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<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Introduced-in-House" bill-type="olc" dms-id="H6A0B8DA4501341A587C329B87906E0FE" public-private="public"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 714 IH: Startup Act 3.0 </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-02-14 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> I </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 714 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130214"> February 14, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="G000569"> Mr. Grimm </sponsor> (for himself, <cosponsor name-id="S000030"> Ms. Loretta Sanchez of California </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="N000181"> Mr. Nunes </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="C001078"> Mr. Connolly </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="Y000063"> Mr. Yoder </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="P000598"> Mr. Polis </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="C000266"> Mr. Chabot </cosponsor> ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="HJU00"> Committee on the Judiciary </committee-name> , and in addition to the Committees on <committee-name committee-id="HWM00"> Ways and Means </committee-name> , <committee-name committee-id="HSY00"> Science, Space, and Technology </committee-name> , <committee-name committee-id="HAP00"> Appropriations </committee-name> , and <committee-name committee-id="HIF00"> Energy and Commerce </committee-name> , for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> A BILL </legis-type> <official-title> To jump-start economic recovery through the formation and growth of new businesses, and for other purposes. </official-title> </form> <legis-body id="H35941800310548B190708321AB69E57C" style="OLC"> <section id="HD17D5C483D604B7BAE4727447ED9B548" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Short title; table of contents </header> <subsection id="HC5F3B4515929486D8976975F84B4B279"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Short title </header> <text> This Act may be cited as the <quote> <short-title> Startup Act 3.0 </short-title> </quote> . </text> </subsection> <subsection id="HAF0AE06B58B24D58BFA45098133F989E"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Table of contents </header> <text> The table of contents for this Act is as follows: </text> <toc> <toc-entry idref="HD17D5C483D604B7BAE4727447ED9B548" level="section"> Sec. 1. Short title; table of contents. </toc-entry> <toc-entry idref="H9B68DC3541DA4A8D9AB736BABA6900E1" level="section"> Sec. 2. Findings. </toc-entry> <toc-entry idref="H90AB92E37AC64F0BA2CC6DA84D7E759B" level="section"> Sec. 3. Conditional permanent resident status for immigrants with an advanced degree in a STEM field. </toc-entry> <toc-entry idref="H9107034014DB4AE09332949F6893980B" level="section"> Sec. 4. Immigrant entrepreneurs. </toc-entry> <toc-entry idref="H1C6AC5BDB5AE4642A1A002C6EA5306FF" level="section"> Sec. 5. Elimination of the per-country numerical limitation for employment-based visas. </toc-entry> <toc-entry idref="HEC004C8885DE4BCCAEC32693070D06BA" level="section"> Sec. 6. Capital gains tax exemption for startup companies. </toc-entry> <toc-entry level="section"> Sec. 7. Research credit for startup companies. </toc-entry> <toc-entry idref="HFE43E635A9674068882957133E8E662C" level="section"> Sec. 8. Accelerated commercialization of taxpayer-funded research. </toc-entry> <toc-entry idref="H58BE75200A1F4E50B2799C0AAA2E2A23" level="section"> Sec. 9. Economic impact of significant Federal agency rules. </toc-entry> <toc-entry idref="H96CBCE5B9F214D8890512945FEE4574E" level="section"> Sec. 10. Biennial State startup business report. </toc-entry> <toc-entry idref="H6C735305147B4C2EAC20018F632E17AD" level="section"> Sec. 11. New business formation report. </toc-entry> <toc-entry idref="H5537D786260E45918203F50626EA8F1F" level="section"> Sec. 12. Rescission of unspent Federal funds. </toc-entry> </toc> </subsection> </section> <section id="H9B68DC3541DA4A8D9AB736BABA6900E1"> <enum> 2. </enum> <header> Findings </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Congress makes the following findings: </text> <paragraph id="HCF8B0E2BCBD84C4D8922356EA727E0C3"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> Achieving economic recovery will require the formation and growth of new companies. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H454C2434091C41AEB917CFEB0C2950AC"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> Between 1980 and 2005, companies less than 5 years old accounted for nearly all net job creation in the United States. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HCB1E2FD27AEF44728E99B966A2B2FD55"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> New firms in the United States create an average of 3,000,000 jobs per year. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H39C45C48DFBA4F2597F4775BABDDAC30"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> To get Americans back to work, entrepreneurs must be free to innovate, create new companies, and hire employees. </text> </paragraph> </section> <section id="H90AB92E37AC64F0BA2CC6DA84D7E759B" section-type="subsequent-section"> <enum> 3. </enum> <header> Conditional permanent resident status for immigrants with an advanced degree in a STEM field </header> <subsection id="H8D945E18D8B94F95BED377F5F0C114BC"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> Chapter 2 of title II of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/8/1181"> 8 U.S.C. 1181 et seq. </external-xref> ) is amended by inserting after section 216A the following: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H70548149FB29435B8071B26180D0381F" style="OLC"> <section id="H7ABF51EC606A405BABF479E0B750A420"> <enum> 216B. </enum> <header> Conditional permanent resident status for aliens with an advanced degree in a STEM field </header> <subsection id="H5995538C1A9C43C6B3873243B1064B7A"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, the Secretary of Homeland Security may adjust the status of not more than 50,000 aliens who have earned a master’s degree or a doctorate degree at an institution of higher education in a STEM field to that of an alien conditionally admitted for permanent residence and authorize each alien granted such adjustment of status to remain in the United States— </text> <paragraph id="H6E36536B1CB04545A6DFACD1764436FE"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> for up to 1 year after the expiration of the alien’s student visa under section 101(a)(15)(F)(i) if the alien is diligently searching for an opportunity to become actively engaged in a STEM field; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HD507B8C75C2A433EA7E50E80BD37CBEE"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> indefinitely if the alien remains actively engaged in a STEM field. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H90197559647E48D9B77D7C3E971D0FB0"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Application for conditional permanent resident status </header> <text> Every alien applying for a conditional permanent resident status under this section shall submit an application to the Secretary of Homeland Security before the expiration of the alien's student visa in such form and manner as the Secretary shall prescribe by regulation. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H0F9607EE58A846428425F76457800AD2"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Ineligibility for Federal Government assistance </header> <text> An alien granted conditional permanent resident status under this section shall not be eligible, while in such status, for— </text> <paragraph id="H282E0D0FC0564F18B4576EFD09666DB1"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> any unemployment compensation (as defined in section 85(b) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986); or </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HF279EEA960504E3AA47D327B21877BFA"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> any Federal means-tested public benefit (as that term is used in section 403 of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (8 U.S.C. 1613)). </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HAE357852F36D4F80A57C912A3B195589"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header> Effect on naturalization residency requirement </header> <text> An alien granted conditional permanent resident status under this section shall be deemed to have been lawfully admitted for permanent residence for purposes of meeting the 5-year residency requirement set forth in section 316(a)(1). </text> </subsection> <subsection id="HC11CF8CDDFE848FB8ECBC5EB52494BE7"> <enum> (e) </enum> <header> Removal of condition </header> <text> The Secretary of Homeland Security shall remove the conditional basis of an alien’s conditional permanent resident status under this section on the date that is 5 years after the date such status was granted if the alien maintained his or her eligibility for such status during the entire 5-year period. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="HFF8DE8B358464B1880EB0B66B4C530C7"> <enum> (f) </enum> <header> Definitions </header> <text> In this section: </text> <paragraph id="H4483A221509D4C3D837D35FDB3388C2D"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> Actively engaged in a STEM field </header> <text> The term <term> actively engaged in a STEM field </term> — </text> <subparagraph id="HE055211B64724481856578531D16F6B9"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> means— </text> <clause id="H476E2A768F6D4A3CBC409E7F8432D443"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> gainfully employed in a for-profit business or nonprofit organization in the United States in a STEM field; </text> </clause> <clause id="HBAFB391E8E70403EA2FAD0224BB2697B"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> teaching 1 or more STEM field courses at an institution of higher education; or </text> </clause> <clause id="H5B150765235F47A7BEFD85FDFC9A49F9"> <enum> (iii) </enum> <text> employed by a Federal, State, or local government entity; and </text> </clause> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H6CF4C42D0C6545F4B02E4B48F37A808A"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> includes any period of up to 6 months during which the alien does not meet the requirement under subparagraph (A) if such period was immediately preceded by a 1-year period during which the alien met the requirement under subparagraph (A). </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HCF99FDA47F264649AD2DCC9071A8E1C6"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Institution of higher education </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The term <quote> institution of higher education </quote> has the meaning given the term in section 101(a) of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1001(a)). </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H91A03810046A4290A84D9210C1988C4E"> <enum> (3) </enum> <header> STEM field </header> <text> The term <term> STEM field </term> means any field of study or occupation included on the most recent STEM-Designated Degree Program List published in the Federal Register by the Department of Homeland Security (as described in <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/8/214"> section 214.2(f)(11)(i)(C)(2) </external-xref> of title 8, Code of Federal Regulations). </text> </paragraph> </subsection> </section> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </subsection> <subsection commented="no" id="HB349077CD1094496B09EDB3ABD94B9EE"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Clerical amendment </header> <text> The table of contents for the Immigration and Nationality Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/8/1101"> 8 U.S.C. 1101 et seq. </external-xref> ) is amended by inserting after the item relating to section 216A the following: </text> <quoted-block id="HCB6D8BBD3A2F4D588717D0954F2D2A14" style="OLC"> <toc> <toc-entry idref="H7ABF51EC606A405BABF479E0B750A420" level="section"> Sec. 216B. Conditional permanent resident status for aliens with an advanced degree in a STEM field. </toc-entry> </toc> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </subsection> <subsection commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H8C1F21164C90434A9E91634491487CD4"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Government Accountability Office study </header> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HFEC735FCC0AC461CB42A96BC1BB3CD59"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> Not later than 3 years after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Comptroller General of the United States shall submit to Congress a report on the alien college graduates granted immigrant status under section 216B of the Immigration and Nationality Act, as added by subsection (a). </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H0CB566D7F710453796F2C8AB8C70381F"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Contents </header> <text> The report described in paragraph (1) shall include— </text> <subparagraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H522342879B214FDE9B5D3C2952CF5A30"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> the number of aliens described in paragraph (1) who have earned a master’s degree, broken down by the number of such degrees in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HBD20321E7B1B4AC2A32EC3B275F4BB18"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> the number of aliens described in paragraph (1) who have earned a doctorate degree, broken down by the number of such degrees in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HE419AF72C908465AB831D9D7B8BC70C4"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> the number of aliens described in paragraph (1) who have founded a business in the United States in a STEM field; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H395F513F7AB7402DB161FE3AE66EA955"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text> the number of aliens described in paragraph (1) who are employed in the United States in a STEM field, broken down by employment sector (for profit, nonprofit, or government); and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H40739BE695D844609DD97DB257F295BE"> <enum> (E) </enum> <text> the number of aliens described in paragraph (1) who are employed by an institution of higher education. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HBC570C6D52594FDE9611A5B404E7C53F"> <enum> (3) </enum> <header> Definitions </header> <text> The terms <term> institution of higher education </term> and <term> STEM field </term> have the meaning given such terms in section 216B(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, as added by subsection (a). </text> </paragraph> </subsection> </section> <section commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H9107034014DB4AE09332949F6893980B" section-type="subsequent-section"> <enum> 4. </enum> <header display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Immigrant entrepreneurs </header> <subsection commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HA5AB3CBE05874918BADB86C3BA1C7590"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Qualified alien entrepreneurs </header> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H65C4ED136D964D2DB126DBABD895A862"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> Admission as immigrants </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Chapter 1 of title II of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/8/1151"> 8 U.S.C. 1151 et seq. </external-xref> ) is amended by adding at the end the following: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H4CDA6DFDC88145338DFF18B4B666C4E2" style="OLC"> <section commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HF79D4C20A3C54697955253E94533D54C"> <enum> 210A. </enum> <header> Qualified alien entrepreneurs </header> <subsection commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H18DFE706334F4590BE9CF17F1A5AF792"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Admission as immigrants </header> <text> The Secretary of Homeland Security, in accordance with the provisions of this section and section 216A, may issue a conditional immigrant visa to not more than 75,000 qualified alien entrepreneurs. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H57A51995F4A24E8B8CBB8363E3B135C5"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Application for conditional permanent resident status </header> <text> Every alien applying for a conditional immigrant visa under this section shall submit an application to the Secretary of Homeland Security in such form and manner as the Secretary shall prescribe by regulation. </text> </subsection> <subsection commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H1EB644DA41BE44CDB37A36126CD33577"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Revocation </header> <text> If, during the 4-year period beginning on the date that an alien is granted a visa under this section, the Secretary of Homeland Security determines that such alien is no longer a qualified alien entrepreneur, the Secretary shall— </text> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HF0EB15452E104956A56EEA5BB05D1C7E"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> revoke such visa; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H96B10D090F1C40E4A545AFC8C97FD0F4"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> notify the alien that the alien— </text> <subparagraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H4BF93E345853409DB14F98FCFBF726FE"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> may voluntarily depart from the United States in accordance to section 240B; or </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H2C53F5AAEE6246E58839E1594801883B"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> will be subject to removal proceedings under section 240 if the alien does not depart from the United States not later than 6 months after receiving such notification. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HBC7BB64E60B44EC986EC6103099F2FA2"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header> Removal of conditional basis </header> <text> The Secretary of Homeland Security shall remove the conditional basis of the status of an alien issued an immigrant visa under this section on that date that is 4 years after the date on which such visa was issued if such visa was not revoked pursuant to subsection (c). </text> </subsection> <subsection commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HFC5D36453FB94B5B9563D65FE0F1416B"> <enum> (e) </enum> <header> Definitions </header> <text> In this section: </text> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HAA2DE7BF2D7149EDA79BD9A8962CED7E"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> Full-time employee </header> <text> The term <term> full-time employee </term> means a United States citizen or legal permanent resident who is paid by the new business entity registered by a qualified alien entrepreneur at a rate that is comparable to the median income of employees in the region. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H5355220FF72D4D81AFD808B70B8E2861"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Qualified alien entrepreneur </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The term <term> qualified alien entrepreneur </term> means an alien who— </text> <subparagraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H9BC530D85B67406AA3B26C5D18F63A6C"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> at the time the alien applies for an immigrant visa under this section— </text> <clause commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H6FD0BA826CCD46ACBBF90C2CBEBAA6E7"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> is lawfully present in the United States; and </text> </clause> <clause commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H912AA2CDFD34407BB7BC62BEDC021A3B"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <subclause commented="no" display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="HDA3C3237F301436A848E8FF34970FC02"> <enum> (I) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> holds a nonimmigrant visa pursuant to section 101(a)(15)(H)(i)(b); or </text> </subclause> <subclause commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H0760A0F23081418FA7A35AFFD40B60DC" indent="up1"> <enum> (II) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> holds a nonimmigrant visa pursuant to section 101(a)(15)(F)(i); </text> </subclause> </clause> </subparagraph> <subparagraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H4A786EFEF8FD452096FA42BB4EE96C63"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> during the 1-year period beginning on the date the alien is granted a visa under this section— </text> <clause commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H9FD7A4FCEB9A448489665E1DB067C07E"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> registers at least 1 new business entity in a State; </text> </clause> <clause commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HD75BD24859C145BBA64B28C7BE5437DF"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> employs, at such business entity in the United States, at least 2 full-time employees who are not relatives of the alien; and </text> </clause> <clause commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H661EADEF170845FFAA1540BF841E1356"> <enum> (iii) </enum> <text> invests, or raises capital investment of, not less than $100,000 in such business entity; and </text> </clause> </subparagraph> <subparagraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HB4C08A894F644579996FD5407D1F7CE4"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> during the 3-year period beginning on the last day of the 1-year period described in paragraph (2), employs, at such business entity in the United States, an average of at least 5 full-time employees who are not relatives of the alien. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> </section> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H0CC0CB8259D54EF797479C8DE1ACE135"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Table of contents amendment </header> <text> The table of contents in the first section of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/8/1101"> 8 U.S.C. 1101 et seq. </external-xref> ) is amended by adding after the item relating to section 210 the following: </text> <quoted-block id="H99B4C30BFAEB49D29C6483A4DA24ACC1" style="OLC"> <toc> <toc-entry idref="HF79D4C20A3C54697955253E94533D54C" level="section"> Sec. 210A. Qualified alien entrepreneurs. </toc-entry> </toc> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H87407271B041475ABCA42FE2AFD81D5C"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Conditional permanent resident status </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Section 216A of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/8/1186b"> 8 U.S.C. 1186b </external-xref> ) is amended— </text> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H6798EEC46B484ED785CA9852FA4207C3"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> by striking <quote> Attorney General </quote> each place such term appears and inserting <quote> Secretary of Homeland Security </quote> ; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HED627C4342C040AFB6BE96204B534270"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> in subsection (b)(1)(C), by striking <quote> 203(b)(5), </quote> and inserting <quote> 203(b)(5) or 210A, as appropriate, </quote> ; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H420DF760A8924885AD748C8CBB4D4BF5"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> in subsection (c)(1), by striking <quote> alien entrepreneur must </quote> each place such term appears and inserting <quote> alien entrepreneur shall </quote> ; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HE89B996DBD794B33ABF1D5DE06C0F751"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> in subsection (d)(1)(B), by striking the period at the end and inserting <quote> or 210A, as appropriate. </quote> ; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H187C35F786A94A96B08F2631F2400CB2"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> in subsection (f)(1), by striking the period at the end and inserting <quote> or 210A. </quote> . </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HDD65CEC539AE4503838C9E76CFE7A7EA"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Government Accountability Office study </header> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H8B515FCA2CDB4302B3815BD93513F1E4"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> Not later than 3 years after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Comptroller General of the United States shall submit to Congress a report on the qualified alien entrepreneurs granted immigrant status under section 210A of the Immigration and Nationality Act, as added by subsection (a). </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HE306627DB8F144A7913D1DB682DB7B0A"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Contents </header> <text> The report described in paragraph (1) shall include information regarding— </text> <subparagraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H0A8DFD95459946E39BC5D130569F0A53"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> the number of qualified alien entrepreneurs who have received immigrant status under section 210A of the Immigration and Nationality Act, as added by subsection (a), listed by country of origin; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H785721AB68004B9C885AE278727CEB0B"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> the localities in which such qualified alien entrepreneurs have initially settled; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H36A063C2FDF840858C640A8DBA29EB40"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> whether such qualified alien entrepreneurs generally remain in the localities in which they initially settle; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H0DF1032EA3B14F728C1F2AD83BAD42DF"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text> the types of commercial enterprises that such qualified alien entrepreneurs have established; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H138D6E25958D4A49944E78175102F2BF"> <enum> (E) </enum> <text> the types and number of jobs created by such qualified alien entrepreneurs. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> </section> <section id="H1C6AC5BDB5AE4642A1A002C6EA5306FF"> <enum> 5. </enum> <header> Elimination of the per-country numerical limitation for employment-based visas </header> <subsection id="HFA0D9F4E7F9F44A4B85E2329FC873587"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Section 202(a)(2) of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/8/1152"> 8 U.S.C. 1152(a)(2) </external-xref> ) is amended— </text> <paragraph id="H22FED23A8C524D0A8A43D762DCCCBF9C"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> in the paragraph heading, by striking <quote> <header-in-text level="paragraph" style="OLC"> and employment-based </header-in-text> </quote> ; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H6B41CC75187344E599D51F2AF4C02772"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> by striking <quote> (3), (4), and (5), </quote> and inserting <quote> (3) and (4), </quote> ; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HD642C1D8CBEB4FACA51DACBA70BDB261"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> by striking <quote> subsections (a) and (b) of section 203 </quote> and inserting <quote> section 203(a) </quote> ; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HE7A17967CD1348D4A3D10210A66EC4DA"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> by striking <quote> 7 </quote> and inserting <quote> 15 </quote> ; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HB3175E3C0F524C20AE6A50F6A10BB718"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text> by striking <quote> such subsections </quote> and inserting <quote> such section </quote> . </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H7262FA280E084C67B443F69AB0AA8EB0"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Conforming amendments </header> <text> Section 202 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1152) is amended— </text> <paragraph id="H00C80CBB7A8A463AA623DE27A9E59C88"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> in subsection (a)(3), by striking <quote> both subsections (a) and (b) of section 203 </quote> and inserting <quote> section 203(a) </quote> ; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H77E4ED2678644D4DA7528E3FBC2FD6F7"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> by striking subsection (a)(5); and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HB7B928F144A64E8AAAAEE39D95E7ED94"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> by amending subsection (e) to read as follows: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H107AC7FDC5284D8393AA0939B5D992F5" style="OLC"> <subsection id="HE00EE6361D4A439C9771B297812BEBB1"> <enum> (e) </enum> <header> Special rules for countries at ceiling </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> If it is determined that the total number of immigrant visas made available under section 203(a) to natives of any single foreign state or dependent area will exceed the numerical limitation specified in subsection (a)(2) in any fiscal year, in determining the allotment of immigrant visa numbers to natives under section 203(a), visa numbers with respect to natives of that state or area shall be allocated (to the extent practicable and otherwise consistent with this section and section 203) in a manner so that, except as provided in subsection (a)(4), the proportion of the visa numbers made available under each of paragraphs (1) through (4) of section 203(a) is equal to the ratio of the total number of visas made available under the respective paragraph to the total number of visas made available under section 203(a). </text> </subsection> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H668B07900A0A465884D5EEDEB2E5CADD"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Country-Specific offset </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Section 2 of the Chinese Student Protection Act of 1992 ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/8/1255"> 8 U.S.C. 1255 </external-xref> note) is amended— </text> <paragraph id="HA0ADE57A4F7E47908B07D52E3FEDFD39"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> in subsection (a), by striking <quote> subsection (e)) </quote> and inserting <quote> subsection (d)) </quote> ; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HEBA24C4247204E5E9544A708219F3F1B"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> by striking subsection (d) and redesignating subsection (e) as subsection (d). </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H2F7FB0C71544498D8FFB129B96AAE562"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header> Effective date </header> <text> The amendments made by this section shall take effect as if enacted on September 30, 2012, and shall apply to fiscal years beginning with fiscal year 2013. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H3396E131B6C7438C8D6947D5818576DD"> <enum> (e) </enum> <header> Transition rules for employment-Based immigrants </header> <paragraph id="H769CEADC9639447AAF2CD47221FCD711"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Subject to the succeeding paragraphs of this subsection and notwithstanding title II of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/8/1151"> 8 U.S.C. 1151 et seq. </external-xref> ), the following rules shall apply: </text> <subparagraph id="HFB954DF435B548D1829DB411037C46FA"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> For fiscal year 2013, 15 percent of the immigrant visas made available under each of paragraphs (2) and (3) of section 203(b) of such Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/8/1153"> 8 U.S.C. 1153(b) </external-xref> ) shall be allotted to immigrants who are natives of a foreign state or dependent area that was not one of the two states with the largest aggregate numbers of natives obtaining immigrant visas during fiscal year 2011 under such paragraphs. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H353902A4AACF4F2AA51080968065564C"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> For fiscal year 2014, 10 percent of the immigrant visas made available under each of such paragraphs shall be allotted to immigrants who are natives of a foreign state or dependent area that was not one of the two states with the largest aggregate numbers of natives obtaining immigrant visas during fiscal year 2012 under such paragraphs. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H459C37BED26C4940A5B9C55916DC330E"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> For fiscal year 2015, 10 percent of the immigrant visas made available under each of such paragraphs shall be allotted to immigrants who are natives of a foreign state or dependent area that was not one of the two states with the largest aggregate numbers of natives obtaining immigrant visas during fiscal year 2013 under such paragraphs. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H6CF8BB3134AC455FA8D3C0D7A042D27D"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Per-country levels </header> <subparagraph id="HE346232B97C44C36B7939C9B128BEEFA"> <enum> (A) </enum> <header> Reserved visas </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> With respect to the visas reserved under each of subparagraphs (A) through (C) of paragraph (1), the number of such visas made available to natives of any single foreign state or dependent area in the appropriate fiscal year may not exceed 25 percent (in the case of a single foreign state) or 2 percent (in the case of a dependent area) of the total number of such visas. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H8B1FFB77BA934249A4318B1AEAA62D6E"> <enum> (B) </enum> <header> Unreserved visas </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> With respect to the immigrant visas made available under each of paragraphs (2) and (3) of section 203(b) of such Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/8/1153"> 8 U.S.C. 1153(b) </external-xref> ) and not reserved under paragraph (1), for each of fiscal years 2013, 2014, and 2015, not more than 85 percent shall be allotted to immigrants who are natives of any single foreign state. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H7E9A00A8DFF8496ABE14BDFF87C47C4F"> <enum> (3) </enum> <header> Special rule to prevent unused visas </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> If, with respect to fiscal year 2013, 2014, or 2015, the operation of paragraphs (1) and (2) of this subsection would prevent the total number of immigrant visas made available under paragraph (2) or (3) of section 203(b) of such Act (8 U.S.C. 1153(b)) from being issued, such visas may be issued during the remainder of such fiscal year without regard to paragraphs (1) and (2) of this subsection. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H0B0119FCF6934216B8E284AEEE234881"> <enum> (4) </enum> <header> Rules for chargeability </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Section 202(b) of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/8/1152"> 8 U.S.C. 1152(b) </external-xref> ) shall apply in determining the foreign state to which an alien is chargeable for purposes of this subsection. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> </section> <section id="HEC004C8885DE4BCCAEC32693070D06BA" section-type="subsequent-section"> <enum> 6. </enum> <header> Capital gains tax exemption for startup companies </header> <subsection id="H17AC92AB1FA74DD49DEE7AA06B445031"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Permanent full exclusion </header> <paragraph id="HDAEC32953ADC4CE7AE91EA9562B4041D"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> Subsection (a) of section 1202 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended to read as follows: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HC3D3E4FE8DE64A89A97EF496BBEA34CE" style="OLC"> <subsection id="H50EB685FC5674355B8E69E24AE079269"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Exclusion </header> <text> In the case of a taxpayer other than a corporation, gross income shall not include 100 percent of any gain from the sale or exchange of qualified small business stock held for more than 5 years. </text> </subsection> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HA1F4A9449ADA42BAA8BE3A23BF4EB670"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Conforming amendments </header> <subparagraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HD939BA190BE241C280E43B8E71588DE1"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> The heading for section 1202 of such Code is amended by striking <quote> <header-in-text level="section" style="OLC"> partial </header-in-text> </quote> . </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HFBC8BAB706F543938B00BA5AA1CE8E22"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> The item relating to section 1202 in the table of sections for part I of subchapter P of chapter 1 of such Code is amended by striking <quote> Partial exclusion </quote> and inserting <quote> Exclusion </quote> . </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H273E1ADD787342D489F48AD9F16DBCB7"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> Section 1223(13) of such Code is amended by striking <quote> 1202(a)(2), </quote> . </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HB6A7F9D0927F41F4BF893DC94A28DFD1"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Repeal of minimum tax preference </header> <paragraph id="H8A17E929C06C44658E0D7FEB1B4D75BB"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> Subsection (a) of section 57 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by striking paragraph (7). </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H7C559D9A4DD946DCB7D7B7401024D5FD"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Technical amendment </header> <text> Subclause (II) of section 53(d)(1)(B)(ii) of such Code is amended by striking <quote> , (5), and (7) </quote> and inserting <quote> and (5) </quote> . </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HEB40EA035E084298B9C10281CAFFD120"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Repeal of 28 percent capital gains rate on qualified small business stock </header> <paragraph id="H29C2735856274B0784ACFF99AED38494"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> Subparagraph (A) of section 1(h)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended to read as follows: </text> <quoted-block id="H8468403D22CB40858937B708F43D2E98"> <subparagraph id="H906B71D73B8A44B2A9768295121227F6"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> collectibles gain, over </text> </subparagraph> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H7B6D3DDC2B8B42739194F159F034D76E"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Conforming amendments </header> <subparagraph id="H53E9E1D529C0419E9F38D5B9BAD493C4"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> Section 1(h) of such Code is amended by striking paragraph (7). </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HE167EFF38EE84139A5CE77E12D017F32"> <enum> (B) </enum> <clause commented="no" display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="HFBC4EA0CEA004F4C8A5FACD251402290"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> Section 1(h) of such Code is amended by redesignating paragraphs (8), (9), (10), (11), (12), and (13) as paragraphs (7), (8), (9), (10), (11), and (12), respectively. </text> </clause> <clause id="HBF9CD3A02A0C4F9DA98A3FDB929170D7" indent="up1"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> Sections 163(d)(4)(B), 854(b)(5), 857(c)(2)(D) of such Code are each amended by striking <quote> section 1(h)(11)(B) </quote> and inserting <quote> section 1(h)(10)(B) </quote> . </text> </clause> <clause id="H55ECC979475941A3ABDDCB5B26F3A1F9" indent="up1"> <enum> (iii) </enum> <text> The following sections of such Code are each amended by striking <quote> section 1(h)(11) </quote> and inserting <quote> section 1(h)(10) </quote> : </text> <subclause id="H119EA2E1EE394F59AD5897D5914C1484"> <enum> (I) </enum> <text> Section 301(f)(4). </text> </subclause> <subclause id="H331C7AB95FC84633B51AE6BDA702D5A7"> <enum> (II) </enum> <text> Section 306(a)(1)(D). </text> </subclause> <subclause id="H5177ACF46F5747A0AFCCDCB717E1D484"> <enum> (III) </enum> <text> Section 584(c). </text> </subclause> <subclause id="H62836F3293484063B9CFE4581CA3EB05"> <enum> (IV) </enum> <text> Section 702(a)(5). </text> </subclause> <subclause id="HD7495A2450D04DF2A6AB1D06391B32F7"> <enum> (V) </enum> <text> Section 854(a). </text> </subclause> <subclause id="H33B1C91DE9BD41D7B91A1A841F439294"> <enum> (VI) </enum> <text> Section 854(b)(2). </text> </subclause> </clause> <clause id="H5ADE3CEFF37740149EF38DEBB12AA7B1" indent="up1"> <enum> (iv) </enum> <text> The heading of section 857(c)(2) is amended by striking <quote> 1(h)(11) </quote> and inserting <quote> 1(h)(10) </quote> . </text> </clause> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HF5FDDFB4396D41F990EAE2A90DEC551C"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header> Effective date </header> <text> The amendments made by this section apply to stock acquired after December 31, 2013. </text> </subsection> </section> <section id="H2308916F3EFD403ABA82AAA41E02AF83" section-type="subsequent-section"> <enum> 7. </enum> <header> Research credit for startup companies </header> <subsection id="HB228D411D73441648021C855FB8ADF25"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> In general </header> <paragraph id="HF8820C3137B84E57B979034925BCB4F0"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/26/41"> Section 41 </external-xref> of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H467C5DF93567490EB172862283378FC9" style="OLC"> <subsection commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H93C2782F54ED4B8F9DBD0E54C4A7E608"> <enum> (i) </enum> <header> Treatment of credit to qualified small businesses </header> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H468B7A4AC36841C5B0E0163B2099085C"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> At the election of a qualified small business, the payroll tax credit portion of the credit determined under subsection (a) shall be treated as a credit allowed under section 3111(f) (and not under this section). </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H8E033E455E5647DF95627AAC964DDF3D"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Payroll tax credit portion </header> <text> For purposes of this subsection, the payroll tax credit portion of the credit determined under subsection (a) for any taxable year is so much of such credit as does not exceed $250,000. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HAF9BB8E238F14BE78EB700B2ECB5506C"> <enum> (3) </enum> <header> Qualified small business </header> <text> For purposes of this subsection— </text> <subparagraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H8E7A2C80BEC44D25AF0208B0835815B6"> <enum> (A) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> The term <term> qualified small business </term> means, with respect to any taxable year— </text> <clause commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HA2577046505C41BBA835103AA4ECC63C"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> a corporation, partnership, or S corporation if— </text> <subclause commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H3D26683C65CE456ABF1CC6BDF42F0D35"> <enum> (I) </enum> <text> the gross receipts (as determined under subsection (c)(7)) of such entity for the taxable year is less than $5,000,000, and </text> </subclause> <subclause commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H5E23F6F4826B4C4885472EB9884EC3CF"> <enum> (II) </enum> <text> such entity did not have gross receipts (as so determined) for any period preceding the 5-taxable-year period ending with such taxable year, and </text> </subclause> </clause> <clause commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HE4D42EAA5F6B49E39131D26D35893B2F"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> any person not described in subparagraph (A) if clauses (i) and (ii) of subparagraph (A) applied to such person, determined— </text> <subclause commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H7E226DE6E16E4943A395C5E528BEB36D"> <enum> (I) </enum> <text> by substituting <quote> person </quote> for <quote> entity </quote> each place it appears, and </text> </subclause> <subclause commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HC9FD556FF4184C0FB98ACE7DE7904108"> <enum> (II) </enum> <text> in the case of an individual, by only taking into account the aggregate gross receipts received by such individual in carrying on trades or businesses of such individual. </text> </subclause> </clause> </subparagraph> <subparagraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HD838047A2AB54CB4BD9A9758AD3BF689"> <enum> (B) </enum> <header> Limitation </header> <text> Such term shall not include an organization which is exempt from taxation under section 501. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HF2972D378B874B54AAE2DCC3ECED17AE"> <enum> (4) </enum> <header> Election </header> <subparagraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H043D4B935F7A4A6FB7921D85D54F33E9"> <enum> (A) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> In the case of a partnership or S corporation, an election under this subsection shall be made at the entity level. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HB7E84BA55FC04F4EA4EE59197D771B03"> <enum> (B) </enum> <header> Revocation </header> <text> An election under this subsection may not be revoked without the consent of the Secretary. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HCF29B93065D947038E7821C66AC93DD5"> <enum> (C) </enum> <header> Limitation </header> <text> A taxpayer may not make an election under this subsection if such taxpayer has made an election under this subsection for 5 or more preceding taxable years. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HC93318A136D24853A5CB0C5BA5B9877B"> <enum> (5) </enum> <header> Aggregation rules </header> <text> For purposes of determining the $250,000 limitation under paragraph (2) and determining gross receipts under paragraph (3), all members of the same controlled group of corporations (within the meaning of section 267(f)) and all persons under common control (within the meaning of section 52(b) but determined by treating an interest of more than 50 percent as a controlling interest) shall be treated as 1 person. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HB5DA1F3D66F94584A668ED7E2DA48897"> <enum> (6) </enum> <header> Regulations </header> <text> The Secretary shall prescribe such regulations as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of this subsection, including— </text> <subparagraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HB9201ED8DB1D4BD79EC990A6D0847F81"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> regulations to prevent the avoidance of the purposes of paragraph (3) through the use of successor companies or other means, </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H7690A94035654A5BA5E5CFBABB47C8FC"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> regulations to minimize compliance and recordkeeping burdens under this subsection for start-up companies, and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H2F8FFEAF14024211B9D51C707A8F6CF0"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> regulations for recapturing the benefit of credits determined under section 3111(f) in cases where there is a subsequent adjustment to the payroll tax credit portion of the credit determined under subsection (a), including requiring amended returns in the cases where there is such an adjustment. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H7B3165F19BF541EE8F476DF14E5F8D6A"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Conforming amendment </header> <text> <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/26/280C"> Section 280C(c) </external-xref> of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by adding at the end the following new paragraph: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H2227887344D44FE7BBA1BC3880ABA998" style="OLC"> <paragraph id="H4FA1C99DF61D40F7A93202C4FB7BA32A"> <enum> (5) </enum> <header> Treatment of qualified small business credit </header> <text> For purposes of determining the amount of any credit under section 41(a) under this subsection, any election under section 41(i) shall be disregarded. </text> </paragraph> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H34E7CEBE89E1442E96BCE0F12E878A9D"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Credit allowed against FICA taxes </header> <paragraph id="H3DC24FFD2D0C46CCAEA10E76CAB4C81B"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/26/3111"> Section 3111 </external-xref> of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H5D0A077D5D3C44C79435B9127E05108F" style="OLC"> <subsection id="H37886890E0DB4F798B90AB20653C6561"> <enum> (f) </enum> <header> Credit for research expenditures of qualified small businesses </header> <paragraph id="H35009AC18589477EBDE52ADD0706B65E"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> In the case of a qualified small business which has made an election under section 41(i), there shall be allowed as a credit against the tax imposed by subsection (a) on wages paid with respect to the employment of all employees of the qualified small business for days in an applicable calendar quarter an amount equal to the payroll tax credit portion of the research credit determined under section 41(a). </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HD64348AF82484184B443C2930310E7A7"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Carryover of unused credit </header> <text> In any case in which the payroll tax credit portion of the research credit determined under section 41(a) exceeds the tax imposed under subsection (a) for an applicable calendar quarter— </text> <subparagraph id="H986572A9253940078498D3878A301439"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> the succeeding calendar quarter shall be treated as an applicable calendar quarter, and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H94DEC33246ED46F290289E96D9923809"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> the amount of credit allowed under paragraph (1) shall be reduced by the amount of credit allowed under such paragraph for all preceding applicable calendar quarters. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H1D82940B253D4EA28B32434D966B40E7"> <enum> (3) </enum> <header> Allocation of credit for controlled groups, etc </header> <text> In determining the amount of the credit under this subsection— </text> <subparagraph id="H3CFA6B29E87A43D59FB5ABD7A212ED14"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> all persons treated as a single taxpayer under section 41 shall be treated as a single taxpayer under this section, and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HCD00F91958C54FA59AAA7E4EEB3DA533"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> the credit (if any) allowable by this section to each such member shall be its proportionate share of the qualified research expenses, basic research payments, and amounts paid or incurred to energy research consortiums, giving rise to the credit allowable under section 41. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HCBFB8EFEC8B74BD1B7165F757EF3C8CD"> <enum> (4) </enum> <header> Definitions </header> <text> For purposes of this subsection— </text> <subparagraph id="HB1EEFCD23A884701A3B2FC7A864A3EA5"> <enum> (A) </enum> <header> Applicable calendar quarter </header> <text> The term <term> applicable calendar quarter </term> means— </text> <clause id="H9EF1739BDBAA4CDAB67A7878A296B914"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> the first calendar quarter following the date on which the qualified small business files a return under section 6012 for the taxable year for which the payroll tax credit portion of the research credit under section 41(a) is determined, and </text> </clause> <clause id="HEA39BE5B752446BFB1C9DE0F8BB0062F"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> any succeeding calendar quarter treated as an applicable calendar quarter under paragraph (2)(A). </text> </clause> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H000B5ADC8388461B9F9F513D04B1C53F"> <enum/> <text> For purposes of determining the date on which a return is filed, rules similar to the rules of section 6513 shall apply. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HE6EAD610CBD44F8F80917E8310A6C9D0"> <enum> (B) </enum> <header> Other terms </header> <text> Any term used in this subsection which is also used in section 41 shall have the meaning given such term under section 41. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H9FBE6B5060B34914A1CB85ECF0978957"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Transfers to federal old-age and survivors insurance trust fund </header> <text> There are hereby appropriated to the Federal Old-Age and Survivors Trust Fund and the Federal Disability Insurance Trust Fund established under section 201 of the Social Security Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/42/401"> 42 U.S.C. 401 </external-xref> ) amounts equal to the reduction in revenues to the Treasury by reason of the amendments made by paragraph (1). Amounts appropriated by the preceding sentence shall be transferred from the general fund at such times and in such manner as to replicate to the extent possible the transfers which would have occurred to such Trust Fund had such amendments not been enacted. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HF7BEB13945AE4AD4A6A9613139640355"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Effective date </header> <text> The amendments made by this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2012. </text> </subsection> </section> <section id="HFE43E635A9674068882957133E8E662C"> <enum> 8. </enum> <header> Accelerated commercialization of taxpayer-funded research </header> <subsection id="H88E21D50FB274D229BE5804A463A10D7"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Definitions </header> <text> In this section: </text> <paragraph id="H95032CAD912E4D33A4EB4348AFDF1D82"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> Council </header> <text> The term <term> Council </term> means the Advisory Council on Innovation and Entrepreneurship of the Department of Commerce established pursuant to section 25(c) of the Stevenson-Wydler Technology Innovation Act of 1980 (15 U.S.C. 3720(c)). </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HFC52AB2561C64F9DA0FE8CB0DFB9BCD6"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Extramural budget </header> <text> The term <term> extramural budget </term> means the sum of the total obligations minus amounts obligated for such activities by employees of the agency in or through Government-owned, Government-operated facilities, except that for the Department of Energy it shall not include amounts obligated for atomic energy defense programs solely for weapons activities or for naval reactor programs, and except that for the Agency for International Development it shall not include amounts obligated solely for general institutional support of international research centers or for grants to foreign countries. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H2821D46A26764397BDC37D4FF1BEED0E"> <enum> (3) </enum> <header> Institution of higher education </header> <text> The term <term> institution of higher education </term> has the meaning given the term in section 101(a) of the Higher Education Act of 1965 ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/20/1001"> 20 U.S.C. 1001(a) </external-xref> ). </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H0FF261D88DCB47A58779D3D9532AB06F"> <enum> (4) </enum> <header> Research or research and development </header> <text> The term <term> research </term> or <term> research and development </term> means any activity that is— </text> <subparagraph id="HD7630619978B44D7B5FECB1DEEE09CDB"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> a systematic, intensive study directed toward greater knowledge or understanding of the subject studied; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HF42EBA5AA318406CB5124B10827260FD"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> a systematic study directed specifically toward applying new knowledge to meet a recognized need; or </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HC752DAAA06A64A85BC6CD0C5282D6D24"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> a systematic application of knowledge toward the production of useful materials, devices, and systems or methods, including design, development, and improvement of prototypes and new processes to meet specific requirements. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H09F23188A8D34E958ADC2BC2689475A6"> <enum> (5) </enum> <header> Secretary </header> <text> The term <term> Secretary </term> means the Secretary of Commerce. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H067AB5177A0D4E449AE45A9EA4027A2A"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Grant program authorized </header> <paragraph id="H2A047E4DDA45406B82C0A6A3B55F9C7C"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> Each Federal agency that has an extramural budget for research or research and development that is in excess of $100,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2014 through 2018, shall transfer 0.15 percent of such extramural budget for each of such fiscal years to the Secretary to enable the Secretary to carry out a grant program in accordance with this subsection. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H9B92DDB071D24460920A835E788817FF"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Grants </header> <subparagraph id="H6266D50E21274833BFF08020E0E44B30"> <enum> (A) </enum> <header> Awarding of grants </header> <clause id="H4B093AE2562B4D638D4545B124602026"> <enum> (i) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> From funds transferred under paragraph (1), the Secretary shall use the criteria developed by the Council to award grants to institutions of higher education, including consortia of institutions of higher education, for initiatives to improve commercialization and transfer of technology. </text> </clause> <clause id="HB4CDBEA1A09C4A1FB007777904DEF2AD"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <header> Request for proposals </header> <text> Not later than 30 days after the Council submits the recommendations for criteria to the Secretary under subsection (c)(4)(B), and annually thereafter for each fiscal year for which the grant program is authorized, the Secretary shall release a request for proposals. </text> </clause> <clause id="HAA4314F0D28A4A61A80378A4E338361E"> <enum> (iii) </enum> <header> Applications </header> <text> Each institution of higher education that desires to receive a grant under this subsection shall submit an application to the Secretary not later than 90 days after the Secretary releases the request for proposals under clause (ii). </text> </clause> <clause id="HE7E3D1BB9CE144639F0E2C182C8FCEC0"> <enum> (iv) </enum> <header> Council review </header> <subclause id="H7908F4784993444891DFFFFF89D41A48"> <enum> (I) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> The Secretary shall submit each application received under clause (iii) to the Council for Council review. </text> </subclause> <subclause id="HC5336EA7051B4003AD68FF8849876F76"> <enum> (II) </enum> <header> Recommendations </header> <text> The Council shall review each application received under subclause (I) and submit recommendations for grant awards to the Secretary, including funding recommendations for each proposal. </text> </subclause> <subclause id="H8A55A5FDA34F477E91F131CCA58F8FEA"> <enum> (III) </enum> <header> Public release </header> <text> The Council shall publicly release any recommendations made under subclause (II). </text> </subclause> <subclause id="H6CF87C8904724CBD9298566E693C417A"> <enum> (IV) </enum> <header> Consideration of recommendations </header> <text> In awarding grants under this subsection, the Secretary shall take into consideration the recommendations of the Council under subclause (II). </text> </subclause> </clause> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HC3E50C2A58CC41C996CA21183DFA2EAC"> <enum> (B) </enum> <header> Commercialization capacity building grants </header> <clause id="H66C414E0271546E89E0D36246021F4E9"> <enum> (i) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> The Secretary shall award grants to support institutions of higher education pursuing specific innovative initiatives to improve an institution’s capacity to commercialize faculty research that can be widely adopted if the research yields measurable results. </text> </clause> <clause id="H63DEC75785D845778624B01E08DAFEB7"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <header> Content of proposals </header> <text> Grants shall be awarded under this subparagraph to proposals demonstrating the capacity for accelerated commercialization, proof-of-concept proficiency, and translating scientific discoveries and cutting-edge inventions into technological innovations and new companies. In particular, grant funds shall seek to support innovative approaches to achieving these goals that can be replicated by other institutions of higher education if the innovative approaches are successful. </text> </clause> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H2D3ADCEAEB214C8A9829E5592E84E646"> <enum> (C) </enum> <header> Commercialization accelerator grants </header> <text> The Secretary shall award grants to support institutions of higher education pursuing initiatives that allow faculty to directly commercialize research in an effort to accelerate research breakthroughs. The Secretary shall prioritize those initiatives that have a management structure that encourages collaboration between other institutions of higher education or other entities with demonstrated proficiency in creating and growing new companies based on verifiable metrics. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H0DADA417EA3A4170B217C9B47F842422"> <enum> (3) </enum> <header> Assessment of success </header> <text> Grants awarded under this subsection shall use criteria for assessing the success of programs through the establishment of benchmarks. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H7AD1E367129C453ABF821841359085D0"> <enum> (4) </enum> <header> Termination </header> <text> The Secretary shall have the authority to terminate grant funding to an institution of higher education in accordance with the process and performance metrics recommended by the Council. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H21703F655F9F45F995E698532D12C161"> <enum> (5) </enum> <header> Limitations </header> <subparagraph id="H79343CCC10C943F3A6258297B8C45219"> <enum> (A) </enum> <header> Project management costs </header> <text> A grant recipient may use not more than 10 percent of grant funds awarded under this subsection for the purpose of funding project management costs of the grant program. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H1D328C5A28BE4A39B21FCD0D60B01224"> <enum> (B) </enum> <header> Supplement, not supplant </header> <text> An institution of higher education that receives a grant under this subsection shall use the grant funds to supplement, and not supplant, non-Federal funds that would, in the absence of such grant funds, be made available for activities described in this section. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HC0ADB7BB7A8D4177A2195CB77921D92E"> <enum> (6) </enum> <header> Unspent funds </header> <text> Any funds transferred to the Secretary under paragraph (1) for a fiscal year that are not expended by the end of such fiscal year may be expended in any subsequent fiscal year through fiscal year 2018. Any funds transferred under paragraph (1) that are remaining at the end of the grant program's authorization under this subsection shall be transferred to the Treasury for deficit reduction. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H19FCAB6E6D684F02B18444B0CECC8279"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Council </header> <paragraph id="H85254E4693434D40AE1167934680BE47"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> Not later than 120 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Council shall convene and develop recommendations for criteria in awarding grants to institutions of higher education under subsection (b). </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" id="HFD5F9B66037C4985933944DD153979BF"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Submission to Commerce and publicly released </header> <text> The Council shall— </text> <subparagraph commented="no" id="H80C15AA4324D4BCC9BBC422EC4C8441D"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> submit the recommendations described in subparagraph (A) to the Secretary; and </text> <clause commented="no" id="H1B8D830331644A70ADBC18E3B5EAF40B"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> release the recommendations to the public. </text> </clause> </subparagraph> <subparagraph commented="no" id="H83BEA3A6505A457F8481B9EC74F95347"> <enum> (B) </enum> <header> Majority vote </header> <text> The recommendations submitted by the Council, as described in this paragraph, shall be determined by a majority vote of Council members. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph commented="no" id="H13169A2E9E4746C198E6D54FC33E5BD0"> <enum> (C) </enum> <header> Performance metrics </header> <text> The Council shall develop and provide to the Secretary recommendations on performance metrics to be used to evaluate grants awarded under subsection (b). </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HA793FCEDCAFB4F2BA28BB61FE92ED84C"> <enum> (3) </enum> <header> Evaluation </header> <subparagraph id="HF635525161C64D8286F02B2931B34477"> <enum> (A) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> Not later than 180 days before the date that the grant program authorized under subsection (b) expires, the Council shall conduct an evaluation of the effect that the grant program is having on accelerating the commercialization of faculty research. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HBE00A217355843BB8EF14E943E7B75DA"> <enum> (B) </enum> <header> Inclusions </header> <text> The evaluation shall include— </text> <clause id="H82C0AAAB170D42BE8A7E71595DB18DC0"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> the recommendation of the Council as to whether the grant program should be continued or terminated; </text> </clause> <clause id="HE2EA6B95CA8649B5B7DC842742DE6DDA"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> quantitative data related to the effect, if any, that the grant program has had on faculty research commercialization; and </text> </clause> <clause id="HC88C57FE23FA442C82D85C411A08F401"> <enum> (iii) </enum> <text> a description of lessons learned in administering the grant program, and how those lessons could be applied to future efforts to accelerate commercialization of faculty research. </text> </clause> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H06D84942A34B405BB655DB9C63683E8F"> <enum> (C) </enum> <header> Availability </header> <text> Upon completion of the evaluation, the evaluation shall be made available on a public website and submitted to Congress. The Secretary shall notify all institutions of higher education when the evaluation is published and how it can be accessed. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HA94D2030C5AD4D4ABC350D72B717F254"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header> Construction </header> <text> Nothing in this section may be construed to alter, modify, or amend any provision of <external-xref legal-doc="usc-chapter" parsable-cite="usc-chapter/35/18"> chapter 18 </external-xref> of title 35, United States Code (commonly known as the <quote> Bayh-Dole Act </quote> ). </text> </subsection> </section> <section id="H58BE75200A1F4E50B2799C0AAA2E2A23"> <enum> 9. </enum> <header> Economic impact of significant Federal agency rules </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/5/553"> Section 553 </external-xref> of title 5, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H4BE7FB4DD143421DB9C0DE628FC0770B" style="OLC"> <subsection id="H76659B3EBF95481385FF5BE60EB64A9F"> <enum> (f) </enum> <header> Required review before issuance of significant rules </header> <paragraph id="HDC398BCD7BC94521801F7BE34C2881A0"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> Before issuing a notice of proposed rulemaking in the Federal Register regarding the issuance of a proposed significant rule, the head of the Federal agency or independent regulatory agency seeking to issue the rule shall complete a review, to the extent permitted by law, that— </text> <subparagraph id="HEBC78CA1F30843388BD5342742411369"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> analyzes the problem that the proposed rule intends to address, including— </text> <clause id="H1BAB82D00AF048DD9F64E3CB6DA78D7B"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> the specific market failure, such as externalities, market power, or lack of information, that justifies such rule; or </text> </clause> <clause id="HA41A6CF470B34DC786FD382A295273C7"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> any other specific problem, such as the failures of public institutions, that justifies such rule; </text> </clause> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HA5EFF7228C434D38BFC6985096096BD3"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> analyzes the expected impact of the proposed rule on the ability of new businesses to form and expand; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HB5EE753C26B5496AA3F81FD9B2598EA2"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> identifies the expected impact of the proposed rule on State, local, and tribal governments, including the availability of resources— </text> <clause id="HCAD4C9CE61BE472BB845F6615692754D"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> to carry out the mandates imposed by the rule on such government entities; and </text> </clause> <clause id="H763015E9A316438AA850DC2B94C56899"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> to minimize the burdens that uniquely or significantly affect such governmental entities, consistent with achieving regulatory objectives; </text> </clause> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H208E2A549436460CA7F75E2FB7661951"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text> identifies any conflicting or duplicative regulations; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H5C125C5AE6984CFB9574655F3847EF03"> <enum> (E) </enum> <text> determines— </text> <clause id="H8816D3CB559046D891F0E123737138F1"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> if existing laws or regulations created, or contributed to, the problem that the new rule is intended to correct; and </text> </clause> <clause id="H8175E2F2EACA4F05A76260CE29B882ED"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> if the laws or regulations referred to in clause (i) should be modified to more effectively achieve the intended goal of the rule; and </text> </clause> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H6D6A4356C3994654882F37B79D692757"> <enum> (F) </enum> <text> includes the cost-benefit analysis described in paragraph (2). </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HAE6CEC83A6BE4736B7F741630E1D2CEC"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Cost-benefit analysis </header> <text> A cost-benefit analysis described in this paragraph shall include— </text> <subparagraph id="HD5C46D1632BB4ECDAFC628C9B15758AF"> <enum> (A) </enum> <clause commented="no" display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="HDB9F3A6D0E444B369E77435F2820B651"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> an assessment, including the underlying analysis, of benefits anticipated from the proposed rule, such as— </text> <subclause id="HFB0F3E67EC0B4FB5A321617FC0705A6E" indent="up1"> <enum> (I) </enum> <text> promoting the efficient functioning of the economy and private markets; </text> </subclause> <subclause id="HC5AC3FBF27B74A92A80DEB121BFABA2A" indent="up1"> <enum> (II) </enum> <text> enhancing health and safety; </text> </subclause> <subclause id="H7E3559CF952C45C5AFAB7BB5400DC5B3" indent="up1"> <enum> (III) </enum> <text> protecting the natural environment; and </text> </subclause> <subclause id="H1E9E35D7A1FD4363A5A1DA38B5BB85EA" indent="up1"> <enum> (IV) </enum> <text> eliminating or reducing discrimination or bias; and </text> </subclause> </clause> <clause id="H82B0A9357F0F46FE91FCFFA4052CDE1C" indent="up1"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> the quantification of the benefits described in clause (i), to the extent feasible; </text> </clause> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HC24E0C90DFB2471299F2F910D3EF75A5"> <enum> (B) </enum> <clause commented="no" display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="H6BA45347616D46EDBFF426FC77F046DA"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> an assessment, including the underlying analysis, of costs anticipated from the proposed rule, such as— </text> <subclause id="H61F6D92CA48045E8BFA807BE6184981C" indent="up1"> <enum> (I) </enum> <text> the direct costs to the Federal Government to administer the rule; </text> </subclause> <subclause id="H68AB8F850B8E43C9A8108EE6745E2F1B" indent="up1"> <enum> (II) </enum> <text> the direct costs to businesses and others to comply with the rule; and </text> </subclause> <subclause id="H6CE2C5D715CC43B5B0FD5BBF2EC440D8" indent="up1"> <enum> (III) </enum> <text> any adverse effects on the efficient functioning of the economy, private markets (including productivity, employment, and competitiveness), health, safety, and the natural environment; and </text> </subclause> </clause> <clause id="HF23C89DB4B704861B43E1DDC38227382" indent="up1"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> the quantification of the costs described in clause (i), to the extent feasible; </text> </clause> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H66C19597017544E297260249FE0B0104"> <enum> (C) </enum> <clause commented="no" display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="H1FF0736658C84CCBBDDC1170DE613873"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> an assessment, including the underlying analysis, of costs and benefits of potentially effective and reasonably feasible alternatives to the proposed rule, which have been identified by the agency or by the public, including taking reasonably viable nonregulatory actions; and </text> </clause> <clause id="H167FBF3250024CDE8CB06A9BFEE2B48F" indent="up1"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> an explanation of why the proposed rule is preferable to the alternatives identified under clause (i). </text> </clause> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H125B50100AA34DD4A4000315278C1C87"> <enum> (3) </enum> <header> Report </header> <text> Before issuing a notice of proposed rulemaking in the Federal Register regarding the issuance of a proposed significant rule, the head of the Federal agency or the independent regulatory agency seeking to issue the rule shall— </text> <subparagraph id="H27F16317C604482E9547E33947ACC86E"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> submit the results of the review conducted under paragraph (1) to the appropriate congressional committees; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H390C294F9FB0458394C7F187F6540ED5"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> post the results of the review conducted under paragraph (1) on a publicly available website. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H5BDF782B8FDC40BCA1AED18AF9CCC968"> <enum> (4) </enum> <header> Judicial review </header> <text> Any determinations made, or other actions taken, by an agency or independent regulatory agency under this subsection shall not be subject to judicial review. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H2AF52AACD3C944F3AAE442FB8B77831B"> <enum> (5) </enum> <header> Defined term </header> <text> In this subsection the term <term> significant rule </term> means a rule that is likely to— </text> <subparagraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H347027363A0340DD810EF3A496E0A432"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> have an annual effect on the economy of $100,000,000 or more; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H6CFC8AAD592E4F619D2282969CACD33D"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> adversely affect, in a material way, the economy, a sector of the economy, productivity, competition, jobs, the environment, public health or safety, or State, local, or tribal governments or communities; or </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HEDCA436EF2B9487AAA1873C1CFDEB389"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> create a serious inconsistency or otherwise interfere with an action taken or planned by another agency. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </section> <section id="H96CBCE5B9F214D8890512945FEE4574E" section-type="subsequent-section"> <enum> 10. </enum> <header> Biennial State startup business report </header> <subsection id="H948BB028DE3A447999D77D19C8402103"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Data collection </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The Secretary of Commerce shall regularly compile information from each of the 50 States and the District of Columbia on State laws that affect the formation and growth of new businesses within the State or District. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H14EEAB18DA434D6A897C38486A0DC220"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Report </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Not later than 18 months after the date of the enactment of this Act, and every 2 years thereafter, the Secretary, using data compiled under subsection (a), shall prepare a report that— </text> <paragraph id="HCF0E8DF75FAD436CA084AA9E9152D214"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> analyzes the economic effect of State and District laws that either encourage or inhibit business formation and growth; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HD1562CA65A0C4ECAB7E9558FBB3FCE18"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> ranks the States and the District based on the effectiveness with which their laws foster new business creation and economic growth. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HE9C47397A27B472CB3C9C50F6095FA13"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Distribution </header> <text> The Secretary shall— </text> <paragraph id="HFFB7210AE8FC4322ABF2D5D80E523447"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> submit each report prepared under subsection (b) to Congress; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HFE2072A55DFD437FA20A3D8199651B4E"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> make each report available to the public on the Department of Commerce’s website. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HFB154955768C47FBA159BD4E61CED9EB"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header> Inclusion of large metropolitan areas </header> <text> Not later than 90 days after the submission of the first report under this section, the Secretary of Commerce shall submit to Congress a study on the feasibility and advisability of including, in future reports, information about the effect of local laws and ordinances on the formation and growth of new businesses in large metropolitan areas within the United States. </text> </subsection> <subsection commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H9663112353A44DD2B5DADC2AEFE40001"> <enum> (e) </enum> <header display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Authorization of appropriations </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> There are authorized to be appropriated such sums as may be necessary to carry out this section. </text> </subsection> </section> <section id="H6C735305147B4C2EAC20018F632E17AD"> <enum> 11. </enum> <header> New business formation report </header> <subsection id="H1D0496755C684EC4B6DE6517DE34D19A"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> The Secretary of Commerce shall regularly compile quantitative and qualitative information on businesses in the United States that are not more than 1 year old. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H69C774C1992E42ED933A492F82192033"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Data collection </header> <text> The Secretary shall— </text> <paragraph id="HBFA2668C36C941438B6A32CED7C25591"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> regularly compile information from the Bureau of the Census’ business register on new business formation in the United States; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H6B3027DBB1C2459E82037ADC1832685D"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> conduct quarterly surveys of business owners who start a business during the 1-year period ending on the date on which such survey is conducted to gather qualitative information about the factors that influenced their decision to start the business. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HEEE581DF48194534B2FF6074742E3845"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Random sampling </header> <text> In conducting surveys under subsection (b)(2), the Secretary may use random sampling to identify a group of business owners who are representative of all the business owners described in subsection (b)(2). </text> </subsection> <subsection id="HEFB70EF77E4A4C678744D688AB5463EF"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header> Benefits </header> <text> The Secretary shall inform business owners selected to participate in a survey conducted under this section of the benefits they would receive from participating in the survey. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H2AB6E1EB08524B619804DA588F446223"> <enum> (e) </enum> <header> Voluntary participation </header> <text> Business owners selected to participate in a survey conducted under this section may decline to participate without penalty. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H56787DC0E4A74B9586B9EFC4F670E6CC"> <enum> (f) </enum> <header> Report </header> <text> Not later than 18 months after the date of the enactment of this Act, and every 3 months thereafter, the Secretary shall use the data compiled under subsection (b) to prepare a report that— </text> <paragraph id="H862F473E7A3647EEA538CF4F98AA1352"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> lists the aggregate number of new businesses formed in the United States; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HE729502AAC1D42E4B3D49553A4B5E0C8"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> lists the aggregate number of persons employed by new businesses formed in the United States; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H735220B6F68E450D820DDF4121C55A83"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> analyzes the payroll of new businesses formed in the United States; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HA56453520B7D4950AE702BD718FC1E28"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> summarizes the data collected under subsection (b); and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H948965C6C0D14D229458DD71D4CE5E49"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text> identifies the most effective means by which government officials can encourage the formation and growth of new businesses in the United States. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H2DAAFFB61CF045D78D4CF82D7EAF3D74"> <enum> (g) </enum> <header> Distribution </header> <text> The Secretary shall— </text> <paragraph id="H1E5AD1ED28934477A2FBB8A2B0BBD9F5"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> submit each report prepared under subsection (f) to Congress; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HDF79DA0DC85541F1A8BB2950AC891375"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> make each report available to the public on the Department of Commerce’s website. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HA2079C8402934160B4118CB2C59E2EFF"> <enum> (h) </enum> <header> Authorization of appropriations </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> There are authorized to be appropriated such sums as may be necessary to carry out this section. </text> </subsection> </section> <section commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H5537D786260E45918203F50626EA8F1F"> <enum> 12. </enum> <header> Rescission of unspent Federal funds </header> <subsection id="H71987FF4F1EA4145AAAC5FFA0B471D77"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> Notwithstanding any other provision of law, of all available unobligated funds for fiscal year 2013, the amount necessary to carry out this Act and the amendments made by this Act in appropriated discretionary funds are hereby rescinded. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H9E069624ECF447C093C3043BADA70FF6"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Implementation </header> <text> The Director of the Office of Management and Budget shall determine and identify from which appropriation accounts the rescission under subsection (a) shall apply and the amount of such rescission that shall apply to each such account. Not later than 60 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Director of the Office of Management and Budget shall submit a report to the Secretary of the Treasury and Congress of the accounts and amounts determined and identified for rescission under the preceding sentence. </text> </subsection> </section> </legis-body> </bill>
I 113th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 714 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES February 14, 2013 Mr. Grimm (for himself, Ms. Loretta Sanchez of California , Mr. Nunes , Mr. Connolly , Mr. Yoder , Mr. Polis , and Mr. Chabot ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary , and in addition to the Committees on Ways and Means , Science, Space, and Technology , Appropriations , and Energy and Commerce , for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned A BILL To jump-start economic recovery through the formation and growth of new businesses, and for other purposes. 1. Short title; table of contents (a) Short title This Act may be cited as the Startup Act 3.0 . (b) Table of contents The table of contents for this Act is as follows: Sec. 1. Short title; table of contents. Sec. 2. Findings. Sec. 3. Conditional permanent resident status for immigrants with an advanced degree in a STEM field. Sec. 4. Immigrant entrepreneurs. Sec. 5. Elimination of the per-country numerical limitation for employment-based visas. Sec. 6. Capital gains tax exemption for startup companies. Sec. 7. Research credit for startup companies. Sec. 8. Accelerated commercialization of taxpayer-funded research. Sec. 9. Economic impact of significant Federal agency rules. Sec. 10. Biennial State startup business report. Sec. 11. New business formation report. Sec. 12. Rescission of unspent Federal funds. 2. Findings Congress makes the following findings: (1) Achieving economic recovery will require the formation and growth of new companies. (2) Between 1980 and 2005, companies less than 5 years old accounted for nearly all net job creation in the United States. (3) New firms in the United States create an average of 3,000,000 jobs per year. (4) To get Americans back to work, entrepreneurs must be free to innovate, create new companies, and hire employees. 3. Conditional permanent resident status for immigrants with an advanced degree in a STEM field (a) In general Chapter 2 of title II of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( 8 U.S.C. 1181 et seq. ) is amended by inserting after section 216A the following: 216B. Conditional permanent resident status for aliens with an advanced degree in a STEM field (a) In general Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, the Secretary of Homeland Security may adjust the status of not more than 50,000 aliens who have earned a master’s degree or a doctorate degree at an institution of higher education in a STEM field to that of an alien conditionally admitted for permanent residence and authorize each alien granted such adjustment of status to remain in the United States— (1) for up to 1 year after the expiration of the alien’s student visa under section 101(a)(15)(F)(i) if the alien is diligently searching for an opportunity to become actively engaged in a STEM field; and (2) indefinitely if the alien remains actively engaged in a STEM field. (b) Application for conditional permanent resident status Every alien applying for a conditional permanent resident status under this section shall submit an application to the Secretary of Homeland Security before the expiration of the alien's student visa in such form and manner as the Secretary shall prescribe by regulation. (c) Ineligibility for Federal Government assistance An alien granted conditional permanent resident status under this section shall not be eligible, while in such status, for— (1) any unemployment compensation (as defined in section 85(b) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986); or (2) any Federal means-tested public benefit (as that term is used in section 403 of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (8 U.S.C. 1613)). (d) Effect on naturalization residency requirement An alien granted conditional permanent resident status under this section shall be deemed to have been lawfully admitted for permanent residence for purposes of meeting the 5-year residency requirement set forth in section 316(a)(1). (e) Removal of condition The Secretary of Homeland Security shall remove the conditional basis of an alien’s conditional permanent resident status under this section on the date that is 5 years after the date such status was granted if the alien maintained his or her eligibility for such status during the entire 5-year period. (f) Definitions In this section: (1) Actively engaged in a STEM field The term actively engaged in a STEM field — (A) means— (i) gainfully employed in a for-profit business or nonprofit organization in the United States in a STEM field; (ii) teaching 1 or more STEM field courses at an institution of higher education; or (iii) employed by a Federal, State, or local government entity; and (B) includes any period of up to 6 months during which the alien does not meet the requirement under subparagraph (A) if such period was immediately preceded by a 1-year period during which the alien met the requirement under subparagraph (A). (2) Institution of higher education The term institution of higher education has the meaning given the term in section 101(a) of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1001(a)). (3) STEM field The term STEM field means any field of study or occupation included on the most recent STEM-Designated Degree Program List published in the Federal Register by the Department of Homeland Security (as described in section 214.2(f)(11)(i)(C)(2) of title 8, Code of Federal Regulations). . (b) Clerical amendment The table of contents for the Immigration and Nationality Act ( 8 U.S.C. 1101 et seq. ) is amended by inserting after the item relating to section 216A the following: Sec. 216B. Conditional permanent resident status for aliens with an advanced degree in a STEM field. . (c) Government Accountability Office study (1) In general Not later than 3 years after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Comptroller General of the United States shall submit to Congress a report on the alien college graduates granted immigrant status under section 216B of the Immigration and Nationality Act, as added by subsection (a). (2) Contents The report described in paragraph (1) shall include— (A) the number of aliens described in paragraph (1) who have earned a master’s degree, broken down by the number of such degrees in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics; (B) the number of aliens described in paragraph (1) who have earned a doctorate degree, broken down by the number of such degrees in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics; (C) the number of aliens described in paragraph (1) who have founded a business in the United States in a STEM field; (D) the number of aliens described in paragraph (1) who are employed in the United States in a STEM field, broken down by employment sector (for profit, nonprofit, or government); and (E) the number of aliens described in paragraph (1) who are employed by an institution of higher education. (3) Definitions The terms institution of higher education and STEM field have the meaning given such terms in section 216B(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, as added by subsection (a). 4. Immigrant entrepreneurs (a) Qualified alien entrepreneurs (1) Admission as immigrants Chapter 1 of title II of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( 8 U.S.C. 1151 et seq. ) is amended by adding at the end the following: 210A. Qualified alien entrepreneurs (a) Admission as immigrants The Secretary of Homeland Security, in accordance with the provisions of this section and section 216A, may issue a conditional immigrant visa to not more than 75,000 qualified alien entrepreneurs. (b) Application for conditional permanent resident status Every alien applying for a conditional immigrant visa under this section shall submit an application to the Secretary of Homeland Security in such form and manner as the Secretary shall prescribe by regulation. (c) Revocation If, during the 4-year period beginning on the date that an alien is granted a visa under this section, the Secretary of Homeland Security determines that such alien is no longer a qualified alien entrepreneur, the Secretary shall— (1) revoke such visa; and (2) notify the alien that the alien— (A) may voluntarily depart from the United States in accordance to section 240B; or (B) will be subject to removal proceedings under section 240 if the alien does not depart from the United States not later than 6 months after receiving such notification. (d) Removal of conditional basis The Secretary of Homeland Security shall remove the conditional basis of the status of an alien issued an immigrant visa under this section on that date that is 4 years after the date on which such visa was issued if such visa was not revoked pursuant to subsection (c). (e) Definitions In this section: (1) Full-time employee The term full-time employee means a United States citizen or legal permanent resident who is paid by the new business entity registered by a qualified alien entrepreneur at a rate that is comparable to the median income of employees in the region. (2) Qualified alien entrepreneur The term qualified alien entrepreneur means an alien who— (A) at the time the alien applies for an immigrant visa under this section— (i) is lawfully present in the United States; and (ii) (I) holds a nonimmigrant visa pursuant to section 101(a)(15)(H)(i)(b); or (II) holds a nonimmigrant visa pursuant to section 101(a)(15)(F)(i); (B) during the 1-year period beginning on the date the alien is granted a visa under this section— (i) registers at least 1 new business entity in a State; (ii) employs, at such business entity in the United States, at least 2 full-time employees who are not relatives of the alien; and (iii) invests, or raises capital investment of, not less than $100,000 in such business entity; and (C) during the 3-year period beginning on the last day of the 1-year period described in paragraph (2), employs, at such business entity in the United States, an average of at least 5 full-time employees who are not relatives of the alien. . (2) Table of contents amendment The table of contents in the first section of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( 8 U.S.C. 1101 et seq. ) is amended by adding after the item relating to section 210 the following: Sec. 210A. Qualified alien entrepreneurs. . (b) Conditional permanent resident status Section 216A of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( 8 U.S.C. 1186b ) is amended— (1) by striking Attorney General each place such term appears and inserting Secretary of Homeland Security ; (2) in subsection (b)(1)(C), by striking 203(b)(5), and inserting 203(b)(5) or 210A, as appropriate, ; (3) in subsection (c)(1), by striking alien entrepreneur must each place such term appears and inserting alien entrepreneur shall ; (4) in subsection (d)(1)(B), by striking the period at the end and inserting or 210A, as appropriate. ; and (5) in subsection (f)(1), by striking the period at the end and inserting or 210A. . (c) Government Accountability Office study (1) In general Not later than 3 years after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Comptroller General of the United States shall submit to Congress a report on the qualified alien entrepreneurs granted immigrant status under section 210A of the Immigration and Nationality Act, as added by subsection (a). (2) Contents The report described in paragraph (1) shall include information regarding— (A) the number of qualified alien entrepreneurs who have received immigrant status under section 210A of the Immigration and Nationality Act, as added by subsection (a), listed by country of origin; (B) the localities in which such qualified alien entrepreneurs have initially settled; (C) whether such qualified alien entrepreneurs generally remain in the localities in which they initially settle; (D) the types of commercial enterprises that such qualified alien entrepreneurs have established; and (E) the types and number of jobs created by such qualified alien entrepreneurs. 5. Elimination of the per-country numerical limitation for employment-based visas (a) In general Section 202(a)(2) of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( 8 U.S.C. 1152(a)(2) ) is amended— (1) in the paragraph heading, by striking and employment-based ; (2) by striking (3), (4), and (5), and inserting (3) and (4), ; (3) by striking subsections (a) and (b) of section 203 and inserting section 203(a) ; (4) by striking 7 and inserting 15 ; and (5) by striking such subsections and inserting such section . (b) Conforming amendments Section 202 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1152) is amended— (1) in subsection (a)(3), by striking both subsections (a) and (b) of section 203 and inserting section 203(a) ; (2) by striking subsection (a)(5); and (3) by amending subsection (e) to read as follows: (e) Special rules for countries at ceiling If it is determined that the total number of immigrant visas made available under section 203(a) to natives of any single foreign state or dependent area will exceed the numerical limitation specified in subsection (a)(2) in any fiscal year, in determining the allotment of immigrant visa numbers to natives under section 203(a), visa numbers with respect to natives of that state or area shall be allocated (to the extent practicable and otherwise consistent with this section and section 203) in a manner so that, except as provided in subsection (a)(4), the proportion of the visa numbers made available under each of paragraphs (1) through (4) of section 203(a) is equal to the ratio of the total number of visas made available under the respective paragraph to the total number of visas made available under section 203(a). . (c) Country-Specific offset Section 2 of the Chinese Student Protection Act of 1992 ( 8 U.S.C. 1255 note) is amended— (1) in subsection (a), by striking subsection (e)) and inserting subsection (d)) ; and (2) by striking subsection (d) and redesignating subsection (e) as subsection (d). (d) Effective date The amendments made by this section shall take effect as if enacted on September 30, 2012, and shall apply to fiscal years beginning with fiscal year 2013. (e) Transition rules for employment-Based immigrants (1) In general Subject to the succeeding paragraphs of this subsection and notwithstanding title II of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( 8 U.S.C. 1151 et seq. ), the following rules shall apply: (A) For fiscal year 2013, 15 percent of the immigrant visas made available under each of paragraphs (2) and (3) of section 203(b) of such Act ( 8 U.S.C. 1153(b) ) shall be allotted to immigrants who are natives of a foreign state or dependent area that was not one of the two states with the largest aggregate numbers of natives obtaining immigrant visas during fiscal year 2011 under such paragraphs. (B) For fiscal year 2014, 10 percent of the immigrant visas made available under each of such paragraphs shall be allotted to immigrants who are natives of a foreign state or dependent area that was not one of the two states with the largest aggregate numbers of natives obtaining immigrant visas during fiscal year 2012 under such paragraphs. (C) For fiscal year 2015, 10 percent of the immigrant visas made available under each of such paragraphs shall be allotted to immigrants who are natives of a foreign state or dependent area that was not one of the two states with the largest aggregate numbers of natives obtaining immigrant visas during fiscal year 2013 under such paragraphs. (2) Per-country levels (A) Reserved visas With respect to the visas reserved under each of subparagraphs (A) through (C) of paragraph (1), the number of such visas made available to natives of any single foreign state or dependent area in the appropriate fiscal year may not exceed 25 percent (in the case of a single foreign state) or 2 percent (in the case of a dependent area) of the total number of such visas. (B) Unreserved visas With respect to the immigrant visas made available under each of paragraphs (2) and (3) of section 203(b) of such Act ( 8 U.S.C. 1153(b) ) and not reserved under paragraph (1), for each of fiscal years 2013, 2014, and 2015, not more than 85 percent shall be allotted to immigrants who are natives of any single foreign state. (3) Special rule to prevent unused visas If, with respect to fiscal year 2013, 2014, or 2015, the operation of paragraphs (1) and (2) of this subsection would prevent the total number of immigrant visas made available under paragraph (2) or (3) of section 203(b) of such Act (8 U.S.C. 1153(b)) from being issued, such visas may be issued during the remainder of such fiscal year without regard to paragraphs (1) and (2) of this subsection. (4) Rules for chargeability Section 202(b) of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( 8 U.S.C. 1152(b) ) shall apply in determining the foreign state to which an alien is chargeable for purposes of this subsection. 6. Capital gains tax exemption for startup companies (a) Permanent full exclusion (1) In general Subsection (a) of section 1202 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended to read as follows: (a) Exclusion In the case of a taxpayer other than a corporation, gross income shall not include 100 percent of any gain from the sale or exchange of qualified small business stock held for more than 5 years. . (2) Conforming amendments (A) The heading for section 1202 of such Code is amended by striking partial . (B) The item relating to section 1202 in the table of sections for part I of subchapter P of chapter 1 of such Code is amended by striking Partial exclusion and inserting Exclusion . (C) Section 1223(13) of such Code is amended by striking 1202(a)(2), . (b) Repeal of minimum tax preference (1) In general Subsection (a) of section 57 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by striking paragraph (7). (2) Technical amendment Subclause (II) of section 53(d)(1)(B)(ii) of such Code is amended by striking , (5), and (7) and inserting and (5) . (c) Repeal of 28 percent capital gains rate on qualified small business stock (1) In general Subparagraph (A) of section 1(h)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended to read as follows: (A) collectibles gain, over . (2) Conforming amendments (A) Section 1(h) of such Code is amended by striking paragraph (7). (B) (i) Section 1(h) of such Code is amended by redesignating paragraphs (8), (9), (10), (11), (12), and (13) as paragraphs (7), (8), (9), (10), (11), and (12), respectively. (ii) Sections 163(d)(4)(B), 854(b)(5), 857(c)(2)(D) of such Code are each amended by striking section 1(h)(11)(B) and inserting section 1(h)(10)(B) . (iii) The following sections of such Code are each amended by striking section 1(h)(11) and inserting section 1(h)(10) : (I) Section 301(f)(4). (II) Section 306(a)(1)(D). (III) Section 584(c). (IV) Section 702(a)(5). (V) Section 854(a). (VI) Section 854(b)(2). (iv) The heading of section 857(c)(2) is amended by striking 1(h)(11) and inserting 1(h)(10) . (d) Effective date The amendments made by this section apply to stock acquired after December 31, 2013. 7. Research credit for startup companies (a) In general (1) In general Section 41 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection: (i) Treatment of credit to qualified small businesses (1) In general At the election of a qualified small business, the payroll tax credit portion of the credit determined under subsection (a) shall be treated as a credit allowed under section 3111(f) (and not under this section). (2) Payroll tax credit portion For purposes of this subsection, the payroll tax credit portion of the credit determined under subsection (a) for any taxable year is so much of such credit as does not exceed $250,000. (3) Qualified small business For purposes of this subsection— (A) In general The term qualified small business means, with respect to any taxable year— (i) a corporation, partnership, or S corporation if— (I) the gross receipts (as determined under subsection (c)(7)) of such entity for the taxable year is less than $5,000,000, and (II) such entity did not have gross receipts (as so determined) for any period preceding the 5-taxable-year period ending with such taxable year, and (ii) any person not described in subparagraph (A) if clauses (i) and (ii) of subparagraph (A) applied to such person, determined— (I) by substituting person for entity each place it appears, and (II) in the case of an individual, by only taking into account the aggregate gross receipts received by such individual in carrying on trades or businesses of such individual. (B) Limitation Such term shall not include an organization which is exempt from taxation under section 501. (4) Election (A) In general In the case of a partnership or S corporation, an election under this subsection shall be made at the entity level. (B) Revocation An election under this subsection may not be revoked without the consent of the Secretary. (C) Limitation A taxpayer may not make an election under this subsection if such taxpayer has made an election under this subsection for 5 or more preceding taxable years. (5) Aggregation rules For purposes of determining the $250,000 limitation under paragraph (2) and determining gross receipts under paragraph (3), all members of the same controlled group of corporations (within the meaning of section 267(f)) and all persons under common control (within the meaning of section 52(b) but determined by treating an interest of more than 50 percent as a controlling interest) shall be treated as 1 person. (6) Regulations The Secretary shall prescribe such regulations as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of this subsection, including— (A) regulations to prevent the avoidance of the purposes of paragraph (3) through the use of successor companies or other means, (B) regulations to minimize compliance and recordkeeping burdens under this subsection for start-up companies, and (C) regulations for recapturing the benefit of credits determined under section 3111(f) in cases where there is a subsequent adjustment to the payroll tax credit portion of the credit determined under subsection (a), including requiring amended returns in the cases where there is such an adjustment. . (2) Conforming amendment Section 280C(c) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by adding at the end the following new paragraph: (5) Treatment of qualified small business credit For purposes of determining the amount of any credit under section 41(a) under this subsection, any election under section 41(i) shall be disregarded. . (b) Credit allowed against FICA taxes (1) In general Section 3111 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection: (f) Credit for research expenditures of qualified small businesses (1) In general In the case of a qualified small business which has made an election under section 41(i), there shall be allowed as a credit against the tax imposed by subsection (a) on wages paid with respect to the employment of all employees of the qualified small business for days in an applicable calendar quarter an amount equal to the payroll tax credit portion of the research credit determined under section 41(a). (2) Carryover of unused credit In any case in which the payroll tax credit portion of the research credit determined under section 41(a) exceeds the tax imposed under subsection (a) for an applicable calendar quarter— (A) the succeeding calendar quarter shall be treated as an applicable calendar quarter, and (B) the amount of credit allowed under paragraph (1) shall be reduced by the amount of credit allowed under such paragraph for all preceding applicable calendar quarters. (3) Allocation of credit for controlled groups, etc In determining the amount of the credit under this subsection— (A) all persons treated as a single taxpayer under section 41 shall be treated as a single taxpayer under this section, and (B) the credit (if any) allowable by this section to each such member shall be its proportionate share of the qualified research expenses, basic research payments, and amounts paid or incurred to energy research consortiums, giving rise to the credit allowable under section 41. (4) Definitions For purposes of this subsection— (A) Applicable calendar quarter The term applicable calendar quarter means— (i) the first calendar quarter following the date on which the qualified small business files a return under section 6012 for the taxable year for which the payroll tax credit portion of the research credit under section 41(a) is determined, and (ii) any succeeding calendar quarter treated as an applicable calendar quarter under paragraph (2)(A). For purposes of determining the date on which a return is filed, rules similar to the rules of section 6513 shall apply. (B) Other terms Any term used in this subsection which is also used in section 41 shall have the meaning given such term under section 41. . (2) Transfers to federal old-age and survivors insurance trust fund There are hereby appropriated to the Federal Old-Age and Survivors Trust Fund and the Federal Disability Insurance Trust Fund established under section 201 of the Social Security Act ( 42 U.S.C. 401 ) amounts equal to the reduction in revenues to the Treasury by reason of the amendments made by paragraph (1). Amounts appropriated by the preceding sentence shall be transferred from the general fund at such times and in such manner as to replicate to the extent possible the transfers which would have occurred to such Trust Fund had such amendments not been enacted. (c) Effective date The amendments made by this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2012. 8. Accelerated commercialization of taxpayer-funded research (a) Definitions In this section: (1) Council The term Council means the Advisory Council on Innovation and Entrepreneurship of the Department of Commerce established pursuant to section 25(c) of the Stevenson-Wydler Technology Innovation Act of 1980 (15 U.S.C. 3720(c)). (2) Extramural budget The term extramural budget means the sum of the total obligations minus amounts obligated for such activities by employees of the agency in or through Government-owned, Government-operated facilities, except that for the Department of Energy it shall not include amounts obligated for atomic energy defense programs solely for weapons activities or for naval reactor programs, and except that for the Agency for International Development it shall not include amounts obligated solely for general institutional support of international research centers or for grants to foreign countries. (3) Institution of higher education The term institution of higher education has the meaning given the term in section 101(a) of the Higher Education Act of 1965 ( 20 U.S.C. 1001(a) ). (4) Research or research and development The term research or research and development means any activity that is— (A) a systematic, intensive study directed toward greater knowledge or understanding of the subject studied; (B) a systematic study directed specifically toward applying new knowledge to meet a recognized need; or (C) a systematic application of knowledge toward the production of useful materials, devices, and systems or methods, including design, development, and improvement of prototypes and new processes to meet specific requirements. (5) Secretary The term Secretary means the Secretary of Commerce. (b) Grant program authorized (1) In general Each Federal agency that has an extramural budget for research or research and development that is in excess of $100,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2014 through 2018, shall transfer 0.15 percent of such extramural budget for each of such fiscal years to the Secretary to enable the Secretary to carry out a grant program in accordance with this subsection. (2) Grants (A) Awarding of grants (i) In general From funds transferred under paragraph (1), the Secretary shall use the criteria developed by the Council to award grants to institutions of higher education, including consortia of institutions of higher education, for initiatives to improve commercialization and transfer of technology. (ii) Request for proposals Not later than 30 days after the Council submits the recommendations for criteria to the Secretary under subsection (c)(4)(B), and annually thereafter for each fiscal year for which the grant program is authorized, the Secretary shall release a request for proposals. (iii) Applications Each institution of higher education that desires to receive a grant under this subsection shall submit an application to the Secretary not later than 90 days after the Secretary releases the request for proposals under clause (ii). (iv) Council review (I) In general The Secretary shall submit each application received under clause (iii) to the Council for Council review. (II) Recommendations The Council shall review each application received under subclause (I) and submit recommendations for grant awards to the Secretary, including funding recommendations for each proposal. (III) Public release The Council shall publicly release any recommendations made under subclause (II). (IV) Consideration of recommendations In awarding grants under this subsection, the Secretary shall take into consideration the recommendations of the Council under subclause (II). (B) Commercialization capacity building grants (i) In general The Secretary shall award grants to support institutions of higher education pursuing specific innovative initiatives to improve an institution’s capacity to commercialize faculty research that can be widely adopted if the research yields measurable results. (ii) Content of proposals Grants shall be awarded under this subparagraph to proposals demonstrating the capacity for accelerated commercialization, proof-of-concept proficiency, and translating scientific discoveries and cutting-edge inventions into technological innovations and new companies. In particular, grant funds shall seek to support innovative approaches to achieving these goals that can be replicated by other institutions of higher education if the innovative approaches are successful. (C) Commercialization accelerator grants The Secretary shall award grants to support institutions of higher education pursuing initiatives that allow faculty to directly commercialize research in an effort to accelerate research breakthroughs. The Secretary shall prioritize those initiatives that have a management structure that encourages collaboration between other institutions of higher education or other entities with demonstrated proficiency in creating and growing new companies based on verifiable metrics. (3) Assessment of success Grants awarded under this subsection shall use criteria for assessing the success of programs through the establishment of benchmarks. (4) Termination The Secretary shall have the authority to terminate grant funding to an institution of higher education in accordance with the process and performance metrics recommended by the Council. (5) Limitations (A) Project management costs A grant recipient may use not more than 10 percent of grant funds awarded under this subsection for the purpose of funding project management costs of the grant program. (B) Supplement, not supplant An institution of higher education that receives a grant under this subsection shall use the grant funds to supplement, and not supplant, non-Federal funds that would, in the absence of such grant funds, be made available for activities described in this section. (6) Unspent funds Any funds transferred to the Secretary under paragraph (1) for a fiscal year that are not expended by the end of such fiscal year may be expended in any subsequent fiscal year through fiscal year 2018. Any funds transferred under paragraph (1) that are remaining at the end of the grant program's authorization under this subsection shall be transferred to the Treasury for deficit reduction. (c) Council (1) In general Not later than 120 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Council shall convene and develop recommendations for criteria in awarding grants to institutions of higher education under subsection (b). (2) Submission to Commerce and publicly released The Council shall— (A) submit the recommendations described in subparagraph (A) to the Secretary; and (i) release the recommendations to the public. (B) Majority vote The recommendations submitted by the Council, as described in this paragraph, shall be determined by a majority vote of Council members. (C) Performance metrics The Council shall develop and provide to the Secretary recommendations on performance metrics to be used to evaluate grants awarded under subsection (b). (3) Evaluation (A) In general Not later than 180 days before the date that the grant program authorized under subsection (b) expires, the Council shall conduct an evaluation of the effect that the grant program is having on accelerating the commercialization of faculty research. (B) Inclusions The evaluation shall include— (i) the recommendation of the Council as to whether the grant program should be continued or terminated; (ii) quantitative data related to the effect, if any, that the grant program has had on faculty research commercialization; and (iii) a description of lessons learned in administering the grant program, and how those lessons could be applied to future efforts to accelerate commercialization of faculty research. (C) Availability Upon completion of the evaluation, the evaluation shall be made available on a public website and submitted to Congress. The Secretary shall notify all institutions of higher education when the evaluation is published and how it can be accessed. (d) Construction Nothing in this section may be construed to alter, modify, or amend any provision of chapter 18 of title 35, United States Code (commonly known as the Bayh-Dole Act ). 9. Economic impact of significant Federal agency rules Section 553 of title 5, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following: (f) Required review before issuance of significant rules (1) In general Before issuing a notice of proposed rulemaking in the Federal Register regarding the issuance of a proposed significant rule, the head of the Federal agency or independent regulatory agency seeking to issue the rule shall complete a review, to the extent permitted by law, that— (A) analyzes the problem that the proposed rule intends to address, including— (i) the specific market failure, such as externalities, market power, or lack of information, that justifies such rule; or (ii) any other specific problem, such as the failures of public institutions, that justifies such rule; (B) analyzes the expected impact of the proposed rule on the ability of new businesses to form and expand; (C) identifies the expected impact of the proposed rule on State, local, and tribal governments, including the availability of resources— (i) to carry out the mandates imposed by the rule on such government entities; and (ii) to minimize the burdens that uniquely or significantly affect such governmental entities, consistent with achieving regulatory objectives; (D) identifies any conflicting or duplicative regulations; (E) determines— (i) if existing laws or regulations created, or contributed to, the problem that the new rule is intended to correct; and (ii) if the laws or regulations referred to in clause (i) should be modified to more effectively achieve the intended goal of the rule; and (F) includes the cost-benefit analysis described in paragraph (2). (2) Cost-benefit analysis A cost-benefit analysis described in this paragraph shall include— (A) (i) an assessment, including the underlying analysis, of benefits anticipated from the proposed rule, such as— (I) promoting the efficient functioning of the economy and private markets; (II) enhancing health and safety; (III) protecting the natural environment; and (IV) eliminating or reducing discrimination or bias; and (ii) the quantification of the benefits described in clause (i), to the extent feasible; (B) (i) an assessment, including the underlying analysis, of costs anticipated from the proposed rule, such as— (I) the direct costs to the Federal Government to administer the rule; (II) the direct costs to businesses and others to comply with the rule; and (III) any adverse effects on the efficient functioning of the economy, private markets (including productivity, employment, and competitiveness), health, safety, and the natural environment; and (ii) the quantification of the costs described in clause (i), to the extent feasible; (C) (i) an assessment, including the underlying analysis, of costs and benefits of potentially effective and reasonably feasible alternatives to the proposed rule, which have been identified by the agency or by the public, including taking reasonably viable nonregulatory actions; and (ii) an explanation of why the proposed rule is preferable to the alternatives identified under clause (i). (3) Report Before issuing a notice of proposed rulemaking in the Federal Register regarding the issuance of a proposed significant rule, the head of the Federal agency or the independent regulatory agency seeking to issue the rule shall— (A) submit the results of the review conducted under paragraph (1) to the appropriate congressional committees; and (B) post the results of the review conducted under paragraph (1) on a publicly available website. (4) Judicial review Any determinations made, or other actions taken, by an agency or independent regulatory agency under this subsection shall not be subject to judicial review. (5) Defined term In this subsection the term significant rule means a rule that is likely to— (A) have an annual effect on the economy of $100,000,000 or more; (B) adversely affect, in a material way, the economy, a sector of the economy, productivity, competition, jobs, the environment, public health or safety, or State, local, or tribal governments or communities; or (C) create a serious inconsistency or otherwise interfere with an action taken or planned by another agency. . 10. Biennial State startup business report (a) Data collection The Secretary of Commerce shall regularly compile information from each of the 50 States and the District of Columbia on State laws that affect the formation and growth of new businesses within the State or District. (b) Report Not later than 18 months after the date of the enactment of this Act, and every 2 years thereafter, the Secretary, using data compiled under subsection (a), shall prepare a report that— (1) analyzes the economic effect of State and District laws that either encourage or inhibit business formation and growth; and (2) ranks the States and the District based on the effectiveness with which their laws foster new business creation and economic growth. (c) Distribution The Secretary shall— (1) submit each report prepared under subsection (b) to Congress; and (2) make each report available to the public on the Department of Commerce’s website. (d) Inclusion of large metropolitan areas Not later than 90 days after the submission of the first report under this section, the Secretary of Commerce shall submit to Congress a study on the feasibility and advisability of including, in future reports, information about the effect of local laws and ordinances on the formation and growth of new businesses in large metropolitan areas within the United States. (e) Authorization of appropriations There are authorized to be appropriated such sums as may be necessary to carry out this section. 11. New business formation report (a) In general The Secretary of Commerce shall regularly compile quantitative and qualitative information on businesses in the United States that are not more than 1 year old. (b) Data collection The Secretary shall— (1) regularly compile information from the Bureau of the Census’ business register on new business formation in the United States; and (2) conduct quarterly surveys of business owners who start a business during the 1-year period ending on the date on which such survey is conducted to gather qualitative information about the factors that influenced their decision to start the business. (c) Random sampling In conducting surveys under subsection (b)(2), the Secretary may use random sampling to identify a group of business owners who are representative of all the business owners described in subsection (b)(2). (d) Benefits The Secretary shall inform business owners selected to participate in a survey conducted under this section of the benefits they would receive from participating in the survey. (e) Voluntary participation Business owners selected to participate in a survey conducted under this section may decline to participate without penalty. (f) Report Not later than 18 months after the date of the enactment of this Act, and every 3 months thereafter, the Secretary shall use the data compiled under subsection (b) to prepare a report that— (1) lists the aggregate number of new businesses formed in the United States; (2) lists the aggregate number of persons employed by new businesses formed in the United States; (3) analyzes the payroll of new businesses formed in the United States; (4) summarizes the data collected under subsection (b); and (5) identifies the most effective means by which government officials can encourage the formation and growth of new businesses in the United States. (g) Distribution The Secretary shall— (1) submit each report prepared under subsection (f) to Congress; and (2) make each report available to the public on the Department of Commerce’s website. (h) Authorization of appropriations There are authorized to be appropriated such sums as may be necessary to carry out this section. 12. Rescission of unspent Federal funds (a) In general Notwithstanding any other provision of law, of all available unobligated funds for fiscal year 2013, the amount necessary to carry out this Act and the amendments made by this Act in appropriated discretionary funds are hereby rescinded. (b) Implementation The Director of the Office of Management and Budget shall determine and identify from which appropriation accounts the rescission under subsection (a) shall apply and the amount of such rescission that shall apply to each such account. Not later than 60 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Director of the Office of Management and Budget shall submit a report to the Secretary of the Treasury and Congress of the accounts and amounts determined and identified for rescission under the preceding sentence.
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<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Introduced-in-House" bill-type="olc" dms-id="HEC4D520E858447D3A15E730F50A47BDF" public-private="public"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 715 IH: Lena Horne Recognition Act </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-02-14 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> I </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 715 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130214"> February 14, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="H000324"> Mr. Hastings of Florida </sponsor> (for himself, <cosponsor name-id="C001049"> Mr. Clay </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="H001063"> Ms. Hahn </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="L000551"> Ms. Lee of California </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="F000455"> Ms. Fudge </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="C001067"> Ms. Clarke </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="M000312"> Mr. McGovern </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="W000207"> Mr. Watt </cosponsor> ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="HBA00"> Committee on Financial Services </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> A BILL </legis-type> <official-title> To posthumously award a Congressional Gold Medal to Lena Horne in recognition of her achievements and contributions to American culture and the civil rights movement. </official-title> </form> <legis-body id="HEEF54A92A6B940BD851304D1DA50C785" style="OLC"> <section commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H257B3FB7C5724FF7B0D992A7158085D5" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Short title </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> This Act may be cited as the <quote> <short-title> Lena Horne Recognition Act </short-title> </quote> . </text> </section> <section commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H02F9ACC44DE44C8292A1D232ADA079D2" section-type="subsequent-section"> <enum> 2. </enum> <header display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Findings </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> The Congress finds as follows: </text> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H30373D498B384021B7DF6C856F08C42E"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Lena Mary Calhoun Horne was born on June 30, 1917, in Brooklyn, New York. At the age of 16, Lena Horne was hired as a dancer in the chorus of Harlem’s famous Cotton Club, where she was introduced to such legendary jazz performers as Duke Ellington, Cab Calloway, Count Basie, Ethel Waters, and Billie Holiday. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HC53CED0A301642409782204CD9B70ACC"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> In 1940, she became one of the first African-American women to perform with an all-White band when she toured with Charlie Barnet’s jazz band as its featured singer. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H4A5BE996E5F8422A82D114E6D69B3884"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> She was discovered by a Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM) talent scout and became the first African-American artist to sign a long-term contract with a major studio. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H67472680CC21481FBE64EA074900E7D8"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Despite her extraordinary beauty and talent, Lena Horne was often limited to minor acting roles because of her race. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HDDEB4D3E300649E181FD70CB453E6CD7"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Scenes in which she did sing were cut out when they were sent to local distributors in the South and studio executives cast another actress as Julie in the film version of <quote> Show Boat </quote> instead of Lena Horne because they did not want the show to star an African-American actress. However, Lena Horne dazzled audiences and critics in a number of films, including <quote> Cabin in the Sky </quote> and <quote> Stormy Weather </quote> . </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H4723CCC427034BA696254A6AC0815CDC"> <enum> (6) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> During World War II, Lena Horne toured extensively with the United Service Organizations (USO) on the West Coast and in the South in support of the troops and expressed outrage about the way African-American soldiers were treated. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HBB20FBC249AA40B1A44EA4F22A533E07"> <enum> (7) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> She refused to sing for segregated audiences or to groups in which German prisoners of war were seated in front of African-American servicemen. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H4F7A9F7473744D3693B45D2B90DEC93C"> <enum> (8) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> During the period of McCarthyism in the 1950s, Lena Horne was blacklisted as a communist for 7 years because of her civil rights activism and friendship with Paul Robeson and W.E.B. Du Bois. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H0360040928C44ADCA4BAE5BEDA23DF67"> <enum> (9) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> In 1957, Lena Horne recorded Lena Horne at the Waldorf-Astoria, which reached the Top 10 and became the best-selling album by a female singer in RCA Victor’s history. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HCBA8724DC312412886E53A9C0B5AC538"> <enum> (10) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Lena Horne rose to international stardom and toured the world, sharing the stage with such names as Count Basie, Tony Bennett, Billy Eckstine, Vic Damone, and Harry Belafonte, and also starred in musical and television specials with such giants as Judy Garland, Bing Crosby, and Frank Sinatra. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H7F4C30947D384D238EA6FEEB464AC75E"> <enum> (11) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Lena Horne used her fame to become a powerful voice for civil rights and equality. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H99D3C115D5D54F3F8459CCA4FC731D5C"> <enum> (12) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> In 1963, she participated in the historic March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, at which Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered his immortal “I Have a Dream” speech. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H31DD1D8A99484ACD901C3D3178641FC4"> <enum> (13) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Lena Horne also performed at rallies throughout the country for the National Council for Negro Women and worked with the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), of which she was a member from the age of 2, the Delta Sigma Theta sorority, and the Urban League. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H63DC2CBCAE874557B3E71FCC39584899"> <enum> (14) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Through the end of the 20th century, Lena Horne continued to entertain large audiences of all ages and backgrounds. In 1981, she captivated audiences with her one-woman Broadway show, <quote> Lena Horne: The Lady and Her Music </quote> , which enjoyed a 14-month run before going on tour, and earned her a special Tony Award and two Grammy Awards. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HA0D62B5D4776402CA733515829DEDF36"> <enum> (15) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> In 2002, 73 years after the Academy Awards were first awarded, Halle Berry became the first African-American woman to win an Oscar for Best Actress and recognized in her acceptance speech how Lena Horne paved the way for her and other African-American actresses. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H5FD03EF232AA4DE1BCC499CD92E1B231"> <enum> (16) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Lena Horne passed away in New York City on May 9, 2010, at the age of 92. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HC2964A9E92544533837C682AEB7E6105"> <enum> (17) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Lena Horne was an entertainer, activist, and mother who used her beauty, talent, and intelligence to fight racial discrimination and injustice and rise to international stardom. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H14DD6D946EF743749819BE1A025C6DFF"> <enum> (18) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> A symbol of elegance and grace, she entertained people of all walks of life for over 60 years, and broke barriers for future generations. </text> </paragraph> </section> <section commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HCA7EFAE60D654381B03CADBB76BB5001" section-type="subsequent-section"> <enum> 3. </enum> <header display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Congressional gold medal </header> <subsection commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HC0BE1C823AC84FB79FC2CC88C681D96B"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Presentation authorized </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President pro tempore of the Senate shall make appropriate arrangements for the posthumous presentation, on behalf of the Congress, of a gold medal of appropriate design in commemoration of Lena Horne in recognition of her achievements and contributions to American culture and the civil rights movement. </text> </subsection> <subsection commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HC42153CE96734B6ABA526F3F26F84AD8"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Design and striking </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> For purposes of the presentation referred to in subsection (a), the Secretary of the Treasury (referred to in this Act as the <quote> Secretary </quote> ) shall strike a gold medal with suitable emblems, devices, and inscriptions, to be determined by the Secretary. </text> </subsection> </section> <section commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HEE67C19903A54C879B74D9E2AAF182CC" section-type="subsequent-section"> <enum> 4. </enum> <header display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Duplicate medals </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> The Secretary may strike and sell duplicates in bronze of the gold medal struck pursuant to section 2, under such regulations as the Secretary may prescribe, at a price sufficient to cover the cost thereof, including labor, materials, dies, use of machinery, and overhead expenses, and the cost of the gold medal. </text> </section> <section commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H13F0028054184582B460AD7D8E865228" section-type="subsequent-section"> <enum> 5. </enum> <header display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Status of medals </header> <subsection commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H4106305B5F86448C854AD75946EF2D8C"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header display-inline="yes-display-inline"> National medals </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The medals struck pursuant to this Act are national medals for purposes of <external-xref legal-doc="usc-chapter" parsable-cite="usc-chapter/31/51"> chapter 51 </external-xref> of title 31, United States Code. </text> </subsection> <subsection commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H013CEE02A5354E929C3B7FAEE46A2156"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Numismatic items </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> For purposes of <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/31/5134"> section 5134 </external-xref> of title 31, United States Code, all medals struck under this Act shall be considered to be numismatic items. </text> </subsection> </section> <section commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H6D8C25EE260B4A43ADBB8F86FDDBDAAB" section-type="subsequent-section"> <enum> 6. </enum> <header display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Authority to use fund amounts; proceeds of sale </header> <subsection commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HDEA4A7576D7D456797E84DC5DDCCB469"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Authority To use fund amounts </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> There is authorized to be charged against the United States Mint Public Enterprise Fund, such amounts as may be necessary to pay for the costs of the medals struck pursuant to this Act. </text> </subsection> <subsection commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H877F7C3F2B0040BD9CDB22EDF64D082F"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Proceeds of sale </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Amounts received from the sale of duplicate bronze medals authorized under section 4 shall be deposited into the United States Mint Public Enterprise Fund. </text> </subsection> </section> </legis-body> </bill>
I 113th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 715 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES February 14, 2013 Mr. Hastings of Florida (for himself, Mr. Clay , Ms. Hahn , Ms. Lee of California , Ms. Fudge , Ms. Clarke , Mr. McGovern , and Mr. Watt ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Financial Services A BILL To posthumously award a Congressional Gold Medal to Lena Horne in recognition of her achievements and contributions to American culture and the civil rights movement. 1. Short title This Act may be cited as the Lena Horne Recognition Act . 2. Findings The Congress finds as follows: (1) Lena Mary Calhoun Horne was born on June 30, 1917, in Brooklyn, New York. At the age of 16, Lena Horne was hired as a dancer in the chorus of Harlem’s famous Cotton Club, where she was introduced to such legendary jazz performers as Duke Ellington, Cab Calloway, Count Basie, Ethel Waters, and Billie Holiday. (2) In 1940, she became one of the first African-American women to perform with an all-White band when she toured with Charlie Barnet’s jazz band as its featured singer. (3) She was discovered by a Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM) talent scout and became the first African-American artist to sign a long-term contract with a major studio. (4) Despite her extraordinary beauty and talent, Lena Horne was often limited to minor acting roles because of her race. (5) Scenes in which she did sing were cut out when they were sent to local distributors in the South and studio executives cast another actress as Julie in the film version of Show Boat instead of Lena Horne because they did not want the show to star an African-American actress. However, Lena Horne dazzled audiences and critics in a number of films, including Cabin in the Sky and Stormy Weather . (6) During World War II, Lena Horne toured extensively with the United Service Organizations (USO) on the West Coast and in the South in support of the troops and expressed outrage about the way African-American soldiers were treated. (7) She refused to sing for segregated audiences or to groups in which German prisoners of war were seated in front of African-American servicemen. (8) During the period of McCarthyism in the 1950s, Lena Horne was blacklisted as a communist for 7 years because of her civil rights activism and friendship with Paul Robeson and W.E.B. Du Bois. (9) In 1957, Lena Horne recorded Lena Horne at the Waldorf-Astoria, which reached the Top 10 and became the best-selling album by a female singer in RCA Victor’s history. (10) Lena Horne rose to international stardom and toured the world, sharing the stage with such names as Count Basie, Tony Bennett, Billy Eckstine, Vic Damone, and Harry Belafonte, and also starred in musical and television specials with such giants as Judy Garland, Bing Crosby, and Frank Sinatra. (11) Lena Horne used her fame to become a powerful voice for civil rights and equality. (12) In 1963, she participated in the historic March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, at which Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered his immortal “I Have a Dream” speech. (13) Lena Horne also performed at rallies throughout the country for the National Council for Negro Women and worked with the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), of which she was a member from the age of 2, the Delta Sigma Theta sorority, and the Urban League. (14) Through the end of the 20th century, Lena Horne continued to entertain large audiences of all ages and backgrounds. In 1981, she captivated audiences with her one-woman Broadway show, Lena Horne: The Lady and Her Music , which enjoyed a 14-month run before going on tour, and earned her a special Tony Award and two Grammy Awards. (15) In 2002, 73 years after the Academy Awards were first awarded, Halle Berry became the first African-American woman to win an Oscar for Best Actress and recognized in her acceptance speech how Lena Horne paved the way for her and other African-American actresses. (16) Lena Horne passed away in New York City on May 9, 2010, at the age of 92. (17) Lena Horne was an entertainer, activist, and mother who used her beauty, talent, and intelligence to fight racial discrimination and injustice and rise to international stardom. (18) A symbol of elegance and grace, she entertained people of all walks of life for over 60 years, and broke barriers for future generations. 3. Congressional gold medal (a) Presentation authorized The Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President pro tempore of the Senate shall make appropriate arrangements for the posthumous presentation, on behalf of the Congress, of a gold medal of appropriate design in commemoration of Lena Horne in recognition of her achievements and contributions to American culture and the civil rights movement. (b) Design and striking For purposes of the presentation referred to in subsection (a), the Secretary of the Treasury (referred to in this Act as the Secretary ) shall strike a gold medal with suitable emblems, devices, and inscriptions, to be determined by the Secretary. 4. Duplicate medals The Secretary may strike and sell duplicates in bronze of the gold medal struck pursuant to section 2, under such regulations as the Secretary may prescribe, at a price sufficient to cover the cost thereof, including labor, materials, dies, use of machinery, and overhead expenses, and the cost of the gold medal. 5. Status of medals (a) National medals The medals struck pursuant to this Act are national medals for purposes of chapter 51 of title 31, United States Code. (b) Numismatic items For purposes of section 5134 of title 31, United States Code, all medals struck under this Act shall be considered to be numismatic items. 6. Authority to use fund amounts; proceeds of sale (a) Authority To use fund amounts There is authorized to be charged against the United States Mint Public Enterprise Fund, such amounts as may be necessary to pay for the costs of the medals struck pursuant to this Act. (b) Proceeds of sale Amounts received from the sale of duplicate bronze medals authorized under section 4 shall be deposited into the United States Mint Public Enterprise Fund.
2023-01-08 17:38:11.767
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Introduced-in-House" bill-type="olc" dms-id="H29288B49617B48E1B708670822B81024" public-private="public"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 716 IH: To direct the Secretary of the Interior to convey certain Federal land to the city of Vancouver, Washington, and for other purposes. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-02-14 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> I </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 716 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130214"> February 14, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="H001056"> Ms. Herrera Beutler </sponsor> introduced the following bill; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="HII00"> Committee on Natural Resources </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> A BILL </legis-type> <official-title> To direct the Secretary of the Interior to convey certain Federal land to the city of Vancouver, Washington, and for other purposes. </official-title> </form> <legis-body id="HB97397D592AB4458AF714619A45AC63D" style="OLC"> <section id="HB34EF689F0AA47D98BA140000C12FBBC" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Land Conveyance </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> The Secretary of the Interior shall convey, for no consideration, to the City of Vancouver, Washington, the Pearson Aviation Museum complex, including the main and historic hangars, headquarters, and munitions building, and the approximately 7 acre complex site, as described in the document titled <quote> Cooperative Agreement Between the City of Vancouver and the United States of America Department of Interior, National Park Service </quote> , numbered 1443–CA9000–96–01, and dated December 4, 1995. The City of Vancouver shall pay the costs of the conveyance. </text> </section> </legis-body> </bill>
I 113th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 716 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES February 14, 2013 Ms. Herrera Beutler introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Natural Resources A BILL To direct the Secretary of the Interior to convey certain Federal land to the city of Vancouver, Washington, and for other purposes. 1. Land Conveyance The Secretary of the Interior shall convey, for no consideration, to the City of Vancouver, Washington, the Pearson Aviation Museum complex, including the main and historic hangars, headquarters, and munitions building, and the approximately 7 acre complex site, as described in the document titled Cooperative Agreement Between the City of Vancouver and the United States of America Department of Interior, National Park Service , numbered 1443–CA9000–96–01, and dated December 4, 1995. The City of Vancouver shall pay the costs of the conveyance.
2023-01-08 17:38:12.011
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Introduced-in-House" bill-type="olc" dms-id="H3166390E0EED46AFB9983EC080946618" public-private="public"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 717 IH: Reuniting Families Act </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-02-14 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> I </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 717 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130214"> February 14, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="H001034"> Mr. Honda </sponsor> (for himself, <cosponsor name-id="G000535"> Mr. Gutierrez </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="P000197"> Ms. Pelosi </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="B000287"> Mr. Becerra </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="C000714"> Mr. Conyers </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="L000397"> Ms. Lofgren </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="C001080"> Ms. Chu </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="N000002"> Mr. Nadler </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="L000551"> Ms. Lee of California </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="G000551"> Mr. Grijalva </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="E000288"> Mr. Ellison </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="P000598"> Mr. Polis </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="W000797"> Ms. Wasserman Schultz </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="B001245"> Ms. Bordallo </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="I000057"> Mr. Israel </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="C001067"> Ms. Clarke </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="R000053"> Mr. Rangel </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S001145"> Ms. Schakowsky </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="W000808"> Ms. Wilson of Florida </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="H001032"> Mr. Holt </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="F000030"> Mr. Farr </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="G000553"> Mr. Al Green of Texas </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="R000515"> Mr. Rush </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="H000324"> Mr. Hastings of Florida </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S001165"> Mr. Sires </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="J000126"> Ms. Eddie Bernice Johnson of Texas </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="L000579"> Mr. Lowenthal </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="B000574"> Mr. Blumenauer </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="M000933"> Mr. Moran </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="E000215"> Ms. Eshoo </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="N000179"> Mrs. Napolitano </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="M000312"> Mr. McGovern </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="F000010"> Mr. Faleomavaega </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="D000610"> Mr. Deutch </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="C001036"> Mrs. Capps </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="Q000023"> Mr. Quigley </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="G000571"> Ms. Gabbard </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="P000607"> Mr. Pocan </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="P000597"> Ms. Pingree of Maine </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S001191"> Ms. Sinema </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="C001037"> Mr. Capuano </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="T000472"> Mr. Takano </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="M001188"> Ms. Meng </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="T000469"> Mr. Tonko </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S001177"> Mr. Sablan </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="C001066"> Ms. Castor of Florida </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S001175"> Ms. Speier </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="C001084"> Mr. Cicilline </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="C001097"> Mr. Cárdenas </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="C001078"> Mr. Connolly </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="M000087"> Mrs. Carolyn B. Maloney of New York </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="M001160"> Ms. Moore </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="W000800"> Mr. Welch </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="P000596"> Mr. Pierluisi </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="V000130"> Mr. Vargas </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="L000559"> Mr. Langevin </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="T000465"> Ms. Tsongas </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="D000598"> Mrs. Davis of California </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="M000133"> Mr. Markey </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="V000131"> Mr. Veasey </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S001193"> Mr. Swalwell of California </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="S000248"> Mr. Serrano </cosponsor> ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="HJU00"> Committee on the Judiciary </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> A BILL </legis-type> <official-title> To amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to promote family unity, and for other purposes. </official-title> </form> <legis-body id="H470EBED9AE3C44928CF1ABC36B44D4F2" style="OLC"> <section id="H1EF2EC7CF1FD4DE39CA1BDC597F67075" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Short title; table of contents </header> <subsection id="H993E73CA5131442ABC1F1029A7E69545"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Short title </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> This Act may be cited as the <quote> <short-title> Reuniting Families Act </short-title> </quote> . </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H3412652563F142D49C3E801D858F1999"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Table of contents </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The table of contents for this Act is as follows: </text> <toc container-level="legis-body-container" lowest-bolded-level="division-lowest-bolded" lowest-level="section" quoted-block="no-quoted-block" regeneration="yes-regeneration"> <toc-entry idref="H1EF2EC7CF1FD4DE39CA1BDC597F67075" level="section"> Sec. 1. Short title; table of contents. </toc-entry> <toc-entry idref="H0863EBA994F5473C916837752CBF4199" level="title"> Title I—Reducing family-based visa backlogs and promoting family reunification </toc-entry> <toc-entry idref="HC174DDFAF5A7459A87E3158D0445EC77" level="section"> Sec. 101. Recapture of immigrant visas lost to bureaucratic delay. </toc-entry> <toc-entry idref="HB5258EF8CD2340F8894501BE4C7AB604" level="section"> Sec. 102. Reclassification of spouses and minor children of legal permanent residents as immediate relatives. </toc-entry> <toc-entry idref="HB47EFD67837D482FA9A37F9574DC42A4" level="section"> Sec. 103. Country limits. </toc-entry> <toc-entry idref="HE76EF56AE6854320BE40CC2B0762B97E" level="section"> Sec. 104. Promoting family unity. </toc-entry> <toc-entry idref="H3B6DFA5855204029BB3606A5A926756B" level="section"> Sec. 105. Relief for orphans, widows, and widowers. </toc-entry> <toc-entry idref="H26B3FFFB773746479CD9148C8F6C13B7" level="section"> Sec. 106. Exemption from immigrant visa limit for certain veterans who are natives of Philippines. </toc-entry> <toc-entry idref="H3265EAB95BBB41269575A53F6C62B7CA" level="section"> Sec. 107. Fiancée child status protection. </toc-entry> <toc-entry idref="H599AE01B1001493E876B05254185711C" level="section"> Sec. 108. Equal treatment for all stepchildren. </toc-entry> <toc-entry idref="HB16D19B0536943D8B86484AD41B526B2" level="section"> Sec. 109. Retention of priority dates. </toc-entry> <toc-entry idref="H2CDCAB83A7BA4D04AF3DFA8D478CD384" level="title"> Title II—Uniting American Families Act </toc-entry> <toc-entry idref="H5B329AFFE02742CA8C1EDF86BC6573C2" level="section"> Sec. 201. Definitions of permanent partner and permanent partnership. </toc-entry> <toc-entry idref="H26C17AE651FB4ED6898C7FF44904584F" level="section"> Sec. 202. Definition of child. </toc-entry> <toc-entry idref="HAE3C9294C9BC46C089D95F5780AA130A" level="section"> Sec. 203. Worldwide level of immigration. </toc-entry> <toc-entry idref="H0CAE8859F79A477E9127C23412F1031D" level="section"> Sec. 204. Numerical limitations on individual foreign states. </toc-entry> <toc-entry idref="H51FE33B1C85545EA8103033BFB5B333B" level="section"> Sec. 205. Allocation of immigrant visas. </toc-entry> <toc-entry idref="HC3906888E23947D0A859A0C860AECCEC" level="section"> Sec. 206. Procedure for granting immigrant status. </toc-entry> <toc-entry idref="HA2611FEC528F4240B67EBF6F6F7616AF" level="section"> Sec. 207. Annual admission of refugees and admission of emergency situation refugees. </toc-entry> <toc-entry idref="H427F8CEECD2D40DBBF646B51A7FA0C11" level="section"> Sec. 208. Asylum. </toc-entry> <toc-entry idref="H997AF648226340F289D1CD7C729EC8F5" level="section"> Sec. 209. Adjustment of status of refugees. </toc-entry> <toc-entry idref="HCE3277BC38DB4FE4AA7DFAFF2D0C5CBF" level="section"> Sec. 210. Inadmissible aliens. </toc-entry> <toc-entry idref="H3224C23D44C44DC181EC05979E27A445" level="section"> Sec. 211. Nonimmigrant status for permanent partners awaiting the availability of an immigrant visa. </toc-entry> <toc-entry idref="H87762C2E21F045AD81C86766527589F2" level="section"> Sec. 212. Derivative status for permanent partners of nonimmigrant visa holders. </toc-entry> <toc-entry idref="H7E356D28F44C4C98B3EC23B018C2FCF1" level="section"> Sec. 213. Conditional permanent resident status for certain alien spouses, permanent partners, and sons and daughters. </toc-entry> <toc-entry idref="H5277F56F9D4147559727F7E4823B5816" level="section"> Sec. 214. Conditional permanent resident status for certain alien entrepreneurs, spouses, permanent partners, and children. </toc-entry> <toc-entry idref="HA213282FAB9D4861AF8B396B43A032DA" level="section"> Sec. 215. Deportable aliens. </toc-entry> <toc-entry idref="H9EBE2042B0E3452494E913C6E3739BE8" level="section"> Sec. 216. Removal proceedings. </toc-entry> <toc-entry idref="HFB0D079DDD7948DFBE2D32E670B0D0A7" level="section"> Sec. 217. Cancellation of removal; adjustment of status. </toc-entry> <toc-entry idref="HF01D0577D09E4319B99B1AA1D7B14BC9" level="section"> Sec. 218. Adjustment of status of nonimmigrant to that of person admitted for permanent residence. </toc-entry> <toc-entry idref="H7013A3848FC94DACB091DA7F1575C314" level="section"> Sec. 219. Application of criminal penalties for misrepresentation and concealment of facts regarding permanent partnerships. </toc-entry> <toc-entry idref="HB9EABD2C2E874C9C812B0DA0A0302653" level="section"> Sec. 220. Requirements as to residence, good moral character, attachment to the principles of the Constitution. </toc-entry> <toc-entry idref="HE5AE69B8A5DC4671AF0B1C971F4D798D" level="section"> Sec. 221. Naturalization for permanent partners of citizens. </toc-entry> <toc-entry idref="H15CCF2A8AB0F40A68A0837DE00F73277" level="section"> Sec. 222. Application of family unity provisions to permanent partners of certain LIFE Act beneficiaries. </toc-entry> <toc-entry idref="H56A3B6C5D8F2469F9FD85089472BC432" level="section"> Sec. 223. Application to Cuban Adjustment Act. </toc-entry> </toc> </subsection> </section> <title id="H0863EBA994F5473C916837752CBF4199"> <enum> I </enum> <header> Reducing family-based visa backlogs and promoting family reunification </header> <section id="HC174DDFAF5A7459A87E3158D0445EC77"> <enum> 101. </enum> <header> Recapture of immigrant visas lost to bureaucratic delay </header> <subsection id="H2E3C2D8BC8464746AF1810C7657C554E"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Worldwide level of family-Sponsored immigrants </header> <text> Section 201(c) of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/8/1151"> 8 U.S.C. 1151(c) </external-xref> ) is amended to read as follows: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H7C179010FC194608805ABC5FBD7DBA06" style="OLC"> <subsection id="H96054724A7DB42F48328E33B928708CE"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Worldwide level of family-Sponsored immigrants </header> <paragraph display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H2F5E16404F4D4A6FB508F498E3D888FB"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Subject to subparagraph (B), the worldwide level of family-sponsored immigrants under this subsection for a fiscal year is equal to the sum of— </text> <subparagraph id="H566306DAB6824C88988A89A2AB7FBB06"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> 480,000; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HAEA84CC4BDCD40B49C7364C59BB4EFE6"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> the sum of— </text> <clause id="H8FFD0A320EF74CCCA8E465151AE4DE41"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> the number computed under paragraph (2); and </text> </clause> <clause id="H657577DCC9E54CF1B476788EEE016285"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> the number computed under paragraph (3). </text> </clause> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H1B12C06F7FA24A31990697BE4E1790E3"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Unused visa numbers from previous fiscal year </header> <text> The number computed under this paragraph for a fiscal year is the difference, if any, between— </text> <subparagraph id="HD89B32B5D2944751A6EC5A9C44BF128C"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> the worldwide level of family-sponsored immigrant visas established for the previous fiscal year; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H84CF7783045A42A49CA897F613AC49D5"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> the number of visas issued under section 203(a), subject to this subsection, during the previous fiscal year. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HC3C83A9B7CA0468B8AFF48CF5A19D1A3"> <enum> (3) </enum> <header> Unused visa numbers from fiscal years 1992 through 2011 </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The number computed under this paragraph is the difference, if any, between— </text> <subparagraph id="HC7D4B397E148412595AFCDDABE9B680D"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> the difference, if any, between— </text> <clause id="HEB4B453FB4AF460499743C3A245E348E"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> the sum of the worldwide levels of family-sponsored immigrant visas established for fiscal years 1992 through 2011; and </text> </clause> <clause id="H810A3C35227E410A95F7D6ECF5A3672E"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> the number of visas issued under section 203(a), subject to this subsection, during such fiscal years; and </text> </clause> </subparagraph> <subparagraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HF9432076AB4941C28578A97ED8C88735"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> the number of unused visas from fiscal years 1992 through 2011 that were issued after fiscal year 2011 under section 203(a), subject to this subsection. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </subsection> <subsection id="HBC620FED03E64B1FA82403F87B690D9D"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Worldwide level of employment-Based immigrants </header> <text> Section 201(d) of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/8/1151"> 8 U.S.C. 1151(d) </external-xref> ) is amended to read as follows: </text> <quoted-block id="H906FB0DD61454585AAD27A5F06E048CF" style="OLC"> <subsection id="H2CBA981358504293A7A9FB765EFFE0B5"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header> Worldwide level of employment-Based immigrants </header> <paragraph id="H9EAB319C8C974B198DFBEEE33BD40709"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> The worldwide level of employment-based immigrants under this subsection for a fiscal year is equal to the sum of— </text> <subparagraph id="HB3A05F2EE5E7478DA113A60607D67C92"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> 140,000; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H38763A3E933F4C9C896328CFAF0F38A2"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> the number computed under paragraph (2); and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H759E0837879E4B54917318AF6AE4B8D3"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> the number computed under paragraph (3). </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H6B2F18C737BC4A5293DCE1E4092EF225"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Unused visa numbers from previous fiscal year </header> <text> The number computed under this paragraph for a fiscal year is the difference, if any, between— </text> <subparagraph id="H987103C582584A9E87FA77F2301E22BA"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> the worldwide level of employment-based immigrant visas established for the previous fiscal year; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HAFE256464BCA4705896B6F2360D54315"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> the number of visas issued under section 203(b), subject to this subsection, during the previous fiscal year. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H6F91A278FD83419EBC4B41B912758034"> <enum> (3) </enum> <header> Unused visa numbers from fiscal years 1992 through 2011 </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The number computed under this paragraph is the difference, if any, between— </text> <subparagraph id="H3A59919EB52D49C08D9BDD9D584E0029"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> the difference, if any, between— </text> <clause id="H3398F57BEA7B40AC9A4F4FAE33EBE262"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> the sum of the worldwide levels of employment-based immigrant visas established for each of fiscal years 1992 through 2011; and </text> </clause> <clause id="HA2DF3BE419D54D68B979ED41AF616A74"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> the number of visas issued under section 203(b), subject to this subsection, during such fiscal years; and </text> </clause> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HC43733E0857243298CAEEF64983532EF"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> the number of unused visas from fiscal years 1992 through 2011 that were issued after fiscal year 2011 under section 203(b), subject to this subsection. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </subsection> <subsection commented="no" id="HD5E96F8DAD0949269814068FFA8A1C0D"> <enum> (c) </enum> <text> Section 201(b) of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/8/1151"> 8 U.S.C. 1151(b) </external-xref> ) is amended by adding at the end the following: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HEE0BDCE20756448EA4A12451F3CBA26F" style="OLC"> <paragraph commented="no" id="HBA9CA857E905485EB3A865DCBC555027"> <enum> (3) </enum> <subparagraph commented="no" display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="HB0E3A2C525184E769048AF69CBE3D9A8"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> Aliens who are beneficiaries (including derivative beneficiaries) of approved immigrant petitions bearing priority dates more than ten years prior to the alien's application for admission as an immigrant or adjustment of status. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph commented="no" id="H591DB38876644224AF652333C820A379" indent="up1"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Aliens described in section 203(d) whose spouse or parent is entitled to an immigrant status under 203(b). </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </subsection> <subsection commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H1D06745B3CF2412E890B26FA79A4A260"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header> Effective date </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The amendments made by this section shall take effect on the date which is 60 days after the date of the enactment of this Act. </text> </subsection> </section> <section id="HB5258EF8CD2340F8894501BE4C7AB604"> <enum> 102. </enum> <header> Reclassification of spouses and minor children of legal permanent residents as immediate relatives </header> <subsection id="HC2A845E9A64B49F7B6FD3DBF52F93B70"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> Section 201(b)(2) of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/8/1151"> 8 U.S.C. 1151(b)(2) </external-xref> ) is amended to read as follows: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H70697EE24A9644DB8AD2860140DAA273" style="OLC"> <paragraph id="H1AD4D92B6A12470DB31304BA34BDE848"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Immediate relative </header> <subparagraph id="HE62A4FC80A0F41D99E4D867CB5E6124B"> <enum> (A) </enum> <header> In general </header> <clause id="H58377A9FA9E4448F960F3D014117199F"> <enum> (i) </enum> <header> Immediate relative defined </header> <text> In this subparagraph, the term <term> immediate relative </term> means a child, spouse, or parent of a citizen of the United States or a child or spouse of a lawful permanent resident (and for each family member of a citizen or lawful permanent resident under this subparagraph, such individual’s spouse or child who is accompanying or following to join the individual), except that, in the case of parents, such citizens shall be at least 21 years of age. </text> </clause> <clause id="H463F2F51EDE443ECAA03FD06BCDB7C60"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <header> Previously issued visa </header> <text> Aliens admitted under section 211(a) on the basis of a prior issuance of a visa under section 203(a) to their accompanying parent who is an immediate relative. </text> </clause> <clause id="H28B39AE7C0354697B409CEB562BD5449"> <enum> (iii) </enum> <header> Parents and children </header> <text> An alien who was the child or parent of a citizen of the United States or a child of a lawful permanent resident at the time of the citizen’s or resident’s death if the alien files a petition under 204(a)(1)(A)(ii) within 2 years after such date or prior to reaching 21 years of age. </text> </clause> <clause id="HA4A9DB632CC54F1D9DA12AF4184FF80A"> <enum> (iv) </enum> <header> Spouse </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> An alien who was the spouse of a citizen of the United States or lawful permanent resident for not less than 2 years at the time of the citizen’s or resident’s death or, if married for less than 2 years at the time of the citizen’s or resident’s death, proves by a preponderance of the evidence that the marriage was entered into in good faith and not solely for the purpose of obtaining an immigration benefit and was not legally separated from the citizen or resident at the time of the citizen’s or resident’s death, and each child of such alien, shall be considered, for purposes of this subsection, an immediate relative after the date of the citizen’s or resident’s death if the spouse files a petition under section 204(a)(1)(A)(ii) before the date on which the spouse remarries. </text> </clause> <clause id="HDDD47808806140D78F0A11C89ACF6A41"> <enum> (v) </enum> <header> Special rule </header> <text> For purposes of this subparagraph, an alien who has filed a petition under clause (iii) or (iv) of section 204(a)(1)(A) remains an immediate relative if the United States citizen or lawful permanent resident spouse or parent loses United States citizenship or residence on account of the abuse. </text> </clause> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H1C05FD8FB0A048E79BF92E36B2C3F550"> <enum> (B) </enum> <header> Birth during temporary visit abroad </header> <text> Aliens born to an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence during a temporary visit abroad. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </subsection> <subsection id="H64D87B09F972435984A071786A400608"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Allocation of immigrant visas </header> <text> Section 203(a) of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/8/1153"> 8 U.S.C. 1153(a) </external-xref> ) is amended— </text> <paragraph id="HFF9C6CFD141A42EA8D77B4CDF1646A6A"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> in paragraph (1), by striking <quote> 23,400 </quote> and inserting <quote> 127,200 </quote> ; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H9B5F8975299C475A82A782CDCD4F994D"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> by striking paragraph (2) and inserting the following: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HFF17968BB09B4110A6C11CA2CAF3F521" style="OLC"> <paragraph id="H91A463DF81FD40549F609A433AB4B27C"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Unmarried sons and unmarried daughters of permanent resident aliens </header> <text> Qualified immigrants who are the unmarried sons or unmarried daughters (but are not the children) of an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence shall be allocated visas in a number not to exceed 80,640, plus any visas not required for the class specified in paragraph (1). </text> </paragraph> <after-quoted-block> ; </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HF913AD0C36D94A34ABA2B70C83FF0058"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> in paragraph (3), by striking <quote> 23,400 </quote> and inserting <quote> 80,640 </quote> ; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H9EC1E52B7CDE4D9180053A7BF29AD763"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> in paragraph (4), by striking <quote> 65,000 </quote> and inserting <quote> 191,520 </quote> . </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H4A7C8EC66D7245A5B8F5E0AA0A09A20A"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Technical and conforming amendments </header> <paragraph id="H92A1E5F3C5F94CA58CE4F56696A66CAB"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> Rules for determining whether certain aliens are immediate relatives </header> <text> Section 201(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/8/1151"> 8 U.S.C. 1151(f) </external-xref> ) is amended— </text> <subparagraph id="HBB73BD3B1F0B4A3A869B009EF30074A6"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> in paragraph (1), by striking <quote> paragraphs (2) and (3), </quote> and inserting <quote> paragraph (2), </quote> ; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H3AD60CAB4216405999F7181D1BD9EB62"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> by striking paragraph (2); </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H5BD98CBDF23C4E86B92B8679FD9B8F12"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> by redesignating paragraphs (3) and (4) as paragraphs (2) and (3), respectively; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H74C3EEA5838C4770BCFCF0548BF4AB01"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text> in paragraph (3), as redesignated by subparagraph (C), by striking <quote> through (3) </quote> and inserting <quote> and (2) </quote> . </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H8D8F004FC89E4B06821E4A475636D8D7"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Numerical limitation to any single foreign state </header> <text> Section 202 of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/8/1152"> 8 U.S.C. 1152 </external-xref> ) is amended— </text> <subparagraph id="H7E5D5263BEB945DB8B65C514D30907B1"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> in subsection (a)(4)— </text> <clause id="H0D71D57CAA974A21B08A1A8628E0C225"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> by striking subparagraphs (A) and (B); </text> </clause> <clause id="H7BA12B4C8A0544378A6A62693439281F"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> by redesignating subparagraphs (C) and (D) as subparagraphs (A) and (B), respectively; and </text> </clause> <clause id="H301A2569DE16467192FE4EF02EF0344B"> <enum> (iii) </enum> <text> in subparagraph (A), as redesignated by clause (ii), by striking <quote> section 203(a)(2)(B) </quote> and inserting <quote> section 203(a)(2) </quote> ; and </text> </clause> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HD77F5CD40E354CD983870AE075A2745C"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> in subsection (e), in the flush matter following paragraph (3), by striking <quote> , or as limiting the number of visas that may be issued under section 203(a)(2)(A) pursuant to subsection (a)(4)(A) </quote> . </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HE28E16F2383645729D1E67638FF7D464"> <enum> (3) </enum> <header> Allocation of immigration visas </header> <text> Section 203(h) of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/8/1153"> 8 U.S.C. 1153(h) </external-xref> ) is amended— </text> <subparagraph id="HBAE548C92FC54B669754B23BB008AA2A"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> in paragraph (1)— </text> <clause id="HB3471B249F3B4B74B06F374AB7F0EB2D"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> in the matter preceding subparagraph (A), by striking <quote> subsections (a)(2)(A) and (d) </quote> and inserting <quote> subsection (d) </quote> ; </text> </clause> <clause id="HDC6FF111A2084EBBAD936C3E8399C068"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> in subparagraph (A), by striking <quote> becomes available for such alien (or, in the case of subsection (d), the date on which an immigrant visa number became available for the alien’s parent), </quote> and inserting <quote> became available for the alien’s parent, </quote> ; and </text> </clause> <clause id="H9B1905D043364FB4A8AE5F32815AB36B"> <enum> (iii) </enum> <text> in subparagraph (B), by striking <quote> applicable </quote> ; </text> </clause> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H4DC0F5511FD24C3B81C5405492BDDFFD"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> by amending paragraph (2) to read as follows: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HF1CCB833F3C645E385770DB0A63DE119" style="OLC"> <paragraph id="HB889588BD3E243BFB7397FA94E0ACF94"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Petitions described </header> <text> The petition described in this paragraph is a petition filed under section 204 for classification of the alien’s parent under subsection (a), (b), or (c). </text> </paragraph> <after-quoted-block> ; and </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HA4587476B2D7480CA1BF66EB17D80655"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> in paragraph (3), by striking <quote> subsections (a)(2)(A) and (d) </quote> and inserting <quote> subsection (d) </quote> . </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HFF9114881884453CAA81D49CF27FD78F"> <enum> (4) </enum> <header> Procedure for granting immigrant status </header> <text> Section 204 of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/8/1154"> 8 U.S.C. 1154 </external-xref> ) is amended— </text> <subparagraph id="HF929942FEC9F4CECA40C93E1ACA975D4"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> in subsection (a)(1)— </text> <clause id="H59013CCA2C4D400DAC2335B1BAA6812A"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> in subparagraph (A)— </text> <subclause id="H812A952A7D7C40D1B80DCD5FCA50754C"> <enum> (I) </enum> <text> in clause (i), by inserting <quote> or lawful permanent resident </quote> after <quote> citizen </quote> ; </text> </subclause> <subclause id="H7D6AD12BE3ED49B2A6FEB5B6CFA4D023"> <enum> (II) </enum> <text> in clause (ii), by striking <quote> described in the second sentence of section 201(b)(2)(A)(i) also </quote> and inserting <quote> , alien child, or alien parent described in section 201(b)(2)(A) </quote> ; </text> </subclause> <subclause id="HA19E993C11764249BBFD2CFA4CA054AA"> <enum> (III) </enum> <text> in clause (iii)— </text> <item id="H7D4A7B5609174FCABCA526D7EA42195E"> <enum> (aa) </enum> <text> in subclause (I)(aa), by inserting <quote> or legal permanent resident </quote> after <quote> citizen </quote> ; and </text> </item> <item id="HA7CB798BB10A4ECB96698DBA1ACC469F"> <enum> (bb) </enum> <text> in subclause (II)(aa)— </text> <subitem id="HB182DEA4AEE04ADC932A1C0A74D8FB81"> <enum> (AA) </enum> <text> in subitems (AA) and (BB), by inserting <quote> or legal permanent resident; </quote> after <quote> citizen </quote> each place that term appears; </text> </subitem> <subitem id="HC0D6F586F15A4A3AA9EEEFDADFF69E3C"> <enum> (BB) </enum> <text> in subitem (CC), by inserting <quote> or legal permanent resident </quote> after <quote> citizen </quote> each place that term appears; and </text> </subitem> <subitem id="HAF2A611F109943CB8EE20F5084517690"> <enum> (CC) </enum> <text> in subitem (CC)(bbb), by inserting <quote> or legal permanent resident </quote> after <quote> citizenship </quote> ; </text> </subitem> </item> </subclause> <subclause id="H5AB5BB8755124DF4AF3081C7E67D6E27"> <enum> (IV) </enum> <text> in clause (iv), by inserting <quote> or legal permanent resident </quote> after <quote> citizen </quote> each place that term appears; </text> </subclause> <subclause id="H100348A1686D462CA0C8E0D528493BDD"> <enum> (V) </enum> <text> in clause (v)(I), by inserting <quote> or legal permanent resident </quote> after <quote> citizen </quote> ; and </text> </subclause> <subclause id="HFDF8091D85EE444294C6E407FEDC8F0C"> <enum> (VI) </enum> <text> in clause (vi)— </text> <item id="H7AF234F870204691BE3544AD576BA9D8"> <enum> (aa) </enum> <text> by inserting <quote> or legal permanent resident status </quote> after <quote> renunciation of citizenship </quote> ; and </text> </item> <item id="H439AE60A7F3343F898E43A0BEAFB8943"> <enum> (bb) </enum> <text> by inserting <quote> or legal permanent resident </quote> after <quote> abuser’s citizenship </quote> ; </text> </item> </subclause> </clause> <clause commented="no" id="HC9BE0F6072E54389B3F2220E1D2FE8D8"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> by striking subparagraph (B); </text> </clause> <clause id="HE03C72692AD74D68B98EFC0913837803"> <enum> (iii) </enum> <text> in subparagraph (C), by striking <quote> subparagraph (A)(iii), (A)(iv), (B)(ii), or (B)(iii) </quote> and inserting <quote> clause (iii) or (iv) of subparagraph (A) </quote> ; and </text> </clause> <clause id="H25F9AE72EF204FB6BA0028589BA4D6AA"> <enum> (iv) </enum> <text> in subparagraph (J), by striking <quote> or clause (ii) or (iii) of subparagraph (B) </quote> ; </text> </clause> </subparagraph> <subparagraph commented="no" id="H839BA58D2A1B4A9880B9C6D74A60F551"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> in subsection (a), by striking paragraph (2); </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H9A3A2118D8B64DD59700988F38E848B7"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> in subsection (c)(1), by striking <quote> or preference status </quote> ; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HC88525214B7047478E594DE04AFD7B90"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text> in subsection (h), by striking <quote> or a petition filed under subsection (a)(1)(B)(ii) </quote> . </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> </section> <section id="HB47EFD67837D482FA9A37F9574DC42A4"> <enum> 103. </enum> <header> Country limits </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Section 202(a)(2) of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/8/1152"> 8 U.S.C. 1152(a)(2) </external-xref> ) is amended by striking <quote> 7 percent (in the case of a single foreign state) or 2 percent </quote> and inserting <quote> 15 percent (in the case of a single foreign state) or 5 percent </quote> . </text> </section> <section id="HE76EF56AE6854320BE40CC2B0762B97E"> <enum> 104. </enum> <header> Promoting family unity </header> <subsection id="HAA8F151C8C3742ACADBC47B14B14FE4B"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Aliens previously removed </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Section 212(a)(9) of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/8/1182"> 8 U.S.C. 1182(a)(9) </external-xref> ) is amended— </text> <paragraph id="H9DB6CD7237D741ABBC8E325FC5F3E080"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> in subparagraph (B)— </text> <subparagraph id="H801E2EA63576417895EC1747726F1828"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> in clause (iii)— </text> <clause id="H7E61C95489664EBFB9C984FDB04C1B31"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> in subclause (I), by striking <quote> 18 years of age </quote> and inserting <quote> 21 years of age </quote> ; </text> </clause> <clause id="H9C8E4B9F8B674CCBBC4D3ABF57644080"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> by moving subclause (V) 4 ems to the right; and </text> </clause> <clause id="HEF0D2F1F54D5455B88C28EB447CD4F14"> <enum> (iii) </enum> <text> by adding at the end the following: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HA736158B9CF546468CDD42653C3BE283" style="OLC"> <subclause id="H0DD48FE4BD02471C9DE9FD990CA97358"> <enum> (VI) </enum> <text> Clause (i) shall not apply to an alien for whom an immigrant visa is available or was available on or before the date of the enactment of the <short-title> Reuniting Families Act </short-title> , and is otherwise admissible to the United States for permanent residence. </text> </subclause> <after-quoted-block> ; and </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </clause> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HC438ADC14417434083048580E2F52E4E"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> in clause (v)— </text> <clause id="H9ADE9A9810004E90A45E04D97996A0DE"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> by striking <quote> spouse or son or daughter </quote> and inserting <quote> spouse, son, daughter, or parent </quote> ; </text> </clause> <clause id="H11718073F8544D9A91CF164567220117"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> by striking <quote> extreme </quote> ; </text> </clause> <clause id="H4F8464518DEE46DB9C7095969CBFB9AF"> <enum> (iii) </enum> <text> by inserting <quote> , son, daughter, or </quote> after <quote> lawfully resident spouse </quote> ; and </text> </clause> <clause id="HDCE215993C9D4DC696A9996AECD435AC"> <enum> (iv) </enum> <text> by striking <quote> alien. </quote> and inserting <quote> alien or, if the Secretary of Homeland Security determines that a waiver is necessary for humanitarian purposes, to ensure family unity or is otherwise in the public interest. </quote> ; and </text> </clause> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H0DC3AF322D464009BDD822216B31AB7C"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> in subparagraph (C)— </text> <subparagraph id="H5FE4BAB5EB8940B3ADA95C48678BD08B"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> by amending clause (ii) to read as follows: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HC017619CFFEB4353BDE4FCFA75E1C909" style="OLC"> <clause id="H5C829D72C945461FBEDF686BC3A56ABE"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <header> Exceptions </header> <text> Clause (i) shall not apply to an alien— </text> <subclause id="H3DF8B4E29C5749EEB170313B965F4E1A"> <enum> (I) </enum> <text> seeking admission more than 10 years after the date of the alien’s last departure from the United States if, prior to the alien’s reembarkation at a place outside the United States or attempt to be readmitted from a foreign contiguous territory, the Secretary of Homeland Security has consented to the alien’s reapplication for admission; or </text> </subclause> <subclause id="H45E995EDC7124C57BF50DA6E17151475"> <enum> (II) </enum> <text> for whom an immigrant visa is available or was available on or before the date of the enactment of the <short-title> Reuniting Families Act </short-title> . </text> </subclause> </clause> <after-quoted-block> ; </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HA1CEEA29E6A44322B561E090F3E03BC0"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> by redesignating clause (iii) as clause (iv); and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H8B3CB8CDBD1E4CD3B516993EFE90D0C6"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> by inserting after clause (ii) the following: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H20C174A042A1410686347AD56A3516CF" style="OLC"> <clause id="H804B17A58C4A4C5AAE062C1811656AC0"> <enum> (iii) </enum> <text> For purposes of determining whether an alien has accumulated an aggregate period of more than 1 year of unlawful presence under clause (i), the same rules of unlawful presence construction under section 212(a)(9)(B)(ii) and the exceptions under section 212(a)(9)(B)(iii) shall apply. </text> </clause> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H7E71746193DC4A27B552ADE09B1541D9"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Misrepresentations </header> <text> The Immigration and Nationality Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/8/1101"> 8 U.S.C. 1101 et seq. </external-xref> ) is amended— </text> <paragraph id="H19330E50683F4FACAE0325F2169D2FA2"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> by amending section 212(a)(6)(C)(ii) (8 U.S.C. 1182(a)(6)(C)(ii)) to read as follows: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H9C0079582FBA4828B929817490209BA1" style="OLC"> <clause id="HC0797526B875417D92651F47CDFA3E6D"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <header> Misrepresentation of citizenship </header> <subclause id="H34DC127A0F49427AB56B282A1F333663"> <enum> (I) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Any alien who willfully misrepresents, or has willfully misrepresented, himself or herself to be a citizen of the United States for any purpose or benefit under this Act (including section 274A) or any Federal or State law is inadmissible. </text> </subclause> <subclause id="HE369CC085C1A4998A017BE2B5F34AC9B"> <enum> (II) </enum> <header> Exception </header> <text> In the case of an alien making a misrepresentation described in subclause (I), if the alien was under the age of 21 at the time of making such misrepresentation that he or she was a citizen, the alien shall not be considered to be inadmissible under any provision of this subsection based on such misrepresentation. </text> </subclause> </clause> <after-quoted-block> ; </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H65AF428A11DA40D396E03BBF9796C4EE"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> in section 212(a)(6)(C)(iii) (8 U.S.C. 1182(a)(6)(C)(iii)), by striking <quote> of clause (i) </quote> ; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H7D4F858945A44B6B83BD80E6FC71A76A"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> by amending subsection (i)(1) of section 212 ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/8/1182"> 8 U.S.C. 1182(i)(1) </external-xref> ) to read as follows: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H41A550C11FFC48A19B45B0277075191A" style="OLC"> <subsection id="H8588C9E1A07440F98006F5E324EB0771"> <enum> (i) </enum> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="H4A7F9F0223754BC0BA4D9645BACF7CCE"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The Attorney General or the Secretary of Homeland Security may, in the discretion of the Attorney General or the Secretary, waive the application of subsection (a)(6)(C) in the case of an immigrant who is the parent, spouse, son, or daughter of a United States citizen or of an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence, or an alien granted classification under clause (iii) or (iv) of section 204(a)(1)(A), if it is established to the satisfaction of the Attorney General or the Secretary that the admission to the United States of such alien would not be contrary to the national welfare, safety, or security of the United States. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <after-quoted-block> ; and </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HF0A60B55E3EA4B2D83DD6808FB9942DD"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> by amending section 237(a)(3)(D) (8 U.S.C. 1227(a)(3)(D)) to read as follows: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HA92ECE245958481C9DFEEA1917A970A9" style="OLC"> <subparagraph id="H622E4395D49747CBA74D881CEF7D05D1"> <enum> (D) </enum> <header> Misrepresentation of citizenship </header> <clause id="H6C31E067E2C5411C8FCEB72DDA00761B"> <enum> (i) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Any alien who willfully misrepresents, or has willfully misrepresented, himself to be a citizen of the United States for any purpose or benefit under this Act (including section 274A) or any Federal or State law is deportable. </text> </clause> <clause id="HD56A5E4153464148B21BF8186D14A3F8"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <header> Exception </header> <text> In the case of an alien making a misrepresentation described in subclause (i), if the alien was under the age of 21 at the time of making such misrepresentation that he or she was a citizen, the alien shall not be considered to be deportable under any provision of this subsection based on such misrepresentation. </text> </clause> </subparagraph> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </paragraph> </subsection> </section> <section id="H3B6DFA5855204029BB3606A5A926756B"> <enum> 105. </enum> <header> Relief for orphans, widows, and widowers </header> <subsection id="HCCAA48C4D1B3495090190E93E5728361"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> In general </header> <paragraph id="H9FDD00CA204242B2A1168CFFD32E0DC0"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> Special rule for orphans and spouses </header> <text> In applying clauses (iii) and (iv) of section 201(b)(2)(A) of the <act-name parsable-cite="INA"> Immigration and Nationality Act </act-name> , as added by section 102(a) of this Act, to an alien whose citizen or lawful permanent resident relative died before the date of the enactment of this Act, the alien relative may file the classification petition under section 204(a)(1)(A)(ii) of such Act, as amended by section 102(c)(4)(A)(i)(II) of this Act, not later than 2 years after the date of the enactment of this Act. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HC538B7F2F1504466BCF437D33DA38AE5"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Eligibility for parole </header> <text> If an alien was excluded, deported, removed, or departed voluntarily before the date of the enactment of this Act based solely upon the alien’s lack of classification as an immediate relative (as defined in section 201(b)(2)(A)(iv) of the <act-name parsable-cite="INA"> Immigration and Nationality Act </act-name> , as amended by section 102(a) of this Act) due to the death of such citizen or resident— </text> <subparagraph id="HBE176E5A86064F3D9A1B2BB3BA4D8E26"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> such alien shall be eligible for parole into the United States pursuant to the Secretary of Homeland Security’s discretionary authority under section 212(d)(5) of such Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/8/1182"> 8 U.S.C. 1182(d)(5) </external-xref> ); and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HB90D5AE32630421C98D73CE479C03869"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> such alien’s application for adjustment of status shall be considered notwithstanding section 212(a)(9) of such Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/8/1182"> 8 U.S.C. 1182(a)(9) </external-xref> ). </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HD540A2E4A1744EE9AE30564F588A0663"> <enum> (3) </enum> <header> Eligibility for parole </header> <text> If an alien described in section 204(l) of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/8/1154"> 8 U.S.C. 1154(l) </external-xref> ), was excluded, deported, removed, or departed voluntarily before the date of the enactment of this Act— </text> <subparagraph id="H657234D218BE4203A82A47B501058268"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> such alien shall be eligible for parole into the United States pursuant to the Secretary of Homeland Security’s discretionary authority under section 212(d)(5) of such Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/8/1182"> 8 U.S.C. 1182(d)(5) </external-xref> ); and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HC8D24203EE7E49CDAC636769B1A03ADD"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> such alien’s application for adjustment of status shall be considered notwithstanding section 212(a)(9) of such Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/8/1182"> 8 U.S.C. 1182(a)(9) </external-xref> ). </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H11740940836A41EB85164B07DEA763A3"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Processing of immigrant visas and derivative petitions </header> <paragraph id="H5279D1C45F0A460BBBA20F6E299A9499"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> Section 204(b) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1154(b)) is amended— </text> <subparagraph id="H48BF48FABC824F0E851ABCB052472713"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> by striking <quote> After an investigation </quote> and inserting the following: </text> <quoted-block id="H100B2C47204247D3935C7DD301BB5424" style="OLC"> <paragraph id="H4FF1F2A2FB684749B45FB5E0E54A03BB"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> After an investigation </text> </paragraph> <after-quoted-block> ; and </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HA12B33D5EBF84A5C8EE0FE20ADD988B0"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> by adding at the end the following: </text> <quoted-block id="H988255C5372640F2929EB6FE7BE714C4" style="OLC"> <paragraph id="H3CFC46C327AE4105861DC7352BAA6618"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Death of qualifying relative </header> <subparagraph id="H458A2D47BB3F43B599E1D12E28A6F458"> <enum> (A) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> Any alien described in subparagraph (B) whose qualifying relative died before the completion of immigrant visa processing may have an immigrant visa application adjudicated as if such death had not occurred. An immigrant visa issued before the death of the qualifying relative shall remain valid after such death. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H078FB06179114466B3EE04FAD3E964ED"> <enum> (B) </enum> <header> Alien described </header> <text> An alien described in this subparagraph is an alien who— </text> <clause id="H252FFE13EAF642BB94F63F831568B186"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> is an immediate relative (as described in section 201(b)(2)(A)); </text> </clause> <clause id="H0A6BF6B67B7C4D4CA5B3A4941F9F0689"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> is a family-sponsored immigrant (as described in subsection (a) or (d) of section 203); </text> </clause> <clause id="H0A041760057B4E3798637FB447E27BAC"> <enum> (iii) </enum> <text> is a derivative beneficiary of an employment-based immigrant under section 203(b) (as described in section 203(d)); or </text> </clause> <clause id="H203F8ABBC2744B38B16C21A056531130"> <enum> (iv) </enum> <text> is the spouse or child of a refugee (as described in section 207(c)(2)) or an asylee (as described in section 208(b)(3)). </text> </clause> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H01AC766C88984F748147E03B7129A44A"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Transition period </header> <subparagraph id="H9519221B55B441C78DC7CDC43FA18BE0"> <enum> (A) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> Notwithstanding a denial or revocation of an application for an immigrant visa for an alien whose qualifying relative died before the date of the enactment of this Act, such application may be renewed by the alien through a motion to reopen, without fee. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H5C89231895B34B6994DEBD1127A77060"> <enum> (B) </enum> <header> Inapplicability of bars to entry </header> <text> Notwithstanding section 212(a)(9) of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/8/1182"> 8 U.S.C. 1182(a)(9) </external-xref> ), an alien’s application for an immigrant visa shall be considered if the alien was excluded, deported, removed, or departed voluntarily before the date of the enactment of this Act. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H0F390E618DFD4332BD613A018EC5DC75"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Naturalization </header> <text> Section 319(a) of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/8/1430"> 8 U.S.C. 1430(a) </external-xref> ) is amended by inserting <quote> (or, if the spouse is deceased, the spouse was a citizen of the United States) </quote> after <quote> citizen of the United States </quote> . </text> </subsection> <subsection commented="no" id="HF7892F0699274E9499D934CBD7F21866"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header> Waivers of inadmissibility </header> <text> Section 212 of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/8/1182"> 8 U.S.C. 1182 </external-xref> ) is amended— </text> <paragraph id="HD4FAC8AB3D7248DEB3D4F05DBF7EBCC3"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> by redesignating the second subsection (t) as subsection (u); and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H67758AAD0CF04C489D6435E475FB8771"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> by adding at the end the following: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H42C8682A5E1A4FED9D9F882063F19744" style="OLC"> <subsection commented="no" id="H42C849FC746241269E3A8CABC2335EDC"> <enum> (v) </enum> <header> Continued waiver eligibility for widows, widowers, and orphans </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> In the case of an alien who would have been statutorily eligible for any waiver of inadmissibility under this Act but for the death of a qualifying relative, the eligibility of such alien shall be preserved as if the death had not occurred and the death of the qualifying relative shall be the functional equivalent of hardship for purposes of any waiver of inadmissibility which requires a showing of hardship. </text> </subsection> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection commented="no" id="H6E74B3E9F1A74D478F40310586D4929E"> <enum> (e) </enum> <header> Surviving relative consideration for certain petitions and applications </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Section 204(l)(1) of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/8/1154"> 8 U.S.C. 1154(l)(1) </external-xref> ) is amended— </text> <paragraph id="H35AD35BF97D941F3944BA8318B5E603B"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> by striking <quote> who resided in the United States at the time of the death of the qualifying relative and who continues to reside in the United States </quote> ; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H3CBFDD7D2D3645419737D4F49148D29E"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> by striking <quote> any related applications, </quote> and inserting <quote> any related applications (including affidavits of support), </quote> . </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HF8F7B5D1B0E840B5AF6F0FA4AB86DD33"> <enum> (f) </enum> <header> Immediate relatives </header> <text> Section 201(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/8/1151"> 8 U.S.C. 1151(b)(2)(A)(i) </external-xref> ) is amended by striking <quote> within 2 years after such date </quote> . </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H670EEB35880A4E90954C85A6B41DF399"> <enum> (g) </enum> <header> Family-Sponsored immigrants </header> <text> Section 212(a)(4)(C)(i) is amended— </text> <paragraph id="HFE24BF640B5D4599B737F4EED546C054"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> in subclause (I), by striking <quote> , or </quote> and inserting a semicolon; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H1E6B85034DE046F8ADE3C152480D86A3"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> in subclause (II), by striking <quote> or </quote> at the end; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H2E6A935C947B4BD6891715C92CC5AEF5"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> by adding at the end the following: </text> <quoted-block id="H439D5D4E17A4429CA989894A63980BEE" style="OLC"> <subclause id="H44D2682A52B447B887EFDEA9A8B273CF"> <enum> (IV) </enum> <text> the status as a surviving relative under 204(l); or </text> </subclause> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </paragraph> </subsection> </section> <section id="H26B3FFFB773746479CD9148C8F6C13B7"> <enum> 106. </enum> <header> Exemption from immigrant visa limit for certain veterans who are natives of Philippines </header> <subsection id="H9B69F75BE857416D8AC3F6A3648CC8D0"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Short title </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> This section may be cited as the <quote> <short-title> Filipino Veterans Family Reunification Act </short-title> </quote> . </text> </subsection> <subsection id="HC5B8C17AF736436DB1F907A708F1DFB8"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Aliens not subject to direct numerical limitations </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Section 201(b)(1) of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/8/1151"> 8 U.S.C. 1151(b)(1) </external-xref> ) is amended by adding at the end the following: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HFEE072FB188E4310AD7BD2029A775728" style="OLC"> <subparagraph id="HE7DE1CFBB3734AB3A7EB63E07CD6E677" indent="up1"> <enum> (F) </enum> <text> Aliens who are eligible for an immigrant visa under paragraph (1) or (3) of section 203(a) and who have a parent who was naturalized pursuant to section 405 of the Immigration Act of 1990 (8 U.S.C. 1440 note). </text> </subparagraph> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </subsection> </section> <section id="H3265EAB95BBB41269575A53F6C62B7CA"> <enum> 107. </enum> <header> Fiancée child status protection </header> <subsection id="H2C984330F1564DF5BABBFD2EAC7B7627"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Definition </header> <text> Section 101(a)(15)(K)(iii) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1101(a)(15)(K)(iii)) is amended by inserting <quote> , provided that a determination of the age of such minor child is made using the age of the alien on the date on which the petition is filed with the Secretary of Homeland Security to classify the alien’s parent as the fiancée or fiancé of a United States citizen (in the case of an alien parent described in clause (i)) or as the spouse of a United States citizen under section 201(b)(2)(A)(i) (in the case of an alien parent described in clause (ii)); </quote> before the semicolon at the end. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H6D4D2AF7D7AB4106B588D8909720D609"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Adjustment of status authorized </header> <text> Section 214(d) of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/8/1184"> 8 U.S.C. 1184(d)(1) </external-xref> ) is amended— </text> <paragraph id="H2FD627B32D134ED89630448A5376F62C"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> by redesignating paragraphs (2) and (3) as paragraphs (3) and (4), respectively; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HC20B15F04EE64B1C984D5C78D0A6A23B"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> in paragraph (1), by striking <quote> In the event </quote> and inserting the following: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H1BD8592CC74B4A00A6EDE4116FD00F12" style="OLC"> <paragraph id="H02F93374FAC84B49ABA89CDC95065A74" indent="up1"> <enum> (2) </enum> <subparagraph commented="no" display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="HD160A3597CEC42EF87653D81C4AAA6AE"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> If an alien does not marry the petitioner under paragraph (1) within 3 months after the alien and the alien’s minor children are admitted into the United States, such alien and children shall be required to depart from the United States. If such aliens fail to depart from the United States, they shall be removed in accordance with sections 240 and 241. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H6174560B79D74F35AE0C38270D3A16F2" indent="up1"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> Subject to subparagraphs (C) and (D), if an alien marries the petitioner described in section 101(a)(15)(K)(i) within 3 months after the alien is admitted into the United States, the Secretary of Homeland Security or the Attorney General, subject to the provisions of section 245(d), may adjust the status of the alien, and any minor children accompanying or following to join the alien, to that of an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence on a conditional basis under section 216 if the alien and any such minor children apply for such adjustment and are not determined to be inadmissible to the United States. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HAC9FFF4113A84AC9AF209A0F672752D3" indent="up1"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> Paragraphs (5) and (7)(A) of section 212(a) shall not apply to an alien who is eligible to apply for adjustment of his or her status to an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence under this section. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H8016ECD8E2C8410B9701E0BC49A3F7D4" indent="up1"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text> An alien eligible for a waiver of inadmissibility as otherwise authorized under this Act shall be permitted to apply for adjustment of his or her status to that of an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence under this section. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HA529DE19933648D78FBEF12E3F4F1318"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Age determination </header> <text> Section 245(d) of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/8/1155"> 8 U.S.C. 1155(d) </external-xref> ) is amended— </text> <paragraph id="HB7E93128F10B47439B8D41B152F06081"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> by inserting <quote> (1) </quote> before <quote> The Attorney General </quote> ; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H20794B7077974B21B1602EE4A866B938"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> by adding at the end the following: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H7BF8A68C99BD4C918E309922BBBD527B" style="OLC"> <paragraph id="HC9012ACDE01548C48337B261D08BAA5C" indent="up1"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> A determination of the age of an alien admitted to the United States under section 101(a)(15)(K)(iii) shall be made, for purposes of adjustment to the status of an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence on a conditional basis under section 216, using the age of the alien on the date on which the petition is filed with the Secretary of Homeland Security to classify the alien’s parent as the fiancée or fiancé of a United States citizen (in the case of an alien parent admitted to the United States under section 101(a)(15)(K)(i)) or as the spouse of a United States citizen under section 201(b)(2)(A)(i) (in the case of an alien parent admitted to the United States under section 101(a)(15)(K)(ii)). </text> </paragraph> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HC7F9F80E0FAA4F0792A512F700DDFBCF"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header> Effective date </header> <paragraph id="HC68269F7E6B74E60AF10CAE9FC6FDACD"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> The amendments made by this section shall be effective as if included in the Immigration Marriage Fraud Amendments of 1986 (Public Law 99–639). </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H3B115EEEFAA74E7886E3E870E877CA3A"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Applicability </header> <text> The amendments made by this section shall apply to all petitions or applications described in such amendments that— </text> <subparagraph id="H2D9BEB0DEDCD4A65B427D8B26B6F2CD5"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> are pending as of the date of the enactment of this Act; or </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H911774D27EDF41EA93BC2DA60FCF2C11"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> have been denied, but would have been approved if such amendments had been in effect at the time of adjudication of the petition or application. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H3C9FE04E810043C39BD1864A0A602E6D"> <enum> (3) </enum> <header> Motion to reopen or reconsider </header> <text> A motion to reopen or reconsider a petition or application described in paragraph (2)(B) shall be granted if such motion is filed with the Secretary of Homeland Security or the Attorney General not later than 2 years after the date of the enactment of this Act. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> </section> <section id="H599AE01B1001493E876B05254185711C"> <enum> 108. </enum> <header> Equal treatment for all stepchildren </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Section 101(b)(1)(B) of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/8/1101"> 8 U.S.C. 1101(b)(1)(B) </external-xref> ) is amended by striking <quote> , provided the child had not reached the age of eighteen years at the time the marriage creating the status of stepchild occurred </quote> . </text> </section> <section id="HB16D19B0536943D8B86484AD41B526B2"> <enum> 109. </enum> <header> Retention of priority dates </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Section 203 of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/8/1153"> 8 U.S.C. 1153 </external-xref> ) is amended— </text> <paragraph id="HBC10E76ACB34464A8129A363635A085B"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> by amending subsection (h)(3) to read as follows: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HB76D5DC9B45C4AC68F9CD7426D82A022" style="OLC"> <paragraph id="H7B8D718FF8CC4515B6DAFF5AE5C4E73F"> <enum> (3) </enum> <header> Retention of priority date </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> If the age of an alien is determined under paragraph (1) to be 21 years of age or older for the purposes of subsections (a)(2)(A) and (d), and a parent of the alien files a family-based petition for such alien, the priority date for such petition shall be the original priority date issued upon receipt of the original family- or employment-based petition for which either parent was a beneficiary. </text> </paragraph> <after-quoted-block> ; and </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HA33C3BBD83894505AFAFA597E8A55E13"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> by adding at the end the following: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HCE4FC8D1C49F410089DFC072079D5787" style="OLC"> <subsection id="H2C45163F6CAA437F9AAA73ED0BFD7822"> <enum> (i) </enum> <header> Permanent priority dates </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The priority date for any family- or employment-based petition shall be the date of filing of the petition with the Secretary of Homeland Security (or the Secretary of State, if applicable), unless the filing of the petition was preceded by the filing of a labor certification with the Secretary of Labor, in which case that date shall constitute the priority date. The beneficiary of any petition shall retain his or her earliest priority date based on any petition filed on his or her behalf that was approvable when filed, regardless of the category of subsequent petitions. </text> </subsection> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </paragraph> </section> </title> <title id="H2CDCAB83A7BA4D04AF3DFA8D478CD384"> <enum> II </enum> <header> Uniting American Families Act </header> <section display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H5B329AFFE02742CA8C1EDF86BC6573C2" section-type="subsequent-section"> <enum> 201. </enum> <header> Definitions of permanent partner and permanent partnership </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Section 101(a) of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/8/1101"> 8 U.S.C. 1101(a) </external-xref> ) is amended— </text> <paragraph id="HFA928901E4A1478B87851A3FFC85EB8D"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> in paragraph (15)(K)(ii), by inserting <quote> or permanent partnership </quote> after <quote> marriage </quote> ; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H13DF6911D11A4E429E0266D24CADA864"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> by adding at the end the following: </text> <quoted-block id="HB24D138868EB4ECC91270FF8EFFF91CA" style="OLC"> <paragraph id="H12B99F20BB1B4CC3A025670D9D451640"> <enum> (52) </enum> <text> The term <term> permanent partner </term> means an individual 18 years of age or older who— </text> <subparagraph id="HCB18F8B4E787482F8162D9623632A8C3"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> is in a committed, intimate relationship with another individual 18 years of age or older in which both parties intend a lifelong commitment; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HD0C666B9AA4747409CD35271AFB805A3"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> is financially interdependent with that other individual; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H717F8C6DFA924F4D86D0368E60AFD968"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> is not married to or in a permanent partnership with anyone other than that other individual; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H4AA0DD5DE2E643DAB70DFAD6C0BE0BD7"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text> is unable to contract with that other individual a marriage cognizable under this Act; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HC420B702AF0242C3A3C41FF29E574D75"> <enum> (E) </enum> <text> is not a first, second, or third degree blood relation of that other individual. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HEB0295B4C7054A4894C11FB4E11580CF"> <enum> (53) </enum> <text> The term <term> permanent partnership </term> means the relationship that exists between two permanent partners. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H82F5F7632E9B418C8F550EC7CF3CE9AE"> <enum> (54) </enum> <text> The term <term> alien permanent partner </term> means the individual in a permanent partnership who is being sponsored for a visa </text> </paragraph> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </paragraph> </section> <section commented="no" id="H26C17AE651FB4ED6898C7FF44904584F"> <enum> 202. </enum> <header> Definition of child </header> <subsection id="HD3DDA6B8BD0E48B6A698904F3B748B2F"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Titles I and II </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Section 101(b)(1) of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/8/1101"> 8 U.S.C. 1101(b)(1) </external-xref> ) is amended by adding at the end the following: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HB73EC773A11246D087F16F923570551A" style="OLC"> <subparagraph id="H464333A1479547C4B9A727E9BF2D8D38" indent="up1"> <enum> (H) </enum> <clause commented="no" display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="H5CB4C82E3E0A4207866710C65CD6C58F"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> a biological child of an alien permanent partner if the child was under the age of 18 at the time the permanent partnership was formed; or </text> </clause> <clause id="HEE13541796734F928A367CF4D334C327" indent="up1"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> a child adopted by an alien permanent partner while under the age of 16 years if the child has been in the legal custody of, and has resided with, such adoptive parent for at least 2 years and if the child was under the age of 18 at the time the permanent partnership was formed. </text> </clause> </subparagraph> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </subsection> <subsection id="HE5FAB07451594573BCF0B49FE3754C92"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Title III </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Section 101(c) of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/8/1101"> 8 U.S.C. 1101(c) </external-xref> ) is amended— </text> <paragraph id="HFFD20DCA5D0343E39D94FF16443689CF"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> in paragraph (1), by inserting <quote> or as described in subsection (b)(1)(H) </quote> after <quote> The term <quote> child </quote> means an unmarried person under twenty-one years of age </quote> ; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HD5071E7376924DD9A614AF1B86C2E975"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> in paragraph (2), by inserting <quote> or a deceased permanent partner of the deceased parent, father, or mother, </quote> after <quote> deceased parent, father, and mother </quote> . </text> </paragraph> </subsection> </section> <section id="HAE3C9294C9BC46C089D95F5780AA130A"> <enum> 203. </enum> <header> Worldwide level of immigration </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Section 201(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1151(b)(2)(A)(i)) is amended— </text> <paragraph id="H5F6F55505D01405E82C30CDF194EB69E"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> by inserting <quote> permanent partners, </quote> after <quote> spouses, </quote> ; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H917B895BE33745ADA1C73335131BF87C"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> by inserting <quote> or permanent partner </quote> after <quote> spouse </quote> each place it appears; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H6580E2729F19414F8341B1EEE26E1068"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> by inserting <quote> (or, in the case of a permanent partnership, whose permanent partnership was not terminated) </quote> after <quote> was not legally separated from the citizen </quote> ; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HA725C35A4DE24B68A541A7E318DAC10F"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> by striking <quote> remarries. </quote> and inserting <quote> remarries or enters a permanent partnership with another person. </quote> . </text> </paragraph> </section> <section display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H0CAE8859F79A477E9127C23412F1031D" section-type="subsequent-section"> <enum> 204. </enum> <header> Numerical limitations on individual foreign states </header> <subsection id="HD669713A3686461198C89E8DDD9B707B"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Per country levels </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Section 202(a)(4) of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/8/1152"> 8 U.S.C. 1152(a)(4) </external-xref> ) is amended— </text> <paragraph id="H14D15985888041B7B4951106372DFA85"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> in the heading, by inserting <quote> <header-in-text level="paragraph" style="OLC"> , permanent partners, </header-in-text> </quote> after <quote> <header-in-text level="paragraph" style="OLC"> spouses </header-in-text> </quote> ; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HE2E5AF7D7A5E44B0B647C857D4758F5E"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> in the heading of subparagraph (A), by inserting <quote> <header-in-text level="subparagraph" style="OLC"> , permanent partners, </header-in-text> </quote> after <quote> <header-in-text level="subsection" style="OLC"> spouses </header-in-text> </quote> ; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H1A52A6B87F7D4482AFACF80BB475686E"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> in the heading of subparagraph (C), by striking <quote> <header-in-text level="subparagraph" style="OLC"> and daughters </header-in-text> </quote> inserting <quote> <header-in-text level="subparagraph" style="OLC"> without permanent partners and unmarried daughters without permanent partners </header-in-text> </quote> . </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HCB2E7A97050E4E7A95E7AD25D51363D3"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Rules for chargeability </header> <text> Section 202(b)(2) of such Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/8/1152"> 8 U.S.C. 1152(b)(2) </external-xref> ) is amended— </text> <paragraph id="HE4134DF5C1174FA683FB3C72AF972E75"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> by inserting <quote> or permanent partner </quote> after <quote> spouse </quote> each place it appears; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HC395BEBCA7804B95AC687E29494003D9"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> by inserting <quote> or permanent partners </quote> after <quote> husband and wife </quote> . </text> </paragraph> </subsection> </section> <section display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H51FE33B1C85545EA8103033BFB5B333B" section-type="subsequent-section"> <enum> 205. </enum> <header> Allocation of immigrant visas </header> <subsection id="H541598D19E7A4896822FD18A90EE50EF"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Preference allocation for family members of permanent resident aliens </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Section 203(a)(2) of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/8/1153"> 8 U.S.C. 1153(a)(2) </external-xref> ) is amended— </text> <paragraph id="HBBA42345AA3643BBA7CE1498C75B2C57"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> in the heading— </text> <subparagraph id="HCB98BFCCB0164E048BA86E149556A982"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> by striking <quote> <header-in-text level="paragraph" style="OLC"> and </header-in-text> </quote> after <quote> <header-in-text level="paragraph" style="OLC"> spouses </header-in-text> </quote> and inserting <quote> <header-in-text level="paragraph" style="OLC"> , permanent partners, </header-in-text> </quote> ; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HB67D23B6824349CEBA16AC1FE797D900"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> by inserting <quote> <header-in-text level="paragraph" style="OLC"> without permanent partners </header-in-text> </quote> after <quote> <header-in-text level="paragraph" style="OLC"> sons </header-in-text> </quote> and after <quote> <header-in-text level="paragraph" style="OLC"> daughters </header-in-text> </quote> ; </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H72EAFD5AD18043D8B2E572BB11523284"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> in subparagraph (A), by inserting <quote> , permanent partners, </quote> after <quote> spouses </quote> ; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H208890B3A11943119D20F74DABAD0E93"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> in subparagraph (B), by inserting <quote> without permanent partners </quote> after <quote> sons </quote> and after <quote> daughters </quote> . </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H15AE575CED614CB4841D1109A261ABDC"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Preference allocation for sons and daughters of citizens </header> <text> Section 203(a)(3) of such Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/8/1153"> 8 U.S.C. 1153(a)(3) </external-xref> ) is amended— </text> <paragraph id="H0810FBE5E707415F9F95484B410ADEA4"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> in the heading, by inserting <quote> <header-in-text level="paragraph" style="OLC"> and daughters and sons with permanent partners </header-in-text> </quote> after <quote> <header-in-text level="paragraph" style="OLC"> daughters </header-in-text> </quote> ; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H251538EF5F7B41EDB6EDBBF68D180F3E"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> by inserting <quote> , or daughters or sons with permanent partners, </quote> after <quote> daughters </quote> . </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H54050CF687124591B25A148B65C610EB"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Employment creation </header> <text> Section 203(b)(5)(A)(ii) of such Act (8 U.S.C. 1153(b)(5)(A)(ii)) is amended by inserting <quote> permanent partner, </quote> after <quote> spouse, </quote> . </text> </subsection> <subsection id="HCBB303E8A19E47FCA1092CFADF5F9F1D"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header> Treatment of family members </header> <text> Section 203(d) of such Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/8/1153"> 8 U.S.C. 1153(d) </external-xref> ) is amended— </text> <paragraph id="H49E9F1E18585413F832800549514042D"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> by inserting <quote> , permanent partner, </quote> after <quote> spouse </quote> each place it appears; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H9144ADF8800A40FE98E3FFEE178172D7"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> by striking <quote> or (E) </quote> and inserting <quote> (E), or (H) </quote> . </text> </paragraph> </subsection> </section> <section display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HC3906888E23947D0A859A0C860AECCEC" section-type="subsequent-section"> <enum> 206. </enum> <header> Procedure for granting immigrant status </header> <subsection id="HAEE514C75E9445C19373A1423C8993F6"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Classification petitions </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Section 204(a)(1) of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/8/1154"> 8 U.S.C. 1154(a)(1) </external-xref> ) is amended— </text> <paragraph id="HD3450885888E4368A59339E4B32D94A9"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> in subparagraph (A)(ii), by inserting <quote> or permanent partner </quote> after <quote> spouse </quote> ; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HA8D7B6C916D94A6B9C62C08B740DB392"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> in subparagraph (A)(iii)— </text> <subparagraph id="HE6BA820170A54C059726DED30C77EAA5"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> by inserting <quote> or permanent partner </quote> after <quote> spouse </quote> each place it appears; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HB5065258A0024762ADFE2E47BB6DD4E7"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> in subclause (I), by inserting <quote> or permanent partnership </quote> after <quote> marriage </quote> each place it appears; </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H756A25D4DC1C4C43BCF723B9CD1A053E"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> in subparagraph (A)(v)(I), by inserting <quote> permanent partner, </quote> after <quote> is the spouse, </quote> ; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HE1F5469EB12F4511BBBA58A5EF7766B9"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> in subparagraph (A)(vi)— </text> <subparagraph id="H4E75B0DA4D2F4666AFAAAA5150FD6607"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> by inserting <quote> or termination of the permanent partnership </quote> after <quote> divorce </quote> ; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H1FA8D60132D14B6C80B62960EBC4F7A1"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> by inserting <quote> , permanent partner, </quote> after <quote> spouse </quote> ; and </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H794E27D0F19E40F5A42A7026F24DE239"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text> in subparagraph (B)— </text> <subparagraph id="H8B551EC527A84651AEEA9405E831EF6C"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> by inserting <quote> or permanent partner </quote> after <quote> spouse </quote> each place it appears; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HB34EABE2081A4549BB3F69EEAD71AC2D"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> by inserting <quote> or permanent partnership </quote> after <quote> marriage </quote> in clause (ii)(I)(aa) and the first place it appears in clause (ii)(I)(bb); and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HDDF8799B367642E9AA0619EA89E77CEC"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> in clause (ii)(II)(aa)(CC)(bbb), by inserting <quote> (or the termination of the permanent partnership) </quote> after <quote> termination of the marriage </quote> . </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H5960FC77241B4BE4B4D850C0571809BE"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Immigration fraud prevention </header> <text> Section 204(c) of such Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/8/1154"> 8 U.S.C. 1154(c) </external-xref> ) is amended— </text> <paragraph id="H1FED43E41A4B4DA487612D8E0102F597"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> by inserting <quote> or permanent partner </quote> after <quote> spouse </quote> each place it appears; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HE74D499D94A34232B35D51BFB9B7770B"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> by inserting <quote> or permanent partnership </quote> after <quote> marriage </quote> each place it appears. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H0CE7C23C7A6A496AA289B3A8CC6D3D3B"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Restrictions on petitions based on marriages entered while in exclusion or deportation proceedings </header> <text> Section 204(g) of such Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/8/1154"> 8 U.S.C. 1154(g) </external-xref> ) is amended by inserting <quote> or permanent partnership </quote> after <quote> marriage </quote> each place it appears. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H3440F09A0E9646558CBE3B7F2E73D820"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header> Survival of rights To petition </header> <text> Section 204(h) of such Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/8/1154"> 8 U.S.C. 1154(h) </external-xref> ) is amended— </text> <paragraph id="HCBE1AB4EA6BD4065A8702AA0DDEB738B"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> by inserting <quote> or permanent partnership </quote> after <quote> marriage </quote> each place it appears; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H2B3A082F4D5C4B43B78BCA328E379B31"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> by inserting <quote> or formation of a new permanent partnership </quote> after <quote> Remarriage </quote> . </text> </paragraph> </subsection> </section> <section id="HA2611FEC528F4240B67EBF6F6F7616AF"> <enum> 207. </enum> <header> Annual admission of refugees and admission of emergency situation refugees </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Section 207(c) of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/8/1157"> 8 U.S.C. 1157(c) </external-xref> ) is amended— </text> <paragraph id="H1AAB30A5EA5447C0BD1D4AAD1896A544"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> in paragraph (2)— </text> <subparagraph id="H7BEAA86A552F429A828F18476CAAB0FB"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> by inserting <quote> or permanent partner </quote> after <quote> spouse </quote> each place it appears; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H7D44B06CA9164F159A6AFC59AB0F734F"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> by inserting <quote> or permanent partner’s </quote> after <quote> spouse’s </quote> ; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H65273801967A43A5846D02002C75635B"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> in subparagraph (A)— </text> <clause id="HD41AAB800A534089933BF3B9429230FA"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> by striking <quote> or </quote> after <quote> (D), </quote> ; and </text> </clause> <clause id="H6BF913E86DAA4BBF8945D31AE9C7854D"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> by inserting <quote> , or (H) </quote> after <quote> (E) </quote> ; and </text> </clause> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HB75218B641B24AA8BA04D46A1F1EE6D4"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> in paragraph (4), by inserting <quote> or permanent partner </quote> after <quote> spouse </quote> . </text> </paragraph> </section> <section display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H427F8CEECD2D40DBBF646B51A7FA0C11" section-type="subsequent-section"> <enum> 208. </enum> <header> Asylum </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Section 208(b)(3) of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/8/1158"> 8 U.S.C. 1158(b)(3) </external-xref> ) is amended— </text> <paragraph id="H763DA9EAA720471486C3C14898CA6D94"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> in the paragraph heading, by inserting <quote> <header-in-text level="paragraph" style="OLC"> or permanent partner </header-in-text> </quote> after <quote> <header-in-text level="paragraph" style="OLC"> spouse </header-in-text> </quote> ; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HAD48B41FB4854EE1A259E730DA9A9397"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> in subparagraph (A)— </text> <subparagraph id="HE24521E2E48A44DE9711CEF18D3561D6"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> by inserting <quote> or permanent partner </quote> after <quote> spouse </quote> ; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H2145043545D3407E82F57C2B008112FB"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> by striking <quote> or </quote> after <quote> (D), </quote> ; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H8EE10FBDB69B4AF0900B1E15E832B0A5"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> by inserting <quote> , or (H) </quote> after <quote> (E) </quote> . </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </section> <section display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H997AF648226340F289D1CD7C729EC8F5" section-type="subsequent-section"> <enum> 209. </enum> <header> Adjustment of status of refugees </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Section 209(b)(3) of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/8/1159"> 8 U.S.C. 1159(b)(3) </external-xref> ) is amended by inserting <quote> or permanent partner </quote> after <quote> spouse </quote> . </text> </section> <section id="HCE3277BC38DB4FE4AA7DFAFF2D0C5CBF"> <enum> 210. </enum> <header> Inadmissible aliens </header> <subsection id="HA7090E5D6B5549ABB1FC34E6A47236A1"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Classes of aliens ineligible for visas or admission </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Section 212(a) of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/8/1182"> 8 U.S.C. 1182(a) </external-xref> ) is amended— </text> <paragraph id="H909111693B774B26B7927E419B239214"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> in paragraph (3)(D)(iv), by inserting <quote> permanent partner, </quote> after <quote> spouse, </quote> ; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H41EA61E488F742ACBA497F8910F99740"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> in paragraph (4)(C)(I)(I), by inserting <quote> , permanent partner, </quote> after <quote> spouse </quote> ; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H02697DAAAA524795A8B441A8AFCC96E6"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> in paragraph (6)(E)(ii), by inserting <quote> permanent partner, </quote> after <quote> spouse, </quote> ; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H926DAA324742466F9B9D63B8DCA19660"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> in paragraph (9)(B)(v), by inserting <quote> , permanent partner, </quote> after <quote> spouse </quote> . </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HE1B0A400E612461AA4903F67F09D1924"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Waivers </header> <text> Section 212(d) of such Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/8/1182"> 8 U.S.C. 1182(d) </external-xref> ) is amended— </text> <paragraph id="H8A214568D0EE4F048C15AE6DCF79DB3B"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> in paragraph (11), by inserting <quote> permanent partner, </quote> after <quote> spouse, </quote> ; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H432F489630654A40B407F4FA90074FFB"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> in paragraph (12), by inserting <quote> , permanent partner, </quote> after <quote> spouse </quote> . </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HB9B398C79DFB4454B298B847723DE52F"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Waivers of inadmissibility on health-Related grounds </header> <text> Section 212(g)(1)(A) of such Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/8/1182"> 8 U.S.C. 1182(g)(1)(A) </external-xref> ) is amended by inserting <quote> or permanent partner </quote> after <quote> spouse </quote> . </text> </subsection> <subsection id="HB711DCA655CE442F91DBB4FB83C39CBD"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header> Waivers of inadmissibility on criminal and related grounds </header> <text> Section 212(h)(1)(B) of such Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/8/1182"> 8 U.S.C. 1182(h)(1)(B) </external-xref> ) is amended by inserting <quote> permanent partner, </quote> after <quote> spouse, </quote> . </text> </subsection> <subsection id="HE7E20554E344421D98800AF2851A0644"> <enum> (e) </enum> <header> Waiver of inadmissibility for misrepresentation </header> <text> Section 212(i)(1) of such Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/8/1182"> 8 U.S.C. 1182(i)(1) </external-xref> ) is amended by inserting <quote> permanent partner, </quote> after <quote> spouse, </quote> . </text> </subsection> </section> <section commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H3224C23D44C44DC181EC05979E27A445" section-type="subsequent-section"> <enum> 211. </enum> <header> Nonimmigrant status for permanent partners awaiting the availability of an immigrant visa </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Section 214 of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/8/1184"> 8 U.S.C. 1184 </external-xref> ) is amended— </text> <paragraph commented="no" id="H1130F3D3991643F289251C5A0AA84675"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> in subsection (e)(2), by inserting <quote> or permanent partner </quote> after <quote> spouse </quote> ; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HA1B89AF9216841CDB67E10FCD565134C"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> in subsection (r)— </text> <subparagraph id="H3D9320B26D63402B9B4CBC0A1BC6121B"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> in paragraph (1), by inserting <quote> or permanent partner </quote> after <quote> spouse </quote> ; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H55D63CAE0BDF44B49420445E1247384E"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> by inserting <quote> or permanent partnership </quote> after <quote> marriage </quote> each place it appears. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </section> <section id="H87762C2E21F045AD81C86766527589F2"> <enum> 212. </enum> <header> Derivative status for permanent partners of nonimmigrant visa holders </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Section 101(a)(15) of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/8/1101"> 8 U.S.C. 1101(a)(15) </external-xref> ) is amended— </text> <paragraph id="H2743DDF14945429C85E5F0CDC0B4061A"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> in subparagraph (A)— </text> <subparagraph id="H261972AF67894C249269CA6C3CD6CA4A"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> in clause (i), by inserting <quote> , which shall include permanent partners </quote> after <quote> immediate family </quote> ; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HDECF74F8B575482596A0828355AB5563"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> in clause (ii), by inserting <quote> , which shall include permanent partners </quote> after <quote> immediate families </quote> ; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H0756D21B85CE4BFF9822C84DFBAA7C1E"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> in clause (iii), by inserting <quote> , which shall include permanent partners, </quote> after <quote> immediate families, </quote> ; </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H5DDD0E6E66CE49AE9BE52B87606D1AB3"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> in subparagraph (E), by inserting <quote> or permanent partner </quote> after <quote> spouse </quote> ; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HF6EBC1A1FB3E4A3BB9AE9B0A6275D2E4"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> in subparagraph (F)(ii), by inserting <quote> or permanent partner </quote> after <quote> spouse </quote> ; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HD37847D5017142808416F8AC68C70031"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> in subparagraph (G)(i), by inserting <quote> , which shall include his or her permanent partner </quote> after <quote> members of his or their immediate family </quote> ; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H32146EEC960245E9BAD8599F439438F1"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text> in subparagraph (G)(ii), by inserting <quote> , which shall include permanent partners, </quote> after <quote> the members of their immediate families </quote> ; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H7A5DE29748274DEB8C0AD9D44F68EFB7"> <enum> (6) </enum> <text> in subparagraph (G)(iii), by inserting <quote> , which shall include his permanent partner, </quote> after <quote> the members of his immediate family </quote> ; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H9C205B0C820D4021ACA9B8F9B43B4BA3"> <enum> (7) </enum> <text> in subparagraph (G)(iv), by inserting <quote> , which shall include permanent partners </quote> after <quote> the members of their immediate families </quote> ; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H5A6DFC9F0E804E66B57DE488EA95F870"> <enum> (8) </enum> <text> in subparagraph (G)(v), by inserting <quote> , which shall include permanent partners </quote> after <quote> the members of the immediate families </quote> ; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HE7F3B66299674CFD98E318998C308980"> <enum> (9) </enum> <text> in subparagraph (H), by inserting <quote> or permanent partner </quote> after <quote> spouse </quote> ; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H4D4EF863BBDC43CF8DB4DB683DFCB36D"> <enum> (10) </enum> <text> in subparagraph (I), by inserting <quote> or permanent partner </quote> after <quote> spouse </quote> ; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H478FC7EDE4C2479BA9EC565536ABF8C6"> <enum> (11) </enum> <text> in subparagraph (J), by inserting <quote> or permanent partner </quote> after <quote> spouse </quote> ; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H8AC324C04915423993605C603DF8CE83"> <enum> (12) </enum> <text> in subparagraph (L), by inserting <quote> or permanent partner </quote> after <quote> spouse </quote> ; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HF76B04DF024D4D24B1849F24CDC02245"> <enum> (13) </enum> <text> in subparagraph (M)(ii), by inserting <quote> or permanent partner </quote> after <quote> spouse </quote> ; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HA74F0806FDC04ACAA10C43356F0F36FE"> <enum> (14) </enum> <text> in subparagraph (O)(iii), by inserting <quote> or permanent partner </quote> after <quote> spouse </quote> ; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H2AE5C17F397D4001A9A8F501BBDE1667"> <enum> (15) </enum> <text> in subparagraph (P)(iv), by inserting <quote> or permanent partner </quote> after <quote> spouse </quote> ; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HFB4BB50AA0214CC5B7270614E4B34FB1"> <enum> (16) </enum> <text> in subparagraph (Q)(ii)(II), by inserting <quote> or permanent partner </quote> after <quote> spouse </quote> ; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H2575156A16BD48D08CEAA2B801D126BD"> <enum> (17) </enum> <text> in subparagraph (R), by inserting <quote> or permanent partner </quote> after <quote> spouse </quote> ; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H3FD287F4E1C24496AAF21EC2D5DBAEE6"> <enum> (18) </enum> <text> in subparagraph (S), by inserting <quote> or permanent partner </quote> after <quote> spouse </quote> ; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H06ADF1D851EE43E0AB33C8397EEC5039"> <enum> (19) </enum> <text> in subparagraph (T)(ii)(I), by inserting <quote> or permanent partner </quote> after <quote> spouse </quote> ; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HA4852ABEE47C4FC8BB01F577524C35E5"> <enum> (20) </enum> <text> in subparagraph (T)(ii)(II), by inserting <quote> or permanent partner </quote> after <quote> spouse </quote> ; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HE72654E21D044562BA45ECF086F50A81"> <enum> (21) </enum> <text> in subparagraph (U)(ii)(I), by inserting <quote> or permanent partner </quote> after <quote> spouse </quote> ; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H758A00E737264478B5AA31F7A442A1FC"> <enum> (22) </enum> <text> in subparagraph (U)(ii)(II), by inserting <quote> or permanent partner </quote> after <quote> spouse </quote> ; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H22CAA9203DEE4F2E8601C24B1B43AA82"> <enum> (23) </enum> <text> in subparagraph (V), by inserting <quote> permanent partner or </quote> after <quote> beneficiary (including a </quote> . </text> </paragraph> </section> <section display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H7E356D28F44C4C98B3EC23B018C2FCF1" section-type="subsequent-section"> <enum> 213. </enum> <header> Conditional permanent resident status for certain alien spouses, permanent partners, and sons and daughters </header> <subsection id="HFD036ACA10684453B24395790400E46B"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Section heading </header> <paragraph id="HC92E3749D2C24F6182A282E6A6469369"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The heading for section 216 of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/8/1186a"> 8 U.S.C. 1186a </external-xref> ) is amended by inserting <quote> <header-in-text level="section" style="traditional"> and permanent partners </header-in-text> </quote> after <quote> <header-in-text level="section" style="traditional"> spouses </header-in-text> </quote> . </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HD712D7891E9C42A0AF06960990DDAACE"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Clerical amendment </header> <text> The table of contents of such Act is amended by amending the item relating to section 216 to read as follows: </text> <quoted-block id="HBC37E9736A6B4DFBA604C9178E0319AD" style="USC"> <toc regeneration="no-regeneration"> <toc-entry level="section"> Sec. 216. Conditional permanent resident status for certain alien spouses and permanent partners and sons and daughters. </toc-entry> </toc> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HB3006A545D2D4A18AFD94DFE95CD1A4F"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> Section 216(a) of such Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/8/1186a"> 8 U.S.C. 1186a(a) </external-xref> ) is amended— </text> <paragraph id="H95F093EA9141446B9FBD5988BE437BC5"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> in paragraph (1), by inserting <quote> or permanent partner </quote> after <quote> spouse </quote> ; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H16E8A534B5D449349482205735D3F313"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> in paragraph (2)(A), by inserting <quote> or permanent partner </quote> after <quote> spouse </quote> ; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H977CE1FFA29B47F6865F3C834B789F4E"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> in paragraph (2)(B), by inserting <quote> permanent partner, </quote> after <quote> spouse, </quote> ; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H069FD3B7014B485BBE70127B924B4C11"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> in paragraph (2)(C), by inserting <quote> permanent partner, </quote> after <quote> spouse, </quote> . </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HA153DC60C5F241D692160A66A34B3893"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Termination of status if finding that qualifying marriage improper </header> <text> Section 216(b) of such Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/8/1186a"> 8 U.S.C. 1186a(b) </external-xref> ) is amended— </text> <paragraph id="H53CEEEC2A8894576951D530341B788D5"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> in the heading, by inserting <quote> <header-in-text level="subsection" style="OLC"> or permanent partnership </header-in-text> </quote> after <quote> <header-in-text level="subsection" style="OLC"> marriage </header-in-text> </quote> ; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H65CF9D9929244226AB696148E424D924"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> in paragraph (1)(A), by inserting <quote> or permanent partnership </quote> after <quote> marriage </quote> ; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HD41BA5AA5DAB43DABB9EFF27C1462742"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> in paragraph (1)(A)(ii)— </text> <subparagraph id="H9C9E48B3370646F29C7859B5691AC5B9"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> by inserting <quote> or has ceased to satisfy the criteria for being considered a permanent partnership under this Act, </quote> after <quote> terminated, </quote> ; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H0AD692A3DD004D588E586C0A918B1E80"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> by inserting <quote> or permanent partner </quote> after <quote> spouse </quote> . </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H8690BBAD10A240098C1BB456EE1ABF95"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header> Requirements of timely petition and interview for removal of condition </header> <text> Section 216(c) of such Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/8/1186a"> 8 U.S.C. 1186a(c) </external-xref> ) is amended— </text> <paragraph id="H83A0A37DD72A4FC4BD9A775B9D0AE9E1"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> in paragraphs (1), (2)(A)(ii), (3)(A)(ii), (3)(C), (4)(B), and (4)(C), by inserting <quote> or permanent partner </quote> after <quote> spouse </quote> each place it appears; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H08175A5D00A9488AA3118456FDE313E6"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> in paragraph (3)(A), in the matter following clause (ii), and in paragraph (3)(D), (4)(B), and (4)(C), by inserting <quote> or permanent partnership </quote> after <quote> marriage </quote> each place it appears. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H163B97964EBA4B0CB9503CCE21E2C1C1"> <enum> (e) </enum> <header> Contents of petition </header> <text> Section 216(d)(1) of such Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/8/1186a"> 8 U.S.C. 1186a(d)(1) </external-xref> ) is amended— </text> <paragraph id="H332C279A3F4A422C873083A0045F7EE5"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> in the heading of subparagraph (A), by inserting <quote> <header-in-text level="subparagraph" style="OLC"> or permanent partnership </header-in-text> </quote> after <quote> <header-in-text level="subparagraph" style="OLC"> marriage </header-in-text> </quote> ; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H454966B8FF5746BC8E823E41C52D4220"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> in subparagraph (A)(i), by inserting <quote> or permanent partnership </quote> after <quote> marriage </quote> ; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H6156ACFBFD244CB98D759FC5F7A7D83D"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> in subparagraph (A)(I)(I), by inserting before the comma at the end <quote> , or is a permanent partnership recognized under this Act </quote> ; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HF23FB12620034A109475FC8AF6022F6D"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> in subparagraph (A)(I)(II)— </text> <subparagraph id="HDFC1ABADAC2E4A2D82DC02CE42EDD699"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> by inserting <quote> or has not ceased to satisfy the criteria for being considered a permanent partnership under this Act, </quote> after <quote> terminated, </quote> ; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HD9A4D941E0B948C286BFD26D2931711D"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> by inserting <quote> or permanent partner </quote> after <quote> spouse </quote> ; </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HD247271C8C7B4D418749D0F5CF22A940"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text> in subparagraph (A)(ii), by inserting <quote> or permanent partner </quote> after <quote> spouse </quote> ; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H74529F1CDF6D4418B162612FFC6E4D08"> <enum> (6) </enum> <text> in subparagraph (B)(i)— </text> <subparagraph id="HF1ADC1812C7E445CAA7479046B23B451"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> by inserting <quote> or permanent partnership </quote> after <quote> marriage </quote> ; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H6140DDD7B1704F649BD6781CE568D294"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> by inserting <quote> or permanent partner </quote> after <quote> spouse </quote> . </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HF3236731AEB44D2DB3C38D7FA9EDD865"> <enum> (f) </enum> <header> Definitions </header> <text> Section 216(g) of such Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/8/1186a"> 8 U.S.C. 1186a(g) </external-xref> ) is amended— </text> <paragraph id="HD26D478C2F8B4D59AED6F75102B4DC09"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> in paragraph (1)— </text> <subparagraph id="H76D25244798F4B4FA52FA29033D9C8FD"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> by inserting <quote> or permanent partner </quote> after <quote> spouse </quote> each place it appears; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H2EDD5A2C49064186AF8955B5174DE661"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> by inserting <quote> or permanent partnership </quote> after <quote> marriage </quote> each place it appears; </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H1AC5F038A518463A939BB04B8F662002"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> in paragraph (2), by inserting <quote> or permanent partnership </quote> after <quote> marriage </quote> ; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HC575C11F71C5467E99E4B1C5B7A47D71"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> in paragraph (3), by inserting <quote> or permanent partnership </quote> after <quote> marriage </quote> ; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H14C271B1C58B4B999F55E966C3A9A6CE"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> in paragraph (4)— </text> <subparagraph id="H72D7604EF42D475CA7A1EC7ACA41BC25"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> by inserting <quote> or permanent partner </quote> after <quote> spouse </quote> each place it appears; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HFB02D49C6BFE432B8462BBD87FD519DF"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> by inserting <quote> or permanent partnership </quote> after <quote> marriage </quote> . </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> </section> <section display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H5277F56F9D4147559727F7E4823B5816" section-type="subsequent-section"> <enum> 214. </enum> <header> Conditional permanent resident status for certain alien entrepreneurs, spouses, permanent partners, and children </header> <subsection id="HAB9508CC102540A1A4C4A232B7B12E3D"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Section heading </header> <paragraph id="H70F6CA6296614EA5B16B9F7ACBDE863D"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The heading for section 216A of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/8/1186b"> 8 U.S.C. 1186b </external-xref> ) is amended by inserting <quote> <header-in-text level="section" style="traditional"> or permanent partners </header-in-text> </quote> after <quote> <header-in-text level="section" style="traditional"> spouses </header-in-text> </quote> . </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" id="H575E1E6714FE4FEDA984287FB3051F53"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Clerical amendment </header> <text> The table of contents of such Act is amended by amending the item relating to section 216A to read as follows: </text> <quoted-block id="H12735FEBAA11408FB08688C15D0E7F93" style="USC"> <toc regeneration="no-regeneration"> <toc-entry level="section"> Sec. 216A. Conditional permanent resident status for certain alien entrepreneurs, spouses or permanent partners, and children. </toc-entry> </toc> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H387C4C977F784131A38E7B2CBED21B08"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> Section 216A(a) of such Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/8/1186b"> 8 U.S.C. 1186b(a) </external-xref> ) is amended, in paragraphs (1), (2)(A), (2)(B), and (2)(C), by inserting <quote> or permanent partner </quote> after <quote> spouse </quote> each place it appears. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H846B8FCA55A54984BA422CF141DD9A36"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Termination of status if finding that qualifying entrepreneurship improper </header> <text> Section 216A(b)(1) of such Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/8/1186b"> 8 U.S.C. 1186b(b)(1) </external-xref> ) is amended by inserting <quote> or permanent partner </quote> after <quote> spouse </quote> in the matter following subparagraph (C). </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H75A6F56305414FC1A5E25C7928B2AA58"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header> Requirements of timely petition and interview for removal of condition </header> <text> Section 216A(c) of such Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/8/1186b"> 8 U.S.C. 1186b(c) </external-xref> ) is amended, in paragraphs (1), (2)(A)(ii), and (3)(C), by inserting <quote> or permanent partner </quote> after <quote> spouse </quote> . </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H6C6571E7590F4DAF9FC30A8CEF3F780F"> <enum> (e) </enum> <header> Definitions </header> <text> Section 216A(f)(2) of such Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/8/1186b"> 8 U.S.C. 1186b(f)(2) </external-xref> ) is amended by inserting <quote> or permanent partner </quote> after <quote> spouse </quote> each place it appears. </text> </subsection> </section> <section display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HA213282FAB9D4861AF8B396B43A032DA" section-type="subsequent-section"> <enum> 215. </enum> <header> Deportable aliens </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Section 237(a) of the <act-name parsable-cite="INA"> Immigration and Nationality Act </act-name> (8 U.S.C. 1227(a)) is amended— </text> <paragraph id="H38D4D0C4BAF14DA7AF40851814A8476E"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> in paragraph (1)(D)(i), by inserting <quote> or permanent partners </quote> after <quote> spouses </quote> each place it appears; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HA46C4BB57D0E4C428F72FF77253D36E1"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> in paragraphs (1)(E)(ii), (1)(E)(iii), and (1)(H)(I)(I), by inserting <quote> or permanent partner </quote> after <quote> spouse </quote> ; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HE0BC2A66916E440DA66141414FE5E883"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> by adding at the end of paragraph (1) the following new subparagraph: </text> <quoted-block id="HB3783B992C994A26A1AD3A24397BB4A1"> <subparagraph id="H3DDC234E2AEB443DB554C637C5269D0A"> <enum> (I) </enum> <header> Permanent Partnership fraud </header> <text> An alien shall be considered to be deportable as having procured a visa or other documentation by fraud (within the meaning of section 212(a)(6)(C)(i)) and to be in the United States in violation of this Act (within the meaning of subparagraph (B)) if— </text> <clause id="H5EA7878EB4C744A18AA453216D3F9DD3"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> the alien obtains any admission to the United States with an immigrant visa or other documentation procured on the basis of a permanent partnership entered into less than 2 years prior to such admission and which, within 2 years subsequent to such admission, is terminated because the criteria for permanent partnership are no longer fulfilled, unless the alien establishes to the satisfaction of the Secretary of Homeland Security that such permanent partnership was not contracted for the purpose of evading any provisions of the immigration laws; or </text> </clause> <clause id="HAE2B7097B2814FF5BD4968B67DE02F34"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> it appears to the satisfaction of the Secretary of Homeland Security that the alien has failed or refused to fulfill the alien’s permanent partnership which in the opinion of the Secretary of Homeland Security was made for the purpose of procuring the alien’s admission as an immigrant. </text> </clause> </subparagraph> <after-quoted-block> ; and </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H7A220E46E8944E94B7572C551E231F2D"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> in paragraphs (2)(E)(i) and (3)(C)(ii), by inserting <quote> or permanent partner </quote> after <quote> spouse </quote> each place it appears. </text> </paragraph> </section> <section display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H9EBE2042B0E3452494E913C6E3739BE8" section-type="subsequent-section"> <enum> 216. </enum> <header> Removal proceedings </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Section 240 of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/8/1229a"> 8 U.S.C. 1229a </external-xref> ) is amended— </text> <paragraph id="H6473D398A2AF4961B2F974290327355E"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> in the heading of subsection (c)(7)(C)(iv), by inserting <quote> <header-in-text level="clause" style="OLC"> permanent partners, </header-in-text> </quote> after <quote> <header-in-text level="clause" style="OLC"> spouses, </header-in-text> </quote> ; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H3F84E9BAA5734BD48BF3B3BAEA8D5274"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> in subsection (e)(1), by inserting <quote> or permanent partner </quote> after <quote> spouse </quote> . </text> </paragraph> </section> <section display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HFB0D079DDD7948DFBE2D32E670B0D0A7" section-type="subsequent-section"> <enum> 217. </enum> <header> Cancellation of removal; adjustment of status </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Section 240A(b) of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/8/1229b"> 8 U.S.C. 1229b(b) </external-xref> ) is amended— </text> <paragraph id="H98E36504B7FB4DA0948609C4246CCBC7"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> in paragraph (1)(D), by inserting <quote> or permanent partner </quote> after <quote> spouse </quote> ; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H88933232534A4F03B2EC685ADAB966EC"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> in the heading for paragraph (2), by inserting <quote> <header-in-text level="paragraph" style="OLC"> , permanent partner, </header-in-text> </quote> after <quote> <header-in-text level="paragraph" style="OLC"> spouse </header-in-text> </quote> ; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H9CF8DE09D3A54B6A892B60B4395F3A07"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> in paragraph (2)(A), by inserting <quote> , permanent partner, </quote> after <quote> spouse </quote> each place it appears. </text> </paragraph> </section> <section display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HF01D0577D09E4319B99B1AA1D7B14BC9" section-type="subsequent-section"> <enum> 218. </enum> <header> Adjustment of status of nonimmigrant to that of person admitted for permanent residence </header> <subsection id="HE603AA6C4B2D4010AFFD5B7578FCAA3F"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Prohibition on adjustment of status </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Section 245(d) of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/8/1255"> 8 U.S.C. 1255(d) </external-xref> ) is amended by inserting <quote> or permanent partnership </quote> after <quote> marriage </quote> . </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H0E6643BA552C400FBBBA3558C43C4C87"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Avoiding immigration fraud </header> <text> Section 245(e) of such Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/8/1255"> 8 U.S.C. 1255(e) </external-xref> ) is amended— </text> <paragraph id="H0AFFFD39EF6A48829021CBD7375D5A90"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> in paragraph (1), by inserting <quote> or permanent partnership </quote> after <quote> marriage </quote> ; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HEBF3A92864744921BFED8BC04A1EE47A"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> by adding at the end the following new paragraph: </text> <quoted-block id="HFD76561DE88B4FF8B9F8AF269EEAFB5E"> <paragraph id="HF7656FAE948A45B8810E32DBD3117643" indent="up1"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> Paragraph (1) and section 204(g) shall not apply with respect to a permanent partnership if the alien establishes by clear and convincing evidence to the satisfaction of the Secretary of Homeland Security that the permanent partnership was entered into in good faith and in accordance with section 101(a)(52) and the permanent partnership was not entered into for the purpose of procuring the alien’s admission as an immigrant and no fee or other consideration was given (other than a fee or other consideration to an attorney for assistance in preparation of a lawful petition) for the filing of a petition under section 204(a) or 214(d) with respect to the alien permanent partner. In accordance with regulations, there shall be only one level of administrative appellate review for each alien under the previous sentence. </text> </paragraph> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection commented="no" id="HE487A494C6D74D208223321FFA1378B4"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Adjustment of status for certain aliens paying fee </header> <text> Section 245(i)(1) of such Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/8/1255"> 8 U.S.C. 1255(i)(1) </external-xref> ) is amended by inserting <quote> or permanent partner </quote> after <quote> spouse </quote> each place it appears. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H4D555A1DFF4B4096879CD5FD8836A219"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header> Adjustment of status for certain alien informants </header> <text> Section 245(j) of such Act (8 U.S.C. 1255(j)) is amended— </text> <paragraph id="H0B62E74E887F40909AEAB4A143EA2C8D"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> in paragraph (1)— </text> <subparagraph id="H97D5FCE7174D49F7AE000A8DF4C89200"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> by inserting <quote> or permanent partner </quote> after <quote> spouse </quote> ; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H32B176FB75E742BFBA9080C792455FB0"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> by inserting <quote> sons and daughters with and without permanent partners, </quote> after <quote> daughters, </quote> ; and </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H16CEE32382B849B0985AE18AEA12DFED"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> in paragraph (2)— </text> <subparagraph id="H4D3D638D002A4A4F898D9009F9968668"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> by inserting <quote> or permanent partner </quote> after <quote> spouse </quote> ; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H75EE07BF325746268FB42BDD9A6C279E"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> by inserting <quote> sons and daughters with and without permanent partners, </quote> after <quote> daughters, </quote> . </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H3287E9D8B681430A851B009CE154E37E"> <enum> (e) </enum> <header> Trafficking </header> <text> Section 245(l)(1) of such Act is amended by inserting <quote> permanent partner, </quote> after <quote> spouse, </quote> . </text> </subsection> </section> <section display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H7013A3848FC94DACB091DA7F1575C314" section-type="subsequent-section"> <enum> 219. </enum> <header> Application of criminal penalties for misrepresentation and concealment of facts regarding permanent partnerships </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Section 275(c) of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/8/1325"> 8 U.S.C. 1325(c) </external-xref> ) is amended to read as follows: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H53BDBB31E16F46CD8471D953EE2953E4" style="traditional"> <subsection id="H4ECC6C4549F041C4AFDA774F90B65246"> <enum> (c) </enum> <text> Any individual who knowingly enters into a marriage or permanent partnership for the purpose of evading any provision of the immigration laws shall be imprisoned for not more than 5 years, or fined not more than $250,000, or both. </text> </subsection> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </section> <section id="HB9EABD2C2E874C9C812B0DA0A0302653"> <enum> 220. </enum> <header> Requirements as to residence, good moral character, attachment to the principles of the Constitution </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Section 316(b) of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/8/1427"> 8 U.S.C. 1427(b) </external-xref> ) is amended by inserting <quote> or permanent partner </quote> after <quote> spouse </quote> . </text> </section> <section id="HE5AE69B8A5DC4671AF0B1C971F4D798D"> <enum> 221. </enum> <header> Naturalization for permanent partners of citizens </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Section 319 of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/8/1430"> 8 U.S.C. 1430 </external-xref> ) is amended— </text> <paragraph id="H5BC109DBCEA241C88E41FA6D837F2FA8"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> in subsection (a), by inserting <quote> or permanent partner </quote> after <quote> spouse </quote> each place it appears; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H230FEA27E8BA49AB80CC48CA7635F9D0"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> in subsection (a), by inserting <quote> or permanent partnership </quote> after <quote> marital union </quote> ; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HBD65977DAB394FEAA36982EEB2994850"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> in subsection (b)(1), by inserting <quote> or permanent partner </quote> after <quote> spouse </quote> ; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HAE21DAE314C84DF3B9BB6A9A03E1DB60"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> in subsection (b)(3), by inserting <quote> or permanent partner </quote> after <quote> spouse </quote> ; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HF20697D5DD2D40B093F9E1A05EB82B4F"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text> in subsection (d)— </text> <subparagraph id="H74C68D9546F040349F6C42EC0FEF572D"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> by inserting <quote> or permanent partner </quote> after <quote> spouse </quote> each place it appears; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H6F32BF7BEDA44560BC5BCB37F060DA43"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> by inserting <quote> or permanent partnership </quote> after <quote> marital union </quote> ; </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H264A82100394427883D5A36B8C254895"> <enum> (6) </enum> <text> in subsection (e)(1)— </text> <subparagraph id="HCE4AE08CA3804FBBABDBCCA6E2670087"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> by inserting <quote> or permanent partner </quote> after <quote> spouse </quote> ; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H019A14EB3D7E4EFCAF94775E2EB10C97"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> by inserting <quote> or permanent partnership </quote> after <quote> marital union </quote> ; and </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" id="HFCA2A288D9594E749E8E75202AEEF439"> <enum> (7) </enum> <text> in subsection (e)(2), by inserting <quote> or permanent partner </quote> after <quote> spouse </quote> . </text> </paragraph> </section> <section id="H15CCF2A8AB0F40A68A0837DE00F73277"> <enum> 222. </enum> <header> Application of family unity provisions to permanent partners of certain LIFE Act beneficiaries </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Section 1504 of the LIFE Act (division B of the Miscellaneous Appropriations Act, 2001, as enacted into law by section 1(a)(4) of <external-xref legal-doc="public-law" parsable-cite="pl/106/554"> Public Law 106–554 </external-xref> ) is amended— </text> <paragraph id="H9148473F57164DEAA7305E9B08249D17"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> in the heading, by inserting <quote> <header-in-text level="section" style="OLC"> , permanent partners, </header-in-text> </quote> after <quote> <header-in-text level="section" style="OLC"> spouses </header-in-text> </quote> ; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HD41DEF7E697B4316AEA003AA3E6933DB"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> in subsection (a), by inserting <quote> , permanent partner, </quote> after <quote> spouse </quote> ; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HB35F3A8B551D42C18D3F12396A5C4E2E"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> in each of subsections (b) and (c)— </text> <subparagraph id="HDF32C7B771234C6697320A40E3F9229D"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> in the subsection headings, by inserting <quote> <header-in-text level="subsection" style="OLC"> , permanent partners, </header-in-text> </quote> after <quote> <header-in-text level="subsection" style="OLC"> spouses </header-in-text> </quote> ; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H056D5BBE5E75479193FB929C31DF6423"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> by inserting <quote> , permanent partner, </quote> after <quote> spouse </quote> each place it appears. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </section> <section display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H56A3B6C5D8F2469F9FD85089472BC432" section-type="subsequent-section"> <enum> 223. </enum> <header> Application to Cuban Adjustment Act </header> <subsection id="H722D996D6793495399162EDB6D8438EA"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The first section of <external-xref legal-doc="public-law" parsable-cite="pl/89/732"> Public Law 89–732 </external-xref> (November 2, 1966; <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/8/1255"> 8 U.S.C. 1255 </external-xref> note) is amended— </text> <paragraph id="HE2ACE9204C704C73B747C53D9AAC07BB"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> in the next to last sentence, by inserting <quote> , permanent partner, </quote> after <quote> spouse </quote> the first two places it appears; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HFB8A64A9221B441A9447EAEE68B4E80B"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> in the last sentence, by inserting <quote> , permanent partners, </quote> after <quote> spouses </quote> . </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H7818792572584C75819A6EC940E2A384"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Conforming amendments </header> <paragraph id="HE71A0FC027A0489FB66EBD99C7F83967"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> Immigration and Nationality Act </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Section 101(a)(51)(D) of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/8/1101"> 8 U.S.C. 1101(a)(51)(D) </external-xref> ) is amended by striking <quote> or spouse </quote> and inserting <quote> , spouse, or permanent partner </quote> . </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HA9D44CF233F9489581E318631A515AF9"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Violence Against Women Act </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Section 1506(c)(2)(A)(I)(IV) of the Violence Against Women Act of 2000 (8 U.S.C. 1229a note; division B of <external-xref legal-doc="public-law" parsable-cite="pl/106/386"> Public Law 106–386 </external-xref> ) is amended by striking <quote> or spouse </quote> and inserting <quote> , spouse, or permanent partner </quote> . </text> </paragraph> </subsection> </section> </title> </legis-body> </bill>
I 113th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 717 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES February 14, 2013 Mr. Honda (for himself, Mr. Gutierrez , Ms. Pelosi , Mr. Becerra , Mr. Conyers , Ms. Lofgren , Ms. Chu , Mr. Nadler , Ms. Lee of California , Mr. Grijalva , Mr. Ellison , Mr. Polis , Ms. Wasserman Schultz , Ms. Bordallo , Mr. Israel , Ms. Clarke , Mr. Rangel , Ms. Schakowsky , Ms. Wilson of Florida , Mr. Holt , Mr. Farr , Mr. Al Green of Texas , Mr. Rush , Mr. Hastings of Florida , Mr. Sires , Ms. Eddie Bernice Johnson of Texas , Mr. Lowenthal , Mr. Blumenauer , Mr. Moran , Ms. Eshoo , Mrs. Napolitano , Mr. McGovern , Mr. Faleomavaega , Mr. Deutch , Mrs. Capps , Mr. Quigley , Ms. Gabbard , Mr. Pocan , Ms. Pingree of Maine , Ms. Sinema , Mr. Capuano , Mr. Takano , Ms. Meng , Mr. Tonko , Mr. Sablan , Ms. Castor of Florida , Ms. Speier , Mr. Cicilline , Mr. Cárdenas , Mr. Connolly , Mrs. Carolyn B. Maloney of New York , Ms. Moore , Mr. Welch , Mr. Pierluisi , Mr. Vargas , Mr. Langevin , Ms. Tsongas , Mrs. Davis of California , Mr. Markey , Mr. Veasey , Mr. Swalwell of California , and Mr. Serrano ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary A BILL To amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to promote family unity, and for other purposes. 1. Short title; table of contents (a) Short title This Act may be cited as the Reuniting Families Act . (b) Table of contents The table of contents for this Act is as follows: Sec. 1. Short title; table of contents. Title I—Reducing family-based visa backlogs and promoting family reunification Sec. 101. Recapture of immigrant visas lost to bureaucratic delay. Sec. 102. Reclassification of spouses and minor children of legal permanent residents as immediate relatives. Sec. 103. Country limits. Sec. 104. Promoting family unity. Sec. 105. Relief for orphans, widows, and widowers. Sec. 106. Exemption from immigrant visa limit for certain veterans who are natives of Philippines. Sec. 107. Fiancée child status protection. Sec. 108. Equal treatment for all stepchildren. Sec. 109. Retention of priority dates. Title II—Uniting American Families Act Sec. 201. Definitions of permanent partner and permanent partnership. Sec. 202. Definition of child. Sec. 203. Worldwide level of immigration. Sec. 204. Numerical limitations on individual foreign states. Sec. 205. Allocation of immigrant visas. Sec. 206. Procedure for granting immigrant status. Sec. 207. Annual admission of refugees and admission of emergency situation refugees. Sec. 208. Asylum. Sec. 209. Adjustment of status of refugees. Sec. 210. Inadmissible aliens. Sec. 211. Nonimmigrant status for permanent partners awaiting the availability of an immigrant visa. Sec. 212. Derivative status for permanent partners of nonimmigrant visa holders. Sec. 213. Conditional permanent resident status for certain alien spouses, permanent partners, and sons and daughters. Sec. 214. Conditional permanent resident status for certain alien entrepreneurs, spouses, permanent partners, and children. Sec. 215. Deportable aliens. Sec. 216. Removal proceedings. Sec. 217. Cancellation of removal; adjustment of status. Sec. 218. Adjustment of status of nonimmigrant to that of person admitted for permanent residence. Sec. 219. Application of criminal penalties for misrepresentation and concealment of facts regarding permanent partnerships. Sec. 220. Requirements as to residence, good moral character, attachment to the principles of the Constitution. Sec. 221. Naturalization for permanent partners of citizens. Sec. 222. Application of family unity provisions to permanent partners of certain LIFE Act beneficiaries. Sec. 223. Application to Cuban Adjustment Act. I Reducing family-based visa backlogs and promoting family reunification 101. Recapture of immigrant visas lost to bureaucratic delay (a) Worldwide level of family-Sponsored immigrants Section 201(c) of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( 8 U.S.C. 1151(c) ) is amended to read as follows: (c) Worldwide level of family-Sponsored immigrants (1) In general Subject to subparagraph (B), the worldwide level of family-sponsored immigrants under this subsection for a fiscal year is equal to the sum of— (A) 480,000; and (B) the sum of— (i) the number computed under paragraph (2); and (ii) the number computed under paragraph (3). (2) Unused visa numbers from previous fiscal year The number computed under this paragraph for a fiscal year is the difference, if any, between— (A) the worldwide level of family-sponsored immigrant visas established for the previous fiscal year; and (B) the number of visas issued under section 203(a), subject to this subsection, during the previous fiscal year. (3) Unused visa numbers from fiscal years 1992 through 2011 The number computed under this paragraph is the difference, if any, between— (A) the difference, if any, between— (i) the sum of the worldwide levels of family-sponsored immigrant visas established for fiscal years 1992 through 2011; and (ii) the number of visas issued under section 203(a), subject to this subsection, during such fiscal years; and (B) the number of unused visas from fiscal years 1992 through 2011 that were issued after fiscal year 2011 under section 203(a), subject to this subsection. . (b) Worldwide level of employment-Based immigrants Section 201(d) of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( 8 U.S.C. 1151(d) ) is amended to read as follows: (d) Worldwide level of employment-Based immigrants (1) In general The worldwide level of employment-based immigrants under this subsection for a fiscal year is equal to the sum of— (A) 140,000; (B) the number computed under paragraph (2); and (C) the number computed under paragraph (3). (2) Unused visa numbers from previous fiscal year The number computed under this paragraph for a fiscal year is the difference, if any, between— (A) the worldwide level of employment-based immigrant visas established for the previous fiscal year; and (B) the number of visas issued under section 203(b), subject to this subsection, during the previous fiscal year. (3) Unused visa numbers from fiscal years 1992 through 2011 The number computed under this paragraph is the difference, if any, between— (A) the difference, if any, between— (i) the sum of the worldwide levels of employment-based immigrant visas established for each of fiscal years 1992 through 2011; and (ii) the number of visas issued under section 203(b), subject to this subsection, during such fiscal years; and (B) the number of unused visas from fiscal years 1992 through 2011 that were issued after fiscal year 2011 under section 203(b), subject to this subsection. . (c) Section 201(b) of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( 8 U.S.C. 1151(b) ) is amended by adding at the end the following: (3) (A) Aliens who are beneficiaries (including derivative beneficiaries) of approved immigrant petitions bearing priority dates more than ten years prior to the alien's application for admission as an immigrant or adjustment of status. (B) Aliens described in section 203(d) whose spouse or parent is entitled to an immigrant status under 203(b). . (d) Effective date The amendments made by this section shall take effect on the date which is 60 days after the date of the enactment of this Act. 102. Reclassification of spouses and minor children of legal permanent residents as immediate relatives (a) In general Section 201(b)(2) of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( 8 U.S.C. 1151(b)(2) ) is amended to read as follows: (2) Immediate relative (A) In general (i) Immediate relative defined In this subparagraph, the term immediate relative means a child, spouse, or parent of a citizen of the United States or a child or spouse of a lawful permanent resident (and for each family member of a citizen or lawful permanent resident under this subparagraph, such individual’s spouse or child who is accompanying or following to join the individual), except that, in the case of parents, such citizens shall be at least 21 years of age. (ii) Previously issued visa Aliens admitted under section 211(a) on the basis of a prior issuance of a visa under section 203(a) to their accompanying parent who is an immediate relative. (iii) Parents and children An alien who was the child or parent of a citizen of the United States or a child of a lawful permanent resident at the time of the citizen’s or resident’s death if the alien files a petition under 204(a)(1)(A)(ii) within 2 years after such date or prior to reaching 21 years of age. (iv) Spouse An alien who was the spouse of a citizen of the United States or lawful permanent resident for not less than 2 years at the time of the citizen’s or resident’s death or, if married for less than 2 years at the time of the citizen’s or resident’s death, proves by a preponderance of the evidence that the marriage was entered into in good faith and not solely for the purpose of obtaining an immigration benefit and was not legally separated from the citizen or resident at the time of the citizen’s or resident’s death, and each child of such alien, shall be considered, for purposes of this subsection, an immediate relative after the date of the citizen’s or resident’s death if the spouse files a petition under section 204(a)(1)(A)(ii) before the date on which the spouse remarries. (v) Special rule For purposes of this subparagraph, an alien who has filed a petition under clause (iii) or (iv) of section 204(a)(1)(A) remains an immediate relative if the United States citizen or lawful permanent resident spouse or parent loses United States citizenship or residence on account of the abuse. (B) Birth during temporary visit abroad Aliens born to an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence during a temporary visit abroad. . (b) Allocation of immigrant visas Section 203(a) of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( 8 U.S.C. 1153(a) ) is amended— (1) in paragraph (1), by striking 23,400 and inserting 127,200 ; (2) by striking paragraph (2) and inserting the following: (2) Unmarried sons and unmarried daughters of permanent resident aliens Qualified immigrants who are the unmarried sons or unmarried daughters (but are not the children) of an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence shall be allocated visas in a number not to exceed 80,640, plus any visas not required for the class specified in paragraph (1). ; (3) in paragraph (3), by striking 23,400 and inserting 80,640 ; and (4) in paragraph (4), by striking 65,000 and inserting 191,520 . (c) Technical and conforming amendments (1) Rules for determining whether certain aliens are immediate relatives Section 201(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( 8 U.S.C. 1151(f) ) is amended— (A) in paragraph (1), by striking paragraphs (2) and (3), and inserting paragraph (2), ; (B) by striking paragraph (2); (C) by redesignating paragraphs (3) and (4) as paragraphs (2) and (3), respectively; and (D) in paragraph (3), as redesignated by subparagraph (C), by striking through (3) and inserting and (2) . (2) Numerical limitation to any single foreign state Section 202 of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( 8 U.S.C. 1152 ) is amended— (A) in subsection (a)(4)— (i) by striking subparagraphs (A) and (B); (ii) by redesignating subparagraphs (C) and (D) as subparagraphs (A) and (B), respectively; and (iii) in subparagraph (A), as redesignated by clause (ii), by striking section 203(a)(2)(B) and inserting section 203(a)(2) ; and (B) in subsection (e), in the flush matter following paragraph (3), by striking , or as limiting the number of visas that may be issued under section 203(a)(2)(A) pursuant to subsection (a)(4)(A) . (3) Allocation of immigration visas Section 203(h) of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( 8 U.S.C. 1153(h) ) is amended— (A) in paragraph (1)— (i) in the matter preceding subparagraph (A), by striking subsections (a)(2)(A) and (d) and inserting subsection (d) ; (ii) in subparagraph (A), by striking becomes available for such alien (or, in the case of subsection (d), the date on which an immigrant visa number became available for the alien’s parent), and inserting became available for the alien’s parent, ; and (iii) in subparagraph (B), by striking applicable ; (B) by amending paragraph (2) to read as follows: (2) Petitions described The petition described in this paragraph is a petition filed under section 204 for classification of the alien’s parent under subsection (a), (b), or (c). ; and (C) in paragraph (3), by striking subsections (a)(2)(A) and (d) and inserting subsection (d) . (4) Procedure for granting immigrant status Section 204 of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( 8 U.S.C. 1154 ) is amended— (A) in subsection (a)(1)— (i) in subparagraph (A)— (I) in clause (i), by inserting or lawful permanent resident after citizen ; (II) in clause (ii), by striking described in the second sentence of section 201(b)(2)(A)(i) also and inserting , alien child, or alien parent described in section 201(b)(2)(A) ; (III) in clause (iii)— (aa) in subclause (I)(aa), by inserting or legal permanent resident after citizen ; and (bb) in subclause (II)(aa)— (AA) in subitems (AA) and (BB), by inserting or legal permanent resident; after citizen each place that term appears; (BB) in subitem (CC), by inserting or legal permanent resident after citizen each place that term appears; and (CC) in subitem (CC)(bbb), by inserting or legal permanent resident after citizenship ; (IV) in clause (iv), by inserting or legal permanent resident after citizen each place that term appears; (V) in clause (v)(I), by inserting or legal permanent resident after citizen ; and (VI) in clause (vi)— (aa) by inserting or legal permanent resident status after renunciation of citizenship ; and (bb) by inserting or legal permanent resident after abuser’s citizenship ; (ii) by striking subparagraph (B); (iii) in subparagraph (C), by striking subparagraph (A)(iii), (A)(iv), (B)(ii), or (B)(iii) and inserting clause (iii) or (iv) of subparagraph (A) ; and (iv) in subparagraph (J), by striking or clause (ii) or (iii) of subparagraph (B) ; (B) in subsection (a), by striking paragraph (2); (C) in subsection (c)(1), by striking or preference status ; and (D) in subsection (h), by striking or a petition filed under subsection (a)(1)(B)(ii) . 103. Country limits Section 202(a)(2) of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( 8 U.S.C. 1152(a)(2) ) is amended by striking 7 percent (in the case of a single foreign state) or 2 percent and inserting 15 percent (in the case of a single foreign state) or 5 percent . 104. Promoting family unity (a) Aliens previously removed Section 212(a)(9) of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( 8 U.S.C. 1182(a)(9) ) is amended— (1) in subparagraph (B)— (A) in clause (iii)— (i) in subclause (I), by striking 18 years of age and inserting 21 years of age ; (ii) by moving subclause (V) 4 ems to the right; and (iii) by adding at the end the following: (VI) Clause (i) shall not apply to an alien for whom an immigrant visa is available or was available on or before the date of the enactment of the Reuniting Families Act , and is otherwise admissible to the United States for permanent residence. ; and (B) in clause (v)— (i) by striking spouse or son or daughter and inserting spouse, son, daughter, or parent ; (ii) by striking extreme ; (iii) by inserting , son, daughter, or after lawfully resident spouse ; and (iv) by striking alien. and inserting alien or, if the Secretary of Homeland Security determines that a waiver is necessary for humanitarian purposes, to ensure family unity or is otherwise in the public interest. ; and (2) in subparagraph (C)— (A) by amending clause (ii) to read as follows: (ii) Exceptions Clause (i) shall not apply to an alien— (I) seeking admission more than 10 years after the date of the alien’s last departure from the United States if, prior to the alien’s reembarkation at a place outside the United States or attempt to be readmitted from a foreign contiguous territory, the Secretary of Homeland Security has consented to the alien’s reapplication for admission; or (II) for whom an immigrant visa is available or was available on or before the date of the enactment of the Reuniting Families Act . ; (B) by redesignating clause (iii) as clause (iv); and (C) by inserting after clause (ii) the following: (iii) For purposes of determining whether an alien has accumulated an aggregate period of more than 1 year of unlawful presence under clause (i), the same rules of unlawful presence construction under section 212(a)(9)(B)(ii) and the exceptions under section 212(a)(9)(B)(iii) shall apply. . (b) Misrepresentations The Immigration and Nationality Act ( 8 U.S.C. 1101 et seq. ) is amended— (1) by amending section 212(a)(6)(C)(ii) (8 U.S.C. 1182(a)(6)(C)(ii)) to read as follows: (ii) Misrepresentation of citizenship (I) In general Any alien who willfully misrepresents, or has willfully misrepresented, himself or herself to be a citizen of the United States for any purpose or benefit under this Act (including section 274A) or any Federal or State law is inadmissible. (II) Exception In the case of an alien making a misrepresentation described in subclause (I), if the alien was under the age of 21 at the time of making such misrepresentation that he or she was a citizen, the alien shall not be considered to be inadmissible under any provision of this subsection based on such misrepresentation. ; (2) in section 212(a)(6)(C)(iii) (8 U.S.C. 1182(a)(6)(C)(iii)), by striking of clause (i) ; (3) by amending subsection (i)(1) of section 212 ( 8 U.S.C. 1182(i)(1) ) to read as follows: (i) (1) The Attorney General or the Secretary of Homeland Security may, in the discretion of the Attorney General or the Secretary, waive the application of subsection (a)(6)(C) in the case of an immigrant who is the parent, spouse, son, or daughter of a United States citizen or of an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence, or an alien granted classification under clause (iii) or (iv) of section 204(a)(1)(A), if it is established to the satisfaction of the Attorney General or the Secretary that the admission to the United States of such alien would not be contrary to the national welfare, safety, or security of the United States. ; and (4) by amending section 237(a)(3)(D) (8 U.S.C. 1227(a)(3)(D)) to read as follows: (D) Misrepresentation of citizenship (i) In general Any alien who willfully misrepresents, or has willfully misrepresented, himself to be a citizen of the United States for any purpose or benefit under this Act (including section 274A) or any Federal or State law is deportable. (ii) Exception In the case of an alien making a misrepresentation described in subclause (i), if the alien was under the age of 21 at the time of making such misrepresentation that he or she was a citizen, the alien shall not be considered to be deportable under any provision of this subsection based on such misrepresentation. . 105. Relief for orphans, widows, and widowers (a) In general (1) Special rule for orphans and spouses In applying clauses (iii) and (iv) of section 201(b)(2)(A) of the Immigration and Nationality Act , as added by section 102(a) of this Act, to an alien whose citizen or lawful permanent resident relative died before the date of the enactment of this Act, the alien relative may file the classification petition under section 204(a)(1)(A)(ii) of such Act, as amended by section 102(c)(4)(A)(i)(II) of this Act, not later than 2 years after the date of the enactment of this Act. (2) Eligibility for parole If an alien was excluded, deported, removed, or departed voluntarily before the date of the enactment of this Act based solely upon the alien’s lack of classification as an immediate relative (as defined in section 201(b)(2)(A)(iv) of the Immigration and Nationality Act , as amended by section 102(a) of this Act) due to the death of such citizen or resident— (A) such alien shall be eligible for parole into the United States pursuant to the Secretary of Homeland Security’s discretionary authority under section 212(d)(5) of such Act ( 8 U.S.C. 1182(d)(5) ); and (B) such alien’s application for adjustment of status shall be considered notwithstanding section 212(a)(9) of such Act ( 8 U.S.C. 1182(a)(9) ). (3) Eligibility for parole If an alien described in section 204(l) of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( 8 U.S.C. 1154(l) ), was excluded, deported, removed, or departed voluntarily before the date of the enactment of this Act— (A) such alien shall be eligible for parole into the United States pursuant to the Secretary of Homeland Security’s discretionary authority under section 212(d)(5) of such Act ( 8 U.S.C. 1182(d)(5) ); and (B) such alien’s application for adjustment of status shall be considered notwithstanding section 212(a)(9) of such Act ( 8 U.S.C. 1182(a)(9) ). (b) Processing of immigrant visas and derivative petitions (1) In general Section 204(b) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1154(b)) is amended— (A) by striking After an investigation and inserting the following: (1) In general After an investigation ; and (B) by adding at the end the following: (2) Death of qualifying relative (A) In general Any alien described in subparagraph (B) whose qualifying relative died before the completion of immigrant visa processing may have an immigrant visa application adjudicated as if such death had not occurred. An immigrant visa issued before the death of the qualifying relative shall remain valid after such death. (B) Alien described An alien described in this subparagraph is an alien who— (i) is an immediate relative (as described in section 201(b)(2)(A)); (ii) is a family-sponsored immigrant (as described in subsection (a) or (d) of section 203); (iii) is a derivative beneficiary of an employment-based immigrant under section 203(b) (as described in section 203(d)); or (iv) is the spouse or child of a refugee (as described in section 207(c)(2)) or an asylee (as described in section 208(b)(3)). . (2) Transition period (A) In general Notwithstanding a denial or revocation of an application for an immigrant visa for an alien whose qualifying relative died before the date of the enactment of this Act, such application may be renewed by the alien through a motion to reopen, without fee. (B) Inapplicability of bars to entry Notwithstanding section 212(a)(9) of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( 8 U.S.C. 1182(a)(9) ), an alien’s application for an immigrant visa shall be considered if the alien was excluded, deported, removed, or departed voluntarily before the date of the enactment of this Act. (c) Naturalization Section 319(a) of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( 8 U.S.C. 1430(a) ) is amended by inserting (or, if the spouse is deceased, the spouse was a citizen of the United States) after citizen of the United States . (d) Waivers of inadmissibility Section 212 of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( 8 U.S.C. 1182 ) is amended— (1) by redesignating the second subsection (t) as subsection (u); and (2) by adding at the end the following: (v) Continued waiver eligibility for widows, widowers, and orphans In the case of an alien who would have been statutorily eligible for any waiver of inadmissibility under this Act but for the death of a qualifying relative, the eligibility of such alien shall be preserved as if the death had not occurred and the death of the qualifying relative shall be the functional equivalent of hardship for purposes of any waiver of inadmissibility which requires a showing of hardship. . (e) Surviving relative consideration for certain petitions and applications Section 204(l)(1) of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( 8 U.S.C. 1154(l)(1) ) is amended— (1) by striking who resided in the United States at the time of the death of the qualifying relative and who continues to reside in the United States ; and (2) by striking any related applications, and inserting any related applications (including affidavits of support), . (f) Immediate relatives Section 201(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( 8 U.S.C. 1151(b)(2)(A)(i) ) is amended by striking within 2 years after such date . (g) Family-Sponsored immigrants Section 212(a)(4)(C)(i) is amended— (1) in subclause (I), by striking , or and inserting a semicolon; (2) in subclause (II), by striking or at the end; and (3) by adding at the end the following: (IV) the status as a surviving relative under 204(l); or . 106. Exemption from immigrant visa limit for certain veterans who are natives of Philippines (a) Short title This section may be cited as the Filipino Veterans Family Reunification Act . (b) Aliens not subject to direct numerical limitations Section 201(b)(1) of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( 8 U.S.C. 1151(b)(1) ) is amended by adding at the end the following: (F) Aliens who are eligible for an immigrant visa under paragraph (1) or (3) of section 203(a) and who have a parent who was naturalized pursuant to section 405 of the Immigration Act of 1990 (8 U.S.C. 1440 note). . 107. Fiancée child status protection (a) Definition Section 101(a)(15)(K)(iii) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1101(a)(15)(K)(iii)) is amended by inserting , provided that a determination of the age of such minor child is made using the age of the alien on the date on which the petition is filed with the Secretary of Homeland Security to classify the alien’s parent as the fiancée or fiancé of a United States citizen (in the case of an alien parent described in clause (i)) or as the spouse of a United States citizen under section 201(b)(2)(A)(i) (in the case of an alien parent described in clause (ii)); before the semicolon at the end. (b) Adjustment of status authorized Section 214(d) of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( 8 U.S.C. 1184(d)(1) ) is amended— (1) by redesignating paragraphs (2) and (3) as paragraphs (3) and (4), respectively; and (2) in paragraph (1), by striking In the event and inserting the following: (2) (A) If an alien does not marry the petitioner under paragraph (1) within 3 months after the alien and the alien’s minor children are admitted into the United States, such alien and children shall be required to depart from the United States. If such aliens fail to depart from the United States, they shall be removed in accordance with sections 240 and 241. (B) Subject to subparagraphs (C) and (D), if an alien marries the petitioner described in section 101(a)(15)(K)(i) within 3 months after the alien is admitted into the United States, the Secretary of Homeland Security or the Attorney General, subject to the provisions of section 245(d), may adjust the status of the alien, and any minor children accompanying or following to join the alien, to that of an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence on a conditional basis under section 216 if the alien and any such minor children apply for such adjustment and are not determined to be inadmissible to the United States. (C) Paragraphs (5) and (7)(A) of section 212(a) shall not apply to an alien who is eligible to apply for adjustment of his or her status to an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence under this section. (D) An alien eligible for a waiver of inadmissibility as otherwise authorized under this Act shall be permitted to apply for adjustment of his or her status to that of an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence under this section. . (c) Age determination Section 245(d) of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( 8 U.S.C. 1155(d) ) is amended— (1) by inserting (1) before The Attorney General ; and (2) by adding at the end the following: (2) A determination of the age of an alien admitted to the United States under section 101(a)(15)(K)(iii) shall be made, for purposes of adjustment to the status of an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence on a conditional basis under section 216, using the age of the alien on the date on which the petition is filed with the Secretary of Homeland Security to classify the alien’s parent as the fiancée or fiancé of a United States citizen (in the case of an alien parent admitted to the United States under section 101(a)(15)(K)(i)) or as the spouse of a United States citizen under section 201(b)(2)(A)(i) (in the case of an alien parent admitted to the United States under section 101(a)(15)(K)(ii)). . (d) Effective date (1) In general The amendments made by this section shall be effective as if included in the Immigration Marriage Fraud Amendments of 1986 (Public Law 99–639). (2) Applicability The amendments made by this section shall apply to all petitions or applications described in such amendments that— (A) are pending as of the date of the enactment of this Act; or (B) have been denied, but would have been approved if such amendments had been in effect at the time of adjudication of the petition or application. (3) Motion to reopen or reconsider A motion to reopen or reconsider a petition or application described in paragraph (2)(B) shall be granted if such motion is filed with the Secretary of Homeland Security or the Attorney General not later than 2 years after the date of the enactment of this Act. 108. Equal treatment for all stepchildren Section 101(b)(1)(B) of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( 8 U.S.C. 1101(b)(1)(B) ) is amended by striking , provided the child had not reached the age of eighteen years at the time the marriage creating the status of stepchild occurred . 109. Retention of priority dates Section 203 of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( 8 U.S.C. 1153 ) is amended— (1) by amending subsection (h)(3) to read as follows: (3) Retention of priority date If the age of an alien is determined under paragraph (1) to be 21 years of age or older for the purposes of subsections (a)(2)(A) and (d), and a parent of the alien files a family-based petition for such alien, the priority date for such petition shall be the original priority date issued upon receipt of the original family- or employment-based petition for which either parent was a beneficiary. ; and (2) by adding at the end the following: (i) Permanent priority dates The priority date for any family- or employment-based petition shall be the date of filing of the petition with the Secretary of Homeland Security (or the Secretary of State, if applicable), unless the filing of the petition was preceded by the filing of a labor certification with the Secretary of Labor, in which case that date shall constitute the priority date. The beneficiary of any petition shall retain his or her earliest priority date based on any petition filed on his or her behalf that was approvable when filed, regardless of the category of subsequent petitions. . II Uniting American Families Act 201. Definitions of permanent partner and permanent partnership Section 101(a) of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( 8 U.S.C. 1101(a) ) is amended— (1) in paragraph (15)(K)(ii), by inserting or permanent partnership after marriage ; and (2) by adding at the end the following: (52) The term permanent partner means an individual 18 years of age or older who— (A) is in a committed, intimate relationship with another individual 18 years of age or older in which both parties intend a lifelong commitment; (B) is financially interdependent with that other individual; (C) is not married to or in a permanent partnership with anyone other than that other individual; (D) is unable to contract with that other individual a marriage cognizable under this Act; and (E) is not a first, second, or third degree blood relation of that other individual. (53) The term permanent partnership means the relationship that exists between two permanent partners. (54) The term alien permanent partner means the individual in a permanent partnership who is being sponsored for a visa . 202. Definition of child (a) Titles I and II Section 101(b)(1) of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( 8 U.S.C. 1101(b)(1) ) is amended by adding at the end the following: (H) (i) a biological child of an alien permanent partner if the child was under the age of 18 at the time the permanent partnership was formed; or (ii) a child adopted by an alien permanent partner while under the age of 16 years if the child has been in the legal custody of, and has resided with, such adoptive parent for at least 2 years and if the child was under the age of 18 at the time the permanent partnership was formed. . (b) Title III Section 101(c) of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( 8 U.S.C. 1101(c) ) is amended— (1) in paragraph (1), by inserting or as described in subsection (b)(1)(H) after The term child means an unmarried person under twenty-one years of age ; and (2) in paragraph (2), by inserting or a deceased permanent partner of the deceased parent, father, or mother, after deceased parent, father, and mother . 203. Worldwide level of immigration Section 201(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1151(b)(2)(A)(i)) is amended— (1) by inserting permanent partners, after spouses, ; (2) by inserting or permanent partner after spouse each place it appears; (3) by inserting (or, in the case of a permanent partnership, whose permanent partnership was not terminated) after was not legally separated from the citizen ; and (4) by striking remarries. and inserting remarries or enters a permanent partnership with another person. . 204. Numerical limitations on individual foreign states (a) Per country levels Section 202(a)(4) of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( 8 U.S.C. 1152(a)(4) ) is amended— (1) in the heading, by inserting , permanent partners, after spouses ; (2) in the heading of subparagraph (A), by inserting , permanent partners, after spouses ; and (3) in the heading of subparagraph (C), by striking and daughters inserting without permanent partners and unmarried daughters without permanent partners . (b) Rules for chargeability Section 202(b)(2) of such Act ( 8 U.S.C. 1152(b)(2) ) is amended— (1) by inserting or permanent partner after spouse each place it appears; and (2) by inserting or permanent partners after husband and wife . 205. Allocation of immigrant visas (a) Preference allocation for family members of permanent resident aliens Section 203(a)(2) of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( 8 U.S.C. 1153(a)(2) ) is amended— (1) in the heading— (A) by striking and after spouses and inserting , permanent partners, ; and (B) by inserting without permanent partners after sons and after daughters ; (2) in subparagraph (A), by inserting , permanent partners, after spouses ; and (3) in subparagraph (B), by inserting without permanent partners after sons and after daughters . (b) Preference allocation for sons and daughters of citizens Section 203(a)(3) of such Act ( 8 U.S.C. 1153(a)(3) ) is amended— (1) in the heading, by inserting and daughters and sons with permanent partners after daughters ; and (2) by inserting , or daughters or sons with permanent partners, after daughters . (c) Employment creation Section 203(b)(5)(A)(ii) of such Act (8 U.S.C. 1153(b)(5)(A)(ii)) is amended by inserting permanent partner, after spouse, . (d) Treatment of family members Section 203(d) of such Act ( 8 U.S.C. 1153(d) ) is amended— (1) by inserting , permanent partner, after spouse each place it appears; and (2) by striking or (E) and inserting (E), or (H) . 206. Procedure for granting immigrant status (a) Classification petitions Section 204(a)(1) of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( 8 U.S.C. 1154(a)(1) ) is amended— (1) in subparagraph (A)(ii), by inserting or permanent partner after spouse ; (2) in subparagraph (A)(iii)— (A) by inserting or permanent partner after spouse each place it appears; and (B) in subclause (I), by inserting or permanent partnership after marriage each place it appears; (3) in subparagraph (A)(v)(I), by inserting permanent partner, after is the spouse, ; (4) in subparagraph (A)(vi)— (A) by inserting or termination of the permanent partnership after divorce ; and (B) by inserting , permanent partner, after spouse ; and (5) in subparagraph (B)— (A) by inserting or permanent partner after spouse each place it appears; (B) by inserting or permanent partnership after marriage in clause (ii)(I)(aa) and the first place it appears in clause (ii)(I)(bb); and (C) in clause (ii)(II)(aa)(CC)(bbb), by inserting (or the termination of the permanent partnership) after termination of the marriage . (b) Immigration fraud prevention Section 204(c) of such Act ( 8 U.S.C. 1154(c) ) is amended— (1) by inserting or permanent partner after spouse each place it appears; and (2) by inserting or permanent partnership after marriage each place it appears. (c) Restrictions on petitions based on marriages entered while in exclusion or deportation proceedings Section 204(g) of such Act ( 8 U.S.C. 1154(g) ) is amended by inserting or permanent partnership after marriage each place it appears. (d) Survival of rights To petition Section 204(h) of such Act ( 8 U.S.C. 1154(h) ) is amended— (1) by inserting or permanent partnership after marriage each place it appears; and (2) by inserting or formation of a new permanent partnership after Remarriage . 207. Annual admission of refugees and admission of emergency situation refugees Section 207(c) of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( 8 U.S.C. 1157(c) ) is amended— (1) in paragraph (2)— (A) by inserting or permanent partner after spouse each place it appears; (B) by inserting or permanent partner’s after spouse’s ; and (C) in subparagraph (A)— (i) by striking or after (D), ; and (ii) by inserting , or (H) after (E) ; and (2) in paragraph (4), by inserting or permanent partner after spouse . 208. Asylum Section 208(b)(3) of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( 8 U.S.C. 1158(b)(3) ) is amended— (1) in the paragraph heading, by inserting or permanent partner after spouse ; (2) in subparagraph (A)— (A) by inserting or permanent partner after spouse ; (B) by striking or after (D), ; and (C) by inserting , or (H) after (E) . 209. Adjustment of status of refugees Section 209(b)(3) of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( 8 U.S.C. 1159(b)(3) ) is amended by inserting or permanent partner after spouse . 210. Inadmissible aliens (a) Classes of aliens ineligible for visas or admission Section 212(a) of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( 8 U.S.C. 1182(a) ) is amended— (1) in paragraph (3)(D)(iv), by inserting permanent partner, after spouse, ; (2) in paragraph (4)(C)(I)(I), by inserting , permanent partner, after spouse ; (3) in paragraph (6)(E)(ii), by inserting permanent partner, after spouse, ; and (4) in paragraph (9)(B)(v), by inserting , permanent partner, after spouse . (b) Waivers Section 212(d) of such Act ( 8 U.S.C. 1182(d) ) is amended— (1) in paragraph (11), by inserting permanent partner, after spouse, ; and (2) in paragraph (12), by inserting , permanent partner, after spouse . (c) Waivers of inadmissibility on health-Related grounds Section 212(g)(1)(A) of such Act ( 8 U.S.C. 1182(g)(1)(A) ) is amended by inserting or permanent partner after spouse . (d) Waivers of inadmissibility on criminal and related grounds Section 212(h)(1)(B) of such Act ( 8 U.S.C. 1182(h)(1)(B) ) is amended by inserting permanent partner, after spouse, . (e) Waiver of inadmissibility for misrepresentation Section 212(i)(1) of such Act ( 8 U.S.C. 1182(i)(1) ) is amended by inserting permanent partner, after spouse, . 211. Nonimmigrant status for permanent partners awaiting the availability of an immigrant visa Section 214 of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( 8 U.S.C. 1184 ) is amended— (1) in subsection (e)(2), by inserting or permanent partner after spouse ; and (2) in subsection (r)— (A) in paragraph (1), by inserting or permanent partner after spouse ; and (B) by inserting or permanent partnership after marriage each place it appears. 212. Derivative status for permanent partners of nonimmigrant visa holders Section 101(a)(15) of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( 8 U.S.C. 1101(a)(15) ) is amended— (1) in subparagraph (A)— (A) in clause (i), by inserting , which shall include permanent partners after immediate family ; (B) in clause (ii), by inserting , which shall include permanent partners after immediate families ; and (C) in clause (iii), by inserting , which shall include permanent partners, after immediate families, ; (2) in subparagraph (E), by inserting or permanent partner after spouse ; (3) in subparagraph (F)(ii), by inserting or permanent partner after spouse ; (4) in subparagraph (G)(i), by inserting , which shall include his or her permanent partner after members of his or their immediate family ; (5) in subparagraph (G)(ii), by inserting , which shall include permanent partners, after the members of their immediate families ; (6) in subparagraph (G)(iii), by inserting , which shall include his permanent partner, after the members of his immediate family ; (7) in subparagraph (G)(iv), by inserting , which shall include permanent partners after the members of their immediate families ; (8) in subparagraph (G)(v), by inserting , which shall include permanent partners after the members of the immediate families ; (9) in subparagraph (H), by inserting or permanent partner after spouse ; (10) in subparagraph (I), by inserting or permanent partner after spouse ; (11) in subparagraph (J), by inserting or permanent partner after spouse ; (12) in subparagraph (L), by inserting or permanent partner after spouse ; (13) in subparagraph (M)(ii), by inserting or permanent partner after spouse ; (14) in subparagraph (O)(iii), by inserting or permanent partner after spouse ; (15) in subparagraph (P)(iv), by inserting or permanent partner after spouse ; (16) in subparagraph (Q)(ii)(II), by inserting or permanent partner after spouse ; (17) in subparagraph (R), by inserting or permanent partner after spouse ; (18) in subparagraph (S), by inserting or permanent partner after spouse ; (19) in subparagraph (T)(ii)(I), by inserting or permanent partner after spouse ; (20) in subparagraph (T)(ii)(II), by inserting or permanent partner after spouse ; (21) in subparagraph (U)(ii)(I), by inserting or permanent partner after spouse ; (22) in subparagraph (U)(ii)(II), by inserting or permanent partner after spouse ; and (23) in subparagraph (V), by inserting permanent partner or after beneficiary (including a . 213. Conditional permanent resident status for certain alien spouses, permanent partners, and sons and daughters (a) Section heading (1) In general The heading for section 216 of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( 8 U.S.C. 1186a ) is amended by inserting and permanent partners after spouses . (2) Clerical amendment The table of contents of such Act is amended by amending the item relating to section 216 to read as follows: Sec. 216. Conditional permanent resident status for certain alien spouses and permanent partners and sons and daughters. . (b) In general Section 216(a) of such Act ( 8 U.S.C. 1186a(a) ) is amended— (1) in paragraph (1), by inserting or permanent partner after spouse ; (2) in paragraph (2)(A), by inserting or permanent partner after spouse ; (3) in paragraph (2)(B), by inserting permanent partner, after spouse, ; and (4) in paragraph (2)(C), by inserting permanent partner, after spouse, . (c) Termination of status if finding that qualifying marriage improper Section 216(b) of such Act ( 8 U.S.C. 1186a(b) ) is amended— (1) in the heading, by inserting or permanent partnership after marriage ; (2) in paragraph (1)(A), by inserting or permanent partnership after marriage ; and (3) in paragraph (1)(A)(ii)— (A) by inserting or has ceased to satisfy the criteria for being considered a permanent partnership under this Act, after terminated, ; and (B) by inserting or permanent partner after spouse . (d) Requirements of timely petition and interview for removal of condition Section 216(c) of such Act ( 8 U.S.C. 1186a(c) ) is amended— (1) in paragraphs (1), (2)(A)(ii), (3)(A)(ii), (3)(C), (4)(B), and (4)(C), by inserting or permanent partner after spouse each place it appears; and (2) in paragraph (3)(A), in the matter following clause (ii), and in paragraph (3)(D), (4)(B), and (4)(C), by inserting or permanent partnership after marriage each place it appears. (e) Contents of petition Section 216(d)(1) of such Act ( 8 U.S.C. 1186a(d)(1) ) is amended— (1) in the heading of subparagraph (A), by inserting or permanent partnership after marriage ; (2) in subparagraph (A)(i), by inserting or permanent partnership after marriage ; (3) in subparagraph (A)(I)(I), by inserting before the comma at the end , or is a permanent partnership recognized under this Act ; (4) in subparagraph (A)(I)(II)— (A) by inserting or has not ceased to satisfy the criteria for being considered a permanent partnership under this Act, after terminated, ; and (B) by inserting or permanent partner after spouse ; (5) in subparagraph (A)(ii), by inserting or permanent partner after spouse ; and (6) in subparagraph (B)(i)— (A) by inserting or permanent partnership after marriage ; and (B) by inserting or permanent partner after spouse . (f) Definitions Section 216(g) of such Act ( 8 U.S.C. 1186a(g) ) is amended— (1) in paragraph (1)— (A) by inserting or permanent partner after spouse each place it appears; and (B) by inserting or permanent partnership after marriage each place it appears; (2) in paragraph (2), by inserting or permanent partnership after marriage ; (3) in paragraph (3), by inserting or permanent partnership after marriage ; and (4) in paragraph (4)— (A) by inserting or permanent partner after spouse each place it appears; and (B) by inserting or permanent partnership after marriage . 214. Conditional permanent resident status for certain alien entrepreneurs, spouses, permanent partners, and children (a) Section heading (1) In general The heading for section 216A of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( 8 U.S.C. 1186b ) is amended by inserting or permanent partners after spouses . (2) Clerical amendment The table of contents of such Act is amended by amending the item relating to section 216A to read as follows: Sec. 216A. Conditional permanent resident status for certain alien entrepreneurs, spouses or permanent partners, and children. . (b) In general Section 216A(a) of such Act ( 8 U.S.C. 1186b(a) ) is amended, in paragraphs (1), (2)(A), (2)(B), and (2)(C), by inserting or permanent partner after spouse each place it appears. (c) Termination of status if finding that qualifying entrepreneurship improper Section 216A(b)(1) of such Act ( 8 U.S.C. 1186b(b)(1) ) is amended by inserting or permanent partner after spouse in the matter following subparagraph (C). (d) Requirements of timely petition and interview for removal of condition Section 216A(c) of such Act ( 8 U.S.C. 1186b(c) ) is amended, in paragraphs (1), (2)(A)(ii), and (3)(C), by inserting or permanent partner after spouse . (e) Definitions Section 216A(f)(2) of such Act ( 8 U.S.C. 1186b(f)(2) ) is amended by inserting or permanent partner after spouse each place it appears. 215. Deportable aliens Section 237(a) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1227(a)) is amended— (1) in paragraph (1)(D)(i), by inserting or permanent partners after spouses each place it appears; (2) in paragraphs (1)(E)(ii), (1)(E)(iii), and (1)(H)(I)(I), by inserting or permanent partner after spouse ; (3) by adding at the end of paragraph (1) the following new subparagraph: (I) Permanent Partnership fraud An alien shall be considered to be deportable as having procured a visa or other documentation by fraud (within the meaning of section 212(a)(6)(C)(i)) and to be in the United States in violation of this Act (within the meaning of subparagraph (B)) if— (i) the alien obtains any admission to the United States with an immigrant visa or other documentation procured on the basis of a permanent partnership entered into less than 2 years prior to such admission and which, within 2 years subsequent to such admission, is terminated because the criteria for permanent partnership are no longer fulfilled, unless the alien establishes to the satisfaction of the Secretary of Homeland Security that such permanent partnership was not contracted for the purpose of evading any provisions of the immigration laws; or (ii) it appears to the satisfaction of the Secretary of Homeland Security that the alien has failed or refused to fulfill the alien’s permanent partnership which in the opinion of the Secretary of Homeland Security was made for the purpose of procuring the alien’s admission as an immigrant. ; and (4) in paragraphs (2)(E)(i) and (3)(C)(ii), by inserting or permanent partner after spouse each place it appears. 216. Removal proceedings Section 240 of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( 8 U.S.C. 1229a ) is amended— (1) in the heading of subsection (c)(7)(C)(iv), by inserting permanent partners, after spouses, ; and (2) in subsection (e)(1), by inserting or permanent partner after spouse . 217. Cancellation of removal; adjustment of status Section 240A(b) of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( 8 U.S.C. 1229b(b) ) is amended— (1) in paragraph (1)(D), by inserting or permanent partner after spouse ; (2) in the heading for paragraph (2), by inserting , permanent partner, after spouse ; and (3) in paragraph (2)(A), by inserting , permanent partner, after spouse each place it appears. 218. Adjustment of status of nonimmigrant to that of person admitted for permanent residence (a) Prohibition on adjustment of status Section 245(d) of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( 8 U.S.C. 1255(d) ) is amended by inserting or permanent partnership after marriage . (b) Avoiding immigration fraud Section 245(e) of such Act ( 8 U.S.C. 1255(e) ) is amended— (1) in paragraph (1), by inserting or permanent partnership after marriage ; and (2) by adding at the end the following new paragraph: (4) Paragraph (1) and section 204(g) shall not apply with respect to a permanent partnership if the alien establishes by clear and convincing evidence to the satisfaction of the Secretary of Homeland Security that the permanent partnership was entered into in good faith and in accordance with section 101(a)(52) and the permanent partnership was not entered into for the purpose of procuring the alien’s admission as an immigrant and no fee or other consideration was given (other than a fee or other consideration to an attorney for assistance in preparation of a lawful petition) for the filing of a petition under section 204(a) or 214(d) with respect to the alien permanent partner. In accordance with regulations, there shall be only one level of administrative appellate review for each alien under the previous sentence. . (c) Adjustment of status for certain aliens paying fee Section 245(i)(1) of such Act ( 8 U.S.C. 1255(i)(1) ) is amended by inserting or permanent partner after spouse each place it appears. (d) Adjustment of status for certain alien informants Section 245(j) of such Act (8 U.S.C. 1255(j)) is amended— (1) in paragraph (1)— (A) by inserting or permanent partner after spouse ; and (B) by inserting sons and daughters with and without permanent partners, after daughters, ; and (2) in paragraph (2)— (A) by inserting or permanent partner after spouse ; and (B) by inserting sons and daughters with and without permanent partners, after daughters, . (e) Trafficking Section 245(l)(1) of such Act is amended by inserting permanent partner, after spouse, . 219. Application of criminal penalties for misrepresentation and concealment of facts regarding permanent partnerships Section 275(c) of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( 8 U.S.C. 1325(c) ) is amended to read as follows: (c) Any individual who knowingly enters into a marriage or permanent partnership for the purpose of evading any provision of the immigration laws shall be imprisoned for not more than 5 years, or fined not more than $250,000, or both. . 220. Requirements as to residence, good moral character, attachment to the principles of the Constitution Section 316(b) of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( 8 U.S.C. 1427(b) ) is amended by inserting or permanent partner after spouse . 221. Naturalization for permanent partners of citizens Section 319 of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( 8 U.S.C. 1430 ) is amended— (1) in subsection (a), by inserting or permanent partner after spouse each place it appears; (2) in subsection (a), by inserting or permanent partnership after marital union ; (3) in subsection (b)(1), by inserting or permanent partner after spouse ; (4) in subsection (b)(3), by inserting or permanent partner after spouse ; (5) in subsection (d)— (A) by inserting or permanent partner after spouse each place it appears; and (B) by inserting or permanent partnership after marital union ; (6) in subsection (e)(1)— (A) by inserting or permanent partner after spouse ; and (B) by inserting or permanent partnership after marital union ; and (7) in subsection (e)(2), by inserting or permanent partner after spouse . 222. Application of family unity provisions to permanent partners of certain LIFE Act beneficiaries Section 1504 of the LIFE Act (division B of the Miscellaneous Appropriations Act, 2001, as enacted into law by section 1(a)(4) of Public Law 106–554 ) is amended— (1) in the heading, by inserting , permanent partners, after spouses ; (2) in subsection (a), by inserting , permanent partner, after spouse ; and (3) in each of subsections (b) and (c)— (A) in the subsection headings, by inserting , permanent partners, after spouses ; and (B) by inserting , permanent partner, after spouse each place it appears. 223. Application to Cuban Adjustment Act (a) In general The first section of Public Law 89–732 (November 2, 1966; 8 U.S.C. 1255 note) is amended— (1) in the next to last sentence, by inserting , permanent partner, after spouse the first two places it appears; and (2) in the last sentence, by inserting , permanent partners, after spouses . (b) Conforming amendments (1) Immigration and Nationality Act Section 101(a)(51)(D) of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( 8 U.S.C. 1101(a)(51)(D) ) is amended by striking or spouse and inserting , spouse, or permanent partner . (2) Violence Against Women Act Section 1506(c)(2)(A)(I)(IV) of the Violence Against Women Act of 2000 (8 U.S.C. 1229a note; division B of Public Law 106–386 ) is amended by striking or spouse and inserting , spouse, or permanent partner .
