Video ID
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a0f07M2uj_A | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | Backpropagation and the brain | null | 2020-04-20T13:40:41Z | null | Geoffrey Hinton and his co-authors describe a biologically plausible variant of backpropagation and report evidence that such an ... | null | null | null |
_EDr3ryrT_Y | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | Typical Decoding for Natural Language Generation (Get more human-like outputs from language models!) | null | 2022-03-25T20:08:04Z | null | deeplearning #nlp #sampling Modern language models like T5 or GPT-3 achieve remarkably low perplexities on both training ... | null | null | null |
vVRC-0VKPrg | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | Learning Rate Grafting: Transferability of Optimizer Tuning (Machine Learning Research Paper Review) | null | 2021-11-20T15:47:46Z | null | grafting #adam #sgd The last years in deep learning research have given rise to a plethora of different optimization algorithms, ... | null | null | null |
eCH0M4wzKJs | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | WHO ARE YOU? 10k Subscribers Special (w/ Channel Analytics) | null | 2020-05-07T14:18:26Z | null | An in-depth look at this channel's analytics. Links: YouTube: Twitter: ... | null | null | null |
cIUtRNhY6Rw | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | TAPAS: Weakly Supervised Table Parsing via Pre-training (Paper Explained) | null | 2020-05-05T13:41:35Z | null | Answering complex questions about tabular information is hard. No two tables are alike and sometimes the answer you're looking ... | null | null | null |
qlB0TPBQ7YY | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | Transformer Memory as a Differentiable Search Index (Machine Learning Research Paper Explained) | null | 2022-04-16T15:40:13Z | null | dsi #search #google Search engines work by building an index and then looking up things in it. Usually, that index is a separate ... | null | null | null |
X2k7n4FuI7c | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | BLIP: Bootstrapping Language-Image Pre-training for Unified Vision-Language Understanding&Generation | null | 2022-03-23T19:44:37Z | null | blip #review #ai Cross-modal pre-training has been all the rage lately in deep learning, especially training vision and language ... | null | null | null |
lvYVuOmUVs8 | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | OpenAI tackles Math - Formal Mathematics Statement Curriculum Learning (Paper Explained) | null | 2022-03-05T14:58:01Z | null | openai #math #imo Formal mathematics is a challenging area for both humans and machines. For humans, formal proofs require ... | null | null | null |
9-o2aAoN0rY | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | Fast reinforcement learning with generalized policy updates (Paper Explained) | null | 2020-08-23T13:06:02Z | null | ai #research #reinforcementlearning Reinforcement Learning is a powerful tool, but it is also incredibly data-hungry. Given a new ... | null | null | null |
fEKZC9mta8w | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | [ML News] Uber: Deep Learning for ETA | MuZero Video Compression | Block-NeRF | EfficientNet-X | null | 2022-02-18T16:38:08Z | null | mlnews #muzero #nerf Your regularly irregular updates on everything new in the ML world! Merch: ... | null | null | null |
yFAuXmcGk2Y | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | SingularityNET - A Decentralized, Open Market and Network for AIs (Whitepaper Explained) | null | 2021-01-29T21:13:21Z | null | ai #research #blockchain Big Tech is currently dominating the pursuit of ever more capable AI. This happens behind closed doors ... | null | null | null |
WTB2p4bqtXU | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | End-to-End Adversarial Text-to-Speech (Paper Explained) | null | 2020-06-10T14:14:52Z | null | Text-to-speech engines are usually multi-stage pipelines that transform the signal into many intermediate representations and ... | null | null | null |
LB4B5FYvtdI | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | Predictive Coding Approximates Backprop along Arbitrary Computation Graphs (Paper Explained) | null | 2020-11-29T14:04:54Z | null | ai #biology #neuroscience Backpropagation is the workhorse of modern deep learning and a core component of most frameworks ... | null | null | null |
hAooAOFRsYc | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | Transformers are RNNs: Fast Autoregressive Transformers with Linear Attention (Paper Explained) | null | 2020-07-04T12:39:13Z | null | ai #attention #transformer #deeplearning Transformers are famous for two things: Their superior performance and their insane ... | null | null | null |
