stringlengths 1
Hi Tana,
I have nine EOL transactions which Dick Jenkins needs to have termination
agreements done up on. The terminations arise from mutual agreement after
some bad prices were traded each way. Please feel free to call me if you have
any questions, or if there is any additional information you may need. Thanks!
Torrey Moorer
x36218 |
Well, there's your summo wrestler, a fan, wasabi peas, and I think a sea
Joya Davis@ECT
07/25/2000 08:04 AM
To: Kay Mann/Corp/Enron@Enron
Subject: Re: Requests from the Office
Joya' F. Davis
Sr. Admin. Assistant
ENA Legal Department
(713) 853-9559 DID
(713) 646-4842 FAX
----- Forwarded by Joya Davis/HOU/ECT on 07/25/2000 08:03 AM -----
John Viverito@ENRON
07/25/2000 01:37 AM
To: Joya Davis/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Re: Requests from the Office
Hi Joya-
Please see if Kay Mann can help putting the list together.
I am a bad shopper, but I will try!
Joya Davis@ECT
07/24/2000 10:52 AM
To: John Viverito/Corp/Enron@ENRON
Subject: Re: Requests from the Office
Joya' F. Davis
Sr. Admin. Assistant
ENA Legal Department
(713) 853-9559 DID
(713) 646-4842 FAX
John Viverito@ENRON
07/22/2000 09:20 PM
To: Joya Davis/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Requests from the Office
Please send me the list of the things people had requested on the board of my
office, as I will be able to send things back with Alan. As your gift me be
a bit difficult to send back now, think about something else and tell me!!
John |
This is a consent to the physical business, not financial. Stacy Dickson
will sign off on this as soon as she gets Credit approval, which it appears
she has not yet.
----- Forwarded by Tana Jones/HOU/ECT on 06/01/2000 06:21 PM -----
Susan Flynn
06/01/2000 05:54 PM
To: Tana Jones/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: PPL Electric Utilties Corporation
Susan D. Flynn
Enron North America Corp.
1400 Smith Street, EB3806
Houston, Texas 77002
Phone: 713-853-0975
Fax: 713-646-3490
----- Forwarded by Susan Flynn/HOU/ECT on 06/01/2000 05:54 PM -----
Larry Joe Hunter
06/01/2000 04:12 PM
To: Susan Flynn/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: PPL Electric Utilties Corporation
Can you let me know if we have a recent Assignment Agreement for the above
referenced Counterparty? We are recieving Confirmations with the 'Electric
Utilities' crossed out of their name. Leaving the name as PPL Corporation.
These are EOL deals, therefore we cannot change this to match them unless we
have done some Assignment Agreement that we haven't seen. Let me know if you
know anything.
Joe |
Hotel Discount Notice
Plus get much more... so click here now! Click here now! Dear Valued Friend, Great news! Your new 50% Hotel Discount Card is ready to be downloaded! It's a Special Reward... and one of the most valuable downloads on the Internet today! Click here to download your new 50% Hotel Discount Card today plus get your Bonus $10.00 Gas from your favorite station! Download your discount card by 02/12/02 and start using it to save 1/2 at over 5,000 popular hotels nationwide! It's not software... but an actual card you can print and use to save 1/2 as soon as today! Plus you get much more to help you save money every time you travel! Click here now! You get all this: 50% off the regular room rates at over 5,000 popular Hotels including participating Holiday Inn, Hyatt, Ramada, Days Inn properties and many more! PLUS you'll enjoy... 24-Hour Road & Tow Protection Nationwide Up to $100.00 Airline Discount Up to 30% off Car Rentals So download your 50% Hotel Discount Card plus get your $10.00 Gas with our compliments! It's easy!Just click here now! Thanks again and we're sure you'll save money with your 50% Hotel Discount Card! Sincerely, Marty Isaac Vice President Travel Values Plus P.S. You can download your card and start using it right away! Plus you get $10.00 Gas from any station you want!Click here now! Only available to residents of the U.S., Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Travel Values Plus is owned and operated by webloyalty.com. All trademarks and or copyrights are the property of their respective owners, and unless otherwise noted, Travel Values Plus is not affiliated with the respective owners. Gas benefit not available for gasoline purchases made in New Jersey. ? 2001, Travel Values Plus |
Louise, I presume that this note was for Thurs A.M. Is it still scheduled.
-----Original Message-----
From: Kitchen, Louise
Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2001 6:28 PM
To: Mrha, Jean; Duran, W. David; Curry, Mike; Redmond, Brian; Kroll, Heather; Luce, Laura; Forster, David; Tricoli, Carl; Irvin, Steve; Vickers, Frank; Tycholiz, Barry; Baughman, Edward D.; Lagrasta, Fred; Jacoby, Ben; Miller, Don (Asset Mktg); Robinson, Mitch; Thompson, C. John; Virgo, Robert
Cc: Schoppe, Tammie; Jones, Melissa; Rode, Tina; Salinas, Michael; Martinez, Judy; Harvey, Claudette; Hogan, Irena D.; Holcombe, Tina ; Shoemake, Lisa; Bates, Kimberly; Presas, Jessica; Black, Tamara Jae; Collins, Angie; Watson, Denys; Snow, Dina; Young, Becky
Subject: Originators Meeting
We recognize that we are experiencing a difficult time at Enron now and you are all interfacing with our customers every day. We are therefore holding a short meeting at 9:00am tomorrow morning to answer questions from you and your groups.
Tammie to advise on the room. Please invite all of your groups.
Louise |
We would like to make progress as soon as possible on setting up these legall
entities, as other tax-driven restructurings are about to be unleashed and
getting the operational side of the transfer into a new entity will take the
longest to execute.
shows the step we wish to take.
I have deliberately not placed ECCL anywhere because it is probably moving
On what basis should we decide whether to create ECHI and ECCI as LLCs or
Many thanks,
London x37546
011-44-7990-973428 (cellphone - any time) |
---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 03/09/2001
03:24 PM ---------------------------
Barbara Ostdiek <ostdiek@rice.edu> on 03/08/2001 05:04:29 PM
To: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com
Subject: Karolyi Visit
We are having some scheduling conflicts for Andrew visit this coming
Monday. As the schedule currently, his seminar will be at 1:00 pm in the
Dean's Conference Room. I realize that this is not the best time for you
and I apologize for any inconvenience. We may also need to use the same
time slot for Philippe's visit on the 19th.
We plan to meet somewhere in the Village for an informal reception at 5:30
Monday afternoon. I will let you know the specifics on that once I have
figured them out! From there you, George, Dave, and Jeff are scheduled to
go to dinner with Andrew around 7:00 pm. You may join in for cocktails or
meet up with the other group for dinner - your choice. Dave or Jeff will
let you know the dinner plan.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
I have attached PDF files with the papers for both Andrew and Philippe's
You can get to Andrew's vitae through this link
http://fisher.osu.edu/fin/faculty/karolyi/resume.htm and Philippe's vitae
through this link http://www.gsm.uci.edu/~jorion/resume.pdf .
Thank you.
- Draft0900.PDF
- info.pdf
Barbara Ostdiek
Assistant Professor of Finance
Jones Graduate School of Management
Rice University
6100 Main Street - MS 531
Houston, TX 77005-1892
713-348-5384 (voice)
713-348-5251 (fax)
www.ruf.rice.edu/~ostdiek/ |
Please respond to Hi Bubba!
Lacy got her eye exam yesterday. He said that she is very near sighted, but the diabetes has not affected her eyes at all. That was a relief. She's been having headaches, so I was concerned. They probably have been from her blood sugars being out of control. She is doing so much better now. I have stopped waking her up to check it in the night & the levels are so much better. She's acting a lot more like her old self now. A lot nicer to me. I guess her sugars out of control & all the stress of Tiger Dolls was what was wrong with her. She doesn't say the cruel things to me that she used to. I knew something had to be wrong with her. I thought surely I had not raised a child with such a mean spirit. Anyway things are a lot better.
Tell Cole that Mimi hopes his eye appointment goes as well as Lacy's. Let him call to tell me about it. I hope he gets his teary eye "fixed".
Lacy's eye doctor talked more about her teeth almost than he did her eyes. He couldn't believe her teeth are so perfect without braces. And she is so tanned, you can see her a mile away with those white teeth shining when she smiles. She has a dentist appointment for cleaning at the first part of next week. We'll talk later about when we are coming to your house.I'm going to Longview to a singles retreat Sat.in case you call & I'm not there. Will be home Sat. night. Love ya, Maw |
So LIsa---do you know if the federal bill was similiar to the Pennsylvania
one and if so, are state digital signature bills necessary?
---------------------- Forwarded by Susan M Landwehr/HOU/EES on 11/28/99
11:28 PM ---------------------------
11/29/99 03:37 PM
To: Susan M Landwehr/HOU/EES@EES@ENRON
Subject: Re: Webcasting and Congress
There was a federal digital signiture bill passed this year.
Susan M Landwehr@EES
11/29/99 12:56 PM
To: Scott Bolton/Enron Communications@ENRON COMMUNICATIONS@ENRON
cc: Sue Nord/HOU/EES@EES, Jeff Dasovich/SFO/EES@EES, Marchris
Robinson/HOU/EES@EES, Lisa Yoho/HOU/EES@EES, Aleck Dadson/TOR/ECT@ECT@ENRON
COMMUNICATIONS@ENRON, Cynthia Sandherr/Corp/Enron@Enron, Jeffrey
Subject: Re: Webcasting and Congress
Scott--is the digital signature bill similiar to the one that Lisa Yoho told
me about that is moving (or had passed) in the Pennsylvania legislature?
11/28/99 01:33 PM
To: Sue Nord/HOU/EES@EES, Susan M Landwehr/HOU/EES@EES, Jeff
Dasovich/SFO/EES@EES, Marchris Robinson/HOU/EES@EES, Lisa Yoho/HOU/EES@EES,
Aleck Dadson/TOR/ECT@ECT
cc: Cynthia Sandherr/Corp/Enron@Enron, Jeffrey Keeler/Corp/Enron@ENRON
Subject: Webcasting and Congress
The DC office did a terrific job monitoring this ... we will need to look at
what happens on internet licensing next year.
Category: Webcasting
From COMMUNICATIONS DAILY, November 22nd, 1999
Senate Judiciary Committee will hold hearings next year to determine whether
compulsory license rules need to be changed to accommodate Internet streaming
providers, senior panel Democrat Leahy (Vt.) said Fri. Webcasting issue was
one of last sticking points in reaching agreement on overall Satellite Home
Viewer Act
(SHVA) rewrite. Senate was due to approve SHVA, part of general
appropriations bill, after our deadline Fri., following House approval on
296-135 vote late Nov. 18.
Senate Majority Leader Lott (R-Miss.) after our deadline Thurs. formally put
Senate on record as committing to come up with program to help provide TV
service to
rural areas. In response to objections from Sen. Baucus (D-Mont.) (CD Nov 19
p3), Lott produced agreement, adopted unanimously, calling for Senate to act
on rural
loan guarantee for DBS by March 30, even if bill hasn't been reported by one
of Senate committees. In that case, either Lott or Democratic Leader Daschle
would be able to bring straight to Senate floor legislation calling for $1.25
billion loan guarantee program that was stricken from SHVA bill to meet
objections of Banking
Committee Chmn. Gramm (R-Tex.). Lott said he's "absolutely determined to get
this done. I will not only live up to this [agreement], but I will do so with
a great deal of
vigor and activity." House leaders made similar commitment.
One potentially interesting question that could arise next year is which
committee will produce rural loan guarantee bill.
Gramm wants first shot at it through his committee, but there's some
sentiment that Agriculture panel also should be included if Rural Utility
Service will administer
program. Senate Agriculture Committee spokesman had no comment.
Leahy, also member of Agriculture and Appropriations committees, told news
conference there apparently are "shifting jurisdictions" among Senate
committees. He said
TV viewers don't care which committee produces bill: "We tend to be
pragmatic." However, he said measure eventually will come to Appropriations.
One Hill staffer suggested that several committees could claim piece of rural
loan guarantee, including Agriculture, Appropriations, Banking, Commerce. In
that case, he
said, easiest path would be to move bill directly to Senate floor.
NAB Exec. Vp James May, who took part in news conference called by Hatch and
Leahy to celebrate Judiciary Committee's scorecard for year, said he thinks
will take up bill and put it on fast track for passage. In that case, May
said, chances are good senators will try to attach other issues to it.
On Webcasting issue, Leahy said language added in House "raised unnecessary
concerns" among Internet companies so it made sense to remove it from SHVA
bill. He
said committee will "hold hearings on the subject first thing next year to
see if it's necessary" to change copyright law. Leahy said language excluding
digital online
services from cable and satellite compulsory licenses wasn't intended to make
major change in law.
May said Webcasting debate may give NAB chance to take another look at its
policy on compulsory license. Broadcasters always have favored statutory rate
MPAA, whose members own content, want free market to decide. May said NAB may
think about adopting MPAA's argument to allow broadcasters to "take
advantage of marketplace opportunities" and receive payment from Internet
companies for Webcast material. RIAA Pres. Hilary Rosen said it will be
interesting to see
how broadcasters reconcile those positions.
Senate also passed dozens of bills without debate or discussion. Among those
were one authorizing use of digital signatures (S-761) from Sen. Abraham
(R-Mich.) and
another (S-692) banning Internet gambling, sponsored by Sen. Kyl (R-Ariz.).
Senate version of digital signatures bill is very close to one rejected
overwhelmingly in House, which adopted more wide-ranging bill sponsored by
House Commerce
Committee Chmn. Bliley (R-Va.). - - Art Brodsky |
Following please find the Daily EnronOnline Executive Summary.
EnronOnline Executive Summary for 11/07/00
Transaction Summary
External Transactions Today 4,114
Average Daily External Transactions (30 day Trailing Avg) 3,106
Total Life to Date Transactions 414,524
EnronOnline Daily % of Entity's Total Transactions for 11/07/00 Trans Percent
Enron North America 3,512 75%
Enron Europe Limited 145 37%
Global Products 159 30%
Enron Metals 298 15%
EnronOnline Percentage of Total Corporate Transactions
(30 day Trailing Avg) 47%
Gross Notional Value of EnronOnline Transactions Total
Today 2,629,499,517
MTD 12,634,782,454
LTD 226,066,467,133
Average Daily Notional Value (30 Day Trailing Avg) 2,141,702,594
Notional Revenue from Physical Flows to Date 15,798,097,545
Counterparties, Users, and Products Offered
Counterparties having transacted to date 550
New Counterparties transacting for the first time today 1
Number of Products Offered Today 1,213
Total Number of External Users Logged on Today 2,857
Average # of External Users logged on (30 day Trailing Avg) 2,695 |
This is a physical deal which needs an assignment prepared.
----- Forwarded by Tana Jones/HOU/ECT on 01/12/2001 10:11 AM -----
Bob Bowen
01/10/2001 11:33 AM
To: Tana Jones/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Alexia Gonzales/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jefferson D Sorenson/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Re: Assignment of Belvieu physical deals from Total International
to Elf Trading Inc
TAGG No. QJ6030.1
EOL No. 739803
Buyer Enron Gas Liquids, Inc.