2023-01-08 17:38:11.219
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Introduced-in-House" bill-type="olc" dms-id="H54970DE27D6240A1AA338BFA64546496" public-private="public"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 718 IH: Abstinence Education Reallocation Act of 2013 </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-02-14 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> I </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 718 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130214"> February 14, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="H001059"> Mr. Hultgren </sponsor> (for himself and <cosponsor name-id="L000563"> Mr. Lipinski </cosponsor> ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="HIF00"> Committee on Energy and Commerce </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> A BILL </legis-type> <official-title> To authorize the Secretary of Health and Human Services, acting through the Administrator of the Health Resources and Services Administration, to award grants on a competitive basis to public and private entities to provide qualified sexual risk avoidance education to youth and their parents. </official-title> </form> <legis-body id="H07D6745323284E818A47B803BCB5386F" style="OLC"> <section id="H1361EA76DA9B499395049D1AF1069CF3" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Short title </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> This Act may be cited as the <quote> <short-title> Abstinence Education Reallocation Act of 2013 </short-title> </quote> . </text> </section> <section id="HEAE27C0B465E4D8D8024DDCB8660ACE1"> <enum> 2. </enum> <header> Sexual risk avoidance education </header> <subsection id="H79D286AC1AF54195A43EE0A29716E707"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Grants </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The Secretary of Health and Human Services, acting through the Administrator of the Health Resources and Services Administration, may award grants on a competitive basis to public and private entities to provide qualified sexual risk avoidance education to youth and their parents. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="HCD80389084D442B99A431A0A4CD63343"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Qualified sexual risk avoidance education </header> <text> To qualify for funding under subsection (a), sexual risk avoidance education shall meet each of the following: </text> <paragraph id="H2AC8302A55A54808A4AB61F8106F3C5A"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> The education shall be age appropriate. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H34853EB0555244F58570B06F3491E58B"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> The education shall be medically accurate. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H7E809290502B4AA4831ECB3FDF8068B0"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> The education shall be an evidence-based approach. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H4C836DCCE5644E96BAE9D0E2E0BF82DB"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The context for all sexual health education shall be teaching the skills and benefits of sexual abstinence as the optimal sexual health behavior for youth. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H466C0511549E45EF9ECF53500778BC81"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text> The education shall include, consistent with paragraphs (1) through (4), teaching of each of the following: </text> <subparagraph id="H85557A72E5AC4351A1C1D5D23C09DAA7"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> The holistic health, economic, and societal benefits that can be gained by refraining from nonmarital sexual activity, through teaching practical skills that promote self-regulation, goal setting, and a focus on the future. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H4FDC3209551B499381713F8BCCF6B76A"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> The clear advantage of reserving human sexual activity for marriage, as a key contributing factor in the prevention of poverty and the preservation of physical and emotional health, based on social science research. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H8359057B23364B399DE21CCA9C712ECE"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> The foundational components of a healthy relationship and related research regarding the individual, economic, and societal advantages of bearing children within the context of a committed marital relationship in order to form healthy marriages and safe and stable families. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H7666540B63F7469199A0152EC0536CBF"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text> The skills needed to resist the negative influences of the pervasive sex-saturated culture that presents teenage sexual activity as an expected norm, with few risks or negative consequences. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H8AE57AF2D47E4417A6CB335816FE2E42"> <enum> (E) </enum> <text> The understanding of how drugs, alcohol, and the irresponsible use of social media can influence sexual decisionmaking and can contribute to risky and often aggressive sexual behavior. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H2861949B40E241E9A6A871D3FA832A84"> <enum> (F) </enum> <text> A focused priority on the superior health benefits of sexual abstinence, ensuring that any information provided on contraception does not exaggerate its effectiveness in preventing sexually transmitted diseases and pregnancies. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HC1CDFB5E77CF411EBDE880E00FA18246"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Priority </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> In awarding grants under subsection (a), the Secretary of Health and Human Services shall give priority to applicants proposing programs to provide qualified sexual risk avoidance education that— </text> <paragraph id="H34599F2F0A1A4305B37692A4B7E1617C"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> will serve youth spanning ages 12 to 19; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H740401B1A4684C729F8458223A0DF401"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> will promote protective benefits of parent-child communication regarding healthy sexual decisionmaking. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H9F1FB20E7BCD4734A11037CD99C60313"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header> Definitions </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> In this Act: </text> <paragraph id="H950B93031B6445E5BDF37AA85632F5FE"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> The term <term> age appropriate </term> means appropriate for the general developmental and social maturity of the age group (as opposed to the cognitive ability to understand a topic or the atypical development of a small segment of the targeted population). </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HA0334D19496B40FBB2D6E715F5DCD45C"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> The term <term> evidence-based approach </term> means an approach that— </text> <subparagraph id="H28B9EB8176844B66B28A7C3C5E685E52"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> has a clear theoretical base that integrates research findings with practical implementation expertise that is relevant to the field; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H88E2D67EEAAD42ABBAE6D5198B1862AF"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> matches the needs and desired outcomes for the intended audience; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HD89C487FFB3C47D283B8EF97E01E42B2"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> if implemented well, will demonstrate improved outcomes for the targeted population. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HF337D06CC15241DC986F1BE982A2DC0E"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> The term <term> medically accurate </term> means referenced to peer-reviewed research by medical, educational, scientific, governmental, or public health publications, organizations, or agencies. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HAF3C86E8D5574E2ABCEA85B60726F7FF"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> The term <term> sexual abstinence </term> means voluntarily refraining from sexual activity. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HB0CAA94FF6264A02B5EA3506E4941DFE"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text> The term <term> sexual activity </term> means genital contact or sexual stimulation including, but not limited to, sexual intercourse. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H6907FC8E6C1442BDBD3B08915E653D0D"> <enum> (e) </enum> <header> Authorization of appropriations </header> <paragraph id="H19DA23F8456341E1A8DA5C77E2C56343"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> There is authorized to be appropriated $110,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2013 through 2017 to carry out this Act. Amounts authorized to be appropriated by the preceding sentence shall be derived exclusively from amounts in the Prevention and Public Health Fund established by section 4002 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (42 U.S.C. 300u–11). </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HAFB59D42BE2343F39384683C2DDAFAD5"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Federal administrative costs </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Of the amount authorized to be appropriated by paragraph (1) for a fiscal year— </text> <subparagraph id="H223A8378C2EB446EB348616A62625464"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> not more than $1,000,000 are authorized to be used for Federal administrative costs; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H1D222C0103794DB19DCB5B6563C0F42C"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> of the amount used by the Secretary of Health and Human Services for administrative costs, at least 40 percent shall be used for training and technical assistance by qualified organizations— </text> <clause id="H3AAA540C884246FF9A707F619841BCA3"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> whose sole focus is the development and advancement of abstinence education; </text> </clause> <clause id="HA3995B1287EC4021825017AEF173C5C7"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> that have expertise in theory-based abstinence education curriculum development and implementation; </text> </clause> <clause id="HAC395AFBD09B45089D5D7271892F2FB7"> <enum> (iii) </enum> <text> that have direct experience in developing sexual risk avoidance evaluation instruments; and </text> </clause> <clause id="HDF4AD69591014AD3B4F85BEED0133A52"> <enum> (iv) </enum> <text> that can offer technical assistance and training on a wide range of topics relevant to the sexual risk avoidance (or abstinence education) field. </text> </clause> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> </section> </legis-body> </bill>
I 113th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 718 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES February 14, 2013 Mr. Hultgren (for himself and Mr. Lipinski ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce A BILL To authorize the Secretary of Health and Human Services, acting through the Administrator of the Health Resources and Services Administration, to award grants on a competitive basis to public and private entities to provide qualified sexual risk avoidance education to youth and their parents. 1. Short title This Act may be cited as the Abstinence Education Reallocation Act of 2013 . 2. Sexual risk avoidance education (a) Grants The Secretary of Health and Human Services, acting through the Administrator of the Health Resources and Services Administration, may award grants on a competitive basis to public and private entities to provide qualified sexual risk avoidance education to youth and their parents. (b) Qualified sexual risk avoidance education To qualify for funding under subsection (a), sexual risk avoidance education shall meet each of the following: (1) The education shall be age appropriate. (2) The education shall be medically accurate. (3) The education shall be an evidence-based approach. (4) The context for all sexual health education shall be teaching the skills and benefits of sexual abstinence as the optimal sexual health behavior for youth. (5) The education shall include, consistent with paragraphs (1) through (4), teaching of each of the following: (A) The holistic health, economic, and societal benefits that can be gained by refraining from nonmarital sexual activity, through teaching practical skills that promote self-regulation, goal setting, and a focus on the future. (B) The clear advantage of reserving human sexual activity for marriage, as a key contributing factor in the prevention of poverty and the preservation of physical and emotional health, based on social science research. (C) The foundational components of a healthy relationship and related research regarding the individual, economic, and societal advantages of bearing children within the context of a committed marital relationship in order to form healthy marriages and safe and stable families. (D) The skills needed to resist the negative influences of the pervasive sex-saturated culture that presents teenage sexual activity as an expected norm, with few risks or negative consequences. (E) The understanding of how drugs, alcohol, and the irresponsible use of social media can influence sexual decisionmaking and can contribute to risky and often aggressive sexual behavior. (F) A focused priority on the superior health benefits of sexual abstinence, ensuring that any information provided on contraception does not exaggerate its effectiveness in preventing sexually transmitted diseases and pregnancies. (c) Priority In awarding grants under subsection (a), the Secretary of Health and Human Services shall give priority to applicants proposing programs to provide qualified sexual risk avoidance education that— (1) will serve youth spanning ages 12 to 19; and (2) will promote protective benefits of parent-child communication regarding healthy sexual decisionmaking. (d) Definitions In this Act: (1) The term age appropriate means appropriate for the general developmental and social maturity of the age group (as opposed to the cognitive ability to understand a topic or the atypical development of a small segment of the targeted population). (2) The term evidence-based approach means an approach that— (A) has a clear theoretical base that integrates research findings with practical implementation expertise that is relevant to the field; (B) matches the needs and desired outcomes for the intended audience; and (C) if implemented well, will demonstrate improved outcomes for the targeted population. (3) The term medically accurate means referenced to peer-reviewed research by medical, educational, scientific, governmental, or public health publications, organizations, or agencies. (4) The term sexual abstinence means voluntarily refraining from sexual activity. (5) The term sexual activity means genital contact or sexual stimulation including, but not limited to, sexual intercourse. (e) Authorization of appropriations (1) In general There is authorized to be appropriated $110,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2013 through 2017 to carry out this Act. Amounts authorized to be appropriated by the preceding sentence shall be derived exclusively from amounts in the Prevention and Public Health Fund established by section 4002 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (42 U.S.C. 300u–11). (2) Federal administrative costs Of the amount authorized to be appropriated by paragraph (1) for a fiscal year— (A) not more than $1,000,000 are authorized to be used for Federal administrative costs; and (B) of the amount used by the Secretary of Health and Human Services for administrative costs, at least 40 percent shall be used for training and technical assistance by qualified organizations— (i) whose sole focus is the development and advancement of abstinence education; (ii) that have expertise in theory-based abstinence education curriculum development and implementation; (iii) that have direct experience in developing sexual risk avoidance evaluation instruments; and (iv) that can offer technical assistance and training on a wide range of topics relevant to the sexual risk avoidance (or abstinence education) field.
2023-01-08 17:38:11.346
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Introduced-in-House" bill-type="olc" dms-id="HCD1F5F113C904BDD882FA69913F21430" public-private="public"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 719 IH: Capital Access for Small Businesses and Jobs Act </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-02-14 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> I </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 719 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130214"> February 14, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="K000210"> Mr. King of New York </sponsor> (for himself, <cosponsor name-id="S000344"> Mr. Sherman </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="B001278"> Ms. Bonamici </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="B001242"> Mr. Bishop of New York </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="H001051"> Mr. Hanna </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="J000255"> Mr. Jones </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="L000565"> Mr. Loebsack </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="M001137"> Mr. Meeks </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="M001149"> Mr. Michaud </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="N000147"> Ms. Norton </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="P000597"> Ms. Pingree of Maine </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="P000598"> Mr. Polis </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="P000599"> Mr. Posey </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="W000187"> Ms. Waters </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="B000574"> Mr. Blumenauer </cosponsor> ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="HBA00"> Committee on Financial Services </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> A BILL </legis-type> <official-title> To clarify the National Credit Union Administration authority to improve credit union safety and soundness. </official-title> </form> <legis-body id="HE859AC3AE7C7437F84F440CEFAC5F237" style="OLC"> <section id="H13CC205CCE934727B0F9798DE5D851A3" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Short title </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> This Act may be cited as the <quote> <short-title> Capital Access for Small Businesses and Jobs Act </short-title> </quote> . </text> </section> <section id="H18D92043A2FA43B69F98D274B0070AC7"> <enum> 2. </enum> <header> Improving credit union safety and soundness </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> The Federal Credit Union Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/12/1751"> 12 U.S.C. 1751 et seq. </external-xref> ) is amended— </text> <paragraph id="H46C724DC493E4EEFBCD6686BFF99B077"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> in section 107— </text> <subparagraph id="H9740AC8CFC9F40B6AFB7BA496EF94028"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> in paragraph (16), by striking <quote> and </quote> at the end; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HB93FE9F584514790A8A1C0ADF6B910E1"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> in paragraph (17), by striking the period and inserting <quote> ; and </quote> ; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HDDC98503660A4082AA120CD2C3702D95"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> by adding at the end the following: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H932D26C52A0046709829E6AFA210DAD5" style="OLC"> <paragraph id="H83713C088C324696AA6CC674D1771308"> <enum> (18) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> to receive payments on uninsured non-share accounts described under section 216(o)(2)(D), subject to such terms, rates, and conditions as may be established by the board of directors, within limitations prescribed by the Board. </text> </paragraph> <after-quoted-block> ; and </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HD5937062B74D4B9195F7D3590942F499"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> in section 216— </text> <subparagraph id="HB161C7A1BC49458BBDA7D90674C35764"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> in subsection (b)(1)(B)(ii), by striking <quote> must rely </quote> and inserting <quote> rely predominantly </quote> ; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HC863FF492BE640C39C727C0B8435F14B"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> in subsection (o)(2)— </text> <clause id="H252A9500C38446EA89DC5D411328B2AC"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> in subparagraph (B), by striking <quote> and </quote> at the end; </text> </clause> <clause id="HA5E6C3E18C89485299D4B56418D50C4E"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> in subparagraph (C)(ii), by striking the period and inserting <quote> ; and </quote> ; and </text> </clause> <clause id="HF8124FFE90C54588A64A418ADC7BD92F"> <enum> (iii) </enum> <text> by adding at the end the following: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HBA275009CD4E4AD68CF206420C2B2823" style="OLC"> <subparagraph id="H9BC634B3412148D8B3B0D10E6373FC5D"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> with respect to any insured credit union other than a low-income credit union, includes uninsured non-share accounts as authorized by the Board, that— </text> <clause id="HE720EF9AD269476BBA8E372B6F8437FA"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> do not alter the cooperative nature of the credit union; </text> </clause> <clause id="H02E93AE59A494596AB264E2A962D4106"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> are subordinate to all other claims against the credit union, including the claims of creditors, shareholders, and the Fund; </text> </clause> <clause id="H76DEB76EEC8D424EA21D453B4C33A0B7"> <enum> (iii) </enum> <text> are available to be applied to cover operating losses of the credit union in excess of its retained earnings and, to the extent so applied, will not be replenished; </text> </clause> <clause id="H5044B4C9D2F24903B5E5B45884BB1176"> <enum> (iv) </enum> <text> if they have a stated maturity, have an initial maturity of at least 5 years; </text> </clause> <clause id="H481B19CACED84FC489941087F44E8F6E"> <enum> (v) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> if they have a stated maturity, the net worth value of such accounts may be discounted at the discretion of the Board when the remaining maturity is less than 5 years; </text> </clause> <clause id="HBACE8C2873624AA3A39036D4907DD817"> <enum> (vi) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> are subject to disclosure and consumer protection requirements as determined by the Board; </text> </clause> <clause id="H0D1234B744A8448985168D404DA31EAA"> <enum> (vii) </enum> <text> are offered by a credit union that is determined by the Board to be sufficiently capitalized and well-managed; and </text> </clause> <clause id="H70CD2644E2334A54BF3FC727B9322EDD"> <enum> (viii) </enum> <text> are subject to such rules and regulations as the Board may establish. </text> </clause> </subparagraph> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </clause> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </section> </legis-body> </bill>
I 113th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 719 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES February 14, 2013 Mr. King of New York (for himself, Mr. Sherman , Ms. Bonamici , Mr. Bishop of New York , Mr. Hanna , Mr. Jones , Mr. Loebsack , Mr. Meeks , Mr. Michaud , Ms. Norton , Ms. Pingree of Maine , Mr. Polis , Mr. Posey , Ms. Waters , and Mr. Blumenauer ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Financial Services A BILL To clarify the National Credit Union Administration authority to improve credit union safety and soundness. 1. Short title This Act may be cited as the Capital Access for Small Businesses and Jobs Act . 2. Improving credit union safety and soundness The Federal Credit Union Act ( 12 U.S.C. 1751 et seq. ) is amended— (1) in section 107— (A) in paragraph (16), by striking and at the end; (B) in paragraph (17), by striking the period and inserting ; and ; and (C) by adding at the end the following: (18) to receive payments on uninsured non-share accounts described under section 216(o)(2)(D), subject to such terms, rates, and conditions as may be established by the board of directors, within limitations prescribed by the Board. ; and (2) in section 216— (A) in subsection (b)(1)(B)(ii), by striking must rely and inserting rely predominantly ; and (B) in subsection (o)(2)— (i) in subparagraph (B), by striking and at the end; (ii) in subparagraph (C)(ii), by striking the period and inserting ; and ; and (iii) by adding at the end the following: (D) with respect to any insured credit union other than a low-income credit union, includes uninsured non-share accounts as authorized by the Board, that— (i) do not alter the cooperative nature of the credit union; (ii) are subordinate to all other claims against the credit union, including the claims of creditors, shareholders, and the Fund; (iii) are available to be applied to cover operating losses of the credit union in excess of its retained earnings and, to the extent so applied, will not be replenished; (iv) if they have a stated maturity, have an initial maturity of at least 5 years; (v) if they have a stated maturity, the net worth value of such accounts may be discounted at the discretion of the Board when the remaining maturity is less than 5 years; (vi) are subject to disclosure and consumer protection requirements as determined by the Board; (vii) are offered by a credit union that is determined by the Board to be sufficiently capitalized and well-managed; and (viii) are subject to such rules and regulations as the Board may establish. .
2023-01-08 17:38:11.617
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Introduced-in-House" bill-type="olc" dms-id="HEBB50A6FEE0E431EAD777A756ECEA1F8" public-private="public"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 720 IH: Denying Firearms and Explosives to Dangerous Terrorists Act of 2013 </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-02-14 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> I </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 720 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130214"> February 14, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="K000210"> Mr. King of New York </sponsor> (for himself, <cosponsor name-id="R000053"> Mr. Rangel </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="C001037"> Mr. Capuano </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="C001084"> Mr. Cicilline </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="D000610"> Mr. Deutch </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="E000179"> Mr. Engel </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="F000030"> Mr. Farr </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="G000569"> Mr. Grimm </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="H001047"> Mr. Himes </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="H001032"> Mr. Holt </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="I000057"> Mr. Israel </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="M000933"> Mr. Moran </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="N000147"> Ms. Norton </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="P000596"> Mr. Pierluisi </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="Q000023"> Mr. Quigley </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S000480"> Ms. Slaughter </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="W000215"> Mr. Waxman </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="M000312"> Mr. McGovern </cosponsor> ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="HJU00"> Committee on the Judiciary </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> A BILL </legis-type> <official-title> To increase public safety by permitting the Attorney General to deny the transfer of a firearm or the issuance of firearms or explosives licenses to a known or suspected dangerous terrorist. </official-title> </form> <legis-body id="H76CD4ACC92204E3D8FD27F00205AB4C0" style="OLC"> <section id="H65F692F450E6406F9144F9C46D9DB98A" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Short title </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> This Act may be cited as the <quote> <short-title> Denying Firearms and Explosives to Dangerous Terrorists Act of 2013 </short-title> </quote> . </text> </section> <section id="HCF17BB94EEC44276A4977BEED5FB6B42"> <enum> 2. </enum> <header> Granting the attorney general the authority to deny the sale, delivery, or transfer of a firearm or the issuance of a firearms or explosives license or permit to dangerous terrorists </header> <subsection id="HBC00B872F754404883C52B0089560B54"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Standard for exercising attorney general discretion regarding transferring firearms or issuing firearms permits to dangerous terrorists </header> <text> Chapter 44 of title 18, United States Code, is amended— </text> <paragraph id="H3C2B0D43B4F84625AFF9275A1FD12451"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> by inserting the following new section after section 922: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H467639D8B60348BF8FCB7FBAEDD3EA3C" style="USC"> <section id="H574E18E5F7F6441493142375BB25AE0B"> <enum> 922A. </enum> <header> Attorney General’s discretion to deny transfer of a firearm </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> The Attorney General may deny the transfer of a firearm pursuant to section 922(t)(1)(B)(ii) if the Attorney General determines that the transferee is known (or appropriately suspected) to be or have been engaged in conduct constituting, in preparation for, in aid of, or related to terrorism, or providing material support thereof, and the Attorney General has a reasonable belief that the prospective transferee may use a firearm in connection with terrorism. </text> </section> <after-quoted-block> ; </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H88F3416BDCAD46FB93B20C1C3631F097"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> by inserting the following new section after section 922A: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H50A2FE82215A40FF8184B5F63F3957BA" style="USC"> <section id="HE4FEA64A87264B13B6DCDA140D2C2B69"> <enum> 922B. </enum> <header> Attorney General’s discretion regarding applicants for firearm permits which would qualify for the exemption provided under section 922(t)(3) </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> The Attorney General may determine that an applicant for a firearm permit which would qualify for an exemption under section 922(t) is known (or appropriately suspected) to be or have been engaged in conduct constituting, in preparation for, in aid of, or related to terrorism, or providing material support thereof, and the Attorney General has a reasonable belief that the applicant may use a firearm in connection with terrorism. </text> </section> <after-quoted-block> ; and </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H3B1559393E4647DAA92E2590B0B033A1"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> in section 921(a), by adding at the end the following: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HD766933E33C749BA8C1DC4935B3D2199" style="OLC"> <paragraph id="HFD8AD1D8CCE84607864A0CEBF9FB34EC" indent="up1"> <enum> (36) </enum> <text> The term <term> terrorism </term> means <quote> international terrorism </quote> as defined in section 2331(1), and <quote> domestic terrorism </quote> as defined in section 2331(5). </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H19E123D3A6AE4C18B71A70D73E85F4F2" indent="up1"> <enum> (37) </enum> <text> The term <term> material support </term> means <quote> material support or resources </quote> within the meaning of section 2339A or 2339B. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H76559F1397514BABB040F2E3E37702BF" indent="up1"> <enum> (38) </enum> <text> The term <term> responsible person </term> means an individual who has the power, directly or indirectly, to direct or cause the direction of the management and policies of the applicant or licensee pertaining to firearms. </text> </paragraph> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H0718341B485749DFAC28DFDB156C34D7"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Effect of attorney general discretionary denial through the national instant criminal background check system (NICS) on firearms permits </header> <text> Section 922(t) of such title is amended— </text> <paragraph id="HBB6EBC84EBFF45BCB134C30DF40CF029"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> in paragraph (1)(B)(ii), by inserting <quote> or State law, or that the Attorney General has determined to deny the transfer of a firearm pursuant to section 922A </quote> before the semicolon; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H3789572B2D8549CBB57EA65CEE0AE840"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> in paragraph (2), by inserting after <quote> or State law </quote> the following: <quote> or if the Attorney General has not determined to deny the transfer of a firearm pursuant to section 922A </quote> ; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H767EE7FF3BA24538808C2E32D1194937"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> in paragraph (3)(A)(i)— </text> <subparagraph id="HA6B52BA105FC4F96AFD53401702EA516"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> by striking <quote> and </quote> at the end of subclause (I); and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H76992EA65E2C444EB002350C845445CA"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> by adding at the end the following: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H69DEA5939AF244A9BBB6EE09294A9F98" style="OLC"> <subparagraph id="H5590C538A1454B3993FF1CBAE58CDE9E" indent="up1"> <enum> (III) </enum> <text> was issued after a check of the system established pursuant to paragraph (1); </text> </subparagraph> <after-quoted-block> ; </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H9ED86BD15614474FA53BC8568618FA17"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> in paragraph (3)(A)— </text> <subparagraph id="H3A998A9B50F74C66AC45FFE98B4565B9"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> by adding <quote> and </quote> at the end of clause (ii); and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H7BF6853CE91D4709AC36DE020AB87EB8"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> by adding after and below the end the following: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HEC0A2FA2C6EB40FC8C3661BBC86E0718" style="OLC"> <clause id="HE246732051D54EE1BDF79FD8B584293A"> <enum> (iii) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> the State issuing the permit agrees to deny the permit application if such other person is the subject of a determination by the Attorney General pursuant to section 922B; </text> </clause> <after-quoted-block> ; </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HE7CFCE9AA59241A5AB0E4654B64AFD10"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text> in paragraph (4), by inserting after <quote> or State law, </quote> the following: <quote> or if the Attorney General has not determined to deny the transfer of a firearm pursuant to section 922A, </quote> ; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H20218748F1674373AE182E4BD4F7BE33"> <enum> (6) </enum> <text> in paragraph (5), by inserting after <quote> or State law, </quote> the following: <quote> or if the Attorney General has determined to deny the transfer of a firearm pursuant to section 922A, </quote> . </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H0F6740B21A7C47F0B466B5F25659CC60"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Unlawful sale or disposition of firearm based on attorney general discretionary denial </header> <text> Section 922(d) of such title is amended— </text> <paragraph id="H0FD5617BEE8B40CD8E34112EAB276E2C"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> by striking <quote> or </quote> at the end of paragraph (8); </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H2916DBF18CFE445391E41872C8220658"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> by striking the period at the end of paragraph (9) and inserting <quote> ; or </quote> ; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H4E1230B1FC98495F9B8C890D729D0400"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> by inserting after paragraph (9) the following: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HB80B0EE9E8EB40048EF13CB8821F65BF" style="OLC"> <paragraph id="H11A513EF61C54E77A84FF5EA88BBD987"> <enum> (10) </enum> <text> has been the subject of a determination by the Attorney General pursuant to section 922A, 922B, 923(d)(1)(H), or 923(e) of this title. </text> </paragraph> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H0357D2AAE0EC4C6688E7249514C32026"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header> Attorney general discretionary denial as prohibitor </header> <text> Section 922(g) of such title is amended— </text> <paragraph id="HA35983FB673E423EB9687CC7C1724CD8"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> by striking <quote> or </quote> at the end of paragraph (8); </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HBB1B8071E8D94009AEAC8D299841DBDB"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> by striking the comma at the end of paragraph (9) and inserting; <quote> ; or </quote> ; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HC3CBCDB323AB4577B0A97468F989B6BC"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> by inserting after paragraph (9) the following: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H8C10A321A0714F1BABDF65C2EDFDED7F" style="OLC"> <paragraph id="HD8244FD749944311BBA629669236F720"> <enum> (10) </enum> <text> who has received actual notice of the Attorney General’s determination made pursuant to section 922A, 922B, 923(d)(1)(H), or 923(e) of this title. </text> </paragraph> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HB5ECB92D2F1E4DE5842C25561C41656F"> <enum> (e) </enum> <header> Attorney general discretionary denial of federal firearms licenses </header> <text> Section 923(d)(1) of such title is amended— </text> <paragraph id="H3AA753255482484B95EA4422CC7DE7E6"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> by striking <quote> Any </quote> and inserting <quote> Except as provided in subparagraph (H), any </quote> ; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H8F5EF26963F44F0C8B92A316A1B156E5"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> in subparagraph (F)(iii), by striking <quote> and </quote> at the end; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HF2805A4E7FB841EBA2CF1D74AEF8CF52"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> in subparagraph (G), by striking the period and inserting <quote> ; and </quote> ; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HCCB65E500D994C33BCAE475C514541EA"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> by adding at the end the following: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HB2EF354C136C430794E07DB971E42298" style="OLC"> <subparagraph id="H80302F3F499442468606DB8A1941BF56"> <enum> (H) </enum> <text> The Attorney General may deny a license application if the Attorney General determines that the applicant (including any responsible person) is known (or appropriately suspected) to be or have been engaged in conduct constituting, in preparation for, in aid of, or related to terrorism, or providing material support thereof, and the Attorney General has a reasonable belief that the applicant may use a firearm in connection with terrorism. </text> </subparagraph> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H3C2F430E5F4A4545B6A88C6DE5B02AB7"> <enum> (f) </enum> <header> Discretionary revocation of federal firearms licenses </header> <text> Section 923(e) of such title is amended— </text> <paragraph id="HE31A011A3A2E4834863B9D09A14EB484"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> in the 1st sentence— </text> <subparagraph id="H6F451D512AEA43118F84EF76F0191FAD"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> by inserting after <quote> revoke </quote> the following: <quote> —(1) </quote> ; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H0AD69A45CDAB40098DF6C07B9AA1E45B"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> by striking the period and inserting a semicolon; </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H5C61F870226C492EBF8E84E94A5DA3CE"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> in the 2nd sentence— </text> <subparagraph id="HEA6C783BEFEA47099B74512CBA08EBF1"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> by striking <quote> The Attorney General may, after notice and opportunity for hearing, revoke </quote> and insert <quote> (2) </quote> ; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H5628F30573814DDFB8BF823D34637C6F"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> by striking the period and inserting <quote> ; or </quote> ; and </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HBF1A18E77CE240EA9EFA07A2DFAF48A4"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> by adding at the end the following: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HCFFBC033F6B2497AA234446F9813843E" style="OLC"> <paragraph commented="no" id="H025BE5CA299F4DDABAE1AD732735FBA5"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> any license issued under this section if the Attorney General determines that the holder of the license (including any responsible person) is known (or appropriately suspected) to be or have been engaged in conduct constituting, in preparation for, in aid of, or related to terrorism, or providing material support thereof, and the Attorney General has a reasonable belief that the applicant may use a firearm in connection with terrorism. </text> </paragraph> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H88B896C6C39A46A386B8D12B95F1BF18"> <enum> (g) </enum> <header> Attorney general’s ability To withhold information in firearms license denial and revocation suit </header> <text> Section 923(f) of such title is amended— </text> <paragraph id="HE6D77F1100FE445685801A00B3BAC3FF"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> in the 1st sentence of paragraph (1), by inserting <quote> , except that if the denial or revocation is pursuant to subsection (d)(1)(H) or (e)(3), then any information on which the Attorney General relied for this determination may be withheld from the petitioner if the Attorney General determines that disclosure of the information would likely compromise national security </quote> before the period; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H0D86F99442F043FD958A8E308ECEEDFA"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> in paragraph (3), by inserting after the 3rd sentence the following: <quote> With respect to any information withheld from the aggrieved party under paragraph (1), the United States may submit, and the court may rely on, summaries or redacted versions of documents containing information the disclosure of which the Attorney General has determined would likely compromise national security. </quote> . </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HBCBE63077CED4032B749900116E03D7C"> <enum> (h) </enum> <header> Attorney general’s ability To withhold information in relief from disabilities lawsuits </header> <text> Section 925(c) of such title is amended by inserting after the 3rd sentence the following: <quote> If receipt of a firearm by the person would violate section 922(g)(10), any information which the Attorney General relied on for this determination may be withheld from the applicant if the Attorney General determines that disclosure of the information would likely compromise national security. In responding to the petition, the United States may submit, and the court may rely on, summaries or redacted versions of documents containing information the disclosure of which the Attorney General has determined would likely compromise national security. </quote> . </text> </subsection> <subsection commented="no" id="HDDE13D2877484829B3DB6B17DA855001"> <enum> (i) </enum> <header> Penalties </header> <text> Section 924(k) of such title is amended— </text> <paragraph commented="no" id="H9315CD8943C84479BD996FC2EDFDE53C"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> by striking <quote> or </quote> at the end of paragraph (2); </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" id="HC1F8C7E5F2614D2F8E7D0CA9084BAC04"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> in paragraph (3), by striking <quote> , or </quote> and inserting <quote> ; or </quote> ; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" id="H948114A3DE154B4EA99C465BF741BB3A"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> by inserting after paragraph (3) the following: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H977B9223593A4684B03B06163435D6C7" style="OLC"> <paragraph commented="no" id="H4715317CFDD74539A1A319D42ACC25F5"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> constitutes an act of terrorism (as defined in section 921(a)(36)), or material support thereof (as defined in section 921(a)(37)), or </text> </paragraph> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HFD4BA81DC9B64A9092715BA657F40A2D"> <enum> (j) </enum> <header> Remedy for erroneous denial of firearm or firearm permit exemption </header> <text> Section 925A of such title is amended— </text> <paragraph id="H4A685A4FC70A4A5EAADF0A3DCFEC5D72"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> in the section heading, by striking <quote> <header-in-text level="section" style="USC"> Remedy for erroneous denial of firearm </header-in-text> </quote> and inserting <quote> <header-in-text level="section" style="USC"> Remedies </header-in-text> </quote> ; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HD6470B15ADF9420F9C31F57ABD8F9FB1"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> by striking <quote> Any person denied a firearm pursuant to subsection (s) or (t) of section 922 </quote> and inserting the following: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HEDD16F90D6FD4A43A761ECEB0A40F5E0" style="OLC"> <subsection id="H4E81A3D53FDC4EE1AF9595F5B6171E22"> <enum> (a) </enum> <text> Except as provided in subsection (b), any person denied a firearm pursuant to section 922(t) or pursuant to a determination made under section 922B, </text> </subsection> <after-quoted-block> ; and </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H0569279FF0FE4E779FD80158111FB7D7"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> by adding after and below the end the following: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H6F81E8A74C874AC18AA2FF8082598CAB" style="OLC"> <subsection id="HD41B9263F7D84171A2010988166EDE8F"> <enum> (b) </enum> <text> In any case in which the Attorney General has denied the transfer of a firearm to a prospective transferee pursuant to section 922A or has made a determination regarding a firearm permit applicant pursuant to section 922B, an action challenging the determination may be brought against the United States. The petition must be filed not later than 60 days after the petitioner has received actual notice of the Attorney General’s determination made pursuant to section 922A or 922B. The court shall sustain the Attorney General’s determination on a showing by the United States by a preponderance of evidence that the Attorney General’s determination satisfied the requirements of section 922A or 922B. To make this showing, the United States may submit, and the court may rely on, summaries or redacted versions of documents containing information the disclosure of which the Attorney General has determined would likely compromise national security. On request of the petitioner or the court’s own motion, the court may review the full, undisclosed documents ex parte and in camera. The court shall determine whether the summaries or redacted versions, as the case may be, are fair and accurate representations of the underlying documents. The court shall not consider the full, undisclosed documents in deciding whether the Attorney General’s determination satisfies the requirements of section 922A or 922B. </text> </subsection> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HF39B0E7448254E92B0C9175790428641"> <enum> (k) </enum> <header> Provision of grounds underlying ineligibility determination by the national instant criminal background check system </header> <text> Section 103 of the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="public-law" parsable-cite="pl/103/159"> Public Law 103–159 </external-xref> ) is amended— </text> <paragraph id="H18A98F84800B4242AF4759B7F5D359AF"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> in subsection (f)— </text> <subparagraph id="H3144C1A3A1C9459F9D19298985EA5D96"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> by inserting after <quote> is ineligible to receive a firearm, </quote> the following: <quote> or the Attorney General has made a determination regarding an applicant for a firearm permit pursuant to <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/18/922B"> section 922B </external-xref> of title 18, United States Code </quote> ; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H21372FA134E2403394C30A301B083468"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> by inserting after <quote> the system shall provide such reasons to the individual, </quote> the following: <quote> except for any information the disclosure of which the Attorney General has determined would likely compromise national security </quote> ; and </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H20421CD4910A4DD29D0D1D1543BB83D3"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> in subsection (g)— </text> <subparagraph id="HA7EE63DF611B4835B83574690D86F7C3"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> in the 1st sentence, by inserting after <quote> subsection (g) or (n) of section 922 of title 18, United States Code or State law </quote> the following: <quote> or if the Attorney General has made a determination pursuant to section 922A or 922B of such title, </quote> ; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H73F44F6602CB425F9CB4D8B8310736FF"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> by inserting <quote> , except any information the disclosure of which the Attorney General has determined would likely compromise national security </quote> before the period; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HADA20845FDE944F58CD6FE660453EF13"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> by adding at the end the following: <quote> Any petition for review of information withheld by the Attorney General under this subsection shall be made in accordance with <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/18/925A"> section 925A </external-xref> of title 18, United States Code. </quote> . </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H8554AB74324B4BF08ADBC3D02044A73D"> <enum> (l) </enum> <header> Unlawful distribution of explosives based on attorney general discretionary denial </header> <text> Section 842(d) of such title is amended— </text> <paragraph id="H20E8E46B7CCC4B23A93DD7541CF982C4"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> by striking the period at the end of paragraph (9) and inserting <quote> ; or </quote> ; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H52B3F2BCBC8B4527B51273E0DA6AC426"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> by adding at the end the following: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H61E395AE41634AFEBA06AF45FC1F058C" style="OLC"> <paragraph id="H834306CDAECD4B0F9B7395F4F00C7893"> <enum> (10) </enum> <text> has received actual notice of the Attorney General’s determination made pursuant to section 843(b)(8) or (d)(2) of this title. </text> </paragraph> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H5566A7348E9D44BAB1F4C6201F392908"> <enum> (m) </enum> <header> Attorney General discretionary denial as prohibitor </header> <text> Section 842(i) of such title is amended— </text> <paragraph id="H344D92EE4B15440AA531DD1AD8574377"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> by adding <quote> or </quote> at the end of paragraph (7); and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H492DC8B4980843729BB2528994D75EC0"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> by inserting after paragraph (7) the following: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HB32084792F714E93808F917AA39DBF32" style="USC"> <paragraph id="HA5D5368212E44268B5912BD765C44182"> <enum> (8) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> who has received actual notice of the Attorney General’s determination made pursuant to section 843(b)(8) or (d)(2), </text> </paragraph> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HE69F2C7A1A50410095ED9B434C184A73"> <enum> (n) </enum> <header> Attorney General discretionary denial of Federal explosives licenses and permits </header> <text> Section 843(b) of such title is amended— </text> <paragraph id="H0B3B930B5DD843ACB1C4F7F264538CC8"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> by striking <quote> Upon </quote> and inserting the following: <quote> Except as provided in paragraph (8), on </quote> ; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H9447B506422E4777AF36C404A3FD7897"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> by inserting after paragraph (7) the following: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H7A67A36D16BB4FB781160D70BC147341" style="OLC"> <paragraph id="H36F1AE7C4C234303A4316D13D8E0CD36"> <enum> (8) </enum> <text> The Attorney General may deny the issuance of a permit or license to an applicant if the Attorney General determines that the applicant or a responsible person or employee possessor thereof is known (or appropriately suspected) to be or have been engaged in conduct constituting, in preparation of, in aid of, or related to terrorism, or providing material support thereof, and the Attorney General has a reasonable belief that the person may use explosives in connection with terrorism. </text> </paragraph> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HEDC44947FF504039BE222ECBFB1CA993"> <enum> (o) </enum> <header> Attorney General discretionary revocation of Federal explosives licenses and permits </header> <text> Section 843(d) of such title is amended— </text> <paragraph id="HD9AC3B623CCE4322A14098B6D72B30AA"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> by inserting <quote> (1) </quote> in the first sentence after <quote> if </quote> ; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HAE2134DF9B3C4C418E20AB0DC44B2D2B"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> by striking the period at the end of the first sentence and inserting the following: <quote> ; or (2) the Attorney General determines that the licensee or holder (or any responsible person or employee possessor thereof) is known (or appropriately suspected) to be or have been engaged in conduct constituting, in preparation for, in aid of, or related to terrorism, or providing material support thereof, and that the Attorney General has a reasonable belief that the person may use explosives in connection with terrorism. </quote> . </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H553A59AE24CF4816A807082BAD1026CB"> <enum> (p) </enum> <header> Attorney General’s ability To withhold information in explosives license and permit denial and revocation suits </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Section 843(e) of such title is amended— </text> <paragraph id="H272964B706DE4768A0932D1D452AB6FD"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> in the 1st sentence of paragraph (1), by inserting <quote> except that if the denial or revocation is based on a determination under subsection (b)(8) or (d)(2), then any information which the Attorney General relied on for the determination may be withheld from the petitioner if the Attorney General determines that disclosure of the information would likely compromise national security </quote> before the period; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HF55FE4696CBD47E5B4947929BDBB67A9"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> in paragraph (2), by adding at the end the following: <quote> In responding to any petition for review of a denial or revocation based on a determination under section 843(b)(8) or (d)(2), the United States may submit, and the court may rely on, summaries or redacted versions of documents containing information the disclosure of which the Attorney General has determined would likely compromise national security. </quote> . </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H9289D2AAD7DC496C9054037D8F10305F"> <enum> (q) </enum> <header> Ability To withhold information in communications to employers </header> <text> Section 843(h)(2) of such title is amended— </text> <paragraph id="H9DD1F4EAA1DF494980EA86B591F21B54"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> in subparagraph (A), by inserting <quote> or section 843(b)(1) (on grounds of terrorism) of this title, </quote> after <quote> section 842(i), </quote> ; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HD414265031C64ABC910EDD4F4671C0AF"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> in subparagraph (B)— </text> <subparagraph id="H0A6C2D0AB8014DC98AF779CAA73ED9D6"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> by inserting <quote> or section 843(b)(8) </quote> after <quote> section 842(i) </quote> ; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H6AEEC6C092AA45C9B14904F6170C8ADC"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> in clause (ii), by inserting <quote> , except that any information that the Attorney General relied on for a determination pursuant to section 843(b)(8) may be withheld if the Attorney General concludes that disclosure of the information would likely compromise national security </quote> before the semicolon. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H1D6FB9CDAE194DACBCDBDD5CE984D037"> <enum> (r) </enum> <header> Conforming amendment to immigration and nationality act </header> <text> Section 101(a)(43)(E)(ii) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1101(a)(43)(E)(ii)) is amended by striking <quote> or (5) </quote> and inserting <quote> (5), or (10) </quote> . </text> </subsection> </section> </legis-body> </bill>
I 113th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 720 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES February 14, 2013 Mr. King of New York (for himself, Mr. Rangel , Mr. Capuano , Mr. Cicilline , Mr. Deutch , Mr. Engel , Mr. Farr , Mr. Grimm , Mr. Himes , Mr. Holt , Mr. Israel , Mr. Moran , Ms. Norton , Mr. Pierluisi , Mr. Quigley , Ms. Slaughter , Mr. Waxman , and Mr. McGovern ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary A BILL To increase public safety by permitting the Attorney General to deny the transfer of a firearm or the issuance of firearms or explosives licenses to a known or suspected dangerous terrorist. 1. Short title This Act may be cited as the Denying Firearms and Explosives to Dangerous Terrorists Act of 2013 . 2. Granting the attorney general the authority to deny the sale, delivery, or transfer of a firearm or the issuance of a firearms or explosives license or permit to dangerous terrorists (a) Standard for exercising attorney general discretion regarding transferring firearms or issuing firearms permits to dangerous terrorists Chapter 44 of title 18, United States Code, is amended— (1) by inserting the following new section after section 922: 922A. Attorney General’s discretion to deny transfer of a firearm The Attorney General may deny the transfer of a firearm pursuant to section 922(t)(1)(B)(ii) if the Attorney General determines that the transferee is known (or appropriately suspected) to be or have been engaged in conduct constituting, in preparation for, in aid of, or related to terrorism, or providing material support thereof, and the Attorney General has a reasonable belief that the prospective transferee may use a firearm in connection with terrorism. ; (2) by inserting the following new section after section 922A: 922B. Attorney General’s discretion regarding applicants for firearm permits which would qualify for the exemption provided under section 922(t)(3) The Attorney General may determine that an applicant for a firearm permit which would qualify for an exemption under section 922(t) is known (or appropriately suspected) to be or have been engaged in conduct constituting, in preparation for, in aid of, or related to terrorism, or providing material support thereof, and the Attorney General has a reasonable belief that the applicant may use a firearm in connection with terrorism. ; and (3) in section 921(a), by adding at the end the following: (36) The term terrorism means international terrorism as defined in section 2331(1), and domestic terrorism as defined in section 2331(5). (37) The term material support means material support or resources within the meaning of section 2339A or 2339B. (38) The term responsible person means an individual who has the power, directly or indirectly, to direct or cause the direction of the management and policies of the applicant or licensee pertaining to firearms. . (b) Effect of attorney general discretionary denial through the national instant criminal background check system (NICS) on firearms permits Section 922(t) of such title is amended— (1) in paragraph (1)(B)(ii), by inserting or State law, or that the Attorney General has determined to deny the transfer of a firearm pursuant to section 922A before the semicolon; (2) in paragraph (2), by inserting after or State law the following: or if the Attorney General has not determined to deny the transfer of a firearm pursuant to section 922A ; (3) in paragraph (3)(A)(i)— (A) by striking and at the end of subclause (I); and (B) by adding at the end the following: (III) was issued after a check of the system established pursuant to paragraph (1); ; (4) in paragraph (3)(A)— (A) by adding and at the end of clause (ii); and (B) by adding after and below the end the following: (iii) the State issuing the permit agrees to deny the permit application if such other person is the subject of a determination by the Attorney General pursuant to section 922B; ; (5) in paragraph (4), by inserting after or State law, the following: or if the Attorney General has not determined to deny the transfer of a firearm pursuant to section 922A, ; and (6) in paragraph (5), by inserting after or State law, the following: or if the Attorney General has determined to deny the transfer of a firearm pursuant to section 922A, . (c) Unlawful sale or disposition of firearm based on attorney general discretionary denial Section 922(d) of such title is amended— (1) by striking or at the end of paragraph (8); (2) by striking the period at the end of paragraph (9) and inserting ; or ; and (3) by inserting after paragraph (9) the following: (10) has been the subject of a determination by the Attorney General pursuant to section 922A, 922B, 923(d)(1)(H), or 923(e) of this title. . (d) Attorney general discretionary denial as prohibitor Section 922(g) of such title is amended— (1) by striking or at the end of paragraph (8); (2) by striking the comma at the end of paragraph (9) and inserting; ; or ; and (3) by inserting after paragraph (9) the following: (10) who has received actual notice of the Attorney General’s determination made pursuant to section 922A, 922B, 923(d)(1)(H), or 923(e) of this title. . (e) Attorney general discretionary denial of federal firearms licenses Section 923(d)(1) of such title is amended— (1) by striking Any and inserting Except as provided in subparagraph (H), any ; (2) in subparagraph (F)(iii), by striking and at the end; (3) in subparagraph (G), by striking the period and inserting ; and ; and (4) by adding at the end the following: (H) The Attorney General may deny a license application if the Attorney General determines that the applicant (including any responsible person) is known (or appropriately suspected) to be or have been engaged in conduct constituting, in preparation for, in aid of, or related to terrorism, or providing material support thereof, and the Attorney General has a reasonable belief that the applicant may use a firearm in connection with terrorism. . (f) Discretionary revocation of federal firearms licenses Section 923(e) of such title is amended— (1) in the 1st sentence— (A) by inserting after revoke the following: —(1) ; and (B) by striking the period and inserting a semicolon; (2) in the 2nd sentence— (A) by striking The Attorney General may, after notice and opportunity for hearing, revoke and insert (2) ; and (B) by striking the period and inserting ; or ; and (3) by adding at the end the following: (3) any license issued under this section if the Attorney General determines that the holder of the license (including any responsible person) is known (or appropriately suspected) to be or have been engaged in conduct constituting, in preparation for, in aid of, or related to terrorism, or providing material support thereof, and the Attorney General has a reasonable belief that the applicant may use a firearm in connection with terrorism. . (g) Attorney general’s ability To withhold information in firearms license denial and revocation suit Section 923(f) of such title is amended— (1) in the 1st sentence of paragraph (1), by inserting , except that if the denial or revocation is pursuant to subsection (d)(1)(H) or (e)(3), then any information on which the Attorney General relied for this determination may be withheld from the petitioner if the Attorney General determines that disclosure of the information would likely compromise national security before the period; and (2) in paragraph (3), by inserting after the 3rd sentence the following: With respect to any information withheld from the aggrieved party under paragraph (1), the United States may submit, and the court may rely on, summaries or redacted versions of documents containing information the disclosure of which the Attorney General has determined would likely compromise national security. . (h) Attorney general’s ability To withhold information in relief from disabilities lawsuits Section 925(c) of such title is amended by inserting after the 3rd sentence the following: If receipt of a firearm by the person would violate section 922(g)(10), any information which the Attorney General relied on for this determination may be withheld from the applicant if the Attorney General determines that disclosure of the information would likely compromise national security. In responding to the petition, the United States may submit, and the court may rely on, summaries or redacted versions of documents containing information the disclosure of which the Attorney General has determined would likely compromise national security. . (i) Penalties Section 924(k) of such title is amended— (1) by striking or at the end of paragraph (2); (2) in paragraph (3), by striking , or and inserting ; or ; and (3) by inserting after paragraph (3) the following: (4) constitutes an act of terrorism (as defined in section 921(a)(36)), or material support thereof (as defined in section 921(a)(37)), or . (j) Remedy for erroneous denial of firearm or firearm permit exemption Section 925A of such title is amended— (1) in the section heading, by striking Remedy for erroneous denial of firearm and inserting Remedies ; (2) by striking Any person denied a firearm pursuant to subsection (s) or (t) of section 922 and inserting the following: (a) Except as provided in subsection (b), any person denied a firearm pursuant to section 922(t) or pursuant to a determination made under section 922B, ; and (3) by adding after and below the end the following: (b) In any case in which the Attorney General has denied the transfer of a firearm to a prospective transferee pursuant to section 922A or has made a determination regarding a firearm permit applicant pursuant to section 922B, an action challenging the determination may be brought against the United States. The petition must be filed not later than 60 days after the petitioner has received actual notice of the Attorney General’s determination made pursuant to section 922A or 922B. The court shall sustain the Attorney General’s determination on a showing by the United States by a preponderance of evidence that the Attorney General’s determination satisfied the requirements of section 922A or 922B. To make this showing, the United States may submit, and the court may rely on, summaries or redacted versions of documents containing information the disclosure of which the Attorney General has determined would likely compromise national security. On request of the petitioner or the court’s own motion, the court may review the full, undisclosed documents ex parte and in camera. The court shall determine whether the summaries or redacted versions, as the case may be, are fair and accurate representations of the underlying documents. The court shall not consider the full, undisclosed documents in deciding whether the Attorney General’s determination satisfies the requirements of section 922A or 922B. . (k) Provision of grounds underlying ineligibility determination by the national instant criminal background check system Section 103 of the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act ( Public Law 103–159 ) is amended— (1) in subsection (f)— (A) by inserting after is ineligible to receive a firearm, the following: or the Attorney General has made a determination regarding an applicant for a firearm permit pursuant to section 922B of title 18, United States Code ; and (B) by inserting after the system shall provide such reasons to the individual, the following: except for any information the disclosure of which the Attorney General has determined would likely compromise national security ; and (2) in subsection (g)— (A) in the 1st sentence, by inserting after subsection (g) or (n) of section 922 of title 18, United States Code or State law the following: or if the Attorney General has made a determination pursuant to section 922A or 922B of such title, ; (B) by inserting , except any information the disclosure of which the Attorney General has determined would likely compromise national security before the period; and (C) by adding at the end the following: Any petition for review of information withheld by the Attorney General under this subsection shall be made in accordance with section 925A of title 18, United States Code. . (l) Unlawful distribution of explosives based on attorney general discretionary denial Section 842(d) of such title is amended— (1) by striking the period at the end of paragraph (9) and inserting ; or ; and (2) by adding at the end the following: (10) has received actual notice of the Attorney General’s determination made pursuant to section 843(b)(8) or (d)(2) of this title. . (m) Attorney General discretionary denial as prohibitor Section 842(i) of such title is amended— (1) by adding or at the end of paragraph (7); and (2) by inserting after paragraph (7) the following: (8) who has received actual notice of the Attorney General’s determination made pursuant to section 843(b)(8) or (d)(2), . (n) Attorney General discretionary denial of Federal explosives licenses and permits Section 843(b) of such title is amended— (1) by striking Upon and inserting the following: Except as provided in paragraph (8), on ; and (2) by inserting after paragraph (7) the following: (8) The Attorney General may deny the issuance of a permit or license to an applicant if the Attorney General determines that the applicant or a responsible person or employee possessor thereof is known (or appropriately suspected) to be or have been engaged in conduct constituting, in preparation of, in aid of, or related to terrorism, or providing material support thereof, and the Attorney General has a reasonable belief that the person may use explosives in connection with terrorism. . (o) Attorney General discretionary revocation of Federal explosives licenses and permits Section 843(d) of such title is amended— (1) by inserting (1) in the first sentence after if ; and (2) by striking the period at the end of the first sentence and inserting the following: ; or (2) the Attorney General determines that the licensee or holder (or any responsible person or employee possessor thereof) is known (or appropriately suspected) to be or have been engaged in conduct constituting, in preparation for, in aid of, or related to terrorism, or providing material support thereof, and that the Attorney General has a reasonable belief that the person may use explosives in connection with terrorism. . (p) Attorney General’s ability To withhold information in explosives license and permit denial and revocation suits Section 843(e) of such title is amended— (1) in the 1st sentence of paragraph (1), by inserting except that if the denial or revocation is based on a determination under subsection (b)(8) or (d)(2), then any information which the Attorney General relied on for the determination may be withheld from the petitioner if the Attorney General determines that disclosure of the information would likely compromise national security before the period; and (2) in paragraph (2), by adding at the end the following: In responding to any petition for review of a denial or revocation based on a determination under section 843(b)(8) or (d)(2), the United States may submit, and the court may rely on, summaries or redacted versions of documents containing information the disclosure of which the Attorney General has determined would likely compromise national security. . (q) Ability To withhold information in communications to employers Section 843(h)(2) of such title is amended— (1) in subparagraph (A), by inserting or section 843(b)(1) (on grounds of terrorism) of this title, after section 842(i), ; and (2) in subparagraph (B)— (A) by inserting or section 843(b)(8) after section 842(i) ; and (B) in clause (ii), by inserting , except that any information that the Attorney General relied on for a determination pursuant to section 843(b)(8) may be withheld if the Attorney General concludes that disclosure of the information would likely compromise national security before the semicolon. (r) Conforming amendment to immigration and nationality act Section 101(a)(43)(E)(ii) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1101(a)(43)(E)(ii)) is amended by striking or (5) and inserting (5), or (10) .
2023-01-08 17:38:10.632
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Introduced-in-House" bill-type="olc" dms-id="H2E88186F2CBB4B06865F89A241BC3AE2" public-private="public"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 721 IH: Short Line Railroad Rehabilitation and Investment Act of 2013 </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-02-14 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> I </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 721 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130214"> February 14, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="J000290"> Ms. Jenkins </sponsor> (for herself, <cosponsor name-id="B000574"> Mr. Blumenauer </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="D000619"> Mr. Rodney Davis of Illinois </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="L000563"> Mr. Lipinski </cosponsor> ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="HWM00"> Committee on Ways and Means </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> A BILL </legis-type> <official-title> To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to extend and modify the railroad track maintenance credit. </official-title> </form> <legis-body id="H7D0A62681BF947589F6CC3EE12F55B99" style="OLC"> <section id="HC73F8866712047578B1E102442DD8C59" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Short title </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> This Act may be cited as the <quote> <short-title> Short Line Railroad Rehabilitation and Investment Act of 2013 </short-title> </quote> . </text> </section> <section display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HD3CE7C2FB3AE4F488695A408AC891CEF" section-type="subsequent-section"> <enum> 2. </enum> <header> Extension and modification of Railroad Track Maintenance Credit </header> <subsection commented="no" id="H7F3AE7029ABF4140A58F45C9EE842CE8"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Extension of credit </header> <text> <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/26/45G"> Section 45G(f) </external-xref> of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by striking <quote> January 1, 2014 </quote> and inserting <quote> January 1, 2017 </quote> . </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H45DD4DBE8D40438B83BBF5969BD48F5A"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Expenditures </header> <text> Subsection (d) of <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/26/45G"> section 45G </external-xref> of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (relating to qualified railroad track maintenance expenditures) is amended by striking <quote> for maintaining </quote> and all that follows and inserting </text> <quoted-block display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="H6DD2FD90EA5045A5962FEEFBC39F78F4" style="OLC"> <text> for maintaining— </text> <subparagraph commented="no" id="HC7DB527C6EA64354980C5EF1C17C565B"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> in the case of taxable years beginning after December 31, 2004, and before January 1, 2013, railroad track (including roadbed, bridges, and related track structures) owned or leased as of January 1, 2005, by a Class II or Class III railroad (determined without regard to any consideration for such expenditures given by the Class II or Class III railroad which made the assignment of such track), and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph commented="no" id="H38FA9E8455D64C168F8EECD43516E341"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> in the case of taxable years beginning after December 31, 2012, railroad track (including roadbed, bridges, and related track structures) owned or leased as of January 1, 2013, by a Class II or Class III railroad (determined without regard to any consideration for such expenditures given by the Class II or Class III railroad which made the assignment of such track). </text> </subparagraph> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </subsection> <subsection commented="no" id="HA17B27550D134F8E813671F86D7619B1"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Effective date </header> <text> The amendments made by this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2012. </text> </subsection> </section> </legis-body> </bill>
I 113th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 721 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES February 14, 2013 Ms. Jenkins (for herself, Mr. Blumenauer , Mr. Rodney Davis of Illinois , and Mr. Lipinski ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Ways and Means A BILL To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to extend and modify the railroad track maintenance credit. 1. Short title This Act may be cited as the Short Line Railroad Rehabilitation and Investment Act of 2013 . 2. Extension and modification of Railroad Track Maintenance Credit (a) Extension of credit Section 45G(f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by striking January 1, 2014 and inserting January 1, 2017 . (b) Expenditures Subsection (d) of section 45G of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (relating to qualified railroad track maintenance expenditures) is amended by striking for maintaining and all that follows and inserting for maintaining— (A) in the case of taxable years beginning after December 31, 2004, and before January 1, 2013, railroad track (including roadbed, bridges, and related track structures) owned or leased as of January 1, 2005, by a Class II or Class III railroad (determined without regard to any consideration for such expenditures given by the Class II or Class III railroad which made the assignment of such track), and (B) in the case of taxable years beginning after December 31, 2012, railroad track (including roadbed, bridges, and related track structures) owned or leased as of January 1, 2013, by a Class II or Class III railroad (determined without regard to any consideration for such expenditures given by the Class II or Class III railroad which made the assignment of such track). . (c) Effective date The amendments made by this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2012.
2023-01-08 17:38:10.767
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Introduced-in-House" bill-type="olc" dms-id="HA3BF7D209B78417A805DA1DC3066D509" public-private="public"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 722 IH: Detectives Nemorin and Andrews Anti-Gun Trafficking Act of 2013 </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-02-14 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> I </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 722 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130214"> February 14, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="K000210"> Mr. King of New York </sponsor> (for himself, <cosponsor name-id="B001242"> Mr. Bishop of New York </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="M000933"> Mr. Moran </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="F000030"> Mr. Farr </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="R000053"> Mr. Rangel </cosponsor> ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="HJU00"> Committee on the Judiciary </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> A BILL </legis-type> <official-title> To combat illegal gun trafficking, and for other purposes. </official-title> </form> <legis-body id="H8C66CB80674F4AB1A0D43903BCF8ECBD" style="OLC"> <section id="HFB88297B8B804F8485F0482B932867C2" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Short title </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> This Act may be cited as the <quote> <short-title> Detectives Nemorin and Andrews Anti-Gun Trafficking Act of 2013 </short-title> </quote> . </text> </section> <section id="HF2DBAFF0BBA74F9EA9005AEDB9E72BFC"> <enum> 2. </enum> <header> Illegal gun trafficking </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Section 924 of title 18, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following: </text> <quoted-block id="HC6091ED95AA4482A8286894C7725550D" style="OLC"> <subsection display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H7D15EE5A72704C899363B2DCA2484C2C"> <enum> (q) </enum> <text> Whoever, in or affecting interstate or foreign commerce in violation of subsection (a)(1)(A), (a)(3), (a)(6), (b)(2), (b)(3), (b)(5), (d), (g), (i), (j), (k), (m), or (n) of section 922 or subsection (c) or (h) of this section— </text> <paragraph id="H5BEA03955B614B5B92DB2F2038B57349"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> offers for sale, transfer, or barter 2 or more firearms, at least 2 of which are handguns, semiautomatic assault weapons, short-barreled shotguns, short-barreled rifles, or machineguns; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H42E556CBFEFF4A49A25D0284116BDAC8"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> at least 1 of the firearms— </text> <subparagraph id="H00B2C6B2C63A45DDA2297F7BDEC27E47"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> is transported, received, or possessed by the person, and— </text> <clause id="H6DCDB078E5BA45879E318AC2471A7F52"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> is stolen; or </text> </clause> <clause id="HABF73870AC484823820D3456FD287E02"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> has had the importer’s or manufacturer’s serial number removed, obliterated, or altered; or </text> </clause> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HAD07662AC8E548838688D9828A044553"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> is offered by the person for sale, transfer, or barter to another person who— </text> <clause id="HB759616D878443A29D115C4AA2CD6CFE"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> is prohibited from possessing a firearm under subsection (g) or (n) of section 922; </text> </clause> <clause id="HBD6ADDB2991C419FBDC72AFBAD136701"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> is prohibited by State law from possessing a firearm; </text> </clause> <clause id="H718B5E2F911F4BE894A93CC8F6DBB006"> <enum> (iii) </enum> <text> has not attained 18 years of age, except as otherwise allowed under Federal or State law; </text> </clause> <clause id="HB0F793E83F454E019348478D6ACB959D"> <enum> (iv) </enum> <text> is in a school zone; or </text> </clause> <clause id="HC737E21F2E694B88B532758DA4880A26"> <enum> (v) </enum> <text> has travelled from any State into any other State, and acquires or attempts to acquire the firearm otherwise in violation of Federal or State law, </text> </clause> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <continuation-text continuation-text-level="subsection"> shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both. </continuation-text> </subsection> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </section> <section id="HD711418588844814B9B880B4535C3D5F"> <enum> 3. </enum> <header> Expansion of project safe neighborhoods </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Section 104 of the 21st Century Department of Justice Appropriations Authorization Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="public-law" parsable-cite="pl/107/273"> Public Law 107–273 </external-xref> ) is amended— </text> <paragraph id="H53139E57134E46C4B7159FF68AEACFDC"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> in subsection (a), by inserting <quote> , illegal gun trafficking, </quote> after <quote> violence </quote> ; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HE6C63E72A631494A87339F3BB9B684AD"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> in subsection (b), by striking <quote> 2002 </quote> and inserting <quote> 2013 </quote> . </text> </paragraph> </section> <section id="H471C6253331049C9AFE0875E6B17B44E"> <enum> 4. </enum> <header> Report to the Congress </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Beginning in calendar year 2013, the Attorney General shall submit biennially to the Congress a written report, covering the preceding 2 years, which specifies— </text> <paragraph id="HE2BE8BAF0836456AA21A20FBA4A1EBAB"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> the State of origin for each firearm, used in a crime, that was traced by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, and the State in which the firearm was recovered; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H3329B4E6FB65428D87B0AC0B7FD82A7D"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> the total number of firearms so traced, by manufacturer, model, and type of firearm; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HE1DEA9E257E44A6CB3E66451ABC6D5FD"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> the name of Federal firearms licensees who have had more than 5 firearms, used in a crime, traced back to them in a single year; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H644708D5AABB444E84B2EDF4A6810230"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> the number of prosecutions for each individual offense under sections 922, 923, and 924 of title 18, United States Code. </text> </paragraph> </section> <section id="HD48A19A9867D4D06A3280BBAF8303A52"> <enum> 5. </enum> <header> Additional penalty for possession of a stolen firearm during the commission of a felony </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Section 924 of title 18, United States Code, as amended by section 2 of this Act, is amended by adding at the end the following: </text> <quoted-block id="HF1C0288F712642B2B106E61D6E699E34" style="OLC"> <subsection display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HA1BEC7599F0442BB893FB840AF6E3FC8"> <enum> (r) </enum> <text> Whoever, during and in relation to the commission of a crime punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding 1 year, receives, possesses, conceals, barters, sells, or disposes of any stolen firearm or stolen ammunition, in or affecting interstate or foreign commerce, whether or not the person is aware that the firearm or ammunition is stolen, shall, in addition to the punishment provided for the crime so punishable, be sentenced to a term of imprisonment of not more than 5 years. </text> </subsection> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </section> <section id="H50C3955ED3FB4B6EB2C49E71291D554E"> <enum> 6. </enum> <header> National Crime Information Center Stolen Gun File </header> <subsection id="H604E3D6DF4784338A2D32345D316087B"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Availability </header> <text> The Federal Bureau of Investigation shall make available to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives the National Crime Information Center Gun File for the purpose of enabling the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives to access the file while completing a crime gun trace. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H288175CFC8CB40EA8320A20F55586A3C"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Use </header> <text> The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives shall conduct a search of the National Crime Information Center Stolen Gun File with respect to each firearm submitted to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives for tracing. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H6E4F8A633D594D79ACB90505CD9D1699"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Notification regarding stolen firearms </header> <text> If a law enforcement agency requests the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives to trace a firearm, and the National Crime Information Center Stolen Gun File indicates that the firearm is stolen, then the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives shall notify the law enforcement agency of that information and provide the law enforcement agency with any available information regarding the owner of the firearm. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="HF706A1BC806C481E9C443FA067DB6E35"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header> Return of stolen firearms possessed by BATFE </header> <text> If the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives possesses a firearm which the National Crime Information Center Stolen Gun File indicates is stolen, the Bureau shall return the firearm to the person who reported the firearm stolen, when the Bureau determines that— </text> <paragraph id="HF6CC74383C124B40A7FD9D7E14DF38E8"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> the firearm is no longer needed for Federal, State, or local criminal investigation or evidentiary purposes; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HE77045C92C664E58BEA09F83F0C3D1FF"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> the person is entitled to possess the firearm. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HEDC7463CBC2045E2BC1D6CC48CEECC06"> <enum> (e) </enum> <header> National instant stolen gun check system </header> <paragraph id="HBF5D146553BC40AFB04B6E8D54017840"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> Establishment </header> <text> Within 2 years after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Attorney General shall establish a national instant stolen gun check system that any licensee may contact, by telephone or other electronic means, for information to be supplied immediately on whether a firearm to be received by the licensee is stolen. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H33ACE12108014452A19E2253A78ECF19"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Instant check of status of firearms to be transferred to certain Federal firearms licensees by non-licensees </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> If the national instant stolen gun check system is contacted by a licensee for information on whether a firearm to be received by the licensee is stolen, the system shall, as soon as is practicable— </text> <subparagraph id="H663693347D3447049919E30687ADC0D1"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> conduct a search of the National Crime Information Center Stolen Gun File for information about the firearm; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HCA3D89017A0D4CBD86F230E533677973"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> inform the licensee whether the information available to the system indicates that the firearm is stolen. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H13E081DD6D0A474C95C867AA5E227D80"> <enum> (3) </enum> <header> Notification of licensees </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> On establishment of the national instant stolen gun check system under this subsection, the Attorney General shall notify each licensee and the chief law enforcement officer of each State of the existence and purpose of the system and the means to be used to contact the system. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HDF7DDD54ED4E482697B6AE0D80345FA2"> <enum> (4) </enum> <header> Permanent retention of records </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The national instant stolen gun check system shall create and maintain permanently a record of each contact of the system, and all information provided to or by the system during the contact. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H8631AFDA50584663B84C0BA97F9A0C75"> <enum> (5) </enum> <header> Definitions </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> In this section: </text> <subparagraph id="H530EC65E850249028E48F88FFE6A05A0"> <enum> (A) </enum> <header> Licensee </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The term <term> licensee </term> means a licensed dealer (as defined in <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/18/921"> section 921(a)(11) </external-xref> of title 18, United States Code), licensed importer (as defined in section 921(a)(9) of such title), or licensed manufacturer (as defined in section 921(a)(10) of such title). </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HBC5F3056B6034032AF72B4D549E00426"> <enum> (B) </enum> <header> Firearm </header> <text> The term <term> firearm </term> has the meaning given in section 921(a)(3) of title 18, United States Code. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HD7C3179244FB4E71AE2E6BB968FB83C3"> <enum> (f) </enum> <header> Federal firearms licensee required To contact national instant stolen gun check system before receiving firearm from non-Licensee </header> <paragraph id="H811C8E6984384E858879B996BBF48CA0"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/18/922"> Section 922(s) </external-xref> of title 18, United States Code, is amended to read as follows: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H48FA4F8F0D9643919F94449B8CD54F59" style="OLC"> <subsection id="H943BED4FC883405A8F1D8193BF16F37F"> <enum> (s) </enum> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="HD5F4B865A292467C9D438421C0CC1078"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Beginning on the date that is 30 days after the Attorney General notifies licensees under section 6(e)(3) of the Detectives Nemorin and Andrews Anti-Gun Trafficking Act of 2013 that the national instant stolen gun check system is established, a licensed importer, licensed manufacturer, or licensed dealer shall not receive a firearm from any person who is not licensed under this chapter, unless— </text> <subparagraph display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H86D8C0BBD53341509392C468F8CC7866" indent="up1"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> the licensee has verified the identity of the person by examining a valid identification document (as defined in section 1028(d) of this title) of the person that satisfies the requirements of section 202 of the REAL ID Act of 2005; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H12BDA9C0AA014882897C88906CEAE188" indent="up1"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> the licensee has contacted the national instant stolen gun check system established under subsection (e) of such section 6, and provided the system with— </text> <clause id="H84E3A39D884C425C8C28959AF5DFD669"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> the name and address of the person; </text> </clause> <clause id="HF59FC79A07B04BBB886990504745FCB3"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> a description of the identification document referred to in subparagraph (A) of this paragraph, including the number appearing on the document; and </text> </clause> <clause id="H16F257E60A6F45CEB016EAA3D93422A9"> <enum> (iii) </enum> <text> the name of the manufacturer, and the caliber and serial number, of the firearm; and </text> </clause> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HA6513DA56BD84DB7934BF5D339496A9B" indent="up1"> <enum> (C) </enum> <clause commented="no" display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="H876735B3850C40EAA5120941215E3D7C"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> the system has provided the licensee with a unique identification number; or </text> </clause> <clause id="H53D931DD961447B1983C2D0A4FF7358E" indent="up1"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> 3 business days (meaning a day on which State offices are open) have elapsed since the licensee contacted the system, and the system has not notified the licensee that the firearm is stolen. </text> </clause> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HE4C643214D82479CA92614147846361A" indent="up1"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> If the system determines that the information available to the system does not indicate that the firearm is stolen, the system shall— </text> <subparagraph id="H427B49C1D94A482D97E89E411F1C9C91"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> assign a unique identification number to the transaction; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H31E13D0528C445C4B1C1C75B7658432E"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> provide the licensee with the number. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HD115A8FB70B34AAE9A8AE18A4DECFC1D" indent="up1"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> If the system notifies the licensee that the information available to the system indicates that the firearm is stolen, the licensee shall contact the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives or another law enforcement agency having jurisdiction over possession of stolen firearms in the dealer’s location and shall comply with the instructions of any such agency concerning the disposition of the firearm, the gathering of information relating to the offeror of the firearm, and other assistance in the removal of the firearm from the stream of commerce. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HFC4195EA89894D86BE2D8134C85D5E6C" indent="up1"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> If the licensee knowingly receives the firearm from the person and knowingly fails to comply with paragraph (1) with respect to the receipt and, at the time of the receipt, the system was operating and information was available to the system indicating that the firearm was stolen, the Attorney General may, after notice and opportunity for a hearing, suspend for not more than 6 months or revoke any license issued to the licensee under section 923, and may impose on the licensee a civil fine of not more than $5,000. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H4C5C495235CA4D5386F69F9113BA6557" indent="up1"> <enum> (5) </enum> <subparagraph commented="no" display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="H9DDB49FC0A28422E942B00E3B6A4A4AE"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> This subsection shall not be interpreted to limit any exercise of authority under subsection (d)(1)(C) or (e) of section 923. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H89A1B98C1DAF424BB06B94FEDF3C791E" indent="up1"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> In the event of a conflict between the provisions of this subsection and a rule or regulation issued under section 923(j), the provisions of this subsection shall control. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HB8C46AF1FEFB4CD3A040EFF30E457393"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Recordkeeping requirement </header> <text> Section 923(g)(1)(A) of such title is amended by inserting after the 1st sentence the following: <quote> In the case of the receipt of a firearm pursuant to section 922(s), in addition to the requirements of such regulations, the importer, manufacturer, or dealer shall retain a record of the information described in section 922(s)(1)(B), a copy of the identification document referred to in section 922(s)(1)(A), and a record of the unique identification number provided to the licensee pursuant to section 922(s)(1)(C), with respect to the transaction. </quote> . </text> </paragraph> </subsection> </section> <section id="H9DD9B495A54745CBBAC59644A95BDC61"> <enum> 7. </enum> <header> Additional penalty for possession of a firearm with an obliterated serial number during the commission of a felony </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/18/924"> Section 924 </external-xref> of title 18, United States Code, as amended by sections 2 and 5 of this Act, is amended by adding at the end the following: </text> <quoted-block id="HF77C9B6516F54E73A915130A11F8CAC6" style="OLC"> <subsection id="H5748008A303B4FDFA16822494E35D873"> <enum> (s) </enum> <text> Whoever, during and in relation to the commission of a crime punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding 1 year, transports, possesses, or receives, in or affecting interstate or foreign commerce, a firearm which has had the importer’s or manufacturer’s serial number removed, obliterated, or altered, regardless of whether or not the person is aware of the removal, obliteration, or alteration, shall, in addition to the punishment provided for the crime so punishable, be sentenced to a term of imprisonment of not more than 5 years. </text> </subsection> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </section> <section id="H6220FC9860854123BCB95A55D7B545CC"> <enum> 8. </enum> <header> Enhanced penalties for the use of a stolen firearm or a firearm with an obliterated serial number during the commission of a crime of violence or drug trafficking crime </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Section 924(c)(1)(A) of title 18, United States Code, is amended— </text> <paragraph id="HE7217374DEB9453F9D4A99FDD2B5562F"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> in clause (i), by inserting <quote> , or if the firearm was stolen or had the manufacturer’s serial number removed, obliterated, or altered, not less than 7 years </quote> after <quote> years </quote> ; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HD7A26612C88B4130A5411D56DD6D705E"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> in clause (ii), by inserting <quote> , or if the firearm was stolen or had the manufacturer’s serial number removed, obliterated, or altered, not less than 9 years </quote> after <quote> years </quote> ; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H365F9FAE8E754314A66236E24986BBE5"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> in clause (iii), by inserting <quote> , or if the firearm was stolen or had the manufacturer’s serial number removed, obliterated, or altered, not less than 12 years </quote> after <quote> years </quote> . </text> </paragraph> </section> </legis-body> </bill>
I 113th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 722 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES February 14, 2013 Mr. King of New York (for himself, Mr. Bishop of New York , Mr. Moran , Mr. Farr , and Mr. Rangel ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary A BILL To combat illegal gun trafficking, and for other purposes. 1. Short title This Act may be cited as the Detectives Nemorin and Andrews Anti-Gun Trafficking Act of 2013 . 2. Illegal gun trafficking Section 924 of title 18, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following: (q) Whoever, in or affecting interstate or foreign commerce in violation of subsection (a)(1)(A), (a)(3), (a)(6), (b)(2), (b)(3), (b)(5), (d), (g), (i), (j), (k), (m), or (n) of section 922 or subsection (c) or (h) of this section— (1) offers for sale, transfer, or barter 2 or more firearms, at least 2 of which are handguns, semiautomatic assault weapons, short-barreled shotguns, short-barreled rifles, or machineguns; and (2) at least 1 of the firearms— (A) is transported, received, or possessed by the person, and— (i) is stolen; or (ii) has had the importer’s or manufacturer’s serial number removed, obliterated, or altered; or (B) is offered by the person for sale, transfer, or barter to another person who— (i) is prohibited from possessing a firearm under subsection (g) or (n) of section 922; (ii) is prohibited by State law from possessing a firearm; (iii) has not attained 18 years of age, except as otherwise allowed under Federal or State law; (iv) is in a school zone; or (v) has travelled from any State into any other State, and acquires or attempts to acquire the firearm otherwise in violation of Federal or State law, shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both. . 3. Expansion of project safe neighborhoods Section 104 of the 21st Century Department of Justice Appropriations Authorization Act ( Public Law 107–273 ) is amended— (1) in subsection (a), by inserting , illegal gun trafficking, after violence ; and (2) in subsection (b), by striking 2002 and inserting 2013 . 4. Report to the Congress Beginning in calendar year 2013, the Attorney General shall submit biennially to the Congress a written report, covering the preceding 2 years, which specifies— (1) the State of origin for each firearm, used in a crime, that was traced by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, and the State in which the firearm was recovered; (2) the total number of firearms so traced, by manufacturer, model, and type of firearm; (3) the name of Federal firearms licensees who have had more than 5 firearms, used in a crime, traced back to them in a single year; and (4) the number of prosecutions for each individual offense under sections 922, 923, and 924 of title 18, United States Code. 5. Additional penalty for possession of a stolen firearm during the commission of a felony Section 924 of title 18, United States Code, as amended by section 2 of this Act, is amended by adding at the end the following: (r) Whoever, during and in relation to the commission of a crime punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding 1 year, receives, possesses, conceals, barters, sells, or disposes of any stolen firearm or stolen ammunition, in or affecting interstate or foreign commerce, whether or not the person is aware that the firearm or ammunition is stolen, shall, in addition to the punishment provided for the crime so punishable, be sentenced to a term of imprisonment of not more than 5 years. . 6. National Crime Information Center Stolen Gun File (a) Availability The Federal Bureau of Investigation shall make available to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives the National Crime Information Center Gun File for the purpose of enabling the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives to access the file while completing a crime gun trace. (b) Use The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives shall conduct a search of the National Crime Information Center Stolen Gun File with respect to each firearm submitted to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives for tracing. (c) Notification regarding stolen firearms If a law enforcement agency requests the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives to trace a firearm, and the National Crime Information Center Stolen Gun File indicates that the firearm is stolen, then the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives shall notify the law enforcement agency of that information and provide the law enforcement agency with any available information regarding the owner of the firearm. (d) Return of stolen firearms possessed by BATFE If the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives possesses a firearm which the National Crime Information Center Stolen Gun File indicates is stolen, the Bureau shall return the firearm to the person who reported the firearm stolen, when the Bureau determines that— (1) the firearm is no longer needed for Federal, State, or local criminal investigation or evidentiary purposes; and (2) the person is entitled to possess the firearm. (e) National instant stolen gun check system (1) Establishment Within 2 years after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Attorney General shall establish a national instant stolen gun check system that any licensee may contact, by telephone or other electronic means, for information to be supplied immediately on whether a firearm to be received by the licensee is stolen. (2) Instant check of status of firearms to be transferred to certain Federal firearms licensees by non-licensees If the national instant stolen gun check system is contacted by a licensee for information on whether a firearm to be received by the licensee is stolen, the system shall, as soon as is practicable— (A) conduct a search of the National Crime Information Center Stolen Gun File for information about the firearm; and (B) inform the licensee whether the information available to the system indicates that the firearm is stolen. (3) Notification of licensees On establishment of the national instant stolen gun check system under this subsection, the Attorney General shall notify each licensee and the chief law enforcement officer of each State of the existence and purpose of the system and the means to be used to contact the system. (4) Permanent retention of records The national instant stolen gun check system shall create and maintain permanently a record of each contact of the system, and all information provided to or by the system during the contact. (5) Definitions In this section: (A) Licensee The term licensee means a licensed dealer (as defined in section 921(a)(11) of title 18, United States Code), licensed importer (as defined in section 921(a)(9) of such title), or licensed manufacturer (as defined in section 921(a)(10) of such title). (B) Firearm The term firearm has the meaning given in section 921(a)(3) of title 18, United States Code. (f) Federal firearms licensee required To contact national instant stolen gun check system before receiving firearm from non-Licensee (1) In general Section 922(s) of title 18, United States Code, is amended to read as follows: (s) (1) Beginning on the date that is 30 days after the Attorney General notifies licensees under section 6(e)(3) of the Detectives Nemorin and Andrews Anti-Gun Trafficking Act of 2013 that the national instant stolen gun check system is established, a licensed importer, licensed manufacturer, or licensed dealer shall not receive a firearm from any person who is not licensed under this chapter, unless— (A) the licensee has verified the identity of the person by examining a valid identification document (as defined in section 1028(d) of this title) of the person that satisfies the requirements of section 202 of the REAL ID Act of 2005; (B) the licensee has contacted the national instant stolen gun check system established under subsection (e) of such section 6, and provided the system with— (i) the name and address of the person; (ii) a description of the identification document referred to in subparagraph (A) of this paragraph, including the number appearing on the document; and (iii) the name of the manufacturer, and the caliber and serial number, of the firearm; and (C) (i) the system has provided the licensee with a unique identification number; or (ii) 3 business days (meaning a day on which State offices are open) have elapsed since the licensee contacted the system, and the system has not notified the licensee that the firearm is stolen. (2) If the system determines that the information available to the system does not indicate that the firearm is stolen, the system shall— (A) assign a unique identification number to the transaction; and (B) provide the licensee with the number. (3) If the system notifies the licensee that the information available to the system indicates that the firearm is stolen, the licensee shall contact the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives or another law enforcement agency having jurisdiction over possession of stolen firearms in the dealer’s location and shall comply with the instructions of any such agency concerning the disposition of the firearm, the gathering of information relating to the offeror of the firearm, and other assistance in the removal of the firearm from the stream of commerce. (4) If the licensee knowingly receives the firearm from the person and knowingly fails to comply with paragraph (1) with respect to the receipt and, at the time of the receipt, the system was operating and information was available to the system indicating that the firearm was stolen, the Attorney General may, after notice and opportunity for a hearing, suspend for not more than 6 months or revoke any license issued to the licensee under section 923, and may impose on the licensee a civil fine of not more than $5,000. (5) (A) This subsection shall not be interpreted to limit any exercise of authority under subsection (d)(1)(C) or (e) of section 923. (B) In the event of a conflict between the provisions of this subsection and a rule or regulation issued under section 923(j), the provisions of this subsection shall control. . (2) Recordkeeping requirement Section 923(g)(1)(A) of such title is amended by inserting after the 1st sentence the following: In the case of the receipt of a firearm pursuant to section 922(s), in addition to the requirements of such regulations, the importer, manufacturer, or dealer shall retain a record of the information described in section 922(s)(1)(B), a copy of the identification document referred to in section 922(s)(1)(A), and a record of the unique identification number provided to the licensee pursuant to section 922(s)(1)(C), with respect to the transaction. . 7. Additional penalty for possession of a firearm with an obliterated serial number during the commission of a felony Section 924 of title 18, United States Code, as amended by sections 2 and 5 of this Act, is amended by adding at the end the following: (s) Whoever, during and in relation to the commission of a crime punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding 1 year, transports, possesses, or receives, in or affecting interstate or foreign commerce, a firearm which has had the importer’s or manufacturer’s serial number removed, obliterated, or altered, regardless of whether or not the person is aware of the removal, obliteration, or alteration, shall, in addition to the punishment provided for the crime so punishable, be sentenced to a term of imprisonment of not more than 5 years. . 8. Enhanced penalties for the use of a stolen firearm or a firearm with an obliterated serial number during the commission of a crime of violence or drug trafficking crime Section 924(c)(1)(A) of title 18, United States Code, is amended— (1) in clause (i), by inserting , or if the firearm was stolen or had the manufacturer’s serial number removed, obliterated, or altered, not less than 7 years after years ; (2) in clause (ii), by inserting , or if the firearm was stolen or had the manufacturer’s serial number removed, obliterated, or altered, not less than 9 years after years ; and (3) in clause (iii), by inserting , or if the firearm was stolen or had the manufacturer’s serial number removed, obliterated, or altered, not less than 12 years after years .
2023-01-07 10:21:04.014
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Engrossed-in-House" bill-type="olc" dms-id="H9B3E185142CC4461BF2DBA7473095CAB" public-private="public" stage-count="1"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 723 EH: Wood-Pawcatuck Watershed Protection Act </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date/> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="no"> IB </distribution-code> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 723 </legis-num> <current-chamber display="no"> IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES </current-chamber> <legis-type> AN ACT </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> To amend the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act to designate a segment of the Beaver, Chipuxet, Queen, Wood, and Pawcatuck Rivers in the States of Connecticut and Rhode Island for study for potential addition to the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System, and for other purposes. <pagebreak/> </official-title> </form> <legis-body display-enacting-clause="yes-display-enacting-clause" id="H6C75E05FAA5F46769D67C00089F14E83" style="OLC"> <section id="HADEB8C528FB4440FB64073D4290A5B22" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Short title </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> This Act may be cited as the <quote> <short-title> Wood-Pawcatuck Watershed Protection Act </short-title> </quote> . </text> </section> <section id="H2AEC929A60894291A6C469AEB0550483"> <enum> 2. </enum> <header> Beaver, Chipuxet, Queen, Wood, and Pawcatuck Rivers Study </header> <subsection id="HB5687E35E05546B088BE976E6F5E659F"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Designation for study </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Section 5(a) of the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/16/1276"> 16 U.S.C. 1276(a) </external-xref> ) is amended by adding at the end the following: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H0F7C8B06344E4E549B01AB03B2C558B5" style="OLC"> <paragraph id="H10DFFA92662E4DCAB9729E1BF7BBC546"> <enum> (__) </enum> <header> Beaver, Chipuxet, Queen, Wood, and Pawcatuck Rivers, Rhode Island and Connecticut </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The approximately 10-mile segment of the Beaver River from its headwaters in Exeter, Rhode Island, to its confluence with the Pawcatuck River; the approximately 5-mile segment of the Chipuxet River from Hundred Acre Pond to its outlet into Worden Pond; the approximately 10-mile segment of the upper Queen River from its headwaters to the Usquepaugh Dam in South Kingstown, Rhode Island, and including all its tributaries; the approximately 5-mile segment of the lower Queen (Usquepaugh) River from the Usquepaugh Dam to its confluence with the Pawcatuck River; the approximately 11-mile segment of the upper Wood River from its headwaters to Skunk Hill Road in Richmond and Hopkinton, Rhode Island, and including all its tributaries; the approximately 10-mile segment of the lower Wood River from Skunk Hill Road to its confluence with the Pawcatuck River; the approximately 28-mile segment of the Pawcatuck River from Worden Pond to Nooseneck Hill Road (RI Rte 3) in Hopkinton and Westerly, Rhode Island; and the approximately 7-mile segment of the lower Pawcatuck River from Nooseneck Hill Road to Pawcatuck Rock, Stonington, Connecticut, and Westerly, Rhode Island. </text> </paragraph> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </subsection> <subsection id="H1C7DD8B5AEF24F9BA774D9E083C4AA06"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Study and report </header> <text> Section 5(b) of the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/16/1276"> 16 U.S.C. 1276(b) </external-xref> ) is amended by adding at the end the following: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HDD81171EEC524272BA422D1073BA0E09" style="OLC"> <paragraph id="H9B783B5F6A824AE2937E52C2F152BF06"> <enum> (__) </enum> <header> Beaver, Chipuxet, Queen, Wood, and Pawcatuck Rivers, Rhode Island and Connecticut </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Not later than 3 years after the date on which funds are made available to carry out this paragraph, the Secretary of the Interior shall— </text> <subparagraph id="HF4969B30D1304B5D9D1BBDB13ED9C4BA"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> complete the study of the Beaver, Chipuxet, Queen, Wood, and Pawcatuck Rivers, Rhode Island and Connecticut, described in subsection (a)(__); </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HA00CF79DAAA748DE88CABA68A6F6A4C9"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> submit a report describing the results of that study to the appropriate committees of Congress; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H4CA63FF5A80144C9AFB1CD1A0E0875DE"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> include in the report under subparagraph (B) the effect of the designation under this Act on— </text> <clause id="H83660439350749B8BC7021692357A652"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> existing commercial and recreational activities, such as hunting, fishing, trapping, recreational shooting, motor boat use, or bridge construction; </text> </clause> <clause id="H68D535D4C562422397BC71ED049C4587"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> the authorization, construction, operation, maintenance, or improvement of energy production and transmission infrastructure; and </text> </clause> <clause id="H83AF715AC98245BDB97B0C66CA83D039"> <enum> (iii) </enum> <text> the authority of State and local governments to manage those activities encompassed in clauses (i) and (ii); and </text> </clause> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H34051210C5F14AB482D80B1B4EFC2935"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text> identify— </text> <clause id="HA1E5BC52978D43AF8451E99E6BA7BE3F"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> all authorities that will authorize or require the Secretary to influence local land use decisions (such as zoning) or place restrictions on non-Federal land if the area studied is designated under this paragraph; </text> </clause> <clause id="HCF5C4FDBEF1A4AF0BCF118DE3026306F"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> all authorities that the Secretary may use to condemn property if the area studied is designated under this paragraph; and </text> </clause> <clause id="HFBDE1EF6396F4DEB97FDEB4B1A49133E"> <enum> (iii) </enum> <text> all private property located in the area studied under this provision. </text> </clause> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </subsection> </section> </legis-body> <attestation> <attestation-group> <attestation-date chamber="House" date="20130611"> Passed the House of Representatives June 11, 2013. </attestation-date> <attestor display="no"> Karen L. Haas, </attestor> <role> Clerk. </role> </attestation-group> </attestation> <endorsement display="yes"/> </bill>
IB 113th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 723 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES AN ACT To amend the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act to designate a segment of the Beaver, Chipuxet, Queen, Wood, and Pawcatuck Rivers in the States of Connecticut and Rhode Island for study for potential addition to the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System, and for other purposes. 1. Short title This Act may be cited as the Wood-Pawcatuck Watershed Protection Act . 2. Beaver, Chipuxet, Queen, Wood, and Pawcatuck Rivers Study (a) Designation for study Section 5(a) of the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act ( 16 U.S.C. 1276(a) ) is amended by adding at the end the following: (__) Beaver, Chipuxet, Queen, Wood, and Pawcatuck Rivers, Rhode Island and Connecticut The approximately 10-mile segment of the Beaver River from its headwaters in Exeter, Rhode Island, to its confluence with the Pawcatuck River; the approximately 5-mile segment of the Chipuxet River from Hundred Acre Pond to its outlet into Worden Pond; the approximately 10-mile segment of the upper Queen River from its headwaters to the Usquepaugh Dam in South Kingstown, Rhode Island, and including all its tributaries; the approximately 5-mile segment of the lower Queen (Usquepaugh) River from the Usquepaugh Dam to its confluence with the Pawcatuck River; the approximately 11-mile segment of the upper Wood River from its headwaters to Skunk Hill Road in Richmond and Hopkinton, Rhode Island, and including all its tributaries; the approximately 10-mile segment of the lower Wood River from Skunk Hill Road to its confluence with the Pawcatuck River; the approximately 28-mile segment of the Pawcatuck River from Worden Pond to Nooseneck Hill Road (RI Rte 3) in Hopkinton and Westerly, Rhode Island; and the approximately 7-mile segment of the lower Pawcatuck River from Nooseneck Hill Road to Pawcatuck Rock, Stonington, Connecticut, and Westerly, Rhode Island. . (b) Study and report Section 5(b) of the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act ( 16 U.S.C. 1276(b) ) is amended by adding at the end the following: (__) Beaver, Chipuxet, Queen, Wood, and Pawcatuck Rivers, Rhode Island and Connecticut Not later than 3 years after the date on which funds are made available to carry out this paragraph, the Secretary of the Interior shall— (A) complete the study of the Beaver, Chipuxet, Queen, Wood, and Pawcatuck Rivers, Rhode Island and Connecticut, described in subsection (a)(__); (B) submit a report describing the results of that study to the appropriate committees of Congress; (C) include in the report under subparagraph (B) the effect of the designation under this Act on— (i) existing commercial and recreational activities, such as hunting, fishing, trapping, recreational shooting, motor boat use, or bridge construction; (ii) the authorization, construction, operation, maintenance, or improvement of energy production and transmission infrastructure; and (iii) the authority of State and local governments to manage those activities encompassed in clauses (i) and (ii); and (D) identify— (i) all authorities that will authorize or require the Secretary to influence local land use decisions (such as zoning) or place restrictions on non-Federal land if the area studied is designated under this paragraph; (ii) all authorities that the Secretary may use to condemn property if the area studied is designated under this paragraph; and (iii) all private property located in the area studied under this provision. . Passed the House of Representatives June 11, 2013. Karen L. Haas, Clerk.
2023-01-08 17:38:09.483
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Introduced-in-House" bill-type="olc" dms-id="H9B3E185142CC4461BF2DBA7473095CAB" public-private="public"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 723 IH: Wood-Pawcatuck Watershed Protection Act </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-02-14 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> I </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 723 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130214"> February 14, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="L000559"> Mr. Langevin </sponsor> (for himself, <cosponsor name-id="C001069"> Mr. Courtney </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="C001084"> Mr. Cicilline </cosponsor> ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="HII00"> Committee on Natural Resources </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> A BILL </legis-type> <official-title> To amend the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act to designate a segment of the Beaver, Chipuxet, Queen, Wood, and Pawcatuck Rivers in the States of Connecticut and Rhode Island for study for potential addition to the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System, and for other purposes. </official-title> </form> <legis-body id="H6C75E05FAA5F46769D67C00089F14E83" style="OLC"> <section id="HADEB8C528FB4440FB64073D4290A5B22" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Short title </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> This Act may be cited as the <quote> <short-title> Wood-Pawcatuck Watershed Protection Act </short-title> </quote> . </text> </section> <section id="H2AEC929A60894291A6C469AEB0550483"> <enum> 2. </enum> <header> Beaver, Chipuxet, Queen, Wood, and Pawcatuck Rivers Study </header> <subsection id="HB5687E35E05546B088BE976E6F5E659F"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Designation for study </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Section 5(a) of the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/16/1276"> 16 U.S.C. 1276(a) </external-xref> ) is amended by adding at the end the following: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H0F7C8B06344E4E549B01AB03B2C558B5" style="OLC"> <paragraph id="H10DFFA92662E4DCAB9729E1BF7BBC546"> <enum> (__) </enum> <header> Beaver, Chipuxet, Queen, Wood, and Pawcatuck Rivers, Rhode Island and Connecticut </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The approximately 10-mile segment of the Beaver River from its headwaters in Exeter, Rhode Island, to its confluence with the Pawcatuck River; the approximately 5-mile segment of the Chipuxet River from Hundred Acre Pond to its outlet into Worden Pond; the approximately 10-mile segment of the upper Queen River from its headwaters to the Usquepaugh Dam in South Kingstown, Rhode Island, and including all its tributaries; the approximately 5-mile segment of the lower Queen (Usquepaugh) River from the Usquepaugh Dam to its confluence with the Pawcatuck River; the approximately 11-mile segment of the upper Wood River from its headwaters to Skunk Hill Road in Richmond and Hopkinton, Rhode Island, and including all its tributaries; the approximately 10-mile segment of the lower Wood River from Skunk Hill Road to its confluence with the Pawcatuck River; the approximately 28-mile segment of the Pawcatuck River from Worden Pond to Nooseneck Hill Road (RI Rte 3) in Hopkinton and Westerly, Rhode Island; and the approximately 7-mile segment of the lower Pawcatuck River from Nooseneck Hill Road to Pawcatuck Rock, Stonington, Connecticut, and Westerly, Rhode Island. </text> </paragraph> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </subsection> <subsection id="H1C7DD8B5AEF24F9BA774D9E083C4AA06"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Study and report </header> <text> Section 5(b) of the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act (16 U.S.C. 1276(b)) is amended by adding at the end the following: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HDD81171EEC524272BA422D1073BA0E09" style="OLC"> <paragraph id="H9B783B5F6A824AE2937E52C2F152BF06"> <enum> (__) </enum> <header> Beaver, Chipuxet, Queen, Wood, and Pawcatuck Rivers, Rhode Island and Connecticut </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Not later than 3 years after the date on which funds are made available to carry out this paragraph, the Secretary of the Interior shall— </text> <subparagraph id="HF4969B30D1304B5D9D1BBDB13ED9C4BA"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> complete the study of the Beaver, Chipuxet, Queen, Wood, and Pawcatuck Rivers, Rhode Island and Connecticut, described in subsection (a)(__); and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HA00CF79DAAA748DE88CABA68A6F6A4C9"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> submit a report describing the results of that study to the appropriate committees of Congress. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </subsection> </section> </legis-body> </bill>
I 113th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 723 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES February 14, 2013 Mr. Langevin (for himself, Mr. Courtney , and Mr. Cicilline ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Natural Resources A BILL To amend the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act to designate a segment of the Beaver, Chipuxet, Queen, Wood, and Pawcatuck Rivers in the States of Connecticut and Rhode Island for study for potential addition to the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System, and for other purposes. 1. Short title This Act may be cited as the Wood-Pawcatuck Watershed Protection Act . 2. Beaver, Chipuxet, Queen, Wood, and Pawcatuck Rivers Study (a) Designation for study Section 5(a) of the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act ( 16 U.S.C. 1276(a) ) is amended by adding at the end the following: (__) Beaver, Chipuxet, Queen, Wood, and Pawcatuck Rivers, Rhode Island and Connecticut The approximately 10-mile segment of the Beaver River from its headwaters in Exeter, Rhode Island, to its confluence with the Pawcatuck River; the approximately 5-mile segment of the Chipuxet River from Hundred Acre Pond to its outlet into Worden Pond; the approximately 10-mile segment of the upper Queen River from its headwaters to the Usquepaugh Dam in South Kingstown, Rhode Island, and including all its tributaries; the approximately 5-mile segment of the lower Queen (Usquepaugh) River from the Usquepaugh Dam to its confluence with the Pawcatuck River; the approximately 11-mile segment of the upper Wood River from its headwaters to Skunk Hill Road in Richmond and Hopkinton, Rhode Island, and including all its tributaries; the approximately 10-mile segment of the lower Wood River from Skunk Hill Road to its confluence with the Pawcatuck River; the approximately 28-mile segment of the Pawcatuck River from Worden Pond to Nooseneck Hill Road (RI Rte 3) in Hopkinton and Westerly, Rhode Island; and the approximately 7-mile segment of the lower Pawcatuck River from Nooseneck Hill Road to Pawcatuck Rock, Stonington, Connecticut, and Westerly, Rhode Island. . (b) Study and report Section 5(b) of the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act (16 U.S.C. 1276(b)) is amended by adding at the end the following: (__) Beaver, Chipuxet, Queen, Wood, and Pawcatuck Rivers, Rhode Island and Connecticut Not later than 3 years after the date on which funds are made available to carry out this paragraph, the Secretary of the Interior shall— (A) complete the study of the Beaver, Chipuxet, Queen, Wood, and Pawcatuck Rivers, Rhode Island and Connecticut, described in subsection (a)(__); and (B) submit a report describing the results of that study to the appropriate committees of Congress. .
2023-01-07 06:28:03.986
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Placed-on-Calendar-Senate" bill-type="olc" dms-id="H9B3E185142CC4461BF2DBA7473095CAB" public-private="public" stage-count="1"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 723 PCS: Wood-Pawcatuck Watershed Protection Act </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-06-12 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> II </distribution-code> <calendar> Calendar No. 286 </calendar> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 723 </legis-num> <current-chamber display="yes"> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130612"> June 12, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> Received </action-desc> </action> <action> <action-date> December 20, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> Read twice and placed on the calendar </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> AN ACT </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> To amend the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act to designate a segment of the Beaver, Chipuxet, Queen, Wood, and Pawcatuck Rivers in the States of Connecticut and Rhode Island for study for potential addition to the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System, and for other purposes. </official-title> </form> <legis-body display-enacting-clause="yes-display-enacting-clause" id="H6C75E05FAA5F46769D67C00089F14E83" style="OLC"> <section id="HADEB8C528FB4440FB64073D4290A5B22" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Short title </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> This Act may be cited as the <quote> <short-title> Wood-Pawcatuck Watershed Protection Act </short-title> </quote> . </text> </section> <section id="H2AEC929A60894291A6C469AEB0550483"> <enum> 2. </enum> <header> Beaver, Chipuxet, Queen, Wood, and Pawcatuck Rivers Study </header> <subsection id="HB5687E35E05546B088BE976E6F5E659F"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Designation for study </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Section 5(a) of the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/16/1276"> 16 U.S.C. 1276(a) </external-xref> ) is amended by adding at the end the following: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H0F7C8B06344E4E549B01AB03B2C558B5" style="OLC"> <paragraph id="H10DFFA92662E4DCAB9729E1BF7BBC546"> <enum> (__) </enum> <header> Beaver, Chipuxet, Queen, Wood, and Pawcatuck Rivers, Rhode Island and Connecticut </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The approximately 10-mile segment of the Beaver River from its headwaters in Exeter, Rhode Island, to its confluence with the Pawcatuck River; the approximately 5-mile segment of the Chipuxet River from Hundred Acre Pond to its outlet into Worden Pond; the approximately 10-mile segment of the upper Queen River from its headwaters to the Usquepaugh Dam in South Kingstown, Rhode Island, and including all its tributaries; the approximately 5-mile segment of the lower Queen (Usquepaugh) River from the Usquepaugh Dam to its confluence with the Pawcatuck River; the approximately 11-mile segment of the upper Wood River from its headwaters to Skunk Hill Road in Richmond and Hopkinton, Rhode Island, and including all its tributaries; the approximately 10-mile segment of the lower Wood River from Skunk Hill Road to its confluence with the Pawcatuck River; the approximately 28-mile segment of the Pawcatuck River from Worden Pond to Nooseneck Hill Road (RI Rte 3) in Hopkinton and Westerly, Rhode Island; and the approximately 7-mile segment of the lower Pawcatuck River from Nooseneck Hill Road to Pawcatuck Rock, Stonington, Connecticut, and Westerly, Rhode Island. </text> </paragraph> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </subsection> <subsection id="H1C7DD8B5AEF24F9BA774D9E083C4AA06"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Study and report </header> <text> Section 5(b) of the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/16/1276"> 16 U.S.C. 1276(b) </external-xref> ) is amended by adding at the end the following: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HDD81171EEC524272BA422D1073BA0E09" style="OLC"> <paragraph id="H9B783B5F6A824AE2937E52C2F152BF06"> <enum> (__) </enum> <header> Beaver, Chipuxet, Queen, Wood, and Pawcatuck Rivers, Rhode Island and Connecticut </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Not later than 3 years after the date on which funds are made available to carry out this paragraph, the Secretary of the Interior shall— </text> <subparagraph id="HF4969B30D1304B5D9D1BBDB13ED9C4BA"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> complete the study of the Beaver, Chipuxet, Queen, Wood, and Pawcatuck Rivers, Rhode Island and Connecticut, described in subsection (a)(__); </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HA00CF79DAAA748DE88CABA68A6F6A4C9"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> submit a report describing the results of that study to the appropriate committees of Congress; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H4CA63FF5A80144C9AFB1CD1A0E0875DE"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> include in the report under subparagraph (B) the effect of the designation under this Act on— </text> <clause id="H83660439350749B8BC7021692357A652"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> existing commercial and recreational activities, such as hunting, fishing, trapping, recreational shooting, motor boat use, or bridge construction; </text> </clause> <clause id="H68D535D4C562422397BC71ED049C4587"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> the authorization, construction, operation, maintenance, or improvement of energy production and transmission infrastructure; and </text> </clause> <clause id="H83AF715AC98245BDB97B0C66CA83D039"> <enum> (iii) </enum> <text> the authority of State and local governments to manage those activities encompassed in clauses (i) and (ii); and </text> </clause> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H34051210C5F14AB482D80B1B4EFC2935"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text> identify— </text> <clause id="HA1E5BC52978D43AF8451E99E6BA7BE3F"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> all authorities that will authorize or require the Secretary to influence local land use decisions (such as zoning) or place restrictions on non-Federal land if the area studied is designated under this paragraph; </text> </clause> <clause id="HCF5C4FDBEF1A4AF0BCF118DE3026306F"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> all authorities that the Secretary may use to condemn property if the area studied is designated under this paragraph; and </text> </clause> <clause id="HFBDE1EF6396F4DEB97FDEB4B1A49133E"> <enum> (iii) </enum> <text> all private property located in the area studied under this provision. </text> </clause> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </subsection> </section> </legis-body> <attestation> <attestation-group> <attestation-date chamber="House" date="20130611"> Passed the House of Representatives June 11, 2013. </attestation-date> <attestor display="yes"> Karen L. Haas, </attestor> <role> Clerk </role> </attestation-group> </attestation> <endorsement display="yes"> <action-date> December 20, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> Read twice and placed on the calendar </action-desc> </endorsement> </bill>
II Calendar No. 286 113th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 723 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES June 12, 2013 Received December 20, 2013 Read twice and placed on the calendar AN ACT To amend the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act to designate a segment of the Beaver, Chipuxet, Queen, Wood, and Pawcatuck Rivers in the States of Connecticut and Rhode Island for study for potential addition to the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System, and for other purposes. 1. Short title This Act may be cited as the Wood-Pawcatuck Watershed Protection Act . 2. Beaver, Chipuxet, Queen, Wood, and Pawcatuck Rivers Study (a) Designation for study Section 5(a) of the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act ( 16 U.S.C. 1276(a) ) is amended by adding at the end the following: (__) Beaver, Chipuxet, Queen, Wood, and Pawcatuck Rivers, Rhode Island and Connecticut The approximately 10-mile segment of the Beaver River from its headwaters in Exeter, Rhode Island, to its confluence with the Pawcatuck River; the approximately 5-mile segment of the Chipuxet River from Hundred Acre Pond to its outlet into Worden Pond; the approximately 10-mile segment of the upper Queen River from its headwaters to the Usquepaugh Dam in South Kingstown, Rhode Island, and including all its tributaries; the approximately 5-mile segment of the lower Queen (Usquepaugh) River from the Usquepaugh Dam to its confluence with the Pawcatuck River; the approximately 11-mile segment of the upper Wood River from its headwaters to Skunk Hill Road in Richmond and Hopkinton, Rhode Island, and including all its tributaries; the approximately 10-mile segment of the lower Wood River from Skunk Hill Road to its confluence with the Pawcatuck River; the approximately 28-mile segment of the Pawcatuck River from Worden Pond to Nooseneck Hill Road (RI Rte 3) in Hopkinton and Westerly, Rhode Island; and the approximately 7-mile segment of the lower Pawcatuck River from Nooseneck Hill Road to Pawcatuck Rock, Stonington, Connecticut, and Westerly, Rhode Island. . (b) Study and report Section 5(b) of the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act ( 16 U.S.C. 1276(b) ) is amended by adding at the end the following: (__) Beaver, Chipuxet, Queen, Wood, and Pawcatuck Rivers, Rhode Island and Connecticut Not later than 3 years after the date on which funds are made available to carry out this paragraph, the Secretary of the Interior shall— (A) complete the study of the Beaver, Chipuxet, Queen, Wood, and Pawcatuck Rivers, Rhode Island and Connecticut, described in subsection (a)(__); (B) submit a report describing the results of that study to the appropriate committees of Congress; (C) include in the report under subparagraph (B) the effect of the designation under this Act on— (i) existing commercial and recreational activities, such as hunting, fishing, trapping, recreational shooting, motor boat use, or bridge construction; (ii) the authorization, construction, operation, maintenance, or improvement of energy production and transmission infrastructure; and (iii) the authority of State and local governments to manage those activities encompassed in clauses (i) and (ii); and (D) identify— (i) all authorities that will authorize or require the Secretary to influence local land use decisions (such as zoning) or place restrictions on non-Federal land if the area studied is designated under this paragraph; (ii) all authorities that the Secretary may use to condemn property if the area studied is designated under this paragraph; and (iii) all private property located in the area studied under this provision. . Passed the House of Representatives June 11, 2013. Karen L. Haas, Clerk December 20, 2013 Read twice and placed on the calendar
2023-01-07 11:22:02.171
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Reported-in-House" bill-type="olc" dms-id="H9B3E185142CC4461BF2DBA7473095CAB" public-private="public"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 723 RH: Wood-Pawcatuck Watershed Protection Act </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-05-17 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> IB </distribution-code> <calendar display="yes"> Union Calendar No. 49 </calendar> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 723 </legis-num> <associated-doc display="yes" role="report"> [Report No. 113–73] </associated-doc> <current-chamber display="yes"> IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130214"> February 14, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="L000559"> Mr. Langevin </sponsor> (for himself, <cosponsor name-id="C001069"> Mr. Courtney </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="C001084"> Mr. Cicilline </cosponsor> ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the <committee-name added-display-style="italic" committee-id="HII00" deleted-display-style="strikethrough"> Committee on Natural Resources </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <action> <action-date date="20130517"> May 17, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> Reported with an amendment, committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union, and ordered to be printed </action-desc> <action-instruction> Strike out all after the enacting clause and insert the part printed in italic </action-instruction> <action-instruction> For text of introduced bill, see copy of bill as introduced on February 14, 2013 </action-instruction> </action> <action display="yes"> <action-desc display="yes"> <pagebreak/> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> A BILL </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> To amend the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act to designate a segment of the Beaver, Chipuxet, Queen, Wood, and Pawcatuck Rivers in the States of Connecticut and Rhode Island for study for potential addition to the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System, and for other purposes. <pagebreak/> </official-title> </form> <legis-body changed="added" committee-id="HII00" id="H6C75E05FAA5F46769D67C00089F14E83" reported-display-style="italic" style="OLC"> <section id="HADEB8C528FB4440FB64073D4290A5B22" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Short title </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> This Act may be cited as the <quote> <short-title> Wood-Pawcatuck Watershed Protection Act </short-title> </quote> . </text> </section> <section id="H2AEC929A60894291A6C469AEB0550483"> <enum> 2. </enum> <header> Beaver, Chipuxet, Queen, Wood, and Pawcatuck Rivers Study </header> <subsection id="HB5687E35E05546B088BE976E6F5E659F"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Designation for study </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Section 5(a) of the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/16/1276"> 16 U.S.C. 1276(a) </external-xref> ) is amended by adding at the end the following: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H0F7C8B06344E4E549B01AB03B2C558B5" style="OLC"> <paragraph id="H10DFFA92662E4DCAB9729E1BF7BBC546"> <enum> (__) </enum> <header> Beaver, Chipuxet, Queen, Wood, and Pawcatuck Rivers, Rhode Island and Connecticut </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The approximately 10-mile segment of the Beaver River from its headwaters in Exeter, Rhode Island, to its confluence with the Pawcatuck River; the approximately 5-mile segment of the Chipuxet River from Hundred Acre Pond to its outlet into Worden Pond; the approximately 10-mile segment of the upper Queen River from its headwaters to the Usquepaugh Dam in South Kingstown, Rhode Island, and including all its tributaries; the approximately 5-mile segment of the lower Queen (Usquepaugh) River from the Usquepaugh Dam to its confluence with the Pawcatuck River; the approximately 11-mile segment of the upper Wood River from its headwaters to Skunk Hill Road in Richmond and Hopkinton, Rhode Island, and including all its tributaries; the approximately 10-mile segment of the lower Wood River from Skunk Hill Road to its confluence with the Pawcatuck River; the approximately 28-mile segment of the Pawcatuck River from Worden Pond to Nooseneck Hill Road (RI Rte 3) in Hopkinton and Westerly, Rhode Island; and the approximately 7-mile segment of the lower Pawcatuck River from Nooseneck Hill Road to Pawcatuck Rock, Stonington, Connecticut, and Westerly, Rhode Island. </text> </paragraph> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </subsection> <subsection id="H1C7DD8B5AEF24F9BA774D9E083C4AA06"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Study and report </header> <text> Section 5(b) of the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/16/1276"> 16 U.S.C. 1276(b) </external-xref> ) is amended by adding at the end the following: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HDD81171EEC524272BA422D1073BA0E09" style="OLC"> <paragraph id="H9B783B5F6A824AE2937E52C2F152BF06"> <enum> (__) </enum> <header> Beaver, Chipuxet, Queen, Wood, and Pawcatuck Rivers, Rhode Island and Connecticut </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Not later than 3 years after the date on which funds are made available to carry out this paragraph, the Secretary of the Interior shall— </text> <subparagraph id="HF4969B30D1304B5D9D1BBDB13ED9C4BA"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> complete the study of the Beaver, Chipuxet, Queen, Wood, and Pawcatuck Rivers, Rhode Island and Connecticut, described in subsection (a)(__); </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HA00CF79DAAA748DE88CABA68A6F6A4C9"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> submit a report describing the results of that study to the appropriate committees of Congress; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H4CA63FF5A80144C9AFB1CD1A0E0875DE"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> include in the report under subparagraph (B) the effect of the designation under this Act on— </text> <clause id="H83660439350749B8BC7021692357A652"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> existing commercial and recreational activities, such as hunting, fishing, trapping, recreational shooting, motor boat use, or bridge construction; </text> </clause> <clause id="H68D535D4C562422397BC71ED049C4587"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> the authorization, construction, operation, maintenance, or improvement of energy production and transmission infrastructure; and </text> </clause> <clause id="H83AF715AC98245BDB97B0C66CA83D039"> <enum> (iii) </enum> <text> the authority of State and local governments to manage those activities encompassed in clauses (i) and (ii); and </text> </clause> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H34051210C5F14AB482D80B1B4EFC2935"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text> identify— </text> <clause id="HA1E5BC52978D43AF8451E99E6BA7BE3F"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> all authorities that will authorize or require the Secretary to influence local land use decisions (such as zoning) or place restrictions on non-Federal land if the area studied is designated under this paragraph; </text> </clause> <clause id="HCF5C4FDBEF1A4AF0BCF118DE3026306F"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> all authorities that the Secretary may use to condemn property if the area studied is designated under this paragraph; and </text> </clause> <clause id="HFBDE1EF6396F4DEB97FDEB4B1A49133E"> <enum> (iii) </enum> <text> all private property located in the area studied under this provision. </text> </clause> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </subsection> </section> </legis-body> <endorsement display="yes"> <action-date date="20130517"> May 17, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> Reported with an amendment, committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union, and ordered to be printed </action-desc> </endorsement> </bill>
IB Union Calendar No. 49 113th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 723 [Report No. 113–73] IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES February 14, 2013 Mr. Langevin (for himself, Mr. Courtney , and Mr. Cicilline ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Natural Resources May 17, 2013 Reported with an amendment, committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union, and ordered to be printed Strike out all after the enacting clause and insert the part printed in italic For text of introduced bill, see copy of bill as introduced on February 14, 2013 A BILL To amend the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act to designate a segment of the Beaver, Chipuxet, Queen, Wood, and Pawcatuck Rivers in the States of Connecticut and Rhode Island for study for potential addition to the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System, and for other purposes. 1. Short title This Act may be cited as the Wood-Pawcatuck Watershed Protection Act . 2. Beaver, Chipuxet, Queen, Wood, and Pawcatuck Rivers Study (a) Designation for study Section 5(a) of the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act ( 16 U.S.C. 1276(a) ) is amended by adding at the end the following: (__) Beaver, Chipuxet, Queen, Wood, and Pawcatuck Rivers, Rhode Island and Connecticut The approximately 10-mile segment of the Beaver River from its headwaters in Exeter, Rhode Island, to its confluence with the Pawcatuck River; the approximately 5-mile segment of the Chipuxet River from Hundred Acre Pond to its outlet into Worden Pond; the approximately 10-mile segment of the upper Queen River from its headwaters to the Usquepaugh Dam in South Kingstown, Rhode Island, and including all its tributaries; the approximately 5-mile segment of the lower Queen (Usquepaugh) River from the Usquepaugh Dam to its confluence with the Pawcatuck River; the approximately 11-mile segment of the upper Wood River from its headwaters to Skunk Hill Road in Richmond and Hopkinton, Rhode Island, and including all its tributaries; the approximately 10-mile segment of the lower Wood River from Skunk Hill Road to its confluence with the Pawcatuck River; the approximately 28-mile segment of the Pawcatuck River from Worden Pond to Nooseneck Hill Road (RI Rte 3) in Hopkinton and Westerly, Rhode Island; and the approximately 7-mile segment of the lower Pawcatuck River from Nooseneck Hill Road to Pawcatuck Rock, Stonington, Connecticut, and Westerly, Rhode Island. . (b) Study and report Section 5(b) of the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act ( 16 U.S.C. 1276(b) ) is amended by adding at the end the following: (__) Beaver, Chipuxet, Queen, Wood, and Pawcatuck Rivers, Rhode Island and Connecticut Not later than 3 years after the date on which funds are made available to carry out this paragraph, the Secretary of the Interior shall— (A) complete the study of the Beaver, Chipuxet, Queen, Wood, and Pawcatuck Rivers, Rhode Island and Connecticut, described in subsection (a)(__); (B) submit a report describing the results of that study to the appropriate committees of Congress; (C) include in the report under subparagraph (B) the effect of the designation under this Act on— (i) existing commercial and recreational activities, such as hunting, fishing, trapping, recreational shooting, motor boat use, or bridge construction; (ii) the authorization, construction, operation, maintenance, or improvement of energy production and transmission infrastructure; and (iii) the authority of State and local governments to manage those activities encompassed in clauses (i) and (ii); and (D) identify— (i) all authorities that will authorize or require the Secretary to influence local land use decisions (such as zoning) or place restrictions on non-Federal land if the area studied is designated under this paragraph; (ii) all authorities that the Secretary may use to condemn property if the area studied is designated under this paragraph; and (iii) all private property located in the area studied under this provision. . May 17, 2013 Reported with an amendment, committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union, and ordered to be printed
2023-01-07 05:50:03.180
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Engrossed-in-House" bill-type="olc" dms-id="H10ED6A7E0CF6410C97564AA555338E90" public-private="public" stage-count="1"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 724 EH: To amend the Clean Air Act to remove the requirement for dealer certification of new light-duty motor vehicles. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date/> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="no"> IB </distribution-code> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 2d Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 724 </legis-num> <current-chamber display="no"> IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES </current-chamber> <legis-type> AN ACT </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> To amend the Clean Air Act to remove the requirement for dealer certification of new light-duty motor vehicles. </official-title> </form> <legis-body id="H064060DEBB9E43B1930A7BF45D962B4C" style="OLC"> <section id="HF8C52C31E0A64A92B294C9A98D3B6A3F" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Removal of requirement for dealer certification of new light-duty motor vehicles </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Section 207(h) of the Clean Air Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/42/7541"> 42 U.S.C. 7541(h) </external-xref> ) is amended— </text> <paragraph id="H89CAA4E4C5EA4D2CAC256333C5F622F6"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> by striking paragraph (1); and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H3BC2A0C7C62549269744B59543DFF309"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> by redesignating paragraphs (2) and (3) as paragraphs (1) and (2), respectively. </text> </paragraph> </section> </legis-body> <attestation> <attestation-group> <attestation-date chamber="House" date="20140108"> Passed the House of Representatives January 8, 2014. </attestation-date> <attestor display="no"> Karen L. Haas, </attestor> <role> Clerk. </role> </attestation-group> </attestation> <endorsement display="yes"/> </bill>
IB 113th CONGRESS 2d Session H. R. 724 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES AN ACT To amend the Clean Air Act to remove the requirement for dealer certification of new light-duty motor vehicles. 1. Removal of requirement for dealer certification of new light-duty motor vehicles Section 207(h) of the Clean Air Act ( 42 U.S.C. 7541(h) ) is amended— (1) by striking paragraph (1); and (2) by redesignating paragraphs (2) and (3) as paragraphs (1) and (2), respectively. Passed the House of Representatives January 8, 2014. Karen L. Haas, Clerk.
2023-01-07 03:23:02.710
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Enrolled-Bill" bill-type="olc" dms-id="H10ED6A7E0CF6410C97564AA555338E90" public-private="public" stage-count="1"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> HR 724 ENR: To amend the Clean Air Act to remove the requirement for dealer certification of new light-duty motor vehicles. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date/> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="no"> IB </distribution-code> <congress display="yes"> One Hundred Thirteenth Congress of the United States of America </congress> <session display="yes"> At the Second Session </session> <enrolled-dateline> Begun and held at the City of Washington on Friday, the third day of January, two thousand and fourteen </enrolled-dateline> <legis-num> H. R. 724 </legis-num> <current-chamber display="no"/> <legis-type> AN ACT </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> To amend the Clean Air Act to remove the requirement for dealer certification of new light-duty motor vehicles. </official-title> </form> <legis-body id="H064060DEBB9E43B1930A7BF45D962B4C" style="OLC"> <section id="HF8C52C31E0A64A92B294C9A98D3B6A3F" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Removal of requirement for dealer certification of new light-duty motor vehicles </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Section 207(h) of the Clean Air Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/42/7541"> 42 U.S.C. 7541(h) </external-xref> ) is amended— </text> <paragraph id="H89CAA4E4C5EA4D2CAC256333C5F622F6"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> by striking paragraph (1); and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H3BC2A0C7C62549269744B59543DFF309"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> by redesignating paragraphs (2) and (3) as paragraphs (1) and (2), respectively. </text> </paragraph> </section> </legis-body> <attestation> <attestation-group> <role> Speaker of the House of Representatives. </role> </attestation-group> <attestation-group> <role> Vice President of the United States and President of the Senate. </role> </attestation-group> </attestation> </bill>
IB One Hundred Thirteenth Congress of the United States of America At the Second Session Begun and held at the City of Washington on Friday, the third day of January, two thousand and fourteen H. R. 724 AN ACT To amend the Clean Air Act to remove the requirement for dealer certification of new light-duty motor vehicles. 1. Removal of requirement for dealer certification of new light-duty motor vehicles Section 207(h) of the Clean Air Act ( 42 U.S.C. 7541(h) ) is amended— (1) by striking paragraph (1); and (2) by redesignating paragraphs (2) and (3) as paragraphs (1) and (2), respectively. Speaker of the House of Representatives. Vice President of the United States and President of the Senate.
2023-01-08 17:38:09.745
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Introduced-in-House" bill-type="olc" dms-id="H10ED6A7E0CF6410C97564AA555338E90" public-private="public"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 724 IH: To amend the Clean Air Act to remove the requirement for dealer certification of new light-duty motor vehicles. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-02-14 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> I </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 724 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130214"> February 14, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="L000566"> Mr. Latta </sponsor> (for himself and <cosponsor name-id="P000595"> Mr. Peters of Michigan </cosponsor> ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="HIF00"> Committee on Energy and Commerce </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> A BILL </legis-type> <official-title> To amend the Clean Air Act to remove the requirement for dealer certification of new light-duty motor vehicles. </official-title> </form> <legis-body id="H064060DEBB9E43B1930A7BF45D962B4C" style="OLC"> <section id="HF8C52C31E0A64A92B294C9A98D3B6A3F" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Removal of requirement for dealer certification of new light-duty motor vehicles </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Section 207(h) of the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7541(h)) is amended— </text> <paragraph id="H89CAA4E4C5EA4D2CAC256333C5F622F6"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> by striking paragraph (1); and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H3BC2A0C7C62549269744B59543DFF309"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> by redesignating paragraphs (2) and (3) as paragraphs (1) and (2), respectively. </text> </paragraph> </section> </legis-body> </bill>
I 113th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 724 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES February 14, 2013 Mr. Latta (for himself and Mr. Peters of Michigan ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce A BILL To amend the Clean Air Act to remove the requirement for dealer certification of new light-duty motor vehicles. 1. Removal of requirement for dealer certification of new light-duty motor vehicles Section 207(h) of the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7541(h)) is amended— (1) by striking paragraph (1); and (2) by redesignating paragraphs (2) and (3) as paragraphs (1) and (2), respectively.
2023-01-07 05:50:02.529
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Referred-in-Senate" bill-type="olc" dms-id="H10ED6A7E0CF6410C97564AA555338E90" public-private="public" stage-count="1"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 724 : To amend the Clean Air Act to remove the requirement for dealer certification of new light-duty motor vehicles. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2014-01-09 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> IIB </distribution-code> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 2d Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 724 </legis-num> <current-chamber display="yes"> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20140109"> January 9, 2014 </action-date> <action-desc> Received; read twice and referred to the <committee-name committee-id="SSEV00"> Committee on Environment and Public Works </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> AN ACT </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> To amend the Clean Air Act to remove the requirement for dealer certification of new light-duty motor vehicles. </official-title> </form> <legis-body id="H064060DEBB9E43B1930A7BF45D962B4C" style="OLC"> <section id="HF8C52C31E0A64A92B294C9A98D3B6A3F" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Removal of requirement for dealer certification of new light-duty motor vehicles </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Section 207(h) of the Clean Air Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/42/7541"> 42 U.S.C. 7541(h) </external-xref> ) is amended— </text> <paragraph id="H89CAA4E4C5EA4D2CAC256333C5F622F6"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> by striking paragraph (1); and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H3BC2A0C7C62549269744B59543DFF309"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> by redesignating paragraphs (2) and (3) as paragraphs (1) and (2), respectively. </text> </paragraph> </section> </legis-body> <attestation> <attestation-group> <attestation-date chamber="House" date="20140108"> Passed the House of Representatives January 8, 2014. </attestation-date> <attestor display="yes"> Karen L. Haas, </attestor> <role> Clerk. </role> </attestation-group> </attestation> </bill>
IIB 113th CONGRESS 2d Session H. R. 724 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES January 9, 2014 Received; read twice and referred to the Committee on Environment and Public Works AN ACT To amend the Clean Air Act to remove the requirement for dealer certification of new light-duty motor vehicles. 1. Removal of requirement for dealer certification of new light-duty motor vehicles Section 207(h) of the Clean Air Act ( 42 U.S.C. 7541(h) ) is amended— (1) by striking paragraph (1); and (2) by redesignating paragraphs (2) and (3) as paragraphs (1) and (2), respectively. Passed the House of Representatives January 8, 2014. Karen L. Haas, Clerk.
2023-01-07 05:50:02.340
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Reported-in-House" bill-type="olc" dms-id="H10ED6A7E0CF6410C97564AA555338E90" public-private="public"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 724 RH: To amend the Clean Air Act to remove the requirement for dealer certification of new light-duty motor vehicles. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2014-01-07 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> IB </distribution-code> <calendar display="yes"> Union Calendar No. 238 </calendar> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 2d Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 724 </legis-num> <associated-doc display="yes" role="report"> [Report No. 113–320] </associated-doc> <current-chamber display="yes"> IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130214"> February 14, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="L000566"> Mr. Latta </sponsor> (for himself and <cosponsor name-id="P000595"> Mr. Peters of Michigan </cosponsor> ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="HIF00"> Committee on Energy and Commerce </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <action> <action-date date="20140107"> January 7, 2014 </action-date> <action-desc> Additional sponsors: <cosponsor name-id="S001187"> Mr. Stivers </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="B001280"> Mr. Bentivolio </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="G000558"> Mr. Guthrie </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="J000255"> Mr. Jones </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="J000292"> Mr. Johnson of Ohio </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S001180"> Mr. Schrader </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="K000379"> Mr. Kennedy </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="M001171"> Mr. Maffei </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="L000565"> Mr. Loebsack </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="C001049"> Mr. Clay </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="L000263"> Mr. Levin </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S001185"> Ms. Sewell of Alabama </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="O000169"> Mr. Owens </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="P000593"> Mr. Perlmutter </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="W000799"> Mr. Walz </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="R000577"> Mr. Ryan of Ohio </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="C001078"> Mr. Connolly </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="H001058"> Mr. Huizenga of Michigan </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="C000266"> Mr. Chabot </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="C000714"> Mr. Conyers </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="M001150"> Mrs. Miller of Michigan </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="P000607"> Mr. Pocan </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="M000485"> Mr. McIntyre </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="T000459"> Mr. Terry </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="C001083"> Mr. Carney </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="B001248"> Mr. Burgess </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="G000568"> Mr. Griffith of Virginia </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="N000179"> Mrs. Napolitano </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="K000188"> Mr. Kind </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="A000055"> Mr. Aderholt </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="D000622"> Ms. Duckworth </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="G000560"> Mr. Graves of Georgia </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="J000295"> Mr. Joyce </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="K000381"> Mr. Kilmer </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="C001072"> Mr. Carson of Indiana </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="C001075"> Mr. Cassidy </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="K000378"> Mr. Kinzinger of Illinois </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="R000592"> Mr. Rokita </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="W000798"> Mr. Walberg </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="F000454"> Mr. Foster </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="R000593"> Mr. Ross </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="B001282"> Mr. Barr </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="M001142"> Mr. Matheson </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="M001182"> Mr. Mulvaney </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="B001271"> Mr. Benishek </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="P000601"> Mr. Palazzo </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="L000576"> Mr. Long </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="B001262"> Mr. Broun of Georgia </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="O000168"> Mr. Olson </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="B000490"> Mr. Bishop of Georgia </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="R000597"> Mr. Rice of South Carolina </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="C000537"> Mr. Clyburn </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="B001255"> Mr. Boustany </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="W000795"> Mr. Wilson of South Carolina </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="G000565"> Mr. Gosar </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="G000564"> Mr. Gibson </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="P000258"> Mr. Peterson </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="P000096"> Mr. Pascrell </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="D000615"> Mr. Duncan of South Carolina </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="N000127"> Mr. Nolan </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="B001252"> Mr. Barrow of Georgia </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="K000009"> Ms. Kaptur </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="Y000064"> Mr. Young of Indiana </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="H000067"> Mr. Hall </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="C001048"> Mr. Culberson </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="C001063"> Mr. Cuellar </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="M001158"> Mr. Marchant </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="B000755"> Mr. Brady of Texas </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="M001180"> Mr. McKinley </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="V000131"> Mr. Veasey </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="F000460"> Mr. Farenthold </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S001193"> Mr. Swalwell of California </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="B001286"> Mrs. Bustos </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="W000215"> Mr. Waxman </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="L000111"> Mr. Latham </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="K000376"> Mr. Kelly of Pennsylvania </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S001170"> Ms. Shea-Porter </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="W000413"> Mr. Whitfield </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="C001097"> Mr. Cárdenas </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="R000586"> Mr. Renacci </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="N000185"> Mr. Nugent </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="H001065"> Mr. Holding </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="M000689"> Mr. Mica </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="N000184"> Mrs. Noem </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="L000564"> Mr. Lamborn </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="C001096"> Mr. Cramer </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="T000470"> Mr. Tipton </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="A000369"> Mr. Amodei </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="H001052"> Mr. Harris </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="H001045"> Mr. Harper </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="J000290"> Ms. Jenkins </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="P000602"> Mr. Pompeo </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="P000608"> Mr. Peters of California </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="D000617"> Ms. DelBene </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="M001189"> Mr. Messer </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S001154"> Mr. Shuster </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="H001067"> Mr. Hudson </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="M001151"> Mr. Murphy of Pennsylvania </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="Y000063"> Mr. Yoder </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="F000451"> Mr. Fitzpatrick </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="W000816"> Mr. Williams </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="C001059"> Mr. Costa </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="K000382"> Ms. Kuster </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="E000293"> Ms. Esty </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="D000619"> Mr. Rodney Davis of Illinois </cosponsor> </action-desc> </action> <action> <action-date date="20140107"> January 7, 2014 </action-date> <action-desc> Committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union and ordered to be printed </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> A BILL </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> To amend the Clean Air Act to remove the requirement for dealer certification of new light-duty motor vehicles. <pagebreak/> </official-title> </form> <legis-body id="H064060DEBB9E43B1930A7BF45D962B4C" style="OLC"> <section id="HF8C52C31E0A64A92B294C9A98D3B6A3F" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Removal of requirement for dealer certification of new light-duty motor vehicles </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Section 207(h) of the Clean Air Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/42/7541"> 42 U.S.C. 7541(h) </external-xref> ) is amended— </text> <paragraph id="H89CAA4E4C5EA4D2CAC256333C5F622F6"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> by striking paragraph (1); and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H3BC2A0C7C62549269744B59543DFF309"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> by redesignating paragraphs (2) and (3) as paragraphs (1) and (2), respectively. </text> </paragraph> </section> </legis-body> <endorsement display="yes"> <action-date date="20140107"> January 7, 2014 </action-date> <action-desc> Committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union and ordered to be printed </action-desc> </endorsement> </bill>
IB Union Calendar No. 238 113th CONGRESS 2d Session H. R. 724 [Report No. 113–320] IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES February 14, 2013 Mr. Latta (for himself and Mr. Peters of Michigan ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce January 7, 2014 Additional sponsors: Mr. Stivers , Mr. Bentivolio , Mr. Guthrie , Mr. Jones , Mr. Johnson of Ohio , Mr. Schrader , Mr. Kennedy , Mr. Maffei , Mr. Loebsack , Mr. Clay , Mr. Levin , Ms. Sewell of Alabama , Mr. Owens , Mr. Perlmutter , Mr. Walz , Mr. Ryan of Ohio , Mr. Connolly , Mr. Huizenga of Michigan , Mr. Chabot , Mr. Conyers , Mrs. Miller of Michigan , Mr. Pocan , Mr. McIntyre , Mr. Terry , Mr. Carney , Mr. Burgess , Mr. Griffith of Virginia , Mrs. Napolitano , Mr. Kind , Mr. Aderholt , Ms. Duckworth , Mr. Graves of Georgia , Mr. Joyce , Mr. Kilmer , Mr. Carson of Indiana , Mr. Cassidy , Mr. Kinzinger of Illinois , Mr. Rokita , Mr. Walberg , Mr. Foster , Mr. Ross , Mr. Barr , Mr. Matheson , Mr. Mulvaney , Mr. Benishek , Mr. Palazzo , Mr. Long , Mr. Broun of Georgia , Mr. Olson , Mr. Bishop of Georgia , Mr. Rice of South Carolina , Mr. Clyburn , Mr. Boustany , Mr. Wilson of South Carolina , Mr. Gosar , Mr. Gibson , Mr. Peterson , Mr. Pascrell , Mr. Duncan of South Carolina , Mr. Nolan , Mr. Barrow of Georgia , Ms. Kaptur , Mr. Young of Indiana , Mr. Hall , Mr. Culberson , Mr. Cuellar , Mr. Marchant , Mr. Brady of Texas , Mr. McKinley , Mr. Veasey , Mr. Farenthold , Mr. Swalwell of California , Mrs. Bustos , Mr. Waxman , Mr. Latham , Mr. Kelly of Pennsylvania , Ms. Shea-Porter , Mr. Whitfield , Mr. Cárdenas , Mr. Renacci , Mr. Nugent , Mr. Holding , Mr. Mica , Mrs. Noem , Mr. Lamborn , Mr. Cramer , Mr. Tipton , Mr. Amodei , Mr. Harris , Mr. Harper , Ms. Jenkins , Mr. Pompeo , Mr. Peters of California , Ms. DelBene , Mr. Messer , Mr. Shuster , Mr. Hudson , Mr. Murphy of Pennsylvania , Mr. Yoder , Mr. Fitzpatrick , Mr. Williams , Mr. Costa , Ms. Kuster , Ms. Esty , and Mr. Rodney Davis of Illinois January 7, 2014 Committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union and ordered to be printed A BILL To amend the Clean Air Act to remove the requirement for dealer certification of new light-duty motor vehicles. 1. Removal of requirement for dealer certification of new light-duty motor vehicles Section 207(h) of the Clean Air Act ( 42 U.S.C. 7541(h) ) is amended— (1) by striking paragraph (1); and (2) by redesignating paragraphs (2) and (3) as paragraphs (1) and (2), respectively. January 7, 2014 Committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union and ordered to be printed
2023-01-07 04:04:03.006
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Reported-in-Senate" bill-type="olc" dms-id="H10ED6A7E0CF6410C97564AA555338E90" public-private="public" stage-count="1"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 724 RS: To amend the Clean Air Act to remove the requirement for dealer certification of new light-duty motor vehicles. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2014-01-09 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> II </distribution-code> <calendar> Calendar No. 342 </calendar> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 2d Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 724 </legis-num> <associated-doc role="report"> [Report No. 113–144] </associated-doc> <current-chamber display="yes"> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20140109"> January 9, 2014 </action-date> <action-desc> Received; read twice and referred to the <committee-name committee-id="SSEV00"> Committee on Environment and Public Works </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <action stage="Reported-in-Senate"> <action-date> April 1, 2014 </action-date> <action-desc> Reported by <sponsor name-id="S223"> Mrs. Boxer </sponsor> , without amendment </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> AN ACT </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> To amend the Clean Air Act to remove the requirement for dealer certification of new light-duty motor vehicles. </official-title> </form> <legis-body id="H064060DEBB9E43B1930A7BF45D962B4C" style="OLC"> <section id="HF8C52C31E0A64A92B294C9A98D3B6A3F" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Removal of requirement for dealer certification of new light-duty motor vehicles </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Section 207(h) of the Clean Air Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/42/7541"> 42 U.S.C. 7541(h) </external-xref> ) is amended— </text> <paragraph id="H89CAA4E4C5EA4D2CAC256333C5F622F6"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> by striking paragraph (1); and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H3BC2A0C7C62549269744B59543DFF309"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> by redesignating paragraphs (2) and (3) as paragraphs (1) and (2), respectively. </text> </paragraph> </section> </legis-body> <endorsement> <action-date> April 1, 2014 </action-date> <action-desc> Reported without amendment </action-desc> </endorsement> </bill>
II Calendar No. 342 113th CONGRESS 2d Session H. R. 724 [Report No. 113–144] IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES January 9, 2014 Received; read twice and referred to the Committee on Environment and Public Works April 1, 2014 Reported by Mrs. Boxer , without amendment AN ACT To amend the Clean Air Act to remove the requirement for dealer certification of new light-duty motor vehicles. 1. Removal of requirement for dealer certification of new light-duty motor vehicles Section 207(h) of the Clean Air Act ( 42 U.S.C. 7541(h) ) is amended— (1) by striking paragraph (1); and (2) by redesignating paragraphs (2) and (3) as paragraphs (1) and (2), respectively. April 1, 2014 Reported without amendment
2023-01-08 17:38:09.613
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Introduced-in-House" bill-type="olc" dms-id="HEE70CE469E254FBAB03FE3FF691225BB" public-private="public"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 725 IH: Real Education for Healthy Youth Act of 2013 </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-02-14 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> I </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 725 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130214"> February 14, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="L000551"> Ms. Lee of California </sponsor> (for herself, <cosponsor name-id="M001160"> Ms. Moore </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="P000597"> Ms. Pingree of Maine </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="M000404"> Mr. McDermott </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="D000598"> Mrs. Davis of California </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="C001049"> Mr. Clay </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="N000147"> Ms. Norton </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="D000197"> Ms. DeGette </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S000480"> Ms. Slaughter </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="M000933"> Mr. Moran </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="W000797"> Ms. Wasserman Schultz </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="R000486"> Ms. Roybal-Allard </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="G000551"> Mr. Grijalva </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="B001278"> Ms. Bonamici </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="C001067"> Ms. Clarke </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S001175"> Ms. Speier </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="D000610"> Mr. Deutch </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="B000574"> Mr. Blumenauer </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="L000397"> Ms. Lofgren </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="L000287"> Mr. Lewis </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="C001080"> Ms. Chu </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="R000053"> Mr. Rangel </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="M001143"> Ms. McCollum </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="H001034"> Mr. Honda </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="N000002"> Mr. Nadler </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="C000714"> Mr. Conyers </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="H001032"> Mr. Holt </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="W000187"> Ms. Waters </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="H000324"> Mr. Hastings of Florida </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S001145"> Ms. Schakowsky </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="L000560"> Mr. Larsen of Washington </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="C000380"> Mrs. Christensen </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="S001165"> Mr. Sires </cosponsor> ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="HIF00"> Committee on Energy and Commerce </committee-name> , and in addition to the Committee on <committee-name committee-id="HED00"> Education and the Workforce </committee-name> , for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> A BILL </legis-type> <official-title> To provide for the reduction of unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections, including HIV, and the promotion of healthy relationships, and for other purposes. </official-title> </form> <legis-body id="H00D423DA102F4BF1AA595ACE387829BD" style="OLC"> <section id="H3586A51B3651473FBE0DB297F31890AB" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Short title </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> This Act may be cited as the <quote> <short-title> Real Education for Healthy Youth Act of 2013 </short-title> </quote> . </text> </section> <section id="HE6C0693B23504D8D992DBF19EAD3AE52" section-type="subsequent-section"> <enum> 2. </enum> <header> Purposes; Sense of Congress </header> <subsection id="H49B5F69A9BCB418A9782BAE73C879889"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Purposes </header> <text> The purposes of this Act are— </text> <paragraph id="HAF9939B811084B8CAACE0F085BA461A7"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> to provide young people with comprehensive sex education that— </text> <subparagraph id="H0A71D69D069A4F8F8F1BF511E95ACF58"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> provides the information and skills young people need to make informed, responsible, and healthy decisions in order to become sexually healthy adults and have healthy relationships; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H0A364ABC6C524B7BAD3C726CFB8FD2F5"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> provides information about the prevention of unintended pregnancy, sexually transmitted infections, including HIV, sexual assault, dating violence, bullying, and harassment; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H2DF049067FD14F038B9418C38F38089E"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> promotes and upholds the rights of young people to information in order to make healthy and responsible decisions about their sexual health; and </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HD86E32F95642417E8BBDBDEC6030BB5D"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> in order to provide the comprehensive sex education described in paragraph (1), to provide increased resources for sex education programs that— </text> <subparagraph id="H74370ED34EE34C92A5AC2A52DB878098"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> are evidence-based, having been proven through rigorous evaluation to change sexual behavior or incorporate characteristics of effective programs; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HF6E2582F0FC44048844B06E1116C46F6"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> cover a broad range of topics, including medically accurate, complete, age and developmentally appropriate information about all the aspects of sex needed for a complete sex education program, including— </text> <clause id="HE804143FFFB5445D8CC9071EF2FFBE20"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> anatomy and physiology; </text> </clause> <clause id="H4DD9A656880A468B8B9483A127D7D76D"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> growth and development; </text> </clause> <clause id="H6FA5658FD3154760A09015F1C1DBCB2F"> <enum> (iii) </enum> <text> healthy relationships; </text> </clause> <clause id="H2DF033AA15334624B37F138C413B5F41"> <enum> (iv) </enum> <text> the prevention of unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections, including HIV, through abstinence and contraception; </text> </clause> <clause id="H858D3684F6E44C4AA40FFC2A649167F6"> <enum> (v) </enum> <text> gender, gender identity, and sexual orientation; and </text> </clause> <clause id="H664CA0F461AE4A49BAF79EF654F89991"> <enum> (vi) </enum> <text> protection from dating violence, sexual assault, bullying, and harassment; </text> </clause> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H6A8444B5C17F4BCC9A1B2AAD086FEC99"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> are gender- and gender identity-sensitive, emphasizing the importance of equality and the social environment for achieving sexual and reproductive health and overall well-being; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H3442FD56FA814784B568A93AD93CF10B"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text> promote educational achievement, critical thinking, decisionmaking, self-esteem, and self-efficacy; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HAB5D74A2C87A47E6ADCD12FE295A5C05"> <enum> (E) </enum> <text> help develop healthy attitudes and insights necessary for understanding relationships between oneself and others and society; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H1DA57D06F28A4297B7EFC570DC685AB0"> <enum> (F) </enum> <text> foster leadership skills and community engagement by— </text> <clause id="HFFA6712730974D1182AA57B1A3AB4CA8"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> promoting principles of fairness, human dignity, and respect; and </text> </clause> <clause id="H6A51B3C0928E4031B38DCE87E6838C82"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> engaging young people as partners in their communities; and </text> </clause> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HD80B681988654462B9088CEA78552660"> <enum> (G) </enum> <text> are culturally and linguistically appropriate, reflecting the diverse circumstances and realities of young people. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HFC66EF70815B487F9635B2CA211AEC7E"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Sense of Congress </header> <text> It is the sense of Congress that— </text> <paragraph id="HA6A444EFFB094746B30F6D03C42E85EE"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> federally funded sex education programs should aim to— </text> <subparagraph id="H7B8AAF5F76A04D3A9693EB089CB30C4B"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> reduce unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections, including HIV; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H5DF682C03D9F465282136EFF90E4383A"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> promote safe and healthy relationships; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HE64E2D0AF3DA43A8B7BFAE3A7FF2C852"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> use, and be informed by, the best scientific information available; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H039A997D709344738521ED011C986486"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text> be built on characteristics of effective programs; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H593478EE52DF465483752C17FFCBF1A1"> <enum> (E) </enum> <text> expand the existing body of evidence on comprehensive sex education programs through program evaluation; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H6A7C628AC6AA4EF99D69B4F58426C171"> <enum> (F) </enum> <text> expand training programs for teachers of comprehensive sex education; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HBDC1971CC5784E34A88EC963D1067B12"> <enum> (G) </enum> <text> build on the personal responsibility education programs funded under section 513 of the Social Security Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/42/713"> 42 U.S.C. 713 </external-xref> ) and the President’s Teen Pregnancy Prevention program, funded under title II of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2010 ( <external-xref legal-doc="public-law" parsable-cite="pl/111/117"> Public Law 111–117 </external-xref> ; 123 Stat. 3253); and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H26661774A21E4C53A955A90A6525B94A"> <enum> (H) </enum> <text> promote and uphold the rights of young people to information in order to make healthy and responsible decisions about their sexual health; and </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H6E741C4590BB460BB94275D57A424DE0"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> no Federal funds should be used for health education programs that— </text> <subparagraph id="HC29CCC47E37E47969A42F5FDDE24F435"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> deliberately withhold life-saving information about HIV; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H82E53991E761451DAB640F69FED9EAD2"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> are medically inaccurate or have been scientifically shown to be ineffective; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H9F0F85936F984AD38CF934B352D9EE61"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> promote gender stereotypes; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HF1159FA5D8C04CBEA1FADAA0D1B7DB27"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text> are insensitive and unresponsive to the needs of sexually active adolescents; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H8A726DB434894100A47F5D76C8E4368A"> <enum> (E) </enum> <text> are insensitive and unresponsive to the needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender youth; or </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H2B53AC56BF584D2D868F589D9F65A535"> <enum> (F) </enum> <text> are inconsistent with the ethical imperatives of medicine and public health. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> </section> <section id="H6948AC9B147342F28F57F4BCE4CBF310"> <enum> 3. </enum> <header> Grants for comprehensive sex education for adolescents </header> <subsection id="HA076C0C491774160947BC5A38BD88F76"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Program authorized </header> <text> The Secretary, in coordination with the Director of the Office of Adolescent Health, shall award grants, on a competitive basis, to eligible entities to enable such eligible entities to carry out programs that provide adolescents with comprehensive sex education, as described in subsection (f). </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H9E7FC75B0B204B1A9CEB05ADE9DD19A2"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Duration </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Grants awarded under this section shall be for a period of 5 years. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H2988AF21A01A4ABAB0744D12B0104BB6"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Eligible Entity </header> <text> In this section, the term <quote> eligible entity </quote> means a public or private entity that focuses on adolescent health or education or has experience working with adolescents, which may include— </text> <paragraph id="H88DF16F955D0473C99B5B6991092E502"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> a State educational agency; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H74F3DA924FA548998F387C13AD2C7225"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> a local educational agency; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HEA3B85C5939E4BDD9C12277C4AEDCA66"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> a tribe or tribal organization, as defined in section 4 of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/25/450b"> 25 U.S.C. 450b </external-xref> ); </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HAC86E6078E3645E7A32FAFF96A1029A3"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> a State or local department of health; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" id="HC48D9CE8421C4997BE3929C9FAA6DDED"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text> a State or local department of education; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HFF08B22FC3BD45188C3D9DAB2DDB5959"> <enum> (6) </enum> <text> a nonprofit organization; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H6D28B594618D4E5C98F9062A4007B713"> <enum> (7) </enum> <text> a nonprofit or public institution of higher education; or </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HC415BE25FCCF480A81D64F017BF6C3CD"> <enum> (8) </enum> <text> a hospital. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H61FCF9CDCFF443AE872B0546B254F884"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header> Applications </header> <text> An eligible entity desiring a grant under this section shall submit an application to the Secretary at such time, in such manner, and containing such information as the Secretary may require, including the evaluation plan described in subsection (g)(1). </text> </subsection> <subsection id="HB18ED22B96AD41C09D7F98FC3BE778F9"> <enum> (e) </enum> <header> Priority </header> <text> In awarding grants under this section, the Secretary shall give priority to eligible entities that— </text> <paragraph id="H42900A3D1652444F9D893CA826E259E2"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> are State or local public entities, with an additional priority for State or local educational agencies; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HBE3ECBC08C9643D5A1D7E8EF08F5DFA5"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> address health disparities among young people that are at highest risk for not less than 1 of the following: </text> <subparagraph id="HD50929BB711142199006B2CE7FFDB378"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> Unintended pregnancies. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H53249FBB6B564021905AD15EF5A485E0"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> Sexually transmitted infections, including HIV. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H8BE227CCFBF541E6987A9179ACDCB37F"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> Dating violence and sexual assault. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HA6F5E76D59A3447F81A6F1B62A371607"> <enum> (f) </enum> <header> Use of funds </header> <paragraph id="H7FC07D8B16AA454FAFDEB1B63A7027E0"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> In General </header> <text> Each eligible entity that receives a grant under this section shall use grant funds to carry out a program that provides adolescents with comprehensive sex education that— </text> <subparagraph id="HC6C661EB734F467DA064963789052FA8"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> replicates evidence-based sex education programs; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HC4FF2E01741A40F384DF1288F26E6376"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> substantially incorporates elements of evidence-based sex education programs; or </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HBA34AB8DABAB4EFC9ECB772E90A09204"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> creates a demonstration project based on generally accepted characteristics of effective sex education programs. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H7C19F457BBA747848C5282434D8D49E8"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Contents of Sex Education Programs </header> <text> The sex education programs funded under this section shall include curricula and program materials that address— </text> <subparagraph id="HFDC604B8366D4D64828141691CA3F5F5"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> abstinence and delaying sexual initiation; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H0FE3BBFC87DD40D6ADF21E6350A59876"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> the health benefits and side effects of all contraceptive and barrier methods as a means to prevent pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections, including HIV; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HC26EB136B37D4F8B9D082E9B0E6C163D"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> healthy relationships, including the development of healthy attitudes and skills necessary for understanding— </text> <clause id="H2B3FE49E434C44EC9DED69F41FDDF4F8"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> healthy relationships between oneself and family, others, and society; and </text> </clause> <clause id="HCC2A9DCFFDAA43849CACCC74358FA3B2"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> the prevention of sexual abuse, teen dating violence, bullying, harassment, and suicide; </text> </clause> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H6AEBF9DEAB2E47D79B8AEE4613718068"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text> healthy life skills including goal-setting, decisionmaking, interpersonal skills (such as communication, assertiveness, and peer refusal skills), critical thinking, self-esteem and self-efficacy, and stress management; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HF7969A8AD45040578595964A4A406A26"> <enum> (E) </enum> <text> how to make responsible decisions about sex and sexuality, including— </text> <clause id="HDF2F75F0074F46E6A1EEE9BBBC02EF49"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> how to avoid, and how to avoid making, unwanted verbal, physical, and sexual advances; and </text> </clause> <clause id="HF56C085FBF574D0191EC35F7E9B187C9"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> how alcohol and drug use can affect responsible decisionmaking; </text> </clause> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H0EC3332AE50E4DD8A7812AE0B4C99E60"> <enum> (F) </enum> <text> the development of healthy attitudes and values about such topics as adolescent growth and development, body image, gender roles and gender identity, racial and ethnic diversity, and sexual orientation; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HE778962842CC4BE69DA4084A795BC002"> <enum> (G) </enum> <text> referral services for local health clinics and services where adolescents can obtain additional information and services related to sexual and reproductive health, dating violence and sexual assault, and suicide prevention. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H54917AC44B224DDF8844DE355B807DCC"> <enum> (g) </enum> <header> Evaluation; Report </header> <paragraph id="HE394A3FC70A24235BCE470B7ABF01514"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> Independent Evaluation </header> <text> Each eligible entity applying for a grant under this section shall develop and submit to the Secretary a plan for a rigorous independent evaluation of such grant program. The plan shall describe an independent evaluation that— </text> <subparagraph id="H5A50EDE8D1CF485DAC5C0E302A5D6FFF"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> uses sound statistical methods and techniques relating to the behavioral sciences, including random assignment methodologies, whenever possible; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H4A8638E2A0954DB8BCED2887790552C1"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> uses quantitative data for assessments and impact evaluations, whenever possible; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H276A13164B0446A6A45533D11C85301F"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> is carried out by an entity independent from such eligible entity. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" id="H8249E89292704C8885DD8998EBDE754F"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Selection of evaluated programs; budget </header> <subparagraph commented="no" id="HD421CCD5F5E44230A1D679FD4A70F8B7"> <enum> (A) </enum> <header> Selection of Evaluated Programs </header> <text> The Secretary shall select, at random, a subset of the eligible entities that the Secretary has selected to receive a grant under this section to receive additional funding to carry out the evaluation plan described in paragraph (1). </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HB966A69B30174AA3BBF87D7A13DF0C82"> <enum> (B) </enum> <header> Budget for Evaluation Activities </header> <text> The Secretary, in coordination with the Director of the Office of Adolescent Health, shall establish a budget for each eligible entity selected under subparagraph (A) for the costs of carrying out the evaluation plan described in paragraph (1). </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" id="HCDD98A5F0AA343FDB5E24416A667092E"> <enum> (3) </enum> <header> Funds for evaluation </header> <text> The Secretary shall provide eligible entities who are selected under paragraph (2)(A) with additional funds, in accordance with the budget described in paragraph (2)(B), to carry out and report to the Secretary on the evaluation plan described in paragraph (1). </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H4B2728B670DE4281957D5E7900953CEE"> <enum> (4) </enum> <header> Performance Measures </header> <text> The Secretary, in coordination with the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, shall establish a common set of performance measures to assess the implementation and impact of grant programs funded under this section. Such performance measures shall include— </text> <subparagraph id="H4F9B841EF70B4A50BB1F32EBB7A8EA3C"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> output measures, such as the number of individuals served and the number of hours of service delivery; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H62C6A0E8F08A4AD8A760F9CDEC13AF87"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> outcome measures, including measures relating to— </text> <clause id="H4B21E3B0B9DA47B8936BA0A0D361DEAE"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> the knowledge that youth participating in the grant program have gained about— </text> <subclause id="H5A287242E7DB49359A6FD66CD98DC09B"> <enum> (I) </enum> <text> adolescent growth and development; </text> </subclause> <subclause id="HBF28917D289F4413A776B3718F76AAF1"> <enum> (II) </enum> <text> relationship dynamics; </text> </subclause> <subclause id="HDFAA02047D734C4B9F994F5A7E824234"> <enum> (III) </enum> <text> ways to prevent unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections, including HIV; and </text> </subclause> <subclause id="H301B29FD1D4A4B658122E8E14B2817D0"> <enum> (IV) </enum> <text> sexual health; </text> </subclause> </clause> <clause id="H84FC100865FA425DADF19A0BE95E5DBF"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> the skills that adolescents participating in the grant program have gained regarding— </text> <subclause id="H6B3A59E163DA4CF798B6D564968D2304"> <enum> (I) </enum> <text> negotiation and communication; </text> </subclause> <subclause id="H162EB0A2CB624BB09429AFE9D2F72502"> <enum> (II) </enum> <text> decisionmaking and goal-setting; </text> </subclause> <subclause id="H1B8C5EC46AD7481DB25FEEB190B01F72"> <enum> (III) </enum> <text> interpersonal skills and healthy relationships; and </text> </subclause> <subclause id="H7EC87F00270541879B64257DCEA91D38"> <enum> (IV) </enum> <text> condom use; and </text> </subclause> </clause> <clause id="H81BB08038FD9488CB022B394DCD32D17"> <enum> (iii) </enum> <text> the behaviors of adolescents participating in the grant program, including data about— </text> <subclause commented="no" id="H3A887837C1254402886D05565F7BF77E"> <enum> (I) </enum> <text> age of first intercourse; </text> </subclause> <subclause id="H4D6C7B1A75EC46F9B69A56795FD76490"> <enum> (II) </enum> <text> number of sexual partners; </text> </subclause> <subclause commented="no" id="H818A08AD5826447D953E723F6B334B06"> <enum> (III) </enum> <text> condom and contraceptive use at first intercourse; </text> </subclause> <subclause id="HE1DE3BB502534285BD8678B0E7E31691"> <enum> (IV) </enum> <text> recent condom and contraceptive use; and </text> </subclause> <subclause id="HAB00095A503E4340B5A8CEF880AC1FD1"> <enum> (V) </enum> <text> dating abuse and lifetime history of domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, bullying, harassment, and stalking. </text> </subclause> </clause> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H52D90020CA2C48EBA7F3532525231942"> <enum> (5) </enum> <header> Report to the Secretary </header> <text> Eligible entities receiving a grant under this section who have been selected to receive funds to carry out the evaluation plan described in paragraph (1), in accordance with paragraph (2)(A), shall collect and report to the Secretary— </text> <subparagraph id="HE726BDB0E4A047A785702D38FCB34A3C"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> the results of the independent evaluation described in paragraph (1); and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H7063F918EF664E1D816BD06C67D7EE91"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> information about the performance measures described in paragraph (2). </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HF5D0E4C1196449A9B48EB531CB78A70F"> <enum> (6) </enum> <header> Effective programs </header> <text> The Secretary, in coordination with the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, shall publish on the website of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a list of programs funded under this section that the Secretary has determined to be effective programs. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> </section> <section id="H44FD21E396A64B398ED01206FD3233BA"> <enum> 4. </enum> <header> Grants for comprehensive sex education at institutions of higher education </header> <subsection id="H0020C0C0FAB54600887EBC2250AFE4E6"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Program authorized </header> <text> The Secretary, in coordination with the Office of Adolescent Health and the Secretary of Education, shall award grants, on a competitive basis, to institutions of higher education to enable such institutions to provide young people with comprehensive sex education, described in subsection (e)(2), with an emphasis on reducing HIV, other sexually transmitted infections, and unintended pregnancy through instruction about— </text> <paragraph id="H8CE7B1604D76430D9E4CB1FA1DD949F6"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> abstinence and contraception; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H274A46F1FCCF46A0A6C7F53962366E93"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> reducing dating violence, sexual assault, bullying, and harassment; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H26BF5318113B4ADEB187B28F770DA292"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> increasing healthy relationships; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H30D9A3B1D8494F82A6781941555D0066"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> academic achievement. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H8EA5EDC596174E7E83A4E02E6DD5620B"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Duration </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Grants awarded under this section shall be for a period of 5 years. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H96311F1A45724A74853672A783079562"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Applications </header> <text> An institution of higher education desiring a grant under this section shall submit an application to the Secretary at such time, in such manner, and containing such information as the Secretary may require. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H8FE513295E9C4773960BB6834002C5F1"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header> Priority </header> <text> In awarding grants under this section, the Secretary shall give priority to an institution of higher education that— </text> <paragraph id="H44126635DDCA4793B5BA3A158A1E53AE"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> has an enrollment of needy students as defined in section 318(b) of the Higher Education Act of 1965 ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/20/1059e"> 20 U.S.C. 1059e(b) </external-xref> ); </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H5E26836547FF409E8E267F2520AEC826"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> is a Hispanic-serving institution, as defined in section 502(a) of such Act (20 U.S.C. 1101a(a)); </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H24DDFC4D1C5F4BDD96BF78338AE701BF"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> is a Tribal College or University, as defined in section 316(b) of such Act (20 U.S.C. 1059c(b)); </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H1FEE38D78C0440E891A4A46AAC595CED"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> is an Alaska Native-serving institution, as defined in section 317(b) of such Act (20 U.S.C. 1059d(b)); </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H10A6307C7C80438A9D0C666A6C572C15"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text> is a Native Hawaiian-serving institution, as defined in section 317(b) of such Act (20 U.S.C. 1059d(b)); </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H9F22821C2EC04E01BC9BD0D8CAFA6974"> <enum> (6) </enum> <text> is a Predominately Black Institution, as defined in section 318(b) of such Act (20 U.S.C. 1059e(b)); </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HEFFFEDBB8F2244648B4FBFB3DEF5A2C6"> <enum> (7) </enum> <text> is a Native American-serving, nontribal institution, as defined in section 319(b) of such Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/20/1059f"> 20 U.S.C. 1059f(b) </external-xref> ); </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H0062286AE847420E8290E6D30675CA70"> <enum> (8) </enum> <text> is an Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander-serving institution, as defined in section 320(b) of such Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/20/1059g"> 20 U.S.C. 1059g(b) </external-xref> ); or </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HBDC3FBADC0A548979DD0E4CD41403F89"> <enum> (9) </enum> <text> is a minority institution, as defined in section 365 of such Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/20/1067k"> 20 U.S.C. 1067k </external-xref> ), with an enrollment of needy students, as defined in section 312 of such Act (20 U.S.C. 1058). </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HBC77BE4D5E5E4B1F8A063FDA53041521"> <enum> (e) </enum> <header> Uses of funds </header> <paragraph id="H00B2288302D94AC1A6A5846975963BE1"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> An institution of higher education receiving a grant under this section may use grant funds to integrate issues relating to comprehensive sex education into the academic or support sectors of the institution of higher education in order to reach a large number of students, by carrying out 1 or more of the following activities: </text> <subparagraph id="HF086D8FC065F4D23851E936C4C16EB03"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> Developing educational content for issues relating to comprehensive sex education that will be incorporated into first-year orientation or core courses. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H88D6BE5E2AB8403DA2F6FE677D0054F9"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> Developing and employing schoolwide educational programming outside of class that delivers elements of comprehensive sex education programs to students, faculty, and staff. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H39CBEBF8614B4EF9AE01681A2FADF3B6"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> Creating innovative technology-based approaches to deliver sex education to students, faculty, and staff. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HA8C0ED378C764F38953E4F019AE39DCA"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text> Developing and employing peer-outreach and education programs to generate discussion, educate, and raise awareness among students about issues relating to comprehensive sex education. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H7412C76F11D64A1E93E778BEC1D313D2"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Contents of sex education programs </header> <text> Each institution of higher education's program of comprehensive sex education funded under this section shall include curricula and program materials that address information about— </text> <subparagraph id="HF893BF45D37441DEB62A162CEE5E7A1F"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> safe and responsible sexual behavior with respect to the prevention of pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections, including HIV, including through— </text> <clause id="H57C6FC4EB43049B7AA6BBFEAFD881450"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> abstinence; </text> </clause> <clause id="H22697BFC0E014FD084899671F60B08F4"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> a reduced number of sexual partners; and </text> </clause> <clause id="H97A425A141D943189A87F0BE1C296AA1"> <enum> (iii) </enum> <text> the use of condoms and contraception; </text> </clause> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H6FE4D25CB97945C18728A53C46ABFBF2"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> healthy relationships, including the development of healthy attitudes and insights necessary for understanding— </text> <clause id="H78DCE6B602DE4651B2093B6DB4CED914"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> relationships between oneself, family, partners, others, and society; and </text> </clause> <clause id="H711D730128054D24BB6262FC30A61426"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> the prevention of sexual abuse, dating violence, bullying, harassment, and suicide; and </text> </clause> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HA1863DE02CB1481CAC2AC3E32818AE21"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> referral services to local health clinics where young people can obtain additional information and services related to sexual and reproductive health, dating violence and sexual assault, and suicide prevention. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H93162F3800314A6E946405B46BDD8B91"> <enum> (3) </enum> <header> Optional components of sex education </header> <text> Each institution of higher education's program of comprehensive sex education may also include information and skills development relating to— </text> <subparagraph id="H2694EE432F1A40FFAE9B5724602D5C49"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> how to make responsible decisions about sex and sexuality, including— </text> <clause id="H5C36027001564B51AE598E74501303F1"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> how to avoid, and avoid making, unwanted verbal, physical, and sexual advances; and </text> </clause> <clause id="HB28D5B0DB36F4610BA45BAE735DC2D12"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> how alcohol and drug use can affect responsible decisionmaking; </text> </clause> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H8ADF74E7B5694154B602CDCFD06D45A3"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> healthy life skills, including— </text> <clause id="HA036E81C856B4E34B278178A7493B36E"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> goal-setting and decisionmaking; </text> </clause> <clause id="H1CE35DB044A046E2BDDEAFDD4AC2F751"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> interpersonal skills, such as communication, assertiveness, and peer refusal skills; </text> </clause> <clause id="H0C84D30BEF5C41D0B55B591540D02531"> <enum> (iii) </enum> <text> critical thinking; </text> </clause> <clause id="H2A30E5695BAE40BC82E4506194318B0C"> <enum> (iv) </enum> <text> self-esteem and self-efficacy; and </text> </clause> <clause id="HC278E330533E45579AFC53B93268EB09"> <enum> (v) </enum> <text> stress management; </text> </clause> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H01784DA947F5422DAB7B2749A347AEF8"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> the development of healthy attitudes and values about such topics as body image, gender roles and gender identity, racial and ethnic diversity, and sexual orientation; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HC3CA6F9A094B4412A39A0BA655A5A45D"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text> the responsibilities of parenting and the skills necessary to parent well. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H110F50BC30044B419070CBDF378CEAAA"> <enum> (f) </enum> <header> Evaluation; Report </header> <text> The requirements described in section 3(g) shall also apply to eligible entities receiving a grant under this section in the same manner as such requirements apply to eligible entities receiving grants under section 3. </text> </subsection> </section> <section id="H871D25C949104078B85E934941A8D6E7"> <enum> 5. </enum> <header> Grants for pre-service and in-service teacher training </header> <subsection id="H5DDFD9714AE54E8DAC7BFD0B862449ED"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Program authorized </header> <text> The Secretary, in coordination with the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Secretary of Education, shall award grants, on a competitive basis, to eligible entities to enable such eligible entities to carry out the activities described in subsection (e). </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H220C1D9D538E4C15A6E45AC371DAD38D"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Duration </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Grants awarded under this section shall be for a period of 5 years. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H58A2F6155F414A159B2224B6B44098CB"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Eligible Entity </header> <text> In this section, the term <quote> eligible entity </quote> means— </text> <paragraph id="H51AA7A1DCC7C4B6BBE74EFC02677A428"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> a State educational agency; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HFB65196DA7324AB285E5AECF63D0ACA4"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> a local educational agency; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H9811705ECFFF4ABFB8AED7C1CCC18D21"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> a tribe or tribal organization, as defined in section 4 of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/25/450b"> 25 U.S.C. 450b </external-xref> ); </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HC860EC680A944FCD8A3D0D4693F8F235"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> a State or local department of health; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" id="HB44D2B2646604EC9A790959F3529ACA0"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text> a State or local department of education; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H9544BF97D1F84E6CBB2230286B16A69D"> <enum> (6) </enum> <text> a nonprofit institution of higher education; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HB5B3B837BDC145C1A4D093ABEF67A0FF"> <enum> (7) </enum> <text> a national or statewide nonprofit organization that has as its primary purpose the improvement of provision of comprehensive sex education through effective teaching of comprehensive sex education; or </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H7BF8B1FB4BCE40CA8854C8E965E9A774"> <enum> (8) </enum> <text> a consortium of nonprofit organizations that has as its primary purpose the improvement of provision of comprehensive sex education through effective teaching of comprehensive sex education. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HC8D544CF653B46F1800286D17FE80EF6"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header> Application </header> <text> An eligible entity desiring a grant under this section shall submit an application to the Secretary at such time, in such manner, and containing such information as the Secretary may require. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="HB202474D865E46B4B53ED50346BEFBE5"> <enum> (e) </enum> <header> Authorized Activities </header> <paragraph id="H18204A21D4E94E7AAE68E8DEF4CDBB97"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> Required Activity </header> <text> Each eligible entity receiving a grant under this section shall use grant funds to train targeted faculty and staff, in order to increase effective teaching of comprehensive sex education for elementary school and secondary school students. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H1E67DDFF7A53489B810E2B6C365C98F1"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Permissible Activities </header> <text> Each eligible entity receiving a grant under this section may use grant funds to— </text> <subparagraph id="HBE7CF37A6504496EA86928AED992902D"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> strengthen and expand the eligible entity’s relationships with— </text> <clause id="HE6FE74F423A446A5A4DC298CE00B0FDF"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> institutions of higher education; </text> </clause> <clause id="H408A6C3414584498B93D4DC591D6A30F"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> State educational agencies; </text> </clause> <clause id="H8C8EF1FED0804B1B8A458105E955395A"> <enum> (iii) </enum> <text> local educational agencies; or </text> </clause> <clause id="H910A90AD5024442EB6FED0231D7E4E6C"> <enum> (iv) </enum> <text> other public and private organizations with a commitment to comprehensive sex education and the benefits of comprehensive sex education; </text> </clause> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H5E9B2AB04E2C4D279A729CCD41BCD5E7"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> support and promote research-based training of teachers of comprehensive sex education and related disciplines in elementary schools and secondary schools as a means of broadening student knowledge about issues related to human development, relationships, personal skills, sexual behavior, sexual health, and society and culture; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H3150A47A7B6248B29A14ADECB483D76F"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> support the dissemination of information on effective practices and research findings concerning the teaching of comprehensive sex education; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H0CCDED5A88B241E8A73374B3AFB8FB16"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text> support research on— </text> <clause id="H28EB35FA00A943F8B34F8A02460A6AD1"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> effective comprehensive sex education teaching practices; and </text> </clause> <clause id="H1C983C103BC04DC9B36E268C808C7B99"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> the development of assessment instruments and strategies to document— </text> <subclause id="H4CD0F98B70774118B2151FDC98912C19"> <enum> (I) </enum> <text> student understanding of comprehensive sex education; and </text> </subclause> <subclause id="HD07F99DFC0AF489AADB3F469D2404618"> <enum> (II) </enum> <text> the effects of comprehensive sex education; </text> </subclause> </clause> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HABAA6AAA924F4586B7C5DB22A158AC31"> <enum> (E) </enum> <text> convene national conferences on comprehensive sex education, in order to effectively train teachers in the provision of comprehensive sex education; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H9A122FAD0C64432B8DF96E0AD048C7D0"> <enum> (F) </enum> <text> develop and disseminate appropriate research-based materials to foster comprehensive sex education. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HB42CA1AE9067404381061D8FCE7D7685"> <enum> (3) </enum> <header> Subgrants </header> <text> Each eligible entity receiving a grant under this section may award subgrants to nonprofit organizations, State educational agencies, or local educational agencies to enable such organizations or agencies to— </text> <subparagraph id="HF5C8313F652B4F388C49E2C06D375359"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> train teachers in comprehensive sex education; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HB82CC506AECE4A098B89498E689817C4"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> support Internet or distance learning related to comprehensive sex education; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H4B6B4F2F2BCD47AEA046FAADE305D02B"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> promote rigorous academic standards and assessment techniques to guide and measure student performance in comprehensive sex education; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H5F8979944D8944DA800FA8C3323FE0CC"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text> encourage replication of best practices and model programs to promote comprehensive sex education; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H147B1D657DBF465184849F7F7830753F"> <enum> (E) </enum> <text> develop and disseminate effective, research-based comprehensive sex education learning materials; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H1B107EA85A224F36AE85037D2A78B8B2"> <enum> (F) </enum> <text> develop academic courses on the pedagogy of sex education at institutions of higher education; or </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H8C622DDE35604E69860A7D03EA06366D"> <enum> (G) </enum> <text> convene State-based conferences to train teachers in comprehensive sex education and to identify strategies for improvement. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> </section> <section id="H06B8FEB3140F420899C23E53330309E7"> <enum> 6. </enum> <header> Report to Congress </header> <subsection id="HAAA83C6F8AF546D08EDB55A21C9F57DE"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> Not later than 1 year after the date of the enactment of this Act, and annually thereafter for a period of 5 years, the Secretary shall prepare and submit to the appropriate committees of Congress a report on the activities to provide adolescents and young people with comprehensive sex education funded under this Act. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="HFA7D4AA7E59B44B7B1BE67E99598B941"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Report elements </header> <text> The report described in subsection (a) shall include— </text> <paragraph id="HA883CBC5F39C463E879E70A9131D2D0D"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> a statement of whether the Secretary has met the purposes described in section 2(a); and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HBE9C28AE86474817961A3D9B73269B7A"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> information about— </text> <subparagraph id="HD7C3A2C19A4749FFBDDDC8D7BB7F5AA1"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> the number of eligible entities and institutions of higher education that are receiving grant funds under sections 3 and 4 of this Act; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HBAD212480804480C852AAF36776B1137"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> the specific activities supported by grant funds awarded under sections 3 and 4 of this Act; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HFA841C3DA1FA48D1B424D9F3F909E506"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> the number of adolescents served by grant programs funded under section 3; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H8E21D3CC66EA48EFB14220DC0BE139B7"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text> the number of young people served by grant programs funded under section 4; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HD1A9C5388E164E82AA083E711BBF5554"> <enum> (E) </enum> <text> the status of program evaluations described under sections 3 and 4 of this Act. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> </section> <section id="H1C0EB4FCBADF4ED7988C5A8C1D0730A0"> <enum> 7. </enum> <header> Nondiscrimination </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Programs funded under this Act shall not discriminate on the basis of actual or perceived sex, race, color, ethnicity, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, or religion. Nothing in this Act shall be construed to invalidate or limit rights, remedies, procedures, or legal standards available to victims of discrimination under any other Federal law or any law of a State or a political subdivision of a State, including title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/42/2000d"> 42 U.S.C. 2000d et seq. </external-xref> ), title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/20/1681"> 20 U.S.C. 1681 et seq. </external-xref> ), section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/29/794"> 29 U.S.C. 794 </external-xref> ), the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/42/12101"> 42 U.S.C. 12101 et seq. </external-xref> ), and section 1557 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/42/18116"> 42 U.S.C. 18116 </external-xref> ). </text> </section> <section id="HBB797ABD2C454F648B0EF5FE635C65E2"> <enum> 8. </enum> <header> Limitation </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> No Federal funds provided under this Act may be used for health education programs that— </text> <paragraph id="HF69B29ADAA9D43E7B526950EF75FDD7D"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> deliberately withhold life-saving information about HIV; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H149776B8B5794BD5AC70C829D2C37851"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> are medically inaccurate or have been scientifically shown to be ineffective; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HC5D5E919DAEF4A0F8706212656E5DB08"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> promote gender stereotypes; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HAC19E8BEE1744653BBCC36C91904CB1D"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> are insensitive and unresponsive to the needs of sexually active youth or lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender youth; or </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H8F842F6AC886424184BBE3BAB9DF1C92"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> are inconsistent with the ethical imperatives of medicine and public health. </text> </paragraph> </section> <section id="H7C7048D9AC2F4A67850935EB440123C7"> <enum> 9. </enum> <header> Amendments to other laws </header> <subsection commented="no" id="HBE02B1E1C4C94B79B57F177BB85C9068"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Amendment to the Public Health Service Act </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Section 2500 of the Public Health Service Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/42/300ee"> 42 U.S.C. 300ee </external-xref> ) is amended by striking subsections (b) through (d) and inserting the following: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H353A4B79E3FB49498817AB96B69CF6F6" style="OLC"> <subsection id="H230C89E185444954BB6886B350729A50"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Contents of programs </header> <text> All programs of education and information receiving funds under this title shall include information about the harmful effects of intravenous substance abuse and unsafe sexual activity, and the benefits of abstaining from such activities. </text> </subsection> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </subsection> <subsection id="H6E9C0F14DC5640BDBFC6BB2A6B09EE5A"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Amendments to the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Section 9526(a) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 7906(a)) is amended— </text> <paragraph id="H19298FFF61DA46358EF0164AFBE96B02"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> in paragraph (2), by inserting <quote> or </quote> after the semicolon; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HFCCCE7EC8B064BBE99D673128DD7ED2C"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> in paragraph (3), by striking <quote> ; or </quote> and inserting a period; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HE5917B111436480AAA53320C99D55A36"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> by striking paragraph (4). </text> </paragraph> </subsection> </section> <section id="HAF3B04C7ED1244E582953A37399510C5"> <enum> 10. </enum> <header> Definitions </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> In this Act: </text> <paragraph id="H419EB2786F2A406398E66414F84BAB0B"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> ESEA Definitions </header> <text> The terms <quote> elementary school </quote> , <quote> local educational agency </quote> , <quote> secondary school </quote> , and <quote> State educational agency </quote> have the meanings given the terms in section 9101 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 7801). </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HE4CEADDD0BBE447A991EB591D1CE5703"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Age and developmentally appropriate </header> <text> The term <quote> age and developmentally appropriate </quote> means suitable for a particular age or age group of children and adolescents, based on developing cognitive, emotional, and behavioral capacity typical for that age or age group. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H7C4F67770E4B49368171CD92986C1D30"> <enum> (3) </enum> <header> Adolescents </header> <text> The term <term> adolescents </term> means individuals who are ages 10 through 19 at the time of commencement of participation in a program supported under this Act. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HDA4363580C6C42BDAB4D755BF3F670C1"> <enum> (4) </enum> <header> Characteristics of effective programs </header> <text> The term <quote> characteristics of effective programs </quote> means the aspects of evidence-based programs, including development, content, and implementation of such programs, that— </text> <subparagraph id="HBC0708122B294539BFD0477EAE6DD7E4"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> have been shown to be effective in terms of increasing knowledge, clarifying values and attitudes, increasing skills, and impacting upon behavior; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H921A00EBCE774B2FA9EAC6A3A36653AD"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> are widely recognized by leading medical and public health agencies to be effective in changing sexual behaviors that lead to sexually transmitted infections, including HIV, unintended pregnancy, and dating violence and sexual assault among young people. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H4DDCAFEA88A949658548CFAA383807BE"> <enum> (5) </enum> <header> Comprehensive sex education </header> <text> The term <term> comprehensive sex education </term> means a program that— </text> <subparagraph id="HA5AF46C5710B4214AE35A819F6A9EE54"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> includes age- and developmentally appropriate, culturally and linguistically relevant information on a broad set of topics related to sexuality including human development, relationships, decisionmaking, communication, abstinence, contraception, and disease and pregnancy prevention; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HD2E361AC43034D7F8E4659DD7BA6CF45"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> provides students with opportunities for developing skills as well as learning information; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HEAED751293C54B8BA251F6786918831D"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> is inclusive of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and heterosexual young people; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H785630C82AAF48E39F979BD9DB8602AB"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text> aims to— </text> <clause id="HD568DA7143344CC4A1984CE1C307A5DA"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> provide scientifically accurate and realistic information about human sexuality; </text> </clause> <clause id="HB06EF17362154154AEEAA83D614994ED"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> provide opportunities for individuals to understand their own, their families’, and their communities’ values, attitudes, and insights about sexuality; </text> </clause> <clause id="H80F2BAF5B90945C19B6E7C170FCD99BF"> <enum> (iii) </enum> <text> help individuals develop healthy relationships and interpersonal skills; and </text> </clause> <clause id="H304405D045BC4EACB3A31AB3A1764B89"> <enum> (iv) </enum> <text> help individuals exercise responsibility regarding sexual relationships, which includes addressing abstinence, pressures to become prematurely involved in sexual intercourse, and the use of contraception and other sexual health measures. </text> </clause> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H77E1489E930B44DCB0BA4DA9DDCB5D91"> <enum> (6) </enum> <header> Evidence-based program </header> <text> The term <quote> evidence-based program </quote> means a sex education program that has been proven through rigorous evaluation to be effective in changing sexual behavior or incorporates elements of other sex education programs that have been proven to be effective in changing sexual behavior. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H6DA56A8755CB45A58AE032AE94545695"> <enum> (7) </enum> <header> Institution of higher education </header> <text> The term <quote> institution of higher education </quote> has the meaning given the term in section 101 of the Higher Education Act of 1965 ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/20/1001"> 20 U.S.C. 1001 </external-xref> ). </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H000263752D2E492D83A7BC1AD5D67C2C"> <enum> (8) </enum> <header> Medically accurate and complete </header> <text> The term <quote> medically accurate and complete </quote> , when used with respect to a sex education program, means that— </text> <subparagraph id="H3AD9AC15D9F442C5BBE7883B212F0DFC"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> the information provided through the program is verified or supported by the weight of research conducted in compliance with accepted scientific methods and is published in peer-reviewed journals, where applicable; or </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HC8919DA80CC7499E92852CF551358C1B"> <enum> (B) </enum> <clause commented="no" display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="HA7314124EAB64893A1A78AFFAFC73CFA"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> the program contains information that leading professional organizations and agencies with relevant expertise in the field recognize as accurate, objective, and complete; and </text> </clause> <clause id="HEC16A6AB0FAE4061B8525191CF0C14E6" indent="up1"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> the program does not withhold information about the effectiveness and benefits of correct and consistent use of condoms and other contraceptives. </text> </clause> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H18B3D8ED13934297A2B8C7731370A4A1"> <enum> (9) </enum> <header> Secretary </header> <text> The term <quote> Secretary </quote> means the Secretary of Health and Human Services. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H4473105A16DC40CD9A33332F0AACCF05"> <enum> (10) </enum> <header> Young people </header> <text> The term <quote> young people </quote> means individuals who are ages 10 through 24 at the time of commencement of participation in a program supported under this Act. </text> </paragraph> </section> <section id="H629F78E8AF35466A8320E2A0F85A62F8"> <enum> 11. </enum> <header> Authorization of appropriations </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> There are authorized to be appropriated to carry out this Act such sums as may be necessary. </text> </section> </legis-body> </bill>
I 113th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 725 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES February 14, 2013 Ms. Lee of California (for herself, Ms. Moore , Ms. Pingree of Maine , Mr. McDermott , Mrs. Davis of California , Mr. Clay , Ms. Norton , Ms. DeGette , Ms. Slaughter , Mr. Moran , Ms. Wasserman Schultz , Ms. Roybal-Allard , Mr. Grijalva , Ms. Bonamici , Ms. Clarke , Ms. Speier , Mr. Deutch , Mr. Blumenauer , Ms. Lofgren , Mr. Lewis , Ms. Chu , Mr. Rangel , Ms. McCollum , Mr. Honda , Mr. Nadler , Mr. Conyers , Mr. Holt , Ms. Waters , Mr. Hastings of Florida , Ms. Schakowsky , Mr. Larsen of Washington , Mrs. Christensen , and Mr. Sires ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce , and in addition to the Committee on Education and the Workforce , for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned A BILL To provide for the reduction of unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections, including HIV, and the promotion of healthy relationships, and for other purposes. 1. Short title This Act may be cited as the Real Education for Healthy Youth Act of 2013 . 2. Purposes; Sense of Congress (a) Purposes The purposes of this Act are— (1) to provide young people with comprehensive sex education that— (A) provides the information and skills young people need to make informed, responsible, and healthy decisions in order to become sexually healthy adults and have healthy relationships; (B) provides information about the prevention of unintended pregnancy, sexually transmitted infections, including HIV, sexual assault, dating violence, bullying, and harassment; and (C) promotes and upholds the rights of young people to information in order to make healthy and responsible decisions about their sexual health; and (2) in order to provide the comprehensive sex education described in paragraph (1), to provide increased resources for sex education programs that— (A) are evidence-based, having been proven through rigorous evaluation to change sexual behavior or incorporate characteristics of effective programs; (B) cover a broad range of topics, including medically accurate, complete, age and developmentally appropriate information about all the aspects of sex needed for a complete sex education program, including— (i) anatomy and physiology; (ii) growth and development; (iii) healthy relationships; (iv) the prevention of unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections, including HIV, through abstinence and contraception; (v) gender, gender identity, and sexual orientation; and (vi) protection from dating violence, sexual assault, bullying, and harassment; (C) are gender- and gender identity-sensitive, emphasizing the importance of equality and the social environment for achieving sexual and reproductive health and overall well-being; (D) promote educational achievement, critical thinking, decisionmaking, self-esteem, and self-efficacy; (E) help develop healthy attitudes and insights necessary for understanding relationships between oneself and others and society; (F) foster leadership skills and community engagement by— (i) promoting principles of fairness, human dignity, and respect; and (ii) engaging young people as partners in their communities; and (G) are culturally and linguistically appropriate, reflecting the diverse circumstances and realities of young people. (b) Sense of Congress It is the sense of Congress that— (1) federally funded sex education programs should aim to— (A) reduce unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections, including HIV; (B) promote safe and healthy relationships; (C) use, and be informed by, the best scientific information available; (D) be built on characteristics of effective programs; (E) expand the existing body of evidence on comprehensive sex education programs through program evaluation; (F) expand training programs for teachers of comprehensive sex education; (G) build on the personal responsibility education programs funded under section 513 of the Social Security Act ( 42 U.S.C. 713 ) and the President’s Teen Pregnancy Prevention program, funded under title II of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2010 ( Public Law 111–117 ; 123 Stat. 3253); and (H) promote and uphold the rights of young people to information in order to make healthy and responsible decisions about their sexual health; and (2) no Federal funds should be used for health education programs that— (A) deliberately withhold life-saving information about HIV; (B) are medically inaccurate or have been scientifically shown to be ineffective; (C) promote gender stereotypes; (D) are insensitive and unresponsive to the needs of sexually active adolescents; (E) are insensitive and unresponsive to the needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender youth; or (F) are inconsistent with the ethical imperatives of medicine and public health. 3. Grants for comprehensive sex education for adolescents (a) Program authorized The Secretary, in coordination with the Director of the Office of Adolescent Health, shall award grants, on a competitive basis, to eligible entities to enable such eligible entities to carry out programs that provide adolescents with comprehensive sex education, as described in subsection (f). (b) Duration Grants awarded under this section shall be for a period of 5 years. (c) Eligible Entity In this section, the term eligible entity means a public or private entity that focuses on adolescent health or education or has experience working with adolescents, which may include— (1) a State educational agency; (2) a local educational agency; (3) a tribe or tribal organization, as defined in section 4 of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act ( 25 U.S.C. 450b ); (4) a State or local department of health; (5) a State or local department of education; (6) a nonprofit organization; (7) a nonprofit or public institution of higher education; or (8) a hospital. (d) Applications An eligible entity desiring a grant under this section shall submit an application to the Secretary at such time, in such manner, and containing such information as the Secretary may require, including the evaluation plan described in subsection (g)(1). (e) Priority In awarding grants under this section, the Secretary shall give priority to eligible entities that— (1) are State or local public entities, with an additional priority for State or local educational agencies; and (2) address health disparities among young people that are at highest risk for not less than 1 of the following: (A) Unintended pregnancies. (B) Sexually transmitted infections, including HIV. (C) Dating violence and sexual assault. (f) Use of funds (1) In General Each eligible entity that receives a grant under this section shall use grant funds to carry out a program that provides adolescents with comprehensive sex education that— (A) replicates evidence-based sex education programs; (B) substantially incorporates elements of evidence-based sex education programs; or (C) creates a demonstration project based on generally accepted characteristics of effective sex education programs. (2) Contents of Sex Education Programs The sex education programs funded under this section shall include curricula and program materials that address— (A) abstinence and delaying sexual initiation; (B) the health benefits and side effects of all contraceptive and barrier methods as a means to prevent pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections, including HIV; (C) healthy relationships, including the development of healthy attitudes and skills necessary for understanding— (i) healthy relationships between oneself and family, others, and society; and (ii) the prevention of sexual abuse, teen dating violence, bullying, harassment, and suicide; (D) healthy life skills including goal-setting, decisionmaking, interpersonal skills (such as communication, assertiveness, and peer refusal skills), critical thinking, self-esteem and self-efficacy, and stress management; (E) how to make responsible decisions about sex and sexuality, including— (i) how to avoid, and how to avoid making, unwanted verbal, physical, and sexual advances; and (ii) how alcohol and drug use can affect responsible decisionmaking; (F) the development of healthy attitudes and values about such topics as adolescent growth and development, body image, gender roles and gender identity, racial and ethnic diversity, and sexual orientation; and (G) referral services for local health clinics and services where adolescents can obtain additional information and services related to sexual and reproductive health, dating violence and sexual assault, and suicide prevention. (g) Evaluation; Report (1) Independent Evaluation Each eligible entity applying for a grant under this section shall develop and submit to the Secretary a plan for a rigorous independent evaluation of such grant program. The plan shall describe an independent evaluation that— (A) uses sound statistical methods and techniques relating to the behavioral sciences, including random assignment methodologies, whenever possible; (B) uses quantitative data for assessments and impact evaluations, whenever possible; and (C) is carried out by an entity independent from such eligible entity. (2) Selection of evaluated programs; budget (A) Selection of Evaluated Programs The Secretary shall select, at random, a subset of the eligible entities that the Secretary has selected to receive a grant under this section to receive additional funding to carry out the evaluation plan described in paragraph (1). (B) Budget for Evaluation Activities The Secretary, in coordination with the Director of the Office of Adolescent Health, shall establish a budget for each eligible entity selected under subparagraph (A) for the costs of carrying out the evaluation plan described in paragraph (1). (3) Funds for evaluation The Secretary shall provide eligible entities who are selected under paragraph (2)(A) with additional funds, in accordance with the budget described in paragraph (2)(B), to carry out and report to the Secretary on the evaluation plan described in paragraph (1). (4) Performance Measures The Secretary, in coordination with the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, shall establish a common set of performance measures to assess the implementation and impact of grant programs funded under this section. Such performance measures shall include— (A) output measures, such as the number of individuals served and the number of hours of service delivery; (B) outcome measures, including measures relating to— (i) the knowledge that youth participating in the grant program have gained about— (I) adolescent growth and development; (II) relationship dynamics; (III) ways to prevent unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections, including HIV; and (IV) sexual health; (ii) the skills that adolescents participating in the grant program have gained regarding— (I) negotiation and communication; (II) decisionmaking and goal-setting; (III) interpersonal skills and healthy relationships; and (IV) condom use; and (iii) the behaviors of adolescents participating in the grant program, including data about— (I) age of first intercourse; (II) number of sexual partners; (III) condom and contraceptive use at first intercourse; (IV) recent condom and contraceptive use; and (V) dating abuse and lifetime history of domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, bullying, harassment, and stalking. (5) Report to the Secretary Eligible entities receiving a grant under this section who have been selected to receive funds to carry out the evaluation plan described in paragraph (1), in accordance with paragraph (2)(A), shall collect and report to the Secretary— (A) the results of the independent evaluation described in paragraph (1); and (B) information about the performance measures described in paragraph (2). (6) Effective programs The Secretary, in coordination with the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, shall publish on the website of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a list of programs funded under this section that the Secretary has determined to be effective programs. 4. Grants for comprehensive sex education at institutions of higher education (a) Program authorized The Secretary, in coordination with the Office of Adolescent Health and the Secretary of Education, shall award grants, on a competitive basis, to institutions of higher education to enable such institutions to provide young people with comprehensive sex education, described in subsection (e)(2), with an emphasis on reducing HIV, other sexually transmitted infections, and unintended pregnancy through instruction about— (1) abstinence and contraception; (2) reducing dating violence, sexual assault, bullying, and harassment; (3) increasing healthy relationships; and (4) academic achievement. (b) Duration Grants awarded under this section shall be for a period of 5 years. (c) Applications An institution of higher education desiring a grant under this section shall submit an application to the Secretary at such time, in such manner, and containing such information as the Secretary may require. (d) Priority In awarding grants under this section, the Secretary shall give priority to an institution of higher education that— (1) has an enrollment of needy students as defined in section 318(b) of the Higher Education Act of 1965 ( 20 U.S.C. 1059e(b) ); (2) is a Hispanic-serving institution, as defined in section 502(a) of such Act (20 U.S.C. 1101a(a)); (3) is a Tribal College or University, as defined in section 316(b) of such Act (20 U.S.C. 1059c(b)); (4) is an Alaska Native-serving institution, as defined in section 317(b) of such Act (20 U.S.C. 1059d(b)); (5) is a Native Hawaiian-serving institution, as defined in section 317(b) of such Act (20 U.S.C. 1059d(b)); (6) is a Predominately Black Institution, as defined in section 318(b) of such Act (20 U.S.C. 1059e(b)); (7) is a Native American-serving, nontribal institution, as defined in section 319(b) of such Act ( 20 U.S.C. 1059f(b) ); (8) is an Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander-serving institution, as defined in section 320(b) of such Act ( 20 U.S.C. 1059g(b) ); or (9) is a minority institution, as defined in section 365 of such Act ( 20 U.S.C. 1067k ), with an enrollment of needy students, as defined in section 312 of such Act (20 U.S.C. 1058). (e) Uses of funds (1) In general An institution of higher education receiving a grant under this section may use grant funds to integrate issues relating to comprehensive sex education into the academic or support sectors of the institution of higher education in order to reach a large number of students, by carrying out 1 or more of the following activities: (A) Developing educational content for issues relating to comprehensive sex education that will be incorporated into first-year orientation or core courses. (B) Developing and employing schoolwide educational programming outside of class that delivers elements of comprehensive sex education programs to students, faculty, and staff. (C) Creating innovative technology-based approaches to deliver sex education to students, faculty, and staff. (D) Developing and employing peer-outreach and education programs to generate discussion, educate, and raise awareness among students about issues relating to comprehensive sex education. (2) Contents of sex education programs Each institution of higher education's program of comprehensive sex education funded under this section shall include curricula and program materials that address information about— (A) safe and responsible sexual behavior with respect to the prevention of pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections, including HIV, including through— (i) abstinence; (ii) a reduced number of sexual partners; and (iii) the use of condoms and contraception; (B) healthy relationships, including the development of healthy attitudes and insights necessary for understanding— (i) relationships between oneself, family, partners, others, and society; and (ii) the prevention of sexual abuse, dating violence, bullying, harassment, and suicide; and (C) referral services to local health clinics where young people can obtain additional information and services related to sexual and reproductive health, dating violence and sexual assault, and suicide prevention. (3) Optional components of sex education Each institution of higher education's program of comprehensive sex education may also include information and skills development relating to— (A) how to make responsible decisions about sex and sexuality, including— (i) how to avoid, and avoid making, unwanted verbal, physical, and sexual advances; and (ii) how alcohol and drug use can affect responsible decisionmaking; (B) healthy life skills, including— (i) goal-setting and decisionmaking; (ii) interpersonal skills, such as communication, assertiveness, and peer refusal skills; (iii) critical thinking; (iv) self-esteem and self-efficacy; and (v) stress management; (C) the development of healthy attitudes and values about such topics as body image, gender roles and gender identity, racial and ethnic diversity, and sexual orientation; and (D) the responsibilities of parenting and the skills necessary to parent well. (f) Evaluation; Report The requirements described in section 3(g) shall also apply to eligible entities receiving a grant under this section in the same manner as such requirements apply to eligible entities receiving grants under section 3. 5. Grants for pre-service and in-service teacher training (a) Program authorized The Secretary, in coordination with the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Secretary of Education, shall award grants, on a competitive basis, to eligible entities to enable such eligible entities to carry out the activities described in subsection (e). (b) Duration Grants awarded under this section shall be for a period of 5 years. (c) Eligible Entity In this section, the term eligible entity means— (1) a State educational agency; (2) a local educational agency; (3) a tribe or tribal organization, as defined in section 4 of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act ( 25 U.S.C. 450b ); (4) a State or local department of health; (5) a State or local department of education; (6) a nonprofit institution of higher education; (7) a national or statewide nonprofit organization that has as its primary purpose the improvement of provision of comprehensive sex education through effective teaching of comprehensive sex education; or (8) a consortium of nonprofit organizations that has as its primary purpose the improvement of provision of comprehensive sex education through effective teaching of comprehensive sex education. (d) Application An eligible entity desiring a grant under this section shall submit an application to the Secretary at such time, in such manner, and containing such information as the Secretary may require. (e) Authorized Activities (1) Required Activity Each eligible entity receiving a grant under this section shall use grant funds to train targeted faculty and staff, in order to increase effective teaching of comprehensive sex education for elementary school and secondary school students. (2) Permissible Activities Each eligible entity receiving a grant under this section may use grant funds to— (A) strengthen and expand the eligible entity’s relationships with— (i) institutions of higher education; (ii) State educational agencies; (iii) local educational agencies; or (iv) other public and private organizations with a commitment to comprehensive sex education and the benefits of comprehensive sex education; (B) support and promote research-based training of teachers of comprehensive sex education and related disciplines in elementary schools and secondary schools as a means of broadening student knowledge about issues related to human development, relationships, personal skills, sexual behavior, sexual health, and society and culture; (C) support the dissemination of information on effective practices and research findings concerning the teaching of comprehensive sex education; (D) support research on— (i) effective comprehensive sex education teaching practices; and (ii) the development of assessment instruments and strategies to document— (I) student understanding of comprehensive sex education; and (II) the effects of comprehensive sex education; (E) convene national conferences on comprehensive sex education, in order to effectively train teachers in the provision of comprehensive sex education; and (F) develop and disseminate appropriate research-based materials to foster comprehensive sex education. (3) Subgrants Each eligible entity receiving a grant under this section may award subgrants to nonprofit organizations, State educational agencies, or local educational agencies to enable such organizations or agencies to— (A) train teachers in comprehensive sex education; (B) support Internet or distance learning related to comprehensive sex education; (C) promote rigorous academic standards and assessment techniques to guide and measure student performance in comprehensive sex education; (D) encourage replication of best practices and model programs to promote comprehensive sex education; (E) develop and disseminate effective, research-based comprehensive sex education learning materials; (F) develop academic courses on the pedagogy of sex education at institutions of higher education; or (G) convene State-based conferences to train teachers in comprehensive sex education and to identify strategies for improvement. 6. Report to Congress (a) In general Not later than 1 year after the date of the enactment of this Act, and annually thereafter for a period of 5 years, the Secretary shall prepare and submit to the appropriate committees of Congress a report on the activities to provide adolescents and young people with comprehensive sex education funded under this Act. (b) Report elements The report described in subsection (a) shall include— (1) a statement of whether the Secretary has met the purposes described in section 2(a); and (2) information about— (A) the number of eligible entities and institutions of higher education that are receiving grant funds under sections 3 and 4 of this Act; (B) the specific activities supported by grant funds awarded under sections 3 and 4 of this Act; (C) the number of adolescents served by grant programs funded under section 3; (D) the number of young people served by grant programs funded under section 4; and (E) the status of program evaluations described under sections 3 and 4 of this Act. 7. Nondiscrimination Programs funded under this Act shall not discriminate on the basis of actual or perceived sex, race, color, ethnicity, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, or religion. Nothing in this Act shall be construed to invalidate or limit rights, remedies, procedures, or legal standards available to victims of discrimination under any other Federal law or any law of a State or a political subdivision of a State, including title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 ( 42 U.S.C. 2000d et seq. ), title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 ( 20 U.S.C. 1681 et seq. ), section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 ( 29 U.S.C. 794 ), the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 ( 42 U.S.C. 12101 et seq. ), and section 1557 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act ( 42 U.S.C. 18116 ). 8. Limitation No Federal funds provided under this Act may be used for health education programs that— (1) deliberately withhold life-saving information about HIV; (2) are medically inaccurate or have been scientifically shown to be ineffective; (3) promote gender stereotypes; (4) are insensitive and unresponsive to the needs of sexually active youth or lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender youth; or (5) are inconsistent with the ethical imperatives of medicine and public health. 9. Amendments to other laws (a) Amendment to the Public Health Service Act Section 2500 of the Public Health Service Act ( 42 U.S.C. 300ee ) is amended by striking subsections (b) through (d) and inserting the following: (b) Contents of programs All programs of education and information receiving funds under this title shall include information about the harmful effects of intravenous substance abuse and unsafe sexual activity, and the benefits of abstaining from such activities. . (b) Amendments to the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 Section 9526(a) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 7906(a)) is amended— (1) in paragraph (2), by inserting or after the semicolon; (2) in paragraph (3), by striking ; or and inserting a period; and (3) by striking paragraph (4). 10. Definitions In this Act: (1) ESEA Definitions The terms elementary school , local educational agency , secondary school , and State educational agency have the meanings given the terms in section 9101 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 7801). (2) Age and developmentally appropriate The term age and developmentally appropriate means suitable for a particular age or age group of children and adolescents, based on developing cognitive, emotional, and behavioral capacity typical for that age or age group. (3) Adolescents The term adolescents means individuals who are ages 10 through 19 at the time of commencement of participation in a program supported under this Act. (4) Characteristics of effective programs The term characteristics of effective programs means the aspects of evidence-based programs, including development, content, and implementation of such programs, that— (A) have been shown to be effective in terms of increasing knowledge, clarifying values and attitudes, increasing skills, and impacting upon behavior; and (B) are widely recognized by leading medical and public health agencies to be effective in changing sexual behaviors that lead to sexually transmitted infections, including HIV, unintended pregnancy, and dating violence and sexual assault among young people. (5) Comprehensive sex education The term comprehensive sex education means a program that— (A) includes age- and developmentally appropriate, culturally and linguistically relevant information on a broad set of topics related to sexuality including human development, relationships, decisionmaking, communication, abstinence, contraception, and disease and pregnancy prevention; (B) provides students with opportunities for developing skills as well as learning information; (C) is inclusive of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and heterosexual young people; and (D) aims to— (i) provide scientifically accurate and realistic information about human sexuality; (ii) provide opportunities for individuals to understand their own, their families’, and their communities’ values, attitudes, and insights about sexuality; (iii) help individuals develop healthy relationships and interpersonal skills; and (iv) help individuals exercise responsibility regarding sexual relationships, which includes addressing abstinence, pressures to become prematurely involved in sexual intercourse, and the use of contraception and other sexual health measures. (6) Evidence-based program The term evidence-based program means a sex education program that has been proven through rigorous evaluation to be effective in changing sexual behavior or incorporates elements of other sex education programs that have been proven to be effective in changing sexual behavior. (7) Institution of higher education The term institution of higher education has the meaning given the term in section 101 of the Higher Education Act of 1965 ( 20 U.S.C. 1001 ). (8) Medically accurate and complete The term medically accurate and complete , when used with respect to a sex education program, means that— (A) the information provided through the program is verified or supported by the weight of research conducted in compliance with accepted scientific methods and is published in peer-reviewed journals, where applicable; or (B) (i) the program contains information that leading professional organizations and agencies with relevant expertise in the field recognize as accurate, objective, and complete; and (ii) the program does not withhold information about the effectiveness and benefits of correct and consistent use of condoms and other contraceptives. (9) Secretary The term Secretary means the Secretary of Health and Human Services. (10) Young people The term young people means individuals who are ages 10 through 24 at the time of commencement of participation in a program supported under this Act. 11. Authorization of appropriations There are authorized to be appropriated to carry out this Act such sums as may be necessary.