-Kgxv64aG3o | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | ALiBi - Train Short, Test Long: Attention with linear biases enables input length extrapolation | null | 2021-09-02T22:35:08Z | null | alibi #transformers #attention Transformers are essentially set models that need additional inputs to make sense of sequence data ... | null | null | null |
_7xpGve9QEE | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | The Future of AI is Self-Organizing and Self-Assembling (w/ Prof. Sebastian Risi) | null | 2022-08-26T18:25:39Z | null | ai #selforganization #emergence Read Sebastian's article here: OUTLINE: 0:00 ... | null | null | null |
i-J4T3uLC9M | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | VOS: Learning What You Don't Know by Virtual Outlier Synthesis (Paper Explained) | null | 2022-03-13T12:50:48Z | null | vos #outliers #deeplearning Sponsor: Assembly AI Check them out here: ... | null | null | null |
cllFzkvrYmE | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | GLOM: How to represent part-whole hierarchies in a neural network (Geoff Hinton's Paper Explained) | null | 2021-02-27T15:47:03Z | null | glom #hinton #capsules Geoffrey Hinton describes GLOM, a Computer Vision model that combines transformers, neural fields, ... | null | null | null |
KXEEqcwXn8w | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | A neurally plausible model learns successor representations in partially observable environments | null | 2019-11-07T10:15:19Z | null | Successor representations are a mid-point between model-based and model-free reinforcement learning. This paper learns ... | null | null | null |
G7-fRGaCZts | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | [ML News] Google introduces Pathways | OpenAI solves Math Problems | Meta goes First Person | null | 2021-11-05T12:51:43Z | null | pathways #mlnews #ego4d Your irregular dose of Machine Learning News. OUTLINE: 0:00 - Intro 0:20 - Sponsor: Weights ... | null | null | null |
wZWn7Hm8osA | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | Gauge Equivariant Convolutional Networks and the Icosahedral CNN | null | 2019-08-13T14:03:03Z | null | Ever wanted to do a convolution on a Klein Bottle? This paper defines CNNs over manifolds such that they are independent of ... | null | null | null |
v2GRWzIhaqQ | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | Meta-Learning through Hebbian Plasticity in Random Networks (Paper Explained) | null | 2020-08-12T09:20:25Z | null | ai #neuroscience #rl Reinforcement Learning is a powerful tool, but it lacks biological plausibility because it learns a fixed policy ... | null | null | null |
cuyM63ugsxI | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | On the Measure of Intelligence by François Chollet - Part 3: The Math (Paper Explained) | null | 2020-06-26T13:49:27Z | null | In this part, we go over the formal definition of the measure of intelligence. In order to do this, we have to frame and quantify the ... | null | null | null |
ml3Y1ljVSQ8 | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | PCGRL: Procedural Content Generation via Reinforcement Learning (Paper Explained) | null | 2020-08-04T12:00:15Z | null | ai #research #gaming Deep RL is usually used to solve games, but this paper turns the process on its head and applies RL to ... | null | null | null |
YOLL8dIhLJI | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | [ML News] DeepMind controls fusion | Yann LeCun's JEPA architecture | US: AI can't copyright its art | null | 2022-03-04T11:50:07Z | null | mlnews #deepmind #fusion Updates on what's going on in the ML world! Check out w&b's alerts feature: ... | null | null | null |
MQ89be_685o | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | The Hardware Lottery (Paper Explained) | null | 2020-09-18T20:27:55Z | null | ai #research #hardware We like to think that ideas in research succeed because of their merit, but this story is likely incomplete. | null | null | null |
-cT-2xvaeks | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | [ML News] Facebook AI adapting robots | Baidu autonomous excavators | Happy Birthday EleutherAI | null | 2021-07-15T11:17:21Z | null | A look into the happenings of the Machine Learning world. OUTLINE: 0:00 - Intro 0:25 - Facebook AI trains rapidly adapting robots ... | null | null | null |
nv6oFDp6rNQ | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | Hopfield Networks is All You Need (Paper Explained) | null | 2020-08-09T15:51:38Z | null | ai #transformer #attention Hopfield Networks are one of the classic models of biological memory networks. This paper generalizes ... | null | null | null |