Seller Total International Limited
Commodity Propane
Quantity 10,000 barrels
Price US Dollars $0.7850 per gallon
Delivery Point TET, Mont Belvieu, Texas
Contract Term January 1, 2001 through January 31, 2001
From: Tana Jones on 01/09/2001 05:14 PM
To: Bob Bowen/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Assignment of Belvieu physical deals from Total International to Elf
Trading Inc
can you send me the deal terms like we've done before so I can prepare an
assignment. Thanks!
----- Forwarded by Tana Jones/HOU/ECT on 01/09/2001 05:13 PM -----
Jennifer McQuade@ENRON
01/09/2001 05:10 PM
To: Tana Jones/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Assignment of Belvieu physical deals from Total International to
Elf Trading Inc
This is the Total International deal that needs to be reassigned:
January 4 US Prop FOB Phy MB TET
The rest of the details are in the e-mail below.
I will also ask them to apply for a new id under Elf Trading Inc. so that we
do not have to go through this in the future.
If you need anything else, please call me at 5-3614.
Thank you,
jennifer McQuade
---------------------- Forwarded by Jennifer McQuade/NA/Enron on 01/09/2001
05:04 PM ---------------------------
---------------------- Forwarded by W Wade Hicks/HOU/ECT on 01/09/2001 03:28
PM ---------------------------
"Olivier Golomer" <olivier.golomer@elftrading.com> on 01/05/2001 09:58:05 AM
To: W.Wade.hicks@enron.com
cc: "Michelle Gibson" <michelle.gibson@elftrading.com>, "Joyce Costello"
<joyce.costello@elftrading.com>, "Craig Watel" <craig.watel@elftrading.com>,
"G=Francois" <>
Subject: Assignment of Belvieu physical deals from Total International to Elf
Trading Inc
As per telcon Hicks / Golomer of this morning, I am asking you to assign
the contract done yesterday on the Enron Screen (Sale Total International
to Enron, Physical Mt Belvieu TET January, 10 000 bbls, 78.50) to Elf
Trading Inc.
Elf Trading Inc
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77057-3010
contact :
Michelle Gibson
phone 713-953-8000
fax 713-953-8082
Please send copy of contract by fax to :
Francois Pichot/Olivier Golomer
DGTGE/GE/LPG trading
Paris, France
fax 33 1 41 35 42 57
phone 33 1 41 35 21 45 / 33 1 41 35 53 46
telex 615743F
Please also tell me how we could automatically assign Physical Belvieu
screen deals to Elf Trading Inc in the future in the simplest way.
Many thanks
Best regards
Olivier Golomer |
I am out of town on monday and tuesday i am off (vacation day) wednesday
kenny is hunting so yea right now i can only go thursday . But this is silly
you and I and susan can get together the week after... Visit wtih your out of
town friend. |
Can you confirm that Edison Mission Marketing & Trading Inc. can trade US East power?
Thanks. |
The Enron Center garage will be opening very soon.
Employees who work for business units that are scheduled to move to the new
building and currently park in the Allen Center or Met garages are being
offered a parking space in the new Enron Center garage.
This is the only offer you will receive during the initial migration to the
new garage. Spaces will be filled on a first come first served basis. The
cost for the new garage will be the same as Allen Center garage which is
currently $165.00 per month, less the company subsidy, leaving a monthly
employee cost of $94.00.
If you choose not to accept this offer at this time, you may add your name to
the Enron Center garage waiting list at a later day and offers will be made
as spaces become available.
The Saturn Ring that connects the garage and both buildings will not be
opened until summer 2001. All initial parkers will have to use the street
level entrance to Enron Center North until Saturn Ring access is available.
Garage stairways next to the elevator lobbies at each floor may be used as an
exit in the event of elevator trouble.
If you are interested in accepting this offer, please reply via email to
Parking and Transportation as soon as you reach a decision. Following your
email, arrangements will be made for you to turn in your old parking card and
receive a parking transponder along with a new information packet for the new
The Parking and Transportation desk may be reached via email at Parking and
Transportation/Corp/Enron or 713-853-7060 with any questions.
(You must enter & exit on Clay St. the first two weeks, also pedestrians,
will have to use the garage stairwell located on the corner of Bell & Smith.) |
We have length at PV all day on Sunday, and light load on Monday. That is HE
2-24 MST on Sunday, and HE1-6,23,24 on Monday. The energy is parked with PNM
at PV. The cost is $125. We are long in position manager. Please route the
sale to buy/resale #566175, and then make the sale under the ST-WBOM book.
There is no HE 3 in Pacific time. This may require some creativity on your
part. Please call me with any questions and good luck!
Bill |
Dear icruise Member,
For even more 7 day cruises under $500 go to http://www.icruise.com/incredible.htm
Celebrity Cruises Inc., Century, from $ 793 (Port Charges Included)
Inside cabin or $843 Ocean View. ,
7 day Western Caribbean cruise sailing roundtrip from Ft. Lauderdale ...
Sail date: 4/27/02
Limited time!
Orient Lines, Crown Odyssey, from $ 1505 (Port Charges Included)
Inside or $2001 Ocean View. Air jfk/bos only $273,
12 day European cruise tour, starting in Lisbon and ending in London ...
Sail date: 5/5/02
Limited time!
Norwegian Cruise Line, Norway, from $ 578 (Port Charges Included)
Inside cabin or $578 Ocean View,
7 day Eastern Caribbean cruise sailing roundtrip from Miami ...
Sail date: 5/5/02
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Carnival Cruise Lines, Carnival Victory, from $ 838 (Port Charges Included)
Inside Cabin or $978 Ocean View,
7 day Western Caribbean cruise sailing roundtrip from Miami ...
Sail date: 2/17/02
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Windstar Cruises, Wind Song, from $ 2758 (Port Charges Included)
Category B ocean view or $2855 category A suite.,
7 luxurious days of sailing around Tahiti, sailing roundtrip Papeete ...
Sail date: 8/2/02
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Costa Cruise Lines, Costa Atlantica, from $ 1670 (Port Charges Included)
Inside or $1880 Ocean View,
16 day Transatlantic cruise sailing from Ft. Lauderdale to Genoa on Europes number one cruise line ...
Sail date: 4/21/02
Limited time!
Norwegian Cruise Line, Norwegian Wind, from $ 800 (Port Charges Included)
Inside or $1033 Ocean View,
7 day cruise to Alaska sailing roundtrip from Vancouver ...
Sail date: 5/6/02
Limited time!
Celebrity Cruises Inc., Infinity, from $ 840 (Port Charges Included)
Inside or $927 Ocean view. ,
7 day Southern Caribbean sailing roundtrip from San Juan ...
Sail date: 4/6/02
Limited time!
Carnival Cruise Lines, Carnival Pride, from $ 609 (Port Charges Included)
Inside or $888 Ocean View,
7 day Eastern Caribbean cruise sailing roundtrip from Pt. Canaveral ...
Sail date: 9/21/02
Limited time!
Norwegian Cruise Line, Norwegian Sea, from $ 283 (Port Charges Included)
Inside or $304 Ocean View,
3 day cruise to the Bahamas sailing roundtrip from Miami ...
Sail date: 3/15/02,3/22/02
Limited time!
Royal Caribbean Cruise Line, Explorer of the Seas, from $ 886 (Port Charges Included)
Inside or $1076 Ocean View,
7 day Eastern Caribbean cruise sailing roundtrip from Miami ...
Sail date: 5/4/02
Limited time!
Carnival Cruise Lines, Fantasy, from $ 409 (Port Charges Included)
Inside or $484 Ocean View ,
4 day cruise to the Bahamas sailing roundtrip from Pt. Canaveral ...
Sail date: 2/17/02
Limited time!
Norwegian Cruise Line, Norwegian Sky, from $ 780 (Port Charges Included)
Inside Cabin or $1107 Ocean View,
7 day Alaskan cruise sailing roundtrip from Seattle ...
Sail date: 4/28/02,5/5/02,5/19/02
Limited time!
Carnival Cruise Lines, Elation, from $ 643 (Port Charges Included)
Inside or $830 Ocean View ,
7 day Mexican Riviera sailing roundtrip from Los Angeles ...
Sail date: 4/28/02
Limited time!
To take yourself off our specials mailing list please go to
http://www2.i-cruise.com/unsubscribe.htm and follow instructions
All prices are per person, subject to availability, change without
notice, and are capacity controlled. Unless indicated, prices do not
include airfare, air taxes or government taxes/fees and port taxes. A
$11 shipping and handling fee will be added. |
Sally Beck asked me to contact you with regards to our confirmation
procedures here in the Houston office. Please find attached a document that
outlines our Financial Transaction Process Flow (kind of a lengthy document
and I did not include the flow charts but will forward them to you if you
would like) as well as a list of reports we use to monitor our activity with
a short description of what each report is used for. I would be happy to
discuss this with you. I can be reached at 713 853-5294.
Jeff Sorenson |
----- Forwarded by Tana Jones/HOU/ECT on 04/11/2001 01:40 PM -----
04/11/2001 10:57 AM
To: tana.jones@enron.com
Notice 01-128
April 11, 2001
All Exchange Members/Member Firms
All Exchange Clearing Members
Neal Wolkoff
Executive Vice President
At the recommendation of its crude oil advisory committee, the board of
directors of the New York Mercantile Exchange, Inc., this morning voted to
develop a 15-day Brent Blend crude oil futures contract that will be traded
in the ring alongside the Exchange,s benchmark light, sweet crude oil futures
The new contract will be cash-settled based on an index currently under
development by the Exchange staff and crude oil advisory committee.
This contract is a natural fit for our marketplace since many of our
customers and traders are already participating in this market. Net
margining between the two benchmark crudes and an aggressive program to
reduce other trading costs will benefit our customers, members, and the
marketplace as a whole. Being offered on the New York Mercantile Exchange
will enhance this market through absolute neutrality and our demonstrated
liquidity and expertise in creating efficient energy markets.
For more information, please call Robert Levin, Senior Vice President of
Planning and Development at (212) 299-2390, or Daniel Brusstar, Director of
Energy Research, at (212) 299-2604.
Please click on the link below to indicate you have received this
Note: If you click on the above line and nothing happens, please copy
the text between the quotes, open your internet browser,
paste it into the web site address and press Return. |
Time Location Call In # Pass Code
10:00 Central Standard Time EB 2868 1-800-713-8600 80435
This is a recurring daily meeting until further notice (this invitation will
schedule your calendar through 1/31/01).
Time, Call In #, and Pass Code are the same for all meetings. Conference
room location will be changed as soon as possible to better accommodate the
Note: Optional Invitees FYI Only
Please call me if you have any questions
x-58752 |
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You must empty the Deleted Items folder after deleting items or the space will not be freed.
To turn Journaling off,
click Tools | Options | Journaling Options and de-select all items.
See client Help for more information. |
Peggy Fowler should have someone from PGE calling you. If they don't please
let me know. |
Have you had a chance to review Reliants comments.
-----Original Message-----
From: Reves, Brant
Sent: Monday, March 05, 2001 7:53 AM
To: Nemec, Gerald
Cc: Mihalik, Trevor
Subject: FW: gty status
Here are Reliant's comments.
-----Original Message-----
From: mwong@reliantenergy.com@ENRON
Sent: Friday, March 02, 2001 4:38 PM
To: Reves, Brant
Subject: RE: gty status
Mark W Wong
02/27/2001 11:07 AM
To: brant.reves@enron.com
Subject: Re: Comments to guaranty formats
(See attached file: ENE-JV Guaranty Format.doc)
(See attached file: TEX-JV Guaranty Format.doc)
- ENE-JV Guaranty Format.doc
- TEX-JV Guaranty Format.doc |
Joe Hartsoe -
My understanding is that Hebert doesn't have the legal authority (and the
filing never makes clear) to Suspend performance under the PPA (he probably
doesn't have the political support for this either).
EPSA, however, could support this in its filing as a method to help move the
QF issue forward.
Jeff Dasovich
Sent by: Jeff Dasovich
03/20/2001 10:04 AM
To: Joe Hartsoe/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Sarah Novosel/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Mary
Hain/HOU/ECT@ECT, Donna Fulton/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Linda
Robertson/NA/Enron@ENRON, James D Steffes/NA/Enron@Enron, Richard
Shapiro/NA/Enron@Enron, Paul Kaufman/PDX/ECT@ECT, Susan J Mara/NA/Enron@ENRON
Subject: Ridgewood's Petition To Be Released From QF Contracts
FYI. Any thoughts Joe & Co.? Is release from contracts an "increase supply"
option? My fear is that QFs get released and then California's "police
state" mentality kicks in, enacting Exec Orders, legislation, etc. to ensure
that the power from the QF facilities stays in California.
----- Forwarded by Jeff Dasovich/NA/Enron on 03/20/2001 10:00 AM -----
Chris H Foster@ECT
03/20/2001 07:30 AM
To: Susan J Mara/NA/Enron@ENRON, Alan Comnes/PDX/ECT@ECT, Jeff
Subject: Ridgewood's Petition To Be Released From QF Contracts
We are trying to set up energy purchasing arrangements with QFs who get
temporarily released from their contracts. Take a look at the e-mail below
and see if we can suport them.
---------------------- Forwarded by Chris H Foster/HOU/ECT on 03/20/2001
05:26 AM ---------------------------
Enron Capital & Trade Resources Corp.
From: "Short, Bill" <BSHORT@ridgewoodpower.com>
03/19/2001 03:59 PM
To: "Michael Davis (E-mail)" <mdavis02@coral-energy.com>, "Frank Eckhart
(E-mail)" <ffec@dynegy.com>, "Steve B. Van Leer (E-mail)"
<sbvanleer@duke-energy.com>, "Doug Fernley (E-mail)"
<doug.fernley@elpaso.com>, "Chris H. Foster (E-mail)"
<chris.h.foster@enron.com>, "Jack Pyburn (E-mail)" <jack.pyburn@mirant.com>,
"Mark Thompson (E-mail)" <mark.thompson@nrgenergy.com>, "Marvin (\"Trip\")
K. Ballard (E-mail)" <marvin_k_ballard@reliantenergy.com>, "Shawn Nichols
(E-mail)" <shawn.nichols@williams.com>, "Kyle T. Hoffman (E-mail)"
cc: "Bahrs, John" <jbahrs@ridgewoodpower.com>, "Gulino, Dan"
<dgulino@ridgewoodpower.com>, "Holmes, Randy" <Rholmes@ridgewoodpower.com>,
"Kawash, David" <dkawash@ridgewoodpower.com>, "Naunton, Chris"
<Cnaunton@ridgewoodpower.com>, "Quinn, Marty" <Mquinn@ridgewoodpower.com>
Subject: Ridgewood's Petition To Be Released From QF Contracts
<<Comments_of_Ridgewood_letter_docket_no._EL01-47.DOC>> <<RIDGEWOOD
In light of the possible backouts in California today and later this week,
if it is possible, Ridgewood Power requests that your organization intervene
in support of the attached emergency filing at the FERC. Please send this
e-mail to your firm's general counsel and ask him to contact either our
Washington counsel, Carol Smoots (202-496-7196), our general counsel, Dan
Gulino (800-331-8006, x-118) or me at (800-331-8006, x-163). Any help would
be most appreciated.