2023-01-08 17:38:09.343
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Introduced-in-House" bill-type="olc" dms-id="HE12CDCE3C8BC471CABBE544435EC729E" public-private="public"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 726 IH: To amend the Native American Programs Act of 1974 to reauthorize a provision to ensure the survival and continuing vitality of Native American languages. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-02-14 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> I </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 726 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130214"> February 14, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="L000570"> Mr. Ben Ray Luján of New Mexico </sponsor> (for himself, <cosponsor name-id="H001050"> Ms. Hanabusa </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="R000486"> Ms. Roybal-Allard </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="M000933"> Mr. Moran </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="N000187"> Mrs. Negrete McLeod </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S000480"> Ms. Slaughter </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="M001143"> Ms. McCollum </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="P000588"> Mr. Pearce </cosponsor> ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="HED00"> Committee on Education and the Workforce </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> A BILL </legis-type> <official-title> To amend the Native American Programs Act of 1974 to reauthorize a provision to ensure the survival and continuing vitality of Native American languages. </official-title> </form> <legis-body id="H54D676604F2B46CC985E212F46C4B6CA" style="OLC"> <section id="H057220E315484E0F8BAF4BE678FA524C" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Reauthorization of Native American languages program </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Section 816(e) of the Native American Programs Act of 1974 ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/42/2992d"> 42 U.S.C. 2992d(e) </external-xref> ) is amended by striking <quote> 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2012 </quote> and inserting <quote> 2013 through 2017 </quote> . </text> </section> </legis-body> </bill>
I 113th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 726 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES February 14, 2013 Mr. Ben Ray Luján of New Mexico (for himself, Ms. Hanabusa , Ms. Roybal-Allard , Mr. Moran , Mrs. Negrete McLeod , Ms. Slaughter , Ms. McCollum , and Mr. Pearce ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Education and the Workforce A BILL To amend the Native American Programs Act of 1974 to reauthorize a provision to ensure the survival and continuing vitality of Native American languages. 1. Reauthorization of Native American languages program Section 816(e) of the Native American Programs Act of 1974 ( 42 U.S.C. 2992d(e) ) is amended by striking 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2012 and inserting 2013 through 2017 .
2023-01-08 17:38:08.997
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Introduced-in-House" bill-type="olc" dms-id="H8104363810194EEF99083DA2D5B93C18" public-private="public"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 727 IH: Forest Stewardship and Fire Fuels Reductions Act of 2013 </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-02-14 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> I </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 727 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130214"> February 14, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="L000570"> Mr. Ben Ray Luján of New Mexico </sponsor> introduced the following bill; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="HII00"> Committee on Natural Resources </committee-name> , and in addition to the Committee on <committee-name committee-id="HAG00"> Agriculture </committee-name> , for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> A BILL </legis-type> <official-title> To extend Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management stewardship end result contracting authority, and for other purposes. </official-title> </form> <legis-body id="H2EFCCEF725F94B2D9E85000CD89A68BE" style="OLC"> <section id="HF9A9C90FA3C84D8493941530B204E429" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Short title </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> This Act may be cited as the <quote> <short-title> Forest Stewardship and Fire Fuels Reductions Act of 2013 </short-title> </quote> . </text> </section> <section id="HE8B88399FE0B40ACAE92C28BAF891E49"> <enum> 2. </enum> <header> Stewardship end result contracting authority </header> <subsection id="HAC10596765E3405A8D1CC78FFB95975C"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Extension of authority </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Subsection (a) of section 347 of the Department of the Interior and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1999 (as contained in section 101(e) of division A of <external-xref legal-doc="public-law" parsable-cite="pl/105/277"> Public Law 105–277 </external-xref> ; <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/16/2104"> 16 U.S.C. 2104 </external-xref> note), as most recently amended by section 323 of <external-xref legal-doc="public-law" parsable-cite="pl/108/7"> Public Law 108–7 </external-xref> (117 Stat. 275), is amended by striking <quote> Until September 30, 2013 </quote> and inserting <quote> Until September 30, 2023 </quote> . </text> </subsection> <subsection id="HB98C3DAA1C054B3C8F27D17912470A60"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Specified land management goal of projects </header> <text> Subsection (b) of such section is amended— </text> <paragraph id="H49FDB07CC317448F82D90CC125C2CDF6"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> by redesignating paragraphs (6) and (7) as paragraphs (7) and (8), respectively; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H19B5E9FD123E482EA05678FA25A452E3"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> by inserting after paragraph (5) the following new paragraph: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H1AFB3CA3BBD7465A9E823F6441ED496D" style="OLC"> <paragraph id="H3CEF598BB8444E709207ADBAA2D63C5D"> <enum> (6) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> restoration work, fire fuels reduction, and clearing overgrowth on snowpack watersheds; </text> </paragraph> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </paragraph> </subsection> </section> </legis-body> </bill>
I 113th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 727 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES February 14, 2013 Mr. Ben Ray Luján of New Mexico introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Natural Resources , and in addition to the Committee on Agriculture , for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned A BILL To extend Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management stewardship end result contracting authority, and for other purposes. 1. Short title This Act may be cited as the Forest Stewardship and Fire Fuels Reductions Act of 2013 . 2. Stewardship end result contracting authority (a) Extension of authority Subsection (a) of section 347 of the Department of the Interior and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1999 (as contained in section 101(e) of division A of Public Law 105–277 ; 16 U.S.C. 2104 note), as most recently amended by section 323 of Public Law 108–7 (117 Stat. 275), is amended by striking Until September 30, 2013 and inserting Until September 30, 2023 . (b) Specified land management goal of projects Subsection (b) of such section is amended— (1) by redesignating paragraphs (6) and (7) as paragraphs (7) and (8), respectively; and (2) by inserting after paragraph (5) the following new paragraph: (6) restoration work, fire fuels reduction, and clearing overgrowth on snowpack watersheds; .
2023-01-08 17:38:09.111
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Introduced-in-House" bill-type="olc" dms-id="H210363B01BBF4FD594542439BD15EC77" public-private="public"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 728 IH: Access to Birth Control Act </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-02-14 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> I </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 728 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130214"> February 14, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="M000087"> Mrs. Carolyn B. Maloney of New York </sponsor> (for herself, <cosponsor name-id="W000797"> Ms. Wasserman Schultz </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="C000714"> Mr. Conyers </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="M001160"> Ms. Moore </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="C001084"> Mr. Cicilline </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="L000551"> Ms. Lee of California </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="P000597"> Ms. Pingree of Maine </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="H001063"> Ms. Hahn </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="F000030"> Mr. Farr </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="R000053"> Mr. Rangel </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="N000002"> Mr. Nadler </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="E000288"> Mr. Ellison </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="D000197"> Ms. DeGette </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="M000933"> Mr. Moran </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="H001032"> Mr. Holt </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="P000608"> Mr. Peters of California </cosponsor> ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="HIF00"> Committee on Energy and Commerce </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> A BILL </legis-type> <official-title> To establish certain duties for pharmacies to ensure provision of Food and Drug Administration-approved contraception, and for other purposes. </official-title> </form> <legis-body id="HCF80E2F306ED4ED7B51F10CFD05B61E8" style="OLC"> <section id="H5A59A22A54AB4439AE6EDCD02B2EA184" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Short title </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> This Act may be cited as the <quote> <short-title> Access to Birth Control Act </short-title> </quote> . </text> </section> <section id="H9EF7EBF3DB3241AC9DF521CFC4B38D03"> <enum> 2. </enum> <header> Findings </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Congress finds as follows: </text> <paragraph id="H4D005AD46373458F9EBE05D6F57E3E7F"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> Family planning is basic health care for women. Access to contraception helps women prevent unintended pregnancy and control the timing and spacing of planned births. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HA0F891FB159C4A6D8F08E6F1F06C9A74"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> Although the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention included family planning in its published list of the Ten Great Public Health Achievements in the 20th Century, the United States still has one of the highest rates of unintended pregnancies among industrialized nations. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H7FE1B411C0A94C20A57FDC003DAB4BF1"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> Each year, 3,000,000 pregnancies, nearly half of all pregnancies, in the United States are unintended, and nearly half of unintended pregnancies end in abortion. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H241BE29D1DCE4FACA426C4FFB3AA44EB"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> Women rely on prescription contraceptives for a range of medical purposes in addition to birth control, such as regulation of cycles and endometriosis. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HEB2EAD08352D4D03B31C049139AC676F"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text> The Food and Drug Administration has declared emergency contraception to be safe and effective in preventing unintended pregnancy and has approved over-the-counter access to some forms of emergency contraception for individuals aged 17 and older. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HEF1435A262264AC7AEBF53043E95DE1F"> <enum> (6) </enum> <text> If taken soon after unprotected sex or primary contraceptive failure, emergency contraception can significantly reduce a woman’s chance of unintended pregnancy. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H081048F011424437A5ACF44B59A92EB1"> <enum> (7) </enum> <text> Emergency contraception is approved to prevent pregnancy. It will not work if a woman is already pregnant. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HE826FBFA3DE64856A292DF143882FD02"> <enum> (8) </enum> <text> Access to legal contraception is a protected fundamental right in the United States and should not be impeded by one individual’s personal beliefs. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HD00D0F36E3A743E7BF9DBDE88A06B300"> <enum> (9) </enum> <text> Reports of pharmacists refusing to fill prescriptions for contraceptives, including emergency contraceptives, have surfaced in States across the Nation, including Alabama, Arizona, California, the District of Columbia, Georgia, Illinois, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, New Hampshire, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Texas, Washington, West Virginia, and Wisconsin. Since emergency contraception became available without a prescription for certain individuals, refusals to provide non-prescription emergency contraception have also been reported. </text> </paragraph> </section> <section id="H34E2673CC6494A36BAD4554ED9DA1935"> <enum> 3. </enum> <header> Duties of pharmacies to ensure provision of FDA-approved contraception </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Part B of title II of the Public Health Service Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/42/238"> 42 U.S.C. 238 et seq. </external-xref> ) is amended by adding at the end the following: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H2E4BDA1EDFB84D099929CC0546B1C9A8" style="OLC"> <section id="HDBBEF7BE2B3049639AAA7EF4D7D295A4"> <enum> 249. </enum> <header> Duties of pharmacies to ensure provision of FDA-approved contraception </header> <subsection id="HC3ED51DAAEA54A138BA16B52DC87F516"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> In General </header> <text> Subject to subsection (c), a pharmacy that receives Food and Drug Administration-approved drugs or devices in interstate commerce shall maintain compliance with the following: </text> <paragraph id="HBF290F527B8A46A9A9B50BA1E3DE3162"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> If a customer requests a contraceptive that is in stock, the pharmacy shall ensure that the contraceptive is provided to the customer without delay. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H92E0FD5FF42B417297BB5F497514957F"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> If a customer requests a contraceptive that is not in stock and the pharmacy in the normal course of business stocks contraception, the pharmacy shall immediately inform the customer that the contraceptive is not in stock and without delay offer the customer the following options: </text> <subparagraph id="H0484B3CFB1DE4FC98FC2E75406D38680"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> If the customer prefers to obtain the contraceptive through a referral or transfer, the pharmacy shall— </text> <clause id="H2247D0BDB2794C3E9D8DB6DD6D56C61E"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> locate a pharmacy of the customer’s choice or the closest pharmacy confirmed to have the contraceptive in stock; and </text> </clause> <clause id="H58A146104CC24F08ADEC2899685C2CB2"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> refer the customer or transfer the prescription to that pharmacy. </text> </clause> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H6AD1C3137B7B4B438D2C665E80D73CA3"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> If the customer prefers for the pharmacy to order the contraceptive, the pharmacy shall obtain the contraceptive under the pharmacy’s standard procedure for expedited ordering of medication and notify the customer when the contraceptive arrives. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H8B970EF84FA74A4FB2DAAA85863AB0B7"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> The pharmacy shall ensure that its employees do not— </text> <subparagraph id="H944CA5048C3C41518C649172BCD1F61D"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> intimidate, threaten, or harass customers in the delivery of services relating to a request for contraception; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HB5AAF9BAB31F4B4EB417FC2D53A9A191"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> interfere with or obstruct the delivery of services relating to a request for contraception; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H811E8AA4F150441FB2C4D2B4614EF64B"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> intentionally misrepresent or deceive customers about the availability of contraception or its mechanism of action; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HB6C63EB74BBB4AB597BE18731EDFEC4C"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text> breach medical confidentiality with respect to a request for contraception or threaten to breach such confidentiality; or </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H21CC5C6854CF41428C9A4CAD8BA2B38B"> <enum> (E) </enum> <text> refuse to return a valid, lawful prescription for contraception upon customer request. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H22B5AA1D58FC4806B00563EC520D6CC1"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Contraceptives not ordinarily stocked </header> <text> Nothing in subsection (a)(2) shall be construed to require any pharmacy to comply with such subsection if the pharmacy does not ordinarily stock contraceptives in the normal course of business. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="HD7BCC7C2A9EB4405B555E58F0C7F23A2"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Refusals Pursuant to Standard Pharmacy Practice </header> <text> This section does not prohibit a pharmacy from refusing to provide a contraceptive to a customer in accordance with any of the following: </text> <paragraph id="HE2717DADB088477498708BE56708AEBF"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> If it is unlawful to dispense the contraceptive to the customer without a valid, lawful prescription and no such prescription is presented. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H51A534A14F424DFEAA22011D4660FE39"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> If the customer is unable to pay for the contraceptive. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HFA1E14E85AC340DFA6E0226DC9C1D55B"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> If the employee of the pharmacy refuses to provide the contraceptive on the basis of a professional clinical judgment. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HFB051ACCA45C47BDA297118F9824B7C6"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header> Rule of construction </header> <text> Nothing in this section shall be construed to invalidate or limit rights, remedies, procedures, or legal standards under title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H23753EF39E314F39BB1B96A312595F0B"> <enum> (e) </enum> <header> Preemption </header> <text> This section does not preempt any provision of State law or any professional obligation made applicable by a State board or other entity responsible for licensing or discipline of pharmacies or pharmacists, to the extent that such State law or professional obligation provides protections for customers that are greater than the protections provided by this section. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H48CBA55CD23B4900B7B27A013F06F4C4"> <enum> (f) </enum> <header> Enforcement </header> <paragraph id="H00195A0F1B964007B2053C43FDE0331C"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> Civil penalty </header> <text> A pharmacy that violates a requirement of subsection (a) is liable to the United States for a civil penalty in an amount not exceeding $1,000 per day of violation, not to exceed $100,000 for all violations adjudicated in a single proceeding. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H537BE0B7FE3142CEBA88A590B3AF6724"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Private cause of action </header> <text> Any person aggrieved as a result of a violation of a requirement of subsection (a) may, in any court of competent jurisdiction, commence a civil action against the pharmacy involved to obtain appropriate relief, including actual and punitive damages, injunctive relief, and a reasonable attorney’s fee and cost. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H31AC03A77FBC4D57913D5DACFE76ABEE"> <enum> (3) </enum> <header> Limitations </header> <text> A civil action under paragraph (1) or (2) may not be commenced against a pharmacy after the expiration of the 5-year period beginning on the date on which the pharmacy allegedly engaged in the violation involved. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HF1A2A267569C42EE855C3270EBDAD35E"> <enum> (g) </enum> <header> Definitions </header> <text> In this section: </text> <paragraph id="H6EFCC96422984FC39C5D602D62516726"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> The term <term> contraception </term> or <term> contraceptive </term> means any drug or device approved by the Food and Drug Administration to prevent pregnancy. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H1337210522814ADD81E77928D974CBAC"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> The term <term> employee </term> means a person hired, by contract or any other form of an agreement, by a pharmacy. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H780A7451A1CF4C98B6700DE5190681DA"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> The term <term> pharmacy </term> means an entity that— </text> <subparagraph id="H99E6080069454688932F86012AF7633D"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> is authorized by a State to engage in the business of selling prescription drugs at retail; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H52ED5332B99241A4AB0FEA848E201B1B"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> employs one or more employees. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H0915500DED9B48E7B366B2302557F32E"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> The term <term> product </term> means a Food and Drug Administration-approved drug or device. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H98DE88A6EB6A471EA48F92041C316B5A"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text> The term <term> professional clinical judgment </term> means the use of professional knowledge and skills to form a clinical judgment, in accordance with prevailing medical standards. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H1DF1B1F2F4DF4932BA72DAABF7F839DF"> <enum> (6) </enum> <text> The term <term> without delay </term> , with respect to a pharmacy providing, providing a referral for, or ordering contraception, or transferring the prescription for contraception, means within the usual and customary timeframe at the pharmacy for providing, providing a referral for, or ordering other products, or transferring the prescription for other products, respectively. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H0555D361AAE44CC99CBDA61B26E6A942"> <enum> (h) </enum> <header> Effective Date </header> <text> This section shall take effect on the 31st day after the date of the enactment of this section, without regard to whether the Secretary has issued any guidance or final rule regarding this section. </text> </subsection> </section> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </section> </legis-body> </bill>
I 113th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 728 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES February 14, 2013 Mrs. Carolyn B. Maloney of New York (for herself, Ms. Wasserman Schultz , Mr. Conyers , Ms. Moore , Mr. Cicilline , Ms. Lee of California , Ms. Pingree of Maine , Ms. Hahn , Mr. Farr , Mr. Rangel , Mr. Nadler , Mr. Ellison , Ms. DeGette , Mr. Moran , Mr. Holt , and Mr. Peters of California ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce A BILL To establish certain duties for pharmacies to ensure provision of Food and Drug Administration-approved contraception, and for other purposes. 1. Short title This Act may be cited as the Access to Birth Control Act . 2. Findings Congress finds as follows: (1) Family planning is basic health care for women. Access to contraception helps women prevent unintended pregnancy and control the timing and spacing of planned births. (2) Although the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention included family planning in its published list of the Ten Great Public Health Achievements in the 20th Century, the United States still has one of the highest rates of unintended pregnancies among industrialized nations. (3) Each year, 3,000,000 pregnancies, nearly half of all pregnancies, in the United States are unintended, and nearly half of unintended pregnancies end in abortion. (4) Women rely on prescription contraceptives for a range of medical purposes in addition to birth control, such as regulation of cycles and endometriosis. (5) The Food and Drug Administration has declared emergency contraception to be safe and effective in preventing unintended pregnancy and has approved over-the-counter access to some forms of emergency contraception for individuals aged 17 and older. (6) If taken soon after unprotected sex or primary contraceptive failure, emergency contraception can significantly reduce a woman’s chance of unintended pregnancy. (7) Emergency contraception is approved to prevent pregnancy. It will not work if a woman is already pregnant. (8) Access to legal contraception is a protected fundamental right in the United States and should not be impeded by one individual’s personal beliefs. (9) Reports of pharmacists refusing to fill prescriptions for contraceptives, including emergency contraceptives, have surfaced in States across the Nation, including Alabama, Arizona, California, the District of Columbia, Georgia, Illinois, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, New Hampshire, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Texas, Washington, West Virginia, and Wisconsin. Since emergency contraception became available without a prescription for certain individuals, refusals to provide non-prescription emergency contraception have also been reported. 3. Duties of pharmacies to ensure provision of FDA-approved contraception Part B of title II of the Public Health Service Act ( 42 U.S.C. 238 et seq. ) is amended by adding at the end the following: 249. Duties of pharmacies to ensure provision of FDA-approved contraception (a) In General Subject to subsection (c), a pharmacy that receives Food and Drug Administration-approved drugs or devices in interstate commerce shall maintain compliance with the following: (1) If a customer requests a contraceptive that is in stock, the pharmacy shall ensure that the contraceptive is provided to the customer without delay. (2) If a customer requests a contraceptive that is not in stock and the pharmacy in the normal course of business stocks contraception, the pharmacy shall immediately inform the customer that the contraceptive is not in stock and without delay offer the customer the following options: (A) If the customer prefers to obtain the contraceptive through a referral or transfer, the pharmacy shall— (i) locate a pharmacy of the customer’s choice or the closest pharmacy confirmed to have the contraceptive in stock; and (ii) refer the customer or transfer the prescription to that pharmacy. (B) If the customer prefers for the pharmacy to order the contraceptive, the pharmacy shall obtain the contraceptive under the pharmacy’s standard procedure for expedited ordering of medication and notify the customer when the contraceptive arrives. (3) The pharmacy shall ensure that its employees do not— (A) intimidate, threaten, or harass customers in the delivery of services relating to a request for contraception; (B) interfere with or obstruct the delivery of services relating to a request for contraception; (C) intentionally misrepresent or deceive customers about the availability of contraception or its mechanism of action; (D) breach medical confidentiality with respect to a request for contraception or threaten to breach such confidentiality; or (E) refuse to return a valid, lawful prescription for contraception upon customer request. (b) Contraceptives not ordinarily stocked Nothing in subsection (a)(2) shall be construed to require any pharmacy to comply with such subsection if the pharmacy does not ordinarily stock contraceptives in the normal course of business. (c) Refusals Pursuant to Standard Pharmacy Practice This section does not prohibit a pharmacy from refusing to provide a contraceptive to a customer in accordance with any of the following: (1) If it is unlawful to dispense the contraceptive to the customer without a valid, lawful prescription and no such prescription is presented. (2) If the customer is unable to pay for the contraceptive. (3) If the employee of the pharmacy refuses to provide the contraceptive on the basis of a professional clinical judgment. (d) Rule of construction Nothing in this section shall be construed to invalidate or limit rights, remedies, procedures, or legal standards under title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. (e) Preemption This section does not preempt any provision of State law or any professional obligation made applicable by a State board or other entity responsible for licensing or discipline of pharmacies or pharmacists, to the extent that such State law or professional obligation provides protections for customers that are greater than the protections provided by this section. (f) Enforcement (1) Civil penalty A pharmacy that violates a requirement of subsection (a) is liable to the United States for a civil penalty in an amount not exceeding $1,000 per day of violation, not to exceed $100,000 for all violations adjudicated in a single proceeding. (2) Private cause of action Any person aggrieved as a result of a violation of a requirement of subsection (a) may, in any court of competent jurisdiction, commence a civil action against the pharmacy involved to obtain appropriate relief, including actual and punitive damages, injunctive relief, and a reasonable attorney’s fee and cost. (3) Limitations A civil action under paragraph (1) or (2) may not be commenced against a pharmacy after the expiration of the 5-year period beginning on the date on which the pharmacy allegedly engaged in the violation involved. (g) Definitions In this section: (1) The term contraception or contraceptive means any drug or device approved by the Food and Drug Administration to prevent pregnancy. (2) The term employee means a person hired, by contract or any other form of an agreement, by a pharmacy. (3) The term pharmacy means an entity that— (A) is authorized by a State to engage in the business of selling prescription drugs at retail; and (B) employs one or more employees. (4) The term product means a Food and Drug Administration-approved drug or device. (5) The term professional clinical judgment means the use of professional knowledge and skills to form a clinical judgment, in accordance with prevailing medical standards. (6) The term without delay , with respect to a pharmacy providing, providing a referral for, or ordering contraception, or transferring the prescription for contraception, means within the usual and customary timeframe at the pharmacy for providing, providing a referral for, or ordering other products, or transferring the prescription for other products, respectively. (h) Effective Date This section shall take effect on the 31st day after the date of the enactment of this section, without regard to whether the Secretary has issued any guidance or final rule regarding this section. .
2023-01-08 17:38:08.585
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Introduced-in-House" bill-type="olc" dms-id="HC2AE35960B804BFD93B48A1F6547824B" public-private="public"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 729 IH: Medical Research Protection Act of 2013 </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-02-14 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> I </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 729 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130214"> February 14, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="M000404"> Mr. McDermott </sponsor> (for himself and <cosponsor name-id="H001038"> Mr. Higgins </cosponsor> ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="HBU00"> Committee on the Budget </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> A BILL </legis-type> <official-title> To amend the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 to exempt the National Institutes of Health from sequestration under section 251A for fiscal year 2013, and to reduce the sequestration by the amount of the exemption. </official-title> </form> <legis-body id="HC2929B969356432F96F13111FB4F5FB6" style="OLC"> <section id="H8FEAE4C0264F4C5B9095890EB156813E" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Short title </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> This Act may be cited as the <quote> <short-title> Medical Research Protection Act of 2013 </short-title> </quote> . </text> </section> <section id="H0095440BAADF4BBEB31C146400987C7B" section-type="subsequent-section"> <enum> 2. </enum> <header> NIH exemption from section 251A sequestration for FY 2013 </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Section 251A of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 is amended by adding at the end the following new paragraph: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H7A2B4DF6FE2148458B2F2267E4AF7055" style="OLC"> <paragraph id="HCD77DB9947AF4585AF3B5AAB7D3120A3"> <enum> (12) </enum> <header> NIH exemption </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> No sequestration ordered by the President under this section for fiscal year 2013 shall apply to the National Institutes of Health (75–9915–0–1–552). </text> </paragraph> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </section> <section id="H1DD6B7702C4A46E680F960141AA1B235"> <enum> 3. </enum> <header> Reduction in section 251A sequestration for FY 2013 by the amount of the NIH exemption </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Section 251A(3) of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 is amended by striking <quote> and </quote> at the end of subparagraph (D), by striking the period and inserting <quote> ; and </quote> at the end of subparagraph (E), and by adding at the end the following new subparagraph: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H80587B721956459199F4932F4765843D" style="OLC"> <subparagraph id="HBEFAA86DB44F43708339689272AE63ED"> <enum> (F) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> for fiscal year 2013, further reducing the amount calculated under subparagraphs (A) through (D) by the amount that the National Institutes of Health would have been reduced if it were not exempt from sequestration. </text> </subparagraph> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </section> </legis-body> </bill>
I 113th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 729 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES February 14, 2013 Mr. McDermott (for himself and Mr. Higgins ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on the Budget A BILL To amend the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 to exempt the National Institutes of Health from sequestration under section 251A for fiscal year 2013, and to reduce the sequestration by the amount of the exemption. 1. Short title This Act may be cited as the Medical Research Protection Act of 2013 . 2. NIH exemption from section 251A sequestration for FY 2013 Section 251A of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 is amended by adding at the end the following new paragraph: (12) NIH exemption No sequestration ordered by the President under this section for fiscal year 2013 shall apply to the National Institutes of Health (75–9915–0–1–552). . 3. Reduction in section 251A sequestration for FY 2013 by the amount of the NIH exemption Section 251A(3) of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 is amended by striking and at the end of subparagraph (D), by striking the period and inserting ; and at the end of subparagraph (E), and by adding at the end the following new subparagraph: (F) for fiscal year 2013, further reducing the amount calculated under subparagraphs (A) through (D) by the amount that the National Institutes of Health would have been reduced if it were not exempt from sequestration. .
2023-01-08 17:38:09.221
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Introduced-in-House" bill-type="olc" dms-id="H1C1B8F7C8B014F6789280005DF694008" public-private="public"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 730 IH: Pest Elimination Services Transparency and Terminology </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-02-14 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> I </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 730 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130214"> February 14, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="M001182"> Mr. Mulvaney </sponsor> (for himself, <cosponsor name-id="D000615"> Mr. Duncan of South Carolina </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="G000558"> Mr. Guthrie </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="F000458"> Mr. Fincher </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S001189"> Mr. Austin Scott of Georgia </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="H001051"> Mr. Hanna </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="K000362"> Mr. King of Iowa </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="R000583"> Mr. Rooney </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="D000191"> Mr. DeFazio </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="H000329"> Mr. Hastings of Washington </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="C001064"> Mr. Campbell </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="H001058"> Mr. Huizenga of Michigan </cosponsor> ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="HAG00"> Committee on Agriculture </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> A BILL </legis-type> <official-title> To define urban rodent control for purposes of clarifying the control of nuisance mammals and birds carried out by the Wildlife Services program of the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service and by the private sector, and for other purposes. </official-title> </form> <legis-body id="HC9772B4C02E24A7D961327B4B01638C5" style="OLC"> <section id="H08F8F06CC9684EB39F5111F7220C7726" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Short title </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> This Act may be cited as the <quote> <short-title> Pest Elimination Services Transparency and Terminology </short-title> Act </quote> or the <quote> <short-title> PESTT Act </short-title> </quote> . </text> </section> <section id="H80B0B1FDBCCC4782AA458098B0773B4D"> <enum> 2. </enum> <header> Urban rodent control defined </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Title I of the Rural Development, Agriculture, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1988 ( <external-xref legal-doc="public-law" parsable-cite="pl/100/202"> Public Law 100–202 </external-xref> ; 101 Stat. 1329–331) is amended in the last proviso under the heading <quote> <header-in-text level="section" style="appropriations"> Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service—Salaries and Expenses </header-in-text> </quote> ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/7/426c"> 7 U.S.C. 426c </external-xref> ), by striking <quote> Animal Damage Control activities </quote> at the end and inserting <quote> Animal Damage Control activities, and the term <quote> urban rodent control </quote> means efforts to directly control any mammal in the order Rodentia in a location that is not an airport or in a rural area (as defined in section 520 of the Housing Act of 1949 ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/42/1490"> 42 U.S.C. 1490 </external-xref> )) </quote> . </text> </section> <section id="H48D34CD93F41489C811150CD2E63D640"> <enum> 3. </enum> <header> Report on activities of Wildlife Services program of the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Not later than October 1, 2013, the Comptroller General of the United States shall submit to the Committee on Agriculture of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry of the Senate a report that— </text> <paragraph id="H6D79761B8D8945578B521700D69AE749"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> identifies activities carried out by the Wildlife Services program of the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service that can be carried out by entities with appropriate expertise and capacity in the private sector; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H3CFA285548BB4EED8A38ADE89765F97B"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> prioritizes the activities conducted by the Wildlife Services program that— </text> <subparagraph id="HDEC0FE17964D420EB0DA83C2F3AC180E"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> are vital to the protection of public health and safety and agricultural production; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H1694FEB38691402EBEE219981FCC6333"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> can be performed by the entities referred to in paragraph (1); and </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H3C11ABE236A14A7D821223B251506754"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> recommends ways, including any necessary changes to Federal statutes, to avoid duplicative work being conducted by the Wildlife Services program and the private sector. </text> </paragraph> </section> </legis-body> </bill>
I 113th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 730 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES February 14, 2013 Mr. Mulvaney (for himself, Mr. Duncan of South Carolina , Mr. Guthrie , Mr. Fincher , Mr. Austin Scott of Georgia , Mr. Hanna , Mr. King of Iowa , Mr. Rooney , Mr. DeFazio , Mr. Hastings of Washington , Mr. Campbell , and Mr. Huizenga of Michigan ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Agriculture A BILL To define urban rodent control for purposes of clarifying the control of nuisance mammals and birds carried out by the Wildlife Services program of the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service and by the private sector, and for other purposes. 1. Short title This Act may be cited as the Pest Elimination Services Transparency and Terminology Act or the PESTT Act . 2. Urban rodent control defined Title I of the Rural Development, Agriculture, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1988 ( Public Law 100–202 ; 101 Stat. 1329–331) is amended in the last proviso under the heading Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service—Salaries and Expenses ( 7 U.S.C. 426c ), by striking Animal Damage Control activities at the end and inserting Animal Damage Control activities, and the term urban rodent control means efforts to directly control any mammal in the order Rodentia in a location that is not an airport or in a rural area (as defined in section 520 of the Housing Act of 1949 ( 42 U.S.C. 1490 )) . 3. Report on activities of Wildlife Services program of the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Not later than October 1, 2013, the Comptroller General of the United States shall submit to the Committee on Agriculture of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry of the Senate a report that— (1) identifies activities carried out by the Wildlife Services program of the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service that can be carried out by entities with appropriate expertise and capacity in the private sector; (2) prioritizes the activities conducted by the Wildlife Services program that— (A) are vital to the protection of public health and safety and agricultural production; and (B) can be performed by the entities referred to in paragraph (1); and (3) recommends ways, including any necessary changes to Federal statutes, to avoid duplicative work being conducted by the Wildlife Services program and the private sector.
2023-01-08 17:38:08.458
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Introduced-in-House" bill-type="olc" dms-id="H4BB9CD6D7F6645B3A7CEBA1386694869" public-private="public"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 731 IH: Protecting Americans Abroad Act </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-02-14 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> I </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 731 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130214"> February 14, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="R000596"> Mr. Radel </sponsor> (for himself, <cosponsor name-id="F000462"> Ms. Frankel of Florida </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="W000814"> Mr. Weber of Texas </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="C001095"> Mr. Cotton </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="M001189"> Mr. Messer </cosponsor> ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="HFA00"> Committee on Foreign Affairs </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> A BILL </legis-type> <official-title> To amend the Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Years 1990 and 1991 to allow the Department of State to use a best-value contracting method in awarding local guard or protective service contracts in high risk areas abroad under the diplomatic security program. </official-title> </form> <legis-body id="HCCE62292ED3C49D098FA37D775DF399D" style="OLC"> <section id="HE7A842AE197A4772955F17F4DA30F054" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Short title </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> This Act may be cited as the <quote> <short-title> Protecting Americans Abroad Act </short-title> </quote> . </text> </section> <section id="HAC4FEAD4FFC34581A75A1E8907F6B8AA" section-type="subsequent-section"> <enum> 2. </enum> <header> Diplomatic security program contracting </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Section 136 of the Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Years 1990 and 1991 ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/22/4864"> 22 U.S.C. 4864 </external-xref> ) is amended— </text> <paragraph id="H382D88F6881C47DA82698EED756F650F"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> in subsection (c)— </text> <subparagraph id="H73526960488D430999534C6FC412BCE8"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> in the matter preceding paragraph (1), by striking <quote> With respect </quote> and inserting <quote> Except as provided in subsection (d), with respect </quote> ; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H6D50C0359F0243F49F11403FE348B972"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> in paragraph (3), by striking <quote> subsection (d) </quote> and inserting <quote> subsection (e) </quote> ; </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HDC213D0DFEF146808F7AF66CEB87E877"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> by redesignating subsections (d), (e), (f), and (g) as subsections (e), (f), (g), and (h), respectively; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H4C8DD99F4ED445949A855D638154BBE7"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> by inserting after subsection (c) the following new subsection: </text> <quoted-block id="H5801E7C8B3C24303AC01184BFC4FF326" style="OLC"> <subsection id="H9A1674E7219F4F77A3489D5EB816B23E"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header> Award of local guard and protective service contracts in high risk areas </header> <text> With respect to any local guard contract for a Foreign Service building located in a high risk area that is entered into after the date of the enactment of this subsection, the Secretary of State— </text> <paragraph id="HBEC706101B1B4751973ABCC02560A8FD"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> shall comply with paragraphs (1), (2), (4), (5), and (6) of subsection (c) in the award of the contract; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H5B1812887B964DBABC582E02B029DAA4"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> after evaluating proposals for the contract, may award the contract to the firm representing the best value to the Government in accordance with the best value tradeoff process described in subpart 15.1 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (48 C.F.R. 15.101–1); and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H47780FDD59224FEC95B5094FD133D0D4"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> shall ensure that contractor personnel under the contract providing local guard or protective services are classified— </text> <subparagraph id="H5A6EE102DBA54D9FA73C18DF1859EDE4"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> as employees of the contractor; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HE09080066FF8415AB0D5FDB34C6BEB07"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> if the contractor is a joint venture, as employees of one of the persons or parties constituting the joint venture; or </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HA28DD7A6420A4263A28004BE4FE244DF"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> as employees of a subcontractor to the contractor, and not as independent contractors to the contractor or any other entity performing under such contracts. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> <after-quoted-block> ; and </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H238C85AF83AB41FCB481770BF06D2B30"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> in subsection (e), as redesignated by paragraph (2) of this section— </text> <subparagraph id="H4C89EAB6774B40539CA1C8FFAF708E7A"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> in paragraph (3), by striking <quote> and </quote> at the end; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HA7415B804A72477D81BE0A23BA9967D8"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> in paragraph (4), by striking the period at the end and inserting <quote> ; and </quote> ; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H34C8C1D169084D3CBE1ABF76576B9A5C"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> by adding at the end the following new paragraph: </text> <quoted-block id="HE3436742C99A42C3B42CE3FB4FFC5769" style="OLC"> <paragraph id="H1B78B641805D4B0983B52CD628446227"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> the term <term> high risk area </term> means an area determined by the Assistant Secretary of Diplomatic Security to present an increased threat of serious damage or harm to United States diplomatic facilities or personnel. </text> </paragraph> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </section> </legis-body> </bill>
I 113th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 731 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES February 14, 2013 Mr. Radel (for himself, Ms. Frankel of Florida , Mr. Weber of Texas , Mr. Cotton , and Mr. Messer ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs A BILL To amend the Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Years 1990 and 1991 to allow the Department of State to use a best-value contracting method in awarding local guard or protective service contracts in high risk areas abroad under the diplomatic security program. 1. Short title This Act may be cited as the Protecting Americans Abroad Act . 2. Diplomatic security program contracting Section 136 of the Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Years 1990 and 1991 ( 22 U.S.C. 4864 ) is amended— (1) in subsection (c)— (A) in the matter preceding paragraph (1), by striking With respect and inserting Except as provided in subsection (d), with respect ; and (B) in paragraph (3), by striking subsection (d) and inserting subsection (e) ; (2) by redesignating subsections (d), (e), (f), and (g) as subsections (e), (f), (g), and (h), respectively; (3) by inserting after subsection (c) the following new subsection: (d) Award of local guard and protective service contracts in high risk areas With respect to any local guard contract for a Foreign Service building located in a high risk area that is entered into after the date of the enactment of this subsection, the Secretary of State— (1) shall comply with paragraphs (1), (2), (4), (5), and (6) of subsection (c) in the award of the contract; (2) after evaluating proposals for the contract, may award the contract to the firm representing the best value to the Government in accordance with the best value tradeoff process described in subpart 15.1 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (48 C.F.R. 15.101–1); and (3) shall ensure that contractor personnel under the contract providing local guard or protective services are classified— (A) as employees of the contractor; (B) if the contractor is a joint venture, as employees of one of the persons or parties constituting the joint venture; or (C) as employees of a subcontractor to the contractor, and not as independent contractors to the contractor or any other entity performing under such contracts. ; and (4) in subsection (e), as redesignated by paragraph (2) of this section— (A) in paragraph (3), by striking and at the end; (B) in paragraph (4), by striking the period at the end and inserting ; and ; and (C) by adding at the end the following new paragraph: (5) the term high risk area means an area determined by the Assistant Secretary of Diplomatic Security to present an increased threat of serious damage or harm to United States diplomatic facilities or personnel. .
2023-01-08 17:38:08.261
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Introduced-in-House" bill-type="olc" dms-id="HCEA99AAC4E114925B26C20F30B084E3A" public-private="public"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 732 IH: Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-02-14 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> I </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 732 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130214"> February 14, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="R000435"> Ms. Ros-Lehtinen </sponsor> (for herself, <cosponsor name-id="B001273"> Mrs. Black </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="B001255"> Mr. Boustany </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="B000755"> Mr. Brady of Texas </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="F000448"> Mr. Franks of Arizona </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="J000255"> Mr. Jones </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="D000616"> Mr. DesJarlais </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="C001045"> Mr. Crenshaw </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="L000563"> Mr. Lipinski </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="M001158"> Mr. Marchant </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="K000362"> Mr. King of Iowa </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="G000568"> Mr. Griffith of Virginia </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="N000182"> Mr. Neugebauer </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="C000266"> Mr. Chabot </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="C001053"> Mr. Cole </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="H000067"> Mr. Hall </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="G000548"> Mr. Garrett </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="M000689"> Mr. Mica </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S000522"> Mr. Smith of New Jersey </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="F000458"> Mr. Fincher </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="P000602"> Mr. Pompeo </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="W000804"> Mr. Wittman </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="P000592"> Mr. Poe of Texas </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="D000600"> Mr. Diaz-Balart </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="G000567"> Mr. Griffin of Arkansas </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S001187"> Mr. Stivers </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="C001051"> Mr. Carter </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="D000619"> Mr. Rodney Davis of Illinois </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="H001053"> Mrs. Hartzler </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="N000186"> Mr. Nunnelee </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="W000798"> Mr. Walberg </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="R000587"> Mr. Ribble </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="M001182"> Mr. Mulvaney </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="L000564"> Mr. Lamborn </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="B001271"> Mr. Benishek </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="F000456"> Mr. Fleming </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="C000059"> Mr. Calvert </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="K000376"> Mr. Kelly </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="P000601"> Mr. Palazzo </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="W000815"> Mr. Wenstrup </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="H001059"> Mr. Hultgren </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="J000289"> Mr. Jordan </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="P000588"> Mr. Pearce </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="W000795"> Mr. Wilson of South Carolina </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="G000558"> Mr. Guthrie </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="W000796"> Mr. Westmoreland </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="M001177"> Mr. McClintock </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="B001243"> Mrs. Blackburn </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="H001057"> Mr. Huelskamp </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="C001062"> Mr. Conaway </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="T000459"> Mr. Terry </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="M001144"> Mr. Miller of Florida </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S001154"> Mr. Shuster </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="B001257"> Mr. Bilirakis </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="T000462"> Mr. Tiberi </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="H001058"> Mr. Huizenga of Michigan </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="R000395"> Mr. Rogers of Kentucky </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="L000566"> Mr. Latta </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="K000210"> Mr. King of New York </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="O000168"> Mr. Olson </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="G000546"> Mr. Graves of Missouri </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="H001036"> Mr. Hensarling </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="R000011"> Mr. Rahall </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="T000463"> Mr. Turner </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="B001256"> Mrs. Bachmann </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="A000361"> Mr. Alexander </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="M001151"> Mr. Murphy of Pennsylvania </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="M001190"> Mr. Mullin </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="S001176"> Mr. Scalise </cosponsor> ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="HJU00"> Committee on the Judiciary </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> A BILL </legis-type> <official-title> To amend title 18, United States Code, to prohibit taking minors across State lines in circumvention of laws requiring the involvement of parents in abortion decisions. </official-title> </form> <legis-body id="H387C8322D6F14AE795A56670B18D56BF" style="OLC"> <section display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H6EF85E239AE2403CA65D650562A3EFAC" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Short title </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> This Act may be cited as the <quote> <short-title> Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act </short-title> </quote> . </text> </section> <section id="H44C1319E9CD34EFBBA7A11E690D834BB"> <enum> 2. </enum> <header> Transportation of minors in circumvention of certain laws relating to abortion </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Title 18, United States Code, is amended by inserting after chapter 117 the following: </text> <quoted-block id="HF265BCD13F4943BEAEC91FE021C7F04F" style="USC"> <chapter id="H48AD71BA54DA4E1C8A9F50EABF61EF66"> <enum> 117A </enum> <header> TRANSPORTATION OF MINORS IN CIRCUMVENTION OF CERTAIN LAWS RELATING TO ABORTION </header> <toc regeneration="no-regeneration"> <toc-entry level="section"> Sec. </toc-entry> <toc-entry level="section"> 2431. Transportation of minors in circumvention of certain laws relating to abortion. </toc-entry> <toc-entry level="section"> 2432. Transportation of minors in circumvention of certain laws relating to abortion. </toc-entry> </toc> <section id="H31C17314B3B54F96A8C3630AB5F79D13"> <enum> 2431. </enum> <header> Transportation of minors in circumvention of certain laws relating to abortion </header> <subsection id="H58D8519B19A549CB89E850840C9BD5A9"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Offense </header> <paragraph id="H5433C399B2DB47FF8DF7CAB382635E79"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> Generally </header> <text> Except as provided in subsection (b), whoever knowingly transports a minor across a State line, with the intent that such minor obtain an abortion, and thereby in fact abridges the right of a parent under a law requiring parental involvement in a minor’s abortion decision, in force in the State where the minor resides, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HB3A739E6B5D94468AB2B15703418527E"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Definition </header> <text> For the purposes of this subsection, an abridgement of the right of a parent occurs if an abortion is performed or induced on the minor, in a State or a foreign nation other than the State where the minor resides, without the parental consent or notification, or the judicial authorization, that would have been required by that law had the abortion been performed in the State where the minor resides. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HA98E34D8F41F42C89FDEF14F7F470EA2"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Exceptions </header> <paragraph id="H1219ACB4A98C4C34BADD624EC4D1E762"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> The prohibition of subsection (a) does not apply if the abortion was necessary to save the life of the minor because her life was endangered by a physical disorder, physical injury, or physical illness, including a life endangering physical condition caused by or arising from the pregnancy itself. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H36AE8400A5EA42F1971805221CC4C3F1"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> A minor transported in violation of this section, and any parent of that minor, may not be prosecuted or sued for a violation of this section, a conspiracy to violate this section, or an offense under section 2 or 3 of this title based on a violation of this section. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HB1B8D95D846A478CBEF5AE5262A91309"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Affirmative Defense </header> <text> It is an affirmative defense to a prosecution for an offense, or to a civil action, based on a violation of this section that the defendant— </text> <paragraph id="H3BC54E7E533F4011BD23C7620479873A"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> reasonably believed, based on information the defendant obtained directly from a parent of the minor, that before the minor obtained the abortion, the parental consent or notification took place that would have been required by the law requiring parental involvement in a minor’s abortion decision, had the abortion been performed in the State where the minor resides; or </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H14ABAEB01B0B4D64BD82653ED1819965"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> was presented with documentation showing with a reasonable degree of certainty that a court in the minor’s State of residence waived any parental notification required by the laws of that State, or otherwise authorized that the minor be allowed to procure an abortion. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H06CBCDBB40244DF8A88641A50B8EC199"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header> Civil Action </header> <text> Any parent who suffers harm from a violation of subsection (a) may obtain appropriate relief in a civil action unless the parent has committed an act of incest with the minor subject to subsection (a). </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H89730316E9344D3799FFF911A40C8BF6"> <enum> (e) </enum> <header> Definitions </header> <text> For the purposes of this section— </text> <paragraph id="H2BBB8D7F9AF5432F9241F78DF247269F"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> the term <term> abortion </term> means the use or prescription of any instrument, medicine, drug, or any other substance or device— </text> <subparagraph id="H38C1722B986842E2AECFDC833B53D95B"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> to intentionally kill the unborn child of a woman known to be pregnant; or </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H78EA670A73F84A1D9570BA703A56C0E4"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> to intentionally prematurely terminate the pregnancy of a woman known to be pregnant, with an intention other than to increase the probability of a live birth or of preserving the life or health of the child after live birth, or to remove a dead unborn child; </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H6B90213390734AB5AAD80F523781B28B"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> the term <term> law requiring parental involvement in a minor’s abortion decision </term> means a law— </text> <subparagraph id="HB20E752BBBD2408C96A1B34769945F97"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> requiring, before an abortion is performed on a minor, either— </text> <clause id="H97EFA4FBD0884C13AF492DF8EABAB68A"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> the notification to, or consent of, a parent of that minor; or </text> </clause> <clause id="H160FA1EECA894CF6B52958F71A0AB776"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> proceedings in a State court; and </text> </clause> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H489E7114D98F40FB969BEADBDC0AEAB0"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> that does not provide as an alternative to the requirements described in subparagraph (A) notification to or consent of any person or entity who is not described in that subparagraph; </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H8401C723436244AEA204EC87B175A1D9"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> the term <term> minor </term> means an individual who is not older than the maximum age requiring parental notification or consent, or proceedings in a State court, under the law requiring parental involvement in a minor’s abortion decision; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H610F5EAE4E9146DCAEF73846BB259B8B"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> the term <term> parent </term> means— </text> <subparagraph id="H546E623DDC3746FFB522A4D954A8F235"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> a parent or guardian; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H0FC90DA536F142A2B52FF67EAF838768"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> a legal custodian; or </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HB61296484C2B4B218810F56CF41CF0E5"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> a person standing in loco parentis who has care and control of the minor, and with whom the minor regularly resides, who is designated by the law requiring parental involvement in the minor’s abortion decision as a person to whom notification, or from whom consent, is required; and </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H2A080723450C4DFB90C3B2CCA148E17B"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text> the term <term> State </term> includes the District of Columbia and any commonwealth, possession, or other territory of the United States, and any Indian tribe or reservation. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> </section> <section id="HA5535D1188974258A522A15F212D4B8C"> <enum> 2432. </enum> <header> Transportation of minors in circumvention of certain laws relating to abortion </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Notwithstanding section 2431(b)(2), whoever has committed an act of incest with a minor and knowingly transports the minor across a State line with the intent that such minor obtain an abortion, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both. For the purposes of this section, the terms <term> State </term> , <term> minor </term> , and <term> abortion </term> have, respectively, the definitions given those terms in section 2435. </text> </section> </chapter> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </section> <section id="H8FA309DEB9754FADB8C171196FB33014"> <enum> 3. </enum> <header> Child interstate abortion notification </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Title 18, United States Code, is amended by inserting after chapter 117A the following: </text> <quoted-block id="H821A006088AF4C81AAD72D7E8BE66B44" style="USC"> <chapter id="H9BE54C3E8A1D46E8BF609579E1465572"> <enum> 117B </enum> <header> CHILD INTERSTATE ABORTION NOTIFICATION </header> <toc regeneration="no-regeneration"> <toc-entry level="section"> Sec. </toc-entry> <toc-entry level="section"> 2435. Child interstate abortion notification. </toc-entry> </toc> <section id="H0D5EEC9BB1114FE89232951C53295A55"> <enum> 2435. </enum> <header> Child interstate abortion notification </header> <subsection id="HD5AADF94528544DCA70ECF1A9D41605C"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Offense </header> <paragraph id="H4223FE984AAB47839178E0B619DF3EC9"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> Generally </header> <text> A physician who knowingly performs or induces an abortion on a minor in violation of the requirements of this section shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HFEA81E14F8184891BB5AFC159A5CAA09"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Parental notification </header> <text> A physician who performs or induces an abortion on a minor who is a resident of a State other than the State in which the abortion is performed must provide, or cause his or her agent to provide, at least 24 hours actual notice to a parent of the minor before performing the abortion. If actual notice to such parent is not accomplished after a reasonable effort has been made, at least 24 hours constructive notice must be given to a parent before the abortion is performed. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HB288DA1955CC4F7C846AF8DAC1B2E490"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Exceptions </header> <text> The notification requirement of subsection (a)(2) does not apply if— </text> <paragraph id="HBFD03144A13A41ACBB385E86A2A8AD9C"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> the abortion is performed or induced in a State that has, in force, a law requiring parental involvement in a minor’s abortion decision and the physician complies with the requirements of that law; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H8C105CF85BC14BC79CED161D76B61C98"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> the physician is presented with documentation showing with a reasonable degree of certainty that a court in the minor’s State of residence has waived any parental notification required by the laws of that State, or has otherwise authorized that the minor be allowed to procure an abortion; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H51AB84E51CAD40FDA209F7BF69402B17"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> the minor declares in a signed written statement that she is the victim of sexual abuse, neglect, or physical abuse by a parent, and, before an abortion is performed on the minor, the physician notifies the authorities specified to receive reports of child abuse or neglect by the law of the State in which the minor resides of the known or suspected abuse or neglect; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H8A81E9E5D6C84076A2F62CC76F5798EC"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> the abortion is necessary to save the life of the minor because her life was endangered by a physical disorder, physical injury, or physical illness, including a life endangering physical condition caused by or arising from the pregnancy itself, but an exception under this paragraph does not apply unless the attending physician or an agent of such physician, within 24 hours after completion of the abortion, notifies a parent in writing that an abortion was performed on the minor and of the circumstances that warranted invocation of this paragraph; or </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H54D462E6F5CC472F9750D5109C9E3E6D"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text> the minor is physically accompanied by a person who presents the physician or his agent with documentation showing with a reasonable degree of certainty that he or she is in fact the parent of that minor. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HC7E5AF9A46294EC89556995E4998777B"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Civil Action </header> <text> Any parent who suffers harm from a violation of subsection (a) may obtain appropriate relief in a civil action unless the parent has committed an act of incest with the minor subject to subsection (a). </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H251F6BB8A2A3438FAA302CE1EE81D677"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header> Definitions </header> <text> For the purposes of this section— </text> <paragraph id="H0B8B687B69A8418B8DA3E9F58FD20A71"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> the term <term> abortion </term> means the use or prescription of any instrument, medicine, drug, or any other substance or device— </text> <subparagraph id="H965074F6AFF34500AE7A8619A6E3460C"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> to intentionally kill the unborn child of a woman known to be pregnant; or </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H01A974A4838E4A3D9FAA782277A5D78E"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> to intentionally prematurely terminate the pregnancy of a woman known to be pregnant, with an intention other than to increase the probability of a live birth or of preserving the life or health of the child after live birth, or to remove a dead unborn child; </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H3595CD0A1D084A3FBFC5D523D13AF0B6"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> the term <term> actual notice </term> means the giving of written notice directly, in person, by the physician or any agent of the physician; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H62B58570C5A541A4B65434E357574B78"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> the term <term> constructive notice </term> means notice that is given by certified mail, return receipt requested, restricted delivery to the last known address of the person being notified, with delivery deemed to have occurred 48 hours following noon on the next day subsequent to mailing on which regular mail delivery takes place, days on which mail is not delivered excluded; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H4CE6C4C2E0AD4BCFBF38320FFD183595"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> the term <term> law requiring parental involvement in a minor’s abortion decision </term> means a law— </text> <subparagraph id="HDB4EEA75FCD44ED1AF4B9B3AF14C59A3"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> requiring, before an abortion is performed on a minor, either— </text> <clause id="H295D81F9A27D4B98868E1FC40AAF3DC5"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> the notification to, or consent of, a parent of that minor; or </text> </clause> <clause id="HA1F3CB2F2D4B4B1F926D77447AAE59E9"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> proceedings in a State court; </text> </clause> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H6C32973E032C4CD49B01C2A3C4B50E66"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> that does not provide as an alternative to the requirements described in subparagraph (A) notification to or consent of any person or entity who is not described in that subparagraph; </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H8D6270C9731E48038786DAAAFFFF645F"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> the term <term> minor </term> means an individual who has not attained the age of 18 years and who is not emancipated under the law of the State in which the minor resides; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HF8073A2BFF6943898FF05C86CEF079D0"> <enum> (6) </enum> <text> the term <term> parent </term> means— </text> <subparagraph id="H781CF232710B4445AE2B7B13B04A27A7"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> a parent or guardian; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HE32FB6C8FABE45A8877B906F5A9B85D5"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> a legal custodian; or </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HC1B517DDE00843F59B52AB85A3F351FA"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> a person standing in loco parentis who has care and control of the minor, and with whom the minor regularly resides; </text> </subparagraph> <continuation-text continuation-text-level="paragraph"> as determined by State law; </continuation-text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HD22C4D7A04AB413D88DD201A5C4DD8C0"> <enum> (7) </enum> <text> the term <term> physician </term> means a doctor of medicine legally authorized to practice medicine by the State in which such doctor practices medicine, or any other person legally empowered under State law to perform an abortion; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H9F7DCA799CD142F3AB468832AC425EB3"> <enum> (8) </enum> <text> the term <term> State </term> includes the District of Columbia and any commonwealth, possession, or other territory of the United States, and any Indian tribe or reservation. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> </section> </chapter> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </section> <section id="H22B71E0AE750476FB24D78E224CE0181"> <enum> 4. </enum> <header> Clerical amendment </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> The table of chapters at the beginning of part I of title 18, United States Code, is amended by inserting after the item relating to chapter 117 the following new items: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HB6504C5F46154A2AA9973E1BC7C68D1E" style="OLC"> <toc regeneration="no-regeneration"> <multi-column-toc-entry bold="on" level="chapter"> <toc-enum> 117A. </toc-enum> <level-header level="chapter"> Transportation of minors in circumvention of certain laws relating to abortion </level-header> <target> 2431 </target> </multi-column-toc-entry> <multi-column-toc-entry bold="on" level="chapter"> <toc-enum> 117B. </toc-enum> <level-header level="chapter"> Child interstate abortion notification </level-header> <target> 2435 </target> </multi-column-toc-entry> </toc> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </section> <section id="H1223C94360CC443FB6738201D4E7E551"> <enum> 5. </enum> <header> Severability and effective date </header> <subsection id="H3164C799CDB248ABB5D2E631FA05A080"> <enum> (a) </enum> <text> The provisions of this Act shall be severable. If any provision of this Act, or any application thereof, is found unconstitutional, that finding shall not affect any provision or application of the Act not so adjudicated. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H1E78841B067A43F1A8BC44D92C75E90D"> <enum> (b) </enum> <text> This Act and the amendments made by this Act shall take effect 45 days after the date of enactment of this Act. </text> </subsection> </section> </legis-body> </bill>
I 113th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 732 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES February 14, 2013 Ms. Ros-Lehtinen (for herself, Mrs. Black , Mr. Boustany , Mr. Brady of Texas , Mr. Franks of Arizona , Mr. Jones , Mr. DesJarlais , Mr. Crenshaw , Mr. Lipinski , Mr. Marchant , Mr. King of Iowa , Mr. Griffith of Virginia , Mr. Neugebauer , Mr. Chabot , Mr. Cole , Mr. Hall , Mr. Garrett , Mr. Mica , Mr. Smith of New Jersey , Mr. Fincher , Mr. Pompeo , Mr. Wittman , Mr. Poe of Texas , Mr. Diaz-Balart , Mr. Griffin of Arkansas , Mr. Stivers , Mr. Carter , Mr. Rodney Davis of Illinois , Mrs. Hartzler , Mr. Nunnelee , Mr. Walberg , Mr. Ribble , Mr. Mulvaney , Mr. Lamborn , Mr. Benishek , Mr. Fleming , Mr. Calvert , Mr. Kelly , Mr. Palazzo , Mr. Wenstrup , Mr. Hultgren , Mr. Jordan , Mr. Pearce , Mr. Wilson of South Carolina , Mr. Guthrie , Mr. Westmoreland , Mr. McClintock , Mrs. Blackburn , Mr. Huelskamp , Mr. Conaway , Mr. Terry , Mr. Miller of Florida , Mr. Shuster , Mr. Bilirakis , Mr. Tiberi , Mr. Huizenga of Michigan , Mr. Rogers of Kentucky , Mr. Latta , Mr. King of New York , Mr. Olson , Mr. Graves of Missouri , Mr. Hensarling , Mr. Rahall , Mr. Turner , Mrs. Bachmann , Mr. Alexander , Mr. Murphy of Pennsylvania , Mr. Mullin , and Mr. Scalise ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary A BILL To amend title 18, United States Code, to prohibit taking minors across State lines in circumvention of laws requiring the involvement of parents in abortion decisions. 1. Short title This Act may be cited as the Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act . 2. Transportation of minors in circumvention of certain laws relating to abortion Title 18, United States Code, is amended by inserting after chapter 117 the following: 117A TRANSPORTATION OF MINORS IN CIRCUMVENTION OF CERTAIN LAWS RELATING TO ABORTION Sec. 2431. Transportation of minors in circumvention of certain laws relating to abortion. 2432. Transportation of minors in circumvention of certain laws relating to abortion. 2431. Transportation of minors in circumvention of certain laws relating to abortion (a) Offense (1) Generally Except as provided in subsection (b), whoever knowingly transports a minor across a State line, with the intent that such minor obtain an abortion, and thereby in fact abridges the right of a parent under a law requiring parental involvement in a minor’s abortion decision, in force in the State where the minor resides, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both. (2) Definition For the purposes of this subsection, an abridgement of the right of a parent occurs if an abortion is performed or induced on the minor, in a State or a foreign nation other than the State where the minor resides, without the parental consent or notification, or the judicial authorization, that would have been required by that law had the abortion been performed in the State where the minor resides. (b) Exceptions (1) The prohibition of subsection (a) does not apply if the abortion was necessary to save the life of the minor because her life was endangered by a physical disorder, physical injury, or physical illness, including a life endangering physical condition caused by or arising from the pregnancy itself. (2) A minor transported in violation of this section, and any parent of that minor, may not be prosecuted or sued for a violation of this section, a conspiracy to violate this section, or an offense under section 2 or 3 of this title based on a violation of this section. (c) Affirmative Defense It is an affirmative defense to a prosecution for an offense, or to a civil action, based on a violation of this section that the defendant— (1) reasonably believed, based on information the defendant obtained directly from a parent of the minor, that before the minor obtained the abortion, the parental consent or notification took place that would have been required by the law requiring parental involvement in a minor’s abortion decision, had the abortion been performed in the State where the minor resides; or (2) was presented with documentation showing with a reasonable degree of certainty that a court in the minor’s State of residence waived any parental notification required by the laws of that State, or otherwise authorized that the minor be allowed to procure an abortion. (d) Civil Action Any parent who suffers harm from a violation of subsection (a) may obtain appropriate relief in a civil action unless the parent has committed an act of incest with the minor subject to subsection (a). (e) Definitions For the purposes of this section— (1) the term abortion means the use or prescription of any instrument, medicine, drug, or any other substance or device— (A) to intentionally kill the unborn child of a woman known to be pregnant; or (B) to intentionally prematurely terminate the pregnancy of a woman known to be pregnant, with an intention other than to increase the probability of a live birth or of preserving the life or health of the child after live birth, or to remove a dead unborn child; (2) the term law requiring parental involvement in a minor’s abortion decision means a law— (A) requiring, before an abortion is performed on a minor, either— (i) the notification to, or consent of, a parent of that minor; or (ii) proceedings in a State court; and (B) that does not provide as an alternative to the requirements described in subparagraph (A) notification to or consent of any person or entity who is not described in that subparagraph; (3) the term minor means an individual who is not older than the maximum age requiring parental notification or consent, or proceedings in a State court, under the law requiring parental involvement in a minor’s abortion decision; (4) the term parent means— (A) a parent or guardian; (B) a legal custodian; or (C) a person standing in loco parentis who has care and control of the minor, and with whom the minor regularly resides, who is designated by the law requiring parental involvement in the minor’s abortion decision as a person to whom notification, or from whom consent, is required; and (5) the term State includes the District of Columbia and any commonwealth, possession, or other territory of the United States, and any Indian tribe or reservation. 2432. Transportation of minors in circumvention of certain laws relating to abortion Notwithstanding section 2431(b)(2), whoever has committed an act of incest with a minor and knowingly transports the minor across a State line with the intent that such minor obtain an abortion, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both. For the purposes of this section, the terms State , minor , and abortion have, respectively, the definitions given those terms in section 2435. . 3. Child interstate abortion notification Title 18, United States Code, is amended by inserting after chapter 117A the following: 117B CHILD INTERSTATE ABORTION NOTIFICATION Sec. 2435. Child interstate abortion notification. 2435. Child interstate abortion notification (a) Offense (1) Generally A physician who knowingly performs or induces an abortion on a minor in violation of the requirements of this section shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both. (2) Parental notification A physician who performs or induces an abortion on a minor who is a resident of a State other than the State in which the abortion is performed must provide, or cause his or her agent to provide, at least 24 hours actual notice to a parent of the minor before performing the abortion. If actual notice to such parent is not accomplished after a reasonable effort has been made, at least 24 hours constructive notice must be given to a parent before the abortion is performed. (b) Exceptions The notification requirement of subsection (a)(2) does not apply if— (1) the abortion is performed or induced in a State that has, in force, a law requiring parental involvement in a minor’s abortion decision and the physician complies with the requirements of that law; (2) the physician is presented with documentation showing with a reasonable degree of certainty that a court in the minor’s State of residence has waived any parental notification required by the laws of that State, or has otherwise authorized that the minor be allowed to procure an abortion; (3) the minor declares in a signed written statement that she is the victim of sexual abuse, neglect, or physical abuse by a parent, and, before an abortion is performed on the minor, the physician notifies the authorities specified to receive reports of child abuse or neglect by the law of the State in which the minor resides of the known or suspected abuse or neglect; (4) the abortion is necessary to save the life of the minor because her life was endangered by a physical disorder, physical injury, or physical illness, including a life endangering physical condition caused by or arising from the pregnancy itself, but an exception under this paragraph does not apply unless the attending physician or an agent of such physician, within 24 hours after completion of the abortion, notifies a parent in writing that an abortion was performed on the minor and of the circumstances that warranted invocation of this paragraph; or (5) the minor is physically accompanied by a person who presents the physician or his agent with documentation showing with a reasonable degree of certainty that he or she is in fact the parent of that minor. (c) Civil Action Any parent who suffers harm from a violation of subsection (a) may obtain appropriate relief in a civil action unless the parent has committed an act of incest with the minor subject to subsection (a). (d) Definitions For the purposes of this section— (1) the term abortion means the use or prescription of any instrument, medicine, drug, or any other substance or device— (A) to intentionally kill the unborn child of a woman known to be pregnant; or (B) to intentionally prematurely terminate the pregnancy of a woman known to be pregnant, with an intention other than to increase the probability of a live birth or of preserving the life or health of the child after live birth, or to remove a dead unborn child; (2) the term actual notice means the giving of written notice directly, in person, by the physician or any agent of the physician; (3) the term constructive notice means notice that is given by certified mail, return receipt requested, restricted delivery to the last known address of the person being notified, with delivery deemed to have occurred 48 hours following noon on the next day subsequent to mailing on which regular mail delivery takes place, days on which mail is not delivered excluded; (4) the term law requiring parental involvement in a minor’s abortion decision means a law— (A) requiring, before an abortion is performed on a minor, either— (i) the notification to, or consent of, a parent of that minor; or (ii) proceedings in a State court; (B) that does not provide as an alternative to the requirements described in subparagraph (A) notification to or consent of any person or entity who is not described in that subparagraph; (5) the term minor means an individual who has not attained the age of 18 years and who is not emancipated under the law of the State in which the minor resides; (6) the term parent means— (A) a parent or guardian; (B) a legal custodian; or (C) a person standing in loco parentis who has care and control of the minor, and with whom the minor regularly resides; as determined by State law; (7) the term physician means a doctor of medicine legally authorized to practice medicine by the State in which such doctor practices medicine, or any other person legally empowered under State law to perform an abortion; and (8) the term State includes the District of Columbia and any commonwealth, possession, or other territory of the United States, and any Indian tribe or reservation. . 4. Clerical amendment The table of chapters at the beginning of part I of title 18, United States Code, is amended by inserting after the item relating to chapter 117 the following new items: 117A. Transportation of minors in circumvention of certain laws relating to abortion 2431 117B. Child interstate abortion notification 2435 . 5. Severability and effective date (a) The provisions of this Act shall be severable. If any provision of this Act, or any application thereof, is found unconstitutional, that finding shall not affect any provision or application of the Act not so adjudicated. (b) This Act and the amendments made by this Act shall take effect 45 days after the date of enactment of this Act.
2023-01-08 17:38:07.975
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Introduced-in-House" bill-type="olc" dms-id="H4F88671B345C4304A44C1934031811DB" public-private="public"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 733 IH: Access to Veterans Benefits Improvement Act </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-02-14 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> I </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 733 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130214"> February 14, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="R000594"> Mr. Runyan </sponsor> (for himself and <cosponsor name-id="W000799"> Mr. Walz </cosponsor> ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="HVR00"> Committee on Veterans’ Affairs </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> A BILL </legis-type> <official-title> To amend title 38, United States Code, to provide certain employees of Members of Congress and certain employees of State or local governmental agencies with access to case-tracking information of the Department of Veterans Affairs. </official-title> </form> <legis-body id="H6629694763F54DC89EAFFA5517925802" style="OLC"> <section id="H1074578DC6CB4EC5883E088625FB2EFA" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Short title </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> This Act may be cited as the <quote> <short-title> Access to Veterans Benefits Improvement Act </short-title> </quote> . </text> </section> <section id="H0FE0582C70154469B90F3B6A15C1EA8A" section-type="subsequent-section"> <enum> 2. </enum> <header> Provision of access to case-tracking information </header> <subsection id="H66BAC986382F48108AABACD73FA75343"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Chapter 59 of title 38, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H80D2E8F798D646179B791C5EDE088106" style="USC"> <section id="H3844E0776BD74EC0A7607942D1B3EBCA"> <enum> 5906. </enum> <header> Provision of access to case-tracking information </header> <subsection id="HBFB4ED4932F74278B7DA65DB25C4FB1F"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> In general </header> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="H2D3AFB6DF07B4E39B7900A9023F965A6"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> In accordance with subsection (b), the Secretary shall provide a covered employee with access to the case-tracking system to provide a veteran with information regarding the status of a claim submitted by such veteran, regardless of whether such employee is acting under a power of attorney executed by such veteran. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HEC54F5E5B8B640C9822D43EB4A623A5E" indent="up1"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> In providing a covered employee with access to the case-tracking system under paragraph (1), the Secretary shall ensure— </text> <subparagraph id="HC9131B6EFCBF4ED4BEAFBF4BEBE19AC6"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> that such access— </text> <clause id="HB4A931C627FF463693468CFFC1713B96"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> is provided in a manner that does not allow such employee to modify the data contained in such system; and </text> </clause> <clause id="H73B2D405B49F41688997039B1E272FD0"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> does not include access to medical records; and </text> </clause> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HB6395D8C26944C179A172D909C9C5A10"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> that each time a covered employee accesses such system, the employee must certify that such access is for official purposes only. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HC897C1AA84FF4B81B535AAEF6ECC1D74"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Privacy certification course </header> <text> The Secretary may not provide a covered employee with access to the case-tracking system under subsection (a)(1) unless the covered employee has successfully completed a certification course on privacy issues provided by the Secretary. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="HA03EEA6D68374C92867A0282666FCEA7"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Treatment of disclosure </header> <text> The access to information by a covered employee pursuant to subsection (a)(1) shall be deemed to be— </text> <paragraph id="H170DFED3EA9C40B594D42DB136A64BAA"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> a covered disclosure under section 552a(b) of title 5; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H231D66B76E564B639966E0890CE882BB"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> a permitted disclosure under regulations promulgated under section 264(c) of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/42/1320d-2"> 42 U.S.C. 1320d–2 </external-xref> note). </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HDE013B6AA6D7489E94780F9928B304CC"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header> Definitions </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> In this section: </text> <paragraph id="H15A3733B3F474B068C522098B573B6D1"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> The term <term> case-tracking system </term> means the system of the Department of Veterans Affairs that provides information regarding the status of a claim submitted by a veteran. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H2215DE44AB55426BAF1AD420031EA797"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The term <term> covered employee </term> means— </text> <subparagraph id="H33A8DFD28D744928BA5E387F35E9BEA6"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> an employee of a Member of Congress who assists the constituents of the Member with issues regarding departments or agencies of the Federal Government; or </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H9BC36D4A98124D2A98C028514BF12633"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> an employee of a State or local governmental agency (including a veterans service officer) who, in the course of carrying out the responsibilities of such employment, assists veterans with claims for any benefit under the laws administered by the Secretary. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> </section> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </subsection> <subsection id="H14E40A8183354E4EAF83A953A40A96A5"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Clerical amendment </header> <text> The table of sections at the beginning of such chapter is amended by adding at the end the following new item: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H64B00A4195EA4B3F92D7DD0CEB04B35C" style="USC"> <toc regeneration="no-regeneration"> <toc-entry level="section"> 5906. Provision of access to case-tracking information. </toc-entry> </toc> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </subsection> </section> </legis-body> </bill>
I 113th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 733 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES February 14, 2013 Mr. Runyan (for himself and Mr. Walz ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs A BILL To amend title 38, United States Code, to provide certain employees of Members of Congress and certain employees of State or local governmental agencies with access to case-tracking information of the Department of Veterans Affairs. 1. Short title This Act may be cited as the Access to Veterans Benefits Improvement Act . 2. Provision of access to case-tracking information (a) In general Chapter 59 of title 38, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following: 5906. Provision of access to case-tracking information (a) In general (1) In accordance with subsection (b), the Secretary shall provide a covered employee with access to the case-tracking system to provide a veteran with information regarding the status of a claim submitted by such veteran, regardless of whether such employee is acting under a power of attorney executed by such veteran. (2) In providing a covered employee with access to the case-tracking system under paragraph (1), the Secretary shall ensure— (A) that such access— (i) is provided in a manner that does not allow such employee to modify the data contained in such system; and (ii) does not include access to medical records; and (B) that each time a covered employee accesses such system, the employee must certify that such access is for official purposes only. (b) Privacy certification course The Secretary may not provide a covered employee with access to the case-tracking system under subsection (a)(1) unless the covered employee has successfully completed a certification course on privacy issues provided by the Secretary. (c) Treatment of disclosure The access to information by a covered employee pursuant to subsection (a)(1) shall be deemed to be— (1) a covered disclosure under section 552a(b) of title 5; and (2) a permitted disclosure under regulations promulgated under section 264(c) of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 ( 42 U.S.C. 1320d–2 note). (d) Definitions In this section: (1) The term case-tracking system means the system of the Department of Veterans Affairs that provides information regarding the status of a claim submitted by a veteran. (2) The term covered employee means— (A) an employee of a Member of Congress who assists the constituents of the Member with issues regarding departments or agencies of the Federal Government; or (B) an employee of a State or local governmental agency (including a veterans service officer) who, in the course of carrying out the responsibilities of such employment, assists veterans with claims for any benefit under the laws administered by the Secretary. . (b) Clerical amendment The table of sections at the beginning of such chapter is amended by adding at the end the following new item: 5906. Provision of access to case-tracking information. .
2023-01-08 17:38:08.111
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Introduced-in-House" bill-type="olc" dms-id="H2BCD65F657A7482A98D36FEC43754F59" public-private="public"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 734 IH: Creating Manufacturing Jobs and Promoting Fair Trade Act </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-02-14 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> I </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 734 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130214"> February 14, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S001187"> Mr. Stivers </sponsor> (for himself and <cosponsor name-id="P000595"> Mr. Peters of Michigan </cosponsor> ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="HWM00"> Committee on Ways and Means </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> A BILL </legis-type> <official-title> To create jobs and promote fair trade by increasing duties on certain foreign goods imported into the United States. </official-title> </form> <legis-body id="H2D36C83B2D694EC1AE18DE87206702A0" style="OLC"> <section id="H5FCA9F3855324DD6BB14BF22D7775723" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Short title </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> This Act may be cited as the <quote> <short-title> Creating Manufacturing Jobs and Promoting Fair Trade Act </short-title> </quote> . </text> </section> <section id="HAD168DBF2E0541F08DB7405C4FC47EC8" section-type="subsequent-section"> <enum> 2. </enum> <header> Polyurethane sponges </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Subheading 3921.13.50 of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States is amended in the general rate of duty column by striking <quote> 4.2% </quote> and inserting <quote> 6.5% </quote> . </text> </section> <section id="HC9F4A7BA55B24F3A99E5DA3492019D2C"> <enum> 3. </enum> <header> Steel wool cleaning pads </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Subheading 7323.10.00 of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States is amended— </text> <paragraph id="HAF318F8D87574A8A89947D3AE5666F32"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> in the general rate of duty column, by striking <quote> Free </quote> and inserting <quote> 20% </quote> ; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H8890C4425EEA41B8BE56C08B178C8AAA"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> in the special rate of duty column, by inserting the following: <quote> Free (A, AU, BH, CA, CL, CO, E, IL, J, JO, KR, MA, MX, OM, P, PA, PE, SG) </quote> . </text> </paragraph> </section> <section id="HDC025ADC58774CE99EFBAE2C7A0BAE5F"> <enum> 4. </enum> <header> Effective date </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> The amendments made by this Act shall apply to goods entered, or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, on or after the 15th day after the date of the enactment of this Act. </text> </section> </legis-body> </bill>
I 113th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 734 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES February 14, 2013 Mr. Stivers (for himself and Mr. Peters of Michigan ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Ways and Means A BILL To create jobs and promote fair trade by increasing duties on certain foreign goods imported into the United States. 1. Short title This Act may be cited as the Creating Manufacturing Jobs and Promoting Fair Trade Act . 2. Polyurethane sponges Subheading 3921.13.50 of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States is amended in the general rate of duty column by striking 4.2% and inserting 6.5% . 3. Steel wool cleaning pads Subheading 7323.10.00 of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States is amended— (1) in the general rate of duty column, by striking Free and inserting 20% ; and (2) in the special rate of duty column, by inserting the following: Free (A, AU, BH, CA, CL, CO, E, IL, J, JO, KR, MA, MX, OM, P, PA, PE, SG) . 4. Effective date The amendments made by this Act shall apply to goods entered, or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, on or after the 15th day after the date of the enactment of this Act.
2023-01-08 17:38:06.234
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Introduced-in-House" bill-type="olc" dms-id="HB7A3FA7B67004721A44BE03CC76BDD6A" public-private="public"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 735 IH: Federal Protective Service Improvement and Accountability Act of 2013 </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-02-14 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> I </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 735 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130214"> February 14, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="T000193"> Mr. Thompson of Mississippi </sponsor> introduced the following bill; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="HPW00"> Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure </committee-name> , and in addition to the Committee on <committee-name committee-id="HHM00"> Homeland Security </committee-name> , for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> A BILL </legis-type> <official-title> To enhance homeland security, including domestic preparedness and collective response to terrorism, by improving the Federal Protective Service, and for other purposes. </official-title> </form> <legis-body id="H8AA7DBBEE89C405BAD9478BA8F3B2C7F" style="OLC"> <section id="H4AC5A0498980488F90802EE23DA53A0A" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Short title </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> This Act may be cited as the <quote> <short-title> Federal Protective Service Improvement and Accountability Act of 2013 </short-title> </quote> . </text> </section> <section id="HE150782FDDDE44489A4A41EA97B4A1F3" section-type="subsequent-section"> <enum> 2. </enum> <header> Federal Protective Service inspectors and contract oversight force </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/40/1315"> Section 1315 </external-xref> of title 40, United States Code, is amended by redesignating subsections (c) through (e) as subsections (f) through (h), and by inserting after subsection (b) the following new subsections: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HDF462002BC4A4B71A2DD38179529C152" style="OLC"> <subsection id="HE9707742314D4AD68ED8841CB2E6A823"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Inspectors </header> <paragraph id="H52CBBEEE6BA1488BB6CBCE3B54416AFE"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The Secretary shall maintain no fewer than 1,350 full-time equivalent positions in the Federal Protective Service inspector force, who shall be fully trained Federal law enforcement officers. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HECC16C1E060D450089FF0F2477F7B2A4"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Classification </header> <text> The Secretary shall classify the positions in the inspector force in the following 2 functional categories: </text> <subparagraph id="H86D00D1641BF4C90BA0FF5B6C4D47C27"> <enum> (A) </enum> <header> Facility security assessment </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Federal Facility Security Officers, who shall be responsible for— </text> <clause id="H3874F693FA564C6D96F037963F8E3408"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> performing facility security assessments, including contract guard post inspections; </text> </clause> <clause id="H77ECCCBE8150454099C36A211ADC5279"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> making security countermeasure recommendations for facilities; </text> </clause> <clause id="H76F6DACEB69A44F1BE6F9AB34BFA1C66"> <enum> (iii) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> participating in security training and disseminating homeland security information, consistent with applicable protocols and protections, to building occupants and facility security guards, including contract guards; and </text> </clause> <clause id="HC6AB8BEBB0E148C78E736097AA1552AE"> <enum> (iv) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> assessing, on an ongoing basis, the security of each facility protected by the Federal Protective Service and the extent to which security countermeasure recommendations have been implemented for each such facility. </text> </clause> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H8F22C654BFB4466386FD06A5F49E47AD"> <enum> (B) </enum> <header> Security enforcement and investigations </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Law enforcement officers, who shall be responsible for— </text> <clause id="H102DC2E5FE0946BBB5B2BBE0527725D4"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> patrolling and on-site monitoring of the physical security, including perimeter security, of each facility; </text> </clause> <clause id="H5904D26CC28C482EB6EE053E335D26B0"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> investigations; and </text> </clause> <clause id="H3079AFF8F619433E9E235A81E9EAD573"> <enum> (iii) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> physical law enforcement in the event of a terrorist attack, security incident, or other incident. </text> </clause> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H2AF8E29C3088490A8019E3BC1BF5299C"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header> Contract oversight </header> <paragraph id="HFE44B87DFA3E40E5B0D7D606422B17A6"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The Secretary shall establish the Federal Protective Service contract oversight force, which shall consist of full-time equivalent positions and who shall be responsible for, in coordination with the Federal Protective Service inspector force— </text> <subparagraph id="H7741CA8DCFFC496396650346C3235991"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> monitoring contracts, contractors, and contract guards provided by contractors; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H90D4AA08722D4CE19559BF15461516F6"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> performing annual evaluations of the persons holding contracts for supplying contract guards to the Federal Protective Service; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H01E34CE7FDE44B83878B4ACF75FD845A"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> verifying that contract guards have necessary training and certification. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H47A22465252049DDB9389CD4F95FFAB0"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Limitation on performance of functions </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The contract oversight functions described in paragraph (1) shall not be performed by law enforcement officers or individuals employed pursuant to subsection (c). </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H293F2727499D499CAD70A6F3FABD9190"> <enum> (e) </enum> <header> Uniform minimum standards </header> <paragraph id="HC66C7152D1414729B961566EDB8E16C3"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Not later than one year after the date of enactment of the <short-title> Federal Protective Service Improvement and Accountability Act of 2013 </short-title> , the Secretary shall establish minimum training and certification standards for security guard services at facilities protected by the Federal Protective Service. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HF0BD4AEE12EF495A93F28669C9C9FA03"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Limitation </header> <text> Upon establishment of minimum training and certification standards, the Secretary, acting through the Director of the Federal Protective Service, shall require that all contracts for security guard services comply with these standards. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </section> <section id="H8CBECD5463AC487E9DB44647ACC14F7F"> <enum> 3. </enum> <header> Compliance with Interagency Security Committee minimum security standards </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> It is the sense of Congress that the security standards for Federal facilities established by the Interagency Security Committee in the document entitled <quote> Physical Security Criteria for Federal Facilities: An Interagency Security Committee Standard </quote> , as approved by concurrence of the Committee membership on April 12, 2010, should be implemented for all Federal facilities for which they were issued. </text> </section> <section id="H66F23C957D1B4138A522C3582C0CD65E"> <enum> 4. </enum> <header> Research </header> <subsection id="H31E009E2A8004627BF4277FB2235FDF4"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Within 6 months after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Homeland Security, acting through the Director of the Federal Protective Service, shall commence a 1-year pilot program to research the advantages of converting guard positions at the highest-risk Federal facilities protected by the Federal Protective Service from contract guard positions to positions held by Federal employees. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H9896B39834674C5EA4608609AED5708D"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Requirements </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> At a minimum, the Secretary shall conduct the research pilot program at one level III facility and one level IV facility in each of Federal Protective Service regions I, III, V, and VII by hiring individuals to fill guard positions at each facility that participates in the research pilot in accordance with subsection (c). </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H3F53B6DB00694E3FAE61BE41414ABB86"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Federal facility security guard position </header> <paragraph id="H785CD9108AB3483E9D0866925F98A97F"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> For purposes of this section, and subject to the availability of appropriations, the Secretary, acting through the Director, shall establish and hire individuals for a Federal facility security guard position. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H564920F0E3D24941BCFB4594B31EEBFB"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Training </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The Secretary shall provide to individuals employed in that position training in— </text> <subparagraph id="H2A8B2EDAAF754825BB6B695C5CA12857"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> performing the physical security for a Federal facility, including access point controls and security countermeasure operations; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph commented="no" id="HE66735E1C51348EF94E704ADA8589835"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> participating in information sharing and dissemination of homeland security information, consistent with applicable protocols and protections; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HBDCCAF7E781940349C2FBD044A9568A3"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> responding to specific security incidents, including preparing for and responding to an act of terrorism, that can occur at Federal facilities, including response with force if necessary. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HCDD6D806FE584DDC808B271EA0C2ADE4"> <enum> (3) </enum> <header> Law enforcement officers not required </header> <text> The Secretary may not require that individuals employed in such position be Federal law enforcement officers. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HD22F7C961BB046699173B0C12A7A9B19"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header> Temporary assignments </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The Secretary may assign, on a temporary basis, existing personnel employed by the Federal Protective Service, on a temporary basis, to facilities that participate in the research pilot program to perform security guard services in furtherance of the pilot program, if the Secretary determines that individuals cannot be hired and trained pursuant to subsection (c) in a timely manner. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H6F7AEC599FF443B7B1245A1FA1BAA8C9"> <enum> (e) </enum> <header> Maintenance of law enforcement personnel </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, the Secretary shall maintain at each highest-risk Federal facility protected by the Federal Protective Service (level III and level IV facilities) such number of Federal law enforcement officers as is necessary to provide arrest authority and law enforcement support at that facility, including support for the Federal facility security guards employed under this section, in the event of a terrorist attack, security incident or other incident. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H227A0B0FE86241FEBB5FA6AEE74EB381"> <enum> (f) </enum> <header> GAO reports </header> <text> The Comptroller General of the United States shall— </text> <paragraph id="H1989DF6C81EF4A20AA4A46071206BD83"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> periodically review and report to Congress on the performance by Federal facility security guards under the pilot program; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H74805381695144578055427AEA609116"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> upon completion of the pilot program, submit a final report to the Committee on Homeland Security of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs of the Senate evaluating whether or not the performance of individuals in the Federal facility security guard positions was satisfactory, that— </text> <subparagraph id="H4742D431EA1F41309FD40E617F9E62C4"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> evaluates— </text> <clause id="H6188AA4432854B1A95441CF4E65EB08C"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> the extent to which the Federal Protective Service ensures that individuals serving in the Federal facility security guard capacity have the required training and certifications before being deployed to a Federal facility; </text> </clause> <clause id="H4C83FB03DAC648B89D207E9CDC19CB8A"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> the extent to which the Federal Protective Service ensures that individuals in the Federal facility security guard capacity comply with post orders once they are deployed at Federal facilities; and </text> </clause> <clause id="H0B5E80258FF44C97B32559DDF6822AFE"> <enum> (iii) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> the extent to which security vulnerabilities exist that the Comptroller General determines are related to the performance of the functions of the Federal security guard positions; and </text> </clause> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HCEFBF4DC62AB4BF0BC8A3AE1377544AA"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> compares such evaluation results against the results of previous Comptroller General reports evaluating the performance and oversight of the Federal Protective Service’s contract guard program. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H6FF3D24B378046AA94F0E81308ECC266"> <enum> (g) </enum> <header> Implementation </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> If the Comptroller General states in the final report under subsection (f)(2) that the Federal facility security guards employed in the position established under subsection (c) are performing satisfactorily, the Secretary shall replace contract guards at all highest risk Federal facilities protected by the Federal Protective Service (level III and level IV facilities) with Federal employees hired as Federal facility security guards. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H7D09A75C3E654B8DA3CECC980376D88E"> <enum> (h) </enum> <header> GAO evaluation of the Federal Protective Service fee-Based funding system </header> <text> The Comptroller General of the United States shall submit to the Committee on Homeland Security of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs of the Senate a review the fee-based funding system in use by the Federal Protective Service and, as appropriate, issue recommendations for alternative approaches to fund the agency in furtherance of the agency’s operations, including the execution of its homeland security and protection missions. The review shall include— </text> <paragraph id="HA65DCA48355A4487AA1D522F1E720F3D"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> an assessment of the extent to which the current fee-based system fully funds the agency’s activities; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H4CEC7DAA50E84E4BAE13407FEFCC553C"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> an assessment of the extent to which the system is properly designed to ensure that the fees charged to occupants of facilities guarded by the agency are sufficient and appropriate; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HC8822943A02548BBAECB941A451EA5C3"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> an assessment of the extent to which the fee-based system impedes the agency from executing its operations and implementing oversight, inspections, and security enhancements; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H8AA21EC89033441296AAC50491DABDB2"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> recommendations, as appropriate, for alterations to the current system and alternative funding approaches (including a mix of fees and appropriations). </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H469DAACA5CF54843BC63D13E36BC327A"> <enum> (i) </enum> <header> Authorization of Appropriations </header> <text> There are authorized to be appropriated for fiscal years 2014, 2015, and 2016 such sums as are necessary for purposes of this section. </text> </subsection> </section> </legis-body> </bill>
I 113th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 735 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES February 14, 2013 Mr. Thompson of Mississippi introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure , and in addition to the Committee on Homeland Security , for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned A BILL To enhance homeland security, including domestic preparedness and collective response to terrorism, by improving the Federal Protective Service, and for other purposes. 1. Short title This Act may be cited as the Federal Protective Service Improvement and Accountability Act of 2013 . 2. Federal Protective Service inspectors and contract oversight force Section 1315 of title 40, United States Code, is amended by redesignating subsections (c) through (e) as subsections (f) through (h), and by inserting after subsection (b) the following new subsections: (c) Inspectors (1) In general The Secretary shall maintain no fewer than 1,350 full-time equivalent positions in the Federal Protective Service inspector force, who shall be fully trained Federal law enforcement officers. (2) Classification The Secretary shall classify the positions in the inspector force in the following 2 functional categories: (A) Facility security assessment Federal Facility Security Officers, who shall be responsible for— (i) performing facility security assessments, including contract guard post inspections; (ii) making security countermeasure recommendations for facilities; (iii) participating in security training and disseminating homeland security information, consistent with applicable protocols and protections, to building occupants and facility security guards, including contract guards; and (iv) assessing, on an ongoing basis, the security of each facility protected by the Federal Protective Service and the extent to which security countermeasure recommendations have been implemented for each such facility. (B) Security enforcement and investigations Law enforcement officers, who shall be responsible for— (i) patrolling and on-site monitoring of the physical security, including perimeter security, of each facility; (ii) investigations; and (iii) physical law enforcement in the event of a terrorist attack, security incident, or other incident. (d) Contract oversight (1) In general The Secretary shall establish the Federal Protective Service contract oversight force, which shall consist of full-time equivalent positions and who shall be responsible for, in coordination with the Federal Protective Service inspector force— (A) monitoring contracts, contractors, and contract guards provided by contractors; (B) performing annual evaluations of the persons holding contracts for supplying contract guards to the Federal Protective Service; and (C) verifying that contract guards have necessary training and certification. (2) Limitation on performance of functions The contract oversight functions described in paragraph (1) shall not be performed by law enforcement officers or individuals employed pursuant to subsection (c). (e) Uniform minimum standards (1) In general Not later than one year after the date of enactment of the Federal Protective Service Improvement and Accountability Act of 2013 , the Secretary shall establish minimum training and certification standards for security guard services at facilities protected by the Federal Protective Service. (2) Limitation Upon establishment of minimum training and certification standards, the Secretary, acting through the Director of the Federal Protective Service, shall require that all contracts for security guard services comply with these standards. . 3. Compliance with Interagency Security Committee minimum security standards It is the sense of Congress that the security standards for Federal facilities established by the Interagency Security Committee in the document entitled Physical Security Criteria for Federal Facilities: An Interagency Security Committee Standard , as approved by concurrence of the Committee membership on April 12, 2010, should be implemented for all Federal facilities for which they were issued. 4. Research (a) In general Within 6 months after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Homeland Security, acting through the Director of the Federal Protective Service, shall commence a 1-year pilot program to research the advantages of converting guard positions at the highest-risk Federal facilities protected by the Federal Protective Service from contract guard positions to positions held by Federal employees. (b) Requirements At a minimum, the Secretary shall conduct the research pilot program at one level III facility and one level IV facility in each of Federal Protective Service regions I, III, V, and VII by hiring individuals to fill guard positions at each facility that participates in the research pilot in accordance with subsection (c). (c) Federal facility security guard position (1) In general For purposes of this section, and subject to the availability of appropriations, the Secretary, acting through the Director, shall establish and hire individuals for a Federal facility security guard position. (2) Training The Secretary shall provide to individuals employed in that position training in— (A) performing the physical security for a Federal facility, including access point controls and security countermeasure operations; (B) participating in information sharing and dissemination of homeland security information, consistent with applicable protocols and protections; and (C) responding to specific security incidents, including preparing for and responding to an act of terrorism, that can occur at Federal facilities, including response with force if necessary. (3) Law enforcement officers not required The Secretary may not require that individuals employed in such position be Federal law enforcement officers. (d) Temporary assignments The Secretary may assign, on a temporary basis, existing personnel employed by the Federal Protective Service, on a temporary basis, to facilities that participate in the research pilot program to perform security guard services in furtherance of the pilot program, if the Secretary determines that individuals cannot be hired and trained pursuant to subsection (c) in a timely manner. (e) Maintenance of law enforcement personnel Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, the Secretary shall maintain at each highest-risk Federal facility protected by the Federal Protective Service (level III and level IV facilities) such number of Federal law enforcement officers as is necessary to provide arrest authority and law enforcement support at that facility, including support for the Federal facility security guards employed under this section, in the event of a terrorist attack, security incident or other incident. (f) GAO reports The Comptroller General of the United States shall— (1) periodically review and report to Congress on the performance by Federal facility security guards under the pilot program; and (2) upon completion of the pilot program, submit a final report to the Committee on Homeland Security of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs of the Senate evaluating whether or not the performance of individuals in the Federal facility security guard positions was satisfactory, that— (A) evaluates— (i) the extent to which the Federal Protective Service ensures that individuals serving in the Federal facility security guard capacity have the required training and certifications before being deployed to a Federal facility; (ii) the extent to which the Federal Protective Service ensures that individuals in the Federal facility security guard capacity comply with post orders once they are deployed at Federal facilities; and (iii) the extent to which security vulnerabilities exist that the Comptroller General determines are related to the performance of the functions of the Federal security guard positions; and (B) compares such evaluation results against the results of previous Comptroller General reports evaluating the performance and oversight of the Federal Protective Service’s contract guard program. (g) Implementation If the Comptroller General states in the final report under subsection (f)(2) that the Federal facility security guards employed in the position established under subsection (c) are performing satisfactorily, the Secretary shall replace contract guards at all highest risk Federal facilities protected by the Federal Protective Service (level III and level IV facilities) with Federal employees hired as Federal facility security guards. (h) GAO evaluation of the Federal Protective Service fee-Based funding system The Comptroller General of the United States shall submit to the Committee on Homeland Security of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs of the Senate a review the fee-based funding system in use by the Federal Protective Service and, as appropriate, issue recommendations for alternative approaches to fund the agency in furtherance of the agency’s operations, including the execution of its homeland security and protection missions. The review shall include— (1) an assessment of the extent to which the current fee-based system fully funds the agency’s activities; (2) an assessment of the extent to which the system is properly designed to ensure that the fees charged to occupants of facilities guarded by the agency are sufficient and appropriate; (3) an assessment of the extent to which the fee-based system impedes the agency from executing its operations and implementing oversight, inspections, and security enhancements; and (4) recommendations, as appropriate, for alterations to the current system and alternative funding approaches (including a mix of fees and appropriations). (i) Authorization of Appropriations There are authorized to be appropriated for fiscal years 2014, 2015, and 2016 such sums as are necessary for purposes of this section.
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<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Introduced-in-House" bill-type="olc" dms-id="H10F72A8F5DD84324ACC26505C3968803" public-private="public"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 736 IH: Responsible Homeowner Refinancing Act of 2013 </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-02-14 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> I </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 736 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130214"> February 14, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="W000800"> Mr. Welch </sponsor> (for himself, <cosponsor name-id="C001059"> Mr. Costa </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="C001084"> Mr. Cicilline </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S001165"> Mr. Sires </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S001145"> Ms. Schakowsky </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="D000598"> Mrs. Davis of California </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="E000288"> Mr. Ellison </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="B001278"> Ms. Bonamici </cosponsor> ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="HBA00"> Committee on Financial Services </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> A BILL </legis-type> <official-title> To provide for the expansion of affordable refinancing of mortgages held by the Federal National Mortgage Association and the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation. </official-title> </form> <legis-body id="H14E60832C5B1401F8268193EBA18F018" style="OLC"> <section id="H5FD805D26ADF40318A617A5D0224483F" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Short title </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> This Act may be cited as the <quote> <short-title> Responsible Homeowner Refinancing Act of 2013 </short-title> </quote> . </text> </section> <section id="H71907EC0DCC34977BC8A25D2DEE15813"> <enum> 2. </enum> <header> Definitions </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> In this Act— </text> <paragraph id="H72C236DB77524BB3BE2A3FC3AF7DA9C6"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> the term <quote> current borrower </quote> means a mortgagor who is current on the subject mortgage at the time of the refinancing, and has had no late payments in the preceding 6 months and not more than 1 late payment in the preceding 12 months; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H845F1FBE4DDD48AF86BEFFBC915E0FC4"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> the term <quote> eligible mortgage </quote> means any mortgage, regardless of current loan-to-value, that— </text> <subparagraph id="HBC7BD892A87549369FB482554B8057C6"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> is an existing first mortgage that was made for purchase of, or refinancing of another first mortgage on, a 1- to 4-family dwelling, including a condominium or a share in a cooperative ownership housing association; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H8E701ECAF3D3451DBF207007ED9CF501"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> was originated or refinanced on or before May 31, 2009, unless that date is extended by the Director under FHFA’s preexisting authority to do so; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HADE2FF180E7E4BD399D4077A588EEA75"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> is owned or guaranteed by an enterprise; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H5EFB2A08DC9F44598F2D8E7D22E98B18"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text> with respect to which, the mortgagor is a current borrower; </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H73BAF1004DD04DA4862893462CE6F516"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> the term <quote> enterprise </quote> means the Federal National Mortgage Association and the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HF621A9B807CC4E20AA243947A9533974"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> the terms <quote> FHFA </quote> and <quote> Director </quote> mean the Federal Housing Finance Agency and the Director thereof, respectively; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HD523B0A41B224A7DB23E97107EEB95DA"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text> the terms <quote> Home Affordable Refinance Program </quote> and <quote> Program </quote> mean the Home Affordable Refinance Program, administered by the FHFA and the enterprises as part of the Making Home Affordable initiative announced on March 4, 2009; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HF25793B0C2EC4FCCABE38E687C90F07B"> <enum> (6) </enum> <text> the term— </text> <subparagraph id="H000F05871CD7491AABFB58C0E629AA86"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> <quote> LTV </quote> means loan-to-value, or the ratio of the amount of the primary mortgage on a property to the value of that property; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H98DAE1BE404C41D492D66999DAD4A58A"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> <quote> CLTV </quote> means combined loan-to-value, or the ratio of all mortgage debt on a property to the value of the property; </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H52082420D7D74781BD3D4B179A1FF77F"> <enum> (7) </enum> <text> the term <quote> same servicer </quote> means a lender that is providing refinancing for a borrower whose loan they already service; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HBD584CB5D17245A18BFDCAA12251DF90"> <enum> (8) </enum> <text> the term <quote> qualified lender </quote> means a lender that is participating in the Program; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H9BB1DE35ECD04B01A657EA64036D9656"> <enum> (9) </enum> <text> the term <quote> guarantee fee </quote> has the same meaning as in section 1327(a) of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1992 ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/12/4547"> 12 U.S.C. 4547(a) </external-xref> ); and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H8D220E02490F43ADB3E8FE7868A56FCF"> <enum> (10) </enum> <text> the term <quote> average fees </quote> means the average contractual fee rate of single-family guaranty arrangements charged by an enterprise on January 1, 2013, plus the recognition of any up-front cash payments over an estimated average life, expressed in terms of basis points, such definition to be interpreted in a manner consistent with the annual report on guarantee fees by the FHFA. </text> </paragraph> </section> <section id="H80F7114DDD464F5081A687D464781A4C"> <enum> 3. </enum> <header> Streamlined refinancing criteria under the program </header> <subsection id="HA9EF799477554AB890CCCE75393A66B2"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> In carrying out the Home Affordable Refinance Program, each enterprise shall adopt and adhere to the criteria established under this section. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="HFEB1835FE227443EB1152F19CE02F646"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Borrower eligibility </header> <text> The enterprises shall include as eligible borrowers in the Home Affordable Refinance Program all current borrowers who have an eligible mortgage and meet those underwriting requirements for eligibility for same servicer refinancing in the Program as of January 1, 2013, except that the enterprises may not disqualify or impose varying rules within the Program for borrowers based on LTV, CLTV, employment status or income. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H7E3BF22662F14F948186B89363E0AD66"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Additional relief from representations and warranties </header> <text> The enterprises shall not require of any qualified lender executing a loan under the Program any representations or warranties— </text> <paragraph id="HFE68BE21F5D847A1970F8FD1DE276990"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> for the value, marketability, condition, or property type of the loan, as such loan characteristics are evidenced by an appraisal or alternative valuation method, provided that the lender complies with the enterprises’ required methods and standards for ordering an appraisal under the Program; or </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H0C50FB4E76404DDE897B40BB340E3F56"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> that are not required of same servicers under the Program as of January 1, 2013, whether that loan is manually underwritten or underwritten through an automated system, except that, under no circumstances shall greater representations and warranties be required for a loan that is manually underwritten than for one that is underwritten through an automated system. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H0FAC6A1D040746F5BAE2031C52F94D80"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header> Prohibition on up-Front fees </header> <text> In carrying out the Program, the enterprises may not charge the qualified lender any loan level price adjustment, post settlement delivery fee, adverse delivery charge, or other similar up-front fee. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="HD3A5BB30ECA0433F9A7AE7351E496626"> <enum> (e) </enum> <header> Appraisals </header> <text> The enterprises shall develop and allow alternative streamlined methods to determine the value of the property for which refinancing is sought through the Program that eliminate the costs to the borrower and qualified lender associated with such determination. Until such time as such method is developed, and when the existing automated valuation models of the enterprises are unable to determine the value of a certain property for which refinancing is sought through the Program, the enterprises shall bear the costs associated with the use of manual appraisal of that property, without passing on such costs to the borrower or qualified lender. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H487E27F0622A425BA8D17B0B29B1251E"> <enum> (f) </enum> <header> Limitation </header> <text> Notwithstanding any provision of the Federal National Mortgage Association Charter Act (12 U.S.C. 1716 et seq.) or the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation Act (12 U.S.C. 1451 et seq.), an enterprise may purchase or guarantee any new mortgage resulting from the refinancing of an eligible mortgage pursuant to this section, if at the time of origination of the eligible mortgage, the eligible mortgage complied with the applicable limitation governing the maximum original principal obligation on conventional mortgages that may be purchased or guaranteed by that enterprise. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="HBA2ABB97BA864D1881EE3AFA7C629E62"> <enum> (g) </enum> <header> Guarantee fees </header> <paragraph id="H363B4CEE6A96473E9D96B933918DD82A"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> In general </header> <subparagraph id="HDBAF079E632846B591768591C78F0B23"> <enum> (A) </enum> <header> Average fee </header> <text> On each mortgage refinanced under the Program in accordance with this section, the enterprises shall set the average fee required under this Act, as determined by the Director in an amount not less than the average fees charged by the enterprises as of January 1, 2013, for such guarantees. The Director shall prohibit an enterprise from offsetting the cost of the fee to the mortgage originators, borrowers, and investors by decreasing other charges, fees, or premiums, or in any other manner. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HC657D8E4A9F54415933D36D4D2BF4E7A"> <enum> (B) </enum> <header> Authority to limit offer of guarantee </header> <text> The Director shall prohibit an enterprise from consummating any offer for a guarantee to a qualified lender for mortgage-backed securities, if the guarantee is inconsistent with the requirements of this section. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H2467F96BD3664D3496EEF45CC224905F"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Information collection and analysis </header> <text> The Director shall require each enterprise to provide to the Director, as part of its annual report submitted to Congress, for loans refinanced under the Program— </text> <subparagraph id="HDB5365799324423FB1D6057006091FFE"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> a description of changes made to up-front fees and annual fees as part of the guarantee fees negotiated with qualified lenders; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H9AA60544370A41B0A02D05CEA9C8D0D3"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> an assessment of how the changes in the guarantee fees described in subparagraph (A) met the requirements of paragraph (1). </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H4D5F20A30D4942A59A23C2C33632B401"> <enum> (h) </enum> <header> Regulations </header> <text> Not later than 30 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the Director shall issue any regulations or guidance necessary to carry out the changes to the Program established under this section, which regulations or guidance shall be put into effect not later than 90 days after the date of enactment of this Act. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="HFEC4A34679E6422A839E09261CD8D733"> <enum> (i) </enum> <header> Termination </header> <text> The Program shall expire on December 31, 2014 and the requirements of this section shall expire concurrent with the expiration of the Program. Notwithstanding the prior sentence, the Director, at his or her discretion, may extend the Program and the requirements established under this section shall apply during any such extension. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H4B66E47033BD47108C21F7FEDECB9EA8"> <enum> (j) </enum> <header> Rule of construction </header> <paragraph id="H70701F60A510451986BE79A665FBA771"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> Nothing in this section shall be construed to supersede, preempt, or otherwise nullify the requirement that a loan refinanced under the Program must benefit the borrower. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H5713627B30DA4DD5A25C58786A43245F"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Definition </header> <text> For purposes of paragraph (1), a loan refinanced under the Program benefits the borrower, if the refinanced loan results in— </text> <subparagraph id="H77E1C33726624F16B88DB3E8A3D3A1E2"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> reduction in payment; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HFDC6D9E84F084BD39934EDAD2B5961E7"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> reduction in interest rate; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H73CA893CD3744DE1B7587F097F552DD7"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> movement to a more stable product, such as from an adjustable rate mortgage to a fixed rate mortgage; or </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H6F38A05560E44E08877AFD20AAD9782A"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text> reduction in amortization term. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> </section> <section id="HEE69D14CF82347D9BA86D1E1215F9E13"> <enum> 4. </enum> <header> Information for borrowers on eligibility for the program </header> <subsection id="H3963BE0156A24C30AEB436BDEA28865D"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Notice to borrowers </header> <text> Not later than 60 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the enterprises shall notify all borrowers with a mortgage owned or guaranteed by an enterprise about the Program and its eligibility criteria, and inform borrowers of the website required under subsection (b). </text> </subsection> <subsection id="HF752BE0A1A2245EA83CA1BF6AD9F1322"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Public access to eligibility criteria </header> <text> The Director shall establish, and the enterprises shall display a link on their homepages to, a single website where borrowers may— </text> <paragraph id="H98C904DD6DE54A9A9013619071E36E19"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> determine their potential eligibility for participation in the Program; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HB23EB80D89774CBD83AF26066EDD628C"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> see a complete list of and links to qualified lenders; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H63115993B63340A092B621DF52CCD5D8"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> use a mortgage refinance calculator to calculate potential payment savings based on different interest rates; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H91F7C6AFCBA14F228B529A075B0ABD7F"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> obtain tips on refinancing their loan. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> </section> <section id="H5381C7F6390E4D6D91BD77D19FA1F332"> <enum> 5. </enum> <header> Consistent refinancing guidelines required </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Not later than 60 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the Director shall issue guidance to require the enterprises to make their refinancing guidelines consistent to ease the compliance requirements of qualified lenders, and in particular with respect to loans with less than an 80 percent loan-to-value ratio and closing cost policies of the enterprises, which regulations or guidance shall be put into effect not later than 90 days after the date of enactment of this Act. </text> </section> <section id="H91403408368F408581CB1258F5FBA7AB"> <enum> 6. </enum> <header> Progress reports </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> The Director shall provide to Congress monthly reports on the progress of the Program, and each enterprise shall include and disclose, as part of its filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission on Form 10–Q, Form 10–K, or any successors thereto, detailed information on each enterprise’s progress and results in implementing and executing the Program. </text> </section> <section id="H41E31D4A70AC42BE8E70DEE49FB643EE"> <enum> 7. </enum> <header> Severability </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> If any portion of this Act or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the portions or applications of this Act which can be given effect without the invalid portion or application. </text> </section> </legis-body> </bill>
I 113th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 736 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES February 14, 2013 Mr. Welch (for himself, Mr. Costa , Mr. Cicilline , Mr. Sires , Ms. Schakowsky , Mrs. Davis of California , Mr. Ellison , and Ms. Bonamici ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Financial Services A BILL To provide for the expansion of affordable refinancing of mortgages held by the Federal National Mortgage Association and the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation. 1. Short title This Act may be cited as the Responsible Homeowner Refinancing Act of 2013 . 2. Definitions In this Act— (1) the term current borrower means a mortgagor who is current on the subject mortgage at the time of the refinancing, and has had no late payments in the preceding 6 months and not more than 1 late payment in the preceding 12 months; (2) the term eligible mortgage means any mortgage, regardless of current loan-to-value, that— (A) is an existing first mortgage that was made for purchase of, or refinancing of another first mortgage on, a 1- to 4-family dwelling, including a condominium or a share in a cooperative ownership housing association; (B) was originated or refinanced on or before May 31, 2009, unless that date is extended by the Director under FHFA’s preexisting authority to do so; (C) is owned or guaranteed by an enterprise; and (D) with respect to which, the mortgagor is a current borrower; (3) the term enterprise means the Federal National Mortgage Association and the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation; (4) the terms FHFA and Director mean the Federal Housing Finance Agency and the Director thereof, respectively; (5) the terms Home Affordable Refinance Program and Program mean the Home Affordable Refinance Program, administered by the FHFA and the enterprises as part of the Making Home Affordable initiative announced on March 4, 2009; (6) the term— (A) LTV means loan-to-value, or the ratio of the amount of the primary mortgage on a property to the value of that property; and (B) CLTV means combined loan-to-value, or the ratio of all mortgage debt on a property to the value of the property; (7) the term same servicer means a lender that is providing refinancing for a borrower whose loan they already service; (8) the term qualified lender means a lender that is participating in the Program; (9) the term guarantee fee has the same meaning as in section 1327(a) of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1992 ( 12 U.S.C. 4547(a) ); and (10) the term average fees means the average contractual fee rate of single-family guaranty arrangements charged by an enterprise on January 1, 2013, plus the recognition of any up-front cash payments over an estimated average life, expressed in terms of basis points, such definition to be interpreted in a manner consistent with the annual report on guarantee fees by the FHFA. 3. Streamlined refinancing criteria under the program (a) In general In carrying out the Home Affordable Refinance Program, each enterprise shall adopt and adhere to the criteria established under this section. (b) Borrower eligibility The enterprises shall include as eligible borrowers in the Home Affordable Refinance Program all current borrowers who have an eligible mortgage and meet those underwriting requirements for eligibility for same servicer refinancing in the Program as of January 1, 2013, except that the enterprises may not disqualify or impose varying rules within the Program for borrowers based on LTV, CLTV, employment status or income. (c) Additional relief from representations and warranties The enterprises shall not require of any qualified lender executing a loan under the Program any representations or warranties— (1) for the value, marketability, condition, or property type of the loan, as such loan characteristics are evidenced by an appraisal or alternative valuation method, provided that the lender complies with the enterprises’ required methods and standards for ordering an appraisal under the Program; or (2) that are not required of same servicers under the Program as of January 1, 2013, whether that loan is manually underwritten or underwritten through an automated system, except that, under no circumstances shall greater representations and warranties be required for a loan that is manually underwritten than for one that is underwritten through an automated system. (d) Prohibition on up-Front fees In carrying out the Program, the enterprises may not charge the qualified lender any loan level price adjustment, post settlement delivery fee, adverse delivery charge, or other similar up-front fee. (e) Appraisals The enterprises shall develop and allow alternative streamlined methods to determine the value of the property for which refinancing is sought through the Program that eliminate the costs to the borrower and qualified lender associated with such determination. Until such time as such method is developed, and when the existing automated valuation models of the enterprises are unable to determine the value of a certain property for which refinancing is sought through the Program, the enterprises shall bear the costs associated with the use of manual appraisal of that property, without passing on such costs to the borrower or qualified lender. (f) Limitation Notwithstanding any provision of the Federal National Mortgage Association Charter Act (12 U.S.C. 1716 et seq.) or the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation Act (12 U.S.C. 1451 et seq.), an enterprise may purchase or guarantee any new mortgage resulting from the refinancing of an eligible mortgage pursuant to this section, if at the time of origination of the eligible mortgage, the eligible mortgage complied with the applicable limitation governing the maximum original principal obligation on conventional mortgages that may be purchased or guaranteed by that enterprise. (g) Guarantee fees (1) In general (A) Average fee On each mortgage refinanced under the Program in accordance with this section, the enterprises shall set the average fee required under this Act, as determined by the Director in an amount not less than the average fees charged by the enterprises as of January 1, 2013, for such guarantees. The Director shall prohibit an enterprise from offsetting the cost of the fee to the mortgage originators, borrowers, and investors by decreasing other charges, fees, or premiums, or in any other manner. (B) Authority to limit offer of guarantee The Director shall prohibit an enterprise from consummating any offer for a guarantee to a qualified lender for mortgage-backed securities, if the guarantee is inconsistent with the requirements of this section. (2) Information collection and analysis The Director shall require each enterprise to provide to the Director, as part of its annual report submitted to Congress, for loans refinanced under the Program— (A) a description of changes made to up-front fees and annual fees as part of the guarantee fees negotiated with qualified lenders; and (B) an assessment of how the changes in the guarantee fees described in subparagraph (A) met the requirements of paragraph (1). (h) Regulations Not later than 30 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the Director shall issue any regulations or guidance necessary to carry out the changes to the Program established under this section, which regulations or guidance shall be put into effect not later than 90 days after the date of enactment of this Act. (i) Termination The Program shall expire on December 31, 2014 and the requirements of this section shall expire concurrent with the expiration of the Program. Notwithstanding the prior sentence, the Director, at his or her discretion, may extend the Program and the requirements established under this section shall apply during any such extension. (j) Rule of construction (1) In general Nothing in this section shall be construed to supersede, preempt, or otherwise nullify the requirement that a loan refinanced under the Program must benefit the borrower. (2) Definition For purposes of paragraph (1), a loan refinanced under the Program benefits the borrower, if the refinanced loan results in— (A) reduction in payment; (B) reduction in interest rate; (C) movement to a more stable product, such as from an adjustable rate mortgage to a fixed rate mortgage; or (D) reduction in amortization term. 4. Information for borrowers on eligibility for the program (a) Notice to borrowers Not later than 60 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the enterprises shall notify all borrowers with a mortgage owned or guaranteed by an enterprise about the Program and its eligibility criteria, and inform borrowers of the website required under subsection (b). (b) Public access to eligibility criteria The Director shall establish, and the enterprises shall display a link on their homepages to, a single website where borrowers may— (1) determine their potential eligibility for participation in the Program; (2) see a complete list of and links to qualified lenders; (3) use a mortgage refinance calculator to calculate potential payment savings based on different interest rates; and (4) obtain tips on refinancing their loan. 5. Consistent refinancing guidelines required Not later than 60 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the Director shall issue guidance to require the enterprises to make their refinancing guidelines consistent to ease the compliance requirements of qualified lenders, and in particular with respect to loans with less than an 80 percent loan-to-value ratio and closing cost policies of the enterprises, which regulations or guidance shall be put into effect not later than 90 days after the date of enactment of this Act. 6. Progress reports The Director shall provide to Congress monthly reports on the progress of the Program, and each enterprise shall include and disclose, as part of its filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission on Form 10–Q, Form 10–K, or any successors thereto, detailed information on each enterprise’s progress and results in implementing and executing the Program. 7. Severability If any portion of this Act or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the portions or applications of this Act which can be given effect without the invalid portion or application.
2023-01-08 17:38:06.378
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Introduced-in-House" bill-type="olc" dms-id="H1BC43995AC3F4584833D156C29E33683" public-private="public"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 737 IH: Homeowners’ Defense Act of 2013 </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-02-14 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> I </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 737 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130214"> February 14, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="W000808"> Ms. Wilson of Florida </sponsor> (for herself and <cosponsor name-id="B000911"> Ms. Brown of Florida </cosponsor> ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="HBA00"> Committee on Financial Services </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> A BILL </legis-type> <official-title> To establish a national catastrophic risk consortium to ensure the availability and affordability of homeowners’ insurance coverage for catastrophic events. </official-title> </form> <legis-body id="HC8C282B134D343F2A8A8A6066AA12F16" style="OLC"> <section id="HFEB74A12566445F09CDEB07C06B599FD" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Short title; table of contents </header> <subsection id="HA2D4477A533C4B47AFFA2EE7F06B16EB"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Short title </header> <text> This Act may be cited as the <quote> <short-title> Homeowners’ Defense Act of 2013 </short-title> </quote> . </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H286C91CF30CC46B5B78095BBBE41C481"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Table of contents </header> <text> The table of contents for this Act is as follows: </text> <toc container-level="legis-body-container" lowest-bolded-level="division-lowest-bolded" lowest-level="section" quoted-block="no-quoted-block" regeneration="yes-regeneration"> <toc-entry idref="HFEB74A12566445F09CDEB07C06B599FD" level="section"> Sec. 1. Short title; table of contents. </toc-entry> <toc-entry idref="HA8B84196886C496DA3E8F33B4BA2FE43" level="section"> Sec. 2. Findings and purposes. </toc-entry> <toc-entry idref="H0970400A7E4E4FEDA99FDAA017D19732" level="section"> Sec. 3. Establishment; status; principal office; membership. </toc-entry> <toc-entry idref="H41786643A5334574B4E25BEAF4529A65" level="section"> Sec. 4. Functions. </toc-entry> <toc-entry idref="H80E85B13A93848229FD590EAB7B74A8F" level="section"> Sec. 5. Powers. </toc-entry> <toc-entry idref="H507604F52DE741379F8B4D584F4B844A" level="section"> Sec. 6. Nonprofit entity; conflicts of interest; audits. </toc-entry> <toc-entry idref="HE1B6A72A47A04A0095708A17586FC8F0" level="section"> Sec. 7. Management. </toc-entry> <toc-entry idref="HD120F1C9DFE24E7EB04B988B06355DC7" level="section"> Sec. 8. Staff; experts and consultants. </toc-entry> <toc-entry idref="HBDF9E2597DA44F4C9C0E1C85CA95512F" level="section"> Sec. 9. Federal liability. </toc-entry> <toc-entry idref="H53CF47F8E2044918A3C9935BB5466496" level="section"> Sec. 10. Authorization of appropriations. </toc-entry> </toc> </subsection> </section> <section display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HA8B84196886C496DA3E8F33B4BA2FE43" section-type="subsequent-section"> <enum> 2. </enum> <header> Findings and purposes </header> <subsection id="H1717D3A2F67440F18D84723AEE87E95F"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Findings </header> <text> The Congress finds that— </text> <paragraph id="H95E82213DDC5448CB281FB0DD9F80EB7"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> the United States has a history of catastrophic natural disasters, including hurricanes, tornadoes, flood, fire, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H9AD07B245C3C4653A826C32E3129C3DA"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> although catastrophic natural disasters occur infrequently, they will continue to occur and are predictable; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H6DE60964FE1548C3A000B0248D602A0C"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> such disasters generate large economic losses and a major component of those losses comes from damage and destruction to homes; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H72F5C2E2B36C47DFBD304795DE7735DC"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> for the majority of Americans, their investment in their home represents their single biggest asset and the protection of that investment is paramount to economic and social stability; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H178C2A58939B40748D8CDE33F97FAC19"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text> the United States needs to take and support State actions to be better prepared for and better protected from catastrophes; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H8943CF95EFBE4DFEA804BC83C1AF18BE"> <enum> (6) </enum> <text> as the risk of catastrophic losses grows, so do the risks that any premiums collected by private insurers for extending coverage will be insufficient to cover future catastrophes, and private insurers, in an effort to protect their shareholders and policyholders (in the case of mutually owned companies), have thus significantly raised premiums and curtailed insurance coverage in States exposed to major catastrophes; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HAEC6DE4FE7324CCF986CF3E690F7FAC8"> <enum> (7) </enum> <text> such effects on the insurance industry have been harmful to economic activity in States exposed to major catastrophes and have placed significant burdens on residents of such States; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H1A641F0F3E7D43CD9AD0BC297C490C42"> <enum> (8) </enum> <text> Hurricanes Katrina, Rita, and Wilma struck the United States in 2005, causing over $200,000,000,000 in total economic losses, and insured losses to homeowners in excess of $50,000,000,000; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H89A8E5BFA97D41B2B5648D7B8B799283"> <enum> (9) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> while the total costs of Hurricane Sandy have not yet been calculated, Fitch Ratings, a global credit ratings agency, has estimated that insured losses will amount to between $20,000,000,000 and $25,000,000,000; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H0AA9A5ACBD5C4270BA458F6A1ABBF140"> <enum> (10) </enum> <text> the Federal Government has provided and will continue to provide resources to pay for losses from future catastrophes; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H18AE6FFCA0E448FC975EE67088C027F1"> <enum> (11) </enum> <text> it is the proper role of the Federal Government to prepare for and protect its citizens from catastrophes and to facilitate consumer protection, victim assistance, and recovery, including financial recovery. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H56C090243E884A43AC988823509B9988"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Purposes </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The purpose of this Act is to establish a national catastrophic risk consortium to ensure the availability and affordability of homeowners’ insurance coverage for catastrophic events. </text> </subsection> </section> <section display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H0970400A7E4E4FEDA99FDAA017D19732" section-type="subsequent-section"> <enum> 3. </enum> <header> Establishment; status; principal office; membership </header> <subsection id="H5FB76A0571CE4AD1BC77423EB5911907"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Establishment </header> <text> There is established an entity to be known as the <term> National Catastrophe Risk Consortium </term> (in this Act referred to as the <term> Consortium </term> ). </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H868BE4E1A6524749A468FFD1A361A9DC"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Status </header> <text> The Consortium is not a department, agency, or instrumentality of the United States Government. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H2E7C2E1755484956A53DB1C42992E1EE"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Principal office </header> <text> The principal office and place of business of the Consortium shall be such location within the United States determined by the Board of Directors to be the most advantageous for carrying out the purpose and functions of the Consortium. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="HC2D804DFD4D945AB8DA6963A83C26B23"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header> Membership </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Any State that has established a reinsurance fund or has authorized the operation of a State residual insurance market entity, or State-sponsored provider of natural catastrophe insurance, shall be eligible to participate in the Consortium. </text> </subsection> </section> <section display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H41786643A5334574B4E25BEAF4529A65" section-type="subsequent-section"> <enum> 4. </enum> <header> Functions </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> The Consortium shall— </text> <paragraph id="HDBF75A8D926C4A5690B371D02C132A78"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> work with all States, particularly those participating in the Consortium, to gather and maintain an inventory of catastrophe risk obligations held by State reinsurance funds, State residual insurance market entities, and State-sponsored providers of natural catastrophe insurance; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H3D9C4B5316074D8289BADBB09E5CD30D"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> at the discretion of the affected members and on a conduit basis, issue securities and other financial instruments linked to the catastrophe risks insured or reinsured through members of the Consortium in the capital markets; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H09594A0CC3BF478CB8A46D365B8C3B85"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> coordinate reinsurance contracts between participating, qualified reinsurance funds and private parties; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H7DBE3B6905074EB7AFB0426C42DAEAAF"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> act as a centralized repository of State risk information that can be accessed by private-market participants seeking to participate in the transactions described in paragraphs (2) and (3) of this section; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H4DF0DF77BE06414798A6B53E5867181D"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text> establish a catastrophe risk database to perform research and analysis that encourages standardization of the risk-linked securities market; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H760F7F0FF06242B6B84C6E86DAECC56F"> <enum> (6) </enum> <text> perform any other functions, other than assuming risk or incurring debt, that are deemed necessary to aid in the transfer of catastrophe risk from participating States to private parties; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HDC40A69679354AC38B2429D42DD041A9"> <enum> (7) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> submit annual reports to Congress describing the activities of the Consortium for the preceding year, and the first such annual report shall include an assessment of the costs to States and regions associated with catastrophe risk and an analysis of the costs and benefits, for States not participating in the Consortium, of such nonparticipation. </text> </paragraph> </section> <section display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H80E85B13A93848229FD590EAB7B74A8F" section-type="subsequent-section"> <enum> 5. </enum> <header> Powers </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> The Consortium— </text> <paragraph id="H4FA3DACC22064E719609DA8ACEC63200"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> may make and perform such contracts and other agreements with any individual or other private or public entity however designated and wherever situated, as may be necessary for carrying out the functions of the Consortium; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H7B4DC17985FE464D84AD39220D5E76A7"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> shall have such other powers, other than the power to assume risk or incur debt, as may be necessary and incident to carrying out this Act. </text> </paragraph> </section> <section display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H507604F52DE741379F8B4D584F4B844A" section-type="subsequent-section"> <enum> 6. </enum> <header> Nonprofit entity; conflicts of interest; audits </header> <subsection id="HF6F04CFB53384C0B9A3254A9E2F56604"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Nonprofit entity </header> <text> The Consortium shall be a nonprofit entity and no part of the net earnings of the Consortium shall inure to the benefit of any member, founder, contributor, or individual. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="HAEBA600860C549ADA17C9AF36CE59F9B"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Conflicts of interest </header> <text> No director, officer, or employee of the Consortium shall in any manner, directly or indirectly, participate in the deliberation upon or the determination of any question affecting his or her personal interests or the interests of any Consortium, partnership, or organization in which he or she is directly or indirectly interested. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="HEEB9C2A36BFD41989D4E32AEAA11032E"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Audits </header> <paragraph id="H6F0CA7F192534BFA9FA6CCAD5B73D138"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> Annual audit </header> <text> The financial statements of the Consortium shall be audited annually in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards by independent certified public accountants. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H26C43BEDE1024819BB493E997D4F074C"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Reports </header> <text> The report of each annual audit pursuant to paragraph (1) shall be included in the annual report submitted in accordance with section 4(7). </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HA7486C49B82A47D58016B283EBD6FBD2"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header> Prohibition on election and lobbying activities </header> <paragraph id="HBEBE27595CD74D10BB8E82D4E5D14BD8"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> Federal </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The Consortium may not— </text> <subparagraph id="H04CA29CD70464AAB920D4A4E5981DD0F"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> make any contribution to a candidate for election for Federal office or to a political committee; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H8939F9A1E6A14E60A275E222362E4F68"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> employ or retain— </text> <clause id="H538CE23DA3A644CF9C63CC79414D62A9"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> a registered lobbyist under the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 (2 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.); or </text> </clause> <clause id="HE5E19494A2584169BBDE628EE2FD8DDA"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> an organization that employs one or more lobbyists and is registered under section 4(a)(2) of such Act (2 U.S.C. 1603(a)(2)); or </text> </clause> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H6FD30165CAB341D09D9A98B68E43A139"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> provide any thing of value, other than educational materials or information, to any elected official of the Federal Government. </text> </subparagraph> <continuation-text continuation-text-level="paragraph"> For purposes of this paragraph, the terms <term> contribution </term> , <term> candidate </term> , <term> Federal office </term> , and <term> political committee </term> have the meanings given such terms in section 301 of the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/2/431"> 2 U.S.C. 431 </external-xref> ). </continuation-text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HD5F84300083F442DBDE2D81C7DC49859"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Consortium </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The Consortium may not— </text> <subparagraph id="H792D1DFD55BB4765837CB298EE55B589"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> make any contribution to a candidate for election for any State or local office or to any committee, club, association, or other group that receives contributions or makes expenditures for the purpose of influencing any such election; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H00F09A769E40437D99E2F19A4C48D236"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> employ or retain any person who engages in influencing legislating (as such term is defined in section 4911(d) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/26/4911"> 26 U.S.C. 4911(d) </external-xref> )) of any State or local legislative body; or </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H55AED9877CBA443293B13CA86B220267"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> provide any thing of value, other than educational materials or information, to any elected official of any State or local government. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> </section> <section display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HE1B6A72A47A04A0095708A17586FC8F0" section-type="subsequent-section"> <enum> 7. </enum> <header> Management </header> <subsection id="HD1C6B083E0824F7ABCF88709384B94D2"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Board of directors; membership; designation of chairperson </header> <paragraph id="H0010E103DC184E8196794D0F95521C01"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> Board of directors </header> <text> The management of the Consortium shall be vested in a board of directors (referred to in this Act as the <term> Board </term> ) composed of not less than 3 members. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H2659BF546D1645BB9455202B11878576"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Chairperson </header> <text> The Secretary of the Treasury, or the designee of the Secretary, shall serve as the chairperson of the Board. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HF14E28CE4F3D4EA98026849EB8C4B16F"> <enum> (3) </enum> <header> Membership </header> <text> The members of the Board shall include— </text> <subparagraph id="H49D2366F72FC4AD58C4945AE559EA595"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> the Secretary of Homeland Security and the Secretary of Commerce, or the designees of such Secretaries, respectively, but only during such times as there are fewer than two States participating in the Consortium; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H2BA9E5B3F49843498E3861F117A8066D"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> a member from each State participating in the Consortium, who shall be appointed by such State. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H645B465938784416AF6519C55DD58A1F"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Bylaws </header> <text> The Board may prescribe, amend, and repeal such bylaws as may be necessary for carrying out the functions of the Consortium. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="HC573543A2F80458DA6C8B6AEAE6AFD3D"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Compensation, actual, necessary, and transportation expenses </header> <paragraph id="H949125FA5EF142F7B2C09D47E9E9A283"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> Non-Federal employees </header> <text> A member of the Board who is not otherwise employed by the Federal Government shall be entitled to receive the daily equivalent of the annual rate of basic pay payable for level IV of the Executive Schedule under <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/5/5315"> section 5315 </external-xref> of title 5, United States Code, as in effect from time to time, for each day (including travel time) during which such member is engaged in the actual performance of duties of the Consortium. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H8BC8C2C8E3DC413CA2B25C26A46CDAB7"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Federal employees </header> <text> A member of the Board who is an officer or employee of the Federal Government shall serve without additional pay (or benefits in the nature of compensation) for service as a member of the Consortium. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H7E60D92FF533409A907FD9A925ED912C"> <enum> (3) </enum> <header> Travel expenses </header> <text> Members of the Consortium shall be entitled to receive travel expenses, including per diem in lieu of subsistence, equivalent to those set forth in subchapter I of <external-xref legal-doc="usc-chapter" parsable-cite="usc-chapter/5/57"> chapter 57 </external-xref> of title 5, United States Code. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H18EDF29CADDD4CD2995A7D98BC079C24"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header> Quorum </header> <text> A majority of the Board shall constitute a quorum. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="HD4B02D5A153E4C8C8C55E3EDE33F43FD"> <enum> (e) </enum> <header> Executive director </header> <text> The Board shall appoint an executive director of the Consortium on such terms as the Board may determine. </text> </subsection> </section> <section display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HD120F1C9DFE24E7EB04B988B06355DC7" section-type="subsequent-section"> <enum> 8. </enum> <header> Staff; experts and consultants </header> <subsection id="H46C564678D294833AF2ABEB3D8F5659B"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Staff </header> <paragraph id="H26D028A7D41A41738852086BC2CF1AAC"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> Appointment </header> <text> The Board of the Consortium may appoint and terminate such other staff as are necessary to enable the Consortium to perform its duties. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H2B7FB6BB64604F6C8A12C570D547DC53"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Compensation </header> <text> The Board of the Consortium may fix the compensation of the executive director and other staff. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H1BB09EEA8E1840038EFBA17A3A28A753"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Experts and consultants </header> <text> The Board shall procure the services of experts and consultants as the Board considers appropriate. </text> </subsection> </section> <section id="HBDF9E2597DA44F4C9C0E1C85CA95512F"> <enum> 9. </enum> <header> Federal liability </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> The Federal Government and the Consortium shall not bear any liabilities arising from the actions of the Consortium. Participating States shall retain all catastrophe risk until the completion of a transaction described in paragraphs (2) and (3) of section 4. </text> </section> <section id="H53CF47F8E2044918A3C9935BB5466496"> <enum> 10. </enum> <header> Authorization of appropriations </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> There are authorized to be appropriated to carry out this Act $20,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2014 through 2018. </text> </section> </legis-body> </bill>
I 113th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 737 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES February 14, 2013 Ms. Wilson of Florida (for herself and Ms. Brown of Florida ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Financial Services A BILL To establish a national catastrophic risk consortium to ensure the availability and affordability of homeowners’ insurance coverage for catastrophic events. 1. Short title; table of contents (a) Short title This Act may be cited as the Homeowners’ Defense Act of 2013 . (b) Table of contents The table of contents for this Act is as follows: Sec. 1. Short title; table of contents. Sec. 2. Findings and purposes. Sec. 3. Establishment; status; principal office; membership. Sec. 4. Functions. Sec. 5. Powers. Sec. 6. Nonprofit entity; conflicts of interest; audits. Sec. 7. Management. Sec. 8. Staff; experts and consultants. Sec. 9. Federal liability. Sec. 10. Authorization of appropriations. 2. Findings and purposes (a) Findings The Congress finds that— (1) the United States has a history of catastrophic natural disasters, including hurricanes, tornadoes, flood, fire, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions; (2) although catastrophic natural disasters occur infrequently, they will continue to occur and are predictable; (3) such disasters generate large economic losses and a major component of those losses comes from damage and destruction to homes; (4) for the majority of Americans, their investment in their home represents their single biggest asset and the protection of that investment is paramount to economic and social stability; (5) the United States needs to take and support State actions to be better prepared for and better protected from catastrophes; (6) as the risk of catastrophic losses grows, so do the risks that any premiums collected by private insurers for extending coverage will be insufficient to cover future catastrophes, and private insurers, in an effort to protect their shareholders and policyholders (in the case of mutually owned companies), have thus significantly raised premiums and curtailed insurance coverage in States exposed to major catastrophes; (7) such effects on the insurance industry have been harmful to economic activity in States exposed to major catastrophes and have placed significant burdens on residents of such States; (8) Hurricanes Katrina, Rita, and Wilma struck the United States in 2005, causing over $200,000,000,000 in total economic losses, and insured losses to homeowners in excess of $50,000,000,000; (9) while the total costs of Hurricane Sandy have not yet been calculated, Fitch Ratings, a global credit ratings agency, has estimated that insured losses will amount to between $20,000,000,000 and $25,000,000,000; (10) the Federal Government has provided and will continue to provide resources to pay for losses from future catastrophes; and (11) it is the proper role of the Federal Government to prepare for and protect its citizens from catastrophes and to facilitate consumer protection, victim assistance, and recovery, including financial recovery. (b) Purposes The purpose of this Act is to establish a national catastrophic risk consortium to ensure the availability and affordability of homeowners’ insurance coverage for catastrophic events. 3. Establishment; status; principal office; membership (a) Establishment There is established an entity to be known as the National Catastrophe Risk Consortium (in this Act referred to as the Consortium ). (b) Status The Consortium is not a department, agency, or instrumentality of the United States Government. (c) Principal office The principal office and place of business of the Consortium shall be such location within the United States determined by the Board of Directors to be the most advantageous for carrying out the purpose and functions of the Consortium. (d) Membership Any State that has established a reinsurance fund or has authorized the operation of a State residual insurance market entity, or State-sponsored provider of natural catastrophe insurance, shall be eligible to participate in the Consortium. 4. Functions The Consortium shall— (1) work with all States, particularly those participating in the Consortium, to gather and maintain an inventory of catastrophe risk obligations held by State reinsurance funds, State residual insurance market entities, and State-sponsored providers of natural catastrophe insurance; (2) at the discretion of the affected members and on a conduit basis, issue securities and other financial instruments linked to the catastrophe risks insured or reinsured through members of the Consortium in the capital markets; (3) coordinate reinsurance contracts between participating, qualified reinsurance funds and private parties; (4) act as a centralized repository of State risk information that can be accessed by private-market participants seeking to participate in the transactions described in paragraphs (2) and (3) of this section; (5) establish a catastrophe risk database to perform research and analysis that encourages standardization of the risk-linked securities market; (6) perform any other functions, other than assuming risk or incurring debt, that are deemed necessary to aid in the transfer of catastrophe risk from participating States to private parties; and (7) submit annual reports to Congress describing the activities of the Consortium for the preceding year, and the first such annual report shall include an assessment of the costs to States and regions associated with catastrophe risk and an analysis of the costs and benefits, for States not participating in the Consortium, of such nonparticipation. 5. Powers The Consortium— (1) may make and perform such contracts and other agreements with any individual or other private or public entity however designated and wherever situated, as may be necessary for carrying out the functions of the Consortium; and (2) shall have such other powers, other than the power to assume risk or incur debt, as may be necessary and incident to carrying out this Act. 6. Nonprofit entity; conflicts of interest; audits (a) Nonprofit entity The Consortium shall be a nonprofit entity and no part of the net earnings of the Consortium shall inure to the benefit of any member, founder, contributor, or individual. (b) Conflicts of interest No director, officer, or employee of the Consortium shall in any manner, directly or indirectly, participate in the deliberation upon or the determination of any question affecting his or her personal interests or the interests of any Consortium, partnership, or organization in which he or she is directly or indirectly interested. (c) Audits (1) Annual audit The financial statements of the Consortium shall be audited annually in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards by independent certified public accountants. (2) Reports The report of each annual audit pursuant to paragraph (1) shall be included in the annual report submitted in accordance with section 4(7). (d) Prohibition on election and lobbying activities (1) Federal The Consortium may not— (A) make any contribution to a candidate for election for Federal office or to a political committee; (B) employ or retain— (i) a registered lobbyist under the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 (2 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.); or (ii) an organization that employs one or more lobbyists and is registered under section 4(a)(2) of such Act (2 U.S.C. 1603(a)(2)); or (C) provide any thing of value, other than educational materials or information, to any elected official of the Federal Government. For purposes of this paragraph, the terms contribution , candidate , Federal office , and political committee have the meanings given such terms in section 301 of the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 ( 2 U.S.C. 431 ). (2) Consortium The Consortium may not— (A) make any contribution to a candidate for election for any State or local office or to any committee, club, association, or other group that receives contributions or makes expenditures for the purpose of influencing any such election; (B) employ or retain any person who engages in influencing legislating (as such term is defined in section 4911(d) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 ( 26 U.S.C. 4911(d) )) of any State or local legislative body; or (C) provide any thing of value, other than educational materials or information, to any elected official of any State or local government. 7. Management (a) Board of directors; membership; designation of chairperson (1) Board of directors The management of the Consortium shall be vested in a board of directors (referred to in this Act as the Board ) composed of not less than 3 members. (2) Chairperson The Secretary of the Treasury, or the designee of the Secretary, shall serve as the chairperson of the Board. (3) Membership The members of the Board shall include— (A) the Secretary of Homeland Security and the Secretary of Commerce, or the designees of such Secretaries, respectively, but only during such times as there are fewer than two States participating in the Consortium; and (B) a member from each State participating in the Consortium, who shall be appointed by such State. (b) Bylaws The Board may prescribe, amend, and repeal such bylaws as may be necessary for carrying out the functions of the Consortium. (c) Compensation, actual, necessary, and transportation expenses (1) Non-Federal employees A member of the Board who is not otherwise employed by the Federal Government shall be entitled to receive the daily equivalent of the annual rate of basic pay payable for level IV of the Executive Schedule under section 5315 of title 5, United States Code, as in effect from time to time, for each day (including travel time) during which such member is engaged in the actual performance of duties of the Consortium. (2) Federal employees A member of the Board who is an officer or employee of the Federal Government shall serve without additional pay (or benefits in the nature of compensation) for service as a member of the Consortium. (3) Travel expenses Members of the Consortium shall be entitled to receive travel expenses, including per diem in lieu of subsistence, equivalent to those set forth in subchapter I of chapter 57 of title 5, United States Code. (d) Quorum A majority of the Board shall constitute a quorum. (e) Executive director The Board shall appoint an executive director of the Consortium on such terms as the Board may determine. 8. Staff; experts and consultants (a) Staff (1) Appointment The Board of the Consortium may appoint and terminate such other staff as are necessary to enable the Consortium to perform its duties. (2) Compensation The Board of the Consortium may fix the compensation of the executive director and other staff. (b) Experts and consultants The Board shall procure the services of experts and consultants as the Board considers appropriate. 9. Federal liability The Federal Government and the Consortium shall not bear any liabilities arising from the actions of the Consortium. Participating States shall retain all catastrophe risk until the completion of a transaction described in paragraphs (2) and (3) of section 4. 10. Authorization of appropriations There are authorized to be appropriated to carry out this Act $20,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2014 through 2018.
2023-01-08 17:38:05.291
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Introduced-in-House" bill-type="olc" dms-id="H18D9C2B639B24240907309B295520068" public-private="public"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 738 IH: To amend title 10, United States Code, to eliminate the requirement that certain former members of the reserve components of the Armed Forces be at least 60 years of age in order to be eligible to receive health care benefits. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-02-14 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> I </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 738 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130214"> February 14, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="W000795"> Mr. Wilson of South Carolina </sponsor> introduced the following bill; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="HAS00"> Committee on Armed Services </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> A BILL </legis-type> <official-title> To amend title 10, United States Code, to eliminate the requirement that certain former members of the reserve components of the Armed Forces be at least 60 years of age in order to be eligible to receive health care benefits. </official-title> </form> <legis-body id="H845F278A1D80460592B88B5FC902616F" style="OLC"> <section id="HB41962E029094049B70C667CC1D8AEDA" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Elimination of the age requirement for health care benefits for non-regular service retirees </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/10/1074"> Section 1074(b) </external-xref> of title 10, United States Code, is amended— </text> <paragraph id="H2192FEACD3244D5C90B0CD0E13C1AFC3"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> by striking <quote> (1) </quote> ; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HF8936001371243F7B143456943D9E446"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> by striking paragraph (2). </text> </paragraph> </section> </legis-body> </bill>
I 113th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 738 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES February 14, 2013 Mr. Wilson of South Carolina introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Armed Services A BILL To amend title 10, United States Code, to eliminate the requirement that certain former members of the reserve components of the Armed Forces be at least 60 years of age in order to be eligible to receive health care benefits. 1. Elimination of the age requirement for health care benefits for non-regular service retirees Section 1074(b) of title 10, United States Code, is amended— (1) by striking (1) ; and (2) by striking paragraph (2).
2023-01-08 17:38:05.444
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Introduced-in-House" bill-type="olc" dms-id="H8286D8C9490E47C6A1C501B1DAE27738" public-private="public"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 739 IH: Chesapeake Bay Accountability and Recovery Act of 2013 </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-02-14 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> I </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 739 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130214"> February 14, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="W000804"> Mr. Wittman </sponsor> introduced the following bill; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="HII00"> Committee on Natural Resources </committee-name> , and in addition to the Committee on <committee-name committee-id="HPW00"> Transportation and Infrastructure </committee-name> , for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> A BILL </legis-type> <official-title> To require the Office of Management and Budget to prepare a crosscut budget for restoration activities in the Chesapeake Bay watershed, to require the Environmental Protection Agency to develop and implement an adaptive management plan, and for other purposes. </official-title> </form> <legis-body id="H247665441EB9483EAB297BF4B1E81309" style="OLC"> <section id="H311072D652944A838A3F4C1516A270A9" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Short title </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> This Act may be cited as the <quote> <short-title> Chesapeake Bay Accountability and Recovery Act of 2013 </short-title> </quote> . </text> </section> <section id="HC11D3EEE7AD04C11A1A91C9D3AB4ECFA" section-type="subsequent-section"> <enum> 2. </enum> <header> Chesapeake Bay Crosscut Budget </header> <subsection id="HC755FC11956F45C19E0DA8F7A61E9625"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Crosscut Budget </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The Director, in consultation with the Chesapeake Executive Council, the chief executive of each Chesapeake Bay State, and the Chesapeake Bay Commission, shall submit to Congress a financial report containing— </text> <paragraph id="HC706BAA9E1B34DA59BBDA3C530A379CA"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> an interagency crosscut budget that displays— </text> <subparagraph id="HF55FA140A3A8413EA6D3138E12D1DB7A"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> the proposed funding for any Federal restoration activity to be carried out in the succeeding fiscal year, including any planned interagency or intra-agency transfer, for each of the Federal agencies that carry out restoration activities; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H2B8FCADDE808429ABE8E83B427AF73F0"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> to the extent that information is available, the estimated funding for any State restoration activity to be carried out in the succeeding fiscal year; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H29B64FCC5CC7478782745692727C390A"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> all expenditures for Federal restoration activities from the preceding 2 fiscal years, the current fiscal year, and the succeeding fiscal year; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HC3312330B5144007BC17F0EB37C36633"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> all expenditures, to the extent that information is available, for State restoration activities during the equivalent time period described in <internal-xref idref="H29B64FCC5CC7478782745692727C390A" legis-path="2.(a)(1)(C)"> subparagraph (C) </internal-xref> ; </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H174217397B0847C881683CF9EE7FB02A"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> a detailed accounting of all funds received and obligated by all Federal agencies for restoration activities during the current and preceding fiscal years, including the identification of funds which were transferred to a Chesapeake Bay State for restoration activities; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H64BD14D960B149CBBF253884A2FE1ACE"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> to the extent that information is available, a detailed accounting from each State of all funds received and obligated from a Federal agency for restoration activities during the current and preceding fiscal years; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H3EF7D910B5404536AD5058973239F4FC"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> a description of each of the proposed Federal and State restoration activities to be carried out in the succeeding fiscal year (corresponding to those activities listed in subparagraphs (A) and (B) of paragraph (1)), including the— </text> <subparagraph id="HFB663AF5DC1443C6B82CA50F5253F848"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> project description; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H4681E97009F04223B9F90FE845345E47"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> current status of the project; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HACB4F578883341C9A0A47481623C5243"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Federal or State statutory or regulatory authority, programs, or responsible agencies; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H8F0E85F3059E4105BDDF99399DF35EA1"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text> authorization level for appropriations; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H01834D00F4C245ED81FAC1BB0B08CEE5"> <enum> (E) </enum> <text> project timeline, including benchmarks; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H8D7451438B9841379C9A2F1BC0245FD7"> <enum> (F) </enum> <text> references to project documents; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H0AF8F6B29F3944D5BD63994E0D89EF27"> <enum> (G) </enum> <text> descriptions of risks and uncertainties of project implementation; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H12D8388F86F24912A7BF767DB7033CCA"> <enum> (H) </enum> <text> adaptive management actions or framework; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HE244D101F1CA4D11B8A545A44D8306DA"> <enum> (I) </enum> <text> coordinating entities; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HB03F669E856E471F840C002E15C0F269"> <enum> (J) </enum> <text> funding history; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HD3D9A5DBBE63430AAB0A57A8CB701C58"> <enum> (K) </enum> <text> cost-sharing; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HC6177E523B5D4281A0A9F1806FA462E3"> <enum> (L) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> alignment with existing Chesapeake Bay Agreement and Chesapeake Executive Council goals and priorities. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H2EF99B4545BE49219B1B1FA22E208ACC"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Minimum funding levels </header> <text> The Director shall only describe restoration activities in the report required under <internal-xref idref="HC755FC11956F45C19E0DA8F7A61E9625" legis-path="2.(a)"> subsection (a) </internal-xref> that— </text> <paragraph id="H3C1D5BBEB53B4B31B457D13D5DA469E5"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> for Federal restoration activities, have funding amounts greater than or equal to $100,000; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HE813FDA03ABE4149AD6DBC66B68DCAA9"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> for State restoration activities, have funding amounts greater than or equal to $50,000. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H126A1079D7EE4121965A08F5D6FD0F27"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Deadline </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The Director shall submit to Congress the report required by <internal-xref idref="HC755FC11956F45C19E0DA8F7A61E9625" legis-path="2.(a)"> subsection (a) </internal-xref> not later than 30 days after the submission by the President of the President’s annual budget to Congress. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="HF5B0DEFE6CD4448589868A75D2BD15C5"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header> Report </header> <text> Copies of the financial report required by <internal-xref idref="HC755FC11956F45C19E0DA8F7A61E9625" legis-path="2.(a)"> subsection (a) </internal-xref> shall be submitted to the Committees on Appropriations, Natural Resources, Energy and Commerce, and Transportation and Infrastructure of the House of Representatives and the Committees on Appropriations, Environment and Public Works, and Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H7E32406B5DBD48C7B3D8846836AD8B5A"> <enum> (e) </enum> <header> Effective Date </header> <text> This section shall apply beginning with the first fiscal year after the date of enactment of this Act for which the President submits a budget to Congress. </text> </subsection> </section> <section id="HE4BCFA70F6074EE4BC4DD56334B29808"> <enum> 3. </enum> <header> Adaptive Management Plan </header> <subsection id="H2237B243EC1A46F4841E5450471BF929"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, the Administrator, in consultation with other Federal and State agencies, shall develop an adaptive management plan for restoration activities in the Chesapeake Bay watershed that includes— </text> <paragraph id="HD222910B0BB8497BAA08EED05ACF4042"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> definition of specific and measurable objectives to improve water quality, habitat, and fisheries; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H3B5EF6C2309543DBB4F9D6B569A30AD2"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> a process for stakeholder participation; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HF28DB5A7535E417AAF1743128506AC4E"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> monitoring, modeling, experimentation, and other research and evaluation practices; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HCFFB08F2BAE747F3A70ECB044CA9E4E4"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> a process for modification of restoration activities that have not attained or will not attain the specific and measurable objectives set forth under <internal-xref idref="HD222910B0BB8497BAA08EED05ACF4042" legis-path="3.(a)(1)"> paragraph (1) </internal-xref> ; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H9FFD28CF1CEC45B381588AD7AD5B6801"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> a process for prioritizing restoration activities and programs to which adaptive management shall be applied. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H10E0827071DB40BF9A2342DC3F6EA1C3"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Implementation </header> <text> The Administrator shall implement the adaptive management plan developed under <internal-xref idref="H2237B243EC1A46F4841E5450471BF929" legis-path="3.(a)"> subsection (a) </internal-xref> . </text> </subsection> <subsection id="HF04D10454A044728B892F0DDBA1940A8"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Updates </header> <text> The Administrator shall update the adaptive management plan developed under <internal-xref idref="H2237B243EC1A46F4841E5450471BF929" legis-path="3.(a)"> subsection (a) </internal-xref> every 2 years. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="HD55EE742CD1C45DA9A87BE75BA64CA39"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header> Report to Congress </header> <paragraph id="H24DF8D6D3A6042608DDA6B5BE9188407"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> Not later than 60 days after the end of a fiscal year, the Administrator shall transmit to Congress an annual report on the implementation of the adaptive management plan required under this section for such fiscal year. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H7D9F3A7476EB43A099558DF44877951D"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Contents </header> <text> The report required under paragraph (1) shall contain information about the application of adaptive management to restoration activities and programs, including programmatic and project level changes implemented through the process of adaptive management. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H8D992D72FEA742EFBF4405E9AC0036D8"> <enum> (3) </enum> <header> Effective date </header> <text> Paragraph (1) shall apply to the first fiscal year that begins after the date of enactment of this Act. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H1E6867D66A8B4DF98F054878F0C381FD"> <enum> (e) </enum> <header> Inclusion of plan in Annual Action Plan and Annual Progress Report </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The Administrator shall ensure that the Annual Action Plan and Annual Progress Report required by section 205 of Executive Order 13508 includes the adaptive management plan outlined in subsection (a). </text> </subsection> </section> <section id="H2266CE8C2AC34FA58DB1649D870DAC25"> <enum> 4. </enum> <header> Independent Evaluator for the Chesapeake Bay Program </header> <subsection id="H115DFE3649FF41059340352D87CF5943"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> There shall be an Independent Evaluator for restoration activities in the Chesapeake Bay watershed, who shall review and report on restoration activities and the use of adaptive management in restoration activities, including on such related topics as are suggested by the Chesapeake Executive Council. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H7CDD08A3911F4EB49409534EDF7B0884"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Appointment </header> <paragraph id="H11D46E0517C0404290311637A5DD1DCB"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> The Independent Evaluator shall be appointed by the Administrator from among nominees submitted by the Chesapeake Executive Council. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H3A935857C70843F3B39F35BCD4B1612A"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Nominations </header> <text> The Chesapeake Executive Council may submit to the Administrator 4 nominees for appointment to any vacancy in the office of the Independent Evaluator. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H7A690F0111714AF59A6EF1E5FD1810EC"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Reports </header> <text> The Independent Evaluator shall submit a report to the Congress every 2 years in the findings and recommendations of reviews under this section. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="HCE7D53DCD65748AC90EC178CB23BF6C1"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header> Chesapeake Executive Council </header> <text> In this section, the term <quote> Chesapeake Executive Council </quote> has the meaning given that term by section 307 of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Authorization Act of 1992 ( <external-xref legal-doc="public-law" parsable-cite="pl/102/567"> Public Law 102–567 </external-xref> ; <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/15/1511d"> 15 U.S.C. 1511d </external-xref> ). </text> </subsection> </section> <section id="HE0B52044977D43C39B5486B4B935FE24"> <enum> 5. </enum> <header> Definitions </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> In this Act, the following definitions apply: </text> <paragraph id="H2194F710FA374147A75BD40408524BD5"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> Adaptive Management </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The term <quote> adaptive management </quote> means a type of natural resource management in which project and program decisions are made as part of an ongoing science-based process. Adaptive management involves testing, monitoring, and evaluating applied strategies and incorporating new knowledge into programs and restoration activities that are based on scientific findings and the needs of society. Results are used to modify management policy, strategies, practices, programs, and restoration activities. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H42053593154448C8B8F8E56C491559F0"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Administrator </header> <text> The term <quote> Administrator </quote> means the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H2624DE0DFA664209B8F827D7D173B0AA"> <enum> (3) </enum> <header> Chesapeake Bay State </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The term <quote> Chesapeake Bay State </quote> or <quote> State </quote> means the States of Maryland, West Virginia, Delaware, and New York, the Commonwealths of Virginia and Pennsylvania, and the District of Columbia. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HF1AE2553BFB343C3958F5BF847176438"> <enum> (4) </enum> <header> Chesapeake Bay Watershed </header> <text> The term <quote> Chesapeake Bay watershed </quote> means the Chesapeake Bay and the geographic area, as determined by the Secretary of the Interior, consisting of 36 tributary basins, within the Chesapeake Bay States, through which precipitation drains into the Chesapeake Bay. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H224DDA3BBA864AA49E4E9C7F5F9F6788"> <enum> (5) </enum> <header> Chief Executive </header> <text> The term <quote> chief executive </quote> means, in the case of a State or Commonwealth, the Governor of each such State or Commonwealth and, in the case of the District of Columbia, the Mayor of the District of Columbia. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H6572A81B61984D5889B7722ED478AA12"> <enum> (6) </enum> <header> Director </header> <text> The term <quote> Director </quote> means the Director of the Office of Management and Budget. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H23D74D1AEFA3449C8E03E303E71DC715"> <enum> (7) </enum> <header> Restoration Activities </header> <text> The term <quote> restoration activities </quote> means any Federal or State programs or projects that directly or indirectly protect, conserve, or restore living resources, habitat, water resources, or water quality in the Chesapeake Bay watershed, including programs or projects that promote responsible land use, stewardship, and community engagement in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. Restoration activities may be categorized as follows: </text> <subparagraph id="H76C9A19FBD4D440C9A3F643CFC06D49C"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> Physical restoration. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HD589A5E56C964E6F95B51CB3D3C961F4"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> Planning. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H80E186A24339418A9EB56FED30563047"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> Feasibility studies. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H6FF60E39ACD34672AB833448E8B4AAE7"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text> Scientific research. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H83EB62DB1112421DA800C0E12D6202C9"> <enum> (E) </enum> <text> Monitoring. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H852156ACB68D4D6EB00E185D1D8313D1"> <enum> (F) </enum> <text> Education. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H617E5B9ED8BB4E45A55F0DA780D3F8EB"> <enum> (G) </enum> <text> Infrastructure Development. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </section> </legis-body> </bill>
I 113th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 739 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES February 14, 2013 Mr. Wittman introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Natural Resources , and in addition to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure , for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned A BILL To require the Office of Management and Budget to prepare a crosscut budget for restoration activities in the Chesapeake Bay watershed, to require the Environmental Protection Agency to develop and implement an adaptive management plan, and for other purposes. 1. Short title This Act may be cited as the Chesapeake Bay Accountability and Recovery Act of 2013 . 2. Chesapeake Bay Crosscut Budget (a) Crosscut Budget The Director, in consultation with the Chesapeake Executive Council, the chief executive of each Chesapeake Bay State, and the Chesapeake Bay Commission, shall submit to Congress a financial report containing— (1) an interagency crosscut budget that displays— (A) the proposed funding for any Federal restoration activity to be carried out in the succeeding fiscal year, including any planned interagency or intra-agency transfer, for each of the Federal agencies that carry out restoration activities; (B) to the extent that information is available, the estimated funding for any State restoration activity to be carried out in the succeeding fiscal year; (C) all expenditures for Federal restoration activities from the preceding 2 fiscal years, the current fiscal year, and the succeeding fiscal year; and (D) all expenditures, to the extent that information is available, for State restoration activities during the equivalent time period described in subparagraph (C) ; (2) a detailed accounting of all funds received and obligated by all Federal agencies for restoration activities during the current and preceding fiscal years, including the identification of funds which were transferred to a Chesapeake Bay State for restoration activities; (3) to the extent that information is available, a detailed accounting from each State of all funds received and obligated from a Federal agency for restoration activities during the current and preceding fiscal years; and (4) a description of each of the proposed Federal and State restoration activities to be carried out in the succeeding fiscal year (corresponding to those activities listed in subparagraphs (A) and (B) of paragraph (1)), including the— (A) project description; (B) current status of the project; (C) Federal or State statutory or regulatory authority, programs, or responsible agencies; (D) authorization level for appropriations; (E) project timeline, including benchmarks; (F) references to project documents; (G) descriptions of risks and uncertainties of project implementation; (H) adaptive management actions or framework; (I) coordinating entities; (J) funding history; (K) cost-sharing; and (L) alignment with existing Chesapeake Bay Agreement and Chesapeake Executive Council goals and priorities. (b) Minimum funding levels The Director shall only describe restoration activities in the report required under subsection (a) that— (1) for Federal restoration activities, have funding amounts greater than or equal to $100,000; and (2) for State restoration activities, have funding amounts greater than or equal to $50,000. (c) Deadline The Director shall submit to Congress the report required by subsection (a) not later than 30 days after the submission by the President of the President’s annual budget to Congress. (d) Report Copies of the financial report required by subsection (a) shall be submitted to the Committees on Appropriations, Natural Resources, Energy and Commerce, and Transportation and Infrastructure of the House of Representatives and the Committees on Appropriations, Environment and Public Works, and Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate. (e) Effective Date This section shall apply beginning with the first fiscal year after the date of enactment of this Act for which the President submits a budget to Congress. 3. Adaptive Management Plan (a) In general Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, the Administrator, in consultation with other Federal and State agencies, shall develop an adaptive management plan for restoration activities in the Chesapeake Bay watershed that includes— (1) definition of specific and measurable objectives to improve water quality, habitat, and fisheries; (2) a process for stakeholder participation; (3) monitoring, modeling, experimentation, and other research and evaluation practices; (4) a process for modification of restoration activities that have not attained or will not attain the specific and measurable objectives set forth under paragraph (1) ; and (5) a process for prioritizing restoration activities and programs to which adaptive management shall be applied. (b) Implementation The Administrator shall implement the adaptive management plan developed under subsection (a) . (c) Updates The Administrator shall update the adaptive management plan developed under subsection (a) every 2 years. (d) Report to Congress (1) In general Not later than 60 days after the end of a fiscal year, the Administrator shall transmit to Congress an annual report on the implementation of the adaptive management plan required under this section for such fiscal year. (2) Contents The report required under paragraph (1) shall contain information about the application of adaptive management to restoration activities and programs, including programmatic and project level changes implemented through the process of adaptive management. (3) Effective date Paragraph (1) shall apply to the first fiscal year that begins after the date of enactment of this Act. (e) Inclusion of plan in Annual Action Plan and Annual Progress Report The Administrator shall ensure that the Annual Action Plan and Annual Progress Report required by section 205 of Executive Order 13508 includes the adaptive management plan outlined in subsection (a). 4. Independent Evaluator for the Chesapeake Bay Program (a) In general There shall be an Independent Evaluator for restoration activities in the Chesapeake Bay watershed, who shall review and report on restoration activities and the use of adaptive management in restoration activities, including on such related topics as are suggested by the Chesapeake Executive Council. (b) Appointment (1) In general The Independent Evaluator shall be appointed by the Administrator from among nominees submitted by the Chesapeake Executive Council. (2) Nominations The Chesapeake Executive Council may submit to the Administrator 4 nominees for appointment to any vacancy in the office of the Independent Evaluator. (c) Reports The Independent Evaluator shall submit a report to the Congress every 2 years in the findings and recommendations of reviews under this section. (d) Chesapeake Executive Council In this section, the term Chesapeake Executive Council has the meaning given that term by section 307 of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Authorization Act of 1992 ( Public Law 102–567 ; 15 U.S.C. 1511d ). 5. Definitions In this Act, the following definitions apply: (1) Adaptive Management The term adaptive management means a type of natural resource management in which project and program decisions are made as part of an ongoing science-based process. Adaptive management involves testing, monitoring, and evaluating applied strategies and incorporating new knowledge into programs and restoration activities that are based on scientific findings and the needs of society. Results are used to modify management policy, strategies, practices, programs, and restoration activities. (2) Administrator The term Administrator means the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency. (3) Chesapeake Bay State The term Chesapeake Bay State or State means the States of Maryland, West Virginia, Delaware, and New York, the Commonwealths of Virginia and Pennsylvania, and the District of Columbia. (4) Chesapeake Bay Watershed The term Chesapeake Bay watershed means the Chesapeake Bay and the geographic area, as determined by the Secretary of the Interior, consisting of 36 tributary basins, within the Chesapeake Bay States, through which precipitation drains into the Chesapeake Bay. (5) Chief Executive The term chief executive means, in the case of a State or Commonwealth, the Governor of each such State or Commonwealth and, in the case of the District of Columbia, the Mayor of the District of Columbia. (6) Director The term Director means the Director of the Office of Management and Budget. (7) Restoration Activities The term restoration activities means any Federal or State programs or projects that directly or indirectly protect, conserve, or restore living resources, habitat, water resources, or water quality in the Chesapeake Bay watershed, including programs or projects that promote responsible land use, stewardship, and community engagement in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. Restoration activities may be categorized as follows: (A) Physical restoration. (B) Planning. (C) Feasibility studies. (D) Scientific research. (E) Monitoring. (F) Education. (G) Infrastructure Development.