gYxJEd3EUKs | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | Memory-assisted prompt editing to improve GPT-3 after deployment (Machine Learning Paper Explained) | null | 2022-03-28T13:48:00Z | null | nlp #gpt3 #prompt Large language models such as GPT-3 have enabled many breakthroughs and new applications recently, but ... | null | null | null |
9MJTeOaSMTk | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | Self-driving from VISION ONLY - Tesla's self-driving progress by Andrej Karpathy (Talk Analysis) | null | 2021-07-03T13:00:56Z | null | tesla #selfdriving #karpathy Tesla is pushing the state-of-the-art in full self-driving, and interestingly, they explicitly switch from ... | null | null | null |
7OdhtAiPfWY | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | I BUILT A NEURAL NETWORK IN MINECRAFT | Analog Redstone Network w/ Backprop & Optimizer (NO MODS) | null | 2021-04-14T13:33:43Z | null | minecraft #neuralnetwork #backpropagation I built an analog neural network in vanilla Minecraft without any mods or command ... | null | null | null |
EbHUU-gLyRA | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | Self-classifying MNIST Digits (Paper Explained) | null | 2020-09-02T09:29:27Z | null | ai #biology #machinelearning Neural Cellular Automata are models for how living creatures can use local message passing to ... | null | null | null |
Lg97gWXsiQ4 | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | Resolution-robust Large Mask Inpainting with Fourier Convolutions (w/ Author Interview) | null | 2021-12-18T12:09:06Z | null | lama #inpainting #deeplearning At the end of the video is an interview with the paper authors! LaMa is a system that is amazing at ... | null | null | null |
povBDxUn1VQ | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | ACCEL: Evolving Curricula with Regret-Based Environment Design (Paper Review) | null | 2022-04-25T18:40:16Z | null | ai #accel #evolution Automatic curriculum generation is one of the most promising avenues for Reinforcement Learning today. | null | null | null |
WYrvh50yu6s | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | Challenging Common Assumptions in the Unsupervised Learning of Disentangled Representations | null | 2018-12-18T09:18:47Z | null | Abstract: In recent years, the interest in unsupervised learning of disentangled representations ... | null | null | null |
udS2OPohs_s | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | I TRAINED AN AI TO SOLVE 2+2 (w/ Live Coding) | null | 2020-08-06T16:30:14Z | null | ai #tech #code A whole bunch of humans are arguing whether 2+2=4 or 2+2=5. Pointless! Let the machines handle this! Colab: ... | null | null | null |
gbG1X8Xq-T8 | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | Enhanced POET: Open-Ended RL through Unbounded Invention of Learning Challenges and their Solutions | null | 2020-04-10T10:11:09Z | null | The enhanced POET makes some substantial and well-crafted improvements over the original POET algorithm and excels at ... | null | null | null |
BBp0tHcirtQ | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | git for research basics: fundamentals, commits, branches, merging | null | 2017-12-13T07:40:17Z | null | Don't watch this if you already know how to solve a merge conflict :) | null | null | null |
u5BkO8XMS2I | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | iMAML: Meta-Learning with Implicit Gradients (Paper Explained) | null | 2020-05-19T13:37:21Z | null | Gradient-based Meta-Learning requires full backpropagation through the inner optimization procedure, which is a computational ... | null | null | null |
F5aaXrIMWyU | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | The AI Economist: Improving Equality and Productivity with AI-Driven Tax Policies (Paper Explained) | null | 2020-04-30T16:17:55Z | null | Hail the AI Tax Collector! This very visual framework has RL Agents maximize their coins in a tiny world through collecting, ... | null | null | null |
5IRlUVrEVL8 | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | Deep Ensembles: A Loss Landscape Perspective (Paper Explained) | null | 2020-07-11T12:57:17Z | null | ai #research #optimization Deep Ensembles work surprisingly well for improving the generalization capabilities of deep neural ... | null | null | null |
R5DiLFOMZrc | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | TransGAN: Two Transformers Can Make One Strong GAN (Machine Learning Research Paper Explained) | null | 2021-02-17T16:02:54Z | null | transformer #gan #machinelearning Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) hold the state-of-the-art when it comes to image ... | null | null | null |
q7QP_lfqnQM | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | Synthesizer: Rethinking Self-Attention in Transformer Models (Paper Explained) | null | 2020-05-31T14:27:04Z | null | Do we really need dot-product attention? The attention mechanism is a central part of modern Transformers, mainly due to the ... | null | null | null |
