp } else {forms[i] <- strsplit(form.tmp, split=" \\+ ")} } #additional check to see whether some variable names include "+" check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\+", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]])) if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nPlease avoid \"+\" in variable names\n") ##additional check to determine if intercept was removed from models check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\- 1", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]])) if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nModels without intercept are not supported in this version, please use alternative parameterization\n") #search within formula for variables to exclude mod.exclude <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=nexcl) #iterate over each element in exclude list for (var in 1:nexcl) { #iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:nmods) { idents <- NULL form.excl <- forms[[i]] #iterate over each element of forms[[i]] for (j in 1:length(form.excl)) { idents[j] <- identical(exclude[var][[1]], form.excl[j]) } mod.exclude[i,var] <- ifelse(any(idents == 1), 1, 0) } } #determine outcome across all variables to exclude to.exclude <- rowSums(mod.exclude) #exclude models following models from model averaging include[which(to.exclude >= 1)] <- 0 } ##add a check to determine if include always == 0 if (sum(include) == 0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } new.cand.set <- cand.set[which(include == 1)] #select models including a given parameter <- modnames[which(include == 1)] #update model names new_table <- aictab(cand.set = new.cand.set, modnames =, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) #recompute AIC table and associated measures new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm ##if reversed.parm is not null and varies across models, potentially check for it here new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)])) ##if reversed.parm is not null and varies across models, potentially check for it here ##if c-hat is estimated adjust the SE's by multiplying with sqrt of c-hat if(c.hat > 1) { new_table$SE <- new_table$SE*sqrt(c.hat) } ##AICc ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##QAICc if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##AIC if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == FALSE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##QAIC if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == FALSE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1 - conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE) Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta, "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL) class(out.modavg) <- c("modavg", "list") return(out.modavg) } ##occuMS modavg.AICunmarkedFitOccuMS <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, exclude = NULL, warn = TRUE, c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...){ ##note that parameter is referenced differently from unmarked object - see labels( ) ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavg for details\n")} #####MODIFICATIONS BEGIN####### ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm #parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) parm.strip <- parm #to use later ##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int" ##reverse parm reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm) reversed.parm.strip <- reversed.parm #to use later exclude <- reverse.exclude(exclude = exclude) #####MODIFICATIONS END###### ##single-season occupancy model ##psi if(identical(parm.type, "psi")) { ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$state))) parm <- paste("psi", "(", parm, ")", sep="") if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("psi", "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")} not.include <- mod_formula parm.type1 <- "state" } ##transition if(identical(parm.type, "phi")) { ##check that parameter appears in all models nseasons <- unique(sapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@data@numPrimary)) if(nseasons == 1) { stop("\nParameter \'phi\' does not appear in single-season models\n") } mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(x) labels(coef(x@estimates@estimates$transition))) parm <- paste("phi", "(", parm, ")", sep="") if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("phi", "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")} not.include <- mod_formula parm.type1 <- "transition" } ##detect if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) { mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$det))) parm <- paste("p", "(", parm, ")", sep="") if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("p", "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")} not.include <- mod_formula parm.type1 <- "det" } ################## ##extract link function <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$", parm.type1, "@invlink", sep = "")))) <- unique( <-[1] if(length( > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n", "with different link functions\n")} ################## nmods <- length(cand.set) ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parms in the model include <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1) ##add a check for multiple instances of same variable in given model (i.e., interactions) include.check <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1) ################################## ################################## ###ADDED A NEW OBJECT TO STRIP AWAY lam( ) from parm on line 35 ###to enable search with regexpr( ) ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:nmods) { idents <- NULL idents.check <- NULL form <- mod_formula[[i]] ###################################################################################################### ###################################################################################################### ###MODIFICATIONS BEGIN ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list if(is.null(reversed.parm)) { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) ##added parm.strip here for regexpr( ) idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.strip, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")== "-1" , 0, 1) } } else { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j]) idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.strip, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" & attr(regexpr(reversed.parm.strip, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" , 0, 1) } } ###MODIFICATIONS END ###################################################################################################### ###################################################################################################### include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) include.check[i] <- ifelse(sum(idents.check)>1, "duplicates", "OK") } ##################################################### #exclude == NULL; warn=TRUE: warn that duplicates occur and stop if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, TRUE)) { #check for duplicates in same model if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) { stop("\nSome models include more than one instance of the parameter of interest. \n", "This may be due to the presence of interaction/polynomial terms, or variables\n", "with similar names:\n", "\tsee \"?modavg\" for details on variable specification and \"exclude\" argument\n") } } #exclude == NULL; warn=FALSE: compute model-averaged beta estimate from models including variable of interest, #assuming that the variable is not involved in interaction or higher order polynomial (x^2, x^3, etc...), #warn that models were not excluded if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, FALSE)) { if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) { warning("\nMultiple instances of parameter of interest in given model is presumably\n", "not due to interaction or polynomial terms - these models will not be\n", "excluded from the computation of model-averaged estimate\n") } } #warn if exclude is neither a list nor NULL if(!is.null(exclude)) { if(!is.list(exclude)) {stop("\nItems in \"exclude\" must be specified as a list")} } #if exclude is list if(is.list(exclude)) { #determine number of elements in exclude nexcl <- length(exclude) #check each formula for presence of exclude variable in not.include list #not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = formula) #set up a new list with model formula forms <- list() for (i in 1:nmods) { form.tmp <- as.character(not.include[i]) #changed from other versions as formula returned is of different structure for unmarked objects if(attr(regexpr("\\+", form.tmp), "match.length")==-1) { forms[i] <- form.tmp } else {forms[i] <- strsplit(form.tmp, split=" \\+ ")} } #additional check to see whether some variable names include "+" check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\+", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]])) if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nPlease avoid \"+\" in variable names\n") ##additional check to determine if intercept was removed from models check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\- 1", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]])) if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nModels without intercept are not supported in this version, please use alternative parameterization\n") #search within formula for variables to exclude mod.exclude <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=nexcl) #iterate over each element in exclude list for (var in 1:nexcl) { #iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:nmods) { idents <- NULL form.excl <- forms[[i]] #iterate over each element of forms[[i]] for (j in 1:length(form.excl)) { idents[j] <- identical(exclude[var][[1]], form.excl[j]) } mod.exclude[i,var] <- ifelse(any(idents == 1), 1, 0) } } #determine outcome across all variables to exclude to.exclude <- rowSums(mod.exclude) #exclude models following models from model averaging include[which(to.exclude >= 1)] <- 0 } ##add a check to determine if include always == 0 if (sum(include) == 0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } new.cand.set <- cand.set[which(include == 1)] #select models including a given parameter <- modnames[which(include == 1)] #update model names new_table <- aictab(cand.set = new.cand.set, modnames =, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) #recompute AIC table and associated measures new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm ##if reversed.parm is not null and varies across models, potentially check for it here new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)])) ##if reversed.parm is not null and varies across models, potentially check for it here ##if c-hat is estimated adjust the SE's by multiplying with sqrt of c-hat if(c.hat > 1) { new_table$SE <- new_table$SE*sqrt(c.hat) } ##AICc ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##QAICc if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##AIC if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == FALSE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##QAIC if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == FALSE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1 - conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE) Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta, "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL) class(out.modavg) <- c("modavg", "list") return(out.modavg) } ##occuTTD modavg.AICunmarkedFitOccuTTD <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, exclude = NULL, warn = TRUE, c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...){ ##note that parameter is referenced differently from unmarked object - see labels( ) ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavg for details\n")} #####MODIFICATIONS BEGIN####### ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) parm.strip <- parm #to use later ##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int" ##reverse parm reversed.parm <- reverse.parm(parm) reversed.parm.strip <- reversed.parm #to use later exclude <- reverse.exclude(exclude = exclude) #####MODIFICATIONS END###### ##single season or dynamic occupancy model ##psi - initial occupancy if(identical(parm.type, "psi")) { ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$psi))) ##create label for parm parm <- paste("psi", "(", parm, ")", sep="") if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("psi", "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")} not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@psiformula) parm.type1 <- "psi" } ##gamma - colonization if(identical(parm.type, "gamma")) { nseasons <- unique(sapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@data@numPrimary)) if(nseasons == 1) { stop("\nParameter \'gamma\' does not appear in single-season models\n") } ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$col))) ##create label for parm parm <- paste("col", "(", parm, ")", sep="") if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("col", "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")} not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@gamformula) parm.type1 <- "col" } ##epsilon - extinction if(identical(parm.type, "epsilon")) { nseasons <- unique(sapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@data@numPrimary)) if(nseasons == 1) { stop("\nParameter \'epsilon\' does not appear in single-season models\n") } ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$ext))) ##create label for parm parm <- paste("ext", "(", parm, ")", sep="") if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("ext", "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")} ##for epsilon not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@epsformula) parm.type1 <- "ext" } ##detect if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) { ##detect - lambda parameter is a rate of a species not detected in t to be detected at next time step mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$det))) parm <- paste("lam", "(", parm, ")", sep="") if(!is.null(reversed.parm)) {reversed.parm <- paste("lam", "(", reversed.parm, ")", sep="")} not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@detformula) parm.type1 <- "det" } ################## ##extract link function <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$", parm.type1, "@invlink", sep = "")))) <- unique( <-[1] if(length( > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n", "with different link functions\n")} ################## nmods <- length(cand.set) ##setup matrix to indicate presence of parms in the model include <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1) ##add a check for multiple instances of same variable in given model (i.e., interactions) include.check <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=1) ################################## ################################## ###ADDED A NEW OBJECT TO STRIP AWAY lam( ) from parm on line 35 ###to enable search with regexpr( ) ##iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:nmods) { idents <- NULL idents.check <- NULL form <- mod_formula[[i]] ###################################################################################################### ###################################################################################################### ###MODIFICATIONS BEGIN ##iterate over each element of formula[[i]] in list if(is.null(reversed.parm)) { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) ##added parm.strip here for regexpr( ) idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.strip, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")== "-1" , 0, 1) } } else { for (j in 1:length(form)) { idents[j] <- identical(parm, form[j]) | identical(reversed.parm, form[j]) idents.check[j] <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.strip, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" & attr(regexpr(reversed.parm.strip, form[j], fixed=TRUE), "match.length")=="-1" , 0, 1) } } ###MODIFICATIONS END ###################################################################################################### ###################################################################################################### include[i] <- ifelse(any(idents==1), 1, 0) include.check[i] <- ifelse(sum(idents.check)>1, "duplicates", "OK") } ##################################################### #exclude == NULL; warn=TRUE: warn that duplicates occur and stop if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, TRUE)) { #check for duplicates in same model if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) { stop("\nSome models include more than one instance of the parameter of interest. \n", "This may be due to the presence of interaction/polynomial terms, or variables\n", "with similar names:\n", "\tsee \"?modavg\" for details on variable specification and \"exclude\" argument\n") } } #exclude == NULL; warn=FALSE: compute model-averaged beta estimate from models including variable of interest, #assuming that the variable is not involved in interaction or higher order polynomial (x^2, x^3, etc...), #warn that models were not excluded if(is.null(exclude) && identical(warn, FALSE)) { if(any(include.check == "duplicates")) { warning("\nMultiple instances of parameter of interest in given model is presumably\n", "not due to interaction or polynomial terms - these models will not be\n", "excluded from the computation of model-averaged estimate\n") } } #warn if exclude is neither a list nor NULL if(!is.null(exclude)) { if(!is.list(exclude)) {stop("\nItems in \"exclude\" must be specified as a list")} } #if exclude is list if(is.list(exclude)) { #determine number of elements in exclude nexcl <- length(exclude) #check each formula for presence of exclude variable in not.include list #not.include <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = formula) #set up a new list with model formula forms <- list() for (i in 1:nmods) { form.tmp <- as.character(not.include[i]) #changed from other versions as formula returned is of different structure for unmarked objects if(attr(regexpr("\\+", form.tmp), "match.length")==-1) { forms[i] <- form.tmp } else {forms[i] <- strsplit(form.tmp, split=" \\+ ")} } #additional check to see whether some variable names include "+" check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\+", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]])) if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nPlease avoid \"+\" in variable names\n") ##additional check to determine if intercept was removed from models check.forms <- unlist(lapply(forms, FUN=function(i) any(attr(regexpr("\\- 1", i), "match.length")>0)[[1]])) if (any(check.forms==TRUE)) stop("\nModels without intercept are not supported in this version, please use alternative parameterization\n") #search within formula for variables to exclude mod.exclude <- matrix(NA, nrow=nmods, ncol=nexcl) #iterate over each element in exclude list for (var in 1:nexcl) { #iterate over each formula in mod_formula list for (i in 1:nmods) { idents <- NULL form.excl <- forms[[i]] #iterate over each element of forms[[i]] for (j in 1:length(form.excl)) { idents[j] <- identical(exclude[var][[1]], form.excl[j]) } mod.exclude[i,var] <- ifelse(any(idents == 1), 1, 0) } } #determine outcome across all variables to exclude to.exclude <- rowSums(mod.exclude) #exclude models following models from model averaging include[which(to.exclude >= 1)] <- 0 } ##add a check to determine if include always == 0 if (sum(include) == 0) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } new.cand.set <- cand.set[which(include == 1)] #select models including a given parameter <- modnames[which(include == 1)] #update model names new_table <- aictab(cand.set = new.cand.set, modnames =, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) #recompute AIC table and associated measures new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm ##if reversed.parm is not null and varies across models, potentially check for it here new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(new.cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)])) ##if reversed.parm is not null and varies across models, potentially check for it here ##if c-hat is estimated adjust the SE's by multiplying with sqrt of c-hat if(c.hat > 1) { new_table$SE <- new_table$SE*sqrt(c.hat) } ##AICc ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##QAICc if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##AIC if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == FALSE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##QAIC if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == FALSE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1 - conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE) Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta, "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL) class(out.modavg) <- c("modavg", "list") return(out.modavg) } ##print method print.modavg <- function(x, digits = 2, ...) { ic <- colnames(x$Mod.avg.table)[3] cat("\nMultimodel inference on \"", x$Parameter, "\" based on ", ic, "\n", sep = "") cat("\n", ic, " table used to obtain model-averaged estimate:\n", sep = "") oldtab <- x$Mod.avg.table if (any(names(oldtab)=="c_hat")) {cat("\t(c-hat estimate = ", oldtab$c_hat[1], ")\n", sep = "")} cat("\n") if (any(names(oldtab)=="c_hat")) { <- cbind(oldtab[,2], oldtab[,3], oldtab[,4], oldtab[,6], oldtab[,9], oldtab[,10]) } else { <- cbind(oldtab[,2], oldtab[,3], oldtab[,4], oldtab[,6], oldtab[,8], oldtab[,9]) } ##modify printing style if multinomial model is used if(length(x$Mod.avg.beta)==1) { colnames( <- c(colnames(oldtab)[c(2,3,4,6)], "Estimate", "SE") rownames( <- oldtab[,1] print(round(, digits=digits)) cat("\nModel-averaged estimate:", eval(round(x$Mod.avg.beta, digits=digits)), "\n") cat("Unconditional SE:", eval(round(x$Uncond.SE, digits=digits)), "\n") cat("",x$Conf.level*100, "% Unconditional confidence interval: ", round(x$Lower.CL, digits=digits), ", ", round(x$Upper.CL, digits=digits), "\n\n", sep = "") } else { col.ns <- ncol( <-[,-c(col.ns-1,col.ns)] colnames( <- c(colnames(oldtab)[c(2,3,4,6)]) rownames( <- oldtab[,1] print(round(, digits=digits)) cat("\n\nModel-averaged estimates for different levels of response variable:", "\n\n") resp.labels <- labels(x$Mod.avg.beta) mult.out <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(resp.labels), ncol=4) colnames(mult.out) <- c("Model-averaged estimate", "Uncond. SE", paste(x$Conf.level*100,"% lower CL", sep = ""), paste(x$Conf.level*100, "% upper CL", sep = "")) rownames(mult.out) <- resp.labels mult.out[,1] <- round(x$Mod.avg.beta, digits=digits) mult.out[,2] <- round(x$Uncond.SE, digits=digits) mult.out[,3] <- round(x$Lower.CL, digits=digits) mult.out[,4] <- round(x$Upper.CL, digits=digits) print(mult.out) cat("\n") } }
##utility function to format candidate list of models to new class ##extract class from models in list and create new class formatCands <- function(cand.set) { ##extract model class if(!is.list(cand.set)) stop("\n\'cand.set\' needs to be a list of candidate models\n") n.mods <- length(cand.set) all.mods <- lapply(cand.set, class) check.class <- unique(all.mods) out.class <- NULL ##for "coxph", c("coxph.null", "coxph"), c("clogit", "coxph") if(all(regexpr("coxph", check.class) != -1)) { out.class <- "coxph" } ##if NULL if(is.null(out.class)) { if(length(check.class) > 1) stop("\nFunctions do not support mixture of model classes\n") out.class <- unlist(check.class) } ##rename class <- c(paste("AIC", paste(out.class, collapse = "."), sep ="")) ##add to list new.cand.set <- cand.set ##new S3 class class(new.cand.set) <- return(new.cand.set) } ##utility functions used with modavg( ) to accomodate different specifications of interaction terms (e.g., A:B, B:A, A*B, B*A) ##in models of same set #################################################### ##function to reverse terms in interaction reverse.parm <- function(parm) { ##check if ":" appears in term val <- grep(pattern = ":", x = parm) ##set value to NULL parm.alt <- NULL ##if ":" appears, then reverse interaction term if(length(val) > 0) { ##additional check if interaction involves more than 2 terms check.terms <- unlist(strsplit(x = parm, split = ":")) ##number of terms in interaction n.check.terms <- length(check.terms) ##issue warning if more than 2 terms are involved if(n.check.terms > 2) warning("\nThis function only supports two terms in an interaction:\n", "for more complex interactions, either create terms manually before analysis \n", "or double-check that models have been correctly included in model-averaging table\n") ##reverse order of interaction parm.alt.tmp <- rep(NA, n.check.terms) for (b in 1:n.check.terms) { parm.alt.tmp[b] <- check.terms[n.check.terms - b + 1] } ##paste terms together parm.alt <- paste(parm.alt.tmp, collapse = ":") return(parm.alt) } } #reverse.parm(parm = "BARE:AGE") #################################################### ##function to reverse order of exclude terms with colon or asterisk reverse.exclude <- function(exclude) { ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm exclude <- lapply(exclude, FUN = function(i) gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", i)) ##determine which terms are interactions with colons which.inter <- grep(pattern = ":", x = exclude) n.inter <- length(which.inter) ##list to hold reverse terms excl.list.alt <- list( ) excl.list.alt2 <- list( ) <- list( ) ##if there are interaction terms with colons if (n.inter > 0) { ##create list for interaction rev.inter <- exclude[which.inter] ##create list to hold results excl.rev.list <- list( ) for (b in 1:length(rev.inter)) { excl.rev.list[b] <- strsplit(x = rev.inter[b][[1]], split = ":") } ##add interaction with asterisk <- lapply(excl.rev.list, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = " * ")) ##additional check if interaction involves more than 2 terms n.check.terms <- unlist(lapply(excl.rev.list, length)) ##issue warning if more than 2 terms are involved if(any(n.check.terms > 2)) warning("\nThis function only supports two terms in an interaction:\n", "for more complex interactions, either create terms manually before analysis \n", "or double-check that models have been correctly excluded in model-averaging table\n") ##iterate over each item in excl.rev.list for(k in 1:n.inter) { <- excl.rev.list[k][[1]] n.elements <- length( ##reverse order of interaction parm.alt.tmp <- rep(NA, n.elements) for (b in 1:n.elements) { parm.alt.tmp[b] <-[n.elements - b + 1] } ##paste terms together excl.list.alt[k] <- paste(parm.alt.tmp, collapse = ":") excl.list.alt2[k] <- paste(parm.alt.tmp, collapse = " * ") } } ##determine which terms are interactions with asterisk <- grep(pattern = "\\*", x = exclude) <- length( ##set lists to hold values <- list( ) inter.nospace <- list( ) ##list to hold reverse terms <- list( ) excl.list.alt.star2 <- list( ) ##if there are interaction terms with asterisks if ( > 0) { ##create list for interaction rev.inter <- exclude[] ##create vector to hold results excl.rev.list <- list( ) for (b in 1:length(rev.inter)) { excl.rev.list[b] <- strsplit(x = rev.inter[b][[1]], split = "\\*") } ##paste interaction term with space <- lapply(excl.rev.list, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = " * ")) inter.nospace <- lapply(excl.rev.list, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = ":")) ##additional check if interaction involves more than 2 terms n.check.terms <- unlist(lapply(excl.rev.list, length)) ##issue warning if more than 2 terms are involved if(any(n.check.terms > 2)) warning("\nThis function only supports two terms in an interaction:\n", "for more complex interactions, either create terms manually before analysis \n", "or double-check that models have been correctly excluded in model-averaging table\n") ##iterate over each item in excl.rev.list for(k in { <- excl.rev.list[k][[1]] n.elements <- length( ##reverse order of interaction parm.alt.tmp <- rep(NA, n.elements) for (b in 1:n.elements) { parm.alt.tmp[b] <-[n.elements - b + 1] } ##paste terms together[k] <- paste(parm.alt.tmp, collapse = " * ") excl.list.alt.star2[k] <- paste(parm.alt.tmp, collapse = ":") } } ##add step to replicate each term with colon and asterisk ##combine into exclude exclude.out <- unique(c(exclude, excl.list.alt, excl.list.alt2,, inter.nospace,, excl.list.alt.star2, if(length(exclude.out) == 0) {exclude.out <- NULL} return(exclude.out) } ##unexported functions ##create function for fixef to avoid importing nlme and lme4 #fixef <- function (mod){ ##if from lme4 # if(isS4(mod)) { # lme4::fixef(mod) # } ##if from coxme # if(identical(class(mod), "coxme")) { # mod$coefficients # } ##if from lmekin # if(identical(class(mod), "lmekin")) { # mod$coefficients$fixef # } # if(identical(class(mod), "lme")) { # nlme::fixef(mod) # ##if from nlme, coxme, lmekin # } #} ##create function to identify REML models from lme4 isREML <- function(mod){ as.logical(mod@devcomp$dims[["REML"]]) } ##function to extract formula name formulaShort <- function(mod, unmarked.type = NULL) { ##extract estimates formEst <- names(mod@estimates@estimates[[unmarked.type]]@estimates) form.noInt <- formEst[formEst != "(Intercept)"] if(length(form.noInt) == 0) { form.noInt <- "." } ##print formula return(paste(form.noInt, collapse = "+")) } ##extract ranef function #ranef <- function (mod){ # ##if from lme4 # if(isS4(mod)) { # lme4::ranef(mod) # } else { # mod$coefficients$random # } ##if from nlme, coxme, lmekin #}
##generic modavgEffect <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, newdata, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, ...){ cand.set <- formatCands(cand.set) UseMethod("modavgEffect", cand.set) } ##default modavgEffect.default <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, newdata, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, ...){ stop("\nFunction not yet defined for this object class\n") } ##aov modavgEffect.AICaov.lm <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, newdata, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, ...){ ##newdata is data frame with exact structure of the original data frame (same variable names and type) ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##determine number of observations in new data set nobserv <- nrow(newdata) if(nobserv > 2) stop("\nCurrent maximum number of groups compared is 2:\nmodify newdata argument accordingly\n") ##determine number of columns in new data set ncolumns <- ncol(newdata) ##if only 1 column, add an additional column to avoid problems in computation if(ncolumns == 1) newdata$blank.fake.column.NAs <- NA ##determine which column varies uniques <- apply(X = newdata, MARGIN = 2, FUN = unique) lengths <- lapply(X = uniques, FUN = length) varies <- sapply(X = lengths, FUN = function(i) i > 1) ########################################## ##CHANGES: add case when only a single variable appears in data frame if(ncol(newdata) == 1) { varies <- 1 } ##add extractX to check that variables appearing in model also appear in data frame ##checkVariables <- extractX(cand.set) ##if(any(!checkVariables$predictors %in% names(newdata))) { ## stop("\nAll predictors must appear in the 'newdata' data frame\n") ##} ########################################## ##extract name of column if(sum(varies) == 1) { <- names(varies)[which(varies == TRUE)] ##determine name of groups compared group1 <- as.character(newdata[,paste(][1]) group2 <- as.character(newdata[,paste(][2]) } else { ##warn that no single variable defines groups warning("\nGroups do not seem to be defined by a single variable.\n Function proceeding with generic group names\n") ##use generic names <- "Groups" group1 <- "group 1" group2 <- "group 2" } ##number of models nmods <- length(modnames) ##compute fitted values fit <- matrix(data = unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata)$fit)), nrow = nmods, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) ##compute SE's on fitted values SE <- matrix(data = unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata)$, nrow = nmods, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) ##difference between groups differ <- fit[, 1] - fit[, 2] ##SE on difference SE.differ <- sqrt(SE[, 1]^2 + SE[, 2]^2) ##store AICc table AICctab <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) ##create object to hold Model-averaged estimates and unconditional SE's Mod.avg.out <- matrix(NA, nrow = 1, ncol = 2) ##colnames(Mod.avg.out) <- c("Mod.avg.diff", "Uncond.SE") ##begin loop - AICc if(second.ord == TRUE){ ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE AICctmp <- AICctab AICctmp$differ <- differ AICctmp$SE.differ <- SE.differ ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$differ) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICctmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICctmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2))) } ##store table AICc.out <- AICctmp } ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE - AIC if(second.ord==FALSE) { AICtmp <- AICctab AICtmp$differ <- differ AICtmp$SE.differ <- SE.differ ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$differ) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICtmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICtmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2))) } ##store table AICc.out <- AICtmp } ##indicate scale of predictions type <- "response" zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE) Lower.CL <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] - zcrit * Mod.avg.out[, 2] Upper.CL <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] + zcrit * Mod.avg.out[, 2] ##arrange in matrix predsOutMat <- matrix(data = c(Mod.avg.out[, 1], Mod.avg.out[, 2], Lower.CL, Upper.CL), nrow = 1, ncol = 4) colnames(predsOutMat) <- c("mod.avg.pred", "", "lower.CL", "upper.CL") rownames(predsOutMat) <- "effect.size" Mod.eff.list <- list("Group.variable" =, "Group1" = group1, "Group2" = group2, "Type" = type, "Mod.avg.table" = AICc.out, "Mod.avg.eff" = Mod.avg.out[,1], "" = Mod.avg.out[,2], "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower.CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper.CL, "Matrix.output" = predsOutMat) class(Mod.eff.list) <- c("modavgEffect", "list") return(Mod.eff.list) } ##glm modavgEffect.AICglm.lm <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, newdata, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, type = "response", c.hat = 1, gamdisp = NULL, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##check on newdata ##determine number of observations in new data set nobserv <- nrow(newdata) if(nobserv > 2) stop("\nCurrent maximum number of groups compared is 2:\nmodify newdata argument accordingly\n") ##determine number of columns in new data set ncolumns <- ncol(newdata) ##if only 1 column, add an additional column to avoid problems in computation if(ncolumns == 1) newdata$blank.fake.column.NAs <- NA ##determine which column varies uniques <- apply(X = newdata, MARGIN = 2, FUN = unique) lengths <- lapply(X = uniques, FUN = length) varies <- sapply(X = lengths, FUN = function(i) i > 1) ########################################## ##CHANGES: add case when only a single variable appears in data frame if(ncol(newdata) == 1) { varies <- 1 } ##add extractX to check that variables appearing in model also appear in data frame ##checkVariables <- extractX(cand.set) ##if(any(!checkVariables$predictors %in% names(newdata))) { ## stop("\nAll predictors must appear in the 'newdata' data frame\n") ##} ########################################## ##extract name of column if(sum(varies) == 1) { <- names(varies)[which(varies == TRUE)] ##determine name of groups compared group1 <- as.character(newdata[,paste(][1]) group2 <- as.character(newdata[,paste(][2]) } else { ##warn that no single variable defines groups warning("\nGroups do not seem to be defined by a single variable.\n Function proceeding with generic group names\n") ##use generic names <- "Groups" group1 <- "group 1" group2 <- "group 2" } ##newdata is data frame with exact structure of the original data frame (same variable names and type) if(type == "terms") {stop("\nThe terms argument is not defined for this function\n")} ##check family of glm to avoid problems when requesting predictions with argument 'dispersion' fam.type <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) family(i)$family)) fam.unique <- unique(fam.type) if(identical(fam.unique, "gaussian")) { dispersion <- NULL #set to NULL if gaussian is used } else{dispersion <- c.hat} ##poisson and binomial defaults to 1 (no separate parameter for variance) ##for negative binomial - reset to NULL if(any(regexpr("Negative Binomial", fam.type) != -1)) { dispersion <- NULL ##check for mixture of negative binomial and other ##number of models with negative binomial negbin.num <- sum(regexpr("Negative Binomial", fam.type) != -1) if(negbin.num < length(fam.type)) { stop("Function does not support mixture of negative binomial with other distribution") } } ###################CHANGES#### ############################## if(c.hat > 1) {dispersion <- c.hat } if(!is.null(gamdisp)) {dispersion <- gamdisp} if(c.hat > 1 && !is.null(gamdisp)) {stop("\nYou cannot specify values for both \'c.hat\' and \'gamdisp\'\n")} ##dispersion is the dispersion parameter - this influences the SE's (to specify dispersion parameter for either overdispersed Poisson or Gamma glm) ##type enables to specify either "response" (original scale = point estimate) or "link" (linear predictor) ##check if object is of "lm" or "glm" class ##extract classes mod.class <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = class)) ##check if all are identical check.class <- unique(mod.class) ##check that link function is the same for all models if linear predictor is used if(identical(type, "link")) { <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) i$family$link)) <- unique(x = if(length( > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged beta estimate\n", "with different link functions\n")} } ##check if model uses gamma distribution gam1 <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) family(i)$family[1] == "Gamma")) #check for gamma regression models ##correct SE's for estimates of gamma regressions when gamdisp is specified if(any(gam1) == TRUE) { ##check for specification of gamdisp argument if(is.null(gamdisp)) stop("\nYou must specify a gamma dispersion parameter with gamma generalized linear models\n") } ##number of models nmods <- length(modnames) ##compute fitted values fit <- matrix(data = unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata, type = type, dispersion = dispersion)$fit)), nrow = nmods, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) ##compute SE's on fitted values SE <- matrix(data = unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata, type = type, dispersion = dispersion)$, nrow = nmods, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) ##difference between groups differ <- fit[, 1] - fit[, 2] ##SE on difference SE.differ <- sqrt(SE[, 1]^2 + SE[, 2]^2) ##store AICc table AICctab <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) ##create object to hold Model-averaged estimates and unconditional SE's Mod.avg.out <- matrix(NA, nrow = 1, ncol = 2) ##colnames(Mod.avg.out) <- c("Mod.avg.diff", "Uncond.SE") ##begin loop - AICc if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat == 1){ ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE AICctmp <- AICctab AICctmp$differ <- differ AICctmp$SE.differ <- SE.differ ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$differ) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICctmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICctmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2))) } ##store table AICc.out <- AICctmp } ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE - QAICc if(second.ord==TRUE && c.hat > 1) { QAICctmp <- AICctab QAICctmp$differ <- differ QAICctmp$SE.differ <- SE.differ ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*QAICctmp$differ) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*sqrt(QAICctmp$SE.differ^2 + (QAICctmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*(QAICctmp$SE.differ^2 + (QAICctmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2))) } ##store table AICc.out <- QAICctmp } ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE - AIC if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat == 1) { AICtmp <- AICctab AICtmp$differ <- differ AICtmp$SE.differ <- SE.differ ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$differ) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICtmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICtmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2))) } ##store table AICc.out <- AICtmp } ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE - QAIC if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat > 1) { QAICtmp <- AICctab QAICtmp$differ <- differ QAICtmp$SE.differ <- SE.differ ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*QAICtmp$differ) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*sqrt(QAICtmp$SE.differ^2 + (QAICtmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*(QAICtmp$SE.differ^2 + (QAICtmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2))) } ##store table AICc.out <- QAICtmp } zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE) Lower.CL <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] - zcrit * Mod.avg.out[, 2] Upper.CL <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] + zcrit * Mod.avg.out[, 2] ##arrange in matrix predsOutMat <- matrix(data = c(Mod.avg.out[, 1], Mod.avg.out[, 2], Lower.CL, Upper.CL), nrow = 1, ncol = 4) colnames(predsOutMat) <- c("mod.avg.pred", "", "lower.CL", "upper.CL") rownames(predsOutMat) <- "effect.size" Mod.eff.list <- list("Group.variable" =, "Group1" = group1, "Group2" = group2, "Type" = type, "Mod.avg.table" = AICc.out, "Mod.avg.eff" = Mod.avg.out[,1], "" = Mod.avg.out[,2], "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower.CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper.CL, "Matrix.output" = predsOutMat) class(Mod.eff.list) <- c("modavgEffect", "list") return(Mod.eff.list) } ##gls modavgEffect.AICgls <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, newdata, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, ...){ ##newdata is data frame with exact structure of the original data frame (same variable names and type) ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##determine number of observations in new data set nobserv <- nrow(newdata) if(nobserv > 2) stop("\nCurrent maximum number of groups compared is 2:\nmodify newdata argument accordingly\n") ##determine number of columns in new data set ncolumns <- ncol(newdata) ##if only 1 column, add an additional column to avoid problems in computation if(ncolumns == 1) newdata$blank.fake.column.NAs <- NA ##determine which column varies uniques <- apply(X = newdata, MARGIN = 2, FUN = unique) lengths <- lapply(X = uniques, FUN = length) varies <- sapply(X = lengths, FUN = function(i) i > 1) ########################################## ##CHANGES: add case when only a single variable appears in data frame if(ncol(newdata) == 1) { varies <- 1 } ##add extractX to check that variables appearing in model also appear in data frame ##checkVariables <- extractX(cand.set) ##if(any(!checkVariables$predictors %in% names(newdata))) { ## stop("\nAll predictors must appear in the 'newdata' data frame\n") ##} ########################################## ##extract name of column if(sum(varies) == 1) { <- names(varies)[which(varies == TRUE)] ##determine name of groups compared group1 <- as.character(newdata[,paste(][1]) group2 <- as.character(newdata[,paste(][2]) } else { ##warn that no single variable defines groups warning("\nGroups do not seem to be defined by a single variable.\n Function proceeding with generic group names\n") ##use generic names <- "Groups" group1 <- "group 1" group2 <- "group 2" } ##number of models nmods <- length(modnames) ##compute fitted values fit <- matrix(data = unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predictSE(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata)$fit)), nrow = nmods, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) ##compute SE's on fitted values SE <- matrix(data = unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predictSE(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata)$, nrow = nmods, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) ##difference between groups differ <- fit[, 1] - fit[, 2] ##SE on difference SE.differ <- sqrt(SE[, 1]^2 + SE[, 2]^2) ##store AICc table AICctab <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) #create object to hold Model-averaged estimates and unconditional SE's Mod.avg.out <- matrix(NA, nrow = 1, ncol = 2) ##colnames(Mod.avg.out) <- c("Mod.avg.diff", "Uncond.SE") ##begin loop - AICc if(second.ord == TRUE){ ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE AICctmp <- AICctab AICctmp$differ <- differ AICctmp$SE.differ <- SE.differ ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$differ) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICctmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICctmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2))) } ##store table AICc.out <- AICctmp } ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE - AIC if(second.ord==FALSE) { AICtmp <- AICctab AICtmp$differ <- differ AICtmp$SE.differ <- SE.differ ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$differ) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICtmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICtmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2))) } ##store table AICc.out <- AICtmp } ##indicate scale of predictions type <- "response" zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE) Lower.CL <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] - zcrit * Mod.avg.out[, 2] Upper.CL <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] + zcrit * Mod.avg.out[, 2] ##arrange in matrix predsOutMat <- matrix(data = c(Mod.avg.out[, 1], Mod.avg.out[, 2], Lower.CL, Upper.CL), nrow = 1, ncol = 4) colnames(predsOutMat) <- c("mod.avg.pred", "", "lower.CL", "upper.CL") rownames(predsOutMat) <- "effect.size" Mod.eff.list <- list("Group.variable" =, "Group1" = group1, "Group2" = group2, "Type" = type, "Mod.avg.table" = AICc.out, "Mod.avg.eff" = Mod.avg.out[,1], "" = Mod.avg.out[,2], "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower.CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper.CL, "Matrix.output" = predsOutMat) class(Mod.eff.list) <- c("modavgEffect", "list") return(Mod.eff.list) } ##lm modavgEffect.AIClm <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, newdata, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, ...){ ##newdata is data frame with exact structure of the original data frame (same variable names and type) ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##determine number of observations in new data set nobserv <- nrow(newdata) if(nobserv > 2) stop("\nCurrent maximum number of groups compared is 2:\nmodify newdata argument accordingly\n") ##determine number of columns in new data set ncolumns <- ncol(newdata) ##if only 1 column, add an additional column to avoid problems in computation if(ncolumns == 1) newdata$blank.fake.column.NAs <- NA ##determine which column varies uniques <- apply(X = newdata, MARGIN = 2, FUN = unique) lengths <- lapply(X = uniques, FUN = length) varies <- sapply(X = lengths, FUN = function(i) i > 1) ########################################## ##CHANGES: add case when only a single variable appears in data frame if(ncol(newdata) == 1) { varies <- 1 } ##add extractX to check that variables appearing in model also appear in data frame ##checkVariables <- extractX(cand.set) ##if(any(!checkVariables$predictors %in% names(newdata))) { ## stop("\nAll predictors must appear in the 'newdata' data frame\n") ##} ########################################## ##extract name of column if(sum(varies) == 1) { <- names(varies)[which(varies == TRUE)] ##determine name of groups compared group1 <- as.character(newdata[,paste(][1]) group2 <- as.character(newdata[,paste(][2]) } else { ##warn that no single variable defines groups warning("\nGroups do not seem to be defined by a single variable.\n Function proceeding with generic group names\n") ##use generic names <- "Groups" group1 <- "group 1" group2 <- "group 2" } ##number of models nmods <- length(modnames) ##compute fitted values fit <- matrix(data = unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata)$fit)), nrow = nmods, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) ##compute SE's on fitted values SE <- matrix(data = unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata)$, nrow = nmods, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) ##difference between groups differ <- fit[, 1] - fit[, 2] ##SE on difference SE.differ <- sqrt(SE[, 1]^2 + SE[, 2]^2) ##store AICc table AICctab <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) #create object to hold Model-averaged estimates and unconditional SE's Mod.avg.out <- matrix(NA, nrow = 1, ncol = 2) ##colnames(Mod.avg.out) <- c("Mod.avg.diff", "Uncond.SE") ##begin loop - AICc if(second.ord == TRUE){ ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE AICctmp <- AICctab AICctmp$differ <- differ AICctmp$SE.differ <- SE.differ ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$differ) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICctmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICctmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2))) } ##store table AICc.out <- AICctmp } ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE - AIC if(second.ord==FALSE) { AICtmp <- AICctab AICtmp$differ <- differ AICtmp$SE.differ <- SE.differ ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$differ) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICtmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICtmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2))) } ##store table AICc.out <- AICtmp } ##indicate scale of predictions type <- "response" zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE) Lower.CL <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] - zcrit * Mod.avg.out[, 2] Upper.CL <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] + zcrit * Mod.avg.out[, 2] ##arrange in matrix predsOutMat <- matrix(data = c(Mod.avg.out[, 1], Mod.avg.out[, 2], Lower.CL, Upper.CL), nrow = 1, ncol = 4) colnames(predsOutMat) <- c("mod.avg.pred", "", "lower.CL", "upper.CL") rownames(predsOutMat) <- "effect.size" Mod.eff.list <- list("Group.variable" =, "Group1" = group1, "Group2" = group2, "Type" = type, "Mod.avg.table" = AICc.out, "Mod.avg.eff" = Mod.avg.out[,1], "" = Mod.avg.out[,2], "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower.CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper.CL, "Matrix.output" = predsOutMat) class(Mod.eff.list) <- c("modavgEffect", "list") return(Mod.eff.list) } ##lme modavgEffect.AIClme <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, newdata, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, ...){ ##newdata is data frame with exact structure of the original data frame (same variable names and type) ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##check on newdata ##determine number of observations in new data set nobserv <- nrow(newdata) if(nobserv > 2) stop("\nCurrent maximum number of groups compared is 2:\nmodify newdata argument accordingly\n") ##determine number of columns in new data set ncolumns <- ncol(newdata) ##if only 1 column, add an additional column to avoid problems in computation if(ncolumns == 1) newdata$blank.fake.column.NAs <- NA ##determine which column varies uniques <- apply(X = newdata, MARGIN = 2, FUN = unique) lengths <- lapply(X = uniques, FUN = length) varies <- sapply(X = lengths, FUN = function(i) i > 1) ########################################## ##CHANGES: add case when only a single variable appears in data frame if(ncol(newdata) == 1) { varies <- 1 } ##add extractX to check that variables appearing in model also appear in data frame ##checkVariables <- extractX(cand.set) ##if(any(!checkVariables$predictors %in% names(newdata))) { ## stop("\nAll predictors must appear in the 'newdata' data frame\n") ##} ########################################## ##extract name of column if(sum(varies) == 1) { <- names(varies)[which(varies == TRUE)] ##determine name of groups compared group1 <- as.character(newdata[,paste(][1]) group2 <- as.character(newdata[,paste(][2]) } else { ##warn that no single variable defines groups warning("\nGroups do not seem to be defined by a single variable.\n Function proceeding with generic group names\n") ##use generic names <- "Groups" group1 <- "group 1" group2 <- "group 2" } ##number of models nmods <- length(modnames) ##compute fitted values fit <- matrix(data = unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predictSE(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata)$fit)), nrow = nmods, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) ##compute SE's on fitted values SE <- matrix(data = unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predictSE(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata)$, nrow = nmods, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) ##difference between groups differ <- fit[, 1] - fit[, 2] ##SE on difference SE.differ <- sqrt(SE[, 1]^2 + SE[, 2]^2) ##store AICc table AICctab <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) ##create object to hold Model-averaged estimates and unconditional SE's Mod.avg.out <- matrix(NA, nrow = 1, ncol = 2) ##colnames(Mod.avg.out) <- c("Mod.avg.diff", "Uncond.SE") ##begin loop - AICc if(second.ord == TRUE){ ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE AICctmp <- AICctab AICctmp$differ <- differ AICctmp$SE.differ <- SE.differ ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$differ) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICctmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICctmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2))) } ##store table AICc.out <- AICctmp } ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE - AIC if(second.ord==FALSE) { AICtmp <- AICctab AICtmp$differ <- differ AICtmp$SE.differ <- SE.differ ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$differ) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICtmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICtmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2))) } ##store table AICc.out <- AICtmp } ##indicate scale of predictions type <- "response" zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE) Lower.CL <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] - zcrit * Mod.avg.out[, 2] Upper.CL <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] + zcrit * Mod.avg.out[, 2] ##arrange in matrix predsOutMat <- matrix(data = c(Mod.avg.out[, 1], Mod.avg.out[, 2], Lower.CL, Upper.CL), nrow = 1, ncol = 4) colnames(predsOutMat) <- c("mod.avg.pred", "", "lower.CL", "upper.CL") rownames(predsOutMat) <- "effect.size" Mod.eff.list <- list("Group.variable" =, "Group1" = group1, "Group2" = group2, "Type" = type, "Mod.avg.table" = AICc.out, "Mod.avg.eff" = Mod.avg.out[,1], "" = Mod.avg.out[,2], "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower.CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper.CL, "Matrix.output" = predsOutMat) class(Mod.eff.list) <- c("modavgEffect", "list") return(Mod.eff.list) } ##mer - lme4 version < 1 modavgEffect.AICmer <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, newdata, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, type = "response", ...) { ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##check on newdata ##determine number of observations in new data set nobserv <- nrow(newdata) if(nobserv > 2) stop("\nCurrent maximum number of groups compared is 2:\nmodify newdata argument accordingly\n") ##determine number of columns in new data set ncolumns <- ncol(newdata) ##if only 1 column, add an additional column to avoid problems in computation if(ncolumns == 1) newdata$blank.fake.column.NAs <- NA ##determine which column varies uniques <- apply(X = newdata, MARGIN = 2, FUN = unique) lengths <- lapply(X = uniques, FUN = length) varies <- sapply(X = lengths, FUN = function(i) i > 1) ########################################## ##CHANGES: add case when only a single variable appears in data frame if(ncol(newdata) == 1) { varies <- 1 } ##add extractX to check that variables appearing in model also appear in data frame ##checkVariables <- extractX(cand.set) ##if(any(!checkVariables$predictors %in% names(newdata))) { ## stop("\nAll predictors must appear in the 'newdata' data frame\n") ##} ########################################## ##extract name of column if(sum(varies) == 1) { <- names(varies)[which(varies == TRUE)] ##determine name of groups compared group1 <- as.character(newdata[,paste(][1]) group2 <- as.character(newdata[,paste(][2]) } else { ##warn that no single variable defines groups warning("\nGroups do not seem to be defined by a single variable.\n Function proceeding with generic group names\n") ##use generic names <- "Groups" group1 <- "group 1" group2 <- "group 2" } ##extract classes mod.class <- unlist(lapply(X=cand.set, FUN=class)) ##check if all are identical check.class <- unique(mod.class) ##check that link function is the same for all models if linear predictor is used if(identical(type, "link")) { link.list <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)$link)) <- unique(link.list) if(length( > 1) stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model-averaged beta estimate\n", "from models using different link functions\n") } ##number of models nmods <- length(modnames) ##compute fitted values fit <- matrix(data = unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predictSE(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata, type = type)$fit)), nrow = nmods, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) ##compute SE's on fitted values SE <- matrix(data = unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predictSE(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata, type = type)$, nrow = nmods, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) ##difference between groups differ <- fit[, 1] - fit[, 2] ##SE on difference SE.differ <- sqrt(SE[, 1]^2 + SE[, 2]^2) ##store AICc table AICctab <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) ##create object to hold Model-averaged estimates and unconditional SE's Mod.avg.out <- matrix(NA, nrow = 1, ncol = 2) ##colnames(Mod.avg.out) <- c("Mod.avg.diff", "Uncond.SE") ##begin loop - AICc if(second.ord==TRUE){ ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE AICctmp <- AICctab AICctmp$differ <- differ AICctmp$SE.differ <- SE.differ ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$differ) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICctmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICctmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2))) } ##store table AICc.out <- AICctmp } ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE - AIC if(second.ord==FALSE) { AICtmp <- AICctab AICtmp$differ <- differ AICtmp$SE.differ <- SE.differ ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$differ) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICtmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICtmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2))) } ##store table AICc.out <- AICtmp } zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE) Lower.CL <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] - zcrit * Mod.avg.out[, 2] Upper.CL <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] + zcrit * Mod.avg.out[, 2] ##arrange in matrix predsOutMat <- matrix(data = c(Mod.avg.out[, 1], Mod.avg.out[, 2], Lower.CL, Upper.CL), nrow = 1, ncol = 4) colnames(predsOutMat) <- c("mod.avg.pred", "", "lower.CL", "upper.CL") rownames(predsOutMat) <- "effect.size" Mod.eff.list <- list("Group.variable" =, "Group1" = group1, "Group2" = group2, "Type" = type, "Mod.avg.table" = AICc.out, "Mod.avg.eff" = Mod.avg.out[,1], "" = Mod.avg.out[,2], "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower.CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper.CL, "Matrix.output" = predsOutMat) class(Mod.eff.list) <- c("modavgEffect", "list") return(Mod.eff.list) } ##glmerMod modavgEffect.AICglmerMod <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, newdata, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, type = "response", ...) { ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##newdata is data frame with exact structure of the original data frame (same variable names and type) ##check on newdata ##determine number of observations in new data set nobserv <- nrow(newdata) if(nobserv > 2) stop("\nCurrent maximum number of groups compared is 2:\nmodify newdata argument accordingly\n") ##determine number of columns in new data set ncolumns <- ncol(newdata) ##if only 1 column, add an additional column to avoid problems in computation if(ncolumns == 1) newdata$blank.fake.column.NAs <- NA ##determine which column varies uniques <- apply(X = newdata, MARGIN = 2, FUN = unique) lengths <- lapply(X = uniques, FUN = length) varies <- sapply(X = lengths, FUN = function(i) i > 1) ########################################## ##CHANGES: add case when only a single variable appears in data frame if(ncol(newdata) == 1) { varies <- 1 } ##add extractX to check that variables appearing in model also appear in data frame ##checkVariables <- extractX(cand.set) ##if(any(!checkVariables$predictors %in% names(newdata))) { ## stop("\nAll predictors must appear in the 'newdata' data frame\n") ##} ########################################## ##extract name of column if(sum(varies) == 1) { <- names(varies)[which(varies == TRUE)] ##determine name of groups compared group1 <- as.character(newdata[,paste(][1]) group2 <- as.character(newdata[,paste(][2]) } else { ##warn that no single variable defines groups warning("\nGroups do not seem to be defined by a single variable.\n Function proceeding with generic group names\n") ##use generic names <- "Groups" group1 <- "group 1" group2 <- "group 2" } ##extract classes mod.class <- unlist(lapply(X=cand.set, FUN=class)) ##check if all are identical check.class <- unique(mod.class) ##check that link function is the same for all models if linear predictor is used if(identical(type, "link")) { link.list <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)$link)) <- unique(link.list) if(length( > 1) stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model-averaged beta estimate\n", "from models using different link functions\n") } ##number of models nmods <- length(modnames) ##compute fitted values fit <- matrix(data = unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predictSE(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata, type = type)$fit)), nrow = nmods, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) ##compute SE's on fitted values SE <- matrix(data = unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predictSE(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata, type = type)$, nrow = nmods, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) ##difference between groups differ <- fit[, 1] - fit[, 2] ##SE on difference SE.differ <- sqrt(SE[, 1]^2 + SE[, 2]^2) ##store AICc table AICctab <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) ##create object to hold Model-averaged estimates and unconditional SE's Mod.avg.out <- matrix(NA, nrow = 1, ncol = 2) ##colnames(Mod.avg.out) <- c("Mod.avg.diff", "Uncond.SE") ##begin loop - AICc if(second.ord==TRUE){ ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE AICctmp <- AICctab AICctmp$differ <- differ AICctmp$SE.differ <- SE.differ ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$differ) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICctmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICctmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2))) } ##store table AICc.out <- AICctmp } ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE - AIC if(second.ord==FALSE) { AICtmp <- AICctab AICtmp$differ <- differ AICtmp$SE.differ <- SE.differ ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$differ) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICtmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICtmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2))) } ##store table AICc.out <- AICtmp } zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE) Lower.CL <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] - zcrit * Mod.avg.out[, 2] Upper.CL <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] + zcrit * Mod.avg.out[, 2] ##arrange in matrix predsOutMat <- matrix(data = c(Mod.avg.out[, 1], Mod.avg.out[, 2], Lower.CL, Upper.CL), nrow = 1, ncol = 4) colnames(predsOutMat) <- c("mod.avg.pred", "", "lower.CL", "upper.CL") rownames(predsOutMat) <- "effect.size" Mod.eff.list <- list("Group.variable" =, "Group1" = group1, "Group2" = group2, "Type" = type, "Mod.avg.table" = AICc.out, "Mod.avg.eff" = Mod.avg.out[,1], "" = Mod.avg.out[,2], "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower.CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper.CL, "Matrix.output" = predsOutMat) class(Mod.eff.list) <- c("modavgEffect", "list") return(Mod.eff.list) } ##lmerMod modavgEffect.AIClmerMod <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, newdata, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, ...) { ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##newdata is data frame with exact structure of the original data frame (same variable names and type) ##check on newdata ##determine number of observations in new data set nobserv <- nrow(newdata) if(nobserv > 2) stop("\nCurrent maximum number of groups compared is 2:\nmodify newdata argument accordingly\n") ##determine number of columns in new data set ncolumns <- ncol(newdata) ##if only 1 column, add an additional column to avoid problems in computation if(ncolumns == 1) newdata$blank.fake.column.NAs <- NA ##determine which column varies uniques <- apply(X = newdata, MARGIN = 2, FUN = unique) lengths <- lapply(X = uniques, FUN = length) varies <- sapply(X = lengths, FUN = function(i) i > 1) ########################################## ##CHANGES: add case when only a single variable appears in data frame if(ncol(newdata) == 1) { varies <- 1 } ##add extractX to check that variables appearing in model also appear in data frame ##checkVariables <- extractX(cand.set) ##if(any(!checkVariables$predictors %in% names(newdata))) { ## stop("\nAll predictors must appear in the 'newdata' data frame\n") ##} ########################################## ##extract name of column if(sum(varies) == 1) { <- names(varies)[which(varies == TRUE)] ##determine name of groups compared group1 <- as.character(newdata[,paste(][1]) group2 <- as.character(newdata[,paste(][2]) } else { ##warn that no single variable defines groups warning("\nGroups do not seem to be defined by a single variable.\n Function proceeding with generic group names\n") ##use generic names <- "Groups" group1 <- "group 1" group2 <- "group 2" } ##extract classes mod.class <- unlist(lapply(X=cand.set, FUN=class)) ##check if all are identical check.class <- unique(mod.class) ##number of models nmods <- length(modnames) ##compute fitted values fit <- matrix(data = unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predictSE(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata)$fit)), nrow = nmods, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) ##compute SE's on fitted values SE <- matrix(data = unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predictSE(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata)$, nrow = nmods, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) ##difference between groups differ <- fit[, 1] - fit[, 2] ##SE on difference SE.differ <- sqrt(SE[, 1]^2 + SE[, 2]^2) ##store AICc table AICctab <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) ##create object to hold Model-averaged estimates and unconditional SE's Mod.avg.out <- matrix(NA, nrow = 1, ncol = 2) ##colnames(Mod.avg.out) <- c("Mod.avg.diff", "Uncond.SE") ##begin loop - AICc if(second.ord==TRUE){ ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE AICctmp <- AICctab AICctmp$differ <- differ AICctmp$SE.differ <- SE.differ ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$differ) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICctmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICctmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2))) } ##store table AICc.out <- AICctmp } ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE - AIC if(second.ord==FALSE) { AICtmp <- AICctab AICtmp$differ <- differ AICtmp$SE.differ <- SE.differ ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$differ) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICtmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICtmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2))) } ##store table AICc.out <- AICtmp } ##scale of predictions type <- "response" zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE) Lower.CL <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] - zcrit * Mod.avg.out[, 2] Upper.CL <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] + zcrit * Mod.avg.out[, 2] ##arrange in matrix predsOutMat <- matrix(data = c(Mod.avg.out[, 1], Mod.avg.out[, 2], Lower.CL, Upper.CL), nrow = 1, ncol = 4) colnames(predsOutMat) <- c("mod.avg.pred", "", "lower.CL", "upper.CL") rownames(predsOutMat) <- "effect.size" Mod.eff.list <- list("Group.variable" =, "Group1" = group1, "Group2" = group2, "Type" = type, "Mod.avg.table" = AICc.out, "Mod.avg.eff" = Mod.avg.out[,1], "" = Mod.avg.out[,2], "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower.CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper.CL, "Matrix.output" = predsOutMat) class(Mod.eff.list) <- c("modavgEffect", "list") return(Mod.eff.list) } ##lmerModLmerTest modavgEffect.AIClmerModLmerTest <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, newdata, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, ...) { ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##newdata is data frame with exact structure of the original data frame (same variable names and type) ##check on newdata ##determine number of observations in new data set nobserv <- nrow(newdata) if(nobserv > 2) stop("\nCurrent maximum number of groups compared is 2:\nmodify newdata argument accordingly\n") ##determine number of columns in new data set ncolumns <- ncol(newdata) ##if only 1 column, add an additional column to avoid problems in computation if(ncolumns == 1) newdata$blank.fake.column.NAs <- NA ##determine which column varies uniques <- apply(X = newdata, MARGIN = 2, FUN = unique) lengths <- lapply(X = uniques, FUN = length) varies <- sapply(X = lengths, FUN = function(i) i > 1) ########################################## ##CHANGES: add case when only a single variable appears in data frame if(ncol(newdata) == 1) { varies <- 1 } ##add extractX to check that variables appearing in model also appear in data frame ##checkVariables <- extractX(cand.set) ##if(any(!checkVariables$predictors %in% names(newdata))) { ## stop("\nAll predictors must appear in the 'newdata' data frame\n") ##} ########################################## ##extract name of column if(sum(varies) == 1) { <- names(varies)[which(varies == TRUE)] ##determine name of groups compared group1 <- as.character(newdata[,paste(][1]) group2 <- as.character(newdata[,paste(][2]) } else { ##warn that no single variable defines groups warning("\nGroups do not seem to be defined by a single variable.\n Function proceeding with generic group names\n") ##use generic names <- "Groups" group1 <- "group 1" group2 <- "group 2" } ##extract classes mod.class <- unlist(lapply(X=cand.set, FUN=class)) ##check if all are identical check.class <- unique(mod.class) ##number of models nmods <- length(modnames) ##compute fitted values fit <- matrix(data = unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predictSE(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata)$fit)), nrow = nmods, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) ##compute SE's on fitted values SE <- matrix(data = unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predictSE(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata)$, nrow = nmods, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) ##difference between groups differ <- fit[, 1] - fit[, 2] ##SE on difference SE.differ <- sqrt(SE[, 1]^2 + SE[, 2]^2) ##store AICc table AICctab <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) ##create object to hold Model-averaged estimates and unconditional SE's Mod.avg.out <- matrix(NA, nrow = 1, ncol = 2) ##colnames(Mod.avg.out) <- c("Mod.avg.diff", "Uncond.SE") ##begin loop - AICc if(second.ord==TRUE){ ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE AICctmp <- AICctab AICctmp$differ <- differ AICctmp$SE.differ <- SE.differ ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$differ) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICctmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICctmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2))) } ##store table AICc.out <- AICctmp } ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE - AIC if(second.ord==FALSE) { AICtmp <- AICctab AICtmp$differ <- differ AICtmp$SE.differ <- SE.differ ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$differ) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICtmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICtmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2))) } ##store table AICc.out <- AICtmp } ##scale of predictions type <- "response" zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE) Lower.CL <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] - zcrit * Mod.avg.out[, 2] Upper.CL <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] + zcrit * Mod.avg.out[, 2] ##arrange in matrix predsOutMat <- matrix(data = c(Mod.avg.out[, 1], Mod.avg.out[, 2], Lower.CL, Upper.CL), nrow = 1, ncol = 4) colnames(predsOutMat) <- c("mod.avg.pred", "", "lower.CL", "upper.CL") rownames(predsOutMat) <- "effect.size" Mod.eff.list <- list("Group.variable" =, "Group1" = group1, "Group2" = group2, "Type" = type, "Mod.avg.table" = AICc.out, "Mod.avg.eff" = Mod.avg.out[,1], "" = Mod.avg.out[,2], "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower.CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper.CL, "Matrix.output" = predsOutMat) class(Mod.eff.list) <- c("modavgEffect", "list") return(Mod.eff.list) } ##glm.nb modavgEffect.AICnegbin.glm.lm <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, newdata, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, type = "response", ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##check on newdata ##determine number of observations in new data set nobserv <- nrow(newdata) if(nobserv > 2) stop("\nCurrent maximum number of groups compared is 2:\nmodify newdata argument accordingly\n") ##determine number of columns in new data set ncolumns <- ncol(newdata) ##if only 1 column, add an additional column to avoid problems in computation if(ncolumns == 1) newdata$blank.fake.column.NAs <- NA ##determine which column varies uniques <- apply(X = newdata, MARGIN = 2, FUN = unique) lengths <- lapply(X = uniques, FUN = length) varies <- sapply(X = lengths, FUN = function(i) i > 1) ########################################## ##CHANGES: add case when only a single variable appears in data frame if(ncol(newdata) == 1) { varies <- 1 } ##add extractX to check that variables appearing in model also appear in data frame ##checkVariables <- extractX(cand.set) ##if(any(!checkVariables$predictors %in% names(newdata))) { ## stop("\nAll predictors must appear in the 'newdata' data frame\n") ##} ########################################## ##extract name of column if(sum(varies) == 1) { <- names(varies)[which(varies == TRUE)] ##determine name of groups compared group1 <- as.character(newdata[,paste(][1]) group2 <- as.character(newdata[,paste(][2]) } else { ##warn that no single variable defines groups warning("\nGroups do not seem to be defined by a single variable.\n Function proceeding with generic group names\n") ##use generic names <- "Groups" group1 <- "group 1" group2 <- "group 2" } ##newdata is data frame with exact structure of the original data frame (same variable names and type) if(type == "terms") {stop("\nThe terms argument is not defined for this function\n")} ###################CHANGES#### ############################## ##type enables to specify either "response" (original scale = point estimate) or "link" (linear predictor) ##check if object is of "lm" or "glm" class ##extract classes mod.class <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = class)) ##check if all are identical check.class <- unique(mod.class) ##check that link function is the same for all models if linear predictor is used if(identical(type, "link")) { <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) i$family$link)) <- unique(x = if(length( > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged beta estimate\n", "with different link functions\n")} } ##number of models nmods <- length(modnames) ##compute fitted values fit <- matrix(data = unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata, type = type)$fit)), nrow = nmods, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) ##compute SE's on fitted values SE <- matrix(data = unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata, type = type)$, nrow = nmods, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) ##difference between groups differ <- fit[, 1] - fit[, 2] ##SE on difference SE.differ <- sqrt(SE[, 1]^2 + SE[, 2]^2) ##store AICc table AICctab <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) ##create object to hold Model-averaged estimates and unconditional SE's Mod.avg.out <- matrix(NA, nrow = 1, ncol = 2) ##colnames(Mod.avg.out) <- c("Mod.avg.diff", "Uncond.SE") ##begin loop - AICc if(second.ord == TRUE){ ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE AICctmp <- AICctab AICctmp$differ <- differ AICctmp$SE.differ <- SE.differ ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$differ) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICctmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICctmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2))) } ##store table AICc.out <- AICctmp } ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE - AIC if(second.ord == FALSE) { AICtmp <- AICctab AICtmp$differ <- differ AICtmp$SE.differ <- SE.differ ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$differ) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICtmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICtmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2))) } ##store table AICc.out <- AICtmp } zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE) Lower.CL <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] - zcrit * Mod.avg.out[, 2] Upper.CL <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] + zcrit * Mod.avg.out[, 2] ##arrange in matrix predsOutMat <- matrix(data = c(Mod.avg.out[, 1], Mod.avg.out[, 2], Lower.CL, Upper.CL), nrow = 1, ncol = 4) colnames(predsOutMat) <- c("mod.avg.pred", "", "lower.CL", "upper.CL") rownames(predsOutMat) <- "effect.size" Mod.eff.list <- list("Group.variable" =, "Group1" = group1, "Group2" = group2, "Type" = type, "Mod.avg.table" = AICc.out, "Mod.avg.eff" = Mod.avg.out[,1], "" = Mod.avg.out[,2], "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower.CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper.CL, "Matrix.output" = predsOutMat) class(Mod.eff.list) <- c("modavgEffect", "list") return(Mod.eff.list) } ##rlm modavgEffect.AICrlm.lm <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, newdata, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, ...){ ##newdata is data frame with exact structure of the original data frame (same variable names and type) ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##check on newdata ##determine number of observations in new data set nobserv <- nrow(newdata) if(nobserv > 2) stop("\nCurrent maximum number of groups compared is 2:\nmodify newdata argument accordingly\n") ##determine number of columns in new data set ncolumns <- ncol(newdata) ##if only 1 column, add an additional column to avoid problems in computation if(ncolumns == 1) newdata$blank.fake.column.NAs <- NA ##determine which column varies uniques <- apply(X = newdata, MARGIN = 2, FUN = unique) lengths <- lapply(X = uniques, FUN = length) varies <- sapply(X = lengths, FUN = function(i) i > 1) ########################################## ##CHANGES: add case when only a single variable appears in data frame if(ncol(newdata) == 1) { varies <- 1 } ##add extractX to check that variables appearing in model also appear in data frame ##checkVariables <- extractX(cand.set) ##if(any(!checkVariables$predictors %in% names(newdata))) { ## stop("\nAll predictors must appear in the 'newdata' data frame\n") ##} ########################################## ##extract name of column if(sum(varies) == 1) { <- names(varies)[which(varies == TRUE)] ##determine name of groups compared group1 <- as.character(newdata[,paste(][1]) group2 <- as.character(newdata[,paste(][2]) } else { ##warn that no single variable defines groups warning("\nGroups do not seem to be defined by a single variable.\n Function proceeding with generic group names\n") ##use generic names <- "Groups" group1 <- "group 1" group2 <- "group 2" } ##number of models nmods <- length(modnames) ##compute fitted values fit <- matrix(data = unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata)$fit)), nrow = nmods, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) ##compute SE's on fitted values SE <- matrix(data = unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata)$, nrow = nmods, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) ##difference between groups differ <- fit[, 1] - fit[, 2] ##SE on difference SE.differ <- sqrt(SE[, 1]^2 + SE[, 2]^2) ##store AICc table AICctab <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) ##create object to hold Model-averaged estimates and unconditional SE's Mod.avg.out <- matrix(NA, nrow = 1, ncol = 2) ##colnames(Mod.avg.out) <- c("Mod.avg.diff", "Uncond.SE") ##begin loop - AICc if(second.ord == TRUE){ ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE AICctmp <- AICctab AICctmp$differ <- differ AICctmp$SE.differ <- SE.differ ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$differ) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICctmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICctmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2))) } ##store table AICc.out <- AICctmp } ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE - AIC if(second.ord==FALSE) { AICtmp <- AICctab AICtmp$differ <- differ AICtmp$SE.differ <- SE.differ ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$differ) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICtmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICtmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2))) } ##store table AICc.out <- AICtmp } ##indicate scale of predictions type <- "response" zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE) Lower.CL <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] - zcrit * Mod.avg.out[, 2] Upper.CL <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] + zcrit * Mod.avg.out[, 2] ##arrange in matrix predsOutMat <- matrix(data = c(Mod.avg.out[, 1], Mod.avg.out[, 2], Lower.CL, Upper.CL), nrow = 1, ncol = 4) colnames(predsOutMat) <- c("mod.avg.pred", "", "lower.CL", "upper.CL") rownames(predsOutMat) <- "effect.size" Mod.eff.list <- list("Group.variable" =, "Group1" = group1, "Group2" = group2, "Type" = type, "Mod.avg.table" = AICc.out, "Mod.avg.eff" = Mod.avg.out[,1], "" = Mod.avg.out[,2], "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower.CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper.CL, "Matrix.output" = predsOutMat) class(Mod.eff.list) <- c("modavgEffect", "list") return(Mod.eff.list) } ##survreg modavgEffect.AICsurvreg <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, newdata, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, type = "response", ...){ ##newdata is data frame with exact structure of the original data frame (same variable names and type) ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##check that distribution is the same for all models if(identical(type, "link")) { check.dist <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) i$dist) unique.dist <- unique(x = check.dist) if(length(unique.dist) > 1) stop("\nFunction does not support model-averaging effect size on link scale using different distributions\n") } ##determine number of observations in new data set nobserv <- nrow(newdata) if(nobserv > 2) stop("\nCurrent maximum number of groups compared is 2:\nmodify newdata argument accordingly\n") ##determine number of columns in new data set ncolumns <- ncol(newdata) ##if only 1 column, add an additional column to avoid problems in computation if(ncolumns == 1) newdata$blank.fake.column.NAs <- NA ##determine which column varies uniques <- apply(X = newdata, MARGIN = 2, FUN = unique) lengths <- lapply(X = uniques, FUN = length) varies <- sapply(X = lengths, FUN = function(i) i > 1) ########################################## ##CHANGES: add case when only a single variable appears in data frame if(ncol(newdata) == 1) { varies <- 1 } ##add extractX to check that variables appearing in model also appear in data frame ##checkVariables <- extractX(cand.set) ##if(any(!checkVariables$predictors %in% names(newdata))) { ## stop("\nAll predictors must appear in the 'newdata' data frame\n") ##} ########################################## ##extract name of column if(sum(varies) == 1) { <- names(varies)[which(varies == TRUE)] ##determine name of groups compared group1 <- as.character(newdata[,paste(][1]) group2 <- as.character(newdata[,paste(][2]) } else { ##warn that no single variable defines groups warning("\nGroups do not seem to be defined by a single variable.\n Function proceeding with generic group names\n") ##use generic names <- "Groups" group1 <- "group 1" group2 <- "group 2" } ##number of models nmods <- length(modnames) ##compute fitted values fit <- matrix(data = unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata, type = type)$fit)), nrow = nmods, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) ##compute SE's on fitted values SE <- matrix(data = unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata, type = type)$, nrow = nmods, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) ##difference between groups differ <- fit[, 1] - fit[, 2] ##SE on difference SE.differ <- sqrt(SE[, 1]^2 + SE[, 2]^2) ##store AICc table AICctab <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) #create object to hold Model-averaged estimates and unconditional SE's Mod.avg.out <- matrix(NA, nrow = 1, ncol = 2) ##colnames(Mod.avg.out) <- c("Mod.avg.diff", "Uncond.SE") ##begin loop - AICc if(second.ord == TRUE){ ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE AICctmp <- AICctab AICctmp$differ <- differ AICctmp$SE.differ <- SE.differ ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$differ) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICctmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICctmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2))) } ##store table AICc.out <- AICctmp } ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE - AIC if(second.ord==FALSE) { AICtmp <- AICctab AICtmp$differ <- differ AICtmp$SE.differ <- SE.differ ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$differ) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICtmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICtmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2))) } ##store table AICc.out <- AICtmp } zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE) Lower.CL <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] - zcrit * Mod.avg.out[, 2] Upper.CL <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] + zcrit * Mod.avg.out[, 2] ##arrange in matrix predsOutMat <- matrix(data = c(Mod.avg.out[, 1], Mod.avg.out[, 2], Lower.CL, Upper.CL), nrow = 1, ncol = 4) colnames(predsOutMat) <- c("mod.avg.pred", "", "lower.CL", "upper.CL") rownames(predsOutMat) <- "effect.size" Mod.eff.list <- list("Group.variable" =, "Group1" = group1, "Group2" = group2, "Type" = type, "Mod.avg.table" = AICc.out, "Mod.avg.eff" = Mod.avg.out[,1], "" = Mod.avg.out[,2], "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower.CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper.CL, "Matrix.output" = predsOutMat) class(Mod.eff.list) <- c("modavgEffect", "list") return(Mod.eff.list) } ##occu modavgEffect.AICunmarkedFitOccu <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, newdata, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, type = "response", c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...) { ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavgEffect for details\n")} ##rename values according to unmarked to extract from object ##psi if(identical(parm.type, "psi")) { parm.type1 <- "state"; <- "psi" } ##detect if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) {parm.type1 <- "det"; <- "p"} ################## ##extract link function <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$", parm.type1, "@invlink", sep = "")))) <- unique( <-[1] if(identical(type, "link")) { if(length( > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n", "with different link functions\n")} } ################## ##newdata is data frame with exact structure of the original data frame (same variable names and type) ##check on newdata ##determine number of observations in new data set nobserv <- nrow(newdata) if(nobserv > 2) stop("\nCurrent maximum number of groups compared is 2:\nmodify newdata argument accordingly\n") ##determine number of columns in new data set ncolumns <- ncol(newdata) ##if only 1 column, add an additional column to avoid problems in computation if(ncolumns == 1) newdata$blank.fake.column.NAs <- NA ##determine which column varies uniques <- apply(X = newdata, MARGIN = 2, FUN = unique) lengths <- lapply(X = uniques, FUN = length) varies <- sapply(X = lengths, FUN = function(i) i > 1) ########################################## ##CHANGES: add case when only a single variable appears in data frame if(ncol(newdata) == 1) { varies <- 1 } ##add extractX to check that variables appearing in model also appear in data frame ##checkVariables <- extractX(cand.set, parm.type = parm.type) ##if(any(!checkVariables$predictors %in% names(newdata))) { ## stop("\nAll predictors must appear in the 'newdata' data frame\n") ##} ########################################## ##extract name of column if(sum(varies) == 1) { <- names(varies)[which(varies == TRUE)] ##determine name of groups compared group1 <- as.character(newdata[,paste(][1]) group2 <- as.character(newdata[,paste(][2]) } else { ##warn that no single variable defines groups warning("\nGroups do not seem to be defined by a single variable.\n Function proceeding with generic group names\n") ##use generic names <- "Groups" group1 <- "group 1" group2 <- "group 2" } ##number of models nmods <- length(modnames) ##compute predicted values ##point estimate if(identical(type, "response")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- matrix(data = unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata, type = parm.type1)$Predicted)), nrow = nmods, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- matrix(data = unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata, type = parm.type1)$SE)), nrow = nmods, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) } ##link scale if(identical(type, "link")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- matrix(data = unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata, type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)), nrow = nmods, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- matrix(data = unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata, type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)), nrow = nmods, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) } ##difference between groups differ <- fit[, 1] - fit[, 2] ##SE on difference SE.differ <- sqrt(SE[, 1]^2 + SE[, 2]^2) ##store AICc table AICctab <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) ##create object to hold Model-averaged estimates and unconditional SE's Mod.avg.out <- matrix(NA, nrow = 1, ncol = 2) ##colnames(Mod.avg.out) <- c("Mod.avg.diff", "Uncond.SE") ##begin loop - AICc if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat == 1){ ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE AICctmp <- AICctab AICctmp$differ <- differ AICctmp$SE.differ <- SE.differ ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$differ) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICctmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICctmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2))) } ##store table AICc.out <- AICctmp } ##begin loop - QAICc if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat > 1){ ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE QAICctmp <- AICctab QAICctmp$differ <- differ QAICctmp$SE.differ <- SE.differ * sqrt(c.hat) ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*QAICctmp$differ) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*sqrt(QAICctmp$SE.differ^2 + (QAICctmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*(QAICctmp$SE.differ^2 + (QAICctmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2))) } ##store table AICc.out <- QAICctmp } ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE - AIC if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat == 1) { AICtmp <- AICctab AICtmp$differ <- differ AICtmp$SE.differ <- SE.differ ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$differ) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICtmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICtmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2))) } ##store table AICc.out <- AICtmp } ##begin loop - QAICc if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat > 1){ ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE QAICtmp <- AICctab QAICtmp$differ <- differ QAICtmp$SE.differ <- SE.differ* sqrt(c.hat) ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*QAICtmp$differ) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*sqrt(QAICtmp$SE.differ^2 + (QAICtmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*(QAICtmp$SE.differ^2 + (QAICtmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2))) } ##store table AICc.out <- QAICtmp } Group.variable <- paste(, "(",, ")") zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE) Lower.CL <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] - zcrit * Mod.avg.out[, 2] Upper.CL <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] + zcrit * Mod.avg.out[, 2] ##arrange in matrix predsOutMat <- matrix(data = c(Mod.avg.out[, 1], Mod.avg.out[, 2], Lower.CL, Upper.CL), nrow = 1, ncol = 4) colnames(predsOutMat) <- c("mod.avg.pred", "", "lower.CL", "upper.CL") rownames(predsOutMat) <- "effect.size" Mod.eff.list <- list("Group.variable" =, "Group1" = group1, "Group2" = group2, "Type" = type, "Mod.avg.table" = AICc.out, "Mod.avg.eff" = Mod.avg.out[,1], "" = Mod.avg.out[,2], "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower.CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper.CL, "Matrix.output" = predsOutMat) class(Mod.eff.list) <- c("modavgEffect", "list") return(Mod.eff.list) } ##colext modavgEffect.AICunmarkedFitColExt <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, newdata, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, type = "response", c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...) { ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavgEffect for details\n")} ##rename values according to unmarked to extract from object ##psi if(identical(parm.type, "psi")) { parm.type1 <- "psi"; <- "psi" } ##gamma if(identical(parm.type, "gamma")) { parm.type1 <- "col"; <- "col" } ##epsilon if(identical(parm.type, "epsilon")) { parm.type1 <- "ext"; <- "ext" } ##detect if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) {parm.type1 <- "det"; <- "p"} ################## ##extract link function <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$", parm.type1, "@invlink", sep = "")))) <- unique( <-[1] if(identical(type, "link")) { if(length( > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n", "with different link functions\n")} } ################## ##newdata is data frame with exact structure of the original data frame (same variable names and type) ##check on newdata ##determine number of observations in new data set nobserv <- nrow(newdata) if(nobserv > 2) stop("\nCurrent maximum number of groups compared is 2:\nmodify newdata argument accordingly\n") ##determine number of columns in new data set ncolumns <- ncol(newdata) ##if only 1 column, add an additional column to avoid problems in computation if(ncolumns == 1) newdata$blank.fake.column.NAs <- NA ##determine which column varies uniques <- apply(X = newdata, MARGIN = 2, FUN = unique) lengths <- lapply(X = uniques, FUN = length) varies <- sapply(X = lengths, FUN = function(i) i > 1) ########################################## ##CHANGES: add case when only a single variable appears in data frame if(ncol(newdata) == 1) { varies <- 1 } ##add extractX to check that variables appearing in model also appear in data frame ##checkVariables <- extractX(cand.set, parm.type = parm.type) ##if(any(!checkVariables$predictors %in% names(newdata))) { ## stop("\nAll predictors must appear in the 'newdata' data frame\n") ##} ########################################## ##extract name of column if(sum(varies) == 1) { <- names(varies)[which(varies == TRUE)] ##determine name of groups compared group1 <- as.character(newdata[,paste(][1]) group2 <- as.character(newdata[,paste(][2]) } else { ##warn that no single variable defines groups warning("\nGroups do not seem to be defined by a single variable.\n Function proceeding with generic group names\n") ##use generic names <- "Groups" group1 <- "group 1" group2 <- "group 2" } ##number of models nmods <- length(modnames) ##compute predicted values ##point estimate if(identical(type, "response")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- matrix(data = unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata, type = parm.type1)$Predicted)), nrow = nmods, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- matrix(data = unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata, type = parm.type1)$SE)), nrow = nmods, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) } ##link scale if(identical(type, "link")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- matrix(data = unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata, type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)), nrow = nmods, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- matrix(data = unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata, type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)), nrow = nmods, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) } ##difference between groups differ <- fit[, 1] - fit[, 2] ##SE on difference SE.differ <- sqrt(SE[, 1]^2 + SE[, 2]^2) ##store AICc table AICctab <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) ##create object to hold Model-averaged estimates and unconditional SE's Mod.avg.out <- matrix(NA, nrow = 1, ncol = 2) ##colnames(Mod.avg.out) <- c("Mod.avg.diff", "Uncond.SE") ##begin loop - AICc if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat == 1){ ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE AICctmp <- AICctab AICctmp$differ <- differ AICctmp$SE.differ <- SE.differ ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$differ) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICctmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICctmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2))) } ##store table AICc.out <- AICctmp } ##begin loop - QAICc if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat > 1){ ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE QAICctmp <- AICctab QAICctmp$differ <- differ QAICctmp$SE.differ <- SE.differ * sqrt(c.hat) ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*QAICctmp$differ) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*sqrt(QAICctmp$SE.differ^2 + (QAICctmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*(QAICctmp$SE.differ^2 + (QAICctmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2))) } ##store table AICc.out <- QAICctmp } ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE - AIC if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat == 1) { AICtmp <- AICctab AICtmp$differ <- differ AICtmp$SE.differ <- SE.differ ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$differ) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICtmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICtmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2))) } ##store table AICc.out <- AICtmp } ##begin loop - QAICc if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat > 1){ ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE QAICtmp <- AICctab QAICtmp$differ <- differ QAICtmp$SE.differ <- SE.differ* sqrt(c.hat) ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*QAICtmp$differ) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*sqrt(QAICtmp$SE.differ^2 + (QAICtmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*(QAICtmp$SE.differ^2 + (QAICtmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2))) } ##store table AICc.out <- QAICtmp } Group.variable <- paste(, "(",, ")") zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE) Lower.CL <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] - zcrit * Mod.avg.out[, 2] Upper.CL <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] + zcrit * Mod.avg.out[, 2] ##arrange in matrix predsOutMat <- matrix(data = c(Mod.avg.out[, 1], Mod.avg.out[, 2], Lower.CL, Upper.CL), nrow = 1, ncol = 4) colnames(predsOutMat) <- c("mod.avg.pred", "", "lower.CL", "upper.CL") rownames(predsOutMat) <- "effect.size" Mod.eff.list <- list("Group.variable" =, "Group1" = group1, "Group2" = group2, "Type" = type, "Mod.avg.table" = AICc.out, "Mod.avg.eff" = Mod.avg.out[,1], "" = Mod.avg.out[,2], "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower.CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper.CL, "Matrix.output" = predsOutMat) class(Mod.eff.list) <- c("modavgEffect", "list") return(Mod.eff.list) } ##occuRN modavgEffect.AICunmarkedFitOccuRN <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, newdata, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, type = "response", c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...) { ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavgEffect for details\n")} ##rename values according to unmarked to extract from object ##lambda if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) { parm.type1 <- "state"; <- "lam" } ##detect if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) {parm.type1 <- "det"; <- "p"} ################## ##extract link function <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$", parm.type1, "@invlink", sep = "")))) <- unique( <-[1] if(identical(type, "link")) { if(length( > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n", "with different link functions\n")} } ################## ##newdata is data frame with exact structure of the original data frame (same variable names and type) ##check on newdata ##determine number of observations in new data set nobserv <- nrow(newdata) if(nobserv > 2) stop("\nCurrent maximum number of groups compared is 2:\nmodify newdata argument accordingly\n") ##determine number of columns in new data set ncolumns <- ncol(newdata) ##if only 1 column, add an additional column to avoid problems in computation if(ncolumns == 1) newdata$blank.fake.column.NAs <- NA ##determine which column varies uniques <- apply(X = newdata, MARGIN = 2, FUN = unique) lengths <- lapply(X = uniques, FUN = length) varies <- sapply(X = lengths, FUN = function(i) i > 1) ########################################## ##CHANGES: add case when only a single variable appears in data frame if(ncol(newdata) == 1) { varies <- 1 } ##add extractX to check that variables appearing in model also appear in data frame ##checkVariables <- extractX(cand.set, parm.type = parm.type) ##if(any(!checkVariables$predictors %in% names(newdata))) { ## stop("\nAll predictors must appear in the 'newdata' data frame\n") ##} ########################################## ##extract name of column if(sum(varies) == 1) { <- names(varies)[which(varies == TRUE)] ##determine name of groups compared group1 <- as.character(newdata[,paste(][1]) group2 <- as.character(newdata[,paste(][2]) } else { ##warn that no single variable defines groups warning("\nGroups do not seem to be defined by a single variable.\n Function proceeding with generic group names\n") ##use generic names <- "Groups" group1 <- "group 1" group2 <- "group 2" } ##number of models nmods <- length(modnames) ##compute predicted values ##point estimate if(identical(type, "response")) { fit <- matrix(data = unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata, type = parm.type1)$Predicted)), nrow = nmods, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- matrix(data = unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata, type = parm.type1)$SE)), nrow = nmods, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) } ##link scale if(identical(type, "link")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- matrix(data = unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata, type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)), nrow = nmods, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- matrix(data = unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata, type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)), nrow = nmods, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) } ##difference between groups differ <- fit[, 1] - fit[, 2] ##SE on difference SE.differ <- sqrt(SE[, 1]^2 + SE[, 2]^2) ##store AICc table AICctab <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) ##create object to hold Model-averaged estimates and unconditional SE's Mod.avg.out <- matrix(NA, nrow = 1, ncol = 2) ##colnames(Mod.avg.out) <- c("Mod.avg.diff", "Uncond.SE") ##begin loop - AICc if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat == 1){ ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE AICctmp <- AICctab AICctmp$differ <- differ AICctmp$SE.differ <- SE.differ ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$differ) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICctmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICctmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2))) } ##store table AICc.out <- AICctmp } ##begin loop - QAICc if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat > 1){ ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE QAICctmp <- AICctab QAICctmp$differ <- differ QAICctmp$SE.differ <- SE.differ * sqrt(c.hat) ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*QAICctmp$differ) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*sqrt(QAICctmp$SE.differ^2 + (QAICctmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*(QAICctmp$SE.differ^2 + (QAICctmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2))) } ##store table AICc.out <- QAICctmp } ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE - AIC if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat == 1) { AICtmp <- AICctab AICtmp$differ <- differ AICtmp$SE.differ <- SE.differ ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$differ) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICtmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICtmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2))) } ##store table AICc.out <- AICtmp } ##begin loop - QAICc if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat > 1){ ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE QAICtmp <- AICctab QAICtmp$differ <- differ QAICtmp$SE.differ <- SE.differ* sqrt(c.hat) ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*QAICtmp$differ) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*sqrt(QAICtmp$SE.differ^2 + (QAICtmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*(QAICtmp$SE.differ^2 + (QAICtmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2))) } ##store table AICc.out <- QAICtmp } Group.variable <- paste(, "(",, ")") zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE) Lower.CL <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] - zcrit * Mod.avg.out[, 2] Upper.CL <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] + zcrit * Mod.avg.out[, 2] ##arrange in matrix predsOutMat <- matrix(data = c(Mod.avg.out[, 1], Mod.avg.out[, 2], Lower.CL, Upper.CL), nrow = 1, ncol = 4) colnames(predsOutMat) <- c("mod.avg.pred", "", "lower.CL", "upper.CL") rownames(predsOutMat) <- "effect.size" Mod.eff.list <- list("Group.variable" =, "Group1" = group1, "Group2" = group2, "Type" = type, "Mod.avg.table" = AICc.out, "Mod.avg.eff" = Mod.avg.out[,1], "" = Mod.avg.out[,2], "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower.CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper.CL, "Matrix.output" = predsOutMat) class(Mod.eff.list) <- c("modavgEffect", "list") return(Mod.eff.list) } ##pcount modavgEffect.AICunmarkedFitPCount <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, newdata, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, type = "response", c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...) { ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavgEffect for details\n")} ##rename values according to unmarked to extract from object ##lambda if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) { parm.type1 <- "state"; <- "lam" ##check mixture type for mixture models mixture.type <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@mixture) unique.mixture <- unique(mixture.type) } ##detect if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) {parm.type1 <- "det"; <- "p"} ################## ##extract link function <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$", parm.type1, "@invlink", sep = "")))) <- unique( <-[1] if(identical(type, "link")) { if(length( > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n", "with different link functions\n")} } ################## ##newdata is data frame with exact structure of the original data frame (same variable names and type) ##check on newdata ##determine number of observations in new data set nobserv <- nrow(newdata) if(nobserv > 2) stop("\nCurrent maximum number of groups compared is 2:\nmodify newdata argument accordingly\n") ##determine number of columns in new data set ncolumns <- ncol(newdata) ##if only 1 column, add an additional column to avoid problems in computation if(ncolumns == 1) newdata$blank.fake.column.NAs <- NA ##determine which column varies uniques <- apply(X = newdata, MARGIN = 2, FUN = unique) lengths <- lapply(X = uniques, FUN = length) varies <- sapply(X = lengths, FUN = function(i) i > 1) ########################################## ##CHANGES: add case when only a single variable appears in data frame if(ncol(newdata) == 1) { varies <- 1 } ##add extractX to check that variables appearing in model also appear in data frame ##checkVariables <- extractX(cand.set, parm.type = parm.type) ##if(any(!checkVariables$predictors %in% names(newdata))) { ## stop("\nAll predictors must appear in the 'newdata' data frame\n") ##} ########################################## ##extract name of column if(sum(varies) == 1) { <- names(varies)[which(varies == TRUE)] ##determine name of groups compared group1 <- as.character(newdata[,paste(][1]) group2 <- as.character(newdata[,paste(][2]) } else { ##warn that no single variable defines groups warning("\nGroups do not seem to be defined by a single variable.\n Function proceeding with generic group names\n") ##use generic names <- "Groups" group1 <- "group 1" group2 <- "group 2" } ##number of models nmods <- length(modnames) ##compute predicted values ##point estimate if(identical(type, "response")) { fit <- matrix(data = unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata, type = parm.type1)$Predicted)), nrow = nmods, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- matrix(data = unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata, type = parm.type1)$SE)), nrow = nmods, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) } ##link scale if(identical(type, "link")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- matrix(data = unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata, type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)), nrow = nmods, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- matrix(data = unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata, type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)), nrow = nmods, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) } ##difference between groups differ <- fit[, 1] - fit[, 2] ##SE on difference SE.differ <- sqrt(SE[, 1]^2 + SE[, 2]^2) ##store AICc table AICctab <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) ##create object to hold Model-averaged estimates and unconditional SE's Mod.avg.out <- matrix(NA, nrow = 1, ncol = 2) ##colnames(Mod.avg.out) <- c("Mod.avg.diff", "Uncond.SE") ##begin loop - AICc if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat == 1){ ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE AICctmp <- AICctab AICctmp$differ <- differ AICctmp$SE.differ <- SE.differ ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$differ) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICctmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICctmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2))) } ##store table AICc.out <- AICctmp } ##begin loop - QAICc if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat > 1){ ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE QAICctmp <- AICctab QAICctmp$differ <- differ QAICctmp$SE.differ <- SE.differ * sqrt(c.hat) ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*QAICctmp$differ) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*sqrt(QAICctmp$SE.differ^2 + (QAICctmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*(QAICctmp$SE.differ^2 + (QAICctmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2))) } ##store table AICc.out <- QAICctmp } ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE - AIC if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat == 1) { AICtmp <- AICctab AICtmp$differ <- differ AICtmp$SE.differ <- SE.differ ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$differ) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICtmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICtmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2))) } ##store table AICc.out <- AICtmp } ##begin loop - QAICc if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat > 1){ ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE QAICtmp <- AICctab QAICtmp$differ <- differ QAICtmp$SE.differ <- SE.differ* sqrt(c.hat) ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*QAICtmp$differ) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*sqrt(QAICtmp$SE.differ^2 + (QAICtmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*(QAICtmp$SE.differ^2 + (QAICtmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2))) } ##store table AICc.out <- QAICtmp } Group.variable <- paste(, "(",, ")") zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE) Lower.CL <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] - zcrit * Mod.avg.out[, 2] Upper.CL <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] + zcrit * Mod.avg.out[, 2] ##arrange in matrix predsOutMat <- matrix(data = c(Mod.avg.out[, 1], Mod.avg.out[, 2], Lower.CL, Upper.CL), nrow = 1, ncol = 4) colnames(predsOutMat) <- c("mod.avg.pred", "", "lower.CL", "upper.CL") rownames(predsOutMat) <- "effect.size" Mod.eff.list <- list("Group.variable" =, "Group1" = group1, "Group2" = group2, "Type" = type, "Mod.avg.table" = AICc.out, "Mod.avg.eff" = Mod.avg.out[,1], "" = Mod.avg.out[,2], "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower.CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper.CL, "Matrix.output" = predsOutMat) class(Mod.eff.list) <- c("modavgEffect", "list") return(Mod.eff.list) } ##unmarkedFitPCO modavgEffect.AICunmarkedFitPCO <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, newdata, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, type = "response", c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...) { ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavgEffect for details\n")} ##rename values according to unmarked to extract from object ##gamma if(identical(parm.type, "gamma")) { parm.type1 <- "gamma"; <- "gam" } ##lambda if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) { parm.type1 <- "lambda"; <- "lam" ##check mixture type for mixture models mixture.type <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@mixture) unique.mixture <- unique(mixture.type) if(length(unique.mixture) > 1) { if(any(unique.mixture == "ZIP")) stop("\nThis function does not yet support mixing ZIP with other distributions\n") } else { <- unique(mixture.type) if(identical(unique.mixture, "ZIP")) { if(identical(type, "link")) stop("\nLink scale not yet supported for ZIP mixtures\n") } } } ##omega if(identical(parm.type, "omega")) { parm.type1 <- "omega"; <- "omega" } ##iota (for immigration = TRUE with dynamics = "autoreg", "trend", "ricker", or "gompertz") if(identical(parm.type, "iota")) { parm.type1 <- "iota"; <- "iota" ##check that parameter appears in all models parfreq <- sum(sapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) any(names(i@estimates@estimates) == parm.type1))) if(!identical(length(cand.set), parfreq)) { stop("\nParameter \'", parm.type1, "\' (parm.type = \"", parm.type, "\") does not appear in all models:", "\ncannot compute model-averaged effect size across all models\n") } } ##detect if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) {parm.type1 <- "det"; <- "p"} ################## ##extract link function <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$", parm.type1, "@invlink", sep = "")))) <- unique( <-[1] if(identical(type, "link")) { if(length( > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n", "with different link functions\n")} } ################## ##newdata is data frame with exact structure of the original data frame (same variable names and type) ##check on newdata ##determine number of observations in new data set nobserv <- nrow(newdata) if(nobserv > 2) stop("\nCurrent maximum number of groups compared is 2:\nmodify newdata argument accordingly\n") ##determine number of columns in new data set ncolumns <- ncol(newdata) ##if only 1 column, add an additional column to avoid problems in computation if(ncolumns == 1) newdata$blank.fake.column.NAs <- NA ##determine which column varies uniques <- apply(X = newdata, MARGIN = 2, FUN = unique) lengths <- lapply(X = uniques, FUN = length) varies <- sapply(X = lengths, FUN = function(i) i > 1) ########################################## ##CHANGES: add case when only a single variable appears in data frame if(ncol(newdata) == 1) { varies <- 1 } ##add extractX to check that variables appearing in model also appear in data frame ##checkVariables <- extractX(cand.set, parm.type = parm.type) ##if(any(!checkVariables$predictors %in% names(newdata))) { ## stop("\nAll predictors must appear in the 'newdata' data frame\n") ##} ########################################## ##extract name of column if(sum(varies) == 1) { <- names(varies)[which(varies == TRUE)] ##determine name of groups compared group1 <- as.character(newdata[,paste(][1]) group2 <- as.character(newdata[,paste(][2]) } else { ##warn that no single variable defines groups warning("\nGroups do not seem to be defined by a single variable.\n Function proceeding with generic group names\n") ##use generic names <- "Groups" group1 <- "group 1" group2 <- "group 2" } ##number of models nmods <- length(modnames) ##compute predicted values ##point estimate if(identical(type, "response")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs if(identical(parm.type, "lambda") && identical(, "ZIP")) { fit <- matrix(data = unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predictSE(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata)$fit)), nrow = nmods, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) SE <- matrix(data = unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predictSE(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata)$, nrow = nmods, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) } else { fit <- matrix(data = unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata, type = parm.type1)$Predicted)), nrow = nmods, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- matrix(data = unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata, type = parm.type1)$SE)), nrow = nmods, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) } } ##link scale if(identical(type, "link")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- matrix(data = unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata, type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)), nrow = nmods, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- matrix(data = unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata, type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)), nrow = nmods, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) } ##difference between groups differ <- fit[, 1] - fit[, 2] ##SE on difference SE.differ <- sqrt(SE[, 1]^2 + SE[, 2]^2) ##store AICc table AICctab <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) ##create object to hold Model-averaged estimates and unconditional SE's Mod.avg.out <- matrix(NA, nrow = 1, ncol = 2) ##colnames(Mod.avg.out) <- c("Mod.avg.diff", "Uncond.SE") ##begin loop - AICc if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat == 1){ ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE AICctmp <- AICctab AICctmp$differ <- differ AICctmp$SE.differ <- SE.differ ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$differ) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICctmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICctmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2))) } ##store table AICc.out <- AICctmp } ##begin loop - QAICc if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat > 1){ ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE QAICctmp <- AICctab QAICctmp$differ <- differ QAICctmp$SE.differ <- SE.differ * sqrt(c.hat) ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*QAICctmp$differ) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*sqrt(QAICctmp$SE.differ^2 + (QAICctmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*(QAICctmp$SE.differ^2 + (QAICctmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2))) } ##store table AICc.out <- QAICctmp } ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE - AIC if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat == 1) { AICtmp <- AICctab AICtmp$differ <- differ AICtmp$SE.differ <- SE.differ ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$differ) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICtmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICtmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2))) } ##store table AICc.out <- AICtmp } ##begin loop - QAICc if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat > 1){ ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE QAICtmp <- AICctab QAICtmp$differ <- differ QAICtmp$SE.differ <- SE.differ* sqrt(c.hat) ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*QAICtmp$differ) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*sqrt(QAICtmp$SE.differ^2 + (QAICtmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*(QAICtmp$SE.differ^2 + (QAICtmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2))) } ##store table AICc.out <- QAICtmp } Group.variable <- paste(, "(",, ")") zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE) Lower.CL <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] - zcrit * Mod.avg.out[, 2] Upper.CL <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] + zcrit * Mod.avg.out[, 2] ##arrange in matrix predsOutMat <- matrix(data = c(Mod.avg.out[, 1], Mod.avg.out[, 2], Lower.CL, Upper.CL), nrow = 1, ncol = 4) colnames(predsOutMat) <- c("mod.avg.pred", "", "lower.CL", "upper.CL") rownames(predsOutMat) <- "effect.size" Mod.eff.list <- list("Group.variable" =, "Group1" = group1, "Group2" = group2, "Type" = type, "Mod.avg.table" = AICc.out, "Mod.avg.eff" = Mod.avg.out[,1], "" = Mod.avg.out[,2], "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower.CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper.CL, "Matrix.output" = predsOutMat) class(Mod.eff.list) <- c("modavgEffect", "list") return(Mod.eff.list) } ##DS modavgEffect.AICunmarkedFitDS <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, newdata, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, type = "response", c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...) { ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavgEffect for details\n")} ##rename values according to unmarked to extract from object ##lambda if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) { parm.type1 <- "state"; <- "lam" ##check mixture type for mixture models } ##detect if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) { parm.type1 <- "det"; <- "p" ##check for key function used keyid <- unique(sapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@keyfun)) if(any(keyid == "uniform")) stop("\nDetection parameter not found in some models\n") } ################## ##extract link function <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$", parm.type1, "@invlink", sep = "")))) <- unique( <-[1] if(identical(type, "link")) { if(length( > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n", "with different link functions\n")} } ################## ##newdata is data frame with exact structure of the original data frame (same variable names and type) ##check on newdata ##determine number of observations in new data set nobserv <- nrow(newdata) if(nobserv > 2) stop("\nCurrent maximum number of groups compared is 2:\nmodify newdata argument accordingly\n") ##determine number of columns in new data set ncolumns <- ncol(newdata) ##if only 1 column, add an additional column to avoid problems in computation if(ncolumns == 1) newdata$blank.fake.column.NAs <- NA ##determine which column varies uniques <- apply(X = newdata, MARGIN = 2, FUN = unique) lengths <- lapply(X = uniques, FUN = length) varies <- sapply(X = lengths, FUN = function(i) i > 1) ########################################## ##CHANGES: add case when only a single variable appears in data frame if(ncol(newdata) == 1) { varies <- 1 } ##add extractX to check that variables appearing in model also appear in data frame ##checkVariables <- extractX(cand.set, parm.type = parm.type) ##if(any(!checkVariables$predictors %in% names(newdata))) { ## stop("\nAll predictors must appear in the 'newdata' data frame\n") ##} ########################################## ##extract name of column if(sum(varies) == 1) { <- names(varies)[which(varies == TRUE)] ##determine name of groups compared group1 <- as.character(newdata[,paste(][1]) group2 <- as.character(newdata[,paste(][2]) } else { ##warn that no single variable defines groups warning("\nGroups do not seem to be defined by a single variable.\n Function proceeding with generic group names\n") ##use generic names <- "Groups" group1 <- "group 1" group2 <- "group 2" } ##number of models nmods <- length(modnames) ##compute predicted values ##point estimate if(identical(type, "response")) { fit <- matrix(data = unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata, type = parm.type1)$Predicted)), nrow = nmods, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- matrix(data = unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata, type = parm.type1)$SE)), nrow = nmods, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) } ##link scale if(identical(type, "link")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- matrix(data = unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata, type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)), nrow = nmods, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- matrix(data = unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata, type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)), nrow = nmods, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) } ##difference between groups differ <- fit[, 1] - fit[, 2] ##SE on difference SE.differ <- sqrt(SE[, 1]^2 + SE[, 2]^2) ##store AICc table AICctab <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) ##create object to hold Model-averaged estimates and unconditional SE's Mod.avg.out <- matrix(NA, nrow = 1, ncol = 2) ##colnames(Mod.avg.out) <- c("Mod.avg.diff", "Uncond.SE") ##begin loop - AICc if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat == 1){ ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE AICctmp <- AICctab AICctmp$differ <- differ AICctmp$SE.differ <- SE.differ ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$differ) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICctmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICctmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2))) } ##store table AICc.out <- AICctmp } ##begin loop - QAICc if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat > 1){ ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE QAICctmp <- AICctab QAICctmp$differ <- differ QAICctmp$SE.differ <- SE.differ * sqrt(c.hat) ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*QAICctmp$differ) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*sqrt(QAICctmp$SE.differ^2 + (QAICctmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*(QAICctmp$SE.differ^2 + (QAICctmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2))) } ##store table AICc.out <- QAICctmp } ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE - AIC if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat == 1) { AICtmp <- AICctab AICtmp$differ <- differ AICtmp$SE.differ <- SE.differ ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$differ) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICtmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICtmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2))) } ##store table AICc.out <- AICtmp } ##begin loop - QAICc if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat > 1){ ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE QAICtmp <- AICctab QAICtmp$differ <- differ QAICtmp$SE.differ <- SE.differ* sqrt(c.hat) ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*QAICtmp$differ) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*sqrt(QAICtmp$SE.differ^2 + (QAICtmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*(QAICtmp$SE.differ^2 + (QAICtmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2))) } ##store table AICc.out <- QAICtmp } Group.variable <- paste(, "(",, ")") zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE) Lower.CL <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] - zcrit * Mod.avg.out[, 2] Upper.CL <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] + zcrit * Mod.avg.out[, 2] ##arrange in matrix predsOutMat <- matrix(data = c(Mod.avg.out[, 1], Mod.avg.out[, 2], Lower.CL, Upper.CL), nrow = 1, ncol = 4) colnames(predsOutMat) <- c("mod.avg.pred", "", "lower.CL", "upper.CL") rownames(predsOutMat) <- "effect.size" Mod.eff.list <- list("Group.variable" =, "Group1" = group1, "Group2" = group2, "Type" = type, "Mod.avg.table" = AICc.out, "Mod.avg.eff" = Mod.avg.out[,1], "" = Mod.avg.out[,2], "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower.CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper.CL, "Matrix.output" = predsOutMat) class(Mod.eff.list) <- c("modavgEffect", "list") return(Mod.eff.list) } ##gdistsamp modavgEffect.AICunmarkedFitGDS <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, newdata, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, type = "response", c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...) { ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavgEffect for details\n")} ##rename values according to unmarked to extract from object ##lambda if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) { parm.type1 <- "lambda"; <- "lam" } ##detect if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) { parm.type1 <- "det"; <- "p" ##check for key function used keyid <- unique(sapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@keyfun)) if(any(keyid == "uniform")) stop("\nDetection parameter not found in some models\n") } ##availability if(identical(parm.type, "phi")) {parm.type1 <- "phi"; <- "phi"} ################## ##extract link function <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$", parm.type1, "@invlink", sep = "")))) <- unique( <-[1] if(identical(type, "link")) { if(length( > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n", "with different link functions\n")} } ################## ##newdata is data frame with exact structure of the original data frame (same variable names and type) ##check on newdata ##determine number of observations in new data set nobserv <- nrow(newdata) if(nobserv > 2) stop("\nCurrent maximum number of groups compared is 2:\nmodify newdata argument accordingly\n") ##determine number of columns in new data set ncolumns <- ncol(newdata) ##if only 1 column, add an additional column to avoid problems in computation if(ncolumns == 1) newdata$blank.fake.column.NAs <- NA ##determine which column varies uniques <- apply(X = newdata, MARGIN = 2, FUN = unique) lengths <- lapply(X = uniques, FUN = length) varies <- sapply(X = lengths, FUN = function(i) i > 1) ########################################## ##CHANGES: add case when only a single variable appears in data frame if(ncol(newdata) == 1) { varies <- 1 } ##add extractX to check that variables appearing in model also appear in data frame ##checkVariables <- extractX(cand.set, parm.type = parm.type) ##if(any(!checkVariables$predictors %in% names(newdata))) { ## stop("\nAll predictors must appear in the 'newdata' data frame\n") ##} ########################################## ##extract name of column if(sum(varies) == 1) { <- names(varies)[which(varies == TRUE)] ##determine name of groups compared group1 <- as.character(newdata[,paste(][1]) group2 <- as.character(newdata[,paste(][2]) } else { ##warn that no single variable defines groups warning("\nGroups do not seem to be defined by a single variable.\n Function proceeding with generic group names\n") ##use generic names <- "Groups" group1 <- "group 1" group2 <- "group 2" } ##number of models nmods <- length(modnames) ##compute predicted values ##point estimate if(identical(type, "response")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- matrix(data = unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata, type = parm.type1)$Predicted)), nrow = nmods, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- matrix(data = unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata, type = parm.type1)$SE)), nrow = nmods, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) } ##link scale if(identical(type, "link")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- matrix(data = unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata, type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)), nrow = nmods, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- matrix(data = unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata, type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)), nrow = nmods, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) } ##difference between groups differ <- fit[, 1] - fit[, 2] ##SE on difference SE.differ <- sqrt(SE[, 1]^2 + SE[, 2]^2) ##store AICc table AICctab <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) ##create object to hold Model-averaged estimates and unconditional SE's Mod.avg.out <- matrix(NA, nrow = 1, ncol = 2) ##colnames(Mod.avg.out) <- c("Mod.avg.diff", "Uncond.SE") ##begin loop - AICc if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat == 1){ ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE AICctmp <- AICctab AICctmp$differ <- differ AICctmp$SE.differ <- SE.differ ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$differ) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICctmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICctmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2))) } ##store table AICc.out <- AICctmp } ##begin loop - QAICc if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat > 1){ ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE QAICctmp <- AICctab QAICctmp$differ <- differ QAICctmp$SE.differ <- SE.differ * sqrt(c.hat) ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*QAICctmp$differ) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*sqrt(QAICctmp$SE.differ^2 + (QAICctmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*(QAICctmp$SE.differ^2 + (QAICctmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2))) } ##store table AICc.out <- QAICctmp } ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE - AIC if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat == 1) { AICtmp <- AICctab AICtmp$differ <- differ AICtmp$SE.differ <- SE.differ ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$differ) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICtmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICtmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2))) } ##store table AICc.out <- AICtmp } ##begin loop - QAICc if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat > 1){ ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE QAICtmp <- AICctab QAICtmp$differ <- differ QAICtmp$SE.differ <- SE.differ* sqrt(c.hat) ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*QAICtmp$differ) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*sqrt(QAICtmp$SE.differ^2 + (QAICtmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*(QAICtmp$SE.differ^2 + (QAICtmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2))) } ##store table AICc.out <- QAICtmp } Group.variable <- paste(, "(",, ")") zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE) Lower.CL <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] - zcrit * Mod.avg.out[, 2] Upper.CL <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] + zcrit * Mod.avg.out[, 2] ##arrange in matrix predsOutMat <- matrix(data = c(Mod.avg.out[, 1], Mod.avg.out[, 2], Lower.CL, Upper.CL), nrow = 1, ncol = 4) colnames(predsOutMat) <- c("mod.avg.pred", "", "lower.CL", "upper.CL") rownames(predsOutMat) <- "effect.size" Mod.eff.list <- list("Group.variable" =, "Group1" = group1, "Group2" = group2, "Type" = type, "Mod.avg.table" = AICc.out, "Mod.avg.eff" = Mod.avg.out[,1], "" = Mod.avg.out[,2], "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower.CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper.CL, "Matrix.output" = predsOutMat) class(Mod.eff.list) <- c("modavgEffect", "list") return(Mod.eff.list) } ##occuFP modavgEffect.AICunmarkedFitOccuFP <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, newdata, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, type = "response", c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...) { ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavgEffect for details\n")} ##rename values according to unmarked to extract from object ##psi if(identical(parm.type, "psi")) { parm.type1 <- "state"; <- "psi" } ##detect if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) {parm.type1 <- "det"; <- "p"} ##false positives if(identical(parm.type, "falsepos") || identical(parm.type, "fp")) {parm.type1 <- "fp"; <- "fp"} ##certain detections if(identical(parm.type, "certain")) { parm.type1 <- "b"; <- "b" ##check that parameter appears in all models parfreq <- sum(sapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) any(names(i@estimates@estimates) == parm.type1))) if(!identical(length(cand.set), parfreq)) { stop("\nParameter \'", parm.type1, "\' (parm.type = \"", parm.type, "\") does not appear in all models:", "\ncannot compute model-averaged effect size across all models\n") } } ################## ##extract link function <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$", parm.type1, "@invlink", sep = "")))) <- unique( <-[1] if(identical(type, "link")) { if(length( > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n", "with different link functions\n")} } ################## ##newdata is data frame with exact structure of the original data frame (same variable names and type) ##check on newdata ##determine number of observations in new data set nobserv <- nrow(newdata) if(nobserv > 2) stop("\nCurrent maximum number of groups compared is 2:\nmodify newdata argument accordingly\n") ##determine number of columns in new data set ncolumns <- ncol(newdata) ##if only 1 column, add an additional column to avoid problems in computation if(ncolumns == 1) newdata$blank.fake.column.NAs <- NA ##determine which column varies uniques <- apply(X = newdata, MARGIN = 2, FUN = unique) lengths <- lapply(X = uniques, FUN = length) varies <- sapply(X = lengths, FUN = function(i) i > 1) ########################################## ##CHANGES: add case when only a single variable appears in data frame if(ncol(newdata) == 1) { varies <- 1 } ##add extractX to check that variables appearing in model also appear in data frame ##checkVariables <- extractX(cand.set, parm.type = parm.type) ##if(any(!checkVariables$predictors %in% names(newdata))) { ## stop("\nAll predictors must appear in the 'newdata' data frame\n") ##} ########################################## ##extract name of column if(sum(varies) == 1) { <- names(varies)[which(varies == TRUE)] ##determine name of groups compared group1 <- as.character(newdata[,paste(][1]) group2 <- as.character(newdata[,paste(][2]) } else { ##warn that no single variable defines groups warning("\nGroups do not seem to be defined by a single variable.\n Function proceeding with generic group names\n") ##use generic names <- "Groups" group1 <- "group 1" group2 <- "group 2" } ##number of models nmods <- length(modnames) ##compute predicted values ##point estimate if(identical(type, "response")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- matrix(data = unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata, type = parm.type1)$Predicted)), nrow = nmods, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- matrix(data = unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata, type = parm.type1)$SE)), nrow = nmods, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) } ##link scale if(identical(type, "link")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- matrix(data = unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata, type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)), nrow = nmods, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- matrix(data = unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata, type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)), nrow = nmods, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) } ##difference between groups differ <- fit[, 1] - fit[, 2] ##SE on difference SE.differ <- sqrt(SE[, 1]^2 + SE[, 2]^2) ##store AICc table AICctab <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) ##create object to hold Model-averaged estimates and unconditional SE's Mod.avg.out <- matrix(NA, nrow = 1, ncol = 2) ##colnames(Mod.avg.out) <- c("Mod.avg.diff", "Uncond.SE") ##begin loop - AICc if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat == 1){ ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE AICctmp <- AICctab AICctmp$differ <- differ AICctmp$SE.differ <- SE.differ ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$differ) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICctmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICctmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2))) } ##store table AICc.out <- AICctmp } ##begin loop - QAICc if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat > 1){ ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE QAICctmp <- AICctab QAICctmp$differ <- differ QAICctmp$SE.differ <- SE.differ * sqrt(c.hat) ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*QAICctmp$differ) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*sqrt(QAICctmp$SE.differ^2 + (QAICctmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*(QAICctmp$SE.differ^2 + (QAICctmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2))) } ##store table AICc.out <- QAICctmp } ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE - AIC if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat == 1) { AICtmp <- AICctab AICtmp$differ <- differ AICtmp$SE.differ <- SE.differ ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$differ) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICtmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICtmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2))) } ##store table AICc.out <- AICtmp } ##begin loop - QAICc if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat > 1){ ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE QAICtmp <- AICctab QAICtmp$differ <- differ QAICtmp$SE.differ <- SE.differ* sqrt(c.hat) ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*QAICtmp$differ) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*sqrt(QAICtmp$SE.differ^2 + (QAICtmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*(QAICtmp$SE.differ^2 + (QAICtmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2))) } ##store table AICc.out <- QAICtmp } Group.variable <- paste(, "(",, ")") zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE) Lower.CL <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] - zcrit * Mod.avg.out[, 2] Upper.CL <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] + zcrit * Mod.avg.out[, 2] ##arrange in matrix predsOutMat <- matrix(data = c(Mod.avg.out[, 1], Mod.avg.out[, 2], Lower.CL, Upper.CL), nrow = 1, ncol = 4) colnames(predsOutMat) <- c("mod.avg.pred", "", "lower.CL", "upper.CL") rownames(predsOutMat) <- "effect.size" Mod.eff.list <- list("Group.variable" =, "Group1" = group1, "Group2" = group2, "Type" = type, "Mod.avg.table" = AICc.out, "Mod.avg.eff" = Mod.avg.out[,1], "" = Mod.avg.out[,2], "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower.CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper.CL, "Matrix.output" = predsOutMat) class(Mod.eff.list) <- c("modavgEffect", "list") return(Mod.eff.list) } ##multinomPois modavgEffect.AICunmarkedFitMPois <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, newdata, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, type = "response", c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...) { ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavgEffect for details\n")} ##rename values according to unmarked to extract from object ##lambda if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) { parm.type1 <- "state"; <- "lam" ##set check to NULL for other models <- NULL } ##detect if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) {parm.type1 <- "det"; <- "p"} ################## ##extract link function <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$", parm.type1, "@invlink", sep = "")))) <- unique( <-[1] if(identical(type, "link")) { if(length( > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n", "with different link functions\n")} } ################## ##newdata is data frame with exact structure of the original data frame (same variable names and type) ##check on newdata ##determine number of observations in new data set nobserv <- nrow(newdata) if(nobserv > 2) stop("\nCurrent maximum number of groups compared is 2:\nmodify newdata argument accordingly\n") ##determine number of columns in new data set ncolumns <- ncol(newdata) ##if only 1 column, add an additional column to avoid problems in computation if(ncolumns == 1) newdata$blank.fake.column.NAs <- NA ##determine which column varies uniques <- apply(X = newdata, MARGIN = 2, FUN = unique) lengths <- lapply(X = uniques, FUN = length) varies <- sapply(X = lengths, FUN = function(i) i > 1) ########################################## ##CHANGES: add case when only a single variable appears in data frame if(ncol(newdata) == 1) { varies <- 1 } ##add extractX to check that variables appearing in model also appear in data frame ##checkVariables <- extractX(cand.set, parm.type = parm.type) ##if(any(!checkVariables$predictors %in% names(newdata))) { ## stop("\nAll predictors must appear in the 'newdata' data frame\n") ##} ########################################## ##extract name of column if(sum(varies) == 1) { <- names(varies)[which(varies == TRUE)] ##determine name of groups compared group1 <- as.character(newdata[,paste(][1]) group2 <- as.character(newdata[,paste(][2]) } else { ##warn that no single variable defines groups warning("\nGroups do not seem to be defined by a single variable.