2023-01-07 03:23:02.587
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Reported-in-House" bill-type="olc" dms-id="H8286D8C9490E47C6A1C501B1DAE27738" public-private="public"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 739 RH: Chesapeake Bay Accountability and Recovery Act of 2013 </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2014-05-19 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> IB </distribution-code> <calendar display="yes"> Union Calendar No. 335 </calendar> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 2d Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 739 </legis-num> <associated-doc display="yes" role="report"> [Report No. 113–453, Part I] </associated-doc> <current-chamber display="yes"> IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130214"> February 14, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="W000804"> Mr. Wittman </sponsor> introduced the following bill; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="HII00"> Committee on Natural Resources </committee-name> , and in addition to the <committee-name committee-id="HPW00"> Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure </committee-name> , for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned </action-desc> </action> <action> <action-date date="20140519"> May 19, 2014 </action-date> <action-desc> Additional sponsors: <cosponsor name-id="R000589"> Mr. Rigell </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="M000933"> Mr. Moran </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="W000672"> Mr. Wolf </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="V000128"> Mr. Van Hollen </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S000185"> Mr. Scott of Virginia </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="C001078"> Mr. Connolly </cosponsor> </action-desc> </action> <action> <action-date date="20140519"> May 19, 2014 </action-date> <action-desc> Reported from the <committee-name committee-id="HII00"> Committee on Natural Resources </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <action> <action-date date="20140519"> May 19, 2014 </action-date> <action-desc> The <committee-name committee-id="HPW00"> Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure </committee-name> discharged; committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union and ordered to be printed </action-desc> </action> <action> <action-desc> <pagebreak/> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> A BILL </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> To require the Office of Management and Budget to prepare a crosscut budget for restoration activities in the Chesapeake Bay watershed, to require the Environmental Protection Agency to develop and implement an adaptive management plan, and for other purposes. <pagebreak/> </official-title> </form> <legis-body id="H247665441EB9483EAB297BF4B1E81309" style="OLC"> <section id="H311072D652944A838A3F4C1516A270A9" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Short title </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> This Act may be cited as the <quote> <short-title> Chesapeake Bay Accountability and Recovery Act of 2013 </short-title> </quote> . </text> </section> <section id="HC11D3EEE7AD04C11A1A91C9D3AB4ECFA" section-type="subsequent-section"> <enum> 2. </enum> <header> Chesapeake Bay Crosscut Budget </header> <subsection id="HC755FC11956F45C19E0DA8F7A61E9625"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Crosscut Budget </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The Director, in consultation with the Chesapeake Executive Council, the chief executive of each Chesapeake Bay State, and the Chesapeake Bay Commission, shall submit to Congress a financial report containing— </text> <paragraph id="HC706BAA9E1B34DA59BBDA3C530A379CA"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> an interagency crosscut budget that displays— </text> <subparagraph id="HF55FA140A3A8413EA6D3138E12D1DB7A"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> the proposed funding for any Federal restoration activity to be carried out in the succeeding fiscal year, including any planned interagency or intra-agency transfer, for each of the Federal agencies that carry out restoration activities; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H2B8FCADDE808429ABE8E83B427AF73F0"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> to the extent that information is available, the estimated funding for any State restoration activity to be carried out in the succeeding fiscal year; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H29B64FCC5CC7478782745692727C390A"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> all expenditures for Federal restoration activities from the preceding 2 fiscal years, the current fiscal year, and the succeeding fiscal year; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HC3312330B5144007BC17F0EB37C36633"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> all expenditures, to the extent that information is available, for State restoration activities during the equivalent time period described in <internal-xref idref="H29B64FCC5CC7478782745692727C390A" legis-path="2.(a)(1)(C)"> subparagraph (C) </internal-xref> ; </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H174217397B0847C881683CF9EE7FB02A"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> a detailed accounting of all funds received and obligated by all Federal agencies for restoration activities during the current and preceding fiscal years, including the identification of funds which were transferred to a Chesapeake Bay State for restoration activities; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H64BD14D960B149CBBF253884A2FE1ACE"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> to the extent that information is available, a detailed accounting from each State of all funds received and obligated from a Federal agency for restoration activities during the current and preceding fiscal years; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H3EF7D910B5404536AD5058973239F4FC"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> a description of each of the proposed Federal and State restoration activities to be carried out in the succeeding fiscal year (corresponding to those activities listed in subparagraphs (A) and (B) of paragraph (1)), including the— </text> <subparagraph id="HFB663AF5DC1443C6B82CA50F5253F848"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> project description; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H4681E97009F04223B9F90FE845345E47"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> current status of the project; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HACB4F578883341C9A0A47481623C5243"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Federal or State statutory or regulatory authority, programs, or responsible agencies; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H8F0E85F3059E4105BDDF99399DF35EA1"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text> authorization level for appropriations; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H01834D00F4C245ED81FAC1BB0B08CEE5"> <enum> (E) </enum> <text> project timeline, including benchmarks; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H8D7451438B9841379C9A2F1BC0245FD7"> <enum> (F) </enum> <text> references to project documents; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H0AF8F6B29F3944D5BD63994E0D89EF27"> <enum> (G) </enum> <text> descriptions of risks and uncertainties of project implementation; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H12D8388F86F24912A7BF767DB7033CCA"> <enum> (H) </enum> <text> adaptive management actions or framework; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HE244D101F1CA4D11B8A545A44D8306DA"> <enum> (I) </enum> <text> coordinating entities; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HB03F669E856E471F840C002E15C0F269"> <enum> (J) </enum> <text> funding history; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HD3D9A5DBBE63430AAB0A57A8CB701C58"> <enum> (K) </enum> <text> cost-sharing; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HC6177E523B5D4281A0A9F1806FA462E3"> <enum> (L) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> alignment with existing Chesapeake Bay Agreement and Chesapeake Executive Council goals and priorities. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H2EF99B4545BE49219B1B1FA22E208ACC"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Minimum funding levels </header> <text> The Director shall only describe restoration activities in the report required under <internal-xref idref="HC755FC11956F45C19E0DA8F7A61E9625" legis-path="2.(a)"> subsection (a) </internal-xref> that— </text> <paragraph id="H3C1D5BBEB53B4B31B457D13D5DA469E5"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> for Federal restoration activities, have funding amounts greater than or equal to $100,000; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HE813FDA03ABE4149AD6DBC66B68DCAA9"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> for State restoration activities, have funding amounts greater than or equal to $50,000. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H126A1079D7EE4121965A08F5D6FD0F27"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Deadline </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The Director shall submit to Congress the report required by <internal-xref idref="HC755FC11956F45C19E0DA8F7A61E9625" legis-path="2.(a)"> subsection (a) </internal-xref> not later than 30 days after the submission by the President of the President’s annual budget to Congress. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="HF5B0DEFE6CD4448589868A75D2BD15C5"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header> Report </header> <text> Copies of the financial report required by <internal-xref idref="HC755FC11956F45C19E0DA8F7A61E9625" legis-path="2.(a)"> subsection (a) </internal-xref> shall be submitted to the Committees on Appropriations, Natural Resources, Energy and Commerce, and Transportation and Infrastructure of the House of Representatives and the Committees on Appropriations, Environment and Public Works, and Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H7E32406B5DBD48C7B3D8846836AD8B5A"> <enum> (e) </enum> <header> Effective Date </header> <text> This section shall apply beginning with the first fiscal year after the date of enactment of this Act for which the President submits a budget to Congress. </text> </subsection> </section> <section id="HE4BCFA70F6074EE4BC4DD56334B29808"> <enum> 3. </enum> <header> Adaptive Management Plan </header> <subsection id="H2237B243EC1A46F4841E5450471BF929"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, the Administrator, in consultation with other Federal and State agencies, shall develop an adaptive management plan for restoration activities in the Chesapeake Bay watershed that includes— </text> <paragraph id="HD222910B0BB8497BAA08EED05ACF4042"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> definition of specific and measurable objectives to improve water quality, habitat, and fisheries; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H3B5EF6C2309543DBB4F9D6B569A30AD2"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> a process for stakeholder participation; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HF28DB5A7535E417AAF1743128506AC4E"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> monitoring, modeling, experimentation, and other research and evaluation practices; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HCFFB08F2BAE747F3A70ECB044CA9E4E4"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> a process for modification of restoration activities that have not attained or will not attain the specific and measurable objectives set forth under <internal-xref idref="HD222910B0BB8497BAA08EED05ACF4042" legis-path="3.(a)(1)"> paragraph (1) </internal-xref> ; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H9FFD28CF1CEC45B381588AD7AD5B6801"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> a process for prioritizing restoration activities and programs to which adaptive management shall be applied. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H10E0827071DB40BF9A2342DC3F6EA1C3"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Implementation </header> <text> The Administrator shall implement the adaptive management plan developed under <internal-xref idref="H2237B243EC1A46F4841E5450471BF929" legis-path="3.(a)"> subsection (a) </internal-xref> . </text> </subsection> <subsection id="HF04D10454A044728B892F0DDBA1940A8"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Updates </header> <text> The Administrator shall update the adaptive management plan developed under <internal-xref idref="H2237B243EC1A46F4841E5450471BF929" legis-path="3.(a)"> subsection (a) </internal-xref> every 2 years. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="HD55EE742CD1C45DA9A87BE75BA64CA39"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header> Report to Congress </header> <paragraph id="H24DF8D6D3A6042608DDA6B5BE9188407"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> Not later than 60 days after the end of a fiscal year, the Administrator shall transmit to Congress an annual report on the implementation of the adaptive management plan required under this section for such fiscal year. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H7D9F3A7476EB43A099558DF44877951D"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Contents </header> <text> The report required under paragraph (1) shall contain information about the application of adaptive management to restoration activities and programs, including programmatic and project level changes implemented through the process of adaptive management. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H8D992D72FEA742EFBF4405E9AC0036D8"> <enum> (3) </enum> <header> Effective date </header> <text> Paragraph (1) shall apply to the first fiscal year that begins after the date of enactment of this Act. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H1E6867D66A8B4DF98F054878F0C381FD"> <enum> (e) </enum> <header> Inclusion of plan in Annual Action Plan and Annual Progress Report </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The Administrator shall ensure that the Annual Action Plan and Annual Progress Report required by section 205 of Executive Order 13508 includes the adaptive management plan outlined in subsection (a). </text> </subsection> </section> <section id="H2266CE8C2AC34FA58DB1649D870DAC25"> <enum> 4. </enum> <header> Independent Evaluator for the Chesapeake Bay Program </header> <subsection id="H115DFE3649FF41059340352D87CF5943"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> There shall be an Independent Evaluator for restoration activities in the Chesapeake Bay watershed, who shall review and report on restoration activities and the use of adaptive management in restoration activities, including on such related topics as are suggested by the Chesapeake Executive Council. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H7CDD08A3911F4EB49409534EDF7B0884"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Appointment </header> <paragraph id="H11D46E0517C0404290311637A5DD1DCB"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> The Independent Evaluator shall be appointed by the Administrator from among nominees submitted by the Chesapeake Executive Council. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H3A935857C70843F3B39F35BCD4B1612A"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Nominations </header> <text> The Chesapeake Executive Council may submit to the Administrator 4 nominees for appointment to any vacancy in the office of the Independent Evaluator. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H7A690F0111714AF59A6EF1E5FD1810EC"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Reports </header> <text> The Independent Evaluator shall submit a report to the Congress every 2 years in the findings and recommendations of reviews under this section. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="HCE7D53DCD65748AC90EC178CB23BF6C1"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header> Chesapeake Executive Council </header> <text> In this section, the term <quote> Chesapeake Executive Council </quote> has the meaning given that term by section 307 of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Authorization Act of 1992 ( <external-xref legal-doc="public-law" parsable-cite="pl/102/567"> Public Law 102–567 </external-xref> ; 15 U.S.C. 1511d). </text> </subsection> </section> <section id="HE0B52044977D43C39B5486B4B935FE24"> <enum> 5. </enum> <header> Definitions </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> In this Act, the following definitions apply: </text> <paragraph id="H2194F710FA374147A75BD40408524BD5"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> Adaptive Management </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The term <quote> adaptive management </quote> means a type of natural resource management in which project and program decisions are made as part of an ongoing science-based process. Adaptive management involves testing, monitoring, and evaluating applied strategies and incorporating new knowledge into programs and restoration activities that are based on scientific findings and the needs of society. Results are used to modify management policy, strategies, practices, programs, and restoration activities. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H42053593154448C8B8F8E56C491559F0"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Administrator </header> <text> The term <quote> Administrator </quote> means the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H2624DE0DFA664209B8F827D7D173B0AA"> <enum> (3) </enum> <header> Chesapeake Bay State </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The term <quote> Chesapeake Bay State </quote> or <quote> State </quote> means the States of Maryland, West Virginia, Delaware, and New York, the Commonwealths of Virginia and Pennsylvania, and the District of Columbia. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HF1AE2553BFB343C3958F5BF847176438"> <enum> (4) </enum> <header> Chesapeake Bay Watershed </header> <text> The term <quote> Chesapeake Bay watershed </quote> means the Chesapeake Bay and the geographic area, as determined by the Secretary of the Interior, consisting of 36 tributary basins, within the Chesapeake Bay States, through which precipitation drains into the Chesapeake Bay. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H224DDA3BBA864AA49E4E9C7F5F9F6788"> <enum> (5) </enum> <header> Chief Executive </header> <text> The term <quote> chief executive </quote> means, in the case of a State or Commonwealth, the Governor of each such State or Commonwealth and, in the case of the District of Columbia, the Mayor of the District of Columbia. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H6572A81B61984D5889B7722ED478AA12"> <enum> (6) </enum> <header> Director </header> <text> The term <quote> Director </quote> means the Director of the Office of Management and Budget. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H23D74D1AEFA3449C8E03E303E71DC715"> <enum> (7) </enum> <header> Restoration Activities </header> <text> The term <quote> restoration activities </quote> means any Federal or State programs or projects that directly or indirectly protect, conserve, or restore living resources, habitat, water resources, or water quality in the Chesapeake Bay watershed, including programs or projects that promote responsible land use, stewardship, and community engagement in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. Restoration activities may be categorized as follows: </text> <subparagraph id="H76C9A19FBD4D440C9A3F643CFC06D49C"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> Physical restoration. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HD589A5E56C964E6F95B51CB3D3C961F4"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> Planning. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H80E186A24339418A9EB56FED30563047"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> Feasibility studies. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H6FF60E39ACD34672AB833448E8B4AAE7"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text> Scientific research. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H83EB62DB1112421DA800C0E12D6202C9"> <enum> (E) </enum> <text> Monitoring. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H852156ACB68D4D6EB00E185D1D8313D1"> <enum> (F) </enum> <text> Education. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H617E5B9ED8BB4E45A55F0DA780D3F8EB"> <enum> (G) </enum> <text> Infrastructure Development. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </section> </legis-body> <endorsement display="yes"> <action-date date="20140519"> May 19, 2014 </action-date> <action-desc> Reported from the <committee-name committee-id="HII00"> Committee on Natural Resources </committee-name> </action-desc> <action-date date="20140519"> May 19, 2014 </action-date> <action-desc> The <committee-name committee-id="HPW00"> Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure </committee-name> discharged; committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union and ordered to be printed </action-desc> </endorsement> </bill>
IB Union Calendar No. 335 113th CONGRESS 2d Session H. R. 739 [Report No. 113–453, Part I] IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES February 14, 2013 Mr. Wittman introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Natural Resources , and in addition to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure , for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned May 19, 2014 Additional sponsors: Mr. Rigell , Mr. Moran , Mr. Wolf , Mr. Van Hollen , Mr. Scott of Virginia , and Mr. Connolly May 19, 2014 Reported from the Committee on Natural Resources May 19, 2014 The Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure discharged; committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union and ordered to be printed A BILL To require the Office of Management and Budget to prepare a crosscut budget for restoration activities in the Chesapeake Bay watershed, to require the Environmental Protection Agency to develop and implement an adaptive management plan, and for other purposes. 1. Short title This Act may be cited as the Chesapeake Bay Accountability and Recovery Act of 2013 . 2. Chesapeake Bay Crosscut Budget (a) Crosscut Budget The Director, in consultation with the Chesapeake Executive Council, the chief executive of each Chesapeake Bay State, and the Chesapeake Bay Commission, shall submit to Congress a financial report containing— (1) an interagency crosscut budget that displays— (A) the proposed funding for any Federal restoration activity to be carried out in the succeeding fiscal year, including any planned interagency or intra-agency transfer, for each of the Federal agencies that carry out restoration activities; (B) to the extent that information is available, the estimated funding for any State restoration activity to be carried out in the succeeding fiscal year; (C) all expenditures for Federal restoration activities from the preceding 2 fiscal years, the current fiscal year, and the succeeding fiscal year; and (D) all expenditures, to the extent that information is available, for State restoration activities during the equivalent time period described in subparagraph (C) ; (2) a detailed accounting of all funds received and obligated by all Federal agencies for restoration activities during the current and preceding fiscal years, including the identification of funds which were transferred to a Chesapeake Bay State for restoration activities; (3) to the extent that information is available, a detailed accounting from each State of all funds received and obligated from a Federal agency for restoration activities during the current and preceding fiscal years; and (4) a description of each of the proposed Federal and State restoration activities to be carried out in the succeeding fiscal year (corresponding to those activities listed in subparagraphs (A) and (B) of paragraph (1)), including the— (A) project description; (B) current status of the project; (C) Federal or State statutory or regulatory authority, programs, or responsible agencies; (D) authorization level for appropriations; (E) project timeline, including benchmarks; (F) references to project documents; (G) descriptions of risks and uncertainties of project implementation; (H) adaptive management actions or framework; (I) coordinating entities; (J) funding history; (K) cost-sharing; and (L) alignment with existing Chesapeake Bay Agreement and Chesapeake Executive Council goals and priorities. (b) Minimum funding levels The Director shall only describe restoration activities in the report required under subsection (a) that— (1) for Federal restoration activities, have funding amounts greater than or equal to $100,000; and (2) for State restoration activities, have funding amounts greater than or equal to $50,000. (c) Deadline The Director shall submit to Congress the report required by subsection (a) not later than 30 days after the submission by the President of the President’s annual budget to Congress. (d) Report Copies of the financial report required by subsection (a) shall be submitted to the Committees on Appropriations, Natural Resources, Energy and Commerce, and Transportation and Infrastructure of the House of Representatives and the Committees on Appropriations, Environment and Public Works, and Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate. (e) Effective Date This section shall apply beginning with the first fiscal year after the date of enactment of this Act for which the President submits a budget to Congress. 3. Adaptive Management Plan (a) In general Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, the Administrator, in consultation with other Federal and State agencies, shall develop an adaptive management plan for restoration activities in the Chesapeake Bay watershed that includes— (1) definition of specific and measurable objectives to improve water quality, habitat, and fisheries; (2) a process for stakeholder participation; (3) monitoring, modeling, experimentation, and other research and evaluation practices; (4) a process for modification of restoration activities that have not attained or will not attain the specific and measurable objectives set forth under paragraph (1) ; and (5) a process for prioritizing restoration activities and programs to which adaptive management shall be applied. (b) Implementation The Administrator shall implement the adaptive management plan developed under subsection (a) . (c) Updates The Administrator shall update the adaptive management plan developed under subsection (a) every 2 years. (d) Report to Congress (1) In general Not later than 60 days after the end of a fiscal year, the Administrator shall transmit to Congress an annual report on the implementation of the adaptive management plan required under this section for such fiscal year. (2) Contents The report required under paragraph (1) shall contain information about the application of adaptive management to restoration activities and programs, including programmatic and project level changes implemented through the process of adaptive management. (3) Effective date Paragraph (1) shall apply to the first fiscal year that begins after the date of enactment of this Act. (e) Inclusion of plan in Annual Action Plan and Annual Progress Report The Administrator shall ensure that the Annual Action Plan and Annual Progress Report required by section 205 of Executive Order 13508 includes the adaptive management plan outlined in subsection (a). 4. Independent Evaluator for the Chesapeake Bay Program (a) In general There shall be an Independent Evaluator for restoration activities in the Chesapeake Bay watershed, who shall review and report on restoration activities and the use of adaptive management in restoration activities, including on such related topics as are suggested by the Chesapeake Executive Council. (b) Appointment (1) In general The Independent Evaluator shall be appointed by the Administrator from among nominees submitted by the Chesapeake Executive Council. (2) Nominations The Chesapeake Executive Council may submit to the Administrator 4 nominees for appointment to any vacancy in the office of the Independent Evaluator. (c) Reports The Independent Evaluator shall submit a report to the Congress every 2 years in the findings and recommendations of reviews under this section. (d) Chesapeake Executive Council In this section, the term Chesapeake Executive Council has the meaning given that term by section 307 of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Authorization Act of 1992 ( Public Law 102–567 ; 15 U.S.C. 1511d). 5. Definitions In this Act, the following definitions apply: (1) Adaptive Management The term adaptive management means a type of natural resource management in which project and program decisions are made as part of an ongoing science-based process. Adaptive management involves testing, monitoring, and evaluating applied strategies and incorporating new knowledge into programs and restoration activities that are based on scientific findings and the needs of society. Results are used to modify management policy, strategies, practices, programs, and restoration activities. (2) Administrator The term Administrator means the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency. (3) Chesapeake Bay State The term Chesapeake Bay State or State means the States of Maryland, West Virginia, Delaware, and New York, the Commonwealths of Virginia and Pennsylvania, and the District of Columbia. (4) Chesapeake Bay Watershed The term Chesapeake Bay watershed means the Chesapeake Bay and the geographic area, as determined by the Secretary of the Interior, consisting of 36 tributary basins, within the Chesapeake Bay States, through which precipitation drains into the Chesapeake Bay. (5) Chief Executive The term chief executive means, in the case of a State or Commonwealth, the Governor of each such State or Commonwealth and, in the case of the District of Columbia, the Mayor of the District of Columbia. (6) Director The term Director means the Director of the Office of Management and Budget. (7) Restoration Activities The term restoration activities means any Federal or State programs or projects that directly or indirectly protect, conserve, or restore living resources, habitat, water resources, or water quality in the Chesapeake Bay watershed, including programs or projects that promote responsible land use, stewardship, and community engagement in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. Restoration activities may be categorized as follows: (A) Physical restoration. (B) Planning. (C) Feasibility studies. (D) Scientific research. (E) Monitoring. (F) Education. (G) Infrastructure Development. May 19, 2014 Reported from the Committee on Natural Resources May 19, 2014 The Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure discharged; committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union and ordered to be printed
2023-01-08 17:38:04.535
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Introduced-in-House" bill-type="olc" dms-id="H3022D1899C654807B3DAA1AB18E1AC0A" public-private="public"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 740 IH: Southeast Alaska Native Land Entitlement Finalization and Jobs Protection Act </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-02-14 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> I </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 740 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130214"> February 14, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="Y000033"> Mr. Young of Alaska </sponsor> (for himself, <cosponsor name-id="H001050"> Ms. Hanabusa </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="P000596"> Mr. Pierluisi </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="B001245"> Ms. Bordallo </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="S001177"> Mr. Sablan </cosponsor> ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="HII00"> Committee on Natural Resources </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> A BILL </legis-type> <official-title> To provide for the settlement of certain claims under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act, and for other purposes. </official-title> </form> <legis-body id="H2A78B6776CCF48D3A1E962E67388236F" style="OLC"> <section id="HCAA4F1F81D5841D9B034DC332081AA3E" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Short title </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> This Act may be cited as the <quote> <short-title> Southeast Alaska Native Land Entitlement Finalization and Jobs Protection Act </short-title> </quote> . </text> </section> <section id="HB0E6C4A4FFE54878AC36E911761020A3"> <enum> 2. </enum> <header> Definitions </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> In this Act: </text> <paragraph id="H73960FC585C44EAA8766E34A66397675"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> Maps </header> <text> The term <term> maps </term> means the maps entitled <quote> Sealaska Land Entitlement Finalization </quote> , numbered 1 through 25 and dated January 22, 2013. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H17D7B381604B4C5A8D7D1E14FE669B01"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Sealaska </header> <text> The term <term> Sealaska </term> means the Sealaska Corporation, a Regional Native Corporation established under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.). </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H3A308AD1675744C7A669358DB844BBBC"> <enum> (3) </enum> <header> Secretary </header> <text> The term <term> Secretary </term> means the Secretary of the Interior. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H8D36374942E04C84BCD1EEBADEFC3632"> <enum> (4) </enum> <header> State </header> <text> The term <term> State </term> means the State of Alaska. </text> </paragraph> </section> <section id="H76B645A37B964836A9E88AD21FC57A29"> <enum> 3. </enum> <header> Findings; purpose </header> <subsection id="HFE44463CC55140EAA3B80F1C0944A24A"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Findings </header> <text> Congress finds that— </text> <paragraph id="HF8FD3678268740EC83DCB99F1A3B40D4"> <enum> (1) </enum> <subparagraph commented="no" display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="HE6CA2EAFCBB141D4A1C2066BDA7B7B07"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> in 1971, Congress enacted the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1601"> 43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq. </external-xref> ) to recognize and settle the aboriginal claims of Alaska Natives to land historically used by Alaska Natives for traditional, cultural, and spiritual purposes; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HBB946D2F47944F1FA15A65997BD33DF4" indent="up1"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> that Act declared that the land settlement <quote> should be accomplished rapidly, with certainty, in conformity with the real economic and social needs of Natives </quote> ; </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H14EBB6FF4DA8497F9FB315D51D52CFB7"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1601"> 43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq. </external-xref> )— </text> <subparagraph id="H783719F6F8EC450CAD12D2D479BBFD66"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> authorized the distribution of approximately $1,000,000,000 and 44,000,000 acres of land to Alaska Natives; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H7E89B976352B4B6EABA80AAD900272A0"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> provided for the establishment of Native Corporations to receive and manage the funds and that land to meet the cultural, social, and economic needs of Native shareholders; </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H4EF0A4474E1A44FBA2FC3A703E64C57F"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> under section 12 of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1611"> 43 U.S.C. 1611 </external-xref> ), each Regional Corporation, other than Sealaska (the Regional Corporation for southeast Alaska), was authorized to receive a share of land based on the proportion that the number of Alaska Native shareholders residing in the region of the Regional Corporation bore to the total number of Alaska Native shareholders, or the relative size of the area to which the Regional Corporation had an aboriginal land claim bore to the size of the area to which all Regional Corporations had aboriginal land claims; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H93DBF84387564CDBBEDC0CF825547245"> <enum> (4) </enum> <subparagraph commented="no" display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="H4E8BC84B6ED94707AA9B8AB8F439E3FC"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> Sealaska, the Regional Corporation for southeast Alaska, 1 of the Regional Corporations with the largest number of Alaska Native shareholders, with more than 21 percent of all original Alaska Native shareholders, received less than 1 percent of the lands set aside for Alaska Natives, and received no land under section 12 of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1611"> 43 U.S.C. 1611 </external-xref> ); </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HD6D5FE386B484A93B16D14BEB0D22BE9" indent="up1"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> the Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska was 1 of the entities representing the Alaska Natives of southeast Alaska before the date of enactment of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1601"> 43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq. </external-xref> ); and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H930929045C2945AAA9E70EAF7AE6193F" indent="up1"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> Sealaska did not receive land in proportion to the number of Alaska Native shareholders, or in proportion to the size of the area to which Sealaska had an aboriginal land claim, in part because of a United States Court of Claims cash settlement to the Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska in 1968 for land previously taken to create the Tongass National Forest and Glacier Bay National Monument; </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H51B04CA3B7444FD8BE2095A77BF75969"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text> the 1968 Court of Claims cash settlement of $7,500,000 did not— </text> <subparagraph id="HD95EA12D63CB472DBD2773E32E2DF626"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> adequately compensate the Alaska Natives of southeast Alaska for the significant quantity of land and resources lost as a result of the creation of the Tongass National Forest and Glacier Bay National Monument or other losses of land and resources; or </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H958A1388D6FE476F942827A23FE225F9"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> justify the significant disparate treatment of Sealaska under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1611"> 43 U.S.C. 1611 </external-xref> ) in 1971; </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H8D3FC6E7C00D468387B85FCF29FCE40E"> <enum> (6) </enum> <subparagraph commented="no" display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="HA219AC948EDF4E0DAE3B1F5A675F0456"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> while each other Regional Corporation received a significant quantity of land under sections 12 and 14 of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1611"> 43 U.S.C. 1611 </external-xref> , 1613), Sealaska only received land under section 14(h) of that Act (43 U.S.C. 1613(h)); </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H3456F729B3404D10A633CE921CCBA519" indent="up1"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> section 14(h) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1613"> 43 U.S.C. 1613(h) </external-xref> ) authorized the Secretary to withdraw and convey 2,000,000 acres of <quote> unreserved and unappropriated </quote> public lands in Alaska from which Alaska Native selections could be made for historic sites, cemetery sites, Urban Corporation land, Native group land, and Native Allotments; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H3B2338E21899425C92A064400BFA77AA" indent="up1"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> under section 14(h)(8) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1613"> 43 U.S.C. 1613(h)(8) </external-xref> ), after selections are made under paragraphs (1) through (7) of that section, the land remaining in the 2,000,000-acre land pool is allocated based on the proportion that the original Alaska Native shareholder population of a Regional Corporation bore to the original Alaska Native shareholder population of all Regional Corporations; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H86FDEBE6D52F46C89DDF011C5EB21332" indent="up1"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text> the only Native land entitlement of Sealaska derives from a proportion of leftover land remaining from the 2,000,000-acre land pool, estimated as of the date of enactment of this Act at approximately 1,655,000 acres; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HA6924FAC47F843978E54BB4E31A48E4B" indent="up1"> <enum> (E) </enum> <text> because at the time of enactment of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1601"> 43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq. </external-xref> ) all public land in the Tongass National Forest had been reserved for purposes of creating the national forest, the Secretary was not able to withdraw any public land in the Tongass National Forest for selection by and conveyance to Sealaska; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H22BDAD3E3F5D43F0A96D235EEAD088BB" indent="up1"> <enum> (F) </enum> <text> at the time of enactment of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1601"> 43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq. </external-xref> ) other public lands in southeast Alaska not located in the Tongass National Forest were not suitable for selection by and conveyance to Sealaska because such lands were located in Glacier Bay National Monument, were included in a withdrawal effected pursuant to section 17(d)(2) of that Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1616"> 43 U.S.C. 1616(d)(2) </external-xref> ) and slated to become part of the Wrangell-St. Elias National Park, or essentially consisted of mountain tops; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H8E6D36D4058140008251508FA4031EF1" indent="up1"> <enum> (G) </enum> <text> Sealaska in 1975 requested that Congress amend the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1601"> 43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq. </external-xref> ) to permit the Regional Corporation to select lands inside of the withdrawal areas established for southeast Alaska Native villages under section 16 of that Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1615"> 43 U.S.C. 1615 </external-xref> ), otherwise, there were no areas available for selection; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HBCF99322593F4F7CA105D21C477B61DE" indent="up1"> <enum> (H) </enum> <text> in 1976 Congress amended section 16 of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1615"> 43 U.S.C. 1615 </external-xref> ) to allow Sealaska to select lands under section 14(h)(8) of that Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1613"> 43 U.S.C. 1613(h)(8) </external-xref> ) from land located inside, rather than outside, the withdrawal areas established for southeast Alaska Native villages; </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H0F55E369E4AA4375AE6CEC97B1BEC3B4"> <enum> (7) </enum> <text> the 10 Alaska Native village withdrawal areas in southeast Alaska surround the Alaska Native communities of Yakutat, Hoonah, Angoon, Kake, Kasaan, Klawock, Craig, Hydaburg, Klukwan, and Saxman; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HC17FD0ACAF0C49DCBF2C8D42795522C4"> <enum> (8) </enum> <subparagraph commented="no" display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="HDC54BA8539114394A87CFF0DD6CF7940"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> the existing conveyance requirements of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.) for southeast Alaska limit the land eligible for conveyance to Sealaska to the original withdrawal areas surrounding 10 Alaska Native villages in southeast Alaska, which precludes Sealaska from selecting land located— </text> <clause id="H8357B20D058D416DA6F45310EC5B89E4" indent="up1"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> in any withdrawal area established for the Urban Corporations for Sitka and Juneau, Alaska; or </text> </clause> <clause id="HC77D9878B8E649938FB2B3CF2AF171DC" indent="up1"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> outside the 10 Alaska Native village withdrawal areas; and </text> </clause> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H12EA3BDE26D640C1BF88C0786952A768" indent="up1"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> unlike other Regional Corporations, Sealaska is not authorized to request land located outside the withdrawal areas described in subparagraph (A) if the withdrawal areas are insufficient to complete the land entitlement of Sealaska under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1601"> 43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq. </external-xref> ); </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H8D4A3B8346634490B706A0CC33701E85"> <enum> (9) </enum> <subparagraph commented="no" display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="H784ECC9C0AE545A28029A8121B0ECB03"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> the deadline for applications for selection of cemetery sites and historic places on land outside withdrawal areas established under section 14 of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1613"> 43 U.S.C. 1613 </external-xref> ) was July 1, 1976; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HA18C4157A8EF449D81D13EEC6E82BE7A" indent="up1"> <enum> (B) </enum> <clause commented="no" display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="H6BC72042F5AE4703A641E0DE59EF51E8"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> as of that date, the Bureau of Land Management notified Sealaska that the total entitlement of Sealaska would be approximately 200,000 acres; and </text> </clause> <clause id="H55C107F44EB9458583D02F77BD74CCBC" indent="up1"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> Sealaska made entitlement allocation decisions for cultural sites and economic development sites based on that original estimate; </text> </clause> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H0DED8CD6573E4812884F0A60476CFDE2" indent="up1"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> as a result of the Alaska Land Transfer Acceleration Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="public-law" parsable-cite="pl/108/452"> Public Law 108–452 </external-xref> ; 118 Stat. 3575) and subsequent related determinations and actions of the Bureau of Land Management, it became clear within the last decade that Sealaska would be entitled to receive a total of approximately 365,000 acres pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1601"> 43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq. </external-xref> ); </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H4D7792A86E8E4C7FB9C01F4ECD2492FC"> <enum> (10) </enum> <text> in light of the revised Bureau of Land Management estimate of the total number of acres that Sealaska will receive pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.), and in consultation with Members of Alaska’s congressional delegation, Sealaska and its shareholders believe that it is appropriate to allocate more of the entitlement of Sealaska to— </text> <subparagraph id="H010718F294FB4F18943A447FEB628130"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> the acquisition of places of sacred, cultural, traditional, and historical significance; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H804EDFC110464359A9EAD2594D6319D8"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> the acquisition of sites with traditional and recreational use value and sites suitable for renewable energy development; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H28C609B6C60E458EA624CBC56065EAB1"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> the acquisition of lands that are not within the watersheds of Native and non-Native communities and are suitable economically and environmentally for natural resource development; </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H3FADDB1411A6472FB8EA05719A5377B9"> <enum> (11) </enum> <text> 44 percent (820,000 acres) of the 10 Alaska Native village withdrawal areas established under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1601"> 43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq. </external-xref> ) described in paragraphs (7) and (8) are composed of salt water and not available for selection; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HAF47049926FC49DA9AD44A3DF048B0F2"> <enum> (12) </enum> <text> of land subject to the selection rights of Sealaska, 110,000 acres are encumbered by gubernatorial consent requirements under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1601"> 43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq. </external-xref> ); </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H24F08947CB32419D89FC56F3EE0C8E53"> <enum> (13) </enum> <text> in each withdrawal area, there exist other unique factors that limit the ability of Sealaska to select sufficient land to fulfill the land entitlement of Sealaska; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H68358C5CACC24838A2C58DD2040BF21F"> <enum> (14) </enum> <text> the selection limitations and guidelines applicable to Sealaska under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1601"> 43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq. </external-xref> )— </text> <subparagraph id="HB47CECE9ED5D4A489ED50653171059F4"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> are inequitable and inconsistent with the purposes of that Act because there is insufficient land remaining in the withdrawal areas to meet the traditional, cultural, and socioeconomic needs of the shareholders of Sealaska; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H4761A9CE70AA42E0936F969CA9C37A5C"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> make it difficult for Sealaska to select— </text> <clause id="HCF543709EBC045BD83AC7D5FB67772F6"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> places of sacred, cultural, traditional, and historical significance; </text> </clause> <clause id="HC6B5C4D6AF9F4887A0ABB82A5530D9B1"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> sites with traditional and recreation use value and sites suitable for renewable energy development; and </text> </clause> <clause id="HFB0FF7B1A42B4CC9B7494B272615DD1C"> <enum> (iii) </enum> <text> lands that meet the real economic needs of the shareholders of Sealaska; </text> </clause> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H0F016A0D28274B1490ACF3A52F4D5608"> <enum> (15) </enum> <text> unless Sealaska is allowed to select land outside designated withdrawal areas in southeast Alaska, Sealaska will not be able to— </text> <subparagraph id="H9784C672F30E47339B3C61F6361B285B"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> complete the land entitlement selections of Sealaska under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1601"> 43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq. </external-xref> ) in a manner that meets the cultural, social, and economic needs of Native shareholders; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H4E2658E6837E4413B2BB332B67CAE39B"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> avoid land selections in watersheds that are the exclusive drinking water supply for regional communities, support world class salmon streams, have been identified as important habitat, or would otherwise be managed by the Forest Service as roadless and old growth forest reserves; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H921E7F616B694226B87838ED6615B17B"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> secure ownership of places of sacred, cultural, traditional, and historical importance to the Alaska Natives of southeast Alaska; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HE0F6556171CA46EB9A1AC226DFBD8E38"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text> continue to support forestry jobs and economic opportunities for Alaska Natives and other residents of rural southeast Alaska; </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H99A07BDE360C4F55AF5BACD2628269ED"> <enum> (16) </enum> <subparagraph commented="no" display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="H3611A95D8AAC4B68AF4DC2EAA2B9BF02"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> the rate of unemployment in southeast Alaska exceeds the statewide rate of unemployment on a non-seasonally adjusted basis; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H824EEFB7A5B143DFA6C42BFBF0FFC68B" indent="up1"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> in November 2012, the Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development reported the unemployment rate for the Prince of Wales—Hyder census area at approximately 12.1 percent; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HE980F4C06F134FFB86D9F8A7F6361C1C" indent="up1"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> in October 2007, the Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development projected population losses between 1996 and 2030 for the Prince of Wales—Outer Ketchikan census area at 56.6 percent; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HA8B068A65A8A420891564822208B4301" indent="up1"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text> official unemployment rates severely underreport the actual level of regional unemployment, particularly in Native villages; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H2DE2327E6C144D118D1F34A1FD52FEDC" indent="up1"> <enum> (E) </enum> <text> additional job losses will exacerbate outmigration from Native and non-Native communities in southeast Alaska; </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H84F9B2AD9FA8435F9C26E5FA47BB8D23"> <enum> (17) </enum> <text> Sealaska has played, and is expected to continue to play, a significant role in the health of the southeast Alaska economy; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H3282EE383FB04953B5FEB5E3FC4B4AC1"> <enum> (18) </enum> <text> despite the small land base of Sealaska as compared to other Regional Corporations (less than 1 percent of the total quantity of land allocated pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1601"> 43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq. </external-xref> )), Sealaska has— </text> <subparagraph id="H8ED3F5742B0D4E4591949FE621AE68BE"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> provided considerable benefits to Alaska Native shareholders; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H119BF230EBB04683BD758E0D4310FB4C"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> supported hundreds of jobs for Alaska Native shareholders and non-shareholders in southeast Alaska for more than 30 years; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HAD9A7C271B5B4A4E8E7B504A8C57D738"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> been a significant economic force in southeast Alaska; </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H62DB466587E44E59B44DB9C0C85B45F7"> <enum> (19) </enum> <text> pursuant to the revenue sharing provisions of section 7(i) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1606"> 43 U.S.C. 1606(i) </external-xref> ), Sealaska has distributed more than $300,000,000 during the period beginning on January 1, 1971, and ending on December 31, 2005, to Native Corporations throughout the State of Alaska from the development of natural resources, which accounts for 42 percent of the total revenues shared under that section during that period; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HD4A88AE788CF456695E431AA54B242E4"> <enum> (20) </enum> <text> resource development operations maintained by Sealaska— </text> <subparagraph id="H57BBCEAA94454E8F93782DBBFA1564FB"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> support hundreds of jobs in the southeast Alaska region; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H1C1716069E2E47C699D55BF1095C262D"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> make timber available to local and domestic sawmills and other wood products businesses such as guitar manufacturers; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H0D2FBF07F18A4E3D8F57877394B6EE25"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> support firewood programs for local communities; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HAFBF51EA35744D1495B5E7A86A05AECC"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text> support maintenance of roads utilized by local communities for subsistence and recreation uses; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HB91A1A89BC05417A802F249E2110A9D5"> <enum> (E) </enum> <text> support development of new biomass energy opportunities in southeast Alaska, reducing dependence on high-cost diesel fuel for the generation of energy; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HF9FAA3CD51054F2385D2E5186C92C7C1"> <enum> (F) </enum> <text> provide start-up capital for innovative business models in southeast Alaska that create new opportunities for non-timber economic development in the region, including support for renewable biomass initiatives, Alaska Native artisans, and rural mariculture farming; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HECC0DA02EDCE4263B649FBE2F22C42F0"> <enum> (G) </enum> <text> support Native education and cultural and language preservation activities; </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HF952C184EF0B4EDE9BF9A69C7384FF21"> <enum> (21) </enum> <text> if the resource development operations of Sealaska cease on land appropriate for those operations, there will be a significant negative impact on— </text> <subparagraph id="H94056B7B8F55402EA645191FF89572B7"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> southeast Alaska Native shareholders; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H1EC6647BF5B3443EB82BFF427E30B777"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> the cultural preservation activities of Sealaska; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H58A6090A5A4C46039E2C8096D0B5C793"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> the economy of southeast Alaska; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H0F4D7B4181FD4213B6DBA4B732B1380B"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text> the Alaska Native community that benefits from the revenue-sharing requirements under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1601"> 43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq. </external-xref> ); </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H2CF821CC277948E185592F3FA544F9AA"> <enum> (22) </enum> <text> it is critical that the remaining land entitlement conveyances to Sealaska under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1601"> 43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq. </external-xref> ) are fulfilled to continue to meet the economic, social, and cultural needs of the Alaska Native shareholders of southeast Alaska and the Alaska Native community throughout Alaska; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H46F1F6EDB84E49F8B3C77EFCC16CDE74"> <enum> (23) </enum> <text> in order to realize cultural preservation goals while also diversifying economic opportunities, Sealaska should be authorized to select and receive conveyance of— </text> <subparagraph id="H92D0FB824925420C99954034B7DE6082"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> sacred, cultural, traditional, and historic sites and other places of traditional and cultural significance, to facilitate the perpetuation and preservation of Alaska Native culture and history; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H794F86CBBACF4FACBFA8B3AB06007812"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> other sites with traditional and recreation use value and sites suitable for renewable energy development to facilitate appropriate tourism and outdoor recreation enterprises and renewable energy development for rural southeast Alaska communities; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H6890CCDE82B9446E86028FE9E1C754B3"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> lands that are suitable economically and environmentally for natural resource development; </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HBB215A3965564ADFBCD7EBC14A8D2166"> <enum> (24) </enum> <text> on completion of the conveyances of land to Sealaska to fulfill the full land entitlement of Sealaska under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.), the encumbrances on 327,000 acres of Federal land created by the withdrawal of land for selection by Native Corporations in southeast Alaska should be removed, which will facilitate thorough and complete planning and efficient management relating to national forest land in southeast Alaska by the Forest Service; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HA6318AE32589457285A9DF7F2B110017"> <enum> (25) </enum> <text> although the Tribal Forest Protection Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/25/3101"> 25 U.S.C. 3101 </external-xref> note; <external-xref legal-doc="public-law" parsable-cite="pl/108/278"> Public Law 108–278 </external-xref> ) defines the term <term> Indian tribe </term> to include Indian tribes under section 4 of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/25/450b"> 25 U.S.C. 450b </external-xref> ), a term which includes <quote> any Alaska Native village or regional or village corporation as defined in or established pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act … </quote> , the Tribal Forest Protection Act does not define the term <term> Indian forest land or rangeland </term> to include lands owned by Alaska Native Corporations, including Sealaska, which are the primary Indian forest land owners in Alaska, and therefore, the Tribal Forest Protection Act should be amended in a manner that will— </text> <subparagraph id="HDCFDAA20A72449C7ADA74784F28A24D2"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> permit Native Corporations, including Sealaska, as Indian forest land owners in Alaska, to work with the Secretary of Agriculture under the Tribal Forest Protection Act to address forest fire and insect infestation issues, including the spread of the spruce bark beetle in southeast and southcentral Alaska, which threaten the health of the Native forestlands; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H8506F6530CEC481C8F0D0FCF07C8881E"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> ensure that Native Corporations, including Sealaska, can participate in programs administered by the Secretary of Agriculture under the Tribal Forest Protection Act without including Native Corporations under the definition in that Act of <quote> Indian forest land or rangeland </quote> or otherwise amending that Act in a manner that validates, invalidates, or otherwise affects any claim regarding the existence of Indian country in the State of Alaska; and </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H86839975BA8D4348A7EA6BD6704169DB"> <enum> (26) </enum> <text> although the National Historic Preservation Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/16/470"> 16 U.S.C. 470 et seq. </external-xref> ) defines the term <term> Indian tribe </term> to include any <quote> Native village, Regional Corporation or Village Corporation, as those terms are defined in section 3 of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act </quote> , the National Historic Preservation Act does not define the term <term> Tribal lands </term> to include lands owned by Alaska Native Corporations, thereby excluding from the National Historic Preservation Act cemetery sites and historical places transferred to Native Corporations, including Sealaska, pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act, and therefore, the National Historic Preservation Act should be amended in a manner that will— </text> <subparagraph id="H6B57B5F18BD94EC5B338B83BF301DD3C"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> permit Native Corporations, including Sealaska, as owners of Indian cemetery sites and historical places in Alaska, to work with the Secretary of the Interior under the National Historic Preservation Act to secure grants and other support to manage their own historic sites and programs pursuant to that Act; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HA1BD7938B8DD41BF9AE08D5C71BE10E1"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> ensure that Native Corporations, including Sealaska, can participate in programs administered by the Secretary of the Interior under the National Historic Preservation Act without including Native Corporations under the definition in that Act of <quote> Tribal lands </quote> or otherwise amending that Act in a manner that validates, invalidates, or otherwise affects any claim regarding the existence of Indian country in the State of Alaska. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HF48741F56E384233B8E064A57C463F17"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Purpose </header> <text> The purpose of this Act is to address the inequitable treatment of Sealaska by allowing Sealaska to select the remaining land entitlement of Sealaska under section 14 of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1613"> 43 U.S.C. 1613 </external-xref> ) from designated Federal land in southeast Alaska located outside the 10 southeast Alaska Native village withdrawal areas in a manner that meets the cultural, social, and economic needs of Alaska Native shareholders, including the need to maintain jobs supported by Sealaska in rural southeast Alaska communities. </text> </subsection> </section> <section id="H9BE03D1DA87048CD8730C85E3791E3CF"> <enum> 4. </enum> <header> Finalization of entitlement </header> <subsection id="HC622A94EC3A24F3890C407E9EA5BBB8C"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> If, not later than 90 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary receives a corporate resolution adopted by the board of directors of Sealaska agreeing to accept the conveyance of land described in subsection (b) in accordance with this Act as full and final satisfaction of the remaining land entitlement of Sealaska under section 14(h) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1613"> 43 U.S.C. 1613(h) </external-xref> ), the Secretary shall— </text> <paragraph id="H11E2197658ED4989B50975911F4D62E3"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> implement the provisions of this Act; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H09BAF18F0F9E46FC954EFFF7DB774766"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> charge the entitlement pool under section 14(h)(8) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1613"> 43 U.S.C. 1613(h)(8) </external-xref> ) 70,075 acres, reduced by the number of acres deducted under subsection (b)(2), in fulfillment of the remaining land entitlement for Sealaska under that Act, notwithstanding whether the surveyed acreage of the 25 parcels of land generally depicted on the maps as <quote> Sealaska Selections </quote> and patented under section 5 is less than or more than 69,235 acres, reduced by the number of acres deducted under subsection (b)(2). </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H6DB896B80F01498C88D01A7E04DB5BB7"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Final entitlement </header> <paragraph id="H8B1F8EA1675A422FB6E3A6EAB36DC9D1"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> Except as provided in paragraph (2), the land described in subsection (a) shall consist of— </text> <subparagraph id="HB91F3CDD6FE5430D9F298C35EB25119F"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> the 25 parcels of Federal land comprising approximately 69,235 acres that is generally depicted as <quote> Sealaska Selections </quote> on the maps; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HCAB8AB88261E4B96BB0EE3435E230A22"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> a total of not more than 840 acres of Federal land for cemetery sites and historical places comprised of parcels that are applied for in accordance with section 6. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H1F6F4CC8436F49C49E35C2642F71DF98"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Deduction </header> <subparagraph id="HF8F35D81E29B413EA998EC9259789489"> <enum> (A) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> The Secretary shall deduct from the number of acres of Federal land described in paragraph (1)(A) the number of acres of Federal land for which the Secretary has issued a conveyance during the period beginning on August 1, 2012, and ending on the date of receipt of the resolution under subsection (a). </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H9B1E24D25E2B46D1873D5CFFAFFD4047"> <enum> (B) </enum> <header> Agreement </header> <text> The Secretary, the Secretary of Agriculture, and Sealaska shall negotiate in good faith to make a mutually agreeable adjustment to the parcel of Federal land generally depicted on the maps entitled <quote> Sealaska Land Entitlement Finalization </quote> , numbered 1 of 25, and dated January 22, 2013, to implement the deduction of acres required by subparagraph (A). </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HB545FD2473C34C0F807E4CA1EFD21F40"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Effect of acceptance </header> <text> The resolution filed by Sealaska in accordance with subsection (a) shall— </text> <paragraph id="HF38415EC1CE545A1BFC036CCDB067470"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> be final and irrevocable; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H427B1E028D174A1A8092F3119C26DAE7"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> without any further administrative action by the Secretary, result in— </text> <subparagraph id="H981EBB597E13409AB88DF5A4D273E5E0"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> the relinquishment of all existing selections made by Sealaska under subsection 14(h)(8) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1613"> 43 U.S.C. 1613(h)(8) </external-xref> ); and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H87A15FF9197F4A7F829CDFACF9E62AFA"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> the termination of all withdrawals by section 16 of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (43 U.S.C. 1615), except to the extent a selection by a Village Corporation under subsections (b) and (d) of section 16 of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1615"> 43 U.S.C. 1615 </external-xref> ) remains pending, until the date on which those selections are resolved. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H509074BCEA6E4F26AC9BD5879850F10E"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header> Failure To accept </header> <text> If Sealaska fails to file the resolution in accordance with subsection (a)— </text> <paragraph id="HA7BFD1D71EF0462ABB5F9BCA8105EC69"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> the provisions of this Act shall cease to be effective; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HD6F353DDEBB74D16B6D2702B8BD7AFA7"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> the Secretary shall, not later than 27 months after the date of enactment of this Act, complete the interim conveyance of the remaining land entitlement to Sealaska under section 14(h)(8) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (43 U.S.C. 1613(h)(8)) from prioritized selections on file with the Secretary on the date of enactment of this Act. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H60388F881D634D12878D8D9F0B0B901A"> <enum> (e) </enum> <header> Scope of law </header> <text> Except as provided in subsections (d) and (f), this Act provides the exclusive authority under which the remaining land entitlement of Sealaska under section 14(h) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (43 U.S.C. 1613(h)) may be fulfilled. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H3E2AEB3E8EFC4317B03DF86BEF044307"> <enum> (f) </enum> <header> Effect </header> <text> Nothing in this Act affects any land that is— </text> <paragraph id="HAB4CE8C2BE914C25BA550B57CC8238C3"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> the subject of an application under subsection (h)(1) of section 14 of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1613"> 43 U.S.C. 1613 </external-xref> ) that is pending on the date of enactment of this Act; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HB8F039600B154600823777B60BFBB99B"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> conveyed in accordance with that subsection. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> </section> <section id="HF975EDE8554742348E53966F4CCC152E"> <enum> 5. </enum> <header> Conveyances to sealaska </header> <subsection id="H2C9CE77EFB5A4D5F9D17E97C0E53F210"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Interim conveyance </header> <text> Subject to valid existing rights, subsections (c), (d), and (e), section 4(b), and section 7(a), the Secretary shall complete the interim conveyance of the 25 parcels of Federal land comprising approximately 69,235 acres generally depicted on the maps by the date that is 60 days after the date of receipt of the resolution under section 4(a), subject to the Secretary identifying and reserving, by the date that is 2 years after the date of enactment of this Act, any easement that could have been reserved in accordance with this Act prior to the interim conveyance. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="HDB6EDCD880F843A08F01471D6255CB87"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Withdrawal </header> <paragraph id="HD1AD6240149C4BFDA7EA6CB5133F1A81"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> Subject to valid existing rights, the Federal land described in subsection (a) is withdrawn from— </text> <subparagraph id="HC630095ADE4C47A4BEB400BC29999F33"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> all forms of appropriation under the public land laws; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HEAD82FB0E4124F6384990A0B387C5330"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> location, entry, and patent under the mining laws; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H966A197D2FD5460F96D895BCB12D41A9"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> disposition under laws relating to mineral or geothermal leasing; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H1387FA277F8F4D76A6EF19D40F23F68B"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text> selection under the Act of July 7, 1958 (commonly known as the <quote> Alaska Statehood Act </quote> ) (48 U.S.C. note prec. 21; <external-xref legal-doc="public-law" parsable-cite="pl/85/508"> Public Law 85–508 </external-xref> ). </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H8C6307B6BA724802B2E37AD254C6F17A"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Termination </header> <text> The withdrawal under paragraph (1) shall remain in effect until— </text> <subparagraph id="H7F98D33BC5234ADE9C65A9AF5DBFDD31"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> if Sealaska fails to file a resolution in accordance with section 4(a), the date that is 90 days after the date of enactment of this Act; or </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H725BB760992C40C4AEEE9048928F7A90"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> the date on which the Federal land is conveyed under subsection (a). </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HC06775EC73D5446C954929588628E21F"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Treatment of land conveyed </header> <text> Except as otherwise provided in this Act, any land conveyed to Sealaska under subsection (a) shall be— </text> <paragraph id="H83EB4CFBA4D44E2584D974454488F0F7"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> considered to be land conveyed by the Secretary under section 14(h)(8) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1613"> 43 U.S.C. 1613(h)(8) </external-xref> ); and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HAD3851D13B144191B9370FC3D0415C72"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> subject to all laws (including regulations) applicable to entitlements under section 14(h)(8) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1613"> 43 U.S.C. 1613(h)(8) </external-xref> ), including section 907(d) of the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act (43 U.S.C. 1636(d)). </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H435C26B5E1AB47F6BE0FC982E39BE82B"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header> Easements </header> <paragraph id="H022C5D5DF6F64D3BB1FC3193C3D8325F"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> Public easements </header> <text> The deeds of conveyance for the land under subsection (a) shall be subject to the reservation of public easements under section 17(b) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1616"> 43 U.S.C. 1616(b) </external-xref> ). </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H990FA58E6A054669877809F907970FB1"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Research easement </header> <text> In the deed of conveyance for the land generally depicted on the map entitled <quote> Sealaska Land Entitlement Finalization </quote> , numbered 7 of 25, and dated January 22, 2013, the Secretary shall reserve an easement— </text> <subparagraph id="H5639EC980C9D461C9BE7244D1BA7F48A"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> to access and continue Forest Service research activities on the study plots located on the land; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HBC07FB9147D641EEB135E9BD159D2A96"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> that shall remain in effect for a 10-year period beginning on the date of enactment of this Act. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H9A0A11DE3C1A406994CB53A89CBE0A14"> <enum> (3) </enum> <header> Koscuisko island road easement </header> <subparagraph id="HE0279477912F4251A727D2258CCA7D63"> <enum> (A) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> The deeds of conveyance for the land on Koscuisko Island under subsection (a) shall grant to Sealaska an easement providing access to and use by Sealaska of the log transfer facility at Shipley Bay on Koscuisko Island, subject to— </text> <clause id="H84223711D0654CFA95946814F865E170"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> the agreement under subparagraph (C); and </text> </clause> <clause id="H22AFCBC5D0D84400A889EED6E9CE54CB"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> the agreement under section 7(b). </text> </clause> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H047762AABD33472F833BEDE8EDE40F81"> <enum> (B) </enum> <header> Scope of the easement </header> <text> The easement under subparagraph (A) shall enable Sealaska— </text> <clause id="HF287416B0F5344FEA628A226C2E10C6A"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> to construct, use, and maintain a road connecting the Forest Service Road known as <quote> Cape Pole Road </quote> to the Forest Service Road known as <quote> South Shipley Bay Road </quote> within the corridor depicted on the map entitled <quote> Sealaska Land Entitlement Finalization </quote> , numbered 3 of 25, and dated January 22, 2013; </text> </clause> <clause id="HC4FCE54D25CC4D1BAE37AB3064FB1F2D"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> to use, maintain, and if necessary, reconstruct the Forest Service Road known as <quote> South Shipley Bay Road </quote> referred to in clause (i) to access the log transfer facility at Shipley Bay; and </text> </clause> <clause id="H2DD799E18AD84F299D3FBE28547DD6BF"> <enum> (iii) </enum> <text> to use, maintain, and expand the log transfer and sort yard facility at Shipley Bay that is within the area depicted on the map entitled <quote> Sealaska Land Entitlement Finalization </quote> , numbered 3 of 25 and dated January 22, 2013. </text> </clause> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HF23AF433D2DF4FA6A30238ED87B4842B"> <enum> (C) </enum> <header> Roads and facilities use agreement </header> <text> In addition to the agreement under section 7(b), the Secretary and Sealaska shall enter into an agreement relating to the access, use, maintenance, and improvement of the roads and facilities under this paragraph. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H760AC061A48E406786F68BABFCD7DA66"> <enum> (D) </enum> <header> Determination of location; legal description </header> <text> Sealaska shall— </text> <clause id="HD3C7A996FA514A1C98C2D0EC6D9E0194"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> in consultation with the Secretary, determine the location within the corridor of the centerline of the road described in subparagraph (B)(i); and </text> </clause> <clause id="H5224B4E041D84DE286C64D82A0F205C5"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> provide to the Secretary a legal description of the centerline acceptable for granting the easement described in subparagraph (B)(i). </text> </clause> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H9B8A3FE729DC4C4493C1FF369100EDDA"> <enum> (e) </enum> <header> Hunting, fishing, and recreation </header> <paragraph id="H1B4474170979426A89D6841824F22298"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> Any land conveyed under subsection (a) that is located outside a withdrawal area designated under section 16(a) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1615"> 43 U.S.C. 1615(a) </external-xref> ) shall remain open and available to subsistence uses, as that term is defined in section 803 of the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/16/3113"> 16 U.S.C. 3113 </external-xref> ), and noncommercial recreational hunting and fishing and other recreational uses by the public under applicable law— </text> <subparagraph id="H6165729FF1C84AD1878E0175D63F48E0"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> without liability on the part of Sealaska, except for willful acts, to any user as a result of the use; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HDE65B7BE991548EBACABF6BCB548771E"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> subject to— </text> <clause id="HCEBF0F83B9C74198BF857569236091AC"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> any reasonable restrictions that may be imposed by Sealaska on the public use— </text> <subclause id="H78A55E368EE54DB4B0B3BEC9B3A67150"> <enum> (I) </enum> <text> to ensure public safety; </text> </subclause> <subclause id="H8283D3EA6DD041F4BA2A181520F868D9"> <enum> (II) </enum> <text> to minimize conflicts between recreational and commercial uses; </text> </subclause> <subclause id="H5B141725DA5D446D8AA35AB32C29B012"> <enum> (III) </enum> <text> to protect cultural resources; </text> </subclause> <subclause id="H2C267BC8A581424B9667156B332F24B6"> <enum> (IV) </enum> <text> to conduct scientific research; or </text> </subclause> <subclause id="HD7E193DB17BA418B8F8048B26217111B"> <enum> (V) </enum> <text> to provide environmental protection; and </text> </subclause> </clause> <clause id="H27B54E24369F4DF084383A5224561D74"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> the condition that Sealaska post on any applicable property, in accordance with State law, notices of the restrictions on use. </text> </clause> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HF657A0AAE93D46EEA6A7429DC10B2EDA"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Effect </header> <text> Access provided to any individual or entity under paragraph (1) shall not— </text> <subparagraph id="H636CD783BBCA4B22A0ACC73ED937BEB6"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> create an interest in any third party in the land conveyed under subsection (a); or </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H4BDAC1BC6337417C8C30E322D2CABE02"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> provide standing to any third party in any review of, or challenge to, any determination by Sealaska with respect to the management or development of the land conveyed under subsection (a). </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> </section> <section id="H8D80FAE9E0704187B750D7159D1E99DD"> <enum> 6. </enum> <header> Cemetery sites and historical places </header> <subsection id="H34FAE36D48144872BE5CF9D41EF46672"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> Notwithstanding section 14(h)(1)(E) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1613"> 43 U.S.C. 1613(h)(1)(E) </external-xref> ), Sealaska may submit applications for the conveyance under section 14(h)(1)(A) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1613"> 43 U.S.C. 1613(h)(1)(A) </external-xref> ) of not more than 127 cemetery sites and historical places— </text> <paragraph id="HA5FB116BA88C42D3BBD155AFF5D37826"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> that are listed in the document entitled <quote> Sealaska Cemetery Sites and Historical Places </quote> and dated January 18, 2013; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HB79CF23B877F41B2974C0BF46B35EBFC"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> that are cemetery sites and historical places included in the report by Wilsey and Ham, Inc., entitled <quote> 1975 Native Cemetery and Historic Sites of Southeast Alaska (Preliminary Report) </quote> and dated October 1975; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HCABB6786984F4AEB8E9E420CFEC7861A"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> for which Sealaska has not previously submitted an application. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H49B8B7894AED4376BB12F1E80DF9FFAF"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Procedure for evaluating applications </header> <text> Except as otherwise provided in this section, the Secretary shall consider all applications submitted under this section in accordance with the criteria and procedures set forth in applicable regulations in effect as of the date of enactment of this Act. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H8CCF6C2ECDED480583F95AF65D100AA9"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Conveyance </header> <text> The Secretary may convey cemetery sites and historical places under this section that result in the conveyance of a total of approximately 840 acres of Federal land comprised of parcels that are— </text> <paragraph id="H3AC348AF0C8642488A7D1B1FBFC8FDA4"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> applied for in accordance with this section; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H745CB5EA03C348BF8656AD4C784D934D"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> subject to— </text> <subparagraph id="HBC78DDBC2F9C4091A0EDF7A35493BAE4"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> valid existing rights; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H9E7DD22020A948FE92FFAFA6792A9DFA"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> the public access provisions of subsection (f); </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HB98351608462452489ECAA45DA17FE85"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> the condition that the conveyance of land for the site listed under subsection (a)(1) as <quote> Bay of Pillars Portage </quote> is limited to 25 acres in T.60 S., R.72 E., Sec. 28, Copper River Meridian; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H350CFC26E5CF4799BD35DBB839C8126B"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text> the condition that any access to or use of the cemetery sites and historical places shall be consistent with the management plans for adjacent public land, if the management plans are more restrictive than the laws (including regulations) applicable under subsection (g). </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HC5D89F79ACE24BF1B5F3EB5A063E76BF"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header> Timeline </header> <text> No application for a cemetery site or historical place may be submitted under subsection (a) after the date that is 2 years after the date of enactment of this Act. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H442908E7672F42E980C145EB0C314893"> <enum> (e) </enum> <header> Selection of additional cemetery sites </header> <text> If Sealaska submits timely applications to the Secretary in accordance with subsections (a) and (d) for all 127 sites listed under subsection (a)(1), and the Secretary rejects any of those applications in whole or in part— </text> <paragraph id="H23E17520DB714E2099E5AF5D474EF84D"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> not later than 2 years after the date on which the Secretary completes the conveyance of eligible cemetery sites and historical places applied for under subsection (a), Sealaska may submit applications for the conveyance under section 14(h)(1)(A) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1613"> 43 U.S.C. 1613(h)(1)(A) </external-xref> ) of additional cemetery sites, the total acreage of which, together with the cemetery sites and historical places previously conveyed by the Secretary under subsection (c), shall not exceed 840 acres; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HB7BA943ECA934550937293EB16E4E70F"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> the Secretary shall— </text> <subparagraph id="H716181039BED43C5A244622F72C985AC"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> consider any applications for the conveyance of additional cemetery sites in accordance with subsection (b); and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H3ED5CCE6174A4434A83E26105FBED5D8"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> if the applications are approved, provide for the conveyance of the sites in accordance with subsection (c). </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H7B075628C38D409583FB6DC7DDCCF636"> <enum> (f) </enum> <header> Public access </header> <paragraph id="H3EA4DB027A0846A7AD3C2D660DBA703A"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> Subject to paragraph (2), any land conveyed under this section shall be subject to— </text> <subparagraph id="H360E1266B2E947148DEBF1489D675F37"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> the reservation of public easements under section 17(b) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1616"> 43 U.S.C. 1616(b) </external-xref> ); and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H4F21ED05F7A749378AD4F21FF90B84FA"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> public access across the conveyed land in cases in which no reasonable alternative access around the land is available, without liability to Sealaska, except for willful acts, to any user by reason of the use. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H8D20C49B34474418B363A0CECD09BA0E"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Limitations </header> <text> The public access and use under subparagraph (B) of paragraph (1) shall be subject to— </text> <subparagraph id="H9E283D66CA8846A59C8A683914ED1879"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> any reasonable restrictions that may be imposed by Sealaska on the public access and use— </text> <clause id="HC8CF60072AB446C09DDF3F00129D567B"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> to ensure public safety; </text> </clause> <clause id="HBA22B362D5B143B5A0CAD9807641FEE2"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> to protect and conduct research on the historic, archaeological, and cultural resources of the conveyed land; or </text> </clause> <clause id="HC1E2819CC78040009BB985DA31882C83"> <enum> (iii) </enum> <text> to provide environmental protection; </text> </clause> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H37B025297EB2479A82EDA87D7528CFC6"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> the condition that Sealaska post on any applicable property, in accordance with State law, notices of the restrictions on the public access and use; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H3F5BED6BFC234B23AEA69674D86E0DAC"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> the condition that the public access and use shall not be incompatible with or in derogation of the values of the area as a cemetery site or historical place, as provided in <external-xref legal-doc="regulation" parsable-cite="cfr/43/2653.11"> section 2653.11 </external-xref> of title 43, Code of Federal Regulations (or a successor regulation). </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H6FE42CA6BD3D41D8814A220D89293337"> <enum> (3) </enum> <header> Effect </header> <text> Access provided to any individual or entity by paragraph (1) shall not— </text> <subparagraph id="HCB756AC5ED8B4004A7B143933153BF5B"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> create an interest in any third party in the land conveyed under this section; or </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H50F444A6BEE940DFB9D42EDA825FB464"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> provide standing to any third party in any review of, or challenge to, any determination by Sealaska with respect to the management or development of the land conveyed under this section. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HE0C4ED53AE3E44069DE1D66F5D0FF78E"> <enum> (g) </enum> <header> Treatment of land conveyed </header> <text> Except as otherwise provided in this Act, any land conveyed to Sealaska under this section shall be— </text> <paragraph id="H040C91A240A84897A3204C3C95C8BB9C"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> considered land conveyed by the Secretary under section 14(h)(1) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1613"> 43 U.S.C. 1613(h)(1) </external-xref> ); and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HBD42FE1AF3E946E090539ADB5B64E1B6"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> subject to all laws (including regulations) applicable to conveyances under section 14(h)(1) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1613"> 43 U.S.C. 1613(h)(1) </external-xref> ), including section 907(d) of the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act (43 U.S.C. 1636(d)). </text> </paragraph> </subsection> </section> <section id="HF3359EF9BEF24C70953CD4C747D83D9A"> <enum> 7. </enum> <header> Miscellaneous </header> <subsection id="H178FB28214E84B2D95629E261017EE84"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Special use authorizations </header> <paragraph id="H438D5EFB2D7B4CA391391FB660FE38A1"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> On the conveyance of land to Sealaska under section 5(a)— </text> <subparagraph id="H7C7CD591D1C64AB4A6E482BD1B7399F0"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> any guiding or outfitting special use authorization issued by the Forest Service for the use of the conveyed land shall terminate; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H6EFB88708DC34FAA9EA49079EA774D6C"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> as a condition of the conveyance and consistent with section 14(g) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1613"> 43 U.S.C. 1613(g) </external-xref> ), Sealaska shall allow the holder of the special use authorization terminated under subparagraph (A) to continue the authorized use, subject to the terms and conditions that were in the special use authorization issued by the Forest Service, for— </text> <clause id="H2764BC045DDC43858F6EEABA34B3349A"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> the remainder of the term of the authorization; and </text> </clause> <clause id="H647B9117F85040C48943058DABBB0E24"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> 1 additional consecutive 10-year renewal period. </text> </clause> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HD51B4DE84C444555A61537A83184471A"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Notice of commercial activities </header> <text> Sealaska and any holder of a guiding or outfitting authorization under this subsection shall have a mutual obligation, subject to the guiding or outfitting authorization, to inform the other party of any commercial activities prior to engaging in the activities on the land conveyed to Sealaska under section 5(a). </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H9AAB585289344D679E9D6765D4A3EF4A"> <enum> (3) </enum> <header> Negotiation of new terms </header> <text> Nothing in this subsection precludes Sealaska and the holder of a guiding or outfitting authorization from negotiating a new mutually agreeable guiding or outfitting authorization. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H989D93FD1E5E4EA5820D88A1AE21DC6E"> <enum> (4) </enum> <header> Liability </header> <text> Neither Sealaska nor the United States shall bear any liability, except for willful acts of Sealaska or the United States, regarding the use and occupancy of any land conveyed to Sealaska under this Act, as provided in any outfitting or guiding authorization under this subsection. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H2615568D08914B47AB0FD7069CA6A2D9"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Roads and facilities </header> <text> Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Agriculture and Sealaska shall negotiate in good faith to develop a binding agreement— </text> <paragraph id="HEAF26DDD7366432CA45FD117DEF00D65"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> for the use of National Forest System roads and related transportation facilities by Sealaska; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H7B9DAE67FB634B208EDA3CE8BCCBA942"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> the use of Sealaska roads and related transportation facilities by the Forest Service. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H288BF26C5B23412284F7CC21FE38DFFD"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Traditional trade and migration route designations </header> <paragraph id="H013E076A2AF84B1F9BCA71563BB5CF40"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> Designations </header> <subparagraph id="HD10D8E56209C4CA4BD87D70C4192485E"> <enum> (A) </enum> <header> The inside passage </header> <text> The route from Yakutat to Dry Bay, as generally depicted on the map entitled <quote> Traditional Trade and Migration Route, Neix naax aan náx—The Inside Passage </quote> and dated October 17, 2012, is designated as <quote> Neix naax aan náx </quote> ( <quote> The Inside Passage </quote> ). </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HCD2B87DD0888424A9458539810AD8CE4"> <enum> (B) </enum> <header> Canoe road </header> <text> The route from the Bay of Pillars to Port Camden, as generally depicted on the map entitled <quote> Traditional Trade and Migration Route, Yakwdeiyí—Canoe Road </quote> and dated October 17, 2012, is designated as <quote> Yakwdeiyí </quote> ( <quote> Canoe Road </quote> ). </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H3E484ACCA85A4BEC939BFA606AA0073A"> <enum> (C) </enum> <header> The people’s road </header> <text> The route from Portage Bay to Duncan Canal, as generally depicted on the map entitled <quote> Traditional Trade and Migration Route, Lingít Deiyí—The People’s Road </quote> and dated October 17, 2012, is designated <quote> Lingít Deiyí </quote> ( <quote> The People’s Road </quote> ). </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HA669B37C835B408C826E04F0FC0425D0"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Access to traditional trade and migration routes </header> <text> The culturally and historically significant trade and migration routes designated by paragraph (1) shall be open to travel by Sealaska and the public in accordance with applicable law, subject to such terms, conditions, and special use authorizations as the Secretary of Agriculture may require. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H3A00836FEDCF41F68242EE9D2ED3A63B"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header> Technical corrections </header> <paragraph id="H335C831282C14AB09D43FDAE74976EE4"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> Tribal forest protection </header> <text> Section 2 of the Tribal Forest Protection Act of 2004, <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/25/3115a"> 25 U.S.C. 3115a </external-xref> , is amended by adding a new subsection (h): </text> <quoted-block id="HCD901C5EF68141BFAE7A8F78F06A8C83" style="OLC"> <subsection id="HA5B639A9D2494D318842649434CE0A01"> <enum> (h) </enum> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="H17B6A52B92804E89A312BD0CFD3DFD28"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> Land owned by an Alaska Native Corporation pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.) that is forest land or formerly had a forest cover or vegetative cover that is capable of restoration shall be eligible for agreements and contracts authorized under this Act and administered by the Secretary. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H813F6F6AB89B444BB3A8D6479F61821D" indent="up1"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> Nothing in this subsection validates, invalidates, or otherwise affects any claim regarding the existence of Indian country (as defined in <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/18/1151"> section 1151 </external-xref> of title 18, United States Code) in the State of Alaska. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H06B804B1B63041BF876862EED41574FB"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> National historic preservation </header> <text> Section 101(d) of the National Historic Preservation Act, <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/16/470a"> 16 U.S.C. 470a(d) </external-xref> , is amended by adding a new paragraph (7): </text> <quoted-block id="HB9B6A40B8F6A4FFCA67F307C6C83C9E7" style="OLC"> <paragraph id="H9E9B44C7496742E781DE88294068F7E7"> <enum> (7) </enum> <subparagraph commented="no" display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="H290B68848D7A4CF5AC0FD8432B37CFD2"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> Notwithstanding any other provision of law, an Alaska Native tribe, band, nation or other organized group or community, including a Native village, Regional Corporation, or Village Corporation, shall be eligible to participate in all programs administered by the Secretary under this Act on behalf of Indian tribes, including, but not limited to, securing grants and other support to manage their own historic preservation sites and programs on lands held by the Alaska Native tribe, band, nation or other organized group or community, including a Native village, Regional Corporation, or Village Corporation. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H1E4E812AA55E4221B42D7FE909FF7B13" indent="up1"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> Nothing in this paragraph validates, invalidates, or otherwise affects any claim regarding the existence of Indian country (as defined in <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/18/1151"> section 1151 </external-xref> of title 18, United States Code) in the State of Alaska. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H8CED8192EB9243CF99E90969E3E5CE5E"> <enum> (e) </enum> <header> Effect on other laws </header> <paragraph id="HC168A3482A8743FAA44F1C1F9608124C"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> Nothing in this Act delays the duty of the Secretary to convey land to— </text> <subparagraph id="H6847FCDFDF99458BB471B0B182D52666"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> the State under the Act of July 7, 1958 (commonly known as the <quote> Alaska Statehood Act </quote> ) (48 U.S.C. note prec. 21; <external-xref legal-doc="public-law" parsable-cite="pl/85/508"> Public Law 85–508 </external-xref> ); or </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H99BBF704FC9749119C6ECA8AB68E91E4"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> a Native Corporation under— </text> <clause id="H5E03ED66EA6D4D2FBBD1C80A453776C9"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1601"> 43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq. </external-xref> ); or </text> </clause> <clause id="H019234B3C01E41008C59E7F63FBA9C82"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> the Alaska Land Transfer Acceleration Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1611"> 43 U.S.C. 1611 </external-xref> note; Public Law 108–452). </text> </clause> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HD0C1754915E94C2898D10FA02A4702EF"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Conveyances </header> <text> The Secretary shall promptly proceed with the conveyance of all land necessary to fulfill the final entitlement of all Native Corporations in accordance with— </text> <subparagraph id="H74854E5AC5054C4F99D3311F806C5719"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1601"> 43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq. </external-xref> ); and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HB7F0EE7D8DDB49FFB718A8832F1A85D7"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> the Alaska Land Transfer Acceleration Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1611"> 43 U.S.C. 1611 </external-xref> note; <external-xref legal-doc="public-law" parsable-cite="pl/108/452"> Public Law 108–452 </external-xref> ). </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H24474208F57C402EB14EF01CC4DF9862"> <enum> (f) </enum> <header> Escrow funds </header> <text> If Sealaska files the resolution in accordance with section 4(a)— </text> <paragraph id="H98A24E92F0034B5AB20829B91BF0FFB8"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> the escrow requirements of section 2 of <external-xref legal-doc="public-law" parsable-cite="pl/94/204"> Public Law 94–204 </external-xref> ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1613"> 43 U.S.C. 1613 </external-xref> note) shall apply to proceeds (including interest) derived from the land withdrawn under section 5(b) from the date of receipt of the resolution; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H1FE9C20B77B8422E8AD1299FCB65BB23"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> Sealaska shall have no right to any proceeds (including interest) held pursuant to the escrow requirements of section 2 of <external-xref legal-doc="public-law" parsable-cite="pl/94/204"> Public Law 94–204 </external-xref> ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1613"> 43 U.S.C. 1613 </external-xref> note) that were derived from land originally withdrawn for selection by section 16 of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1615"> 43 U.S.C. 1615 </external-xref> ), but not conveyed. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H3DB91DE8AC8D4CA8BABA45A997BB7D26"> <enum> (g) </enum> <header> Maps </header> <paragraph id="H10EF22028FE94C7B9C91484C5E75CD75"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> Availability </header> <text> Each map referred to in this Act shall be available in the appropriate offices of the Secretary and the Secretary of Agriculture. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H54C6363C65714FA8AA64C5C8DCF23C32"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Corrections </header> <text> The Secretary of Agriculture may make any necessary correction to a clerical or typographical error in a map referred to in this Act. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> </section> </legis-body> </bill>
I 113th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 740 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES February 14, 2013 Mr. Young of Alaska (for himself, Ms. Hanabusa , Mr. Pierluisi , Ms. Bordallo , and Mr. Sablan ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Natural Resources A BILL To provide for the settlement of certain claims under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act, and for other purposes. 1. Short title This Act may be cited as the Southeast Alaska Native Land Entitlement Finalization and Jobs Protection Act . 2. Definitions In this Act: (1) Maps The term maps means the maps entitled Sealaska Land Entitlement Finalization , numbered 1 through 25 and dated January 22, 2013. (2) Sealaska The term Sealaska means the Sealaska Corporation, a Regional Native Corporation established under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.). (3) Secretary The term Secretary means the Secretary of the Interior. (4) State The term State means the State of Alaska. 3. Findings; purpose (a) Findings Congress finds that— (1) (A) in 1971, Congress enacted the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq. ) to recognize and settle the aboriginal claims of Alaska Natives to land historically used by Alaska Natives for traditional, cultural, and spiritual purposes; and (B) that Act declared that the land settlement should be accomplished rapidly, with certainty, in conformity with the real economic and social needs of Natives ; (2) the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq. )— (A) authorized the distribution of approximately $1,000,000,000 and 44,000,000 acres of land to Alaska Natives; and (B) provided for the establishment of Native Corporations to receive and manage the funds and that land to meet the cultural, social, and economic needs of Native shareholders; (3) under section 12 of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1611 ), each Regional Corporation, other than Sealaska (the Regional Corporation for southeast Alaska), was authorized to receive a share of land based on the proportion that the number of Alaska Native shareholders residing in the region of the Regional Corporation bore to the total number of Alaska Native shareholders, or the relative size of the area to which the Regional Corporation had an aboriginal land claim bore to the size of the area to which all Regional Corporations had aboriginal land claims; (4) (A) Sealaska, the Regional Corporation for southeast Alaska, 1 of the Regional Corporations with the largest number of Alaska Native shareholders, with more than 21 percent of all original Alaska Native shareholders, received less than 1 percent of the lands set aside for Alaska Natives, and received no land under section 12 of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1611 ); (B) the Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska was 1 of the entities representing the Alaska Natives of southeast Alaska before the date of enactment of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq. ); and (C) Sealaska did not receive land in proportion to the number of Alaska Native shareholders, or in proportion to the size of the area to which Sealaska had an aboriginal land claim, in part because of a United States Court of Claims cash settlement to the Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska in 1968 for land previously taken to create the Tongass National Forest and Glacier Bay National Monument; (5) the 1968 Court of Claims cash settlement of $7,500,000 did not— (A) adequately compensate the Alaska Natives of southeast Alaska for the significant quantity of land and resources lost as a result of the creation of the Tongass National Forest and Glacier Bay National Monument or other losses of land and resources; or (B) justify the significant disparate treatment of Sealaska under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1611 ) in 1971; (6) (A) while each other Regional Corporation received a significant quantity of land under sections 12 and 14 of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1611 , 1613), Sealaska only received land under section 14(h) of that Act (43 U.S.C. 1613(h)); (B) section 14(h) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1613(h) ) authorized the Secretary to withdraw and convey 2,000,000 acres of unreserved and unappropriated public lands in Alaska from which Alaska Native selections could be made for historic sites, cemetery sites, Urban Corporation land, Native group land, and Native Allotments; (C) under section 14(h)(8) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1613(h)(8) ), after selections are made under paragraphs (1) through (7) of that section, the land remaining in the 2,000,000-acre land pool is allocated based on the proportion that the original Alaska Native shareholder population of a Regional Corporation bore to the original Alaska Native shareholder population of all Regional Corporations; (D) the only Native land entitlement of Sealaska derives from a proportion of leftover land remaining from the 2,000,000-acre land pool, estimated as of the date of enactment of this Act at approximately 1,655,000 acres; (E) because at the time of enactment of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq. ) all public land in the Tongass National Forest had been reserved for purposes of creating the national forest, the Secretary was not able to withdraw any public land in the Tongass National Forest for selection by and conveyance to Sealaska; (F) at the time of enactment of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq. ) other public lands in southeast Alaska not located in the Tongass National Forest were not suitable for selection by and conveyance to Sealaska because such lands were located in Glacier Bay National Monument, were included in a withdrawal effected pursuant to section 17(d)(2) of that Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1616(d)(2) ) and slated to become part of the Wrangell-St. Elias National Park, or essentially consisted of mountain tops; (G) Sealaska in 1975 requested that Congress amend the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq. ) to permit the Regional Corporation to select lands inside of the withdrawal areas established for southeast Alaska Native villages under section 16 of that Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1615 ), otherwise, there were no areas available for selection; and (H) in 1976 Congress amended section 16 of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1615 ) to allow Sealaska to select lands under section 14(h)(8) of that Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1613(h)(8) ) from land located inside, rather than outside, the withdrawal areas established for southeast Alaska Native villages; (7) the 10 Alaska Native village withdrawal areas in southeast Alaska surround the Alaska Native communities of Yakutat, Hoonah, Angoon, Kake, Kasaan, Klawock, Craig, Hydaburg, Klukwan, and Saxman; (8) (A) the existing conveyance requirements of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.) for southeast Alaska limit the land eligible for conveyance to Sealaska to the original withdrawal areas surrounding 10 Alaska Native villages in southeast Alaska, which precludes Sealaska from selecting land located— (i) in any withdrawal area established for the Urban Corporations for Sitka and Juneau, Alaska; or (ii) outside the 10 Alaska Native village withdrawal areas; and (B) unlike other Regional Corporations, Sealaska is not authorized to request land located outside the withdrawal areas described in subparagraph (A) if the withdrawal areas are insufficient to complete the land entitlement of Sealaska under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq. ); (9) (A) the deadline for applications for selection of cemetery sites and historic places on land outside withdrawal areas established under section 14 of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1613 ) was July 1, 1976; (B) (i) as of that date, the Bureau of Land Management notified Sealaska that the total entitlement of Sealaska would be approximately 200,000 acres; and (ii) Sealaska made entitlement allocation decisions for cultural sites and economic development sites based on that original estimate; (C) as a result of the Alaska Land Transfer Acceleration Act ( Public Law 108–452 ; 118 Stat. 3575) and subsequent related determinations and actions of the Bureau of Land Management, it became clear within the last decade that Sealaska would be entitled to receive a total of approximately 365,000 acres pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq. ); (10) in light of the revised Bureau of Land Management estimate of the total number of acres that Sealaska will receive pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.), and in consultation with Members of Alaska’s congressional delegation, Sealaska and its shareholders believe that it is appropriate to allocate more of the entitlement of Sealaska to— (A) the acquisition of places of sacred, cultural, traditional, and historical significance; (B) the acquisition of sites with traditional and recreational use value and sites suitable for renewable energy development; and (C) the acquisition of lands that are not within the watersheds of Native and non-Native communities and are suitable economically and environmentally for natural resource development; (11) 44 percent (820,000 acres) of the 10 Alaska Native village withdrawal areas established under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq. ) described in paragraphs (7) and (8) are composed of salt water and not available for selection; (12) of land subject to the selection rights of Sealaska, 110,000 acres are encumbered by gubernatorial consent requirements under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq. ); (13) in each withdrawal area, there exist other unique factors that limit the ability of Sealaska to select sufficient land to fulfill the land entitlement of Sealaska; (14) the selection limitations and guidelines applicable to Sealaska under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq. )— (A) are inequitable and inconsistent with the purposes of that Act because there is insufficient land remaining in the withdrawal areas to meet the traditional, cultural, and socioeconomic needs of the shareholders of Sealaska; and (B) make it difficult for Sealaska to select— (i) places of sacred, cultural, traditional, and historical significance; (ii) sites with traditional and recreation use value and sites suitable for renewable energy development; and (iii) lands that meet the real economic needs of the shareholders of Sealaska; (15) unless Sealaska is allowed to select land outside designated withdrawal areas in southeast Alaska, Sealaska will not be able to— (A) complete the land entitlement selections of Sealaska under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq. ) in a manner that meets the cultural, social, and economic needs of Native shareholders; (B) avoid land selections in watersheds that are the exclusive drinking water supply for regional communities, support world class salmon streams, have been identified as important habitat, or would otherwise be managed by the Forest Service as roadless and old growth forest reserves; (C) secure ownership of places of sacred, cultural, traditional, and historical importance to the Alaska Natives of southeast Alaska; and (D) continue to support forestry jobs and economic opportunities for Alaska Natives and other residents of rural southeast Alaska; (16) (A) the rate of unemployment in southeast Alaska exceeds the statewide rate of unemployment on a non-seasonally adjusted basis; (B) in November 2012, the Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development reported the unemployment rate for the Prince of Wales—Hyder census area at approximately 12.1 percent; (C) in October 2007, the Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development projected population losses between 1996 and 2030 for the Prince of Wales—Outer Ketchikan census area at 56.6 percent; (D) official unemployment rates severely underreport the actual level of regional unemployment, particularly in Native villages; and (E) additional job losses will exacerbate outmigration from Native and non-Native communities in southeast Alaska; (17) Sealaska has played, and is expected to continue to play, a significant role in the health of the southeast Alaska economy; (18) despite the small land base of Sealaska as compared to other Regional Corporations (less than 1 percent of the total quantity of land allocated pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq. )), Sealaska has— (A) provided considerable benefits to Alaska Native shareholders; (B) supported hundreds of jobs for Alaska Native shareholders and non-shareholders in southeast Alaska for more than 30 years; and (C) been a significant economic force in southeast Alaska; (19) pursuant to the revenue sharing provisions of section 7(i) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1606(i) ), Sealaska has distributed more than $300,000,000 during the period beginning on January 1, 1971, and ending on December 31, 2005, to Native Corporations throughout the State of Alaska from the development of natural resources, which accounts for 42 percent of the total revenues shared under that section during that period; (20) resource development operations maintained by Sealaska— (A) support hundreds of jobs in the southeast Alaska region; (B) make timber available to local and domestic sawmills and other wood products businesses such as guitar manufacturers; (C) support firewood programs for local communities; (D) support maintenance of roads utilized by local communities for subsistence and recreation uses; (E) support development of new biomass energy opportunities in southeast Alaska, reducing dependence on high-cost diesel fuel for the generation of energy; (F) provide start-up capital for innovative business models in southeast Alaska that create new opportunities for non-timber economic development in the region, including support for renewable biomass initiatives, Alaska Native artisans, and rural mariculture farming; and (G) support Native education and cultural and language preservation activities; (21) if the resource development operations of Sealaska cease on land appropriate for those operations, there will be a significant negative impact on— (A) southeast Alaska Native shareholders; (B) the cultural preservation activities of Sealaska; (C) the economy of southeast Alaska; and (D) the Alaska Native community that benefits from the revenue-sharing requirements under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq. ); (22) it is critical that the remaining land entitlement conveyances to Sealaska under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq. ) are fulfilled to continue to meet the economic, social, and cultural needs of the Alaska Native shareholders of southeast Alaska and the Alaska Native community throughout Alaska; (23) in order to realize cultural preservation goals while also diversifying economic opportunities, Sealaska should be authorized to select and receive conveyance of— (A) sacred, cultural, traditional, and historic sites and other places of traditional and cultural significance, to facilitate the perpetuation and preservation of Alaska Native culture and history; (B) other sites with traditional and recreation use value and sites suitable for renewable energy development to facilitate appropriate tourism and outdoor recreation enterprises and renewable energy development for rural southeast Alaska communities; and (C) lands that are suitable economically and environmentally for natural resource development; (24) on completion of the conveyances of land to Sealaska to fulfill the full land entitlement of Sealaska under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.), the encumbrances on 327,000 acres of Federal land created by the withdrawal of land for selection by Native Corporations in southeast Alaska should be removed, which will facilitate thorough and complete planning and efficient management relating to national forest land in southeast Alaska by the Forest Service; (25) although the Tribal Forest Protection Act ( 25 U.S.C. 3101 note; Public Law 108–278 ) defines the term Indian tribe to include Indian tribes under section 4 of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act ( 25 U.S.C. 450b ), a term which includes any Alaska Native village or regional or village corporation as defined in or established pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act … , the Tribal Forest Protection Act does not define the term Indian forest land or rangeland to include lands owned by Alaska Native Corporations, including Sealaska, which are the primary Indian forest land owners in Alaska, and therefore, the Tribal Forest Protection Act should be amended in a manner that will— (A) permit Native Corporations, including Sealaska, as Indian forest land owners in Alaska, to work with the Secretary of Agriculture under the Tribal Forest Protection Act to address forest fire and insect infestation issues, including the spread of the spruce bark beetle in southeast and southcentral Alaska, which threaten the health of the Native forestlands; and (B) ensure that Native Corporations, including Sealaska, can participate in programs administered by the Secretary of Agriculture under the Tribal Forest Protection Act without including Native Corporations under the definition in that Act of Indian forest land or rangeland or otherwise amending that Act in a manner that validates, invalidates, or otherwise affects any claim regarding the existence of Indian country in the State of Alaska; and (26) although the National Historic Preservation Act ( 16 U.S.C. 470 et seq. ) defines the term Indian tribe to include any Native village, Regional Corporation or Village Corporation, as those terms are defined in section 3 of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act , the National Historic Preservation Act does not define the term Tribal lands to include lands owned by Alaska Native Corporations, thereby excluding from the National Historic Preservation Act cemetery sites and historical places transferred to Native Corporations, including Sealaska, pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act, and therefore, the National Historic Preservation Act should be amended in a manner that will— (A) permit Native Corporations, including Sealaska, as owners of Indian cemetery sites and historical places in Alaska, to work with the Secretary of the Interior under the National Historic Preservation Act to secure grants and other support to manage their own historic sites and programs pursuant to that Act; and (B) ensure that Native Corporations, including Sealaska, can participate in programs administered by the Secretary of the Interior under the National Historic Preservation Act without including Native Corporations under the definition in that Act of Tribal lands or otherwise amending that Act in a manner that validates, invalidates, or otherwise affects any claim regarding the existence of Indian country in the State of Alaska. (b) Purpose The purpose of this Act is to address the inequitable treatment of Sealaska by allowing Sealaska to select the remaining land entitlement of Sealaska under section 14 of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1613 ) from designated Federal land in southeast Alaska located outside the 10 southeast Alaska Native village withdrawal areas in a manner that meets the cultural, social, and economic needs of Alaska Native shareholders, including the need to maintain jobs supported by Sealaska in rural southeast Alaska communities. 4. Finalization of entitlement (a) In general If, not later than 90 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary receives a corporate resolution adopted by the board of directors of Sealaska agreeing to accept the conveyance of land described in subsection (b) in accordance with this Act as full and final satisfaction of the remaining land entitlement of Sealaska under section 14(h) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1613(h) ), the Secretary shall— (1) implement the provisions of this Act; and (2) charge the entitlement pool under section 14(h)(8) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1613(h)(8) ) 70,075 acres, reduced by the number of acres deducted under subsection (b)(2), in fulfillment of the remaining land entitlement for Sealaska under that Act, notwithstanding whether the surveyed acreage of the 25 parcels of land generally depicted on the maps as Sealaska Selections and patented under section 5 is less than or more than 69,235 acres, reduced by the number of acres deducted under subsection (b)(2). (b) Final entitlement (1) In general Except as provided in paragraph (2), the land described in subsection (a) shall consist of— (A) the 25 parcels of Federal land comprising approximately 69,235 acres that is generally depicted as Sealaska Selections on the maps; and (B) a total of not more than 840 acres of Federal land for cemetery sites and historical places comprised of parcels that are applied for in accordance with section 6. (2) Deduction (A) In general The Secretary shall deduct from the number of acres of Federal land described in paragraph (1)(A) the number of acres of Federal land for which the Secretary has issued a conveyance during the period beginning on August 1, 2012, and ending on the date of receipt of the resolution under subsection (a). (B) Agreement The Secretary, the Secretary of Agriculture, and Sealaska shall negotiate in good faith to make a mutually agreeable adjustment to the parcel of Federal land generally depicted on the maps entitled Sealaska Land Entitlement Finalization , numbered 1 of 25, and dated January 22, 2013, to implement the deduction of acres required by subparagraph (A). (c) Effect of acceptance The resolution filed by Sealaska in accordance with subsection (a) shall— (1) be final and irrevocable; and (2) without any further administrative action by the Secretary, result in— (A) the relinquishment of all existing selections made by Sealaska under subsection 14(h)(8) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1613(h)(8) ); and (B) the termination of all withdrawals by section 16 of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (43 U.S.C. 1615), except to the extent a selection by a Village Corporation under subsections (b) and (d) of section 16 of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1615 ) remains pending, until the date on which those selections are resolved. (d) Failure To accept If Sealaska fails to file the resolution in accordance with subsection (a)— (1) the provisions of this Act shall cease to be effective; and (2) the Secretary shall, not later than 27 months after the date of enactment of this Act, complete the interim conveyance of the remaining land entitlement to Sealaska under section 14(h)(8) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (43 U.S.C. 1613(h)(8)) from prioritized selections on file with the Secretary on the date of enactment of this Act. (e) Scope of law Except as provided in subsections (d) and (f), this Act provides the exclusive authority under which the remaining land entitlement of Sealaska under section 14(h) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (43 U.S.C. 1613(h)) may be fulfilled. (f) Effect Nothing in this Act affects any land that is— (1) the subject of an application under subsection (h)(1) of section 14 of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1613 ) that is pending on the date of enactment of this Act; and (2) conveyed in accordance with that subsection. 5. Conveyances to sealaska (a) Interim conveyance Subject to valid existing rights, subsections (c), (d), and (e), section 4(b), and section 7(a), the Secretary shall complete the interim conveyance of the 25 parcels of Federal land comprising approximately 69,235 acres generally depicted on the maps by the date that is 60 days after the date of receipt of the resolution under section 4(a), subject to the Secretary identifying and reserving, by the date that is 2 years after the date of enactment of this Act, any easement that could have been reserved in accordance with this Act prior to the interim conveyance. (b) Withdrawal (1) In general Subject to valid existing rights, the Federal land described in subsection (a) is withdrawn from— (A) all forms of appropriation under the public land laws; (B) location, entry, and patent under the mining laws; (C) disposition under laws relating to mineral or geothermal leasing; and (D) selection under the Act of July 7, 1958 (commonly known as the Alaska Statehood Act ) (48 U.S.C. note prec. 21; Public Law 85–508 ). (2) Termination The withdrawal under paragraph (1) shall remain in effect until— (A) if Sealaska fails to file a resolution in accordance with section 4(a), the date that is 90 days after the date of enactment of this Act; or (B) the date on which the Federal land is conveyed under subsection (a). (c) Treatment of land conveyed Except as otherwise provided in this Act, any land conveyed to Sealaska under subsection (a) shall be— (1) considered to be land conveyed by the Secretary under section 14(h)(8) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1613(h)(8) ); and (2) subject to all laws (including regulations) applicable to entitlements under section 14(h)(8) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1613(h)(8) ), including section 907(d) of the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act (43 U.S.C. 1636(d)). (d) Easements (1) Public easements The deeds of conveyance for the land under subsection (a) shall be subject to the reservation of public easements under section 17(b) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1616(b) ). (2) Research easement In the deed of conveyance for the land generally depicted on the map entitled Sealaska Land Entitlement Finalization , numbered 7 of 25, and dated January 22, 2013, the Secretary shall reserve an easement— (A) to access and continue Forest Service research activities on the study plots located on the land; and (B) that shall remain in effect for a 10-year period beginning on the date of enactment of this Act. (3) Koscuisko island road easement (A) In general The deeds of conveyance for the land on Koscuisko Island under subsection (a) shall grant to Sealaska an easement providing access to and use by Sealaska of the log transfer facility at Shipley Bay on Koscuisko Island, subject to— (i) the agreement under subparagraph (C); and (ii) the agreement under section 7(b). (B) Scope of the easement The easement under subparagraph (A) shall enable Sealaska— (i) to construct, use, and maintain a road connecting the Forest Service Road known as Cape Pole Road to the Forest Service Road known as South Shipley Bay Road within the corridor depicted on the map entitled Sealaska Land Entitlement Finalization , numbered 3 of 25, and dated January 22, 2013; (ii) to use, maintain, and if necessary, reconstruct the Forest Service Road known as South Shipley Bay Road referred to in clause (i) to access the log transfer facility at Shipley Bay; and (iii) to use, maintain, and expand the log transfer and sort yard facility at Shipley Bay that is within the area depicted on the map entitled Sealaska Land Entitlement Finalization , numbered 3 of 25 and dated January 22, 2013. (C) Roads and facilities use agreement In addition to the agreement under section 7(b), the Secretary and Sealaska shall enter into an agreement relating to the access, use, maintenance, and improvement of the roads and facilities under this paragraph. (D) Determination of location; legal description Sealaska shall— (i) in consultation with the Secretary, determine the location within the corridor of the centerline of the road described in subparagraph (B)(i); and (ii) provide to the Secretary a legal description of the centerline acceptable for granting the easement described in subparagraph (B)(i). (e) Hunting, fishing, and recreation (1) In general Any land conveyed under subsection (a) that is located outside a withdrawal area designated under section 16(a) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1615(a) ) shall remain open and available to subsistence uses, as that term is defined in section 803 of the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act ( 16 U.S.C. 3113 ), and noncommercial recreational hunting and fishing and other recreational uses by the public under applicable law— (A) without liability on the part of Sealaska, except for willful acts, to any user as a result of the use; and (B) subject to— (i) any reasonable restrictions that may be imposed by Sealaska on the public use— (I) to ensure public safety; (II) to minimize conflicts between recreational and commercial uses; (III) to protect cultural resources; (IV) to conduct scientific research; or (V) to provide environmental protection; and (ii) the condition that Sealaska post on any applicable property, in accordance with State law, notices of the restrictions on use. (2) Effect Access provided to any individual or entity under paragraph (1) shall not— (A) create an interest in any third party in the land conveyed under subsection (a); or (B) provide standing to any third party in any review of, or challenge to, any determination by Sealaska with respect to the management or development of the land conveyed under subsection (a). 6. Cemetery sites and historical places (a) In general Notwithstanding section 14(h)(1)(E) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1613(h)(1)(E) ), Sealaska may submit applications for the conveyance under section 14(h)(1)(A) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1613(h)(1)(A) ) of not more than 127 cemetery sites and historical places— (1) that are listed in the document entitled Sealaska Cemetery Sites and Historical Places and dated January 18, 2013; (2) that are cemetery sites and historical places included in the report by Wilsey and Ham, Inc., entitled 1975 Native Cemetery and Historic Sites of Southeast Alaska (Preliminary Report) and dated October 1975; and (3) for which Sealaska has not previously submitted an application. (b) Procedure for evaluating applications Except as otherwise provided in this section, the Secretary shall consider all applications submitted under this section in accordance with the criteria and procedures set forth in applicable regulations in effect as of the date of enactment of this Act. (c) Conveyance The Secretary may convey cemetery sites and historical places under this section that result in the conveyance of a total of approximately 840 acres of Federal land comprised of parcels that are— (1) applied for in accordance with this section; and (2) subject to— (A) valid existing rights; (B) the public access provisions of subsection (f); (C) the condition that the conveyance of land for the site listed under subsection (a)(1) as Bay of Pillars Portage is limited to 25 acres in T.60 S., R.72 E., Sec. 28, Copper River Meridian; and (D) the condition that any access to or use of the cemetery sites and historical places shall be consistent with the management plans for adjacent public land, if the management plans are more restrictive than the laws (including regulations) applicable under subsection (g). (d) Timeline No application for a cemetery site or historical place may be submitted under subsection (a) after the date that is 2 years after the date of enactment of this Act. (e) Selection of additional cemetery sites If Sealaska submits timely applications to the Secretary in accordance with subsections (a) and (d) for all 127 sites listed under subsection (a)(1), and the Secretary rejects any of those applications in whole or in part— (1) not later than 2 years after the date on which the Secretary completes the conveyance of eligible cemetery sites and historical places applied for under subsection (a), Sealaska may submit applications for the conveyance under section 14(h)(1)(A) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1613(h)(1)(A) ) of additional cemetery sites, the total acreage of which, together with the cemetery sites and historical places previously conveyed by the Secretary under subsection (c), shall not exceed 840 acres; and (2) the Secretary shall— (A) consider any applications for the conveyance of additional cemetery sites in accordance with subsection (b); and (B) if the applications are approved, provide for the conveyance of the sites in accordance with subsection (c). (f) Public access (1) In general Subject to paragraph (2), any land conveyed under this section shall be subject to— (A) the reservation of public easements under section 17(b) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1616(b) ); and (B) public access across the conveyed land in cases in which no reasonable alternative access around the land is available, without liability to Sealaska, except for willful acts, to any user by reason of the use. (2) Limitations The public access and use under subparagraph (B) of paragraph (1) shall be subject to— (A) any reasonable restrictions that may be imposed by Sealaska on the public access and use— (i) to ensure public safety; (ii) to protect and conduct research on the historic, archaeological, and cultural resources of the conveyed land; or (iii) to provide environmental protection; (B) the condition that Sealaska post on any applicable property, in accordance with State law, notices of the restrictions on the public access and use; and (C) the condition that the public access and use shall not be incompatible with or in derogation of the values of the area as a cemetery site or historical place, as provided in section 2653.11 of title 43, Code of Federal Regulations (or a successor regulation). (3) Effect Access provided to any individual or entity by paragraph (1) shall not— (A) create an interest in any third party in the land conveyed under this section; or (B) provide standing to any third party in any review of, or challenge to, any determination by Sealaska with respect to the management or development of the land conveyed under this section. (g) Treatment of land conveyed Except as otherwise provided in this Act, any land conveyed to Sealaska under this section shall be— (1) considered land conveyed by the Secretary under section 14(h)(1) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1613(h)(1) ); and (2) subject to all laws (including regulations) applicable to conveyances under section 14(h)(1) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1613(h)(1) ), including section 907(d) of the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act (43 U.S.C. 1636(d)). 7. Miscellaneous (a) Special use authorizations (1) In general On the conveyance of land to Sealaska under section 5(a)— (A) any guiding or outfitting special use authorization issued by the Forest Service for the use of the conveyed land shall terminate; and (B) as a condition of the conveyance and consistent with section 14(g) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1613(g) ), Sealaska shall allow the holder of the special use authorization terminated under subparagraph (A) to continue the authorized use, subject to the terms and conditions that were in the special use authorization issued by the Forest Service, for— (i) the remainder of the term of the authorization; and (ii) 1 additional consecutive 10-year renewal period. (2) Notice of commercial activities Sealaska and any holder of a guiding or outfitting authorization under this subsection shall have a mutual obligation, subject to the guiding or outfitting authorization, to inform the other party of any commercial activities prior to engaging in the activities on the land conveyed to Sealaska under section 5(a). (3) Negotiation of new terms Nothing in this subsection precludes Sealaska and the holder of a guiding or outfitting authorization from negotiating a new mutually agreeable guiding or outfitting authorization. (4) Liability Neither Sealaska nor the United States shall bear any liability, except for willful acts of Sealaska or the United States, regarding the use and occupancy of any land conveyed to Sealaska under this Act, as provided in any outfitting or guiding authorization under this subsection. (b) Roads and facilities Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Agriculture and Sealaska shall negotiate in good faith to develop a binding agreement— (1) for the use of National Forest System roads and related transportation facilities by Sealaska; and (2) the use of Sealaska roads and related transportation facilities by the Forest Service. (c) Traditional trade and migration route designations (1) Designations (A) The inside passage The route from Yakutat to Dry Bay, as generally depicted on the map entitled Traditional Trade and Migration Route, Neix naax aan náx—The Inside Passage and dated October 17, 2012, is designated as Neix naax aan náx ( The Inside Passage ). (B) Canoe road The route from the Bay of Pillars to Port Camden, as generally depicted on the map entitled Traditional Trade and Migration Route, Yakwdeiyí—Canoe Road and dated October 17, 2012, is designated as Yakwdeiyí ( Canoe Road ). (C) The people’s road The route from Portage Bay to Duncan Canal, as generally depicted on the map entitled Traditional Trade and Migration Route, Lingít Deiyí—The People’s Road and dated October 17, 2012, is designated Lingít Deiyí ( The People’s Road ). (2) Access to traditional trade and migration routes The culturally and historically significant trade and migration routes designated by paragraph (1) shall be open to travel by Sealaska and the public in accordance with applicable law, subject to such terms, conditions, and special use authorizations as the Secretary of Agriculture may require. (d) Technical corrections (1) Tribal forest protection Section 2 of the Tribal Forest Protection Act of 2004, 25 U.S.C. 3115a , is amended by adding a new subsection (h): (h) (1) Land owned by an Alaska Native Corporation pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.) that is forest land or formerly had a forest cover or vegetative cover that is capable of restoration shall be eligible for agreements and contracts authorized under this Act and administered by the Secretary. (2) Nothing in this subsection validates, invalidates, or otherwise affects any claim regarding the existence of Indian country (as defined in section 1151 of title 18, United States Code) in the State of Alaska. . (2) National historic preservation Section 101(d) of the National Historic Preservation Act, 16 U.S.C. 470a(d) , is amended by adding a new paragraph (7): (7) (A) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, an Alaska Native tribe, band, nation or other organized group or community, including a Native village, Regional Corporation, or Village Corporation, shall be eligible to participate in all programs administered by the Secretary under this Act on behalf of Indian tribes, including, but not limited to, securing grants and other support to manage their own historic preservation sites and programs on lands held by the Alaska Native tribe, band, nation or other organized group or community, including a Native village, Regional Corporation, or Village Corporation. (B) Nothing in this paragraph validates, invalidates, or otherwise affects any claim regarding the existence of Indian country (as defined in section 1151 of title 18, United States Code) in the State of Alaska. . (e) Effect on other laws (1) In general Nothing in this Act delays the duty of the Secretary to convey land to— (A) the State under the Act of July 7, 1958 (commonly known as the Alaska Statehood Act ) (48 U.S.C. note prec. 21; Public Law 85–508 ); or (B) a Native Corporation under— (i) the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq. ); or (ii) the Alaska Land Transfer Acceleration Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1611 note; Public Law 108–452). (2) Conveyances The Secretary shall promptly proceed with the conveyance of all land necessary to fulfill the final entitlement of all Native Corporations in accordance with— (A) the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq. ); and (B) the Alaska Land Transfer Acceleration Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1611 note; Public Law 108–452 ). (f) Escrow funds If Sealaska files the resolution in accordance with section 4(a)— (1) the escrow requirements of section 2 of Public Law 94–204 ( 43 U.S.C. 1613 note) shall apply to proceeds (including interest) derived from the land withdrawn under section 5(b) from the date of receipt of the resolution; and (2) Sealaska shall have no right to any proceeds (including interest) held pursuant to the escrow requirements of section 2 of Public Law 94–204 ( 43 U.S.C. 1613 note) that were derived from land originally withdrawn for selection by section 16 of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1615 ), but not conveyed. (g) Maps (1) Availability Each map referred to in this Act shall be available in the appropriate offices of the Secretary and the Secretary of Agriculture. (2) Corrections The Secretary of Agriculture may make any necessary correction to a clerical or typographical error in a map referred to in this Act.
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<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Reported-in-House" bill-type="olc" dms-id="H3022D1899C654807B3DAA1AB18E1AC0A" public-private="public"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 740 RH: Southeast Alaska Native Land Entitlement Finalization and Jobs Protection Act </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-09-10 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> IB </distribution-code> <calendar display="yes"> Union Calendar No. 150 </calendar> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 740 </legis-num> <associated-doc display="yes" role="report"> [Report No. 113–203] </associated-doc> <current-chamber display="yes"> IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130214"> February 14, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="Y000033"> Mr. Young of Alaska </sponsor> (for himself, <cosponsor name-id="H001050"> Ms. Hanabusa </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="P000596"> Mr. Pierluisi </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="B001245"> Ms. Bordallo </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="S001177"> Mr. Sablan </cosponsor> ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the <committee-name added-display-style="italic" committee-id="HII00" deleted-display-style="strikethrough"> Committee on Natural Resources </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <action> <action-date date="20130910"> September 10, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> Additional sponsor: <cosponsor name-id="F000010"> Mr. Faleomavaega </cosponsor> </action-desc> </action> <action> <action-date date="20130910"> September 10, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> Reported with an amendment, committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union, and ordered to be printed </action-desc> <action-instruction> Strike out all after the enacting clause and insert the part printed in italic </action-instruction> <action-instruction> For text of introduced bill, see copy of bill as introduced on February 14, 2013 </action-instruction> </action> <action display="yes"> <action-desc display="yes"> <pagebreak/> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> A BILL </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> To provide for the settlement of certain claims under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act, and for other purposes. <pagebreak/> </official-title> </form> <legis-body changed="added" committee-id="HII00" display-enacting-clause="yes-display-enacting-clause" id="H66A07F77C71C487697586B2CCB7148CB" reported-display-style="italic" style="OLC"> <section id="HC38231FB3FA4481182FE1039FA31150A" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Short title </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> This Act may be cited as the <quote> <short-title> Southeast Alaska Native Land Entitlement Finalization and Jobs Protection Act </short-title> </quote> . </text> </section> <section id="H74A8886E4CFA4C00A24A51B79889C445"> <enum> 2. </enum> <header> Definitions </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> In this Act: </text> <paragraph id="H9778E71A0B27463BA8C99A36209228DD"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> Maps </header> <text> The term <term> maps </term> means the maps entitled <quote> Sealaska Land Entitlement Finalization </quote> , numbered 1 through 25 and dated January 22, 2013. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HCE6FC74B9B7F4041A43A6E8D023D4AEF"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Sealaska </header> <text> The term <term> Sealaska </term> means the Sealaska Corporation, a Regional Native Corporation established under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1601"> 43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq. </external-xref> ). </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H6A8AAD92F59A4D1C93CC28C4C2348F44"> <enum> (3) </enum> <header> Secretary </header> <text> The term <term> Secretary </term> means the Secretary of the Interior. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H038400049FF54C4491FDD179865D576D"> <enum> (4) </enum> <header> State </header> <text> The term <term> State </term> means the State of Alaska. </text> </paragraph> </section> <section id="H45B5BE936C774D83B21CADE1573839D9"> <enum> 3. </enum> <header> Findings; purpose </header> <subsection id="H9961605E94B54D28975FAB09E01FB7C9"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Findings </header> <text> Congress finds that— </text> <paragraph id="HBE38631945804F4893D443CCAF612474"> <enum> (1) </enum> <subparagraph commented="no" display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="H265ED8F47D4A422899906CBA9C12FF49"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> in 1971, Congress enacted the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1601"> 43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq. </external-xref> ) to recognize and settle the aboriginal claims of Alaska Natives to land historically used by Alaska Natives for traditional, cultural, and spiritual purposes; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HD0EF90B29DF84868A236E04993A8676B" indent="up1"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> that Act declared that the land settlement <quote> should be accomplished rapidly, with certainty, in conformity with the real economic and social needs of Natives </quote> ; </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H2211FF79D24641738FF0C23F3067CE8C"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1601"> 43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq. </external-xref> )— </text> <subparagraph id="HCEFA61D09CB94C3FB98FE83057DFCA95"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> authorized the distribution of approximately $1,000,000,000 and 44,000,000 acres of land to Alaska Natives; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HE21CB8AECEDA4F33AA4AA0FCC4C48490"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> provided for the establishment of Native Corporations to receive and manage the funds and that land to meet the cultural, social, and economic needs of Native shareholders; </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HB0F5E81AB66C41A9A0C7805070656825"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> under section 12 of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1611"> 43 U.S.C. 1611 </external-xref> ), each Regional Corporation, other than Sealaska (the Regional Corporation for southeast Alaska), was authorized to receive a share of land based on the proportion that the number of Alaska Native shareholders residing in the region of the Regional Corporation bore to the total number of Alaska Native shareholders, or the relative size of the area to which the Regional Corporation had an aboriginal land claim bore to the size of the area to which all Regional Corporations had aboriginal land claims; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HB9EB54494AB242278EC6B6CA9C061F7A"> <enum> (4) </enum> <subparagraph commented="no" display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="H0FE7513CB2334C388C28456B15C197AD"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> Sealaska, the Regional Corporation for southeast Alaska, 1 of the Regional Corporations with the largest number of Alaska Native shareholders, with more than 21 percent of all original Alaska Native shareholders, received less than 1 percent of the lands set aside for Alaska Natives, and received no land under section 12 of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1611"> 43 U.S.C. 1611 </external-xref> ); </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H0D9CFD04FD2942ED9ABCE17305D9CE4D" indent="up1"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> the Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska was 1 of the entities representing the Alaska Natives of southeast Alaska before the date of enactment of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1601"> 43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq. </external-xref> ); and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H1C8A5631792C46E6929CA1EA1848D6AD" indent="up1"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> Sealaska did not receive land in proportion to the number of Alaska Native shareholders, or in proportion to the size of the area to which Sealaska had an aboriginal land claim, in part because of a United States Court of Claims cash settlement to the Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska in 1968 for land previously taken to create the Tongass National Forest and Glacier Bay National Monument; </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H9BF0BB81875A4E069B45D06E12BD476D"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text> the 1968 Court of Claims cash settlement of $7,500,000 did not— </text> <subparagraph id="HE13C4AAC19144ED5B839B2DD8040126C"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> adequately compensate the Alaska Natives of southeast Alaska for the significant quantity of land and resources lost as a result of the creation of the Tongass National Forest and Glacier Bay National Monument or other losses of land and resources; or </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H51B2AC0081AD4550B55251F288B09476"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> justify the significant disparate treatment of Sealaska under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1611"> 43 U.S.C. 1611 </external-xref> ) in 1971; </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H9C298655B6C04ACDBB44D1EAA33AA807"> <enum> (6) </enum> <subparagraph commented="no" display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="HFD0D27479D2E4F57BBB786669C23908C"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> while each other Regional Corporation received a significant quantity of land under sections 12 and 14 of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1611"> 43 U.S.C. 1611 </external-xref> , 1613), Sealaska only received land under section 14(h) of that Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1613"> 43 U.S.C. 1613(h) </external-xref> ); </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H30DB3E06951E4C88984670CBC2AA2DFE" indent="up1"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> section 14(h) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1613"> 43 U.S.C. 1613(h) </external-xref> ) authorized the Secretary to withdraw and convey 2,000,000 acres of <quote> unreserved and unappropriated </quote> public lands in Alaska from which Alaska Native selections could be made for historic sites, cemetery sites, Urban Corporation land, Native group land, and Native Allotments; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HBA93D72F3934496680F9271EC549B1EF" indent="up1"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> under section 14(h)(8) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1613"> 43 U.S.C. 1613(h)(8) </external-xref> ), after selections are made under paragraphs (1) through (7) of that section, the land remaining in the 2,000,000-acre land pool is allocated based on the proportion that the original Alaska Native shareholder population of a Regional Corporation bore to the original Alaska Native shareholder population of all Regional Corporations; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H3EA0A6E7BF9A4B3FA5027686CDB12A1B" indent="up1"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text> the only Native land entitlement of Sealaska derives from a proportion of leftover land remaining from the 2,000,000-acre land pool, estimated as of the date of enactment of this Act at approximately 1,655,000 acres; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HA68CF2216E88402F898A0FB9B029A5E3" indent="up1"> <enum> (E) </enum> <text> because at the time of enactment of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1601"> 43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq. </external-xref> ) all public land in the Tongass National Forest had been reserved for purposes of creating the national forest, the Secretary was not able to withdraw any public land in the Tongass National Forest for selection by and conveyance to Sealaska; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H2DA25C9FECA742AFAE3084E249C93514" indent="up1"> <enum> (F) </enum> <text> at the time of enactment of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1601"> 43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq. </external-xref> ) other public lands in southeast Alaska not located in the Tongass National Forest were not suitable for selection by and conveyance to Sealaska because such lands were located in Glacier Bay National Monument, were included in a withdrawal effected pursuant to section 17(d)(2) of that Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1616"> 43 U.S.C. 1616(d)(2) </external-xref> ) and slated to become part of the Wrangell-St. Elias National Park, or essentially consisted of mountain tops; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H775CF4BC0F61471594F40F8B9B1C2CD4" indent="up1"> <enum> (G) </enum> <text> Sealaska in 1975 requested that Congress amend the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1601"> 43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq. </external-xref> ) to permit the Regional Corporation to select lands inside of the withdrawal areas established for southeast Alaska Native villages under section 16 of that Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1615"> 43 U.S.C. 1615 </external-xref> ), otherwise, there were no areas available for selection; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HB109846EF7C746CD8BDD890719374BBF" indent="up1"> <enum> (H) </enum> <text> in 1976 Congress amended section 16 of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1615"> 43 U.S.C. 1615 </external-xref> ) to allow Sealaska to select lands under section 14(h)(8) of that Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1613"> 43 U.S.C. 1613(h)(8) </external-xref> ) from land located inside, rather than outside, the withdrawal areas established for southeast Alaska Native villages; </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H03F596CB64D34116AD20A6D1A2FB70DD"> <enum> (7) </enum> <text> the 10 Alaska Native village withdrawal areas in southeast Alaska surround the Alaska Native communities of Yakutat, Hoonah, Angoon, Kake, Kasaan, Klawock, Craig, Hydaburg, Klukwan, and Saxman; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H29215AA63F8E4E25B4110E3DC1D9911E"> <enum> (8) </enum> <subparagraph commented="no" display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="H516619B466C740EA8FD25737EB25415F"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> the existing conveyance requirements of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1601"> 43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq. </external-xref> ) for southeast Alaska limit the land eligible for conveyance to Sealaska to the original withdrawal areas surrounding 10 Alaska Native villages in southeast Alaska, which precludes Sealaska from selecting land located— </text> <clause id="H1C87288FA1D34567BE09F18DCC9AB7B0" indent="up1"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> in any withdrawal area established for the Urban Corporations for Sitka and Juneau, Alaska; or </text> </clause> <clause id="H092F8ECCBD2C46FFA9BE0D32865EC5CD" indent="up1"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> outside the 10 Alaska Native village withdrawal areas; and </text> </clause> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HEB7135B49F6A4ABDA7A84D7F0C1DE424" indent="up1"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> unlike other Regional Corporations, Sealaska is not authorized to request land located outside the withdrawal areas described in subparagraph (A) if the withdrawal areas are insufficient to complete the land entitlement of Sealaska under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1601"> 43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq. </external-xref> ); </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H30298F1F46564F8FAB18551E1BB57108"> <enum> (9) </enum> <subparagraph commented="no" display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="HE31F960461894DCC96C273D3BD627E74"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> the deadline for applications for selection of cemetery sites and historic places on land outside withdrawal areas established under section 14 of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1613"> 43 U.S.C. 1613 </external-xref> ) was July 1, 1976; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HEF301034671D4C659264041814744F8A" indent="up1"> <enum> (B) </enum> <clause commented="no" display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="H0BE78D2A5A004F50BC18C5596C4A461E"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> as of that date, the Bureau of Land Management notified Sealaska that the total entitlement of Sealaska would be approximately 200,000 acres; and </text> </clause> <clause id="H6C244FC225604CC18F222EA0B5834B28" indent="up1"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> Sealaska made entitlement allocation decisions for cultural sites and economic development sites based on that original estimate; </text> </clause> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H34E690D46E334E778A19D6F852E005D1" indent="up1"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> as a result of the Alaska Land Transfer Acceleration Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="public-law" parsable-cite="pl/108/452"> Public Law 108–452 </external-xref> ; 118 Stat. 3575) and subsequent related determinations and actions of the Bureau of Land Management, it became clear within the last decade that Sealaska would be entitled to receive a total of approximately 365,000 acres pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1601"> 43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq. </external-xref> ); </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H1E2E86506BC442BB88EA37A27CA17917"> <enum> (10) </enum> <text> in light of the revised Bureau of Land Management estimate of the total number of acres that Sealaska will receive pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1601"> 43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq. </external-xref> ), and in consultation with Members of Alaska’s congressional delegation, Sealaska and its shareholders believe that it is appropriate to allocate more of the entitlement of Sealaska to— </text> <subparagraph id="HDF792FA927FF47D79DAFCC2EEB4D6A38"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> the acquisition of places of sacred, cultural, traditional, and historical significance; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H503FDB46AE4C4AFD9FE97841E70567AD"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> the acquisition of sites with traditional and recreational use value and sites suitable for renewable energy development; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H25001B2CCA7F41FBB8501CB860B2C8E8"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> the acquisition of lands that are not within the watersheds of Native and non-Native communities and are suitable economically and environmentally for natural resource development; </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H5F54D640EA2146EA931B8487FA7405F7"> <enum> (11) </enum> <text> 44 percent (820,000 acres) of the 10 Alaska Native village withdrawal areas established under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1601"> 43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq. </external-xref> ) described in paragraphs (7) and (8) are composed of salt water and not available for selection; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H649A71D0ADF241C2865275A82B27A5EA"> <enum> (12) </enum> <text> of land subject to the selection rights of Sealaska, 110,000 acres are encumbered by gubernatorial consent requirements under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1601"> 43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq. </external-xref> ); </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HD58AFBCD3C7C485F8A47FF5671DE15A8"> <enum> (13) </enum> <text> in each withdrawal area, there exist other unique factors that limit the ability of Sealaska to select sufficient land to fulfill the land entitlement of Sealaska; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H659E6C8FE2824138A43FBB5048A3FE81"> <enum> (14) </enum> <text> the selection limitations and guidelines applicable to Sealaska under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1601"> 43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq. </external-xref> )— </text> <subparagraph id="H321BA8A97A1A41F6915FF1DD6AEEFD1C"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> are inequitable and inconsistent with the purposes of that Act because there is insufficient land remaining in the withdrawal areas to meet the traditional, cultural, and socioeconomic needs of the shareholders of Sealaska; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HBC5FE22CA0FE4A40B2CF3485DF337038"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> make it difficult for Sealaska to select— </text> <clause id="H936922D710A14761B0A428D63EE796C1"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> places of sacred, cultural, traditional, and historical significance; </text> </clause> <clause id="HA4B5EE6272F84F1FBE84E9C08470CF82"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> sites with traditional and recreation use value and sites suitable for renewable energy development; and </text> </clause> <clause id="HD5098D3BC3E84365B08F83FB984EA34B"> <enum> (iii) </enum> <text> lands that meet the real economic needs of the shareholders of Sealaska; </text> </clause> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HD7C15CF139174C80B5FC5701CC24C840"> <enum> (15) </enum> <text> unless Sealaska is allowed to select land outside designated withdrawal areas in southeast Alaska, Sealaska will not be able to— </text> <subparagraph id="H881B82DADE4C427388A90377259C3999"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> complete the land entitlement selections of Sealaska under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1601"> 43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq. </external-xref> ) in a manner that meets the cultural, social, and economic needs of Native shareholders; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H8B2362D645A74F4A94B91B667DDB9F5A"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> avoid land selections in watersheds that are the exclusive drinking water supply for regional communities, support world class salmon streams, have been identified as important habitat, or would otherwise be managed by the Forest Service as roadless and old growth forest reserves; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H4086A303FC894D8796D5A30EB66940BC"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> secure ownership of places of sacred, cultural, traditional, and historical importance to the Alaska Natives of southeast Alaska; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HF6C8A40DDC9340F98CC1004FD31C09BE"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text> continue to support forestry jobs and economic opportunities for Alaska Natives and other residents of rural southeast Alaska; </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HFB4EA8AD396244E9B4FE3B3CEB85E984"> <enum> (16) </enum> <subparagraph commented="no" display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="H342ED9289CC646DABD94BCB450C3AE36"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> the rate of unemployment in southeast Alaska exceeds the statewide rate of unemployment on a non-seasonally adjusted basis; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H0DAA2A90ACC84305B9E89AC7CF80401A" indent="up1"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> in November 2012, the Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development reported the unemployment rate for the Prince of Wales—Hyder census area at approximately 12.1 percent; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H71920EEDC6474B63AABE12EF2CEE2F85" indent="up1"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> in October 2007, the Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development projected population losses between 1996 and 2030 for the Prince of Wales—Outer Ketchikan census area at 56.6 percent; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H741BC333B53A47ACB3CCE35EB7630085" indent="up1"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text> official unemployment rates severely underreport the actual level of regional unemployment, particularly in Native villages; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HE24F2B4D97D24DB78A5BD6D58D670D0D" indent="up1"> <enum> (E) </enum> <text> additional job losses will exacerbate outmigration from Native and non-Native communities in southeast Alaska; </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HDD3FF7C514FB4CABA3FBA8391CED4DE2"> <enum> (17) </enum> <text> Sealaska has played, and is expected to continue to play, a significant role in the health of the southeast Alaska economy; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HC6C6370518184D88978A301F454D5D44"> <enum> (18) </enum> <text> despite the small land base of Sealaska as compared to other Regional Corporations (less than 1 percent of the total quantity of land allocated pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1601"> 43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq. </external-xref> )), Sealaska has— </text> <subparagraph id="H4F4D8D5D20D84750B63BB9EBEC490C3C"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> provided considerable benefits to Alaska Native shareholders; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H551D3851A72149E6BF73A709738DF80D"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> supported hundreds of jobs for Alaska Native shareholders and non-shareholders in southeast Alaska for more than 30 years; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HA6A76B19F3714659BC25EA285C808820"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> been a significant economic force in southeast Alaska; </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HF7CF7FF23D2646FF9951B59CD03ADEBB"> <enum> (19) </enum> <text> pursuant to the revenue sharing provisions of section 7(i) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1606"> 43 U.S.C. 1606(i) </external-xref> ), Sealaska has distributed more than $300,000,000 during the period beginning on January 1, 1971, and ending on December 31, 2005, to Native Corporations throughout the State of Alaska from the development of natural resources, which accounts for 42 percent of the total revenues shared under that section during that period; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HAB9A74644FF2449BBC62FCDBAC43DE97"> <enum> (20) </enum> <text> resource development operations maintained by Sealaska— </text> <subparagraph id="H64EFA5F3A06B469E8D65C2FFD5DD06AF"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> support hundreds of jobs in the southeast Alaska region; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H146BDA3B70054247BABFE433E03CF3DA"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> make timber available to local and domestic sawmills and other wood products businesses such as guitar manufacturers; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H0E5B8D49C6D14C62B94102A65AB78982"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> support firewood programs for local communities; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H1468CDEBA9164718BCA195E34A6356AE"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text> support maintenance of roads utilized by local communities for subsistence and recreation uses; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HF9FBD3396B17488393E0109ECB980971"> <enum> (E) </enum> <text> support development of new biomass energy opportunities in southeast Alaska, reducing dependence on high-cost diesel fuel for the generation of energy; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H8DC8A1C808D1462E954F5157504BF9BF"> <enum> (F) </enum> <text> provide start-up capital for innovative business models in southeast Alaska that create new opportunities for non-timber economic development in the region, including support for renewable biomass initiatives, Alaska Native artisans, and rural mariculture farming; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HFFA0ED72BB7E4DE894DA0C9A82B028EA"> <enum> (G) </enum> <text> support Native education and cultural and language preservation activities; </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H8774EBBF492C437E91E74AE214355716"> <enum> (21) </enum> <text> if the resource development operations of Sealaska cease on land appropriate for those operations, there will be a significant negative impact on— </text> <subparagraph id="H6A10383F9FC6457E8DFC718EE70C5717"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> southeast Alaska Native shareholders; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H86191FBF1D574B0BAE83852B0B4FA6B7"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> the cultural preservation activities of Sealaska; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HDFD57066A3B148B785C698988C9C4BEE"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> the economy of southeast Alaska; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H7218D202059940FA8CE18725D30FE75A"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text> the Alaska Native community that benefits from the revenue-sharing requirements under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1601"> 43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq. </external-xref> ); </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H986A3E5BB788478E8348131BAF8D3ACC"> <enum> (22) </enum> <text> it is critical that the remaining land entitlement conveyances to Sealaska under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1601"> 43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq. </external-xref> ) are fulfilled to continue to meet the economic, social, and cultural needs of the Alaska Native shareholders of southeast Alaska and the Alaska Native community throughout Alaska; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H39524745582449C585FC0849079D8D40"> <enum> (23) </enum> <text> in order to realize cultural preservation goals while also diversifying economic opportunities, Sealaska should be authorized to select and receive conveyance of— </text> <subparagraph id="H61B1FD29AACB4FD39CC37229957159F1"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> sacred, cultural, traditional, and historic sites and other places of traditional and cultural significance, to facilitate the perpetuation and preservation of Alaska Native culture and history; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H94FDCF84CDA6419183FB45D6C9C73686"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> other sites with traditional and recreation use value and sites suitable for renewable energy development to facilitate appropriate tourism and outdoor recreation enterprises and renewable energy development for rural southeast Alaska communities; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H071D4D71AD044FEE84494A23B7803EF7"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> lands that are suitable economically and environmentally for natural resource development; </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HE7A5AF1040FF4ECE9963374C65BF0E79"> <enum> (24) </enum> <text> on completion of the conveyances of land to Sealaska to fulfill the full land entitlement of Sealaska under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1601"> 43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq. </external-xref> ), the encumbrances on 327,000 acres of Federal land created by the withdrawal of land for selection by Native Corporations in southeast Alaska should be removed, which will facilitate thorough and complete planning and efficient management relating to national forest land in southeast Alaska by the Forest Service; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H6D6FEF6FC62A431EBAD92562F346C053"> <enum> (25) </enum> <text> although the Tribal Forest Protection Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/25/3101"> 25 U.S.C. 3101 </external-xref> note; <external-xref legal-doc="public-law" parsable-cite="pl/108/278"> Public Law 108–278 </external-xref> ) defines the term <term> Indian tribe </term> to include Indian tribes under section 4 of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/25/450b"> 25 U.S.C. 450b </external-xref> ), a term which includes <quote> any Alaska Native village or regional or village corporation as defined in or established pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act … </quote> , the Tribal Forest Protection Act does not define the term <term> Indian forest land or rangeland </term> to include lands owned by Alaska Native Corporations, including Sealaska, which are the primary Indian forest land owners in Alaska, and therefore, the Tribal Forest Protection Act should be amended in a manner that will— </text> <subparagraph id="HFAA778BAD1AC411BB5144BCEB9B9305A"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> permit Native Corporations, including Sealaska, as Indian forest land owners in Alaska, to work with the Secretary of Agriculture under the Tribal Forest Protection Act to address forest fire and insect infestation issues, including the spread of the spruce bark beetle in southeast and southcentral Alaska, which threaten the health of the Native forestlands; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HA3EEF772F4004AB0AF2467D5795F098A"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> ensure that Native Corporations, including Sealaska, can participate in programs administered by the Secretary of Agriculture under the Tribal Forest Protection Act without including Native Corporations under the definition in that Act of <quote> Indian forest land or rangeland </quote> or otherwise amending that Act in a manner that validates, invalidates, or otherwise affects any claim regarding the existence of Indian country in the State of Alaska; and </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HE796A300A2A74C5FADB099F56231CB04"> <enum> (26) </enum> <text> although the National Historic Preservation Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/16/470"> 16 U.S.C. 470 et seq. </external-xref> ) defines the term <term> Indian tribe </term> to include any <quote> Native village, Regional Corporation or Village Corporation, as those terms are defined in section 3 of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act </quote> , the National Historic Preservation Act does not define the term <term> Tribal lands </term> to include lands owned by Alaska Native Corporations, thereby excluding from the National Historic Preservation Act cemetery sites and historical places transferred to Native Corporations, including Sealaska, pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act, and therefore, the National Historic Preservation Act should be amended in a manner that will— </text> <subparagraph id="H5EEC26CBB8C64ECDB7880DC32533B84C"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> permit Native Corporations, including Sealaska, as owners of Indian cemetery sites and historical places in Alaska, to work with the Secretary of the Interior under the National Historic Preservation Act to secure grants and other support to manage their own historic sites and programs pursuant to that Act; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HA681E599759B4D75B1B6251CAF2972D7"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> ensure that Native Corporations, including Sealaska, can participate in programs administered by the Secretary of the Interior under the National Historic Preservation Act without including Native Corporations under the definition in that Act of <quote> Tribal lands </quote> or otherwise amending that Act in a manner that validates, invalidates, or otherwise affects any claim regarding the existence of Indian country in the State of Alaska. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H9D8BF0C1937747BDB0A2C6B34FEACB9C"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Purpose </header> <text> The purpose of this Act is to address the inequitable treatment of Sealaska by allowing Sealaska to select the remaining land entitlement of Sealaska under section 14 of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1613"> 43 U.S.C. 1613 </external-xref> ) from designated Federal land in southeast Alaska located outside the 10 southeast Alaska Native village withdrawal areas in a manner that meets the cultural, social, and economic needs of Alaska Native shareholders, including the need to maintain jobs supported by Sealaska in rural southeast Alaska communities. </text> </subsection> </section> <section id="H3A4DFBD512F546B6B985BAC8A91CE31F"> <enum> 4. </enum> <header> Finalization of entitlement </header> <subsection id="H1167C3E7C36746C2A146E9C8ADBCC10C"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> If, not later than 90 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary receives a corporate resolution adopted by the board of directors of Sealaska agreeing to accept the conveyance of land described in subsection (b) in accordance with this Act as full and final satisfaction of the remaining land entitlement of Sealaska under section 14(h) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1613"> 43 U.S.C. 1613(h) </external-xref> ), the Secretary shall— </text> <paragraph id="HA77323A53DDF45E58102B3F9C8F43167"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> implement the provisions of this Act; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HC7EF653DBB1A4456AF310BCD5FDE2A6C"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> charge the entitlement pool under section 14(h)(8) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1613"> 43 U.S.C. 1613(h)(8) </external-xref> ) 70,075 acres, reduced by the number of acres deducted under subsection (b)(2), in fulfillment of the remaining land entitlement for Sealaska under that Act, notwithstanding whether the surveyed acreage of the 25 parcels of land generally depicted on the maps as <quote> Sealaska Selections </quote> and patented under section 5 is less than or more than 69,235 acres, reduced by the number of acres deducted under subsection (b)(2). </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H64AFE571F09B428684C7A432A723E0AA"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Final entitlement </header> <paragraph id="HF3ADEE7E46C24432B820029E268798D0"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> Except as provided in paragraph (2), the land described in subsection (a) shall consist of— </text> <subparagraph id="H043DBFF08F3F4A568D6CB20DC080E5E6"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> the 25 parcels of Federal land comprising approximately 69,235 acres that is generally depicted as <quote> Sealaska Selections </quote> on the maps; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H894A8F3662804D30AC2CECC32F4BA039"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> a total of not more than 840 acres of Federal land for cemetery sites and historical places comprised of parcels that are applied for in accordance with section 6. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H939A54FFBA2F484FA6597A33341F0E0B"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Deduction </header> <subparagraph id="H9F30A402F4A443558E56EBBCB902E652"> <enum> (A) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> The Secretary shall deduct from the number of acres of Federal land described in paragraph (1)(A) the number of acres of Federal land for which the Secretary has issued a conveyance during the period beginning on August 1, 2012, and ending on the date of receipt of the resolution under subsection (a). </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H7EC3B93B54C44A37A4709A13417BD127"> <enum> (B) </enum> <header> Agreement </header> <text> The Secretary, the Secretary of Agriculture, and Sealaska shall negotiate in good faith to make a mutually agreeable adjustment to the parcel of Federal land generally depicted on the maps entitled <quote> Sealaska Land Entitlement Finalization </quote> , numbered 1 of 25, and dated January 22, 2013, to implement the deduction of acres required by subparagraph (A). </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H587E11F839FB4A87ABAF59C6FA08825E"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Effect of acceptance </header> <text> The resolution filed by Sealaska in accordance with subsection (a) shall— </text> <paragraph id="H1971451DB4304EBBB330AF16B952FBEF"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> be final and irrevocable; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H4F9B762003C14F0F8C26B8D861F91682"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> without any further administrative action by the Secretary, result in— </text> <subparagraph id="H3BC575C25E6746EF8FE6C8E75BE57BA9"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> the relinquishment of all existing selections made by Sealaska under subsection 14(h)(8) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1613"> 43 U.S.C. 1613(h)(8) </external-xref> ); and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H9D78D22F4358488C8D19BC5C83ABFE0D"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> the termination of all withdrawals by section 16 of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1615"> 43 U.S.C. 1615 </external-xref> ), except to the extent a selection by a Village Corporation under subsections (b) and (d) of section 16 of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1615"> 43 U.S.C. 1615 </external-xref> ) remains pending, until the date on which those selections are resolved. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H204AD322A9C44C02A492D166821095BF"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header> Failure To accept </header> <text> If Sealaska fails to file the resolution in accordance with subsection (a)— </text> <paragraph id="H3F6B4C341CB04FA48F2475BAB0961B7C"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> the provisions of this Act shall cease to be effective; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H542D605C774F4EB59FCAD7CCF54F5728"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> the Secretary shall, not later than 27 months after the date of enactment of this Act, complete the interim conveyance of the remaining land entitlement to Sealaska under section 14(h)(8) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1613"> 43 U.S.C. 1613(h)(8) </external-xref> ) from prioritized selections on file with the Secretary on the date of enactment of this Act. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HA436CF4FC316459EBCE0C211041A39E2"> <enum> (e) </enum> <header> Scope of law </header> <text> Except as provided in subsections (d) and (f), this Act provides the exclusive authority under which the remaining land entitlement of Sealaska under section 14(h) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1613"> 43 U.S.C. 1613(h) </external-xref> ) may be fulfilled. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="HDB755C00D3AB484DB40C4C86F7969774"> <enum> (f) </enum> <header> Effect </header> <text> Nothing in this Act affects any land that is— </text> <paragraph id="H38C2FA7613BE43A2815C35515EBAC0C8"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> the subject of an application under subsection (h)(1) of section 14 of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1613"> 43 U.S.C. 1613 </external-xref> ) that is pending on the date of enactment of this Act; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H9DD9FD9785D14E5C8AD3F66E1611D6F7"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> conveyed in accordance with that subsection. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> </section> <section id="H9077767176E64BB985CC776FF6871F35"> <enum> 5. </enum> <header> Conveyances to sealaska </header> <subsection id="HBFE838E405C7471082661595C48EE72A"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Interim conveyance </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Subject to valid existing rights, subsections (c), (d), and (e), section 4(b), and section 7(a), the Secretary shall complete the interim conveyance of the 25 parcels of Federal land comprising approximately 69,235 acres generally depicted on the maps by the date that is 60 days after the date of receipt of the resolution under section 4(a), subject to the Secretary identifying and reserving, by the date that is 2 years after the date of enactment of this Act, or as soon as practicable thereafter, any easement that could have been reserved in accordance with this Act prior to the interim conveyance. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="HDC020D9F68D44D0EAE6E507D08493E15"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Withdrawal </header> <paragraph id="HF3614332E6BA4AD485CA4BEBAB84D2D2"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> Subject to valid existing rights, the Federal land described in subsection (a) is withdrawn from— </text> <subparagraph id="HE35EC7586517461E8C834EF0C5D5B46E"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> all forms of appropriation under the public land laws; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H06BD61EA25B04B22A3F68CAE6C8EFB39"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> location, entry, and patent under the mining laws; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H5CE3FF2BE7384F38B6C1FFF5DC5181B7"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> disposition under laws relating to mineral or geothermal leasing; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H5638C1B8B364491FA5D8A3C76A6C3FDD"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text> selection under the Act of July 7, 1958 (commonly known as the <quote> Alaska Statehood Act </quote> ) (48 U.S.C. note prec. 21; <external-xref legal-doc="public-law" parsable-cite="pl/85/508"> Public Law 85–508 </external-xref> ). </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HFEE361E9D1714D1FBCE9F6C364BB3729"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Termination </header> <text> The withdrawal under paragraph (1) shall remain in effect until— </text> <subparagraph id="HD0FAC08DC2644C3AA1C4A46CE47F9BE2"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> if Sealaska fails to file a resolution in accordance with section 4(a), the date that is 90 days after the date of enactment of this Act; or </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HBA36881E62654DC89B0B0814614DCC4C"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> the date on which the Federal land is conveyed under subsection (a). </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HA10BDCBE0EE44B13BC5E038752E44F92"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Treatment of land conveyed </header> <text> Except as otherwise provided in this Act, any land conveyed to Sealaska under subsection (a) shall be— </text> <paragraph id="HDAF83E6D732F4CAF8DBBD31496A7A355"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> considered to be land conveyed by the Secretary under section 14(h)(8) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1613"> 43 U.S.C. 1613(h)(8) </external-xref> ); and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H5BB448125DBA4B6084BDA6E0EBC33A38"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> subject to all laws (including regulations) applicable to entitlements under section 14(h)(8) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1613"> 43 U.S.C. 1613(h)(8) </external-xref> ), including section 907(d) of the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1636"> 43 U.S.C. 1636(d) </external-xref> ). </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HD63E99AEFC604BF3BF0694AC7485557C"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header> Easements </header> <paragraph id="H2F309A986B21466A89A82CB5E41DFBEA"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> Public easements </header> <text> The deeds of conveyance for the land under subsection (a) shall be subject to the reservation of public easements under section 17(b) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1616"> 43 U.S.C. 1616(b) </external-xref> ). </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H64C59E0CE01441D1B138FB7900DA0AF9"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Research easement </header> <text> In the deed of conveyance for the land generally depicted on the map entitled <quote> Sealaska Land Entitlement Finalization </quote> , numbered 7 of 25, and dated January 22, 2013, the Secretary shall reserve an easement— </text> <subparagraph id="H246D76361BC34C1185C3B6D2361BA388"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> to access and continue Forest Service research activities on the study plots located on the land; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HD83F7CD4FD8A4907BED1CFDBB01FF684"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> that shall remain in effect for a 10-year period beginning on the date of enactment of this Act. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H871A77D8459F4B109E0F96F05EDE258B"> <enum> (3) </enum> <header> Koscuisko island road easement </header> <subparagraph id="H9A7FB39F9121400592D5D7463031434F"> <enum> (A) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> The deeds of conveyance for the land on Koscuisko Island under subsection (a) shall grant to Sealaska an easement providing access to and use by Sealaska of the log transfer facility at Shipley Bay on Koscuisko Island, subject to— </text> <clause id="H63CB9310404C4C5C836429CB255C403E"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> the agreement under subparagraph (C); and </text> </clause> <clause id="H55C5434E4BB04F86868AC36F658AFCDB"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> the agreement under section 7(b). </text> </clause> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HED0F5321E9F544DCB1B38EE8FE1EF7F6"> <enum> (B) </enum> <header> Scope of the easement </header> <text> The easement under subparagraph (A) shall enable Sealaska— </text> <clause id="HFBA2EBE413544C77A5C200137825D527"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> to construct, use, and maintain a road connecting the Forest Service Road known as <quote> Cape Pole Road </quote> to the Forest Service Road known as <quote> South Shipley Bay Road </quote> within the corridor depicted on the map entitled <quote> Sealaska Land Entitlement Finalization </quote> , numbered 3 of 25, and dated January 22, 2013; </text> </clause> <clause id="H63717E3228DE45C6BC22302B25CF5EFE"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> to use, maintain, and if necessary, reconstruct the Forest Service Road known as <quote> South Shipley Bay Road </quote> referred to in clause (i) to access the log transfer facility at Shipley Bay; and </text> </clause> <clause id="HB1CBEBA4F9A84DCBA36240B9A6A7FF4C"> <enum> (iii) </enum> <text> to use, maintain, and expand the log transfer and sort yard facility at Shipley Bay that is within the area depicted on the map entitled <quote> Sealaska Land Entitlement Finalization </quote> , numbered 3 of 25 and dated January 22, 2013. </text> </clause> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H976F88BD82A74FF38D43EF2AFCD1D970"> <enum> (C) </enum> <header> Roads and facilities use agreement </header> <text> In addition to the agreement under section 7(b), the Secretary and Sealaska shall enter into an agreement relating to the access, use, maintenance, and improvement of the roads and facilities under this paragraph. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H0CDA121DB3EA4DBDBFEDCDB98BC9E007"> <enum> (D) </enum> <header> Determination of location; legal description </header> <text> Sealaska shall— </text> <clause id="H58AD8A04875D47188C1A2EC0B4BA92E9"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> in consultation with the Secretary, determine the location within the corridor of the centerline of the road described in subparagraph (B)(i); and </text> </clause> <clause id="HBE3291633CCA48A3BF51A4A822894B97"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> provide to the Secretary a legal description of the centerline acceptable for granting the easement described in subparagraph (B)(i). </text> </clause> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H21917FCCE9AA40E18DC5BC98F9E24175"> <enum> (E) </enum> <header> Effect </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Nothing in this paragraph shall preempt or otherwise affect State or local regulatory authority. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H95F05F4423E94406B692EE2447D883AB"> <enum> (e) </enum> <header> Hunting, fishing, and recreation </header> <paragraph id="HC09DBB8022FE419DB3A63E77FD95499D"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> Any land conveyed under subsection (a) that is located outside a withdrawal area designated under section 16(a) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1615"> 43 U.S.C. 1615(a) </external-xref> ) shall remain open and available to subsistence uses and noncommercial recreational hunting and fishing and other recreational uses by the public under applicable law— </text> <subparagraph id="HE0169971CE8C4DC88F53CB7A31BFAE18"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> without liability on the part of Sealaska, except for willful acts, to any user as a result of the use; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H2CB633A252B240C28F43BAE616C9B7F0"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> subject to— </text> <clause id="HA903001DEBF344A1B086C55AB0209CF4"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> any reasonable restrictions that may be imposed by Sealaska on the public use— </text> <subclause id="HB001FA7C5867441D98A7C9AB62D68A12"> <enum> (I) </enum> <text> to ensure public safety; </text> </subclause> <subclause id="HD9C2D25BDBEA47459FF140580295DC57"> <enum> (II) </enum> <text> to minimize conflicts between recreational and commercial uses; </text> </subclause> <subclause id="H749BD96E80C64A13BD5429CB141C6DB1"> <enum> (III) </enum> <text> to protect cultural resources; </text> </subclause> <subclause id="HBB43B65D245440F9AF3CCFD77E012766"> <enum> (IV) </enum> <text> to conduct scientific research; or </text> </subclause> <subclause id="H2D024CF3E7DC43F2AFE963B31D0A4FCD"> <enum> (V) </enum> <text> to provide environmental protection; and </text> </subclause> </clause> <clause id="H11558FCAA4194F33BF9408F78610A17A"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> the condition that Sealaska post on any applicable property, in accordance with State law, notices of the restrictions on use. </text> </clause> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H777BC1079D71483D836BB2290828EF35"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Effect </header> <text> Access provided to any individual or entity under paragraph (1) shall not— </text> <subparagraph id="H902BE9CA07DA419B9AF66C50C8EBE2B1"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> create an interest in any third party in the land conveyed under subsection (a); or </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HB33581C107B64296962D590606135835"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> provide standing to any third party in any review of, or challenge to, any determination by Sealaska with respect to the management or development of the land conveyed under subsection (a). </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> </section> <section id="HDEF269996479477CA92FCAF520A82122"> <enum> 6. </enum> <header> Cemetery sites and historical places </header> <subsection id="HB6611BB6234C42819B12E4B3899582EA"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> Notwithstanding section 14(h)(1)(E) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1613"> 43 U.S.C. 1613(h)(1)(E) </external-xref> ), Sealaska may submit applications for the conveyance under section 14(h)(1)(A) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1613"> 43 U.S.C. 1613(h)(1)(A) </external-xref> ) of not more than 127 cemetery sites and historical places— </text> <paragraph id="HDC0F95DB27A840159BE6BA345D775C35"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> that are listed in the document entitled <quote> Sealaska Cemetery Sites and Historical Places </quote> and dated January 18, 2013; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H9179A79DB728497BB3A771ABD3D7B6B0"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> that are cemetery sites and historical places included in the report by Wilsey and Ham, Inc., entitled <quote> 1975 Native Cemetery and Historic Sites of Southeast Alaska (Preliminary Report) </quote> and dated October 1975; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H6F1F1BF98B0341658D347A8F481DEE3E"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> for which Sealaska has not previously submitted an application. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H88F47930C8974058B45A7D60EF79A7F9"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Procedure for evaluating applications </header> <text> Except as otherwise provided in this section, the Secretary shall consider all applications submitted under this section in accordance with the criteria and procedures set forth in applicable regulations in effect as of the date of enactment of this Act. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H4A4C753BB8C14FDC943EA3597DD487C4"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Conveyance </header> <text> The Secretary may convey cemetery sites and historical places under this section that result in the conveyance of a total of approximately 840 acres of Federal land comprised of parcels that are— </text> <paragraph id="H1ACD13B6429F4F628780DFCC9A92A987"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> applied for in accordance with this section; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H6E032F3257E6421EAB4DF786B50E31BE"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> subject to— </text> <subparagraph id="H91ED343F38D349BC9416B444A919306B"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> valid existing rights; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HED3D7A3839634404A5791D4263D703D5"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> the public access provisions of subsection (f); </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HB2B60DE4407C44DC8996F9AA8D411111"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> the condition that the conveyance of land for the site listed under subsection (a)(1) as <quote> Bay of Pillars Portage </quote> is limited to 25 acres in T.60 S., R.72 E., Sec. 28, Copper River Meridian; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H76D0C140BD194A51AF9BD3E0A26F7D74"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text> the condition that any access to or use of the cemetery sites and historical places shall be consistent with the management plans for adjacent public land, if the management plans are more restrictive than the laws (including regulations) applicable under subsection (g). </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H697CD1B30F954A91B3FEDAA1313F215B"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header> Timeline </header> <text> No application for a cemetery site or historical place may be submitted under subsection (a) after the date that is 2 years after the date of enactment of this Act. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H7539CEF49D9947C0889D9BEDE5506003"> <enum> (e) </enum> <header> Selection of additional cemetery sites </header> <text> If Sealaska submits timely applications to the Secretary in accordance with subsections (a) and (d) for all 127 sites listed under subsection (a)(1), and the Secretary rejects any of those applications in whole or in part— </text> <paragraph id="H6E2DF3BEF3F143998F8ED32777F21D65"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> not later than 2 years after the date on which the Secretary completes the conveyance of eligible cemetery sites and historical places applied for under subsection (a), Sealaska may submit applications for the conveyance under section 14(h)(1)(A) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1613"> 43 U.S.C. 1613(h)(1)(A) </external-xref> ) of additional cemetery sites, the total acreage of which, together with the cemetery sites and historical places previously conveyed by the Secretary under subsection (c), shall not exceed 840 acres; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HD6048C19929042C997508F8FC040F3D0"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> the Secretary shall— </text> <subparagraph id="H8D210EA4FE2C497A815D76F0CB0F98A6"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> consider any applications for the conveyance of additional cemetery sites in accordance with subsection (b); and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HAFEFCEBA041344CFAB7D87F7BEBFBDEF"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> if the applications are approved, provide for the conveyance of the sites in accordance with subsection (c). </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H3D72E0243F924D889B4B21D6CC2CB028"> <enum> (f) </enum> <header> Public access </header> <paragraph id="H4226BCA35F4D456F81D9F78A0F55C42E"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> Subject to paragraph (2), any land conveyed under this section shall be subject to— </text> <subparagraph id="HD29D529661D3406B807BAE0CED605348"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> the reservation of public easements under section 17(b) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1616"> 43 U.S.C. 1616(b) </external-xref> ); and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H30FB04F939634956801B299C18F1902D"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> public access across the conveyed land in cases in which no reasonable alternative access around the land is available, without liability to Sealaska, except for willful acts, to any user by reason of the use. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H047624BFF14C4E9E833E3A44AFCA6684"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Limitations </header> <text> The public access and use under subparagraph (B) of paragraph (1) shall be subject to— </text> <subparagraph id="H4580472708A24A08B0D71B6350EFDE58"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> any reasonable restrictions that may be imposed by Sealaska on the public access and use— </text> <clause id="HB3E4DD3448BB466D889596F48D4C9D1F"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> to ensure public safety; </text> </clause> <clause id="HE3CD11E49BA04FE2A9F794C56FC49EBD"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> to protect and conduct research on the historic, archaeological, and cultural resources of the conveyed land; or </text> </clause> <clause id="H06D26D8B91B4428C9597C02BE88F6ECF"> <enum> (iii) </enum> <text> to provide environmental protection; </text> </clause> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HC981BFDB19044CECB62332D1B7783E3B"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> the condition that Sealaska post on any applicable property, in accordance with State law, notices of the restrictions on the public access and use; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H33CE8C599FB240B0BFCF454CA37415E5"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> the condition that the public access and use shall not be incompatible with or in derogation of the values of the area as a cemetery site or historical place, as provided in <external-xref legal-doc="regulation" parsable-cite="cfr/43/2653.11"> section 2653.11 </external-xref> of title 43, Code of Federal Regulations (or a successor regulation). </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H7C03A3DBA86B452ABB32794D827B4717"> <enum> (3) </enum> <header> Effect </header> <text> Access provided to any individual or entity by paragraph (1) shall not— </text> <subparagraph id="H4FFD776AD94F43A3BFD8FD200BB03A7B"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> create an interest in any third party in the land conveyed under this section; or </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H894F4AF02B864146BC4BAC213374B6E8"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> provide standing to any third party in any review of, or challenge to, any determination by Sealaska with respect to the management or development of the land conveyed under this section. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H1B244C2029794779B7121433F91B2567"> <enum> (g) </enum> <header> Treatment of land conveyed </header> <text> Except as otherwise provided in this Act, any land conveyed to Sealaska under this section shall be— </text> <paragraph id="H47F2689D9A67473F9A8603DEFCD62D1A"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> considered land conveyed by the Secretary under section 14(h)(1) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1613"> 43 U.S.C. 1613(h)(1) </external-xref> ); and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HA74376F4BC9A426DA46A2DA9E14CE025"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> subject to all laws (including regulations) applicable to conveyances under section 14(h)(1) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1613"> 43 U.S.C. 1613(h)(1) </external-xref> ), including section 907(d) of the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1636"> 43 U.S.C. 1636(d) </external-xref> ). </text> </paragraph> </subsection> </section> <section id="H94366A4891EA4570A33094D0CF04DBF9"> <enum> 7. </enum> <header> Miscellaneous </header> <subsection id="HC890A41A139E45BC9278A93531446B6A"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Special use authorizations </header> <paragraph id="H5B9AC4F339194D84A5D9E80A5F6256BB"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> On the conveyance of land to Sealaska under section 5(a)— </text> <subparagraph id="HEAE7B3A1DE734F008AAF20DB0B86902D"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> any guiding or outfitting special use authorization issued by the Forest Service for the use of the conveyed land shall terminate; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H7A92B4EECCE44507BFBF84D369B01B6F"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> as a condition of the conveyance and consistent with section 14(g) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1613"> 43 U.S.C. 1613(g) </external-xref> ), Sealaska shall allow the holder of the special use authorization terminated under subparagraph (A) to continue the authorized use, subject to the terms and conditions that were in the special use authorization issued by the Forest Service, for— </text> <clause id="H40EE22C5EA54431C9436D0F180C44CE5"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> the remainder of the term of the authorization; and </text> </clause> <clause id="HBD2DBBB010BE4E64BA66DEEC74576767"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> 1 additional consecutive 10-year renewal period. </text> </clause> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H2B0FF1C75A75400F80F9B595428BFF09"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Notice of commercial activities </header> <text> Sealaska and any holder of a guiding or outfitting authorization under this subsection shall have a mutual obligation, subject to the guiding or outfitting authorization, to inform the other party of any commercial activities prior to engaging in the activities on the land conveyed to Sealaska under section 5(a). </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HAA6991C1D1C444B389D36BC3A61F9E49"> <enum> (3) </enum> <header> Negotiation of new terms </header> <text> Nothing in this subsection precludes Sealaska and the holder of a guiding or outfitting authorization from negotiating a new mutually agreeable guiding or outfitting authorization. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H3316AAA9B2024A43B2A7B45FDE394075"> <enum> (4) </enum> <header> Liability </header> <text> Neither Sealaska nor the United States shall bear any liability, except for willful acts of Sealaska or the United States, regarding the use and occupancy of any land conveyed to Sealaska under this Act, as provided in any outfitting or guiding authorization under this subsection. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H61523A4FEAB84F5EABCD11242FDFB2A5"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Roads and facilities </header> <text> Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Agriculture and Sealaska shall negotiate in good faith to develop a binding agreement— </text> <paragraph id="H1E679CC208844966B9F14D2F54EE9D73"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> for the use of National Forest System roads and related transportation facilities by Sealaska; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H693F1DA8F5B240F0BAEB3DD9BDAA2C16"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> the use of Sealaska roads and related transportation facilities by the Forest Service. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HF24E79AF801343BB99468AB633F4AE41"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Traditional trade and migration routes </header> <paragraph id="H679C26802C634BF5A66858B51CC569F9"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> Routes </header> <subparagraph id="H740DF926E0E544DF9A3D0A0DD94B6D32"> <enum> (A) </enum> <header> The inside passage </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The route from Yakutat to Dry Bay, as generally depicted on the map entitled <quote> Traditional Trade and Migration Route, Neix naax aan náx—The Inside Passage </quote> and dated October 17, 2012, shall be known as <quote> Neix naax aan náx </quote> ( <quote> The Inside Passage </quote> ). </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H5440F41D10C344D9A1CCC75E5A0BD8BA"> <enum> (B) </enum> <header> Canoe road </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The route from the Bay of Pillars to Port Camden, as generally depicted on the map entitled <quote> Traditional Trade and Migration Route, Yakwdeiyí—Canoe Road </quote> and dated October 17, 2012, shall be known as <quote> Yakwdeiyí </quote> ( <quote> Canoe Road </quote> ). </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HCEC9E28DC2AC42D48829D367341948DF"> <enum> (C) </enum> <header> The people’s road </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The route from Portage Bay to Duncan Canal, as generally depicted on the map entitled <quote> Traditional Trade and Migration Route, Lingít Deiyí—The People’s Road </quote> and dated October 17, 2012, shall be known as <quote> Lingít Deiyí </quote> ( <quote> The People’s Road </quote> ). </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H4AF15FA39BDE4D98972B6C326690146C"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Access to traditional trade and migration routes </header> <text> The culturally and historically significant trade and migration routes designated by paragraph (1) shall be open to travel by Sealaska and the public in accordance with applicable law, subject to such terms, conditions, and special use authorizations as the Secretary of Agriculture may require. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HC4432695F3AA48C0B28C637E421AC456"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header> Technical corrections </header> <paragraph id="H3E7D67FB5A1E4095A115D115F458DA26"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> Tribal forest protection </header> <text> Section 2 of the Tribal Forest Protection Act of 2004, ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/25/3115a"> 25 U.S.C. 3115a </external-xref> ), is amended by adding at the end a new subsection (h): </text> <quoted-block id="H670C7008F81445E589560CCF806B967B" style="OLC"> <subsection id="HCCC654DD7DCA4CB1A48C13B7E7712268"> <enum> (h) </enum> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="H6B2CF893AB0A4AA4AAA63418F4D04329"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> Land owned by an Alaska Native Corporation pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1601"> 43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq. </external-xref> ) that is forest land or formerly had a forest cover or vegetative cover that is capable of restoration shall be eligible for agreements and contracts authorized under this Act and administered by the Secretary. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HF6E8DBCE47A34D6BA8BEA1E0B3939A46" indent="up1"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> Nothing in this subsection validates, invalidates, or otherwise affects any claim regarding the existence of Indian country (as defined in <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/18/1151"> section 1151 </external-xref> of title 18, United States Code) in the State of Alaska. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HA5E213A49AE24CA5A21F60AB922E70A7"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> National historic preservation </header> <text> Section 101(d) of the National Historic Preservation Act, ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/16/470a"> 16 U.S.C. 470a(d) </external-xref> ), is amended by adding at the end a new paragraph (7): </text> <quoted-block id="HA063B4290CD949E0A85D26A51E1330DC" style="OLC"> <paragraph id="H85320CF2402E4D2AA37ABC699F1AC56E" indent="up1"> <enum> (7) </enum> <subparagraph commented="no" display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="H6A625A0553834F84BF61DA898B07E00E"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> Notwithstanding any other provision of law, an Alaska Native tribe, band, nation or other organized group or community, including a Native village, Regional Corporation, or Village Corporation, shall be eligible to participate in all programs administered by the Secretary under this Act on behalf of Indian tribes, including, but not limited to, securing grants and other support to manage their own historic preservation sites and programs on lands held by the Alaska Native tribe, band, nation or other organized group or community, including a Native village, Regional Corporation, or Village Corporation. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HA0B474E0FFB541E39A04E1B26FE94EBB" indent="up1"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> Nothing in this paragraph validates, invalidates, or otherwise affects any claim regarding the existence of Indian country (as defined in <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/18/1151"> section 1151 </external-xref> of title 18, United States Code) in the State of Alaska. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HA42818D17D424CBD8328D23E6735B161"> <enum> (e) </enum> <header> Effect on other laws </header> <paragraph id="H944B108D3180409CA09D99F348035355"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> Nothing in this Act delays the duty of the Secretary to convey land to— </text> <subparagraph id="H7ED33717040F44399723CCED59BBD5EE"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> the State under the Act of July 7, 1958 (commonly known as the <quote> Alaska Statehood Act </quote> ) (48 U.S.C. note prec. 21; <external-xref legal-doc="public-law" parsable-cite="pl/85/508"> Public Law 85–508 </external-xref> ); or </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H517A7AA0614D4A01B8FBE414B5DA5A20"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> a Native Corporation under— </text> <clause id="H342A2780500742A685DAC0809348EEA2"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1601"> 43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq. </external-xref> ); or </text> </clause> <clause id="H5689DBA125164140B944CFBECBDD12DD"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> the Alaska Land Transfer Acceleration Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1611"> 43 U.S.C. 1611 </external-xref> note; <external-xref legal-doc="public-law" parsable-cite="pl/108/452"> Public Law 108–452 </external-xref> ). </text> </clause> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H2EC45E55EF9E4A65A0CC92C7EC629666"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Conveyances </header> <text> The Secretary shall promptly proceed with the conveyance of all land necessary to fulfill the final entitlement of all Native Corporations in accordance with— </text> <subparagraph id="H86C0582D42824B03B4897874CF1663E9"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1601"> 43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq. </external-xref> ); and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H8E3699ADB719417E9E0E5804E4F2282A"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> the Alaska Land Transfer Acceleration Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1611"> 43 U.S.C. 1611 </external-xref> note; <external-xref legal-doc="public-law" parsable-cite="pl/108/452"> Public Law 108–452 </external-xref> ). </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HF98AF5712BCF4F02BCD65CF2666ED11B"> <enum> (f) </enum> <header> Escrow funds </header> <text> If Sealaska files the resolution in accordance with section 4(a)— </text> <paragraph id="HE95803CB79224BC7B0C95B435CC38E18"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> the escrow requirements of section 2 of <external-xref legal-doc="public-law" parsable-cite="pl/94/204"> Public Law 94–204 </external-xref> ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1613"> 43 U.S.C. 1613 </external-xref> note) shall apply to proceeds (including interest) derived from the land withdrawn under section 5(b) from the date of receipt of the resolution; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H5FD877100E9A4F31889059A1D257C577"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> Sealaska shall have no right to any proceeds (including interest) held pursuant to the escrow requirements of section 2 of <external-xref legal-doc="public-law" parsable-cite="pl/94/204"> Public Law 94–204 </external-xref> ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1613"> 43 U.S.C. 1613 </external-xref> note) that were derived from land originally withdrawn for selection by section 16 of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1615"> 43 U.S.C. 1615 </external-xref> ), but not conveyed. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HDB6D03A484FC48B39AF4EEAE3528B98A"> <enum> (g) </enum> <header> Maps </header> <paragraph id="HDFD197BCC6B24983AF9276962E0F82A0"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> Availability </header> <text> Each map referred to in this Act shall be available in the appropriate offices of the Secretary and the Secretary of Agriculture. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H73269A35E730442792A587CA48B209C6"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Corrections </header> <text> The Secretary of Agriculture may make any necessary correction to a clerical or typographical error in a map referred to in this Act. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> </section> </legis-body> <endorsement display="yes"> <action-date date="20130910"> September 10, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> Reported with an amendment, committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union, and ordered to be printed </action-desc> </endorsement> </bill>
IB Union Calendar No. 150 113th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 740 [Report No. 113–203] IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES February 14, 2013 Mr. Young of Alaska (for himself, Ms. Hanabusa , Mr. Pierluisi , Ms. Bordallo , and Mr. Sablan ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Natural Resources September 10, 2013 Additional sponsor: Mr. Faleomavaega September 10, 2013 Reported with an amendment, committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union, and ordered to be printed Strike out all after the enacting clause and insert the part printed in italic For text of introduced bill, see copy of bill as introduced on February 14, 2013 A BILL To provide for the settlement of certain claims under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act, and for other purposes. 1. Short title This Act may be cited as the Southeast Alaska Native Land Entitlement Finalization and Jobs Protection Act . 2. Definitions In this Act: (1) Maps The term maps means the maps entitled Sealaska Land Entitlement Finalization , numbered 1 through 25 and dated January 22, 2013. (2) Sealaska The term Sealaska means the Sealaska Corporation, a Regional Native Corporation established under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq. ). (3) Secretary The term Secretary means the Secretary of the Interior. (4) State The term State means the State of Alaska. 3. Findings; purpose (a) Findings Congress finds that— (1) (A) in 1971, Congress enacted the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq. ) to recognize and settle the aboriginal claims of Alaska Natives to land historically used by Alaska Natives for traditional, cultural, and spiritual purposes; and (B) that Act declared that the land settlement should be accomplished rapidly, with certainty, in conformity with the real economic and social needs of Natives ; (2) the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq. )— (A) authorized the distribution of approximately $1,000,000,000 and 44,000,000 acres of land to Alaska Natives; and (B) provided for the establishment of Native Corporations to receive and manage the funds and that land to meet the cultural, social, and economic needs of Native shareholders; (3) under section 12 of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1611 ), each Regional Corporation, other than Sealaska (the Regional Corporation for southeast Alaska), was authorized to receive a share of land based on the proportion that the number of Alaska Native shareholders residing in the region of the Regional Corporation bore to the total number of Alaska Native shareholders, or the relative size of the area to which the Regional Corporation had an aboriginal land claim bore to the size of the area to which all Regional Corporations had aboriginal land claims; (4) (A) Sealaska, the Regional Corporation for southeast Alaska, 1 of the Regional Corporations with the largest number of Alaska Native shareholders, with more than 21 percent of all original Alaska Native shareholders, received less than 1 percent of the lands set aside for Alaska Natives, and received no land under section 12 of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1611 ); (B) the Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska was 1 of the entities representing the Alaska Natives of southeast Alaska before the date of enactment of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq. ); and (C) Sealaska did not receive land in proportion to the number of Alaska Native shareholders, or in proportion to the size of the area to which Sealaska had an aboriginal land claim, in part because of a United States Court of Claims cash settlement to the Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska in 1968 for land previously taken to create the Tongass National Forest and Glacier Bay National Monument; (5) the 1968 Court of Claims cash settlement of $7,500,000 did not— (A) adequately compensate the Alaska Natives of southeast Alaska for the significant quantity of land and resources lost as a result of the creation of the Tongass National Forest and Glacier Bay National Monument or other losses of land and resources; or (B) justify the significant disparate treatment of Sealaska under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1611 ) in 1971; (6) (A) while each other Regional Corporation received a significant quantity of land under sections 12 and 14 of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1611 , 1613), Sealaska only received land under section 14(h) of that Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1613(h) ); (B) section 14(h) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1613(h) ) authorized the Secretary to withdraw and convey 2,000,000 acres of unreserved and unappropriated public lands in Alaska from which Alaska Native selections could be made for historic sites, cemetery sites, Urban Corporation land, Native group land, and Native Allotments; (C) under section 14(h)(8) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1613(h)(8) ), after selections are made under paragraphs (1) through (7) of that section, the land remaining in the 2,000,000-acre land pool is allocated based on the proportion that the original Alaska Native shareholder population of a Regional Corporation bore to the original Alaska Native shareholder population of all Regional Corporations; (D) the only Native land entitlement of Sealaska derives from a proportion of leftover land remaining from the 2,000,000-acre land pool, estimated as of the date of enactment of this Act at approximately 1,655,000 acres; (E) because at the time of enactment of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq. ) all public land in the Tongass National Forest had been reserved for purposes of creating the national forest, the Secretary was not able to withdraw any public land in the Tongass National Forest for selection by and conveyance to Sealaska; (F) at the time of enactment of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq. ) other public lands in southeast Alaska not located in the Tongass National Forest were not suitable for selection by and conveyance to Sealaska because such lands were located in Glacier Bay National Monument, were included in a withdrawal effected pursuant to section 17(d)(2) of that Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1616(d)(2) ) and slated to become part of the Wrangell-St. Elias National Park, or essentially consisted of mountain tops; (G) Sealaska in 1975 requested that Congress amend the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq. ) to permit the Regional Corporation to select lands inside of the withdrawal areas established for southeast Alaska Native villages under section 16 of that Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1615 ), otherwise, there were no areas available for selection; and (H) in 1976 Congress amended section 16 of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1615 ) to allow Sealaska to select lands under section 14(h)(8) of that Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1613(h)(8) ) from land located inside, rather than outside, the withdrawal areas established for southeast Alaska Native villages; (7) the 10 Alaska Native village withdrawal areas in southeast Alaska surround the Alaska Native communities of Yakutat, Hoonah, Angoon, Kake, Kasaan, Klawock, Craig, Hydaburg, Klukwan, and Saxman; (8) (A) the existing conveyance requirements of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq. ) for southeast Alaska limit the land eligible for conveyance to Sealaska to the original withdrawal areas surrounding 10 Alaska Native villages in southeast Alaska, which precludes Sealaska from selecting land located— (i) in any withdrawal area established for the Urban Corporations for Sitka and Juneau, Alaska; or (ii) outside the 10 Alaska Native village withdrawal areas; and (B) unlike other Regional Corporations, Sealaska is not authorized to request land located outside the withdrawal areas described in subparagraph (A) if the withdrawal areas are insufficient to complete the land entitlement of Sealaska under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq. ); (9) (A) the deadline for applications for selection of cemetery sites and historic places on land outside withdrawal areas established under section 14 of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1613 ) was July 1, 1976; (B) (i) as of that date, the Bureau of Land Management notified Sealaska that the total entitlement of Sealaska would be approximately 200,000 acres; and (ii) Sealaska made entitlement allocation decisions for cultural sites and economic development sites based on that original estimate; (C) as a result of the Alaska Land Transfer Acceleration Act ( Public Law 108–452 ; 118 Stat. 3575) and subsequent related determinations and actions of the Bureau of Land Management, it became clear within the last decade that Sealaska would be entitled to receive a total of approximately 365,000 acres pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq. ); (10) in light of the revised Bureau of Land Management estimate of the total number of acres that Sealaska will receive pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq. ), and in consultation with Members of Alaska’s congressional delegation, Sealaska and its shareholders believe that it is appropriate to allocate more of the entitlement of Sealaska to— (A) the acquisition of places of sacred, cultural, traditional, and historical significance; (B) the acquisition of sites with traditional and recreational use value and sites suitable for renewable energy development; and (C) the acquisition of lands that are not within the watersheds of Native and non-Native communities and are suitable economically and environmentally for natural resource development; (11) 44 percent (820,000 acres) of the 10 Alaska Native village withdrawal areas established under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq. ) described in paragraphs (7) and (8) are composed of salt water and not available for selection; (12) of land subject to the selection rights of Sealaska, 110,000 acres are encumbered by gubernatorial consent requirements under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq. ); (13) in each withdrawal area, there exist other unique factors that limit the ability of Sealaska to select sufficient land to fulfill the land entitlement of Sealaska; (14) the selection limitations and guidelines applicable to Sealaska under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq. )— (A) are inequitable and inconsistent with the purposes of that Act because there is insufficient land remaining in the withdrawal areas to meet the traditional, cultural, and socioeconomic needs of the shareholders of Sealaska; and (B) make it difficult for Sealaska to select— (i) places of sacred, cultural, traditional, and historical significance; (ii) sites with traditional and recreation use value and sites suitable for renewable energy development; and (iii) lands that meet the real economic needs of the shareholders of Sealaska; (15) unless Sealaska is allowed to select land outside designated withdrawal areas in southeast Alaska, Sealaska will not be able to— (A) complete the land entitlement selections of Sealaska under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq. ) in a manner that meets the cultural, social, and economic needs of Native shareholders; (B) avoid land selections in watersheds that are the exclusive drinking water supply for regional communities, support world class salmon streams, have been identified as important habitat, or would otherwise be managed by the Forest Service as roadless and old growth forest reserves; (C) secure ownership of places of sacred, cultural, traditional, and historical importance to the Alaska Natives of southeast Alaska; and (D) continue to support forestry jobs and economic opportunities for Alaska Natives and other residents of rural southeast Alaska; (16) (A) the rate of unemployment in southeast Alaska exceeds the statewide rate of unemployment on a non-seasonally adjusted basis; (B) in November 2012, the Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development reported the unemployment rate for the Prince of Wales—Hyder census area at approximately 12.1 percent; (C) in October 2007, the Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development projected population losses between 1996 and 2030 for the Prince of Wales—Outer Ketchikan census area at 56.6 percent; (D) official unemployment rates severely underreport the actual level of regional unemployment, particularly in Native villages; and (E) additional job losses will exacerbate outmigration from Native and non-Native communities in southeast Alaska; (17) Sealaska has played, and is expected to continue to play, a significant role in the health of the southeast Alaska economy; (18) despite the small land base of Sealaska as compared to other Regional Corporations (less than 1 percent of the total quantity of land allocated pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq. )), Sealaska has— (A) provided considerable benefits to Alaska Native shareholders; (B) supported hundreds of jobs for Alaska Native shareholders and non-shareholders in southeast Alaska for more than 30 years; and (C) been a significant economic force in southeast Alaska; (19) pursuant to the revenue sharing provisions of section 7(i) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1606(i) ), Sealaska has distributed more than $300,000,000 during the period beginning on January 1, 1971, and ending on December 31, 2005, to Native Corporations throughout the State of Alaska from the development of natural resources, which accounts for 42 percent of the total revenues shared under that section during that period; (20) resource development operations maintained by Sealaska— (A) support hundreds of jobs in the southeast Alaska region; (B) make timber available to local and domestic sawmills and other wood products businesses such as guitar manufacturers; (C) support firewood programs for local communities; (D) support maintenance of roads utilized by local communities for subsistence and recreation uses; (E) support development of new biomass energy opportunities in southeast Alaska, reducing dependence on high-cost diesel fuel for the generation of energy; (F) provide start-up capital for innovative business models in southeast Alaska that create new opportunities for non-timber economic development in the region, including support for renewable biomass initiatives, Alaska Native artisans, and rural mariculture farming; and (G) support Native education and cultural and language preservation activities; (21) if the resource development operations of Sealaska cease on land appropriate for those operations, there will be a significant negative impact on— (A) southeast Alaska Native shareholders; (B) the cultural preservation activities of Sealaska; (C) the economy of southeast Alaska; and (D) the Alaska Native community that benefits from the revenue-sharing requirements under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq. ); (22) it is critical that the remaining land entitlement conveyances to Sealaska under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq. ) are fulfilled to continue to meet the economic, social, and cultural needs of the Alaska Native shareholders of southeast Alaska and the Alaska Native community throughout Alaska; (23) in order to realize cultural preservation goals while also diversifying economic opportunities, Sealaska should be authorized to select and receive conveyance of— (A) sacred, cultural, traditional, and historic sites and other places of traditional and cultural significance, to facilitate the perpetuation and preservation of Alaska Native culture and history; (B) other sites with traditional and recreation use value and sites suitable for renewable energy development to facilitate appropriate tourism and outdoor recreation enterprises and renewable energy development for rural southeast Alaska communities; and (C) lands that are suitable economically and environmentally for natural resource development; (24) on completion of the conveyances of land to Sealaska to fulfill the full land entitlement of Sealaska under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq. ), the encumbrances on 327,000 acres of Federal land created by the withdrawal of land for selection by Native Corporations in southeast Alaska should be removed, which will facilitate thorough and complete planning and efficient management relating to national forest land in southeast Alaska by the Forest Service; (25) although the Tribal Forest Protection Act ( 25 U.S.C. 3101 note; Public Law 108–278 ) defines the term Indian tribe to include Indian tribes under section 4 of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act ( 25 U.S.C. 450b ), a term which includes any Alaska Native village or regional or village corporation as defined in or established pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act … , the Tribal Forest Protection Act does not define the term Indian forest land or rangeland to include lands owned by Alaska Native Corporations, including Sealaska, which are the primary Indian forest land owners in Alaska, and therefore, the Tribal Forest Protection Act should be amended in a manner that will— (A) permit Native Corporations, including Sealaska, as Indian forest land owners in Alaska, to work with the Secretary of Agriculture under the Tribal Forest Protection Act to address forest fire and insect infestation issues, including the spread of the spruce bark beetle in southeast and southcentral Alaska, which threaten the health of the Native forestlands; and (B) ensure that Native Corporations, including Sealaska, can participate in programs administered by the Secretary of Agriculture under the Tribal Forest Protection Act without including Native Corporations under the definition in that Act of Indian forest land or rangeland or otherwise amending that Act in a manner that validates, invalidates, or otherwise affects any claim regarding the existence of Indian country in the State of Alaska; and (26) although the National Historic Preservation Act ( 16 U.S.C. 470 et seq. ) defines the term Indian tribe to include any Native village, Regional Corporation or Village Corporation, as those terms are defined in section 3 of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act , the National Historic Preservation Act does not define the term Tribal lands to include lands owned by Alaska Native Corporations, thereby excluding from the National Historic Preservation Act cemetery sites and historical places transferred to Native Corporations, including Sealaska, pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act, and therefore, the National Historic Preservation Act should be amended in a manner that will— (A) permit Native Corporations, including Sealaska, as owners of Indian cemetery sites and historical places in Alaska, to work with the Secretary of the Interior under the National Historic Preservation Act to secure grants and other support to manage their own historic sites and programs pursuant to that Act; and (B) ensure that Native Corporations, including Sealaska, can participate in programs administered by the Secretary of the Interior under the National Historic Preservation Act without including Native Corporations under the definition in that Act of Tribal lands or otherwise amending that Act in a manner that validates, invalidates, or otherwise affects any claim regarding the existence of Indian country in the State of Alaska. (b) Purpose The purpose of this Act is to address the inequitable treatment of Sealaska by allowing Sealaska to select the remaining land entitlement of Sealaska under section 14 of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1613 ) from designated Federal land in southeast Alaska located outside the 10 southeast Alaska Native village withdrawal areas in a manner that meets the cultural, social, and economic needs of Alaska Native shareholders, including the need to maintain jobs supported by Sealaska in rural southeast Alaska communities. 4. Finalization of entitlement (a) In general If, not later than 90 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary receives a corporate resolution adopted by the board of directors of Sealaska agreeing to accept the conveyance of land described in subsection (b) in accordance with this Act as full and final satisfaction of the remaining land entitlement of Sealaska under section 14(h) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1613(h) ), the Secretary shall— (1) implement the provisions of this Act; and (2) charge the entitlement pool under section 14(h)(8) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1613(h)(8) ) 70,075 acres, reduced by the number of acres deducted under subsection (b)(2), in fulfillment of the remaining land entitlement for Sealaska under that Act, notwithstanding whether the surveyed acreage of the 25 parcels of land generally depicted on the maps as Sealaska Selections and patented under section 5 is less than or more than 69,235 acres, reduced by the number of acres deducted under subsection (b)(2). (b) Final entitlement (1) In general Except as provided in paragraph (2), the land described in subsection (a) shall consist of— (A) the 25 parcels of Federal land comprising approximately 69,235 acres that is generally depicted as Sealaska Selections on the maps; and (B) a total of not more than 840 acres of Federal land for cemetery sites and historical places comprised of parcels that are applied for in accordance with section 6. (2) Deduction (A) In general The Secretary shall deduct from the number of acres of Federal land described in paragraph (1)(A) the number of acres of Federal land for which the Secretary has issued a conveyance during the period beginning on August 1, 2012, and ending on the date of receipt of the resolution under subsection (a). (B) Agreement The Secretary, the Secretary of Agriculture, and Sealaska shall negotiate in good faith to make a mutually agreeable adjustment to the parcel of Federal land generally depicted on the maps entitled Sealaska Land Entitlement Finalization , numbered 1 of 25, and dated January 22, 2013, to implement the deduction of acres required by subparagraph (A). (c) Effect of acceptance The resolution filed by Sealaska in accordance with subsection (a) shall— (1) be final and irrevocable; and (2) without any further administrative action by the Secretary, result in— (A) the relinquishment of all existing selections made by Sealaska under subsection 14(h)(8) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1613(h)(8) ); and (B) the termination of all withdrawals by section 16 of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1615 ), except to the extent a selection by a Village Corporation under subsections (b) and (d) of section 16 of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1615 ) remains pending, until the date on which those selections are resolved. (d) Failure To accept If Sealaska fails to file the resolution in accordance with subsection (a)— (1) the provisions of this Act shall cease to be effective; and (2) the Secretary shall, not later than 27 months after the date of enactment of this Act, complete the interim conveyance of the remaining land entitlement to Sealaska under section 14(h)(8) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1613(h)(8) ) from prioritized selections on file with the Secretary on the date of enactment of this Act. (e) Scope of law Except as provided in subsections (d) and (f), this Act provides the exclusive authority under which the remaining land entitlement of Sealaska under section 14(h) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1613(h) ) may be fulfilled. (f) Effect Nothing in this Act affects any land that is— (1) the subject of an application under subsection (h)(1) of section 14 of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1613 ) that is pending on the date of enactment of this Act; and (2) conveyed in accordance with that subsection. 5. Conveyances to sealaska (a) Interim conveyance Subject to valid existing rights, subsections (c), (d), and (e), section 4(b), and section 7(a), the Secretary shall complete the interim conveyance of the 25 parcels of Federal land comprising approximately 69,235 acres generally depicted on the maps by the date that is 60 days after the date of receipt of the resolution under section 4(a), subject to the Secretary identifying and reserving, by the date that is 2 years after the date of enactment of this Act, or as soon as practicable thereafter, any easement that could have been reserved in accordance with this Act prior to the interim conveyance. (b) Withdrawal (1) In general Subject to valid existing rights, the Federal land described in subsection (a) is withdrawn from— (A) all forms of appropriation under the public land laws; (B) location, entry, and patent under the mining laws; (C) disposition under laws relating to mineral or geothermal leasing; and (D) selection under the Act of July 7, 1958 (commonly known as the Alaska Statehood Act ) (48 U.S.C. note prec. 21; Public Law 85–508 ). (2) Termination The withdrawal under paragraph (1) shall remain in effect until— (A) if Sealaska fails to file a resolution in accordance with section 4(a), the date that is 90 days after the date of enactment of this Act; or (B) the date on which the Federal land is conveyed under subsection (a). (c) Treatment of land conveyed Except as otherwise provided in this Act, any land conveyed to Sealaska under subsection (a) shall be— (1) considered to be land conveyed by the Secretary under section 14(h)(8) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1613(h)(8) ); and (2) subject to all laws (including regulations) applicable to entitlements under section 14(h)(8) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1613(h)(8) ), including section 907(d) of the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1636(d) ). (d) Easements (1) Public easements The deeds of conveyance for the land under subsection (a) shall be subject to the reservation of public easements under section 17(b) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1616(b) ). (2) Research easement In the deed of conveyance for the land generally depicted on the map entitled Sealaska Land Entitlement Finalization , numbered 7 of 25, and dated January 22, 2013, the Secretary shall reserve an easement— (A) to access and continue Forest Service research activities on the study plots located on the land; and (B) that shall remain in effect for a 10-year period beginning on the date of enactment of this Act. (3) Koscuisko island road easement (A) In general The deeds of conveyance for the land on Koscuisko Island under subsection (a) shall grant to Sealaska an easement providing access to and use by Sealaska of the log transfer facility at Shipley Bay on Koscuisko Island, subject to— (i) the agreement under subparagraph (C); and (ii) the agreement under section 7(b). (B) Scope of the easement The easement under subparagraph (A) shall enable Sealaska— (i) to construct, use, and maintain a road connecting the Forest Service Road known as Cape Pole Road to the Forest Service Road known as South Shipley Bay Road within the corridor depicted on the map entitled Sealaska Land Entitlement Finalization , numbered 3 of 25, and dated January 22, 2013; (ii) to use, maintain, and if necessary, reconstruct the Forest Service Road known as South Shipley Bay Road referred to in clause (i) to access the log transfer facility at Shipley Bay; and (iii) to use, maintain, and expand the log transfer and sort yard facility at Shipley Bay that is within the area depicted on the map entitled Sealaska Land Entitlement Finalization , numbered 3 of 25 and dated January 22, 2013. (C) Roads and facilities use agreement In addition to the agreement under section 7(b), the Secretary and Sealaska shall enter into an agreement relating to the access, use, maintenance, and improvement of the roads and facilities under this paragraph. (D) Determination of location; legal description Sealaska shall— (i) in consultation with the Secretary, determine the location within the corridor of the centerline of the road described in subparagraph (B)(i); and (ii) provide to the Secretary a legal description of the centerline acceptable for granting the easement described in subparagraph (B)(i). (E) Effect Nothing in this paragraph shall preempt or otherwise affect State or local regulatory authority. (e) Hunting, fishing, and recreation (1) In general Any land conveyed under subsection (a) that is located outside a withdrawal area designated under section 16(a) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1615(a) ) shall remain open and available to subsistence uses and noncommercial recreational hunting and fishing and other recreational uses by the public under applicable law— (A) without liability on the part of Sealaska, except for willful acts, to any user as a result of the use; and (B) subject to— (i) any reasonable restrictions that may be imposed by Sealaska on the public use— (I) to ensure public safety; (II) to minimize conflicts between recreational and commercial uses; (III) to protect cultural resources; (IV) to conduct scientific research; or (V) to provide environmental protection; and (ii) the condition that Sealaska post on any applicable property, in accordance with State law, notices of the restrictions on use. (2) Effect Access provided to any individual or entity under paragraph (1) shall not— (A) create an interest in any third party in the land conveyed under subsection (a); or (B) provide standing to any third party in any review of, or challenge to, any determination by Sealaska with respect to the management or development of the land conveyed under subsection (a). 6. Cemetery sites and historical places (a) In general Notwithstanding section 14(h)(1)(E) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1613(h)(1)(E) ), Sealaska may submit applications for the conveyance under section 14(h)(1)(A) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1613(h)(1)(A) ) of not more than 127 cemetery sites and historical places— (1) that are listed in the document entitled Sealaska Cemetery Sites and Historical Places and dated January 18, 2013; (2) that are cemetery sites and historical places included in the report by Wilsey and Ham, Inc., entitled 1975 Native Cemetery and Historic Sites of Southeast Alaska (Preliminary Report) and dated October 1975; and (3) for which Sealaska has not previously submitted an application. (b) Procedure for evaluating applications Except as otherwise provided in this section, the Secretary shall consider all applications submitted under this section in accordance with the criteria and procedures set forth in applicable regulations in effect as of the date of enactment of this Act. (c) Conveyance The Secretary may convey cemetery sites and historical places under this section that result in the conveyance of a total of approximately 840 acres of Federal land comprised of parcels that are— (1) applied for in accordance with this section; and (2) subject to— (A) valid existing rights; (B) the public access provisions of subsection (f); (C) the condition that the conveyance of land for the site listed under subsection (a)(1) as Bay of Pillars Portage is limited to 25 acres in T.60 S., R.72 E., Sec. 28, Copper River Meridian; and (D) the condition that any access to or use of the cemetery sites and historical places shall be consistent with the management plans for adjacent public land, if the management plans are more restrictive than the laws (including regulations) applicable under subsection (g). (d) Timeline No application for a cemetery site or historical place may be submitted under subsection (a) after the date that is 2 years after the date of enactment of this Act. (e) Selection of additional cemetery sites If Sealaska submits timely applications to the Secretary in accordance with subsections (a) and (d) for all 127 sites listed under subsection (a)(1), and the Secretary rejects any of those applications in whole or in part— (1) not later than 2 years after the date on which the Secretary completes the conveyance of eligible cemetery sites and historical places applied for under subsection (a), Sealaska may submit applications for the conveyance under section 14(h)(1)(A) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1613(h)(1)(A) ) of additional cemetery sites, the total acreage of which, together with the cemetery sites and historical places previously conveyed by the Secretary under subsection (c), shall not exceed 840 acres; and (2) the Secretary shall— (A) consider any applications for the conveyance of additional cemetery sites in accordance with subsection (b); and (B) if the applications are approved, provide for the conveyance of the sites in accordance with subsection (c). (f) Public access (1) In general Subject to paragraph (2), any land conveyed under this section shall be subject to— (A) the reservation of public easements under section 17(b) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1616(b) ); and (B) public access across the conveyed land in cases in which no reasonable alternative access around the land is available, without liability to Sealaska, except for willful acts, to any user by reason of the use. (2) Limitations The public access and use under subparagraph (B) of paragraph (1) shall be subject to— (A) any reasonable restrictions that may be imposed by Sealaska on the public access and use— (i) to ensure public safety; (ii) to protect and conduct research on the historic, archaeological, and cultural resources of the conveyed land; or (iii) to provide environmental protection; (B) the condition that Sealaska post on any applicable property, in accordance with State law, notices of the restrictions on the public access and use; and (C) the condition that the public access and use shall not be incompatible with or in derogation of the values of the area as a cemetery site or historical place, as provided in section 2653.11 of title 43, Code of Federal Regulations (or a successor regulation). (3) Effect Access provided to any individual or entity by paragraph (1) shall not— (A) create an interest in any third party in the land conveyed under this section; or (B) provide standing to any third party in any review of, or challenge to, any determination by Sealaska with respect to the management or development of the land conveyed under this section. (g) Treatment of land conveyed Except as otherwise provided in this Act, any land conveyed to Sealaska under this section shall be— (1) considered land conveyed by the Secretary under section 14(h)(1) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1613(h)(1) ); and (2) subject to all laws (including regulations) applicable to conveyances under section 14(h)(1) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1613(h)(1) ), including section 907(d) of the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1636(d) ). 7. Miscellaneous (a) Special use authorizations (1) In general On the conveyance of land to Sealaska under section 5(a)— (A) any guiding or outfitting special use authorization issued by the Forest Service for the use of the conveyed land shall terminate; and (B) as a condition of the conveyance and consistent with section 14(g) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1613(g) ), Sealaska shall allow the holder of the special use authorization terminated under subparagraph (A) to continue the authorized use, subject to the terms and conditions that were in the special use authorization issued by the Forest Service, for— (i) the remainder of the term of the authorization; and (ii) 1 additional consecutive 10-year renewal period. (2) Notice of commercial activities Sealaska and any holder of a guiding or outfitting authorization under this subsection shall have a mutual obligation, subject to the guiding or outfitting authorization, to inform the other party of any commercial activities prior to engaging in the activities on the land conveyed to Sealaska under section 5(a). (3) Negotiation of new terms Nothing in this subsection precludes Sealaska and the holder of a guiding or outfitting authorization from negotiating a new mutually agreeable guiding or outfitting authorization. (4) Liability Neither Sealaska nor the United States shall bear any liability, except for willful acts of Sealaska or the United States, regarding the use and occupancy of any land conveyed to Sealaska under this Act, as provided in any outfitting or guiding authorization under this subsection. (b) Roads and facilities Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Agriculture and Sealaska shall negotiate in good faith to develop a binding agreement— (1) for the use of National Forest System roads and related transportation facilities by Sealaska; and (2) the use of Sealaska roads and related transportation facilities by the Forest Service. (c) Traditional trade and migration routes (1) Routes (A) The inside passage The route from Yakutat to Dry Bay, as generally depicted on the map entitled Traditional Trade and Migration Route, Neix naax aan náx—The Inside Passage and dated October 17, 2012, shall be known as Neix naax aan náx ( The Inside Passage ). (B) Canoe road The route from the Bay of Pillars to Port Camden, as generally depicted on the map entitled Traditional Trade and Migration Route, Yakwdeiyí—Canoe Road and dated October 17, 2012, shall be known as Yakwdeiyí ( Canoe Road ). (C) The people’s road The route from Portage Bay to Duncan Canal, as generally depicted on the map entitled Traditional Trade and Migration Route, Lingít Deiyí—The People’s Road and dated October 17, 2012, shall be known as Lingít Deiyí ( The People’s Road ). (2) Access to traditional trade and migration routes The culturally and historically significant trade and migration routes designated by paragraph (1) shall be open to travel by Sealaska and the public in accordance with applicable law, subject to such terms, conditions, and special use authorizations as the Secretary of Agriculture may require. (d) Technical corrections (1) Tribal forest protection Section 2 of the Tribal Forest Protection Act of 2004, ( 25 U.S.C. 3115a ), is amended by adding at the end a new subsection (h): (h) (1) Land owned by an Alaska Native Corporation pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq. ) that is forest land or formerly had a forest cover or vegetative cover that is capable of restoration shall be eligible for agreements and contracts authorized under this Act and administered by the Secretary. (2) Nothing in this subsection validates, invalidates, or otherwise affects any claim regarding the existence of Indian country (as defined in section 1151 of title 18, United States Code) in the State of Alaska. . (2) National historic preservation Section 101(d) of the National Historic Preservation Act, ( 16 U.S.C. 470a(d) ), is amended by adding at the end a new paragraph (7): (7) (A) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, an Alaska Native tribe, band, nation or other organized group or community, including a Native village, Regional Corporation, or Village Corporation, shall be eligible to participate in all programs administered by the Secretary under this Act on behalf of Indian tribes, including, but not limited to, securing grants and other support to manage their own historic preservation sites and programs on lands held by the Alaska Native tribe, band, nation or other organized group or community, including a Native village, Regional Corporation, or Village Corporation. (B) Nothing in this paragraph validates, invalidates, or otherwise affects any claim regarding the existence of Indian country (as defined in section 1151 of title 18, United States Code) in the State of Alaska. . (e) Effect on other laws (1) In general Nothing in this Act delays the duty of the Secretary to convey land to— (A) the State under the Act of July 7, 1958 (commonly known as the Alaska Statehood Act ) (48 U.S.C. note prec. 21; Public Law 85–508 ); or (B) a Native Corporation under— (i) the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq. ); or (ii) the Alaska Land Transfer Acceleration Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1611 note; Public Law 108–452 ). (2) Conveyances The Secretary shall promptly proceed with the conveyance of all land necessary to fulfill the final entitlement of all Native Corporations in accordance with— (A) the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq. ); and (B) the Alaska Land Transfer Acceleration Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1611 note; Public Law 108–452 ). (f) Escrow funds If Sealaska files the resolution in accordance with section 4(a)— (1) the escrow requirements of section 2 of Public Law 94–204 ( 43 U.S.C. 1613 note) shall apply to proceeds (including interest) derived from the land withdrawn under section 5(b) from the date of receipt of the resolution; and (2) Sealaska shall have no right to any proceeds (including interest) held pursuant to the escrow requirements of section 2 of Public Law 94–204 ( 43 U.S.C. 1613 note) that were derived from land originally withdrawn for selection by section 16 of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1615 ), but not conveyed. (g) Maps (1) Availability Each map referred to in this Act shall be available in the appropriate offices of the Secretary and the Secretary of Agriculture. (2) Corrections The Secretary of Agriculture may make any necessary correction to a clerical or typographical error in a map referred to in this Act. September 10, 2013 Reported with an amendment, committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union, and ordered to be printed
2023-01-08 17:38:04.251
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Introduced-in-House" bill-type="olc" dms-id="H6859E0BEC9874673B8854E35924AE980" public-private="public"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 741 IH: Chiropractic Health Parity for Military Beneficiaries Act </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-02-15 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> I </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 741 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130215"> February 15, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="R000575"> Mr. Rogers of Alabama </sponsor> (for himself and <cosponsor name-id="L000565"> Mr. Loebsack </cosponsor> ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="HAS00"> Committee on Armed Services </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> A BILL </legis-type> <official-title> To require the Secretary of Defense to develop and implement a plan to provide chiropractic health care services and benefits for certain new beneficiaries as part of the TRICARE program. </official-title> </form> <legis-body id="H1C451DFE4A3E48DEBCECC755049CF928" style="OLC"> <section display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H9C7666A5CDEC476C8BE63930A145D780" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Short title </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> This Act may be cited as the <quote> <short-title> Chiropractic Health Parity for Military Beneficiaries Act </short-title> </quote> . </text> </section> <section id="H567C9D9B17924F7396C59C59BFC0BD3B"> <enum> 2. </enum> <header> Chiropractic health care for retirees, dependents, and survivors </header> <subsection id="H939A47EB29DB42E0ACF47CEC3B78D643"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Plan required </header> <text> Not later than August 31, 2013, the Secretary of Defense shall complete development of a plan to provide chiropractic health care services and benefits, as a permanent part of the TRICARE program, for covered beneficiaries. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H4113336B2512455FB70172CAE0BBCED3"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Contents of plan </header> <text> The plan shall require that a contract entered into under <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/10/1097"> section 1097 </external-xref> of title 10, United States Code, for the delivery of health care services shall— </text> <paragraph id="H40C3381660B5410A8DAACA6EA73F4DA5"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> include the delivery of chiropractic services; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H25B4D8FB4DAD4E058ED90E4DDD1EEEFC"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> require that chiropractic services may be provided only by a doctor of chiropractic; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HA64E031B6947435380C8CF3B5BC9012E"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> provide that a covered beneficiary may select and have direct access to a doctor of chiropractic without referral by another health practitioner. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H14FBC5AF16EC4D1E8ADD8C0B04C768CD"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Implementation of plan </header> <text> The plan developed under subsection (a) shall provide for implementation of the plan to begin no later than January 31, 2014. </text> </subsection> </section> <section id="HCBEBC03B9AA64837AFC16173C09B72FC"> <enum> 3. </enum> <header> Definitions </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> In this Act: </text> <paragraph id="HFD14F6611BB74ACD803AF08E5DE40A42"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> The term <term> chiropractic services </term> — </text> <subparagraph id="HB9F869A3E4684183B4AAB15A2BF3979D"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> includes diagnosis (including by diagnostic x-ray tests), evaluation and management, and therapeutic services for the treatment of a patient's health condition, including neuromusculoskeletal conditions and the subluxation complex, and such other services determined appropriate by the Secretary and as authorized under State law; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H41649511F4AC49D9BF7D4A92C86FE5C9"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> does not include the use of drugs or surgery. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HF240A540570442018140222AEBA261D2"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> The term <term> covered beneficiary </term> has the meaning provided by <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/10/1072"> section 1072(5) </external-xref> of title 10, United States Code. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HCA70D1632F094A94A2856575E4CAFECC"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> The term <term> doctor of chiropractic </term> means only a doctor of chiropractic who is licensed as a doctor of chiropractic, chiropractic physician, or chiropractor by a State, the District of Columbia, or a territory or possession of the United States. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HA5978E8C2961463D8295CBF3F62228BC"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> The term <term> TRICARE program </term> has the meaning provided by <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/10/1072"> section 1072(7) </external-xref> of title 10, United States Code. </text> </paragraph> </section> </legis-body> </bill>
I 113th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 741 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES February 15, 2013 Mr. Rogers of Alabama (for himself and Mr. Loebsack ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Armed Services A BILL To require the Secretary of Defense to develop and implement a plan to provide chiropractic health care services and benefits for certain new beneficiaries as part of the TRICARE program. 1. Short title This Act may be cited as the Chiropractic Health Parity for Military Beneficiaries Act . 2. Chiropractic health care for retirees, dependents, and survivors (a) Plan required Not later than August 31, 2013, the Secretary of Defense shall complete development of a plan to provide chiropractic health care services and benefits, as a permanent part of the TRICARE program, for covered beneficiaries. (b) Contents of plan The plan shall require that a contract entered into under section 1097 of title 10, United States Code, for the delivery of health care services shall— (1) include the delivery of chiropractic services; (2) require that chiropractic services may be provided only by a doctor of chiropractic; and (3) provide that a covered beneficiary may select and have direct access to a doctor of chiropractic without referral by another health practitioner. (c) Implementation of plan The plan developed under subsection (a) shall provide for implementation of the plan to begin no later than January 31, 2014. 3. Definitions In this Act: (1) The term chiropractic services — (A) includes diagnosis (including by diagnostic x-ray tests), evaluation and management, and therapeutic services for the treatment of a patient's health condition, including neuromusculoskeletal conditions and the subluxation complex, and such other services determined appropriate by the Secretary and as authorized under State law; and (B) does not include the use of drugs or surgery. (2) The term covered beneficiary has the meaning provided by section 1072(5) of title 10, United States Code. (3) The term doctor of chiropractic means only a doctor of chiropractic who is licensed as a doctor of chiropractic, chiropractic physician, or chiropractor by a State, the District of Columbia, or a territory or possession of the United States. (4) The term TRICARE program has the meaning provided by section 1072(7) of title 10, United States Code.
2023-01-07 10:21:03.808
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Engrossed-in-House" bill-type="olc" dms-id="H99DF09969BE44DAA928358EA4A18DB8B" public-private="public" stage-count="1"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 742 EH: Swap Data Repository and Clearinghouse Indemnification Correction Act of 2013 </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date/> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="no"> I </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 742 </legis-num> <current-chamber display="no"> IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES </current-chamber> <legis-type> AN ACT </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> To amend the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Commodity Exchange Act to repeal the indemnification requirements for regulatory authorities to obtain access to swap data required to be provided by swaps entities under such Acts. </official-title> </form> <legis-body id="HCFF6B565BD464BB682A3B097AE100EFB" style="OLC"> <section id="HB2C5486FB60A42F6AC9CB9135FC03433" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Short title </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> This Act may be cited as the <quote> <short-title> Swap Data Repository and Clearinghouse Indemnification Correction Act of 2013 </short-title> </quote> . </text> </section> <section id="H69B2717C885F4EA1983DAA310BD422D5"> <enum> 2. </enum> <header> Repeal of indemnification requirements </header> <subsection id="HE6999D2C16274D63A6D9899E6092A4D6"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Derivatives clearing organizations </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Section 5b(k)(5) of the Commodity Exchange Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/7/7a-1"> 7 U.S.C. 7a–1(k)(5) </external-xref> ) is amended to read as follows: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H26E9F72F1E4C4A408F745BA2C5BF1669" style="OLC"> <paragraph id="H5805BFF9379247BB9511BABB5F7CC33C"> <enum> (5) </enum> <header> Confidentiality agreement </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Before the Commission may share information with any entity described in paragraph (4), the Commission shall receive a written agreement from each entity stating that the entity shall abide by the confidentiality requirements described in section 8 relating to the information on swap transactions that is provided. </text> </paragraph> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </subsection> <subsection id="H82BC0B2D9A55410E847A9C595B41154F"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Swap data repositories </header> <text> Section 21(d) of the Commodity Exchange Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/7/24a"> 7 U.S.C. 24a(d) </external-xref> ) is amended to read as follows: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HCE51BC76BD8747F6B982412EB0388430" style="OLC"> <subsection id="HEEA8E0B2866642178395BA720D72388C"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header> Confidentiality agreement </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Before the swap data repository may share information with any entity described in subsection (c)(7), the swap data repository shall receive a written agreement from each entity stating that the entity shall abide by the confidentiality requirements described in section 8 relating to the information on swap transactions that is provided. </text> </subsection> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </subsection> <subsection id="HF485CD36B3E54E7B8A561A14D4EFCC82"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Security-Based swap data repositories </header> <text> Section 13(n)(5)(H) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/15/78m"> 15 U.S.C. 78m(n)(5)(H) </external-xref> ) is amended to read as follows: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HB7DA74A20D9D43C49AC40360FD0EC580" style="OLC"> <subparagraph id="H1F9B8C416A97479FAAD93096DEF560B3"> <enum> (H) </enum> <header> Confidentiality agreement </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Before the security-based swap data repository may share information with any entity described in subparagraph (G), the security-based swap data repository shall receive a written agreement from each entity stating that the entity shall abide by the confidentiality requirements described in section 24 relating to the information on security-based swap transactions that is provided. </text> </subparagraph> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </subsection> <subsection id="HB7A0774E7867443CA0F2FEABF872C553"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header> Effective date </header> <text> The amendments made by this Act shall take effect as if enacted as part of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="public-law" parsable-cite="pl/111/203"> Public Law 111–203 </external-xref> ) on July 21, 2010. </text> </subsection> </section> </legis-body> <attestation> <attestation-group> <attestation-date chamber="House" date="20130612"> Passed the House of Representatives June 12, 2013. </attestation-date> <attestor display="no"> Karen L. Haas, </attestor> <role> Clerk. </role> </attestation-group> </attestation> <endorsement display="yes"/> </bill>
I 113th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 742 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES AN ACT To amend the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Commodity Exchange Act to repeal the indemnification requirements for regulatory authorities to obtain access to swap data required to be provided by swaps entities under such Acts. 1. Short title This Act may be cited as the Swap Data Repository and Clearinghouse Indemnification Correction Act of 2013 . 2. Repeal of indemnification requirements (a) Derivatives clearing organizations Section 5b(k)(5) of the Commodity Exchange Act ( 7 U.S.C. 7a–1(k)(5) ) is amended to read as follows: (5) Confidentiality agreement Before the Commission may share information with any entity described in paragraph (4), the Commission shall receive a written agreement from each entity stating that the entity shall abide by the confidentiality requirements described in section 8 relating to the information on swap transactions that is provided. . (b) Swap data repositories Section 21(d) of the Commodity Exchange Act ( 7 U.S.C. 24a(d) ) is amended to read as follows: (d) Confidentiality agreement Before the swap data repository may share information with any entity described in subsection (c)(7), the swap data repository shall receive a written agreement from each entity stating that the entity shall abide by the confidentiality requirements described in section 8 relating to the information on swap transactions that is provided. . (c) Security-Based swap data repositories Section 13(n)(5)(H) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 ( 15 U.S.C. 78m(n)(5)(H) ) is amended to read as follows: (H) Confidentiality agreement Before the security-based swap data repository may share information with any entity described in subparagraph (G), the security-based swap data repository shall receive a written agreement from each entity stating that the entity shall abide by the confidentiality requirements described in section 24 relating to the information on security-based swap transactions that is provided. . (d) Effective date The amendments made by this Act shall take effect as if enacted as part of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act ( Public Law 111–203 ) on July 21, 2010. Passed the House of Representatives June 12, 2013. Karen L. Haas, Clerk.
2023-01-08 17:38:03.270
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Introduced-in-House" bill-type="olc" dms-id="H99DF09969BE44DAA928358EA4A18DB8B" public-private="public"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 742 IH: Swap Data Repository and Clearinghouse Indemnification Correction Act of 2013 </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-02-15 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> I </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 742 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130215"> February 15, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="C001087"> Mr. Crawford </sponsor> (for himself, <cosponsor name-id="M001160"> Ms. Moore </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="M001185"> Mr. Sean Patrick Maloney of New York </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="H001058"> Mr. Huizenga of Michigan </cosponsor> ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="HAG00"> Committee on Agriculture </committee-name> , and in addition to the Committee on <committee-name committee-id="HBA00"> Financial Services </committee-name> , for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> A BILL </legis-type> <official-title> To amend the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Commodity Exchange Act to repeal the indemnification requirements for regulatory authorities to obtain access to swap data required to be provided by swaps entities under such Acts. </official-title> </form> <legis-body id="HCFF6B565BD464BB682A3B097AE100EFB" style="OLC"> <section id="HB2C5486FB60A42F6AC9CB9135FC03433" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Short title </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> This Act may be cited as the <quote> <short-title> Swap Data Repository and Clearinghouse Indemnification Correction Act of 2013 </short-title> </quote> . </text> </section> <section id="H69B2717C885F4EA1983DAA310BD422D5"> <enum> 2. </enum> <header> Repeal of indemnification requirements </header> <subsection id="HE6999D2C16274D63A6D9899E6092A4D6"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Derivatives clearing organizations </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Section 5b(k)(5) of the Commodity Exchange Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/7/7a-1"> 7 U.S.C. 7a–1(k)(5) </external-xref> ) is amended to read as follows: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H26E9F72F1E4C4A408F745BA2C5BF1669" style="OLC"> <paragraph id="H5805BFF9379247BB9511BABB5F7CC33C"> <enum> (5) </enum> <header> Confidentiality agreement </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Before the Commission may share information with any entity described in paragraph (4), the Commission shall receive a written agreement from each entity stating that the entity shall abide by the confidentiality requirements described in section 8 relating to the information on swap transactions that is provided. </text> </paragraph> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </subsection> <subsection id="H82BC0B2D9A55410E847A9C595B41154F"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Swap data repositories </header> <text> Section 21(d) of the Commodity Exchange Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/7/24a"> 7 U.S.C. 24a(d) </external-xref> ) is amended to read as follows: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HCE51BC76BD8747F6B982412EB0388430" style="OLC"> <subsection id="HEEA8E0B2866642178395BA720D72388C"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header> Confidentiality agreement </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Before the swap data repository may share information with any entity described in subsection (c)(7), the swap data repository shall receive a written agreement from each entity stating that the entity shall abide by the confidentiality requirements described in section 8 relating to the information on swap transactions that is provided. </text> </subsection> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </subsection> <subsection id="HF485CD36B3E54E7B8A561A14D4EFCC82"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Security-Based swap data repositories </header> <text> Section 13(n)(5)(H) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/15/78m"> 15 U.S.C. 78m(n)(5)(H) </external-xref> ) is amended to read as follows: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HB7DA74A20D9D43C49AC40360FD0EC580" style="OLC"> <subparagraph id="H1F9B8C416A97479FAAD93096DEF560B3"> <enum> (H) </enum> <header> Confidentiality agreement </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Before the security-based swap data repository may share information with any entity described in subparagraph (G), the security-based swap data repository shall receive a written agreement from each entity stating that the entity shall abide by the confidentiality requirements described in section 24 relating to the information on security-based swap transactions that is provided. </text> </subparagraph> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </subsection> <subsection id="HB7A0774E7867443CA0F2FEABF872C553"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header> Effective date </header> <text> The amendments made by this Act shall take effect as if enacted as part of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="public-law" parsable-cite="pl/111/203"> Public Law 111–203 </external-xref> ) on July 21, 2010. </text> </subsection> </section> </legis-body> </bill>
I 113th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 742 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES February 15, 2013 Mr. Crawford (for himself, Ms. Moore , Mr. Sean Patrick Maloney of New York , and Mr. Huizenga of Michigan ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Agriculture , and in addition to the Committee on Financial Services , for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned A BILL To amend the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Commodity Exchange Act to repeal the indemnification requirements for regulatory authorities to obtain access to swap data required to be provided by swaps entities under such Acts. 1. Short title This Act may be cited as the Swap Data Repository and Clearinghouse Indemnification Correction Act of 2013 . 2. Repeal of indemnification requirements (a) Derivatives clearing organizations Section 5b(k)(5) of the Commodity Exchange Act ( 7 U.S.C. 7a–1(k)(5) ) is amended to read as follows: (5) Confidentiality agreement Before the Commission may share information with any entity described in paragraph (4), the Commission shall receive a written agreement from each entity stating that the entity shall abide by the confidentiality requirements described in section 8 relating to the information on swap transactions that is provided. . (b) Swap data repositories Section 21(d) of the Commodity Exchange Act ( 7 U.S.C. 24a(d) ) is amended to read as follows: (d) Confidentiality agreement Before the swap data repository may share information with any entity described in subsection (c)(7), the swap data repository shall receive a written agreement from each entity stating that the entity shall abide by the confidentiality requirements described in section 8 relating to the information on swap transactions that is provided. . (c) Security-Based swap data repositories Section 13(n)(5)(H) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 ( 15 U.S.C. 78m(n)(5)(H) ) is amended to read as follows: (H) Confidentiality agreement Before the security-based swap data repository may share information with any entity described in subparagraph (G), the security-based swap data repository shall receive a written agreement from each entity stating that the entity shall abide by the confidentiality requirements described in section 24 relating to the information on security-based swap transactions that is provided. . (d) Effective date The amendments made by this Act shall take effect as if enacted as part of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act ( Public Law 111–203 ) on July 21, 2010.
2023-01-07 10:21:03.690
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Referred-in-Senate" bill-type="olc" dms-id="H99DF09969BE44DAA928358EA4A18DB8B" public-private="public" stage-count="1"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 742 : Swap Data Repository and Clearinghouse Indemnification Correction Act of 2013 </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-06-13 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> IIB </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 742 </legis-num> <current-chamber display="yes"> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130613"> June 13, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> Received; read twice and referred to the <committee-name committee-id="SSAF00"> Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> AN ACT </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> To amend the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Commodity Exchange Act to repeal the indemnification requirements for regulatory authorities to obtain access to swap data required to be provided by swaps entities under such Acts. </official-title> </form> <legis-body id="HCFF6B565BD464BB682A3B097AE100EFB" style="OLC"> <section id="HB2C5486FB60A42F6AC9CB9135FC03433" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Short title </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> This Act may be cited as the <quote> <short-title> Swap Data Repository and Clearinghouse Indemnification Correction Act of 2013 </short-title> </quote> . </text> </section> <section id="H69B2717C885F4EA1983DAA310BD422D5"> <enum> 2. </enum> <header> Repeal of indemnification requirements </header> <subsection id="HE6999D2C16274D63A6D9899E6092A4D6"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Derivatives clearing organizations </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Section 5b(k)(5) of the Commodity Exchange Act (7 U.S.C. 7a–1(k)(5)) is amended to read as follows: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H26E9F72F1E4C4A408F745BA2C5BF1669" style="OLC"> <paragraph id="H5805BFF9379247BB9511BABB5F7CC33C"> <enum> (5) </enum> <header> Confidentiality agreement </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Before the Commission may share information with any entity described in paragraph (4), the Commission shall receive a written agreement from each entity stating that the entity shall abide by the confidentiality requirements described in section 8 relating to the information on swap transactions that is provided. </text> </paragraph> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </subsection> <subsection id="H82BC0B2D9A55410E847A9C595B41154F"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Swap data repositories </header> <text> Section 21(d) of the Commodity Exchange Act (7 U.S.C. 24a(d)) is amended to read as follows: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HCE51BC76BD8747F6B982412EB0388430" style="OLC"> <subsection id="HEEA8E0B2866642178395BA720D72388C"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header> Confidentiality agreement </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Before the swap data repository may share information with any entity described in subsection (c)(7), the swap data repository shall receive a written agreement from each entity stating that the entity shall abide by the confidentiality requirements described in section 8 relating to the information on swap transactions that is provided. </text> </subsection> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </subsection> <subsection id="HF485CD36B3E54E7B8A561A14D4EFCC82"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Security-Based swap data repositories </header> <text> Section 13(n)(5)(H) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/15/78m"> 15 U.S.C. 78m(n)(5)(H) </external-xref> ) is amended to read as follows: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HB7DA74A20D9D43C49AC40360FD0EC580" style="OLC"> <subparagraph id="H1F9B8C416A97479FAAD93096DEF560B3"> <enum> (H) </enum> <header> Confidentiality agreement </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Before the security-based swap data repository may share information with any entity described in subparagraph (G), the security-based swap data repository shall receive a written agreement from each entity stating that the entity shall abide by the confidentiality requirements described in section 24 relating to the information on security-based swap transactions that is provided. </text> </subparagraph> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </subsection> <subsection id="HB7A0774E7867443CA0F2FEABF872C553"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header> Effective date </header> <text> The amendments made by this Act shall take effect as if enacted as part of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Public Law 111–203) on July 21, 2010. </text> </subsection> </section> </legis-body> <attestation> <attestation-group> <attestation-date chamber="House" date="20130612"> Passed the House of Representatives June 12, 2013. </attestation-date> <attestor display="yes"> Karen L. Haas, </attestor> <role> Clerk </role> </attestation-group> </attestation> </bill>
IIB 113th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 742 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES June 13, 2013 Received; read twice and referred to the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry AN ACT To amend the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Commodity Exchange Act to repeal the indemnification requirements for regulatory authorities to obtain access to swap data required to be provided by swaps entities under such Acts. 1. Short title This Act may be cited as the Swap Data Repository and Clearinghouse Indemnification Correction Act of 2013 . 2. Repeal of indemnification requirements (a) Derivatives clearing organizations Section 5b(k)(5) of the Commodity Exchange Act (7 U.S.C. 7a–1(k)(5)) is amended to read as follows: (5) Confidentiality agreement Before the Commission may share information with any entity described in paragraph (4), the Commission shall receive a written agreement from each entity stating that the entity shall abide by the confidentiality requirements described in section 8 relating to the information on swap transactions that is provided. . (b) Swap data repositories Section 21(d) of the Commodity Exchange Act (7 U.S.C. 24a(d)) is amended to read as follows: (d) Confidentiality agreement Before the swap data repository may share information with any entity described in subsection (c)(7), the swap data repository shall receive a written agreement from each entity stating that the entity shall abide by the confidentiality requirements described in section 8 relating to the information on swap transactions that is provided. . (c) Security-Based swap data repositories Section 13(n)(5)(H) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 ( 15 U.S.C. 78m(n)(5)(H) ) is amended to read as follows: (H) Confidentiality agreement Before the security-based swap data repository may share information with any entity described in subparagraph (G), the security-based swap data repository shall receive a written agreement from each entity stating that the entity shall abide by the confidentiality requirements described in section 24 relating to the information on security-based swap transactions that is provided. . (d) Effective date The amendments made by this Act shall take effect as if enacted as part of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Public Law 111–203) on July 21, 2010. Passed the House of Representatives June 12, 2013. Karen L. Haas, Clerk
2023-01-07 10:21:03.578
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Reported-in-House" bill-type="olc" dms-id="H99DF09969BE44DAA928358EA4A18DB8B" public-private="public"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 742 RH: Swap Data Repository and Clearinghouse Indemnification Correction Act of 2013 </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-06-12 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> IB </distribution-code> <calendar display="yes"> Union Calendar No. 75 </calendar> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 742 </legis-num> <associated-doc display="yes" role="report"> [Report No. 113–106, Parts I and II] </associated-doc> <current-chamber display="yes"> IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130215"> February 15, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="C001087"> Mr. Crawford </sponsor> (for himself, <cosponsor name-id="M001160"> Ms. Moore </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="M001185"> Mr. Sean Patrick Maloney of New York </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="H001058"> Mr. Huizenga of Michigan </cosponsor> ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="HAG00"> Committee on Agriculture </committee-name> , and in addition to the <committee-name committee-id="HBA00"> Committee on Financial Services </committee-name> , for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned </action-desc> </action> <action> <action-date date="20130612"> June 12, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> Additional sponsors: <cosponsor name-id="C001062"> Mr. Conaway </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S001157"> Mr. David Scott of Georgia </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="V000130"> Mr. Vargas </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="K000188"> Mr. Kind </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="M001191"> Mr. Murphy of Florida </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="C001069"> Mr. Courtney </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="D000610"> Mr. Deutch </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="G000564"> Mr. Gibson </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="H000636"> Mr. Hinojosa </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="H000324"> Mr. Hastings of Florida </cosponsor> </action-desc> </action> <action> <action-date date="20130612"> June 12, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> Reported from the <committee-name committee-id="HAG00"> Committee on Agriculture </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <action> <action-date date="20130612"> June 12, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> Reported from the <committee-name committee-id="HBA00"> Committee on Financial Services </committee-name> ; committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union and ordered to be printed </action-desc> </action> <action> <action-desc> <pagebreak/> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> A BILL </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> To amend the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Commodity Exchange Act to repeal the indemnification requirements for regulatory authorities to obtain access to swap data required to be provided by swaps entities under such Acts. <pagebreak/> </official-title> </form> <legis-body id="HCFF6B565BD464BB682A3B097AE100EFB" style="OLC"> <section id="HB2C5486FB60A42F6AC9CB9135FC03433" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Short title </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> This Act may be cited as the <quote> <short-title> Swap Data Repository and Clearinghouse Indemnification Correction Act of 2013 </short-title> </quote> . </text> </section> <section id="H69B2717C885F4EA1983DAA310BD422D5"> <enum> 2. </enum> <header> Repeal of indemnification requirements </header> <subsection id="HE6999D2C16274D63A6D9899E6092A4D6"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Derivatives clearing organizations </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Section 5b(k)(5) of the Commodity Exchange Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/7/7a-1"> 7 U.S.C. 7a–1(k)(5) </external-xref> ) is amended to read as follows: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H26E9F72F1E4C4A408F745BA2C5BF1669" style="OLC"> <paragraph id="H5805BFF9379247BB9511BABB5F7CC33C"> <enum> (5) </enum> <header> Confidentiality agreement </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Before the Commission may share information with any entity described in paragraph (4), the Commission shall receive a written agreement from each entity stating that the entity shall abide by the confidentiality requirements described in section 8 relating to the information on swap transactions that is provided. </text> </paragraph> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </subsection> <subsection id="H82BC0B2D9A55410E847A9C595B41154F"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Swap data repositories </header> <text> Section 21(d) of the Commodity Exchange Act (7 U.S.C. 24a(d)) is amended to read as follows: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HCE51BC76BD8747F6B982412EB0388430" style="OLC"> <subsection id="HEEA8E0B2866642178395BA720D72388C"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header> Confidentiality agreement </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Before the swap data repository may share information with any entity described in subsection (c)(7), the swap data repository shall receive a written agreement from each entity stating that the entity shall abide by the confidentiality requirements described in section 8 relating to the information on swap transactions that is provided. </text> </subsection> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </subsection> <subsection id="HF485CD36B3E54E7B8A561A14D4EFCC82"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Security-Based swap data repositories </header> <text> Section 13(n)(5)(H) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/15/78m"> 15 U.S.C. 78m(n)(5)(H) </external-xref> ) is amended to read as follows: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HB7DA74A20D9D43C49AC40360FD0EC580" style="OLC"> <subparagraph id="H1F9B8C416A97479FAAD93096DEF560B3"> <enum> (H) </enum> <header> Confidentiality agreement </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Before the security-based swap data repository may share information with any entity described in subparagraph (G), the security-based swap data repository shall receive a written agreement from each entity stating that the entity shall abide by the confidentiality requirements described in section 24 relating to the information on security-based swap transactions that is provided. </text> </subparagraph> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </subsection> <subsection id="HB7A0774E7867443CA0F2FEABF872C553"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header> Effective date </header> <text> The amendments made by this Act shall take effect as if enacted as part of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="public-law" parsable-cite="pl/111/203"> Public Law 111–203 </external-xref> ) on July 21, 2010. </text> </subsection> </section> </legis-body> <endorsement display="yes"> <action-date date="20130612"> June 12, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> Reported from the <committee-name committee-id="HAG00"> Committee on Agriculture </committee-name> </action-desc> <action-date date="20130612"> June 12, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> Reported from the <committee-name committee-id="HBA00"> Committee on Financial Services </committee-name> ; committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union and ordered to be printed </action-desc> </endorsement> </bill>
IB Union Calendar No. 75 113th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 742 [Report No. 113–106, Parts I and II] IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES February 15, 2013 Mr. Crawford (for himself, Ms. Moore , Mr. Sean Patrick Maloney of New York , and Mr. Huizenga of Michigan ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Agriculture , and in addition to the Committee on Financial Services , for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned June 12, 2013 Additional sponsors: Mr. Conaway , Mr. David Scott of Georgia , Mr. Vargas , Mr. Kind , Mr. Murphy of Florida , Mr. Courtney , Mr. Deutch , Mr. Gibson , Mr. Hinojosa , and Mr. Hastings of Florida June 12, 2013 Reported from the Committee on Agriculture June 12, 2013 Reported from the Committee on Financial Services ; committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union and ordered to be printed A BILL To amend the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Commodity Exchange Act to repeal the indemnification requirements for regulatory authorities to obtain access to swap data required to be provided by swaps entities under such Acts. 1. Short title This Act may be cited as the Swap Data Repository and Clearinghouse Indemnification Correction Act of 2013 . 2. Repeal of indemnification requirements (a) Derivatives clearing organizations Section 5b(k)(5) of the Commodity Exchange Act ( 7 U.S.C. 7a–1(k)(5) ) is amended to read as follows: (5) Confidentiality agreement Before the Commission may share information with any entity described in paragraph (4), the Commission shall receive a written agreement from each entity stating that the entity shall abide by the confidentiality requirements described in section 8 relating to the information on swap transactions that is provided. . (b) Swap data repositories Section 21(d) of the Commodity Exchange Act (7 U.S.C. 24a(d)) is amended to read as follows: (d) Confidentiality agreement Before the swap data repository may share information with any entity described in subsection (c)(7), the swap data repository shall receive a written agreement from each entity stating that the entity shall abide by the confidentiality requirements described in section 8 relating to the information on swap transactions that is provided. . (c) Security-Based swap data repositories Section 13(n)(5)(H) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 ( 15 U.S.C. 78m(n)(5)(H) ) is amended to read as follows: (H) Confidentiality agreement Before the security-based swap data repository may share information with any entity described in subparagraph (G), the security-based swap data repository shall receive a written agreement from each entity stating that the entity shall abide by the confidentiality requirements described in section 24 relating to the information on security-based swap transactions that is provided. . (d) Effective date The amendments made by this Act shall take effect as if enacted as part of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act ( Public Law 111–203 ) on July 21, 2010. June 12, 2013 Reported from the Committee on Agriculture June 12, 2013 Reported from the Committee on Financial Services ; committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union and ordered to be printed
2023-01-08 17:38:03.546
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Introduced-in-House" bill-type="olc" dms-id="HCE2540F9E05E46F4BF7321FC364E7262" public-private="public"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 743 IH: Health Insurance Industry Fair Competition Act </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-02-15 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> I </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 743 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130215"> February 15, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="D000191"> Mr. DeFazio </sponsor> (for himself and <cosponsor name-id="S000480"> Ms. Slaughter </cosponsor> ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="HJU00"> Committee on the Judiciary </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> A BILL </legis-type> <official-title> To restore the application of the Federal antitrust laws to the business of health insurance to protect competition and consumers. </official-title> </form> <legis-body id="H0523F885AF2C4DA981505B19D2893168" style="OLC"> <section id="H5AD66B27AA9740E2BBD70AFEB38309EE" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Short title </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> This Act may be cited as the <quote> <short-title> Health Insurance Industry Fair Competition Act </short-title> </quote> . </text> </section> <section id="H12A4297EFAC649F2BEBC347313787771"> <enum> 2. </enum> <header> Restoring the application of antitrust laws to health sector insurers </header> <subsection id="H603338C4B82A49629B7567D7B0BB9250"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Amendment to McCarran-Ferguson Act </header> <text> Section 3 of the Act of March 9, 1945 ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/15/1013"> 15 U.S.C. 1013 </external-xref> ), commonly known as the McCarran-Ferguson Act, is amended by adding at the end the following: </text> <quoted-block id="H926A45B3E1D0458486639601D5E6FF77" style="OLC"> <subsection display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H829619D222544E4E9E21240702DEF8CF"> <enum> (c) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Nothing contained in this Act shall modify, impair, or supersede the operation of any of the antitrust laws with respect to the business of health insurance. For purposes of the preceding sentence, the term <quote> antitrust laws </quote> has the meaning given it in subsection (a) of the first section of the Clayton Act, except that such term includes section 5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act to the extent that such section 5 applies to unfair methods of competition. </text> </subsection> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </subsection> <subsection id="HA29E551D3653498A9F952DF8743B0D3D"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Related Provision </header> <text> For purposes of section 5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/15/45"> 15 U.S.C. 45 </external-xref> ) to the extent such section applies to unfair methods of competition, section 3(c) of the McCarran-Ferguson Act shall apply with respect to the business of health insurance without regard to whether such business is carried on for profit, notwithstanding the definition of <quote> Corporation </quote> contained in section 4 of the Federal Trade Commission Act. </text> </subsection> </section> </legis-body> </bill>
I 113th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 743 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES February 15, 2013 Mr. DeFazio (for himself and Ms. Slaughter ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary A BILL To restore the application of the Federal antitrust laws to the business of health insurance to protect competition and consumers. 1. Short title This Act may be cited as the Health Insurance Industry Fair Competition Act . 2. Restoring the application of antitrust laws to health sector insurers (a) Amendment to McCarran-Ferguson Act Section 3 of the Act of March 9, 1945 ( 15 U.S.C. 1013 ), commonly known as the McCarran-Ferguson Act, is amended by adding at the end the following: (c) Nothing contained in this Act shall modify, impair, or supersede the operation of any of the antitrust laws with respect to the business of health insurance. For purposes of the preceding sentence, the term antitrust laws has the meaning given it in subsection (a) of the first section of the Clayton Act, except that such term includes section 5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act to the extent that such section 5 applies to unfair methods of competition. . (b) Related Provision For purposes of section 5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act ( 15 U.S.C. 45 ) to the extent such section applies to unfair methods of competition, section 3(c) of the McCarran-Ferguson Act shall apply with respect to the business of health insurance without regard to whether such business is carried on for profit, notwithstanding the definition of Corporation contained in section 4 of the Federal Trade Commission Act.
2023-01-06 23:37:01.178
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Engrossed-in-House" bill-type="olc" dms-id="HB43ED6A443B740EB8970E46253AE309F" public-private="public" stage-count="1"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 744 EH: Stopping Tax Offenders and Prosecuting Identity Theft Act of 2014 </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date/> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="no"> I </distribution-code> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 2d Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 744 </legis-num> <current-chamber display="no"> IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES </current-chamber> <legis-type> AN ACT </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> To provide effective criminal prosecutions for certain identity thefts, and for other purposes. </official-title> </form> <legis-body display-enacting-clause="yes-display-enacting-clause" id="H8E532A8AF0CB4F73AF9C34BE2A512210" style="OLC"> <section id="H45593757938B4B6EB9ED632FE54EE48D" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Short title </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> This Act may be cited as the <quote> <short-title> Stopping Tax Offenders and Prosecuting Identity Theft Act of 2014 </short-title> </quote> or the <quote> <short-title> STOP Identity Theft Act of 2014 </short-title> </quote> . </text> </section> <section id="H21EAE015C4B9451796F9021B4EDAAFCC"> <enum> 2. </enum> <header> Use of Department of Justice resources with regard to tax return identity theft </header> <subsection id="HD61B80CCA47842B788C336FCACEB4282"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The Attorney General should make use of all existing resources of the Department of Justice, including any appropriate task forces, to bring more perpetrators of tax return identity theft to justice. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H839CB85990FA4F6A99CA085D5313AECD"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Considerations To be taken into account </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> In carrying out this section, the Attorney General should take into account the following: </text> <paragraph id="H5473002D8DC249F1A32F00401761DF11"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> The need to concentrate efforts in those areas of the country where the crime is most frequently reported. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H4025FC4442284A99A4171FE2E7690B43"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> The need to coordinate with State and local authorities for the most efficient use of their laws and resources to prosecute and prevent the crime. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H47E2D5E3FC6E4339AB38B6F0DC6B0494"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> The need to protect vulnerable groups, such as veterans, seniors, and minors (especially foster children) from becoming victims or otherwise used in the offense. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> </section> <section id="H3D22BB8DFB5847329BFB6AB672F76AF4"> <enum> 3. </enum> <header> Victims of identity theft may include organizations </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> <external-xref legal-doc="usc-chapter" parsable-cite="usc-chapter/18/47"> Chapter 47 </external-xref> of title 18, United States Code, is amended— </text> <paragraph id="H2A74F6DBC8F34D99943925FA6E686EC4"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> in section 1028— </text> <subparagraph id="H696C7DA637134DA897F398389E7ED3A7"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> in subsection (a)(7), by inserting <quote> (including an organization) </quote> after <quote> another person </quote> ; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H65E920A25BE142BD9BBA9749CEB16867"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> in subsection (d)(7), in the matter preceding subparagraph (A), by inserting <quote> or other person </quote> after <quote> specific individual </quote> ; and </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H3DD5B6929CFF4B2B8F61CA903D198296"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> in section 1028A(a)(1), by inserting <quote> (including an organization) </quote> after <quote> another person </quote> . </text> </paragraph> </section> <section id="H9D17769BA8E1434C894465C3EB4F47D0"> <enum> 4. </enum> <header> Identity theft for purposes of tax fraud </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/18/1028"> Section 1028(b)(3) </external-xref> of title 18, United States Code, is amended— </text> <paragraph id="HCDCB5837003E44E89D79DE6FEE9ED3C6"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> in subparagraph (B), by striking <quote> or </quote> at the end; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H9D3222E0E8584AC1B6E7A2841CDB47B3"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> in subparagraph (C), by inserting <quote> or </quote> after the semicolon; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H376FC5FCB0AE469393571F5986173057"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> by adding at the end the following: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H75D46EC55F504E76AC5DD361A9DE4F93" style="USC"> <subparagraph id="H40152C1E03CE40A1B34D1BE5CBC5D68E"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> during and in relation to a felony under section 7206 or 7207 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986; </text> </subparagraph> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </paragraph> </section> <section id="H65DCF44BB8094E4FBFF3CA2068B175A4"> <enum> 5. </enum> <header> Reporting requirement </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Attorney General shall submit to the Committees on the Judiciary of the House of Representatives and the Senate a report that contains the following information: </text> <paragraph id="HA1E694195A2647639CD7BF129B9947BC"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> Information readily available to the Department of Justice about trends in the incidence of tax return identity theft. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H8F55440EF9464384BDF189F30177A8AF"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Recommendations on additional statutory tools that would aid in the effective prosecution of tax return identity theft. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H743D38C89CE149AC954FE3DBE1884BCE"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> The status on implementing the recommendations of the Department’s March 2010 Audit Report 10–21 entitled <quote> The Department of Justice’s Efforts to Combat Identity Theft </quote> . </text> </paragraph> </section> </legis-body> <attestation> <attestation-group> <attestation-date chamber="House" date="20140908"> Passed the House of Representatives September 8, 2014. </attestation-date> <attestor display="no"> Karen L. Haas, </attestor> <role> Clerk. </role> </attestation-group> </attestation> <endorsement display="yes"/> </bill>
I 113th CONGRESS 2d Session H. R. 744 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES AN ACT To provide effective criminal prosecutions for certain identity thefts, and for other purposes. 1. Short title This Act may be cited as the Stopping Tax Offenders and Prosecuting Identity Theft Act of 2014 or the STOP Identity Theft Act of 2014 . 2. Use of Department of Justice resources with regard to tax return identity theft (a) In general The Attorney General should make use of all existing resources of the Department of Justice, including any appropriate task forces, to bring more perpetrators of tax return identity theft to justice. (b) Considerations To be taken into account In carrying out this section, the Attorney General should take into account the following: (1) The need to concentrate efforts in those areas of the country where the crime is most frequently reported. (2) The need to coordinate with State and local authorities for the most efficient use of their laws and resources to prosecute and prevent the crime. (3) The need to protect vulnerable groups, such as veterans, seniors, and minors (especially foster children) from becoming victims or otherwise used in the offense. 3. Victims of identity theft may include organizations Chapter 47 of title 18, United States Code, is amended— (1) in section 1028— (A) in subsection (a)(7), by inserting (including an organization) after another person ; and (B) in subsection (d)(7), in the matter preceding subparagraph (A), by inserting or other person after specific individual ; and (2) in section 1028A(a)(1), by inserting (including an organization) after another person . 4. Identity theft for purposes of tax fraud Section 1028(b)(3) of title 18, United States Code, is amended— (1) in subparagraph (B), by striking or at the end; (2) in subparagraph (C), by inserting or after the semicolon; and (3) by adding at the end the following: (D) during and in relation to a felony under section 7206 or 7207 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986; . 5. Reporting requirement Not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Attorney General shall submit to the Committees on the Judiciary of the House of Representatives and the Senate a report that contains the following information: (1) Information readily available to the Department of Justice about trends in the incidence of tax return identity theft. (2) Recommendations on additional statutory tools that would aid in the effective prosecution of tax return identity theft. (3) The status on implementing the recommendations of the Department’s March 2010 Audit Report 10–21 entitled The Department of Justice’s Efforts to Combat Identity Theft . Passed the House of Representatives September 8, 2014. Karen L. Haas, Clerk.
2023-01-08 17:38:03.408
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Introduced-in-House" bill-type="olc" dms-id="HB43ED6A443B740EB8970E46253AE309F" public-private="public"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 744 IH: Stopping Tax Offenders and Prosecuting Identity Theft Act of 2013 </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-02-15 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> I </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 744 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130215"> February 15, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="W000797"> Ms. Wasserman Schultz </sponsor> (for herself and <cosponsor name-id="S000583"> Mr. Smith of Texas </cosponsor> ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="HJU00"> Committee on the Judiciary </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> A BILL </legis-type> <official-title> To provide effective criminal prosecutions for certain identity thefts, and for other purposes. </official-title> </form> <legis-body id="H8B3D78F9310440CFB98935FE56A225ED" style="OLC"> <section id="HA6DD182E3D6A479296A180ED26E26BE2" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Short title </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> This Act may be cited as the <quote> <short-title> Stopping Tax Offenders and Prosecuting Identity Theft Act of 2013 </short-title> </quote> or the <quote> <short-title> STOP Identity Theft Act of 2013 </short-title> </quote> . </text> </section> <section id="H1F1FEAC186CF42009B110588A5780410"> <enum> 2. </enum> <header> Use of Department of Justice resources with regard to tax return identity theft </header> <subsection id="H83DB7D4B87644EDB996EDDBDC683F066"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The Attorney General should make use of all existing resources of the Department of Justice, including any appropriate task forces, to bring more perpetrators of tax return identity theft to justice. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="HB78D430FEEF84AAEA2D80BE4DB596372"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Considerations To be taken into account </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> In carrying out this section, the Attorney General should take into account the following: </text> <paragraph id="HFA06AD3C983E46A9B21C746EE2E47F42"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> The need to concentrate efforts in those areas of the country where the crime is most frequently reported. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H46DBC1106E404C8E9B0E92655C82146B"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> The need to coordinate with State and local authorities for the most efficient use of their laws and resources to prosecute and prevent the crime. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HA55AB4A53F734B6099F54BC1A4366182"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> The need to protect vulnerable groups, such as veterans, seniors, and minors (especially foster children) from becoming victims or otherwise used in the offense. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> </section> <section id="H3C93BF80030E4FA494B9F03DB3146892"> <enum> 3. </enum> <header> Victims of identity theft may include organizations </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> <external-xref legal-doc="usc-chapter" parsable-cite="usc-chapter/18/47"> Chapter 47 </external-xref> of title 18, United States Code, is amended— </text> <paragraph id="H40C5CE55E0004EA18D9F961199EBF517"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> in section 1028— </text> <subparagraph id="HF4AC1AB6A6A542B89D3F2F91274093EA"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> in subsection (a)(7), by inserting <quote> (including an organization) </quote> after <quote> another person </quote> ; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H324B3C0857294A848D6B12C8AD826A20"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> in subsection (d)(7), in the matter preceding subparagraph (A), by inserting <quote> or other person </quote> after <quote> specific individual </quote> ; and </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H8398033F7848495AAE6C32B1701BA54E"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> in section 1028A(a)(1), by inserting <quote> (including an organization) </quote> after <quote> another person </quote> . </text> </paragraph> </section> <section id="H54A1FF890F2146BFA4877837EECF9CB8"> <enum> 4. </enum> <header> Identity theft for purposes of tax fraud </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/18/1028"> Section 1028(b)(3) </external-xref> of title 18, United States Code, is amended— </text> <paragraph id="HA1D79F5D764C40828C674C9B9617CACF"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> in subparagraph (B), by striking <quote> or </quote> at the end; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H78D83F689CC241C4A4EBB4AEB7867D95"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> in subparagraph (C), by inserting <quote> or </quote> after the semicolon; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H7DDB60CB3B6D45F0A1D040A8B26B8CCF"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> by adding at the end the following: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H7AA57DE8A47141CC8A23058CBE93F5D5" style="USC"> <subparagraph id="HA4B0D0E4CBAB4AE094BC98327E37825A"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> during and in relation to a felony under section 7206 or 7207 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986; </text> </subparagraph> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </paragraph> </section> <section id="HEEFCFF246C3A4654B44C91CD319E42F8"> <enum> 5. </enum> <header> Reporting requirement </header> <subsection id="HBAA33C5808474917B648CFE7DEE32F8B"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Generally </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Beginning with the first report made more than 9 months after the date of the enactment of this Act under <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/31/1116"> section 1116 </external-xref> of title 31, United States Code, the Attorney General shall include in such report the information described in subsection (b) of this section as to progress in implementing this Act and the amendments made by this Act. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H13BCC2EECA474973BE92238AD0A6436D"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Contents </header> <text> The information referred to in subsection (a) is as follows: </text> <paragraph id="H9D6295F456074E3C87EC610374461CA1"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> Information readily available to the Department of Justice about trends in the incidence of tax return identity theft. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H9DE63F1EBFAE42C3A47ECD3FE65374A7"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> The effectiveness of statutory tools, including those provided by this Act, in aiding the Department of Justice in the prosecution of tax return identity theft. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H9B1F7B32C2B548C1B6909B25D55C12BC"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> Recommendations on additional statutory tools that would aid in removing barriers to effective prosecution of tax return identity theft. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H8C84925DBBBE483485D25F004C991323"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> The status on implementing the recommendations of the Department’s March 2010 Audit Report 10–21 entitled <term> The Department of Justice’s Efforts to Combat Identity Theft </term> . </text> </paragraph> </subsection> </section> </legis-body> </bill>
I 113th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 744 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES February 15, 2013 Ms. Wasserman Schultz (for herself and Mr. Smith of Texas ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary A BILL To provide effective criminal prosecutions for certain identity thefts, and for other purposes. 1. Short title This Act may be cited as the Stopping Tax Offenders and Prosecuting Identity Theft Act of 2013 or the STOP Identity Theft Act of 2013 . 2. Use of Department of Justice resources with regard to tax return identity theft (a) In general The Attorney General should make use of all existing resources of the Department of Justice, including any appropriate task forces, to bring more perpetrators of tax return identity theft to justice. (b) Considerations To be taken into account In carrying out this section, the Attorney General should take into account the following: (1) The need to concentrate efforts in those areas of the country where the crime is most frequently reported. (2) The need to coordinate with State and local authorities for the most efficient use of their laws and resources to prosecute and prevent the crime. (3) The need to protect vulnerable groups, such as veterans, seniors, and minors (especially foster children) from becoming victims or otherwise used in the offense. 3. Victims of identity theft may include organizations Chapter 47 of title 18, United States Code, is amended— (1) in section 1028— (A) in subsection (a)(7), by inserting (including an organization) after another person ; and (B) in subsection (d)(7), in the matter preceding subparagraph (A), by inserting or other person after specific individual ; and (2) in section 1028A(a)(1), by inserting (including an organization) after another person . 4. Identity theft for purposes of tax fraud Section 1028(b)(3) of title 18, United States Code, is amended— (1) in subparagraph (B), by striking or at the end; (2) in subparagraph (C), by inserting or after the semicolon; and (3) by adding at the end the following: (D) during and in relation to a felony under section 7206 or 7207 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986; . 5. Reporting requirement (a) Generally Beginning with the first report made more than 9 months after the date of the enactment of this Act under section 1116 of title 31, United States Code, the Attorney General shall include in such report the information described in subsection (b) of this section as to progress in implementing this Act and the amendments made by this Act. (b) Contents The information referred to in subsection (a) is as follows: (1) Information readily available to the Department of Justice about trends in the incidence of tax return identity theft. (2) The effectiveness of statutory tools, including those provided by this Act, in aiding the Department of Justice in the prosecution of tax return identity theft. (3) Recommendations on additional statutory tools that would aid in removing barriers to effective prosecution of tax return identity theft. (4) The status on implementing the recommendations of the Department’s March 2010 Audit Report 10–21 entitled The Department of Justice’s Efforts to Combat Identity Theft .
2023-01-06 23:37:01.075
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Placed-on-Calendar-Senate" bill-type="olc" dms-id="HB43ED6A443B740EB8970E46253AE309F" public-private="public" stage-count="1"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 744 PCS: Stopping Tax Offenders and Prosecuting Identity Theft Act of 2014 </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date/> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> II </distribution-code> <calendar> Calendar No. 555 </calendar> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 2d Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 744 </legis-num> <current-chamber display="yes"> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date> September 9, 2014 </action-date> <action-desc> Received; read twice and placed on the calendar </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> AN ACT </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> To provide effective criminal prosecutions for certain identity thefts, and for other purposes. </official-title> </form> <legis-body display-enacting-clause="yes-display-enacting-clause" id="H8E532A8AF0CB4F73AF9C34BE2A512210" style="OLC"> <section id="H45593757938B4B6EB9ED632FE54EE48D" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Short title </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> This Act may be cited as the <quote> <short-title> Stopping Tax Offenders and Prosecuting Identity Theft Act of 2014 </short-title> </quote> or the <quote> <short-title> STOP Identity Theft Act of 2014 </short-title> </quote> . </text> </section> <section id="H21EAE015C4B9451796F9021B4EDAAFCC"> <enum> 2. </enum> <header> Use of Department of Justice resources with regard to tax return identity theft </header> <subsection id="HD61B80CCA47842B788C336FCACEB4282"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The Attorney General should make use of all existing resources of the Department of Justice, including any appropriate task forces, to bring more perpetrators of tax return identity theft to justice. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H839CB85990FA4F6A99CA085D5313AECD"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Considerations To be taken into account </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> In carrying out this section, the Attorney General should take into account the following: </text> <paragraph id="H5473002D8DC249F1A32F00401761DF11"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> The need to concentrate efforts in those areas of the country where the crime is most frequently reported. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H4025FC4442284A99A4171FE2E7690B43"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> The need to coordinate with State and local authorities for the most efficient use of their laws and resources to prosecute and prevent the crime. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H47E2D5E3FC6E4339AB38B6F0DC6B0494"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> The need to protect vulnerable groups, such as veterans, seniors, and minors (especially foster children) from becoming victims or otherwise used in the offense. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> </section> <section id="H3D22BB8DFB5847329BFB6AB672F76AF4"> <enum> 3. </enum> <header> Victims of identity theft may include organizations </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> <external-xref legal-doc="usc-chapter" parsable-cite="usc-chapter/18/47"> Chapter 47 </external-xref> of title 18, United States Code, is amended— </text> <paragraph id="H2A74F6DBC8F34D99943925FA6E686EC4"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> in section 1028— </text> <subparagraph id="H696C7DA637134DA897F398389E7ED3A7"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> in subsection (a)(7), by inserting <quote> (including an organization) </quote> after <quote> another person </quote> ; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H65E920A25BE142BD9BBA9749CEB16867"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> in subsection (d)(7), in the matter preceding subparagraph (A), by inserting <quote> or other person </quote> after <quote> specific individual </quote> ; and </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H3DD5B6929CFF4B2B8F61CA903D198296"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> in section 1028A(a)(1), by inserting <quote> (including an organization) </quote> after <quote> another person </quote> . </text> </paragraph> </section> <section id="H9D17769BA8E1434C894465C3EB4F47D0"> <enum> 4. </enum> <header> Identity theft for purposes of tax fraud </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/18/1028"> Section 1028(b)(3) </external-xref> of title 18, United States Code, is amended— </text> <paragraph id="HCDCB5837003E44E89D79DE6FEE9ED3C6"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> in subparagraph (B), by striking <quote> or </quote> at the end; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H9D3222E0E8584AC1B6E7A2841CDB47B3"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> in subparagraph (C), by inserting <quote> or </quote> after the semicolon; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H376FC5FCB0AE469393571F5986173057"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> by adding at the end the following: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H75D46EC55F504E76AC5DD361A9DE4F93" style="USC"> <subparagraph id="H40152C1E03CE40A1B34D1BE5CBC5D68E"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> during and in relation to a felony under section 7206 or 7207 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986; </text> </subparagraph> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </paragraph> </section> <section id="H65DCF44BB8094E4FBFF3CA2068B175A4"> <enum> 5. </enum> <header> Reporting requirement </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Attorney General shall submit to the Committees on the Judiciary of the House of Representatives and the Senate a report that contains the following information: </text> <paragraph id="HA1E694195A2647639CD7BF129B9947BC"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> Information readily available to the Department of Justice about trends in the incidence of tax return identity theft. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H8F55440EF9464384BDF189F30177A8AF"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Recommendations on additional statutory tools that would aid in the effective prosecution of tax return identity theft. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H743D38C89CE149AC954FE3DBE1884BCE"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> The status on implementing the recommendations of the Department’s March 2010 Audit Report 10–21 entitled <quote> The Department of Justice’s Efforts to Combat Identity Theft </quote> . </text> </paragraph> </section> </legis-body> <attestation> <attestation-group> <attestation-date chamber="House" date="20140908"> Passed the House of Representatives September 8, 2014. </attestation-date> <attestor display="yes"> Karen L. Haas, </attestor> <role> Clerk </role> </attestation-group> </attestation> <endorsement display="yes"> <action-date> September 9, 2014 </action-date> <action-desc> Received; read twice and placed on the calendar </action-desc> </endorsement> </bill>
II Calendar No. 555 113th CONGRESS 2d Session H. R. 744 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES September 9, 2014 Received; read twice and placed on the calendar AN ACT To provide effective criminal prosecutions for certain identity thefts, and for other purposes. 1. Short title This Act may be cited as the Stopping Tax Offenders and Prosecuting Identity Theft Act of 2014 or the STOP Identity Theft Act of 2014 . 2. Use of Department of Justice resources with regard to tax return identity theft (a) In general The Attorney General should make use of all existing resources of the Department of Justice, including any appropriate task forces, to bring more perpetrators of tax return identity theft to justice. (b) Considerations To be taken into account In carrying out this section, the Attorney General should take into account the following: (1) The need to concentrate efforts in those areas of the country where the crime is most frequently reported. (2) The need to coordinate with State and local authorities for the most efficient use of their laws and resources to prosecute and prevent the crime. (3) The need to protect vulnerable groups, such as veterans, seniors, and minors (especially foster children) from becoming victims or otherwise used in the offense. 3. Victims of identity theft may include organizations Chapter 47 of title 18, United States Code, is amended— (1) in section 1028— (A) in subsection (a)(7), by inserting (including an organization) after another person ; and (B) in subsection (d)(7), in the matter preceding subparagraph (A), by inserting or other person after specific individual ; and (2) in section 1028A(a)(1), by inserting (including an organization) after another person . 4. Identity theft for purposes of tax fraud Section 1028(b)(3) of title 18, United States Code, is amended— (1) in subparagraph (B), by striking or at the end; (2) in subparagraph (C), by inserting or after the semicolon; and (3) by adding at the end the following: (D) during and in relation to a felony under section 7206 or 7207 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986; . 5. Reporting requirement Not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Attorney General shall submit to the Committees on the Judiciary of the House of Representatives and the Senate a report that contains the following information: (1) Information readily available to the Department of Justice about trends in the incidence of tax return identity theft. (2) Recommendations on additional statutory tools that would aid in the effective prosecution of tax return identity theft. (3) The status on implementing the recommendations of the Department’s March 2010 Audit Report 10–21 entitled The Department of Justice’s Efforts to Combat Identity Theft . Passed the House of Representatives September 8, 2014. Karen L. Haas, Clerk September 9, 2014 Received; read twice and placed on the calendar
2023-01-06 23:36:03.012
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Reported-in-House" bill-type="olc" dms-id="HB43ED6A443B740EB8970E46253AE309F" public-private="public"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 744 RH: Stopping Tax Offenders and Prosecuting Identity Theft Act of 2014 </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2014-09-08 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> IB </distribution-code> <calendar display="yes"> Union Calendar No. 427 </calendar> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 2d Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 744 </legis-num> <associated-doc display="yes" role="report"> [Report No. 113–576] </associated-doc> <current-chamber display="yes"> IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130215"> February 15, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="W000797"> Ms. Wasserman Schultz </sponsor> (for herself and <cosponsor name-id="S000583"> Mr. Smith of Texas </cosponsor> ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the <committee-name added-display-style="italic" committee-id="HJU00" deleted-display-style="strikethrough"> Committee on the Judiciary </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <action> <action-date date="20140908"> September 8, 2014 </action-date> <action-desc> Additional sponsors: <cosponsor name-id="M001191"> Mr. Murphy of Florida </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="C001072"> Mr. Carson of Indiana </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="R000435"> Ms. Ros-Lehtinen </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="H000324"> Mr. Hastings of Florida </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="F000462"> Ms. Frankel of Florida </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="W000808"> Ms. Wilson of Florida </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="G000573"> Mr. Garcia </cosponsor> </action-desc> </action> <action> <action-date date="20140908"> September 8, 2014 </action-date> <action-desc> Reported with an amendment, committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union, and ordered to be printed </action-desc> <action-instruction> Strike out all after the enacting clause and insert the part printed in italic </action-instruction> <action-instruction> For text of introduced bill, see copy of bill as introduced on February 15, 2013 </action-instruction> </action> <action display="yes"> <action-desc display="yes"> <pagebreak/> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> A BILL </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> To provide effective criminal prosecutions for certain identity thefts, and for other purposes. <pagebreak/> </official-title> </form> <legis-body changed="added" committee-id="HJU00" display-enacting-clause="yes-display-enacting-clause" id="H8E532A8AF0CB4F73AF9C34BE2A512210" reported-display-style="italic" style="OLC"> <section id="H45593757938B4B6EB9ED632FE54EE48D" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Short title </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> This Act may be cited as the <quote> <short-title> Stopping Tax Offenders and Prosecuting Identity Theft Act of 2014 </short-title> </quote> or the <quote> <short-title> STOP Identity Theft Act of 2014 </short-title> </quote> . </text> </section> <section id="H21EAE015C4B9451796F9021B4EDAAFCC"> <enum> 2. </enum> <header> Use of Department of Justice resources with regard to tax return identity theft </header> <subsection id="HD61B80CCA47842B788C336FCACEB4282"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The Attorney General should make use of all existing resources of the Department of Justice, including any appropriate task forces, to bring more perpetrators of tax return identity theft to justice. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H839CB85990FA4F6A99CA085D5313AECD"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Considerations To be taken into account </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> In carrying out this section, the Attorney General should take into account the following: </text> <paragraph id="H5473002D8DC249F1A32F00401761DF11"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> The need to concentrate efforts in those areas of the country where the crime is most frequently reported. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H4025FC4442284A99A4171FE2E7690B43"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> The need to coordinate with State and local authorities for the most efficient use of their laws and resources to prosecute and prevent the crime. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H47E2D5E3FC6E4339AB38B6F0DC6B0494"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> The need to protect vulnerable groups, such as veterans, seniors, and minors (especially foster children) from becoming victims or otherwise used in the offense. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> </section> <section id="H3D22BB8DFB5847329BFB6AB672F76AF4"> <enum> 3. </enum> <header> Victims of identity theft may include organizations </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> <external-xref legal-doc="usc-chapter" parsable-cite="usc-chapter/18/47"> Chapter 47 </external-xref> of title 18, United States Code, is amended— </text> <paragraph id="H2A74F6DBC8F34D99943925FA6E686EC4"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> in section 1028— </text> <subparagraph id="H696C7DA637134DA897F398389E7ED3A7"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> in subsection (a)(7), by inserting <quote> (including an organization) </quote> after <quote> another person </quote> ; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H65E920A25BE142BD9BBA9749CEB16867"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> in subsection (d)(7), in the matter preceding subparagraph (A), by inserting <quote> or other person </quote> after <quote> specific individual </quote> ; and </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H3DD5B6929CFF4B2B8F61CA903D198296"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> in section 1028A(a)(1), by inserting <quote> (including an organization) </quote> after <quote> another person </quote> . </text> </paragraph> </section> <section id="H9D17769BA8E1434C894465C3EB4F47D0"> <enum> 4. </enum> <header> Identity theft for purposes of tax fraud </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/18/1028"> Section 1028(b)(3) </external-xref> of title 18, United States Code, is amended— </text> <paragraph id="HCDCB5837003E44E89D79DE6FEE9ED3C6"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> in subparagraph (B), by striking <quote> or </quote> at the end; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H9D3222E0E8584AC1B6E7A2841CDB47B3"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> in subparagraph (C), by inserting <quote> or </quote> after the semicolon; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H376FC5FCB0AE469393571F5986173057"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> by adding at the end the following: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H75D46EC55F504E76AC5DD361A9DE4F93" style="USC"> <subparagraph id="H40152C1E03CE40A1B34D1BE5CBC5D68E"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> during and in relation to a felony under section 7206 or 7207 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986; </text> </subparagraph> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </paragraph> </section> <section id="H65DCF44BB8094E4FBFF3CA2068B175A4"> <enum> 5. </enum> <header> Reporting requirement </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Attorney General shall submit to the Committees on the Judiciary of the House of Representatives and the Senate a report that contains the following information: </text> <paragraph id="HA1E694195A2647639CD7BF129B9947BC"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> Information readily available to the Department of Justice about trends in the incidence of tax return identity theft. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H8F55440EF9464384BDF189F30177A8AF"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Recommendations on additional statutory tools that would aid in the effective prosecution of tax return identity theft. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H743D38C89CE149AC954FE3DBE1884BCE"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> The status on implementing the recommendations of the Department’s March 2010 Audit Report 10-21 entitled <quote> The Department of Justice’s Efforts to Combat Identity Theft </quote> . </text> </paragraph> </section> </legis-body> <endorsement display="yes"> <action-date date="20140908"> September 8, 2014 </action-date> <action-desc> Reported with an amendment, committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union, and ordered to be printed </action-desc> </endorsement> </bill>
IB Union Calendar No. 427 113th CONGRESS 2d Session H. R. 744 [Report No. 113–576] IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES February 15, 2013 Ms. Wasserman Schultz (for herself and Mr. Smith of Texas ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary September 8, 2014 Additional sponsors: Mr. Murphy of Florida , Mr. Carson of Indiana , Ms. Ros-Lehtinen , Mr. Hastings of Florida , Ms. Frankel of Florida , Ms. Wilson of Florida , and Mr. Garcia September 8, 2014 Reported with an amendment, committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union, and ordered to be printed Strike out all after the enacting clause and insert the part printed in italic For text of introduced bill, see copy of bill as introduced on February 15, 2013 A BILL To provide effective criminal prosecutions for certain identity thefts, and for other purposes. 1. Short title This Act may be cited as the Stopping Tax Offenders and Prosecuting Identity Theft Act of 2014 or the STOP Identity Theft Act of 2014 . 2. Use of Department of Justice resources with regard to tax return identity theft (a) In general The Attorney General should make use of all existing resources of the Department of Justice, including any appropriate task forces, to bring more perpetrators of tax return identity theft to justice. (b) Considerations To be taken into account In carrying out this section, the Attorney General should take into account the following: (1) The need to concentrate efforts in those areas of the country where the crime is most frequently reported. (2) The need to coordinate with State and local authorities for the most efficient use of their laws and resources to prosecute and prevent the crime. (3) The need to protect vulnerable groups, such as veterans, seniors, and minors (especially foster children) from becoming victims or otherwise used in the offense. 3. Victims of identity theft may include organizations Chapter 47 of title 18, United States Code, is amended— (1) in section 1028— (A) in subsection (a)(7), by inserting (including an organization) after another person ; and (B) in subsection (d)(7), in the matter preceding subparagraph (A), by inserting or other person after specific individual ; and (2) in section 1028A(a)(1), by inserting (including an organization) after another person . 4. Identity theft for purposes of tax fraud Section 1028(b)(3) of title 18, United States Code, is amended— (1) in subparagraph (B), by striking or at the end; (2) in subparagraph (C), by inserting or after the semicolon; and (3) by adding at the end the following: (D) during and in relation to a felony under section 7206 or 7207 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986; . 5. Reporting requirement Not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Attorney General shall submit to the Committees on the Judiciary of the House of Representatives and the Senate a report that contains the following information: (1) Information readily available to the Department of Justice about trends in the incidence of tax return identity theft. (2) Recommendations on additional statutory tools that would aid in the effective prosecution of tax return identity theft. (3) The status on implementing the recommendations of the Department’s March 2010 Audit Report 10-21 entitled The Department of Justice’s Efforts to Combat Identity Theft . September 8, 2014 Reported with an amendment, committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union, and ordered to be printed
2023-01-08 17:38:02.415
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Introduced-in-House" bill-type="olc" dms-id="H29ED361AB0EF40559F2D9E81BA48F993" public-private="public"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 745 IH: To reauthorize the Water Desalination Act of 1996. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-02-15 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> I </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 745 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130215"> February 15, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="N000179"> Mrs. Napolitano </sponsor> (for herself, <cosponsor name-id="B000911"> Ms. Brown of Florida </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="C001080"> Ms. Chu </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="G000559"> Mr. Garamendi </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="H001034"> Mr. Honda </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="M000133"> Mr. Markey </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="N000187"> Mrs. Negrete McLeod </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="P000608"> Mr. Peters of California </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="P000596"> Mr. Pierluisi </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="R000515"> Mr. Rush </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S001177"> Mr. Sablan </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S001156"> Ms. Linda T. Sánchez of California </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S000480"> Ms. Slaughter </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="H001068"> Mr. Huffman </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="H000636"> Mr. Hinojosa </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="H001050"> Ms. Hanabusa </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="J000126"> Ms. Eddie Bernice Johnson of Texas </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="R000486"> Ms. Roybal-Allard </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="P000099"> Mr. Pastor of Arizona </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="K000009"> Ms. Kaptur </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="L000287"> Mr. Lewis </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="R000599"> Mr. Ruiz </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="T000472"> Mr. Takano </cosponsor> ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="HII00"> Committee on Natural Resources </committee-name> , and in addition to the Committee on <committee-name committee-id="HSY00"> Science, Space, and Technology </committee-name> , for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> A BILL </legis-type> <official-title> To reauthorize the Water Desalination Act of 1996. </official-title> </form> <legis-body id="H2E2933EC14024110BBC3743BBE5DDE21" style="OLC"> <section id="HABAEAF6FAC7A4566A1ED77F8022493DA" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Reauthorization of Water Desalination Act of 1996 </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Section 8 of the Water Desalination Act of 1996 ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/42/10301"> 42 U.S.C. 10301 </external-xref> note; <external-xref legal-doc="public-law" parsable-cite="pl/104/298"> Public Law 104–298 </external-xref> ) is amended— </text> <paragraph id="HF275D0C4209441B0B7983839806E5B65"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> in subsection (a), in the first sentence, by striking <quote> 2013 </quote> and inserting <quote> 2018 </quote> ; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H1EF172B82E1C48A58A3DAB0122CB4504"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> in subsection (b), by striking <quote> for each of fiscal years 2012 through 2013 </quote> and inserting <quote> for each of fiscal years 2013 through 2018 </quote> . </text> </paragraph> </section> </legis-body> </bill>
I 113th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 745 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES February 15, 2013 Mrs. Napolitano (for herself, Ms. Brown of Florida , Ms. Chu , Mr. Garamendi , Mr. Honda , Mr. Markey , Mrs. Negrete McLeod , Mr. Peters of California , Mr. Pierluisi , Mr. Rush , Mr. Sablan , Ms. Linda T. Sánchez of California , Ms. Slaughter , Mr. Huffman , Mr. Hinojosa , Ms. Hanabusa , Ms. Eddie Bernice Johnson of Texas , Ms. Roybal-Allard , Mr. Pastor of Arizona , Ms. Kaptur , Mr. Lewis , Mr. Ruiz , and Mr. Takano ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Natural Resources , and in addition to the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology , for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned A BILL To reauthorize the Water Desalination Act of 1996. 1. Reauthorization of Water Desalination Act of 1996 Section 8 of the Water Desalination Act of 1996 ( 42 U.S.C. 10301 note; Public Law 104–298 ) is amended— (1) in subsection (a), in the first sentence, by striking 2013 and inserting 2018 ; and (2) in subsection (b), by striking for each of fiscal years 2012 through 2013 and inserting for each of fiscal years 2013 through 2018 .
2023-01-08 17:38:02.683
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Introduced-in-House" bill-type="olc" dms-id="H21F7A435D5A149EE8FFB798EA19C0A63" public-private="public"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 746 IH: Protect Small Business Jobs Act of 2013 </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-02-15 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> I </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 746 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130215"> February 15, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="B001280"> Mr. Bentivolio </sponsor> (for himself, <cosponsor name-id="H000067"> Mr. Hall </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="R000580"> Mr. Roskam </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="G000552"> Mr. Gohmert </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="C000266"> Mr. Chabot </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="F000448"> Mr. Franks of Arizona </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="W000798"> Mr. Walberg </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="V000129"> Mr. Valadao </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="B001271"> Mr. Benishek </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="B001256"> Mrs. Bachmann </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="B001262"> Mr. Broun of Georgia </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="H001059"> Mr. Hultgren </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="P000606"> Mr. Pittenger </cosponsor> ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="HJU00"> Committee on the Judiciary </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> A BILL </legis-type> <official-title> To provide small businesses with a grace period for a regulatory violation, and for other purposes. </official-title> </form> <legis-body id="HFC7F93CDB9C54437BCB4C21D320240F9" style="OLC"> <section id="HF759297253254A809D0CD4AC1FF94FCF" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Short title </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> This Act may be cited as the <quote> <short-title> Protect Small Business Jobs Act of 2013 </short-title> </quote> . </text> </section> <section id="H712BE7757DA24E15BE3EF6B5C63E4231"> <enum> 2. </enum> <header> In general </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Section 558 of title 5, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HC560DEE146D746CEA15995C84A17239A" style="USC"> <subsection id="H69FB5A2A7DB64088BF13106BBCF5DF40"> <enum> (d) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Before any enforcement action is taken on any sanction on a business for any violation of a rule or pursuant to an adjudication an agency shall— </text> <paragraph id="H1FD7B84838034F7185FFCE06B254D81B"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> not later than 10 business days after the date on which the agency determines that a sanction may be imposed on the business, provide notice to the business that, if the business is a small business as defined in subsection (k), the small business may be subject to a sanction at the end of the grace period described in paragraph (3); </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HA286D93E69D648A7BAF9C67BEB867E18"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> delay any further action for a period of 15 calendar days; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HA788F210900548F184185A615BAC6A6B"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> for any small business, defer any further action for a period of not less than 6 months, less the 15 days described in paragraph (2), which shall be extended by an additional period of 3 months on application by the small business demonstrating reasonable efforts made in good faith to remedy the violation or other conduct giving rise to the sanction; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H308D491C4A6A4152AC4A9B9F83C4DE42"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> make a further determination after the period described in paragraph (3) as to whether or not the small business would still be subject to the sanction as of the end of that period; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H002CE0E387734AAAB8A9BD434862FEAB"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text> if the determination under paragraph (4) is that the small business would not be subject to the sanction, waive the sanction; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H526E5BD25A364862B8B425C5FDC279E1"> <enum> (6) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> if notice is given more than 10 business days after the date on which the agency determines that a sanction may be imposed on the business, and the agency determines that the same sanction may have been imposed on the business 10 business days prior to the date of the notice, that date of notice shall be the effective date commencing the grace period described in paragraph (3). </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HDEF7767DC0FA4B35803E4C90A501C81A"> <enum> (e) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The grace period described by subsection (d) shall be applicable only once per business per rule, but shall cover subsequent violations of the same rule until it expires. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H47F353C833F84CE29FA2AD337B2F6035"> <enum> (f) </enum> <text> The grace period described by subsection (d) shall not apply to a violation that puts anyone in imminent danger, as defined by the Occupational Safety and Health Act (29 U.S.C. 662 et seq.). </text> </subsection> <subsection id="HB7DA1A9534F54C5D9AC307F0E4977F8D"> <enum> (g) </enum> <text> Nothing in subsection (d) shall be construed to prevent a small business from appealing any sanction imposed in accordance with the procedures of the agency, or from seeking review under chapter 7 of this title. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="HF90E7D1161B84D858B0B479D36DE7C86"> <enum> (h) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Any sanction by an agency on a small business for any violation of a rule or pursuant to an adjudication, absent proof of written notice of the sanction and the date on which the agency determined that a sanction may be imposed, or in violation of subsection (d)(3), shall be null and void. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="HC14CC80838AB41E2B673047F8A75A985"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> Federal agencies shall report annually to the Ombudsman on the utilization of this directive and disclose the penalty mitigation for small businesses. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H237C749CAAFF4337BDAB683418F477D2"> <enum> (j) </enum> <text> The Ombudsman shall include in its annual report to Congress the agency reports described by subsection (i) and a summary of the findings. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="HDFFC7A76F2F34194B23798C12B1E7FE1"> <enum> (k) </enum> <text> For purposes of this section— </text> <paragraph id="H319892EAC30A461085189128C8B95353"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> term <quote> small business </quote> is defined as any sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, limited liability company, or other business entity, that— </text> <subparagraph id="H0096E3CD45924797B01FDAC647D968E2"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> had less than $10,000,000 in gross receipts in the preceding calendar year; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HF01F9D3896C9421B8735ACD6A5FDB39E"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> is considered a <quote> small-business concern </quote> as such term is defined pursuant to Section 3(a) of the Small Business Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/15/632"> 15 U.S.C. 632(a) </external-xref> ); </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H2136F18B2F864C01BBD9EC971CD6860B"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> employed fewer than 200 individuals in the preceding calendar year; or </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H6D24DAA781F945FEB22202856F09FB14"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text> had CPI adjusted gross receipts of less than $10,000,000 in the preceding year. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H4A7FD463CE7F4FF7B50A970519993A76"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> the term <quote> Ombudsman </quote> has the same meaning given such term in section 30(a) of the Small Business Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/15/657"> 15 U.S.C. 657(a) </external-xref> ); </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H7993375642294E0590950750CB0099C6"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> the term <quote> consumer price index </quote> means the consumer price index for all urban consumers published by the Department of Labor; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HB8BF340F089D45FF910B34A00C3FE045"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> the term <quote> CPI adjusted gross receipts </quote> means the amount of gross receipts, divided by the consumer price index for calendar year 2012, and multiplied by the consumer price index for the preceding calendar year, rounded to the nearest multiple of $100,000 (or, if midway between multiples of $100,000, to the next higher multiple of $100,000). </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </section> </legis-body> </bill>
I 113th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 746 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES February 15, 2013 Mr. Bentivolio (for himself, Mr. Hall , Mr. Roskam , Mr. Gohmert , Mr. Chabot , Mr. Franks of Arizona , Mr. Walberg , Mr. Valadao , Mr. Benishek , Mrs. Bachmann , Mr. Broun of Georgia , Mr. Hultgren , and Mr. Pittenger ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary A BILL To provide small businesses with a grace period for a regulatory violation, and for other purposes. 1. Short title This Act may be cited as the Protect Small Business Jobs Act of 2013 . 2. In general Section 558 of title 5, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following: (d) Before any enforcement action is taken on any sanction on a business for any violation of a rule or pursuant to an adjudication an agency shall— (1) not later than 10 business days after the date on which the agency determines that a sanction may be imposed on the business, provide notice to the business that, if the business is a small business as defined in subsection (k), the small business may be subject to a sanction at the end of the grace period described in paragraph (3); (2) delay any further action for a period of 15 calendar days; (3) for any small business, defer any further action for a period of not less than 6 months, less the 15 days described in paragraph (2), which shall be extended by an additional period of 3 months on application by the small business demonstrating reasonable efforts made in good faith to remedy the violation or other conduct giving rise to the sanction; (4) make a further determination after the period described in paragraph (3) as to whether or not the small business would still be subject to the sanction as of the end of that period; (5) if the determination under paragraph (4) is that the small business would not be subject to the sanction, waive the sanction; and (6) if notice is given more than 10 business days after the date on which the agency determines that a sanction may be imposed on the business, and the agency determines that the same sanction may have been imposed on the business 10 business days prior to the date of the notice, that date of notice shall be the effective date commencing the grace period described in paragraph (3). (e) The grace period described by subsection (d) shall be applicable only once per business per rule, but shall cover subsequent violations of the same rule until it expires. (f) The grace period described by subsection (d) shall not apply to a violation that puts anyone in imminent danger, as defined by the Occupational Safety and Health Act (29 U.S.C. 662 et seq.). (g) Nothing in subsection (d) shall be construed to prevent a small business from appealing any sanction imposed in accordance with the procedures of the agency, or from seeking review under chapter 7 of this title. (h) Any sanction by an agency on a small business for any violation of a rule or pursuant to an adjudication, absent proof of written notice of the sanction and the date on which the agency determined that a sanction may be imposed, or in violation of subsection (d)(3), shall be null and void. (i) Federal agencies shall report annually to the Ombudsman on the utilization of this directive and disclose the penalty mitigation for small businesses. (j) The Ombudsman shall include in its annual report to Congress the agency reports described by subsection (i) and a summary of the findings. (k) For purposes of this section— (1) term small business is defined as any sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, limited liability company, or other business entity, that— (A) had less than $10,000,000 in gross receipts in the preceding calendar year; (B) is considered a small-business concern as such term is defined pursuant to Section 3(a) of the Small Business Act ( 15 U.S.C. 632(a) ); (C) employed fewer than 200 individuals in the preceding calendar year; or (D) had CPI adjusted gross receipts of less than $10,000,000 in the preceding year. (2) the term Ombudsman has the same meaning given such term in section 30(a) of the Small Business Act ( 15 U.S.C. 657(a) ); (3) the term consumer price index means the consumer price index for all urban consumers published by the Department of Labor; and (4) the term CPI adjusted gross receipts means the amount of gross receipts, divided by the consumer price index for calendar year 2012, and multiplied by the consumer price index for the preceding calendar year, rounded to the nearest multiple of $100,000 (or, if midway between multiples of $100,000, to the next higher multiple of $100,000). .
2023-01-08 17:38:02.153
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Introduced-in-House" bill-type="olc" dms-id="H6C9BDCD176C64AB69FAB51F27FFA3200" public-private="public"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 747 IH: To amend the Military Selective Service Act to require the registration of women with the Selective Service System in light of the Department of Defense elimination of the rule excluding women from direct ground combat assignments in the Armed Forces. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-02-15 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> I </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 747 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130215"> February 15, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="R000053"> Mr. Rangel </sponsor> (for himself and <cosponsor name-id="M000933"> Mr. Moran </cosponsor> ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="HAS00"> Committee on Armed Services </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> A BILL </legis-type> <official-title> To amend the Military Selective Service Act to require the registration of women with the Selective Service System in light of the Department of Defense elimination of the rule excluding women from direct ground combat assignments in the Armed Forces. </official-title> </form> <legis-body id="H90DB9C8DD83C4791A18E1BDF9B3B4294" style="OLC"> <section id="HA2C17C386FF448FB9186A9AC6268DEA4" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Nondiscrimination in application of Military Selective Service registration requirement for citizens and certain residents of the United States </header> <subsection id="HABEB4699F3A84BF68D84C97D1E96EF0B"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Applicability to all citizens and residents within specified age range </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Section 3(a) of the Military Selective Service Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc-appendix" parsable-cite="usc-appendix/50/453"> 50 U.S.C. App. 453(a) </external-xref> ) is amended— </text> <paragraph id="HFA3EC10A7839402FBD2227B3FA1F4F9A"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> in the first sentence— </text> <subparagraph id="H1D9BFD03F7F041A386847BA45D4439A2"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> by striking <quote> male </quote> both places it appears; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HD08CC5365EB74D5C879BBCEBB133EB91"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> by inserting <quote> or herself </quote> after <quote> himself </quote> ; and </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H4388377078984749BFF6E096C19D6B15"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> in the second sentence, by striking <quote> he continues </quote> and inserting <quote> the alien continues </quote> . </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H90416CD4A6374F20B270C5BB69F56F0D"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Effective date </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The amendments made by subsection (a) shall take effect 60 days after the date of the enactment of this Act. </text> </subsection> </section> </legis-body> </bill>
I 113th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 747 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES February 15, 2013 Mr. Rangel (for himself and Mr. Moran ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Armed Services A BILL To amend the Military Selective Service Act to require the registration of women with the Selective Service System in light of the Department of Defense elimination of the rule excluding women from direct ground combat assignments in the Armed Forces. 1. Nondiscrimination in application of Military Selective Service registration requirement for citizens and certain residents of the United States (a) Applicability to all citizens and residents within specified age range Section 3(a) of the Military Selective Service Act ( 50 U.S.C. App. 453(a) ) is amended— (1) in the first sentence— (A) by striking male both places it appears; and (B) by inserting or herself after himself ; and (2) in the second sentence, by striking he continues and inserting the alien continues . (b) Effective date The amendments made by subsection (a) shall take effect 60 days after the date of the enactment of this Act.