-_2AF9Lhweo | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | Linformer: Self-Attention with Linear Complexity (Paper Explained) | null | 2020-06-11T13:50:50Z | null | Transformers are notoriously resource-intensive because their self-attention mechanism requires a squared number of memory ... | null | null | null |
k_hUdZJNzkU | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | The Dimpled Manifold Model of Adversarial Examples in Machine Learning (Research Paper Explained) | null | 2021-06-27T12:06:18Z | null | adversarialexamples #dimpledmanifold #security Adversarial Examples have long been a fascinating topic for many Machine ... | null | null | null |
-h1KB8ps11A | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | Datasets for Data-Driven Reinforcement Learning | null | 2020-04-16T18:07:00Z | null | Offline Reinforcement Learning has come more and more into focus recently in domains where classic on-policy RL algorithms ... | null | null | null |
h9w3KffPPmQ | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | [Rant] Online Conferences | null | 2020-04-28T15:36:11Z | null | Are virtual conferences good or bad? What's missing? How do we go forward? Pictures from here: ... | null | null | null |
IiBFqnNu7A8 | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | Planning to Explore via Self-Supervised World Models (Paper Explained) | null | 2020-05-17T14:01:30Z | null | What can an agent do without any reward? Explore the world! While many formulations of intrinsic rewards exist (Curiosity, ... | null | null | null |
JPX_jSZtszY | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | NeurIPS 2020 Changes to Paper Submission Process | null | 2020-02-21T10:32:41Z | null | My thoughts on the changes to the paper submission process for NeurIPS 2020. The main new changes are: 1. ACs can desk ... | null | null | null |
DRy_Mr732yA | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | [Drama] Who invented Contrast Sets? | null | 2020-04-08T12:11:31Z | null | Funny Twitter spat between researchers arguing who was the first to invent an idea that has probably been around since 1990 :D ... | null | null | null |
GgHXGpQ60x0 | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | [ML News] AI learns to search the Internet | Drawings come to life | New ML journal launches | null | 2021-12-24T12:29:20Z | null | webgpt #aiart #mlnews The latest and greatest from the Machine Learning world. OUTLINE: 0:00 - Intro 0:20 - Sponsor: Weights ... | null | null | null |
RrvC8YW0pT0 | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | Reinforcement Learning Upside Down: Don't Predict Rewards -- Just Map Them to Actions | null | 2019-12-11T02:45:34Z | null | Schmidhuber thinking outside the box! Upside-Down RL turns RL on its head and constructs a behavior function that uses the ... | null | null | null |
XHGh19Hbx48 | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | Can Wikipedia Help Offline Reinforcement Learning? (Paper Explained) | null | 2022-02-26T14:02:37Z | null | wikipedia #reinforcementlearning #languagemodels Transformers have come to overtake many domain-targeted custom models ... | null | null | null |
FbRcbM4T-50 | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | ExT5: Towards Extreme Multi-Task Scaling for Transfer Learning (Paper Explained) | null | 2021-11-30T00:19:40Z | null | ext5 #transferlearning #exmix The T5 model has been a staple for NLP research for the last years. Both its size and its approach ... | null | null | null |
AIOE1l1W0Tw | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | LAION-5B: 5 billion image-text-pairs dataset (with the authors) | null | 2022-04-22T13:00:44Z | null | laion #clip #dalle LAION-5B is an open, free dataset consisting of over 5 billion image-text-pairs. Today's video is an interview with ... | null | null | null |
0JlB9gufTw8 | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | ∞-former: Infinite Memory Transformer (aka Infty-Former / Infinity-Former, Research Paper Explained) | null | 2021-09-06T12:07:08Z | null | inftyformer #infinityformer #transformer Vanilla Transformers are excellent sequence models, but suffer from very harsch ... | null | null | null |
AvHLJqtmQkE | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | Author Interview - Typical Decoding for Natural Language Generation | null | 2022-03-26T15:59:28Z | null | deeplearning #nlp #sampling This is an interview with first author Clara Meister. Paper review video hereé ... | null | null | null |