Sincerely yours,
Bill Short
- Comments_of_Ridgewood_letter_docket_no._EL01-47.DOC
Any GCP adjustments will be highlighted in blue.
Best Rgds.
Samuel x3-9890 (GCP Team)
Enron Net Works _ Global Data Management
From: Walter Guidroz/ENRON@enronXgate on 04/17/2001 04:50 PM
To: Karen Lambert/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tana Jones/HOU/ECT@ECT, Samuel
Schott/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mark Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT, Brant Reves/ENRON@enronXgate,
Debbie R Brackett/HOU/ECT@ECT, David Hardy/LON/ECT@ECT, Lesli
Campbell/ENRON@enronXgate, Cynthia Clark/ENRON@enronXgate, Enron Europe
Global CounterParty/LON/ECT@ECT, Stephanie Sever/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tom
Moran/ENRON@enronXgate, Claudia Clark/HOU/ECT@ECT, William S
Bradford/ENRON@enronXgate, Lisa Lees/HOU/ECT@ECT, Juana
Fayett/Corp/Enron@Enron, Jana Morse/Corp/Enron@Enron, Trang Le/HOU/ECT@ECT,
Paul Maley/LON/ECT@ECT, Sonya Clarke/LON/ECT@ECT, Tim Davies/LON/ECT@ECT,
Karen O'Day/NA/Enron@Enron, Tanya Rohauer/ENRON@enronXgate, Kelly
Lombardi/NA/Enron@Enron, Brian Lindsay/Enron Communications@Enron
Communications, EOL Call Center@ECT, Bernice Rodriguez/HOU/ECT@ECT, Bill D
Hare/HOU/ECT@ect, Amy Heffernan/Enron Communications@Enron Communications,
Molly LaFuze/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Danny Clark/Enron
Communications@Enron Communications, Stephanie Panus/NA/Enron@Enron, Teresa
Mandola/ENRON@enronXgate, Bill Kyle/ENRON@enronXgate
Subject: EOL approvals, 04-17-01
Please see attached. |
Did you want this cpy on the list for Legal/Credit meeting? ERMS hasn't been
expanded as an Enron company to be added to list for discussion at meeting,
and we have some old ERMS era masters people are working on that aren't
getting discussed, and some ERMS era masters that should be unchecked so we
do not discuss them at meeting. |
The following points refer to the methodology that we are taking to rebook the New Albany Plant. Please send me a note immediately if you disagree.
Assume that NewAlb is a non mark to market entity and Enron is the mark to market entity. However, it is fully owned and operated by us for now.
* The power mark to market book will pay NewAlb a capacity payment of $4.87 for 5 years. We shaped this payment as follows:
2001 - $5.06
2002 - $4.96
2003 - $4.86
2004 - $4.75
2005 - $4.65
* This payments allows Enron to supply gas to NewAlb and receive power.
* Enron will pay NewAlb $1000 per unit start.
* Enron will also pay NewAlb $1.05/MW hour for varialbe o&m.
* This will create an entity "NewAlb" that will return 9% assuming a book value of $336/kw on 12/31/2005 vs. 409 currently.
* If NewAlb pays the 9% out that entity should be relatively flat each year for the next five. |
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Best regards,
The MarketBrowser Team |
Start Date: 4/28/01; HourAhead hour: 2; No ancillary schedules awarded. No
variances detected.
PARSING FILE -->> O:\Portland\WestDesk\California Scheduling\ISO Final
Schedules\2001042802.txt |
Still trying to close the loop on the $15,000 of extensions. Assuming that
it is worked out today or tomorrow, I would like to get whatever documents
need to be
completed to convey the partnership done. I need to work with the engineer
and architect to get things moving. I am planning on writing a personal
check to the engineer while I am setting up new accounts. Let me know if
there is a reason I should not do this.
Thanks for all your help so far. Between your connections and expertise in
structuring the loan, you saved us from getting into a bad deal.
Phillip |
Dear Vince Kaminski,
We hope you are enjoying the benefits of receiving market-leading, rigorous
and current research from industry experts through your subscription to
Unfortunately, your subscription is about to expire! By renewing now, your
access to the web site and to your print copies will be uninterrupted.
You can continue to get the exclusive research and practical advice for
financial practitioners ) written by the best minds in your business!
Click here to Renew Today
Thank you. |
We are staying at the Richmond Marriott or Marriott Richmond, whichever it is.
What are your plans?
---------------------- Forwarded by Kay Mann/Corp/Enron on 07/17/2000 04:34
PM ---------------------------
Heather Kroll@ECT
07/17/2000 04:33 PM
To: Kay Mann/Corp/Enron@Enron
Subject: Edgecombe PPA
Just got this, haven't had a chance to review.
---------------------- Forwarded by Heather Kroll/HOU/ECT on 07/17/2000 04:33
PM ---------------------------
John_Mable@dom.com on 07/17/2000 04:17:42 PM
To: Ozzie Pagan/HOU/ECT@ECT, Heather Kroll/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Jeff_L._Jones@dom.com, Gary_Edwards@dom.com
Subject: Edgecombe PPA
After review of your draft PPA, we have identified the attached list of key
issues. We are available to discuss them prior to Thursday's meeting if you
wish, or we can go over them as the first part of our meeting on Thursday.
We look forward to seeing you on Thursday.
(See attached file: Contract issues july 17.doc)
- Contract issues july 17.doc |
Please authorize and forward to Tara Sweitzer.
Please set up the following with the ability to setup and manage products in
stack manager:
Steve South
Tory Kuykendall
Janie Tholt
Frank Ermis
Matt Lenhart
Note: The type of product these traders will be managing is less than
1 month physical in the west.
Also please grant access & passwords to enable the above traders to execute
book to book trades on EOL. If possible restrict their
execution authority to products in the first 3 months.
Thank you
Phillip Allen |
FRESH STUFF FROM THE FOOL FOR: benjamin.rogers@enron.com
Dear Fool,
Happy Holidays! Here's what's new at The Motley Fool this month:
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with just one password to remember.
Fool On!
Erik Rydholm, Co-Founder
The Motley Fool
P.S. We raised more than $750,000 in our charity drive last
year, and we hope to beat that total this year. If every Fool
gave just five dollars, it would add up to millions for our five
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X-Version: mailer-sender-master,v 1.84
X-Version: mailer-sender-daemon,v 1.84
Message-Recipient: benjamin.rogers@enron.com |
Can you please include Ed, Joseph, and Tim on your CC list. Thanks.
---------------------- Forwarded by Roger Yang/SFO/EES on 10/12/99 09:14 AM
John Henderson
10/12/99 08:34 AM
To: Roger Yang/SFO/EES@EES, Greg Cordell/HOU/EES@EES
cc: Timothy Edward Vail/HOU/EES@EES, Ed Solari/HOU/EES@EES, Joseph
Graham/HOU/EES@EES, Scott Gahn/HOU/EES@EES, Dennis Benevides/HOU/EES@EES,
Timothy L Ray/HOU/EES@EES
Subject: CPUC Draft Decision on Distributed Generation and Electric
Distribution Competition
Greg, Roger:
Please put Ed Solari, Joseph Graham and Tim Vail on your CC list on these
issues. Ed and Joe are building out the portfolio management capability,
i.e. making a market in local generation resources and Tim is pushing the
technology enveloppe.
---------------------- Forwarded by John Henderson/HOU/EES on 10/12/99 10:29
AM ---------------------------
Greg Cordell
10/12/99 09:48 AM
To: Roger Yang/SFO/EES@EES, Jeff Dasovich/SFO/EES@EES, Philip
cc: Scott Gahn/HOU/EES@EES, John Henderson/HOU/EES@EES, Roger A
Larson/HOU/EES@EES, Bruce N Stram/HOU/EES@EES
Subject: CPUC Draft Decision on Distributed Generation and Electric
Distribution Competition
Roger - thanks for the review; we want to raise the "wholesale distribution"
Jeff - we will rely on GA to identify our most successful forum (e.g.
workshop, hearing, other); generally we are in support of this proposed
decision as it establishes a CPUC/CEC commitment to address "behind the
meter" competition and the role of the UDC
Phil - we will require technical engineering experts for the workshops and
---------------------- Forwarded by Greg Cordell/HOU/EES on 10/12/99 09:38 AM
Roger Yang
10/11/99 12:44 PM
To: Jeff Dasovich/SFO/EES@EES
cc: Greg Cordell/HOU/EES@EES
Subject: CPUC Draft Decision on Distributed Generation and Electric
Distribution Competition
The purpose of this e-mail is to reply to your e-mail to EESO requesting
input on the CPUC's draft decision on distributed generation and electric
distribution competition. As you already know, EESO is very interested in
"behind the meter" competition including distributed generation, as well as
other competitive opportunities. I understand that decision puts forth
procedures and identifies issues that need to be addressed for distributed
generation and electric distribution competition. The decision does not
address an opinion on the issues identified; hence, I will not be providing
EESO's position on the issues. The decision provides for testimony on issues
at a later point in time. We will defer to Government Affairs expertise on
what are the most appropriate procedural steps. I will limit my analysis to
identifying any issues that were not addressed by the decision.
The following is an outline of issues that I believe were identified by the
I. Retail Competition
A. Wires Competition
1. Distributed Generation/Distributed Energy Resources
a. Interconnec tion (Workshop)
Size Limitations
Voltage Level Interconnection options
Changes to Rule 21 for broader application, eliminating QF distinctions
"Type Testing"
Safety (Testimony)
Islanding (Workshop)
Statutory Amendments
b. Ownership an Operational Control (Staff Report)
UDC and affiliate ownership (Testimony)
c. Environmental Impacts
Air Quality
Visual Impacts
Noise Impacts
d. Rate Design and Cost Allocation
Cost Shifting
Stranded Investment (Testimony)
Bypass Fee (Testimony)
Standby Rates, including Firm v. Non-Firm (Testimony)
Flexible Rate Offering
e. Distribution System Planning Process (Workshop)
System Benefits
Deferral of Distribution Investments
Relieve Constraints
DG Distribution Valuation System (Testimony)
Additional costs
Impacts on PBR
f. Net Metering (Testimony)
Statutory Limitations
Rate bypass Issues
Public Purpose Programs
Consistency for all generation technology
g. Dispatch and Scheduling of Excess Generation (Workshop and Testimony)
Market Power
Must Run
Statutory clarification on what is a utility
h. Future Role of UDC (Testimony)
i. Distribution Service for Generators
Distribution-only Service (Testimony)
Jurisdiction (Testimony)
Unbundle Voltage Service Levels
j. Other
Impacts on California Air Resources Board
Emissions Credits
Impacts on Local Air Quality Districts
Local Governments
Building Codes & Permits
California Environmental Quality Act (Workshop)
2. Competition with Irrigation and Municipal Districts (Energy Division
a. Local Government Franchises
b. Stranded Costs
c. Rate Flexibility
d. Statutory Amendments for uniform construction, inspecition, reliability &
safety standards
e. Obligation to serve
f. Statutory Amendments for uniform Public Purpose Program requirements
g. Local government tax advantages
3. Privatization of Distribution (Energy Division Report)
a. Safety & Construction Standards
b. Uniform Standards
Legislative clarification
c. Obligation to Serve
d. Line Extension Rules
e. Public Purpose Program charge bypass
Alternate ways of funding
f. Wires only service unbundling
g. Rate Design
Bypass Charge
Rate Flexibility
Average Rate Structure
h. Master-Meter & Submetering
Impact on construction costs
DSM cost effectiveness
Price Signals
Safety and Reliability
Impact on Direct Access Customer Choice
Cost Shifting
Legislative Amendments
Submetering Accuracy
Local Government Weights & Measures
Rates to submeter customers
4. Rights-of-Way Competition (Energy Division Report)
a. Cooperation of Local Government
5. Independent Distribution Operator
a. Pros/Cons
b. Costs
c. Use of ISO
B. Energy Competition (Energy Division Report)
1. Clear Separation of Monopoly & Competitive Services
a. Cross-subsidies
2. Provider of Last Resort v. Default Provider
a. Competition for Default Provider Role
b. Monopsony Market Power to influence market prices
c. Mandarory PX Buy Requirement for Provider of Last Resort
d. Economies of scale enjoyed fy the Default Provider
C. Other (Energy Division Report)
1. Social, Labor, and Economic Impacts
2. DG Consumer Education
I believe this is a fairly comprehensive list. However, there are some
issues that I believe should either be identified or if already identified
better defined. First, in the Energy Division's assessment of Energy
Competition and the clear separation of monopoly and competitive services,
the Energy Division should identify all of the assymetric rules,
responsibilities, and expectations placed upon ESPs compared to those of the
UDC default service provider. For instance, hourly interval metering
requirements only apply to direct access customers and not to standard offer
customers. Costs to fulfill regulatory requirements by the ESP are expected
to be recovered from market transactions; whereas, the utilities recover
these costs in non-competitive service rates. These are examples of
competitive barriers that disadvantage ESPs. Secondly, the decisions
reference to Standby Service on page 17 inappropriate implies that Standby
Service is only available from the UDC, when in fact ESPs can supply Standby
Generation Service as well. The issue of Standby Service needs to unbundle
Standby T&D service from Standby Generation service, where these two issues
are looked at independently. Third, in addressing the Distributed
Generation issue of distribution service for excess generation the issue of
bidirectional distribution service needs to be more fully explored. In other
words, if the customer is expected to pay for distribution service as a load,
some of the costs of distribution service for excess generation should be
offset by the payments already paid for distribution charges to the load.
Fourth, the issue of voltage service levels is in part addressed with respect
to interconnection. Discounts for voltage service levels should be addressed
with respect to both loads and generation. Finally, the issue of
interruptible service should also be addressed, because it is an unresolved
issue that is related to the issues above about distribution system benefits.
Roger |
This message is to confirm your EOL transaction with Transwestern Pipeline Company.
You have successfully acquired the package(s) listed below. If you have questions or
concerns regarding the transaction(s), please call Craig Buehler at (713)853-6964
prior to placing your nominations for these volumes.
US Pipeline Capacity TW(Firm)
Transaction No: 60989
Product Name: LaMaquina-I/B Link
Time Stamp: Sep 24 2001 2:20 pm
TW Request#: 27635
Shipper Name: Burlington Resources Trading, Inc.
TW Contract#: 27713
Volume: 15,000 Dth/d
Rate: $0.0500/d 1-part(Combined Reservation & Commodity) 100% Load Factor
+ applicable fuel and unaccounted for
Term: 10/01/2001 through 10/31/01
Primary Points: RP
500545 I/B LINK
Alternate Points: RP
Contact: Craig Buehler Phone (713)853-6964
Fax (713)646-8085
Email craig.buehler@enron.com |
The bonus structure was lined out in detail in a couple of HR video conferences we had with Houston. It is about 10X better than enrons.