\n Function proceeding with generic group names\n") ##use generic names <- "Groups" group1 <- "group 1" group2 <- "group 2" } ##number of models nmods <- length(modnames) ##compute predicted values ##point estimate if(identical(type, "response")) { fit <- matrix(data = unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata, type = parm.type1)$Predicted)), nrow = nmods, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- matrix(data = unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata, type = parm.type1)$SE)), nrow = nmods, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) } ##link scale if(identical(type, "link")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- matrix(data = unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata, type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)), nrow = nmods, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- matrix(data = unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata, type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)), nrow = nmods, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) } ##difference between groups differ <- fit[, 1] - fit[, 2] ##SE on difference SE.differ <- sqrt(SE[, 1]^2 + SE[, 2]^2) ##store AICc table AICctab <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) ##create object to hold Model-averaged estimates and unconditional SE's Mod.avg.out <- matrix(NA, nrow = 1, ncol = 2) ##colnames(Mod.avg.out) <- c("Mod.avg.diff", "Uncond.SE") ##begin loop - AICc if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat == 1){ ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE AICctmp <- AICctab AICctmp$differ <- differ AICctmp$SE.differ <- SE.differ ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$differ) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICctmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICctmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2))) } ##store table AICc.out <- AICctmp } ##begin loop - QAICc if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat > 1){ ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE QAICctmp <- AICctab QAICctmp$differ <- differ QAICctmp$SE.differ <- SE.differ * sqrt(c.hat) ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*QAICctmp$differ) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*sqrt(QAICctmp$SE.differ^2 + (QAICctmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*(QAICctmp$SE.differ^2 + (QAICctmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2))) } ##store table AICc.out <- QAICctmp } ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE - AIC if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat == 1) { AICtmp <- AICctab AICtmp$differ <- differ AICtmp$SE.differ <- SE.differ ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$differ) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICtmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICtmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2))) } ##store table AICc.out <- AICtmp } ##begin loop - QAICc if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat > 1){ ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE QAICtmp <- AICctab QAICtmp$differ <- differ QAICtmp$SE.differ <- SE.differ* sqrt(c.hat) ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*QAICtmp$differ) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*sqrt(QAICtmp$SE.differ^2 + (QAICtmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*(QAICtmp$SE.differ^2 + (QAICtmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2))) } ##store table AICc.out <- QAICtmp } Group.variable <- paste(, "(",, ")") zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE) Lower.CL <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] - zcrit * Mod.avg.out[, 2] Upper.CL <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] + zcrit * Mod.avg.out[, 2] ##arrange in matrix predsOutMat <- matrix(data = c(Mod.avg.out[, 1], Mod.avg.out[, 2], Lower.CL, Upper.CL), nrow = 1, ncol = 4) colnames(predsOutMat) <- c("mod.avg.pred", "", "lower.CL", "upper.CL") rownames(predsOutMat) <- "effect.size" Mod.eff.list <- list("Group.variable" =, "Group1" = group1, "Group2" = group2, "Type" = type, "Mod.avg.table" = AICc.out, "Mod.avg.eff" = Mod.avg.out[,1], "" = Mod.avg.out[,2], "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower.CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper.CL, "Matrix.output" = predsOutMat) class(Mod.eff.list) <- c("modavgEffect", "list") return(Mod.eff.list) } ##gmultmix modavgEffect.AICunmarkedFitGMM <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, newdata, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, type = "response", c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...) { ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavgEffect for details\n")} ##rename values according to unmarked to extract from object ##lambda if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) { parm.type1 <- "lambda"; <- "lam" } ##detect if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) {parm.type1 <- "det"; <- "p"} ##availability if(identical(parm.type, "phi")) {parm.type1 <- "phi"; <- "phi"} ################## ##extract link function <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$", parm.type1, "@invlink", sep = "")))) <- unique( <-[1] if(identical(type, "link")) { if(length( > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n", "with different link functions\n")} } ################## ##newdata is data frame with exact structure of the original data frame (same variable names and type) ##check on newdata ##determine number of observations in new data set nobserv <- nrow(newdata) if(nobserv > 2) stop("\nCurrent maximum number of groups compared is 2:\nmodify newdata argument accordingly\n") ##determine number of columns in new data set ncolumns <- ncol(newdata) ##if only 1 column, add an additional column to avoid problems in computation if(ncolumns == 1) newdata$blank.fake.column.NAs <- NA ##determine which column varies uniques <- apply(X = newdata, MARGIN = 2, FUN = unique) lengths <- lapply(X = uniques, FUN = length) varies <- sapply(X = lengths, FUN = function(i) i > 1) ########################################## ##CHANGES: add case when only a single variable appears in data frame if(ncol(newdata) == 1) { varies <- 1 } ##add extractX to check that variables appearing in model also appear in data frame ##checkVariables <- extractX(cand.set, parm.type = parm.type) ##if(any(!checkVariables$predictors %in% names(newdata))) { ## stop("\nAll predictors must appear in the 'newdata' data frame\n") ##} ########################################## ##extract name of column if(sum(varies) == 1) { <- names(varies)[which(varies == TRUE)] ##determine name of groups compared group1 <- as.character(newdata[,paste(][1]) group2 <- as.character(newdata[,paste(][2]) } else { ##warn that no single variable defines groups warning("\nGroups do not seem to be defined by a single variable.\n Function proceeding with generic group names\n") ##use generic names <- "Groups" group1 <- "group 1" group2 <- "group 2" } ##number of models nmods <- length(modnames) ##compute predicted values ##point estimate if(identical(type, "response")) { fit <- matrix(data = unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata, type = parm.type1)$Predicted)), nrow = nmods, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- matrix(data = unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata, type = parm.type1)$SE)), nrow = nmods, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) } ##link scale if(identical(type, "link")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- matrix(data = unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata, type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)), nrow = nmods, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- matrix(data = unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata, type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)), nrow = nmods, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) } ##difference between groups differ <- fit[, 1] - fit[, 2] ##SE on difference SE.differ <- sqrt(SE[, 1]^2 + SE[, 2]^2) ##store AICc table AICctab <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) ##create object to hold Model-averaged estimates and unconditional SE's Mod.avg.out <- matrix(NA, nrow = 1, ncol = 2) ##colnames(Mod.avg.out) <- c("Mod.avg.diff", "Uncond.SE") ##begin loop - AICc if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat == 1){ ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE AICctmp <- AICctab AICctmp$differ <- differ AICctmp$SE.differ <- SE.differ ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$differ) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICctmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICctmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2))) } ##store table AICc.out <- AICctmp } ##begin loop - QAICc if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat > 1){ ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE QAICctmp <- AICctab QAICctmp$differ <- differ QAICctmp$SE.differ <- SE.differ * sqrt(c.hat) ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*QAICctmp$differ) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*sqrt(QAICctmp$SE.differ^2 + (QAICctmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*(QAICctmp$SE.differ^2 + (QAICctmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2))) } ##store table AICc.out <- QAICctmp } ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE - AIC if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat == 1) { AICtmp <- AICctab AICtmp$differ <- differ AICtmp$SE.differ <- SE.differ ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$differ) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICtmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICtmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2))) } ##store table AICc.out <- AICtmp } ##begin loop - QAICc if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat > 1){ ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE QAICtmp <- AICctab QAICtmp$differ <- differ QAICtmp$SE.differ <- SE.differ* sqrt(c.hat) ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*QAICtmp$differ) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*sqrt(QAICtmp$SE.differ^2 + (QAICtmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*(QAICtmp$SE.differ^2 + (QAICtmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2))) } ##store table AICc.out <- QAICtmp } Group.variable <- paste(, "(",, ")") zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE) Lower.CL <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] - zcrit * Mod.avg.out[, 2] Upper.CL <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] + zcrit * Mod.avg.out[, 2] ##arrange in matrix predsOutMat <- matrix(data = c(Mod.avg.out[, 1], Mod.avg.out[, 2], Lower.CL, Upper.CL), nrow = 1, ncol = 4) colnames(predsOutMat) <- c("mod.avg.pred", "", "lower.CL", "upper.CL") rownames(predsOutMat) <- "effect.size" Mod.eff.list <- list("Group.variable" =, "Group1" = group1, "Group2" = group2, "Type" = type, "Mod.avg.table" = AICc.out, "Mod.avg.eff" = Mod.avg.out[,1], "" = Mod.avg.out[,2], "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower.CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper.CL, "Matrix.output" = predsOutMat) class(Mod.eff.list) <- c("modavgEffect", "list") return(Mod.eff.list) } ##gpcount modavgEffect.AICunmarkedFitGPC <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, newdata, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, type = "response", c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...) { ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavgEffect for details\n")} ##rename values according to unmarked to extract from object ##lambda if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) { parm.type1 <- "lambda"; <- "lam" } ##detect if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) {parm.type1 <- "det"; <- "p"} ##availability if(identical(parm.type, "phi")) {parm.type1 <- "phi"; <- "phi"} ################## ##extract link function <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$", parm.type1, "@invlink", sep = "")))) <- unique( <-[1] if(identical(type, "link")) { if(length( > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n", "with different link functions\n")} } ################## ##newdata is data frame with exact structure of the original data frame (same variable names and type) ##check on newdata ##determine number of observations in new data set nobserv <- nrow(newdata) if(nobserv > 2) stop("\nCurrent maximum number of groups compared is 2:\nmodify newdata argument accordingly\n") ##determine number of columns in new data set ncolumns <- ncol(newdata) ##if only 1 column, add an additional column to avoid problems in computation if(ncolumns == 1) newdata$blank.fake.column.NAs <- NA ##determine which column varies uniques <- apply(X = newdata, MARGIN = 2, FUN = unique) lengths <- lapply(X = uniques, FUN = length) varies <- sapply(X = lengths, FUN = function(i) i > 1) ########################################## ##CHANGES: add case when only a single variable appears in data frame if(ncol(newdata) == 1) { varies <- 1 } ##add extractX to check that variables appearing in model also appear in data frame ##checkVariables <- extractX(cand.set, parm.type = parm.type) ##if(any(!checkVariables$predictors %in% names(newdata))) { ## stop("\nAll predictors must appear in the 'newdata' data frame\n") ##} ########################################## ##extract name of column if(sum(varies) == 1) { <- names(varies)[which(varies == TRUE)] ##determine name of groups compared group1 <- as.character(newdata[,paste(][1]) group2 <- as.character(newdata[,paste(][2]) } else { ##warn that no single variable defines groups warning("\nGroups do not seem to be defined by a single variable.\n Function proceeding with generic group names\n") ##use generic names <- "Groups" group1 <- "group 1" group2 <- "group 2" } ##number of models nmods <- length(modnames) ##compute predicted values ##point estimate if(identical(type, "response")) { fit <- matrix(data = unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata, type = parm.type1)$Predicted)), nrow = nmods, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- matrix(data = unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata, type = parm.type1)$SE)), nrow = nmods, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) } ##link scale if(identical(type, "link")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- matrix(data = unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata, type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)), nrow = nmods, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- matrix(data = unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata, type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)), nrow = nmods, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) } ##difference between groups differ <- fit[, 1] - fit[, 2] ##SE on difference SE.differ <- sqrt(SE[, 1]^2 + SE[, 2]^2) ##store AICc table AICctab <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) ##create object to hold Model-averaged estimates and unconditional SE's Mod.avg.out <- matrix(NA, nrow = 1, ncol = 2) ##colnames(Mod.avg.out) <- c("Mod.avg.diff", "Uncond.SE") ##begin loop - AICc if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat == 1){ ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE AICctmp <- AICctab AICctmp$differ <- differ AICctmp$SE.differ <- SE.differ ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$differ) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICctmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICctmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2))) } ##store table AICc.out <- AICctmp } ##begin loop - QAICc if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat > 1){ ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE QAICctmp <- AICctab QAICctmp$differ <- differ QAICctmp$SE.differ <- SE.differ * sqrt(c.hat) ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*QAICctmp$differ) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*sqrt(QAICctmp$SE.differ^2 + (QAICctmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*(QAICctmp$SE.differ^2 + (QAICctmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2))) } ##store table AICc.out <- QAICctmp } ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE - AIC if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat == 1) { AICtmp <- AICctab AICtmp$differ <- differ AICtmp$SE.differ <- SE.differ ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$differ) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICtmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICtmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2))) } ##store table AICc.out <- AICtmp } ##begin loop - QAICc if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat > 1){ ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE QAICtmp <- AICctab QAICtmp$differ <- differ QAICtmp$SE.differ <- SE.differ* sqrt(c.hat) ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*QAICtmp$differ) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*sqrt(QAICtmp$SE.differ^2 + (QAICtmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*(QAICtmp$SE.differ^2 + (QAICtmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2))) } ##store table AICc.out <- QAICtmp } Group.variable <- paste(, "(",, ")") zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE) Lower.CL <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] - zcrit * Mod.avg.out[, 2] Upper.CL <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] + zcrit * Mod.avg.out[, 2] ##arrange in matrix predsOutMat <- matrix(data = c(Mod.avg.out[, 1], Mod.avg.out[, 2], Lower.CL, Upper.CL), nrow = 1, ncol = 4) colnames(predsOutMat) <- c("mod.avg.pred", "", "lower.CL", "upper.CL") rownames(predsOutMat) <- "effect.size" Mod.eff.list <- list("Group.variable" =, "Group1" = group1, "Group2" = group2, "Type" = type, "Mod.avg.table" = AICc.out, "Mod.avg.eff" = Mod.avg.out[,1], "" = Mod.avg.out[,2], "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower.CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper.CL, "Matrix.output" = predsOutMat) class(Mod.eff.list) <- c("modavgEffect", "list") return(Mod.eff.list) } ##unmarkedFitMMO modavgEffect.AICunmarkedFitMMO <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, newdata, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, type = "response", c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...) { ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavgEffect for details\n")} ##rename values according to unmarked to extract from object ##gamma if(identical(parm.type, "gamma")) { parm.type1 <- "gamma"; <- "gam" } ##lambda if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) { parm.type1 <- "lambda"; <- "lam" ##check mixture type for mixture models mixture.type <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@mixture) unique.mixture <- unique(mixture.type) if(length(unique.mixture) > 1) { if(any(unique.mixture == "ZIP")) stop("\nThis function does not yet support mixing ZIP with other distributions\n") } else { <- unique(mixture.type) if(identical(unique.mixture, "ZIP")) { if(identical(type, "link")) stop("\nLink scale not yet supported for ZIP mixtures\n") } } } ##omega if(identical(parm.type, "omega")) { parm.type1 <- "omega"; <- "omega" } ##iota (for immigration = TRUE with dynamics = "autoreg", "trend", "ricker", or "gompertz") if(identical(parm.type, "iota")) { parm.type1 <- "iota"; <- "iota" ##check that parameter appears in all models parfreq <- sum(sapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) any(names(i@estimates@estimates) == parm.type1))) if(!identical(length(cand.set), parfreq)) { stop("\nParameter \'", parm.type1, "\' (parm.type = \"", parm.type, "\") does not appear in all models:", "\ncannot compute model-averaged effect size across all models\n") } } ##detect if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) {parm.type1 <- "det"; <- "p"} ################## ##extract link function <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$", parm.type1, "@invlink", sep = "")))) <- unique( <-[1] if(identical(type, "link")) { if(length( > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n", "with different link functions\n")} } ################## ##newdata is data frame with exact structure of the original data frame (same variable names and type) ##check on newdata ##determine number of observations in new data set nobserv <- nrow(newdata) if(nobserv > 2) stop("\nCurrent maximum number of groups compared is 2:\nmodify newdata argument accordingly\n") ##determine number of columns in new data set ncolumns <- ncol(newdata) ##if only 1 column, add an additional column to avoid problems in computation if(ncolumns == 1) newdata$blank.fake.column.NAs <- NA ##determine which column varies uniques <- apply(X = newdata, MARGIN = 2, FUN = unique) lengths <- lapply(X = uniques, FUN = length) varies <- sapply(X = lengths, FUN = function(i) i > 1) ########################################## ##CHANGES: add case when only a single variable appears in data frame if(ncol(newdata) == 1) { varies <- 1 } ##add extractX to check that variables appearing in model also appear in data frame ##checkVariables <- extractX(cand.set, parm.type = parm.type) ##if(any(!checkVariables$predictors %in% names(newdata))) { ## stop("\nAll predictors must appear in the 'newdata' data frame\n") ##} ########################################## ##extract name of column if(sum(varies) == 1) { <- names(varies)[which(varies == TRUE)] ##determine name of groups compared group1 <- as.character(newdata[,paste(][1]) group2 <- as.character(newdata[,paste(][2]) } else { ##warn that no single variable defines groups warning("\nGroups do not seem to be defined by a single variable.\n Function proceeding with generic group names\n") ##use generic names <- "Groups" group1 <- "group 1" group2 <- "group 2" } ##number of models nmods <- length(modnames) ##compute predicted values ##point estimate if(identical(type, "response")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs if(identical(parm.type, "lambda") && identical(, "ZIP")) { fit <- matrix(data = unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predictSE(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata)$fit)), nrow = nmods, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) SE <- matrix(data = unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predictSE(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata)$, nrow = nmods, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) } else { fit <- matrix(data = unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata, type = parm.type1)$Predicted)), nrow = nmods, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- matrix(data = unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata, type = parm.type1)$SE)), nrow = nmods, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) } } ##link scale if(identical(type, "link")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- matrix(data = unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata, type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)), nrow = nmods, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- matrix(data = unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata, type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)), nrow = nmods, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) } ##difference between groups differ <- fit[, 1] - fit[, 2] ##SE on difference SE.differ <- sqrt(SE[, 1]^2 + SE[, 2]^2) ##store AICc table AICctab <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) ##create object to hold Model-averaged estimates and unconditional SE's Mod.avg.out <- matrix(NA, nrow = 1, ncol = 2) ##colnames(Mod.avg.out) <- c("Mod.avg.diff", "Uncond.SE") ##begin loop - AICc if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat == 1){ ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE AICctmp <- AICctab AICctmp$differ <- differ AICctmp$SE.differ <- SE.differ ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$differ) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICctmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICctmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2))) } ##store table AICc.out <- AICctmp } ##begin loop - QAICc if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat > 1){ ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE QAICctmp <- AICctab QAICctmp$differ <- differ QAICctmp$SE.differ <- SE.differ * sqrt(c.hat) ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*QAICctmp$differ) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*sqrt(QAICctmp$SE.differ^2 + (QAICctmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*(QAICctmp$SE.differ^2 + (QAICctmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2))) } ##store table AICc.out <- QAICctmp } ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE - AIC if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat == 1) { AICtmp <- AICctab AICtmp$differ <- differ AICtmp$SE.differ <- SE.differ ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$differ) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICtmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICtmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2))) } ##store table AICc.out <- AICtmp } ##begin loop - QAICc if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat > 1){ ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE QAICtmp <- AICctab QAICtmp$differ <- differ QAICtmp$SE.differ <- SE.differ* sqrt(c.hat) ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*QAICtmp$differ) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*sqrt(QAICtmp$SE.differ^2 + (QAICtmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*(QAICtmp$SE.differ^2 + (QAICtmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2))) } ##store table AICc.out <- QAICtmp } Group.variable <- paste(, "(",, ")") zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE) Lower.CL <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] - zcrit * Mod.avg.out[, 2] Upper.CL <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] + zcrit * Mod.avg.out[, 2] ##arrange in matrix predsOutMat <- matrix(data = c(Mod.avg.out[, 1], Mod.avg.out[, 2], Lower.CL, Upper.CL), nrow = 1, ncol = 4) colnames(predsOutMat) <- c("mod.avg.pred", "", "lower.CL", "upper.CL") rownames(predsOutMat) <- "effect.size" Mod.eff.list <- list("Group.variable" =, "Group1" = group1, "Group2" = group2, "Type" = type, "Mod.avg.table" = AICc.out, "Mod.avg.eff" = Mod.avg.out[,1], "" = Mod.avg.out[,2], "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower.CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper.CL, "Matrix.output" = predsOutMat) class(Mod.eff.list) <- c("modavgEffect", "list") return(Mod.eff.list) } ##unmarkedFitDSO modavgEffect.AICunmarkedFitDSO <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, newdata, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, type = "response", c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...) { ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavgEffect for details\n")} ##rename values according to unmarked to extract from object ##gamma if(identical(parm.type, "gamma")) { parm.type1 <- "gamma"; <- "gam" } ##lambda if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) { parm.type1 <- "lambda"; <- "lam" ##check mixture type for mixture models mixture.type <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@mixture) unique.mixture <- unique(mixture.type) if(length(unique.mixture) > 1) { if(any(unique.mixture == "ZIP")) stop("\nThis function does not yet support mixing ZIP with other distributions\n") } else { <- unique(mixture.type) if(identical(unique.mixture, "ZIP")) { if(identical(type, "link")) stop("\nLink scale not yet supported for ZIP mixtures\n") } } } ##omega if(identical(parm.type, "omega")) { parm.type1 <- "omega"; <- "omega" } ##iota (for immigration = TRUE with dynamics = "autoreg", "trend", "ricker", or "gompertz") if(identical(parm.type, "iota")) { parm.type1 <- "iota"; <- "iota" ##check that parameter appears in all models parfreq <- sum(sapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) any(names(i@estimates@estimates) == parm.type1))) if(!identical(length(cand.set), parfreq)) { stop("\nParameter \'", parm.type1, "\' (parm.type = \"", parm.type, "\") does not appear in all models:", "\ncannot compute model-averaged effect size across all models\n") } } ##detect if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) { parm.type1 <- "det" <- "p" ##check for key function used keyid <- unique(sapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@keyfun)) if(any(keyid == "uniform")) stop("\nDetection parameter not found in some models\n") } ################## ##extract link function <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$", parm.type1, "@invlink", sep = "")))) <- unique( <-[1] if(identical(type, "link")) { if(length( > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n", "with different link functions\n")} } ################## ##newdata is data frame with exact structure of the original data frame (same variable names and type) ##check on newdata ##determine number of observations in new data set nobserv <- nrow(newdata) if(nobserv > 2) stop("\nCurrent maximum number of groups compared is 2:\nmodify newdata argument accordingly\n") ##determine number of columns in new data set ncolumns <- ncol(newdata) ##if only 1 column, add an additional column to avoid problems in computation if(ncolumns == 1) newdata$blank.fake.column.NAs <- NA ##determine which column varies uniques <- apply(X = newdata, MARGIN = 2, FUN = unique) lengths <- lapply(X = uniques, FUN = length) varies <- sapply(X = lengths, FUN = function(i) i > 1) ########################################## ##CHANGES: add case when only a single variable appears in data frame if(ncol(newdata) == 1) { varies <- 1 } ##add extractX to check that variables appearing in model also appear in data frame ##checkVariables <- extractX(cand.set, parm.type = parm.type) ##if(any(!checkVariables$predictors %in% names(newdata))) { ## stop("\nAll predictors must appear in the 'newdata' data frame\n") ##} ########################################## ##extract name of column if(sum(varies) == 1) { <- names(varies)[which(varies == TRUE)] ##determine name of groups compared group1 <- as.character(newdata[,paste(][1]) group2 <- as.character(newdata[,paste(][2]) } else { ##warn that no single variable defines groups warning("\nGroups do not seem to be defined by a single variable.\n Function proceeding with generic group names\n") ##use generic names <- "Groups" group1 <- "group 1" group2 <- "group 2" } ##number of models nmods <- length(modnames) ##compute predicted values ##point estimate if(identical(type, "response")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs if(identical(parm.type, "lambda") && identical(, "ZIP")) { fit <- matrix(data = unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predictSE(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata)$fit)), nrow = nmods, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) SE <- matrix(data = unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predictSE(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata)$, nrow = nmods, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) } else { fit <- matrix(data = unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata, type = parm.type1)$Predicted)), nrow = nmods, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- matrix(data = unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata, type = parm.type1)$SE)), nrow = nmods, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) } } ##link scale if(identical(type, "link")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- matrix(data = unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata, type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)), nrow = nmods, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- matrix(data = unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata, type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)), nrow = nmods, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) } ##difference between groups differ <- fit[, 1] - fit[, 2] ##SE on difference SE.differ <- sqrt(SE[, 1]^2 + SE[, 2]^2) ##store AICc table AICctab <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) ##create object to hold Model-averaged estimates and unconditional SE's Mod.avg.out <- matrix(NA, nrow = 1, ncol = 2) ##colnames(Mod.avg.out) <- c("Mod.avg.diff", "Uncond.SE") ##begin loop - AICc if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat == 1){ ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE AICctmp <- AICctab AICctmp$differ <- differ AICctmp$SE.differ <- SE.differ ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$differ) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICctmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICctmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2))) } ##store table AICc.out <- AICctmp } ##begin loop - QAICc if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat > 1){ ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE QAICctmp <- AICctab QAICctmp$differ <- differ QAICctmp$SE.differ <- SE.differ * sqrt(c.hat) ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*QAICctmp$differ) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*sqrt(QAICctmp$SE.differ^2 + (QAICctmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*(QAICctmp$SE.differ^2 + (QAICctmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2))) } ##store table AICc.out <- QAICctmp } ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE - AIC if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat == 1) { AICtmp <- AICctab AICtmp$differ <- differ AICtmp$SE.differ <- SE.differ ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$differ) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICtmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICtmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2))) } ##store table AICc.out <- AICtmp } ##begin loop - QAICc if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat > 1){ ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE QAICtmp <- AICctab QAICtmp$differ <- differ QAICtmp$SE.differ <- SE.differ* sqrt(c.hat) ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*QAICtmp$differ) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*sqrt(QAICtmp$SE.differ^2 + (QAICtmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*(QAICtmp$SE.differ^2 + (QAICtmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2))) } ##store table AICc.out <- QAICtmp } Group.variable <- paste(, "(",, ")") zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE) Lower.CL <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] - zcrit * Mod.avg.out[, 2] Upper.CL <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] + zcrit * Mod.avg.out[, 2] ##arrange in matrix predsOutMat <- matrix(data = c(Mod.avg.out[, 1], Mod.avg.out[, 2], Lower.CL, Upper.CL), nrow = 1, ncol = 4) colnames(predsOutMat) <- c("mod.avg.pred", "", "lower.CL", "upper.CL") rownames(predsOutMat) <- "effect.size" Mod.eff.list <- list("Group.variable" =, "Group1" = group1, "Group2" = group2, "Type" = type, "Mod.avg.table" = AICc.out, "Mod.avg.eff" = Mod.avg.out[,1], "" = Mod.avg.out[,2], "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower.CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper.CL, "Matrix.output" = predsOutMat) class(Mod.eff.list) <- c("modavgEffect", "list") return(Mod.eff.list) } ##occuTTD modavgEffect.AICunmarkedFitOccuTTD <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, newdata, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, type = "response", c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...) { ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavgEffect for details\n")} ##rename values according to unmarked to extract from object ##psi if(identical(parm.type, "psi")) { parm.type1 <- "psi"; <- "psi" } ##gamma if(identical(parm.type, "gamma")) { nseasons <- unique(sapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@data@numPrimary)) if(nseasons == 1) { stop("\nParameter \'gamma\' does not appear in single-season models\n") } parm.type1 <- "col"; <- "col" } ##epsilon if(identical(parm.type, "epsilon")) { nseasons <- unique(sapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@data@numPrimary)) if(nseasons == 1) { stop("\nParameter \'epsilon\' does not appear in single-season models\n") } parm.type1 <- "ext"; <- "ext" } ##detect if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) {parm.type1 <- "det"; <- "p"} ################## ##extract link function <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$", parm.type1, "@invlink", sep = "")))) <- unique( <-[1] if(identical(type, "link")) { if(length( > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n", "with different link functions\n")} } ################## ##newdata is data frame with exact structure of the original data frame (same variable names and type) ##check on newdata ##determine number of observations in new data set nobserv <- nrow(newdata) if(nobserv > 2) stop("\nCurrent maximum number of groups compared is 2:\nmodify newdata argument accordingly\n") ##determine number of columns in new data set ncolumns <- ncol(newdata) ##if only 1 column, add an additional column to avoid problems in computation if(ncolumns == 1) newdata$blank.fake.column.NAs <- NA ##determine which column varies uniques <- apply(X = newdata, MARGIN = 2, FUN = unique) lengths <- lapply(X = uniques, FUN = length) varies <- sapply(X = lengths, FUN = function(i) i > 1) ########################################## ##CHANGES: add case when only a single variable appears in data frame if(ncol(newdata) == 1) { varies <- 1 } ##add extractX to check that variables appearing in model also appear in data frame ##checkVariables <- extractX(cand.set, parm.type = parm.type) ##if(any(!checkVariables$predictors %in% names(newdata))) { ## stop("\nAll predictors must appear in the 'newdata' data frame\n") ##} ########################################## ##extract name of column if(sum(varies) == 1) { <- names(varies)[which(varies == TRUE)] ##determine name of groups compared group1 <- as.character(newdata[,paste(][1]) group2 <- as.character(newdata[,paste(][2]) } else { ##warn that no single variable defines groups warning("\nGroups do not seem to be defined by a single variable.\n Function proceeding with generic group names\n") ##use generic names <- "Groups" group1 <- "group 1" group2 <- "group 2" } ##number of models nmods <- length(modnames) ##compute predicted values ##point estimate if(identical(type, "response")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- matrix(data = unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata, type = parm.type1)$Predicted)), nrow = nmods, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- matrix(data = unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata, type = parm.type1)$SE)), nrow = nmods, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) } ##link scale if(identical(type, "link")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- matrix(data = unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata, type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)), nrow = nmods, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- matrix(data = unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata, type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)), nrow = nmods, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) } ##difference between groups differ <- fit[, 1] - fit[, 2] ##SE on difference SE.differ <- sqrt(SE[, 1]^2 + SE[, 2]^2) ##store AICc table AICctab <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) ##create object to hold Model-averaged estimates and unconditional SE's Mod.avg.out <- matrix(NA, nrow = 1, ncol = 2) ##colnames(Mod.avg.out) <- c("Mod.avg.diff", "Uncond.SE") ##begin loop - AICc if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat == 1){ ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE AICctmp <- AICctab AICctmp$differ <- differ AICctmp$SE.differ <- SE.differ ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$differ) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICctmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICctmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2))) } ##store table AICc.out <- AICctmp } ##begin loop - QAICc if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat > 1){ ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE QAICctmp <- AICctab QAICctmp$differ <- differ QAICctmp$SE.differ <- SE.differ * sqrt(c.hat) ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*QAICctmp$differ) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*sqrt(QAICctmp$SE.differ^2 + (QAICctmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*(QAICctmp$SE.differ^2 + (QAICctmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2))) } ##store table AICc.out <- QAICctmp } ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE - AIC if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat == 1) { AICtmp <- AICctab AICtmp$differ <- differ AICtmp$SE.differ <- SE.differ ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$differ) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICtmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE.differ^2 + (AICtmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2))) } ##store table AICc.out <- AICtmp } ##begin loop - QAICc if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat > 1){ ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE QAICtmp <- AICctab QAICtmp$differ <- differ QAICtmp$SE.differ <- SE.differ* sqrt(c.hat) ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*QAICtmp$differ) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*sqrt(QAICtmp$SE.differ^2 + (QAICtmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*(QAICtmp$SE.differ^2 + (QAICtmp$differ - Mod.avg.out[, 1])^2))) } ##store table AICc.out <- QAICtmp } Group.variable <- paste(, "(",, ")") zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE) Lower.CL <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] - zcrit * Mod.avg.out[, 2] Upper.CL <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] + zcrit * Mod.avg.out[, 2] ##arrange in matrix predsOutMat <- matrix(data = c(Mod.avg.out[, 1], Mod.avg.out[, 2], Lower.CL, Upper.CL), nrow = 1, ncol = 4) colnames(predsOutMat) <- c("mod.avg.pred", "", "lower.CL", "upper.CL") rownames(predsOutMat) <- "effect.size" Mod.eff.list <- list("Group.variable" =, "Group1" = group1, "Group2" = group2, "Type" = type, "Mod.avg.table" = AICc.out, "Mod.avg.eff" = Mod.avg.out[,1], "" = Mod.avg.out[,2], "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower.CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper.CL, "Matrix.output" = predsOutMat) class(Mod.eff.list) <- c("modavgEffect", "list") return(Mod.eff.list) } ##occuMS modavgEffect.AICunmarkedFitOccuMS <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, newdata, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, type = "response", c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...) { ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavgEffect for details\n")} ##check if type = "link" if(identical(type, "link")) stop("\nLink scale predictions not yet supported for this model type\n") ##rename values according to unmarked to extract from object ##psi if(identical(parm.type, "psi")) { parm.type1 <- "state" <- "psi" ##because the same elements have different labels in different parts of the results of this object type parm.type.alt <- parm.type } ##transition if(identical(parm.type, "phi")) { ##check that parameter appears in all models nseasons <- unique(sapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@data@numPrimary)) if(nseasons == 1) { stop("\nParameter \'phi\' does not appear in single-season models\n") } <- "phi" parm.type1 <- "transition" ##because the same elements have different labels in different parts of the results of this object type parm.type.alt <- parm.type } ##detect if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) { parm.type1 <- "det" <- "p" ##because the same elements have different labels in different parts of the results of this object type parm.type.alt <- parm.type1 } ################## ##extract link function <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$", parm.type1, "@invlink", sep = "")))) <- unique( <-[1] if(identical(type, "link")) { if(length( > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n", "with different link functions\n")} } ################## ##newdata is data frame with exact structure of the original data frame (same variable names and type) ##check on newdata ##determine number of observations in new data set nobserv <- nrow(newdata) if(nobserv > 2) stop("\nCurrent maximum number of groups compared is 2:\nmodify newdata argument accordingly\n") ##determine number of columns in new data set ncolumns <- ncol(newdata) ##if only 1 column, add an additional column to avoid problems in computation if(ncolumns == 1) newdata$blank.fake.column.NAs <- NA ##determine which column varies uniques <- apply(X = newdata, MARGIN = 2, FUN = unique) lengths <- lapply(X = uniques, FUN = length) varies <- sapply(X = lengths, FUN = function(i) i > 1) ########################################## ##CHANGES: add case when only a single variable appears in data frame if(ncol(newdata) == 1) { varies <- 1 } ##add extractX to check that variables appearing in model also appear in data frame ##checkVariables <- extractX(cand.set, parm.type = parm.type) ##if(any(!checkVariables$predictors %in% names(newdata))) { ## stop("\nAll predictors must appear in the 'newdata' data frame\n") ##} ########################################## ##extract name of column if(sum(varies) == 1) { <- names(varies)[which(varies == TRUE)] ##determine name of groups compared group1 <- as.character(newdata[,paste(][1]) group2 <- as.character(newdata[,paste(][2]) } else { ##warn that no single variable defines groups warning("\nGroups do not seem to be defined by a single variable.\n Function proceeding with generic group names\n") ##use generic names <- "Groups" group1 <- "group 1" group2 <- "group 2" } ##number of models nmods <- length(modnames) ##compute predicted values ##point estimate ##extract predicted values predsList <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata, type = parm.type.alt, ...)) ##determine number of parameters parmFirst <- predsList[[1]] parmNames <- names(parmFirst) nparms <- length(parmNames) ##lists to store predictions and SE's predsEstList <- vector("list", nparms) names(predsEstList) <- parmNames predsSEList <- vector("list", nparms) names(predsSEList) <- parmNames ##iterate over each parm for(k in 1:nparms) { predsEstList[[k]] <- lapply(predsList, FUN = function(i) i[[k]]$Predicted) predsSEList[[k]] <- lapply(predsList, FUN = function(i) i[[k]]$SE) } ##organize in an nobs x nmodels x nparms array predsEst <- array(unlist(predsEstList), dim = c(nobserv, length(cand.set), nparms), dimnames = list(1:nobserv, modnames, parmNames)) predsSE <- array(unlist(predsSEList), dim = c(nobserv, length(cand.set), nparms), dimnames = list(1:nobserv, modnames, parmNames)) ##adjust for overdispersion if c-hat > 1 if(c.hat > 1) {predsSE <- predsSE * sqrt(c.hat)} ##difference between groups differList <- vector("list", nparms) for(k in 1:nparms) { differList[[k]] <- predsEst[1, , k] - predsEst[2, , k] } ##SE on difference SE.differList <- vector("list", nparms) for(k in 1:nparms) { SE.differList[[k]] <- sqrt(predsSE[1, , k]^2 + predsSE[2, , k]^2) } ##store AICc table AICctab <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) ##prepare list for model-averaged predictions and SE's predsOut <- array(data = NA, dim = c(1, 4, nparms), dimnames = list(1, c("mod.avg.pred", "", "lower.CL", "upper.CL"), parmNames)) ##begin loop - AICc if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat == 1){ ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE AICctmp <- AICctab ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { for(j in 1:nparms) { predsOut[, 1, j] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt * differList[[j]]) predsOut[, 2, j] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt * sqrt(SE.differList[[j]]^2 + (differList[[j]] - predsOut[, 1, j])^2)) } } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { for(j in 1:nparms) { predsOut[, 1, j] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt * differList[[j]]) predsOut[, 2, j] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt * (SE.differList[[j]]^2 + (differList[[j]] - predsOut[, 1, j])^2))) } } } ##begin loop - QAICc if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat > 1){ ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE QAICctmp <- AICctab ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { for(j in 1:nparms) { predsOut[, 1, j] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt * differList[[j]]) predsOut[, 2, j] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt * sqrt(SE.differList[[j]]^2 + (differList[[j]] - predsOut[, 1, j])^2)) } } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { for(j in 1:nparms) { predsOut[, 1, j] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt * differList[[j]]) predsOut[, 2, j] <- sqrt(sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt * (SE.differList[[j]]^2 + (differList[[j]] - predsOut[, 1, j])^2))) } } } ##begin loop - AIC if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat == 1) { ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE AICtmp <- AICctab ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { for(j in 1:nparms) { predsOut[, 1, j] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt * differList[[j]]) predsOut[, 2, j] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt * sqrt(SE.differList[[j]]^2 + (differList[[j]] - predsOut[, 1, j])^2)) } } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { for(j in 1:nparms) { predsOut[, 1, j] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt * differList[[j]]) predsOut[, 2, j] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt * (SE.differList[[j]]^2 + (differList[[j]] - predsOut[, 1, j])^2))) } } } ##begin loop - QAICc if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat > 1){ ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE QAICtmp <- AICctab ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { for(j in 1:nparms) { predsOut[, 1, j] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt * differList[[j]]) predsOut[, 2, j] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt * sqrt(SE.differList[[j]]^2 + (differList[[j]] - predsOut[, 1, j])^2)) } } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { for(j in 1:nparms) { predsOut[, 1, j] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt * differList[[j]]) predsOut[, 2, j] <- sqrt(sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt * (SE.differList[[j]]^2 + (differList[[j]] - predsOut[, 1, j])^2))) } } } ##compute confidence interval zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE) for(j in 1:nparms){ predsOut[, 3, j] <- predsOut[, 1, j] - zcrit * predsOut[, 2, j] predsOut[, 4, j] <- predsOut[, 1, j] + zcrit * predsOut[, 2, j] } ##format to matrix arrayToMat <- apply(predsOut, 2L, c) #if(is.vector(arrayToMat)) { # predsOutMat <- matrix(arrayToMat, nrow = 1) # colnames(predsOutMat) <- names(arrayToMat) # AICctab$differ <- unlist(differList) # AICctab$SE.differ <- unlist(SE.differList) #} else { predsOutMat <- arrayToMat #} ##create label for rows rownames(predsOutMat) <- parmNames ##convert array to list ##predsOutList <- lapply(seq(dim(predsOut)[3]), function(i) predsOut[ , , i]) ##names(predsOutList) <- parmNames ##store table AICc.out <- AICctab Group.variable <- paste(, "(",, ")") ##organize as list Mod.eff.list <- list("Group.variable" = Group.variable, "Group1" = group1, "Group2" = group2, "Type" = type, "Mod.avg.table" = AICc.out, "Mod.avg.eff" = predsOut[, 1, ], "" = predsOut[, 2, ], "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = predsOut[, 3, ], "Upper.CL" = predsOut[, 4, ], "Matrix.output" = predsOutMat) class(Mod.eff.list) <- c("modavgEffect", "list") return(Mod.eff.list) } ##occuMulti modavgEffect.AICunmarkedFitOccuMulti <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, newdata, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, type = "response", c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...) { ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavgEffect for details\n")} ##check if type = "link" if(identical(type, "link")) stop("\nLink scale predictions not yet supported for this model type\n") ##rename values according to unmarked to extract from object ##psi if(identical(parm.type, "psi")) { parm.type1 <- "state" <- "psi" } ##detect if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) { parm.type1 <- "det" <- "p" } ################## ##extract link function <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$", parm.type1, "@invlink", sep = "")))) <- unique( <-[1] if(identical(type, "link")) { if(length( > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n", "with different link functions\n")} } ################## ##newdata is data frame with exact structure of the original data frame (same variable names and type) ##check on newdata ##determine number of observations in new data set nobserv <- nrow(newdata) if(nobserv > 2) stop("\nCurrent maximum number of groups compared is 2:\nmodify newdata argument accordingly\n") ##determine number of columns in new data set ncolumns <- ncol(newdata) ##if only 1 column, add an additional column to avoid problems in computation if(ncolumns == 1) newdata$blank.fake.column.NAs <- NA ##determine which column varies uniques <- apply(X = newdata, MARGIN = 2, FUN = unique) lengths <- lapply(X = uniques, FUN = length) varies <- sapply(X = lengths, FUN = function(i) i > 1) ########################################## ##CHANGES: add case when only a single variable appears in data frame if(ncol(newdata) == 1) { varies <- 1 } ##add extractX to check that variables appearing in model also appear in data frame ##checkVariables <- extractX(cand.set, parm.type = parm.type) ##if(any(!checkVariables$predictors %in% names(newdata))) { ## stop("\nAll predictors must appear in the 'newdata' data frame\n") ##} ########################################## ##extract name of column if(sum(varies) == 1) { <- names(varies)[which(varies == TRUE)] ##determine name of groups compared group1 <- as.character(newdata[,paste(][1]) group2 <- as.character(newdata[,paste(][2]) } else { ##warn that no single variable defines groups warning("\nGroups do not seem to be defined by a single variable.\n Function proceeding with generic group names\n") ##use generic names <- "Groups" group1 <- "group 1" group2 <- "group 2" } ##number of models nmods <- length(modnames) ##compute predicted values ##point estimate ##extract predicted values predsList <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata, type = parm.type1, ...)) ##check structure of predsList ##if predictions for all psi parameters if(is.matrix(predsList[[1]]$Predicted) && identical(parm.type, "psi")) { ##determine number of parameters ##check if species argument was provided in call to function parmFirst <- predsList[[1]]$Predicted parmNames <- colnames(parmFirst) nparms <- length(parmNames) ##lists to store predictions and SE's predsEstList <- vector("list", nparms) names(predsEstList) <- parmNames predsSEList <- vector("list", nparms) names(predsSEList) <- parmNames ##iterate over each parm predsEstList <- lapply(predsList, FUN = function(i) i$Predicted) predsSEList <- lapply(predsList, FUN = function(i) i$SE) for(k in 1:nparms) { predsEstList[[k]] <- lapply(predsList, FUN = function(i) i$Predicted[, k]) predsSEList[[k]] <- lapply(predsList, FUN = function(i) i$SE[, k]) } ##organize in an nobs x nmodels x nparms array predsEst <- array(unlist(predsEstList), dim = c(nobserv, length(cand.set), nparms), dimnames = list(1:nobserv, modnames, parmNames)) predsSE <- array(unlist(predsSEList), dim = c(nobserv, length(cand.set), nparms), dimnames = list(1:nobserv, modnames, parmNames)) } ##if predictions for single species if(!is.matrix(predsList[[1]]$Predicted) && identical(parm.type, "psi")) { parmNames <- parm.type nparms <- length(parmNames) predsEstMat <- sapply(predsList, FUN = function(i) i$Predicted) predsSEMat <- sapply(predsList, FUN = function(i) i$SE) predsEst <- array(predsEstMat, dim = c(nobserv, length(cand.set), nparms), dimnames = list(1:nobserv, modnames, parmNames)) predsSE <- array(predsSEMat, dim = c(nobserv, length(cand.set), nparms), dimnames = list(1:nobserv, modnames, parmNames)) } ##if predictions for detection if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) { parmFirst <- predsList[[1]] if(! { orig.parmNames <- names(parmFirst) parmNames <- paste("p", orig.parmNames, sep = "-") nparms <- length(parmNames) ##iterate over species predsEst <- array(NA, dim = c(nobserv, length(cand.set), nparms), dimnames = list(1:nobserv, modnames, parmNames)) predsSE <- array(NA, dim = c(nobserv, length(cand.set), nparms), dimnames = list(1:nobserv, modnames, parmNames)) ##iterate over each parm for(k in 1:nparms) { predsEst[, , k] <- sapply(predsList, FUN = function(i) i[[k]]$Predicted) predsSE[, , k] <- sapply(predsList, FUN = function(i) i[[k]]$SE) } } else { ##single parameter p parmNames <- "p" nparms <- 1 ##iterate over species predsEst <- array(NA, dim = c(nobserv, length(cand.set), nparms), dimnames = list(1:nobserv, modnames, parmNames)) predsSE <- array(NA, dim = c(nobserv, length(cand.set), nparms), dimnames = list(1:nobserv, modnames, parmNames)) predsEst[, , "p"] <- sapply(predsList, FUN = function(i) i[, "Predicted"]) predsSE[, , "p"] <- sapply(predsList, FUN = function(i) i[, "SE"]) } } ##adjust for overdispersion if c-hat > 1 if(c.hat > 1) {predsSE <- predsSE * sqrt(c.hat)} ##difference between groups differList <- vector("list", nparms) for(k in 1:nparms) { differList[[k]] <- predsEst[1, , k] - predsEst[2, , k] } ##SE on difference SE.differList <- vector("list", nparms) for(k in 1:nparms) { SE.differList[[k]] <- sqrt(predsSE[1, , k]^2 + predsSE[2, , k]^2) } ##store AICc table AICctab <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) ##prepare list for model-averaged predictions and SE's predsOut <- array(data = NA, dim = c(1, 4, nparms), dimnames = list(1, c("mod.avg.pred", "", "lower.CL", "upper.CL"), parmNames)) ##begin loop - AICc if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat == 1){ ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE AICctmp <- AICctab ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { for(j in 1:nparms) { predsOut[, 1, j] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt * differList[[j]]) predsOut[, 2, j] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt * sqrt(SE.differList[[j]]^2 + (differList[[j]] - predsOut[, 1, j])^2)) } } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { for(j in 1:nparms) { predsOut[, 1, j] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt * differList[[j]]) predsOut[, 2, j] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt * (SE.differList[[j]]^2 + (differList[[j]] - predsOut[, 1, j])^2))) } } } ##begin loop - QAICc if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat > 1){ ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE QAICctmp <- AICctab ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { for(j in 1:nparms) { predsOut[, 1, j] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt * differList[[j]]) predsOut[, 2, j] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt * sqrt(SE.differList[[j]]^2 + (differList[[j]] - predsOut[, 1, j])^2)) } } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { for(j in 1:nparms) { predsOut[, 1, j] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt * differList[[j]]) predsOut[, 2, j] <- sqrt(sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt * (SE.differList[[j]]^2 + (differList[[j]] - predsOut[, 1, j])^2))) } } } ##begin loop - AIC if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat == 1) { ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE AICtmp <- AICctab ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { for(j in 1:nparms) { predsOut[, 1, j] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt * differList[[j]]) predsOut[, 2, j] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt * sqrt(SE.differList[[j]]^2 + (differList[[j]] - predsOut[, 1, j])^2)) } } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { for(j in 1:nparms) { predsOut[, 1, j] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt * differList[[j]]) predsOut[, 2, j] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt * (SE.differList[[j]]^2 + (differList[[j]] - predsOut[, 1, j])^2))) } } } ##begin loop - QAICc if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat > 1){ ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE QAICtmp <- AICctab ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { for(j in 1:nparms) { predsOut[, 1, j] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt * differList[[j]]) predsOut[, 2, j] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt * sqrt(SE.differList[[j]]^2 + (differList[[j]] - predsOut[, 1, j])^2)) } } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { for(j in 1:nparms) { predsOut[, 1, j] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt * differList[[j]]) predsOut[, 2, j] <- sqrt(sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt * (SE.differList[[j]]^2 + (differList[[j]] - predsOut[, 1, j])^2))) } } } ##compute confidence interval zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE) for(j in 1:nparms){ predsOut[, 3, j] <- predsOut[, 1, j] - zcrit * predsOut[, 2, j] predsOut[, 4, j] <- predsOut[, 1, j] + zcrit * predsOut[, 2, j] } ##format to matrix arrayToMat <- apply(predsOut, 2L, c) if(is.vector(arrayToMat)) { predsOutMat <- matrix(arrayToMat, nrow = 1) colnames(predsOutMat) <- names(arrayToMat) AICctab$differ <- unlist(differList) AICctab$SE.differ <- unlist(SE.differList) } else { predsOutMat <- arrayToMat } ##create label for rows rownames(predsOutMat) <- parmNames ##store table AICc.out <- AICctab Group.variable <- paste(, "(",, ")") ##organize as list Mod.eff.list <- list("Group.variable" = Group.variable, "Group1" = group1, "Group2" = group2, "Type" = type, "Mod.avg.table" = AICc.out, "Mod.avg.eff" = predsOut[, 1, ], "" = predsOut[, 2, ], "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = predsOut[, 3, ], "Upper.CL" = predsOut[, 4, ], "Matrix.output" = predsOutMat) class(Mod.eff.list) <- c("modavgEffect", "list") return(Mod.eff.list) } print.modavgEffect <- function(x, digits = 2, ...) { ##rework Group.variable labels old.type <- x$Group.variable stripped.type <- unlist(strsplit(old.type, split = "\\(")) ic <- colnames(x$Mod.avg.table)[3] cat("\nModel-averaged effect size on the", x$Type, "scale based on entire model set:\n\n") ##extract elements if(length(stripped.type) == 1) { cat("\nMultimodel inference on \"", paste(x$Group.variable, x$Group1, sep = ""), " - ", paste(x$Group.variable, x$Group2, sep = ""), "\" based on ", ic, "\n", sep = "") ##if unmarkedFit model, then print differently } else { ##extract parameter name parm.type <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", stripped.type[1]) ##extract Group.variable name <- gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", unlist(strsplit(stripped.type[2], "\\)"))[1]) cat("\nMultimodel inference on \"", paste(parm.type, "(",, x$Group1, ")", sep = ""), " - ", paste(parm.type, "(",, x$Group2, ")", sep = ""), "\" based on ", ic, "\n", sep = "") } cat("\n", ic, " table used to obtain model-averaged effect size:\n", sep = "") oldtab <- x$Mod.avg.table if (any(names(oldtab)=="c_hat")) {cat("\t(c-hat estimate = ", oldtab$c_hat[1], ")\n", sep = "")} cat("\n") ##check if result is a scalar or vector if(length(x$Mod.avg.eff) == 1) { if (any(names(oldtab)=="c_hat")) { <- cbind(oldtab[,2], oldtab[,3], oldtab[,4], oldtab[,6], oldtab[,9], oldtab[,10]) } else { <- cbind(oldtab[,2], oldtab[,3], oldtab[,4], oldtab[,6], oldtab[,8], oldtab[,9]) } colnames( <- c(colnames(oldtab)[c(2,3,4,6)], paste("Effect(", x$Group1, " - ", x$Group2, ")", sep = ""), "SE") rownames( <- oldtab[,1] print(round(, digits=digits)) cat("\nModel-averaged effect size:", eval(round(x$Mod.avg.eff, digits=digits)), "\n") cat("Unconditional SE:", eval(round(x$, digits=digits)), "\n") cat("",x$Conf.level * 100, "% Unconditional confidence interval: ", round(x$Lower.CL, digits=digits), ", ", round(x$Upper.CL, digits=digits), "\n\n", sep = "") } else { ##if result from occuMulti or occuMS ##extract parameter names parmNames <- names(x$Mod.avg.eff) nparms <- length(parmNames) <- cbind(oldtab[,2], oldtab[,3], oldtab[,4], oldtab[,6]) colnames( <- colnames(oldtab)[c(2,3,4,6)] rownames( <- oldtab[,1] print(round(, digits=digits)) if(nparms <= 3) { ##iterate over each parameter for(k in 1:nparms) { cat("\nModel-averaged effect size for ", parmNames[k], ": ", round(x$Mod.avg.eff[k], digits=digits), "\n", sep = "") cat("Unconditional SE for ", parmNames[k], ": ", eval(round(x$[k], digits=digits)), "\n", sep = "") cat("",x$Conf.level * 100, "% Unconditional confidence interval for ", parmNames[k], ": ", round(x$Lower.CL[k], digits=digits), ", ", round(x$Upper.CL[k], digits=digits), "\n", "---", sep = "") } } else { cat("\n") cat("Model-averaged effect sizes:\n\n") nice.mat <- x$Matrix.output colnames(nice.mat) <- c("mod.avg.pred", "", "lower.CL", "upper.CL") print(round(nice.mat, digits = digits)) } cat("\n") } }
##generic modavgPred <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, newdata, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, ...) { cand.set <- formatCands(cand.set) UseMethod("modavgPred", cand.set) } ##default modavgPred.default <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, newdata, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, ...) { stop("\nFunction not yet defined for this object class\n") } ##aov ##lm modavgPred.AICaov.lm <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, newdata, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, ...) { ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ###################CHANGES#### ############################## ##determine number of observations in new data set nobserv <- dim(newdata)[1] ##determine number of columns in new data set ncolumns <- dim(newdata)[2] ##if only 1 column, add an additional column to avoid problems in computation with predict( ) if(ncolumns == 1) newdata$blank.fake.column.NAs <- NA ##store AICc table AICctab <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) ##create object to hold Model-averaged estimates and unconditional SE's Mod.avg.out <- matrix(NA, nrow = nobserv, ncol = 2) colnames(Mod.avg.out) <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE") ##begin loop - AICc if(second.ord == TRUE){ for (obs in 1:nobserv) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ])$fit)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ])$ ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE AICctmp <- AICctab AICctmp$fit <- fit AICctmp$SE <- SE ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$fit) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))) } } } ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE - AIC if(second.ord == FALSE) { for (obs in 1:nobserv) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ])$fit)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ])$ AICtmp <- AICctab AICtmp$fit <- fit AICtmp$SE <- SE ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$fit) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))) } } } type <- "response" ##############changes start here mod.avg.pred <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- Mod.avg.out[, 2] ##compute confidence interval zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE) lower.CL <- mod.avg.pred - zcrit * upper.CL <- mod.avg.pred + zcrit * ##create matrix matrix.output <- matrix(data = c(mod.avg.pred,, lower.CL, upper.CL), nrow = nrow(newdata), ncol = 4) colnames(matrix.output) <- c("mod.avg.pred", "", "lower.CL", "upper.CL") ##organize as list Mod.pred.list <- list("type" = type, "mod.avg.pred" = mod.avg.pred, "" =, "conf.level" = conf.level, "lower.CL" = lower.CL, "upper.CL" = upper.CL, "matrix.output" = matrix.output) class(Mod.pred.list) <- c("modavgPred", "list") return(Mod.pred.list) } ##glm modavgPred.AICglm.lm <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, newdata, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, type = "response", c.hat = 1, gamdisp = NULL, ...) { ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##newdata is data frame with exact structure of the original data frame (same variable names and type) if(type == "terms") {stop("\nThe terms argument is not defined for this function\n")} ##check family of glm to avoid problems when requesting predictions with argument 'dispersion' fam.type <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) family(i)$family)) fam.unique <- unique(fam.type) if(identical(fam.unique, "gaussian")) { dispersion <- NULL #set to NULL if gaussian is used } else{dispersion <- c.hat} ##poisson, binomial, and negative binomial defaults to 1 (no separate parameter for variance) ##for negative binomial - reset to NULL if(any(regexpr("Negative Binomial", fam.type) != -1)) { dispersion <- NULL ##check for mixture of negative binomial and other ##number of models with negative binomial negbin.num <- sum(regexpr("Negative Binomial", fam.type) != -1) if(negbin.num < length(fam.type)) { stop("Function does not support mixture of negative binomial with other distributions in model set") } } ###################CHANGES#### ############################## if(c.hat > 1) {dispersion <- c.hat } if(!is.null(gamdisp)) {dispersion <- gamdisp} if(c.hat > 1 && !is.null(gamdisp)) {stop("\nYou cannot specify values for both \'c.hat\' and \'gamdisp\'\n")} ##dispersion is the dispersion parameter - this influences the SE's (to specify dispersion parameter for either overdispersed Poisson or Gamma glm) ##type enables to specify either "response" (original scale = point estimate) or "link" (linear predictor) ##check that link function is the same for all models if linear predictor is used <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) i$family$link)) <- unique(x = if(identical(type, "link")) { if(length( > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n", "with different link functions\n")} } ##extract inverse link function link.inv <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) i$family$linkinv))[[1]] ##check if model uses gamma distribution gam1 <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) family(i)$family[1] == "Gamma")) #check for gamma regression models ##correct SE's for estimates of gamma regressions when gamdisp is specified if(any(gam1) == TRUE) { ##check for specification of gamdisp argument if(is.null(gamdisp)) stop("\nYou must specify a gamma dispersion parameter with gamma generalized linear models\n") } ##determine number of observations in new data set nobserv <- dim(newdata)[1] ##determine number of columns in new data set ncolumns <- dim(newdata)[2] ##if only 1 column, add an additional column to avoid problems in computation with predict( ) if(ncolumns == 1) newdata$blank.fake.column.NAs <- NA ##store AICc table AICctab <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) ##create object to hold Model-averaged estimates and unconditional SE's Mod.avg.out <- matrix(NA, nrow = nobserv, ncol = 2) colnames(Mod.avg.out) <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE") ##required for CI if(identical(type, "response")) { <- matrix(NA, nrow = nobserv, ncol = 2) colnames( <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE") } ##begin loop - AICc if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat == 1){ for (obs in 1:nobserv) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = type, dispersion = dispersion)$fit)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = type, dispersion = dispersion)$ ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE AICctmp <- AICctab AICctmp$fit <- fit AICctmp$SE <- SE ##required for CI if(identical(type, "response")) { if(length( == 1) { AICctmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = "link", dispersion = dispersion)$fit)) AICctmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = "link", dispersion = dispersion)$ } else { warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n") AICctmp$ <- NA AICctmp$ <- NA } } ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$fit) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$[obs, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$^2 + (AICctmp$ -[obs, 1])^2)) } } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$^2 + (AICctmp$ -[obs, 1])^2))) } } } } ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE - QAICc if(second.ord==TRUE && c.hat > 1) { for (obs in 1:nobserv) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN=function(i) predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = type, dispersion = dispersion)$fit)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = type, dispersion = dispersion)$ QAICctmp <- AICctab QAICctmp$fit <- fit QAICctmp$SE <- SE ##required for CI if(identical(type, "response")) { if(length( == 1) { QAICctmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = "link", dispersion = dispersion)$fit)) QAICctmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = "link", dispersion = dispersion)$ } else { warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n") QAICctmp$ <- NA QAICctmp$ <- NA } } ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*QAICctmp$fit) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*sqrt(QAICctmp$SE^2 + (QAICctmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*QAICctmp$[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*sqrt(QAICctmp$^2 + (QAICctmp$ -[obs, 1])^2)) } } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*(QAICctmp$SE^2 + (QAICctmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*QAICctmp$[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*(QAICctmp$^2 + (QAICctmp$ -[obs, 1])^2))) } } } } ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE - AIC if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat == 1) { for (obs in 1:nobserv) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = type, dispersion = dispersion)$fit)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = type, dispersion = dispersion)$ AICtmp <- AICctab AICtmp$fit <- fit AICtmp$SE <- SE ##required for CI if(identical(type, "response")) { if(length( == 1) { AICtmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = "link", dispersion = dispersion)$fit)) AICtmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = "link", dispersion = dispersion)$ } else { warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n") AICtmp$ <- NA AICtmp$ <- NA } } ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$fit) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$[obs, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$^2 + (AICtmp$ -[obs, 1])^2)) } } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$^2 + (AICtmp$ -[obs, 1])^2))) } } } } ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE - QAIC if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat > 1) { for (obs in 1:nobserv) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = type, dispersion = dispersion)$fit)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = type, dispersion = dispersion)$ QAICtmp <- AICctab QAICtmp$fit <- fit QAICtmp$SE <- SE ##required for CI if(identical(type, "response")) { if(length( == 1) { QAICtmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = "link", dispersion = dispersion)$fit)) QAICtmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = "link", dispersion = dispersion)$ } else { warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n") QAICtmp$ <- NA QAICtmp$ <- NA } } ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*QAICtmp$fit) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*sqrt(QAICtmp$SE^2 + (QAICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*QAICtmp$[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*sqrt(QAICtmp$^2 + (QAICtmp$ -[obs, 1])^2)) } } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*(QAICtmp$SE^2 + (QAICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*QAICtmp$[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*(QAICtmp$^2 + (QAICtmp$ -[obs, 1])^2))) } } } } ##############changes start here mod.avg.pred <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- Mod.avg.out[, 2] ##compute confidence interval zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE) if(identical(type, "link")) { lower.CL <- mod.avg.pred - zcrit * upper.CL <- mod.avg.pred + zcrit * } else { lower.CL <- link.inv([, 1] - zcrit *[, 2]) upper.CL <- link.inv([, 1] + zcrit *[, 2]) } ##create matrix matrix.output <- matrix(data = c(mod.avg.pred,, lower.CL, upper.CL), nrow = nrow(newdata), ncol = 4) colnames(matrix.output) <- c("mod.avg.pred", "", "lower.CL", "upper.CL") ##organize as list Mod.pred.list <- list("type" = type, "mod.avg.pred" = mod.avg.pred, "" =, "conf.level" = conf.level, "lower.CL" = lower.CL, "upper.CL" = upper.CL, "matrix.output" = matrix.output) class(Mod.pred.list) <- c("modavgPred", "list") return(Mod.pred.list) } ##lm modavgPred.AIClm <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, newdata, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, ...) { ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ###################CHANGES#### ############################## ##determine number of observations in new data set nobserv <- dim(newdata)[1] ##determine number of columns in new data set ncolumns <- dim(newdata)[2] ##if only 1 column, add an additional column to avoid problems in computation with predict( ) if(ncolumns == 1) newdata$blank.fake.column.NAs <- NA ##store AICc table AICctab <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) ##create object to hold Model-averaged estimates and unconditional SE's Mod.avg.out <- matrix(NA, nrow = nobserv, ncol = 2) colnames(Mod.avg.out) <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE") ##begin loop - AICc if(second.ord == TRUE){ for (obs in 1:nobserv) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ])$fit)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ])$ ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE AICctmp <- AICctab AICctmp$fit <- fit AICctmp$SE <- SE ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$fit) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))) } } } ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE - AIC if(second.ord == FALSE) { for (obs in 1:nobserv) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ])$fit)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ])$ AICtmp <- AICctab AICtmp$fit <- fit AICtmp$SE <- SE ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$fit) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))) } } } type <- "response" ##############changes start here mod.avg.pred <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- Mod.avg.out[, 2] ##compute confidence interval zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE) lower.CL <- mod.avg.pred - zcrit * upper.CL <- mod.avg.pred + zcrit * ##create matrix matrix.output <- matrix(data = c(mod.avg.pred,, lower.CL, upper.CL), nrow = nrow(newdata), ncol = 4) colnames(matrix.output) <- c("mod.avg.pred", "", "lower.CL", "upper.CL") ##organize as list Mod.pred.list <- list("type" = type, "mod.avg.pred" = mod.avg.pred, "" =, "conf.level" = conf.level, "lower.CL" = lower.CL, "upper.CL" = upper.CL, "matrix.output" = matrix.output) class(Mod.pred.list) <- c("modavgPred", "list") return(Mod.pred.list) } ##gls modavgPred.AICgls <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, newdata, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, ...) { ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##newdata is data frame with exact structure of the original data frame (same variable names and type) ##determine number of observations in new data set nobserv <- dim(newdata)[1] ##determine number of columns in new data set ncolumns <- dim(newdata)[2] ##if only 1 column, add an additional column to avoid problems in computation with predictSE.mer( ) if(ncolumns == 1) newdata$blank.fake.column.NAs <- NA ##store AICc table AICctab <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) ##create object to hold Model-averaged estimates and unconditional SE's Mod.avg.out <- matrix(NA, nrow = nobserv, ncol = 2) colnames(Mod.avg.out) <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE") ##begin loop - AICc if(second.ord==TRUE){ for (obs in 1:nobserv) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predictSE(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ])$fit)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predictSE(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ])$ ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE AICctmp <- AICctab AICctmp$fit <- fit AICctmp$SE <- SE ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$fit) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))) } } } ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE - AIC if(second.ord == FALSE) { for (obs in 1:nobserv) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predictSE(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ])$fit)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predictSE(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ])$ AICtmp <- AICctab AICtmp$fit <- fit AICtmp$SE <- SE ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$fit) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))) } } } type <- "response" ##############changes start here mod.avg.pred <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- Mod.avg.out[, 2] ##compute confidence interval zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE) lower.CL <- mod.avg.pred - zcrit * upper.CL <- mod.avg.pred + zcrit * ##create matrix matrix.output <- matrix(data = c(mod.avg.pred,, lower.CL, upper.CL), nrow = nrow(newdata), ncol = 4) colnames(matrix.output) <- c("mod.avg.pred", "", "lower.CL", "upper.CL") ##organize as list Mod.pred.list <- list("type" = type, "mod.avg.pred" = mod.avg.pred, "" =, "conf.level" = conf.level, "lower.CL" = lower.CL, "upper.CL" = upper.CL, "matrix.output" = matrix.output) class(Mod.pred.list) <- c("modavgPred", "list") return(Mod.pred.list) } ##lme modavgPred.AIClme <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, newdata, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, ...) { ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##newdata is data frame with exact structure of the original data frame (same variable names and type) ##determine number of observations in new data set nobserv <- dim(newdata)[1] ##determine number of columns in new data set ncolumns <- dim(newdata)[2] ##if only 1 column, add an additional column to avoid problems in computation with predictSE( ) if(ncolumns == 1) newdata$blank.fake.column.NAs <- NA ##store AICc table AICctab <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) ##create object to hold Model-averaged estimates and unconditional SE's Mod.avg.out <- matrix(NA, nrow = nobserv, ncol = 2) colnames(Mod.avg.out) <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE") ##begin loop - AICc if(second.ord==TRUE){ for (obs in 1:nobserv) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predictSE(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ])$fit)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predictSE(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ])$ ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE AICctmp <- AICctab AICctmp$fit <- fit AICctmp$SE <- SE ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$fit) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))) } } } ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE - AIC if(second.ord == FALSE) { for (obs in 1:nobserv) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predictSE(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ])$fit)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predictSE(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ])$ AICtmp <- AICctab AICtmp$fit <- fit AICtmp$SE <- SE ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$fit) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))) } } } type <- "response" ##############changes start here mod.avg.pred <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- Mod.avg.out[, 2] ##compute confidence interval zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE) lower.CL <- mod.avg.pred - zcrit * upper.CL <- mod.avg.pred + zcrit * ##create matrix matrix.output <- matrix(data = c(mod.avg.pred,, lower.CL, upper.CL), nrow = nrow(newdata), ncol = 4) colnames(matrix.output) <- c("mod.avg.pred", "", "lower.CL", "upper.CL") ##organize as list Mod.pred.list <- list("type" = type, "mod.avg.pred" = mod.avg.pred, "" =, "conf.level" = conf.level, "lower.CL" = lower.CL, "upper.CL" = upper.CL, "matrix.output" = matrix.output) class(Mod.pred.list) <- c("modavgPred", "list") return(Mod.pred.list) } ##mer modavgPred.AICmer <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, newdata, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, type = "response", c.hat = 1, ...) { ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##newdata is data frame with exact structure of the original data frame (same variable names and type) if(c.hat != 1) {warning("\nThis function only allows \'c.hat = 1\' for \'mer\' class objects\n")} ##check that link function is the same for all models if linear predictor is used <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)$link)) <- unique( if(identical(type, "link")) { if(length( > 1) stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model-averaged beta estimate\n", "from models using different link functions\n") } ##extract inverse link function link.inv <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@resp$family$linkinv))[[1]] ##determine number of observations in data set nobserv <- dim(newdata)[1] ##determine number of columns in data set ncolumns <- dim(newdata)[2] ##if only 1 column, add an additional column to avoid problems in computation with predictSE.mer( ) if(ncolumns == 1) newdata$blank.fake.column.NAs <- NA ##store AICc table AICctab <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) ##create object to hold Model-averaged estimates and unconditional SE's Mod.avg.out <- matrix(NA, nrow = nobserv, ncol = 2) colnames(Mod.avg.out) <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE") ##required for CI if(identical(type, "response")) { <- matrix(NA, nrow = nobserv, ncol = 2) colnames( <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE") } ##begin loop - AICc if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat == 1){ for (obs in 1:nobserv) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predictSE(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = type, level = 0)$fit)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predictSE(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = type, level = 0)$ ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE AICctmp <- AICctab AICctmp$fit <- fit AICctmp$SE <- SE ##required for CI if(identical(type, "response")) { if(length( == 1) { AICctmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predictSE(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = "link", level = 0)$fit)) AICctmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predictSE(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = "link", level = 0)$ } else { warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n") AICctmp$ <- NA AICctmp$ <- NA } } ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$fit) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$[obs, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$^2 + (AICctmp$ -[obs, 1])^2)) } } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$^2 + (AICctmp$ -[obs, 1])^2))) } } } } ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE - AIC if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat == 1) { for (obs in 1:nobserv) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predictSE(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = type, level = 0)$fit)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predictSE(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = type, level = 0)$ AICtmp <- AICctab AICtmp$fit <- fit AICtmp$SE <- SE ##required for CI if(identical(type, "response")) { if(length( == 1) { AICtmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predictSE(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = "link", level = 0)$fit)) AICtmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predictSE(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = "link", level = 0)$ } else { warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n") AICtmp$ <- NA AICtmp$ <- NA } } ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$fit) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$[obs, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$^2 + (AICtmp$ -[obs, 1])^2)) } } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$^2 + (AICtmp$ -[obs, 1])^2))) } } } } ##############changes start here mod.avg.pred <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- Mod.avg.out[, 2] ##compute confidence interval zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE) if(identical(type, "link")) { lower.CL <- mod.avg.pred - zcrit * upper.CL <- mod.avg.pred + zcrit * } else { lower.CL <- link.inv([, 1] - zcrit *[, 2]) upper.CL <- link.inv([, 1] + zcrit *[, 2]) } ##create matrix matrix.output <- matrix(data = c(mod.avg.pred,, lower.CL, upper.CL), nrow = nrow(newdata), ncol = 4) colnames(matrix.output) <- c("mod.avg.pred", "", "lower.CL", "upper.CL") ##organize as list Mod.pred.list <- list("type" = type, "mod.avg.pred" = mod.avg.pred, "" =, "conf.level" = conf.level, "lower.CL" = lower.CL, "upper.CL" = upper.CL, "matrix.output" = matrix.output) class(Mod.pred.list) <- c("modavgPred", "list") return(Mod.pred.list) } ##glmerMod modavgPred.AICglmerMod <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, newdata, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, type = "response", c.hat = 1, ...) { ##newdata is data frame with exact structure of the original data frame (same variable names and type) ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } if(c.hat != 1) {warning("\nThis function only allows \'c.hat = 1\' for \'glmerMod\' class objects\n")} ##check that link function is the same for all models if linear predictor is used <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)$link)) <- unique( if(identical(type, "link")) { if(length( > 1) stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model-averaged beta estimate\n", "from models using different link functions\n") } ##extract inverse link function link.inv <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@resp$family$linkinv))[[1]] ##determine number of observations in data set nobserv <- dim(newdata)[1] ##determine number of columns in data set ncolumns <- dim(newdata)[2] ##if only 1 column, add an additional column to avoid problems in computation with predictSE.mer( ) if(ncolumns == 1) newdata$blank.fake.column.NAs <- NA ##store AICc table AICctab <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) ##create object to hold Model-averaged estimates and unconditional SE's Mod.avg.out <- matrix(NA, nrow = nobserv, ncol = 2) colnames(Mod.avg.out) <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE") ##required for CI if(identical(type, "response")) { <- matrix(NA, nrow = nobserv, ncol = 2) colnames( <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE") } ##begin loop - AICc if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat == 1){ for (obs in 1:nobserv) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predictSE(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = type, level = 0)$fit)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predictSE(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = type, level = 0)$ ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE AICctmp <- AICctab AICctmp$fit <- fit AICctmp$SE <- SE ##required for CI if(identical(type, "response")) { if(length( == 1) { AICctmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predictSE(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = "link", level = 0)$fit)) AICctmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predictSE(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = "link", level = 0)$ } else { warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n") AICctmp$ <- NA AICctmp$ <- NA } } ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$fit) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$[obs, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$^2 + (AICctmp$ -[obs, 1])^2)) } } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$^2 + (AICctmp$ -[obs, 1])^2))) } } } } ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE - AIC if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat == 1) { for (obs in 1:nobserv) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predictSE(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = type, level = 0)$fit)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predictSE(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = type, level = 0)$ AICtmp <- AICctab AICtmp$fit <- fit AICtmp$SE <- SE ##required for CI if(identical(type, "response")) { if(length( == 1) { AICtmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predictSE(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = "link", level = 0)$fit)) AICtmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predictSE(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = "link", level = 0)$ } else { warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n") AICtmp$ <- NA AICtmp$ <- NA } } ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$fit) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$[obs, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$^2 + (AICtmp$ -[obs, 1])^2)) } } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$^2 + (AICtmp$ -[obs, 1])^2))) } } } } ##############changes start here mod.avg.pred <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- Mod.avg.out[, 2] ##compute confidence interval zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE) if(identical(type, "link")) { lower.CL <- mod.avg.pred - zcrit * upper.CL <- mod.avg.pred + zcrit * } else { lower.CL <- link.inv([, 1] - zcrit *[, 2]) upper.CL <- link.inv([, 1] + zcrit *[, 2]) } ##create matrix matrix.output <- matrix(data = c(mod.avg.pred,, lower.CL, upper.CL), nrow = nrow(newdata), ncol = 4) colnames(matrix.output) <- c("mod.avg.pred", "", "lower.CL", "upper.CL") ##organize as list Mod.pred.list <- list("type" = type, "mod.avg.pred" = mod.avg.pred, "" =, "conf.level" = conf.level, "lower.CL" = lower.CL, "upper.CL" = upper.CL, "matrix.output" = matrix.output) class(Mod.pred.list) <- c("modavgPred", "list") return(Mod.pred.list) } ##lmerMod modavgPred.AIClmerMod <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, newdata, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, ...) { ##newdata is data frame with exact structure of the original data frame (same variable names and type) ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##determine number of observations in data set nobserv <- dim(newdata)[1] ##determine number of columns in data set ncolumns <- dim(newdata)[2] ##if only 1 column, add an additional column to avoid problems in computation with predictSE.mer( ) if(ncolumns == 1) newdata$blank.fake.column.NAs <- NA ##store AICc table AICctab <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) ##create object to hold Model-averaged estimates and unconditional SE's Mod.avg.out <- matrix(NA, nrow = nobserv, ncol = 2) colnames(Mod.avg.out) <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE") ##begin loop - AICc if(second.ord == TRUE){ for (obs in 1:nobserv) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predictSE(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], level = 0)$fit)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predictSE(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], level = 0)$ ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE AICctmp <- AICctab AICctmp$fit <- fit AICctmp$SE <- SE ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$fit) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))) } } } ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE - AIC if(second.ord == FALSE) { for (obs in 1:nobserv) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predictSE(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], level = 0)$fit)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predictSE(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], level = 0)$ AICtmp <- AICctab AICtmp$fit <- fit AICtmp$SE <- SE ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$fit) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))) } } } type <- "response" ##############changes start here mod.avg.pred <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- Mod.avg.out[, 2] ##compute confidence interval zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE) lower.CL <- mod.avg.pred - zcrit * upper.CL <- mod.avg.pred + zcrit * ##create matrix matrix.output <- matrix(data = c(mod.avg.pred,, lower.CL, upper.CL), nrow = nrow(newdata), ncol = 4) colnames(matrix.output) <- c("mod.avg.pred", "", "lower.CL", "upper.CL") ##organize as list Mod.pred.list <- list("type" = type, "mod.avg.pred" = mod.avg.pred, "" =, "conf.level" = conf.level, "lower.CL" = lower.CL, "upper.CL" = upper.CL, "matrix.output" = matrix.output) class(Mod.pred.list) <- c("modavgPred", "list") return(Mod.pred.list) } ##lmerModLmerTest modavgPred.AIClmerModLmerTest <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, newdata, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, ...) { ##newdata is data frame with exact structure of the original data frame (same variable names and type) ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##determine number of observations in data set nobserv <- dim(newdata)[1] ##determine number of columns in data set ncolumns <- dim(newdata)[2] ##if only 1 column, add an additional column to avoid problems in computation with predictSE.mer( ) if(ncolumns == 1) newdata$blank.fake.column.NAs <- NA ##store AICc table AICctab <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) ##create object to hold Model-averaged estimates and unconditional SE's Mod.avg.out <- matrix(NA, nrow = nobserv, ncol = 2) colnames(Mod.avg.out) <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE") ##begin loop - AICc if(second.ord == TRUE){ for (obs in 1:nobserv) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predictSE(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], level = 0)$fit)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predictSE(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], level = 0)$ ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE AICctmp <- AICctab AICctmp$fit <- fit AICctmp$SE <- SE ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$fit) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))) } } } ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE - AIC if(second.ord == FALSE) { for (obs in 1:nobserv) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predictSE(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], level = 0)$fit)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predictSE(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], level = 0)$ AICtmp <- AICctab AICtmp$fit <- fit AICtmp$SE <- SE ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$fit) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))) } } } type <- "response" ##############changes start here mod.avg.pred <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- Mod.avg.out[, 2] ##compute confidence interval zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE) lower.CL <- mod.avg.pred - zcrit * upper.CL <- mod.avg.pred + zcrit * ##create matrix matrix.output <- matrix(data = c(mod.avg.pred,, lower.CL, upper.CL), nrow = nrow(newdata), ncol = 4) colnames(matrix.output) <- c("mod.avg.pred", "", "lower.CL", "upper.CL") ##organize as list Mod.pred.list <- list("type" = type, "mod.avg.pred" = mod.avg.pred, "" =, "conf.level" = conf.level, "lower.CL" = lower.CL, "upper.CL" = upper.CL, "matrix.output" = matrix.output) class(Mod.pred.list) <- c("modavgPred", "list") return(Mod.pred.list) } ##glm.nb modavgPred.AICnegbin.glm.lm <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, newdata, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, type = "response", ...) { ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##newdata is data frame with exact structure of the original data frame (same variable names and type) if(type == "terms") {stop("\nThe terms argument is not defined for this function\n")} ###################CHANGES#### ############################## ##type enables to specify either "response" (original scale = point estimate) or "link" (linear predictor) ##check that link function is the same for all models if linear predictor is used <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) i$family$link)) <- unique(x = if(identical(type, "link")) { if(length( > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n", "with different link functions\n")} } ##extract inverse link function link.inv <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) i$family$linkinv))[[1]] ##determine number of observations in new data set nobserv <- dim(newdata)[1] ##determine number of columns in new data set ncolumns <- dim(newdata)[2] ##if only 1 column, add an additional column to avoid problems in computation with predict( ) if(ncolumns == 1) newdata$blank.fake.column.NAs <- NA ##store AICc table AICctab <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) ##create object to hold Model-averaged estimates and unconditional SE's Mod.avg.out <- matrix(NA, nrow = nobserv, ncol = 2) colnames(Mod.avg.out) <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE") ##required for CI if(identical(type, "response")) { <- matrix(NA, nrow = nobserv, ncol = 2) colnames( <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE") } ##begin loop - AICc if(second.ord == TRUE){ for (obs in 1:nobserv) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = type)$fit)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = type)$ ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE AICctmp <- AICctab AICctmp$fit <- fit AICctmp$SE <- SE ##required for CI if(identical(type, "response")) { if(length( == 1) { AICctmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = "link")$fit)) AICctmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = "link")$ } else { warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n") AICctmp$ <- NA AICctmp$ <- NA } } ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$fit) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$[obs, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$^2 + (AICctmp$ -[obs, 1])^2)) } } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$^2 + (AICctmp$ -[obs, 1])^2))) } } } } ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE - AIC if(second.ord == FALSE) { for (obs in 1:nobserv) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = type)$fit)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = type)$ AICtmp <- AICctab AICtmp$fit <- fit AICtmp$SE <- SE ##required for CI if(identical(type, "response")) { if(length( == 1) { AICtmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = "link")$fit)) AICtmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = "link")$ } else { warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n") AICtmp$ <- NA AICtmp$ <- NA } } ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$fit) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$[obs, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$^2 + (AICtmp$ -[obs, 1])^2)) } } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$^2 + (AICtmp$ -[obs, 1])^2))) } } } } ##############changes start here mod.avg.pred <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- Mod.avg.out[, 2] ##compute confidence interval zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE) if(identical(type, "link")) { lower.CL <- mod.avg.pred - zcrit * upper.CL <- mod.avg.pred + zcrit * } else { lower.CL <- link.inv([, 1] - zcrit *[, 2]) upper.CL <- link.inv([, 1] + zcrit *[, 2]) } ##create matrix matrix.output <- matrix(data = c(mod.avg.pred,, lower.CL, upper.CL), nrow = nrow(newdata), ncol = 4) colnames(matrix.output) <- c("mod.avg.pred", "", "lower.CL", "upper.CL") ##organize as list Mod.pred.list <- list("type" = type, "mod.avg.pred" = mod.avg.pred, "" =, "conf.level" = conf.level, "lower.CL" = lower.CL, "upper.CL" = upper.CL, "matrix.output" = matrix.output) class(Mod.pred.list) <- c("modavgPred", "list") return(Mod.pred.list) } ##rlm modavgPred.AICrlm.lm <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, newdata, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, ...) { ##newdata is data frame with exact structure of the original data frame (same variable names and type) ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##determine number of observations in new data set nobserv <- dim(newdata)[1] ##determine number of columns in new data set ncolumns <- dim(newdata)[2] ##if only 1 column, add an additional column to avoid problems in computation with predictSE.mer( ) if(ncolumns == 1) newdata$blank.fake.column.NAs <- NA ##store AICc table AICctab <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) ##create object to hold Model-averaged estimates and unconditional SE's Mod.avg.out <- matrix(NA, nrow = nobserv, ncol = 2) colnames(Mod.avg.out) <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE") ##begin loop - AICc if(second.ord == TRUE){ for (obs in 1:nobserv) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ])$fit)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ])$ ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE AICctmp <- AICctab AICctmp$fit <- fit AICctmp$SE <- SE ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$fit) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))) } } } ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE - AIC if(second.ord == FALSE) { for (obs in 1:nobserv) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ])$fit)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ])$ AICtmp <- AICctab AICtmp$fit <- fit AICtmp$SE <- SE ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$fit) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))) } } } type <- "response" ##############changes start here mod.avg.pred <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- Mod.avg.out[, 2] ##compute confidence interval zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE) lower.CL <- mod.avg.pred - zcrit * upper.CL <- mod.avg.pred + zcrit * ##create matrix matrix.output <- matrix(data = c(mod.avg.pred,, lower.CL, upper.CL), nrow = nrow(newdata), ncol = 4) colnames(matrix.output) <- c("mod.avg.pred", "", "lower.CL", "upper.CL") ##organize as list Mod.pred.list <- list("type" = type, "mod.avg.pred" = mod.avg.pred, "" =, "conf.level" = conf.level, "lower.CL" = lower.CL, "upper.CL" = upper.CL, "matrix.output" = matrix.output) class(Mod.pred.list) <- c("modavgPred", "list") return(Mod.pred.list) } ##survreg modavgPred.AICsurvreg <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, newdata, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, type = "response", ...) { ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##newdata is data frame with exact structure of the original data frame (same variable names and type) if(type == "terms") {stop("\nThe terms argument is not defined for this function\n")} ###################CHANGES#### ############################## ##type enables to specify either "response" (original scale = point estimate) or "link" (linear predictor) ##check that distribution is the same for all models check.dist <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) i$dist) unique.dist <- unique(x = check.dist) if(identical(type, "link")) { if(length(unique.dist) > 1) stop("\nFunction does not support model-averaging linear predictors using different distributions\n") } ##extract inverse link function link.inv <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) survreg.distributions[[unique.dist]]$itrans)[[1]] ##determine number of observations in new data set nobserv <- dim(newdata)[1] ##determine number of columns in new data set ncolumns <- dim(newdata)[2] ##if only 1 column, add an additional column to avoid problems in computation with predictSE.mer( ) if(ncolumns == 1) newdata$blank.fake.column.NAs <- NA ##store AICc table AICctab <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) ##create object to hold Model-averaged estimates and unconditional SE's Mod.avg.out <- matrix(NA, nrow = nobserv, ncol = 2) colnames(Mod.avg.out) <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE") ##required for CI if(identical(type, "response")) { <- matrix(NA, nrow = nobserv, ncol = 2) colnames( <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE") } ##begin loop - AICc if(second.ord == TRUE){ for (obs in 1:nobserv) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = type)$fit)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = type)$ ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE AICctmp <- AICctab AICctmp$fit <- fit AICctmp$SE <- SE ##required for CI if(identical(type, "response")) { if(length(unique.dist) == 1) { AICctmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = "link")$fit)) AICctmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = "link")$ } else { warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n") AICctmp$ <- NA AICctmp$ <- NA } } ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$fit) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$[obs, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$^2 + (AICctmp$ -[obs, 1])^2)) } } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$^2 + (AICctmp$ -[obs, 1])^2))) } } } } ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE - AIC if(second.ord == FALSE) { for (obs in 1:nobserv) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = type)$fit)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = type)$ AICtmp <- AICctab AICtmp$fit <- fit AICtmp$SE <- SE ##required for CI if(identical(type, "response")) { if(length(unique.dist) == 1) { AICtmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = "link")$fit)) AICtmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = "link")$ } else { warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n") AICtmp$ <- NA AICtmp$ <- NA } } ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$fit) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$[obs, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$^2 + (AICtmp$ -[obs, 1])^2)) } } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit - Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$^2 + (AICtmp$ -[obs, 1])^2))) } } } } ##############changes start here mod.avg.pred <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- Mod.avg.out[, 2] ##compute confidence interval zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE) if(identical(type, "link")) { lower.CL <- mod.avg.pred - zcrit * upper.CL <- mod.avg.pred + zcrit * } else { lower.CL <- link.inv([, 1] - zcrit *[, 2]) upper.CL <- link.inv([, 1] + zcrit *[, 2]) } ##create matrix matrix.output <- matrix(data = c(mod.avg.pred,, lower.CL, upper.CL), nrow = nrow(newdata), ncol = 4) colnames(matrix.output) <- c("mod.avg.pred", "", "lower.CL", "upper.CL") ##organize as list Mod.pred.list <- list("type" = type, "mod.avg.pred" = mod.avg.pred, "" =, "conf.level" = conf.level, "lower.CL" = lower.CL, "upper.CL" = upper.CL, "matrix.output" = matrix.output) class(Mod.pred.list) <- c("modavgPred", "list") return(Mod.pred.list) } ##occu modavgPred.AICunmarkedFitOccu <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, newdata, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, type = "response", c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...) { ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavgPred for details\n")} ##rename values according to unmarked to extract from object ##psi if(identical(parm.type, "psi")) { parm.type1 <- "state" } ##detect if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) { parm.type1 <- "det" } ################## ##extract link function <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$", parm.type1, "@invlink", sep = "")))) <- unique( <-[1] if(identical(type, "link")) { if(length( > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n", "with different link functions\n")} } ################## ##extract inverse link function if(identical(, "logistic")) { link.inv <- plogis } ##extract inverse link function if(identical(, "cloglog")) { link.inv <- function(x) 1 - exp(-exp(x)) } ##newdata is data frame with exact structure of the original data frame (same variable names and type) ##determine number of observations in new data set nobserv <- dim(newdata)[1] ##determine number of columns in new data set ncolumns <- dim(newdata)[2] ##if only 1 column, add an additional column to avoid problems in computation with predict( ) if(ncolumns == 1) newdata$blank.fake.column.NAs <- NA ##store AICc table AICctab <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) ##create object to hold Model-averaged estimates and unconditional SE's Mod.avg.out <- matrix(NA, nrow = nobserv, ncol = 2) colnames(Mod.avg.out) <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE") ##required for CI if(identical(type, "response")) { <- matrix(NA, nrow = nobserv, ncol = 2) colnames( <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE") } ##begin loop - AICc if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat == 1){ for (obs in 1:nobserv) { ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE AICctmp <- AICctab if(identical(type, "response")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$SE)) if(length( == 1) { AICctmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) AICctmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) } else { warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n") AICctmp$ <- NA AICctmp$ <- NA } } if(identical(type, "link")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) } AICctmp$fit <- fit AICctmp$SE <- SE ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$fit) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$[obs, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$^2 + (AICctmp$ -[obs, 1])^2)) } } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$^2 + (AICctmp$ -[obs, 1])^2))) } } } } ##begin loop - QAICc if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat > 1){ for (obs in 1:nobserv) { ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE QAICctmp <- AICctab if(identical(type, "response")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$SE)) if(length( == 1) { QAICctmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) QAICctmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) * sqrt(c.hat) } else { warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n") QAICctmp$ <- NA QAICctmp$ <- NA } } if(identical(type, "link")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) } QAICctmp$fit <- fit QAICctmp$SE <- SE * sqrt(c.hat) ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt * QAICctmp$fit) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt * sqrt(QAICctmp$SE^2 + (QAICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*QAICctmp$[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*sqrt(QAICctmp$^2 + (QAICctmp$ -[obs, 1])^2)) } } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt *(QAICctmp$SE^2 + (QAICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*QAICctmp$[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*(QAICctmp$^2 + (QAICctmp$ -[obs, 1])^2))) } } } } ##begin loop - AIC if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat == 1) { for (obs in 1:nobserv) { ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE AICtmp <- AICctab if(identical(type, "response")) { fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$SE)) if(length( == 1) { AICtmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) AICtmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) } else { warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n") AICtmp$ <- NA AICtmp$ <- NA } } if(identical(type, "link")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) } AICtmp$fit <- fit AICtmp$SE <- SE ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$fit) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$[obs, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$^2 + (AICtmp$ -[obs, 1])^2)) } } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$^2 + (AICtmp$ -[obs, 1])^2))) } } } } ##begin loop - QAICc if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat > 1){ for (obs in 1:nobserv) { ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE QAICtmp <- AICctab if(identical(type, "response")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$SE)) if(length( == 1) { QAICtmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) QAICtmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) * sqrt(c.hat) } else { warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n") QAICtmp$ <- NA QAICtmp$ <- NA } } if(identical(type, "link")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) } QAICtmp$fit <- fit QAICtmp$SE <- SE * sqrt(c.hat) ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt * QAICtmp$fit) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt * sqrt(QAICtmp$SE^2 + (QAICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*QAICtmp$[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*sqrt(QAICtmp$^2 + (QAICtmp$ -[obs, 1])^2)) } } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt *(QAICtmp$SE^2 + (QAICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*QAICtmp$[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*(QAICtmp$^2 + (QAICtmp$ -[obs, 1])^2))) } } } } ##############changes start here mod.avg.pred <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- Mod.avg.out[, 2] ##compute confidence interval zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE) if(identical(type, "link")) { lower.CL <- mod.avg.pred - zcrit * upper.CL <- mod.avg.pred + zcrit * } else { lower.CL <- link.inv([, 1] - zcrit *[, 2]) upper.CL <- link.inv([, 1] + zcrit *[, 2]) } ##create matrix matrix.output <- matrix(data = c(mod.avg.pred,, lower.CL, upper.CL), nrow = nrow(newdata), ncol = 4) colnames(matrix.output) <- c("mod.avg.pred", "", "lower.CL", "upper.CL") ##organize as list Mod.pred.list <- list("type" = type, "mod.avg.pred" = mod.avg.pred, "" =, "conf.level" = conf.level, "lower.CL" = lower.CL, "upper.CL" = upper.CL, "matrix.output" = matrix.output) class(Mod.pred.list) <- c("modavgPred", "list") return(Mod.pred.list) } ##colext modavgPred.AICunmarkedFitColExt <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, newdata, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, type = "response", c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...) { ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavgPred for details\n")} ##rename values according to unmarked to extract from object ##psi if(identical(parm.type, "psi")) { parm.type1 <- "psi" } ##gamma if(identical(parm.type, "gamma")) { parm.type1 <- "col" } ##epsilon if(identical(parm.type, "epsilon")) { parm.type1 <- "ext" } ##detect if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) { parm.type1 <- "det" } ##extract link function <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$", parm.type1, "@invlink", sep = "")))) <- unique( <-[1] if(identical(type, "link")) { if(length( > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n", "with different link functions\n")} } ##extract inverse link function if(identical(, "logistic")) { link.inv <- plogis } ##newdata is data frame with exact structure of the original data frame (same variable names and type) ##determine number of observations in new data set nobserv <- dim(newdata)[1] ##determine number of columns in new data set ncolumns <- dim(newdata)[2] ##if only 1 column, add an additional column to avoid problems in computation with predict( ) if(ncolumns == 1) newdata$blank.fake.column.NAs <- NA ##store AICc table AICctab <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) ##create object to hold Model-averaged estimates and unconditional SE's Mod.avg.out <- matrix(NA, nrow = nobserv, ncol = 2) colnames(Mod.avg.out) <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE") ##required for CI if(identical(type, "response")) { <- matrix(NA, nrow = nobserv, ncol = 2) colnames( <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE") } ##begin loop - AICc if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat == 1){ for (obs in 1:nobserv) { ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE AICctmp <- AICctab if(identical(type, "response")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$SE)) if(length( == 1) { AICctmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) AICctmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) } else { warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n") AICctmp$ <- NA AICctmp$ <- NA } } if(identical(type, "link")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) } AICctmp$fit <- fit AICctmp$SE <- SE ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$fit) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$[obs, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$^2 + (AICctmp$ -[obs, 1])^2)) } } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$^2 + (AICctmp$ -[obs, 1])^2))) } } } } ##begin loop - QAICc if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat > 1){ for (obs in 1:nobserv) { ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE QAICctmp <- AICctab if(identical(type, "response")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$SE)) if(length( == 1) { QAICctmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) QAICctmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) * sqrt(c.hat) } else { warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n") QAICctmp$ <- NA QAICctmp$ <- NA } } if(identical(type, "link")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) } QAICctmp$fit <- fit QAICctmp$SE <- SE * sqrt(c.hat) ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt * QAICctmp$fit) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt * sqrt(QAICctmp$SE^2 + (QAICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*QAICctmp$[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*sqrt(QAICctmp$^2 + (QAICctmp$ -[obs, 1])^2)) } } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt *(QAICctmp$SE^2 + (QAICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*QAICctmp$[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*(QAICctmp$^2 + (QAICctmp$ -[obs, 1])^2))) } } } } ##begin loop - AIC if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat == 1) { for (obs in 1:nobserv) { ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE AICtmp <- AICctab if(identical(type, "response")) { fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$SE)) if(length( == 1) { AICtmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) AICtmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) } else { warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n") AICtmp$ <- NA AICtmp$ <- NA } } if(identical(type, "link")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) } AICtmp$fit <- fit AICtmp$SE <- SE ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$fit) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$[obs, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$^2 + (AICtmp$ -[obs, 1])^2)) } } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$^2 + (AICtmp$ -[obs, 1])^2))) } } } } ##begin loop - QAIC if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat > 1){ for (obs in 1:nobserv) { ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE QAICtmp <- AICctab if(identical(type, "response")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$SE)) if(length( == 1) { QAICtmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) QAICtmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) * sqrt(c.hat) } else { warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n") QAICtmp$ <- NA QAICtmp$ <- NA } } if(identical(type, "link")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) } QAICtmp$fit <- fit QAICtmp$SE <- SE * sqrt(c.hat) ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt * QAICtmp$fit) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt * sqrt(QAICtmp$SE^2 + (QAICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*QAICtmp$[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*sqrt(QAICtmp$^2 + (QAICtmp$ -[obs, 1])^2)) } } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt *(QAICtmp$SE^2 + (QAICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*QAICtmp$[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*(QAICtmp$^2 + (QAICtmp$ -[obs, 1])^2))) } } } } ##############changes start here mod.avg.pred <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- Mod.avg.out[, 2] ##compute confidence interval zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE) if(identical(type, "link")) { lower.CL <- mod.avg.pred - zcrit * upper.CL <- mod.avg.pred + zcrit * } else { lower.CL <- link.inv([, 1] - zcrit *[, 2]) upper.CL <- link.inv([, 1] + zcrit *[, 2]) } ##create matrix matrix.output <- matrix(data = c(mod.avg.pred,, lower.CL, upper.CL), nrow = nrow(newdata), ncol = 4) colnames(matrix.output) <- c("mod.avg.pred", "", "lower.CL", "upper.CL") ##organize as list Mod.pred.list <- list("type" = type, "mod.avg.pred" = mod.avg.pred, "" =, "conf.level" = conf.level, "lower.CL" = lower.CL, "upper.CL" = upper.CL, "matrix.output" = matrix.output) class(Mod.pred.list) <- c("modavgPred", "list") return(Mod.pred.list) } ##occuRN modavgPred.AICunmarkedFitOccuRN <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, newdata, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, type = "response", c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...) { ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavgPred for details\n")} ##rename values according to unmarked to extract from object ##lambda if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) { parm.type1 <- "state" } ##detect if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) { parm.type1 <- "det" } ################## ##extract link function <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$", parm.type1, "@invlink", sep = "")))) <- unique( <-[1] if(identical(type, "link")) { if(length( > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n", "with different link functions\n")} } ################## ##extract inverse link function if(identical(, "logistic")) { link.inv <- plogis } if(identical(, "exp")) { link.inv <- exp } ##newdata is data frame with exact structure of the original data frame (same variable names and type) ##determine number of observations in new data set nobserv <- dim(newdata)[1] ##determine number of columns in new data set ncolumns <- dim(newdata)[2] ##if only 1 column, add an additional column to avoid problems in computation with predict( ) if(ncolumns == 1) newdata$blank.fake.column.NAs <- NA ##store AICc table AICctab <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) ##create object to hold Model-averaged estimates and unconditional SE's Mod.avg.out <- matrix(NA, nrow = nobserv, ncol = 2) colnames(Mod.avg.out) <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE") ##required for CI if(identical(type, "response")) { <- matrix(NA, nrow = nobserv, ncol = 2) colnames( <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE") } ##begin loop - AICc if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat == 1){ for (obs in 1:nobserv) { ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE AICctmp <- AICctab if(identical(type, "response")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$SE)) if(length( == 1) { AICctmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) AICctmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) } else { warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n") AICctmp$ <- NA AICctmp$ <- NA } } if(identical(type, "link")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) } AICctmp$fit <- fit AICctmp$SE <- SE ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$fit) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$[obs, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$^2 + (AICctmp$ -[obs, 1])^2)) } } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$^2 + (AICctmp$ -[obs, 1])^2))) } } } } ##begin loop - QAICc if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat > 1){ for (obs in 1:nobserv) { ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE QAICctmp <- AICctab if(identical(type, "response")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$SE)) if(length( == 1) { QAICctmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) QAICctmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) * sqrt(c.hat) } else { warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n") QAICctmp$ <- NA QAICctmp$ <- NA } } if(identical(type, "link")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) } QAICctmp$fit <- fit QAICctmp$SE <- SE * sqrt(c.hat) ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt * QAICctmp$fit) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt * sqrt(QAICctmp$SE^2 + (QAICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*QAICctmp$[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*sqrt(QAICctmp$^2 + (QAICctmp$ -[obs, 1])^2)) } } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt *(QAICctmp$SE^2 + (QAICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*QAICctmp$[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*(QAICctmp$^2 + (QAICctmp$ -[obs, 1])^2))) } } } } ##begin loop - AIC if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat == 1) { for (obs in 1:nobserv) { ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE AICtmp <- AICctab if(identical(type, "response")) { fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$SE)) if(length( == 1) { AICtmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) AICtmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) } else { warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n") AICtmp$ <- NA AICtmp$ <- NA } } if(identical(type, "link")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) } AICtmp$fit <- fit AICtmp$SE <- SE ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$fit) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$[obs, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$^2 + (AICtmp$ -[obs, 1])^2)) } } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$^2 + (AICtmp$ -[obs, 1])^2))) } } } } ##begin loop - QAIC if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat > 1){ for (obs in 1:nobserv) { ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE QAICtmp <- AICctab if(identical(type, "response")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$SE)) if(length( == 1) { QAICtmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) QAICtmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) * sqrt(c.hat) } else { warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n") QAICtmp$ <- NA QAICtmp$ <- NA } } if(identical(type, "link")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) } QAICtmp$fit <- fit QAICtmp$SE <- SE * sqrt(c.hat) ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt * QAICtmp$fit) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt * sqrt(QAICtmp$SE^2 + (QAICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*QAICtmp$[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*sqrt(QAICtmp$^2 + (QAICtmp$ -[obs, 1])^2)) } } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt *(QAICtmp$SE^2 + (QAICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*QAICtmp$[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*(QAICtmp$^2 + (QAICtmp$ -[obs, 1])^2))) } } } } ##############changes start here mod.avg.pred <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- Mod.avg.out[, 2] ##compute confidence interval zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE) if(identical(type, "link")) { lower.CL <- mod.avg.pred - zcrit * upper.CL <- mod.avg.pred + zcrit * } else { lower.CL <- link.inv([, 1] - zcrit *[, 2]) upper.CL <- link.inv([, 1] + zcrit *[, 2]) } ##create matrix matrix.output <- matrix(data = c(mod.avg.pred,, lower.CL, upper.CL), nrow = nrow(newdata), ncol = 4) colnames(matrix.output) <- c("mod.avg.pred", "", "lower.CL", "upper.CL") ##organize as list Mod.pred.list <- list("type" = type, "mod.avg.pred" = mod.avg.pred, "" =, "conf.level" = conf.level, "lower.CL" = lower.CL, "upper.CL" = upper.CL, "matrix.output" = matrix.output) class(Mod.pred.list) <- c("modavgPred", "list") return(Mod.pred.list) } ##pcount modavgPred.AICunmarkedFitPCount <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, newdata, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, type = "response", c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...) { ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavgPred for details\n")} ##rename values according to unmarked to extract from object ##lambda if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) { parm.type1 <- "state" ##check mixture type for mixture models mixture.type <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@mixture) unique.mixture <- unique(mixture.type) } ##detect if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) { parm.type1 <- "det" } ################## ##extract link function <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$", parm.type1, "@invlink", sep = "")))) <- unique( <-[1] if(identical(type, "link")) { if(length( > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n", "with different link functions\n")} } ################## ##extract inverse link function if(identical(, "logistic")) { link.inv <- plogis } if(identical(, "exp")) { link.inv <- exp } ##newdata is data frame with exact structure of the original data frame (same variable names and type) ##determine number of observations in new data set nobserv <- dim(newdata)[1] ##determine number of columns in new data set ncolumns <- dim(newdata)[2] ##if only 1 column, add an additional column to avoid problems in computation with predict( ) if(ncolumns == 1) newdata$blank.fake.column.NAs <- NA ##store AICc table AICctab <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) ##create object to hold Model-averaged estimates and unconditional SE's Mod.avg.out <- matrix(NA, nrow = nobserv, ncol = 2) colnames(Mod.avg.out) <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE") ##required for CI if(identical(type, "response")) { <- matrix(NA, nrow = nobserv, ncol = 2) colnames( <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE") } ##begin loop - AICc if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat == 1){ for (obs in 1:nobserv) { ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE AICctmp <- AICctab if(identical(type, "response")) { fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$SE)) if(length( == 1) { AICctmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) AICctmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) * sqrt(c.hat) } else { warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n") AICctmp$ <- NA AICctmp$ <- NA } } if(identical(type, "link")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) } AICctmp$fit <- fit AICctmp$SE <- SE ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$fit) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$[obs, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$^2 + (AICctmp$ -[obs, 1])^2)) } } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$^2 + (AICctmp$ -[obs, 1])^2))) } } } } ##begin loop - QAICc if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat > 1){ for (obs in 1:nobserv) { ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE QAICctmp <- AICctab if(identical(type, "response")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$SE)) if(length( == 1) { QAICctmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) QAICctmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) * sqrt(c.hat) } else { warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n") QAICctmp$ <- NA QAICctmp$ <- NA } } if(identical(type, "link")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) } ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE QAICctmp$fit <- fit QAICctmp$SE <- SE * sqrt(c.hat) ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt * QAICctmp$fit) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt * sqrt(QAICctmp$SE^2 + (QAICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*QAICctmp$[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*sqrt(QAICctmp$^2 + (QAICctmp$ -[obs, 1])^2)) } } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt *(QAICctmp$SE^2 + (QAICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*QAICctmp$[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*(QAICctmp$^2 + (QAICctmp$ -[obs, 1])^2))) } } } } ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE - AIC if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat == 1) { for (obs in 1:nobserv) { ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE AICtmp <- AICctab if(identical(type, "response")) { fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$SE)) if(length( == 1) { AICtmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) AICtmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) } else { warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n") AICtmp$ <- NA AICtmp$ <- NA } } if(identical(type, "link")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) } AICtmp$fit <- fit AICtmp$SE <- SE ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$fit) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$[obs, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$^2 + (AICtmp$ -[obs, 1])^2)) } } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$^2 + (AICtmp$ -[obs, 1])^2))) } } } } ##begin loop - QAIC if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat > 1){ for (obs in 1:nobserv) { ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE QAICtmp <- AICctab if(identical(type, "response")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$SE)) if(length( == 1) { QAICtmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) QAICtmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) * sqrt(c.hat) } else { warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n") QAICtmp$ <- NA QAICtmp$ <- NA } } if(identical(type, "link")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) } ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE QAICtmp$fit <- fit QAICtmp$SE <- SE * sqrt(c.hat) ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt * QAICtmp$fit) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt * sqrt(QAICtmp$SE^2 + (QAICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*QAICtmp$[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*sqrt(QAICtmp$^2 + (QAICtmp$ -[obs, 1])^2)) } } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt *(QAICtmp$SE^2 + (QAICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*QAICtmp$[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*(QAICtmp$^2 + (QAICtmp$ -[obs, 1])^2))) } } } } ##############changes start here mod.avg.pred <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- Mod.avg.out[, 2] ##compute confidence interval zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE) if(identical(type, "link")) { lower.CL <- mod.avg.pred - zcrit * upper.CL <- mod.avg.pred + zcrit * } else { lower.CL <- link.inv([, 1] - zcrit *[, 2]) upper.CL <- link.inv([, 1] + zcrit *[, 2]) } ##create matrix matrix.output <- matrix(data = c(mod.avg.pred,, lower.CL, upper.CL), nrow = nrow(newdata), ncol = 4) colnames(matrix.output) <- c("mod.avg.pred", "", "lower.CL", "upper.CL") ##organize as list Mod.pred.list <- list("type" = type, "mod.avg.pred" = mod.avg.pred, "" =, "conf.level" = conf.level, "lower.CL" = lower.CL, "upper.CL" = upper.CL, "matrix.output" = matrix.output) class(Mod.pred.list) <- c("modavgPred", "list") return(Mod.pred.list) } ##pcountOpen modavgPred.AICunmarkedFitPCO <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, newdata, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, type = "response", c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...) { ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavgPred for details\n")} ##rename values according to unmarked to extract from object ##lambda if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) { parm.type1 <- "lambda" ##check mixture type for mixture models mixture.type <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@mixture) unique.mixture <- unique(mixture.type) if(length(unique.mixture) > 1) { if(any(unique.mixture == "ZIP")) stop("\nThis function does not yet support mixing ZIP with other distributions\n") } else { <- unique(mixture.type) if(identical(unique.mixture, "ZIP")) { if(identical(type, "link")) stop("\nLink scale not yet supported for ZIP mixtures\n") if(identical(type, "response")) warning("\nModel-averaging linear predictor from a ZIP model not yet implemented\n") } } } ##gamma if(identical(parm.type, "gamma")) { parm.type1 <- "gamma" } ##omega if(identical(parm.type, "omega")) { parm.type1 <- "omega" } ##iota (for immigration = TRUE with dynamics = "autoreg", "trend", "ricker", or "gompertz") if(identical(parm.type, "iota")) { parm.type1 <- "iota" ##check that parameter appears in all models parfreq <- sum(sapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) any(names(i@estimates@estimates) == parm.type1))) if(!identical(length(cand.set), parfreq)) { stop("\nParameter \'", parm.type1, "\' (parm.type = \"", parm.type, "\") does not appear in all models:", "\ncannot compute model-averaged predictions across all models\n") } } ##detect if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) { parm.type1 <- "det" } ################## ##extract link function <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$", parm.type1, "@invlink", sep = "")))) <- unique( <-[1] if(identical(type, "link")) { if(length( > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n", "with different link functions\n")} } ################## ##extract inverse link function if(identical(, "logistic")) { link.inv <- plogis } if(identical(, "exp")) { link.inv <- exp } ##newdata is data frame with exact structure of the original data frame (same variable names and type) ##determine number of observations in new data set nobserv <- dim(newdata)[1] ##determine number of columns in new data set ncolumns <- dim(newdata)[2] ##if only 1 column, add an additional column to avoid problems in computation with predictSE.mer( ) if(ncolumns == 1) newdata$blank.fake.column.NAs <- NA ##store AICc table AICctab <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) ##create object to hold Model-averaged estimates and unconditional SE's Mod.avg.out <- matrix(NA, nrow = nobserv, ncol = 2) colnames(Mod.avg.out) <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE") ##required for CI if(identical(type, "response")) { <- matrix(NA, nrow = nobserv, ncol = 2) colnames( <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE") } ##begin loop - AICc if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat == 1){ for (obs in 1:nobserv) { ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE AICctmp <- AICctab if(identical(type, "response")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs if(identical(parm.type, "lambda") && identical(, "ZIP")) { fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predictSE(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ])$fit)) SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predictSE(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ])$ AICctmp$ <- NA AICctmp$ <- NA } else { fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$SE)) if(length( == 1) { AICctmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) AICctmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) * sqrt(c.hat) } else { warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n") AICctmp$ <- NA AICctmp$ <- NA } } } if(identical(type, "link")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) } ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE AICctmp$fit <- fit AICctmp$SE <- SE ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$fit) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$[obs, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$^2 + (AICctmp$ -[obs, 1])^2)) } } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$^2 + (AICctmp$ -[obs, 1])^2))) } } } } ##begin loop - QAICc if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat > 1){ for (obs in 1:nobserv) { ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE QAICctmp <- AICctab if(identical(type, "response")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs if(identical(parm.type, "lambda") && identical(, "ZIP")) { fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predictSE(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ])$fit)) SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predictSE(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ])$ QAICctmp$ <- NA QAICctmp$ <- NA } else { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$SE)) if(length( == 1) { QAICctmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) QAICctmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) * sqrt(c.hat) } else { warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n") QAICctmp$ <- NA QAICctmp$ <- NA } } } if(identical(type, "link")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) } ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE QAICctmp$fit <- fit QAICctmp$SE <- SE * sqrt(c.hat) ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt * QAICctmp$fit) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt * sqrt(QAICctmp$SE^2 + (QAICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*QAICctmp$[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*sqrt(QAICctmp$^2 + (QAICctmp$ -[obs, 1])^2)) } } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt *(QAICctmp$SE^2 + (QAICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*QAICctmp$[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*(QAICctmp$^2 + (QAICctmp$ -[obs, 1])^2))) } } } } ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE - AIC if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat == 1) { for (obs in 1:nobserv) { ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE AICtmp <- AICctab if(identical(type, "response")) { if(identical(parm.type, "lambda") && identical(, "ZIP")) { fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predictSE(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ])$fit)) SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predictSE(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ])$ AICtmp$ <- NA AICtmp$ <- NA } else { fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$SE)) if(length( == 1) { AICtmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) AICtmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) } else { warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n") AICtmp$ <- NA AICtmp$ <- NA } } } if(identical(type, "link")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) } AICtmp$fit <- fit AICtmp$SE <- SE ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$fit) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$[obs, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$^2 + (AICtmp$ -[obs, 1])^2)) } } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$^2 + (AICtmp$ -[obs, 1])^2))) } } } } ##begin loop - QAIC if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat > 1){ for (obs in 1:nobserv) { ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE QAICtmp <- AICctab if(identical(type, "response")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs if(identical(parm.type, "lambda") && identical(, "ZIP")) { fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predictSE(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ])$fit)) SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predictSE(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ])$ QAICtmp$ <- NA QAICtmp$ <- NA } else { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$SE)) if(length( == 1) { QAICtmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) QAICtmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) * sqrt(c.hat) } else { warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n") QAICtmp$ <- NA QAICtmp$ <- NA } } } if(identical(type, "link")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) } ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE QAICtmp$fit <- fit QAICtmp$SE <- SE * sqrt(c.hat) ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt * QAICtmp$fit) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt * sqrt(QAICtmp$SE^2 + (QAICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*QAICtmp$[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*sqrt(QAICtmp$^2 + (QAICtmp$ -[obs, 1])^2)) } } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt *(QAICtmp$SE^2 + (QAICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*QAICtmp$[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*(QAICtmp$^2 + (QAICtmp$ -[obs, 1])^2))) } } } } ##############changes start here mod.avg.pred <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- Mod.avg.out[, 2] ##compute confidence interval zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE) if(identical(type, "link")) { lower.CL <- mod.avg.pred - zcrit * upper.CL <- mod.avg.pred + zcrit * } else { lower.CL <- link.inv([, 1] - zcrit *[, 2]) upper.CL <- link.inv([, 1] + zcrit *[, 2]) } ##create matrix matrix.output <- matrix(data = c(mod.avg.pred,, lower.CL, upper.CL), nrow = nrow(newdata), ncol = 4) colnames(matrix.output) <- c("mod.avg.pred", "", "lower.CL", "upper.CL") ##organize as list Mod.pred.list <- list("type" = type, "mod.avg.pred" = mod.avg.pred, "" =, "conf.level" = conf.level, "lower.CL" = lower.CL, "upper.CL" = upper.CL, "matrix.output" = matrix.output) class(Mod.pred.list) <- c("modavgPred", "list") return(Mod.pred.list) } ##distsamp modavgPred.AICunmarkedFitDS <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, newdata, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, type = "response", c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...) { ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavgPred for details\n")} ##rename values according to unmarked to extract from object ##lambda if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) { parm.type1 <- "state" } ##detect if(identical(parm.type, "detect")){ parm.type1 <- "det" ##check for key function used keyid <- unique(sapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@keyfun)) if(any(keyid == "uniform")) stop("\nDetection parameter not found in some models\n") } ################## ##extract link function <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$", parm.type1, "@invlink", sep = "")))) <- unique( <-[1] if(identical(type, "link")) { if(length( > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n", "with different link functions\n")} } ################## ##extract inverse link function if(identical(, "logistic")) { link.inv <- plogis } if(identical(, "exp")) { link.inv <- exp } ##newdata is data frame with exact structure of the original data frame (same variable names and type) ##determine number of observations in new data set nobserv <- dim(newdata)[1] ##determine number of columns in new data set ncolumns <- dim(newdata)[2] ##if only 1 column, add an additional column to avoid problems in computation with predictSE.mer( ) if(ncolumns == 1) newdata$blank.fake.column.NAs <- NA ##store AICc table AICctab <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) ##create object to hold Model-averaged estimates and unconditional SE's Mod.avg.out <- matrix(NA, nrow = nobserv, ncol = 2) colnames(Mod.avg.out) <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE") ##required for CI if(identical(type, "response")) { <- matrix(NA, nrow = nobserv, ncol = 2) colnames( <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE") } ##begin loop - AICc if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat == 1){ for (obs in 1:nobserv) { ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE AICctmp <- AICctab if(identical(type, "response")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$SE)) if(length( == 1) { AICctmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) AICctmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) } else { warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n") AICctmp$ <- NA AICctmp$ <- NA } } if(identical(type, "link")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) } AICctmp$fit <- fit AICctmp$SE <- SE ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$fit) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$[obs, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$^2 + (AICctmp$ -[obs, 1])^2)) } } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$^2 + (AICctmp$ -[obs, 1])^2))) } } } } ##begin loop - QAICc if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat > 1){ for (obs in 1:nobserv) { ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE QAICctmp <- AICctab if(identical(type, "response")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$SE)) if(length( == 1) { QAICctmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) QAICctmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) * sqrt(c.hat) } else { warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n") QAICctmp$ <- NA QAICctmp$ <- NA } } if(identical(type, "link")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) } QAICctmp$fit <- fit QAICctmp$SE <- SE * sqrt(c.hat) ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt * QAICctmp$fit) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt * sqrt(QAICctmp$SE^2 + (QAICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*QAICctmp$[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*sqrt(QAICctmp$^2 + (QAICctmp$ -[obs, 1])^2)) } } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt *(QAICctmp$SE^2 + (QAICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*QAICctmp$[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*(QAICctmp$^2 + (QAICctmp$ -[obs, 1])^2))) } } } } ##begin loop - AIC if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat == 1) { for (obs in 1:nobserv) { ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE AICtmp <- AICctab if(identical(type, "response")) { fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$SE)) if(length( == 1) { AICtmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) AICtmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) } else { warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n") AICtmp$ <- NA AICtmp$ <- NA } } if(identical(type, "link")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) } AICtmp$fit <- fit AICtmp$SE <- SE ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$fit) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$[obs, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$^2 + (AICtmp$ -[obs, 1])^2)) } } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$^2 + (AICtmp$ -[obs, 1])^2))) } } } } ##begin loop - QAIC if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat > 1){ for (obs in 1:nobserv) { ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE QAICtmp <- AICctab if(identical(type, "response")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$SE)) if(length( == 1) { QAICtmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) QAICtmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) * sqrt(c.hat) } else { warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n") QAICtmp$ <- NA QAICtmp$ <- NA } } if(identical(type, "link")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) } QAICtmp$fit <- fit QAICtmp$SE <- SE * sqrt(c.hat) ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt * QAICtmp$fit) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt * sqrt(QAICtmp$SE^2 + (QAICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*QAICtmp$[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*sqrt(QAICtmp$^2 + (QAICtmp$ -[obs, 1])^2)) } } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt *(QAICtmp$SE^2 + (QAICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*QAICtmp$[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*(QAICtmp$^2 + (QAICtmp$ -[obs, 1])^2))) } } } } ##############changes start here mod.avg.pred <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- Mod.avg.out[, 2] ##compute confidence interval zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE) if(identical(type, "link")) { lower.CL <- mod.avg.pred - zcrit * upper.CL <- mod.avg.pred + zcrit * } else { lower.CL <- link.inv([, 1] - zcrit *[, 2]) upper.CL <- link.inv([, 1] + zcrit *[, 2]) } ##create matrix matrix.output <- matrix(data = c(mod.avg.pred,, lower.CL, upper.CL), nrow = nrow(newdata), ncol = 4) colnames(matrix.output) <- c("mod.avg.pred", "", "lower.CL", "upper.CL") ##organize as list Mod.pred.list <- list("type" = type, "mod.avg.pred" = mod.avg.pred, "" =, "conf.level" = conf.level, "lower.CL" = lower.CL, "upper.CL" = upper.CL, "matrix.output" = matrix.output) class(Mod.pred.list) <- c("modavgPred", "list") return(Mod.pred.list) } ##gdistsamp modavgPred.AICunmarkedFitGDS <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, newdata, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, type = "response", c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...) { ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavgPred for details\n")} ##rename values according to unmarked to extract from object ##lambda if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) { parm.type1 <- "lambda" } ##detect if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) { parm.type1 <- "det" ##check for key function used keyid <- unique(sapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@keyfun)) if(any(keyid == "uniform")) stop("\nDetection parameter not found in some models\n") } ##availability if(identical(parm.type, "phi")) { parm.type1 <- "phi" } ################## ##extract link function <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$", parm.type1, "@invlink", sep = "")))) <- unique( <-[1] if(identical(type, "link")) { if(length( > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n", "with different link functions\n")} } ################## ##extract inverse link function if(identical(, "logistic")) { link.inv <- plogis } if(identical(, "exp")) { link.inv <- exp } ##newdata is data frame with exact structure of the original data frame (same variable names and type) ##determine number of observations in new data set nobserv <- dim(newdata)[1] ##determine number of columns in new data set ncolumns <- dim(newdata)[2] ##if only 1 column, add an additional column to avoid problems in computation with predictSE.mer( ) if(ncolumns == 1) newdata$blank.fake.column.NAs <- NA ##store AICc table AICctab <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) ##create object to hold Model-averaged estimates and unconditional SE's Mod.avg.out <- matrix(NA, nrow = nobserv, ncol = 2) colnames(Mod.avg.out) <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE") ##required for CI if(identical(type, "response")) { <- matrix(NA, nrow = nobserv, ncol = 2) colnames( <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE") } ##begin loop - AICc if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat == 1){ for (obs in 1:nobserv) { ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE AICctmp <- AICctab if(identical(type, "response")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$SE)) if(length( == 1) { AICctmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) AICctmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) } else { warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n") AICctmp$ <- NA AICctmp$ <- NA } } if(identical(type, "link")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) } AICctmp$fit <- fit AICctmp$SE <- SE ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$fit) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$[obs, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$^2 + (AICctmp$ -[obs, 1])^2)) } } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$^2 + (AICctmp$ -[obs, 1])^2))) } } } } ##begin loop - QAICc if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat > 1){ for (obs in 1:nobserv) { ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE QAICctmp <- AICctab if(identical(type, "response")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$SE)) if(length( == 1) { QAICctmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) QAICctmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) * sqrt(c.hat) } else { warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n") QAICctmp$ <- NA QAICctmp$ <- NA } } if(identical(type, "link")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) } QAICctmp$fit <- fit QAICctmp$SE <- SE * sqrt(c.hat) ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt * QAICctmp$fit) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt * sqrt(QAICctmp$SE^2 + (QAICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*QAICctmp$[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*sqrt(QAICctmp$^2 + (QAICctmp$ -[obs, 1])^2)) } } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt *(QAICctmp$SE^2 + (QAICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*QAICctmp$[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*(QAICctmp$^2 + (QAICctmp$ -[obs, 1])^2))) } } } } ##begin loop - AIC if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat == 1) { for (obs in 1:nobserv) { ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE AICtmp <- AICctab if(identical(type, "response")) { fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$SE)) if(length( == 1) { AICtmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) AICtmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) } else { warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n") AICtmp$ <- NA AICtmp$ <- NA } } if(identical(type, "link")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) } AICtmp$fit <- fit AICtmp$SE <- SE ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$fit) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$[obs, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$^2 + (AICtmp$ -[obs, 1])^2)) } } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$^2 + (AICtmp$ -[obs, 1])^2))) } } } } ##begin loop - QAIC if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat > 1){ for (obs in 1:nobserv) { ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE QAICtmp <- AICctab if(identical(type, "response")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$SE)) if(length( == 1) { QAICtmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) QAICtmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) * sqrt(c.hat) } else { warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n") QAICtmp$ <- NA QAICtmp$ <- NA } } if(identical(type, "link")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) } QAICtmp$fit <- fit QAICtmp$SE <- SE * sqrt(c.hat) ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt * QAICtmp$fit) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt * sqrt(QAICtmp$SE^2 + (QAICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*QAICtmp$[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*sqrt(QAICtmp$^2 + (QAICtmp$ -[obs, 1])^2)) } } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt *(QAICtmp$SE^2 + (QAICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*QAICtmp$[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*(QAICtmp$^2 + (QAICtmp$ -[obs, 1])^2))) } } } } ##############changes start here mod.avg.pred <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- Mod.avg.out[, 2] ##compute confidence interval zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE) if(identical(type, "link")) { lower.CL <- mod.avg.pred - zcrit * upper.CL <- mod.avg.pred + zcrit * } else { lower.CL <- link.inv([, 1] - zcrit *[, 2]) upper.CL <- link.inv([, 1] + zcrit *[, 2]) } ##create matrix matrix.output <- matrix(data = c(mod.avg.pred,, lower.CL, upper.CL), nrow = nrow(newdata), ncol = 4) colnames(matrix.output) <- c("mod.avg.pred", "", "lower.CL", "upper.CL") ##organize as list Mod.pred.list <- list("type" = type, "mod.avg.pred" = mod.avg.pred, "" =, "conf.level" = conf.level, "lower.CL" = lower.CL, "upper.CL" = upper.CL, "matrix.output" = matrix.output) class(Mod.pred.list) <- c("modavgPred", "list") return(Mod.pred.list) } ##occuFP modavgPred.AICunmarkedFitOccuFP <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, newdata, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, type = "response", c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...) { ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavgPred for details\n")} ##rename values according to unmarked to extract from object ##psi if(identical(parm.type, "psi")) { parm.type1 <- "state" } ##detect if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) { parm.type1 <- "det" } ##false positives if(identical(parm.type, "falsepos") || identical(parm.type, "fp")) { parm.type1 <- "fp" } ##certain detections if(identical(parm.type, "certain")) { parm.type1 <- "b" ##check that parameter appears in all models parfreq <- sum(sapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) any(names(i@estimates@estimates) == parm.type1))) if(!identical(length(cand.set), parfreq)) { stop("\nParameter \'", parm.type1, "\' (parm.type = \"", parm.type, "\") does not appear in all models:", "\ncannot compute model-averaged predictions across all models\n") } } ################## ##extract link function <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$", parm.type1, "@invlink", sep = "")))) <- unique( <-[1] if(identical(type, "link")) { if(length( > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n", "with different link functions\n")} } ################## ##extract inverse link function if(identical(, "logistic")) { link.inv <- plogis } ##newdata is data frame with exact structure of the original data frame (same variable names and type) ##determine number of observations in new data set nobserv <- dim(newdata)[1] ##determine number of columns in new data set ncolumns <- dim(newdata)[2] ##if only 1 column, add an additional column to avoid problems in computation with predictSE.mer( ) if(ncolumns == 1) newdata$blank.fake.column.NAs <- NA ##store AICc table AICctab <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) ##create object to hold Model-averaged estimates and unconditional SE's Mod.avg.out <- matrix(NA, nrow = nobserv, ncol = 2) colnames(Mod.avg.out) <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE") ##required for CI if(identical(type, "response")) { <- matrix(NA, nrow = nobserv, ncol = 2) colnames( <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE") } ##begin loop - AICc if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat == 1){ for (obs in 1:nobserv) { ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE AICctmp <- AICctab if(identical(type, "response")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$SE)) if(length( == 1) { AICctmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) AICctmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) } else { warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n") AICctmp$ <- NA AICctmp$ <- NA } } if(identical(type, "link")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) } AICctmp$fit <- fit AICctmp$SE <- SE ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$fit) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$[obs, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$^2 + (AICctmp$ -[obs, 1])^2)) } } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$^2 + (AICctmp$ -[obs, 1])^2))) } } } } ##begin loop - QAICc if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat > 1){ for (obs in 1:nobserv) { ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE QAICctmp <- AICctab if(identical(type, "response")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$SE)) if(length( == 1) { QAICctmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) QAICctmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) * sqrt(c.hat) } else { warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n") QAICctmp$ <- NA QAICctmp$ <- NA } } if(identical(type, "link")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) } QAICctmp$fit <- fit QAICctmp$SE <- SE * sqrt(c.hat) ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt * QAICctmp$fit) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt * sqrt(QAICctmp$SE^2 + (QAICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*QAICctmp$[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*sqrt(QAICctmp$^2 + (QAICctmp$ -[obs, 1])^2)) } } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt *(QAICctmp$SE^2 + (QAICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*QAICctmp$[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*(QAICctmp$^2 + (QAICctmp$ -[obs, 1])^2))) } } } } ##begin loop - AIC if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat == 1) { for (obs in 1:nobserv) { ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE AICtmp <- AICctab if(identical(type, "response")) { fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$SE)) if(length( == 1) { AICtmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) AICtmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) } else { warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n") AICtmp$ <- NA AICtmp$ <- NA } } if(identical(type, "link")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) } AICtmp$fit <- fit AICtmp$SE <- SE ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$fit) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$[obs, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$^2 + (AICtmp$ -[obs, 1])^2)) } } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$^2 + (AICtmp$ -[obs, 1])^2))) } } } } ##begin loop - QAIC if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat > 1){ for (obs in 1:nobserv) { ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE QAICtmp <- AICctab if(identical(type, "response")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$SE)) if(length( == 1) { QAICtmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) QAICtmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) * sqrt(c.hat) } else { warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n") QAICtmp$ <- NA QAICtmp$ <- NA } } if(identical(type, "link")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) } QAICtmp$fit <- fit QAICtmp$SE <- SE * sqrt(c.hat) ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt * QAICtmp$fit) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt * sqrt(QAICtmp$SE^2 + (QAICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*QAICtmp$[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*sqrt(QAICtmp$^2 + (QAICtmp$ -[obs, 1])^2)) } } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt *(QAICtmp$SE^2 + (QAICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*QAICtmp$[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*(QAICtmp$^2 + (QAICtmp$ -[obs, 1])^2))) } } } } ##############changes start here mod.avg.pred <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- Mod.avg.out[, 2] ##compute confidence interval zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE) if(identical(type, "link")) { lower.CL <- mod.avg.pred - zcrit * upper.CL <- mod.avg.pred + zcrit * } else { lower.CL <- link.inv([, 1] - zcrit *[, 2]) upper.CL <- link.inv([, 1] + zcrit *[, 2]) } ##create matrix matrix.output <- matrix(data = c(mod.avg.pred,, lower.CL, upper.CL), nrow = nrow(newdata), ncol = 4) colnames(matrix.output) <- c("mod.avg.pred", "", "lower.CL", "upper.CL") ##organize as list Mod.pred.list <- list("type" = type, "mod.avg.pred" = mod.avg.pred, "" =, "conf.level" = conf.level, "lower.CL" = lower.CL, "upper.CL" = upper.CL, "matrix.output" = matrix.output) class(Mod.pred.list) <- c("modavgPred", "list") return(Mod.pred.list) } ##multinomPois modavgPred.AICunmarkedFitMPois <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, newdata, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, type = "response", c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...) { ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavgPred for details\n")} ##rename values according to unmarked to extract from object ##lambda if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) { parm.type1 <- "state" } ##detect if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) { parm.type1 <- "det" } ################## ##extract link function <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$", parm.type1, "@invlink", sep = "")))) <- unique( <-[1] if(identical(type, "link")) { if(length( > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n", "with different link functions\n")} } ################## ##extract inverse link function if(identical(, "logistic")) { link.inv <- plogis } if(identical(, "exp")) { link.inv <- exp } ####changes############# ##newdata is data frame with exact structure of the original data frame (same variable names and type) ##determine number of observations in new data set nobserv <- dim(newdata)[1] ##determine number of columns in new data set ncolumns <- dim(newdata)[2] ##if only 1 column, add an additional column to avoid problems in computation with predictSE.mer( ) if(ncolumns == 1) newdata$blank.fake.column.NAs <- NA ##store AICc table AICctab <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) ##create object to hold Model-averaged estimates and unconditional SE's Mod.avg.out <- matrix(NA, nrow = nobserv, ncol = 2) colnames(Mod.avg.out) <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE") ##required for CI if(identical(type, "response")) { <- matrix(NA, nrow = nobserv, ncol = 2) colnames( <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE") } ##begin loop - AICc if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat == 1){ for (obs in 1:nobserv) { ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE AICctmp <- AICctab if(identical(type, "response")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$SE)) if(length( == 1) { AICctmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) AICctmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) } else { warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n") AICctmp$ <- NA AICctmp$ <- NA } } if(identical(type, "link")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) } AICctmp$fit <- fit AICctmp$SE <- SE ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$fit) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$[obs, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$^2 + (AICctmp$ -[obs, 1])^2)) } } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$^2 + (AICctmp$ -[obs, 1])^2))) } } } } ##begin loop - QAICc if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat > 1){ for (obs in 1:nobserv) { ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE QAICctmp <- AICctab if(identical(type, "response")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$SE)) if(length( == 1) { QAICctmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) QAICctmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) * sqrt(c.hat) } else { warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n") QAICctmp$ <- NA QAICctmp$ <- NA } } if(identical(type, "link")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) } QAICctmp$fit <- fit QAICctmp$SE <- SE * sqrt(c.hat) ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt * QAICctmp$fit) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt * sqrt(QAICctmp$SE^2 + (QAICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*QAICctmp$[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*sqrt(QAICctmp$^2 + (QAICctmp$ -[obs, 1])^2)) } } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt *(QAICctmp$SE^2 + (QAICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*QAICctmp$[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*(QAICctmp$^2 + (QAICctmp$ -[obs, 1])^2))) } } } } ##begin loop - AIC if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat == 1) { for (obs in 1:nobserv) { ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE AICtmp <- AICctab if(identical(type, "response")) { fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$SE)) if(length( == 1) { AICtmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) AICtmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) } else { warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n") AICtmp$ <- NA AICtmp$ <- NA } } if(identical(type, "link")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) } AICtmp$fit <- fit AICtmp$SE <- SE ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$fit) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$[obs, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$^2 + (AICtmp$ -[obs, 1])^2)) } } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$^2 + (AICtmp$ -[obs, 1])^2))) } } } } ##begin loop - QAIC if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat > 1){ for (obs in 1:nobserv) { ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE QAICtmp <- AICctab if(identical(type, "response")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$SE)) if(length( == 1) { QAICtmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) QAICtmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) * sqrt(c.hat) } else { warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n") QAICtmp$ <- NA QAICtmp$ <- NA } } if(identical(type, "link")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) } QAICtmp$fit <- fit QAICtmp$SE <- SE * sqrt(c.hat) ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt * QAICtmp$fit) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt * sqrt(QAICtmp$SE^2 + (QAICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*QAICtmp$[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*sqrt(QAICtmp$^2 + (QAICtmp$ -[obs, 1])^2)) } } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt *(QAICtmp$SE^2 + (QAICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*QAICtmp$[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*(QAICtmp$^2 + (QAICtmp$ -[obs, 1])^2))) } } } } ##############changes start here mod.avg.pred <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- Mod.avg.out[, 2] ##compute confidence interval zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE) if(identical(type, "link")) { lower.CL <- mod.avg.pred - zcrit * upper.CL <- mod.avg.pred + zcrit * } else { lower.CL <- link.inv([, 1] - zcrit *[, 2]) upper.CL <- link.inv([, 1] + zcrit *[, 2]) } ##create matrix matrix.output <- matrix(data = c(mod.avg.pred,, lower.CL, upper.CL), nrow = nrow(newdata), ncol = 4) colnames(matrix.output) <- c("mod.avg.pred", "", "lower.CL", "upper.CL") ##organize as list Mod.pred.list <- list("type" = type, "mod.avg.pred" = mod.avg.pred, "" =, "conf.level" = conf.level, "lower.CL" = lower.CL, "upper.CL" = upper.CL, "matrix.output" = matrix.output) class(Mod.pred.list) <- c("modavgPred", "list") return(Mod.pred.list) } ##gmultmix modavgPred.AICunmarkedFitGMM <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, newdata, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, type = "response", c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...) { ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavgPred for details\n")} ##rename values according to unmarked to extract from object ##lambda if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) { parm.type1 <- "lambda" } ##detect if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) { parm.type1 <- "det" } ##availability if(identical(parm.type, "phi")) { parm.type1 <- "phi" } ################## ##extract link function <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$", parm.type1, "@invlink", sep = "")))) <- unique( <-[1] if(identical(type, "link")) { if(length( > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n", "with different link functions\n")} } ################## ##extract inverse link function if(identical(, "logistic")) { link.inv <- plogis } if(identical(, "exp")) { link.inv <- exp } ####changes############# ##newdata is data frame with exact structure of the original data frame (same variable names and type) ##determine number of observations in new data set nobserv <- dim(newdata)[1] ##determine number of columns in new data set ncolumns <- dim(newdata)[2] ##if only 1 column, add an additional column to avoid problems in computation with predictSE.mer( ) if(ncolumns == 1) newdata$blank.fake.column.NAs <- NA ##store AICc table AICctab <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) ##create object to hold Model-averaged estimates and unconditional SE's Mod.avg.out <- matrix(NA, nrow = nobserv, ncol = 2) colnames(Mod.avg.out) <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE") ##required for CI if(identical(type, "response")) { <- matrix(NA, nrow = nobserv, ncol = 2) colnames( <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE") } ##begin loop - AICc if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat == 1){ for (obs in 1:nobserv) { ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE AICctmp <- AICctab if(identical(type, "response")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$SE)) if(length( == 1) { AICctmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) AICctmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) } else { warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n") AICctmp$ <- NA AICctmp$ <- NA } } if(identical(type, "link")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) } AICctmp$fit <- fit AICctmp$SE <- SE ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$fit) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$[obs, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$^2 + (AICctmp$ -[obs, 1])^2)) } } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$^2 + (AICctmp$ -[obs, 1])^2))) } } } } ##begin loop - QAICc if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat > 1){ for (obs in 1:nobserv) { ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE QAICctmp <- AICctab if(identical(type, "response")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$SE)) if(length( == 1) { QAICctmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) QAICctmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) * sqrt(c.hat) } else { warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n") QAICctmp$ <- NA QAICctmp$ <- NA } } if(identical(type, "link")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) } QAICctmp$fit <- fit QAICctmp$SE <- SE * sqrt(c.hat) ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt * QAICctmp$fit) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt * sqrt(QAICctmp$SE^2 + (QAICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*QAICctmp$[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*sqrt(QAICctmp$^2 + (QAICctmp$ -[obs, 1])^2)) } } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt *(QAICctmp$SE^2 + (QAICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*QAICctmp$[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*(QAICctmp$^2 + (QAICctmp$ -[obs, 1])^2))) } } } } ##begin loop - AIC if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat == 1) { for (obs in 1:nobserv) { ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE AICtmp <- AICctab if(identical(type, "response")) { fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$SE)) if(length( == 1) { AICtmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) AICtmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) } else { warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n") AICtmp$ <- NA AICtmp$ <- NA } } if(identical(type, "link")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) } AICtmp$fit <- fit AICtmp$SE <- SE ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$fit) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$[obs, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$^2 + (AICtmp$ -[obs, 1])^2)) } } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$^2 + (AICtmp$ -[obs, 1])^2))) } } } } ##begin loop - QAIC if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat > 1){ for (obs in 1:nobserv) { ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE QAICtmp <- AICctab if(identical(type, "response")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$SE)) if(length( == 1) { QAICtmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) QAICtmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) * sqrt(c.hat) } else { warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n") QAICtmp$ <- NA QAICtmp$ <- NA } } if(identical(type, "link")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) } QAICtmp$fit <- fit QAICtmp$SE <- SE * sqrt(c.hat) ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt * QAICtmp$fit) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt * sqrt(QAICtmp$SE^2 + (QAICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*QAICtmp$[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*sqrt(QAICtmp$^2 + (QAICtmp$ -[obs, 1])^2)) } } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt *(QAICtmp$SE^2 + (QAICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*QAICtmp$[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*(QAICtmp$^2 + (QAICtmp$ -[obs, 1])^2))) } } } } ##############changes start here mod.avg.pred <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- Mod.avg.out[, 2] ##compute confidence interval zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE) if(identical(type, "link")) { lower.CL <- mod.avg.pred - zcrit * upper.CL <- mod.avg.pred + zcrit * } else { lower.CL <- link.inv([, 1] - zcrit *[, 2]) upper.CL <- link.inv([, 1] + zcrit *[, 2]) } ##create matrix matrix.output <- matrix(data = c(mod.avg.pred,, lower.CL, upper.CL), nrow = nrow(newdata), ncol = 4) colnames(matrix.output) <- c("mod.avg.pred", "", "lower.CL", "upper.CL") ##organize as list Mod.pred.list <- list("type" = type, "mod.avg.pred" = mod.avg.pred, "" =, "conf.level" = conf.level, "lower.CL" = lower.CL, "upper.CL" = upper.CL, "matrix.output" = matrix.output) class(Mod.pred.list) <- c("modavgPred", "list") return(Mod.pred.list) } ##gpcount modavgPred.AICunmarkedFitGPC <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, newdata, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, type = "response", c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...) { ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavgPred for details\n")} ##rename values according to unmarked to extract from object ##lambda if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) { parm.type1 <- "lambda" } ##detect if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) { parm.type1 <- "det" } ##availability if(identical(parm.type, "phi")) { parm.type1 <- "phi" } ################## ##extract link function <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$", parm.type1, "@invlink", sep = "")))) <- unique( <-[1] if(identical(type, "link")) { if(length( > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n", "with different link functions\n")} } ################## ##extract inverse link function if(identical(, "logistic")) { link.inv <- plogis } if(identical(, "exp")) { link.inv <- exp } ####changes############# ##newdata is data frame with exact structure of the original data frame (same variable names and type) ##determine number of observations in new data set nobserv <- dim(newdata)[1] ##determine number of columns in new data set ncolumns <- dim(newdata)[2] ##if only 1 column, add an additional column to avoid problems in computation with predictSE.mer( ) if(ncolumns == 1) newdata$blank.fake.column.NAs <- NA ##store AICc table AICctab <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) ##create object to hold Model-averaged estimates and unconditional SE's Mod.avg.out <- matrix(NA, nrow = nobserv, ncol = 2) colnames(Mod.avg.out) <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE") ##required for CI if(identical(type, "response")) { <- matrix(NA, nrow = nobserv, ncol = 2) colnames( <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE") } ##begin loop - AICc if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat == 1){ for (obs in 1:nobserv) { ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE AICctmp <- AICctab if(identical(type, "response")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$SE)) if(length( == 1) { AICctmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) AICctmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) } else { warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n") AICctmp$ <- NA AICctmp$ <- NA } } if(identical(type, "link")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) } AICctmp$fit <- fit AICctmp$SE <- SE ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$fit) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$[obs, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$^2 + (AICctmp$ -[obs, 1])^2)) } } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$^2 + (AICctmp$ -[obs, 1])^2))) } } } } ##begin loop - QAICc if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat > 1){ for (obs in 1:nobserv) { ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE QAICctmp <- AICctab if(identical(type, "response")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$SE)) if(length( == 1) { QAICctmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) QAICctmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) * sqrt(c.hat) } else { warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n") QAICctmp$ <- NA QAICctmp$ <- NA } } if(identical(type, "link")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) } QAICctmp$fit <- fit QAICctmp$SE <- SE * sqrt(c.hat) ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt * QAICctmp$fit) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt * sqrt(QAICctmp$SE^2 + (QAICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*QAICctmp$[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*sqrt(QAICctmp$^2 + (QAICctmp$ -[obs, 1])^2)) } } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt *(QAICctmp$SE^2 + (QAICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*QAICctmp$[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*(QAICctmp$^2 + (QAICctmp$ -[obs, 1])^2))) } } } } ##begin loop - AIC if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat == 1) { for (obs in 1:nobserv) { ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE AICtmp <- AICctab if(identical(type, "response")) { fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$SE)) if(length( == 1) { AICtmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) AICtmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) } else { warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n") AICtmp$ <- NA AICtmp$ <- NA } } if(identical(type, "link")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) } AICtmp$fit <- fit AICtmp$SE <- SE ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$fit) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$[obs, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$^2 + (AICtmp$ -[obs, 1])^2)) } } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$^2 + (AICtmp$ -[obs, 1])^2))) } } } } ##begin loop - QAIC if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat > 1){ for (obs in 1:nobserv) { ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE QAICtmp <- AICctab if(identical(type, "response")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$SE)) if(length( == 1) { QAICtmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) QAICtmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) * sqrt(c.hat) } else { warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n") QAICtmp$ <- NA QAICtmp$ <- NA } } if(identical(type, "link")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) } QAICtmp$fit <- fit QAICtmp$SE <- SE * sqrt(c.hat) ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt * QAICtmp$fit) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt * sqrt(QAICtmp$SE^2 + (QAICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*QAICtmp$[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*sqrt(QAICtmp$^2 + (QAICtmp$ -[obs, 1])^2)) } } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt *(QAICtmp$SE^2 + (QAICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*QAICtmp$[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*(QAICtmp$^2 + (QAICtmp$ -[obs, 1])^2))) } } } } ##############changes start here mod.avg.pred <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- Mod.avg.out[, 2] ##compute confidence interval zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE) if(identical(type, "link")) { lower.CL <- mod.avg.pred - zcrit * upper.CL <- mod.avg.pred + zcrit * } else { lower.CL <- link.inv([, 1] - zcrit *[, 2]) upper.CL <- link.inv([, 1] + zcrit *[, 2]) } ##create matrix matrix.output <- matrix(data = c(mod.avg.pred,, lower.CL, upper.CL), nrow = nrow(newdata), ncol = 4) colnames(matrix.output) <- c("mod.avg.pred", "", "lower.CL", "upper.CL") ##organize as list Mod.pred.list <- list("type" = type, "mod.avg.pred" = mod.avg.pred, "" =, "conf.level" = conf.level, "lower.CL" = lower.CL, "upper.CL" = upper.CL, "matrix.output" = matrix.output) class(Mod.pred.list) <- c("modavgPred", "list") return(Mod.pred.list) } ##multmixOpen modavgPred.AICunmarkedFitMMO <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, newdata, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, type = "response", c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...) { ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavgPred for details\n")} ##rename values according to unmarked to extract from object ##lambda if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) { parm.type1 <- "lambda" ##check mixture type for mixture models mixture.type <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@mixture) unique.mixture <- unique(mixture.type) if(length(unique.mixture) > 1) { if(any(unique.mixture == "ZIP")) stop("\nThis function does not yet support mixing ZIP with other distributions\n") } else { <- unique(mixture.type) if(identical(unique.mixture, "ZIP")) { if(identical(type, "link")) stop("\nLink scale not yet supported for ZIP mixtures\n") if(identical(type, "response")) warning("\nModel-averaging linear predictor from a ZIP model not yet implemented\n") } } } ##gamma if(identical(parm.type, "gamma")) { parm.type1 <- "gamma" } ##omega if(identical(parm.type, "omega")) { parm.type1 <- "omega" } ##iota (for immigration = TRUE with dynamics = "autoreg", "trend", "ricker", or "gompertz") if(identical(parm.type, "iota")) { parm.type1 <- "iota" ##check that parameter appears in all models parfreq <- sum(sapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) any(names(i@estimates@estimates) == parm.type1))) if(!identical(length(cand.set), parfreq)) { stop("\nParameter \'", parm.type1, "\' (parm.type = \"", parm.type, "\") does not appear in all models:", "\ncannot compute model-averaged predictions across all models\n") } } ##detect if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) { parm.type1 <- "det" } ################## ##extract link function <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$", parm.type1, "@invlink", sep = "")))) <- unique( <-[1] if(identical(type, "link")) { if(length( > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n", "with different link functions\n")} } ################## ##extract inverse link function if(identical(, "logistic")) { link.inv <- plogis } if(identical(, "exp")) { link.inv <- exp } ##newdata is data frame with exact structure of the original data frame (same variable names and type) ##determine number of observations in new data set nobserv <- dim(newdata)[1] ##determine number of columns in new data set ncolumns <- dim(newdata)[2] ##if only 1 column, add an additional column to avoid problems in computation with predictSE.mer( ) if(ncolumns == 1) newdata$blank.fake.column.NAs <- NA ##store AICc table AICctab <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) ##create object to hold Model-averaged estimates and unconditional SE's Mod.avg.out <- matrix(NA, nrow = nobserv, ncol = 2) colnames(Mod.avg.out) <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE") ##required for CI if(identical(type, "response")) { <- matrix(NA, nrow = nobserv, ncol = 2) colnames( <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE") } ##begin loop - AICc if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat == 1){ for (obs in 1:nobserv) { ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE AICctmp <- AICctab if(identical(type, "response")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs if(identical(parm.type, "lambda") && identical(, "ZIP")) { fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predictSE(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ])$fit)) SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predictSE(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ])$ AICctmp$ <- NA AICctmp$ <- NA } else { fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$SE)) if(length( == 1) { AICctmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) AICctmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) * sqrt(c.hat) } else { warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n") AICctmp$ <- NA AICctmp$ <- NA } } } if(identical(type, "link")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) } ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE AICctmp$fit <- fit AICctmp$SE <- SE ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$fit) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$[obs, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$^2 + (AICctmp$ -[obs, 1])^2)) } } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$^2 + (AICctmp$ -[obs, 1])^2))) } } } } ##begin loop - QAICc if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat > 1){ for (obs in 1:nobserv) { ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE QAICctmp <- AICctab if(identical(type, "response")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs if(identical(parm.type, "lambda") && identical(, "ZIP")) { fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predictSE(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ])$fit)) SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predictSE(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ])$ QAICctmp$ <- NA QAICctmp$ <- NA } else { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$SE)) if(length( == 1) { QAICctmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) QAICctmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) * sqrt(c.hat) } else { warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n") QAICctmp$ <- NA QAICctmp$ <- NA } } } if(identical(type, "link")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) } ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE QAICctmp$fit <- fit QAICctmp$SE <- SE * sqrt(c.hat) ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt * QAICctmp$fit) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt * sqrt(QAICctmp$SE^2 + (QAICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*QAICctmp$[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*sqrt(QAICctmp$^2 + (QAICctmp$ -[obs, 1])^2)) } } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt *(QAICctmp$SE^2 + (QAICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*QAICctmp$[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*(QAICctmp$^2 + (QAICctmp$ -[obs, 1])^2))) } } } } ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE - AIC if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat == 1) { for (obs in 1:nobserv) { ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE AICtmp <- AICctab if(identical(type, "response")) { if(identical(parm.type, "lambda") && identical(, "ZIP")) { fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predictSE(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ])$fit)) SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predictSE(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ])$ AICtmp$ <- NA AICtmp$ <- NA } else { fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$SE)) if(length( == 1) { AICtmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) AICtmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) } else { warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n") AICtmp$ <- NA AICtmp$ <- NA } } } if(identical(type, "link")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) } AICtmp$fit <- fit AICtmp$SE <- SE ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$fit) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$[obs, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$^2 + (AICtmp$ -[obs, 1])^2)) } } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$^2 + (AICtmp$ -[obs, 1])^2))) } } } } ##begin loop - QAIC if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat > 1){ for (obs in 1:nobserv) { ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE QAICtmp <- AICctab if(identical(type, "response")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs if(identical(parm.type, "lambda") && identical(, "ZIP")) { fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predictSE(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ])$fit)) SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predictSE(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ])$ QAICtmp$ <- NA QAICtmp$ <- NA } else { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$SE)) if(length( == 1) { QAICtmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) QAICtmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) * sqrt(c.hat) } else { warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n") QAICtmp$ <- NA QAICtmp$ <- NA } } } if(identical(type, "link")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) } ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE QAICtmp$fit <- fit QAICtmp$SE <- SE * sqrt(c.hat) ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt * QAICtmp$fit) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt * sqrt(QAICtmp$SE^2 + (QAICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*QAICtmp$[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*sqrt(QAICtmp$^2 + (QAICtmp$ -[obs, 1])^2)) } } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt *(QAICtmp$SE^2 + (QAICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*QAICtmp$[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*(QAICtmp$^2 + (QAICtmp$ -[obs, 1])^2))) } } } } ##############changes start here mod.avg.pred <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- Mod.avg.out[, 2] ##compute confidence interval zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE) if(identical(type, "link")) { lower.CL <- mod.avg.pred - zcrit * upper.CL <- mod.avg.pred + zcrit * } else { lower.CL <- link.inv([, 1] - zcrit *[, 2]) upper.CL <- link.inv([, 1] + zcrit *[, 2]) } ##create matrix matrix.output <- matrix(data = c(mod.avg.pred,, lower.CL, upper.CL), nrow = nrow(newdata), ncol = 4) colnames(matrix.output) <- c("mod.avg.pred", "", "lower.CL", "upper.CL") ##organize as list Mod.pred.list <- list("type" = type, "mod.avg.pred" = mod.avg.pred, "" =, "conf.level" = conf.level, "lower.CL" = lower.CL, "upper.CL" = upper.CL, "matrix.output" = matrix.output) class(Mod.pred.list) <- c("modavgPred", "list") return(Mod.pred.list) } ##distsampOpen modavgPred.AICunmarkedFitDSO <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, newdata, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, type = "response", c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...) { ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavgPred for details\n")} ##rename values according to unmarked to extract from object ##lambda if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) { parm.type1 <- "lambda" ##check mixture type for mixture models mixture.type <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@mixture) unique.mixture <- unique(mixture.type) if(length(unique.mixture) > 1) { if(any(unique.mixture == "ZIP")) stop("\nThis function does not yet support mixing ZIP with other distributions\n") } else { <- unique(mixture.type) if(identical(unique.mixture, "ZIP")) { if(identical(type, "link")) stop("\nLink scale not yet supported for ZIP mixtures\n") if(identical(type, "response")) warning("\nModel-averaging linear predictor from a ZIP model not yet implemented\n") } } } ##gamma - recruitment if(identical(parm.type, "gamma")) { parm.type1 <- "gamma" } ##omega if(identical(parm.type, "omega")) { parm.type1 <- "omega" } ##iota (for immigration = TRUE with dynamics = "autoreg", "trend", "ricker", or "gompertz") if(identical(parm.type, "iota")) { parm.type1 <- "iota" ##check that parameter appears in all models parfreq <- sum(sapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) any(names(i@estimates@estimates) == parm.type1))) if(!identical(length(cand.set), parfreq)) { stop("\nParameter \'", parm.type1, "\' (parm.type = \"", parm.type, "\") does not appear in all models:", "\ncannot compute model-averaged predictions across all models\n") } } ##detect if(identical(parm.type, "detect")){ parm.type1 <- "det" ##check for key function used keyid <- unique(sapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@keyfun)) if(any(keyid == "uniform")) stop("\nDetection parameter not found in some models\n") } ################## ##extract link function <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$", parm.type1, "@invlink", sep = "")))) <- unique( <-[1] if(identical(type, "link")) { if(length( > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n", "with different link functions\n")} } ################## ##extract inverse link function if(identical(, "logistic")) { link.inv <- plogis } if(identical(, "exp")) { link.inv <- exp } ##newdata is data frame with exact structure of the original data frame (same variable names and type) ##determine number of observations in new data set nobserv <- dim(newdata)[1] ##determine number of columns in new data set ncolumns <- dim(newdata)[2] ##if only 1 column, add an additional column to avoid problems in computation with predictSE.mer( ) if(ncolumns == 1) newdata$blank.fake.column.NAs <- NA ##store AICc table AICctab <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) ##create object to hold Model-averaged estimates and unconditional SE's Mod.avg.out <- matrix(NA, nrow = nobserv, ncol = 2) colnames(Mod.avg.out) <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE") ##required for CI if(identical(type, "response")) { <- matrix(NA, nrow = nobserv, ncol = 2) colnames( <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE") } ##begin loop - AICc if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat == 1){ for (obs in 1:nobserv) { ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE AICctmp <- AICctab if(identical(type, "response")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$SE)) if(length( == 1) { AICctmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) AICctmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) } else { warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n") AICctmp$ <- NA AICctmp$ <- NA } } if(identical(type, "link")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) } AICctmp$fit <- fit AICctmp$SE <- SE ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$fit) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$[obs, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$^2 + (AICctmp$ -[obs, 1])^2)) } } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$^2 + (AICctmp$ -[obs, 1])^2))) } } } } ##begin loop - QAICc if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat > 1){ for (obs in 1:nobserv) { ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE QAICctmp <- AICctab if(identical(type, "response")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$SE)) if(length( == 1) { QAICctmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) QAICctmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) * sqrt(c.hat) } else { warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n") QAICctmp$ <- NA QAICctmp$ <- NA } } if(identical(type, "link")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) } QAICctmp$fit <- fit QAICctmp$SE <- SE * sqrt(c.hat) ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt * QAICctmp$fit) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt * sqrt(QAICctmp$SE^2 + (QAICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*QAICctmp$[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*sqrt(QAICctmp$^2 + (QAICctmp$ -[obs, 1])^2)) } } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt *(QAICctmp$SE^2 + (QAICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*QAICctmp$[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*(QAICctmp$^2 + (QAICctmp$ -[obs, 1])^2))) } } } } ##begin loop - AIC if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat == 1) { for (obs in 1:nobserv) { ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE AICtmp <- AICctab if(identical(type, "response")) { fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$SE)) if(length( == 1) { AICtmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) AICtmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) } else { warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n") AICtmp$ <- NA AICtmp$ <- NA } } if(identical(type, "link")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) } AICtmp$fit <- fit AICtmp$SE <- SE ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$fit) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$[obs, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$^2 + (AICtmp$ -[obs, 1])^2)) } } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$^2 + (AICtmp$ -[obs, 1])^2))) } } } } ##begin loop - QAIC if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat > 1){ for (obs in 1:nobserv) { ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE QAICtmp <- AICctab if(identical(type, "response")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$SE)) if(length( == 1) { QAICtmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) QAICtmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) * sqrt(c.hat) } else { warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n") QAICtmp$ <- NA QAICtmp$ <- NA } } if(identical(type, "link")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) } QAICtmp$fit <- fit QAICtmp$SE <- SE * sqrt(c.hat) ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt * QAICtmp$fit) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt * sqrt(QAICtmp$SE^2 + (QAICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*QAICtmp$[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*sqrt(QAICtmp$^2 + (QAICtmp$ -[obs, 1])^2)) } } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt *(QAICtmp$SE^2 + (QAICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*QAICtmp$[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*(QAICtmp$^2 + (QAICtmp$ -[obs, 1])^2))) } } } } ##############changes start here mod.avg.pred <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- Mod.avg.out[, 2] ##compute confidence interval zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE) if(identical(type, "link")) { lower.CL <- mod.avg.pred - zcrit * upper.CL <- mod.avg.pred + zcrit * } else { lower.CL <- link.inv([, 1] - zcrit *[, 2]) upper.CL <- link.inv([, 1] + zcrit *[, 2]) } ##create matrix matrix.output <- matrix(data = c(mod.avg.pred,, lower.CL, upper.CL), nrow = nrow(newdata), ncol = 4) colnames(matrix.output) <- c("mod.avg.pred", "", "lower.CL", "upper.CL") ##organize as list Mod.pred.list <- list("type" = type, "mod.avg.pred" = mod.avg.pred, "" =, "conf.level" = conf.level, "lower.CL" = lower.CL, "upper.CL" = upper.CL, "matrix.output" = matrix.output) class(Mod.pred.list) <- c("modavgPred", "list") return(Mod.pred.list) } ##occuTTD modavgPred.AICunmarkedFitOccuTTD <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, newdata, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, type = "response", c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...) { ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavgPred for details\n")} ##rename values according to unmarked to extract from object ##psi if(identical(parm.type, "psi")) { parm.type1 <- "psi" } ##gamma - colonization if(identical(parm.type, "gamma")) { nseasons <- unique(sapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@data@numPrimary)) if(nseasons == 1) { stop("\nParameter \'gamma\' does not appear in single-season models\n") } parm.type1 <- "col" } ##epsilon - extinction if(identical(parm.type, "epsilon")) { nseasons <- unique(sapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@data@numPrimary)) if(nseasons == 1) { stop("\nParameter \'epsilon\' does not appear in single-season models\n") } parm.type1 <- "ext" } ##detect if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) { parm.type1 <- "det" } #lambda is rate parameter of species not detected at time t to be detected at next time step ################## ##extract link function <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$", parm.type1, "@invlink", sep = "")))) <- unique( <-[1] if(identical(type, "link")) { if(length( > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n", "with different link functions\n")} } ################## ##extract inverse link function if(identical(, "logistic")) { link.inv <- plogis } ##extract inverse link function if(identical(, "exp")) { link.inv <- exp } ##extract inverse link function if(identical(, "cloglog")) { link.inv <- function(x) 1 - exp(-exp(x)) } ####changes############# ##newdata is data frame with exact structure of the original data frame (same variable names and type) ##determine number of observations in new data set nobserv <- dim(newdata)[1] ##determine number of columns in new data set ncolumns <- dim(newdata)[2] ##if only 1 column, add an additional column to avoid problems in computation with predict( ) if(ncolumns == 1) newdata$blank.fake.column.NAs <- NA ##store AICc table AICctab <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) ##create object to hold Model-averaged estimates and unconditional SE's Mod.avg.out <- matrix(NA, nrow = nobserv, ncol = 2) colnames(Mod.avg.out) <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE") ##required for CI if(identical(type, "response")) { <- matrix(NA, nrow = nobserv, ncol = 2) colnames( <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE") } ##begin loop - AICc if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat == 1){ for (obs in 1:nobserv) { ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE AICctmp <- AICctab if(identical(type, "response")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$SE)) if(length( == 1) { AICctmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) AICctmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) } else { warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n") AICctmp$ <- NA AICctmp$ <- NA } } if(identical(type, "link")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) } AICctmp$fit <- fit AICctmp$SE <- SE ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$fit) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$[obs, 2] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*sqrt(AICctmp$^2 + (AICctmp$ -[obs, 1])^2)) } } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$SE^2 + (AICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*AICctmp$[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt*(AICctmp$^2 + (AICctmp$ -[obs, 1])^2))) } } } } ##begin loop - QAICc if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat > 1){ for (obs in 1:nobserv) { ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE QAICctmp <- AICctab if(identical(type, "response")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$SE)) if(length( == 1) { QAICctmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) QAICctmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) * sqrt(c.hat) } else { warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n") QAICctmp$ <- NA QAICctmp$ <- NA } } if(identical(type, "link")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) } QAICctmp$fit <- fit QAICctmp$SE <- SE * sqrt(c.hat) ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt * QAICctmp$fit) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt * sqrt(QAICctmp$SE^2 + (QAICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*QAICctmp$[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*sqrt(QAICctmp$^2 + (QAICctmp$ -[obs, 1])^2)) } } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt *(QAICctmp$SE^2 + (QAICctmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*QAICctmp$[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt*(QAICctmp$^2 + (QAICctmp$ -[obs, 1])^2))) } } } } ##begin loop - AIC if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat == 1) { for (obs in 1:nobserv) { ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE AICtmp <- AICctab if(identical(type, "response")) { fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$SE)) if(length( == 1) { AICtmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) AICtmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) } else { warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n") AICtmp$ <- NA AICtmp$ <- NA } } if(identical(type, "link")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) } AICtmp$fit <- fit AICtmp$SE <- SE ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$fit) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$[obs, 2] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*sqrt(AICtmp$^2 + (AICtmp$ -[obs, 1])^2)) } } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$SE^2 + (AICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt*AICtmp$[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt*(AICtmp$^2 + (AICtmp$ -[obs, 1])^2))) } } } } ##begin loop - QAICc if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat > 1){ for (obs in 1:nobserv) { ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE QAICtmp <- AICctab if(identical(type, "response")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1)$SE)) if(length( == 1) { QAICtmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) QAICtmp$ <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) * sqrt(c.hat) } else { warning("\nIt is not appropriate to model-average linear predictors using different link functions\n") QAICtmp$ <- NA QAICtmp$ <- NA } } if(identical(type, "link")) { ##extract fitted value for observation obs fit <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$Predicted)) ##extract SE for fitted value for observation obs SE <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata[obs, ], type = parm.type1, backTransform = FALSE)$SE)) } QAICtmp$fit <- fit QAICtmp$SE <- SE * sqrt(c.hat) ##compute model averaged prediction and store in output matrix Mod.avg.out[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt * QAICtmp$fit) ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt * sqrt(QAICtmp$SE^2 + (QAICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2)) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*QAICtmp$[obs, 2] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*sqrt(QAICtmp$^2 + (QAICtmp$ -[obs, 1])^2)) } } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt *(QAICtmp$SE^2 + (QAICtmp$fit- Mod.avg.out[obs, 1])^2))) if(identical(type, "response")) {[obs, 1] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*QAICtmp$[obs, 2] <- sqrt(sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt*(QAICtmp$^2 + (QAICtmp$ -[obs, 1])^2))) } } } } ##############changes start here mod.avg.pred <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] <- Mod.avg.out[, 2] ##compute confidence interval zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE) if(identical(type, "link")) { lower.CL <- mod.avg.pred - zcrit * upper.CL <- mod.avg.pred + zcrit * } else { lower.CL <- link.inv([, 1] - zcrit *[, 2]) upper.CL <- link.inv([, 1] + zcrit *[, 2]) } ##create matrix matrix.output <- matrix(data = c(mod.avg.pred,, lower.CL, upper.CL), nrow = nrow(newdata), ncol = 4) colnames(matrix.output) <- c("mod.avg.pred", "", "lower.CL", "upper.CL") ##organize as list Mod.pred.list <- list("type" = type, "mod.avg.pred" = mod.avg.pred, "" =, "conf.level" = conf.level, "lower.CL" = lower.CL, "upper.CL" = upper.CL, "matrix.output" = matrix.output) class(Mod.pred.list) <- c("modavgPred", "list") return(Mod.pred.list) } ##occuMS modavgPred.AICunmarkedFitOccuMS <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, newdata, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, type = "response", c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...) { ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavgPred for details\n")} ##check if type = "link" if(identical(type, "link")) stop("\nLink scale predictions not yet supported for this model type\n") ##rename values according to unmarked to extract from object ##psi if(identical(parm.type, "psi")) { parm.type1 <- "state" ##because the same elements have different labels in different parts of the results of this object type parm.type.alt <- parm.type } ##transition if(identical(parm.type, "phi")) { ##check that parameter appears in all models nseasons <- unique(sapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@data@numPrimary)) if(nseasons == 1) { stop("\nParameter \'phi\' does not appear in single-season models\n") } parm.type1 <- "transition" ##because the same elements have different labels in different parts of the results of this object type parm.type.alt <- parm.type } ##detect if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) { parm.type1 <- "det" ##because the same elements have different labels in different parts of the results of this object type parm.type.alt <- parm.type1 } ####changes############# ##extract link function <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$", parm.type1, "@invlink", sep = "")))) <- unique( <-[1] if(identical(type, "link")) { if(length( > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n", "with different link functions\n")} } ##extract inverse link function #if(identical(, "multinomial")) { # link.inv <- TODO #} ##extract inverse link function #if(identical(, "logistic")) { # link.inv <- plogis #} ####changes############# ##newdata is data frame with exact structure of the original data frame (same variable names and type) ##determine number of observations in new data set nobserv <- dim(newdata)[1] ##determine number of columns in new data set ncolumns <- dim(newdata)[2] ##if only 1 column, add an additional column to avoid problems in computation with predict( ) if(ncolumns == 1) newdata$blank.fake.column.NAs <- NA ##store AICc table AICctab <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) ################################################# ################################################# ###CHANGES ##create object to hold Model-averaged estimates and unconditional SE's ##Mod.avg.out <- matrix(NA, nrow = nobserv, ncol = 2) ##colnames(Mod.avg.out) <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE") ##extract predicted values predsList <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata, type = parm.type.alt, ...)) ##determine number of parameters parmFirst <- predsList[[1]] parmNames <- names(parmFirst) nparms <- length(parmNames) ##lists to store predictions and SE's predsEstList <- vector("list", nparms) names(predsEstList) <- parmNames predsSEList <- vector("list", nparms) names(predsSEList) <- parmNames ##iterate over each parm for(k in 1:nparms) { predsEstList[[k]] <- lapply(predsList, FUN = function(i) i[[k]]$Predicted) predsSEList[[k]] <- lapply(predsList, FUN = function(i) i[[k]]$SE) } ##organize in an nobs x nmodels x nparms array predsEst <- array(unlist(predsEstList), dim = c(nobserv, length(cand.set), nparms), dimnames = list(1:nobserv, modnames, parmNames)) predsSE <- array(unlist(predsSEList), dim = c(nobserv, length(cand.set), nparms), dimnames = list(1:nobserv, modnames, parmNames)) ##adjust for overdispersion if c-hat > 1 if(c.hat > 1) {predsSE <- predsSE * sqrt(c.hat)} ##prepare list for model-averaged predictions and SE's predsOut <- array(data = NA, dim = c(nobserv, 4, nparms), dimnames = list(1:nobserv, c("mod.avg.pred", "", "lower.CL", "upper.CL"), parmNames)) ##begin loop - AICc if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat == 1){ for (obs in 1:nobserv) { ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE AICctmp <- AICctab ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { for(j in 1:nparms) { predsOut[obs, 1, j] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt * predsEst[obs, , j]) predsOut[obs, 2, j] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt * sqrt(predsSE[obs, , j]^2 + (predsEst[obs, , j] - predsOut[obs, 1, j])^2)) } } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { for(j in 1:nparms) { predsOut[obs, 1, j] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt * predsEst[obs, , j]) predsOut[obs, 2, j] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt * (predsSE[obs, , j]^2 + (predsEst[obs, , j] - predsOut[obs, 1, j])^2))) } } } } ##begin loop - QAICc if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat > 1){ for (obs in 1:nobserv) { ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE QAICctmp <- AICctab ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { for(j in 1:nparms) { predsOut[obs, 1, j] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt * predsEst[obs, , j]) predsOut[obs, 2, j] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt * sqrt(predsSE[obs, , j]^2 + (predsEst[obs, , j] - predsOut[obs, 1, j])^2)) } } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { for(j in 1:nparms) { predsOut[obs, 1, j] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt * predsEst[obs, , j]) predsOut[obs, 2, j] <- sqrt(sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt * (predsSE[obs, , j]^2 + (predsEst[obs, , j] - predsOut[obs, 1, j])^2))) } } } } ##begin loop - AIC if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat == 1) { for (obs in 1:nobserv) { ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE AICtmp <- AICctab ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { for(j in 1:nparms) { predsOut[obs, 1, j] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt * predsEst[obs, , j]) predsOut[obs, 2, j] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt * sqrt(predsSE[obs, , j]^2 + (predsEst[obs, , j] - predsOut[obs, 1, j])^2)) } } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { for(j in 1:nparms) { predsOut[obs, 1, j] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt * predsEst[obs, , j]) predsOut[obs, 2, j] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt * (predsSE[obs, , j]^2 + (predsEst[obs, , j] - predsOut[obs, 1, j])^2))) } } } } ##begin loop - QAICc if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat > 1){ for (obs in 1:nobserv) { ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE QAICtmp <- AICctab ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { for(j in 1:nparms) { predsOut[obs, 1, j] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt * predsEst[obs, , j]) predsOut[obs, 2, j] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt * sqrt(predsSE[obs, , j]^2 + (predsEst[obs, , j] - predsOut[obs, 1, j])^2)) } } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { for(j in 1:nparms) { predsOut[obs, 1, j] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt * predsEst[obs, , j]) predsOut[obs, 2, j] <- sqrt(sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt * (predsSE[obs, , j]^2 + (predsEst[obs, , j] - predsOut[obs, 1, j])^2))) } } } } ##compute confidence interval zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE) for(j in 1:nparms){ predsOut[, 3, j] <- predsOut[, 1, j] - zcrit * predsOut[, 2, j] predsOut[, 4, j] <- predsOut[, 1, j] + zcrit * predsOut[, 2, j] } ##format to matrix arrayToMat <- apply(predsOut, 2L, c) arrayToDF <- expand.grid(dimnames(predsOut)[c(1, 3)]) ##rename columns names(arrayToDF)[1:2] <- c("Observation", "Parameter") rawFrame <- data.frame(arrayToDF, arrayToMat) predsOut.mat <- as.matrix(rawFrame[, c("mod.avg.pred", "", "lower.CL", "upper.CL")]) #rawFrame <- expand.grid(Obs = 1:matRows, Parms = names(predsOut)) ##create label for rows rowLab <- paste(rawFrame$Parameter, rawFrame$Observation, sep = "-") rownames(predsOut.mat) <- rowLab ##convert array to list #predsOutList <- lapply(seq(dim(predsOut)[3]), function(i) predsOut[ , , i]) #names(predsOutList) <- parmNames ##organize as list Mod.pred.list <- list("type" = type, "mod.avg.pred" = predsOut[, 1, ], "" = predsOut[, 2, ], "conf.level" = conf.level, "lower.CL" = predsOut[, 3, ], "upper.CL" = predsOut[, 4, ], "matrix.output" = predsOut.mat) class(Mod.pred.list) <- c("modavgPred", "list") return(Mod.pred.list) } ##occuMulti modavgPred.AICunmarkedFitOccuMulti <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, newdata, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, type = "response", c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...) { ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavgPred for details\n")} ##check if type = "link" if(identical(type, "link")) stop("\nLink scale predictions not yet supported for this model type\n") ##rename values according to unmarked to extract from object ##psi if(identical(parm.type, "psi")) { parm.type1 <- "state" } ##detect if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) { parm.type1 <- "det" } ####changes############# ##extract link function <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$", parm.type1, "@invlink", sep = "")))) <- unique( <-[1] if(identical(type, "link")) { if(length( > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n", "with different link functions\n")} } ##extract inverse link function #if(identical(, "multinomial")) { # link.inv <- TODO #} ##extract inverse link function #if(identical(, "logistic")) { # link.inv <- plogis #} ####changes############# ##newdata is data frame with exact structure of the original data frame (same variable names and type) ##determine number of observations in new data set nobserv <- dim(newdata)[1] ##determine number of columns in new data set ncolumns <- dim(newdata)[2] ##if only 1 column, add an additional column to avoid problems in computation with predict( ) if(ncolumns == 1) newdata$blank.fake.column.NAs <- NA ##store AICc table AICctab <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) ################################################# ################################################# ###CHANGES ##create object to hold Model-averaged estimates and unconditional SE's ##Mod.avg.out <- matrix(NA, nrow = nobserv, ncol = 2) ##colnames(Mod.avg.out) <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE") ##extract predicted values predsList <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)predict(i, = TRUE, newdata = newdata, type = parm.type1, ...)) ##check structure of predsList ##if predictions for all psi parameters if(is.matrix(predsList[[1]]$Predicted) && identical(parm.type, "psi")) { ##determine number of parameters ##check if species argument was provided in call to function parmFirst <- predsList[[1]]$Predicted parmNames <- colnames(parmFirst) nparms <- length(parmNames) ##lists to store predictions and SE's predsEstList <- vector("list", nparms) names(predsEstList) <- parmNames predsSEList <- vector("list", nparms) names(predsSEList) <- parmNames ##iterate over each parm predsEstList <- lapply(predsList, FUN = function(i) i$Predicted) predsSEList <- lapply(predsList, FUN = function(i) i$SE) for(k in 1:nparms) { predsEstList[[k]] <- lapply(predsList, FUN = function(i) i$Predicted[, k]) predsSEList[[k]] <- lapply(predsList, FUN = function(i) i$SE[, k]) } ##organize in an nobs x nmodels x nparms array predsEst <- array(unlist(predsEstList), dim = c(nobserv, length(cand.set), nparms), dimnames = list(1:nobserv, modnames, parmNames)) predsSE <- array(unlist(predsSEList), dim = c(nobserv, length(cand.set), nparms), dimnames = list(1:nobserv, modnames, parmNames)) } ##if predictions for single species if(!is.matrix(predsList[[1]]$Predicted) && identical(parm.type, "psi")) { parmNames <- parm.type nparms <- length(parmNames) predsEstMat <- sapply(predsList, FUN = function(i) i$Predicted) predsSEMat <- sapply(predsList, FUN = function(i) i$SE) predsEst <- array(predsEstMat, dim = c(nobserv, length(cand.set), nparms), dimnames = list(1:nobserv, modnames, parmNames)) predsSE <- array(predsSEMat, dim = c(nobserv, length(cand.set), nparms), dimnames = list(1:nobserv, modnames, parmNames)) } ##if predictions for detection if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) { parmFirst <- predsList[[1]] if(! { orig.parmNames <- names(parmFirst) parmNames <- paste("p", orig.parmNames, sep = "-") nparms <- length(parmNames) ##iterate over species predsEst <- array(NA, dim = c(nobserv, length(cand.set), nparms), dimnames = list(1:nobserv, modnames, parmNames)) predsSE <- array(NA, dim = c(nobserv, length(cand.set), nparms), dimnames = list(1:nobserv, modnames, parmNames)) ##iterate over each parm for(k in 1:nparms) { predsEst[, , k] <- sapply(predsList, FUN = function(i) i[[k]]$Predicted) predsSE[, , k] <- sapply(predsList, FUN = function(i) i[[k]]$SE) } } else { ##single parameter p parmNames <- "p" nparms <- 1 ##iterate over species predsEst <- array(NA, dim = c(nobserv, length(cand.set), nparms), dimnames = list(1:nobserv, modnames, parmNames)) predsSE <- array(NA, dim = c(nobserv, length(cand.set), nparms), dimnames = list(1:nobserv, modnames, parmNames)) predsEst[, , "p"] <- sapply(predsList, FUN = function(i) i[, "Predicted"]) predsSE[, , "p"] <- sapply(predsList, FUN = function(i) i[, "SE"]) } } ##adjust for overdispersion if c-hat > 1 if(c.hat > 1) {predsSE <- predsSE * sqrt(c.hat)} ##prepare list for model-averaged predictions and SE's predsOut <- array(data = NA, dim = c(nobserv, 4, nparms), dimnames = list(1:nobserv, c("mod.avg.pred", "", "lower.CL", "upper.CL"), parmNames)) ##begin loop - AICc if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat == 1){ for (obs in 1:nobserv) { ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE AICctmp <- AICctab ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { for(j in 1:nparms) { predsOut[obs, 1, j] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt * predsEst[obs, , j]) predsOut[obs, 2, j] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt * sqrt(predsSE[obs, , j]^2 + (predsEst[obs, , j] - predsOut[obs, 1, j])^2)) } } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { for(j in 1:nparms) { predsOut[obs, 1, j] <- sum(AICctmp$AICcWt * predsEst[obs, , j]) predsOut[obs, 2, j] <- sqrt(sum(AICctmp$AICcWt * (predsSE[obs, , j]^2 + (predsEst[obs, , j] - predsOut[obs, 1, j])^2))) } } } } ##begin loop - QAICc if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat > 1){ for (obs in 1:nobserv) { ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE QAICctmp <- AICctab ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { for(j in 1:nparms) { predsOut[obs, 1, j] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt * predsEst[obs, , j]) predsOut[obs, 2, j] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt * sqrt(predsSE[obs, , j]^2 + (predsEst[obs, , j] - predsOut[obs, 1, j])^2)) } } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { for(j in 1:nparms) { predsOut[obs, 1, j] <- sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt * predsEst[obs, , j]) predsOut[obs, 2, j] <- sqrt(sum(QAICctmp$QAICcWt * (predsSE[obs, , j]^2 + (predsEst[obs, , j] - predsOut[obs, 1, j])^2))) } } } } ##begin loop - AIC if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat == 1) { for (obs in 1:nobserv) { ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE AICtmp <- AICctab ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { for(j in 1:nparms) { predsOut[obs, 1, j] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt * predsEst[obs, , j]) predsOut[obs, 2, j] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt * sqrt(predsSE[obs, , j]^2 + (predsEst[obs, , j] - predsOut[obs, 1, j])^2)) } } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { for(j in 1:nparms) { predsOut[obs, 1, j] <- sum(AICtmp$AICWt * predsEst[obs, , j]) predsOut[obs, 2, j] <- sqrt(sum(AICtmp$AICWt * (predsSE[obs, , j]^2 + (predsEst[obs, , j] - predsOut[obs, 1, j])^2))) } } } } ##begin loop - QAICc if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat > 1){ for (obs in 1:nobserv) { ##create temporary data.frame to store fitted values and SE QAICtmp <- AICctab ##compute unconditional SE and store in output matrix ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { for(j in 1:nparms) { predsOut[obs, 1, j] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt * predsEst[obs, , j]) predsOut[obs, 2, j] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt * sqrt(predsSE[obs, , j]^2 + (predsEst[obs, , j] - predsOut[obs, 1, j])^2)) } } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { for(j in 1:nparms) { predsOut[obs, 1, j] <- sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt * predsEst[obs, , j]) predsOut[obs, 2, j] <- sqrt(sum(QAICtmp$QAICWt * (predsSE[obs, , j]^2 + (predsEst[obs, , j] - predsOut[obs, 1, j])^2))) } } } } ##compute confidence interval zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE) for(j in 1:nparms){ predsOut[, 3, j] <- predsOut[, 1, j] - zcrit * predsOut[, 2, j] predsOut[, 4, j] <- predsOut[, 1, j] + zcrit * predsOut[, 2, j] } ##format to matrix arrayToMat <- apply(predsOut, 2L, c) arrayToDF <- expand.grid(dimnames(predsOut)[c(1, 3)]) ##rename columns names(arrayToDF)[1:2] <- c("Observation", "Parameter") rawFrame <- data.frame(arrayToDF, arrayToMat) predsOut.mat <- as.matrix(rawFrame[, c("mod.avg.pred", "", "lower.CL", "upper.CL")]) #rawFrame <- expand.grid(Obs = 1:matRows, Parms = names(predsOut)) ##create label for rows rowLab <- paste(rawFrame$Parameter, rawFrame$Observation, sep = "-") rownames(predsOut.mat) <- rowLab ##convert array to list #predsOutList <- lapply(seq(dim(predsOut)[3]), function(i) predsOut[ , , i]) #names(predsOutList) <- parmNames ##organize as list Mod.pred.list <- list("type" = type, "mod.avg.pred" = predsOut[, 1, ], "" = predsOut[, 2, ], "conf.level" = conf.level, "lower.CL" = predsOut[, 3, ], "upper.CL" = predsOut[, 4, ], "matrix.output" = predsOut.mat) class(Mod.pred.list) <- c("modavgPred", "list") return(Mod.pred.list) } print.modavgPred <- function(x, digits = 3, ...) { if(any(names(x)=="type") ) { cat("\nModel-averaged predictions on the ", x$type, " scale\n", "based on entire model set and ", x$conf.level*100, "% confidence interval:\n\n", sep = "") } else {cat("\nModel-averaged predictions based on entire\n", "model set and ", x$conf.level*100, "% confidence interval:\n\n", sep = "")} <- x$matrix.output colnames( <- c("mod.avg.pred", "", "lower.CL", "upper.CL") ##add check to display output from occuMS or occuMulti ##check if rownames are present if(is.null(rownames({ nrows <- dim([1] rownames( <- 1:nrows } print(round(, digits = digits)) cat("\n") }
#generic modavgShrink <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, ...){ cand.set <- formatCands(cand.set) UseMethod("modavgShrink", cand.set) } ##default modavgShrink.default <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, ...){ stop("\nFunction not yet defined for this object class\n") } ##aov modavgShrink.AICaov.lm <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##check for frequency of each terms ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) rownames(summary(i)$coefficients)) ##determine frequency of each term across models (except (Intercept) ) pooled.terms <- unlist(mod_formula) ##remove intercept from vector <- pooled.terms[which(pooled.terms != "(Intercept)")] terms.freq <- table( if(length(unique(terms.freq)) > 1) warning("\nVariables do not appear with same frequency across models, proceed with caution\n") ##check whether parm is involved in interaction parm.inter <- c(paste(parm, ":", sep = ""), paste(":", parm, sep = "")) inter.check <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.inter[1], pooled.terms, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1" & attr(regexpr(parm.inter[2], pooled.terms, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1", 0, 1) if(sum(inter.check) > 0) stop("\nParameter of interest should not be involved in interaction for shrinkage version of model-averaging to be appropriate\n") ##compute table new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) #recompute AIC table and associated measures new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)])) ##replace NA's with 0 new_table$Beta_est[$Beta_est)] <- 0 new_table$SE[$SE)] <- 0 ##add a check to determine if parameter occurs in any model if (isTRUE(all.equal(unique(new_table$Beta_est), 0))) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL if(second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } else { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE) Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE out.modavg <- list("Parameter" = paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta, "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL) class(out.modavg) <- c("modavgShrink", "list") return(out.modavg) } ##betareg modavgShrink.AICbetareg <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##check for frequency of each terms ##extract labels ##determine if parameter is on mean or phi if(regexpr(pattern = "\\(phi\\)_", parm) == "-1") { parm.phi <- NULL ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) rownames(summary(i)$coefficients$mean)) } else { ##replace parm parm.phi <- gsub(pattern = "\\(phi\\)_", "", parm) if(regexpr(pattern = ":", parm) != "-1") { warning(cat("\nthis function does not yet support interaction terms on phi:\n", "use 'modavgCustom' instead\n")) } mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) rownames(summary(i)$coefficients$precision)) } ##determine frequency of each term across models (except (Intercept) ) pooled.terms <- unlist(mod_formula) ##remove intercept from vector <- pooled.terms[which(pooled.terms != "(Intercept)")] terms.freq <- table( if(length(unique(terms.freq)) > 1) stop("\nTo compute a shrinkage version of model-averaged estimate, each term must appear with the same frequency across models\n") ##check whether parm is involved in interaction ##if parameters on mean if(is.null(parm.phi)) { parm.inter <- c(paste(parm, ":", sep = ""), paste(":", parm, sep = "")) inter.check <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.inter[1], pooled.terms, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1" & attr(regexpr(parm.inter[2], pooled.terms, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1", 0, 1) } ##if parameters on phi if(!is.null(parm.phi)) { parm.inter <- c(paste(parm.phi, ":", sep = ""), paste(":", parm.phi, sep = "")) inter.check <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.inter[1], pooled.terms, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1" & attr(regexpr(parm.inter[2], pooled.terms, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1", 0, 1) } if(sum(inter.check) > 0) stop("\nParameter of interest should not be involved in interaction for shrinkage version of model-averaging to be appropriate\n") ##compute table new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) #recompute AIC table and associated measures new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)])) ##replace NA's with 0 new_table$Beta_est[$Beta_est)] <- 0 new_table$SE[$SE)] <- 0 ##add a check to determine if parameter occurs in any model if (isTRUE(all.equal(unique(new_table$Beta_est), 0))) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL if(second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } else { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE) Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE out.modavg <- list("Parameter" = paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta, "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL) class(out.modavg) <- c("modavgShrink", "list") return(out.modavg) } ##clm modavgShrink.AICsclm.clm <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##check that link function is the same for all models <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN=function(i) i$link)) <- unique(x = if(length( > 1) stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model-averaged beta estimate\n", "from models using different link functions\n") ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##check for frequency of each terms ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) rownames(summary(i)$beta)) ##determine frequency of each term across models (except (Intercept) ) pooled.terms <- unlist(mod_formula) ##remove intercept from vector <- pooled.terms[which(pooled.terms != "(Intercept)")] terms.freq <- table( if(length(unique(terms.freq)) > 1) warning("\nVariables do not appear with same frequency across models, proceed with caution\n") ##check whether parm is involved in interaction parm.inter <- c(paste(parm, ":", sep = ""), paste(":", parm, sep = "")) inter.check <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.inter[1], pooled.terms, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1" & attr(regexpr(parm.inter[2], pooled.terms, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1", 0, 1) if(sum(inter.check) > 0) stop("\nParameter of interest should not be involved in interaction for shrinkage version of model-averaging to be appropriate\n") ##compute table new_table <- aictab(cand.set=cand.set, modnames=modnames, second.ord=second.ord, nobs=nobs, sort=FALSE) #recompute AIC table and associated measures new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)])) ##replace NA's with 0 new_table$Beta_est[$Beta_est)] <- 0 new_table$SE[$SE)] <- 0 ##add a check to determine if parameter occurs in any model if (isTRUE(all.equal(unique(new_table$Beta_est), 0))) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL if(second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } else { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE) Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE out.modavg <- list("Parameter" = paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta, "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL) class(out.modavg) <- c("modavgShrink", "list") return(out.modavg) } ##clm modavgShrink.AICclm <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##check that link function is the same for all models <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN=function(i) i$link)) <- unique(x = if(length( > 1) stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model-averaged beta estimate\n", "from models using different link functions\n") ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##check for frequency of each terms ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) rownames(summary(i)$beta)) ##determine frequency of each term across models (except (Intercept) ) pooled.terms <- unlist(mod_formula) ##remove intercept from vector <- pooled.terms[which(pooled.terms != "(Intercept)")] terms.freq <- table( if(length(unique(terms.freq)) > 1) warning("\nVariables do not appear with same frequency across models, proceed with caution\n") ##check whether parm is involved in interaction parm.inter <- c(paste(parm, ":", sep = ""), paste(":", parm, sep = "")) inter.check <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.inter[1], pooled.terms, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1" & attr(regexpr(parm.inter[2], pooled.terms, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1", 0, 1) if(sum(inter.check) > 0) stop("\nParameter of interest should not be involved in interaction for shrinkage version of model-averaging to be appropriate\n") ##compute table new_table <- aictab(cand.set=cand.set, modnames=modnames, second.ord=second.ord, nobs=nobs, sort=FALSE) #recompute AIC table and associated measures new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)])) ##replace NA's with 0 new_table$Beta_est[$Beta_est)] <- 0 new_table$SE[$SE)] <- 0 ##add a check to determine if parameter occurs in any model if (isTRUE(all.equal(unique(new_table$Beta_est), 0))) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL if(second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } else { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE) Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE out.modavg <- list("Parameter" = paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta, "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL) class(out.modavg) <- c("modavgShrink", "list") return(out.modavg) } ##clmm modavgShrink.AICclmm <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##check that link function is the same for all models <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN=function(i) i$link)) <- unique(x = if(length( > 1) stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model-averaged beta estimate\n", "from models using different link functions\n") ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##check for frequency of each terms ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) rownames(summary(i)$beta)) ##determine frequency of each term across models (except (Intercept) ) pooled.terms <- unlist(mod_formula) ##remove intercept from vector <- pooled.terms[which(pooled.terms != "(Intercept)")] terms.freq <- table( if(length(unique(terms.freq)) > 1) warning("\nVariables do not appear with same frequency across models, proceed with caution\n") ##check whether parm is involved in interaction parm.inter <- c(paste(parm, ":", sep = ""), paste(":", parm, sep = "")) inter.check <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.inter[1], pooled.terms, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1" & attr(regexpr(parm.inter[2], pooled.terms, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1", 0, 1) if(sum(inter.check) > 0) stop("\nParameter of interest should not be involved in interaction for shrinkage version of model-averaging to be appropriate\n") ##compute table new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) #recompute AIC table and associated measures new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)])) ##replace NA's with 0 new_table$Beta_est[$Beta_est)] <- 0 new_table$SE[$SE)] <- 0 ##add a check to determine if parameter occurs in any model if (isTRUE(all.equal(unique(new_table$Beta_est), 0))) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL if(second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } else { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE) Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE out.modavg <- list("Parameter" = paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta, "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL) class(out.modavg) <- c("modavgShrink", "list") return(out.modavg) } ##coxme modavgShrink.AICcoxme <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##check for frequency of each terms ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) names(fixef(i))) #extract model formula for each model in cand.set ##determine frequency of each term across models (except (Intercept) ) pooled.terms <- unlist(mod_formula) terms.freq <- table(pooled.terms) if(length(unique(terms.freq)) > 1) warning("\nVariables do not appear with same frequency across models, proceed with caution\n") ##check whether parm is involved in interaction parm.inter <- c(paste(parm, ":", sep = ""), paste(":", parm, sep = "")) inter.check <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.inter[1], pooled.terms, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1" & attr(regexpr(parm.inter[2], pooled.terms, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1", 0, 1) if(sum(inter.check) > 0) stop("\nParameter of interest should not be involved in interaction for shrinkage version of model-averaging to be appropriate\n") ##compute table new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) #recompute AIC table and associated measures new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractSE(i)[paste(parm)])) ##replace NA's with 0 new_table$Beta_est[$Beta_est)] <- 0 new_table$SE[$SE)] <- 0 ##add a check to determine if parameter occurs in any model if (isTRUE(all.equal(unique(new_table$Beta_est), 0))) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL if(second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } else { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1 - conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE) Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE out.modavg <- list("Parameter" = paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta, "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL) class(out.modavg) <- c("modavgShrink", "list") return(out.modavg) } ##coxph and clogit modavgShrink.AICcoxph <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##check for frequency of each terms ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) rownames(summary(i)$coefficients)) #extract model formula for each model in cand.set ##determine frequency of each term across models (except (Intercept) ) pooled.terms <- unlist(mod_formula) terms.freq <- table(pooled.terms) if(length(unique(terms.freq)) > 1) warning("\nVariables do not appear with same frequency across models, proceed with caution\n") ##check whether parm is involved in interaction parm.inter <- c(paste(parm, ":", sep = ""), paste(":", parm, sep = "")) inter.check <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.inter[1], pooled.terms, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1" & attr(regexpr(parm.inter[2], pooled.terms, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1", 0, 1) if(sum(inter.check) > 0) stop("\nParameter of interest should not be involved in interaction for shrinkage version of model-averaging to be appropriate\n") ##compute table new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) #recompute AIC table and associated measures new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)])) ##replace NA's with 0 new_table$Beta_est[$Beta_est)] <- 0 new_table$SE[$SE)] <- 0 ##add a check to determine if parameter occurs in any model if (isTRUE(all.equal(unique(new_table$Beta_est), 0))) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL if(second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } else { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1 - conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE) Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE out.modavg <- list("Parameter" = paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta, "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL) class(out.modavg) <- c("modavgShrink", "list") return(out.modavg) } ##glm modavgShrink.AICglm.lm <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, c.hat = 1, gamdisp = NULL, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } #check that link function is the same for all models <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN=function(i) i$family$link)) <- unique( if(length( > 1) stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged beta estimate\n", "from models using different link functions\n") ##check family of glm to avoid problems when requesting predictions with argument 'dispersion' fam.type <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) family(i)$family)) fam.unique <- unique(fam.type) if(identical(fam.unique, "gaussian")) {disp <- NULL} else{disp <- 1} ##poisson and binomial defaults to 1 (no separate parameter for variance) ##for negative binomial - reset to NULL if(any(regexpr("Negative Binomial", fam.type) != -1)) { disp <- NULL ##check for mixture of negative binomial and other ##number of models with negative binomial negbin.num <- sum(regexpr("Negative Binomial", fam.type) != -1) if(negbin.num < length(fam.type)) { stop("Function does not support mixture of negative binomial with other distributions in model set") } } ##gamma is treated separately ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##check for frequency of each terms ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) rownames(summary(i)$coefficients)) #extract model formula for each model in cand.set ##determine frequency of each term across models (except (Intercept) ) pooled.terms <- unlist(mod_formula) ##remove intercept from vector <- pooled.terms[which(pooled.terms != "(Intercept)")] terms.freq <- table( if(length(unique(terms.freq)) > 1) warning("\nVariables do not appear with same frequency across models, proceed with caution\n") ##check whether parm is involved in interaction parm.inter <- c(paste(parm, ":", sep = ""), paste(":", parm, sep = "")) inter.check <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.inter[1], mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1" & attr(regexpr(parm.inter[2], mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1", 0, 1) if(sum(inter.check) > 0) stop("\nParameter of interest should not be involved in interaction for shrinkage version of model-averaging to be appropriate\n") ##compute table new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) #recompute AIC table and associated measures new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i, dispersion = disp)))[paste(parm)])) ##replace NA's with 0 new_table$Beta_est[$Beta_est)] <- 0 new_table$SE[$SE)] <- 0 ##add a check to determine if parameter occurs in any model if (isTRUE(all.equal(unique(new_table$Beta_est), 0))) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } ##if c-hat is estimated adjust the SE's by multiplying with sqrt of c-hat if(c.hat > 1) { new_table$SE <-new_table$SE*sqrt(c.hat) } gam1 <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) family(i)$family[1]=="Gamma")) #check for gamma regression models ##correct SE's for estimates of gamma regressions if(any(gam1) == TRUE) { ##check for specification of gamdisp argument if(is.null(gamdisp)) stop("\nYou must specify a gamma dispersion parameter with gamma generalized linear models\n") new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i, dispersion = gamdisp)))[paste(parm)])) } ##AICc ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##QAICc if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##AIC if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == FALSE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##QAIC if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == FALSE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE) Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE out.modavg <- list("Parameter" = paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta, "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL"= Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL) class(out.modavg) <- c("modavgShrink", "list") return(out.modavg) } ##glmmTMB modavgShrink.AICglmmTMB <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, c.hat = 1, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##determine families of model fam.list <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) family(i)$family)) check.fam <- unique(fam.list) if(length(check.fam) > 1) stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model-averaged beta estimate\n", "from models using different families of distributions\n") ##determine link functions link.list <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) family(i)$link)) <- unique(link.list) if(length( > 1) stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model-averaged beta estimate\n", "from models using different link functions\n") ################### ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(fixef(i)$cond)) ##determine frequency of each term across models (except (Intercept) ) pooled.terms <- unlist(mod_formula) ##remove intercept from vector <- pooled.terms[which(pooled.terms != "(Intercept)")] terms.freq <- table( if(length(unique(terms.freq)) > 1) warning("\nVariables do not appear with same frequency across models, proceed with caution\n") ##check whether parm is involved in interaction parm.inter <- c(paste(parm, ":", sep = ""), paste(":", parm, sep = "")) inter.check <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.inter[1], mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1" & attr(regexpr(parm.inter[2], mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1", 0, 1) if(sum(inter.check) > 0) stop("\nParameter of interest should not be involved in interaction for shrinkage version of model-averaging to be appropriate\n") ##compute table new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) #recompute AIC table and associated measures new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) fixef(i)$cond[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)$cond))[paste(parm)])) ##replace NA's with 0 new_table$Beta_est[$Beta_est)] <- 0 new_table$SE[$SE)] <- 0 ##add a check to determine if parameter occurs in any model if (isTRUE(all.equal(unique(new_table$Beta_est), 0))) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } ##if c-hat is estimated adjust the SE's by multiplying with sqrt of c-hat if(c.hat > 1) { new_table$SE <-new_table$SE*sqrt(c.hat) } ##AICc ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##QAICc if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##AIC if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == FALSE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##QAIC if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == FALSE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE) Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE out.modavg <- list("Parameter" = paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta, "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL"= Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL) class(out.modavg) <- c("modavgShrink", "list") return(out.modavg) } ##gls modavgShrink.AICgls <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##check for frequency of each terms ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) rownames(summary(i)$coefficients)) #extract model formula for each model in cand.set ##determine frequency of each term across models (except (Intercept) ) pooled.terms <- unlist(mod_formula) ##remove intercept from vector <- pooled.terms[which(pooled.terms != "(Intercept)")] terms.freq <- table( if(length(unique(terms.freq)) > 1) warning("\nVariables do not appear with same frequency across models, proceed with caution\n") ##check whether parm is involved in interaction parm.inter <- c(paste(parm, ":", sep = ""), paste(":", parm, sep = "")) inter.check <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.inter[1], pooled.terms, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1" & attr(regexpr(parm.inter[2], pooled.terms, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1", 0, 1) if(sum(inter.check) > 0) stop("\nParameter of interest should not be involved in interaction for shrinkage version of model-averaging to be appropriate\n") ##compute table new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) #recompute AIC table and associated measures new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)])) ##replace NA's with 0 new_table$Beta_est[$Beta_est)] <- 0 new_table$SE[$SE)] <- 0 ##add a check to determine if parameter occurs in any model if (isTRUE(all.equal(unique(new_table$Beta_est), 0))) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL if(second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } else { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE) Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE out.modavg <- list("Parameter" = paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta, "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL) class(out.modavg) <- c("modavgShrink", "list") return(out.modavg) } ##hurdle modavgShrink.AIChurdle <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##check that link function is the same for all models <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN=function(i) i$link)) <- unique( if(length( > 1) stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model-averaged beta estimate\n", "from models using different link functions\n") ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##check for frequency of each terms ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) labels(coefficients(i))) #extract model formula for each model in cand.set ##determine frequency of each term across models (except (Intercept) ) pooled.terms <- unlist(mod_formula) ##remove intercept from vector <- pooled.terms[which(pooled.terms != "count_(Intercept)" & pooled.terms != "zero_(Intercept)")] terms.freq <- table( if(length(unique(terms.freq)) > 1) warning("\nVariables do not appear with same frequency across models, proceed with caution\n") ##check whether parm is involved in interaction parm.inter <- c(paste(parm, ":", sep = ""), paste(":", parm, sep = "")) inter.check <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.inter[1], mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1" & attr(regexpr(parm.inter[2], mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1", 0, 1) if(sum(inter.check) > 0) stop("\nParameter of interest should not be involved in interaction for shrinkage version of model-averaging to be appropriate\n") ##compute table new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) #recompute AIC table and associated measures new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) coefficients(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)])) ##replace NA's with 0 new_table$Beta_est[$Beta_est)] <- 0 new_table$SE[$SE)] <- 0 ##add a check to determine if parameter occurs in any model if (isTRUE(all.equal(unique(new_table$Beta_est), 0))) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } ##AICc ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL if(second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##AIC if(second.ord == FALSE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE) Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE out.modavg <- list("Parameter" = paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta, "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL"= Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL) class(out.modavg) <- c("modavgShrink", "list") return(out.modavg) } ##lm modavgShrink.AIClm <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##check for frequency of each terms ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) rownames(summary(i)$coefficients)) ##determine frequency of each term across models (except (Intercept) ) pooled.terms <- unlist(mod_formula) ##remove intercept from vector <- pooled.terms[which(pooled.terms != "(Intercept)")] terms.freq <- table( if(length(unique(terms.freq)) > 1) warning("\nVariables do not appear with same frequency across models, proceed with caution\n") ##check whether parm is involved in interaction parm.inter <- c(paste(parm, ":", sep = ""), paste(":", parm, sep = "")) inter.check <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.inter[1], pooled.terms, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1" & attr(regexpr(parm.inter[2], pooled.terms, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1", 0, 1) if(sum(inter.check) > 0) stop("\nParameter of interest should not be involved in interaction for shrinkage version of model-averaging to be appropriate\n") ##compute table new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) #recompute AIC table and associated measures new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)])) ##replace NA's with 0 new_table$Beta_est[$Beta_est)] <- 0 new_table$SE[$SE)] <- 0 ##add a check to determine if parameter occurs in any model if (isTRUE(all.equal(unique(new_table$Beta_est), 0))) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL if(second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } else { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE) Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE out.modavg <- list("Parameter" = paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta, "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL) class(out.modavg) <- c("modavgShrink", "list") return(out.modavg) } ##lme modavgShrink.AIClme <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##check for frequency of each terms ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) labels(summary(i)$coefficients$fixed)) ##determine frequency of each term across models (except (Intercept) ) pooled.terms <- unlist(mod_formula) ##remove intercept from vector <- pooled.terms[which(pooled.terms != "(Intercept)")] terms.freq <- table( if(length(unique(terms.freq)) > 1) warning("\nVariables do not appear with same frequency across models, proceed with caution\n") ##check whether parm is involved in interaction parm.inter <- c(paste(parm, ":", sep = ""), paste(":", parm, sep = "")) inter.check <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.inter[1], pooled.terms, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1" & attr(regexpr(parm.inter[2], pooled.terms, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1", 0, 1) if(sum(inter.check) > 0) stop("\nParameter of interest should not be involved in interaction for shrinkage version of model-averaging to be appropriate\n") ##compute table new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) #recompute AIC table and associated measures new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) fixef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)])) ##replace NA's with 0 new_table$Beta_est[$Beta_est)] <- 0 new_table$SE[$SE)] <- 0 ##add a check to determine if parameter occurs in any model if (isTRUE(all.equal(unique(new_table$Beta_est), 0))) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL if(second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } else { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE) Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE out.modavg <- list("Parameter" = paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta, "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL) class(out.modavg) <- c("modavgShrink", "list") return(out.modavg) } ##lmekin modavgShrink.AIClmekin <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##check for frequency of each terms ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) labels(fixef(i))) ##determine frequency of each term across models (except (Intercept) ) pooled.terms <- unlist(mod_formula) ##remove intercept from vector <- pooled.terms[which(pooled.terms != "(Intercept)")] terms.freq <- table( if(length(unique(terms.freq)) > 1) warning("\nVariables do not appear with same frequency across models, proceed with caution\n") ##check whether parm is involved in interaction parm.inter <- c(paste(parm, ":", sep = ""), paste(":", parm, sep = "")) inter.check <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.inter[1], pooled.terms, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1" & attr(regexpr(parm.inter[2], pooled.terms, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1", 0, 1) if(sum(inter.check) > 0) stop("\nParameter of interest should not be involved in interaction for shrinkage version of model-averaging to be appropriate\n") ##compute table new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) #recompute AIC table and associated measures new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) fixef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractSE(i)[paste(parm)])) ##replace NA's with 0 new_table$Beta_est[$Beta_est)] <- 0 new_table$SE[$SE)] <- 0 ##add a check to determine if parameter occurs in any model if (isTRUE(all.equal(unique(new_table$Beta_est), 0))) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL if(second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } else { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE) Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE out.modavg <- list("Parameter" = paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta, "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL) class(out.modavg) <- c("modavgShrink", "list") return(out.modavg) } ##maxlike modavgShrink.AICmaxlikeFit.list <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, c.hat = 1, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##check that link function is the same for all models <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN=function(i) i$link)) <- unique(x = if(length( > 1) stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model-averaged beta estimate\n", "from models using different link functions\n") ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##check for frequency of each terms ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) names(coef(i))) ##determine frequency of each term across models (except (Intercept) ) pooled.terms <- unlist(mod_formula) ##remove intercept from vector <- pooled.terms[which(pooled.terms != "(Intercept)")] terms.freq <- table( if(length(unique(terms.freq)) > 1) warning("\nVariables do not appear with same frequency across models, proceed with caution\n") ##check whether parm is involved in interaction parm.inter <- c(paste(parm, ":", sep = ""), paste(":", parm, sep = "")) inter.check <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.inter[1], pooled.terms, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1" & attr(regexpr(parm.inter[2], pooled.terms, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1", 0, 1) if(sum(inter.check) > 0) stop("\nParameter of interest should not be involved in interaction for shrinkage version of model-averaging to be appropriate\n") ##compute table new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = 1) #recompute AIC table and associated measures new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)])) ##replace NA's with 0 new_table$Beta_est[$Beta_est)] <- 0 new_table$SE[$SE)] <- 0 ##add a check to determine if parameter occurs in any model if (isTRUE(all.equal(unique(new_table$Beta_est), 0))) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL if(second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } else { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE) Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE out.modavg <- list("Parameter" = paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta, "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL) class(out.modavg) <- c("modavgShrink", "list") return(out.modavg) } ##mer modavgShrink.AICmer <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##determine families of model fam.list <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)$family)) check.fam <- unique(fam.list) if(length(check.fam) > 1) stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model-averaged beta estimate\n", "from models using different families of distributions\n") ##determine link functions link.list <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)$link)) <- unique(link.list) if(length( > 1) stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model-averaged beta estimate\n", "from models using different link functions\n") ################### ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(fixef(i))) ##determine frequency of each term across models (except (Intercept) ) pooled.terms <- unlist(mod_formula) ##remove intercept from vector <- pooled.terms[which(pooled.terms != "(Intercept)")] terms.freq <- table( if(length(unique(terms.freq)) > 1) warning("\nVariables do not appear with same frequency across models, proceed with caution\n") ##check whether parm is involved in interaction parm.inter <- c(paste(parm, ":", sep = ""), paste(":", parm, sep = "")) inter.check <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.inter[1], mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1" & attr(regexpr(parm.inter[2], mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1", 0, 1) if(sum(inter.check) > 0) stop("\nParameter of interest should not be involved in interaction for shrinkage version of model-averaging to be appropriate\n") ##compute table new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) #recompute AIC table and associated measures new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) fixef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractSE(i)[paste(parm)])) ##replace NA's with 0 new_table$Beta_est[$Beta_est)] <- 0 new_table$SE[$SE)] <- 0 ##add a check to determine if parameter occurs in any model if (isTRUE(all.equal(unique(new_table$Beta_est), 0))) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL if(second.ord==TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } else { Modavg_beta<-sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE<-sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE<-sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE) Lower_CL<-Modavg_beta-zcrit*Uncond_SE Upper_CL<-Modavg_beta+zcrit*Uncond_SE out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta, "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL) class(out.modavg) <- c("modavgShrink", "list") return(out.modavg) } ##glmerMod modavgShrink.AICglmerMod <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##determine families of model fam.list <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)$family)) check.fam <- unique(fam.list) if(length(check.fam) > 1) stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model-averaged beta estimate\n", "from models using different families of distributions\n") ##determine link functions link.list <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i)$link)) <- unique(link.list) if(length( > 1) stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model-averaged beta estimate\n", "from models using different link functions\n") ################### ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(fixef(i))) ##determine frequency of each term across models (except (Intercept) ) pooled.terms <- unlist(mod_formula) ##remove intercept from vector <- pooled.terms[which(pooled.terms != "(Intercept)")] terms.freq <- table( if(length(unique(terms.freq)) > 1) warning("\nVariables do not appear with same frequency across models, proceed with caution\n") ##check whether parm is involved in interaction parm.inter <- c(paste(parm, ":", sep = ""), paste(":", parm, sep = "")) inter.check <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.inter[1], mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1" & attr(regexpr(parm.inter[2], mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1", 0, 1) if(sum(inter.check) > 0) stop("\nParameter of interest should not be involved in interaction for shrinkage version of model-averaging to be appropriate\n") ##compute table new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) #recompute AIC table and associated measures new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) fixef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractSE(i)[paste(parm)])) ##replace NA's with 0 new_table$Beta_est[$Beta_est)] <- 0 new_table$SE[$SE)] <- 0 ##add a check to determine if parameter occurs in any model if (isTRUE(all.equal(unique(new_table$Beta_est), 0))) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL if(second.ord==TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } else { Modavg_beta<-sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE<-sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE<-sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE) Lower_CL<-Modavg_beta-zcrit*Uncond_SE Upper_CL<-Modavg_beta+zcrit*Uncond_SE out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta, "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL) class(out.modavg) <- c("modavgShrink", "list") return(out.modavg) } ##lmerMod modavgShrink.AIClmerMod <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ################### ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(fixef(i))) ##determine frequency of each term across models (except (Intercept) ) pooled.terms <- unlist(mod_formula) ##remove intercept from vector <- pooled.terms[which(pooled.terms != "(Intercept)")] terms.freq <- table( if(length(unique(terms.freq)) > 1) warning("\nVariables do not appear with same frequency across models, proceed with caution\n") ##check whether parm is involved in interaction parm.inter <- c(paste(parm, ":", sep = ""), paste(":", parm, sep = "")) inter.check <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.inter[1], mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1" & attr(regexpr(parm.inter[2], mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1", 0, 1) if(sum(inter.check) > 0) stop("\nParameter of interest should not be involved in interaction for shrinkage version of model-averaging to be appropriate\n") ##compute table new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) #recompute AIC table and associated measures new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) fixef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractSE(i)[paste(parm)])) ##replace NA's with 0 new_table$Beta_est[$Beta_est)] <- 0 new_table$SE[$SE)] <- 0 ##add a check to determine if parameter occurs in any model if (isTRUE(all.equal(unique(new_table$Beta_est), 0))) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL if(second.ord==TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } else { Modavg_beta<-sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE<-sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE<-sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE) Lower_CL<-Modavg_beta-zcrit*Uncond_SE Upper_CL<-Modavg_beta+zcrit*Uncond_SE out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta, "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL) class(out.modavg) <- c("modavgShrink", "list") return(out.modavg) } ##lmerModLmerTest modavgShrink.AIClmerModLmerTest <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } modnames <- names(cand.set) } ################### ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(fixef(i))) ##determine frequency of each term across models (except (Intercept) ) pooled.terms <- unlist(mod_formula) ##remove intercept from vector <- pooled.terms[which(pooled.terms != "(Intercept)")] terms.freq <- table( if(length(unique(terms.freq)) > 1) warning("\nVariables do not appear with same frequency across models, proceed with caution\n") ##check whether parm is involved in interaction parm.inter <- c(paste(parm, ":", sep = ""), paste(":", parm, sep = "")) inter.check <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.inter[1], mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1" & attr(regexpr(parm.inter[2], mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1", 0, 1) if(sum(inter.check) > 0) stop("\nParameter of interest should not be involved in interaction for shrinkage version of model-averaging to be appropriate\n") ##compute table new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) #recompute AIC table and associated measures new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) fixef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractSE(i)[paste(parm)])) ##replace NA's with 0 new_table$Beta_est[$Beta_est)] <- 0 new_table$SE[$SE)] <- 0 ##add a check to determine if parameter occurs in any model if (isTRUE(all.equal(unique(new_table$Beta_est), 0))) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL if(second.ord==TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } else { Modavg_beta<-sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE<-sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE<-sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } zcrit <- qnorm(p=(1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail=FALSE) Lower_CL<-Modavg_beta-zcrit*Uncond_SE Upper_CL<-Modavg_beta+zcrit*Uncond_SE out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta, "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL) class(out.modavg) <- c("modavgShrink", "list") return(out.modavg) } ##multinom modavgShrink.AICmultinom.nnet <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, c.hat = 1, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) colnames(summary(i)$coefficients)) nmods <- length(cand.set) ##determine frequency of each term across models (except (Intercept) ) pooled.terms <- unlist(mod_formula) ##remove intercept from vector <- pooled.terms[which(pooled.terms != "(Intercept)")] terms.freq <- table( if(length(unique(terms.freq)) > 1) warning("\nVariables do not appear with same frequency across models, proceed with caution\n") ##check whether parm is involved in interaction parm.inter <- c(paste(parm, ":", sep = ""), paste(":", parm, sep = "")) inter.check <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.inter[1], pooled.terms, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1" & attr(regexpr(parm.inter[2], pooled.terms, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1", 0, 1) if(sum(inter.check) > 0) stop("\nParameter of interest should not be involved in interaction for shrinkage version of model-averaging to be appropriate\n") ##determine number of levels - 1 mod.levels <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) rownames(summary(i)$coefficients)) #extract level of response variable check.levels <- unlist(unique(mod.levels)) ##recompute AIC table and associated measures new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) ##create object to store model-averaged estimate and SE's of k - 1 level of response out.est <- matrix(data = NA, nrow = length(check.levels), ncol = 4) colnames(out.est) <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE", "Lower.CL", "Upper.CL") rownames(out.est) <- check.levels ##iterate over levels of response variable for (g in 1:length(check.levels)) { ##extract coefficients from each model for given level coefs.levels <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[check.levels[g], ]) ##extract coefficients from each model for all levels SE.all.levels <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))) id.coef <- lapply(coefs.levels, FUN = function(i) which(names(i) == paste(parm))) ##temporary matrix to hold estimates and SE's from models and set to 0 otherwise tmp.coef <- matrix(NA, ncol = 2, nrow = nmods) for(k in 1:nmods) { tmp.coef[k, 1] <- ifelse(length(id.coef[[k]]) != 0, coefs.levels[[k]][paste(parm)], 0) tmp.coef[k, 2] <- ifelse(length(id.coef[[k]]) != 0, SE.all.levels[[k]][paste(check.levels[g], ":", parm, sep="")], 0) } ##extract beta estimate for parm new_table$Beta_est <- tmp.coef[, 1] ##extract SE of estimate for parm new_table$SE <- tmp.coef[, 2] ##add a check to determine if parameter occurs in any model if (isTRUE(all.equal(unique(new_table$Beta_est), 0))) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } ##if c-hat is estimated adjust the SE's by multiplying with sqrt of c-hat if(c.hat > 1) {new_table$SE <- new_table$SE*sqrt(c.hat)} ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL #AICc if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) #unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } #revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } #QAICc #if c-hat is estimated compute values accordingly and adjust table names if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) #unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } #revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } #AIC if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == FALSE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est) #unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } #revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } #QAIC #if c-hat is estimated compute values accordingly and adjust table names if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == FALSE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*new_table$Beta_est) #unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } #revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } out.est[g, 1] <- Modavg_beta out.est[g, 2] <- Uncond_SE } zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE) out.est[,3] <- out.est[,1] - zcrit*out.est[,2] out.est[,4] <- out.est[,1] + zcrit*out.est[,2] out.modavg <- list("Parameter" = paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = out.est[,1], "Uncond.SE" = out.est[,2], "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL"= out.est[,3], "Upper.CL" = out.est[,4]) class(out.modavg) <- c("modavgShrink", "list") return(out.modavg) } ##glm.nb modavgShrink.AICnegbin.glm.lm <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##check that link function is the same for all models <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN=function(i) i$family$link)) <- unique( if(length( > 1) stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged beta estimate\n", "from models using different link functions\n") ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##check for frequency of each terms ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) rownames(summary(i)$coefficients)) #extract model formula for each model in cand.set ##determine frequency of each term across models (except (Intercept) ) pooled.terms <- unlist(mod_formula) ##remove intercept from vector <- pooled.terms[which(pooled.terms != "(Intercept)")] terms.freq <- table( if(length(unique(terms.freq)) > 1) warning("\nVariables do not appear with same frequency across models, proceed with caution\n") ##check whether parm is involved in interaction parm.inter <- c(paste(parm, ":", sep = ""), paste(":", parm, sep = "")) inter.check <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.inter[1], mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1" & attr(regexpr(parm.inter[2], mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1", 0, 1) if(sum(inter.check) > 0) stop("\nParameter of interest should not be involved in interaction for shrinkage version of model-averaging to be appropriate\n") ##compute table new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) #recompute AIC table and associated measures new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)])) ##replace NA's with 0 new_table$Beta_est[$Beta_est)] <- 0 new_table$SE[$SE)] <- 0 ##add a check to determine if parameter occurs in any model if (isTRUE(all.equal(unique(new_table$Beta_est), 0))) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } ##AICc ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL if(second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##AIC if(second.ord == FALSE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE) Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE out.modavg <- list("Parameter" = paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta, "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL"= Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL) class(out.modavg) <- c("modavgShrink", "list") return(out.modavg) } ##polr modavgShrink.AICpolr <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) rownames(summary(i)$coefficients)) ##determine frequency of each term across models (except (Intercept) ) pooled.terms <- unlist(mod_formula) ##remove intercept from vector <- pooled.terms[attr(regexpr(pattern = "\\|", text = pooled.terms), "match.length") == -1 ] terms.freq <- table( if(length(unique(terms.freq)) > 1) warning("\nVariables do not appear with same frequency across models, proceed with caution\n") ##check whether parm is involved in interaction parm.inter <- c(paste(parm, ":", sep = ""), paste(":", parm, sep = "")) inter.check <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.inter[1], mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1" & attr(regexpr(parm.inter[2], mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1", 0, 1) if(sum(inter.check) > 0) stop("\nParameter of interest should not be involved in interaction for shrinkage version of model-averaging to be appropriate\n") ##compute table new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) #recompute AIC table and associated measures ##add logical test to distinguish between intercepts and other coefs if(attr(regexpr(pattern = "\\|", text = parm), "match.length") == -1) { new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) } else {new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) (i)$zeta[paste(parm)])) } ##extract beta estimate for parm new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)])) ##replace NA's with 0 new_table$Beta_est[$Beta_est)] <- 0 new_table$SE[$SE)] <- 0 ##add a check to determine if parameter occurs in any model if (isTRUE(all.equal(unique(new_table$Beta_est), 0))) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } ##AICc ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL based on AICc if(second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta<-sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE<-sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE<-sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##AICc ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL based on AIC if(second.ord == FALSE) { Modavg_beta<-sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE<-sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE<-sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE) Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE out.modavg <- list("Parameter" = paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta, "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL"= Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL) class(out.modavg) <- c("modavgShrink", "list") return(out.modavg) } ##rlm modavgShrink.AICrlm.lm <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##check for frequency of each terms ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) rownames(summary(i)$coefficients)) ##determine frequency of each term across models (except (Intercept) ) pooled.terms <- unlist(mod_formula) ##remove intercept from vector <- pooled.terms[which(pooled.terms != "(Intercept)")] terms.freq <- table( if(length(unique(terms.freq)) > 1) warning("\nVariables do not appear with same frequency across models, proceed with caution\n") ##check whether parm is involved in interaction parm.inter <- c(paste(parm, ":", sep = ""), paste(":", parm, sep = "")) inter.check <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.inter[1], pooled.terms, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1" & attr(regexpr(parm.inter[2], pooled.terms, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1", 0, 1) if(sum(inter.check) > 0) stop("\nParameter of interest should not be involved in interaction for shrinkage version of model-averaging to be appropriate\n") ##compute table new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) #recompute AIC table and associated measures new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)])) ##replace NA's with 0 new_table$Beta_est[$Beta_est)] <- 0 new_table$SE[$SE)] <- 0 ##add a check to determine if parameter occurs in any model if (isTRUE(all.equal(unique(new_table$Beta_est), 0))) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL if(second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } else { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE) Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE out.modavg <- list("Parameter" = paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta, "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL) class(out.modavg) <- c("modavgShrink", "list") return(out.modavg) } ##survreg modavgShrink.AICsurvreg <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##check that distribution is the same for all models check.dist <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) i$dist) unique.dist <- unique(x = check.dist) if(length(unique.dist) > 1) stop("\nFunction does not support model-averaging estimates from different distributions\n") ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##check for frequency of each terms ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) names(summary(i)$coefficients)) ##determine frequency of each term across models (except (Intercept) ) pooled.terms <- unlist(mod_formula) ##remove intercept from vector <- pooled.terms[which(pooled.terms != "(Intercept)")] terms.freq <- table( if(length(unique(terms.freq)) > 1) warning("\nVariables do not appear with same frequency across models, proceed with caution\n") ##check whether parm is involved in interaction parm.inter <- c(paste(parm, ":", sep = ""), paste(":", parm, sep = "")) inter.check <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.inter[1], pooled.terms, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1" & attr(regexpr(parm.inter[2], pooled.terms, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1", 0, 1) if(sum(inter.check) > 0) stop("\nParameter of interest should not be involved in interaction for shrinkage version of model-averaging to be appropriate\n") ##compute table new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) #recompute AIC table and associated measures new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)])) ##replace NA's with 0 new_table$Beta_est[$Beta_est)] <- 0 new_table$SE[$SE)] <- 0 ##add a check to determine if parameter occurs in any model if (isTRUE(all.equal(unique(new_table$Beta_est), 0))) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL if(second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } else { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE) Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE out.modavg <- list("Parameter" = paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta, "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL) class(out.modavg) <- c("modavgShrink", "list") return(out.modavg) } ##vglm modavgShrink.AICvglm <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, c.hat = 1, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##check that link function is the same for all models <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN=function(i) i@family@blurb[3])) <- unique( if(length( > 1) stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged beta estimate\n", "from models using different link functions\n") ##check family of vglm to avoid problems when requesting predictions with argument 'dispersion' fam.type <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) i@family@vfamily)) fam.unique <- unique(fam.type) if(identical(fam.unique, "gaussianff")) {disp <- NULL} else{disp <- 1} if(identical(fam.unique, "gammaff")) stop("\nGamma distribution is not supported yet\n") ##poisson and binomial defaults to 1 (no separate parameter for variance) ##for negative binomial - reset to NULL if(identical(fam.unique, "negbinomial")) {disp <- NULL} ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##check for frequency of each terms ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) labels(coefficients(i))) #extract model formula for each model in cand.set ##determine frequency of each term across models (except (Intercept) ) pooled.terms <- unlist(mod_formula) ##remove intercept from vector <- pooled.terms[which(pooled.terms != "(Intercept)" & pooled.terms != "(Intercept):1" & pooled.terms != "(Intercept):2")] terms.freq <- table( if(length(unique(terms.freq)) > 1) warning("\nVariables do not appear with same frequency across models, proceed with caution\n") ##check whether parm is involved in interaction or if label changes for some models - e.g., ZIP models ##if : not already included if(regexpr(":", parm, fixed = TRUE) == -1){ ##if : not included parm.inter <- c(paste(parm, ":", sep = ""), paste(":", parm, sep = "")) inter.check <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.inter[1], mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1" & attr(regexpr(parm.inter[2], mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1", 0, 1) if(sum(inter.check) > 0) warning("\nLabel of parameter of interest seems to change across models:\n", "check model syntax for possible problems\n") } else { ##if : already included ##remove : from parm simple.parm <- unlist(strsplit(parm, split = ":"))[1] ##search for simple.parm and parm in model formulae no.colon <- sum(ifelse(attr(regexpr(simple.parm, mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") != "-1", 1, 0)) with.colon <- sum(ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm, mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") != "-1", 0, 1)) ##check if both are > 0 if(no.colon > 0 && with.colon > 0) warning("\nLabel of parameter of interest seems to change across models:\n", "check model syntax for possible problems\n") } ##compute table new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) #recompute AIC table and associated measures new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) coefficients(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i, dispersion = disp)))[paste(parm)])) ##replace NA's with 0 new_table$Beta_est[$Beta_est)] <- 0 new_table$SE[$SE)] <- 0 ##add a check to determine if parameter occurs in any model if (isTRUE(all.equal(unique(new_table$Beta_est), 0))) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } ##if c-hat is estimated adjust the SE's by multiplying with sqrt of c-hat if(c.hat > 1) { new_table$SE <-new_table$SE*sqrt(c.hat) } ##gam1 <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) family(i)$family[1]=="Gamma")) #check for gamma regression models ##correct SE's for estimates of gamma regressions ##if(any(gam1) == TRUE) { ##check for specification of gamdisp argument ## if(is.null(gamdisp)) stop("\nYou must specify a gamma dispersion parameter with gamma generalized linear models\n") ## new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, ## FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i, dispersion = gamdisp)))[paste(parm)])) ##} ##AICc ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##QAICc if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##AIC if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == FALSE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##QAIC if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == FALSE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE) Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE out.modavg <- list("Parameter" = paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta, "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL"= Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL) class(out.modavg) <- c("modavgShrink", "list") return(out.modavg) } ##zeroinfl modavgShrink.AICzeroinfl <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, ...){ ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##check that link function is the same for all models <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN=function(i) i$link)) <- unique( if(length( > 1) stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model-averaged beta estimate\n", "from models using different link functions\n") ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##check for frequency of each terms ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) labels(coefficients(i))) #extract model formula for each model in cand.set ##determine frequency of each term across models (except (Intercept) ) pooled.terms <- unlist(mod_formula) ##remove intercept from vector <- pooled.terms[which(pooled.terms != "count_(Intercept)" & pooled.terms != "zero_(Intercept)")] terms.freq <- table( if(length(unique(terms.freq)) > 1) warning("\nVariables do not appear with same frequency across models, proceed with caution\n") ##check whether parm is involved in interaction parm.inter <- c(paste(parm, ":", sep = ""), paste(":", parm, sep = "")) inter.check <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.inter[1], mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1" & attr(regexpr(parm.inter[2], mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1", 0, 1) if(sum(inter.check) > 0) stop("\nParameter of interest should not be involved in interaction for shrinkage version of model-averaging to be appropriate\n") ##compute table new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) #recompute AIC table and associated measures new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) coefficients(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN=function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)])) ##replace NA's with 0 new_table$Beta_est[$Beta_est)] <- 0 new_table$SE[$SE)] <- 0 ##add a check to determine if parameter occurs in any model if (isTRUE(all.equal(unique(new_table$Beta_est), 0))) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } ##AICc ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL if(second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##AIC if(second.ord == FALSE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1-conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE) Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE out.modavg <- list("Parameter" = paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta, "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL"= Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL) class(out.modavg) <- c("modavgShrink", "list") return(out.modavg) } ####added functionality for reversing parameters ##added additional argument parm.type = "psi", "gamma", "epsilon", "lambda", "omega", "detect" ##model type: parameters labeled in unmarked - parameters labeled in AICcmodavg.unmarked ##single season: state, det - USE psi, detect ##multiseason model: psi, col, ext, det - USE psi, gamma, epsilon, detect ##RN heterogeneity model: state, det - USE lambda, detect ##N-mixture: state, det - USE lambda, detect ##Open N-mixture: lambda, gamma, omega, det - USE lambda, gamma, omega, iota, detect ##distsamp: state, det - USE lambda, detect ##gdistsamp: state, det, phi - USE lambda, detect, phi ##false-positive occupancy: state, det, fp - USE psi, detect, fp ##gpcount: lambda, phi, det - USE lambda, phi, detect ##gmultmix: lambda, phi, det - USE lambda, phi, detect ##multinomPois: state, det - USE lambda, detect ##occuMulti: state, det - USE lambda, detect ##occuMS: state, det - USE psi, detect ##occuTTD: psi, det, col, ext - USE psi, detect, gamma, epsilon ##pcount.spHDS: state, det - USE lambda, detect ##multmixOpen: lambda, gamma, omega, iota, det - USE lambda, gamma, epsilon, iota, detect ##distsampOpen: lambda, gamma, omega, iota, det - USE lambda, gamma, epsilon, iota, detect ##occu modavgShrink.AICunmarkedFitOccu <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...){ ##note that parameter is referenced differently from unmarked object - see labels( ) ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavgShrink for details\n")} ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int" ##single-season occupancy model ##psi if(identical(parm.type, "psi")) { ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$state))) parm.unmarked <- "psi" parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="") parm.type1 <- "state" } ##detect if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) { mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$det))) parm.unmarked <- "p" parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="") parm.type1 <- "det" } ################## ##extract link function <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$", parm.type1, "@invlink", sep = "")))) <- unique( <-[1] if(length( > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n", "with different link functions\n")} ################## ##NEED TO PASTE THE PARAMETER TYPE - INCLUDE THIS STEP ABOVE FOR EACH PARM.TYPE ##determine frequency of each term across models (except (Intercept) ) pooled.terms <- unlist(mod_formula) ##remove intercept from vector <- pooled.terms[which(pooled.terms != paste(parm.unmarked, "(Int)", sep = ""))] terms.freq <- table( if(length(unique(terms.freq)) > 1) warning("\nVariables do not appear with same frequency across models, proceed with caution\n") ##check whether parm is involved in interaction parm.inter <- c(paste(parm, ":", sep = ""), paste(":", parm, sep = "")) inter.check <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.inter[1], mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1" & attr(regexpr(parm.inter[2], mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1", 0, 1) if(sum(inter.check) > 0) stop("\nParameter of interest should not be involved in interaction for shrinkage version of model-averaging to be appropriate\n") nmods <- length(cand.set) new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) #recompute AIC table and associated measures new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)])) ##replace NA's with 0 new_table$Beta_est[$Beta_est)] <- 0 new_table$SE[$SE)] <- 0 ##add a check to determine if parameter occurs in any model if (isTRUE(all.equal(unique(new_table$Beta_est), 0))) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } ##if c-hat is estimated adjust the SE's by multiplying with sqrt of c-hat if(c.hat > 1) { new_table$SE <- new_table$SE*sqrt(c.hat) } ##AICc ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##QAICc if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##AIC if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == FALSE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##QAIC if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == FALSE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1 - conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE) Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta, "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL) class(out.modavg) <- c("modavgShrink", "list") return(out.modavg) } ##colext modavgShrink.AICunmarkedFitColExt <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...){ ##note that parameter is referenced differently from unmarked object - see labels( ) ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavgShrink for details\n")} ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int" ##multiseason occupancy model ##psi - initial occupancy if(identical(parm.type, "psi")) { ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$psi))) ##create label for parm parm.unmarked <- "psi" parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="") parm.type1 <- "psi" } ##gamma - colonization if(identical(parm.type, "gamma")) { ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$col))) ##create label for parm parm.unmarked <- "col" parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="") parm.type1 <- "col" } ##epsilon - extinction if(identical(parm.type, "epsilon")) { ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$ext))) ##create label for parm parm.unmarked <- "ext" parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="") parm.type1 <- "ext" } ##detect if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) { mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$det))) parm.unmarked <- "p" parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="") parm.type1 <- "det" } ################## ##extract link function <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$", parm.type1, "@invlink", sep = "")))) <- unique( <-[1] if(length( > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n", "with different link functions\n")} ################## ##NEED TO PASTE THE PARAMETER TYPE - INCLUDE THIS STEP ABOVE FOR EACH PARM.TYPE ##determine frequency of each term across models (except (Intercept) ) pooled.terms <- unlist(mod_formula) ##remove intercept from vector <- pooled.terms[which(pooled.terms != paste(parm.unmarked, "(Int)", sep = ""))] terms.freq <- table( if(length(unique(terms.freq)) > 1) warning("\nVariables do not appear with same frequency across models, proceed with caution\n") ##check whether parm is involved in interaction parm.inter <- c(paste(parm, ":", sep = ""), paste(":", parm, sep = "")) inter.check <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.inter[1], mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1" & attr(regexpr(parm.inter[2], mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1", 0, 1) if(sum(inter.check) > 0) stop("\nParameter of interest should not be involved in interaction for shrinkage version of model-averaging to be appropriate\n") nmods <- length(cand.set) new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) #recompute AIC table and associated measures new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)])) ##replace NA's with 0 new_table$Beta_est[$Beta_est)] <- 0 new_table$SE[$SE)] <- 0 ##add a check to determine if parameter occurs in any model if (isTRUE(all.equal(unique(new_table$Beta_est), 0))) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } ##if c-hat is estimated adjust the SE's by multiplying with sqrt of c-hat if(c.hat > 1) { new_table$SE <- new_table$SE*sqrt(c.hat) } ##AICc ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##QAICc if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##AIC if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == FALSE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##QAIC if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == FALSE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1 - conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE) Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta, "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL) class(out.modavg) <- c("modavgShrink", "list") return(out.modavg) } ##occuRN modavgShrink.AICunmarkedFitOccuRN <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...){ ##note that parameter is referenced differently from unmarked object - see labels( ) ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavgShrink for details\n")} ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int" ##Royle-Nichols heterogeneity model ##lambda - abundance if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) { ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$state))) parm.unmarked <- "lam" parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="") parm.type1 <- "state" } ##detect if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) { mod_formula<-lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$det))) parm.unmarked <- "p" parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="") parm.type1 <- "det" } ################## ##extract link function <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$", parm.type1, "@invlink", sep = "")))) <- unique( <-[1] if(length( > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n", "with different link functions\n")} ################## ##NEED TO PASTE THE PARAMETER TYPE - INCLUDE THIS STEP ABOVE FOR EACH PARM.TYPE ##determine frequency of each term across models (except (Intercept) ) pooled.terms <- unlist(mod_formula) ##remove intercept from vector <- pooled.terms[which(pooled.terms != paste(parm.unmarked, "(Int)", sep = ""))] terms.freq <- table( if(length(unique(terms.freq)) > 1) warning("\nVariables do not appear with same frequency across models, proceed with caution\n") ##check whether parm is involved in interaction parm.inter <- c(paste(parm, ":", sep = ""), paste(":", parm, sep = "")) inter.check <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.inter[1], mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1" & attr(regexpr(parm.inter[2], mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1", 0, 1) if(sum(inter.check) > 0) stop("\nParameter of interest should not be involved in interaction for shrinkage version of model-averaging to be appropriate\n") nmods <- length(cand.set) new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) #recompute AIC table and associated measures new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)])) ##replace NA's with 0 new_table$Beta_est[$Beta_est)] <- 0 new_table$SE[$SE)] <- 0 ##add a check to determine if parameter occurs in any model if (isTRUE(all.equal(unique(new_table$Beta_est), 0))) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } ##if c-hat is estimated adjust the SE's by multiplying with sqrt of c-hat if(c.hat > 1) { new_table$SE <- new_table$SE*sqrt(c.hat) } ##AICc ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##QAICc if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##AIC if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == FALSE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##QAIC if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == FALSE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1 - conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE) Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta, "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL) class(out.modavg) <- c("modavgShrink", "list") return(out.modavg) } ##pcount modavgShrink.AICunmarkedFitPCount <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...){ ##note that parameter is referenced differently from unmarked object - see labels( ) ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavgShrink for details\n")} ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int" ##single season N-mixture model ##lambda - abundance if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) { ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$state))) ##create label for parm parm.unmarked <- "lam" parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="") parm.type1 <- "state" } ##detect if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) { mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$det))) parm.unmarked <- "p" parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="") parm.type1 <- "det" } ################## ##extract link function <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$", parm.type1, "@invlink", sep = "")))) <- unique( <-[1] if(length( > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n", "with different link functions\n")} ################## ##NEED TO PASTE THE PARAMETER TYPE - INCLUDE THIS STEP ABOVE FOR EACH PARM.TYPE ##determine frequency of each term across models (except (Intercept) ) pooled.terms <- unlist(mod_formula) ##remove intercept from vector <- pooled.terms[which(pooled.terms != paste(parm.unmarked, "(Int)", sep = ""))] terms.freq <- table( if(length(unique(terms.freq)) > 1) warning("\nVariables do not appear with same frequency across models, proceed with caution\n") ##check whether parm is involved in interaction parm.inter <- c(paste(parm, ":", sep = ""), paste(":", parm, sep = "")) inter.check <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.inter[1], mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1" & attr(regexpr(parm.inter[2], mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1", 0, 1) if(sum(inter.check) > 0) stop("\nParameter of interest should not be involved in interaction for shrinkage version of model-averaging to be appropriate\n") nmods <- length(cand.set) new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) #recompute AIC table and associated measures new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)])) ##replace NA's with 0 new_table$Beta_est[$Beta_est)] <- 0 new_table$SE[$SE)] <- 0 ##add a check to determine if parameter occurs in any model if (isTRUE(all.equal(unique(new_table$Beta_est), 0))) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } ##if c-hat is estimated adjust the SE's by multiplying with sqrt of c-hat if(c.hat > 1) { new_table$SE <- new_table$SE*sqrt(c.hat) } ##AICc ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##QAICc if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##AIC if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == FALSE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##QAIC if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == FALSE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1 - conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE) Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta, "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL) class(out.modavg) <- c("modavgShrink", "list") return(out.modavg) } ##pcountOpen modavgShrink.AICunmarkedFitPCO <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...){ ##note that parameter is referenced differently from unmarked object - see labels( ) ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavgShrink for details\n")} ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int" ##open version of N-mixture model ##lambda - abundance if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) { ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$lambda))) parm.unmarked <- "lam" parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="") parm.type1 <- "lambda" } ##gamma - recruitment if(identical(parm.type, "gamma")) { ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$gamma))) ##determine if same H0 on gamma (gamConst, gamAR, gamTrend) strip.gam <- sapply(mod_formula, FUN = function(i) unlist(strsplit(i, "\\("))[[1]]) unique.gam <- unique(strip.gam) if(length(unique.gam) > 1) stop("\nDifferent formulations of gamma parameter occur among models:\n beta estimates cannot be model-averaged\n") ##create label for parm parm.unmarked <- unique.gam parm <- paste(unique.gam, "(", parm, ")", sep="") parm.type1 <- "gamma" } ##omega - apparent survival if(identical(parm.type, "omega")) { ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$omega))) ##create label for parm parm.unmarked <- "omega" parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="") parm.type1 <- "omega" } ##iota (for immigration = TRUE with dynamics = "autoreg", "trend", "ricker", or "gompertz") if(identical(parm.type, "iota")) { ##create label for parm parm.unmarked <- "iota" parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="") ##check that parameter appears in all models parfreq <- sum(sapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) any(names(i@estimates@estimates) == parm.unmarked))) if(!identical(length(cand.set), parfreq)) { stop("\nParameter \'", parm.unmarked, "\' (parm.type = \"", parm.type, "\") does not appear in all models:", "\ncannot compute model-averaged estimate across all models\n") } ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$iota))) parm.type1 <- "iota" } ##detect if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) { mod_formula<-lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$det))) parm.unmarked <- "p" parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="") parm.type1 <- "det" } ################## ##extract link function <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$", parm.type1, "@invlink", sep = "")))) <- unique( <-[1] if(length( > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n", "with different link functions\n")} ################## ##NEED TO PASTE THE PARAMETER TYPE - INCLUDE THIS STEP ABOVE FOR EACH PARM.TYPE ##determine frequency of each term across models (except (Intercept) ) pooled.terms <- unlist(mod_formula) ##remove intercept from vector <- pooled.terms[which(pooled.terms != paste(parm.unmarked, "(Int)", sep = ""))] terms.freq <- table( if(length(unique(terms.freq)) > 1) warning("\nVariables do not appear with same frequency across models, proceed with caution\n") ##check whether parm is involved in interaction parm.inter <- c(paste(parm, ":", sep = ""), paste(":", parm, sep = "")) inter.check <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.inter[1], mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1" & attr(regexpr(parm.inter[2], mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1", 0, 1) if(sum(inter.check) > 0) stop("\nParameter of interest should not be involved in interaction for shrinkage version of model-averaging to be appropriate\n") nmods <- length(cand.set) new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) #recompute AIC table and associated measures new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)])) ##replace NA's with 0 new_table$Beta_est[$Beta_est)] <- 0 new_table$SE[$SE)] <- 0 ##add a check to determine if parameter occurs in any model if (isTRUE(all.equal(unique(new_table$Beta_est), 0))) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } ##if c-hat is estimated adjust the SE's by multiplying with sqrt of c-hat if(c.hat > 1) { new_table$SE <- new_table$SE*sqrt(c.hat) } ##AICc ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##QAICc if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##AIC if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == FALSE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##QAIC if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == FALSE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1 - conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE) Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta, "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL) class(out.modavg) <- c("modavgShrink", "list") return(out.modavg) } ##distsamp modavgShrink.AICunmarkedFitDS <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...){ ##note that parameter is referenced differently from unmarked object - see labels( ) ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavgShrink for details\n")} ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int" ##Distance sampling model ##lambda - abundance if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) { ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$state))) parm.unmarked <- "lam" parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="") parm.type1 <- "state" } ##detect, e.g., parm = "sigmaarea" if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) { ##check for key function used keyid <- unique(sapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@keyfun)) if(length(keyid) > 1) stop("\nDifferent key functions used across models:\n", "cannot compute model-averaged estimate\n") if(identical(keyid, "uniform")) stop("\nDetection parameter not found in models\n") ##set key prefix used in coef( ) if(identical(keyid, "halfnorm")) { parm.key <- "sigma" } if(identical(keyid, "hazard")) { parm.key <- "shape" } if(identical(keyid, "exp")) { parm.key <- "rate" } ##label for intercept - label different with this model type if(identical(parm, "Int")) {parm <- "(Intercept)"} ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$det))) parm.unmarked <- "p" parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm.key, "(", parm, "))", sep="") parm.type1 <- "det" } ################## ##extract link function <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$", parm.type1, "@invlink", sep = "")))) <- unique( <-[1] if(length( > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n", "with different link functions\n")} ################## ##NEED TO PASTE THE PARAMETER TYPE - INCLUDE THIS STEP ABOVE FOR EACH PARM.TYPE ##determine frequency of each term across models (except (Intercept) ) pooled.terms <- unlist(mod_formula) ##remove intercept from vector <- pooled.terms[which(pooled.terms != paste(parm.unmarked, "(Int)", sep = ""))] terms.freq <- table( if(length(unique(terms.freq)) > 1) warning("\nVariables do not appear with same frequency across models, proceed with caution\n") ##check whether parm is involved in interaction parm.inter <- c(paste(parm, ":", sep = ""), paste(":", parm, sep = "")) inter.check <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.inter[1], mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1" & attr(regexpr(parm.inter[2], mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1", 0, 1) if(sum(inter.check) > 0) stop("\nParameter of interest should not be involved in interaction for shrinkage version of model-averaging to be appropriate\n") nmods <- length(cand.set) new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) #recompute AIC table and associated measures new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)])) ##replace NA's with 0 new_table$Beta_est[$Beta_est)] <- 0 new_table$SE[$SE)] <- 0 ##add a check to determine if parameter occurs in any model if (isTRUE(all.equal(unique(new_table$Beta_est), 0))) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } ##if c-hat is estimated adjust the SE's by multiplying with sqrt of c-hat if(c.hat > 1) { new_table$SE <- new_table$SE*sqrt(c.hat) } ##AICc ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##QAICc if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##AIC if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == FALSE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##QAIC if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == FALSE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1 - conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE) Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta, "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL) class(out.modavg) <- c("modavgShrink", "list") return(out.modavg) } ##gdistsamp modavgShrink.AICunmarkedFitGDS <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...){ ##note that parameter is referenced differently from unmarked object - see labels( ) ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavgShrink for details\n")} ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int" ##Distance sampling model with availability ##lambda - abundance if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) { ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$lambda))) parm.unmarked <- "lambda" parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="") parm.type1 <- "lambda" } ##detect, e.g., parm = "sigmaarea" if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) { ##check for key function used keyid <- unique(sapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@keyfun)) if(length(keyid) > 1) stop("\nDifferent key functions used across models:\n", "cannot compute model-averaged estimate\n") if(identical(keyid, "uniform")) stop("\nDetection parameter not found in models\n") ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$det))) parm.unmarked <- "p" parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="") parm.type1 <- "det" } ##availability if(identical(parm.type, "phi")) { mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$phi))) parm.unmarked <- "phi" parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="") parm.type1 <- "phi" } ################## ##extract link function <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$", parm.type1, "@invlink", sep = "")))) <- unique( <-[1] if(length( > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n", "with different link functions\n")} ################## ##NEED TO PASTE THE PARAMETER TYPE - INCLUDE THIS STEP ABOVE FOR EACH PARM.TYPE ##determine frequency of each term across models (except (Intercept) ) pooled.terms <- unlist(mod_formula) ##remove intercept from vector <- pooled.terms[which(pooled.terms != paste(parm.unmarked, "(Int)", sep = ""))] terms.freq <- table( if(length(unique(terms.freq)) > 1) warning("\nVariables do not appear with same frequency across models, proceed with caution\n") ##check whether parm is involved in interaction parm.inter <- c(paste(parm, ":", sep = ""), paste(":", parm, sep = "")) inter.check <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.inter[1], mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1" & attr(regexpr(parm.inter[2], mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1", 0, 1) if(sum(inter.check) > 0) stop("\nParameter of interest should not be involved in interaction for shrinkage version of model-averaging to be appropriate\n") nmods <- length(cand.set) new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) #recompute AIC table and associated measures new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)])) ##replace NA's with 0 new_table$Beta_est[$Beta_est)] <- 0 new_table$SE[$SE)] <- 0 ##add a check to determine if parameter occurs in any model if (isTRUE(all.equal(unique(new_table$Beta_est), 0))) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } ##if c-hat is estimated adjust the SE's by multiplying with sqrt of c-hat if(c.hat > 1) { new_table$SE <- new_table$SE*sqrt(c.hat) } ##AICc ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##QAICc if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##AIC if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == FALSE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##QAIC if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == FALSE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1 - conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE) Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta, "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL) class(out.modavg) <- c("modavgShrink", "list") return(out.modavg) } ##occuFP modavgShrink.AICunmarkedFitOccuFP <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...){ ##note that parameter is referenced differently from unmarked object - see labels( ) ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavgShrink for details\n")} ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int" ##single-season false-positive occupancy model ##psi if(identical(parm.type, "psi")) { ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$state))) parm.unmarked <- "psi" parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="") parm.type1 <- "state" } ##detect if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) { mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$det))) parm.unmarked <- "p" parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="") parm.type1 <- "det" } ##false positives - fp if(identical(parm.type, "falsepos") || identical(parm.type, "fp")) { mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$fp))) parm.unmarked <- "fp" parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="") parm.type1 <- "fp" } ##certainty of detections - b if(identical(parm.type, "certain")) { mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$b))) parm.unmarked <- "b" parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="") ##check that parameter appears in all models parfreq <- sum(sapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) any(names(i@estimates@estimates) == parm.unmarked))) if(!identical(length(cand.set), parfreq)) { stop("\nParameter \'", parm.unmarked, "\' (parm.type = \"", parm.type, "\") does not appear in all models:", "\ncannot compute model-averaged estimate across all models\n") } parm.type1 <- "b" } ################## ##extract link function <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$", parm.type1, "@invlink", sep = "")))) <- unique( <-[1] if(length( > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n", "with different link functions\n")} ################## ##NEED TO PASTE THE PARAMETER TYPE - INCLUDE THIS STEP ABOVE FOR EACH PARM.TYPE ##determine frequency of each term across models (except (Intercept) ) pooled.terms <- unlist(mod_formula) ##remove intercept from vector <- pooled.terms[which(pooled.terms != paste(parm.unmarked, "(Int)", sep = ""))] terms.freq <- table( if(length(unique(terms.freq)) > 1) warning("\nVariables do not appear with same frequency across models, proceed with caution\n") ##check whether parm is involved in interaction parm.inter <- c(paste(parm, ":", sep = ""), paste(":", parm, sep = "")) inter.check <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.inter[1], mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1" & attr(regexpr(parm.inter[2], mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1", 0, 1) if(sum(inter.check) > 0) stop("\nParameter of interest should not be involved in interaction for shrinkage version of model-averaging to be appropriate\n") nmods <- length(cand.set) new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) #recompute AIC table and associated measures new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)])) ##replace NA's with 0 new_table$Beta_est[$Beta_est)] <- 0 new_table$SE[$SE)] <- 0 ##add a check to determine if parameter occurs in any model if (isTRUE(all.equal(unique(new_table$Beta_est), 0))) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } ##if c-hat is estimated adjust the SE's by multiplying with sqrt of c-hat if(c.hat > 1) { new_table$SE <- new_table$SE*sqrt(c.hat) } ##AICc ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##QAICc if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##AIC if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == FALSE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##QAIC if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == FALSE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1 - conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE) Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta, "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL) class(out.modavg) <- c("modavgShrink", "list") return(out.modavg) } ##multinomPois modavgShrink.AICunmarkedFitMPois <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...){ ##note that parameter is referenced differently from unmarked object - see labels( ) ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavgShrink for details\n")} ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int" ##multinomPois model ##lambda - abundance if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) { ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$state))) parm.unmarked <- "lambda" ##create label for parm parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="") parm.type1 <- "state" } ##detect if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) { mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$det))) parm.unmarked <- "p" parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="") parm.type1 <- "det" } ################## ##extract link function <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$", parm.type1, "@invlink", sep = "")))) <- unique( <-[1] if(length( > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n", "with different link functions\n")} ################## ##NEED TO PASTE THE PARAMETER TYPE - INCLUDE THIS STEP ABOVE FOR EACH PARM.TYPE ##determine frequency of each term across models (except (Intercept) ) pooled.terms <- unlist(mod_formula) ##remove intercept from vector <- pooled.terms[which(pooled.terms != paste(parm.unmarked, "(Int)", sep = ""))] terms.freq <- table( if(length(unique(terms.freq)) > 1) warning("\nVariables do not appear with same frequency across models, proceed with caution\n") ##check whether parm is involved in interaction parm.inter <- c(paste(parm, ":", sep = ""), paste(":", parm, sep = "")) inter.check <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.inter[1], mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1" & attr(regexpr(parm.inter[2], mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1", 0, 1) if(sum(inter.check) > 0) stop("\nParameter of interest should not be involved in interaction for shrinkage version of model-averaging to be appropriate\n") nmods <- length(cand.set) new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) #recompute AIC table and associated measures new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)])) ##replace NA's with 0 new_table$Beta_est[$Beta_est)] <- 0 new_table$SE[$SE)] <- 0 ##add a check to determine if parameter occurs in any model if (isTRUE(all.equal(unique(new_table$Beta_est), 0))) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } ##if c-hat is estimated adjust the SE's by multiplying with sqrt of c-hat if(c.hat > 1) { new_table$SE <- new_table$SE*sqrt(c.hat) } ##AICc ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##QAICc if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##AIC if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == FALSE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##QAIC if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == FALSE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1 - conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE) Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta, "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL) class(out.modavg) <- c("modavgShrink", "list") return(out.modavg) } ##gmultmix modavgShrink.AICunmarkedFitGMM <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...){ ##note that parameter is referenced differently from unmarked object - see labels( ) ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavgShrink for details\n")} ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int" ##gmultmix model ##lambda - abundance if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) { ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$lambda))) parm.unmarked <- "lambda" parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="") parm.type1 <- "lambda" } ##detect if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) { mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$det))) parm.unmarked <- "p" parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="") parm.type1 <- "det" } ##availability if(identical(parm.type, "phi")) { mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$phi))) parm.unmarked <- "phi" parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="") parm.type1 <- "phi" } ################## ##extract link function <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$", parm.type1, "@invlink", sep = "")))) <- unique( <-[1] if(length( > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n", "with different link functions\n")} ################## ##NEED TO PASTE THE PARAMETER TYPE - INCLUDE THIS STEP ABOVE FOR EACH PARM.TYPE ##determine frequency of each term across models (except (Intercept) ) pooled.terms <- unlist(mod_formula) ##remove intercept from vector <- pooled.terms[which(pooled.terms != paste(parm.unmarked, "(Int)", sep = ""))] terms.freq <- table( if(length(unique(terms.freq)) > 1) warning("\nVariables do not appear with same frequency across models, proceed with caution\n") ##check whether parm is involved in interaction parm.inter <- c(paste(parm, ":", sep = ""), paste(":", parm, sep = "")) inter.check <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.inter[1], mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1" & attr(regexpr(parm.inter[2], mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1", 0, 1) if(sum(inter.check) > 0) stop("\nParameter of interest should not be involved in interaction for shrinkage version of model-averaging to be appropriate\n") nmods <- length(cand.set) new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) #recompute AIC table and associated measures new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)])) ##replace NA's with 0 new_table$Beta_est[$Beta_est)] <- 0 new_table$SE[$SE)] <- 0 ##add a check to determine if parameter occurs in any model if (isTRUE(all.equal(unique(new_table$Beta_est), 0))) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } ##if c-hat is estimated adjust the SE's by multiplying with sqrt of c-hat if(c.hat > 1) { new_table$SE <- new_table$SE*sqrt(c.hat) } ##AICc ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##QAICc if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##AIC if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == FALSE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##QAIC if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == FALSE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1 - conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE) Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta, "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL) class(out.modavg) <- c("modavgShrink", "list") return(out.modavg) } ##gpcount modavgShrink.AICunmarkedFitGPC <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...){ ##note that parameter is referenced differently from unmarked object - see labels( ) ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavgShrink for details\n")} ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int" ##gpcount model ##lambda - abundance if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) { ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$lambda))) parm.unmarked <- "lambda" parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="") parm.type1 <- "lambda" } ##detect if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) { mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$det))) parm.unmarked <- "p" parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="") parm.type1 <- "det" } ##availability if(identical(parm.type, "phi")) { mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$phi))) parm.unmarked <- "phi" parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="") parm.type1 <- "phi" } ################## ##extract link function <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$", parm.type1, "@invlink", sep = "")))) <- unique( <-[1] if(length( > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n", "with different link functions\n")} ################## ##NEED TO PASTE THE PARAMETER TYPE - INCLUDE THIS STEP ABOVE FOR EACH PARM.TYPE ##determine frequency of each term across models (except (Intercept) ) pooled.terms <- unlist(mod_formula) ##remove intercept from vector <- pooled.terms[which(pooled.terms != paste(parm.unmarked, "(Int)", sep = ""))] terms.freq <- table( if(length(unique(terms.freq)) > 1) warning("\nVariables do not appear with same frequency across models, proceed with caution\n") ##check whether parm is involved in interaction parm.inter <- c(paste(parm, ":", sep = ""), paste(":", parm, sep = "")) inter.check <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.inter[1], mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1" & attr(regexpr(parm.inter[2], mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1", 0, 1) if(sum(inter.check) > 0) stop("\nParameter of interest should not be involved in interaction for shrinkage version of model-averaging to be appropriate\n") nmods <- length(cand.set) new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) #recompute AIC table and associated measures new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)])) ##replace NA's with 0 new_table$Beta_est[$Beta_est)] <- 0 new_table$SE[$SE)] <- 0 ##add a check to determine if parameter occurs in any model if (isTRUE(all.equal(unique(new_table$Beta_est), 0))) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } ##if c-hat is estimated adjust the SE's by multiplying with sqrt of c-hat if(c.hat > 1) { new_table$SE <- new_table$SE*sqrt(c.hat) } ##AICc ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##QAICc if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##AIC if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == FALSE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##QAIC if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == FALSE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1 - conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE) Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta, "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL) class(out.modavg) <- c("modavgShrink", "list") return(out.modavg) } ##occuMulti modavgShrink.AICunmarkedFitOccuMulti <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...){ ##note that parameter is referenced differently from unmarked object - see labels( ) ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavgShrink for details\n")} ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm ##parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int" ##single-season occupancy model ##psi if(identical(parm.type, "psi")) { ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$state))) parm.unmarked <- "psi" parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="") parm.type1 <- "state" } ##detect if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) { mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$det))) parm.unmarked <- "p" parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="") parm.type1 <- "det" } ################## ##extract link function <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$", parm.type1, "@invlink", sep = "")))) <- unique( <-[1] if(length( > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n", "with different link functions\n")} ################## ##NEED TO PASTE THE PARAMETER TYPE - INCLUDE THIS STEP ABOVE FOR EACH PARM.TYPE ##determine frequency of each term across models (except (Intercept) ) pooled.terms <- unlist(mod_formula) ##remove intercept from vector <- pooled.terms[which(pooled.terms != paste(parm.unmarked, "(Int)", sep = ""))] terms.freq <- table( if(length(unique(terms.freq)) > 1) warning("\nVariables do not appear with same frequency across models, proceed with caution\n") ##check whether parm is involved in interaction parm.inter <- c(paste(parm, ":", sep = ""), paste(":", parm, sep = "")) inter.check <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.inter[1], mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1" & attr(regexpr(parm.inter[2], mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1", 0, 1) if(sum(inter.check) > 0) stop("\nParameter of interest should not be involved in interaction for shrinkage version of model-averaging to be appropriate\n") nmods <- length(cand.set) new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) #recompute AIC table and associated measures new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)])) ##replace NA's with 0 new_table$Beta_est[$Beta_est)] <- 0 new_table$SE[$SE)] <- 0 ##add a check to determine if parameter occurs in any model if (isTRUE(all.equal(unique(new_table$Beta_est), 0))) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } ##if c-hat is estimated adjust the SE's by multiplying with sqrt of c-hat if(c.hat > 1) { new_table$SE <- new_table$SE*sqrt(c.hat) } ##AICc ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##QAICc if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##AIC if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == FALSE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##QAIC if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == FALSE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1 - conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE) Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta, "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL) class(out.modavg) <- c("modavgShrink", "list") return(out.modavg) } ##multimixOpen modavgShrink.AICunmarkedFitMMO <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...){ ##note that parameter is referenced differently from unmarked object - see labels( ) ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavgShrink for details\n")} ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int" ##open version of N-mixture model ##lambda - abundance if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) { ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$lambda))) parm.unmarked <- "lam" parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="") parm.type1 <- "lambda" } ##gamma - recruitment if(identical(parm.type, "gamma")) { ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$gamma))) ##determine if same H0 on gamma (gamConst, gamAR, gamTrend) strip.gam <- sapply(mod_formula, FUN = function(i) unlist(strsplit(i, "\\("))[[1]]) unique.gam <- unique(strip.gam) if(length(unique.gam) > 1) stop("\nDifferent formulations of gamma parameter occur among models:\n beta estimates cannot be model-averaged\n") ##create label for parm parm.unmarked <- unique.gam parm <- paste(unique.gam, "(", parm, ")", sep="") parm.type1 <- "gamma" } ##omega - apparent survival if(identical(parm.type, "omega")) { ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$omega))) ##create label for parm parm.unmarked <- "omega" parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="") parm.type1 <- "omega" } ##iota (for immigration = TRUE with dynamics = "autoreg", "trend", "ricker", or "gompertz") if(identical(parm.type, "iota")) { ##create label for parm parm.unmarked <- "iota" parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="") ##check that parameter appears in all models parfreq <- sum(sapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) any(names(i@estimates@estimates) == parm.unmarked))) if(!identical(length(cand.set), parfreq)) { stop("\nParameter \'", parm.unmarked, "\' (parm.type = \"", parm.type, "\") does not appear in all models:", "\ncannot compute model-averaged estimate across all models\n") } ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$iota))) parm.type1 <- "iota" } ##detect if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) { mod_formula<-lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$det))) parm.unmarked <- "p" parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="") parm.type1 <- "det" } ################## ##extract link function <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$", parm.type1, "@invlink", sep = "")))) <- unique( <-[1] if(length( > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n", "with different link functions\n")} ################## ##NEED TO PASTE THE PARAMETER TYPE - INCLUDE THIS STEP ABOVE FOR EACH PARM.TYPE ##determine frequency of each term across models (except (Intercept) ) pooled.terms <- unlist(mod_formula) ##remove intercept from vector <- pooled.terms[which(pooled.terms != paste(parm.unmarked, "(Int)", sep = ""))] terms.freq <- table( if(length(unique(terms.freq)) > 1) warning("\nVariables do not appear with same frequency across models, proceed with caution\n") ##check whether parm is involved in interaction parm.inter <- c(paste(parm, ":", sep = ""), paste(":", parm, sep = "")) inter.check <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.inter[1], mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1" & attr(regexpr(parm.inter[2], mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1", 0, 1) if(sum(inter.check) > 0) stop("\nParameter of interest should not be involved in interaction for shrinkage version of model-averaging to be appropriate\n") nmods <- length(cand.set) new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) #recompute AIC table and associated measures new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)])) ##replace NA's with 0 new_table$Beta_est[$Beta_est)] <- 0 new_table$SE[$SE)] <- 0 ##add a check to determine if parameter occurs in any model if (isTRUE(all.equal(unique(new_table$Beta_est), 0))) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } ##if c-hat is estimated adjust the SE's by multiplying with sqrt of c-hat if(c.hat > 1) { new_table$SE <- new_table$SE*sqrt(c.hat) } ##AICc ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##QAICc if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##AIC if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == FALSE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##QAIC if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == FALSE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1 - conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE) Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta, "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL) class(out.modavg) <- c("modavgShrink", "list") return(out.modavg) } ##distsampOpen modavgShrink.AICunmarkedFitDSO <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...){ ##note that parameter is referenced differently from unmarked object - see labels( ) ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavgShrink for details\n")} ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int" ##Distance sampling model ##lambda - abundance if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) { ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$lambda))) parm.unmarked <- "lam" parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="") parm.type1 <- "lambda" } ##gamma - recruitment if(identical(parm.type, "gamma")) { ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$gamma))) ##determine if same H0 on gamma (gamConst, gamAR, gamTrend) strip.gam <- sapply(mod_formula, FUN = function(i) unlist(strsplit(i, "\\("))[[1]]) unique.gam <- unique(strip.gam) if(length(unique.gam) > 1) stop("\nDifferent formulations of gamma parameter occur among models:\n beta estimates cannot be model-averaged\n") ##create label for parm parm.unmarked <- unique.gam parm <- paste(unique.gam, "(", parm, ")", sep="") parm.type1 <- "gamma" } ##omega - apparent survival if(identical(parm.type, "omega")) { ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$omega))) ##create label for parm parm.unmarked <- "omega" parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="") parm.type1 <- "omega" } ##iota (for immigration = TRUE with dynamics = "autoreg", "trend", "ricker", or "gompertz") if(identical(parm.type, "iota")) { ##create label for parm parm.unmarked <- "iota" parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="") ##check that parameter appears in all models parfreq <- sum(sapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) any(names(i@estimates@estimates) == parm.unmarked))) if(!identical(length(cand.set), parfreq)) { stop("\nParameter \'", parm.unmarked, "\' (parm.type = \"", parm.type, "\") does not appear in all models:", "\ncannot compute model-averaged estimate across all models\n") } ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$iota))) parm.type1 <- "iota" } ##detect, e.g., parm = "sigmaarea" if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) { ##check for key function used keyid <- unique(sapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@keyfun)) if(length(keyid) > 1) stop("\nDifferent key functions used across models:\n", "cannot compute model-averaged estimate\n") if(identical(keyid, "uniform")) stop("\nDetection parameter not found in models\n") ##set key prefix used in coef( ) if(identical(keyid, "halfnorm")) { parm.key <- "sigma" } if(identical(keyid, "hazard")) { parm.key <- "shape" } if(identical(keyid, "exp")) { parm.key <- "rate" } ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$det))) parm.unmarked <- "sigma" parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="") parm.type1 <- "det" } ################## ##extract link function <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$", parm.type1, "@invlink", sep = "")))) <- unique( <-[1] if(length( > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n", "with different link functions\n")} ################## ##NEED TO PASTE THE PARAMETER TYPE - INCLUDE THIS STEP ABOVE FOR EACH PARM.TYPE ##determine frequency of each term across models (except (Intercept) ) pooled.terms <- unlist(mod_formula) ##remove intercept from vector <- pooled.terms[which(pooled.terms != paste(parm.unmarked, "(Int)", sep = ""))] terms.freq <- table( if(length(unique(terms.freq)) > 1) warning("\nVariables do not appear with same frequency across models, proceed with caution\n") ##check whether parm is involved in interaction parm.inter <- c(paste(parm, ":", sep = ""), paste(":", parm, sep = "")) inter.check <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.inter[1], mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1" & attr(regexpr(parm.inter[2], mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1", 0, 1) if(sum(inter.check) > 0) stop("\nParameter of interest should not be involved in interaction for shrinkage version of model-averaging to be appropriate\n") nmods <- length(cand.set) new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) #recompute AIC table and associated measures new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)])) ##replace NA's with 0 new_table$Beta_est[$Beta_est)] <- 0 new_table$SE[$SE)] <- 0 ##add a check to determine if parameter occurs in any model if (isTRUE(all.equal(unique(new_table$Beta_est), 0))) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } ##if c-hat is estimated adjust the SE's by multiplying with sqrt of c-hat if(c.hat > 1) { new_table$SE <- new_table$SE*sqrt(c.hat) } ##AICc ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##QAICc if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##AIC if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == FALSE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##QAIC if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == FALSE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1 - conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE) Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta, "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL) class(out.modavg) <- c("modavgShrink", "list") return(out.modavg) } ##occuMS modavgShrink.AICunmarkedFitOccuMS <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...){ ##note that parameter is referenced differently from unmarked object - see labels( ) ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavgShrink for details\n")} ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm #parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int" ##single-season occupancy model ##psi if(identical(parm.type, "psi")) { ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$state))) parm.unmarked <- "psi" parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="") parm.type1 <- "state" } ##transition if(identical(parm.type, "phi")) { ##check that parameter appears in all models nseasons <- unique(sapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@data@numPrimary)) if(nseasons == 1) { stop("\nParameter \'phi\' does not appear in single-season models\n") } mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(x) labels(coef(x@estimates@estimates$transition))) parm.unmarked <- "phi" parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="") parm.type1 <- "transition" } ##detect if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) { mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$det))) parm.unmarked <- "p" parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="") parm.type1 <- "det" } ################## ##extract link function <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$", parm.type1, "@invlink", sep = "")))) <- unique( <-[1] if(length( > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n", "with different link functions\n")} ################## ##NEED TO PASTE THE PARAMETER TYPE - INCLUDE THIS STEP ABOVE FOR EACH PARM.TYPE ##determine frequency of each term across models (except (Intercept) ) pooled.terms <- unlist(mod_formula) ##remove intercept from vector <- pooled.terms[which(pooled.terms != paste(parm.unmarked, "(Int)", sep = ""))] terms.freq <- table( if(length(unique(terms.freq)) > 1) warning("\nVariables do not appear with same frequency across models, proceed with caution\n") ##check whether parm is involved in interaction parm.inter <- c(paste(parm, ":", sep = ""), paste(":", parm, sep = "")) inter.check <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.inter[1], mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1" & attr(regexpr(parm.inter[2], mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1", 0, 1) if(sum(inter.check) > 0) stop("\nParameter of interest should not be involved in interaction for shrinkage version of model-averaging to be appropriate\n") nmods <- length(cand.set) new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) #recompute AIC table and associated measures new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)])) ##replace NA's with 0 new_table$Beta_est[$Beta_est)] <- 0 new_table$SE[$SE)] <- 0 ##add a check to determine if parameter occurs in any model if (isTRUE(all.equal(unique(new_table$Beta_est), 0))) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } ##if c-hat is estimated adjust the SE's by multiplying with sqrt of c-hat if(c.hat > 1) { new_table$SE <- new_table$SE*sqrt(c.hat) } ##AICc ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##QAICc if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##AIC if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == FALSE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##QAIC if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == FALSE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1 - conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE) Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta, "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL) class(out.modavg) <- c("modavgShrink", "list") return(out.modavg) } ##occuTTD modavgShrink.AICunmarkedFitOccuTTD <- function(cand.set, parm, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, c.hat = 1, parm.type = NULL, ...){ ##note that parameter is referenced differently from unmarked object - see labels( ) ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied if(is.null(modnames)) { if(is.null(names(cand.set))) { modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "") warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n") } else { modnames <- names(cand.set) } } ##check for parm.type and stop if NULL if(is.null(parm.type)) {stop("\n'parm.type' must be specified for this model type, see ?modavgShrink for details\n")} ##remove all leading and trailing white space and within parm parm <- gsub('[[:space:]]+', "", parm) ##if (Intercept) is chosen assign (Int) - for compatibility if(identical(parm, "(Intercept)")) parm <- "Int" ##single-season or dynamic occupancy model ##psi if(identical(parm.type, "psi")) { ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$state))) parm.unmarked <- "psi" parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="") parm.type1 <- "psi" } ##gamma - colonization if(identical(parm.type, "gamma")) { nseasons <- unique(sapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@data@numPrimary)) if(nseasons == 1) { stop("\nParameter \'gamma\' does not appear in single-season models\n") } ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$col))) parm.unmarked <- "col" parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="") parm.type1 <- "col" } ##epsilon - extinction if(identical(parm.type, "epsilon")) { nseasons <- unique(sapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@data@numPrimary)) if(nseasons == 1) { stop("\nParameter \'epsilon\' does not appear in single-season models\n") } ##extract model formula for each model in cand.set mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$ext))) ##create label for parm parm.unmarked <- "ext" parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="") parm.type1 <- "ext" } ##detect if(identical(parm.type, "detect")) { mod_formula <- lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) labels(coef(i@estimates@estimates$det))) parm.unmarked <- "lam" parm <- paste(parm.unmarked, "(", parm, ")", sep="") parm.type1 <- "det" } ################## ##extract link function <- sapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) eval(parse(text = paste("i@estimates@estimates$", parm.type1, "@invlink", sep = "")))) <- unique( <-[1] if(length( > 1) {stop("\nIt is not appropriate to compute a model averaged linear predictor\n", "with different link functions\n")} ################## ##NEED TO PASTE THE PARAMETER TYPE - INCLUDE THIS STEP ABOVE FOR EACH PARM.TYPE ##determine frequency of each term across models (except (Intercept) ) pooled.terms <- unlist(mod_formula) ##remove intercept from vector <- pooled.terms[which(pooled.terms != paste(parm.unmarked, "(Int)", sep = ""))] terms.freq <- table( if(length(unique(terms.freq)) > 1) warning("\nVariables do not appear with same frequency across models, proceed with caution\n") ##check whether parm is involved in interaction parm.inter <- c(paste(parm, ":", sep = ""), paste(":", parm, sep = "")) inter.check <- ifelse(attr(regexpr(parm.inter[1], mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1" & attr(regexpr(parm.inter[2], mod_formula, fixed = TRUE), "match.length") == "-1", 0, 1) if(sum(inter.check) > 0) stop("\nParameter of interest should not be involved in interaction for shrinkage version of model-averaging to be appropriate\n") nmods <- length(cand.set) new_table <- aictab(cand.set = cand.set, modnames = modnames, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) #recompute AIC table and associated measures new_table$Beta_est <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) coef(i)[paste(parm)])) #extract beta estimate for parm new_table$SE <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) sqrt(diag(vcov(i)))[paste(parm)])) ##replace NA's with 0 new_table$Beta_est[$Beta_est)] <- 0 new_table$SE[$SE)] <- 0 ##add a check to determine if parameter occurs in any model if (isTRUE(all.equal(unique(new_table$Beta_est), 0))) {stop("\nParameter not found in any of the candidate models\n") } ##if c-hat is estimated adjust the SE's by multiplying with sqrt of c-hat if(c.hat > 1) { new_table$SE <- new_table$SE*sqrt(c.hat) } ##AICc ##compute model-averaged estimates, unconditional SE, and 95% CL if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##QAICc if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == TRUE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICcWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICcWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##AIC if(c.hat == 1 && second.ord == FALSE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$AICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$AICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$AICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } ##QAIC if(c.hat > 1 && second.ord == FALSE) { Modavg_beta <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*new_table$Beta_est) ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Uncond_SE <- sum(new_table$QAICWt*sqrt(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Uncond_SE <- sqrt(sum(new_table$QAICWt*(new_table$SE^2 + (new_table$Beta_est- Modavg_beta)^2))) } } zcrit <- qnorm(p = (1 - conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE) Lower_CL <- Modavg_beta - zcrit*Uncond_SE Upper_CL <- Modavg_beta + zcrit*Uncond_SE out.modavg <- list("Parameter"=paste(parm), "Mod.avg.table" = new_table, "Mod.avg.beta" = Modavg_beta, "Uncond.SE" = Uncond_SE, "Conf.level" = conf.level, "Lower.CL" = Lower_CL, "Upper.CL" = Upper_CL) class(out.modavg) <- c("modavgShrink", "list") return(out.modavg) } print.modavgShrink <- function(x, digits = 2, ...) { ic <- colnames(x$Mod.avg.table)[3] cat("\nMultimodel inference on \"", x$Parameter, "\" based on ", ic, "\n", sep = "") cat("\n", ic, " table used to obtain model-averaged estimate with shrinkage:\n", sep = "") oldtab <- x$Mod.avg.table if (any(names(oldtab) == "c_hat")) {cat("\t(c-hat estimate = ", oldtab$c_hat[1], ")\n", sep = "")} cat("\n") if (any(names(oldtab)=="c_hat")) { <- cbind(oldtab[, 2], oldtab[, 3], oldtab[, 4], oldtab[, 6], oldtab[, 9], oldtab[, 10]) } else { <- cbind(oldtab[, 2], oldtab[, 3], oldtab[, 4], oldtab[, 6], oldtab[, 8], oldtab[, 9]) } ##modify printing style if multinomial model is used if(length(x$Mod.avg.beta) == 1) { colnames( <- c(colnames(oldtab)[c(2, 3, 4, 6)], "Estimate", "SE") rownames( <- oldtab[, 1] print(round(, digits = digits)) cat("\nModel-averaged estimate with shrinkage:", eval(round(x$Mod.avg.beta, digits = digits)), "\n") cat("Unconditional SE:", eval(round(x$Uncond.SE, digits = digits)), "\n") cat("",x$Conf.level*100, "% Unconditional confidence interval: ", round(x$Lower.CL, digits = digits), ", ", round(x$Upper.CL, digits = digits), "\n\n", sep = "") } else { col.ns <- ncol( <-[,-c(col.ns - 1, col.ns)] colnames( <- c(colnames(oldtab)[c(2, 3, 4, 6)]) rownames( <- oldtab[, 1] print(round(, digits = digits)) cat("\n\nModel-averaged estimates with shrinkage for different levels of response variable:", "\n\n") resp.labels <- labels(x$Mod.avg.beta) mult.out <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(resp.labels), ncol = 4) colnames(mult.out) <- c("Model-averaged estimate with shrinkage", "Uncond. SE", paste(x$Conf.level*100,"% lower CL", sep = ""), paste(x$Conf.level*100, "% upper CL", sep = "")) rownames(mult.out) <- resp.labels mult.out[, 1] <- round(x$Mod.avg.beta, digits = digits) mult.out[, 2] <- round(x$Uncond.SE, digits = digits) mult.out[, 3] <- round(x$Lower.CL, digits = digits) mult.out[, 4] <- round(x$Upper.CL, digits = digits) print(mult.out) cat("\n") } }
##create generic multComp <- function(mod,, letter.labels = TRUE, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, newdata = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, correction = "none", ...) { UseMethod("multComp", mod) } ##default multComp.default <- function(mod,, letter.labels = TRUE, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, newdata = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, correction = "none", ...) { stop("\nFunction not yet defined for this object class\n") } ##unmarked models are not supported yet ##aov multComp.aov <- function(mod,, letter.labels = TRUE, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, newdata = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, correction = "none", ...) { ##2^(k - 1) combinations of group patterns ##extract data set from model data.set <- eval(mod$call$data, environment(formula(mod))) ##add a check for missing values if(any( stop("\nMissing values occur in the data set:\n", "remove these values before proceeding") ##check for presence of interactions form.check <- formula(mod) form.mod <- strsplit(as.character(form.check), split="~")[[3]] if(attr(regexpr(paste(":",, sep = ""), form.mod), "match.length") != -1 || attr(regexpr(paste(, ":", sep = ""), form.mod), "match.length") != -1 || attr(regexpr(paste("\\*",, form.mod), "match.length") != -1 || attr(regexpr(paste(, "\\*"), form.mod), "match.length") != -1 ) { stop("\nDo not involve the factor of interest in interaction terms with this function,\n", "see \"?multComp\" for details on specifying interaction terms\n") } ##identify column with parm.vals <- data.set[,] ##check that variable is factor if(!is.factor(parm.vals)) stop("\n'' must be a factor\n") ##identify response variable <- as.character(formula(mod))[2] ##check for response variable if(!any(names(data.set) == stop("\nThis function does not support transformations of the response variable in model formulae:\n") ##changed to allow when response variable is transformed ##in the formula to avoid error resp <- data.set[,] ##determine group identity <- levels(parm.vals) ##determine number of groups n.groups <- length( ##order group means ord.means <- sort(tapply(X = resp, INDEX = parm.vals, FUN = mean)) ##or sort(tapply(X = fitted(mod), INDEX = parm.vals, FUN = mean)) ##order groups ord.groups <- names(ord.means) ##generic groups gen.groups <- paste(1:n.groups) ###################CHANGES#### ############################## ##newdata is data frame with exact structure of the original data frame (same variable names and type) #if(type == "terms") {stop("\nThe terms argument is not defined for this function\n")} ##check data frame for predictions if(is.null(newdata)) { ##if no data set is specified, use first observation in data set <- data.set[1, ] <- ##replicate first line n.groups time for(k in 1:(n.groups-1)){ <- rbind(, } ##add ordered groups[,] <- as.factor(ord.groups) pred.parm <-[,] } else { <- newdata ##check that no more rows are specified than group levels if(nrow(newdata) != n.groups) stop("\nnumber of rows in \'newdata\' must match number of factor levels\n")[,] <- as.factor(ord.groups) pred.parm <-[,] } ##create pattern matrix of group assignment if(n.groups == 2) { ##combinations for 2 groups ##{1, 2} ##{12} ##rows correspond to parameterization of different models pat.mat <- matrix(data = c(1, 2, 1, 1), byrow = TRUE, ncol = 2) } if(n.groups == 3) { ##combinations for 3 groups ##{1, 2, 3} ##{12, 3} ##{1, 23} ##{123} pat.mat <- matrix(data = c(1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1), byrow = TRUE, ncol = 3) } if(n.groups == 4) { ##combinations for 4 groups ##{1, 2, 3, 4} ##{1, 2, 34} ##{12, 3, 4} ##{12, 34} ##{1, 23, 4} ##{1, 234} ##{123, 4} ##{1234} pat.mat <- matrix(data = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 3, 1, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1), byrow = TRUE, ncol = 4) } if(n.groups == 5) { ##combinations for 5 groups ##{1, 2, 3, 4, 5} ##{1, 2, 3, 45} ##{1, 2, 345} ##{1, 2, 34, 5} ##{12, 3, 4, 5} ##{12, 34, 5} ##{12, 3, 45} ##{12, 345} ##{1, 23, 4, 5} ##{1, 23, 45} ##{1, 234, 5} ##{123, 4, 5} ##{123, 45} ##{1234, 5} ##{1, 2345} ##{12345} pat.mat <- matrix(data = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), byrow = TRUE, ncol = 5) } ##combinations for 6 groups if(n.groups == 6) { pat.mat <- matrix(data = c(1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4), byrow = TRUE, ncol = 6) } if(n.groups > 6) stop("\nThis function supports a maximum of 6 groups\n") ##number of models n.mods <- nrow(pat.mat) data.iter <- data.set ##create list to store models mod.list <- vector("list", length = n.mods) ##create list to store preds pred.list <- vector("list", length = n.mods) if(n.groups == 2) { ##loop over matrix and change parameterization for(k in 1:nrow(pat.mat)) { orig.parm <- data.set[,] ##for model new.parm <- ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], pat.mat[k, 2]) ##for predictions new.pred.parm <- ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], pat.mat[k, 2]) ##replace in[,] <- as.factor(new.pred.parm) ##convert to factor only for cases with different groups if(length(unique(new.parm)) > 1) { data.iter[,] <- as.factor(new.parm) ##run model on updated data mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions ##determine if lm or rlm pred.list[[k]] <- predict(mod.list[[k]], newdata =, = TRUE) } else { ##if constant, remove from model mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, as.formula(paste(". ~ . -",, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predict(mod.list[[k]], newdata =, = TRUE) } } } if(n.groups == 3) { ##loop over matrix and change parameterization for(k in 1:nrow(pat.mat)) { orig.parm <- data.set[,] new.parm <- ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[2], pat.mat[k, 2], pat.mat[k, 3])) ##for predictions new.pred.parm <- ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[2], pat.mat[k, 2], pat.mat[k, 3])) ##replace in[,] <- as.factor(new.pred.parm) ##convert to factor only for cases with different groups if(length(unique(new.parm)) > 1) { data.iter[,] <- as.factor(new.parm) ##run model on updated data mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predict(mod.list[[k]], newdata =, = TRUE) } else { ##if constant, remove from model mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, as.formula(paste(". ~ . -",, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predict(mod.list[[k]], newdata =, = TRUE) } } } if(n.groups == 4) { ##loop over matrix and change parameterization for(k in 1:nrow(pat.mat)) { orig.parm <- data.set[,] new.parm <- ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[2], pat.mat[k, 2], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[3], pat.mat[k, 3], pat.mat[k, 4]))) ##for predictions new.pred.parm <- ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[2], pat.mat[k, 2], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[3], pat.mat[k, 3], pat.mat[k, 4]))) ##replace in[,] <- as.factor(new.pred.parm) ## data.iter[,] <- new.parm ##convert to factor only for cases with different groups if(length(unique(new.parm)) > 1) { data.iter[,] <- as.factor(new.parm) ##run model on updated data mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predict(mod.list[[k]], newdata =, = TRUE) } else { ##if constant, remove from model mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, as.formula(paste(". ~ . -",, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predict(mod.list[[k]], newdata =, = TRUE) } } } if(n.groups == 5) { ##loop over matrix and change parameterization for(k in 1:nrow(pat.mat)) { orig.parm <- data.set[,] new.parm <- ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[2], pat.mat[k, 2], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[3], pat.mat[k, 3], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[4], pat.mat[k, 4], pat.mat[k, 5])))) ##for predictions new.pred.parm <- ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[2], pat.mat[k, 2], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[3], pat.mat[k, 3], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[4], pat.mat[k, 4], pat.mat[k, 5])))) ##replace in[,] <- as.factor(new.pred.parm) ## data.iter[,] <- new.parm ##convert to factor only for cases with different groups if(length(unique(new.parm)) > 1) { data.iter[,] <- as.factor(new.parm) ##run model on updated data mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predict(mod.list[[k]], newdata =, = TRUE) } else { ##if constant, remove from model mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, as.formula(paste(". ~ . -",, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predict(mod.list[[k]], newdata =, = TRUE) } } } if(n.groups == 6) { ##loop over matrix and change parameterization for(k in 1:nrow(pat.mat)) { orig.parm <- data.set[,] new.parm <- ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[2], pat.mat[k, 2], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[3], pat.mat[k, 3], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[4], pat.mat[k, 4], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[5], pat.mat[k, 5], pat.mat[k, 6]))))) ##for predictions new.pred.parm <- ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[2], pat.mat[k, 2], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[3], pat.mat[k, 3], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[4], pat.mat[k, 4], pat.mat[k, 5])))) ##replace in[,] <- as.factor(new.pred.parm) ## data.iter[,] <- new.parm ##convert to factor only for cases with different groups if(length(unique(new.parm)) > 1) { data.iter[,] <- as.factor(new.parm) ##run model on updated data mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predict(mod.list[[k]], newdata =, = TRUE) } else { ##if constant, remove from model mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, as.formula(paste(". ~ . -",, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions ##determine if lm or rlm pred.list[[k]] <- predict(mod.list[[k]], newdata =, = TRUE) } } } ##if group label should be letters if(letter.labels) { letter.mat <- matrix(data = letters[pat.mat], ncol = ncol(pat.mat)) pat.mat <- letter.mat } ##create vector of names model.names <- apply(X = pat.mat, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = ""))##use contrasts in name ##1111, 122, etc... model.names <- paste("m_", model.names, sep = "") ##compute AICc table for output out.table <- aictab(cand.set = mod.list, modnames = model.names, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = sort) out.table.avg <- aictab(cand.set = mod.list, modnames = model.names, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) Mod.avg.out <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(, ncol = 2) colnames(Mod.avg.out) <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE") rownames(Mod.avg.out) <- ord.groups ##iterate over predictions for(m in 1:nrow({ ##add fitted values in table out.table.avg$fit <- unlist(lapply(X = pred.list, FUN = function(i) i$fit[m])) out.table.avg$SE <- unlist(lapply(X = pred.list, FUN = function(i) i$[m])) ##model-averaged estimate mod.avg.est <- out.table.avg[, 6] %*% out.table.avg$fit Mod.avg.out[m, 1] <- mod.avg.est ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[m, 2] <- sum(out.table.avg[, 6] * sqrt(out.table.avg$SE^2 + (out.table.avg$fit - as.vector(mod.avg.est))^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[m, 2] <- sqrt(sum(out.table.avg[, 6] * (out.table.avg$SE^2 + (out.table.avg$fit - as.vector(mod.avg.est))^2))) } } ################################################# ###NEW CODE ################################################# ##compute model-average estimates and confidence intervals ##classic uncorrected for multiple comparisons ##extract residual df (lm, rlm, gls, lme) res.df <- df.residual(mod) ##extract quantile ##no correction for multiple comparisons if(identical(correction, "none")){ t.crit <- qt(p = (1 - conf.level)/2, df = res.df, lower.tail = FALSE) } ##number of possible comparisons ncomp <- choose(n.groups, 2) ##Bonferroni correction if(identical(correction, "bonferroni")){ alpha.corr <- (1 - conf.level)/ncomp t.crit <- qt(p = alpha.corr/2, df = res.df, lower.tail = FALSE) } ##Sidak correction if(identical(correction, "sidak")){ alpha.corr <- 1 - (conf.level)^(1/ncomp) t.crit <- qt(p = alpha.corr/2, df = res.df, lower.tail = FALSE) } ##compute CI's Lower.CL <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] - t.crit * Mod.avg.out[, 2] Upper.CL <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] + t.crit * Mod.avg.out[, 2] ##combine results in matrix out.matrix <- cbind(Mod.avg.out, Lower.CL, Upper.CL) ##arrange output results <- list( =, models = mod.list, model.names = model.names, model.table = out.table, ordered.levels = ord.groups, model.avg.est = out.matrix, conf.level = conf.level, correction = correction) ################################################# ###NEW CODE ################################################# class(results) <- c("multComp", "list") return(results) } ##lm multComp.lm <- function(mod,, letter.labels = TRUE, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, newdata = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, correction = "none", ...) { ##2^(k - 1) combinations of group patterns ##extract data set from model data.set <- eval(mod$call$data, environment(formula(mod))) ##add a check for missing values if(any( stop("\nMissing values occur in the data set:\n", "remove these values before proceeding") ##check for presence of interactions form.check <- formula(mod) form.mod <- strsplit(as.character(form.check), split="~")[[3]] if(attr(regexpr(paste(":",, sep = ""), form.mod), "match.length") != -1 || attr(regexpr(paste(, ":", sep = ""), form.mod), "match.length") != -1 || attr(regexpr(paste("\\*",, form.mod), "match.length") != -1 || attr(regexpr(paste(, "\\*"), form.mod), "match.length") != -1 ) { stop("\nDo not involve the factor of interest in interaction terms with this function,\n", "see \"?multComp\" for details on specifying interaction terms\n") } ##identify column with parm.vals <- data.set[,] ##check that variable is factor if(!is.factor(parm.vals)) stop("\n'' must be a factor\n") ##identify response variable <- as.character(formula(mod))[2] ##check for response variable if(!any(names(data.set) == stop("\nThis function does not support transformations of the response variable in model formulae:\n") ##changed to allow when response variable is transformed ##in the formula to avoid error resp <- data.set[,] ##determine group identity <- levels(parm.vals) ##determine number of groups n.groups <- length( ##order group means ord.means <- sort(tapply(X = resp, INDEX = parm.vals, FUN = mean)) ##or sort(tapply(X = fitted(mod), INDEX = parm.vals, FUN = mean)) ##order groups ord.groups <- names(ord.means) ##generic groups gen.groups <- paste(1:n.groups) ###################CHANGES#### ############################## ##newdata is data frame with exact structure of the original data frame (same variable names and type) #if(type == "terms") {stop("\nThe terms argument is not defined for this function\n")} ##check data frame for predictions if(is.null(newdata)) { ##if no data set is specified, use first observation in data set <- data.set[1, ] <- ##replicate first line n.groups time for(k in 1:(n.groups-1)){ <- rbind(, } ##add ordered groups[,] <- as.factor(ord.groups) pred.parm <-[,] } else { <- newdata ##check that no more rows are specified than group levels if(nrow(newdata) != n.groups) stop("\nnumber of rows in \'newdata\' must match number of factor levels\n")[,] <- as.factor(ord.groups) pred.parm <-[,] } ##create pattern matrix of group assignment if(n.groups == 2) { ##combinations for 2 groups ##{1, 2} ##{12} ##rows correspond to parameterization of different models pat.mat <- matrix(data = c(1, 2, 1, 1), byrow = TRUE, ncol = 2) } if(n.groups == 3) { ##combinations for 3 groups ##{1, 2, 3} ##{12, 3} ##{1, 23} ##{123} pat.mat <- matrix(data = c(1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1), byrow = TRUE, ncol = 3) } if(n.groups == 4) { ##combinations for 4 groups ##{1, 2, 3, 4} ##{1, 2, 34} ##{12, 3, 4} ##{12, 34} ##{1, 23, 4} ##{1, 234} ##{123, 4} ##{1234} pat.mat <- matrix(data = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 3, 1, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1), byrow = TRUE, ncol = 4) } if(n.groups == 5) { ##combinations for 5 groups ##{1, 2, 3, 4, 5} ##{1, 2, 3, 45} ##{1, 2, 345} ##{1, 2, 34, 5} ##{12, 3, 4, 5} ##{12, 34, 5} ##{12, 3, 45} ##{12, 345} ##{1, 23, 4, 5} ##{1, 23, 45} ##{1, 234, 5} ##{123, 4, 5} ##{123, 45} ##{1234, 5} ##{1, 2345} ##{12345} pat.mat <- matrix(data = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), byrow = TRUE, ncol = 5) } ##combinations for 6 groups if(n.groups == 6) { pat.mat <- matrix(data = c(1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4), byrow = TRUE, ncol = 6) } if(n.groups > 6) stop("\nThis function supports a maximum of 6 groups\n") ##number of models n.mods <- nrow(pat.mat) data.iter <- data.set ##create list to store models mod.list <- vector("list", length = n.mods) ##create list to store preds pred.list <- vector("list", length = n.mods) if(n.groups == 2) { ##loop over matrix and change parameterization for(k in 1:nrow(pat.mat)) { orig.parm <- data.set[,] ##for model new.parm <- ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], pat.mat[k, 2]) ##for predictions new.pred.parm <- ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], pat.mat[k, 2]) ##replace in[,] <- as.factor(new.pred.parm) ##convert to factor only for cases with different groups if(length(unique(new.parm)) > 1) { data.iter[,] <- as.factor(new.parm) ##run model on updated data mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions ##determine if lm or rlm pred.list[[k]] <- predict(mod.list[[k]], newdata =, = TRUE) } else { ##if constant, remove from model mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, as.formula(paste(". ~ . -",, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predict(mod.list[[k]], newdata =, = TRUE) } } } if(n.groups == 3) { ##loop over matrix and change parameterization for(k in 1:nrow(pat.mat)) { orig.parm <- data.set[,] new.parm <- ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[2], pat.mat[k, 2], pat.mat[k, 3])) ##for predictions new.pred.parm <- ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[2], pat.mat[k, 2], pat.mat[k, 3])) ##replace in[,] <- as.factor(new.pred.parm) ##convert to factor only for cases with different groups if(length(unique(new.parm)) > 1) { data.iter[,] <- as.factor(new.parm) ##run model on updated data mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predict(mod.list[[k]], newdata =, = TRUE) } else { ##if constant, remove from model mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, as.formula(paste(". ~ . -",, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predict(mod.list[[k]], newdata =, = TRUE) } } } if(n.groups == 4) { ##loop over matrix and change parameterization for(k in 1:nrow(pat.mat)) { orig.parm <- data.set[,] new.parm <- ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[2], pat.mat[k, 2], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[3], pat.mat[k, 3], pat.mat[k, 4]))) ##for predictions new.pred.parm <- ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[2], pat.mat[k, 2], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[3], pat.mat[k, 3], pat.mat[k, 4]))) ##replace in[,] <- as.factor(new.pred.parm) ## data.iter[,] <- new.parm ##convert to factor only for cases with different groups if(length(unique(new.parm)) > 1) { data.iter[,] <- as.factor(new.parm) ##run model on updated data mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predict(mod.list[[k]], newdata =, = TRUE) } else { ##if constant, remove from model mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, as.formula(paste(". ~ . -",, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predict(mod.list[[k]], newdata =, = TRUE) } } } if(n.groups == 5) { ##loop over matrix and change parameterization for(k in 1:nrow(pat.mat)) { orig.parm <- data.set[,] new.parm <- ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[2], pat.mat[k, 2], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[3], pat.mat[k, 3], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[4], pat.mat[k, 4], pat.mat[k, 5])))) ##for predictions new.pred.parm <- ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[2], pat.mat[k, 2], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[3], pat.mat[k, 3], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[4], pat.mat[k, 4], pat.mat[k, 5])))) ##replace in[,] <- as.factor(new.pred.parm) ## data.iter[,] <- new.parm ##convert to factor only for cases with different groups if(length(unique(new.parm)) > 1) { data.iter[,] <- as.factor(new.parm) ##run model on updated data mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predict(mod.list[[k]], newdata =, = TRUE) } else { ##if constant, remove from model mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, as.formula(paste(". ~ . -",, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predict(mod.list[[k]], newdata =, = TRUE) } } } if(n.groups == 6) { ##loop over matrix and change parameterization for(k in 1:nrow(pat.mat)) { orig.parm <- data.set[,] new.parm <- ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[2], pat.mat[k, 2], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[3], pat.mat[k, 3], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[4], pat.mat[k, 4], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[5], pat.mat[k, 5], pat.mat[k, 6]))))) ##for predictions new.pred.parm <- ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[2], pat.mat[k, 2], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[3], pat.mat[k, 3], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[4], pat.mat[k, 4], pat.mat[k, 5])))) ##replace in[,] <- as.factor(new.pred.parm) ## data.iter[,] <- new.parm ##convert to factor only for cases with different groups if(length(unique(new.parm)) > 1) { data.iter[,] <- as.factor(new.parm) ##run model on updated data mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predict(mod.list[[k]], newdata =, = TRUE) } else { ##if constant, remove from model mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, as.formula(paste(". ~ . -",, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions ##determine if lm or rlm pred.list[[k]] <- predict(mod.list[[k]], newdata =, = TRUE) } } } ##if group label should be letters if(letter.labels) { letter.mat <- matrix(data = letters[pat.mat], ncol = ncol(pat.mat)) pat.mat <- letter.mat } ##create vector of names model.names <- apply(X = pat.mat, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = ""))##use contrasts in name ##1111, 122, etc... model.names <- paste("m_", model.names, sep = "") ##compute AICc table for output out.table <- aictab(cand.set = mod.list, modnames = model.names, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = sort) out.table.avg <- aictab(cand.set = mod.list, modnames = model.names, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) Mod.avg.out <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(, ncol = 2) colnames(Mod.avg.out) <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE") rownames(Mod.avg.out) <- ord.groups ##iterate over predictions for(m in 1:nrow({ ##add fitted values in table out.table.avg$fit <- unlist(lapply(X = pred.list, FUN = function(i) i$fit[m])) out.table.avg$SE <- unlist(lapply(X = pred.list, FUN = function(i) i$[m])) ##model-averaged estimate mod.avg.est <- out.table.avg[, 6] %*% out.table.avg$fit Mod.avg.out[m, 1] <- mod.avg.est ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[m, 2] <- sum(out.table.avg[, 6] * sqrt(out.table.avg$SE^2 + (out.table.avg$fit - as.vector(mod.avg.est))^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[m, 2] <- sqrt(sum(out.table.avg[, 6] * (out.table.avg$SE^2 + (out.table.avg$fit - as.vector(mod.avg.est))^2))) } } ################################################# ###NEW CODE ################################################# ##compute model-average estimates and confidence intervals ##classic uncorrected for multiple comparisons ##extract residual df (lm, rlm, gls, lme) res.df <- df.residual(mod) ##extract quantile ##no correction for multiple comparisons if(identical(correction, "none")){ t.crit <- qt(p = (1 - conf.level)/2, df = res.df, lower.tail = FALSE) } ##number of possible comparisons ncomp <- choose(n.groups, 2) ##Bonferroni correction if(identical(correction, "bonferroni")){ alpha.corr <- (1 - conf.level)/ncomp t.crit <- qt(p = alpha.corr/2, df = res.df, lower.tail = FALSE) } ##Sidak correction if(identical(correction, "sidak")){ alpha.corr <- 1 - (conf.level)^(1/ncomp) t.crit <- qt(p = alpha.corr/2, df = res.df, lower.tail = FALSE) } ##compute CI's Lower.CL <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] - t.crit * Mod.avg.out[, 2] Upper.CL <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] + t.crit * Mod.avg.out[, 2] ##combine results in matrix out.matrix <- cbind(Mod.avg.out, Lower.CL, Upper.CL) ##arrange output results <- list( =, models = mod.list, model.names = model.names, model.table = out.table, ordered.levels = ord.groups, model.avg.est = out.matrix, conf.level = conf.level, correction = correction) ################################################# ###NEW CODE ################################################# class(results) <- c("multComp", "list") return(results) } ##gls multComp.gls <- function(mod,, letter.labels = TRUE, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, newdata = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, correction = "none", ...) { ##2^(k - 1) combinations of group patterns ##extract data set from model ##unmarked models are not supported yet ##check if S4 data.set <- eval(mod$call$data, environment(formula(mod))) ##add a check for missing values if(any( stop("\nMissing values occur in the data set:\n", "remove these values before proceeding") ##check for presence of interactions form.check <- formula(mod) form.mod <- strsplit(as.character(form.check), split="~")[[3]] if(attr(regexpr(paste(":",, sep = ""), form.mod), "match.length") != -1 || attr(regexpr(paste(, ":", sep = ""), form.mod), "match.length") != -1 || attr(regexpr(paste("\\*",, form.mod), "match.length") != -1 || attr(regexpr(paste(, "\\*"), form.mod), "match.length") != -1 ) { stop("\nDo not involve the factor of interest in interaction terms with this function,\n", "see \"?multComp\" for details on specifying interaction terms\n") } ##identify column with parm.vals <- data.set[,] ##check that variable is factor if(!is.factor(parm.vals)) stop("\n'' must be a factor\n") ##identify response variable <- as.character(formula(mod))[2] ##check for response variable if(!any(names(data.set) == stop("\nThis function does not support transformations of the response variable in the formula\n") ##changed to allow when response variable is transformed ##in the formula to avoid error resp <- data.set[,] ##determine group identity <- levels(parm.vals) ##determine number of groups n.groups <- length( ##order group means ord.means <- sort(tapply(X = resp, INDEX = parm.vals, FUN = mean)) ##or sort(tapply(X = fitted(mod), INDEX = parm.vals, FUN = mean)) ##order groups ord.groups <- names(ord.means) ##generic groups gen.groups <- paste(1:n.groups) ###################CHANGES#### ############################## ##newdata is data frame with exact structure of the original data frame (same variable names and type) # if(type == "terms") {stop("\nThe terms argument is not defined for this function\n")} ##check data frame for predictions if(is.null(newdata)) { ##if no data set is specified, use first observation in data set <- data.set[1, ] <- ##replicate first line n.groups time for(k in 1:(n.groups-1)){ <- rbind(, } ##add ordered groups[,] <- as.factor(ord.groups) pred.parm <-[,] } else { <- newdata ##check that no more rows are specified than group levels if(nrow(newdata) != n.groups) stop("\nnumber of rows in \'newdata\' must match number of factor levels\n")[,] <- as.factor(ord.groups) pred.parm <-[,] } ##create pattern matrix of group assignment if(n.groups == 2) { ##combinations for 2 groups ##{1, 2} ##{12} ##rows correspond to parameterization of different models pat.mat <- matrix(data = c(1, 2, 1, 1), byrow = TRUE, ncol = 2) } if(n.groups == 3) { ##combinations for 3 groups ##{1, 2, 3} ##{12, 3} ##{1, 23} ##{123} pat.mat <- matrix(data = c(1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1), byrow = TRUE, ncol = 3) } if(n.groups == 4) { ##combinations for 4 groups ##{1, 2, 3, 4} ##{1, 2, 34} ##{12, 3, 4} ##{12, 34} ##{1, 23, 4} ##{1, 234} ##{123, 4} ##{1234} pat.mat <- matrix(data = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 3, 1, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1), byrow = TRUE, ncol = 4) } if(n.groups == 5) { ##combinations for 5 groups ##{1, 2, 3, 4, 5} ##{1, 2, 3, 45} ##{1, 2, 345} ##{1, 2, 34, 5} ##{12, 3, 4, 5} ##{12, 34, 5} ##{12, 3, 45} ##{12, 345} ##{1, 23, 4, 5} ##{1, 23, 45} ##{1, 234, 5} ##{123, 4, 5} ##{123, 45} ##{1234, 5} ##{1, 2345} ##{12345} pat.mat <- matrix(data = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), byrow = TRUE, ncol = 5) } ##combinations for 6 groups if(n.groups == 6) { pat.mat <- matrix(data = c(1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4), byrow = TRUE, ncol = 6) } if(n.groups > 6) stop("\nThis function supports a maximum of 6 groups\n") ##number of models n.mods <- nrow(pat.mat) data.iter <- data.set ##create list to store models mod.list <- vector("list", length = n.mods) ##create list to store preds pred.list <- vector("list", length = n.mods) if(n.groups == 2) { ##loop over matrix and change parameterization for(k in 1:nrow(pat.mat)) { orig.parm <- data.set[,] ##for model new.parm <- ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], pat.mat[k, 2]) ##for predictions new.pred.parm <- ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], pat.mat[k, 2]) ##replace in[,] <- as.factor(new.pred.parm) ##convert to factor only for cases with different groups if(length(unique(new.parm)) > 1) { data.iter[,] <- as.factor(new.parm) ##run model on updated data mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions ##determine if gls pred.list[[k]] <- predictSE(mod.list[[k]], newdata =, = TRUE) } else { ##if constant, remove from model mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, as.formula(paste(". ~ . -",, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predictSE(mod.list[[k]], newdata =, = TRUE) } } } if(n.groups == 3) { ##loop over matrix and change parameterization for(k in 1:nrow(pat.mat)) { orig.parm <- data.set[,] new.parm <- ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[2], pat.mat[k, 2], pat.mat[k, 3])) ##for predictions new.pred.parm <- ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[2], pat.mat[k, 2], pat.mat[k, 3])) ##replace in[,] <- as.factor(new.pred.parm) ##convert to factor only for cases with different groups if(length(unique(new.parm)) > 1) { data.iter[,] <- as.factor(new.parm) ##run model on updated data mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions ##determine if gls pred.list[[k]] <- predictSE(mod.list[[k]], newdata =, = TRUE) } else { ##if constant, remove from model mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, as.formula(paste(". ~ . -",, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predictSE(mod.list[[k]], newdata =, = TRUE) } } } if(n.groups == 4) { ##loop over matrix and change parameterization for(k in 1:nrow(pat.mat)) { orig.parm <- data.set[,] new.parm <- ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[2], pat.mat[k, 2], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[3], pat.mat[k, 3], pat.mat[k, 4]))) ##for predictions new.pred.parm <- ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[2], pat.mat[k, 2], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[3], pat.mat[k, 3], pat.mat[k, 4]))) ##replace in[,] <- as.factor(new.pred.parm) ## data.iter[,] <- new.parm ##convert to factor only for cases with different groups if(length(unique(new.parm)) > 1) { data.iter[,] <- as.factor(new.parm) ##run model on updated data mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions ##determine if gls pred.list[[k]] <- predictSE(mod.list[[k]], newdata =, = TRUE) } else { ##if constant, remove from model mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, as.formula(paste(". ~ . -",, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions ##determine if gls pred.list[[k]] <- predictSE(mod.list[[k]], newdata =, = TRUE) } } } if(n.groups == 5) { ##loop over matrix and change parameterization for(k in 1:nrow(pat.mat)) { orig.parm <- data.set[,] new.parm <- ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[2], pat.mat[k, 2], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[3], pat.mat[k, 3], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[4], pat.mat[k, 4], pat.mat[k, 5])))) ##for predictions new.pred.parm <- ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[2], pat.mat[k, 2], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[3], pat.mat[k, 3], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[4], pat.mat[k, 4], pat.mat[k, 5])))) ##replace in[,] <- as.factor(new.pred.parm) ## data.iter[,] <- new.parm ##convert to factor only for cases with different groups if(length(unique(new.parm)) > 1) { data.iter[,] <- as.factor(new.parm) ##run model on updated data mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predictSE(mod.list[[k]], newdata =, = TRUE) } else { ##if constant, remove from model mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, as.formula(paste(". ~ . -",, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predictSE(mod.list[[k]], newdata =, = TRUE) } } } if(n.groups == 6) { ##loop over matrix and change parameterization for(k in 1:nrow(pat.mat)) { orig.parm <- data.set[,] new.parm <- ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[2], pat.mat[k, 2], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[3], pat.mat[k, 3], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[4], pat.mat[k, 4], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[5], pat.mat[k, 5], pat.mat[k, 6]))))) ##for predictions new.pred.parm <- ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[2], pat.mat[k, 2], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[3], pat.mat[k, 3], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[4], pat.mat[k, 4], pat.mat[k, 5])))) ##replace in[,] <- as.factor(new.pred.parm) ## data.iter[,] <- new.parm ##convert to factor only for cases with different groups if(length(unique(new.parm)) > 1) { data.iter[,] <- as.factor(new.parm) ##run model on updated data mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predictSE(mod.list[[k]], newdata =, = TRUE) } else { ##if constant, remove from model mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, as.formula(paste(". ~ . -",, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predictSE(mod.list[[k]], newdata =, = TRUE) } } } ##if group label should be letters if(letter.labels) { letter.mat <- matrix(data = letters[pat.mat], ncol = ncol(pat.mat)) pat.mat <- letter.mat } ##create vector of names model.names <- apply(X = pat.mat, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = ""))##use contrasts in name ##1111, 122, etc... model.names <- paste("m_", model.names, sep = "") ##compute AICc table for output out.table <- aictab(cand.set = mod.list, modnames = model.names, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = sort) out.table.avg <- aictab(cand.set = mod.list, modnames = model.names, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) Mod.avg.out <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(, ncol = 2) colnames(Mod.avg.out) <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE") rownames(Mod.avg.out) <- ord.groups ##iterate over predictions for(m in 1:nrow({ ##add fitted values in table out.table.avg$fit <- unlist(lapply(X = pred.list, FUN = function(i) i$fit[m])) out.table.avg$SE <- unlist(lapply(X = pred.list, FUN = function(i) i$[m])) ##model-averaged estimate mod.avg.est <- out.table.avg[, 6] %*% out.table.avg$fit Mod.avg.out[m, 1] <- mod.avg.est ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[m, 2] <- sum(out.table.avg[, 6] * sqrt(out.table.avg$SE^2 + (out.table.avg$fit - as.vector(mod.avg.est))^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[m, 2] <- sqrt(sum(out.table.avg[, 6] * (out.table.avg$SE^2 + (out.table.avg$fit - as.vector(mod.avg.est))^2))) } } ################################################# ###NEW CODE ################################################# ##compute model-average estimates ##classic uncorrected for multiple comparisons ##extract residual df (lm, rlm, gls, lme) res.df <- mod$dims[["N"]] - mod$dims[["p"]] ##extract quantile ##no correction for multiple comparisons if(identical(correction, "none")){ t.crit <- qt(p = (1 - conf.level)/2, df = res.df, lower.tail = FALSE) } ##number of possible comparisons ncomp <- choose(n.groups, 2) ##Bonferroni correction if(identical(correction, "bonferroni")){ alpha.corr <- (1 - conf.level)/ncomp t.crit <- qt(p = alpha.corr/2, df = res.df, lower.tail = FALSE) } ##Sidak correction if(identical(correction, "sidak")){ alpha.corr <- 1 - (conf.level)^(1/ncomp) t.crit <- qt(p = alpha.corr/2, df = res.df, lower.tail = FALSE) } ##compute CI's Lower.CL <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] - t.crit * Mod.avg.out[, 2] Upper.CL <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] + t.crit * Mod.avg.out[, 2] ##combine results in matrix out.matrix <- cbind(Mod.avg.out, Lower.CL, Upper.CL) ##arrange output results <- list( =, models = mod.list, model.names = model.names, model.table = out.table, ordered.levels = ord.groups, model.avg.est = out.matrix, conf.level = conf.level, correction = correction) ################################################# ###NEW CODE ################################################# class(results) <- c("multComp", "list") return(results) } ##glm multComp.glm <- function(mod,, letter.labels = TRUE, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, newdata = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, correction = "none", type = "response", c.hat = 1, gamdisp = NULL, ...) { ##2^(k - 1) combinations of group patterns ##extract data set from model data.set <- eval(mod$call$data, environment(formula(mod))) ##add a check for missing values if(any( stop("\nMissing values occur in the data set:\n", "remove these values before proceeding") ##check for presence of interactions form.check <- formula(mod) form.mod <- strsplit(as.character(form.check), split="~")[[3]] if(attr(regexpr(paste(":",, sep = ""), form.mod), "match.length") != -1 || attr(regexpr(paste(, ":", sep = ""), form.mod), "match.length") != -1 || attr(regexpr(paste("\\*",, form.mod), "match.length") != -1 || attr(regexpr(paste(, "\\*"), form.mod), "match.length") != -1 ) { stop("\nDo not involve the factor of interest in interaction terms with this function,\n", "see \"?multComp\" for details on specifying interaction terms\n") } ##identify column with parm.vals <- data.set[,] ##check that variable is factor if(!is.factor(parm.vals)) stop("\n'' must be a factor\n") ##identify response variable <- as.character(formula(mod))[2] ##check for response variable if(!any(names(data.set) == stop("\nThis function does not support transformations of the response variable in the formula\n") ##changed to allow when response variable is transformed ##in the formula to avoid error resp <- data.set[,] ##determine group identity <- levels(parm.vals) ##determine number of groups n.groups <- length( ##order group means ord.means <- sort(tapply(X = resp, INDEX = parm.vals, FUN = mean)) ##or sort(tapply(X = fitted(mod), INDEX = parm.vals, FUN = mean)) ##order groups ord.groups <- names(ord.means) ##generic groups gen.groups <- paste(1:n.groups) ###################CHANGES#### ############################## ##check family of glm to avoid problems when requesting predictions with argument 'dispersion' fam.type <- family(mod)$family if(identical(fam.type, "gaussian")) { dispersion <- NULL #set to NULL if gaussian is used } else{dispersion <- c.hat} ##for negative binomial - reset to NULL if(any(regexpr("Negative Binomial", fam.type) != -1)) { dispersion <- NULL ##check for mixture of negative binomial and other ##number of models with negative binomial negbin.num <- sum(regexpr("Negative Binomial", fam.type) != -1) if(negbin.num < length(fam.type)) { stop("Function does not support mixture of negative binomial with other distributions in model set") } } if(c.hat > 1) {dispersion <- c.hat } if(!is.null(gamdisp)) {dispersion <- gamdisp} if(c.hat > 1 && !is.null(gamdisp)) {stop("\nYou cannot specify values for both \'c.hat\' and \'gamdisp\'\n")} ##correct SE's for estimates of gamma regressions when gamdisp is specified if(identical(family(mod)$family[1], "Gamma")) { ##check for specification of gamdisp argument if(is.null(gamdisp)) stop("\nYou must specify a gamma dispersion parameter with gamma generalized linear models\n") } ##newdata is data frame with exact structure of the original data frame (same variable names and type) # if(type == "terms") {stop("\nThe terms argument is not defined for this function\n")} ##check data frame for predictions if(is.null(newdata)) { ##if no data set is specified, use first observation in data set <- data.set[1, ] <- ##replicate first line n.groups time for(k in 1:(n.groups-1)){ <- rbind(, } ##add ordered groups[,] <- as.factor(ord.groups) pred.parm <-[,] } else { <- newdata ##check that no more rows are specified than group levels if(nrow(newdata) != n.groups) stop("\nnumber of rows in \'newdata\' must match number of factor levels\n")[,] <- as.factor(ord.groups) pred.parm <-[,] } ##create pattern matrix of group assignment if(n.groups == 2) { ##combinations for 2 groups ##{1, 2} ##{12} ##rows correspond to parameterization of different models pat.mat <- matrix(data = c(1, 2, 1, 1), byrow = TRUE, ncol = 2) } if(n.groups == 3) { ##combinations for 3 groups ##{1, 2, 3} ##{12, 3} ##{1, 23} ##{123} pat.mat <- matrix(data = c(1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1), byrow = TRUE, ncol = 3) } if(n.groups == 4) { ##combinations for 4 groups ##{1, 2, 3, 4} ##{1, 2, 34} ##{12, 3, 4} ##{12, 34} ##{1, 23, 4} ##{1, 234} ##{123, 4} ##{1234} pat.mat <- matrix(data = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 3, 1, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1), byrow = TRUE, ncol = 4) } if(n.groups == 5) { ##combinations for 5 groups ##{1, 2, 3, 4, 5} ##{1, 2, 3, 45} ##{1, 2, 345} ##{1, 2, 34, 5} ##{12, 3, 4, 5} ##{12, 34, 5} ##{12, 3, 45} ##{12, 345} ##{1, 23, 4, 5} ##{1, 23, 45} ##{1, 234, 5} ##{123, 4, 5} ##{123, 45} ##{1234, 5} ##{1, 2345} ##{12345} pat.mat <- matrix(data = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), byrow = TRUE, ncol = 5) } ##combinations for 6 groups if(n.groups == 6) { pat.mat <- matrix(data = c(1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4), byrow = TRUE, ncol = 6) } if(n.groups > 6) stop("\nThis function supports a maximum of 6 groups\n") ##number of models n.mods <- nrow(pat.mat) data.iter <- data.set ##create list to store models mod.list <- vector("list", length = n.mods) ##create list to store preds pred.list <- vector("list", length = n.mods) if(n.groups == 2) { ##loop over matrix and change parameterization for(k in 1:nrow(pat.mat)) { orig.parm <- data.set[,] ##for model new.parm <- ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], pat.mat[k, 2]) ##for predictions new.pred.parm <- ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], pat.mat[k, 2]) ##replace in[,] <- as.factor(new.pred.parm) ##convert to factor only for cases with different groups if(length(unique(new.parm)) > 1) { data.iter[,] <- as.factor(new.parm) ##run model on updated data mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predict(mod.list[[k]], type = type, newdata =, dispersion = dispersion, = TRUE) } else { ##if constant, remove from model mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, as.formula(paste(". ~ . -",, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predict(mod.list[[k]], type = type, newdata =, dispersion = dispersion, = TRUE) } } } if(n.groups == 3) { ##loop over matrix and change parameterization for(k in 1:nrow(pat.mat)) { orig.parm <- data.set[,] new.parm <- ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[2], pat.mat[k, 2], pat.mat[k, 3])) ##for predictions new.pred.parm <- ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[2], pat.mat[k, 2], pat.mat[k, 3])) ##replace in[,] <- as.factor(new.pred.parm) ##convert to factor only for cases with different groups if(length(unique(new.parm)) > 1) { data.iter[,] <- as.factor(new.parm) ##run model on updated data mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predict(mod.list[[k]], type = type, newdata =, dispersion = dispersion, = TRUE) } else { ##if constant, remove from model mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, as.formula(paste(". ~ . -",, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predict(mod.list[[k]], type = type, newdata =, dispersion = dispersion, = TRUE) } } } if(n.groups == 4) { ##loop over matrix and change parameterization for(k in 1:nrow(pat.mat)) { orig.parm <- data.set[,] new.parm <- ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[2], pat.mat[k, 2], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[3], pat.mat[k, 3], pat.mat[k, 4]))) ##for predictions new.pred.parm <- ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[2], pat.mat[k, 2], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[3], pat.mat[k, 3], pat.mat[k, 4]))) ##replace in[,] <- as.factor(new.pred.parm) ## data.iter[,] <- new.parm ##convert to factor only for cases with different groups if(length(unique(new.parm)) > 1) { data.iter[,] <- as.factor(new.parm) ##run model on updated data mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predict(mod.list[[k]], type = type, newdata =, dispersion = dispersion, = TRUE) } else { ##if constant, remove from model mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, as.formula(paste(". ~ . -",, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predict(mod.list[[k]], type = type, newdata =, dispersion = dispersion, = TRUE) } } } if(n.groups == 5) { ##loop over matrix and change parameterization for(k in 1:nrow(pat.mat)) { orig.parm <- data.set[,] new.parm <- ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[2], pat.mat[k, 2], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[3], pat.mat[k, 3], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[4], pat.mat[k, 4], pat.mat[k, 5])))) ##for predictions new.pred.parm <- ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[2], pat.mat[k, 2], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[3], pat.mat[k, 3], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[4], pat.mat[k, 4], pat.mat[k, 5])))) ##replace in[,] <- as.factor(new.pred.parm) ## data.iter[,] <- new.parm ##convert to factor only for cases with different groups if(length(unique(new.parm)) > 1) { data.iter[,] <- as.factor(new.parm) ##run model on updated data mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predict(mod.list[[k]], type = type, newdata =, dispersion = dispersion, = TRUE) } else { ##if constant, remove from model mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, as.formula(paste(". ~ . -",, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predict(mod.list[[k]], type = type, newdata =, dispersion = dispersion, = TRUE) } } } if(n.groups == 6) { ##loop over matrix and change parameterization for(k in 1:nrow(pat.mat)) { orig.parm <- data.set[,] new.parm <- ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[2], pat.mat[k, 2], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[3], pat.mat[k, 3], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[4], pat.mat[k, 4], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[5], pat.mat[k, 5], pat.mat[k, 6]))))) ##for predictions new.pred.parm <- ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[2], pat.mat[k, 2], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[3], pat.mat[k, 3], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[4], pat.mat[k, 4], pat.mat[k, 5])))) ##replace in[,] <- as.factor(new.pred.parm) ## data.iter[,] <- new.parm ##convert to factor only for cases with different groups if(length(unique(new.parm)) > 1) { data.iter[,] <- as.factor(new.parm) ##run model on updated data mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predict(mod.list[[k]], type = type, newdata =, dispersion = dispersion, = TRUE) } else { ##if constant, remove from model mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, as.formula(paste(". ~ . -",, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predict(mod.list[[k]], type = type, newdata =, dispersion = dispersion, = TRUE) } } } ##if group label should be letters if(letter.labels) { letter.mat <- matrix(data = letters[pat.mat], ncol = ncol(pat.mat)) pat.mat <- letter.mat } ##create vector of names model.names <- apply(X = pat.mat, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = ""))##use contrasts in name ##1111, 122, etc... model.names <- paste("m_", model.names, sep = "") ##compute AICc table for output out.table <- aictab(cand.set = mod.list, modnames = model.names, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = sort, c.hat = c.hat) out.table.avg <- aictab(cand.set = mod.list, modnames = model.names, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE, c.hat = c.hat) Mod.avg.out <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(, ncol = 2) colnames(Mod.avg.out) <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE") rownames(Mod.avg.out) <- ord.groups ##iterate over predictions for(m in 1:nrow({ ##add fitted values in table out.table.avg$fit <- unlist(lapply(X = pred.list, FUN = function(i) i$fit[m])) out.table.avg$SE <- unlist(lapply(X = pred.list, FUN = function(i) i$[m])) ##model-averaged estimate mod.avg.est <- out.table.avg[, 6] %*% out.table.avg$fit Mod.avg.out[m, 1] <- mod.avg.est ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[m, 2] <- sum(out.table.avg[, 6] * sqrt(out.table.avg$SE^2 + (out.table.avg$fit - as.vector(mod.avg.est))^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[m, 2] <- sqrt(sum(out.table.avg[, 6] * (out.table.avg$SE^2 + (out.table.avg$fit - as.vector(mod.avg.est))^2))) } } ################################################# ###NEW CODE ################################################# ##compute model-average estimates ##classic uncorrected for multiple comparisons ##extract quantile ##no correction for multiple comparisons if(identical(correction, "none")){ z.crit <- qnorm(p = (1 - conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE) } ##number of possible comparisons ncomp <- choose(n.groups, 2) ##Bonferroni correction if(identical(correction, "bonferroni")){ alpha.corr <- (1 - conf.level)/ncomp z.crit <- qnorm(p = alpha.corr/2, lower.tail = FALSE) } ##Sidak correction if(identical(correction, "sidak")){ alpha.corr <- 1 - (conf.level)^(1/ncomp) z.crit <- qnorm(p = alpha.corr/2, lower.tail = FALSE) } ##compute CI's Lower.CL <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] - z.crit * Mod.avg.out[, 2] Upper.CL <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] + z.crit * Mod.avg.out[, 2] ##combine results in matrix out.matrix <- cbind(Mod.avg.out, Lower.CL, Upper.CL) ##arrange output results <- list( =, models = mod.list, model.names = model.names, model.table = out.table, ordered.levels = ord.groups, model.avg.est = out.matrix, conf.level = conf.level, correction = correction) ################################################# ###NEW CODE ################################################# class(results) <- c("multComp", "list") return(results) } ##lme multComp.lme <- function(mod,, letter.labels = TRUE, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, newdata = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, correction = "none", ...) { ##2^(k - 1) combinations of group patterns ##extract data set from model ##unmarked models are not supported yet ##check if S4 data.set <- eval(mod$call$data, environment(formula(mod))) ##add a check for missing values if(any( stop("\nMissing values occur in the data set:\n", "remove these values before proceeding") ##check for presence of interactions form.check <- formula(mod) form.mod <- strsplit(as.character(form.check), split="~")[[3]] if(attr(regexpr(paste(":",, sep = ""), form.mod), "match.length") != -1 || attr(regexpr(paste(, ":", sep = ""), form.mod), "match.length") != -1 || attr(regexpr(paste("\\*",, form.mod), "match.length") != -1 || attr(regexpr(paste(, "\\*"), form.mod), "match.length") != -1 ) { stop("\nDo not involve the factor of interest in interaction terms with this function,\n", "see \"?multComp\" for details on specifying interaction terms\n") } ##identify column with parm.vals <- data.set[,] ##check that variable is factor if(!is.factor(parm.vals)) stop("\n'' must be a factor\n") ##identify response variable <- as.character(formula(mod))[2] ##check for response variable if(!any(names(data.set) == stop("\nThis function does not support transformations of the response variable in the formula\n") ##changed to allow when response variable is transformed ##in the formula to avoid error resp <- data.set[,] ##determine group identity <- levels(parm.vals) ##determine number of groups n.groups <- length( ##order group means ord.means <- sort(tapply(X = resp, INDEX = parm.vals, FUN = mean)) ##or sort(tapply(X = fitted(mod), INDEX = parm.vals, FUN = mean)) ##order groups ord.groups <- names(ord.means) ##generic groups gen.groups <- paste(1:n.groups) ###################CHANGES#### ############################## ##newdata is data frame with exact structure of the original data frame (same variable names and type) # if(type == "terms") {stop("\nThe terms argument is not defined for this function\n")} ##check data frame for predictions if(is.null(newdata)) { ##if no data set is specified, use first observation in data set <- data.set[1, ] <- ##replicate first line n.groups time for(k in 1:(n.groups-1)){ <- rbind(, } ##add ordered groups[,] <- as.factor(ord.groups) pred.parm <-[,] } else { <- newdata ##check that no more rows are specified than group levels if(nrow(newdata) != n.groups) stop("\nnumber of rows in \'newdata\' must match number of factor levels\n")[,] <- as.factor(ord.groups) pred.parm <-[,] } ##create pattern matrix of group assignment if(n.groups == 2) { ##combinations for 2 groups ##{1, 2} ##{12} ##rows correspond to parameterization of different models pat.mat <- matrix(data = c(1, 2, 1, 1), byrow = TRUE, ncol = 2) } if(n.groups == 3) { ##combinations for 3 groups ##{1, 2, 3} ##{12, 3} ##{1, 23} ##{123} pat.mat <- matrix(data = c(1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1), byrow = TRUE, ncol = 3) } if(n.groups == 4) { ##combinations for 4 groups ##{1, 2, 3, 4} ##{1, 2, 34} ##{12, 3, 4} ##{12, 34} ##{1, 23, 4} ##{1, 234} ##{123, 4} ##{1234} pat.mat <- matrix(data = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 3, 1, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1), byrow = TRUE, ncol = 4) } if(n.groups == 5) { ##combinations for 5 groups ##{1, 2, 3, 4, 5} ##{1, 2, 3, 45} ##{1, 2, 345} ##{1, 2, 34, 5} ##{12, 3, 4, 5} ##{12, 34, 5} ##{12, 3, 45} ##{12, 345} ##{1, 23, 4, 5} ##{1, 23, 45} ##{1, 234, 5} ##{123, 4, 5} ##{123, 45} ##{1234, 5} ##{1, 2345} ##{12345} pat.mat <- matrix(data = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), byrow = TRUE, ncol = 5) } ##combinations for 6 groups if(n.groups == 6) { pat.mat <- matrix(data = c(1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4), byrow = TRUE, ncol = 6) } if(n.groups > 6) stop("\nThis function supports a maximum of 6 groups\n") ##number of models n.mods <- nrow(pat.mat) data.iter <- data.set ##create list to store models mod.list <- vector("list", length = n.mods) ##create list to store preds pred.list <- vector("list", length = n.mods) if(n.groups == 2) { ##loop over matrix and change parameterization for(k in 1:nrow(pat.mat)) { orig.parm <- data.set[,] ##for model new.parm <- ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], pat.mat[k, 2]) ##for predictions new.pred.parm <- ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], pat.mat[k, 2]) ##replace in[,] <- as.factor(new.pred.parm) ##convert to factor only for cases with different groups if(length(unique(new.parm)) > 1) { data.iter[,] <- as.factor(new.parm) ##run model on updated data mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predictSE(mod.list[[k]], newdata =, = TRUE) } else { ##if constant, remove from model mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, as.formula(paste(". ~ . -",, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predictSE(mod.list[[k]], newdata =, = TRUE) } } } if(n.groups == 3) { ##loop over matrix and change parameterization for(k in 1:nrow(pat.mat)) { orig.parm <- data.set[,] new.parm <- ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[2], pat.mat[k, 2], pat.mat[k, 3])) ##for predictions new.pred.parm <- ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[2], pat.mat[k, 2], pat.mat[k, 3])) ##replace in[,] <- as.factor(new.pred.parm) ##convert to factor only for cases with different groups if(length(unique(new.parm)) > 1) { data.iter[,] <- as.factor(new.parm) ##run model on updated data mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predictSE(mod.list[[k]], newdata =, = TRUE) } else { ##if constant, remove from model mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, as.formula(paste(". ~ . -",, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predictSE(mod.list[[k]], newdata =, = TRUE) } } } if(n.groups == 4) { ##loop over matrix and change parameterization for(k in 1:nrow(pat.mat)) { orig.parm <- data.set[,] new.parm <- ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[2], pat.mat[k, 2], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[3], pat.mat[k, 3], pat.mat[k, 4]))) ##for predictions new.pred.parm <- ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[2], pat.mat[k, 2], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[3], pat.mat[k, 3], pat.mat[k, 4]))) ##replace in[,] <- as.factor(new.pred.parm) ## data.iter[,] <- new.parm ##convert to factor only for cases with different groups if(length(unique(new.parm)) > 1) { data.iter[,] <- as.factor(new.parm) ##run model on updated data mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predictSE(mod.list[[k]], newdata =, = TRUE) } else { ##if constant, remove from model mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, as.formula(paste(". ~ . -",, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predictSE(mod.list[[k]], newdata =, = TRUE) } } } if(n.groups == 5) { ##loop over matrix and change parameterization for(k in 1:nrow(pat.mat)) { orig.parm <- data.set[,] new.parm <- ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[2], pat.mat[k, 2], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[3], pat.mat[k, 3], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[4], pat.mat[k, 4], pat.mat[k, 5])))) ##for predictions new.pred.parm <- ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[2], pat.mat[k, 2], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[3], pat.mat[k, 3], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[4], pat.mat[k, 4], pat.mat[k, 5])))) ##replace in[,] <- as.factor(new.pred.parm) ## data.iter[,] <- new.parm ##convert to factor only for cases with different groups if(length(unique(new.parm)) > 1) { data.iter[,] <- as.factor(new.parm) ##run model on updated data mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predictSE(mod.list[[k]], newdata =, = TRUE) } else { ##if constant, remove from model mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, as.formula(paste(". ~ . -",, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predictSE(mod.list[[k]], newdata =, = TRUE) } } } if(n.groups == 6) { ##loop over matrix and change parameterization for(k in 1:nrow(pat.mat)) { orig.parm <- data.set[,] new.parm <- ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[2], pat.mat[k, 2], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[3], pat.mat[k, 3], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[4], pat.mat[k, 4], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[5], pat.mat[k, 5], pat.mat[k, 6]))))) ##for predictions new.pred.parm <- ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[2], pat.mat[k, 2], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[3], pat.mat[k, 3], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[4], pat.mat[k, 4], pat.mat[k, 5])))) ##replace in[,] <- as.factor(new.pred.parm) ## data.iter[,] <- new.parm ##convert to factor only for cases with different groups if(length(unique(new.parm)) > 1) { data.iter[,] <- as.factor(new.parm) ##run model on updated data mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predictSE(mod.list[[k]], newdata =, = TRUE) } else { ##if constant, remove from model mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, as.formula(paste(". ~ . -",, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predictSE(mod.list[[k]], newdata =, = TRUE) } } } ##if group label should be letters if(letter.labels) { letter.mat <- matrix(data = letters[pat.mat], ncol = ncol(pat.mat)) pat.mat <- letter.mat } ##create vector of names model.names <- apply(X = pat.mat, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = ""))##use contrasts in name ##1111, 122, etc... model.names <- paste("m_", model.names, sep = "") ##compute AICc table for output out.table <- aictab(cand.set = mod.list, modnames = model.names, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = sort) out.table.avg <- aictab(cand.set = mod.list, modnames = model.names, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) Mod.avg.out <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(, ncol = 2) colnames(Mod.avg.out) <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE") rownames(Mod.avg.out) <- ord.groups ##iterate over predictions for(m in 1:nrow({ ##add fitted values in table out.table.avg$fit <- unlist(lapply(X = pred.list, FUN = function(i) i$fit[m])) out.table.avg$SE <- unlist(lapply(X = pred.list, FUN = function(i) i$[m])) ##model-averaged estimate mod.avg.est <- out.table.avg[, 6] %*% out.table.avg$fit Mod.avg.out[m, 1] <- mod.avg.est ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[m, 2] <- sum(out.table.avg[, 6] * sqrt(out.table.avg$SE^2 + (out.table.avg$fit - as.vector(mod.avg.est))^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[m, 2] <- sqrt(sum(out.table.avg[, 6] * (out.table.avg$SE^2 + (out.table.avg$fit - as.vector(mod.avg.est))^2))) } } ################################################# ###NEW CODE ################################################# ##compute model-average estimates ##classic uncorrected for multiple comparisons ##extract residual df (lm, rlm, gls, lme) res.df <- mod$fixDF$terms["(Intercept)"] ##use denominator residual df of intercept ##note that anova.lme in nlme requires that denominator DF is identical for all terms ##extract quantile ##no correction for multiple comparisons if(identical(correction, "none")){ t.crit <- qt(p = (1 - conf.level)/2, df = res.df, lower.tail = FALSE) } ##number of possible comparisons ncomp <- choose(n.groups, 2) ##Bonferroni correction if(identical(correction, "bonferroni")){ alpha.corr <- (1 - conf.level)/ncomp t.crit <- qt(p = alpha.corr/2, df = res.df, lower.tail = FALSE) } ##Sidak correction if(identical(correction, "sidak")){ alpha.corr <- 1 - (conf.level)^(1/ncomp) t.crit <- qt(p = alpha.corr/2, df = res.df, lower.tail = FALSE) } ##compute CI's Lower.CL <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] - t.crit * Mod.avg.out[, 2] Upper.CL <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] + t.crit * Mod.avg.out[, 2] ##combine results in matrix out.matrix <- cbind(Mod.avg.out, Lower.CL, Upper.CL) ##arrange output results <- list( =, models = mod.list, model.names = model.names, model.table = out.table, ordered.levels = ord.groups, model.avg.est = out.matrix, conf.level = conf.level, correction = correction) ################################################# ###NEW CODE ################################################# class(results) <- c("multComp", "list") return(results) } ##glm.nb multComp.negbin <- function(mod,, letter.labels = TRUE, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, newdata = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, correction = "none", type = "response", ...) { ##2^(k - 1) combinations of group patterns ##extract data set from model data.set <- eval(mod$call$data, environment(formula(mod))) ##add a check for missing values if(any( stop("\nMissing values occur in the data set:\n", "remove these values before proceeding") ##check for presence of interactions form.check <- formula(mod) form.mod <- strsplit(as.character(form.check), split="~")[[3]] if(attr(regexpr(paste(":",, sep = ""), form.mod), "match.length") != -1 || attr(regexpr(paste(, ":", sep = ""), form.mod), "match.length") != -1 || attr(regexpr(paste("\\*",, form.mod), "match.length") != -1 || attr(regexpr(paste(, "\\*"), form.mod), "match.length") != -1 ) { stop("\nDo not involve the factor of interest in interaction terms with this function,\n", "see \"?multComp\" for details on specifying interaction terms\n") } ##identify column with parm.vals <- data.set[,] ##check that variable is factor if(!is.factor(parm.vals)) stop("\n'' must be a factor\n") ##identify response variable <- as.character(formula(mod))[2] ##check for response variable if(!any(names(data.set) == stop("\nThis function does not support transformations of the response variable in the formula\n") ##changed to allow when response variable is transformed ##in the formula to avoid error resp <- data.set[,] ##determine group identity <- levels(parm.vals) ##determine number of groups n.groups <- length( ##order group means ord.means <- sort(tapply(X = resp, INDEX = parm.vals, FUN = mean)) ##or sort(tapply(X = fitted(mod), INDEX = parm.vals, FUN = mean)) ##order groups ord.groups <- names(ord.means) ##generic groups gen.groups <- paste(1:n.groups) ###################CHANGES#### ############################## ##check data frame for predictions if(is.null(newdata)) { ##if no data set is specified, use first observation in data set <- data.set[1, ] <- ##replicate first line n.groups time for(k in 1:(n.groups-1)){ <- rbind(, } ##add ordered groups[,] <- as.factor(ord.groups) pred.parm <-[,] } else { <- newdata ##check that no more rows are specified than group levels if(nrow(newdata) != n.groups) stop("\nnumber of rows in \'newdata\' must match number of factor levels\n")[,] <- as.factor(ord.groups) pred.parm <-[,] } ##create pattern matrix of group assignment if(n.groups == 2) { ##combinations for 2 groups ##{1, 2} ##{12} ##rows correspond to parameterization of different models pat.mat <- matrix(data = c(1, 2, 1, 1), byrow = TRUE, ncol = 2) } if(n.groups == 3) { ##combinations for 3 groups ##{1, 2, 3} ##{12, 3} ##{1, 23} ##{123} pat.mat <- matrix(data = c(1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1), byrow = TRUE, ncol = 3) } if(n.groups == 4) { ##combinations for 4 groups ##{1, 2, 3, 4} ##{1, 2, 34} ##{12, 3, 4} ##{12, 34} ##{1, 23, 4} ##{1, 234} ##{123, 4} ##{1234} pat.mat <- matrix(data = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 3, 1, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1), byrow = TRUE, ncol = 4) } if(n.groups == 5) { ##combinations for 5 groups ##{1, 2, 3, 4, 5} ##{1, 2, 3, 45} ##{1, 2, 345} ##{1, 2, 34, 5} ##{12, 3, 4, 5} ##{12, 34, 5} ##{12, 3, 45} ##{12, 345} ##{1, 23, 4, 5} ##{1, 23, 45} ##{1, 234, 5} ##{123, 4, 5} ##{123, 45} ##{1234, 5} ##{1, 2345} ##{12345} pat.mat <- matrix(data = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), byrow = TRUE, ncol = 5) } ##combinations for 6 groups if(n.groups == 6) { pat.mat <- matrix(data = c(1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4), byrow = TRUE, ncol = 6) } if(n.groups > 6) stop("\nThis function supports a maximum of 6 groups\n") ##number of models n.mods <- nrow(pat.mat) data.iter <- data.set ##create list to store models mod.list <- vector("list", length = n.mods) ##create list to store preds pred.list <- vector("list", length = n.mods) if(n.groups == 2) { ##loop over matrix and change parameterization for(k in 1:nrow(pat.mat)) { orig.parm <- data.set[,] ##for model new.parm <- ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], pat.mat[k, 2]) ##for predictions new.pred.parm <- ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], pat.mat[k, 2]) ##replace in[,] <- as.factor(new.pred.parm) ##convert to factor only for cases with different groups if(length(unique(new.parm)) > 1) { data.iter[,] <- as.factor(new.parm) ##run model on updated data mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predict(mod.list[[k]], type = type, newdata =, = TRUE) } else { ##if constant, remove from model mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, as.formula(paste(". ~ . -",, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predict(mod.list[[k]], type = type, newdata =, = TRUE) } } } if(n.groups == 3) { ##loop over matrix and change parameterization for(k in 1:nrow(pat.mat)) { orig.parm <- data.set[,] new.parm <- ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[2], pat.mat[k, 2], pat.mat[k, 3])) ##for predictions new.pred.parm <- ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[2], pat.mat[k, 2], pat.mat[k, 3])) ##replace in[,] <- as.factor(new.pred.parm) ##convert to factor only for cases with different groups if(length(unique(new.parm)) > 1) { data.iter[,] <- as.factor(new.parm) ##run model on updated data mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predict(mod.list[[k]], type = type, newdata =, = TRUE) } else { ##if constant, remove from model mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, as.formula(paste(". ~ . -",, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predict(mod.list[[k]], type = type, newdata =, = TRUE) } } } if(n.groups == 4) { ##loop over matrix and change parameterization for(k in 1:nrow(pat.mat)) { orig.parm <- data.set[,] new.parm <- ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[2], pat.mat[k, 2], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[3], pat.mat[k, 3], pat.mat[k, 4]))) ##for predictions new.pred.parm <- ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[2], pat.mat[k, 2], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[3], pat.mat[k, 3], pat.mat[k, 4]))) ##replace in[,] <- as.factor(new.pred.parm) ## data.iter[,] <- new.parm ##convert to factor only for cases with different groups if(length(unique(new.parm)) > 1) { data.iter[,] <- as.factor(new.parm) ##run model on updated data mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predict(mod.list[[k]], type = type, newdata =, = TRUE) } else { ##if constant, remove from model mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, as.formula(paste(". ~ . -",, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predict(mod.list[[k]], type = type, newdata =, = TRUE) } } } if(n.groups == 5) { ##loop over matrix and change parameterization for(k in 1:nrow(pat.mat)) { orig.parm <- data.set[,] new.parm <- ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[2], pat.mat[k, 2], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[3], pat.mat[k, 3], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[4], pat.mat[k, 4], pat.mat[k, 5])))) ##for predictions new.pred.parm <- ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[2], pat.mat[k, 2], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[3], pat.mat[k, 3], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[4], pat.mat[k, 4], pat.mat[k, 5])))) ##replace in[,] <- as.factor(new.pred.parm) ## data.iter[,] <- new.parm ##convert to factor only for cases with different groups if(length(unique(new.parm)) > 1) { data.iter[,] <- as.factor(new.parm) ##run model on updated data mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predict(mod.list[[k]], type = type, newdata =, = TRUE) } else { ##if constant, remove from model mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, as.formula(paste(". ~ . -",, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predict(mod.list[[k]], type = type, newdata =, = TRUE) } } } if(n.groups == 6) { ##loop over matrix and change parameterization for(k in 1:nrow(pat.mat)) { orig.parm <- data.set[,] new.parm <- ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[2], pat.mat[k, 2], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[3], pat.mat[k, 3], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[4], pat.mat[k, 4], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[5], pat.mat[k, 5], pat.mat[k, 6]))))) ##for predictions new.pred.parm <- ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[2], pat.mat[k, 2], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[3], pat.mat[k, 3], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[4], pat.mat[k, 4], pat.mat[k, 5])))) ##replace in[,] <- as.factor(new.pred.parm) ## data.iter[,] <- new.parm ##convert to factor only for cases with different groups if(length(unique(new.parm)) > 1) { data.iter[,] <- as.factor(new.parm) ##run model on updated data mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predict(mod.list[[k]], type = type, newdata =, = TRUE) } else { ##if constant, remove from model mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, as.formula(paste(". ~ . -",, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predict(mod.list[[k]], type = type, newdata =, = TRUE) } } } ##if group label should be letters if(letter.labels) { letter.mat <- matrix(data = letters[pat.mat], ncol = ncol(pat.mat)) pat.mat <- letter.mat } ##create vector of names model.names <- apply(X = pat.mat, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = ""))##use contrasts in name ##1111, 122, etc... model.names <- paste("m_", model.names, sep = "") ##compute AICc table for output out.table <- aictab(cand.set = mod.list, modnames = model.names, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = sort) out.table.avg <- aictab(cand.set = mod.list, modnames = model.names, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) Mod.avg.out <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(, ncol = 2) colnames(Mod.avg.out) <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE") rownames(Mod.avg.out) <- ord.groups ##iterate over predictions for(m in 1:nrow({ ##add fitted values in table out.table.avg$fit <- unlist(lapply(X = pred.list, FUN = function(i) i$fit[m])) out.table.avg$SE <- unlist(lapply(X = pred.list, FUN = function(i) i$[m])) ##model-averaged estimate mod.avg.est <- out.table.avg[, 6] %*% out.table.avg$fit Mod.avg.out[m, 1] <- mod.avg.est ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[m, 2] <- sum(out.table.avg[, 6] * sqrt(out.table.avg$SE^2 + (out.table.avg$fit - as.vector(mod.avg.est))^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[m, 2] <- sqrt(sum(out.table.avg[, 6] * (out.table.avg$SE^2 + (out.table.avg$fit - as.vector(mod.avg.est))^2))) } } ################################################# ###NEW CODE ################################################# ##compute model-average estimates ##classic uncorrected for multiple comparisons ##extract quantile ##no correction for multiple comparisons if(identical(correction, "none")){ z.crit <- qnorm(p = (1 - conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE) } ##number of possible comparisons ncomp <- choose(n.groups, 2) ##Bonferroni correction if(identical(correction, "bonferroni")){ alpha.corr <- (1 - conf.level)/ncomp z.crit <- qnorm(p = alpha.corr/2, lower.tail = FALSE) } ##Sidak correction if(identical(correction, "sidak")){ alpha.corr <- 1 - (conf.level)^(1/ncomp) z.crit <- qnorm(p = alpha.corr/2, lower.tail = FALSE) } ##compute CI's Lower.CL <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] - z.crit * Mod.avg.out[, 2] Upper.CL <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] + z.crit * Mod.avg.out[, 2] ##combine results in matrix out.matrix <- cbind(Mod.avg.out, Lower.CL, Upper.CL) ##arrange output results <- list( =, models = mod.list, model.names = model.names, model.table = out.table, ordered.levels = ord.groups, model.avg.est = out.matrix, conf.level = conf.level, correction = correction) ################################################# ###NEW CODE ################################################# class(results) <- c("multComp", "list") return(results) } ##rlm multComp.rlm <- function(mod,, letter.labels = TRUE, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, newdata = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, correction = "none", ...) { ##2^(k - 1) combinations of group patterns ##extract data set from model data.set <- eval(mod$call$data, environment(formula(mod))) ##add a check for missing values if(any( stop("\nMissing values occur in the data set:\n", "remove these values before proceeding") ##check for presence of interactions form.check <- formula(mod) form.mod <- strsplit(as.character(form.check), split="~")[[3]] if(attr(regexpr(paste(":",, sep = ""), form.mod), "match.length") != -1 || attr(regexpr(paste(, ":", sep = ""), form.mod), "match.length") != -1 || attr(regexpr(paste("\\*",, form.mod), "match.length") != -1 || attr(regexpr(paste(, "\\*"), form.mod), "match.length") != -1 ) { stop("\nDo not involve the factor of interest in interaction terms with this function,\n", "see \"?multComp\" for details on specifying interaction terms\n") } ##identify column with parm.vals <- data.set[,] ##check that variable is factor if(!is.factor(parm.vals)) stop("\n'' must be a factor\n") ##identify response variable <- as.character(formula(mod))[2] ##check for response variable if(!any(names(data.set) == stop("\nThis function does not support transformations of the response variable in model formulae:\n") ##changed to allow when response variable is transformed ##in the formula to avoid error resp <- data.set[,] ##determine group identity <- levels(parm.vals) ##determine number of groups n.groups <- length( ##order group means ord.means <- sort(tapply(X = resp, INDEX = parm.vals, FUN = mean)) ##or sort(tapply(X = fitted(mod), INDEX = parm.vals, FUN = mean)) ##order groups ord.groups <- names(ord.means) ##generic groups gen.groups <- paste(1:n.groups) ###################CHANGES#### ############################## ##newdata is data frame with exact structure of the original data frame (same variable names and type) # if(type == "terms") {stop("\nThe terms argument is not defined for this function\n")} ##check data frame for predictions if(is.null(newdata)) { ##if no data set is specified, use first observation in data set <- data.set[1, ] <- ##replicate first line n.groups time for(k in 1:(n.groups-1)){ <- rbind(, } ##add ordered groups[,] <- as.factor(ord.groups) pred.parm <-[,] } else { <- newdata ##check that no more rows are specified than group levels if(nrow(newdata) != n.groups) stop("\nnumber of rows in \'newdata\' must match number of factor levels\n")[,] <- as.factor(ord.groups) pred.parm <-[,] } ##create pattern matrix of group assignment if(n.groups == 2) { ##combinations for 2 groups ##{1, 2} ##{12} ##rows correspond to parameterization of different models pat.mat <- matrix(data = c(1, 2, 1, 1), byrow = TRUE, ncol = 2) } if(n.groups == 3) { ##combinations for 3 groups ##{1, 2, 3} ##{12, 3} ##{1, 23} ##{123} pat.mat <- matrix(data = c(1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1), byrow = TRUE, ncol = 3) } if(n.groups == 4) { ##combinations for 4 groups ##{1, 2, 3, 4} ##{1, 2, 34} ##{12, 3, 4} ##{12, 34} ##{1, 23, 4} ##{1, 234} ##{123, 4} ##{1234} pat.mat <- matrix(data = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 3, 1, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1), byrow = TRUE, ncol = 4) } if(n.groups == 5) { ##combinations for 5 groups ##{1, 2, 3, 4, 5} ##{1, 2, 3, 45} ##{1, 2, 345} ##{1, 2, 34, 5} ##{12, 3, 4, 5} ##{12, 34, 5} ##{12, 3, 45} ##{12, 345} ##{1, 23, 4, 5} ##{1, 23, 45} ##{1, 234, 5} ##{123, 4, 5} ##{123, 45} ##{1234, 5} ##{1, 2345} ##{12345} pat.mat <- matrix(data = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), byrow = TRUE, ncol = 5) } ##combinations for 6 groups if(n.groups == 6) { pat.mat <- matrix(data = c(1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4), byrow = TRUE, ncol = 6) } if(n.groups > 6) stop("\nThis function supports a maximum of 6 groups\n") ##number of models n.mods <- nrow(pat.mat) data.iter <- data.set ##create list to store models mod.list <- vector("list", length = n.mods) ##create list to store preds pred.list <- vector("list", length = n.mods) if(n.groups == 2) { ##loop over matrix and change parameterization for(k in 1:nrow(pat.mat)) { orig.parm <- data.set[,] ##for model new.parm <- ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], pat.mat[k, 2]) ##for predictions new.pred.parm <- ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], pat.mat[k, 2]) ##replace in[,] <- as.factor(new.pred.parm) ##convert to factor only for cases with different groups if(length(unique(new.parm)) > 1) { data.iter[,] <- as.factor(new.parm) ##run model on updated data mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predict(mod.list[[k]], newdata =, = TRUE) } else { ##if constant, remove from model mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, as.formula(paste(". ~ . -",, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predict(mod.list[[k]], newdata =, = TRUE) } } } if(n.groups == 3) { ##loop over matrix and change parameterization for(k in 1:nrow(pat.mat)) { orig.parm <- data.set[,] new.parm <- ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[2], pat.mat[k, 2], pat.mat[k, 3])) ##for predictions new.pred.parm <- ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[2], pat.mat[k, 2], pat.mat[k, 3])) ##replace in[,] <- as.factor(new.pred.parm) ##convert to factor only for cases with different groups if(length(unique(new.parm)) > 1) { data.iter[,] <- as.factor(new.parm) ##run model on updated data mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predict(mod.list[[k]], newdata =, = TRUE) } else { ##if constant, remove from model mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, as.formula(paste(". ~ . -",, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predict(mod.list[[k]], newdata =, = TRUE) } } } if(n.groups == 4) { ##loop over matrix and change parameterization for(k in 1:nrow(pat.mat)) { orig.parm <- data.set[,] new.parm <- ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[2], pat.mat[k, 2], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[3], pat.mat[k, 3], pat.mat[k, 4]))) ##for predictions new.pred.parm <- ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[2], pat.mat[k, 2], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[3], pat.mat[k, 3], pat.mat[k, 4]))) ##replace in[,] <- as.factor(new.pred.parm) ## data.iter[,] <- new.parm ##convert to factor only for cases with different groups if(length(unique(new.parm)) > 1) { data.iter[,] <- as.factor(new.parm) ##run model on updated data mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predict(mod.list[[k]], newdata =, = TRUE) } else { ##if constant, remove from model mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, as.formula(paste(". ~ . -",, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predict(mod.list[[k]], newdata =, = TRUE) } } } if(n.groups == 5) { ##loop over matrix and change parameterization for(k in 1:nrow(pat.mat)) { orig.parm <- data.set[,] new.parm <- ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[2], pat.mat[k, 2], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[3], pat.mat[k, 3], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[4], pat.mat[k, 4], pat.mat[k, 5])))) ##for predictions new.pred.parm <- ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[2], pat.mat[k, 2], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[3], pat.mat[k, 3], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[4], pat.mat[k, 4], pat.mat[k, 5])))) ##replace in[,] <- as.factor(new.pred.parm) ## data.iter[,] <- new.parm ##convert to factor only for cases with different groups if(length(unique(new.parm)) > 1) { data.iter[,] <- as.factor(new.parm) ##run model on updated data mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predict(mod.list[[k]], newdata =, = TRUE) } else { ##if constant, remove from model mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, as.formula(paste(". ~ . -",, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predict(mod.list[[k]], newdata =, = TRUE) } } } if(n.groups == 6) { ##loop over matrix and change parameterization for(k in 1:nrow(pat.mat)) { orig.parm <- data.set[,] new.parm <- ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[2], pat.mat[k, 2], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[3], pat.mat[k, 3], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[4], pat.mat[k, 4], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[5], pat.mat[k, 5], pat.mat[k, 6]))))) ##for predictions new.pred.parm <- ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[2], pat.mat[k, 2], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[3], pat.mat[k, 3], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[4], pat.mat[k, 4], pat.mat[k, 5])))) ##replace in[,] <- as.factor(new.pred.parm) ## data.iter[,] <- new.parm ##convert to factor only for cases with different groups if(length(unique(new.parm)) > 1) { data.iter[,] <- as.factor(new.parm) ##run model on updated data mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predict(mod.list[[k]], newdata =, = TRUE) } else { ##if constant, remove from model mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, as.formula(paste(". ~ . -",, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predict(mod.list[[k]], newdata =, = TRUE) } } } ##if group label should be letters if(letter.labels) { letter.mat <- matrix(data = letters[pat.mat], ncol = ncol(pat.mat)) pat.mat <- letter.mat } ##create vector of names model.names <- apply(X = pat.mat, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = ""))##use contrasts in name ##1111, 122, etc... model.names <- paste("m_", model.names, sep = "") ##compute AICc table for output out.table <- aictab(cand.set = mod.list, modnames = model.names, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = sort) out.table.avg <- aictab(cand.set = mod.list, modnames = model.names, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) Mod.avg.out <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(, ncol = 2) colnames(Mod.avg.out) <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE") rownames(Mod.avg.out) <- ord.groups ##iterate over predictions for(m in 1:nrow({ ##add fitted values in table out.table.avg$fit <- unlist(lapply(X = pred.list, FUN = function(i) i$fit[m])) out.table.avg$SE <- unlist(lapply(X = pred.list, FUN = function(i) i$[m])) ##model-averaged estimate mod.avg.est <- out.table.avg[, 6] %*% out.table.avg$fit Mod.avg.out[m, 1] <- mod.avg.est ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[m, 2] <- sum(out.table.avg[, 6] * sqrt(out.table.avg$SE^2 + (out.table.avg$fit - as.vector(mod.avg.est))^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[m, 2] <- sqrt(sum(out.table.avg[, 6] * (out.table.avg$SE^2 + (out.table.avg$fit - as.vector(mod.avg.est))^2))) } } ################################################# ###NEW CODE ################################################# ##compute model-average estimates ##classic uncorrected for multiple comparisons ##extract residual df (lm, rlm, gls, lme) wresid <- length(mod$wresid) ptotal <- length(mod$coefficients) res.df <- wresid - ptotal ##extract quantile ##no correction for multiple comparisons if(identical(correction, "none")){ t.crit <- qt(p = (1 - conf.level)/2, df = res.df, lower.tail = FALSE) } ##number of possible comparisons ncomp <- choose(n.groups, 2) ##Bonferroni correction if(identical(correction, "bonferroni")){ alpha.corr <- (1 - conf.level)/ncomp t.crit <- qt(p = alpha.corr/2, df = res.df, lower.tail = FALSE) } ##Sidak correction if(identical(correction, "sidak")){ alpha.corr <- 1 - (conf.level)^(1/ncomp) t.crit <- qt(p = alpha.corr/2, df = res.df, lower.tail = FALSE) } ##compute CI's Lower.CL <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] - t.crit * Mod.avg.out[, 2] Upper.CL <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] + t.crit * Mod.avg.out[, 2] ##combine results in matrix out.matrix <- cbind(Mod.avg.out, Lower.CL, Upper.CL) ##arrange output results <- list( =, models = mod.list, model.names = model.names, model.table = out.table, ordered.levels = ord.groups, model.avg.est = out.matrix, conf.level = conf.level, correction = correction) ################################################# ###NEW CODE ################################################# class(results) <- c("multComp", "list") return(results) } ##survreg multComp.survreg <- function(mod,, letter.labels = TRUE, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, newdata = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, correction = "none", type = "response", ...) { ##2^(k - 1) combinations of group patterns ##extract data set from model data.set <- eval(mod$call$data, environment(formula(mod))) ##add a check for missing values if(any( stop("\nMissing values occur in the data set:\n", "remove these values before proceeding") ##check for presence of interactions form.check <- formula(mod) form.mod <- strsplit(as.character(form.check), split="~")[[3]] if(attr(regexpr(paste(":",, sep = ""), form.mod), "match.length") != -1 || attr(regexpr(paste(, ":", sep = ""), form.mod), "match.length") != -1 || attr(regexpr(paste("\\*",, form.mod), "match.length") != -1 || attr(regexpr(paste(, "\\*"), form.mod), "match.length") != -1 ) { stop("\nDo not involve the factor of interest in interaction terms with this function,\n", "see \"?multComp\" for details on specifying interaction terms\n") } ##identify column with parm.vals <- data.set[,] ##check that variable is factor if(!is.factor(parm.vals)) stop("\n'' must be a factor\n") ##use predictions instead of response variable resp.preds <- predict(mod, type = type) ##identify response variable - here given by Surv( , ) <- as.character(formula(mod))[2] #resp.id2 <- gsub(pattern="Surv\\(", replacement = "", x = #resp.id3 <- unlist(strsplit(gsub(pattern="\\)", replacement = "", x = resp.id2), split = ",")) ##check for response variable #if(!any(names(data.set) == resp.id3[1]) || !any(names(data.set) == resp.id3[1])) stop("\nResponse variable in the formula does not appear in data set\n") ##changed to allow when response variable is transformed ##in the formula to avoid error #resp <- data.set[,] ##determine group identity <- levels(parm.vals) ##determine number of groups n.groups <- length( ##order group preds ord.means <- sort(tapply(X = resp.preds, INDEX = parm.vals, FUN = mean)) ##or sort(tapply(X = fitted(mod), INDEX = parm.vals, FUN = mean)) ##order groups ord.groups <- names(ord.means) ##generic groups gen.groups <- paste(1:n.groups) ###################CHANGES#### ############################## ##newdata is data frame with exact structure of the original data frame (same variable names and type) # if(type == "terms") {stop("\nThe terms argument is not defined for this function\n")} ##check data frame for predictions if(is.null(newdata)) { ##if no data set is specified, use first observation in data set <- data.set[1, ] <- ##replicate first line n.groups time for(k in 1:(n.groups-1)){ <- rbind(, } ##add ordered groups[,] <- as.factor(ord.groups) pred.parm <-[,] } else { <- newdata ##check that no more rows are specified than group levels if(nrow(newdata) != n.groups) stop("\nnumber of rows in \'newdata\' must match number of factor levels\n")[,] <- as.factor(ord.groups) pred.parm <-[,] } ##create pattern matrix of group assignment if(n.groups == 2) { ##combinations for 2 groups ##{1, 2} ##{12} ##rows correspond to parameterization of different models pat.mat <- matrix(data = c(1, 2, 1, 1), byrow = TRUE, ncol = 2) } if(n.groups == 3) { ##combinations for 3 groups ##{1, 2, 3} ##{12, 3} ##{1, 23} ##{123} pat.mat <- matrix(data = c(1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1), byrow = TRUE, ncol = 3) } if(n.groups == 4) { ##combinations for 4 groups ##{1, 2, 3, 4} ##{1, 2, 34} ##{12, 3, 4} ##{12, 34} ##{1, 23, 4} ##{1, 234} ##{123, 4} ##{1234} pat.mat <- matrix(data = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 3, 1, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1), byrow = TRUE, ncol = 4) } if(n.groups == 5) { ##combinations for 5 groups ##{1, 2, 3, 4, 5} ##{1, 2, 3, 45} ##{1, 2, 345} ##{1, 2, 34, 5} ##{12, 3, 4, 5} ##{12, 34, 5} ##{12, 3, 45} ##{12, 345} ##{1, 23, 4, 5} ##{1, 23, 45} ##{1, 234, 5} ##{123, 4, 5} ##{123, 45} ##{1234, 5} ##{1, 2345} ##{12345} pat.mat <- matrix(data = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), byrow = TRUE, ncol = 5) } ##combinations for 6 groups if(n.groups == 6) { pat.mat <- matrix(data = c(1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4), byrow = TRUE, ncol = 6) } if(n.groups > 6) stop("\nThis function supports a maximum of 6 groups\n") ##number of models n.mods <- nrow(pat.mat) data.iter <- data.set ##create list to store models mod.list <- vector("list", length = n.mods) ##create list to store preds pred.list <- vector("list", length = n.mods) if(n.groups == 2) { ##loop over matrix and change parameterization for(k in 1:nrow(pat.mat)) { orig.parm <- data.set[,] ##for model new.parm <- ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], pat.mat[k, 2]) ##for predictions new.pred.parm <- ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], pat.mat[k, 2]) ##replace in[,] <- as.factor(new.pred.parm) ##convert to factor only for cases with different groups if(length(unique(new.parm)) > 1) { data.iter[,] <- as.factor(new.parm) ##run model on updated data mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predict(mod.list[[k]], type = type, newdata =, = TRUE) } else { ##if constant, remove from model mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, as.formula(paste(". ~ . -",, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predict(mod.list[[k]], type = type, newdata =, = TRUE) } } } if(n.groups == 3) { ##loop over matrix and change parameterization for(k in 1:nrow(pat.mat)) { orig.parm <- data.set[,] new.parm <- ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[2], pat.mat[k, 2], pat.mat[k, 3])) ##for predictions new.pred.parm <- ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[2], pat.mat[k, 2], pat.mat[k, 3])) ##replace in[,] <- as.factor(new.pred.parm) ##convert to factor only for cases with different groups if(length(unique(new.parm)) > 1) { data.iter[,] <- as.factor(new.parm) ##run model on updated data mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predict(mod.list[[k]], type = type, newdata =, = TRUE) } else { ##if constant, remove from model mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, as.formula(paste(". ~ . -",, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predict(mod.list[[k]], type = type, newdata =, = TRUE) } } } if(n.groups == 4) { ##loop over matrix and change parameterization for(k in 1:nrow(pat.mat)) { orig.parm <- data.set[,] new.parm <- ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[2], pat.mat[k, 2], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[3], pat.mat[k, 3], pat.mat[k, 4]))) ##for predictions new.pred.parm <- ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[2], pat.mat[k, 2], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[3], pat.mat[k, 3], pat.mat[k, 4]))) ##replace in[,] <- as.factor(new.pred.parm) ## data.iter[,] <- new.parm ##convert to factor only for cases with different groups if(length(unique(new.parm)) > 1) { data.iter[,] <- as.factor(new.parm) ##run model on updated data mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predict(mod.list[[k]], type = type, newdata =, = TRUE) } else { ##if constant, remove from model mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, as.formula(paste(". ~ . -",, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predict(mod.list[[k]], type = type, newdata =, = TRUE) } } } if(n.groups == 5) { ##loop over matrix and change parameterization for(k in 1:nrow(pat.mat)) { orig.parm <- data.set[,] new.parm <- ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[2], pat.mat[k, 2], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[3], pat.mat[k, 3], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[4], pat.mat[k, 4], pat.mat[k, 5])))) ##for predictions new.pred.parm <- ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[2], pat.mat[k, 2], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[3], pat.mat[k, 3], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[4], pat.mat[k, 4], pat.mat[k, 5])))) ##replace in[,] <- as.factor(new.pred.parm) ## data.iter[,] <- new.parm ##convert to factor only for cases with different groups if(length(unique(new.parm)) > 1) { data.iter[,] <- as.factor(new.parm) ##run model on updated data mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predict(mod.list[[k]], type = type, newdata =, = TRUE) } else { ##if constant, remove from model mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, as.formula(paste(". ~ . -",, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predict(mod.list[[k]], type = type, newdata =, = TRUE) } } } if(n.groups == 6) { ##loop over matrix and change parameterization for(k in 1:nrow(pat.mat)) { orig.parm <- data.set[,] new.parm <- ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[2], pat.mat[k, 2], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[3], pat.mat[k, 3], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[4], pat.mat[k, 4], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[5], pat.mat[k, 5], pat.mat[k, 6]))))) ##for predictions new.pred.parm <- ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[2], pat.mat[k, 2], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[3], pat.mat[k, 3], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[4], pat.mat[k, 4], pat.mat[k, 5])))) ##replace in[,] <- as.factor(new.pred.parm) ## data.iter[,] <- new.parm ##convert to factor only for cases with different groups if(length(unique(new.parm)) > 1) { data.iter[,] <- as.factor(new.parm) ##run model on updated data mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predict(mod.list[[k]], type = type, newdata =, = TRUE) } else { ##if constant, remove from model mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, as.formula(paste(". ~ . -",, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predict(mod.list[[k]], type = type, newdata =, = TRUE) } } } ##if group label should be letters if(letter.labels) { letter.mat <- matrix(data = letters[pat.mat], ncol = ncol(pat.mat)) pat.mat <- letter.mat } ##create vector of names model.names <- apply(X = pat.mat, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = ""))##use contrasts in name ##1111, 122, etc... model.names <- paste("m_", model.names, sep = "") ##compute AICc table for output out.table <- aictab(cand.set = mod.list, modnames = model.names, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = sort) out.table.avg <- aictab(cand.set = mod.list, modnames = model.names, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) Mod.avg.out <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(, ncol = 2) colnames(Mod.avg.out) <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE") rownames(Mod.avg.out) <- ord.groups ##iterate over predictions for(m in 1:nrow({ ##add fitted values in table out.table.avg$fit <- unlist(lapply(X = pred.list, FUN = function(i) i$fit[m])) out.table.avg$SE <- unlist(lapply(X = pred.list, FUN = function(i) i$[m])) ##model-averaged estimate mod.avg.est <- out.table.avg[, 6] %*% out.table.avg$fit Mod.avg.out[m, 1] <- mod.avg.est ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[m, 2] <- sum(out.table.avg[, 6] * sqrt(out.table.avg$SE^2 + (out.table.avg$fit - as.vector(mod.avg.est))^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[m, 2] <- sqrt(sum(out.table.avg[, 6] * (out.table.avg$SE^2 + (out.table.avg$fit - as.vector(mod.avg.est))^2))) } } ################################################# ###NEW CODE ################################################# ##compute model-average estimates ##classic uncorrected for multiple comparisons ##extract quantile ##no correction for multiple comparisons if(identical(correction, "none")){ z.crit <- qnorm(p = (1 - conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE) } ##number of possible comparisons ncomp <- choose(n.groups, 2) ##Bonferroni correction if(identical(correction, "bonferroni")){ alpha.corr <- (1 - conf.level)/ncomp z.crit <- qnorm(p = alpha.corr/2, lower.tail = FALSE) } ##Sidak correction if(identical(correction, "sidak")){ alpha.corr <- 1 - (conf.level)^(1/ncomp) z.crit <- qnorm(p = alpha.corr/2, lower.tail = FALSE) } ##compute CI's Lower.CL <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] - z.crit * Mod.avg.out[, 2] Upper.CL <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] + z.crit * Mod.avg.out[, 2] ##combine results in matrix out.matrix <- cbind(Mod.avg.out, Lower.CL, Upper.CL) ##arrange output results <- list( =, models = mod.list, model.names = model.names, model.table = out.table, ordered.levels = ord.groups, model.avg.est = out.matrix, conf.level = conf.level, correction = correction) ################################################# ###NEW CODE ################################################# class(results) <- c("multComp", "list") return(results) } ##mer multComp.mer <- function(mod,, letter.labels = TRUE, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, newdata = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, correction = "none", type = "response", ...) { ##2^(k - 1) combinations of group patterns ##extract data set from model ##unmarked models are not supported yet ##check if S4 ##if mer or merMod objects data.set <- eval(mod@call$data, environment(formula(mod))) ##add a check for missing values if(any( stop("\nMissing values occur in the data set:\n", "remove these values before proceeding") ##check for presence of interactions form.check <- formula(mod) form.mod <- strsplit(as.character(form.check), split="~")[[3]] if(attr(regexpr(paste(":",, sep = ""), form.mod), "match.length") != -1 || attr(regexpr(paste(, ":", sep = ""), form.mod), "match.length") != -1 || attr(regexpr(paste("\\*",, form.mod), "match.length") != -1 || attr(regexpr(paste(, "\\*"), form.mod), "match.length") != -1 ) { stop("\nDo not involve the factor of interest in interaction terms with this function,\n", "see \"?multComp\" for details on specifying interaction terms\n") } ##identify column with parm.vals <- data.set[,] ##check that variable is factor if(!is.factor(parm.vals)) stop("\n'' must be a factor\n") ##identify response variable <- as.character(formula(mod))[2] ##check for response variable if(!any(names(data.set) == stop("\nThis function does not support transformations of the response variable in the formula\n") ##changed to allow when response variable is transformed ##in the formula to avoid error resp <- data.set[,] ##determine group identity <- levels(parm.vals) ##determine number of groups n.groups <- length( ##order group means ord.means <- sort(tapply(X = resp, INDEX = parm.vals, FUN = mean)) ##or sort(tapply(X = fitted(mod), INDEX = parm.vals, FUN = mean)) ##order groups ord.groups <- names(ord.means) ##generic groups gen.groups <- paste(1:n.groups) ###################CHANGES#### ############################## ##newdata is data frame with exact structure of the original data frame (same variable names and type) if(type == "terms") {stop("\nThe terms argument is not defined for this function\n")} ##check data frame for predictions if(is.null(newdata)) { ##if no data set is specified, use first observation in data set <- data.set[1, ] <- ##replicate first line n.groups time for(k in 1:(n.groups-1)){ <- rbind(, } ##add ordered groups[,] <- as.factor(ord.groups) pred.parm <-[,] } else { <- newdata ##check that no more rows are specified than group levels if(nrow(newdata) != n.groups) stop("\nnumber of rows in \'newdata\' must match number of factor levels\n")[,] <- as.factor(ord.groups) pred.parm <-[,] } ##create pattern matrix of group assignment if(n.groups == 2) { ##combinations for 2 groups ##{1, 2} ##{12} ##rows correspond to parameterization of different models pat.mat <- matrix(data = c(1, 2, 1, 1), byrow = TRUE, ncol = 2) } if(n.groups == 3) { ##combinations for 3 groups ##{1, 2, 3} ##{12, 3} ##{1, 23} ##{123} pat.mat <- matrix(data = c(1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1), byrow = TRUE, ncol = 3) } if(n.groups == 4) { ##combinations for 4 groups ##{1, 2, 3, 4} ##{1, 2, 34} ##{12, 3, 4} ##{12, 34} ##{1, 23, 4} ##{1, 234} ##{123, 4} ##{1234} pat.mat <- matrix(data = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 3, 1, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1), byrow = TRUE, ncol = 4) } if(n.groups == 5) { ##combinations for 5 groups ##{1, 2, 3, 4, 5} ##{1, 2, 3, 45} ##{1, 2, 345} ##{1, 2, 34, 5} ##{12, 3, 4, 5} ##{12, 34, 5} ##{12, 3, 45} ##{12, 345} ##{1, 23, 4, 5} ##{1, 23, 45} ##{1, 234, 5} ##{123, 4, 5} ##{123, 45} ##{1234, 5} ##{1, 2345} ##{12345} pat.mat <- matrix(data = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), byrow = TRUE, ncol = 5) } ##combinations for 6 groups if(n.groups == 6) { pat.mat <- matrix(data = c(1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4), byrow = TRUE, ncol = 6) } if(n.groups > 6) stop("\nThis function supports a maximum of 6 groups\n") ##number of models n.mods <- nrow(pat.mat) data.iter <- data.set ##create list to store models mod.list <- vector("list", length = n.mods) ##create list to store preds pred.list <- vector("list", length = n.mods) if(n.groups == 2) { ##loop over matrix and change parameterization for(k in 1:nrow(pat.mat)) { orig.parm <- data.set[,] ##for model new.parm <- ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], pat.mat[k, 2]) ##for predictions new.pred.parm <- ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], pat.mat[k, 2]) ##replace in[,] <- as.factor(new.pred.parm) ##convert to factor only for cases with different groups if(length(unique(new.parm)) > 1) { data.iter[,] <- as.factor(new.parm) ##run model on updated data mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predictSE(mod.list[[k]], newdata =, = TRUE, type = type) } else { ##if constant, remove from model mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, as.formula(paste(". ~ . -",, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predictSE(mod.list[[k]], newdata =, = TRUE, type = type) } } } if(n.groups == 3) { ##loop over matrix and change parameterization for(k in 1:nrow(pat.mat)) { orig.parm <- data.set[,] new.parm <- ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[2], pat.mat[k, 2], pat.mat[k, 3])) ##for predictions new.pred.parm <- ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[2], pat.mat[k, 2], pat.mat[k, 3])) ##replace in[,] <- as.factor(new.pred.parm) ##convert to factor only for cases with different groups if(length(unique(new.parm)) > 1) { data.iter[,] <- as.factor(new.parm) ##run model on updated data mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predictSE(mod.list[[k]], newdata =, = TRUE, type = type) } else { ##if constant, remove from model mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, as.formula(paste(". ~ . -",, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predictSE(mod.list[[k]], newdata =, = TRUE, type = type) } } } if(n.groups == 4) { ##loop over matrix and change parameterization for(k in 1:nrow(pat.mat)) { orig.parm <- data.set[,] new.parm <- ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[2], pat.mat[k, 2], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[3], pat.mat[k, 3], pat.mat[k, 4]))) ##for predictions new.pred.parm <- ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[2], pat.mat[k, 2], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[3], pat.mat[k, 3], pat.mat[k, 4]))) ##replace in[,] <- as.factor(new.pred.parm) ## data.iter[,] <- new.parm ##convert to factor only for cases with different groups if(length(unique(new.parm)) > 1) { data.iter[,] <- as.factor(new.parm) ##run model on updated data mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predictSE(mod.list[[k]], newdata =, = TRUE, type = type) } else { ##if constant, remove from model mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, as.formula(paste(". ~ . -",, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predictSE(mod.list[[k]], newdata =, = TRUE, type = type) } } } if(n.groups == 5) { ##loop over matrix and change parameterization for(k in 1:nrow(pat.mat)) { orig.parm <- data.set[,] new.parm <- ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[2], pat.mat[k, 2], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[3], pat.mat[k, 3], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[4], pat.mat[k, 4], pat.mat[k, 5])))) ##for predictions new.pred.parm <- ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[2], pat.mat[k, 2], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[3], pat.mat[k, 3], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[4], pat.mat[k, 4], pat.mat[k, 5])))) ##replace in[,] <- as.factor(new.pred.parm) ## data.iter[,] <- new.parm ##convert to factor only for cases with different groups if(length(unique(new.parm)) > 1) { data.iter[,] <- as.factor(new.parm) ##run model on updated data mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predictSE(mod.list[[k]], newdata =, = TRUE, type = type) } else { ##if constant, remove from model mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, as.formula(paste(". ~ . -",, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predictSE(mod.list[[k]], newdata =, = TRUE, type = type) } } } if(n.groups == 6) { ##loop over matrix and change parameterization for(k in 1:nrow(pat.mat)) { orig.parm <- data.set[,] new.parm <- ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[2], pat.mat[k, 2], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[3], pat.mat[k, 3], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[4], pat.mat[k, 4], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[5], pat.mat[k, 5], pat.mat[k, 6]))))) ##for predictions new.pred.parm <- ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[2], pat.mat[k, 2], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[3], pat.mat[k, 3], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[4], pat.mat[k, 4], pat.mat[k, 5])))) ##replace in[,] <- as.factor(new.pred.parm) ## data.iter[,] <- new.parm ##convert to factor only for cases with different groups if(length(unique(new.parm)) > 1) { data.iter[,] <- as.factor(new.parm) ##run model on updated data mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predictSE(mod.list[[k]], newdata =, = TRUE, type = type) } else { ##if constant, remove from model mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, as.formula(paste(". ~ . -",, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predictSE(mod.list[[k]], newdata =, = TRUE, type = type) } } } ##if group label should be letters if(letter.labels) { letter.mat <- matrix(data = letters[pat.mat], ncol = ncol(pat.mat)) pat.mat <- letter.mat } ##create vector of names model.names <- apply(X = pat.mat, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = ""))##use contrasts in name ##1111, 122, etc... model.names <- paste("m_", model.names, sep = "") ##compute AICc table for output out.table <- aictab(cand.set = mod.list, modnames = model.names, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = sort) out.table.avg <- aictab(cand.set = mod.list, modnames = model.names, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) Mod.avg.out <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(, ncol = 2) colnames(Mod.avg.out) <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE") rownames(Mod.avg.out) <- ord.groups ##iterate over predictions for(m in 1:nrow({ ##add fitted values in table out.table.avg$fit <- unlist(lapply(X = pred.list, FUN = function(i) i$fit[m])) out.table.avg$SE <- unlist(lapply(X = pred.list, FUN = function(i) i$[m])) ##model-averaged estimate mod.avg.est <- out.table.avg[, 6] %*% out.table.avg$fit Mod.avg.out[m, 1] <- mod.avg.est ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[m, 2] <- sum(out.table.avg[, 6] * sqrt(out.table.avg$SE^2 + (out.table.avg$fit - as.vector(mod.avg.est))^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[m, 2] <- sqrt(sum(out.table.avg[, 6] * (out.table.avg$SE^2 + (out.table.avg$fit - as.vector(mod.avg.est))^2))) } } ################################################# ###NEW CODE ################################################# ##compute model-average estimates ##classic uncorrected for multiple comparisons ##here, uses normal approximation instead of t for lmer ##extract quantile ##no correction for multiple comparisons if(identical(correction, "none")){ z.crit <- qnorm(p = (1 - conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE) } ##number of possible comparisons ncomp <- choose(n.groups, 2) ##Bonferroni correction if(identical(correction, "bonferroni")){ alpha.corr <- (1 - conf.level)/ncomp z.crit <- qnorm(p = alpha.corr/2, lower.tail = FALSE) } ##Sidak correction if(identical(correction, "sidak")){ alpha.corr <- 1 - (conf.level)^(1/ncomp) z.crit <- qnorm(p = alpha.corr/2, lower.tail = FALSE) } ##compute CI's Lower.CL <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] - z.crit * Mod.avg.out[, 2] Upper.CL <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] + z.crit * Mod.avg.out[, 2] ##combine results in matrix out.matrix <- cbind(Mod.avg.out, Lower.CL, Upper.CL) ##arrange output results <- list( =, models = mod.list, model.names = model.names, model.table = out.table, ordered.levels = ord.groups, model.avg.est = out.matrix, conf.level = conf.level, correction = correction) ################################################# ###NEW CODE ################################################# class(results) <- c("multComp", "list") return(results) } ##merMod ##mer multComp.merMod <- function(mod,, letter.labels = TRUE, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, newdata = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, correction = "none", type = "response", ...) { ##2^(k - 1) combinations of group patterns ##extract data set from model ##unmarked models are not supported yet ##check if S4 ##if mer or merMod objects data.set <- eval(mod@call$data, environment(formula(mod))) ##add a check for missing values if(any( stop("\nMissing values occur in the data set:\n", "remove these values before proceeding") ##check for presence of interactions form.check <- formula(mod) form.mod <- strsplit(as.character(form.check), split="~")[[3]] if(attr(regexpr(paste(":",, sep = ""), form.mod), "match.length") != -1 || attr(regexpr(paste(, ":", sep = ""), form.mod), "match.length") != -1 || attr(regexpr(paste("\\*",, form.mod), "match.length") != -1 || attr(regexpr(paste(, "\\*"), form.mod), "match.length") != -1 ) { stop("\nDo not involve the factor of interest in interaction terms with this function,\n", "see \"?multComp\" for details on specifying interaction terms\n") } ##identify column with parm.vals <- data.set[,] ##check that variable is factor if(!is.factor(parm.vals)) stop("\n'' must be a factor\n") ##identify response variable <- as.character(formula(mod))[2] ##check for response variable if(!any(names(data.set) == stop("\nThis function does not support transformations of the response variable in the formula\n") ##changed to allow when response variable is transformed ##in the formula to avoid error resp <- data.set[,] ##determine group identity <- levels(parm.vals) ##determine number of groups n.groups <- length( ##order group means ord.means <- sort(tapply(X = resp, INDEX = parm.vals, FUN = mean)) ##or sort(tapply(X = fitted(mod), INDEX = parm.vals, FUN = mean)) ##order groups ord.groups <- names(ord.means) ##generic groups gen.groups <- paste(1:n.groups) ###################CHANGES#### ############################## ##newdata is data frame with exact structure of the original data frame (same variable names and type) if(type == "terms") {stop("\nThe terms argument is not defined for this function\n")} ##check data frame for predictions if(is.null(newdata)) { ##if no data set is specified, use first observation in data set <- data.set[1, ] <- ##replicate first line n.groups time for(k in 1:(n.groups-1)){ <- rbind(, } ##add ordered groups[,] <- as.factor(ord.groups) pred.parm <-[,] } else { <- newdata ##check that no more rows are specified than group levels if(nrow(newdata) != n.groups) stop("\nnumber of rows in \'newdata\' must match number of factor levels\n")[,] <- as.factor(ord.groups) pred.parm <-[,] } ##create pattern matrix of group assignment if(n.groups == 2) { ##combinations for 2 groups ##{1, 2} ##{12} ##rows correspond to parameterization of different models pat.mat <- matrix(data = c(1, 2, 1, 1), byrow = TRUE, ncol = 2) } if(n.groups == 3) { ##combinations for 3 groups ##{1, 2, 3} ##{12, 3} ##{1, 23} ##{123} pat.mat <- matrix(data = c(1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1), byrow = TRUE, ncol = 3) } if(n.groups == 4) { ##combinations for 4 groups ##{1, 2, 3, 4} ##{1, 2, 34} ##{12, 3, 4} ##{12, 34} ##{1, 23, 4} ##{1, 234} ##{123, 4} ##{1234} pat.mat <- matrix(data = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 3, 1, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1), byrow = TRUE, ncol = 4) } if(n.groups == 5) { ##combinations for 5 groups ##{1, 2, 3, 4, 5} ##{1, 2, 3, 45} ##{1, 2, 345} ##{1, 2, 34, 5} ##{12, 3, 4, 5} ##{12, 34, 5} ##{12, 3, 45} ##{12, 345} ##{1, 23, 4, 5} ##{1, 23, 45} ##{1, 234, 5} ##{123, 4, 5} ##{123, 45} ##{1234, 5} ##{1, 2345} ##{12345} pat.mat <- matrix(data = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), byrow = TRUE, ncol = 5) } ##combinations for 6 groups if(n.groups == 6) { pat.mat <- matrix(data = c(1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4), byrow = TRUE, ncol = 6) } if(n.groups > 6) stop("\nThis function supports a maximum of 6 groups\n") ##number of models n.mods <- nrow(pat.mat) data.iter <- data.set ##create list to store models mod.list <- vector("list", length = n.mods) ##create list to store preds pred.list <- vector("list", length = n.mods) if(n.groups == 2) { ##loop over matrix and change parameterization for(k in 1:nrow(pat.mat)) { orig.parm <- data.set[,] ##for model new.parm <- ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], pat.mat[k, 2]) ##for predictions new.pred.parm <- ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], pat.mat[k, 2]) ##replace in[,] <- as.factor(new.pred.parm) ##convert to factor only for cases with different groups if(length(unique(new.parm)) > 1) { data.iter[,] <- as.factor(new.parm) ##run model on updated data mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predictSE(mod.list[[k]], newdata =, = TRUE, type = type) } else { ##if constant, remove from model mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, as.formula(paste(". ~ . -",, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predictSE(mod.list[[k]], newdata =, = TRUE, type = type) } } } if(n.groups == 3) { ##loop over matrix and change parameterization for(k in 1:nrow(pat.mat)) { orig.parm <- data.set[,] new.parm <- ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[2], pat.mat[k, 2], pat.mat[k, 3])) ##for predictions new.pred.parm <- ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[2], pat.mat[k, 2], pat.mat[k, 3])) ##replace in[,] <- as.factor(new.pred.parm) ##convert to factor only for cases with different groups if(length(unique(new.parm)) > 1) { data.iter[,] <- as.factor(new.parm) ##run model on updated data mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predictSE(mod.list[[k]], newdata =, = TRUE, type = type) } else { ##if constant, remove from model mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, as.formula(paste(". ~ . -",, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predictSE(mod.list[[k]], newdata =, = TRUE, type = type) } } } if(n.groups == 4) { ##loop over matrix and change parameterization for(k in 1:nrow(pat.mat)) { orig.parm <- data.set[,] new.parm <- ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[2], pat.mat[k, 2], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[3], pat.mat[k, 3], pat.mat[k, 4]))) ##for predictions new.pred.parm <- ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[2], pat.mat[k, 2], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[3], pat.mat[k, 3], pat.mat[k, 4]))) ##replace in[,] <- as.factor(new.pred.parm) ## data.iter[,] <- new.parm ##convert to factor only for cases with different groups if(length(unique(new.parm)) > 1) { data.iter[,] <- as.factor(new.parm) ##run model on updated data mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predictSE(mod.list[[k]], newdata =, = TRUE, type = type) } else { ##if constant, remove from model mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, as.formula(paste(". ~ . -",, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predictSE(mod.list[[k]], newdata =, = TRUE, type = type) } } } if(n.groups == 5) { ##loop over matrix and change parameterization for(k in 1:nrow(pat.mat)) { orig.parm <- data.set[,] new.parm <- ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[2], pat.mat[k, 2], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[3], pat.mat[k, 3], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[4], pat.mat[k, 4], pat.mat[k, 5])))) ##for predictions new.pred.parm <- ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[2], pat.mat[k, 2], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[3], pat.mat[k, 3], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[4], pat.mat[k, 4], pat.mat[k, 5])))) ##replace in[,] <- as.factor(new.pred.parm) ## data.iter[,] <- new.parm ##convert to factor only for cases with different groups if(length(unique(new.parm)) > 1) { data.iter[,] <- as.factor(new.parm) ##run model on updated data mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predictSE(mod.list[[k]], newdata =, = TRUE, type = type) } else { ##if constant, remove from model mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, as.formula(paste(". ~ . -",, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predictSE(mod.list[[k]], newdata =, = TRUE, type = type) } } } if(n.groups == 6) { ##loop over matrix and change parameterization for(k in 1:nrow(pat.mat)) { orig.parm <- data.set[,] new.parm <- ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[2], pat.mat[k, 2], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[3], pat.mat[k, 3], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[4], pat.mat[k, 4], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[5], pat.mat[k, 5], pat.mat[k, 6]))))) ##for predictions new.pred.parm <- ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[2], pat.mat[k, 2], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[3], pat.mat[k, 3], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[4], pat.mat[k, 4], pat.mat[k, 5])))) ##replace in[,] <- as.factor(new.pred.parm) ## data.iter[,] <- new.parm ##convert to factor only for cases with different groups if(length(unique(new.parm)) > 1) { data.iter[,] <- as.factor(new.parm) ##run model on updated data mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predictSE(mod.list[[k]], newdata =, = TRUE, type = type) } else { ##if constant, remove from model mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, as.formula(paste(". ~ . -",, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predictSE(mod.list[[k]], newdata =, = TRUE, type = type) } } } ##if group label should be letters if(letter.labels) { letter.mat <- matrix(data = letters[pat.mat], ncol = ncol(pat.mat)) pat.mat <- letter.mat } ##create vector of names model.names <- apply(X = pat.mat, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = ""))##use contrasts in name ##1111, 122, etc... model.names <- paste("m_", model.names, sep = "") ##compute AICc table for output out.table <- aictab(cand.set = mod.list, modnames = model.names, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = sort) out.table.avg <- aictab(cand.set = mod.list, modnames = model.names, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) Mod.avg.out <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(, ncol = 2) colnames(Mod.avg.out) <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE") rownames(Mod.avg.out) <- ord.groups ##iterate over predictions for(m in 1:nrow({ ##add fitted values in table out.table.avg$fit <- unlist(lapply(X = pred.list, FUN = function(i) i$fit[m])) out.table.avg$SE <- unlist(lapply(X = pred.list, FUN = function(i) i$[m])) ##model-averaged estimate mod.avg.est <- out.table.avg[, 6] %*% out.table.avg$fit Mod.avg.out[m, 1] <- mod.avg.est ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[m, 2] <- sum(out.table.avg[, 6] * sqrt(out.table.avg$SE^2 + (out.table.avg$fit - as.vector(mod.avg.est))^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[m, 2] <- sqrt(sum(out.table.avg[, 6] * (out.table.avg$SE^2 + (out.table.avg$fit - as.vector(mod.avg.est))^2))) } } ################################################# ###NEW CODE ################################################# ##compute model-average estimates ##classic uncorrected for multiple comparisons ##here, uses normal approximation instead of t for lmer ##extract quantile ##no correction for multiple comparisons if(identical(correction, "none")){ z.crit <- qnorm(p = (1 - conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE) } ##number of possible comparisons ncomp <- choose(n.groups, 2) ##Bonferroni correction if(identical(correction, "bonferroni")){ alpha.corr <- (1 - conf.level)/ncomp z.crit <- qnorm(p = alpha.corr/2, lower.tail = FALSE) } ##Sidak correction if(identical(correction, "sidak")){ alpha.corr <- 1 - (conf.level)^(1/ncomp) z.crit <- qnorm(p = alpha.corr/2, lower.tail = FALSE) } ##compute CI's Lower.CL <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] - z.crit * Mod.avg.out[, 2] Upper.CL <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] + z.crit * Mod.avg.out[, 2] ##combine results in matrix out.matrix <- cbind(Mod.avg.out, Lower.CL, Upper.CL) ##arrange output results <- list( =, models = mod.list, model.names = model.names, model.table = out.table, ordered.levels = ord.groups, model.avg.est = out.matrix, conf.level = conf.level, correction = correction) ################################################# ###NEW CODE ################################################# class(results) <- c("multComp", "list") return(results) } ##lmerModLmerTest multComp.lmerModLmerTest <- function(mod,, letter.labels = TRUE, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, newdata = NULL, = "revised", conf.level = 0.95, correction = "none", ...) { ##2^(k - 1) combinations of group patterns ##extract data set from model ##unmarked models are not supported yet ##check if S4 ##if mer or merMod objects data.set <- eval(mod@call$data, environment(formula(mod))) ##add a check for missing values if(any( stop("\nMissing values occur in the data set:\n", "remove these values before proceeding") ##check for presence of interactions form.check <- formula(mod) form.mod <- strsplit(as.character(form.check), split="~")[[3]] if(attr(regexpr(paste(":",, sep = ""), form.mod), "match.length") != -1 || attr(regexpr(paste(, ":", sep = ""), form.mod), "match.length") != -1 || attr(regexpr(paste("\\*",, form.mod), "match.length") != -1 || attr(regexpr(paste(, "\\*"), form.mod), "match.length") != -1 ) { stop("\nDo not involve the factor of interest in interaction terms with this function,\n", "see \"?multComp\" for details on specifying interaction terms\n") } ##identify column with parm.vals <- data.set[,] ##check that variable is factor if(!is.factor(parm.vals)) stop("\n'' must be a factor\n") ##identify response variable <- as.character(formula(mod))[2] ##check for response variable if(!any(names(data.set) == stop("\nThis function does not support transformations of the response variable in the formula\n") ##changed to allow when response variable is transformed ##in the formula to avoid error resp <- data.set[,] ##determine group identity <- levels(parm.vals) ##determine number of groups n.groups <- length( ##order group means ord.means <- sort(tapply(X = resp, INDEX = parm.vals, FUN = mean)) ##or sort(tapply(X = fitted(mod), INDEX = parm.vals, FUN = mean)) ##order groups ord.groups <- names(ord.means) ##generic groups gen.groups <- paste(1:n.groups) ###################CHANGES#### ############################## ##newdata is data frame with exact structure of the original data frame (same variable names and type) #if(type == "terms") {stop("\nThe terms argument is not defined for this function\n")} ##check data frame for predictions if(is.null(newdata)) { ##if no data set is specified, use first observation in data set <- data.set[1, ] <- ##replicate first line n.groups time for(k in 1:(n.groups-1)){ <- rbind(, } ##add ordered groups[,] <- as.factor(ord.groups) pred.parm <-[,] } else { <- newdata ##check that no more rows are specified than group levels if(nrow(newdata) != n.groups) stop("\nnumber of rows in \'newdata\' must match number of factor levels\n")[,] <- as.factor(ord.groups) pred.parm <-[,] } ##create pattern matrix of group assignment if(n.groups == 2) { ##combinations for 2 groups ##{1, 2} ##{12} ##rows correspond to parameterization of different models pat.mat <- matrix(data = c(1, 2, 1, 1), byrow = TRUE, ncol = 2) } if(n.groups == 3) { ##combinations for 3 groups ##{1, 2, 3} ##{12, 3} ##{1, 23} ##{123} pat.mat <- matrix(data = c(1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1), byrow = TRUE, ncol = 3) } if(n.groups == 4) { ##combinations for 4 groups ##{1, 2, 3, 4} ##{1, 2, 34} ##{12, 3, 4} ##{12, 34} ##{1, 23, 4} ##{1, 234} ##{123, 4} ##{1234} pat.mat <- matrix(data = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 3, 1, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1), byrow = TRUE, ncol = 4) } if(n.groups == 5) { ##combinations for 5 groups ##{1, 2, 3, 4, 5} ##{1, 2, 3, 45} ##{1, 2, 345} ##{1, 2, 34, 5} ##{12, 3, 4, 5} ##{12, 34, 5} ##{12, 3, 45} ##{12, 345} ##{1, 23, 4, 5} ##{1, 23, 45} ##{1, 234, 5} ##{123, 4, 5} ##{123, 45} ##{1234, 5} ##{1, 2345} ##{12345} pat.mat <- matrix(data = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), byrow = TRUE, ncol = 5) } ##combinations for 6 groups if(n.groups == 6) { pat.mat <- matrix(data = c(1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4), byrow = TRUE, ncol = 6) } if(n.groups > 6) stop("\nThis function supports a maximum of 6 groups\n") ##number of models n.mods <- nrow(pat.mat) data.iter <- data.set ##create list to store models mod.list <- vector("list", length = n.mods) ##create list to store preds pred.list <- vector("list", length = n.mods) if(n.groups == 2) { ##loop over matrix and change parameterization for(k in 1:nrow(pat.mat)) { orig.parm <- data.set[,] ##for model new.parm <- ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], pat.mat[k, 2]) ##for predictions new.pred.parm <- ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], pat.mat[k, 2]) ##replace in[,] <- as.factor(new.pred.parm) ##convert to factor only for cases with different groups if(length(unique(new.parm)) > 1) { data.iter[,] <- as.factor(new.parm) ##run model on updated data mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predictSE(mod.list[[k]], newdata =, = TRUE) } else { ##if constant, remove from model mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, as.formula(paste(". ~ . -",, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predictSE(mod.list[[k]], newdata =, = TRUE) } } } if(n.groups == 3) { ##loop over matrix and change parameterization for(k in 1:nrow(pat.mat)) { orig.parm <- data.set[,] new.parm <- ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[2], pat.mat[k, 2], pat.mat[k, 3])) ##for predictions new.pred.parm <- ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[2], pat.mat[k, 2], pat.mat[k, 3])) ##replace in[,] <- as.factor(new.pred.parm) ##convert to factor only for cases with different groups if(length(unique(new.parm)) > 1) { data.iter[,] <- as.factor(new.parm) ##run model on updated data mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predictSE(mod.list[[k]], newdata =, = TRUE) } else { ##if constant, remove from model mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, as.formula(paste(". ~ . -",, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predictSE(mod.list[[k]], newdata =, = TRUE) } } } if(n.groups == 4) { ##loop over matrix and change parameterization for(k in 1:nrow(pat.mat)) { orig.parm <- data.set[,] new.parm <- ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[2], pat.mat[k, 2], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[3], pat.mat[k, 3], pat.mat[k, 4]))) ##for predictions new.pred.parm <- ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[2], pat.mat[k, 2], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[3], pat.mat[k, 3], pat.mat[k, 4]))) ##replace in[,] <- as.factor(new.pred.parm) ## data.iter[,] <- new.parm ##convert to factor only for cases with different groups if(length(unique(new.parm)) > 1) { data.iter[,] <- as.factor(new.parm) ##run model on updated data mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predictSE(mod.list[[k]], newdata =, = TRUE) } else { ##if constant, remove from model mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, as.formula(paste(". ~ . -",, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predictSE(mod.list[[k]], newdata =, = TRUE) } } } if(n.groups == 5) { ##loop over matrix and change parameterization for(k in 1:nrow(pat.mat)) { orig.parm <- data.set[,] new.parm <- ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[2], pat.mat[k, 2], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[3], pat.mat[k, 3], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[4], pat.mat[k, 4], pat.mat[k, 5])))) ##for predictions new.pred.parm <- ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[2], pat.mat[k, 2], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[3], pat.mat[k, 3], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[4], pat.mat[k, 4], pat.mat[k, 5])))) ##replace in[,] <- as.factor(new.pred.parm) ## data.iter[,] <- new.parm ##convert to factor only for cases with different groups if(length(unique(new.parm)) > 1) { data.iter[,] <- as.factor(new.parm) ##run model on updated data mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predictSE(mod.list[[k]], newdata =, = TRUE) } else { ##if constant, remove from model mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, as.formula(paste(". ~ . -",, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predictSE(mod.list[[k]], newdata =, = TRUE) } } } if(n.groups == 6) { ##loop over matrix and change parameterization for(k in 1:nrow(pat.mat)) { orig.parm <- data.set[,] new.parm <- ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[2], pat.mat[k, 2], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[3], pat.mat[k, 3], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[4], pat.mat[k, 4], ifelse(orig.parm == ord.groups[5], pat.mat[k, 5], pat.mat[k, 6]))))) ##for predictions new.pred.parm <- ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[1], pat.mat[k, 1], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[2], pat.mat[k, 2], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[3], pat.mat[k, 3], ifelse(pred.parm == ord.groups[4], pat.mat[k, 4], pat.mat[k, 5])))) ##replace in[,] <- as.factor(new.pred.parm) ## data.iter[,] <- new.parm ##convert to factor only for cases with different groups if(length(unique(new.parm)) > 1) { data.iter[,] <- as.factor(new.parm) ##run model on updated data mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predictSE(mod.list[[k]], newdata =, = TRUE) } else { ##if constant, remove from model mod.list[[k]] <- update(mod, as.formula(paste(". ~ . -",, data = data.iter) ##compute predictions pred.list[[k]] <- predictSE(mod.list[[k]], newdata =, = TRUE) } } } ##if group label should be letters if(letter.labels) { letter.mat <- matrix(data = letters[pat.mat], ncol = ncol(pat.mat)) pat.mat <- letter.mat } ##create vector of names model.names <- apply(X = pat.mat, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(i) paste(i, collapse = ""))##use contrasts in name ##1111, 122, etc... model.names <- paste("m_", model.names, sep = "") ##compute AICc table for output out.table <- aictab(cand.set = mod.list, modnames = model.names, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = sort) out.table.avg <- aictab(cand.set = mod.list, modnames = model.names, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, sort = FALSE) Mod.avg.out <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(, ncol = 2) colnames(Mod.avg.out) <- c("Mod.avg.est", "Uncond.SE") rownames(Mod.avg.out) <- ord.groups ##iterate over predictions for(m in 1:nrow({ ##add fitted values in table out.table.avg$fit <- unlist(lapply(X = pred.list, FUN = function(i) i$fit[m])) out.table.avg$SE <- unlist(lapply(X = pred.list, FUN = function(i) i$[m])) ##model-averaged estimate mod.avg.est <- out.table.avg[, 6] %*% out.table.avg$fit Mod.avg.out[m, 1] <- mod.avg.est ##unconditional SE based on equation 4.9 of Burnham and Anderson 2002 if(identical(, "old")) { Mod.avg.out[m, 2] <- sum(out.table.avg[, 6] * sqrt(out.table.avg$SE^2 + (out.table.avg$fit - as.vector(mod.avg.est))^2)) } ##revised computation of unconditional SE based on equation 6.12 of Burnham and Anderson 2002; Anderson 2008, p. 111 if(identical(, "revised")) { Mod.avg.out[m, 2] <- sqrt(sum(out.table.avg[, 6] * (out.table.avg$SE^2 + (out.table.avg$fit - as.vector(mod.avg.est))^2))) } } ################################################# ###NEW CODE ################################################# ##compute model-average estimates ##classic uncorrected for multiple comparisons ##here, uses normal approximation instead of t for lmer ##extract quantile ##no correction for multiple comparisons if(identical(correction, "none")){ z.crit <- qnorm(p = (1 - conf.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE) } ##number of possible comparisons ncomp <- choose(n.groups, 2) ##Bonferroni correction if(identical(correction, "bonferroni")){ alpha.corr <- (1 - conf.level)/ncomp z.crit <- qnorm(p = alpha.corr/2, lower.tail = FALSE) } ##Sidak correction if(identical(correction, "sidak")){ alpha.corr <- 1 - (conf.level)^(1/ncomp) z.crit <- qnorm(p = alpha.corr/2, lower.tail = FALSE) } ##compute CI's Lower.CL <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] - z.crit * Mod.avg.out[, 2] Upper.CL <- Mod.avg.out[, 1] + z.crit * Mod.avg.out[, 2] ##combine results in matrix out.matrix <- cbind(Mod.avg.out, Lower.CL, Upper.CL) ##arrange output results <- list( =, models = mod.list, model.names = model.names, model.table = out.table, ordered.levels = ord.groups, model.avg.est = out.matrix, conf.level = conf.level, correction = correction) ################################################# ###NEW CODE ################################################# class(results) <- c("multComp", "list") return(results) } ##print method print.multComp <- function(x, digits = 2, LL = TRUE, ...) { ##extract model table parm <- x$ ord.groups <- x$ordered.levels mod.avg.out <- x$model.avg.est conf.level <- x$conf.level correction <- x$correction x <- x$model.table cat("\nModel selection for multiple comparisons of \"", parm, "\" based on ", colnames(x)[3], ":\n", sep = "") if (any(names(x) == "c_hat")) {cat("(c-hat estimate = ", x$c_hat[1], ")\n", sep = "")} cat("\n") #check if Cum.Wt should be printed if(any(names(x) == "Cum.Wt")) { <- cbind(x[, 2], x[, 3], x[, 4], x[, 6], x[, "Cum.Wt"], x[, 7]) colnames( <- c(colnames(x)[c(2, 3, 4, 6)], "Cum.Wt", colnames(x)[7]) rownames( <- x[, 1] } else { <- cbind(x[, 2], x[, 3], x[, 4], x[, 6], x[, 7]) colnames( <- c(colnames(x)[c(2, 3, 4, 6, 7)]) rownames( <- x[, 1] } #if LL==FALSE if(identical(LL, FALSE)) { names.cols <- colnames( sel.LL <- which(attr(regexpr(pattern = "LL", text = names.cols), "match.length") > 1) <-[, -sel.LL] } print(round(, digits = digits)) #select rounding off with digits argument cat("\nLabels in model names denote grouping structure and\n") cat("are ordered based on increasing means:\t", ord.groups, "\n") cat("\nModel-averaged estimates of group means:", "\n") print(round(mod.avg.out, digits = digits)) cat("---\n") if(identical(correction, "none")) { cat("Note: ", conf.level*100, "% unconditional confidence intervals uncorrected for multiple comparisons\n", sep = "") } if(identical(correction, "bonferroni")) { cat("Note: ", conf.level*100, "% unconditional confidence intervals with Bonferroni adjustment\n", sep = "") } if(identical(correction, "sidak")) { cat("Note: ", conf.level*100, "% unconditional confidence intervals with Sidak adjustment\n", sep = "") } cat("\n") }
##generic predictSE <- function(mod, newdata, = TRUE, print.matrix = FALSE, ...){ UseMethod("predictSE", mod) } ##default predictSE.default <- function(mod, newdata, = TRUE, print.matrix = FALSE, ...){ stop("\nFunction not yet defined for this object class\n") } ##predictions not accounting for correlation structure - using Delta method ##gls predictSE.gls <- function(mod, newdata, = TRUE, print.matrix = FALSE, ...){ ##first part of code converts data.frame (including factors) into design matrix of model ##fixed <- mod$call$model[-2] #extract only fixed portion of model formula fixed <- formula(mod)[-2] #modification suggested by C. R. Andersen to extract left part of model formula tt <- terms.formula(formula(mod)) TT <- delete.response(tt) newdata <- ################################################################################################################# ########################### This following piece of code is modified from predict.lme( ) from nlme package ################################################################################################################# mfArgs <- list(formula = fixed, data = newdata) dataMix <-"model.frame", mfArgs) ## making sure factor levels are the same as in contrasts contr <- mod$contrasts for(i in names(dataMix)) { if (inherits(dataMix[,i], "factor") && !is.null(contr[[i]])) { levs <- levels(dataMix[,i]) levsC <- dimnames(contr[[i]])[[1]] if (any(wch <-, levsC)))) { stop(paste("Levels", paste(levs[wch], collapse = ","), "not allowed for", i)) } attr(dataMix[,i], "contrasts") <- contr[[i]][levs, , drop = FALSE] } } ################################################################################################################# ########################### The previous piece of code is modified from predict.lme( ) from nlme package ################################################################################################################# m <- model.frame(TT, data=dataMix) des.matrix <- model.matrix(TT, m) newdata <- des.matrix #we now have a design matrix ######START OF PREDICT FUNCTION ###### fix.coef <- coef(mod) ncoefs <- length(fix.coef) names.coef <- labels(fix.coef) nvals <- dim(newdata)[1] ##check for intercept fixed effect term in model int.yes <- any(names.coef == "(Intercept)") ##if no intercept term, return error if(!int.yes) stop("\nThis function does not work with models excluding the intercept terms\n") formula <- character(length=ncoefs) nbetas <- ncoefs - 1 if(int.yes & nbetas >= 1) { ##create loop to construct formula for derivative formula <- paste("Beta", 1:nbetas, sep="") formula <- c("Beta0", formula) } else { if(int.yes & nbetas == 0) { formula <- "Beta0" } } ##for models without intercept - formula <- paste("Beta", 1:ncoefs, sep="") ##a loop to assemble formula ##first, identify interaction terms inters <- rep(NA, ncoefs) for (m in 1:ncoefs) { inters[m] <- attr(regexpr(pattern = ":", text = names.coef[m]), "match.length") } ##change the name of the labels for flexibility names.cov <- paste("cov", 1:ncoefs-1, sep="") if(!int.yes) {names.cov <- paste("cov", 1:ncoefs, sep="")} id <- which(inters == 1) for (k in 1:length(id)) { names.cov[id[k]] <- paste("inter", k, sep="") } ##iterate and combine betas and covariates formula2 <- character(length = ncoefs) for(b in 1:ncoefs) { formula2[b] <- paste(formula[b], names.cov[b], sep="*") } ##replace with Beta0 if fixed intercept term present if(int.yes) {formula2[1] <- "Beta0"} ##collapse into a single equation and convert to expression ##parse returns the unevaluated expression <- parse(text = as.expression(paste(formula2, collapse="+")), srcfile = NULL) ##add step to remove white space to avoid reaching 500 character limit ##remove space within expression <- gsub("[[:space:]]+", "", as.character( equation <- parse(text = as.expression( ## if(identical(, TRUE)) { ##determine number of partial derivatives to compute part.devs <- list( ) for(j in 1:ncoefs) { part.devs[[j]] <- D(equation, formula[j]) } } ##determine number of covariates excluding interaction terms ncovs <- ncoefs - length(id) ##assign values of covariates cov.values <- list() ##if only intercept, then add column if(int.yes && ncovs == 1) { cov.values[[1]] <- 1 } if(int.yes && ncovs > 1) { cov.values[[1]] <- rep(1, nvals) for (q in 2:ncoefs) { cov.values[[q]] <- newdata[, labels(fix.coef)[q]] } } else { for (q in 1:ncoefs) { cov.values[[q]] <- newdata[, labels(fix.coef)[q]] } } names(cov.values) <- names.cov cov.values.mat <- matrix(data = unlist(cov.values), nrow = nvals, ncol = ncoefs) if(identical(, TRUE)) { ##substitute a given row for each covariate predicted.SE <- matrix(NA, nrow = nvals, ncol = 2) colnames(predicted.SE) <- c("Pred.value", "SE") rownames(predicted.SE) <- 1:nvals part.devs.eval <- list( ) part.devs.eval[[1]] <- 1 for (w in 1:nvals) { if(int.yes && ncovs > 1) { for (p in 2:ncoefs) { part.devs.eval[[p]] <- cov.values[names.cov[p]][[1]][w] } } # else { ##for cases without intercept ##for (p in 1:ncoefs) { ## part.devs.eval[[p]] <- cov.values[names.cov[p]][[1]][w] ##} ##} part.devs.solved <- unlist(part.devs.eval) ##extract vc matrix vcmat <- vcov(mod) mat_partialdevs<-as.matrix(part.devs.solved) #create matrix from vector of 2 rows by 1 column mat_tpartialdevs<-t(part.devs.solved) #transpose of partial derivatives to have 2 columns by 1 row #####5) var_hat<-mat_tpartialdevs%*%vcmat%*%mat_partialdevs SE<-sqrt(var_hat) predicted.vals <- fix.coef%*%cov.values.mat[w,] predicted.SE[w, 1] <- predicted.vals predicted.SE[w, 2] <- SE } <- list(fit = predicted.SE[,"Pred.value"], = predicted.SE[, "SE"]) } else { predicted.SE <- matrix(NA, nrow = nvals, ncol = 1) colnames(predicted.SE) <- c("Pred.value") rownames(predicted.SE) <- 1:nvals for (w in 1:nvals) { predicted.vals <- fix.coef%*%cov.values.mat[w,] predicted.SE[w, 1] <- predicted.vals } <- predicted.SE colnames( <- "fit" } ##print as nice matrix, otherwise print as list if(identical(print.matrix, TRUE)) { <- predicted.SE if(identical(, TRUE)) { colnames( <- c("fit", "") } else { colnames( <- c("fit") } } return( } ##lme predictSE.lme <- function(mod, newdata, = TRUE, print.matrix = FALSE, level = 0, ...){ ##logical test for level if(!identical(level, 0)) stop("\nThis function does not support computation of predicted values\n", "or standard errors for higher levels of nesting\n") ##first part of code converts data.frame (including factors) into design matrix of model #fixed <- mod$call$fixed[-2] #extract only fixed portion of model formula - creates problems if formula specified in separate object fixed <- formula(mod)[-2] #extract only fixed portion of model formula tt <- terms(mod) TT <- delete.response(tt) newdata <- ################################################################################################################# ########################### This following piece of code is modified from predict.lme( ) from nlme package ################################################################################################################# mfArgs <- list(formula = fixed, data = newdata) dataMix <-"model.frame", mfArgs) ## making sure factor levels are the same as in contrasts contr <- mod$contrasts for(i in names(dataMix)) { if (inherits(dataMix[,i], "factor") && !is.null(contr[[i]])) { levs <- levels(dataMix[,i]) levsC <- dimnames(contr[[i]])[[1]] ##could change to rownames(contr[[i]]) if (any(wch <-, levsC)))) { stop(paste("Levels", paste(levs[wch], collapse = ","), "not allowed for", i)) } attr(dataMix[,i], "contrasts") <- contr[[i]][levs, , drop = FALSE] } } ################################################################################################################# ########################### The previous piece of code is modified from predict.lme( ) from nlme package ################################################################################################################# m <- model.frame(TT, data=dataMix) des.matrix <- model.matrix(TT, m) newdata <- des.matrix #we now have a design matrix ######START OF PREDICT FUNCTION ###### fix.coef <- fixef(mod) ncoefs <- length(fix.coef) names.coef <- labels(fix.coef) nvals <- dim(newdata)[1] ##check for intercept fixed effect term in model int.yes <- any(names.coef == "(Intercept)") ##if no intercept term, return error if(!int.yes) stop("\nThis function does not work with models excluding the intercept terms\n") formula <- character(length=ncoefs) nbetas <- ncoefs - 1 if(int.yes & nbetas >= 1) { ##create loop to construct formula for derivative formula <- paste("Beta", 1:nbetas, sep="") formula <- c("Beta0", formula) } else { if(int.yes & nbetas == 0) { formula <- "Beta0" } } ##for models without intercept - formula <- paste("Beta", 1:ncoefs, sep="") ##a loop to assemble formula ##first, identify interaction terms inters <- rep(NA, ncoefs) for (m in 1:ncoefs) { inters[m] <- attr(regexpr(pattern = ":", text = names.coef[m]), "match.length") } ##change the name of the labels for flexibility names.cov <- paste("cov", 1:ncoefs-1, sep="") if(!int.yes) {names.cov <- paste("cov", 1:ncoefs, sep="")} id <- which(inters == 1) for (k in 1:length(id)) { names.cov[id[k]] <- paste("inter", k, sep="") } ##iterate and combine betas and covariates formula2 <- character(length = ncoefs) for(b in 1:ncoefs) { formula2[b] <- paste(formula[b], names.cov[b], sep="*") } ##replace with Beta0 if fixed intercept term present if(int.yes) {formula2[1] <- "Beta0"} ##collapse into a single equation and convert to expression ##parse returns the unevaluated expression <- parse(text = as.expression(paste(formula2, collapse="+")), srcfile = NULL) ##add step to remove white space to avoid reaching 500 character limit ##remove space within expression <- gsub("[[:space:]]+", "", as.character( equation <- parse(text = as.expression( ## if(identical(, TRUE)) { ##determine number of partial derivatives to compute part.devs <- list( ) for(j in 1:ncoefs) { part.devs[[j]] <- D(equation, formula[j]) } } ##determine number of covariates excluding interaction terms ncovs <- ncoefs - length(id) ##assign values of covariates cov.values <- list() ##if only intercept, then add column if(int.yes && ncovs == 1) { cov.values[[1]] <- 1 } if(int.yes && ncovs > 1) { cov.values[[1]] <- rep(1, nvals) for (q in 2:ncoefs) { cov.values[[q]] <- newdata[, labels(fix.coef)[q]] } } else { for (q in 1:ncoefs) { cov.values[[q]] <- newdata[, labels(fix.coef)[q]] } } names(cov.values) <- names.cov cov.values.mat <- matrix(data = unlist(cov.values), nrow = nvals, ncol = ncoefs) if(identical(, TRUE)) { ##substitute a given row for each covariate predicted.SE <- matrix(NA, nrow = nvals, ncol = 2) colnames(predicted.SE) <- c("Pred.value", "SE") rownames(predicted.SE) <- 1:nvals part.devs.eval <- list( ) part.devs.eval[[1]] <- 1 for (w in 1:nvals) { if(int.yes && ncovs > 1) { for (p in 2:ncoefs) { part.devs.eval[[p]] <- cov.values[names.cov[p]][[1]][w] } } # else { ##for cases without intercept ##for (p in 1:ncoefs) { ## part.devs.eval[[p]] <- cov.values[names.cov[p]][[1]][w] ##} ##} part.devs.solved <- unlist(part.devs.eval) ##extract vc matrix vcmat <- vcov(mod) mat_partialdevs<-as.matrix(part.devs.solved) #create matrix from vector of 2 rows by 1 column mat_tpartialdevs<-t(part.devs.solved) #transpose of partial derivatives to have 2 columns by 1 row #####5) var_hat<-mat_tpartialdevs%*%vcmat%*%mat_partialdevs SE<-sqrt(var_hat) predicted.vals <- fix.coef%*%cov.values.mat[w,] predicted.SE[w, 1] <- predicted.vals predicted.SE[w, 2] <- SE } <- list(fit = predicted.SE[,"Pred.value"], = predicted.SE[, "SE"]) } else { predicted.SE <- matrix(NA, nrow = nvals, ncol = 1) colnames(predicted.SE) <- c("Pred.value") rownames(predicted.SE) <- 1:nvals for (w in 1:nvals) { predicted.vals <- fix.coef%*%cov.values.mat[w,] predicted.SE[w, 1] <- predicted.vals } <- predicted.SE colnames( <- "fit" } ##print as nice matrix, otherwise print as list if(identical(print.matrix, TRUE)) { <- predicted.SE if(identical(, TRUE)) { colnames( <- c("fit", "") } else { colnames( <- c("fit") } } return( } ##mer ##current function only works for offset with Poisson distribution and log link predictSE.mer <- function(mod, newdata, = TRUE, print.matrix = FALSE, level = 0, type = "response", ...){ ##logical test for level if(!identical(level, 0)) stop("\nThis function does not support computation of predicted values\n", "or standard errors for higher levels of nesting\n") ########################################################################## ###determine characteristics of glmm ########################################################################## mod.details <- fam.type <- mod.details$family link.type <- mod.details$link <- mod.details$supp if(identical(, "no")) stop("\nOnly canonical link is supported with current version of function\n") if(identical(link.type, "other")) stop("\nThis function is not yet defined for the specified link function\n") ########################################################################## ##this part of code converts data.frame (including factors) into design matrix of model tt <- terms(mod) TT <- delete.response(tt) newdata <- ################################################################################################################# ########################### This following clever piece of code is modified from predict.lme( ) from nlme package ################################################################################################################# mfArgs <- list(formula = TT, data = newdata) dataMix <-"model.frame", mfArgs) ## making sure factor levels are the same as in contrasts ###########this part creates a list to hold factors - changed from nlme orig.frame <- mod@frame ##matrix with info on factors fact.frame <- attr(attr(orig.frame, "terms"), "dataClasses")[-1] ##continue if factors if(any(fact.frame == "factor")) { id.factors <- which(fact.frame == "factor") <- names(fact.frame)[id.factors] #identify the rows for factors contr <- list( ) for(j in { contr[[j]] <- contrasts(orig.frame[, j]) } } ##########end of code to create list changed from nlme for(i in names(dataMix)) { if (inherits(dataMix[,i], "factor") && !is.null(contr[[i]])) { levs <- levels(dataMix[,i]) levsC <- rownames(contr[[i]]) if (any(wch <-, levsC)))) { stop(paste("Levels", paste(levs[wch], collapse = ","), "not allowed for", i)) } attr(dataMix[,i], "contrasts") <- contr[[i]][levs, , drop = FALSE] } } ################################################################################################################# ########################### The previous clever piece of code is modified from predict.lme( ) from nlme package ################################################################################################################# ############################################### ############################################### ### THIS BIT IS MODIFIED FOR OFFSET ############################################### ##check for offset ##if(length(mod@offset) > 0) { ## calls <- attr(TT, "variables") ## off.num <- attr(TT, "offset") ##offset values ##offset.values <- eval(calls[[off.num+1]], newdata) ##} checkCall <- as.list(mod@call) checkOffset <- any(regexpr("offset", text = as.character(names(checkCall))) != -1) if(checkOffset) { calls <- attr(TT, "variables") off.num <- attr(TT, "offset") ##offset values offset.values <- eval(attr(mod@frame, "offset"), newdata) } ############################################### ###END OF MODIFICATIONS FOR OFFSET ############################################### ############################################### ##m <- model.frame(TT, data = dataMix) ##m <- model.frame(TT, data = newdata) gives error when offset is converted to log( ) scale within call des.matrix <- model.matrix(TT, dataMix) newdata <- des.matrix #we now have a design matrix ######START OF PREDICT FUNCTION ###### fix.coef <- fixef(mod) ncoefs <- length(fix.coef) names.coef <- labels(fix.coef) nvals <- dim(newdata)[1] ##check for intercept fixed effect term in model int.yes <- any(names.coef == "(Intercept)") ##if no intercept term, return error if(!int.yes) stop("\nThis function does not work with models excluding the intercept\n") formula <- character(length=ncoefs) nbetas <- ncoefs - 1 if(int.yes & nbetas >= 1) { ##create loop to construct formula for derivative formula <- paste("Beta", 1:nbetas, sep="") formula <- c("Beta0", formula) } else { if(int.yes & nbetas == 0) { formula <- "Beta0" } } ##for models without intercept - formula <- paste("Beta", 1:ncoefs, sep="") ##a loop to assemble formula ##first, identify interaction terms inters <- rep(NA, ncoefs) for (m in 1:ncoefs) { inters[m] <- attr(regexpr(pattern = ":", text = names.coef[m]), "match.length") } ##change the name of the labels for flexibility names.cov <- paste("cov", 1:ncoefs-1, sep="") if(!int.yes) {names.cov <- paste("cov", 1:ncoefs, sep="")} id <- which(inters == 1) for (k in 1:length(id)) { names.cov[id[k]] <- paste("inter", k, sep="") } ##iterate and combine betas and covariates formula2 <- character(length = ncoefs) for(b in 1:ncoefs) { formula2[b] <- paste(formula[b], names.cov[b], sep="*") } ##replace with Beta0 if fixed intercept term present if(int.yes) {formula2[1] <- "Beta0"} ##collapse into a single equation and convert to expression ##parse returns the unevaluated expression <- parse(text = as.expression(paste(formula2, collapse="+")), srcfile = NULL) ##add step to remove white space to avoid reaching 500 character limit ##remove space within expression <- gsub("[[:space:]]+", "", as.character( equation <- parse(text = as.expression( ############################################## ########BEGIN MODIFIED FOR OFFSET############ ############################################## ############################################## if(checkOffset) { ##iterate and combine betas and covariates formula2 <- character(length = ncoefs+1) for(b in 1:ncoefs) { formula2[b] <- paste(formula[b], names.cov[b], sep="*") } ##add offset variable to formula formula2[ncoefs+1] <- "offset.vals" ##replace with Beta0 if fixed intercept term present if(int.yes) {formula2[1] <- "Beta0"} ##collapse into a single equation and convert to expression <- parse(text = as.expression(paste(formula2, collapse="+")), srcfile = NULL) ##add step to remove white space to avoid reaching 500 character limit ##remove space within expression <- gsub("[[:space:]]+", "", as.character( equation <- parse(text = as.expression( } ############################################## ########END MODIFIED FOR OFFSET############### ############################################## ############################################## ##determine number of covariates excluding interaction terms ncovs <- ncoefs - length(id) ##assign values of covariates cov.values <- list( ) ##if only intercept, then add column if(int.yes && ncovs == 1) { cov.values[[1]] <- 1 } if(int.yes && ncovs > 1) { cov.values[[1]] <- rep(1, nvals) for (q in 2:ncoefs) { cov.values[[q]] <- newdata[, labels(fix.coef)[q]] } } else { for (q in 1:ncoefs) { cov.values[[q]] <- newdata[, labels(fix.coef)[q]] } } names(cov.values) <- names.cov cov.values.mat <- matrix(data = unlist(cov.values), nrow = nvals, ncol = ncoefs) ################################################################ ####use the following code to compute predicted values and SE's ####on response scale if identity link is used OR link scale if((identical(type, "response") && identical(link.type, "identity")) || (identical(type, "link"))) { if(identical(, TRUE)) { ##determine number of partial derivatives to compute part.devs <- list( ) for(j in 1:ncoefs) { part.devs[[j]] <- D(equation, formula[j]) } } if(identical(, TRUE)) { ##substitute a given row for each covariate predicted.SE <- matrix(NA, nrow = nvals, ncol = 2) colnames(predicted.SE) <- c("Pred.value", "SE") rownames(predicted.SE) <- 1:nvals part.devs.eval <- list( ) part.devs.eval[[1]] <- 1 for (w in 1:nvals) { if(int.yes && ncovs > 1) { for (p in 2:ncoefs) { part.devs.eval[[p]] <- cov.values[names.cov[p]][[1]][w] } } # else { ##for cases without intercept ##for (p in 1:ncoefs) { ## part.devs.eval[[p]] <- cov.values[names.cov[p]][[1]][w] ##} ##} part.devs.solved <- unlist(part.devs.eval) ##extract vc matrix vcmat <- vcov(mod) mat_partialdevs<-as.matrix(part.devs.solved) #create matrix from vector of 2 rows by 1 column mat_tpartialdevs<-t(part.devs.solved) #transpose of partial derivatives to have 2 columns by 1 row var_hat<-mat_tpartialdevs%*%vcmat%*%mat_partialdevs SE<-sqrt(var_hat) predicted.vals <- fix.coef%*%cov.values.mat[w,] ###################################### ###BEGIN MODIFIED FOR OFFSET ###################################### if(length(mod@offset) > 0) { predicted.vals <- fix.coef%*%cov.values.mat[w,] + offset.values[w] } ###################################### ###END MODIFIED FOR OFFSET ###################################### predicted.SE[w, 1] <- predicted.vals predicted.SE[w, 2] <- SE@x #to extract only value computed } <- list(fit = predicted.SE[,"Pred.value"], = predicted.SE[, "SE"]) } else { predicted.SE <- matrix(NA, nrow = nvals, ncol = 1) colnames(predicted.SE) <- c("Pred.value") rownames(predicted.SE) <- 1:nvals for (w in 1:nvals) { predicted.vals <- fix.coef%*%cov.values.mat[w,] ###################################### ###BEGIN MODIFIED FOR OFFSET ###################################### if(checkOffset) { predicted.vals <- fix.coef%*%cov.values.mat[w,] + offset.values[w] } ###################################### ###END MODIFIED FOR OFFSET ###################################### predicted.SE[w, 1] <- predicted.vals } <- predicted.SE colnames( <- "fit" } } ################################################################################### ################################################################################### ####use the following code to compute predicted values and SE's ####on response scale if other than identity link is used ################################################################################### ################################################################################### if(identical(type, "response") && !identical(link.type, "identity")) { ##for binomial GLMM with logit link if(identical(link.type, "logit")) { ##build partial derivatives <- parse(text = as.expression(paste("exp(", equation, ")/(1+exp(", equation, "))")), srcfile = NULL) ##add step to remove white space to avoid reaching 500 character limit ##remove space within expression <- gsub("[[:space:]]+", "", as.character( logit.eq <- parse(text = as.expression( part.devs <- list( ) for(j in 1:ncoefs) { part.devs[[j]] <- D(logit.eq, formula[j]) } } ##for poisson, gaussian or Gamma GLMM with log link if(identical(link.type, "log")) { ##build partial derivatives <- parse(text = as.expression(paste("exp(", equation, ")")), srcfile = NULL) ##remove space within expression <- gsub("[[:space:]]+", "", as.character( log.eq <- parse(text = as.expression( part.devs <- list( ) for(j in 1:ncoefs) { part.devs[[j]] <- D(log.eq, formula[j]) } } ##assign values of beta estimates to beta parameters beta.vals <- fix.coef names(beta.vals) <- formula ##neat way of assigning beta estimate values to objects using names in beta.vals for(d in 1:ncoefs) { assign(names(beta.vals)[d], beta.vals[d]) } if(identical(, TRUE)) { ##substitute a given row for each covariate predicted.SE <- matrix(NA, nrow = nvals, ncol = 2) colnames(predicted.SE) <- c("Pred.value", "SE") rownames(predicted.SE) <- 1:nvals part.devs.eval <- list( ) for (w in 1:nvals) { if(int.yes && ncovs > 1) { for (p in 1:ncoefs) { cmds <- list( ) for(r in 2:ncoefs) { ##create commands cmds[[r]] <- paste(names.cov[r], "=", "cov.values[[names.cov[", r, "]]][", w, "]") } ###################################### ###BEGIN MODIFIED FOR OFFSET ###################################### ##if offset present, add in equation if(checkOffset) { cmds[[ncoefs+1]] <- paste("offset.vals = offset.values[w]") } ###################################### ###END MODIFIED FOR OFFSET ###################################### ##assemble commands cmd.arg <- paste(unlist(cmds), collapse = ", ") cmd.eval <- paste("eval(expr = part.devs[[", p, "]],", "envir = list(", cmd.arg, ")", ")") ##evaluate partial derivative part.devs.eval[[p]] <- eval(parse(text = cmd.eval)) } } if(int.yes && ncovs == 1) { #for cases with intercept only part.devs.eval[[1]] <- eval(part.devs[[1]]) } ## else { ##for cases without intercept ##for (p in 1:ncoefs) { ## part.devs.eval[[p]] <- cov.values[names.cov[p]][[1]][w] ##} ##} part.devs.solved <- unlist(part.devs.eval) ##extract vc matrix vcmat <- vcov(mod) mat_partialdevs <- as.matrix(part.devs.solved) #create matrix from vector of 2 rows by 1 column mat_tpartialdevs <- t(part.devs.solved) #transpose of partial derivatives to have 2 columns by 1 row var_hat <- mat_tpartialdevs %*% vcmat%*%mat_partialdevs SE <- sqrt(var_hat) predicted.vals <- fix.coef %*% cov.values.mat[w,] ###################################### ###BEGIN MODIFIED FOR OFFSET ###################################### if(checkOffset) { predicted.vals <- fix.coef%*%cov.values.mat[w,] + offset.values[w] } ###################################### ###END MODIFIED FOR OFFSET ###################################### if(identical(link.type, "logit")) { predicted.SE[w, 1] <- exp(predicted.vals)/(1 + exp(predicted.vals)) } else { if(identical(link.type, "log")) { predicted.SE[w, 1] <- exp(predicted.vals) } } predicted.SE[w, 2] <- SE@x #to extract only value computed } <- list(fit = predicted.SE[,"Pred.value"], = predicted.SE[, "SE"]) } else { predicted.SE <- matrix(NA, nrow = nvals, ncol = 1) colnames(predicted.SE) <- c("Pred.value") rownames(predicted.SE) <- 1:nvals for (w in 1:nvals) { predicted.vals <- fix.coef%*%cov.values.mat[w,] ###################################### ###BEGIN MODIFIED FOR OFFSET ###################################### if(checkOffset) { predicted.vals <- fix.coef%*%cov.values.mat[w,] + offset.values[w] } ###################################### ###END MODIFIED FOR OFFSET ###################################### if(identical(link.type, "logit")) { predicted.SE[w, 1] <- exp(predicted.vals)/(1 + exp(predicted.vals)) } else { if(identical(link.type, "log")) { predicted.SE[w, 1] <- exp(predicted.vals) } } } <- predicted.SE colnames( <- "fit" } } ################################################################### ##print as nice matrix, otherwise print as list if(identical(print.matrix, TRUE)) { <- predicted.SE if(identical(, TRUE)) { colnames( <- c("fit", "") } else { colnames( <- c("fit") } } return( } ########################## ########################## ##merMod (glmerMod and lmerMod) fits predictSE.merMod <- function(mod, newdata, = TRUE, print.matrix = FALSE, level = 0, type = "response", ...){ ##logical test for level if(!identical(level, 0)) stop("\nThis function does not support computation of predicted values\n", "or standard errors for higher levels of nesting\n") ########################################################################## ###determine characteristics of glmm ########################################################################## mod.details <- fam.type <- mod.details$family link.type <- mod.details$link <- mod.details$supp if(identical(, "no")) stop("\nOnly canonical link is supported with current version of function\n") if(identical(link.type, "other")) stop("\nThis function is not yet defined for the specified link function\n") ########################################################################## ##this part of code converts data.frame (including factors) into design matrix of model tt <- terms(mod) TT <- delete.response(tt) newdata <- ################################################################################################################# ########################### This following clever piece of code is modified from predict.lme( ) from nlme package ################################################################################################################# mfArgs <- list(formula = TT, data = newdata) dataMix <-"model.frame", mfArgs) ## making sure factor levels are the same as in contrasts ###########this part creates a list to hold factors - changed from nlme orig.frame <- mod@frame ##matrix with info on factors fact.frame <- attr(attr(orig.frame, "terms"), "dataClasses")[-1] ##continue if factors if(any(fact.frame == "factor")) { id.factors <- which(fact.frame == "factor") <- names(fact.frame)[id.factors] #identify the rows for factors contr <- list( ) for(j in { contr[[j]] <- contrasts(orig.frame[, j]) } } ##########end of code to create list changed from nlme for(i in names(dataMix)) { if (inherits(dataMix[,i], "factor") && !is.null(contr[[i]])) { levs <- levels(dataMix[,i]) levsC <- rownames(contr[[i]]) if (any(wch <-, levsC)))) { stop(paste("Levels", paste(levs[wch], collapse = ","), "not allowed for", i)) } attr(dataMix[,i], "contrasts") <- contr[[i]][levs, , drop = FALSE] } } ################################################################################################################# ########################### The previous clever piece of code is modified from predict.lme( ) from nlme package ################################################################################################################# ############################################### ############################################### ### THIS BIT IS MODIFIED FOR OFFSET ############################################### ##check for offset if(length(mod@frame$offset) > 0) { calls <- attr(TT, "variables") off.num <- attr(TT, "offset") ##offset values offset.values <- eval(calls[[off.num+1]], newdata) } ############################################### ###END OF MODIFICATIONS FOR OFFSET ############################################### ############################################### ##m <- model.frame(TT, data = dataMix) ##m <- model.frame(TT, data = newdata) gives error when offset is converted to log( ) scale within call des.matrix <- model.matrix(TT, dataMix) newdata <- des.matrix #we now have a design matrix ######START OF PREDICT FUNCTION ###### fix.coef <- fixef(mod) ncoefs <- length(fix.coef) names.coef <- labels(fix.coef) nvals <- dim(newdata)[1] ##check for intercept fixed effect term in model int.yes <- any(names.coef == "(Intercept)") ##if no intercept term, return error if(!int.yes) stop("\nThis function does not work with models excluding the intercept\n") formula <- character(length=ncoefs) nbetas <- ncoefs - 1 if(int.yes & nbetas >= 1) { ##create loop to construct formula for derivative formula <- paste("Beta", 1:nbetas, sep="") formula <- c("Beta0", formula) } else { if(int.yes & nbetas == 0) { formula <- "Beta0" } } ##for models without intercept - formula <- paste("Beta", 1:ncoefs, sep="") ##a loop to assemble formula ##first, identify interaction terms inters <- rep(NA, ncoefs) for (m in 1:ncoefs) { inters[m] <- attr(regexpr(pattern = ":", text = names.coef[m]), "match.length") } ##change the name of the labels for flexibility names.cov <- paste("cov", 1:ncoefs-1, sep="") if(!int.yes) {names.cov <- paste("cov", 1:ncoefs, sep="")} id <- which(inters == 1) for (k in 1:length(id)) { names.cov[id[k]] <- paste("inter", k, sep="") } ##iterate and combine betas and covariates formula2 <- character(length = ncoefs) for(b in 1:ncoefs) { formula2[b] <- paste(formula[b], names.cov[b], sep="*") } ##replace with Beta0 if fixed intercept term present if(int.yes) {formula2[1] <- "Beta0"} ##collapse into a single equation and convert to expression ##parse returns the unevaluated expression <- parse(text = as.expression(paste(formula2, collapse="+")), srcfile = NULL) ##add step to remove white space to avoid reaching 500 character limit ##remove space within expression <- gsub("[[:space:]]+", "", as.character( equation <- parse(text = as.expression( ############################################## ########BEGIN MODIFIED FOR OFFSET############ ############################################## ############################################## if(length(mod@frame$offset) > 0) { ##iterate and combine betas and covariates formula2 <- character(length = ncoefs+1) for(b in 1:ncoefs) { formula2[b] <- paste(formula[b], names.cov[b], sep="*") } ##add offset variable to formula formula2[ncoefs+1] <- "offset.vals" ##replace with Beta0 if fixed intercept term present if(int.yes) {formula2[1] <- "Beta0"} ##collapse into a single equation and convert to expression <- parse(text = as.expression(paste(formula2, collapse="+")), srcfile = NULL) ##add step to remove white space to avoid reaching 500 character limit ##remove space within expression <- gsub("[[:space:]]+", "", as.character( equation <- parse(text = as.expression( } ############################################## ########END MODIFIED FOR OFFSET############### ############################################## ############################################## ##determine number of covariates excluding interaction terms ncovs <- ncoefs - length(id) ##assign values of covariates cov.values <- list( ) ##if only intercept, then add column if(int.yes && ncovs == 1) { cov.values[[1]] <- 1 } if(int.yes && ncovs > 1) { cov.values[[1]] <- rep(1, nvals) for (q in 2:ncoefs) { cov.values[[q]] <- newdata[, labels(fix.coef)[q]] } } else { for (q in 1:ncoefs) { cov.values[[q]] <- newdata[, labels(fix.coef)[q]] } } names(cov.values) <- names.cov cov.values.mat <- matrix(data = unlist(cov.values), nrow = nvals, ncol = ncoefs) ################################################################ ####use the following code to compute predicted values and SE's ####on response scale if identity link is used OR link scale if((identical(type, "response") && identical(link.type, "identity")) || (identical(type, "link"))) { if(identical(, TRUE)) { ##determine number of partial derivatives to compute part.devs <- list( ) for(j in 1:ncoefs) { part.devs[[j]] <- D(equation, formula[j]) } } if(identical(, TRUE)) { ##substitute a given row for each covariate predicted.SE <- matrix(NA, nrow = nvals, ncol = 2) colnames(predicted.SE) <- c("Pred.value", "SE") rownames(predicted.SE) <- 1:nvals part.devs.eval <- list( ) part.devs.eval[[1]] <- 1 for (w in 1:nvals) { if(int.yes && ncovs > 1) { for (p in 2:ncoefs) { part.devs.eval[[p]] <- cov.values[names.cov[p]][[1]][w] } } # else { ##for cases without intercept ##for (p in 1:ncoefs) { ## part.devs.eval[[p]] <- cov.values[names.cov[p]][[1]][w] ##} ##} part.devs.solved <- unlist(part.devs.eval) ##extract vc matrix vcmat <- vcov(mod) mat_partialdevs<-as.matrix(part.devs.solved) #create matrix from vector of 2 rows by 1 column mat_tpartialdevs<-t(part.devs.solved) #transpose of partial derivatives to have 2 columns by 1 row var_hat<-mat_tpartialdevs%*%vcmat%*%mat_partialdevs SE<-sqrt(var_hat) predicted.vals <- fix.coef%*%cov.values.mat[w,] ###################################### ###BEGIN MODIFIED FOR OFFSET ###################################### if(length(mod@frame$offset) > 0) { predicted.vals <- fix.coef%*%cov.values.mat[w,] + offset.values[w] } ###################################### ###END MODIFIED FOR OFFSET ###################################### predicted.SE[w, 1] <- predicted.vals predicted.SE[w, 2] <- SE@x #to extract only value computed } <- list(fit = predicted.SE[,"Pred.value"], = predicted.SE[, "SE"]) } else { predicted.SE <- matrix(NA, nrow = nvals, ncol = 1) colnames(predicted.SE) <- c("Pred.value") rownames(predicted.SE) <- 1:nvals for (w in 1:nvals) { predicted.vals <- fix.coef%*%cov.values.mat[w,] ###################################### ###BEGIN MODIFIED FOR OFFSET ###################################### if(length(mod@frame$offset) > 0) { predicted.vals <- fix.coef%*%cov.values.mat[w,] + offset.values[w] } ###################################### ###END MODIFIED FOR OFFSET ###################################### predicted.SE[w, 1] <- predicted.vals } <- predicted.SE colnames( <- "fit" } } ################################################################################### ################################################################################### ####use the following code to compute predicted values and SE's ####on response scale if other than identity link is used ################################################################################### ################################################################################### if(identical(type, "response") && !identical(link.type, "identity")) { ##for binomial GLMM with logit link if(identical(link.type, "logit")) { ##build partial derivatives <- parse(text = as.expression(paste("exp(", equation, ")/(1+exp(", equation, "))")), srcfile = NULL) ##add step to remove white space to avoid reaching 500 character limit ##remove space within expression <- gsub("[[:space:]]+", "", as.character( logit.eq <- parse(text = as.expression( part.devs <- list( ) for(j in 1:ncoefs) { part.devs[[j]] <- D(logit.eq, formula[j]) } } ##for poisson, gaussian or Gamma GLMM with log link if(identical(link.type, "log")) { ##build partial derivatives <- parse(text = as.expression(paste("exp(", equation, ")")), srcfile = NULL) ##remove space within expression <- gsub("[[:space:]]+", "", as.character( log.eq <- parse(text = as.expression( part.devs <- list( ) for(j in 1:ncoefs) { part.devs[[j]] <- D(log.eq, formula[j]) } } ##assign values of beta estimates to beta parameters beta.vals <- fix.coef names(beta.vals) <- formula ##neat way of assigning beta estimate values to objects using names in beta.vals for(d in 1:ncoefs) { assign(names(beta.vals)[d], beta.vals[d]) } if(identical(, TRUE)) { ##substitute a given row for each covariate predicted.SE <- matrix(NA, nrow = nvals, ncol = 2) colnames(predicted.SE) <- c("Pred.value", "SE") rownames(predicted.SE) <- 1:nvals part.devs.eval <- list( ) for (w in 1:nvals) { if(int.yes && ncovs > 1) { for (p in 1:ncoefs) { cmds <- list( ) for(r in 2:ncoefs) { ##create commands cmds[[r]] <- paste(names.cov[r], "=", "cov.values[[names.cov[", r, "]]][", w, "]") } ###################################### ###BEGIN MODIFIED FOR OFFSET ###################################### ##if offset present, add in equation if(length(mod@frame$offset) > 0) { cmds[[ncoefs+1]] <- paste("offset.vals = offset.values[w]") } ###################################### ###END MODIFIED FOR OFFSET ###################################### ##assemble commands cmd.arg <- paste(unlist(cmds), collapse = ", ") cmd.eval <- paste("eval(expr = part.devs[[", p, "]],", "envir = list(", cmd.arg, ")", ")") ##evaluate partial derivative part.devs.eval[[p]] <- eval(parse(text = cmd.eval)) } } if(int.yes && ncovs == 1) { #for cases with intercept only part.devs.eval[[1]] <- eval(part.devs[[1]]) } ## else { ##for cases without intercept ##for (p in 1:ncoefs) { ## part.devs.eval[[p]] <- cov.values[names.cov[p]][[1]][w] ##} ##} part.devs.solved <- unlist(part.devs.eval) ##extract vc matrix vcmat <- vcov(mod) mat_partialdevs <- as.matrix(part.devs.solved) #create matrix from vector of 2 rows by 1 column mat_tpartialdevs <- t(part.devs.solved) #transpose of partial derivatives to have 2 columns by 1 row var_hat <- mat_tpartialdevs %*% vcmat%*%mat_partialdevs SE <- sqrt(var_hat) predicted.vals <- fix.coef %*% cov.values.mat[w,] ###################################### ###BEGIN MODIFIED FOR OFFSET ###################################### if(length(mod@frame$offset) > 0) { predicted.vals <- fix.coef%*%cov.values.mat[w,] + offset.values[w] } ###################################### ###END MODIFIED FOR OFFSET ###################################### if(identical(link.type, "logit")) { predicted.SE[w, 1] <- exp(predicted.vals)/(1 + exp(predicted.vals)) } else { if(identical(link.type, "log")) { predicted.SE[w, 1] <- exp(predicted.vals) } } predicted.SE[w, 2] <- SE@x #to extract only value computed } <- list(fit = predicted.SE[,"Pred.value"], = predicted.SE[, "SE"]) } else { predicted.SE <- matrix(NA, nrow = nvals, ncol = 1) colnames(predicted.SE) <- c("Pred.value") rownames(predicted.SE) <- 1:nvals for (w in 1:nvals) { predicted.vals <- fix.coef%*%cov.values.mat[w,] ###################################### ###BEGIN MODIFIED FOR OFFSET ###################################### if(length(mod@frame$offset) > 0) { predicted.vals <- fix.coef%*%cov.values.mat[w,] + offset.values[w] } ###################################### ###END MODIFIED FOR OFFSET ###################################### if(identical(link.type, "logit")) { predicted.SE[w, 1] <- exp(predicted.vals)/(1 + exp(predicted.vals)) } else { if(identical(link.type, "log")) { predicted.SE[w, 1] <- exp(predicted.vals) } } } <- predicted.SE colnames( <- "fit" } } ################################################################### ##print as nice matrix, otherwise print as list if(identical(print.matrix, TRUE)) { <- predicted.SE if(identical(, TRUE)) { colnames( <- c("fit", "") } else { colnames( <- c("fit") } } return( } ##unmarkedFitPCount ##compute predicted values and SE predictSE.unmarkedFitPCount <- function(mod, newdata, = TRUE, print.matrix = FALSE, type = "response", c.hat = 1, parm.type = "lambda", ...) { ##only response scale is supported for ZIP models if(identical(type, "link")) stop("\nLink scale not yet supported for predictions of this model type\n") ##extract data from model object if(! stop("\n'newdata' must be a data frame\n") <- newdata ##nobs nvals <- nrow( ##extract variables on lambda for pcount( ) model lam.est <- coef(mod@estimates@estimates$state) lam.est.noint <- lam.est[-1] ##total parameters lambda + psi ncoefs <- length(lam.est) + 1 ##number of parameters on lambda n.est.lam <- length(lam.est) ##extract variables on psi psi.est <- coef(mod@estimates@estimates$psi) ##check if NULL if(is.null(psi.est)) stop("\nThis function is only for zero-inflated Poisson mixture:\nuse \'predict\' for other cases\n") ##full model labels mod.lab <- labels(coef(mod)) ##extract labels lam.lab <- labels(lam.est) lam.lab.noint <- lam.lab[-1] psi.lab <- labels(psi.est) ##extract formula from model formula <- mod@formula ##if lambda if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) { form <- as.formula(paste("~", formula[3], sep="")) #state } else { stop("\nThis function only supports predictions on lamba\n") } ##extract model frame matrix Mat <- model.frame(formula = form, data = des.mat <- model.matrix(form, Mat) ########################################## ########################################## ##check for offset X.offset <- model.offset(Mat) if(is.null(X.offset)) { X.offset <- rep(0, nrow(Mat)) } ##check for intercept if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) {int.yes <- any(lam.lab == "lam(Int)")} ##if no intercept term, return error if(!int.yes) stop("\nThis function does not work with models excluding the intercept terms: change model parameterization\n") ##number of estimates (not counting intercept) n.est <- n.est.lam - 1 if(n.est.lam > 1) { ##create a list holding each cov covs <- list( ) for(i in 1:n.est) { covs[[i]] <- paste("cov", i, sep = "") } ##covariate labels cov.labels <- unlist(covs) ##change names of columns in design matrix colnames(des.mat) <- c("(Int)", unlist(covs)) } else {colnames(des.mat) <- "(Int)"} ##names of columns in design matrix design.names <- colnames(des.mat) ##extract values from cov.values <- list( ) for(i in 1:n.est.lam) { cov.values[[i]] <- des.mat[, design.names[i]] } names(cov.values) <- design.names ##build equation ##iterate over betas except first if(n.est.lam > 1) { ##betas betas <- paste("beta", 0:(n.est), sep = "") betas.noint <- betas[-1] temp.eq <- list( ) for(i in 1:length(betas.noint)){ temp.eq[i] <- paste(betas.noint[i], "*", covs[i], sep = " ") } ##linear predictor log scale lam.eq.log <- paste(c("beta0", unlist(temp.eq)), collapse = " + ") } else { betas <- "beta0" lam.eq.log <- betas } ##linear predictor log scale lam.eq.resp <- paste("exp(", lam.eq.log, "+ Val.offset", ")") ##logit scale for psi0 (zero-inflation intercept) psi.eq <- paste("(1 - (exp(psi0)/(1 + exp(psi0))))") ##combine both parameters to get abundance final.eq <- paste(lam.eq.resp, "*", psi.eq) ##total estimates tot.est.names <- c(betas, "psi0") if(n.est.lam > 1) { tot.est <- c(tot.est.names, cov.labels) } else { tot.est <- c(tot.est.names) } ##extract vcov matrix ##multiply by c.hat vcmat <- vcov(mod)[c(lam.lab, psi.lab), c(lam.lab, psi.lab)] * c.hat ################################## ##start modifications ################################## <- parse(text = as.expression(paste(final.eq, collapse = "+")), srcfile = NULL) <- gsub("[[:space:]]+", "", as.character( equation <- parse(text = as.expression( if (identical(, TRUE)) { part.devs <- list( ) for (j in 1:ncoefs) { part.devs[[j]] <- D(equation, tot.est.names[j]) } } ##assign values of betas and psi for(i in 1:n.est.lam) { assign(betas[i], lam.est[i]) } psi0 <- psi.est cov.values.mat <- matrix(data = unlist(cov.values), nrow = nvals, ncol = n.est.lam) if (identical(, TRUE)) { predicted.SE <- matrix(NA, nrow = nvals, ncol = 2) colnames(predicted.SE) <- c("Pred.value", "SE") rownames(predicted.SE) <- 1:nvals pred.eq <- list() ##extract columns for (w in 1:nvals) { if (int.yes) { for (p in 1:n.est.lam) { pred.eq[[p]] <- des.mat[w, design.names[p]] } } ##values from design matrix design.vals <- unlist(pred.eq) ##add value of offset for w Val.offset <- X.offset[w] ##compute values for betas exp.beta.pred <- exp(lam.est %*% design.vals + Val.offset) ##compute predictions including psi predicted.vals <- exp.beta.pred * (1 - (exp(psi.est)/(1 + exp(psi.est)))) ##assign values for covariates ##columns for covariates only - exclude intercept if(n.est.lam > 1) { design.covs <- design.vals[-1] for (p in 1:length(cov.labels)) { assign(cov.labels[p], design.covs[p]) } } ##evaluate partial derivative part.devs.solved <- list( ) for (j in 1:ncoefs) { part.devs.solved[[j]] <- eval(part.devs[[j]]) } mat_partialdevs <- as.matrix(unlist(part.devs.solved)) mat_tpartialdevs <- t(mat_partialdevs) var_hat <- mat_tpartialdevs %*% vcmat %*% mat_partialdevs SE <- sqrt(var_hat) predicted.SE[w, 1] <- predicted.vals predicted.SE[w, 2] <- SE } <- list(fit = predicted.SE[, "Pred.value"], = predicted.SE[, "SE"]) } else { predicted.SE <- matrix(NA, nrow = nvals, ncol = 1) colnames(predicted.SE) <- c("Pred.value") rownames(predicted.SE) <- 1:nvals pred.eq <- list( ) ##extract columns for (w in 1:nvals) { if (int.yes) { for (p in 1:n.est.lam) { pred.eq[[p]] <- des.mat[w, design.names[p]] } } ##values from design matrix design.vals <- unlist(pred.eq) ##compute values for betas exp.beta.pred <- exp(lam.est %*% design.vals) ##compute predictions including psi predicted.vals <- exp.beta.pred * (1 - (exp(psi.est)/(1 + exp(psi.est)))) predicted.SE[w, 1] <- predicted.vals } <- predicted.SE colnames( <- "fit" } if (identical(print.matrix, TRUE)) { <- predicted.SE if (identical(, TRUE)) { colnames( <- c("fit", "") } else { colnames( <- c("fit") } } return( } ##unmarkedFitPCO ##compute predicted values and SE predictSE.unmarkedFitPCO <- function(mod, newdata, = TRUE, print.matrix = FALSE, type = "response", c.hat = 1, parm.type = "lambda", ...) { ##only response scale is supported for ZIP models if(identical(type, "link")) stop("\nLink scale not supported for predictions of this model type\n") ##extract data from model object if(! stop("\n'newdata' must be a data frame\n") <- newdata ##nobs nvals <- nrow( ##extract variables on lambda for pcountOpen( ) model lam.est <- coef(mod@estimates@estimates$lambda) lam.est.noint <- lam.est[-1] ##total parameters lambda + psi ncoefs <- length(lam.est) + 1 ##number of parameters on lambda n.est.lam <- length(lam.est) ##extract variables on psi psi.est <- coef(mod@estimates@estimates$psi) ##check if NULL if(is.null(psi.est)) stop("\nThis function is only for zero-inflated Poisson mixture:\nuse \'predict\' for other cases\n") ##full model labels mod.lab <- labels(coef(mod)) ##extract labels lam.lab <- labels(lam.est) lam.lab.noint <- lam.lab[-1] psi.lab <- labels(psi.est) ##extract formula from model formula <- mod@formula ##if lambda if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) { form <- mod@formlist$lambdaformula } else { stop("\nThis function only supports predictions on lamba\n") } ##extract model frame matrix Mat <- model.frame(formula = form, data = des.mat <- model.matrix(form, Mat) ########################################## ########################################## ##check for offset X.offset <- model.offset(Mat) if(is.null(X.offset)) { X.offset <- rep(0, nrow(Mat)) } ##check for intercept if(identical(parm.type, "lambda")) {int.yes <- any(lam.lab == "lam(Int)")} ##if no intercept term, return error if(!int.yes) stop("\nThis function does not work with models excluding the intercept terms: change model parameterization\n") ##number of estimates (not counting intercept) n.est <- n.est.lam - 1 if(n.est.lam > 1) { ##create a list holding each cov covs <- list( ) for(i in 1:n.est) { covs[[i]] <- paste("cov", i, sep = "") } ##covariate labels cov.labels <- unlist(covs) ##change names of columns in design matrix colnames(des.mat) <- c("(Int)", unlist(covs)) } else {colnames(des.mat) <- "(Int)"} ##names of columns in design matrix design.names <- colnames(des.mat) ##extract values from cov.values <- list( ) for(i in 1:n.est.lam) { cov.values[[i]] <- des.mat[, design.names[i]] } names(cov.values) <- design.names ##build equation ##iterate over betas except first if(n.est.lam > 1) { ##betas betas <- paste("beta", 0:(n.est), sep = "") betas.noint <- betas[-1] temp.eq <- list( ) for(i in 1:length(betas.noint)){ temp.eq[i] <- paste(betas.noint[i], "*", covs[i], sep = " ") } ##linear predictor log scale lam.eq.log <- paste(c("beta0", unlist(temp.eq)), collapse = " + ") } else { betas <- "beta0" lam.eq.log <- betas } ##linear predictor log scale lam.eq.resp <- paste("exp(", lam.eq.log, "+ Val.offset", ")") ##logit scale for psi0 (zero-inflation intercept) psi.eq <- paste("(1 - (exp(psi0)/(1 + exp(psi0))))") ##combine both parameters to get abundance final.eq <- paste(lam.eq.resp, "*", psi.eq) ##total estimates tot.est.names <- c(betas, "psi0") if(n.est.lam > 1) { tot.est <- c(tot.est.names, cov.labels) } else { tot.est <- c(tot.est.names) } ##extract vcov matrix ##multiply by c.hat vcmat <- vcov(mod)[c(lam.lab, psi.lab), c(lam.lab, psi.lab)] * c.hat ################################## ##start modifications ################################## <- parse(text = as.expression(paste(final.eq, collapse = "+")), srcfile = NULL) <- gsub("[[:space:]]+", "", as.character( equation <- parse(text = as.expression( if (identical(, TRUE)) { part.devs <- list( ) for (j in 1:ncoefs) { part.devs[[j]] <- D(equation, tot.est.names[j]) } } ##assign values of betas and psi for(i in 1:n.est.lam) { assign(betas[i], lam.est[i]) } psi0 <- psi.est cov.values.mat <- matrix(data = unlist(cov.values), nrow = nvals, ncol = n.est.lam) if (identical(, TRUE)) { predicted.SE <- matrix(NA, nrow = nvals, ncol = 2) colnames(predicted.SE) <- c("Pred.value", "SE") rownames(predicted.SE) <- 1:nvals pred.eq <- list() ##extract columns for (w in 1:nvals) { if (int.yes) { for (p in 1:n.est.lam) { pred.eq[[p]] <- des.mat[w, design.names[p]] } } ##values from design matrix design.vals <- unlist(pred.eq) ##add value of offset for w Val.offset <- X.offset[w] ##compute values for betas exp.beta.pred <- exp(lam.est %*% design.vals + Val.offset) ##compute predictions including psi predicted.vals <- exp.beta.pred * (1 - (exp(psi.est)/(1 + exp(psi.est)))) ##assign values for covariates ##columns for covariates only - exclude intercept if(n.est.lam > 1) { design.covs <- design.vals[-1] for (p in 1:length(cov.labels)) { assign(cov.labels[p], design.covs[p]) } } ##evaluate partial derivative part.devs.solved <- list( ) for (j in 1:ncoefs) { part.devs.solved[[j]] <- eval(part.devs[[j]]) } mat_partialdevs <- as.matrix(unlist(part.devs.solved)) mat_tpartialdevs <- t(mat_partialdevs) var_hat <- mat_tpartialdevs %*% vcmat %*% mat_partialdevs SE <- sqrt(var_hat) predicted.SE[w, 1] <- predicted.vals predicted.SE[w, 2] <- SE } <- list(fit = predicted.SE[, "Pred.value"], = predicted.SE[, "SE"]) } else { predicted.SE <- matrix(NA, nrow = nvals, ncol = 1) colnames(predicted.SE) <- c("Pred.value") rownames(predicted.SE) <- 1:nvals pred.eq <- list( ) ##extract columns for (w in 1:nvals) { if (int.yes) { for (p in 1:n.est.lam) { pred.eq[[p]] <- des.mat[w, design.names[p]] } } ##values from design matrix design.vals <- unlist(pred.eq) ##compute values for betas exp.beta.pred <- exp(lam.est %*% design.vals) ##compute predictions including psi predicted.vals <- exp.beta.pred * (1 - (exp(psi.est)/(1 + exp(psi.est)))) predicted.SE[w, 1] <- predicted.vals } <- predicted.SE colnames( <- "fit" } if (identical(print.matrix, TRUE)) { <- predicted.SE if (identical(, TRUE)) { colnames( <- c("fit", "") } else { colnames( <- c("fit") } } return( } ########################## ########################## ##lmerModLmerTest fits predictSE.lmerModLmerTest <- function(mod, newdata, = TRUE, print.matrix = FALSE, level = 0, ...){ ##logical test for level if(!identical(level, 0)) stop("\nThis function does not support computation of predicted values\n", "or standard errors for higher levels of nesting\n") ##this part of code converts data.frame (including factors) into design matrix of model tt <- terms(mod) TT <- delete.response(tt) newdata <- ################################################################################################################# ########################### This following clever piece of code is modified from predict.lme( ) from nlme package ################################################################################################################# mfArgs <- list(formula = TT, data = newdata) dataMix <-"model.frame", mfArgs) ## making sure factor levels are the same as in contrasts ###########this part creates a list to hold factors - changed from nlme orig.frame <- mod@frame ##matrix with info on factors fact.frame <- attr(attr(orig.frame, "terms"), "dataClasses")[-1] ##continue if factors if(any(fact.frame == "factor")) { id.factors <- which(fact.frame == "factor") <- names(fact.frame)[id.factors] #identify the rows for factors contr <- list( ) for(j in { contr[[j]] <- contrasts(orig.frame[, j]) } } ##########end of code to create list changed from nlme for(i in names(dataMix)) { if (inherits(dataMix[,i], "factor") && !is.null(contr[[i]])) { levs <- levels(dataMix[,i]) levsC <- rownames(contr[[i]]) if (any(wch <-, levsC)))) { stop(paste("Levels", paste(levs[wch], collapse = ","), "not allowed for", i)) } attr(dataMix[,i], "contrasts") <- contr[[i]][levs, , drop = FALSE] } } ################################################################################################################# ########################### The previous clever piece of code is modified from predict.lme( ) from nlme package ################################################################################################################# ############################################### ############################################### ### THIS BIT IS MODIFIED FOR OFFSET ############################################### ##check for offset if(length(mod@frame$offset) > 0) { calls <- attr(TT, "variables") off.num <- attr(TT, "offset") ##offset values offset.values <- eval(calls[[off.num+1]], newdata) } ############################################### ###END OF MODIFICATIONS FOR OFFSET ############################################### ############################################### ##m <- model.frame(TT, data = dataMix) ##m <- model.frame(TT, data = newdata) gives error when offset is converted to log( ) scale within call des.matrix <- model.matrix(TT, dataMix) newdata <- des.matrix #we now have a design matrix ######START OF PREDICT FUNCTION ###### fix.coef <- fixef(mod) ncoefs <- length(fix.coef) names.coef <- labels(fix.coef) nvals <- dim(newdata)[1] ##check for intercept fixed effect term in model int.yes <- any(names.coef == "(Intercept)") ##if no intercept term, return error if(!int.yes) stop("\nThis function does not work with models excluding the intercept\n") formula <- character(length=ncoefs) nbetas <- ncoefs - 1 if(int.yes & nbetas >= 1) { ##create loop to construct formula for derivative formula <- paste("Beta", 1:nbetas, sep="") formula <- c("Beta0", formula) } else { if(int.yes & nbetas == 0) { formula <- "Beta0" } } ##for models without intercept - formula <- paste("Beta", 1:ncoefs, sep="") ##a loop to assemble formula ##first, identify interaction terms inters <- rep(NA, ncoefs) for (m in 1:ncoefs) { inters[m] <- attr(regexpr(pattern = ":", text = names.coef[m]), "match.length") } ##change the name of the labels for flexibility names.cov <- paste("cov", 1:ncoefs-1, sep="") if(!int.yes) {names.cov <- paste("cov", 1:ncoefs, sep="")} id <- which(inters == 1) for (k in 1:length(id)) { names.cov[id[k]] <- paste("inter", k, sep="") } ##iterate and combine betas and covariates formula2 <- character(length = ncoefs) for(b in 1:ncoefs) { formula2[b] <- paste(formula[b], names.cov[b], sep="*") } ##replace with Beta0 if fixed intercept term present if(int.yes) {formula2[1] <- "Beta0"} ##collapse into a single equation and convert to expression ##parse returns the unevaluated expression <- parse(text = as.expression(paste(formula2, collapse="+")), srcfile = NULL) ##add step to remove white space to avoid reaching 500 character limit ##remove space within expression <- gsub("[[:space:]]+", "", as.character( equation <- parse(text = as.expression( ############################################## ########BEGIN MODIFIED FOR OFFSET############ ############################################## ############################################## if(length(mod@frame$offset) > 0) { ##iterate and combine betas and covariates formula2 <- character(length = ncoefs+1) for(b in 1:ncoefs) { formula2[b] <- paste(formula[b], names.cov[b], sep="*") } ##add offset variable to formula formula2[ncoefs+1] <- "offset.vals" ##replace with Beta0 if fixed intercept term present if(int.yes) {formula2[1] <- "Beta0"} ##collapse into a single equation and convert to expression <- parse(text = as.expression(paste(formula2, collapse="+")), srcfile = NULL) ##add step to remove white space to avoid reaching 500 character limit ##remove space within expression <- gsub("[[:space:]]+", "", as.character( equation <- parse(text = as.expression( } ############################################## ########END MODIFIED FOR OFFSET############### ############################################## ############################################## ##determine number of covariates excluding interaction terms ncovs <- ncoefs - length(id) ##assign values of covariates cov.values <- list( ) ##if only intercept, then add column if(int.yes && ncovs == 1) { cov.values[[1]] <- 1 } if(int.yes && ncovs > 1) { cov.values[[1]] <- rep(1, nvals) for (q in 2:ncoefs) { cov.values[[q]] <- newdata[, labels(fix.coef)[q]] } } else { for (q in 1:ncoefs) { cov.values[[q]] <- newdata[, labels(fix.coef)[q]] } } names(cov.values) <- names.cov cov.values.mat <- matrix(data = unlist(cov.values), nrow = nvals, ncol = ncoefs) ################################################################ ####use the following code to compute predicted values and SE's ####on response scale if identity link is used OR link scale if(identical(, TRUE)) { ##determine number of partial derivatives to compute part.devs <- list( ) for(j in 1:ncoefs) { part.devs[[j]] <- D(equation, formula[j]) } } if(identical(, TRUE)) { ##substitute a given row for each covariate predicted.SE <- matrix(NA, nrow = nvals, ncol = 2) colnames(predicted.SE) <- c("Pred.value", "SE") rownames(predicted.SE) <- 1:nvals part.devs.eval <- list( ) part.devs.eval[[1]] <- 1 for (w in 1:nvals) { if(int.yes && ncovs > 1) { for (p in 2:ncoefs) { part.devs.eval[[p]] <- cov.values[names.cov[p]][[1]][w] } } # else { ##for cases without intercept ##for (p in 1:ncoefs) { ## part.devs.eval[[p]] <- cov.values[names.cov[p]][[1]][w] ##} ##} part.devs.solved <- unlist(part.devs.eval) ##extract vc matrix vcmat <- vcov(mod) mat_partialdevs<-as.matrix(part.devs.solved) #create matrix from vector of 2 rows by 1 column mat_tpartialdevs<-t(part.devs.solved) #transpose of partial derivatives to have 2 columns by 1 row var_hat<-mat_tpartialdevs%*%vcmat%*%mat_partialdevs SE<-sqrt(var_hat) predicted.vals <- fix.coef%*%cov.values.mat[w,] ###################################### ###BEGIN MODIFIED FOR OFFSET ###################################### if(length(mod@frame$offset) > 0) { predicted.vals <- fix.coef%*%cov.values.mat[w,] + offset.values[w] } ###################################### ###END MODIFIED FOR OFFSET ###################################### predicted.SE[w, 1] <- predicted.vals predicted.SE[w, 2] <- SE@x #to extract only value computed } <- list(fit = predicted.SE[,"Pred.value"], = predicted.SE[, "SE"]) } else { predicted.SE <- matrix(NA, nrow = nvals, ncol = 1) colnames(predicted.SE) <- c("Pred.value") rownames(predicted.SE) <- 1:nvals for (w in 1:nvals) { predicted.vals <- fix.coef%*%cov.values.mat[w,] ###################################### ###BEGIN MODIFIED FOR OFFSET ###################################### if(length(mod@frame$offset) > 0) { predicted.vals <- fix.coef%*%cov.values.mat[w,] + offset.values[w] } ###################################### ###END MODIFIED FOR OFFSET ###################################### predicted.SE[w, 1] <- predicted.vals } <- predicted.SE colnames( <- "fit" } ################################################################### ##print as nice matrix, otherwise print as list if(identical(print.matrix, TRUE)) { <- predicted.SE if(identical(, TRUE)) { colnames( <- c("fit", "") } else { colnames( <- c("fit") } } return( }
##generic summaryOD <- function(mod, c.hat = 1, conf.level = 0.95, out.type = "confint", ...){ UseMethod("summaryOD", mod) } summaryOD.default <- function(mod, c.hat = 1, conf.level = 0.95, out.type = "confint", ...){ stop("\nFunction not yet defined for this object class\n") } ##summaryOD: summary with overdispersion to display CI or P-values summaryOD.glm <- function(mod, c.hat = 1, conf.level = 0.95, out.type = "confint", ...){ if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion: model fit is questionable\n") if(c.hat < 1) { warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n") c.hat <- 1 } ##check for distributions modFamily <- family(mod)$family if(!identical(modFamily, "poisson") && !identical(modFamily, "binomial")) { if(c.hat > 1) stop("\ndistribution not appropriate for overdispersion correction\n\n") } ##for binomial, check that number of trials > 1 if(identical(modFamily, "binomial")) { if(!any(mod$prior.weights > 1)) stop("\nOverdispersion correction only appropriate for success/trials syntax\n\n") } ##extract coefs coefs <- coef(mod) ##extract SE's ses <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mod) * c.hat)) ##number of estimated parameters nparms <- length(coefs) ##arrange in matrix outMat <- matrix(NA, nrow = nparms, ncol = 4) outMat[, 1:2] <- cbind(coefs, ses) rownames(outMat) <- names(coefs) ##if interval if(identical(out.type, "confint")) { ##compute confidence intervals zstat <- qnorm(p = conf.level) outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1] - zstat * outMat[, 2] outMat[, 4] <- outMat[, 1] + zstat * outMat[, 2] ##add names colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "lowlim", "upplim") } ##if htest if(identical(out.type, "nhst")) { ##compute P-value outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1]/outMat[, 2] outMat[, 4] <- 2 * pnorm(abs(outMat[, 3]), lower.tail = FALSE) ##add names colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "z", "pvalue") } ##assemble in list outList <- list(out.type = out.type, c.hat = c.hat, conf.level = conf.level, outMat = outMat) class(outList) <- c("summaryOD", "list") return(outList) } ##occu summaryOD.unmarkedFitOccu <- function(mod, c.hat = 1, conf.level = 0.95, out.type = "confint", ...){ if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion: model fit is questionable\n") if(c.hat < 1) { warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n") c.hat <- 1 } ##extract coefs coefs <- coef(mod) ##extract SE's ses <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mod) * c.hat)) ##number of estimated parameters nparms <- length(coefs) ##arrange in matrix outMat <- matrix(NA, nrow = nparms, ncol = 4) outMat[, 1:2] <- cbind(coefs, ses) rownames(outMat) <- names(coefs) ##if interval if(identical(out.type, "confint")) { ##compute confidence intervals zstat <- qnorm(p = conf.level) outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1] - zstat * outMat[, 2] outMat[, 4] <- outMat[, 1] + zstat * outMat[, 2] ##add names colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "lowlim", "upplim") } ##if htest if(identical(out.type, "nhst")) { ##compute P-value outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1]/outMat[, 2] outMat[, 4] <- 2 * pnorm(abs(outMat[, 3]), lower.tail = FALSE) ##add names colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "z", "pvalue") } ##assemble in list outList <- list(out.type = out.type, c.hat = c.hat, conf.level = conf.level, outMat = outMat) class(outList) <- c("summaryOD", "list") return(outList) } ##colext summaryOD.unmarkedFitColExt <- function(mod, c.hat = 1, conf.level = 0.95, out.type = "confint", ...){ if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion: model fit is questionable\n") if(c.hat < 1) { warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n") c.hat <- 1 } ##extract coefs coefs <- coef(mod) ##extract SE's ses <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mod) * c.hat)) ##number of estimated parameters nparms <- length(coefs) ##arrange in matrix outMat <- matrix(NA, nrow = nparms, ncol = 4) outMat[, 1:2] <- cbind(coefs, ses) rownames(outMat) <- names(coefs) ##if interval if(identical(out.type, "confint")) { ##compute confidence intervals zstat <- qnorm(p = conf.level) outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1] - zstat * outMat[, 2] outMat[, 4] <- outMat[, 1] + zstat * outMat[, 2] ##add names colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "lowlim", "upplim") } ##if htest if(identical(out.type, "nhst")) { ##compute P-value outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1]/outMat[, 2] outMat[, 4] <- 2 * pnorm(abs(outMat[, 3]), lower.tail = FALSE) ##add names colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "z", "pvalue") } ##assemble in list outList <- list(out.type = out.type, c.hat = c.hat, conf.level = conf.level, outMat = outMat) class(outList) <- c("summaryOD", "list") return(outList) } ##occuRN summaryOD.unmarkedFitOccuRN <- function(mod, c.hat = 1, conf.level = 0.95, out.type = "confint", ...){ if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion: model fit is questionable\n") if(c.hat < 1) { warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n") c.hat <- 1 } ##extract coefs coefs <- coef(mod) ##extract SE's ses <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mod) * c.hat)) ##number of estimated parameters nparms <- length(coefs) ##arrange in matrix outMat <- matrix(NA, nrow = nparms, ncol = 4) outMat[, 1:2] <- cbind(coefs, ses) rownames(outMat) <- names(coefs) ##if interval if(identical(out.type, "confint")) { ##compute confidence intervals zstat <- qnorm(p = conf.level) outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1] - zstat * outMat[, 2] outMat[, 4] <- outMat[, 1] + zstat * outMat[, 2] ##add names colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "lowlim", "upplim") } ##if htest if(identical(out.type, "nhst")) { ##compute P-value outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1]/outMat[, 2] outMat[, 4] <- 2 * pnorm(abs(outMat[, 3]), lower.tail = FALSE) ##add names colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "z", "pvalue") } ##assemble in list outList <- list(out.type = out.type, c.hat = c.hat, conf.level = conf.level, outMat = outMat) class(outList) <- c("summaryOD", "list") return(outList) } ##pcount summaryOD.unmarkedFitPCount <- function(mod, c.hat = 1, conf.level = 0.95, out.type = "confint", ...){ if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion: model fit is questionable\n") if(c.hat < 1) { warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n") c.hat <- 1 } ##check for distributions modFamily <- mod@mixture if(!identical(modFamily, "P") && !identical(modFamily, "ZIP")) { if(c.hat > 1) stop("\ndistribution not appropriate for overdispersion correction\n\n") } ##extract coefs coefs <- coef(mod) ##extract SE's ses <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mod) * c.hat)) ##number of estimated parameters nparms <- length(coefs) ##arrange in matrix outMat <- matrix(NA, nrow = nparms, ncol = 4) outMat[, 1:2] <- cbind(coefs, ses) rownames(outMat) <- names(coefs) ##if interval if(identical(out.type, "confint")) { ##compute confidence intervals zstat <- qnorm(p = conf.level) outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1] - zstat * outMat[, 2] outMat[, 4] <- outMat[, 1] + zstat * outMat[, 2] ##add names colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "lowlim", "upplim") } ##if htest if(identical(out.type, "nhst")) { ##compute P-value outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1]/outMat[, 2] outMat[, 4] <- 2 * pnorm(abs(outMat[, 3]), lower.tail = FALSE) ##add names colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "z", "pvalue") } ##assemble in list outList <- list(out.type = out.type, c.hat = c.hat, conf.level = conf.level, outMat = outMat) class(outList) <- c("summaryOD", "list") return(outList) } ##pcountOpen summaryOD.unmarkedFitPCO <- function(mod, c.hat = 1, conf.level = 0.95, out.type = "confint", ...){ if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion: model fit is questionable\n") if(c.hat < 1) { warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n") c.hat <- 1 } ##check for distributions modFamily <- mod@mixture if(!identical(modFamily, "P") && !identical(modFamily, "ZIP")) { if(c.hat > 1) stop("\ndistribution not appropriate for overdispersion correction\n\n") } ##extract coefs coefs <- coef(mod) ##extract SE's ses <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mod) * c.hat)) ##number of estimated parameters nparms <- length(coefs) ##arrange in matrix outMat <- matrix(NA, nrow = nparms, ncol = 4) outMat[, 1:2] <- cbind(coefs, ses) rownames(outMat) <- names(coefs) ##if interval if(identical(out.type, "confint")) { ##compute confidence intervals zstat <- qnorm(p = conf.level) outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1] - zstat * outMat[, 2] outMat[, 4] <- outMat[, 1] + zstat * outMat[, 2] ##add names colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "lowlim", "upplim") } ##if htest if(identical(out.type, "nhst")) { ##compute P-value outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1]/outMat[, 2] outMat[, 4] <- 2 * pnorm(abs(outMat[, 3]), lower.tail = FALSE) ##add names colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "z", "pvalue") } ##assemble in list outList <- list(out.type = out.type, c.hat = c.hat, conf.level = conf.level, outMat = outMat) class(outList) <- c("summaryOD", "list") return(outList) } ##distsamp summaryOD.unmarkedFitDS <- function(mod, c.hat = 1, conf.level = 0.95, out.type = "confint", ...){ if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion: model fit is questionable\n") if(c.hat < 1) { warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n") c.hat <- 1 } ##extract coefs coefs <- coef(mod) ##extract SE's ses <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mod) * c.hat)) ##number of estimated parameters nparms <- length(coefs) ##arrange in matrix outMat <- matrix(NA, nrow = nparms, ncol = 4) outMat[, 1:2] <- cbind(coefs, ses) rownames(outMat) <- names(coefs) ##if interval if(identical(out.type, "confint")) { ##compute confidence intervals zstat <- qnorm(p = conf.level) outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1] - zstat * outMat[, 2] outMat[, 4] <- outMat[, 1] + zstat * outMat[, 2] ##add names colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "lowlim", "upplim") } ##if htest if(identical(out.type, "nhst")) { ##compute P-value outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1]/outMat[, 2] outMat[, 4] <- 2 * pnorm(abs(outMat[, 3]), lower.tail = FALSE) ##add names colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "z", "pvalue") } ##assemble in list outList <- list(out.type = out.type, c.hat = c.hat, conf.level = conf.level, outMat = outMat) class(outList) <- c("summaryOD", "list") return(outList) } ##gdistsamp summaryOD.unmarkedFitGDS <- function(mod, c.hat = 1, conf.level = 0.95, out.type = "confint", ...){ if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion: model fit is questionable\n") if(c.hat < 1) { warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n") c.hat <- 1 } ##check for distributions modFamily <- mod@mixture if(!identical(modFamily, "P")) { if(c.hat > 1) stop("\ndistribution not appropriate for overdispersion correction\n\n") } ##extract coefs coefs <- coef(mod) ##extract SE's ses <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mod) * c.hat)) ##number of estimated parameters nparms <- length(coefs) ##arrange in matrix outMat <- matrix(NA, nrow = nparms, ncol = 4) outMat[, 1:2] <- cbind(coefs, ses) rownames(outMat) <- names(coefs) ##if interval if(identical(out.type, "confint")) { ##compute confidence intervals zstat <- qnorm(p = conf.level) outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1] - zstat * outMat[, 2] outMat[, 4] <- outMat[, 1] + zstat * outMat[, 2] ##add names colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "lowlim", "upplim") } ##if htest if(identical(out.type, "nhst")) { ##compute P-value outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1]/outMat[, 2] outMat[, 4] <- 2 * pnorm(abs(outMat[, 3]), lower.tail = FALSE) ##add names colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "z", "pvalue") } ##assemble in list outList <- list(out.type = out.type, c.hat = c.hat, conf.level = conf.level, outMat = outMat) class(outList) <- c("summaryOD", "list") return(outList) } ##occuFP summaryOD.unmarkedFitOccuFP <- function(mod, c.hat = 1, conf.level = 0.95, out.type = "confint", ...){ if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion: model fit is questionable\n") if(c.hat < 1) { warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n") c.hat <- 1 } ##extract coefs coefs <- coef(mod) ##extract SE's ses <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mod) * c.hat)) ##number of estimated parameters nparms <- length(coefs) ##arrange in matrix outMat <- matrix(NA, nrow = nparms, ncol = 4) outMat[, 1:2] <- cbind(coefs, ses) rownames(outMat) <- names(coefs) ##if interval if(identical(out.type, "confint")) { ##compute confidence intervals zstat <- qnorm(p = conf.level) outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1] - zstat * outMat[, 2] outMat[, 4] <- outMat[, 1] + zstat * outMat[, 2] ##add names colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "lowlim", "upplim") } ##if htest if(identical(out.type, "nhst")) { ##compute P-value outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1]/outMat[, 2] outMat[, 4] <- 2 * pnorm(abs(outMat[, 3]), lower.tail = FALSE) ##add names colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "z", "pvalue") } ##assemble in list outList <- list(out.type = out.type, c.hat = c.hat, conf.level = conf.level, outMat = outMat) class(outList) <- c("summaryOD", "list") return(outList) } ##multinomPois summaryOD.unmarkedFitMPois <- function(mod, c.hat = 1, conf.level = 0.95, out.type = "confint", ...){ if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion: model fit is questionable\n") if(c.hat < 1) { warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n") c.hat <- 1 } ##extract coefs coefs <- coef(mod) ##extract SE's ses <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mod) * c.hat)) ##number of estimated parameters nparms <- length(coefs) ##arrange in matrix outMat <- matrix(NA, nrow = nparms, ncol = 4) outMat[, 1:2] <- cbind(coefs, ses) rownames(outMat) <- names(coefs) ##if interval if(identical(out.type, "confint")) { ##compute confidence intervals zstat <- qnorm(p = conf.level) outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1] - zstat * outMat[, 2] outMat[, 4] <- outMat[, 1] + zstat * outMat[, 2] ##add names colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "lowlim", "upplim") } ##if htest if(identical(out.type, "nhst")) { ##compute P-value outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1]/outMat[, 2] outMat[, 4] <- 2 * pnorm(abs(outMat[, 3]), lower.tail = FALSE) ##add names colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "z", "pvalue") } ##assemble in list outList <- list(out.type = out.type, c.hat = c.hat, conf.level = conf.level, outMat = outMat) class(outList) <- c("summaryOD", "list") return(outList) } ##gmultmix summaryOD.unmarkedFitGMM <- function(mod, c.hat = 1, conf.level = 0.95, out.type = "confint", ...){ if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion: model fit is questionable\n") if(c.hat < 1) { warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n") c.hat <- 1 } ##check for distributions modFamily <- mod@mixture if(!identical(modFamily, "P")) { if(c.hat > 1) stop("\ndistribution not appropriate for overdispersion correction\n\n") } ##extract coefs coefs <- coef(mod) ##extract SE's ses <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mod) * c.hat)) ##number of estimated parameters nparms <- length(coefs) ##arrange in matrix outMat <- matrix(NA, nrow = nparms, ncol = 4) outMat[, 1:2] <- cbind(coefs, ses) rownames(outMat) <- names(coefs) ##if interval if(identical(out.type, "confint")) { ##compute confidence intervals zstat <- qnorm(p = conf.level) outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1] - zstat * outMat[, 2] outMat[, 4] <- outMat[, 1] + zstat * outMat[, 2] ##add names colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "lowlim", "upplim") } ##if htest if(identical(out.type, "nhst")) { ##compute P-value outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1]/outMat[, 2] outMat[, 4] <- 2 * pnorm(abs(outMat[, 3]), lower.tail = FALSE) ##add names colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "z", "pvalue") } ##assemble in list outList <- list(out.type = out.type, c.hat = c.hat, conf.level = conf.level, outMat = outMat) class(outList) <- c("summaryOD", "list") return(outList) } ##gpcount summaryOD.unmarkedFitGPC <- function(mod, c.hat = 1, conf.level = 0.95, out.type = "confint", ...){ if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion: model fit is questionable\n") if(c.hat < 1) { warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n") c.hat <- 1 } ##check for distributions modFamily <- mod@mixture if(!identical(modFamily, "P")) { if(c.hat > 1) stop("\ndistribution not appropriate for overdispersion correction\n\n") } ##extract coefs coefs <- coef(mod) ##extract SE's ses <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mod) * c.hat)) ##number of estimated parameters nparms <- length(coefs) ##arrange in matrix outMat <- matrix(NA, nrow = nparms, ncol = 4) outMat[, 1:2] <- cbind(coefs, ses) rownames(outMat) <- names(coefs) ##if interval if(identical(out.type, "confint")) { ##compute confidence intervals zstat <- qnorm(p = conf.level) outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1] - zstat * outMat[, 2] outMat[, 4] <- outMat[, 1] + zstat * outMat[, 2] ##add names colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "lowlim", "upplim") } ##if htest if(identical(out.type, "nhst")) { ##compute P-value outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1]/outMat[, 2] outMat[, 4] <- 2 * pnorm(abs(outMat[, 3]), lower.tail = FALSE) ##add names colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "z", "pvalue") } ##assemble in list outList <- list(out.type = out.type, c.hat = c.hat, conf.level = conf.level, outMat = outMat) class(outList) <- c("summaryOD", "list") return(outList) } ##glmer summaryOD.glmerMod <- function(mod, c.hat = 1, conf.level = 0.95, out.type = "confint", ...){ if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion: model fit is questionable\n") if(c.hat < 1) { warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n") c.hat <- 1 } ##check for distributions modFamily <-$family if(!identical(modFamily, "poisson") && !identical(modFamily, "binomial")) { if(c.hat > 1) stop("\ndistribution not appropriate for overdispersion correction\n\n") } ##for binomial, check that number of trials > 1 if(identical(modFamily, "binomial")) { if(!any(mod@resp$weights > 1)) stop("\nOverdispersion correction only appropriate for success/trials syntax\n\n") } ##extract coefs coefs <- fixef(mod) ##extract SE's ses <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mod) * c.hat)) ##number of estimated parameters nparms <- length(coefs) ##arrange in matrix outMat <- matrix(NA, nrow = nparms, ncol = 4) outMat[, 1:2] <- cbind(coefs, ses) rownames(outMat) <- names(coefs) ##if interval if(identical(out.type, "confint")) { ##compute confidence intervals zstat <- qnorm(p = conf.level) outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1] - zstat * outMat[, 2] outMat[, 4] <- outMat[, 1] + zstat * outMat[, 2] ##add names colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "lowlim", "upplim") } ##if htest if(identical(out.type, "nhst")) { ##compute P-value outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1]/outMat[, 2] outMat[, 4] <- 2 * pnorm(abs(outMat[, 3]), lower.tail = FALSE) ##add names colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "z", "pvalue") } ##assemble in list outList <- list(out.type = out.type, c.hat = c.hat, conf.level = conf.level, outMat = outMat) class(outList) <- c("summaryOD", "list") return(outList) } ##occuMulti summaryOD.unmarkedFitOccuMulti <- function(mod, c.hat = 1, conf.level = 0.95, out.type = "confint", ...){ if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion: model fit is questionable\n") if(c.hat < 1) { warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n") c.hat <- 1 } ##extract coefs coefs <- coef(mod) ##extract SE's ses <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mod) * c.hat)) ##number of estimated parameters nparms <- length(coefs) ##arrange in matrix outMat <- matrix(NA, nrow = nparms, ncol = 4) outMat[, 1:2] <- cbind(coefs, ses) rownames(outMat) <- names(coefs) ##if interval if(identical(out.type, "confint")) { ##compute confidence intervals zstat <- qnorm(p = conf.level) outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1] - zstat * outMat[, 2] outMat[, 4] <- outMat[, 1] + zstat * outMat[, 2] ##add names colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "lowlim", "upplim") } ##if htest if(identical(out.type, "nhst")) { ##compute P-value outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1]/outMat[, 2] outMat[, 4] <- 2 * pnorm(abs(outMat[, 3]), lower.tail = FALSE) ##add names colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "z", "pvalue") } ##assemble in list outList <- list(out.type = out.type, c.hat = c.hat, conf.level = conf.level, outMat = outMat) class(outList) <- c("summaryOD", "list") return(outList) } ##occuMS summaryOD.unmarkedFitOccuMS <- function(mod, c.hat = 1, conf.level = 0.95, out.type = "confint", ...){ if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion: model fit is questionable\n") if(c.hat < 1) { warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n") c.hat <- 1 } ##extract coefs coefs <- coef(mod) ##extract SE's ses <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mod) * c.hat)) ##number of estimated parameters nparms <- length(coefs) ##arrange in matrix outMat <- matrix(NA, nrow = nparms, ncol = 4) outMat[, 1:2] <- cbind(coefs, ses) rownames(outMat) <- names(coefs) ##if interval if(identical(out.type, "confint")) { ##compute confidence intervals zstat <- qnorm(p = conf.level) outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1] - zstat * outMat[, 2] outMat[, 4] <- outMat[, 1] + zstat * outMat[, 2] ##add names colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "lowlim", "upplim") } ##if htest if(identical(out.type, "nhst")) { ##compute P-value outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1]/outMat[, 2] outMat[, 4] <- 2 * pnorm(abs(outMat[, 3]), lower.tail = FALSE) ##add names colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "z", "pvalue") } ##assemble in list outList <- list(out.type = out.type, c.hat = c.hat, conf.level = conf.level, outMat = outMat) class(outList) <- c("summaryOD", "list") return(outList) } ##occuTTD summaryOD.unmarkedFitOccuTTD <- function(mod, c.hat = 1, conf.level = 0.95, out.type = "confint", ...){ if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion: model fit is questionable\n") if(c.hat < 1) { warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n") c.hat <- 1 } ##extract coefs coefs <- coef(mod) ##extract SE's ses <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mod) * c.hat)) ##number of estimated parameters nparms <- length(coefs) ##arrange in matrix outMat <- matrix(NA, nrow = nparms, ncol = 4) outMat[, 1:2] <- cbind(coefs, ses) rownames(outMat) <- names(coefs) ##if interval if(identical(out.type, "confint")) { ##compute confidence intervals zstat <- qnorm(p = conf.level) outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1] - zstat * outMat[, 2] outMat[, 4] <- outMat[, 1] + zstat * outMat[, 2] ##add names colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "lowlim", "upplim") } ##if htest if(identical(out.type, "nhst")) { ##compute P-value outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1]/outMat[, 2] outMat[, 4] <- 2 * pnorm(abs(outMat[, 3]), lower.tail = FALSE) ##add names colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "z", "pvalue") } ##assemble in list outList <- list(out.type = out.type, c.hat = c.hat, conf.level = conf.level, outMat = outMat) class(outList) <- c("summaryOD", "list") return(outList) } ##multmixOpen summaryOD.unmarkedFitMMO <- function(mod, c.hat = 1, conf.level = 0.95, out.type = "confint", ...){ if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion: model fit is questionable\n") if(c.hat < 1) { warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n") c.hat <- 1 } ##extract coefs coefs <- coef(mod) ##extract SE's ses <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mod) * c.hat)) ##number of estimated parameters nparms <- length(coefs) ##arrange in matrix outMat <- matrix(NA, nrow = nparms, ncol = 4) outMat[, 1:2] <- cbind(coefs, ses) rownames(outMat) <- names(coefs) ##if interval if(identical(out.type, "confint")) { ##compute confidence intervals zstat <- qnorm(p = conf.level) outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1] - zstat * outMat[, 2] outMat[, 4] <- outMat[, 1] + zstat * outMat[, 2] ##add names colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "lowlim", "upplim") } ##if htest if(identical(out.type, "nhst")) { ##compute P-value outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1]/outMat[, 2] outMat[, 4] <- 2 * pnorm(abs(outMat[, 3]), lower.tail = FALSE) ##add names colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "z", "pvalue") } ##assemble in list outList <- list(out.type = out.type, c.hat = c.hat, conf.level = conf.level, outMat = outMat) class(outList) <- c("summaryOD", "list") return(outList) } ##distsampOpen summaryOD.unmarkedFitDSO <- function(mod, c.hat = 1, conf.level = 0.95, out.type = "confint", ...){ if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion: model fit is questionable\n") if(c.hat < 1) { warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n") c.hat <- 1 } ##extract coefs coefs <- coef(mod) ##extract SE's ses <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mod) * c.hat)) ##number of estimated parameters nparms <- length(coefs) ##arrange in matrix outMat <- matrix(NA, nrow = nparms, ncol = 4) outMat[, 1:2] <- cbind(coefs, ses) rownames(outMat) <- names(coefs) ##if interval if(identical(out.type, "confint")) { ##compute confidence intervals zstat <- qnorm(p = conf.level) outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1] - zstat * outMat[, 2] outMat[, 4] <- outMat[, 1] + zstat * outMat[, 2] ##add names colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "lowlim", "upplim") } ##if htest if(identical(out.type, "nhst")) { ##compute P-value outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1]/outMat[, 2] outMat[, 4] <- 2 * pnorm(abs(outMat[, 3]), lower.tail = FALSE) ##add names colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "z", "pvalue") } ##assemble in list outList <- list(out.type = out.type, c.hat = c.hat, conf.level = conf.level, outMat = outMat) class(outList) <- c("summaryOD", "list") return(outList) } ##glmmTMB summaryOD.glmmTMB <- function(mod, c.hat = 1, conf.level = 0.95, out.type = "confint", ...){ if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion: model fit is questionable\n") if(c.hat < 1) { warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n") c.hat <- 1 } ##check for distributions ##determine family of model fam <- family(mod)$family ##extract response ##if binomial, check if n > 1 for each case if(fam == "binomial") { resp <- mod$frame[, mod$modelInfo$respCol] if(!is.matrix(resp)) { if(!any(names(mod$frame) == "(weights)")) { stop("\nOverdispersion correction only appropriate for success/trials syntax\n\n") } } } ##Poisson or binomial if(!any(fam == c("poisson", "binomial"))) { stop("\ndistribution not appropriate for overdispersion correction\n") } ##extract coefs coefs <- fixef(mod)$cond ##extract SE's ses <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mod)$cond * c.hat)) ##number of estimated parameters nparms <- length(coefs) ##arrange in matrix outMat <- matrix(NA, nrow = nparms, ncol = 4) outMat[, 1:2] <- cbind(coefs, ses) rownames(outMat) <- names(coefs) ##if interval if(identical(out.type, "confint")) { ##compute confidence intervals zstat <- qnorm(p = conf.level) outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1] - zstat * outMat[, 2] outMat[, 4] <- outMat[, 1] + zstat * outMat[, 2] ##add names colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "lowlim", "upplim") } ##if nhst if(identical(out.type, "nhst")) { ##compute P-value outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1]/outMat[, 2] outMat[, 4] <- 2 * pnorm(abs(outMat[, 3]), lower.tail = FALSE) ##add names colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "z", "pvalue") } ##assemble in list outList <- list(out.type = out.type, c.hat = c.hat, conf.level = conf.level, outMat = outMat) class(outList) <- c("summaryOD", "list") return(outList) } ##maxlike summaryOD.maxlikeFit <- function(mod, c.hat = 1, conf.level = 0.95, out.type = "confint", ...){ if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion: model fit is questionable\n") if(c.hat < 1) { warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n") c.hat <- 1 } ##extract coefs coefs <- coef(mod) ##extract SE's ses <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mod) * c.hat)) ##number of estimated parameters nparms <- length(coefs) ##arrange in matrix outMat <- matrix(NA, nrow = nparms, ncol = 4) outMat[, 1:2] <- cbind(coefs, ses) rownames(outMat) <- names(coefs) ##if interval if(identical(out.type, "confint")) { ##compute confidence intervals zstat <- qnorm(p = conf.level) outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1] - zstat * outMat[, 2] outMat[, 4] <- outMat[, 1] + zstat * outMat[, 2] ##add names colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "lowlim", "upplim") } ##if htest if(identical(out.type, "nhst")) { ##compute P-value outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1]/outMat[, 2] outMat[, 4] <- 2 * pnorm(abs(outMat[, 3]), lower.tail = FALSE) ##add names colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "z", "pvalue") } ##assemble in list outList <- list(out.type = out.type, c.hat = c.hat, conf.level = conf.level, outMat = outMat) class(outList) <- c("summaryOD", "list") return(outList) } ##multinom summaryOD.multinom <- function(mod, c.hat = 1, conf.level = 0.95, out.type = "confint", ...){ if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion: model fit is questionable\n") if(c.hat < 1) { warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n") c.hat <- 1 } ##extract coefs coefs <- as.vector(coef(mod)) ##extract SE's ses <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mod) * c.hat)) ##extract names parm.names <- names(ses) ##number of estimated parameters nparms <- length(ses) ##arrange in matrix outMat <- matrix(NA, nrow = nparms, ncol = 4) outMat[, 1:2] <- cbind(coefs, ses) rownames(outMat) <- parm.names ##if interval if(identical(out.type, "confint")) { ##compute confidence intervals zstat <- qnorm(p = conf.level) outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1] - zstat * outMat[, 2] outMat[, 4] <- outMat[, 1] + zstat * outMat[, 2] ##add names colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "lowlim", "upplim") } ##if htest if(identical(out.type, "nhst")) { ##compute P-value outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1]/outMat[, 2] outMat[, 4] <- 2 * pnorm(abs(outMat[, 3]), lower.tail = FALSE) ##add names colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "z", "pvalue") } ##assemble in list outList <- list(out.type = out.type, c.hat = c.hat, conf.level = conf.level, outMat = outMat) class(outList) <- c("summaryOD", "list") return(outList) } ##vglm summaryOD.vglm <- function(mod, c.hat = 1, conf.level = 0.95, out.type = "confint", ...){ if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion: model fit is questionable\n") if(c.hat < 1) { warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n") c.hat <- 1 } ##check family of vglm to avoid problems fam.type <- mod@family@vfamily[1] if(!(fam.type == "poissonff" || fam.type == "binomialff" || fam.type == "multinomial")) stop("\nDistribution not supported by function\n") if(fam.type == "binomialff") { if(!any([email protected] > 1)) stop("\nOverdispersion correction only appropriate for success/trials syntax\n\n") } ##extract coefs coefs <- coef(mod) ##extract SE's ses <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mod) * c.hat)) ##number of estimated parameters nparms <- length(coefs) ##arrange in matrix outMat <- matrix(NA, nrow = nparms, ncol = 4) outMat[, 1:2] <- cbind(coefs, ses) rownames(outMat) <- names(coefs) ##if interval if(identical(out.type, "confint")) { ##compute confidence intervals zstat <- qnorm(p = conf.level) outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1] - zstat * outMat[, 2] outMat[, 4] <- outMat[, 1] + zstat * outMat[, 2] ##add names colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "lowlim", "upplim") } ##if htest if(identical(out.type, "nhst")) { ##compute P-value outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1]/outMat[, 2] outMat[, 4] <- 2 * pnorm(abs(outMat[, 3]), lower.tail = FALSE) ##add names colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "z", "pvalue") } ##assemble in list outList <- list(out.type = out.type, c.hat = c.hat, conf.level = conf.level, outMat = outMat) class(outList) <- c("summaryOD", "list") return(outList) } print.summaryOD <- function(x, digits = 4, ...) { ##extract information conf.level <- x$conf.level c.hat <- x$c.hat out.type <- x$out.type outMat <- x$outMat if(identical(out.type, "confint")) { ##label for confidence limit lowLab <- paste("Lower ", conf.level * 100, "%", " CL", sep = "") uppLab <- paste("Upper ", conf.level * 100, "%", " CL", sep = "") ##add names colnames(outMat) <- c("Estimate", "Std. Error", lowLab, uppLab) if(c.hat <= 1) { cat("\nPrecision unadjusted for overdispersion:\n\n") } else { cat("\nPrecision adjusted for overdispersion:\n\n") } printCoefmat(outMat, digits = digits) cat("\n(c-hat = ", c.hat, ")", "\n", sep = "") cat("\n") } if(identical(out.type, "nhst")) { ##label for P-values zLab <- "z value" pLab <- "Pr(>|z|)" ##add names colnames(outMat) <- c("Estimate", "Std. Error", zLab, pLab) if(c.hat <= 1) { cat("\nPrecision and hypothesis tests unadjusted for overdispersion:\n\n") } else { cat("\nPrecision and hypothesis tests adjusted for overdispersion:\n\n") } printCoefmat(outMat, digits = digits, signif.stars = FALSE) cat("\n(c-hat = ", c.hat, ")", "\n", sep = "") cat("\n") } }