2023-01-08 17:38:02.543
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Introduced-in-House" bill-type="olc" dms-id="H951F9953C5B94BBA8D07FC25334CF822" public-private="public"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 748 IH: Universal National Service Act </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-02-15 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> I </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 748 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130215"> February 15, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="R000053"> Mr. Rangel </sponsor> introduced the following bill; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="HAS00"> Committee on Armed Services </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> A BILL </legis-type> <official-title> To require all persons in the United States between the ages of 18 and 25 to perform national service, either as a member of the uniformed services or as civilian service in a Federal, State, or local government program or with a community-based agency or community-based entity, to authorize the induction of persons in the uniformed services during wartime to meet end-strength requirements of the uniformed services, to provide for the registration of women under the Military Selective Service Act, and for other purposes. </official-title> </form> <legis-body id="HE3D858C00AB04CA8842DBC8EC3D43020" style="OLC"> <section id="H8A2474FF78C54E49813556F8A66E4622" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Short title; table of contents </header> <subsection id="HFFA0F22FCDA249508E4A9C5B1225BAAB"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Short title </header> <text> This Act may be cited as the <quote> <short-title> Universal National Service Act </short-title> </quote> . </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H68C44BA30C774C9EB0B22E5D7FB122A2"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Table of contents </header> <text> The table of contents for this Act is as follows: </text> <toc> <toc-entry idref="H8A2474FF78C54E49813556F8A66E4622" level="section"> Sec. 1. Short title; table of contents. </toc-entry> <toc-entry idref="HBBF8C429674D4A619E6B3EA772BD9FCB" level="title"> TITLE I—National Service </toc-entry> <toc-entry idref="H0B006BDFCFAA4278B6990859DFEA3C8D" level="section"> Sec. 101. Definitions. </toc-entry> <toc-entry idref="H1ED682465AA341F5BC719021EC8C1CD4" level="section"> Sec. 102. National service obligation. </toc-entry> <toc-entry idref="H97FF0826655848B3BCD2B1465CC4C8F3" level="section"> Sec. 103. Induction to perform national service. </toc-entry> <toc-entry idref="H4E2E2DA4784D4F66891BF8CEE779103D" level="section"> Sec. 104. Two-year period of national service. </toc-entry> <toc-entry idref="H7BF20641436043889812DE1974DC6EF1" level="section"> Sec. 105. Implementation by the President. </toc-entry> <toc-entry idref="H5471318724AC4F3AB191520E7CA9FAFC" level="section"> Sec. 106. Examination and classification of persons. </toc-entry> <toc-entry idref="H3DDDF5F143BC4878911677292CE1E4E4" level="section"> Sec. 107. Deferments and postponements. </toc-entry> <toc-entry idref="HAF08F5A56C084E31959A66844B4525B8" level="section"> Sec. 108. Induction exemptions. </toc-entry> <toc-entry idref="H4EC704C5C238417FB040F1F03B862118" level="section"> Sec. 109. Conscientious objection. </toc-entry> <toc-entry idref="H722190C316B3489084F4C411BF7280EB" level="section"> Sec. 110. Discharge following national service. </toc-entry> <toc-entry idref="HC4C3A10603E049E2BCC45F6BC92E3055" level="title"> TITLE II—Amendments to military selective service act </toc-entry> <toc-entry idref="H4C0DCBE281C24B8F84D72C37F1C8C911" level="section"> Sec. 201. Registration of females. </toc-entry> <toc-entry idref="HFCFB4B8DD9C045968C083278035545C0" level="section"> Sec. 202. Registration and induction authority. </toc-entry> </toc> </subsection> </section> <title id="HBBF8C429674D4A619E6B3EA772BD9FCB"> <enum> I </enum> <header> National Service </header> <section id="H0B006BDFCFAA4278B6990859DFEA3C8D"> <enum> 101. </enum> <header> Definitions </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> In this title: </text> <paragraph id="H76B2924A03824168B0AE7A1BBEDE7188"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The terms <quote> community-based agency </quote> and <quote> community-based entity </quote> have the meanings given those terms in section 101 of the National and Community Service Act of 1990 ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/42/12511"> 42 U.S.C. 12511 </external-xref> ). </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H3403C3FE702C4050BAE70187E3D9D3DA"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> The term <term> contingency operation </term> has the meaning given that term in <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/10/101"> section 101(a)(13) </external-xref> of title 10, United States Code. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H78952C6E83A248C8BAAF6ACB28D9CB97"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> The term <term> military service </term> means service performed as a member of an active or reserve component of the uniformed services. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H4499EBA0A5A24083A864155BB0DF798B"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> The term <term> national service </term> means— </text> <subparagraph id="H837CCEB2F91946CF89EC5A356DE8CC1B"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> military service; or </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H15854F7C2F064880B4248688549E5AF6"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> civilian service in a Federal, State, or local government program or with a community-based agency or community-based entity that, as determined by the President, is engaged in meeting human, educational, environmental, or public safety needs. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H3C2CEDBB679B446782A46F030807D6F6"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text> The term <term> Secretary concerned </term> means— </text> <subparagraph id="HFC44FF6BD4EB453290A0EBDBF01792CA"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> the Secretary of Defense with respect to the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H7D13E5C18B1544AEAF3D2B33B0051088"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> the Secretary of Homeland Security with respect to the Coast Guard; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HE471D28FFF2D426DBCC894746F3BA210"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> the Secretary of Commerce with respect to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H649385D9ADB54F46BE960FA8A48D7C27"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text> the Secretary of Health and Human Services with respect to the Public Health Service. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HF3F5F292D3A441CD83E3DF7370473CF8"> <enum> (6) </enum> <text> The term <term> United States </term> , when used in a geographical sense, means the several States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and Guam. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H66447984531E4EDE9673794A6970274D"> <enum> (7) </enum> <text> The term <term> uniformed services </term> means the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, commissioned corps of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and commissioned corps of the Public Health Service. </text> </paragraph> </section> <section id="H1ED682465AA341F5BC719021EC8C1CD4"> <enum> 102. </enum> <header> National service obligation </header> <subsection id="H4162494577ED4FED908E2E1637ED9CD6"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Obligation for service </header> <text> It is the obligation of every citizen of the United States, and every other person residing in the United States, who is between the ages of 18 and 25 to perform a period of national service as prescribed in this title unless exempted under the provisions of this title. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H3F1CDD9AD4E0473E8EDED210171D6CCD"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Forms of national service </header> <text> The national service obligation under this title shall be performed either through— </text> <paragraph id="HFAF954FCD16B4A33BDD8D1EA1320E22A"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> military service; or </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HB475B530254F458CAEDCD311B446B4F9"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> civilian service in a Federal, State, or local government program or with a community-based agency or community-based entity that, as determined by the President, is engaged in meeting human, educational, environmental, or public safety needs. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HDD6D69AD627549B68080D1666464BB4C"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Age limits </header> <text> A person may be inducted under this title only if the person has attained the age of 18 and has not attained the age of 25. </text> </subsection> </section> <section id="H97FF0826655848B3BCD2B1465CC4C8F3"> <enum> 103. </enum> <header> Induction to perform national service </header> <subsection id="HAA294E0FB0A8406691D1CBC352273A47"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Induction requirements </header> <text> The President shall provide for the induction of persons described in section 102(a) to perform their national service obligation. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="HCC735A2DCE324604B95E1571DA5CBF2A"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Limitation on induction for military service </header> <text> Persons described in section 102(a) may be inducted to perform military service only if— </text> <paragraph id="H613B40874F4E4D5F909A3FD46E828BCC"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> a declaration of war is in effect; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HA7984B02E4C0429A83ECD92F37C80970"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> the President declares a national emergency, which the President determines necessitates the induction of persons to perform military service, and immediately informs Congress of the reasons for the declaration and the need to induct persons for military service; or </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H8AFA57232F964BBAB8A5DB140FAD6752"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> members of the Army, Navy, Air Force, or Marine Corps are engaged in a contingency operation pursuant to a congressional authorization for the use of military force. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H4F266A91713E4733BF6A43B2802FB139"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Limitation on number of persons inducted for military service </header> <text> When the induction of persons for military service is authorized by subsection (b), the President shall determine the number of persons described in section 102(a) whose national service obligation is to be satisfied through military service based on— </text> <paragraph id="HA69F9F96312441BC8E2FECA178993211"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> the authorized end strengths of the uniformed services; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HF0843AED0CD84D7296362C71C1CAE7AE"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> the feasibility of the uniformed services to recruit sufficient volunteers to achieve such end-strength levels. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H879A9E738EA34831AC8D8DEE9D1034B7"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header> Selection for induction </header> <paragraph id="H24370419346E42E8BC35E41D679F872A"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> Random selection for military service </header> <text> When the induction of persons for military service is authorized by subsection (b), the President shall utilize a mechanism for the random selection of persons to be inducted to perform military service. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H35FD027D4CFE45EF9278FA57D0F7CD3D"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Random selection for civilian service </header> <text> Persons described in section 102(a) who do not volunteer to perform military service or are not inducted for military service shall perform their national service obligation in a civilian capacity pursuant to section 102(b)(2). </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HC262BC702318447387369689FDADF7DC"> <enum> (e) </enum> <header> Voluntary service </header> <text> A person subject to induction under this title may— </text> <paragraph id="HF51BA9BBD8C44DDCB09D8BFA0EA03262"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> volunteer to perform national service in lieu of being inducted; or </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H8D279DDF0E5A4C07B2B7D2A921263C8E"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> request permission to be inducted at a time other than the time at which the person is otherwise called for induction. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> </section> <section id="H4E2E2DA4784D4F66891BF8CEE779103D"> <enum> 104. </enum> <header> Two-year period of national service </header> <subsection id="HCDBA376911734A72BEF90F698654377D"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> General rule </header> <text> Except as otherwise provided in this section, the period of national service performed by a person under this title shall be two years. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H594BEE8604324A7286F6B5BB5544D49B"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Grounds for extension </header> <text> At the discretion of the President, the period of military service for a member of the uniformed services under this title may be extended— </text> <paragraph id="HDA3E2FD850044B4098B93D88821C7F5D"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> with the consent of the member, for the purpose of furnishing hospitalization, medical, or surgical care for injury or illness incurred in line of duty; or </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H0E2CF1F1F1BD45ABB6903F4F3BD1A9D9"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> for the purpose of requiring the member to compensate for any time lost to training for any cause. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H04C4E0B9FDFF45D4AE95F2E48044A5E8"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Early termination </header> <text> The period of national service for a person under this title shall be terminated before the end of such period under the following circumstances: </text> <paragraph id="H02F3A10E200142478FFE821B5F164214"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> The voluntary enlistment and active service of the person in an active or reserve component of the uniformed services for a period of at least two years, in which case the period of basic military training and education actually served by the person shall be counted toward the term of enlistment. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H7FA29E65CC554C70A104AF7FE1A8C24A"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> The admission and service of the person as a cadet or midshipman at the United States Military Academy, the United States Naval Academy, the United States Air Force Academy, the Coast Guard Academy, or the United States Merchant Marine Academy. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HCAA91857C26B46CEABFBA437A46A15C2"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> The enrollment and service of the person in an officer candidate program, if the person has signed an agreement to accept a Reserve commission in the appropriate service with an obligation to serve on active duty if such a commission is offered upon completion of the program. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H6C7DA5777F054A889E917938A5D59C3C"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> Such other grounds as the President may establish. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> </section> <section id="H7BF20641436043889812DE1974DC6EF1"> <enum> 105. </enum> <header> Implementation by the President </header> <subsection id="HE1A20B57CC6443B1852619660394DE1E"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> The President shall prescribe such regulations as are necessary to carry out this title. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H5972BAD8732642E38B32895173422B6C"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Matter To be covered by regulations </header> <text> Such regulations shall include specification of the following: </text> <paragraph id="H0188C4E3D0EA4EFE974E43D605228C20"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> The types of civilian service that may be performed in order for a person to satisfy the person's national service obligation under this title. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HA91906DDFC154E4682FD0D389F817FE6"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The types of Federal, State, and local government programs and programs carried out by a community-based agency or community-based entity that may be used for the performance of national service. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HCAB3BCCB5803470BA37D5304F57342EE"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> Standards for satisfactory performance of civilian service and of penalties for failure to perform civilian service satisfactorily. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H27DBDB00657148EEB1D11B747A676889"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> The manner in which persons shall be selected for induction under this title, including the manner in which those selected will be notified of such selection. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H208B32A52F3F44C0B7FD757C8CE244E4"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text> All other administrative matters in connection with the induction of persons under this title and the registration, examination, and classification of such persons. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H9873C8524EA1486F84F33B64EDCCAA3B"> <enum> (6) </enum> <text> A means to determine questions or claims with respect to inclusion for, or exemption or deferment from induction under this title, including questions of conscientious objection. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H89EA25244BAE438AA4E9EC6F84A068D2"> <enum> (7) </enum> <text> Standards for compensation and benefits for persons performing their national service obligation under this title through civilian service. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H1C47B12EFF174C1685486B36A13CFBE6"> <enum> (8) </enum> <text> Such other matters as the President determines necessary to carry out this title. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H5F4B059354784FFB9A3CF110451DC362"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Use of prior Act </header> <text> To the extent determined appropriate by the President, the President may use for purposes of this title the procedures provided in the Military Selective Service Act (50 U.S.C. App. 451 et seq.), including procedures for registration, selection, and induction. </text> </subsection> </section> <section id="H5471318724AC4F3AB191520E7CA9FAFC"> <enum> 106. </enum> <header> Examination and classification of persons </header> <subsection id="H73FE2C54A34D4032A1626A5FC99C9EF0"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Examination </header> <text> Every person subject to induction under this title shall, before induction, be physically and mentally examined and shall be classified as to fitness to perform national service. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H3B8C98CA729544C0900F36308C47C83A"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Different classification standards </header> <text> The President may apply different classification standards for fitness for military service and fitness for civilian service. </text> </subsection> </section> <section id="H3DDDF5F143BC4878911677292CE1E4E4"> <enum> 107. </enum> <header> Deferments and postponements </header> <subsection id="HDFCCD262C4FE44A1ACCE1D13279A7234"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> High school students </header> <text> A person who is pursuing a standard course of study, on a full-time basis, in a secondary school or similar institution of learning shall be entitled to have induction under this title postponed until the person— </text> <paragraph id="HF736C2F01FC843F390DA5F7946254A8D"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> obtains a high school diploma; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H14F76657F9C944F19098B0C803A55EDA"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> ceases to pursue satisfactorily such course of study; or </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HD8D184D7D7734AA6B4D8B93144D74D63"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> attains the age of 20. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HE2A5EB1219B54007B82DD3F237B4420A"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Post secondary students </header> <text> A person who is pursuing a standard course of study, on a full-time basis, in a university, technical school or similar institution of learning shall be entitled to have induction under this title postponed until the person— </text> <paragraph id="HD1C2CA09747644A69D470CFD26CB06A9"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> obtains a certificate or diploma; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HBAE34AFA35B34E8483789325E1BCA2D8"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> ceases to pursue satisfactorily such course of study; or </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HF532D23FA5234F53BF27516E62920F3E"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> attains the age of 24. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H60937000FD8E44259D73CD9CBA37750F"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Hardship and disability </header> <text> Deferments from national service under this title may be made for— </text> <paragraph id="H14ABC6A9421A4103AD9897E511CB82CC"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> extreme hardship; or </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HCABAB08F78C047378676D4DA16D320D7"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> physical or mental disability. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H61874D35DCF34EABBE19B0938793E59A"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header> Training capacity </header> <text> The President may postpone or suspend the induction of persons for military service under this title as necessary to limit the number of persons receiving basic military training and education to the maximum number that can be adequately trained. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="HA5676583D9AF43C59DDF62234D647E9B"> <enum> (e) </enum> <header> Termination </header> <text> No deferment or postponement of induction under this title shall continue after the cause of such deferment or postponement ceases. </text> </subsection> </section> <section id="HAF08F5A56C084E31959A66844B4525B8"> <enum> 108. </enum> <header> Induction exemptions </header> <subsection id="H71F28477EF9E4DAB8CB5D0DDCE7B0BC7"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Qualifications </header> <text> No person may be inducted for military service under this title unless the person is acceptable to the Secretary concerned for training and meets the same health and physical qualifications applicable under <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/10/505"> section 505 </external-xref> of title 10, United States Code, to persons seeking original enlistment in a regular component of the Armed Forces. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H53F4D039A6624759B89DDC1D961C1A64"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Other military service </header> <text> No person shall be liable for induction under this title who— </text> <paragraph id="H8CD185F7C26440928C9901B5B38A8592"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> is serving, or has served honorably for at least six months, in any component of the uniformed services on active duty; or </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HA257D46EABF64166A73F35D72E4A0CA5"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> is or becomes a cadet or midshipman at the United States Military Academy, the United States Naval Academy, the United States Air Force Academy, the Coast Guard Academy, the United States Merchant Marine Academy, a midshipman of a Navy accredited State maritime academy, a member of the Senior Reserve Officers' Training Corps, or the naval aviation college program, so long as that person satisfactorily continues in and completes at least two years training therein. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> </section> <section id="H4EC704C5C238417FB040F1F03B862118"> <enum> 109. </enum> <header> Conscientious objection </header> <subsection id="H465C9D3FD76F4E4489AE9F9BDD1935C6"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Claims as conscientious objector </header> <text> Nothing in this title shall be construed to require a person to be subject to combatant training and service in the uniformed services, if that person, by reason of sincerely held moral, ethical, or religious beliefs, is conscientiously opposed to participation in war in any form. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="HE313E8E0A2C64213B9BC4B1BEB70ED51"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Alternative noncombatant or civilian service </header> <text> A person who claims exemption from combatant training and service under subsection (a) and whose claim is sustained by the local board shall— </text> <paragraph id="H488B666DFA1C47F69CC8DCC5F8A2BD99"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> be assigned to noncombatant service (as defined by the President), if the person is inducted into the uniformed services; or </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H046D6434FAB24B12A914665F7DBFDB78"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> be ordered by the local board, if found to be conscientiously opposed to participation in such noncombatant service, to perform civilian service for the period specified in section 104(a) and subject to such regulations as the President may prescribe. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> </section> <section id="H722190C316B3489084F4C411BF7280EB"> <enum> 110. </enum> <header> Discharge following national service </header> <subsection id="H16D1C4D5B9B740608F30E28C7693A180"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Discharge </header> <text> Upon completion or termination of the obligation to perform national service under this title, a person shall be discharged from the uniformed services or from civilian service, as the case may be, and shall not be subject to any further service under this title. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="HB0A1A96A56F946C2B9449EE770DAB9EA"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Coordination with other Authorities </header> <text> Nothing in this section shall limit or prohibit the call to active service in the uniformed services of any person who is a member of a regular or reserve component of the uniformed services. </text> </subsection> </section> </title> <title id="HC4C3A10603E049E2BCC45F6BC92E3055"> <enum> II </enum> <header> Amendments to military selective service act </header> <section id="H4C0DCBE281C24B8F84D72C37F1C8C911"> <enum> 201. </enum> <header> Registration of females </header> <subsection id="H527993110D92481BBD00F1D068ABC130"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Registration required </header> <text> Section 3(a) of the Military Selective Service Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/50/453"> 50 U.S.C. 453(a) </external-xref> ) is amended— </text> <paragraph id="H5F038871DE9F4CF0B0A9D4118368FD31"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> by striking <quote> male </quote> both places it appears; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HA32BBAE7AD3740F9BEC6882837068BB8"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> by inserting <quote> or herself </quote> after <quote> himself </quote> ; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H76A69948A108405AA21361C8C923E6DA"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> by striking <quote> he </quote> and inserting <quote> the person </quote> . </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H44F671CD4F784DC59F39FA9EF4782EBD"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Conforming amendment </header> <text> Section 16(a) of the Military Selective Service Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc-appendix" parsable-cite="usc-appendix/50/466"> 50 U.S.C. App. 466(a) </external-xref> ) is amended by striking <quote> men </quote> and inserting <quote> persons </quote> . </text> </subsection> </section> <section id="HFCFB4B8DD9C045968C083278035545C0"> <enum> 202. </enum> <header> Registration and induction authority </header> <subsection id="HAAAB54A4F4B2440D8766DAA47EFD2ACE"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Registration </header> <text> Section 4 of the Military Selective Service Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc-appendix" parsable-cite="usc-appendix/50/454"> 50 U.S.C. App. 454 </external-xref> ) is amended by inserting after subsection (g) the following new subsection: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H68E449F261C640C3B00410230E99CE2F" style="OLC"> <subsection id="H2F7B201F851D4380B101EE35412CCC4E"> <enum> (h) </enum> <text> This section does not apply with respect to the induction of persons into the Armed Forces pursuant to the Universal National Service Act. </text> </subsection> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </subsection> <subsection id="H826E2BFEF6314399AE6AB8A25CAF7205"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Induction </header> <text> Section 17(c) of the Military Selective Service Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc-appendix" parsable-cite="usc-appendix/50/467"> 50 U.S.C. App. 467(c) </external-xref> ) is amended by striking <quote> now or hereafter </quote> and all that follows through the period at the end and inserting <quote> inducted pursuant to the Universal National Service Act. </quote> . </text> </subsection> </section> </title> </legis-body> </bill>
I 113th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 748 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES February 15, 2013 Mr. Rangel introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Armed Services A BILL To require all persons in the United States between the ages of 18 and 25 to perform national service, either as a member of the uniformed services or as civilian service in a Federal, State, or local government program or with a community-based agency or community-based entity, to authorize the induction of persons in the uniformed services during wartime to meet end-strength requirements of the uniformed services, to provide for the registration of women under the Military Selective Service Act, and for other purposes. 1. Short title; table of contents (a) Short title This Act may be cited as the Universal National Service Act . (b) Table of contents The table of contents for this Act is as follows: Sec. 1. Short title; table of contents. TITLE I—National Service Sec. 101. Definitions. Sec. 102. National service obligation. Sec. 103. Induction to perform national service. Sec. 104. Two-year period of national service. Sec. 105. Implementation by the President. Sec. 106. Examination and classification of persons. Sec. 107. Deferments and postponements. Sec. 108. Induction exemptions. Sec. 109. Conscientious objection. Sec. 110. Discharge following national service. TITLE II—Amendments to military selective service act Sec. 201. Registration of females. Sec. 202. Registration and induction authority. I National Service 101. Definitions In this title: (1) The terms community-based agency and community-based entity have the meanings given those terms in section 101 of the National and Community Service Act of 1990 ( 42 U.S.C. 12511 ). (2) The term contingency operation has the meaning given that term in section 101(a)(13) of title 10, United States Code. (3) The term military service means service performed as a member of an active or reserve component of the uniformed services. (4) The term national service means— (A) military service; or (B) civilian service in a Federal, State, or local government program or with a community-based agency or community-based entity that, as determined by the President, is engaged in meeting human, educational, environmental, or public safety needs. (5) The term Secretary concerned means— (A) the Secretary of Defense with respect to the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps; (B) the Secretary of Homeland Security with respect to the Coast Guard; (C) the Secretary of Commerce with respect to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration; and (D) the Secretary of Health and Human Services with respect to the Public Health Service. (6) The term United States , when used in a geographical sense, means the several States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and Guam. (7) The term uniformed services means the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, commissioned corps of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and commissioned corps of the Public Health Service. 102. National service obligation (a) Obligation for service It is the obligation of every citizen of the United States, and every other person residing in the United States, who is between the ages of 18 and 25 to perform a period of national service as prescribed in this title unless exempted under the provisions of this title. (b) Forms of national service The national service obligation under this title shall be performed either through— (1) military service; or (2) civilian service in a Federal, State, or local government program or with a community-based agency or community-based entity that, as determined by the President, is engaged in meeting human, educational, environmental, or public safety needs. (c) Age limits A person may be inducted under this title only if the person has attained the age of 18 and has not attained the age of 25. 103. Induction to perform national service (a) Induction requirements The President shall provide for the induction of persons described in section 102(a) to perform their national service obligation. (b) Limitation on induction for military service Persons described in section 102(a) may be inducted to perform military service only if— (1) a declaration of war is in effect; (2) the President declares a national emergency, which the President determines necessitates the induction of persons to perform military service, and immediately informs Congress of the reasons for the declaration and the need to induct persons for military service; or (3) members of the Army, Navy, Air Force, or Marine Corps are engaged in a contingency operation pursuant to a congressional authorization for the use of military force. (c) Limitation on number of persons inducted for military service When the induction of persons for military service is authorized by subsection (b), the President shall determine the number of persons described in section 102(a) whose national service obligation is to be satisfied through military service based on— (1) the authorized end strengths of the uniformed services; and (2) the feasibility of the uniformed services to recruit sufficient volunteers to achieve such end-strength levels. (d) Selection for induction (1) Random selection for military service When the induction of persons for military service is authorized by subsection (b), the President shall utilize a mechanism for the random selection of persons to be inducted to perform military service. (2) Random selection for civilian service Persons described in section 102(a) who do not volunteer to perform military service or are not inducted for military service shall perform their national service obligation in a civilian capacity pursuant to section 102(b)(2). (e) Voluntary service A person subject to induction under this title may— (1) volunteer to perform national service in lieu of being inducted; or (2) request permission to be inducted at a time other than the time at which the person is otherwise called for induction. 104. Two-year period of national service (a) General rule Except as otherwise provided in this section, the period of national service performed by a person under this title shall be two years. (b) Grounds for extension At the discretion of the President, the period of military service for a member of the uniformed services under this title may be extended— (1) with the consent of the member, for the purpose of furnishing hospitalization, medical, or surgical care for injury or illness incurred in line of duty; or (2) for the purpose of requiring the member to compensate for any time lost to training for any cause. (c) Early termination The period of national service for a person under this title shall be terminated before the end of such period under the following circumstances: (1) The voluntary enlistment and active service of the person in an active or reserve component of the uniformed services for a period of at least two years, in which case the period of basic military training and education actually served by the person shall be counted toward the term of enlistment. (2) The admission and service of the person as a cadet or midshipman at the United States Military Academy, the United States Naval Academy, the United States Air Force Academy, the Coast Guard Academy, or the United States Merchant Marine Academy. (3) The enrollment and service of the person in an officer candidate program, if the person has signed an agreement to accept a Reserve commission in the appropriate service with an obligation to serve on active duty if such a commission is offered upon completion of the program. (4) Such other grounds as the President may establish. 105. Implementation by the President (a) In general The President shall prescribe such regulations as are necessary to carry out this title. (b) Matter To be covered by regulations Such regulations shall include specification of the following: (1) The types of civilian service that may be performed in order for a person to satisfy the person's national service obligation under this title. (2) The types of Federal, State, and local government programs and programs carried out by a community-based agency or community-based entity that may be used for the performance of national service. (3) Standards for satisfactory performance of civilian service and of penalties for failure to perform civilian service satisfactorily. (4) The manner in which persons shall be selected for induction under this title, including the manner in which those selected will be notified of such selection. (5) All other administrative matters in connection with the induction of persons under this title and the registration, examination, and classification of such persons. (6) A means to determine questions or claims with respect to inclusion for, or exemption or deferment from induction under this title, including questions of conscientious objection. (7) Standards for compensation and benefits for persons performing their national service obligation under this title through civilian service. (8) Such other matters as the President determines necessary to carry out this title. (c) Use of prior Act To the extent determined appropriate by the President, the President may use for purposes of this title the procedures provided in the Military Selective Service Act (50 U.S.C. App. 451 et seq.), including procedures for registration, selection, and induction. 106. Examination and classification of persons (a) Examination Every person subject to induction under this title shall, before induction, be physically and mentally examined and shall be classified as to fitness to perform national service. (b) Different classification standards The President may apply different classification standards for fitness for military service and fitness for civilian service. 107. Deferments and postponements (a) High school students A person who is pursuing a standard course of study, on a full-time basis, in a secondary school or similar institution of learning shall be entitled to have induction under this title postponed until the person— (1) obtains a high school diploma; (2) ceases to pursue satisfactorily such course of study; or (3) attains the age of 20. (b) Post secondary students A person who is pursuing a standard course of study, on a full-time basis, in a university, technical school or similar institution of learning shall be entitled to have induction under this title postponed until the person— (1) obtains a certificate or diploma; (2) ceases to pursue satisfactorily such course of study; or (3) attains the age of 24. (c) Hardship and disability Deferments from national service under this title may be made for— (1) extreme hardship; or (2) physical or mental disability. (d) Training capacity The President may postpone or suspend the induction of persons for military service under this title as necessary to limit the number of persons receiving basic military training and education to the maximum number that can be adequately trained. (e) Termination No deferment or postponement of induction under this title shall continue after the cause of such deferment or postponement ceases. 108. Induction exemptions (a) Qualifications No person may be inducted for military service under this title unless the person is acceptable to the Secretary concerned for training and meets the same health and physical qualifications applicable under section 505 of title 10, United States Code, to persons seeking original enlistment in a regular component of the Armed Forces. (b) Other military service No person shall be liable for induction under this title who— (1) is serving, or has served honorably for at least six months, in any component of the uniformed services on active duty; or (2) is or becomes a cadet or midshipman at the United States Military Academy, the United States Naval Academy, the United States Air Force Academy, the Coast Guard Academy, the United States Merchant Marine Academy, a midshipman of a Navy accredited State maritime academy, a member of the Senior Reserve Officers' Training Corps, or the naval aviation college program, so long as that person satisfactorily continues in and completes at least two years training therein. 109. Conscientious objection (a) Claims as conscientious objector Nothing in this title shall be construed to require a person to be subject to combatant training and service in the uniformed services, if that person, by reason of sincerely held moral, ethical, or religious beliefs, is conscientiously opposed to participation in war in any form. (b) Alternative noncombatant or civilian service A person who claims exemption from combatant training and service under subsection (a) and whose claim is sustained by the local board shall— (1) be assigned to noncombatant service (as defined by the President), if the person is inducted into the uniformed services; or (2) be ordered by the local board, if found to be conscientiously opposed to participation in such noncombatant service, to perform civilian service for the period specified in section 104(a) and subject to such regulations as the President may prescribe. 110. Discharge following national service (a) Discharge Upon completion or termination of the obligation to perform national service under this title, a person shall be discharged from the uniformed services or from civilian service, as the case may be, and shall not be subject to any further service under this title. (b) Coordination with other Authorities Nothing in this section shall limit or prohibit the call to active service in the uniformed services of any person who is a member of a regular or reserve component of the uniformed services. II Amendments to military selective service act 201. Registration of females (a) Registration required Section 3(a) of the Military Selective Service Act ( 50 U.S.C. 453(a) ) is amended— (1) by striking male both places it appears; (2) by inserting or herself after himself ; and (3) by striking he and inserting the person . (b) Conforming amendment Section 16(a) of the Military Selective Service Act ( 50 U.S.C. App. 466(a) ) is amended by striking men and inserting persons . 202. Registration and induction authority (a) Registration Section 4 of the Military Selective Service Act ( 50 U.S.C. App. 454 ) is amended by inserting after subsection (g) the following new subsection: (h) This section does not apply with respect to the induction of persons into the Armed Forces pursuant to the Universal National Service Act. . (b) Induction Section 17(c) of the Military Selective Service Act ( 50 U.S.C. App. 467(c) ) is amended by striking now or hereafter and all that follows through the period at the end and inserting inducted pursuant to the Universal National Service Act. .
2023-01-08 17:29:59.283
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Engrossed-in-House" bill-type="olc" dms-id="HEA86F2BE3ADA4B9BBA15EBCD0A2D9559" public-private="public" stage-count="1"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 749 EH: Eliminate Privacy Notice Confusion Act </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date/> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="no"> I </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 749 </legis-num> <current-chamber display="no"> IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES </current-chamber> <legis-type> AN ACT </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> To amend the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act to provide an exception to the annual privacy notice requirement. </official-title> </form> <legis-body id="H306FE2026D1945248C5F3C215F270BE7" style="OLC"> <section id="H752933DBAEE946C19A9A1739D15AFF78" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Short title </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> This Act may be cited as the <quote> <short-title> Eliminate Privacy Notice Confusion Act </short-title> </quote> . </text> </section> <section id="H40D95F75B735412692A511CAF92A4B90"> <enum> 2. </enum> <header> Exception to annual privacy notice requirement under the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Section 503 of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/15/6803"> 15 U.S.C. 6803 </external-xref> ) is amended by adding at the end the following: </text> <quoted-block id="H6A14EA63DDCE4F9FB6633DE7027F5E4F" style="OLC"> <subsection id="HF83C8E3138CC4398B493B805EA58B27F"> <enum> (f) </enum> <header> Exception to annual notice requirement </header> <text> A financial institution that— </text> <paragraph id="H841EE97C78144E9C8E211679B0AA100E"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> provides nonpublic personal information only in accordance with the provisions of subsection (b)(2) or (e) of section 502 or regulations prescribed under section 504(b), and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H539EE9EDAFD942EBAF6EFDD4D8AEA50F"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> has not changed its policies and practices with regard to disclosing nonpublic personal information from the policies and practices that were disclosed in the most recent disclosure sent to consumers in accordance with this section, </text> </paragraph> <continuation-text continuation-text-level="subsection"> shall not be required to provide an annual disclosure under this section until such time as the financial institution fails to comply with any criteria described in paragraph (1) or (2). </continuation-text> </subsection> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </section> </legis-body> <attestation> <attestation-group> <attestation-date chamber="House" date="20130312"> Passed the House of Representatives March 12, 2013. </attestation-date> <attestor display="no"> Karen L. Haas, </attestor> <role> Clerk. </role> </attestation-group> </attestation> <endorsement display="yes"/> </bill>
I 113th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 749 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES AN ACT To amend the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act to provide an exception to the annual privacy notice requirement. 1. Short title This Act may be cited as the Eliminate Privacy Notice Confusion Act . 2. Exception to annual privacy notice requirement under the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act Section 503 of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act ( 15 U.S.C. 6803 ) is amended by adding at the end the following: (f) Exception to annual notice requirement A financial institution that— (1) provides nonpublic personal information only in accordance with the provisions of subsection (b)(2) or (e) of section 502 or regulations prescribed under section 504(b), and (2) has not changed its policies and practices with regard to disclosing nonpublic personal information from the policies and practices that were disclosed in the most recent disclosure sent to consumers in accordance with this section, shall not be required to provide an annual disclosure under this section until such time as the financial institution fails to comply with any criteria described in paragraph (1) or (2). . Passed the House of Representatives March 12, 2013. Karen L. Haas, Clerk.
2023-01-08 17:38:01.881
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Introduced-in-House" bill-type="olc" dms-id="HEA86F2BE3ADA4B9BBA15EBCD0A2D9559" public-private="public"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 749 IH: Eliminate Privacy Notice Confusion Act </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-02-15 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> I </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 749 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130215"> February 15, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="L000569"> Mr. Luetkemeyer </sponsor> (for himself, <cosponsor name-id="S000344"> Mr. Sherman </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="H001058"> Mr. Huizenga of Michigan </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="G000546"> Mr. Graves of Missouri </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="M001137"> Mr. Meeks </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="W000796"> Mr. Westmoreland </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="H000636"> Mr. Hinojosa </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="N000147"> Ms. Norton </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="M001149"> Mr. Michaud </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="R000586"> Mr. Renacci </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="R000487"> Mr. Royce </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="O000169"> Mr. Owens </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="G000565"> Mr. Gosar </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="P000595"> Mr. Peters of Michigan </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="M000309"> Mrs. McCarthy of New York </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S001187"> Mr. Stivers </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="H000324"> Mr. Hastings of Florida </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="L000570"> Mr. Ben Ray Luján of New Mexico </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="W000795"> Mr. Wilson of South Carolina </cosponsor> ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="HBA00"> Committee on Financial Services </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> A BILL </legis-type> <official-title> To amend the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act to provide an exception to the annual privacy notice requirement. </official-title> </form> <legis-body id="H306FE2026D1945248C5F3C215F270BE7" style="OLC"> <section id="H752933DBAEE946C19A9A1739D15AFF78" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Short title </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> This Act may be cited as the <quote> <short-title> Eliminate Privacy Notice Confusion Act </short-title> </quote> . </text> </section> <section id="H40D95F75B735412692A511CAF92A4B90"> <enum> 2. </enum> <header> Exception to annual privacy notice requirement under the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Section 503 of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/15/6803"> 15 U.S.C. 6803 </external-xref> ) is amended by adding at the end the following: </text> <quoted-block id="H6A14EA63DDCE4F9FB6633DE7027F5E4F" style="OLC"> <subsection id="HF83C8E3138CC4398B493B805EA58B27F"> <enum> (f) </enum> <header> Exception to annual notice requirement </header> <text> A financial institution that— </text> <paragraph id="H841EE97C78144E9C8E211679B0AA100E"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> provides nonpublic personal information only in accordance with the provisions of subsection (b)(2) or (e) of section 502 or regulations prescribed under section 504(b), and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H539EE9EDAFD942EBAF6EFDD4D8AEA50F"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> has not changed its policies and practices with regard to disclosing nonpublic personal information from the policies and practices that were disclosed in the most recent disclosure sent to consumers in accordance with this section, </text> </paragraph> <continuation-text continuation-text-level="subsection"> shall not be required to provide an annual disclosure under this section until such time as the financial institution fails to comply with any criteria described in paragraph (1) or (2). </continuation-text> </subsection> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </section> </legis-body> </bill>
I 113th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 749 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES February 15, 2013 Mr. Luetkemeyer (for himself, Mr. Sherman , Mr. Huizenga of Michigan , Mr. Graves of Missouri , Mr. Meeks , Mr. Westmoreland , Mr. Hinojosa , Ms. Norton , Mr. Michaud , Mr. Renacci , Mr. Royce , Mr. Owens , Mr. Gosar , Mr. Peters of Michigan , Mrs. McCarthy of New York , Mr. Stivers , Mr. Hastings of Florida , Mr. Ben Ray Luján of New Mexico , and Mr. Wilson of South Carolina ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Financial Services A BILL To amend the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act to provide an exception to the annual privacy notice requirement. 1. Short title This Act may be cited as the Eliminate Privacy Notice Confusion Act . 2. Exception to annual privacy notice requirement under the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act Section 503 of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act ( 15 U.S.C. 6803 ) is amended by adding at the end the following: (f) Exception to annual notice requirement A financial institution that— (1) provides nonpublic personal information only in accordance with the provisions of subsection (b)(2) or (e) of section 502 or regulations prescribed under section 504(b), and (2) has not changed its policies and practices with regard to disclosing nonpublic personal information from the policies and practices that were disclosed in the most recent disclosure sent to consumers in accordance with this section, shall not be required to provide an annual disclosure under this section until such time as the financial institution fails to comply with any criteria described in paragraph (1) or (2). .
2023-01-08 17:29:59.391
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Referred-in-Senate" bill-type="olc" dms-id="HEA86F2BE3ADA4B9BBA15EBCD0A2D9559" public-private="public" stage-count="1"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 749 : Eliminate Privacy Notice Confusion Act </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-03-13 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> IIB </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 749 </legis-num> <current-chamber display="yes"> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130313"> March 13, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> Received; read twice and referred to the <committee-name committee-id="SSBK00"> Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> AN ACT </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> To amend the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act to provide an exception to the annual privacy notice requirement. </official-title> </form> <legis-body id="H306FE2026D1945248C5F3C215F270BE7" style="OLC"> <section id="H752933DBAEE946C19A9A1739D15AFF78" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Short title </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> This Act may be cited as the <quote> <short-title> Eliminate Privacy Notice Confusion Act </short-title> </quote> . </text> </section> <section id="H40D95F75B735412692A511CAF92A4B90"> <enum> 2. </enum> <header> Exception to annual privacy notice requirement under the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Section 503 of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/15/6803"> 15 U.S.C. 6803 </external-xref> ) is amended by adding at the end the following: </text> <quoted-block id="H6A14EA63DDCE4F9FB6633DE7027F5E4F" style="OLC"> <subsection id="HF83C8E3138CC4398B493B805EA58B27F"> <enum> (f) </enum> <header> Exception to annual notice requirement </header> <text> A financial institution that— </text> <paragraph id="H841EE97C78144E9C8E211679B0AA100E"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> provides nonpublic personal information only in accordance with the provisions of subsection (b)(2) or (e) of section 502 or regulations prescribed under section 504(b), and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H539EE9EDAFD942EBAF6EFDD4D8AEA50F"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> has not changed its policies and practices with regard to disclosing nonpublic personal information from the policies and practices that were disclosed in the most recent disclosure sent to consumers in accordance with this section, </text> </paragraph> <continuation-text continuation-text-level="subsection"> shall not be required to provide an annual disclosure under this section until such time as the financial institution fails to comply with any criteria described in paragraph (1) or (2). </continuation-text> </subsection> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </section> </legis-body> <attestation> <attestation-group> <attestation-date chamber="House" date="20130312"> Passed the House of Representatives March 12, 2013. </attestation-date> <attestor display="yes"> Karen L. Haas, </attestor> <role> Clerk </role> </attestation-group> </attestation> </bill>
IIB 113th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 749 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES March 13, 2013 Received; read twice and referred to the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs AN ACT To amend the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act to provide an exception to the annual privacy notice requirement. 1. Short title This Act may be cited as the Eliminate Privacy Notice Confusion Act . 2. Exception to annual privacy notice requirement under the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act Section 503 of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act ( 15 U.S.C. 6803 ) is amended by adding at the end the following: (f) Exception to annual notice requirement A financial institution that— (1) provides nonpublic personal information only in accordance with the provisions of subsection (b)(2) or (e) of section 502 or regulations prescribed under section 504(b), and (2) has not changed its policies and practices with regard to disclosing nonpublic personal information from the policies and practices that were disclosed in the most recent disclosure sent to consumers in accordance with this section, shall not be required to provide an annual disclosure under this section until such time as the financial institution fails to comply with any criteria described in paragraph (1) or (2). . Passed the House of Representatives March 12, 2013. Karen L. Haas, Clerk
2023-01-08 17:38:02.019
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Introduced-in-House" bill-type="olc" dms-id="H02AACC9A33304C66967FE89559179C3B" public-private="public"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 750 IH: To award posthumously a Congressional Gold Medal to Stewart Lee Udall in recognition of his contributions to the Nation as hero for the environment, a champion for conservation, a civil right activist, a Native American crusader, and an advocate for the arts. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-02-15 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> I </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 750 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130215"> February 15, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="T000460"> Mr. Thompson of California </sponsor> (for himself and <cosponsor name-id="G000565"> Mr. Gosar </cosponsor> ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="HBA00"> Committee on Financial Services </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> A BILL </legis-type> <official-title> To award posthumously a Congressional Gold Medal to Stewart Lee Udall in recognition of his contributions to the Nation as hero for the environment, a champion for conservation, a civil right activist, a Native American crusader, and an advocate for the arts. </official-title> </form> <legis-body id="H8558D9E286B64E76A2F592C7DAE96595" style="OLC"> <section id="H42011E25F9A647B1AEDE22584A56003C" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Findings </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> The Congress finds the following: </text> <paragraph id="H7EEEAF6CC8494800895FAEBDE9B69BBC"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Stewart Lee Udall was born to former Arizona Supreme Court Justice Levi Stewart Udall and Louise Lee Udall on January 31, 1920, in Saint Johns, Arizona. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HF402D0751114413997FD4CA0A8FFA657"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> Stewart Lee Udall began serving his country in 1942 when he joined the United States Army Air Corps (predecessor of the United States Air Force) during World War II, serving as an enlisted B–24 waist gunner in Italy. He flew more than 50 missions over Western Europe over 4 years, receiving the Air Medal with 3 Oak Leaf Clusters. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H4B55E76CC91D405391CFFAA491BE8C80"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> After coming home from war, Stewart Lee Udall returned to the University of Arizona where he received a bachelors and law degree and was admitted to the Arizona State Bar. After graduating from law school, he began his own private practice and eventually established the law firm of Udall and Udall with his brother Morris K. Udall. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HEE91331D249D4360A1A58E7BAEECC854"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> Stewart Lee Udall's first elected office was as a member of the Amphitheater School Board (1951), where he participated in desegregating the Amphitheater School District before the United States Supreme Court ruling in Brown v. Board of Education. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H295902F193A044B8AEF447EA32F20E81"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text> Beginning in 1954, Stewart Lee Udall was elected to serve 4 terms as United States Representative from Arizona's second district. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H83D03BCB27C24DDDA04651356B4B9542"> <enum> (6) </enum> <text> Upon the 1960 Presidential election, President Kennedy appointed Stewart Lee Udall as Secretary of the Interior. He maintained this position for 8 years, where his accomplishments under Presidents Kennedy and Johnson made him a hero for the environmental and conservation communities. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H3E0EB36E0A8E4027B2855D9E19B01685"> <enum> (7) </enum> <text> Among the legislative accomplishments during his cabinet career, Stewart Lee Udall helped guide numerous landmark environmental measures through Congress, including the Wilderness Act of 1964, the Land and Water Conservation Fund Act of 1965, the Endangered Species Preservation Act of 1966, the National Trail System Act of 1968, the Solid Waste Disposal Act of 1965, the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act of 1968, the Clear Air Act, the Water Quality Act of 1965, and the Clean Water Restoration Act of 1966. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HBB65BEB7072A47F4BB943AA4C3BAA2B5"> <enum> (8) </enum> <text> Stewart Lee Udall was a coauthor of the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964. This legislation created several new social programs that helped promote the health, education, and general welfare of the impoverished. Some of the programs remaining today include Head Start and the Job Corps. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H495A6BCF53CE4374BD00ABD86BEE5B36"> <enum> (9) </enum> <text> As Secretary of the Interior during the Kennedy and Johnson administrations, Stewart Lee Udall expanded the National Park Service by presiding over the acquisition of 3.85 million acres of new holdings, including 4 national parks (Canyonlands in Utah, Redwood in California, North Cascades in Washington State, and Guadalupe Mountains in Texas), 6 national monuments, 9 national recreation areas, 20 historic sites, 50 wildlife refuges, and 8 national seashores. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H426BD57563D543708C2CD52622BDAEA9"> <enum> (10) </enum> <text> Stewart Lee Udall established the Bureau of Outdoor Recreation to coordinate all Federal outdoor programs. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H1F8686E5B64F4FD9AB78431360F20B0C"> <enum> (11) </enum> <text> In September 1966, as Secretary of the Interior, Stewart Lee Udall announced the creation of Project EROS, which led the United States to state of the art science and technology that includes Landsat, the longest running enterprise for acquisition of satellite imagery. Project EROS began as a revolutionary program that utilized Earth-orbiting satellites that map the planet to gather data about the Earth's natural resources along with changes in weather and climate. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H6E860BE77D3D48A491655AF64A59D924"> <enum> (12) </enum> <text> During his tenure as Secretary of the Interior, Stewart Lee Udall also became a champion of the arts, convincing President Kennedy to invite the renowned poet Robert Frost to speak at his inauguration and setting in motion initiatives that led to the creation of the Kennedy Center, Wolf Trap Farm Park, the National Endowments for the Arts and the Humanities, and the revived Ford's Theatre. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HB397FFCD9740487F8A771FE198AE8992"> <enum> (13) </enum> <text> While Stewart Lee Udall was Secretary of the Interior, he continued to fight against segregation when he threatened to refuse the all-White Washington Redskins access to the new stadium located in Washington, DC, of which he was the Federal landlord. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H23EFAF2398414D68BD1982170B73BBAA"> <enum> (14) </enum> <text> After he left Federal Government service, Stewart Lee Udall continued helping the American people by becoming a crusader for victims of radiation exposure (particularly Native Americans) resulting from the Federal Government's Cold War nuclear programs. He helped to pass the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act in 1990, which was signed by President George Bush. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HBA7336DEDB264B3095BD3F7DA5582847"> <enum> (15) </enum> <text> Stewart Lee Udall was a prolific writer, penning countless articles, essays, and op-eds. He also co-authored 9 books, and wrote 9 of his own, including the seminal title in the conservation movement, <quote> The Quiet Crisis </quote> . </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HA8162E6A39404A3C8F6D313A2AEBB10F"> <enum> (16) </enum> <text> Among his many honors, Stewart Lee Udall was a recipient of the Ansel Adams Award, the Wilderness Society's highest conservation award, the Common Cause Public Service Achievement Award for his lifelong protection of the environment and the defense of American citizens who were victims of nuclear weapons testing, and the United Nations Gold Medal for Lifetime Achievement. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H6976F1D53B974DC8A01B028564DECCB1"> <enum> (17) </enum> <text> Until his passing in 2010, Stewart Lee Udall continued his devotion to public service as an author, historian, scholar, lecturer, environmental activist, lawyer, and citizen of the outdoors. </text> </paragraph> </section> <section id="HBDA5790C96874D59B98F21B51C2554B1"> <enum> 2. </enum> <header> Congressional gold medal </header> <subsection id="HDC5E58288301462AA38CC37A731414EC"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Presentation authorized </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President Pro Tempore of the Senate shall make appropriate arrangements for the presentation, on behalf of Congress, of a gold medal of appropriate design to honor Stewart Lee Udall in recognition of his contributions to the Nation as hero for the environment, a champion for conservation, a civil right activist, a Native American crusader, and an advocate for the arts. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H7BD60848593144B08BE606AD44C13E3D"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Design and striking </header> <text> For purposes of the presentation referred to in subsection (a), the Secretary of the Treasury (referred to in this Act as the <quote> Secretary </quote> ) shall strike a gold medal with suitable emblems, devices, and inscriptions to be determined by the Secretary. </text> </subsection> </section> <section id="H6752B460D9324E41B9D856B81F3ABE38"> <enum> 3. </enum> <header> Duplicate medals </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> The Secretary may strike and sell duplicates in bronze of the gold medal struck pursuant to section 2 under such regulations as the Secretary may prescribe, at a price sufficient to cover the cost thereof, including labor, materials, dies, use of machinery, and overhead expenses, and the cost of the gold medal. </text> </section> <section id="HD8657D1020C0478FAFF0684452AB1A97"> <enum> 4. </enum> <header> Status of medals </header> <subsection id="H7A38D8546ED248F58214954F0A1E23A1"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> National medals </header> <text> The medals struck under this Act are national medals for purposes of <external-xref legal-doc="usc-chapter" parsable-cite="usc-chapter/31/51"> chapter 51 </external-xref> of title 31, United States Code. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="HF2C94052F0D54A35AE1D2EC357607678"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Numismatic items </header> <text> For purposes of sections <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/31/5134"> 5134 </external-xref> and <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/31/5136"> 5136 </external-xref> of title 31, United States Code, all medals struck under this Act shall be considered to be numismatic items. </text> </subsection> </section> <section id="HD1563CE217CD42FC89CC4945D694B0A9"> <enum> 5. </enum> <header> Authority to use fund amounts; proceeds of sale </header> <subsection id="H8F86E6C83438456693945B253D15DE27"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Authority To use fund amounts </header> <text> There is authorized to be charged against the United States Mint Public Enterprise Fund such amounts as may be necessary to pay for the costs of the medals struck pursuant to this Act. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H69DB9470C34D48B889887D5875F1C850"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Proceeds of sale </header> <text> Amounts received from the sale of duplicate bronze medals authorized under section 3 shall be deposited into the United States Mint Public Enterprise Fund. </text> </subsection> </section> </legis-body> </bill>
I 113th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 750 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES February 15, 2013 Mr. Thompson of California (for himself and Mr. Gosar ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Financial Services A BILL To award posthumously a Congressional Gold Medal to Stewart Lee Udall in recognition of his contributions to the Nation as hero for the environment, a champion for conservation, a civil right activist, a Native American crusader, and an advocate for the arts. 1. Findings The Congress finds the following: (1) Stewart Lee Udall was born to former Arizona Supreme Court Justice Levi Stewart Udall and Louise Lee Udall on January 31, 1920, in Saint Johns, Arizona. (2) Stewart Lee Udall began serving his country in 1942 when he joined the United States Army Air Corps (predecessor of the United States Air Force) during World War II, serving as an enlisted B–24 waist gunner in Italy. He flew more than 50 missions over Western Europe over 4 years, receiving the Air Medal with 3 Oak Leaf Clusters. (3) After coming home from war, Stewart Lee Udall returned to the University of Arizona where he received a bachelors and law degree and was admitted to the Arizona State Bar. After graduating from law school, he began his own private practice and eventually established the law firm of Udall and Udall with his brother Morris K. Udall. (4) Stewart Lee Udall's first elected office was as a member of the Amphitheater School Board (1951), where he participated in desegregating the Amphitheater School District before the United States Supreme Court ruling in Brown v. Board of Education. (5) Beginning in 1954, Stewart Lee Udall was elected to serve 4 terms as United States Representative from Arizona's second district. (6) Upon the 1960 Presidential election, President Kennedy appointed Stewart Lee Udall as Secretary of the Interior. He maintained this position for 8 years, where his accomplishments under Presidents Kennedy and Johnson made him a hero for the environmental and conservation communities. (7) Among the legislative accomplishments during his cabinet career, Stewart Lee Udall helped guide numerous landmark environmental measures through Congress, including the Wilderness Act of 1964, the Land and Water Conservation Fund Act of 1965, the Endangered Species Preservation Act of 1966, the National Trail System Act of 1968, the Solid Waste Disposal Act of 1965, the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act of 1968, the Clear Air Act, the Water Quality Act of 1965, and the Clean Water Restoration Act of 1966. (8) Stewart Lee Udall was a coauthor of the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964. This legislation created several new social programs that helped promote the health, education, and general welfare of the impoverished. Some of the programs remaining today include Head Start and the Job Corps. (9) As Secretary of the Interior during the Kennedy and Johnson administrations, Stewart Lee Udall expanded the National Park Service by presiding over the acquisition of 3.85 million acres of new holdings, including 4 national parks (Canyonlands in Utah, Redwood in California, North Cascades in Washington State, and Guadalupe Mountains in Texas), 6 national monuments, 9 national recreation areas, 20 historic sites, 50 wildlife refuges, and 8 national seashores. (10) Stewart Lee Udall established the Bureau of Outdoor Recreation to coordinate all Federal outdoor programs. (11) In September 1966, as Secretary of the Interior, Stewart Lee Udall announced the creation of Project EROS, which led the United States to state of the art science and technology that includes Landsat, the longest running enterprise for acquisition of satellite imagery. Project EROS began as a revolutionary program that utilized Earth-orbiting satellites that map the planet to gather data about the Earth's natural resources along with changes in weather and climate. (12) During his tenure as Secretary of the Interior, Stewart Lee Udall also became a champion of the arts, convincing President Kennedy to invite the renowned poet Robert Frost to speak at his inauguration and setting in motion initiatives that led to the creation of the Kennedy Center, Wolf Trap Farm Park, the National Endowments for the Arts and the Humanities, and the revived Ford's Theatre. (13) While Stewart Lee Udall was Secretary of the Interior, he continued to fight against segregation when he threatened to refuse the all-White Washington Redskins access to the new stadium located in Washington, DC, of which he was the Federal landlord. (14) After he left Federal Government service, Stewart Lee Udall continued helping the American people by becoming a crusader for victims of radiation exposure (particularly Native Americans) resulting from the Federal Government's Cold War nuclear programs. He helped to pass the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act in 1990, which was signed by President George Bush. (15) Stewart Lee Udall was a prolific writer, penning countless articles, essays, and op-eds. He also co-authored 9 books, and wrote 9 of his own, including the seminal title in the conservation movement, The Quiet Crisis . (16) Among his many honors, Stewart Lee Udall was a recipient of the Ansel Adams Award, the Wilderness Society's highest conservation award, the Common Cause Public Service Achievement Award for his lifelong protection of the environment and the defense of American citizens who were victims of nuclear weapons testing, and the United Nations Gold Medal for Lifetime Achievement. (17) Until his passing in 2010, Stewart Lee Udall continued his devotion to public service as an author, historian, scholar, lecturer, environmental activist, lawyer, and citizen of the outdoors. 2. Congressional gold medal (a) Presentation authorized The Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President Pro Tempore of the Senate shall make appropriate arrangements for the presentation, on behalf of Congress, of a gold medal of appropriate design to honor Stewart Lee Udall in recognition of his contributions to the Nation as hero for the environment, a champion for conservation, a civil right activist, a Native American crusader, and an advocate for the arts. (b) Design and striking For purposes of the presentation referred to in subsection (a), the Secretary of the Treasury (referred to in this Act as the Secretary ) shall strike a gold medal with suitable emblems, devices, and inscriptions to be determined by the Secretary. 3. Duplicate medals The Secretary may strike and sell duplicates in bronze of the gold medal struck pursuant to section 2 under such regulations as the Secretary may prescribe, at a price sufficient to cover the cost thereof, including labor, materials, dies, use of machinery, and overhead expenses, and the cost of the gold medal. 4. Status of medals (a) National medals The medals struck under this Act are national medals for purposes of chapter 51 of title 31, United States Code. (b) Numismatic items For purposes of sections 5134 and 5136 of title 31, United States Code, all medals struck under this Act shall be considered to be numismatic items. 5. Authority to use fund amounts; proceeds of sale (a) Authority To use fund amounts There is authorized to be charged against the United States Mint Public Enterprise Fund such amounts as may be necessary to pay for the costs of the medals struck pursuant to this Act. (b) Proceeds of sale Amounts received from the sale of duplicate bronze medals authorized under section 3 shall be deposited into the United States Mint Public Enterprise Fund.
2023-01-08 17:38:01.748
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Introduced-in-House" bill-type="olc" dms-id="H70DD587FA73B428098738B9CA2BBD913" public-private="public"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 751 IH: Protect America’s Schools Act of 2013 </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-02-15 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> I </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 751 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130215"> February 15, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="M001187"> Mr. Meadows </sponsor> (for himself, <cosponsor name-id="C001075"> Mr. Cassidy </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="N000185"> Mr. Nugent </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="J000295"> Mr. Joyce </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="B001257"> Mr. Bilirakis </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="L000571"> Mrs. Lummis </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="R000583"> Mr. Rooney </cosponsor> ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="HAP00"> Committee on Appropriations </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> A BILL </legis-type> <official-title> To make supplemental appropriations for the Cops in Schools program for fiscal year 2013. </official-title> </form> <legis-body id="H52008A090CD74B46AA2FA750254C8333" style="OLC"> <section id="HB6FE0113CF4442A28EAEC58FF1F8FF98" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Short title </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> This Act may be cited as the <quote> <short-title> Protect America’s Schools Act of 2013 </short-title> </quote> . </text> </section> <section id="H5732708D04C4486AA9CC5AE8BD465806"> <enum> 2. </enum> <header> Supplemental appropriation for the Cops in Schools program </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> The following sums are appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for fiscal year 2012: </text> <appropriations-major id="HE9DD4B4C2D5D4C9A81667FDC27AD012E"> <header> Department of Justice </header> </appropriations-major> <appropriations-intermediate id="HA5E058B749464A16B84E73C7C5620FA7"> <header> Office of Justice Programs </header> </appropriations-intermediate> <appropriations-small id="HAAD41AE6EC444FC2AB2A282BB67559E7"> <header> Community Oriented Policing Services </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> For an additional amount for <quote> Community Oriented Policing Services </quote> , as authorized by section 1701 of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/42/3796dd"> 42 U.S.C. 3796dd </external-xref> ), for school resource officers, $30,000,000. </text> </appropriations-small> </section> <section id="H09D59A823D814FE19509BE716E0E83DC"> <enum> 3. </enum> <header> Rescission </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Of the unobligated balances available for <quote> Department of Commerce—National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration—Operations, Research, and Facilities </quote> , $30,000,000 is rescinded. </text> </section> </legis-body> </bill>
I 113th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 751 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES February 15, 2013 Mr. Meadows (for himself, Mr. Cassidy , Mr. Nugent , Mr. Joyce , Mr. Bilirakis , Mrs. Lummis , and Mr. Rooney ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Appropriations A BILL To make supplemental appropriations for the Cops in Schools program for fiscal year 2013. 1. Short title This Act may be cited as the Protect America’s Schools Act of 2013 . 2. Supplemental appropriation for the Cops in Schools program The following sums are appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for fiscal year 2012: Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs Community Oriented Policing Services For an additional amount for Community Oriented Policing Services , as authorized by section 1701 of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 ( 42 U.S.C. 3796dd ), for school resource officers, $30,000,000. 3. Rescission Of the unobligated balances available for Department of Commerce—National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration—Operations, Research, and Facilities , $30,000,000 is rescinded.
2023-01-08 17:38:01.645
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Introduced-in-House" bill-type="olc" dms-id="HCD53028BACED41F0A114FA386B276062" public-private="public"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 752 IH: Methamphetamine Education, Treatment, and Hope Act of 2013 </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-02-15 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> I </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 752 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130215"> February 15, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="M001166"> Mr. McNerney </sponsor> (for himself, <cosponsor name-id="R000053"> Mr. Rangel </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="B001251"> Mr. Butterfield </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="L000570"> Mr. Ben Ray Luján of New Mexico </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="R000515"> Mr. Rush </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="H000324"> Mr. Hastings of Florida </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="V000129"> Mr. Valadao </cosponsor> ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="HIF00"> Committee on Energy and Commerce </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> A BILL </legis-type> <official-title> To amend the Public Health Service Act to provide for the establishment of a drug-free workplace information clearinghouse, to support residential methamphetamine treatment programs for pregnant and parenting women, to improve the prevention and treatment of methamphetamine addiction, and for other purposes. </official-title> </form> <legis-body id="H03110C0F0C754412ADDAD681891F7A0A" style="OLC"> <section id="H283597F0074A4128AA428BC5BBFF99C6" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Short title </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> This Act may be cited as the <quote> <short-title> Methamphetamine Education, Treatment, and Hope Act of 2013 </short-title> </quote> . </text> </section> <section id="H9F6CCFC69B574802ACFEFAEA7321C92B"> <enum> 2. </enum> <header> Enhancing health care provider awareness of methamphetamine addiction </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Section 507(b) of the Public Health Service Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/42/290bb"> 42 U.S.C. 290bb(b) </external-xref> ) is amended— </text> <paragraph id="HCD9BF121F9964B4BBE41C41A68E3E312"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> by redesignating paragraphs (13) and (14) as paragraphs (14) and (15), respectively; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H71CA7010854D4C23B9C294FB7DFDD4E2"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> by inserting after paragraph (12) the following: </text> <quoted-block id="HEE089208B7A340D5B9923120A516925F" style="OLC"> <paragraph id="H507FB41CE12942D8B9AE618FCA7970E2"> <enum> (13) </enum> <text> collaborate with professionals in the addiction field and primary health care providers to raise awareness about how to— </text> <subparagraph id="H1412DF573B254083B07C950A5AD14E31"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> recognize the signs of a substance abuse disorder; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HC4CF1445606443D2A51F94A881673E18"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> apply evidence-based practices for screening and treating individuals with or at-risk for developing an addiction, including addiction to methamphetamine or other drugs; </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </paragraph> </section> <section display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HC320147B9D3345518E8F7EB9CEA6F865" section-type="subsequent-section"> <enum> 3. </enum> <header> Residential Treatment Programs for Pregnant and Parenting Women </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Section 508 of the Public Health Service Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/42/290bb-1"> 42 U.S.C. 290bb–1 </external-xref> ) is amended— </text> <paragraph id="H4644A868D8E4403E9863B2198EE27F4A"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> in subsection (a)— </text> <subparagraph id="H214406510AC947EEA5F247FC260CA850"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> in the matter preceding paragraph (1), by striking <quote> postpartum women treatment for substance abuse </quote> and inserting <quote> parenting women treatment for substance abuse (including treatment for addiction to methamphetamine) </quote> ; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H13E9168692914875B122E102501F9789"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> in paragraph (1), by striking <quote> reside in </quote> and inserting <quote> reside in or receive outpatient treatment services from </quote> ; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HA77719B355E1491F81E4650FEF5C7CAB"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> in paragraph (2), by striking <quote> the minor children of the women reside with the women in such facilities </quote> and inserting <quote> the minor children of the women who reside in such facilities reside with such women </quote> ; </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HC0E8C0DD020149748B9049415974993F"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> in subsection (d), by amending paragraph (2) to read as follows: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HE79A58A212E2462DBF8648FA8AAB335A" style="OLC"> <paragraph id="HAB86D9A34B4444FF85A70A7C1BF867E4"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Referrals for necessary hospital and dental services. </text> </paragraph> <after-quoted-block> ; </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H7BE27B70E0F443EDBA723160E9152851"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> by amending subsection (m) to read as follows: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H1E40BDF75AEC481EB0AC3225E4E4B7FF" style="OLC"> <subsection id="H6A722304C8A446D497A0071A89E088E6"> <enum> (m) </enum> <header> Allocation of awards </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> In making awards under subsection (a), the Director shall give priority to any entity that agrees to use the award for a program serving an area that— </text> <paragraph id="HD7CB5DE6721A4DAC86D739D39F20ED91"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> is a rural area, an area designated under section 332 by the Administrator of the Health Resources and Services Administration as a health professional shortage area with a shortage of mental health professionals, or an area determined by the Director to have a shortage of family-based substance abuse treatment options; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H35047047DB784EA99ED05226B6B4B033"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> is determined by the Director to have high rates of addiction to methamphetamine or other drugs. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <after-quoted-block> ; </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H05752D51833B4760800FDE1E7DC5AFA1"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> in subsection (p)— </text> <subparagraph id="H6537660580E447908C8402D9CEFFCB9E"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> by striking <quote> October 1, 1994 </quote> and inserting <quote> one year after the date of the enactment of the Methamphetamine Education, Treatment, and Hope Act of 2013 </quote> ; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HF06FC038B3F44BEC9DE3CC8B656EF2E2"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> by inserting <quote> In submitting reports under this subsection, the Director may use data collected under this section or other provisions of law, insofar as such data is used in a manner consistent with all Federal privacy laws applicable to the use of data collected under this section or other provision, respectively. </quote> after <quote> biennial report under section 501(k). </quote> ; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HDC4967D6E96A45B182CA385D27E668C5"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> by striking <quote> Each report under this subsection shall include </quote> and all that follows and inserting </text> <quoted-block display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="HF2D6B9E4BC134C78B1454095CDE33D59" style="OLC"> <text> Each report under this subsection shall, with respect to the period for which the report is prepared, include the following: </text> <paragraph id="H66FD078A30DB4C7395B122230ED7B676"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> A summary of any evaluations conducted under subsection (o). </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HFFE0AC2A47464B4B9C027C11898532AD"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> Data on the number of pregnant and parenting women in need of, but not receiving, treatment for substance abuse. Such data shall include, but not be limited to, the number of pregnant and parenting women in need of, but not receiving, treatment for methamphetamine abuse, disaggregated by State and tribe. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HFA3FF7EA6ABB4219A29A4BD3B6DE6C12"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> Data on recovery and relapse rates of women receiving treatment for substance abuse under programs carried out pursuant to this section, including data disaggregated with respect to treatment for methamphetamine abuse. </text> </paragraph> <after-quoted-block> ; </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H1DA9032323FD43E69D34C19C8C23E18C"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text> by redesignating subsections (q) and (r) as subsections (r) and (s), respectively; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H8644E5B5C74447F0943A06C974541583"> <enum> (6) </enum> <text> by inserting after subsection (p) the following: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H5FAEBFD6E4F640C4BC9E1BC7FD573440" style="OLC"> <subsection id="H6BCE2E5B487B42E6A4FE7991C27719B7"> <enum> (q) </enum> <header> Methamphetamine addiction </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> In carrying out this section, the Director shall expand, intensify, and coordinate efforts to provide pregnant and parenting women treatment for addiction to methamphetamine or other drugs. </text> </subsection> <after-quoted-block> ; and </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HBF560C765D1D4B8D83909A409A14D58B"> <enum> (7) </enum> <text> in subsection (s) (as so redesignated), by striking <quote> such sums as may be necessary to fiscal years 2001 through 2003 </quote> and inserting <quote> $16,000,000 for fiscal year 2014, $16,500,000 for fiscal year 2015, $17,000,000 for fiscal year 2016, $17,500,000 for fiscal year 2017, and $18,000,000 for fiscal year 2018 </quote> . </text> </paragraph> </section> <section id="H545992C1D512460297E47DE98E5C2BAD"> <enum> 4. </enum> <header> Workplace information clearinghouse </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Section 515(b) of the Public Health Service Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/42/290bb-21"> 42 U.S.C. 290bb–21(b) </external-xref> ) is amended— </text> <paragraph id="HAA6A95BAF1D4442B9B4FCF90DD6A267E"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> in paragraph (10), by striking <quote> and </quote> at the end; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HFFED59D587AB460A9990615621A69A61"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> by redesignating paragraph (11) as paragraph (13); and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HA02174E2011C4980BF641B22F144E71F"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> by inserting after paragraph (10) the following new paragraph: </text> <quoted-block id="H45FB6AFA542F4B67989D416B7B3DF72D" style="OLC"> <paragraph id="H13E17E6079D3487EB21C9F6765C317B5"> <enum> (11) </enum> <text> maintain a clearinghouse that provides information and educational materials to employers and employees about comprehensive drug-free workplace programs and substance abuse prevention and treatment resources; </text> </paragraph> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </paragraph> </section> <section id="H67FE3432869240C19C588D111CC07E05"> <enum> 5. </enum> <header> Youth involvement in prevention strategies </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Section 515(b) of the Public Health Service Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/42/290bb-21"> 42 U.S.C. 290bb–21(b) </external-xref> ), as amended by section 4, is further amended by inserting after paragraph (11) the following new paragraph: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H15B4CBA95891454E8C3AE8DCBDAC458A" style="OLC"> <paragraph id="HD65F574E2BCF44E187945824C6F62D49"> <enum> (12) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> support the involvement of youth in the development and implementation of prevention strategies focused on youth, with regard to methamphetamine and other drugs; and </text> </paragraph> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </section> </legis-body> </bill>
I 113th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 752 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES February 15, 2013 Mr. McNerney (for himself, Mr. Rangel , Mr. Butterfield , Mr. Ben Ray Luján of New Mexico , Mr. Rush , Mr. Hastings of Florida , and Mr. Valadao ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce A BILL To amend the Public Health Service Act to provide for the establishment of a drug-free workplace information clearinghouse, to support residential methamphetamine treatment programs for pregnant and parenting women, to improve the prevention and treatment of methamphetamine addiction, and for other purposes. 1. Short title This Act may be cited as the Methamphetamine Education, Treatment, and Hope Act of 2013 . 2. Enhancing health care provider awareness of methamphetamine addiction Section 507(b) of the Public Health Service Act ( 42 U.S.C. 290bb(b) ) is amended— (1) by redesignating paragraphs (13) and (14) as paragraphs (14) and (15), respectively; and (2) by inserting after paragraph (12) the following: (13) collaborate with professionals in the addiction field and primary health care providers to raise awareness about how to— (A) recognize the signs of a substance abuse disorder; and (B) apply evidence-based practices for screening and treating individuals with or at-risk for developing an addiction, including addiction to methamphetamine or other drugs; . 3. Residential Treatment Programs for Pregnant and Parenting Women Section 508 of the Public Health Service Act ( 42 U.S.C. 290bb–1 ) is amended— (1) in subsection (a)— (A) in the matter preceding paragraph (1), by striking postpartum women treatment for substance abuse and inserting parenting women treatment for substance abuse (including treatment for addiction to methamphetamine) ; (B) in paragraph (1), by striking reside in and inserting reside in or receive outpatient treatment services from ; and (C) in paragraph (2), by striking the minor children of the women reside with the women in such facilities and inserting the minor children of the women who reside in such facilities reside with such women ; (2) in subsection (d), by amending paragraph (2) to read as follows: (2) Referrals for necessary hospital and dental services. ; (3) by amending subsection (m) to read as follows: (m) Allocation of awards In making awards under subsection (a), the Director shall give priority to any entity that agrees to use the award for a program serving an area that— (1) is a rural area, an area designated under section 332 by the Administrator of the Health Resources and Services Administration as a health professional shortage area with a shortage of mental health professionals, or an area determined by the Director to have a shortage of family-based substance abuse treatment options; and (2) is determined by the Director to have high rates of addiction to methamphetamine or other drugs. ; (4) in subsection (p)— (A) by striking October 1, 1994 and inserting one year after the date of the enactment of the Methamphetamine Education, Treatment, and Hope Act of 2013 ; (B) by inserting In submitting reports under this subsection, the Director may use data collected under this section or other provisions of law, insofar as such data is used in a manner consistent with all Federal privacy laws applicable to the use of data collected under this section or other provision, respectively. after biennial report under section 501(k). ; and (C) by striking Each report under this subsection shall include and all that follows and inserting Each report under this subsection shall, with respect to the period for which the report is prepared, include the following: (1) A summary of any evaluations conducted under subsection (o). (2) Data on the number of pregnant and parenting women in need of, but not receiving, treatment for substance abuse. Such data shall include, but not be limited to, the number of pregnant and parenting women in need of, but not receiving, treatment for methamphetamine abuse, disaggregated by State and tribe. (3) Data on recovery and relapse rates of women receiving treatment for substance abuse under programs carried out pursuant to this section, including data disaggregated with respect to treatment for methamphetamine abuse. ; (5) by redesignating subsections (q) and (r) as subsections (r) and (s), respectively; (6) by inserting after subsection (p) the following: (q) Methamphetamine addiction In carrying out this section, the Director shall expand, intensify, and coordinate efforts to provide pregnant and parenting women treatment for addiction to methamphetamine or other drugs. ; and (7) in subsection (s) (as so redesignated), by striking such sums as may be necessary to fiscal years 2001 through 2003 and inserting $16,000,000 for fiscal year 2014, $16,500,000 for fiscal year 2015, $17,000,000 for fiscal year 2016, $17,500,000 for fiscal year 2017, and $18,000,000 for fiscal year 2018 . 4. Workplace information clearinghouse Section 515(b) of the Public Health Service Act ( 42 U.S.C. 290bb–21(b) ) is amended— (1) in paragraph (10), by striking and at the end; (2) by redesignating paragraph (11) as paragraph (13); and (3) by inserting after paragraph (10) the following new paragraph: (11) maintain a clearinghouse that provides information and educational materials to employers and employees about comprehensive drug-free workplace programs and substance abuse prevention and treatment resources; . 5. Youth involvement in prevention strategies Section 515(b) of the Public Health Service Act ( 42 U.S.C. 290bb–21(b) ), as amended by section 4, is further amended by inserting after paragraph (11) the following new paragraph: (12) support the involvement of youth in the development and implementation of prevention strategies focused on youth, with regard to methamphetamine and other drugs; and .
2023-01-08 17:38:00.113
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Introduced-in-House" bill-type="olc" dms-id="H746A362A58AC439FABEB7937EC8A5FC7" public-private="public"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 753 IH: To prohibit the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Commerce from authorizing commercial finfish aquaculture operations in the Exclusive Economic Zone except in accordance with a law authorizing such action. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-02-15 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> I </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 753 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130215"> February 15, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="Y000033"> Mr. Young of Alaska </sponsor> introduced the following bill; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="HII00"> Committee on Natural Resources </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> A BILL </legis-type> <official-title> To prohibit the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Commerce from authorizing commercial finfish aquaculture operations in the Exclusive Economic Zone except in accordance with a law authorizing such action. </official-title> </form> <legis-body id="HB79D8CB0099444E495FAB313E53ADA7C" style="OLC"> <section id="H715E47CF7A3144A49980BA46F498C16B" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Prohibition on authorizing finfish aquaculture in the EEZ </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Notwithstanding any other provision of law, neither the Secretary of the Interior nor the Secretary of Commerce may issue any permit or in any other way authorize any person to conduct commercial finfish aquaculture operations in the Exclusive Economic Zone of the United States (as established by Proclamation Numbered 5030, dated March 10, 1983), except in accordance with a law authorizing such action that is enacted after the date of the enactment of this Act. </text> </section> </legis-body> </bill>
I 113th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 753 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES February 15, 2013 Mr. Young of Alaska introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Natural Resources A BILL To prohibit the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Commerce from authorizing commercial finfish aquaculture operations in the Exclusive Economic Zone except in accordance with a law authorizing such action. 1. Prohibition on authorizing finfish aquaculture in the EEZ Notwithstanding any other provision of law, neither the Secretary of the Interior nor the Secretary of Commerce may issue any permit or in any other way authorize any person to conduct commercial finfish aquaculture operations in the Exclusive Economic Zone of the United States (as established by Proclamation Numbered 5030, dated March 10, 1983), except in accordance with a law authorizing such action that is enacted after the date of the enactment of this Act.
2023-01-08 17:38:00.420
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Introduced-in-House" bill-type="olc" dms-id="H0E36D772831C4EFA88778DF663785AF5" public-private="public"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 754 IH: To resolve title issues involving real property and equipment acquired using funds provided under the Alaska Kiln Drying Grant Program. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-02-15 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> I </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 754 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130215"> February 15, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="Y000033"> Mr. Young of Alaska </sponsor> introduced the following bill; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="HAG00"> Committee on Agriculture </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> A BILL </legis-type> <official-title> To resolve title issues involving real property and equipment acquired using funds provided under the Alaska Kiln Drying Grant Program. </official-title> </form> <legis-body id="H9EE5B6F2E5BB43BA810740296C74BA8D" style="OLC"> <section id="H669766A77EC8464E9FB8EC8C42E037EC" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Resolution of real property and equipment title issues under Alaska kiln drying grant program </header> <subsection id="HCC35A729915E4EC2920C3516774A531E"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> Notwithstanding part 3019 of title 7, Code of Federal Regulations (the Uniform Federal Assistance Regulations of the Department of Agriculture), title to real property and equipment acquired using funds provided by a grant under the Alaska Kiln Drying Grant Program, as described under the heading <quote> State and Private Forestry </quote> in House Reports 106–914 and 107–234, shall vest in the grant recipient in accordance with the compensation schedule specified in subsection (b) or as provided in subsection (c). </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H889EC25B56524CBF8B83F929F5A5E8A4"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Compensation schedule </header> <paragraph id="H463CE0A5F15542058645E8274B04D987"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> Period of application </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The compensation requirements of this subsection apply to a grant provided under the Alaska Kiln Drying Grant Program during the four-year period beginning on the date on which the grant was closed. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H11433CCAA43340188197288B515CC89B"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Compensation schedule </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> If real property or equipment acquired using funds provided by a grant under the Alaska Kiln Drying Grant Program is no longer to be used for the purposes for which the grant was made, the grant recipient may sell, or may retain title to, the real property or equipment upon payment to the Secretary of Agriculture of compensation as follows: </text> <subparagraph id="H23BC712E0A7045329E1B6ECB7C9FB1E0"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> During the first year of the four-year period, the grant recipient shall pay an amount equal to 80 percent of the proceeds of the sale, if the real property or equipment is sold, or 80 percent of the market value of the real property or equipment, if title is to be retained by the grant recipient. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HD46580C7B2274522B224E17014F9DFD1"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> During the second year of the four-year period, the grant recipient shall pay an amount equal to 60 percent of the proceeds of the sale, if the real property or equipment is sold, or 60 percent of the market value of the real property or equipment, if title is to be retained by the grant recipient. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HF79A36F990D3496FA17D20992D98246A"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> During the third year of the four-year period, the grant recipient shall pay an amount equal to 40 percent of the proceeds of the sale, if the real property or equipment is sold, or 40 percent of the market value of the real property or equipment, if title is to be retained by the grant recipient. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H28B5C5BBAE2C430AB4F45B472247CB0F"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> During the final year of the four-year period, the grant recipient shall pay an amount equal to 20 percent of the proceeds of the sale, if the real property or equipment is sold, or 20 percent of the market value of the real property or equipment, if title is to be retained by the grant recipient. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HDA92244D24574FA892E6E0E165723DFA"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Divestiture </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> After the end of the four-year period beginning on the date on which a grant provided under the Alaska Kiln Drying Grant Program was closed, real property or equipment acquired using the grant funds may be retained or disposed of by the grant recipient with no further obligation to the Federal Government. </text> </subsection> </section> </legis-body> </bill>
I 113th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 754 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES February 15, 2013 Mr. Young of Alaska introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Agriculture A BILL To resolve title issues involving real property and equipment acquired using funds provided under the Alaska Kiln Drying Grant Program. 1. Resolution of real property and equipment title issues under Alaska kiln drying grant program (a) In general Notwithstanding part 3019 of title 7, Code of Federal Regulations (the Uniform Federal Assistance Regulations of the Department of Agriculture), title to real property and equipment acquired using funds provided by a grant under the Alaska Kiln Drying Grant Program, as described under the heading State and Private Forestry in House Reports 106–914 and 107–234, shall vest in the grant recipient in accordance with the compensation schedule specified in subsection (b) or as provided in subsection (c). (b) Compensation schedule (1) Period of application The compensation requirements of this subsection apply to a grant provided under the Alaska Kiln Drying Grant Program during the four-year period beginning on the date on which the grant was closed. (2) Compensation schedule If real property or equipment acquired using funds provided by a grant under the Alaska Kiln Drying Grant Program is no longer to be used for the purposes for which the grant was made, the grant recipient may sell, or may retain title to, the real property or equipment upon payment to the Secretary of Agriculture of compensation as follows: (A) During the first year of the four-year period, the grant recipient shall pay an amount equal to 80 percent of the proceeds of the sale, if the real property or equipment is sold, or 80 percent of the market value of the real property or equipment, if title is to be retained by the grant recipient. (B) During the second year of the four-year period, the grant recipient shall pay an amount equal to 60 percent of the proceeds of the sale, if the real property or equipment is sold, or 60 percent of the market value of the real property or equipment, if title is to be retained by the grant recipient. (C) During the third year of the four-year period, the grant recipient shall pay an amount equal to 40 percent of the proceeds of the sale, if the real property or equipment is sold, or 40 percent of the market value of the real property or equipment, if title is to be retained by the grant recipient. (D) During the final year of the four-year period, the grant recipient shall pay an amount equal to 20 percent of the proceeds of the sale, if the real property or equipment is sold, or 20 percent of the market value of the real property or equipment, if title is to be retained by the grant recipient. (c) Divestiture After the end of the four-year period beginning on the date on which a grant provided under the Alaska Kiln Drying Grant Program was closed, real property or equipment acquired using the grant funds may be retained or disposed of by the grant recipient with no further obligation to the Federal Government.
2023-01-08 17:38:00.236
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Introduced-in-House" bill-type="olc" dms-id="H41F1014F0C494968A91B91EDE62C3D8E" public-private="public"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 755 IH: To award a Congressional Gold Medal to the World War II members of the Civil Air Patrol. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-02-15 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> I </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 755 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130215"> February 15, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="M001157"> Mr. McCaul </sponsor> (for himself and <cosponsor name-id="C001063"> Mr. Cuellar </cosponsor> ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="HBA00"> Committee on Financial Services </committee-name> , and in addition to the Committee on <committee-name committee-id="HHA00"> House Administration </committee-name> , for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> A BILL </legis-type> <official-title> To award a Congressional Gold Medal to the World War II members of the Civil Air Patrol. </official-title> </form> <legis-body id="H157B09F7515943B1BB640D19E820D762" style="OLC"> <section id="H256B99D3DDD8483C9DB68AFE382027FC" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Findings </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Congress makes the following findings: </text> <paragraph id="H3DE6E4E0D60C4A28B4C84ADF3B1EDC6F"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> The unpaid volunteer members of the Civil Air Patrol (hereafter in this Act referred to as the <quote> CAP </quote> ) during World War II provided extraordinary humanitarian, combat and national services during a critical time of need for the Nation. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HA4FEC61F556C48A7A4024D5184FB5823"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> During the war, CAP members used their own aircraft to perform a myriad of essential tasks for the military and the Nation within the United States including attacks on enemy submarines off the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico coasts of the United States. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H8B9ACFF14C4645D2B2525AE73B60915E"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> This extraordinary national service set the stage for the post-war CAP to become a valuable nonprofit, public service organization chartered by Congress and designated the Auxiliary of the United States Air Force that provides essential emergency, operational, and public services to communities, States, the Federal Government, and the military. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H20F6C01F42E446DF9C709F5BD09F6664"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> The CAP was established, initially as a part of the Office of Civil Defense, by air-minded citizens one week before the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, on December 1, 1941, out of the desire of civil airmen of the country to be mobilized with their equipment in the common defense of the Nation. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HB707165268B84922BD9C30EB3195E755"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text> Within days of the start of the war, the German Navy started a massive submarine offensive, known as Operation Drumbeat, off the east coast of the United States against oil tankers and other critical shipping that threatened the overall war effort. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HA0785B9879CE4C2FB14D1F4B0631E38C"> <enum> (6) </enum> <text> Neither the Navy nor the Army had enough aircraft, ships, or other resources to adequately patrol and protect the shipping along the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico coasts of the United States, and many ships were torpedoed and sunk, often within sight of civilians on shore, including 52 tankers sunk between January and March 1942. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H7089ACE60A95465BB5F169B52EFC893A"> <enum> (7) </enum> <text> At that time General George Marshall remarked that <quote> [t]he losses by submarines off our Atlantic seaboard and in the Caribbean now threaten our entire war effort </quote> . </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HC71D61665B0A4B168DC66D610C3F5C4B"> <enum> (8) </enum> <text> From the beginning CAP leaders urged the military to use its services to patrol coastal waters but met with great resistance because of the nonmilitary status of CAP civilian pilots. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H89EDABF813224E3F9785A3D93B332E77"> <enum> (9) </enum> <text> Finally, in response to the ever-increasing submarine attacks, the Tanker Committee of the Petroleum Industry War Council urged the Navy Department and the War Department to consider the use of the CAP to help patrol the sea lanes off the coasts of the United States. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HD4943E03E6F44D14A741EA4A817D0B87"> <enum> (10) </enum> <text> While the Navy initially rejected this suggestion, the Army decided it had merit, and the Civil Air Patrol Coastal Patrol began in March 1942. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H4330109795BF4C1288A9F54CAE3A3496"> <enum> (11) </enum> <text> Oil companies and other organizations provided funds to help pay for some CAP operations, including vitally needed shore radios that were used to monitor patrol missions. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H748E75792EE146C9B0F241BA2BAF6F58"> <enum> (12) </enum> <text> By late March 1942, the Navy also began to use the services of the CAP. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H1E22E612C8174DE386245F3086180A41"> <enum> (13) </enum> <text> Starting with three bases located in Delaware, Florida, and New Jersey, CAP aircrews (ranging in age from 18 to over 80) immediately started to spot enemy submarines as well as lifeboats, bodies, and wreckage. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HC37E7A442DA54006A165669950DD887D"> <enum> (14) </enum> <text> Within 15 minutes of starting his patrol on the first Coastal Patrol flight, a pilot had sighted a torpedoed tanker and was coordinating rescue operations. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H4667EDFE64E84A86A7FD5AC28A0081FB"> <enum> (15) </enum> <text> Eventually 21 bases, ranging from Bar Harbor, Maine, to Brownsville, Texas, were set up for the CAP to patrol the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico coasts of the United States, with 40,000 volunteers eventually participating. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H81C346BA6024407C8F5CB392497E8107"> <enum> (16) </enum> <text> The CAP used a wide range of civilian-owned aircraft, mainly light-weight, single-engine aircraft—manufactured by Cessna, Beech, Waco, Fairchild, Stinson, Piper, Taylorcraft, and Sikorsky, among others—as well as some twin engine aircraft such as the Grumman Widgeon. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H5B884AD92D7A43D0BDC2675C6214F95D"> <enum> (17) </enum> <text> Most of these aircraft were painted in their civilian prewar colors (red, yellow, blue, etc.) and carried special markings (a blue circle with a white triangle) to identify them as CAP aircraft. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H99DD655D51D04D738BE4F3885C5ED1B9"> <enum> (18) </enum> <text> Patrols were conducted up to 100 miles off shore, generally with 2 aircraft flying together, in aircraft often equipped with only a compass for navigation and a single radio for communication. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H7AF3E7BC4881498694B562DBDAD4EFB8"> <enum> (19) </enum> <text> Due to the critical nature of the situation, CAP operations were conducted in bad weather as well as good, often when the military was unable to fly, and in all seasons including the winter, when ditching an aircraft in cold water would likely mean certain death to the aircrew. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HCEE1ECE32CFA40E08B78C79FFF9FFBC2"> <enum> (20) </enum> <text> Personal emergency equipment was often lacking, particularly during early patrols where inner tubes and kapok duck hunter vests were carried as flotation devices since ocean worthy wet suits, life vests, and life rafts were unavailable. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HDCEAB9A2DF9E4E2A83A37324B7276CAE"> <enum> (21) </enum> <text> The initial purpose of the Coastal Patrol was to spot submarines, report their position to the military, and force them to dive below the surface, which limited their operating speed and maneuverability and reduced their ability to detect and attack shipping because attacks against shipping were conducted while the submarines were surfaced. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H79F264FBCC68491682C6BE2D32D02F10"> <enum> (22) </enum> <text> It immediately became apparent that there were opportunities for CAP pilots to attack submarines, such as when a Florida CAP aircrew came across a surfaced submarine that quickly stranded itself on a sand bar. However, the aircrew could not get any assistance from armed military aircraft before the submarine freed itself. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HAC332CD16F1643EDB4D6B90C052C8BB2"> <enum> (23) </enum> <text> Finally, after several instances when the military could not respond in a timely manner, a decision was made by the military to arm CAP aircraft with 50- and 100-pound bombs, and to arm some larger twin-engine aircraft with 325-pound depth charges. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H9EC4BFB6BC5F4C3782CB4C8670CCEAC4"> <enum> (24) </enum> <text> The arming of CAP aircraft dramatically changed the mission for these civilian aircrews and resulted in more than 57 attacks on enemy submarines. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H7383BA5AB9EC45F4B79634887A0D5FD8"> <enum> (25) </enum> <text> While CAP volunteers received $8 a day flight reimbursement for cost incurred, their patrols were accomplished at a great economic cost to many CAP members who— </text> <subparagraph id="HA19D8C76039F4148A1237264DA0891D5"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> used their own aircraft and other equipment in defense of the Nation; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HA799371CA6BC4EF59FCAE118B78E8190"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> paid for much of their own aircraft maintenance and hangar use; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HF72F34EEA5ED4248974E74A308ED8870"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> often lived in the beginning in primitive conditions along the coast, including old barns and chicken coops converted for sleeping. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HCA6106F4EAB04D66ABDA5D7AC9EB8D90"> <enum> (26) </enum> <text> More importantly, the CAP Coastal Patrol service came at the high cost of 26 fatalities, 7 serious injuries, and 90 aircraft lost. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H30F6AEC69E084BADA02F786A42AA186A"> <enum> (27) </enum> <text> At the conclusion of the 18-month Coastal Patrol, the heroic CAP aircrews would be credited with the following: </text> <subparagraph id="H42FE83B695D74E13943AE542ABCCD8AA"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> 2 submarines possibly damaged or destroyed; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HFF7FCB1E6B894FF89B0D562AC39CB843"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> 57 submarines attacked; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H6FD38A82CB774D0592C5DB455B7984D2"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> 82 bombs dropped against submarines; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H2082F9C624624F5DAE5D77CF45293E94"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text> 173 radio reports of submarine positions (with a number of credited assists for kills made by military units); </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H08441AC35D134637B4D8456ED3B1507D"> <enum> (E) </enum> <text> 17 floating mines reported; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HA3E2D44DC3914CEF81F313E919065FAA"> <enum> (F) </enum> <text> 36 dead bodies reported; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H20DBCF26AC3F4729A34C5306B0995C88"> <enum> (G) </enum> <text> 91 vessels in distress reported; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H5A7B65999D7A45DF8B91D3357AD9CBA3"> <enum> (H) </enum> <text> 363 survivors in distress reported; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HAB0938DEB8064540B309C2C4C05CBA8B"> <enum> (I) </enum> <text> 836 irregularities noted; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H5972BC0A463E4709AA809790AC2B5CA5"> <enum> (J) </enum> <text> 1,036 special investigations at sea or along the coast; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HE468CEE574794E019700DA74D4D8BC64"> <enum> (K) </enum> <text> 5,684 convoy missions as aerial escorts for Navy ships; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H8263248FB1894AB6B87CE99255B3224F"> <enum> (L) </enum> <text> 86,685 total missions flown; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H131FA90103D24E1FA057C21249E9E938"> <enum> (M) </enum> <text> 244,600 total flight hours logged; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H4B98FD66F90E4A599F5547D63D2A7041"> <enum> (N) </enum> <text> more than 24,000,000 total miles flown. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H379DF6CAA8714EE3A8082ABC614867DF"> <enum> (28) </enum> <text> It is believed that at least one high-level German Navy Officer credited CAP as one reason that submarine attacks moved away from the United States when he concluded that <quote> [i]t was because of those damned little red and yellow planes! </quote> . </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H056F00AFD2DE4DD4A4D79E4F24F8A2E3"> <enum> (29) </enum> <text> CAP was dismissed from coastal missions with little thanks in August 1943 when the Navy took over the mission completely and ordered CAP to stand down. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HFA48DB51B4C24C80B5E2B00C29C6C2DC"> <enum> (30) </enum> <text> While the Coastal Patrol was ongoing, CAP was also establishing itself as a vital wartime service to the military, States, and communities nationwide by performing a wide range of missions including among others— </text> <subparagraph id="H90E9CDB8F1CE401D89D9B7CBA18D51E4"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> border patrol; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HD9201DB1C8B542DCB35C5075976CEADA"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> forest and fire patrols; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H230FCEF8F6A04FD1A9B42280EDCB17F4"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> military courier flights for mail, repair and replacement parts, and urgent military deliveries; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H6D2C5D3136DD4C3DB5BAE93D7B4C5613"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text> emergency transportation of military personnel; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H2E956552B00449BD97C9B0381EEB657C"> <enum> (E) </enum> <text> target towing (with live ammunition being fired at the targets and seven lives being lost) and searchlight tracking training missions; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H590FB781C4064097A83FBCD38E025BD6"> <enum> (F) </enum> <text> missing aircraft and personnel searches; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H3BB6DA440861460D8F5AF63BC883EB97"> <enum> (G) </enum> <text> air and ground search and rescue for missing aircraft and personnel; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H19E73FD5A6B44EE4BD7E4F4409731728"> <enum> (H) </enum> <text> radar and aircraft warning system training flights; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H0252AD3B1AC647968840AE0301FAF2FB"> <enum> (I) </enum> <text> aerial inspections of camouflaged military and civilian facilities; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HB6D3215B799D4913AAE91B2D320C1A3C"> <enum> (J) </enum> <text> aerial inspections of city and town blackout conditions; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HCDAD6C66B63C4F478925CF68EDD243EF"> <enum> (K) </enum> <text> simulated bombing attacks on cities and facilities to test air defenses and early warning; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HA3B19C4285624433BA0008C13680C8C0"> <enum> (L) </enum> <text> aerial searches for scrap metal materials; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H0A16C445B51B46DCBC82BE54DAAB0104"> <enum> (M) </enum> <text> river and lake patrols including aerial surveys for ice in the Great Lakes; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H70A9C567E93046B288C2E2B2FC40BFD5"> <enum> (N) </enum> <text> support of war bond drives; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HEECFB192627940B8B8EE189E06D5E055"> <enum> (O) </enum> <text> management and guard duties at hundreds of airports; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H2CE04C57F21F4521B0CEAB9672EB33F1"> <enum> (P) </enum> <text> support for State and local emergencies such as natural and manmade disasters; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H62A9FB6D88B04810B2F1399CE4FFF602"> <enum> (Q) </enum> <text> predator control; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HB0F2FA8C132B494BB38FA7DAAE827033"> <enum> (R) </enum> <text> rescue of livestock during floods and blizzards; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H48BCC2288AA14A2BB83963807F33E52E"> <enum> (S) </enum> <text> recruiting for the Army Air Force; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H3775D858481C4201A108C6DE2CC6C13A"> <enum> (T) </enum> <text> initial flight screening and orientation flights for potential military recruits; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H88FB4DC4D2624B248D5021840D40FDBA"> <enum> (U) </enum> <text> mercy missions including the airlift of plasma to central blood banks; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HDC758D454A9544A2AE380212D95551D2"> <enum> (V) </enum> <text> nationwide emergency communications services; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H61D765876099497A8734BEFCA70EC11E"> <enum> (W) </enum> <text> a cadet youth program which provided aviation and military training for tens of thousands. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H97AC745AB537467183D7990FB2E9EF51"> <enum> (31) </enum> <text> The CAP flew more than 500,000 hours on these additional missions, including, for example— </text> <subparagraph id="H5C8AB5E872AC4D3F91E46F2399B94FFF"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> 20,500 missions involving target towing (with live ammunition) and gun/searchlight tracking which resulted in 7 deaths, 5 serious injuries, and the loss of 25 aircraft; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HAA09C02C1A4542D4ABADE7F994D02620"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> a courier service involving 3 major Air Force Commands over a 2-year period carrying more than 3,500,000 pounds of vital cargo and 543 passengers; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H468EB408E9A5497298427425E83454BE"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> southern border patrol flying more than 30,000 hours and reporting 7,000 unusual sightings including a vehicle (that was apprehended) with 2 enemy agents attempting to enter the country; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H654DFE9E78C8449AAAF06F93FCAB90AA"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text> a week in February 1945 during which CAP units rescued seven missing Army and Navy pilots; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HE5202141489F4A5B9A2273DB1FF299B3"> <enum> (E) </enum> <text> a State in which the CAP flew 790 hours on forest fire patrol missions and reported 576 fires to authorities during a single year. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H772BFF33AB15408BA5C3E619BD7DA3FE"> <enum> (32) </enum> <text> On April 29, 1943, the CAP was transferred to the Army Air Forces, thus beginning its long association with the United States Air Force. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HA193BC10E5464818AB4651337EFC5735"> <enum> (33) </enum> <text> Hundreds of CAP-trained women pilots joined military women’s units including the Women’s Air Force Service Pilots (WASP) program. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HE2D10C05A0F74F869074750B6E44AA07"> <enum> (34) </enum> <text> Many members of the WASP program joined or rejoined the CAP during the post-war period because it provided women opportunities to fly and continue to serve the Nation that were severely lacking elsewhere. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H08AD324DB3644D91AFEDCC30F4DDF90A"> <enum> (35) </enum> <text> Due to the exceptional emphasis on safety, unit and pilot training and discipline, and the organization of the CAP, by the end of the war a total of only 64 CAP members had died in service and only 150 aircraft had been lost (including its Coastal Patrol losses from early in the war). </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H3EDC8795324E48909FF6FF04791C8660"> <enum> (36) </enum> <text> It is estimated that up to 100,000 civilians (including youth in its cadet program) participated in CAP in wide range of staff and operational positions and that CAP aircrews flew a total of approximately 750,000 hours during the war, most of which was in their own personal aircraft and often at risk to their lives. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H4D7E745D32514FF09A9E789614790DCF"> <enum> (37) </enum> <text> After the war, at a CAP dinner for Congress, a quorum of both Houses attended with the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President thanking CAP for its service. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H0CD6830EAB4E45E18BEA30D108AFD3DB"> <enum> (38) </enum> <text> While air medals were issued for some of those participating in the Coastal Patrol, little other recognition was forthcoming for the myriad of services CAP volunteers provided during the war. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HD9934567251E4F789489FE001DC9EAC5"> <enum> (39) </enum> <text> Despite some misguided efforts to end CAP at the end of the war, the organization had proved its capabilities to the Nation and strengthened its ties with the Air Force and Congress. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H3DF512619E8744FA85FE1838DC20B90E"> <enum> (40) </enum> <text> In 1946, Congress chartered the CAP as a nonprofit, public service organization and in 1948 made CAP the Auxiliary of the United States Air Force. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HF7F493087081485EB3F21839D2C8558E"> <enum> (41) </enum> <text> Today the CAP conducts many of the same missions it performed during World War II, including a vital role in homeland security. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H2868DB000AED4AA9ABF88CD989DD7BF4"> <enum> (42) </enum> <text> CAP’s wartime service was highly unusual and extraordinary due to the unpaid civilian status of its members, the use of privately-owned aircraft and personal funds by many of its members, the myriad of humanitarian and national missions flown for the Nation, and the fact that for 18 months, during a time of great need for the United States, CAP flew combat-related missions in support of military operations off the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico coasts. </text> </paragraph> </section> <section id="H13AD00D110A044A7BE74BAD4B14B3666"> <enum> 2. </enum> <header> Congressional gold medal </header> <subsection id="HDDDD6558859A460184C908F46E69F38C"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Award </header> <paragraph id="HA0BBB12D517F4B51BF078ACA280A99A6"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> Authorized </header> <text> The President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives shall make appropriate arrangements for the award, on behalf of Congress, of a single gold medal of appropriate design in honor of the World War II members of the Civil Air Patrol collectively, in recognition of the military service and exemplary record of the Civil Air Patrol during World War II. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HBA26D522C5E24AB9964C85D3A76138EF"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Design and striking </header> <text> For the purposes of the award referred to in paragraph (1), the Secretary of the Treasury shall strike the gold medal with suitable emblems, devices, and inscriptions, to be determined by the Secretary. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HFC52A7C890DB48EBAA393BA18142198D"> <enum> (3) </enum> <header> Smithsonian institution </header> <subparagraph id="H57723399B010474D9966964676B245FB"> <enum> (A) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> Following the award of the gold medal referred to in paragraph (1) in honor of all of the World War II members of the Civil Air Patrol, the gold medal shall be given to the Smithsonian Institution, where it shall be displayed as appropriate and made available for research. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H21B4363C7CC44084BBBF3DA07C9CD468"> <enum> (B) </enum> <header> Sense of congress </header> <text> It is the sense of Congress that the Smithsonian Institution should make the gold medal received under this paragraph available for display elsewhere, particularly at other locations associated with the Civil Air Patrol. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H0328E60ABE6B44B28EE4CF31B2AF111F"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Duplicate medals </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Under such regulations as the Secretary may prescribe, the Secretary may strike and sell duplicates in bronze of the gold medal struck under this Act, at a price sufficient to cover the costs of the medals, including labor, materials, dies, use of machinery, and overhead expenses, and the cost of the gold medal. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H76FEF4B28404462490B59916FEBBA483"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> National medals </header> <text> Medals struck pursuant to this Act are national medals for purposes of <external-xref legal-doc="usc-chapter" parsable-cite="usc-chapter/31/51"> chapter 51 </external-xref> of title 31, United States Code. </text> </subsection> </section> <section id="HBB3379848B7E4B7AADEEB388154F0B4A"> <enum> 3. </enum> <header> Authorization of appropriations; proceeds of sale </header> <subsection id="H7FDF3DF19DA34633A90DC2DD823101AA"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Authorization of appropriations </header> <text> There is authorized to be charged against the United States Mint Public Enterprise Fund, an amount not to exceed $30,000 to pay for the cost of the medals authorized under section 2. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="HEDA781580F5548959CCB61DE9333DEE7"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Proceeds of sale </header> <text> Amounts received from the sale of duplicate bronze medals under section 2(b) shall be deposited in the United States Mint Public Enterprise Fund. </text> </subsection> </section> </legis-body> </bill>
I 113th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 755 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES February 15, 2013 Mr. McCaul (for himself and Mr. Cuellar ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Financial Services , and in addition to the Committee on House Administration , for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned A BILL To award a Congressional Gold Medal to the World War II members of the Civil Air Patrol. 1. Findings Congress makes the following findings: (1) The unpaid volunteer members of the Civil Air Patrol (hereafter in this Act referred to as the CAP ) during World War II provided extraordinary humanitarian, combat and national services during a critical time of need for the Nation. (2) During the war, CAP members used their own aircraft to perform a myriad of essential tasks for the military and the Nation within the United States including attacks on enemy submarines off the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico coasts of the United States. (3) This extraordinary national service set the stage for the post-war CAP to become a valuable nonprofit, public service organization chartered by Congress and designated the Auxiliary of the United States Air Force that provides essential emergency, operational, and public services to communities, States, the Federal Government, and the military. (4) The CAP was established, initially as a part of the Office of Civil Defense, by air-minded citizens one week before the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, on December 1, 1941, out of the desire of civil airmen of the country to be mobilized with their equipment in the common defense of the Nation. (5) Within days of the start of the war, the German Navy started a massive submarine offensive, known as Operation Drumbeat, off the east coast of the United States against oil tankers and other critical shipping that threatened the overall war effort. (6) Neither the Navy nor the Army had enough aircraft, ships, or other resources to adequately patrol and protect the shipping along the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico coasts of the United States, and many ships were torpedoed and sunk, often within sight of civilians on shore, including 52 tankers sunk between January and March 1942. (7) At that time General George Marshall remarked that [t]he losses by submarines off our Atlantic seaboard and in the Caribbean now threaten our entire war effort . (8) From the beginning CAP leaders urged the military to use its services to patrol coastal waters but met with great resistance because of the nonmilitary status of CAP civilian pilots. (9) Finally, in response to the ever-increasing submarine attacks, the Tanker Committee of the Petroleum Industry War Council urged the Navy Department and the War Department to consider the use of the CAP to help patrol the sea lanes off the coasts of the United States. (10) While the Navy initially rejected this suggestion, the Army decided it had merit, and the Civil Air Patrol Coastal Patrol began in March 1942. (11) Oil companies and other organizations provided funds to help pay for some CAP operations, including vitally needed shore radios that were used to monitor patrol missions. (12) By late March 1942, the Navy also began to use the services of the CAP. (13) Starting with three bases located in Delaware, Florida, and New Jersey, CAP aircrews (ranging in age from 18 to over 80) immediately started to spot enemy submarines as well as lifeboats, bodies, and wreckage. (14) Within 15 minutes of starting his patrol on the first Coastal Patrol flight, a pilot had sighted a torpedoed tanker and was coordinating rescue operations. (15) Eventually 21 bases, ranging from Bar Harbor, Maine, to Brownsville, Texas, were set up for the CAP to patrol the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico coasts of the United States, with 40,000 volunteers eventually participating. (16) The CAP used a wide range of civilian-owned aircraft, mainly light-weight, single-engine aircraft—manufactured by Cessna, Beech, Waco, Fairchild, Stinson, Piper, Taylorcraft, and Sikorsky, among others—as well as some twin engine aircraft such as the Grumman Widgeon. (17) Most of these aircraft were painted in their civilian prewar colors (red, yellow, blue, etc.) and carried special markings (a blue circle with a white triangle) to identify them as CAP aircraft. (18) Patrols were conducted up to 100 miles off shore, generally with 2 aircraft flying together, in aircraft often equipped with only a compass for navigation and a single radio for communication. (19) Due to the critical nature of the situation, CAP operations were conducted in bad weather as well as good, often when the military was unable to fly, and in all seasons including the winter, when ditching an aircraft in cold water would likely mean certain death to the aircrew. (20) Personal emergency equipment was often lacking, particularly during early patrols where inner tubes and kapok duck hunter vests were carried as flotation devices since ocean worthy wet suits, life vests, and life rafts were unavailable. (21) The initial purpose of the Coastal Patrol was to spot submarines, report their position to the military, and force them to dive below the surface, which limited their operating speed and maneuverability and reduced their ability to detect and attack shipping because attacks against shipping were conducted while the submarines were surfaced. (22) It immediately became apparent that there were opportunities for CAP pilots to attack submarines, such as when a Florida CAP aircrew came across a surfaced submarine that quickly stranded itself on a sand bar. However, the aircrew could not get any assistance from armed military aircraft before the submarine freed itself. (23) Finally, after several instances when the military could not respond in a timely manner, a decision was made by the military to arm CAP aircraft with 50- and 100-pound bombs, and to arm some larger twin-engine aircraft with 325-pound depth charges. (24) The arming of CAP aircraft dramatically changed the mission for these civilian aircrews and resulted in more than 57 attacks on enemy submarines. (25) While CAP volunteers received $8 a day flight reimbursement for cost incurred, their patrols were accomplished at a great economic cost to many CAP members who— (A) used their own aircraft and other equipment in defense of the Nation; (B) paid for much of their own aircraft maintenance and hangar use; and (C) often lived in the beginning in primitive conditions along the coast, including old barns and chicken coops converted for sleeping. (26) More importantly, the CAP Coastal Patrol service came at the high cost of 26 fatalities, 7 serious injuries, and 90 aircraft lost. (27) At the conclusion of the 18-month Coastal Patrol, the heroic CAP aircrews would be credited with the following: (A) 2 submarines possibly damaged or destroyed; (B) 57 submarines attacked; (C) 82 bombs dropped against submarines; (D) 173 radio reports of submarine positions (with a number of credited assists for kills made by military units); (E) 17 floating mines reported; (F) 36 dead bodies reported; (G) 91 vessels in distress reported; (H) 363 survivors in distress reported; (I) 836 irregularities noted; (J) 1,036 special investigations at sea or along the coast; (K) 5,684 convoy missions as aerial escorts for Navy ships; (L) 86,685 total missions flown; (M) 244,600 total flight hours logged; and (N) more than 24,000,000 total miles flown. (28) It is believed that at least one high-level German Navy Officer credited CAP as one reason that submarine attacks moved away from the United States when he concluded that [i]t was because of those damned little red and yellow planes! . (29) CAP was dismissed from coastal missions with little thanks in August 1943 when the Navy took over the mission completely and ordered CAP to stand down. (30) While the Coastal Patrol was ongoing, CAP was also establishing itself as a vital wartime service to the military, States, and communities nationwide by performing a wide range of missions including among others— (A) border patrol; (B) forest and fire patrols; (C) military courier flights for mail, repair and replacement parts, and urgent military deliveries; (D) emergency transportation of military personnel; (E) target towing (with live ammunition being fired at the targets and seven lives being lost) and searchlight tracking training missions; (F) missing aircraft and personnel searches; (G) air and ground search and rescue for missing aircraft and personnel; (H) radar and aircraft warning system training flights; (I) aerial inspections of camouflaged military and civilian facilities; (J) aerial inspections of city and town blackout conditions; (K) simulated bombing attacks on cities and facilities to test air defenses and early warning; (L) aerial searches for scrap metal materials; (M) river and lake patrols including aerial surveys for ice in the Great Lakes; (N) support of war bond drives; (O) management and guard duties at hundreds of airports; (P) support for State and local emergencies such as natural and manmade disasters; (Q) predator control; (R) rescue of livestock during floods and blizzards; (S) recruiting for the Army Air Force; (T) initial flight screening and orientation flights for potential military recruits; (U) mercy missions including the airlift of plasma to central blood banks; (V) nationwide emergency communications services; and (W) a cadet youth program which provided aviation and military training for tens of thousands. (31) The CAP flew more than 500,000 hours on these additional missions, including, for example— (A) 20,500 missions involving target towing (with live ammunition) and gun/searchlight tracking which resulted in 7 deaths, 5 serious injuries, and the loss of 25 aircraft; (B) a courier service involving 3 major Air Force Commands over a 2-year period carrying more than 3,500,000 pounds of vital cargo and 543 passengers; (C) southern border patrol flying more than 30,000 hours and reporting 7,000 unusual sightings including a vehicle (that was apprehended) with 2 enemy agents attempting to enter the country; (D) a week in February 1945 during which CAP units rescued seven missing Army and Navy pilots; and (E) a State in which the CAP flew 790 hours on forest fire patrol missions and reported 576 fires to authorities during a single year. (32) On April 29, 1943, the CAP was transferred to the Army Air Forces, thus beginning its long association with the United States Air Force. (33) Hundreds of CAP-trained women pilots joined military women’s units including the Women’s Air Force Service Pilots (WASP) program. (34) Many members of the WASP program joined or rejoined the CAP during the post-war period because it provided women opportunities to fly and continue to serve the Nation that were severely lacking elsewhere. (35) Due to the exceptional emphasis on safety, unit and pilot training and discipline, and the organization of the CAP, by the end of the war a total of only 64 CAP members had died in service and only 150 aircraft had been lost (including its Coastal Patrol losses from early in the war). (36) It is estimated that up to 100,000 civilians (including youth in its cadet program) participated in CAP in wide range of staff and operational positions and that CAP aircrews flew a total of approximately 750,000 hours during the war, most of which was in their own personal aircraft and often at risk to their lives. (37) After the war, at a CAP dinner for Congress, a quorum of both Houses attended with the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President thanking CAP for its service. (38) While air medals were issued for some of those participating in the Coastal Patrol, little other recognition was forthcoming for the myriad of services CAP volunteers provided during the war. (39) Despite some misguided efforts to end CAP at the end of the war, the organization had proved its capabilities to the Nation and strengthened its ties with the Air Force and Congress. (40) In 1946, Congress chartered the CAP as a nonprofit, public service organization and in 1948 made CAP the Auxiliary of the United States Air Force. (41) Today the CAP conducts many of the same missions it performed during World War II, including a vital role in homeland security. (42) CAP’s wartime service was highly unusual and extraordinary due to the unpaid civilian status of its members, the use of privately-owned aircraft and personal funds by many of its members, the myriad of humanitarian and national missions flown for the Nation, and the fact that for 18 months, during a time of great need for the United States, CAP flew combat-related missions in support of military operations off the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico coasts. 2. Congressional gold medal (a) Award (1) Authorized The President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives shall make appropriate arrangements for the award, on behalf of Congress, of a single gold medal of appropriate design in honor of the World War II members of the Civil Air Patrol collectively, in recognition of the military service and exemplary record of the Civil Air Patrol during World War II. (2) Design and striking For the purposes of the award referred to in paragraph (1), the Secretary of the Treasury shall strike the gold medal with suitable emblems, devices, and inscriptions, to be determined by the Secretary. (3) Smithsonian institution (A) In general Following the award of the gold medal referred to in paragraph (1) in honor of all of the World War II members of the Civil Air Patrol, the gold medal shall be given to the Smithsonian Institution, where it shall be displayed as appropriate and made available for research. (B) Sense of congress It is the sense of Congress that the Smithsonian Institution should make the gold medal received under this paragraph available for display elsewhere, particularly at other locations associated with the Civil Air Patrol. (b) Duplicate medals Under such regulations as the Secretary may prescribe, the Secretary may strike and sell duplicates in bronze of the gold medal struck under this Act, at a price sufficient to cover the costs of the medals, including labor, materials, dies, use of machinery, and overhead expenses, and the cost of the gold medal. (c) National medals Medals struck pursuant to this Act are national medals for purposes of chapter 51 of title 31, United States Code. 3. Authorization of appropriations; proceeds of sale (a) Authorization of appropriations There is authorized to be charged against the United States Mint Public Enterprise Fund, an amount not to exceed $30,000 to pay for the cost of the medals authorized under section 2. (b) Proceeds of sale Amounts received from the sale of duplicate bronze medals under section 2(b) shall be deposited in the United States Mint Public Enterprise Fund.
2023-01-08 17:23:18.386
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Engrossed-in-House" bill-type="olc" dms-id="HE102B03497404A1EB1A56CB5616059DC" public-private="public" stage-count="1"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 756 EH: Cybersecurity Enhancement Act of 2013 </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date/> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="no"> IB </distribution-code> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 756 </legis-num> <current-chamber display="no"> IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES </current-chamber> <legis-type> AN ACT </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> To advance cybersecurity research, development, and technical standards, and for other purposes. </official-title> </form> <legis-body display-enacting-clause="yes-display-enacting-clause" id="HAB47A4AB654D49ACA70568F67D4F1635" style="OLC"> <section id="H31B751DE0EE54609A1493061B330D0A7" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Short title </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> This Act may be cited as the <quote> <short-title> Cybersecurity Enhancement Act of 2013 </short-title> </quote> . </text> </section> <title id="H1DA69CD471F64186833CA159979B1000"> <enum> I </enum> <header> Research and Development </header> <section id="H8600DCB2C285497FA13700AFDFF2248C"> <enum> 101. </enum> <header> Definitions </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> In this title: </text> <paragraph id="HE577B9F0641944BC852DEA87C9C20603"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> National coordination office </header> <text> The term National Coordination Office means the National Coordination Office for the Networking and Information Technology Research and Development program. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HD04533F939AD445A96A444AE6B87B740"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Program </header> <text> The term Program means the Networking and Information Technology Research and Development program which has been established under section 101 of the High-Performance Computing Act of 1991 ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/15/5511"> 15 U.S.C. 5511 </external-xref> ). </text> </paragraph> </section> <section id="HC749427869BF47E58E127F9E5028684C"> <enum> 102. </enum> <header> Findings </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Section 2 of the Cyber Security Research and Development Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/15/7401"> 15 U.S.C. 7401 </external-xref> ) is amended— </text> <paragraph id="HA0EC24A13B8C4D8BBB1D9580A41A1EE2"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> by amending paragraph (1) to read as follows: </text> <quoted-block id="H5255A5856870484087B708AF99BB4237" style="OLC"> <paragraph id="H9C3D4273CBF347BBA2339EEA9FD3C3D4"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> Advancements in information and communications technology have resulted in a globally interconnected network of government, commercial, scientific, and education infrastructures, including critical infrastructures for electric power, natural gas and petroleum production and distribution, telecommunications, transportation, water supply, banking and finance, and emergency and government services. </text> </paragraph> <after-quoted-block> ; </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H60A6B293832F425596CD81F8786C1154"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> in paragraph (2), by striking <quote> Exponential increases in interconnectivity have facilitated enhanced communications, economic growth, </quote> and inserting <quote> These advancements have significantly contributed to the growth of the United States economy, </quote> ; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H74433A9EBEAF495E9A2313F424485224"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> by amending paragraph (3) to read as follows: </text> <quoted-block id="HB62021928DF04920AB2CFEBE00431B0C" style="OLC"> <paragraph id="HCA67FBDF312846009C268E8F1430C03D"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> The Cyberspace Policy Review published by the President in May, 2009, concluded that our information technology and communications infrastructure is vulnerable and has <quote> suffered intrusions that have allowed criminals to steal hundreds of millions of dollars and nation-states and other entities to steal intellectual property and sensitive military information </quote> . </text> </paragraph> <after-quoted-block> ; and </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H2D300267A278418A9811F494675F1681"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> by amending paragraph (6) to read as follows: </text> <quoted-block id="HF55D8E3A1AC34DE6A560E7044BB5014D" style="OLC"> <paragraph id="H3322CDAECACC4988AF907884F8ADCDA5"> <enum> (6) </enum> <text> While African-Americans, Hispanics, and Native Americans constitute 33 percent of the college-age population, members of these minorities comprise less than 20 percent of bachelor degree recipients in the field of computer sciences. </text> </paragraph> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </paragraph> </section> <section id="H37AEABA46B654D848100BDD5332F83AF"> <enum> 103. </enum> <header> Cybersecurity strategic research and development plan </header> <subsection id="H63D41785D8F44950B31CA6B443FEC830"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> Not later than 12 months after the date of enactment of this Act, the agencies identified in subsection 101(a)(3)(B)(i) through (x) of the High-Performance Computing Act of 1991 ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/15/5511"> 15 U.S.C. 5511(a)(3)(B)(i) </external-xref> through (x)) or designated under section 101(a)(3)(B)(xi) of such Act, working through the National Science and Technology Council and with the assistance of the National Coordination Office, shall transmit to Congress a strategic plan based on an assessment of cybersecurity risk to guide the overall direction of Federal cybersecurity and information assurance research and development for information technology and networking systems. Once every 3 years after the initial strategic plan is transmitted to Congress under this section, such agencies shall prepare and transmit to Congress an update of such plan. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="HDD4A4DBD9030424CAAF1E133E0928A5B"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Contents of plan </header> <text> The strategic plan required under subsection (a) shall— </text> <paragraph id="HDD08D090BA6C4B009A44437784FD479A"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> specify and prioritize near-term, mid-term and long-term research objectives, including objectives associated with the research areas identified in section 4(a)(1) of the Cyber Security Research and Development Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/15/7403"> 15 U.S.C. 7403(a)(1) </external-xref> ) and how the near-term objectives complement research and development areas in which the private sector is actively engaged; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H2C6404A160424799B6ED39AD03B6660C"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> describe how the Program will focus on innovative, transformational technologies with the potential to enhance the security, reliability, resilience, and trustworthiness of the digital infrastructure, and to protect consumer privacy; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H4F9F41E7123D40AEBFAE430A8754FD7C"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> describe how the Program will foster the rapid transfer of research and development results into new cybersecurity technologies and applications for the timely benefit of society and the national interest, including through the dissemination of best practices and other outreach activities; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H6939BB15DCB84864A1BD779052E7CD2C"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> describe how the Program will establish and maintain a national research infrastructure for creating, testing, and evaluating the next generation of secure networking and information technology systems; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H971AD889DA964EA28554C99044380342"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text> describe how the Program will facilitate access by academic researchers to the infrastructure described in paragraph (4), as well as to relevant data, including event data; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HA8EC653CC8B148D1A1A3537129088428"> <enum> (6) </enum> <text> describe how the Program will engage females and individuals identified in section 33 or 34 of the Science and Engineering Equal Opportunities Act (42 U.S.C. 1885a or 1885b) to foster a more diverse workforce in this area; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H01470ECD23F8490BBE7F69FDC6869895"> <enum> (7) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> describe how the Program will help to recruit and prepare veterans for the Federal cybersecurity workforce. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H905DF18365A942A59076EF1132BEC714"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Development of roadmap </header> <text> The agencies described in subsection (a) shall develop and annually update an implementation roadmap for the strategic plan required in this section. Such roadmap shall— </text> <paragraph id="H7C6F21E88510431291CBF263165D7C19"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> specify the role of each Federal agency in carrying out or sponsoring research and development to meet the research objectives of the strategic plan, including a description of how progress toward the research objectives will be evaluated; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H0F2A6F103FE84C6995E5E52CC96838AC"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> specify the funding allocated to each major research objective of the strategic plan and the source of funding by agency for the current fiscal year; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HFAF696193A3540B1965D0F89604D768E"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> estimate the funding required for each major research objective of the strategic plan for the following 3 fiscal years. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HFC7DCE46F0AD41B38320075998AF761F"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header> Recommendations </header> <text> In developing and updating the strategic plan under subsection (a), the agencies involved shall solicit recommendations and advice from— </text> <paragraph id="H71DB4F0281ED4097A49E25FE97533E05"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> the advisory committee established under section 101(b)(1) of the High-Performance Computing Act of 1991 ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/15/5511"> 15 U.S.C. 5511(b)(1) </external-xref> ); and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H992A5B0E343644B7887414BF282535B2"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> a wide range of stakeholders, including industry, academia, including representatives of minority serving institutions and community colleges, National Laboratories, and other relevant organizations and institutions. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HAD4DC276C47E4BFBB884A7832FAAC237"> <enum> (e) </enum> <header> Appending to report </header> <text> The implementation roadmap required under subsection (c), and its annual updates, shall be appended to the report required under section 101(a)(2)(D) of the High-Performance Computing Act of 1991 ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/15/5511"> 15 U.S.C. 5511(a)(2)(D) </external-xref> ). </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H3CCE644D698D4818A4D471864BC910EC"> <enum> (f) </enum> <header> Cybersecurity research database </header> <text> The agencies involved in developing and updating the strategic plan under subsection (a) shall establish, in coordination with the Office of Management and Budget, a mechanism to track ongoing and completed Federal cybersecurity research and development projects and associated funding, and shall make such information publically available. </text> </subsection> </section> <section id="HF3083829349342119B8BF49014693332"> <enum> 104. </enum> <header> Social and behavioral research in cybersecurity </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Section 4(a)(1) of the Cyber Security Research and Development Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/15/7403"> 15 U.S.C. 7403(a)(1) </external-xref> ) is amended— </text> <paragraph id="H239A9133E6804AD88984EDD511A9F7BF"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> by inserting <quote> and usability </quote> after <quote> to the structure </quote> ; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H1CA25A8354994B3DB7FFFDA3D61876D2"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> in subparagraph (H), by striking <quote> and </quote> after the semicolon; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H9A51DCE88F004E54BA3FBB38CF0C0EEE"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> in subparagraph (I), by striking the period at the end and inserting <quote> ; and </quote> ; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H189BEAADE104400E92F53EF9B4133A7E"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> by adding at the end the following new subparagraph: </text> <quoted-block id="H9A5B0B29E2ED4B779D0377DB1DD320FF" style="OLC"> <subparagraph id="HDF9ACB4819CD4035ACDE7FB0C102327F"> <enum> (J) </enum> <text> social and behavioral factors, including human-computer interactions, usability, and user motivations. </text> </subparagraph> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </paragraph> </section> <section id="H72682DDFA1E944BE89BD79B506BC23B8"> <enum> 105. </enum> <header> National Science Foundation cybersecurity research and development programs </header> <subsection id="H586D6BBD649C4805A7126B9FB79D11F8"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Computer and network security research areas </header> <text> Section 4(a)(1) of the Cyber Security Research and Development Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/15/7403"> 15 U.S.C. 7403(a)(1) </external-xref> ) is amended— </text> <paragraph id="H68DF824C223B43B38FA7D72E4D4E867D"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> in subparagraph (A) by inserting <quote> identity management, </quote> after <quote> cryptography, </quote> ; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H8495AF8D27714BE88AEB8D28BE541C48"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> in subparagraph (I), by inserting <quote> , crimes against children, and organized crime </quote> after <quote> intellectual property </quote> . </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H270BDDCEB5D04F14AFC58DFE055F2884"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Computer and network security research grants </header> <text> Section 4(a)(3) of such Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/15/7403"> 15 U.S.C. 7403(a)(3) </external-xref> ) is amended by striking subparagraphs (A) through (E) and inserting the following new subparagraphs: </text> <quoted-block id="HB1C11E39A0744C48A1599905EDF23EB6" style="OLC"> <subparagraph id="H628020FF08BB4E11ACFF2B690A246365"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> $119,000,000 for fiscal year 2014; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H035E3CD29D0B4A7B8D0E76E5ECB6A639"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> $119,000,000 for fiscal year 2015; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HCF911D86DD1746A9942D9F623F3973E8"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> $119,000,000 for fiscal year 2016. </text> </subparagraph> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </subsection> <subsection id="H5FA9D02615D64F17BBA2E28DE26A0BB5"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Computer and network security research centers </header> <text> Section 4(b) of such Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/15/7403"> 15 U.S.C. 7403(b) </external-xref> ) is amended— </text> <paragraph id="HDAE21DE407CB40C18CFEB9012374C44E"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> in paragraph (4)— </text> <subparagraph id="H50E49ACAE4954008893BD0DC5BD606A0"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> in subparagraph (C), by striking <quote> and </quote> after the semicolon; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HC52D183BF69D444CB95A60A79E5049C1"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> in subparagraph (D), by striking the period and inserting <quote> ; and </quote> ; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H31F911A6325842D3A71227245F922111"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> by adding at the end the following new subparagraph: </text> <quoted-block id="H00903893879347BCBEA466142531C462" style="OLC"> <subparagraph id="H36CE5DCEF2AA4518BB68A0BB3A15DD6D"> <enum> (E) </enum> <text> how the center will partner with government laboratories, for-profit entities, other institutions of higher education, or nonprofit research institutions. </text> </subparagraph> <after-quoted-block> ; and </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H7BEAA51A768B49D49F6369CF1B9665FE"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> in paragraph (7) by striking subparagraphs (A) through (E) and inserting the following new subparagraphs: </text> <quoted-block id="H5E4C0009FBC34030922088EA0DE4BA91" style="OLC"> <subparagraph id="H7F24CFFD345643FDB94EFF3C4DEC6CA3"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> $5,000,000 for fiscal year 2014; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H492880D631C6403998CF268C07A41B31"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> $5,000,000 for fiscal year 2015; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H1193BF0E287A40C6A7C1520447EB525F"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> $5,000,000 for fiscal year 2016. </text> </subparagraph> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HA2C8A2F5CB73469DB78DDDD270224AD8"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header> Computer and network security capacity building grants </header> <text> Section 5(a)(6) of such Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/15/7404"> 15 U.S.C. 7404(a)(6) </external-xref> ) is amended by striking subparagraphs (A) through (E) and inserting the following new subparagraphs: </text> <quoted-block id="HBA25804B1C2D4E519ABD93F4FCF2BA43" style="OLC"> <subparagraph id="H16846C18A5EA4C3281E414FC58EABA8A"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> $25,000,000 for fiscal year 2014; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H5DA6830F4C534A838FF818D8F034FD0D"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> $25,000,000 for fiscal year 2015; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HA048E327833947A29F24402A43B4D363"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> $25,000,000 for fiscal year 2016. </text> </subparagraph> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </subsection> <subsection id="HC808AEB734E444BC80EA8A4B79080CC9"> <enum> (e) </enum> <header> Scientific and advanced technology act grants </header> <text> Section 5(b)(2) of such Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/15/7404"> 15 U.S.C. 7404(b)(2) </external-xref> ) is amended by striking subparagraphs (A) through (E) and inserting the following new subparagraphs: </text> <quoted-block id="H4DE072F3E0F545A2BFE29470BBC129FD" style="OLC"> <subparagraph id="H92CE933430754E66ABB76E8CCBC92DAD"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> $4,000,000 for fiscal year 2014; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H2D929909B97C41B29C359C64259CD893"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> $4,000,000 for fiscal year 2015; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H27B13673D99C48E08903EB5E1A325618"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> $4,000,000 for fiscal year 2016. </text> </subparagraph> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </subsection> <subsection id="HAD95F2B4BC7B4ECFB7794A42BBB87F1F"> <enum> (f) </enum> <header> Graduate traineeships in computer and network security </header> <text> Section 5(c)(7) of such Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/15/7404"> 15 U.S.C. 7404(c)(7) </external-xref> ) is amended by striking subparagraphs (A) through (E) and inserting the following new subparagraphs: </text> <quoted-block id="H40C7BC09FCE84592BA250ECDFBF475D9" style="OLC"> <subparagraph id="HA4437E98A42C41DE973EA9377CC5AF6A"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> $32,000,000 for fiscal year 2014; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H32B5B59918534C3F9061888CF3C24902"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> $32,000,000 for fiscal year 2015; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HB6BBD50D503E4793BC8DBD7BED4CBA73"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> $32,000,000 for fiscal year 2016. </text> </subparagraph> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </subsection> <subsection id="H0A332349B959469196B2316C3D355EC3"> <enum> (g) </enum> <header> Cyber security faculty development traineeship program </header> <text> Section 5(e) of such Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/15/7404"> 15 U.S.C. 7404(e) </external-xref> ) is repealed. </text> </subsection> </section> <section id="H739788EEAE714CFA88337EF02A685DB4"> <enum> 106. </enum> <header> Federal cyber scholarship for service program </header> <subsection id="H5D442CC6D15E41A7AF6FDDDFCD387A5D"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> The Director of the National Science Foundation shall continue a Scholarship for Service program under section 5(a) of the Cyber Security Research and Development Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/15/7404"> 15 U.S.C. 7404(a) </external-xref> ) to recruit and train the next generation of Federal cybersecurity professionals and to increase the capacity of the higher education system to produce an information technology workforce with the skills necessary to enhance the security of the Nation’s communications and information infrastructure. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="HA5A0D6EED864439D8F392D1EF317378E"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Characteristics of program </header> <text> The program under this section shall— </text> <paragraph id="HFC99A082C11B4AD985D0F009E741AD17"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> provide, through qualified institutions of higher education, including community colleges, scholarships that provide tuition, fees, and a competitive stipend for up to 2 years to students pursing a bachelor’s or master’s degree and up to 3 years to students pursuing a doctoral degree in a cybersecurity field; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H87228222016B4E01936BCAF6FB3FEA13"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> provide the scholarship recipients with summer internship opportunities or other meaningful temporary appointments in the Federal information technology workforce; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H1CA950A9C9FB485EBBAD804ABBEDBDCF"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> increase the capacity of institutions of higher education throughout all regions of the United States to produce highly qualified cybersecurity professionals, through the award of competitive, merit-reviewed grants that support such activities as— </text> <subparagraph id="H65DD188EFEA944068D7335A4584871F1"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> faculty professional development, including technical, hands-on experiences in the private sector or government, workshops, seminars, conferences, and other professional development opportunities that will result in improved instructional capabilities; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HD44D230BEF284C2D9D9E036E951724AA"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> institutional partnerships, including minority serving institutions and community colleges; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H634DC95FC1A44670A7954D5E6D8FAD85"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> development and evaluation of cybersecurity-related courses and curricula; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H20FD78649E7D46F1BCF37E5D045CF644"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> public-private partnerships that will integrate research experiences and hands-on learning into cybersecurity degree programs. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HB8C64C543110477C91226D46359D7DE0"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Scholarship requirements </header> <paragraph id="H3367AD44F8E14094A32E067A0647418B"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> Eligibility </header> <text> Scholarships under this section shall be available only to students who— </text> <subparagraph id="HE9A345D4019E4D8A91A7F688B2CB1063"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> are citizens or permanent residents of the United States; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H6CB4CE3388F942448858A4DCFE4C89BF"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> are full-time students in an eligible degree program, as determined by the Director, that is focused on computer security or information assurance at an awardee institution; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H3396D31103D94F76AD0320B26E7455DD"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> accept the terms of a scholarship pursuant to this section. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HF73F6BEF00A54EA986CD531013FF0CF6"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Selection </header> <text> Individuals shall be selected to receive scholarships primarily on the basis of academic merit, with consideration given to financial need, to the goal of promoting the participation of females and individuals identified in section 33 or 34 of the Science and Engineering Equal Opportunities Act (42 U.S.C. 1885a or 1885b), and to veterans. For purposes of this paragraph, the term <quote> veteran </quote> means a person who— </text> <subparagraph id="HD1A39C8D8F2948369C02DF9D522FE2BB"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> served on active duty (other than active duty for training) in the Armed Forces of the United States for a period of more than 180 consecutive days, and who was discharged or released therefrom under conditions other than dishonorable; or </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H83F0F81F00F345B38B10BBAA395AFC0E"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> served on active duty (other than active duty for training) in the Armed Forces of the United States and was discharged or released from such service for a service-connected disability before serving 180 consecutive days. </text> </subparagraph> <continuation-text continuation-text-level="paragraph"> For purposes of subparagraph (B), the term <quote> service-connected </quote> has the meaning given such term under <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/38/101"> section 101 </external-xref> of title 38, United States Code. </continuation-text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H188D97BC840E4EBEB5EBC4390D675D92"> <enum> (3) </enum> <header> Service obligation </header> <text> If an individual receives a scholarship under this section, as a condition of receiving such scholarship, the individual upon completion of their degree must serve as a cybersecurity professional within the Federal workforce for a period of time as provided in paragraph (5). If a scholarship recipient is not offered employment by a Federal agency or a federally funded research and development center, the service requirement can be satisfied at the Director’s discretion by— </text> <subparagraph id="HF0ED2FFE90A34E36ABE17F26B04C8FEF"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> serving as a cybersecurity professional in a State, local, or tribal government agency; or </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H4C138EE8CA1A4A02ADD48AD02AA7D3FB"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> teaching cybersecurity courses at an institution of higher education. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H55EA15CCBBA948928332977929C6060D"> <enum> (4) </enum> <header> Conditions of support </header> <text> As a condition of acceptance of a scholarship under this section, a recipient shall agree to provide the awardee institution with annual verifiable documentation of employment and up-to-date contact information. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HF970C2E074C2444B96C94735C6AD060E"> <enum> (5) </enum> <header> Length of service </header> <text> The length of service required in exchange for a scholarship under this subsection shall be 1 year more than the number of years for which the scholarship was received. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H1960FDDA997E4EF6A52071B6C1CE3628"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header> Failure To complete service obligation </header> <paragraph id="HBB5D04C2C68C4F1FBD9EC8A6394E2898"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> General rule </header> <text> If an individual who has received a scholarship under this section— </text> <subparagraph id="H68418421188449159FA4F844F96785CB"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> fails to maintain an acceptable level of academic standing in the educational institution in which the individual is enrolled, as determined by the Director; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H7778F5DBEDAE4C83BB3323D2171BCB30"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> is dismissed from such educational institution for disciplinary reasons; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H3FAD99AB880243C690B645C2CA7851FF"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> withdraws from the program for which the award was made before the completion of such program; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H4300FB0906ED4621B11A52DA8B40C698"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text> declares that the individual does not intend to fulfill the service obligation under this section; or </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H477B25D91B9645EEBF5A8FC8716F09A8"> <enum> (E) </enum> <text> fails to fulfill the service obligation of the individual under this section, </text> </subparagraph> <continuation-text continuation-text-level="paragraph"> such individual shall be liable to the United States as provided in paragraph (3). </continuation-text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H0BB77B5FE71A434F82811CAC09F567A6"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Monitoring compliance </header> <text> As a condition of participating in the program, a qualified institution of higher education receiving a grant under this section shall— </text> <subparagraph id="HD316DE7C40BF4B35B065CD1EAA71FFD8"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> enter into an agreement with the Director of the National Science Foundation to monitor the compliance of scholarship recipients with respect to their service obligation; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HC53CE5D0886C46FCA26B3702BE457AAF"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> provide to the Director, on an annual basis, post-award employment information required under subsection (c)(4) for scholarship recipients through the completion of their service obligation. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HF16D0789A651479190B68FD543A41D23"> <enum> (3) </enum> <header> Amount of repayment </header> <subparagraph id="H618EBE5F236B4556B42D7E18FFEB81CE"> <enum> (A) </enum> <header> Less than one year of service </header> <text> If a circumstance described in paragraph (1) occurs before the completion of 1 year of a service obligation under this section, the total amount of awards received by the individual under this section shall be repaid or such amount shall be treated as a loan to be repaid in accordance with subparagraph (C). </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H1488B06425CE42BABE8F4C41BC84B1E3"> <enum> (B) </enum> <header> More than one year of service </header> <text> If a circumstance described in subparagraph (D) or (E) of paragraph (1) occurs after the completion of 1 year of a service obligation under this section, the total amount of scholarship awards received by the individual under this section, reduced by the ratio of the number of years of service completed divided by the number of years of service required, shall be repaid or such amount shall be treated as a loan to be repaid in accordance with subparagraph (C). </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HC06F6E057896404DA62162B4F1E47FCB"> <enum> (C) </enum> <header> Repayments </header> <text> A loan described in subparagraph (A) or (B) shall be treated as a Federal Direct Unsubsidized Stafford Loan under part D of title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1087a and following), and shall be subject to repayment, together with interest thereon accruing from the date of the scholarship award, in accordance with terms and conditions specified by the Director (in consultation with the Secretary of Education) in regulations promulgated to carry out this paragraph. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H0E2278B59E464C338730D006B4254160"> <enum> (4) </enum> <header> Collection of repayment </header> <subparagraph id="H43C46C1232D1446FAABA90656E04677B"> <enum> (A) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> In the event that a scholarship recipient is required to repay the scholarship under this subsection, the institution providing the scholarship shall— </text> <clause id="H63B20147A7874FE9BCA14FAF8B1C3161"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> be responsible for determining the repayment amounts and for notifying the recipient and the Director of the amount owed; and </text> </clause> <clause id="HF9963590AC4F4EE9A5597E0498BD1C30"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> collect such repayment amount within a period of time as determined under the agreement described in paragraph (2), or the repayment amount shall be treated as a loan in accordance with paragraph (3)(C). </text> </clause> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HABBB3A9C9E134BFD87DB29E4511C6458"> <enum> (B) </enum> <header> Returned to treasury </header> <text> Except as provided in subparagraph (C) of this paragraph, any such repayment shall be returned to the Treasury of the United States. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HE22902DD359A4C218290F50EF2B870E9"> <enum> (C) </enum> <header> Retain percentage </header> <text> An institution of higher education may retain a percentage of any repayment the institution collects under this paragraph to defray administrative costs associated with the collection. The Director shall establish a single, fixed percentage that will apply to all eligible entities. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HCBD53AAD325344368E84B2C68F364DC0"> <enum> (5) </enum> <header> Exceptions </header> <text> The Director may provide for the partial or total waiver or suspension of any service or payment obligation by an individual under this section whenever compliance by the individual with the obligation is impossible or would involve extreme hardship to the individual, or if enforcement of such obligation with respect to the individual would be unconscionable. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H22C232921C884945A1C8D2541B97BDCF"> <enum> (e) </enum> <header> Hiring Authority </header> <paragraph id="HA760DE9478194F9B8C893D8FB06A529B"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> Appointment in excepted service </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Notwithstanding any provision of <external-xref legal-doc="usc-chapter" parsable-cite="usc-chapter/5/33"> chapter 33 </external-xref> of title 5, United States Code, governing appointments in the competitive service, an agency shall appoint in the excepted service an individual who has completed the academic program for which a scholarship was awarded. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HDF52E54C5D9D4BB994C050D871126806"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Noncompetitive conversion </header> <text> Except as provided in paragraph (4), upon fulfillment of the service term, an employee appointed under paragraph (1) may be converted noncompetitively to term, career-conditional or career appointment. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H83CE29ABB2164EA19E64DF3A2B83571E"> <enum> (3) </enum> <header> Timing of conversion </header> <text> An agency may noncompetitively convert a term employee appointed under paragraph (2) to a career-conditional or career appointment before the term appointment expires. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H8B12FD81750D4574914C78B0B5F576C9"> <enum> (4) </enum> <header> Authority to decline conversion </header> <text> An agency may decline to make the noncompetitive conversion or appointment under paragraph (2) for cause. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> </section> <section id="H9448FC91A9C54F2283C1041892C43839"> <enum> 107. </enum> <header> Cybersecurity workforce assessment </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this Act the President shall transmit to the Congress a report addressing the cybersecurity workforce needs of the Federal Government. The report shall include— </text> <paragraph id="HACF8C0A7C1424F909136AC06B3DB0D8B"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> an examination of the current state of and the projected needs of the Federal cybersecurity workforce, including a comparison of the different agencies and departments, and an analysis of the capacity of such agencies and departments to meet those needs; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H64BDDD2620354453860BE82E101B7EA0"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> an analysis of the sources and availability of cybersecurity talent, a comparison of the skills and expertise sought by the Federal Government and the private sector, an examination of the current and future capacity of United States institutions of higher education, including community colleges, to provide current and future cybersecurity professionals, through education and training activities, with those skills sought by the Federal Government, State and local entities, and the private sector, and a description of how successful programs are engaging the talents of females and individuals identified in section 33 or 34 of the Science and Engineering Equal Opportunities Act (42 U.S.C. 1885a or 1885b); </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H5B234DE12E904F22A69A2831A43E63FE"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> an examination of the effectiveness of the National Centers of Academic Excellence in Information Assurance Education, the Centers of Academic Excellence in Research, and the Federal Cyber Scholarship for Service programs in promoting higher education and research in cybersecurity and information assurance and in producing a growing number of professionals with the necessary cybersecurity and information assurance expertise, including individuals from States or regions in which the unemployment rate exceeds the national average; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HA8DA9C9455024481B6DFDAC2CA7DE8AE"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> an analysis of any barriers to the Federal Government recruiting and hiring cybersecurity talent, including barriers relating to compensation, the hiring process, job classification, and hiring flexibilities; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HBAA5E972C9CF470DACE00B7A9B8ECCDF"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text> recommendations for Federal policies to ensure an adequate, well-trained Federal cybersecurity workforce. </text> </paragraph> </section> <section id="H0C9F14A9E195422783823800F67792C7"> <enum> 108. </enum> <header> Cybersecurity university-industry task force </header> <subsection id="HB0DE61D6117443D4B9672EBA0DC5B48F"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Establishment of university-Industry task force </header> <text> Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy shall convene a task force to explore mechanisms for carrying out collaborative research, development, education, and training activities for cybersecurity through a consortium or other appropriate entity with participants from institutions of higher education and industry. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H9341B76E828641B6B6846D1F661666AF"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Functions </header> <text> The task force shall— </text> <paragraph id="HAFC0C81B9C24441A9F26CEA94B8E5977"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> develop options for a collaborative model and an organizational structure for such entity under which the joint research and development activities could be planned, managed, and conducted effectively, including mechanisms for the allocation of resources among the participants in such entity for support of such activities; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H64B0D9DE894944219B5AE4DB1F34D141"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> identify and prioritize at least three cybersecurity grand challenges, focused on nationally significant problems requiring collaborative and interdisciplinary solutions; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H840FC507F14E42F89B59F8B968E458C3"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> propose a process for developing a research and development agenda for such entity to address the grand challenges identified under paragraph (2); </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H1D02BAB1FC064D4CADC207848CAFC909"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> define the roles and responsibilities for the participants from institutions of higher education and industry in such entity; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HD3C17C26735143D5BD6FC28D4BF11EB6"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text> propose guidelines for assigning intellectual property rights and for the transfer of research and development results to the private sector; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HC72338ED7C6347A9A90655E7D236438C"> <enum> (6) </enum> <text> make recommendations for how such entity could be funded from Federal, State, and nongovernmental sources. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H081B6C5C429C4FFAACB70D5BEA8F4D4A"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Composition </header> <text> In establishing the task force under subsection (a), the Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy shall appoint an equal number of individuals from institutions of higher education, including minority-serving institutions and community colleges, and from industry with knowledge and expertise in cybersecurity. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="HCB6EA00A76874B4F8E74423D0E046CC1"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header> Report </header> <text> Not later than 12 months after the date of enactment of this Act, the Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy shall transmit to the Congress a report describing the findings and recommendations of the task force. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H78AAA64F42044A3EA8503D8A3F0C46BD"> <enum> (e) </enum> <header> Termination </header> <text> The task force shall terminate upon transmittal of the report required under subsection (d). </text> </subsection> <subsection id="HABCB9FE0A8C146A6A31F2D8011BEAE60"> <enum> (f) </enum> <header> Compensation and expenses </header> <text> Members of the task force shall serve without compensation. </text> </subsection> </section> <section id="HDA846F59332A4E2BBD2938449027142D"> <enum> 109. </enum> <header> Cybersecurity automation and checklists for government systems </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Section 8(c) of the Cyber Security Research and Development Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/15/7406"> 15 U.S.C. 7406(c) </external-xref> ) is amended to read as follows: </text> <quoted-block id="HB02BB198C6E04C58A4D994F9B5BE2E28" style="OLC"> <subsection id="HAFA1FADD69124BC88D2E1CDEBBBE9004"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Security automation and checklists for government systems </header> <paragraph id="H5A853DC966464E2D823CA0604E0A7817"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> The Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology shall develop, and revise as necessary, security automation standards, associated reference materials (including protocols), and checklists providing settings and option selections that minimize the security risks associated with each information technology hardware or software system and security tool that is, or is likely to become, widely used within the Federal Government in order to enable standardized and interoperable technologies, architectures, and frameworks for continuous monitoring of information security within the Federal Government. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H7FC189CF9884467DACAA77EA6EE4F84D"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Priorities for development </header> <text> The Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology shall establish priorities for the development of standards, reference materials, and checklists under this subsection on the basis of— </text> <subparagraph id="H68529D5064D844D29BDD6CFB4E0F942C"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> the security risks associated with the use of the system; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H95A9AB156F3E4E758CE93B328FBADBF5"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> the number of agencies that use a particular system or security tool; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H1BE27A9512534F0C8BFB63651E7A3304"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> the usefulness of the standards, reference materials, or checklists to Federal agencies that are users or potential users of the system; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H37386569BD9B4D42BFD794B66807D3FA"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text> the effectiveness of the associated standard, reference material, or checklist in creating or enabling continuous monitoring of information security; or </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HBAE8EBB1BFDF41C685E92B7F050EAB79"> <enum> (E) </enum> <text> such other factors as the Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology determines to be appropriate. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H178C670B0EED46F296233DFDC55F92B5"> <enum> (3) </enum> <header> Excluded systems </header> <text> The Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology may exclude from the application of paragraph (1) any information technology hardware or software system or security tool for which such Director determines that the development of a standard, reference material, or checklist is inappropriate because of the infrequency of use of the system, the obsolescence of the system, or the inutility or impracticability of developing a standard, reference material, or checklist for the system. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HAF11921F1E7B49119633ABC4287B0807"> <enum> (4) </enum> <header> Dissemination of standards and related materials </header> <text> The Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology shall ensure that Federal agencies are informed of the availability of any standard, reference material, checklist, or other item developed under this subsection. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H1692C0FD11D546B7B5D2017C6934AD76"> <enum> (5) </enum> <header> Agency use requirements </header> <text> The development of standards, reference materials, and checklists under paragraph (1) for an information technology hardware or software system or tool does not— </text> <subparagraph id="H1FA143A192454A2CA118BAC0FBB96D28"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> require any Federal agency to select the specific settings or options recommended by the standard, reference material, or checklist for the system; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H5F018FF01EBF4587A44F8C9B86086E1B"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> establish conditions or prerequisites for Federal agency procurement or deployment of any such system; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HFE1571BE7CB54A5DA66AC837222EF0AC"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> imply an endorsement of any such system by the Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology; or </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H88275C34329D4288944F6BB78E7FB3A5"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text> preclude any Federal agency from procuring or deploying other information technology hardware or software systems for which no such standard, reference material, or checklist has been developed or identified under paragraph (1). </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </section> <section id="H566F40613376496394A36DCAD64BE541"> <enum> 110. </enum> <header> National Institute of Standards and Technology cybersecurity research and development </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Section 20 of the National Institute of Standards and Technology Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/15/278g-3"> 15 U.S.C. 278g–3 </external-xref> ) is amended by redesignating subsection (e) as subsection (f), and by inserting after subsection (d) the following: </text> <quoted-block id="HB4522E9E7A204CD8BDBE3FBC66235CBC" style="OLC"> <subsection id="HAD6B80E5038B4E73A2369F68E926E6BF"> <enum> (e) </enum> <header> Intramural security research </header> <text> As part of the research activities conducted in accordance with subsection (d)(3), the Institute shall— </text> <paragraph id="HF0B72FE372074B699C6B68DCE2A64B03"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> conduct a research program to develop a unifying and standardized identity, privilege, and access control management framework for the execution of a wide variety of resource protection policies and that is amenable to implementation within a wide variety of existing and emerging computing environments; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H88751BEE8AA14516BD1254F093362E85"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> carry out research associated with improving the security of information systems and networks; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H3456D8C5CD574813B9C2D08AB90F0B2D"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> carry out research associated with improving the testing, measurement, usability, and assurance of information systems and networks; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H55913544653E451093C360D1FB85E208"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> carry out research associated with improving security of industrial control systems; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H09F2979034954FFBADD3C050276F8ED5"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> carry out research associated with improving the security and integrity of the information technology supply chain. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </section> <section id="HE30AEFD30FE842D79E48CE8D0F51EE90"> <enum> 111. </enum> <header> Research on the science of cybersecurity </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> The Director of the National Science Foundation and the Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology shall, through existing programs and activities, support research that will lead to the development of a scientific foundation for the field of cybersecurity, including research that increases understanding of the underlying principles of securing complex networked systems, enables repeatable experimentation, and creates quantifiable security metrics. </text> </section> </title> <title id="H6E1D301EEF594D658C140C60A70DB500"> <enum> II </enum> <header> Advancement of Cybersecurity Technical Standards </header> <section id="HA207BFE87AFE49E89F13087ED001B105"> <enum> 201. </enum> <header> Definitions </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> In this title: </text> <paragraph id="H8AC2180539CF4DE5B8852FEA654E793C"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> Director </header> <text> The term <quote> Director </quote> means the Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H700E284451A7445B975CE2406FB83B50"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Institute </header> <text> The term <quote> Institute </quote> means the National Institute of Standards and Technology. </text> </paragraph> </section> <section id="HA0282896015C43469922B9344F15BCE6"> <enum> 202. </enum> <header> International cybersecurity technical standards </header> <subsection id="H398A6E2CA9D44D95AA35001EB13A3E59"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> The Director, in coordination with appropriate Federal authorities, shall— </text> <paragraph id="H462232E08105424C82C10E0C6FFBDE54"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> as appropriate, ensure coordination of Federal agencies engaged in the development of international technical standards related to information system security; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H027B531478CE4FC29F48D02D080F75D0"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, develop and transmit to the Congress a plan for ensuring such Federal agency coordination. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H724FDC112ECD401697D1AADAED9CCE48"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Consultation with the private sector </header> <text> In carrying out the activities specified in subsection (a)(1), the Director shall ensure consultation with appropriate private sector stakeholders. </text> </subsection> </section> <section id="HAEBC510CBF8E47D8A72552BF11A0E1E9"> <enum> 203. </enum> <header> Cloud computing strategy </header> <subsection id="HCF208D57810A4DDB82E15121F95F8D99"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> The Director, in collaboration with the Federal CIO Council, and in consultation with other relevant Federal agencies and stakeholders from the private sector, shall continue to develop and encourage the implementation of a comprehensive strategy for the use and adoption of cloud computing services by the Federal Government. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H4F61AB4F73B146B2B92C5752454DBE47"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Activities </header> <text> In carrying out the strategy developed under subsection (a), the Director shall give consideration to activities that— </text> <paragraph id="H7AF0E37851494AE3A1F84A58A434EF00"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> accelerate the development, in collaboration with the private sector, of standards that address interoperability and portability of cloud computing services; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HD1D1CFCAC3C543DA8A37294452C4C9A7"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> advance the development of conformance testing performed by the private sector in support of cloud computing standardization; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H3F97CE52ACCE411EB12D2B111BBA25ED"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> support, in consultation with the private sector, the development of appropriate security frameworks and reference materials, and the identification of best practices, for use by Federal agencies to address security and privacy requirements to enable the use and adoption of cloud computing services, including activities— </text> <subparagraph id="HF9517C13C8ED4C9F8BAD65C252EDB554"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> to ensure the physical security of cloud computing data centers and the data stored in such centers; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H4ED537279E8045C3925E576DE67DB3EC"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> to ensure secure access to the data stored in cloud computing data centers; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H00FCE71F12534BF0B44019B48FCA6FD5"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> to develop security standards as required under section 20 of the National Institute of Standards and Technology Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/15/278g-3"> 15 U.S.C. 278g–3 </external-xref> ); and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H37BCAD8C081E4A4982FBDB19859A1141"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text> to support the development of the automation of continuous monitoring systems. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> </section> <section id="HA9973D003AE74FA29AC43893AC686D2D"> <enum> 204. </enum> <header> Promoting cybersecurity awareness and education </header> <subsection id="H9748A934C2F14EE59E9D536E625F7275"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Program </header> <text> The Director, in collaboration with relevant Federal agencies, industry, educational institutions, National Laboratories, the National Coordination Office of the Networking and Information Technology Research and Development program, and other organizations, shall continue to coordinate a cybersecurity awareness and education program to increase knowledge, skills, and awareness of cybersecurity risks, consequences, and best practices through— </text> <paragraph id="H3E1451AA3B3E42C7A4A7A85348CE10DA"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> the widespread dissemination of cybersecurity technical standards and best practices identified by the Institute; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H426F9AE7FD4F4E80AE21E4457FFAB3D1"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> efforts to make cybersecurity best practices usable by individuals, small to medium-sized businesses, State, local, and tribal governments, and educational institutions; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H6374967A7AF84B6A914CE41E054D1F70"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> improving the state of cybersecurity education at all educational levels; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H2644D7DE7E7F44BAB517E7404DE3094E"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> efforts to attract, recruit, and retain qualified professionals to the Federal cybersecurity workforce; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HA7E5CC9B79BF41D0947A756B54E6AB48"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text> improving the skills, training, and professional development of the Federal cybersecurity workforce. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H5E3E69D4269B460989E53950FF236BA0"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Strategic plan </header> <text> The Director shall, in cooperation with relevant Federal agencies and other stakeholders, develop and implement a strategic plan to guide Federal programs and activities in support of a comprehensive cybersecurity awareness and education program as described under subsection (a). </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H52FB74C22311448F97459FDCB146E847"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Report to congress </header> <text> Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act and every 5 years thereafter, the Director shall transmit the strategic plan required under subsection (b) to the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate. </text> </subsection> </section> <section id="HC6BDCF9DF3034ED3B9FF7FA4C7818304"> <enum> 205. </enum> <header> Identity management research and development </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> The Director shall continue a program to support the development of technical standards, metrology, testbeds, and conformance criteria, taking into account appropriate user concerns, to— </text> <paragraph id="H761BEC12C1BC4BA1BA68342416002719"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> improve interoperability among identity management technologies; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HB2719E13BC2A403F9398FD2060B8F7A1"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> strengthen authentication methods of identity management systems; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H1A8FA061B8F34566B9D2B0CE0ECEF840"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> improve privacy protection in identity management systems, including health information technology systems, through authentication and security protocols; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H4CC549D814F1430BA88B703D458A0A94"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> improve the usability of identity management systems. </text> </paragraph> </section> <section display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H64568F5783F446088A96C2C27712DAF2" section-type="subsequent-section"> <enum> 206. </enum> <header> Authorizations </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> No additional funds are authorized to carry out this Act, and the amendments made by this Act. This Act, and the amendments made by this Act, shall be carried out using amounts otherwise authorized or appropriated. </text> </section> </title> </legis-body> <attestation> <attestation-group> <attestation-date chamber="House" date="20130416"> Passed the House of Representatives April 16, 2013. </attestation-date> <attestor display="no"> Karen L. Haas, </attestor> <role> Clerk. </role> </attestation-group> </attestation> <endorsement display="yes"/> </bill>
IB 113th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 756 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES AN ACT To advance cybersecurity research, development, and technical standards, and for other purposes. 1. Short title This Act may be cited as the Cybersecurity Enhancement Act of 2013 . I Research and Development 101. Definitions In this title: (1) National coordination office The term National Coordination Office means the National Coordination Office for the Networking and Information Technology Research and Development program. (2) Program The term Program means the Networking and Information Technology Research and Development program which has been established under section 101 of the High-Performance Computing Act of 1991 ( 15 U.S.C. 5511 ). 102. Findings Section 2 of the Cyber Security Research and Development Act ( 15 U.S.C. 7401 ) is amended— (1) by amending paragraph (1) to read as follows: (1) Advancements in information and communications technology have resulted in a globally interconnected network of government, commercial, scientific, and education infrastructures, including critical infrastructures for electric power, natural gas and petroleum production and distribution, telecommunications, transportation, water supply, banking and finance, and emergency and government services. ; (2) in paragraph (2), by striking Exponential increases in interconnectivity have facilitated enhanced communications, economic growth, and inserting These advancements have significantly contributed to the growth of the United States economy, ; (3) by amending paragraph (3) to read as follows: (3) The Cyberspace Policy Review published by the President in May, 2009, concluded that our information technology and communications infrastructure is vulnerable and has suffered intrusions that have allowed criminals to steal hundreds of millions of dollars and nation-states and other entities to steal intellectual property and sensitive military information . ; and (4) by amending paragraph (6) to read as follows: (6) While African-Americans, Hispanics, and Native Americans constitute 33 percent of the college-age population, members of these minorities comprise less than 20 percent of bachelor degree recipients in the field of computer sciences. . 103. Cybersecurity strategic research and development plan (a) In general Not later than 12 months after the date of enactment of this Act, the agencies identified in subsection 101(a)(3)(B)(i) through (x) of the High-Performance Computing Act of 1991 ( 15 U.S.C. 5511(a)(3)(B)(i) through (x)) or designated under section 101(a)(3)(B)(xi) of such Act, working through the National Science and Technology Council and with the assistance of the National Coordination Office, shall transmit to Congress a strategic plan based on an assessment of cybersecurity risk to guide the overall direction of Federal cybersecurity and information assurance research and development for information technology and networking systems. Once every 3 years after the initial strategic plan is transmitted to Congress under this section, such agencies shall prepare and transmit to Congress an update of such plan. (b) Contents of plan The strategic plan required under subsection (a) shall— (1) specify and prioritize near-term, mid-term and long-term research objectives, including objectives associated with the research areas identified in section 4(a)(1) of the Cyber Security Research and Development Act ( 15 U.S.C. 7403(a)(1) ) and how the near-term objectives complement research and development areas in which the private sector is actively engaged; (2) describe how the Program will focus on innovative, transformational technologies with the potential to enhance the security, reliability, resilience, and trustworthiness of the digital infrastructure, and to protect consumer privacy; (3) describe how the Program will foster the rapid transfer of research and development results into new cybersecurity technologies and applications for the timely benefit of society and the national interest, including through the dissemination of best practices and other outreach activities; (4) describe how the Program will establish and maintain a national research infrastructure for creating, testing, and evaluating the next generation of secure networking and information technology systems; (5) describe how the Program will facilitate access by academic researchers to the infrastructure described in paragraph (4), as well as to relevant data, including event data; (6) describe how the Program will engage females and individuals identified in section 33 or 34 of the Science and Engineering Equal Opportunities Act (42 U.S.C. 1885a or 1885b) to foster a more diverse workforce in this area; and (7) describe how the Program will help to recruit and prepare veterans for the Federal cybersecurity workforce. (c) Development of roadmap The agencies described in subsection (a) shall develop and annually update an implementation roadmap for the strategic plan required in this section. Such roadmap shall— (1) specify the role of each Federal agency in carrying out or sponsoring research and development to meet the research objectives of the strategic plan, including a description of how progress toward the research objectives will be evaluated; (2) specify the funding allocated to each major research objective of the strategic plan and the source of funding by agency for the current fiscal year; and (3) estimate the funding required for each major research objective of the strategic plan for the following 3 fiscal years. (d) Recommendations In developing and updating the strategic plan under subsection (a), the agencies involved shall solicit recommendations and advice from— (1) the advisory committee established under section 101(b)(1) of the High-Performance Computing Act of 1991 ( 15 U.S.C. 5511(b)(1) ); and (2) a wide range of stakeholders, including industry, academia, including representatives of minority serving institutions and community colleges, National Laboratories, and other relevant organizations and institutions. (e) Appending to report The implementation roadmap required under subsection (c), and its annual updates, shall be appended to the report required under section 101(a)(2)(D) of the High-Performance Computing Act of 1991 ( 15 U.S.C. 5511(a)(2)(D) ). (f) Cybersecurity research database The agencies involved in developing and updating the strategic plan under subsection (a) shall establish, in coordination with the Office of Management and Budget, a mechanism to track ongoing and completed Federal cybersecurity research and development projects and associated funding, and shall make such information publically available. 104. Social and behavioral research in cybersecurity Section 4(a)(1) of the Cyber Security Research and Development Act ( 15 U.S.C. 7403(a)(1) ) is amended— (1) by inserting and usability after to the structure ; (2) in subparagraph (H), by striking and after the semicolon; (3) in subparagraph (I), by striking the period at the end and inserting ; and ; and (4) by adding at the end the following new subparagraph: (J) social and behavioral factors, including human-computer interactions, usability, and user motivations. . 105. National Science Foundation cybersecurity research and development programs (a) Computer and network security research areas Section 4(a)(1) of the Cyber Security Research and Development Act ( 15 U.S.C. 7403(a)(1) ) is amended— (1) in subparagraph (A) by inserting identity management, after cryptography, ; and (2) in subparagraph (I), by inserting , crimes against children, and organized crime after intellectual property . (b) Computer and network security research grants Section 4(a)(3) of such Act ( 15 U.S.C. 7403(a)(3) ) is amended by striking subparagraphs (A) through (E) and inserting the following new subparagraphs: (A) $119,000,000 for fiscal year 2014; (B) $119,000,000 for fiscal year 2015; and (C) $119,000,000 for fiscal year 2016. . (c) Computer and network security research centers Section 4(b) of such Act ( 15 U.S.C. 7403(b) ) is amended— (1) in paragraph (4)— (A) in subparagraph (C), by striking and after the semicolon; (B) in subparagraph (D), by striking the period and inserting ; and ; and (C) by adding at the end the following new subparagraph: (E) how the center will partner with government laboratories, for-profit entities, other institutions of higher education, or nonprofit research institutions. ; and (2) in paragraph (7) by striking subparagraphs (A) through (E) and inserting the following new subparagraphs: (A) $5,000,000 for fiscal year 2014; (B) $5,000,000 for fiscal year 2015; and (C) $5,000,000 for fiscal year 2016. . (d) Computer and network security capacity building grants Section 5(a)(6) of such Act ( 15 U.S.C. 7404(a)(6) ) is amended by striking subparagraphs (A) through (E) and inserting the following new subparagraphs: (A) $25,000,000 for fiscal year 2014; (B) $25,000,000 for fiscal year 2015; and (C) $25,000,000 for fiscal year 2016. . (e) Scientific and advanced technology act grants Section 5(b)(2) of such Act ( 15 U.S.C. 7404(b)(2) ) is amended by striking subparagraphs (A) through (E) and inserting the following new subparagraphs: (A) $4,000,000 for fiscal year 2014; (B) $4,000,000 for fiscal year 2015; and (C) $4,000,000 for fiscal year 2016. . (f) Graduate traineeships in computer and network security Section 5(c)(7) of such Act ( 15 U.S.C. 7404(c)(7) ) is amended by striking subparagraphs (A) through (E) and inserting the following new subparagraphs: (A) $32,000,000 for fiscal year 2014; (B) $32,000,000 for fiscal year 2015; and (C) $32,000,000 for fiscal year 2016. . (g) Cyber security faculty development traineeship program Section 5(e) of such Act ( 15 U.S.C. 7404(e) ) is repealed. 106. Federal cyber scholarship for service program (a) In general The Director of the National Science Foundation shall continue a Scholarship for Service program under section 5(a) of the Cyber Security Research and Development Act ( 15 U.S.C. 7404(a) ) to recruit and train the next generation of Federal cybersecurity professionals and to increase the capacity of the higher education system to produce an information technology workforce with the skills necessary to enhance the security of the Nation’s communications and information infrastructure. (b) Characteristics of program The program under this section shall— (1) provide, through qualified institutions of higher education, including community colleges, scholarships that provide tuition, fees, and a competitive stipend for up to 2 years to students pursing a bachelor’s or master’s degree and up to 3 years to students pursuing a doctoral degree in a cybersecurity field; (2) provide the scholarship recipients with summer internship opportunities or other meaningful temporary appointments in the Federal information technology workforce; and (3) increase the capacity of institutions of higher education throughout all regions of the United States to produce highly qualified cybersecurity professionals, through the award of competitive, merit-reviewed grants that support such activities as— (A) faculty professional development, including technical, hands-on experiences in the private sector or government, workshops, seminars, conferences, and other professional development opportunities that will result in improved instructional capabilities; (B) institutional partnerships, including minority serving institutions and community colleges; (C) development and evaluation of cybersecurity-related courses and curricula; and (D) public-private partnerships that will integrate research experiences and hands-on learning into cybersecurity degree programs. (c) Scholarship requirements (1) Eligibility Scholarships under this section shall be available only to students who— (A) are citizens or permanent residents of the United States; (B) are full-time students in an eligible degree program, as determined by the Director, that is focused on computer security or information assurance at an awardee institution; and (C) accept the terms of a scholarship pursuant to this section. (2) Selection Individuals shall be selected to receive scholarships primarily on the basis of academic merit, with consideration given to financial need, to the goal of promoting the participation of females and individuals identified in section 33 or 34 of the Science and Engineering Equal Opportunities Act (42 U.S.C. 1885a or 1885b), and to veterans. For purposes of this paragraph, the term veteran means a person who— (A) served on active duty (other than active duty for training) in the Armed Forces of the United States for a period of more than 180 consecutive days, and who was discharged or released therefrom under conditions other than dishonorable; or (B) served on active duty (other than active duty for training) in the Armed Forces of the United States and was discharged or released from such service for a service-connected disability before serving 180 consecutive days. For purposes of subparagraph (B), the term service-connected has the meaning given such term under section 101 of title 38, United States Code. (3) Service obligation If an individual receives a scholarship under this section, as a condition of receiving such scholarship, the individual upon completion of their degree must serve as a cybersecurity professional within the Federal workforce for a period of time as provided in paragraph (5). If a scholarship recipient is not offered employment by a Federal agency or a federally funded research and development center, the service requirement can be satisfied at the Director’s discretion by— (A) serving as a cybersecurity professional in a State, local, or tribal government agency; or (B) teaching cybersecurity courses at an institution of higher education. (4) Conditions of support As a condition of acceptance of a scholarship under this section, a recipient shall agree to provide the awardee institution with annual verifiable documentation of employment and up-to-date contact information. (5) Length of service The length of service required in exchange for a scholarship under this subsection shall be 1 year more than the number of years for which the scholarship was received. (d) Failure To complete service obligation (1) General rule If an individual who has received a scholarship under this section— (A) fails to maintain an acceptable level of academic standing in the educational institution in which the individual is enrolled, as determined by the Director; (B) is dismissed from such educational institution for disciplinary reasons; (C) withdraws from the program for which the award was made before the completion of such program; (D) declares that the individual does not intend to fulfill the service obligation under this section; or (E) fails to fulfill the service obligation of the individual under this section, such individual shall be liable to the United States as provided in paragraph (3). (2) Monitoring compliance As a condition of participating in the program, a qualified institution of higher education receiving a grant under this section shall— (A) enter into an agreement with the Director of the National Science Foundation to monitor the compliance of scholarship recipients with respect to their service obligation; and (B) provide to the Director, on an annual basis, post-award employment information required under subsection (c)(4) for scholarship recipients through the completion of their service obligation. (3) Amount of repayment (A) Less than one year of service If a circumstance described in paragraph (1) occurs before the completion of 1 year of a service obligation under this section, the total amount of awards received by the individual under this section shall be repaid or such amount shall be treated as a loan to be repaid in accordance with subparagraph (C). (B) More than one year of service If a circumstance described in subparagraph (D) or (E) of paragraph (1) occurs after the completion of 1 year of a service obligation under this section, the total amount of scholarship awards received by the individual under this section, reduced by the ratio of the number of years of service completed divided by the number of years of service required, shall be repaid or such amount shall be treated as a loan to be repaid in accordance with subparagraph (C). (C) Repayments A loan described in subparagraph (A) or (B) shall be treated as a Federal Direct Unsubsidized Stafford Loan under part D of title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1087a and following), and shall be subject to repayment, together with interest thereon accruing from the date of the scholarship award, in accordance with terms and conditions specified by the Director (in consultation with the Secretary of Education) in regulations promulgated to carry out this paragraph. (4) Collection of repayment (A) In general In the event that a scholarship recipient is required to repay the scholarship under this subsection, the institution providing the scholarship shall— (i) be responsible for determining the repayment amounts and for notifying the recipient and the Director of the amount owed; and (ii) collect such repayment amount within a period of time as determined under the agreement described in paragraph (2), or the repayment amount shall be treated as a loan in accordance with paragraph (3)(C). (B) Returned to treasury Except as provided in subparagraph (C) of this paragraph, any such repayment shall be returned to the Treasury of the United States. (C) Retain percentage An institution of higher education may retain a percentage of any repayment the institution collects under this paragraph to defray administrative costs associated with the collection. The Director shall establish a single, fixed percentage that will apply to all eligible entities. (5) Exceptions The Director may provide for the partial or total waiver or suspension of any service or payment obligation by an individual under this section whenever compliance by the individual with the obligation is impossible or would involve extreme hardship to the individual, or if enforcement of such obligation with respect to the individual would be unconscionable. (e) Hiring Authority (1) Appointment in excepted service Notwithstanding any provision of chapter 33 of title 5, United States Code, governing appointments in the competitive service, an agency shall appoint in the excepted service an individual who has completed the academic program for which a scholarship was awarded. (2) Noncompetitive conversion Except as provided in paragraph (4), upon fulfillment of the service term, an employee appointed under paragraph (1) may be converted noncompetitively to term, career-conditional or career appointment. (3) Timing of conversion An agency may noncompetitively convert a term employee appointed under paragraph (2) to a career-conditional or career appointment before the term appointment expires. (4) Authority to decline conversion An agency may decline to make the noncompetitive conversion or appointment under paragraph (2) for cause. 107. Cybersecurity workforce assessment Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this Act the President shall transmit to the Congress a report addressing the cybersecurity workforce needs of the Federal Government. The report shall include— (1) an examination of the current state of and the projected needs of the Federal cybersecurity workforce, including a comparison of the different agencies and departments, and an analysis of the capacity of such agencies and departments to meet those needs; (2) an analysis of the sources and availability of cybersecurity talent, a comparison of the skills and expertise sought by the Federal Government and the private sector, an examination of the current and future capacity of United States institutions of higher education, including community colleges, to provide current and future cybersecurity professionals, through education and training activities, with those skills sought by the Federal Government, State and local entities, and the private sector, and a description of how successful programs are engaging the talents of females and individuals identified in section 33 or 34 of the Science and Engineering Equal Opportunities Act (42 U.S.C. 1885a or 1885b); (3) an examination of the effectiveness of the National Centers of Academic Excellence in Information Assurance Education, the Centers of Academic Excellence in Research, and the Federal Cyber Scholarship for Service programs in promoting higher education and research in cybersecurity and information assurance and in producing a growing number of professionals with the necessary cybersecurity and information assurance expertise, including individuals from States or regions in which the unemployment rate exceeds the national average; (4) an analysis of any barriers to the Federal Government recruiting and hiring cybersecurity talent, including barriers relating to compensation, the hiring process, job classification, and hiring flexibilities; and (5) recommendations for Federal policies to ensure an adequate, well-trained Federal cybersecurity workforce. 108. Cybersecurity university-industry task force (a) Establishment of university-Industry task force Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy shall convene a task force to explore mechanisms for carrying out collaborative research, development, education, and training activities for cybersecurity through a consortium or other appropriate entity with participants from institutions of higher education and industry. (b) Functions The task force shall— (1) develop options for a collaborative model and an organizational structure for such entity under which the joint research and development activities could be planned, managed, and conducted effectively, including mechanisms for the allocation of resources among the participants in such entity for support of such activities; (2) identify and prioritize at least three cybersecurity grand challenges, focused on nationally significant problems requiring collaborative and interdisciplinary solutions; (3) propose a process for developing a research and development agenda for such entity to address the grand challenges identified under paragraph (2); (4) define the roles and responsibilities for the participants from institutions of higher education and industry in such entity; (5) propose guidelines for assigning intellectual property rights and for the transfer of research and development results to the private sector; and (6) make recommendations for how such entity could be funded from Federal, State, and nongovernmental sources. (c) Composition In establishing the task force under subsection (a), the Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy shall appoint an equal number of individuals from institutions of higher education, including minority-serving institutions and community colleges, and from industry with knowledge and expertise in cybersecurity. (d) Report Not later than 12 months after the date of enactment of this Act, the Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy shall transmit to the Congress a report describing the findings and recommendations of the task force. (e) Termination The task force shall terminate upon transmittal of the report required under subsection (d). (f) Compensation and expenses Members of the task force shall serve without compensation. 109. Cybersecurity automation and checklists for government systems Section 8(c) of the Cyber Security Research and Development Act ( 15 U.S.C. 7406(c) ) is amended to read as follows: (c) Security automation and checklists for government systems (1) In general The Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology shall develop, and revise as necessary, security automation standards, associated reference materials (including protocols), and checklists providing settings and option selections that minimize the security risks associated with each information technology hardware or software system and security tool that is, or is likely to become, widely used within the Federal Government in order to enable standardized and interoperable technologies, architectures, and frameworks for continuous monitoring of information security within the Federal Government. (2) Priorities for development The Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology shall establish priorities for the development of standards, reference materials, and checklists under this subsection on the basis of— (A) the security risks associated with the use of the system; (B) the number of agencies that use a particular system or security tool; (C) the usefulness of the standards, reference materials, or checklists to Federal agencies that are users or potential users of the system; (D) the effectiveness of the associated standard, reference material, or checklist in creating or enabling continuous monitoring of information security; or (E) such other factors as the Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology determines to be appropriate. (3) Excluded systems The Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology may exclude from the application of paragraph (1) any information technology hardware or software system or security tool for which such Director determines that the development of a standard, reference material, or checklist is inappropriate because of the infrequency of use of the system, the obsolescence of the system, or the inutility or impracticability of developing a standard, reference material, or checklist for the system. (4) Dissemination of standards and related materials The Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology shall ensure that Federal agencies are informed of the availability of any standard, reference material, checklist, or other item developed under this subsection. (5) Agency use requirements The development of standards, reference materials, and checklists under paragraph (1) for an information technology hardware or software system or tool does not— (A) require any Federal agency to select the specific settings or options recommended by the standard, reference material, or checklist for the system; (B) establish conditions or prerequisites for Federal agency procurement or deployment of any such system; (C) imply an endorsement of any such system by the Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology; or (D) preclude any Federal agency from procuring or deploying other information technology hardware or software systems for which no such standard, reference material, or checklist has been developed or identified under paragraph (1). . 110. National Institute of Standards and Technology cybersecurity research and development Section 20 of the National Institute of Standards and Technology Act ( 15 U.S.C. 278g–3 ) is amended by redesignating subsection (e) as subsection (f), and by inserting after subsection (d) the following: (e) Intramural security research As part of the research activities conducted in accordance with subsection (d)(3), the Institute shall— (1) conduct a research program to develop a unifying and standardized identity, privilege, and access control management framework for the execution of a wide variety of resource protection policies and that is amenable to implementation within a wide variety of existing and emerging computing environments; (2) carry out research associated with improving the security of information systems and networks; (3) carry out research associated with improving the testing, measurement, usability, and assurance of information systems and networks; (4) carry out research associated with improving security of industrial control systems; and (5) carry out research associated with improving the security and integrity of the information technology supply chain. . 111. Research on the science of cybersecurity The Director of the National Science Foundation and the Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology shall, through existing programs and activities, support research that will lead to the development of a scientific foundation for the field of cybersecurity, including research that increases understanding of the underlying principles of securing complex networked systems, enables repeatable experimentation, and creates quantifiable security metrics. II Advancement of Cybersecurity Technical Standards 201. Definitions In this title: (1) Director The term Director means the Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology. (2) Institute The term Institute means the National Institute of Standards and Technology. 202. International cybersecurity technical standards (a) In general The Director, in coordination with appropriate Federal authorities, shall— (1) as appropriate, ensure coordination of Federal agencies engaged in the development of international technical standards related to information system security; and (2) not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, develop and transmit to the Congress a plan for ensuring such Federal agency coordination. (b) Consultation with the private sector In carrying out the activities specified in subsection (a)(1), the Director shall ensure consultation with appropriate private sector stakeholders. 203. Cloud computing strategy (a) In general The Director, in collaboration with the Federal CIO Council, and in consultation with other relevant Federal agencies and stakeholders from the private sector, shall continue to develop and encourage the implementation of a comprehensive strategy for the use and adoption of cloud computing services by the Federal Government. (b) Activities In carrying out the strategy developed under subsection (a), the Director shall give consideration to activities that— (1) accelerate the development, in collaboration with the private sector, of standards that address interoperability and portability of cloud computing services; (2) advance the development of conformance testing performed by the private sector in support of cloud computing standardization; and (3) support, in consultation with the private sector, the development of appropriate security frameworks and reference materials, and the identification of best practices, for use by Federal agencies to address security and privacy requirements to enable the use and adoption of cloud computing services, including activities— (A) to ensure the physical security of cloud computing data centers and the data stored in such centers; (B) to ensure secure access to the data stored in cloud computing data centers; (C) to develop security standards as required under section 20 of the National Institute of Standards and Technology Act ( 15 U.S.C. 278g–3 ); and (D) to support the development of the automation of continuous monitoring systems. 204. Promoting cybersecurity awareness and education (a) Program The Director, in collaboration with relevant Federal agencies, industry, educational institutions, National Laboratories, the National Coordination Office of the Networking and Information Technology Research and Development program, and other organizations, shall continue to coordinate a cybersecurity awareness and education program to increase knowledge, skills, and awareness of cybersecurity risks, consequences, and best practices through— (1) the widespread dissemination of cybersecurity technical standards and best practices identified by the Institute; (2) efforts to make cybersecurity best practices usable by individuals, small to medium-sized businesses, State, local, and tribal governments, and educational institutions; (3) improving the state of cybersecurity education at all educational levels; (4) efforts to attract, recruit, and retain qualified professionals to the Federal cybersecurity workforce; and (5) improving the skills, training, and professional development of the Federal cybersecurity workforce. (b) Strategic plan The Director shall, in cooperation with relevant Federal agencies and other stakeholders, develop and implement a strategic plan to guide Federal programs and activities in support of a comprehensive cybersecurity awareness and education program as described under subsection (a). (c) Report to congress Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act and every 5 years thereafter, the Director shall transmit the strategic plan required under subsection (b) to the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate. 205. Identity management research and development The Director shall continue a program to support the development of technical standards, metrology, testbeds, and conformance criteria, taking into account appropriate user concerns, to— (1) improve interoperability among identity management technologies; (2) strengthen authentication methods of identity management systems; (3) improve privacy protection in identity management systems, including health information technology systems, through authentication and security protocols; and (4) improve the usability of identity management systems. 206. Authorizations No additional funds are authorized to carry out this Act, and the amendments made by this Act. This Act, and the amendments made by this Act, shall be carried out using amounts otherwise authorized or appropriated. Passed the House of Representatives April 16, 2013. Karen L. Haas, Clerk.
2023-01-08 17:37:59.270
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Introduced-in-House" bill-type="olc" dms-id="HE102B03497404A1EB1A56CB5616059DC" public-private="public"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 756 IH: Cybersecurity Enhancement Act of 2013 </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-02-15 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> I </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 756 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130215"> February 15, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="M001157"> Mr. McCaul </sponsor> (for himself, <cosponsor name-id="L000563"> Mr. Lipinski </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S000583"> Mr. Smith of Texas </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="L000559"> Mr. Langevin </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="M001181"> Mr. Meehan </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="M001163"> Ms. Matsui </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="H000067"> Mr. Hall </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="L000570"> Mr. Ben Ray Luján of New Mexico </cosponsor> ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="HSY00"> Committee on Science, Space, and Technology </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> A BILL </legis-type> <official-title> To advance cybersecurity research, development, and technical standards, and for other purposes. </official-title> </form> <legis-body id="H18332CB4972940A186E0BE8D3C82C51F" style="OLC"> <section id="H1359B94989884A1F8DAFC63A7A61E232" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Short title </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> This Act may be cited as the <quote> <short-title> Cybersecurity Enhancement Act of 2013 </short-title> </quote> . </text> </section> <title id="HEED0688BC2D84EC1BDA76468D35F116B"> <enum> I </enum> <header> Research and Development </header> <section id="HD3223ACD32E84E94B25983588BCC5660"> <enum> 101. </enum> <header> Definitions </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> In this title: </text> <paragraph id="HE9E4ACEABD8E41EAB94E9E770A5A3DA7"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> National coordination office </header> <text> The term National Coordination Office means the National Coordination Office for the Networking and Information Technology Research and Development program. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H77BC8B927EE44BA3953256E774711970"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Program </header> <text> The term Program means the Networking and Information Technology Research and Development program which has been established under section 101 of the High-Performance Computing Act of 1991 ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/15/5511"> 15 U.S.C. 5511 </external-xref> ). </text> </paragraph> </section> <section id="HB64C3F9C64A24934A2184451D8C63D8E"> <enum> 102. </enum> <header> Findings </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Section 2 of the Cyber Security Research and Development Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/15/7401"> 15 U.S.C. 7401 </external-xref> ) is amended— </text> <paragraph id="H0B341374A51E4A3BB0073781C96EC8A9"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> by amending paragraph (1) to read as follows: </text> <quoted-block id="HFC3A37AB54874241A544D250784160D8" style="OLC"> <paragraph id="H2AAFBCE499994930A679B22350EC801D"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> Advancements in information and communications technology have resulted in a globally interconnected network of government, commercial, scientific, and education infrastructures, including critical infrastructures for electric power, natural gas and petroleum production and distribution, telecommunications, transportation, water supply, banking and finance, and emergency and government services. </text> </paragraph> <after-quoted-block> ; </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HB38A0F08A9DC44C5A8AA8584AC0AE1F9"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> in paragraph (2), by striking <quote> Exponential increases in interconnectivity have facilitated enhanced communications, economic growth, </quote> and inserting <quote> These advancements have significantly contributed to the growth of the United States economy, </quote> ; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H60EED855CDD84008AF4C311050E7CD1F"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> by amending paragraph (3) to read as follows: </text> <quoted-block id="HE7F32E87F1B44432A00148DACEB59334" style="OLC"> <paragraph id="H7692019D0482462F88A28F8EDFF31CE0"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> The Cyberspace Policy Review published by the President in May, 2009, concluded that our information technology and communications infrastructure is vulnerable and has <quote> suffered intrusions that have allowed criminals to steal hundreds of millions of dollars and nation-states and other entities to steal intellectual property and sensitive military information </quote> . </text> </paragraph> <after-quoted-block> ; and </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H8487A446BA73472FBCC548F19960491C"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> by amending paragraph (6) to read as follows: </text> <quoted-block id="HEA115A2D11D04878971B0E4F6B8B17DD" style="OLC"> <paragraph id="H409E8B1E9BDB436DA54254A1D470B329"> <enum> (6) </enum> <text> While African-Americans, Hispanics, and Native Americans constitute 33 percent of the college-age population, members of these minorities comprise less than 20 percent of bachelor degree recipients in the field of computer sciences. </text> </paragraph> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </paragraph> </section> <section id="H5C42EAA7EC414B429E6630960FF88CD6"> <enum> 103. </enum> <header> Cybersecurity strategic research and development plan </header> <subsection id="HBA6BC783102944E1A42F84BFE6C6792F"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> Not later than 12 months after the date of enactment of this Act, the agencies identified in subsection 101(a)(3)(B)(i) through (x) of the High-Performance Computing Act of 1991 ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/15/5511"> 15 U.S.C. 5511(a)(3)(B)(i) </external-xref> through (x)) or designated under section 101(a)(3)(B)(xi) of such Act, working through the National Science and Technology Council and with the assistance of the National Coordination Office, shall transmit to Congress a strategic plan based on an assessment of cybersecurity risk to guide the overall direction of Federal cybersecurity and information assurance research and development for information technology and networking systems. Once every 3 years after the initial strategic plan is transmitted to Congress under this section, such agencies shall prepare and transmit to Congress an update of such plan. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H5927360E89CC432DA4AA34A1D6323D50"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Contents of plan </header> <text> The strategic plan required under subsection (a) shall— </text> <paragraph id="HEF303A482F3743CE927114AB44E327A6"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> specify and prioritize near-term, mid-term and long-term research objectives, including objectives associated with the research areas identified in section 4(a)(1) of the Cyber Security Research and Development Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/15/7403"> 15 U.S.C. 7403(a)(1) </external-xref> ) and how the near-term objectives complement research and development areas in which the private sector is actively engaged; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HD3FA30A0225649E29488A44B9762724B"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> describe how the Program will focus on innovative, transformational technologies with the potential to enhance the security, reliability, resilience, and trustworthiness of the digital infrastructure, and to protect consumer privacy; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HE5F8CDFCFE844C16B689F2AF8CE0721C"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> describe how the Program will foster the rapid transfer of research and development results into new cybersecurity technologies and applications for the timely benefit of society and the national interest, including through the dissemination of best practices and other outreach activities; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H1D6F504C5D9D437982BF7A8B44F7DE42"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> describe how the Program will establish and maintain a national research infrastructure for creating, testing, and evaluating the next generation of secure networking and information technology systems; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HEFCDF39C1C5B4A6BBF778E9AE5484BD6"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text> describe how the Program will facilitate access by academic researchers to the infrastructure described in paragraph (4), as well as to relevant data, including event data; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H2008AF9997184A9C85B45031783414C6"> <enum> (6) </enum> <text> describe how the Program will engage females and individuals identified in section 33 or 34 of the Science and Engineering Equal Opportunities Act (42 U.S.C. 1885a or 1885b) to foster a more diverse workforce in this area. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H3907516B17764AF6A4AB6E4295D1E0CE"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Development of roadmap </header> <text> The agencies described in subsection (a) shall develop and annually update an implementation roadmap for the strategic plan required in this section. Such roadmap shall— </text> <paragraph id="H138ABB8209E84AC09921CCDEB538DC8B"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> specify the role of each Federal agency in carrying out or sponsoring research and development to meet the research objectives of the strategic plan, including a description of how progress toward the research objectives will be evaluated; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H95191644769344A0AC036B21D3D0F343"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> specify the funding allocated to each major research objective of the strategic plan and the source of funding by agency for the current fiscal year; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H66282F870BDA46AB8F6A45B49A336EC0"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> estimate the funding required for each major research objective of the strategic plan for the following 3 fiscal years. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HB580342D1E954A078C5B2F884E3C7E49"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header> Recommendations </header> <text> In developing and updating the strategic plan under subsection (a), the agencies involved shall solicit recommendations and advice from— </text> <paragraph id="HB49733E960D747E1B16C086756F100BA"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> the advisory committee established under section 101(b)(1) of the High-Performance Computing Act of 1991 ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/15/5511"> 15 U.S.C. 5511(b)(1) </external-xref> ); and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H5D0352524E654E71BD7D20B8E2B84167"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> a wide range of stakeholders, including industry, academia, including representatives of minority serving institutions and community colleges, National Laboratories, and other relevant organizations and institutions. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H53A03140399945449096846199FA4D8B"> <enum> (e) </enum> <header> Appending to report </header> <text> The implementation roadmap required under subsection (c), and its annual updates, shall be appended to the report required under section 101(a)(2)(D) of the High-Performance Computing Act of 1991 (15 U.S.C. 5511(a)(2)(D)). </text> </subsection> </section> <section id="H0EDC7B05B77B4AA2BCFF3920DFAA5B38"> <enum> 104. </enum> <header> Social and behavioral research in cybersecurity </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Section 4(a)(1) of the Cyber Security Research and Development Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/15/7403"> 15 U.S.C. 7403(a)(1) </external-xref> ) is amended— </text> <paragraph id="H6D7E930F197A4F65AB2CE5E5C1A38C31"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> by inserting <quote> and usability </quote> after <quote> to the structure </quote> ; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HC924D8A3FE66470BA958A93C91845E65"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> in subparagraph (H), by striking <quote> and </quote> after the semicolon; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H89296F4B5FEE485EB670CBF9539BFF35"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> in subparagraph (I), by striking the period at the end and inserting <quote> ; and </quote> ; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H1955EA224916420FB70BDD2A0346579E"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> by adding at the end the following new subparagraph: </text> <quoted-block id="HA745E4B85ACC4F93BEA3ED55AD37FDBF" style="OLC"> <subparagraph id="HA8D995F963704A2A959456CB20F06A92"> <enum> (J) </enum> <text> social and behavioral factors, including human-computer interactions, usability, and user motivations. </text> </subparagraph> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </paragraph> </section> <section id="HB1760361C61D4D318D4D7E763B0837A5"> <enum> 105. </enum> <header> National Science Foundation cybersecurity research and development programs </header> <subsection id="H04C749D8CDF74B53ADB4012B0DB9F27A"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Computer and network security research areas </header> <text> Section 4(a)(1) of the Cyber Security Research and Development Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/15/7403"> 15 U.S.C. 7403(a)(1) </external-xref> ) is amended— </text> <paragraph id="H78F5C9CD8FB64F2DB920C13FB30D8E62"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> in subparagraph (A) by inserting <quote> identity management, </quote> after <quote> cryptography, </quote> ; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H08E78719CC3A40F1AED8CA4E6AE61281"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> in subparagraph (I), by inserting <quote> , crimes against children, and organized crime </quote> after <quote> intellectual property </quote> . </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H5D8200B0FEEB42A9ADD9F584FB419CEC"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Computer and network security research grants </header> <text> Section 4(a)(3) of such Act (15 U.S.C. 7403(a)(3)) is amended by striking subparagraphs (A) through (E) and inserting the following new subparagraphs: </text> <quoted-block id="H8F4AB40C895F479E9CBF426A023EB876" style="OLC"> <subparagraph id="H83ABF79A5A0F420C9F2ABF7CAA911003"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> $90,000,000 for fiscal year 2014; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H0C265A86A8C4403180CF475D7AD0EC3C"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> $90,000,000 for fiscal year 2015; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HF9AB4A949A15450B867D90EED1EF590E"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> $90,000,000 for fiscal year 2016. </text> </subparagraph> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </subsection> <subsection id="HF91BFE27AEA14C83A9D1821D9E714B65"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Computer and network security research centers </header> <text> Section 4(b) of such Act (15 U.S.C. 7403(b)) is amended— </text> <paragraph id="H675A47A537B9408E9EAF3E66B4DFA8BE"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> in paragraph (4)— </text> <subparagraph id="H295591B8BFEA4D919042940E3126D5EE"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> in subparagraph (C), by striking <quote> and </quote> after the semicolon; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H24752BB6C7CD4AADB4D8B720582FD622"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> in subparagraph (D), by striking the period and inserting <quote> ; and </quote> ; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H7D2E75E092154FF3B77FDE40445F5FA2"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> by adding at the end the following new subparagraph: </text> <quoted-block id="HC39F438E40294254A869F75AE6D9353D" style="OLC"> <subparagraph id="H023B24A0709F412498CF03DF201551CA"> <enum> (E) </enum> <text> how the center will partner with government laboratories, for-profit entities, other institutions of higher education, or nonprofit research institutions. </text> </subparagraph> <after-quoted-block> ; and </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H9942A0CC71A149C08864729347CD4237"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> in paragraph (7) by striking subparagraphs (A) through (E) and inserting the following new subparagraphs: </text> <quoted-block id="HB46755779B7B46EEB1E17325A837D290" style="OLC"> <subparagraph id="HDBA12FDB867E41AABD7E02FD6D1ACBE4"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> $4,500,000 for fiscal year 2014; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H1D3328CCCEED4A69A3637CF7BCAEA76A"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> $4,500,000 for fiscal year 2015; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HF9E7D906D2D042B3B1E01FBEA030E161"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> $4,500,000 for fiscal year 2016. </text> </subparagraph> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H558B4B64CBD64F0DBFD111991BAE6D00"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header> Computer and network security capacity building grants </header> <text> Section 5(a)(6) of such Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/15/7404"> 15 U.S.C. 7404(a)(6) </external-xref> ) is amended by striking subparagraphs (A) through (E) and inserting the following new subparagraphs: </text> <quoted-block id="HFA33DB095B9141EFBA97D3D7A22B02AE" style="OLC"> <subparagraph id="H5ED95EB4D6A4446EB1D7F8CBFCA45666"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> $19,000,000 for fiscal year 2014; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H5CBC5A155E074D7883C2C8836B446CC6"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> $19,000,000 for fiscal year 2015; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H9E519ABD7D0447C89B568565323EDAA6"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> $19,000,000 for fiscal year 2016. </text> </subparagraph> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </subsection> <subsection id="H73EAD68CEB914C5391F90A769CD5CB4A"> <enum> (e) </enum> <header> Scientific and advanced technology act grants </header> <text> Section 5(b)(2) of such Act (15 U.S.C. 7404(b)(2)) is amended by striking subparagraphs (A) through (E) and inserting the following new subparagraphs: </text> <quoted-block id="H4A616DE489204A86B004A6DABA5253B3" style="OLC"> <subparagraph id="H233263EC79CB4E06BFE62694DE9026A2"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> $2,500,000 for fiscal year 2014; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H5FE7F2A8543247EEA6933851712A078D"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> $2,500,000 for fiscal year 2015; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H0B5B8C618CD04C3FB4A6D814D6D3AFE9"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> $2,500,000 for fiscal year 2016. </text> </subparagraph> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </subsection> <subsection id="HABD2C719A9104665947F0F8DF329139E"> <enum> (f) </enum> <header> Graduate traineeships in computer and network security </header> <text> Section 5(c)(7) of such Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/15/7404"> 15 U.S.C. 7404(c)(7) </external-xref> ) is amended by striking subparagraphs (A) through (E) and inserting the following new subparagraphs: </text> <quoted-block id="H077E8F1AE84C4A9E92FE4AE35F25CC93" style="OLC"> <subparagraph id="HD8788B4C5CEE4E24B980CDDC7E613BB7"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> $24,000,000 for fiscal year 2014; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H4FD92136BEBD437B83C864CB620730FB"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> $24,000,000 for fiscal year 2015; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HF336950DD7EA44B684561219EE3C7679"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> $24,000,000 for fiscal year 2016. </text> </subparagraph> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </subsection> <subsection id="HD062C289EC484C1799C7AAA5A1851520"> <enum> (g) </enum> <header> Cyber security faculty development traineeship program </header> <text> Section 5(e) of such Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/15/7404"> 15 U.S.C. 7404(e) </external-xref> ) is repealed. </text> </subsection> </section> <section id="H4D86A509F4A34E7289234966152F875D"> <enum> 106. </enum> <header> Federal cyber scholarship for service program </header> <subsection id="HC0AE1232DB2A4180840FEDC413B59ACA"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> The Director of the National Science Foundation shall continue a Scholarship for Service program under section 5(a) of the Cyber Security Research and Development Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/15/7404"> 15 U.S.C. 7404(a) </external-xref> ) to recruit and train the next generation of Federal cybersecurity professionals and to increase the capacity of the higher education system to produce an information technology workforce with the skills necessary to enhance the security of the Nation’s communications and information infrastructure. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H9C826D5A06404600B98D184C94F8537B"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Characteristics of program </header> <text> The program under this section shall— </text> <paragraph id="H1DF1CD0180BD4F5A8C12088E011B5245"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> provide, through qualified institutions of higher education, scholarships that provide tuition, fees, and a competitive stipend for up to 2 years to students pursing a bachelor’s or master’s degree and up to 3 years to students pursuing a doctoral degree in a cybersecurity field; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HAAA2D0330ED04C0D8F105EA7850BC30C"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> provide the scholarship recipients with summer internship opportunities or other meaningful temporary appointments in the Federal information technology workforce; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H35837171BD0E4C98932D29758ECAC2F1"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> increase the capacity of institutions of higher education throughout all regions of the United States to produce highly qualified cybersecurity professionals, through the award of competitive, merit-reviewed grants that support such activities as— </text> <subparagraph id="HABBA1AA183DE4AD4B7537E57D46CBEBD"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> faculty professional development, including technical, hands-on experiences in the private sector or government, workshops, seminars, conferences, and other professional development opportunities that will result in improved instructional capabilities; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H8D08CC30324B4E07903006A911A0248C"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> institutional partnerships, including minority serving institutions and community colleges; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H999533D1728D4C7F9ECAD0E9475B5AF2"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> development of cybersecurity-related courses and curricula. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H176CABD1AD6C4FA68A2119A393597BF8"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Scholarship requirements </header> <paragraph id="HA294DFFEE23C4A3B8BC3D1248873B128"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> Eligibility </header> <text> Scholarships under this section shall be available only to students who— </text> <subparagraph id="H289388E62D9E45589C5AD212A3EB44B0"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> are citizens or permanent residents of the United States; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H337FD02FD57148989B7C1D97D357D5DB"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> are full-time students in an eligible degree program, as determined by the Director, that is focused on computer security or information assurance at an awardee institution; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H9A3CE98956A94E91A439A99887B52850"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> accept the terms of a scholarship pursuant to this section. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HA07F61D0F8B448A089B8BB707973264B"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Selection </header> <text> Individuals shall be selected to receive scholarships primarily on the basis of academic merit, with consideration given to financial need, to the goal of promoting the participation of individuals identified in section 33 or 34 of the Science and Engineering Equal Opportunities Act (42 U.S.C. 1885a or 1885b), and to veterans. For purposes of this paragraph, the term <quote> veteran </quote> means a person who— </text> <subparagraph id="HEA8025D96F554FB8B4EE2921E1D02E5E"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> served on active duty (other than active duty for training) in the Armed Forces of the United States for a period of more than 180 consecutive days, and who was discharged or released therefrom under conditions other than dishonorable; or </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H851BABF1362B43A488B72C33821FD0C9"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> served on active duty (other than active duty for training) in the Armed Forces of the United States and was discharged or released from such service for a service-connected disability before serving 180 consecutive days. </text> </subparagraph> <continuation-text continuation-text-level="paragraph"> For purposes of subparagraph (B), the term <quote> service-connected </quote> has the meaning given such term under <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/38/101"> section 101 </external-xref> of title 38, United States Code. </continuation-text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H84C3535BE97D496AA6B96D09D96861CE"> <enum> (3) </enum> <header> Service obligation </header> <text> If an individual receives a scholarship under this section, as a condition of receiving such scholarship, the individual upon completion of their degree must serve as a cybersecurity professional within the Federal workforce for a period of time as provided in paragraph (5). If a scholarship recipient is not offered employment by a Federal agency or a federally funded research and development center, the service requirement can be satisfied at the Director’s discretion by— </text> <subparagraph id="H8F22833001424298B557B5A64C420521"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> serving as a cybersecurity professional in a State, local, or tribal government agency; or </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HB555CEDDB61A4CD4937EA406F8EEC56C"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> teaching cybersecurity courses at an institution of higher education. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H5502C6CEF3FB4C3BBB168A0D6C9FE98F"> <enum> (4) </enum> <header> Conditions of support </header> <text> As a condition of acceptance of a scholarship under this section, a recipient shall agree to provide the awardee institution with annual verifiable documentation of employment and up-to-date contact information. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H97A539DD10E243FBB74EFCC90139673A"> <enum> (5) </enum> <header> Length of service </header> <text> The length of service required in exchange for a scholarship under this subsection shall be 1 year more than the number of years for which the scholarship was received. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H7F280CFFE8C04379BFC5E387FF1DA94D"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header> Failure To complete service obligation </header> <paragraph id="H2EBAA502A5AB4CBF80F2E7D07264F0D5"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> General rule </header> <text> If an individual who has received a scholarship under this section— </text> <subparagraph id="HEC0113BB6BBB4FBBAAA044EA3F04599E"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> fails to maintain an acceptable level of academic standing in the educational institution in which the individual is enrolled, as determined by the Director; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H78B6B48A0F04499A97343633C5FBFA41"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> is dismissed from such educational institution for disciplinary reasons; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HC51A035D49204BA3913CA873A3E4FD7A"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> withdraws from the program for which the award was made before the completion of such program; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HD708027495EA4774818A8C3864567FD7"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text> declares that the individual does not intend to fulfill the service obligation under this section; or </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HE7A5288A07664122B7A0FC5822C30BB6"> <enum> (E) </enum> <text> fails to fulfill the service obligation of the individual under this section, </text> </subparagraph> <continuation-text continuation-text-level="paragraph"> such individual shall be liable to the United States as provided in paragraph (3). </continuation-text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H100AB679BBD0477DBE876AD6736347AD"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Monitoring compliance </header> <text> As a condition of participating in the program, a qualified institution of higher education receiving a grant under this section shall— </text> <subparagraph id="HF454171C6294429DBD0C60721BC31F49"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> enter into an agreement with the Director of the National Science Foundation to monitor the compliance of scholarship recipients with respect to their service obligation; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H9AF97068173B471A9EF55F01BB85C424"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> provide to the Director, on an annual basis, post-award employment information required under subsection (c)(4) for scholarship recipients through the completion of their service obligation. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H0C65713B46B24C2F814C32A85605AB35"> <enum> (3) </enum> <header> Amount of repayment </header> <subparagraph id="H28F2C7F5C61E4068BCB8FFA0EF47E0E3"> <enum> (A) </enum> <header> Less than one year of service </header> <text> If a circumstance described in paragraph (1) occurs before the completion of 1 year of a service obligation under this section, the total amount of awards received by the individual under this section shall be repaid or such amount shall be treated as a loan to be repaid in accordance with subparagraph (C). </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HF330E88404C94A149BE264FD9875FC99"> <enum> (B) </enum> <header> More than one year of service </header> <text> If a circumstance described in subparagraph (D) or (E) of paragraph (1) occurs after the completion of 1 year of a service obligation under this section, the total amount of scholarship awards received by the individual under this section, reduced by the ratio of the number of years of service completed divided by the number of years of service required, shall be repaid or such amount shall be treated as a loan to be repaid in accordance with subparagraph (C). </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H7EB4C718931B4084A2A238FD554F136B"> <enum> (C) </enum> <header> Repayments </header> <text> A loan described in subparagraph (A) or (B) shall be treated as a Federal Direct Unsubsidized Stafford Loan under part D of title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1087a and following), and shall be subject to repayment, together with interest thereon accruing from the date of the scholarship award, in accordance with terms and conditions specified by the Director (in consultation with the Secretary of Education) in regulations promulgated to carry out this paragraph. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HB7450E431FDC4FF8BD3861D39E432106"> <enum> (4) </enum> <header> Collection of repayment </header> <subparagraph id="HC2C3D96290094354921B936FCEFD69E6"> <enum> (A) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> In the event that a scholarship recipient is required to repay the scholarship under this subsection, the institution providing the scholarship shall— </text> <clause id="H96E516A484914D5A94E2F9501B5D3B50"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> be responsible for determining the repayment amounts and for notifying the recipient and the Director of the amount owed; and </text> </clause> <clause id="HBC33ABE5C97E46A8B3268433DFB92B65"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> collect such repayment amount within a period of time as determined under the agreement described in paragraph (2), or the repayment amount shall be treated as a loan in accordance with paragraph (3)(C). </text> </clause> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H584E4D37A2D04B8DB0566BBE812518AF"> <enum> (B) </enum> <header> Returned to treasury </header> <text> Except as provided in subparagraph (C) of this paragraph, any such repayment shall be returned to the Treasury of the United States. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HA85AF63EA0DE4D10B0EFFEDB8DB5A399"> <enum> (C) </enum> <header> Retain percentage </header> <text> An institution of higher education may retain a percentage of any repayment the institution collects under this paragraph to defray administrative costs associated with the collection. The Director shall establish a single, fixed percentage that will apply to all eligible entities. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H46A326AE494B4F8F889D917975F51FA9"> <enum> (5) </enum> <header> Exceptions </header> <text> The Director may provide for the partial or total waiver or suspension of any service or payment obligation by an individual under this section whenever compliance by the individual with the obligation is impossible or would involve extreme hardship to the individual, or if enforcement of such obligation with respect to the individual would be unconscionable. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H73D104B6B210461BBB43A16218BB5589"> <enum> (e) </enum> <header> Hiring authority </header> <text> For purposes of any law or regulation governing the appointment of individuals in the Federal civil service, upon successful completion of their degree, students receiving a scholarship under this section shall be hired under the authority provided for in section 213.3102(r) of title 5, Code of Federal Regulations, and be exempted from competitive service. Upon fulfillment of the service term, such individuals shall be converted to a competitive service position without competition if the individual meets the requirements for that position. </text> </subsection> </section> <section id="H88FC1B924FA9405EB028C89DBD6399E9"> <enum> 107. </enum> <header> Cybersecurity workforce assessment </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this Act the President shall transmit to the Congress a report addressing the cybersecurity workforce needs of the Federal Government. The report shall include— </text> <paragraph id="H11A6CFC3663446EABF6A17E34DACDC7D"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> an examination of the current state of and the projected needs of the Federal cybersecurity workforce, including a comparison of the different agencies and departments, and an analysis of the capacity of such agencies and departments to meet those needs; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HCC3FB6258C734E0CA647F65F82AE5EC0"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> an analysis of the sources and availability of cybersecurity talent, a comparison of the skills and expertise sought by the Federal Government and the private sector, an examination of the current and future capacity of United States institutions of higher education, including community colleges, to provide current and future cybersecurity professionals, through education and training activities, with those skills sought by the Federal Government, State and local entities, and the private sector, and a description of how successful programs are engaging the talents of females and individuals identified in section 33 or 34 of the Science and Engineering Equal Opportunities Act (42 U.S.C. 1885a or 1885b); </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HAF871433E2D14D4299AC681F9B76E5E4"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> an examination of the effectiveness of the National Centers of Academic Excellence in Information Assurance Education, the Centers of Academic Excellence in Research, and the Federal Cyber Scholarship for Service programs in promoting higher education and research in cybersecurity and information assurance and in producing a growing number of professionals with the necessary cybersecurity and information assurance expertise, including individuals from States or regions in which the unemployment rate exceeds the national average; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H68DFDE104648415485D355652778C8FB"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> an analysis of any barriers to the Federal Government recruiting and hiring cybersecurity talent, including barriers relating to compensation, the hiring process, job classification, and hiring flexibilities; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HF0FD90E1E824499191509DF0A28425F7"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text> recommendations for Federal policies to ensure an adequate, well-trained Federal cybersecurity workforce. </text> </paragraph> </section> <section id="H683A57A01B6C4C3C990C7B9119C3F6C5"> <enum> 108. </enum> <header> Cybersecurity university-industry task force </header> <subsection id="H35573A19B51747C2961E994A1A044E17"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Establishment of university-Industry task force </header> <text> Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy shall convene a task force to explore mechanisms for carrying out collaborative research, development, education, and training activities for cybersecurity through a consortium or other appropriate entity with participants from institutions of higher education and industry. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H1A00FCF8DCE844589F6CB0675A51DD2D"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Functions </header> <text> The task force shall— </text> <paragraph id="HE5C55C77ECE7411B89E46FF6B4460A8B"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> develop options for a collaborative model and an organizational structure for such entity under which the joint research and development activities could be planned, managed, and conducted effectively, including mechanisms for the allocation of resources among the participants in such entity for support of such activities; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HE34FA58BAB994961A1CAA39F8DC41838"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> propose a process for developing a research and development agenda for such entity, including guidelines to ensure an appropriate scope of work focused on nationally significant challenges and requiring collaboration; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H5BB8D7A752D640FB8F47B8AF2F64E28F"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> define the roles and responsibilities for the participants from institutions of higher education and industry in such entity; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HF655C83D813844A2B25F67603887DD6A"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> propose guidelines for assigning intellectual property rights and for the transfer of research and development results to the private sector; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H76736A1DBB7946FF8E261C14BF05071D"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text> make recommendations for how such entity could be funded from Federal, State, and nongovernmental sources. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H86EFB8A5433144ACAC3EB6EC2A018B8A"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Composition </header> <text> In establishing the task force under subsection (a), the Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy shall appoint an equal number of individuals from institutions of higher education, including minority-serving institutions and community colleges, and from industry with knowledge and expertise in cybersecurity. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H4F3EFADC560442B1A82A49FC389FF79C"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header> Report </header> <text> Not later than 12 months after the date of enactment of this Act, the Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy shall transmit to the Congress a report describing the findings and recommendations of the task force. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H0355222DBC0142198DE4029D400E8F01"> <enum> (e) </enum> <header> Termination </header> <text> The task force shall terminate upon transmittal of the report required under subsection (d). </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H0AD9AE6C01804CADBA7F188710137858"> <enum> (f) </enum> <header> Compensation and expenses </header> <text> Members of the task force shall serve without compensation. </text> </subsection> </section> <section id="H238F3C732DE64BC290A9C1F41E8874CC"> <enum> 109. </enum> <header> Cybersecurity automation and checklists for government systems </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Section 8(c) of the Cyber Security Research and Development Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/15/7406"> 15 U.S.C. 7406(c) </external-xref> ) is amended to read as follows: </text> <quoted-block id="HCF9CAF0BAF1F46EDB7BFA5C924A3D9CB" style="OLC"> <subsection id="H1DCCCF1AD7F64A59A909B9E98429FB2A"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Security automation and checklists for government systems </header> <paragraph id="H4422C56C720949A1ADD15B82F7E1E1B9"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> The Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology shall develop, and revise as necessary, security automation standards, associated reference materials (including protocols), and checklists providing settings and option selections that minimize the security risks associated with each information technology hardware or software system and security tool that is, or is likely to become, widely used within the Federal Government in order to enable standardized and interoperable technologies, architectures, and frameworks for continuous monitoring of information security within the Federal Government. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HCEEB550450EB4A99BD11EC0988828069"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Priorities for development </header> <text> The Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology shall establish priorities for the development of standards, reference materials, and checklists under this subsection on the basis of— </text> <subparagraph id="H5A8CF1B30247485F8EA2359445944F3C"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> the security risks associated with the use of the system; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H02C88C8C5D324CD2AA756DFD1F1BC595"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> the number of agencies that use a particular system or security tool; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HC2B6EA60790B4FC98608F3BACC866D95"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> the usefulness of the standards, reference materials, or checklists to Federal agencies that are users or potential users of the system; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H0CCEC142EFCA458B9BB870365837C23D"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text> the effectiveness of the associated standard, reference material, or checklist in creating or enabling continuous monitoring of information security; or </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H967F489142A34739B657235BED320746"> <enum> (E) </enum> <text> such other factors as the Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology determines to be appropriate. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H86FB36E12A644D23A737EA422C27F0F7"> <enum> (3) </enum> <header> Excluded systems </header> <text> The Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology may exclude from the application of paragraph (1) any information technology hardware or software system or security tool for which such Director determines that the development of a standard, reference material, or checklist is inappropriate because of the infrequency of use of the system, the obsolescence of the system, or the inutility or impracticability of developing a standard, reference material, or checklist for the system. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HBB550990DE1B48599F433F3CC68394F3"> <enum> (4) </enum> <header> Dissemination of standards and related materials </header> <text> The Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology shall ensure that Federal agencies are informed of the availability of any standard, reference material, checklist, or other item developed under this subsection. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HFDF429EFC3DD40B2A83605008A3E527F"> <enum> (5) </enum> <header> Agency use requirements </header> <text> The development of standards, reference materials, and checklists under paragraph (1) for an information technology hardware or software system or tool does not— </text> <subparagraph id="H7DADE703AC1E4594B5A921A53DB566EE"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> require any Federal agency to select the specific settings or options recommended by the standard, reference material, or checklist for the system; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HCDEC2C89C4314E5097C1D4252A1DBCBC"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> establish conditions or prerequisites for Federal agency procurement or deployment of any such system; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H31FDC4D7D94D43039BE33323E724D07D"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> imply an endorsement of any such system by the Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology; or </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H988A531195F547069A49EDE4CEBF2366"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text> preclude any Federal agency from procuring or deploying other information technology hardware or software systems for which no such standard, reference material, or checklist has been developed or identified under paragraph (1). </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </section> <section id="HBC3C779B8A8A4689849DD8859C444483"> <enum> 110. </enum> <header> National Institute of Standards and Technology cybersecurity research and development </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Section 20 of the National Institute of Standards and Technology Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/15/278g-3"> 15 U.S.C. 278g–3 </external-xref> ) is amended by redesignating subsection (e) as subsection (f), and by inserting after subsection (d) the following: </text> <quoted-block id="HDA4AEA70271748F58F0D03425350A478" style="OLC"> <subsection id="HFABBA5991D1A4770AEF27BBCC220A355"> <enum> (e) </enum> <header> Intramural security research </header> <text> As part of the research activities conducted in accordance with subsection (d)(3), the Institute shall— </text> <paragraph id="H896992A166484223BC924CB6BC6BD6F7"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> conduct a research program to develop a unifying and standardized identity, privilege, and access control management framework for the execution of a wide variety of resource protection policies and that is amenable to implementation within a wide variety of existing and emerging computing environments; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H2C60C76FCE41465283F1A11EAC314C57"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> carry out research associated with improving the security of information systems and networks; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HCA2929470F644A6EB2AF552110DC3BC7"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> carry out research associated with improving the testing, measurement, usability, and assurance of information systems and networks; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H9034298F40324BFEA89D3261A1706013"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> carry out research associated with improving security of industrial control systems. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </section> </title> <title id="H10178836CBC04DEA9522AD9351C83A9E"> <enum> II </enum> <header> Advancement of Cybersecurity Technical Standards </header> <section id="H2DC377FC1E91495C9B0938CE171600D5"> <enum> 201. </enum> <header> Definitions </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> In this title: </text> <paragraph id="HFA71BD4C72E44B7D90A3E66695151AC9"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> Director </header> <text> The term <quote> Director </quote> means the Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HBBAECD17F5244281AE634912E6C8C274"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Institute </header> <text> The term <quote> Institute </quote> means the National Institute of Standards and Technology. </text> </paragraph> </section> <section id="HC9E39EFA7C9141F2A3DA76C1DB039F46"> <enum> 202. </enum> <header> International cybersecurity technical standards </header> <subsection id="H777A2E9A1DD9430480F66B867A9A3B57"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> The Director, in coordination with appropriate Federal authorities, shall— </text> <paragraph id="H83853F32CA444E71ADFFAA9DED8BD558"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> as appropriate, ensure coordination of Federal agencies engaged in the development of international technical standards related to information system security; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HE882FAD20BC54AC083FB6C599E5BFE27"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, develop and transmit to the Congress a plan for ensuring such Federal agency coordination. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HC35CC0BB48994C1EBAEAEE4DD5570949"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Consultation with the private sector </header> <text> In carrying out the activities specified in subsection (a)(1), the Director shall ensure consultation with appropriate private sector stakeholders. </text> </subsection> </section> <section id="H6F382F4BA5D4424ABA952AD7B0ACF583"> <enum> 203. </enum> <header> Cloud computing strategy </header> <subsection id="H39DEE0B74DFD470BA619BDEBF80557FC"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> The Director, in collaboration with the Federal CIO Council, and in consultation with other relevant Federal agencies and stakeholders from the private sector, shall continue to develop and encourage the implementation of a comprehensive strategy for the use and adoption of cloud computing services by the Federal Government. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H5D5AB217991B414E963D3591EC96DC66"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Activities </header> <text> In carrying out the strategy developed under subsection (a), the Director shall give consideration to activities that— </text> <paragraph id="H7A978B4EC7344BF8BE4F0A5D13313744"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> accelerate the development, in collaboration with the private sector, of standards that address interoperability and portability of cloud computing services; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HF53AFA075F9E45DA8818B916F1C77435"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> advance the development of conformance testing performed by the private sector in support of cloud computing standardization; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H2CD9C4CCA1C840B492BE249F91A7D584"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> support, in consultation with the private sector, the development of appropriate security frameworks and reference materials, and the identification of best practices, for use by Federal agencies to address security and privacy requirements to enable the use and adoption of cloud computing services, including activities— </text> <subparagraph id="HDC7F02C48666428D9F7061F8FFC0107D"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> to ensure the physical security of cloud computing data centers and the data stored in such centers; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H6AB62F145F334082860630BDBCC88754"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> to ensure secure access to the data stored in cloud computing data centers; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HE97FD4089A1E42328D90D64893E7E172"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> to develop security standards as required under section 20 of the National Institute of Standards and Technology Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/15/278g-3"> 15 U.S.C. 278g–3 </external-xref> ); and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H6EEA5ECD4D21491680D01AA0728F7E5F"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text> to support the development of the automation of continuous monitoring systems. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> </section> <section id="H98449B4B269C41F097B0C96D6559F570"> <enum> 204. </enum> <header> Promoting cybersecurity awareness and education </header> <subsection id="HAE534E7EFFA64DE4B5F05F3274B00333"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Program </header> <text> The Director, in collaboration with relevant Federal agencies, industry, educational institutions, National Laboratories, the National Coordination Office of the Networking and Information Technology Research and Development program, and other organizations, shall continue to coordinate a cybersecurity awareness and education program to increase knowledge, skills, and awareness of cybersecurity risks, consequences, and best practices through— </text> <paragraph id="HD51B06D96EB44C4C97BCB93463D71695"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> the widespread dissemination of cybersecurity technical standards and best practices identified by the Institute; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HF4BEA53628FC4C879B5CEBD20DF6E967"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> efforts to make cybersecurity best practices usable by individuals, small to medium-sized businesses, State, local, and tribal governments, and educational institutions; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H280F3B5380EA411490B68A7209A6385A"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> efforts to attract, recruit, and retain qualified professionals to the Federal cybersecurity workforce. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HAE51940ED5064D41A54ABEFB772B7B2C"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Strategic plan </header> <text> The Director shall, in cooperation with relevant Federal agencies and other stakeholders, develop and implement a strategic plan to guide Federal programs and activities in support of a comprehensive cybersecurity awareness and education program as described under subsection (a). </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H54A1CEB7113C44B1A3017F364D9B9C77"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Report to congress </header> <text> Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act and every 5 years thereafter, the Director shall transmit the strategic plan required under subsection (b) to the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate. </text> </subsection> </section> <section id="H8C31BFF3B2D14174ABB3F7D8329CFF42"> <enum> 205. </enum> <header> Identity management research and development </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> The Director shall continue a program to support the development of technical standards, metrology, testbeds, and conformance criteria, taking into account appropriate user concerns, to— </text> <paragraph id="H2E377E182581408A91721A31596B56BE"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> improve interoperability among identity management technologies; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H34E71BCDA18F47AFBE5F25E32130A77A"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> strengthen authentication methods of identity management systems; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HE7F7EC62059F45D4B290E43C17A254A1"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> improve privacy protection in identity management systems, including health information technology systems, through authentication and security protocols; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HCD319825F7F44EBF84E29C5E683E8122"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> improve the usability of identity management systems. </text> </paragraph> </section> <section id="HC34172D417E84481AAC3432F183B63E8"> <enum> 206. </enum> <header> Authorizations </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> No additional funds are authorized to carry out this title and the amendments made by this title or to carry out the amendments made by sections 109 and 110 of this Act. This title and the amendments made by this title and the amendments made by sections 109 and 110 of this Act shall be carried out using amounts otherwise authorized or appropriated. </text> </section> </title> </legis-body> </bill>
I 113th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 756 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES February 15, 2013 Mr. McCaul (for himself, Mr. Lipinski , Mr. Smith of Texas , Mr. Langevin , Mr. Meehan , Ms. Matsui , Mr. Hall , and Mr. Ben Ray Luján of New Mexico ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology A BILL To advance cybersecurity research, development, and technical standards, and for other purposes. 1. Short title This Act may be cited as the Cybersecurity Enhancement Act of 2013 . I Research and Development 101. Definitions In this title: (1) National coordination office The term National Coordination Office means the National Coordination Office for the Networking and Information Technology Research and Development program. (2) Program The term Program means the Networking and Information Technology Research and Development program which has been established under section 101 of the High-Performance Computing Act of 1991 ( 15 U.S.C. 5511 ). 102. Findings Section 2 of the Cyber Security Research and Development Act ( 15 U.S.C. 7401 ) is amended— (1) by amending paragraph (1) to read as follows: (1) Advancements in information and communications technology have resulted in a globally interconnected network of government, commercial, scientific, and education infrastructures, including critical infrastructures for electric power, natural gas and petroleum production and distribution, telecommunications, transportation, water supply, banking and finance, and emergency and government services. ; (2) in paragraph (2), by striking Exponential increases in interconnectivity have facilitated enhanced communications, economic growth, and inserting These advancements have significantly contributed to the growth of the United States economy, ; (3) by amending paragraph (3) to read as follows: (3) The Cyberspace Policy Review published by the President in May, 2009, concluded that our information technology and communications infrastructure is vulnerable and has suffered intrusions that have allowed criminals to steal hundreds of millions of dollars and nation-states and other entities to steal intellectual property and sensitive military information . ; and (4) by amending paragraph (6) to read as follows: (6) While African-Americans, Hispanics, and Native Americans constitute 33 percent of the college-age population, members of these minorities comprise less than 20 percent of bachelor degree recipients in the field of computer sciences. . 103. Cybersecurity strategic research and development plan (a) In general Not later than 12 months after the date of enactment of this Act, the agencies identified in subsection 101(a)(3)(B)(i) through (x) of the High-Performance Computing Act of 1991 ( 15 U.S.C. 5511(a)(3)(B)(i) through (x)) or designated under section 101(a)(3)(B)(xi) of such Act, working through the National Science and Technology Council and with the assistance of the National Coordination Office, shall transmit to Congress a strategic plan based on an assessment of cybersecurity risk to guide the overall direction of Federal cybersecurity and information assurance research and development for information technology and networking systems. Once every 3 years after the initial strategic plan is transmitted to Congress under this section, such agencies shall prepare and transmit to Congress an update of such plan. (b) Contents of plan The strategic plan required under subsection (a) shall— (1) specify and prioritize near-term, mid-term and long-term research objectives, including objectives associated with the research areas identified in section 4(a)(1) of the Cyber Security Research and Development Act ( 15 U.S.C. 7403(a)(1) ) and how the near-term objectives complement research and development areas in which the private sector is actively engaged; (2) describe how the Program will focus on innovative, transformational technologies with the potential to enhance the security, reliability, resilience, and trustworthiness of the digital infrastructure, and to protect consumer privacy; (3) describe how the Program will foster the rapid transfer of research and development results into new cybersecurity technologies and applications for the timely benefit of society and the national interest, including through the dissemination of best practices and other outreach activities; (4) describe how the Program will establish and maintain a national research infrastructure for creating, testing, and evaluating the next generation of secure networking and information technology systems; (5) describe how the Program will facilitate access by academic researchers to the infrastructure described in paragraph (4), as well as to relevant data, including event data; and (6) describe how the Program will engage females and individuals identified in section 33 or 34 of the Science and Engineering Equal Opportunities Act (42 U.S.C. 1885a or 1885b) to foster a more diverse workforce in this area. (c) Development of roadmap The agencies described in subsection (a) shall develop and annually update an implementation roadmap for the strategic plan required in this section. Such roadmap shall— (1) specify the role of each Federal agency in carrying out or sponsoring research and development to meet the research objectives of the strategic plan, including a description of how progress toward the research objectives will be evaluated; (2) specify the funding allocated to each major research objective of the strategic plan and the source of funding by agency for the current fiscal year; and (3) estimate the funding required for each major research objective of the strategic plan for the following 3 fiscal years. (d) Recommendations In developing and updating the strategic plan under subsection (a), the agencies involved shall solicit recommendations and advice from— (1) the advisory committee established under section 101(b)(1) of the High-Performance Computing Act of 1991 ( 15 U.S.C. 5511(b)(1) ); and (2) a wide range of stakeholders, including industry, academia, including representatives of minority serving institutions and community colleges, National Laboratories, and other relevant organizations and institutions. (e) Appending to report The implementation roadmap required under subsection (c), and its annual updates, shall be appended to the report required under section 101(a)(2)(D) of the High-Performance Computing Act of 1991 (15 U.S.C. 5511(a)(2)(D)). 104. Social and behavioral research in cybersecurity Section 4(a)(1) of the Cyber Security Research and Development Act ( 15 U.S.C. 7403(a)(1) ) is amended— (1) by inserting and usability after to the structure ; (2) in subparagraph (H), by striking and after the semicolon; (3) in subparagraph (I), by striking the period at the end and inserting ; and ; and (4) by adding at the end the following new subparagraph: (J) social and behavioral factors, including human-computer interactions, usability, and user motivations. . 105. National Science Foundation cybersecurity research and development programs (a) Computer and network security research areas Section 4(a)(1) of the Cyber Security Research and Development Act ( 15 U.S.C. 7403(a)(1) ) is amended— (1) in subparagraph (A) by inserting identity management, after cryptography, ; and (2) in subparagraph (I), by inserting , crimes against children, and organized crime after intellectual property . (b) Computer and network security research grants Section 4(a)(3) of such Act (15 U.S.C. 7403(a)(3)) is amended by striking subparagraphs (A) through (E) and inserting the following new subparagraphs: (A) $90,000,000 for fiscal year 2014; (B) $90,000,000 for fiscal year 2015; and (C) $90,000,000 for fiscal year 2016. . (c) Computer and network security research centers Section 4(b) of such Act (15 U.S.C. 7403(b)) is amended— (1) in paragraph (4)— (A) in subparagraph (C), by striking and after the semicolon; (B) in subparagraph (D), by striking the period and inserting ; and ; and (C) by adding at the end the following new subparagraph: (E) how the center will partner with government laboratories, for-profit entities, other institutions of higher education, or nonprofit research institutions. ; and (2) in paragraph (7) by striking subparagraphs (A) through (E) and inserting the following new subparagraphs: (A) $4,500,000 for fiscal year 2014; (B) $4,500,000 for fiscal year 2015; and (C) $4,500,000 for fiscal year 2016. . (d) Computer and network security capacity building grants Section 5(a)(6) of such Act ( 15 U.S.C. 7404(a)(6) ) is amended by striking subparagraphs (A) through (E) and inserting the following new subparagraphs: (A) $19,000,000 for fiscal year 2014; (B) $19,000,000 for fiscal year 2015; and (C) $19,000,000 for fiscal year 2016. . (e) Scientific and advanced technology act grants Section 5(b)(2) of such Act (15 U.S.C. 7404(b)(2)) is amended by striking subparagraphs (A) through (E) and inserting the following new subparagraphs: (A) $2,500,000 for fiscal year 2014; (B) $2,500,000 for fiscal year 2015; and (C) $2,500,000 for fiscal year 2016. . (f) Graduate traineeships in computer and network security Section 5(c)(7) of such Act ( 15 U.S.C. 7404(c)(7) ) is amended by striking subparagraphs (A) through (E) and inserting the following new subparagraphs: (A) $24,000,000 for fiscal year 2014; (B) $24,000,000 for fiscal year 2015; and (C) $24,000,000 for fiscal year 2016. . (g) Cyber security faculty development traineeship program Section 5(e) of such Act ( 15 U.S.C. 7404(e) ) is repealed. 106. Federal cyber scholarship for service program (a) In general The Director of the National Science Foundation shall continue a Scholarship for Service program under section 5(a) of the Cyber Security Research and Development Act ( 15 U.S.C. 7404(a) ) to recruit and train the next generation of Federal cybersecurity professionals and to increase the capacity of the higher education system to produce an information technology workforce with the skills necessary to enhance the security of the Nation’s communications and information infrastructure. (b) Characteristics of program The program under this section shall— (1) provide, through qualified institutions of higher education, scholarships that provide tuition, fees, and a competitive stipend for up to 2 years to students pursing a bachelor’s or master’s degree and up to 3 years to students pursuing a doctoral degree in a cybersecurity field; (2) provide the scholarship recipients with summer internship opportunities or other meaningful temporary appointments in the Federal information technology workforce; and (3) increase the capacity of institutions of higher education throughout all regions of the United States to produce highly qualified cybersecurity professionals, through the award of competitive, merit-reviewed grants that support such activities as— (A) faculty professional development, including technical, hands-on experiences in the private sector or government, workshops, seminars, conferences, and other professional development opportunities that will result in improved instructional capabilities; (B) institutional partnerships, including minority serving institutions and community colleges; and (C) development of cybersecurity-related courses and curricula. (c) Scholarship requirements (1) Eligibility Scholarships under this section shall be available only to students who— (A) are citizens or permanent residents of the United States; (B) are full-time students in an eligible degree program, as determined by the Director, that is focused on computer security or information assurance at an awardee institution; and (C) accept the terms of a scholarship pursuant to this section. (2) Selection Individuals shall be selected to receive scholarships primarily on the basis of academic merit, with consideration given to financial need, to the goal of promoting the participation of individuals identified in section 33 or 34 of the Science and Engineering Equal Opportunities Act (42 U.S.C. 1885a or 1885b), and to veterans. For purposes of this paragraph, the term veteran means a person who— (A) served on active duty (other than active duty for training) in the Armed Forces of the United States for a period of more than 180 consecutive days, and who was discharged or released therefrom under conditions other than dishonorable; or (B) served on active duty (other than active duty for training) in the Armed Forces of the United States and was discharged or released from such service for a service-connected disability before serving 180 consecutive days. For purposes of subparagraph (B), the term service-connected has the meaning given such term under section 101 of title 38, United States Code. (3) Service obligation If an individual receives a scholarship under this section, as a condition of receiving such scholarship, the individual upon completion of their degree must serve as a cybersecurity professional within the Federal workforce for a period of time as provided in paragraph (5). If a scholarship recipient is not offered employment by a Federal agency or a federally funded research and development center, the service requirement can be satisfied at the Director’s discretion by— (A) serving as a cybersecurity professional in a State, local, or tribal government agency; or (B) teaching cybersecurity courses at an institution of higher education. (4) Conditions of support As a condition of acceptance of a scholarship under this section, a recipient shall agree to provide the awardee institution with annual verifiable documentation of employment and up-to-date contact information. (5) Length of service The length of service required in exchange for a scholarship under this subsection shall be 1 year more than the number of years for which the scholarship was received. (d) Failure To complete service obligation (1) General rule If an individual who has received a scholarship under this section— (A) fails to maintain an acceptable level of academic standing in the educational institution in which the individual is enrolled, as determined by the Director; (B) is dismissed from such educational institution for disciplinary reasons; (C) withdraws from the program for which the award was made before the completion of such program; (D) declares that the individual does not intend to fulfill the service obligation under this section; or (E) fails to fulfill the service obligation of the individual under this section, such individual shall be liable to the United States as provided in paragraph (3). (2) Monitoring compliance As a condition of participating in the program, a qualified institution of higher education receiving a grant under this section shall— (A) enter into an agreement with the Director of the National Science Foundation to monitor the compliance of scholarship recipients with respect to their service obligation; and (B) provide to the Director, on an annual basis, post-award employment information required under subsection (c)(4) for scholarship recipients through the completion of their service obligation. (3) Amount of repayment (A) Less than one year of service If a circumstance described in paragraph (1) occurs before the completion of 1 year of a service obligation under this section, the total amount of awards received by the individual under this section shall be repaid or such amount shall be treated as a loan to be repaid in accordance with subparagraph (C). (B) More than one year of service If a circumstance described in subparagraph (D) or (E) of paragraph (1) occurs after the completion of 1 year of a service obligation under this section, the total amount of scholarship awards received by the individual under this section, reduced by the ratio of the number of years of service completed divided by the number of years of service required, shall be repaid or such amount shall be treated as a loan to be repaid in accordance with subparagraph (C). (C) Repayments A loan described in subparagraph (A) or (B) shall be treated as a Federal Direct Unsubsidized Stafford Loan under part D of title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1087a and following), and shall be subject to repayment, together with interest thereon accruing from the date of the scholarship award, in accordance with terms and conditions specified by the Director (in consultation with the Secretary of Education) in regulations promulgated to carry out this paragraph. (4) Collection of repayment (A) In general In the event that a scholarship recipient is required to repay the scholarship under this subsection, the institution providing the scholarship shall— (i) be responsible for determining the repayment amounts and for notifying the recipient and the Director of the amount owed; and (ii) collect such repayment amount within a period of time as determined under the agreement described in paragraph (2), or the repayment amount shall be treated as a loan in accordance with paragraph (3)(C). (B) Returned to treasury Except as provided in subparagraph (C) of this paragraph, any such repayment shall be returned to the Treasury of the United States. (C) Retain percentage An institution of higher education may retain a percentage of any repayment the institution collects under this paragraph to defray administrative costs associated with the collection. The Director shall establish a single, fixed percentage that will apply to all eligible entities. (5) Exceptions The Director may provide for the partial or total waiver or suspension of any service or payment obligation by an individual under this section whenever compliance by the individual with the obligation is impossible or would involve extreme hardship to the individual, or if enforcement of such obligation with respect to the individual would be unconscionable. (e) Hiring authority For purposes of any law or regulation governing the appointment of individuals in the Federal civil service, upon successful completion of their degree, students receiving a scholarship under this section shall be hired under the authority provided for in section 213.3102(r) of title 5, Code of Federal Regulations, and be exempted from competitive service. Upon fulfillment of the service term, such individuals shall be converted to a competitive service position without competition if the individual meets the requirements for that position. 107. Cybersecurity workforce assessment Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this Act the President shall transmit to the Congress a report addressing the cybersecurity workforce needs of the Federal Government. The report shall include— (1) an examination of the current state of and the projected needs of the Federal cybersecurity workforce, including a comparison of the different agencies and departments, and an analysis of the capacity of such agencies and departments to meet those needs; (2) an analysis of the sources and availability of cybersecurity talent, a comparison of the skills and expertise sought by the Federal Government and the private sector, an examination of the current and future capacity of United States institutions of higher education, including community colleges, to provide current and future cybersecurity professionals, through education and training activities, with those skills sought by the Federal Government, State and local entities, and the private sector, and a description of how successful programs are engaging the talents of females and individuals identified in section 33 or 34 of the Science and Engineering Equal Opportunities Act (42 U.S.C. 1885a or 1885b); (3) an examination of the effectiveness of the National Centers of Academic Excellence in Information Assurance Education, the Centers of Academic Excellence in Research, and the Federal Cyber Scholarship for Service programs in promoting higher education and research in cybersecurity and information assurance and in producing a growing number of professionals with the necessary cybersecurity and information assurance expertise, including individuals from States or regions in which the unemployment rate exceeds the national average; (4) an analysis of any barriers to the Federal Government recruiting and hiring cybersecurity talent, including barriers relating to compensation, the hiring process, job classification, and hiring flexibilities; and (5) recommendations for Federal policies to ensure an adequate, well-trained Federal cybersecurity workforce. 108. Cybersecurity university-industry task force (a) Establishment of university-Industry task force Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy shall convene a task force to explore mechanisms for carrying out collaborative research, development, education, and training activities for cybersecurity through a consortium or other appropriate entity with participants from institutions of higher education and industry. (b) Functions The task force shall— (1) develop options for a collaborative model and an organizational structure for such entity under which the joint research and development activities could be planned, managed, and conducted effectively, including mechanisms for the allocation of resources among the participants in such entity for support of such activities; (2) propose a process for developing a research and development agenda for such entity, including guidelines to ensure an appropriate scope of work focused on nationally significant challenges and requiring collaboration; (3) define the roles and responsibilities for the participants from institutions of higher education and industry in such entity; (4) propose guidelines for assigning intellectual property rights and for the transfer of research and development results to the private sector; and (5) make recommendations for how such entity could be funded from Federal, State, and nongovernmental sources. (c) Composition In establishing the task force under subsection (a), the Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy shall appoint an equal number of individuals from institutions of higher education, including minority-serving institutions and community colleges, and from industry with knowledge and expertise in cybersecurity. (d) Report Not later than 12 months after the date of enactment of this Act, the Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy shall transmit to the Congress a report describing the findings and recommendations of the task force. (e) Termination The task force shall terminate upon transmittal of the report required under subsection (d). (f) Compensation and expenses Members of the task force shall serve without compensation. 109. Cybersecurity automation and checklists for government systems Section 8(c) of the Cyber Security Research and Development Act ( 15 U.S.C. 7406(c) ) is amended to read as follows: (c) Security automation and checklists for government systems (1) In general The Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology shall develop, and revise as necessary, security automation standards, associated reference materials (including protocols), and checklists providing settings and option selections that minimize the security risks associated with each information technology hardware or software system and security tool that is, or is likely to become, widely used within the Federal Government in order to enable standardized and interoperable technologies, architectures, and frameworks for continuous monitoring of information security within the Federal Government. (2) Priorities for development The Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology shall establish priorities for the development of standards, reference materials, and checklists under this subsection on the basis of— (A) the security risks associated with the use of the system; (B) the number of agencies that use a particular system or security tool; (C) the usefulness of the standards, reference materials, or checklists to Federal agencies that are users or potential users of the system; (D) the effectiveness of the associated standard, reference material, or checklist in creating or enabling continuous monitoring of information security; or (E) such other factors as the Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology determines to be appropriate. (3) Excluded systems The Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology may exclude from the application of paragraph (1) any information technology hardware or software system or security tool for which such Director determines that the development of a standard, reference material, or checklist is inappropriate because of the infrequency of use of the system, the obsolescence of the system, or the inutility or impracticability of developing a standard, reference material, or checklist for the system. (4) Dissemination of standards and related materials The Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology shall ensure that Federal agencies are informed of the availability of any standard, reference material, checklist, or other item developed under this subsection. (5) Agency use requirements The development of standards, reference materials, and checklists under paragraph (1) for an information technology hardware or software system or tool does not— (A) require any Federal agency to select the specific settings or options recommended by the standard, reference material, or checklist for the system; (B) establish conditions or prerequisites for Federal agency procurement or deployment of any such system; (C) imply an endorsement of any such system by the Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology; or (D) preclude any Federal agency from procuring or deploying other information technology hardware or software systems for which no such standard, reference material, or checklist has been developed or identified under paragraph (1). . 110. National Institute of Standards and Technology cybersecurity research and development Section 20 of the National Institute of Standards and Technology Act ( 15 U.S.C. 278g–3 ) is amended by redesignating subsection (e) as subsection (f), and by inserting after subsection (d) the following: (e) Intramural security research As part of the research activities conducted in accordance with subsection (d)(3), the Institute shall— (1) conduct a research program to develop a unifying and standardized identity, privilege, and access control management framework for the execution of a wide variety of resource protection policies and that is amenable to implementation within a wide variety of existing and emerging computing environments; (2) carry out research associated with improving the security of information systems and networks; (3) carry out research associated with improving the testing, measurement, usability, and assurance of information systems and networks; and (4) carry out research associated with improving security of industrial control systems. . II Advancement of Cybersecurity Technical Standards 201. Definitions In this title: (1) Director The term Director means the Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology. (2) Institute The term Institute means the National Institute of Standards and Technology. 202. International cybersecurity technical standards (a) In general The Director, in coordination with appropriate Federal authorities, shall— (1) as appropriate, ensure coordination of Federal agencies engaged in the development of international technical standards related to information system security; and (2) not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, develop and transmit to the Congress a plan for ensuring such Federal agency coordination. (b) Consultation with the private sector In carrying out the activities specified in subsection (a)(1), the Director shall ensure consultation with appropriate private sector stakeholders. 203. Cloud computing strategy (a) In general The Director, in collaboration with the Federal CIO Council, and in consultation with other relevant Federal agencies and stakeholders from the private sector, shall continue to develop and encourage the implementation of a comprehensive strategy for the use and adoption of cloud computing services by the Federal Government. (b) Activities In carrying out the strategy developed under subsection (a), the Director shall give consideration to activities that— (1) accelerate the development, in collaboration with the private sector, of standards that address interoperability and portability of cloud computing services; (2) advance the development of conformance testing performed by the private sector in support of cloud computing standardization; and (3) support, in consultation with the private sector, the development of appropriate security frameworks and reference materials, and the identification of best practices, for use by Federal agencies to address security and privacy requirements to enable the use and adoption of cloud computing services, including activities— (A) to ensure the physical security of cloud computing data centers and the data stored in such centers; (B) to ensure secure access to the data stored in cloud computing data centers; (C) to develop security standards as required under section 20 of the National Institute of Standards and Technology Act ( 15 U.S.C. 278g–3 ); and (D) to support the development of the automation of continuous monitoring systems. 204. Promoting cybersecurity awareness and education (a) Program The Director, in collaboration with relevant Federal agencies, industry, educational institutions, National Laboratories, the National Coordination Office of the Networking and Information Technology Research and Development program, and other organizations, shall continue to coordinate a cybersecurity awareness and education program to increase knowledge, skills, and awareness of cybersecurity risks, consequences, and best practices through— (1) the widespread dissemination of cybersecurity technical standards and best practices identified by the Institute; (2) efforts to make cybersecurity best practices usable by individuals, small to medium-sized businesses, State, local, and tribal governments, and educational institutions; and (3) efforts to attract, recruit, and retain qualified professionals to the Federal cybersecurity workforce. (b) Strategic plan The Director shall, in cooperation with relevant Federal agencies and other stakeholders, develop and implement a strategic plan to guide Federal programs and activities in support of a comprehensive cybersecurity awareness and education program as described under subsection (a). (c) Report to congress Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act and every 5 years thereafter, the Director shall transmit the strategic plan required under subsection (b) to the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate. 205. Identity management research and development The Director shall continue a program to support the development of technical standards, metrology, testbeds, and conformance criteria, taking into account appropriate user concerns, to— (1) improve interoperability among identity management technologies; (2) strengthen authentication methods of identity management systems; (3) improve privacy protection in identity management systems, including health information technology systems, through authentication and security protocols; and (4) improve the usability of identity management systems. 206. Authorizations No additional funds are authorized to carry out this title and the amendments made by this title or to carry out the amendments made by sections 109 and 110 of this Act. This title and the amendments made by this title and the amendments made by sections 109 and 110 of this Act shall be carried out using amounts otherwise authorized or appropriated.