-----Original Message-----
From: Dorland, Dan
Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2002 5:57 AM
To: Dorland, Chris
Subject: Bonus
Does their description of the bonus structure concern you at all...may be payable, in part, in an equity award pursuant to the Firm's programs or plans. There is no choice like at Enron.
Let me know what you think,
Dan |
We shall make arrangements to bring you over for an interview.
Our HR Department will contact you later this week.
Christopher M Kenyon <cmkenyon@concentric.net> on 05/05/2000 07:56:11 AM
To: vkamins@enron.com
Subject: real options openings?
Dear Vince Kaminski,
I was auditing Prof Dyer's Real Options class on Thursday when you spoke
on Enron's activities in this area. I would be interested in exploring the
possibility of joining the group that works on real options in response to
and in anticipation of Enron's business requirements. I'm currently
working in the development and application of real options methodology at
Schlumberger. In particular I'll be speaking at an industry Real Options
Valuation conference in London (http://www.iqpc.co.uk/finance/rov/) and I
just had the paper accepted for publication in Operations Research. Could
you pass my resume on to the relevant people to have a look at?
Thanks in advance,
Chris Kenyon
- cmkenyon_cv_may00.doc |
The message that you sent was opened by the following:
Information about your message:
Subject: Superbowl Party
Message-Id: <31738B46B7BD864080808A19977D9F755A396E@NAHOU-MSMBX03V.corp.enron.com> |
Our discussion session w/ Ken Raisler on the CFMA is scheduled for 1 to 3
p.m. Monday, March 5th in Sandalwood Rooms A & B at the downtown Hyatt
Regency Hotel.
Does anybody have any input/suggestions/requests on topics to be covered? If
so, please reply by e-mail. Thanks -- Bob
Robert E. Bruce
Senior Counsel
Enron North America Corp.
T (713) 345-7780
F (713) 646-3393
robert.bruce@enron.com |
I would like to have this same monthly reporting for all offices of the US.
This sort of piggybacks off the discussion we had yesterday on the need for
office information.
Do you have someone in your group who would have time to take on this
project? Should this project reside in your group or somewhere else?
If you could give me your thoughts I'd appreciate it.
---------------------- Forwarded by Shona Wilson/NA/Enron on 08/15/2000 10:22
AM ---------------------------
Rob Sexton@ECT
08/15/2000 09:57 AM
To: Shona Wilson/NA/Enron@ENRON
Subject: Re: August monthly status report for MG
As per my voicemail I attach a copy of July's report in order to give you an
indication of the type of comments included. Also, I can confirm that the
report is circulated throughout the management of commercial and transaction
If you have any further queries please do not hesitate to contact me either
by e-mail or by phone on +44 20 7783 5551.
Best regards
From: Shona Wilson @ ENRON 15/08/2000 15:34
To: Rob Sexton/LON/ECT@ECT
Subject: Re: August monthly status report for MG
I can write up something for you. What subject matter would you like me to
cover? The overall integration in the US? Who is the audience for it
(commercial, commercial support only), and what time frame do you need it?
You can reach me at 713 853 9123 if you would like to talk.
Rob Sexton@ECT
08/15/2000 09:23 AM
To: Shona Wilson/NA/Enron@Enron
Subject: August monthly status report for MG
I am working within European Financial Operations on integrating the MG
companies within the monthly status report for Enron offices - please see
attached. The data held so far on this document has been obtained from our
records but may contain inaccuracies/ommissions due to the disparate nature
of information.
In order to obtain an update on the progress made with the integration of the
North American Trading and the Americas Origination companies I was hoping
that you, or someone within your department, could add a short paragraph
summarising the status of work taking place on each of the above companies
and ensure that the details as noted are correct.
Many thanks for your assistance.
Best regards
Rob |
please print
---------------------- Forwarded by Jeffrey A Shankman/HOU/ECT on 10/25/2000
03:30 PM ---------------------------
Maureen Raymond@ENRON
10/25/2000 02:58 PM
Sent by: Gwyn Koepke@ENRON
To: John Sherriff/LON/ECT@ECT, Larry Lawyer/Enron Communications@Enron
Communications, Jeffrey A Shankman/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mike
cc: Bob Schorr/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: E-strategy for metals trading
Attached is an article from yesterday's FT regarding the efforts by a
consortia of four major international metals and mining producers to develop
an internet marketplace for producers and consumers. As we come across this
type of information to keep you abreast of developments in the commodity
markets, we will pass it along.
Maureen Raymond-Castaneda |
Sara - please find attached the standard form bankruptcy swap for US And UK
reference entities. These transactions will be entered into subject to a
master agreement/ terms and conditions. I am re-drafting these at the moment
and will send you the revised form later this week. As regards general due
dilligence - I have quiete a substantial folder which I will have photocopied
and forwarded to you later this week. In the meantime if you have any
questions please feel free to give me a call at +4420 77834828.
Best regards,
Denis |
Go ahead and revise the NDA to replace EBS with Net Works and I'll initial
for execution.
----- Forwarded by Leslie Hansen/HOU/ECT on 10/23/2000 01:23 PM -----
10/23/2000 11:15 AM
To: Leslie Hansen/HOU/ECT@ECT@ENRON
cc: Tana Jones/HOU/ECT@ECT@ENRON
Subject: Re: one more NDA
Yes, you are correct. If you can send me the NDA with any modifications that
you require, I'll send it back to Xuma for their signature.
Leslie Hansen@ECT
10/23/00 11:16 AM
To: Laura Howenstine/Enron Communications@ENRON COMMUNICATIONS@ENRON
cc: Tana Jones/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Re: one more NDA
Am I correct in understanding that Xuma signed the EBS form without
modification? If that is the case, we should prepare the NDA with Enron Net
Works LLC as the party in lieu of EBS and have Xuma execute the revised
agreement. In the future, we need to use the Net Works form of NDA; however,
since the EBS form has already been sent to and accepted by the Counterparty,
I'm okay using this form.
Leslie Hansen
10/23/2000 10:23 AM
To: Leslie Hansen/HOU/ECT@ECT, tana.jones@enron.com
Subject: Re: one more NDA
Attached is the NDA that we used with Xuma. They've signed it in hard copy
and sent it back to me, but since then our group has switched from EBS to Net
Works. Please advise as to how you need to modify this.
----- Forwarded by Laura Howenstine/Enron Communications on 10/23/00 10:07 AM
Robin Hill
09/12/00 03:44 PM
To: Laura Howenstine/Enron Communications@Enron Communications
Subject: Re: one more NDA
Here is the NDA for XUMA.
Robin L. Hill, Legal Specialist
Enron Broadband Services
1400 Smith, Suite 4545
Houston, Texas 77002
(713)646-8537 fax
Laura Howenstine
09/12/00 02:48 PM
To: Robin Hill/Enron Communications@Enron Communications
Subject: one more NDA
Thanks, Robin. I actually have another NDA to ask you for and it's a last
minute request for a meeting that I'm attending tomorrow in San Francisco
(for which I'm leaving in an hour or so).
The counter party is a company called XUMA. The relevant info is below.
Thanks and I'll follow the same procedure as with onexchange.
NDA needed for:
160 Pine Street - #200
San Francisco, CA 94111
Robin Hill
09/12/00 12:37 PM
To: Laura Howenstine/Enron Communications@Enron Communications
Subject: RE: NDA
Here is the NDA. Please select the "Read Only" option in order to open and
print. Please print 2 originals for signature so each party has an original
executed NDA, or you may e-mail it to them as long as they follow up with 2
originals. After the other party executes it, you will need to get an EBS
attorney to initial it before an EBS VP or above can execute it on our
behalf. If you have any questions please call me and please make sure I get
an executed original back. Thanks.
Robin L. Hill, Legal Specialist
Enron Broadband Services
1400 Smith, Suite 4545
Houston, Texas 77002
(713)646-8537 fax
Laura Howenstine
09/11/00 04:31 PM
To: Robin Hill/Enron Communications@Enron Communications
Subject: RE: NDA
Hi Robin,
The information that you require for the NDA is in the message below.
----- Forwarded by Laura Howenstine/Enron Communications on 09/11/00 04:33 PM
09/11/00 02:17 PM
To: Laura Howenstine/Enron Communications@Enron Communications
Subject: RE: NDA
Hi Laura,
Here's all the info:
Ed Cuoco
Reservoir Place
1601 Trapelo Road
Waltham, MA 02451
781.672.3400 x223
781.672.3408 fax
-----Original Message-----
From: Laura_Howenstine@enron.net [mailto:Laura_Howenstine@enron.net]
Sent: Monday, September 11, 2000 3:00 PM
To: Ed Cuoco
Subject: NDA
I'm sorry to bother you with this, but I have not been able to pull up your
street address on your web site - I get a message that the server is busy.
you send me the relevant info on Onexchange, as requested below, I'll send
it on
to our legal department to expedite the NDA.
Laura Howenstine
Manager, Enron Broadband Services
713-853-0308 (office)
713-304-7819 (mobile)
----- Forwarded by Laura Howenstine/Enron Communications on 09/11/00 01:59
| | Robin Hill |
| | |
| | 09/11/00 |
| | 12:24 PM |
| | |
| To: Laura Howenstine/Enron Communications@Enron Communications
| cc:
| Subject: NDA
Laura, please send me the full legal name and address of the company and I
draft the NDA for you to forward to the client. Thanks.
Robin L. Hill, Legal Specialist
Enron Broadband Services
1400 Smith, Suite 4545
Houston, Texas 77002
(713)646-8537 fax
Robin_Hill@Enron.net |
Are you guys still in business????
*******************Internet Email Confidentiality Footer*******************
Privileged/Confidential Information may be contained in this message. If
you are not the addressee indicated in this message (or responsible for
delivery of the message to such person), you may not copy or deliver this
message to anyone. In such case, you should destroy this message and kindly
notify the sender by reply email. Please advise immediately if you or your
employer do not consent to Internet email for messages of this kind.
Opinions, conclusions and other information in this message that do not
relate to the official business of my firm shall be understood as neither
given nor endorsed by it. |
I am going to return this file to Stephanie since credit is still deciding
how to proceed given their extensive comments. Could you please reassign
this to someone in the group once it gets going again? Thanks.
Carol St. Clair
EB 3889
713-853-3989 (Phone)
713-646-3393 (Fax)
carol.st.clair@enron.com |
---------------------- Forwarded by Andrea Ring/HOU/ECT on 05/02/2001 04:06
PM ---------------------------
From: Karen D McIlvoy 04/10/2001 08:20 AM
To: ragan.bond@bhlp.com
cc: (bcc: Andrea Ring/HOU/ECT)
Subject: Fwd:
A beautiful woman loved growing tomatoes, but couldn't seem to get her
tomatoes to turn red. One day while taking a stroll she came upon a
gentleman neighbor who had the most beautiful garden full of huge red
The woman asked the gentleman, "What do you do to get your tomatoes so
red?" The gentleman responded, "Twice a day I stand in front of my tomato
garden and expose myself, and my tomatoes turn red from blushing so much."
The woman was so impressed, she decided to try doing the same
thing to her tomato garden to see if it would work. So twice a day for two
weeks she exposed herself to her garden hoping for the best
One day the gentleman was passing by and asked the woman, "By the way,
How did you make out? Did your tomatoes turn red?"
"No" she replied, "but my cucumbers are enormous!" |
The time seems ripe for someone to issue a press release asking Gov. Davis to
justify his statements about "out-of-state price gougers" and "greedy
out-of-state generators"---or at least acknowledge that the highest prices
paid by California went to Los Angeles Dept. of Water & Power, other
California munis, and Crown corporation B.C. Hydro/Powerex---and that
Texas-based companies accounted for only 10% of energy sold to California,
and were among the lowest-cost sellers.
-----Original Message-----
From: Mara, Susan
Sent: Monday, July 30, 2001 11:29 AM
To: Dasovich, Jeff; Comnes, Alan; Steffes, James D.; Shapiro, Richard;
Parquet, David; Belden, Tim; Hall, Steve C.; Kingerski, Harry; Frank, Robert;
Tribolet, Michael; Mellencamp, Lisa; Alvarez, Ray; Kaufman, Paul
More rhetoric. I'm not too sure what FERC order he was reading.
Sue Mara
Enron Corp.
Tel: (415) 782-7802
Fax:(415) 782-7854
----- Forwarded by Susan J Mara/NA/Enron on 07/30/2001 11:27 AM -----
"McMorrow, Thomas" <TMcMorrow@manatt.com> 07/30/2001 10:54 AM To:
"'carol@iepa.com'" <carol@iepa.com>, "Alex Sugaoka (E-mail)"
<alex.sugaoka@uaecorp.com>, "Bill Woods (E-mail)" <billw@calpine.com>, "Bob
Ellery (E-mail)" <bellery@spi-ind.com>, "Bob Escalante (E-mail)"
<rescalante@riobravo-gm.com>, "Brian T. Cragg (E-mail)" <bcragg@gmssr.com>,
"Carolyn A Baker (E-mail)" <cabaker@duke-energy.com>, "Curtis Kebler
(E-mail)" <curtis_l_kebler@reliantenergy.com>, "Douglas Kerner (E-mail)"
<dkk@eslawfirm.com>, "Duane Nelsen (E-mail)" <dnelsen@gwfpower.com>, "Ed
Maddox (E-mail)" <emaddox@seawestwindpower.com>, "Ed Tomeo (E-mail)"
<ed.tomeo@uaecorp.com>, "Eric Edstrom (E-mail)" <edstrome@epenergy.com>,
"Greg Blue (E-mail)" <gtbl@dynegy.com>, "Hap Boyd (E-mail)"
<rboyd@enron.com>, "Jack Pigott (E-mail)" <jackp@calpine.com>, "Joe Ronan
(E-mail)" <joer@calpine.com>, "John G. Larrea (E-mail)"
<john.g.larrea@williams.com>, "John O'Rourke (E-mail)"
<john.orourke@elpaso.com>, "Kate Castillo (E-mail)"
<CCastillo@RioBravo-GM.com>, "Ken Hoffman (E-mail)"
<khoffman@caithnessenergy.com>, "Kent Burton (E-mail)"
<kburton@covantaenergy.com>, "Kent Palmerton (E-mail)"
<kent.palmerton@williams.com>, "Marty McFadden (E-mail)"
<mmcfadden@covantaenergy.com>, "Michael L. Hawkins (E-mail)"
<hawkins@2000energy.com>, "Nam Nguyen (E-mail)" <nam.nguyen@powersrc.com>,
"Paul Desrochers (E-mail)" <nevedap@msn.com>, "Paul Wood (E-mail)"
<pwood@covantaenergy.com>, "Paula Soos (E-mail)" <PSoos@CovantaEnergy.com>,
"Rachel King (E-mail)" <rachel.king@elpaso.com>, "Rich Dyer (E-mail)"
<rich_dyer@covantaenergy.com>, "Roger Pelote (E-mail)"
<roger.pelote@williams.com>, "Ross Ain (E-mail)" <ain@worldnet.att.net>,
"Scott Harlan (E-mail)" <harlans@epenergy.com>, "Steve Ponder (E-mail)"
<steve_ponder@fpl.com>, "Steve Schleimer (E-mail)" <sschleimer@calpine.com>,
"Susan J Mara (E-mail)" <smara@enron.com>, "Ted Cortopassi (E-mail)"
<tcortopassi@covantaenergy.com>, "Tom Hartman (E-mail)"
<tom_hartman@fpl.com>, "Tony Wetzel (E-mail)" <tonywetzel@home.com>, "Ward
Scobee (E-mail)" <wscobee@caithnessenergy.com>, "William Hall (E-mail)"
<wfhall2@duke-energy.com> cc: "Andy Brown (E-mail)" <abb@eslawfirm.com>,
"'Jan Smutny-Jones (E-mail)'" <smutny@iepa.com>, "Jean Munoz (E-mail)"
<jmunoz@mcnallytemple.com>, "'Katie Kaplan (E-mail)'" <kaplan@iepa.com>,
"Sandra Moseley (E-mail)" <sandra@iepa.com>, "'Steven Kelly (E-mail)'"
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Martinez, Michael
> Sent: Monday, July 30, 2001 10:05 AM
> To: Thomas McMorrow
> PR01:340
> 07/30/2001
> Governor Gray Davis issued the following statement today regarding the
> Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's recent refund order:
> "FERC is up to its old tricks again. They talk about refunds for
> California. But in this case, talk really is cheap: the details of its
> latest order show it has no intention of making California whole.