##compute BIC ##generic useBIC <- function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, ...){ UseMethod("useBIC", mod) } useBIC.default <- function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, ...){ stop("\nFunction not yet defined for this object class\n") } ##aov objects useBIC.aov <- function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, ...){ if(identical(nobs, NULL)) {n <- length(mod$fitted)} else {n <- nobs} LL <- logLik(mod)[1] K <- attr(logLik(mod), "df") #extract correct number of parameters included in model - this includes LM BIC <- -2*LL + K * log(n) if(return.K == TRUE) BIC[1] <- K #attributes the first element of BIC to K BIC } ##betareg objects useBIC.betareg <- function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, ...){ if(identical(nobs, NULL)) {n <- length(mod$fitted)} else {n <- nobs} LL <- logLik(mod)[1] K <- attr(logLik(mod), "df") #extract correct number of parameters included in model - this includes LM BIC <- -2*LL + K * log(n) if(return.K == TRUE) BIC[1] <- K #attributes the first element of BIC to K BIC } ##clm objects useBIC.clm <- function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, ...){ if(identical(nobs, NULL)) {n <- length(fitted(mod))} else {n <- nobs} LL <- logLik(mod)[1] K <- attr(logLik(mod), "df") #extract correct number of parameters included in model - this includes LM BIC <- -2*LL + K * log(n) if(return.K == TRUE) BIC[1] <- K #attributes the first element of BIC to K BIC } ##clmm objects useBIC.clmm <- function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, ...){ if(identical(nobs, NULL)) {n <- length(fitted(mod))} else {n <- nobs} LL <- logLik(mod)[1] K <- attr(logLik(mod), "df") #extract correct number of parameters included in model - this includes LM BIC <- -2*LL + K * log(n) if(return.K == TRUE) BIC[1] <- K #attributes the first element of BIC to K BIC } ##coxme objects useBIC.coxme <- function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, ...){ if(identical(nobs, NULL)) {n <- length(mod$linear.predictor)} else {n <- nobs} LL <- extractLL(mod)[1] K <- attr(extractLL(mod), "df") #extract correct number of parameters included in model BIC <- -2*LL + K * log(n) if(return.K==TRUE) BIC[1] <- K #attributes the first element of BIC to K BIC } ##coxph objects useBIC.coxph <- function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, ...){ if(identical(nobs, NULL)) {n <- length(residuals(mod))} else {n <- nobs} LL <- extractLL(mod)[1] K <- attr(extractLL(mod), "df") #extract correct number of parameters included in model BIC <- -2*LL + K * log(n) if(return.K == TRUE) BIC[1] <- K #attributes the first element of BIC to K BIC } ##fitdist (from fitdistrplus) useBIC.fitdist <- function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, ...){ if(identical(nobs, NULL)) {n <- mod$n} else {n <- nobs} LL <- logLik(mod) K <- length(mod$estimate) BIC <- -2*LL + K * log(n) if(return.K == TRUE) BIC[1] <- K #attributes the first element of BIC to K BIC } ##fitdistr (from MASS) useBIC.fitdistr <- function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, ...){ if(identical(nobs, NULL)) {n <- mod$n} else {n <- nobs} LL <- logLik(mod)[1] K <- attr(logLik(mod), "df") #extract correct number of parameters included in model - this includes LM BIC <- -2*LL + K * log(n) if(return.K == TRUE) BIC[1] <- K #attributes the first element of BIC to K BIC } ##glm and lm objects useBIC.glm <- function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, c.hat = 1, ...){ if(is.null(nobs)) { n <- length(mod$fitted) } else {n <- nobs} LL <- logLik(mod)[1] K <- attr(logLik(mod), "df") #extract correct number of parameters included in model - this includes LM if(c.hat == 1) { BIC <- -2*LL + K * log(n) } if(c.hat > 1 && c.hat <= 4) { K <- K+1 BIC <- -2*LL/c.hat + K * log(n) } if(c.hat > 4) stop("High overdispersion and model fit is questionable\n") if(c.hat < 1) stop("You should set \'c.hat\' to 1 if < 1, but values << 1 might also indicate lack of fit\n") ##check if negative binomial and add 1 to K for estimation of theta if glm( ) was used if(!"Negative Binomial", table=family(mod)$family))) { if(!identical(class(mod)[1], "negbin")) { #if not negbin, add + 1 because k of negbin was estimated glm.convert( ) screws up logLik K <- K+1 BIC <- -2*LL + K * log(n) } if(c.hat != 1) stop("You should not use the c.hat argument with the negative binomial") } ##add 1 for theta parameter in negative binomial fit with glm( ) ##check if gamma and add 1 to K for estimation of shape parameter if glm( ) was used if(identical(family(mod)$family, "Gamma") && c.hat > 1) stop("You should not use the c.hat argument with the gamma") ##an extra condition must be added to avoid adding a parameter for theta with negative binomial when glm.nb( ) is fit which estimates the correct number of parameters if(return.K == TRUE) BIC[1] <- K #attributes the first element of BIC to K BIC } ##glmmTMB useBIC.glmmTMB <- function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, c.hat = 1, ...){ if(is.null(nobs)) { n <- nrow(mod$frame) names(n) <- NULL } else {n <- nobs} LL <- logLik(mod)[1] K <- attr(logLik(mod), "df") #extract correct number of parameters included in model - this includes LM if(c.hat == 1) { BIC <- -2*LL + K * log(n) } if(c.hat > 1 && c.hat <= 4) { K <- K+1 BIC <- -2*LL/c.hat + K * log(n) } if(c.hat > 4) stop("High overdispersion and model fit is questionable\n") if(c.hat < 1) stop("You should set \'c.hat\' to 1 if < 1, but values << 1 might also indicate lack of fit\n") if(return.K == TRUE) BIC[1] <- K #attributes the first element of BIC to K BIC } ##gls objects useBIC.gls <- function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, ...){ if(identical(nobs, NULL)) {n<-length(mod$fitted)} else {n <- nobs} LL <- logLik(mod)[1] K <- attr(logLik(mod), "df") #extract correct number of parameters included in model - this includes LM BIC <- -2*LL + K * log(n) if(return.K == TRUE) BIC[1] <- K #attributes the first element of BIC to K BIC } ##gnls objects useBIC.gnls <- function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, ...){ if(identical(nobs, NULL)) {n <- length(fitted(mod))} else {n <- nobs} LL <- logLik(mod)[1] K <- attr(logLik(mod), "df") #extract correct number of parameters included in model BIC <- -2*LL + K * log(n) if(return.K == TRUE) BIC[1] <- K #attributes the first element of BIC to K BIC } ##hurdle objects useBIC.hurdle <- function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, ...){ if(identical(nobs, NULL)) {n <- length(mod$fitted)} else {n <- nobs} LL <- logLik(mod)[1] K <- attr(logLik(mod), "df") #extract correct number of parameters included in model - this includes LM BIC <- -2*LL + K * log(n) if(return.K == TRUE) BIC[1] <- K #attributes the first element of BIC to K BIC } ##lavaan useBIC.lavaan <- function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, ...){ if(identical(nobs, NULL)) {n <- mod@Data@nobs[[1]]} else {n <- nobs} LL <- logLik(mod)[1] K <- attr(logLik(mod), "df") #extract correct number of parameters included in model BIC <- -2*LL + K * log(n) if(return.K == TRUE) BIC[1] <- K #attributes the first element of BIC to K BIC } ##lm objects useBIC.lm <- function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, ...){ if(identical(nobs, NULL)) {n <- length(mod$fitted)} else {n <- nobs} LL <- logLik(mod)[1] K <- attr(logLik(mod), "df") #extract correct number of parameters included in model - this includes LM BIC <- -2*LL + K * log(n) if(return.K == TRUE) BIC[1] <- K #attributes the first element of BIC to K BIC } ##lme objects useBIC.lme <- function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, ...){ if(identical(nobs, NULL)) {n <- nrow(mod$fitted)} else {n <- nobs} LL <- logLik(mod)[1] K <- attr(logLik(mod), "df") #extract correct number of parameters included in model - this includes LM BIC <- -2*LL + K * log(n) if(return.K == TRUE) BIC[1] <- K #attributes the first element of BIC to K BIC } ##lmekin objects useBIC.lmekin <- function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, ...){ if(identical(nobs, NULL)) {n <- length(mod$residuals)} else {n <- nobs} LL <- extractLL(mod)[1] K <- attr(extractLL(mod), "df") #extract correct number of parameters included in model - this includes LM BIC <- -2*LL + K * log(n) if(return.K == TRUE) BIC[1] <- K #attributes the first element of BIC to K return(BIC) } ##maxlike objects useBIC.maxlikeFit <- function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, c.hat = 1, ...) { LL <- extractLL(mod)[1] K <- attr(extractLL(mod), "df") if(is.null(nobs)) { n <- nrow(mod$points.retained) } else {n <- nobs} BIC <- -2*LL + K * log(n) if(c.hat != 1) stop("\nThis function does not support overdispersion in \'maxlikeFit\' models\n") if(identical(return.K, TRUE)) { return(K) } else {return(BIC)} } ##mer object useBIC.mer <- function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, ...){ if(is.null(nobs)) { n <- mod@dims["n"] } else {n <- nobs} LL <- logLik(mod)[1] K <- attr(logLik(mod), "df") #extract correct number of parameters included in model BIC <- -2*LL + K * log(n) if(return.K == TRUE) BIC[1] <- K #attributes the first element of BIC to K BIC } ##merMod objects useBIC.merMod <- function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, ...){ if(is.null(nobs)) { n <- mod@devcomp$dims["n"] names(n) <- NULL } else {n <- nobs} LL <- logLik(mod)[1] K <- attr(logLik(mod), "df") #extract correct number of parameters included in model BIC <- -2*LL + K * log(n) if(return.K == TRUE) BIC[1] <- K #attributes the first element of BIC to K BIC } ##lmerModLmerTest objects useBIC.lmerModLmerTest <- function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, ...){ if(is.null(nobs)) { n <- mod@devcomp$dims["n"] names(n) <- NULL } else {n <- nobs} LL <- logLik(mod)[1] K <- attr(logLik(mod), "df") #extract correct number of parameters included in model BIC <- -2*LL + K * log(n) if(return.K == TRUE) BIC[1] <- K #attributes the first element of BIC to K BIC } ##mult objects useBIC.multinom <- function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, c.hat = 1, ...){ if(identical(nobs, NULL)) {n<-length(mod$fitted)/length(mod$lev)} else {n <- nobs} LL <- logLik(mod)[1] K <- attr(logLik(mod), "df") #extract correct number of parameters included in model - this includes LM if(c.hat == 1) { BIC <- -2*LL + K * log(n) } if(c.hat > 1 && c.hat <= 4) { K <- K+1 BIC <- -2*LL/c.hat + K * log(n) } if(c.hat > 4) stop("High overdispersion and model fit is questionable") if(return.K==TRUE) BIC[1]<-K #attributes the first element of BIC to K BIC } ##nlme objects useBIC.nlme <- function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, ...){ if(identical(nobs, NULL)) {n <- nrow(mod$fitted)} else {n <- nobs} LL <- logLik(mod)[1] K <- attr(logLik(mod), "df") #extract correct number of parameters included in model - this includes LM BIC <- -2*LL + K * log(n) if(return.K == TRUE) BIC[1] <- K #attributes the first element of BIC to K BIC } ##nls objects useBIC.nls <- function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, ...){ if(identical(nobs, NULL)) {n <- length(fitted(mod))} else {n <- nobs} LL <- logLik(mod)[1] K <- attr(logLik(mod), "df") #extract correct number of parameters included in model BIC <- -2*LL + K * log(n) if(return.K == TRUE) BIC[1] <- K #attributes the first element of BIC to K BIC } ##polr objects useBIC.polr <- function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, ...){ if(identical(nobs, NULL)) {n<-length(mod$fitted)} else {n <- nobs} LL <- logLik(mod)[1] K <- attr(logLik(mod), "df") #extract correct number of parameters included in model - this includes LM BIC <- -2*LL + K * log(n) if(return.K == TRUE) BIC[1] <- K #attributes the first element of BIC to K BIC } ##rlm objects ##only valid for M-estimation (Huber M-estimator) ##modified from Tharmaratnam and Claeskens 2013 (equation 8) ##useBIC.rlm <- function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, ...) ##{ ## if(second.ord == TRUE) stop("\nOnly 'second.ord = FALSE' is supported for 'rlm' models\n") ## ##extract design matrix ## X <- model.matrix(mod) ## ##extract scale ## scale.m <- mod$s ## ##extract threshold value ## cval <- mod$k2 ## ##extract residuals ## res <- residuals(mod) ## res.scaled <- res/scale.m ## n <- length(res) ## ##partial derivatives based on Huber's loss function ## dPsi <- ifelse(abs(res.scaled) <= cval, 2, 0) ## Psi <- (ifelse(abs(res.scaled) <= cval, 2*res.scaled, 2*cval*sign(res.scaled)))^2 ## J <- (t(X) %*% diag(as.vector(dPsi)) %*% X * (1/(scale.m^2)))/n ## inv.J <- solve(J) ## ##variance ## K.var <- (t(X) %*% diag(as.vector(Psi)) %*% X * (1/(scale.m^2)))/n ## AIC <- 2*n*(log(scale.m)) + 2 * sum(diag(inv.J %*%(K.var))) ## if(return.K) {AIC <- 2 * sum(diag(inv.J %*%(K.var)))} ## return(AIC) ##} ##the estimator below extracts the estimates obtained from M- or MM-estimator ##and plugs them in the normal likelihood function useBIC.rlm <- function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, ...){ if(identical(nobs, NULL)) {n <- length(mod$fitted)} else {n <- nobs} LL <- logLik(mod)[1] K <- attr(logLik(mod), "df") #extract correct number of parameters included in model - this includes LM BIC <- -2*LL + K * log(n) if(return.K == TRUE) BIC[1] <- K #attributes the first element of BIC to K BIC } ##survreg objects useBIC.survreg <- function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, ...){ if(identical(nobs, NULL)) {n <- nrow(mod$y)} else {n <- nobs} LL <- logLik(mod)[1] K <- attr(logLik(mod), "df") #extract correct number of parameters included in model - this includes LM BIC <- -2*LL + K * log(n) if(return.K == TRUE) BIC[1] <- K #attributes the first element of BIC to K BIC } ##unmarkedFit objects ##create function to extract BIC from 'unmarkedFit' useBIC.unmarkedFit <- function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, c.hat = 1, ...) { LL <- extractLL(mod)[1] K <- attr(extractLL(mod), "df") if(is.null(nobs)) { n <- dim(mod@data@y)[1] } else {n <- nobs} if(c.hat == 1) { BIC <- -2*LL + K * log(n) } if(c.hat > 1 && c.hat <= 4) { ##adjust parameter count to include estimation of dispersion parameter K <- K + 1 BIC <- -2*LL/c.hat + K * log(n) } if(c.hat > 4) stop("\nHigh overdispersion and model fit is questionable\n") if(c.hat < 1) stop("\nYou should set \'c.hat\' to 1 if < 1, but values << 1 might also indicate lack of fit\n") if(identical(return.K, TRUE)) { return(K) } else {return(BIC)} } ##vglm objects useBIC.vglm <- function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, c.hat = 1, ...){ if(is.null(nobs)) { n <- nrow([email protected]) } else {n <- nobs} LL <- extractLL(mod)[1] ##extract number of estimated parameters K <- attr(extractLL(mod), "df") if(c.hat !=1) { <- mod@family@vfamily if( != "poissonff" && != "binomialff") stop("\nOverdispersion correction only appropriate for Poisson or binomial models\n") } if(c.hat == 1) { BIC <- -2*LL + K * log(n) } if(c.hat > 1 && c.hat <= 4) { K <- K + 1 BIC <- -2*LL/c.hat + K * log(n) } if(c.hat > 4) stop("High overdispersion and model fit is questionable\n") if(c.hat < 1) stop("You should set \'c.hat\' to 1 if < 1, but values << 1 might also indicate lack of fit\n") if(return.K == TRUE) BIC[1] <- K #attributes the first element of BIC to K BIC } ##zeroinfl objects useBIC.zeroinfl <- function(mod, return.K = FALSE, nobs = NULL, ...){ if(identical(nobs, NULL)) {n <- length(mod$fitted)} else {n <- nobs} LL <- logLik(mod)[1] K <- attr(logLik(mod), "df") #extract correct number of parameters included in model - this includes LM BIC <- -2*LL + K * log(n) if(return.K == TRUE) BIC[1] <- K #attributes the first element of BIC to K BIC }
##methods for xtable ##aictab xtable.aictab <- function(x, caption = NULL, label = NULL, align = NULL, digits = NULL, display = NULL, auto = FALSE, nice.names = TRUE, include.AICc = TRUE, include.LL = TRUE, include.Cum.Wt = FALSE, ...) { ##change to nicer names if(nice.names) { <- names(x)[4] new.weight <- names(x)[6] names(x)[1] <- "Model" names(x)[2] <- "K" #names(x)[4] <- paste("$\\delta$", unlist(strsplit(, "_"))[2], collapse = " ") #requires sanitize.text.function( ) names(x)[4] <- paste(unlist(strsplit(, "_")), collapse = " ") names(x)[6] <- paste(unlist(strsplit(new.weight, "Wt")), "weight", collapse = " ") names(x)[7] <- "log-Likelihood" names(x)[8] <- "Cumulative weight" } #format to data.frame x <- data.frame(x, check.names = FALSE) class(x) <- c("xtable","data.frame") ##with AICc and LL but not Cum.Wt if(include.AICc && include.LL && !include.Cum.Wt) { x <- x[, c(1:4, 6:7)] align(x) <- switch(1+is.null(align), align, c("l","r","r","r","r","r","r")) digits(x) <- switch(1+is.null(digits), digits, c(0,0,2,2,2,2,2)) display(x) <- switch(1+is.null(display), display, c("s","s","d","f","f","f","f")) } ##with AICc, but not LL and Cum.Wt if(include.AICc && !include.LL && !include.Cum.Wt) { x <- x[, c(1:4, 6)] align(x) <- switch(1+is.null(align), align, c("l","r","r","r","r","r")) digits(x) <- switch(1+is.null(digits), digits, c(0,0,2,2,2,2)) display(x) <- switch(1+is.null(display), display, c("s","s","d","f","f","f")) } ##without AICc, but with LL but not Cum.Wt if(!include.AICc && include.LL && !include.Cum.Wt) { x <- x[, c(1:2, 4, 6:7)] align(x) <- switch(1+is.null(align), align, c("l","r","r","r","r","r")) digits(x) <- switch(1+is.null(digits), digits, c(0,0,2,2,2,2)) display(x) <- switch(1+is.null(display), display, c("s","s","d","f","f","f")) } ##without AICc and LL and Cum.Wt if(!include.AICc && !include.LL && !include.Cum.Wt) { x <- x[, c(1:2, 4, 6)] align(x) <- switch(1+is.null(align), align, c("l","r","r","r","r")) digits(x) <- switch(1+is.null(digits), digits, c(0,0,2,2,2)) display(x) <- switch(1+is.null(display), display, c("s","s","d","f","f")) } ##with AICc and LL and Cum.Wt if(include.AICc && include.LL && include.Cum.Wt) { x <- x[, c(1:4, 6:8)] align(x) <- switch(1+is.null(align), align, c("l","r","r","r","r","r","r","r")) digits(x) <- switch(1+is.null(digits), digits, c(0,0,2,2,2,2,2,2)) display(x) <- switch(1+is.null(display), display, c("s","s","d","f","f","f","f","f")) } ##with AICc, but not LL but with Cum.Wt if(include.AICc && !include.LL && include.Cum.Wt) { x <- x[, c(1:4, 6, 8)] align(x) <- switch(1+is.null(align), align, c("l","r","r","r","r","r","r")) digits(x) <- switch(1+is.null(digits), digits, c(0,0,2,2,2,2,2)) display(x) <- switch(1+is.null(display), display, c("s","s","d","f","f","f","f")) } ##without AICc, but with LL and Cum.Wt if(!include.AICc && include.LL && include.Cum.Wt) { x <- x[, c(1:2, 4, 6:8)] align(x) <- switch(1+is.null(align), align, c("l","r","r","r","r","r","r")) digits(x) <- switch(1+is.null(digits), digits, c(0,0,2,2,2,2,2)) display(x) <- switch(1+is.null(display), display, c("s","s","d","f","f","f","f")) } ##without AICc and LL but with Cum.Wt if(!include.AICc && !include.LL && include.Cum.Wt) { x <- x[, c(1:2, 4, 6, 8)] align(x) <- switch(1+is.null(align), align, c("l","r","r","r","r","r")) digits(x) <- switch(1+is.null(digits), digits, c(0,0,2,2,2,2)) display(x) <- switch(1+is.null(display), display, c("s","s","d","f","f","f")) } caption(x) <- caption label(x) <- label return(x) } ##modavg xtable.modavg <- function(x, caption = NULL, label = NULL, align = NULL, digits = NULL, display = NULL, auto = FALSE, nice.names = TRUE, print.table = FALSE, ...) { ##different format for models of class multinom if(length(x$Mod.avg.beta) == 1){ if(print.table) { ##extract model selection table modavg.table <- data.frame(x$Mod.avg.table[, c(1:4, 6, 8:9)], check.names = FALSE) ##change to nicer names if(nice.names) { <- names(modavg.table)[4] new.weight <- names(modavg.table)[5] names(modavg.table)[1] <- "Model" names(modavg.table)[2] <- "K" ##names(x)[4] <- paste("$\\delta$", unlist(strsplit(, "_"))[2], collapse = " ") #requires sanitize.text.function( ) names(modavg.table)[4] <- paste(unlist(strsplit(, "_")), collapse = " ") names(modavg.table)[5] <- paste(unlist(strsplit(new.weight, "Wt")), "weight", collapse = " ") names(modavg.table)[6] <- paste("Beta(", x$Parameter, ")", sep = "") names(modavg.table)[7] <- paste("SE(", x$Parameter, ")", sep = "") } ##format to data.frame class(modavg.table) <- c("xtable","data.frame") align(modavg.table) <- switch(1+is.null(align), align, c("l","r","r","r","r","r","r","r")) digits(modavg.table) <- switch(1+is.null(digits), digits, c(0,0,2,2,2,2,2,2)) display(modavg.table) <- switch(1+is.null(display), display, c("s","s","d","f","f","f","f","f")) } ##print model-averaged estimate, unconditional SE, CI if(!print.table) { ##model-averaged estimate modavg.table <- data.frame(Mod.avg.beta = x$Mod.avg.beta, Uncond.SE = x$Uncond.SE, Lower.CL = x$Lower.CL, Upper.CL = x$Upper.CL, check.names = FALSE) rownames(modavg.table) <- x$Parameter ##change to nicer names if(nice.names) { names(modavg.table)[1] <- "Model-averaged beta estimate" names(modavg.table)[2] <- "Unconditional SE" names(modavg.table)[3] <- paste(100*x$Conf.level, "%", " lower limit", sep = "") names(modavg.table)[4] <- paste(100*x$Conf.level, "%", " upper limit", sep = "") } ##format to data.frame class(modavg.table) <- c("xtable","data.frame") align(modavg.table) <- switch(1+is.null(align), align, c("l","r","r","r","r")) digits(modavg.table) <- switch(1+is.null(digits), digits, c(0,2,2,2,2)) display(modavg.table) <- switch(1+is.null(display), display, c("s","f","f","f","f")) } } if(length(x$Mod.avg.beta) > 1){ if(print.table) { ##extract model selection table modavg.table <- data.frame(x$Mod.avg.table[, c(1:4, 6)], check.names = FALSE) ##change to nicer names if(nice.names) { <- names(modavg.table)[4] new.weight <- names(modavg.table)[5] names(modavg.table)[1] <- "Model" names(modavg.table)[2] <- "K" ##names(x)[4] <- paste("$\\delta$", unlist(strsplit(, "_"))[2], collapse = " ") #requires sanitize.text.function( ) names(modavg.table)[4] <- paste(unlist(strsplit(, "_")), collapse = " ") names(modavg.table)[5] <- paste(unlist(strsplit(new.weight, "Wt")), "weight", collapse = " ") ##names(modavg.table)[6] <- paste("Beta(", x$Parameter, ")", sep = "") ##names(modavg.table)[7] <- paste("SE(", x$Parameter, ")", sep = "") } ##format to data.frame class(modavg.table) <- c("xtable","data.frame") align(modavg.table) <- switch(1+is.null(align), align, c("l","r","r","r","r","r")) digits(modavg.table) <- switch(1+is.null(digits), digits, c(0,0,2,2,2,2)) display(modavg.table) <- switch(1+is.null(display), display, c("s","s","d","f","f","f")) } ##print model-averaged estimate, unconditional SE, CI if(!print.table) { ##model-averaged estimate modavg.table <- data.frame(Mod.avg.beta = x$Mod.avg.beta, Uncond.SE = x$Uncond.SE, Lower.CL = x$Lower.CL, Upper.CL = x$Upper.CL, check.names = FALSE) rownames(modavg.table) <- names(x$Mod.avg.beta) ##change to nicer names if(nice.names) { names(modavg.table)[1] <- "Model-averaged beta estimate" names(modavg.table)[2] <- "Unconditional SE" names(modavg.table)[3] <- paste(100*x$Conf.level, "%", " lower limit", sep = "") names(modavg.table)[4] <- paste(100*x$Conf.level, "%", " upper limit", sep = "") } ##format to data.frame class(modavg.table) <- c("xtable","data.frame") align(modavg.table) <- switch(1+is.null(align), align, c("l","r","r","r","r")) digits(modavg.table) <- switch(1+is.null(digits), digits, c(0,2,2,2,2)) display(modavg.table) <- switch(1+is.null(display), display, c("s","f","f","f","f")) } } caption(modavg.table) <- caption label(modavg.table) <- label return(modavg.table) } ##modavgShrink xtable.modavgShrink <- function(x, caption = NULL, label = NULL, align = NULL, digits = NULL, display = NULL, auto = FALSE, nice.names = TRUE, print.table = FALSE, ...) { if(print.table) { ##extract model selection table modavg.table <- data.frame(x$Mod.avg.table[, c(1:4, 6, 8:9)], check.names = FALSE) ##change to nicer names if(nice.names) { <- names(modavg.table)[4] new.weight <- names(modavg.table)[5] names(modavg.table)[1] <- "Model" names(modavg.table)[2] <- "K" ##names(x)[4] <- paste("$\\delta$", unlist(strsplit(, "_"))[2], collapse = " ") #requires sanitize.text.function( ) names(modavg.table)[4] <- paste(unlist(strsplit(, "_")), collapse = " ") names(modavg.table)[5] <- paste(unlist(strsplit(new.weight, "Wt")), "weight", collapse = " ") names(modavg.table)[6] <- paste("Beta(", x$Parameter, ")", sep = "") names(modavg.table)[7] <- paste("SE(", x$Parameter, ")", sep = "") } ##format to data.frame class(modavg.table) <- c("xtable","data.frame") align(modavg.table) <- switch(1+is.null(align), align, c("l","r","r","r","r","r","r","r")) digits(modavg.table) <- switch(1+is.null(digits), digits, c(0,0,2,2,2,2,2,2)) display(modavg.table) <- switch(1+is.null(display), display, c("s","s","d","f","f","f","f","f")) } ##print model-averaged estimate, unconditional SE, CI if(!print.table) { ##model-averaged estimate modavg.table <- data.frame(Mod.avg.beta = x$Mod.avg.beta, Uncond.SE = x$Uncond.SE, Lower.CL = x$Lower.CL, Upper.CL = x$Upper.CL, check.names = FALSE) rownames(modavg.table) <- x$Parameter ##change to nicer names if(nice.names) { names(modavg.table)[1] <- "Model-averaged beta estimate" names(modavg.table)[2] <- "Unconditional SE" names(modavg.table)[3] <- paste(100*x$Conf.level, "%", " lower limit", sep = "") names(modavg.table)[4] <- paste(100*x$Conf.level, "%", " upper limit", sep = "") } ##format to data.frame class(modavg.table) <- c("xtable","data.frame") align(modavg.table) <- switch(1+is.null(align), align, c("l","r","r","r","r")) digits(modavg.table) <- switch(1+is.null(digits), digits, c(0,2,2,2,2)) display(modavg.table) <- switch(1+is.null(display), display, c("s","f","f","f","f")) } caption(modavg.table) <- caption label(modavg.table) <- label return(modavg.table) } ##modavgPred xtable.modavgPred <- function(x, caption = NULL, label = NULL, align = NULL, digits = NULL, display = NULL, auto = FALSE, nice.names = TRUE, ...) { modavg.pred <- data.frame(x$matrix.output, check.names = FALSE) ##change to nicer names if(nice.names) { names(modavg.pred)[1] <- "Model-averaged predictions" names(modavg.pred)[2] <- "Unconditional SE" names(modavg.pred)[3] <- paste(100*x$conf.level, "%", " lower limit", sep = "") names(modavg.pred)[4] <- paste(100*x$conf.level, "%", " upper limit", sep = "") } ##format to data.frame class(modavg.pred) <- c("xtable","data.frame") align(modavg.pred) <- switch(1+is.null(align), align, c("l","r","r","r","r")) digits(modavg.pred) <- switch(1+is.null(digits), digits, c(0,2,2,2,2)) display(modavg.pred) <- switch(1+is.null(display), display, c("s","f","f","f","f")) caption(modavg.pred) <- caption label(modavg.pred) <- label return(modavg.pred) } ##dictab xtable.dictab <- function(x, caption = NULL, label = NULL, align = NULL, digits = NULL, display = NULL, auto = FALSE, nice.names = TRUE, include.DIC = TRUE, include.Cum.Wt = FALSE, ...) { ##change to nicer names if(nice.names) { names(x)[1] <- "Model" names(x)[2] <- "pD" names(x)[3] <- "DIC" names(x)[4] <- "Delta DIC" names(x)[6] <- "DIC weight" names(x)[7] <- "Cumulative weight" } #format to data.frame x <- data.frame(x, check.names = FALSE) class(x) <- c("xtable","data.frame") ##with DIC and Cum.Wt if(include.DIC && include.Cum.Wt) { x <- x[, c(1:4, 6:7)] align(x) <- switch(1+is.null(align), align, c("l","r","r","r","r","r","r")) digits(x) <- switch(1+is.null(digits), digits, c(0,0,2,2,2,2,2)) display(x) <- switch(1+is.null(display), display, c("s","s","f","f","f","f","f")) } ##with DIC but not Cum.Wt if(include.DIC && !include.Cum.Wt) { x <- x[, c(1:4, 6)] align(x) <- switch(1+is.null(align), align, c("l","r","r","r","r","r")) digits(x) <- switch(1+is.null(digits), digits, c(0,0,2,2,2,2)) display(x) <- switch(1+is.null(display), display, c("s","s","f","f","f","f")) } ##without DIC but with Cum.Wt if(!include.DIC && include.Cum.Wt) { x <- x[, c(1:2, 4, 6:7)] align(x) <- switch(1+is.null(align), align, c("l","r","r","r","r","r")) digits(x) <- switch(1+is.null(digits), digits, c(0,0,2,2,2,2)) display(x) <- switch(1+is.null(display), display, c("s","s","f","f","f","f")) } ##without DIC and Cum.Wt if(!include.DIC && !include.Cum.Wt) { x <- x[, c(1:2, 4, 6)] align(x) <- switch(1+is.null(align), align, c("l","r","r","r","r")) digits(x) <- switch(1+is.null(digits), digits, c(0,0,2,2,2)) display(x) <- switch(1+is.null(display), display, c("s","s","f","f","f")) } caption(x) <- caption label(x) <- label return(x) } ##modavgEffect xtable.modavgEffect <- function(x, caption = NULL, label = NULL, align = NULL, digits = NULL, display = NULL, auto = FALSE, nice.names = TRUE, print.table = FALSE, ...) { if(print.table) { ##check if output from occuMulti or occuMS if(length(x$Mod.avg.eff) > 1) { warning("\nToo many effect sizes to print in table\n") ##extract model selection table modavg.table <- data.frame(x$Mod.avg.table[, c(1:4, 6)], check.names = FALSE) if(nice.names) { <- names(modavg.table)[4] new.weight <- names(modavg.table)[5] names(modavg.table)[1] <- "Model" names(modavg.table)[2] <- "K" ##names(x)[4] <- paste("$\\delta$", unlist(strsplit(, "_"))[2], collapse = " ") #requires sanitize.text.function( ) names(modavg.table)[4] <- paste(unlist(strsplit(, "_")), collapse = " ") names(modavg.table)[5] <- paste(unlist(strsplit(new.weight, "Wt")), "weight", collapse = " ") } ##format to data.frame class(modavg.table) <- c("xtable","data.frame") align(modavg.table) <- switch(1+is.null(align), align, c("l","r","r","r","r","r")) digits(modavg.table) <- switch(1+is.null(digits), digits, c(0,0,2,2,2,2)) display(modavg.table) <- switch(1+is.null(display), display, c("s","s","d","f","f","f")) } else { ##extract model selection table modavg.table <- data.frame(x$Mod.avg.table[, c(1:4, 6, 8:9)], check.names = FALSE) ##change to nicer names if(nice.names) { <- names(modavg.table)[4] new.weight <- names(modavg.table)[5] names(modavg.table)[1] <- "Model" names(modavg.table)[2] <- "K" ##names(x)[4] <- paste("$\\delta$", unlist(strsplit(, "_"))[2], collapse = " ") #requires sanitize.text.function( ) names(modavg.table)[4] <- paste(unlist(strsplit(, "_")), collapse = " ") names(modavg.table)[5] <- paste(unlist(strsplit(new.weight, "Wt")), "weight", collapse = " ") names(modavg.table)[6] <- paste("Effect(", x$Group1, " - ", x$Group2, ")", sep = "") names(modavg.table)[7] <- paste("SE(", x$Group1, " - ", x$Group2, ")", sep = "") } ##format to data.frame class(modavg.table) <- c("xtable","data.frame") align(modavg.table) <- switch(1+is.null(align), align, c("l","r","r","r","r","r","r","r")) digits(modavg.table) <- switch(1+is.null(digits), digits, c(0,0,2,2,2,2,2,2)) display(modavg.table) <- switch(1+is.null(display), display, c("s","s","d","f","f","f","f","f")) } } ##print model-averaged estimate, unconditional SE, CI if(!print.table) { modavg.table <-$Matrix.output) ##modavg.table <- data.frame(Mod.avg.beta = x$Mod.avg.eff, Uncond.SE = x$, ## Lower.CL = x$Lower.CL, Upper.CL = x$Upper.CL, check.names = FALSE) ##rownames(modavg.table) <- x$Group.variable ##TO CHANGE LABEL TO "Effect Size" ##change to nicer names if(nice.names) { names(modavg.table)[1] <- "Model-averaged effect size" names(modavg.table)[2] <- "Unconditional SE" names(modavg.table)[3] <- paste(100*x$Conf.level, "%", " lower limit", sep = "") names(modavg.table)[4] <- paste(100*x$Conf.level, "%", " upper limit", sep = "") if(length(x$Mod.avg.eff) == 1) {rownames(modavg.table) <- paste("Effect size (", x$Group.variable, ")", sep = "")} } ##format to data.frame class(modavg.table) <- c("xtable","data.frame") align(modavg.table) <- switch(1+is.null(align), align, c("l","r","r","r","r")) digits(modavg.table) <- switch(1+is.null(digits), digits, c(0,2,2,2,2)) display(modavg.table) <- switch(1+is.null(display), display, c("s","f","f","f","f")) } caption(modavg.table) <- caption label(modavg.table) <- label return(modavg.table) } ##multComp xtable.multComp <- function(x, caption = NULL, label = NULL, align = NULL, digits = NULL, display = NULL, auto = FALSE, nice.names = TRUE, print.table = FALSE, ...) { if(print.table) { ##extract model selection table modavg.table <- data.frame(x$model.table[, c(1:4, 6)], check.names = FALSE) ##change to nicer names if(nice.names) { <- names(modavg.table)[4] new.weight <- names(modavg.table)[5] names(modavg.table)[1] <- "Group structure" names(modavg.table)[2] <- "K" ##names(x)[4] <- paste("$\\delta$", unlist(strsplit(, "_"))[2], collapse = " ") #requires sanitize.text.function( ) names(modavg.table)[4] <- paste(unlist(strsplit(, "_")), collapse = " ") names(modavg.table)[5] <- paste(unlist(strsplit(new.weight, "Wt")), "weight", collapse = " ") } ##format to data.frame class(modavg.table) <- c("xtable","data.frame") align(modavg.table) <- switch(1+is.null(align), align, c("l","r","r","r","r","r")) digits(modavg.table) <- switch(1+is.null(digits), digits, c(0,0,2,2,2,2)) display(modavg.table) <- switch(1+is.null(display), display, c("s","s","d","f","f","f")) } ##print model-averaged estimate, unconditional SE, CI if(!print.table) { modavg.table <- data.frame(Group = x$ordered.levels, Model.avg.est = x$model.avg.est[, "Mod.avg.est"], Uncond.SE = x$model.avg.est[, "Uncond.SE"], Lower.CL = x$model.avg.est[, "Lower.CL"], Upper.CL = x$model.avg.est[, "Upper.CL"], check.names = FALSE) ##change to nicer names if(nice.names) { names(modavg.table)[2] <- paste("Model-averaged estimates (", x$, ")", sep = "") names(modavg.table)[3] <- "Unconditional SE" names(modavg.table)[4] <- paste(100*x$conf.level, "%", " lower limit", sep = "") names(modavg.table)[5] <- paste(100*x$conf.level, "%", " upper limit", sep = "") } ##format to data.frame class(modavg.table) <- c("xtable","data.frame") align(modavg.table) <- switch(1+is.null(align), align, c("l","r","r","r","r","r")) digits(modavg.table) <- switch(1+is.null(digits), digits, c(0,2,2,2,2,2)) display(modavg.table) <- switch(1+is.null(display), display, c("s","f","f","f","f","f")) } caption(modavg.table) <- caption label(modavg.table) <- label return(modavg.table) } ##boot.wt - class aictab - potentially create new class for boot.wt xtable.boot.wt <- function(x, caption = NULL, label = NULL, align = NULL, digits = NULL, display = NULL, auto = FALSE, nice.names = TRUE, include.AICc = TRUE, include.AICcWt = FALSE, ...) { ##change to nicer names if(nice.names) { <- names(x)[4] new.weight <- names(x)[6] names(x)[1] <- "Model" names(x)[2] <- "K" names(x)[4] <- paste(unlist(strsplit(, "_")), collapse = " ") names(x)[6] <- paste(unlist(strsplit(new.weight, "Wt")), "weight", collapse = " ") names(x)[7] <- "Pi weight" } #format to data.frame x <- data.frame(x, check.names = FALSE) class(x) <- c("xtable","data.frame") ##with AICc but not AICc.Wt if(include.AICc && !include.AICcWt) { x <- x[, c(1:4, 7)] align(x) <- switch(1+is.null(align), align, c("l","r","r","r","r","r")) digits(x) <- switch(1+is.null(digits), digits, c(0,0,2,2,2,2)) display(x) <- switch(1+is.null(display), display, c("s","s","d","f","f","f")) } ##with AICc and AICc.Wt if(include.AICc && include.AICcWt) { x <- x[, c(1:4, 6:7)] align(x) <- switch(1+is.null(align), align, c("l","r","r","r","r","r","r")) digits(x) <- switch(1+is.null(digits), digits, c(0,0,2,2,2,2,2)) display(x) <- switch(1+is.null(display), display, c("s","s","d","f","f","f","f")) } ##without AICc, but with AICc.Wt if(!include.AICc && include.AICcWt) { x <- x[, c(1:2, 4, 6:7)] align(x) <- switch(1+is.null(align), align, c("l","r","r","r","r","r")) digits(x) <- switch(1+is.null(digits), digits, c(0,0,2,2,2,2)) display(x) <- switch(1+is.null(display), display, c("s","s","d","f","f","f")) } ##without AICc and AICc.Wt if(!include.AICc && !include.AICcWt) { x <- x[, c(1:2, 4, 7)] align(x) <- switch(1+is.null(align), align, c("l","r","r","r","r")) digits(x) <- switch(1+is.null(digits), digits, c(0,0,2,2,2)) display(x) <- switch(1+is.null(display), display, c("s","s","d","f","f")) } caption(x) <- caption label(x) <- label return(x) } ##mb.chisq - for single-season model xtable.mb.chisq <- function(x, caption = NULL, label = NULL, align = NULL, digits = NULL, display = NULL, auto = FALSE, nice.names = TRUE, include.detection.histories = TRUE, ...) { ##stop if dynamic occupancy model if(identical(x$model.type, "dynamic")) { stop("\n'xtable' does not yet support dynamic occupancy models\n") } ##extract names x.names <- names(x) ##stop if no chi-square table is present if(!any(x.names == "chisq.table")) { stop("\nchi-square table must be included in the object\n") } ##extract table chisq.table <- data.frame("Detection.history" = rownames(x$chisq.table), x$chisq.table, check.names = FALSE) ##change to nicer names if(nice.names) { colnames(chisq.table)[1] <- "Detection history" ##extract rownames rows <- rownames(x$chisq.table) ##replace NA by ".", here "" to avoid creating endash in LaTeX ##also possible to use {} between consecutive dashes - this requires sanitization in print( ) new.rows <- gsub(pattern = "NA", replacement = ".", rows) chisq.table[, "Detection history"] <- new.rows rownames(chisq.table) <- new.rows } ##format to data.frame class(chisq.table) <- c("xtable", "data.frame") ##do not include detection history as a column (only rownames) if(!include.detection.histories) { ##exclude column with detection histories chisq.table <- chisq.table[, 2:5] align(chisq.table) <- switch(1+is.null(align), align, c("l","r","r","r","r")) digits(chisq.table) <- switch(1+is.null(digits), digits, c(0,0,2,2,2)) display(chisq.table) <- switch(1+is.null(display), display, c("s","s","d","f","f")) #2 columns as integers } ##include detection history as a column if(include.detection.histories) { ##exclude column with detection histories chisq.table <- chisq.table[, 1:5] align(chisq.table) <- switch(1+is.null(align), align, c("l","r","r","r","r","r")) digits(chisq.table) <- switch(1+is.null(digits), digits, c(0,0,2,2,2,2)) display(chisq.table) <- switch(1+is.null(display), display, c("s","s","d","f","f","f")) #2 columns as integers } caption(chisq.table) <- caption label(chisq.table) <- label return(chisq.table) } ##add method for detHist class xtable.detHist <- function(x, caption = NULL, label = NULL, align = NULL, digits = NULL, display = NULL, auto = FALSE, nice.names = TRUE, table.detHist = "freq", ...) { ##for single season single species, display frequencies in a single matrix if(x$n.seasons == 1 && x$n.species == 1) { ##display detection histories if(identical(table.detHist, "hist")){ det.hist <- x$hist.table.full det.mat <- matrix(det.hist, nrow = 1) if(nice.names) { det.names <- names(det.hist) new.names <- gsub(pattern = "NA", replacement = ".", det.names) colnames(det.mat) <- new.names rownames(det.mat) <- "Season-1" } det.frame <- n.cols <- ncol(det.frame) } ##display frequencies if(identical(table.detHist, "freq")) { det.frame <-$out.freqs) n.cols <- ncol(det.frame) } ##display proportions if(identical(table.detHist, "prop")){ det.frame <-$out.props) n.cols <- ncol(det.frame) } } ##for single season multiple species, display frequencies in a single matrix if(x$n.seasons == 1 && x$n.species > 1) { ##display detection histories if(identical(table.detHist, "hist")){ det.hist <- x$hist.table.full det.mat <- matrix(det.hist, nrow = 1) if(nice.names) { det.names <- names(det.hist) new.names <- gsub(pattern = "NA", replacement = ".", det.names) colnames(det.mat) <- new.names rownames(det.mat) <- "Season-1" } det.frame <- n.cols <- ncol(det.frame) } ##display frequencies if(identical(table.detHist, "freq")) { det.frame <-$out.freqs) n.cols <- ncol(det.frame) } ##display proportions if(identical(table.detHist, "prop")){ det.frame <-$out.props) n.cols <- ncol(det.frame) } } if(x$n.seasons > 1 && x$n.species == 1) { ##display entire detection histories if(identical(table.detHist, "hist")) { det.hist <- x$hist.table.full det.mat <- matrix(det.hist, nrow = 1) if(nice.names) { det.names <- names(det.hist) new.names <- gsub(pattern = "NA", replacement = ".", det.names) colnames(det.mat) <- new.names rownames(det.mat) <- "All seasons" } det.frame <- n.cols <- ncol(det.frame) } ##display frequencies if(identical(table.detHist, "freq")) { det.frame <-$out.freqs) n.cols <- ncol(det.frame) } ##display proportions if(identical(table.detHist, "prop")) { det.frame <-$out.props) n.cols <- ncol(det.frame) } } ##format to data.frame class(det.frame) <- c("xtable","data.frame") align(det.frame) <- switch(1+is.null(align), align, c("l", rep("r", n.cols))) if(identical(table.detHist, "prop")) { digits(det.frame) <- switch(1+is.null(digits), digits, c(0, rep(2, n.cols))) } else { digits(det.frame) <- switch(1+is.null(digits), digits, c(0, rep(0, n.cols))) } display(det.frame) <- switch(1+is.null(display), display, c("s", rep("f", n.cols))) caption(det.frame) <- caption label(det.frame) <- label return(det.frame) } ##add method for countHist class xtable.countHist <- function(x, caption = NULL, label = NULL, align = NULL, digits = NULL, display = NULL, auto = FALSE, nice.names = TRUE, table.countHist = "count", ...) { ##for single season, display frequencies in a single matrix if(x$n.seasons == 1) { ##display count histories if(identical(table.countHist, "hist")){ det.hist <- x$hist.table.full det.mat <- matrix(det.hist, nrow = 1) if(nice.names) { det.names <- names(det.hist) new.names <- gsub(pattern = "NA", replacement = ".", det.names) colnames(det.mat) <- new.names rownames(det.mat) <- "Season-1" } det.frame <- n.cols <- ncol(det.frame) } ##display frequencies if(identical(table.countHist, "freq")) { det.frame <-$out.freqs) n.cols <- ncol(det.frame) } ##display counts if(identical(table.countHist, "count")) { det.mat <- matrix(x$count.table.full, nrow = 1) colnames(det.mat) <- names(x$count.table.full) if(nice.names) { rownames(det.mat) <- "Season-1" } n.cols <- ncol(det.mat) det.frame <- } ##display proportions if(identical(table.countHist, "prop")){ det.frame <-$out.props) n.cols <- ncol(det.frame) } } else { ##display entire detection histories if(identical(table.countHist, "hist")) { det.hist <- x$hist.table.full det.mat <- matrix(det.hist, nrow = 1) if(nice.names) { det.names <- names(det.hist) new.names <- gsub(pattern = "NA", replacement = ".", det.names) colnames(det.mat) <- new.names rownames(det.mat) <- "All seasons" } det.frame <- n.cols <- ncol(det.frame) } ##display frequencies if(identical(table.countHist, "freq")) { det.frame <-$out.freqs) #det.frame[1, 3:6] <- "." n.cols <- ncol(det.frame) } ##display counts if(identical(table.countHist, "count")) { det.mat <- matrix(x$count.table.full, nrow = 1) colnames(det.mat) <- names(x$count.table.full) if(nice.names) { rownames(det.mat) <- "All seasons" } n.cols <- ncol(det.mat) det.frame <- } ##display proportions if(identical(table.countHist, "prop")) { det.frame <-$out.props) # det.frame[1, 2:4] <- "." n.cols <- ncol(det.frame) } } ##format to data.frame class(det.frame) <- c("xtable","data.frame") align(det.frame) <- switch(1+is.null(align), align, c("l", rep("r", n.cols))) if(identical(table.countHist, "prop")) { digits(det.frame) <- switch(1+is.null(digits), digits, c(0, rep(2, n.cols))) } else { digits(det.frame) <- switch(1+is.null(digits), digits, c(0, rep(0, n.cols))) } display(det.frame) <- switch(1+is.null(display), display, c("s", rep("f", n.cols))) caption(det.frame) <- caption label(det.frame) <- label return(det.frame) } ##add method for countDist class xtable.countDist <- function(x, caption = NULL, label = NULL, align = NULL, digits = NULL, display = NULL, auto = FALSE, nice.names = TRUE, table.countDist = "distance", ...) { ##for single season, display frequencies in a single matrix if(x$n.seasons == 1) { ##display counts across distance classes if(identical(table.countDist, "distance")){ det.dist <- matrix(x$dist.sums.full, nrow = 1) colnames(det.dist) <- names(x$dist.sums.full) if(nice.names) { rownames(det.dist) <- "Season-1" } n.cols <- ncol(det.dist) det.frame <- } ##display frequencies if(identical(table.countDist, "freq")) { det.frame <-$out.freqs) n.cols <- ncol(det.frame) } ##display counts if(identical(table.countDist, "count")) { det.mat <- matrix(x$count.table.full, nrow = 1) colnames(det.mat) <- names(x$count.table.full) if(nice.names) { rownames(det.mat) <- "Season-1" } n.cols <- ncol(det.mat) det.frame <- } ##display proportions if(identical(table.countDist, "prop")){ det.frame <-$out.props) n.cols <- ncol(det.frame) } } else { ##display counts across distance classes if(identical(table.countDist, "distance")) { ##assumes the same distance classes were used each year det.dist <- matrix(unlist(x$dist.table.seasons), nrow = x$n.seasons) colnames(det.dist) <- names(x$dist.sums.full) if(nice.names) { rownames(det.dist) <- paste("Season-", 1:x$n.seasons, sep = "") } n.cols <- ncol(det.dist) det.frame <- } ##display frequencies if(identical(table.countDist, "freq")) { det.frame <-$out.freqs) #det.frame[1, 3:6] <- "." n.cols <- ncol(det.frame) } ##display counts if(identical(table.countDist, "count")) { det.mat <- matrix(x$count.table.full, nrow = 1) colnames(det.mat) <- names(x$count.table.full) if(nice.names) { rownames(det.mat) <- "All seasons" } n.cols <- ncol(det.mat) det.frame <- } ##display proportions if(identical(table.countDist, "prop")) { det.frame <-$out.props) # det.frame[1, 2:4] <- "." n.cols <- ncol(det.frame) } } ##format to data.frame class(det.frame) <- c("xtable","data.frame") align(det.frame) <- switch(1+is.null(align), align, c("l", rep("r", n.cols))) if(identical(table.countDist, "prop")) { digits(det.frame) <- switch(1+is.null(digits), digits, c(0, rep(2, n.cols))) } else { digits(det.frame) <- switch(1+is.null(digits), digits, c(0, rep(0, n.cols))) } display(det.frame) <- switch(1+is.null(display), display, c("s", rep("f", n.cols))) caption(det.frame) <- caption label(det.frame) <- label return(det.frame) } ##add method for detTime class xtable.detTime <- function(x, caption = NULL, label = NULL, align = NULL, digits = NULL, display = NULL, auto = FALSE, nice.names = TRUE, table.detTime = "freq", ...) { ##for single season, display frequencies in a single matrix if(x$n.seasons == 1) { ##display detection histories if(identical(table.detTime, "dist")){ det.time <- x$time.table.full det.mat <- matrix(det.time, nrow = 1) if(nice.names) { det.names <- names(det.time) colnames(det.mat) <- det.names rownames(det.mat) <- "Season-1" } det.frame <- n.cols <- ncol(det.frame) } ##display frequencies if(identical(table.detTime, "freq")) { det.frame <-$out.freqs) n.cols <- ncol(det.frame) } ##display proportions if(identical(table.detTime, "prop")){ det.frame <-$out.props) n.cols <- ncol(det.frame) } } if(x$n.seasons > 1) { ##display distribution of detection times across seasons if(identical(table.detTime, "dist")) { det.time <- x$time.table.full det.mat <- matrix(det.time, nrow = 1) if(nice.names) { det.names <- names(det.time) colnames(det.mat) <- det.names rownames(det.mat) <- "All seasons" } det.frame <- n.cols <- ncol(det.frame) } ##display frequencies if(identical(table.detTime, "freq")) { det.frame <-$out.freqs) n.cols <- ncol(det.frame) } ##display proportions if(identical(table.detTime, "prop")) { det.frame <-$out.props) n.cols <- ncol(det.frame) } } ##format to data.frame class(det.frame) <- c("xtable","data.frame") align(det.frame) <- switch(1+is.null(align), align, c("l", rep("r", n.cols))) if(identical(table.detTime, "prop")) { digits(det.frame) <- switch(1+is.null(digits), digits, c(0, rep(2, n.cols))) } else { digits(det.frame) <- switch(1+is.null(digits), digits, c(0, rep(0, n.cols))) } display(det.frame) <- switch(1+is.null(display), display, c("s", rep("f", n.cols))) caption(det.frame) <- caption label(det.frame) <- label return(det.frame) } ##bictab xtable.bictab <- function(x, caption = NULL, label = NULL, align = NULL, digits = NULL, display = NULL, auto = FALSE, nice.names = TRUE, include.BIC = TRUE, include.LL = TRUE, include.Cum.Wt = FALSE, ...) { ##change to nicer names if(nice.names) { <- names(x)[4] new.weight <- names(x)[6] names(x)[1] <- "Model" names(x)[2] <- "K" #names(x)[4] <- paste("$\\delta$", unlist(strsplit(, "_"))[2], collapse = " ") #requires sanitize.text.function( ) names(x)[4] <- paste(unlist(strsplit(, "_")), collapse = " ") names(x)[6] <- paste(unlist(strsplit(new.weight, "Wt")), "weight", collapse = " ") names(x)[7] <- "log-Likelihood" names(x)[8] <- "Cumulative weight" } #format to data.frame x <- data.frame(x, check.names = FALSE) class(x) <- c("xtable","data.frame") ##with BIC and LL but not Cum.Wt if(include.BIC && include.LL && !include.Cum.Wt) { x <- x[, c(1:4, 6:7)] align(x) <- switch(1+is.null(align), align, c("l","r","r","r","r","r","r")) digits(x) <- switch(1+is.null(digits), digits, c(0,0,2,2,2,2,2)) display(x) <- switch(1+is.null(display), display, c("s","s","d","f","f","f","f")) } ##with BIC, but not LL and Cum.Wt if(include.BIC && !include.LL && !include.Cum.Wt) { x <- x[, c(1:4, 6)] align(x) <- switch(1+is.null(align), align, c("l","r","r","r","r","r")) digits(x) <- switch(1+is.null(digits), digits, c(0,0,2,2,2,2)) display(x) <- switch(1+is.null(display), display, c("s","s","d","f","f","f")) } ##without BIC, but with LL but not Cum.Wt if(!include.BIC && include.LL && !include.Cum.Wt) { x <- x[, c(1:2, 4, 6:7)] align(x) <- switch(1+is.null(align), align, c("l","r","r","r","r","r")) digits(x) <- switch(1+is.null(digits), digits, c(0,0,2,2,2,2)) display(x) <- switch(1+is.null(display), display, c("s","s","d","f","f","f")) } ##without BIC and LL and Cum.Wt if(!include.BIC && !include.LL && !include.Cum.Wt) { x <- x[, c(1:2, 4, 6)] align(x) <- switch(1+is.null(align), align, c("l","r","r","r","r")) digits(x) <- switch(1+is.null(digits), digits, c(0,0,2,2,2)) display(x) <- switch(1+is.null(display), display, c("s","s","d","f","f")) } ##with BIC and LL and Cum.Wt if(include.BIC && include.LL && include.Cum.Wt) { x <- x[, c(1:4, 6:8)] align(x) <- switch(1+is.null(align), align, c("l","r","r","r","r","r","r","r")) digits(x) <- switch(1+is.null(digits), digits, c(0,0,2,2,2,2,2,2)) display(x) <- switch(1+is.null(display), display, c("s","s","d","f","f","f","f","f")) } ##with BIC, but not LL but with Cum.Wt if(include.BIC && !include.LL && include.Cum.Wt) { x <- x[, c(1:4, 6, 8)] align(x) <- switch(1+is.null(align), align, c("l","r","r","r","r","r","r")) digits(x) <- switch(1+is.null(digits), digits, c(0,0,2,2,2,2,2)) display(x) <- switch(1+is.null(display), display, c("s","s","d","f","f","f","f")) } ##without BIC, but with LL and Cum.Wt if(!include.BIC && include.LL && include.Cum.Wt) { x <- x[, c(1:2, 4, 6:8)] align(x) <- switch(1+is.null(align), align, c("l","r","r","r","r","r","r")) digits(x) <- switch(1+is.null(digits), digits, c(0,0,2,2,2,2,2)) display(x) <- switch(1+is.null(display), display, c("s","s","d","f","f","f","f")) } ##without BIC and LL but with Cum.Wt if(!include.BIC && !include.LL && include.Cum.Wt) { x <- x[, c(1:2, 4, 6, 8)] align(x) <- switch(1+is.null(align), align, c("l","r","r","r","r","r")) digits(x) <- switch(1+is.null(digits), digits, c(0,0,2,2,2,2)) display(x) <- switch(1+is.null(display), display, c("s","s","d","f","f","f")) } caption(x) <- caption label(x) <- label return(x) } ##checkParms xtable.checkParms <- function(x, caption = NULL, label = NULL, align = NULL, digits = NULL, display = NULL, auto = FALSE, nice.names = TRUE, include.variable = TRUE, = TRUE, = TRUE, ...) { ##change to nicer names if(nice.names) { se.max <- x$se.max names(x$result)[1] <- "Variable" names(x$result)[2] <- "Maximum SE" names(x$result)[3] <- paste("Num parms with SE >", se.max, sep = " ") } ##format to data.frame x <- data.frame(x$result, check.names = FALSE) class(x) <- c("xtable","data.frame") ##with variable,, and if(include.variable && && { x <- x[, c(1:3)] align(x) <- switch(1+is.null(align), align, c("l","r","r","r")) digits(x) <- switch(1+is.null(digits), digits, c(0,2,2,0)) display(x) <- switch(1+is.null(display), display, c("s","f","f","f")) } ##with variable and, but not if(include.variable && && ! { x <- x[, c(1:2)] align(x) <- switch(1+is.null(align), align, c("l","r","r")) digits(x) <- switch(1+is.null(digits), digits, c(0,2,2)) display(x) <- switch(1+is.null(display), display, c("s","f","f")) } ##with variable and, but not if(include.variable && ! && { x <- x[, c(1, 3)] align(x) <- switch(1+is.null(align), align, c("l","r","r")) digits(x) <- switch(1+is.null(digits), digits, c(0,2,0)) display(x) <- switch(1+is.null(display), display, c("s","f","f")) } ##with and, but without variable if(!include.variable && && { x <- x[, c(2:3)] align(x) <- switch(1+is.null(align), align, c("l","r","r")) digits(x) <- switch(1+is.null(digits), digits, c(0,2,0)) display(x) <- switch(1+is.null(display), display, c("s","f","f")) } ##with if(!include.variable && ! && { x <- x[, 3, drop = FALSE] align(x) <- switch(1+is.null(align), align, c("l","r")) digits(x) <- switch(1+is.null(digits), digits, c(0,0)) display(x) <- switch(1+is.null(display), display, c("s","f")) } ##with if(!include.variable && && ! { x <- x[, 2, drop = FALSE] align(x) <- switch(1+is.null(align), align, c("l","r")) digits(x) <- switch(1+is.null(digits), digits, c(0,2)) display(x) <- switch(1+is.null(display), display, c("s","f")) } ##with variable if(include.variable && ! && ! { x <- x[, 1, drop = FALSE] align(x) <- switch(1+is.null(align), align, c("l","r")) digits(x) <- switch(1+is.null(digits), digits, c(0,2)) display(x) <- switch(1+is.null(display), display, c("s","f")) } caption(x) <- caption label(x) <- label return(x) } ##summaryOD xtable.summaryOD <- function(x, caption = NULL, label = NULL, align = NULL, digits = NULL, display = NULL, auto = FALSE, nice.names = TRUE, ...) { ##extract model table summaryOD.table <- data.frame(x$outMat, check.names = FALSE) ##change to nicer names if(nice.names) { if(identical(x$out.type, "interval")) { names(summaryOD.table)[1] <- "Estimate" names(summaryOD.table)[2] <- "Standard error" lowLab <- paste("Lower ", x$conf.level * 100, "%", " CL", sep = "") uppLab <- paste("Upper ", x$conf.level * 100, "%", " CL", sep = "") names(summaryOD.table)[3] <- lowLab names(summaryOD.table)[4] <- uppLab } if(identical(x$out.type, "nhst")) { names(summaryOD.table)[1] <- "Estimate" names(summaryOD.table)[2] <- "Standard error" names(summaryOD.table)[3] <- "Wald Z" names(summaryOD.table)[4] <- "P value" } } ##format to data.frame class(summaryOD.table) <- c("xtable","data.frame") align(summaryOD.table) <- switch(1+is.null(align), align, c("l","r","r","r", "r")) digits(summaryOD.table) <- switch(1+is.null(digits), digits, c(0,2,2,2,2)) display(summaryOD.table) <- switch(1+is.null(display), display, c("s","f","f","f","f")) caption(summaryOD.table) <- caption label(summaryOD.table) <- label return(summaryOD.table) } ##anovaOD xtable.anovaOD <- function(x, caption = NULL, label = NULL, align = NULL, digits = NULL, display = NULL, auto = FALSE, nice.names = TRUE, ...) { ##extract model selection table anovaOD.table <- data.frame(x$devMat, check.names = FALSE) ##change to nicer names if(nice.names) { rownames(anovaOD.table) <- c("Model 1", "Model 2") names(anovaOD.table)[2] <- "log-likelihood" names(anovaOD.table)[3] <- "Delta K" names(anovaOD.table)[4] <- "-2(Delta log-likelihoods)" names(anovaOD.table)[6] <- "P value" if(x$c.hat == 1) { names(anovaOD.table)[5] <- "Chi-square" } else { names(anovaOD.table)[5] <- "F" } } ##format to data.frame class(anovaOD.table) <- c("xtable","data.frame") align(anovaOD.table) <- switch(1+is.null(align), align, c("l","r","r","r","r","r","r")) digits(anovaOD.table) <- switch(1+is.null(digits), digits, c(0,2,2,2,2,2,2)) display(anovaOD.table) <- switch(1+is.null(display), display, c("s","d","f","d","f","f","f")) caption(anovaOD.table) <- caption label(anovaOD.table) <- label return(anovaOD.table) } ##ictab xtable.ictab <- function(x, caption = NULL, label = NULL, align = NULL, digits = NULL, display = NULL, auto = FALSE, nice.names = TRUE, include.IC = TRUE, include.Cum.Wt = FALSE, ...) { ##change to nicer names if(nice.names) { <- names(x)[4] new.weight <- names(x)[6] names(x)[1] <- "Model" names(x)[2] <- "K" #names(x)[4] <- paste("$\\delta$", unlist(strsplit(, "_"))[2], collapse = " ") #requires sanitize.text.function( ) names(x)[4] <- paste(unlist(strsplit(, "_")), collapse = " ") names(x)[6] <- paste(unlist(strsplit(new.weight, "Wt")), "weight", collapse = " ") names(x)[7] <- "Cumulative weight" } #format to data.frame x <- data.frame(x, check.names = FALSE) class(x) <- c("xtable","data.frame") ##with IC but not Cum.Wt if(include.IC && !include.Cum.Wt) { x <- x[, c(1:4, 6)] align(x) <- switch(1+is.null(align), align, c("l","r","r","r","r","r")) digits(x) <- switch(1+is.null(digits), digits, c(0,0,2,2,2,2)) if(all(x[, 2] %% 1 == 0)) { display(x) <- switch(1+is.null(display), display, c("s","s","d","f","f","f")) } else { display(x) <- switch(1+is.null(display), display, c("s","s","f","f","f","f")) } } ##without IC and Cum.Wt if(!include.IC && !include.Cum.Wt) { x <- x[, c(1:2, 4, 6)] align(x) <- switch(1+is.null(align), align, c("l","r","r","r","r")) digits(x) <- switch(1+is.null(digits), digits, c(0,0,2,2,2)) if(all(x[, 2] %% 1 == 0)) { display(x) <- switch(1+is.null(display), display, c("s","s","d","f","f")) } else { display(x) <- switch(1+is.null(display), display, c("s","s","f","f","f")) } } ##with IC and Cum.Wt if(include.IC && include.Cum.Wt) { x <- x[, c(1:4, 6:7)] align(x) <- switch(1+is.null(align), align, c("l","r","r","r","r","r","r")) digits(x) <- switch(1+is.null(digits), digits, c(0,0,2,2,2,2,2)) if(all(x[, 2] %% 1 == 0)) { display(x) <- switch(1+is.null(display), display, c("s","s","d","f","f","f","f")) } else { display(x) <- switch(1+is.null(display), display, c("s","s","f","f","f","f","f")) } } ##without IC, but with Cum.Wt if(!include.IC && include.Cum.Wt) { x <- x[, c(1:2, 4, 6:7)] align(x) <- switch(1+is.null(align), align, c("l","r","r","r","r","r")) digits(x) <- switch(1+is.null(digits), digits, c(0,0,2,2,2,2)) if(all(x[, 2] %% 1 == 0)) { display(x) <- switch(1+is.null(display), display, c("s","s","d","f","f","f")) } else { display(x) <- switch(1+is.null(display), display, c("s","s","f","f","f","f")) } } caption(x) <- caption label(x) <- label return(x) } ##modavgIC xtable.modavgIC <- function(x, caption = NULL, label = NULL, align = NULL, digits = NULL, display = NULL, auto = FALSE, nice.names = TRUE, print.table = FALSE, ...) { if(print.table) { ##extract model selection table modavg.table <- data.frame(x$Mod.avg.table[, c(1:4, 6:8)], check.names = FALSE) ##change to nicer names if(nice.names) { <- names(modavg.table)[4] new.weight <- names(modavg.table)[5] names(modavg.table)[1] <- "Model" names(modavg.table)[2] <- "K" ##names(x)[4] <- paste("$\\delta$", unlist(strsplit(, "_"))[2], collapse = " ") #requires sanitize.text.function( ) names(modavg.table)[4] <- paste(unlist(strsplit(, "_")), collapse = " ") names(modavg.table)[5] <- paste(unlist(strsplit(new.weight, "Wt")), "weight", collapse = " ") names(modavg.table)[6] <- "Estimate" names(modavg.table)[7] <- "SE" } ##format to data.frame class(modavg.table) <- c("xtable","data.frame") align(modavg.table) <- switch(1+is.null(align), align, c("l","r","r","r","r","r","r","r")) digits(modavg.table) <- switch(1+is.null(digits), digits, c(0,0,2,2,2,2,2,2)) if(all(modavg.table$K %% 1 == 0)) { display(modavg.table) <- switch(1+is.null(display), display, c("s","s","d","f","f","f","f","f")) } else { display(modavg.table) <- switch(1+is.null(display), display, c("s","s","f","f","f","f","f","f")) } } ##print model-averaged estimate, unconditional SE, CI if(!print.table) { ##model-averaged estimate modavg.table <- data.frame(Mod.avg.est = x$Mod.avg.est, Uncond.SE = x$Uncond.SE, Lower.CL = x$Lower.CL, Upper.CL = x$Upper.CL, check.names = FALSE) rownames(modavg.table) <- "Parameter" ##change to nicer names if(nice.names) { names(modavg.table)[1] <- "Model-averaged estimate" names(modavg.table)[2] <- "Unconditional SE" names(modavg.table)[3] <- paste(100*x$Conf.level, "%", " lower limit", sep = "") names(modavg.table)[4] <- paste(100*x$Conf.level, "%", " upper limit", sep = "") } ##format to data.frame class(modavg.table) <- c("xtable","data.frame") align(modavg.table) <- switch(1+is.null(align), align, c("l","r","r","r","r")) digits(modavg.table) <- switch(1+is.null(digits), digits, c(0,2,2,2,2)) display(modavg.table) <- switch(1+is.null(display), display, c("s","f","f","f","f")) } caption(modavg.table) <- caption label(modavg.table) <- label return(modavg.table) } ##modavgCustom xtable.modavgCustom <- function(x, caption = NULL, label = NULL, align = NULL, digits = NULL, display = NULL, auto = FALSE, nice.names = TRUE, print.table = FALSE, ...) { if(print.table) { ##extract model selection table modavg.table <- data.frame(x$Mod.avg.table[, c(1:4, 6, 8:9)], check.names = FALSE) ##change to nicer names if(nice.names) { <- names(modavg.table)[4] new.weight <- names(modavg.table)[5] names(modavg.table)[1] <- "Model" names(modavg.table)[2] <- "K" ##names(x)[4] <- paste("$\\delta$", unlist(strsplit(, "_"))[2], collapse = " ") #requires sanitize.text.function( ) names(modavg.table)[4] <- paste(unlist(strsplit(, "_")), collapse = " ") names(modavg.table)[5] <- paste(unlist(strsplit(new.weight, "Wt")), "weight", collapse = " ") names(modavg.table)[6] <- "Estimate" names(modavg.table)[7] <- "SE" } ##format to data.frame class(modavg.table) <- c("xtable","data.frame") align(modavg.table) <- switch(1+is.null(align), align, c("l","r","r","r","r","r","r","r")) digits(modavg.table) <- switch(1+is.null(digits), digits, c(0,0,2,2,2,2,2,2)) display(modavg.table) <- switch(1+is.null(display), display, c("s","s","d","f","f","f","f","f")) } ##print model-averaged estimate, unconditional SE, CI if(!print.table) { ##model-averaged estimate modavg.table <- data.frame(Mod.avg.beta = x$Mod.avg.est, Uncond.SE = x$Uncond.SE, Lower.CL = x$Lower.CL, Upper.CL = x$Upper.CL, check.names = FALSE) rownames(modavg.table) <- "Parameter" ##change to nicer names if(nice.names) { names(modavg.table)[1] <- "Model-averaged estimate" names(modavg.table)[2] <- "Unconditional SE" names(modavg.table)[3] <- paste(100*x$Conf.level, "%", " lower limit", sep = "") names(modavg.table)[4] <- paste(100*x$Conf.level, "%", " upper limit", sep = "") } ##format to data.frame class(modavg.table) <- c("xtable","data.frame") align(modavg.table) <- switch(1+is.null(align), align, c("l","r","r","r","r")) digits(modavg.table) <- switch(1+is.null(digits), digits, c(0,2,2,2,2)) display(modavg.table) <- switch(1+is.null(display), display, c("s","f","f","f","f")) } caption(modavg.table) <- caption label(modavg.table) <- label return(modavg.table) }
### R code from vignette source 'AICcmodavg-unmarked.Rnw' ################################################### ### code chunk number 1: AICcmodavg-unmarked.Rnw:37-38 ################################################### options(width=70, continue = " ") ################################################### ### code chunk number 2: loadPackage ################################################### ##load package library(AICcmodavg) ##load data frame data(bullfrog) ################################################### ### code chunk number 3: checkBullfrog ################################################### ##check data structure str(bullfrog) ##first rows head(bullfrog) ################################################### ### code chunk number 4: formatData ################################################### ##extract detections yObs <- bullfrog[, c("V1", "V2", "V3", "V4", "V5", "V6", "V7")] ##extract site variables siteVars <- bullfrog[, c("Location", "Reed.presence")] ##extract observation variables ##centered sampling effort on each visit effort <- bullfrog[, c("Effort1", "Effort2", "Effort3", "Effort4", "Effort5", "Effort6", "Effort7")] ##survey type (0 = call survey, 1 = minnow trap) type <- bullfrog[, c("Type1", "Type2", "Type3", "Type4", "Type5", "Type6", "Type7")] ################################################### ### code chunk number 5: loadFormat ################################################### ##load package library(unmarked) ##format data bfrogData <- unmarkedFrameOccu(y = yObs, siteCovs = siteVars, obsCovs = list(Type = type, Effort = effort)) ################################################### ### code chunk number 6: summary1 ################################################### summary(bfrogData) ################################################### ### code chunk number 7: detHist ################################################### detHist(bfrogData) ################################################### ### code chunk number 8: fitOccu ################################################### ##null model m1 <- occu(~ 1 ~ 1, data = bfrogData) ##p varies with survey type and effort, occupancy is constant m2 <- occu(~ Type + Effort ~ 1, data = bfrogData) ##p constant, occupancy varies with reed presence m3 <- occu(~ 1 ~ Reed.presence, data = bfrogData) ##global model m4 <- occu(~ Type + Effort ~ Reed.presence, data = bfrogData) ################################################### ### code chunk number 9: checkOut ################################################### summary(m4) summaryOD(m4, out.type = "confint") summaryOD(m4, out.type = "nhst") ################################################### ### code chunk number 10: createList ################################################### bfrogMods <- list("null" = m1, "psidot.pTypeEffort" = m2, "psiReed.pdot" = m3, "psiReed.pTypeEffort" = m4) ################################################### ### code chunk number 11: checkConv ################################################### ##check convergence for a single model checkConv(m1) ##extract values across all models sapply(bfrogMods, checkConv) ################################################### ### code chunk number 12: extractCN ################################################### ##extract condition number of single model extractCN(m1) ##extract condition across all models sapply(bfrogMods, extractCN) ################################################### ### code chunk number 13: largeSE ################################################### ##check highest SE in single model checkParms(m1) ##check highest SE across all models lapply(bfrogMods, checkParms) ################################################### ### code chunk number 14: LRT ################################################### ##compare global model vs null anovaOD(mod.simple = m1, mod.complex = m3) ################################################### ### code chunk number 15: gof (eval = FALSE) ################################################### ## ##this takes 226 min. using 2 cores ## gof <- mb.gof.test(mod = m4, nsim = 10000, parallel = TRUE, ncores = 2) ## gof ## save(gof, file = "gofMod3.Rdata") ################################################### ### code chunk number 16: gof2 ################################################### load("gofMod3.Rdata") gof p.value <- sum(gof$ >= gof$chi.square)/gof$nsim if (p.value == 0) { p.display <- paste("<", round(1/gof$nsim, digits = 4)) } else { p.display <- paste("=", round(p.value, digits = 4)) } hist(gof$, main = "Bootstrapped MacKenzie and Bailey fit statistic (10 000 samples)", xlim = range(c(gof$, gof$chi.square)), xlab = paste("Simulated statistic (observed = ", round(gof$chi.square, digits = 2), ")", sep = ""), cex.axis = 1.2, cex.lab = 1.2, cex.main = 1.2) title(main = bquote(paste(italic(P), " ", .(p.display))), line = 0.5, cex.main = 1.2) abline(v = gof$chi.square, lty = "dashed", col = "red") ################################################### ### code chunk number 17: summaryOD2 ################################################### ##compare inferences summaryOD(m3) summaryOD(m3, c.hat = 1.08) ################################################### ### code chunk number 18: aic ################################################### ##when no overdispersion is present outTab <- aictab(cand.set = bfrogMods) ##accounting for overdispersion outTabC <- aictab(cand.set = bfrogMods, c.hat = 1.08) outTab outTabC ################################################### ### code chunk number 19: evidenceRatio ################################################### ##evidence ratio between top-ranked model vs second-ranked model evidence(aic.table = outTabC) ################################################### ### code chunk number 20: modavgShrink ################################################### ##model-averaged estimate of reed presence - shrinkage estimator estReed <- modavgShrink(cand.set = bfrogMods, parm = "Reed.presence", parm.type = "psi", c.hat = 1.08) estReed ################################################### ### code chunk number 21: modavgShrink2 ################################################### estType <- modavgShrink(cand.set = bfrogMods, parm = "Type", parm.type = "detect", c.hat = 1.08) estType estEffort <- modavgShrink(cand.set = bfrogMods, parm = "Effort", parm.type = "detect", c.hat = 1.08) estEffort ################################################### ### code chunk number 22: checkXpsi ################################################### ##variables on psi extractX(cand.set = bfrogMods, parm.type = "psi") ##variables on p extractX(cand.set = bfrogMods, parm.type = "detect") ################################################### ### code chunk number 23: predReed ################################################### reedFrame <- data.frame(Reed.presence = c(0, 1)) ################################################### ### code chunk number 24: predReed2 ################################################### outReed <- modavgPred(cand.set = bfrogMods, newdata = reedFrame, parm.type = "psi", c.hat = 1.08) outReed ################################################### ### code chunk number 25: storeReed ################################################### ##store predictions and confidence intervals in data frame reedFrame$fit <- outReed$mod.avg.pred reedFrame$low95 <- outReed$lower.CL reedFrame$upp95 <- outReed$upper.CL ################################################### ### code chunk number 26: plotReed ################################################### ##create plot xvals <- c(0.2, 0.4) plot(fit ~ xvals, data = reedFrame, ylab = "Probability of occupancy", xlab = "Presence of reed", ylim = c(0, 1), cex = 1.2, cex.axis = 1.2, cex.lab = 1.2, xlim = c(0, 0.6), xaxt = "n") #add x axis axis(side = 1, at = xvals, labels = c("absent", "present"), cex.axis = 1.2) ##add error bars segments(x0 = xvals, y0 = reedFrame$low95, x1 = xvals, y1 = reedFrame$upp95) ################################################### ### code chunk number 27: predType ################################################### ##vary Type, hold Effort constant at its mean typeFrame <- data.frame(Type = c(0, 1), Effort = 0) ##model-averaged predictions outType <- modavgPred(cand.set = bfrogMods, newdata = typeFrame, parm.type = "detect", c.hat = 1.08) outType ################################################### ### code chunk number 28: plotType ################################################### ##store predictions and confidence intervals in data frame typeFrame$fit <- outType$mod.avg.pred typeFrame$low95 <- outType$lower.CL typeFrame$upp95 <- outType$upper.CL ##create plot xvals <- c(0.2, 0.4) plot(fit ~ xvals, data = typeFrame, ylab = "Detection probability", xlab = "Survey type", ylim = c(0, 1), cex = 1.2, cex.axis = 1.2, cex.lab = 1.2, xlim = c(0, 0.6), xaxt = "n") #add x axis axis(side = 1, at = xvals, labels = c("call survey", "minnow trapping"), cex.axis = 1.2) ##add error bars segments(x0 = xvals, y0 = typeFrame$low95, x1 = xvals, y1 = typeFrame$upp95) ################################################### ### code chunk number 29: extractEffort ################################################### ##extract centered values of sampling effort effort <- bfrogData@obsCovs$Effort ##create a series of 30 values to plot Effort.cent <- seq(from = min(effort), to = max(effort), length.out = 30) ##back-transform values to original scale of variable Effort.mean <- 8.67 #mean of original variable see ?bullfrog Effort.orig <- Effort.cent + Effort.mean ################################################### ### code chunk number 30: predEffort ################################################### ##note that all variables on the parameter must appear here pred.dataEffort <- data.frame(Effort.orig = Effort.orig, Effort = Effort.cent, #centered variable Type = 1) #Recall that \texttt{Type} was coded 1 (minnow trap) or 0 (call survey) ##compute model-averaged predictions with modavgPred on probability scale out.predsEffort <- modavgPred(cand.set = bfrogMods, newdata = pred.dataEffort, parm.type = "detect", type = "response", c.hat = 1.08) ################################################### ### code chunk number 31: addPreds ################################################### ##add predictions to data set to keep everything in the same place pred.dataEffort$fit <- out.predsEffort$mod.avg.pred pred.dataEffort$ <- out.predsEffort$ pred.dataEffort$low95 <- out.predsEffort$lower.CL pred.dataEffort$upp95 <- out.predsEffort$upper.CL ################################################### ### code chunk number 32: plotEffort ################################################### ##create plot ##plot plot(fit ~ Effort.orig, ylab = "Detection probability", xlab = "Sampling effort", ylim = c(0, 1), type = "l", cex = 1.2, cex.lab = 1.2, cex.axis = 1.2, data = pred.dataEffort) ##add 95% CI around predictions lines(low95 ~ Effort.orig, data = pred.dataEffort, lty = "dashed") lines(upp95 ~ Effort.orig, data = pred.dataEffort, lty = "dashed") ################################################### ### code chunk number 33: xtable1 ################################################### library(xtable) xtable(outTabC) ################################################### ### code chunk number 34: table2 ################################################### xtable(estReed) ################################################### ### code chunk number 35: table3 ################################################### xtable(detHist(m3)) ################################################### ### code chunk number 36: table4 ################################################### xtable(mb.chisq(m3)) ################################################### ### code chunk number 37: xtableOptions ################################################### #add caption, suppress log-likelihood, and include cumulative Akaike weight print(xtable(outTabC, caption = "Model selection accounting for overdispersion in the bullfrog data.", include.LL = FALSE, include.Cum.Wt = TRUE), caption.placement = "top", include.rownames = FALSE)
### R code from vignette source 'AICcmodavg.Rnw' ################################################### ### code chunk number 1: AICcmodavg.Rnw:37-38 ################################################### options(width=70, continue = " ") ################################################### ### code chunk number 2: import ################################################### library(AICcmodavg) data(dry.frog) ################################################### ### code chunk number 3: subData ################################################### ##extract only first 7 columns frog <- dry.frog[, 1:7] ##first lines head(frog) ##structure of data frame str(frog) ################################################### ### code chunk number 4: na ################################################### any( ################################################### ### code chunk number 5: centInitialMass ################################################### ##center initial mass frog$InitMass_cent <- frog$Initial_mass - mean(frog$Initial_mass) ################################################### ### code chunk number 6: InitialMass2 ################################################### frog$InitMass2 <- frog$InitMass_cent^2 ################################################### ### code chunk number 7: checkDiag ################################################### ##run global model global <- lm(Mass_lost ~ InitMass_cent + InitMass2 + Substrate + Shade, data = frog) par(mfrow = c(2, 2)) plot(global) ################################################### ### code chunk number 8: logMass ################################################### frog$logMass_lost <- log(frog$Mass_lost + 1) #adding 1 due to presence of 0's ################################################### ### code chunk number 9: checkDiag2 ################################################### ##run global model global.log <- lm(logMass_lost ~ InitMass_cent + InitMass2 + Substrate + Shade, data = frog) par(mfrow = c(2, 2)) plot(global.log) ################################################### ### code chunk number 10: fitCands ################################################### m.null <- lm(logMass_lost ~ 1, data = frog) m.shade <- lm(logMass_lost ~ Shade, data = frog) m.substrate <- lm(logMass_lost ~ Substrate, data = frog) m.shade.substrate <- lm(logMass_lost ~ Shade + Substrate, data = frog) m.null.mass <- lm(logMass_lost ~ InitMass_cent + InitMass2, data = frog) m.shade.mass <- lm(logMass_lost ~ InitMass_cent + InitMass2 + Shade, data = frog) m.substrate.mass <- lm(logMass_lost ~ InitMass_cent + InitMass2 + Substrate, data = frog) <- global.log ################################################### ### code chunk number 11: storeList ################################################### ##store models in named list Cand.models <- list("null" = m.null, "shade" = m.shade, "substrate" = m.substrate, "shade + substrate" = m.shade.substrate, "mass" = m.null.mass, "mass + shade" = m.shade.mass, "mass + substrate" = m.substrate.mass, "global" = ################################################### ### code chunk number 12: modTableAICc ################################################### selectionTable <- aictab(cand.set = Cand.models) selectionTable ################################################### ### code chunk number 13: modTableAIC ################################################### aictab(Cand.models, second.ord = FALSE) ################################################### ### code chunk number 14: exportTable3 (eval = FALSE) ################################################### ## library(xtable) ## print(xtable(selectionTable, caption = "Model selection table on frog mass lost.", ## label = "tab:selection"), ## include.rownames = FALSE, caption.placement = "top") ################################################### ### code chunk number 15: exportTable4 ################################################### library(xtable) print(xtable(selectionTable, caption = "Model selection table on frog mass lost.", label = "tab:selection"), include.rownames = FALSE, caption.placement = "top", ) ################################################### ### code chunk number 16: confSet ################################################### ##confidence set of models confset(cand.set = Cand.models) ################################################### ### code chunk number 17: evidence ################################################### ##evidence ratios evidence(aic.table = selectionTable) ################################################### ### code chunk number 18: evidenceSilent ################################################### evRatio <- evidence(selectionTable) ################################################### ### code chunk number 19: evidence2 ################################################### ##compare "substrate" vs "shade" evidence(selectionTable, model.high = "substrate", model.low = "shade") ################################################### ### code chunk number 20: evidence2Silent ################################################### ##compare "substrate" vs "shade" evRatio2 <- evidence(selectionTable, model.high = "substrate", model.low = "shade") ################################################### ### code chunk number 21: evidenceNull ################################################### evidence(selectionTable, model.high = "global", model.low = "null") ################################################### ### code chunk number 22: confint ################################################### confint( ################################################### ### code chunk number 23: modavg ################################################### modavg(cand.set = Cand.models, parm = "Shade") ################################################### ### code chunk number 24: modavg2 ################################################### modavgShade <- modavg(cand.set = Cand.models, parm = "Shade") ################################################### ### code chunk number 25: coef ################################################### coef( ################################################### ### code chunk number 26: substrateSPHAG ################################################### modavg(Cand.models, parm = "SubstrateSPHAGNUM") ################################################### ### code chunk number 27: substrateSPHAG2 ################################################### modavgSphag <- modavg(Cand.models, parm = "SubstrateSPHAGNUM") ################################################### ### code chunk number 28: modavg ################################################### modavgShrink(cand.set = Cand.models, parm = "Shade") ################################################### ### code chunk number 29: substrateSPHAGShrink ################################################### modavgShrink(Cand.models, parm = "SubstrateSPHAGNUM") ################################################### ### code chunk number 30: shadePred ################################################### ##data frame to make predictions ##all variables are held constant, except Shade predData <- data.frame(InitMass_cent = c(0, 0), InitMass2 = c(0, 0), Substrate = factor("SOIL", levels = levels(frog$Substrate)), Shade = c(0, 1)) ##predictions from global model predict(, newdata = predData, = TRUE) ##predictions from null model predict(m.null, newdata = predData, = TRUE) ################################################### ### code chunk number 31: extractX ################################################### extractX(cand.set = Cand.models) ################################################### ### code chunk number 32: modavgPred ################################################### modavgPred(cand.set = Cand.models, newdata = predData) ################################################### ### code chunk number 33: modavgPredSub ################################################### ##data frame holding all variables constant, except Substrate predSub <- data.frame(InitMass_cent = c(0, 0, 0), InitMass2 = c(0, 0, 0), Substrate = factor(c("PEAT", "SOIL", "SPHAGNUM"), levels = levels(frog$Substrate)), Shade = c(1, 1, 1)) ##model-average predictions predsMod <- modavgPred(Cand.models, newdata = predSub) predsMod ################################################### ### code chunk number 34: checkContent ################################################### ##check content of object str(predsMod) ################################################### ### code chunk number 35: savePreds ################################################### ##add predictions, lower CL, and upper CL predSub$fit <- predsMod$mod.avg.pred predSub$low95 <- predsMod$lower.CL predSub$upp95 <- predsMod$upper.CL ################################################### ### code chunk number 36: plotPreds ################################################### ##create vector for X axis predSub$xvals <- c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75) ##create empty box plot(fit ~ xvals, data = predSub, xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = range(low95, upp95), xlab = "Substrate type", ylab = "Predicted mass lost (log of mass in g)", xaxt = "n", cex.axis = 1.2, cex.lab = 1.2) ##add x axis axis(side = 1, at = predSub$xvals, labels = c("Peat", "Soil", "Sphagnum"), cex.axis = 1.2) ##add CI's segments(x0 = predSub$xvals, x1 = predSub$xvals, y0 = predSub$low95, predSub$upp95) ################################################### ### code chunk number 37: compGroups ################################################### predComp <- data.frame(InitMass_cent = c(0, 0), InitMass2 = c(0, 0), Substrate = factor(c("PEAT", "SPHAGNUM"), levels = levels(frog$Substrate)), Shade = c(1, 1)) ##model-average predictions modavgEffect(Cand.models, newdata = predComp) ################################################### ### code chunk number 38: customAICc ################################################### ##log-likelihoods modL <- c(-225.4180, -224.0697, -225.4161) ##number of parameters modK <- c(2, 3, 3) ##model selection outTab <- aictabCustom(logL = modL, K = modK, modnames = c("null", "phi(SVL)p(.)", "phi(Road)p(.)"), nobs = 621) ################################################### ### code chunk number 39: evRatioCustom (eval = FALSE) ################################################### ## evidence(outTab, model.high = "phi(SVL)p(.)", ## model.low = "phi(Road)p(.)") ################################################### ### code chunk number 40: evRatioCustom ################################################### evRatioCust <- evidence(outTab, model.high = "phi(SVL)p(.)", model.low = "phi(Road)p(.)") ################################################### ### code chunk number 41: estSE ################################################### ##survival estimates with road mitigation modEst <- c(0.1384450, 0.1266030, 0.1378745) ##SE's of survival estimates with road mitigation modSE <- c(0.03670327, 0.03347475, 0.03862634) ################################################### ### code chunk number 42: customModavg ################################################### ##model-averaged survival with road mitigation modavgCustom(logL = modL, K = modK, modnames = c("null", "phi(SVL)p(.)", "phi(Road)p(.)"), estimate = modEst, se = modSE, nobs = 621) ################################################### ### code chunk number 43: customModavg2 ################################################### ##survival estimates without road mitigation modEst2 <- c(0.1384450, 0.1266030, 0.1399727) ##SE's of survival estimates without road mitigation modSE2 <- c(0.03670327, 0.03347475, 0.04981635) ##model-averaged survival modavgCustom(logL = modL, K = modK, modnames = c("null", "phi(SVL)p(.)", "phi(Road)p(.)"), estimate = modEst2, se = modSE2, nobs = 621)
boxcoxfr <- function(y, x, option="both",lambda = seq(-3,3,0.01), lambda2 = NULL, tau = 0.05, alpha = 0.05, verbose = TRUE){ dname1<-deparse(substitute(y)) dname2<-deparse(substitute(x)) x=factor(x) k=length(levels(x)) if (length(y) != length(x)) {stop("The lengths of x and y must be equal")} if(is.null(lambda2)) lambda2<-0 y <- y+lambda2 if ( == TRUE) {stop("Data include NA")} if (min(y) <= 0) {stop("Data must include positive values. Specify shifting parameter, lambda2")} if(((option=="both")|(option=="nor")|(option=="var"))==F) {stop("Correct option argument")} #################################### if ((option=="both")|(option=="nor")){ stor_w=NULL for (i in 1:k){ for (j in 1:length(lambda)) { if (lambda[j]!=0){ y1=y[which(x==(levels(x)[i]))] w=(shapiro.test((y1^(lambda[j]) - 1)/(lambda[j]))) stor_w=rbind(stor_w,c(lambda[j],w$statistic,w$p)) } if (lambda[j]==0){ y1=y[which(x==(levels(x)[i]))] w=shapiro.test(log(y1)) stor_w=rbind(stor_w,c(lambda[j],w$statistic,w$p)) } } #closing for loop lambda=stor_w[which(stor_w[,3]>=tau),1] if (length(lambda)==0) {stop("Feasible region is null set. No solution. \n Try to enlarge the range of feasible lambda values, lambda. \n Try to decrease feasible region parameter, tau.")} stor_w=NULL } #closing for loop } ################################ ########## if ((option=="both")|(option=="var")){ stor_w=NULL for (j in 1:length(lambda)) { if (lambda[j]!=0){ lt=bartlett.test((y^(lambda[j]) - 1)/(lambda[j]),x) stor_w=rbind(stor_w,c(lambda[j],lt$statistic,lt$p.value)) } if (lambda[j]==0){ lt=bartlett.test(log(y),x) stor_w=rbind(stor_w,c(lambda[j],lt$statistic,lt$p.value)) } } lambda=stor_w[which(stor_w[,3]>=tau),1] if (length(lambda)==0) {stop("Feasible region is null set. No solution. \n Try to enlarge the range of feasible lambda values, lambda. \n Try to decrease feasible region parameter, tau.")} } ########## #### van=boxcox(y~x, lambda, plotit = FALSE) lambda=van$x[which.max(van$y)] #### ################################ stor1=stor2=NULL for(i in 1:k){ if(lambda!=0){ kk=shapiro.test((y[which(x==(levels(x)[i]))]^lambda-1)/lambda) }else{ kk=shapiro.test(log(y[which(x==(levels(x)[i]))])) } stor1=c(stor1,kk$statistic) stor2=c(stor2,kk$p) } store = data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = k, ncol = 4)) colnames(store) = c("Level", "statistic", "p.value", "Normality") store$statistic=stor1 store$p.value=stor2 store$Normality = ifelse(store$p.value > alpha, "YES", "NO") store$Level=levels(x) if(lambda!=0){ kk2=bartlett.test((y^lambda-1)/lambda,x) }else{ kk2=bartlett.test(log(y),x) } store2 = data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = 1, ncol = 4)) colnames(store2) = c("Level","statistic", "p.value", "Homogeneity") store2$statistic=kk2$statistic store2$p.value=kk2$p.value store2$Homogeneity= ifelse(store2$p.value > alpha, "YES", "NO") store2$Level="All" if(lambda!=0){^lambda-1)/lambda }else{ } if(tau==0){ method="MLE" }else{ method="MLEFR" } if (verbose){ cat("\n"," Box-Cox power transformation", "\n", sep = " ") cat("---------------------------------------------------------------------", "\n\n", sep = " ") cat(" lambda.hat :", lambda, "\n\n", sep = " ") cat("\n"," Shapiro-Wilk normality test for transformed data ","(alpha = ",alpha,")", "\n", sep = "") cat("-------------------------------------------------------------------", "\n", sep = " ") print(store) cat("\n\n"," Bartlett's homogeneity test for transformed data ","(alpha = ",alpha,")", "\n", sep = "") cat("-------------------------------------------------------------------", "\n", sep = " ") print(store2) cat("---------------------------------------------------------------------", "\n\n", sep = " ") } out <- list() out$method <-method out$lambda.hat <-lambda out$lambda2 <-lambda2 out$shapiro <- store out$bartlett <- store2 out$alpha<-as.numeric(alpha) out$ <- out$x <- x out$ <- dname1 out$ <- dname2 attr(out, "class") <- "boxcoxfr" invisible(out) }
boxcoxlm <- function(x, y, method="lse", lambda = seq(-3,3,0.01), lambda2 = NULL, plot = TRUE, alpha = 0.05, verbose = TRUE) { dname1<-deparse(substitute(y)) dname2<-deparse(substitute(x)) y<-as.numeric(y) if(is.null(lambda2)) lambda2<-0 y <- y + lambda2 if (!any(class(x)=="matrix")) stop("x must be a matrix") if ( stop("x matrix includes NA") if ( stop("response y includes NA") if (min(y)<=0) stop("response y must include positive values. Specify shifting parameter, lambda2") x<-cbind(1,x) if (method=="sw") { store1<-lapply(1:length(lambda), function(i) lambda[i]) store2<-lapply(1:length(lambda), function(i) if (store1[[i]] != 0) (y^store1[[i]]-1)/store1[[i]] else log(y)) store3<-lapply(1:length(lambda), function(i) ginv(t(x) %*% x) %*% t(x) %*% store2[[i]]) store4<-lapply(1:length(lambda), function(i) t(store3[[i]]) %*% t(x)) store5<-lapply(1:length(lambda), function(i) store4[[i]]-store2[[i]]) store6<-lapply(1:length(lambda), function(i) shapiro.test(store5[[i]])$statistic) pred.lamb<-store1[[which.max(store6)]]<-"Estimating Box-Cox transformation parameter via Shapiro-Wilk test statistic" } else if (method=="ad") { store1<-lapply(1:length(lambda), function(i) lambda[i]) store2<-lapply(1:length(lambda), function(i) if (store1[[i]] != 0) (y^store1[[i]]-1)/store1[[i]] else log(y)) store3<-lapply(1:length(lambda), function(i) ginv(t(x) %*% x) %*% t(x) %*% store2[[i]]) store4<-lapply(1:length(lambda), function(i) t(store3[[i]]) %*% t(x)) store5<-lapply(1:length(lambda), function(i) store4[[i]]-store2[[i]]) store6<-lapply(1:length(lambda), function(i) ad.test(store5[[i]])$statistic) pred.lamb<-store1[[which.min(store6)]]<-"Estimating Box-Cox transformation parameter via Anderson-Darling test statistic" } else if (method=="cvm") { store1<-lapply(1:length(lambda), function(i) lambda[i]) store2<-lapply(1:length(lambda), function(i) if (store1[[i]] != 0) (y^store1[[i]]-1)/store1[[i]] else log(y)) store3<-lapply(1:length(lambda), function(i) ginv(t(x) %*% x) %*% t(x) %*% store2[[i]]) store4<-lapply(1:length(lambda), function(i) t(store3[[i]]) %*% t(x)) store5<-lapply(1:length(lambda), function(i) store4[[i]]-store2[[i]]) store6<-lapply(1:length(lambda), function(i) cvm.test(store5[[i]])$statistic) pred.lamb<-store1[[which.min(store6)]]<-"Estimating Box-Cox transformation parameter via Cramer-von Mises test statistic" } else if (method=="pt") { store1<-lapply(1:length(lambda), function(i) lambda[i]) store2<-lapply(1:length(lambda), function(i) if (store1[[i]] != 0) (y^store1[[i]]-1)/store1[[i]] else log(y)) store3<-lapply(1:length(lambda), function(i) ginv(t(x) %*% x) %*% t(x) %*% store2[[i]]) store4<-lapply(1:length(lambda), function(i) t(store3[[i]]) %*% t(x)) store5<-lapply(1:length(lambda), function(i) store4[[i]]-store2[[i]]) store6<-lapply(1:length(lambda), function(i) pearson.test(store5[[i]])$statistic) pred.lamb<-store1[[which.min(store6)]]<-"Estimating Box-Cox transformation parameter via Pearson Chi-Square test statistic" } else if (method=="sf") { store1<-lapply(1:length(lambda), function(i) lambda[i]) store2<-lapply(1:length(lambda), function(i) if (store1[[i]] != 0) (y^store1[[i]]-1)/store1[[i]] else log(y)) store3<-lapply(1:length(lambda), function(i) ginv(t(x) %*% x) %*% t(x) %*% store2[[i]]) store4<-lapply(1:length(lambda), function(i) t(store3[[i]]) %*% t(x)) store5<-lapply(1:length(lambda), function(i) store4[[i]]-store2[[i]]) store6<-lapply(1:length(lambda), function(i) sf.test(store5[[i]])$statistic) pred.lamb<-store1[[which.max(store6)]]<-"Estimating Box-Cox transformation parameter via Shapiro-Francia test statistic" } else if (method=="lt") { store1<-lapply(1:length(lambda), function(i) lambda[i]) store2<-lapply(1:length(lambda), function(i) if (store1[[i]] != 0) (y^store1[[i]]-1)/store1[[i]] else log(y)) store3<-lapply(1:length(lambda), function(i) ginv(t(x) %*% x) %*% t(x) %*% store2[[i]]) store4<-lapply(1:length(lambda), function(i) t(store3[[i]]) %*% t(x)) store5<-lapply(1:length(lambda), function(i) store4[[i]]-store2[[i]]) store6<-lapply(1:length(lambda), function(i) lillie.test(store5[[i]])$statistic) pred.lamb<-store1[[which.min(store6)]]<-"Estimating Box-Cox transformation parameter via Lilliefors test statistic" } else if (method=="jb") { store1<-lapply(1:length(lambda), function(i) lambda[i]) store2<-lapply(1:length(lambda), function(i) if (store1[[i]] != 0) (y^store1[[i]]-1)/store1[[i]] else log(y)) store3<-lapply(1:length(lambda), function(i) ginv(t(x) %*% x) %*% t(x) %*% store2[[i]]) store4<-lapply(1:length(lambda), function(i) t(store3[[i]]) %*% t(x)) store5<-lapply(1:length(lambda), function(i) store4[[i]]-store2[[i]]) store6<-lapply(1:length(lambda), function(i) jarque.bera.test(store5[[i]][1,])$statistic) pred.lamb<-store1[[which.min(store6)]]<-"Estimating Box-Cox transformation parameter via Jarque-Bera test statistic" } else if (method=="mle") { store1<-lapply(1:length(lambda), function(i) lambda[i]) store2<-lapply(1:length(lambda), function(x) if (store1[[x]] != 0) (y^store1[[x]]-1)/(store1[[x]]*(geometric.mean(y)^(store1[[x]]-1))) else geometric.mean(y)*log(y)) store3<-lapply(1:length(lambda), function(i) ginv(t(x) %*% x) %*% t(x) %*% store2[[i]]) store4<-lapply(1:length(lambda), function(i) t(store3[[i]]) %*% t(x)) store5<-lapply(1:length(lambda), function(i) store4[[i]]-store2[[i]]) store6<-lapply(1:length(lambda), function(i) sum(log(dnorm(store5[[i]], mean = mean(store5[[i]]), sd = sd(store5[[i]]))))) pred.lamb<-store1[[which.max(store6)]]<-"Estimating Box-Cox transformation parameter via maximum likelihood estimation" } else if (method=="lse") { store1<-lapply(1:length(lambda), function(i) lambda[i]) store2<-lapply(1:length(lambda), function(x) if (store1[[x]] != 0) (y^store1[[x]]-1)/(store1[[x]]*(geometric.mean(y)^(store1[[x]]-1))) else geometric.mean(y)*log(y)) store3<-lapply(1:length(lambda), function(i) ginv(t(x) %*% x) %*% t(x) %*% store2[[i]]) store4<-lapply(1:length(lambda), function(i) t(store3[[i]]) %*% t(x)) store5<-lapply(1:length(lambda), function(i) store4[[i]]-store2[[i]]) store6<-lapply(1:length(lambda), function(i) sum(store5[[i]]^2)) pred.lamb<-store1[[which.min(store6)]]<-"Estimating Box-Cox transformation parameter via least square estimation" } if (pred.lamb==max(lambda)) stop("Enlarge the range of the lambda") if (pred.lamb==min(lambda)) stop("Enlarge the range of the lambda") coef = ginv(t(x) %*% x) %*% t(x) %*% y ypred = t(coef) %*% t(x) residual = ypred - y if (pred.lamb!=0) y.transformed<-((y^pred.lamb)-1)/pred.lamb if (pred.lamb==0) y.transformed<-log(y) coef.transformed = ginv(t(x) %*% x) %*% t(x) %*% y.transformed ypred.transformed = t(coef.transformed) %*% t(x) residual.transformed = ypred.transformed - y.transformed if(plot){ par(mfrow=c(2,2)) hist(residual, xlab = "Residuals", prob=TRUE, main = "Histogram of residuals") lines(density(residual)) hist(residual.transformed, xlab = "Residuals after transformation", prob=TRUE, main = paste("Histogram of residuals after transformation")) lines(density(residual.transformed)) qqnorm(residual, main = "Q-Q plot of residuals") qqline(residual) qqnorm(residual.transformed, main = "Q-Q plot of residuals after transformation") qqline(residual.transformed) } if (method=="sw") { statistic<-shapiro.test(residual.transformed)$statistic pvalue<-shapiro.test(residual.transformed)$p.value<-"Shapiro-Wilk normality test" } if (method=="ad") { statistic<-ad.test(residual.transformed)$statistic pvalue<-ad.test(residual.transformed)$p.value<-"Anderson-Darling normality test" } if (method=="cvm") { statistic<-cvm.test(residual.transformed)$statistic pvalue<-cvm.test(residual.transformed)$p.value<-"Cramer-von Mises normality test" } if (method=="pt") { statistic<-pearson.test(residual.transformed)$statistic pvalue<-pearson.test(residual.transformed)$p.value<-"Pearson Chi-square normality test" } if (method=="sf") { statistic<-sf.test(residual.transformed)$statistic pvalue<-sf.test(residual.transformed)$p.value<-"Shapiro-Francia normality test" } if (method=="lt") { statistic<-lillie.test(residual.transformed)$statistic pvalue<-lillie.test(residual.transformed)$p.value<-"Lilliefors normality test" } if (method=="jb") { statistic<-jarque.bera.test(residual.transformed[1,])$statistic pvalue<-jarque.bera.test(residual.transformed[1,])$p.value<-"Jarque-Bera normality test" } if ((method=="mle")|(method=="lse")) { statistic<-shapiro.test(residual.transformed)$statistic pvalue<-shapiro.test(residual.transformed)$p.value<-"Shapiro-Wilk normality test" } if (verbose){ cat("\n"," Box-Cox power transformation", "\n", sep = " ") cat("--------------------------------------------------------------", "\n\n", sep = " ") cat(" lambda.hat :", pred.lamb, "\n\n", sep = " ") cat("\n", " ",," (alpha = ",alpha,")", "\n", sep = "") cat("--------------------------------------------------------------", "\n\n", sep = " ") cat(" statistic :", statistic, "\n", sep = " ") cat(" p.value :", pvalue, "\n\n", sep = " ") cat(if(pvalue > alpha){" Result : Residuals are normal after transformation."} else {" Result : Residuals are not normal after transformation."},"\n") cat("--------------------------------------------------------------", "\n\n", sep = " ") } out<-list() out$method< out$lambda.hat<-as.numeric(pred.lamb) out$lambda2<-as.numeric(lambda2) out$statistic<-as.numeric(statistic) out$p.value<-as.numeric(pvalue) out$alpha<-as.numeric(alpha) out$<-as.numeric(y.transformed) out$tf.residuals<-as.numeric(residual.transformed[1,]) out$<-dname1 out$<-dname2 attr(out, "class") <- "boxcoxlm" invisible(out) }
boxcoxmeta<-function(data, lambda = seq(-3, 3, 0.01), nboot = 100, lambda2 = NULL, plot = TRUE, alpha = 0.05, verbose = TRUE){ method = c("sw","ad","jb") if(is.null(lambda2)) lambda2<-0 if(length(method)<2){ boxcoxnc(data,method=method,alpha=alpha,lambda = lambda,lambda2 = lambda2) }else{ lambdas<-data.frame(matrix(nrow=1, ncol=length(method))) boost_lambda<-data.frame(matrix(nrow = nboot, ncol = length(method))) colnames(boost_lambda)<-method colnames(lambdas)<-method for(i in method){ lambdas[,i]<-boxcoxnc(data, method = i, plot =FALSE, verbose = FALSE,lambda = lambda,lambda2 = lambda2,alpha = alpha)$lambda.hat for (j in c(1:nboot)) { sample<-sample(1:length(data),length(data),replace = TRUE) boost_lambda[j,i]<-boxcoxnc(data[sample],method = i, plot = FALSE,verbose =FALSE,lambda = lambda,lambda2 = lambda2,alpha = alpha)$lambda.hat } } sd <- apply(boost_lambda,2,sd) pred.lamb<-metamean(n=rep(length(data),length(method)),mean =as.double(lambdas[method]),sd=as.double(sd[method]) )$TE.random if (pred.lamb == max(lambda)) stop("Enlarge the range of the lambda") if (pred.lamb == min(lambda)) stop("Enlarge the range of the lambda") if (pred.lamb != 0) data.transformed <- ((data^pred.lamb) - 1)/pred.lamb if (pred.lamb == 0) data.transformed <- log(data) dname<-deparse(substitute(data)) <- str_replace_all(paste(method,collapse = " "),pattern = " ",replacement = ",") results<-data.frame(matrix(nrow=length(method),ncol=4)) colnames(results)<-c("Test","Statistic","P.Value","Normality") row.names(results)<-method for (i in method) { if(i=="sw"){ results[i,"Test"]<-"Shapiro-Wilk" results[i,"Statistic"]<-shapiro.test(data.transformed)$statistic results[i,"P.Value"]<-shapiro.test(data.transformed)$p.value results[i,"Normality"]<-ifelse(results[i,"P.Value"]<0.05,"Reject","Not reject") }else if(i=="ad"){ results[i,"Test"]<-"Anderson Darling" results[i,"Statistic"]<-ad.test(data.transformed)$statistic results[i,"P.Value"]<-ad.test(data.transformed)$p.value results[i,"Normality"]<-ifelse(results[i,"P.Value"]<0.05,"Reject","Not reject") }else if(i=="jb"){ results[i,"Test"]<-"Jarque-Bera" results[i,"Statistic"]<-jarque.bera.test(data.transformed)$statistic results[i,"P.Value"]<-jarque.bera.test(data.transformed)$p.value results[i,"Normality"]<-ifelse(results[i,"P.Value"]<0.05,"Reject","Not reject") } } row.names(results)<-NULL if (verbose) { cat("\n", " Box-Cox power transformation via meta analysis", "\n", sep = " ") cat("-------------------------------------------------------", "\n\n", sep = " ") cat(" lambda.hat :", pred.lamb, "\n\n", sep = " ") cat("\n", " ","Normality tests for transformed data ", "(alpha = ", alpha, ")", "\n", sep = "") cat("-------------------------------------------------------", "\n", sep = " ") print(results) cat("-------------------------------------------------------", "\n\n", sep = " ") } if (plot) { par(mfrow = c(2, 2)) hist(data, xlab = dname, prob = TRUE, main = paste("Histogram of", dname)) lines(density(data)) hist(data.transformed, xlab = paste("Transformed", dname), prob = TRUE, main = paste("Histogram of tf", dname)) lines(density(data.transformed)) qqnorm(data, main = paste("Q-Q plot of", dname)) qqline(data) qqnorm(data.transformed, main = paste("Q-Q plot of tf", dname)) qqline(data.transformed) } out <- list() out$method <- "Ensemble Based Box-Cox Transformation via Meta Analysis" out$lambda.hat <- as.numeric(pred.lamb) out$lambda2 <- as.numeric(lambda2) out$result <- results out$alpha <- as.numeric(alpha) out$ <- data.transformed out$ <- dname attr(out, "class") <- "boxcoxmeta" invisible(out) } }
boxcoxnc <- function(data, method="sw", lambda = seq(-3,3,0.01), lambda2 = NULL, plot = TRUE, alpha = 0.05, verbose = TRUE) { dname<-deparse(substitute(data)) data<-as.numeric(data) if(is.null(lambda2)) lambda2<-0 data <- data+lambda2 if ( stop("Data include NA") if (min(data)<=0) stop("Data must include positive values. Specify shifting parameter, lambda2") if (method=="sw") { store1<-lapply(1:length(lambda), function(x) lambda[x]) store2<-lapply(1:length(lambda), function(x) if (store1[[x]] != 0) (data^store1[[x]]-1)/store1[[x]] else log(data)) store3<-lapply(1:length(lambda), function(x) shapiro.test(store2[[x]])$statistic) pred.lamb<-store1[[which.max(store3)]]<-"Estimating Box-Cox transformation parameter via Shapiro-Wilk test statistic" } else if (method=="ad") { store1<-lapply(1:length(lambda), function(x) lambda[x]) store2<-lapply(1:length(lambda), function(x) if (store1[[x]] != 0) (data^store1[[x]]-1)/store1[[x]] else log(data)) store3<-lapply(1:length(lambda), function(x) ad.test(store2[[x]])$statistic) pred.lamb<-store1[[which.min(store3)]]<-"Estimating Box-Cox transformation parameter via Anderson-Darling test statistic" } else if (method=="cvm") { store1<-lapply(1:length(lambda), function(x) lambda[x]) store2<-lapply(1:length(lambda), function(x) if (store1[[x]] != 0) (data^store1[[x]]-1)/store1[[x]] else log(data)) store3<-lapply(1:length(lambda), function(x) cvm.test(store2[[x]])$statistic) pred.lamb<-store1[[which.min(store3)]]<-"Estimating Box-Cox transformation parameter via Cramer-von Mises test statistic" } else if (method=="pt") { store1<-lapply(1:length(lambda), function(x) lambda[x]) store2<-lapply(1:length(lambda), function(x) if (store1[[x]] != 0) (data^store1[[x]]-1)/store1[[x]] else log(data)) store3<-lapply(1:length(lambda), function(x) pearson.test(store2[[x]])$statistic) pred.lamb<-store1[[which.min(store3)]]<-"Estimating Box-Cox transformation parameter via Pearson Chi-Square test statistic" } else if (method=="sf") { store1<-lapply(1:length(lambda), function(x) lambda[x]) store2<-lapply(1:length(lambda), function(x) if (store1[[x]] != 0) (data^store1[[x]]-1)/store1[[x]] else log(data)) store3<-lapply(1:length(lambda), function(x) sf.test(store2[[x]])$statistic) pred.lamb<-store1[[which.max(store3)]]<-"Estimating Box-Cox transformation parameter via Shapiro-Francia test statistic" } else if (method=="lt") { store1<-lapply(1:length(lambda), function(x) lambda[x]) store2<-lapply(1:length(lambda), function(x) if (store1[[x]] != 0) (data^store1[[x]]-1)/store1[[x]] else log(data)) store3<-lapply(1:length(lambda), function(x) lillie.test(store2[[x]])$statistic) pred.lamb<-store1[[which.min(store3)]]<-"Estimating Box-Cox transformation parameter via Lilliefors test statistic" } else if (method=="jb") { store1<-lapply(1:length(lambda), function(x) lambda[x]) store2<-lapply(1:length(lambda), function(x) if (store1[[x]] != 0) (data^store1[[x]]-1)/store1[[x]] else log(data)) store3<-lapply(1:length(lambda), function(x) jarque.bera.test(store2[[x]])$statistic) pred.lamb<-store1[[which.min(store3)]]<-"Estimating Box-Cox transformation parameter via Jarque-Bera test statistic" } else if (method=="ac") { set.seed(100) stor1<-lapply(1:30, function(x) rnorm(length(data),0,100)) stor2<-lapply(1:30, function(x) glm(data~stor1[[x]],family=gaussian)) stor3<-lapply(1:30, function(x) boxcox(stor2[[x]],lambda,plotit=FALSE)) stor4<-sapply(1:30, function(x) stor3[[x]]$x[which.max(stor3[[x]]$y)]) pred.lamb<-mean(stor4)<-"Estimating Box-Cox transformation parameter via artificial covariate method" } else if (method=="mle") { store1<-lapply(1:length(lambda), function(x) lambda[x]) store2<-lapply(1:length(lambda), function(x) if (store1[[x]] != 0) (data^store1[[x]]-1)/(store1[[x]]*(geometric.mean(data)^(store1[[x]]-1))) else geometric.mean(data)*log(data)) store3<-lapply(1:length(lambda), function(x) sum(log(dnorm(store2[[x]], mean = mean(store2[[x]]), sd = sd(store2[[x]]))))) pred.lamb<-store1[[which.max(store3)]]<-"Estimating Box-Cox transformation parameter via maximum likelihood estimation" } if (pred.lamb==max(lambda)) stop("Enlarge the range of the lambda") if (pred.lamb==min(lambda)) stop("Enlarge the range of the lambda") if (pred.lamb!=0) data.transformed<-((data^pred.lamb)-1)/pred.lamb if (pred.lamb==0) data.transformed<-log(data) if(plot){ par(mfrow=c(2,2)) hist(data, xlab = dname, prob=TRUE, main = paste("Histogram of", dname)) lines(density(data)) hist(data.transformed, xlab = paste("Transformed", dname), prob=TRUE, main = paste("Histogram of tf", dname)) lines(density(data.transformed)) qqnorm(data, main = paste("Q-Q plot of", dname)) qqline(data) qqnorm(data.transformed, main = paste("Q-Q plot of tf", dname)) qqline(data.transformed) } if (method=="sw") { statistic<-shapiro.test(data.transformed)$statistic pvalue<-shapiro.test(data.transformed)$p.value<-"Shapiro-Wilk normality test" } if (method=="ad") { statistic<-ad.test(data.transformed)$statistic pvalue<-ad.test(data.transformed)$p.value<-"Anderson-Darling normality test" } if (method=="cvm") { statistic<-cvm.test(data.transformed)$statistic pvalue<-cvm.test(data.transformed)$p.value<-"Cramer-von Mises normality test" } if (method=="pt") { statistic<-pearson.test(data.transformed)$statistic pvalue<-pearson.test(data.transformed)$p.value<-"Pearson Chi-square normality test" } if (method=="sf") { statistic<-sf.test(data.transformed)$statistic pvalue<-sf.test(data.transformed)$p.value<-"Shapiro-Francia normality test" } if (method=="lt") { statistic<-lillie.test(data.transformed)$statistic pvalue<-lillie.test(data.transformed)$p.value<-"Lilliefors normality test" } if (method=="jb") { statistic<-jarque.bera.test(data.transformed)$statistic pvalue<-jarque.bera.test(data.transformed)$p.value<-"Jarque-Bera normality test" } if ((method=="ac")|(method=="mle")) { statistic<-shapiro.test(data.transformed)$statistic pvalue<-shapiro.test(data.transformed)$p.value<-"Shapiro-Wilk normality test" } if (verbose){ cat("\n"," Box-Cox power transformation", "\n", sep = " ") cat("-------------------------------------------------------------------", "\n\n", sep = " ") cat(" lambda.hat :", pred.lamb, "\n\n", sep = " ") cat("\n", " ",," for transformed data ", "(alpha = ",alpha,")", "\n", sep = "") cat("-------------------------------------------------------------------", "\n\n", sep = " ") cat(" statistic :", statistic, "\n", sep = " ") cat(" p.value :", pvalue, "\n\n", sep = " ") cat(if(pvalue > alpha){" Result : Transformed data are normal."} else {" Result : Transformed data are not normal."},"\n") cat("-------------------------------------------------------------------", "\n\n", sep = " ") } out<-list() out$method <- out$lambda.hat <- as.numeric(pred.lamb) out$lambda2 <- as.numeric(lambda2) out$statistic <- as.numeric(statistic) out$p.value <- as.numeric(pvalue) out$alpha <- as.numeric(alpha) out$ <- data.transformed out$ <- dname attr(out, "class") <- "boxcoxnc" invisible(out) }
confInt<- function(x,...) UseMethod("confInt") confInt.boxcoxnc<- function(x, level = 0.95, verbose = TRUE,...){ if ((level<=0)|(level>=1)) stop("Confidence level must be between 0 and 1") if (x$p.value<=x$alpha) stop(paste("Transformed data must be normally distributed at alpha = ",x$alpha,sep = "")) if (x$p.value>x$alpha){ meantf <- mean(x$ lowertf <- mean(x$,df = (length(x$,lower.tail = FALSE)*sd(x$$ uppertf <- mean(x$,df = (length(x$,lower.tail = FALSE)*sd(x$$ vectf <- c(meantf, lowertf, uppertf) if (x$lambda.hat != 0) vecbt <- (vectf*x$lambda.hat+1)^(1/x$lambda.hat) if (x$lambda.hat == 0) vecbt <- exp(vectf) } vecbt<- vecbt-x$lambda2 vecbt<- matrix(vecbt,1,3) colnames(vecbt)<-c("Mean", paste((1-level)/2*100, "%",sep = ""), paste((1-(1-level)/2)*100, "%",sep = "")) rownames(vecbt)<-x$ if (verbose){ cat("\n"," Back transformed data", "\n", sep = " ") cat("---------------------------------------------", "\n", sep = " ") print(vecbt) cat("---------------------------------------------", "\n\n", sep = " ") } invisible(vecbt) }
confInt.boxcoxfr<- function(x, level = 0.95, plot = TRUE, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, title = NULL, width = NULL, verbose = TRUE,...){ if ((level<=0)|(level>=1)) stop("Confidence level must be between 0 and 1") if (max((x$shapiro$p.value<x$alpha))==1) stop(paste("Transformed data in each group must be normally distributed at alpha = ",x$alpha,sep = "")) if (max((x$shapiro$p.value<x$alpha))!=1){ k = length(levels(x$x)) stor1 = stor2 = stor3 = NULL for (i in 1:k) { datasub <- x$[which(x$x == (levels(x$x)[i]))] meantf<-mean(datasub) lowertf <- meantf-qt((1-level)/2,df = (length(datasub)-1),lower.tail = FALSE)*sd(datasub)/sqrt(length(datasub)) uppertf <- meantf+qt((1-level)/2,df = (length(datasub)-1),lower.tail = FALSE)*sd(datasub)/sqrt(length(datasub)) stor1 = c(stor1, meantf) stor2 = c(stor2, lowertf) stor3 = c(stor3, uppertf) } mattf <- cbind(stor1, stor2, stor3) if (x$lambda.hat != 0) matbt <- (mattf*x$lambda.hat+1)^(1/x$lambda.hat)-x$lambda2 if (x$lambda.hat == 0) matbt <- exp(mattf)-x$lambda2 } colnames(matbt)<-c("Mean", paste((1-level)/2*100, "%",sep = ""), paste((1-(1-level)/2)*100, "%",sep = "")) rownames(matbt)<-levels(x$x) if (verbose){ cat("\n"," Back transformed data", "\n", sep = " ") cat("-----------------------------------------", "\n", sep = " ") print(matbt) cat("-----------------------------------------", "\n\n", sep = " ") } resp <- trt <- NULL if (plot == TRUE){ df <- data.frame(trt = levels(x$x), resp = matbt[,1]) limits <- aes(ymax = matbt[,3], ymin = matbt[,2]) out <- ggplot(df, aes(y = resp, x = trt)) if (is.null(width)) width <- 0.15 else width <- width out <- out + geom_point() + geom_errorbar(limits, width = width, size = 0.8) if (is.null(ylab)) out <- out + ylab(x$ else out <- out + ylab(ylab) if (is.null(xlab)) out <- out + xlab(x$ else out <- out + xlab(xlab) if (is.null(title)) out <- out + ggtitle("") else out <- out + ggtitle(title) plot(out) } invisible(matbt) }
confInt.boxcoxmeta<- function(x, level = 0.95, verbose = TRUE,...){ if ((level<=0)|(level>=1)) stop("Confidence level must be between 0 and 1") if (all(x$result$P.Value<=x$alpha)) stop(paste("Transformed data must be normally distributed at alpha = ",x$alpha,sep = "")) meantf <- mean(x$ lowertf <- mean(x$,df = (length(x$,lower.tail = FALSE)*sd(x$$ uppertf <- mean(x$,df = (length(x$,lower.tail = FALSE)*sd(x$$ vectf <- c(meantf, lowertf, uppertf) if (x$lambda.hat != 0) vecbt <- (vectf*x$lambda.hat+1)^(1/x$lambda.hat) if (x$lambda.hat == 0) vecbt <- exp(vectf) vecbt<- vecbt-x$lambda2 vecbt<- matrix(vecbt,1,3) colnames(vecbt)<-c("Mean", paste((1-level)/2*100, "%",sep = ""), paste((1-(1-level)/2)*100, "%",sep = "")) rownames(vecbt)<-x$ if (verbose){ cat("\n"," Back transformed data", "\n", sep = " ") cat("---------------------------------------------", "\n", sep = " ") print(vecbt) cat("---------------------------------------------", "\n\n", sep = " ") } invisible(vecbt) }
#' @title Augmented Inverse Probability Weighting (AIPW) #' #' @description An R6Class of AIPW for estimating the average causal effects with users' inputs of exposure, outcome, covariates and related #' libraries for estimating the efficient influence function. #' #' @details An AIPW object is constructed by `new()` with users' inputs of data and causal structures, then it `fit()` the data using the #' libraries in `Q.SL.library` and `g.SL.library` with `k_split` cross-fitting, and provides results via the `summary()` method. #' After using `fit()` and/or `summary()` methods, propensity scores and inverse probability weights by exposure status can be #' examined with `plot.p_score()` and `plot.ip_weights()`, respectively. #' #' If outcome is missing, analysis assumes missing at random (MAR) by estimating propensity scores of I(A=a, observed=1) with all covariates `W`. #' (`W.Q` and `W.g` are disabled.) Missing exposure is not supported. #' #' See examples for illustration. #' #' @section Constructor: #' \code{AIPW$new(Y = NULL, A = NULL, W = NULL, W.Q = NULL, W.g = NULL, Q.SL.library = NULL, g.SL.library = NULL, k_split = 10, verbose = TRUE, = FALSE)} #' #' ## Constructor Arguments #' \tabular{lll}{ #' \strong{Argument} \tab \strong{Type} \tab \strong{Details} \cr #' \code{Y} \tab Integer \tab A vector of outcome (binary (0, 1) or continuous) \cr #' \code{A} \tab Integer \tab A vector of binary exposure (0 or 1) \cr #' \code{W} \tab Data \tab Covariates for \strong{both} exposure and outcome models. \cr #' \code{W.Q} \tab Data \tab Covariates for the \strong{outcome} model (Q).\cr #' \code{W.g} \tab Data \tab Covariates for the \strong{exposure} model (g). \cr #' \code{Q.SL.library} \tab SL.library \tab Algorithms used for the \strong{outcome} model (Q). \cr #' \code{g.SL.library} \tab SL.library \tab Algorithms used for the \strong{exposure} model (g). \cr #' \code{k_split} \tab Integer \tab Number of folds for splitting (Default = 10).\cr #' \code{verbose} \tab Logical \tab Whether to print the result (Default = TRUE) \cr #' \code{} \tab Logical \tab Whether to save and (Default = FALSE) \cr #' } #' #' ## Constructor Argument Details #' \describe{ #' \item{\code{W}, \code{W.Q} & \code{W.g}}{It can be a vector, matrix or data.frame. If and only if `W == NULL`, `W` would be replaced by `W.Q` and `W.g`. } #' \item{\code{Q.SL.library} & \code{g.SL.library}}{Machine learning algorithms from [SuperLearner] libraries} #' \item{\code{k_split}}{It ranges from 1 to number of observation-1. #' If k_split=1, no cross-fitting; if k_split>=2, cross-fitting is used #' (e.g., `k_split=10`, use 9/10 of the data to estimate and the remaining 1/10 leftover to predict). #' \strong{NOTE: it's recommended to use cross-fitting.} } #' \item{\code{}}{This option allows users to save the fitted sl object (libs$ & libs$ for debug use. #' \strong{Warning: Saving the SuperLearner fitted object may cause a substantive storage/memory use.}} #' } #' #' #' @section Public Methods: #' \tabular{lll}{ #' \strong{Methods} \tab \strong{Details} \tab \strong{Link} \cr #' \code{fit()} \tab Fit the data to the [AIPW] object \tab [fit.AIPW] \cr #' \code{stratified_fit()}\tab Fit the data to the [AIPW] object stratified by `A` \tab [stratified_fit.AIPW] \cr #' \code{summary()} \tab Summary of the average treatment effects from AIPW \tab [summary.AIPW_base]\cr #' \code{plot.p_score()} \tab Plot the propensity scores by exposure status \tab [plot.p_score]\cr #' \code{plot.ip_weights()} \tab Plot the inverse probability weights using truncated propensity scores \tab [plot.ip_weights]\cr #' } #' #' @section Public Variables: #' \tabular{lll}{ #' \strong{Variable} \tab \strong{Generated by} \tab \strong{Return} \cr #' \code{n} \tab Constructor \tab Number of observations \cr #' \code{stratified_fitted} \tab `stratified_fit()` \tab Fit the outcome model stratified by exposure status \cr #' \code{obs_est} \tab `fit()` & `summary()` \tab Components calculating average causal effects \cr #' \code{estimates} \tab `summary()` \tab A list of Risk difference, risk ratio, odds ratio \cr #' \code{result} \tab `summary()` \tab A matrix contains RD, ATT, ATC, RR and OR with their SE and 95%CI \cr #' \code{g.plot} \tab `plot.p_score()` \tab A density plot of propensity scores by exposure status\cr #' \code{ip_weights.plot} \tab `plot.ip_weights()` \tab A box plot of inverse probability weights \cr #' \code{libs} \tab `fit()` \tab [SuperLearner] libraries and their fitted objects \cr #' \code{} \tab Constructor \tab A wrapper function for fitting [SuperLearner] \cr #' \code{sl.predict} \tab Constructor \tab A wrapper function using \code{} to predict \cr #' } #' #' ## Public Variable Details #' \describe{ #' \item{\code{stratified_fit}}{An indicator for whether the outcome model is fitted stratified by exposure status in the`fit()` method. #' Only when using `stratified_fit()` to turn on `stratified_fit = TRUE`, `summary` outputs average treatment effects among the treated and the controls.} #' \item{\code{obs_est}}{After using `fit()` and `summary()` methods, this list contains the propensity scores (`p_score`), #' counterfactual predictions (`mu`, `mu1` & `mu0`) and #' efficient influence functions (`aipw_eif1` & `aipw_eif0`) for later average treatment effect calculations.} #' \item{\code{g.plot}}{This plot is generated by `ggplot2::geom_density`} #' \item{\code{ip_weights.plot}}{This plot uses truncated propensity scores stratified by exposure status (`ggplot2::geom_boxplot`)} #' } #' #' @return \code{AIPW} object #' #' @references Zhong Y, Kennedy EH, Bodnar LM, Naimi AI (2021, In Press). AIPW: An R Package for Augmented Inverse Probability Weighted Estimation of Average Causal Effects. \emph{American Journal of Epidemiology}. #' @references Robins JM, Rotnitzky A (1995). Semiparametric efficiency in multivariate regression models with missing data. \emph{Journal of the American Statistical Association}. #' @references Chernozhukov V, Chetverikov V, Demirer M, et al (2018). Double/debiased machine learning for treatment and structural parameters. \emph{The Econometrics Journal}. #' @references Kennedy EH, Sjolander A, Small DS (2015). Semiparametric causal inference in matched cohort studies. \emph{Biometrika}. #' #' #' @examples #' library(SuperLearner) #' library(ggplot2) #' #' #create an object #' aipw_sl <- AIPW$new(Y=rbinom(100,1,0.5), A=rbinom(100,1,0.5), #' W.Q=rbinom(100,1,0.5), W.g=rbinom(100,1,0.5), #' Q.SL.library="SL.mean",g.SL.library="SL.mean", #' k_split=1,verbose=FALSE) #' #' #fit the object #' aipw_sl$fit() #' # or use `aipw_sl$stratified_fit()` to estimate ATE and ATT/ATC #' #' #calculate the results #' aipw_sl$summary(g.bound = 0.025) #' #' #check the propensity scores by exposure status after truncation #' aipw_sl$plot.p_score() #' #' @export AIPW <- R6::R6Class( "AIPW", portable = TRUE, inherit = AIPW_base, public = list( #-------------------------public fields-----------------------------# libs =list(Q.SL.library=NULL, = NULL, g.SL.library=NULL, = NULL, validation_index = NULL, validation_index.Q = NULL), = NULL, sl.predict = NULL, #-------------------------constructor-----------------------------# initialize = function(Y=NULL, A=NULL, verbose=TRUE, W=NULL, W.Q=NULL, W.g=NULL, Q.SL.library=NULL, g.SL.library=NULL, k_split=10,{ #-----initialize from AIPW_base class-----# super$initialize(Y=Y,A=A,verbose=verbose) #decide covariate set(s): W.Q and W.g only works when W is null. if (is.null(W) & private$Y.missing==FALSE){ if (any(is.null(W.Q),is.null(W.g))) { stop("Insufficient covariate sets were provided.") } else{ tryCatch({ private$Q.set=cbind(A, W.Q) }, error = function(e) stop('Covariates dimension error: nrow(W.Q) != length(A)')) private$g.set=W.g } } else if (is.null(W) & private$Y.missing==TRUE){ stop("`W.Q` and `W.g` are disabled when missing outcome is detected. Please provide covariates in `W`") } else{ tryCatch({ private$Q.set=cbind(A, W) }, error = function(e) stop('Covariates dimension error: nrow(W) != length(A)')) private$g.set=W } #subset observations with complete outcome private$Q.set =$Q.set) private$g.set =$g.set) if (ncol(private$g.set)==1) { private$g.set =$g.set) colnames(private$g.set) <- "Z" } else { private$g.set = private$g.set } #save input into private fields private$k_split=k_split #whether to save ( and private$ = #check data length if (length(private$Y)!=dim(private$Q.set)[1] | length(private$A)!=dim(private$g.set)[1]){ stop("Please check the dimension of the covariates") } #-----determine SuperLearner or sl3 and change accordingly-----# if (is.character(Q.SL.library) & is.character(g.SL.library)) { if (any(grepl("SL.",Q.SL.library)) & any(grepl("SL.",g.SL.library))){ #change future package loading private$sl.pkg <- "SuperLearner" #create a new local env for superlearner private$sl.env = new.env() #find the learners in global env and assign them into sl.env private$sl.learners = grep("SL.",lsf.str(globalenv()),value = T) lapply(private$sl.learners, function(x) assign(x=x,value=get(x,globalenv()),envir=private$sl.env)) #change wrapper functions self$ = function(Y, X, SL.library, CV){ suppressMessages({ fit <- SuperLearner::SuperLearner(Y = Y, X = X, SL.library = SL.library, family= private$Y.type, env=private$sl.env, cvControl = CV) }) return(fit) } self$sl.predict = function(fit, newdata){ suppressMessages({ pred <- as.numeric(predict(fit,newdata = newdata)$pred) }) return(pred) } } else{ stop("Input Q.SL.library and/or g.SL.library is not a valid SuperLearner library") } } else { stop("Input Q.SL.library and/or g.SL.library is not a valid SuperLearner library") } #input sl libraries self$libs$Q.SL.library=Q.SL.library self$libs$g.SL.library=g.SL.library #------input checking-----# #check k_split value if (private$k_split>=self$n){ stop("`k_split` >= number of observations is not allowed.") }else if (private$k_split < 1){ stop("`k_split` < 1 is not allowed.") } #check verbose value if (!is.logical(private$verbose)){ stop("`verbose` is not valid") } #check if SuperLearner and/or sl3 library is loaded if (!any(names(sessionInfo()$otherPkgs) %in% c("SuperLearner"))){ warning("`SuperLearner` package is not loaded.") } #-------check if future.apply is loaded otherwise lapply would be used.------# if (any(names(sessionInfo()$otherPkgs) %in% c("future.apply"))){ private$.f_lapply = function(iter,func) { future.apply::future_lapply(iter,func,future.seed = T,future.packages = private$sl.pkg,future.globals = TRUE) } }else{ private$.f_lapply = function(iter,func) lapply(iter,func) } }, #-------------------------fit method-----------------------------# fit = function(){ self$stratified_fitted = FALSE #----------create index for cross-fitting---------# private$cv$k_index <- sample(rep(1:private$k_split,ceiling(self$n/private$k_split))[1:self$n],replace = F) private$cv$fold_index = split(1:self$n, private$cv$k_index) private$cv$fold_length = sapply(private$cv$fold_index,length) #create non-missing index for the outcome model if (private$Y.missing) { private$cv$fold_index.Q = lapply(private$cv$fold_index, function(x) x[x %in% which(private$observed==1)]) private$cv$fold_length.Q = sapply(private$cv$fold_index.Q,length) } else{ private$cv$fold_index.Q = private$cv$fold_index private$cv$fold_length.Q = private$cv$fold_length } iter <- 1:private$k_split #----------------progress bar setup----------# #check if progressr is loaded if (any(names(sessionInfo()$otherPkgs) %in% c("progressr"))){ private$isLoaded_progressr = TRUE pb <- progressr::progressor(along = iter) } #---------parallelization with future.apply------# fitted <- private$.f_lapply( iter=iter, func=function(i,...){ #when k_split in 1:2, no cvControl will be used (same cv for k_split) if (private$k_split==1){ train_index <- validation_index <- as.numeric(unlist(private$cv$fold_index)) cv_param <- list() } else if (private$k_split==2){ train_index <- as.numeric(unlist(private$cv$fold_index[-i])) validation_index <- as.numeric(unlist(private$cv$fold_index[i])) cv_param <- list() } else{ train_index <- as.numeric(unlist(private$cv$fold_index[-i])) validation_index <- as.numeric(unlist(private$cv$fold_index[i])) cv_param <- list(V=private$k_split-1, validRows= private$.new_cv_index(val_fold=i , fold_length = private$cv$fold_length)) } #when outcome is missing, subset the complete case for Q estimation if (private$Y.missing){ if (private$k_split==1){ train_index.Q <- validation_index.Q <-as.numeric(unlist(private$cv$fold_index.Q)) cv_param.Q <- list() } else if (private$k_split==2) { train_index.Q <- as.numeric(unlist(private$cv$fold_index.Q[-i])) validation_index.Q <- as.numeric(unlist(private$cv$fold_index.Q[i])) cv_param.Q <- list() } else {#special care for cross-fitting indices when outcome is missing train_index.Q <- as.numeric(unlist(private$cv$fold_index.Q[-i])) validation_index.Q <- as.numeric(unlist(private$cv$fold_index.Q[i])) cv_param.Q <- list(V=private$k_split-1, validRows= private$.new_cv_index(val_fold=i, fold_length =private$cv$fold_length.Q)) } } else{ train_index.Q = train_index validation_index.Q = validation_index cv_param.Q <- cv_param } #split the sample based on the index #Q outcome set train_set.Q <- private$Q.set[train_index.Q,] validation_set.Q <- private$Q.set[validation_index.Q,] #g exposure set train_set.g <- data.frame(private$g.set[train_index,]) validation_set.g <- data.frame(private$g.set[validation_index,]) colnames(train_set.g)=colnames(validation_set.g)=colnames(private$g.set) #make to g df colnames consistent #Q model(outcome model: g-comp) #fit with train set <- self$ = private$Y[train_index.Q], X = train_set.Q, SL.library = self$libs$Q.SL.library, CV= cv_param.Q) # predict on validation set mu0 <- self$sl.predict(,newdata=transform(validation_set.Q, A = 0)) #Q0_pred mu1 <- self$sl.predict(,newdata=transform(validation_set.Q, A = 1)) #Q1_pred #g model(exposure model: propensity score) # fit with train set <- self$$AxObserved[train_index], X=train_set.g, SL.library = self$libs$g.SL.library, CV= cv_param) # predict on validation set raw_p_score <- self$sl.predict(,newdata = validation_set.g) #g_pred #add metadata names(validation_index) <- rep(i,length(validation_index)) if (private$isLoaded_progressr){ pb(sprintf("No.%g iteration", i,private$k_split)) } if (private${ output <- list(validation_index, validation_index.Q,, mu0, mu1,, raw_p_score) names(output) <- c("validation_index","validation_index.Q","","mu0","mu1","","raw_p_score") } else { output <- list(validation_index, validation_index.Q, mu0, mu1, raw_p_score) names(output) <- c("validation_index","validation_index.Q","mu0","mu1","raw_p_score") } return(output) }) #store fitted values from future to member variables for (i in fitted){ #add estimates based on the val index self$obs_est$mu0[i$validation_index.Q] <- i$mu0 self$obs_est$mu1[i$validation_index.Q] <- i$mu1 self$obs_est$raw_p_score[i$validation_index] <- i$raw_p_score #append fitted objects if (private$ { self$libs$ = append(self$libs$, list(i$ self$libs$ = append(self$libs$, list(i$ } self$libs$validation_index = append(self$libs$validation_index, i$validation_index) self$libs$validation_index.Q = append(self$libs$validation_index.Q, i$validation_index.Q) } self$obs_est$mu[private$observed==1] <- self$obs_est$mu0[private$observed==1]*(1-private$A[private$observed==1]) + self$obs_est$mu1[private$observed==1]*(private$A[private$observed==1])#Q_pred if (private$verbose){ message("Done!\n") } invisible(self) }, #-------------------------stratified_fit method-----------------------------# stratified_fit = function(){ self$stratified_fitted = TRUE #----------create index for cross-fitting---------# private$cv$k_index <- sample(rep(1:private$k_split,ceiling(self$n/private$k_split))[1:self$n],replace = F) private$cv$fold_index = split(1:self$n, private$cv$k_index) private$cv$fold_length = sapply(private$cv$fold_index,length) #create non-missing index for the outcome model if (private$Y.missing) { private$cv$fold_index.Q = lapply(private$cv$fold_index, function(x) x[x %in% which(private$observed==1)]) private$cv$fold_length.Q = sapply(private$cv$fold_index.Q,length) } else{ private$cv$fold_index.Q = private$cv$fold_index private$cv$fold_length.Q = private$cv$fold_length } iter <- 1:private$k_split #----------------progress bar setup----------# #check if progressr is loaded if (any(names(sessionInfo()$otherPkgs) %in% c("progressr"))){ private$isLoaded_progressr = TRUE pb <- progressr::progressor(along = iter) } #---------parallelization with future.apply------# fitted <- private$.f_lapply( iter=iter, func=function(i,...){ #when k_split in 1:2, no cvControl will be used (same cv for k_split) if (private$k_split==1){ train_index <- validation_index <- as.numeric(unlist(private$cv$fold_index)) } else if (private$k_split>=2){ train_index <- as.numeric(unlist(private$cv$fold_index[-i])) validation_index <- as.numeric(unlist(private$cv$fold_index[i])) } cv_param <- list() #when outcome is missing, subset the complete case for Q estimation if (private$Y.missing){ if (private$k_split==1){ train_index.Q <- validation_index.Q <-as.numeric(unlist(private$cv$fold_index.Q)) } else if (private$k_split>=2) { train_index.Q <- as.numeric(unlist(private$cv$fold_index.Q[-i])) validation_index.Q <- as.numeric(unlist(private$cv$fold_index.Q[i])) } cv_param.Q <- list() } else{ train_index.Q = train_index validation_index.Q = validation_index cv_param.Q <- cv_param } #Q model(outcome model: g-comp) #fit with train set #A==0 train_index.Q0 <- intersect(train_index.Q, which(private$A==0)) <- self$ = private$Y[train_index.Q0], X = private$Q.set[train_index.Q0,], SL.library = self$libs$Q.SL.library, CV= cv_param.Q) #A==1 train_index.Q1 <- intersect(train_index.Q, which(private$A==1)) <- self$ = private$Y[train_index.Q1], X = private$Q.set[train_index.Q1,], SL.library = self$libs$Q.SL.library, CV= cv_param.Q) # predict on validation set mu0 <- self$sl.predict(,newdata=private$Q.set[validation_index.Q,]) #Q0_pred mu1 <- self$sl.predict(,newdata=private$Q.set[validation_index.Q,]) #Q1_pred #g model(exposure model: propensity score) #g exposure set train_set.g <- data.frame(private$g.set[train_index,]) validation_set.g <- data.frame(private$g.set[validation_index,]) colnames(train_set.g)=colnames(validation_set.g)=colnames(private$g.set) #make to g df colnames consistent # fit with train set <- self$$AxObserved[train_index], X=train_set.g, SL.library = self$libs$g.SL.library, CV= cv_param) # predict on validation set raw_p_score <- self$sl.predict(,newdata = validation_set.g) #g_pred #add metadata names(validation_index) <- rep(i,length(validation_index)) if (private$isLoaded_progressr){ pb(sprintf("No.%g iteration", i,private$k_split)) } if (private${ <- list(, Q1= output <- list(validation_index, validation_index.Q,, mu0, mu1,, raw_p_score) names(output) <- c("validation_index","validation_index.Q","","mu0","mu1","","raw_p_score") } else { output <- list(validation_index, validation_index.Q, mu0, mu1, raw_p_score) names(output) <- c("validation_index","validation_index.Q","mu0","mu1","raw_p_score") } return(output) }) #store fitted values from future to member variables for (i in fitted){ #add estimates based on the val index self$obs_est$mu0[i$validation_index.Q] <- i$mu0 self$obs_est$mu1[i$validation_index.Q] <- i$mu1 self$obs_est$raw_p_score[i$validation_index] <- i$raw_p_score #append fitted objects if (private$ { self$libs$ = append(self$libs$, list(i$ self$libs$ = append(self$libs$, list(i$ } self$libs$validation_index = append(self$libs$validation_index, i$validation_index) self$libs$validation_index.Q = append(self$libs$validation_index.Q, i$validation_index.Q) } self$obs_est$mu[private$observed==1] <- self$obs_est$mu0[private$observed==1]*(1-private$A[private$observed==1]) + self$obs_est$mu1[private$observed==1]*(private$A[private$observed==1])#Q_pred if (private$verbose){ message("Done!\n") } invisible(self) } ), #-------------------------private fields and methods----------------------------# private = list( #input Q.set=NULL, g.set=NULL, k_split=NULL,, cv = list( #a vector stores the groups for splitting k_index= NULL, #a list of indices for each fold fold_index= NULL, fold_index.Q = NULL, #a vector of length(fold_index[[i]]) fold_length = NULL, fold_length.Q = NULL ), fitted=NULL, sl.pkg =NULL, sl.env=NULL, sl.learners = NULL, isLoaded_progressr = FALSE, #private methods #lapply or future_lapply .f_lapply =NULL, #create new index for training set .new_cv_index = function(val_fold,fold_length=private$cv$fold_length, k_split=private$k_split){ train_fold_length = c(0,fold_length[-val_fold]) train_fold_cumsum = cumsum(train_fold_length) new_train_index= lapply(1:(k_split-1), function(x) { (1:train_fold_length[[x+1]])+ train_fold_cumsum[[x]] } ) names(new_train_index) = names(train_fold_length[-1]) return(new_train_index) } ) ) #' @name fit #' @aliases fit.AIPW #' @title Fit the data to the [AIPW] object #' #' @description #' Fitting the data into the [AIPW] object with/without cross-fitting to estimate the efficient influence functions #' #' @section R6 Usage: #' \code{$fit()} #' #' @return A fitted [AIPW] object with `obs_est` and `libs` (public variables) #' #' @seealso [AIPW] NULL #' @name stratified_fit #' @aliases stratified_fit.AIPW #' @title Fit the data to the [AIPW] object stratified by `A` for the outcome model #' #' @description #' Fitting the data into the [AIPW] object with/without cross-fitting to estimate the efficient influence functions. #' Outcome model is fitted, stratified by exposure status `A` #' #' @section R6 Usage: #' \code{$stratified_fit.AIPW()} #' #' @return A fitted [AIPW] object with `obs_est` and `libs` (public variables) #' #' @seealso [AIPW] NULL
#' @title Augmented Inverse Probability Weighting Base Class (AIPW_base) #' #' @description A base class for AIPW that implements the common methods, such as \code{summary()} and \code{plot.p_score()}, inheritted by [AIPW] and [AIPW_tmle] class #' #' @docType class #' #' @importFrom R6 R6Class #' #' @return \code{AIPW} base object #' @seealso [AIPW] and [AIPW_tmle] #' @format \code{\link{R6Class}} object. #' @export AIPW_base <- R6::R6Class( "AIPW_base", portable = TRUE, class = TRUE, public = list( #-------------------------public fields-----------------------------# #Number of observations n = NULL, #Number of exposed n_A1 = NULL, #Number ofunexposed n_A0 = NULL, #Fit the outcome model stratified by exposure status (only applicable to AIPW class or manual setup) stratified_fitted = FALSE, #Components for estimating the influence functions of all observations to calculate average causal effects obs_est = list(mu0 = NULL, mu1 = NULL, mu = NULL, raw_p_score = NULL, p_score = NULL, ip_weights = NULL, aipw_eif1 = NULL, aipw_eif0 = NULL), #ATE: Risk difference, risk ratio, odds ratio and variance-covariance matrix for SE calculation estimates = list(risk_A1 = NULL, risk_A0 = NULL, RD = NULL, RR = NULL, OR = NULL, sigma_covar = NULL), #ATT: Risk difference ATT_estimates = list(RD = NULL), #ATC: Risk difference ATC_estimates = list(RD = NULL), #A matrix contains RD, RR and OR with their SE and 95%CI result = NULL, #A density plot of propensity scores by exposure status (`ggplot2::geom_density`) g.plot = NULL, #A box plot of inverse probability weights using truncated propensity scores by exposure status (`ggplot2::geom_boxplot`) ip_weights.plot = NULL, #-------------------------constructor-----------------------------# initialize = function(Y=NULL, A=NULL,verbose=TRUE){ #save input into private fields private$Y=as.numeric(Y) private$A=as.numeric(A) private$observed = as.numeric(!$Y)) private$verbose=verbose #check data length if (length(private$Y)!=length(private$A)){ stop("Please check the dimension of the data") } #detect outcome is binary or continuous if (length(unique(private$Y[!$Y)]))==2) { private$Y.type = 'binomial' } else { private$Y.type = 'gaussian' } #check missing exposure if (any($A))){ stop("Missing exposure is not allowed.") } #check missing outcome if (any(private$observed == 0)){ warning("Missing outcome is detected. Analysis assumes missing at random (MAR).") private$Y.missing = TRUE } #setup private$AxObserved = private$A * private$observed #I(A=a, observed==1) self$n <- length(private$A) self$n_A1 <- sum(private$A==1) self$n_A0 <- sum(private$A==0) self$obs_est$mu0 <- rep(NA,self$n) self$obs_est$mu1 <- rep(NA,self$n) self$obs_est$mu <- rep(NA,self$n) self$obs_est$raw_p_score <- rep(NA,self$n) }, #-------------------------summary method-----------------------------# summary = function(g.bound=0.025){ #p_score truncation if (length(g.bound) > 2){ warning('More than two `g.bound` are provided. Only the first two will be used.') g.bound = g.bound[1:2] } else if (length(g.bound) ==1 & g.bound[1] >= 0.5){ stop("`g.bound` >= 0.5 is not allowed when only one `g.bound` value is provided") } private$g.bound=g.bound #check g.bound value if (!is.numeric(private$g.bound)){ stop("`g.bound` must be numeric") } else if (max(private$g.bound) > 1 | min(private$g.bound) < 0){ stop("`g.bound` must between 0 and 1") } self$obs_est$p_score <- private$.bound(self$obs_est$raw_p_score) #inverse probability weights self$obs_est$ip_weights <- (as.numeric(private$A==1)/self$obs_est$p_score) + (as.numeric(private$A==0)/(1-self$obs_est$p_score)) ##------AIPW est------## #### ATE EIF self$obs_est$aipw_eif1 <- ifelse(private$observed == 1, (as.numeric(private$A[private$observed==1]==1)/self$obs_est$p_score[private$observed==1])* (private$Y[private$observed==1] - self$obs_est$mu[private$observed==1]) + self$obs_est$mu1[private$observed==1], 0) self$obs_est$aipw_eif0 <- ifelse(private$observed == 1, (as.numeric(private$A[private$observed==1]==0)/(1-self$obs_est$p_score[private$observed==1]))* (private$Y[private$observed==1] - self$obs_est$mu[private$observed==1]) + self$obs_est$mu0[private$observed==1], 0) root_n <- sqrt(self$n) ## risk for the treated and controls self$estimates$risk_A1 <- private$get_RD(self$obs_est$aipw_eif1, 0, root_n) self$estimates$risk_A0 <- private$get_RD(self$obs_est$aipw_eif0, 0, root_n) ## risk difference self$estimates$RD <- private$get_RD(self$obs_est$aipw_eif1, self$obs_est$aipw_eif0, root_n) #results on additive scales self$result <- cbind(matrix(c(self$estimates$risk_A1, self$estimates$risk_A0, self$estimates$RD), nrow=3, byrow=T), c( self$n_A1, self$n_A0,rep(self$n,1))) row.names(self$result) <- c("Risk of exposure", "Risk of control","Risk Difference") colnames(self$result) <- c("Estimate","SE","95% LCL","95% UCL","N") if (private$Y.type == 'binomial'){ ## var-cov mat for rr and or calculation self$estimates$sigma_covar <- private$get_sigma_covar(self$obs_est$aipw_eif0,self$obs_est$aipw_eif1) ## risk ratio self$estimates$RR <- private$get_RR(self$obs_est$aipw_eif1,self$obs_est$aipw_eif0, self$estimates$sigma_covar, root_n) ## odds ratio self$estimates$OR <- private$get_OR(self$obs_est$aipw_eif1,self$obs_est$aipw_eif0, self$estimates$sigma_covar, root_n) #w/ results on the multiplicative scale mult_result <- cbind(matrix(c(self$estimates$RR, self$estimates$OR),nrow=2,byrow=T),self$n) row.names(mult_result) <- c("Risk Ratio", "Odds Ratio") self$result <- rbind(self$result, mult_result) } #### ATT/ATC if (self$stratified_fitted) { #ATT self$ATT_estimates$RD <- private$get_ATT_RD(mu0 = self$obs_est$mu0[private$observed==1], p_score = self$obs_est$p_score[private$observed==1], A_level = 1, root_n=root_n, ATC = F) self$ATC_estimates$RD <- private$get_ATT_RD(mu0 = self$obs_est$mu1[private$observed==1], p_score = 1-self$obs_est$p_score[private$observed==1], A_level = 0, root_n=root_n, ATC = T) ATT_ATC_result <- matrix(c(self$ATT_estimates$RD, self$n, self$ATC_estimates$RD, self$n), nrow = 2,byrow = T) row.names(ATT_ATC_result) <- c("ATT Risk Difference","ATC Risk Difference") self$result <- rbind(self$result, ATT_ATC_result) } if (private$verbose){ print(self$result,digit=3) } invisible(self) }, #-------------------------plot.p_score method-----------------------------# plot.p_score = function(print.ip_weights = F){ #check if ggplot2 library is loaded if (!any(names(sessionInfo()$otherPkgs) %in% c("ggplot2"))){ stop("`ggplot2` package is not loaded.") } plot_data_A = factor(private$A, levels = 0:1) #input check if (any($obs_est$raw_p_score))){ stop("Propensity scores are not estimated.") } else if (is.null(self$obs_est$p_score)) { #p_score before truncation (estimated ps) plot_data = data.frame(A = plot_data_A, p_score= self$obs_est$raw_p_score, trunc = "Not truncated") message("ATE has not been calculated.") } else { plot_data = rbind(data.frame(A = plot_data_A, p_score= self$obs_est$raw_p_score, trunc = "Not truncated"), data.frame(A = plot_data_A, p_score= self$obs_est$p_score, trunc = "Truncated")) } self$g.plot = ggplot2::ggplot(data = plot_data,ggplot2::aes(x = p_score, group = A, color = A, fill=A)) + ggplot2::geom_density(alpha=0.5) + ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(limits = c(0,1)) + ggplot2::facet_wrap(~trunc) + ggtitle("Propensity scores by exposure status") + theme_bw() + theme(legend.position = 'bottom') xlab('Propensity Scores') print(self$g.plot) invisible(self) } , #-------------------------plot.ip_weights method-----------------------------# plot.ip_weights = function(){ #check if ggplot2 library is loaded if (!any(names(sessionInfo()$otherPkgs) %in% c("ggplot2"))){ stop("`ggplot2` package is not loaded.") } plot_data_A = factor(private$A, levels = 0:1) #input check if (any($obs_est$raw_p_score))){ stop("Propensity scores are not estimated.") } else if (is.null(self$obs_est$p_score)) { stop("ATE has not been calculated.") } else { ipw_plot_data = data.frame(A = plot_data_A, ip_weights= self$obs_est$ip_weights) self$ip_weights.plot = ggplot2::ggplot(data = ipw_plot_data, ggplot2::aes(y = ip_weights, x = A, fill = A)) + ggplot2::geom_boxplot(alpha=0.5) + ggtitle("IP-weights using truncated propensity scores by exposure status") + theme_bw() + ylab('Inverse Probablity Weights') + coord_flip() + theme(legend.position = 'bottom') print(self$ip_weights.plot) } invisible(self) } ), #-------------------------private fields and methods----------------------------# private = list( #input Y=NULL, A=NULL, observed=NULL, AxObserved = NULL, verbose=NULL, g.bound=NULL, #outcome type Y.type = NULL, Y.missing = FALSE, #private methods #Use individual estimates of efficient influence functions (obs_est$aipw_eif0 & obs_est$aipw_eif0) to calculate RD, RR and OR with SE and 95CI% get_RD = function(aipw_eif1,aipw_eif0,root_n){ est <- mean(aipw_eif1 - aipw_eif0) se <- stats::sd(aipw_eif1 - aipw_eif0)/root_n ci <- get_ci(est,se,ratio=F) output = c(est, se, ci) names(output) = c("Estimate","SE","95% LCL","95% UCL") return(output) }, get_RR = function(aipw_eif1,aipw_eif0,sigma_covar,root_n){ est <- mean(aipw_eif1)/mean(aipw_eif0) se <- sqrt((sigma_covar[1,1]/(mean(aipw_eif0)^2)) - (2*sigma_covar[1,2]/(mean(aipw_eif1)*mean(aipw_eif0))) + (sigma_covar[2,2]/mean(aipw_eif1)^2) - (2*sigma_covar[1,2]/(mean(aipw_eif1)*mean(aipw_eif0))))/root_n ci <- get_ci(est,se,ratio=T) output = c(est, se, ci) names(output) = c("Estimate","SE","95% LCL","95% UCL") return(output) }, get_OR = function(aipw_eif1,aipw_eif0,sigma_covar,root_n){ est <- (mean(aipw_eif1)/(1-mean(aipw_eif1))) / (mean(aipw_eif0)/(1-mean(aipw_eif0))) se <- sqrt((sigma_covar[1,1]/((mean(aipw_eif0)^2)*(mean(1-aipw_eif0)^2))) - (2*sigma_covar[1,2]/(mean(aipw_eif1)*mean(aipw_eif0)*mean(1-aipw_eif1)*mean(1-aipw_eif0))) + (sigma_covar[2,2]/((mean(aipw_eif1)^2)*(mean(1-aipw_eif1)^2))) - (2*sigma_covar[1,2]/(mean(aipw_eif1)*mean(aipw_eif0) *mean(1-aipw_eif1)*mean(1-aipw_eif0))))/root_n ci <- get_ci(est,se,ratio=T) output = c(est, se, ci) names(output) = c("Estimate","SE","95% LCL","95% UCL") return(output) }, get_sigma_covar = function(aipw_eif0,aipw_eif1){ mat <- matrix(c(stats::var(aipw_eif0), stats::cov(aipw_eif0,aipw_eif1), stats::cov(aipw_eif1,aipw_eif0), stats::var(aipw_eif1)),nrow=2) return(mat) }, #ATT/ATC calculation get_ATT_RD = function(A =private$A[private$observed==1], Y = private$Y[private$observed==1], mu0, p_score, A_level, root_n, ATC = F){ I_A = (A==A_level) / mean(A==A_level) I_A_com = (1-A==A_level) / mean(1-(A==A_level)) eif <- I_A*Y - (I_A*(mu0) + I_A_com*(Y-mu0)*p_score/(1-p_score)) est <- mean(eif) if (ATC){ est <- -1 * est } se <- stats::sd(eif - I_A*est)/root_n ci <- get_ci(est,se,ratio=F) output = c(est, se, ci) names(output) = c("Estimate","SE","95% LCL","95% UCL") return(output) }, #setup the bounds for the propensity score to ensure the balance .bound = function(p_score,bound = private$g.bound){ if (length(bound) == 1){ res <- base::ifelse(p_score<bound, bound, base::ifelse(p_score > (1-bound), (1-bound) ,p_score)) } else { res <- base::ifelse(p_score< min(bound), min(bound), base::ifelse(p_score > max(bound), max(bound), p_score)) } return(res) } ) ) #' @name summary #' @aliases summary.AIPW_base #' @title Summary of the average treatment effects from AIPW #' #' @description #' Calculate average causal effects in RD, RR and OR in the fitted [AIPW] or [AIPW_tmle] object using the estimated efficient influence functions #' #' @section R6 Usage: #' \code{$summary(g.bound = 0.025)} \cr #' \code{$summary(g.bound = c(0.025,0.975))} #' #' @param g.bound Value between \[0,1\] at which the propensity score should be truncated. #' Propensity score will be truncated to \eqn{[g.bound, 1-g.bound]} when one g.bound value is provided, or to \eqn{[min(g.bound), max(g.bound)]} when two values are provided. #' \strong{Defaults to 0.025}. #' #' @seealso [AIPW] and [AIPW_tmle] #' #' @return `estimates` and `result` (public variables): Risks, Average treatment effect in RD, RR and OR. NULL #' @name plot.p_score #' @title Plot the propensity scores by exposure status #' #' @description #' Plot and check the balance of propensity scores by exposure status #' #' @section R6 Usage: #' \code{$plot.p_plot()} #' #' @seealso [AIPW] and [AIPW_tmle] #' #' @return `g.plot` (public variable): A density plot of propensity scores by exposure status (`ggplot2::geom_density`) NULL #' @name plot.ip_weights #' @title Plot the inverse probability weights using truncated propensity scores by exposure status #' #' @description #' Plot and check the balance of propensity scores by exposure status #' #' @section R6 Usage: #' \code{$plot.ip_weights()} #' #' @seealso [AIPW] and [AIPW_tmle] #' #' @return `ip_weights.plot` (public variable): A box plot of inverse probability weights using truncated propensity scores by exposure status (`ggplot2::geom_boxplot`) NULL
#' @title Augmented Inverse Probability Weighting (AIPW) uses tmle or tmle3 as inputs #' #' @description `AIPW_nuis` class for users to manually input nuisance functions (estimates from the exposure and the outcome models) #' #' @details Create an AIPW_nuis object that uses users' input nuisance functions from the exposure model \eqn{P(A| W)}, #' and the outcome models \eqn{P(Y| do(A=0), W)} and \eqn{P(Y| do(A=1), W.Q)}: #' \deqn{ #' \psi(a) = E{[ I(A=a) / P(A=a|W) ] * [Y-P(Y=1|A,W)] + P(Y=1| do(A=a),W) } #' } #' Note: If outcome is missing, replace (A=a) with (A=a, observed=1) when estimating the propensity scores. #' #' @section Constructor: #' \code{AIPW$new(Y = NULL, A = NULL, tmle_fit = NULL, verbose = TRUE)} #' #' ## Constructor Arguments #' \tabular{lll}{ #' \strong{Argument} \tab \strong{Type} \tab \strong{Details} \cr #' \code{Y} \tab Integer \tab A vector of outcome (binary (0, 1) or continuous) \cr #' \code{A} \tab Integer \tab A vector of binary exposure (0 or 1) \cr #' \code{mu0} \tab Numeric \tab User input of \eqn{P(Y=1| do(A = 0),W_Q)} \cr #' \code{mu1} \tab Numeric \tab User input of \eqn{P(Y=1| do(A = 1),W_Q)} \cr #' \code{raw_p_score} \tab Numeric \tab User input of \eqn{P(A=a|W_g)} \cr #' \code{verbose} \tab Logical \tab Whether to print the result (Default = TRUE) \cr #' \code{stratified_fitted} \tab Logical \tab Whether mu0 & mu1 was estimated only using `A=0` & `A=1` (Default = FALSE) \cr #' } #' #' @section Public Methods: #' \tabular{lll}{ #' \strong{Methods} \tab \strong{Details} \tab \strong{Link} \cr #' \code{summary()} \tab Summary of the average treatment effects from AIPW \tab [summary.AIPW_base]\cr #' \code{plot.p_score()} \tab Plot the propensity scores by exposure status \tab [plot.p_score]\cr #' \code{plot.ip_weights()} \tab Plot the inverse probability weights using truncated propensity scores \tab [plot.ip_weights]\cr #' } #' #' @section Public Variables: #' \tabular{lll}{ #' \strong{Variable} \tab \strong{Generated by} \tab \strong{Return} \cr #' \code{n} \tab Constructor \tab Number of observations \cr #' \code{obs_est} \tab Constructor \tab Components calculating average causal effects \cr #' \code{estimates} \tab `summary()` \tab A list of Risk difference, risk ratio, odds ratio \cr #' \code{result} \tab `summary()` \tab A matrix contains RD, ATT, ATC, RR and OR with their SE and 95%CI \cr #' \code{g.plot} \tab `plot.p_score()` \tab A density plot of propensity scores by exposure status \cr #' \code{ip_weights.plot} \tab `plot.ip_weights()` \tab A box plot of inverse probability weights \cr #' } #' #' ## Public Variable Details #' \describe{ #' \item{\code{stratified_fit}}{An indicator for whether the outcome model is fitted stratified by exposure status in the`fit()` method. #' Only when using `stratified_fit()` to turn on `stratified_fit = TRUE`, `summary` outputs average treatment effects among the treated and the controls.} #' \item{\code{obs_est}}{This list includes propensity scores (`p_score`), counterfactual predictions (`mu`, `mu1` & `mu0`) and efficient influence functions (`aipw_eif1` & `aipw_eif0`)} #' \item{\code{g.plot}}{This plot is generated by `ggplot2::geom_density`} #' \item{\code{ip_weights.plot}}{This plot uses truncated propensity scores stratified by exposure status (`ggplot2::geom_boxplot`)} #' } #' #' @return \code{AIPW_nuis} object #' #' @export AIPW_nuis <- R6::R6Class( "AIPW_tmle", portable = TRUE, inherit = AIPW_base, public = list( #-------------------------constructor----------------------------# initialize = function(Y=NULL, A=NULL, mu0 = NULL , mu1 = NULL, raw_p_score = NULL, verbose=TRUE, stratified_fitted=FALSE){ #initialize from AIPW_base class super$initialize(Y=Y,A=A,verbose=verbose) message("Cross-fitting for estimating nuisance functions is recommended") self$obs_est$mu0 <- mu0 self$obs_est$mu1 <- mu1 self$obs_est$mu <- self$obs_est$mu0*(1-private$A) + self$obs_est$mu1*(private$A) self$obs_est$raw_p_score <- raw_p_score self$stratified_fitted = stratified_fitted } ) )
