File size: 6,186 Bytes
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This script reads in MERRA2 SLV,LND data in combination with
flux station data together with HLS chips to produce a CSV with
aggregate data values that can be used to train for GPP flux prediction.
Author: Besart Mujeci, Srija Chakraborty, Christopher Phillips
import rclone
from pathlib import Path
import shutil
import os
import pandas as pd
import netCDF4 as nc
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
# --- --- ---
def convert_HLS_date(chip_name):
Extracts date string from HLS tile name and returns date object
chip_name (string): name of hls file
datetime: datetime object of time string
hls_date = chip_name.split('.')[3][:7]
year = int(hls_date[:4])
day = int(hls_date[4:])
date = datetime(year, 1, 1)+timedelta(days=day-1)
return date
# --- --- ---
# --- --- --- Set up rclone and get chips and merra files
rawdir = ''
merradir = ''
cfg = ""
result = rclone.with_config(cfg).run_cmd("ls", extra_args=[f"{rawdir}/"])
output_lines = result['out'].decode('utf-8').splitlines()
file_list = [line.split(maxsplit=1)[1] for line in output_lines if line]
result = rclone.with_config(cfg).run_cmd("ls", extra_args=[f"{merradir}/"])
output_lines = result['out'].decode('utf-8').splitlines()
merras = [line.split(maxsplit=1)[1] for line in output_lines if line]
# --- --- ---
# --- --- --- Set up paths
# Location of station tile list
station_file = './TILED_filtered_flux_sites_2018_2021.csv'
# Location to save the input file
spath = './all_inputs.csv'
odir = ''
# --- --- ---
# --- --- --- Get station information
stations = {}
fn = open(station_file, 'r')
for line in list(fn)[1:]:
dummy = line.split(',')
stations[dummy[1].strip()] = (dummy[1], float(dummy[9]), float(dummy[8]), dummy[3], dummy[4])
flux_nets = os.listdir("./fluxnets/flux_sites_2018_2021/")
# --- --- ---
# Locate all HLS chips
chips = sorted(file_list)
skipped = []
# Make the input file to which to save the data
out_fn = open(spath, 'w')
# And loop over them
for chip in chips:
rclone.with_config(cfg).copy(f"{rawdir}/{chip}", f"./{chip}")
# Match to an Ameriflux station
chip_name = chip.split('/')[-1]
tile = chip_name.split('.')[2][1:]
station_name = chip_name.split('.')[6].split("_")[0]
try: # Skip tiles for which no station exists
station = stations[station_name]
print(f"exception - {('station dict indexing', station_name, tile)}")
date = helpers.convert_HLS_date(chip_name)
# Locate station from tile and pull in the daily reference value
try: # Skip tiles for which no station data is available
station_file = [fluxnet for fluxnet in flux_nets if station[0] in fluxnet][0]
flux_df = pd.read_csv(f"genai-usra-east/impact/fluxnets/flux_sites_2018_2021/{station_file}")
print(f"exception - {('station exception', station_name, tile)}")
flux_times = np.array(flux_df.TIMESTAMP, dtype='str')
flux_gpp = np.array(flux_df.GPP_NT_VUT_REF)
try: # Skip if cannot find CO2 data
quality_flag = np.array(flux_df.NEE_VUT_REF_QC)
if quality_flag[flux_times==date.strftime("%Y%m%d")][0] >= 0.6:
co2 = flux_gpp[flux_times==date.strftime("%Y%m%d")][0]
else: # Quality not met, skip
print(f"co2 quality not met for - {('co2', station_name, tile)}")
print(f"co2 quality not met for - {('co2 exception', station_name, tile)}")
skipped.append(('co2 exception', station_name, tile))
# Pull MERRA-2 data for temperature and dew
merra_file = [file for file in merras if "slv" in file and str(date.strftime("%Y%m%d")) in file][0]
rclone.with_config(cfg).copy(f"{merradir}/{merra_file}", f"./merra/")
merra_fn = nc.Dataset(f'./merra/{merra_file}')
# Pull in the MERRA-2 grid and find closest point
mlons = merra_fn.variables['lon'][:]
mlats = merra_fn.variables['lat'][:]
xind = np.argmin((mlons-station[1])**2)
yind = np.argmin((mlats-station[2])**2)
# Read the variables and collect stats based on time dimension
tmax = np.max(merra_fn.variables['T2M'], keepdims=True, axis=0)
tmin = np.min(merra_fn.variables['T2M'], keepdims=True, axis=0)
tmean = np.nanmean(merra_fn.variables['T2M'][:,yind, xind])
tmax = tmax[0,yind,xind]
tmin = tmin[0,yind,xind]
tdewmean = np.nanmean(merra_fn.variables['T2MDEW'][:,yind, xind])
# Pull MERRA-2 data for surface data
merra_file = [file for file in merras if "lnd" in file and str(date.strftime("%Y%m%d")) in file][0]
rclone.with_config(cfg).copy(f"{merradir}/{merra_file}", f"./merra/")
merra_fn = nc.Dataset(f'./merra/{merra_file}')
# Pull in the MERRA-2 grid and find closest point
mlons = merra_fn.variables['lon'][:]
mlats = merra_fn.variables['lat'][:]
xind = np.argmin((mlons-station[1])**2)
yind = np.argmin((mlats-station[2])**2)
# Read the variables and collect stats based on time dimension
GWETROOT = np.nanmean(merra_fn.variables['GWETROOT'][:,yind,xind])
LHLAND = np.nanmean(merra_fn.variables['LHLAND'][:,yind,xind])
SHLAND = np.nanmean(merra_fn.variables['SHLAND'][:,yind,xind])
PARDFLAND = np.nanmean(merra_fn.variables['PARDFLAND'][:,yind,xind])
PRECTOTLAND = np.nanmean(merra_fn.variables['PRECTOTLAND'][:,yind,xind])
SWLAND = np.nanmean(merra_fn.variables['SWLAND'][:,yind,xind])
# Save chip name, MERRA-2 values, and Ameriflux measurement to data file
# Close the file
rclone.with_config(cfg).copy(f"{spath}", f"{odir}")
print("DONE") |