(define-module (ice-9 common-list) |
:export (adjoin union intersection set-difference reduce-init reduce |
some every notany notevery count-if find-if member-if remove-if |
remove-if-not delete-if! delete-if-not! butlast and? or? |
has-duplicates? pick pick-mappings uniq)) |
(define (adjoin e l) |
"Return list L, possibly with element E added if it is not already in L." |
(if (memq e l) l (cons e l))) |
(define (union l1 l2) |
"Return a new list that is the union of L1 and L2. |
Elements that occur in both lists occur only once in |
the result list." |
(cond ((null? l1) l2) |
((null? l2) l1) |
(else (union (cdr l1) (adjoin (car l1) l2))))) |
(define (intersection l1 l2) |
"Return a new list that is the intersection of L1 and L2. |
Only elements that occur in both lists occur in the result list." |
(if (null? l2) l2 |
(let loop ((l1 l1) (result '())) |
(cond ((null? l1) (reverse! result)) |
((memv (car l1) l2) (loop (cdr l1) (cons (car l1) result))) |
(else (loop (cdr l1) result)))))) |
(define (set-difference l1 l2) |
"Return elements from list L1 that are not in list L2." |
(let loop ((l1 l1) (result '())) |
(cond ((null? l1) (reverse! result)) |
((memv (car l1) l2) (loop (cdr l1) result)) |
(else (loop (cdr l1) (cons (car l1) result)))))) |
(define (reduce-init p init l) |
"Same as `reduce' except it implicitly inserts INIT at the start of L." |
(if (null? l) |
init |
(reduce-init p (p init (car l)) (cdr l)))) |
(define (reduce p l) |
"Combine all the elements of sequence L using a binary operation P. |
The combination is left-associative. For example, using +, one can |
add up all the elements. `reduce' allows you to apply a function which |
accepts only two arguments to more than 2 objects. Functional |
programmers usually refer to this as foldl." |
(cond ((null? l) l) |
((null? (cdr l)) (car l)) |
(else (reduce-init p (car l) (cdr l))))) |
(define (some pred l . rest) |
"PRED is a boolean function of as many arguments as there are list |
arguments to `some', i.e., L plus any optional arguments. PRED is |
applied to successive elements of the list arguments in order. As soon |
as one of these applications returns a true value, return that value. |
If no application returns a true value, return #f. |
All the lists should have the same length." |
(cond ((null? rest) |
(let mapf ((l l)) |
(and (not (null? l)) |
(or (pred (car l)) (mapf (cdr l)))))) |
(else (let mapf ((l l) (rest rest)) |
(and (not (null? l)) |
(or (apply pred (car l) (map car rest)) |
(mapf (cdr l) (map cdr rest)))))))) |
(define (every pred l . rest) |
"Return #t iff every application of PRED to L, etc., returns #t. |
Analogous to `some' except it returns #t if every application of |
PRED is #t and #f otherwise." |
(cond ((null? rest) |
(let mapf ((l l)) |
(or (null? l) |
(and (pred (car l)) (mapf (cdr l)))))) |
(else (let mapf ((l l) (rest rest)) |
(or (null? l) |
(and (apply pred (car l) (map car rest)) |
(mapf (cdr l) (map cdr rest)))))))) |
(define (notany pred . ls) |
"Return #t iff every application of PRED to L, etc., returns #f. |
Analogous to some but returns #t if no application of PRED returns a |
true value or #f as soon as any one does." |
(not (apply some pred ls))) |
(define (notevery pred . ls) |
"Return #t iff there is an application of PRED to L, etc., that returns #f. |
Analogous to some but returns #t as soon as an application of PRED returns #f, |
or #f otherwise." |
(not (apply every pred ls))) |
(define (count-if pred l) |
"Return the number of elements in L for which (PRED element) returns true." |
(let loop ((n 0) (l l)) |
(cond ((null? l) n) |
((pred (car l)) (loop (+ n 1) (cdr l))) |
(else (loop n (cdr l)))))) |
(define (find-if pred l) |
"Search for the first element in L for which (PRED element) returns true. |
If found, return that element, otherwise return #f." |
(cond ((null? l) #f) |
((pred (car l)) (car l)) |
(else (find-if pred (cdr l))))) |
(define (member-if pred l) |
"Return the first sublist of L for whose car PRED is true." |
(cond ((null? l) #f) |
((pred (car l)) l) |
(else (member-if pred (cdr l))))) |
(define (remove-if pred l) |
"Remove all elements from L where (PRED element) is true. |
Return everything that's left." |
(let loop ((l l) (result '())) |
(cond ((null? l) (reverse! result)) |
((pred (car l)) (loop (cdr l) result)) |
(else (loop (cdr l) (cons (car l) result)))))) |
(define (remove-if-not pred l) |
"Remove all elements from L where (PRED element) is #f. |
Return everything that's left." |
(let loop ((l l) (result '())) |
(cond ((null? l) (reverse! result)) |
((not (pred (car l))) (loop (cdr l) result)) |
(else (loop (cdr l) (cons (car l) result)))))) |
(define (delete-if! pred l) |
"Destructive version of `remove-if'." |
(let delete-if ((l l)) |
(cond ((null? l) '()) |
((pred (car l)) (delete-if (cdr l))) |
(else |
(set-cdr! l (delete-if (cdr l))) |
l)))) |
(define (delete-if-not! pred l) |
"Destructive version of `remove-if-not'." |
(let delete-if-not ((l l)) |
(cond ((null? l) '()) |
((not (pred (car l))) (delete-if-not (cdr l))) |
(else |
(set-cdr! l (delete-if-not (cdr l))) |
l)))) |
(define (butlast lst n) |
"Return all but the last N elements of LST." |
(letrec ((l (- (length lst) n)) |
(bl (lambda (lst n) |
(cond ((null? lst) lst) |
((positive? n) |
(cons (car lst) (bl (cdr lst) (+ -1 n)))) |
(else '()))))) |
(bl lst (if (negative? n) |
(error "negative argument to butlast" n) |
l)))) |
(define (and? . args) |
"Return #t iff all of ARGS are true." |
(cond ((null? args) #t) |
((car args) (apply and? (cdr args))) |
(else #f))) |
(define (or? . args) |
"Return #t iff any of ARGS is true." |
(cond ((null? args) #f) |
((car args) #t) |
(else (apply or? (cdr args))))) |
(define (has-duplicates? lst) |
"Return #t iff 2 members of LST are equal?, else #f." |
(cond ((null? lst) #f) |
((member (car lst) (cdr lst)) #t) |
(else (has-duplicates? (cdr lst))))) |
(define (pick p l) |
"Apply P to each element of L, returning a list of elts |
for which P returns a non-#f value." |
(let loop ((s '()) |
(l l)) |
(cond |
((null? l) s) |
((p (car l)) (loop (cons (car l) s) (cdr l))) |
(else (loop s (cdr l)))))) |
(define (pick-mappings p l) |
"Apply P to each element of L, returning a list of the |
non-#f return values of P." |
(let loop ((s '()) |
(l l)) |
(cond |
((null? l) s) |
((p (car l)) => (lambda (mapping) (loop (cons mapping s) (cdr l)))) |
(else (loop s (cdr l)))))) |
(define (uniq l) |
"Return a list containing elements of L, with duplicates removed." |
(let loop ((acc '()) |
(l l)) |
(if (null? l) |
(reverse! acc) |
(loop (if (memq (car l) acc) |
acc |
(cons (car l) acc)) |
(cdr l))))) |