> Beginning on January 17, 2001, the people of California, through the
> Department of Water Resources, had to pay out-of-state gougers outrageous
> prices to keep the lights on. And now FERC says Californians are not
> entitled to refunds even though they determined the prices were
> excessively high. It's time for FERC to decide who they are working for:
> the greedy out-of-state generators, or the people of California. We are
> calling on FERC to change its order. If it doesn't, we will be in court."
> |
Hey Mark, nice to hear from you. I am glad you enjoyed the wedding. It went
by so fast for me but it seems that people had a good time. Apart from a few
travel related glitches the honeymoon was also spectacular. Tahiti is a true
I am committed to the concept of sailing in the Carribean but my problem is
that my honeymoon has put me firmly in "vacation deficit" at the SEC.
Barring any emergency congressional action I will not have enough days
available by Tgiving to truly enjoy sailing in the Carribean. Amanda has
told me how much fun it is and I want to do it but I may need to find another
time. I'll check into it and let you guys know definitively very soon. How
long to you go for?
Keep in mind though that I do not speak for Amanda. She has an uncanny
ability to arrange her schedule so that she can participate in virtually
every vacation idea that people bring up.
I'll be in touch, Bill. |
Normal Temp Actual Temp Load North
Fri 31 26 2.70 Bcf
Sat 31 33 2.30 Bcf
Sun 31 33 2.35 Bcf
Mon ` 31 Forecast 36 2.46 Bcf
Routine operations this weekend.
March is 16% colder than normal. |
Rick, it looks like the number is approximately down $198MM. What is the
Delainey |
---------------------- Forwarded by Darron C Giron/HOU/ECT on 11/30/2000
04:45 PM ---------------------------
From: Jennifer Bagwell @ ENRON 11/30/2000 04:32 PM
To: Darron C Giron/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: DPR/GL Adjustments
---------------------- Forwarded by Jennifer Bagwell/NA/Enron on 11/30/2000
04:27 PM ---------------------------
From: Frank Cernosek @ ECT 11/28/2000 02:37 PM
To: Luchas Johnson/NA/Enron@Enron, Phillip M Love/HOU/ECT@ECT, Victor
Guggenheim/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jeff Royed/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Kyle R
Lilly/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jason Wolfe/NA/Enron@ENRON, Denver Plachy/NA/Enron@Enron,
Chris Walker/HOU/ECT@ECT, Andres Balmaceda/NA/Enron@ENRON, William
Kelly/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jennifer Bagwell/NA/Enron@ENRON, Jody
Subject: DPR/GL Adjustments
Please plan on adjusting your PL for the following amount during the month of
Frank |
----- Forwarded by Stacy E Dickson/HOU/ECT on 04/17/2001 01:30 PM -----
Stacey Dempsey/ENRON@enronXgate
04/17/2001 11:53 AM
To: Stacy E Dickson/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: RE: Important DSL Information
We are meeting with our MSN contract negotiator tomorrow regarding this
issue. As of now, please do not sign up for SWB DSL service. I will let you
know tomorrow once the meeting is over. Thanks for your patience.
-----Original Message-----
From: Dickson, Stacy
Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2001 9:29 AM
To: Dempsey, Stacey
Subject: Fw: Important DSL Information
I'm sure you are aware that MSN stopped providing DSL a few weeks ago because
their wholesale DSL provider, Northpoint filed for bankruptcy. MSN sent me
the letter below recommending we switch to Southwestern Bell. Is this what
ClickatHome suggests that we do? Will I still receive a reimbursement for
part of my DSL costs if I switch to SWB? Please let me know what you suggest.
Thank you,
Stacy Dickson Granmayeh
----- Forwarded by Stacy E Dickson/HOU/ECT on 04/17/2001 09:24 AM -----
"Stacy Granmayeh" <ssmgranmayeh@msn.com> 04/16/2001 09:05 PM To:
"Stacywork" <Stacy.E.Dickson@enron.com> cc: Subject: Fw: Important DSL
----- Original Message -----
From: MSN HighSpeed - DSL
Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2001 2:32 PM
To: ssmgranmayeh@msn.com
Subject: Important DSL Information
Dear MSN Internet Access Customer:
In an effort to help make your transition to another DSL Internet
provider a little easier, we have been working with Southwestern Bell
Internet Services and believe they may have a DSL Internet solution for
Southwestern Bell Internet Services has a special offer for customers
affected by this transition with the following promotion:
Sign up for one-year and receive Southwestern Bell DSL High-Speed
Internet Service for $49.95 per month with a free modem (after $99
rebate) and a free self-installation kit, along with no provisioning fees
($149 value).
If you prefer to not commit to a one-year term, you can still sign up for
Southwestern Bell DSL High-Speed Internet Service on a month-to-month
basis for $49.95.
We have identified customers such as yourself who reside in the
Southwestern Bell service area and are recommending you contact them to
see if your telephone number and location qualifies for their DSL
Internet service. You can contact Southwestern Bell on a special
toll-free number set up just for MSN customers, 1-800-962-5743. So,
hurry, this offer ends on April 30, 2001.
If you qualify, they have a group of specially trained support
representatives to assist you in making a smooth transition to
Southwestern Bell DSL Internet Service.
We hope this information is helpful and again, we apologize for this
situation and appreciate your patience.
MSN HighSpeed - DSL Team |
Congratulations. Well deserved. I am very happy your contribution to the
company has been recognized.
Vince |
We did want to get the road done - I'm a little unsure by what you mean about
the wood.? Is there someone we could hire to do that?
-----Original Message-----
From:?? Jeff.Dasovich@enron.com [SMTP:Jeff.Dasovich@enron.com]
Sent:?? Thursday, September 28, 2000 8:16 AM
To:???? eldon@interx.net; Nancy.Sellers@RobertMondavi.com
Subject:??????? No Road?
I'm assuming, since I haven't heard back, that we're going to take a pass
this time on the Dome road, and perhaps have Jeff Green do it another time?
If I'm incorrect, we'll need to get things squared away, like today.
Let me know,
Jeff |
Yeah, I finally got your birthday message last night. Figured you were
partying! So what did you and Julie do over the weekend? Were you batching
We're doing fine. Armin has his first boondoggle this week, ski trip to
Switzerland. Not bad for his first. I'm missing him already, we haven't
been apart for over 10 hours in 2 years. weird, but I can't get enough of
Well gotta go work some now...write me! |
Glad you could make the trip.
From: Ken Cherry/ENRON@enronXgate on 04/24/2001 05:17 PM
To: Stanley Horton/Corp/Enron@Enron, Phil Lowry/OTS/Enron@ENRON
Subject: Thanks!
Just wanted to say thanks for the opportunity to travel with you to Wiggins
compressor station. I will look forward to working with your respective
organizations around procurement, contracting and deal issues. I hope our
paths will cross again.
Ken Cherry |
i will be in town fri afternoon. tell max and i will see you guys either
fri or sat. |
The task is completed.
The only deal which should be changed with Deal Entry is 600076
(the trader is Paul Choi again)
-----Original Message-----
From: Evans, Casey
Sent: Monday, January 14, 2002 2:39 PM
To: Crooks, William; Kroumov, Kroum; Nommensen, Dave
Cc: Postlethwaite, John; Chang, Fran; Lee, Norman; White, Stacey W.; Yang, Zhiyun
Subject: New Script Request
New task......we are going to change the primary counterparty on all of our other existing counterparties in the East and West portfolios to the following EPMI desk names:
EPMI-EAST-NPERF (EPMI East Non Performance)
EPMI-WEST-NPERF (EPMI West Non Performance)
Our goal is to have this done tomorrow. I will provide you with a list of counterparties on which we will be changing all associated deals ASAP.
Let me know if you guys have any questions!
Thanks, as always!
-----Original Message-----
From: Evans, Casey
Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2002 5:10 PM
To: Crooks, William; Smith, Will
Subject: FW: Customer List
fyi....I will need yall's help probably Monday (once the book is set up in Enpower) in changing the primary counterparty name on the deals associated with the counterparties below from the current Enron entity to the the new Enron book name of "EPMI-EAST-PERF". Just wanted to give you a heads up so you can begin composing the script....
Thanks guys!!
-----Original Message-----
From: White, Stacey W.
Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2002 4:36 PM
To: Postlethwaite, John; Evans, Casey
Subject: FW: Customer List
Each of you needs to send a book request for the East & West portfolios for the counterparties listed in the following spreadsheet. The spreadsheet identifies those counterparties which we are still performing under the contracts. Please create a East-Performance and a West-Performance book. We then need to get all deals with the following counterparties moved to those books. I would suggest you pull the values out of AdHoc as of 12/31 for the counterparties by desk before transferring them to the new desk. Obviously these transactions will create prior days and the amount will run through the P&L in the old and new books and flatten out. The remaining prior day value will need to be in Schedule E.
-----Original Message-----
From: Luong, Steven
Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2002 1:08 PM
To: White, Stacey W.
Subject: Customer List
<< File: customers served 1-9-02.xls >>
Don asked me to send you this file. |
hi bub, Let's talk this weekend....I'll be around (houston) this weekend, then I'm off to Louisville tuesday or so for thanksgiving for a little detox. where are you guys going to be for thanksgiving?
On another note, I have to give you info on the kiddush cup, including how to clean it ( do not use sprays polish, etc)
-----Original Message-----
From: Amy Stern <amystern@earthlink.net>@ENRON
Sent: Friday, November 16, 2001 8:05 AM
To: Jeff Shankman
Subject: i miss you.
please call soon. i must speak with you. it's been waaaaaay toooooooo
a |
Is it your intent to sell the gas to Bridgeline at NYMEX - $0.05 vs any of Oxy's bids?
-----Original Message-----
From: Concannon, Ruth
Sent: Tuesday, June 18, 2002 4:26 PM
To: Germany, Chris; Barbe, Robin
Subject: FW: Bridgeline
-----Original Message-----
From: Schneider, Chip
Sent: Tuesday, June 18, 2002 4:15 PM
To: Bartlett, Jeff; Coffey Jr., Jim; Concannon, Ruth; Gray, Barbara N.;
Jayne South (E-mail); Mark Ellenberg (E-mail); McMichael Jr., Ed;
Michael Koss (E-mail); Rich Shinder (E-mail); Sharp, Greg; Stephen
Youngman (E-mail)
Cc: Miller, Don (Asset Mktg)
Subject: FW: Bridgeline
FYI. HOWEVER, I have just learned that Bridgeline's position may now be NO waiver of claims regarding storage costs after 1/31/02--the waiver will only run to transportation. My understanding is that this is a bit different from Mark's discussion with Higgins yesterday where a waiver of both, post 1/31/02, was discussed. Bridgeline has also verbally indicated an interest in hitting our offer at NYMEX - $0.05.
I just received a voice mail from Hugh Connett indicating that a formal response from Bridgeline is forthcoming late today or tomorrow morning.
I'll keep you posted.
-----Original Message-----
From: stephen.youngman@weil.com [mailto:stephen.youngman@weil.com]
Sent: Tuesday, June 18, 2002 3:56 PM
To: Schneider, Chip
Cc: kelli.walsh@weil.com
Subject: Re: Bridgeline
Since the "settlement" aspect is basically paying some amount of the
postpetition amounts owed, and reserving the dispute for later
consideration, I do not think that impacts the ordinary course nature of
the sale of the gas.
Stephen A. Youngman
Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP
Tel: (214) 746-7758
Fax: (214) 746-7777
"Schneider, Chip"
<Chip.Schneider@E To: Kelli Walsh/DA/WGM/US@WGM
NRON.com> cc: Stephen Youngman/DA/WGM/US@WGM, "Mark Ellenberg
(E-mail)" <mark.ellenberg@cwt.com>, "Rich Shinder (E-mail)"
06/18/02 03:23 PM <shinder@blackstone.com>
Subject: Bridgeline
Can you confirm for me that Weil is of the view that the $950k settlement
aspect of our deal with Bridgeline is also "ordinary course"?
Chip Schneider
VP Asset Marketing
Enron North America Corp.
Tel: (713) 853-1789
Fax: (713) 646-3059
Cell: (713) 306-1184
Location: ECN711c
This e-mail is the property of Enron Corp. and/or its relevant affiliate
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Thank you.
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============================================================================== |
The Risk Management PRC meeting is scheduled to take place as follows:
Thursday, May 24, 2001
9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Thank you,
Irena |
I do not mind us bringing JAckson. I understand your desire to be with him
all the time, but I would like to occasionally do something with our friends
for a vacation that is just us. I think in time you will become more
comfortable, and I will just wait for that time.
You need to talk to your mom and decide if we are going this weekend. If we
go we need to make plans for barkley.
Bundle Jackson up this morning it is near freezing. Please cover the plants
out back. Thanks.
PL |
There will be two presentations tomorrow from UBS commencing at 2:30 p.m. (CST). These will be held in ECS 06980 and the conference dial-in numbers are listed below.
2:30 p.m. Bill Glass & Bill Bradford - Credit
3:00 p.m. Alex Fusco - New Business Guidelines
Dial-in # 800.486.2726
Host code 353763 (Louise)
Participant 547763
Many Thanks,
Liz Taylor
Assistant to Greg Whalley
713.853.1935 office
713.853.1838 fax
713.854.3056 mobile |
The North American Printing & Writing Papers Statistics - Flash Report for
September 2001
is now available on Economics Online at www.pppc.org/econ/ , in the section
Flash Reports.
Should you have any questions concerning the content of this report, please
do not hesitate
to contact Paul Leclair Analyst - Finance and Markets at (514) 861-8834 or
by e-mail pleclair@pppc.org.