#' @title Augmented Inverse Probability Weighting (AIPW) uses tmle or tmle3 as inputs #' #' @description `AIPW_tmle` class uses a fitted `tmle` or `tmle3` object as input #' #' @details Create an AIPW_tmle object that uses the estimated efficient influence function from a fitted `tmle` or `tmle3` object #' #' @section Constructor: #' \code{AIPW$new(Y = NULL, A = NULL, tmle_fit = NULL, verbose = TRUE)} #' #' ## Constructor Arguments #' \tabular{lll}{ #' \strong{Argument} \tab \strong{Type} \tab \strong{Details} \cr #' \code{Y} \tab Integer \tab A vector of outcome (binary (0, 1) or continuous) \cr #' \code{A} \tab Integer \tab A vector of binary exposure (0 or 1) \cr #' \code{tmle_fit} \tab Object \tab A fitted `tmle` or `tmle3` object \cr #' \code{verbose} \tab Logical \tab Whether to print the result (Default = TRUE) #' } #' #' @section Public Methods: #' \tabular{lll}{ #' \strong{Methods} \tab \strong{Details} \tab \strong{Link} \cr #' \code{summary()} \tab Summary of the average treatment effects from AIPW \tab [summary.AIPW_base]\cr #' \code{plot.p_score()} \tab Plot the propensity scores by exposure status \tab [plot.p_score]\cr #' \code{plot.ip_weights()} \tab Plot the inverse probability weights using truncated propensity scores \tab [plot.ip_weights]\cr #' } #' #' @section Public Variables: #' \tabular{lll}{ #' \strong{Variable} \tab \strong{Generated by} \tab \strong{Return} \cr #' \code{n} \tab Constructor \tab Number of observations \cr #' \code{obs_est} \tab Constructor \tab Components calculating average causal effects \cr #' \code{estimates} \tab `summary()` \tab A list of Risk difference, risk ratio, odds ratio \cr #' \code{result} \tab `summary()` \tab A matrix contains RD, ATT, ATC, RR and OR with their SE and 95%CI \cr #' \code{g.plot} \tab `plot.p_score()` \tab A density plot of propensity scores by exposure status \cr #' \code{ip_weights.plot} \tab `plot.ip_weights()` \tab A box plot of inverse probability weights \cr #' } #' #' ## Public Variable Details #' \describe{ #' \item{\code{obs_est}}{This list extracts from the fitted `tmle` object. #' It includes propensity scores (`p_score`), counterfactual predictions (`mu`, `mu1` & `mu0`) and efficient influence functions (`aipw_eif1` & `aipw_eif0`)} #' \item{\code{g.plot}}{This plot is generated by `ggplot2::geom_density`} #' \item{\code{ip_weights.plot}}{This plot uses truncated propensity scores stratified by exposure status (`ggplot2::geom_boxplot`)} #' } #' #' @return \code{AIPW_tmle} object #' #' @export #' #' @examples #' vec <- function() sample(0:1,100,replace = TRUE) #' df <- data.frame(replicate(4,vec())) #' names(df) <- c("A","Y","W1","W2") #' #' ## From tmle #' library(tmle) #' library(SuperLearner) #' tmle_fit <- tmle(Y=df$Y,A=df$A,W=subset(df,select=c("W1","W2")), #' Q.SL.library="SL.glm", #' g.SL.library="SL.glm", #' family="binomial") #' AIPW_tmle$new(A=df$A,Y=df$Y,tmle_fit = tmle_fit,verbose = TRUE)$summary() AIPW_tmle <- R6::R6Class( "AIPW_tmle", portable = TRUE, inherit = AIPW_base, public = list( #-------------------------constructor----------------------------# initialize = function(Y=NULL,A=NULL,tmle_fit = NULL,verbose=TRUE){ #initialize from AIPW_base class super$initialize(Y=Y,A=A,verbose=verbose) #check the fitted object is tmle or tmle3 and import values accordingly if (any(class(tmle_fit) %in% "tmle")){ message("Cross-fitting is supported only within the outcome model from a fitted tmle object (with cvQinit = TRUE)") self$obs_est$mu0 <- tmle_fit$Qstar[,1] self$obs_est$mu1 <- tmle_fit$Qstar[,2] self$obs_est$mu <- self$obs_est$mu0*(1-private$A) + self$obs_est$mu1*(private$A) self$obs_est$raw_p_score <- tmle_fit$g$g1W } else { stop("The tmle_fit is neither a `tmle` or `tmle3_Fit` object") } } ) )
#' @title AIPW wrapper function #' #' @description #' A wrapper function for `AIPW$new()$fit()$summary()` #' #' @param Y Outcome (binary integer: 0 or 1) #' @param A Exposure (binary integer: 0 or 1) #' @param verbose Whether to print the result (logical; Default = FALSE) #' @param W covariates for both exposure and outcome models (vector, matrix or data.frame). If null, this function will seek for #' inputs from `W.Q` and `W.g`. #' @param W.Q Only valid when `W` is null, otherwise it would be replaced by `W`. #' Covariates for outcome model (vector, matrix or data.frame). #' @param W.g Only valid when `W` is null, otherwise it would be replaced by `W`. #' Covariates for exposure model (vector, matrix or data.frame) #' @param Q.SL.library SuperLearner libraries for outcome model #' @param g.SL.library SuperLearner libraries for exposure model #' @param k_split Number of splitting (integer; range: from 1 to number of observation-1): #' if k_split=1, no cross-fitting; #' if k_split>=2, cross-fitting is used #' (e.g., `k_split=10`, use 9/10 of the data to estimate and the remaining 1/10 leftover to predict). #' NOTE: it's recommended to use cross-fitting. #' @param g.bound Value between \[0,1\] at which the propensity score should be truncated. Defaults to 0.025. #' @param stratified_fit An indicator for whether the outcome model is fitted stratified by exposure status in the`fit()` method. #' Only when using `stratified_fit()` to turn on `stratified_fit = TRUE`, `summary` outputs average treatment effects among the treated and the controls. #' #' @export #' @seealso [AIPW] #' @return A fitted `AIPW` object with summarised results #' #' @examples #' library(SuperLearner) #' aipw_sl <- aipw_wrapper(Y=rbinom(100,1,0.5), A=rbinom(100,1,0.5), #' W.Q=rbinom(100,1,0.5), W.g=rbinom(100,1,0.5), #' Q.SL.library="SL.mean",g.SL.library="SL.mean", #' k_split=1,verbose=FALSE) aipw_wrapper = function(Y, A, verbose=TRUE, W=NULL, W.Q=NULL, W.g=NULL, Q.SL.library, g.SL.library, k_split=10, g.bound=0.025,stratified_fit=FALSE){ aipw_obj <- AIPW$new(Y=Y,A=A,verbose=verbose, W=W, W.Q=W.Q,W.g=W.g, Q.SL.library=Q.SL.library, g.SL.library=g.SL.library, k_split=k_split) if (stratified_fit){ aipw_obj$stratified_fit() } else{ aipw_obj$fit() } aipw_obj$summary(g.bound=g.bound) invisible(aipw_obj) }
#' Simulated Observational Study #' #' Datasets were simulated using baseline covariates (sampling with replacement) from the Effects of Aspirin in Gestation and Reproduction (EAGeR) study. #' Data generating mechanisms were described in our manuscript (Zhong et al. (inpreparation), Am. J. Epidemiol.). #' True marginal causal effects on risk difference, log risk ratio and log odds ratio scales were attached to the dataset attributes (true_rd, true_logrr,true_logor). #' #' @docType data #' #' @usage data(eager_sim_obs) #' #' @format An object of class data.frame with 200 rows and 8 column: #' \describe{ #' \item{sim_Y}{binary, simulated outcome which is condition on all other covariates in the dataset} #' \item{sim_A}{binary, simulated exposure which is conditon on all other covarites expect sim_Y.} #' \item{eligibility}{binary, indicator of the eligibility stratum} #' \item{loss_num}{count, number of prior pregnancy losses} #' \item{age}{continuous, age in years} #' \item{time_try_pregnant}{count, months of conception attempts prior to randomization} #' \item{BMI}{continuous, body mass index} #' \item{meanAP}{continuous, mean arterial blood pressure} #' } #' @references Schisterman, E.F., Silver, R.M., Lesher, L.L., Faraggi, D., Wactawski-Wende, J., Townsend, J.M., Lynch, A.M., Perkins, N.J., Mumford, S.L. and Galai, N., 2014. Preconception low-dose aspirin and pregnancy outcomes: results from the EAGeR randomised trial. The Lancet, 384(9937), pp.29-36. #' @references Zhong, Y., Naimi, A.I., Kennedy, E.H., (In preparation). AIPW: An R package for Augmented Inverse Probability Weighted Estimation of Average Causal Effects. American Journal of Epidemiology #' @seealso [eager_sim_rct] "eager_sim_obs" #' Simulated Randomized Trial #' #' Datasets were simulated using baseline covariates (sampling with replacement) from the Effects of Aspirin in Gestation and Reproduction (EAGeR) study. #' #' @docType data #' #' @usage data(eager_sim_rct) #' #' @format An object of class data.frame with 1228 rows and 8 column: #' \describe{ #' \item{sim_Y}{binary, simulated outcome which is condition on all other covariates in the dataset} #' \item{sim_T}{binary, simulated treatment which is condition on eligibility only.} #' \item{eligibility}{binary, indicator of the eligibility stratum} #' \item{loss_num}{count, number of prior pregnancy losses} #' \item{age}{continuous, age in years} #' \item{time_try_pregnant}{count, months of conception attempts prior to randomization} #' \item{BMI}{continuous, body mass index} #' \item{meanAP}{continuous, mean arterial blood pressure} #' } #' #' @references Schisterman, E.F., Silver, R.M., Lesher, L.L., Faraggi, D., Wactawski-Wende, J., Townsend, J.M., Lynch, A.M., Perkins, N.J., Mumford, S.L. and Galai, N., 2014. Preconception low-dose aspirin and pregnancy outcomes: results from the EAGeR randomised trial. The Lancet, 384(9937), pp.29-36. #' @references Zhong, Y., Naimi, A.I., Kennedy, E.H., (In preparation). AIPW: An R package for Augmented Inverse Probability Weighted Estimation of Average Causal Effects. American Journal of Epidemiology #' @seealso [eager_sim_obs] "eager_sim_rct"
#' Title Get 95% Condifence Intervals #' #' @param est point estimate #' @param se standard error #' @param ratio logical (default==F); when TRUE, return exp(log(ci)) #' #' @return lower and upper bounds of the 95% confidence interval #' #' @noRd get_ci <- function(est, se, ratio=F) { if (ratio){ est <- log(est) lcl <- est - 1.96*se ucl <- est + 1.96*se output <- exp(c(lcl,ucl)) } else{ lcl <- est - 1.96*se ucl <- est + 1.96*se output <- c(lcl,ucl) } return(output) }
#' @importFrom R62S3 R62Fun #' @importFrom R6 R6Class # R62S3::R62Fun(AIPW_base, assignEnvir = topenv(), scope = c("public")) # R62S3::R62Fun(AIPW, assignEnvir = topenv(), scope = c("public"))
## ---- include = FALSE--------------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, fig.width = 6, comment = "#>"#, # cache=TRUE ) ## ---- eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------ # install.packages("remotes") # remotes::install_github("yqzhong7/AIPW") ## ---- eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------ # #SuperLearner # install.packages("SuperLearner") # #sl3 # remotes::install_github("tlverse/sl3") # install.packages("Rsolnp") ## ----example data------------------------------------------------------------- library(AIPW) library(SuperLearner) library(ggplot2) set.seed(123) data("eager_sim_obs") cov = c("eligibility","loss_num","age", "time_try_pregnant","BMI","meanAP") ## ----one_line----------------------------------------------------------------- AIPW_SL <- AIPW$new(Y= eager_sim_obs$sim_Y, A= eager_sim_obs$sim_A, W= subset(eager_sim_obs,select=cov), Q.SL.library = c("SL.mean","SL.glm"), g.SL.library = c("SL.mean","SL.glm"), k_split = 10, verbose=FALSE)$ fit()$ #Default truncation is set to 0.025; using 0.25 here is for illustrative purposes and not recommended summary(g.bound = c(0.25,0.75))$ plot.p_score()$ plot.ip_weights() ## ----SuperLearner, message=FALSE,eval=F--------------------------------------- # library(AIPW) # library(SuperLearner) # # #SuperLearner libraries for outcome (Q) and exposure models (g) # sl.lib <- c("SL.mean","SL.glm") # # #construct an aipw object for later estimations # AIPW_SL <- AIPW$new(Y= eager_sim_obs$sim_Y, # A= eager_sim_obs$sim_A, # W= subset(eager_sim_obs,select=cov), # Q.SL.library = sl.lib, # g.SL.library = sl.lib, # k_split = 10, # verbose=FALSE) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #fit the AIPW_SL object AIPW_SL$fit() # or you can use stratified_fit # AIPW_SL$stratified_fit() ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #estimate the average causal effects from the fitted AIPW_SL object AIPW_SL$summary(g.bound = 0.25) #propensity score truncation ## ----ps_trunc----------------------------------------------------------------- library(ggplot2) AIPW_SL$plot.p_score() AIPW_SL$plot.ip_weights() ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- suppressWarnings({ AIPW_SL$stratified_fit()$summary() }) ## ----parallel, eval=FALSE----------------------------------------------------- # # install.packages("future.apply") # library(future.apply) # plan(multiprocess, workers=2, gc=T) # set.seed(888) # AIPW_SL <- AIPW$new(Y= eager_sim_obs$sim_Y, # A= eager_sim_obs$sim_A, # W= subset(eager_sim_obs,select=cov), # Q.SL.library = sl3.lib, # g.SL.library = sl3.lib, # k_split = 10, # verbose=FALSE)$fit()$summary() ## ----tmle, eval=F------------------------------------------------------------- # # install.packages("tmle") # library(tmle) # library(SuperLearner) # # tmle_fit <- tmle(Y=eager_sim_obs$sim_Y, # A=eager_sim_obs$sim_A, # W=eager_sim_obs[,-1:-2], # Q.SL.library=c("SL.mean","SL.glm"), # g.SL.library=c("SL.mean","SL.glm"), # family="binomial", # cvQinit = TRUE) # # cat("\nEstimates from TMLE\n") # unlist(tmle_fit$estimates$ATE) # unlist(tmle_fit$estimates$RR) # unlist(tmle_fit$estimates$OR) # # cat("\nEstimates from AIPW\n") # a_tmle <- AIPW_tmle$ # new(A=eager_sim_obs$sim_A,Y=eager_sim_obs$sim_Y,tmle_fit = tmle_fit,verbose = TRUE)$ # summary(g.bound=0.025)
--- title: "Getting Started with AIPW" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Getting Started with AIPW} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ```{r, include = FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, fig.width = 6, comment = "#>"#, # cache=TRUE ) ``` Contents: * [Installation](#Installation) * [One-line version](#one_line) * [Longer version](#details) + [Create an AIPW object](#constructor) + [Fit the object](#fit) + [Calculate average treatment effects](#ate) + [Calculate average treatment effects among the treated](#att) * [Parallelization](#par) * [Using tmle/tmle3 as input](#tmle_input) + [tmle](#tmle) ## <a id="Installation"></a>Installation 1. Install AIPW from [GitHub]( ```{r, eval = FALSE} install.packages("remotes") remotes::install_github("yqzhong7/AIPW") ``` __* CRAN version only supports SuperLearner and tmle. Please install the Github version (master branch) to use sl3 and tmle3.__ 2. Install [SuperLearner]( or [sl3]( ```{r, eval = FALSE} #SuperLearner install.packages("SuperLearner") #sl3 remotes::install_github("tlverse/sl3") install.packages("Rsolnp") ``` ## Input data for analyses ```{r example data} library(AIPW) library(SuperLearner) library(ggplot2) set.seed(123) data("eager_sim_obs") cov = c("eligibility","loss_num","age", "time_try_pregnant","BMI","meanAP") ``` ## Using AIPW to estimate the average treatment effect ### <a id="one_line"></a>One line version (Method chaining from R6class) Using native AIPW class allows users to define different covariate sets for the exposure and the outcome models, respectively. ```{r one_line} AIPW_SL <- AIPW$new(Y= eager_sim_obs$sim_Y, A= eager_sim_obs$sim_A, W= subset(eager_sim_obs,select=cov), Q.SL.library = c("SL.mean","SL.glm"), g.SL.library = c("SL.mean","SL.glm"), k_split = 10, verbose=FALSE)$ fit()$ #Default truncation is set to 0.025; using 0.25 here is for illustrative purposes and not recommended summary(g.bound = c(0.25,0.75))$ plot.p_score()$ plot.ip_weights() ``` ### <a id="details"></a>A more detailed tutorial #### 1. <a id="constructor"></a>Create an AIPW object * ##### Use [SuperLearner]( libraries ```{r SuperLearner, message=FALSE,eval=F} library(AIPW) library(SuperLearner) #SuperLearner libraries for outcome (Q) and exposure models (g) sl.lib <- c("SL.mean","SL.glm") #construct an aipw object for later estimations AIPW_SL <- AIPW$new(Y= eager_sim_obs$sim_Y, A= eager_sim_obs$sim_A, W= subset(eager_sim_obs,select=cov), Q.SL.library = sl.lib, g.SL.library = sl.lib, k_split = 10, verbose=FALSE) ``` If outcome is missing, analysis assumes missing at random (MAR) by estimating propensity scores with I(A=a, observed=1). Missing exposure is not supported. #### 2. <a id="fit"></a>Fit the AIPW object This step will fit the data stored in the AIPW object to obtain estimates for later average treatment effect calculations. ```{r} #fit the AIPW_SL object AIPW_SL$fit() # or you can use stratified_fit # AIPW_SL$stratified_fit() ``` #### 3. <a id="ate"></a>Calculate average treatment effects * ##### Estimate the ATE with propensity scores truncation ```{r} #estimate the average causal effects from the fitted AIPW_SL object AIPW_SL$summary(g.bound = 0.25) #propensity score truncation ``` * ##### Check the balance of propensity scores and inverse probability weights by exposure status after truncation ```{r ps_trunc} library(ggplot2) AIPW_SL$plot.p_score() AIPW_SL$plot.ip_weights() ``` #### 4. <a id="att"></a>Calculate average treatment effects among the treated/controls * ##### `stratified_fit()` fits the outcome model by exposure status while `fit()` does not. Hence, `stratified_fit()` must be used to compute ATT/ATC [(Kennedy et al. 2015)]( ```{r} suppressWarnings({ AIPW_SL$stratified_fit()$summary() }) ``` ## <a id="par"></a>Parallelization with future.apply In default setting, the `AIPW$fit()` method will be run sequentially. The current version of AIPW package supports parallel processing implemented by [future.apply]( package under the [future]( framework. Before creating a `AIPW` object, simply use `future::plan()` to enable parallelization and `set.seed()` to take care of the random number generation (RNG) problem: ```{r parallel, eval=FALSE} # install.packages("future.apply") library(future.apply) plan(multiprocess, workers=2, gc=T) set.seed(888) AIPW_SL <- AIPW$new(Y= eager_sim_obs$sim_Y, A= eager_sim_obs$sim_A, W= subset(eager_sim_obs,select=cov), Q.SL.library = sl3.lib, g.SL.library = sl3.lib, k_split = 10, verbose=FALSE)$fit()$summary() ``` ## <a id="tmle_input"></a>Use `tmle` fitted object as input AIPW shares similar intermediate estimates (nuisance functions) with the Targeted Maximum Likelihood / Minimum Loss-Based Estimation (TMLE). Therefore, `AIPW_tmle` class is designed for using `tmle` fitted object as input. Details about these two packages can be found [here]( and [here]( This feature is designed for debugging and easy comparisons across these three packages because cross-fitting procedures are different in `tmle`. In addition, this feature does not support ATT outputs. #### <a id="tmle"></a>`tmle` As shown in the message, [tmle]( only support cross-fitting in the outcome model. ```{r tmle, eval=F} # install.packages("tmle") library(tmle) library(SuperLearner) tmle_fit <- tmle(Y=eager_sim_obs$sim_Y, A=eager_sim_obs$sim_A, W=eager_sim_obs[,-1:-2], Q.SL.library=c("SL.mean","SL.glm"), g.SL.library=c("SL.mean","SL.glm"), family="binomial", cvQinit = TRUE) cat("\nEstimates from TMLE\n") unlist(tmle_fit$estimates$ATE) unlist(tmle_fit$estimates$RR) unlist(tmle_fit$estimates$OR) cat("\nEstimates from AIPW\n") a_tmle <- AIPW_tmle$ new(A=eager_sim_obs$sim_A,Y=eager_sim_obs$sim_Y,tmle_fit = tmle_fit,verbose = TRUE)$ summary(g.bound=0.025) ```
--- title: "Getting Started with AIPW" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Getting Started with AIPW} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ```{r, include = FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, fig.width = 6, comment = "#>"#, # cache=TRUE ) ``` Contents: * [Installation](#Installation) * [One-line version](#one_line) * [Longer version](#details) + [Create an AIPW object](#constructor) + [Fit the object](#fit) + [Calculate average treatment effects](#ate) + [Calculate average treatment effects among the treated](#att) * [Parallelization](#par) * [Using tmle/tmle3 as input](#tmle_input) + [tmle](#tmle) ## <a id="Installation"></a>Installation 1. Install AIPW from [GitHub]( ```{r, eval = FALSE} install.packages("remotes") remotes::install_github("yqzhong7/AIPW") ``` __* CRAN version only supports SuperLearner and tmle. Please install the Github version (master branch) to use sl3 and tmle3.__ 2. Install [SuperLearner]( or [sl3]( ```{r, eval = FALSE} #SuperLearner install.packages("SuperLearner") #sl3 remotes::install_github("tlverse/sl3") install.packages("Rsolnp") ``` ## Input data for analyses ```{r example data} library(AIPW) library(SuperLearner) library(ggplot2) set.seed(123) data("eager_sim_obs") cov = c("eligibility","loss_num","age", "time_try_pregnant","BMI","meanAP") ``` ## Using AIPW to estimate the average treatment effect ### <a id="one_line"></a>One line version (Method chaining from R6class) Using native AIPW class allows users to define different covariate sets for the exposure and the outcome models, respectively. ```{r one_line} AIPW_SL <- AIPW$new(Y= eager_sim_obs$sim_Y, A= eager_sim_obs$sim_A, W= subset(eager_sim_obs,select=cov), Q.SL.library = c("SL.mean","SL.glm"), g.SL.library = c("SL.mean","SL.glm"), k_split = 10, verbose=FALSE)$ fit()$ #Default truncation is set to 0.025; using 0.25 here is for illustrative purposes and not recommended summary(g.bound = c(0.25,0.75))$ plot.p_score()$ plot.ip_weights() ``` ### <a id="details"></a>A more detailed tutorial #### 1. <a id="constructor"></a>Create an AIPW object * ##### Use [SuperLearner]( libraries ```{r SuperLearner, message=FALSE,eval=F} library(AIPW) library(SuperLearner) #SuperLearner libraries for outcome (Q) and exposure models (g) sl.lib <- c("SL.mean","SL.glm") #construct an aipw object for later estimations AIPW_SL <- AIPW$new(Y= eager_sim_obs$sim_Y, A= eager_sim_obs$sim_A, W= subset(eager_sim_obs,select=cov), Q.SL.library = sl.lib, g.SL.library = sl.lib, k_split = 10, verbose=FALSE) ``` If outcome is missing, analysis assumes missing at random (MAR) by estimating propensity scores with I(A=a, observed=1). Missing exposure is not supported. #### 2. <a id="fit"></a>Fit the AIPW object This step will fit the data stored in the AIPW object to obtain estimates for later average treatment effect calculations. ```{r} #fit the AIPW_SL object AIPW_SL$fit() # or you can use stratified_fit # AIPW_SL$stratified_fit() ``` #### 3. <a id="ate"></a>Calculate average treatment effects * ##### Estimate the ATE with propensity scores truncation ```{r} #estimate the average causal effects from the fitted AIPW_SL object AIPW_SL$summary(g.bound = 0.25) #propensity score truncation ``` * ##### Check the balance of propensity scores and inverse probability weights by exposure status after truncation ```{r ps_trunc} library(ggplot2) AIPW_SL$plot.p_score() AIPW_SL$plot.ip_weights() ``` #### 4. <a id="att"></a>Calculate average treatment effects among the treated/controls * ##### `stratified_fit()` fits the outcome model by exposure status while `fit()` does not. Hence, `stratified_fit()` must be used to compute ATT/ATC [(Kennedy et al. 2015)]( ```{r} suppressWarnings({ AIPW_SL$stratified_fit()$summary() }) ``` ## <a id="par"></a>Parallelization with future.apply In default setting, the `AIPW$fit()` method will be run sequentially. The current version of AIPW package supports parallel processing implemented by [future.apply]( package under the [future]( framework. Before creating a `AIPW` object, simply use `future::plan()` to enable parallelization and `set.seed()` to take care of the random number generation (RNG) problem: ```{r parallel, eval=FALSE} # install.packages("future.apply") library(future.apply) plan(multiprocess, workers=2, gc=T) set.seed(888) AIPW_SL <- AIPW$new(Y= eager_sim_obs$sim_Y, A= eager_sim_obs$sim_A, W= subset(eager_sim_obs,select=cov), Q.SL.library = sl3.lib, g.SL.library = sl3.lib, k_split = 10, verbose=FALSE)$fit()$summary() ``` ## <a id="tmle_input"></a>Use `tmle` fitted object as input AIPW shares similar intermediate estimates (nuisance functions) with the Targeted Maximum Likelihood / Minimum Loss-Based Estimation (TMLE). Therefore, `AIPW_tmle` class is designed for using `tmle` fitted object as input. Details about these two packages can be found [here]( and [here]( This feature is designed for debugging and easy comparisons across these three packages because cross-fitting procedures are different in `tmle`. In addition, this feature does not support ATT outputs. #### <a id="tmle"></a>`tmle` As shown in the message, [tmle]( only support cross-fitting in the outcome model. ```{r tmle, eval=F} # install.packages("tmle") library(tmle) library(SuperLearner) tmle_fit <- tmle(Y=eager_sim_obs$sim_Y, A=eager_sim_obs$sim_A, W=eager_sim_obs[,-1:-2], Q.SL.library=c("SL.mean","SL.glm"), g.SL.library=c("SL.mean","SL.glm"), family="binomial", cvQinit = TRUE) cat("\nEstimates from TMLE\n") unlist(tmle_fit$estimates$ATE) unlist(tmle_fit$estimates$RR) unlist(tmle_fit$estimates$OR) cat("\nEstimates from AIPW\n") a_tmle <- AIPW_tmle$ new(A=eager_sim_obs$sim_A,Y=eager_sim_obs$sim_Y,tmle_fit = tmle_fit,verbose = TRUE)$ summary(g.bound=0.025) ```
#' @importFrom stats rnorm runif qnorm optim #' @importFrom methods setClass new show #' @importFrom graphics lines polygon legend #' @importFrom plot3D image2D #' @importFrom grDevices grey NULL #> NULL #' @keywords internal
#' Scattering analysis of microscopy #' #' @description #' Fast parameter estimation in scattering analysis of microscopy, using either #' AIUQ or DDM method. #' #' @param intensity intensity profile. See 'Details'. #' @param intensity_str structure of the intensity profile, options from #' ('SST_array','S_ST_mat','T_SS_mat'). See 'Details'. #' @param pxsz size of one pixel in unit of micron, 1 for simulated data #' @param sz frame size of the intensity profile in x and y directions, #' number of pixels contained in each frame equals sz_x by sz_y. #' @param mindt minimum lag time, 1 for simulated data #' @param AIUQ_thr threshold for wave number selection, numeric vector of two #' elements with values between 0 and 1. See 'Details'. #' @param model_name fitted model, options from ('BM','OU','FBM','OU+FBM', #' 'user_defined'), with Brownian motion as the default model. See 'Details'. #' @param sigma_0_2_ini initial value for background noise. If NA, use minimum #' value of absolute square of intensity profile in reciprocal space. #' @param msd_fn user defined mean squared displacement(MSD) structure, a #' function of parameters and lag times. NA if \code{model_name} is not #' 'user_defined'. #' @param msd_grad_fn gradient for user defined mean squared displacement #' structure. If \code{NA}, then numerical gradient will be used for parameter #' estimation in \code{'user_defined'} model. #' @param num_param number of parameters need to be estimated in the intermediate #' scattering function, need to be non-NA value for user_defined' model. #' @param param_initial initial values for param estimation. #' @param num_optim number of optimization. #' @param uncertainty a logical evaluating to TRUE or FALSE indicating whether #' parameter uncertainty should be computed. #' @param M number of particles. See 'Details'. #' @param sim_object NA or an S4 object of class \code{simulation}. #' @param msd_truth true MSD or reference MSD value. #' @param method methods for parameter estimation, options from ('AIUQ', 'DDM'). #' @param index_q_AIUQ index range for wave number when using AIUQ method. See 'Details'. #' @param index_q_DDM index range for wave number when using DDM method. See 'Details'. #' @param message_out a logical evaluating to TRUE or FALSE indicating whether #' or not to output the message. #' @param square a logical evaluating to TRUE or FALSE indicating whether or not #' to crop the original intensity profile into square image. #' @param output_dqt a logical evaluating to TRUE or FALSE indicating whether or #' not to compute observed dynamic image structure function(Dqt). #' @param output_isf a logical evaluating to TRUE or FALSE indicating whether or #' not to compute empirical intermediate scattering function(ISF). #' @param output_modeled_isf a logical evaluating to TRUE or FALSE indicating #' whether or not to compute modeled intermediate scattering function(ISF). #' @param output_modeled_dqt a logical evaluating to TRUE or FALSE indicating #' whether or not to compute modeled dynamic image structure function(Dqt). #' #' @details #' For simulated data using \code{simulation} in AIUQ package, \code{intensity} #' will be automatically extracted from \code{simulation} class. #' #' By default \code{intensity_str} is set to 'T_SS_mat', a time by space\eqn{\times}{%\times}space #' matrix, which is the structure of intensity profile obtained from \code{simulation} #' class. For \code{intensity_str='SST_array'} , input intensity profile should be a #' space by space by time array, which is the structure from loading a tif file. #' For \code{intensity_str='S_ST_mat'}, input intensity profile should be a #' space by space\eqn{\times}{%\times}time matrix. #' #' By default \code{AIUQ_thr} is set to \code{c(1,1)}, uses information from all #' complete q rings. The first element affects maximum wave number selected, #' and second element controls minimum proportion of wave number selected. By #' setting 1 for the second element, if maximum wave number selected is less #' than the wave number length, then maximum wave number selected is coerced to #' use all wave number unless user defined another index range through \code{index_q_AIUQ}. #' #' If \code{model_name} equals 'user_defined', or NA (will coerced to #' 'user_defined'), then \code{msd_fn} and \code{num_param} need to be provided #' for parameter estimation. #' #' Number of particles \code{M} is set to 50 or automatically extracted from #' \code{simulation} class for simulated data using \code{simulation} in AIUQ #' package. #' #' By default, using all wave vectors from complete q ring for both \code{AIUQ} #' and \code{DDM} method, unless user defined index range through \code{index_q_AIUQ} #' or \code{index_q_DDM}. #' #' @return Returns an S4 object of class \code{SAM}. #' @export #' @author \packageAuthor{AIUQ} #' @references #' Gu, M., He, Y., Liu, X., & Luo, Y. (2023). Ab initio uncertainty #' quantification in scattering analysis of microscopy. #' arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.02468. #' #' Gu, M., Luo, Y., He, Y., Helgeson, M. E., & Valentine, M. T. (2021). #' Uncertainty quantification and estimation in differential dynamic microscopy. #' Physical Review E, 104(3), 034610. #' #' Cerbino, R., & Trappe, V. (2008). Differential dynamic microscopy: probing #' wave vector dependent dynamics with a microscope. Physical review letters, #' 100(18), 188102. #' #' @examples #' library(AIUQ) #' # Example 1: Estimation for simulated data #' sim_bm = simulation(len_t=100,sz=100,sigma_bm=0.5) #' show(sim_bm) #' sam = SAM(sim_object = sim_bm) #' show(sam) SAM <- function(intensity=NA,intensity_str="T_SS_mat",pxsz=1,sz=c(NA,NA),mindt=1, AIUQ_thr=c(1,1),model_name='BM',sigma_0_2_ini=NaN,param_initial=NA, num_optim=1,msd_fn=NA,msd_grad_fn=NA,num_param=NA, uncertainty=FALSE,M=50,sim_object=NA, msd_truth=NA, method="AIUQ",index_q_AIUQ=NA, index_q_DDM=NA,message_out=TRUE, square=FALSE, output_dqt=FALSE, output_isf=FALSE, output_modeled_isf=FALSE,output_modeled_dqt=FALSE){ model <- methods::new("SAM") #check if(!is.character(intensity_str)){ stop("Structure of the intensity profile input should be a character. \n") } if(intensity_str!="SST_array" && intensity_str!="S_ST_mat" && intensity_str!="T_SS_mat"){ stop("Structure of the intensity profile input should be one of the type listed in help page. \n") } if(!is.numeric(pxsz)){ stop("Pixel size should be a numerical value. \n") } if(!is.numeric(mindt)){ stop("Lag time between 2 consecutive image should be a numerical value. \n") } if(length(AIUQ_thr)==1){ AIUQ_thr = c(AIUQ_thr,1) } if([1])){ AIUQ_thr = c(1,AIUQ_thr[2]) } if([2])){ AIUQ_thr = c(AIUQ_thr[1],1) } if(!is.numeric(AIUQ_thr)){ stop("AIUQ threshold should be a numerical vector. \n") } if(AIUQ_thr[1]<0 || AIUQ_thr[2]<0 || AIUQ_thr[1]>1 || AIUQ_thr[2]>1){ stop("AIUQ threshold has value between 0 and 1. \n") } if(!is.numeric(sigma_0_2_ini)){ stop("Inital value for background noise should be numeric. \n") } if(class(sim_object)[1]=="simulation"){ intensity = sim_object@intensity model@pxsz = sim_object@pxsz #model@mindt = sim_object@mindt M = sim_object@M #model_name = sim_object@model_name ##not always inherent len_t = sim_object@len_t model@param_truth = get_true_param_sim(param_truth=sim_object@param,model_name=sim_object@model_name) model@msd_truth = sim_object@theor_msd model@sigma_2_0_truth = sim_object@sigma_2_0 sz = sim_object@sz }else{ model@pxsz = pxsz #model@mindt = mindt model@msd_truth = msd_truth model@sigma_2_0_truth = NA model@param_truth = NA sz = sz } model@mindt = mindt if(is.vector(intensity)){ if({ stop("Intensity profile can't be missing and should have one of the structure listed in intensity_str. \n") } } if({ model_name = "user_defined" } if (model_name == "user_defined" &&{ stop("For user defined model, number of parameters that need to be estimated can't be empty. \n") } if(!is.character(model_name)){ stop("Fitted model name should be character. \n") } if(!is.character(method)){ stop("Method should be character. \n") } model@model_name = model_name model@method = method # Transform intensity into the same format and crop image into square image # total number of pixels in each image = sz_x*sz_y intensity_list = intensity_format_transform(intensity = intensity, intensity_str = intensity_str, square = square,sz=sz) # Fourier transform fft_list = FFT2D(intensity_list=intensity_list,pxsz=model@pxsz,mindt=model@mindt) #num of rows and columns of intensity matrix, also representing frame size in y and x directions model@sz = c(fft_list$sz_y,fft_list$sz_x) model@len_q = fft_list$len_q model@len_t = fft_list$len_t model@q = fft_list$q model@d_input = fft_list$d_input if(![1]){ if(min(index_q_DDM)<1 || max(index_q_DDM)>model@len_q){ stop("Selected q range should between 1 and half frame size. \n") } } if(![1]){ if(min(index_q_AIUQ)<1 || max(index_q_AIUQ)>model@len_q){ stop("Selected q range should between 1 and half frame size. \n") } } # get each q ring location index if(model@sz[1]==model@sz[2]){ v = (-(model@sz[1]-1)/2):((model@sz[1]-1)/2) x = matrix(rep(v,each = model@sz[1]), byrow = FALSE,nrow = model@sz[1]) y = matrix(rep(v,each = model@sz[1]), byrow = TRUE,nrow = model@sz[1]) }else{ v_x = (-(model@sz[2]-1)/2):((model@sz[2]-1)/2) v_y = (-(model@sz[1]-1)/2):((model@sz[1]-1)/2) x = matrix(rep(v_x,each = model@sz[1]), byrow = FALSE,nrow = model@sz[1]) y = matrix(rep(v_y,each = model@sz[2]), byrow = TRUE,nrow = model@sz[1]) } theta_q = cart2polar(x, y) q_ring_num = theta_q[,(model@sz[2]+1):dim(theta_q)[2]] q_ring_num = round(q_ring_num) nq_index = vector(mode = "list") for(i in 1:model@len_q){ nq_index[[i]] = which(q_ring_num==i) } q_ori_ring_loc = fftshift(q_ring_num, dim = 3) q_ori_ring_loc_index = as.list(1:model@len_q) total_q_ori_ring_loc_index = NULL for(i in 1:model@len_q){ q_ori_ring_loc_index[[i]] = which(q_ori_ring_loc==i) total_q_ori_ring_loc_index = c(total_q_ori_ring_loc_index, q_ori_ring_loc_index[[i]]) } #model@q_ring_loc = q_ring_num q_ring_loc = q_ring_num #model@q_ori_ring_loc = q_ori_ring_loc #model@q_ori_ring_loc_index = q_ori_ring_loc_index #model@total_q_ori_ring_loc_index = total_q_ori_ring_loc_index #Get A an B ini est avg_I_2_ori = 0 for(i in 1:model@len_t){ avg_I_2_ori = avg_I_2_ori+abs(fft_list$I_q_matrix[,i])^2/(model@sz[1]*model@sz[2]) } avg_I_2_ori = avg_I_2_ori/model@len_t model@I_o_q_2_ori = rep(NA,model@len_q) for(i in 1:model@len_q){ model@I_o_q_2_ori[i] = mean(avg_I_2_ori[q_ori_ring_loc_index[[i]]]) } I_o_q_2_ori_last = model@I_o_q_2_ori[model@len_q] model@B_est_ini = 2*I_o_q_2_ori_last model@A_est_ini = 2*(model@I_o_q_2_ori - I_o_q_2_ori_last) for (i in 1:model@len_q){ ##change to >= if(sum(model@A_est_ini[1:i])/sum(model@A_est_ini)>=AIUQ_thr[1]){ num_q_max = i break } } if(num_q_max/model@len_q<=AIUQ_thr[2]){ num_q_max=ceiling(AIUQ_thr[2]*model@len_q) } # get unique index # improved this later, check one of the previous code where I have another way that doesn't require unique search #model@q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index = as.list(1:model@len_q) q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index = as.list(1:model@len_q) for(i in 1:model@len_q){ unique_val = unique(avg_I_2_ori[q_ori_ring_loc_index[[i]]]) unique_val = unique_val[1:(length(q_ori_ring_loc_index[[i]])/2)] index_selected = NULL for(j in 1:length(unique_val)){ index_selected = c(index_selected,which(avg_I_2_ori == unique_val[j])[1]) } q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index[[i]] = index_selected } total_q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index = NULL for(i in 1:model@len_q){ total_q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index=c(total_q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index, q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index[[i]]) } if({sigma_0_2_ini=min(model@I_o_q_2_ori)} if(sum(>=1){ param_initial = get_initial_param(model_name=model@model_name, sigma_0_2_ini=sigma_0_2_ini, num_param=num_param) }else{ param_initial = log(c(param_initial,sigma_0_2_ini)) } if(model@method == "AIUQ"){ ##if index_q_AIUQ is not defined then we define it; otherwise we use the defined index if([1]){ index_q_AIUQ = 1:num_q_max } p = length(param_initial)-1 num_iteration_max = 50+(p-1)*10 lower_bound = c(rep(-30,p),-Inf) if(model@model_name == "user_defined"){ if(is.function(msd_grad_fn)==T){ gr = log_lik_grad }else{gr = NULL} }else{gr = log_lik_grad} m_param = try(optim(param_initial,log_lik, gr=gr, I_q_cur=fft_list$I_q_matrix, B_cur=NA,index_q=index_q_AIUQ, I_o_q_2_ori=model@I_o_q_2_ori, q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index=q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index, sz=model@sz,len_t=model@len_t,d_input=model@d_input, q=model@q,model_name=model@model_name,msd_fn=msd_fn, msd_grad_fn=msd_grad_fn,method='L-BFGS-B',lower=lower_bound, control = list(fnscale=-1,maxit=num_iteration_max)),TRUE) if(num_optim>1){ for(i_try in 1:(num_optim-1)){ param_initial_try=param_initial+i_try*runif(p+1) if(message_out){ cat("start of another optimization, initial values: ",param_initial_try, "\n") } m_param_try = try(optim(param_initial_try,log_lik, gr=gr, I_q_cur=fft_list$I_q_matrix, B_cur=NA,index_q=index_q_AIUQ, I_o_q_2_ori=model@I_o_q_2_ori, q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index=q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index, sz=model@sz,len_t=model@len_t,d_input=model@d_input, q=model@q,model_name=model@model_name,msd_fn=msd_fn, msd_grad_fn=msd_grad_fn,method='L-BFGS-B',lower=lower_bound, control = list(fnscale=-1,maxit=num_iteration_max)),TRUE) if(class(m_param)[1]!="try-error"){ if(class(m_param_try)[1]!="try-error"){ if(m_param_try$value>m_param$value){ m_param=m_param_try } } }else{##if m_param has an error then change m_param=m_param_try } } } count_compute=0 ##if it has an error in optimization, try some more while(class(m_param)[1]=="try-error"){ count_compute=count_compute+1 param_initial_try=param_initial+count_compute*runif(p+1) if(message_out){ cat("start of another optimization, initial values: ",param_initial_try, "\n") } m_param = try(optim(param_initial_try,log_lik,gr=gr, I_q_cur=fft_list$I_q_matrix,B_cur=NA, index_q=index_q_AIUQ,I_o_q_2_ori=model@I_o_q_2_ori, q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index=q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index, sz=model@sz,len_t=model@len_t,d_input=model@d_input, q=model@q,model_name=model@model_name,msd_fn=msd_fn, msd_grad_fn=msd_grad_fn,method='L-BFGS-B',lower=lower_bound, control = list(fnscale=-1,maxit=num_iteration_max)),TRUE) if(count_compute>=2){ break } } ##if still not converge to a finite value, let's try no derivative search if(class(m_param)[1]=="try-error"){ m_param = try(optim(param_initial,log_lik, I_q_cur=fft_list$I_q_matrix, B_cur=NA,index_q=index_q_AIUQ, I_o_q_2_ori=model@I_o_q_2_ori, q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index=q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index, sz=model@sz,len_t=model@len_t,d_input=model@d_input, q=model@q,model_name=model@model_name,msd_fn=msd_fn, msd_grad_fn=msd_grad_fn,method='L-BFGS-B',lower=lower_bound, control = list(fnscale=-1,maxit=num_iteration_max)),TRUE) count_compute=0 while(class(m_param)[1]=="try-error"){ count_compute=count_compute+1 #compute_twice=T ##change it to runif #c(rep(0.5,p),0) param_initial_try=param_initial+count_compute*runif(p+1) if(message_out){ cat("start of another optimization, initial values: ",param_initial_try, "\n") } m_param = try(optim(param_initial_try,log_lik, I_q_cur=fft_list$I_q_matrix,B_cur=NA, index_q=index_q_AIUQ,I_o_q_2_ori=model@I_o_q_2_ori, q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index=q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index, sz=model@sz,len_t=model@len_t,d_input=model@d_input, q=model@q,model_name=model@model_name,msd_fn=msd_fn, msd_grad_fn=msd_grad_fn,method='L-BFGS-B',lower=lower_bound, control = list(fnscale=-1,maxit=num_iteration_max)),TRUE) if(count_compute>=2){ break } } } param_est = m_param$par model@mle = m_param$value AIC = 2*(length(param_est)+length(index_q_AIUQ)-m_param$value) model@sigma_2_0_est = exp(param_est[length(param_est)]) #est_list = get_est_param_MSD(theta=exp(param_est),d_input=model@d_input,model_name = model@model_name) model@param_est = get_est_param(theta=exp(param_est),model_name = model@model_name) if(model@model_name=='user_defined'){ model@param_est = model@param_est[-length(param_initial)] } model@msd_est = get_MSD(theta=model@param_est,d_input=model@d_input, model_name = model@model_name, msd_fn=msd_fn) if(uncertainty==T &&!=T){ param_uq_range=param_uncertainty(param_est=m_param$par,I_q_cur=fft_list$I_q_matrix, index_q=index_q_AIUQ, I_o_q_2_ori=model@I_o_q_2_ori, q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index=q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index, sz=model@sz,len_t=model@len_t,q=model@q, d_input=model@d_input, model_name=model@model_name,M=M, num_iteration_max=num_iteration_max, lower_bound=lower_bound,msd_fn=msd_fn, msd_grad_fn=msd_grad_fn) for(i_p in 1:length(m_param$par)){ param_uq_range[,i_p]=c(min((m_param$par[i_p]),param_uq_range[1,i_p]), max((m_param$par[i_p]),param_uq_range[2,i_p])) } SAM_range_list=get_est_parameters_MSD_SAM_interval(param_uq_range, model_name=model@model_name, d_input=model@d_input, msd_fn=msd_fn) model@uncertainty = uncertainty model@msd_lower = SAM_range_list$MSD_lower model@msd_upper = SAM_range_list$MSD_upper model@param_uq_range = cbind(SAM_range_list$est_parameters_lower,SAM_range_list$est_parameters_upper) }else{ model@uncertainty = uncertainty model@msd_lower = NA model@msd_upper = NA model@param_uq_range = matrix(NA,1,1) } if(output_dqt==FALSE && output_isf==FALSE){ Dqt = matrix(NA,1,1) isf = matrix(NA,1,1) }else if(output_dqt==TRUE && output_isf==FALSE){ Dqt = SAM_Dqt(len_q=model@len_q,index_q=1:model@len_q,len_t=model@len_t, I_q_matrix=fft_list$I_q_matrix,sz=model@sz, q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index=q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index) isf = matrix(NA,1,1) }else if(output_isf==TRUE){ Dqt = matrix(NA,model@len_q,model@len_t-1) isf = matrix(NA,model@len_q,model@len_t-1) for (q_j in 1:model@len_q){ index_cur = q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index[[q_j]] I_q_cur = fft_list$I_q_matrix[index_cur,] for (t_i in 1:(model@len_t-1)){ Dqt[q_j,t_i]=mean((abs(I_q_cur[,(t_i+1):model@len_t]-I_q_cur[,1:(model@len_t-t_i)]))^2/(model@sz[1]*model@sz[2]),na.rm=T) } if(model@A_est_ini[q_j]==0){break} isf[q_j,] = 1-(Dqt[q_j,]-model@B_est_ini)/model@A_est_ini[q_j] } } }else if(model@method == "DDM_fixedAB"){ if(length(index_q_DDM)==1 &&{ index_q_DDM = 1:model@len_q } Dqt = SAM_Dqt(len_q=model@len_q,index_q=index_q_DDM,len_t=model@len_t, I_q_matrix=fft_list$I_q_matrix,sz=model@sz, q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index=q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index) if(output_isf==TRUE){ isf = matrix(NA,model@len_q,model@len_t-1) for (q_j in 1:model@len_q){ if(model@A_est_ini[q_j]==0){break} isf[q_j,] = 1-(Dqt[q_j,]-model@B_est_ini)/model@A_est_ini[q_j] } }else{ isf = matrix(NA,1,1) } l2_est_list = theta_est_l2_dqt_fixedAB(param=param_initial[-length(param_initial)],q=model@q,index_q=index_q_DDM, Dqt=Dqt,A_est_q=model@A_est_ini,B_est=model@B_est_ini, d_input=model@d_input, model_name=model@model_name, msd_fn=msd_fn,msd_grad_fn=msd_grad_fn) model@param_est = l2_est_list$param_est model@msd_est = l2_est_list$msd_est model@sigma_2_0_est = model@B_est_ini/2 p = NaN AIC = NaN model@mle = NaN model@param_uq_range = matrix(NA,1,1) }else if(model@method == "DDM_estAB"){ if(length(index_q_DDM)==1 &&{ index_q_DDM = 1:model@len_q } Dqt = SAM_Dqt(len_q=model@len_q,index_q=index_q_DDM,len_t=model@len_t, I_q_matrix=fft_list$I_q_matrix,sz=model@sz, q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index=q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index) if(output_isf==TRUE){ isf = matrix(NA,model@len_q,model@len_t-1) for (q_j in 1:model@len_q){ if(model@A_est_ini[q_j]==0){break} isf[q_j,] = 1-(Dqt[q_j,]-model@B_est_ini)/model@A_est_ini[q_j] } }else{ isf = matrix(NA,1,1) } l2_est_list = theta_est_l2_dqt_estAB(param=param_initial,q=model@q,index_q=index_q_DDM, Dqt=Dqt,A_ini=model@A_est_ini,d_input=model@d_input, model_name=model@model_name,msd_fn=msd_fn,msd_grad_fn=msd_grad_fn) model@param_est = l2_est_list$param_est model@msd_est = l2_est_list$msd_est model@sigma_2_0_est = l2_est_list$sigma_2_0_est A_est = l2_est_list$A_est p = NaN AIC = NaN model@mle = NaN model@param_uq_range = matrix(NA,1,1) } model@Dqt = Dqt model@ISF = isf if(output_modeled_dqt==FALSE && output_modeled_isf==FALSE){ model@modeled_Dqt = matrix(NA,1,1) model@modeled_ISF = matrix(NA,1,1) }else if(output_modeled_isf==TRUE && output_modeled_dqt==FALSE){ model@modeled_ISF = matrix(NA,model@len_q,model@len_t-1) model@modeled_Dqt = matrix(NA,1,1) for(q_j in 1:model@len_q){ q_selected = model@q[q_j] model@modeled_ISF [q_j,] = exp(-q_selected^2*model@msd_est[-1]/4) } }else if(output_modeled_dqt==TRUE){ model@modeled_ISF = matrix(NA,model@len_q,model@len_t-1) model@modeled_Dqt = matrix(NA,model@len_q,model@len_t-1) for(q_j in 1:model@len_q){ q_selected = model@q[q_j] model@modeled_ISF[q_j,] = exp(-q_selected^2*model@msd_est[-1]/4) if(model@A_est_ini[q_j]==0){break} model@modeled_Dqt[q_j,] = model@A_est_ini[q_j]*(1-model@modeled_ISF[q_j,])+model@sigma_2_0_est*2 } } if(model@method=='AIUQ'){ model@index_q = index_q_AIUQ }else{ ##DDM model@index_q = index_q_DDM } model@I_q = fft_list$I_q_matrix #model@p = p model@AIC = AIC model@q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index = q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index return(model) }
#' Scattering analysis of microscopy for anisotropic processes #' #' @description #' Fast parameter estimation in scattering analysis of microscopy for anisotropic #' processes, using AIUQ method. #' #' @param intensity intensity profile. See 'Details'. #' @param intensity_str structure of the intensity profile, options from #' ('SST_array','S_ST_mat','T_SS_mat'). See 'Details'. #' @param sz frame size of the intensity profile in x and y directions, #' number of pixels contained in each frame equals sz_x by sz_y. #' @param pxsz size of one pixel in unit of micron, 1 for simulated data #' @param mindt minimum lag time, 1 for simulated data #' @param AIUQ_thr threshold for wave number selection, numeric vector of two #' elements with values between 0 and 1. See 'Details'. #' @param model_name fitted model, options from ('BM','OU','FBM','OU+FBM', #' 'user_defined'), with Brownian motion as the default model. See 'Details'. #' @param sigma_0_2_ini initial value for background noise. If NA, use minimum #' value of absolute square of intensity profile in reciprocal space. #' @param msd_fn user defined mean squared displacement(MSD) structure, a #' function of parameters and lag times. NA if \code{model_name} is not #' 'user_defined'. #' @param msd_grad_fn gradient for user defined mean squared displacement #' structure. If \code{NA}, then numerical gradient will be used for parameter #' estimation in \code{'user_defined'} model. #' @param num_param number of parameters need to be estimated in the intermediate #' scattering function, need to be non-NA value for user_defined' model. #' @param param_initial initial values for param estimation. #' @param num_optim number of optimization. #' @param uncertainty a logical evaluating to TRUE or FALSE indicating whether #' parameter uncertainty should be computed. #' @param M number of particles. See 'Details'. #' @param sim_object NA or an S4 object of class \code{simulation}. #' @param msd_truth true MSD or reference MSD value. #' @param method methods for parameter estimation, options from ('AIUQ', 'DDM'). #' @param index_q_AIUQ index range for wave number when using AIUQ method. See 'Details'. #' @param message_out a logical evaluating to TRUE or FALSE indicating whether #' or not to output the message. #' @param square a logical evaluating to TRUE or FALSE indicating whether or not #' to crop the original intensity profile into square image. #' #' @details #' For simulated data using \code{aniso_simulation} in AIUQ package, \code{intensity} #' will be automatically extracted from \code{aniso_simulation} class. #' #' By default \code{intensity_str} is set to 'T_SS_mat', a time by space\eqn{\times}{%\times}space #' matrix, which is the structure of intensity profile obtained from \code{aniso_simulation} #' class. For \code{intensity_str='SST_array'} , input intensity profile should be a #' space by space by time array, which is the structure from loading a tif file. #' For \code{intensity_str='S_ST_mat'}, input intensity profile should be a #' space by space\eqn{\times}{%\times}time matrix. #' #' By default \code{AIUQ_thr} is set to \code{c(1,1)}, uses information from all #' complete q rings. The first element affects maximum wave number selected, #' and second element controls minimum proportion of wave number selected. By #' setting 1 for the second element, if maximum wave number selected is less #' than the wave number length, then maximum wave number selected is coerced to #' use all wave number unless user defined another index range through \code{index_q_AIUQ}. #' #' If \code{model_name} equals 'user_defined', or NA (will coerced to #' 'user_defined'), then \code{msd_fn} and \code{num_param} need to be provided #' for parameter estimation. #' #' Number of particles \code{M} is set to 50 or automatically extracted from #' \code{simulation} class for simulated data using \code{simulation} in AIUQ #' package. #' #' By default, using all wave vectors from complete q ring for both \code{AIUQ}, #' unless user defined index range through \code{index_q_AIUQ}. #' #' @return Returns an S4 object of class \code{aniso_SAM}. #' @export #' @author \packageAuthor{AIUQ} #' @references #' Gu, M., He, Y., Liu, X., & Luo, Y. (2023). Ab initio uncertainty #' quantification in scattering analysis of microscopy. #' arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.02468. #' #' Gu, M., Luo, Y., He, Y., Helgeson, M. E., & Valentine, M. T. (2021). #' Uncertainty quantification and estimation in differential dynamic microscopy. #' Physical Review E, 104(3), 034610. #' #' Cerbino, R., & Trappe, V. (2008). Differential dynamic microscopy: probing #' wave vector dependent dynamics with a microscope. Physical review letters, #' 100(18), 188102. #' #' @examples #' library(AIUQ) #' # Example 1: Estimation for simulated data #' set.seed(1) #' aniso_sim = aniso_simulation(sz=100,len_t=100, model_name="BM",M=100,sigma_bm=c(0.5,0.3)) #' show(aniso_sim) #' plot_traj(object=aniso_sim) #' aniso_sam = aniso_SAM(sim_object=aniso_sim, model_name="BM",AIUQ_thr = c(0.999,0)) #' show(aniso_sam) #' plot_MSD(aniso_sam,msd_truth = aniso_sam@msd_truth) aniso_SAM <- function(intensity=NA,intensity_str="T_SS_mat",pxsz=1, sz=c(NA,NA), mindt=1,AIUQ_thr=c(1,1),model_name='BM',sigma_0_2_ini=NaN, param_initial=NA,num_optim=1,msd_fn=NA,msd_grad_fn=NA, num_param=NA,uncertainty=FALSE,M=50,sim_object=NA, msd_truth=NA, method="AIUQ",index_q_AIUQ=NA, message_out=TRUE, square=FALSE){ model <- methods::new("aniso_SAM") #check if(!is.character(intensity_str)){ stop("Structure of the intensity profile input should be a character. \n") } if(intensity_str!="SST_array" && intensity_str!="S_ST_mat" && intensity_str!="T_SS_mat"){ stop("Structure of the intensity profile input should be one of the type listed in help page. \n") } if(!is.numeric(pxsz)){ stop("Pixel size should be a numerical value. \n") } if(!is.numeric(mindt)){ stop("Lag time between 2 consecutive image should be a numerical value. \n") } if(length(AIUQ_thr)==1){ AIUQ_thr = c(AIUQ_thr,1) } if([1])){ AIUQ_thr = c(1,AIUQ_thr[2]) } if([2])){ AIUQ_thr = c(AIUQ_thr[1],1) } if(!is.numeric(AIUQ_thr)){ stop("AIUQ threshold should be a numerical vector. \n") } if(AIUQ_thr[1]<0 || AIUQ_thr[2]<0 || AIUQ_thr[1]>1 || AIUQ_thr[2]>1){ stop("AIUQ threshold has value between 0 and 1. \n") } if(!is.numeric(sigma_0_2_ini)){ stop("Inital value for background noise should be numeric. \n") } if(class(sim_object)[1]=="simulation"){ intensity = sim_object@intensity model@pxsz = sim_object@pxsz model@mindt = sim_object@mindt M = sim_object@M len_t = sim_object@len_t param = matrix(rep(sim_object@param,2),nrow=length(sim_object@param),ncol=2) if(sim_object@model_name=="BM"){ model_param = apply(param,2,function(x){get_true_param_aniso_sim(param_truth=x,model_name=sim_object@model_name)}) model@param_truth = matrix(model_param,nrow=1,ncol=2) }else{ model@param_truth = apply(param,2,function(x){get_true_param_aniso_sim(param_truth=x,model_name=sim_object@model_name)}) } model@msd_truth = apply(model@param_truth, 2,function(x){get_MSD(theta = x ,d_input=0:(len_t-1),model_name=sim_object@model_name)}) model@sigma_2_0_truth = sim_object@sigma_2_0 sz = sim_object@sz }else if(class(sim_object)[1]=="aniso_simulation"){ intensity = sim_object@intensity model@pxsz = sim_object@pxsz model@mindt = sim_object@mindt M = sim_object@M len_t = sim_object@len_t if(sim_object@model_name=="BM"){ model_param = apply(sim_object@param,2,function(x){get_true_param_aniso_sim(param_truth=x,model_name=sim_object@model_name)}) model@param_truth = matrix(model_param,1) }else{ model@param_truth = apply(sim_object@param,2,function(x){get_true_param_aniso_sim(param_truth=x,model_name=sim_object@model_name)}) } model@msd_truth = sim_object@theor_msd model@sigma_2_0_truth = sim_object@sigma_2_0 sz = sim_object@sz }else{ model@pxsz = pxsz model@mindt = mindt model@msd_truth = matrix(msd_truth,1,1) model@sigma_2_0_truth = NA model@param_truth = matrix(NA,1,1) sz = sz } if(is.vector(intensity)){ if({ stop("Intensity profile can't be missing and should have one of the structure listed in intensity_str. \n") } } if({ model_name = "user_defined" } if (model_name == "user_defined" &&{ stop("For user defined model, number of parameters that need to be estimated can't be empty. \n") } if(!is.character(model_name)){ stop("Fitted model name should be character. \n") } if(!is.character(method)){ stop("Method should be character. \n") } model@model_name = model_name model@method = method # Transform intensity into the same format and crop image into square image # total number of pixels in each image = sz_x*sz_y intensity_list = intensity_format_transform(intensity = intensity, intensity_str = intensity_str, square = square,sz=sz) # Fourier transform fft_list = FFT2D(intensity_list=intensity_list,pxsz=model@pxsz,mindt=model@mindt) #num of rows and columns of intensity matrix, also representing frame size in y and x directions model@sz = c(fft_list$sz_y,fft_list$sz_x) model@len_q = fft_list$len_q model@len_t = fft_list$len_t model@q = fft_list$q model@d_input = fft_list$d_input if(![1]){ if(min(index_q_AIUQ)<1 || max(index_q_AIUQ)>model@len_q){ stop("Selected q range should between 1 and half frame size. \n") } } # get each q ring location index if(model@sz[1]==model@sz[2]){ v = (-(model@sz[1]-1)/2):((model@sz[1]-1)/2) x = matrix(rep(v,each = model@sz[1]), byrow = FALSE,nrow = model@sz[1]) y = matrix(rep(v,each = model@sz[1]), byrow = TRUE,nrow = model@sz[1]) }else{ v_x = (-(model@sz[2]-1)/2):((model@sz[2]-1)/2) v_y = (-(model@sz[1]-1)/2):((model@sz[1]-1)/2) x = matrix(rep(v_x,each = model@sz[1]), byrow = FALSE,nrow = model@sz[1]) y = matrix(rep(v_y,each = model@sz[2]), byrow = TRUE,nrow = model@sz[1]) } theta_q = cart2polar(x, y) q_ring_num = theta_q[,(model@sz[2]+1):dim(theta_q)[2]] q_ring_num = round(q_ring_num) nq_index = vector(mode = "list") for(i in 1:model@len_q){ nq_index[[i]] = which(q_ring_num==i) } q_ori_ring_loc = fftshift(q_ring_num, dim = 3) q_ori_ring_loc_index = as.list(1:model@len_q) total_q_ori_ring_loc_index = NULL for(i in 1:model@len_q){ q_ori_ring_loc_index[[i]] = which(q_ori_ring_loc==i) total_q_ori_ring_loc_index = c(total_q_ori_ring_loc_index, q_ori_ring_loc_index[[i]]) } #model@q_ring_loc = q_ring_num q_ring_loc = q_ring_num #model@q_ori_ring_loc = q_ori_ring_loc #model@q_ori_ring_loc_index = q_ori_ring_loc_index #model@total_q_ori_ring_loc_index = total_q_ori_ring_loc_index #Get A an B ini est avg_I_2_ori = 0 for(i in 1:model@len_t){ avg_I_2_ori = avg_I_2_ori+abs(fft_list$I_q_matrix[,i])^2/(model@sz[1]*model@sz[2]) } avg_I_2_ori = avg_I_2_ori/model@len_t model@I_o_q_2_ori = rep(NA,model@len_q) for(i in 1:model@len_q){ model@I_o_q_2_ori[i] = mean(avg_I_2_ori[q_ori_ring_loc_index[[i]]]) } I_o_q_2_ori_last = model@I_o_q_2_ori[model@len_q] model@B_est_ini = 2*I_o_q_2_ori_last model@A_est_ini = 2*(model@I_o_q_2_ori - I_o_q_2_ori_last) for (i in 1:model@len_q){ if(sum(model@A_est_ini[1:i])/sum(model@A_est_ini)>=AIUQ_thr[1]){ num_q_max = i break } } if(num_q_max/model@len_q<=AIUQ_thr[2]){ num_q_max=ceiling(AIUQ_thr[2]*model@len_q) } # get unique index #model@q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index = as.list(1:model@len_q) q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index = as.list(1:model@len_q) # for(i in 1:model@len_q){ # unique_val = unique(avg_I_2_ori[q_ori_ring_loc_index[[i]]]) # unique_val = unique_val[1:(length(q_ori_ring_loc_index[[i]])/2)] # index_selected = NULL # for(j in 1:length(unique_val)){ # index_selected = c(index_selected,which(avg_I_2_ori == unique_val[j])[1]) # } # q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index[[i]] = index_selected # } for(i in 1:model@len_q){ len_here = (length(q_ori_ring_loc_index[[i]])-2)/2 q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index[[i]] = q_ori_ring_loc_index[[i]][c(1,3:(3+len_here-1))] } total_q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index = NULL for(i in 1:model@len_q){ total_q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index=c(total_q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index, q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index[[i]]) } #anisotropic if(model@sz[1]==model@sz[2]){ q1_unique_index=as.list(1:model@len_q) q2_unique_index=as.list(1:model@len_q) for(i in 1:model@len_q){ index_here=q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index[[i]] total_num_unique_index_here=length(q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index[[i]]) q1_unique_index[[i]]=q2_unique_index[[i]]=rep(NA,total_num_unique_index_here) for(j in 1:(total_num_unique_index_here)){ q1_unique_index[[i]][j]=floor((index_here[j]-1)/model@sz[1]) ##could contain zero left_here=(index_here[j]-1)%%model@sz[1] if(left_here<=model@len_q){ q2_unique_index[[i]][j]=(index_here[j]-1)%%model@sz[1] ##could contain zero }else{ q2_unique_index[[i]][j]=model@sz[1]-(index_here[j]-1)%%model@sz[1]-1 ##could contain zero } } } q1 = c((1:((model@sz[1]-1)/2))*2*pi/(model@sz[1]*model@pxsz)) q2 = c((1:((model@sz[1]-1)/2))*2*pi/(model@sz[1]*model@pxsz)) }else{stop("Update for rectangular image!")} if({sigma_0_2_ini=min(model@I_o_q_2_ori)} if(sum(>=1){ param_initial = get_initial_param(model_name=paste(model@model_name,"_anisotropic",sep=""), sigma_0_2_ini=sigma_0_2_ini, num_param=num_param) }else{ param_initial = log(c(param_initial,sigma_0_2_ini)) } if(model@method == "AIUQ"){ ##if index_q_AIUQ is not defined then we define it; otherwise we use the defined index if([1]){ index_q_AIUQ = 1:num_q_max } p = (length(param_initial)-1)/2 num_iteration_max = 50+(2*p-1)*10 lower_bound = c(rep(-30,2*p),-Inf) if(model@model_name == "user_defined"){ if(is.function(msd_grad_fn)==T){ gr = anisotropic_log_lik_grad }else{gr = NULL} }else{gr = anisotropic_log_lik_grad} m_param = try(optim(param_initial,anisotropic_log_lik, #gr=gr, I_q_cur=fft_list$I_q_matrix, B_cur=NA,index_q=index_q_AIUQ, I_o_q_2_ori=model@I_o_q_2_ori, q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index=q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index, sz=model@sz,len_t=model@len_t,d_input=model@d_input, q1=q1,q2=q2,q1_unique_index=q1_unique_index, q2_unique_index=q2_unique_index, model_name=paste(model@model_name,"_anisotropic",sep=""), msd_fn=msd_fn,msd_grad_fn=msd_grad_fn, method='L-BFGS-B',lower=lower_bound, control = list(fnscale=-1,maxit=num_iteration_max)),TRUE) if(num_optim>1){ for(i_try in 1:(num_optim-1)){ param_initial_try=param_initial+i_try*runif(2*p+1) if(message_out){ cat("start of another optimization, initial values: ",param_initial_try, "\n") } m_param_try = try(optim(param_initial_try,anisotropic_log_lik, #gr=gr, I_q_cur=fft_list$I_q_matrix,B_cur=NA, index_q=index_q_AIUQ,I_o_q_2_ori=model@I_o_q_2_ori, q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index=q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index, sz=model@sz,len_t=model@len_t,d_input=model@d_input, qq1=q1,q2=q2,q1_unique_index=q1_unique_index, q2_unique_index=q2_unique_index, model_name=paste(model@model_name,"_anisotropic",sep=""), msd_fn=msd_fn,msd_grad_fn=msd_grad_fn, method='L-BFGS-B',lower=lower_bound, control = list(fnscale=-1,maxit=num_iteration_max)),TRUE) if(class(m_param)[1]!="try-error"){ if(class(m_param_try)[1]!="try-error"){ if(m_param_try$value>m_param$value){ m_param=m_param_try } } }else{##if m_param has an error then change m_param=m_param_try } } } count_compute=0 ##if it has an error in optimization, try some more while(class(m_param)[1]=="try-error"){ count_compute=count_compute+1 param_initial_try=param_initial+count_compute*runif(2*p+1) if(message_out){ cat("start of another optimization, initial values: ",param_initial_try, "\n") } m_param = try(optim(param_initial_try,anisotropic_log_lik, #gr=gr, I_q_cur=fft_list$I_q_matrix,B_cur=NA, index_q=index_q_AIUQ,I_o_q_2_ori=model@I_o_q_2_ori, q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index=q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index, sz=model@sz,len_t=model@len_t,d_input=model@d_input, q1=q1,q2=q2,q1_unique_index=q1_unique_index, q2_unique_index=q2_unique_index, model_name=paste(model@model_name,"_anisotropic",sep=""), msd_fn=msd_fn,msd_grad_fn=msd_grad_fn,method='L-BFGS-B', lower=lower_bound,control = list(fnscale=-1,maxit=num_iteration_max)),TRUE) if(count_compute>=2){ break } } ##if still not converge to a finite value, let's try no derivative search if(class(m_param)[1]=="try-error"){ m_param = try(optim(param_initial,anisotropic_log_lik, I_q_cur=fft_list$I_q_matrix, B_cur=NA,index_q=index_q_AIUQ, I_o_q_2_ori=model@I_o_q_2_ori, q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index=q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index, sz=model@sz,len_t=model@len_t,d_input=model@d_input, q1=q1,q2=q2,q1_unique_index=q1_unique_index, q2_unique_index=q2_unique_index, model_name=paste(model@model_name,"_anisotropic",sep=""), msd_fn=msd_fn,msd_grad_fn=msd_grad_fn,method='L-BFGS-B', lower=lower_bound,control = list(fnscale=-1,maxit=num_iteration_max)),TRUE) count_compute=0 while(class(m_param)[1]=="try-error"){ count_compute=count_compute+1 #compute_twice=T ##change it to runif #c(rep(0.5,p),0) param_initial_try=param_initial+count_compute*runif(2*p+1) if(message_out){ cat("start of another optimization, initial values: ",param_initial_try, "\n") } m_param = try(optim(param_initial_try,anisotropic_log_lik, I_q_cur=fft_list$I_q_matrix,B_cur=NA, index_q=index_q_AIUQ,I_o_q_2_ori=model@I_o_q_2_ori, q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index=q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index, sz=model@sz,len_t=model@len_t,d_input=model@d_input, q1=q1,q2=q2,q1_unique_index=q1_unique_index, q2_unique_index=q2_unique_index, model_name=paste(model@model_name,"_anisotropic",sep=""), msd_fn=msd_fn,msd_grad_fn=msd_grad_fn, method='L-BFGS-B',lower=lower_bound, control = list(fnscale=-1,maxit=num_iteration_max)),TRUE) if(count_compute>=2){ break } } } param_est = m_param$par model@mle = m_param$value AIC = 2*(length(param_est)+length(index_q_AIUQ)-m_param$value) model@sigma_2_0_est = exp(param_est[length(param_est)]) param_est = matrix(param_est[-length(param_est)],ncol=2) if(model_name=="BM"){ param_est = apply(param_est,2,function(x){get_est_param(theta=exp(x),model_name = model@model_name)}) model@param_est = matrix(param_est,nrow=1,ncol=2) }else{ model@param_est = apply(param_est,2,function(x){get_est_param(theta=exp(x),model_name = model@model_name)}) } model@msd_est = apply(model@param_est, 2,function(x){get_MSD(theta = x,d_input=model@d_input,model_name=model@model_name, msd_fn=msd_fn)}) if(uncertainty==TRUE &&!=TRUE){ param_uq_range=param_uncertainty_anisotropic(param_est=m_param$par,I_q_cur=fft_list$I_q_matrix, index_q=index_q_AIUQ, I_o_q_2_ori=model@I_o_q_2_ori, q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index=q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index, sz=model@sz,len_t=model@len_t, q1=q1,q2=q2,q1_unique_index=q1_unique_index, q2_unique_index=q2_unique_index, d_input=model@d_input, model_name=paste(model@model_name,"_anisotropic",sep=""), M=M,num_iteration_max=num_iteration_max, lower_bound=lower_bound,msd_fn=msd_fn, msd_grad_fn=msd_grad_fn) for(i_p in 1:length(m_param$par)){ param_uq_range[,i_p]=c(min((m_param$par[i_p]),param_uq_range[1,i_p]), max((m_param$par[i_p]),param_uq_range[2,i_p])) } SAM_range_list=get_est_parameters_MSD_SAM_interval_anisotropic(param_uq_range, model_name=model@model_name, d_input=model@d_input, msd_fn=msd_fn) model@uncertainty = uncertainty model@msd_x_lower = SAM_range_list$MSD_x_lower model@msd_x_upper = SAM_range_list$MSD_x_upper model@msd_y_lower = SAM_range_list$MSD_y_lower model@msd_y_upper = SAM_range_list$MSD_y_upper model@param_uq_range = cbind(SAM_range_list$est_parameters_lower,SAM_range_list$est_parameters_upper) }else{ model@uncertainty = FALSE model@msd_x_lower = NA model@msd_x_upper = NA model@msd_y_lower = NA model@msd_y_upper = NA model@param_uq_range = matrix(NA,1,1) } } if(model@method=='AIUQ'){ model@index_q = index_q_AIUQ } model@I_q = fft_list$I_q_matrix #model@p = p model@AIC = AIC model@q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index = q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index return(model) }
#' Simulate anisotropic 2D particle movement #' #' @description #' Simulate anisotropic 2D particle movement from a user selected stochastic #' process, and output intensity profiles. #' #' @param sz frame size of simulated image with default \code{c(200,200)}. #' @param len_t number of time steps with default 200. #' @param M number of particles with default 50. #' @param model_name stochastic process simulated, options from #' ('BM','OU','FBM','OU+FBM'), with default 'BM'. #' @param noise background noise, options from ('uniform','gaussian'), #' with default 'gaussian'. #' @param I0 background intensity, value between 0 and 255, with default 20. #' @param Imax maximum intensity at the center of the particle, value between 0 #' and 255, with default 255. #' @param pos0 initial position for M particles, matrix with dimension M by 2. #' @param rho correlation between successive step and previous step in O-U #' process, in x, y-directions. A vector of length 2 with values between 0 and 1, #' default \code{c(0.95,0.9)}. #' @param H Hurst parameter of fractional Brownian Motion, in x, y-directions. #' A vector of length 2, value between 0 and 1, default \code{c(0.4,0.3)}. #' @param sigma_p radius of the spherical particle (3sigma_p), with default 2. #' @param sigma_bm distance moved per time step of Brownian Motion, #' in x,y-directions. A vector of length 2 with default \code{c(1,0.5)}. #' @param sigma_ou distance moved per time step of Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process, #' in x, y-directions. A vector of length 2 with default \code{c(2,1.5)}. #' @param sigma_fbm distance moved per time step of fractional Brownian Motion, #' in x, y-directions. A vector of length 2 with default \code{c(2,1.5)}. #' #' @return Returns an S4 object of class \code{anisotropic_simulation}. #' @export #' @author \packageAuthor{AIUQ} #' @references #' Gu, M., He, Y., Liu, X., & Luo, Y. (2023). Ab initio uncertainty #' quantification in scattering analysis of microscopy. #' arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.02468. #' #' Gu, M., Luo, Y., He, Y., Helgeson, M. E., & Valentine, M. T. (2021). #' Uncertainty quantification and estimation in differential dynamic microscopy. #' Physical Review E, 104(3), 034610. #' #' Cerbino, R., & Trappe, V. (2008). Differential dynamic microscopy: probing #' wave vector dependent dynamics with a microscope. Physical review letters, #' 100(18), 188102. #' #' @examples #' library(AIUQ) #' # ------------------------------------------------- #' # Example 1: Simple diffusion for 200 images with #' # 200 by 200 pixels and 50 particles #' # ------------------------------------------------- #' aniso_sim_bm = aniso_simulation() #' show(aniso_sim_bm) #' #' # ------------------------------------------------- #' # Example 2: Simple diffusion for 100 images with #' # 100 by 100 pixels and slower speed #' # ------------------------------------------------- #' aniso_sim_bm = aniso_simulation(sz=100,len_t=100,sigma_bm=c(0.5,0.1)) #' show(aniso_sim_bm) #' #' # ------------------------------------------------- #' # Example 3: Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process #' # ------------------------------------------------- #' aniso_sim_ou = aniso_simulation(model_name="OU") #' show(aniso_sim_ou) aniso_simulation <- function(sz=c(200,200), len_t=200, M=50, model_name="BM", noise="gaussian", I0=20, Imax=255, pos0=matrix(NaN,nrow=M,ncol=2), rho=c(0.95,0.9), H=c(0.4,0.3), sigma_p=2,sigma_bm=c(1,0.5), sigma_ou=c(2,1.5), sigma_fbm=c(2,1.5)){ model <- methods::new("aniso_simulation") #check len_t = as.integer(len_t) M = as.integer(M) if(length(sz)==1){ sz=c(sz,sz) } if(length(sz)>2){ stop("Frame size of simulated image should be a vector with length 2. \n") } if(!is.character(model_name)){ stop("Type of stochastic process should be a character value. \n") } if(model_name!="BM" && model_name!="OU" && model_name!="FBM" && model_name!="OU+FBM"){ stop("Type of stochastic process should be one of the type listed in help page. \n") } if(!is.character(noise)){ stop("Type of background noise should be a character value. \n") } if(noise!="gaussian" && noise!="uniform"){ stop("Type of background noise should be one of the type listed in help page. \n") } if(!is.numeric(I0)){ stop("Background intensity should have numeric value. \n") } if(I0<0 || I0>255){ stop("Background intensity should have value between 0 and 255. \n") } if(!is.numeric(Imax)){ stop("Maximum intensity at the center of the particle should be a numeric value. \n") } if(Imax<0 || Imax>255){ stop("Maximum intensity at the center of the particle should have value between 0 and 255. \n") } if(!is.numeric(pos0)){ stop("Initial position for particles should be all numeric. \n") } if(nrow(pos0)!=M || ncol(pos0)!=2){ stop("Dimension of particle initial position matrix should match M by 2. \n") } if(!is.numeric(rho)){ stop("Correlation between steps in O-U process should be numeric. \n") } if(length(rho)==1){ rho=c(rho,rho) } if(!is.numeric(H)){ stop("Hurst parameter of fractional Brownian Motion should be numeric. \n") } if(length(H)==1){ H=c(H,H) } if(H[1]<0 || H[2]<0 || H[1]>1 || H[2]>1){ stop("Hurst parameter of fractional Brownian Motion should have value between 0 and 1. \n") } if(!is.numeric(sigma_p)){ stop("Radius of the spherical particle should be numeric. \n") } if(!is.numeric(sigma_bm)){ stop("Distance moved per time step in Brownian Motion should be numeric. \n") } if(length(sigma_bm)==1){ sigma_bm=c(sigma_bm,sigma_bm) } if(!is.numeric(sigma_ou)){ stop("Distance moved per time step in Ornstein Uhlenbeck process should be numeric. \n") } if(length(sigma_ou)==1){ sigma_ou=c(sigma_ou,sigma_ou) } if(!is.numeric(sigma_fbm)){ stop("Distance moved per time step in fractional Brownian Motion should be numeric. \n") } if(length(sigma_fbm)==1){ sigma_fbm=c(sigma_fbm,sigma_fbm) } # Simulation particle trajectory for isotropic process if(sum(>=1){ pos0 = matrix(c(sz[2]/8+0.75*sz[2]*stats::runif(M), sz[1]/8+0.75*sz[1]*stats::runif(M)),nrow=M,ncol=2) } if(model_name == "BM"){ pos = anisotropic_bm_particle_intensity(pos0=pos0,M=M,len_t=len_t, sigma=sigma_bm) model@param = matrix(sigma_bm,nrow=1,ncol=2) }else if(model_name == "OU"){ pos = anisotropic_ou_particle_intensity(pos0=pos0,M=M,len_t=len_t, sigma=sigma_ou,rho=rho) model@param = rbind(rho,sigma_ou) }else if(model_name == "FBM"){ pos = anisotropic_fbm_particle_intensity(pos0=pos0,M=M,len_t=len_t, sigma=sigma_fbm,H=H) model@param = rbind(sigma_fbm,H) }else if(model_name == "OU+FBM"){ pos = anisotropic_fbm_ou_particle_intensity(pos0=pos0,M=M,len_t=len_t,H=H, rho=rho,sigma_ou = sigma_ou, sigma_fbm = sigma_fbm) model@param = rbind(rho,sigma_ou,sigma_fbm,H) } if(model_name=="BM"){ model_param = apply(model@param,2,function(x){get_true_param_aniso_sim(param_truth=x,model_name=model_name)}) model_param = matrix(model_param,nrow=1,ncol=2) }else{ model_param = apply(model@param,2,function(x){get_true_param_aniso_sim(param_truth=x,model_name=model_name)}) } model@theor_msd = apply(model_param, 2,function(x){get_MSD(theta = x ,d_input=0:(len_t-1),model_name=model_name)}) # Fill intensity if(length(I0) == len_t){ if(noise == "uniform"){ I = matrix(stats::runif(sz[1]*sz[2]*len_t)-0.5, nrow=len_t,ncol = sz[1]*sz[2]) I = I*I0 model@sigma_2_0 = I0^2/12 }else if(noise == "gaussian"){ I = matrix(stats::rnorm(sz[1]*sz[2]*len_t), nrow=len_t,ncol = sz[1]*sz[2]) I = I*sqrt(I0) model@sigma_2_0 = I0 } }else if(length(I0) == 1){ if(noise == "uniform"){ I = matrix(I0*(stats::runif(sz[1]*sz[2]*len_t)-0.5), nrow=len_t,ncol = sz[1]*sz[2]) model@sigma_2_0 = c(I0^2/12) } else if(noise == "gaussian"){ I = matrix(sqrt(I0)*stats::rnorm(sz[1]*sz[2]*len_t), nrow=len_t,ncol = sz[1]*sz[2]) model@sigma_2_0 = c(I0) } } if(length(Imax)==1){ Ic = rep(Imax,M) model@intensity = fill_intensity(len_t=len_t,M=M,I=I,pos=pos,Ic=Ic,sz=sz, sigma_p=sigma_p) } model@sz = sz model@pxsz = 1 model@mindt = 1 model@len_t = len_t model@noise = noise model@M = M model@model_name = model_name model@pos = pos model@num_msd = anisotropic_numerical_msd(pos=model@pos,M=model@M,len_t=model@len_t) return(model) }
#' Transform Cartesian coordinates to polar coordinates #' @description #' Transform ordered pair (x,y), where x and y denotes the #' directed distance between the point and each of two #' perpendicular lines, the x-axis and the y-axis, to polar #' coordinate. Input x and y must have the same length. #' #' #' @param x a vector of x-coordinates #' @param y a vector of y-coordinates #' #' @return A data frame with 2 variables, where r is the #' directed distance from a point designed as the pole, and #' theta represents the angle, in radians, between the pole and the point. #' @export #' @author \packageAuthor{AIUQ} #' @concept cart2pol #' @examples #' library(AIUQ) #' #' # Input in Cartesian coordinates #' (x <- rep(1:3,each = 3)) #' (y <- rep(1:3,3)) #' #' # Data frame with polar coordinates #' (polar <- cart2polar(x, y)) #' #' @keywords internal cart2polar <- function(x, y) { if(length(x)!=length(y)){ stop("Length of points in each coordinates shoule be the same. \n") } if(!is.numeric(x) || !is.numeric(y)){ stop("Inputs shoule have numeric value. \n") } data.frame(theta = atan2(y, x),r = sqrt(x^2 + y^2)) } #' Transform intensity profile into SS_T matrix #' #' @description #' Transform intensity profile with different formats, ('SST_array','T_SS_mat', #' 'SS_T_mat','S_ST_mat'), space by space by time array, time by (space by space) matrix, #' (space by space) by time matrix, or space by (space by time) matrix, into #' 'SS_T_mat'. In addition, crop each frame with odd frame size. #' #' @param intensity intensity profile, array or matrix #' @param intensity_str structure of the original intensity #' profile, options from ('SST_array','T_SS_mat','SS_T_mat','S_ST_mat') #' @param square a logical evaluating to TRUE or FALSE indicating whether or not #' to crop each frame into a square such that frame size in x direction equals #' frame size in y direction with \code{sz_x=sz_y} #' @param sz frame size of each frame. A vector of length 2 with frame size in #' y/(row) direction, and frame size in x/(column) direction, with default \code{NA}. #' #' @return A matrix of transformed intensity profile. #' @export #' @author \packageAuthor{AIUQ} #' @examples #' library(AIUQ) #' # ------------------------------------------------- #' # Example 1: Transform T_SS_mat into SS_T_mat, each #' # frame contains number 1-9 #' # ------------------------------------------------- #' (m <- matrix(rep(1:9,4),4,9,byrow=TRUE)) #' intensity_format_transform(m,intensity_str="T_SS_mat",sz=c(4,9)) #' #' # ------------------------------------------------- #' # Example 2: Transform SST_array into SS_T_mat, each #' # frame contains number 1-9 #' # ------------------------------------------------- #' (m <- array(rep(1:9,4),dim=c(3,3,4))) #' intensity_format_transform(m,intensity_str="SST_array") #' #' @keywords internal intensity_format_transform<-function(intensity,intensity_str, square=FALSE, sz=NA){ if(intensity_str=='SST_array'){#most real experimental structure if(square==TRUE){ sz_x = sz_y = min(dim(intensity)[1],dim(intensity)[2]) if(sz_x%%2 == 0){ #if even frame size, crop into odd sz_x=sz_x-1 sz_y=sz_y-1 } }else{ sz_y = dim(intensity)[1] sz_x = dim(intensity)[2] if(sz_y%%2==0){ sz_y = sz_y-1 } if(sz_x%%2==0){ sz_x = sz_x-1 } } len_t = dim(intensity)[3] intensity_transform = matrix(NA,sz_x*sz_y,len_t) for(i in 1:len_t){ intensity_transform[,i] = as.numeric(intensity[1:sz_y,1:sz_x,i]) } }else if(intensity_str=='T_SS_mat'){#Simulated data using AIUQ simulation class if(sum(>0){ stop("Please give a vector of sz that contains frame size of each frame.") } intensity=as.matrix(intensity) if(square==TRUE){ sz_x=sz_y=min(sz) if(sz_x%%2==0){ sz_x=sz_x-1 sz_y=sz_y-1 } }else{ sz_y = sz[1] sz_x = sz[2] if(sz_y%%2==0){ sz_y = sz_y-1 } if(sz_x%%2==0){ sz_x = sz_x-1 } } len_t = dim(intensity)[1] intensity_transform=matrix(NA,sz_x*sz_y,len_t) for(i in 1:len_t){ intensity_mat=matrix(intensity[i,],sz[1],sz[2]) intensity_transform[,i]=as.vector(intensity_mat[1:sz_y,1:sz_x]) } }else if(intensity_str=='S_ST_mat'){ if(sum(>0){ stop("Please give a vector of sz that contains frame size of each frame.") } intensity=as.matrix(intensity) if(square==TRUE){ sz_x=sz_y=min(sz) if(sz_x%%2==0){ sz_x=sz_x-1 sz_y=sz_y-1 } }else{ sz_y = sz[1] sz_x = sz[2] if(sz_y%%2==0){ sz_y=sz_y-1 } if(sz_x%%2==0){ sz_x=sz_x-1 } } len_t = dim(intensity)[2]/sz[2] intensity_transform=matrix(NA,sz_x*sz_y,len_t) for(i in 1:len_t){ selected_x = ((1+sz[2]*(i-1)):(sz[2]+sz[2]*(i-1)))[1:sz_x] intensity_transform[,i]= as.vector(intensity[1:sz_y,selected_x]) } }else if(intensity_str=='SS_T_mat'){ if(sum(>0){ stop("Please give a vector of sz that contains frame size of each frame.") } intensity=as.matrix(intensity) if(square==TRUE){ sz_x=sz_y=min(sz) if(sz_x%%2==0){ sz_x=sz_x-1 sz_y=sz_y-1 } }else{ sz_y = sz[1] sz_x = sz[2] if(sz_y%%2==0){ sz_y = sz_y-1 } if(sz_x%%2==0){ sz_x=sz_x-1 } } len_t = dim(intensity)[2] intensity_transform=matrix(NA,sz_x*sz_y,len_t) for(i in 1:len_t){ intensity_mat=matrix(intensity[,i],sz[1],sz[2]) intensity_transform[,i]=as.vector(intensity_mat[1:sz_y,1:sz_x]) } } intensity_transform_list = list() intensity_transform_list$sz_x = sz_x intensity_transform_list$sz_y = sz_y intensity_transform_list$intensity = intensity_transform return(intensity_transform_list) } #' 2D Fourier transformation and calculate wave number #' @description #' Perform 2D fast Fourier transformation on SS_T matrix, record frame size for #' each frame, total number of frames, and sequence of lag times. Calculate and #' record circular wave number for complete q ring. #' #' @param intensity_list intensity profile, SS_T matrix #' @param pxsz size of one pixel in unit of micron #' @param mindt minimum lag time #' #' @return A list object containing transformed intensity profile in reciprocal #' space and corresponding parameters. #' @export #' @author \packageAuthor{AIUQ} #' @references #' Gu, M., He, Y., Liu, X., & Luo, Y. (2023). Ab initio uncertainty #' quantification in scattering analysis of microscopy. #' arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.02468. #' #' Gu, M., Luo, Y., He, Y., Helgeson, M. E., & Valentine, M. T. (2021). #' Uncertainty quantification and estimation in differential dynamic microscopy. #' Physical Review E, 104(3), 034610. #' #' Cerbino, R., & Trappe, V. (2008). Differential dynamic microscopy: probing #' wave vector dependent dynamics with a microscope. Physical review letters, #' 100(18), 188102. #' #' @keywords internal FFT2D<-function(intensity_list,pxsz,mindt){ sz_x = intensity_list$sz_x sz_y = intensity_list$sz_y intensity = intensity_list$intensity len_t = dim(intensity)[2] I_q_matrix = matrix(NA,sz_x*sz_y,len_t) for(i in 1:len_t){ I_q_matrix[,i] = as.vector(fftwtools::fftw2d(matrix(intensity[,i],sz_y,sz_x))) } ans_list = list() #ans_list$sz = sz ans_list$sz_x = sz_x ans_list$sz_y = sz_y ans_list$len_q = length(1:((max(sz_x,sz_y)-1)/2)) ans_list$len_t = len_t ans_list$I_q_matrix = I_q_matrix ans_list$q = (1:((max(sz_x,sz_y)-1)/2))*2*pi/(max(sz_x,sz_y)*pxsz) ans_list$input = mindt*(1:(len_t)) ans_list$d_input = ans_list$input[1:length(ans_list$input)]-ans_list$input[1] ##delta t, including zero return(ans_list) } #' fftshift #' #' @description #' Rearranges a 2D Fourier transform x by shifting the zero-frequency component #' to the center of the matrix. #' #' #' @param x square matrix input with odd number of rows and columns #' @param dim shift method. See 'Details'. #' #' @return Shifted matrix. #' #' @details #' By default, \code{dim=-1}, swaps the first quadrant of x with the #' third, and the second quadrant with the fourth. If \code{dim=1}, swaps rows 1 #' to middle with rows (middle+1) to end. If \code{dim=2}, swaps columns 1 #' to middle with columns (middle+1) to end. If \code{dim=3}, reverse fftshift. #' #' @export #' @author \packageAuthor{AIUQ} #' @examples #' library(AIUQ) #' #' (m <- matrix(0:8,3,3)) #' fftshift(m) #' #' @keywords internal fftshift <- function(x, dim = -1) { rows <- dim(x)[1] cols <- dim(x)[2] swap_up_down <- function(x) { rows_half <- ceiling(rows/2) return(rbind(x[((rows_half+1):rows), (1:cols)], x[(1:rows_half), (1:cols)])) } swap_left_right <- function(x) { cols_half <- ceiling(cols/2) return(cbind(x[1:rows, ((cols_half+1):cols)], x[1:rows, 1:cols_half])) } swap_up_down_reverse <- function(x) { rows_half <- ceiling(rows/2) return(rbind(x[((rows_half):rows), (1:cols)], x[1:(rows_half-1), (1:cols)])) } swap_left_right_reverse <- function(x) { cols_half <- ceiling(cols/2) return(cbind(x[1:rows, ((cols_half):cols)], x[1:rows, 1:(cols_half-1)])) } if (dim == -1) { x <- swap_up_down(x) return(swap_left_right(x)) } else if (dim == 1) { return(swap_up_down(x)) } else if (dim == 2) { return(swap_left_right(x)) }else if(dim == 3){ x <- swap_up_down_reverse(x) return(swap_left_right_reverse(x)) } else { stop("Invalid dimension parameter") } } #' Construct MSD and MSD gradient with transformed parameters #' #' @description #' Construct mean squared displacement (MSD) and its gradient for a given #' stochastic process or a user defined MSD and gradient structure. #' #' @param theta transformed parameters in MSD function for MLE estimation #' @param d_input sequence of lag times #' @param model_name model name for the process, options from ('BM','OU','FBM', #' 'OU+FBM', 'user_defined'). #' @param msd_fn user defined MSD structure, a function of \code{theta} and \code{d_input} #' @param msd_grad_fn user defined MSD gradient structure, a function of #' \code{theta} and \code{d_input} #' #' @return A list of two variables, MSD and MSD gradient. #' @details #' Note for non \code{user_defined} model, \code{msd_fn} and \code{msd_grad_fn} #' are not needed. For Brownian Motion, the MSD follows #' \deqn{MSD_{BM}(\Delta t) = \theta_1\Delta t= 4D\Delta t}{%MSD_{BM}(\Delta t) = \theta_1\Delta t= 4D\Delta t} #' where \code{D} is the diffusion coefficient. #' #' For Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process, the MSD follows #' \deqn{MSD_{OU}(\Delta t) = \theta_2(1-\frac{\theta_1}{1+\theta_1}^{\Delta t})}{%MSD_{OU}(\Delta t) = \theta_2(1-\frac{\theta_1}{1+\theta_1}^{\Delta t})} #' where \eqn{\frac{\theta_1}{1+\theta_1}=\rho}{%\frac{\theta_1}{1+\theta_1}=\rho} #' is the correlation with previous steps. #' #' For fractional Brownian Motion, the MSD follows #' \deqn{MSD_{FBM}(\Delta t) =\theta_1\Delta t^{\frac{2\theta_2}{1+\theta_2}}}{%MSD_{FBM}(\Delta t) =\theta_1\Delta t^{\frac{2\theta_2}{1+\theta_2}}} #' where \eqn{\frac{2\theta_2}{1+\theta_2}=2H}{%\frac{2\theta_2}{1+\theta_2}=2H} #' with \code{H} is the the Hurst parameter. #' #' For 'OU+FBM', the MSD follows #' \deqn{MSD_{OU+FBM}(\Delta t) = \theta_2(1-\frac{\theta_1}{1+\theta_1}^{\Delta t})+\theta_3\Delta t^{\frac{2\theta_4}{1+\theta_4}}}{%MSD_{OU+FBM}(\Delta t) = \theta_2(1-\frac{\theta_1}{1+\theta_1}^{\Delta t})+\theta_3\Delta t^{\frac{2\theta_4}{1+\theta_4}}} #' #' @export #' @author \packageAuthor{AIUQ} #' @references #' Gu, M., He, Y., Liu, X., & Luo, Y. (2023). Ab initio uncertainty #' quantification in scattering analysis of microscopy. #' arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.02468. #' #' Gu, M., Luo, Y., He, Y., Helgeson, M. E., & Valentine, M. T. (2021). #' Uncertainty quantification and estimation in differential dynamic microscopy. #' Physical Review E, 104(3), 034610. #' #' @examples #' library(AIUQ) #' msd_fn <- function(param, d_input){ #' beta = 2*param[1]^2 #' MSD = beta*d_input #' } #' msd_grad_fn <- function(param, d_input){ #' MSD_grad = 4*param[1]*d_input #' } #' #' theta = 2 #' d_input = 0:10 #' model_name = "user_defined" #' #' MSD_list = get_MSD_with_grad(theta=theta,d_input=d_input, #' model_name=model_name,msd_fn=msd_fn, #' msd_grad_fn=msd_grad_fn) #' MSD_list$msd #' MSD_list$msd_grad #' #' @keywords internal get_MSD_with_grad<-function(theta,d_input,model_name,msd_fn=NA,msd_grad_fn=NA){ if(model_name=='user_defined' || model_name=='user_defined_anisotropic'){ if(is.function(msd_grad_fn)==T){ MSD = msd_fn(theta, d_input) MSD_grad = msd_grad_fn(theta, d_input) }else{ MSD = msd_fn(theta, d_input) MSD_grad = NA } }else if(model_name=='BM'||model_name=='BM_anisotropic'){ beta = theta[1] MSD = beta*d_input MSD_grad = as.matrix(d_input) }else if(model_name=='FBM'||model_name=='FBM_anisotropic'){ beta = theta[1] alpha = 2*theta[2]/(1+theta[2]) MSD = beta*d_input^alpha MSD_grad = cbind(d_input^alpha, beta*c(0,log(d_input[-1]))*(d_input^alpha)) }else if(model_name=='OU'||model_name=='OU_anisotropic'){ rho = theta[1]/(1+theta[1]) amplitude = theta[2] MSD = (amplitude*(1-rho^d_input)) MSD_grad = cbind(-amplitude*d_input*(rho^(d_input-1)), (1-rho^d_input)) }else if(model_name=='OU+FBM'||model_name=='OU+FBM_anisotropic'){ rho = theta[1]/(1+theta[1]) amplitude = theta[2] beta = theta[3] alpha = 2*theta[4]/(1+theta[4]) MSD = beta*d_input^alpha+(amplitude*(1-rho^d_input)) MSD_grad = cbind(-amplitude*d_input*(rho^(d_input-1)), (1-rho^d_input), d_input^alpha,beta*c(0,log(d_input[-1]))*(d_input^alpha)) }else if(model_name=='VFBM'||model_name=='VFBM_anisotropic'){ a = theta[1] b = theta[2] c = theta[3]/(1+theta[3]) d = theta[4]/(1+theta[4]) MSD = a*d_input^((c*d_input)/(1+b*d_input)+d) MSD_grad = cbind(d_input^((c*d_input)/(1+b*d_input)+d), -a*d_input^((c*d_input)/(1+b*d_input)+d)*c(0,log(d_input[-1]))*c*(1+b*d_input)^(-2)*d_input^2, a*d_input^((c*d_input)/(1+b*d_input)+d)*c(0,log(d_input[-1]))*d_input/(1+b*d_input), a*d_input^((c*d_input)/(1+b*d_input)+d)*c(0,log(d_input[-1]))) } msd_list = list() msd_list$msd = MSD msd_list$msd_grad = MSD_grad return(msd_list) } #' Transform parameters in simulation class to parameters structure in MSD function #' @description #' Transform parameters in \code{simulation} class to parameters contained in MSD #' function with structure \code{theta} in \code{\link{get_MSD}}. Prepare for #' truth MSD construction. #' #' @param param_truth parameters used in \code{simulation} class #' @param model_name stochastic process used in \code{simulation}, options from #' ('BM','OU','FBM','OU+FBM') #' #' @return A vector of parameters contained in MSD with structure \code{theta} in #' \code{\link{get_MSD}}. #' @export #' @author \packageAuthor{AIUQ} #' @examples #' library(AIUQ) #' # Simulate simple diffusion for 100 images with 100 by 100 pixels and #' # distance moved per time step is 0.5 #' sim_bm = simulation(sz=100,len_t=100,sigma_bm=0.5) #' show(sim_bm) #' get_true_param_sim(param_truth=sim_bm@param,model_name=sim_bm@model_name) #' #' @keywords internal get_true_param_sim<-function(param_truth,model_name){ if(model_name=='BM'){ beta = 2*param_truth[1]^2 param = c(beta) }else if(model_name=='FBM'){ beta = 2*param_truth[1]^2 alpha = 2*param_truth[2] param = c(beta, alpha) }else if(model_name=='OU'){ rho = param_truth[1] amplitude = 4*param_truth[2]^2 param = c(rho,amplitude) }else if(model_name=='OU+FBM'){ rho = param_truth[1] amplitude = 4*param_truth[2]^2 beta = 2*param_truth[1]^2 alpha = 2*param_truth[2] param = c(rho,amplitude,beta,alpha) } return(param) } #' Transform parameters in anisotropic simulation class to parameters structure in MSD function #' @description #' Transform parameters in \code{aniso_simulation} class to parameters contained in MSD #' function with structure \code{theta} in \code{\link{get_MSD}}. Prepare for #' truth MSD construction. #' #' @param param_truth parameters used in \code{aniso_simulation} class #' @param model_name stochastic process used in \code{aniso_simulation}, options from #' ('BM','OU','FBM','OU+FBM') #' #' @return A vector of parameters contained in MSD with structure \code{theta} in #' \code{\link{get_MSD}}. #' @export #' @author \packageAuthor{AIUQ} #' @examples #' library(AIUQ) #' # Simulate simple diffusion for 100 images with 100 by 100 pixels and #' # distance moved per time step is 0.5 #' aniso_sim_bm = aniso_simulation(sz=100,len_t=100,sigma_bm=c(0.5,0.1)) #' show(aniso_sim_bm) #' get_true_param_aniso_sim(param_truth=aniso_sim_bm@param,model_name=aniso_sim_bm@model_name) #' #' @keywords internal get_true_param_aniso_sim<-function(param_truth,model_name){ if(model_name=='BM'){ beta = param_truth[1]^2 param = c(beta) }else if(model_name=='FBM'){ beta = param_truth[1]^2 alpha = 2*param_truth[2] param = c(beta, alpha) }else if(model_name=='OU'){ rho = param_truth[1] amplitude = 2*param_truth[2]^2 param = c(rho,amplitude) }else if(model_name=='OU+FBM'){ rho = param_truth[1] amplitude = 2*param_truth[2]^2 beta = param_truth[3]^2 alpha = 2*param_truth[4] param = c(rho,amplitude,beta,alpha) } return(param) } #' Transform parameters estimated in SAM class to parameters structure in MSD function #' @description #' Transform parameters estimated using Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) in #' \code{SAM} class, to parameters contained in MSD with structure \code{theta} #' in \code{\link{get_MSD}}. #' #' @param theta estimated parameters through MLE #' @param model_name fitted stochastic process, options from ('BM','OU','FBM','OU+FBM') #' #' @return A vector of estimated parameters after transformation with structure #' \code{theta} in \code{\link{get_MSD}}. #' #' @export #' @author \packageAuthor{AIUQ} #' @references #' Gu, M., He, Y., Liu, X., & Luo, Y. (2023). Ab initio uncertainty #' quantification in scattering analysis of microscopy. #' arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.02468. #' #' Gu, M., Luo, Y., He, Y., Helgeson, M. E., & Valentine, M. T. (2021). #' Uncertainty quantification and estimation in differential dynamic microscopy. #' Physical Review E, 104(3), 034610. #' #' @keywords internal get_est_param<-function(theta,model_name){ if(model_name=='BM'){ beta = theta[1] est_param = c(beta) }else if(model_name=='FBM'){ beta = theta[1] alpha = 2*theta[2]/(1+theta[2]) est_param = c(beta, alpha) }else if(model_name=='OU'){ rho = theta[1]/(1+theta[1]) amplitude = theta[2] est_param = c(rho,amplitude) }else if(model_name=='OU+FBM'){ rho = theta[1]/(1+theta[1]) amplitude = theta[2] beta = theta[3] alpha = 2*theta[4]/(1+theta[4]) est_param = c(rho,amplitude,beta,alpha) }else if(model_name=='user_defined'){ est_param = theta }else if(model_name=='VFBM'){ a = theta[1] b = theta[2] c = theta[3]/(1+theta[3]) d = theta[4]/(1+theta[4]) est_param = c(a,b,c,d) } return(est_param) } #' Construct MSD #' @description #' Construct estimated mean squared displacement (MSD) for a given stochastic process. #' #' @param theta parameters in MSD function #' @param d_input sequence of lag times #' @param model_name model name for the process, options from ('BM','OU','FBM', #' 'OU+FBM','user_defined') #' @param msd_fn user defined mean squared displacement structure (MSD), a #' function of \code{param} parameters and \code{d_input} lag times #' #' @return A vector of MSD values for a given sequence of lag times. #' @details #' For Brownian Motion, the MSD follows #' \deqn{MSD_{BM}(\Delta t) = \theta_1\Delta t= 4D\Delta t}{%MSD_{BM}(\Delta t) = \theta_1\Delta t= 4D\Delta t} #' where \code{D} is the diffusion coefficient. #' #' For Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process, the MSD follows #' \deqn{MSD_{OU}(\Delta t) = \theta_2(1-\theta_1^{\Delta t})}{%MSD_{OU}(\Delta t) = \theta_2(1-\theta_1^{\Delta t})} #' where \eqn{\theta_1=\rho}{%\theta_1=\rho} #' is the correlation with previous steps. #' #' For fractional Brownian Motion, the MSD follows #' \deqn{MSD_{FBM}(\Delta t) =\theta_1\Delta t^{\theta_2}}{%MSD_{FBM}(\Delta t) =\theta_1\Delta t^{\theta_2}} #' where \eqn{\theta_2=2H}{%\theta_2=2H} with \code{H} is the the Hurst parameter. #' #' For 'OU+FBM', the MSD follows #' \deqn{MSD_{OU+FBM}(\Delta t) = \theta_2(1-\theta_1^{\Delta t})+\theta_3\Delta t^{\theta_4}}{%MSD_{OU+FBM}(\Delta t) = \theta_2(1-\theta_1^{\Delta t})+\theta_3\Delta t^{\theta_4}} #' #' @export #' @author \packageAuthor{AIUQ} #' @references #' Gu, M., He, Y., Liu, X., & Luo, Y. (2023). Ab initio uncertainty #' quantification in scattering analysis of microscopy. #' arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.02468. #' #' Gu, M., Luo, Y., He, Y., Helgeson, M. E., & Valentine, M. T. (2021). #' Uncertainty quantification and estimation in differential dynamic microscopy. #' Physical Review E, 104(3), 034610. #' @examples #' library(AIUQ) #' # Construct MSD for BM #' get_MSD(theta=0.2,d_input=0:100,model_name='BM') #' #' @keywords internal get_MSD<-function(theta,d_input,model_name, msd_fn=NA){ if(model_name=='BM'){ beta = theta[1] MSD = beta*d_input }else if(model_name=='FBM'){ beta = theta[1] alpha = theta[2] MSD = beta*d_input^alpha }else if(model_name=='OU'){ rho = theta[1] amplitude = theta[2] MSD = amplitude*(1-rho^d_input) }else if(model_name=='OU+FBM'){ rho = theta[1] amplitude = theta[2] beta = theta[3] alpha = theta[4] MSD = beta*d_input^alpha+(amplitude*(1-rho^d_input)) }else if(model_name=='user_defined'){ MSD = msd_fn(theta, d_input) }else if(model_name=='VFBM'){ a = theta[1] b = theta[2] c = theta[3] d = theta[4] power = (c*d_input)/(b*d_input+1)+d MSD = a*d_input^power } return(MSD) } #' Construct 95% confidence interval #' @description #' This function construct the lower and upper bound for 95% confidence interval #' of estimated parameters and mean squared displacement(MSD) for a given model. #' See 'References'. #' #' @param param_uq_range lower and upper bound for natural logorithm of #' parameters in the fitted model using \code{AIUQ} method in \code{SAM} class #' @param model_name model for constructing MSD, options from ('BM','OU', #' 'FBM','OU+FBM', 'user_defined') #' @param d_input sequence of lag times #' @param msd_fn user defined mean squared displacement structure (MSD), a #' function of \code{param} parameters and \code{d_input} lag times #' #' @return A list of lower and upper bound for 95% confidence interval #' of estimated parameters and MSD for a given model. #' #' @export #' @author \packageAuthor{AIUQ} #' @references #' Gu, M., He, Y., Liu, X., & Luo, Y. (2023). Ab initio uncertainty #' quantification in scattering analysis of microscopy. #' arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.02468. #' #' Gu, M., Luo, Y., He, Y., Helgeson, M. E., & Valentine, M. T. (2021). #' Uncertainty quantification and estimation in differential dynamic microscopy. #' Physical Review E, 104(3), 034610. #' #' Cerbino, R., & Trappe, V. (2008). Differential dynamic microscopy: probing #' wave vector dependent dynamics with a microscope. Physical review letters, #' 100(18), 188102. #' @keywords internal get_est_parameters_MSD_SAM_interval <- function(param_uq_range,model_name,d_input,msd_fn=NA){ theta=exp(param_uq_range[,-dim(param_uq_range)[2]]) sigma_2_0_est=exp(param_uq_range[,dim(param_uq_range)[2]]) sigma_2_0_est_lower=sigma_2_0_est[1] sigma_2_0_est_upper=sigma_2_0_est[2] est_parameters=NA; if(model_name=='BM'){ beta_lower=theta[1] ##only 1 param beta_upper=theta[2] MSD_lower=beta_lower*d_input MSD_upper=beta_upper*d_input est_parameters_lower=c(beta_lower,sigma_2_0_est_lower); est_parameters_upper=c(beta_upper,sigma_2_0_est_upper); }else if(model_name=='FBM'){ beta_lower=theta[1,1] beta_upper=theta[2,1] alpha_lower=2*theta[1,2]/(1+theta[1,2]) alpha_upper=2*theta[2,2]/(1+theta[2,2]) MSD_lower=rep(NA,length(d_input)) MSD_upper=rep(NA,length(d_input)) index_less_than_1=which(d_input<1) if(length(index_less_than_1)>0){ MSD_lower[index_less_than_1]=beta_lower*d_input[index_less_than_1]^{alpha_upper} MSD_upper[index_less_than_1]=beta_upper*d_input[index_less_than_1]^{alpha_lower} MSD_lower[-index_less_than_1]=beta_lower*d_input[-index_less_than_1]^{alpha_lower} MSD_upper[-index_less_than_1]=beta_upper*d_input[-index_less_than_1]^{alpha_upper} }else{ MSD_lower=beta_lower*d_input^{alpha_lower} MSD_upper=beta_upper*d_input^{alpha_upper} } est_parameters_lower=c(beta_lower,alpha_lower,sigma_2_0_est_lower); est_parameters_upper=c(beta_upper,alpha_upper,sigma_2_0_est_upper); }else if(model_name=='OU'){ #seems okay rho_lower=theta[1,1]/(1+theta[1,1]) rho_upper=theta[2,1]/(1+theta[2,1]) amplitude_lower=theta[1,2] amplitude_upper=theta[2,2] MSD_lower=(amplitude_lower*(1-rho_lower^d_input)) MSD_upper=(amplitude_upper*(1-rho_upper^d_input)) est_parameters_lower=c(rho_lower,amplitude_lower,sigma_2_0_est_lower); est_parameters_upper=c(rho_upper,amplitude_upper,sigma_2_0_est_upper); }else if(model_name=='OU+FBM'){ rho_lower=theta[1,1]/(1+theta[1,1]) rho_upper=theta[2,1]/(1+theta[2,1]) amplitude_lower=theta[1,2] amplitude_upper=theta[2,2] beta_lower=theta[1,3] beta_upper=theta[2,3] alpha_lower=2*theta[1,4]/(1+theta[1,4]) alpha_upper=2*theta[2,4]/(1+theta[2,4]) ####change of uq, need to test MSD_lower=rep(NA,length(d_input)) MSD_upper=rep(NA,length(d_input)) index_less_than_1=which(d_input<1) if(length(index_less_than_1)>0){ MSD_lower[index_less_than_1]=beta_lower*d_input[index_less_than_1]^{alpha_upper} MSD_upper[index_less_than_1]=beta_upper*d_input[index_less_than_1]^{alpha_lower} MSD_lower[-index_less_than_1]=beta_lower*d_input[-index_less_than_1]^{alpha_lower} MSD_upper[-index_less_than_1]=beta_upper*d_input[-index_less_than_1]^{alpha_upper} }else{ MSD_lower=beta_lower*d_input^{alpha_lower} MSD_upper=beta_upper*d_input^{alpha_upper} } MSD_lower=MSD_lower+(amplitude_lower*(1-rho_lower^d_input)) MSD_upper=MSD_upper+(amplitude_upper*(1-rho_upper^d_input)) est_parameters_lower=c(rho_lower,amplitude_lower,beta_lower,alpha_lower,sigma_2_0_est_lower); est_parameters_upper=c(rho_upper,amplitude_upper,beta_upper,alpha_upper,sigma_2_0_est_upper); }else if(model_name=='user_defined'){ if(is.matrix(theta)){ theta_lower=theta[1,] theta_upper=theta[2,] MSD_lower=msd_fn(theta_lower,d_input) MSD_upper=msd_fn(theta_upper,d_input) est_parameters_lower=c(theta_lower,sigma_2_0_est_lower) est_parameters_upper=c(theta_upper,sigma_2_0_est_upper) }else{ theta_lower=theta[1] theta_upper=theta[2] MSD_lower=msd_fn(theta_lower,d_input) MSD_upper=msd_fn(theta_upper,d_input) est_parameters_lower=c(theta_lower,sigma_2_0_est_lower) est_parameters_upper=c(theta_upper,sigma_2_0_est_upper) } } ans_list=list() ans_list$est_parameters_lower=est_parameters_lower ans_list$est_parameters_upper=est_parameters_upper ans_list$MSD_lower=MSD_lower ans_list$MSD_upper=MSD_upper return(ans_list) } #' Construct 95% confidence interval for anisotropic processes #' @description #' This function construct the lower and upper bound for 95% confidence interval #' of estimated parameters and mean squared displacement(MSD) for a given #' anisotropic model. See 'References'. #' #' @param param_uq_range lower and upper bound for natural logorithm of #' parameters in the fitted model using \code{AIUQ} method in \code{aniso_SAM} class #' @param model_name model for constructing MSD, options from ('BM','OU', #' 'FBM','OU+FBM', 'user_defined') #' @param d_input sequence of lag times #' @param msd_fn user defined mean squared displacement structure (MSD), a #' function of \code{param} parameters and \code{d_input} lag times #' #' @return A list of lower and upper bound for 95% confidence interval #' of estimated parameters and MSD for a given model. #' #' @export #' @author \packageAuthor{AIUQ} #' @references #' Gu, M., He, Y., Liu, X., & Luo, Y. (2023). Ab initio uncertainty #' quantification in scattering analysis of microscopy. #' arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.02468. #' #' Gu, M., Luo, Y., He, Y., Helgeson, M. E., & Valentine, M. T. (2021). #' Uncertainty quantification and estimation in differential dynamic microscopy. #' Physical Review E, 104(3), 034610. #' #' Cerbino, R., & Trappe, V. (2008). Differential dynamic microscopy: probing #' wave vector dependent dynamics with a microscope. Physical review letters, #' 100(18), 188102. #' @keywords internal get_est_parameters_MSD_SAM_interval_anisotropic <- function(param_uq_range,model_name,d_input,msd_fn=NA){ theta=exp(param_uq_range[,-dim(param_uq_range)[2]]) sigma_2_0_est=exp(param_uq_range[,dim(param_uq_range)[2]]) sigma_2_0_est_lower=sigma_2_0_est[1] sigma_2_0_est_upper=sigma_2_0_est[2] est_parameters=NA if(model_name=='BM'){ beta_x_lower=theta[1,1] ##only 1 param beta_x_upper=theta[2,1] beta_y_lower=theta[1,2] ##only 1 param beta_y_upper=theta[2,2] MSD_x_lower=beta_x_lower*d_input MSD_x_upper=beta_x_upper*d_input MSD_y_lower=beta_y_lower*d_input MSD_y_upper=beta_y_upper*d_input est_parameters_lower=c(beta_x_lower,beta_y_lower,sigma_2_0_est_lower); est_parameters_upper=c(beta_x_upper,beta_y_upper,sigma_2_0_est_upper); }else if(model_name=='FBM'){ beta_x_lower=theta[1,1] beta_x_upper=theta[2,1] alpha_x_lower=2*theta[1,2]/(1+theta[1,2]) alpha_x_upper=2*theta[2,2]/(1+theta[2,2]) MSD_x_lower=rep(NA,length(d_input)) MSD_x_upper=rep(NA,length(d_input)) index_less_than_1=which(d_input<1) if(length(index_less_than_1)>0){ MSD_x_lower[index_less_than_1]=beta_x_lower*d_input[index_less_than_1]^{alpha_x_upper} MSD_x_upper[index_less_than_1]=beta_x_upper*d_input[index_less_than_1]^{alpha_x_lower} MSD_x_lower[-index_less_than_1]=beta_x_lower*d_input[-index_less_than_1]^{alpha_x_lower} MSD_x_upper[-index_less_than_1]=beta_x_upper*d_input[-index_less_than_1]^{alpha_x_upper} }else{ MSD_x_lower=beta_x_lower*d_input^{alpha_x_lower} MSD_x_upper=beta_x_upper*d_input^{alpha_x_upper} } beta_y_lower=theta[1,3] beta_y_upper=theta[2,3] alpha_y_lower=2*theta[1,4]/(1+theta[1,4]) alpha_y_upper=2*theta[2,4]/(1+theta[2,4]) MSD_y_lower=rep(NA,length(d_input)) MSD_y_upper=rep(NA,length(d_input)) index_less_than_1=which(d_input<1) if(length(index_less_than_1)>0){ MSD_y_lower[index_less_than_1]=beta_y_lower*d_input[index_less_than_1]^{alpha_y_upper} MSD_y_upper[index_less_than_1]=beta_y_upper*d_input[index_less_than_1]^{alpha_y_lower} MSD_y_lower[-index_less_than_1]=beta_y_lower*d_input[-index_less_than_1]^{alpha_y_lower} MSD_y_upper[-index_less_than_1]=beta_y_upper*d_input[-index_less_than_1]^{alpha_y_upper} }else{ MSD_y_lower=beta_y_lower*d_input^{alpha_y_lower} MSD_y_upper=beta_y_upper*d_input^{alpha_y_upper} } est_parameters_lower=c(beta_x_lower,alpha_x_lower,beta_y_lower,alpha_y_lower,sigma_2_0_est_lower); est_parameters_upper=c(beta_x_upper,alpha_x_upper,beta_y_upper,alpha_y_upper,sigma_2_0_est_upper); }else if(model_name=='OU'){ #seems okay rho_x_lower=theta[1,1]/(1+theta[1,1]) rho_x_upper=theta[2,1]/(1+theta[2,1]) amplitude_x_lower=theta[1,2] amplitude_x_upper=theta[2,2] MSD_x_lower=(amplitude_x_lower*(1-rho_x_lower^d_input)) MSD_x_upper=(amplitude_x_upper*(1-rho_x_upper^d_input)) rho_y_lower=theta[1,3]/(1+theta[1,3]) rho_y_upper=theta[2,3]/(1+theta[2,3]) amplitude_y_lower=theta[1,4] amplitude_y_upper=theta[2,4] MSD_y_lower=(amplitude_y_lower*(1-rho_y_lower^d_input)) MSD_y_upper=(amplitude_y_upper*(1-rho_y_upper^d_input)) est_parameters_lower=c(rho_x_lower,amplitude_x_lower,rho_y_lower,amplitude_y_lower,sigma_2_0_est_lower); est_parameters_upper=c(rho_x_upper,amplitude_x_upper,rho_y_upper,amplitude_y_upper,sigma_2_0_est_upper); }else if(model_name=='OU+FBM'){ rho_x_lower=theta[1,1]/(1+theta[1,1]) rho_x_upper=theta[2,1]/(1+theta[2,1]) amplitude_x_lower=theta[1,2] amplitude_x_upper=theta[2,2] beta_x_lower=theta[1,3] beta_x_upper=theta[2,3] alpha_x_lower=2*theta[1,4]/(1+theta[1,4]) alpha_x_upper=2*theta[2,4]/(1+theta[2,4]) ####change of uq, need to test MSD_x_lower=rep(NA,length(d_input)) MSD_x_upper=rep(NA,length(d_input)) index_less_than_1=which(d_input<1) if(length(index_less_than_1)>0){ MSD_x_lower[index_less_than_1]=beta_x_lower*d_input[index_less_than_1]^{alpha_x_upper} MSD_x_upper[index_less_than_1]=beta_x_upper*d_input[index_less_than_1]^{alpha_x_lower} MSD_x_lower[-index_less_than_1]=beta_x_lower*d_input[-index_less_than_1]^{alpha_x_lower} MSD_x_upper[-index_less_than_1]=beta_x_upper*d_input[-index_less_than_1]^{alpha_x_upper} }else{ MSD_x_lower=beta_x_lower*d_input^{alpha_x_lower} MSD_x_upper=beta_x_upper*d_input^{alpha_x_upper} } MSD_x_lower=MSD_x_lower+(amplitude_x_lower*(1-rho_x_lower^d_input)) MSD_x_upper=MSD_x_upper+(amplitude_x_upper*(1-rho_x_upper^d_input)) rho_y_lower=theta[1,5]/(1+theta[1,5]) rho_y_upper=theta[2,5]/(1+theta[2,5]) amplitude_y_lower=theta[1,6] amplitude_y_upper=theta[2,6] beta_y_lower=theta[1,7] beta_y_upper=theta[2,7] alpha_y_lower=2*theta[1,8]/(1+theta[1,8]) alpha_y_upper=2*theta[2,8]/(1+theta[2,8]) ####change of uq, need to test MSD_y_lower=rep(NA,length(d_input)) MSD_y_upper=rep(NA,length(d_input)) index_less_than_1=which(d_input<1) if(length(index_less_than_1)>0){ MSD_y_lower[index_less_than_1]=beta_y_lower*d_input[index_less_than_1]^{alpha_y_upper} MSD_y_upper[index_less_than_1]=beta_y_upper*d_input[index_less_than_1]^{alpha_y_lower} MSD_y_lower[-index_less_than_1]=beta_y_lower*d_input[-index_less_than_1]^{alpha_y_lower} MSD_y_upper[-index_less_than_1]=beta_y_upper*d_input[-index_less_than_1]^{alpha_y_upper} }else{ MSD_y_lower=beta_y_lower*d_input^{alpha_y_lower} MSD_y_upper=beta_y_upper*d_input^{alpha_y_upper} } MSD_y_lower=MSD_y_lower+(amplitude_y_lower*(1-rho_y_lower^d_input)) MSD_y_upper=MSD_y_upper+(amplitude_y_upper*(1-rho_y_upper^d_input)) est_parameters_lower=c(rho_x_lower,amplitude_x_lower,beta_x_lower,alpha_x_lower, rho_y_lower,amplitude_y_lower,beta_y_lower,alpha_y_lower,sigma_2_0_est_lower); est_parameters_upper=c(rho_x_upper,amplitude_x_upper,beta_x_upper,alpha_x_upper, rho_y_upper,amplitude_y_upper,beta_y_upper,alpha_y_upper,sigma_2_0_est_upper); }else if(model_name=='user_defined'){ theta_x_lower=theta[1,] theta_x_upper=theta[2,] theta_y_lower=theta[3,] theta_y_upper=theta[4,] MSD_x_lower=msd_fn(theta_x_lower,d_input) MSD_x_upper=msd_fn(theta_x_upper,d_input) MSD_y_lower=msd_fn(theta_y_lower,d_input) MSD_y_upper=msd_fn(theta_y_upper,d_input) est_parameters_lower=c(theta_x_lower,theta_y_lower,sigma_2_0_est_lower) est_parameters_upper=c(theta_x_upper,theta_y_upper,sigma_2_0_est_upper) }else if(model_name=='VFBM'){ a_x_lower=theta[1,1] a_x_upper=theta[2,1] b_x_lower=theta[1,2] b_x_upper=theta[2,2] c_x_lower=theta[1,3]/(1+theta[1,3]) c_x_upper=theta[2,3]/(1+theta[2,3]) d_x_lower=theta[1,4]/(1+theta[1,4]) d_x_upper=theta[2,4]/(1+theta[2,4]) MSD_x_lower=rep(NA,length(d_input)) MSD_x_upper=rep(NA,length(d_input)) index_less_than_1=which(d_input<1) #MSD_x_lower=a_x_lower*d_input^((c_x_lower*d_input)/(1+b_x_lower*d_input)+d_x_lower) #MSD_x_upper=a_x_upper*d_input^((c_x_upper*d_input)/(1+b_x_upper*d_input)+d_x_upper) if(length(index_less_than_1)>0){ MSD_x_lower[index_less_than_1]=a_x_lower*d_input[index_less_than_1]^{(c_x_upper*d_input[index_less_than_1])/(1+b_x_upper*d_input[index_less_than_1])+d_x_upper} MSD_x_upper[index_less_than_1]=a_x_upper*d_input[index_less_than_1]^{(c_x_lower*d_input[index_less_than_1])/(1+b_x_lower*d_input[index_less_than_1])+d_x_lower} MSD_x_lower[-index_less_than_1]=a_x_lower*d_input[-index_less_than_1]^{(c_x_lower*d_input[-index_less_than_1])/(1+b_x_lower*d_input[-index_less_than_1])+d_x_lower} MSD_x_upper[-index_less_than_1]=a_x_upper*d_input[-index_less_than_1]^{(c_x_upper*d_input[-index_less_than_1])/(1+b_x_upper*d_input[-index_less_than_1])+d_x_upper} }else{ MSD_x_lower=a_x_lower*d_input^((c_x_lower*d_input)/(1+b_x_lower*d_input)+d_x_lower) MSD_x_upper=a_x_upper*d_input^((c_x_upper*d_input)/(1+b_x_upper*d_input)+d_x_upper) } a_y_lower=theta[1,5] a_y_upper=theta[2,5] b_y_lower=theta[1,6] b_y_upper=theta[2,6] c_y_lower=theta[1,7]/(1+theta[1,7]) c_y_upper=theta[2,7]/(1+theta[2,7]) d_y_lower=theta[1,8]/(1+theta[1,8]) d_y_upper=theta[2,8]/(1+theta[2,8]) MSD_y_lower=rep(NA,length(d_input)) MSD_y_upper=rep(NA,length(d_input)) index_less_than_1=which(d_input<1) #MSD_y_lower=a_y_lower*d_input^((c_y_lower*d_input)/(1+b_y_lower*d_input)+d_y_lower) #MSD_y_upper=a_y_upper*d_input^((c_y_upper*d_input)/(1+b_y_upper*d_input)+d_y_upper) if(length(index_less_than_1)>0){ MSD_y_lower[index_less_than_1]=a_y_lower*d_input[index_less_than_1]^{(c_y_upper*d_input[index_less_than_1])/(1+b_y_upper*d_input[index_less_than_1])+d_y_upper} MSD_y_upper[index_less_than_1]=a_y_upper*d_input[index_less_than_1]^{(c_y_lower*d_input[index_less_than_1])/(1+b_y_lower*d_input[index_less_than_1])+d_y_lower} MSD_y_lower[-index_less_than_1]=a_y_lower*d_input[-index_less_than_1]^{(c_y_lower*d_input[-index_less_than_1])/(1+b_y_lower*d_input[-index_less_than_1])+d_y_lower} MSD_y_upper[-index_less_than_1]=a_y_upper*d_input[-index_less_than_1]^{(c_y_upper*d_input[-index_less_than_1])/(1+b_y_upper*d_input[-index_less_than_1])+d_y_upper} }else{ MSD_y_lower=a_y_lower*d_input^((c_y_lower*d_input)/(1+b_y_lower*d_input)+d_y_lower) MSD_y_upper=a_y_upper*d_input^((c_y_upper*d_input)/(1+b_y_upper*d_input)+d_y_upper) } est_parameters_lower=c(a_x_lower,b_x_lower,c_x_lower,d_x_lower,a_y_lower, b_y_lower, c_y_lower,d_y_lower, sigma_2_0_est_lower); est_parameters_upper=c(a_x_upper,b_x_upper,c_x_upper,d_x_upper,a_y_upper, b_y_upper, c_y_upper,d_y_upper, sigma_2_0_est_upper); } ans_list=list() ans_list$est_parameters_lower=est_parameters_lower ans_list$est_parameters_upper=est_parameters_upper ans_list$MSD_x_lower=MSD_x_lower ans_list$MSD_x_upper=MSD_x_upper ans_list$MSD_y_lower=MSD_y_lower ans_list$MSD_y_upper=MSD_y_upper return(ans_list) } #' Log likelihood of the model #' @description #' This function computes the natural logarithm of the likelihood of the #' latent factor model for selected range of wave vectors. See 'References'. #' #' @param param a vector of natural logarithm of parameters #' @param I_q_cur Fourier transformed intensity profile #' @param B_cur current value of B. This parameter is determined by the noise #' in the system. See 'References'. #' @param index_q selected index of wave number #' @param I_o_q_2_ori absolute square of Fourier transformed intensity profile, #' ensemble over time #' @param d_input sequence of lag times #' @param q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index index for wave vector that give unique frequency #' @param sz frame size of the intensity profile #' @param len_t number of time steps #' @param q wave vector in unit of um^-1 #' @param model_name model for constructing MSD, options from ('BM','OU', #' 'FBM','OU+FBM', 'user_defined') #' @param msd_fn user defined mean squared displacement structure (MSD), a #' function of \code{param} parameters and \code{d_input} lag times #' @param msd_grad_fn user defined MSD gradient structure, a function of #' \code{param} and \code{d_input} #' #' @return The numerical value of natural logarithm of the likelihood. #' #' @export #' @author \packageAuthor{AIUQ} #' @references #' Gu, M., He, Y., Liu, X., & Luo, Y. (2023). Ab initio uncertainty #' quantification in scattering analysis of microscopy. #' arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.02468. #' #' Gu, M., Luo, Y., He, Y., Helgeson, M. E., & Valentine, M. T. (2021). #' Uncertainty quantification and estimation in differential dynamic microscopy. #' Physical Review E, 104(3), 034610. #' #' Cerbino, R., & Trappe, V. (2008). Differential dynamic microscopy: probing #' wave vector dependent dynamics with a microscope. Physical review letters, #' 100(18), 188102. #' @keywords internal log_lik <- function(param,I_q_cur,B_cur,index_q,I_o_q_2_ori,d_input, q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index,sz,len_t,q,model_name, msd_fn=NA,msd_grad_fn=NA){ p=length(param)-1 theta=exp(param[-(p+1)]) ##first p parameters are parameters in ISF if({ ##this fix the dimension sigma_2_0_hat=exp(param[p+1]) ##noise B_cur=2*sigma_2_0_hat } A_cur = abs(2*(I_o_q_2_ori - B_cur/2)) ##the model is defined by MSD MSD_list = get_MSD_with_grad(theta,d_input,model_name, msd_fn,msd_grad_fn) MSD = MSD_list$msd log_lik_sum = 0 NTz <- SuperGauss::NormalToeplitz$new(len_t) eta=B_cur/4 ##nugget for(i_q_selected in index_q){ output_re=Re(I_q_cur[q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index[[i_q_selected]],])/(sqrt(sz[1]*sz[2])) output_im=Im(I_q_cur[q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index[[i_q_selected]],])/(sqrt(sz[1]*sz[2])) q_selected=q[i_q_selected] #beta_q = (D*q[i_q_selected]^2) sigma_2=A_cur[i_q_selected]/4 acf = sigma_2*exp(-q_selected^2*MSD/4) ##assume 2d acf[1] = acf[1]+eta acf=as.numeric(acf) log_lik_sum=log_lik_sum+sum(NTz$logdens(z = t(output_re), acf = acf))+sum(NTz$logdens(z = t(output_im), acf = acf)) } log_lik_sum=log_lik_sum-0.5*sum(lengths(q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index))*log(2*pi) ##add 2pi if(is.nan(log_lik_sum)){ #log_lik_sum=-10^15 log_lik_sum=-10^50 ##make it smaller in case dealing some small value } return(log_lik_sum) } #' Log likelihood for anisotropic processes #' @description #' This function computes the natural logarithm of the likelihood of the #' latent factor model for selected range of wave vectors of anisotropic #' processes. See 'References'. #' #' @param param a vector of natural logarithm of parameters #' @param I_q_cur Fourier transformed intensity profile #' @param B_cur current value of B. This parameter is determined by the noise #' in the system. See 'References'. #' @param index_q selected index of wave number #' @param I_o_q_2_ori absolute square of Fourier transformed intensity profile, #' ensemble over time #' @param d_input sequence of lag times #' @param q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index index for wave vector that give unique frequency #' @param sz frame size of the intensity profile #' @param len_t number of time steps #' @param q1 wave vector in unit of um^-1 in x direction #' @param q2 wave vector in unit of um^-1 in y direction #' @param q1_unique_index index for wave vector that give unique frequency in x direction #' @param q2_unique_index index for wave vector that give unique frequency in y direction #' @param model_name model for constructing MSD, options from ('BM','OU', #' 'FBM','OU+FBM', 'user_defined') #' @param msd_fn user defined mean squared displacement structure (MSD), a #' function of \code{param} parameters and \code{d_input} lag times #' @param msd_grad_fn user defined MSD gradient structure, a function of #' \code{param} and \code{d_input} #' #' @return The numerical value of natural logarithm of the likelihood. #' #' @export #' @author \packageAuthor{AIUQ} #' @references #' Gu, M., He, Y., Liu, X., & Luo, Y. (2023). Ab initio uncertainty #' quantification in scattering analysis of microscopy. #' arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.02468. #' #' Gu, M., Luo, Y., He, Y., Helgeson, M. E., & Valentine, M. T. (2021). #' Uncertainty quantification and estimation in differential dynamic microscopy. #' Physical Review E, 104(3), 034610. #' #' Cerbino, R., & Trappe, V. (2008). Differential dynamic microscopy: probing #' wave vector dependent dynamics with a microscope. Physical review letters, #' 100(18), 188102. #' @keywords internal anisotropic_log_lik <- function(param,I_q_cur,B_cur,index_q,I_o_q_2_ori,d_input, q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index,sz,len_t,q1,q2,q1_unique_index, q2_unique_index,model_name,msd_fn=NA,msd_grad_fn=NA){ p=(length(param)-1)/2 theta_x=exp(param[1:p]) ##first p parameters are parameters in ISF theta_y=exp(param[(p+1):(2*p)]) if({ ##this fix the dimension sigma_2_0_hat=exp(param[2*p+1]) ##noise B_cur=2*sigma_2_0_hat } A_cur=abs(2*(I_o_q_2_ori - B_cur/2)) ##the model is defined by MSD MSD_list_x = get_MSD_with_grad(theta_x,d_input,model_name, msd_fn,msd_grad_fn) MSD_x = MSD_list_x$msd MSD_list_y = get_MSD_with_grad(theta_y,d_input,model_name, msd_fn,msd_grad_fn) MSD_y = MSD_list_y$msd log_lik_sum = 0 NTz <- SuperGauss::NormalToeplitz$new(len_t) eta=B_cur/4 ##nugget q1_zero_included=c(0,q1) q2_zero_included=c(0,q2) for(i_q_selected in index_q){ for(i_q_ori in 1:length(q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index[[i_q_selected]])){ output_re=Re(I_q_cur[q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index[[i_q_selected]][i_q_ori],])/(sqrt(sz[1]*sz[2])) output_im=Im(I_q_cur[q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index[[i_q_selected]][i_q_ori],])/(sqrt(sz[1]*sz[2])) #q_selected=q[i_q_selected] q1_unique_index_selected=q1_unique_index[[i_q_selected]][i_q_ori]+1 q2_unique_index_selected=q2_unique_index[[i_q_selected]][i_q_ori]+1 sigma_2=A_cur[i_q_selected]/4 #acf = sigma_2*exp(-q_selected^2*MSD/4) ##assume 2d acf = sigma_2*exp(-(q1_zero_included[q1_unique_index_selected]^2*MSD_x+ q2_zero_included[q2_unique_index_selected]^2*MSD_y)/(2) ) acf[1] = acf[1]+eta acf=as.numeric(acf) log_lik_sum=log_lik_sum+sum(NTz$logdens(z = as.numeric(output_re), acf = acf))+sum(NTz$logdens(z = as.numeric(output_im), acf = acf)) } } log_lik_sum=log_lik_sum-0.5*sum(length(q1_unique_index)+length(q2_unique_index))*log(2*pi) ##add 2pi if(is.nan(log_lik_sum)){ #log_lik_sum=-10^15 log_lik_sum=-10^50 ##make it smaller in case dealing some small value } return(log_lik_sum) } #' Gradient of log likelihood #' @description #' This function computes the gradient for natural logarithm of the likelihood #' for selected range of wave vectors. See 'References'. #' #' @param param a vector of natural logarithm of parameters #' @param I_q_cur Fourier transformed intensity profile #' @param B_cur current value of B. This parameter is determined by the noise #' in the system. See 'References'. #' @param index_q selected index of wave number #' @param I_o_q_2_ori absolute square of Fourier transformed intensity profile, #' ensemble over time #' @param d_input sequence of lag times #' @param q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index index for wave vector that give unique frequency #' @param sz frame size of the intensity profile #' @param len_t number of time steps #' @param q wave vector in unit of um^-1 #' @param model_name stochastic process for constructing MSD, options from ('BM', #' 'OU','FBM','OU+FBM', 'user_defined') #' @param msd_fn user defined mean squared displacement structure (MSD), a #' function of \code{param} parameters and \code{d_input} lag times #' @param msd_grad_fn user defined MSD gradient structure, a function of #' \code{param} and \code{d_input} #' #' @return The numerical value of gradient for natural logarithm of the likelihood. #' #' @export #' @author \packageAuthor{AIUQ} #' @references #' Gu, M., He, Y., Liu, X., & Luo, Y. (2023). Ab initio uncertainty #' quantification in scattering analysis of microscopy. #' arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.02468. #' #' Gu, M., Luo, Y., He, Y., Helgeson, M. E., & Valentine, M. T. (2021). #' Uncertainty quantification and estimation in differential dynamic microscopy. #' Physical Review E, 104(3), 034610. #' #' Cerbino, R., & Trappe, V. (2008). Differential dynamic microscopy: probing #' wave vector dependent dynamics with a microscope. Physical review letters, #' 100(18), 188102. #' @keywords internal log_lik_grad<-function(param,I_q_cur,B_cur,index_q,I_o_q_2_ori,d_input, q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index,sz,len_t,q,model_name, msd_fn=NA,msd_grad_fn=NA){ p=length(param)-1 theta=exp(param[-(p+1)]) ##first p parameters are parameters in ISF if({ ##this fix the dimension sigma_2_0_hat=exp(param[p+1]) ##noise B_cur=2*sigma_2_0_hat } #A_cur = 2*(I_o_q_2_ori - B_cur/2) A_cur = abs(2*(I_o_q_2_ori - B_cur/2)) ##the model is defined by MSD MSD_list = get_MSD_with_grad(theta,d_input,model_name, msd_fn,msd_grad_fn) MSD = MSD_list$msd MSD_grad = MSD_list$msd_grad grad_trans = get_grad_trans(theta,d_input,model_name) eta=B_cur/4 ##nugget grad=rep(0,p+1) quad_terms=rep(0,p+1) trace_terms=rep(0,p+1) for(i_q_selected in index_q){ output_re=Re(I_q_cur[q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index[[i_q_selected]],])/(sqrt(sz[1]*sz[2])) output_im=Im(I_q_cur[q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index[[i_q_selected]],])/(sqrt(sz[1]*sz[2])) n_q=length(q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index[[i_q_selected]]) q_selected=q[i_q_selected] sigma_2=A_cur[i_q_selected]/4 acf0 = sigma_2*exp(-q_selected^2*MSD/4) ##assume 2d acf = acf0 acf[1] = acf[1]+eta ##for grad this is probably no adding NTz=SuperGauss::Toeplitz$new(len_t, acf) #tilde_Sigma_inv_output_re=solve(NTz,t(output_re)) #tilde_Sigma_inv_output_im=solve(NTz,t(output_im)) tilde_Sigma_inv_output_re=NTz$solve(t(output_re)) tilde_Sigma_inv_output_im=NTz$solve(t(output_im)) acf_grad=matrix(NA,len_t,p+1) for(i_p in 1:p){ acf_grad[,i_p]=-acf0*q_selected^2/4*MSD_grad[,i_p]*grad_trans[i_p] NTz_grad=SuperGauss::Toeplitz$new(len_t, as.numeric(acf_grad[,i_p])) Q_tilde_Sigma_inv_output_re=NTz_grad$prod(tilde_Sigma_inv_output_re) Q_tilde_Sigma_inv_output_im=NTz_grad$prod(tilde_Sigma_inv_output_im) quad_terms[i_p]=quad_terms[i_p]+sum(tilde_Sigma_inv_output_re*Q_tilde_Sigma_inv_output_re) ##fast way to compute quadratic terms in grad quad_terms[i_p]=quad_terms[i_p]+sum(tilde_Sigma_inv_output_im*Q_tilde_Sigma_inv_output_im) ##fast way to compute quadratic terms in grad trace_terms[i_p]= trace_terms[i_p]+n_q*NTz$trace_grad( as.numeric(acf_grad[,i_p])) #n_q*sum(diag(solve(NTz, toeplitz(as.numeric(acf_grad[,i_p]))))) } #acf_grad[,p+1]=(-acf0*0.5/sigma_2) acf_grad[,p+1]=(-acf0*0.5/sigma_2)*sign(I_o_q_2_ori[i_q_selected] - B_cur/2) ##add the sign as we use absolute value acf_grad[1,p+1]= acf_grad[1,p+1]+0.5 acf_grad[,p+1]= acf_grad[,p+1]*sigma_2_0_hat ##sigma_2_0_hat is the jaccobian trans NTz_grad=SuperGauss::Toeplitz$new(len_t, as.numeric( acf_grad[,p+1])) Q_tilde_Sigma_inv_output_re=NTz_grad$prod(tilde_Sigma_inv_output_re) Q_tilde_Sigma_inv_output_im=NTz_grad$prod(tilde_Sigma_inv_output_im) quad_terms[p+1]=quad_terms[p+1]+sum(tilde_Sigma_inv_output_re*Q_tilde_Sigma_inv_output_re) ##fast way to compute quadratic terms in grad quad_terms[p+1]=quad_terms[p+1]+sum(tilde_Sigma_inv_output_im*Q_tilde_Sigma_inv_output_im) ##fast way to compute quadratic terms in grad trace_terms[p+1]= trace_terms[p+1]+n_q*NTz$trace_grad( as.numeric(acf_grad[,p+1])) } grad=-trace_terms+0.5*quad_terms ##note that there are two trace terms correspond to real and imaginary return(grad) } #' Gradient of log likelihood for anisotropic processes #' @description #' This function computes the gradient for natural logarithm of the likelihood #' for selected range of wave vectors of anisotropic processes. See 'References'. #' #' @param param a vector of natural logarithm of parameters #' @param I_q_cur Fourier transformed intensity profile #' @param B_cur current value of B. This parameter is determined by the noise #' in the system. See 'References'. #' @param index_q selected index of wave number #' @param I_o_q_2_ori absolute square of Fourier transformed intensity profile, #' ensemble over time #' @param d_input sequence of lag times #' @param q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index index for wave vector that give unique frequency #' @param sz frame size of the intensity profile #' @param len_t number of time steps #' @param q1 wave vector in unit of um^-1 in x direction #' @param q2 wave vector in unit of um^-1 in y direction #' @param q1_unique_index index for wave vector that give unique frequency in x direction #' @param q2_unique_index index for wave vector that give unique frequency in y direction #' @param model_name stochastic process for constructing MSD, options from ('BM', #' 'OU','FBM','OU+FBM', 'user_defined') #' @param msd_fn user defined mean squared displacement structure (MSD), a #' function of \code{param} parameters and \code{d_input} lag times #' @param msd_grad_fn user defined MSD gradient structure, a function of #' \code{param} and \code{d_input} #' #' @return The numerical value of gradient for natural logarithm of the likelihood. #' #' @export #' @author \packageAuthor{AIUQ} #' @references #' Gu, M., He, Y., Liu, X., & Luo, Y. (2023). Ab initio uncertainty #' quantification in scattering analysis of microscopy. #' arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.02468. #' #' Gu, M., Luo, Y., He, Y., Helgeson, M. E., & Valentine, M. T. (2021). #' Uncertainty quantification and estimation in differential dynamic microscopy. #' Physical Review E, 104(3), 034610. #' #' Cerbino, R., & Trappe, V. (2008). Differential dynamic microscopy: probing #' wave vector dependent dynamics with a microscope. Physical review letters, #' 100(18), 188102. #' @keywords internal anisotropic_log_lik_grad<-function(param,I_q_cur,B_cur,index_q,I_o_q_2_ori,d_input, q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index,sz,len_t,model_name,q1,q2, q1_unique_index,q2_unique_index,msd_fn=NA,msd_grad_fn=NA){ p=(length(param)-1)/2 theta_x=exp(param[1:p]) theta_y=exp(param[(p+1):(2*p)]) if({ ##this fix the dimension sigma_2_0_hat=exp(param[2*p+1]) ##noise B_cur=2*sigma_2_0_hat } #A_cur = 2*(I_o_q_2_ori - B_cur/2) A_cur = abs(2*(I_o_q_2_ori - B_cur/2)) ##the model is defined by MSD MSD_list_x = get_MSD_with_grad(theta_x,d_input,model_name, msd_fn,msd_grad_fn) MSD_x = MSD_list_x$msd MSD_grad_x = MSD_list_x$msd_grad MSD_list_y = get_MSD_with_grad(theta_y,d_input,model_name, msd_fn,msd_grad_fn) MSD_y = MSD_list_y$msd MSD_grad_y = MSD_list_y$msd_grad grad_trans_x = get_grad_trans(theta_x,d_input,model_name) grad_trans_y = get_grad_trans(theta_y,d_input,model_name) eta=B_cur/4 ##nugget grad=rep(0,2*p+1) quad_terms=rep(0,2*p+1) trace_terms=rep(0,2*p+1) q1_zero_included=c(0,q1) q2_zero_included=c(0,q2) for(i_q_selected in index_q){ for(i_q_ori in 1:length(q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index[[i_q_selected]])){ output_re=Re(I_q_cur[q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index[[i_q_selected]][i_q_ori],])/(sqrt(sz[1]*sz[2])) output_im=Im(I_q_cur[q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index[[i_q_selected]][i_q_ori],])/(sqrt(sz[1]*sz[2])) #n_q=length(q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index[[i_q_selected]]) n_q=1 q1_unique_index_selected=q1_unique_index[[i_q_selected]][i_q_ori]+1 q2_unique_index_selected=q2_unique_index[[i_q_selected]][i_q_ori]+1 sigma_2=A_cur[i_q_selected]/4 #acf0 = sigma_2*exp(-q_selected^2*MSD/4) ##assume 2d acf0 = sigma_2*exp(-(q1_zero_included[q1_unique_index_selected]^2*MSD_x+ q2_zero_included[q2_unique_index_selected]^2*MSD_y)/(2)) acf = acf0 acf[1] = acf[1]+eta ##for grad this is probably no adding NTz=SuperGauss::Toeplitz$new(len_t, acf) #tilde_Sigma_inv_output_re=solve(NTz,t(output_re)) #tilde_Sigma_inv_output_im=solve(NTz,t(output_im)) tilde_Sigma_inv_output_re=NTz$solve(as.numeric(output_re)) tilde_Sigma_inv_output_im=NTz$solve(as.numeric(output_im)) acf_grad=matrix(NA,len_t,2*p+1) for(i_p in 1:p){ acf_grad[,i_p]=-acf0/2*(q1_zero_included[q1_unique_index_selected]^2*MSD_grad_x[,i_p]*grad_trans_x[i_p]) NTz_grad=SuperGauss::Toeplitz$new(len_t, as.numeric(acf_grad[,i_p])) Q_tilde_Sigma_inv_output_re=NTz_grad$prod(tilde_Sigma_inv_output_re) Q_tilde_Sigma_inv_output_im=NTz_grad$prod(tilde_Sigma_inv_output_im) quad_terms[i_p]=quad_terms[i_p]+sum(tilde_Sigma_inv_output_re*Q_tilde_Sigma_inv_output_re) ##fast way to compute quadratic terms in grad quad_terms[i_p]=quad_terms[i_p]+sum(tilde_Sigma_inv_output_im*Q_tilde_Sigma_inv_output_im) ##fast way to compute quadratic terms in grad trace_terms[i_p]= trace_terms[i_p]+n_q*NTz$trace_grad(as.numeric(acf_grad[,i_p])) #n_q*sum(diag(solve(NTz, toeplitz(as.numeric(acf_grad[,i_p]))))) } for(i_p in (p+1):(2*p)){ acf_grad[,i_p]=-acf0/2*(q2_zero_included[q2_unique_index_selected]^2*MSD_grad_y[,(i_p-p)]*grad_trans_y[(i_p-p)]) NTz_grad=SuperGauss::Toeplitz$new(len_t, as.numeric(acf_grad[,i_p])) Q_tilde_Sigma_inv_output_re=NTz_grad$prod(tilde_Sigma_inv_output_re) Q_tilde_Sigma_inv_output_im=NTz_grad$prod(tilde_Sigma_inv_output_im) quad_terms[i_p]=quad_terms[i_p]+sum(tilde_Sigma_inv_output_re*Q_tilde_Sigma_inv_output_re) ##fast way to compute quadratic terms in grad quad_terms[i_p]=quad_terms[i_p]+sum(tilde_Sigma_inv_output_im*Q_tilde_Sigma_inv_output_im) ##fast way to compute quadratic terms in grad trace_terms[i_p]= trace_terms[i_p]+n_q*NTz$trace_grad(as.numeric(acf_grad[,i_p])) #n_q*sum(diag(solve(NTz, toeplitz(as.numeric(acf_grad[,i_p]))))) } #acf_grad[,p+1]=(-acf0*0.5/sigma_2) acf_grad[,2*p+1]=(-acf0*0.5/sigma_2)*sign(I_o_q_2_ori[i_q_selected] - B_cur/2) ##add the sign as we use absolute value acf_grad[1,2*p+1]= acf_grad[1,2*p+1]+0.5 acf_grad[,2*p+1]= acf_grad[,2*p+1]*sigma_2_0_hat ##sigma_2_0_hat is the jaccobian trans NTz_grad=SuperGauss::Toeplitz$new(len_t, as.numeric( acf_grad[,2*p+1])) Q_tilde_Sigma_inv_output_re=NTz_grad$prod(tilde_Sigma_inv_output_re) Q_tilde_Sigma_inv_output_im=NTz_grad$prod(tilde_Sigma_inv_output_im) quad_terms[2*p+1]=quad_terms[2*p+1]+sum(tilde_Sigma_inv_output_re*Q_tilde_Sigma_inv_output_re) ##fast way to compute quadratic terms in grad quad_terms[2*p+1]=quad_terms[2*p+1]+sum(tilde_Sigma_inv_output_im*Q_tilde_Sigma_inv_output_im) ##fast way to compute quadratic terms in grad trace_terms[2*p+1]= trace_terms[2*p+1]+n_q*NTz$trace_grad( as.numeric(acf_grad[,2*p+1])) } } grad=-trace_terms+0.5*quad_terms ##note that there are two trace terms correspond to real and imaginary return(grad) } #' Construct initial values for the parameters to be optimized over #' @description #' Construct initial values for the parameters to be optimized over in \code{AIUQ} #' method of \code{SAM} class. #' #' @param model_name fitted model, options from ('BM','OU','FBM','OU+FBM', #' 'user_defined'), with Brownian motion as the default model. See 'Details'. #' @param sigma_0_2_ini initial value for background noise, default is \code{NA} #' @param num_param number of parameters need to be estimated in the model, #' need to be non-NA value for \code{'user_defined'} model. #' #' @return A matrix with one row of initial values for the parameters to be #' optimized over in \code{AIUQ} method of \code{SAM} class. #' @export #' @details #' If \code{model_name} equals 'user_defined', then \code{num_param} need to be #' provided to determine the length of the initial values vector. #' @author \packageAuthor{AIUQ} #' @references #' Gu, M., He, Y., Liu, X., & Luo, Y. (2023). Ab initio uncertainty #' quantification in scattering analysis of microscopy. #' arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.02468. #' #' Gu, M., Luo, Y., He, Y., Helgeson, M. E., & Valentine, M. T. (2021). #' Uncertainty quantification and estimation in differential dynamic microscopy. #' Physical Review E, 104(3), 034610. #' @examples #' library(AIUQ) #' get_initial_param(model_name = "BM") #' @keywords internal get_initial_param <- function(model_name,sigma_0_2_ini=NA, num_param=NA){ if(model_name=='BM'){ param_initial=matrix(NA,1,2) #include B param_initial[1,]=log(c(1,sigma_0_2_ini))#method='L-BFGS-B' }else if(model_name=='FBM'){ param_initial=matrix(NA,1,3) #include B param_initial[1,]=log(c(rep(0.5,2),sigma_0_2_ini))#method='L-BFGS-B' }else if(model_name=='OU'){ param_initial=matrix(NA,1,3) #include B param_initial[1,]=log(c(rep(1,2),sigma_0_2_ini))#method='L-BFGS-B' }else if(model_name=='OU+FBM'){ param_initial=matrix(NA,1,5) #include B param_initial[1,]=log(c(rep(0.5,4),sigma_0_2_ini))#method='L-BFGS-B', }else if(model_name=='VFBM'){ param_initial=matrix(NA,1,5) #include B param_initial[1,]=log(c(rep(0.1,4),sigma_0_2_ini))#method='L-BFGS-B} }else if(model_name == 'user_defined'){ param_initial = matrix(NA,1,(num_param+1)) #include B param_initial[1,] = log(c(rep(0.5,num_param),sigma_0_2_ini)) }else if(model_name=='VFBM_anisotropic'){ param_initial=matrix(NA,1,9) #include B param_initial[1,]=log(c(rep(0.1,8),sigma_0_2_ini))#method='L-BFGS-B' }else if(model_name=='BM_anisotropic'){ param_initial=matrix(NA,1,3) #include B param_initial[1,]=log(c(1,1,sigma_0_2_ini))#method='L-BFGS-B', }else if(model_name=='FBM_anisotropic'){ param_initial=matrix(NA,1,5) #include B param_initial[1,]=log(c(0.5,2,0.5,2,sigma_0_2_ini))#method='L-BFGS-B', }else if(model_name=='OU_anisotropic'){ param_initial=matrix(NA,1,5) #include B param_initial[1,]=log(c(rep(1,4),sigma_0_2_ini))#method='L-BFGS-B', }else if(model_name=='OU+BM_anisotropic'){ param_initial=matrix(NA,1,7) #include B param_initial[1,]=log(c(rep(0.5,6),sigma_0_2_ini))#method='L-BFGS-B', }else if(model_name=='OU+FBM_anisotropic'){ param_initial=matrix(NA,1,9) #include B param_initial[1,]=log(c(rep(c(1,1,0.5,2),2),sigma_0_2_ini))#method='L-BFGS-B', }else if(model_name == 'user_defined_anisotropic'){ param_initial = matrix(NA,1,2*num_param+1) #include B param_initial[1,] = log(c(rep(0.5,2*num_param),sigma_0_2_ini)) } return(param_initial) } #' Construct parameter transformation for optimization using exact gradient #' @description #' Construct parameter transformation for parameters to be optimized over in \code{AIUQ} #' method of \code{SAM} class. See 'References'. #' #' @param theta parameters to be optimized over #' @param d_input sequence of lag times #' @param model_name model name for the fitted model, options from ('BM','OU', #' 'FBM',OU+FBM','user_defined') #' #' @return A vector of transformed parameters to be optimized over in \code{AIUQ} #' method of \code{SAM} class. #' @export #' @author \packageAuthor{AIUQ} #' @references #' Gu, M., He, Y., Liu, X., & Luo, Y. (2023). Ab initio uncertainty #' quantification in scattering analysis of microscopy. #' arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.02468. #' #' Gu, M., Luo, Y., He, Y., Helgeson, M. E., & Valentine, M. T. (2021). #' Uncertainty quantification and estimation in differential dynamic microscopy. #' Physical Review E, 104(3), 034610. #' @keywords internal get_grad_trans<-function(theta,d_input,model_name){ if(model_name=='BM'||model_name=='BM_anisotropic'){ grad_trans = theta[1] }else if(model_name=='FBM'||model_name=='FBM_anisotropic'){ beta = theta[1] alpha = 2*theta[2]/(1+theta[2]) grad_trans = c(beta, alpha*(1-alpha/2)) }else if(model_name=='OU'||model_name=='OU_anisotropic'){ rho = theta[1]/(1+theta[1]) amplitude = theta[2] grad_trans = c(rho*(1-rho), amplitude) }else if(model_name=='OU+FBM'||model_name=='OU+FBM_anisotropic'){ rho = theta[1]/(1+theta[1]) amplitude = theta[2] beta = theta[3] alpha = 2*theta[4]/(1+theta[4]) grad_trans = c(rho*(1-rho), amplitude, beta, alpha*(1-alpha/2)) }else if(model_name=='user_defined'||model_name=='user_defined_anisotropic'){ grad_trans = theta }else if(model_name=='VFBM'||model_name=='VFBM_anisotropic'){ a = theta[1] b = theta[2] c = theta[3]/(1+theta[3]) d = theta[4]/(1+theta[4]) #grad_trans = c(a,b,c*(1-c),d*(1-d)) grad_trans = c(a,b,c/(1-c),d/(1-d)) } return(grad_trans) } #' Compute 95% confidence interval #' @description #' This function construct the lower and upper bound for 95% confidence interval #' of estimated parameters for the given model, including parameters contained #' in the intermediate scattering function and background noise. See 'References'. #' #' @param param_est a vector of natural logarithm of estimated parameters from #' maximize the log likelihood. This vector will serve as initial values in the #' \code{optim} function. #' @param I_q_cur Fourier transformed intensity profile #' @param B_cur current value of B. This parameter is determined by the noise #' in the system. See 'References'. #' @param index_q selected index of wave number #' @param I_o_q_2_ori absolute square of Fourier transformed intensity profile, #' ensemble over time #' @param q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index index for wave vector that give unique frequency #' @param sz frame size of the intensity profile #' @param len_t number of time steps #' @param q wave vector in unit of um^-1 #' @param d_input sequence of lag times #' @param model_name model name for the fitted model, options from ('BM','OU', #' 'FBM',OU+FBM','user_defined') #' @param estimation_method method for constructing 95% confidence interval, #' default is asymptotic #' @param M number of particles #' @param num_iteration_max the maximum number of iterations in \code{optim} #' @param lower_bound lower bound for the "L-BFGS-B" method in \code{optim} #' @param msd_grad_fn user defined MSD gradient structure, a function of #' \code{param} and \code{d_input} #' #' @return A matrix of lower and upper bound for natural logarithm of #' parameters in the fitted model using \code{AIUQ} method in \code{SAM} class #' @export #' @author \packageAuthor{AIUQ} #' @references #' Gu, M., He, Y., Liu, X., & Luo, Y. (2023). Ab initio uncertainty #' quantification in scattering analysis of microscopy. #' arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.02468. #' #' Gu, M., Luo, Y., He, Y., Helgeson, M. E., & Valentine, M. T. (2021). #' Uncertainty quantification and estimation in differential dynamic microscopy. #' Physical Review E, 104(3), 034610. #' #' Cerbino, R., & Trappe, V. (2008). Differential dynamic microscopy: probing #' wave vector dependent dynamics with a microscope. Physical review letters, #' 100(18), 188102. #' @keywords internal param_uncertainty<-function(param_est,I_q_cur,B_cur=NA,index_q, I_o_q_2_ori,q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index, sz,len_t,d_input,q,model_name, estimation_method='asymptotic',M, num_iteration_max,lower_bound,msd_fn=NA, msd_grad_fn=NA){ p = length(param_est)-1 q_lower=q-min(q) if(model_name == "user_defined"){ if(is.function(msd_grad_fn)==T){ gr = log_lik_grad }else{gr = NULL} }else{gr = log_lik_grad} #param_ini=param_est m_param_lower = try(optim(param_est,log_lik,gr = gr,I_q_cur=I_q_cur,B_cur=NA, index_q=index_q,I_o_q_2_ori=I_o_q_2_ori, q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index=q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index, method='L-BFGS-B',lower=lower_bound, control = list(fnscale=-1,maxit=num_iteration_max), sz=sz,len_t=len_t,d_input=d_input,q=q_lower, model_name=model_name,msd_fn=msd_fn, msd_grad_fn=msd_grad_fn),TRUE) if(class(m_param_lower)[1]=="try-error"){ compute_twice=T m_param_lower = try(optim(param_est+c(rep(0.5,p),0),log_lik,gr=gr, I_q_cur=I_q_cur,B_cur=NA, index_q=index_q,I_o_q_2_ori=I_o_q_2_ori, q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index=q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index, method='L-BFGS-B',lower=lower_bound, control = list(fnscale=-1,maxit=num_iteration_max), sz=sz,len_t=len_t,d_input=d_input,q=q_lower, model_name=model_name,msd_fn=msd_fn, msd_grad_fn=msd_grad_fn),TRUE) } q_upper=q+min(q) m_param_upper = try(optim(param_est,log_lik,gr=gr, I_q_cur=I_q_cur,B_cur=NA, index_q=index_q,I_o_q_2_ori=I_o_q_2_ori, q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index=q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index, method='L-BFGS-B',lower=lower_bound, control = list(fnscale=-1,maxit=num_iteration_max), sz=sz,len_t=len_t,d_input=d_input,q=q_upper, model_name=model_name,msd_fn=msd_fn, msd_grad_fn=msd_grad_fn),TRUE) if(class(m_param_upper)[1]=="try-error"){ compute_twice = T m_param_upper = try(optim(param_est+c(rep(0.5,p),0),log_lik,gr=gr, I_q_cur=I_q_cur,B_cur=NA, index_q=index_q,I_o_q_2_ori=I_o_q_2_ori, q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index=q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index, method='L-BFGS-B',lower=lower_bound, control = list(fnscale=-1,maxit=num_iteration_max), sz=sz,len_t=len_t,d_input=d_input,q=q_upper, model_name=model_name,msd_fn=msd_fn, msd_grad_fn=msd_grad_fn),TRUE) } param_range = matrix(NA,2,p+1) for(i in 1:(p+1) ){ param_range[1,i] = min(m_param_lower$par[i],m_param_upper$par[i]) param_range[2,i] = max(m_param_lower$par[i],m_param_upper$par[i]) } half_length_param_range_fft = (param_range[2,]-param_range[1,])/2 if(estimation_method=='asymptotic'){ theta = exp(param_est[-(p+1)]) ##first p parameters are parameters in ISF if({ ##this fix the dimension sigma_2_0_hat = exp(param_est[p+1]) ##noise B_cur = 2*sigma_2_0_hat } A_cur = abs(2*(I_o_q_2_ori - B_cur/2)) eta = B_cur/4 ##nugget MSD_list = get_MSD_with_grad(theta,d_input,model_name,msd_fn,msd_grad_fn) MSD = MSD_list$msd MSD_grad = MSD_list$msd_grad grad_trans = get_grad_trans(theta,d_input,model_name) Hessian_list = as.list(index_q) Hessian_sum = 0 for(i_q_selected in index_q){ q_selected=q[i_q_selected] sigma_2=A_cur[i_q_selected]/4 acf0=sigma_2*exp(-q_selected^2*MSD/4) ##assume 2d acf=acf0 acf[1] = acf[1]+eta ##for grad this is probably no adding acf=as.numeric(acf) Tz <- SuperGauss::Toeplitz$new(len_t,acf=acf) Hessian = matrix(NA,p+1,p+1) ##last one is acf_grad = matrix(NA,len_t,p+1) for(i_p in 1:p){ acf_grad[,i_p] = -acf0*q_selected^2/4* MSD_grad[,i_p]*grad_trans[i_p] } #acf_grad[,p+1]=(-acf0*0.5/sigma_2) acf_grad[,p+1]=(-acf0*0.5/sigma_2)*sign(I_o_q_2_ori[i_q_selected] - B_cur/2) acf_grad[1,p+1]= acf_grad[1,p+1]+0.5 acf_grad[,p+1]= acf_grad[,p+1]*sigma_2_0_hat for(i_p in 1:(p+1) ){ for(j_p in 1:(p+1) ){ Hessian[i_p,j_p]=Tz$trace_hess(as.numeric(acf_grad[,i_p]), as.numeric(acf_grad[,j_p]) ) } } #Hessian_list[[i_q_selected]]=Hessian Hessian_sum=Hessian_sum+Hessian*length(q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index[[i_q_selected]]) ###a litte more conservation is to say they are perfectly correlated in a ring #Hessian_sum=Hessian_sum+Hessian } Hessian_sum = Hessian_sum*M/sum(lengths(q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index[index_q])) if(kappa(Hessian_sum)>1e10){ epsilon <- 1e-6 Hessian_sum <- Hessian_sum + epsilon * diag(ncol(Hessian_sum)) } sd_theta_B = sqrt(diag(solve(Hessian_sum))) #sd_theta_B=sqrt(diag(Hessian_inv_sum/sum(lengths(q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index))^2 )) param_range[1,]=param_range[1,]-sd_theta_B*qnorm(0.975) ##this is 10 times larger to account for not estimating A and B correct and other misspecification param_range[2,]=param_range[2,]+sd_theta_B*qnorm(0.975) half_length_param_range_est = sd_theta_B*qnorm(0.975) } return(param_range) } #' Compute 95% confidence interval for anisotropic processes #' @description #' This function construct the lower and upper bound for 95% confidence interval #' of estimated parameters for the given anisotropic model, including parameters #' contained in the intermediate scattering function and background noise. #' See 'References'. #' #' @param param_est a vector of natural logarithm of estimated parameters from #' maximize the log likelihood. This vector will serve as initial values in the #' \code{optim} function. #' @param I_q_cur Fourier transformed intensity profile #' @param B_cur current value of B. This parameter is determined by the noise #' in the system. See 'References'. #' @param index_q selected index of wave number #' @param I_o_q_2_ori absolute square of Fourier transformed intensity profile, #' ensemble over time #' @param q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index index for wave vector that give unique frequency #' @param sz frame size of the intensity profile #' @param len_t number of time steps #' @param q1 wave vector in unit of um^-1 in x direction #' @param q2 wave vector in unit of um^-1 in y direction #' @param q1_unique_index index for wave vector that give unique frequency in x direction #' @param q2_unique_index index for wave vector that give unique frequency in y direction #' @param d_input sequence of lag times #' @param model_name model name for the fitted model, options from ('BM','OU', #' 'FBM',OU+FBM','user_defined') #' @param estimation_method method for constructing 95% confidence interval, #' default is asymptotic #' @param M number of particles #' @param num_iteration_max the maximum number of iterations in \code{optim} #' @param lower_bound lower bound for the "L-BFGS-B" method in \code{optim} #' @param msd_grad_fn user defined MSD gradient structure, a function of #' \code{param} and \code{d_input} #' #' @return A matrix of lower and upper bound for natural logarithm of #' parameters in the fitted model using \code{AIUQ} method in \code{SAM} class #' @export #' @author \packageAuthor{AIUQ} #' @references #' Gu, M., He, Y., Liu, X., & Luo, Y. (2023). Ab initio uncertainty #' quantification in scattering analysis of microscopy. #' arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.02468. #' #' Gu, M., Luo, Y., He, Y., Helgeson, M. E., & Valentine, M. T. (2021). #' Uncertainty quantification and estimation in differential dynamic microscopy. #' Physical Review E, 104(3), 034610. #' #' Cerbino, R., & Trappe, V. (2008). Differential dynamic microscopy: probing #' wave vector dependent dynamics with a microscope. Physical review letters, #' 100(18), 188102. #' @keywords internal param_uncertainty_anisotropic<-function(param_est,I_q_cur,B_cur=NA,index_q, I_o_q_2_ori,q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index, sz,len_t,d_input,q1,q2,q1_unique_index,q2_unique_index, model_name,estimation_method='asymptotic',M, num_iteration_max,lower_bound,msd_fn=NA, msd_grad_fn=NA){ p=(length(param_est)-1)/2 q1_lower=q1-min(q1) q2_lower=q2-min(q2) # if(model_name == "user_defined"){ # if(is.function(msd_grad_fn)==T){ # gr = log_lik_grad # }else{gr = NULL} # }else{gr = log_lik_grad} #param_ini=param_est m_param_lower = try(optim(param_est,anisotropic_log_lik,#gr = gr, I_q_cur=I_q_cur,B_cur=NA, index_q=index_q,I_o_q_2_ori=I_o_q_2_ori, q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index=q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index, method='L-BFGS-B',lower=lower_bound, control = list(fnscale=-1,maxit=num_iteration_max), sz=sz,len_t=len_t,d_input=d_input,q1=q1_lower, q2=q2_lower, q1_unique_index=q1_unique_index, q2_unique_index=q2_unique_index, model_name=model_name,msd_fn=msd_fn, msd_grad_fn=msd_grad_fn),TRUE) if(class(m_param_lower)[1]=="try-error"){ compute_twice=T m_param_lower = try(optim(param_est,anisotropic_log_lik,#gr = gr, I_q_cur=I_q_cur,B_cur=NA, index_q=index_q,I_o_q_2_ori=I_o_q_2_ori, q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index=q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index, method='L-BFGS-B',lower=lower_bound, control = list(fnscale=-1,maxit=num_iteration_max), sz=sz,len_t=len_t,d_input=d_input,q1=q1_lower, q2=q2_lower, q1_unique_index=q1_unique_index, q2_unique_index=q2_unique_index, model_name=model_name,msd_fn=msd_fn, msd_grad_fn=msd_grad_fn),TRUE) } q1_upper=q1+min(q1) q2_upper=q2+min(q2) m_param_upper = try(optim(param_est,anisotropic_log_lik, #gr=gr, I_q_cur=I_q_cur,B_cur=NA, index_q=index_q,I_o_q_2_ori=I_o_q_2_ori, q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index=q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index, method='L-BFGS-B',lower=lower_bound, control = list(fnscale=-1,maxit=num_iteration_max), sz=sz,len_t=len_t,d_input=d_input,q1=q1_upper, q2=q2_upper, q1_unique_index=q1_unique_index, q2_unique_index=q2_unique_index, model_name=model_name,msd_fn=msd_fn, msd_grad_fn=msd_grad_fn),TRUE) if(class(m_param_upper)[1]=="try-error"){ compute_twice = T m_param_upper = try(optim(param_est+c(rep(0.5,p),0),anisotropic_log_lik,#gr=gr, I_q_cur=I_q_cur,B_cur=NA, index_q=index_q,I_o_q_2_ori=I_o_q_2_ori, q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index=q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index, method='L-BFGS-B',lower=lower_bound, control = list(fnscale=-1,maxit=num_iteration_max), sz=sz,len_t=len_t,d_input=d_input,q1=q1_upper, q2=q2_upper, q1_unique_index=q1_unique_index, q2_unique_index=q2_unique_index, model_name=model_name,msd_fn=msd_fn, msd_grad_fn=msd_grad_fn),TRUE) } param_range = matrix(NA,2,2*p+1) for(i in 1:(2*p+1) ){ param_range[1,i] = min(m_param_lower$par[i],m_param_upper$par[i]) param_range[2,i] = max(m_param_lower$par[i],m_param_upper$par[i]) } half_length_param_range_fft = (param_range[2,]-param_range[1,])/2 if(estimation_method=='asymptotic'){ theta_x = exp(param_est[1:p]) ##first p parameters are parameters in ISF theta_y = exp(param_est[(p+1):(2*p)]) #theta = exp(param_est[-(p+1)]) if({ ##this fix the dimension sigma_2_0_hat = exp(param_est[2*p+1]) ##noise B_cur = 2*sigma_2_0_hat } A_cur = abs(2*(I_o_q_2_ori - B_cur/2)) eta = B_cur/4 ##nugget MSD_list_x = get_MSD_with_grad(theta_x,d_input,model_name,msd_fn,msd_grad_fn) MSD_x = MSD_list_x$msd MSD_grad_x = MSD_list_x$msd_grad MSD_list_y = get_MSD_with_grad(theta_y,d_input,model_name,msd_fn,msd_grad_fn) MSD_y = MSD_list_y$msd MSD_grad_y = MSD_list_y$msd_grad grad_trans_x = get_grad_trans(theta_x,d_input,model_name) grad_trans_y = get_grad_trans(theta_y,d_input,model_name) Hessian_list = as.list(index_q) Hessian_sum = 0 q1_zero_included=c(0,q1) q2_zero_included=c(0,q2) for(i_q_selected in index_q){ for(i_q_ori in 1:length(q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index[[i_q_selected]]) ){ #q_selected=q[i_q_selected] q1_unique_index_selected=q1_unique_index[[i_q_selected]][i_q_ori]+1 q2_unique_index_selected=q2_unique_index[[i_q_selected]][i_q_ori]+1 sigma_2=A_cur[i_q_selected]/4 #acf0=sigma_2*exp(-q_selected^2*MSD/4) ##assume 2d acf0 = sigma_2*exp(-(q1_zero_included[q1_unique_index_selected]^2*MSD_x+ q2_zero_included[q2_unique_index_selected]^2*MSD_y)/(2) ) ##assume 2d acf=acf0 acf[1] = acf[1]+eta ##for grad this is probably no adding acf=as.numeric(acf) Tz <- SuperGauss::Toeplitz$new(len_t,acf=acf) Hessian = matrix(NA,2*p+1,2*p+1) ##last one is acf_grad = matrix(NA,len_t,2*p+1) for(i_p in 1:p){ #acf_grad[,i_p] = -acf0*q_selected^2/4* MSD_grad[,i_p]*grad_trans[i_p] acf_grad[,i_p]=-acf0*q1_zero_included[q1_unique_index_selected]^2/2* MSD_grad_x[,i_p]*grad_trans_x[i_p] acf_grad[,p+i_p]=-acf0*q2_zero_included[q2_unique_index_selected]^2/2* MSD_grad_y[,i_p]*grad_trans_y[i_p] } #acf_grad[,p+1]=(-acf0*0.5/sigma_2) acf_grad[,2*p+1]=(-acf0*0.5/sigma_2)*sign(I_o_q_2_ori[i_q_selected] - B_cur/2) acf_grad[1,2*p+1]= acf_grad[1,2*p+1]+0.5 acf_grad[,2*p+1]= acf_grad[,2*p+1]*sigma_2_0_hat for(i_p in 1:(2*p+1) ){ for(j_p in 1:(2*p+1) ){ Hessian[i_p,j_p]=Tz$trace_hess(as.numeric(acf_grad[,i_p]), as.numeric(acf_grad[,j_p]) ) } } #Hessian_list[[i_q_selected]]=Hessian Hessian_sum=Hessian_sum+Hessian #length(q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index[[i_q_selected]]) ###a litte more conservation is to say they are perfectly correlated in a ring #Hessian_sum=Hessian_sum+Hessian } } Hessian_sum = Hessian_sum*M/sum(lengths(q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index[index_q])) if(kappa(Hessian_sum)>1e10){ epsilon <- 1e-6 Hessian_sum <- Hessian_sum + epsilon * diag(ncol(Hessian_sum)) } sd_theta_B = sqrt(diag(solve(Hessian_sum))) #sd_theta_B=sqrt(diag(Hessian_inv_sum/sum(lengths(q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index))^2 )) param_range[1,]=param_range[1,]-sd_theta_B*qnorm(0.975) ##this is 10 times larger to account for not estimating A and B correct and other misspecification param_range[2,]=param_range[2,]+sd_theta_B*qnorm(0.975) half_length_param_range_est = sd_theta_B*qnorm(0.975) } return(param_range) } #' Simulate 2D particle trajectory follows Brownian Motion #' #' @description #' Simulate 2D particle trajectory follows Brownian Motion (BM) for \code{M} #' particles. #' #' @param pos0 initial position for \code{M} particles, matrix with dimension M by 2 #' @param M number of particles #' @param len_t number of time steps #' @param sigma distance moved per time step #' #' @return Position matrix with dimension \code{M}\eqn{\times}{%\times}\code{len_t} #' by 2 for particle trajectory. The first \code{M} rows being the initial position #' \code{pos0}. #' #' @export #' @author \packageAuthor{AIUQ} #' @examples #' library(AIUQ) #' M = 10 #' len_t = 50 #' sigma = 0.5 #' pos0 = matrix(100/8+0.75*100*runif(M*2),nrow=M,ncol=2) #' pos = bm_particle_intensity(pos0=pos0,M=M,len_t=len_t,sigma=sigma) #' @keywords internal bm_particle_intensity <- function(pos0,M,len_t,sigma){ pos = matrix(NA,M*len_t,2) pos[1:M,] = pos0 for(i in 1:(len_t-1)){ pos[i*M+(1:M),] = pos[(i-1)*M+(1:M),]+matrix(rnorm(2*M,sd=sigma),M,2) } return(pos) } #' Simulate 2D particle trajectory follows anisotropic Brownian Motion #' #' @description #' Simulate 2D particle trajectory follows anisotropic Brownian Motion (BM) for #' \code{M} particles, with different step sizes in x, y-directions. #' #' @param pos0 initial position for \code{M} particles, matrix with dimension M by 2 #' @param M number of particles #' @param len_t number of time steps #' @param sigma distance moved per time step in x,y-directions, a vector of length 2 #' #' @return Position matrix with dimension \code{M}\eqn{\times}{%\times}\code{len_t} #' by 2 for particle trajectory. The first \code{M} rows being the initial position #' \code{pos0}. #' #' @export #' @author \packageAuthor{AIUQ} #' @examples #' library(AIUQ) #' M = 10 #' len_t = 50 #' sigma = c(0.5,0.1) #' pos0 = matrix(100/8+0.75*100*runif(M*2),nrow=M,ncol=2) #' pos = anisotropic_bm_particle_intensity(pos0=pos0,M=M,len_t=len_t,sigma=sigma) #' @keywords internal anisotropic_bm_particle_intensity <- function(pos0,M,len_t,sigma){ pos = matrix(NA,M*len_t,2) pos[1:M,] = pos0 for(i in 1:(len_t-1)){ pos[i*M+(1:M),1] = pos[(i-1)*M+(1:M),1]+matrix(rnorm(M,sd=sigma[1]),M,1) pos[i*M+(1:M),2] = pos[(i-1)*M+(1:M),2]+matrix(rnorm(M,sd=sigma[2]),M,1) } return(pos) } #' Simulate 2D particle trajectory follows OU process #' @description #' Simulate 2D particle trajectory follows Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process(OU) for #' \code{M} particles. #' #' @param pos0 initial position for \code{M} particles, matrix with dimension M by 2 #' @param M number of particles #' @param len_t number of time steps #' @param sigma distance moved per time step #' @param rho correlation between successive step and previous step, #' value between 0 and 1 #' #' @return Position matrix with dimension \code{M}\eqn{\times}{%\times}\code{len_t} #' by 2 for particle trajectory. The first \code{M} rows being the initial position #' \code{pos0}. #' #' @export #' @author \packageAuthor{AIUQ} #' @examples #' library(AIUQ) #' M = 10 #' len_t = 50 #' sigma = 2 #' rho = 0.95 #' pos0 = matrix(100/8+0.75*100*runif(M*2),nrow=M,ncol=2) #' pos = ou_particle_intensity(pos0=pos0,M=M,len_t=len_t,sigma=sigma, rho=rho) #' @keywords internal ou_particle_intensity <- function(pos0,M,len_t,sigma,rho){ pos = matrix(NA,M*len_t,2) pos[1:M,] = pos0+matrix(rnorm(2*M, sd=sigma),M,2) sd_innovation_OU = sqrt(sigma^2*(1-rho^2)) for(i in 1:(len_t-1)){ pos[i*M+(1:M),1] = rho*(pos[(i-1)*M+(1:M),1]-pos0[,1])+pos0[,1]+sd_innovation_OU*rnorm(M) pos[i*M+(1:M),2] = rho*(pos[(i-1)*M+(1:M),2]-pos0[,2])+pos0[,2]+sd_innovation_OU*rnorm(M) } return(pos) } #' Simulate 2D particle trajectory follows anisotropic OU process #' @description #' Simulate 2D particle trajectory follows anisotropic Ornstein–Uhlenbeck #' process(OU) for \code{M} particles, with different step sizes in x, y-directions. #' #' @param pos0 initial position for \code{M} particles, matrix with dimension M by 2 #' @param M number of particles #' @param len_t number of time steps #' @param sigma distance moved per time step in x, y-directions, a vector of length 2 #' @param rho correlation between successive step and previous step in x, y-directions, #' a vector of length 2 with values between 0 and 1 #' #' @return Position matrix with dimension \code{M}\eqn{\times}{%\times}\code{len_t} #' by 2 for particle trajectory. The first \code{M} rows being the initial position #' \code{pos0}. #' #' @export #' @author \packageAuthor{AIUQ} #' @examples #' library(AIUQ) #' M = 10 #' len_t = 50 #' sigma = c(2,2.5) #' rho = c(0.95,0.9) #' pos0 = matrix(100/8+0.75*100*runif(M*2),nrow=M,ncol=2) #' pos = anisotropic_ou_particle_intensity(pos0=pos0,M=M,len_t=len_t,sigma=sigma, rho=rho) #' @keywords internal anisotropic_ou_particle_intensity <- function(pos0,M,len_t,sigma,rho){ pos = matrix(NA,M*len_t,2) pos[1:M,1] = pos0[,1]+matrix(rnorm(M, sd=sigma[1]),M,1) pos[1:M,2] = pos0[,2]+matrix(rnorm(M, sd=sigma[2]),M,1) sd_innovation_OU_1 = sqrt(sigma[1]^2*(1-rho[1]^2)) sd_innovation_OU_2 = sqrt(sigma[2]^2*(1-rho[2]^2)) for(i in 1:(len_t-1)){ pos[i*M+(1:M),1] = rho[1]*(pos[(i-1)*M+(1:M),1]-pos0[,1])+pos0[,1]+sd_innovation_OU_1*matrix(rnorm(M),M,1) pos[i*M+(1:M),2] = rho[2]*(pos[(i-1)*M+(1:M),2]-pos0[,2])+pos0[,2]+sd_innovation_OU_2*matrix(rnorm(M),M,1) } return(pos) } #' Construct correlation matrix for FBM #' @description #' Construct correlation matrix for fractional Brownian motion. #' #' @param len_t number of time steps #' @param H Hurst parameter, value between 0 and 1 #' #' @return Correlation matrix with dimension \code{len_t-1} by \code{len_t-1}. #' @export #' @author \packageAuthor{AIUQ} #' #' @examples #' library(AIUQ) #' len_t = 50 #' H = 0.3 #' m = corr_fBM(len_t=len_t,H=H) #' @keywords internal # corr_fBM <- function(len_t,H){ # corr = matrix(NA, len_t, len_t) # for(i in 1:(len_t)){ # for(j in 1:(len_t)){ # corr[i,j] = 0.5*(i^(2*H)+j^(2*H)-abs(i-j)^(2*H)) # } # } # return(corr) # } corr_fBM <- function(len_t,H){ cov = matrix(NA, len_t-1, len_t-1) for(i in 0:(len_t-2)){ cov[i+1,] = 0.5*(abs(i-(0:(len_t-2))+1)^(2*H))+0.5*(abs(1-i+(0:(len_t-2)))^(2*H))-abs(i-(0:(len_t-2)))^(2*H) } return(cov) } #' Simulate 2D particle trajectory follows fBM #' @description #' Simulate 2D particle trajectory follows fraction Brownian Motion(fBM) for #' \code{M} particles. #' #' @param pos0 initial position for \code{M} particles, matrix with dimension M by 2 #' @param M number of particles #' @param len_t number of time steps #' @param sigma distance moved per time step #' @param H Hurst parameter, value between 0 and 1 #' #' @return Position matrix with dimension \code{M}\eqn{\times}{%\times}\code{len_t} #' by 2 for particle trajectory. The first \code{M} rows being the initial position #' \code{pos0}. #' #' @export #' @author \packageAuthor{AIUQ} #' @examples #' library(AIUQ) #' M = 10 #' len_t = 50 #' sigma = 2 #' H = 0.3 #' pos0 = matrix(100/8+0.75*100*runif(M*2),nrow=M,ncol=2) #' pos = fbm_particle_intensity(pos0=pos0,M=M,len_t=len_t,sigma=sigma,H=H) #' @keywords internal # fbm_particle_intensity <- function(pos0,M,len_t,sigma,H){ # pos = matrix(NA,M*len_t,2) # pos[,1] = rep(pos0[,1],len_t) # pos[,2] = rep(pos0[,2],len_t) # fBM_corr = corr_fBM(len_t,H) # L = t(chol(sigma^2*fBM_corr)) # pos[,1] = pos[,1]+as.numeric(t(L%*%matrix(rnorm((len_t)*M),nrow=len_t,ncol=M))) # pos[,2] = pos[,2]+as.numeric(t(L%*%matrix(rnorm((len_t)*M),nrow=len_t,ncol=M))) # return(pos) # } fbm_particle_intensity <- function(pos0,M,len_t,sigma,H){ pos = matrix(NA,M*len_t,2) pos[,1] = rep(pos0[,1],len_t) pos[,2] = rep(pos0[,2],len_t) fBM_corr = corr_fBM(len_t,H) L = t(chol(sigma^2*fBM_corr)) increments1 = L%*%matrix(rnorm((len_t-1)*M),nrow=len_t-1,ncol=M) increments2 = L%*%matrix(rnorm((len_t-1)*M),nrow=len_t-1,ncol=M) pos[(M+1):(M*len_t),1] = pos[(M+1):(M*len_t),1]+as.numeric(t(apply(increments1,2,cumsum))) pos[(M+1):(M*len_t),2] = pos[(M+1):(M*len_t),2]+as.numeric(t(apply(increments2,2,cumsum))) return(pos) } #' Simulate 2D particle trajectory follows anisotropic fBM #' @description #' Simulate 2D particle trajectory follows anisotropic fraction Brownian Motion(fBM) for #' \code{M} particles, with different step sizes in x, y-directions. #' #' @param pos0 initial position for \code{M} particles, matrix with dimension M by 2 #' @param M number of particles #' @param len_t number of time steps #' @param sigma distance moved per time step in x, y-directions, a vector of length 2 #' @param H Hurst parameter in x, y-directions, a vector of length 2, value #' between 0 and 1 #' #' @return Position matrix with dimension \code{M}\eqn{\times}{%\times}\code{len_t} #' by 2 for particle trajectory. The first \code{M} rows being the initial position #' \code{pos0}. #' #' @export #' @author \packageAuthor{AIUQ} #' @examples #' library(AIUQ) #' M = 10 #' len_t = 50 #' sigma = c(2,1) #' H = c(0.3,0.4) #' pos0 = matrix(100/8+0.75*100*runif(M*2),nrow=M,ncol=2) #' pos = anisotropic_fbm_particle_intensity(pos0=pos0,M=M,len_t=len_t,sigma=sigma,H=H) #' @keywords internal anisotropic_fbm_particle_intensity <- function(pos0,M,len_t,sigma,H){ pos = matrix(NA,M*len_t,2) pos[,1] = rep(pos0[,1],len_t) pos[,2] = rep(pos0[,2],len_t) fBM_corr1 = corr_fBM(len_t,H[1]) L1 = t(chol(sigma[1]^2*fBM_corr1)) fBM_corr2 = corr_fBM(len_t,H[2]) L2 = t(chol(sigma[2]^2*fBM_corr2)) increments1 = L1%*%matrix(rnorm((len_t-1)*M),nrow=len_t-1,ncol=M) increments2 = L2%*%matrix(rnorm((len_t-1)*M),nrow=len_t-1,ncol=M) pos[(M+1):(M*len_t),1] = pos[(M+1):(M*len_t),1]+as.numeric(t(apply(increments1,2,cumsum))) pos[(M+1):(M*len_t),2] = pos[(M+1):(M*len_t),2]+as.numeric(t(apply(increments2,2,cumsum))) return(pos) } #' Simulate 2D particle trajectory follows fBM plus OU #' @description #' Simulate 2D particle trajectory follows fraction Brownian Motion(fBM) plus a #' Ornstein–Uhlenbeck(OU) process for \code{M} particles. #' #' @param pos0 initial position for \code{M} particles, matrix with dimension M by 2 #' @param M number of particles #' @param len_t number of time steps #' @param sigma_fbm distance moved per time step in fractional Brownian Motion #' @param sigma_ou distance moved per time step in Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process #' @param H Hurst parameter of fractional Brownian Motion, value between 0 and 1 #' @param rho correlation between successive step and previous step in OU process, #' value between 0 and 1 #' #' @return Position matrix with dimension \code{M}\eqn{\times}{%\times}\code{len_t} #' by 2 for particle trajectory. The first \code{M} rows being the initial position #' \code{pos0}. #' #' @export #' @author \packageAuthor{AIUQ} #' @examples #' library(AIUQ) #' M = 10 #' len_t = 50 #' sigma_fbm = 2 #' H = 0.3 #' sigma_ou = 2 #' rho = 0.95 #' pos0 = matrix(100/8+0.75*100*runif(M*2),nrow=M,ncol=2) #' #' pos = fbm_ou_particle_intensity(pos0=pos0, M=M, len_t=len_t, #' sigma_fbm=sigma_fbm, sigma_ou=sigma_ou, H=H, rho=rho) #' @keywords internal # fbm_ou_particle_intensity <- function(pos0,M,len_t,sigma_fbm,sigma_ou,H,rho){ # pos_ou = matrix(NA,M*len_t,2) # pos_fbm = matrix(NA,M*len_t,2) # # pos0 = pos0 + matrix(rnorm(2*M, sd=sigma_ou),M,2) # pos_ou[1:M,] = pos0 # sd_innovation_OU=sqrt(sigma_ou^2*(1-rho^2)) # # for(i in 1:(len_t-1)){ # pos_ou[i*M+(1:M),] = rho*(pos_ou[(i-1)*M+(1:M),]-pos0)+pos0+ # sd_innovation_OU*matrix(rnorm(2*M),M,2) # } # # # fBM_corr = corr_fBM(len_t,H) # L = t(chol(sigma_fbm^2*fBM_corr)) # pos_fbm[,1] = as.numeric(t(L%*%matrix(rnorm((len_t)*M),nrow=len_t,ncol=M))) # pos_fbm[,2] = as.numeric(t(L%*%matrix(rnorm((len_t)*M),nrow=len_t,ncol=M))) # pos = pos_ou+pos_fbm # # return(pos) # } fbm_ou_particle_intensity <- function(pos0,M,len_t,sigma_fbm,sigma_ou,H,rho){ pos1 = matrix(NA,M*len_t,2) pos2 = matrix(NA,M*len_t,2) pos = matrix(NA,M*len_t,2) pos0 = pos0 + matrix(rnorm(2*M, sd=sigma_ou),M,2) pos[1:M,] = pos0 pos1[1:M,] = pos0 sd_innovation_OU=sqrt(sigma_ou^2*(1-rho^2)) for(i in 1:(len_t-1)){ pos1[i*M+(1:M),] = rho*(pos1[(i-1)*M+(1:M),]-pos0)+pos0+sd_innovation_OU*matrix(rnorm(2*M),M,2) } pos2[,1] = rep(pos0[,1],len_t) pos2[,2] = rep(pos0[,2],len_t) fBM_corr = corr_fBM(len_t,H) L = t(chol(sigma_fbm^2*fBM_corr)) increments1 = L%*%matrix(rnorm((len_t-1)*M),nrow=len_t-1,ncol=M) increments2 = L%*%matrix(rnorm((len_t-1)*M),nrow=len_t-1,ncol=M) pos2[(M+1):(M*len_t),1] = pos2[(M+1):(M*len_t),1]+as.numeric(t(apply(increments1,2,cumsum))) pos2[(M+1):(M*len_t),2] = pos2[(M+1):(M*len_t),2]+as.numeric(t(apply(increments2,2,cumsum))) pos = pos1+pos2 - cbind(rep(pos0[,1],len_t), rep(pos0[,2],len_t)) return(pos) } #' Simulate 2D particle trajectory follows anisotropic fBM plus OU #' @description #' Simulate 2D particle trajectory follows anisotropic fraction Brownian #' Motion(fBM) plus a Ornstein–Uhlenbeck(OU) process for \code{M} particles, #' with different step sizes in x, y-directions. #' #' @param pos0 initial position for \code{M} particles, matrix with dimension M by 2 #' @param M number of particles #' @param len_t number of time steps #' @param sigma_fbm distance moved per time step in fractional Brownian Motion #' in x, y-directions, a vector of length 2 #' @param sigma_ou distance moved per time step in Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process #' in x, y-directions, a vector of length 2 #' @param H Hurst parameter of fractional Brownian Motion in x, y-directions, #' a vector of length 2 with values between 0 and 1 #' @param rho correlation between successive step and previous step in OU process #' in x, y-directions, a vector of length 2 with values between 0 and 1 #' #' @return Position matrix with dimension \code{M}\eqn{\times}{%\times}\code{len_t} #' by 2 for particle trajectory. The first \code{M} rows being the initial position #' \code{pos0}. #' #' @export #' @author \packageAuthor{AIUQ} #' @examples #' library(AIUQ) #' M = 10 #' len_t = 50 #' sigma_fbm = c(2,1) #' H = c(0.3,0.4) #' sigma_ou = c(2,2.5) #' rho = c(0.95,0.9) #' pos0 = matrix(100/8+0.75*100*runif(M*2),nrow=M,ncol=2) #' #' pos = anisotropic_fbm_ou_particle_intensity(pos0=pos0, M=M, len_t=len_t, #' sigma_fbm=sigma_fbm, sigma_ou=sigma_ou, H=H, rho=rho) #' @keywords internal anisotropic_fbm_ou_particle_intensity <- function(pos0,M,len_t,sigma_fbm,sigma_ou,H,rho){ pos1 = matrix(NA,M*len_t,2) pos2 = matrix(NA,M*len_t,2) pos = matrix(NA,M*len_t,2) pos0[,1] = pos0[,1] + matrix(rnorm(M, sd=sigma_ou[1]),M,1) pos0[,2] = pos0[,2] + matrix(rnorm(M, sd=sigma_ou[2]),M,1) pos[1:M,] = pos0 pos1[1:M,] = pos0 sd_innovation_OU_1=sqrt(sigma_ou[1]^2*(1-rho[1]^2)) sd_innovation_OU_2=sqrt(sigma_ou[2]^2*(1-rho[2]^2)) for(i in 1:(len_t-1)){ pos1[i*M+(1:M),1] = rho*(pos1[(i-1)*M+(1:M),1]-pos0[,1])+pos0[,1]+sd_innovation_OU_1*matrix(rnorm(M),M,1) pos1[i*M+(1:M),2] = rho*(pos1[(i-1)*M+(1:M),2]-pos0[,2])+pos0[,2]+sd_innovation_OU_2*matrix(rnorm(M),M,1) } pos2[,1] = rep(pos0[,1],len_t) pos2[,2] = rep(pos0[,2],len_t) fBM_corr1 = corr_fBM(len_t,H[1]) L1 = t(chol(sigma_fbm[1]^2*fBM_corr1)) fBM_corr2 = corr_fBM(len_t,H[2]) L2 = t(chol(sigma_fbm[2]^2*fBM_corr2)) increments1 = L1%*%matrix(rnorm((len_t-1)*M),nrow=len_t-1,ncol=M) increments2 = L2%*%matrix(rnorm((len_t-1)*M),nrow=len_t-1,ncol=M) pos2[(M+1):(M*len_t),1] = pos2[(M+1):(M*len_t),1]+as.numeric(t(apply(increments1,2,cumsum))) pos2[(M+1):(M*len_t),2] = pos2[(M+1):(M*len_t),2]+as.numeric(t(apply(increments2,2,cumsum))) pos = pos1+pos2 - cbind(rep(pos0[,1],len_t), rep(pos0[,2],len_t)) return(pos) } #' Construct intensity profile for a given particle trajectory #' @description #' Construct intensity profile with structure 'T_SS_mat' for a given particle #' trajectory, background intensity profile, and user defined radius of particle. #' #' @param len_t number of time steps #' @param M number of particles #' @param I background intensity profile. See 'Details'. #' @param pos position matrix for particle trajectory #' @param Ic vector of maximum intensity of each particle #' @param sz frame size of simulated square image #' @param sigma_p radius of the spherical particle (3sigma_p) #' #' @return Intensity profile matrix with structure 'T_SS_mat' (matrix with #' dimension \code{len_t} by \code{sz}\eqn{\times}{%\times}\code{sz}). #' @details #' Input \code{I} should has structure 'T_SS_mat', matrix with dimension #' \code{len_t} by \code{sz}\eqn{\times}{%\times}\code{sz}. #' #' Input \code{pos} should be the position matrix with dimension #' \code{M}\eqn{\times}{%\times}\code{len_t}. See \code{\link{bm_particle_intensity}}, #' \code{\link{ou_particle_intensity}}, \code{\link{fbm_particle_intensity}}, #' \code{\link{fbm_ou_particle_intensity}}. #' #' @export #' @author \packageAuthor{AIUQ} #' @references #' Gu, M., He, Y., Liu, X., & Luo, Y. (2023). Ab initio uncertainty #' quantification in scattering analysis of microscopy. #' arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.02468. #' #' Gu, M., Luo, Y., He, Y., Helgeson, M. E., & Valentine, M. T. (2021). #' Uncertainty quantification and estimation in differential dynamic microscopy. #' Physical Review E, 104(3), 034610. #' @keywords internal fill_intensity <- function(len_t, M, I, pos, Ic, sz, sigma_p){ for(i in 1:len_t){ for(j in 1:M){ xp = pos[j+M*(i-1),1] yp = pos[j+M*(i-1),2] x_range = floor(xp-3*sigma_p):ceiling(xp+3*sigma_p) y_range = floor(yp-3*sigma_p):ceiling(yp+3*sigma_p) x = rep(x_range,length(x_range)) y = rep(y_range,each=length(x_range)) dist_2 = (x-xp)^2+(y-yp)^2 binary_result = (dist_2<=((3*sigma_p)^2)) Ip = Ic[j]*exp(-dist_2 / (2*sigma_p^2)) x_fill = x[binary_result] y_fill = y[binary_result] index_fill = y_fill+sz[1]*(x_fill-1) Ip_fill = Ip[binary_result] legitimate_index = (index_fill>0) & (index_fill<(sz[1]*sz[2])) if (length(legitimate_index) > 0){ I[i,index_fill[legitimate_index]] = I[i,index_fill[legitimate_index]]+Ip_fill[legitimate_index] } } } return(I) } #' Compute numerical MSD #' @description #' Compute numerical mean squared displacement(MSD) based on particle trajectory. #' #' #' @param pos position matrix for particle trajectory. See 'Details'. #' @param M number of particles #' @param len_t number of time steps #' #' @return A vector of numerical MSD for given lag times. #' @details #' Input \code{pos} should be the position matrix with dimension #' \code{M}\eqn{\times}{%\times}\code{len_t}. See \code{\link{bm_particle_intensity}}, #' \code{\link{ou_particle_intensity}}, \code{\link{fbm_particle_intensity}}, #' \code{\link{fbm_ou_particle_intensity}}. #' #' @export #' @author \packageAuthor{AIUQ} #' @examples #' library(AIUQ) #' # Simulate particle trajectory for BM #' M = 10 #' len_t = 50 #' sigma = 0.5 #' pos0 = matrix(100/8+0.75*100*runif(M*2),nrow=M,ncol=2) #' pos = bm_particle_intensity(pos0=pos0,M=M,len_t=len_t,sigma=sigma) #' #' # Compute numerical MSD #' (num_msd = numerical_msd(pos=pos, M=M, len_t = len_t)) #' @keywords internal numerical_msd <- function(pos, M,len_t){ pos_msd = array(pos, dim=c(M, len_t, 2)) msd_i = matrix(NaN,nrow=M,ncol=len_t-1) for(dt in 1:(len_t-1)){ ndt = len_t-dt xdiff = pos_msd[,1:ndt,1]-pos_msd[,(1+dt):(ndt+dt),1] ydiff = pos_msd[,1:ndt,2]-pos_msd[,(1+dt):(ndt+dt),2] mean_square = xdiff^2+ydiff^2 if (length(dim(mean_square))>1){ msd_i[,dt] = apply(mean_square,1,function(x){mean(x,na.rm=T)}) }else{msd_i[,dt] = mean_square} } #result_list = list() num_msd_mean = apply(msd_i,2,function(x){mean(x,na.rm=T)}) #result_list$num_msd_mean = num_msd_mean #result_list$num_msd = msd_i num_msd_mean = c(0,num_msd_mean) return(num_msd_mean) } #' Compute anisotropic numerical MSD #' @description #' Compute numerical mean squared displacement(MSD) based on particle trajectory #' for anisotropic processes in x,y-directions separately. #' #' #' @param pos position matrix for particle trajectory. See 'Details'. #' @param M number of particles #' @param len_t number of time steps #' #' @return A matrix of numerical MSD for given lag times in x,y-directions, #' dimension 2 by \code{len_t}. #' @details #' Input \code{pos} should be the position matrix with dimension #' \code{M}\eqn{\times}{%\times}\code{len_t}. See \code{\link{bm_particle_intensity}}, #' \code{\link{ou_particle_intensity}}, \code{\link{fbm_particle_intensity}}, #' \code{\link{fbm_ou_particle_intensity}}. #' #' @export #' @author \packageAuthor{AIUQ} #' @examples #' library(AIUQ) #' # Simulate particle trajectory for BM #' M = 10 #' len_t = 50 #' sigma = c(0.5,0.1) #' pos0 = matrix(100/8+0.75*100*runif(M*2),nrow=M,ncol=2) #' pos = anisotropic_bm_particle_intensity(pos0=pos0,M=M,len_t=len_t,sigma=sigma) #' #' # Compute numerical MSD #' (num_msd = anisotropic_numerical_msd(pos=pos, M=M, len_t=len_t)) #' @keywords internal anisotropic_numerical_msd <- function(pos, M,len_t){ pos_msd = array(pos, dim=c(M, len_t, 2)) msd_x_i = matrix(NaN,nrow=M,ncol=len_t-1) msd_y_i = matrix(NaN,nrow=M,ncol=len_t-1) num_msd_mean = matrix(NaN, nrow=len_t,ncol=2) num_msd_mean[1,] = c(0,0) for(dt in 1:(len_t-1)){ ndt = len_t-dt xdiff = pos_msd[,1:ndt,1]-pos_msd[,(1+dt):(ndt+dt),1] ydiff = pos_msd[,1:ndt,2]-pos_msd[,(1+dt):(ndt+dt),2] mean_square_x = xdiff^2 mean_square_y = ydiff^2 if (length(dim(mean_square_x))>1){ msd_x_i[,dt] = apply(mean_square_x,1,function(x){mean(x,na.rm=T)}) }else{msd_x_i[,dt] = mean_square_x} if (length(dim(mean_square_y))>1){ msd_y_i[,dt] = apply(mean_square_y,1,function(x){mean(x,na.rm=T)}) }else{msd_y_i[,dt] = mean_square_y} } #result_list = list() num_msd_mean[-1,1] = apply(msd_x_i,2,function(x){mean(x,na.rm=T)}) num_msd_mean[-1,2] = apply(msd_y_i,2,function(x){mean(x,na.rm=T)}) return(num_msd_mean) } #' Plot 2D particle trajectory #' @description #' Function to plot the particle trajectory after the \code{simulation} class #' has been constructed. #' #' @param object an S4 object of class \code{simulation} #' @param title main title of the plot. If \code{NA}, title is "model_name with #' M particles" with \code{model_name} and \code{M} being field in \code{simulation} #' class. #' #' @return 2D plot of particle trajectory for a given simulation from \code{simulation} #' class. #' #' @export #' @author \packageAuthor{AIUQ} #' @examples #' library(AIUQ) #' sim_bm = simulation(sz=100,len_t=100,sigma_bm=0.5) #' show(sim_bm) #' plot_traj(sim_bm) plot_traj<- function(object, title=NA){ if(class(object)[1]=="simulation" || class(object)[1]=="aniso_simulation"){ if({ if(class(object)[1]=="simulation"){title=paste(object@model_name,"with",object@M,"particles") }else if(class(object)[1]=="aniso_simulation"){ title=paste("Anisotropic",object@model_name,"with",object@M,"particles") } } # highlight start and end point? traj1 = object@pos[seq(1,dim(object@pos)[1],by=object@M),] # change plot as 0,0 to be the top left corner #plot(traj1[,1],object@sz[1]-traj1[,2],ylim=c(0,object@sz[1]), plot(traj1[,1],traj1[,2],ylim=c(0,object@sz[1]), xlim=c(0,object@sz[2]),type="l",col=1,xlab="frame size",ylab="frame size", main=title) for (i in 2:object@M){ v = object@pos[seq(i,dim(object@pos)[1],by=object@M),] lines(v[,1],v[,2],ylim=c(0,object@sz[1]), xlim=c(0,object@sz[2]),type="l", col=i) } }else{ stop("Please input a simulation or aniso_simulation class object. \n") } } #' Show simulation object #' @description #' Function to print the \code{simulation} class object after the \code{simulation} #' model has been constructed. #' #' @param object an S4 object of class \code{simulation} #' #' @return Show a list of important parameters in class \code{simulation}. #' @export #' @author \packageAuthor{AIUQ} #' @examples #' library(AIUQ) #' #' # Simulate simple diffusion for 100 images with 100 by 100 pixels #' sim_bm = simulation(sz=100,len_t=100,sigma_bm=0.5) #' show(sim_bm) #' @references #' Gu, M., He, Y., Liu, X., & Luo, Y. (2023). Ab initio uncertainty #' quantification in scattering analysis of microscopy. #' arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.02468. #' #' Gu, M., Luo, Y., He, Y., Helgeson, M. E., & Valentine, M. T. (2021). #' Uncertainty quantification and estimation in differential dynamic microscopy. #' Physical Review E, 104(3), 034610. show.simulation <- function(object){ cat("Frame size: ",object@sz, "\n") cat("Number of time steps: ",object@len_t, "\n") cat("Number of particles: ",object@M, "\n") cat("Stochastic process: ",object@model_name, "\n") cat("Variance of background noise: ",object@sigma_2_0, "\n") if(object@model_name == "BM"){ cat("sigma_bm: ",object@param, "\n") }else if(object@model_name == "OU"){ cat("(rho, sigma_ou): ",object@param,"\n") }else if(object@model_name == "FBM"){ cat("(sigma_fbm, Hurst parameter): ",object@param, "\n") }else if(object@model_name == "OU+FBM"){ cat("(rho, sigma_ou,sigma_fbm, Hurst parameter): ",object@param, "\n") } } #' Show anisotropic simulation object #' @description #' Function to print the \code{aniso_simulation} class object after the #' \code{aniso_simulation} model has been constructed. #' #' @param object an S4 object of class \code{aniso_simulation} #' #' @return Show a list of important parameters in class \code{aniso_simulation}. #' @export #' @author \packageAuthor{AIUQ} #' @examples #' library(AIUQ) #' #' # Simulate simple diffusion for 100 images with 100 by 100 pixels #' aniso_sim_bm = aniso_simulation(sz=100,len_t=100,sigma_bm=c(0.5,0.1)) #' show(aniso_sim_bm) #' @references #' Gu, M., He, Y., Liu, X., & Luo, Y. (2023). Ab initio uncertainty #' quantification in scattering analysis of microscopy. #' arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.02468. #' #' Gu, M., Luo, Y., He, Y., Helgeson, M. E., & Valentine, M. T. (2021). #' Uncertainty quantification and estimation in differential dynamic microscopy. #' Physical Review E, 104(3), 034610. show.aniso_simulation <- function(object){ cat("Frame size: ",object@sz, "\n") cat("Number of time steps: ",object@len_t, "\n") cat("Number of particles: ",object@M, "\n") cat("Stochastic process: ",object@model_name, "\n") cat("Variance of background noise: ",object@sigma_2_0, "\n") if(object@model_name == "BM"){ cat("sigma_bm: ",object@param, "\n") }else if(object@model_name == "OU"){ cat("(rho, sigma_ou): ",object@param,"\n") }else if(object@model_name == "FBM"){ cat("(sigma_fbm, Hurst parameter): ",object@param, "\n") }else if(object@model_name == "OU+FBM"){ cat("(rho, sigma_ou,sigma_fbm, Hurst parameter): ",object@param, "\n") } } #' Show scattering analysis of microscopy (SAM) object #' @description #' Function to print the \code{SAM} class object after the \code{SAM} model has #' been constructed. #' #' @param object an S4 object of class \code{SAM} #' #' @return Show a list of important parameters in class \code{SAM}. #' @export #' @author \packageAuthor{AIUQ} #' @examples #' library(AIUQ) #' #' ## Simulate BM and get estimated parameters using BM model #' # Simulation #' sim_bm = simulation(sz=100,len_t=100,sigma_bm=0.5) #' show(sim_bm) #' #' # AIUQ method: fitting using BM model #' sam = SAM(sim_object=sim_bm) #' show(sam) #' #' @references #' Gu, M., He, Y., Liu, X., & Luo, Y. (2023). Ab initio uncertainty #' quantification in scattering analysis of microscopy. #' arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.02468. #' #' Gu, M., Luo, Y., He, Y., Helgeson, M. E., & Valentine, M. T. (2021). #' Uncertainty quantification and estimation in differential dynamic microscopy. #' Physical Review E, 104(3), 034610. show.sam <- function(object){ cat("Fitted model: ",object@model_name, "\n") cat("Number of q ring: ",object@len_q, "\n") cat("Index of wave number selected: ",object@index_q, "\n") cat("True parameters in the model: ",object@param_truth, "\n") cat("Estimated parameters in the model: ",object@param_est, "\n") cat("True variance of background noise: ",object@sigma_2_0_truth, "\n") cat("Estimated variance of background noise: ",object@sigma_2_0_est, "\n") if(object@method=="AIUQ"){ cat("Maximum log likelihood value: ",object@mle, "\n") cat("Akaike information criterion score: ",object@AIC, "\n") } } #' Show scattering analysis of microscopy for anisotropic processes (aniso_SAM) object #' @description #' Function to print the \code{aniso_SAM} class object after the #' \code{aniso_SAM} model has been constructed. #' #' @param object an S4 object of class \code{aniso_SAM} #' #' @return Show a list of important parameters in class \code{aniso_SAM}. #' @export #' @author \packageAuthor{AIUQ} #' @examples #' library(AIUQ) #' #' ## Simulate BM and get estimated parameters using BM model #' # Simulation #' aniso_sim_bm = aniso_simulation(sz=100,len_t=100,sigma_bm=c(0.5,0.3)) #' show(aniso_sim_bm) #' #' # AIUQ method: fitting using BM model #' aniso_sam = aniso_SAM(sim_object=aniso_sim_bm, AIUQ_thr=c(0.99,0)) #' show(aniso_sam) #' #' @references #' Gu, M., He, Y., Liu, X., & Luo, Y. (2023). Ab initio uncertainty #' quantification in scattering analysis of microscopy. #' arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.02468. #' #' Gu, M., Luo, Y., He, Y., Helgeson, M. E., & Valentine, M. T. (2021). #' Uncertainty quantification and estimation in differential dynamic microscopy. #' Physical Review E, 104(3), 034610. show.aniso_sam <- function(object){ cat("Fitted model: ",object@model_name, "\n") cat("Number of q ring: ",object@len_q, "\n") cat("Index of wave number selected: ",object@index_q, "\n") cat("True parameters in the model: ",object@param_truth, "\n") cat("Estimated parameters in the model: ",object@param_est, "\n") cat("True variance of background noise: ",object@sigma_2_0_truth, "\n") cat("Estimated variance of background noise: ",object@sigma_2_0_est, "\n") if(object@method=="AIUQ"){ cat("Maximum log likelihood value: ",object@mle, "\n") cat("Akaike information criterion score: ",object@AIC, "\n") } } #' Plot estimated MSD with uncertainty from SAM class #' @description #' Function to plot estimated MSD with uncertainty from \code{SAM} class, versus #' true mean squared displacement(MSD) or given reference values. #' #' @param object an S4 object of class \code{SAM} #' @param msd_truth a vector/matrix of true MSD or reference MSD value, #' default is \code{NA} #' @param title main title of the plot. If \code{NA}, title is "model_name" with #' \code{model_name} being a field in \code{SAM} class representing fitted model. #' @param log10 a logical evaluating to TRUE or FALSE indicating whether a plot #' in log10 scale is generated #' #' @return A plot of estimated MSD with uncertainty versus truth/reference values. #' @export #' @author \packageAuthor{AIUQ} #' @examples #' library(AIUQ) #' #' ## Simulate BM and get estimated parameters with uncertainty using BM model #' # Simulation #' set.seed(1) #' sim_bm = simulation(sz=100,len_t=100,sigma_bm=0.5) #' show(sim_bm) #' #' # AIUQ method: fitting using BM model #' sam = SAM(sim_object=sim_bm, uncertainty=TRUE,AIUQ_thr=c(0.999,0)) #' show(sam) #' #' plot_MSD(object=sam, msd_truth=sam@msd_truth) #in log10 scale #' plot_MSD(object=sam, msd_truth=sam@msd_truth,log10=FALSE) #in real scale #' #' @references #' Gu, M., He, Y., Liu, X., & Luo, Y. (2023). Ab initio uncertainty #' quantification in scattering analysis of microscopy. #' arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.02468. #' #' Gu, M., Luo, Y., He, Y., Helgeson, M. E., & Valentine, M. T. (2021). #' Uncertainty quantification and estimation in differential dynamic microscopy. #' Physical Review E, 104(3), 034610. plot_MSD<-function(object, msd_truth=NA, title=NA, log10=TRUE){ if(class(object)[1]=='SAM'){ if({title=paste(object@model_name)} if(![1]){ len_t = min(length(msd_truth),length(object@d_input)) msd_truth_here = msd_truth[2:len_t] if(log10==T){ plot(log10(object@d_input[2:len_t]),log10(msd_truth_here), type='l',col='black',ylab='log10(MSD)', xlab=expression(paste("log10(", Delta, "t)",sep="")), main=title, lwd=2,lty=1, ylim = c(log10(min(msd_truth_here)),log10(max(msd_truth_here))*1.1), mgp=c(2.5,1,0)) if(![1]){ polygon(log10(c(object@d_input[-1],rev(object@d_input[-1]))), log10(c(object@msd_upper[-1],rev(object@msd_lower[-1]))), col = "grey80", border = F) } lines(log10(object@d_input[-1]),log10(object@msd_est[-1]),type='p', col='blue', pch=20, cex=0.8) lines(log10(object@d_input[2:len_t]),log10(msd_truth_here), type='l',col='black',lwd=2) legend('topleft',lty=c(1,NA),pch=c(NA,20),col=c('black','blue'), legend=c('Reference','SAM'),lwd=c(2,2), cex=0.7) }else{ plot(object@d_input[2:len_t],msd_truth_here,type='l',col='black', ylab='MSD',xlab=expression(Delta~t),main=title,lwd=2,lty=1, ylim = c(0,max(msd_truth_here)*1.2),mgp=c(2.5,1,0)) if(![1]){ polygon(c(object@d_input[-1],rev(object@d_input[-1])), c(object@msd_upper[-1],rev(object@msd_lower[-1])), col = "grey80", border = F) } lines(object@d_input[-1],object@msd_est[-1],type='p',col='blue', pch=20, cex=0.8) lines(object@d_input[2:len_t],msd_truth_here,type='l',col='black',lwd=2) legend('topleft',lty=c(1,NA),pch=c(NA,20), col=c('black','blue'), legend=c('Reference','SAM'),lwd=c(2,2), cex=0.7) } }else{ if(log10==T){ plot(log10(object@d_input[-1]),log10(object@msd_est[-1]),type='p', col='blue', pch=20, cex=0.8,ylab='log10(MSD)', xlab=expression(paste("log10(", Delta, "t)",sep="")),main=title, lwd=2,lty=1, ylim = c(log10(min(object@msd_est[-1])),log10(max(object@msd_est))*1.2), mgp=c(2.5,1,0)) if(![1]){ polygon(log10(c(object@d_input[-1],rev(object@d_input[-1]))), log10(c(object@msd_upper[-1],rev(object@msd_lower[-1]))), col = "grey80", border = F) } lines(log10(object@d_input[-1]),log10(object@msd_est[-1]),type='p',col='blue', pch=20, cex=0.8) legend('topleft',pch=20, lty=NA,col=c('blue'), legend=c('SAM'),lwd=c(2), cex=0.7) }else{ plot(object@d_input[-1],object@msd_est[-1],type='p',col='blue', pch=20, cex=0.8, ylab='MSD',xlab=expression(Delta~t),main=title,lwd=2,lty=1, ylim = c(0,max(object@msd_est[-1])*1.1),mgp=c(2.5,1,0)) if(![1]){ polygon(c(object@d_input[-1],rev(object@d_input[-1])), c(object@msd_upper[-1],rev(object@msd_lower[-1])),col = "grey80", border = F) } lines(object@d_input[-1],object@msd_est[-1],type='p',col='blue', pch=20, cex=0.8) legend('topleft',pch=20,lty=NA, col=c('blue'),legend=c('SAM'), lwd=c(2), cex=0.7) } } }else if(class(object)[1]=='aniso_SAM'){ if({title=paste("Anisotropic",object@model_name)} if(![1]){ if(ncol(msd_truth)!=2){stop("Please input a matrix with 2 columns where each column holds MSD truth for x,y directions, respectively.\n")} len_t = min(nrow(msd_truth),length(object@d_input)) msd_true_x = msd_truth[2:len_t,1] msd_true_y = msd_truth[2:len_t,2] msd_x = object@msd_est[-1,1] msd_y = object@msd_est[-1,2] if(log10==T){ plot(log10(object@d_input[2:len_t]),log10(msd_true_x), type='l',col='black',ylab='log10(MSD)', xlab=expression(paste("log10(", Delta, "t)",sep="")), main=title, lwd=2,lty=1, ylim = c(log10(min(msd_true_x,msd_true_y)), log10(max(msd_true_x,msd_true_y))*1.1), mgp=c(2.5,1,0)) lines(log10(object@d_input[2:len_t]),log10(msd_true_y),col='black',lwd=2,lty=2) if(![1]){ polygon(log10(c(object@d_input[-1],rev(object@d_input[-1]))), log10(c(object@msd_x_upper[-1],rev(object@msd_x_lower[-1]))), col = "grey80", border = F) } if(![1]){ polygon(log10(c(object@d_input[-1],rev(object@d_input[-1]))), log10(c(object@msd_y_upper[-1],rev(object@msd_y_lower[-1]))), col = "grey80", border = F) } lines(log10(object@d_input[-1]),log10(msd_x),type='p',col='blue', pch=20, cex=0.8) lines(log10(object@d_input[-1]),log10(msd_y),type='p',col='blue', pch=17, cex=0.8) lines(log10(object@d_input[2:len_t]),log10(msd_true_x),col='black',lwd=2,lty=1) lines(log10(object@d_input[2:len_t]),log10(msd_true_y),col='black',lwd=2,lty=2) legend('topleft',lty=c(1,2,NA,NA),pch=c(NA,NA,20,17), col=c('black','black','blue','blue'), legend=c('Reference x','Reference y','SAM x','SAM y'),lwd=c(2,2,2,2), cex=0.7) }else{ plot(object@d_input[2:len_t],msd_true_x, type='l',col='black',ylab='MSD', xlab=expression(paste("", Delta, "t",sep="")), main=title, lwd=2,lty=1, ylim = c(min(msd_true_x,msd_true_y), max(msd_true_x,msd_true_y)*1.1), mgp=c(2.5,1,0)) lines(object@d_input[2:len_t],msd_true_y,col='black',lwd=2,lty=2) if(![1]){ polygon(c(object@d_input[-1],rev(object@d_input[-1])), c(object@msd_x_upper[-1],rev(object@msd_x_lower[-1])), col = "grey80", border = F) } if(![1]){ polygon(c(object@d_input[-1],rev(object@d_input[-1])), c(object@msd_y_upper[-1],rev(object@msd_y_lower[-1])), col = "grey80", border = F) } lines(object@d_input[-1],msd_x,type='p',col='blue', pch=20, cex=0.8) lines(object@d_input[-1],msd_y,type='p',col='blue', pch=17, cex=0.8) lines(object@d_input[2:len_t],msd_true_x,col='black',lwd=2,lty=1) lines(object@d_input[2:len_t],msd_true_y,col='black',lwd=2,lty=2) legend('topleft',lty=c(1,2,NA,NA),pch=c(NA,NA,20,17), col=c('black','black','blue','blue'), legend=c('Reference x','Reference y','SAM x','SAM y'),lwd=c(2,2,2,2), cex=0.7) } }else{ if(log10==T){ msd_x = object@msd_est[-1,1] msd_y = object@msd_est[-1,2] plot(log10(object@d_input[-1]),log10(msd_x),type='p', col='blue',pch=20, cex=0.8, main=title, lwd=2, lty=1, ylab='log10(MSD)', xlab=expression(paste("log10(", Delta, "t)",sep="")), ylim = c(log10(min(msd_x,msd_y)),log10(max(msd_x,msd_y))*1.2), mgp=c(2.5,1,0)) lines(log10(object@d_input[-1]),log10(msd_y),type='p',col='blue', pch=17, cex=0.8) if(![1]){ polygon(log10(c(object@d_input[-1],rev(object@d_input[-1]))), log10(c(object@msd_x_upper[-1],rev(object@msd_x_lower[-1]))), col = "grey80", border = F)} if(![1]){ polygon(log10(c(object@d_input[-1],rev(object@d_input[-1]))), log10(c(object@msd_y_upper[-1],rev(object@msd_y_lower[-1]))), col = "grey80", border = F)} lines(log10(object@d_input[-1]),log10(msd_x),type='p',col='blue', pch=20, cex=0.8) lines(log10(object@d_input[-1]),log10(msd_y),type='p',col='blue', pch=17, cex=0.8) legend('topleft',pch=c(20,17), lty=c(NA,NA),col=c('blue','blue'), legend=c('SAM x','SAM y'),lwd=c(2,2), cex=0.7) }else{ msd_x = object@msd_est[-1,1] msd_y = object@msd_est[-1,2] plot(object@d_input[-1],msd_x,type='p', col='blue',pch=20, cex=0.8, main=title, lwd=2, lty=1, ylab='MSD', xlab=expression(paste( Delta, "t",sep="")), ylim = c(min(msd_x,msd_y),max(msd_x,msd_y)*1.2), mgp=c(2.5,1,0)) lines(object@d_input[-1],msd_y,type='p',col='blue', pch=17, cex=0.8) if(![1]){ polygon(c(object@d_input[-1],rev(object@d_input[-1])), c(object@msd_x_upper[-1],rev(object@msd_x_lower[-1])), col = "grey80", border = F)} if(![1]){ polygon(c(object@d_input[-1],rev(object@d_input[-1])), c(object@msd_y_upper[-1],rev(object@msd_y_lower[-1])), col = "grey80", border = F)} lines(object@d_input[-1],msd_x,type='p',col='blue', pch=20, cex=0.8) lines(object@d_input[-1],msd_y,type='p',col='blue', pch=17, cex=0.8) legend('topleft',pch=c(20,17), lty=c(NA,NA),col=c('blue','blue'), legend=c('SAM x','SAM y'),lwd=c(2,2), cex=0.7) } } } else{stop("Please input an SAM or aniso_SAM class object. \n")} } #' Plot 2D intensity #' @description #' Function to plot 2D intensity profile for a certain frame, default is to plot #' the first frame. Input can be a matrix (2D) or an array (3D). #' #' @param intensity intensity profile #' @param intensity_str structure of the intensity profile, options from #' ('SST_array','S_ST_mat','T_SS_mat', 'SS_T_mat'). See 'Details'. #' @param frame frame index #' @param title main title of the plot. If \code{NA}, title is "intensity profile #' for frame n" with n being the frame index in \code{frame}. #' @param color a logical evaluating to TRUE or FALSE indicating whether a colorful #' plot is generated #' @param sz frame size of simulated image with default \code{c(200,200)}. #' #' @return 2D plot in gray scale (or with color) of selected frame. #' @details #' By default \code{intensity_str} is set to 'T_SS_mat', a time by space\eqn{\times}{%\times}space #' matrix, which is the structure of intensity profile obtained from \code{simulation} #' class. For \code{intensity_str='SST_array'} , input intensity profile should be a #' space by space by time array, which is the structure from loading a tif file. #' For \code{intensity_str='S_ST_mat'}, input intensity profile should be a #' space by space\eqn{\times}{%\times}time matrix. For \code{intensity_str='SS_T_mat'}, #' input intensity profile should be a space\eqn{\times}{%\times}space by time matrix. #' #' @author \packageAuthor{AIUQ} #' @examples #' library(AIUQ) #' sim_bm = simulation(sz=100,len_t=100,sigma_bm=0.5) #' show(sim_bm) #' plot_intensity(sim_bm@intensity, sz=sim_bm@sz) #' #' @export plot_intensity<-function(intensity,intensity_str="T_SS_mat",frame=1,sz=NA, title=NA, color=FALSE){ if({ title = paste("intensity profile for frame ", frame, sep="") } if(length(sz)==1 &&{ intensity_list = intensity_format_transform(intensity=intensity, intensity_str=intensity_str) intensity_trans = intensity_list$intensity sz_x = intensity_list$sz_x sz_y = intensity_list$sz_y }else{ intensity_list = intensity_format_transform(intensity=intensity, intensity_str=intensity_str,sz=sz) intensity_trans = intensity_list$intensity sz_x = intensity_list$sz_x sz_y = intensity_list$sz_y } if(color==FALSE){ plot_m = t(matrix(intensity_trans[,frame],sz_y,sz_x)) #reversed_m = plot_m[, ncol(plot_m):1] plot3D::image2D(plot_m,main=title,col = grey(seq(0, 1, length = 256))) }else{ plot_m = t(matrix(intensity_trans[,frame],sz_y,sz_x)) #reversed_m = plot_m[, ncol(plot_m):1] plot3D::image2D(plot_m,main=title) } } #' Compute dynamic image structure function #' @description #' Compute dynamic image structure function(Dqt) using Fourier transformed #' intensity profile and a selection of wave number(q) range. #' #' @param len_q number of wave number #' @param index_q a vector of selected wave number index #' @param len_t number of time steps #' @param I_q_matrix intensity profile in reciprocal space (after Fourier transformation) #' @param q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index index for wave vector that give unique frequency #' @param sz frame size of intensity profile #' #' @return Matrix of dynamic image structure with dimension \code{len_q} by \code{len_t-1}. #' @export #' @author \packageAuthor{AIUQ} #' @details #' Dynamic image structure function(Dqt) can be obtained from ensemble average #' of absolute values squared of Four transformed intensity difference: #' \deqn{D(q,\Delta t) = \langle |\Delta \hat{I}(q,t,\Delta t)|^2\rangle}{%D(q,\Delta t) = \langle |\Delta \hat{I}(q,t,\Delta t)|^2\rangle} #' See 'References'. #' #' @references #' Gu, M., He, Y., Liu, X., & Luo, Y. (2023). Ab initio uncertainty #' quantification in scattering analysis of microscopy. #' arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.02468. #' #' Gu, M., Luo, Y., He, Y., Helgeson, M. E., & Valentine, M. T. (2021). #' Uncertainty quantification and estimation in differential dynamic microscopy. #' Physical Review E, 104(3), 034610. #' #' Cerbino, R., & Trappe, V. (2008). Differential dynamic microscopy: probing #' wave vector dependent dynamics with a microscope. Physical review letters, #' 100(18), 188102. #' #' @keywords internal SAM_Dqt<-function(len_q,index_q,len_t,I_q_matrix,q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index,sz){ Dqt = matrix(NA,len_q,len_t-1) for (q_j in index_q){ I_q_cur = I_q_matrix[q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index[[q_j]],] for (t_i in 1:(len_t-1)){ Dqt[q_j,t_i]=mean((abs(I_q_cur[,(t_i+1):len_t]-I_q_cur[,1:(len_t-t_i)]))^2/(sz[1]*sz[2]),na.rm=T) } } return(Dqt) } #' Compute l2 loss for Dqt with fixed A(q) and B #' @description #' Compute l2 loss for dynamic image structure function(Dqt) using fixed A(q) #' and B parameters. #' #' @param param a vector of natural logarithm of parameters #' @param Dqt_cur observed dynamic image structure function. See 'Details'. #' @param q_cur wave vector in unit of um^-1 #' @param A_est_q_cur estimated value of A(q). This parameter is determined by #' the properties of the imaged material and imaging optics. See 'References'. #' @param B_est estimated value of B. This parameter is determined by the noise #' in the system. See 'References'. #' @param d_input sequence of lag times #' @param model_name model name for the fitted model, options from ('BM','OU', #' 'FBM',OU+FBM','user_defined') #' @param msd_fn msd_fn user defined mean squared displacement structure (MSD), a #' function of \code{param} parameters and \code{d_input} lag times #' @param msd_grad_fn user defined MSD gradient structure, a function of #' \code{param} and \code{d_input} #' #' @return Squared differences between the true Dqt and the predicted Dqt. #' @details #' Dynamic image structure function(Dqt) can be obtained from ensemble average #' of absolute values squared of Four transformed intensity difference: #' \deqn{D(q,\Delta t) = \langle |\Delta \hat{I}(q,t,\Delta t)|^2\rangle}{%D(q,\Delta t) = \langle |\Delta \hat{I}(q,t,\Delta t)|^2\rangle} #' See 'References'. #' #' @author \packageAuthor{AIUQ} #' @export #' @references #' Gu, M., He, Y., Liu, X., & Luo, Y. (2023). Ab initio uncertainty #' quantification in scattering analysis of microscopy. #' arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.02468. #' #' Gu, M., Luo, Y., He, Y., Helgeson, M. E., & Valentine, M. T. (2021). #' Uncertainty quantification and estimation in differential dynamic microscopy. #' Physical Review E, 104(3), 034610. #' #' Cerbino, R., & Trappe, V. (2008). Differential dynamic microscopy: probing #' wave vector dependent dynamics with a microscope. Physical review letters, #' 100(18), 188102. #' @keywords internal l2_fixedAB<-function(param,Dqt_cur,q_cur,A_est_q_cur,B_est, d_input,model_name,msd_fn=NA,msd_grad_fn=NA){ theta = exp(param) msd_list = get_MSD_with_grad(theta=theta,d_input=d_input[-1], model_name=model_name,msd_fn,msd_grad_fn=msd_grad_fn) msd = msd_list$msd sum((Dqt_cur-(A_est_q_cur*(1-exp(-q_cur^2*msd/4))+B_est))^2) } #' Compute l2 loss for Dqt #' @description #' Compute l2 loss for dynamic image structure function(Dqt) using A(q) and B #' are both estimated within the model. #' #' @param param a vector of natural logarithm of parameters #' @param Dqt_cur observed dynamic image structure function. See 'Details'. #' @param q_cur wave vector in unit of um^-1 #' @param d_input sequence of lag times #' @param model_name model name for the fitted model, options from ('BM','OU', #' 'FBM',OU+FBM','user_defined') #' @param msd_fn msd_fn user defined mean squared displacement structure (MSD), a #' function of \code{param} parameters and \code{d_input} lag times #' @param msd_grad_fn user defined MSD gradient structure, a function of #' \code{param} and \code{d_input} #' #' @return Squared differences between the true Dqt and the predicted Dqt. #' @details #' Dynamic image structure function(Dqt) can be obtained from ensemble average #' of absolute values squared of Four transformed intensity difference: #' \deqn{D(q,\Delta t) = \langle |\Delta \hat{I}(q,t,\Delta t)|^2\rangle}{%D(q,\Delta t) = \langle |\Delta \hat{I}(q,t,\Delta t)|^2\rangle} #' See 'References'. #' #' @author \packageAuthor{AIUQ} #' @export #' @references #' Gu, M., He, Y., Liu, X., & Luo, Y. (2023). Ab initio uncertainty #' quantification in scattering analysis of microscopy. #' arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.02468. #' #' Gu, M., Luo, Y., He, Y., Helgeson, M. E., & Valentine, M. T. (2021). #' Uncertainty quantification and estimation in differential dynamic microscopy. #' Physical Review E, 104(3), 034610. #' #' Cerbino, R., & Trappe, V. (2008). Differential dynamic microscopy: probing #' wave vector dependent dynamics with a microscope. Physical review letters, #' 100(18), 188102. #' @keywords internal l2_estAB<-function(param,Dqt_cur,q_cur,d_input,model_name, msd_fn=NA,msd_grad_fn=NA){ theta = exp(param) A_cur = theta[length(theta)] B_cur= theta[length(theta)-1] theta_msd = theta[-((length(theta)-1):length(theta))] msd_list = get_MSD_with_grad(theta=theta_msd,d_input=d_input[-1], model_name=model_name,msd_fn,msd_grad_fn=msd_grad_fn) msd = msd_list$msd sum((Dqt_cur-(A_cur*(1-exp(-q_cur^2*msd/4))+B_cur))^2) } #' Minimize l2 loss for Dqt with fixed A(q) and B #' @description #' Minimize l2 loss function for dynamic image structure function(Dqt) with #' fixed A(q) and B, and return estimated parameters and mean squared #' displacement(MSD). #' #' @param param a vector of natural logarithm of parameters #' @param q wave vector in unit of um^-1 #' @param index_q selected index of wave number #' @param Dqt observed dynamic image structure function. See 'Details'. #' @param A_est_q estimated value of A(q). This parameter is determined by #' the properties of the imaged material and imaging optics. See 'References'. #' @param B_est estimated value of B. This parameter is determined by the noise #' in the system. See 'References'. #' @param d_input sequence of lag times #' @param model_name model name for the fitted model, options from ('BM','OU', #' 'FBM',OU+FBM','user_defined') #' @param msd_fn msd_fn user defined mean squared displacement structure (MSD), a #' function of \code{param} parameters and \code{d_input} lag times #' @param msd_grad_fn user defined MSD gradient structure, a function of #' \code{param} and \code{d_input} #' #' @return A list of estimated parameters and MSD from minimizing the l2 loss #' function. #' @details #' Dynamic image structure function(Dqt) can be obtained from ensemble average #' of absolute values squared of Four transformed intensity difference: #' \deqn{D(q,\Delta t) = \langle |\Delta \hat{I}(q,t,\Delta t)|^2\rangle}{%D(q,\Delta t) = \langle |\Delta \hat{I}(q,t,\Delta t)|^2\rangle} #' See 'References'. #' #' @author \packageAuthor{AIUQ} #' @export #' @references #' Gu, M., He, Y., Liu, X., & Luo, Y. (2023). Ab initio uncertainty #' quantification in scattering analysis of microscopy. #' arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.02468. #' #' Gu, M., Luo, Y., He, Y., Helgeson, M. E., & Valentine, M. T. (2021). #' Uncertainty quantification and estimation in differential dynamic microscopy. #' Physical Review E, 104(3), 034610. #' #' Cerbino, R., & Trappe, V. (2008). Differential dynamic microscopy: probing #' wave vector dependent dynamics with a microscope. Physical review letters, #' 100(18), 188102. #' @keywords internal theta_est_l2_dqt_fixedAB<-function(param,q,index_q,Dqt,A_est_q,B_est, d_input,model_name,msd_fn=NA,msd_grad_fn=NA){ param_est_l2 = matrix(nrow=length(q),ncol=length(param)) for(q_j in index_q){ m_optim=try(optim(param,l2_fixedAB,Dqt_cur=Dqt[q_j,],d_input=d_input, A_est_q_cur=A_est_q[q_j],B_est=B_est,q_cur=q[q_j], model_name=model_name,msd_fn=msd_fn,msd_grad_fn=msd_grad_fn, method='L-BFGS-B' ),silent=T) try_num=0 while(!is.numeric(m_optim[[1]])){ try_num=try_num+1 param=param+runif(length(param)) m_optim=try(optim(param,l2_fixedAB,Dqt_cur=Dqt[q_j,],d_input=d_input, A_est_q_cur=A_est_q[q_j],B_est=B_est,q_cur=q[q_j], model_name=model_name,msd_fn=msd_fn,msd_grad_fn=msd_grad_fn, method='L-BFGS-B' ),silent=T) if(try_num>10){ break } } ##try no gradient if still no value try_num=0 while(!is.numeric(m_optim[[1]])){ try_num=try_num+1 param=param+runif(length(param)) m_optim=try(optim(param,l2_fixedAB,Dqt_cur=Dqt[q_j,],d_input=d_input, A_est_q_cur=A_est_q[q_j],B_est=B_est,q_cur=q[q_j], model_name=model_name,msd_fn=msd_fn,msd_grad_fn=msd_grad_fn),silent=T) if(try_num>10){ break } } param_est_l2[q_j,]=(m_optim$par) } param_ddm = apply(exp(param_est_l2),1,function(x){get_est_param(x,model_name=model_name)}) if(is.vector(param_ddm)==T){ param_ddm = mean(param_ddm,na.rm=T) }else{ param_ddm = apply(param_ddm,1,function(x){mean(x,na.rm=T)}) } msd_ddm = get_MSD(theta=param_ddm,d_input=d_input,model_name=model_name,msd_fn=msd_fn) ddm_result = list() ddm_result$param_est = param_ddm ddm_result$msd_est = msd_ddm return(ddm_result) } #' Minimize l2 loss for Dqt #' @description #' Minimize l2 loss function for dynamic image structure function(Dqt), and #' return estimated parameters and mean squared displacement(MSD). #' #' @param param a vector of natural logarithm of parameters #' @param A_ini initial value of A(q) to be optimized over. Note true A(q) is #' determined by the properties of the imaged material and imaging optics. #' See 'References'. #' @param q wave vector in unit of um^-1 #' @param index_q selected index of wave number #' @param Dqt observed dynamic image structure function. See 'Details'. #' @param d_input sequence of lag times #' @param model_name model name for the fitted model, options from ('BM','OU', #' 'FBM',OU+FBM','user_defined') #' @param msd_fn msd_fn user defined mean squared displacement structure (MSD), a #' function of \code{param} parameters and \code{d_input} lag times #' @param msd_grad_fn user defined MSD gradient structure, a function of #' \code{param} and \code{d_input} #' #' @return A list of estimated parameters and MSD from minimizing the l2 loss #' function. #' @details #' Dynamic image structure function(Dqt) can be obtained from ensemble average #' of absolute values squared of Four transformed intensity difference: #' \deqn{D(q,\Delta t) = \langle |\Delta \hat{I}(q,t,\Delta t)|^2\rangle}{%D(q,\Delta t) = \langle |\Delta \hat{I}(q,t,\Delta t)|^2\rangle} #' See 'References'. #' #' @author \packageAuthor{AIUQ} #' @export #' @references #' Gu, M., He, Y., Liu, X., & Luo, Y. (2023). Ab initio uncertainty #' quantification in scattering analysis of microscopy. #' arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.02468. #' #' Gu, M., Luo, Y., He, Y., Helgeson, M. E., & Valentine, M. T. (2021). #' Uncertainty quantification and estimation in differential dynamic microscopy. #' Physical Review E, 104(3), 034610. #' #' Cerbino, R., & Trappe, V. (2008). Differential dynamic microscopy: probing #' wave vector dependent dynamics with a microscope. Physical review letters, #' 100(18), 188102. #' @keywords internal theta_est_l2_dqt_estAB<- function(param,A_ini,q,index_q,Dqt,d_input, model_name,msd_fn=NA,msd_grad_fn=NA){ param_est_l2 = matrix(nrow=length(q),ncol=length(param)+1) for(q_j in index_q){ param_start=c(param,log(abs(A_ini[q_j]))) if(q_j==length(q)){ param_start=c(param,0) } m_optim=try(optim(param_start,l2_estAB,Dqt_cur=Dqt[q_j,],d_input=d_input, q_cur=q[q_j],model_name=model_name,msd_fn=msd_fn, msd_grad_fn=msd_grad_fn,method='L-BFGS-B' ),silent=T) try_num=0 while(!is.numeric(m_optim[[1]])){ try_num=try_num+1 param_start=param_start+runif(length(param)+1) m_optim=try(optim(param_start,l2_estAB,Dqt_cur=Dqt[q_j,],d_input=d_input, q_cur=q[q_j],model_name=model_name,msd_fn=msd_fn, msd_grad_fn=msd_grad_fn,method='L-BFGS-B' ),silent=T) if(try_num>10){ break } } try_num=0 while(!is.numeric(m_optim[[1]])){ try_num=try_num+1 param_start=param_start+runif(length(param)+1) m_optim=try(optim(param_start,l2_estAB,Dqt_cur=Dqt[q_j,],d_input=d_input, q_cur=q[q_j],model_name=model_name,msd_fn=msd_fn, msd_grad_fn=msd_grad_fn),silent=T) if(try_num>10){ break } } param_est_l2[q_j,]=(m_optim$par) } param_ddm = apply(exp(param_est_l2[,-((length(param)):length(param)+1)]),1, function(x){get_est_param(x,model_name=model_name)}) if(is.vector(param_ddm)==T){ param_ddm = mean(param_ddm,na.rm=T) }else{ param_ddm = apply(param_ddm,1,function(x){mean(x,na.rm=T)}) } msd_ddm = get_MSD(theta=param_ddm,d_input=d_input,model_name=model_name,msd_fn=msd_fn) ddm_result = list() ddm_result$param_est = param_ddm ddm_result$msd_est = msd_ddm ddm_result$sigma_2_0_est = mean(exp(param_est_l2[,length(param)]),na.rm=T) ddm_result$A_est=exp(param_est_l2[,length(param)+1]) return(ddm_result) } #' Compute observed dynamic image structure function #' @description #' Compute observed dynamic image structure function (Dqt) using object of #' \code{SAM} class. #' #' @param object an S4 object of class \code{SAM} #' @param index_q wavevector range used for computing Dqt #' #' @return A matrix of observed dynamic image structure function with dimension #' \code{len_q} by \code{len_t-1}. #' #' @author \packageAuthor{AIUQ} #' @export #' @references #' Gu, M., He, Y., Liu, X., & Luo, Y. (2023). Ab initio uncertainty #' quantification in scattering analysis of microscopy. #' arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.02468. #' #' Gu, M., Luo, Y., He, Y., Helgeson, M. E., & Valentine, M. T. (2021). #' Uncertainty quantification and estimation in differential dynamic microscopy. #' Physical Review E, 104(3), 034610. #' #' Cerbino, R., & Trappe, V. (2008). Differential dynamic microscopy: probing #' wave vector dependent dynamics with a microscope. Physical review letters, #' 100(18), 188102. #' @examples #' library(AIUQ) #' sim_bm = simulation(len_t=100,sz=100,sigma_bm=0.5) #' show(sim_bm) #' sam = SAM(sim_object = sim_bm) #' show(sam) #' Dqt = get_dqt(object=sam) get_dqt <- function(object, index_q = NA){ if(class(object)[1]=='SAM'){ len_q = object@len_q len_t = object@len_t sz = object@sz if(length(index_q)==1 &&{ index_q = 1:len_q } Dqt = matrix(NA,len_q,len_t-1) for (q_j in index_q){ index_cur = object@q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index[[q_j]] I_q_cur = object@I_q[index_cur,] for (t_i in 1:(len_t-1)){ Dqt[q_j,t_i]=mean((abs(I_q_cur[,(t_i+1):len_t]-I_q_cur[,1:(len_t-t_i)]))^2/(sz[1]*sz[2]),na.rm=T) } } return(Dqt) }else{stop("Please input an SAM class. \n")} } #' Compute empirical intermediate scattering function #' @description #' Compute empirical intermediate scattering function (ISF) using object of #' \code{SAM} class. #' #' @param object an S4 object of class \code{SAM} #' @param index_q wavevector range used for computing ISF #' #' @return A matrix of empirical intermediate scattering function with dimension #' \code{len_q} by \code{len_t-1}. #' #' @author \packageAuthor{AIUQ} #' @export #' @references #' Gu, M., He, Y., Liu, X., & Luo, Y. (2023). Ab initio uncertainty #' quantification in scattering analysis of microscopy. #' arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.02468. #' #' Gu, M., Luo, Y., He, Y., Helgeson, M. E., & Valentine, M. T. (2021). #' Uncertainty quantification and estimation in differential dynamic microscopy. #' Physical Review E, 104(3), 034610. #' #' Cerbino, R., & Trappe, V. (2008). Differential dynamic microscopy: probing #' wave vector dependent dynamics with a microscope. Physical review letters, #' 100(18), 188102. #' @examples #' library(AIUQ) #' sim_bm = simulation(len_t=100,sz=100,sigma_bm=0.5) #' show(sim_bm) #' sam = SAM(sim_object = sim_bm) #' show(sam) #' ISF = get_isf(object=sam) get_isf <- function(object, index_q = NA){ if(class(object)[1]=='SAM'){ len_q = object@len_q len_t = object@len_t A_est = object@A_est_ini B_est = object@B_est_ini if(length(index_q)==1 &&{ index_q = 1:len_q } if(nrow(object@Dqt)*ncol(object@Dqt)==1 &&{ sz = object@sz Dqt = matrix(NA,len_q,len_t-1) isf = matrix(NA,len_q,len_t-1) for (q_j in index_q){ index_cur = object@q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index[[q_j]] I_q_cur = object@I_q[index_cur,] for (t_i in 1:(len_t-1)){ Dqt[q_j,t_i]=mean((abs(I_q_cur[,(t_i+1):len_t]-I_q_cur[,1:(len_t-t_i)]))^2/(sz[1]*sz[2]),na.rm=T) } if(A_est[q_j]==0){break} isf[q_j,] = 1-(Dqt[q_j,]-B_est)/A_est[q_j] } }else{ Dqt = object@Dqt isf = matrix(NA,len_q,len_t-1) for (q_j in index_q){ if(A_est[q_j]==0){break} isf[q_j,] = 1-(Dqt[q_j,]-B_est)/A_est[q_j] } } return(isf) }else{stop("Please input an SAM class. \n")} } #' Compute modeled intermediate scattering function #' @description #' Compute modeled intermediate scattering function (ISF) using object of #' \code{SAM} class. #' #' @param object an S4 object of class \code{SAM} #' @param index_q wavevector range used for computing ISF #' #' @return A matrix of modeled intermediate scattering function with dimension #' \code{len_q} by \code{len_t-1}. #' #' @author \packageAuthor{AIUQ} #' @export #' @references #' Gu, M., He, Y., Liu, X., & Luo, Y. (2023). Ab initio uncertainty #' quantification in scattering analysis of microscopy. #' arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.02468. #' #' Gu, M., Luo, Y., He, Y., Helgeson, M. E., & Valentine, M. T. (2021). #' Uncertainty quantification and estimation in differential dynamic microscopy. #' Physical Review E, 104(3), 034610. #' #' Cerbino, R., & Trappe, V. (2008). Differential dynamic microscopy: probing #' wave vector dependent dynamics with a microscope. Physical review letters, #' 100(18), 188102. #' @examples #' library(AIUQ) #' sim_bm = simulation(len_t=100,sz=100,sigma_bm=0.5) #' show(sim_bm) #' sam = SAM(sim_object = sim_bm) #' show(sam) #' modeled_ISF = modeled_isf(object=sam) modeled_isf <- function(object, index_q=NA){ if(class(object)[1]=='SAM'){ len_q = object@len_q len_t = object@len_t q = object@q msd_est = object@msd_est[-1] isf = matrix(NA,len_q,len_t-1) if(length(index_q)==1 &&{ index_q = 1:len_q } for(q_j in index_q){ q_selected = q[q_j] isf[q_j,] = exp(-q_selected^2*msd_est/4) } return(isf) }else{stop("Please input an SAM class. \n")} } #' Compute modeled dynamic image structure function #' @description #' Compute modeled dynamic image structure function (Dqt) using object of #' \code{SAM} class. #' #' @param object an S4 object of class \code{SAM} #' @param index_q wavevector range used for computing Dqt #' #' @return A matrix of modeled dynamic image structure function with dimension #' \code{len_q} by \code{len_t-1}. #' #' @author \packageAuthor{AIUQ} #' @export #' @references #' Gu, M., He, Y., Liu, X., & Luo, Y. (2023). Ab initio uncertainty #' quantification in scattering analysis of microscopy. #' arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.02468. #' #' Gu, M., Luo, Y., He, Y., Helgeson, M. E., & Valentine, M. T. (2021). #' Uncertainty quantification and estimation in differential dynamic microscopy. #' Physical Review E, 104(3), 034610. #' #' Cerbino, R., & Trappe, V. (2008). Differential dynamic microscopy: probing #' wave vector dependent dynamics with a microscope. Physical review letters, #' 100(18), 188102. #' @examples #' library(AIUQ) #' sim_bm = simulation(len_t=100,sz=100,sigma_bm=0.5) #' show(sim_bm) #' sam = SAM(sim_object = sim_bm) #' show(sam) #' modeled_Dqt = modeled_dqt(object=sam) modeled_dqt <- function(object, index_q = NA){ if(class(object)[1]=='SAM'){ len_q = object@len_q len_t = object@len_t A_est = object@A_est_ini B_est = object@sigma_2_0_est*2 q = object@q msd_est = object@msd_est[-1] if(length(index_q)==1 &&{ index_q = 1:len_q } if(nrow(object@modeled_ISF)*ncol(object@modeled_ISF)==1 &&{ isf = matrix(NA,len_q,len_t-1) dqt = matrix(NA,len_q,len_t-1) for(q_j in index_q){ q_selected = q[q_j] isf[q_j,] = exp(-q_selected^2*msd_est/4) if(A_est[q_j]==0){break} dqt[q_j,] = A_est[q_j]*(1-isf[q_j,])+B_est } }else{ isf = object@modeled_ISF dqt = matrix(NA,len_q,len_t-1) for (q_j in index_q){ if(A_est[q_j]==0){break} dqt[q_j,] = A_est[q_j]*(1-isf[q_j,])+B_est } } return(dqt) }else{stop("Please input an SAM class. \n")} }
#' Simulate 2D particle movement #' #' @description #' Simulate 2D particle movement from a user selected stochastic process, and #' output intensity profiles. #' #' @param sz frame size of simulated image with default \code{c(200,200)}. #' @param len_t number of time steps with default 200. #' @param M number of particles with default 50. #' @param model_name stochastic process simulated, options from #' ('BM','OU','FBM','OU+FBM'), with default 'BM'. #' @param noise background noise, options from ('uniform','gaussian'), #' with default 'gaussian'. #' @param I0 background intensity, value between 0 and 255, with default 20. #' @param Imax maximum intensity at the center of the particle, value between 0 #' and 255, with default 255. #' @param pos0 initial position for M particles, matrix with dimension M by 2. #' @param rho correlation between successive step and previous step in O-U #' process, value between 0 and 1, with default 0.95. #' @param H Hurst parameter of fractional Brownian Motion, value between 0 and 1, #' with default 0.3. #' @param sigma_p radius of the spherical particle (3sigma_p), with default 2. #' @param sigma_bm distance moved per time step in Brownian Motion, with default 1. #' @param sigma_ou distance moved per time step in Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process, #' with default 2. #' @param sigma_fbm distance moved per time step in fractional Brownian Motion, #' with default 2. #' @return Returns an S4 object of class \code{simulation}. #' @export #' @author \packageAuthor{AIUQ} #' @references #' Gu, M., He, Y., Liu, X., & Luo, Y. (2023). Ab initio uncertainty #' quantification in scattering analysis of microscopy. #' arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.02468. #' #' Gu, M., Luo, Y., He, Y., Helgeson, M. E., & Valentine, M. T. (2021). #' Uncertainty quantification and estimation in differential dynamic microscopy. #' Physical Review E, 104(3), 034610. #' #' Cerbino, R., & Trappe, V. (2008). Differential dynamic microscopy: probing #' wave vector dependent dynamics with a microscope. Physical review letters, #' 100(18), 188102. #' #' @examples #' library(AIUQ) #' # ------------------------------------------------- #' # Example 1: Simple diffusion for 200 images with #' # 200 by 200 pixels and 50 particles #' # ------------------------------------------------- #' sim_bm = simulation() #' show(sim_bm) #' #' # ------------------------------------------------- #' # Example 2: Simple diffusion for 100 images with #' # 100 by 100 pixels and slower speed #' # ------------------------------------------------- #' sim_bm = simulation(sz=100,len_t=100,sigma_bm=0.5) #' show(sim_bm) #' #' # ------------------------------------------------- #' # Example 3: Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process #' # ------------------------------------------------- #' sim_ou = simulation(model_name="OU") #' show(sim_ou) simulation <- function(sz=c(200,200), len_t=200, M=50, model_name="BM",noise="gaussian", I0=20, Imax=255, pos0=matrix(NaN,nrow=M,ncol=2),rho=0.95, H=0.3, sigma_p=2, sigma_bm=1,sigma_ou=2, sigma_fbm=2){ model <- methods::new("simulation") #check len_t = as.integer(len_t) M = as.integer(M) if(length(sz)==1){ sz=c(sz,sz) } if(length(sz)>2){ stop("Frame size of simulated image should be a vector with length 2. \n") } if(!is.character(model_name)){ stop("Type of stochastic process should be a character value. \n") } if(model_name!="BM" && model_name!="OU" && model_name!="FBM" && model_name!="OU+FBM"){ stop("Type of stochastic process should be one of the type listed in help page. \n") } if(!is.character(noise)){ stop("Type of background noise should be a character value. \n") } if(noise!="gaussian" && noise!="uniform"){ stop("Type of background noise should be one of the type listed in help page. \n") } if(!is.numeric(I0)){ stop("Background intensity should have numeric value. \n") } if(I0<0 || I0>255){ stop("Background intensity should have value between 0 and 255. \n") } if(!is.numeric(Imax)){ stop("Maximum intensity at the center of the particle should be a numeric value. \n") } if(Imax<0 || Imax>255){ stop("Maximum intensity at the center of the particle should have value between 0 and 255. \n") } if(!is.numeric(pos0)){ stop("Initial position for particles should be all numeric. \n") } if(nrow(pos0)!=M || ncol(pos0)!=2){ stop("Dimension of particle initial position matrix should match M by 2. \n") } if(!is.numeric(rho)){ stop("Correlation between steps in O-U process should be numeric. \n") } if(!is.numeric(H)){ stop("Hurst parameter of fractional Brownian Motion should be numeric. \n") } if(H<0 || H>1){ stop("Hurst parameter of fractional Brownian Motion should have value between 0 and 1. \n") } if(!is.numeric(sigma_p)){ stop("Radius of the spherical particle should be numeric. \n") } if(!is.numeric(sigma_bm)){ stop("Distance moved per time step in Brownian Motion should be numeric. \n") } if(!is.numeric(sigma_ou)){ stop("Distance moved per time step in Ornstein Uhlenbeck process should be numeric. \n") } if(!is.numeric(sigma_fbm)){ stop("Distance moved per time step in fractional Brownian Motion should be numeric. \n") } # Simulation particle trajectory for isotropic process if(sum(>=1){ pos0 = matrix(c(sz[2]/8+0.75*sz[2]*stats::runif(M), sz[1]/8+0.75*sz[1]*stats::runif(M)),nrow=M,ncol=2) } if(model_name == "BM"){ pos = bm_particle_intensity(pos0=pos0,M=M,len_t=len_t,sigma=sigma_bm) model@param = c(sigma_bm) }else if(model_name == "OU"){ pos = ou_particle_intensity(pos0=pos0,M=M,len_t=len_t,sigma=sigma_ou,rho=rho) model@param = c(rho,sigma_ou) }else if(model_name == "FBM"){ pos = fbm_particle_intensity(pos0=pos0,M=M,len_t=len_t,sigma=sigma_fbm,H=H) model@param = c(sigma_fbm,H) }else if(model_name == "OU+FBM"){ pos = fbm_ou_particle_intensity(pos0=pos0,M=M,len_t=len_t,H=H, rho=rho, sigma_ou = sigma_ou, sigma_fbm = sigma_fbm) model@param = c(rho,sigma_ou,sigma_fbm,H) } model_param = get_true_param_sim(param_truth=model@param,model_name=model_name) model@theor_msd = get_MSD(theta = model_param ,d_input=0:(len_t-1),model_name=model_name) # Fill intensity if(length(I0) == len_t){ if(noise == "uniform"){ I = matrix(stats::runif(sz[1]*sz[2]*len_t)-0.5, nrow=len_t,ncol = sz[1]*sz[2]) I = I*I0 model@sigma_2_0 = I0^2/12 }else if(noise == "gaussian"){ I = matrix(stats::rnorm(sz[1]*sz[2]*len_t), nrow=len_t,ncol = sz[1]*sz[2]) I = I*sqrt(I0) model@sigma_2_0 = I0 } }else if(length(I0) == 1){ if(noise == "uniform"){ I = matrix(I0*(stats::runif(sz[1]*sz[2]*len_t)-0.5), nrow=len_t,ncol = sz[1]*sz[2]) model@sigma_2_0 = c(I0^2/12) } else if(noise == "gaussian"){ I = matrix(sqrt(I0)*stats::rnorm(sz[1]*sz[2]*len_t), nrow=len_t,ncol = sz[1]*sz[2]) model@sigma_2_0 = c(I0) } } if(length(Imax)==1){ Ic = rep(Imax,M) model@intensity = fill_intensity(len_t=len_t,M=M,I=I,pos=pos,Ic=Ic,sz=sz, sigma_p=sigma_p) } model@sz = sz model@pxsz = 1 model@mindt = 1 model@len_t = len_t model@noise = noise model@M = M model@model_name = model_name model@pos = pos model@num_msd = numerical_msd(pos=model@pos,M=model@M,len_t=model@len_t) return(model) }
#' SAM class #' #'@description #' S4 class for fast parameter estimation in scattering analysis of microscopy, #' using either \code{AIUQ} or \code{DDM} method. #' #' @slot pxsz numeric. Size of one pixel in unit of micron with default value 1. #' @slot mindt numeric. Minimum lag time with default value 1. #' @slot sz vector. Frame size of the intensity profile in x and y directions, #' number of pixels contained in each frame equals sz_x by sz_y. #' @slot len_t integer. Number of time steps. #' @slot len_q integer. Number of wave vector. #' @slot q vector. Wave vector in unit of um^-1. #' @slot d_input vector. Sequence of lag times. #' @slot B_est_ini numeric. Estimation of B. This parameter is determined by the #' noise in the system. See 'References'. #' @slot A_est_ini vector. Estimation of A(q). Note this parameter is #' determined by the properties of the imaged material and imaging optics. #' See 'References'. #' @slot I_o_q_2_ori vector. Absolute square of Fourier transformed intensity #' profile, ensemble over time. #' @slot q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index list. List of location index of non-duplicate #' values for each q ring. #' @slot model_name character. Fitted model, options from #' ('BM','OU','FBM','OU+FBM', 'user_defined'). #' @slot param_est vector. Estimated parameters contained in MSD. #' @slot sigma_2_0_est numeric. Estimated variance of background noise. #' @slot msd_est vector. Estimated MSD. #' @slot uncertainty logical. A logical evaluating to TRUE or FALSE indicating whether #' parameter uncertainty should be computed. #' @slot msd_lower vector. Lower bound of 95% confidence interval of MSD. #' @slot msd_upper vector. Upper bound of 95% confidence interval of MSD. #' @slot msd_truth vector. True MSD or reference MSD value. #' @slot sigma_2_0_truth vector. True variance of background noise, non NA for #' simulated data using \code{simulation}. #' @slot param_truth vector. True parameters used to construct MSD, non NA for #' simulated data using \code{simulation}. #' @slot index_q vector. Selected index of wave vector. #' @slot Dqt matrix. Dynamic image structure function D(q,delta t). #' @slot ISF matrix. Empirical intermediate scattering function f(q,delta t). #' @slot I_q matrix. Fourier transformed intensity profile with structure 'SS_T_mat'. #' @slot AIC numeric. Akaike information criterion score. #' @slot mle numeric. Maximum log likelihood value. #' @slot param_uq_range matrix. 95% confidence interval for estimated parameters. #' @slot modeled_Dqt matrix. Modeled dynamic image structure function D(q,delta t). #' @slot modeled_ISF matrix. Modeled intermediate scattering function f(q,delta t). #' #' @method show SAM #' @author \packageAuthor{AIUQ} #' @references #' Gu, M., He, Y., Liu, X., & Luo, Y. (2023). Ab initio uncertainty #' quantification in scattering analysis of microscopy. #' arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.02468. #' #' Gu, M., Luo, Y., He, Y., Helgeson, M. E., & Valentine, M. T. (2021). #' Uncertainty quantification and estimation in differential dynamic microscopy. #' Physical Review E, 104(3), 034610. #' #' Cerbino, R., & Trappe, V. (2008). Differential dynamic microscopy: probing #' wave vector dependent dynamics with a microscope. Physical review letters, #' 100(18), 188102. #' #' @keywords classes methods::setClass("SAM", representation( #intensity_str = "character", pxsz = "numeric", mindt = "numeric", sz = "vector", len_t = "integer", len_q = "integer", q = "vector", d_input = "vector", B_est_ini = "numeric", A_est_ini = "vector", #num_q_max = "numeric", I_o_q_2_ori = "vector", q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index = "list", model_name = "character", param_est = "vector", sigma_2_0_est = "numeric", msd_est = "vector", uncertainty = "logical", msd_lower = "vector", msd_upper = "vector", msd_truth = "vector", sigma_2_0_truth = "vector", param_truth = "vector", method = "character", index_q = "vector", Dqt = "matrix", ISF = "matrix", I_q = "matrix", AIC = "numeric", mle = "numeric", param_uq_range = "matrix", modeled_Dqt = "matrix", modeled_ISF = "matrix" #p = "numeric" ) ) ## Show if(!isGeneric("show")){ setGeneric(name = "show", def = function(object) standardGeneric("show")) } setMethod("show", "SAM", function(object){show.sam(object)}) #' Anisotropic SAM class #' #'@description #' S4 class for fast parameter estimation in scattering analysis of microscopy #' for anisotropic processes, using either \code{AIUQ} or \code{DDM} method. #' #' @slot pxsz numeric. Size of one pixel in unit of micron with default value 1. #' @slot mindt numeric. Minimum lag time with default value 1. #' @slot sz vector. Frame size of the intensity profile in x and y directions, #' number of pixels contained in each frame equals sz_x by sz_y. #' @slot len_t integer. Number of time steps. #' @slot len_q integer. Number of wave vector. #' @slot q vector. Wave vector in unit of um^-1. #' @slot d_input vector. Sequence of lag times. #' @slot B_est_ini numeric. Estimation of B. This parameter is determined by the #' noise in the system. See 'References'. #' @slot A_est_ini vector. Estimation of A(q). Note this parameter is #' determined by the properties of the imaged material and imaging optics. #' See 'References'. #' @slot I_o_q_2_ori vector. Absolute square of Fourier transformed intensity #' profile, ensemble over time. #' @slot q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index list. List of location index of non-duplicate #' values for each q ring. #' @slot model_name character. Fitted model, options from #' ('BM','OU','FBM','OU+FBM', 'user_defined'). #' @slot param_est matrix. Estimated parameters contained in MSD. #' @slot sigma_2_0_est vector. Estimated variance of background noise. #' @slot msd_est matrix. Estimated MSD. #' @slot uncertainty logical. A logical evaluating to TRUE or FALSE indicating whether #' parameter uncertainty should be computed. #' @slot msd_truth matrix. True MSD or reference MSD value. #' @slot sigma_2_0_truth vector. True variance of background noise, non NA for #' simulated data using \code{simulation}. #' @slot param_truth matrix. True parameters used to construct MSD, non NA for #' simulated data using \code{aniso_simulation}. #' @slot index_q vector. Selected index of wave vector. #' @slot I_q matrix. Fourier transformed intensity profile with structure 'SS_T_mat'. #' @slot AIC numeric. Akaike information criterion score. #' @slot mle numeric. Maximum log likelihood value. #' @slot msd_x_lower vector. Lower bound of 95% confidence interval of MSD in x directions. #' @slot msd_x_upper vector. Upper bound of 95% confidence interval of MSD in x directions. #' @slot msd_y_lower vector. Lower bound of 95% confidence interval of MSD in y directions. #' @slot msd_y_upper vector. Upper bound of 95% confidence interval of MSD in y directions. #' @slot param_uq_range matrix. 95% confidence interval for estimated parameters. #' #' @method show aniso_SAM #' @author \packageAuthor{AIUQ} #' @references #' Gu, M., He, Y., Liu, X., & Luo, Y. (2023). Ab initio uncertainty #' quantification in scattering analysis of microscopy. #' arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.02468. #' #' Gu, M., Luo, Y., He, Y., Helgeson, M. E., & Valentine, M. T. (2021). #' Uncertainty quantification and estimation in differential dynamic microscopy. #' Physical Review E, 104(3), 034610. #' #' Cerbino, R., & Trappe, V. (2008). Differential dynamic microscopy: probing #' wave vector dependent dynamics with a microscope. Physical review letters, #' 100(18), 188102. #' #' @keywords classes methods::setClass("aniso_SAM", representation( pxsz = "numeric", mindt = "numeric", sz = "vector", len_t = "integer", len_q = "integer", q = "vector", d_input = "vector", B_est_ini = "numeric", A_est_ini = "vector", #num_q_max = "numeric", I_o_q_2_ori = "vector", q_ori_ring_loc_unique_index = "list", model_name = "character", param_est = "matrix", sigma_2_0_est = "vector", msd_est = "matrix", uncertainty = "logical", msd_x_lower = "vector", msd_x_upper = "vector", msd_y_lower = "vector", msd_y_upper = "vector", msd_truth = "matrix", sigma_2_0_truth = "vector", param_truth = "matrix", method = "character", index_q = "vector", I_q = "matrix", AIC = "numeric", mle = "numeric", param_uq_range = "matrix" ) ) ## Show if(!isGeneric("show")){ setGeneric(name = "show", def = function(object) standardGeneric("show")) } setMethod("show", "aniso_SAM", function(object){show.aniso_sam(object)}) #' Simulation class #' #' @description #' S4 class for 2D particle movement simulation. #' #' @slot sz vector. Frame size of the intensity profile, number of pixels #' contained in each frame equals \code{sz[1]} by \code{sz[2]}. #' @slot len_t integer. Number of time steps. #' @slot noise character. Background noise, options from ('uniform','gaussian'). #' @slot model_name character. Simulated stochastic process, options from ('BM','OU','FBM','OU+FBM'). #' @slot M integer. Number of particles. #' @slot pxsz numeric. Size of one pixel in unit of micron, 1 for simulated data. #' @slot mindt numeric. Minimum lag time, 1 for simulated data. #' @slot pos matrix. Position matrix for particle trajectory, see 'Details'. #' @slot intensity matrix. Filled intensity profile, see 'Details'. #' @slot num_msd vector. Numerical mean squared displacement (MSD). #' @slot param vector. Parameters for simulated stochastic process. #' @slot theor_msd vector. Theoretical MSD. #' @slot sigma_2_0 vector. Variance of background noise. #' #' @method show simulation #' @details #' \code{intensity} should has structure 'T_SS_mat', matrix with dimension #' \code{len_t} by \code{sz}\eqn{\times}{%\times}\code{sz}. #' #' \code{pos} should be the position matrix with dimension #' \code{M}\eqn{\times}{%\times}\code{len_t}. See \code{\link{bm_particle_intensity}}, #' \code{\link{ou_particle_intensity}}, \code{\link{fbm_particle_intensity}}, #' \code{\link{fbm_ou_particle_intensity}}. #' #' @author \packageAuthor{AIUQ} #' @references #' Gu, M., He, Y., Liu, X., & Luo, Y. (2023). Ab initio uncertainty #' quantification in scattering analysis of microscopy. #' arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.02468. #' #' Gu, M., Luo, Y., He, Y., Helgeson, M. E., & Valentine, M. T. (2021). #' Uncertainty quantification and estimation in differential dynamic microscopy. #' Physical Review E, 104(3), 034610. #' #' Cerbino, R., & Trappe, V. (2008). Differential dynamic microscopy: probing #' wave vector dependent dynamics with a microscope. Physical review letters, #' 100(18), 188102. #' #' #'@keywords classes methods::setClass("simulation", representation( sz = "vector", len_t = "integer", noise = "character", model_name = "character", M = "integer", pxsz = "numeric", mindt = "numeric", pos = "matrix", #first M equals pos0 intensity = "matrix", num_msd = "vector", param = "vector", theor_msd = "vector", sigma_2_0 = "vector" ) ) ## Show if(!isGeneric("show")){ setGeneric(name = "show", def = function(object) standardGeneric("show")) } setMethod("show", "simulation", function(object){show.simulation(object)}) #' Anisotropic simulation class #' #' @description #' S4 class for anisotropic 2D particle movement simulation. #' #' @slot sz vector. Frame size of the intensity profile, number of pixels #' contained in each frame equals \code{sz[1]} by \code{sz[2]}. #' @slot len_t integer. Number of time steps. #' @slot noise character. Background noise, options from ('uniform','gaussian'). #' @slot model_name character. Simulated stochastic process, options from ('BM','OU','FBM','OU+FBM'). #' @slot M integer. Number of particles. #' @slot pxsz numeric. Size of one pixel in unit of micron, 1 for simulated data. #' @slot mindt numeric. Minimum lag time, 1 for simulated data. #' @slot pos matrix. Position matrix for particle trajectory, see 'Details'. #' @slot intensity matrix. Filled intensity profile, see 'Details'. #' @slot num_msd matrix. Numerical mean squared displacement (MSD). #' @slot param matrix. Parameters used to construct MSD. #' @slot theor_msd matrix. Theoretical MSD. #' @slot sigma_2_0 vector. Variance of background noise. #' #' @method show aniso_simulation #' @details #' \code{intensity} should has structure 'T_SS_mat', matrix with dimension #' \code{len_t} by \code{sz}\eqn{\times}{%\times}\code{sz}. #' #' \code{pos} should be the position matrix with dimension #' \code{M}\eqn{\times}{%\times}\code{len_t}. See \code{\link{bm_particle_intensity}}, #' \code{\link{ou_particle_intensity}}, \code{\link{fbm_particle_intensity}}, #' \code{\link{fbm_ou_particle_intensity}}. #' #' @author \packageAuthor{AIUQ} #' @references #' Gu, M., He, Y., Liu, X., & Luo, Y. (2023). Ab initio uncertainty #' quantification in scattering analysis of microscopy. #' arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.02468. #' #' Gu, M., Luo, Y., He, Y., Helgeson, M. E., & Valentine, M. T. (2021). #' Uncertainty quantification and estimation in differential dynamic microscopy. #' Physical Review E, 104(3), 034610. #' #' Cerbino, R., & Trappe, V. (2008). Differential dynamic microscopy: probing #' wave vector dependent dynamics with a microscope. Physical review letters, #' 100(18), 188102. #' #' #'@keywords classes methods::setClass("aniso_simulation", representation( sz = "vector", len_t = "integer", noise = "character", model_name = "character", M = "integer", pxsz = "numeric", mindt = "numeric", pos = "matrix", #first M equals pos0 intensity = "matrix", num_msd = "matrix", param = "matrix", theor_msd = "matrix", sigma_2_0 = "vector" ) ) ## Show if(!isGeneric("show")){ setGeneric(name = "show", def = function(object) standardGeneric("show")) } setMethod("show", "aniso_simulation", function(object){show.aniso_simulation(object)})
################################################################################ ############# EM algorithm Quantile regression ########### # Atualizado em 17/01/17 # ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ### Iniciando o ALgoritmo EM ################################################################################ EM.qr<-function(y,x=NULL,tau=NULL, error = 0.000001 ,iter=2000, envelope=FALSE) { ############################################################# ### ENVELOPES: Bootstrap ### ############################################################# if(envelope==TRUE){ n <-length(y) #### Regressao Quantilica: Envelope \rho_p(y-mu)/sigma^2 \sim exp(1) rq <- EM.qr(y,x,tau) columas <- ncol(x) muc <- (y-x%*%rq$theta[1:columas]) Ind <- (muc<0)+0 d2s <- muc*(tau-Ind) ### Distancia de mahalobonisb d2s <- sort(d2s) xq2 <- qexp(ppoints(n), 1/(rq$theta[4])) Xsim <- matrix(0,100,n) for(i in 1:100){ Xsim[i,] <- rexp(n, 1/(rq$theta[4])) } Xsim2 <- apply(Xsim,1,sort) d21 <- matrix(0,n,1) d22 <- matrix(0,n,1) for(i in 1:n){ d21[i] <- quantile(Xsim2[i,],0.05) d22[i] <- quantile(Xsim2[i,],0.95) } d2med <-apply(Xsim2,1,mean) fy <- range(d2s,d21,d22) plot(xq2,d2s,xlab = expression(paste("Theoretical ",exp(1), " quantiles")), ylab="Sample values and simulated envelope",pch=20,ylim=fy) par(new=T) plot(xq2,d21,type="l",ylim=fy,xlab="",ylab="") par(new=T) plot(xq2,d2med,type="l",ylim=fy,xlab="",ylab="") par(new=T) plot(xq2,d22,type="l",ylim=fy,xlab="",ylab="") } ################################################################################ ### MI Empirica: Veja givens ################################################################################ MI_empirica<-function(y,x,tau,theta){ p <- ncol(x) n <- nrow(x) taup2 <- (2/(tau*(1-tau))) thep <- (1-2*tau)/(tau*(1-tau)) beta <- theta[1:p] sigma <- theta[p+1] mu <- x%*%beta muc <- y-mu delta2 <- (y-x%*%beta)^2/(taup2*sigma) gamma2 <- (2+thep^2/taup2)/sigma K05P <- 2*besselK(sqrt(delta2*gamma2), 0.5)*(sqrt(delta2/gamma2)^0.5) K05N <- 2*besselK(sqrt(delta2*gamma2), -0.5)*(sqrt(delta2/gamma2)^(-0.5)) K15P <- 2*besselK(sqrt(delta2*gamma2), 1.5)*(sqrt(delta2/gamma2)^(1.5)) DerG <- matrix(0,nrow=(p+1),ncol=(p+1)) for (i in 1:n) { dkibeta <- (muc[i]/(taup2*sigma))*(K05N[i])*x[i,] dkisigma <- sqrt(delta2[i])/(2*sigma)*K05N[i]+sqrt(gamma2)/(2*sigma)*K15P[i] GradBeta <- -thep/(taup2*sigma)*x[i,]+(K05P[i])^(-1)*dkibeta Gradsigma <- -1.5/sigma-thep*muc[i]/(taup2*sigma^2)+ (K05P[i])^(-1)*dkisigma GradAux <- as.matrix(c(GradBeta,Gradsigma),p+1,1) DerG <- DerG+GradAux%*%t(GradAux) } EP <- sqrt(diag(solve(DerG))) obj.out <- list(EP = as.vector(EP)) return(obj.out) } ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ## Verossimilhanca da RQ: Usando a funcao de perda e usando a Bessel funcion ################################################################################ logVQR <- function(y,x,tau,theta) { p <- ncol(x) n <- nrow(x) beta <- theta[1:p] sigma <- theta[p+1] mu <- x%*%beta muc <- (y-mu)/sigma Ind <- (muc<0)+0 logver <- sum(-log(sigma)+log(tau*(1-tau))-muc*(tau-Ind)) return(logver) } p <- ncol(x) n <- nrow(x) reg <- lm(y ~ x[,2:p]) taup2 <- (2/(tau*(1-tau))) thep <- (1-2*tau)/(tau*(1-tau)) #Inicializa beta e sigma2 com os estimadores de minimos quadrados beta <- as.vector(coefficients(reg),mode="numeric") sigma <- sqrt(sum((y-x%*%beta)^2)/(n-p)) lk = lk1 = lk2 <- logVQR(y,x,tau,c(beta,sigma))## log-likelihood teta_velho <- matrix(c(beta,sigma),ncol=1) cont <- 0 criterio <- 1 while( criterio> error) { print(criterio) cont <- (cont+1) muc <- (y-x%*%beta) delta2 <- (y-x%*%beta)^2/(taup2*sigma) gamma2 <- (2+thep^2/taup2)/sigma vchpN <- besselK(sqrt(delta2*gamma2), 0.5-1)/(besselK(sqrt(delta2*gamma2), 0.5))*(sqrt(delta2/gamma2))^(-1) vchp1 <- besselK(sqrt(delta2*gamma2), 0.5+1)/(besselK(sqrt(delta2*gamma2), 0.5))*(sqrt(delta2/gamma2)) xM <- c(sqrt(vchpN))*x suma1 <- t(xM)%*%(xM) suma2 <- x*c(vchpN*y-thep) sigma <- sum(vchpN*muc^2-2*muc*thep+vchp1*(thep^2+2*taup2))/(3*n*taup2) beta <- solve(suma1)%*%apply(suma2,2,sum) teta_novo <- matrix(c(beta,sigma),ncol=1) criterio <- sqrt(sum((teta_velho-teta_novo)^2)) lk3 <- logVQR(y,x,tau,c(beta,sigma)) if(cont<2) criterio <- abs(lk2 - lk3)/abs(lk3) else { tmp <- (lk3 - lk2)/(lk2 - lk1) tmp2 <- lk2 + (lk3 - lk2)/(1-tmp) criterio <- abs(tmp2 - lk3) } lk2 <- lk3 if (cont==iter) { break } teta_velho <- teta_novo } Weights <- vchpN*vchp1 EP <- MI_empirica(y,x,tau,teta_novo)$EP logver <- logVQR(y,x,tau,teta_novo) return(list(theta=teta_novo,EP=EP,logver=logver,iter=cont,Weights=Weights,di=abs(muc)/sigma)) }
################################################################################ ### DIAGNOSTICO: Ponderacao de casos ################################################################################ diag.qr <- function(y,x,tau,theta) { ## PC= Ponderacao de casos p <- ncol(x) n <- nrow(x) taup2 <- (2/(tau*(1-tau))) thep <- (1-2*tau)/(tau*(1-tau)) beta <- theta[1:p] sigma <- theta[p+1] mu <- x%*%beta muc <- y-mu B <- thep/(taup2*sigma) E <- (thep^2+2*taup2)/(2*taup2*sigma^2) delta2 <- (y-x%*%beta)^2/(taup2*sigma) gamma2 <- (2+thep^2/taup2)/sigma DerBB <- matrix(0,p,p) DerSS <- 0 DerBS <- matrix(0,1,p) MatrizQ <- matrix(0,nrow=(p+1),ncol=(p+1)) GradQ <- matrix(0,nrow=(p+1),ncol=n) vchpN1 <- besselK(sqrt(delta2*gamma2), 0.5-1)/(besselK(sqrt(delta2*gamma2), 0.5))*(sqrt(delta2/gamma2))^(-1) vchpN2 <- besselK(sqrt(delta2*gamma2), 0.5-2)/(besselK(sqrt(delta2*gamma2), 0.5))*(sqrt(delta2/gamma2))^(-2) vchpP1 <- besselK(sqrt(delta2*gamma2), 0.5+1)/(besselK(sqrt(delta2*gamma2), 0.5))*(sqrt(delta2/gamma2)) vchpP2 <- besselK(sqrt(delta2*gamma2), 0.5+2)/(besselK(sqrt(delta2*gamma2), 0.5))*(sqrt(delta2/gamma2))^(2) for(i in 1:n) { Ai <- muc[i]/(taup2*sigma) Ci <- -0.5*(3*taup2*sigma+2*muc[i]*thep)/(taup2*sigma^2) Di <- muc[i]^2/(2*taup2*sigma^2) DerBB <- DerBB+ (-vchpN1[i]/(taup2*sigma))*((x[i,])%*%t(x[i,])) DerBS <- DerBS+(-(vchpN1[i]*muc[i]-thep)/(taup2*sigma^2))*(x[i,]) DerSS <- DerSS+(1.5/sigma^2-(vchpN1[i]*(muc[i])^2-2*thep*muc[i]+vchpP1[i]*(2*taup2+thep^2))/(taup2*sigma^3)) GradQ[,i] <- as.matrix(c((vchpN1[i]*Ai-B)*(x[i,]),(Ci+vchpN1[i]*Di+vchpP1[i]*E)),p+1,1) } MatrizQ[1:p,1:p] <- DerBB MatrizQ[p+1,1:p] <- (DerBS) MatrizQ[1:p,p+1] <- t(DerBS) MatrizQ[p+1,p+1] <- DerSS MatrizQ <- (MatrizQ+t(MatrizQ))/2 ############################################################# ### Graphic of the likelihood displacemente for data ### ############################################################# thetaest <- theta sigmaest <- thetaest[p+1] betaest <- matrix(thetaest[1:p],p,1) taup2 <- (2/(tau*(1-tau))) thep <- (1-2*tau)/(tau*(1-tau)) HessianMatrix <- MatrizQ Gradiente <- GradQ sigma <- sigmaest beta <- betaest muc <- (y-x%*%beta) delta2 <- (y-x%*%beta)^2/(taup2*sigma) gamma2 <- (2+thep^2/taup2)/sigma vchpN <- besselK(sqrt(delta2*gamma2), 0.5-1)/(besselK(sqrt(delta2*gamma2), 0.5))*(sqrt(delta2/gamma2))^(-1) vchp1 <- besselK(sqrt(delta2*gamma2), 0.5+1)/(besselK(sqrt(delta2*gamma2), 0.5))*(sqrt(delta2/gamma2)) Q <- -0.5*n*log(sigmaest)-0.5*(sigmaest*taup2)^{-1}*(sum(vchpN*muc^2 - 2*muc*thep + vchp1*(thep^2+2*taup2))) ######################################################## theta_i <- thetaest%*%matrix(1,1,n) +(-solve(HessianMatrix))%*%Gradiente sigmaest <- theta_i[p+1,] betaest <- theta_i[1:p,] sigma <- sigmaest beta <- betaest muc <- (y-x%*%beta) delta2 <- (y-x%*%beta)^2/(taup2*sigma) gamma2 <- (2+thep^2/taup2)/sigma vchpN <- besselK(sqrt(delta2*gamma2), 0.5-1)/(besselK(sqrt(delta2*gamma2), 0.5))*(sqrt(delta2/gamma2))^(-1) vchp1 <- besselK(sqrt(delta2*gamma2), 0.5+1)/(besselK(sqrt(delta2*gamma2), 0.5))*(sqrt(delta2/gamma2)) Q1 <- c() for (i in 1:n){Q1[i] <- -0.5*n*log(sigmaest[i])-sum(vchpN[,i]*muc[,i]^2 - 2*muc[,i]*thep + vchp1[,i]*(thep^2+2*taup2))/(2*(sigmaest[i]*taup2))} ######################################################## QDi <- 2*(-Q+Q1) ############################################################# ############################################################# ## Graphic of the generalized Cook distance for data ### ############################################################# HessianMatrix <- MatrizQ Gradiente <- GradQ GDi <- c() for (i in 1:n) {GDi[i] <- t(Gradiente[,i])%*%solve(-HessianMatrix)%*%Gradiente[,i]} obj.out <- list(MatrizQ = MatrizQ, mdelta=GradQ,QDi=QDi,GDi=GDi) return(obj.out) } #theta <- EM.qr(y,x,tau)$theta #diag_qr(y,x,tau,theta)
.Random.seed <- c(403L, 10L, -1849970072L, 478532502L, 151795473L, -1142075197L, -2008698670L, -2045037212L, -1409046361L, 1596939773L, 1847746548L, -1934817062L, 1284327973L, -1284831425L, 1816634566L, 186980688L, -427382413L, -1657629807L, 545744320L, -1316839522L, -1512193687L, 1522987419L, -1077992278L, 289342156L, 956582799L, 2029793221L, 2073645948L, -1359049774L, -146003123L, 679098887L, 1144875502L, 93570248L, 917359563L, 1688116777L, 727307384L, 288919974L, 477901761L, -1908940717L, 100098L, 1565766196L, 1233053623L, -1005840467L, 2013971652L, -343783190L, -986329259L, -1281556241L, -1347205386L, 697995808L, -1585137693L, -2075837311L, -999556368L, 1394708878L, 375406329L, -1032049525L, -159968070L, -1950445636L, 1705069823L, -399851435L, -1456696468L, 480299970L, 468843549L, -182018921L, -1304593922L, -1320805960L, -1433070181L, -1911030791L, 640181064L, -351654282L, -1515690063L, 942979555L, -701083982L, 1964811012L, 1809530951L, 1924335389L, 2033597844L, 49054010L, -1813234299L, 99178079L, 890126566L, -393477264L, 227566739L, -1747795663L, -1106737184L, 1698393214L, -2076827895L, -1668497093L, -285612790L, -2070184724L, -859141777L, 476221093L, 1119207516L, 272406578L, -1641222355L, -631743001L, -2139463410L, 1493223144L, 1113049323L, 968362377L, -734742248L, -1668830138L, -465767263L, -1495868621L, 461038242L, 2062948756L, 1030424599L, -724062195L, 2085483812L, 149557514L, 1552222325L, 161383375L, -1361021738L, 532374656L, 371186371L, -1566202783L, 816071888L, -131369426L, -1865701415L, 80807915L, 1734213210L, 650795036L, 1816577311L, -164321931L, -1678691316L, -1193437726L, -280254787L, 702505271L, 206302L, 1937636120L, 1912926843L, 391102489L, -1628079960L, 404699734L, 1216521937L, -154720637L, 1016495378L, 1801906340L, -12597145L, 537684413L, -704699596L, 4352154L, -78958875L, 1415284863L, -738115066L, 1233972624L, -928583629L, -15507503L, -1530890880L, 1491933278L, -1257113687L, -1403818405L, -1004801430L, 1010417420L, 237238607L, 90702341L, 1142575292L, 1854019986L, 1970737805L, -1069588281L, -411028050L, 139739144L, -398887925L, -404483863L, -1449553992L, 935290982L, 530127105L, -223285357L, -403709886L, -760141836L, -578817545L, 83244525L, 686880388L, -18446166L, 1602803221L, -708089169L, -1379319626L, 1013407456L, 1015792163L, -1787024063L, -1953435600L, -456799666L, 1767829177L, 1028430539L, -1773405318L, -1557575044L, -1654677825L, 607766421L, -1509974100L, -225976958L, -1003265187L, -594530729L, -1132401346L, 712596856L, 1666403931L, -815814215L, 1274698760L, 449046198L, 591345137L, -368522205L, -611302286L, 2000361156L, 464416903L, -1509174179L, -681207212L, -925642630L, -258460731L, 1692345631L, -2116033370L, 863614512L, -1898287917L, -979811599L, -1723887072L, -1185934146L, -1954111287L, 718267003L, 154003530L, -1943709524L, 1079508911L, -1428477083L, 1319371036L, 1540516210L, 1956411885L, 1141493287L, -1185669554L, 902726312L, -999227221L, 989678025L, 1688602072L, 52900998L, 1848449377L, 2114168360L, 1961541292L, -1492848964L, -1043557902L, 340078896L, -1521076060L, 154000056L, 2055300954L, -1223910000L, -1980371588L, -453334764L, -1655909054L, -1151339776L, 226214844L, 2054247248L, -771175134L, -22005432L, -938824692L, 211076188L, 1778443474L, 340481024L, 1000249172L, -845579800L, 1676256250L, -166829360L, -264270548L, 447735028L, 1024033682L, -1701252000L, 467151116L, -1543429408L, 1639935330L, -1165703512L, 1600495180L, -817224836L, -1936060622L, -1327977872L, 584655172L, -1366124584L, -5516166L, -282932688L, -745949508L, 1743157076L, -450173374L, 1478260640L, 920298684L, 1195483600L, -1269821086L, 1598951400L, 62002124L, -1969871108L, -1507400718L, 1741024384L, -1334114060L, -788922232L, -1751867078L, 1743883088L, 1143963756L, -4440940L, -1300019886L, 1318496992L, -1561383732L, 2016875680L, -91589246L, -809335576L, -1875172116L, 315201596L, 1788513394L, 1291107440L, 1702056484L, -120502728L, 748806682L, -805876528L, 1206709820L, 1021753492L, 1470514306L, -333274176L, -505910980L, -120443248L, -696888286L, 644898824L, 396379276L, 1299758108L, -161128302L, 738483328L, -1701041132L, 775051048L, 2145140794L, -2057963312L, 1195929708L, 1743554228L, -1753396206L, 603915232L, 812618700L, -238978592L, 298567714L, 1242484008L, -2146373364L, 1325937212L, -461879054L, -1787015952L, 1990147908L, -912319400L, -655610310L, -1783088912L, 529016508L, -339910124L, 1533531330L, 97229408L, 255594876L, -597414704L, -703516638L, -573975384L, -1067429492L, 84992444L, 992971826L, -1986244800L, 1142467252L, -22500024L, -279546182L, 776837904L, -1455404820L, 1257417812L, 1931608850L, -2080117344L, 368555980L, -2072638624L, 1396657346L, 1440686632L, 774061484L, -738327748L, -939774094L, -802685136L, 1954864164L, 1601827384L, 190940890L, 123757456L, 807350524L, 853633428L, 1150892866L, 1330205184L, 2135536700L, 1793903184L, -553487198L, 1169123144L, 144860684L, 2071795420L, -914956206L, 675377280L, 1840108372L, -560434200L, 1570665210L, -1358524592L, 2108960812L, -532434572L, -1408914798L, 1328009824L, 263347340L, 1846168928L, -172236574L, 916453544L, 376726220L, -279083524L, -261130318L, 1090531312L, -639548L, 1006840152L, 33811834L, -1769120336L, -1711580740L, -1592464812L, -1669575230L, 148499232L, 261966780L, -1036536752L, -1778747422L, 1246468968L, -1684936884L, -639272196L, 480654066L, 888131840L, -2069957516L, 612809224L, 1694261690L, 1897028048L, -856812564L, 1972909972L, -579246894L, 1318465632L, 1779931468L, -2038022368L, -1923988862L, -677334552L, 1412662252L, -1422442948L, -937364878L, 556660592L, 976797988L, -1219690952L, -166425190L, 1411241424L, -1608748612L, 1926306452L, 624793218L, 563255744L, 90709820L, 219621008L, -1116118238L, 254995976L, -1722472692L, 166887324L, 689322002L, -271490176L, -1802649836L, -1545426648L, -3712966L, -1699772464L, 1354146412L, -1531845580L, 656223378L, 699209056L, 215925068L, 337986016L, 331036578L, -572055640L, 8334476L, -1981256772L, 27482793L, -253768130L, -1434418388L, 585641341L, 175326151L, 1413026480L, 833818830L, -764425733L, -1268921763L, 1905845642L, -2080195160L, 1345733393L, -357207549L, -1775631100L, 427802930L, 1769754503L, -1597039151L, 340201302L, 1095183668L, -839097275L, 336432271L, -1998616056L, -976591322L, -1206190381L, -1429737419L, 905084818L, 169443168L, -407622967L, -1722982917L, -679466548L, -22085542L, -279405233L, -347007975L, -1326409170L, -58787780L, 1579642285L, -564162985L, -1192919136L, -1054483202L, 689799115L, -248653363L, 546495738L, 1769942840L, 1855397089L, 577572755L, -1476869196L, 1214113986L, 1060555991L, 338200865L, -2046721818L, -332208668L, 1843274005L, 894777663L, 669476056L, -912601866L, 133707523L, 1709363269L, -1659752350L, -1544423472L, 57265401L, 1024575019L, 723841436L, 2125042122L, 1017377471L, -628079607L, 1321432350L, 1783150796L, -594432867L, 682217767L, -154199216L, -2053872146L, -1028865381L, -1479498499L, -938972182L, 839371912L, -551185871L, -1419533149L, 453322916L, -1207404206L, 309445799L, 1282171121L, -337995722L, 905955540L, 893615205L, 1849833071L, 1398036648L, 378242566L, -1957877965L, -290733163L, -2137245710L, 1093489728L, 2106961321L, 1675150363L, -2053455380L, -1089193478L, -1109598673L, 112003641L, 776668238L, 1121782940L, 467779085L, -596049289L, -1554763136L, -269793058L, 102556587L, -400560979L, -1089842918L, -872348200L, -2002837951L, 921613555L, -796761324L, -1232039262L, 1560529847L, -35502207L, 1441664390L, 200744900L, -737287435L, -500181153L, -390497864L, -937262954L, 679986851L, 400271461L, 17948034L, 973872880L, -1216228711L, -1820240245L, -22866052L, -729261654L, -1835961889L, 1435223913L, -808751234L, -899467412L, 741239741L, -1678952313L, -391031696L, 1493774094L, -1833184197L, 1207614237L, -1734602294L, 670522088L, -1418654255L, 295747523L, -160937788L, 2096871282L, 423701063L, 1552833041L, -591498346L, 273643252L, 371153029L, 2036673999L, -2070947640L, -429551258L, -1362402413L, -1595814667L, -1694954286L, -1850483936L, 674394889L, 1111725115L, -2122114676L, 1859121178L, 1254276239L, 1215161305L, -2117507986L, -1760000004L, 993746285L, 16381719L, 990111456L, 1919259838L, -1495539061L, -813586163L, -1859747704L)
ALEPlot <- function(X, X.model,, J, K = 40, NA.plot = TRUE) { N = dim(X)[1] #sample size d = dim(X)[2] #number of predictor variables if (length(J) == 1) { #calculate main effects ALE plot if (class(X[,J]) == "factor") {#for categorical X[,J], calculate the ALE plot #Get rid of any empty levels of x and tabulate level counts and probabilities X[,J] <- droplevels(X[,J]) x.count <- as.numeric(table(X[,J])) #frequency count vector for levels of X[,J] x.prob <- x.count/sum(x.count) #probability vector for levels of X[,J] K <- nlevels(X[,J]) #reset K to the number of levels of X[,J] D.cum <- matrix(0, K, K) #will be the distance matrix between pairs of levels of X[,J] D <- matrix(0, K, K) #initialize matrix #For loop for calculating distance matrix D for each of the other predictors for (j in setdiff(1:d, J)) { if (class(X[,j]) == "factor") {#Calculate the distance matrix for each categorical predictor A=table(X[,J],X[,j]) #frequency table, rows of which will be compared A=A/x.count for (i in 1:(K-1)) { for (k in (i+1):K) { D[i,k] = sum(abs(A[i,]-A[k,]))/2 #This dissimilarity measure is always within [0,1] D[k,i] = D[i,k] } } D.cum <- D.cum + D } #End of if (class(X[,j] == "factor") statement else { #calculate the distance matrix for each numerical predictor q.x.all <- quantile(X[,j], probs = seq(0, 1, length.out = 100), na.rm = TRUE, names = FALSE) #quantiles of X[,j] for all levels of X[,J] combined x.ecdf=tapply(X[,j], X[,J], ecdf) #list of ecdf's for X[,j] by levels of X[,J] for (i in 1:(K-1)) { for (k in (i+1):K) { D[i,k] = max(abs(x.ecdf[[i]](q.x.all)-x.ecdf[[k]](q.x.all))) #This dissimilarity measure is the Kolmogorov-Smirnov distance between X[,j] for levels i and k of X[,J]. It is always within [0,1] D[k,i] = D[i,k] } } D.cum <- D.cum + D } #End of else statement that goes with if (class(X[,j] == "factor") statement } #end of for (j in setdiff(1:d, J) loop #calculate the 1-D MDS representation of D and the ordered levels of X[,J] D1D <- cmdscale(D.cum, k = 1) #1-dimensional MDS representation of the distance matrix ind.ord <- sort(D1D, index.return = T)$ix #K-length index vector. The i-th element is the original level index of the i-th lowest ordered level of X[,J]. ord.ind <- sort(ind.ord, index.return = T)$ix #Another K-length index vector. The i-th element is the order of the i-th original level of X[,J]. levs.orig <- levels(X[,J]) #as.character levels of X[,J] in original order levs.ord <- levs.orig[ind.ord] #as.character levels of X[,J] after ordering x.ord <- ord.ind[as.numeric(X[,J])] #N-length vector of numerical version of X[,J] with numbers corresponding to the indices of the ordered levels #Calculate the model predictions with the levels of X[,J] increased and decreased by one <- (1:N)[x.ord < K] #indices of rows for which X[,J] was not the highest level row.ind.neg <- (1:N)[x.ord > 1] #indices of rows for which X[,J] was not the lowest level <- X X.neg <- X[,J] <- levs.ord[x.ord[]+1] #Note that this leaves the J-th column as a factor with the same levels as X[,J], whereas[,J] <- . . . would convert it to a character vector X.neg[row.ind.neg,J] <- levs.ord[x.ord[row.ind.neg]-1] y.hat <-, newdata = X) <-, newdata =[,]) y.hat.neg <-, newdata = X.neg[row.ind.neg,]) #Take the appropriate differencing and averaging for the ALE plot <-[] vector of individual local effect values. They are the differences between the predictions with the level of X[,J] increased by one level (in ordered levels) and the predictions with the actual level of X[,J]. Delta.neg <- y.hat[row.ind.neg]-y.hat.neg #N.neg-length vector of individual local effect values. They are the differences between the predictions with the actual level of X[,J] and the predictions with the level of X[,J] decreased (in ordered levels) by one level. Delta <- as.numeric(tapply(c(, Delta.neg), c(x.ord[], x.ord[row.ind.neg]-1), mean)) #(K-1)-length vector of averaged local effect values corresponding to the first K-1 ordered levels of X[,J]. fJ <- c(0, cumsum(Delta)) #K length vector of accumulated averaged local effects #now vertically translate fJ, by subtracting its average (averaged across X[,J]) fJ = fJ - sum(fJ*x.prob[ind.ord]) x <- levs.ord barplot(fJ, names=x, xlab=paste("x_", J, " (", names(X)[J], ")", sep=""), ylab= paste("f_",J,"(x_",J,")", sep=""), las =3) } #end of if (class(X[,J]) == "factor") statement else if (class(X[,J]) == "numeric" | class(X[,J]) == "integer") {#for numerical or integer X[,J], calculate the ALE plot #find the vector of z values corresponding to the quantiles of X[,J] z= c(min(X[,J]), as.numeric(quantile(X[,J],seq(1/K,1,length.out=K), type=1))) #vector of K+1 z values z = unique(z) #necessary if X[,J] is discrete, in which case z could have repeated values K = length(z)-1 #reset K to the number of unique quantile points fJ = numeric(K) #group training rows into bins based on z a1=as.numeric(cut(X[,J], breaks=z, include.lowest=TRUE)) #N-length index vector indicating into which z-bin the training rows fall X1 = X X2 = X X1[,J] = z[a1] X2[,J] = z[a1+1] y.hat1 =, newdata = X1) y.hat2 =, newdata = X2) Delta=y.hat2-y.hat1 #N-length vector of individual local effect values Delta = as.numeric(tapply(Delta, a1, mean)) #K-length vector of averaged local effect values fJ = c(0, cumsum(Delta)) #K+1 length vector #now vertically translate fJ, by subtracting its average (averaged across X[,J]) b1 <- as.numeric(table(a1)) #frequency count of X[,J] values falling into z intervals fJ = fJ - sum((fJ[1:K]+fJ[2:(K+1)])/2*b1)/sum(b1) x <- z plot(x, fJ, type="l", xlab=paste("x_",J, " (", names(X)[J], ")", sep=""), ylab= paste("f_",J,"(x_",J,")", sep="")) } #end of else if (class(X[,J]) == "numeric" | class(X[,J]) == "integer") statement else print("error: class(X[,J]) must be either factor or numeric or integer") } #end of if (length(J) == 1) statement else if (length(J) == 2) { #calculate second-order effects ALE plot if (class(X[,J[2]]) != "numeric" & class(X[,J[2]]) != "integer") { print("error: X[,J[2]] must be numeric or integer. Only X[,J[1]] can be a factor") } if (class(X[,J[1]]) == "factor") {#for categorical X[,J[1]], calculate the ALE plot #Get rid of any empty levels of x and tabulate level counts and probabilities X[,J[1]] <- droplevels(X[,J[1]]) x.count <- as.numeric(table(X[,J[1]])) #frequency count vector for levels of X[,J[1]] x.prob <- x.count/sum(x.count) #probability vector for levels of X[,J[1]] K1 <- nlevels(X[,J[1]]) #set K1 to the number of levels of X[,J[1]] D.cum <- matrix(0, K1, K1) #will be the distance matrix between pairs of levels of X[,J[1]] D <- matrix(0, K1, K1) #initialize matrix #For loop for calculating distance matrix D for each of the other predictors for (j in setdiff(1:d, J[1])) { if (class(X[,j]) == "factor") {#Calculate the distance matrix for each categorical predictor A=table(X[,J[1]],X[,j]) #frequency table, rows of which will be compared A=A/x.count for (i in 1:(K1-1)) { for (k in (i+1):K1) { D[i,k] = sum(abs(A[i,]-A[k,]))/2 #This dissimilarity measure is always within [0,1] D[k,i] = D[i,k] } } D.cum <- D.cum + D } #End of if (class(X[,j[1]] == "factor") statement else { #calculate the distance matrix for each numerical predictor q.x.all <- quantile(X[,j], probs = seq(0, 1, length.out = 100), na.rm = TRUE, names = FALSE) #quantiles of X[,j] for all levels of X[,J[1]] combined x.ecdf=tapply(X[,j], X[,J[1]], ecdf) #list of ecdf's for X[,j] by levels of X[,J[1]] for (i in 1:(K1-1)) { for (k in (i+1):K1) { D[i,k] = max(abs(x.ecdf[[i]](q.x.all)-x.ecdf[[k]](q.x.all))) #This dissimilarity measure is the Kolmogorov-Smirnov distance between X[,j] for levels i and k of X[,J[1]]. It is always within [0,1] D[k,i] = D[i,k] } } D.cum <- D.cum + D } #End of else statement that goes with if (class(X[,j] == "factor") statement } #end of for (j in setdiff(1:d, J[1]) loop #calculate the 1-D MDS representation of D and the ordered levels of X[,J[1]] D1D <- cmdscale(D.cum, k = 1) #1-dimensional MDS representation of the distance matrix ind.ord <- sort(D1D, index.return = T)$ix #K1-length index vector. The i-th element is the original level index of the i-th lowest ordered level of X[,J[1]]. ord.ind <- sort(ind.ord, index.return = T)$ix #Another K1-length index vector. The i-th element is the order of the i-th original level of X[,J[1]]. levs.orig <- levels(X[,J[1]]) #as.character levels of X[,J[1]] in original order levs.ord <- levs.orig[ind.ord] #as.character levels of X[,J[1]] after ordering x.ord <- ord.ind[as.numeric(X[,J[1]])] #N-length index vector of numerical version of X[,J[1]] with numbers corresponding to the indices of the ordered levels #Calculate the model predictions with the levels of X[,J[1]] increased and decreased by one z2 = c(min(X[,J[2]]), as.numeric(quantile(X[,J[2]],seq(1/K,1,length.out=K), type=1))) #vector of K+1 z values for X[,J[2]] z2 = unique(z2) #necessary if X[,J(2)] is discrete, in which case z2 could have repeated values K2 = length(z2)-1 #reset K2 to the number of unique quantile points #group training rows into bins based on z2 a2 = as.numeric(cut(X[,J[2]], breaks=z2, include.lowest=TRUE)) #N-length index vector indicating into which z2-bin the training rows fall <- (1:N)[x.ord < K1] #indices of rows for which X[,J[1]] was not the highest level X11 = X #matrix with low X[,J[1]] and low X[,J[2]] X12 = X #matrix with low X[,J[1]] and high X[,J[2]] X21 = X #matrix with high X[,J[1]] and low X[,J[2]] X22 = X #matrix with high X[,J[1]] and high X[,J[2]] X11[,J[2]] = z2[a2][] X12[,J[2]] = z2[a2+1][] X21[,J[1]] = levs.ord[x.ord[]+1] X22[,J[1]] = levs.ord[x.ord[]+1] X21[,J[2]] = z2[a2][] X22[,J[2]] = z2[a2+1][] y.hat11 =, newdata = X11[,]) y.hat12 =, newdata = X12[,]) y.hat21 =, newdata = X21[,]) y.hat22 =, newdata = X22[,]) vector of individual local effect values row.ind.neg <- (1:N)[x.ord > 1] #indices of rows for which X[,J[1]] was not the lowest level X11 = X #matrix with low X[,J[1]] and low X[,J[2]] X12 = X #matrix with low X[,J[1]] and high X[,J[2]] X21 = X #matrix with high X[,J[1]] and low X[,J[2]] X22 = X #matrix with high X[,J[1]] and high X[,J[2]] X11[row.ind.neg,J[1]] = levs.ord[x.ord[row.ind.neg]-1] X12[row.ind.neg,J[1]] = levs.ord[x.ord[row.ind.neg]-1] X11[row.ind.neg,J[2]] = z2[a2][row.ind.neg] X12[row.ind.neg,J[2]] = z2[a2+1][row.ind.neg] X21[row.ind.neg,J[2]] = z2[a2][row.ind.neg] X22[row.ind.neg,J[2]] = z2[a2+1][row.ind.neg] y.hat11 =, newdata = X11[row.ind.neg,]) y.hat12 =, newdata = X12[row.ind.neg,]) y.hat21 =, newdata = X21[row.ind.neg,]) y.hat22 =, newdata = X22[row.ind.neg,]) Delta.neg=(y.hat22-y.hat21)-(y.hat12-y.hat11) #N.neg-length vector of individual local effect values Delta = as.matrix(tapply(c(, Delta.neg), list(c(x.ord[], x.ord[row.ind.neg]-1), a2[c(, row.ind.neg)]), mean)) #(K1-1)xK2 matrix of averaged local effects, which includes NA values if a cell is empty #replace NA values in Delta by the Delta value in their nearest neighbor non-NA cell NA.Delta = #(K1-1)xK2 matrix indicating cells that contain no observations NA.ind = which(NA.Delta, arr.ind=T, useNames = F) #2-column matrix of row and column indices for NA cells if (nrow(NA.ind) > 0) { notNA.ind = which(!NA.Delta, arr.ind=T, useNames = F) #2-column matrix of row and column indices for non-NA cells range1 =K1-1 range2 = max(z2)-min(z2) Z.NA = cbind(NA.ind[,1]/range1, (z2[NA.ind[,2]] + z2[NA.ind[,2]+1])/2/range2) # standardized {z1,z2} values for NA cells corresponding to each row of NA.ind, where z1 =1:(K1-1) represents the ordered levels of X[,J] Z.notNA = cbind(notNA.ind[,1]/range1, (z2[notNA.ind[,2]] + z2[notNA.ind[,2]+1])/2/range2) #standardized {z1,z2} values for non-NA cells corresponding to each row of notNA.ind nbrs <- ann(Z.notNA, Z.NA, k=1, verbose = F)$knnIndexDist[,1] #vector of row indices (into Z.notNA) of nearest neighbor non-NA cells for each NA cell Delta[NA.ind] = Delta[matrix(notNA.ind[nbrs,], ncol=2)] #Set Delta for NA cells equal to Delta for their closest neighbor non-NA cell. The matrix() command is needed, because if there is only one empty cell, notNA.ind[nbrs] is created as a 2-length vector instead of a 1x2 matrix, which does not index Delta properly } #end of if (nrow(NA.ind) > 0) statement #accumulate the values in Delta fJ = matrix(0,K1-1,K2) #rows correspond to X[,J(1)] and columns to X[,J(2)] fJ = apply(t(apply(Delta,1,cumsum)),2,cumsum) #second-order accumulated effects before subtracting lower order effects fJ = rbind(rep(0,K2),fJ) #add a first row to fJ that are all zeros fJ = cbind(rep(0,K1),fJ) #add a first column to fJ that are all zeros, so fJ is now K1x(K2+1) #now subtract the lower-order effects from fJ b=as.matrix(table(x.ord,a2)) #K1xK2 cell count matrix (rows correspond to X[,J[1]]; columns to X[,J[2]]) b2=apply(b,2,sum) #K2x1 count vector summed across X[,J[1]], as function of X[,J[2]] Delta = fJ[,2:(K2+1)]-fJ[,1:K2] #K1xK2 matrix of differenced fJ values, differenced across X[,J[2]] b.Delta = b*Delta Delta.Ave = apply(b.Delta,2,sum)/b2 #K2x1 vector of averaged local effects fJ2 = c(0, cumsum(Delta.Ave)) #(K2+1)x1 vector of accumulated local effects b.ave=matrix((b[1:(K1-1),]+b[2:K1,])/2, K1-1, K2) #(K1-1)xK2 cell count matrix (rows correspond to X[,J[1]] but averaged across neighboring levels; columns to X[,J[2]]). Must use "matrix(...)" in case K1=2 b1=apply(b.ave,1,sum) #(K1-1)x1 count vector summed across X[,J[2]], as function of X[,J[1]] Delta =matrix(fJ[2:K1,]-fJ[1:(K1-1),], K1-1, K2+1) #(K1-1)x(K2+1) matrix of differenced fJ values, differenced across X[,J[1]] b.Delta = matrix(b.ave*(Delta[,1:K2]+Delta[,2:(K2+1)])/2, K1-1, K2) #(K1-1)xK2 matrix Delta.Ave = apply(b.Delta,1,sum)/b1 #(K1-1)x1 vector of averaged local effects fJ1 = c(0,cumsum(Delta.Ave)) #K1x1 vector of accumulated local effects fJ = fJ - outer(fJ1,rep(1,K2+1)) - outer(rep(1,K1),fJ2) fJ0 = sum(b*(fJ[,1:K2] + fJ[,2:(K2+1)])/2)/sum(b) fJ = fJ - fJ0 #K1x(K2+1) matrix x <- list(levs.ord, z2) K <- c(K1, K2) image(1:K1, x[[2]], fJ, xlab=paste("x_",J[1], " (", names(X)[J[1]], ")", sep=""), ylab= paste("x_",J[2], " (", names(X)[J[2]], ")", sep=""), ylim = range(z2), yaxs = "i") contour(1:K1, x[[2]], fJ, add=TRUE, drawlabels=TRUE) axis(side=1, labels=x[[1]], at=1:K1, las = 3, padj=1.2) #add level names to x-axis if (NA.plot == FALSE) {#plot black rectangles over the empty cell regions if NA.plot == FALSE if (nrow(NA.ind) > 0) { NA.ind = which(b==0, arr.ind=T, useNames = F) #2-column matrix of row and column indices for empty cells rect(xleft = NA.ind[,1]-0.5, ybottom = z2[NA.ind[,2]], xright = NA.ind[,1]+0.5, ytop = z2[NA.ind[,2]+1], col="black") } }#end of if (NA.plot == FALSE) statement to plot black rectangles for empty cells } #end of if (class(X[,J[1]]) == "factor") statement else if (class(X[,J[1]]) == "numeric" | class(X[,J[1]]) == "integer") {#for numerical/integer X[,J[1]], calculate the ALE plot #find the vectors of z values corresponding to the quantiles of X[,J[1]] and X[,J[2]] z1 = c(min(X[,J[1]]), as.numeric(quantile(X[,J[1]],seq(1/K,1,length.out=K), type=1))) #vector of K+1 z values for X[,J[1]] z1 = unique(z1) #necessary if X[,J(1)] is discrete, in which case z1 could have repeated values K1 = length(z1)-1 #reset K1 to the number of unique quantile points #group training rows into bins based on z1 a1 = as.numeric(cut(X[,J[1]], breaks=z1, include.lowest=TRUE)) #N-length index vector indicating into which z1-bin the training rows fall z2 = c(min(X[,J[2]]), as.numeric(quantile(X[,J[2]],seq(1/K,1,length.out=K), type=1))) #vector of K+1 z values for X[,J[2]] z2 = unique(z2) #necessary if X[,J(2)] is discrete, in which case z2 could have repeated values K2 = length(z2)-1 #reset K2 to the number of unique quantile points fJ = matrix(0,K1,K2) #rows correspond to X[,J(1)] and columns to X[,J(2)] #group training rows into bins based on z2 a2 = as.numeric(cut(X[,J[2]], breaks=z2, include.lowest=TRUE)) #N-length index vector indicating into which z2-bin the training rows fall X11 = X #matrix with low X[,J[1]] and low X[,J[2]] X12 = X #matrix with low X[,J[1]] and high X[,J[2]] X21 = X #matrix with high X[,J[1]] and low X[,J[2]] X22 = X #matrix with high X[,J[1]] and high X[,J[2]] X11[,J] = cbind(z1[a1], z2[a2]) X12[,J] = cbind(z1[a1], z2[a2+1]) X21[,J] = cbind(z1[a1+1], z2[a2]) X22[,J] = cbind(z1[a1+1], z2[a2+1]) y.hat11 =, newdata = X11) y.hat12 =, newdata = X12) y.hat21 =, newdata = X21) y.hat22 =, newdata = X22) Delta=(y.hat22-y.hat21)-(y.hat12-y.hat11) #N-length vector of individual local effect values Delta = as.matrix(tapply(Delta, list(a1, a2), mean)) #K1xK2 matrix of averaged local effects, which includes NA values if a cell is empty #replace NA values in Delta by the Delta value in their nearest neighbor non-NA cell NA.Delta = #K1xK2 matrix indicating cells that contain no observations NA.ind = which(NA.Delta, arr.ind=T, useNames = F) #2-column matrix of row and column indices for NA cells if (nrow(NA.ind) > 0) { notNA.ind = which(!NA.Delta, arr.ind=T, useNames = F) #2-column matrix of row and column indices for non-NA cells range1 = max(z1)-min(z1) range2 = max(z2)-min(z2) Z.NA = cbind((z1[NA.ind[,1]] + z1[NA.ind[,1]+1])/2/range1, (z2[NA.ind[,2]] + z2[NA.ind[,2]+1])/2/range2) #standardized {z1,z2} values for NA cells corresponding to each row of NA.ind Z.notNA = cbind((z1[notNA.ind[,1]] + z1[notNA.ind[,1]+1])/2/range1, (z2[notNA.ind[,2]] + z2[notNA.ind[,2]+1])/2/range2) #standardized {z1,z2} values for non-NA cells corresponding to each row of notNA.ind nbrs <- ann(Z.notNA, Z.NA, k=1, verbose = F)$knnIndexDist[,1] #vector of row indices (into Z.notNA) of nearest neighbor non-NA cells for each NA cell Delta[NA.ind] = Delta[matrix(notNA.ind[nbrs,], ncol=2)] #Set Delta for NA cells equal to Delta for their closest neighbor non-NA cell. The matrix() command is needed, because if there is only one empty cell, notNA.ind[nbrs] is created as a 2-length vector instead of a 1x2 matrix, which does not index Delta properly } #end of if (nrow(NA.ind) > 0) statement #accumulate the values in Delta fJ = apply(t(apply(Delta,1,cumsum)),2,cumsum) #second-order accumulated effects before subtracting lower order effects fJ = rbind(rep(0,K2),fJ) #add a first row and first column to fJ that are all zeros fJ = cbind(rep(0,K1+1),fJ) #now subtract the lower-order effects from fJ b=as.matrix(table(a1,a2)) #K1xK2 cell count matrix (rows correspond to X[,J[1]]; columns to X[,J[2]]) b1=apply(b,1,sum) #K1x1 count vector summed across X[,J[2]], as function of X[,J[1]] b2=apply(b,2,sum) #K2x1 count vector summed across X[,J[1]], as function of X[,J[2]] Delta =fJ[2:(K1+1),]-fJ[1:K1,] #K1x(K2+1) matrix of differenced fJ values, differenced across X[,J[1]] b.Delta = b*(Delta[,1:K2]+Delta[,2:(K2+1)])/2 Delta.Ave = apply(b.Delta,1,sum)/b1 fJ1 = c(0,cumsum(Delta.Ave)) Delta = fJ[,2:(K2+1)]-fJ[,1:K2] #(K1+1)xK2 matrix of differenced fJ values, differenced across X[,J[2]] b.Delta = b*(Delta[1:K1,]+Delta[2:(K1+1),])/2 Delta.Ave = apply(b.Delta,2,sum)/b2 fJ2 = c(0, cumsum(Delta.Ave)) fJ = fJ - outer(fJ1,rep(1,K2+1)) - outer(rep(1,K1+1),fJ2) fJ0 = sum(b*(fJ[1:K1,1:K2] + fJ[1:K1,2:(K2+1)] + fJ[2:(K1+1),1:K2] + fJ[2:(K1+1), 2:(K2+1)])/4)/sum(b) fJ = fJ - fJ0 x <- list(z1, z2) K <- c(K1, K2) image(x[[1]], x[[2]], fJ, xlab=paste("x_",J[1], " (", names(X)[J[1]], ")", sep=""), ylab= paste("x_",J[2], " (", names(X)[J[2]], ")", sep=""), xlim = range(z1), ylim = range(z2), xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i") contour(x[[1]], x[[2]], fJ, add=TRUE, drawlabels=TRUE) if (NA.plot == FALSE) {#plot black rectangles over the empty cell regions if NA.plot == FALSE if (nrow(NA.ind) > 0) { rect(xleft = z1[NA.ind[,1]], ybottom = z2[NA.ind[,2]], xright = z1[NA.ind[,1]+1], ytop = z2[NA.ind[,2]+1], col="black") } }#end of if (NA.plot == FALSE) statement to plot black rectangles for empty cells } #end of else if (class(X[,J[1]]) == "numeric" | class(X[,J[1]]) == "integer") statement else print("error: class(X[,J[1]]) must be either factor or numeric/integer") } #end of "if (length(J) == 2)" statement else print("error: J must be a vector of length one or two") list(K=K, x.values=x, f.values = fJ) }
PDPlot <- function(X, X.model,, J, K) { N = dim(X)[1] #sample size d = dim(X)[2] #number of predictor variables if (length(J) == 1) { #calculate main effects PD plot if (class(X[,J]) == "numeric" | class(X[,J]) == "integer") {#for numeric or integer X[,J], calculate the ALE plot fJ = numeric(K) fJ = numeric(K) xmin = min(X[,J]) xmax = max(X[,J]) x = seq(xmin, xmax, length.out=K) for (k in 1:K) { X.predict = X X.predict[,J] = x[k] y.hat =, newdata = X.predict) fJ[k] = mean(y.hat) } #end of for loop #now vertically translate fJ, by subtracting its average (averaged across X[,J]) a<-cut(X[,J], breaks=c(xmin-(x[2]-x[1]),x), include.lowest=TRUE) b<- as.numeric(table(a)) #frequency count vector of X[,J] values falling into x intervals fJ = fJ - sum(fJ*b)/sum(b) plot(x, fJ, type="l", xlab = paste("x_",J, " (", names(X)[J], ")", sep=""), ylab = paste("f_",J,"(x_",J,")", sep="")) } #end of if (class(X[,J]) == "numeric" | class(X[,J]) == "integer") statement else if (class(X[,J]) == "factor") {#for factor X[,J], calculate the ALE plot #Get rid of any empty levels of x and tabulate level counts and probabilities X[,J] <- droplevels(X[,J]) x.count <- as.numeric(table(X[,J])) #frequency count vector for levels of X[,J] x.prob <- x.count/sum(x.count) #probability vector for levels of X[,J] K <- nlevels(X[,J]) #reset K to the number of levels of X[,J] x <- levels(X[,J]) #as.character levels of X[,J] in original order fJ = numeric(K) for (k in 1:K) { X.predict = X X.predict[,J] = x[k] y.hat =, newdata = X.predict) fJ[k] = mean(y.hat) } #end of for loop #now vertically translate fJ, by subtracting its average (averaged across X[,J]) fJ = fJ - sum(fJ*x.prob) barplot(fJ, names=x, xlab=paste("x_", J, " (", names(X)[J], ")", sep=""), ylab= paste("f_",J,"(x_",J,")", sep=""), las =3) } #end of else if (class(X[,J]) == "factor") statement else print("error: class(X[,J]) must be either factor or numeric or integer") } #end of if (length(J) == 1) statement else if (length(J) == 2) { #calculate second-order effects PD plot if (class(X[,J[2]]) != "numeric" & class(X[,J[2]]) != "integer") { print("error: X[,J[2]] must be numeric or integer. Only X[,J[1]] can be a factor") } if (class(X[,J[1]]) == "factor") {#for categorical X[,J[1]], calculate the PD plot #Get rid of any empty levels of x and tabulate level counts and probabilities X[,J[1]] <- droplevels(X[,J[1]]) K1 <- nlevels(X[,J[1]]) #set K1 to the number of levels of X[,J[1]] fJ = matrix(0,K1,K) x1.char <- levels(X[,J[1]]) #as.character levels of X[,J[1]] in original order x1.num <- 1:K1 #numeric version of levels of X[,J[1]] xmin2 = min(X[,J[2]]) xmax2 = max(X[,J[2]]) x2 = seq(xmin2, xmax2, length.out=K) for (k1 in 1:K1) { for (k2 in 1:K) { X.predict = X X.predict[,J[1]] = x1.char[k1] X.predict[,J[2]] = x2[k2] y.hat =, newdata = X.predict) fJ[k1,k2] = mean(y.hat) } #end of k2 for loop } #end of k1 for loop #now vertically translate fJ, by subtracting the averaged main effects b1=as.numeric(table(X[,J[1]])) #K1-length frequency count vector of X[,J[1]] values falling into x1 levels a2=cut(X[,J[2]], breaks=c(xmin2-(x2[2]-x2[1]),x2), include.lowest=TRUE) b2=as.numeric(table(a2)) #K-length frequency count vector of X[,J[2]] values falling into x2 intervals b=as.matrix(table(X[,J[1]],a2)) #K1xK frequency count matrix (rows correspond to x1; columns to x2) fJ1=apply(t(fJ)*b2,2,sum)/sum(b2) #main PD effect of x1 on fJ fJ2=apply(fJ*b1,2,sum)/sum(b1) #main PD effect of x2 on fJ fJ = fJ - outer(fJ1,rep(1,K)) - outer(rep(1,K1),fJ2) fJ0=sum(fJ*b)/sum(b) #average of fJ fJ=fJ - fJ0 x <- list(x1.char, x2) K <- c(K1, K) image(x1.num, x2, fJ, xlab=paste("x_",J[1], " (", names(X)[J[1]], ")", sep=""), ylab= paste("x_",J[2], " (", names(X)[J[2]], ")", sep=""), ylim = range(x2), yaxs = "i") contour(x1.num, x2, fJ, add=TRUE, drawlabels=TRUE) axis(side=1, labels=x1.char, at=1:K1, las = 3, padj=1.2) #add level names to x-axis } #end of if (class(X[,J[1]]) == "factor") statement else if (class(X[,J[1]]) == "numeric" | class(X[,J[1]]) == "integer") {#for numerical/integer X[,J[1]], calculate the PD plot fJ = matrix(0,K,K) xmin1 = min(X[,J[1]]) xmax1 = max(X[,J[1]]) xmin2 = min(X[,J[2]]) xmax2 = max(X[,J[2]]) x1 = seq(xmin1, xmax1, length.out=K) x2 = seq(xmin2, xmax2, length.out=K) for (k1 in 1:K) { for (k2 in 1:K) { X.predict = X X.predict[,J[1]] = x1[k1] X.predict[,J[2]] = x2[k2] y.hat =, newdata = X.predict) fJ[k1,k2] = mean(y.hat) } #end of k2 for loop } #end of k1 for loop #now vertically translate fJ, by subtracting the averaged main effects a1=cut(X[,J[1]], breaks=c(xmin1-(x1[2]-x1[1]),x1), include.lowest=TRUE) a2=cut(X[,J[2]], breaks=c(xmin2-(x2[2]-x2[1]),x2), include.lowest=TRUE) b1=as.numeric(table(a1)) #frequency count vector of X[,J[1]] values falling into x1 intervals b2=as.numeric(table(a2)) #frequency count vector of X[,J[2]] values falling into x2 intervals b=as.matrix(table(a1,a2)) #frequency count matrix (rows correspond to x1; columns to x2) fJ1=apply(t(fJ)*b2,2,sum)/sum(b2) #main PD effect of x1 on fJ fJ2=apply(fJ*b1,2,sum)/sum(b1) #main PD effect of x2 on fJ fJ = fJ - outer(fJ1,rep(1,K)) - outer(rep(1,K),fJ2) fJ0=sum(fJ*b)/sum(b) #average of fJ fJ=fJ - fJ0 x <- list(x1, x2) K <- c(K, K) image(x1, x2, fJ, xlab=paste("x_",J[1], " (", names(X)[J[1]], ")", sep=""), ylab= paste("x_",J[2], " (", names(X)[J[2]], ")", sep=""), xlim = range(x1), ylim = range(x2), xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i") contour(x1, x2, fJ, add=TRUE, drawlabels=TRUE) } #end of else if (class(X[,J[1]]) == "numeric" | class(X[,J[1]]) == "integer") statement else print("error: class(X[,J[1]]) must be either factor or numeric/integer") } #end of if (length(J) == 2) statement else print("error: J must be a vector of length one or two") list(x.values=x, f.values = fJ) }
"als" <- function(CList, PsiList, S=matrix(), WList=list(), thresh = .001, maxiter = 100, forcemaxiter=FALSE, optS1st=TRUE, x=1:nrow(CList[[1]]), x2 = 1:nrow(S), baseline=FALSE, fixed=vector("list", length(PsiList)), uniC=FALSE, uniS=FALSE, nonnegC = TRUE, nonnegS = TRUE, normS=0, closureC=list()) { RD <- 10^20 PsiAll <-"rbind", PsiList) resid <- vector("list", length(PsiList)) # if a weighting specification is absent, set weights to unity if(length(WList) == 0){ WList <- vector("list", length(PsiList)) for(i in 1:length(PsiList)) WList[[i]] <- matrix(1, nrow(PsiList[[1]]), ncol(PsiList[[1]])) } W <-"rbind",WList) # initialize residual matrices to zero for(i in 1:length(PsiList)) resid[[i]] <- matrix(0, nrow(PsiList[[i]]), ncol(PsiList[[i]])) # determine the residuals at the starting values for(j in 1:length(PsiList)) { for(i in 1:nrow(PsiList[[j]])) { resid[[j]][i,] <- PsiList[[j]][i,] - CList[[j]][i,] %*% t(S * WList[[j]][i,]) } } # set the initial residual sum of squares initialrss <- oldrss <- sum(unlist(resid)^2) cat("Initial RSS", initialrss, "\n") iter <- 1 b <- if(optS1st) 1 else 0 oneMore <- FALSE while( ((RD > thresh || forcemaxiter ) && maxiter >= iter) || oneMore) { if(iter %% 2 == b) ## solve for S, get RSS S <- getS(CList, PsiAll, S, W, baseline, uniS, nonnegS, normS, x2) else ## solve for CList, get resid matrices in this step only CList <- getCList(S, PsiList, CList, WList, resid, x, baseline, fixed, uniC, nonnegC, closureC) # determine the residuals for(j in 1:length(PsiList)) { for(i in 1:nrow(PsiList[[j]])) { resid[[j]][i,] <- PsiList[[j]][i,] - CList[[j]][i,] %*% t(S * WList[[j]][i,]) } } rss <- sum(unlist(resid)^2) RD <- ((oldrss - rss) / oldrss) oldrss <- rss typ <- if(iter %% 2 == b) "S" else "C" cat("Iteration (opt. ", typ, "): ", iter, ", RSS: ", rss, ", RD: ", RD, "\n", sep = "") iter <- iter + 1 ## make sure the last iteration enforces any normalization/closure oneMore <- (normS > 0 && (iter %% 2 != b) && maxiter != 1) || (length(closureC) > 0 && (iter %% 2 == b) ) } cat("Initial RSS / Final RSS =", initialrss, "/", rss, "=", initialrss/rss,"\n") return(list(CList = CList, S = S, rss = rss, resid = resid, iter = iter)) }
# Revision 2.1 2005/06/06 # - Modified default behavior with 0's and NA's in # 'height' so that these values are not plotted. # - Warning messages added in the case of the above. # Revision 2.0 2005/04/27 # - Added panel.first and panel.last arguments # - As per R 2.0.0, the default barplot() method by default uses a # gamma-corrected grey palette (rather than the heat color # palette) for coloring its output when given a matrix. barplot3 <- function( height, width = 1, space = NULL, names.arg = NULL, legend.text = NULL, beside = FALSE, horiz = FALSE, density = NULL, angle = 45, col = NULL, prcol = NULL, border = par("fg"), main = NULL, sub = NULL, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, xpd = TRUE, log = "", axes = TRUE, axisnames = TRUE, cex.axis = par("cex.axis"), cex.names = par("cex.axis"), inside = TRUE, plot = TRUE, axis.lty = 0, offset = 0, = FALSE, ci.l = NULL, ci.u = NULL, ci.color = "black", ci.lty = "solid", ci.lwd = 1, plot.grid = FALSE, = NULL, grid.lty = "dotted", grid.lwd = 1, grid.col = "black", add = FALSE, panel.first = NULL, panel.last = NULL, names.side = 1, = 1, ...) { if (!missing(inside)) .NotYetUsed("inside", error = FALSE)# -> help(.) if (missing(space)) space <- if (is.matrix(height) && beside) c(0, 1) else 0.2 space <- space * mean(width) if (plot && axisnames && missing(names.arg)) names.arg <- if(is.matrix(height)) colnames(height) else names(height) if (is.vector(height) || (is.array(height) && (length(dim(height)) == 1))) { ## Treat vectors and 1-d arrays the same. height <- cbind(height) beside <- TRUE ## The above may look strange, but in particular makes color ## specs work as most likely expected by the users. if(is.null(col)) col <- "grey" } else if (is.matrix(height)) { ## In the matrix case, we use " heat colors" by default. if(is.null(col)) col <- heat.colors(nrow(height)) } else stop(paste(sQuote("height"), "must be a vector or a matrix")) if(is.logical(legend.text)) legend.text <- if(legend.text && is.matrix(height)) rownames(height) # Check for log scales logx <- FALSE logy <- FALSE if (log != "") { if (any(grep("x", log))) logx <- TRUE if (any(grep("y", log))) logy <- TRUE } # Cannot "hatch" with rect() when log scales used if ((logx || logy) && !is.null(density)) stop("Cannot use shading lines in bars when log scale is used") NR <- nrow(height) NC <- ncol(height) if (beside) { if (length(space) == 2) space <-[2],[1], NR - 1)), NC) width <- rep(width, length.out = NR) } else width <- rep(width, length.out = NC) offset <- rep(as.vector(offset), length.out = length(width)) delta <- width / 2 w.r <- cumsum(space + width) w.m <- w.r - delta w.l <- w.m - delta #if graphic will be stacked bars, do not plot ci if (!beside && (NR > 1) && = FALSE # error check ci arguments if (plot && { if ((missing(ci.l)) || (missing(ci.u))) stop("confidence interval values are missing") if (is.vector(ci.l) || (is.array(ci.l) && (length(dim(ci.l)) == 1))) ci.l <- cbind(ci.l) else if (!is.matrix(ci.l)) stop(paste(sQuote("ci.l"), "must be a vector or a matrix")) if (is.vector(ci.u) || (is.array(ci.u) && (length(dim(ci.u)) == 1))) ci.u <- cbind(ci.u) else if (!is.matrix(ci.u)) stop(paste(sQuote("ci.u"), "must be a vector or a matrix")) if (any(dim(height) != dim(ci.u))) stop(paste(sQuote("height"), "and", sQuote("ci.u"), "must have the same dimensions.")) else if (any(dim(height) != dim(ci.l))) stop(paste(sQuote("height"), "and", sQuote("ci.l"), "must have the same dimensions.")) } # check height + offset/ci.l if using log scale to prevent log(<=0) error # adjust appropriate ranges and bar base values if ((logx && horiz) || (logy && !horiz)) { # Check for NA values and issue warning if required <- sum( if ( > 0) { warning(sprintf("%.0f values == NA in 'height' omitted from logarithmic plot",, domain = NA) } # Check for 0 values and issue warning if required # _FOR NOW_ change 0's to NA's so that other calculations are not # affected. 0's and NA's affect plot output in the same way anyway, # except for stacked bars, so don't change those. height.lte0 <- sum(height <= 0, na.rm = TRUE) if (height.lte0 > 0) { warning(sprintf("%0.f values <=0 in 'height' omitted from logarithmic plot", height.lte0), domain = NA) # If NOT stacked bars, modify 'height' if (beside) height[height <= 0] <- NA } if ( && (min(ci.l) <= 0)) stop("log scale error: at least one lower c.i. value <= 0") if (logx && !is.null(xlim) && (xlim[1] <= 0)) stop("log scale error: 'xlim[1]' <= 0") if (logy && !is.null(ylim) && (ylim[1] <= 0)) stop("'log scale error: 'ylim[1]' <= 0") # arbitrary adjustment to display some of bar for min(height) since # 0 cannot be used with log scales. If, also check ci.l if ( { rectbase <- c(height[is.finite(height)], ci.l) rectbase <- min(0.9 * rectbase[rectbase > 0]) } else { rectbase <- height[is.finite(height)] rectbase <- min(0.9 * rectbase[rectbase > 0]) } # if axis limit is set to < above, adjust bar base value # to draw a full bar if (logy && !is.null(ylim) && !horiz) rectbase <- ylim[1] else if (logx && !is.null(xlim) && horiz) rectbase <- xlim[1] # if stacked bar, set up base/cumsum levels, adjusting for log scale if (!beside) height <- rbind(rectbase, apply(height, 2, cumsum)) # if, be sure that appropriate axis limits are set to include range(ci) lim <- if ( c(height, ci.l, ci.u) else height rangeadj <- c(0.9 * lim + offset, lim + offset) rangeadj <- rangeadj[rangeadj > 0] } else { # Use original bar base value rectbase <- 0 # if stacked bar, set up base/cumsum levels if (!beside) height <- rbind(rectbase, apply(height, 2, cumsum)) # if, be sure that appropriate axis limits are set to include range(ci) lim <- if ( c(height, ci.l, ci.u) else height # use original range adjustment factor rangeadj <- c(-0.01 * lim + offset, lim + offset) } # define xlim and ylim, adjusting for log-scale if needed if (horiz) { if (missing(xlim)) xlim <- range(rangeadj, na.rm=TRUE) if (missing(ylim)) ylim <- c(min(w.l), max(w.r)) } else { if (missing(xlim)) xlim <- c(min(w.l), max(w.r)) if (missing(ylim)) ylim <- range(rangeadj, na.rm=TRUE) } if (beside) w.m <- matrix(w.m, ncol = NC) if(horiz) names.side <- 2 if(plot) ##-------- Plotting : { opar <- if (horiz) par(xaxs = "i", xpd = xpd) else par(yaxs = "i", xpd = xpd) on.exit(par(opar)) # If add = FALSE open new plot window # else allow for adding new plot to existing window if (!add) { plot.window(xlim, ylim, log = log, ...) } # Execute the panel.first expression. This will work here # even if 'add = TRUE' panel.first # Set plot region coordinates usr <- par("usr") # adjust par("usr") values if log scale(s) used if (logx) { usr[1] <- 10 ^ usr[1] usr[2] <- 10 ^ usr[2] } if (logy) { usr[3] <- 10 ^ usr[3] usr[4] <- 10 ^ usr[4] } # if prcol specified, set plot region color if (!missing(prcol)) rect(usr[1], usr[3], usr[2], usr[4], col = prcol) # if plot.grid, draw major y-axis lines if vertical or x axis if horizontal # R V1.6.0 provided axTicks() as an R equivalent of the C code for # CreateAtVector. Use this to determine default axis tick marks when log # scale used to be consistent when no grid is plotted. # Otherwise if is specified, use pretty() if (plot.grid) { par(xpd = FALSE) if (is.null( { if (horiz) { grid <- axTicks(1) abline(v = grid, lty = grid.lty, lwd = grid.lwd, col = grid.col) } else { grid <- axTicks(2) abline(h = grid, lty = grid.lty, lwd = grid.lwd, col = grid.col) } } else { if (horiz) { grid <- pretty(xlim, n = abline(v = grid, lty = grid.lty, lwd = grid.lwd, col = grid.col) } else { grid <- pretty(ylim, n = abline(h = grid, lty = grid.lty, lwd = grid.lwd, col = grid.col) } } par(xpd = xpd) } xyrect <- function(x1,y1, x2,y2, horizontal = TRUE, ...) { if(horizontal) rect(x1,y1, x2,y2, ...) else rect(y1,x1, y2,x2, ...) } if (beside) xyrect(rectbase + offset, w.l, c(height) + offset, w.r, horizontal=horiz, angle = angle, density = density, col = col, border = border) else { for (i in 1:NC) xyrect(height[1:NR, i] + offset[i], w.l[i], height[-1, i] + offset[i], w.r[i], horizontal=horiz, angle = angle, density = density, col = col, border = border) } # Execute the panel.last expression here panel.last if ( { # CI plot width = barwidth / 2 ci.width = width / 4 if (horiz) { segments(ci.l, w.m, ci.u, w.m, col = ci.color, lty = ci.lty, lwd = ci.lwd) segments(ci.l, w.m - ci.width, ci.l, w.m + ci.width, col = ci.color, lty = ci.lty, lwd = ci.lwd) segments(ci.u, w.m - ci.width, ci.u, w.m + ci.width, col = ci.color, lty = ci.lty, lwd = ci.lwd) } else { segments(w.m, ci.l, w.m, ci.u, col = ci.color, lty = ci.lty, lwd = ci.lwd) segments(w.m - ci.width, ci.l, w.m + ci.width, ci.l, col = ci.color, lty = ci.lty, lwd = ci.lwd) segments(w.m - ci.width, ci.u, w.m + ci.width, ci.u, col = ci.color, lty = ci.lty, lwd = ci.lwd) } } if (axisnames && !is.null(names.arg)) # specified or from {col}names { at.l <- if (length(names.arg) != length(w.m)) { if (length(names.arg) == NC) # i.e. beside (!) colMeans(w.m) else stop("incorrect number of names") } else w.m axis(names.side, at = at.l[seq(1, length(at.l), by =], labels = names.arg[seq(1, length(at.l), by =], lty = axis.lty, cex.axis = cex.names, ...) } if(!is.null(legend.text)) { legend.col <- rep(col, length = length(legend.text)) if((horiz & beside) || (!horiz & !beside)) { legend.text <- rev(legend.text) legend.col <- rev(legend.col) density <- rev(density) angle <- rev(angle) } # adjust legend x and y values if log scaling in use if (logx) legx <- usr[2] - ((usr[2] - usr[1]) / 10) else legx <- usr[2] - xinch(0.1) if (logy) legy <- usr[4] - ((usr[4] - usr[3]) / 10) else legy <- usr[4] - yinch(0.1) legend(legx, legy, legend = legend.text, angle = angle, density = density, fill = legend.col, xjust = 1, yjust = 1) } title(main = main, sub = sub, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, ...) # if axis is to be plotted, adjust for grid "at" values if (axes) { if(plot.grid) axis(if(horiz) 1 else 2, at = grid, cex.axis = cex.axis, ...) else axis(if(horiz) 1 else 2, cex.axis = cex.axis, ...) } invisible(w.m) } else w.m }
"getC" <- function(EAllAllTimes, PsiAll_T, C, baseline, uni, nonnegC, x) { for(i in 1:ncol(PsiAll_T)) C[i,] <- if(nonnegC) coef(nnls::nnls(A = EAllAllTimes[[i]], b = PsiAll_T[,i])) else qr.coef(qr( EAllAllTimes[[i]]), PsiAll_T[,i]) if(uni) { ncolel <- ncol(C) if(baseline) ncolel <- ncolel - 1 for(i in 1:ncolel) { C[,i] <- Iso::ufit(y=C[,i],x=x)$y } } C }
"getCList" <- function(S, PsiList, CList, WList, resid, x, baseline, fixed, uni, nonnegC, closureC) { for(j in 1:length(PsiList)) { S[which(is.nan(S))] <- 1 if(length(fixed[[j]])>0) S <- S[, -fixed[[j]]] for(i in 1:nrow(PsiList[[j]])) { if(nonnegC) cc <- try(nnls::nnls(A = S * WList[[j]][i,], b = PsiList[[j]][i,])) else cc <- try(qr.coef(qr(S * WList[[j]][i,]), PsiList[[j]][i,])) if(inherits(cc, "try-error")) sol <- rep(1, ncol(S)) else sol <- if(nonnegC) coef(cc) else cc cc1 <- rep(NA, ncol(CList[[j]])) if(length(fixed[[j]])>0) cc1[fixed[[j]]] <- 0 cc1[] <- sol CList[[j]][i,] <- cc1 } } if(uni) { for(j in 1:length(PsiList)) { ncolel <- ncol(CList[[j]]) if(baseline) ncolel <- ncolel - 1 for(i in 1:ncolel) { CList[[j]][,i] <- Iso::ufit(y=CList[[j]][,i],x=x)$y } } } if(length(closureC) > 1) { for(j in 1:length(PsiList)) for(i in 1:nrow(PsiList[[j]])) CList[[j]][i,] <- sum((CList[[j]][i,]*closureC[[j]][i])/ max(sum(CList[[j]][i,]))) } CList }
"getS" <- function(CList, PsiAll, S, W, baseline, uni, nonnegS, normS, x2) { C <-"rbind",CList) C[which(is.nan(C))] <- 1 for(i in 1:ncol(PsiAll)) { if(nonnegS) s <- try(nnls::nnls(A = C * W[,i], b = PsiAll[,i])) else s <- try(qr.coef( qr(C * W[,i]), PsiAll[,i])) if(inherits(s, "try-error")) S[i,] <- rep(1, ncol(C)) else S[i,] <- if(nonnegS) coef(s) else s } if(uni) { ncolel <- ncol(C) if(baseline) ncolel <- ncolel - 1 for(i in 1:ncolel) S[i,] <- Iso::ufit(y=S[i,],x=x2)$y } if(normS>0) { if(normS==1) S <- normdat(S) else { for(i in 1:ncol(S)) { nm <- sqrt(sum((S[,i])^2)) S[,i] <- S[,i]/nm } } } S }
`getWSList` <- function(S, WList, tt) { SList <- vector("list", length=length(WList)) for(j in 1:length(WList)) SList[[j]] <- t(S * WList[[j]][tt,]) SList }
`getWSListAllTimes` <- function(S,WList) { allWSList <- vector("list",nrow(WList[[1]])) for(i in 1:nrow(WList[[1]])) allWSList[[i]] <- getWSList(S, WList, i) allWSList }
matchFactor <- function(u,s, type = "dot") { s2u <- sum(u^2) s2s <- sum(s^2) if(s2u == 0 || s2s == 0) ret <- if( s2u == 0 && s2s == 0) 1 else 0 else { if(type=="euclid") ret <- 1/ ( 1+sum( ( (u/sqrt(s2u)) - (s/sqrt(s2s)))^2 )) if(type=="dot") ret <- (u%*%s)/(sqrt(s2u)*sqrt(s2s)) } ret }
"normdat" <- function (mat) { if(!is.matrix(mat)) mat <- as.matrix(mat) for (i in 1:ncol(mat)) mat[, i] <- mat[, i]/max(abs(mat[, i])) mat }
plotS <- function(S, x2, out="", filename=paste("S.", out,sep=""), col=vector(), cex = 1, lab="", cex.lab=1) { if(out=="pdf") pdf(filename) if(out=="ps") postscript(filename) par(mgp = c(2, 1, 0), mar=c(0,0,0,0), oma = c(1,0,4,0)) if(length(lab)>0) par(oma=c(4,0,4,0), cex.lab=cex.lab) if(ncol(S) > 2) par(mfrow=c( ceiling( ncol(S) / 2), 2)) if(ncol(S) == 2) # make 1 row 2 col if only plotting 2 comp. par(mfrow=c(2,1)) if(ncol(S) == 1) par(mfrow=c(1,1)) par(cex=cex) for(j in 1:ncol(S)) { names.side <- 0 if(j <= 2) names.side <- 3 if( j >= ncol(S)-1 ){ names.side <- 1 par(mar=c(2,0,0,0)) } if(length(col)==0) cl <- j else cl <- col[j] if(names.side != 0) barplot3(S[,j], col = cl, border = cl, names.arg = x2, names.side = names.side, = 30, axes=FALSE) else barplot3(S[,j], col = cl, border = cl, axes=FALSE, names.arg="") } if(length(lab)>0) mtext(lab, side = 1, outer = TRUE, line = 1, cex=cex.lab) if(out=="ps"||out=="pdf") }
ALS.CPC <-function(alpha,beta,sigma,epsilon,G,nval,D,S){ orthonormal<- function(B){ p <- nrow(B) M <- ncol(B) W <- B if (M > 1){for (i in 2:M){C <- c(crossprod(B[,i],W[,1:(i-1)])) /diag(crossprod(W[,1:(i-1)])) W[,i] <- B[,i] - matrix(W[,1:(i-1)],nrow=p) %*% matrix(C,nrow=i-1)}} C <- 1/sqrt(diag(crossprod(W))) W <- t(t(W) * C) return(W) } #========================================== QRdecomposition<-function(A){ res<-vector("list",length=2) Q<-orthonormal(A) R<-matrix(nrow=dim(A)[2],ncol=dim(A)[2]) for(i in 1:dim(A)[1]){ for( j in 1:dim(A)[2]){ if(i<j){R[i,j]<-Q[i,]%*%A[,j]} if(i>j){R[i,j]<-0 } S<-mat.or.vec(dim(A)[1], 1) if(i==j){ if(j==1){R[j,j]<-sqrt(t(A[,i])%*%A[,i])} else{ for(r in 1:(j-1)){S<-S+R[r,j]*Q[r,]};R[j,j]<-sqrt(t(A[,j]-S)%*%(A[,j]-S))} }}} res[[1]]<-Q res[[2]]<-R return(res) } #================================================== RetractionQR<-function(D,V){ result<-QRdecomposition(D+V)[[1]] return(result) } #============================================= objectfunctionG<-function(G,nval,D,S){ #S is list of covariance matrices values<-numeric(G) for(i in 1:G){values[i]<-nval[i]*log(det(diag(diag(t(D)%*%S[[i]]%*%(D)))))} return(sum(values)) } #============================================================ unconsgradfG<-function(G,nval,D,S){ p=dim(D)[1] #W list of covariance matrices and A list of positive diagonal matrices components<-vector("list",length=G) Z=mat.or.vec(p, p) for(g in 1:G){components[[g]]<-nval[g]*2*t(S[[g]])%*%D%*%solve(diag(diag(t(D)%*%S[[g]]%*%(D)))) Z <- Z+components[[g]]} return(Z)} #================================================================= sym<-function(M){(M+t(M))/2} #=============================================================== Projection<-function(Z,D){Z-D%*%sym(t(D)%*%Z)} #================================================ gradfG<-function(G,nval,D,S){Projection(unconsgradfG(G,nval,D,S),D)} #================================================================ frobenius.product<-function(A,B){ m<-dim(A)[1] n<-dim(B)[2] C<-matrix(nrow=m,ncol=n) for(i in 1:m){ for(j in 1:n){ C[i,j]<-A[i,j]*B[i,j] } } return(sum(C)) } #=================== armijo step size =========================== Armijo<-function(alpha,beta,sigma,G,nval,D,S){ m<-0 repeat{lower<-alpha*sigma*(beta^m)*frobenius.product(gradfG(G,nval,D,S),gradfG(G,nval,D,S)) Re<-RetractionQR(D,-alpha*beta^m *gradfG(G,nval,D,S)) upper<-objectfunctionG(G,nval,D,S)-objectfunctionG(G,nval,Re,S) if(upper>=lower){armijo<-m;break} m<-m+1 } return(alpha*beta^armijo) } #===================================================== Respons<-vector("list") Respons[[1]]<-D;t<-NULL j<-1 repeat{ t[j]<-Armijo(alpha,beta,sigma,G,nval,Respons[[j]],S) Respons[[j+1]]<-RetractionQR(Respons[[j]],-t[j]*gradfG(G,nval,Respons[[j]],S)) if(abs(objectfunctionG(G,nval,Respons[[j]],S)-objectfunctionG(G,nval,Respons[[j+1]],S))<epsilon){fin<-j;break} j<-j+1 } return(Respons[[fin]]) }
#' @export #' #' @import SuppDists #' #' oneway <- function(y,group,alpha=0.05,MSE=NULL,c.value=0,mc=NULL,residual=c('simple','semistudentized','studentized','studentized.deleted'),omission.variable=NULL){ x<-group means<-tapply(y,x,mean) r<-length(table(x)) residual<-match.arg(residual) a<-alpha fit <- lm(y ~ factor(x)) ## ok ##BF nt<-length(y) n<-tapply(y,x,length) if ( is.null(match.arg(MSE)) ){ mse<-(deviance(fit))/(fit$df.residual) }else{ mse<-MSE } rvo<-as.integer(names(table(x))) ci<-c() cj<-c() for (i in 1:(r-1)){ ii<-i+1 for ( j in ii:r){ ci<-c(ci,rvo[i]) cj<-c(cj,rvo[j]) } } rn<-paste0(ci,' - ' ,cj) ############################### change x j<-1 xx<-x for( i in rvo){ x[x==i]<-j j<-j+1 } rv.s<-1:r ci<-c() cj<-c() for (i in 1:(r-1)){ ii<-i+1 for ( j in ii:r){ ci<-c(ci,rv.s[i]) cj<-c(cj,rv.s[j]) } } ##################### descr out.des<- cbind(Group=rvo,n=n,mean=tapply(y,x,mean),median=tapply(y,x,median),Var=tapply(y,x,var),SD=tapply(y,x,sd), min=tapply(y,x,min),max=tapply(y,x,max)) ########### res res<-fit$residuals sem<-res/sqrt(mse) s<-sqrt( (mse*(n-1))/(n) ) stu<-res/s[x] del<-rstudent(fit) if ( (residual=='simple')){ e<-res tt<-'residuals' }else if((residual=='semistudentized')){ e<-sem # semi tt<-'semistudentized residuals' }else if((residual=='studentized')){ e<-stu tt<-'studentized residuals' }else if((residual=='studentized.deleted')){ e<-del tt<-'studentized deleted residuals' } ########### omisssion variable if ( !is.null(omission.variable) ){ o1<-omission.variable==unique(omission.variable)[1] o2<-omission.variable==unique(omission.variable)[2] plot(e[o1]~fit$fitted.values[o1],xlim=range(fit$fitted.values),ylim=range(e),xlab='Yhat',ylab=tt,main=paste0(tt,' Plot against Fitted Values categorize Omission Variable')) points(fit$fitted.values[o2],e[o2],pch=20) plot(e[o1],x[o1],yaxt='n',frame.plot=F ,xlim=range(e),ylim=c(0,r),ylab='Group',xlab=tt) abline(h = 1:r, lty = 2, col = "gray40", lwd = 1) axis(2,1:r,labels=rvo) points(e[o2],x[o2],pch=20) title(paste0('Aligned ',tt, ' Dot Plot categorize Omission Variable ')) } ######################## seq plot(e, type = "b", lty = 2, xlab = "Run", ylab = tt,pch=16) title("Sequence Plot") ############################ plot qqnorm(e,main = paste0('Normal Q-Q Plot ',tt )) qqline(e) boxplot(e,main=paste0('Box plot ',tt )) hist(e,xlab=tt,main="") for (i in rvo){ ee<-e[xx==i] qqnorm(ee,main = paste0('Normal Q-Q Plot ',tt,' Group ',i,' ')) qqline(ee) hist(ee,main = paste0(' Group ',i,' '),xlab=tt) } boxplot(e~xx,xlab='Group',main=paste0('Box plot ',tt )) plot(e~fit$fitted.values,xlab='Yhat',ylab=tt) plot(e,rep(0,nt),frame.plot=F,yaxt='n',xlab=tt,ylab='',ylim = c(0,1),main = paste0(' Dot Plot ',tt)) plot(e,x,yaxt='n',frame.plot=F ,ylim=c(0,r),ylab='Group') abline(h = 1:r, lty = 2, col = "gray40", lwd = 1) axis(2,1:r,labels=rvo) title(paste0('Aligned ',tt, ' Dot Plot ')) #plot(TukeyHSD(aov(y~x))) plot(means,rep(0,r),frame.plot=F,yaxt='n',xlim = range(y),ylab='',ylim = c(0,1)) text(means,0,rvo,pos=3) title(" Dot plot level means ") plot(y,x,yaxt='n',frame.plot=F ,ylim=c(0,r),ylab='Group') abline(h = 1:r, lty = 2, col = "gray40", lwd = 1) axis(2,1:r,labels=rvo) title(paste0('Aligned response variable Dot Plot ',tt)) boxplot(y~xx,main='Boxplot respnse by groups ') barplot(means, xlab = "Group") title(" Means level Bar Graph") plot(means~rvo, type = "o", pch = 19, xlab = "Group") abline(h = mean(y), lty = 2, col = 2, lwd = 1) title(main = " Main Effects Plot") ##################### single factor sf t<-qt(1-a/2,nt-r) s<-sqrt(mse/n) tv<-(means-c.value)/s pv<-2*(1-pt(abs(tv),nt-r)) out.sf<-cbind(rvo,n,means,means-t*s,means+t*s,tv,round(pv,6) ) colnames(out.sf)<- c('Group','size','mean', 'lower', 'upper','t','p-value') row.names(out.sf)<-NULL ################## plot diff<-t*s bar <- barplot(means, xlab = 'Group',ylim=c(min(means-2*diff,0),max(means+2*diff,y))) arrows(bar, means+diff, bar, means-diff, angle = 90, code = 3) tt<-paste0(' Bar-Interval Graph ', 1-a ,' percent confidence limits for each factor level') title(tt) plot(means~rvo, xlim=c(min(rvo-1),max(rvo+1)),ylim=c( min(means-diff)-min(diff) , max(means+diff)+min(diff) ),xlab = "Design") arrows(rvo, means+diff, rvo, means-diff, angle = 90, code = 3) abline(h = mean(y), lty = 2, col =2, lwd = 2) tt<-paste0('Interval Plot ', 1-a ,' percent confidence limits for each factor level') title(tt) ############# lsd lsd d<-means[ci]-means[cj] s<-sqrt( mse*(1/(n[ci]) +1/(n[cj])) ) t<-qt(1-a/2,nt-r) tv<-(d-c.value)/s pv<-2*(1-pt(abs(tv),nt-r)) out.lsd<- cbind(d,d-t*s,d+t*s,tv,round(pv,6)) colnames(out.lsd)<- c('diffrence', 'lower', 'upper','t','p-value') rownames(out.lsd)<- rn ##################################### contrast one if ( !is.null(mc) ){ out.c1<-matrix(1:5,1,5) for ( q in 1:dim(mc)[1]){ l<-sum(means*mc[q,]) s<-sqrt( mse*sum( (mc[q,]^2)/(n) ) ) tv<-(l)/s t<-qt(1-a/2,nt-r) pv<-2*(1-pt(abs(tv),nt-r)) pv<-round(pv,6) out<- cbind(l,l-t*s,l+t*s,tv,pv) out.c1<-rbind(out.c1,out) } colnames(out.c1)<- c('L', 'lower', 'upper','t','p-value') out.c1<-out.c1[-1,] } ###############Tukey # d<-means[ci]-means[cj] #s<-sqrt( mse*(1/(n[ci]) +1/(n[cj])) ) #t<-qtukey(1-a,r,nt-r)/sqrt(2) #q<-(sqrt(2)*d)/s #pv<-2*(1-ptukey(abs(q),r,nt-r)) ######### p-v chek shavad #out.tky<- cbind(d,d-t*s,d+t*s,q,round(pv,4)) #colnames(out.tky)<- c('diffrence', 'lower', 'upper','q*','p-value') #rownames(out.tky)<- rn out.tky<-TukeyHSD(aov(y~factor(x)),conf.level=1-a) plot(out.tky<-TukeyHSD(aov(y~factor(x)),conf.level=1-a)) #################################### shefffe c.value =0 hamishee ,p.v TEST if ( !is.null(mc) ){ outsh<-matrix(1:5,1,5) for ( q in 1:dim(mc)[1]){ l<-sum(means*mc[q,]) S<-sqrt( (r - 1)*qf(1- a,r-1,nt - r) ) s<-sqrt( mse*sum( ((mc[q,])^2)/(n) ) ) fv<-(l^2)/((r-1)*(s^2)) pv<-1-pf(fv,r-1,nt-r) out<- cbind(l,l-S*s,l+S*s,fv,pv) outsh<-rbind(outsh,out) } colnames(outsh)<- c('L', 'lower', 'upper','F','p-value')<-outsh[-1,] } ############# bon c==0 pv chekkkkk if ( !is.null(mc) ){ out.b<-matrix(1:5,1,5) g<-dim(mc)[1] for ( q in 1:dim(mc)[1]){ l<-sum(means*mc[q,]) B<-qt(1-a/(2*g),nt - r) s<-sqrt( mse*sum( ((mc[q,])^2)/(n) ) ) tv<-l/s pv<-2*(1-pt(abs(tv),nt-r)) out<- cbind(l,l-B*s,l+B*s,tv,pv) out.b<-rbind(out.b,out) } colnames(out.b)<- c('L', 'lower', 'upper','t','p-value') out.b<-out.b[-1,] } ############# hartly test df<-as.integer(mean(n)) s2<-tapply(y,x,var) H<-max(s2)/min(s2) pv<- 1- pmaxFratio(H, df-1,r) if ( is.numeric(pv)){<-cbind(H,pv) colnames(<-c('H','p-value') }else{<-NULL } ############### bron forsy test d<-unlist(tapply(y,x,function(x) abs(x-median(x)))) names(d)<-NULL di<-tapply(d,x,mean) dii<-mean(d) f<-anova(lm(d~factor(xx)) )<-cbind(f$`F value`[1],f$`Pr(>F)`[1] ) colnames(<-c('F value','p-value') ########## non para F test d<-rank(y) f<-anova(lm(d~factor(xx)) ) out.n<-cbind(f$F[1],f$P[1] ) colnames(out.n)<- c('F', 'p.value') ############ pair wise non para means_n<-tapply(d,x,mean) d<-means_n[ci]-means_n[cj] g<-(r*(r-1))/2 s<-sqrt( nt*(nt+1)*(1/(n[ci]) +1/(n[cj]) )*(1/12) ) B<-qnorm(1-a/(2*g))<-cbind(d,d-B*s,d+s*B ) colnames(<- c('difference', 'lower', 'upper') row.names(<-rn ########### outlier t.outli<-qt(1-a/(2*nt),nt-r-1) case<-c(1:nt)[abs(rstudent(fit))>t.outli] g<-y[case] if ( length(case!=0)){ out.ot<-cbind(case=case,y=g,studentized.deleted.residual=rstudent(fit)[case],t.value=rep(t.outli,length(case) )) }else{ out.ot<-paste0('t value=',t.outli,' ,do not exist outlier') } ####### ANOM mmm<-mean(means) tt<-qt(1-alpha/(2*r),nt-r) s=c() for ( i in 1:r){ s<-c(s,sqrt((mse/n[i]) * ((r-1)/r)^2 + (mse/r^2) * sum(1/n[-i]))) }<-cbind(rvo,means-mmm-tt*s , means-mmm+tt*s) out.an2<-cbind(rvo,mmm-tt*s , mmm+tt*s) colnames(<- c('factor level', 'lower', 'upper') dd<-diff(range(means))/4 plot(x = seq(r), means, pch = 20, xlim=c(.5,r+.5),ylim = c(min(out.an2[,2],means,mmm), max(out.an2[,3],means,mmm)), xlab = "Levels of Design", ylab = "Mean", xaxt = 'n') axis(1, seq(r),labels = rvo) segments(seq(r), mmm, seq(r), means) lines(seq(1, r+.5, 0.5), rep(out.an2[,3], each = 2), type = "S") lines(seq(1, r+.5, 0.5), rep(out.an2[,2], each = 2), type = "S") abline(h = mmm) ############ if ( !is.null(mc) ){ o<-list(descriptive=out.des,fit=summary(fit),anova=anova(fit), Single.factor.level=out.sf,Contrast.NOT.simultaneous=out.c1 ,LSD=out.lsd,Tukey=out.tky, ,Bonferroni=out.b ,Nonparametric.Rank.F.Test=out.n, ,,,Bonfferoni.Test.Outlier=out.ot,,residuals=res ,semistudentized.residuals=sem ,studentized.residuals=stu ,studentized.deleted.residuals= del) }else{ o<-list( descriptive=out.des,fit=summary(fit),anova=anova(fit), Single.factor.level=out.sf,LSD=out.lsd,Tukey=out.tky,Nonparametric.Rank.F.Test=out.n, ,,,Bonfferoni.Test.Outlier=out.ot,,residuals=res ,semistudentized.residuals=sem ,studentized.residuals=stu ,studentized.deleted.residuals= del) } return(o) }