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<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Referred-in-Senate" bill-type="olc" dms-id="HE102B03497404A1EB1A56CB5616059DC" public-private="public" stage-count="1"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 756 : Cybersecurity Enhancement Act of 2013 </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-04-17 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> IIB </distribution-code> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 756 </legis-num> <current-chamber display="yes"> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130417"> April 17, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> Received; read twice and referred to the <committee-name committee-id="SSCM00"> Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> AN ACT </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> To advance cybersecurity research, development, and technical standards, and for other purposes. </official-title> </form> <legis-body display-enacting-clause="yes-display-enacting-clause" id="HAB47A4AB654D49ACA70568F67D4F1635" style="OLC"> <section id="H31B751DE0EE54609A1493061B330D0A7" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Short title </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> This Act may be cited as the <quote> <short-title> Cybersecurity Enhancement Act of 2013 </short-title> </quote> . </text> </section> <title id="H1DA69CD471F64186833CA159979B1000"> <enum> I </enum> <header> Research and Development </header> <section id="H8600DCB2C285497FA13700AFDFF2248C"> <enum> 101. </enum> <header> Definitions </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> In this title: </text> <paragraph id="HE577B9F0641944BC852DEA87C9C20603"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> National coordination office </header> <text> The term National Coordination Office means the National Coordination Office for the Networking and Information Technology Research and Development program. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HD04533F939AD445A96A444AE6B87B740"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Program </header> <text> The term Program means the Networking and Information Technology Research and Development program which has been established under section 101 of the High-Performance Computing Act of 1991 ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/15/5511"> 15 U.S.C. 5511 </external-xref> ). </text> </paragraph> </section> <section id="HC749427869BF47E58E127F9E5028684C"> <enum> 102. </enum> <header> Findings </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Section 2 of the Cyber Security Research and Development Act (15 U.S.C. 7401) is amended— </text> <paragraph id="HA0EC24A13B8C4D8BBB1D9580A41A1EE2"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> by amending paragraph (1) to read as follows: </text> <quoted-block id="H5255A5856870484087B708AF99BB4237" style="OLC"> <paragraph id="H9C3D4273CBF347BBA2339EEA9FD3C3D4"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> Advancements in information and communications technology have resulted in a globally interconnected network of government, commercial, scientific, and education infrastructures, including critical infrastructures for electric power, natural gas and petroleum production and distribution, telecommunications, transportation, water supply, banking and finance, and emergency and government services. </text> </paragraph> <after-quoted-block> ; </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H60A6B293832F425596CD81F8786C1154"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> in paragraph (2), by striking <quote> Exponential increases in interconnectivity have facilitated enhanced communications, economic growth, </quote> and inserting <quote> These advancements have significantly contributed to the growth of the United States economy, </quote> ; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H74433A9EBEAF495E9A2313F424485224"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> by amending paragraph (3) to read as follows: </text> <quoted-block id="HB62021928DF04920AB2CFEBE00431B0C" style="OLC"> <paragraph id="HCA67FBDF312846009C268E8F1430C03D"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> The Cyberspace Policy Review published by the President in May, 2009, concluded that our information technology and communications infrastructure is vulnerable and has <quote> suffered intrusions that have allowed criminals to steal hundreds of millions of dollars and nation-states and other entities to steal intellectual property and sensitive military information </quote> . </text> </paragraph> <after-quoted-block> ; and </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H2D300267A278418A9811F494675F1681"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> by amending paragraph (6) to read as follows: </text> <quoted-block id="HF55D8E3A1AC34DE6A560E7044BB5014D" style="OLC"> <paragraph id="H3322CDAECACC4988AF907884F8ADCDA5"> <enum> (6) </enum> <text> While African-Americans, Hispanics, and Native Americans constitute 33 percent of the college-age population, members of these minorities comprise less than 20 percent of bachelor degree recipients in the field of computer sciences. </text> </paragraph> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </paragraph> </section> <section id="H37AEABA46B654D848100BDD5332F83AF"> <enum> 103. </enum> <header> Cybersecurity strategic research and development plan </header> <subsection id="H63D41785D8F44950B31CA6B443FEC830"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> Not later than 12 months after the date of enactment of this Act, the agencies identified in subsection 101(a)(3)(B)(i) through (x) of the High-Performance Computing Act of 1991 ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/15/5511"> 15 U.S.C. 5511(a)(3)(B)(i) </external-xref> through (x)) or designated under section 101(a)(3)(B)(xi) of such Act, working through the National Science and Technology Council and with the assistance of the National Coordination Office, shall transmit to Congress a strategic plan based on an assessment of cybersecurity risk to guide the overall direction of Federal cybersecurity and information assurance research and development for information technology and networking systems. Once every 3 years after the initial strategic plan is transmitted to Congress under this section, such agencies shall prepare and transmit to Congress an update of such plan. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="HDD4A4DBD9030424CAAF1E133E0928A5B"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Contents of plan </header> <text> The strategic plan required under subsection (a) shall— </text> <paragraph id="HDD08D090BA6C4B009A44437784FD479A"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> specify and prioritize near-term, mid-term and long-term research objectives, including objectives associated with the research areas identified in section 4(a)(1) of the Cyber Security Research and Development Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/15/7403"> 15 U.S.C. 7403(a)(1) </external-xref> ) and how the near-term objectives complement research and development areas in which the private sector is actively engaged; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H2C6404A160424799B6ED39AD03B6660C"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> describe how the Program will focus on innovative, transformational technologies with the potential to enhance the security, reliability, resilience, and trustworthiness of the digital infrastructure, and to protect consumer privacy; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H4F9F41E7123D40AEBFAE430A8754FD7C"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> describe how the Program will foster the rapid transfer of research and development results into new cybersecurity technologies and applications for the timely benefit of society and the national interest, including through the dissemination of best practices and other outreach activities; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H6939BB15DCB84864A1BD779052E7CD2C"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> describe how the Program will establish and maintain a national research infrastructure for creating, testing, and evaluating the next generation of secure networking and information technology systems; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H971AD889DA964EA28554C99044380342"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text> describe how the Program will facilitate access by academic researchers to the infrastructure described in paragraph (4), as well as to relevant data, including event data; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HA8EC653CC8B148D1A1A3537129088428"> <enum> (6) </enum> <text> describe how the Program will engage females and individuals identified in section 33 or 34 of the Science and Engineering Equal Opportunities Act (42 U.S.C. 1885a or 1885b) to foster a more diverse workforce in this area; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H01470ECD23F8490BBE7F69FDC6869895"> <enum> (7) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> describe how the Program will help to recruit and prepare veterans for the Federal cybersecurity workforce. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H905DF18365A942A59076EF1132BEC714"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Development of roadmap </header> <text> The agencies described in subsection (a) shall develop and annually update an implementation roadmap for the strategic plan required in this section. Such roadmap shall— </text> <paragraph id="H7C6F21E88510431291CBF263165D7C19"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> specify the role of each Federal agency in carrying out or sponsoring research and development to meet the research objectives of the strategic plan, including a description of how progress toward the research objectives will be evaluated; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H0F2A6F103FE84C6995E5E52CC96838AC"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> specify the funding allocated to each major research objective of the strategic plan and the source of funding by agency for the current fiscal year; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HFAF696193A3540B1965D0F89604D768E"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> estimate the funding required for each major research objective of the strategic plan for the following 3 fiscal years. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HFC7DCE46F0AD41B38320075998AF761F"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header> Recommendations </header> <text> In developing and updating the strategic plan under subsection (a), the agencies involved shall solicit recommendations and advice from— </text> <paragraph id="H71DB4F0281ED4097A49E25FE97533E05"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> the advisory committee established under section 101(b)(1) of the High-Performance Computing Act of 1991 (15 U.S.C. 5511(b)(1)); and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H992A5B0E343644B7887414BF282535B2"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> a wide range of stakeholders, including industry, academia, including representatives of minority serving institutions and community colleges, National Laboratories, and other relevant organizations and institutions. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HAD4DC276C47E4BFBB884A7832FAAC237"> <enum> (e) </enum> <header> Appending to report </header> <text> The implementation roadmap required under subsection (c), and its annual updates, shall be appended to the report required under section 101(a)(2)(D) of the High-Performance Computing Act of 1991 (15 U.S.C. 5511(a)(2)(D)). </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H3CCE644D698D4818A4D471864BC910EC"> <enum> (f) </enum> <header> Cybersecurity research database </header> <text> The agencies involved in developing and updating the strategic plan under subsection (a) shall establish, in coordination with the Office of Management and Budget, a mechanism to track ongoing and completed Federal cybersecurity research and development projects and associated funding, and shall make such information publically available. </text> </subsection> </section> <section id="HF3083829349342119B8BF49014693332"> <enum> 104. </enum> <header> Social and behavioral research in cybersecurity </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Section 4(a)(1) of the Cyber Security Research and Development Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/15/7403"> 15 U.S.C. 7403(a)(1) </external-xref> ) is amended— </text> <paragraph id="H239A9133E6804AD88984EDD511A9F7BF"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> by inserting <quote> and usability </quote> after <quote> to the structure </quote> ; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H1CA25A8354994B3DB7FFFDA3D61876D2"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> in subparagraph (H), by striking <quote> and </quote> after the semicolon; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H9A51DCE88F004E54BA3FBB38CF0C0EEE"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> in subparagraph (I), by striking the period at the end and inserting <quote> ; and </quote> ; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H189BEAADE104400E92F53EF9B4133A7E"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> by adding at the end the following new subparagraph: </text> <quoted-block id="H9A5B0B29E2ED4B779D0377DB1DD320FF" style="OLC"> <subparagraph id="HDF9ACB4819CD4035ACDE7FB0C102327F"> <enum> (J) </enum> <text> social and behavioral factors, including human-computer interactions, usability, and user motivations. </text> </subparagraph> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </paragraph> </section> <section id="H72682DDFA1E944BE89BD79B506BC23B8"> <enum> 105. </enum> <header> National Science Foundation cybersecurity research and development programs </header> <subsection id="H586D6BBD649C4805A7126B9FB79D11F8"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Computer and network security research areas </header> <text> Section 4(a)(1) of the Cyber Security Research and Development Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/15/7403"> 15 U.S.C. 7403(a)(1) </external-xref> ) is amended— </text> <paragraph id="H68DF824C223B43B38FA7D72E4D4E867D"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> in subparagraph (A) by inserting <quote> identity management, </quote> after <quote> cryptography, </quote> ; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H8495AF8D27714BE88AEB8D28BE541C48"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> in subparagraph (I), by inserting <quote> , crimes against children, and organized crime </quote> after <quote> intellectual property </quote> . </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H270BDDCEB5D04F14AFC58DFE055F2884"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Computer and network security research grants </header> <text> Section 4(a)(3) of such Act (15 U.S.C. 7403(a)(3)) is amended by striking subparagraphs (A) through (E) and inserting the following new subparagraphs: </text> <quoted-block id="HB1C11E39A0744C48A1599905EDF23EB6" style="OLC"> <subparagraph id="H628020FF08BB4E11ACFF2B690A246365"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> $119,000,000 for fiscal year 2014; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H035E3CD29D0B4A7B8D0E76E5ECB6A639"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> $119,000,000 for fiscal year 2015; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HCF911D86DD1746A9942D9F623F3973E8"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> $119,000,000 for fiscal year 2016. </text> </subparagraph> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </subsection> <subsection id="H5FA9D02615D64F17BBA2E28DE26A0BB5"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Computer and network security research centers </header> <text> Section 4(b) of such Act (15 U.S.C. 7403(b)) is amended— </text> <paragraph id="HDAE21DE407CB40C18CFEB9012374C44E"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> in paragraph (4)— </text> <subparagraph id="H50E49ACAE4954008893BD0DC5BD606A0"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> in subparagraph (C), by striking <quote> and </quote> after the semicolon; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HC52D183BF69D444CB95A60A79E5049C1"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> in subparagraph (D), by striking the period and inserting <quote> ; and </quote> ; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H31F911A6325842D3A71227245F922111"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> by adding at the end the following new subparagraph: </text> <quoted-block id="H00903893879347BCBEA466142531C462" style="OLC"> <subparagraph id="H36CE5DCEF2AA4518BB68A0BB3A15DD6D"> <enum> (E) </enum> <text> how the center will partner with government laboratories, for-profit entities, other institutions of higher education, or nonprofit research institutions. </text> </subparagraph> <after-quoted-block> ; and </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H7BEAA51A768B49D49F6369CF1B9665FE"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> in paragraph (7) by striking subparagraphs (A) through (E) and inserting the following new subparagraphs: </text> <quoted-block id="H5E4C0009FBC34030922088EA0DE4BA91" style="OLC"> <subparagraph id="H7F24CFFD345643FDB94EFF3C4DEC6CA3"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> $5,000,000 for fiscal year 2014; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H492880D631C6403998CF268C07A41B31"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> $5,000,000 for fiscal year 2015; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H1193BF0E287A40C6A7C1520447EB525F"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> $5,000,000 for fiscal year 2016. </text> </subparagraph> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HA2C8A2F5CB73469DB78DDDD270224AD8"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header> Computer and network security capacity building grants </header> <text> Section 5(a)(6) of such Act (15 U.S.C. 7404(a)(6)) is amended by striking subparagraphs (A) through (E) and inserting the following new subparagraphs: </text> <quoted-block id="HBA25804B1C2D4E519ABD93F4FCF2BA43" style="OLC"> <subparagraph id="H16846C18A5EA4C3281E414FC58EABA8A"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> $25,000,000 for fiscal year 2014; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H5DA6830F4C534A838FF818D8F034FD0D"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> $25,000,000 for fiscal year 2015; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HA048E327833947A29F24402A43B4D363"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> $25,000,000 for fiscal year 2016. </text> </subparagraph> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </subsection> <subsection id="HC808AEB734E444BC80EA8A4B79080CC9"> <enum> (e) </enum> <header> Scientific and advanced technology act grants </header> <text> Section 5(b)(2) of such Act (15 U.S.C. 7404(b)(2)) is amended by striking subparagraphs (A) through (E) and inserting the following new subparagraphs: </text> <quoted-block id="H4DE072F3E0F545A2BFE29470BBC129FD" style="OLC"> <subparagraph id="H92CE933430754E66ABB76E8CCBC92DAD"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> $4,000,000 for fiscal year 2014; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H2D929909B97C41B29C359C64259CD893"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> $4,000,000 for fiscal year 2015; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H27B13673D99C48E08903EB5E1A325618"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> $4,000,000 for fiscal year 2016. </text> </subparagraph> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </subsection> <subsection id="HAD95F2B4BC7B4ECFB7794A42BBB87F1F"> <enum> (f) </enum> <header> Graduate traineeships in computer and network security </header> <text> Section 5(c)(7) of such Act (15 U.S.C. 7404(c)(7)) is amended by striking subparagraphs (A) through (E) and inserting the following new subparagraphs: </text> <quoted-block id="H40C7BC09FCE84592BA250ECDFBF475D9" style="OLC"> <subparagraph id="HA4437E98A42C41DE973EA9377CC5AF6A"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> $32,000,000 for fiscal year 2014; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H32B5B59918534C3F9061888CF3C24902"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> $32,000,000 for fiscal year 2015; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HB6BBD50D503E4793BC8DBD7BED4CBA73"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> $32,000,000 for fiscal year 2016. </text> </subparagraph> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </subsection> <subsection id="H0A332349B959469196B2316C3D355EC3"> <enum> (g) </enum> <header> Cyber security faculty development traineeship program </header> <text> Section 5(e) of such Act (15 U.S.C. 7404(e)) is repealed. </text> </subsection> </section> <section id="H739788EEAE714CFA88337EF02A685DB4"> <enum> 106. </enum> <header> Federal cyber scholarship for service program </header> <subsection id="H5D442CC6D15E41A7AF6FDDDFCD387A5D"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> The Director of the National Science Foundation shall continue a Scholarship for Service program under section 5(a) of the Cyber Security Research and Development Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/15/7404"> 15 U.S.C. 7404(a) </external-xref> ) to recruit and train the next generation of Federal cybersecurity professionals and to increase the capacity of the higher education system to produce an information technology workforce with the skills necessary to enhance the security of the Nation’s communications and information infrastructure. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="HA5A0D6EED864439D8F392D1EF317378E"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Characteristics of program </header> <text> The program under this section shall— </text> <paragraph id="HFC99A082C11B4AD985D0F009E741AD17"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> provide, through qualified institutions of higher education, including community colleges, scholarships that provide tuition, fees, and a competitive stipend for up to 2 years to students pursing a bachelor’s or master’s degree and up to 3 years to students pursuing a doctoral degree in a cybersecurity field; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H87228222016B4E01936BCAF6FB3FEA13"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> provide the scholarship recipients with summer internship opportunities or other meaningful temporary appointments in the Federal information technology workforce; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H1CA950A9C9FB485EBBAD804ABBEDBDCF"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> increase the capacity of institutions of higher education throughout all regions of the United States to produce highly qualified cybersecurity professionals, through the award of competitive, merit-reviewed grants that support such activities as— </text> <subparagraph id="H65DD188EFEA944068D7335A4584871F1"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> faculty professional development, including technical, hands-on experiences in the private sector or government, workshops, seminars, conferences, and other professional development opportunities that will result in improved instructional capabilities; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HD44D230BEF284C2D9D9E036E951724AA"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> institutional partnerships, including minority serving institutions and community colleges; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H634DC95FC1A44670A7954D5E6D8FAD85"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> development and evaluation of cybersecurity-related courses and curricula; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H20FD78649E7D46F1BCF37E5D045CF644"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> public-private partnerships that will integrate research experiences and hands-on learning into cybersecurity degree programs. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HB8C64C543110477C91226D46359D7DE0"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Scholarship requirements </header> <paragraph id="H3367AD44F8E14094A32E067A0647418B"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> Eligibility </header> <text> Scholarships under this section shall be available only to students who— </text> <subparagraph id="HE9A345D4019E4D8A91A7F688B2CB1063"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> are citizens or permanent residents of the United States; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H6CB4CE3388F942448858A4DCFE4C89BF"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> are full-time students in an eligible degree program, as determined by the Director, that is focused on computer security or information assurance at an awardee institution; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H3396D31103D94F76AD0320B26E7455DD"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> accept the terms of a scholarship pursuant to this section. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HF73F6BEF00A54EA986CD531013FF0CF6"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Selection </header> <text> Individuals shall be selected to receive scholarships primarily on the basis of academic merit, with consideration given to financial need, to the goal of promoting the participation of females and individuals identified in section 33 or 34 of the Science and Engineering Equal Opportunities Act (42 U.S.C. 1885a or 1885b), and to veterans. For purposes of this paragraph, the term <quote> veteran </quote> means a person who— </text> <subparagraph id="HD1A39C8D8F2948369C02DF9D522FE2BB"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> served on active duty (other than active duty for training) in the Armed Forces of the United States for a period of more than 180 consecutive days, and who was discharged or released therefrom under conditions other than dishonorable; or </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H83F0F81F00F345B38B10BBAA395AFC0E"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> served on active duty (other than active duty for training) in the Armed Forces of the United States and was discharged or released from such service for a service-connected disability before serving 180 consecutive days. </text> </subparagraph> <continuation-text continuation-text-level="paragraph"> For purposes of subparagraph (B), the term <quote> service-connected </quote> has the meaning given such term under <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/38/101"> section 101 </external-xref> of title 38, United States Code. </continuation-text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H188D97BC840E4EBEB5EBC4390D675D92"> <enum> (3) </enum> <header> Service obligation </header> <text> If an individual receives a scholarship under this section, as a condition of receiving such scholarship, the individual upon completion of their degree must serve as a cybersecurity professional within the Federal workforce for a period of time as provided in paragraph (5). If a scholarship recipient is not offered employment by a Federal agency or a federally funded research and development center, the service requirement can be satisfied at the Director’s discretion by— </text> <subparagraph id="HF0ED2FFE90A34E36ABE17F26B04C8FEF"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> serving as a cybersecurity professional in a State, local, or tribal government agency; or </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H4C138EE8CA1A4A02ADD48AD02AA7D3FB"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> teaching cybersecurity courses at an institution of higher education. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H55EA15CCBBA948928332977929C6060D"> <enum> (4) </enum> <header> Conditions of support </header> <text> As a condition of acceptance of a scholarship under this section, a recipient shall agree to provide the awardee institution with annual verifiable documentation of employment and up-to-date contact information. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HF970C2E074C2444B96C94735C6AD060E"> <enum> (5) </enum> <header> Length of service </header> <text> The length of service required in exchange for a scholarship under this subsection shall be 1 year more than the number of years for which the scholarship was received. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H1960FDDA997E4EF6A52071B6C1CE3628"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header> Failure To complete service obligation </header> <paragraph id="HBB5D04C2C68C4F1FBD9EC8A6394E2898"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> General rule </header> <text> If an individual who has received a scholarship under this section— </text> <subparagraph id="H68418421188449159FA4F844F96785CB"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> fails to maintain an acceptable level of academic standing in the educational institution in which the individual is enrolled, as determined by the Director; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H7778F5DBEDAE4C83BB3323D2171BCB30"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> is dismissed from such educational institution for disciplinary reasons; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H3FAD99AB880243C690B645C2CA7851FF"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> withdraws from the program for which the award was made before the completion of such program; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H4300FB0906ED4621B11A52DA8B40C698"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text> declares that the individual does not intend to fulfill the service obligation under this section; or </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H477B25D91B9645EEBF5A8FC8716F09A8"> <enum> (E) </enum> <text> fails to fulfill the service obligation of the individual under this section, </text> </subparagraph> <continuation-text continuation-text-level="paragraph"> such individual shall be liable to the United States as provided in paragraph (3). </continuation-text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H0BB77B5FE71A434F82811CAC09F567A6"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Monitoring compliance </header> <text> As a condition of participating in the program, a qualified institution of higher education receiving a grant under this section shall— </text> <subparagraph id="HD316DE7C40BF4B35B065CD1EAA71FFD8"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> enter into an agreement with the Director of the National Science Foundation to monitor the compliance of scholarship recipients with respect to their service obligation; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HC53CE5D0886C46FCA26B3702BE457AAF"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> provide to the Director, on an annual basis, post-award employment information required under subsection (c)(4) for scholarship recipients through the completion of their service obligation. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HF16D0789A651479190B68FD543A41D23"> <enum> (3) </enum> <header> Amount of repayment </header> <subparagraph id="H618EBE5F236B4556B42D7E18FFEB81CE"> <enum> (A) </enum> <header> Less than one year of service </header> <text> If a circumstance described in paragraph (1) occurs before the completion of 1 year of a service obligation under this section, the total amount of awards received by the individual under this section shall be repaid or such amount shall be treated as a loan to be repaid in accordance with subparagraph (C). </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H1488B06425CE42BABE8F4C41BC84B1E3"> <enum> (B) </enum> <header> More than one year of service </header> <text> If a circumstance described in subparagraph (D) or (E) of paragraph (1) occurs after the completion of 1 year of a service obligation under this section, the total amount of scholarship awards received by the individual under this section, reduced by the ratio of the number of years of service completed divided by the number of years of service required, shall be repaid or such amount shall be treated as a loan to be repaid in accordance with subparagraph (C). </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HC06F6E057896404DA62162B4F1E47FCB"> <enum> (C) </enum> <header> Repayments </header> <text> A loan described in subparagraph (A) or (B) shall be treated as a Federal Direct Unsubsidized Stafford Loan under part D of title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1087a and following), and shall be subject to repayment, together with interest thereon accruing from the date of the scholarship award, in accordance with terms and conditions specified by the Director (in consultation with the Secretary of Education) in regulations promulgated to carry out this paragraph. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H0E2278B59E464C338730D006B4254160"> <enum> (4) </enum> <header> Collection of repayment </header> <subparagraph id="H43C46C1232D1446FAABA90656E04677B"> <enum> (A) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> In the event that a scholarship recipient is required to repay the scholarship under this subsection, the institution providing the scholarship shall— </text> <clause id="H63B20147A7874FE9BCA14FAF8B1C3161"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> be responsible for determining the repayment amounts and for notifying the recipient and the Director of the amount owed; and </text> </clause> <clause id="HF9963590AC4F4EE9A5597E0498BD1C30"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> collect such repayment amount within a period of time as determined under the agreement described in paragraph (2), or the repayment amount shall be treated as a loan in accordance with paragraph (3)(C). </text> </clause> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HABBB3A9C9E134BFD87DB29E4511C6458"> <enum> (B) </enum> <header> Returned to treasury </header> <text> Except as provided in subparagraph (C) of this paragraph, any such repayment shall be returned to the Treasury of the United States. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HE22902DD359A4C218290F50EF2B870E9"> <enum> (C) </enum> <header> Retain percentage </header> <text> An institution of higher education may retain a percentage of any repayment the institution collects under this paragraph to defray administrative costs associated with the collection. The Director shall establish a single, fixed percentage that will apply to all eligible entities. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HCBD53AAD325344368E84B2C68F364DC0"> <enum> (5) </enum> <header> Exceptions </header> <text> The Director may provide for the partial or total waiver or suspension of any service or payment obligation by an individual under this section whenever compliance by the individual with the obligation is impossible or would involve extreme hardship to the individual, or if enforcement of such obligation with respect to the individual would be unconscionable. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H22C232921C884945A1C8D2541B97BDCF"> <enum> (e) </enum> <header> Hiring Authority </header> <paragraph id="HA760DE9478194F9B8C893D8FB06A529B"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> Appointment in excepted service </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Notwithstanding any provision of chapter 33 of title 5, United States Code, governing appointments in the competitive service, an agency shall appoint in the excepted service an individual who has completed the academic program for which a scholarship was awarded. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HDF52E54C5D9D4BB994C050D871126806"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Noncompetitive conversion </header> <text> Except as provided in paragraph (4), upon fulfillment of the service term, an employee appointed under paragraph (1) may be converted noncompetitively to term, career-conditional or career appointment. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H83CE29ABB2164EA19E64DF3A2B83571E"> <enum> (3) </enum> <header> Timing of conversion </header> <text> An agency may noncompetitively convert a term employee appointed under paragraph (2) to a career-conditional or career appointment before the term appointment expires. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H8B12FD81750D4574914C78B0B5F576C9"> <enum> (4) </enum> <header> Authority to decline conversion </header> <text> An agency may decline to make the noncompetitive conversion or appointment under paragraph (2) for cause. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> </section> <section id="H9448FC91A9C54F2283C1041892C43839"> <enum> 107. </enum> <header> Cybersecurity workforce assessment </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this Act the President shall transmit to the Congress a report addressing the cybersecurity workforce needs of the Federal Government. The report shall include— </text> <paragraph id="HACF8C0A7C1424F909136AC06B3DB0D8B"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> an examination of the current state of and the projected needs of the Federal cybersecurity workforce, including a comparison of the different agencies and departments, and an analysis of the capacity of such agencies and departments to meet those needs; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H64BDDD2620354453860BE82E101B7EA0"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> an analysis of the sources and availability of cybersecurity talent, a comparison of the skills and expertise sought by the Federal Government and the private sector, an examination of the current and future capacity of United States institutions of higher education, including community colleges, to provide current and future cybersecurity professionals, through education and training activities, with those skills sought by the Federal Government, State and local entities, and the private sector, and a description of how successful programs are engaging the talents of females and individuals identified in section 33 or 34 of the Science and Engineering Equal Opportunities Act (42 U.S.C. 1885a or 1885b); </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H5B234DE12E904F22A69A2831A43E63FE"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> an examination of the effectiveness of the National Centers of Academic Excellence in Information Assurance Education, the Centers of Academic Excellence in Research, and the Federal Cyber Scholarship for Service programs in promoting higher education and research in cybersecurity and information assurance and in producing a growing number of professionals with the necessary cybersecurity and information assurance expertise, including individuals from States or regions in which the unemployment rate exceeds the national average; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HA8DA9C9455024481B6DFDAC2CA7DE8AE"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> an analysis of any barriers to the Federal Government recruiting and hiring cybersecurity talent, including barriers relating to compensation, the hiring process, job classification, and hiring flexibilities; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HBAA5E972C9CF470DACE00B7A9B8ECCDF"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text> recommendations for Federal policies to ensure an adequate, well-trained Federal cybersecurity workforce. </text> </paragraph> </section> <section id="H0C9F14A9E195422783823800F67792C7"> <enum> 108. </enum> <header> Cybersecurity university-industry task force </header> <subsection id="HB0DE61D6117443D4B9672EBA0DC5B48F"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Establishment of university-Industry task force </header> <text> Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy shall convene a task force to explore mechanisms for carrying out collaborative research, development, education, and training activities for cybersecurity through a consortium or other appropriate entity with participants from institutions of higher education and industry. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H9341B76E828641B6B6846D1F661666AF"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Functions </header> <text> The task force shall— </text> <paragraph id="HAFC0C81B9C24441A9F26CEA94B8E5977"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> develop options for a collaborative model and an organizational structure for such entity under which the joint research and development activities could be planned, managed, and conducted effectively, including mechanisms for the allocation of resources among the participants in such entity for support of such activities; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H64B0D9DE894944219B5AE4DB1F34D141"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> identify and prioritize at least three cybersecurity grand challenges, focused on nationally significant problems requiring collaborative and interdisciplinary solutions; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H840FC507F14E42F89B59F8B968E458C3"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> propose a process for developing a research and development agenda for such entity to address the grand challenges identified under paragraph (2); </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H1D02BAB1FC064D4CADC207848CAFC909"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> define the roles and responsibilities for the participants from institutions of higher education and industry in such entity; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HD3C17C26735143D5BD6FC28D4BF11EB6"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text> propose guidelines for assigning intellectual property rights and for the transfer of research and development results to the private sector; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HC72338ED7C6347A9A90655E7D236438C"> <enum> (6) </enum> <text> make recommendations for how such entity could be funded from Federal, State, and nongovernmental sources. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H081B6C5C429C4FFAACB70D5BEA8F4D4A"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Composition </header> <text> In establishing the task force under subsection (a), the Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy shall appoint an equal number of individuals from institutions of higher education, including minority-serving institutions and community colleges, and from industry with knowledge and expertise in cybersecurity. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="HCB6EA00A76874B4F8E74423D0E046CC1"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header> Report </header> <text> Not later than 12 months after the date of enactment of this Act, the Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy shall transmit to the Congress a report describing the findings and recommendations of the task force. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H78AAA64F42044A3EA8503D8A3F0C46BD"> <enum> (e) </enum> <header> Termination </header> <text> The task force shall terminate upon transmittal of the report required under subsection (d). </text> </subsection> <subsection id="HABCB9FE0A8C146A6A31F2D8011BEAE60"> <enum> (f) </enum> <header> Compensation and expenses </header> <text> Members of the task force shall serve without compensation. </text> </subsection> </section> <section id="HDA846F59332A4E2BBD2938449027142D"> <enum> 109. </enum> <header> Cybersecurity automation and checklists for government systems </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Section 8(c) of the Cyber Security Research and Development Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/15/7406"> 15 U.S.C. 7406(c) </external-xref> ) is amended to read as follows: </text> <quoted-block id="HB02BB198C6E04C58A4D994F9B5BE2E28" style="OLC"> <subsection id="HAFA1FADD69124BC88D2E1CDEBBBE9004"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Security automation and checklists for government systems </header> <paragraph id="H5A853DC966464E2D823CA0604E0A7817"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> The Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology shall develop, and revise as necessary, security automation standards, associated reference materials (including protocols), and checklists providing settings and option selections that minimize the security risks associated with each information technology hardware or software system and security tool that is, or is likely to become, widely used within the Federal Government in order to enable standardized and interoperable technologies, architectures, and frameworks for continuous monitoring of information security within the Federal Government. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H7FC189CF9884467DACAA77EA6EE4F84D"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Priorities for development </header> <text> The Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology shall establish priorities for the development of standards, reference materials, and checklists under this subsection on the basis of— </text> <subparagraph id="H68529D5064D844D29BDD6CFB4E0F942C"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> the security risks associated with the use of the system; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H95A9AB156F3E4E758CE93B328FBADBF5"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> the number of agencies that use a particular system or security tool; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H1BE27A9512534F0C8BFB63651E7A3304"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> the usefulness of the standards, reference materials, or checklists to Federal agencies that are users or potential users of the system; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H37386569BD9B4D42BFD794B66807D3FA"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text> the effectiveness of the associated standard, reference material, or checklist in creating or enabling continuous monitoring of information security; or </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HBAE8EBB1BFDF41C685E92B7F050EAB79"> <enum> (E) </enum> <text> such other factors as the Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology determines to be appropriate. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H178C670B0EED46F296233DFDC55F92B5"> <enum> (3) </enum> <header> Excluded systems </header> <text> The Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology may exclude from the application of paragraph (1) any information technology hardware or software system or security tool for which such Director determines that the development of a standard, reference material, or checklist is inappropriate because of the infrequency of use of the system, the obsolescence of the system, or the inutility or impracticability of developing a standard, reference material, or checklist for the system. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HAF11921F1E7B49119633ABC4287B0807"> <enum> (4) </enum> <header> Dissemination of standards and related materials </header> <text> The Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology shall ensure that Federal agencies are informed of the availability of any standard, reference material, checklist, or other item developed under this subsection. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H1692C0FD11D546B7B5D2017C6934AD76"> <enum> (5) </enum> <header> Agency use requirements </header> <text> The development of standards, reference materials, and checklists under paragraph (1) for an information technology hardware or software system or tool does not— </text> <subparagraph id="H1FA143A192454A2CA118BAC0FBB96D28"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> require any Federal agency to select the specific settings or options recommended by the standard, reference material, or checklist for the system; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H5F018FF01EBF4587A44F8C9B86086E1B"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> establish conditions or prerequisites for Federal agency procurement or deployment of any such system; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HFE1571BE7CB54A5DA66AC837222EF0AC"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> imply an endorsement of any such system by the Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology; or </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H88275C34329D4288944F6BB78E7FB3A5"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text> preclude any Federal agency from procuring or deploying other information technology hardware or software systems for which no such standard, reference material, or checklist has been developed or identified under paragraph (1). </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </section> <section id="H566F40613376496394A36DCAD64BE541"> <enum> 110. </enum> <header> National Institute of Standards and Technology cybersecurity research and development </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Section 20 of the National Institute of Standards and Technology Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/15/278g-3"> 15 U.S.C. 278g–3 </external-xref> ) is amended by redesignating subsection (e) as subsection (f), and by inserting after subsection (d) the following: </text> <quoted-block id="HB4522E9E7A204CD8BDBE3FBC66235CBC" style="OLC"> <subsection id="HAD6B80E5038B4E73A2369F68E926E6BF"> <enum> (e) </enum> <header> Intramural security research </header> <text> As part of the research activities conducted in accordance with subsection (d)(3), the Institute shall— </text> <paragraph id="HF0B72FE372074B699C6B68DCE2A64B03"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> conduct a research program to develop a unifying and standardized identity, privilege, and access control management framework for the execution of a wide variety of resource protection policies and that is amenable to implementation within a wide variety of existing and emerging computing environments; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H88751BEE8AA14516BD1254F093362E85"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> carry out research associated with improving the security of information systems and networks; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H3456D8C5CD574813B9C2D08AB90F0B2D"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> carry out research associated with improving the testing, measurement, usability, and assurance of information systems and networks; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H55913544653E451093C360D1FB85E208"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> carry out research associated with improving security of industrial control systems; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H09F2979034954FFBADD3C050276F8ED5"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> carry out research associated with improving the security and integrity of the information technology supply chain. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </section> <section id="HE30AEFD30FE842D79E48CE8D0F51EE90"> <enum> 111. </enum> <header> Research on the science of cybersecurity </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> The Director of the National Science Foundation and the Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology shall, through existing programs and activities, support research that will lead to the development of a scientific foundation for the field of cybersecurity, including research that increases understanding of the underlying principles of securing complex networked systems, enables repeatable experimentation, and creates quantifiable security metrics. </text> </section> </title> <title id="H6E1D301EEF594D658C140C60A70DB500"> <enum> II </enum> <header> Advancement of Cybersecurity Technical Standards </header> <section id="HA207BFE87AFE49E89F13087ED001B105"> <enum> 201. </enum> <header> Definitions </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> In this title: </text> <paragraph id="H8AC2180539CF4DE5B8852FEA654E793C"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> Director </header> <text> The term <quote> Director </quote> means the Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H700E284451A7445B975CE2406FB83B50"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Institute </header> <text> The term <quote> Institute </quote> means the National Institute of Standards and Technology. </text> </paragraph> </section> <section id="HA0282896015C43469922B9344F15BCE6"> <enum> 202. </enum> <header> International cybersecurity technical standards </header> <subsection id="H398A6E2CA9D44D95AA35001EB13A3E59"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> The Director, in coordination with appropriate Federal authorities, shall— </text> <paragraph id="H462232E08105424C82C10E0C6FFBDE54"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> as appropriate, ensure coordination of Federal agencies engaged in the development of international technical standards related to information system security; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H027B531478CE4FC29F48D02D080F75D0"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, develop and transmit to the Congress a plan for ensuring such Federal agency coordination. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H724FDC112ECD401697D1AADAED9CCE48"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Consultation with the private sector </header> <text> In carrying out the activities specified in subsection (a)(1), the Director shall ensure consultation with appropriate private sector stakeholders. </text> </subsection> </section> <section id="HAEBC510CBF8E47D8A72552BF11A0E1E9"> <enum> 203. </enum> <header> Cloud computing strategy </header> <subsection id="HCF208D57810A4DDB82E15121F95F8D99"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> The Director, in collaboration with the Federal CIO Council, and in consultation with other relevant Federal agencies and stakeholders from the private sector, shall continue to develop and encourage the implementation of a comprehensive strategy for the use and adoption of cloud computing services by the Federal Government. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H4F61AB4F73B146B2B92C5752454DBE47"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Activities </header> <text> In carrying out the strategy developed under subsection (a), the Director shall give consideration to activities that— </text> <paragraph id="H7AF0E37851494AE3A1F84A58A434EF00"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> accelerate the development, in collaboration with the private sector, of standards that address interoperability and portability of cloud computing services; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HD1D1CFCAC3C543DA8A37294452C4C9A7"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> advance the development of conformance testing performed by the private sector in support of cloud computing standardization; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H3F97CE52ACCE411EB12D2B111BBA25ED"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> support, in consultation with the private sector, the development of appropriate security frameworks and reference materials, and the identification of best practices, for use by Federal agencies to address security and privacy requirements to enable the use and adoption of cloud computing services, including activities— </text> <subparagraph id="HF9517C13C8ED4C9F8BAD65C252EDB554"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> to ensure the physical security of cloud computing data centers and the data stored in such centers; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H4ED537279E8045C3925E576DE67DB3EC"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> to ensure secure access to the data stored in cloud computing data centers; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H00FCE71F12534BF0B44019B48FCA6FD5"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> to develop security standards as required under section 20 of the National Institute of Standards and Technology Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/15/278g-3"> 15 U.S.C. 278g–3 </external-xref> ); and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H37BCAD8C081E4A4982FBDB19859A1141"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text> to support the development of the automation of continuous monitoring systems. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> </section> <section id="HA9973D003AE74FA29AC43893AC686D2D"> <enum> 204. </enum> <header> Promoting cybersecurity awareness and education </header> <subsection id="H9748A934C2F14EE59E9D536E625F7275"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Program </header> <text> The Director, in collaboration with relevant Federal agencies, industry, educational institutions, National Laboratories, the National Coordination Office of the Networking and Information Technology Research and Development program, and other organizations, shall continue to coordinate a cybersecurity awareness and education program to increase knowledge, skills, and awareness of cybersecurity risks, consequences, and best practices through— </text> <paragraph id="H3E1451AA3B3E42C7A4A7A85348CE10DA"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> the widespread dissemination of cybersecurity technical standards and best practices identified by the Institute; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H426F9AE7FD4F4E80AE21E4457FFAB3D1"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> efforts to make cybersecurity best practices usable by individuals, small to medium-sized businesses, State, local, and tribal governments, and educational institutions; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H6374967A7AF84B6A914CE41E054D1F70"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> improving the state of cybersecurity education at all educational levels; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H2644D7DE7E7F44BAB517E7404DE3094E"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> efforts to attract, recruit, and retain qualified professionals to the Federal cybersecurity workforce; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HA7E5CC9B79BF41D0947A756B54E6AB48"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text> improving the skills, training, and professional development of the Federal cybersecurity workforce. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H5E3E69D4269B460989E53950FF236BA0"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Strategic plan </header> <text> The Director shall, in cooperation with relevant Federal agencies and other stakeholders, develop and implement a strategic plan to guide Federal programs and activities in support of a comprehensive cybersecurity awareness and education program as described under subsection (a). </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H52FB74C22311448F97459FDCB146E847"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Report to congress </header> <text> Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act and every 5 years thereafter, the Director shall transmit the strategic plan required under subsection (b) to the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate. </text> </subsection> </section> <section id="HC6BDCF9DF3034ED3B9FF7FA4C7818304"> <enum> 205. </enum> <header> Identity management research and development </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> The Director shall continue a program to support the development of technical standards, metrology, testbeds, and conformance criteria, taking into account appropriate user concerns, to— </text> <paragraph id="H761BEC12C1BC4BA1BA68342416002719"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> improve interoperability among identity management technologies; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HB2719E13BC2A403F9398FD2060B8F7A1"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> strengthen authentication methods of identity management systems; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H1A8FA061B8F34566B9D2B0CE0ECEF840"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> improve privacy protection in identity management systems, including health information technology systems, through authentication and security protocols; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H4CC549D814F1430BA88B703D458A0A94"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> improve the usability of identity management systems. </text> </paragraph> </section> <section display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H64568F5783F446088A96C2C27712DAF2" section-type="subsequent-section"> <enum> 206. </enum> <header> Authorizations </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> No additional funds are authorized to carry out this Act, and the amendments made by this Act. This Act, and the amendments made by this Act, shall be carried out using amounts otherwise authorized or appropriated. </text> </section> </title> </legis-body> <attestation> <attestation-group> <attestation-date chamber="House" date="20130416"> Passed the House of Representatives April 16, 2013. </attestation-date> <attestor display="yes"> Karen L. Haas, </attestor> <role> Clerk </role> </attestation-group> </attestation> </bill>
IIB 113th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 756 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES April 17, 2013 Received; read twice and referred to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation AN ACT To advance cybersecurity research, development, and technical standards, and for other purposes. 1. Short title This Act may be cited as the Cybersecurity Enhancement Act of 2013 . I Research and Development 101. Definitions In this title: (1) National coordination office The term National Coordination Office means the National Coordination Office for the Networking and Information Technology Research and Development program. (2) Program The term Program means the Networking and Information Technology Research and Development program which has been established under section 101 of the High-Performance Computing Act of 1991 ( 15 U.S.C. 5511 ). 102. Findings Section 2 of the Cyber Security Research and Development Act (15 U.S.C. 7401) is amended— (1) by amending paragraph (1) to read as follows: (1) Advancements in information and communications technology have resulted in a globally interconnected network of government, commercial, scientific, and education infrastructures, including critical infrastructures for electric power, natural gas and petroleum production and distribution, telecommunications, transportation, water supply, banking and finance, and emergency and government services. ; (2) in paragraph (2), by striking Exponential increases in interconnectivity have facilitated enhanced communications, economic growth, and inserting These advancements have significantly contributed to the growth of the United States economy, ; (3) by amending paragraph (3) to read as follows: (3) The Cyberspace Policy Review published by the President in May, 2009, concluded that our information technology and communications infrastructure is vulnerable and has suffered intrusions that have allowed criminals to steal hundreds of millions of dollars and nation-states and other entities to steal intellectual property and sensitive military information . ; and (4) by amending paragraph (6) to read as follows: (6) While African-Americans, Hispanics, and Native Americans constitute 33 percent of the college-age population, members of these minorities comprise less than 20 percent of bachelor degree recipients in the field of computer sciences. . 103. Cybersecurity strategic research and development plan (a) In general Not later than 12 months after the date of enactment of this Act, the agencies identified in subsection 101(a)(3)(B)(i) through (x) of the High-Performance Computing Act of 1991 ( 15 U.S.C. 5511(a)(3)(B)(i) through (x)) or designated under section 101(a)(3)(B)(xi) of such Act, working through the National Science and Technology Council and with the assistance of the National Coordination Office, shall transmit to Congress a strategic plan based on an assessment of cybersecurity risk to guide the overall direction of Federal cybersecurity and information assurance research and development for information technology and networking systems. Once every 3 years after the initial strategic plan is transmitted to Congress under this section, such agencies shall prepare and transmit to Congress an update of such plan. (b) Contents of plan The strategic plan required under subsection (a) shall— (1) specify and prioritize near-term, mid-term and long-term research objectives, including objectives associated with the research areas identified in section 4(a)(1) of the Cyber Security Research and Development Act ( 15 U.S.C. 7403(a)(1) ) and how the near-term objectives complement research and development areas in which the private sector is actively engaged; (2) describe how the Program will focus on innovative, transformational technologies with the potential to enhance the security, reliability, resilience, and trustworthiness of the digital infrastructure, and to protect consumer privacy; (3) describe how the Program will foster the rapid transfer of research and development results into new cybersecurity technologies and applications for the timely benefit of society and the national interest, including through the dissemination of best practices and other outreach activities; (4) describe how the Program will establish and maintain a national research infrastructure for creating, testing, and evaluating the next generation of secure networking and information technology systems; (5) describe how the Program will facilitate access by academic researchers to the infrastructure described in paragraph (4), as well as to relevant data, including event data; (6) describe how the Program will engage females and individuals identified in section 33 or 34 of the Science and Engineering Equal Opportunities Act (42 U.S.C. 1885a or 1885b) to foster a more diverse workforce in this area; and (7) describe how the Program will help to recruit and prepare veterans for the Federal cybersecurity workforce. (c) Development of roadmap The agencies described in subsection (a) shall develop and annually update an implementation roadmap for the strategic plan required in this section. Such roadmap shall— (1) specify the role of each Federal agency in carrying out or sponsoring research and development to meet the research objectives of the strategic plan, including a description of how progress toward the research objectives will be evaluated; (2) specify the funding allocated to each major research objective of the strategic plan and the source of funding by agency for the current fiscal year; and (3) estimate the funding required for each major research objective of the strategic plan for the following 3 fiscal years. (d) Recommendations In developing and updating the strategic plan under subsection (a), the agencies involved shall solicit recommendations and advice from— (1) the advisory committee established under section 101(b)(1) of the High-Performance Computing Act of 1991 (15 U.S.C. 5511(b)(1)); and (2) a wide range of stakeholders, including industry, academia, including representatives of minority serving institutions and community colleges, National Laboratories, and other relevant organizations and institutions. (e) Appending to report The implementation roadmap required under subsection (c), and its annual updates, shall be appended to the report required under section 101(a)(2)(D) of the High-Performance Computing Act of 1991 (15 U.S.C. 5511(a)(2)(D)). (f) Cybersecurity research database The agencies involved in developing and updating the strategic plan under subsection (a) shall establish, in coordination with the Office of Management and Budget, a mechanism to track ongoing and completed Federal cybersecurity research and development projects and associated funding, and shall make such information publically available. 104. Social and behavioral research in cybersecurity Section 4(a)(1) of the Cyber Security Research and Development Act ( 15 U.S.C. 7403(a)(1) ) is amended— (1) by inserting and usability after to the structure ; (2) in subparagraph (H), by striking and after the semicolon; (3) in subparagraph (I), by striking the period at the end and inserting ; and ; and (4) by adding at the end the following new subparagraph: (J) social and behavioral factors, including human-computer interactions, usability, and user motivations. . 105. National Science Foundation cybersecurity research and development programs (a) Computer and network security research areas Section 4(a)(1) of the Cyber Security Research and Development Act ( 15 U.S.C. 7403(a)(1) ) is amended— (1) in subparagraph (A) by inserting identity management, after cryptography, ; and (2) in subparagraph (I), by inserting , crimes against children, and organized crime after intellectual property . (b) Computer and network security research grants Section 4(a)(3) of such Act (15 U.S.C. 7403(a)(3)) is amended by striking subparagraphs (A) through (E) and inserting the following new subparagraphs: (A) $119,000,000 for fiscal year 2014; (B) $119,000,000 for fiscal year 2015; and (C) $119,000,000 for fiscal year 2016. . (c) Computer and network security research centers Section 4(b) of such Act (15 U.S.C. 7403(b)) is amended— (1) in paragraph (4)— (A) in subparagraph (C), by striking and after the semicolon; (B) in subparagraph (D), by striking the period and inserting ; and ; and (C) by adding at the end the following new subparagraph: (E) how the center will partner with government laboratories, for-profit entities, other institutions of higher education, or nonprofit research institutions. ; and (2) in paragraph (7) by striking subparagraphs (A) through (E) and inserting the following new subparagraphs: (A) $5,000,000 for fiscal year 2014; (B) $5,000,000 for fiscal year 2015; and (C) $5,000,000 for fiscal year 2016. . (d) Computer and network security capacity building grants Section 5(a)(6) of such Act (15 U.S.C. 7404(a)(6)) is amended by striking subparagraphs (A) through (E) and inserting the following new subparagraphs: (A) $25,000,000 for fiscal year 2014; (B) $25,000,000 for fiscal year 2015; and (C) $25,000,000 for fiscal year 2016. . (e) Scientific and advanced technology act grants Section 5(b)(2) of such Act (15 U.S.C. 7404(b)(2)) is amended by striking subparagraphs (A) through (E) and inserting the following new subparagraphs: (A) $4,000,000 for fiscal year 2014; (B) $4,000,000 for fiscal year 2015; and (C) $4,000,000 for fiscal year 2016. . (f) Graduate traineeships in computer and network security Section 5(c)(7) of such Act (15 U.S.C. 7404(c)(7)) is amended by striking subparagraphs (A) through (E) and inserting the following new subparagraphs: (A) $32,000,000 for fiscal year 2014; (B) $32,000,000 for fiscal year 2015; and (C) $32,000,000 for fiscal year 2016. . (g) Cyber security faculty development traineeship program Section 5(e) of such Act (15 U.S.C. 7404(e)) is repealed. 106. Federal cyber scholarship for service program (a) In general The Director of the National Science Foundation shall continue a Scholarship for Service program under section 5(a) of the Cyber Security Research and Development Act ( 15 U.S.C. 7404(a) ) to recruit and train the next generation of Federal cybersecurity professionals and to increase the capacity of the higher education system to produce an information technology workforce with the skills necessary to enhance the security of the Nation’s communications and information infrastructure. (b) Characteristics of program The program under this section shall— (1) provide, through qualified institutions of higher education, including community colleges, scholarships that provide tuition, fees, and a competitive stipend for up to 2 years to students pursing a bachelor’s or master’s degree and up to 3 years to students pursuing a doctoral degree in a cybersecurity field; (2) provide the scholarship recipients with summer internship opportunities or other meaningful temporary appointments in the Federal information technology workforce; and (3) increase the capacity of institutions of higher education throughout all regions of the United States to produce highly qualified cybersecurity professionals, through the award of competitive, merit-reviewed grants that support such activities as— (A) faculty professional development, including technical, hands-on experiences in the private sector or government, workshops, seminars, conferences, and other professional development opportunities that will result in improved instructional capabilities; (B) institutional partnerships, including minority serving institutions and community colleges; (C) development and evaluation of cybersecurity-related courses and curricula; and (D) public-private partnerships that will integrate research experiences and hands-on learning into cybersecurity degree programs. (c) Scholarship requirements (1) Eligibility Scholarships under this section shall be available only to students who— (A) are citizens or permanent residents of the United States; (B) are full-time students in an eligible degree program, as determined by the Director, that is focused on computer security or information assurance at an awardee institution; and (C) accept the terms of a scholarship pursuant to this section. (2) Selection Individuals shall be selected to receive scholarships primarily on the basis of academic merit, with consideration given to financial need, to the goal of promoting the participation of females and individuals identified in section 33 or 34 of the Science and Engineering Equal Opportunities Act (42 U.S.C. 1885a or 1885b), and to veterans. For purposes of this paragraph, the term veteran means a person who— (A) served on active duty (other than active duty for training) in the Armed Forces of the United States for a period of more than 180 consecutive days, and who was discharged or released therefrom under conditions other than dishonorable; or (B) served on active duty (other than active duty for training) in the Armed Forces of the United States and was discharged or released from such service for a service-connected disability before serving 180 consecutive days. For purposes of subparagraph (B), the term service-connected has the meaning given such term under section 101 of title 38, United States Code. (3) Service obligation If an individual receives a scholarship under this section, as a condition of receiving such scholarship, the individual upon completion of their degree must serve as a cybersecurity professional within the Federal workforce for a period of time as provided in paragraph (5). If a scholarship recipient is not offered employment by a Federal agency or a federally funded research and development center, the service requirement can be satisfied at the Director’s discretion by— (A) serving as a cybersecurity professional in a State, local, or tribal government agency; or (B) teaching cybersecurity courses at an institution of higher education. (4) Conditions of support As a condition of acceptance of a scholarship under this section, a recipient shall agree to provide the awardee institution with annual verifiable documentation of employment and up-to-date contact information. (5) Length of service The length of service required in exchange for a scholarship under this subsection shall be 1 year more than the number of years for which the scholarship was received. (d) Failure To complete service obligation (1) General rule If an individual who has received a scholarship under this section— (A) fails to maintain an acceptable level of academic standing in the educational institution in which the individual is enrolled, as determined by the Director; (B) is dismissed from such educational institution for disciplinary reasons; (C) withdraws from the program for which the award was made before the completion of such program; (D) declares that the individual does not intend to fulfill the service obligation under this section; or (E) fails to fulfill the service obligation of the individual under this section, such individual shall be liable to the United States as provided in paragraph (3). (2) Monitoring compliance As a condition of participating in the program, a qualified institution of higher education receiving a grant under this section shall— (A) enter into an agreement with the Director of the National Science Foundation to monitor the compliance of scholarship recipients with respect to their service obligation; and (B) provide to the Director, on an annual basis, post-award employment information required under subsection (c)(4) for scholarship recipients through the completion of their service obligation. (3) Amount of repayment (A) Less than one year of service If a circumstance described in paragraph (1) occurs before the completion of 1 year of a service obligation under this section, the total amount of awards received by the individual under this section shall be repaid or such amount shall be treated as a loan to be repaid in accordance with subparagraph (C). (B) More than one year of service If a circumstance described in subparagraph (D) or (E) of paragraph (1) occurs after the completion of 1 year of a service obligation under this section, the total amount of scholarship awards received by the individual under this section, reduced by the ratio of the number of years of service completed divided by the number of years of service required, shall be repaid or such amount shall be treated as a loan to be repaid in accordance with subparagraph (C). (C) Repayments A loan described in subparagraph (A) or (B) shall be treated as a Federal Direct Unsubsidized Stafford Loan under part D of title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1087a and following), and shall be subject to repayment, together with interest thereon accruing from the date of the scholarship award, in accordance with terms and conditions specified by the Director (in consultation with the Secretary of Education) in regulations promulgated to carry out this paragraph. (4) Collection of repayment (A) In general In the event that a scholarship recipient is required to repay the scholarship under this subsection, the institution providing the scholarship shall— (i) be responsible for determining the repayment amounts and for notifying the recipient and the Director of the amount owed; and (ii) collect such repayment amount within a period of time as determined under the agreement described in paragraph (2), or the repayment amount shall be treated as a loan in accordance with paragraph (3)(C). (B) Returned to treasury Except as provided in subparagraph (C) of this paragraph, any such repayment shall be returned to the Treasury of the United States. (C) Retain percentage An institution of higher education may retain a percentage of any repayment the institution collects under this paragraph to defray administrative costs associated with the collection. The Director shall establish a single, fixed percentage that will apply to all eligible entities. (5) Exceptions The Director may provide for the partial or total waiver or suspension of any service or payment obligation by an individual under this section whenever compliance by the individual with the obligation is impossible or would involve extreme hardship to the individual, or if enforcement of such obligation with respect to the individual would be unconscionable. (e) Hiring Authority (1) Appointment in excepted service Notwithstanding any provision of chapter 33 of title 5, United States Code, governing appointments in the competitive service, an agency shall appoint in the excepted service an individual who has completed the academic program for which a scholarship was awarded. (2) Noncompetitive conversion Except as provided in paragraph (4), upon fulfillment of the service term, an employee appointed under paragraph (1) may be converted noncompetitively to term, career-conditional or career appointment. (3) Timing of conversion An agency may noncompetitively convert a term employee appointed under paragraph (2) to a career-conditional or career appointment before the term appointment expires. (4) Authority to decline conversion An agency may decline to make the noncompetitive conversion or appointment under paragraph (2) for cause. 107. Cybersecurity workforce assessment Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this Act the President shall transmit to the Congress a report addressing the cybersecurity workforce needs of the Federal Government. The report shall include— (1) an examination of the current state of and the projected needs of the Federal cybersecurity workforce, including a comparison of the different agencies and departments, and an analysis of the capacity of such agencies and departments to meet those needs; (2) an analysis of the sources and availability of cybersecurity talent, a comparison of the skills and expertise sought by the Federal Government and the private sector, an examination of the current and future capacity of United States institutions of higher education, including community colleges, to provide current and future cybersecurity professionals, through education and training activities, with those skills sought by the Federal Government, State and local entities, and the private sector, and a description of how successful programs are engaging the talents of females and individuals identified in section 33 or 34 of the Science and Engineering Equal Opportunities Act (42 U.S.C. 1885a or 1885b); (3) an examination of the effectiveness of the National Centers of Academic Excellence in Information Assurance Education, the Centers of Academic Excellence in Research, and the Federal Cyber Scholarship for Service programs in promoting higher education and research in cybersecurity and information assurance and in producing a growing number of professionals with the necessary cybersecurity and information assurance expertise, including individuals from States or regions in which the unemployment rate exceeds the national average; (4) an analysis of any barriers to the Federal Government recruiting and hiring cybersecurity talent, including barriers relating to compensation, the hiring process, job classification, and hiring flexibilities; and (5) recommendations for Federal policies to ensure an adequate, well-trained Federal cybersecurity workforce. 108. Cybersecurity university-industry task force (a) Establishment of university-Industry task force Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy shall convene a task force to explore mechanisms for carrying out collaborative research, development, education, and training activities for cybersecurity through a consortium or other appropriate entity with participants from institutions of higher education and industry. (b) Functions The task force shall— (1) develop options for a collaborative model and an organizational structure for such entity under which the joint research and development activities could be planned, managed, and conducted effectively, including mechanisms for the allocation of resources among the participants in such entity for support of such activities; (2) identify and prioritize at least three cybersecurity grand challenges, focused on nationally significant problems requiring collaborative and interdisciplinary solutions; (3) propose a process for developing a research and development agenda for such entity to address the grand challenges identified under paragraph (2); (4) define the roles and responsibilities for the participants from institutions of higher education and industry in such entity; (5) propose guidelines for assigning intellectual property rights and for the transfer of research and development results to the private sector; and (6) make recommendations for how such entity could be funded from Federal, State, and nongovernmental sources. (c) Composition In establishing the task force under subsection (a), the Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy shall appoint an equal number of individuals from institutions of higher education, including minority-serving institutions and community colleges, and from industry with knowledge and expertise in cybersecurity. (d) Report Not later than 12 months after the date of enactment of this Act, the Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy shall transmit to the Congress a report describing the findings and recommendations of the task force. (e) Termination The task force shall terminate upon transmittal of the report required under subsection (d). (f) Compensation and expenses Members of the task force shall serve without compensation. 109. Cybersecurity automation and checklists for government systems Section 8(c) of the Cyber Security Research and Development Act ( 15 U.S.C. 7406(c) ) is amended to read as follows: (c) Security automation and checklists for government systems (1) In general The Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology shall develop, and revise as necessary, security automation standards, associated reference materials (including protocols), and checklists providing settings and option selections that minimize the security risks associated with each information technology hardware or software system and security tool that is, or is likely to become, widely used within the Federal Government in order to enable standardized and interoperable technologies, architectures, and frameworks for continuous monitoring of information security within the Federal Government. (2) Priorities for development The Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology shall establish priorities for the development of standards, reference materials, and checklists under this subsection on the basis of— (A) the security risks associated with the use of the system; (B) the number of agencies that use a particular system or security tool; (C) the usefulness of the standards, reference materials, or checklists to Federal agencies that are users or potential users of the system; (D) the effectiveness of the associated standard, reference material, or checklist in creating or enabling continuous monitoring of information security; or (E) such other factors as the Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology determines to be appropriate. (3) Excluded systems The Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology may exclude from the application of paragraph (1) any information technology hardware or software system or security tool for which such Director determines that the development of a standard, reference material, or checklist is inappropriate because of the infrequency of use of the system, the obsolescence of the system, or the inutility or impracticability of developing a standard, reference material, or checklist for the system. (4) Dissemination of standards and related materials The Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology shall ensure that Federal agencies are informed of the availability of any standard, reference material, checklist, or other item developed under this subsection. (5) Agency use requirements The development of standards, reference materials, and checklists under paragraph (1) for an information technology hardware or software system or tool does not— (A) require any Federal agency to select the specific settings or options recommended by the standard, reference material, or checklist for the system; (B) establish conditions or prerequisites for Federal agency procurement or deployment of any such system; (C) imply an endorsement of any such system by the Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology; or (D) preclude any Federal agency from procuring or deploying other information technology hardware or software systems for which no such standard, reference material, or checklist has been developed or identified under paragraph (1). . 110. National Institute of Standards and Technology cybersecurity research and development Section 20 of the National Institute of Standards and Technology Act ( 15 U.S.C. 278g–3 ) is amended by redesignating subsection (e) as subsection (f), and by inserting after subsection (d) the following: (e) Intramural security research As part of the research activities conducted in accordance with subsection (d)(3), the Institute shall— (1) conduct a research program to develop a unifying and standardized identity, privilege, and access control management framework for the execution of a wide variety of resource protection policies and that is amenable to implementation within a wide variety of existing and emerging computing environments; (2) carry out research associated with improving the security of information systems and networks; (3) carry out research associated with improving the testing, measurement, usability, and assurance of information systems and networks; (4) carry out research associated with improving security of industrial control systems; and (5) carry out research associated with improving the security and integrity of the information technology supply chain. . 111. Research on the science of cybersecurity The Director of the National Science Foundation and the Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology shall, through existing programs and activities, support research that will lead to the development of a scientific foundation for the field of cybersecurity, including research that increases understanding of the underlying principles of securing complex networked systems, enables repeatable experimentation, and creates quantifiable security metrics. II Advancement of Cybersecurity Technical Standards 201. Definitions In this title: (1) Director The term Director means the Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology. (2) Institute The term Institute means the National Institute of Standards and Technology. 202. International cybersecurity technical standards (a) In general The Director, in coordination with appropriate Federal authorities, shall— (1) as appropriate, ensure coordination of Federal agencies engaged in the development of international technical standards related to information system security; and (2) not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, develop and transmit to the Congress a plan for ensuring such Federal agency coordination. (b) Consultation with the private sector In carrying out the activities specified in subsection (a)(1), the Director shall ensure consultation with appropriate private sector stakeholders. 203. Cloud computing strategy (a) In general The Director, in collaboration with the Federal CIO Council, and in consultation with other relevant Federal agencies and stakeholders from the private sector, shall continue to develop and encourage the implementation of a comprehensive strategy for the use and adoption of cloud computing services by the Federal Government. (b) Activities In carrying out the strategy developed under subsection (a), the Director shall give consideration to activities that— (1) accelerate the development, in collaboration with the private sector, of standards that address interoperability and portability of cloud computing services; (2) advance the development of conformance testing performed by the private sector in support of cloud computing standardization; and (3) support, in consultation with the private sector, the development of appropriate security frameworks and reference materials, and the identification of best practices, for use by Federal agencies to address security and privacy requirements to enable the use and adoption of cloud computing services, including activities— (A) to ensure the physical security of cloud computing data centers and the data stored in such centers; (B) to ensure secure access to the data stored in cloud computing data centers; (C) to develop security standards as required under section 20 of the National Institute of Standards and Technology Act ( 15 U.S.C. 278g–3 ); and (D) to support the development of the automation of continuous monitoring systems. 204. Promoting cybersecurity awareness and education (a) Program The Director, in collaboration with relevant Federal agencies, industry, educational institutions, National Laboratories, the National Coordination Office of the Networking and Information Technology Research and Development program, and other organizations, shall continue to coordinate a cybersecurity awareness and education program to increase knowledge, skills, and awareness of cybersecurity risks, consequences, and best practices through— (1) the widespread dissemination of cybersecurity technical standards and best practices identified by the Institute; (2) efforts to make cybersecurity best practices usable by individuals, small to medium-sized businesses, State, local, and tribal governments, and educational institutions; (3) improving the state of cybersecurity education at all educational levels; (4) efforts to attract, recruit, and retain qualified professionals to the Federal cybersecurity workforce; and (5) improving the skills, training, and professional development of the Federal cybersecurity workforce. (b) Strategic plan The Director shall, in cooperation with relevant Federal agencies and other stakeholders, develop and implement a strategic plan to guide Federal programs and activities in support of a comprehensive cybersecurity awareness and education program as described under subsection (a). (c) Report to congress Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act and every 5 years thereafter, the Director shall transmit the strategic plan required under subsection (b) to the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate. 205. Identity management research and development The Director shall continue a program to support the development of technical standards, metrology, testbeds, and conformance criteria, taking into account appropriate user concerns, to— (1) improve interoperability among identity management technologies; (2) strengthen authentication methods of identity management systems; (3) improve privacy protection in identity management systems, including health information technology systems, through authentication and security protocols; and (4) improve the usability of identity management systems. 206. Authorizations No additional funds are authorized to carry out this Act, and the amendments made by this Act. This Act, and the amendments made by this Act, shall be carried out using amounts otherwise authorized or appropriated. Passed the House of Representatives April 16, 2013. Karen L. Haas, Clerk
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<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Reported-in-House" bill-type="olc" dms-id="HE102B03497404A1EB1A56CB5616059DC" public-private="public"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 756 RH: Cybersecurity Enhancement Act of 2013 </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-02-15 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> IB </distribution-code> <calendar display="yes"> Union Calendar No. 19 </calendar> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 756 </legis-num> <associated-doc display="yes" role="report"> [Report No. 113–33] </associated-doc> <current-chamber display="yes"> IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130215"> February 15, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="M001157"> Mr. McCaul </sponsor> (for himself, <cosponsor name-id="L000563"> Mr. Lipinski </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S000583"> Mr. Smith of Texas </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="L000559"> Mr. Langevin </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="M001181"> Mr. Meehan </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="M001163"> Ms. Matsui </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="H000067"> Mr. Hall </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="L000570"> Mr. Ben Ray Luján of New Mexico </cosponsor> ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the <committee-name added-display-style="italic" committee-id="HSY00" deleted-display-style="strikethrough"> Committee on Science, Space, and Technology </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <action> <action-date> April 11, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> Additional sponsors: <cosponsor name-id="R000572"> Mr. Rogers of Michigan </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="M001150"> Mrs. Miller of Michigan </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="G000548"> Mr. Garrett </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="T000238"> Mr. Thornberry </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S001192"> Mr. Stewart </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="E000293"> Ms. Esty </cosponsor> </action-desc> </action> <action> <action-date> April 11, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> Reported with an amendment, committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union, and ordered to be printed </action-desc> <action-instruction> Strike out all after the enacting clause and insert the part printed in italic </action-instruction> <action-instruction> For text of introduced bill, see copy of bill as introduced on February 15, 2013 </action-instruction> </action> <action display="yes"> <action-desc display="yes"> <pagebreak/> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> A BILL </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> To advance cybersecurity research, development, and technical standards, and for other purposes. <pagebreak/> </official-title> </form> <legis-body changed="added" committee-id="HSY00" display-enacting-clause="yes-display-enacting-clause" id="HAB47A4AB654D49ACA70568F67D4F1635" reported-display-style="italic" style="OLC"> <section id="H31B751DE0EE54609A1493061B330D0A7" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Short title </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> This Act may be cited as the <quote> <short-title> Cybersecurity Enhancement Act of 2013 </short-title> </quote> . </text> </section> <title id="H1DA69CD471F64186833CA159979B1000"> <enum> I </enum> <header> Research and Development </header> <section id="H8600DCB2C285497FA13700AFDFF2248C"> <enum> 101. </enum> <header> Definitions </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> In this title: </text> <paragraph id="HE577B9F0641944BC852DEA87C9C20603"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> National coordination office </header> <text> The term National Coordination Office means the National Coordination Office for the Networking and Information Technology Research and Development program. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HD04533F939AD445A96A444AE6B87B740"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Program </header> <text> The term Program means the Networking and Information Technology Research and Development program which has been established under section 101 of the High-Performance Computing Act of 1991 ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/15/5511"> 15 U.S.C. 5511 </external-xref> ). </text> </paragraph> </section> <section id="HC749427869BF47E58E127F9E5028684C"> <enum> 102. </enum> <header> Findings </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Section 2 of the Cyber Security Research and Development Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/15/7401"> 15 U.S.C. 7401 </external-xref> ) is amended— </text> <paragraph id="HA0EC24A13B8C4D8BBB1D9580A41A1EE2"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> by amending paragraph (1) to read as follows: </text> <quoted-block changed="added" committee-id="HSY00" id="H5255A5856870484087B708AF99BB4237" reported-display-style="italic" style="OLC"> <paragraph id="H9C3D4273CBF347BBA2339EEA9FD3C3D4"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> Advancements in information and communications technology have resulted in a globally interconnected network of government, commercial, scientific, and education infrastructures, including critical infrastructures for electric power, natural gas and petroleum production and distribution, telecommunications, transportation, water supply, banking and finance, and emergency and government services. </text> </paragraph> <after-quoted-block> ; </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H60A6B293832F425596CD81F8786C1154"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> in paragraph (2), by striking <quote> Exponential increases in interconnectivity have facilitated enhanced communications, economic growth, </quote> and inserting <quote> These advancements have significantly contributed to the growth of the United States economy, </quote> ; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H74433A9EBEAF495E9A2313F424485224"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> by amending paragraph (3) to read as follows: </text> <quoted-block changed="added" committee-id="HSY00" id="HB62021928DF04920AB2CFEBE00431B0C" reported-display-style="italic" style="OLC"> <paragraph id="HCA67FBDF312846009C268E8F1430C03D"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> The Cyberspace Policy Review published by the President in May, 2009, concluded that our information technology and communications infrastructure is vulnerable and has <quote> suffered intrusions that have allowed criminals to steal hundreds of millions of dollars and nation-states and other entities to steal intellectual property and sensitive military information </quote> . </text> </paragraph> <after-quoted-block> ; and </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H2D300267A278418A9811F494675F1681"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> by amending paragraph (6) to read as follows: </text> <quoted-block changed="added" committee-id="HSY00" id="HF55D8E3A1AC34DE6A560E7044BB5014D" reported-display-style="italic" style="OLC"> <paragraph id="H3322CDAECACC4988AF907884F8ADCDA5"> <enum> (6) </enum> <text> While African-Americans, Hispanics, and Native Americans constitute 33 percent of the college-age population, members of these minorities comprise less than 20 percent of bachelor degree recipients in the field of computer sciences. </text> </paragraph> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </paragraph> </section> <section id="H37AEABA46B654D848100BDD5332F83AF"> <enum> 103. </enum> <header> Cybersecurity strategic research and development plan </header> <subsection id="H63D41785D8F44950B31CA6B443FEC830"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> Not later than 12 months after the date of enactment of this Act, the agencies identified in subsection 101(a)(3)(B)(i) through (x) of the High-Performance Computing Act of 1991 ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/15/5511"> 15 U.S.C. 5511(a)(3)(B)(i) </external-xref> through (x)) or designated under section 101(a)(3)(B)(xi) of such Act, working through the National Science and Technology Council and with the assistance of the National Coordination Office, shall transmit to Congress a strategic plan based on an assessment of cybersecurity risk to guide the overall direction of Federal cybersecurity and information assurance research and development for information technology and networking systems. Once every 3 years after the initial strategic plan is transmitted to Congress under this section, such agencies shall prepare and transmit to Congress an update of such plan. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="HDD4A4DBD9030424CAAF1E133E0928A5B"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Contents of plan </header> <text> The strategic plan required under subsection (a) shall— </text> <paragraph id="HDD08D090BA6C4B009A44437784FD479A"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> specify and prioritize near-term, mid-term and long-term research objectives, including objectives associated with the research areas identified in section 4(a)(1) of the Cyber Security Research and Development Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/15/7403"> 15 U.S.C. 7403(a)(1) </external-xref> ) and how the near-term objectives complement research and development areas in which the private sector is actively engaged; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H2C6404A160424799B6ED39AD03B6660C"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> describe how the Program will focus on innovative, transformational technologies with the potential to enhance the security, reliability, resilience, and trustworthiness of the digital infrastructure, and to protect consumer privacy; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H4F9F41E7123D40AEBFAE430A8754FD7C"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> describe how the Program will foster the rapid transfer of research and development results into new cybersecurity technologies and applications for the timely benefit of society and the national interest, including through the dissemination of best practices and other outreach activities; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H6939BB15DCB84864A1BD779052E7CD2C"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> describe how the Program will establish and maintain a national research infrastructure for creating, testing, and evaluating the next generation of secure networking and information technology systems; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H971AD889DA964EA28554C99044380342"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text> describe how the Program will facilitate access by academic researchers to the infrastructure described in paragraph (4), as well as to relevant data, including event data; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HA8EC653CC8B148D1A1A3537129088428"> <enum> (6) </enum> <text> describe how the Program will engage females and individuals identified in section 33 or 34 of the Science and Engineering Equal Opportunities Act (42 U.S.C. 1885a or 1885b) to foster a more diverse workforce in this area; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H01470ECD23F8490BBE7F69FDC6869895"> <enum> (7) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> describe how the Program will help to recruit and prepare veterans for the Federal cybersecurity workforce. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H905DF18365A942A59076EF1132BEC714"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Development of roadmap </header> <text> The agencies described in subsection (a) shall develop and annually update an implementation roadmap for the strategic plan required in this section. Such roadmap shall— </text> <paragraph id="H7C6F21E88510431291CBF263165D7C19"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> specify the role of each Federal agency in carrying out or sponsoring research and development to meet the research objectives of the strategic plan, including a description of how progress toward the research objectives will be evaluated; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H0F2A6F103FE84C6995E5E52CC96838AC"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> specify the funding allocated to each major research objective of the strategic plan and the source of funding by agency for the current fiscal year; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HFAF696193A3540B1965D0F89604D768E"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> estimate the funding required for each major research objective of the strategic plan for the following 3 fiscal years. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HFC7DCE46F0AD41B38320075998AF761F"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header> Recommendations </header> <text> In developing and updating the strategic plan under subsection (a), the agencies involved shall solicit recommendations and advice from— </text> <paragraph id="H71DB4F0281ED4097A49E25FE97533E05"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> the advisory committee established under section 101(b)(1) of the High-Performance Computing Act of 1991 ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/15/5511"> 15 U.S.C. 5511(b)(1) </external-xref> ); and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H992A5B0E343644B7887414BF282535B2"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> a wide range of stakeholders, including industry, academia, including representatives of minority serving institutions and community colleges, National Laboratories, and other relevant organizations and institutions. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HAD4DC276C47E4BFBB884A7832FAAC237"> <enum> (e) </enum> <header> Appending to report </header> <text> The implementation roadmap required under subsection (c), and its annual updates, shall be appended to the report required under section 101(a)(2)(D) of the High-Performance Computing Act of 1991 (15 U.S.C. 5511(a)(2)(D)). </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H3CCE644D698D4818A4D471864BC910EC"> <enum> (f) </enum> <header> Cybersecurity research database </header> <text> The agencies involved in developing and updating the strategic plan under subsection (a) shall establish, in coordination with the Office of Management and Budget, a mechanism to track ongoing and completed Federal cybersecurity research and development projects and associated funding, and shall make such information publically available. </text> </subsection> </section> <section id="HF3083829349342119B8BF49014693332"> <enum> 104. </enum> <header> Social and behavioral research in cybersecurity </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Section 4(a)(1) of the Cyber Security Research and Development Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/15/7403"> 15 U.S.C. 7403(a)(1) </external-xref> ) is amended— </text> <paragraph id="H239A9133E6804AD88984EDD511A9F7BF"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> by inserting <quote> and usability </quote> after <quote> to the structure </quote> ; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H1CA25A8354994B3DB7FFFDA3D61876D2"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> in subparagraph (H), by striking <quote> and </quote> after the semicolon; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H9A51DCE88F004E54BA3FBB38CF0C0EEE"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> in subparagraph (I), by striking the period at the end and inserting <quote> ; and </quote> ; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H189BEAADE104400E92F53EF9B4133A7E"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> by adding at the end the following new subparagraph: </text> <quoted-block changed="added" committee-id="HSY00" id="H9A5B0B29E2ED4B779D0377DB1DD320FF" reported-display-style="italic" style="OLC"> <subparagraph id="HDF9ACB4819CD4035ACDE7FB0C102327F"> <enum> (J) </enum> <text> social and behavioral factors, including human-computer interactions, usability, and user motivations. </text> </subparagraph> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </paragraph> </section> <section id="H72682DDFA1E944BE89BD79B506BC23B8"> <enum> 105. </enum> <header> National Science Foundation cybersecurity research and development programs </header> <subsection id="H586D6BBD649C4805A7126B9FB79D11F8"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Computer and network security research areas </header> <text> Section 4(a)(1) of the Cyber Security Research and Development Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/15/7403"> 15 U.S.C. 7403(a)(1) </external-xref> ) is amended— </text> <paragraph id="H68DF824C223B43B38FA7D72E4D4E867D"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> in subparagraph (A) by inserting <quote> identity management, </quote> after <quote> cryptography, </quote> ; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H8495AF8D27714BE88AEB8D28BE541C48"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> in subparagraph (I), by inserting <quote> , crimes against children, and organized crime </quote> after <quote> intellectual property </quote> . </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H270BDDCEB5D04F14AFC58DFE055F2884"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Computer and network security research grants </header> <text> Section 4(a)(3) of such Act (15 U.S.C. 7403(a)(3)) is amended by striking subparagraphs (A) through (E) and inserting the following new subparagraphs: </text> <quoted-block changed="added" committee-id="HSY00" id="HB1C11E39A0744C48A1599905EDF23EB6" reported-display-style="italic" style="OLC"> <subparagraph id="H628020FF08BB4E11ACFF2B690A246365"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> $119,000,000 for fiscal year 2014; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H035E3CD29D0B4A7B8D0E76E5ECB6A639"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> $119,000,000 for fiscal year 2015; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HCF911D86DD1746A9942D9F623F3973E8"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> $119,000,000 for fiscal year 2016. </text> </subparagraph> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </subsection> <subsection id="H5FA9D02615D64F17BBA2E28DE26A0BB5"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Computer and network security research centers </header> <text> Section 4(b) of such Act (15 U.S.C. 7403(b)) is amended— </text> <paragraph id="HDAE21DE407CB40C18CFEB9012374C44E"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> in paragraph (4)— </text> <subparagraph id="H50E49ACAE4954008893BD0DC5BD606A0"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> in subparagraph (C), by striking <quote> and </quote> after the semicolon; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HC52D183BF69D444CB95A60A79E5049C1"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> in subparagraph (D), by striking the period and inserting <quote> ; and </quote> ; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H31F911A6325842D3A71227245F922111"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> by adding at the end the following new subparagraph: </text> <quoted-block changed="added" committee-id="HSY00" id="H00903893879347BCBEA466142531C462" reported-display-style="italic" style="OLC"> <subparagraph id="H36CE5DCEF2AA4518BB68A0BB3A15DD6D"> <enum> (E) </enum> <text> how the center will partner with government laboratories, for-profit entities, other institutions of higher education, or nonprofit research institutions. </text> </subparagraph> <after-quoted-block> ; and </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H7BEAA51A768B49D49F6369CF1B9665FE"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> in paragraph (7) by striking subparagraphs (A) through (E) and inserting the following new subparagraphs: </text> <quoted-block changed="added" committee-id="HSY00" id="H5E4C0009FBC34030922088EA0DE4BA91" reported-display-style="italic" style="OLC"> <subparagraph id="H7F24CFFD345643FDB94EFF3C4DEC6CA3"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> $5,000,000 for fiscal year 2014; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H492880D631C6403998CF268C07A41B31"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> $5,000,000 for fiscal year 2015; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H1193BF0E287A40C6A7C1520447EB525F"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> $5,000,000 for fiscal year 2016. </text> </subparagraph> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HA2C8A2F5CB73469DB78DDDD270224AD8"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header> Computer and network security capacity building grants </header> <text> Section 5(a)(6) of such Act (15 U.S.C. 7404(a)(6)) is amended by striking subparagraphs (A) through (E) and inserting the following new subparagraphs: </text> <quoted-block changed="added" committee-id="HSY00" id="HBA25804B1C2D4E519ABD93F4FCF2BA43" reported-display-style="italic" style="OLC"> <subparagraph id="H16846C18A5EA4C3281E414FC58EABA8A"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> $25,000,000 for fiscal year 2014; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H5DA6830F4C534A838FF818D8F034FD0D"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> $25,000,000 for fiscal year 2015; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HA048E327833947A29F24402A43B4D363"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> $25,000,000 for fiscal year 2016. </text> </subparagraph> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </subsection> <subsection id="HC808AEB734E444BC80EA8A4B79080CC9"> <enum> (e) </enum> <header> Scientific and advanced technology act grants </header> <text> Section 5(b)(2) of such Act (15 U.S.C. 7404(b)(2)) is amended by striking subparagraphs (A) through (E) and inserting the following new subparagraphs: </text> <quoted-block changed="added" committee-id="HSY00" id="H4DE072F3E0F545A2BFE29470BBC129FD" reported-display-style="italic" style="OLC"> <subparagraph id="H92CE933430754E66ABB76E8CCBC92DAD"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> $4,000,000 for fiscal year 2014; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H2D929909B97C41B29C359C64259CD893"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> $4,000,000 for fiscal year 2015; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H27B13673D99C48E08903EB5E1A325618"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> $4,000,000 for fiscal year 2016. </text> </subparagraph> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </subsection> <subsection id="HAD95F2B4BC7B4ECFB7794A42BBB87F1F"> <enum> (f) </enum> <header> Graduate traineeships in computer and network security </header> <text> Section 5(c)(7) of such Act (15 U.S.C. 7404(c)(7)) is amended by striking subparagraphs (A) through (E) and inserting the following new subparagraphs: </text> <quoted-block changed="added" committee-id="HSY00" id="H40C7BC09FCE84592BA250ECDFBF475D9" reported-display-style="italic" style="OLC"> <subparagraph id="HA4437E98A42C41DE973EA9377CC5AF6A"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> $32,000,000 for fiscal year 2014; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H32B5B59918534C3F9061888CF3C24902"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> $32,000,000 for fiscal year 2015; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HB6BBD50D503E4793BC8DBD7BED4CBA73"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> $32,000,000 for fiscal year 2016. </text> </subparagraph> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </subsection> <subsection id="H0A332349B959469196B2316C3D355EC3"> <enum> (g) </enum> <header> Cyber security faculty development traineeship program </header> <text> Section 5(e) of such Act (15 U.S.C. 7404(e)) is repealed. </text> </subsection> </section> <section id="H739788EEAE714CFA88337EF02A685DB4"> <enum> 106. </enum> <header> Federal cyber scholarship for service program </header> <subsection id="H5D442CC6D15E41A7AF6FDDDFCD387A5D"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> The Director of the National Science Foundation shall continue a Scholarship for Service program under section 5(a) of the Cyber Security Research and Development Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/15/7404"> 15 U.S.C. 7404(a) </external-xref> ) to recruit and train the next generation of Federal cybersecurity professionals and to increase the capacity of the higher education system to produce an information technology workforce with the skills necessary to enhance the security of the Nation’s communications and information infrastructure. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="HA5A0D6EED864439D8F392D1EF317378E"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Characteristics of program </header> <text> The program under this section shall— </text> <paragraph id="HFC99A082C11B4AD985D0F009E741AD17"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> provide, through qualified institutions of higher education, including community colleges, scholarships that provide tuition, fees, and a competitive stipend for up to 2 years to students pursing a bachelor’s or master’s degree and up to 3 years to students pursuing a doctoral degree in a cybersecurity field; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H87228222016B4E01936BCAF6FB3FEA13"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> provide the scholarship recipients with summer internship opportunities or other meaningful temporary appointments in the Federal information technology workforce; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H1CA950A9C9FB485EBBAD804ABBEDBDCF"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> increase the capacity of institutions of higher education throughout all regions of the United States to produce highly qualified cybersecurity professionals, through the award of competitive, merit-reviewed grants that support such activities as— </text> <subparagraph id="H65DD188EFEA944068D7335A4584871F1"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> faculty professional development, including technical, hands-on experiences in the private sector or government, workshops, seminars, conferences, and other professional development opportunities that will result in improved instructional capabilities; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HD44D230BEF284C2D9D9E036E951724AA"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> institutional partnerships, including minority serving institutions and community colleges; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H634DC95FC1A44670A7954D5E6D8FAD85"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> development and evaluation of cybersecurity-related courses and curricula; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H20FD78649E7D46F1BCF37E5D045CF644"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> public-private partnerships that will integrate research experiences and hands-on learning into cybersecurity degree programs. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HB8C64C543110477C91226D46359D7DE0"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Scholarship requirements </header> <paragraph id="H3367AD44F8E14094A32E067A0647418B"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> Eligibility </header> <text> Scholarships under this section shall be available only to students who— </text> <subparagraph id="HE9A345D4019E4D8A91A7F688B2CB1063"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> are citizens or permanent residents of the United States; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H6CB4CE3388F942448858A4DCFE4C89BF"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> are full-time students in an eligible degree program, as determined by the Director, that is focused on computer security or information assurance at an awardee institution; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H3396D31103D94F76AD0320B26E7455DD"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> accept the terms of a scholarship pursuant to this section. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HF73F6BEF00A54EA986CD531013FF0CF6"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Selection </header> <text> Individuals shall be selected to receive scholarships primarily on the basis of academic merit, with consideration given to financial need, to the goal of promoting the participation of females and individuals identified in section 33 or 34 of the Science and Engineering Equal Opportunities Act (42 U.S.C. 1885a or 1885b), and to veterans. For purposes of this paragraph, the term <quote> veteran </quote> means a person who— </text> <subparagraph id="HD1A39C8D8F2948369C02DF9D522FE2BB"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> served on active duty (other than active duty for training) in the Armed Forces of the United States for a period of more than 180 consecutive days, and who was discharged or released therefrom under conditions other than dishonorable; or </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H83F0F81F00F345B38B10BBAA395AFC0E"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> served on active duty (other than active duty for training) in the Armed Forces of the United States and was discharged or released from such service for a service-connected disability before serving 180 consecutive days. </text> </subparagraph> <continuation-text continuation-text-level="paragraph"> For purposes of subparagraph (B), the term <quote> service-connected </quote> has the meaning given such term under <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/38/101"> section 101 </external-xref> of title 38, United States Code. </continuation-text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H188D97BC840E4EBEB5EBC4390D675D92"> <enum> (3) </enum> <header> Service obligation </header> <text> If an individual receives a scholarship under this section, as a condition of receiving such scholarship, the individual upon completion of their degree must serve as a cybersecurity professional within the Federal workforce for a period of time as provided in paragraph (5). If a scholarship recipient is not offered employment by a Federal agency or a federally funded research and development center, the service requirement can be satisfied at the Director’s discretion by— </text> <subparagraph id="HF0ED2FFE90A34E36ABE17F26B04C8FEF"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> serving as a cybersecurity professional in a State, local, or tribal government agency; or </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H4C138EE8CA1A4A02ADD48AD02AA7D3FB"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> teaching cybersecurity courses at an institution of higher education. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H55EA15CCBBA948928332977929C6060D"> <enum> (4) </enum> <header> Conditions of support </header> <text> As a condition of acceptance of a scholarship under this section, a recipient shall agree to provide the awardee institution with annual verifiable documentation of employment and up-to-date contact information. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HF970C2E074C2444B96C94735C6AD060E"> <enum> (5) </enum> <header> Length of service </header> <text> The length of service required in exchange for a scholarship under this subsection shall be 1 year more than the number of years for which the scholarship was received. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H1960FDDA997E4EF6A52071B6C1CE3628"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header> Failure To complete service obligation </header> <paragraph id="HBB5D04C2C68C4F1FBD9EC8A6394E2898"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> General rule </header> <text> If an individual who has received a scholarship under this section— </text> <subparagraph id="H68418421188449159FA4F844F96785CB"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> fails to maintain an acceptable level of academic standing in the educational institution in which the individual is enrolled, as determined by the Director; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H7778F5DBEDAE4C83BB3323D2171BCB30"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> is dismissed from such educational institution for disciplinary reasons; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H3FAD99AB880243C690B645C2CA7851FF"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> withdraws from the program for which the award was made before the completion of such program; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H4300FB0906ED4621B11A52DA8B40C698"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text> declares that the individual does not intend to fulfill the service obligation under this section; or </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H477B25D91B9645EEBF5A8FC8716F09A8"> <enum> (E) </enum> <text> fails to fulfill the service obligation of the individual under this section, </text> </subparagraph> <continuation-text continuation-text-level="paragraph"> such individual shall be liable to the United States as provided in paragraph (3). </continuation-text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H0BB77B5FE71A434F82811CAC09F567A6"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Monitoring compliance </header> <text> As a condition of participating in the program, a qualified institution of higher education receiving a grant under this section shall— </text> <subparagraph id="HD316DE7C40BF4B35B065CD1EAA71FFD8"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> enter into an agreement with the Director of the National Science Foundation to monitor the compliance of scholarship recipients with respect to their service obligation; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HC53CE5D0886C46FCA26B3702BE457AAF"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> provide to the Director, on an annual basis, post-award employment information required under subsection (c)(4) for scholarship recipients through the completion of their service obligation. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HF16D0789A651479190B68FD543A41D23"> <enum> (3) </enum> <header> Amount of repayment </header> <subparagraph id="H618EBE5F236B4556B42D7E18FFEB81CE"> <enum> (A) </enum> <header> Less than one year of service </header> <text> If a circumstance described in paragraph (1) occurs before the completion of 1 year of a service obligation under this section, the total amount of awards received by the individual under this section shall be repaid or such amount shall be treated as a loan to be repaid in accordance with subparagraph (C). </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H1488B06425CE42BABE8F4C41BC84B1E3"> <enum> (B) </enum> <header> More than one year of service </header> <text> If a circumstance described in subparagraph (D) or (E) of paragraph (1) occurs after the completion of 1 year of a service obligation under this section, the total amount of scholarship awards received by the individual under this section, reduced by the ratio of the number of years of service completed divided by the number of years of service required, shall be repaid or such amount shall be treated as a loan to be repaid in accordance with subparagraph (C). </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HC06F6E057896404DA62162B4F1E47FCB"> <enum> (C) </enum> <header> Repayments </header> <text> A loan described in subparagraph (A) or (B) shall be treated as a Federal Direct Unsubsidized Stafford Loan under part D of title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1087a and following), and shall be subject to repayment, together with interest thereon accruing from the date of the scholarship award, in accordance with terms and conditions specified by the Director (in consultation with the Secretary of Education) in regulations promulgated to carry out this paragraph. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H0E2278B59E464C338730D006B4254160"> <enum> (4) </enum> <header> Collection of repayment </header> <subparagraph id="H43C46C1232D1446FAABA90656E04677B"> <enum> (A) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> In the event that a scholarship recipient is required to repay the scholarship under this subsection, the institution providing the scholarship shall— </text> <clause id="H63B20147A7874FE9BCA14FAF8B1C3161"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> be responsible for determining the repayment amounts and for notifying the recipient and the Director of the amount owed; and </text> </clause> <clause id="HF9963590AC4F4EE9A5597E0498BD1C30"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> collect such repayment amount within a period of time as determined under the agreement described in paragraph (2), or the repayment amount shall be treated as a loan in accordance with paragraph (3)(C). </text> </clause> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HABBB3A9C9E134BFD87DB29E4511C6458"> <enum> (B) </enum> <header> Returned to treasury </header> <text> Except as provided in subparagraph (C) of this paragraph, any such repayment shall be returned to the Treasury of the United States. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HE22902DD359A4C218290F50EF2B870E9"> <enum> (C) </enum> <header> Retain percentage </header> <text> An institution of higher education may retain a percentage of any repayment the institution collects under this paragraph to defray administrative costs associated with the collection. The Director shall establish a single, fixed percentage that will apply to all eligible entities. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HCBD53AAD325344368E84B2C68F364DC0"> <enum> (5) </enum> <header> Exceptions </header> <text> The Director may provide for the partial or total waiver or suspension of any service or payment obligation by an individual under this section whenever compliance by the individual with the obligation is impossible or would involve extreme hardship to the individual, or if enforcement of such obligation with respect to the individual would be unconscionable. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H22C232921C884945A1C8D2541B97BDCF"> <enum> (e) </enum> <header> Hiring Authority </header> <paragraph id="HA760DE9478194F9B8C893D8FB06A529B"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> Appointment in excepted service </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Notwithstanding any provision of <external-xref legal-doc="usc-chapter" parsable-cite="usc-chapter/5/33"> chapter 33 </external-xref> of title 5, United States Code, governing appointments in the competitive service, an agency shall appoint in the excepted service an individual who has completed the academic program for which a scholarship was awarded. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HDF52E54C5D9D4BB994C050D871126806"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Noncompetitive conversion </header> <text> Except as provided in paragraph (4), upon fulfillment of the service term, an employee appointed under paragraph (1) may be converted noncompetitively to term, career-conditional or career appointment. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H83CE29ABB2164EA19E64DF3A2B83571E"> <enum> (3) </enum> <header> Timing of conversion </header> <text> An agency may noncompetitively convert a term employee appointed under paragraph (2) to a career-conditional or career appointment before the term appointment expires. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H8B12FD81750D4574914C78B0B5F576C9"> <enum> (4) </enum> <header> Authority to decline conversion </header> <text> An agency may decline to make the noncompetitive conversion or appointment under paragraph (2) for cause. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> </section> <section id="H9448FC91A9C54F2283C1041892C43839"> <enum> 107. </enum> <header> Cybersecurity workforce assessment </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this Act the President shall transmit to the Congress a report addressing the cybersecurity workforce needs of the Federal Government. The report shall include— </text> <paragraph id="HACF8C0A7C1424F909136AC06B3DB0D8B"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> an examination of the current state of and the projected needs of the Federal cybersecurity workforce, including a comparison of the different agencies and departments, and an analysis of the capacity of such agencies and departments to meet those needs; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H64BDDD2620354453860BE82E101B7EA0"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> an analysis of the sources and availability of cybersecurity talent, a comparison of the skills and expertise sought by the Federal Government and the private sector, an examination of the current and future capacity of United States institutions of higher education, including community colleges, to provide current and future cybersecurity professionals, through education and training activities, with those skills sought by the Federal Government, State and local entities, and the private sector, and a description of how successful programs are engaging the talents of females and individuals identified in section 33 or 34 of the Science and Engineering Equal Opportunities Act (42 U.S.C. 1885a or 1885b); </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H5B234DE12E904F22A69A2831A43E63FE"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> an examination of the effectiveness of the National Centers of Academic Excellence in Information Assurance Education, the Centers of Academic Excellence in Research, and the Federal Cyber Scholarship for Service programs in promoting higher education and research in cybersecurity and information assurance and in producing a growing number of professionals with the necessary cybersecurity and information assurance expertise, including individuals from States or regions in which the unemployment rate exceeds the national average; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HA8DA9C9455024481B6DFDAC2CA7DE8AE"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> an analysis of any barriers to the Federal Government recruiting and hiring cybersecurity talent, including barriers relating to compensation, the hiring process, job classification, and hiring flexibilities; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HBAA5E972C9CF470DACE00B7A9B8ECCDF"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text> recommendations for Federal policies to ensure an adequate, well-trained Federal cybersecurity workforce. </text> </paragraph> </section> <section id="H0C9F14A9E195422783823800F67792C7"> <enum> 108. </enum> <header> Cybersecurity university-industry task force </header> <subsection id="HB0DE61D6117443D4B9672EBA0DC5B48F"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Establishment of university-Industry task force </header> <text> Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy shall convene a task force to explore mechanisms for carrying out collaborative research, development, education, and training activities for cybersecurity through a consortium or other appropriate entity with participants from institutions of higher education and industry. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H9341B76E828641B6B6846D1F661666AF"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Functions </header> <text> The task force shall— </text> <paragraph id="HAFC0C81B9C24441A9F26CEA94B8E5977"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> develop options for a collaborative model and an organizational structure for such entity under which the joint research and development activities could be planned, managed, and conducted effectively, including mechanisms for the allocation of resources among the participants in such entity for support of such activities; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H64B0D9DE894944219B5AE4DB1F34D141"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> identify and prioritize at least three cybersecurity grand challenges, focused on nationally significant problems requiring collaborative and interdisciplinary solutions; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H840FC507F14E42F89B59F8B968E458C3"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> propose a process for developing a research and development agenda for such entity to address the grand challenges identified under paragraph (2); </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H1D02BAB1FC064D4CADC207848CAFC909"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> define the roles and responsibilities for the participants from institutions of higher education and industry in such entity; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HD3C17C26735143D5BD6FC28D4BF11EB6"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text> propose guidelines for assigning intellectual property rights and for the transfer of research and development results to the private sector; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HC72338ED7C6347A9A90655E7D236438C"> <enum> (6) </enum> <text> make recommendations for how such entity could be funded from Federal, State, and nongovernmental sources. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H081B6C5C429C4FFAACB70D5BEA8F4D4A"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Composition </header> <text> In establishing the task force under subsection (a), the Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy shall appoint an equal number of individuals from institutions of higher education, including minority-serving institutions and community colleges, and from industry with knowledge and expertise in cybersecurity. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="HCB6EA00A76874B4F8E74423D0E046CC1"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header> Report </header> <text> Not later than 12 months after the date of enactment of this Act, the Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy shall transmit to the Congress a report describing the findings and recommendations of the task force. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H78AAA64F42044A3EA8503D8A3F0C46BD"> <enum> (e) </enum> <header> Termination </header> <text> The task force shall terminate upon transmittal of the report required under subsection (d). </text> </subsection> <subsection id="HABCB9FE0A8C146A6A31F2D8011BEAE60"> <enum> (f) </enum> <header> Compensation and expenses </header> <text> Members of the task force shall serve without compensation. </text> </subsection> </section> <section id="HDA846F59332A4E2BBD2938449027142D"> <enum> 109. </enum> <header> Cybersecurity automation and checklists for government systems </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Section 8(c) of the Cyber Security Research and Development Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/15/7406"> 15 U.S.C. 7406(c) </external-xref> ) is amended to read as follows: </text> <quoted-block changed="added" committee-id="HSY00" id="HB02BB198C6E04C58A4D994F9B5BE2E28" reported-display-style="italic" style="OLC"> <subsection id="HAFA1FADD69124BC88D2E1CDEBBBE9004"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Security automation and checklists for government systems </header> <paragraph id="H5A853DC966464E2D823CA0604E0A7817"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> The Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology shall develop, and revise as necessary, security automation standards, associated reference materials (including protocols), and checklists providing settings and option selections that minimize the security risks associated with each information technology hardware or software system and security tool that is, or is likely to become, widely used within the Federal Government in order to enable standardized and interoperable technologies, architectures, and frameworks for continuous monitoring of information security within the Federal Government. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H7FC189CF9884467DACAA77EA6EE4F84D"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Priorities for development </header> <text> The Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology shall establish priorities for the development of standards, reference materials, and checklists under this subsection on the basis of— </text> <subparagraph id="H68529D5064D844D29BDD6CFB4E0F942C"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> the security risks associated with the use of the system; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H95A9AB156F3E4E758CE93B328FBADBF5"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> the number of agencies that use a particular system or security tool; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H1BE27A9512534F0C8BFB63651E7A3304"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> the usefulness of the standards, reference materials, or checklists to Federal agencies that are users or potential users of the system; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H37386569BD9B4D42BFD794B66807D3FA"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text> the effectiveness of the associated standard, reference material, or checklist in creating or enabling continuous monitoring of information security; or </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HBAE8EBB1BFDF41C685E92B7F050EAB79"> <enum> (E) </enum> <text> such other factors as the Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology determines to be appropriate. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H178C670B0EED46F296233DFDC55F92B5"> <enum> (3) </enum> <header> Excluded systems </header> <text> The Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology may exclude from the application of paragraph (1) any information technology hardware or software system or security tool for which such Director determines that the development of a standard, reference material, or checklist is inappropriate because of the infrequency of use of the system, the obsolescence of the system, or the inutility or impracticability of developing a standard, reference material, or checklist for the system. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HAF11921F1E7B49119633ABC4287B0807"> <enum> (4) </enum> <header> Dissemination of standards and related materials </header> <text> The Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology shall ensure that Federal agencies are informed of the availability of any standard, reference material, checklist, or other item developed under this subsection. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H1692C0FD11D546B7B5D2017C6934AD76"> <enum> (5) </enum> <header> Agency use requirements </header> <text> The development of standards, reference materials, and checklists under paragraph (1) for an information technology hardware or software system or tool does not— </text> <subparagraph id="H1FA143A192454A2CA118BAC0FBB96D28"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> require any Federal agency to select the specific settings or options recommended by the standard, reference material, or checklist for the system; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H5F018FF01EBF4587A44F8C9B86086E1B"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> establish conditions or prerequisites for Federal agency procurement or deployment of any such system; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HFE1571BE7CB54A5DA66AC837222EF0AC"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> imply an endorsement of any such system by the Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology; or </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H88275C34329D4288944F6BB78E7FB3A5"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text> preclude any Federal agency from procuring or deploying other information technology hardware or software systems for which no such standard, reference material, or checklist has been developed or identified under paragraph (1). </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </section> <section id="H566F40613376496394A36DCAD64BE541"> <enum> 110. </enum> <header> National Institute of Standards and Technology cybersecurity research and development </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Section 20 of the National Institute of Standards and Technology Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/15/278g-3"> 15 U.S.C. 278g–3 </external-xref> ) is amended by redesignating subsection (e) as subsection (f), and by inserting after subsection (d) the following: </text> <quoted-block changed="added" committee-id="HSY00" id="HB4522E9E7A204CD8BDBE3FBC66235CBC" reported-display-style="italic" style="OLC"> <subsection id="HAD6B80E5038B4E73A2369F68E926E6BF"> <enum> (e) </enum> <header> Intramural security research </header> <text> As part of the research activities conducted in accordance with subsection (d)(3), the Institute shall— </text> <paragraph id="HF0B72FE372074B699C6B68DCE2A64B03"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> conduct a research program to develop a unifying and standardized identity, privilege, and access control management framework for the execution of a wide variety of resource protection policies and that is amenable to implementation within a wide variety of existing and emerging computing environments; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H88751BEE8AA14516BD1254F093362E85"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> carry out research associated with improving the security of information systems and networks; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H3456D8C5CD574813B9C2D08AB90F0B2D"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> carry out research associated with improving the testing, measurement, usability, and assurance of information systems and networks; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H55913544653E451093C360D1FB85E208"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> carry out research associated with improving security of industrial control systems; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H09F2979034954FFBADD3C050276F8ED5"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> carry out research associated with improving the security and integrity of the information technology supply chain. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </section> <section id="HE30AEFD30FE842D79E48CE8D0F51EE90"> <enum> 111. </enum> <header> Research on the science of cybersecurity </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> The Director of the National Science Foundation and the Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology shall, through existing programs and activities, support research that will lead to the development of a scientific foundation for the field of cybersecurity, including research that increases understanding of the underlying principles of securing complex networked systems, enables repeatable experimentation, and creates quantifiable security metrics. </text> </section> </title> <title id="H6E1D301EEF594D658C140C60A70DB500"> <enum> II </enum> <header> Advancement of Cybersecurity Technical Standards </header> <section id="HA207BFE87AFE49E89F13087ED001B105"> <enum> 201. </enum> <header> Definitions </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> In this title: </text> <paragraph id="H8AC2180539CF4DE5B8852FEA654E793C"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> Director </header> <text> The term <quote> Director </quote> means the Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H700E284451A7445B975CE2406FB83B50"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Institute </header> <text> The term <quote> Institute </quote> means the National Institute of Standards and Technology. </text> </paragraph> </section> <section id="HA0282896015C43469922B9344F15BCE6"> <enum> 202. </enum> <header> International cybersecurity technical standards </header> <subsection id="H398A6E2CA9D44D95AA35001EB13A3E59"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> The Director, in coordination with appropriate Federal authorities, shall— </text> <paragraph id="H462232E08105424C82C10E0C6FFBDE54"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> as appropriate, ensure coordination of Federal agencies engaged in the development of international technical standards related to information system security; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H027B531478CE4FC29F48D02D080F75D0"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, develop and transmit to the Congress a plan for ensuring such Federal agency coordination. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H724FDC112ECD401697D1AADAED9CCE48"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Consultation with the private sector </header> <text> In carrying out the activities specified in subsection (a)(1), the Director shall ensure consultation with appropriate private sector stakeholders. </text> </subsection> </section> <section id="HAEBC510CBF8E47D8A72552BF11A0E1E9"> <enum> 203. </enum> <header> Cloud computing strategy </header> <subsection id="HCF208D57810A4DDB82E15121F95F8D99"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> The Director, in collaboration with the Federal CIO Council, and in consultation with other relevant Federal agencies and stakeholders from the private sector, shall continue to develop and encourage the implementation of a comprehensive strategy for the use and adoption of cloud computing services by the Federal Government. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H4F61AB4F73B146B2B92C5752454DBE47"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Activities </header> <text> In carrying out the strategy developed under subsection (a), the Director shall give consideration to activities that— </text> <paragraph id="H7AF0E37851494AE3A1F84A58A434EF00"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> accelerate the development, in collaboration with the private sector, of standards that address interoperability and portability of cloud computing services; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HD1D1CFCAC3C543DA8A37294452C4C9A7"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> advance the development of conformance testing performed by the private sector in support of cloud computing standardization; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H3F97CE52ACCE411EB12D2B111BBA25ED"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> support, in consultation with the private sector, the development of appropriate security frameworks and reference materials, and the identification of best practices, for use by Federal agencies to address security and privacy requirements to enable the use and adoption of cloud computing services, including activities— </text> <subparagraph id="HF9517C13C8ED4C9F8BAD65C252EDB554"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> to ensure the physical security of cloud computing data centers and the data stored in such centers; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H4ED537279E8045C3925E576DE67DB3EC"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> to ensure secure access to the data stored in cloud computing data centers; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H00FCE71F12534BF0B44019B48FCA6FD5"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> to develop security standards as required under section 20 of the National Institute of Standards and Technology Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/15/278g-3"> 15 U.S.C. 278g–3 </external-xref> ); and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H37BCAD8C081E4A4982FBDB19859A1141"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text> to support the development of the automation of continuous monitoring systems. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> </section> <section id="HA9973D003AE74FA29AC43893AC686D2D"> <enum> 204. </enum> <header> Promoting cybersecurity awareness and education </header> <subsection id="H9748A934C2F14EE59E9D536E625F7275"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Program </header> <text> The Director, in collaboration with relevant Federal agencies, industry, educational institutions, National Laboratories, the National Coordination Office of the Networking and Information Technology Research and Development program, and other organizations, shall continue to coordinate a cybersecurity awareness and education program to increase knowledge, skills, and awareness of cybersecurity risks, consequences, and best practices through— </text> <paragraph id="H3E1451AA3B3E42C7A4A7A85348CE10DA"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> the widespread dissemination of cybersecurity technical standards and best practices identified by the Institute; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H426F9AE7FD4F4E80AE21E4457FFAB3D1"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> efforts to make cybersecurity best practices usable by individuals, small to medium-sized businesses, State, local, and tribal governments, and educational institutions; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H6374967A7AF84B6A914CE41E054D1F70"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> improving the state of cybersecurity education at all educational levels; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H2644D7DE7E7F44BAB517E7404DE3094E"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> efforts to attract, recruit, and retain qualified professionals to the Federal cybersecurity workforce; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HA7E5CC9B79BF41D0947A756B54E6AB48"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text> improving the skills, training, and professional development of the Federal cybersecurity workforce. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H5E3E69D4269B460989E53950FF236BA0"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Strategic plan </header> <text> The Director shall, in cooperation with relevant Federal agencies and other stakeholders, develop and implement a strategic plan to guide Federal programs and activities in support of a comprehensive cybersecurity awareness and education program as described under subsection (a). </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H52FB74C22311448F97459FDCB146E847"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Report to congress </header> <text> Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act and every 5 years thereafter, the Director shall transmit the strategic plan required under subsection (b) to the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate. </text> </subsection> </section> <section id="HC6BDCF9DF3034ED3B9FF7FA4C7818304"> <enum> 205. </enum> <header> Identity management research and development </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> The Director shall continue a program to support the development of technical standards, metrology, testbeds, and conformance criteria, taking into account appropriate user concerns, to— </text> <paragraph id="H761BEC12C1BC4BA1BA68342416002719"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> improve interoperability among identity management technologies; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HB2719E13BC2A403F9398FD2060B8F7A1"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> strengthen authentication methods of identity management systems; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H1A8FA061B8F34566B9D2B0CE0ECEF840"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> improve privacy protection in identity management systems, including health information technology systems, through authentication and security protocols; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H4CC549D814F1430BA88B703D458A0A94"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> improve the usability of identity management systems. </text> </paragraph> </section> <section display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H64568F5783F446088A96C2C27712DAF2" section-type="subsequent-section"> <enum> 206. </enum> <header> Authorizations </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> No additional funds are authorized to carry out this Act, and the amendments made by this Act. This Act, and the amendments made by this Act, shall be carried out using amounts otherwise authorized or appropriated. </text> </section> </title> </legis-body> <endorsement display="yes"> <action-date> April 11, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> Reported with an amendment, committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union, and ordered to be printed </action-desc> </endorsement> </bill>
IB Union Calendar No. 19 113th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 756 [Report No. 113–33] IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES February 15, 2013 Mr. McCaul (for himself, Mr. Lipinski , Mr. Smith of Texas , Mr. Langevin , Mr. Meehan , Ms. Matsui , Mr. Hall , and Mr. Ben Ray Luján of New Mexico ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology April 11, 2013 Additional sponsors: Mr. Rogers of Michigan , Mrs. Miller of Michigan , Mr. Garrett , Mr. Thornberry , Mr. Stewart , and Ms. Esty April 11, 2013 Reported with an amendment, committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union, and ordered to be printed Strike out all after the enacting clause and insert the part printed in italic For text of introduced bill, see copy of bill as introduced on February 15, 2013 A BILL To advance cybersecurity research, development, and technical standards, and for other purposes. 1. Short title This Act may be cited as the Cybersecurity Enhancement Act of 2013 . I Research and Development 101. Definitions In this title: (1) National coordination office The term National Coordination Office means the National Coordination Office for the Networking and Information Technology Research and Development program. (2) Program The term Program means the Networking and Information Technology Research and Development program which has been established under section 101 of the High-Performance Computing Act of 1991 ( 15 U.S.C. 5511 ). 102. Findings Section 2 of the Cyber Security Research and Development Act ( 15 U.S.C. 7401 ) is amended— (1) by amending paragraph (1) to read as follows: (1) Advancements in information and communications technology have resulted in a globally interconnected network of government, commercial, scientific, and education infrastructures, including critical infrastructures for electric power, natural gas and petroleum production and distribution, telecommunications, transportation, water supply, banking and finance, and emergency and government services. ; (2) in paragraph (2), by striking Exponential increases in interconnectivity have facilitated enhanced communications, economic growth, and inserting These advancements have significantly contributed to the growth of the United States economy, ; (3) by amending paragraph (3) to read as follows: (3) The Cyberspace Policy Review published by the President in May, 2009, concluded that our information technology and communications infrastructure is vulnerable and has suffered intrusions that have allowed criminals to steal hundreds of millions of dollars and nation-states and other entities to steal intellectual property and sensitive military information . ; and (4) by amending paragraph (6) to read as follows: (6) While African-Americans, Hispanics, and Native Americans constitute 33 percent of the college-age population, members of these minorities comprise less than 20 percent of bachelor degree recipients in the field of computer sciences. . 103. Cybersecurity strategic research and development plan (a) In general Not later than 12 months after the date of enactment of this Act, the agencies identified in subsection 101(a)(3)(B)(i) through (x) of the High-Performance Computing Act of 1991 ( 15 U.S.C. 5511(a)(3)(B)(i) through (x)) or designated under section 101(a)(3)(B)(xi) of such Act, working through the National Science and Technology Council and with the assistance of the National Coordination Office, shall transmit to Congress a strategic plan based on an assessment of cybersecurity risk to guide the overall direction of Federal cybersecurity and information assurance research and development for information technology and networking systems. Once every 3 years after the initial strategic plan is transmitted to Congress under this section, such agencies shall prepare and transmit to Congress an update of such plan. (b) Contents of plan The strategic plan required under subsection (a) shall— (1) specify and prioritize near-term, mid-term and long-term research objectives, including objectives associated with the research areas identified in section 4(a)(1) of the Cyber Security Research and Development Act ( 15 U.S.C. 7403(a)(1) ) and how the near-term objectives complement research and development areas in which the private sector is actively engaged; (2) describe how the Program will focus on innovative, transformational technologies with the potential to enhance the security, reliability, resilience, and trustworthiness of the digital infrastructure, and to protect consumer privacy; (3) describe how the Program will foster the rapid transfer of research and development results into new cybersecurity technologies and applications for the timely benefit of society and the national interest, including through the dissemination of best practices and other outreach activities; (4) describe how the Program will establish and maintain a national research infrastructure for creating, testing, and evaluating the next generation of secure networking and information technology systems; (5) describe how the Program will facilitate access by academic researchers to the infrastructure described in paragraph (4), as well as to relevant data, including event data; (6) describe how the Program will engage females and individuals identified in section 33 or 34 of the Science and Engineering Equal Opportunities Act (42 U.S.C. 1885a or 1885b) to foster a more diverse workforce in this area; and (7) describe how the Program will help to recruit and prepare veterans for the Federal cybersecurity workforce. (c) Development of roadmap The agencies described in subsection (a) shall develop and annually update an implementation roadmap for the strategic plan required in this section. Such roadmap shall— (1) specify the role of each Federal agency in carrying out or sponsoring research and development to meet the research objectives of the strategic plan, including a description of how progress toward the research objectives will be evaluated; (2) specify the funding allocated to each major research objective of the strategic plan and the source of funding by agency for the current fiscal year; and (3) estimate the funding required for each major research objective of the strategic plan for the following 3 fiscal years. (d) Recommendations In developing and updating the strategic plan under subsection (a), the agencies involved shall solicit recommendations and advice from— (1) the advisory committee established under section 101(b)(1) of the High-Performance Computing Act of 1991 ( 15 U.S.C. 5511(b)(1) ); and (2) a wide range of stakeholders, including industry, academia, including representatives of minority serving institutions and community colleges, National Laboratories, and other relevant organizations and institutions. (e) Appending to report The implementation roadmap required under subsection (c), and its annual updates, shall be appended to the report required under section 101(a)(2)(D) of the High-Performance Computing Act of 1991 (15 U.S.C. 5511(a)(2)(D)). (f) Cybersecurity research database The agencies involved in developing and updating the strategic plan under subsection (a) shall establish, in coordination with the Office of Management and Budget, a mechanism to track ongoing and completed Federal cybersecurity research and development projects and associated funding, and shall make such information publically available. 104. Social and behavioral research in cybersecurity Section 4(a)(1) of the Cyber Security Research and Development Act ( 15 U.S.C. 7403(a)(1) ) is amended— (1) by inserting and usability after to the structure ; (2) in subparagraph (H), by striking and after the semicolon; (3) in subparagraph (I), by striking the period at the end and inserting ; and ; and (4) by adding at the end the following new subparagraph: (J) social and behavioral factors, including human-computer interactions, usability, and user motivations. . 105. National Science Foundation cybersecurity research and development programs (a) Computer and network security research areas Section 4(a)(1) of the Cyber Security Research and Development Act ( 15 U.S.C. 7403(a)(1) ) is amended— (1) in subparagraph (A) by inserting identity management, after cryptography, ; and (2) in subparagraph (I), by inserting , crimes against children, and organized crime after intellectual property . (b) Computer and network security research grants Section 4(a)(3) of such Act (15 U.S.C. 7403(a)(3)) is amended by striking subparagraphs (A) through (E) and inserting the following new subparagraphs: (A) $119,000,000 for fiscal year 2014; (B) $119,000,000 for fiscal year 2015; and (C) $119,000,000 for fiscal year 2016. . (c) Computer and network security research centers Section 4(b) of such Act (15 U.S.C. 7403(b)) is amended— (1) in paragraph (4)— (A) in subparagraph (C), by striking and after the semicolon; (B) in subparagraph (D), by striking the period and inserting ; and ; and (C) by adding at the end the following new subparagraph: (E) how the center will partner with government laboratories, for-profit entities, other institutions of higher education, or nonprofit research institutions. ; and (2) in paragraph (7) by striking subparagraphs (A) through (E) and inserting the following new subparagraphs: (A) $5,000,000 for fiscal year 2014; (B) $5,000,000 for fiscal year 2015; and (C) $5,000,000 for fiscal year 2016. . (d) Computer and network security capacity building grants Section 5(a)(6) of such Act (15 U.S.C. 7404(a)(6)) is amended by striking subparagraphs (A) through (E) and inserting the following new subparagraphs: (A) $25,000,000 for fiscal year 2014; (B) $25,000,000 for fiscal year 2015; and (C) $25,000,000 for fiscal year 2016. . (e) Scientific and advanced technology act grants Section 5(b)(2) of such Act (15 U.S.C. 7404(b)(2)) is amended by striking subparagraphs (A) through (E) and inserting the following new subparagraphs: (A) $4,000,000 for fiscal year 2014; (B) $4,000,000 for fiscal year 2015; and (C) $4,000,000 for fiscal year 2016. . (f) Graduate traineeships in computer and network security Section 5(c)(7) of such Act (15 U.S.C. 7404(c)(7)) is amended by striking subparagraphs (A) through (E) and inserting the following new subparagraphs: (A) $32,000,000 for fiscal year 2014; (B) $32,000,000 for fiscal year 2015; and (C) $32,000,000 for fiscal year 2016. . (g) Cyber security faculty development traineeship program Section 5(e) of such Act (15 U.S.C. 7404(e)) is repealed. 106. Federal cyber scholarship for service program (a) In general The Director of the National Science Foundation shall continue a Scholarship for Service program under section 5(a) of the Cyber Security Research and Development Act ( 15 U.S.C. 7404(a) ) to recruit and train the next generation of Federal cybersecurity professionals and to increase the capacity of the higher education system to produce an information technology workforce with the skills necessary to enhance the security of the Nation’s communications and information infrastructure. (b) Characteristics of program The program under this section shall— (1) provide, through qualified institutions of higher education, including community colleges, scholarships that provide tuition, fees, and a competitive stipend for up to 2 years to students pursing a bachelor’s or master’s degree and up to 3 years to students pursuing a doctoral degree in a cybersecurity field; (2) provide the scholarship recipients with summer internship opportunities or other meaningful temporary appointments in the Federal information technology workforce; and (3) increase the capacity of institutions of higher education throughout all regions of the United States to produce highly qualified cybersecurity professionals, through the award of competitive, merit-reviewed grants that support such activities as— (A) faculty professional development, including technical, hands-on experiences in the private sector or government, workshops, seminars, conferences, and other professional development opportunities that will result in improved instructional capabilities; (B) institutional partnerships, including minority serving institutions and community colleges; (C) development and evaluation of cybersecurity-related courses and curricula; and (D) public-private partnerships that will integrate research experiences and hands-on learning into cybersecurity degree programs. (c) Scholarship requirements (1) Eligibility Scholarships under this section shall be available only to students who— (A) are citizens or permanent residents of the United States; (B) are full-time students in an eligible degree program, as determined by the Director, that is focused on computer security or information assurance at an awardee institution; and (C) accept the terms of a scholarship pursuant to this section. (2) Selection Individuals shall be selected to receive scholarships primarily on the basis of academic merit, with consideration given to financial need, to the goal of promoting the participation of females and individuals identified in section 33 or 34 of the Science and Engineering Equal Opportunities Act (42 U.S.C. 1885a or 1885b), and to veterans. For purposes of this paragraph, the term veteran means a person who— (A) served on active duty (other than active duty for training) in the Armed Forces of the United States for a period of more than 180 consecutive days, and who was discharged or released therefrom under conditions other than dishonorable; or (B) served on active duty (other than active duty for training) in the Armed Forces of the United States and was discharged or released from such service for a service-connected disability before serving 180 consecutive days. For purposes of subparagraph (B), the term service-connected has the meaning given such term under section 101 of title 38, United States Code. (3) Service obligation If an individual receives a scholarship under this section, as a condition of receiving such scholarship, the individual upon completion of their degree must serve as a cybersecurity professional within the Federal workforce for a period of time as provided in paragraph (5). If a scholarship recipient is not offered employment by a Federal agency or a federally funded research and development center, the service requirement can be satisfied at the Director’s discretion by— (A) serving as a cybersecurity professional in a State, local, or tribal government agency; or (B) teaching cybersecurity courses at an institution of higher education. (4) Conditions of support As a condition of acceptance of a scholarship under this section, a recipient shall agree to provide the awardee institution with annual verifiable documentation of employment and up-to-date contact information. (5) Length of service The length of service required in exchange for a scholarship under this subsection shall be 1 year more than the number of years for which the scholarship was received. (d) Failure To complete service obligation (1) General rule If an individual who has received a scholarship under this section— (A) fails to maintain an acceptable level of academic standing in the educational institution in which the individual is enrolled, as determined by the Director; (B) is dismissed from such educational institution for disciplinary reasons; (C) withdraws from the program for which the award was made before the completion of such program; (D) declares that the individual does not intend to fulfill the service obligation under this section; or (E) fails to fulfill the service obligation of the individual under this section, such individual shall be liable to the United States as provided in paragraph (3). (2) Monitoring compliance As a condition of participating in the program, a qualified institution of higher education receiving a grant under this section shall— (A) enter into an agreement with the Director of the National Science Foundation to monitor the compliance of scholarship recipients with respect to their service obligation; and (B) provide to the Director, on an annual basis, post-award employment information required under subsection (c)(4) for scholarship recipients through the completion of their service obligation. (3) Amount of repayment (A) Less than one year of service If a circumstance described in paragraph (1) occurs before the completion of 1 year of a service obligation under this section, the total amount of awards received by the individual under this section shall be repaid or such amount shall be treated as a loan to be repaid in accordance with subparagraph (C). (B) More than one year of service If a circumstance described in subparagraph (D) or (E) of paragraph (1) occurs after the completion of 1 year of a service obligation under this section, the total amount of scholarship awards received by the individual under this section, reduced by the ratio of the number of years of service completed divided by the number of years of service required, shall be repaid or such amount shall be treated as a loan to be repaid in accordance with subparagraph (C). (C) Repayments A loan described in subparagraph (A) or (B) shall be treated as a Federal Direct Unsubsidized Stafford Loan under part D of title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1087a and following), and shall be subject to repayment, together with interest thereon accruing from the date of the scholarship award, in accordance with terms and conditions specified by the Director (in consultation with the Secretary of Education) in regulations promulgated to carry out this paragraph. (4) Collection of repayment (A) In general In the event that a scholarship recipient is required to repay the scholarship under this subsection, the institution providing the scholarship shall— (i) be responsible for determining the repayment amounts and for notifying the recipient and the Director of the amount owed; and (ii) collect such repayment amount within a period of time as determined under the agreement described in paragraph (2), or the repayment amount shall be treated as a loan in accordance with paragraph (3)(C). (B) Returned to treasury Except as provided in subparagraph (C) of this paragraph, any such repayment shall be returned to the Treasury of the United States. (C) Retain percentage An institution of higher education may retain a percentage of any repayment the institution collects under this paragraph to defray administrative costs associated with the collection. The Director shall establish a single, fixed percentage that will apply to all eligible entities. (5) Exceptions The Director may provide for the partial or total waiver or suspension of any service or payment obligation by an individual under this section whenever compliance by the individual with the obligation is impossible or would involve extreme hardship to the individual, or if enforcement of such obligation with respect to the individual would be unconscionable. (e) Hiring Authority (1) Appointment in excepted service Notwithstanding any provision of chapter 33 of title 5, United States Code, governing appointments in the competitive service, an agency shall appoint in the excepted service an individual who has completed the academic program for which a scholarship was awarded. (2) Noncompetitive conversion Except as provided in paragraph (4), upon fulfillment of the service term, an employee appointed under paragraph (1) may be converted noncompetitively to term, career-conditional or career appointment. (3) Timing of conversion An agency may noncompetitively convert a term employee appointed under paragraph (2) to a career-conditional or career appointment before the term appointment expires. (4) Authority to decline conversion An agency may decline to make the noncompetitive conversion or appointment under paragraph (2) for cause. 107. Cybersecurity workforce assessment Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this Act the President shall transmit to the Congress a report addressing the cybersecurity workforce needs of the Federal Government. The report shall include— (1) an examination of the current state of and the projected needs of the Federal cybersecurity workforce, including a comparison of the different agencies and departments, and an analysis of the capacity of such agencies and departments to meet those needs; (2) an analysis of the sources and availability of cybersecurity talent, a comparison of the skills and expertise sought by the Federal Government and the private sector, an examination of the current and future capacity of United States institutions of higher education, including community colleges, to provide current and future cybersecurity professionals, through education and training activities, with those skills sought by the Federal Government, State and local entities, and the private sector, and a description of how successful programs are engaging the talents of females and individuals identified in section 33 or 34 of the Science and Engineering Equal Opportunities Act (42 U.S.C. 1885a or 1885b); (3) an examination of the effectiveness of the National Centers of Academic Excellence in Information Assurance Education, the Centers of Academic Excellence in Research, and the Federal Cyber Scholarship for Service programs in promoting higher education and research in cybersecurity and information assurance and in producing a growing number of professionals with the necessary cybersecurity and information assurance expertise, including individuals from States or regions in which the unemployment rate exceeds the national average; (4) an analysis of any barriers to the Federal Government recruiting and hiring cybersecurity talent, including barriers relating to compensation, the hiring process, job classification, and hiring flexibilities; and (5) recommendations for Federal policies to ensure an adequate, well-trained Federal cybersecurity workforce. 108. Cybersecurity university-industry task force (a) Establishment of university-Industry task force Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy shall convene a task force to explore mechanisms for carrying out collaborative research, development, education, and training activities for cybersecurity through a consortium or other appropriate entity with participants from institutions of higher education and industry. (b) Functions The task force shall— (1) develop options for a collaborative model and an organizational structure for such entity under which the joint research and development activities could be planned, managed, and conducted effectively, including mechanisms for the allocation of resources among the participants in such entity for support of such activities; (2) identify and prioritize at least three cybersecurity grand challenges, focused on nationally significant problems requiring collaborative and interdisciplinary solutions; (3) propose a process for developing a research and development agenda for such entity to address the grand challenges identified under paragraph (2); (4) define the roles and responsibilities for the participants from institutions of higher education and industry in such entity; (5) propose guidelines for assigning intellectual property rights and for the transfer of research and development results to the private sector; and (6) make recommendations for how such entity could be funded from Federal, State, and nongovernmental sources. (c) Composition In establishing the task force under subsection (a), the Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy shall appoint an equal number of individuals from institutions of higher education, including minority-serving institutions and community colleges, and from industry with knowledge and expertise in cybersecurity. (d) Report Not later than 12 months after the date of enactment of this Act, the Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy shall transmit to the Congress a report describing the findings and recommendations of the task force. (e) Termination The task force shall terminate upon transmittal of the report required under subsection (d). (f) Compensation and expenses Members of the task force shall serve without compensation. 109. Cybersecurity automation and checklists for government systems Section 8(c) of the Cyber Security Research and Development Act ( 15 U.S.C. 7406(c) ) is amended to read as follows: (c) Security automation and checklists for government systems (1) In general The Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology shall develop, and revise as necessary, security automation standards, associated reference materials (including protocols), and checklists providing settings and option selections that minimize the security risks associated with each information technology hardware or software system and security tool that is, or is likely to become, widely used within the Federal Government in order to enable standardized and interoperable technologies, architectures, and frameworks for continuous monitoring of information security within the Federal Government. (2) Priorities for development The Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology shall establish priorities for the development of standards, reference materials, and checklists under this subsection on the basis of— (A) the security risks associated with the use of the system; (B) the number of agencies that use a particular system or security tool; (C) the usefulness of the standards, reference materials, or checklists to Federal agencies that are users or potential users of the system; (D) the effectiveness of the associated standard, reference material, or checklist in creating or enabling continuous monitoring of information security; or (E) such other factors as the Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology determines to be appropriate. (3) Excluded systems The Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology may exclude from the application of paragraph (1) any information technology hardware or software system or security tool for which such Director determines that the development of a standard, reference material, or checklist is inappropriate because of the infrequency of use of the system, the obsolescence of the system, or the inutility or impracticability of developing a standard, reference material, or checklist for the system. (4) Dissemination of standards and related materials The Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology shall ensure that Federal agencies are informed of the availability of any standard, reference material, checklist, or other item developed under this subsection. (5) Agency use requirements The development of standards, reference materials, and checklists under paragraph (1) for an information technology hardware or software system or tool does not— (A) require any Federal agency to select the specific settings or options recommended by the standard, reference material, or checklist for the system; (B) establish conditions or prerequisites for Federal agency procurement or deployment of any such system; (C) imply an endorsement of any such system by the Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology; or (D) preclude any Federal agency from procuring or deploying other information technology hardware or software systems for which no such standard, reference material, or checklist has been developed or identified under paragraph (1). . 110. National Institute of Standards and Technology cybersecurity research and development Section 20 of the National Institute of Standards and Technology Act ( 15 U.S.C. 278g–3 ) is amended by redesignating subsection (e) as subsection (f), and by inserting after subsection (d) the following: (e) Intramural security research As part of the research activities conducted in accordance with subsection (d)(3), the Institute shall— (1) conduct a research program to develop a unifying and standardized identity, privilege, and access control management framework for the execution of a wide variety of resource protection policies and that is amenable to implementation within a wide variety of existing and emerging computing environments; (2) carry out research associated with improving the security of information systems and networks; (3) carry out research associated with improving the testing, measurement, usability, and assurance of information systems and networks; (4) carry out research associated with improving security of industrial control systems; and (5) carry out research associated with improving the security and integrity of the information technology supply chain. . 111. Research on the science of cybersecurity The Director of the National Science Foundation and the Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology shall, through existing programs and activities, support research that will lead to the development of a scientific foundation for the field of cybersecurity, including research that increases understanding of the underlying principles of securing complex networked systems, enables repeatable experimentation, and creates quantifiable security metrics. II Advancement of Cybersecurity Technical Standards 201. Definitions In this title: (1) Director The term Director means the Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology. (2) Institute The term Institute means the National Institute of Standards and Technology. 202. International cybersecurity technical standards (a) In general The Director, in coordination with appropriate Federal authorities, shall— (1) as appropriate, ensure coordination of Federal agencies engaged in the development of international technical standards related to information system security; and (2) not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, develop and transmit to the Congress a plan for ensuring such Federal agency coordination. (b) Consultation with the private sector In carrying out the activities specified in subsection (a)(1), the Director shall ensure consultation with appropriate private sector stakeholders. 203. Cloud computing strategy (a) In general The Director, in collaboration with the Federal CIO Council, and in consultation with other relevant Federal agencies and stakeholders from the private sector, shall continue to develop and encourage the implementation of a comprehensive strategy for the use and adoption of cloud computing services by the Federal Government. (b) Activities In carrying out the strategy developed under subsection (a), the Director shall give consideration to activities that— (1) accelerate the development, in collaboration with the private sector, of standards that address interoperability and portability of cloud computing services; (2) advance the development of conformance testing performed by the private sector in support of cloud computing standardization; and (3) support, in consultation with the private sector, the development of appropriate security frameworks and reference materials, and the identification of best practices, for use by Federal agencies to address security and privacy requirements to enable the use and adoption of cloud computing services, including activities— (A) to ensure the physical security of cloud computing data centers and the data stored in such centers; (B) to ensure secure access to the data stored in cloud computing data centers; (C) to develop security standards as required under section 20 of the National Institute of Standards and Technology Act ( 15 U.S.C. 278g–3 ); and (D) to support the development of the automation of continuous monitoring systems. 204. Promoting cybersecurity awareness and education (a) Program The Director, in collaboration with relevant Federal agencies, industry, educational institutions, National Laboratories, the National Coordination Office of the Networking and Information Technology Research and Development program, and other organizations, shall continue to coordinate a cybersecurity awareness and education program to increase knowledge, skills, and awareness of cybersecurity risks, consequences, and best practices through— (1) the widespread dissemination of cybersecurity technical standards and best practices identified by the Institute; (2) efforts to make cybersecurity best practices usable by individuals, small to medium-sized businesses, State, local, and tribal governments, and educational institutions; (3) improving the state of cybersecurity education at all educational levels; (4) efforts to attract, recruit, and retain qualified professionals to the Federal cybersecurity workforce; and (5) improving the skills, training, and professional development of the Federal cybersecurity workforce. (b) Strategic plan The Director shall, in cooperation with relevant Federal agencies and other stakeholders, develop and implement a strategic plan to guide Federal programs and activities in support of a comprehensive cybersecurity awareness and education program as described under subsection (a). (c) Report to congress Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act and every 5 years thereafter, the Director shall transmit the strategic plan required under subsection (b) to the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate. 205. Identity management research and development The Director shall continue a program to support the development of technical standards, metrology, testbeds, and conformance criteria, taking into account appropriate user concerns, to— (1) improve interoperability among identity management technologies; (2) strengthen authentication methods of identity management systems; (3) improve privacy protection in identity management systems, including health information technology systems, through authentication and security protocols; and (4) improve the usability of identity management systems. 206. Authorizations No additional funds are authorized to carry out this Act, and the amendments made by this Act. This Act, and the amendments made by this Act, shall be carried out using amounts otherwise authorized or appropriated. April 11, 2013 Reported with an amendment, committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union, and ordered to be printed
2023-01-08 17:37:59.370
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Introduced-in-House" bill-type="olc" dms-id="HFDA3FCD120CC491C99580871F970AAA7" public-private="public"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 757 IH: SAVE Native Women Act </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-02-15 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> I </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 757 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130215"> February 15, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="M001143"> Ms. McCollum </sponsor> (for herself, <cosponsor name-id="C001053"> Mr. Cole </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="G000551"> Mr. Grijalva </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S001148"> Mr. Simpson </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="N000147"> Ms. Norton </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="M001160"> Ms. Moore </cosponsor> ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="HJU00"> Committee on the Judiciary </committee-name> , and in addition to the Committee on <committee-name committee-id="HII00"> Natural Resources </committee-name> , for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> A BILL </legis-type> <official-title> To decrease the incidence of violent crimes against Indian women, to strengthen the capacity of Indian tribes to exercise the sovereign authority of Indian tribes to respond to violent crimes committed against Indian women, and to ensure that perpetrators of violent crimes committed against Indian women are held accountable for that criminal behavior, and for other purposes. </official-title> </form> <legis-body id="H7AD65CB3C5F349F4A01202C14EB0FA75" style="OLC"> <section id="HF273F5C675934D0EBBAD4F678F4288AA" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Short title </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> This Act may be cited as the <quote> <short-title> Stand Against Violence and Empower Native Women Act </short-title> </quote> , or the <quote> SAVE Native Women Act </quote> . </text> </section> <section id="H90C4D49AB4C148C6ABD9BEB76000917B"> <enum> 2. </enum> <header> Grants to Indian tribal governments </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Section 2015(a) of title I of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/42/3796gg-10"> 42 U.S.C. 3796gg–10(a) </external-xref> ) is amended— </text> <paragraph id="HD3C4A0F96D994DAB9BB6465904E72EE1"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> in paragraph (2), by inserting <quote> sex trafficking, </quote> after <quote> sexual assault, </quote> ; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H8B75FBCAFD9E4205B627A98B47622815"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> in paragraph (4), by inserting <quote> sex trafficking, </quote> after <quote> sexual assault, </quote> ; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HD6EE3735FB8940988AD783EBD78C7E5C"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> in paragraph (5), by striking <quote> and stalking </quote> and all that follows and inserting <quote> sexual assault, sex trafficking, and stalking; </quote> ; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H32914C8F72C84D78971F449C988864F4"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> in paragraph (7)— </text> <subparagraph id="H457BF32C84234A32ABF3684B8182F83A"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> by inserting <quote> sex trafficking, </quote> after <quote> sexual assault, </quote> each place it appears; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H261E259EA6B14C9EBF6F3CF3ABC4B318"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> by striking <quote> and </quote> at the end; </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H5DD896EF16994C14ADA9BA3CED36EC65"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> in paragraph (8)— </text> <subparagraph id="H185E956ED70D4D3F9D2099AF076B0741"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> by inserting <quote> sex trafficking, </quote> after <quote> stalking, </quote> ; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H2BD4F6933EDC4BBF9F0E42B448CBF3E4"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> by striking the period at the end and inserting a semicolon; and </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H2567F7A6248A4E94979FBB94F088415C"> <enum> (6) </enum> <text> by adding at the end the following: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HD1456AF6406F475DB2BA54B47CA8478C" style="OLC"> <paragraph id="HBD15E3EDD4654A1BBF0A5E39C3294134"> <enum> (9) </enum> <text> provide services to address the needs of youth who are victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, sex trafficking, or stalking and the needs of youth and children exposed to domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking, including support for the nonabusing parent or the caretaker of the youth or child; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HC3748C3AE8F641E2AB2B6951C1F6C160"> <enum> (10) </enum> <text> develop and promote legislation and policies that enhance best practices for responding to violent crimes against Indian women, including the crimes of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, sex trafficking, and stalking. </text> </paragraph> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </paragraph> </section> <section id="HFAC724FFEB794F7AB13A7A851E8C07A2"> <enum> 3. </enum> <header> Grants to Indian tribal coalitions </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Section 2001(d) of title I of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/42/3796gg"> 42 U.S.C. 3796gg(d) </external-xref> ) is amended to read as follows: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HAD66DA630D114DEBA5C38B8F64F654BA" style="OLC"> <subsection id="H2CA0240506A84F58B5DADBE21CBC60CC"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header> Tribal coalition grants </header> <paragraph id="H74DEC64FCA4B4722A25331B3422CDB91"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> Purpose </header> <text> The Attorney General shall award a grant to tribal coalitions for purposes of— </text> <subparagraph id="H91791CBCEE9D47E5BB918ABD377EA62D"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> increasing awareness of domestic violence and sexual assault against Indian women; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HC23F09F8A5E64F95A413A91DB435F5CC"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> enhancing the response to violence against Indian women at the Federal, State, and tribal levels; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H070D56DBC4EA41E185B458B484429CB0"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> identifying and providing technical assistance to coalition membership and tribal communities to enhance access to essential services to Indian women victimized by domestic and sexual violence, including sex trafficking; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H7CA498E7EAAA442F98C2D07DE07644FE"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text> assisting Indian tribes in developing and promoting State, local, and tribal legislation and policies that enhance best practices for responding to violent crimes against Indian women, including the crimes of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, sex trafficking, and stalking. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H526E8A4662224DC69CF6756E8BC80212"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Grants </header> <text> The Attorney General shall award grants on an annual basis under <internal-xref idref="H74DEC64FCA4B4722A25331B3422CDB91" legis-path="(d)(1)"> paragraph (1) </internal-xref> to— </text> <subparagraph id="H5344AA17FBBC488484393CAB9738D53F"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> each tribal coalition that— </text> <clause id="H75162844A11940D2A0DDC75232137768"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> meets the criteria of a tribal coalition under section 40002(a) of the Violence Against Women Act of 1994 ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/42/13925"> 42 U.S.C. 13925(a) </external-xref> ); </text> </clause> <clause id="HCDBF9FD93A1E446E958D429015CFFB8D"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> is recognized by the Office on Violence Against Women; </text> </clause> <clause id="H6C686C62247B4D7CAEDAE2017720A617"> <enum> (iii) </enum> <text> provides services to Indian tribes; and </text> </clause> <clause id="H065B981B3FA042BD8F4C5501B80B399C"> <enum> (iv) </enum> <text> meets any additional criteria the Attorney General may require; and </text> </clause> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HAD3184214BD749F88303DAE9A7D4A547"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> organizations that propose to incorporate and operate a tribal coalition in areas where Indian tribes are located but no tribal coalition exists. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HC12F67EF470B4FA48B7DA332085745AE"> <enum> (3) </enum> <header> Use of amounts </header> <text> For each of fiscal years 2014 through 2018, of the amounts appropriated to carry out this subsection— </text> <subparagraph id="H1CFC38E5391E4491B6430BA1DE91268F"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> not more than 10 percent shall be made available to organizations described in paragraph (2)(B), provided that 1 or more organizations determined by the Attorney General to be qualified apply; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H8E8E02F243504F96874F2AAE7D1FE0A8"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> not less than 90 percent shall be made available to tribal coalitions described in paragraph (2)(A), which amounts shall be distributed equally among each eligible tribal coalition for the applicable fiscal year. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H4774884C98E14E1B90D6CC7C8F1588B6"> <enum> (4) </enum> <header> Eligibility for other grants </header> <text> Receipt of an award under this subsection by a tribal coalition shall not preclude the tribal coalition from receiving additional grants under this title to carry out the purposes described in paragraph (1). </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HF811F057A6BA47F296849F19DF348299"> <enum> (5) </enum> <header> Multiple purpose applications </header> <text> Nothing in this subsection prohibits any tribal coalition or organization described in paragraph (2) from applying for funding to address sexual assault or domestic violence needs in the same application. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </section> <section id="H1E31F45BA9624AF7A81CB21E086A3555"> <enum> 4. </enum> <header> Consultation </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Section 903 of the Violence Against Women and Department of Justice Reauthorization Act of 2005 ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/42/14045d"> 42 U.S.C. 14045d </external-xref> ) is amended— </text> <paragraph id="HE53A9606589B4858B18E5BE140AD1170"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> in subsection (a)— </text> <subparagraph id="H617B815061CC4DDC852990C709744AE1"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> by striking <quote> and the Violence Against Women Act of 2000 </quote> and inserting <quote> , the Violence Against Women Act of 2000 </quote> ; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HFDF55DE353134E2BA487588667B7CDD3"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> by inserting <quote> , and the <short-title> Stand Against Violence and Empower Native Women Act </short-title> </quote> before the period at the end; </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H73D16AB58CAF4676A384F3158E5C9D2B"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> in subsection (b)— </text> <subparagraph id="HCEE0F5D6CF76435F997BDE88A8403F10"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> in the matter preceding paragraph (1), by striking <quote> Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services </quote> and inserting <quote> Secretary of Health and Human Services, the Secretary of the Interior, </quote> ; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H1A7485F50BFB4A9CBEF48A65816B7AD0"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> in paragraph (2), by striking <quote> and stalking </quote> and inserting <quote> stalking, and sex trafficking </quote> ; and </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H023C1E3E04B04F0DBB8C16ACE876A38A"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> by adding at the end the following: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H65D652687B154053808A66F326D62DB1" style="OLC"> <subsection id="H4C83CC052CF049028C5444AABBEC6863"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Annual report </header> <text> The Attorney General shall submit to Congress an annual report on the annual consultations required under subsection (a) that— </text> <paragraph id="H4131597A04154C868CB5E4C5F452406F"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> contains the recommendations made under subsection (b) by Indian tribes during the year covered by the report; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HE32EEA966DE04CFDB9887900A44CA146"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> describes actions taken during the year covered by the report to respond to recommendations made under subsection (b) during the year or a previous year; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H94650725CCCF4BCD8A81BC9B2AE4A38C"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> describes how the Attorney General will work in coordination and collaboration with Indian tribes, the Secretary of Health and Human Services, and the Secretary of the Interior to address the recommendations made under subsection (b). </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H7B37BC51D38B40CB92770D8ED2BD37E9"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header> Notice </header> <text> Not later than 120 days before the date of a consultation under subsection (a), the Attorney General shall notify tribal leaders of the date, time, and location of the consultation. </text> </subsection> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </paragraph> </section> <section id="H028C7C225EEB43608F18F3C686461369"> <enum> 5. </enum> <header> Tribal jurisdiction over crimes of domestic violence </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Title II of <external-xref legal-doc="public-law" parsable-cite="pl/90/284"> Public Law 90–284 </external-xref> (25 U.S.C. 1301 et seq.) (commonly known as the <quote> Indian Civil Rights Act of 1968 </quote> ) is amended by adding at the end the following: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H1484D0A0E9AB4EF4B6E2E78B290A02AD" style="OLC"> <section id="HCFFE9CE2C87E41CB9730848B38512855"> <enum> 204. </enum> <header> Tribal jurisdiction over crimes of domestic violence </header> <subsection id="H340C3C4743EC41C296FBC46025C7FA05"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Definitions </header> <text> In this section: </text> <paragraph id="H946AE66202AB4CB5AABC1E9F5182CA30"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> Dating violence </header> <text> The term <term> dating violence </term> means violence committed by a person who is or has been in a social relationship of a romantic or intimate nature with the victim, as determined by the length of the relationship, the type of relationship, and the frequency of interaction between the persons involved in the relationship. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H03294608D950419CBFEDD80C9876F831"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Domestic violence </header> <text> The term <term> domestic violence </term> means violence committed by a current or former spouse or intimate partner of the victim, by a person with whom the victim shares a child in common, by a person who is cohabitating with or has cohabitated with the victim as a spouse or intimate partner, or by a person similarly situated to a spouse of the victim under the domestic- or family- violence laws of an Indian tribe that has jurisdiction over the Indian country where the violence occurs. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HFF10870224044230B5079B4BF2F42E2A"> <enum> (3) </enum> <header> Indian country </header> <text> The term <term> Indian country </term> has the meaning given the term in <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/18/1151"> section 1151 </external-xref> of title 18, United States Code. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HFD77F092DDA8486E9042A71C7CD5858F"> <enum> (4) </enum> <header> Participating tribe </header> <text> The term <term> participating tribe </term> means an Indian tribe that elects to exercise special domestic violence criminal jurisdiction over the Indian country of that Indian tribe. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H55BA95D3B35F4D9DA75ED55B99AF9742"> <enum> (5) </enum> <header> Protection order </header> <text> The term <term> protection order </term> — </text> <subparagraph id="H67D1ACB09A21469C8BEC9AE2F74D3D5A"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> means any injunction, restraining order, or other order issued by a civil or criminal court for the purpose of preventing violent or threatening acts or harassment against, sexual violence against, contact or communication with, or physical proximity to, another person; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HF9B54325679245C58C95A28D842B1FDD"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> includes any temporary or final order issued by a civil or criminal court, whether obtained by filing an independent action or as a pendent lite order in another proceeding, if the civil or criminal order was issued in response to a complaint, petition, or motion filed by or on behalf of a person seeking protection. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H6B574C43B4994951A4995A1FC6129881"> <enum> (6) </enum> <header> Special domestic violence criminal jurisdiction </header> <text> The term <term> special domestic violence criminal jurisdiction </term> means the criminal jurisdiction that a participating tribe may exercise under this section but could not otherwise exercise. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HE5CE752656A648EBA6F8EFDF9586BD6D"> <enum> (7) </enum> <header> Spouse or intimate partner </header> <text> The term <term> spouse or intimate partner </term> has the meaning given the term in <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/18/2266"> section 2266 </external-xref> of title 18, United States Code. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HC0FB3836A6C5495C9B5951BF1AA56F65"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Nature of the criminal jurisdiction </header> <paragraph id="HFC394284E7F44755BC7DC267CF71A16B"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> Notwithstanding any other provision of law, in addition to all powers of self-government recognized and affirmed by sections 201 and 203, the powers of self-government of a participating tribe include the inherent power of that tribe, which is hereby recognized and affirmed, to exercise special domestic violence criminal jurisdiction over all persons. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HFEC0DFAEA1A64A36BFB53DF4DB604DF8"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Concurrent jurisdiction </header> <text> The exercise of special domestic violence criminal jurisdiction by a participating tribe shall be concurrent with the jurisdiction of the United States, of a State, or of both. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HBB67A8CC2F064F2BB51EF68A36367D2F"> <enum> (3) </enum> <header> Applicability </header> <text> Nothing in this section— </text> <subparagraph id="HE8D5D4C68D234FDB8735FB0DDF552453"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> creates or eliminates any Federal or State criminal jurisdiction over Indian country; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HF262BA2810F64C4486D25AF3C3212526"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> affects the authority of the United States or any State government that has been delegated authority by the United States to investigate and prosecute a criminal violation in Indian country; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H96A1547D817148609FF633CDE37FF2DD"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> shall apply to an Indian tribe in the State of Alaska, except with respect to the Metlakatla Indian Community, Annette Islands Reserve; or </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H6D685CA6E63F4161BC0ACCE92CD25B97"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text> shall limit, alter, expand, or diminish the civil or criminal jurisdiction of the State of Alaska or any subdivision of the State of Alaska. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HF616C9D1A0E34323A91EE81FEFAB81C8"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Criminal conduct </header> <text> A participating tribe may exercise special domestic violence criminal jurisdiction over a defendant for criminal conduct that falls into one or more of the following categories: </text> <paragraph id="H96B45A2FF78F4DCF8941051F1E9FE07C"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> Domestic violence and dating violence </header> <text> An act of domestic violence or dating violence that occurs in the Indian country of the participating tribe. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H962C971869954A9DB37CFD49BAD08FB7"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Violations of protection orders </header> <text> An act that— </text> <subparagraph id="H2314C5DC654D4A1AA32AC387D3FEAE99"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> occurs in the Indian country of the participating tribe; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HCA781C5BC0544C46BF3C5BE3D09224AF"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> violates the portion of a protection order that— </text> <clause id="H2CAB72ABAD894E7094B836B0693C80AE"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> prohibits or provides protection against violent or threatening acts or harassment against, sexual violence against, contact or communication with, or physical proximity to, another person; </text> </clause> <clause id="HD2F6D3CFA6CA483698ED2B9430769693"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> was issued against the defendant; </text> </clause> <clause id="HFEF7848A0D9A4398A60718993FFA7F16"> <enum> (iii) </enum> <text> is enforceable by the participating tribe; and </text> </clause> <clause id="HF2611BABD1124739B9EEBE847C2E5E50"> <enum> (iv) </enum> <text> is consistent with <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/18/2265"> section 2265(b) </external-xref> of title 18, United States Code. </text> </clause> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H12AD5751347B4212A2A01027CC5E46B8"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header> Dismissal of certain cases </header> <paragraph id="H473101F7115D404D91E4064E17AA2A48"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> Definition of victim </header> <text> In this subsection and with respect to a criminal proceeding in which a participating tribe exercises special domestic violence criminal jurisdiction based on a criminal violation of a protection order, the term <term> victim </term> means a person specifically protected by a protection order that the defendant allegedly violated. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H621B4A83B95A46748F74D61A4A0C8FB2"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Non-Indian victims and defendants </header> <text> In a criminal proceeding in which a participating tribe exercises special domestic violence criminal jurisdiction, the case shall be dismissed if— </text> <subparagraph id="H001BA07927A447EAA29B679F99E2CCAC"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> the defendant files a pretrial motion to dismiss on the grounds that the alleged offense did not involve an Indian; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H94139586EA974602BA7C857EBBD98ABE"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> the participating tribe fails to prove that the defendant or an alleged victim is an Indian. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HCC9FF9A845D2482C8C730BC59CB61B4A"> <enum> (3) </enum> <header> Ties to Indian tribe </header> <text> In a criminal proceeding in which a participating tribe exercises special domestic violence criminal jurisdiction, the case shall be dismissed if— </text> <subparagraph id="H7295B4780E0C47A080938A91BD66BF7C"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> the defendant files a pretrial motion to dismiss on the grounds that the defendant and the alleged victim lack sufficient ties to the Indian tribe; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H9AE44A918CE64CB7989AF78602210655"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> the prosecuting tribe fails to prove that the defendant or an alleged victim— </text> <clause id="HC3FC6FE9019044E2A912656123508168"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> resides in the Indian country of the participating tribe; </text> </clause> <clause id="H77B1F6E42BCF4293BC6283911762F2D4"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> is employed in the Indian country of the participating tribe; or </text> </clause> <clause id="HBF3A93FE1A51407B995C97D010EAA5AC"> <enum> (iii) </enum> <text> is a spouse or intimate partner of a member of the participating tribe. </text> </clause> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H6025F0F67E244C7F8C4DEFBA20A15B71"> <enum> (4) </enum> <header> Waiver </header> <text> A knowing and voluntary failure of a defendant to file a pretrial motion described in paragraph (2) or (3) shall be considered a waiver of the right to seek a dismissal under this subsection. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H9310D68DF81A43C09771EE3E26DDECFA"> <enum> (e) </enum> <header> Rights of defendants </header> <text> In a criminal proceeding in which a participating tribe exercises special domestic violence criminal jurisdiction, the participating tribe shall provide to the defendant— </text> <paragraph id="H9B6AA9332A434879A8B5BF6BD095E47B"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> all applicable rights under this Act; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H42C31B383C4547B8848D6BE0CE7160EA"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> if a term of imprisonment of any length is imposed, all rights described in section 202(c); and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H431BCA7B12614242B20128E371E57828"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> all other rights whose protection is necessary under the Constitution of the United States in order for Congress to recognize and affirm the inherent power of the participating tribe to exercise special domestic violence criminal jurisdiction over the defendant. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H4146B0DD4D9240E1BCFBA09ED4A35DBC"> <enum> (f) </enum> <header> Petitions To stay detention </header> <paragraph id="HE98BE0CE30E94966A59CE2FA5938212E"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> A person who has filed a petition for a writ of habeas corpus in a court of the United States under section 203 may petition that court to stay further detention of that person by the participating tribe. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HE3803C5298FC43FE8FFCD6644161A041"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Grant of stay </header> <text> A court shall grant a stay described in paragraph (1) if the court— </text> <subparagraph id="HA49E54452AA4402F887E68BD2EEFC06A"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> finds that there is a substantial likelihood that the habeas corpus petition will be granted; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HBEC5C84716EF40678302F520C1D97922"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> after giving each alleged victim in the matter an opportunity to be heard, finds by clear and convincing evidence that under conditions imposed by the court, the petitioner is not likely to flee or pose a danger to any person or the community if released. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HAF6112A920504C78A6BB46912FEE2A39"> <enum> (g) </enum> <header> Grants to tribal governments </header> <text> The Attorney General may award grants to the governments of Indian tribes (or to authorized designees of those governments)— </text> <paragraph id="HE27A20B621A64E7CB895EF9E437EB370"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> to strengthen tribal criminal justice systems to assist Indian tribes in exercising special domestic violence criminal jurisdiction, including— </text> <subparagraph id="H7162A16B0E0C4C52B3CC3C87E1204CF4"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> law enforcement (including the capacity of law enforcement or court personnel to enter information into and obtain information from national crime information databases); </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H965CD5591161448F908314D47C161868"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> prosecution; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H6E5C9183D6B74B6C832C62CB541EC46C"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> trial and appellate courts; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HBDBA79688C3C465FB358D46594FF7029"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text> probation systems; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H0F419E0113A54AA68F8FF438237745C1"> <enum> (E) </enum> <text> detention and correctional facilities; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HB0D1BD36B7084AC29349C1FD98F5C37A"> <enum> (F) </enum> <text> alternative rehabilitation centers; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H53065CD86F3C43AEA555C77460858FC1"> <enum> (G) </enum> <text> culturally appropriate services and assistance for victims and their families; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HDC9CE039D910448B967C61A823089751"> <enum> (H) </enum> <text> criminal codes and rules of criminal procedure, appellate procedure, and evidence; </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HBA689687A5B6418E826215A122BAE155"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> to provide indigent criminal defendants with the effective assistance of licensed defense counsel, at no cost to the defendant, in criminal proceedings in which a participating tribe prosecutes a crime of domestic violence or dating violence or a criminal violation of a protection order; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H20761808558A4BE788D3B3C56A2F5E5A"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> to ensure that, in criminal proceedings in which a participating tribe exercises special domestic violence criminal jurisdiction, jurors are summoned, selected, and instructed in a manner consistent with all applicable requirements; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H91EC765FB3BF49438C6D500AC57E2728"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> to accord victims of domestic violence, dating violence, and violations of protection orders rights that are similar to the rights of a crime victim described in section 3771(a) of title 18, United States Code, consistent with tribal law and custom. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H193F26C7CFA64690963A1140EC5B7F92"> <enum> (h) </enum> <header> Supplement, not supplant </header> <text> Amounts made available under this section shall supplement and not supplant any other Federal, State, tribal, or local government amounts made available to carry out activities described in this section. </text> </subsection> <subsection commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H4DA787D8B36A45C989C6A4B7170F49BD"> <enum> (i) </enum> <header> Authorization of appropriations </header> <text> There are authorized to be appropriated $5,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2014 through 2018 to carry out subsection (g) and to provide training, technical assistance, data collection, and evaluation of the criminal justice systems of participating tribes. </text> </subsection> </section> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </section> <section id="HAEB09AFB61EB4966890BD1E23E6E2F67"> <enum> 6. </enum> <header> Tribal protection orders </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Section 2265 of title 18, United States Code, is amended by striking subsection (e) and inserting the following: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H188E5DC0EEBE458B93B0F8F1C595A664" style="OLC"> <subsection id="HE004F60BC2EA40E8B3F67C7A69A6D515"> <enum> (e) </enum> <header> Tribal court jurisdiction </header> <paragraph id="H7A70AFAF4449462D809BD97D98D1C197"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> Except as provided in paragraph (2), for purposes of this section, a court of an Indian tribe shall have full civil jurisdiction to issue and enforce protection orders involving any person, including the authority to enforce any orders through civil contempt proceedings, to exclude violators from Indian land, and to use other appropriate mechanisms, in matters arising anywhere in the Indian country of the Indian tribe (as defined in section 1151) or otherwise within the authority of the Indian tribe. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H65C4E85CDDA54652867F959B3CFF9991"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Applicability </header> <text> Paragraph (1)— </text> <subparagraph id="HDA86BD570F814066BC4A3E94E4E09172"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> shall not apply to an Indian tribe in the State of Alaska, except with respect to the Metlakatla Indian Community, Annette Islands Reserve; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H507E9CAF173C47B1A9574394CD01212A"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> shall not limit, alter, expand, or diminish the civil or criminal jurisdiction of the State of Alaska or any subdivision of the State of Alaska. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </section> <section id="H4070B42A80774121890BAE645EFBD7FD"> <enum> 7. </enum> <header> Amendments to the Federal assault statute </header> <subsection id="HD1FA3D42AF214A578458AC850D7F08AF"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/18/113"> Section 113 </external-xref> of title 18, United States Code, is amended— </text> <paragraph id="H6AA763590C8943C0B7C544AB5A107D59"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> in subsection (a)— </text> <subparagraph id="H06B70AACD6254EC89EBB80A31D87E271"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> by striking paragraph (1) and inserting the following: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H5E28978496DC45A585D0EF4E15BAE3B0" style="OLC"> <paragraph id="HBDE6CEB55BA24224A402F9B43E55BF79"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> Assault with intent to commit murder or a violation of section 2241 or 2242, by a fine under this title, imprisonment for not more than 20 years, or both. </text> </paragraph> <after-quoted-block> ; </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H8E7A75411B1448BE82AD4D88AB30CF5C"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> in paragraph (2), by striking <quote> felony under chapter 109A </quote> and inserting <quote> violation of section 2241 or 2242 </quote> ; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H87E20DD5CADE41779658DB7F8ACD6244"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> in paragraph (3) by striking <quote> and without just cause or excuse, </quote> ; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H44C0DC2D8C184062988ECB3FD3F20DD3"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text> in paragraph (4), by striking <quote> six months </quote> and inserting <quote> 1 year </quote> ; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H44E09D32DFEA4C878EC9F27C2E26A291"> <enum> (E) </enum> <text> in paragraph (7)— </text> <clause id="H9AD8D52FEC614259B6AAA4304394B77A"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> by striking <quote> substantial bodily injury to an individual who has not attained the age of 16 years </quote> and inserting <quote> substantial bodily injury to a spouse or intimate partner, a dating partner, or an individual who has not attained the age of 16 years </quote> ; and </text> </clause> <clause id="H173BEDE13EED41CDB021DF3787A738D4"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> by striking <quote> fine </quote> and inserting <quote> a fine </quote> ; and </text> </clause> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HDAD7CF2E2A6B47F7A8D28CE1549E7533"> <enum> (F) </enum> <text> by adding at the end the following: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H07AC3262A4FB441397221F9A992E6E1A" style="OLC"> <paragraph id="HA996EC246D1A4768A595E3A44240FB2A"> <enum> (8) </enum> <text> Assault of a spouse, intimate partner, or dating partner by strangling, suffocating, or attempting to strangle or suffocate, by a fine under this title, imprisonment for not more than 10 years, or both. </text> </paragraph> <after-quoted-block> ; and </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H276B96964D2949E1ABC15F5694A4A7C9"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> in subsection (b)— </text> <subparagraph id="H3CE1F3B42E7A41AB8D4399893FE1C610"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> by striking <quote> (b) As used in this subsection— </quote> and inserting the following: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H370AAF14D20047858BB9C3BE20797E06" style="OLC"> <subsection id="HAF79FC6270024595B01947D433D79128"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Definitions </header> <text> In this section— </text> </subsection> <after-quoted-block> ; </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H85AB475A454041E49D64502678F22FF8"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> in paragraph (1)(B), by striking <quote> and </quote> at the end; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HD078770E6608450E88CCFCF527791B5E"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> in paragraph (2), by striking the period at the end and inserting a semicolon; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HD7D12A6948514A20AA516724E08925CF"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text> by adding at the end the following: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H95BF7D5E61C049BEB9C28594A2597224" style="OLC"> <paragraph id="HCD1C6B7C14B14C2DBD19B4613670871A"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> the terms <term> dating partner </term> and <term> spouse or intimate partner </term> have the meanings given those terms in section 2266; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H0689B2DC21FF42AAACB2C429CA8F0B55"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> the term <term> strangling </term> means intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly impeding the normal breathing or circulation of the blood of a person by applying pressure to the throat or neck, regardless of whether that conduct results in any visible injury or whether there is any intent to kill or protractedly injure the victim; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H2F6CFF2E7ABA43F2A7EF6C15BC7F638F"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text> the term <term> suffocating </term> means intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly impeding the normal breathing of a person by covering the mouth of the person, the nose of the person, or both, regardless of whether that conduct results in any visible injury or whether there is any intent to kill or protractedly injure the victim. </text> </paragraph> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HFB6E500B0F854D7C995AB4083FBBF634"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Indian major crimes </header> <text> <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/18/1153"> Section 1153(a) </external-xref> of title 18, United States Code, is amended by striking <quote> assault with intent to commit murder, assault with a dangerous weapon, assault resulting in serious bodily injury (as defined in section 1365 of this title) </quote> and inserting <quote> a felony assault under section 113 </quote> . </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H27DE8636D81B489C95BCFDF1C50CAA07"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Repeat offenders </header> <text> <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/18/2265A"> Section 2265A(b)(1)(B) </external-xref> of title 18, United States Code, is amended by inserting <quote> or tribal </quote> after <quote> State </quote> . </text> </subsection> </section> <section id="H364B75B0F2204883AAD5E8D176AA002E"> <enum> 8. </enum> <header> Analysis and research on violence against Indian women </header> <subsection id="HED687295F0534DBBA4156EBD430E58EC"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Section 904(a) of the Violence Against Women and Department of Justice Reauthorization Act of 2005 ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/42/3796gg-10"> 42 U.S.C. 3796gg–10 </external-xref> note) is amended— </text> <paragraph id="HDF4B69A931CF4384B118AEA5C3BCC3E4"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> in paragraph (1)— </text> <subparagraph id="HF3C7920D77F8470E8BF0B34CF47E54CC"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> by striking <quote> The National </quote> and inserting <quote> Not later than 2 years after the date of enactment of the <short-title> Stand Against Violence and Empower Native Women Act </short-title> , the National </quote> ; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HDBE75C5E7F46416ABD00DED768336363"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> by inserting <quote> and in Native villages (as defined in section 3 of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1602"> 43 U.S.C. 1602 </external-xref> )), and Native Hawaiian women </quote> before the period at the end; </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H3E08EA6FF942433DA0257EEFB465C766"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> in paragraph (2)(A)— </text> <subparagraph id="HECD4434DB8874B11A37560745C0B3ADA"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> in clause (iv), by striking <quote> and </quote> at the end; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H7CDFC1C197EF45D99C8D1ECAC181C302"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> in clause (v), by striking the period at the end and inserting <quote> ; and </quote> ; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H9AC2BCF4CF0B4E0583C0550094C762E7"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> by adding at the end the following: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H6A9E8E69E3E544959BA8AA80A6AE29DF" style="OLC"> <clause id="HD52162A743FA458D9E8CED1F73279252"> <enum> (vi) </enum> <text> sex trafficking. </text> </clause> <after-quoted-block> ; </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HF59C7EBA48F64A20AF3EA5EBA5CFB441"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> in paragraph (4), by striking <quote> this Act </quote> and inserting <quote> the <short-title> Stand Against Violence and Empower Native Women Act </short-title> </quote> ; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H71D0590F866947BCA151D11F3F0983B9"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> in paragraph (5), by striking <quote> this section $1,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2007 and 2008 </quote> and inserting <quote> this subsection $1,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2014 and 2015 </quote> . </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HAD288F61ABFD455BA28F9F367376F7A3"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Authorization of appropriations </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Section 905(b)(2) of the Violence Against Women and Department of Justice Reauthorization Act of 2005 ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/28/534"> 28 U.S.C. 534 </external-xref> note) is amended by striking <quote> fiscal years 2007 through 2011 </quote> and inserting <quote> fiscal years 2014 through 2018 </quote> . </text> </subsection> </section> <section id="H783D5A45EFE34FA78130769C74499F42"> <enum> 9. </enum> <header> Indian law and order commission </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Section 15(f) of the Indian Law Enforcement Reform Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/25/2812"> 25 U.S.C. 2812(f) </external-xref> ) is amended by striking <quote> 2 years </quote> and inserting <quote> 3 years </quote> . </text> </section> <section id="H207CC823E53643339A76B0D7AEFA7DBB"> <enum> 10. </enum> <header> Report on Alaska Rural Justice and Law Enforcement Commission </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> The Attorney General, after consultation with the Attorney General of the State of Alaska, the Commissioner of Public Safety of the State of Alaska, the Alaska Federation of Natives, and federally recognized Indian tribes in the State of Alaska, shall report to Congress not later than one year after enactment of this Act with respect to whether the Alaska Rural Justice and Law Enforcement Commission established under section 112(a)(1) of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2004 should be continued and whether appropriations should be authorized for the continued work of the commission. The report may contain recommendations for legislation with respect to the scope of the work and composition of the commission. </text> </section> <section id="HAECE16B97A054E759871C2CD2AFE7BC7"> <enum> 11. </enum> <header> Grants to encourage arrest policies and enforcement of protection orders </header> <subsection id="H76388F5FE4FD4236BC9D0B485CE419CE"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Part U of title I of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 (42 U.S.C. 3796hh et seq.) is amended— </text> <paragraph id="H29C8228ECE934921A3D505B9E575F22A"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> in section 2101 ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/42/3796hh"> 42 U.S.C. 3796hh </external-xref> )— </text> <subparagraph id="H006401EB52444576A134329A47AC68B8"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> in subsection (b)— </text> <clause id="H6033AD8365AF42159731C265450D0608"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> in the matter preceding paragraph (1), by striking <quote> States, </quote> and all that follows through <quote> units of local government </quote> and inserting <quote> grantees </quote> ; </text> </clause> <clause id="H7698D03BEA9246B4AEF2FCC619507C90"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> in paragraph (1), by inserting <quote> and enforcement of protection orders across State and tribal lines </quote> before the period; </text> </clause> <clause id="H6C3B7BA135484CD4BAE052F953B7F1FC"> <enum> (iii) </enum> <text> in paragraph (2), by striking <quote> and training in police departments to improve tracking of cases </quote> and inserting <quote> data collection systems, and training in police departments to improve tracking of cases and classification of complaints </quote> ; </text> </clause> <clause id="HD107B4E07D414C3EB3990CE7A9346620"> <enum> (iv) </enum> <text> in paragraph (4), by inserting <quote> and provide the appropriate training and education about domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking </quote> after <quote> computer tracking systems </quote> ; </text> </clause> <clause id="H4BBD23F33DC044BB861B84998CAC8001"> <enum> (v) </enum> <text> in paragraph (5), by inserting <quote> and other victim services </quote> after <quote> legal advocacy service programs </quote> ; </text> </clause> <clause id="HE474D0D8CDC64ECEB4F7F4EBDD0E1322"> <enum> (vi) </enum> <text> in paragraph (6), by striking <quote> judges </quote> and inserting <quote> Federal, State, tribal, territorial, and local judges, courts, and court-based and court-related personnel </quote> ; </text> </clause> <clause id="HC20F6DEFA1564267A12DCB33B9D39351"> <enum> (vii) </enum> <text> in paragraph (8), by striking <quote> and sexual assault </quote> and inserting <quote> dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking </quote> ; </text> </clause> <clause id="H3F6AEB25B1E4430683C75C677685EADF"> <enum> (viii) </enum> <text> in paragraph (10), by striking <quote> non-profit, non-governmental victim services organizations, </quote> and inserting <quote> victim service providers, staff from population specific organizations, </quote> ; and </text> </clause> <clause id="H6F464297CAF8449FAD55A40BCCB498A0"> <enum> (ix) </enum> <text> by adding at the end the following: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H9003073D2AB64602B3383CF9F92DE34F" style="OLC"> <paragraph id="HC1EA0998B8BB4DFAB10F234DDFCB420D"> <enum> (14) </enum> <text> To develop and implement training programs for prosecutors and other prosecution-related personnel regarding best practices to ensure offender accountability, victim safety, and victim consultation in cases involving domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H3CC84178DC9C4AB79B2B063E395B0B85"> <enum> (15) </enum> <text> To develop or strengthen policies, protocols, and training for law enforcement, prosecutors, and the judiciary in recognizing, investigating, and prosecuting instances of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking against immigrant victims, including the appropriate use of applications for nonimmigrant status under subparagraphs (T) and (U) of section 101(a)(15) of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/8/1101"> 8 U.S.C. 1101(a)(15) </external-xref> ). </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HBE07AC7A0F9A43D590A3B6EF6813127C"> <enum> (16) </enum> <text> To develop and promote State, local, or tribal legislation and policies that enhance best practices for responding to the crimes of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking, including the appropriate treatment of victims. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H134DADF57FA14A63A082B8DFB7288C7E"> <enum> (17) </enum> <text> To develop, implement, or enhance sexual assault nurse examiner programs or sexual assault forensic examiner programs, including the hiring and training of such examiners. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H0875DE7120CA4B3087331CCBF6FC3448"> <enum> (18) </enum> <text> To develop, implement, or enhance Sexual Assault Response Teams or similar coordinated community responses to sexual assault. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H4ABAB1FDEC0F455B90392275DE295C0E"> <enum> (19) </enum> <text> To develop and strengthen policies, protocols, and training for law enforcement officers and prosecutors regarding the investigation and prosecution of sexual assault cases and the appropriate treatment of victims. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H250BEF9AF8EC4F92B93324617F0C63DD"> <enum> (20) </enum> <text> To provide human immunodeficiency virus testing programs, counseling, and prophylaxis for victims of sexual assault. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H41C06AE5EE7F4A9B8467D4D71067624B"> <enum> (21) </enum> <text> To identify and inventory backlogs of sexual assault evidence collection kits and to develop protocols for responding to and addressing such backlogs, including policies and protocols for notifying and involving victims. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HC9A6F3E263474CF380476526469C16FF"> <enum> (22) </enum> <text> To develop multidisciplinary high-risk teams focusing on reducing domestic violence and dating violence homicides by— </text> <subparagraph id="H250906EFEFDF4588909CEA6D39D2B425"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> using evidence-based indicators to assess the risk of homicide and link high-risk victims to immediate crisis intervention services; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H145A6D964C314C85B87DDFF040379923"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> identifying and managing high-risk offenders; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HE0490352829E4E319B6CD7B6D79EA3E6"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> providing ongoing victim advocacy and referrals to comprehensive services including legal, housing, health care, and economic assistance. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <after-quoted-block> ; </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </clause> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HA252B6FDFBA24521AF21A2EB080107F3"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> in subsection (c)— </text> <clause id="HD4A47EB8559948C281E2ED7BF1173C57"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> in paragraph (1)— </text> <subclause id="H3B88676833EB45C4BC4993DA61FAE8FA"> <enum> (I) </enum> <text> in the matter preceding subparagraph (A), by inserting <quote> except for a court, </quote> before <quote> certify </quote> ; and </text> </subclause> <subclause id="HADBF5B99C9B84BF790283E2A2256493D"> <enum> (II) </enum> <text> by redesignating subparagraphs (A) and (B) as clauses (i) and (ii), and adjusting the margin accordingly; </text> </subclause> </clause> <clause id="H16BDEB4829E6418A8763F0CD54D217FE"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> in paragraph (2), by inserting <quote> except for a court, </quote> before <quote> demonstrate </quote> ; </text> </clause> <clause id="H4DA6618947104D3A970F0BF5C94C02FE"> <enum> (iii) </enum> <text> in paragraph (3)— </text> <subclause id="HEBC47F3C3C184864B085E32648FEC1B5"> <enum> (I) </enum> <text> by striking <quote> spouses </quote> each place it appears and inserting <quote> parties </quote> ; and </text> </subclause> <subclause id="H0DB7D1309427494D90E48FC78B20FEAB"> <enum> (II) </enum> <text> by striking <quote> spouse </quote> and inserting <quote> party </quote> ; </text> </subclause> </clause> <clause id="H386B47E053784384B1C87C336816189B"> <enum> (iv) </enum> <text> in paragraph (4)— </text> <subclause id="HFC347376D7224C26AC88EE56F1A17876"> <enum> (I) </enum> <text> by inserting <quote> , dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking </quote> after <quote> felony domestic violence </quote> ; </text> </subclause> <subclause id="HC8CC431D35F2498A89266F9EF39831FD"> <enum> (II) </enum> <text> by inserting <quote> modification, enforcement, dismissal, withdrawal, </quote> after <quote> registration, </quote> each place it appears; </text> </subclause> <subclause id="H4507FEE35A8B42C2AADEC79D79ED61DD"> <enum> (III) </enum> <text> by inserting <quote> dating violence, </quote> after <quote> victim of domestic violence, </quote> ; and </text> </subclause> <subclause id="HDE0B5AA451604219A6322DA658ED142B"> <enum> (IV) </enum> <text> by striking <quote> and </quote> at the end; </text> </subclause> </clause> <clause id="H826FA304EF104A3A99E2D426B94DE55B"> <enum> (v) </enum> <text> in paragraph (5)— </text> <subclause id="HE1255B94DF8C43E09D41C30AB3AF5130"> <enum> (I) </enum> <text> in the matter preceding subparagraph (A), by striking <quote> , not later than 3 years after January 5, 2006 </quote> ; </text> </subclause> <subclause id="H219860DF200A4B5FBEF57725451468F9"> <enum> (II) </enum> <text> by inserting <quote> , trial of, or sentencing for </quote> after <quote> investigation of </quote> each place it appears; </text> </subclause> <subclause id="H3C1E0AF1D04F47AAB66ACEFA1946B26E"> <enum> (III) </enum> <text> by redesignating subparagraphs (A) and (B) as clauses (i) and (ii), and adjusting the margin accordingly; </text> </subclause> <subclause id="H3393CEEA35974FCA94C16F69997C71E4"> <enum> (IV) </enum> <text> in clause (ii), as redesignated by subclause (III) of this clause, by striking <quote> subparagraph (A) </quote> and inserting <quote> clause (i) </quote> ; and </text> </subclause> <subclause id="HE2C2D47A6A14469F821060D57B894B56"> <enum> (V) </enum> <text> by striking the period at the end and inserting <quote> ; and </quote> ; </text> </subclause> </clause> <clause id="H031D8D02E49942A6ACD7BF547E9B09B1"> <enum> (vi) </enum> <text> by redesignating paragraphs (1) through (5), as amended by this subparagraph, as subparagraphs (A) through (E), respectively; </text> </clause> <clause id="H97C0DD718BF8412FBCDC69F840CAAB1C"> <enum> (vii) </enum> <text> in the matter preceding subparagraph (A), as redesignated by clause (v) of this subparagraph— </text> <subclause id="HCFA4EF99EADB495F96BF78A8A03E8E51"> <enum> (I) </enum> <text> by striking the comma that immediately follows another comma; and </text> </subclause> <subclause id="H29723E110F9143CBA3107A8195A57DFD"> <enum> (II) </enum> <text> by striking <quote> grantees are States </quote> and inserting the following: “grantees are— </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HFF4FFD8D75574AA3A4F50F5189F31347" style="OLC"> <paragraph id="H324E99272C0F45FDB3D832793FED529B"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> States </text> </paragraph> <after-quoted-block> ; and </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </subclause> </clause> <clause id="HBB7A2E7C91774A28A6D0585F2AB4B7AE"> <enum> (viii) </enum> <text> by adding at the end the following: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HA86AB26028F34FB6ADC527F0949D5D39" style="OLC"> <paragraph id="H5443AE806F9C4682889BEA17A8D76667"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> a State, tribal, or territorial domestic violence or sexual assault coalition or a victim service provider that partners with a State, Indian tribal government, or unit of local government that certifies that the State, Indian tribal government, or unit of local government meets the requirements under paragraph (1). </text> </paragraph> <after-quoted-block> ; </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </clause> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H5BB9220078AA4597A800EFCCD9C6B06D"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> in subsection (d)— </text> <clause id="H69FF1764078B4709ADFBFD584AF3EDE9"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> in paragraph (1)— </text> <subclause id="HD25EAF563DB24650A6CB6D72C9B1A110"> <enum> (I) </enum> <text> in the matter preceding subparagraph (A), by inserting <quote> , policy, </quote> after <quote> law </quote> ; and </text> </subclause> <subclause id="H0A844F8AAC85451E9B9BFB45BEB99BE8"> <enum> (II) </enum> <text> in subparagraph (A), by inserting <quote> and the defendant is in custody or has been served with the information or indictment </quote> before the semicolon; and </text> </subclause> </clause> <clause id="H71302974F99D4ADE81272DE0FBD9FCFF"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> in paragraph (2), by striking <quote> it </quote> and inserting <quote> its </quote> ; and </text> </clause> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H6608496CA09B45AD93C80EDC0076E0A5"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text> by adding at the end the following: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H3AF8996079234BBF9757E889190E6FAB" style="OLC"> <subsection commented="no" id="H3EB16477D48A4E188B9039803D9E9C8D"> <enum> (f) </enum> <header> Allocation for tribal coalitions </header> <text> Of the amounts appropriated for purposes of this part for each fiscal year, not less than 5 percent shall be available for grants under section 2001(d) ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/42/3796gg"> 42 U.S.C. 3796gg(d) </external-xref> ). </text> </subsection> <subsection commented="no" id="H9AFE89EB98AF44279810CB2AF8C86276"> <enum> (g) </enum> <header> Allocation for sexual assault </header> <text> Of the amounts appropriated for purposes of this part for each fiscal year, not less than 25 percent shall be available for projects that address sexual assault, including stranger rape, acquaintance rape, alcohol or drug-facilitated rape, and rape within the context of an intimate partner relationship. </text> </subsection> <after-quoted-block> ; and </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H468F38439850465AB040E693E11FBFE6"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> in section 2102(a) ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/42/3796hh-1"> 42 U.S.C. 3796hh–1(a) </external-xref> )— </text> <subparagraph id="H1163E77E7CF04EDDB04640DCD592A806"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> in paragraph (1), by inserting <quote> court, </quote> after <quote> tribal government, </quote> ; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H5E7A9B7DCED54661863AEBC1043C9F7B"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> in paragraph (4), by striking <quote> nonprofit, private sexual assault and domestic violence programs </quote> and inserting <quote> victim service providers and, as appropriate, population specific organizations </quote> . </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HD41C8CE8763943049B041A943D665D5C"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Authorization of appropriations </header> <text> Section 1001(a)(19) of title I of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/42/3793"> 42 U.S.C. 3793(a)(19) </external-xref> ) is amended— </text> <paragraph id="H10626DD72C0F4A9F8EA1652CCDC45FC0"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> by striking <quote> $75,000,000 </quote> and all that follows through <quote> 2011. </quote> and inserting <quote> $73,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2014 through 2018. </quote> ; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H9CD4FA46B35149DD980F264521137918"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> by striking the period that immediately follows another period. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> </section> <section id="H2CB16FC1AFCA4B9B8868A3CFCA791159"> <enum> 12. </enum> <header> Effective dates; pilot project </header> <subsection id="H075EF229DB0E4234B42D657315D260F2"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> General effective date </header> <text> Except as provided in subsections (b) and (c), the amendments made by this Act shall take effect on the date of enactment of this Act. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H5621B675BEE941D68C42C54D32EC9737"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Effective date for special domestic violence criminal jurisdiction </header> <paragraph id="H2D0480293D2645AB9FB3D6174ECF889E"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> Except as provided in <internal-xref idref="H567351C8E692437D86BF6AB35BA92949" legis-path="9.(b)(2)"> paragraph (2) </internal-xref> , subsections (b) through (e) of section 204 of <external-xref legal-doc="public-law" parsable-cite="pl/90/284"> Public Law 90–284 </external-xref> (as added by <internal-xref idref="H028C7C225EEB43608F18F3C686461369" legis-path="5."> section 5 </internal-xref> ) shall take effect on the date that is 2 years after the date of enactment of this Act. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H567351C8E692437D86BF6AB35BA92949"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Pilot project </header> <subparagraph id="H01E8C6B9FF9742A9B5CCCCC922CD4825"> <enum> (A) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> At any time during the 2-year period beginning on the date of enactment of this Act, an Indian tribe may ask the Attorney General to designate the tribe as a participating tribe under section 204(a) of Public Law 90–284 on an accelerated basis. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HD4BF93A3642348109C01166712ED3B85"> <enum> (B) </enum> <header> Procedure </header> <text> The Attorney General may grant a request under subparagraph (A) after coordinating with the Secretary of the Interior, consulting with affected Indian tribes, and concluding that the criminal justice system of the requesting tribe has adequate safeguards in place to protect defendants’ rights, consistent with section 204 of <external-xref legal-doc="public-law" parsable-cite="pl/90/284"> Public Law 90–284 </external-xref> . </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H5FC9FD6BBC744D189EBE54E9EF7F0110"> <enum> (C) </enum> <header> Effective dates for pilot projects </header> <text> An Indian tribe designated as a participating tribe under this paragraph may commence exercising special domestic violence criminal jurisdiction pursuant to subsections (b) through (e) of section 204 of <external-xref legal-doc="public-law" parsable-cite="pl/90/284"> Public Law 90–284 </external-xref> on a date established by the Attorney General, after consultation with that Indian tribe, but in no event later than the date that is 2 years after the date of enactment of this Act. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H36665B952F874964A0ED48D67BD9709D"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Effective date for grant program amendments </header> <text> The provisions of sections 2, 3, and 11 of this Act shall not take effect until the beginning of the first fiscal year beginning after the date of enactment of this Act. </text> </subsection> </section> </legis-body> </bill>
I 113th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 757 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES February 15, 2013 Ms. McCollum (for herself, Mr. Cole , Mr. Grijalva , Mr. Simpson , Ms. Norton , and Ms. Moore ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary , and in addition to the Committee on Natural Resources , for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned A BILL To decrease the incidence of violent crimes against Indian women, to strengthen the capacity of Indian tribes to exercise the sovereign authority of Indian tribes to respond to violent crimes committed against Indian women, and to ensure that perpetrators of violent crimes committed against Indian women are held accountable for that criminal behavior, and for other purposes. 1. Short title This Act may be cited as the Stand Against Violence and Empower Native Women Act , or the SAVE Native Women Act . 2. Grants to Indian tribal governments Section 2015(a) of title I of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 ( 42 U.S.C. 3796gg–10(a) ) is amended— (1) in paragraph (2), by inserting sex trafficking, after sexual assault, ; (2) in paragraph (4), by inserting sex trafficking, after sexual assault, ; (3) in paragraph (5), by striking and stalking and all that follows and inserting sexual assault, sex trafficking, and stalking; ; (4) in paragraph (7)— (A) by inserting sex trafficking, after sexual assault, each place it appears; and (B) by striking and at the end; (5) in paragraph (8)— (A) by inserting sex trafficking, after stalking, ; and (B) by striking the period at the end and inserting a semicolon; and (6) by adding at the end the following: (9) provide services to address the needs of youth who are victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, sex trafficking, or stalking and the needs of youth and children exposed to domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking, including support for the nonabusing parent or the caretaker of the youth or child; and (10) develop and promote legislation and policies that enhance best practices for responding to violent crimes against Indian women, including the crimes of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, sex trafficking, and stalking. . 3. Grants to Indian tribal coalitions Section 2001(d) of title I of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 ( 42 U.S.C. 3796gg(d) ) is amended to read as follows: (d) Tribal coalition grants (1) Purpose The Attorney General shall award a grant to tribal coalitions for purposes of— (A) increasing awareness of domestic violence and sexual assault against Indian women; (B) enhancing the response to violence against Indian women at the Federal, State, and tribal levels; (C) identifying and providing technical assistance to coalition membership and tribal communities to enhance access to essential services to Indian women victimized by domestic and sexual violence, including sex trafficking; and (D) assisting Indian tribes in developing and promoting State, local, and tribal legislation and policies that enhance best practices for responding to violent crimes against Indian women, including the crimes of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, sex trafficking, and stalking. (2) Grants The Attorney General shall award grants on an annual basis under paragraph (1) to— (A) each tribal coalition that— (i) meets the criteria of a tribal coalition under section 40002(a) of the Violence Against Women Act of 1994 ( 42 U.S.C. 13925(a) ); (ii) is recognized by the Office on Violence Against Women; (iii) provides services to Indian tribes; and (iv) meets any additional criteria the Attorney General may require; and (B) organizations that propose to incorporate and operate a tribal coalition in areas where Indian tribes are located but no tribal coalition exists. (3) Use of amounts For each of fiscal years 2014 through 2018, of the amounts appropriated to carry out this subsection— (A) not more than 10 percent shall be made available to organizations described in paragraph (2)(B), provided that 1 or more organizations determined by the Attorney General to be qualified apply; and (B) not less than 90 percent shall be made available to tribal coalitions described in paragraph (2)(A), which amounts shall be distributed equally among each eligible tribal coalition for the applicable fiscal year. (4) Eligibility for other grants Receipt of an award under this subsection by a tribal coalition shall not preclude the tribal coalition from receiving additional grants under this title to carry out the purposes described in paragraph (1). (5) Multiple purpose applications Nothing in this subsection prohibits any tribal coalition or organization described in paragraph (2) from applying for funding to address sexual assault or domestic violence needs in the same application. . 4. Consultation Section 903 of the Violence Against Women and Department of Justice Reauthorization Act of 2005 ( 42 U.S.C. 14045d ) is amended— (1) in subsection (a)— (A) by striking and the Violence Against Women Act of 2000 and inserting , the Violence Against Women Act of 2000 ; and (B) by inserting , and the Stand Against Violence and Empower Native Women Act before the period at the end; (2) in subsection (b)— (A) in the matter preceding paragraph (1), by striking Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services and inserting Secretary of Health and Human Services, the Secretary of the Interior, ; and (B) in paragraph (2), by striking and stalking and inserting stalking, and sex trafficking ; and (3) by adding at the end the following: (c) Annual report The Attorney General shall submit to Congress an annual report on the annual consultations required under subsection (a) that— (1) contains the recommendations made under subsection (b) by Indian tribes during the year covered by the report; (2) describes actions taken during the year covered by the report to respond to recommendations made under subsection (b) during the year or a previous year; and (3) describes how the Attorney General will work in coordination and collaboration with Indian tribes, the Secretary of Health and Human Services, and the Secretary of the Interior to address the recommendations made under subsection (b). (d) Notice Not later than 120 days before the date of a consultation under subsection (a), the Attorney General shall notify tribal leaders of the date, time, and location of the consultation. . 5. Tribal jurisdiction over crimes of domestic violence Title II of Public Law 90–284 (25 U.S.C. 1301 et seq.) (commonly known as the Indian Civil Rights Act of 1968 ) is amended by adding at the end the following: 204. Tribal jurisdiction over crimes of domestic violence (a) Definitions In this section: (1) Dating violence The term dating violence means violence committed by a person who is or has been in a social relationship of a romantic or intimate nature with the victim, as determined by the length of the relationship, the type of relationship, and the frequency of interaction between the persons involved in the relationship. (2) Domestic violence The term domestic violence means violence committed by a current or former spouse or intimate partner of the victim, by a person with whom the victim shares a child in common, by a person who is cohabitating with or has cohabitated with the victim as a spouse or intimate partner, or by a person similarly situated to a spouse of the victim under the domestic- or family- violence laws of an Indian tribe that has jurisdiction over the Indian country where the violence occurs. (3) Indian country The term Indian country has the meaning given the term in section 1151 of title 18, United States Code. (4) Participating tribe The term participating tribe means an Indian tribe that elects to exercise special domestic violence criminal jurisdiction over the Indian country of that Indian tribe. (5) Protection order The term protection order — (A) means any injunction, restraining order, or other order issued by a civil or criminal court for the purpose of preventing violent or threatening acts or harassment against, sexual violence against, contact or communication with, or physical proximity to, another person; and (B) includes any temporary or final order issued by a civil or criminal court, whether obtained by filing an independent action or as a pendent lite order in another proceeding, if the civil or criminal order was issued in response to a complaint, petition, or motion filed by or on behalf of a person seeking protection. (6) Special domestic violence criminal jurisdiction The term special domestic violence criminal jurisdiction means the criminal jurisdiction that a participating tribe may exercise under this section but could not otherwise exercise. (7) Spouse or intimate partner The term spouse or intimate partner has the meaning given the term in section 2266 of title 18, United States Code. (b) Nature of the criminal jurisdiction (1) In general Notwithstanding any other provision of law, in addition to all powers of self-government recognized and affirmed by sections 201 and 203, the powers of self-government of a participating tribe include the inherent power of that tribe, which is hereby recognized and affirmed, to exercise special domestic violence criminal jurisdiction over all persons. (2) Concurrent jurisdiction The exercise of special domestic violence criminal jurisdiction by a participating tribe shall be concurrent with the jurisdiction of the United States, of a State, or of both. (3) Applicability Nothing in this section— (A) creates or eliminates any Federal or State criminal jurisdiction over Indian country; (B) affects the authority of the United States or any State government that has been delegated authority by the United States to investigate and prosecute a criminal violation in Indian country; (C) shall apply to an Indian tribe in the State of Alaska, except with respect to the Metlakatla Indian Community, Annette Islands Reserve; or (D) shall limit, alter, expand, or diminish the civil or criminal jurisdiction of the State of Alaska or any subdivision of the State of Alaska. (c) Criminal conduct A participating tribe may exercise special domestic violence criminal jurisdiction over a defendant for criminal conduct that falls into one or more of the following categories: (1) Domestic violence and dating violence An act of domestic violence or dating violence that occurs in the Indian country of the participating tribe. (2) Violations of protection orders An act that— (A) occurs in the Indian country of the participating tribe; and (B) violates the portion of a protection order that— (i) prohibits or provides protection against violent or threatening acts or harassment against, sexual violence against, contact or communication with, or physical proximity to, another person; (ii) was issued against the defendant; (iii) is enforceable by the participating tribe; and (iv) is consistent with section 2265(b) of title 18, United States Code. (d) Dismissal of certain cases (1) Definition of victim In this subsection and with respect to a criminal proceeding in which a participating tribe exercises special domestic violence criminal jurisdiction based on a criminal violation of a protection order, the term victim means a person specifically protected by a protection order that the defendant allegedly violated. (2) Non-Indian victims and defendants In a criminal proceeding in which a participating tribe exercises special domestic violence criminal jurisdiction, the case shall be dismissed if— (A) the defendant files a pretrial motion to dismiss on the grounds that the alleged offense did not involve an Indian; and (B) the participating tribe fails to prove that the defendant or an alleged victim is an Indian. (3) Ties to Indian tribe In a criminal proceeding in which a participating tribe exercises special domestic violence criminal jurisdiction, the case shall be dismissed if— (A) the defendant files a pretrial motion to dismiss on the grounds that the defendant and the alleged victim lack sufficient ties to the Indian tribe; and (B) the prosecuting tribe fails to prove that the defendant or an alleged victim— (i) resides in the Indian country of the participating tribe; (ii) is employed in the Indian country of the participating tribe; or (iii) is a spouse or intimate partner of a member of the participating tribe. (4) Waiver A knowing and voluntary failure of a defendant to file a pretrial motion described in paragraph (2) or (3) shall be considered a waiver of the right to seek a dismissal under this subsection. (e) Rights of defendants In a criminal proceeding in which a participating tribe exercises special domestic violence criminal jurisdiction, the participating tribe shall provide to the defendant— (1) all applicable rights under this Act; (2) if a term of imprisonment of any length is imposed, all rights described in section 202(c); and (3) all other rights whose protection is necessary under the Constitution of the United States in order for Congress to recognize and affirm the inherent power of the participating tribe to exercise special domestic violence criminal jurisdiction over the defendant. (f) Petitions To stay detention (1) In general A person who has filed a petition for a writ of habeas corpus in a court of the United States under section 203 may petition that court to stay further detention of that person by the participating tribe. (2) Grant of stay A court shall grant a stay described in paragraph (1) if the court— (A) finds that there is a substantial likelihood that the habeas corpus petition will be granted; and (B) after giving each alleged victim in the matter an opportunity to be heard, finds by clear and convincing evidence that under conditions imposed by the court, the petitioner is not likely to flee or pose a danger to any person or the community if released. (g) Grants to tribal governments The Attorney General may award grants to the governments of Indian tribes (or to authorized designees of those governments)— (1) to strengthen tribal criminal justice systems to assist Indian tribes in exercising special domestic violence criminal jurisdiction, including— (A) law enforcement (including the capacity of law enforcement or court personnel to enter information into and obtain information from national crime information databases); (B) prosecution; (C) trial and appellate courts; (D) probation systems; (E) detention and correctional facilities; (F) alternative rehabilitation centers; (G) culturally appropriate services and assistance for victims and their families; and (H) criminal codes and rules of criminal procedure, appellate procedure, and evidence; (2) to provide indigent criminal defendants with the effective assistance of licensed defense counsel, at no cost to the defendant, in criminal proceedings in which a participating tribe prosecutes a crime of domestic violence or dating violence or a criminal violation of a protection order; (3) to ensure that, in criminal proceedings in which a participating tribe exercises special domestic violence criminal jurisdiction, jurors are summoned, selected, and instructed in a manner consistent with all applicable requirements; and (4) to accord victims of domestic violence, dating violence, and violations of protection orders rights that are similar to the rights of a crime victim described in section 3771(a) of title 18, United States Code, consistent with tribal law and custom. (h) Supplement, not supplant Amounts made available under this section shall supplement and not supplant any other Federal, State, tribal, or local government amounts made available to carry out activities described in this section. (i) Authorization of appropriations There are authorized to be appropriated $5,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2014 through 2018 to carry out subsection (g) and to provide training, technical assistance, data collection, and evaluation of the criminal justice systems of participating tribes. . 6. Tribal protection orders Section 2265 of title 18, United States Code, is amended by striking subsection (e) and inserting the following: (e) Tribal court jurisdiction (1) In general Except as provided in paragraph (2), for purposes of this section, a court of an Indian tribe shall have full civil jurisdiction to issue and enforce protection orders involving any person, including the authority to enforce any orders through civil contempt proceedings, to exclude violators from Indian land, and to use other appropriate mechanisms, in matters arising anywhere in the Indian country of the Indian tribe (as defined in section 1151) or otherwise within the authority of the Indian tribe. (2) Applicability Paragraph (1)— (A) shall not apply to an Indian tribe in the State of Alaska, except with respect to the Metlakatla Indian Community, Annette Islands Reserve; and (B) shall not limit, alter, expand, or diminish the civil or criminal jurisdiction of the State of Alaska or any subdivision of the State of Alaska. . 7. Amendments to the Federal assault statute (a) In general Section 113 of title 18, United States Code, is amended— (1) in subsection (a)— (A) by striking paragraph (1) and inserting the following: (1) Assault with intent to commit murder or a violation of section 2241 or 2242, by a fine under this title, imprisonment for not more than 20 years, or both. ; (B) in paragraph (2), by striking felony under chapter 109A and inserting violation of section 2241 or 2242 ; (C) in paragraph (3) by striking and without just cause or excuse, ; (D) in paragraph (4), by striking six months and inserting 1 year ; (E) in paragraph (7)— (i) by striking substantial bodily injury to an individual who has not attained the age of 16 years and inserting substantial bodily injury to a spouse or intimate partner, a dating partner, or an individual who has not attained the age of 16 years ; and (ii) by striking fine and inserting a fine ; and (F) by adding at the end the following: (8) Assault of a spouse, intimate partner, or dating partner by strangling, suffocating, or attempting to strangle or suffocate, by a fine under this title, imprisonment for not more than 10 years, or both. ; and (2) in subsection (b)— (A) by striking (b) As used in this subsection— and inserting the following: (b) Definitions In this section— ; (B) in paragraph (1)(B), by striking and at the end; (C) in paragraph (2), by striking the period at the end and inserting a semicolon; and (D) by adding at the end the following: (3) the terms dating partner and spouse or intimate partner have the meanings given those terms in section 2266; (4) the term strangling means intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly impeding the normal breathing or circulation of the blood of a person by applying pressure to the throat or neck, regardless of whether that conduct results in any visible injury or whether there is any intent to kill or protractedly injure the victim; and (5) the term suffocating means intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly impeding the normal breathing of a person by covering the mouth of the person, the nose of the person, or both, regardless of whether that conduct results in any visible injury or whether there is any intent to kill or protractedly injure the victim. . (b) Indian major crimes Section 1153(a) of title 18, United States Code, is amended by striking assault with intent to commit murder, assault with a dangerous weapon, assault resulting in serious bodily injury (as defined in section 1365 of this title) and inserting a felony assault under section 113 . (c) Repeat offenders Section 2265A(b)(1)(B) of title 18, United States Code, is amended by inserting or tribal after State . 8. Analysis and research on violence against Indian women (a) In general Section 904(a) of the Violence Against Women and Department of Justice Reauthorization Act of 2005 ( 42 U.S.C. 3796gg–10 note) is amended— (1) in paragraph (1)— (A) by striking The National and inserting Not later than 2 years after the date of enactment of the Stand Against Violence and Empower Native Women Act , the National ; and (B) by inserting and in Native villages (as defined in section 3 of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1602 )), and Native Hawaiian women before the period at the end; (2) in paragraph (2)(A)— (A) in clause (iv), by striking and at the end; (B) in clause (v), by striking the period at the end and inserting ; and ; and (C) by adding at the end the following: (vi) sex trafficking. ; (3) in paragraph (4), by striking this Act and inserting the Stand Against Violence and Empower Native Women Act ; and (4) in paragraph (5), by striking this section $1,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2007 and 2008 and inserting this subsection $1,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2014 and 2015 . (b) Authorization of appropriations Section 905(b)(2) of the Violence Against Women and Department of Justice Reauthorization Act of 2005 ( 28 U.S.C. 534 note) is amended by striking fiscal years 2007 through 2011 and inserting fiscal years 2014 through 2018 . 9. Indian law and order commission Section 15(f) of the Indian Law Enforcement Reform Act ( 25 U.S.C. 2812(f) ) is amended by striking 2 years and inserting 3 years . 10. Report on Alaska Rural Justice and Law Enforcement Commission The Attorney General, after consultation with the Attorney General of the State of Alaska, the Commissioner of Public Safety of the State of Alaska, the Alaska Federation of Natives, and federally recognized Indian tribes in the State of Alaska, shall report to Congress not later than one year after enactment of this Act with respect to whether the Alaska Rural Justice and Law Enforcement Commission established under section 112(a)(1) of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2004 should be continued and whether appropriations should be authorized for the continued work of the commission. The report may contain recommendations for legislation with respect to the scope of the work and composition of the commission. 11. Grants to encourage arrest policies and enforcement of protection orders (a) In general Part U of title I of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 (42 U.S.C. 3796hh et seq.) is amended— (1) in section 2101 ( 42 U.S.C. 3796hh )— (A) in subsection (b)— (i) in the matter preceding paragraph (1), by striking States, and all that follows through units of local government and inserting grantees ; (ii) in paragraph (1), by inserting and enforcement of protection orders across State and tribal lines before the period; (iii) in paragraph (2), by striking and training in police departments to improve tracking of cases and inserting data collection systems, and training in police departments to improve tracking of cases and classification of complaints ; (iv) in paragraph (4), by inserting and provide the appropriate training and education about domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking after computer tracking systems ; (v) in paragraph (5), by inserting and other victim services after legal advocacy service programs ; (vi) in paragraph (6), by striking judges and inserting Federal, State, tribal, territorial, and local judges, courts, and court-based and court-related personnel ; (vii) in paragraph (8), by striking and sexual assault and inserting dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking ; (viii) in paragraph (10), by striking non-profit, non-governmental victim services organizations, and inserting victim service providers, staff from population specific organizations, ; and (ix) by adding at the end the following: (14) To develop and implement training programs for prosecutors and other prosecution-related personnel regarding best practices to ensure offender accountability, victim safety, and victim consultation in cases involving domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking. (15) To develop or strengthen policies, protocols, and training for law enforcement, prosecutors, and the judiciary in recognizing, investigating, and prosecuting instances of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking against immigrant victims, including the appropriate use of applications for nonimmigrant status under subparagraphs (T) and (U) of section 101(a)(15) of the Immigration and Nationality Act ( 8 U.S.C. 1101(a)(15) ). (16) To develop and promote State, local, or tribal legislation and policies that enhance best practices for responding to the crimes of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking, including the appropriate treatment of victims. (17) To develop, implement, or enhance sexual assault nurse examiner programs or sexual assault forensic examiner programs, including the hiring and training of such examiners. (18) To develop, implement, or enhance Sexual Assault Response Teams or similar coordinated community responses to sexual assault. (19) To develop and strengthen policies, protocols, and training for law enforcement officers and prosecutors regarding the investigation and prosecution of sexual assault cases and the appropriate treatment of victims. (20) To provide human immunodeficiency virus testing programs, counseling, and prophylaxis for victims of sexual assault. (21) To identify and inventory backlogs of sexual assault evidence collection kits and to develop protocols for responding to and addressing such backlogs, including policies and protocols for notifying and involving victims. (22) To develop multidisciplinary high-risk teams focusing on reducing domestic violence and dating violence homicides by— (A) using evidence-based indicators to assess the risk of homicide and link high-risk victims to immediate crisis intervention services; (B) identifying and managing high-risk offenders; and (C) providing ongoing victim advocacy and referrals to comprehensive services including legal, housing, health care, and economic assistance. ; (B) in subsection (c)— (i) in paragraph (1)— (I) in the matter preceding subparagraph (A), by inserting except for a court, before certify ; and (II) by redesignating subparagraphs (A) and (B) as clauses (i) and (ii), and adjusting the margin accordingly; (ii) in paragraph (2), by inserting except for a court, before demonstrate ; (iii) in paragraph (3)— (I) by striking spouses each place it appears and inserting parties ; and (II) by striking spouse and inserting party ; (iv) in paragraph (4)— (I) by inserting , dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking after felony domestic violence ; (II) by inserting modification, enforcement, dismissal, withdrawal, after registration, each place it appears; (III) by inserting dating violence, after victim of domestic violence, ; and (IV) by striking and at the end; (v) in paragraph (5)— (I) in the matter preceding subparagraph (A), by striking , not later than 3 years after January 5, 2006 ; (II) by inserting , trial of, or sentencing for after investigation of each place it appears; (III) by redesignating subparagraphs (A) and (B) as clauses (i) and (ii), and adjusting the margin accordingly; (IV) in clause (ii), as redesignated by subclause (III) of this clause, by striking subparagraph (A) and inserting clause (i) ; and (V) by striking the period at the end and inserting ; and ; (vi) by redesignating paragraphs (1) through (5), as amended by this subparagraph, as subparagraphs (A) through (E), respectively; (vii) in the matter preceding subparagraph (A), as redesignated by clause (v) of this subparagraph— (I) by striking the comma that immediately follows another comma; and (II) by striking grantees are States and inserting the following: “grantees are— (1) States ; and (viii) by adding at the end the following: (2) a State, tribal, or territorial domestic violence or sexual assault coalition or a victim service provider that partners with a State, Indian tribal government, or unit of local government that certifies that the State, Indian tribal government, or unit of local government meets the requirements under paragraph (1). ; (C) in subsection (d)— (i) in paragraph (1)— (I) in the matter preceding subparagraph (A), by inserting , policy, after law ; and (II) in subparagraph (A), by inserting and the defendant is in custody or has been served with the information or indictment before the semicolon; and (ii) in paragraph (2), by striking it and inserting its ; and (D) by adding at the end the following: (f) Allocation for tribal coalitions Of the amounts appropriated for purposes of this part for each fiscal year, not less than 5 percent shall be available for grants under section 2001(d) ( 42 U.S.C. 3796gg(d) ). (g) Allocation for sexual assault Of the amounts appropriated for purposes of this part for each fiscal year, not less than 25 percent shall be available for projects that address sexual assault, including stranger rape, acquaintance rape, alcohol or drug-facilitated rape, and rape within the context of an intimate partner relationship. ; and (2) in section 2102(a) ( 42 U.S.C. 3796hh–1(a) )— (A) in paragraph (1), by inserting court, after tribal government, ; and (B) in paragraph (4), by striking nonprofit, private sexual assault and domestic violence programs and inserting victim service providers and, as appropriate, population specific organizations . (b) Authorization of appropriations Section 1001(a)(19) of title I of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 ( 42 U.S.C. 3793(a)(19) ) is amended— (1) by striking $75,000,000 and all that follows through 2011. and inserting $73,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2014 through 2018. ; and (2) by striking the period that immediately follows another period. 12. Effective dates; pilot project (a) General effective date Except as provided in subsections (b) and (c), the amendments made by this Act shall take effect on the date of enactment of this Act. (b) Effective date for special domestic violence criminal jurisdiction (1) In general Except as provided in paragraph (2) , subsections (b) through (e) of section 204 of Public Law 90–284 (as added by section 5 ) shall take effect on the date that is 2 years after the date of enactment of this Act. (2) Pilot project (A) In general At any time during the 2-year period beginning on the date of enactment of this Act, an Indian tribe may ask the Attorney General to designate the tribe as a participating tribe under section 204(a) of Public Law 90–284 on an accelerated basis. (B) Procedure The Attorney General may grant a request under subparagraph (A) after coordinating with the Secretary of the Interior, consulting with affected Indian tribes, and concluding that the criminal justice system of the requesting tribe has adequate safeguards in place to protect defendants’ rights, consistent with section 204 of Public Law 90–284 . (C) Effective dates for pilot projects An Indian tribe designated as a participating tribe under this paragraph may commence exercising special domestic violence criminal jurisdiction pursuant to subsections (b) through (e) of section 204 of Public Law 90–284 on a date established by the Attorney General, after consultation with that Indian tribe, but in no event later than the date that is 2 years after the date of enactment of this Act. (c) Effective date for grant program amendments The provisions of sections 2, 3, and 11 of this Act shall not take effect until the beginning of the first fiscal year beginning after the date of enactment of this Act.