For questions or comments concerning Economics Online, please contact:
Doreen Olkowicz
Manager, Statistics and Online Services
T (514) 861-8851 F (514) 866-4863 E-mail dolkowicz@pppc.org |
He just left.
He's staying at the Regal Biltmore. The fax # there is: 213-612-1628
Phone #: 213-624-1011 (in case you need to call him).
He lands tonight LAX at 5:31 p.m. on Continental # 1948.
Let me know if you need anything else.
Jeff Dasovich
Sent by: Jeff Dasovich
02/20/2001 12:44 PM
To: Linda Robertson/NA/Enron@ENRON, John
James D Steffes/NA/Enron@Enron, Maureen McVicker/NA/Enron@Enron
Subject: CA Update for Steve for Tomorrow's Meeting in Pasadena
I will have the California update done for Steve today. Maureen, could I
possibly get the fax # where Steve will be staying this evening in the event
that I need to fax it to him directly? What time will he be leaving for LA?
Jeff |
An Amendment to Appendix "C" will need to completed by both the pool that the
meters are being transferred from and the pool that the meters are being
transferred to. I have discussed this issue with Heidi Boyd at Columbia
and I believe she will complete this form on their behalf in order to delete
meters. You will also need to complete this form in order to add the meters
Clinton's LGA pool once the Pooling Agreement has been completed and the pool
becomes effective. I will fax the form to Heidi this morning. It must also
signed by the producer. Please confirm your fax number (614-760-2794) and I
will be happy to fax the form to you as well.
"Paul J Leanza" <pleanza@enron.com> on 07/13/2000 05:34:12 PM
To: Carol A. Miller/HQ/PG/CNG@CNGNOTES
cc: kdestep@ceg.com, dkinney@ceg.com, "Chris Germany"
<Chris_Germany@enron.com>, "John Dietrich" <jdietric@enron.com>, "Ron
Surwill" <rsurwill@enron.com>, hboyd@ceg.com
Subject: Re: Local Production July 00
Once our production pool is set up, I would like to transfer the CES/ENA
into our pool. What do you need from me to transfer these meters?
---------------------- Forwarded by Paul J Leanza/DUB/EES on 07/13/2000 05:23
Chris Germany@ECT
07/13/2000 04:58 PM
To: Paul J Leanza/DUB/EES@EES
Subject: Re: Local Production July 00
---------------------- Forwarded by Chris Germany/HOU/ECT on 07/13/2000 03:58
hboyd@columbiaenergygroup.com on 07/13/2000 12:58:49 PM
To: " - *Carol_A_Miller@dom.com" <Carol_A_Miller@dom.com>
cc: " - *Destephanis, Kara" <kdestep@columbiaenergygroup.com>, " - *Kinney,
Doug" <dkinney@columbiaenergygroup.com>, " - *chris.germany@enron.com"
Subject: Re: Local Production July 00
Hi Carol,
Can you help me with the below information? I am looking to turn over our
local production. After August we won't be in business anymore and this local
production that is in our name is really Enron North America's local
production. I had suggested that Enron (Chris Germany) set up a local agg
pool or if he was selling it to someone else to let me know so that we can
this production over ASAP. I am looking to write a letter to Peoples to give
them formal intent and need to know if I need to include meter identification
numbers in the letter (currently I do not know what these numbers are).
I apologize for this being such a mess, but I have been trying to get this
cleared up and seem to have no luck.
Thanks again for your help.
Subject: Local Production July 00
Hi Karen,
Please nominate a volume of 24,800 dth's for the month of July 00 for CES'
local production.
Please let me know if you need something more from me. I understand that
Clinton Energy is setting up a pool and will soon be able to take over our
local production. I will be sending in a letter soon relinquishing the local
production, is there a meter number or identification number that I will need
to mention in the letter?
Heidi Boyd
703-561-6496 |
---------------------- Forwarded by Benjamin Rogers/HOU/ECT on 11/02/2000
11:12 AM ---------------------------
From: Mitch Robinson @ ENRON 11/02/2000 10:44 AM
To: Don Miller/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stuart Zisman/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Benjamin Rogers/HOU/ECT@ECT, Larry Soderquist/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Gleason (Shelby) Transmission Upgrade
Larry Soderquist has forwarded to me a TVA schedule of the Shelby upgrade.
If it's not already in Deal Bench, let me know and I'll forward it down.
Scheduled completion is May, '02.
Mitch |
---------------------- Forwarded by Robin Rodrigue/HOU/ECT on 08/31/2000
09:36 PM ---------------------------
Becky Pitre
08/31/2000 01:29 PM
To: Brooklyn Couch/HOU/EES@EES, Shannon McPearson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robin
Subject: Aggie Virus
You have just received the "Aggie Virus"!!!
As we don't have much programming experience, this
Virus works on the honor system.
Please manually delete all the files on your hard drive
and manually forward this Virus to everyone on your
mailing list.
Thanks for your cooperation. Working together, we
can make this virus a worldwide success. |
Enron South America has nothing to do with COA. Enron North America is the
As for payments, we can state that as of the signing of the agreements, all
payments have been made. Sounds ok to me.
"Thompson, Peter J." <peterthompson@akllp.com> on 11/20/2000 11:09:56 AM
To: <Kay.Mann@enron.com>
cc: <eric.boyt@enron.com>
Subject: RE: Information Needed for City of Austin
Is Enron South America the assignee for the City of Austin deal? If so,
I need its place of incorporation and location of its ofices. As to the
exhibits, I believe most can be copied. However, at least Exhibit N-3
is deal specific and will list the purchase amount for aech unit for the
calculation of the unit liability amount. If the November payment has
been made, then the turbines for the City of Austin have been completely
paid for. Should I just put Not Used for Section 6.1.2?
-----Original Message-----
From: Kay.Mann@enron.com [mailto:Kay.Mann@enron.com]
Sent: Monday, November 20, 2000 11:53 AM
To: Thompson, Peter J.
Cc: Kay Mann (E-mail); Pipitone, Paul; Cobb, Chris
Subject: Re: Information Needed for City of Austin
Hi Peter,
1. I don't think you need to do anything re Enron South America, as Rob
Taylor is working on that. Were you asking about ENA? Delaware, 1400
Smith, Houston, 77002.
2. I don't know who is preparing all the exhibits, as I'm waiting to
from GE. Don't most of the exhibits just need to be copied? Is the
you gave me of the exhibits which need to be adapted the right place to
3. No. The November payment has been made.
You should get the other info by email from Eric Boyt.
"Thompson, Peter J." <peterthompson@akllp.com> on 11/20/2000 10:33:27 AM
To: "Kay Mann (E-mail)" <kay.mann@enron.com>
cc: "Pipitone, Paul" <paulpipitone@akllp.com>, "Cobb, Chris"
Subject: Information Needed for City of Austin
I need the following information to complete the City of Austin Facility
1. Where is Enron South America incorporated and where are its
offices located?
2. For the recitals, what is the kW capacity of its plant and
is the plant located?
3. Please confirm that ENA is preparing all exhibits, including
Exhibit N-3 (which is the original price for each unit).
4. According to the spreadsheet, the City of Austin doesn't make
any payments after November. I put the amount due in November under the
January 15, 2001 payment date. Is that correct?
5. According to the spreadsheet, the Guaranteed Delivery Dates
Units 9-11 was 10/30/00. The Guaranteed Delivery Date for Unit 12 is
11/30/00. Are these still the dates we are using?
6. Please provide the serial numbers for Units 9-12 for Section
7. Please provide the names, addresses, etc. for Sections 25.1
25.3 |
Sorry about that--I had not saved the changes I made. This should be
right. |
Risk Management PRC EB49C4
Date: 11/27/2000
Time: 11:30 AM - 3:00 PM (Central Standard Time)
Chairperson: Outlook Migration Team
Detailed Description: |
Dear Power Outage Database Customer,
Attached you will find an excel document. The outage contained within is a rescheduled outage. Your daily delivery will still contain this outage.
In addition to the excel document, there is a dbf file that is formatted like your daily delivery you receive nightly. This will enable you to load the data into your regular database. Any questions please let me know. Thanks.
Greg Elliott
IIR, Inc.
713-783-5147 x 3481
- OUTAGE.dbf
- 012202R.xls |
If you really think you'll need to get in touch while I'm overseas you can try my international cell phone # 44-7881-512-535 which is a London phone number but works throughout Europe and North America. And of course when all else fails you can always try to page me at (877)855-2081 or send an e-mail to my pager at 8778552081@pagenetmessage.net. But the bottom line is that there is a large percentage of the time that I'm just plain unreachable since I turn them all off and let the machines do the answering -- which may not impress Joe but in my book is even more impressive than having lots of numbers.
-----Original Message-----
From: "Linda Hayman" <LHAYMAN@skadden.com>@ENRON [mailto:IMCEANOTES-+22Linda+20Hayman+22+20+3CLHAYMAN+40skadden+2Ecom+3E+40ENRON@ENRON.com]
Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2001 6:51 PM
To: Taylor, Mark
Subject: RE: phone numbers
you only have ONE cellphone - Joe would not be impressed.
Linda Hayman
Skadden, Arps,Slate, Meagher & Flom, LLP
4 Times Square, 42nd Floor
New York, NY 10036
T: 212-735-2637
F: 917-777-2637
>>> <Mark.Taylor@enron.com> 06/19/01 07:43PM >>>
1322 Rutland
Houston, TX 77008
(713)863-7190 home
(713)206-8080 cell
(713)853-7459 work
-----Original Message-----
From: "Linda Hayman" <LHAYMAN@skadden.com>@ENRON
Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2001 6:30 PM
To: Taylor, Mark
Subject: phone numbers
It would be only polite to send us your numbers - do you live on
- Linda Hayman.vcf << File: Linda Hayman.vcf >> |
Do you know Doug, Christina, or Lee?
---------------------- Forwarded by Hunter S Shively/HOU/ECT on 10/30/2000
09:29 AM ---------------------------
Doug Gilbert-Smith@ENRON
10/30/2000 07:18 AM
To: Hunter S Shively/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: IT needs
Let me know when a good time to meet Lee and Christina is as they were
planning on taking us to lunch later this week. They have done alot of work
with data aggregation off the web so they should fit the bill.
Let me know when a good day is.
Take care,
Doug |
Attached is the book request for the Chase-Stoneville-Mahonia prepay. I have
to have this by 10 am.
Errol |
Start Date: 4/24/01; HourAhead hour: 12; No ancillary schedules awarded.
Variances detected.
Variances detected in Generation schedule.
Variances detected in Load schedule.
PARSING FILE -->> O:\Portland\WestDesk\California Scheduling\ISO Final
---- Generation Schedule ----
$$$ Variance found in table tblGEN_SCHEDULE.
Details: (Hour: 12 / Preferred: 0.00 / Final: 0.00)
TRANS_DATE: 4/24/01
---- Load Schedule ----
$$$ Variance found in table tblLoads.
Details: (Hour: 12 / Preferred: 133.85 / Final: 133.30)
TRANS_DATE: 4/24/01
Thank you--we will probably get back to Don sometime tomorrow.
-----Original Message-----
From: Benjamin Rogers [mailto:brogers2@ect.enron.com]
Sent: Wednesday, January 12, 2000 5:31 PM
To: Lynne.delaurentis@mbia.com
Here is the latest presentation we have on the structure of our deal. If
have any questions please call Don Black at (713) 853-4750. Thanks
(See attached file: Rating Agency pitch version 2.ppt) |
I would be willing to swap 1st round picks with you for your 1 and a high 4th
round pick
Let me know |
I plan on attending.
Jim Steffes
-----Original Message-----
From: Levingston, Maxine E. On Behalf Of Lemmons Jr., Billy
Sent: Friday, August 24, 2001 5:01 PM
To: Olson, Cindy; Bland Jr., Ted C.; White, Leesa; Paige, Barbara; Mrha, Jean; Taylor, Mitch; Hayslett, Rod; Tilney, Elizabeth; Kaminski, Vince J; Hannon, Kevin; Shelby, Rex; Fastow, Andrew; Lawyer, Larry; Smida, Ed; Saltiel, Robert; Steffes, James D.; Howe, David; Leff, Dan; Shankman, Jeffrey A.; Causey, Richard; Glisan, Ben; Kean, Steven J.; Mcconnell, Mike; Redmond, Brian; Blachman, Jeremy; Richter, Brad; Rieker, Paula; Donahue, Jeff; McMahon, Jeffrey; Koenig, Mark; Friesenhahn, Shelly; Lebeau, Paul; Franklin, Chenee'; Barnes, Valarie; Elliott, Lexi; Miertschin, Beth; Shoaf, Kimberly; Herasimchuk, Alyse; Martin, Anita; Coleman, Jacqueline; Taylor, Corina; Johnson, Shawna; Payton, Patricia; Walt, John; Jones, Donna; Davis, Jeff D.; Lira, Cathy; Warner, Traci; Muzzy, Dolores
Subject: Save the Date - September 5th
Please save the date!
Recruiting season is almost here and the Analyst/Associate Program has been working hard to make this the best year ever.
We would like to invite all executive leads to a kick-off meeting on September 5th from 2:00 P.M. to 5:0 P.M. at the Doubletree Granger B. The event will be only for the Executive Leads and the Analyst/Associate recruiting staff.
If you plan to attend, please RSVP to Dolores Muzzy at ext. 36245 or by e-mail to Dolores.Muzzy@ENRON.com <mailto:Dolores.Muzzy@ENRON.com>.
We look forward to seeing you all there. |
I apologize for getting this to you so late.
I should have no staffing additions next year.
Manager 1
Sr. 2 Average to High
Both Seniors should attend 1 personal enrichment class (Effective
Communication) and 1 Technical class.
I think that everything else should roll for next year. Let me know what else
I need to give you.
Diane H Cook
09/14/2000 03:12 PM
To: Robert Superty/HOU/ECT@ECT, Katherine L Kelly/HOU/ECT@ECT, Michael
Eiben/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Rita Wynne/HOU/ECT@ECT, Steve
Jackson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Dutch Quigley/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jeffrey C
Gossett/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kam Keiser/HOU/ECT@ECT, William Kelly/HOU/ECT@ECT,
Darron C Giron/HOU/ECT@ECT, Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, David
Baumbach/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jefferson D Sorenson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Bryce
Baxter/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mary M Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lisa Csikos/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Bob M Hall/NA/Enron@Enron, Steve Jackson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Leslie
Subject: BUDGET HELP!!
SALARIES, SALARIES, SALARIES!!! Everyone is having problems.
Unfortunately, many of
you are new to your jobs and did not inherit paperwork to know what your
staff's salary is. I have the average
salary for each of the different staffing levels. I have asked the HR
department to also give me
the low and the high. Let's face it - your staff today and their salary most
likely are not what
they are going to be next year! To much movement of people. So using
estimates and averages
will probably be as accurate as using current salary levels.
Here's what you can do:
1) Make a list of your staff just their positions.
2) Then put down if you think I should budget high, mid, average, low, low to
average, etc.
You can guess at this based on their experience, length of time in that
position, etc.
3) Then I will calculate out an estimated salary to use for your budget.