G3pOvrKkFuk | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | [Code] PyTorch sentiment classifier from scratch with Huggingface NLP Library (Full Tutorial) | null | 2020-05-18T13:26:18Z | null | Huggingface released its newest library called NLP, which gives you easy access to almost any NLP dataset and metric in one ... | null | null | null |
C5sWbYwzKyg | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | AlphaCode - with the authors! | null | 2022-03-02T23:00:01Z | null | ai #alphacode #deepmind An interview with the creators of AlphaCode! Paper review video here: ... | null | null | null |
zWFkUGXjbdo | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | [Rant] Can AI read your emotions? (No, but ...) | null | 2021-05-30T14:51:48Z | null | facerecognition #emotiondetection #mindreading Face recognition has a bad rep in the ML community. While the technology ... | null | null | null |
PZypP7PiKi0 | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | Gradient Surgery for Multi-Task Learning | null | 2020-04-21T12:19:54Z | null | Multi-Task Learning can be very challenging when gradients of different tasks are of severely different magnitudes or point into ... | null | null | null |
l12GXD0t_RE | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | Deep Differential System Stability - Learning advanced computations from examples (Paper Explained) | null | 2020-06-13T14:52:28Z | null | Determining the stability properties of differential systems is a challenging task that involves very advanced symbolic and numeric ... | null | null | null |
nQDZmf2Yb9k | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | PonderNet: Learning to Ponder (Machine Learning Research Paper Explained) | null | 2021-08-23T12:40:24Z | null | pondernet #deepmind #machinelearning Humans don't spend the same amount of mental effort on all problems equally. Instead ... | null | null | null |
K-cXYoqHxBc | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | More Is Different for AI - Scaling Up, Emergence, and Paperclip Maximizers (w/ Jacob Steinhardt) | null | 2022-09-13T21:33:39Z | null | ai #interview #research Jacob Steinhardt believes that future AI systems will be qualitatively different than the ones we know ... | null | null | null |
kP-dXK9JEhY | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | Symbolic Knowledge Distillation: from General Language Models to Commonsense Models (Explained) | null | 2021-10-24T20:59:32Z | null | gpt3 #knowledge #symbolic Symbolic knowledge models are usually trained on human-generated corpora that are cumbersome ... | null | null | null |
D-eg7k8YSfs | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | Shortcut Learning in Deep Neural Networks | null | 2020-04-18T13:29:14Z | null | This paper establishes a framework for looking at out-of-distribution generalization failures of modern deep learning as the ... | null | null | null |
U3zmekzQ8WQ | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | Agent57: Outperforming the Atari Human Benchmark | null | 2020-03-31T15:49:49Z | null | DeepMind's Agent57 is the first RL agent to outperform humans in all 57 Atari benchmark games. It extends previous algorithms ... | null | null | null |
H6Qiegq_36c | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | Processing Megapixel Images with Deep Attention-Sampling Models | null | 2019-08-12T13:44:37Z | null | Current CNNs have to downsample large images before processing them, which can lose a lot of detail information. This paper ... | null | null | null |
Hdo81GtLC_4 | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | Direct Feedback Alignment Scales to Modern Deep Learning Tasks and Architectures (Paper Explained) | null | 2020-06-27T16:04:14Z | null | Backpropagation is one of the central components of modern deep learning. However, it's not biologically plausible, which limits ... | null | null | null |
Z_kWZpgEZ7w | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | Multimodal Neurons in Artificial Neural Networks (w/ OpenAI Microscope, Research Paper Explained) | null | 2021-03-05T13:18:21Z | null | openai #clip #microscope OpenAI does a huge investigation into the inner workings of their recent CLIP model via faceted feature ... | null | null | null |
U8Rmfb8aZXE | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | [ML News] NVIDIA GTC'21 | DeepMind buys MuJoCo | Google predicts spreadsheet formulas | null | 2021-10-29T16:07:13Z | null | gtc21 #mlnews #mujoco Register to GTC'21 and Win a RTX 3090: OUTLINE: 0:00 - Intro 0:15 - Sponsor: ... | null | null | null |
Qk4lJdp7ZAs | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | Learning World Graphs to Accelerate Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning | null | 2019-08-08T08:56:43Z | null | The goal of hierarchical reinforcement learning is to divide a task into different levels of coarseness with the top-level agent ... | null | null | null |