2023-01-08 17:37:58.589
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Introduced-in-House" bill-type="olc" dms-id="H90979426D75C404686FDDAE0D2E69137" public-private="public"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 758 IH: Utah Land Sovereignty Act </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-02-15 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> I </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 758 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130215"> February 15, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S001192"> Mr. Stewart </sponsor> (for himself, <cosponsor name-id="B001250"> Mr. Bishop of Utah </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="C001076"> Mr. Chaffetz </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="J000255"> Mr. Jones </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="C001096"> Mr. Cramer </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="L000571"> Mrs. Lummis </cosponsor> ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="HII00"> Committee on Natural Resources </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> A BILL </legis-type> <official-title> To prohibit the further extension or establishment of national monuments in Utah except by express authorization of Congress. </official-title> </form> <legis-body id="H536E4F79D5D14EEAB7E7514C487550B2" style="OLC"> <section id="H6987CC8692114CB39541F0DE4F7CD973" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Short title </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> This Act may be cited as the <quote> <short-title> Utah Land Sovereignty Act </short-title> </quote> . </text> </section> <section id="HA8F93CD52E92476891B1172A6C16F4DF"> <enum> 2. </enum> <header> Limitation on further extension or establishment of national monuments in Utah </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> The proviso of the last sentence of the first section of the Act of September 14, 1950 (64 Stat. 849, chapter 950; <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/16/431a"> 16 U.S.C. 431a </external-xref> ), is amended by inserting <quote> or Utah </quote> after <quote> Wyoming </quote> . </text> </section> </legis-body> </bill>
I 113th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 758 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES February 15, 2013 Mr. Stewart (for himself, Mr. Bishop of Utah , Mr. Chaffetz , Mr. Jones , Mr. Cramer , and Mrs. Lummis ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Natural Resources A BILL To prohibit the further extension or establishment of national monuments in Utah except by express authorization of Congress. 1. Short title This Act may be cited as the Utah Land Sovereignty Act . 2. Limitation on further extension or establishment of national monuments in Utah The proviso of the last sentence of the first section of the Act of September 14, 1950 (64 Stat. 849, chapter 950; 16 U.S.C. 431a ), is amended by inserting or Utah after Wyoming .
2023-01-08 17:37:58.486
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Introduced-in-House" bill-type="olc" dms-id="H187A748BEC934AE1B677E96A8FA14CBF" public-private="public"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 759 IH: Equal Standards in Hiring Americans Act </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-02-15 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> I </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 759 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130215"> February 15, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="A000361"> Mr. Alexander </sponsor> (for himself and <cosponsor name-id="S001179"> Mr. Schock </cosponsor> ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="HGO00"> Committee on Oversight and Government Reform </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> A BILL </legis-type> <official-title> To provide that a certain proposed rule published by the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs shall have no force or effect unless the Department of Labor is first certified to be in compliance with such rule. </official-title> </form> <legis-body id="H44ACE903F5EE4523B0FAD39A0EA418FE" style="OLC"> <section id="H2E3DB1A8B29E4BF19C8FC543A55F97AC" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Short title </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> This Act may be cited as the <quote> <short-title> Equal Standards in Hiring Americans Act </short-title> </quote> . </text> </section> <section id="H3152CA7BA9CD4E99913F9651C30FEF39"> <enum> 2. </enum> <header> Proposed rule </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> The proposed rule published by the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs of the Department of Labor in the Federal Register on December 9, 2011 (76 Fed. Reg. 77056 et seq.) and any subsequent rule that is substantially the same shall have no force or effect, unless the Secretary of Labor certifies to Congress that each office and division within the Department of Labor is complying with the requirements of such rule. </text> </section> </legis-body> </bill>
I 113th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 759 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES February 15, 2013 Mr. Alexander (for himself and Mr. Schock ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform A BILL To provide that a certain proposed rule published by the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs shall have no force or effect unless the Department of Labor is first certified to be in compliance with such rule. 1. Short title This Act may be cited as the Equal Standards in Hiring Americans Act . 2. Proposed rule The proposed rule published by the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs of the Department of Labor in the Federal Register on December 9, 2011 (76 Fed. Reg. 77056 et seq.) and any subsequent rule that is substantially the same shall have no force or effect, unless the Secretary of Labor certifies to Congress that each office and division within the Department of Labor is complying with the requirements of such rule.
2023-01-08 17:37:58.741
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Introduced-in-House" bill-type="olc" dms-id="HD30D3592324940659BDDDA19B52FC44E" public-private="public"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 760 IH: Readable Legislation Act of 2013 </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-02-15 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> I </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 760 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130215"> February 15, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="A000367"> Mr. Amash </sponsor> introduced the following bill; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="HJU00"> Committee on the Judiciary </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> A BILL </legis-type> <official-title> To amend chapter 2 of title I of the United States Code to establish the style for amending laws. </official-title> </form> <legis-body id="H3C411FD8942D45A5A272BF2111D22B78" style="OLC"> <section commented="no" id="H60FFD7AE92374AC69F98606C4E4F73BA" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Short title </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> This Act may be cited as the <quote> <short-title> Readable Legislation Act of 2013 </short-title> </quote> . </text> </section> <section id="HE0765F5715434FB3B01950E240B05B1B" section-type="subsequent-section"> <enum> 2. </enum> <header> Amending laws </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> <external-xref legal-doc="usc-chapter" parsable-cite="usc-chapter/1/2"> Chapter 2 </external-xref> of title 1 of the United States Code is amended by adding at the end the following new section: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H4BA3D6189DDD4F10921C223C6BCF9DAE" style="USC"> <section id="HF299EFC5E2874DDE8DB206E97D04E060"> <enum> 115. </enum> <header> Amending laws </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> No Act shall be revised or amended by mere reference to it. Every bill or joint resolution which amends an existing section, subsection, or other subdivision of any Act shall set forth the section, subsection, or other subdivision sufficiently to enable the intent and effect of the bill or joint resolution to be clearly understood. Omissions and insertions proposed shall be shown by appropriate typographical devices. </text> </section> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </section> <section id="HC7E031FA9113463DADB5ECCC1F036339"> <enum> 3. </enum> <header> Conforming amendment </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> The table of sections at the beginning of <external-xref legal-doc="usc-chapter" parsable-cite="usc-chapter/1/2"> chapter 2 </external-xref> of title 1 of the United States Code is amended by adding after the item relating to section 114 the following new item: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HFC9BAA1898D64126BD9E8A429BD7B42F" style="USC"> <toc regeneration="no-regeneration"> <toc-entry level="section"> 115. Amending laws. </toc-entry> </toc> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </section> <section id="HD9044012184444D283AB5D695D9F50DC"> <enum> 4. </enum> <header> Effective date </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> This Act and the amendments made by it shall take effect on January 3, 2015. </text> </section> </legis-body> </bill>
I 113th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 760 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES February 15, 2013 Mr. Amash introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary A BILL To amend chapter 2 of title I of the United States Code to establish the style for amending laws. 1. Short title This Act may be cited as the Readable Legislation Act of 2013 . 2. Amending laws Chapter 2 of title 1 of the United States Code is amended by adding at the end the following new section: 115. Amending laws No Act shall be revised or amended by mere reference to it. Every bill or joint resolution which amends an existing section, subsection, or other subdivision of any Act shall set forth the section, subsection, or other subdivision sufficiently to enable the intent and effect of the bill or joint resolution to be clearly understood. Omissions and insertions proposed shall be shown by appropriate typographical devices. . 3. Conforming amendment The table of sections at the beginning of chapter 2 of title 1 of the United States Code is amended by adding after the item relating to section 114 the following new item: 115. Amending laws. . 4. Effective date This Act and the amendments made by it shall take effect on January 3, 2015.
2023-01-07 08:24:02.128
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Engrossed-in-House" bill-type="olc" dms-id="HC500A2BE3C7F4A03B7402A721A3E8300" public-private="public" stage-count="1"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 761 EH: National Strategic and Critical Minerals Production Act of 2013 </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date/> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="no"> IB </distribution-code> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 761 </legis-num> <current-chamber display="no"> IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES </current-chamber> <legis-type> AN ACT </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> To require the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Agriculture to more efficiently develop domestic sources of the minerals and mineral materials of strategic and critical importance to United States economic and national security and manufacturing competitiveness. </official-title> </form> <legis-body display-enacting-clause="yes-display-enacting-clause" id="HF8995E728E7E4390AF03BAE947C3685C" style="OLC"> <section id="HFCA8F956AEBA44DB8F294B9F6F9F1BB3" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Short title </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> This Act may be cited as the <quote> <short-title> National Strategic and Critical Minerals Production Act of 2013 </short-title> </quote> . </text> </section> <section id="H269CC742266845FE899DF94EAFA209D8"> <enum> 2. </enum> <header> Findings </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Congress finds the following: </text> <paragraph id="H5EF3878F610645248DC1A2B5AB61DBDA"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> The industrialization of China and India has driven demand for nonfuel mineral commodities, sparking a period of resource nationalism exemplified by China’s reduction in exports of rare-earth elements necessary for telecommunications, military technologies, healthcare technologies, and conventional and renewable energy technologies. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H18F97FA2105947F384653B6572F7A94C"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> The availability of minerals and mineral materials are essential for economic growth, national security, technological innovation, and the manufacturing and agricultural supply chain. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H183358613FE54899BAD205F09F571343"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> The exploration, production, processing, use, and recycling of minerals contribute significantly to the economic well-being, security and general welfare of the Nation. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HB67679F108BF402D877875DE85FF27CC"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> The United States has vast mineral resources, but is becoming increasingly dependent upon foreign sources of these mineral materials, as demonstrated by the following: </text> <subparagraph id="HDDAC8C80A37345A3938994C970F9506C"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> Twenty-five years ago the United States was dependent on foreign sources for 30 nonfuel mineral materials, 6 of which the United States imported 100 percent of the Nation’s requirements, and for another 16 commodities the United States imported more than 60 percent of the Nation’s needs. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HC377EBF291D4421287CF0907B19298BD"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> By 2011 the United States import dependence for nonfuel mineral materials had more than doubled from 30 to 67 commodities, 19 of which the United States imported 100 percent of the Nation’s requirements, and for another 24 commodities, imported more than 50 percent of the Nation’s needs. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HD250009B4FC64F738039A42FBA6D3441"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> The United States share of worldwide mineral exploration dollars was 8 percent in 2011, down from 19 percent in the early 1990s. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HC8F7AC568A4D4D0A98144388D1309A8D"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> In the 2012 Ranking of Countries for Mining Investment, out of 25 major mining countries, the United States ranked last with Papua New Guinea in permitting delays, and towards the bottom regarding government take and social issues affecting mining. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </section> <section id="H7D715DBDE2E54FBDBF4E715381FABF53"> <enum> 3. </enum> <header> Definitions </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> In this Act: </text> <paragraph id="H2C23A55D54A64B41970161796C53485E"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> Strategic and critical minerals </header> <text> The term <term> strategic and critical minerals </term> means minerals that are necessary— </text> <subparagraph id="H51C540BBB68B46089D23061FFF226602"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> for national defense and national security requirements; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H72E0F0E70DF04C32A30AC57CCB43FFFC"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> for the Nation’s energy infrastructure, including pipelines, refining capacity, electrical power generation and transmission, and renewable energy production; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H029A67A46EA6478FA56241347FDDCAB8"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> to support domestic manufacturing, agriculture, housing, telecommunications, healthcare, and transportation infrastructure; or </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HC6C0EF70211844FDAEFD803BA6423835"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text> for the Nation’s economic security and balance of trade. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H02851D162DF14B4AA704FFF0171A08F7"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Agency </header> <text> The term <term> agency </term> means any agency, department, or other unit of Federal, State, local, or tribal government, or Alaska Native Corporation. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HA04EF5520AA74B8FB246D11B01F9EE7D"> <enum> (3) </enum> <header> mineral exploration or mine permit </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The term <term> mineral exploration or mine permit </term> includes plans of operation issued by the Bureau of Land Management and the Forest Service pursuant to 43 CFR 3809 and 36 CFR 228A or the authorities listed in 43 CFR 3503.13, respectively. </text> </paragraph> </section> <title id="H8BF5710B45A943068776B1E1D9DE13A2"> <enum> I </enum> <header> Development of Domestic Sources of Strategic and Critical Minerals </header> <section id="H75F125656CEF4E6690E41A46F8721251"> <enum> 101. </enum> <header> Improving development of strategic and critical minerals </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Domestic mines that will provide strategic and critical minerals shall be considered an <term> infrastructure project </term> as described in Presidential Order <term> Improving Performance of Federal Permitting and Review of Infrastructure Projects </term> dated March 22, 2012. </text> </section> <section id="HADDD0850A9654E68A61C1E7E3914D2E0"> <enum> 102. </enum> <header> Responsibilities of the lead agency </header> <subsection display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H7F9A7BEA66724EE5A9D05743F1CA5B33"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The lead agency with responsibility for issuing a mineral exploration or mine permit shall appoint a project lead who shall coordinate and consult with cooperating agencies and any other agency involved in the permitting process, project proponents and contractors to ensure that agencies minimize delays, set and adhere to timelines and schedules for completion of the permitting process, set clear permitting goals and track progress against those goals. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H1548F7A4D57D437DBD0AEF701895255D"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Determination under NEPA </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> To the extent that the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 applies to any mineral exploration or mine permit, the lead agency with responsibility for issuing a mineral exploration or mine permit shall determine that the action to approve the exploration or mine permit does not constitute a major Federal action significantly affecting the quality of the human environment within the meaning of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 if the procedural and substantive safeguards of the permitting process alone, any applicable State permitting process alone, or a combination of the two processes together provide an adequate mechanism to ensure that environmental factors are taken into account. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="HBA6D6B7DEA204ABCBE519FD2FBE9F54F"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> coordination on permitting process </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The lead agency with responsibility for issuing a mineral exploration or mine permit shall enhance government coordination for the permitting process by avoiding duplicative reviews, minimizing paperwork and engaging other agencies and stakeholders early in the process. The lead agency shall consider the following best practices: </text> <paragraph id="H094B093C782B4BD8991F852544AA21F1"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Deferring to and relying upon baseline data, analyses and reviews performed by State agencies with jurisdiction over the proposed project. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H7A1049DDBEC4468D9E5A8088B1ECFA63"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Conducting any consultations or reviews concurrently rather than sequentially to the extent practicable and when such concurrent review will expedite rather than delay a decision. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HF96A00105EB941AEB7D8C9858F3DDD1E"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header> Schedule for permitting process </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> At the request of a project proponent, the lead agency, cooperating agencies and any other agencies involved with the mineral exploration or mine permitting process shall enter into an agreement with the project proponent that sets time limits for each part of the permitting process including the following: </text> <paragraph id="H07621C7726BF47DB9F4A57EADF1745E4"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The decision on whether to prepare a document required under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HC54AA02252A745D0A611F57D14749E35"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> A determination of the scope of any document required under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H871C90AF9742491899851E76B4E64B17"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> The scope of and schedule for the baseline studies required to prepare a document required under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H7007EB7595034ECD967054C5FC9F2D03"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Preparation of any draft document required under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H4E36D948078D4D68B69E4FAB58210AC6"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Preparation of a final document required under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H34A4C669B0D24CA28DEC08F596BD1A4C"> <enum> (6) </enum> <text> Consultations required under applicable laws. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HC5F57573C6A34180AF9586DA0816BC4A"> <enum> (7) </enum> <text> Submission and review of any comments required under applicable law. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HAC17189968944BDE84E521A432AC6656"> <enum> (8) </enum> <text> Publication of any public notices required under applicable law. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HEA8B9F86DD154A3AA6965CFEDF5D2085"> <enum> (9) </enum> <text> A final or any interim decisions. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HE0672B5FCC324D33AB3261BFBBCD4C68"> <enum> (e) </enum> <header> Time limit for permitting process </header> <text> In no case should the total review process described in subsection (d) exceed 30 months unless agreed to by the signatories of the agreement. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="HD208D6FB0FB441FDB8B4B3D16214C07D"> <enum> (f) </enum> <header> Limitation on addressing public comments </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The lead agency is not required to address agency or public comments that were not submitted during any public comment periods or consultation periods provided during the permitting process or as otherwise required by law. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H953F9367CCF3486C8BF5D4EFBBFF4B30"> <enum> (g) </enum> <header> Financial assurance </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The lead agency will determine the amount of financial assurance for reclamation of a mineral exploration or mining site, which must cover the estimated cost if the lead agency were to contract with a third party to reclaim the operations according to the reclamation plan, including construction and maintenance costs for any treatment facilities necessary to meet Federal, State or tribal environmental standards. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="HB100BC7065FC4B1C96243858C5A2EC77"> <enum> (h) </enum> <header> Application to existing permit applications </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> This section shall apply with respect to a mineral exploration or mine permit for which an application was submitted before the date of the enactment of this Act if the applicant for the permit submits a written request to the lead agency for the permit. The lead agency shall begin implementing this section with respect to such application within 30 days after receiving such written request. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H0D580E96910C445198B75397693BE353"> <enum> (i) </enum> <header> Strategic and critical minerals within National Forests </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> With respect to strategic and critical minerals within a federally administered unit of the National Forest System, the lead agency shall— </text> <paragraph id="H2057E3E0CF6B4CD0B756EABE5F5D8D42"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> exempt all areas of identified mineral resources in Land Use Designations, other than Non-Development Land Use Designations, in existence as of the date of the enactment of this Act from the procedures detailed at and all rules promulgated under part 294 of title 36, Code for Federal Regulations; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H2AB353C541234DD891183C8528EE2D67"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> apply such exemption to all additional routes and areas that the lead agency finds necessary to facilitate the construction, operation, maintenance, and restoration of the areas of identified mineral resources described in paragraph (1); and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H75EF9EEE2942444FA3982F5746BC993C"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> continue to apply such exemptions after approval of the Minerals Plan of Operations for the unit of the National Forest System. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> </section> <section commented="no" id="H966B4E1E73254C02A8CC596CCD780EFF"> <enum> 103. </enum> <header> Conservation of the resource </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> In evaluating and issuing any mineral exploration or mine permit, the priority of the lead agency shall be to maximize the development of the mineral resource, while mitigating environmental impacts, so that more of the mineral resource can be brought to the market place. </text> </section> <section id="H1A06894511D64EEFAE161A9DE8AC62CF"> <enum> 104. </enum> <header> Federal register process for mineral exploration and mining projects </header> <subsection id="HF6693E5496E049B2BF649B855A7A730B"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Preparation of Federal Notices for Mineral Exploration and Mine Development Projects </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The preparation of Federal Register notices required by law associated with the issuance of a mineral exploration or mine permit shall be delegated to the organization level within the agency responsible for issuing the mineral exploration or mine permit. All Federal Register notices regarding official document availability, announcements of meetings, or notices of intent to undertake an action shall be originated and transmitted to the Federal Register from the office where documents are held, meetings are held, or the activity is initiated. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H8FCB851695F546E192DE699403185AF0"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Departmental Review of Federal Register Notices for Mineral Exploration and Mining Projects </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Absent any extraordinary circumstance or except as otherwise required by any Act of Congress, each Federal Register notice described in subsection (a) shall undergo any required reviews within the Department of the Interior or the Department of Agriculture and be published in its final form in the Federal Register no later than 30 days after its initial preparation. </text> </subsection> </section> </title> <title id="H1BE893004FD746DDBF4E37868FA1C83B"> <enum> II </enum> <header> Judicial review of agency actions relating to Exploration and Mine Permits </header> <section id="HF2D0EDA194D6452F9437489AC8B2BF63"> <enum> 201. </enum> <header> Definitions for title </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> In this title the term <term> covered civil action </term> means a civil action against the Federal Government containing a claim under <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/5/702"> section 702 </external-xref> of title 5, United States Code, regarding agency action affecting a mineral exploration or mine permit. </text> </section> <section id="H60594D8B186341E9867E936BFBE877CE"> <enum> 202. </enum> <header> Timely filings </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> A covered civil action is barred unless filed no later than the end of the 60-day period beginning on the date of the final Federal agency action to which it relates. </text> </section> <section id="HFBB635B08AD34F34BDC8F6A013782B63"> <enum> 203. </enum> <header> Right to intervene </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> The holder of any mineral exploration or mine permit may intervene as of right in any covered civil action by a person affecting rights or obligations of the permit holder under the permit. </text> </section> <section id="HB2581AD34E8840B288C5EA098BEF459C"> <enum> 204. </enum> <header> Expedition in hearing and determining the action </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> The court shall endeavor to hear and determine any covered civil action as expeditiously as possible. </text> </section> <section id="HB8C66CCFF658433489B0B5936296747C"> <enum> 205. </enum> <header> Limitation on prospective relief </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> In a covered civil action, the court shall not grant or approve any prospective relief unless the court finds that such relief is narrowly drawn, extends no further than necessary to correct the violation of a legal requirement, and is the least intrusive means necessary to correct that violation. </text> </section> <section id="H0894BDD26889400AA40F52BC0AC01792"> <enum> 206. </enum> <header> Limitation on attorneys’ fees </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Sections 504 of title 5, United States Code, and 2412 of title 28, United States Code (together commonly called the Equal Access to Justice Act) do not apply to a covered civil action, nor shall any party in such a covered civil action receive payment from the Federal Government for their attorneys’ fees, expenses, and other court costs. </text> </section> </title> <title id="H07435C1AE83D465BB611F57431CE9668"> <enum> III </enum> <header> Miscellaneous Provisions </header> <section id="H466EC1179722482CA1938DC177ABAE68"> <enum> 301. </enum> <header> Secretarial order not affected </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Nothing in this Act shall be construed as to affect any aspect of Secretarial Order 3324, issued by the Secretary of the Interior on December 3, 2012, with respect to potash and oil and gas operators. </text> </section> </title> </legis-body> <attestation> <attestation-group> <attestation-date chamber="House" date="20130918"> Passed the House of Representatives September 18, 2013. </attestation-date> <attestor display="no"> Karen L. Haas, </attestor> <role> Clerk. </role> </attestation-group> </attestation> <endorsement display="yes"/> </bill>
IB 113th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 761 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES AN ACT To require the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Agriculture to more efficiently develop domestic sources of the minerals and mineral materials of strategic and critical importance to United States economic and national security and manufacturing competitiveness. 1. Short title This Act may be cited as the National Strategic and Critical Minerals Production Act of 2013 . 2. Findings Congress finds the following: (1) The industrialization of China and India has driven demand for nonfuel mineral commodities, sparking a period of resource nationalism exemplified by China’s reduction in exports of rare-earth elements necessary for telecommunications, military technologies, healthcare technologies, and conventional and renewable energy technologies. (2) The availability of minerals and mineral materials are essential for economic growth, national security, technological innovation, and the manufacturing and agricultural supply chain. (3) The exploration, production, processing, use, and recycling of minerals contribute significantly to the economic well-being, security and general welfare of the Nation. (4) The United States has vast mineral resources, but is becoming increasingly dependent upon foreign sources of these mineral materials, as demonstrated by the following: (A) Twenty-five years ago the United States was dependent on foreign sources for 30 nonfuel mineral materials, 6 of which the United States imported 100 percent of the Nation’s requirements, and for another 16 commodities the United States imported more than 60 percent of the Nation’s needs. (B) By 2011 the United States import dependence for nonfuel mineral materials had more than doubled from 30 to 67 commodities, 19 of which the United States imported 100 percent of the Nation’s requirements, and for another 24 commodities, imported more than 50 percent of the Nation’s needs. (C) The United States share of worldwide mineral exploration dollars was 8 percent in 2011, down from 19 percent in the early 1990s. (D) In the 2012 Ranking of Countries for Mining Investment, out of 25 major mining countries, the United States ranked last with Papua New Guinea in permitting delays, and towards the bottom regarding government take and social issues affecting mining. 3. Definitions In this Act: (1) Strategic and critical minerals The term strategic and critical minerals means minerals that are necessary— (A) for national defense and national security requirements; (B) for the Nation’s energy infrastructure, including pipelines, refining capacity, electrical power generation and transmission, and renewable energy production; (C) to support domestic manufacturing, agriculture, housing, telecommunications, healthcare, and transportation infrastructure; or (D) for the Nation’s economic security and balance of trade. (2) Agency The term agency means any agency, department, or other unit of Federal, State, local, or tribal government, or Alaska Native Corporation. (3) mineral exploration or mine permit The term mineral exploration or mine permit includes plans of operation issued by the Bureau of Land Management and the Forest Service pursuant to 43 CFR 3809 and 36 CFR 228A or the authorities listed in 43 CFR 3503.13, respectively. I Development of Domestic Sources of Strategic and Critical Minerals 101. Improving development of strategic and critical minerals Domestic mines that will provide strategic and critical minerals shall be considered an infrastructure project as described in Presidential Order Improving Performance of Federal Permitting and Review of Infrastructure Projects dated March 22, 2012. 102. Responsibilities of the lead agency (a) In general The lead agency with responsibility for issuing a mineral exploration or mine permit shall appoint a project lead who shall coordinate and consult with cooperating agencies and any other agency involved in the permitting process, project proponents and contractors to ensure that agencies minimize delays, set and adhere to timelines and schedules for completion of the permitting process, set clear permitting goals and track progress against those goals. (b) Determination under NEPA To the extent that the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 applies to any mineral exploration or mine permit, the lead agency with responsibility for issuing a mineral exploration or mine permit shall determine that the action to approve the exploration or mine permit does not constitute a major Federal action significantly affecting the quality of the human environment within the meaning of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 if the procedural and substantive safeguards of the permitting process alone, any applicable State permitting process alone, or a combination of the two processes together provide an adequate mechanism to ensure that environmental factors are taken into account. (c) coordination on permitting process The lead agency with responsibility for issuing a mineral exploration or mine permit shall enhance government coordination for the permitting process by avoiding duplicative reviews, minimizing paperwork and engaging other agencies and stakeholders early in the process. The lead agency shall consider the following best practices: (1) Deferring to and relying upon baseline data, analyses and reviews performed by State agencies with jurisdiction over the proposed project. (2) Conducting any consultations or reviews concurrently rather than sequentially to the extent practicable and when such concurrent review will expedite rather than delay a decision. (d) Schedule for permitting process At the request of a project proponent, the lead agency, cooperating agencies and any other agencies involved with the mineral exploration or mine permitting process shall enter into an agreement with the project proponent that sets time limits for each part of the permitting process including the following: (1) The decision on whether to prepare a document required under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969. (2) A determination of the scope of any document required under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969. (3) The scope of and schedule for the baseline studies required to prepare a document required under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969. (4) Preparation of any draft document required under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969. (5) Preparation of a final document required under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969. (6) Consultations required under applicable laws. (7) Submission and review of any comments required under applicable law. (8) Publication of any public notices required under applicable law. (9) A final or any interim decisions. (e) Time limit for permitting process In no case should the total review process described in subsection (d) exceed 30 months unless agreed to by the signatories of the agreement. (f) Limitation on addressing public comments The lead agency is not required to address agency or public comments that were not submitted during any public comment periods or consultation periods provided during the permitting process or as otherwise required by law. (g) Financial assurance The lead agency will determine the amount of financial assurance for reclamation of a mineral exploration or mining site, which must cover the estimated cost if the lead agency were to contract with a third party to reclaim the operations according to the reclamation plan, including construction and maintenance costs for any treatment facilities necessary to meet Federal, State or tribal environmental standards. (h) Application to existing permit applications This section shall apply with respect to a mineral exploration or mine permit for which an application was submitted before the date of the enactment of this Act if the applicant for the permit submits a written request to the lead agency for the permit. The lead agency shall begin implementing this section with respect to such application within 30 days after receiving such written request. (i) Strategic and critical minerals within National Forests With respect to strategic and critical minerals within a federally administered unit of the National Forest System, the lead agency shall— (1) exempt all areas of identified mineral resources in Land Use Designations, other than Non-Development Land Use Designations, in existence as of the date of the enactment of this Act from the procedures detailed at and all rules promulgated under part 294 of title 36, Code for Federal Regulations; (2) apply such exemption to all additional routes and areas that the lead agency finds necessary to facilitate the construction, operation, maintenance, and restoration of the areas of identified mineral resources described in paragraph (1); and (3) continue to apply such exemptions after approval of the Minerals Plan of Operations for the unit of the National Forest System. 103. Conservation of the resource In evaluating and issuing any mineral exploration or mine permit, the priority of the lead agency shall be to maximize the development of the mineral resource, while mitigating environmental impacts, so that more of the mineral resource can be brought to the market place. 104. Federal register process for mineral exploration and mining projects (a) Preparation of Federal Notices for Mineral Exploration and Mine Development Projects The preparation of Federal Register notices required by law associated with the issuance of a mineral exploration or mine permit shall be delegated to the organization level within the agency responsible for issuing the mineral exploration or mine permit. All Federal Register notices regarding official document availability, announcements of meetings, or notices of intent to undertake an action shall be originated and transmitted to the Federal Register from the office where documents are held, meetings are held, or the activity is initiated. (b) Departmental Review of Federal Register Notices for Mineral Exploration and Mining Projects Absent any extraordinary circumstance or except as otherwise required by any Act of Congress, each Federal Register notice described in subsection (a) shall undergo any required reviews within the Department of the Interior or the Department of Agriculture and be published in its final form in the Federal Register no later than 30 days after its initial preparation. II Judicial review of agency actions relating to Exploration and Mine Permits 201. Definitions for title In this title the term covered civil action means a civil action against the Federal Government containing a claim under section 702 of title 5, United States Code, regarding agency action affecting a mineral exploration or mine permit. 202. Timely filings A covered civil action is barred unless filed no later than the end of the 60-day period beginning on the date of the final Federal agency action to which it relates. 203. Right to intervene The holder of any mineral exploration or mine permit may intervene as of right in any covered civil action by a person affecting rights or obligations of the permit holder under the permit. 204. Expedition in hearing and determining the action The court shall endeavor to hear and determine any covered civil action as expeditiously as possible. 205. Limitation on prospective relief In a covered civil action, the court shall not grant or approve any prospective relief unless the court finds that such relief is narrowly drawn, extends no further than necessary to correct the violation of a legal requirement, and is the least intrusive means necessary to correct that violation. 206. Limitation on attorneys’ fees Sections 504 of title 5, United States Code, and 2412 of title 28, United States Code (together commonly called the Equal Access to Justice Act) do not apply to a covered civil action, nor shall any party in such a covered civil action receive payment from the Federal Government for their attorneys’ fees, expenses, and other court costs. III Miscellaneous Provisions 301. Secretarial order not affected Nothing in this Act shall be construed as to affect any aspect of Secretarial Order 3324, issued by the Secretary of the Interior on December 3, 2012, with respect to potash and oil and gas operators. Passed the House of Representatives September 18, 2013. Karen L. Haas, Clerk.
2023-01-08 17:37:58.350
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Introduced-in-House" bill-type="olc" dms-id="HC500A2BE3C7F4A03B7402A721A3E8300" public-private="public"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 761 IH: National Strategic and Critical Minerals Production Act of 2013 </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-02-15 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> I </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 761 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130215"> February 15, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="A000369"> Mr. Amodei </sponsor> (for himself, <cosponsor name-id="G000565"> Mr. Gosar </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="L000564"> Mr. Lamborn </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="B001250"> Mr. Bishop of Utah </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="J000255"> Mr. Jones </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="W000798"> Mr. Walberg </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="F000448"> Mr. Franks of Arizona </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="H001055"> Mr. Heck of Nevada </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="T000470"> Mr. Tipton </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="W000791"> Mr. Walden </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S001187"> Mr. Stivers </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="J000292"> Mr. Johnson of Ohio </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="L000566"> Mr. Latta </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="Y000033"> Mr. Young of Alaska </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="C001062"> Mr. Conaway </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="B001271"> Mr. Benishek </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="D000618"> Mr. Daines </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="G000562"> Mr. Gardner </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S001183"> Mr. Schweikert </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="M001142"> Mr. Matheson </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="B000490"> Mr. Bishop of Georgia </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="L000573"> Mr. Labrador </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S001192"> Mr. Stewart </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="C001076"> Mr. Chaffetz </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S000018"> Mr. Salmon </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S001148"> Mr. Simpson </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="G000552"> Mr. Gohmert </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="P000588"> Mr. Pearce </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="L000569"> Mr. Luetkemeyer </cosponsor> ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="HII00"> Committee on Natural Resources </committee-name> , and in addition to the Committee on the <committee-name committee-id="HJU00"> Judiciary </committee-name> , for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> A BILL </legis-type> <official-title> To require the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Agriculture to more efficiently develop domestic sources of the minerals and mineral materials of strategic and critical importance to United States economic and national security and manufacturing competitiveness. </official-title> </form> <legis-body id="H391B777EB4784F958D9BEF2DE3DE1791" style="OLC"> <section id="HB1801E63C0514F689AD5DA557CCE5D1A" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Short title </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> This Act may be cited as the <quote> <short-title> National Strategic and Critical Minerals Production Act of 2013 </short-title> </quote> . </text> </section> <section id="H7675D0ACA39245449EFC4B56B1F592AC"> <enum> 2. </enum> <header> Findings </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Congress finds the following: </text> <paragraph id="H6B9550CD1A154576987E5F9B5ADD5FD2"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> The industrialization of China and India has driven demand for nonfuel mineral commodities, sparking a period of resource nationalism exemplified by China’s reduction in exports of rare-earth elements necessary for telecommunications, military technologies, healthcare technologies, and conventional and renewable energy technologies. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HFBDBC98602A64165B8327FCCA9F64CB8"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> The availability of minerals and mineral materials are essential for economic growth, national security, technological innovation, and the manufacturing and agricultural supply chain. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H1E072ABBD8F44EFCABD78F15481C13B2"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> The exploration, production, processing, use, and recycling of minerals contribute significantly to the economic well-being, security and general welfare of the Nation. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H0633758D3B8F45AFA7FF1EC2B10087A3"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> The United States has vast mineral resources, but is becoming increasingly dependent upon foreign sources of these mineral materials, as demonstrated by the following: </text> <subparagraph id="H0B992220FFAE4B93B4248131E071A862"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> Twenty-five years ago the United States was dependent on foreign sources for 30 nonfuel mineral materials, 6 of which the United States imported 100 percent of the Nation’s requirements, and for another 16 commodities the United States imported more than 60 percent of the Nation’s needs. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H412E157C09BF4A69BB6361B6F44CA5B0"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> By 2011 the United States import dependence for nonfuel mineral materials had more than doubled from 30 to 67 commodities, 19 of which the United States imported 100 percent of the Nation’s requirements, and for another 24 commodities, imported more than 50 percent of the Nation’s needs. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HDB74A65AB9654151AE4A65887DE64E3A"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> The United States share of worldwide mineral exploration dollars was 8 percent in 2011, down from 19 percent in the early 1990s. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HC43787EBCD254FD5ADDEDEB591C70A1E"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> In the 2012 Ranking of Countries for Mining Investment, out of 25 major mining countries, the United States ranked last with Papua New Guinea in permitting delays, and towards the bottom regarding government take and social issues affecting mining. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </section> <section id="H0DBBDEF4562F466AAE80C306ADD4BF5E"> <enum> 3. </enum> <header> Definitions </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> In this Act: </text> <paragraph id="H4D694FACBE6E482C8DEB12F8C7D9D1CA"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> Strategic and critical minerals </header> <text> The term <term> strategic and critical minerals </term> means minerals that are necessary— </text> <subparagraph id="HB6FE752A656B45A09FA106880EC9AD4E"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> for national defense and national security requirements; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H2883AE1526F34354BC6E30B563F7BA02"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> for the Nation’s energy infrastructure, including pipelines, refining capacity, electrical power generation and transmission, and renewable energy production; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H7D61542D5434434092FABF7C2EE250FD"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> to support domestic manufacturing, agriculture, housing, telecommunications, healthcare, and transportation infrastructure; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HED8E638904CE42EABD304FA463641B51"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text> for the Nation’s economic security and balance of trade. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HC90F9550D98245E2A585D886A7C699C7"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Agency </header> <text> The term <term> agency </term> means any agency, department, or other unit of Federal, State, local, or tribal government, or Alaska Native Corporation. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HBC12B35521274406B38401D7F3028AF2"> <enum> (3) </enum> <header> mineral exploration or mine permit </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The term <term> mineral exploration or mine permit </term> includes plans of operation issued by the Bureau of Land Management and the Forest Service pursuant to 43 C.F.R. 3809 and 36 C.F.R. 228A, respectively. </text> </paragraph> </section> <title id="H396414328F87474A94EB615697571E48"> <enum> I </enum> <header> Development of Domestic Sources of Strategic and Critical Minerals </header> <section id="H2A5F120D6E3A499F83DFEC4A670DEEAC"> <enum> 101. </enum> <header> Improving development of strategic and critical minerals </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Domestic mines that will provide strategic and critical minerals shall be considered an <term> infrastructure project </term> as described in Presidential Order <term> Improving Performance of Federal Permitting and Review of Infrastructure Projects </term> dated March 22, 2012. </text> </section> <section id="HC28432DBCD35411DA7E3F1833A3BD201"> <enum> 102. </enum> <header> Responsibilities of the lead agency </header> <subsection display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HED733B0E95374E28955D552DB7D4A169"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> The lead agency with responsibility for issuing a mineral exploration or mine permit shall appoint a project lead who shall coordinate and consult with other agencies, cooperating agencies, project proponents and contractors to ensure that agencies minimize delays, set and adhere to timelines and schedules for completion of reviews, set clear permitting goals and track progress against those goals. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H3D0A1F96254840C4ADA807AA4AA4CDEF"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Determination under NEPA </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The lead agency with responsibility for issuing a mineral exploration or mine permit shall determine any such action would not constitute a major Federal action significantly affecting the quality of the human environment within the meaning of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 if the procedural and substantive safeguards of the lead agency’s permitting process alone, any applicable State permitting process alone, or a combination of the two processes together provide an adequate mechanism to ensure that environmental factors are taken into account. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H7DFCF3DBB4A84F2FB4DEFED24AED761C"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> coordination on permitting and review </header> <text> The lead agency with responsibility for issuing a mineral exploration or mine permit shall enhance government coordination on permitting and review by avoiding duplicative reviews, minimizing paperwork and engaging other agencies and stakeholders early in the process. The lead agency shall consider the following best practices: </text> <paragraph id="H33ED9D511CFC416A828DE23B83D50CEB"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> Deferring to and relying upon baseline data, analysis and reviews preformed by State agencies with jurisdiction over the proposed project. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H5F1523F9F69B43589124293DA4791755"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> Conducting reviews concurrently rather than sequentially to the extent practicable and when such concurrent review will expedite rather than delay a decision. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HE7296C0F19D54A3C8FE623B309092567"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header> time limits for permit review process </header> <text> At the request of a project proponent, the project lead of the agency with responsibility for issuing a mineral exploration or mine permit shall enter into an agreement with the project proponent and other cooperating agencies that sets time limits for each part of the permit review process including the following: </text> <paragraph id="HCF2E16DE366E4F43AB6756B9EFBEAE23"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The decision on whether to prepare a document required under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HA05D33256B324EFB8146CEAF42D864AC"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> A determination of the scope of any document required under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H0E01F6ABD3984269BAEF1A2E900EF404"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> The scope of and schedule for the baseline studies required to prepare a document required under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HFC3CDFC4050C4A4E95FF2EC77590A2D5"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Preparation of any draft document required under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H7B263849D7744D47B64A53EF610D0B56"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Preparation of a final document required under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H7E7CB597A0A3464D831FB5E385EF5C13"> <enum> (6) </enum> <text> Consultations required under applicable laws. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H618A57D677274C2793C6F19BF6F49D8E"> <enum> (7) </enum> <text> Submission and review of any comments required under applicable law. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HF5F218DCDCE249928C9E1E2F41BD34C9"> <enum> (8) </enum> <text> Publication of any public notices required under applicable law. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H3C0F242AC54C40FEBB2435E054CB476A"> <enum> (9) </enum> <text> A final or any interim decisions. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HD294FA1353664965852F266DDC97DB67"> <enum> (e) </enum> <header> Time limit for total review process </header> <text> In no case should the total review process described in subsection (d) exceed 30 months unless agreed to by the signatories of the agreement. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="HDB4B534A86C64F3F890E7E37ADFC3EDE"> <enum> (f) </enum> <header> Limitation on addressing public comments </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The lead agency is not required to address agency or public comments that were not submitted during the public comment periods provided by the lead agency or otherwise required by law. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H0642DD83D28C4D138A3BF8EB3108B827"> <enum> (g) </enum> <header> Financial assurance </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The lead agency will determine the amount of financial assurance for reclamation of a mineral exploration or mining site, which must cover the estimated cost if the lead agency were to contract with a third party to reclaim the operations according to the reclamation plan, including construction and maintenance costs for any treatment facilities necessary to meet Federal, State or tribal environmental standards. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H0D5336808F5B4177945AD257A420EDC3"> <enum> (h) </enum> <header> Application to existing permit applications </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> This section shall apply with respect to a mineral exploration or mine permit for which an application was submitted before the date of the enactment of this Act if the applicant for the permit submits a written request to the lead agency for the permit. The lead agency shall begin implementing this section with respect to such application within 30 days after receiving such written request. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H111365FB29734D73A91E161AF12407B8"> <enum> (i) </enum> <header> Strategic and critical materials within National Forests </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> With respect to strategic and critical materials within a federally administered unit of the National Forest System, the lead agency shall— </text> <paragraph id="H89F6CFBCB677487784BDA65CA593A6CD"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> exempt all areas of identified mineral resources in Land Use Designations, other than Non-Development Land Use Designations, in existence as of the date of the enactment of this Act from the procedures detailed at and all rules promulgated under part 294 of title 36, Code for Federal Regulations; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H13E3C5A833104519AE1C999B48566D0B"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> apply such exemption to all additional routes and areas that the lead agency finds necessary to facilitate the construction, operation, maintenance, and restoration of the areas of identified mineral resources described in paragraph (1); and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HE008A0785B79438589A1D39F4DCF9EEB"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> continue to apply such exemptions after approval of the Minerals Plan of Operations for the unit of the National Forest System. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> </section> <section commented="no" id="H4D9154366D9C4CDCAF4D42DEFA68E38A"> <enum> 103. </enum> <header> Conservation of the resource </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> In developing the mineral exploration or mine permit, the priority of the lead agency shall be to maximize the development of the mineral resource, while mitigating environmental impacts, so that more of the mineral resource can be brought to the market place. </text> </section> <section id="H08DCF66711AF46A8973A01515B2D90CE"> <enum> 104. </enum> <header> Federal register process for mineral exploration and mining projects </header> <subsection id="H4C2A258BAACE42AD8925938EAE60E1E8"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Preparation of Federal Notices for Mineral Exploration and Mine Development Projects </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The preparation of Federal Register notices required by law associated with the issuance of a mineral exploration or mine permit shall be delegated to the organization level within the agency responsible for issuing the mineral exploration or mine permit. All Federal Register notices regarding official document availability, announcements of meetings, or notices of intent to undertake an action shall be originated and transmitted to the Federal Register from the office where documents are held, meetings are held, or the activity is initiated. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="HE7D993AEFD5F4C3CAC29D88D61194759"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Departmental Review of Federal Register Notices for Mineral Exploration and Mining Projects </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Absent any extraordinary circumstance or except as otherwise required by any Act of Congress, each Federal Register notice described in subsection (a) shall undergo any required reviews within the Department of the Interior or the Department of Agriculture and be published in its final form in the Federal Register no later than 30 days after its initial preparation. </text> </subsection> </section> </title> <title id="HBD3584DBC53E48FE92A311754020953F"> <enum> II </enum> <header> Judicial review of agency actions relating to Exploration and Mine Permits </header> <section id="H1F46DB8AD22C44989FCC64BE43EA4278"> <enum> 201. </enum> <header> Definitions for title </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> In this title the term <term> covered civil action </term> means a civil action against the Federal Government containing a claim under <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/5/702"> section 702 </external-xref> of title 5, United States Code, regarding agency action affecting a mineral exploration or mine permit. </text> </section> <section id="HF8B73FD6AA944C7BB8D5A4DA6CC3416D"> <enum> 202. </enum> <header> Timely filings </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> A covered civil action is barred unless filed no later than the end of the 60-day period beginning on the date of the final Federal agency action to which it relates. </text> </section> <section id="H152EED31252D4AF983F4AFC975A07332"> <enum> 203. </enum> <header> Right to intervene </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> The holder of any mineral exploration or mine permit may intervene as of right in any covered civil action by a person affecting rights or obligations of the permit holder under the permit. </text> </section> <section id="HB3044FEC516443409F8BD18009A34F44"> <enum> 204. </enum> <header> Expedition in hearing and determining the action </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> The court shall endeavor to hear and determine any covered civil action as expeditiously as possible. </text> </section> <section id="H9FC5D052419940AE8A55841F05191808"> <enum> 205. </enum> <header> Limitation on prospective relief </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> In a covered civil action, the court shall not grant or approve any prospective relief unless the court finds that such relief is narrowly drawn, extends no further than necessary to correct the violation of a legal requirement, and is the least intrusive means necessary to correct that violation. </text> </section> <section id="H39A5C838266340F5AB6BCAA1D199AC07"> <enum> 206. </enum> <header> Limitation on attorneys’ fees </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Sections 504 of title 5, United States Code, and 2412 of title 28, United States Code (together commonly called the Equal Access to Justice Act) do not apply to a covered civil action, nor shall any party in such a covered civil action receive payment from the Federal Government for their attorneys’ fees, expenses, and other court costs. </text> </section> </title> </legis-body> </bill>
I 113th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 761 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES February 15, 2013 Mr. Amodei (for himself, Mr. Gosar , Mr. Lamborn , Mr. Bishop of Utah , Mr. Jones , Mr. Walberg , Mr. Franks of Arizona , Mr. Heck of Nevada , Mr. Tipton , Mr. Walden , Mr. Stivers , Mr. Johnson of Ohio , Mr. Latta , Mr. Young of Alaska , Mr. Conaway , Mr. Benishek , Mr. Daines , Mr. Gardner , Mr. Schweikert , Mr. Matheson , Mr. Bishop of Georgia , Mr. Labrador , Mr. Stewart , Mr. Chaffetz , Mr. Salmon , Mr. Simpson , Mr. Gohmert , Mr. Pearce , and Mr. Luetkemeyer ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Natural Resources , and in addition to the Committee on the Judiciary , for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned A BILL To require the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Agriculture to more efficiently develop domestic sources of the minerals and mineral materials of strategic and critical importance to United States economic and national security and manufacturing competitiveness. 1. Short title This Act may be cited as the National Strategic and Critical Minerals Production Act of 2013 . 2. Findings Congress finds the following: (1) The industrialization of China and India has driven demand for nonfuel mineral commodities, sparking a period of resource nationalism exemplified by China’s reduction in exports of rare-earth elements necessary for telecommunications, military technologies, healthcare technologies, and conventional and renewable energy technologies. (2) The availability of minerals and mineral materials are essential for economic growth, national security, technological innovation, and the manufacturing and agricultural supply chain. (3) The exploration, production, processing, use, and recycling of minerals contribute significantly to the economic well-being, security and general welfare of the Nation. (4) The United States has vast mineral resources, but is becoming increasingly dependent upon foreign sources of these mineral materials, as demonstrated by the following: (A) Twenty-five years ago the United States was dependent on foreign sources for 30 nonfuel mineral materials, 6 of which the United States imported 100 percent of the Nation’s requirements, and for another 16 commodities the United States imported more than 60 percent of the Nation’s needs. (B) By 2011 the United States import dependence for nonfuel mineral materials had more than doubled from 30 to 67 commodities, 19 of which the United States imported 100 percent of the Nation’s requirements, and for another 24 commodities, imported more than 50 percent of the Nation’s needs. (C) The United States share of worldwide mineral exploration dollars was 8 percent in 2011, down from 19 percent in the early 1990s. (D) In the 2012 Ranking of Countries for Mining Investment, out of 25 major mining countries, the United States ranked last with Papua New Guinea in permitting delays, and towards the bottom regarding government take and social issues affecting mining. 3. Definitions In this Act: (1) Strategic and critical minerals The term strategic and critical minerals means minerals that are necessary— (A) for national defense and national security requirements; (B) for the Nation’s energy infrastructure, including pipelines, refining capacity, electrical power generation and transmission, and renewable energy production; (C) to support domestic manufacturing, agriculture, housing, telecommunications, healthcare, and transportation infrastructure; and (D) for the Nation’s economic security and balance of trade. (2) Agency The term agency means any agency, department, or other unit of Federal, State, local, or tribal government, or Alaska Native Corporation. (3) mineral exploration or mine permit The term mineral exploration or mine permit includes plans of operation issued by the Bureau of Land Management and the Forest Service pursuant to 43 C.F.R. 3809 and 36 C.F.R. 228A, respectively. I Development of Domestic Sources of Strategic and Critical Minerals 101. Improving development of strategic and critical minerals Domestic mines that will provide strategic and critical minerals shall be considered an infrastructure project as described in Presidential Order Improving Performance of Federal Permitting and Review of Infrastructure Projects dated March 22, 2012. 102. Responsibilities of the lead agency (a) In general The lead agency with responsibility for issuing a mineral exploration or mine permit shall appoint a project lead who shall coordinate and consult with other agencies, cooperating agencies, project proponents and contractors to ensure that agencies minimize delays, set and adhere to timelines and schedules for completion of reviews, set clear permitting goals and track progress against those goals. (b) Determination under NEPA The lead agency with responsibility for issuing a mineral exploration or mine permit shall determine any such action would not constitute a major Federal action significantly affecting the quality of the human environment within the meaning of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 if the procedural and substantive safeguards of the lead agency’s permitting process alone, any applicable State permitting process alone, or a combination of the two processes together provide an adequate mechanism to ensure that environmental factors are taken into account. (c) coordination on permitting and review The lead agency with responsibility for issuing a mineral exploration or mine permit shall enhance government coordination on permitting and review by avoiding duplicative reviews, minimizing paperwork and engaging other agencies and stakeholders early in the process. The lead agency shall consider the following best practices: (1) Deferring to and relying upon baseline data, analysis and reviews preformed by State agencies with jurisdiction over the proposed project. (2) Conducting reviews concurrently rather than sequentially to the extent practicable and when such concurrent review will expedite rather than delay a decision. (d) time limits for permit review process At the request of a project proponent, the project lead of the agency with responsibility for issuing a mineral exploration or mine permit shall enter into an agreement with the project proponent and other cooperating agencies that sets time limits for each part of the permit review process including the following: (1) The decision on whether to prepare a document required under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969. (2) A determination of the scope of any document required under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969. (3) The scope of and schedule for the baseline studies required to prepare a document required under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969. (4) Preparation of any draft document required under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969. (5) Preparation of a final document required under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969. (6) Consultations required under applicable laws. (7) Submission and review of any comments required under applicable law. (8) Publication of any public notices required under applicable law. (9) A final or any interim decisions. (e) Time limit for total review process In no case should the total review process described in subsection (d) exceed 30 months unless agreed to by the signatories of the agreement. (f) Limitation on addressing public comments The lead agency is not required to address agency or public comments that were not submitted during the public comment periods provided by the lead agency or otherwise required by law. (g) Financial assurance The lead agency will determine the amount of financial assurance for reclamation of a mineral exploration or mining site, which must cover the estimated cost if the lead agency were to contract with a third party to reclaim the operations according to the reclamation plan, including construction and maintenance costs for any treatment facilities necessary to meet Federal, State or tribal environmental standards. (h) Application to existing permit applications This section shall apply with respect to a mineral exploration or mine permit for which an application was submitted before the date of the enactment of this Act if the applicant for the permit submits a written request to the lead agency for the permit. The lead agency shall begin implementing this section with respect to such application within 30 days after receiving such written request. (i) Strategic and critical materials within National Forests With respect to strategic and critical materials within a federally administered unit of the National Forest System, the lead agency shall— (1) exempt all areas of identified mineral resources in Land Use Designations, other than Non-Development Land Use Designations, in existence as of the date of the enactment of this Act from the procedures detailed at and all rules promulgated under part 294 of title 36, Code for Federal Regulations; (2) apply such exemption to all additional routes and areas that the lead agency finds necessary to facilitate the construction, operation, maintenance, and restoration of the areas of identified mineral resources described in paragraph (1); and (3) continue to apply such exemptions after approval of the Minerals Plan of Operations for the unit of the National Forest System. 103. Conservation of the resource In developing the mineral exploration or mine permit, the priority of the lead agency shall be to maximize the development of the mineral resource, while mitigating environmental impacts, so that more of the mineral resource can be brought to the market place. 104. Federal register process for mineral exploration and mining projects (a) Preparation of Federal Notices for Mineral Exploration and Mine Development Projects The preparation of Federal Register notices required by law associated with the issuance of a mineral exploration or mine permit shall be delegated to the organization level within the agency responsible for issuing the mineral exploration or mine permit. All Federal Register notices regarding official document availability, announcements of meetings, or notices of intent to undertake an action shall be originated and transmitted to the Federal Register from the office where documents are held, meetings are held, or the activity is initiated. (b) Departmental Review of Federal Register Notices for Mineral Exploration and Mining Projects Absent any extraordinary circumstance or except as otherwise required by any Act of Congress, each Federal Register notice described in subsection (a) shall undergo any required reviews within the Department of the Interior or the Department of Agriculture and be published in its final form in the Federal Register no later than 30 days after its initial preparation. II Judicial review of agency actions relating to Exploration and Mine Permits 201. Definitions for title In this title the term covered civil action means a civil action against the Federal Government containing a claim under section 702 of title 5, United States Code, regarding agency action affecting a mineral exploration or mine permit. 202. Timely filings A covered civil action is barred unless filed no later than the end of the 60-day period beginning on the date of the final Federal agency action to which it relates. 203. Right to intervene The holder of any mineral exploration or mine permit may intervene as of right in any covered civil action by a person affecting rights or obligations of the permit holder under the permit. 204. Expedition in hearing and determining the action The court shall endeavor to hear and determine any covered civil action as expeditiously as possible. 205. Limitation on prospective relief In a covered civil action, the court shall not grant or approve any prospective relief unless the court finds that such relief is narrowly drawn, extends no further than necessary to correct the violation of a legal requirement, and is the least intrusive means necessary to correct that violation. 206. Limitation on attorneys’ fees Sections 504 of title 5, United States Code, and 2412 of title 28, United States Code (together commonly called the Equal Access to Justice Act) do not apply to a covered civil action, nor shall any party in such a covered civil action receive payment from the Federal Government for their attorneys’ fees, expenses, and other court costs.
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<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Referred-in-Senate" bill-type="olc" dms-id="HC500A2BE3C7F4A03B7402A721A3E8300" public-private="public" stage-count="1"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 761 : National Strategic and Critical Minerals Production Act of 2013 </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-09-19 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> IIB </distribution-code> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 761 </legis-num> <current-chamber display="yes"> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130919"> September 19, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> Received; read twice and referred to the <committee-name committee-id="SSEG00"> Committee on Energy and Natural Resources </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> AN ACT </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> To require the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Agriculture to more efficiently develop domestic sources of the minerals and mineral materials of strategic and critical importance to United States economic and national security and manufacturing competitiveness. </official-title> </form> <legis-body display-enacting-clause="yes-display-enacting-clause" id="HF8995E728E7E4390AF03BAE947C3685C" style="OLC"> <section id="HFCA8F956AEBA44DB8F294B9F6F9F1BB3" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Short title </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> This Act may be cited as the <quote> <short-title> National Strategic and Critical Minerals Production Act of 2013 </short-title> </quote> . </text> </section> <section id="H269CC742266845FE899DF94EAFA209D8"> <enum> 2. </enum> <header> Findings </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Congress finds the following: </text> <paragraph id="H5EF3878F610645248DC1A2B5AB61DBDA"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> The industrialization of China and India has driven demand for nonfuel mineral commodities, sparking a period of resource nationalism exemplified by China’s reduction in exports of rare-earth elements necessary for telecommunications, military technologies, healthcare technologies, and conventional and renewable energy technologies. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H18F97FA2105947F384653B6572F7A94C"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> The availability of minerals and mineral materials are essential for economic growth, national security, technological innovation, and the manufacturing and agricultural supply chain. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H183358613FE54899BAD205F09F571343"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> The exploration, production, processing, use, and recycling of minerals contribute significantly to the economic well-being, security and general welfare of the Nation. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HB67679F108BF402D877875DE85FF27CC"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> The United States has vast mineral resources, but is becoming increasingly dependent upon foreign sources of these mineral materials, as demonstrated by the following: </text> <subparagraph id="HDDAC8C80A37345A3938994C970F9506C"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> Twenty-five years ago the United States was dependent on foreign sources for 30 nonfuel mineral materials, 6 of which the United States imported 100 percent of the Nation’s requirements, and for another 16 commodities the United States imported more than 60 percent of the Nation’s needs. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HC377EBF291D4421287CF0907B19298BD"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> By 2011 the United States import dependence for nonfuel mineral materials had more than doubled from 30 to 67 commodities, 19 of which the United States imported 100 percent of the Nation’s requirements, and for another 24 commodities, imported more than 50 percent of the Nation’s needs. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HD250009B4FC64F738039A42FBA6D3441"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> The United States share of worldwide mineral exploration dollars was 8 percent in 2011, down from 19 percent in the early 1990s. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HC8F7AC568A4D4D0A98144388D1309A8D"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> In the 2012 Ranking of Countries for Mining Investment, out of 25 major mining countries, the United States ranked last with Papua New Guinea in permitting delays, and towards the bottom regarding government take and social issues affecting mining. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </section> <section id="H7D715DBDE2E54FBDBF4E715381FABF53"> <enum> 3. </enum> <header> Definitions </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> In this Act: </text> <paragraph id="H2C23A55D54A64B41970161796C53485E"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> Strategic and critical minerals </header> <text> The term <term> strategic and critical minerals </term> means minerals that are necessary— </text> <subparagraph id="H51C540BBB68B46089D23061FFF226602"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> for national defense and national security requirements; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H72E0F0E70DF04C32A30AC57CCB43FFFC"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> for the Nation’s energy infrastructure, including pipelines, refining capacity, electrical power generation and transmission, and renewable energy production; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H029A67A46EA6478FA56241347FDDCAB8"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> to support domestic manufacturing, agriculture, housing, telecommunications, healthcare, and transportation infrastructure; or </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HC6C0EF70211844FDAEFD803BA6423835"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text> for the Nation’s economic security and balance of trade. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H02851D162DF14B4AA704FFF0171A08F7"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Agency </header> <text> The term <term> agency </term> means any agency, department, or other unit of Federal, State, local, or tribal government, or Alaska Native Corporation. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HA04EF5520AA74B8FB246D11B01F9EE7D"> <enum> (3) </enum> <header> mineral exploration or mine permit </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The term <term> mineral exploration or mine permit </term> includes plans of operation issued by the Bureau of Land Management and the Forest Service pursuant to 43 CFR 3809 and 36 CFR 228A or the authorities listed in 43 CFR 3503.13, respectively. </text> </paragraph> </section> <title id="H8BF5710B45A943068776B1E1D9DE13A2"> <enum> I </enum> <header> Development of Domestic Sources of Strategic and Critical Minerals </header> <section id="H75F125656CEF4E6690E41A46F8721251"> <enum> 101. </enum> <header> Improving development of strategic and critical minerals </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Domestic mines that will provide strategic and critical minerals shall be considered an <term> infrastructure project </term> as described in Presidential Order <term> Improving Performance of Federal Permitting and Review of Infrastructure Projects </term> dated March 22, 2012. </text> </section> <section id="HADDD0850A9654E68A61C1E7E3914D2E0"> <enum> 102. </enum> <header> Responsibilities of the lead agency </header> <subsection display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H7F9A7BEA66724EE5A9D05743F1CA5B33"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The lead agency with responsibility for issuing a mineral exploration or mine permit shall appoint a project lead who shall coordinate and consult with cooperating agencies and any other agency involved in the permitting process, project proponents and contractors to ensure that agencies minimize delays, set and adhere to timelines and schedules for completion of the permitting process, set clear permitting goals and track progress against those goals. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H1548F7A4D57D437DBD0AEF701895255D"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Determination under NEPA </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> To the extent that the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 applies to any mineral exploration or mine permit, the lead agency with responsibility for issuing a mineral exploration or mine permit shall determine that the action to approve the exploration or mine permit does not constitute a major Federal action significantly affecting the quality of the human environment within the meaning of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 if the procedural and substantive safeguards of the permitting process alone, any applicable State permitting process alone, or a combination of the two processes together provide an adequate mechanism to ensure that environmental factors are taken into account. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="HBA6D6B7DEA204ABCBE519FD2FBE9F54F"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> coordination on permitting process </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The lead agency with responsibility for issuing a mineral exploration or mine permit shall enhance government coordination for the permitting process by avoiding duplicative reviews, minimizing paperwork and engaging other agencies and stakeholders early in the process. The lead agency shall consider the following best practices: </text> <paragraph id="H094B093C782B4BD8991F852544AA21F1"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Deferring to and relying upon baseline data, analyses and reviews performed by State agencies with jurisdiction over the proposed project. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H7A1049DDBEC4468D9E5A8088B1ECFA63"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Conducting any consultations or reviews concurrently rather than sequentially to the extent practicable and when such concurrent review will expedite rather than delay a decision. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HF96A00105EB941AEB7D8C9858F3DDD1E"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header> Schedule for permitting process </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> At the request of a project proponent, the lead agency, cooperating agencies and any other agencies involved with the mineral exploration or mine permitting process shall enter into an agreement with the project proponent that sets time limits for each part of the permitting process including the following: </text> <paragraph id="H07621C7726BF47DB9F4A57EADF1745E4"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The decision on whether to prepare a document required under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HC54AA02252A745D0A611F57D14749E35"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> A determination of the scope of any document required under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H871C90AF9742491899851E76B4E64B17"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> The scope of and schedule for the baseline studies required to prepare a document required under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H7007EB7595034ECD967054C5FC9F2D03"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Preparation of any draft document required under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H4E36D948078D4D68B69E4FAB58210AC6"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Preparation of a final document required under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H34A4C669B0D24CA28DEC08F596BD1A4C"> <enum> (6) </enum> <text> Consultations required under applicable laws. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HC5F57573C6A34180AF9586DA0816BC4A"> <enum> (7) </enum> <text> Submission and review of any comments required under applicable law. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HAC17189968944BDE84E521A432AC6656"> <enum> (8) </enum> <text> Publication of any public notices required under applicable law. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HEA8B9F86DD154A3AA6965CFEDF5D2085"> <enum> (9) </enum> <text> A final or any interim decisions. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HE0672B5FCC324D33AB3261BFBBCD4C68"> <enum> (e) </enum> <header> Time limit for permitting process </header> <text> In no case should the total review process described in subsection (d) exceed 30 months unless agreed to by the signatories of the agreement. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="HD208D6FB0FB441FDB8B4B3D16214C07D"> <enum> (f) </enum> <header> Limitation on addressing public comments </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The lead agency is not required to address agency or public comments that were not submitted during any public comment periods or consultation periods provided during the permitting process or as otherwise required by law. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H953F9367CCF3486C8BF5D4EFBBFF4B30"> <enum> (g) </enum> <header> Financial assurance </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The lead agency will determine the amount of financial assurance for reclamation of a mineral exploration or mining site, which must cover the estimated cost if the lead agency were to contract with a third party to reclaim the operations according to the reclamation plan, including construction and maintenance costs for any treatment facilities necessary to meet Federal, State or tribal environmental standards. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="HB100BC7065FC4B1C96243858C5A2EC77"> <enum> (h) </enum> <header> Application to existing permit applications </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> This section shall apply with respect to a mineral exploration or mine permit for which an application was submitted before the date of the enactment of this Act if the applicant for the permit submits a written request to the lead agency for the permit. The lead agency shall begin implementing this section with respect to such application within 30 days after receiving such written request. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H0D580E96910C445198B75397693BE353"> <enum> (i) </enum> <header> Strategic and critical minerals within National Forests </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> With respect to strategic and critical minerals within a federally administered unit of the National Forest System, the lead agency shall— </text> <paragraph id="H2057E3E0CF6B4CD0B756EABE5F5D8D42"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> exempt all areas of identified mineral resources in Land Use Designations, other than Non-Development Land Use Designations, in existence as of the date of the enactment of this Act from the procedures detailed at and all rules promulgated under part 294 of title 36, Code for Federal Regulations; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H2AB353C541234DD891183C8528EE2D67"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> apply such exemption to all additional routes and areas that the lead agency finds necessary to facilitate the construction, operation, maintenance, and restoration of the areas of identified mineral resources described in paragraph (1); and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H75EF9EEE2942444FA3982F5746BC993C"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> continue to apply such exemptions after approval of the Minerals Plan of Operations for the unit of the National Forest System. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> </section> <section commented="no" id="H966B4E1E73254C02A8CC596CCD780EFF"> <enum> 103. </enum> <header> Conservation of the resource </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> In evaluating and issuing any mineral exploration or mine permit, the priority of the lead agency shall be to maximize the development of the mineral resource, while mitigating environmental impacts, so that more of the mineral resource can be brought to the market place. </text> </section> <section id="H1A06894511D64EEFAE161A9DE8AC62CF"> <enum> 104. </enum> <header> Federal register process for mineral exploration and mining projects </header> <subsection id="HF6693E5496E049B2BF649B855A7A730B"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Preparation of Federal Notices for Mineral Exploration and Mine Development Projects </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The preparation of Federal Register notices required by law associated with the issuance of a mineral exploration or mine permit shall be delegated to the organization level within the agency responsible for issuing the mineral exploration or mine permit. All Federal Register notices regarding official document availability, announcements of meetings, or notices of intent to undertake an action shall be originated and transmitted to the Federal Register from the office where documents are held, meetings are held, or the activity is initiated. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H8FCB851695F546E192DE699403185AF0"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Departmental Review of Federal Register Notices for Mineral Exploration and Mining Projects </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Absent any extraordinary circumstance or except as otherwise required by any Act of Congress, each Federal Register notice described in subsection (a) shall undergo any required reviews within the Department of the Interior or the Department of Agriculture and be published in its final form in the Federal Register no later than 30 days after its initial preparation. </text> </subsection> </section> </title> <title id="H1BE893004FD746DDBF4E37868FA1C83B"> <enum> II </enum> <header> Judicial review of agency actions relating to Exploration and Mine Permits </header> <section id="HF2D0EDA194D6452F9437489AC8B2BF63"> <enum> 201. </enum> <header> Definitions for title </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> In this title the term <term> covered civil action </term> means a civil action against the Federal Government containing a claim under <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/5/702"> section 702 </external-xref> of title 5, United States Code, regarding agency action affecting a mineral exploration or mine permit. </text> </section> <section id="H60594D8B186341E9867E936BFBE877CE"> <enum> 202. </enum> <header> Timely filings </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> A covered civil action is barred unless filed no later than the end of the 60-day period beginning on the date of the final Federal agency action to which it relates. </text> </section> <section id="HFBB635B08AD34F34BDC8F6A013782B63"> <enum> 203. </enum> <header> Right to intervene </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> The holder of any mineral exploration or mine permit may intervene as of right in any covered civil action by a person affecting rights or obligations of the permit holder under the permit. </text> </section> <section id="HB2581AD34E8840B288C5EA098BEF459C"> <enum> 204. </enum> <header> Expedition in hearing and determining the action </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> The court shall endeavor to hear and determine any covered civil action as expeditiously as possible. </text> </section> <section id="HB8C66CCFF658433489B0B5936296747C"> <enum> 205. </enum> <header> Limitation on prospective relief </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> In a covered civil action, the court shall not grant or approve any prospective relief unless the court finds that such relief is narrowly drawn, extends no further than necessary to correct the violation of a legal requirement, and is the least intrusive means necessary to correct that violation. </text> </section> <section id="H0894BDD26889400AA40F52BC0AC01792"> <enum> 206. </enum> <header> Limitation on attorneys’ fees </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Sections 504 of title 5, United States Code, and 2412 of title 28, United States Code (together commonly called the Equal Access to Justice Act) do not apply to a covered civil action, nor shall any party in such a covered civil action receive payment from the Federal Government for their attorneys’ fees, expenses, and other court costs. </text> </section> </title> <title id="H07435C1AE83D465BB611F57431CE9668"> <enum> III </enum> <header> Miscellaneous Provisions </header> <section id="H466EC1179722482CA1938DC177ABAE68"> <enum> 301. </enum> <header> Secretarial order not affected </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Nothing in this Act shall be construed as to affect any aspect of Secretarial Order 3324, issued by the Secretary of the Interior on December 3, 2012, with respect to potash and oil and gas operators. </text> </section> </title> </legis-body> <attestation> <attestation-group> <attestation-date chamber="House" date="20130918"> Passed the House of Representatives September 18, 2013. </attestation-date> <attestor display="yes"> Karen L. Haas, </attestor> <role> Clerk </role> </attestation-group> </attestation> </bill>
IIB 113th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 761 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES September 19, 2013 Received; read twice and referred to the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources AN ACT To require the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Agriculture to more efficiently develop domestic sources of the minerals and mineral materials of strategic and critical importance to United States economic and national security and manufacturing competitiveness. 1. Short title This Act may be cited as the National Strategic and Critical Minerals Production Act of 2013 . 2. Findings Congress finds the following: (1) The industrialization of China and India has driven demand for nonfuel mineral commodities, sparking a period of resource nationalism exemplified by China’s reduction in exports of rare-earth elements necessary for telecommunications, military technologies, healthcare technologies, and conventional and renewable energy technologies. (2) The availability of minerals and mineral materials are essential for economic growth, national security, technological innovation, and the manufacturing and agricultural supply chain. (3) The exploration, production, processing, use, and recycling of minerals contribute significantly to the economic well-being, security and general welfare of the Nation. (4) The United States has vast mineral resources, but is becoming increasingly dependent upon foreign sources of these mineral materials, as demonstrated by the following: (A) Twenty-five years ago the United States was dependent on foreign sources for 30 nonfuel mineral materials, 6 of which the United States imported 100 percent of the Nation’s requirements, and for another 16 commodities the United States imported more than 60 percent of the Nation’s needs. (B) By 2011 the United States import dependence for nonfuel mineral materials had more than doubled from 30 to 67 commodities, 19 of which the United States imported 100 percent of the Nation’s requirements, and for another 24 commodities, imported more than 50 percent of the Nation’s needs. (C) The United States share of worldwide mineral exploration dollars was 8 percent in 2011, down from 19 percent in the early 1990s. (D) In the 2012 Ranking of Countries for Mining Investment, out of 25 major mining countries, the United States ranked last with Papua New Guinea in permitting delays, and towards the bottom regarding government take and social issues affecting mining. 3. Definitions In this Act: (1) Strategic and critical minerals The term strategic and critical minerals means minerals that are necessary— (A) for national defense and national security requirements; (B) for the Nation’s energy infrastructure, including pipelines, refining capacity, electrical power generation and transmission, and renewable energy production; (C) to support domestic manufacturing, agriculture, housing, telecommunications, healthcare, and transportation infrastructure; or (D) for the Nation’s economic security and balance of trade. (2) Agency The term agency means any agency, department, or other unit of Federal, State, local, or tribal government, or Alaska Native Corporation. (3) mineral exploration or mine permit The term mineral exploration or mine permit includes plans of operation issued by the Bureau of Land Management and the Forest Service pursuant to 43 CFR 3809 and 36 CFR 228A or the authorities listed in 43 CFR 3503.13, respectively. I Development of Domestic Sources of Strategic and Critical Minerals 101. Improving development of strategic and critical minerals Domestic mines that will provide strategic and critical minerals shall be considered an infrastructure project as described in Presidential Order Improving Performance of Federal Permitting and Review of Infrastructure Projects dated March 22, 2012. 102. Responsibilities of the lead agency (a) In general The lead agency with responsibility for issuing a mineral exploration or mine permit shall appoint a project lead who shall coordinate and consult with cooperating agencies and any other agency involved in the permitting process, project proponents and contractors to ensure that agencies minimize delays, set and adhere to timelines and schedules for completion of the permitting process, set clear permitting goals and track progress against those goals. (b) Determination under NEPA To the extent that the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 applies to any mineral exploration or mine permit, the lead agency with responsibility for issuing a mineral exploration or mine permit shall determine that the action to approve the exploration or mine permit does not constitute a major Federal action significantly affecting the quality of the human environment within the meaning of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 if the procedural and substantive safeguards of the permitting process alone, any applicable State permitting process alone, or a combination of the two processes together provide an adequate mechanism to ensure that environmental factors are taken into account. (c) coordination on permitting process The lead agency with responsibility for issuing a mineral exploration or mine permit shall enhance government coordination for the permitting process by avoiding duplicative reviews, minimizing paperwork and engaging other agencies and stakeholders early in the process. The lead agency shall consider the following best practices: (1) Deferring to and relying upon baseline data, analyses and reviews performed by State agencies with jurisdiction over the proposed project. (2) Conducting any consultations or reviews concurrently rather than sequentially to the extent practicable and when such concurrent review will expedite rather than delay a decision. (d) Schedule for permitting process At the request of a project proponent, the lead agency, cooperating agencies and any other agencies involved with the mineral exploration or mine permitting process shall enter into an agreement with the project proponent that sets time limits for each part of the permitting process including the following: (1) The decision on whether to prepare a document required under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969. (2) A determination of the scope of any document required under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969. (3) The scope of and schedule for the baseline studies required to prepare a document required under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969. (4) Preparation of any draft document required under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969. (5) Preparation of a final document required under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969. (6) Consultations required under applicable laws. (7) Submission and review of any comments required under applicable law. (8) Publication of any public notices required under applicable law. (9) A final or any interim decisions. (e) Time limit for permitting process In no case should the total review process described in subsection (d) exceed 30 months unless agreed to by the signatories of the agreement. (f) Limitation on addressing public comments The lead agency is not required to address agency or public comments that were not submitted during any public comment periods or consultation periods provided during the permitting process or as otherwise required by law. (g) Financial assurance The lead agency will determine the amount of financial assurance for reclamation of a mineral exploration or mining site, which must cover the estimated cost if the lead agency were to contract with a third party to reclaim the operations according to the reclamation plan, including construction and maintenance costs for any treatment facilities necessary to meet Federal, State or tribal environmental standards. (h) Application to existing permit applications This section shall apply with respect to a mineral exploration or mine permit for which an application was submitted before the date of the enactment of this Act if the applicant for the permit submits a written request to the lead agency for the permit. The lead agency shall begin implementing this section with respect to such application within 30 days after receiving such written request. (i) Strategic and critical minerals within National Forests With respect to strategic and critical minerals within a federally administered unit of the National Forest System, the lead agency shall— (1) exempt all areas of identified mineral resources in Land Use Designations, other than Non-Development Land Use Designations, in existence as of the date of the enactment of this Act from the procedures detailed at and all rules promulgated under part 294 of title 36, Code for Federal Regulations; (2) apply such exemption to all additional routes and areas that the lead agency finds necessary to facilitate the construction, operation, maintenance, and restoration of the areas of identified mineral resources described in paragraph (1); and (3) continue to apply such exemptions after approval of the Minerals Plan of Operations for the unit of the National Forest System. 103. Conservation of the resource In evaluating and issuing any mineral exploration or mine permit, the priority of the lead agency shall be to maximize the development of the mineral resource, while mitigating environmental impacts, so that more of the mineral resource can be brought to the market place. 104. Federal register process for mineral exploration and mining projects (a) Preparation of Federal Notices for Mineral Exploration and Mine Development Projects The preparation of Federal Register notices required by law associated with the issuance of a mineral exploration or mine permit shall be delegated to the organization level within the agency responsible for issuing the mineral exploration or mine permit. All Federal Register notices regarding official document availability, announcements of meetings, or notices of intent to undertake an action shall be originated and transmitted to the Federal Register from the office where documents are held, meetings are held, or the activity is initiated. (b) Departmental Review of Federal Register Notices for Mineral Exploration and Mining Projects Absent any extraordinary circumstance or except as otherwise required by any Act of Congress, each Federal Register notice described in subsection (a) shall undergo any required reviews within the Department of the Interior or the Department of Agriculture and be published in its final form in the Federal Register no later than 30 days after its initial preparation. II Judicial review of agency actions relating to Exploration and Mine Permits 201. Definitions for title In this title the term covered civil action means a civil action against the Federal Government containing a claim under section 702 of title 5, United States Code, regarding agency action affecting a mineral exploration or mine permit. 202. Timely filings A covered civil action is barred unless filed no later than the end of the 60-day period beginning on the date of the final Federal agency action to which it relates. 203. Right to intervene The holder of any mineral exploration or mine permit may intervene as of right in any covered civil action by a person affecting rights or obligations of the permit holder under the permit. 204. Expedition in hearing and determining the action The court shall endeavor to hear and determine any covered civil action as expeditiously as possible. 205. Limitation on prospective relief In a covered civil action, the court shall not grant or approve any prospective relief unless the court finds that such relief is narrowly drawn, extends no further than necessary to correct the violation of a legal requirement, and is the least intrusive means necessary to correct that violation. 206. Limitation on attorneys’ fees Sections 504 of title 5, United States Code, and 2412 of title 28, United States Code (together commonly called the Equal Access to Justice Act) do not apply to a covered civil action, nor shall any party in such a covered civil action receive payment from the Federal Government for their attorneys’ fees, expenses, and other court costs. III Miscellaneous Provisions 301. Secretarial order not affected Nothing in this Act shall be construed as to affect any aspect of Secretarial Order 3324, issued by the Secretary of the Interior on December 3, 2012, with respect to potash and oil and gas operators. Passed the House of Representatives September 18, 2013. Karen L. Haas, Clerk
2023-01-07 09:23:02.346
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Reported-in-House" bill-type="olc" dms-id="HC500A2BE3C7F4A03B7402A721A3E8300" public-private="public"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 761 RH: National Strategic and Critical Minerals Production Act of 2013 </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-07-08 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> IB </distribution-code> <calendar display="yes"> Union Calendar No. 100 </calendar> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 761 </legis-num> <associated-doc display="yes" role="report"> [Report No. 113–138, Part I] </associated-doc> <current-chamber display="yes"> IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130215"> February 15, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="A000369"> Mr. Amodei </sponsor> (for himself, <cosponsor name-id="G000565"> Mr. Gosar </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="L000564"> Mr. Lamborn </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="B001250"> Mr. Bishop of Utah </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="J000255"> Mr. Jones </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="W000798"> Mr. Walberg </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="F000448"> Mr. Franks of Arizona </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="H001055"> Mr. Heck of Nevada </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="T000470"> Mr. Tipton </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="W000791"> Mr. Walden </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S001187"> Mr. Stivers </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="J000292"> Mr. Johnson of Ohio </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="L000566"> Mr. Latta </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="Y000033"> Mr. Young of Alaska </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="C001062"> Mr. Conaway </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="B001271"> Mr. Benishek </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="D000618"> Mr. Daines </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="G000562"> Mr. Gardner </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S001183"> Mr. Schweikert </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="M001142"> Mr. Matheson </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="B000490"> Mr. Bishop of Georgia </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="L000573"> Mr. Labrador </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S001192"> Mr. Stewart </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="C001076"> Mr. Chaffetz </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S000018"> Mr. Salmon </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S001148"> Mr. Simpson </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="G000552"> Mr. Gohmert </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="P000588"> Mr. Pearce </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="L000569"> Mr. Luetkemeyer </cosponsor> ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the <committee-name added-display-style="italic" committee-id="HII00" deleted-display-style="strikethrough"> Committee on Natural Resources </committee-name> , and in addition to the Committee on the <committee-name committee-id="HJU00"> Judiciary </committee-name> , for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned </action-desc> </action> <action> <action-date date="20130708"> July 8, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> Additional sponsors: <cosponsor name-id="C001077"> Mr. Coffman </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S001189"> Mr. Austin Scott of Georgia </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="M001177"> Mr. McClintock </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="F000458"> Mr. Fincher </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="G000560"> Mr. Graves of Georgia </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="L000571"> Mrs. Lummis </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S001186"> Mr. Southerland </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S001179"> Mr. Schock </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="F000461"> Mr. Flores </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="H001052"> Mr. Harris </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="C001096"> Mr. Cramer </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="G000569"> Mr. Grimm </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="B001256"> Mrs. Bachmann </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="B001275"> Mr. Bucshon </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="D000615"> Mr. Duncan of South Carolina </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="N000186"> Mr. Nunnelee </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="W000814"> Mr. Weber of Texas </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="R000572"> Mr. Rogers of Michigan </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="R000593"> Mr. Ross </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="K000363"> Mr. Kline </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="M001159"> Mrs. McMorris Rodgers </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="L000576"> Mr. Long </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="M001187"> Mr. Meadows </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="R000596"> Mr. Radel </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="W000796"> Mr. Westmoreland </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="T000467"> Mr. Thompson of Pennsylvania </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="D000600"> Mr. Diaz-Balart </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="M001150"> Mrs. Miller of Michigan </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="R000409"> Mr. Rohrabacher </cosponsor> </action-desc> </action> <action> <action-desc> <pagebreak/> </action-desc> </action> <action> <action-date date="20130708"> July 8, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> Reported from the <committee-name added-display-style="italic" committee-id="HII00" deleted-display-style="strikethrough"> Committee on Natural Resources </committee-name> with an amendment </action-desc> <action-instruction> Strike out all after the enacting clause and insert the part printed in italic </action-instruction> </action> <action> <action-date date="20130708"> July 8, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> The <committee-name committee-id="HJU00"> Committee on the Judiciary </committee-name> discharged; committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union and ordered to be printed </action-desc> <action-instruction> For text of introduced bill, see copy of bill as introduced on February 15, 2013 </action-instruction> </action> <legis-type> A BILL </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> To require the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Agriculture to more efficiently develop domestic sources of the minerals and mineral materials of strategic and critical importance to United States economic and national security and manufacturing competitiveness. <pagebreak/> </official-title> </form> <legis-body changed="added" committee-id="HII00" display-enacting-clause="yes-display-enacting-clause" id="HF8995E728E7E4390AF03BAE947C3685C" reported-display-style="italic" style="OLC"> <section id="HFCA8F956AEBA44DB8F294B9F6F9F1BB3" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Short title </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> This Act may be cited as the <quote> <short-title> National Strategic and Critical Minerals Production Act of 2013 </short-title> </quote> . </text> </section> <section id="H269CC742266845FE899DF94EAFA209D8"> <enum> 2. </enum> <header> Findings </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Congress finds the following: </text> <paragraph id="H5EF3878F610645248DC1A2B5AB61DBDA"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> The industrialization of China and India has driven demand for nonfuel mineral commodities, sparking a period of resource nationalism exemplified by China’s reduction in exports of rare-earth elements necessary for telecommunications, military technologies, healthcare technologies, and conventional and renewable energy technologies. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H18F97FA2105947F384653B6572F7A94C"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> The availability of minerals and mineral materials are essential for economic growth, national security, technological innovation, and the manufacturing and agricultural supply chain. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H183358613FE54899BAD205F09F571343"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> The exploration, production, processing, use, and recycling of minerals contribute significantly to the economic well-being, security and general welfare of the Nation. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HB67679F108BF402D877875DE85FF27CC"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> The United States has vast mineral resources, but is becoming increasingly dependent upon foreign sources of these mineral materials, as demonstrated by the following: </text> <subparagraph id="HDDAC8C80A37345A3938994C970F9506C"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> Twenty-five years ago the United States was dependent on foreign sources for 30 nonfuel mineral materials, 6 of which the United States imported 100 percent of the Nation’s requirements, and for another 16 commodities the United States imported more than 60 percent of the Nation’s needs. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HC377EBF291D4421287CF0907B19298BD"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> By 2011 the United States import dependence for nonfuel mineral materials had more than doubled from 30 to 67 commodities, 19 of which the United States imported 100 percent of the Nation’s requirements, and for another 24 commodities, imported more than 50 percent of the Nation’s needs. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HD250009B4FC64F738039A42FBA6D3441"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> The United States share of worldwide mineral exploration dollars was 8 percent in 2011, down from 19 percent in the early 1990s. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HC8F7AC568A4D4D0A98144388D1309A8D"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> In the 2012 Ranking of Countries for Mining Investment, out of 25 major mining countries, the United States ranked last with Papua New Guinea in permitting delays, and towards the bottom regarding government take and social issues affecting mining. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </section> <section id="H7D715DBDE2E54FBDBF4E715381FABF53"> <enum> 3. </enum> <header> Definitions </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> In this Act: </text> <paragraph id="H2C23A55D54A64B41970161796C53485E"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> Strategic and critical minerals </header> <text> The term <term> strategic and critical minerals </term> means minerals that are necessary— </text> <subparagraph id="H51C540BBB68B46089D23061FFF226602"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> for national defense and national security requirements; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H72E0F0E70DF04C32A30AC57CCB43FFFC"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> for the Nation’s energy infrastructure, including pipelines, refining capacity, electrical power generation and transmission, and renewable energy production; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H029A67A46EA6478FA56241347FDDCAB8"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> to support domestic manufacturing, agriculture, housing, telecommunications, healthcare, and transportation infrastructure; or </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HC6C0EF70211844FDAEFD803BA6423835"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text> for the Nation’s economic security and balance of trade. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H02851D162DF14B4AA704FFF0171A08F7"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Agency </header> <text> The term <term> agency </term> means any agency, department, or other unit of Federal, State, local, or tribal government, or Alaska Native Corporation. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HA04EF5520AA74B8FB246D11B01F9EE7D"> <enum> (3) </enum> <header> mineral exploration or mine permit </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The term <term> mineral exploration or mine permit </term> includes plans of operation issued by the Bureau of Land Management and the Forest Service pursuant to 43 C.F.R. 3809 and 36 C.F.R. 228A or the authorities listed in 43 C.F.R. 3503.13, respectively. </text> </paragraph> </section> <title id="H8BF5710B45A943068776B1E1D9DE13A2"> <enum> I </enum> <header> Development of Domestic Sources of Strategic and Critical Minerals </header> <section id="H75F125656CEF4E6690E41A46F8721251"> <enum> 101. </enum> <header> Improving development of strategic and critical minerals </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Domestic mines that will provide strategic and critical minerals shall be considered an <term> infrastructure project </term> as described in Presidential Order <term> Improving Performance of Federal Permitting and Review of Infrastructure Projects </term> dated March 22, 2012. </text> </section> <section id="HADDD0850A9654E68A61C1E7E3914D2E0"> <enum> 102. </enum> <header> Responsibilities of the lead agency </header> <subsection display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H7F9A7BEA66724EE5A9D05743F1CA5B33"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The lead agency with responsibility for issuing a mineral exploration or mine permit shall appoint a project lead who shall coordinate and consult with cooperating agencies and any other agency involved in the permitting process, project proponents and contractors to ensure that agencies minimize delays, set and adhere to timelines and schedules for completion of the permitting process, set clear permitting goals and track progress against those goals. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H1548F7A4D57D437DBD0AEF701895255D"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Determination under NEPA </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> To the extent that the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 applies to any mineral exploration or mine permit, the lead agency with responsibility for issuing a mineral exploration or mine permit shall determine that the action to approve the exploration or mine permit does not constitute a major Federal action significantly affecting the quality of the human environment within the meaning of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 if the procedural and substantive safeguards of the permitting process alone, any applicable State permitting process alone, or a combination of the two processes together provide an adequate mechanism to ensure that environmental factors are taken into account. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="HBA6D6B7DEA204ABCBE519FD2FBE9F54F"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> coordination on permitting process </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The lead agency with responsibility for issuing a mineral exploration or mine permit shall enhance government coordination for the permitting process by avoiding duplicative reviews, minimizing paperwork and engaging other agencies and stakeholders early in the process. The lead agency shall consider the following best practices: </text> <paragraph id="H094B093C782B4BD8991F852544AA21F1"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Deferring to and relying upon baseline data, analyses and reviews performed by State agencies with jurisdiction over the proposed project. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H7A1049DDBEC4468D9E5A8088B1ECFA63"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Conducting any consultations or reviews concurrently rather than sequentially to the extent practicable and when such concurrent review will expedite rather than delay a decision. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HF96A00105EB941AEB7D8C9858F3DDD1E"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header> Schedule for permitting process </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> At the request of a project proponent, the lead agency, cooperating agencies and any other agencies involved with the mineral exploration or mine permitting process shall enter into an agreement with the project proponent that sets time limits for each part of the permitting process including the following: </text> <paragraph id="H07621C7726BF47DB9F4A57EADF1745E4"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The decision on whether to prepare a document required under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HC54AA02252A745D0A611F57D14749E35"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> A determination of the scope of any document required under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H871C90AF9742491899851E76B4E64B17"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> The scope of and schedule for the baseline studies required to prepare a document required under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H7007EB7595034ECD967054C5FC9F2D03"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Preparation of any draft document required under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H4E36D948078D4D68B69E4FAB58210AC6"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Preparation of a final document required under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H34A4C669B0D24CA28DEC08F596BD1A4C"> <enum> (6) </enum> <text> Consultations required under applicable laws. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HC5F57573C6A34180AF9586DA0816BC4A"> <enum> (7) </enum> <text> Submission and review of any comments required under applicable law. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HAC17189968944BDE84E521A432AC6656"> <enum> (8) </enum> <text> Publication of any public notices required under applicable law. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HEA8B9F86DD154A3AA6965CFEDF5D2085"> <enum> (9) </enum> <text> A final or any interim decisions. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HE0672B5FCC324D33AB3261BFBBCD4C68"> <enum> (e) </enum> <header> Time limit for permitting process </header> <text> In no case should the total review process described in subsection (d) exceed 30 months unless agreed to by the signatories of the agreement. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="HD208D6FB0FB441FDB8B4B3D16214C07D"> <enum> (f) </enum> <header> Limitation on addressing public comments </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The lead agency is not required to address agency or public comments that were not submitted during any public comment periods or consultation periods provided during the permitting process or as otherwise required by law. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H953F9367CCF3486C8BF5D4EFBBFF4B30"> <enum> (g) </enum> <header> Financial assurance </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The lead agency will determine the amount of financial assurance for reclamation of a mineral exploration or mining site, which must cover the estimated cost if the lead agency were to contract with a third party to reclaim the operations according to the reclamation plan, including construction and maintenance costs for any treatment facilities necessary to meet Federal, State or tribal environmental standards. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="HB100BC7065FC4B1C96243858C5A2EC77"> <enum> (h) </enum> <header> Application to existing permit applications </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> This section shall apply with respect to a mineral exploration or mine permit for which an application was submitted before the date of the enactment of this Act if the applicant for the permit submits a written request to the lead agency for the permit. The lead agency shall begin implementing this section with respect to such application within 30 days after receiving such written request. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H0D580E96910C445198B75397693BE353"> <enum> (i) </enum> <header> Strategic and critical minerals within National Forests </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> With respect to strategic and critical minerals within a federally administered unit of the National Forest System, the lead agency shall— </text> <paragraph id="H2057E3E0CF6B4CD0B756EABE5F5D8D42"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> exempt all areas of identified mineral resources in Land Use Designations, other than Non-Development Land Use Designations, in existence as of the date of the enactment of this Act from the procedures detailed at and all rules promulgated under part 294 of title 36, Code for Federal Regulations; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H2AB353C541234DD891183C8528EE2D67"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> apply such exemption to all additional routes and areas that the lead agency finds necessary to facilitate the construction, operation, maintenance, and restoration of the areas of identified mineral resources described in paragraph (1); and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H75EF9EEE2942444FA3982F5746BC993C"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> continue to apply such exemptions after approval of the Minerals Plan of Operations for the unit of the National Forest System. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> </section> <section commented="no" id="H966B4E1E73254C02A8CC596CCD780EFF"> <enum> 103. </enum> <header> Conservation of the resource </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> In evaluating and issuing any mineral exploration or mine permit, the priority of the lead agency shall be to maximize the development of the mineral resource, while mitigating environmental impacts, so that more of the mineral resource can be brought to the market place. </text> </section> <section id="H1A06894511D64EEFAE161A9DE8AC62CF"> <enum> 104. </enum> <header> Federal register process for mineral exploration and mining projects </header> <subsection id="HF6693E5496E049B2BF649B855A7A730B"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Preparation of Federal Notices for Mineral Exploration and Mine Development Projects </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The preparation of Federal Register notices required by law associated with the issuance of a mineral exploration or mine permit shall be delegated to the organization level within the agency responsible for issuing the mineral exploration or mine permit. All Federal Register notices regarding official document availability, announcements of meetings, or notices of intent to undertake an action shall be originated and transmitted to the Federal Register from the office where documents are held, meetings are held, or the activity is initiated. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H8FCB851695F546E192DE699403185AF0"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Departmental Review of Federal Register Notices for Mineral Exploration and Mining Projects </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Absent any extraordinary circumstance or except as otherwise required by any Act of Congress, each Federal Register notice described in subsection (a) shall undergo any required reviews within the Department of the Interior or the Department of Agriculture and be published in its final form in the Federal Register no later than 30 days after its initial preparation. </text> </subsection> </section> </title> <title id="H1BE893004FD746DDBF4E37868FA1C83B"> <enum> II </enum> <header> Judicial review of agency actions relating to Exploration and Mine Permits </header> <section id="HF2D0EDA194D6452F9437489AC8B2BF63"> <enum> 201. </enum> <header> Definitions for title </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> In this title the term <term> covered civil action </term> means a civil action against the Federal Government containing a claim under <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/5/702"> section 702 </external-xref> of title 5, United States Code, regarding agency action affecting a mineral exploration or mine permit. </text> </section> <section id="H60594D8B186341E9867E936BFBE877CE"> <enum> 202. </enum> <header> Timely filings </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> A covered civil action is barred unless filed no later than the end of the 60-day period beginning on the date of the final Federal agency action to which it relates. </text> </section> <section id="HFBB635B08AD34F34BDC8F6A013782B63"> <enum> 203. </enum> <header> Right to intervene </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> The holder of any mineral exploration or mine permit may intervene as of right in any covered civil action by a person affecting rights or obligations of the permit holder under the permit. </text> </section> <section id="HB2581AD34E8840B288C5EA098BEF459C"> <enum> 204. </enum> <header> Expedition in hearing and determining the action </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> The court shall endeavor to hear and determine any covered civil action as expeditiously as possible. </text> </section> <section id="HB8C66CCFF658433489B0B5936296747C"> <enum> 205. </enum> <header> Limitation on prospective relief </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> In a covered civil action, the court shall not grant or approve any prospective relief unless the court finds that such relief is narrowly drawn, extends no further than necessary to correct the violation of a legal requirement, and is the least intrusive means necessary to correct that violation. </text> </section> <section id="H0894BDD26889400AA40F52BC0AC01792"> <enum> 206. </enum> <header> Limitation on attorneys’ fees </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Sections 504 of title 5, United States Code, and 2412 of title 28, United States Code (together commonly called the Equal Access to Justice Act) do not apply to a covered civil action, nor shall any party in such a covered civil action receive payment from the Federal Government for their attorneys’ fees, expenses, and other court costs. </text> </section> </title> </legis-body> <endorsement display="yes"> <action-date date="20130708"> July 8, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> Reported from the Committee on <committee-name added-display-style="italic" committee-id="HII00" deleted-display-style="strikethrough"> Natural Resources </committee-name> with an amendment </action-desc> <action-date date="20130708"> July 8, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> The <committee-name committee-id="HJU00"> Committee on the Judiciary </committee-name> discharged; committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union and ordered to be printed </action-desc> </endorsement> </bill>
IB Union Calendar No. 100 113th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 761 [Report No. 113–138, Part I] IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES February 15, 2013 Mr. Amodei (for himself, Mr. Gosar , Mr. Lamborn , Mr. Bishop of Utah , Mr. Jones , Mr. Walberg , Mr. Franks of Arizona , Mr. Heck of Nevada , Mr. Tipton , Mr. Walden , Mr. Stivers , Mr. Johnson of Ohio , Mr. Latta , Mr. Young of Alaska , Mr. Conaway , Mr. Benishek , Mr. Daines , Mr. Gardner , Mr. Schweikert , Mr. Matheson , Mr. Bishop of Georgia , Mr. Labrador , Mr. Stewart , Mr. Chaffetz , Mr. Salmon , Mr. Simpson , Mr. Gohmert , Mr. Pearce , and Mr. Luetkemeyer ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Natural Resources , and in addition to the Committee on the Judiciary , for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned July 8, 2013 Additional sponsors: Mr. Coffman , Mr. Austin Scott of Georgia , Mr. McClintock , Mr. Fincher , Mr. Graves of Georgia , Mrs. Lummis , Mr. Southerland , Mr. Schock , Mr. Flores , Mr. Harris , Mr. Cramer , Mr. Grimm , Mrs. Bachmann , Mr. Bucshon , Mr. Duncan of South Carolina , Mr. Nunnelee , Mr. Weber of Texas , Mr. Rogers of Michigan , Mr. Ross , Mr. Kline , Mrs. McMorris Rodgers , Mr. Long , Mr. Meadows , Mr. Radel , Mr. Westmoreland , Mr. Thompson of Pennsylvania , Mr. Diaz-Balart , Mrs. Miller of Michigan , and Mr. Rohrabacher July 8, 2013 Reported from the Committee on Natural Resources with an amendment Strike out all after the enacting clause and insert the part printed in italic July 8, 2013 The Committee on the Judiciary discharged; committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union and ordered to be printed For text of introduced bill, see copy of bill as introduced on February 15, 2013 A BILL To require the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Agriculture to more efficiently develop domestic sources of the minerals and mineral materials of strategic and critical importance to United States economic and national security and manufacturing competitiveness. 1. Short title This Act may be cited as the National Strategic and Critical Minerals Production Act of 2013 . 2. Findings Congress finds the following: (1) The industrialization of China and India has driven demand for nonfuel mineral commodities, sparking a period of resource nationalism exemplified by China’s reduction in exports of rare-earth elements necessary for telecommunications, military technologies, healthcare technologies, and conventional and renewable energy technologies. (2) The availability of minerals and mineral materials are essential for economic growth, national security, technological innovation, and the manufacturing and agricultural supply chain. (3) The exploration, production, processing, use, and recycling of minerals contribute significantly to the economic well-being, security and general welfare of the Nation. (4) The United States has vast mineral resources, but is becoming increasingly dependent upon foreign sources of these mineral materials, as demonstrated by the following: (A) Twenty-five years ago the United States was dependent on foreign sources for 30 nonfuel mineral materials, 6 of which the United States imported 100 percent of the Nation’s requirements, and for another 16 commodities the United States imported more than 60 percent of the Nation’s needs. (B) By 2011 the United States import dependence for nonfuel mineral materials had more than doubled from 30 to 67 commodities, 19 of which the United States imported 100 percent of the Nation’s requirements, and for another 24 commodities, imported more than 50 percent of the Nation’s needs. (C) The United States share of worldwide mineral exploration dollars was 8 percent in 2011, down from 19 percent in the early 1990s. (D) In the 2012 Ranking of Countries for Mining Investment, out of 25 major mining countries, the United States ranked last with Papua New Guinea in permitting delays, and towards the bottom regarding government take and social issues affecting mining. 3. Definitions In this Act: (1) Strategic and critical minerals The term strategic and critical minerals means minerals that are necessary— (A) for national defense and national security requirements; (B) for the Nation’s energy infrastructure, including pipelines, refining capacity, electrical power generation and transmission, and renewable energy production; (C) to support domestic manufacturing, agriculture, housing, telecommunications, healthcare, and transportation infrastructure; or (D) for the Nation’s economic security and balance of trade. (2) Agency The term agency means any agency, department, or other unit of Federal, State, local, or tribal government, or Alaska Native Corporation. (3) mineral exploration or mine permit The term mineral exploration or mine permit includes plans of operation issued by the Bureau of Land Management and the Forest Service pursuant to 43 C.F.R. 3809 and 36 C.F.R. 228A or the authorities listed in 43 C.F.R. 3503.13, respectively. I Development of Domestic Sources of Strategic and Critical Minerals 101. Improving development of strategic and critical minerals Domestic mines that will provide strategic and critical minerals shall be considered an infrastructure project as described in Presidential Order Improving Performance of Federal Permitting and Review of Infrastructure Projects dated March 22, 2012. 102. Responsibilities of the lead agency (a) In general The lead agency with responsibility for issuing a mineral exploration or mine permit shall appoint a project lead who shall coordinate and consult with cooperating agencies and any other agency involved in the permitting process, project proponents and contractors to ensure that agencies minimize delays, set and adhere to timelines and schedules for completion of the permitting process, set clear permitting goals and track progress against those goals. (b) Determination under NEPA To the extent that the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 applies to any mineral exploration or mine permit, the lead agency with responsibility for issuing a mineral exploration or mine permit shall determine that the action to approve the exploration or mine permit does not constitute a major Federal action significantly affecting the quality of the human environment within the meaning of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 if the procedural and substantive safeguards of the permitting process alone, any applicable State permitting process alone, or a combination of the two processes together provide an adequate mechanism to ensure that environmental factors are taken into account. (c) coordination on permitting process The lead agency with responsibility for issuing a mineral exploration or mine permit shall enhance government coordination for the permitting process by avoiding duplicative reviews, minimizing paperwork and engaging other agencies and stakeholders early in the process. The lead agency shall consider the following best practices: (1) Deferring to and relying upon baseline data, analyses and reviews performed by State agencies with jurisdiction over the proposed project. (2) Conducting any consultations or reviews concurrently rather than sequentially to the extent practicable and when such concurrent review will expedite rather than delay a decision. (d) Schedule for permitting process At the request of a project proponent, the lead agency, cooperating agencies and any other agencies involved with the mineral exploration or mine permitting process shall enter into an agreement with the project proponent that sets time limits for each part of the permitting process including the following: (1) The decision on whether to prepare a document required under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969. (2) A determination of the scope of any document required under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969. (3) The scope of and schedule for the baseline studies required to prepare a document required under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969. (4) Preparation of any draft document required under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969. (5) Preparation of a final document required under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969. (6) Consultations required under applicable laws. (7) Submission and review of any comments required under applicable law. (8) Publication of any public notices required under applicable law. (9) A final or any interim decisions. (e) Time limit for permitting process In no case should the total review process described in subsection (d) exceed 30 months unless agreed to by the signatories of the agreement. (f) Limitation on addressing public comments The lead agency is not required to address agency or public comments that were not submitted during any public comment periods or consultation periods provided during the permitting process or as otherwise required by law. (g) Financial assurance The lead agency will determine the amount of financial assurance for reclamation of a mineral exploration or mining site, which must cover the estimated cost if the lead agency were to contract with a third party to reclaim the operations according to the reclamation plan, including construction and maintenance costs for any treatment facilities necessary to meet Federal, State or tribal environmental standards. (h) Application to existing permit applications This section shall apply with respect to a mineral exploration or mine permit for which an application was submitted before the date of the enactment of this Act if the applicant for the permit submits a written request to the lead agency for the permit. The lead agency shall begin implementing this section with respect to such application within 30 days after receiving such written request. (i) Strategic and critical minerals within National Forests With respect to strategic and critical minerals within a federally administered unit of the National Forest System, the lead agency shall— (1) exempt all areas of identified mineral resources in Land Use Designations, other than Non-Development Land Use Designations, in existence as of the date of the enactment of this Act from the procedures detailed at and all rules promulgated under part 294 of title 36, Code for Federal Regulations; (2) apply such exemption to all additional routes and areas that the lead agency finds necessary to facilitate the construction, operation, maintenance, and restoration of the areas of identified mineral resources described in paragraph (1); and (3) continue to apply such exemptions after approval of the Minerals Plan of Operations for the unit of the National Forest System. 103. Conservation of the resource In evaluating and issuing any mineral exploration or mine permit, the priority of the lead agency shall be to maximize the development of the mineral resource, while mitigating environmental impacts, so that more of the mineral resource can be brought to the market place. 104. Federal register process for mineral exploration and mining projects (a) Preparation of Federal Notices for Mineral Exploration and Mine Development Projects The preparation of Federal Register notices required by law associated with the issuance of a mineral exploration or mine permit shall be delegated to the organization level within the agency responsible for issuing the mineral exploration or mine permit. All Federal Register notices regarding official document availability, announcements of meetings, or notices of intent to undertake an action shall be originated and transmitted to the Federal Register from the office where documents are held, meetings are held, or the activity is initiated. (b) Departmental Review of Federal Register Notices for Mineral Exploration and Mining Projects Absent any extraordinary circumstance or except as otherwise required by any Act of Congress, each Federal Register notice described in subsection (a) shall undergo any required reviews within the Department of the Interior or the Department of Agriculture and be published in its final form in the Federal Register no later than 30 days after its initial preparation. II Judicial review of agency actions relating to Exploration and Mine Permits 201. Definitions for title In this title the term covered civil action means a civil action against the Federal Government containing a claim under section 702 of title 5, United States Code, regarding agency action affecting a mineral exploration or mine permit. 202. Timely filings A covered civil action is barred unless filed no later than the end of the 60-day period beginning on the date of the final Federal agency action to which it relates. 203. Right to intervene The holder of any mineral exploration or mine permit may intervene as of right in any covered civil action by a person affecting rights or obligations of the permit holder under the permit. 204. Expedition in hearing and determining the action The court shall endeavor to hear and determine any covered civil action as expeditiously as possible. 205. Limitation on prospective relief In a covered civil action, the court shall not grant or approve any prospective relief unless the court finds that such relief is narrowly drawn, extends no further than necessary to correct the violation of a legal requirement, and is the least intrusive means necessary to correct that violation. 206. Limitation on attorneys’ fees Sections 504 of title 5, United States Code, and 2412 of title 28, United States Code (together commonly called the Equal Access to Justice Act) do not apply to a covered civil action, nor shall any party in such a covered civil action receive payment from the Federal Government for their attorneys’ fees, expenses, and other court costs. July 8, 2013 Reported from the Committee on Natural Resources with an amendment July 8, 2013 The Committee on the Judiciary discharged; committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union and ordered to be printed
2023-01-08 17:37:58.235
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Introduced-in-House" bill-type="olc" dms-id="H8DAA43F44A5546C5A639450B90D16238" public-private="public"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 762 IH: Health Care Choice Act of 2013 </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-02-15 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> I </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 762 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130215"> February 15, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="B001243"> Mrs. Blackburn </sponsor> (for herself, <cosponsor name-id="G000558"> Mr. Guthrie </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="R000582"> Mr. Roe of Tennessee </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S001176"> Mr. Scalise </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="K000378"> Mr. Kinzinger of Illinois </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="B001255"> Mr. Boustany </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="H000067"> Mr. Hall </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="H001045"> Mr. Harper </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="M001177"> Mr. McClintock </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="C001047"> Mrs. Capito </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="L000576"> Mr. Long </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="G000550"> Mr. Gingrey of Georgia </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="D000616"> Mr. DesJarlais </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="F000459"> Mr. Fleischmann </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="S000364"> Mr. Shimkus </cosponsor> ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="HIF00"> Committee on Energy and Commerce </committee-name> , and in addition to the Committees on <committee-name committee-id="HWM00"> Ways and Means </committee-name> and <committee-name committee-id="HED00"> Education and the Workforce </committee-name> , for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> A BILL </legis-type> <official-title> To repeal title I of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and to amend the Public Health Service Act to provide for cooperative governing of individual health insurance coverage offered in interstate commerce. </official-title> </form> <legis-body id="HB7BA93CADCCD49159D0B7D1C51CE33AE" style="OLC"> <section display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H74F13487AB2A4AF2A97A9F53AD5717CA" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Short title </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> This Act may be cited as <quote> <short-title> Health Care Choice Act of 2013 </short-title> </quote> . </text> </section> <section id="HAB3EE6FC8D6F4B0D87B6BF5D56E2C4DE"> <enum> 2. </enum> <header> Specification of constitutional authority for enactment of law </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> This Act is enacted pursuant to the power granted Congress under article I, section 8, clause 3, of the United States Constitution. </text> </section> <section id="HC1BB26D179AE4A2B9BF82B4B75B0C40F"> <enum> 3. </enum> <header> Findings </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Congress finds the following: </text> <paragraph id="H48B575240D284B8795EC118E08945B9D"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> The application of numerous and significant variations in State law and the implementation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act impacts the ability of insurers to offer, and individuals to obtain, affordable individual health insurance coverage, thereby impeding commerce in individual health insurance coverage. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H92E82F51C11F4E73B56FF7B8CA05894F"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Mandates for health care coverage established by title I of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act will significantly elevate health insurance costs beyond State and Federal ability to pay. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H03E59C7210364538A0634B4C5C650239"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> Individual health insurance coverage is increasingly offered through the Internet, other electronic means, and by mail, all of which are inherently part of interstate commerce. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H438CD94D00764990AAE95043E06801A2"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> In response to these issues, it is appropriate to encourage increased efficiency in the offering of individual health insurance coverage through a collaborative approach by the States in regulating this coverage. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HCE57A22C16054EC297FBF6299D0014D6"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text> The establishment of risk-retention groups has provided a successful model for the sale of insurance across State lines, as the acts establishing those groups allow insurance to be sold in multiple States but regulated by a single State. </text> </paragraph> </section> <section id="HFA395A2E8CBA4E5595F4586AACEACA8C"> <enum> 4. </enum> <header> Repeal of title I of PPACA </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Effective as of the enactment of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="public-law" parsable-cite="pl/111/148"> Public Law 111–148 </external-xref> ), title I of such Act is repealed (and any amendments to such title, or to amendments made by such title, made by the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 ( <external-xref legal-doc="public-law" parsable-cite="pl/111/152"> Public Law 111–152 </external-xref> ) are repealed), and the provisions of law amended or repealed by such title (or amendments) are restored or revived as if such title (and amendments) had not been enacted. </text> </section> <section id="H6FA1243DC35D4F96A429FBC01E1F8F75"> <enum> 5. </enum> <header> Cooperative governing of individual health insurance coverage </header> <subsection id="HDFC3E7C92F4D4BFBA83DEB2391292AAA"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> In General </header> <text> Title XXVII of the <act-name parsable-cite="PHSA"> Public Health Service Act </act-name> ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/42/300gg"> 42 U.S.C. 300gg et seq. </external-xref> ) is amended by adding at the end the following new part: </text> <quoted-block act-name="Public Health Service Act" id="HDD41D2A0F70F43C792B7567D30E749CA" style="OLC"> <part id="H7ACA5187B64B46D4BD23A206C800BB52"> <enum> D </enum> <header> Cooperative Governing of Individual Health Insurance Coverage </header> <section id="H9E08CB4220874BF5B7F438EFE1E5DF2D"> <enum> 2795. </enum> <header> Definitions </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> In this part: </text> <paragraph id="H597F92B0D44A47509766356ABE042F19"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> Primary state </header> <text> The term <term> primary State </term> means, with respect to individual health insurance coverage offered by a health insurance issuer, the State designated by the issuer as the State whose covered laws shall govern the health insurance issuer in the sale of such coverage under this part. An issuer, with respect to a particular policy, may only designate one such State as its primary State with respect to all such coverage it offers. Such an issuer may not change the designated primary State with respect to individual health insurance coverage once the policy is issued, except that such a change may be made upon renewal of the policy. With respect to such designated State, the issuer is deemed to be doing business in that State. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H79FBC881B12F459FB76D6DFD95A58BF0"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Secondary state </header> <text> The term <term> secondary State </term> means, with respect to individual health insurance coverage offered by a health insurance issuer, any State that is not the primary State. In the case of a health insurance issuer that is selling a policy in, or to a resident of, a secondary State, the issuer is deemed to be doing business in that secondary State. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H994E41332C324538A5CFF6DC5C093EEF"> <enum> (3) </enum> <header> Health insurance issuer </header> <text> The term <term> health insurance issuer </term> has the meaning given such term in section 2791(b)(2), except that such an issuer must be licensed in the primary State and be qualified to sell individual health insurance coverage in that State. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H942E0067EF8A436AAFD65A771E45179D"> <enum> (4) </enum> <header> Individual health insurance coverage </header> <text> The term <term> individual health insurance coverage </term> means health insurance coverage offered in the individual market, as defined in section 2791(e)(1). </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H1CEC8C6C3AC346DE94286716D679562E"> <enum> (5) </enum> <header> Applicable state authority </header> <text> The term <term> applicable State authority </term> means, with respect to a health insurance issuer in a State, the State insurance commissioner or official or officials designated by the State to enforce the requirements of this title for the State with respect to the issuer. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H3817785CC1E849EBBEC38DAD24C01C7B"> <enum> (6) </enum> <header> Hazardous financial condition </header> <text> The term <term> hazardous financial condition </term> means that, based on its present or reasonably anticipated financial condition, a health insurance issuer is unlikely to be able— </text> <subparagraph id="H6319012847F741638EF2F2F7C43B6D90"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> to meet obligations to policyholders with respect to known claims and reasonably anticipated claims; or </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H7FE782F04BF84D1F90650AF4512EDC16"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> to pay other obligations in the normal course of business. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H0BFC0C3E699A4E16B355BA338BD9BF51"> <enum> (7) </enum> <header> Covered laws </header> <subparagraph id="HE15E3BF7EEE941F7B9D2A70F82C95D3E"> <enum> (A) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> The term <term> covered laws </term> means the laws, rules, regulations, agreements, and orders governing the insurance business pertaining to— </text> <clause id="HAE185A0B5BD14469B578E4C7B4FEA2F5"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> individual health insurance coverage issued by a health insurance issuer; </text> </clause> <clause id="HE209E5B1AD0A4079A3FC3AEF041D17CA"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> the offer, sale, rating (including medical underwriting), renewal, and issuance of individual health insurance coverage to an individual; </text> </clause> <clause id="HC6839AA874CB451E895710DE4BBA9807"> <enum> (iii) </enum> <text> the provision to an individual in relation to individual health insurance coverage of health care and insurance related services; </text> </clause> <clause id="H1E311F3E74AE483AA45A369D65FFE7A3"> <enum> (iv) </enum> <text> the provision to an individual in relation to individual health insurance coverage of management, operations, and investment activities of a health insurance issuer; and </text> </clause> <clause id="HE6A55FB0890941D2A9C8F0ADCEFC4051"> <enum> (v) </enum> <text> the provision to an individual in relation to individual health insurance coverage of loss control and claims administration for a health insurance issuer with respect to liability for which the issuer provides insurance. </text> </clause> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H70275F3DE7264FB59D3511EE34E8CAD8"> <enum> (B) </enum> <header> Exception </header> <text> Such term does not include any law, rule, regulation, agreement, or order governing the use of care or cost management techniques, including any requirement related to provider contracting, network access or adequacy, health care data collection, or quality assurance. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HF55A123FC5E04DDA917BE3D1749D303D"> <enum> (8) </enum> <header> State </header> <text> The term <term> State </term> means the 50 States and includes the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, and the Northern Mariana Islands. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HCCB278845A22423B99527D2ACC700858"> <enum> (9) </enum> <header> Unfair claims settlement practices </header> <text> The term <term> unfair claims settlement practices </term> means only the following practices: </text> <subparagraph id="H0782C125B2FB42C7B308546ED625C92D"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> Knowingly misrepresenting to claimants and insured individuals relevant facts or policy provisions relating to coverage at issue. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H8B204316E95F438D976403DF4B1B38BC"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> Failing to acknowledge with reasonable promptness pertinent communications with respect to claims arising under policies. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H16867182960F47A89714DF235214C654"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> Failing to adopt and implement reasonable standards for the prompt investigation and settlement of claims arising under policies. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H4D53B15DFFEF43BFBD58AE268B686BA1"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text> Failing to effectuate prompt, fair, and equitable settlement of claims submitted in which liability has become reasonably clear. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H4EF9D51D8C1E4DAD9241912A516B69CA"> <enum> (E) </enum> <text> Refusing to pay claims without conducting a reasonable investigation. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HD366F974489C410CADBF8D5799E5904C"> <enum> (F) </enum> <text> Failing to affirm or deny coverage of claims within a reasonable period of time after having completed an investigation related to those claims. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HA3CD9D2B4E8C4A3EA0D935687A9593B3"> <enum> (G) </enum> <text> A pattern or practice of compelling insured individuals or their beneficiaries to institute suits to recover amounts due under its policies by offering substantially less than the amounts ultimately recovered in suits brought by them. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H029C563F01204911BF78D793A5C012D3"> <enum> (H) </enum> <text> A pattern or practice of attempting to settle or settling claims for less than the amount that a reasonable person would believe the insured individual or his or her beneficiary was entitled by reference to written or printed advertising material accompanying or made part of an application. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H2861273F7A9B411BB73C28B38D8C2E92"> <enum> (I) </enum> <text> Attempting to settle or settling claims on the basis of an application that was materially altered without notice to, or knowledge or consent of, the insured. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HEECDD6F436D944E7AE47CD22300A8395"> <enum> (J) </enum> <text> Failing to provide forms necessary to present claims within 15 calendar days of a requests with reasonable explanations regarding their use. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H22CAE59D4DF549A0BF8A0930536F2F9F"> <enum> (K) </enum> <text> Attempting to cancel a policy in less time than that prescribed in the policy or by the law of the primary State. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H25639CBE044C42329605018E4FA27264"> <enum> (10) </enum> <header> Fraud and abuse </header> <text> The term <term> fraud and abuse </term> means an act or omission committed by a person who, knowingly and with intent to defraud, commits, or conceals any material information concerning, one or more of the following: </text> <subparagraph id="H1A0FB9BF4C7345A59604D5A4470C4059"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> Presenting, causing to be presented or preparing with knowledge or belief that it will be presented to or by an insurer, a reinsurer, broker or its agent, false information as part of, in support of or concerning a fact material to one or more of the following: </text> <clause id="HC8709F692F85451486629FDF638BB3DF"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> An application for the issuance or renewal of an insurance policy or reinsurance contract. </text> </clause> <clause id="HF3E60B99B2A94F18BD042276E029768C"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> The rating of an insurance policy or reinsurance contract. </text> </clause> <clause id="H55045949F48F485582256693501CEAE9"> <enum> (iii) </enum> <text> A claim for payment or benefit pursuant to an insurance policy or reinsurance contract. </text> </clause> <clause id="H53F048CCA4BB425693DC11741885E99A"> <enum> (iv) </enum> <text> Premiums paid on an insurance policy or reinsurance contract. </text> </clause> <clause id="H3C0BEE02A0784065B5C8DECB7A5C9A35"> <enum> (v) </enum> <text> Payments made in accordance with the terms of an insurance policy or reinsurance contract. </text> </clause> <clause id="HA6D553CB3E9847E5A0C077734262587B"> <enum> (vi) </enum> <text> A document filed with the commissioner or the chief insurance regulatory official of another jurisdiction. </text> </clause> <clause id="HDB4B14F2CC7647BD9E99E4B11D594F59"> <enum> (vii) </enum> <text> The financial condition of an insurer or reinsurer. </text> </clause> <clause id="H8CF75EAFE0B245D08B6448C025805F30"> <enum> (viii) </enum> <text> The formation, acquisition, merger, reconsolidation, dissolution or withdrawal from one or more lines of insurance or reinsurance in all or part of a State by an insurer or reinsurer. </text> </clause> <clause id="HD4746B35A2A34D54A88628B3535F65B1"> <enum> (ix) </enum> <text> The issuance of written evidence of insurance. </text> </clause> <clause id="H9FF875F73A0D438DA33D5DC177FBA55D"> <enum> (x) </enum> <text> The reinstatement of an insurance policy. </text> </clause> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HBCD2EE6821BB43D28F22148798A0313B"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> Solicitation or acceptance of new or renewal insurance risks on behalf of an insurer reinsurer or other person engaged in the business of insurance by a person who knows or should know that the insurer or other person responsible for the risk is insolvent at the time of the transaction. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H99CB65DA3F2A422D99C9D1D07935EB00"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> Transaction of the business of insurance in violation of laws requiring a license, certificate of authority or other legal authority for the transaction of the business of insurance. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HF9B4F26701004E8B9BF388A86CC7D27D"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text> Attempt to commit, aiding or abetting in the commission of, or conspiracy to commit the acts or omissions specified in this paragraph. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </section> <section id="HC19BC33A9FDC4AE190910A7DC865A067"> <enum> 2796. </enum> <header> Application of law </header> <subsection id="H03F7BA453EBF4B28905B044E74AD542E"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> In General </header> <text> The covered laws of the primary State shall apply to individual health insurance coverage offered by a health insurance issuer in the primary State and in any secondary State, but only if the coverage and issuer comply with the conditions of this section with respect to the offering of coverage in any secondary State. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H98406F7A151D46E0B15AE03260DABA49"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Exemptions From Covered Laws in a Secondary State </header> <text> Except as provided in this section, a health insurance issuer with respect to its offer, sale, rating (including medical underwriting), renewal, and issuance of individual health insurance coverage in any secondary State is exempt from any covered laws of the secondary State (and any rules, regulations, agreements, or orders sought or issued by such State under or related to such covered laws) to the extent that such laws would— </text> <paragraph id="HE94F3E9C2B254A90A6A9B2BAF55A6943"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> make unlawful, or regulate, directly or indirectly, the operation of the health insurance issuer operating in the secondary State, except that any secondary State may require such an issuer— </text> <subparagraph id="H7E663714CC554690AEF8291E13A3A712"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> to pay, on a nondiscriminatory basis, applicable premium and other taxes (including high risk pool assessments) which are levied on insurers and surplus lines insurers, brokers, or policyholders under the laws of the State; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H64FB1A2916C2463F8E3ED702A18C8A6E"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> to register with and designate the State insurance commissioner as its agent solely for the purpose of receiving service of legal documents or process; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H6F341FD5B2E24785B6B5756B8B1633A2"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> to submit to an examination of its financial condition by the State insurance commissioner in any State in which the issuer is doing business to determine the issuer’s financial condition, if— </text> <clause id="H723B145E39904EC489C23FFAF875BEE2"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> the State insurance commissioner of the primary State has not done an examination within the period recommended by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners; and </text> </clause> <clause id="HC760E67A24A1433AAA74DD90834FE3B9"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> any such examination is conducted in accordance with the examiners’ handbook of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners and is coordinated to avoid unjustified duplication and unjustified repetition; </text> </clause> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HD84E85CC2F4F492490AD2BFFC24DCC08"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text> to comply with a lawful order issued— </text> <clause id="H71E5F8F119894C58A07E88E6AD4C4957"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> in a delinquency proceeding commenced by the State insurance commissioner if there has been a finding of financial impairment under subparagraph (C); or </text> </clause> <clause id="H5F4D5FEE047249BC89CA28FAA1C1A9F0"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> in a voluntary dissolution proceeding; </text> </clause> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H9AC079B4B2C9442DBB731E03F31084D1"> <enum> (E) </enum> <text> to comply with an injunction issued by a court of competent jurisdiction, upon a petition by the State insurance commissioner alleging that the issuer is in hazardous financial condition; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HDB6553F336FB4FDFBE155C20E7A2FB65"> <enum> (F) </enum> <text> to participate, on a nondiscriminatory basis, in any insurance insolvency guaranty association or similar association to which a health insurance issuer in the State is required to belong; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H4283F73DF3E34694B33CD5AB70948E5F"> <enum> (G) </enum> <text> to comply with any State law regarding fraud and abuse (as defined in section 2795(10)), except that if the State seeks an injunction regarding the conduct described in this subparagraph, such injunction must be obtained from a court of competent jurisdiction; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HED77E764903E48328793B0B4C698EFD6"> <enum> (H) </enum> <text> to comply with any State law regarding unfair claims settlement practices (as defined in section 2795(9)); or </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H0E666115CC854A92BBD5212B0027D46A"> <enum> (I) </enum> <text> to comply with the applicable requirements for independent review under section 2798 with respect to coverage offered in the State; </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H5D89B8C8AF6549D59CCE94680BA57F00"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> require any individual health insurance coverage issued by the issuer to be countersigned by an insurance agent or broker residing in that Secondary State; or </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H44ACA987E2FB4AA5B101FC049CE8ABC7"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> otherwise discriminate against the issuer issuing insurance in both the primary State and in any secondary State. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HACE924C719664E5A83D9F7580779759B"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Clear and Conspicuous Disclosure </header> <text> A health insurance issuer shall provide the following notice, in 12-point bold type, in any insurance coverage offered in a secondary State under this part by such a health insurance issuer and at renewal of the policy, with the 5 blank spaces therein being appropriately filled with the name of the health insurance issuer, the name of primary State, the name of the secondary State, the name of the secondary State, and the name of the secondary State, respectively, for the coverage concerned: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HFBAC8E4C2BBD434E8A501D7BF51482D7" style="OLC"> <appropriations-intermediate id="H2FB1410AB0DD4BC5ACCCB09401927A67"> <header> Notice </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> This policy is issued by _____ and is governed by the laws and regulations of the State of _____, and it has met all the laws of that State as determined by that State’s Department of Insurance. This policy may be less expensive than others because it is not subject to all of the insurance laws and regulations of the State of _____, including coverage of some services or benefits mandated by the law of the State of _____. Additionally, this policy is not subject to all of the consumer protection laws or restrictions on rate changes of the State of _____. As with all insurance products, before purchasing this policy, you should carefully review the policy and determine what health care services the policy covers and what benefits it provides, including any exclusions, limitations, or conditions for such services or benefits. </text> </appropriations-intermediate> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </subsection> <subsection id="HCC809756409D46BBBE549E5C1280BB20"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header> Prohibition on Certain Reclassifications and Premium Increases </header> <paragraph id="HC0FBCA28C3434404B1B2631C153933FC"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> For purposes of this section, a health insurance issuer that provides individual health insurance coverage to an individual under this part in a primary or secondary State may not upon renewal— </text> <subparagraph id="H20B9F71DAF154DAF96B944731C419D24"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> move or reclassify the individual insured under the health insurance coverage from the class such individual is in at the time of issue of the contract based on the health-status related factors of the individual; or </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HE0EA5379FA7E4FCFB5571D3C4E7BD442"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> increase the premiums assessed the individual for such coverage based on a health status-related factor or change of a health status-related factor or the past or prospective claim experience of the insured individual. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H749E1DB083474A7A9BE192574B9CDC5B"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Construction </header> <text> Nothing in paragraph (1) shall be construed to prohibit a health insurance issuer— </text> <subparagraph id="H42FF85BE77CB4C5D80A6FC2B30CAC43D"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> from terminating or discontinuing coverage or a class of coverage in accordance with subsections (b) and (c) of section 2742; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H3E03770B273142A69F2702929FE5750D"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> from raising premium rates for all policy holders within a class based on claims experience; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HA64F89B217004C1BB337815CFD600541"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> from changing premiums or offering discounted premiums to individuals who engage in wellness activities at intervals prescribed by the issuer, if such premium changes or incentives— </text> <clause id="HEDC97F81A80A4C83AF053B695D808CB8"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> are disclosed to the consumer in the insurance contract; </text> </clause> <clause id="HEE39AC96E4DA4BDEA71C707533DF9BEF"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> are based on specific wellness activities that are not applicable to all individuals; and </text> </clause> <clause id="HBE7B3019B633431EB1A46D9B2557EA0B"> <enum> (iii) </enum> <text> are not obtainable by all individuals to whom coverage is offered; </text> </clause> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H3364979DEF6141A7B0E38C2A0F9AE58C"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text> from reinstating lapsed coverage; or </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H3A9F2F8F0F8C4971B0C2C689859635C8"> <enum> (E) </enum> <text> from retroactively adjusting the rates charged an insured individual if the initial rates were set based on material misrepresentation by the individual at the time of issue. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H39BF59685D5E4E879C16D97C5B5EF6A1"> <enum> (e) </enum> <header> Prior Offering of Policy in Primary State </header> <text> A health insurance issuer may not offer for sale individual health insurance coverage in a secondary State unless that coverage is currently offered for sale in the primary State. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H78A657A121C64E91AE22B41F340F492A"> <enum> (f) </enum> <header> Licensing of Agents or Brokers for Health Insurance Issuers </header> <text> Any State may require that a person acting, or offering to act, as an agent or broker for a health insurance issuer with respect to the offering of individual health insurance coverage obtain a license from that State, with commissions or other compensation subject to the provisions of the laws of that State, except that a State may not impose any qualification or requirement which discriminates against a nonresident agent or broker. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="HEC13564F74974596A91C864B84286DF8"> <enum> (g) </enum> <header> Documents for Submission to State Insurance Commissioner </header> <text> Each health insurance issuer issuing individual health insurance coverage in both primary and secondary States shall submit— </text> <paragraph id="H6A19AFFF9ACB4CD5A82B5BBC7610BC5B"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> to the insurance commissioner of each State in which it intends to offer such coverage, before it may offer individual health insurance coverage in such State— </text> <subparagraph id="H8E021C14D1E04CD3AFB1611E545BB683"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> a copy of the plan of operation or feasibility study or any similar statement of the policy being offered and its coverage (which shall include the name of its primary State and its principal place of business); </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H7BBFAB6756694347AC2CCD52E400A016"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> written notice of any change in its designation of its primary State; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HB5A27EC8920E44FD8D9830738E93728E"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> written notice from the issuer of the issuer’s compliance with all the laws of the primary State; and </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HDB353AD99A324FAA8AEE19DE7EBE517B"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> to the insurance commissioner of each secondary State in which it offers individual health insurance coverage, a copy of the issuer’s quarterly financial statement submitted to the primary State, which statement shall be certified by an independent public accountant and contain a statement of opinion on loss and loss adjustment expense reserves made by— </text> <subparagraph id="HBF43ABBAAD0944DFADAB6B61095BF44E"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> a member of the American Academy of Actuaries; or </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HFED0DB7E61664C63BA8C0E63F5316E3C"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> a qualified loss reserve specialist. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HADD48FAD519F49EAABBCFC1284A0D467"> <enum> (h) </enum> <header> Power of Courts To Enjoin Conduct </header> <text> Nothing in this section shall be construed to affect the authority of any Federal or State court to enjoin— </text> <paragraph id="H4F4FDC9C5863421A91A0C680880BF209"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> the solicitation or sale of individual health insurance coverage by a health insurance issuer to any person or group who is not eligible for such insurance; or </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HF9438E9B942540CB8CB2971313E63B36"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> the solicitation or sale of individual health insurance coverage that violates the requirements of the law of a secondary State which are described in subparagraphs (A) through (H) of section 2796(b)(1). </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H0C217C904ADF4982B632764A6689742E"> <enum> (i) </enum> <header> Power of Secondary States To Take Administrative Action </header> <text> Nothing in this section shall be construed to affect the authority of any State to enjoin conduct in violation of that State’s laws described in section 2796(b)(1). </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H881B481E65B04068894133E9CD83F117"> <enum> (j) </enum> <header> State Powers To Enforce State Laws </header> <paragraph id="HAC98273E7292448BA18CF00F99EF21C2"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> Subject to the provisions of subsection (b)(1)(G) (relating to injunctions) and paragraph (2), nothing in this section shall be construed to affect the authority of any State to make use of any of its powers to enforce the laws of such State with respect to which a health insurance issuer is not exempt under subsection (b). </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H6B1AAF1C61F443C1A53288B408464F65"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Courts of competent jurisdiction </header> <text> If a State seeks an injunction regarding the conduct described in paragraphs (1) and (2) of subsection (h), such injunction must be obtained from a Federal or State court of competent jurisdiction. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HA508CC951DFF4815A586A0BCE8B466AD"> <enum> (k) </enum> <header> States’ Authority To Sue </header> <text> Nothing in this section shall affect the authority of any State to bring action in any Federal or State court. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="HDB790EA1C07E474A910709F7C7864ADE"> <enum> (l) </enum> <header> Generally Applicable Laws </header> <text> Nothing in this section shall be construed to affect the applicability of State laws generally applicable to persons or corporations. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="HA6B1B138ECA14F74BFDC1C5B8F6C526D"> <enum> (m) </enum> <header> Guaranteed Availability of Coverage to HIPAA Eligible Individuals </header> <text> To the extent that a health insurance issuer is offering coverage in a primary State that does not accommodate residents of secondary States or does not provide a working mechanism for residents of a secondary State, and the issuer is offering coverage under this part in such secondary State which has not adopted a qualified high risk pool as its acceptable alternative mechanism (as defined in section 2744(c)(2)), the issuer shall, with respect to any individual health insurance coverage offered in a secondary State under this part, comply with the guaranteed availability requirements for eligible individuals in section 2741. </text> </subsection> </section> <section id="H0F40AED894504882BCDF9D527D3B37C8"> <enum> 2797. </enum> <header> Primary State must meet Federal floor before issuer may sell into secondary States </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> A health insurance issuer may not offer, sell, or issue individual health insurance coverage in a secondary State if the State insurance commissioner does not use a risk-based capital formula for the determination of capital and surplus requirements for all health insurance issuers. </text> </section> <section id="H69E13D6ABC04410395C2594CD5AD55F2"> <enum> 2798. </enum> <header> Independent external appeals procedures </header> <subsection id="H1C63DD7A436B4904844146AE49FC33E6"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Right to External Appeal </header> <text> A health insurance issuer may not offer, sell, or issue individual health insurance coverage in a secondary State under the provisions of this title unless— </text> <paragraph id="HFE25D7025C424236BEED0C6FDB889896"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> both the secondary State and the primary State have legislation or regulations in place establishing an independent review process for individuals who are covered by individual health insurance coverage, or </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H2A81F9AB248F47DD8CDE698102CCFB01"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> in any case in which the requirements of subparagraph (A) are not met with respect to the either of such States, the issuer provides an independent review mechanism substantially identical (as determined by the applicable State authority of such State) to that prescribed in the <quote> Health Carrier External Review Model Act </quote> of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners for all individuals who purchase insurance coverage under the terms of this part, except that, under such mechanism, the review is conducted by an independent medical reviewer, or a panel of such reviewers, with respect to whom the requirements of subsection (b) are met. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H412F259DED774B30BB0DA2D6171B60FC"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Qualifications of Independent Medical Reviewers </header> <text> In the case of any independent review mechanism referred to in subsection (a)(2)— </text> <paragraph id="HE6EFFBDDCE3F4280AD7A3ABA529173FD"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> In referring a denial of a claim to an independent medical reviewer, or to any panel of such reviewers, to conduct independent medical review, the issuer shall ensure that— </text> <subparagraph id="HD6AD3919E4F446C084A1F550E36EA8E6"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> each independent medical reviewer meets the qualifications described in paragraphs (2) and (3); </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H1607ADCC914945D4B9F158B8E333FDF4"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> with respect to each review, each reviewer meets the requirements of paragraph (4) and the reviewer, or at least 1 reviewer on the panel, meets the requirements described in paragraph (5); and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H21497F53ABE84751B05DCAF1EA9A0F8E"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> compensation provided by the issuer to each reviewer is consistent with paragraph (6). </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H796932472A7A40C4A702A375351A23F5"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Licensure and expertise </header> <text> Each independent medical reviewer shall be a physician (allopathic or osteopathic) or health care professional who— </text> <subparagraph id="HB6C90193A2204C2195F1EF677327E914"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> is appropriately credentialed or licensed in 1 or more States to deliver health care services; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H933B765D47EC48CD881F5BF23867F710"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> typically treats the condition, makes the diagnosis, or provides the type of treatment under review. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H6B31074197014BFC88798F508B407184"> <enum> (3) </enum> <header> Independence </header> <subparagraph id="HA8FE68D0ADF14F7CBDE51629A0921F9D"> <enum> (A) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> Subject to subparagraph (B), each independent medical reviewer in a case shall— </text> <clause id="H471942431B814E6CAA25D1A369064699"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> not be a related party (as defined in paragraph (7)); </text> </clause> <clause id="H0A12C9C290614CD9828590E0269CF254"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> not have a material familial, financial, or professional relationship with such a party; and </text> </clause> <clause id="HA4F03EFABEA14219B1ABF486729D7E06"> <enum> (iii) </enum> <text> not otherwise have a conflict of interest with such a party (as determined under regulations). </text> </clause> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HEACA86B5BB1F40E98F1157DD553B8F6A"> <enum> (B) </enum> <header> Exception </header> <text> Nothing in subparagraph (A) shall be construed to— </text> <clause id="H7CEFD06397D04D839481CD76FFB0F70F"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> prohibit an individual, solely on the basis of affiliation with the issuer, from serving as an independent medical reviewer if— </text> <subclause id="H6E51458A4DAA45BC873C670167316BCF"> <enum> (I) </enum> <text> a non-affiliated individual is not reasonably available; </text> </subclause> <subclause id="H461063D8638F4AE8A10845DA93D00673"> <enum> (II) </enum> <text> the affiliated individual is not involved in the provision of items or services in the case under review; </text> </subclause> <subclause id="HDFD76125B2F9413C967DBC1E916C6FBF"> <enum> (III) </enum> <text> the fact of such an affiliation is disclosed to the issuer and the enrollee (or authorized representative) and neither party objects; and </text> </subclause> <subclause id="HFE0E1C857B134657B2B065EE948EE219"> <enum> (IV) </enum> <text> the affiliated individual is not an employee of the issuer and does not provide services exclusively or primarily to or on behalf of the issuer; </text> </subclause> </clause> <clause id="H242BAD42E414426A8A0F11F6FD493A35"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> prohibit an individual who has staff privileges at the institution where the treatment involved takes place from serving as an independent medical reviewer merely on the basis of such affiliation if the affiliation is disclosed to the issuer and the enrollee (or authorized representative), and neither party objects; or </text> </clause> <clause id="H78BB66E9047E41C3B5EE85AC0E83D120"> <enum> (iii) </enum> <text> prohibit receipt of compensation by an independent medical reviewer from an entity if the compensation is provided consistent with paragraph (6). </text> </clause> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HBC88EE4801E14C5E8DFDAEF4B418FBB7"> <enum> (4) </enum> <header> Practicing health care professional in same field </header> <subparagraph id="H509BA488824D49F39EA38A706CFB04BE"> <enum> (A) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> In a case involving treatment, or the provision of items or services— </text> <clause id="HD51A06CB886948419FA8C9C2D8533CAE"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> by a physician, a reviewer shall be a practicing physician (allopathic or osteopathic) of the same or similar specialty, as a physician who, acting within the appropriate scope of practice within the State in which the service is provided or rendered, typically treats the condition, makes the diagnosis, or provides the type of treatment under review; or </text> </clause> <clause id="HE1B1226C4CEE497BA183287D4672D61A"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> by a non-physician health care professional, the reviewer, or at least 1 member of the review panel, shall be a practicing non-physician health care professional of the same or similar specialty as the non-physician health care professional who, acting within the appropriate scope of practice within the State in which the service is provided or rendered, typically treats the condition, makes the diagnosis, or provides the type of treatment under review. </text> </clause> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H27042159F7364055B9C2D9FEFD16120A"> <enum> (B) </enum> <header> Practicing defined </header> <text> For purposes of this paragraph, the term <term> practicing </term> means, with respect to an individual who is a physician or other health care professional, that the individual provides health care services to individual patients on average at least 2 days per week. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H4F774DE84D2249C183F411DDF4DDF345"> <enum> (5) </enum> <header> Pediatric expertise </header> <text> In the case of an external review relating to a child, a reviewer shall have expertise under paragraph (2) in pediatrics. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HE83CF7C0A13F435EAE9809BC4B7E6429"> <enum> (6) </enum> <header> Limitations on reviewer compensation </header> <text> Compensation provided by the issuer to an independent medical reviewer in connection with a review under this section shall— </text> <subparagraph id="H669F29FEA4144C408B5F9AE8A01E81A3"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> not exceed a reasonable level; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H99BAC3816A1644D7AF18F91D832737E4"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> not be contingent on the decision rendered by the reviewer. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H6912E1098EA84DFA8622A7C359248B45"> <enum> (7) </enum> <header> Related party defined </header> <text> For purposes of this section, the term <term> related party </term> means, with respect to a denial of a claim under a coverage relating to an enrollee, any of the following: </text> <subparagraph id="H4EA66C1FB0304317ADD8C523D36B009A"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> The issuer involved, or any fiduciary, officer, director, or employee of the issuer. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HA2C28B7D12E640FB9C8B6848F2FDECF6"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> The enrollee (or authorized representative). </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HB13E569C9A344B14BB0FB6B04C9C56F2"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> The health care professional that provides the items or services involved in the denial. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H01555FDA1C77465693DDAD7C51645B8F"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text> The institution at which the items or services (or treatment) involved in the denial are provided. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H831C2510B8D24A5A8CB40A4CA13D5738"> <enum> (E) </enum> <text> The manufacturer of any drug or other item that is included in the items or services involved in the denial. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HD8CA428E51AC421FBD08011E1E366A0C"> <enum> (F) </enum> <text> Any other party determined under any regulations to have a substantial interest in the denial involved. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HD752AF04BE264D8792A3A4E187D16863"> <enum> (8) </enum> <header> Definitions </header> <text> For purposes of this subsection: </text> <subparagraph id="HA702760F451D471EBBCDC7C87AB5C820"> <enum> (A) </enum> <header> Enrollee </header> <text> The term <term> enrollee </term> means, with respect to health insurance coverage offered by a health insurance issuer, an individual enrolled with the issuer to receive such coverage. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H302165A8D4154DA9908706A88F1507EF"> <enum> (B) </enum> <header> Health care professional </header> <text> The term <term> health care professional </term> means an individual who is licensed, accredited, or certified under State law to provide specified health care services and who is operating within the scope of such licensure, accreditation, or certification. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> </section> <section id="H19583613133A44A1A48A45F92CD7AFFB"> <enum> 2799. </enum> <header> Enforcement </header> <subsection id="HB7C13970802B41D082BEBEE23F730E4E"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> In General </header> <text> Subject to subsection (b), with respect to specific individual health insurance coverage the primary State for such coverage has sole jurisdiction to enforce the primary State’s covered laws in the primary State and any secondary State. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H9138E87C42F64BC4AFA47F224C2C20A6"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Secondary State’s Authority </header> <text> Nothing in subsection (a) shall be construed to affect the authority of a secondary State to enforce its laws as set forth in the exception specified in section 2796(b)(1). </text> </subsection> <subsection id="HDBB114E1E76C4EACAB50A672A5A65625"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Court Interpretation </header> <text> In reviewing action initiated by the applicable secondary State authority, the court of competent jurisdiction shall apply the covered laws of the primary State. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="HAA4FD17BB2DD4B8A93DF6D4058F807D3"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header> Notice of Compliance Failure </header> <text> In the case of individual health insurance coverage offered in a secondary State that fails to comply with the covered laws of the primary State, the applicable State authority of the secondary State may notify the applicable State authority of the primary State. </text> </subsection> </section> </part> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </subsection> <subsection id="H41DF16637B944A2C8E04AA0105840348"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Effective Date </header> <text> The amendment made by subsection (a) shall apply to individual health insurance coverage offered, issued, or sold after the date that is one year after the date of the enactment of this Act. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H6E9FE5762F2741CA83B96ECABE83383F"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> GAO Ongoing Study and Reports </header> <paragraph id="HDDD5492521D34461AAD9079D90B59590"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> Study </header> <text> The Comptroller General of the United States shall conduct an ongoing study concerning the effect of the amendment made by subsection (a) on— </text> <subparagraph id="HE533B0DF1E7945539EA4030E542C814A"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> the number of uninsured and under-insured; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H45AE6C9EB7294174AE35B23644E2FA5A"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> the availability and cost of health insurance policies for individuals with pre-existing medical conditions; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H57C5FFDD42FC417882BABCC8068CFD3B"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> the availability and cost of health insurance policies generally; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HA9F79CEEA08A4A22931D0987F250D1FD"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text> the elimination or reduction of different types of benefits under health insurance policies offered in different States; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HBD8A99B45F6441D690C26E039C45E3B8"> <enum> (E) </enum> <text> cases of fraud or abuse relating to health insurance coverage offered under such amendment and the resolution of such cases. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H04B99D347C2E499A84E52EC46B7F29D7"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Annual reports </header> <text> The Comptroller General shall submit to Congress an annual report, after the end of each of the 5 years following the effective date of the amendment made by subsection (a), on the ongoing study conducted under paragraph (1). </text> </paragraph> </subsection> </section> <section id="H605CC21E29E04C858F0D860F9EFE96C1"> <enum> 6. </enum> <header> Severability </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> If any provision of the Act or the application of such provision to any person or circumstance is held to be unconstitutional, the remainder of this Act and the application of the provisions of such to any other person or circumstance shall not be affected. </text> </section> </legis-body> </bill>
I 113th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 762 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES February 15, 2013 Mrs. Blackburn (for herself, Mr. Guthrie , Mr. Roe of Tennessee , Mr. Scalise , Mr. Kinzinger of Illinois , Mr. Boustany , Mr. Hall , Mr. Harper , Mr. McClintock , Mrs. Capito , Mr. Long , Mr. Gingrey of Georgia , Mr. DesJarlais , Mr. Fleischmann , and Mr. Shimkus ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce , and in addition to the Committees on Ways and Means and Education and the Workforce , for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned A BILL To repeal title I of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and to amend the Public Health Service Act to provide for cooperative governing of individual health insurance coverage offered in interstate commerce. 1. Short title This Act may be cited as Health Care Choice Act of 2013 . 2. Specification of constitutional authority for enactment of law This Act is enacted pursuant to the power granted Congress under article I, section 8, clause 3, of the United States Constitution. 3. Findings Congress finds the following: (1) The application of numerous and significant variations in State law and the implementation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act impacts the ability of insurers to offer, and individuals to obtain, affordable individual health insurance coverage, thereby impeding commerce in individual health insurance coverage. (2) Mandates for health care coverage established by title I of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act will significantly elevate health insurance costs beyond State and Federal ability to pay. (3) Individual health insurance coverage is increasingly offered through the Internet, other electronic means, and by mail, all of which are inherently part of interstate commerce. (4) In response to these issues, it is appropriate to encourage increased efficiency in the offering of individual health insurance coverage through a collaborative approach by the States in regulating this coverage. (5) The establishment of risk-retention groups has provided a successful model for the sale of insurance across State lines, as the acts establishing those groups allow insurance to be sold in multiple States but regulated by a single State. 4. Repeal of title I of PPACA Effective as of the enactment of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act ( Public Law 111–148 ), title I of such Act is repealed (and any amendments to such title, or to amendments made by such title, made by the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 ( Public Law 111–152 ) are repealed), and the provisions of law amended or repealed by such title (or amendments) are restored or revived as if such title (and amendments) had not been enacted. 5. Cooperative governing of individual health insurance coverage (a) In General Title XXVII of the Public Health Service Act ( 42 U.S.C. 300gg et seq. ) is amended by adding at the end the following new part: D Cooperative Governing of Individual Health Insurance Coverage 2795. Definitions In this part: (1) Primary state The term primary State means, with respect to individual health insurance coverage offered by a health insurance issuer, the State designated by the issuer as the State whose covered laws shall govern the health insurance issuer in the sale of such coverage under this part. An issuer, with respect to a particular policy, may only designate one such State as its primary State with respect to all such coverage it offers. Such an issuer may not change the designated primary State with respect to individual health insurance coverage once the policy is issued, except that such a change may be made upon renewal of the policy. With respect to such designated State, the issuer is deemed to be doing business in that State. (2) Secondary state The term secondary State means, with respect to individual health insurance coverage offered by a health insurance issuer, any State that is not the primary State. In the case of a health insurance issuer that is selling a policy in, or to a resident of, a secondary State, the issuer is deemed to be doing business in that secondary State. (3) Health insurance issuer The term health insurance issuer has the meaning given such term in section 2791(b)(2), except that such an issuer must be licensed in the primary State and be qualified to sell individual health insurance coverage in that State. (4) Individual health insurance coverage The term individual health insurance coverage means health insurance coverage offered in the individual market, as defined in section 2791(e)(1). (5) Applicable state authority The term applicable State authority means, with respect to a health insurance issuer in a State, the State insurance commissioner or official or officials designated by the State to enforce the requirements of this title for the State with respect to the issuer. (6) Hazardous financial condition The term hazardous financial condition means that, based on its present or reasonably anticipated financial condition, a health insurance issuer is unlikely to be able— (A) to meet obligations to policyholders with respect to known claims and reasonably anticipated claims; or (B) to pay other obligations in the normal course of business. (7) Covered laws (A) In general The term covered laws means the laws, rules, regulations, agreements, and orders governing the insurance business pertaining to— (i) individual health insurance coverage issued by a health insurance issuer; (ii) the offer, sale, rating (including medical underwriting), renewal, and issuance of individual health insurance coverage to an individual; (iii) the provision to an individual in relation to individual health insurance coverage of health care and insurance related services; (iv) the provision to an individual in relation to individual health insurance coverage of management, operations, and investment activities of a health insurance issuer; and (v) the provision to an individual in relation to individual health insurance coverage of loss control and claims administration for a health insurance issuer with respect to liability for which the issuer provides insurance. (B) Exception Such term does not include any law, rule, regulation, agreement, or order governing the use of care or cost management techniques, including any requirement related to provider contracting, network access or adequacy, health care data collection, or quality assurance. (8) State The term State means the 50 States and includes the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, and the Northern Mariana Islands. (9) Unfair claims settlement practices The term unfair claims settlement practices means only the following practices: (A) Knowingly misrepresenting to claimants and insured individuals relevant facts or policy provisions relating to coverage at issue. (B) Failing to acknowledge with reasonable promptness pertinent communications with respect to claims arising under policies. (C) Failing to adopt and implement reasonable standards for the prompt investigation and settlement of claims arising under policies. (D) Failing to effectuate prompt, fair, and equitable settlement of claims submitted in which liability has become reasonably clear. (E) Refusing to pay claims without conducting a reasonable investigation. (F) Failing to affirm or deny coverage of claims within a reasonable period of time after having completed an investigation related to those claims. (G) A pattern or practice of compelling insured individuals or their beneficiaries to institute suits to recover amounts due under its policies by offering substantially less than the amounts ultimately recovered in suits brought by them. (H) A pattern or practice of attempting to settle or settling claims for less than the amount that a reasonable person would believe the insured individual or his or her beneficiary was entitled by reference to written or printed advertising material accompanying or made part of an application. (I) Attempting to settle or settling claims on the basis of an application that was materially altered without notice to, or knowledge or consent of, the insured. (J) Failing to provide forms necessary to present claims within 15 calendar days of a requests with reasonable explanations regarding their use. (K) Attempting to cancel a policy in less time than that prescribed in the policy or by the law of the primary State. (10) Fraud and abuse The term fraud and abuse means an act or omission committed by a person who, knowingly and with intent to defraud, commits, or conceals any material information concerning, one or more of the following: (A) Presenting, causing to be presented or preparing with knowledge or belief that it will be presented to or by an insurer, a reinsurer, broker or its agent, false information as part of, in support of or concerning a fact material to one or more of the following: (i) An application for the issuance or renewal of an insurance policy or reinsurance contract. (ii) The rating of an insurance policy or reinsurance contract. (iii) A claim for payment or benefit pursuant to an insurance policy or reinsurance contract. (iv) Premiums paid on an insurance policy or reinsurance contract. (v) Payments made in accordance with the terms of an insurance policy or reinsurance contract. (vi) A document filed with the commissioner or the chief insurance regulatory official of another jurisdiction. (vii) The financial condition of an insurer or reinsurer. (viii) The formation, acquisition, merger, reconsolidation, dissolution or withdrawal from one or more lines of insurance or reinsurance in all or part of a State by an insurer or reinsurer. (ix) The issuance of written evidence of insurance. (x) The reinstatement of an insurance policy. (B) Solicitation or acceptance of new or renewal insurance risks on behalf of an insurer reinsurer or other person engaged in the business of insurance by a person who knows or should know that the insurer or other person responsible for the risk is insolvent at the time of the transaction. (C) Transaction of the business of insurance in violation of laws requiring a license, certificate of authority or other legal authority for the transaction of the business of insurance. (D) Attempt to commit, aiding or abetting in the commission of, or conspiracy to commit the acts or omissions specified in this paragraph. 2796. Application of law (a) In General The covered laws of the primary State shall apply to individual health insurance coverage offered by a health insurance issuer in the primary State and in any secondary State, but only if the coverage and issuer comply with the conditions of this section with respect to the offering of coverage in any secondary State. (b) Exemptions From Covered Laws in a Secondary State Except as provided in this section, a health insurance issuer with respect to its offer, sale, rating (including medical underwriting), renewal, and issuance of individual health insurance coverage in any secondary State is exempt from any covered laws of the secondary State (and any rules, regulations, agreements, or orders sought or issued by such State under or related to such covered laws) to the extent that such laws would— (1) make unlawful, or regulate, directly or indirectly, the operation of the health insurance issuer operating in the secondary State, except that any secondary State may require such an issuer— (A) to pay, on a nondiscriminatory basis, applicable premium and other taxes (including high risk pool assessments) which are levied on insurers and surplus lines insurers, brokers, or policyholders under the laws of the State; (B) to register with and designate the State insurance commissioner as its agent solely for the purpose of receiving service of legal documents or process; (C) to submit to an examination of its financial condition by the State insurance commissioner in any State in which the issuer is doing business to determine the issuer’s financial condition, if— (i) the State insurance commissioner of the primary State has not done an examination within the period recommended by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners; and (ii) any such examination is conducted in accordance with the examiners’ handbook of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners and is coordinated to avoid unjustified duplication and unjustified repetition; (D) to comply with a lawful order issued— (i) in a delinquency proceeding commenced by the State insurance commissioner if there has been a finding of financial impairment under subparagraph (C); or (ii) in a voluntary dissolution proceeding; (E) to comply with an injunction issued by a court of competent jurisdiction, upon a petition by the State insurance commissioner alleging that the issuer is in hazardous financial condition; (F) to participate, on a nondiscriminatory basis, in any insurance insolvency guaranty association or similar association to which a health insurance issuer in the State is required to belong; (G) to comply with any State law regarding fraud and abuse (as defined in section 2795(10)), except that if the State seeks an injunction regarding the conduct described in this subparagraph, such injunction must be obtained from a court of competent jurisdiction; (H) to comply with any State law regarding unfair claims settlement practices (as defined in section 2795(9)); or (I) to comply with the applicable requirements for independent review under section 2798 with respect to coverage offered in the State; (2) require any individual health insurance coverage issued by the issuer to be countersigned by an insurance agent or broker residing in that Secondary State; or (3) otherwise discriminate against the issuer issuing insurance in both the primary State and in any secondary State. (c) Clear and Conspicuous Disclosure A health insurance issuer shall provide the following notice, in 12-point bold type, in any insurance coverage offered in a secondary State under this part by such a health insurance issuer and at renewal of the policy, with the 5 blank spaces therein being appropriately filled with the name of the health insurance issuer, the name of primary State, the name of the secondary State, the name of the secondary State, and the name of the secondary State, respectively, for the coverage concerned: Notice This policy is issued by _____ and is governed by the laws and regulations of the State of _____, and it has met all the laws of that State as determined by that State’s Department of Insurance. This policy may be less expensive than others because it is not subject to all of the insurance laws and regulations of the State of _____, including coverage of some services or benefits mandated by the law of the State of _____. Additionally, this policy is not subject to all of the consumer protection laws or restrictions on rate changes of the State of _____. As with all insurance products, before purchasing this policy, you should carefully review the policy and determine what health care services the policy covers and what benefits it provides, including any exclusions, limitations, or conditions for such services or benefits. . (d) Prohibition on Certain Reclassifications and Premium Increases (1) In general For purposes of this section, a health insurance issuer that provides individual health insurance coverage to an individual under this part in a primary or secondary State may not upon renewal— (A) move or reclassify the individual insured under the health insurance coverage from the class such individual is in at the time of issue of the contract based on the health-status related factors of the individual; or (B) increase the premiums assessed the individual for such coverage based on a health status-related factor or change of a health status-related factor or the past or prospective claim experience of the insured individual. (2) Construction Nothing in paragraph (1) shall be construed to prohibit a health insurance issuer— (A) from terminating or discontinuing coverage or a class of coverage in accordance with subsections (b) and (c) of section 2742; (B) from raising premium rates for all policy holders within a class based on claims experience; (C) from changing premiums or offering discounted premiums to individuals who engage in wellness activities at intervals prescribed by the issuer, if such premium changes or incentives— (i) are disclosed to the consumer in the insurance contract; (ii) are based on specific wellness activities that are not applicable to all individuals; and (iii) are not obtainable by all individuals to whom coverage is offered; (D) from reinstating lapsed coverage; or (E) from retroactively adjusting the rates charged an insured individual if the initial rates were set based on material misrepresentation by the individual at the time of issue. (e) Prior Offering of Policy in Primary State A health insurance issuer may not offer for sale individual health insurance coverage in a secondary State unless that coverage is currently offered for sale in the primary State. (f) Licensing of Agents or Brokers for Health Insurance Issuers Any State may require that a person acting, or offering to act, as an agent or broker for a health insurance issuer with respect to the offering of individual health insurance coverage obtain a license from that State, with commissions or other compensation subject to the provisions of the laws of that State, except that a State may not impose any qualification or requirement which discriminates against a nonresident agent or broker. (g) Documents for Submission to State Insurance Commissioner Each health insurance issuer issuing individual health insurance coverage in both primary and secondary States shall submit— (1) to the insurance commissioner of each State in which it intends to offer such coverage, before it may offer individual health insurance coverage in such State— (A) a copy of the plan of operation or feasibility study or any similar statement of the policy being offered and its coverage (which shall include the name of its primary State and its principal place of business); (B) written notice of any change in its designation of its primary State; and (C) written notice from the issuer of the issuer’s compliance with all the laws of the primary State; and (2) to the insurance commissioner of each secondary State in which it offers individual health insurance coverage, a copy of the issuer’s quarterly financial statement submitted to the primary State, which statement shall be certified by an independent public accountant and contain a statement of opinion on loss and loss adjustment expense reserves made by— (A) a member of the American Academy of Actuaries; or (B) a qualified loss reserve specialist. (h) Power of Courts To Enjoin Conduct Nothing in this section shall be construed to affect the authority of any Federal or State court to enjoin— (1) the solicitation or sale of individual health insurance coverage by a health insurance issuer to any person or group who is not eligible for such insurance; or (2) the solicitation or sale of individual health insurance coverage that violates the requirements of the law of a secondary State which are described in subparagraphs (A) through (H) of section 2796(b)(1). (i) Power of Secondary States To Take Administrative Action Nothing in this section shall be construed to affect the authority of any State to enjoin conduct in violation of that State’s laws described in section 2796(b)(1). (j) State Powers To Enforce State Laws (1) In general Subject to the provisions of subsection (b)(1)(G) (relating to injunctions) and paragraph (2), nothing in this section shall be construed to affect the authority of any State to make use of any of its powers to enforce the laws of such State with respect to which a health insurance issuer is not exempt under subsection (b). (2) Courts of competent jurisdiction If a State seeks an injunction regarding the conduct described in paragraphs (1) and (2) of subsection (h), such injunction must be obtained from a Federal or State court of competent jurisdiction. (k) States’ Authority To Sue Nothing in this section shall affect the authority of any State to bring action in any Federal or State court. (l) Generally Applicable Laws Nothing in this section shall be construed to affect the applicability of State laws generally applicable to persons or corporations. (m) Guaranteed Availability of Coverage to HIPAA Eligible Individuals To the extent that a health insurance issuer is offering coverage in a primary State that does not accommodate residents of secondary States or does not provide a working mechanism for residents of a secondary State, and the issuer is offering coverage under this part in such secondary State which has not adopted a qualified high risk pool as its acceptable alternative mechanism (as defined in section 2744(c)(2)), the issuer shall, with respect to any individual health insurance coverage offered in a secondary State under this part, comply with the guaranteed availability requirements for eligible individuals in section 2741. 2797. Primary State must meet Federal floor before issuer may sell into secondary States A health insurance issuer may not offer, sell, or issue individual health insurance coverage in a secondary State if the State insurance commissioner does not use a risk-based capital formula for the determination of capital and surplus requirements for all health insurance issuers. 2798. Independent external appeals procedures (a) Right to External Appeal A health insurance issuer may not offer, sell, or issue individual health insurance coverage in a secondary State under the provisions of this title unless— (1) both the secondary State and the primary State have legislation or regulations in place establishing an independent review process for individuals who are covered by individual health insurance coverage, or (2) in any case in which the requirements of subparagraph (A) are not met with respect to the either of such States, the issuer provides an independent review mechanism substantially identical (as determined by the applicable State authority of such State) to that prescribed in the Health Carrier External Review Model Act of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners for all individuals who purchase insurance coverage under the terms of this part, except that, under such mechanism, the review is conducted by an independent medical reviewer, or a panel of such reviewers, with respect to whom the requirements of subsection (b) are met. (b) Qualifications of Independent Medical Reviewers In the case of any independent review mechanism referred to in subsection (a)(2)— (1) In general In referring a denial of a claim to an independent medical reviewer, or to any panel of such reviewers, to conduct independent medical review, the issuer shall ensure that— (A) each independent medical reviewer meets the qualifications described in paragraphs (2) and (3); (B) with respect to each review, each reviewer meets the requirements of paragraph (4) and the reviewer, or at least 1 reviewer on the panel, meets the requirements described in paragraph (5); and (C) compensation provided by the issuer to each reviewer is consistent with paragraph (6). (2) Licensure and expertise Each independent medical reviewer shall be a physician (allopathic or osteopathic) or health care professional who— (A) is appropriately credentialed or licensed in 1 or more States to deliver health care services; and (B) typically treats the condition, makes the diagnosis, or provides the type of treatment under review. (3) Independence (A) In general Subject to subparagraph (B), each independent medical reviewer in a case shall— (i) not be a related party (as defined in paragraph (7)); (ii) not have a material familial, financial, or professional relationship with such a party; and (iii) not otherwise have a conflict of interest with such a party (as determined under regulations). (B) Exception Nothing in subparagraph (A) shall be construed to— (i) prohibit an individual, solely on the basis of affiliation with the issuer, from serving as an independent medical reviewer if— (I) a non-affiliated individual is not reasonably available; (II) the affiliated individual is not involved in the provision of items or services in the case under review; (III) the fact of such an affiliation is disclosed to the issuer and the enrollee (or authorized representative) and neither party objects; and (IV) the affiliated individual is not an employee of the issuer and does not provide services exclusively or primarily to or on behalf of the issuer; (ii) prohibit an individual who has staff privileges at the institution where the treatment involved takes place from serving as an independent medical reviewer merely on the basis of such affiliation if the affiliation is disclosed to the issuer and the enrollee (or authorized representative), and neither party objects; or (iii) prohibit receipt of compensation by an independent medical reviewer from an entity if the compensation is provided consistent with paragraph (6). (4) Practicing health care professional in same field (A) In general In a case involving treatment, or the provision of items or services— (i) by a physician, a reviewer shall be a practicing physician (allopathic or osteopathic) of the same or similar specialty, as a physician who, acting within the appropriate scope of practice within the State in which the service is provided or rendered, typically treats the condition, makes the diagnosis, or provides the type of treatment under review; or (ii) by a non-physician health care professional, the reviewer, or at least 1 member of the review panel, shall be a practicing non-physician health care professional of the same or similar specialty as the non-physician health care professional who, acting within the appropriate scope of practice within the State in which the service is provided or rendered, typically treats the condition, makes the diagnosis, or provides the type of treatment under review. (B) Practicing defined For purposes of this paragraph, the term practicing means, with respect to an individual who is a physician or other health care professional, that the individual provides health care services to individual patients on average at least 2 days per week. (5) Pediatric expertise In the case of an external review relating to a child, a reviewer shall have expertise under paragraph (2) in pediatrics. (6) Limitations on reviewer compensation Compensation provided by the issuer to an independent medical reviewer in connection with a review under this section shall— (A) not exceed a reasonable level; and (B) not be contingent on the decision rendered by the reviewer. (7) Related party defined For purposes of this section, the term related party means, with respect to a denial of a claim under a coverage relating to an enrollee, any of the following: (A) The issuer involved, or any fiduciary, officer, director, or employee of the issuer. (B) The enrollee (or authorized representative). (C) The health care professional that provides the items or services involved in the denial. (D) The institution at which the items or services (or treatment) involved in the denial are provided. (E) The manufacturer of any drug or other item that is included in the items or services involved in the denial. (F) Any other party determined under any regulations to have a substantial interest in the denial involved. (8) Definitions For purposes of this subsection: (A) Enrollee The term enrollee means, with respect to health insurance coverage offered by a health insurance issuer, an individual enrolled with the issuer to receive such coverage. (B) Health care professional The term health care professional means an individual who is licensed, accredited, or certified under State law to provide specified health care services and who is operating within the scope of such licensure, accreditation, or certification. 2799. Enforcement (a) In General Subject to subsection (b), with respect to specific individual health insurance coverage the primary State for such coverage has sole jurisdiction to enforce the primary State’s covered laws in the primary State and any secondary State. (b) Secondary State’s Authority Nothing in subsection (a) shall be construed to affect the authority of a secondary State to enforce its laws as set forth in the exception specified in section 2796(b)(1). (c) Court Interpretation In reviewing action initiated by the applicable secondary State authority, the court of competent jurisdiction shall apply the covered laws of the primary State. (d) Notice of Compliance Failure In the case of individual health insurance coverage offered in a secondary State that fails to comply with the covered laws of the primary State, the applicable State authority of the secondary State may notify the applicable State authority of the primary State. . (b) Effective Date The amendment made by subsection (a) shall apply to individual health insurance coverage offered, issued, or sold after the date that is one year after the date of the enactment of this Act. (c) GAO Ongoing Study and Reports (1) Study The Comptroller General of the United States shall conduct an ongoing study concerning the effect of the amendment made by subsection (a) on— (A) the number of uninsured and under-insured; (B) the availability and cost of health insurance policies for individuals with pre-existing medical conditions; (C) the availability and cost of health insurance policies generally; (D) the elimination or reduction of different types of benefits under health insurance policies offered in different States; and (E) cases of fraud or abuse relating to health insurance coverage offered under such amendment and the resolution of such cases. (2) Annual reports The Comptroller General shall submit to Congress an annual report, after the end of each of the 5 years following the effective date of the amendment made by subsection (a), on the ongoing study conducted under paragraph (1). 6. Severability If any provision of the Act or the application of such provision to any person or circumstance is held to be unconstitutional, the remainder of this Act and the application of the provisions of such to any other person or circumstance shall not be affected.
2023-01-08 17:37:58.128
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Introduced-in-House" bill-type="olc" dms-id="H3CCA8FCAAEF846AAADA28362A4BB5C85" public-private="public"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 763 IH: To repeal the annual fee on health insurance providers enacted by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-02-15 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> I </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 763 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130215"> February 15, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="B001255"> Mr. Boustany </sponsor> (for himself, <cosponsor name-id="M001142"> Mr. Matheson </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="H001065"> Mr. Holding </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="R000582"> Mr. Roe of Tennessee </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="B001273"> Mrs. Black </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="F000459"> Mr. Fleischmann </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="S000018"> Mr. Salmon </cosponsor> ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="HIF00"> Committee on Energy and Commerce </committee-name> , and in addition to the Committee on <committee-name committee-id="HWM00"> Ways and Means </committee-name> , for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> A BILL </legis-type> <official-title> To repeal the annual fee on health insurance providers enacted by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. </official-title> </form> <legis-body id="HBA1DD806CC5848A79C4CA122816C7E8E" style="OLC"> <section id="H3259E937F2C744608C006B44DF0033D6" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Repeal of annual fee on health insurance providers </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is amended by striking section 9010. </text> </section> </legis-body> </bill>
I 113th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 763 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES February 15, 2013 Mr. Boustany (for himself, Mr. Matheson , Mr. Holding , Mr. Roe of Tennessee , Mrs. Black , Mr. Fleischmann , and Mr. Salmon ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce , and in addition to the Committee on Ways and Means , for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned A BILL To repeal the annual fee on health insurance providers enacted by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. 1. Repeal of annual fee on health insurance providers The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is amended by striking section 9010.
2023-01-08 17:37:57.889
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Introduced-in-House" bill-type="olc" dms-id="H5CA813D06D9B4DF59802484CC7A77F86" public-private="public"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 764 IH: Coastal State Climate Change Planning Act </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-02-15 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> I </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 764 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130215"> February 15, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="C001036"> Mrs. Capps </sponsor> (for herself, <cosponsor name-id="F000030"> Mr. Farr </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="C000380"> Mrs. Christensen </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S001177"> Mr. Sablan </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="H001032"> Mr. Holt </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="B001285"> Ms. Brownley of California </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="H001068"> Mr. Huffman </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="S001170"> Ms. Shea-Porter </cosponsor> ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="HII00"> Committee on Natural Resources </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> A BILL </legis-type> <official-title> To amend the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 to require the Secretary of Commerce to establish a coastal climate change adaptation planning and response program, and for other purposes. </official-title> </form> <legis-body id="HD43124FF856D455FB6A2BCE4F875BC4C" style="OLC"> <section id="H6052F8FF3148454FB43375602D85F1A6" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Short title </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> This Act may be cited as the <quote> <short-title> Coastal State Climate Change Planning Act </short-title> </quote> . </text> </section> <section display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HFE3145444E1F40EC91E452EA7FAEFE56"> <enum> 2. </enum> <header> Planning for climate change in the coastal zone </header> <subsection id="H5BD8303C08544892B60C67049445A3C1"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> In General </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/16/1451"> 16 U.S.C. 1451 et seq. </external-xref> ) is amended by adding at the end the following: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H9BCE1A65339A468FA8CD5D71D5D1CD0B" style="traditional"> <section id="H1E25F17510FF4FB48B83E6568BA5C65F"> <enum> 320. </enum> <header> Climate change adaptation planning </header> <subsection commented="no" display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="HDE5C0ABF511A46E8B649CAFEC8765983"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> In General </header> <text> The Secretary shall establish consistent with the national policies set forth in section 303 a coastal climate change adaptation planning and response program to— </text> <paragraph id="HDE1A0624BF584F35ACFA4839DF2FD511"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> provide assistance to coastal states to voluntarily develop coastal climate change adaptation plans pursuant to approved management programs approved under section 306, to minimize contributions to climate change and to prepare for and reduce the negative consequences that may result from climate change in the coastal zone; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H7F93D7D8AA214EF48C77A57C2776A85F"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> provide financial and technical assistance and training to enable coastal states to implement plans developed pursuant to this section through coastal states’ enforceable policies. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H7E2538B6ED0C48059B670160198928AC"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Guidelines </header> <text> Within 180 days after the date of enactment of this section, the Secretary, in consultation with the coastal states, shall issue guidelines for the implementation of the grant program established under subsection (c). </text> </subsection> <subsection id="HB61B110A16944D5A99BB08A3E5C2F61F"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Climate Change adaptation Planning Grants </header> <paragraph id="H76DD70470CEA4DD6909350B7CF08EED7"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> The Secretary, subject to the availability of appropriations, may make a grant to any coastal state for the purpose of developing climate change adaptation plans pursuant to guidelines issued by the Secretary under subsection (b). </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H41083781AA494650A5E863FE19E5FDEF"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Plan content </header> <text> A plan developed with a grant under this section shall include the following: </text> <subparagraph id="H76608A8A3F854F73B3B75557B3AC5C3C"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> Identification of public facilities and public services, working waterfronts, coastal resources of national significance, coastal waters, energy facilities, or other land and water uses located in the coastal zone that are likely to be impacted by climate change. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H5AD2AF47C4824F7D95E04D352CBC7CC9"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Adaptive management strategies for land use to respond or adapt to changing environmental conditions, including strategies to protect biodiversity, protect water quality, and establish habitat buffer zones, migration corridors, and climate refugia. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H363095B469364245A531629FBAE98043"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> Requirements to initiate and maintain long-term monitoring of environmental change to assess coastal zone adaptation and to adjust when necessary adaptive management strategies and new planning guidelines to attain the policies under section 303. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HBCB45423AFF342D2BE3BA28B63E03A99"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Other information considered necessary by the Secretary to identify the full range of climate change impacts affecting coastal communities. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H3E1FEAE9620F4902B1ACDA411656C2BD"> <enum> (3) </enum> <header> State hazard mitigation plans </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Plans developed with a grant under this section shall be consistent with State hazard mitigation plans and natural disaster response and recovery programs developed under State or Federal law. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H03657F20B7AF4B428DBF065DE86D52BE"> <enum> (4) </enum> <header> Allocation </header> <text> Grants under this section shall be available only to coastal states with management programs approved by the Secretary under section 306 and shall be allocated among such coastal states in a manner consistent with regulations promulgated pursuant to section 306(c). </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HCCDC15E2EBD844CE911946239E4C12DD"> <enum> (5) </enum> <header> Priority </header> <text> In the awarding of grants under this subsection the Secretary may give priority to any coastal state that has received grant funding to develop program changes pursuant to paragraphs (1), (2), (3), (5), (6), (7), and (8) of section 309(a). </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HC98196E7EB92402E8A7DC8E12EFF6746"> <enum> (6) </enum> <header> Technical assistance </header> <text> The Secretary may provide technical assistance to a coastal state consistent with section 310 to ensure the timely development of plans supported by grants awarded under this subsection. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H29FD442337C94A048DA7DAB5408B6B30"> <enum> (7) </enum> <header> Federal Approval </header> <text> In order to be eligible for a grant under subsection (d), a coastal state must have its plan developed under this section approved by the Secretary. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H462CCB1A3D2046C0A89D529E1764557E"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header> Coastal adaptation Project Grants </header> <paragraph id="HFF8160BAAF7B4C5E975863FE64141B66"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> The Secretary, subject to the availability of appropriations, may make grants to any coastal state that has a climate change adaptation plan approved under subsection (c)(7), in order to support projects that implement strategies contained within such plans. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HF25B002C5543473693CF7AAA5CB8D2EB"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Program requirements </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The Secretary within 90 days after approval of the first plan approved under subsection (c)(7), shall publish in the Federal Register requirements regarding applications, allocations, eligible activities, and all terms and conditions for grants awarded under this subsection. No less than 30 percent, and no more than 50 percent, of the funds appropriated in any fiscal year for grants under this subsection shall be awarded through a merit-based competitive process. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H6FF2BC9BE0864D2F8D9C371B4E60EE2F"> <enum> (3) </enum> <header> Eligible activities </header> <text> The Secretary may award grants to coastal states to implement projects in the coastal zone to address stress factors in order to improve coastal climate change adaptation, including the following: </text> <subparagraph id="H6872EFD415614FF8B4200A6437879FA6"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Activities to address physical disturbances within the coastal zone, especially activities related to public facilities and public services, tourism, sedimentation, ocean acidification, and other factors negatively impacting coastal waters, and fisheries-associated habitat destruction or alteration. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H164D90EFDD2647139D80AB1ED7A6E6CB"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> Monitoring, control, or eradication of disease organisms and invasive species. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H047EAFB46A1C4E27A687456CBA0346E7"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Activities to address the loss, degradation, or fragmentation of wildlife habitat through projects to establish or protect marine and terrestrial habitat buffers, wildlife refugia, other wildlife refuges, or networks thereof, preservation of migratory wildlife corridors and other transition zones, and restoration of fish and wildlife habitat. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H9F431FE2C16546D6999246B9BFCFDD33"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text> Implementation of projects to reduce, mitigate, or otherwise address likely impacts caused by natural hazards in the coastal zone, including sea level rise, coastal inundation, coastal erosion and subsidence, severe weather events such as cyclonic storms, tsunamis and other seismic threats, and fluctuating Great Lakes water levels. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H431ABA045C664CFEB10C1062A789EF50"> <enum> (E) </enum> <text> Provide technical training and assistance to local coastal policy makers to increase awareness of science, management, and technology information related to climate change and adaptation strategies. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H8C12800648B147BA94B6FB31FBC3FED4"> <enum> (4) </enum> <header> Promotion and use of National Estuarine Research Reserves </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The Secretary shall promote and encourage the use of National Estuarine Research Reserves as sites for pilot or demonstration projects carried out with grants awarded under this section. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> </section> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </subsection> <subsection id="H67D9D0B910074D2D8B73667077C0E504"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Authorization of Appropriations </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Section 318(a) of the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/16/1464"> 16 U.S.C. 1464 </external-xref> ) is further amended by striking <quote> and </quote> after the semicolon at the end of paragraph (1), by striking the period at the end of paragraph (2) and inserting <quote> ; and </quote> , and by adding at the end the following: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H64E9848D1DAD469AB61F28DB184DE9E3" style="OLC"> <paragraph id="HC9239EFC83244EC09E7DA4919E72F92C"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> for grants under subsections (c) and (d) of section 320, such sums as are necessary. </text> </paragraph> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </subsection> <subsection id="HF2FDBC1BBA0F4E548DE2EB423D8A0EAF"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Intent of Congress </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Nothing in this section shall be construed to require any coastal state to amend or modify its approved management program pursuant to section 306(e) of the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/16/1455"> 16 U.S.C. 1455(e) </external-xref> ), or to extend the enforceable policies of a coastal state beyond the coastal zone as identified in the coastal state’s approved management program. </text> </subsection> </section> </legis-body> </bill>
I 113th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 764 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES February 15, 2013 Mrs. Capps (for herself, Mr. Farr , Mrs. Christensen , Mr. Sablan , Mr. Holt , Ms. Brownley of California , Mr. Huffman , and Ms. Shea-Porter ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Natural Resources A BILL To amend the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 to require the Secretary of Commerce to establish a coastal climate change adaptation planning and response program, and for other purposes. 1. Short title This Act may be cited as the Coastal State Climate Change Planning Act . 2. Planning for climate change in the coastal zone (a) In General The Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 ( 16 U.S.C. 1451 et seq. ) is amended by adding at the end the following: 320. Climate change adaptation planning (a) In General The Secretary shall establish consistent with the national policies set forth in section 303 a coastal climate change adaptation planning and response program to— (1) provide assistance to coastal states to voluntarily develop coastal climate change adaptation plans pursuant to approved management programs approved under section 306, to minimize contributions to climate change and to prepare for and reduce the negative consequences that may result from climate change in the coastal zone; and (2) provide financial and technical assistance and training to enable coastal states to implement plans developed pursuant to this section through coastal states’ enforceable policies. (b) Guidelines Within 180 days after the date of enactment of this section, the Secretary, in consultation with the coastal states, shall issue guidelines for the implementation of the grant program established under subsection (c). (c) Climate Change adaptation Planning Grants (1) In general The Secretary, subject to the availability of appropriations, may make a grant to any coastal state for the purpose of developing climate change adaptation plans pursuant to guidelines issued by the Secretary under subsection (b). (2) Plan content A plan developed with a grant under this section shall include the following: (A) Identification of public facilities and public services, working waterfronts, coastal resources of national significance, coastal waters, energy facilities, or other land and water uses located in the coastal zone that are likely to be impacted by climate change. (B) Adaptive management strategies for land use to respond or adapt to changing environmental conditions, including strategies to protect biodiversity, protect water quality, and establish habitat buffer zones, migration corridors, and climate refugia. (C) Requirements to initiate and maintain long-term monitoring of environmental change to assess coastal zone adaptation and to adjust when necessary adaptive management strategies and new planning guidelines to attain the policies under section 303. (D) Other information considered necessary by the Secretary to identify the full range of climate change impacts affecting coastal communities. (3) State hazard mitigation plans Plans developed with a grant under this section shall be consistent with State hazard mitigation plans and natural disaster response and recovery programs developed under State or Federal law. (4) Allocation Grants under this section shall be available only to coastal states with management programs approved by the Secretary under section 306 and shall be allocated among such coastal states in a manner consistent with regulations promulgated pursuant to section 306(c). (5) Priority In the awarding of grants under this subsection the Secretary may give priority to any coastal state that has received grant funding to develop program changes pursuant to paragraphs (1), (2), (3), (5), (6), (7), and (8) of section 309(a). (6) Technical assistance The Secretary may provide technical assistance to a coastal state consistent with section 310 to ensure the timely development of plans supported by grants awarded under this subsection. (7) Federal Approval In order to be eligible for a grant under subsection (d), a coastal state must have its plan developed under this section approved by the Secretary. (d) Coastal adaptation Project Grants (1) In general The Secretary, subject to the availability of appropriations, may make grants to any coastal state that has a climate change adaptation plan approved under subsection (c)(7), in order to support projects that implement strategies contained within such plans. (2) Program requirements The Secretary within 90 days after approval of the first plan approved under subsection (c)(7), shall publish in the Federal Register requirements regarding applications, allocations, eligible activities, and all terms and conditions for grants awarded under this subsection. No less than 30 percent, and no more than 50 percent, of the funds appropriated in any fiscal year for grants under this subsection shall be awarded through a merit-based competitive process. (3) Eligible activities The Secretary may award grants to coastal states to implement projects in the coastal zone to address stress factors in order to improve coastal climate change adaptation, including the following: (A) Activities to address physical disturbances within the coastal zone, especially activities related to public facilities and public services, tourism, sedimentation, ocean acidification, and other factors negatively impacting coastal waters, and fisheries-associated habitat destruction or alteration. (B) Monitoring, control, or eradication of disease organisms and invasive species. (C) Activities to address the loss, degradation, or fragmentation of wildlife habitat through projects to establish or protect marine and terrestrial habitat buffers, wildlife refugia, other wildlife refuges, or networks thereof, preservation of migratory wildlife corridors and other transition zones, and restoration of fish and wildlife habitat. (D) Implementation of projects to reduce, mitigate, or otherwise address likely impacts caused by natural hazards in the coastal zone, including sea level rise, coastal inundation, coastal erosion and subsidence, severe weather events such as cyclonic storms, tsunamis and other seismic threats, and fluctuating Great Lakes water levels. (E) Provide technical training and assistance to local coastal policy makers to increase awareness of science, management, and technology information related to climate change and adaptation strategies. (4) Promotion and use of National Estuarine Research Reserves The Secretary shall promote and encourage the use of National Estuarine Research Reserves as sites for pilot or demonstration projects carried out with grants awarded under this section. . (b) Authorization of Appropriations Section 318(a) of the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 ( 16 U.S.C. 1464 ) is further amended by striking and after the semicolon at the end of paragraph (1), by striking the period at the end of paragraph (2) and inserting ; and , and by adding at the end the following: (3) for grants under subsections (c) and (d) of section 320, such sums as are necessary. . (c) Intent of Congress Nothing in this section shall be construed to require any coastal state to amend or modify its approved management program pursuant to section 306(e) of the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 ( 16 U.S.C. 1455(e) ), or to extend the enforceable policies of a coastal state beyond the coastal zone as identified in the coastal state’s approved management program.
2023-01-08 17:37:58.009
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Introduced-in-House" bill-type="olc" dms-id="H0DCABBE98E6940FDA50EE0542E699931" public-private="public"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 765 IH: Water Infrastructure Resiliency and Sustainability Act of 2013 </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-02-15 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> I </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 765 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130215"> February 15, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="C001036"> Mrs. Capps </sponsor> introduced the following bill; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="HPW00"> Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure </committee-name> , and in addition to the Committees on <committee-name committee-id="HIF00"> Energy and Commerce </committee-name> and <committee-name committee-id="HII00"> Natural Resources </committee-name> , for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> A BILL </legis-type> <official-title> To authorize the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency to establish a program of awarding grants to owners or operators of water systems to increase resiliency or adaptability of the systems to any ongoing or forecasted changes to the hydrologic conditions of a region of the United States. </official-title> </form> <legis-body id="HE274A4175BB24C85B0C1DB0FDE56CBAB" style="OLC"> <section id="HC286D384FEBC444194FAEDB20736F863" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Short title </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> This Act may be cited as the <quote> <short-title> Water Infrastructure Resiliency and Sustainability Act of 2013 </short-title> </quote> . </text> </section> <section id="H36944708B9594276A64DC68A58EFA663"> <enum> 2. </enum> <header> Water infrastructure resiliency and sustainability </header> <subsection id="H6DEA88A003224E16924895933E4EBB8E"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Definitions </header> <text> In this section: </text> <paragraph id="HB37D1D95203F43FF981517B18822F66A"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> Administrator </header> <text> The term <term> Administrator </term> means the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H0A35BBBC7AF64A3BBBF474EE60AC9580"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Hydrologic conditions </header> <text> The term <term> hydrologic conditions </term> means the quality, quantity, or reliability of the water resources of a region of the United States. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HA76177FD6B904C4D9F0D7674124AED96"> <enum> (3) </enum> <header> Owner or operator of a water system </header> <subparagraph id="HBF64320E91C746D0AA52195A148111B8"> <enum> (A) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> The term <term> owner or operator of a water system </term> means an entity (including a regional, State, Tribal, local, municipal, or private entity) that owns or operates a water system. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HF9086D8502E44A6F9F4959CCBFD25792"> <enum> (B) </enum> <header> Inclusion </header> <text> The term <term> owner or operator of a water system </term> includes— </text> <clause id="H0324F7DE587942B2B1AEC2565DDF984F"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> a non-Federal entity that has operational responsibilities for a federally, tribally, or State-owned water system; and </text> </clause> <clause id="H06998974779441CEBB6F3E44A3E6AC49"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> an entity established by an agreement between— </text> <subclause id="H54C313EC7C284BD9B4EA0399D0FEC167"> <enum> (I) </enum> <text> an entity that owns or operates a water system; and </text> </subclause> <subclause id="H986083C6128546E29B5CE53A2113A4E9"> <enum> (II) </enum> <text> at least one other entity. </text> </subclause> </clause> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HD6B8DBA3974146C9884653B8A906B43F"> <enum> (4) </enum> <header> Water system </header> <text> The term <term> water system </term> means— </text> <subparagraph id="H60C4A6868BB6441B8887BD805CA0E76B"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> a community water system (as defined in section 1401 of the Safe Drinking Water Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/42/300f"> 42 U.S.C. 300f </external-xref> )); </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HAA23FA41D9224050B71E529E5280FE26"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> a treatment works (as defined in section 212 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/33/1292"> 33 U.S.C. 1292 </external-xref> )), including a municipal separate storm sewer system (as such term is used in the Federal Water Pollution Control Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/33/1251"> 33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq. </external-xref> )); </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H07469BB6E7184B2AAA22240C5CDEC101"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> a decentralized wastewater treatment system for domestic sewage; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HC02E3B8F30184DD68115AEB7EA91F34F"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text> a groundwater storage and replenishment system; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H730DA9FC0CCA40249EB3C738D1C3C646"> <enum> (E) </enum> <text> a system for transport and delivery of water for irrigation or conservation; or </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HD882DE7816EE4B5BBBEA482B26D03806"> <enum> (F) </enum> <text> a natural or engineered system that manages floodwaters. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HDD150B22CC794939BAE6A8BA01C25690"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Program </header> <text> The Administrator shall establish and implement a program, to be known as the Water Infrastructure Resiliency and Sustainability Program, under which the Administrator awards grants in each of fiscal years 2014 through 2018 to owners or operators of water systems for the purpose of increasing the resiliency or adaptability of the systems to any ongoing or forecasted changes (based on the best available research and data) to the hydrologic conditions of a region of the United States. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="HCF5B6E6FE83246AA897F37D6175DEF31"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Use of funds </header> <text> As a condition on receipt of a grant under this section, an owner or operator of a water system shall agree to use the grant funds exclusively to assist in the planning, design, construction, implementation, operation, or maintenance of a program or project that meets the purpose described in subsection (b) by— </text> <paragraph id="H6ECD116C84EA4467891A6A93BCD25113"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> conserving water or enhancing water use efficiency, including through the use of water metering and electronic sensing and control systems to measure the effectiveness of a water efficiency program; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H0F9BFEC1217B4023AF482ED13017E64F"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> modifying or relocating existing water system infrastructure made or projected to be significantly impaired by changing hydrologic conditions; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HBC223088BCEB455E9B75577CC0645DB6"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> preserving or improving water quality, including through measures to manage, reduce, treat, or reuse municipal stormwater, wastewater, or drinking water; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H1CFDD69A26E5404F9F11FEC96FF13ABD"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> investigating, designing, or constructing groundwater remediation, recycled water, or desalination facilities or systems to serve existing communities; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HD710DCA5463445FEB2906AADBA1CE917"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text> enhancing water management by increasing watershed preservation and protection, such as through the use of natural or engineered green infrastructure in the management, conveyance, or treatment of water, wastewater, or stormwater; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H5073BDB368AF4C319AE80F6AA23F4BF8"> <enum> (6) </enum> <text> enhancing energy efficiency or the use and generation of renewable energy in the management, conveyance, or treatment of water, wastewater, or stormwater; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H5256F4C59E33451780058DFD681E8257"> <enum> (7) </enum> <text> supporting the adoption and use of advanced water treatment, water supply management (such as reservoir reoperation and water banking), or water demand management technologies, projects, or processes (such as water reuse and recycling, adaptive conservation pricing, and groundwater banking) that maintain or increase water supply or improve water quality; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HD3BCFE54A4A3412AA0B79956E1B48759"> <enum> (8) </enum> <text> modifying or replacing existing systems or constructing new systems for existing communities or land currently in agricultural production to improve water supply, reliability, storage, or conveyance in a manner that— </text> <subparagraph id="H190BFDEAEFB147B7AAC5C2B392F8794F"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> promotes conservation or improves the efficiency of utilization of available water supplies; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H1F6170F0656142D8A07644CB4EDFCB3B"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> does not further exacerbate stresses on ecosystems or cause redirected impacts by degrading water quality or increasing net greenhouse gas emissions; </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H95B63607CAF84A3086E25A3D0E8EBF0F"> <enum> (9) </enum> <text> supporting practices and projects, such as improved irrigation systems, water banking and other forms of water transactions, groundwater recharge, stormwater capture, groundwater conjunctive use, and reuse or recycling of drainage water, to improve water quality or promote more efficient water use on land currently in agricultural production; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HD7E14A5065B44E65B384D1FDBAF9699F"> <enum> (10) </enum> <text> reducing flood damage, risk, and vulnerability by— </text> <subparagraph id="H01D97A3F95E64CD09E5F4F7F67D107FF"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> restoring floodplains, wetlands, and uplands integral to flood management, protection, prevention, and response; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HA8B18EF5FF0C471F8374CC2FD5E47EC1"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> modifying levees, floodwalls, and other structures through setbacks, notches, gates, removal, or similar means to facilitate reconnection of rivers to floodplains, reduce flood stage height, and reduce damage to properties and populations; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H40AE285AD1F146BD847262610F05205E"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> providing for acquisition and easement of flood-prone lands and properties in order to reduce damage to property and risk to populations; or </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H207AAFF5736643B692805000413537EC"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text> promoting land use planning that prevents future floodplain development; </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H6C3A0624224D4FF696526E0391F26366"> <enum> (11) </enum> <text> conducting and completing studies or assessments to project how changing hydrologic conditions may impact the future operations and sustainability of water systems; or </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HC41D5FF1784249AA975C04AB34D4D1FC"> <enum> (12) </enum> <text> developing and implementing measures to increase the resilience of water systems and regional and hydrological basins, including the Colorado River Basin, to rapid hydrologic change or a natural disaster (such as tsunami, earthquake, flood, or volcanic eruption). </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H4B848135B17B405ABCC18007431BF459"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header> Application </header> <text> To seek a grant under this section, the owner or operator of a water system shall submit to the Administrator an application that— </text> <paragraph id="H6505F078FF434F4FA5871CB85A4A4751"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> includes a proposal of the program, strategy, or infrastructure improvement to be planned, designed, constructed, implemented, or maintained by the water system; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H8D9D33603A704369935247754973C334"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> cites the best available research or data that demonstrate— </text> <subparagraph id="H97BF036CD8DF4EF79E60DF64E308A7C5"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> the risk to the water resources or infrastructure of the water system as a result of ongoing or forecasted changes to the hydrological system of a region, including rising sea levels and changes in precipitation patterns; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HD3DA116949FA4AB49484823246FA7C0B"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> how the proposed program, strategy, or infrastructure improvement would perform under the anticipated hydrologic conditions; </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H2391155CE8D34E069045E3698F258BAC"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> explains how the proposed program, strategy, or infrastructure improvement is expected— </text> <subparagraph id="H8B090927105D43148C2A8D1E6ECE4078"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> to enhance the resiliency of the water system, including source water protection for community water systems, to the anticipated hydrologic conditions; or </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H7F1B2C1FC44C4206A56157205B1DF029"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> to increase efficiency in the use of energy or water of the water system; and </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HC88FF047198945ED944D6E41EF0D8417"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> describes how the proposed program, strategy, or infrastructure improvement is consistent with an applicable State, tribe, or local climate adaptation plan, if any. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HA578BB6BB0E143A99672A23009152DA7"> <enum> (e) </enum> <header> Priority </header> <paragraph id="H47B5F90D8F494079B249D0DB9DF84071"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> Water systems at greatest and most immediate risk </header> <text> In selecting grantees under this section, subject to subsection (h)(2), the Administrator shall give priority to owners or operators of water systems that are, based on the best available research and data, at the greatest and most immediate risk of facing significant negative impacts due to changing hydrologic conditions. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HFB4ACA7A5D8145FAAA58C286EFE68C90"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Goals </header> <text> In selecting among applicants described in paragraph (1), the Administrator shall ensure that, to the maximum extent practicable, the final list of applications funded for each year includes a substantial number that propose to utilize innovative approaches to meet one or more of the following goals: </text> <subparagraph id="H8C3962C0CCCC402E80F8938DC937DD2B"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> Promoting more efficient water use, water conservation, water reuse, or recycling. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HA7A067DE4F614B63BB907CB668047162"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> Using decentralized, low-impact development technologies and nonstructural approaches, including practices that use, enhance, or mimic the natural hydrological cycle or protect natural flows. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HA2EF61ACF9304EE8828205F65788BA34"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> Reducing stormwater runoff or flooding by protecting or enhancing natural ecosystem functions. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HF461ADD760C14B3BBBE4078C3BEC7F8F"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text> Modifying, upgrading, enhancing, or replacing existing water system infrastructure in response to changing hydrologic conditions. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H36C56BD72E314CAF9FD243036E08BDDA"> <enum> (E) </enum> <text> Improving water quality or quantity for agricultural and municipal uses, including through salinity reduction. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HF3580D3EB4594A11B7D49DD285848DF8"> <enum> (F) </enum> <text> Providing multiple benefits, including to water supply enhancement or demand reduction, water quality protection or improvement, increased flood protection, and ecosystem protection or improvement. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H4060420901F84CEABFF4917ED23C30CF"> <enum> (f) </enum> <header> Cost-Sharing </header> <paragraph id="H41BAF09B7B98448DBB5535C132C404A3"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> Federal share </header> <text> The share of the cost of any program, strategy, or infrastructure improvement that is the subject of a grant awarded by the Administrator to the owner or operator of a water system under subsection (b) paid through funds distributed under this section shall not exceed 50 percent of the cost of the program, strategy, or infrastructure improvement. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HCE424C8B86C0426FAD52B5145364CD6F"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Calculation of non-Federal share </header> <text> In calculating the non-Federal share of the cost of a program, strategy, or infrastructure improvement proposed by a water system in an application submitted under subsection (d), the Administrator shall— </text> <subparagraph id="H71FE2C19B8964864B2D1BD497E9DB78E"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> include the value of any in-kind services that are integral to the completion of the program, strategy, or infrastructure improvement, including reasonable administrative and overhead costs; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HEEF757AD56DC4B58BDB7545963BE9019"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> not include any other amount that the water system involved receives from the Federal Government. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H1687E760FD554BD5AFAFC954F9B319F8"> <enum> (g) </enum> <header> Report to Congress </header> <text> Not later than 3 years after the date of the enactment of this Act, and every 3 years thereafter, the Administrator shall submit to the Congress a report on progress in implementing this section, including information on project applications received and funded annually. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="HFC56A2BBC6D1425B8F6B09C97E492C9D"> <enum> (h) </enum> <header> Authorization of Appropriations </header> <paragraph id="HACF5C8E9EFAD4644BDD9066CECC51571"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> To carry out this section, there is authorized to be appropriated $50,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2014 through 2018. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H70355577A50E4C628C38A2FA40DB0B8D"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Limitation </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Of the amount made available to carry out this section for a fiscal year, not more than 20 percent may be made available to grantees for activities described in subsection (c)(10) (relating to reducing flood damage, risk, and vulnerability). </text> </paragraph> </subsection> </section> </legis-body> </bill>
I 113th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 765 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES February 15, 2013 Mrs. Capps introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure , and in addition to the Committees on Energy and Commerce and Natural Resources , for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned A BILL To authorize the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency to establish a program of awarding grants to owners or operators of water systems to increase resiliency or adaptability of the systems to any ongoing or forecasted changes to the hydrologic conditions of a region of the United States. 1. Short title This Act may be cited as the Water Infrastructure Resiliency and Sustainability Act of 2013 . 2. Water infrastructure resiliency and sustainability (a) Definitions In this section: (1) Administrator The term Administrator means the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency. (2) Hydrologic conditions The term hydrologic conditions means the quality, quantity, or reliability of the water resources of a region of the United States. (3) Owner or operator of a water system (A) In general The term owner or operator of a water system means an entity (including a regional, State, Tribal, local, municipal, or private entity) that owns or operates a water system. (B) Inclusion The term owner or operator of a water system includes— (i) a non-Federal entity that has operational responsibilities for a federally, tribally, or State-owned water system; and (ii) an entity established by an agreement between— (I) an entity that owns or operates a water system; and (II) at least one other entity. (4) Water system The term water system means— (A) a community water system (as defined in section 1401 of the Safe Drinking Water Act ( 42 U.S.C. 300f )); (B) a treatment works (as defined in section 212 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act ( 33 U.S.C. 1292 )), including a municipal separate storm sewer system (as such term is used in the Federal Water Pollution Control Act ( 33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq. )); (C) a decentralized wastewater treatment system for domestic sewage; (D) a groundwater storage and replenishment system; (E) a system for transport and delivery of water for irrigation or conservation; or (F) a natural or engineered system that manages floodwaters. (b) Program The Administrator shall establish and implement a program, to be known as the Water Infrastructure Resiliency and Sustainability Program, under which the Administrator awards grants in each of fiscal years 2014 through 2018 to owners or operators of water systems for the purpose of increasing the resiliency or adaptability of the systems to any ongoing or forecasted changes (based on the best available research and data) to the hydrologic conditions of a region of the United States. (c) Use of funds As a condition on receipt of a grant under this section, an owner or operator of a water system shall agree to use the grant funds exclusively to assist in the planning, design, construction, implementation, operation, or maintenance of a program or project that meets the purpose described in subsection (b) by— (1) conserving water or enhancing water use efficiency, including through the use of water metering and electronic sensing and control systems to measure the effectiveness of a water efficiency program; (2) modifying or relocating existing water system infrastructure made or projected to be significantly impaired by changing hydrologic conditions; (3) preserving or improving water quality, including through measures to manage, reduce, treat, or reuse municipal stormwater, wastewater, or drinking water; (4) investigating, designing, or constructing groundwater remediation, recycled water, or desalination facilities or systems to serve existing communities; (5) enhancing water management by increasing watershed preservation and protection, such as through the use of natural or engineered green infrastructure in the management, conveyance, or treatment of water, wastewater, or stormwater; (6) enhancing energy efficiency or the use and generation of renewable energy in the management, conveyance, or treatment of water, wastewater, or stormwater; (7) supporting the adoption and use of advanced water treatment, water supply management (such as reservoir reoperation and water banking), or water demand management technologies, projects, or processes (such as water reuse and recycling, adaptive conservation pricing, and groundwater banking) that maintain or increase water supply or improve water quality; (8) modifying or replacing existing systems or constructing new systems for existing communities or land currently in agricultural production to improve water supply, reliability, storage, or conveyance in a manner that— (A) promotes conservation or improves the efficiency of utilization of available water supplies; and (B) does not further exacerbate stresses on ecosystems or cause redirected impacts by degrading water quality or increasing net greenhouse gas emissions; (9) supporting practices and projects, such as improved irrigation systems, water banking and other forms of water transactions, groundwater recharge, stormwater capture, groundwater conjunctive use, and reuse or recycling of drainage water, to improve water quality or promote more efficient water use on land currently in agricultural production; (10) reducing flood damage, risk, and vulnerability by— (A) restoring floodplains, wetlands, and uplands integral to flood management, protection, prevention, and response; (B) modifying levees, floodwalls, and other structures through setbacks, notches, gates, removal, or similar means to facilitate reconnection of rivers to floodplains, reduce flood stage height, and reduce damage to properties and populations; (C) providing for acquisition and easement of flood-prone lands and properties in order to reduce damage to property and risk to populations; or (D) promoting land use planning that prevents future floodplain development; (11) conducting and completing studies or assessments to project how changing hydrologic conditions may impact the future operations and sustainability of water systems; or (12) developing and implementing measures to increase the resilience of water systems and regional and hydrological basins, including the Colorado River Basin, to rapid hydrologic change or a natural disaster (such as tsunami, earthquake, flood, or volcanic eruption). (d) Application To seek a grant under this section, the owner or operator of a water system shall submit to the Administrator an application that— (1) includes a proposal of the program, strategy, or infrastructure improvement to be planned, designed, constructed, implemented, or maintained by the water system; (2) cites the best available research or data that demonstrate— (A) the risk to the water resources or infrastructure of the water system as a result of ongoing or forecasted changes to the hydrological system of a region, including rising sea levels and changes in precipitation patterns; and (B) how the proposed program, strategy, or infrastructure improvement would perform under the anticipated hydrologic conditions; (3) explains how the proposed program, strategy, or infrastructure improvement is expected— (A) to enhance the resiliency of the water system, including source water protection for community water systems, to the anticipated hydrologic conditions; or (B) to increase efficiency in the use of energy or water of the water system; and (4) describes how the proposed program, strategy, or infrastructure improvement is consistent with an applicable State, tribe, or local climate adaptation plan, if any. (e) Priority (1) Water systems at greatest and most immediate risk In selecting grantees under this section, subject to subsection (h)(2), the Administrator shall give priority to owners or operators of water systems that are, based on the best available research and data, at the greatest and most immediate risk of facing significant negative impacts due to changing hydrologic conditions. (2) Goals In selecting among applicants described in paragraph (1), the Administrator shall ensure that, to the maximum extent practicable, the final list of applications funded for each year includes a substantial number that propose to utilize innovative approaches to meet one or more of the following goals: (A) Promoting more efficient water use, water conservation, water reuse, or recycling. (B) Using decentralized, low-impact development technologies and nonstructural approaches, including practices that use, enhance, or mimic the natural hydrological cycle or protect natural flows. (C) Reducing stormwater runoff or flooding by protecting or enhancing natural ecosystem functions. (D) Modifying, upgrading, enhancing, or replacing existing water system infrastructure in response to changing hydrologic conditions. (E) Improving water quality or quantity for agricultural and municipal uses, including through salinity reduction. (F) Providing multiple benefits, including to water supply enhancement or demand reduction, water quality protection or improvement, increased flood protection, and ecosystem protection or improvement. (f) Cost-Sharing (1) Federal share The share of the cost of any program, strategy, or infrastructure improvement that is the subject of a grant awarded by the Administrator to the owner or operator of a water system under subsection (b) paid through funds distributed under this section shall not exceed 50 percent of the cost of the program, strategy, or infrastructure improvement. (2) Calculation of non-Federal share In calculating the non-Federal share of the cost of a program, strategy, or infrastructure improvement proposed by a water system in an application submitted under subsection (d), the Administrator shall— (A) include the value of any in-kind services that are integral to the completion of the program, strategy, or infrastructure improvement, including reasonable administrative and overhead costs; and (B) not include any other amount that the water system involved receives from the Federal Government. (g) Report to Congress Not later than 3 years after the date of the enactment of this Act, and every 3 years thereafter, the Administrator shall submit to the Congress a report on progress in implementing this section, including information on project applications received and funded annually. (h) Authorization of Appropriations (1) In general To carry out this section, there is authorized to be appropriated $50,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2014 through 2018. (2) Limitation Of the amount made available to carry out this section for a fiscal year, not more than 20 percent may be made available to grantees for activities described in subsection (c)(10) (relating to reducing flood damage, risk, and vulnerability).
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<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Introduced-in-House" bill-type="olc" dms-id="HC49A37D42B154F9E820ED560BFA2C4E5" public-private="public"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 766 IH: Paying a Fair Share Act of 2013 </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-02-15 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> I </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 766 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130215"> February 15, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="C001084"> Mr. Cicilline </sponsor> (for himself, <cosponsor name-id="P000607"> Mr. Pocan </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="L000559"> Mr. Langevin </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S001145"> Ms. Schakowsky </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="E000288"> Mr. Ellison </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="L000560"> Mr. Larsen of Washington </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="L000551"> Ms. Lee of California </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="C001090"> Mr. Cartwright </cosponsor> ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="HWM00"> Committee on Ways and Means </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> A BILL </legis-type> <official-title> To reduce the deficit by imposing a minimum effective tax rate for high-income taxpayers. </official-title> </form> <legis-body id="HE0557C823DF34D7B82D9CBB7238880A5" style="OLC"> <section id="H99F0880BD17E471588C0306A476A0EB0" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Short title </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> This Act may be cited as the <quote> <short-title> Paying a Fair Share Act of 2013 </short-title> </quote> . </text> </section> <section id="H7CBC77E28FA8432799DDA0BC269BAF0E"> <enum> 2. </enum> <header> Fair share tax on high-income taxpayers </header> <subsection id="H4F74E0ED1418459995E98C3954901CAE"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> Subchapter A of <external-xref legal-doc="usc-chapter" parsable-cite="usc-chapter/26/1"> chapter 1 </external-xref> of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by adding at the end the following new part: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H7300B2FE02DB40518021C0781429A998" style="OLC"> <part id="HECAA4DBBCB2441319E6B356E4E7F8AC1"> <enum> VIII </enum> <header> Fair share tax on high-income taxpayers </header> <toc> <toc-entry level="section"> Sec. 59B. Fair share tax. </toc-entry> </toc> <section id="H0691715115254BC99D50B6C58A2BA294"> <enum> 59B. </enum> <header> Fair share tax </header> <subsection id="HF1DEB3799A0A4089A8BF508FF6565AEF"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> General rule </header> <paragraph id="HDB5C072FA6D84F5181350AEC07C5B077"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> Phase-in of tax </header> <text> In the case of any high-income taxpayer, there is hereby imposed for a taxable year (in addition to any other tax imposed by this subtitle) a tax equal to the product of— </text> <subparagraph id="HDD18116BCD8C496FBF3CD21FD6C7C2F0"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> the amount determined under paragraph (2), and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H3DCF9F38C404409FBBF97C3164186E82"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> a fraction (not to exceed 1)— </text> <clause id="HB4F69030EB184261B2325EF5A9715115"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> the numerator of which is the excess of— </text> <subclause id="H2BC9BFE60E364B48BBB351361B54408D"> <enum> (I) </enum> <text> the taxpayer's adjusted gross income, over </text> </subclause> <subclause id="HD3C9F4DED02D4F3883BE8B8ABAD52711"> <enum> (II) </enum> <text> the dollar amount in effect under subsection (c)(1), and </text> </subclause> </clause> <clause id="H88F542D2708C45499A1AB306A5B7F454"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> the denominator of which is the dollar amount in effect under subsection (c)(1). </text> </clause> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HC25F70F36FD74C45BB7ED150B13FCDAD"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Amount of tax </header> <text> The amount of tax determined under this paragraph is an amount equal to the excess (if any) of— </text> <subparagraph id="HD438F5A6986247FD8D7BA201360D4907"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> the tentative fair share tax for the taxable year, over </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H9C01A462C605465C8A31E18606579132"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> the excess of— </text> <clause id="HA00D2664AC43499D886E6F5FED03EB94"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> the sum of— </text> <subclause id="HC56D69D1627C4ED99C64521730CA66D0"> <enum> (I) </enum> <text> the regular tax liability (as defined in section 26(b)) for the taxable year, determined without regard to any tax liability determined under this section, </text> </subclause> <subclause id="H42130D1BE2DC4AC79F18AE7CD4B5BBEB"> <enum> (II) </enum> <text> the tax imposed by section 55 for the taxable year, plus </text> </subclause> <subclause id="H7519FB11E6A344E482E375984EC1DB06"> <enum> (III) </enum> <text> the payroll tax for the taxable year, over </text> </subclause> </clause> <clause id="HC47C524C6DAD4FD1A7F55165152AC5A7"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> the credits allowable under part IV of subchapter A (other than sections 27(a), 31, and 34). </text> </clause> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H0A85ADA6C27540439DE503719EF5240D"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Tentative fair share tax </header> <text> For purposes of this section— </text> <paragraph id="H2C84BA113CBC45C2A8BE6F99D07C445B"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> The tentative fair share tax for the taxable year is 30 percent of the excess of— </text> <subparagraph id="H67465C1EA1854AE8BCD522B8B48E5618"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> the adjusted gross income of the taxpayer, over </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HC01A4FEE950E4824B4A18E86D2C5AFF3"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> the modified charitable contribution deduction for the taxable year. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H190C6B1479994FD7A56D08895388D1F3"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Modified charitable contribution deduction </header> <text> For purposes of paragraph (1)— </text> <subparagraph id="H43F5855734F54E0FBDC936A87344A3CC"> <enum> (A) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> The modified charitable contribution deduction for any taxable year is an amount equal to the amount which bears the same ratio to the deduction allowable under section 170 (section 642(c) in the case of a trust or estate) for such taxable year as— </text> <clause id="H044570AAFABF4C7DA206BA7FBCCD8C62"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> the amount of itemized deductions allowable under the regular tax (as defined in section 55) for such taxable year, determined after the application of section 68, bears to </text> </clause> <clause id="H0F84AD5244B14835848EE5FE508EA484"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> such amount, determined before the application of section 68. </text> </clause> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HAB9DB2E7EFDC46A980DB4490FFC2CB11"> <enum> (B) </enum> <header> Taxpayer must itemize </header> <text> In the case of any individual who does not elect to itemize deductions for the taxable year, the modified charitable contribution deduction shall be zero. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H6E1D17E7C5CF47B9B32C3714E709EA29"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> High-Income taxpayer </header> <text> For purposes of this section— </text> <paragraph id="H439CA3659E3146309BE47090EE1FE820"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> The term <term> high-income taxpayer </term> means, with respect to any taxable year, any taxpayer (other than a corporation) with an adjusted gross income for such taxable year in excess of $1,000,000 (50 percent of such amount in the case of a married individual who files a separate return). </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H04073C4BA24E43DB832AE2A24F995984"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Inflation adjustment </header> <subparagraph id="H6BEF157ED9744BDCB89ADB183B0E401D"> <enum> (A) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> In the case of a taxable year beginning after 2014, the $1,000,000 amount under paragraph (1) shall be increased by an amount equal to— </text> <clause id="HC606810E660C494A976FED0CD5AA9A0E"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> such dollar amount, multiplied by </text> </clause> <clause id="HD5913BFC99374B829C23DE0E23A6FA02"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> the cost-of-living adjustment determined under section 1(f)(3) for the calendar year in which the taxable year begins, determined by substituting <quote> calendar year 2013 </quote> for <quote> calendar year 1992 </quote> in subparagraph (B) thereof. </text> </clause> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H7DC27ED4D9AE499784497E6CF2B81362"> <enum> (B) </enum> <header> Rounding </header> <text> If any amount as adjusted under subparagraph (A) is not a multiple of $10,000, such amount shall be rounded to the next lowest multiple of $10,000. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HCD560B553EB24D5986217BD3CDB77B9E"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header> Payroll tax </header> <text> For purposes of this section, the payroll tax for any taxable year is an amount equal to the excess of— </text> <paragraph id="HC30303FD60DD46E886336A42B1B5B82F"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> the taxes imposed on the taxpayer under sections 1401, 1411, 3101, 3201, and 3211(a) (to the extent such tax is attributable to the rate of tax in effect under section 3101) with respect to such taxable year or wages or compensation received during such taxable year, over </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H1CC53140EA7B4313A4D93CC56EBD9663"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> the deduction allowable under section 164(f) for such taxable year. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H6E7AE78C1EA34D8F95A82E516914FECA"> <enum> (e) </enum> <header> Special rule for estates and trusts </header> <text> For purposes of this section, in the case of an estate or trust, adjusted gross income shall be computed in the manner described in section 67(e). </text> </subsection> <subsection commented="no" id="HDBB047F2D08D4E0D9DA58B4404A8006A"> <enum> (f) </enum> <header> Not treated as tax imposed by this chapter for certain purposes </header> <text> The tax imposed under this section shall not be treated as tax imposed by this chapter for purposes of determining the amount of any credit under this chapter (other than the credit allowed under section 27(a)) or for purposes of section 55. </text> </subsection> </section> </part> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </subsection> <subsection id="HAC18E6B0C18F48D09B2656F33C0497C8"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Clerical amendment </header> <text> The table of parts for subchapter A of <external-xref legal-doc="usc-chapter" parsable-cite="usc-chapter/26/1"> chapter 1 </external-xref> of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by adding at the end the following new item: </text> <quoted-block id="HC577748B8A71447897AFB60F3CE9AD3D" style="OLC"> <toc> <toc-entry level="part"> Part VIII—Fair share tax on high-Income taxpayers </toc-entry> </toc> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </subsection> <subsection commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HF42CFED74D7C4C75B465C1FAEA17739A"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Effective date </header> <text> The amendments made by this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2013. </text> </subsection> </section> <section commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H0565B72494964EBDB96E3CF7427389C8"> <enum> 3. </enum> <header> Sense of the House of Representatives regarding tax reform </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> It is the sense of the House of Representatives that— </text> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H3FA68FF2D054481BBE9159E3A37A8914"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Congress should enact tax reform that repeals unfair and unnecessary tax loopholes and expenditures, simplifies the system for millions of taxpayers and businesses, and makes sure that the wealthiest taxpayers pay a fair share; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H56E7877FBBE24C9688C41517BA36414D"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> this Act is an interim step that can be done quickly and serve as a floor on taxes for the highest-income taxpayers, cut the deficit by billions of dollars a year, and help encourage more fundamental reform of the tax system. </text> </paragraph> </section> </legis-body> </bill>
I 113th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 766 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES February 15, 2013 Mr. Cicilline (for himself, Mr. Pocan , Mr. Langevin , Ms. Schakowsky , Mr. Ellison , Mr. Larsen of Washington , Ms. Lee of California , and Mr. Cartwright ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Ways and Means A BILL To reduce the deficit by imposing a minimum effective tax rate for high-income taxpayers. 1. Short title This Act may be cited as the Paying a Fair Share Act of 2013 . 2. Fair share tax on high-income taxpayers (a) In general Subchapter A of chapter 1 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by adding at the end the following new part: VIII Fair share tax on high-income taxpayers Sec. 59B. Fair share tax. 59B. Fair share tax (a) General rule (1) Phase-in of tax In the case of any high-income taxpayer, there is hereby imposed for a taxable year (in addition to any other tax imposed by this subtitle) a tax equal to the product of— (A) the amount determined under paragraph (2), and (B) a fraction (not to exceed 1)— (i) the numerator of which is the excess of— (I) the taxpayer's adjusted gross income, over (II) the dollar amount in effect under subsection (c)(1), and (ii) the denominator of which is the dollar amount in effect under subsection (c)(1). (2) Amount of tax The amount of tax determined under this paragraph is an amount equal to the excess (if any) of— (A) the tentative fair share tax for the taxable year, over (B) the excess of— (i) the sum of— (I) the regular tax liability (as defined in section 26(b)) for the taxable year, determined without regard to any tax liability determined under this section, (II) the tax imposed by section 55 for the taxable year, plus (III) the payroll tax for the taxable year, over (ii) the credits allowable under part IV of subchapter A (other than sections 27(a), 31, and 34). (b) Tentative fair share tax For purposes of this section— (1) In general The tentative fair share tax for the taxable year is 30 percent of the excess of— (A) the adjusted gross income of the taxpayer, over (B) the modified charitable contribution deduction for the taxable year. (2) Modified charitable contribution deduction For purposes of paragraph (1)— (A) In general The modified charitable contribution deduction for any taxable year is an amount equal to the amount which bears the same ratio to the deduction allowable under section 170 (section 642(c) in the case of a trust or estate) for such taxable year as— (i) the amount of itemized deductions allowable under the regular tax (as defined in section 55) for such taxable year, determined after the application of section 68, bears to (ii) such amount, determined before the application of section 68. (B) Taxpayer must itemize In the case of any individual who does not elect to itemize deductions for the taxable year, the modified charitable contribution deduction shall be zero. (c) High-Income taxpayer For purposes of this section— (1) In general The term high-income taxpayer means, with respect to any taxable year, any taxpayer (other than a corporation) with an adjusted gross income for such taxable year in excess of $1,000,000 (50 percent of such amount in the case of a married individual who files a separate return). (2) Inflation adjustment (A) In general In the case of a taxable year beginning after 2014, the $1,000,000 amount under paragraph (1) shall be increased by an amount equal to— (i) such dollar amount, multiplied by (ii) the cost-of-living adjustment determined under section 1(f)(3) for the calendar year in which the taxable year begins, determined by substituting calendar year 2013 for calendar year 1992 in subparagraph (B) thereof. (B) Rounding If any amount as adjusted under subparagraph (A) is not a multiple of $10,000, such amount shall be rounded to the next lowest multiple of $10,000. (d) Payroll tax For purposes of this section, the payroll tax for any taxable year is an amount equal to the excess of— (1) the taxes imposed on the taxpayer under sections 1401, 1411, 3101, 3201, and 3211(a) (to the extent such tax is attributable to the rate of tax in effect under section 3101) with respect to such taxable year or wages or compensation received during such taxable year, over (2) the deduction allowable under section 164(f) for such taxable year. (e) Special rule for estates and trusts For purposes of this section, in the case of an estate or trust, adjusted gross income shall be computed in the manner described in section 67(e). (f) Not treated as tax imposed by this chapter for certain purposes The tax imposed under this section shall not be treated as tax imposed by this chapter for purposes of determining the amount of any credit under this chapter (other than the credit allowed under section 27(a)) or for purposes of section 55. . (b) Clerical amendment The table of parts for subchapter A of chapter 1 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by adding at the end the following new item: Part VIII—Fair share tax on high-Income taxpayers . (c) Effective date The amendments made by this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2013. 3. Sense of the House of Representatives regarding tax reform It is the sense of the House of Representatives that— (1) Congress should enact tax reform that repeals unfair and unnecessary tax loopholes and expenditures, simplifies the system for millions of taxpayers and businesses, and makes sure that the wealthiest taxpayers pay a fair share; and (2) this Act is an interim step that can be done quickly and serve as a floor on taxes for the highest-income taxpayers, cut the deficit by billions of dollars a year, and help encourage more fundamental reform of the tax system.
2023-01-07 11:22:02.068
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Engrossed-in-House" bill-type="olc" dms-id="HD2D971227AAE47148910E96C2CF5FC8B" public-private="public" stage-count="1"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 767 EH: To amend the Energy Policy Act of 2005 to modify the Pilot Project offices of the Federal Permit Streamlining Pilot Project. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date/> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="no"> IB </distribution-code> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 767 </legis-num> <current-chamber display="no"> IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES </current-chamber> <legis-type> AN ACT </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> To amend the Energy Policy Act of 2005 to modify the Pilot Project offices of the Federal Permit Streamlining Pilot Project. </official-title> </form> <legis-body display-enacting-clause="yes-display-enacting-clause" id="HEB207AD540D8472DB0679C74CC1FC8BB" style="OLC"> <section commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H70BC80E01545436B9266465C83E12519" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Pilot Project offices of Federal Permit Streamlining Pilot Project </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Section 365 of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/42/15924"> 42 U.S.C. 15924 </external-xref> ) is amended by striking subsection (d) and inserting the following: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H250449F265204536AC7C5807C67639D7" style="OLC"> <subsection commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H3214D7EC698B471D9D932562CF962497"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Pilot project offices </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The following Bureau of Land Management Offices shall serve as the Pilot Project offices: </text> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HCCA08637E8DE47368B443CD4389F3A7E"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Rawlins Field Office, Wyoming. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HCA3B8DE64EC24D98A29CBAD20F8DA124"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> High Plains District Office, Wyoming. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H563DF67C6A814329827732BCBC989B19"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Montana/Dakotas State Office, Montana. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H20DB1CC168734860B33A34880500C2DD"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Farmington Field Office, New Mexico. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H569228FDF9C54A79B131E74A1D4BBBC3"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Carlsbad Field Office, New Mexico. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HE430E79309564BEC9FC6FA762AE09069"> <enum> (6) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Grand Junction/Glenwood Springs Field Office, Colorado. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HD057C15B3E644280A9FEC717ACBE064E"> <enum> (7) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Vernal Field Office, Utah. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </section> </legis-body> <attestation> <attestation-group> <attestation-date chamber="House" date="20130515"> Passed the House of Representatives May 15, 2013. </attestation-date> <attestor display="no"> Karen L. Haas, </attestor> <role> Clerk. </role> </attestation-group> </attestation> <endorsement display="yes"/> </bill>
IB 113th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 767 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES AN ACT To amend the Energy Policy Act of 2005 to modify the Pilot Project offices of the Federal Permit Streamlining Pilot Project. 1. Pilot Project offices of Federal Permit Streamlining Pilot Project Section 365 of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 ( 42 U.S.C. 15924 ) is amended by striking subsection (d) and inserting the following: (d) Pilot project offices The following Bureau of Land Management Offices shall serve as the Pilot Project offices: (1) Rawlins Field Office, Wyoming. (2) High Plains District Office, Wyoming. (3) Montana/Dakotas State Office, Montana. (4) Farmington Field Office, New Mexico. (5) Carlsbad Field Office, New Mexico. (6) Grand Junction/Glenwood Springs Field Office, Colorado. (7) Vernal Field Office, Utah. . Passed the House of Representatives May 15, 2013. Karen L. Haas, Clerk.
2023-01-07 06:28:04.091
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Enrolled-Bill" bill-type="olc" dms-id="HD2D971227AAE47148910E96C2CF5FC8B" public-private="public" stage-count="1"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> HR 767 ENR: To amend the Energy Policy Act of 2005 to modify the Pilot Project offices of the Federal Permit Streamlining Pilot Project. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date/> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="no"> IB </distribution-code> <congress display="yes"> One Hundred Thirteenth Congress of the United States of America </congress> <session display="yes"> At the First Session </session> <enrolled-dateline> Begun and held at the City of Washington on Thursday, the third day of January, two thousand and thirteen </enrolled-dateline> <legis-num> H. R. 767 </legis-num> <current-chamber display="no"/> <legis-type> AN ACT </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> To amend the Energy Policy Act of 2005 to modify the Pilot Project offices of the Federal Permit Streamlining Pilot Project. </official-title> </form> <legis-body display-enacting-clause="yes-display-enacting-clause" id="HEB207AD540D8472DB0679C74CC1FC8BB" style="OLC"> <section commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H70BC80E01545436B9266465C83E12519" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Pilot Project offices of Federal Permit Streamlining Pilot Project </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Section 365 of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/42/15924"> 42 U.S.C. 15924 </external-xref> ) is amended by striking subsection (d) and inserting the following: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H250449F265204536AC7C5807C67639D7" style="OLC"> <subsection commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H3214D7EC698B471D9D932562CF962497"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Pilot project offices </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The following Bureau of Land Management Offices shall serve as the Pilot Project offices: </text> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HCCA08637E8DE47368B443CD4389F3A7E"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Rawlins Field Office, Wyoming. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HCA3B8DE64EC24D98A29CBAD20F8DA124"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> High Plains District Office, Wyoming. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H563DF67C6A814329827732BCBC989B19"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Montana/Dakotas State Office, Montana. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H20DB1CC168734860B33A34880500C2DD"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Farmington Field Office, New Mexico. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H569228FDF9C54A79B131E74A1D4BBBC3"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Carlsbad Field Office, New Mexico. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HE430E79309564BEC9FC6FA762AE09069"> <enum> (6) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Grand Junction/Glenwood Springs Field Office, Colorado. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HD057C15B3E644280A9FEC717ACBE064E"> <enum> (7) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Vernal Field Office, Utah. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </section> </legis-body> <attestation> <attestation-group> <role> Speaker of the House of Representatives. </role> </attestation-group> <attestation-group> <role> Vice President of the United States and President of the Senate. </role> </attestation-group> </attestation> </bill>
IB One Hundred Thirteenth Congress of the United States of America At the First Session Begun and held at the City of Washington on Thursday, the third day of January, two thousand and thirteen H. R. 767 AN ACT To amend the Energy Policy Act of 2005 to modify the Pilot Project offices of the Federal Permit Streamlining Pilot Project. 1. Pilot Project offices of Federal Permit Streamlining Pilot Project Section 365 of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 ( 42 U.S.C. 15924 ) is amended by striking subsection (d) and inserting the following: (d) Pilot project offices The following Bureau of Land Management Offices shall serve as the Pilot Project offices: (1) Rawlins Field Office, Wyoming. (2) High Plains District Office, Wyoming. (3) Montana/Dakotas State Office, Montana. (4) Farmington Field Office, New Mexico. (5) Carlsbad Field Office, New Mexico. (6) Grand Junction/Glenwood Springs Field Office, Colorado. (7) Vernal Field Office, Utah. . Speaker of the House of Representatives. Vice President of the United States and President of the Senate.