4) Here is the average:
Sr. $4,961
Spec $3,964
Staff $3,026
Sr. Clrk $2,548
Clerk $2,264
Asst $3,162
Your list would look something like this:
Assistant Average
Clerk Very High
Sr. Clerk Low
Specialist Low to Average
Specialist Average
Sr. Specialist Average to High
Analyst (They are all allocated at the same amount)
You can , however, use the exact amounts if you have them. It's up to you.
Next Item - TRAINING!!!
Here's what you can do:
1) List your staff and the type of class they need
2) If you don't know the exact class you want to send them to, then list what
of class - for example personal enrichment (i.e. Time Management) or
Technical (Derivatives or Applied Finance or Wellhead to Burnertip)
3) The personal enrichment classes cost aroung $500-$700
4) The technical classes cost aroung $800 - $1000.
5) Just list the type of class, and I'll do the rest.
Next Item - Headhunters!
Try 20% of the new hires salary for their fees.
Other Stuff - I have made a list of all of the unusual items we do during the
year that
people forget about at budget time (i.e. flowers for secretaries day, birthday
ice cream, offsite meeting costs, customer gifts). If you forget these
items, I will
make sure it is added to your budget.
Once I put all of your budget information into the spreadsheets, we will
review them
so that they can be adjusted as necessary and you can approve them.Hopefully
this helps you some.
Diane x-37059 |
Kim, Mark listed below are the ETS Operations employees that will participate in the Southern Trails due diligence October 29th and 30th in Salt Lake City, Utah.
L.D. Stephens - Team Leader/Operations
Larry Campbell - Environmental
???????? - ROW (To be determined by Johnny McGee and communicated directly to you)
Mike Ames - Pipeline Safety
As discussed, these employees will arrive in Salt Lake, Sunday evening, October 28th prepared to go to the data room Monday 29th and Tuesday 30th. They will return to their respective home locations Wednesday morning, October 31st.
Please provide a Questar contact person and address of the data room. If you could also provide the name of a hotel close to the data room, it would be appreciated.
Names of other Enron parties participating in the due diligence and where they are staying would be helpful. Any specific limitations imposed upon the data room review
should be communicated as soon as possible.
Morris Brassfield (Operations Support) and Jerry Martin (E&C) have determined that it is not necessary for them to have personnel attend the data room. The operations team will retrieve as much information as possible to support their needs. It was also my understanding no one from Planning and System Optimization would participate.
As I will be out of town the rest of the week, please communicate directly with these individuals via e mail. If you need to need to contact me, I can be reached at 713-303-2764.
Don |
Please could you do the following;
Cancel today
3pm Barry Tycholiz
4pm Weekly power meeting
3pm Lagrasta
4pm Frank Vickers
10am Brian Redmond
4pm Brad Richter
Louise |
Hey Guys,
We are still not pulling the Intra-Cand-West-Phy book into the benchmark. I
have talked to the systems administrator and he thinks it might be in how the
book is set up in the system. I have attached below a copy of the screen
that shows how we have desigated the various codes for this book. Please
look at this and verify that we have it set up properly. If you have any
questions feel free to give me a call.
I am also attaching the detail that I pulled out of the GRMS system. Please
take a look at it and help me identify what is causing our variances. For
instance I am pulling a position of (245) contracts for July Price and you
show a position of long 241 contracts.
---------------------- Forwarded by Robin Rodrigue/HOU/ECT on 06/21/2000
07:32 PM ---------------------------
Gary Stadler
06/21/2000 05:09 PM
To: Robin Rodrigue/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: |
Tana, attached is the Authority's proposed opinion. We would be expecting a
comparable opinion from Enron. Bill
---------------------- Forwarded by Mark Fischer/PDX/ECT on 05/01/2001 02:01 PM ---------------------------
"Alex Golubov" <alex@pira.com> on 05/01/2001 03:02:24 AM
To: "PIRA Electricity Daily Demand Client" <alex@pira.com>
Subject: PIRA's Electricity Daily Demand Forecast 05/01/01
Attached is PIRA's latest "Electricity Daily Demand Forecast."
If you have any questions regarding the report's content, please contact
Morris Greenberg (email: morris@pira.com) or Victoria Watkins (email:
vwatkins@pira.com), at (212) 686-6808.
Contact John Graziano regarding PIRA report distribution and address changes
at (212) 686-6808, email: support@pira.com.
NOTE: Circulation of the "Electricity Daily Demand Forecast" outside a
Client's licensed distribution area is strictly prohibited. Clients that are
unsure of their licensed distribution or require an extension of their
current license should contact their PIRA sales representative, or email to
PIRA Energy Group
- ed050101.pdf
- ed050101.xls |
We do not understand our VAR. Can you please get us all the detailed reports
and component VAR reports that you can produce?
The sooner the better.
Phillip |
Anna Kournikova Exclusive Fantasy Offer! Save 10% on Anna's 2002 Calendar! Yes 12 months of Anna! Simply enter the coupon code FNTSYCAL in step 5 of the checkout process to receive your discount. Offer expires 11/30/01. http://www.sportsline.com/links/6/1/135/sffer1120tr.cgi Attention Fantasy Fans! Subscribe to The Sporting News now and get 4 FREE issues! Hurry! Brought to you by Sponsorship Bar You are receiving these e-reports because you have signed up for CBS SportsLine.com Fantasy Football. To customize, reschedule, or turn off these reports please click here NFL Reports, Player Updates [IMAGE]Latest NFL Player News Keenan McCardell , WR JAC - Drunk Monkeys Updated 11/25/01 McCardell caught six passes for 80 yards against Baltimore. He has certainly raised the level of his play in recent weeks, and should be a solid Fantasy player down the stretch as opponents continue to focus on Jimmy Smith. Stacey Mack , RB JAC - DeWaynes Demons Updated 11/25/01 Mack rushed for 50 yards and two TDs and caught five passes for 45 yards against the Ravens. Despite his good outing, Mack remains a Fan! ta! sy risk because of his inconsistency. Qadry Ismail , WR BAL - Chargers Updated 11/25/01 The Jaguars held Ismail to three catches for 44 yards. Despite his quiet statistical performance, Ismail remains a must-start player for any Fantasy team. He is one of the most complete and underrated receivers in the AFC. Jason Brookins , RB BAL - Commissioner Updated 11/25/01 Brookins rushed for 82 yards and two TDs at Jacksonville, but also lost a fumble. The rookie RB is talented, but too erratic to be a Fantasy starter on most teams right now.! Ron Dayne , RB NYG - Chargers Updated 11/25/01 Dayne carried the ball six times for 26 yards against Oakland. Don't depend on him for good numbers during the remainder of the season. Tiki Barber , RB NYG - Dans Dawgs Updated 11/25/01 Barber rushed for 124 yards and a TD against Oakland, and caught five passes for 41 yards. He has played well recently, although his owners would still like to see him score on a more consistent basis. LaDainian Tomlinson , RB SD - Carsons Wildcats Updated 11/25/01 Tomlinson was held out of the end zone, but he had a good day against Arizona nonetheless. The rookie tailback had 145 scrimmage yards, including 13 receptions, in San Diego's 20-17 loss. Doug Flutie , QB SD - Powers Rangers Updated 11/25/01 Flutie had a solid game, throwing for 308 yards and two touchdowns against Arizona. However, he's only worth starting when the matchup is to his advantage. Jake Plummer , QB ARI - Woltys Wonders Updated 11/25/01 Plummer had a decent outing on Sunday, posting 241 yards and a touchdown against San Diego. Plummer, who also threw two picks, is only a reserve Fantasy quarterback at best. David Boston , WR ARI - Powers Rangers Updated 11/25/01 Boston had another outstanding game, catching six passes for 121 yards and a touchdown against San Diego. He's one of the most reliable Fantasy receivers in the league, and is worth starting on a weekly basis. Willie Jackson , WR NO - Damons Doormats Updated 11/25/01 Jackson had a good outing against New England, catching five catches for 78 yards and a touchdown. He may not be the most dependable Fantasy receiver, but he is worth starting in deeper leagues. Joe Horn , WR NO - Drunk Monkeys Updated 11/25/01 Horn had another solid outing, catching four passes for 97 yards against New England. He's been a very dependable receiver in recent weeks and is worth starting on a weekly basis. Tyrone Wheatley , RB OAK - Jugg or Nuts Updated 11/25/01 In his return from a knee injury, Wheatley carried the ball five times for 17 yards. Zack Crockett was used more often in short-yardage packages, and Wheatley does not appear capable of starting for any Fantasy team in the near future. Even when he is fully healthy, he may not be able to take many carries away from Charlie Garner. Antowain Smith , RB NE - Jugg or Nuts Updated 11/25/01 Smith had 153 yards of total offense and two touchdowns against New Orleans. After a slow start, Smith has become a pretty good weekly option for Fantasy Footballers Tom Brady , QB NE - Powers Rangers Updat! ed! 11/25/01 Brady put up huge numbers against New Orleans, posting 258 yards passing and four touchdowns. He's become a pretty reliable Fantasy player, and his performance will likely keep Drew Bledsoe on the Patriots' bench for another week. Rich Gannon , QB OAK - Chargers Updated 11/25/01 Gannon threw for 221 yards, three TDs and no interceptions against the Giants. He ignored rain-soaked conditions, and continued to look like the most reliable QB in Fantasy Football. Frank Sanders , WR ARI - Free Agent Updated 11/25/01 Sanders left Sunday's game against San Diego after re-aggravating a hamstring injury. He was replaced by MarTay Jenkins, and did not return to the game. Eric Moulds , WR BUF - Chargers Updated 11/25/01 Moulds finally emerged from an extended slump, catching six passes for 196 yards and two TDs against Miami. He also lost a fumble, and Fantasy owners should still remember that Moulds has been a disappointment for most of the year. Don't be surprised if he follows his best outing of the year with a mediocre performance. Alex Van Pelt , QB BUF - Free Agent Updated 11/25/01 Van Pelt had another fine game, throwing for 309 yards, three TDs and one interception. He is definitely merits strong Fantasy consideration as long as he remains in Buffalo's starting lineup. Oronde Gadsden , WR MIA - Jugg or Nuts Updated 11/25/01 Gadsden caught eight passes for 118 yards at Buffalo. He did not catch a TD pass, though, and lost a fumble. Gadsden is too unreliable to start for most Fantasy teams in these important final weeks. Jay Fiedler , QB MIA - DeWaynes Demons Updated 11/25/01 Fiedler threw for 262 yards, three TDs and no interceptions at Buffalo. His performance may have quieted talk of a QB controversy, but Fiedler is still too inconsistent to be a dependable Fantasy QB. Donovan McNabb , QB PHI - Drunk Monkeys Updated 11/25/01 The Redskins held McNabb to 92 passing yards and 39 rushing yards, with no TDs or interceptions. Expect the Philadelphia QB to rebound quickly from such a quiet performance. James Thrash , WR PHI - Powers Rangers Updated 11/25/01 Thrash caug! ht! four passes for 32 yards against Washington. He is too inconsistent to be a starter on better Fantasy teams as the playoffs approach. Rod Gardner , WR WAS - Carsons Wildcats Updated 11/25/01 Gardner caught four passes for only 33 yards on Sunday. The rookie has slowed down considerably in the past few weeks, and now seems like a risk during the Fantasy homestretch. Ki-Jana Carter , RB WAS - Free Agent Updated 11/25/01 Carter saw extensive action on Sunday as Stephen Davis played through back problems. He carried 18 times for 56 yards, and is a good backup to have if Davis in on your Fantasy team. Davis has always been known to battle minor injuries. Isaac Byrd , WR CAR - Commissioner Updated 11/25/01 Byrd started in place of the injured Muhsin Muhammad on Sunday. He posted decent Fantasy numbers in Muhammad's absence, catching five passes for 69 yards in Carolina's 10-7 loss to Atlanta. Muhsin Muhammad , WR CAR - Drunk Monkeys Updated 11/25/01 Muhamm! ad! missed Sunday's game against Atlanta due to a shoulder injury. His status for next weekend's game against New Orleans is unknown at this time. Derrick Alexander , WR KC - Free Agent Updated 11/25/01 Alexander caught two passes for 56 yards in his return from a rib injury. He was not open often, and Alexander may continue to be a Fantasy disappointment if he stays healthy. Chris Chandler , QB ATL - Commissioner Updated 11/25/01 Chandler had a subpar game on Sunday, throwing for only 132 yards against Carolina. The Falcons chose to attack Carolina with their ground game, which was the reason for Chandler's poor Fantasy numbers. Derrick Alexander , WR KC - Free Agent Updated 11/25/01 Alexander caught two passes for 56 yards in his return from a rib injury. He was not open often, and Alexander may continue to be a Fantasy disappointment if he stays healthy. More Updates Transactions, View&n! bs! p; [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Make Selection [IMAGE] [IMAGE] There are no League Transactions which meet the selected criteria. To see all league transactions select "All", "All", "All Teams" from the Transactions, View page. Schedule, Breakdown [IMAGE] Woltys Wonders Player Pos Points Plummer, Jake QB 11.0 Dillon, Corey RB 6.0 Hearst, Garrison RB 22.0 Morton, Johnnie WR 6.0 Moss, Randy WR 2.0 Smith, Jimmy WR 12.0 Janikowski, Sebastian K 4.0 Browns DT 23.0 [IMAGE] TOTAL 86.0 [IMAGE] Colts DT 5.0 Carney, John K 5.0 Holmes, Priest RB 19.0 Huntley, Richard RB 5.0 Johnson, Rob QB 0.0 Minnis, Marvin WR 0.0 Pinkston, Todd WR 1.0 [IMAGE] at Carsons Wildcats Player Pos Points Warner, Kurt QB 0.0 Green, Ahman RB 26.0 Tomlinson, LaDainian RB 14.0 Holt, Torry WR 0.0 Patten, David WR 4.0 Sharpe, Shannon TE 11.0 Stover, Matt K 6.0 Rams DT 0.0 [IMAGE] TOTAL 61.0 [IMAGE] Steelers DT 12.0 Brunell, Mark QB 16.0 Christie, Steve K 0.0 Gardner, Rod WR 3.0 Jones, Freddie TE 0.0 Pittman, Michael RB 10.0 Prentice, Travis RB 1.0 [IMAGE] Copyright 2001 Commissioner.COM Inc and SportsLine.com Inc. Your site can be reached from http://fantasy.sportsline.com FB10SP |
I think they should go together.
PL |
The following schedule has been distributed as noted regarding publishing the
DPR over the next two weeks. I know that books run in Calgary, Houston, and
Portland will be calculated and officialized on Friday, December 22nd for
trading that day. The current plan is not to publish the DPR for December
22nd on Tuesday, December 26th, but to wait until the first Enron official
business day to do so (i.e. Wednesday, December 27th). That will work as
long as trading results for Friday, December 22nd are not dramatic.
Please leave a voice mail message after calcing the books on Friday, December
22nd for Chris Abel (x33102) to give him trading results by commodity for
December 22nd. If there are dramatic results, Chris may produce a
preliminary and rough DPR on Tuesday, December 26th with the information that
you provide. For locations that will not calc and officialize books on
Friday, December 22nd, you will still need to contact Chris to give him your
best estimate of trading results.