X4S8F3bwuuw | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | Author Interview: SayCan - Do As I Can, Not As I Say: Grounding Language in Robotic Affordances | null | 2022-05-02T13:12:13Z | null | saycan #robots #ai This is an interview with the authors Brian Ichter, Karol Hausman, and Fei Xia. Original Paper Review Video: ... | null | null | null |
J7CrtblmMnU | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | Is Google Translate Sexist? Gender Stereotypes in Statistical Machine Translation | null | 2021-03-23T15:59:17Z | null | genderbias #algorithmicfairness #debiasing A brief look into gender stereotypes in Google Translate. The origin is a Tweet ... | null | null | null |
ZOkvFf8JbkA | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | [ML News] DeepMind builds Gopher | Google builds GLaM | Suicide capsule uses AI to check access | null | 2021-12-21T13:41:16Z | null | mlnews #gopher #glam Your updates on everything going on in the Machine Learning world. Sponsor: Weights & Biases ... | null | null | null |
tjbEVY5XIk0 | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | Divide-and-Conquer Monte Carlo Tree Search For Goal-Directed Planning (Paper Explained) | null | 2020-05-08T13:10:29Z | null | When AI makes a plan it usually does so step by step, forward in time. But often it is beneficial to define intermediate goals to ... | null | null | null |
zdb8MM94A5c | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | Feedback Transformers: Addressing Some Limitations of Transformers with Feedback Memory (Explained) | null | 2021-02-02T15:36:12Z | null | ai #science #transformers Autoregressive Transformers have taken over the world of Language Modeling (GPT-3). However, in ... | null | null | null |
lmAj0SU_bW0 | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | Axial Attention & MetNet: A Neural Weather Model for Precipitation Forecasting | null | 2020-03-30T12:40:26Z | null | MetNet is a predictive neural network model for weather prediction. It uses axial attention to capture long-range dependencies. | null | null | null |
f2OgP49J7Pg | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | [ML News] DeepMind tackles Math | Microsoft does more with less | Timnit Gebru launches DAIR | null | 2021-12-10T21:21:28Z | null | mlnews #deepmind #ai The most trusted model in News! Get started with Weights & Biases here: (it's free ... | null | null | null |
RXwZKzczkF8 | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | [ML News] AI Threatens Biological Arms Race | null | 2022-03-21T22:32:41Z | null | mlnews #gtc22 #ithaca GTC Registration Link: Your regular updates on what's going on in the ML world! | null | null | null |
YrO1v7-KcXs | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | Deep image reconstruction from human brain activity (Paper Explained) | null | 2020-05-25T15:38:17Z | null | Can you peek into people's brains? Reading human thoughts is a long-standing dream of the AI field. This paper reads fMRI ... | null | null | null |
v-ZxzTSpmk4 | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | Gradient Origin Networks (Paper Explained w/ Live Coding) | null | 2020-07-10T13:01:46Z | null | Neural networks for implicit representations, such as SIRENs, have been very successful at modeling natural signals. However, in ... | null | null | null |
_N_nFzMtWkA | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | Reinforcement Learning, Fast and Slow | null | 2019-05-10T12:47:57Z | null | Abstract: Deep reinforcement learning (RL) methods have driven impressive advances in artificial intelligence in recent years, ... | null | null | null |
UjJU13GdL94 | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | Regularizing Trajectory Optimization with Denoising Autoencoders (Paper Explained) | null | 2020-05-24T15:31:04Z | null | Can you plan with a learned model of the world? Yes, but there's a catch: The better your planning algorithm is, the more the ... | null | null | null |
FC-R4MlIqrc | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | [ML News] Cedille French Language Model | YOU Search Engine | AI Finds Profitable MEME TOKENS | null | 2021-11-18T14:54:52Z | null | mlnews #cedille #wmt Only the greatest of news from the world of Machine Learning. OUTLINE: 0:00 - Sponsor: Weights & Biases ... | null | null | null |
qNfCVGbvnJc | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | CM3: A Causal Masked Multimodal Model of the Internet (Paper Explained w/ Author Interview) | null | 2022-02-17T23:04:45Z | null | cm3 #languagemodel #transformer This video contains a paper explanation and an incredibly informative interview with first ... | null | null | null |