Thanks for your continuing help in providing timely and accurate information
for the worldwide trading organization. I hope that all of you enjoy your
---------------------- Forwarded by Sally Beck/HOU/ECT on 12/19/2000 11:31 AM
Enron North America Corp.
From: Sally Beck 12/19/2000 11:22 AM
To: Jeff Skilling/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Mark Frevert/NA/Enron@Enron, Greg
Whalley/HOU/ECT@ECT, David W Delainey/HOU/ECT@ECT, John J
Lavorato/CAL/ECT@ECT, Mike McConnell/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jeffrey A
Shankman/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jeffrey McMahon/HOU/ECT@ECT, Raymond Bowen/HOU/ECT@ECT,
John Sherriff/LON/ECT@ECT, Michael R Brown/LON/ECT@ECT, Rick Buy/HOU/ECT@ECT,
Richard Causey/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Ted Murphy/HOU/ECT@ECT, Wes
cc: Louise Kitchen/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Publication Schedule for DPR During Holiday Period
Please note the following schedule for risk book reporting during the holiday
Trade Date Enron Status NYMEX Equity Market Consolidated Risk Reporting
Fri, 12/22 Open Early Close Open DPR published for 12/21 results (a)
Mon, 12/25 Holiday (b) Closed Closed DPR not published
Tues, 12/26 Holiday (b) Open Open DPR not published (c)
Wed, 12/27 Open Open Open DPR published separately for 12/22 & 12/26
Thurs, 12/28 Open Open Open DPR published for 12/27 results
Fri, 12/29 Open Early Close Open DPR published for 12/28 results (a)
Mon, 1/1 Holiday (b) Closed Closed DPR not published
Tues, 1/2 Open Open Open DPR published for 12/29. Normal month
end schedule applies. (d)
(a) Trader P&L and Position reports will be produced for traded products at
close of business
(b) US, Canadian & London holiday
(c) Logistics and risk personnel will be in the office on this holiday to
support trading activity
(d) Monthly close procedures require that changes or adjustments to risk
books for month-end be submitted by 5:00 pm Houston time on the first
business day following the end of the month. The DPR published on 1/2 for
12/29 results will be preliminary. The final DPR for 12/29 should be
published on 1/3, assuming that all month-end adjustments have been received
on 1/2. |
It's not looking good to come visit you this summer. Deb is moving into her
new house sometime during th end of July and then she promised to take her
nieces and nephews on vacation sometime this summer. I think we are going to
try for next spring or summer to come visit you if the offer is still open..
Sorry- I'm sure you are disappointed. However, if something changes, we will
let you know. |
-----Original Message-----
From: "Robert E. Brooks" <rebrooks@earthlink.net>@ENRON
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2002 1:57 PM
To: 'GPCM Distribution'
Subject: GPCM News: 1/25/02: Working with Power Model Forecasts: AGA Gas Storage
Working with Power Model Forecasts
Recently we have been spending quite a bit of time working with companies who are using both a power model such as Prosym, GE Maps, or IREMM, and GPCM. These power models compute, among other things, the amount of gas burned at gas-fired or dual-fired generation plants. These values are frequently then fed back to GPCM as electric generation gas demands. The idea was that GPCM would produce the prices for the various power demand locations which could then be fed back to the power model for re-calculation of demands. This iterative process would produce eventually a solution which was consistent between the power model and GPCM. The difficulty with this idea is that the power model takes too much time to solve to make it practical.
After a lot of thought, I have come up with a different idea which has greater workability. I would recommend the following: instead of running a single power model case with an expected set of gas prices for each area, run 3 cases: essentially a high, medium and low Henry Hub Price forward price trajectory plus best estimates of future basis to each power generation gas demand area. The results will then be three gas burns at three prices at each location. We can then construct a demand curve for each demand location based on those three points. With those demand curves, GPCM can solve for an expected price - gas burn combination which will be an appropriately interpolated value between the 3 points computed by the power model.
When this is done, one final run could be made using the power model and the resulting GPCM prices. It should produce gas burns very close to the value computed by GPCM and will contain all the information needed by the power modeling team.
From Enerfax on Thursday (http://www.enerfax.com )
AGA Natural Gas Storage Report
Week Prev
Ending Prev Prev Year
| Region | 1/18/02| Week | Diff | % Full | Year | % Full|
| Prod | 707 | 733 | -26 | 74% | 312 | 33% |
| East | 1319 | 1396 | -77 | 72% | 816 | 44% |
| West | 379 | 400 | -21 | 75% | 241 | 47% |
| Total | 2405 | 2529 |-124 | 73% | 1369 | 42%
Bob Brooks
GPCM Natural Gas Market Forecasting System
http://gpcm.rbac.com |
Dick, use this worksheet to calculate NIPSCO's price.
Scott, Dick may have you look at this. The prices in Column H are for
capacity demand charges. |
Please review this applicant's resume and let me know if you think we should
interbiew her.
---------------------- Forwarded by Carol St Clair/HOU/ECT on 04/26/2000
12:07 PM ---------------------------
From: Mark Taylor 04/26/2000 11:46 AM
To: Carol St Clair/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Applicant from CareerPath.com :(0000103079)
---------------------- Forwarded by Mark Taylor/HOU/ECT on 04/26/2000 01:45
PM ---------------------------
From: Nedre Strambler 04/24/2000 10:59 AM
To: Mark Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Applicant from CareerPath.com :(0000103079)
---------------------- Forwarded by Nedre Strambler/HOU/ECT on 04/24/2000
11:58 AM ---------------------------
Paralegalpro20@hotmail.com on 04/23/2000 11:43:37 PM
To: nedre.strambler@enron.com
Subject: Applicant from CareerPath.com :(0000103079)
*** This candidate response was brought to you by CareerPath.com
Jobcode: 0000103079
Regarding: Sr. Legal Specialist
Vivian I. Igweh
HM: (281)- 8795576 Fax:(713)595 2104 xtn 1163
Pager Number: (713) 930-2854
Oxford Brookes University - Oxford, England. 1990
Diploma in General Studies
University of London, London - England. 1993
Bachelor of Laws LL.B (JD)
Passed the Professional Responsibility Ethical Exam for Attorneys. 1997
D.S.U. Training Institute - Houston-Texas. 1997 - 1998
Computer literacy certification
Responsibilities included assisting the ceo in all legal matters concerning
an acquisition and merger, word-processing,
drafted and corrected agreements, received and made calls to clients, faxed
photocopied and e-mailed documents.
responsibilities included handling heavey litigation documents and case
procedures, assisting in acquisition and merger
transactions, document production and review, contract analysis, assisted
attorneys, performed quality control of
documents, handled privileged and sensitive documents
Responsibilities included handling heavey litigation documents and case
procedures, assisting in acquisitions and merger
transactions, document production and review, contract analysis, assisted
attorneys, performing quality control of
documents, handled privileged and sensitive documents.
Responsibilities included coding of legal documents, document production and
review, quality control of documents,
proof reading, assisting the attorneys in contract analysis.
Responsibilities included review and analysis of corporate litigation
documents, document production and redaction.
responsibilities included reviewing and analysing corporate litigation
documents, preparation for trial.
Responsibilities included trial preparation, interviewed and set up new
client files, researched and analysed cases,
attended and summarised depositions, attended court proceedings and
mediations, assisted in discovery, drafted and
filed petitions, propounded and responded to interrogatories, carried out
investigations and negotiations.
Responsibilities included analysis of oil and gas contracts, handled heavy
litigation documents and case procedures,
corporate negotiations, handled sensitive and privileged documents,
researched for trial, prepared trial packets,
interviewed and set up files, assisted in court proceedings, drafted
pleadings, general office support.
Typing, Windows 3.1., 95, and 98, Internet, Microsoft Word for Windows 7.0.
and 97, Word Perfect for Windows 7.0,
Microsoft Access 7.0, Lotus Notes, Quicken, Microsoft Mail and Exchange,
Microsoft Excel 7.0, Microsoft PowerPoint
7.0, Summation for Windows, Westlaw, Lexis-Nexis.
Excellent oil and gas litigation skills, communication, interactive, case
management, office, organizational and leadership
skills, group (team) work, work under pressure and by deadline, detail
oriented, able to work over-time, fast-paced, task
management, use of initiative, ethical and professional.
REFERENCES: Will be provided upon request. |
Start Date: 4/17/01; HourAhead hour: 23; No ancillary schedules awarded.
Variances detected.
Variances detected in Energy Import/Export schedule.
PARSING FILE -->> O:\Portland\WestDesk\California Scheduling\ISO Final
---- Energy Import/Export Schedule ----
$$$ Variance found in table tblINTCHG_IMPEXP.
Details: (Hour: 23 / Preferred: 12.00 / Final: 11.98)
TRANS_DATE: 4/17/01
Thanks, but you know, now Norm Pederson is emboldened to seek
rescision of the Gas Accord.
Arthur O'Donnell
California Energy Markets
(415) 824-3222, (415) 824-3223 [fax] |
Info Lunch, Chicago Graduate School of Business
Who: Interested Analysts
Where: Doubletree Hotel
Room: LaSalle B
When: Wednesday, Oct. 17th
Time: 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
Seating is limited - please rsvp to Constance Charles, x35614 |
We don't have to meet with them....
---------------------- Forwarded by Kay Mann/Corp/Enron on 10/13/2000 02:55
PM ---------------------------
From: Suzanne Adams@ECT on 10/13/2000 02:49 PM
To: Kay Mann/Corp/Enron@Enron
Subject: Bruce Silvers
Ok, you are on to meet with Bruce and Nick at 4:30-5pm, depending on traffic,
at their offices located at 399 Park Avenue. |
I will try my hardest to take care of this today. We have a mandatory
offsite from 9:00-1:00 today (fyi). I can't tell you how glad I was to see
this message because I am working on another Law Gibb PSA and related tasking
letter on a Florida sitre and did not know that there were certain
requirements to be met to fit within TurboPark.
Barton Clark@ECT
02/08/2001 06:25 PM
To: Kathleen Carnahan/NA/Enron@Enron
cc: Herman Manis/Corp/Enron@ENRON
Subject: Re: Stone and Webster/Black & Veatch/Other Development Agreements
Can you organize the Law Gibb Professional Services Agreement and amendments
thereto and the related Law Gibb Tasking Letter (s) and amendments thereto
and send them to Herman? I also gave you my FP&L interconnection file, and I
believe the agreement referred to by Herman is in there, so if you would
please send him that as well. Please send him copies as he likes to mark on
things. Thanks.
----- Forwarded by Barton Clark/HOU/ECT on 02/08/2001 06:20 PM -----
Herman Manis@ENRON
02/08/2001 04:49 PM
To: Barton Clark/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Lisa Bills/Corp/Enron
Subject: Re: Stone and Webster/Black & Veatch/Other Development Agreements
I need to see the Law Gibb DSA & Tasking Letter and the FP&L Interconnection
Study Agreement.
Barton Clark@ECT
02/08/2001 04:43 PM
To: David Fairley/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mathew Gimble/HOU/ECT@ECT, Bruce
George McCormick/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Lisa Bills/Enron@EnronXGate, Catherine Clark/Enron@EnronXGate, Roseann
Engeldorf/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Herman Manis/Corp/Enron@ENRON
Subject: Stone and Webster/Black & Veatch/Other Development Agreements
Attached are Turbo Park and accounting "approved" forms of the Technical
Design Services Agreement between FPRP and Stone & Webster ( TDSA) and the
Agreement for Professional Engineering Services between FPRP and Black &
Veatch ( B&V Agreement). Each form has to now be fashioned to reflect the
business deal/payment terms/etc. Note that the Scope of Work on the TDSA
underwent substantial modification to conform with 97-10 requirements, and
the attached draft Scope of Work only deals with the Facility ( as defined in
the TDSA ), and not the "improvements" ( which term was included in the draft
Tasking Letter from which the Scope of Work was fashioned).I assume we will
need to "clone" this TDSA except for a different Scope of Work description to
deal with such "improvements" other than the Facility ( ie, I assume these
are the King Plant improvements).
The TDSA is calculated to put as much of the Turbo Park-approved EPC in front
of Stone & Webster at the earliest possible date, so that the amendment and
restatement of the TDSA to make it a full blown Turbo Park EPC Contract will
be more straightforward. Right now, it is contemplated FPRP would assign its
interests as Construction Manager under the TDSA to ENA, and the TDSA would
be concurrently amended and restated as set forth above, both at the time the
FPRP goes into Phase II of Turbo Park. At the time FPRP goes into Phase I of
Turbo Park, I believe the TDSA can remain an FPRP obligation ( like any other
development agreement signed by a project entity that is subsequently
transferred into Turbo Park). Since the TDSA now only involves soft cost
expenditures, FPRP can sign it as soon as it is negotiated and agreed by
Stone & Webster and before it goes into Phase I of Turbo Park.
The B& V Agreement, which was modeled on Black & Veatch's agreement with
FPUA, also can be signed prior to going into Phase I as soon as it is
negotiated with Black & Veatch. Like the TDSA, there are commercial terms
that need to be added. It was modeled on the FPUA Black & Veatch Agreement
because that should speed negotiation with B & V on its terms, and we may
want to assign the B & V Agreement to FPUA ( and they too would be
comfortable with its terms). My understanding is that FPUA is supervising the
transmission work and will be driving the design and engineering of the
transmission facilities, so it may make sense for FPRP to assign the B & V
Agreement to FPUA and simply retain the obligation to pay B & V ( up to a
I also have attached a revised version of the spreadsheet Mathew prepared
listing FPRP contracts already entered into by FPRP ( the so-called secondary
development agreements) and those proposed to be entered into before we go
into Phase I of Turbo Park. Herman and Lisa, let me know which of the
secondary agreements you have not previously reviewed ( those marked NO re
your review ) that you need to review, and I will endeavor to furnish them to
Let me know if you have any questions. |
I'm getting hounded by Credit to move some deals booked with Phoenix Dominion
Energy LLC over to Dominion Field Services, Inc.. Are either of you aware of
an Assignment Agreement reflecting this change? Let me know if it's okay to
do this.
Joe |
Steve Anderton called today and has cleared the arbitration with his firm's
conflict committee. He's sending an email tomorrow describing the specific
results of his conflict check. I'll forward it to you both for review. From
my discussions with Steve, I think he'd do a great job as our arbitrator.
Are we all in agreement on using Steve or are there some other competing
candidates? Do you guys want to talk to him or meet with him first? Britt,
do we need a retention agreement with Steve if we decide to use him? A
self-serving retention agreement may be a good idea if we think OneOk might
challenge our arbitrator based on alleged bias. Also, if we are good to go
with Steve, I'd like to send him a package of the key documents and then meet
with him to discuss the case sometime in the next week or two. Britt, any
concerns with my doing that as long as I don't send him anything privileged?
(I'm assuming for the sake of safety that the attorney client privilege
doesn't apply to our communications with our arbitrator unless instructed
otherwise). He is down in Houston two days a week so we could do it there.
DF |
Subsets and Splits