s9UAOmyah1A | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | Competition-Level Code Generation with AlphaCode (Paper Review) | null | 2022-03-01T13:15:04Z | null | ai #alphacode #deepmind AlphaCode is an automated system that can solve competitive programing exercises. The authors ... | null | null | null |
EeMhj0sPrhE | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | Gradients are Not All You Need (Machine Learning Research Paper Explained) | null | 2021-11-16T00:36:11Z | null | deeplearning #backpropagation #simulation More and more systems are made differentiable, which means that accurate ... | null | null | null |
xrYhDMqaa4U | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | I went to an AI Art Festival in Geneva (AiiA Festival Trip Report) | null | 2021-10-27T13:52:57Z | null | aiia #ai #art A trip report from the AiiA Festival in Geneva organized by the ImpactAI foundation. OUTLINE: 0:00 - Intro 1:50 - Laura ... | null | null | null |
eI8xTdcZ6VY | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | Context R-CNN: Long Term Temporal Context for Per-Camera Object Detection (Paper Explained) | null | 2020-06-28T15:09:19Z | null | Object detection often does not occur in a vacuum. Static cameras, such as wildlife traps, collect lots of irregularly sampled data ... | null | null | null |
lqtlua-Ylts | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | State-of-Art-Reviewing: A Radical Proposal to Improve Scientific Publication | null | 2020-04-01T13:10:40Z | null | Peer Review is outdated and ineffective. SOAR is a new and revolutionary way to distribute scientific reviewing and scale to the ... | null | null | null |
W2UT8NjUqrk | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | Implicit MLE: Backpropagating Through Discrete Exponential Family Distributions (Paper Explained) | null | 2021-11-27T17:34:17Z | null | imle #backpropagation #discrete Backpropagation is the workhorse of deep learning, but unfortunately, it only works for ... | null | null | null |
O9kFX33nUcU | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | On the Measure of Intelligence by François Chollet - Part 4: The ARC Challenge (Paper Explained) | null | 2020-07-03T14:23:17Z | null | In this part, we look at the ARC challenge as a proposed test of machine intelligence. The dataset features 1000 tasks that test ... | null | null | null |
IIebBjbBevs | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | When BERT Plays the Lottery, All Tickets Are Winning (Paper Explained) | null | 2020-05-22T17:45:44Z | null | BERT is a giant model. Turns out you can prune away many of its components and it still works. This paper analyzes BERT ... | null | null | null |
RSSVWpBak6s | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | Linear Transformers Are Secretly Fast Weight Memory Systems (Machine Learning Paper Explained) | null | 2021-02-26T16:12:24Z | null | fastweights #deeplearning #transformers Transformers are dominating Deep Learning, but their quadratic memory and compute ... | null | null | null |
hgSGHusDx7M | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | Sparse is Enough in Scaling Transformers (aka Terraformer) | ML Research Paper Explained | null | 2021-12-02T01:21:29Z | null | scalingtransformers #terraformer #sparsity Transformers keep pushing the state of the art in language and other domains, mainly ... | null | null | null |
D6osiiEoV0w | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | HyperTransformer: Model Generation for Supervised and Semi-Supervised Few-Shot Learning (w/ Author) | null | 2022-02-16T00:21:02Z | null | hypertransformer #metalearning #deeplearning This video contains a paper explanation and an interview with author Andrey ... | null | null | null |
P38FZrbNHV4 | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | AMP: Adversarial Motion Priors for Stylized Physics-Based Character Control (Paper Explained) | null | 2021-06-19T15:07:08Z | null | reiforcementlearning #gan #imitationlearning Learning from demonstrations is a fascinating topic, but what if the demonstrations ... | null | null | null |
K3cmxn5znyU | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | [ML News] Microsoft trains 530B model | ConvMixer model fits into single tweet | DeepMind profitable | null | 2021-10-20T13:40:13Z | null | mlnews #turingnlg #convmixer Your latest upates on what's happening in the Machine Learning world. OUTLINE: 0:00 - Intro 0:16 ... | null | null | null |
bFn2xcGi1TQ | UCZHmQk67mSJgfCCTn7xBfew | Faster Neural Network Training with Data Echoing (Paper Explained) | null | 2020-05-13T13:56:56Z | null | CPUs are often bottlenecks in Machine Learning pipelines. Data fetching, loading, preprocessing and augmentation can be slow ... | null | null | null |
Subsets and Splits