2023-01-08 17:37:57.385
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Introduced-in-House" bill-type="olc" dms-id="HD2D971227AAE47148910E96C2CF5FC8B" public-private="public"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 767 IH: To amend the Energy Policy Act of 2005 to modify the Pilot Project offices of the Federal Permit Streamlining Pilot Project. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-02-15 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> I </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 767 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130215"> February 15, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="C001096"> Mr. Cramer </sponsor> (for himself, <cosponsor name-id="D000618"> Mr. Daines </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="N000184"> Mrs. Noem </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="L000571"> Mrs. Lummis </cosponsor> ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="HII00"> Committee on Natural Resources </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> A BILL </legis-type> <official-title> To amend the Energy Policy Act of 2005 to modify the Pilot Project offices of the Federal Permit Streamlining Pilot Project. </official-title> </form> <legis-body id="HEB207AD540D8472DB0679C74CC1FC8BB" style="OLC"> <section commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H70BC80E01545436B9266465C83E12519" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Pilot Project offices of Federal Permit Streamlining Pilot Project </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Section 365 of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/42/15924"> 42 U.S.C. 15924 </external-xref> ) is amended by striking subsection (d) and inserting the following: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H250449F265204536AC7C5807C67639D7" style="OLC"> <subsection commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H3214D7EC698B471D9D932562CF962497"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Pilot project offices </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The following Bureau of Land Management Offices shall serve as the Pilot Project offices: </text> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HCCA08637E8DE47368B443CD4389F3A7E"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Rawlins Field Office, Wyoming. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HCA3B8DE64EC24D98A29CBAD20F8DA124"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Buffalo Field Office, Wyoming. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H563DF67C6A814329827732BCBC989B19"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Montana/Dakotas State Office, Montana. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H20DB1CC168734860B33A34880500C2DD"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Farmington Field Office, New Mexico. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H569228FDF9C54A79B131E74A1D4BBBC3"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Carlsbad Field Office, New Mexico. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HE430E79309564BEC9FC6FA762AE09069"> <enum> (6) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Grand Junction/Glenwood Springs Field Office, Colorado. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HD057C15B3E644280A9FEC717ACBE064E"> <enum> (7) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Vernal Field Office, Utah. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </section> </legis-body> </bill>
I 113th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 767 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES February 15, 2013 Mr. Cramer (for himself, Mr. Daines , Mrs. Noem , and Mrs. Lummis ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Natural Resources A BILL To amend the Energy Policy Act of 2005 to modify the Pilot Project offices of the Federal Permit Streamlining Pilot Project. 1. Pilot Project offices of Federal Permit Streamlining Pilot Project Section 365 of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 ( 42 U.S.C. 15924 ) is amended by striking subsection (d) and inserting the following: (d) Pilot project offices The following Bureau of Land Management Offices shall serve as the Pilot Project offices: (1) Rawlins Field Office, Wyoming. (2) Buffalo Field Office, Wyoming. (3) Montana/Dakotas State Office, Montana. (4) Farmington Field Office, New Mexico. (5) Carlsbad Field Office, New Mexico. (6) Grand Junction/Glenwood Springs Field Office, Colorado. (7) Vernal Field Office, Utah. .
2023-01-07 11:22:01.787
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Referred-in-Senate" bill-type="olc" dms-id="HD2D971227AAE47148910E96C2CF5FC8B" key="G" public-private="public" stage-count="1"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 767 : To amend the Energy Policy Act of 2005 to modify the Pilot Project offices of the Federal Permit Streamlining Pilot Project. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-05-16 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> IIB </distribution-code> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 767 </legis-num> <current-chamber display="yes"> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130516"> May 16, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> Received; read twice and referred to the <committee-name committee-id="SSEG00"> Committee on Energy and Natural Resources </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> AN ACT </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> To amend the Energy Policy Act of 2005 to modify the Pilot Project offices of the Federal Permit Streamlining Pilot Project. </official-title> </form> <legis-body display-enacting-clause="yes-display-enacting-clause" id="HEB207AD540D8472DB0679C74CC1FC8BB" style="OLC"> <section commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H70BC80E01545436B9266465C83E12519" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Pilot Project offices of Federal Permit Streamlining Pilot Project </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Section 365 of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (42 U.S.C. 15924) is amended by striking subsection (d) and inserting the following: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H250449F265204536AC7C5807C67639D7" style="OLC"> <subsection commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H3214D7EC698B471D9D932562CF962497"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Pilot project offices </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The following Bureau of Land Management Offices shall serve as the Pilot Project offices: </text> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HCCA08637E8DE47368B443CD4389F3A7E"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Rawlins Field Office, Wyoming. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HCA3B8DE64EC24D98A29CBAD20F8DA124"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> High Plains District Office, Wyoming. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H563DF67C6A814329827732BCBC989B19"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Montana/Dakotas State Office, Montana. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H20DB1CC168734860B33A34880500C2DD"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Farmington Field Office, New Mexico. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H569228FDF9C54A79B131E74A1D4BBBC3"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Carlsbad Field Office, New Mexico. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HE430E79309564BEC9FC6FA762AE09069"> <enum> (6) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Grand Junction/Glenwood Springs Field Office, Colorado. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HD057C15B3E644280A9FEC717ACBE064E"> <enum> (7) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Vernal Field Office, Utah. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </section> </legis-body> <attestation> <attestation-group> <attestation-date chamber="House" date="20130515"> Passed the House of Representatives May 15, 2013. </attestation-date> <attestor display="yes"> Karen L. Haas, </attestor> <role> Clerk. </role> </attestation-group> </attestation> </bill>
IIB 113th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 767 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES May 16, 2013 Received; read twice and referred to the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources AN ACT To amend the Energy Policy Act of 2005 to modify the Pilot Project offices of the Federal Permit Streamlining Pilot Project. 1. Pilot Project offices of Federal Permit Streamlining Pilot Project Section 365 of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (42 U.S.C. 15924) is amended by striking subsection (d) and inserting the following: (d) Pilot project offices The following Bureau of Land Management Offices shall serve as the Pilot Project offices: (1) Rawlins Field Office, Wyoming. (2) High Plains District Office, Wyoming. (3) Montana/Dakotas State Office, Montana. (4) Farmington Field Office, New Mexico. (5) Carlsbad Field Office, New Mexico. (6) Grand Junction/Glenwood Springs Field Office, Colorado. (7) Vernal Field Office, Utah. . Passed the House of Representatives May 15, 2013. Karen L. Haas, Clerk.
2023-01-07 11:22:01.947
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Reported-in-House" bill-type="olc" dms-id="HD2D971227AAE47148910E96C2CF5FC8B" public-private="public"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 767 RH: To amend the Energy Policy Act of 2005 to modify the Pilot Project offices of the Federal Permit Streamlining Pilot Project. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-05-14 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> IB </distribution-code> <calendar display="yes"> Union Calendar No. 33 </calendar> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 767 </legis-num> <associated-doc display="yes" role="report"> [Report No. 113–55] </associated-doc> <current-chamber display="yes"> IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130215"> February 15, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="C001096"> Mr. Cramer </sponsor> (for himself, <cosponsor name-id="D000618"> Mr. Daines </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="N000184"> Mrs. Noem </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="L000571"> Mrs. Lummis </cosponsor> ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the <committee-name added-display-style="italic" committee-id="HII00" deleted-display-style="strikethrough"> Committee on Natural Resources </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <action> <action-date date="20130514"> May 14, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> Reported with an amendment, committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union, and ordered to be printed </action-desc> <action-instruction> Strike out all after the enacting clause and insert the part printed in italic </action-instruction> <action-instruction> For text of introduced bill, see copy of bill as introduced on February 15, 2013 </action-instruction> </action> <action display="yes"> <action-desc display="yes"> <pagebreak/> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> A BILL </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> To amend the Energy Policy Act of 2005 to modify the Pilot Project offices of the Federal Permit Streamlining Pilot Project. <pagebreak/> </official-title> </form> <legis-body changed="added" committee-id="HII00" id="HEB207AD540D8472DB0679C74CC1FC8BB" reported-display-style="italic" style="OLC"> <section commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H70BC80E01545436B9266465C83E12519" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Pilot Project offices of Federal Permit Streamlining Pilot Project </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Section 365 of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/42/15924"> 42 U.S.C. 15924 </external-xref> ) is amended by striking subsection (d) and inserting the following: </text> <quoted-block changed="added" committee-id="HII00" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H250449F265204536AC7C5807C67639D7" reported-display-style="italic" style="OLC"> <subsection commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H3214D7EC698B471D9D932562CF962497"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Pilot project offices </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The following Bureau of Land Management Offices shall serve as the Pilot Project offices: </text> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HCCA08637E8DE47368B443CD4389F3A7E"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Rawlins Field Office, Wyoming. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HCA3B8DE64EC24D98A29CBAD20F8DA124"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> High Plains District Office, Wyoming. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H563DF67C6A814329827732BCBC989B19"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Montana/Dakotas State Office, Montana. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H20DB1CC168734860B33A34880500C2DD"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Farmington Field Office, New Mexico. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H569228FDF9C54A79B131E74A1D4BBBC3"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Carlsbad Field Office, New Mexico. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HE430E79309564BEC9FC6FA762AE09069"> <enum> (6) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Grand Junction/Glenwood Springs Field Office, Colorado. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HD057C15B3E644280A9FEC717ACBE064E"> <enum> (7) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Vernal Field Office, Utah. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </section> </legis-body> <endorsement display="yes"> <action-date date="20130514"> May 14, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> Reported with an amendment, committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union, and ordered to be printed </action-desc> </endorsement> </bill>
IB Union Calendar No. 33 113th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 767 [Report No. 113–55] IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES February 15, 2013 Mr. Cramer (for himself, Mr. Daines , Mrs. Noem , and Mrs. Lummis ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Natural Resources May 14, 2013 Reported with an amendment, committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union, and ordered to be printed Strike out all after the enacting clause and insert the part printed in italic For text of introduced bill, see copy of bill as introduced on February 15, 2013 A BILL To amend the Energy Policy Act of 2005 to modify the Pilot Project offices of the Federal Permit Streamlining Pilot Project. 1. Pilot Project offices of Federal Permit Streamlining Pilot Project Section 365 of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 ( 42 U.S.C. 15924 ) is amended by striking subsection (d) and inserting the following: (d) Pilot project offices The following Bureau of Land Management Offices shall serve as the Pilot Project offices: (1) Rawlins Field Office, Wyoming. (2) High Plains District Office, Wyoming. (3) Montana/Dakotas State Office, Montana. (4) Farmington Field Office, New Mexico. (5) Carlsbad Field Office, New Mexico. (6) Grand Junction/Glenwood Springs Field Office, Colorado. (7) Vernal Field Office, Utah. . May 14, 2013 Reported with an amendment, committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union, and ordered to be printed
2023-01-08 17:37:56.363
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Introduced-in-House" bill-type="olc" dms-id="H31060AE13FFE4304AEC334C928F5870F" public-private="public"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 768 IH: Securing Teacher Effectiveness, Leadership, Learning, And Results Act of 2013 </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-02-15 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> I </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 768 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130215"> February 15, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="D000598"> Mrs. Davis of California </sponsor> (for herself and <cosponsor name-id="P000598"> Mr. Polis </cosponsor> ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="HED00"> Committee on Education and the Workforce </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> A BILL </legis-type> <official-title> To amend the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 to require the establishment of teacher evaluation programs. </official-title> </form> <legis-body id="H7863B748B6D447F6B7AAA840C6101422" style="OLC"> <section id="H21B04BE9F7854DEEB5AFAC9D3A6AA66B" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Short title </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> This Act may be cited as the <quote> <short-title> Securing Teacher Effectiveness, Leadership, Learning, And Results Act of 2013 </short-title> </quote> or the <quote> <short-title> STELLAR Act </short-title> </quote> . </text> </section> <section id="H587844DB4D1744DD94C9DC08535156EF"> <enum> 2. </enum> <header> Findings </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Congress finds the following: </text> <paragraph id="H81B27DF7F2E64C2F8B6409649178FF11"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> Effective teachers and principals are the backbone of our schools and the key to successful students. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HDDE1899B5D044864B99F0D52A1F60D00"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> Teachers and principals deserve our full support as they take on one of the most important and most challenging responsibilities—educating our children. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H62F0FDED02EC4FF2BCC721F0C47F7DD6"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> High-quality evaluations that provide meaningful feedback are a crucial element to giving educators the support they need to successfully achieve at high levels. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HEAFCB1E65B704646BB9CF587D0C29CC1"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> Teachers and principals also deserve access to professional development opportunities so they can continue to learn and grow as educators. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H8F43118D180B469EB3E5970A04AB7344"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text> Research shows that high-quality and effective teaching is the single most important school-based factor impacting student learning. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H0B516364EDF74B01BC2AA68566C66B6C"> <enum> (6) </enum> <text> In formal studies, including research highlighted in <quote> The Widget Effect </quote> , nearly 75 percent of teachers reported that they have not received specific suggestions on how to improve classroom practices in annual evaluations. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HD72E5CABA9D54435AA9777B3F6D08DF9"> <enum> (7) </enum> <text> Across all local educational agencies, only 43 percent of teachers, including novice teachers who may benefit the most from feedback, report that current evaluations systems are helpful. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HC04495256FD94326B69BF1D0E5D67A22"> <enum> (8) </enum> <text> Research also shows that school leadership quality is second only to teacher quality among school-related factors in its impact on student learning. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H224594E560F9465B899ED090B3E5B821"> <enum> (9) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Strong school leadership is a key determinant of whether schools can attract and retain effective teachers particularly in high poverty schools, as research has found teachers’ satisfaction to be more influenced by the culture of the school than by the demographics of the school’s students. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HF0C2B6681A134A20A72BC60ABF1EC1F6"> <enum> (10) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Principals set the direction and vision for a school, and studies find that strong instructional leadership and a focus on building a shared mission focused on student achievement can create a positive teaching and learning environment. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H5335B587782441E78FEB6499CEFACC17"> <enum> (11) </enum> <text> Constructive feedback specifying areas for improvement could be useful to both teachers and principals who are dedicated to growing professionally. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HC497785094C44C35A3432442C7D71901"> <enum> (12) </enum> <text> The most effective way to turn around a struggling school is through talented teachers and an inspirational principal. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H6753D99572A146F9B44C79157D5C5EB8"> <enum> (13) </enum> <text> Effective teachers and principals also deserve to be recognized for excellence and to receive commendations in areas of strong performance and improvement. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HA8CB191D6C134FB2914D087F6837AB92"> <enum> (14) </enum> <text> Evaluations should give teachers and principals the opportunity to foster mutually beneficial professional relationships. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H7C78F6F3CBF74DA796205FED14430ECD"> <enum> (15) </enum> <text> Teachers and principals should provide input and contribute directly to designing, implementing, and improving evaluation systems in their school districts. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H87F510712916418F9258AFE43E668996"> <enum> (16) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> High-quality teacher and principal evaluations have the potential to be a powerful tool and should play a significant role in building a talented force of educators. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HB59570C88F894AAFAE654AF5F509A31C"> <enum> (17) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The goal of evaluation systems is to improve individual, as well as whole school and district, teaching and leadership practices to benefit students. </text> </paragraph> </section> <section id="H1A81A2CDB0F3451CB4A116FAD944DA68"> <enum> 3. </enum> <header> Robust teacher and principal evaluations </header> <subsection id="H1B6EC87DBEBB44059817A57F0A864F38"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Section 1111(b) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/20/6311"> 20 U.S.C. 6311(b) </external-xref> ) is amended by adding at the end the following: </text> <quoted-block id="HC8518BCFEA974BDB826FBE1F5BFB6DAE" style="OLC"> <paragraph id="H3203B65F566642BDBE2290894AE9067F"> <enum> (11) </enum> <header> Robust teacher and principal evaluations </header> <subparagraph id="H4164410180504E81B5C4D39840A30814"> <enum> (A) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> Not later than 3 years after the date of enactment of the STELLAR Act, each State plan shall include the following: </text> <clause id="H720F79F9AE9940E4A5DD4B3EE732C5F0"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> The statewide definitions of teacher and principal effectiveness that the State has established and not less than 4 levels of performance ratings for teachers and for principals, including an effective rating and a highly effective rating, based on such definitions. </text> </clause> <clause id="H444704D07AF244FA96C0684D9C795CDB"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> A demonstration that the State has developed, after taking input from and collaborating with, teachers and principals, a model teacher and principal evaluation program under which— </text> <subclause id="H2529FD0F073142D784D601CAF96EB026"> <enum> (I) </enum> <text> individuals in charge of administering teacher and principal evaluations within each local educational agency in the State are provided rigorous training on how to conduct the teacher and principal evaluations, including— </text> <item id="H4A1A2DF7B5C94F60AE58844C6A23AD5B"> <enum> (aa) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> how to identify areas for improvement and provide specific feedback about improving teaching and principal practice based on evaluation results; </text> </item> <item id="HE12726F1C80646CC8578BD6D40F7A7DC"> <enum> (bb) </enum> <text> how to evaluate teachers and principals using the performance ratings described in clause (i) and established under subparagraphs (B)(iii) and (C)(viii); </text> </item> <item id="H02D1BF75DE2345B491F014267550EFB0"> <enum> (cc) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> a measure of student academic growth with respect to the State’s academic standards of the school’s students, including students in each of the subgroups described in paragraph (2)(C)(v)(II), and training on how to interpret such measure; and </text> </item> <item commented="no" id="HCF434E4B024948338EE686ECE984FF26"> <enum> (dd) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> how to reliably and accurately rate teachers using the State’s rigorous rubric that meets the requirements of subparagraph (B)(ii)(II)(aa); </text> </item> </subclause> <subclause id="HE0CDA6B7E33C4F4C803FC12992B0DB43"> <enum> (II) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> a teacher or principal who is evaluated is provided, based on the evaluation results, professional development opportunities that meet the specific needs identified for the teacher or principal, including mentorship programs that use highly effective teachers or principals as leaders or coaches; </text> </subclause> <subclause id="H4873F60CBCB646899E183392A13FE525"> <enum> (III) </enum> <text> measures are taken to ensure that the results of personally identifiable teacher and principal evaluations are not publicly disclosed, except as required under subsection (h); </text> </subclause> <subclause id="HEAE5691C923849E5A5A6169852436929"> <enum> (IV) </enum> <text> regular monitoring and assessment of the quality, reliability, validity, fairness, consistency, and objectivity of the evaluation program and the evaluators’ judgments takes place within and across local educational agencies in the State; </text> </subclause> <subclause id="H834CE3C0555A43C6B086FEC91893CB26"> <enum> (V) </enum> <text> each teacher’s performance is annually evaluated in accordance with subparagraph (B); </text> </subclause> <subclause id="H245356A16E1B4ACBBEC752FC8FCAD428"> <enum> (VI) </enum> <text> each principal’s performance is annually evaluated in accordance with subparagraph (C); </text> </subclause> <subclause id="H8DCB594A37DD4BBE8C4218C5B7D39C54"> <enum> (VII) </enum> <text> on the basis of the evaluation, each teacher or principal receives— </text> <item id="H8C883CCC6971491D889455A5E6CFF197"> <enum> (aa) </enum> <text> a performance rating, as described in clause (i), that is based on multiple measures; </text> </item> <item id="HB76B49E96CBA4FEA9166FFD58EDFD91B"> <enum> (bb) </enum> <text> in the case of a teacher, in addition to the measures required under subparagraph (B)— </text> <subitem id="H4C392E2E8273487D879923714B5A056F"> <enum> (AA) </enum> <text> in a grade level and subject area with a statewide assessment, a measure of student learning gains that is comparable across the State for all teachers in grade levels and subject areas with a statewide assessment; or </text> </subitem> <subitem id="HD70BC206460F41689BA0001A7C2D5F70"> <enum> (BB) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> in a grade level and subject area without a statewide assessment, a measure of student learning comparable across the local educational agency for all teachers in the same grade without a statewide assessment for elementary schools and for all teachers in the same grade and subject area without a statewide assessment in secondary schools; </text> </subitem> </item> <item id="H4893F033E28B486F97C27AD1D1C0D37A"> <enum> (cc) </enum> <text> ongoing formative feedback and specific recommendations on areas for professional improvement, which includes an identification of areas in which the teacher or principal can strengthen practices to improve student learning; </text> </item> <item id="H528B396B5F5842D8A81831C72F64B765"> <enum> (dd) </enum> <text> commendations for excellence in areas of strong performance and in areas of significant improvement; and </text> </item> <item id="HAA5252D1634945EFA089EEDC96FA652D"> <enum> (ee) </enum> <text> in the case of a teacher or principal who is identified as being in 1 of the lowest 2 performance ratings described in clause (i), a comprehensive remediation plan within set time parameters not to exceed 1 year; </text> </item> </subclause> <subclause id="H3564234EBB7349928B1ABCCE5DA51CAE"> <enum> (VIII) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> evaluation results are clearly communicated to each teacher and principal, and the steps, goals, and requirements of a professional development or remediation plan are clearly communicated to the teacher or principal; </text> </subclause> <subclause id="H8F31B4E5BFEB4942B8F151B3DB166843"> <enum> (IX) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> evaluation results are the primary factor used in determining layoffs during any reduction in force; </text> </subclause> <subclause id="H2A0FA64E2A0643A6A780766F8C6B571F"> <enum> (X) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> evaluation results are used to ensure that low-income students and minority students are not assigned at higher rates than other students to classes in core academic subjects taught by teachers who have received one of the two lowest evaluation rates in their most recent evaluation; </text> </subclause> <subclause id="H6A3E2AEB4E0A4F44B6C72E2430A24788"> <enum> (XI) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> evaluation results are used as the principal factor in informing all key personnel and staffing decisions, including decisions with respect to tenure, promotion, and retention; </text> </subclause> <subclause id="H79A9EF52BC724EF7B60349ADB59F6D1D"> <enum> (XII) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> any teacher or principal who receives the lowest evaluation performance rating for 2 consecutive years is subject to dismissal; </text> </subclause> <subclause id="HB657B491AF7747008FBD38545EE1E2D1"> <enum> (XIII) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> any teacher or principal who receives the lowest performance rating and does not successfully improve performance on an evaluation after completing the comprehensive remediation plan as required under subclause (VII)(ee) is prohibited from working in any elementary school or secondary school served under this part; </text> </subclause> <subclause id="HBC4BA089C6454CA9BDF33F3923CCE706"> <enum> (XIV) </enum> <text> any teacher or principal who receives the second lowest performance rating and does not successfully improve performance on an evaluation after completing such comprehensive remediation plan is prohibited from working in any elementary school or secondary school— </text> <item id="HEB7910C6C6A640D390AC6BB210A842CB"> <enum> (aa) </enum> <text> in a State-defined turnaround status; or </text> </item> <item id="H2AC95EBC2CD647058FD37B33F9264CDA"> <enum> (bb) </enum> <text> in the lowest 5 percent of schools based on its performance against State-defined student achievement goals. </text> </item> </subclause> </clause> <clause commented="no" id="H682712E4B2C541E6B51BEB77B1839A88"> <enum> (iii) </enum> <text> A demonstration that each local educational agency in the State has adopted a local educational agency-wide teacher and principal evaluation program that— </text> <subclause commented="no" id="HEAFC3004CB3942F789400785F316E012"> <enum> (I) </enum> <text> was developed after seeking input from and collaborating with teachers and principals; </text> </subclause> <subclause id="HBC78BFFCA3A047079A242CAFCD844D45"> <enum> (II) </enum> <text> meets the standards for validity and reliability developed by the State; and </text> </subclause> <subclause commented="no" id="H369489996F2E42748077B0E0665A1AAC"> <enum> (III) </enum> <text> meets the minimum requirements set forth in clause (ii). </text> </subclause> </clause> <clause id="H820C591A043B4A5FBD96BA6CE3E347DE"> <enum> (iv) </enum> <text> A demonstration that each local educational agency in the State is seeking input from and collaborating with teachers and principals to make improvements to the evaluation program on an annual basis. </text> </clause> <clause id="HABA5EB9C26D94293A2CB659F8A7A0102"> <enum> (v) </enum> <text> An assurance that the State will, on a regular basis— </text> <subclause id="H8F20994A67314DF9A6E50A28F59D1BC3"> <enum> (I) </enum> <text> review the teacher and principal evaluation systems used by the local educational agencies in the State, including— </text> <item id="H0AF2532545D14446A3A08A786BE8F4B4"> <enum> (aa) </enum> <text> comparing the teacher and principal evaluation results, for each agency and each agency's schools, against the student academic achievement and student growth in the agency and each agency’s schools; </text> </item> <item id="HC0A220B476544D7B80326AAA132EF0A2"> <enum> (bb) </enum> <text> assessing the extent to which each local educational agency’s existing system demonstrates meaningful differentiation among teacher performance levels and among principal performance levels; </text> </item> <item id="H870B2FC7CAEE4967A113449E7F68DA6A"> <enum> (cc) </enum> <text> comparing implementation and results across the evaluation systems of local educational agencies in the State to ensure— </text> <subitem id="H45D7BD72C3F847768D0076A54774A12F"> <enum> (AA) </enum> <text> comparability across the State in implementation of such systems; and </text> </subitem> <subitem id="HC934F0AC0D85489EB1FCA02F9D519B24"> <enum> (BB) </enum> <text> that such systems meet the State’s criteria or definitions for each of the terms described in clause (i); and </text> </subitem> </item> <item id="HF73FFB55152A4150B97A5A88BE4E4C2C"> <enum> (dd) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> assessing the extent to which each local educational agency is using its evaluation system to inform major human resource systems; and </text> </item> </subclause> <subclause id="H2072E9DB432C41DE8A53B1EA5F91CA29"> <enum> (II) </enum> <text> provide technical assistance to improve an agency’s teacher and principal evaluation system so that the system provides meaningful differentiation and is aligned with student academic achievement and student growth results in the agency and in each of the agency's schools. </text> </subclause> </clause> <clause id="H725313AF431148FEB4F96FD9A28C2F60"> <enum> (vi) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> An assurance that beginning 1 year after the date of enactment of the STELLAR Act, the State educational agency will submit to the Secretary an annual report on implementation of the State’s evaluation programs. </text> </clause> <clause commented="no" id="H643AC467F763482BA337C8EDCAFCADF8"> <enum> (vii) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> An assurance that the State will publish a report each year showing the average estimate of teacher impact on student growth for each of the performance categories. </text> </clause> <clause id="H586C0673824C45D89E860801D3F1F63A"> <enum> (viii) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> An assurance that the State is seeking input from teachers and principals on the effectiveness of methods measuring student growth and how to improve such methods. </text> </clause> <clause id="H493422724A674833877E65EA13BBA61E"> <enum> (ix) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> An assurance that processes and procedures are established to ensure fairness for nonprobationary teachers and principals facing loss of employment due to an ineffective rating in an evaluation program. </text> </clause> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HDDA8D702FE504910BD98AEE2473AAAE4"> <enum> (B) </enum> <header> Requirements for teacher evaluations </header> <text> The evaluation of a teacher’s performance shall comply with the following minimum requirements: </text> <clause id="HE8566D7C95C248EFAC952376239A5133"> <enum> (i) </enum> <header> Student academic growth </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> A significant factor of the evaluation is based on student academic growth with respect to the State’s academic standards, as measured by— </text> <subclause id="H2B05554E21D14606B5816D908904C541"> <enum> (I) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> in predominant part, student learning gains on the State’s academic assessments established under paragraph (3) or, for grades and subjects not covered by the State’s academic assessments, another valid and reliable assessment of student academic achievement as long as the assessment is used consistently by the local educational agency in which the teacher is employed for the grade or subject area for which the assessment is administered; </text> </subclause> <subclause id="H79B549185DEC4F0BB60651096FFE5E29"> <enum> (II) </enum> <text> at least one other valid and reliable measure of student academic achievement that is used consistently across the local educational agency in which the teacher is employed for the grade or subject area being measured; and </text> </subclause> <subclause id="H6733C1A706E34950A60AE83F3F125738"> <enum> (III) </enum> <text> if available, value-added measures that track individual student academic growth while under the instruction of the teacher. </text> </subclause> </clause> <clause id="HEF00271EA895411CAA4B6EDE0E08A274"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <header> Observations of teacher performance </header> <text> A portion of the evaluation is based on observations of the teacher’s performance in the classroom by more than 1 trained and objective observer— </text> <subclause id="HDD0E0FC4B2BF4607AEA5DE60A561A9ED"> <enum> (I) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> that take place on several occasions during the school year in which the teacher is being evaluated; and </text> </subclause> <subclause id="HE0F6B07F39FE46A3A7CBF51D0CF3037E"> <enum> (II) </enum> <text> under which— </text> <item id="HBB4A62E56A574115A891F00595F85068"> <enum> (aa) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> a teacher is evaluated against a rigorous rubric that defines multiple performance categories in alignment with the State’s professional standards for teachers and definition of teacher and principal effectiveness as specified in clause (i); and </text> </item> <item id="HD68E6A0B07004E678ACFB6EC91042072"> <enum> (bb) </enum> <text> observation ratings meaningfully differentiate among teachers’ performance and bear a relationship to evidence of student academic growth with respect to the State’s academic standards. </text> </item> </subclause> </clause> <clause id="H6A439266C0EF4864B42C0F3A3A369909"> <enum> (iii) </enum> <header> Meaningful differentiation </header> <text> The evaluation provides performance ratings that meaningfully differentiate among teacher performance using the performance ratings and levels described in subparagraph (A)(i). </text> </clause> <clause id="H660374CBC6874A78A1DDBE1223248E79"> <enum> (iv) </enum> <header> Comparability of student gains </header> <text> The evaluation provides a measure of student learning gains that is comparable across the State for all teachers in grade levels and subject areas with a statewide assessment. </text> </clause> <clause id="HED2EDCBE4C894184856F5349634DA071"> <enum> (v) </enum> <header> Comparability of results </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The evaluation provides results that are comparable, at a minimum, across all teachers within a grade level or, for secondary schools, for all teachers within a grade level and subject area in the local educational agency in which the teacher is employed. </text> </clause> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H2C018589AE754AE195155905D8912B1B"> <enum> (C) </enum> <header> Requirements for principal evaluations </header> <text> The evaluation of the performance of a principal of a school shall comply with the following minimum requirements: </text> <clause id="HF65EF1BED0884E6AB82669C5DC3C8146"> <enum> (i) </enum> <header> Student academic growth </header> <text> A significant factor of the evaluation is based on student academic growth attainment with respect to the State’s academic standards of the school’s students, including students in each of the subgroups described in paragraph (2)(C)(v)(II). </text> </clause> <clause id="H335EC1B787BB4AC1B02C02706707578D"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <header> Graduation rates </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> For a principal of a secondary school, a portion of the evaluation is based on improvements in the school’s graduation rate as defined in <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/34/200"> section 200.19(b) </external-xref> of title 34, Code of Federal Regulations as in effect on the date of enactment of this paragraph, when applicable, or in the case of a secondary school with a graduation rate of more than 90 percent, the success of the principal in maintaining such graduation rate. </text> </clause> <clause id="HCBDD19C91B2C47A69B1FEE34F50579D3"> <enum> (iii) </enum> <header> Support of effective teachers </header> <text> A portion of the evaluation is based on the recruitment, development, evaluation, and retention of effective teachers. </text> </clause> <clause id="H2013BA6DF8A545F38DC9683125A155C1"> <enum> (iv) </enum> <header> Leadership abilities </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> A portion of the evaluation is based on the leadership abilities of the principal, as measured by observations of the principal and other relevant data evaluated against a rigorous rubric that defines multiple performance categories in alignment with the State’s professional standards for principals. </text> </clause> <clause id="H4961937C349A4EF088721F4D474F74A2"> <enum> (v) </enum> <header> Content of observation ratings </header> <text> The observations described in clause (iv) provide observation ratings that— </text> <subclause id="HF70134A87F3B41799AB68A6DCE68FFCD"> <enum> (I) </enum> <text> meaningfully differentiate among principals’ performance; and </text> </subclause> <subclause id="H3444701762BB4E19B8928212BE6C17A6"> <enum> (II) </enum> <text> bear a strong relationship to evidence of student academic growth with respect to the State’s academic standards. </text> </subclause> </clause> <clause commented="no" id="H6DC38C04070C4BEF98FF0CEEBE3580BA"> <enum> (vi) </enum> <header> Meaningful differentiation </header> <text> The evaluation provides performance ratings that meaningfully differentiate among principal performance using the performance ratings and levels described in subparagraph (A)(i). </text> </clause> <clause commented="no" id="HEF7B4CA2318D42B89B7DDAC6755A2FBF"> <enum> (vii) </enum> <header> Comparability of results </header> <text> The evaluation provides results that are comparable across all principals within the local educational agency in which the principal is employed. </text> </clause> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </subsection> <subsection id="H66BC0386F11B41F3AC33F9A17641D930"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Additional State plan requirements </header> <text> Section 1111(b)(8)(C) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/20/6311"> 20 U.S.C. 6311(b)(8)(C) </external-xref> ) is amended by inserting <quote> or teachers who received a performance rating under the evaluation system described in paragraph (11) that is in the bottom 2 performance levels </quote> after <quote> teachers </quote> . </text> </subsection> </section> <section id="H94C5F611779D4D778A7F281C43E66C40"> <enum> 4. </enum> <header> Public reporting </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Section 1111(h) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/20/6311"> 20 U.S.C. 6311(h) </external-xref> ) is amended— </text> <paragraph id="H30D7B4B8A3A54317AD480311DD027408"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> in paragraph (1)(C)— </text> <subparagraph id="H2A890861A6D8477C93363EB1AEB106AA"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> in clause (vii), by striking <quote> and </quote> after the semicolon; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H5EF5FC3E8B0845F29901A95A6678A61A"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> in clause (viii), by striking the period at the end and inserting <quote> ; and </quote> ; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H2853C63ABDC94CC89D2F9915168A040C"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> by adding at the end the following: </text> <quoted-block id="H66C78EABAA764D37A1D3C9ED8355A6CA" style="OLC"> <clause id="HD0CBFE25621740F3AD5FFAA953442BA6"> <enum> (ix) </enum> <text> for each performance rating established under clause (i), the number and percentage of teachers, and the number and percentage of principals, who received such performance rating, for— </text> <subclause id="H7262DFC570A842ADA07169C21A7AC8E4"> <enum> (I) </enum> <text> the State overall; </text> </subclause> <subclause id="H98EF594F07504AD8A560636FB02BD3DB"> <enum> (II) </enum> <text> the highest poverty and lowest poverty local educational agencies; and </text> </subclause> <subclause id="H372EA5CFE68348338695223727964A83"> <enum> (III) </enum> <text> the highest minority and lowest minority local educational agencies. </text> </subclause> </clause> <after-quoted-block> ; </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HCFD1FEAD42C24DAFB1F81397C1CF2F8C"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> in paragraph (2)(B)— </text> <subparagraph id="HED8351B8A5A749CE934B2E639AEE3B5F"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> in clause (i)— </text> <clause id="H67200E9396604B8B83E1707E2BC6389C"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> in subclause (I), by striking <quote> and </quote> after the semicolon; and </text> </clause> <clause id="H5106C6C9DE764B959256E887CE77297C"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> by adding at the end the following: </text> <quoted-block id="H0DEBD5E44D1D4B198212E702B3CC2E4A" style="OLC"> <subclause id="HE4A09A1A1C72452C8E9BF83C482201F0"> <enum> (III) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> for each performance rating established under clause (i), the number and percentage of teachers, and the number and percentage of principals, who received such performance rating, for— </text> <item id="H49D4D3DC26E6453C835911ACCD066092"> <enum> (aa) </enum> <text> the local educational agency overall; </text> </item> <item id="H3A38FDE42C5D499EA9050E100932AE70"> <enum> (bb) </enum> <text> the highest poverty and lowest poverty schools; and </text> </item> <item id="HCF4FC372F461452494470845CCAB66C5"> <enum> (cc) </enum> <text> the highest minority and lowest minority schools; and </text> </item> </subclause> <after-quoted-block> ; and </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </clause> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H4496490BE8C742CB8D4A91DFFB9329BA"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> in clause (ii)— </text> <clause id="H7BECF3FFF0FD4037B486AB37EF7E196E"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> in subclause (I), by striking <quote> and </quote> after the semicolon; </text> </clause> <clause id="H409EBB3B96494D82A2F0057597244E47"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> in subclause (II), by striking the period at the end and inserting <quote> ; and </quote> ; and </text> </clause> <clause id="H27CE07D4CBAC4577AACCD3FD000B011C"> <enum> (iii) </enum> <text> by adding at the end the following: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H894DF19F39A84BD393CBAFE1F7F5DF30" style="OLC"> <subclause id="H70486CF2D96947D38F227296AE6EC77B"> <enum> (III) </enum> <text> for each performance rating established under clause (i), the number and percentage of teachers at the school that received such performance rating. </text> </subclause> <after-quoted-block> ; </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </clause> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HF685B7C642B04DAC8D147DC773560B40"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> in paragraph (4)— </text> <subparagraph id="H4007D973D3394343916003FE202A4DA9"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> in subparagraph (F), by striking <quote> and </quote> after the semicolon; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HFC276A6EFAF941F89B85664611D36BC1"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> in subparagraph (G), by striking the period at the end and inserting a semicolon; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H8BA88A3B6534424CB37BE8861E82F73E"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> by adding at the end the following: </text> <quoted-block id="HDD09E6B039064C9E9157EF52793AA740" style="OLC"> <subparagraph id="H014DDDDC75EB4014AC8169DEFBC04EF7"> <enum> (H) </enum> <text> the information required to be reported under paragraphs (1)(C)(ix) and (2)(B)(i)(III); and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HEF2C2E8BD8C04037826F046A536EB009"> <enum> (I) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> the overall student attendance rates, including truancy, graduation, and dropout rates, disaggregated by each school and each individual teacher and individual principal at each school under the jurisdiction of— </text> <clause id="HE3AF432C16B6415691166C59F9A41D82"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> the State educational agency; </text> </clause> <clause id="H6FAB40DE633541C694F67F9E5BB3B225"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> the highest poverty and lowest poverty local educational agencies; </text> </clause> <clause id="H8B732A0512574C2BAE521023BCE63200"> <enum> (iii) </enum> <text> the highest minority and lowest minority local educational agencies; and </text> </clause> <clause id="H2FAF42D212B04670BFEAA45C1721F21E"> <enum> (iv) </enum> <text> each local education agency, including the highest and lowest poverty schools and the highest minority and lowest minority schools under the jurisdiction of the agency. </text> </clause> </subparagraph> <after-quoted-block> ; and </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H4D324AD881D949EAAE31C26FE65B6F64"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> by adding at the end the following: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H974A0A45D1EA495C96BE04F170E57226" style="OLC"> <paragraph id="H484A93E9D84B4B7493500E447F5EEB17"> <enum> (7) </enum> <header> Definitions </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> For purposes of this subsection: </text> <subparagraph id="H23D152A8485E4F16BA05EBE3AFF5F47C"> <enum> (A) </enum> <header> Highest minority </header> <text> The term <term> highest minority </term> when used in relation to a school or local educational agency means a school or local educational agency that is in the highest quartile of schools or local educational agencies statewide in terms of the percentage of minority students served. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H0A8A26E79FC04279B161CB3C4FCD591B"> <enum> (B) </enum> <header> Highest poverty </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The term <term> highest poverty </term> when used in relation to a school or local educational agency means a school or local educational agency that is in the highest quartile of schools or local educational agencies statewide in terms of the percentage of students who are certified as eligible for free or reduced price lunch under the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act (42 U.S.C. 1751 et seq.). </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H764F9846FDFC4F45879898C717E0785E"> <enum> (C) </enum> <header> Lowest minority </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The term <term> lowest minority </term> when used in relation to a school or local educational agency means a school or local educational agency that is in the lowest quartile of schools or local educational agencies statewide in terms of the percentage of minority students served. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H63D492208BFD425AAB411151A0FC63A6"> <enum> (D) </enum> <header> Lowest poverty </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The term <term> lowest poverty </term> when used in relation to a school or local educational agency means a school or local educational agency that is in the lowest quartile of schools or local educational agencies statewide in terms of the percentage of students who are certified as eligible for free or reduced price lunch under the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act (42 U.S.C. 1751 et seq.). </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HB01DCBDD0E5040B8BB34B732CDE20452"> <enum> (E) </enum> <header> Student academic growth </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The term <term> student academic growth </term> means the change in a student’s achievement between 2 or more points in time, as measured through an approach that is statistically rigorous and appropriate for the knowledge and skills being measured. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </paragraph> </section> <section id="H9689C613CCE04F41956C9203A8F0174D"> <enum> 5. </enum> <header> Recognition of local educational agencies </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> The Secretary of Education shall, based on the information received from each local educational agency report card under section 1111(h)(2)(B)(i)(III) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 6311(h)(2)(B)(i)(III))— </text> <paragraph id="H7CC0DDCCC29A435292CDA52E595EFA52"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> recognize and provide commendations to each local educational agency that implements or has implemented innovative, high-quality, and effective teacher or principal evaluation programs that lead to professional development and improved student performance; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HA747DD869B464FED84D4D590D660B9CD"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> establish a clearinghouse in the Department of Education to share the best practices of such programs with educators. </text> </paragraph> </section> </legis-body> </bill>
I 113th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 768 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES February 15, 2013 Mrs. Davis of California (for herself and Mr. Polis ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Education and the Workforce A BILL To amend the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 to require the establishment of teacher evaluation programs. 1. Short title This Act may be cited as the Securing Teacher Effectiveness, Leadership, Learning, And Results Act of 2013 or the STELLAR Act . 2. Findings Congress finds the following: (1) Effective teachers and principals are the backbone of our schools and the key to successful students. (2) Teachers and principals deserve our full support as they take on one of the most important and most challenging responsibilities—educating our children. (3) High-quality evaluations that provide meaningful feedback are a crucial element to giving educators the support they need to successfully achieve at high levels. (4) Teachers and principals also deserve access to professional development opportunities so they can continue to learn and grow as educators. (5) Research shows that high-quality and effective teaching is the single most important school-based factor impacting student learning. (6) In formal studies, including research highlighted in The Widget Effect , nearly 75 percent of teachers reported that they have not received specific suggestions on how to improve classroom practices in annual evaluations. (7) Across all local educational agencies, only 43 percent of teachers, including novice teachers who may benefit the most from feedback, report that current evaluations systems are helpful. (8) Research also shows that school leadership quality is second only to teacher quality among school-related factors in its impact on student learning. (9) Strong school leadership is a key determinant of whether schools can attract and retain effective teachers particularly in high poverty schools, as research has found teachers’ satisfaction to be more influenced by the culture of the school than by the demographics of the school’s students. (10) Principals set the direction and vision for a school, and studies find that strong instructional leadership and a focus on building a shared mission focused on student achievement can create a positive teaching and learning environment. (11) Constructive feedback specifying areas for improvement could be useful to both teachers and principals who are dedicated to growing professionally. (12) The most effective way to turn around a struggling school is through talented teachers and an inspirational principal. (13) Effective teachers and principals also deserve to be recognized for excellence and to receive commendations in areas of strong performance and improvement. (14) Evaluations should give teachers and principals the opportunity to foster mutually beneficial professional relationships. (15) Teachers and principals should provide input and contribute directly to designing, implementing, and improving evaluation systems in their school districts. (16) High-quality teacher and principal evaluations have the potential to be a powerful tool and should play a significant role in building a talented force of educators. (17) The goal of evaluation systems is to improve individual, as well as whole school and district, teaching and leadership practices to benefit students. 3. Robust teacher and principal evaluations (a) In general Section 1111(b) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 ( 20 U.S.C. 6311(b) ) is amended by adding at the end the following: (11) Robust teacher and principal evaluations (A) In general Not later than 3 years after the date of enactment of the STELLAR Act, each State plan shall include the following: (i) The statewide definitions of teacher and principal effectiveness that the State has established and not less than 4 levels of performance ratings for teachers and for principals, including an effective rating and a highly effective rating, based on such definitions. (ii) A demonstration that the State has developed, after taking input from and collaborating with, teachers and principals, a model teacher and principal evaluation program under which— (I) individuals in charge of administering teacher and principal evaluations within each local educational agency in the State are provided rigorous training on how to conduct the teacher and principal evaluations, including— (aa) how to identify areas for improvement and provide specific feedback about improving teaching and principal practice based on evaluation results; (bb) how to evaluate teachers and principals using the performance ratings described in clause (i) and established under subparagraphs (B)(iii) and (C)(viii); (cc) a measure of student academic growth with respect to the State’s academic standards of the school’s students, including students in each of the subgroups described in paragraph (2)(C)(v)(II), and training on how to interpret such measure; and (dd) how to reliably and accurately rate teachers using the State’s rigorous rubric that meets the requirements of subparagraph (B)(ii)(II)(aa); (II) a teacher or principal who is evaluated is provided, based on the evaluation results, professional development opportunities that meet the specific needs identified for the teacher or principal, including mentorship programs that use highly effective teachers or principals as leaders or coaches; (III) measures are taken to ensure that the results of personally identifiable teacher and principal evaluations are not publicly disclosed, except as required under subsection (h); (IV) regular monitoring and assessment of the quality, reliability, validity, fairness, consistency, and objectivity of the evaluation program and the evaluators’ judgments takes place within and across local educational agencies in the State; (V) each teacher’s performance is annually evaluated in accordance with subparagraph (B); (VI) each principal’s performance is annually evaluated in accordance with subparagraph (C); (VII) on the basis of the evaluation, each teacher or principal receives— (aa) a performance rating, as described in clause (i), that is based on multiple measures; (bb) in the case of a teacher, in addition to the measures required under subparagraph (B)— (AA) in a grade level and subject area with a statewide assessment, a measure of student learning gains that is comparable across the State for all teachers in grade levels and subject areas with a statewide assessment; or (BB) in a grade level and subject area without a statewide assessment, a measure of student learning comparable across the local educational agency for all teachers in the same grade without a statewide assessment for elementary schools and for all teachers in the same grade and subject area without a statewide assessment in secondary schools; (cc) ongoing formative feedback and specific recommendations on areas for professional improvement, which includes an identification of areas in which the teacher or principal can strengthen practices to improve student learning; (dd) commendations for excellence in areas of strong performance and in areas of significant improvement; and (ee) in the case of a teacher or principal who is identified as being in 1 of the lowest 2 performance ratings described in clause (i), a comprehensive remediation plan within set time parameters not to exceed 1 year; (VIII) evaluation results are clearly communicated to each teacher and principal, and the steps, goals, and requirements of a professional development or remediation plan are clearly communicated to the teacher or principal; (IX) evaluation results are the primary factor used in determining layoffs during any reduction in force; (X) evaluation results are used to ensure that low-income students and minority students are not assigned at higher rates than other students to classes in core academic subjects taught by teachers who have received one of the two lowest evaluation rates in their most recent evaluation; (XI) evaluation results are used as the principal factor in informing all key personnel and staffing decisions, including decisions with respect to tenure, promotion, and retention; (XII) any teacher or principal who receives the lowest evaluation performance rating for 2 consecutive years is subject to dismissal; (XIII) any teacher or principal who receives the lowest performance rating and does not successfully improve performance on an evaluation after completing the comprehensive remediation plan as required under subclause (VII)(ee) is prohibited from working in any elementary school or secondary school served under this part; (XIV) any teacher or principal who receives the second lowest performance rating and does not successfully improve performance on an evaluation after completing such comprehensive remediation plan is prohibited from working in any elementary school or secondary school— (aa) in a State-defined turnaround status; or (bb) in the lowest 5 percent of schools based on its performance against State-defined student achievement goals. (iii) A demonstration that each local educational agency in the State has adopted a local educational agency-wide teacher and principal evaluation program that— (I) was developed after seeking input from and collaborating with teachers and principals; (II) meets the standards for validity and reliability developed by the State; and (III) meets the minimum requirements set forth in clause (ii). (iv) A demonstration that each local educational agency in the State is seeking input from and collaborating with teachers and principals to make improvements to the evaluation program on an annual basis. (v) An assurance that the State will, on a regular basis— (I) review the teacher and principal evaluation systems used by the local educational agencies in the State, including— (aa) comparing the teacher and principal evaluation results, for each agency and each agency's schools, against the student academic achievement and student growth in the agency and each agency’s schools; (bb) assessing the extent to which each local educational agency’s existing system demonstrates meaningful differentiation among teacher performance levels and among principal performance levels; (cc) comparing implementation and results across the evaluation systems of local educational agencies in the State to ensure— (AA) comparability across the State in implementation of such systems; and (BB) that such systems meet the State’s criteria or definitions for each of the terms described in clause (i); and (dd) assessing the extent to which each local educational agency is using its evaluation system to inform major human resource systems; and (II) provide technical assistance to improve an agency’s teacher and principal evaluation system so that the system provides meaningful differentiation and is aligned with student academic achievement and student growth results in the agency and in each of the agency's schools. (vi) An assurance that beginning 1 year after the date of enactment of the STELLAR Act, the State educational agency will submit to the Secretary an annual report on implementation of the State’s evaluation programs. (vii) An assurance that the State will publish a report each year showing the average estimate of teacher impact on student growth for each of the performance categories. (viii) An assurance that the State is seeking input from teachers and principals on the effectiveness of methods measuring student growth and how to improve such methods. (ix) An assurance that processes and procedures are established to ensure fairness for nonprobationary teachers and principals facing loss of employment due to an ineffective rating in an evaluation program. (B) Requirements for teacher evaluations The evaluation of a teacher’s performance shall comply with the following minimum requirements: (i) Student academic growth A significant factor of the evaluation is based on student academic growth with respect to the State’s academic standards, as measured by— (I) in predominant part, student learning gains on the State’s academic assessments established under paragraph (3) or, for grades and subjects not covered by the State’s academic assessments, another valid and reliable assessment of student academic achievement as long as the assessment is used consistently by the local educational agency in which the teacher is employed for the grade or subject area for which the assessment is administered; (II) at least one other valid and reliable measure of student academic achievement that is used consistently across the local educational agency in which the teacher is employed for the grade or subject area being measured; and (III) if available, value-added measures that track individual student academic growth while under the instruction of the teacher. (ii) Observations of teacher performance A portion of the evaluation is based on observations of the teacher’s performance in the classroom by more than 1 trained and objective observer— (I) that take place on several occasions during the school year in which the teacher is being evaluated; and (II) under which— (aa) a teacher is evaluated against a rigorous rubric that defines multiple performance categories in alignment with the State’s professional standards for teachers and definition of teacher and principal effectiveness as specified in clause (i); and (bb) observation ratings meaningfully differentiate among teachers’ performance and bear a relationship to evidence of student academic growth with respect to the State’s academic standards. (iii) Meaningful differentiation The evaluation provides performance ratings that meaningfully differentiate among teacher performance using the performance ratings and levels described in subparagraph (A)(i). (iv) Comparability of student gains The evaluation provides a measure of student learning gains that is comparable across the State for all teachers in grade levels and subject areas with a statewide assessment. (v) Comparability of results The evaluation provides results that are comparable, at a minimum, across all teachers within a grade level or, for secondary schools, for all teachers within a grade level and subject area in the local educational agency in which the teacher is employed. (C) Requirements for principal evaluations The evaluation of the performance of a principal of a school shall comply with the following minimum requirements: (i) Student academic growth A significant factor of the evaluation is based on student academic growth attainment with respect to the State’s academic standards of the school’s students, including students in each of the subgroups described in paragraph (2)(C)(v)(II). (ii) Graduation rates For a principal of a secondary school, a portion of the evaluation is based on improvements in the school’s graduation rate as defined in section 200.19(b) of title 34, Code of Federal Regulations as in effect on the date of enactment of this paragraph, when applicable, or in the case of a secondary school with a graduation rate of more than 90 percent, the success of the principal in maintaining such graduation rate. (iii) Support of effective teachers A portion of the evaluation is based on the recruitment, development, evaluation, and retention of effective teachers. (iv) Leadership abilities A portion of the evaluation is based on the leadership abilities of the principal, as measured by observations of the principal and other relevant data evaluated against a rigorous rubric that defines multiple performance categories in alignment with the State’s professional standards for principals. (v) Content of observation ratings The observations described in clause (iv) provide observation ratings that— (I) meaningfully differentiate among principals’ performance; and (II) bear a strong relationship to evidence of student academic growth with respect to the State’s academic standards. (vi) Meaningful differentiation The evaluation provides performance ratings that meaningfully differentiate among principal performance using the performance ratings and levels described in subparagraph (A)(i). (vii) Comparability of results The evaluation provides results that are comparable across all principals within the local educational agency in which the principal is employed. . (b) Additional State plan requirements Section 1111(b)(8)(C) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 ( 20 U.S.C. 6311(b)(8)(C) ) is amended by inserting or teachers who received a performance rating under the evaluation system described in paragraph (11) that is in the bottom 2 performance levels after teachers . 4. Public reporting Section 1111(h) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 ( 20 U.S.C. 6311(h) ) is amended— (1) in paragraph (1)(C)— (A) in clause (vii), by striking and after the semicolon; (B) in clause (viii), by striking the period at the end and inserting ; and ; and (C) by adding at the end the following: (ix) for each performance rating established under clause (i), the number and percentage of teachers, and the number and percentage of principals, who received such performance rating, for— (I) the State overall; (II) the highest poverty and lowest poverty local educational agencies; and (III) the highest minority and lowest minority local educational agencies. ; (2) in paragraph (2)(B)— (A) in clause (i)— (i) in subclause (I), by striking and after the semicolon; and (ii) by adding at the end the following: (III) for each performance rating established under clause (i), the number and percentage of teachers, and the number and percentage of principals, who received such performance rating, for— (aa) the local educational agency overall; (bb) the highest poverty and lowest poverty schools; and (cc) the highest minority and lowest minority schools; and ; and (B) in clause (ii)— (i) in subclause (I), by striking and after the semicolon; (ii) in subclause (II), by striking the period at the end and inserting ; and ; and (iii) by adding at the end the following: (III) for each performance rating established under clause (i), the number and percentage of teachers at the school that received such performance rating. ; (3) in paragraph (4)— (A) in subparagraph (F), by striking and after the semicolon; (B) in subparagraph (G), by striking the period at the end and inserting a semicolon; and (C) by adding at the end the following: (H) the information required to be reported under paragraphs (1)(C)(ix) and (2)(B)(i)(III); and (I) the overall student attendance rates, including truancy, graduation, and dropout rates, disaggregated by each school and each individual teacher and individual principal at each school under the jurisdiction of— (i) the State educational agency; (ii) the highest poverty and lowest poverty local educational agencies; (iii) the highest minority and lowest minority local educational agencies; and (iv) each local education agency, including the highest and lowest poverty schools and the highest minority and lowest minority schools under the jurisdiction of the agency. ; and (4) by adding at the end the following: (7) Definitions For purposes of this subsection: (A) Highest minority The term highest minority when used in relation to a school or local educational agency means a school or local educational agency that is in the highest quartile of schools or local educational agencies statewide in terms of the percentage of minority students served. (B) Highest poverty The term highest poverty when used in relation to a school or local educational agency means a school or local educational agency that is in the highest quartile of schools or local educational agencies statewide in terms of the percentage of students who are certified as eligible for free or reduced price lunch under the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act (42 U.S.C. 1751 et seq.). (C) Lowest minority The term lowest minority when used in relation to a school or local educational agency means a school or local educational agency that is in the lowest quartile of schools or local educational agencies statewide in terms of the percentage of minority students served. (D) Lowest poverty The term lowest poverty when used in relation to a school or local educational agency means a school or local educational agency that is in the lowest quartile of schools or local educational agencies statewide in terms of the percentage of students who are certified as eligible for free or reduced price lunch under the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act (42 U.S.C. 1751 et seq.). (E) Student academic growth The term student academic growth means the change in a student’s achievement between 2 or more points in time, as measured through an approach that is statistically rigorous and appropriate for the knowledge and skills being measured. . 5. Recognition of local educational agencies The Secretary of Education shall, based on the information received from each local educational agency report card under section 1111(h)(2)(B)(i)(III) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 6311(h)(2)(B)(i)(III))— (1) recognize and provide commendations to each local educational agency that implements or has implemented innovative, high-quality, and effective teacher or principal evaluation programs that lead to professional development and improved student performance; and (2) establish a clearinghouse in the Department of Education to share the best practices of such programs with educators.
2023-01-08 17:37:55.925
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Introduced-in-House" bill-type="olc" dms-id="HA6EF26A227A44EF1820FAB6F0A805038" public-private="public"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 769 IH: Child Tax Credit Permanency Act of 2013 </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-02-15 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> I </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 769 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130215"> February 15, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="D000216"> Ms. DeLauro </sponsor> (for herself, <cosponsor name-id="N000015"> Mr. Neal </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="A000210"> Mr. Andrews </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="B000287"> Mr. Becerra </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="B000574"> Mr. Blumenauer </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="B001278"> Ms. Bonamici </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="B000911"> Ms. Brown of Florida </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="B001285"> Ms. Brownley of California </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="C001037"> Mr. Capuano </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="C001072"> Mr. Carson of Indiana </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="C001084"> Mr. Cicilline </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="C001067"> Ms. Clarke </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="C000537"> Mr. Clyburn </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="C000714"> Mr. Conyers </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="C001069"> Mr. Courtney </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="C001038"> Mr. Crowley </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="C001063"> Mr. Cuellar </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="C000984"> Mr. Cummings </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="D000191"> Mr. DeFazio </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="D000399"> Mr. Doggett </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="E000290"> Ms. Edwards </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="E000288"> Mr. Ellison </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="E000215"> Ms. Eshoo </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="F000043"> Mr. Fattah </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="F000455"> Ms. Fudge </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="G000410"> Mr. Gene Green of Texas </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="G000551"> Mr. Grijalva </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="H001034"> Mr. Honda </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="H000874"> Mr. Hoyer </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="I000057"> Mr. Israel </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="J000288"> Mr. Johnson of Georgia </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="H001047"> Mr. Himes </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="K000009"> Ms. Kaptur </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="K000380"> Mr. Kildee </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="L000559"> Mr. Langevin </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="L000557"> Mr. Larson of Connecticut </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="L000551"> Ms. Lee of California </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="L000263"> Mr. Levin </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="L000287"> Mr. Lewis </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="L000397"> Ms. Lofgren </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="L000480"> Mrs. Lowey </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="L000570"> Mr. Ben Ray Luján of New Mexico </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="M000087"> Mrs. Carolyn B. Maloney of New York </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="M001163"> Ms. Matsui </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="M000404"> Mr. McDermott </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="M000312"> Mr. McGovern </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="M001188"> Ms. Meng </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="M000725"> Mr. George Miller of California </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="M001160"> Ms. Moore </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="M000933"> Mr. Moran </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="N000002"> Mr. Nadler </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="P000096"> Mr. Pascrell </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="P000597"> Ms. Pingree of Maine </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="P000607"> Mr. Pocan </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="P000523"> Mr. Price of North Carolina </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="R000053"> Mr. Rangel </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="R000486"> Ms. Roybal-Allard </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S001177"> Mr. Sablan </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S001156"> Ms. Linda T. Sánchez of California </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S001145"> Ms. Schakowsky </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S001162"> Ms. Schwartz </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S000248"> Mr. Serrano </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S001185"> Ms. Sewell of Alabama </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S001170"> Ms. Shea-Porter </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S000480"> Ms. Slaughter </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S001175"> Ms. Speier </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="T000472"> Mr. Takano </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="T000266"> Mr. Tierney </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="T000469"> Mr. Tonko </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="W000187"> Ms. Waters </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="W000215"> Mr. Waxman </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="W000800"> Mr. Welch </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="D000598"> Mrs. Davis of California </cosponsor> ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="HWM00"> Committee on Ways and Means </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> A BILL </legis-type> <official-title> To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to permanently extend the lower threshold for the refundable portion of the child tax credit and to adjust the credit amount for inflation. </official-title> </form> <legis-body id="HCB4D55A15FA74789B6A7DE19899CBB77" style="OLC"> <section id="H1E92175B99644F778E09B8B5FD1C7DCB" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Short title </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> This Act may be cited as the <quote> <short-title> Child Tax Credit Permanency Act of 2013 </short-title> </quote> . </text> </section> <section id="H2D338476E38340B996E25E0D59F21440" section-type="subsequent-section"> <enum> 2. </enum> <header> Modifications of the child tax credit </header> <subsection id="HF15BF31196FD480286D2BFAF2D7F058C"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Permanent extension </header> <paragraph id="H810D32B3267241D6B36C8DEBE162012A"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> Clause (i) of section 24(d)(1)(B) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by striking <quote> $10,000 </quote> and inserting <quote> $3,000 </quote> . </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HAB19CEA9EE3E41F6933A8537295FF985"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Conforming amendments </header> <text> Section 24(d) of such Code is amended by striking paragraphs (3) and (4). </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H66FBA2B1FB264EA58BB65D54F735DF7B"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Inflation adjustment </header> <text> Section 24 of such Code is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H7D683A141AAC4F6ABE37DCFA732609AA" style="OLC"> <subsection id="HBAA7CD38F028484F8CC835F78C3788F4"> <enum> (g) </enum> <header> Inflation adjustment </header> <text> In the case of any taxable year beginning in a calendar year after 2013, the $1,000 amount contained in subsection (a) shall be increased by an amount equal to— </text> <paragraph id="H3BFD01BA163F4D01B73BD34D29C6FFB5"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> such dollar amount, multiplied by </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H486773DC503E456785AF6AF7797F5A3F"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> the cost-of-living adjustment determined under section 1(f)(3) for the calendar year in which the taxable year begins, determined by substituting <quote> calendar year 2012 </quote> for <quote> calendar year 1992 </quote> in subparagraph (B) thereof. </text> </paragraph> <continuation-text continuation-text-level="subsection"> Any increase determined under the preceding sentence shall be rounded to the nearest multiple of $50. </continuation-text> </subsection> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </subsection> <subsection id="H938C941990224644B96807AEC6AB782F"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Effective date </header> <text> The amendments made by this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2012. </text> </subsection> </section> </legis-body> </bill>
I 113th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 769 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES February 15, 2013 Ms. DeLauro (for herself, Mr. Neal , Mr. Andrews , Mr. Becerra , Mr. Blumenauer , Ms. Bonamici , Ms. Brown of Florida , Ms. Brownley of California , Mr. Capuano , Mr. Carson of Indiana , Mr. Cicilline , Ms. Clarke , Mr. Clyburn , Mr. Conyers , Mr. Courtney , Mr. Crowley , Mr. Cuellar , Mr. Cummings , Mr. DeFazio , Mr. Doggett , Ms. Edwards , Mr. Ellison , Ms. Eshoo , Mr. Fattah , Ms. Fudge , Mr. Gene Green of Texas , Mr. Grijalva , Mr. Honda , Mr. Hoyer , Mr. Israel , Mr. Johnson of Georgia , Mr. Himes , Ms. Kaptur , Mr. Kildee , Mr. Langevin , Mr. Larson of Connecticut , Ms. Lee of California , Mr. Levin , Mr. Lewis , Ms. Lofgren , Mrs. Lowey , Mr. Ben Ray Luján of New Mexico , Mrs. Carolyn B. Maloney of New York , Ms. Matsui , Mr. McDermott , Mr. McGovern , Ms. Meng , Mr. George Miller of California , Ms. Moore , Mr. Moran , Mr. Nadler , Mr. Pascrell , Ms. Pingree of Maine , Mr. Pocan , Mr. Price of North Carolina , Mr. Rangel , Ms. Roybal-Allard , Mr. Sablan , Ms. Linda T. Sánchez of California , Ms. Schakowsky , Ms. Schwartz , Mr. Serrano , Ms. Sewell of Alabama , Ms. Shea-Porter , Ms. Slaughter , Ms. Speier , Mr. Takano , Mr. Tierney , Mr. Tonko , Ms. Waters , Mr. Waxman , Mr. Welch , and Mrs. Davis of California ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Ways and Means A BILL To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to permanently extend the lower threshold for the refundable portion of the child tax credit and to adjust the credit amount for inflation. 1. Short title This Act may be cited as the Child Tax Credit Permanency Act of 2013 . 2. Modifications of the child tax credit (a) Permanent extension (1) In general Clause (i) of section 24(d)(1)(B) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by striking $10,000 and inserting $3,000 . (2) Conforming amendments Section 24(d) of such Code is amended by striking paragraphs (3) and (4). (b) Inflation adjustment Section 24 of such Code is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection: (g) Inflation adjustment In the case of any taxable year beginning in a calendar year after 2013, the $1,000 amount contained in subsection (a) shall be increased by an amount equal to— (1) such dollar amount, multiplied by (2) the cost-of-living adjustment determined under section 1(f)(3) for the calendar year in which the taxable year begins, determined by substituting calendar year 2012 for calendar year 1992 in subparagraph (B) thereof. Any increase determined under the preceding sentence shall be rounded to the nearest multiple of $50. . (c) Effective date The amendments made by this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2012.
2023-01-08 17:37:57.212
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Introduced-in-House" bill-type="olc" dms-id="HF07F48343C954DDD92BE680D3912B75B" public-private="public"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 770 IH: To amend the South Carolina National Heritage Corridor Act of 1996 to designate the management entity for the South Carolina National Heritage Corridor, and for other purposes. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-02-15 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> I </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 770 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130215"> February 15, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="D000615"> Mr. Duncan of South Carolina </sponsor> introduced the following bill; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="HII00"> Committee on Natural Resources </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> A BILL </legis-type> <official-title> To amend the South Carolina National Heritage Corridor Act of 1996 to designate the management entity for the South Carolina National Heritage Corridor, and for other purposes. </official-title> </form> <legis-body id="HCB4B90BB48C940619FBA17A034FAADB0" style="OLC"> <section id="H962A11023F34455F974FC8F3A1800EE8" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> South Carolina National Heritage Corridor Management Entity </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Section 605(a) of the South Carolina National Heritage Corridor Act of 1996 (title VI of division II of Public Law 104–333) is amended to read as follows: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H6412F634378F43368853F8204FA0029E" style="OLC"> <subsection id="H29D2EC43946845F3B123E9C6224B0CF1"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The management entity for the National Heritage Corridor shall be the South Carolina Heritage Corridor, Inc. All program funds, past, present, and future, shall be transferred immediately to the South Carolina Heritage Corridor, Inc. </text> </subsection> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </section> </legis-body> </bill>
I 113th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 770 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES February 15, 2013 Mr. Duncan of South Carolina introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Natural Resources A BILL To amend the South Carolina National Heritage Corridor Act of 1996 to designate the management entity for the South Carolina National Heritage Corridor, and for other purposes. 1. South Carolina National Heritage Corridor Management Entity Section 605(a) of the South Carolina National Heritage Corridor Act of 1996 (title VI of division II of Public Law 104–333) is amended to read as follows: (a) In general The management entity for the National Heritage Corridor shall be the South Carolina Heritage Corridor, Inc. All program funds, past, present, and future, shall be transferred immediately to the South Carolina Heritage Corridor, Inc. .
2023-01-08 17:37:56.228
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Introduced-in-House" bill-type="olc" dms-id="HA1278A886C7C4C1CB9BC3794BD097B63" public-private="public"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 771 IH: South Carolina Offshore Drilling Act of 2013 </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-02-15 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> I </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 771 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130215"> February 15, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="D000615"> Mr. Duncan of South Carolina </sponsor> (for himself, <cosponsor name-id="W000795"> Mr. Wilson of South Carolina </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="R000597"> Mr. Rice of South Carolina </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="M001182"> Mr. Mulvaney </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="B001271"> Mr. Benishek </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="G000566"> Mr. Gowdy </cosponsor> ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="HII00"> Committee on Natural Resources </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> A BILL </legis-type> <official-title> To establish requirements for oil and gas leasing of areas of the Outer Continental Shelf off the coast of South Carolina. </official-title> </form> <legis-body id="H86562F55A0DF4983B8DBACADEE1E90EE" style="OLC"> <section id="HFDEC8648A8B14DF797D4577046F2270D" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Short title </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> This Act may be cited as the <quote> <short-title> South Carolina Offshore Drilling Act of 2013 </short-title> </quote> . </text> </section> <section id="H60D86520612C4821B6404EAF3FBFFFD2" section-type="subsequent-section"> <enum> 2. </enum> <header> Lease sales off the coast of South Carolina </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> In determining the areas off the coast of South Carolina to be made available for leasing under Final Outer Continental Shelf Oil &amp; Gas Leasing Program (2012–2017), the Secretary of the Interior— </text> <paragraph id="H4313B2FD62E641FA9A4D5F8351A2C091"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> shall act in accordance with section 18(a)(2)(F) of the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/43/1344"> 43 U.S.C. 1344(a)(2)(F) </external-xref> ) and take into consideration the laws, goals, and policies of the State of South Carolina; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H1BBB8663FDE443659F30040F25C0BAEB"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> shall focus on areas considered to have the most geologically promising energy resources. </text> </paragraph> </section> </legis-body> </bill>
I 113th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 771 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES February 15, 2013 Mr. Duncan of South Carolina (for himself, Mr. Wilson of South Carolina , Mr. Rice of South Carolina , Mr. Mulvaney , Mr. Benishek , and Mr. Gowdy ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Natural Resources A BILL To establish requirements for oil and gas leasing of areas of the Outer Continental Shelf off the coast of South Carolina. 1. Short title This Act may be cited as the South Carolina Offshore Drilling Act of 2013 . 2. Lease sales off the coast of South Carolina In determining the areas off the coast of South Carolina to be made available for leasing under Final Outer Continental Shelf Oil & Gas Leasing Program (2012–2017), the Secretary of the Interior— (1) shall act in accordance with section 18(a)(2)(F) of the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act ( 43 U.S.C. 1344(a)(2)(F) ) and take into consideration the laws, goals, and policies of the State of South Carolina; and (2) shall focus on areas considered to have the most geologically promising energy resources.
2023-01-08 17:37:55.811
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Introduced-in-House" bill-type="olc" dms-id="H8E21BE8DD3F4437AB93A5B2AED7AF374" public-private="public"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 772 IH: To promote peaceful and collaborative resolution of the South China Sea dispute. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-02-15 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> I </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 772 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130215"> February 15, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="F000010"> Mr. Faleomavaega </sponsor> (for himself, <cosponsor name-id="R000435"> Ms. Ros-Lehtinen </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="C000266"> Mr. Chabot </cosponsor> ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="HFA00"> Committee on Foreign Affairs </committee-name> , and in addition to the Committee on <committee-name committee-id="HAS00"> Armed Services </committee-name> , for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> A BILL </legis-type> <official-title> To promote peaceful and collaborative resolution of the South China Sea dispute. </official-title> </form> <legis-body id="H94E9CF3762B34A888D1451AB2A79FE0A" style="OLC"> <section id="H37F890CA0C234546B9ABA36062E38BD7" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Findings </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Congress finds the following: </text> <paragraph id="H417875A17D86427D839AEEF2A9E4AD82"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The South China Sea contains vital commercial shipping lanes and points of access between the Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean, providing a maritime lifeline to India, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, Vietnam, Brunei, Taiwan, Japan, and the Korean peninsula. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H226D9D266C6146349FA6072625F48535"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> China, Vietnam, the Philippines, Taiwan, Malaysia, and Brunei have disputed territorial claims over the Spratly Islands, and China, Taiwan, and Vietnam have disputed territorial claims over the Paracel Islands. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H68100FCA77BF4A4FAA675B58DD226EF1"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> In 2009, the Government of the People’s Republic of China submitted to the United Nations a map with the 9-dotted line (also known as the Cow Tongue line) which raised questions about whether China officially claims most of the 1,423,000 square miles of the South China Sea, more than any other nation involved in these territorial disputes. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HE370C1FF21CB4A0EA9948AC73EDBF560"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> In November 2012, China began to include a map of its territorial claims inside its passports, despite the protests of its neighbors, including Vietnam and the Philippines. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H43A3D9195B334A919AB068031DCD622A"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Although not a party to these disputes, the United States has a national economic and security interest in maintaining peace, stability, and prosperity in East Asia and Southeast Asia, and ensuring that no party threatens or uses force or coercion unilaterally to assert maritime territorial claims in East Asia and Southeast Asia, including in the South China Sea, the East China Sea, or the Yellow Sea. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HDE6F21367D994CC6A6BCF675EF7F3B9D"> <enum> (6) </enum> <text> The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) has promoted multilateral talks in disputed areas without settling the issue of sovereignty. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H2915F10724594AA39085B7CF65D1C78D"> <enum> (7) </enum> <text> In 2002, ASEAN and China signed a Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H8939F6E615DB489787236599053C076B"> <enum> (8) </enum> <text> That declaration committed all parties to those territorial disputes to <quote> reaffirm their respect for and commitment to the freedom of navigation in and over flight above the South China Sea as provided for by the universally recognized principles of international law </quote> , and to <quote> resolve their territorial and jurisdictional disputes by peaceful means, without resorting to the threat or use of force </quote> . </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H636FD2ADE74C450089D9E0F7A1AA77DB"> <enum> (9) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> In July and November of 2010, the United States and our Republic of Korea allies conducted joint naval exercises in the Yellow Sea in international waters, as well as Republic of Korea territorial waters, in the vicinity of the site of the March 2010 North Korean attack on the South Korean military vessel Cheonan, these exercises drew objections from Beijing over foreign operations in the Yellow Sea. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HC04677F2B0F94675934DADC57079108E"> <enum> (10) </enum> <text> In September 2010, tensions were raised in the East China Sea near the Senkaku (Diaoyutai) Islands, a territory under the legal administration of Japan, when a Chinese fishing vessel deliberately rammed Japanese Coast Guard patrol boats. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H31C9B5CD5D4E45A4A65C83B77B1C87D6"> <enum> (11) </enum> <text> On February 25, 2011, a frigate from China's navy fired shots at 3 fishing boats from the Philippines. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H1A8E5E0527A9487A9EB518B013A234F7"> <enum> (12) </enum> <text> On March 2, 2011, the Government of the Philippines reported that two patrol boats from China attempted to ram one of its surveillance ships. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H062C108907804C1BA1F051F67484ED74"> <enum> (13) </enum> <text> On May 26, 2011, a maritime security vessel from China cut the cables of an exploration ship from Vietnam, the Binh Minh, in the South China Sea in waters near Cam Ranh Bay in the exclusive economic zone of Vietnam. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H7EE52245FA3D46B9815EFC08AF9C75A9"> <enum> (14) </enum> <text> On May 31, 2011, three Chinese military vessels used guns to threaten the crews of four Vietnamese fishing boats while they were fishing in the waters of the Truong Sa (Spratly) archipelago. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H8F30950D8CD346E78050A0D5F2E4CA06"> <enum> (15) </enum> <text> On June 3, 2011, Vietnam's Foreign Ministry released a statement that <quote> Vietnam is resolutely opposed to these acts by China that seriously violated the sovereign and jurisdiction rights of Viet Nam to its continental shelf and Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) </quote> . </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H908B923955B64019BB472F09AF5C7F95"> <enum> (16) </enum> <text> On June 9, 2011, three vessels from China, including one fishing vessel and two maritime security vessels, ran into and disabled the cables of another exploration ship from Vietnam, the Viking 2, in the exclusive economic zone of Vietnam. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HE8D8CC6B7F9A4472AFD9A12121752836"> <enum> (17) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The actions of the Government of the People's Republic of China in the South China Sea have also affected United States military and maritime vessels and aircraft transiting through international air space and waters, including the collision of a Chinese fighter plane with a United States surveillance plane in 2001, the harassment of the USNS Victorious and the USNS Impeccable in March 2009, and the collision of a Chinese submarine with the sonar cable of the USS John McCain in June 2009. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H4A763E6797204B5C8ED274421CDE51A0"> <enum> (18) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> On July 23, 2010, former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton stated at the ASEAN Regional Forum that the United States, like every nation, has a national interest in freedom of navigation, open access to Asia’s maritime commons, respect for international law, and unimpeded commerce in the South China Sea. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H6B392800520D4A93B448E8A9CCDFC817"> <enum> (19) </enum> <text> On June 23, 2011, the United States stated that it was ready to provide hardware to modernize the military of the Philippines. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HF8CE20C079F34A2A889CD0F4233F0600"> <enum> (20) </enum> <text> The United States and the Philippines conducted combined naval exercises in the Sulu Sea, near the South China Sea, from June 28 to July 8, 2011. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HF18223C0A01C40059AF5D1812B771B5E"> <enum> (21) </enum> <text> On July 22, 2011, an Indian naval vessel, sailing about 45 nautical miles off the coast of Vietnam, was warned by a Chinese naval vessel that it was allegedly violating Chinese territorial waters. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H350D75B6DA72472C99C169715F34F913"> <enum> (22) </enum> <text> In June 2012, China's cabinet, the State Council, approved the establishment of the city of Sansha to oversee the areas claimed by China in the South China Sea. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H37BFA68EDD324510BFCC92DDFE2532AA"> <enum> (23) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> In July 2012, Chinese military authorities announced that they had established a corresponding Sansha garrison in the new prefecture. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H3482061565E542B18B108C59731349B9"> <enum> (24) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> On June 23, 2012, the China National Offshore Oil Corporation invited bids for oil exploration in areas within 200 nautical miles of the continental shelf and within the exclusive economic zone of Vietnam. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H0B4B9B8AFB504BBCAD8E1E656DEADC31"> <enum> (25) </enum> <text> Since July 2012, Chinese patrol ships have been spotted near the disputed Senkaku (Diaoyutai) Islands in the East China Sea. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H1B9DB2E4CC11424C915E3F1A5B6B4B5F"> <enum> (26) </enum> <text> At the July 2012 ASEAN Regional Forum, former Secretary of State Clinton said, <quote> We believe the nations of the region should work collaboratively and diplomatically to resolve disputes without coercion, without intimidation, without threats, and without the use of force </quote> . </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H17B5E022577249AA8AEDF445C0E6155C"> <enum> (27) </enum> <text> In November 2012, a regulation was approved by the Hainan People’s Congress authorizing Chinese maritime police to <quote> board, search </quote> and even <quote> take over </quote> ships determined to be <quote> illegally entering </quote> South China Sea waters unilaterally claimed by Beijing. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H2D82D5EF638C4DA3ACE02430DA571890"> <enum> (28) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> At a meeting with the Japanese Foreign Minister on January 18, 2013, former Secretary of State Clinton stated that <quote> although the United States does not take a position on the ultimate sovereignty of the (Senkaku) islands, we acknowledge they are under the administration of Japan </quote> , adding that <quote> We oppose any unilateral actions that would seek to undermine Japanese administration, and we urge all parties to take steps to prevent incidents and manage disagreements through peaceful means </quote> . </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HA0F86722F9DC491ABE047D816A4DEBB0"> <enum> (29) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> On August 3, 2012, a Department of State spokesperson expressed concern over <quote> China’s upgrading of the administrative level of Sansha City and the establishment of a new military garrison there </quote> , expressed encouragement for ASEAN and China <quote> to make meaningful progress toward finalizing a comprehensive Code of Conduct </quote> , and called upon claimants to <quote> explore every diplomatic or other peaceful avenue for resolution, including the use of arbitration or other international legal mechanisms as needed </quote> . </text> </paragraph> </section> <section id="HBF662FAC15A04361878F2891223E2CBF"> <enum> 2. </enum> <header> Sense of Congress </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> It is the sense of Congress that, in light of the congressional finding described above, the Secretary of State should— </text> <paragraph id="HBCA9ADC398334AF6BF5D40985DC3C41E"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> reaffirm the strong support of the United States for the peaceful resolution of maritime territorial disputes in the South China Sea, the Taiwan Strait, the East China Sea, and the Yellow Sea and pledge continued efforts to facilitate a collaborative, peaceful process to resolve these disputes; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HA2FA39EB2B46409CBFA92A52C24A5288"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> condemn the use of threats or force by naval, maritime security, and fishing vessels from China in the South China Sea and the East China Sea as well as the use of force by North Korea in the Yellow Sea that would escalate tensions or result in miscalculations; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H09B4B56B50234293A682E07E81E34D3B"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> note that overt threats and gun boat diplomacy are not constructive means for settling these outstanding maritime disputes; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H1EF6BA765AAF4931A5797ED1532FFBC4"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> welcome the diplomatic efforts of Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and the United States allies and partners in Japan, the Republic of Korea, Taiwan, the Philippines, and India to amiably and fairly resolve these outstanding disputes; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H46CC0696B48943EBB5A95C8C4C1ACB98"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text> support the continuation of operations by the United States Armed Forces in support of freedom of navigation rights in international waters and air space in the South China Sea, the East China Sea, the Taiwan Strait, and the Yellow Sea. </text> </paragraph> </section> <section id="HB4CD75BC7F08453DA579C179644C3A15"> <enum> 3. </enum> <header> Report on the Code of Conduct for the South China Sea </header> <subsection id="H86AE1447ACB34876A022A1EF64AECF10"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Report </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of State shall submit to the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate a report on the Code of Conduct and other peaceful measures for resolution of the territorial disputes in the South China Sea. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H8D9E7137F97A439A9708EC4A5FB6A9C7"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Form </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The report required under subsection (a) shall be submitted in unclassified form, but may contain a classified annex if necessary. </text> </subsection> </section> </legis-body> </bill>
I 113th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 772 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES February 15, 2013 Mr. Faleomavaega (for himself, Ms. Ros-Lehtinen , and Mr. Chabot ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs , and in addition to the Committee on Armed Services , for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned A BILL To promote peaceful and collaborative resolution of the South China Sea dispute. 1. Findings Congress finds the following: (1) The South China Sea contains vital commercial shipping lanes and points of access between the Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean, providing a maritime lifeline to India, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, Vietnam, Brunei, Taiwan, Japan, and the Korean peninsula. (2) China, Vietnam, the Philippines, Taiwan, Malaysia, and Brunei have disputed territorial claims over the Spratly Islands, and China, Taiwan, and Vietnam have disputed territorial claims over the Paracel Islands. (3) In 2009, the Government of the People’s Republic of China submitted to the United Nations a map with the 9-dotted line (also known as the Cow Tongue line) which raised questions about whether China officially claims most of the 1,423,000 square miles of the South China Sea, more than any other nation involved in these territorial disputes. (4) In November 2012, China began to include a map of its territorial claims inside its passports, despite the protests of its neighbors, including Vietnam and the Philippines. (5) Although not a party to these disputes, the United States has a national economic and security interest in maintaining peace, stability, and prosperity in East Asia and Southeast Asia, and ensuring that no party threatens or uses force or coercion unilaterally to assert maritime territorial claims in East Asia and Southeast Asia, including in the South China Sea, the East China Sea, or the Yellow Sea. (6) The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) has promoted multilateral talks in disputed areas without settling the issue of sovereignty. (7) In 2002, ASEAN and China signed a Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea. (8) That declaration committed all parties to those territorial disputes to reaffirm their respect for and commitment to the freedom of navigation in and over flight above the South China Sea as provided for by the universally recognized principles of international law , and to resolve their territorial and jurisdictional disputes by peaceful means, without resorting to the threat or use of force . (9) In July and November of 2010, the United States and our Republic of Korea allies conducted joint naval exercises in the Yellow Sea in international waters, as well as Republic of Korea territorial waters, in the vicinity of the site of the March 2010 North Korean attack on the South Korean military vessel Cheonan, these exercises drew objections from Beijing over foreign operations in the Yellow Sea. (10) In September 2010, tensions were raised in the East China Sea near the Senkaku (Diaoyutai) Islands, a territory under the legal administration of Japan, when a Chinese fishing vessel deliberately rammed Japanese Coast Guard patrol boats. (11) On February 25, 2011, a frigate from China's navy fired shots at 3 fishing boats from the Philippines. (12) On March 2, 2011, the Government of the Philippines reported that two patrol boats from China attempted to ram one of its surveillance ships. (13) On May 26, 2011, a maritime security vessel from China cut the cables of an exploration ship from Vietnam, the Binh Minh, in the South China Sea in waters near Cam Ranh Bay in the exclusive economic zone of Vietnam. (14) On May 31, 2011, three Chinese military vessels used guns to threaten the crews of four Vietnamese fishing boats while they were fishing in the waters of the Truong Sa (Spratly) archipelago. (15) On June 3, 2011, Vietnam's Foreign Ministry released a statement that Vietnam is resolutely opposed to these acts by China that seriously violated the sovereign and jurisdiction rights of Viet Nam to its continental shelf and Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) . (16) On June 9, 2011, three vessels from China, including one fishing vessel and two maritime security vessels, ran into and disabled the cables of another exploration ship from Vietnam, the Viking 2, in the exclusive economic zone of Vietnam. (17) The actions of the Government of the People's Republic of China in the South China Sea have also affected United States military and maritime vessels and aircraft transiting through international air space and waters, including the collision of a Chinese fighter plane with a United States surveillance plane in 2001, the harassment of the USNS Victorious and the USNS Impeccable in March 2009, and the collision of a Chinese submarine with the sonar cable of the USS John McCain in June 2009. (18) On July 23, 2010, former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton stated at the ASEAN Regional Forum that the United States, like every nation, has a national interest in freedom of navigation, open access to Asia’s maritime commons, respect for international law, and unimpeded commerce in the South China Sea. (19) On June 23, 2011, the United States stated that it was ready to provide hardware to modernize the military of the Philippines. (20) The United States and the Philippines conducted combined naval exercises in the Sulu Sea, near the South China Sea, from June 28 to July 8, 2011. (21) On July 22, 2011, an Indian naval vessel, sailing about 45 nautical miles off the coast of Vietnam, was warned by a Chinese naval vessel that it was allegedly violating Chinese territorial waters. (22) In June 2012, China's cabinet, the State Council, approved the establishment of the city of Sansha to oversee the areas claimed by China in the South China Sea. (23) In July 2012, Chinese military authorities announced that they had established a corresponding Sansha garrison in the new prefecture. (24) On June 23, 2012, the China National Offshore Oil Corporation invited bids for oil exploration in areas within 200 nautical miles of the continental shelf and within the exclusive economic zone of Vietnam. (25) Since July 2012, Chinese patrol ships have been spotted near the disputed Senkaku (Diaoyutai) Islands in the East China Sea. (26) At the July 2012 ASEAN Regional Forum, former Secretary of State Clinton said, We believe the nations of the region should work collaboratively and diplomatically to resolve disputes without coercion, without intimidation, without threats, and without the use of force . (27) In November 2012, a regulation was approved by the Hainan People’s Congress authorizing Chinese maritime police to board, search and even take over ships determined to be illegally entering South China Sea waters unilaterally claimed by Beijing. (28) At a meeting with the Japanese Foreign Minister on January 18, 2013, former Secretary of State Clinton stated that although the United States does not take a position on the ultimate sovereignty of the (Senkaku) islands, we acknowledge they are under the administration of Japan , adding that We oppose any unilateral actions that would seek to undermine Japanese administration, and we urge all parties to take steps to prevent incidents and manage disagreements through peaceful means . (29) On August 3, 2012, a Department of State spokesperson expressed concern over China’s upgrading of the administrative level of Sansha City and the establishment of a new military garrison there , expressed encouragement for ASEAN and China to make meaningful progress toward finalizing a comprehensive Code of Conduct , and called upon claimants to explore every diplomatic or other peaceful avenue for resolution, including the use of arbitration or other international legal mechanisms as needed . 2. Sense of Congress It is the sense of Congress that, in light of the congressional finding described above, the Secretary of State should— (1) reaffirm the strong support of the United States for the peaceful resolution of maritime territorial disputes in the South China Sea, the Taiwan Strait, the East China Sea, and the Yellow Sea and pledge continued efforts to facilitate a collaborative, peaceful process to resolve these disputes; (2) condemn the use of threats or force by naval, maritime security, and fishing vessels from China in the South China Sea and the East China Sea as well as the use of force by North Korea in the Yellow Sea that would escalate tensions or result in miscalculations; (3) note that overt threats and gun boat diplomacy are not constructive means for settling these outstanding maritime disputes; (4) welcome the diplomatic efforts of Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and the United States allies and partners in Japan, the Republic of Korea, Taiwan, the Philippines, and India to amiably and fairly resolve these outstanding disputes; and (5) support the continuation of operations by the United States Armed Forces in support of freedom of navigation rights in international waters and air space in the South China Sea, the East China Sea, the Taiwan Strait, and the Yellow Sea. 3. Report on the Code of Conduct for the South China Sea (a) Report Not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of State shall submit to the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate a report on the Code of Conduct and other peaceful measures for resolution of the territorial disputes in the South China Sea. (b) Form The report required under subsection (a) shall be submitted in unclassified form, but may contain a classified annex if necessary.
2023-01-08 17:37:55.578
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Introduced-in-House" bill-type="olc" dms-id="H3383FD710BD84B87BAC5E131B2A1A3FE" public-private="public"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 773 IH: To amend the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 to exempt the Department of Defense from reduction under any order issued to carry out a sequestration pursuant to section 251A. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-02-15 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> I </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 773 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130215"> February 15, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="F000445"> Mr. Forbes </sponsor> introduced the following bill; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="HBU00"> Committee on the Budget </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> A BILL </legis-type> <official-title> To amend the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 to exempt the Department of Defense from reduction under any order issued to carry out a sequestration pursuant to section 251A. </official-title> </form> <legis-body id="HBA6FDFE7DFE74485B6B31080641DA322" style="OLC"> <section id="H6399E1B14E8E42B8A1E4EF91FA4176B7" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Department of Defense exemption from section 251A sequestration </header> <subsection id="H9651EE3C2D3449188A342F6C23438C5A"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Calculation of total deficit reduction </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Paragraph (3) of section 251A of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 is amended— </text> <paragraph id="HEAAC68EAA0924DABA65F84EADB6E2E7B"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> in subparagraph (A), by striking <quote> $1,200,000,000,000 </quote> and inserting <quote> $600,000,000,000 </quote> ; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H480BE3C8958D4E9BB5DB24AC806F62A3"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> in subparagraph (E), by striking <quote> $24,000,000,000 </quote> and inserting <quote> $12,000,000,000 </quote> . </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HF25DDB132D684A6C8E3928866CF9BDBF"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Allocation to functions </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Paragraph (4) of section 251A of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 is amended to read as follows: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H2A0D7FF76D2C4E9F992FEB2E8C25560E" style="OLC"> <paragraph id="H6BEE374FBA534701A1D59A24778B8E80"> <enum> (4) </enum> <header> Allocation to functions </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> On January 2, 2013, for fiscal year 2013, and in its sequestration preview report for fiscal years 2014 through 2021 pursuant to section 254(c), OMB shall allocate the total reduction calculated pursuant to paragraph (3) for that year to discretionary appropriations and direct spending accounts in all non-defense functions. </text> </paragraph> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </subsection> <subsection id="HFF9AA64A04F743BA88163DB30FCAD1B9"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Defense function reduction </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Paragraph (5) of section 251A of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 is repealed. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="HE8C6E8B255ED469680ABAB9D1F8163CA"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header> Implementing discretionary reductions </header> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="H6303AD995ED5465D8DD3903519E342B8"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Paragraph (7)(A) of section 251A of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 is amended by striking <quote> achieve— </quote> and inserting <quote> achieve </quote> , by striking clause (i), and by striking <quote> (ii) </quote> and moving such text 2 ems to the left. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H030BBEC99C8D41DD8D921C07B20ABE22" indent="up1"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Paragraph (7)(B) of section 251A of such Act is amended by striking <quote> achieve— </quote> and inserting <quote> achieve </quote> , by striking clause (i), and by striking <quote> (ii) </quote> and moving such text 2 ems to the left. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H769BA9A9803E49C2B397DAF73F776630"> <enum> (e) </enum> <header> Implementing direct spending reductions </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The first sentence of paragraph (8) of section 251A of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 is amended by striking <quote> paragraphs (5) and (6) </quote> and inserting <quote> paragraph (6) </quote> . </text> </subsection> </section> <section id="HAC9E1E5C67424579B05D054E4938F278"> <enum> 2. </enum> <header> Conforming amendment </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Section 901(e) of American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 is amended by striking <quote> 251A(5)(A), 251A(6)(A), and 251A(7)(A), </quote> and inserting <quote> 251A(6)(A) and 251A(7)(A), </quote> . </text> </section> </legis-body> </bill>
I 113th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 773 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES February 15, 2013 Mr. Forbes introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on the Budget A BILL To amend the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 to exempt the Department of Defense from reduction under any order issued to carry out a sequestration pursuant to section 251A. 1. Department of Defense exemption from section 251A sequestration (a) Calculation of total deficit reduction Paragraph (3) of section 251A of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 is amended— (1) in subparagraph (A), by striking $1,200,000,000,000 and inserting $600,000,000,000 ; and (2) in subparagraph (E), by striking $24,000,000,000 and inserting $12,000,000,000 . (b) Allocation to functions Paragraph (4) of section 251A of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 is amended to read as follows: (4) Allocation to functions On January 2, 2013, for fiscal year 2013, and in its sequestration preview report for fiscal years 2014 through 2021 pursuant to section 254(c), OMB shall allocate the total reduction calculated pursuant to paragraph (3) for that year to discretionary appropriations and direct spending accounts in all non-defense functions. . (c) Defense function reduction Paragraph (5) of section 251A of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 is repealed. (d) Implementing discretionary reductions (1) Paragraph (7)(A) of section 251A of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 is amended by striking achieve— and inserting achieve , by striking clause (i), and by striking (ii) and moving such text 2 ems to the left. (2) Paragraph (7)(B) of section 251A of such Act is amended by striking achieve— and inserting achieve , by striking clause (i), and by striking (ii) and moving such text 2 ems to the left. (e) Implementing direct spending reductions The first sentence of paragraph (8) of section 251A of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 is amended by striking paragraphs (5) and (6) and inserting paragraph (6) . 2. Conforming amendment Section 901(e) of American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 is amended by striking 251A(5)(A), 251A(6)(A), and 251A(7)(A), and inserting 251A(6)(A) and 251A(7)(A), .
2023-01-08 17:37:54.720
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Introduced-in-House" bill-type="olc" dms-id="H6DA87042151C4AEC8B98827915AFE5B1" public-private="public"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 774 IH: Small Business Start-up Savings Accounts Act of 2013 </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-02-15 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> I </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 774 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130215"> February 15, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="G000562"> Mr. Gardner </sponsor> (for himself, <cosponsor name-id="C001077"> Mr. Coffman </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="L000571"> Mrs. Lummis </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="D000612"> Mr. Denham </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="B001271"> Mr. Benishek </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="B001243"> Mrs. Blackburn </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="G000552"> Mr. Gohmert </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="L000578"> Mr. LaMalfa </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="W000798"> Mr. Walberg </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="W000795"> Mr. Wilson of South Carolina </cosponsor> ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="HWM00"> Committee on Ways and Means </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> A BILL </legis-type> <official-title> To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to establish small business start-up savings accounts. </official-title> </form> <legis-body id="HBE0D701EA7EB4E9C9BAD18B305813AD1" style="OLC"> <section id="HBAFD53D5EC254AEDA38D64CB8589AEF8" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Short title </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> This Act may be cited as the <quote> <short-title> Small Business Start-up Savings Accounts Act of 2013 </short-title> </quote> . </text> </section> <section id="H2350C10E6E4046F6847CC2D4421D6887"> <enum> 2. </enum> <header> Establishment of Small Business Start-Up Savings Accounts </header> <subsection id="H60C63B7A2A8C464F9416429A88CA27B2"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> <external-xref legal-doc="usc-chapter" parsable-cite="usc-chapter/26/77"> Chapter 77 </external-xref> of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by adding at the end the following new section: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H7FC72A11310749939947EE68CB8D3AF9" style="OLC"> <section id="H58EF5888CC91432289D88CB66B28AD41"> <enum> 7529. </enum> <header> Small Business Start-Up Savings Accounts </header> <subsection id="HE73C67E085BA407E9E76EFD9D4F410EC"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> An individual or an eligible small business may enter into an agreement with the Secretary to establish a small business start-up savings account. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H53A633182DEA46148C42D88F5F4D164D"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Small business start-Up savings account </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> For purposes of this section, the term <term> small business start-up savings account </term> means a trust created or organized in the United States for the benefit of the account beneficiary, but only if the written governing instrument creating the trust meets the following requirements: </text> <paragraph id="HFF2F5F6F592C472198AF3BF3A2612A2C"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Except as provided in subsection (d)(3) in the case of a rollover contribution, no contribution will be accepted unless it is in cash, and contributions will not be accepted for the taxable year on behalf of any account beneficiary in excess of the amount in effect for such taxable year under subsection (d)(2). </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H2B4278DFDB5B4CAD807E2BC75CC5438A"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> The trustee is a bank (as defined in section 408(n)) or such other person who demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Secretary that the manner in which such other person will administer the trust will be consistent with the requirements of this section. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HCC5E53075C6B495FAB7D50277901FF16"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> No part of the trust funds will be invested in life insurance contracts. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H54A8F7F64F8A47AAA3E5FEA6AC9CB3D9"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> The interest of an individual in the balance of his account is nonforfeitable. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HC10B4BC402AF4A51A13294B9BC3F9676"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text> The assets of the trust will not be commingled with other property except in a common trust fund or common investment fund. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H44DB3F6EFAD84C55BB3EF937E9F0F021"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Eligible small business </header> <text> For purposes of this section, the term <term> eligible small business </term> means, with respect to any taxable year, any person engaged in a trade or business if the average number of employees employed by such person on business days during the taxable year was 500 or fewer. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="HD8611D5877EB4B21B46B34871A0BCA54"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header> Treatment of contributions </header> <paragraph id="H77C80A4A495A424E8105662291C03A21"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> There shall be allowed as a deduction for the taxable year an amount equal to so much of the account beneficiary’s contributions for the taxable year to all small business start-up savings accounts maintained for the benefit of such beneficiary as do not exceed the contribution limitations in effect for the taxable year under paragraph (2). </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H16281E6DA936455DA565F66F2059A209"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Contribution limitation </header> <subparagraph id="HA028F49F90CC40EEAC461611290F02D7"> <enum> (A) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> The amount allowable as a deduction under paragraph (1) with respect to all small business start-up savings accounts maintained for the benefit of any person shall not exceed the lesser of— </text> <clause id="H90DF4A30BE3E41A48A7C9DC01F392624"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> $10,000, or </text> </clause> <clause id="HAD705F3D0DBB40709C82C0EF5E131086"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> $150,000, reduced by the aggregate contributions by such person for all taxable years with respect to all small business start-up savings accounts of the taxpayer. </text> </clause> </subparagraph> <subparagraph commented="no" id="H4F4A3FE9B6814D07BC386A0BAF04B2C5"> <enum> (B) </enum> <header> Cost of living adjustment </header> <clause commented="no" id="H51ACD92A6FE341E4980E98B1DA9F86B3"> <enum> (i) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> In the case of a taxable year beginning after 2013, the $10,000 amount in subparagraph (A) shall be increased by an amount equal to— </text> <subclause commented="no" id="H6F523CABA51041BE9AACF2F94A3AD92D"> <enum> (I) </enum> <text> such dollar amount, multiplied by </text> </subclause> <subclause commented="no" id="H7C2EB9F7220C48248B9F85154B1CC7FE"> <enum> (II) </enum> <text> the cost-of-living adjustment determined under section 1(f)(3) for the calendar year in which the taxable year begins, determined by substituting <quote> calendar year 2012 </quote> for <quote> calendar year 1992 </quote> in subparagraph (B) thereof. </text> </subclause> </clause> <clause commented="no" id="HDF7F29DB57574ED086B2870E067BA549"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <header> Rounding </header> <text> If any amount as adjusted under clause (i) is not a multiple of $500, such amount shall be rounded to the next lowest multiple of $500. </text> </clause> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HAFBAE47E56E747A88B2F0C50F8066866"> <enum> (3) </enum> <header> Rollovers from retirement plans not allowed </header> <text> Under regulations prescribed by the Secretary, a person may make a rollover contribution to a small business start-up savings account only in the case of a rollover from another small business start-up savings account. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H9509C8E7A28B4DA6827E2DA2493CFF42"> <enum> (4) </enum> <header> Treated as deduction for individuals and corporations </header> <text> For purposes of chapter 1, the deduction allowed under paragraph (1) shall be treated as a deduction specified in part VI of subchapter B of chapter 1 (relating to itemized deductions for individuals and corporations). </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H5A9476A8CD6540CF82E2A24971BBE532"> <enum> (e) </enum> <header> Treatment of distributions </header> <paragraph id="H413444FCB8394FB2AEFE955A7D818944"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> Tax treatment </header> <subparagraph id="H01040D0C13EC4A0F9B6317BBBE458ACE"> <enum> (A) </enum> <header> Exclusion of qualified distributions </header> <text> Any qualified distribution from a small business start-up savings account shall not be includible in gross income. </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H8639283D974E4698987E48B2345197E5"> <enum> (B) </enum> <header> Inclusion of other distributions </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Any distribution from a small business start-up savings account which is not a qualified distribution shall be included in gross income. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HD28EAD4D1208469494D6D3EDCCEB098A"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Qualified distribution </header> <text> For purposes of this subsection, the term <term> qualified distribution </term> means, with respect to any taxable year, any payment or distribution from a small business start-up savings account— </text> <subparagraph id="H6B95F130603C42238C26654AAD194962"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> to the extent the amount of such payment or distribution does not exceed the sum of— </text> <clause id="H04363D84048E40C0B83B6B90B6E50FAD"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> the aggregate amounts paid or incurred by the taxpayer for such taxable year with respect to the taxpayer’s trade or business for the purchase of equipment or facilities, marketing, training, incorporation, and accounting fees, and </text> </clause> <clause id="HC1E3D1FE7EA147B68599AEDB7E1F83EF"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> the aggregate capital contributions of the taxpayer with respect to an eligible small business for the taxable year (but only to the extent such amounts are used by such small business for purposes described in clause (i)), and </text> </clause> </subparagraph> <subparagraph commented="no" id="H197C44883CF840C58042CD6339B8AF03"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> which, in the case of a payment or distribution subsequent to the first payment or distribution from such account (or any predecessor to such account)— </text> <clause id="HD80F9B02A9CF49B89830A361D4CB551B"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> is made not later than the close of the 5th taxable year beginning after the date of such first payment or distribution, and </text> </clause> <clause commented="no" id="H3C843BC9D0D94325871991781AD91B47"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> is made with respect to the same eligible small business with respect to which such first payment or distribution was made. </text> </clause> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H98AEF8D3D7B6408F9F40D77AD307D618"> <enum> (3) </enum> <header> Treatment after death of account beneficiary </header> <subparagraph id="HBDB5F3DF9B0F49F49DE91ABDF6904CD2"> <enum> (A) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> If, by reason of the death of the account beneficiary, any person acquires the account beneficiary’s interest in a small business start-up savings account— </text> <clause id="H4A95CD882438436F9DDFFAC31CF31077"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> such account shall cease to be a small business start-up savings account as of the date of death, and </text> </clause> <clause id="H488AC1BE0FB9408687CDD2762C166427"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> an amount equal to the fair market value of the assets in such account on such date shall be includible— </text> <subclause id="HBCFBCB2DA19842608438C3E37215138C"> <enum> (I) </enum> <text> in the case of a person who is not the estate of such beneficiary, in such person’s gross income for the taxable year which includes such date, or </text> </subclause> <subclause id="HFC48C6D6076A4305950C7E06EF7E5345"> <enum> (II) </enum> <text> in the case of a person who is the estate of such beneficiary, in such beneficiary’s gross income for the last taxable year of such beneficiary. </text> </subclause> </clause> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H141BCF842B70406BAF709461AA4863A2"> <enum> (B) </enum> <header> Special rules </header> <clause id="H68ED64D1BBD840CE8181CC78350A9E90"> <enum> (i) </enum> <header> Reduction of inclusion for predeath expenses </header> <text> The amount includible in gross income under subparagraph (A) shall be reduced by the amounts described in paragraph (2) which were incurred by the decedent before the date of the decedent’s death and paid by such person within 1 year after such date. </text> </clause> <clause id="HF90E7F6A16B945DD899323B6F6B2CB30"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <header> Deduction for estate taxes </header> <text> An appropriate deduction shall be allowed under section 691(c) to any person (other than the decedent) with respect to amounts included in gross income under subparagraph (A)(ii)(I) by such person. </text> </clause> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HAF7F1CA3743C4D7AAD078EED59036B1B"> <enum> (4) </enum> <header> Treatment for failure to be treated as eligible small business </header> <text> If for any taxable year a taxpayer which holds a small business start-up savings account as an eligible small business ceases to be an eligible small business— </text> <subparagraph id="H48A3D535A8BE47E0B63D1461014D861F"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> such account shall cease to be a small business start-up savings account, and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H131DBBAD139947789EB1CD7E8C6C57F5"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> the balance of such account shall be treated as paid out for such taxable year in a distribution which is not a qualified distribution. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H84E85D84A8DA49C1A9491812A46D0C38"> <enum> (f) </enum> <header> Special rules </header> <paragraph id="H0A6DCCFB22E9436D84B5ED67A508E352"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> Denial of double benefit </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Any deduction or credit otherwise allowed for the taxable year with respect to amounts described in subsection (e)(2)(A) shall be reduced by an amount equal to the qualified distributions attributable to such amounts. The adjusted basis of any property placed in service for the taxable year shall be reduced by the amount of any qualified distributions attributable to such property. For purposes of this paragraph, qualified distributions shall first be treated as attributable to amounts described in subsection (e)(2)(A), then to property placed in service for the taxable year. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H2C38DF1D4530434A8846E584519B2C80"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Aggregation rule </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> For purposes of this section, all persons treated as a single employer under subsection (a) or (b) of section 52, or subsection (m) or (o) of section 414, shall be treated as one person. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> </section> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </subsection> <subsection id="HAA11F7BDD5CE4CA0ACC4694619339231"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Excise tax on excess contributions and nonqualified distributions </header> <text> Subtitle D of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by adding at the end the following new chapter: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H1332336630CE43E2A695F7DB460CC4BF" style="OLC"> <chapter id="HDC694552851149C9B69C94EC5BAA6317"> <enum> 50A </enum> <header> Small business start-up savings accounts </header> <toc container-level="chapter-container" idref="HDC694552851149C9B69C94EC5BAA6317" lowest-bolded-level="division-lowest-bolded" lowest-level="section" quoted-block="no-quoted-block" regeneration="yes-regeneration"> <toc-entry idref="H069240F7F09E414CB1BB4672CE216BE1" level="section"> Sec. 5000D. Tax on excess contributions to small business start-up savings accounts. </toc-entry> <toc-entry idref="H7159006F7C93469694B48D98E545FD30" level="section"> Sec. 5000E. Tax on nonqualified distributions from small business start-up savings accounts. </toc-entry> <toc-entry idref="HB7259AC5A2FA46319BD1CA9D04BF3CBA" level="section"> Sec. 5000F. Cross reference. </toc-entry> </toc> <section id="H069240F7F09E414CB1BB4672CE216BE1"> <enum> 5000D. </enum> <header> Tax on excess contributions to small business start-up savings accounts </header> <subsection id="HB8453676246141BDBBCE047323902502"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> In the case of a small business start-up savings account (within the meaning of section 7529) there is imposed for each taxable year a tax in an amount equal to 6 percent of the amount of the excess contributions to such taxpayer’s account (determined as of the close of the taxable year). </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H1D8C7061779A42CB8E981232D94C79AC"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Limitation </header> <text> The amount of tax imposed by subsection (a) shall not exceed 6 percent of the value of the account (determined as of the close of the taxable year). </text> </subsection> <subsection id="HC9487222C42F4722B985B3D2DEDBC91F"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Excess contributions </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> For purposes of this section, in the case of contributions to all small business start-up savings accounts maintained for the benefit of a person, the term <term> excess contributions </term> means the sum of— </text> <paragraph id="H3E0DFDA20AFA48388CE424A307BF8074"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> the excess (if any) of— </text> <subparagraph id="HF9D3D114694F4B35BC9C1F0FCBE4BF3D"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> the amount contributed to such accounts for the taxable year, over </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HDDCA02D13A0C4EBD99EFCE32A49EB731"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> the amount allowable as a contribution under section 7529(d)(2)(A) for such taxable year, and </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H25AE522ACBC94D8C8E86C069D54F4A4B"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> the amount determined under this subsection for the preceding taxable year, reduced by the sum of— </text> <subparagraph id="HA1ADE42809A745BF93A3412161400B31"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> the distributions out of the accounts for the taxable year, and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HABC0C5B89CD441DCB164E887D1199B4B"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> the excess (if any) of— </text> <clause id="H3E8B3DC683734272800E705634823901"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> the maximum amount allowable as a contribution under section 7529(d)(2)(A) for such taxable year, over </text> </clause> <clause id="HDF02F24F98C94FAEAE452E5015757D7B"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> the amount contributed to such accounts for such taxable year. </text> </clause> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> </section> <section id="H7159006F7C93469694B48D98E545FD30"> <enum> 5000E. </enum> <header> Tax on nonqualified distributions from small business start-up savings accounts </header> <subsection id="H7419728E523F48239BCE768B68485B1A"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> If for any taxable year an amount is paid or distributed out of a taxpayer’s small business start-up savings account, there is imposed for such taxable year a tax in an amount equal to 10 percent of the portion of such amount which is includible in the gross income of the taxpayer. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="HC12038584C5B4B1099E3254CAF1D9D3C"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Exception for disability or death </header> <text> Subsection (a) shall not apply if the payment or distribution is made after the account beneficiary becomes disabled within the meaning of section 72(m)(7) (but only if such beneficiary’s account was created before becoming so disabled) or dies. </text> </subsection> </section> <section id="HB7259AC5A2FA46319BD1CA9D04BF3CBA"> <enum> 5000F. </enum> <header> Cross reference </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> For prohibited transactions, see section 4975. </text> </section> </chapter> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </subsection> <subsection id="HBCB7C740D3314D91818DF1F97EB95A68"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Prohibited transactions </header> <paragraph id="H77F28F7367AF446889296DD782694C40"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> Paragraph (1) of section 4975(e) of such Code is amended by striking <quote> or </quote> at the end of subparagraph (F), by striking the period at the end of subparagraph and inserting <quote> , or </quote> , and by adding at the end the following new subparagraph: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HB7059B2BCB504BADB44C61CD4CB4AE14" style="OLC"> <subparagraph id="H23CE59AAFF2248ADAEA2CDB19ECF3CF3"> <enum> (H) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> a small business start-up savings account (within the meaning of section 7529). </text> </subparagraph> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H35F0A7E9131B4EEBBB6C4DEC1CF79022"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Special rule for ceasing to be a small business start-up savings account </header> <text> Section 4975(c) of such Code (relating to tax on prohibited transactions) is amended by adding at the end the following new paragraph: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H52707F647ED9424BA1122123C36AA3AE" style="OLC"> <paragraph id="H86AC517F259F49DAA716E84B05CA083C"> <enum> (7) </enum> <header> Special rule for small business start-up savings account </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> An individual for whose benefit a small business start-up savings account (within the meaning of section 7529) is established shall be exempt from the tax imposed by this section with respect to any transaction concerning such account (which would otherwise be taxable under this section) if, with respect to such transaction, the account ceases to be a small business start-up savings account by reason of the application of paragraph (3) or (4) of section 7529(e) to such account. </text> </paragraph> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H4463C74FE2EC47DFAB5A866D785C4D89"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header> Deduction allowed whether or not individual itemizes </header> <text> Subsection (a) of section 62 of such Code is amended by inserting after paragraph (21) the following new paragraph: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HD8F30E82195A428385C66E2277483EA5" style="OLC"> <paragraph id="HD55B15E04FEA4452AA5ABB9009B6AFA1"> <enum> (22) </enum> <header> Contributions to small business start-up savings accounts </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The deduction allowed by section 7529(d)(1)(A). </text> </paragraph> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </subsection> <subsection id="H8C5ECDC404564958AFC3608422625201"> <enum> (e) </enum> <header> Conforming amendments </header> <paragraph id="H46C23699D6F947B09886CFE41B2B2575"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> The table of chapters for subtitle D such Code is amended by adding at the end the following new item: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H41E13A5D97E4404DB204F1412014460C" style="OLC"> <toc regeneration="no-regeneration"> <toc-entry level="chapter"> Chapter 50A. Small Business Start-Up Savings Accounts. </toc-entry> </toc> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H44324E38879B4E15A08EA936CD83604F"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> The table of sections for chapter 77 of such Code is amended by inserting after the item relating to section 7528 the following new item: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H5CA7923A68444CAAAA8ABF34763B0CF8" style="OLC"> <toc regeneration="no-regeneration"> <toc-entry level="section"> Sec. 7529. Small Business Start-Up Savings Accounts. </toc-entry> </toc> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HE76D6FEDE8234854AC3EF68D5BFE6201"> <enum> (f) </enum> <header> Effective date </header> <text> The amendments made by this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2012. </text> </subsection> </section> </legis-body> </bill>
I 113th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 774 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES February 15, 2013 Mr. Gardner (for himself, Mr. Coffman , Mrs. Lummis , Mr. Denham , Mr. Benishek , Mrs. Blackburn , Mr. Gohmert , Mr. LaMalfa , Mr. Walberg , and Mr. Wilson of South Carolina ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Ways and Means A BILL To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to establish small business start-up savings accounts. 1. Short title This Act may be cited as the Small Business Start-up Savings Accounts Act of 2013 . 2. Establishment of Small Business Start-Up Savings Accounts (a) In general Chapter 77 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by adding at the end the following new section: 7529. Small Business Start-Up Savings Accounts (a) In general An individual or an eligible small business may enter into an agreement with the Secretary to establish a small business start-up savings account. (b) Small business start-Up savings account For purposes of this section, the term small business start-up savings account means a trust created or organized in the United States for the benefit of the account beneficiary, but only if the written governing instrument creating the trust meets the following requirements: (1) Except as provided in subsection (d)(3) in the case of a rollover contribution, no contribution will be accepted unless it is in cash, and contributions will not be accepted for the taxable year on behalf of any account beneficiary in excess of the amount in effect for such taxable year under subsection (d)(2). (2) The trustee is a bank (as defined in section 408(n)) or such other person who demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Secretary that the manner in which such other person will administer the trust will be consistent with the requirements of this section. (3) No part of the trust funds will be invested in life insurance contracts. (4) The interest of an individual in the balance of his account is nonforfeitable. (5) The assets of the trust will not be commingled with other property except in a common trust fund or common investment fund. (c) Eligible small business For purposes of this section, the term eligible small business means, with respect to any taxable year, any person engaged in a trade or business if the average number of employees employed by such person on business days during the taxable year was 500 or fewer. (d) Treatment of contributions (1) In general There shall be allowed as a deduction for the taxable year an amount equal to so much of the account beneficiary’s contributions for the taxable year to all small business start-up savings accounts maintained for the benefit of such beneficiary as do not exceed the contribution limitations in effect for the taxable year under paragraph (2). (2) Contribution limitation (A) In general The amount allowable as a deduction under paragraph (1) with respect to all small business start-up savings accounts maintained for the benefit of any person shall not exceed the lesser of— (i) $10,000, or (ii) $150,000, reduced by the aggregate contributions by such person for all taxable years with respect to all small business start-up savings accounts of the taxpayer. (B) Cost of living adjustment (i) In general In the case of a taxable year beginning after 2013, the $10,000 amount in subparagraph (A) shall be increased by an amount equal to— (I) such dollar amount, multiplied by (II) the cost-of-living adjustment determined under section 1(f)(3) for the calendar year in which the taxable year begins, determined by substituting calendar year 2012 for calendar year 1992 in subparagraph (B) thereof. (ii) Rounding If any amount as adjusted under clause (i) is not a multiple of $500, such amount shall be rounded to the next lowest multiple of $500. (3) Rollovers from retirement plans not allowed Under regulations prescribed by the Secretary, a person may make a rollover contribution to a small business start-up savings account only in the case of a rollover from another small business start-up savings account. (4) Treated as deduction for individuals and corporations For purposes of chapter 1, the deduction allowed under paragraph (1) shall be treated as a deduction specified in part VI of subchapter B of chapter 1 (relating to itemized deductions for individuals and corporations). (e) Treatment of distributions (1) Tax treatment (A) Exclusion of qualified distributions Any qualified distribution from a small business start-up savings account shall not be includible in gross income. (B) Inclusion of other distributions Any distribution from a small business start-up savings account which is not a qualified distribution shall be included in gross income. (2) Qualified distribution For purposes of this subsection, the term qualified distribution means, with respect to any taxable year, any payment or distribution from a small business start-up savings account— (A) to the extent the amount of such payment or distribution does not exceed the sum of— (i) the aggregate amounts paid or incurred by the taxpayer for such taxable year with respect to the taxpayer’s trade or business for the purchase of equipment or facilities, marketing, training, incorporation, and accounting fees, and (ii) the aggregate capital contributions of the taxpayer with respect to an eligible small business for the taxable year (but only to the extent such amounts are used by such small business for purposes described in clause (i)), and (B) which, in the case of a payment or distribution subsequent to the first payment or distribution from such account (or any predecessor to such account)— (i) is made not later than the close of the 5th taxable year beginning after the date of such first payment or distribution, and (ii) is made with respect to the same eligible small business with respect to which such first payment or distribution was made. (3) Treatment after death of account beneficiary (A) In general If, by reason of the death of the account beneficiary, any person acquires the account beneficiary’s interest in a small business start-up savings account— (i) such account shall cease to be a small business start-up savings account as of the date of death, and (ii) an amount equal to the fair market value of the assets in such account on such date shall be includible— (I) in the case of a person who is not the estate of such beneficiary, in such person’s gross income for the taxable year which includes such date, or (II) in the case of a person who is the estate of such beneficiary, in such beneficiary’s gross income for the last taxable year of such beneficiary. (B) Special rules (i) Reduction of inclusion for predeath expenses The amount includible in gross income under subparagraph (A) shall be reduced by the amounts described in paragraph (2) which were incurred by the decedent before the date of the decedent’s death and paid by such person within 1 year after such date. (ii) Deduction for estate taxes An appropriate deduction shall be allowed under section 691(c) to any person (other than the decedent) with respect to amounts included in gross income under subparagraph (A)(ii)(I) by such person. (4) Treatment for failure to be treated as eligible small business If for any taxable year a taxpayer which holds a small business start-up savings account as an eligible small business ceases to be an eligible small business— (A) such account shall cease to be a small business start-up savings account, and (B) the balance of such account shall be treated as paid out for such taxable year in a distribution which is not a qualified distribution. (f) Special rules (1) Denial of double benefit Any deduction or credit otherwise allowed for the taxable year with respect to amounts described in subsection (e)(2)(A) shall be reduced by an amount equal to the qualified distributions attributable to such amounts. The adjusted basis of any property placed in service for the taxable year shall be reduced by the amount of any qualified distributions attributable to such property. For purposes of this paragraph, qualified distributions shall first be treated as attributable to amounts described in subsection (e)(2)(A), then to property placed in service for the taxable year. (2) Aggregation rule For purposes of this section, all persons treated as a single employer under subsection (a) or (b) of section 52, or subsection (m) or (o) of section 414, shall be treated as one person. . (b) Excise tax on excess contributions and nonqualified distributions Subtitle D of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by adding at the end the following new chapter: 50A Small business start-up savings accounts Sec. 5000D. Tax on excess contributions to small business start-up savings accounts. Sec. 5000E. Tax on nonqualified distributions from small business start-up savings accounts. Sec. 5000F. Cross reference. 5000D. Tax on excess contributions to small business start-up savings accounts (a) In general In the case of a small business start-up savings account (within the meaning of section 7529) there is imposed for each taxable year a tax in an amount equal to 6 percent of the amount of the excess contributions to such taxpayer’s account (determined as of the close of the taxable year). (b) Limitation The amount of tax imposed by subsection (a) shall not exceed 6 percent of the value of the account (determined as of the close of the taxable year). (c) Excess contributions For purposes of this section, in the case of contributions to all small business start-up savings accounts maintained for the benefit of a person, the term excess contributions means the sum of— (1) the excess (if any) of— (A) the amount contributed to such accounts for the taxable year, over (B) the amount allowable as a contribution under section 7529(d)(2)(A) for such taxable year, and (2) the amount determined under this subsection for the preceding taxable year, reduced by the sum of— (A) the distributions out of the accounts for the taxable year, and (B) the excess (if any) of— (i) the maximum amount allowable as a contribution under section 7529(d)(2)(A) for such taxable year, over (ii) the amount contributed to such accounts for such taxable year. 5000E. Tax on nonqualified distributions from small business start-up savings accounts (a) In general If for any taxable year an amount is paid or distributed out of a taxpayer’s small business start-up savings account, there is imposed for such taxable year a tax in an amount equal to 10 percent of the portion of such amount which is includible in the gross income of the taxpayer. (b) Exception for disability or death Subsection (a) shall not apply if the payment or distribution is made after the account beneficiary becomes disabled within the meaning of section 72(m)(7) (but only if such beneficiary’s account was created before becoming so disabled) or dies. 5000F. Cross reference For prohibited transactions, see section 4975. . (c) Prohibited transactions (1) In general Paragraph (1) of section 4975(e) of such Code is amended by striking or at the end of subparagraph (F), by striking the period at the end of subparagraph and inserting , or , and by adding at the end the following new subparagraph: (H) a small business start-up savings account (within the meaning of section 7529). . (2) Special rule for ceasing to be a small business start-up savings account Section 4975(c) of such Code (relating to tax on prohibited transactions) is amended by adding at the end the following new paragraph: (7) Special rule for small business start-up savings account An individual for whose benefit a small business start-up savings account (within the meaning of section 7529) is established shall be exempt from the tax imposed by this section with respect to any transaction concerning such account (which would otherwise be taxable under this section) if, with respect to such transaction, the account ceases to be a small business start-up savings account by reason of the application of paragraph (3) or (4) of section 7529(e) to such account. . (d) Deduction allowed whether or not individual itemizes Subsection (a) of section 62 of such Code is amended by inserting after paragraph (21) the following new paragraph: (22) Contributions to small business start-up savings accounts The deduction allowed by section 7529(d)(1)(A). . (e) Conforming amendments (1) The table of chapters for subtitle D such Code is amended by adding at the end the following new item: Chapter 50A. Small Business Start-Up Savings Accounts. . (2) The table of sections for chapter 77 of such Code is amended by inserting after the item relating to section 7528 the following new item: Sec. 7529. Small Business Start-Up Savings Accounts. . (f) Effective date The amendments made by this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2012.
2023-01-08 17:37:54.604
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Introduced-in-House" bill-type="olc" dms-id="H8E2ED52492DF431B9754C0A0ED3368DF" public-private="public"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 775 IH: Uninterrupted Elections Act </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-02-15 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> I </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 775 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130215"> February 15, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="G000568"> Mr. Griffith of Virginia </sponsor> (for himself, <cosponsor name-id="C001078"> Mr. Connolly </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="F000445"> Mr. Forbes </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="G000289"> Mr. Goodlatte </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="H001060"> Mr. Hurt </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S000185"> Mr. Scott of Virginia </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="W000804"> Mr. Wittman </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="W000672"> Mr. Wolf </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="M000933"> Mr. Moran </cosponsor> ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="HJU00"> Committee on the Judiciary </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> A BILL </legis-type> <official-title> To amend title 28, United States Code, to exempt election officials from Federal jury service. </official-title> </form> <legis-body id="HA6D64933E9064A7B8AF0A7B8DA9F59D5" style="OLC"> <section id="HA27F7F19379C4B318A1589F342C952D2" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Short title </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> This Act may be cited as the <quote> <short-title> Uninterrupted Elections Act </short-title> </quote> . </text> </section> <section id="H9A582515AD53451C9A1554FC27229112"> <enum> 2. </enum> <header> Exemption of election officials from Federal jury duty </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/28/1863"> Section 1863 </external-xref> of title 28, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HE039A2B2D083475EB8DF4DD4EC2DA94E" style="USC"> <subsection id="H96B3EB5CFADC4ECD85B47510604BEDA9"> <enum> (e) </enum> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="H58C456C4C5D44BD3A763747AEDBE1763"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> Each plan under this section shall provide that a election or registration official, if named as a prospective juror, is exempt from starting service as a juror during any election period. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H7441BF417F3D41F0A60AF321BB46BC8B" indent="up1"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> In this subsection— </text> <subparagraph id="H19DA8BD17AB24B36BEED203418B899C8"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> the term <quote> election or registration official </quote> means an appointed or elected local election administrator, or a permanent full-time employee of such an administrator, whose duties include the registration of voters or the administration of elections; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H8251C37E3E654851BABF7A82D8AF874A"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> the term <quote> election period </quote> means the period beginning 60 days before and ending 30 days after an election with respect to which the election or registration official has any of the duties described in subparagraph (A). </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </section> </legis-body> </bill>
I 113th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 775 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES February 15, 2013 Mr. Griffith of Virginia (for himself, Mr. Connolly , Mr. Forbes , Mr. Goodlatte , Mr. Hurt , Mr. Scott of Virginia , Mr. Wittman , Mr. Wolf , and Mr. Moran ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary A BILL To amend title 28, United States Code, to exempt election officials from Federal jury service. 1. Short title This Act may be cited as the Uninterrupted Elections Act . 2. Exemption of election officials from Federal jury duty Section 1863 of title 28, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following: (e) (1) Each plan under this section shall provide that a election or registration official, if named as a prospective juror, is exempt from starting service as a juror during any election period. (2) In this subsection— (A) the term election or registration official means an appointed or elected local election administrator, or a permanent full-time employee of such an administrator, whose duties include the registration of voters or the administration of elections; and (B) the term election period means the period beginning 60 days before and ending 30 days after an election with respect to which the election or registration official has any of the duties described in subparagraph (A). .
2023-01-08 17:37:54.245
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Introduced-in-House" bill-type="olc" dms-id="H064AE9B4CA2D4B1ABF68486850CAED90" public-private="public"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 776 IH: Security in Bonding Act of 2013 </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-02-15 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> I </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 776 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130215"> February 15, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="H001051"> Mr. Hanna </sponsor> (for himself and <cosponsor name-id="G000546"> Mr. Graves of Missouri </cosponsor> ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="HJU00"> Committee on the Judiciary </committee-name> , and in addition to the Committee on <committee-name committee-id="HSM00"> Small Business </committee-name> , for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> A BILL </legis-type> <official-title> To amend title 31, United States Code, to revise requirements related to assets pledged by a surety, and for other purposes. </official-title> </form> <legis-body id="H583E5183821A46B38726E74DBC366D3D" style="OLC"> <section id="H25CCD8EB67644DC09309B121F027A44C" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Short title </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> This Act may be cited as the <quote> <short-title> Security in Bonding Act of 2013 </short-title> </quote> . </text> </section> <section id="H0FDE2A32BB984CC0ABD426FDB5944425"> <enum> 2. </enum> <header> Surety bond requirements </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Chapter 93 of subtitle VI of title 31, United States Code, is amended— </text> <paragraph id="H4649536D6A504FF78C76036B7A3D1D41"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> by adding at the end the following: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HA2D1C8CBF4C54287831E43A1FEBA44B9" style="USC"> <section id="H82CC9487BD1D40188CEF0B8D86B05BF0"> <enum> 9310. </enum> <header> Individual sureties </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> If another applicable law or regulation permits the acceptance of a bond from a surety that is not subject to sections 9305 and 9306 and is based on a pledge of assets by the surety, the assets pledged by such surety shall— </text> <paragraph id="H45F91BB332BF48AD8A27175229034F76"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> consist of eligible obligations described under section 9303(a); and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H7A4794D0ED194EB290F7FCE6F1FB8A5D"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> be submitted to the official of the Government required to approve or accept the bond, who shall deposit the assets with a depository described under section 9303(b). </text> </paragraph> </section> <after-quoted-block> ; and </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H6396E921FEFF4D3F9F3A5D8BABE50427"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> in the table of contents for such chapter, by adding at the end the following: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H93622A213BEB40EFA95770F2C189570A" style="USC"> <toc regeneration="no-regeneration"> <toc-entry level="section"> 9310. Individual sureties. </toc-entry> </toc> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </paragraph> </section> <section id="HD8CF206665A44528985C1D0056EA9A4B"> <enum> 3. </enum> <header> SBA surety bond guarantee </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Section 411(c)(1) of the Small Business Investment Act of 1958 ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/15/694b"> 15 U.S.C. 694b(c)(1) </external-xref> ) is amended by striking <quote> 70 </quote> and inserting <quote> 90 </quote> . </text> </section> </legis-body> </bill>
I 113th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 776 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES February 15, 2013 Mr. Hanna (for himself and Mr. Graves of Missouri ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary , and in addition to the Committee on Small Business , for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned A BILL To amend title 31, United States Code, to revise requirements related to assets pledged by a surety, and for other purposes. 1. Short title This Act may be cited as the Security in Bonding Act of 2013 . 2. Surety bond requirements Chapter 93 of subtitle VI of title 31, United States Code, is amended— (1) by adding at the end the following: 9310. Individual sureties If another applicable law or regulation permits the acceptance of a bond from a surety that is not subject to sections 9305 and 9306 and is based on a pledge of assets by the surety, the assets pledged by such surety shall— (1) consist of eligible obligations described under section 9303(a); and (2) be submitted to the official of the Government required to approve or accept the bond, who shall deposit the assets with a depository described under section 9303(b). ; and (2) in the table of contents for such chapter, by adding at the end the following: 9310. Individual sureties. . 3. SBA surety bond guarantee Section 411(c)(1) of the Small Business Investment Act of 1958 ( 15 U.S.C. 694b(c)(1) ) is amended by striking 70 and inserting 90 .
2023-01-07 03:23:02.470
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Reported-in-House" bill-type="olc" dms-id="H064AE9B4CA2D4B1ABF68486850CAED90" public-private="public"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 776 RH: Security in Bonding Act of 2013 </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2014-05-21 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> IB </distribution-code> <calendar display="yes"> Union Calendar No. 342 </calendar> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 2d Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 776 </legis-num> <associated-doc display="yes" role="report"> [Report No. 113–462, Parts I and II] </associated-doc> <current-chamber display="yes"> IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130215"> February 15, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="H001051"> Mr. Hanna </sponsor> (for himself and <cosponsor name-id="G000546"> Mr. Graves of Missouri </cosponsor> ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the <committee-name added-display-style="italic" committee-id="HJU00" deleted-display-style="strikethrough"> Committee on the Judiciary </committee-name> , and in addition to the <committee-name committee-id="HSM00"> Committee on Small Business </committee-name> , for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned </action-desc> </action> <action> <action-date date="20140521"> May 21, 2014 </action-date> <action-desc> Additional sponsors: <cosponsor name-id="M001188"> Ms. Meng </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="L000569"> Mr. Luetkemeyer </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="C001092"> Mr. Collins of New York </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="L000580"> Ms. Michelle Lujan Grisham of New Mexico </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="G000567"> Mr. Griffin of Arkansas </cosponsor> </action-desc> </action> <action> <action-date date="20140521"> May 21, 2014 </action-date> <action-desc> Reported from the <committee-name added-display-style="italic" committee-id="HJU00" deleted-display-style="strikethrough"> Committee on the Judiciary </committee-name> with an amendment </action-desc> <action-instruction> Strike out all after the enacting clause and insert the part printed in italic </action-instruction> </action> <action> <action-date date="20140521"> May 21, 2014 </action-date> <action-desc> Reported from the <committee-name committee-id="HSM00"> Committee on Small Business </committee-name> with amendments; committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union and ordered to be printed </action-desc> <action-instruction> Strike out all after the enacting clause and insert the part printed in boldface roman </action-instruction> </action> <action display="yes"> <action-desc display="yes"> <pagebreak/> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> A BILL </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> To amend title 31, United States Code, to revise requirements related to assets pledged by a surety, and for other purposes. <pagebreak/> </official-title> </form> <legis-body changed="deleted" committee-id="HJU00" id="H583E5183821A46B38726E74DBC366D3D" reported-display-style="strikethrough" style="OLC"> <section id="H25CCD8EB67644DC09309B121F027A44C" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Short title </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> This Act may be cited as the <quote> <short-title> Security in Bonding Act of 2013 </short-title> </quote> . </text> </section> <section id="H0FDE2A32BB984CC0ABD426FDB5944425"> <enum> 2. </enum> <header> Surety bond requirements </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Chapter 93 of subtitle VI of title 31, United States Code, is amended— </text> <paragraph id="H4649536D6A504FF78C76036B7A3D1D41"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> by adding at the end the following: </text> <quoted-block changed="deleted" committee-id="HJU00" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HA2D1C8CBF4C54287831E43A1FEBA44B9" reported-display-style="strikethrough" style="USC"> <section id="H82CC9487BD1D40188CEF0B8D86B05BF0"> <enum> 9310. </enum> <header> Individual sureties </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> If another applicable law or regulation permits the acceptance of a bond from a surety that is not subject to sections 9305 and 9306 and is based on a pledge of assets by the surety, the assets pledged by such surety shall— </text> <paragraph id="H45F91BB332BF48AD8A27175229034F76"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> consist of eligible obligations described under section 9303(a); and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H7A4794D0ED194EB290F7FCE6F1FB8A5D"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> be submitted to the official of the Government required to approve or accept the bond, who shall deposit the assets with a depository described under section 9303(b). </text> </paragraph> </section> <after-quoted-block> ; and </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H6396E921FEFF4D3F9F3A5D8BABE50427"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> in the table of contents for such chapter, by adding at the end the following: </text> <quoted-block changed="deleted" committee-id="HJU00" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H93622A213BEB40EFA95770F2C189570A" reported-display-style="strikethrough" style="USC"> <toc changed="deleted" committee-id="HJU00" regeneration="no-regeneration" reported-display-style="strikethrough"> <toc-entry level="section"> 9310. Individual sureties. </toc-entry> </toc> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </paragraph> </section> <section id="HD8CF206665A44528985C1D0056EA9A4B"> <enum> 3. </enum> <header> SBA surety bond guarantee </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Section 411(c)(1) of the Small Business Investment Act of 1958 ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/15/694b"> 15 U.S.C. 694b(c)(1) </external-xref> ) is amended by striking <quote> 70 </quote> and inserting <quote> 90 </quote> . </text> </section> </legis-body> <legis-body changed="added" committee-id="HJU00" display-enacting-clause="no-display-enacting-clause" id="HE4B2EE9739EB413FABFE1AFA0CF6DBEC" reported-display-style="italic" style="OLC"> <section id="HE260F55A854248E884BA7C6F9EEF0AD7" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Short title </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> This Act may be cited as the <quote> <short-title> Security in Bonding Act of 2014 </short-title> </quote> . </text> </section> <section id="H482AA96EF3A14B98AF7724B711D7FFA2"> <enum> 2. </enum> <header> Surety bond requirements </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Chapter 93 of subtitle VI of title 31, United States Code, is amended— </text> <paragraph id="HBE1360D542AC4BCEB7CF91D0299DD150"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> by adding at the end the following: </text> <quoted-block changed="added" committee-id="HJU00" id="H8E4D1B63C4174A539AB3353CECC14D11" reported-display-style="italic" style="USC"> <section id="H2AE87EA3726E4332925FBA7B3CFD563B"> <enum> 9310. </enum> <header> Individual sureties </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> If another applicable law or regulation permits the acceptance of a bond from a surety that is not subject to sections 9305 and 9306 and is based on a pledge of assets by the surety, the assets pledged by such surety shall— </text> <paragraph id="H67D265E3D4C142CA8736EC2B2EA7227B"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> consist of eligible obligations described under section 9303(a); and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HA3B67813638B4DEFAC1436D9859EBFD2"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> be submitted to the official of the Government required to approve or accept the bond, who shall deposit the assets with a depository described under section 9303(b). </text> </paragraph> </section> <after-quoted-block> ; and </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HD9FBFBD3075E47F4BFFD79C997F8CFD0"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> in the table of contents for such chapter, by adding at the end the following: </text> <quoted-block changed="added" committee-id="HJU00" id="HB49F08354D7E4D82A29768AE6C6E264C" reported-display-style="italic" style="USC"> <toc changed="added" committee-id="HJU00" regeneration="no-regeneration" reported-display-style="italic"> <toc-entry level="section"> 9310. Individual sureties. </toc-entry> </toc> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </paragraph> </section> <section id="H737E45B64D9948C0B60D59B71108FEA8"> <enum> 3. </enum> <header> SBA surety bond guarantee </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Section 411(c)(1) of the Small Business Investment Act of 1958 ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/15/694b"> 15 U.S.C. 694b(c)(1) </external-xref> ) is amended by striking <quote> 70 </quote> and inserting <quote> 90 </quote> . </text> </section> <section id="HAEA9FFBEDB5441DEA543824B2E583DB8"> <enum> 4. </enum> <header> GAO Study </header> <subsection id="H7D5C3ED3464B459C8FBDDCC3381FAA92"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Study </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The Comptroller General of the United States shall carry out a study on the following: </text> <paragraph id="H6ACCB79BDCCF4F13A9CAAD5D0E66F1B2"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> All instances during the 10-year period prior to the date of enactment of the Act in which a surety bond proposed or issued by a surety in connection with a Federal project was— </text> <subparagraph id="H1BD3E2BBA3D745FBB54DE05C870FFC30"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> rejected by a Federal contracting officer; or </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HA1EF541704E940DC88775739704C0D40"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> accepted by a Federal contracting officer, but was later found to have been backed by insufficient collateral or to be otherwise deficient or with respect to which the surety did not perform. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H07038BB4AA0D431ABE29BC719F61839D"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> The consequences to the Federal Government, subcontractors, and suppliers of the instances described under paragraph (1). </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H2DE55D1C3BA94D03AB615A84D0DAD5D1"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The percentages of all Federal contracts that were awarded to new startup businesses (including new startup businesses that are small disadvantaged businesses or disadvantaged business enterprises), small disadvantaged businesses, and disadvantaged business enterprises as prime contractors in the 2-year period prior to and the 2-year period following the date of enactment of this Act, and an assessment of the impact of this Act and the amendments made by this Act upon such percentages. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HCC65E68DCF8D4EB0948A7D288CE9A738"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Report </header> <text> Not later than the end of the 3-year period beginning on the date of the enactment of this Act, the Comptroller General shall issue a report to the Committee on the Judiciary of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs of the Senate containing all findings and determinations made in carrying out the study required under subsection (a). </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H1EA7D8635D01471D9A70BC2CDB7A37A7"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Definitions </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> For purposes of this section: </text> <paragraph id="H00AF4D2B64734C8482DD7A671E174D61"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> Disadvantaged business enterprise </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The term <quote> disadvantaged business enterprise </quote> has the meaning given that term under <external-xref legal-doc="regulation" parsable-cite="cfr/49/26.5"> section 26.5 </external-xref> of title 49, Code of Federal Regulations. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H49B9C5AC695E4278A02808AD3DA99A08"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> New startup business </header> <text> The term <quote> new startup business </quote> means a business that was formed in the 2-year period ending on the date on which the business bids on a Federal contract that requires giving a surety bond. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H3A4C242207364739BB939EBC3A8A1DFF"> <enum> (3) </enum> <header> Small disadvantaged business </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The term <quote> small disadvantaged business </quote> has the meaning given that term under <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/13/124"> section 124.1002(b) </external-xref> of title 13, Code of Federal Regulations. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> </section> </legis-body> <legis-body changed="added" committee-id="HSM00" display-enacting-clause="no-display-enacting-clause" id="HFEEB552DB82D43E8A4241EE7B297033C" reported-display-style="boldface-roman" style="OLC"> <section id="H54257D012C64402B9E5066E2FDBA6102" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Short title </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> This Act may be cited as the <quote> <short-title> Security in Bonding Act of 2014 </short-title> </quote> . </text> </section> <section id="HD4B5571308D2458B9E085ACB9930B8EF"> <enum> 2. </enum> <header> SBA surety bond guarantee </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Section 411(c)(1) of the Small Business Investment Act of 1958 ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/15/694b"> 15 U.S.C. 694b(c)(1) </external-xref> ) is amended by striking <quote> 70 </quote> and inserting <quote> 90 </quote> . </text> </section> </legis-body> <official-title-amendment> Amend the title so as to read: <quote> A bill to amend the Small Business Investment Act of 1958 to increase the amount of a surety bond guarantee. </quote> . </official-title-amendment> <endorsement display="yes"> <action-date date="20140521"> May 21, 2014 </action-date> <action-desc> Reported from the <committee-name added-display-style="italic" committee-id="HJU00" deleted-display-style="strikethrough"> Committee on the Judiciary </committee-name> with an amendment </action-desc> <action-date date="20140521"> May 21, 2014 </action-date> <action-desc> Reported from the <committee-name committee-id="HSM00"> Committee on Small Business </committee-name> with amendments; committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union and ordered to be printed </action-desc> </endorsement> </bill>
IB Union Calendar No. 342 113th CONGRESS 2d Session H. R. 776 [Report No. 113–462, Parts I and II] IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES February 15, 2013 Mr. Hanna (for himself and Mr. Graves of Missouri ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary , and in addition to the Committee on Small Business , for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned May 21, 2014 Additional sponsors: Ms. Meng , Mr. Luetkemeyer , Mr. Collins of New York , Ms. Michelle Lujan Grisham of New Mexico , and Mr. Griffin of Arkansas May 21, 2014 Reported from the Committee on the Judiciary with an amendment Strike out all after the enacting clause and insert the part printed in italic May 21, 2014 Reported from the Committee on Small Business with amendments; committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union and ordered to be printed Strike out all after the enacting clause and insert the part printed in boldface roman A BILL To amend title 31, United States Code, to revise requirements related to assets pledged by a surety, and for other purposes. 1. Short title This Act may be cited as the Security in Bonding Act of 2013 . 2. Surety bond requirements Chapter 93 of subtitle VI of title 31, United States Code, is amended— (1) by adding at the end the following: 9310. Individual sureties If another applicable law or regulation permits the acceptance of a bond from a surety that is not subject to sections 9305 and 9306 and is based on a pledge of assets by the surety, the assets pledged by such surety shall— (1) consist of eligible obligations described under section 9303(a); and (2) be submitted to the official of the Government required to approve or accept the bond, who shall deposit the assets with a depository described under section 9303(b). ; and (2) in the table of contents for such chapter, by adding at the end the following: 9310. Individual sureties. . 3. SBA surety bond guarantee Section 411(c)(1) of the Small Business Investment Act of 1958 ( 15 U.S.C. 694b(c)(1) ) is amended by striking 70 and inserting 90 . 1. Short title This Act may be cited as the Security in Bonding Act of 2014 . 2. Surety bond requirements Chapter 93 of subtitle VI of title 31, United States Code, is amended— (1) by adding at the end the following: 9310. Individual sureties If another applicable law or regulation permits the acceptance of a bond from a surety that is not subject to sections 9305 and 9306 and is based on a pledge of assets by the surety, the assets pledged by such surety shall— (1) consist of eligible obligations described under section 9303(a); and (2) be submitted to the official of the Government required to approve or accept the bond, who shall deposit the assets with a depository described under section 9303(b). ; and (2) in the table of contents for such chapter, by adding at the end the following: 9310. Individual sureties. . 3. SBA surety bond guarantee Section 411(c)(1) of the Small Business Investment Act of 1958 ( 15 U.S.C. 694b(c)(1) ) is amended by striking 70 and inserting 90 . 4. GAO Study (a) Study The Comptroller General of the United States shall carry out a study on the following: (1) All instances during the 10-year period prior to the date of enactment of the Act in which a surety bond proposed or issued by a surety in connection with a Federal project was— (A) rejected by a Federal contracting officer; or (B) accepted by a Federal contracting officer, but was later found to have been backed by insufficient collateral or to be otherwise deficient or with respect to which the surety did not perform. (2) The consequences to the Federal Government, subcontractors, and suppliers of the instances described under paragraph (1). (3) The percentages of all Federal contracts that were awarded to new startup businesses (including new startup businesses that are small disadvantaged businesses or disadvantaged business enterprises), small disadvantaged businesses, and disadvantaged business enterprises as prime contractors in the 2-year period prior to and the 2-year period following the date of enactment of this Act, and an assessment of the impact of this Act and the amendments made by this Act upon such percentages. (b) Report Not later than the end of the 3-year period beginning on the date of the enactment of this Act, the Comptroller General shall issue a report to the Committee on the Judiciary of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs of the Senate containing all findings and determinations made in carrying out the study required under subsection (a). (c) Definitions For purposes of this section: (1) Disadvantaged business enterprise The term disadvantaged business enterprise has the meaning given that term under section 26.5 of title 49, Code of Federal Regulations. (2) New startup business The term new startup business means a business that was formed in the 2-year period ending on the date on which the business bids on a Federal contract that requires giving a surety bond. (3) Small disadvantaged business The term small disadvantaged business has the meaning given that term under section 124.1002(b) of title 13, Code of Federal Regulations. 1. Short title This Act may be cited as the Security in Bonding Act of 2014 . 2. SBA surety bond guarantee Section 411(c)(1) of the Small Business Investment Act of 1958 ( 15 U.S.C. 694b(c)(1) ) is amended by striking 70 and inserting 90 . Amend the title so as to read: A bill to amend the Small Business Investment Act of 1958 to increase the amount of a surety bond guarantee. . May 21, 2014 Reported from the Committee on the Judiciary with an amendment May 21, 2014 Reported from the Committee on Small Business with amendments; committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union and ordered to be printed
2023-01-08 17:37:54.493
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Introduced-in-House" bill-type="olc" dms-id="H76354932FE1E4C29930B3421B8766170" public-private="public"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 777 IH: ADA Notification Act of 2013 </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-02-15 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> I </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 777 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130215"> February 15, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="H001048"> Mr. Hunter </sponsor> (for himself, <cosponsor name-id="W000796"> Mr. Westmoreland </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="N000181"> Mr. Nunes </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="M001177"> Mr. McClintock </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="B001280"> Mr. Bentivolio </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="D000612"> Mr. Denham </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="C001066"> Ms. Castor of Florida </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="C000059"> Mr. Calvert </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="R000409"> Mr. Rohrabacher </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S000018"> Mr. Salmon </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="R000583"> Mr. Rooney </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="J000290"> Ms. Jenkins </cosponsor> ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="HJU00"> Committee on the Judiciary </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> A BILL </legis-type> <official-title> To amend title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 to require a plaintiff to provide a defendant with an opportunity to correct a violation of such title voluntarily before the plaintiff may commence a civil action, and for other purposes. </official-title> </form> <legis-body id="H4B995F1AC70144A7AE21E84D723EEC5A" style="OLC"> <section id="HD8CDD82D229E4DC9A784F16CF91353EC" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Short title </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> This Act may be cited as the <quote> <short-title> ADA Notification Act of 2013 </short-title> </quote> . </text> </section> <section id="H87042BF3C8B2458CB02507D061F1407D"> <enum> 2. </enum> <header> Opportunity to correct alleged violation as condition on commencing civil action </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Section 308(a) of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/42/12188"> 42 U.S.C. 12188(a) </external-xref> ) is amended by adding at the end the following: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H4A11B147F53945DBB56F5EA8E43C7E09" style="OLC"> <paragraph id="HB2D345E4121F4FA4A9713E53BF7E3E9D"> <enum> (3) </enum> <header> Opportunity to correct alleged violation </header> <subparagraph id="H465567F4D7D3443AB404D2D48F4F7D05"> <enum> (A) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> A State or Federal court shall not have jurisdiction in a civil action that a plaintiff commences under paragraph (1), or under a State law that conditions a violation of any of its provisions on a violation of this title, unless— </text> <clause id="H7D2E7ED0DAD145F5A4831997D11EC8FB"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> before filing a complaint alleging a violation of this title or such a State law, the plaintiff provides the defendant with a written notice of the alleged violation by registered mail; </text> </clause> <clause id="H0D2CC9B7EEAE4E95AF1E35F7AABB3052"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> the written notice identifies the facts that constitute the alleged violation, including the location where and the date on which the alleged violation occurred; </text> </clause> <clause id="HDF507F75D3AA4C7AA4683E0ABA6B37B5"> <enum> (iii) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> a remedial period of 90 days elapses after the date on which the plaintiff provides the written notice; </text> </clause> <clause id="H4E90A28D0C644BA9813F2F9A11762720"> <enum> (iv) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> the written notice informs the defendant that the plaintiff is barred from filing the complaint until the end of the remedial period; and </text> </clause> <clause id="HA26BDC4A4242461388AB497B347AD9BF"> <enum> (v) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> the complaint states that, as of the date on which the complaint is filed, the defendant has not corrected the alleged violation. </text> </clause> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H3CA7992B96734CDABB583244FD9951A9"> <enum> (B) </enum> <header> Extension of remedial period </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The court may extend the remedial period by not more than 30 days if the defendant applies for such an extension. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </section> </legis-body> </bill>
I 113th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 777 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES February 15, 2013 Mr. Hunter (for himself, Mr. Westmoreland , Mr. Nunes , Mr. McClintock , Mr. Bentivolio , Mr. Denham , Ms. Castor of Florida , Mr. Calvert , Mr. Rohrabacher , Mr. Salmon , Mr. Rooney , and Ms. Jenkins ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary A BILL To amend title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 to require a plaintiff to provide a defendant with an opportunity to correct a violation of such title voluntarily before the plaintiff may commence a civil action, and for other purposes. 1. Short title This Act may be cited as the ADA Notification Act of 2013 . 2. Opportunity to correct alleged violation as condition on commencing civil action Section 308(a) of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 ( 42 U.S.C. 12188(a) ) is amended by adding at the end the following: (3) Opportunity to correct alleged violation (A) In general A State or Federal court shall not have jurisdiction in a civil action that a plaintiff commences under paragraph (1), or under a State law that conditions a violation of any of its provisions on a violation of this title, unless— (i) before filing a complaint alleging a violation of this title or such a State law, the plaintiff provides the defendant with a written notice of the alleged violation by registered mail; (ii) the written notice identifies the facts that constitute the alleged violation, including the location where and the date on which the alleged violation occurred; (iii) a remedial period of 90 days elapses after the date on which the plaintiff provides the written notice; (iv) the written notice informs the defendant that the plaintiff is barred from filing the complaint until the end of the remedial period; and (v) the complaint states that, as of the date on which the complaint is filed, the defendant has not corrected the alleged violation. (B) Extension of remedial period The court may extend the remedial period by not more than 30 days if the defendant applies for such an extension. .
2023-01-08 17:37:54.372
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Introduced-in-House" bill-type="olc" dms-id="HECD8F805A5BB4C0E8003C0A9F554097E" public-private="public"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 778 IH: No Stolen Trademarks Honored in America Act </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-02-15 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> I </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 778 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130215"> February 15, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="I000056"> Mr. Issa </sponsor> (for himself, <cosponsor name-id="W000797"> Ms. Wasserman Schultz </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="D000600"> Mr. Diaz-Balart </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="D000610"> Mr. Deutch </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="R000435"> Ms. Ros-Lehtinen </cosponsor> ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="HJU00"> Committee on the Judiciary </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> A BILL </legis-type> <official-title> To modify the prohibition on recognition by United States courts of certain rights relating to certain marks, trade names, or commercial names. </official-title> </form> <legis-body id="H0BE614DB52614EBD959EDA29ABBE751B" style="OLC"> <section id="HF4993923484A43ADBCC8829A69608022" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Short title </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> This Act may be cited as the <quote> <short-title> No Stolen Trademarks Honored in America Act </short-title> </quote> . </text> </section> <section display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H696431DB26DA4CCC863E0B3C7A1C7BEC" section-type="subsequent-section"> <enum> 2. </enum> <header> Modification of prohibition </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Section 211 of the Department of Commerce and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1999 (as contained in section 101(b) of division A of <external-xref legal-doc="public-law" parsable-cite="pl/105/277"> Public Law 105–277 </external-xref> ; 112 Stat. 2681–88) is amended— </text> <paragraph id="HA2857851AC3141ED9A6DE230AE807D43"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> in subsection (a)(2)— </text> <subparagraph id="HB1172BA8AE1D45DC9480698C6604F5FC"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> by striking <quote> by a designated national </quote> ; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H9C3C58E0F8114F7386D4DF076C9A0735"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> by inserting before the period <quote> that was used in connection with a business or assets that were confiscated unless the original owner of the mark, trade name, or commercial name, or the bonafide successor-in-interest has expressly consented </quote> ; </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HFEA74C677DEB494183B98F9B6481DAEA"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> in subsection (b), by striking <quote> by a designated national or its successor-in-interest </quote> ; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H4AD62F4AFBCD450EB892493004BFC93B"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> by redesignating subsection (d) as subsection (e); </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H4BD5F9D47F1849BC93B1151C237370B3"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> by inserting after subsection (c) the following: </text> <quoted-block id="HAEF9CA438E3144A785A68376598C6B08"> <subsection id="HBCCF9FF040EF4422977A5B4AAD172FC5"> <enum> (d) </enum> <text> Subsections (a)(2) and (b) of this section shall apply only if the person or entity asserting the rights knew or had reason to know at the time when the person or entity acquired the rights asserted that the mark, trade name, or commercial name was the same as or substantially similar to a mark, trade name, or commercial name that was used in connection with a business or assets that were confiscated. </text> </subsection> <after-quoted-block> ; and </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HC6F6CA5CAF7C4634BEC9411AE88A778C"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text> in subsection (e), as so redesignated, by striking <quote> In this section: </quote> and all that follows through <quote> (2) The term </quote> and inserting <quote> In this section, the term </quote> . </text> </paragraph> </section> </legis-body> </bill>
I 113th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 778 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES February 15, 2013 Mr. Issa (for himself, Ms. Wasserman Schultz , Mr. Diaz-Balart , Mr. Deutch , and Ms. Ros-Lehtinen ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary A BILL To modify the prohibition on recognition by United States courts of certain rights relating to certain marks, trade names, or commercial names. 1. Short title This Act may be cited as the No Stolen Trademarks Honored in America Act . 2. Modification of prohibition Section 211 of the Department of Commerce and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1999 (as contained in section 101(b) of division A of Public Law 105–277 ; 112 Stat. 2681–88) is amended— (1) in subsection (a)(2)— (A) by striking by a designated national ; and (B) by inserting before the period that was used in connection with a business or assets that were confiscated unless the original owner of the mark, trade name, or commercial name, or the bonafide successor-in-interest has expressly consented ; (2) in subsection (b), by striking by a designated national or its successor-in-interest ; (3) by redesignating subsection (d) as subsection (e); (4) by inserting after subsection (c) the following: (d) Subsections (a)(2) and (b) of this section shall apply only if the person or entity asserting the rights knew or had reason to know at the time when the person or entity acquired the rights asserted that the mark, trade name, or commercial name was the same as or substantially similar to a mark, trade name, or commercial name that was used in connection with a business or assets that were confiscated. ; and (5) in subsection (e), as so redesignated, by striking In this section: and all that follows through (2) The term and inserting In this section, the term .
2023-01-08 17:37:53.768
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Introduced-in-House" bill-type="olc" dms-id="H45D60B38636246F29984AF34931CD026" public-private="public"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 779 IH: Access to Insurance for All Americans Act </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-02-15 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> I </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 779 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130215"> February 15, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="I000056"> Mr. Issa </sponsor> introduced the following bill; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="HIF00"> Committee on Energy and Commerce </committee-name> , and in addition to the Committees on <committee-name committee-id="HWM00"> Ways and Means </committee-name> , <committee-name committee-id="HGO00"> Oversight and Government Reform </committee-name> , <committee-name committee-id="HED00"> Education and the Workforce </committee-name> , <committee-name committee-id="HII00"> Natural Resources </committee-name> , <committee-name committee-id="HJU00"> the Judiciary </committee-name> , <committee-name committee-id="HRU00"> Rules </committee-name> , <committee-name committee-id="HAP00"> Appropriations </committee-name> , and <committee-name committee-id="HHA00"> House Administration </committee-name> , for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> A BILL </legis-type> <official-title> To repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and the health care-related provisions in the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 and to amend title 5, United States Code, to establish a national health program administered by the Office of Personnel Management to offer Federal employee health benefits plans to individuals who are not Federal employees, and for other purposes. </official-title> </form> <legis-body id="H32D61F6A479B4C6EBA078E2BD9B4458E" style="OLC"> <section id="HA3667126C4584352B1FF490D76461441" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Short title </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> This Act may be cited as the <quote> <short-title> Access to Insurance for All Americans Act </short-title> </quote> . </text> </section> <section id="H85B5174889254B328DC6B2B44E1E5977"> <enum> 2. </enum> <header> Repeal of PPACA and health care-related provisions of HCERA </header> <subsection id="HFBAB606585014E84ACF67FC039F36601"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> PPACA </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="public-law" parsable-cite="pl/111/148"> Public Law 111–148 </external-xref> ) is repealed and the provisions of law amended or repealed by such Act are restored or revived as if such Act had not been enacted. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H7D39EC2F35BA45FD9CB62A4E595336D5"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Health care-Related provisions of HCERA </header> <paragraph id="HD9365E7BA27441F58E9CC5213FED05C6"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> The health care-related provisions of the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 ( <external-xref legal-doc="public-law" parsable-cite="pl/111/152"> Public Law 111–152 </external-xref> ) are repealed and the provisions of law amended or repealed by such health care-related provisions are restored or revived as if such provisions had not been enacted. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H1DC74111D251451187B5E18B6D528624"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Health care-related provisions defined </header> <text> In paragraph (1), the term <term> health care-related provisions </term> means, with respect to the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010, title I and subtitle B of title II of such Act. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> </section> <section id="H8CB67318CE8B441D876BF35A47029E6F"> <enum> 3. </enum> <header> Extension of Federal employee health insurance </header> <subsection id="H88A4930605FA42DD98356B4200088E19"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> Subpart G of part III of title 5, United States Code, is amended— </text> <paragraph id="HE14726BFD1004CE5A4D29DDD0F3EF8C0"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> by redesignating chapters 89A and 89B as chapters 89B and 89C, respectively; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HC09AC7FD9B1E493F93EE6CF6E632712A"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> by inserting after chapter 89 the following: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H4D27FBF2DB2C4CEEAC434BE2CA782A1E" style="OLC"> <chapter id="H002894A62A4B44DD93FA7B5D4A1DCB38"> <enum> 89A </enum> <header> Health insurance for non-Federal employees </header> <section id="H69B5BB1D9905474C8F58210E9A5FFF7D"> <enum> 8921. </enum> <header> Definitions </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> In this chapter— </text> <paragraph id="H9E67D3F3C0BD4F218D141A0D09D6C020"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> the terms defined under section 8901 shall have the meanings given such terms under that section; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H5D95B804F1624925A5D29DB705B73EC9"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> the term <term> Office </term> means the Office of Personnel Management. </text> </paragraph> </section> <section id="HAF5CF58D0CFF4D43AF562306B1F7879E"> <enum> 8922. </enum> <header> Health insurance for non-Federal employees </header> <subsection id="HC5028001EB9748B5A1773AFEC4E0B901"> <enum> (a) </enum> <text> The Office shall administer a health insurance program for non-Federal employees in accordance with this chapter. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H2DC57F2587944882997C5038049C0C49"> <enum> (b) </enum> <text> Except as provided under this chapter, the Office shall prescribe regulations to apply the provisions of chapter 89 to the greatest extent practicable to eligible individuals covered under this chapter. </text> </subsection> </section> <section id="HFAE913F9A4324295AA3F0D3713F159AA"> <enum> 8923. </enum> <header> Contract requirement </header> <subsection id="HAAE05DC642424270A0ABB956F03198CF"> <enum> (a) </enum> <text> For each calendar year, the Office shall enter into a contract with 1 or more carriers to make available 1 or more health benefits plans (subject to the provisions of this chapter) to eligible individuals under this chapter. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H5D5776A454BB4141828F1CB03309E005"> <enum> (b) </enum> <text> In carrying out this section, the Office may require 1 or more carriers to enter into a contract described in subsection (a), as a condition of entering into a contract under section 8902. </text> </subsection> </section> <section id="HF88AC9E65AF84A1AB2DA813F0EBAFD7F"> <enum> 8924. </enum> <header> Eligibility of non-Federal employees </header> <subsection id="H430BC633BE124A7D8DA16F7E8697A21C"> <enum> (a) </enum> <text> Except as provided under subsection (b), any individual may enroll in a health benefits plan under this section. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="HC635C883A8F4471284844898F9172F5A"> <enum> (b) </enum> <text> An individual may not enroll in a health benefits plan under this chapter if the individual— </text> <paragraph id="H94736A0C5826404FA30074F78904CED0"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> is enrolled or eligible to enroll for coverage under a public health insurance program, including— </text> <subparagraph id="H6121FFC4DE594C50AD57CAFC396E2A98"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> title XVIII of the Social Security Act; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HB84DD7340E8F40AEAB9503B5C2E6BB6A"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> a State plan under title XIX of the Social Security Act; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HFE1CE60EB29D43FE8072BEE7E6915744"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> a State plan under title XXI of the Social Security Act; or </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HE9A0925309934B34B242D2790C82F010"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text> any other program determined by the Office; </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H96929CF4FB9B4105ABE09308961BF329"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> is enrolled or eligible to enroll in a plan under chapter 89; or </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H49B792118D7841E8A0250779984871E2"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> is a member of the uniformed services as defined under <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/10/101"> section 101(a)(5) </external-xref> of title 10. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> </section> <section id="HBDBE71BDEAB54192B4D524523BE61CE0"> <enum> 8925. </enum> <header> Alternative conditions to Federal employee health benefits plans </header> <subsection id="HBF126E7F831E425CA4B7FA4C44CC12E1"> <enum> (a) </enum> <text> Rates charged and premiums paid for a health benefits plan under this chapter may differ between or among geographic regions. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="HF6064802E301466AB3A966386701701C"> <enum> (b) </enum> <text> No Government contribution shall be made for any individual under this chapter. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H65B4869FA525468C802391C5CA4751F7"> <enum> (c) </enum> <text> In the administration of this chapter, the Office shall ensure that individuals covered under this chapter shall be in a risk pool that is separate from the risk pool maintained for individuals covered under chapter 89. </text> </subsection> </section> </chapter> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H2F7FCBEC87AE4C09B3876E8A0734501E"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Technical and conforming amendments </header> <paragraph id="H1FDF6A88BD704B1A917184C3DA36092B"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> Contract requirement under chapter 89 </header> <text> <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/5/8902"> Section 8902 </external-xref> of title 5, United States Code, is amended by adding after subsection (o) the following: </text> <quoted-block id="H8648E4001C3146EAB3F9DC8A6B3A36FD" style="OLC"> <subsection id="HC1FA19720C7644F5B42D6BE54430F49E"> <enum> (p) </enum> <text> Any contract under this chapter may include, at the discretion of the Office, a provision that the carrier shall enter into a contract to provide 1 or more health benefits plans as described under chapter 89A. </text> </subsection> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H2AB67127B9BB4B09A6E1103A2A56B479"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Table of chapters </header> <text> The table of chapters for part III of title 5, United States Code, is amended— </text> <subparagraph id="HB0FA22A67A7A47598C3C3C351C859A24"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> by redesignating the items relating to chapters 89A and 89B as chapters 89B and 89C, respectively; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H9AE7490C51AC4107A2A5A18CE365F71E"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> by inserting after the item relating to chapter 89 the following: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HD72DBF1E39A64BAEA9795EDE36E67B50" style="USC"> <toc regeneration="no-regeneration"> <multi-column-toc-entry bold="on" level="section"> <toc-enum> 89A. </toc-enum> <level-header bold="on" level="section"> Health Insurance for Non-Federal Employees </level-header> <target> 8921 </target> </multi-column-toc-entry> </toc> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> </section> <section id="H8DD7AC4F1DC94A9AB8542045CE0B09DB"> <enum> 4. </enum> <header> Deduction for premiums paid by FEHBP non-employee enrollees </header> <subsection id="H9DAD05A41A234803BBC657352A09F338"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Part VII of subchapter B of <external-xref legal-doc="usc-chapter" parsable-cite="usc-chapter/26/1"> chapter 1 </external-xref> of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (relating to additional itemized deductions) is amended— </text> <paragraph id="H913A2D8E24E1451C8F0BA4FB0D361C00"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> by redesignating section 224 as section 225; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HA237BC025496411F92FD8D270C954FD3"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> by inserting after section 223 the following new section: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="HBD5BBCB65AC04480B7467A822E5E6981" style="OLC"> <section id="HC7E500D15B0A4414BDC2368906AB7F85"> <enum> 224. </enum> <header> Premiums paid for FEHBP coverage </header> <subsection id="H204A872106BE4CDFB1E3C2AB55672D63"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> In the case of an individual, there shall be allowed as a deduction an amount equal to the amount paid as premiums during the taxable year for coverage for the taxpayer, his spouse, and dependents under health insurance provided pursuant to chapter 89A of title 5, United States Code. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H66DFAB4CC8D44231B9FEB2E3DEADCD80"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Special rules </header> <paragraph id="HAE0ECF08CA5B4F8DBF844A66A3900690"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> Coordination with medical deduction, etc </header> <text> Any amount paid by a taxpayer for insurance to which subsection (a) applies shall not be taken into account in computing the amount allowable to the taxpayer as a deduction under section 162(l) or 213(a). Any amount taken into account in determining the credit allowed under section 35 shall not be taken into account for purposes of this section. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H170643D910BA48EAB66DEDF7072498B7"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Deduction not allowed for self-employment tax purposes </header> <text> The deduction allowable by reason of this section shall not be taken into account in determining an individual’s net earnings from self-employment (within the meaning of section 1402(a)) for purposes of chapter 2. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> </section> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H0F84E71565E64E07B8158D8B52B4B23C"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Deduction allowed in computing adjusted gross income </header> <text> Subsection (a) of section 62 of such Code is amended by inserting before the last sentence the following new paragraph: </text> <quoted-block id="HF1B7FED131EE4DE68CB242E987198574"> <paragraph id="HBC888BD6EB264349A38E63131824453B"> <enum> (22) </enum> <header> Premiums paid for FEHBP coverage </header> <text> The deduction allowed by section 224. </text> </paragraph> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </subsection> <subsection id="H972897AE71EC46DF883CA859CB508964"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Clerical amendment </header> <text> The table of sections for part VII of subchapter B of chapter 1 of such Code is amended by— </text> <paragraph id="HDF36725BB48842AC9D3C19F59BECB3A6"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> redesignating the item relating to section 224 as an item relating to section 225; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H63BE316CB12F4245BBE38A1035AF10CB"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> inserting before such item the following new item: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H46FAD37AEE484CC38F20E409FA1055AC" style="OLC"> <toc container-level="quoted-block-container" idref="HBD5BBCB65AC04480B7467A822E5E6981" lowest-bolded-level="division-lowest-bolded" lowest-level="section" quoted-block="no-quoted-block" regeneration="yes-regeneration"> <toc-entry idref="HC7E500D15B0A4414BDC2368906AB7F85" level="section"> Sec. 224. Premiums paid for FEHBP coverage. </toc-entry> </toc> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HB3FA03DD67E44633902DBDA5E0489D29"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header> Effective date </header> <text> The amendments made by this section shall apply to taxable years ending after the date of the enactment of this Act. </text> </subsection> </section> <section id="H61FAA031265548C1B8B5A7E11D975A1B"> <enum> 5. </enum> <header> Plan for extension of Federal employee health benefits program </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Not later than 6 months after the date of enactment of this Act and after consultation with appropriate experts, representatives of affected individuals, and Federal officers, the Director of the Office of Personnel Management shall submit a comprehensive plan to Congress that— </text> <paragraph id="H8256E51E74EA42BDB623B3DE6CC6A206"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> provides for the orderly implementation of the amendments made by this Act; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HBBBF65976A974296B5A300164B9B4D27"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> includes a schedule of actions to be taken to provide for that implementation. </text> </paragraph> </section> </legis-body> </bill>
I 113th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 779 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES February 15, 2013 Mr. Issa introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce , and in addition to the Committees on Ways and Means , Oversight and Government Reform , Education and the Workforce , Natural Resources , the Judiciary , Rules , Appropriations , and House Administration , for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned A BILL To repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and the health care-related provisions in the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 and to amend title 5, United States Code, to establish a national health program administered by the Office of Personnel Management to offer Federal employee health benefits plans to individuals who are not Federal employees, and for other purposes. 1. Short title This Act may be cited as the Access to Insurance for All Americans Act . 2. Repeal of PPACA and health care-related provisions of HCERA (a) PPACA The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act ( Public Law 111–148 ) is repealed and the provisions of law amended or repealed by such Act are restored or revived as if such Act had not been enacted. (b) Health care-Related provisions of HCERA (1) In general The health care-related provisions of the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 ( Public Law 111–152 ) are repealed and the provisions of law amended or repealed by such health care-related provisions are restored or revived as if such provisions had not been enacted. (2) Health care-related provisions defined In paragraph (1), the term health care-related provisions means, with respect to the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010, title I and subtitle B of title II of such Act. 3. Extension of Federal employee health insurance (a) In general Subpart G of part III of title 5, United States Code, is amended— (1) by redesignating chapters 89A and 89B as chapters 89B and 89C, respectively; and (2) by inserting after chapter 89 the following: 89A Health insurance for non-Federal employees 8921. Definitions In this chapter— (1) the terms defined under section 8901 shall have the meanings given such terms under that section; and (2) the term Office means the Office of Personnel Management. 8922. Health insurance for non-Federal employees (a) The Office shall administer a health insurance program for non-Federal employees in accordance with this chapter. (b) Except as provided under this chapter, the Office shall prescribe regulations to apply the provisions of chapter 89 to the greatest extent practicable to eligible individuals covered under this chapter. 8923. Contract requirement (a) For each calendar year, the Office shall enter into a contract with 1 or more carriers to make available 1 or more health benefits plans (subject to the provisions of this chapter) to eligible individuals under this chapter. (b) In carrying out this section, the Office may require 1 or more carriers to enter into a contract described in subsection (a), as a condition of entering into a contract under section 8902. 8924. Eligibility of non-Federal employees (a) Except as provided under subsection (b), any individual may enroll in a health benefits plan under this section. (b) An individual may not enroll in a health benefits plan under this chapter if the individual— (1) is enrolled or eligible to enroll for coverage under a public health insurance program, including— (A) title XVIII of the Social Security Act; (B) a State plan under title XIX of the Social Security Act; (C) a State plan under title XXI of the Social Security Act; or (D) any other program determined by the Office; (2) is enrolled or eligible to enroll in a plan under chapter 89; or (3) is a member of the uniformed services as defined under section 101(a)(5) of title 10. 8925. Alternative conditions to Federal employee health benefits plans (a) Rates charged and premiums paid for a health benefits plan under this chapter may differ between or among geographic regions. (b) No Government contribution shall be made for any individual under this chapter. (c) In the administration of this chapter, the Office shall ensure that individuals covered under this chapter shall be in a risk pool that is separate from the risk pool maintained for individuals covered under chapter 89. . (b) Technical and conforming amendments (1) Contract requirement under chapter 89 Section 8902 of title 5, United States Code, is amended by adding after subsection (o) the following: (p) Any contract under this chapter may include, at the discretion of the Office, a provision that the carrier shall enter into a contract to provide 1 or more health benefits plans as described under chapter 89A. . (2) Table of chapters The table of chapters for part III of title 5, United States Code, is amended— (A) by redesignating the items relating to chapters 89A and 89B as chapters 89B and 89C, respectively; and (B) by inserting after the item relating to chapter 89 the following: 89A. Health Insurance for Non-Federal Employees 8921 . 4. Deduction for premiums paid by FEHBP non-employee enrollees (a) In general Part VII of subchapter B of chapter 1 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (relating to additional itemized deductions) is amended— (1) by redesignating section 224 as section 225; and (2) by inserting after section 223 the following new section: 224. Premiums paid for FEHBP coverage (a) In general In the case of an individual, there shall be allowed as a deduction an amount equal to the amount paid as premiums during the taxable year for coverage for the taxpayer, his spouse, and dependents under health insurance provided pursuant to chapter 89A of title 5, United States Code. (b) Special rules (1) Coordination with medical deduction, etc Any amount paid by a taxpayer for insurance to which subsection (a) applies shall not be taken into account in computing the amount allowable to the taxpayer as a deduction under section 162(l) or 213(a). Any amount taken into account in determining the credit allowed under section 35 shall not be taken into account for purposes of this section. (2) Deduction not allowed for self-employment tax purposes The deduction allowable by reason of this section shall not be taken into account in determining an individual’s net earnings from self-employment (within the meaning of section 1402(a)) for purposes of chapter 2. . (b) Deduction allowed in computing adjusted gross income Subsection (a) of section 62 of such Code is amended by inserting before the last sentence the following new paragraph: (22) Premiums paid for FEHBP coverage The deduction allowed by section 224. . (c) Clerical amendment The table of sections for part VII of subchapter B of chapter 1 of such Code is amended by— (1) redesignating the item relating to section 224 as an item relating to section 225; and (2) inserting before such item the following new item: Sec. 224. Premiums paid for FEHBP coverage. . (d) Effective date The amendments made by this section shall apply to taxable years ending after the date of the enactment of this Act. 5. Plan for extension of Federal employee health benefits program Not later than 6 months after the date of enactment of this Act and after consultation with appropriate experts, representatives of affected individuals, and Federal officers, the Director of the Office of Personnel Management shall submit a comprehensive plan to Congress that— (1) provides for the orderly implementation of the amendments made by this Act; and (2) includes a schedule of actions to be taken to provide for that implementation.
2023-01-08 17:37:53.518
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Introduced-in-House" bill-type="olc" dms-id="H136658749BD14A63915761B537D94087" public-private="public"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 780 IH: Violence Against Indian Women Act of 2013 </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-02-15 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> I </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 780 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130215"> February 15, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="I000056"> Mr. Issa </sponsor> (for himself, <cosponsor name-id="C001053"> Mr. Cole </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="A000369"> Mr. Amodei </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S001183"> Mr. Schweikert </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="K000363"> Mr. Kline </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="M001156"> Mr. McHenry </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S001148"> Mr. Simpson </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="D000612"> Mr. Denham </cosponsor> ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="HJU00"> Committee on the Judiciary </committee-name> , and in addition to the Committee on <committee-name committee-id="HII00"> Natural Resources </committee-name> , for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> A BILL </legis-type> <official-title> To authorize Indian tribes to exercise jurisdiction over crimes of domestic violence that occur in the Indian country of that tribe. </official-title> </form> <legis-body id="H52E6241DBC1946F49D46E5414E222109" style="OLC"> <section id="H2AFA8DAF7C7F47C4B80D30446DBA2A93" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Short title </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> This Act may be cited as the <quote> <short-title> Violence Against Indian Women Act of 2013 </short-title> </quote> . </text> </section> <section id="H6502E2DBDB944A4783666FF0CBD7C149"> <enum> 2. </enum> <header> Tribal jurisdiction over crimes of domestic violence </header> <subsection id="H37454C274EA2456D8E8BA2ED7C77CEEC"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Title II of Public Law 90–284 ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/25/1301"> 25 U.S.C. 1301 et seq. </external-xref> ) (commonly known as the <quote> Indian Civil Rights Act of 1968 </quote> ) is amended by adding at the end the following: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H6494CB8446124BE59AFB1B52ED45B1C8" style="OLC"> <section id="H517A2E85C27F457584C608187301BF81"> <enum> 204. </enum> <header> Tribal jurisdiction over crimes of domestic violence </header> <subsection id="H83E9B715EE954920BCF6FD40E91EE43C"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Definitions </header> <text> In this section: </text> <paragraph id="H130BE8DC302F47B1B6270B24FE685D82"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> Dating violence </header> <text> The term <term> dating violence </term> means violence committed by a person who is or has been in a social relationship of a romantic or intimate nature with the victim, as determined by the length of the relationship, the type of relationship, and the frequency of interaction between the persons involved in the relationship. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HE750BA6948CC4EE7BCFA485B7B281903"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Domestic violence </header> <text> The term <term> domestic violence </term> means violence committed by a current or former spouse or intimate partner of the victim, by a person with whom the victim shares a child in common, by a person who is cohabitating with or has cohabitated with the victim as a spouse or intimate partner, or by a person similarly situated to a spouse of the victim under the domestic- or family-violence laws of an Indian tribe that has jurisdiction over the Indian country where the violence occurs. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H354675C0E1DE4EC8B4ABB3E100494379"> <enum> (3) </enum> <header> Indian country </header> <text> The term <term> Indian country </term> has the meaning given the term in <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/18/1151"> section 1151 </external-xref> of title 18, United States Code. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H5DCFF1DD2A2B436B94D4433672B4544C"> <enum> (4) </enum> <header> Participating tribe </header> <text> The term <term> participating tribe </term> means an Indian tribe that elects to exercise special domestic violence criminal jurisdiction over the Indian country of that Indian tribe. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HA25957767BEC458395A4129318B87A93"> <enum> (5) </enum> <header> Protection order </header> <text> The term <term> protection order </term> — </text> <subparagraph id="HD4E782502F0C47C3988430E989151171"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> means any injunction, restraining order, or other order issued by a civil or criminal court for the purpose of preventing violent or threatening acts or harassment against, sexual violence against, contact or communication with, or physical proximity to, another person; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H2FC611B39DBA43DA8B7C729BEC8FE076"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> includes any temporary or final order issued by a civil or criminal court, whether obtained by filing an independent action or as a pendente lite order in another proceeding, if the civil or criminal order was issued in response to a complaint, petition, or motion filed by or on behalf of a person seeking protection. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H2997FD76C03A4CE4BC3B763A9EBA933B"> <enum> (6) </enum> <header> Special domestic violence criminal jurisdiction </header> <text> The term <term> special domestic violence criminal jurisdiction </term> means the criminal jurisdiction that a participating tribe may exercise under this section but could not otherwise exercise. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H4BEABA7C9E4B4E8180A07F374B783BD6"> <enum> (7) </enum> <header> Spouse or intimate partner </header> <text> The term <term> spouse or intimate partner </term> has the meaning given the term in <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/18/2266"> section 2266 </external-xref> of title 18, United States Code. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HB902888FE2334CD4AF507533425E4CD7"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Nature of the criminal jurisdiction </header> <paragraph id="H3F1E1DC39EA04F2EB6EEB06C27EE7BF4"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> Notwithstanding any other provision of law, in addition to all powers of self-government recognized and affirmed by sections 201, 202, and 203, the powers of self-government of a participating tribe include the inherent power of that tribe, which is hereby recognized and affirmed, to exercise special domestic violence criminal jurisdiction over all persons. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HD26009328D2F4A4280B2D24230FA43C5"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Concurrent jurisdiction </header> <text> The exercise of special domestic violence criminal jurisdiction by a participating tribe shall be concurrent with the jurisdiction of the United States, of a State, or of both. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H7DBD07F740534B33BB1F76275703FFF7"> <enum> (3) </enum> <header> Applicability </header> <text> Nothing in this section— </text> <subparagraph id="HE48234991C0F478285E87E30713A64B5"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> creates or eliminates any Federal or State criminal jurisdiction over Indian country; or </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HCCB38D6E53D844C3AB73AC5D9AF5C51F"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> affects the authority of the United States or any State government that has been delegated authority by the United States to investigate and prosecute a criminal violation in Indian country. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H0269FDDD81A146B8AE6B6FDBC520E233"> <enum> (4) </enum> <header> Exceptions </header> <subparagraph id="H6182398E4FAA465EBFFCC020A18EEF9A"> <enum> (A) </enum> <header> Victim and defendant are both non-Indians </header> <clause id="HC233230BB7FC45C8B141D436A2E332EB"> <enum> (i) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> A participating tribe may not exercise special domestic violence criminal jurisdiction over an alleged offense if neither the defendant nor the alleged victim is an Indian. </text> </clause> <clause id="H182F7280590A4E529289D974B93B5886"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <header> Definition of victim </header> <text> In this subparagraph and with respect to a criminal proceeding in which a participating tribe exercises special domestic violence criminal jurisdiction based on a violation of a protection order, the term <term> victim </term> means a person specifically protected by a protection order that the defendant allegedly violated. </text> </clause> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H6DCADB7B1CFB4659A2F11B299EB70740"> <enum> (B) </enum> <header> Defendant lacks ties to the Indian tribe </header> <text> A participating tribe may exercise special domestic violence criminal jurisdiction over a defendant only if the defendant— </text> <clause id="HF77216547AB04C4CB5C76CFA28E8EF2E"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> resides in the Indian country of the participating tribe; </text> </clause> <clause id="H619539337B5644EFA48CCF5AE2E5E5A9"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> is employed in the Indian country of the participating tribe; or </text> </clause> <clause id="HFC19A41D1C054F9DBC81142913587FF7"> <enum> (iii) </enum> <text> is a spouse, intimate partner, or dating partner of— </text> <subclause id="HC5D8DD7C02064B249FEDAC82E437E8CF"> <enum> (I) </enum> <text> a member of the participating tribe; or </text> </subclause> <subclause id="H5BD8DE56EFC341D7B0FBA7636F3C7AF8"> <enum> (II) </enum> <text> an Indian who resides in the Indian country of the participating tribe. </text> </subclause> </clause> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H8611FB4EA21A4736B7C339C916D4B428"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Criminal conduct </header> <text> A participating tribe may exercise special domestic violence criminal jurisdiction over a defendant for criminal conduct that falls into one or more of the following categories: </text> <paragraph id="H518539836DA749A280FA18501B0B54F2"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> Domestic violence and dating violence </header> <text> An act of domestic violence or dating violence that occurs in the Indian country of the participating tribe. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HD5D22DCB825F40D2B6B72F3B10CE1C81"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Violations of protection orders </header> <text> An act that— </text> <subparagraph id="HB87AD45CCC6541A5BB33EA22C036BB49"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> occurs in the Indian country of the participating tribe; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H980A23720B44490A95FCE8AA001AA7CA"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> violates the portion of a protection order that— </text> <clause id="HF28C028B46EF4279841C4C4138323B5C"> <enum> (i) </enum> <text> prohibits or provides protection against violent or threatening acts or harassment against, sexual violence against, contact or communication with, or physical proximity to, another person; </text> </clause> <clause id="HF445A7B8BC974400A1D8B1A0DC36104C"> <enum> (ii) </enum> <text> was issued against the defendant; </text> </clause> <clause id="H343E0BBB8E784DB388739599904D93D0"> <enum> (iii) </enum> <text> is enforceable by the participating tribe; and </text> </clause> <clause id="HFBA5DE9B0D834A4FABC7489C5CDFC19A"> <enum> (iv) </enum> <text> is consistent with <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/18/2265"> section 2265(b) </external-xref> of title 18, United States Code. </text> </clause> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H7C1B7A52E71A4939B02EED9A9834DBF1"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header> Rights of defendants </header> <text> In a criminal proceeding in which a participating tribe exercises special domestic violence criminal jurisdiction, the participating tribe shall provide to the defendant— </text> <paragraph id="H3BD4D394C72A4FE8B28B339A43B3AE3F"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> all applicable rights under this Act; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H67C5A8D749214BC8A9DA39166120CE18"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> if a term of imprisonment of any length may be imposed, all rights described in section 202(c); </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H2700B6BD753D494CBA77E6442457CFD3"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> the right to a trial by an impartial jury that is drawn from sources that— </text> <subparagraph id="H65D0B6722B624583BB24C58353FA414A"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> reflect a fair cross section of the community; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H6CBE93CD2EA749FABE42935A6EEEEEF7"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> do not systematically exclude any distinctive group in the community, including non-Indians; and </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H7A3410018B0E435E8560816783E13C8C"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> all other rights whose protection is necessary under the Constitution of the United States in order for Congress to recognize and affirm the inherent power of the participating tribe to exercise special domestic violence criminal jurisdiction over the defendant. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HB3321E67AD334BD68CBDBE7BC8D54D6E"> <enum> (e) </enum> <header> Petitions To stay detention </header> <paragraph id="H1F9DFE80A31A4D3797A2B8385034D275"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> A person who has filed a petition for a writ of habeas corpus in a court of the United States under section 203 may petition that court to stay further detention of that person by the participating tribe. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H08E1E25BF508474383170DCE5AB11B9C"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Grant of stay </header> <text> A court shall grant a stay described in paragraph (1) if the court— </text> <subparagraph id="H97BCD2D807D849D8B7797119DED02053"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> finds that there is a substantial likelihood that the habeas corpus petition will be granted; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HD72A354CCD06446887B9B5BC755EF45A"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> after giving each alleged victim in the matter an opportunity to be heard, finds by clear and convincing evidence that under conditions imposed by the court, the petitioner is not likely to flee or pose a danger to any person or the community if released. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H793F48F0E70444B0BF4CFE5FD93DF767"> <enum> (3) </enum> <header> Notice </header> <text> An Indian tribe that has ordered the detention of any person has a duty to timely notify such person of his rights and privileges under this subsection and under section 203. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HE0F39752180140A6BBFA4E17B000D5FD"> <enum> (f) </enum> <header> Subject to Removal </header> <text> A criminal prosecution commenced in a tribal court under this section may, pursuant to <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/18/3245"> section 3245 </external-xref> of title 18, United States Code, be removed to the United States district court embracing the place where the criminal prosecution is pending, and the district court shall have full authority to hear and determine the cause. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="HCBC1835C534B42B2A6C0ECA75C4D9660"> <enum> (g) </enum> <header> Grants to tribal governments </header> <text> The Attorney General may award grants to the governments of Indian tribes (or to authorized designees of those governments)— </text> <paragraph id="H2B1EAF0D1A0442BF9CA86D4A5A86C588"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> to strengthen tribal criminal justice systems to assist Indian tribes in exercising special domestic violence criminal jurisdiction, including— </text> <subparagraph id="H315ABA62E4F44A7CB363EFFBCE8173B7"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> law enforcement (including the capacity of law enforcement or court personnel to enter information into and obtain information from national crime information databases); </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HE1A81FB41A8C482A8C681A25400F9EFD"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> prosecution; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H566116A638BD47F7AA47909FEB48BF24"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> trial and appellate courts; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HCAEDE102A7D14F92AF5169980C8500D5"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text> probation systems; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H19FEC6AD872D4A138D0DFCB8C4A5C90D"> <enum> (E) </enum> <text> detention and correctional facilities; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H877217B3EBAC4BE49457B50E7A9CAE51"> <enum> (F) </enum> <text> alternative rehabilitation centers; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="HC1FC6B7A7F1146BE8B315A0C0B6653AD"> <enum> (G) </enum> <text> culturally appropriate services and assistance for victims and their families; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H43FF26FCDDD24089AFB59776833E8490"> <enum> (H) </enum> <text> criminal codes and rules of criminal procedure, appellate procedure, and evidence; </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HDFA9FAC1B5D840BF85B9E667A8B92968"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> to provide indigent criminal defendants with the effective assistance of licensed defense counsel, at no cost to the defendant, in criminal proceedings in which a participating tribe prosecutes a crime of domestic violence or dating violence or a criminal violation of a protection order; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H04BC371514AC48F7B3D9C03E4C8A5DF6"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> to ensure that, in criminal proceedings in which a participating tribe exercises special domestic violence criminal jurisdiction, jurors are summoned, selected, and instructed in a manner consistent with all applicable requirements; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HBE44F1FD71E642F293FAC00DABE508EF"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> to accord victims of domestic violence, dating violence, and violations of protection orders rights that are similar to the rights of a crime victim described in section 3771(a) of title 18, United States Code, consistent with tribal law and custom. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HFA13FB6EAB51468F8AE97F5DFF796BFD"> <enum> (h) </enum> <header> Supplement, not supplant </header> <text> Amounts made available under this section shall supplement and not supplant any other Federal, State, tribal, or local government amounts made available to carry out activities described in this section. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H8B907002AD8947CAA12B6B82B26AB73F"> <enum> (i) </enum> <header> Authorization of Appropriations </header> <text> There are authorized to be appropriated $5,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2014 through 2018 to carry out subsection (g) and to provide training, technical assistance, data collection, and evaluation of the criminal justice systems of participating tribes. </text> </subsection> </section> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </subsection> <subsection id="H5DF4DEA890B847A59AACAF4FA6C59064"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Clerical amendment </header> <text> The table of sections for title II of the Indian Civil Rights Act of 1968 ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/25/1301"> 25 U.S.C. 1301 et seq. </external-xref> ) is amended by inserting after the item relating to section 203 the following: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H5E815BD756AE47B1BB6C6D1B99E92842" style="OLC"> <toc container-level="quoted-block-container" idref="H6494CB8446124BE59AFB1B52ED45B1C8" lowest-bolded-level="division-lowest-bolded" lowest-level="section" quoted-block="no-quoted-block" regeneration="yes-regeneration"> <toc-entry idref="H517A2E85C27F457584C608187301BF81" level="section"> Sec. 204. Tribal jurisdiction over crimes of domestic violence. </toc-entry> </toc> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </subsection> </section> <section id="HA030229374FC4900B89720C3650AA767"> <enum> 3. </enum> <header> Removal of criminal prosecutions </header> <subsection id="HB38CD5E437FA417BB36F50D7DBC6FFFF"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> <external-xref legal-doc="usc-chapter" parsable-cite="usc-chapter/18/211"> Chapter 211 </external-xref> of title 18, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following: </text> <quoted-block id="HBAFE2C80B6C0411D9083A8F3A64A69E3" style="USC"> <section id="HD2F3057BA3894DB1A894F429085F6F23"> <enum> 3245. </enum> <header> Federal removal jurisdiction to protect the rights of defendants under section 204 of the Indian Civil Rights Act. </header> <subsection id="H0CC430957F6143EF84EA1DA3AFBB81AE"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Notice of removal </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> A defendant desiring to remove a criminal prosecution from a tribal court pursuant to section 204(f) of the Indian Civil Rights Act of 1968 ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/25/1304"> 25 U.S.C. 1304(f) </external-xref> ) shall file in the district court of the United States for the district and division within which such prosecution is pending a notice of removal signed pursuant to Rule 11 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and containing a short and plain statement of the grounds for removal under subsection (b), together with a copy of all process, pleadings, and orders served upon such defendant or defendants in such action. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="HF4FC921758424711AB6FC02E24C475A7"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Grounds for removal </header> <text> No criminal prosecution under section 204 of the Indian Civil Rights Act of 1968 ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/25/1304"> 25 U.S.C. 1304 </external-xref> ) shall be removed unless the defendant can prove by clear and convincing evidence that a right guaranteed them under section 204(d) of the Indian Civil Rights Act of 1968 ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/25/1304"> 25 U.S.C. 1304(d) </external-xref> ), has been violated, the tribal court has failed to adequately remedy the violation, and the violation is prejudicial to the defendant. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="HEC4738CD9E574B49A0C30F33F0602269"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Requirements </header> <paragraph id="H091783DF705840B2B5B443AF2359B97A"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> A notice of removal of a criminal prosecution under section 204(f) of the Indian Civil Rights Act of 1968 ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/25/1304"> 25 U.S.C. 1304(f) </external-xref> ) shall be filed not later than 30 days after the arraignment in the tribal court, or at any time before trial, whichever is earlier, except that for good cause shown the United States district court may enter an order granting the defendant or defendants leave to file the notice at a later time. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HADA0681AD6094147AD9ABB57FD568A6F"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> A notice of removal of a criminal prosecution under section 204(f) of the Indian Civil Rights Act of 1968 ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/25/1304"> 25 U.S.C. 1304(f) </external-xref> ) shall include all grounds for such removal. A failure to state grounds that exist at the time of the filing of the notice shall constitute a waiver of such grounds, and a second notice may be filed only on grounds not existing at the time of the original notice. For good cause shown, the United States district court may grant relief from the limitations of this paragraph. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H618E9F8940CA4579911B18CAEC799E51"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> The filing of a notice of removal of a criminal prosecution under section 204(f) of the Indian Civil Rights Act of 1968 ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/25/1304"> 25 U.S.C. 1304(f) </external-xref> ) shall not prevent the tribal court in which such prosecution is pending from proceeding further, except that a judgment of conviction shall not be entered unless the prosecution is first remanded. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H68C21E843FCF409188E47AAA2F0B4C24"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> The United States district court in which such notice is filed shall examine the notice promptly. If it clearly appears on the face of the notice and any exhibits annexed thereto that removal should not be permitted, the court shall make an order for summary remand. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H5A5F8B2A053243698709753355D55F2C"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text> If the United States district court does not order the summary remand of such prosecution, it shall order an evidentiary hearing to be held promptly and, after such hearing, shall make such disposition of the prosecution as justice shall require. If the United States district court determines that removal shall be permitted, it shall so notify the tribal court in which prosecution is pending, which shall proceed no further. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="H70DB1F1BF7024387B2AC9B1DB8D5F58F"> <enum> (d) </enum> <header> Writ of habeas corpus </header> <text> If the defendant or defendants are in actual custody on process issued by the tribal court, the district court shall issue its writ of habeas corpus, and the marshal shall thereupon take such defendant or defendants into the marshal’s custody and deliver a copy of the writ to the clerk of such tribal court. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H0250DC1650824DF8B53D42DE3937D48E"> <enum> (e) </enum> <header> Special Assistant United States Attorneys </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> To assist in implementing this section and section 204(f) of the Indian Civil Rights Act of 1968 ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/25/1304"> 25 U.S.C. 1304(f) </external-xref> ) and in prosecuting crimes of domestic violence and dating violence in Indian country, each United States Attorney serving a district that includes Indian country is authorized and encouraged to appoint qualified tribal prosecutors as Special Assistant United States Attorneys pursuant to section 13(d) of the Indian Law Enforcement Reform Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/25/2810"> 25 U.S.C. 2810(d) </external-xref> ) and section 543(a) of title 28, United States Code. </text> </subsection> </section> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </subsection> <subsection id="HDC4EEED94BFD44C9B2A780EE10D06123"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Clerical amendment </header> <text> The table of sections for <external-xref legal-doc="usc-chapter" parsable-cite="usc-chapter/18/211"> chapter 211 </external-xref> of title 18, United States Code, is amended by inserting after the item relating to section 3244 the following: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H4CFF31CFE17045FF9EA7FF7A07D28F2B" style="USC"> <toc container-level="quoted-block-container" idref="HBAFE2C80B6C0411D9083A8F3A64A69E3" lowest-bolded-level="division-lowest-bolded" lowest-level="section" quoted-block="no-quoted-block" regeneration="yes-regeneration"> <toc-entry idref="HD2F3057BA3894DB1A894F429085F6F23" level="section"> 3245. Federal removal jurisdiction to protect the rights of defendants under section 204 of the Indian Civil Rights Act.. </toc-entry> </toc> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </subsection> </section> </legis-body> </bill>
I 113th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 780 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES February 15, 2013 Mr. Issa (for himself, Mr. Cole , Mr. Amodei , Mr. Schweikert , Mr. Kline , Mr. McHenry , Mr. Simpson , and Mr. Denham ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary , and in addition to the Committee on Natural Resources , for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned A BILL To authorize Indian tribes to exercise jurisdiction over crimes of domestic violence that occur in the Indian country of that tribe. 1. Short title This Act may be cited as the Violence Against Indian Women Act of 2013 . 2. Tribal jurisdiction over crimes of domestic violence (a) In general Title II of Public Law 90–284 ( 25 U.S.C. 1301 et seq. ) (commonly known as the Indian Civil Rights Act of 1968 ) is amended by adding at the end the following: 204. Tribal jurisdiction over crimes of domestic violence (a) Definitions In this section: (1) Dating violence The term dating violence means violence committed by a person who is or has been in a social relationship of a romantic or intimate nature with the victim, as determined by the length of the relationship, the type of relationship, and the frequency of interaction between the persons involved in the relationship. (2) Domestic violence The term domestic violence means violence committed by a current or former spouse or intimate partner of the victim, by a person with whom the victim shares a child in common, by a person who is cohabitating with or has cohabitated with the victim as a spouse or intimate partner, or by a person similarly situated to a spouse of the victim under the domestic- or family-violence laws of an Indian tribe that has jurisdiction over the Indian country where the violence occurs. (3) Indian country The term Indian country has the meaning given the term in section 1151 of title 18, United States Code. (4) Participating tribe The term participating tribe means an Indian tribe that elects to exercise special domestic violence criminal jurisdiction over the Indian country of that Indian tribe. (5) Protection order The term protection order — (A) means any injunction, restraining order, or other order issued by a civil or criminal court for the purpose of preventing violent or threatening acts or harassment against, sexual violence against, contact or communication with, or physical proximity to, another person; and (B) includes any temporary or final order issued by a civil or criminal court, whether obtained by filing an independent action or as a pendente lite order in another proceeding, if the civil or criminal order was issued in response to a complaint, petition, or motion filed by or on behalf of a person seeking protection. (6) Special domestic violence criminal jurisdiction The term special domestic violence criminal jurisdiction means the criminal jurisdiction that a participating tribe may exercise under this section but could not otherwise exercise. (7) Spouse or intimate partner The term spouse or intimate partner has the meaning given the term in section 2266 of title 18, United States Code. (b) Nature of the criminal jurisdiction (1) In general Notwithstanding any other provision of law, in addition to all powers of self-government recognized and affirmed by sections 201, 202, and 203, the powers of self-government of a participating tribe include the inherent power of that tribe, which is hereby recognized and affirmed, to exercise special domestic violence criminal jurisdiction over all persons. (2) Concurrent jurisdiction The exercise of special domestic violence criminal jurisdiction by a participating tribe shall be concurrent with the jurisdiction of the United States, of a State, or of both. (3) Applicability Nothing in this section— (A) creates or eliminates any Federal or State criminal jurisdiction over Indian country; or (B) affects the authority of the United States or any State government that has been delegated authority by the United States to investigate and prosecute a criminal violation in Indian country. (4) Exceptions (A) Victim and defendant are both non-Indians (i) In general A participating tribe may not exercise special domestic violence criminal jurisdiction over an alleged offense if neither the defendant nor the alleged victim is an Indian. (ii) Definition of victim In this subparagraph and with respect to a criminal proceeding in which a participating tribe exercises special domestic violence criminal jurisdiction based on a violation of a protection order, the term victim means a person specifically protected by a protection order that the defendant allegedly violated. (B) Defendant lacks ties to the Indian tribe A participating tribe may exercise special domestic violence criminal jurisdiction over a defendant only if the defendant— (i) resides in the Indian country of the participating tribe; (ii) is employed in the Indian country of the participating tribe; or (iii) is a spouse, intimate partner, or dating partner of— (I) a member of the participating tribe; or (II) an Indian who resides in the Indian country of the participating tribe. (c) Criminal conduct A participating tribe may exercise special domestic violence criminal jurisdiction over a defendant for criminal conduct that falls into one or more of the following categories: (1) Domestic violence and dating violence An act of domestic violence or dating violence that occurs in the Indian country of the participating tribe. (2) Violations of protection orders An act that— (A) occurs in the Indian country of the participating tribe; and (B) violates the portion of a protection order that— (i) prohibits or provides protection against violent or threatening acts or harassment against, sexual violence against, contact or communication with, or physical proximity to, another person; (ii) was issued against the defendant; (iii) is enforceable by the participating tribe; and (iv) is consistent with section 2265(b) of title 18, United States Code. (d) Rights of defendants In a criminal proceeding in which a participating tribe exercises special domestic violence criminal jurisdiction, the participating tribe shall provide to the defendant— (1) all applicable rights under this Act; (2) if a term of imprisonment of any length may be imposed, all rights described in section 202(c); (3) the right to a trial by an impartial jury that is drawn from sources that— (A) reflect a fair cross section of the community; and (B) do not systematically exclude any distinctive group in the community, including non-Indians; and (4) all other rights whose protection is necessary under the Constitution of the United States in order for Congress to recognize and affirm the inherent power of the participating tribe to exercise special domestic violence criminal jurisdiction over the defendant. (e) Petitions To stay detention (1) In general A person who has filed a petition for a writ of habeas corpus in a court of the United States under section 203 may petition that court to stay further detention of that person by the participating tribe. (2) Grant of stay A court shall grant a stay described in paragraph (1) if the court— (A) finds that there is a substantial likelihood that the habeas corpus petition will be granted; and (B) after giving each alleged victim in the matter an opportunity to be heard, finds by clear and convincing evidence that under conditions imposed by the court, the petitioner is not likely to flee or pose a danger to any person or the community if released. (3) Notice An Indian tribe that has ordered the detention of any person has a duty to timely notify such person of his rights and privileges under this subsection and under section 203. (f) Subject to Removal A criminal prosecution commenced in a tribal court under this section may, pursuant to section 3245 of title 18, United States Code, be removed to the United States district court embracing the place where the criminal prosecution is pending, and the district court shall have full authority to hear and determine the cause. (g) Grants to tribal governments The Attorney General may award grants to the governments of Indian tribes (or to authorized designees of those governments)— (1) to strengthen tribal criminal justice systems to assist Indian tribes in exercising special domestic violence criminal jurisdiction, including— (A) law enforcement (including the capacity of law enforcement or court personnel to enter information into and obtain information from national crime information databases); (B) prosecution; (C) trial and appellate courts; (D) probation systems; (E) detention and correctional facilities; (F) alternative rehabilitation centers; (G) culturally appropriate services and assistance for victims and their families; and (H) criminal codes and rules of criminal procedure, appellate procedure, and evidence; (2) to provide indigent criminal defendants with the effective assistance of licensed defense counsel, at no cost to the defendant, in criminal proceedings in which a participating tribe prosecutes a crime of domestic violence or dating violence or a criminal violation of a protection order; (3) to ensure that, in criminal proceedings in which a participating tribe exercises special domestic violence criminal jurisdiction, jurors are summoned, selected, and instructed in a manner consistent with all applicable requirements; and (4) to accord victims of domestic violence, dating violence, and violations of protection orders rights that are similar to the rights of a crime victim described in section 3771(a) of title 18, United States Code, consistent with tribal law and custom. (h) Supplement, not supplant Amounts made available under this section shall supplement and not supplant any other Federal, State, tribal, or local government amounts made available to carry out activities described in this section. (i) Authorization of Appropriations There are authorized to be appropriated $5,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2014 through 2018 to carry out subsection (g) and to provide training, technical assistance, data collection, and evaluation of the criminal justice systems of participating tribes. . (b) Clerical amendment The table of sections for title II of the Indian Civil Rights Act of 1968 ( 25 U.S.C. 1301 et seq. ) is amended by inserting after the item relating to section 203 the following: Sec. 204. Tribal jurisdiction over crimes of domestic violence. . 3. Removal of criminal prosecutions (a) In general Chapter 211 of title 18, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following: 3245. Federal removal jurisdiction to protect the rights of defendants under section 204 of the Indian Civil Rights Act. (a) Notice of removal A defendant desiring to remove a criminal prosecution from a tribal court pursuant to section 204(f) of the Indian Civil Rights Act of 1968 ( 25 U.S.C. 1304(f) ) shall file in the district court of the United States for the district and division within which such prosecution is pending a notice of removal signed pursuant to Rule 11 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and containing a short and plain statement of the grounds for removal under subsection (b), together with a copy of all process, pleadings, and orders served upon such defendant or defendants in such action. (b) Grounds for removal No criminal prosecution under section 204 of the Indian Civil Rights Act of 1968 ( 25 U.S.C. 1304 ) shall be removed unless the defendant can prove by clear and convincing evidence that a right guaranteed them under section 204(d) of the Indian Civil Rights Act of 1968 ( 25 U.S.C. 1304(d) ), has been violated, the tribal court has failed to adequately remedy the violation, and the violation is prejudicial to the defendant. (c) Requirements (1) A notice of removal of a criminal prosecution under section 204(f) of the Indian Civil Rights Act of 1968 ( 25 U.S.C. 1304(f) ) shall be filed not later than 30 days after the arraignment in the tribal court, or at any time before trial, whichever is earlier, except that for good cause shown the United States district court may enter an order granting the defendant or defendants leave to file the notice at a later time. (2) A notice of removal of a criminal prosecution under section 204(f) of the Indian Civil Rights Act of 1968 ( 25 U.S.C. 1304(f) ) shall include all grounds for such removal. A failure to state grounds that exist at the time of the filing of the notice shall constitute a waiver of such grounds, and a second notice may be filed only on grounds not existing at the time of the original notice. For good cause shown, the United States district court may grant relief from the limitations of this paragraph. (3) The filing of a notice of removal of a criminal prosecution under section 204(f) of the Indian Civil Rights Act of 1968 ( 25 U.S.C. 1304(f) ) shall not prevent the tribal court in which such prosecution is pending from proceeding further, except that a judgment of conviction shall not be entered unless the prosecution is first remanded. (4) The United States district court in which such notice is filed shall examine the notice promptly. If it clearly appears on the face of the notice and any exhibits annexed thereto that removal should not be permitted, the court shall make an order for summary remand. (5) If the United States district court does not order the summary remand of such prosecution, it shall order an evidentiary hearing to be held promptly and, after such hearing, shall make such disposition of the prosecution as justice shall require. If the United States district court determines that removal shall be permitted, it shall so notify the tribal court in which prosecution is pending, which shall proceed no further. (d) Writ of habeas corpus If the defendant or defendants are in actual custody on process issued by the tribal court, the district court shall issue its writ of habeas corpus, and the marshal shall thereupon take such defendant or defendants into the marshal’s custody and deliver a copy of the writ to the clerk of such tribal court. (e) Special Assistant United States Attorneys To assist in implementing this section and section 204(f) of the Indian Civil Rights Act of 1968 ( 25 U.S.C. 1304(f) ) and in prosecuting crimes of domestic violence and dating violence in Indian country, each United States Attorney serving a district that includes Indian country is authorized and encouraged to appoint qualified tribal prosecutors as Special Assistant United States Attorneys pursuant to section 13(d) of the Indian Law Enforcement Reform Act ( 25 U.S.C. 2810(d) ) and section 543(a) of title 28, United States Code. . (b) Clerical amendment The table of sections for chapter 211 of title 18, United States Code, is amended by inserting after the item relating to section 3244 the following: 3245. Federal removal jurisdiction to protect the rights of defendants under section 204 of the Indian Civil Rights Act.. .
2023-01-08 17:37:53.639
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Introduced-in-House" bill-type="olc" dms-id="H518DE532FF5B48B8A02F4F00F5B965CE" public-private="public"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 781 IH: Medicare Identity Theft Prevention Act of 2013 </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-02-15 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> I </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 781 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130215"> February 15, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="J000174"> Mr. Sam Johnson of Texas </sponsor> (for himself and <cosponsor name-id="D000399"> Mr. Doggett </cosponsor> ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="HWM00"> Committee on Ways and Means </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> A BILL </legis-type> <official-title> To amend title II of the Social Security Act to prohibit the inclusion of Social Security account numbers on Medicare cards. </official-title> </form> <legis-body id="H18AF128B38F74F4F9451106E5A065B2E" style="OLC"> <section id="H6244C3867E344DA5B0900354CD1566B6" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Short title </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> This Act may be cited as the <quote> <short-title> Medicare Identity Theft Prevention Act of 2013 </short-title> </quote> . </text> </section> <section id="H938626F93F2F47259C69D6B998480342"> <enum> 2. </enum> <header> Prohibition of inclusion of Social Security account numbers on Medicare cards </header> <subsection id="H340A779C08FB462BABDF1A6A9E3CDCDD"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> Section 205(c)(2)(C) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 405(c)(2)(C)) is amended— </text> <paragraph id="H53D35DDDC12543A4A80937C7071AD958"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> by moving clause (x), as added by section 1414(a)(2) of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, 6 ems to the left; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H587CBA25CB0446ED8E4B23122E8CC302"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> by redesignating clause (x), as added by section 2(a)(1) of the Social Security Number Protection Act of 2010, and clause (xi) as clauses (xi) and (xii), respectively; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HEE72ADC10D39405887A31830C027A9B1"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> by adding at the end the following new clause: </text> <quoted-block id="H731E0E63E9EC4AC28D2085EAADE89CE1" style="OLC"> <subsection id="H01697A8E766447AE983F5A85D7B0A014"> <enum> (xiii) </enum> <text> The Secretary of Health and Human Services, in consultation with the Commissioner of Social Security, shall establish cost-effective procedures to ensure that a Social Security account number (or derivative thereof) is not displayed, coded, or embedded on the Medicare card issued to an individual who is entitled to benefits under part A of title XVIII or enrolled under part B of title XVIII and that any other identifier displayed on such card is not identifiable as a Social Security account number (or derivative thereof). </text> </subsection> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="HC516550ADF164D6881E792F3D57CAB84"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Implementation </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> In implementing clause (xiii) of section 205(c)(2)(C) of the Social Security Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/42/405"> 42 U.S.C. 405(c)(2)(C) </external-xref> ), as added by subsection (a)(3), the Secretary of Health and Human Services shall establish a cost-effective process that involves the least amount of disruption to Medicare beneficiaries and health care providers. The Secretary shall consider implementing a process, similar to the process involving Railroad Retirement Board beneficiaries, under which a Medicare beneficiary identifier which is not a Social Security account number (or derivative thereof) is used external to the Department of Health and Human Services and is convertible over to a Social Security account number (or derivative thereof) for use internal to such Department and the Social Security Administration. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="HDE6BF49E0C1849A4B911A3254F8DCB62"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Effective date </header> <paragraph id="H09A8CB58ADDC4B20B24F0837B49DD4CE"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Clause (xiii) of section 205(c)(2)(C) of the Social Security Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/42/405"> 42 U.S.C. 405(c)(2)(C) </external-xref> ), as added by subsection (a)(3), shall apply with respect to Medicare cards issued on and after an effective date specified by the Secretary of Health and Human Services, but in no case shall such effective date be later than the date that is 3 years after the date of the enactment of this Act. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HFBC13FDE270C4573B1C6CFF713670407"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Reissuance </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The Secretary— </text> <subparagraph id="H363E3164FF1F4D05B1F55F0B10059808"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> shall provide for the reissuance of Medicare cards that comply with the requirements of such clause not later than 3 years after the effective date specified by the Secretary under paragraph (1); and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H83580118C9CF401295731A928DCFCCBB"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> may permit an individual to apply for the reissuance of a Medicare card that complies with such requirements before the date of reissuance otherwise provided under subparagraph (A) in such exceptional circumstances as the Secretary may specify. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> </section> </legis-body> </bill>
I 113th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 781 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES February 15, 2013 Mr. Sam Johnson of Texas (for himself and Mr. Doggett ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Ways and Means A BILL To amend title II of the Social Security Act to prohibit the inclusion of Social Security account numbers on Medicare cards. 1. Short title This Act may be cited as the Medicare Identity Theft Prevention Act of 2013 . 2. Prohibition of inclusion of Social Security account numbers on Medicare cards (a) In general Section 205(c)(2)(C) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 405(c)(2)(C)) is amended— (1) by moving clause (x), as added by section 1414(a)(2) of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, 6 ems to the left; (2) by redesignating clause (x), as added by section 2(a)(1) of the Social Security Number Protection Act of 2010, and clause (xi) as clauses (xi) and (xii), respectively; and (3) by adding at the end the following new clause: (xiii) The Secretary of Health and Human Services, in consultation with the Commissioner of Social Security, shall establish cost-effective procedures to ensure that a Social Security account number (or derivative thereof) is not displayed, coded, or embedded on the Medicare card issued to an individual who is entitled to benefits under part A of title XVIII or enrolled under part B of title XVIII and that any other identifier displayed on such card is not identifiable as a Social Security account number (or derivative thereof). . (b) Implementation In implementing clause (xiii) of section 205(c)(2)(C) of the Social Security Act ( 42 U.S.C. 405(c)(2)(C) ), as added by subsection (a)(3), the Secretary of Health and Human Services shall establish a cost-effective process that involves the least amount of disruption to Medicare beneficiaries and health care providers. The Secretary shall consider implementing a process, similar to the process involving Railroad Retirement Board beneficiaries, under which a Medicare beneficiary identifier which is not a Social Security account number (or derivative thereof) is used external to the Department of Health and Human Services and is convertible over to a Social Security account number (or derivative thereof) for use internal to such Department and the Social Security Administration. (c) Effective date (1) In general Clause (xiii) of section 205(c)(2)(C) of the Social Security Act ( 42 U.S.C. 405(c)(2)(C) ), as added by subsection (a)(3), shall apply with respect to Medicare cards issued on and after an effective date specified by the Secretary of Health and Human Services, but in no case shall such effective date be later than the date that is 3 years after the date of the enactment of this Act. (2) Reissuance The Secretary— (A) shall provide for the reissuance of Medicare cards that comply with the requirements of such clause not later than 3 years after the effective date specified by the Secretary under paragraph (1); and (B) may permit an individual to apply for the reissuance of a Medicare card that complies with such requirements before the date of reissuance otherwise provided under subparagraph (A) in such exceptional circumstances as the Secretary may specify.
2023-01-08 17:37:53.385
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Introduced-in-House" bill-type="olc" dms-id="HFB7378AC3E7949B28C8FC39B96AAEE58" public-private="public"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 782 IH: Permanently Repeal the Estate Tax Act of 2013 </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-02-15 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> I </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 782 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130215"> February 15, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="L000566"> Mr. Latta </sponsor> (for himself, <cosponsor name-id="G000569"> Mr. Grimm </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="B001283"> Mr. Bridenstine </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="D000533"> Mr. Duncan of Tennessee </cosponsor> ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="HWM00"> Committee on Ways and Means </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> A BILL </legis-type> <official-title> To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to repeal the estate tax and retain stepped-up basis at death. </official-title> </form> <legis-body id="HAB4A0BAC4D2746AEBF44A0438D9C9645" style="OLC"> <section id="H6084B50284C348FF819DE4D093630E77" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Short title </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> This Act may be cited as the <quote> <short-title> Permanently Repeal the Estate Tax Act of 2013 </short-title> </quote> . </text> </section> <section id="HB7186193BD434235B7F4168BFDA2A32E"> <enum> 2. </enum> <header> Repeal of estate tax and retention of basis step-up </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Effective for estates of decedents dying after December 31, 2012, <external-xref legal-doc="usc-chapter" parsable-cite="usc-chapter/26/11"> chapter 11 </external-xref> of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is repealed. </text> </section> </legis-body> </bill>
I 113th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 782 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES February 15, 2013 Mr. Latta (for himself, Mr. Grimm , Mr. Bridenstine , and Mr. Duncan of Tennessee ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Ways and Means A BILL To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to repeal the estate tax and retain stepped-up basis at death. 1. Short title This Act may be cited as the Permanently Repeal the Estate Tax Act of 2013 . 2. Repeal of estate tax and retention of basis step-up Effective for estates of decedents dying after December 31, 2012, chapter 11 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is repealed.
2023-01-08 17:37:52.978
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Introduced-in-House" bill-type="olc" dms-id="H23E9F6B3BCA543599BCA92C4D0CC46C9" public-private="public"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 783 IH: Prevent Iran from Acquiring Nuclear Weapons and Stop War Through Diplomacy Act </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-02-15 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> I </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 783 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130215"> February 15, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="L000551"> Ms. Lee of California </sponsor> (for herself, <cosponsor name-id="C000714"> Mr. Conyers </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="E000288"> Mr. Ellison </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="J000288"> Mr. Johnson of Georgia </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="M000312"> Mr. McGovern </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="R000515"> Mr. Rush </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="B000574"> Mr. Blumenauer </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="D000355"> Mr. Dingell </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="M001143"> Ms. McCollum </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="H001032"> Mr. Holt </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="M000933"> Mr. Moran </cosponsor> ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="HFA00"> Committee on Foreign Affairs </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> A BILL </legis-type> <official-title> To enhance diplomacy with Iran to peacefully prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons, and for other purposes. </official-title> </form> <legis-body id="HDA4AB34AD8594664A9E1C677B690E26D" style="OLC"> <section id="H992FB4F556794C788D553E6086AF3583" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Short title </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> This Act may be cited as the <quote> <short-title> Prevent Iran from Acquiring Nuclear Weapons and Stop War Through Diplomacy Act </short-title> </quote> . </text> </section> <section id="H5F307EE885634895BBF4400D4566F1FF"> <enum> 2. </enum> <header> Findings </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Congress finds the following: </text> <paragraph id="H3D6CDCD93BBC4AE9AAFCB2ADFD6FCAEF"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> In his Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech on December 10, 2009, President Obama said, <quote> I know that engagement with repressive regimes lacks the satisfying purity of indignation. But I also know that sanctions without outreach—and condemnation without discussion—can carry forward a crippling status quo. No repressive regime can move down a new path unless it has the choice of an open door. </quote> . </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H580F727C367B40EE95EDE313EDA1E967"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> President Obama stated on November 14, 2012, that, <quote> With respect to Iran, I very much want to see a diplomatic resolution to the problem. I was very clear before the campaign, I was clear during the campaign and I’m now clear after the campaign—we’re not going to let Iran get a nuclear weapon. But I think there is still a window of time for us to resolve this diplomatically. We’ve imposed the toughest sanctions in history. It is having an impact on Iran’s economy. There should be a way in which they can enjoy peaceful nuclear power while still meeting their international obligations and providing clear assurances to the international community that they’re not pursuing a nuclear weapon. </quote> . </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HAB07016F74D24D888AC23A93FF2E6AF4"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> While the United States has engaged in direct negotiations with Iran without preconditions under the Obama Administration, official representatives of the United States and official representatives of Iran have held only two direct, bilateral meetings in over 30 years, both of which occurred in October 2009, one on the sidelines of the United Nations Security Council negotiations in Geneva, and one on the sidelines of negotiations brokered by the United Nations International Atomic Energy Agency (referred to in this Act as the <quote> IAEA </quote> ) in Vienna. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HE07BA819820B41688D1FA77DFB971A7C"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> Resolving all of the outstanding issues between the United States and Iran cannot be achieved instantaneously and will require a robust, sustained diplomatic effort involving multilateral and bilateral negotiations. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HF15A923C33C94B8C9771591D73672ED5"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text> Under the Department of State’s current <quote> no contact </quote> policy, officers and employees of the Department of State are not permitted to make any direct contact with official representatives of the Government of Iran without express prior authorization from the Secretary of State. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H13C229BE6FB9488FABDE63EB75D95175"> <enum> (6) </enum> <text> On September 20, 2011, then-Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Mike Mullen called for establishing direct communications with Iran, stating, <quote> I’m talking about any channel that’s open. We’ve not had a direct link of communication with Iran since 1979. And I think that has planted many seeds for miscalculation. When you miscalculate, you can escalate and misunderstand. </quote> . </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HA2671BE91E9942EEAFFF27417AAC0E56"> <enum> (7) </enum> <text> While the International Atomic Energy Agency continues to verify the non-diversion of declared nuclear material in Iran and has inspectors and monitoring devices located at Iranian nuclear facilities, the agency has expressed concerns regarding Iran’s past and ongoing nuclear work that can only be resolved through increased transparency, more robust safeguards, and a more vigorous inspections regime. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H604C489D8E4C46938587A543641F6C80"> <enum> (8) </enum> <text> On October 3, 2012, former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates stated, <quote> The results of an American or Israeli military strike on Iran could, in my view, prove catastrophic, haunting us for generations in that part of the world. </quote> , adding that <quote> [S]uch an attack would make a nuclear-armed Iran inevitable. They would just bury the program deeper and make it more covert. </quote> . </text> </paragraph> </section> <section id="H0E4F9911F41149C9B8234C3FBDCD63F9"> <enum> 3. </enum> <header> Statement of policy </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> It should be the policy of the United States— </text> <paragraph id="HFF5C728468C14EF39DAB27E30084BB27"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> to prevent Iran from pursuing or acquiring a nuclear weapon and to resolve the concerns of the United States and of the international community about Iran’s nuclear program and Iran’s human rights obligations under international and Iranian law; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HEBD700368D684DE5A4E975DA9AAF3C31"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> to ensure inspection of suspected prohibited cargo to or from Iran, as well as the seizure and disposal of prohibited items, as authorized by United Nations Security Council Resolution 1929 (June 9, 2010); </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HF4B3E9CDB55B45CFB96BA050C72C26BE"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> to pursue sustained, direct, bilateral negotiations with the Government of Iran without preconditions in order to reduce tensions, prevent war, prevent nuclear proliferation, support human rights, and seek resolutions to issues that concern the United States and the international community; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HE39B17F8723C4F5BA1E9A5CF4D71A03B"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> to utilize all diplomatic tools, including engaging in direct bilateral and multilateral diplomacy, leveraging sanctions, engaging in Track II diplomacy, creating a special envoy described in section 4, and enlisting the support of all interested parties to prevent a nuclear-armed Iran and to prevent war; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H94D15E1917004653AA2D6BC656CB6749"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text> to secure an agreement that ensures Iran does not engage in nuclear weapons work and that Iran’s nuclear enrichment program is verifiably limited to civilian purposes through the implementation of robust safeguards and enhanced IAEA inspections, including through the implementation of the Additional Protocol; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HA5B40C52C3FD4B02A14CF1581256B7F2"> <enum> (6) </enum> <text> to pursue opportunities to build mutual trust and to foster sustained negotiations in good faith with Iran and to explore areas of mutual benefit to both Iran and the United States, such as regional security, the long-term stabilization of Iraq and Afghanistan, the establishment of a framework for peaceful nuclear energy production, other peaceful energy modernization programs, and counter-narcotics efforts; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H93197F09966B413295920D443E1CBEDD"> <enum> (7) </enum> <text> that no funds appropriated or otherwise made available to any executive agency of the Government of the United States may be used to carry out any military operation or activity against Iran unless the President determines that a military operation or activity is warranted and seeks express prior authorization by Congress, as required under article I, section 8, clause 2 of the United States Constitution, which grants Congress the sole authority to declare war, except that this requirement shall not apply to a military operation or activity— </text> <subparagraph id="H1618724385334066A64B5E87D9F5B3C7"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> to directly repel an offensive military action launched from within the territory of Iran against the United States or any ally with which the United States has a mutual defense assistance agreement; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H72263C6DA2AC4ECCB1EC83B55AA63303"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> in hot pursuit of forces that engage in an offensive military action outside the territory of Iran against United States forces or an ally with which the United States has a mutual defense assistance agreement and then enter into the territory of Iran; or </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="H39B8B01D42CD4EB09586EA14FDC4D31F"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> to directly thwart an imminent offensive military action to be launched from within the territory of Iran against United States forces or an ally with which the United States has a mutual defense assistance agreement. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </section> <section id="H4B0586083DCD4749B846F20428D7B44D"> <enum> 4. </enum> <header> Appointment of high-level United States representative or special envoy </header> <subsection id="H5A739FD9C6824D5EADCE45B0B73B44CA"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Appointment </header> <text> At the earliest possible date, the President, in consultation with the Secretary of State, shall appoint a high-level United States representative or special envoy for Iran. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H2BAE50B13CD94D6198FACF251A97D247"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Criteria for appointment </header> <text> The President shall appoint an individual under subsection (a) on the basis of such individual’s knowledge and understanding of Iran and the issues regarding Iran’s nuclear program, experience in conducting international negotiations, and ability to conduct negotiations under subsection (c) with the respect and trust of the parties involved in such negotiations. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="HC9A14185A89C4C5CA933E83F5F4D2452"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Duties </header> <text> The high-level United States representative or special envoy for Iran shall— </text> <paragraph id="H083C8974B56A418DBB111500BB61D79D"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> seek to facilitate direct, unconditional, bilateral, and multilateral negotiations with Iran for the purpose of easing tensions and normalizing relations between the United States and Iran; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HC47B332035B3477285893B8F048B5AFD"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> lead the diplomatic efforts of the United States with regard to Iran; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H8BAE81790B6C488C8BFC853D3371FD68"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> consult with other countries and international organizations, including countries in the region, where appropriate and when necessary to achieve the purpose specified in paragraph (1); </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H658E7FD102FD4078AA03041A7C877A96"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> act as liaison with United States and international intelligence agencies where appropriate and when necessary to achieve the purpose specified in paragraph (1); and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H2894CB604DF4494BA455CBB2BA2938E6"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text> ensure that the bilateral negotiations under paragraph (1) complement the ongoing international negotiations with Iran. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> </section> <section id="H363535AEACBB42ACAF17FAABEB59B846"> <enum> 5. </enum> <header> Duties of the secretary of state </header> <subsection id="H8B51AAF918E5439CB99CA338E8332389"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Elimination of <quote> no contact </quote> policy </header> <text> Not later than 30 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of State shall rescind the <quote> no contact </quote> policy that prevents officers and employees of the Department of State from making any direct contact with official representatives of the Government of Iran without express prior authorization from the Secretary of State. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H55FCA8580C9C438D9629A8E18FA25051"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Office of high-Level United States representative or special envoy </header> <text> Not later than 30 days after the appointment of a high-level United States representative or special envoy under section 4, the Secretary of State shall establish an office in the Department of State for the purpose of supporting the work of such representative or special envoy. </text> </subsection> </section> <section id="H88C66DC15DA04EE9AB5F401C151339FF"> <enum> 6. </enum> <header> Reporting to Congress </header> <subsection id="HDD133A4A50D64962B4D011AC06A2A7DD"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Reports </header> <text> Not later than 60 days after the high-level United States representative or special envoy for Iran is appointed under section 4 and every 180 days thereafter, such United States representative or special envoy shall submit to the committees specified in subsection (b) a report on the steps that have been taken to facilitate direct, unconditional, bilateral, and multilateral negotiations with the Government of Iran under section 4(c). Each such report may, when necessary or appropriate, be submitted in classified and unclassified form. </text> </subsection> <subsection id="H6EDBD3028A24465388B980E41C0794C8"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Committees </header> <text> The committees referred to in subsection (a) are— </text> <paragraph id="HC948623F6FCD48AAB5A5AF4CF1D323A6"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> the Committee on Appropriations, the Committee on Foreign Affairs, the Committee on Armed Services, and the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence of the House of Representatives; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H1EF3116F3D3B404FAC70FF78C7FF88F4"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> the Committee on Appropriations, the Committee on Foreign Relations, the Committee on Armed Services, and the Select Committee on Intelligence of the Senate. </text> </paragraph> </subsection> </section> <section id="H73577618F3AA49A4BDECAE10BE64CFFD"> <enum> 7. </enum> <header> Authorization of appropriations </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> There is authorized to be appropriated to carry out this Act such sums as may be necessary for each of fiscal years 2013 and 2014. </text> </section> </legis-body> </bill>
I 113th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 783 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES February 15, 2013 Ms. Lee of California (for herself, Mr. Conyers , Mr. Ellison , Mr. Johnson of Georgia , Mr. McGovern , Mr. Rush , Mr. Blumenauer , Mr. Dingell , Ms. McCollum , Mr. Holt , and Mr. Moran ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs A BILL To enhance diplomacy with Iran to peacefully prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons, and for other purposes. 1. Short title This Act may be cited as the Prevent Iran from Acquiring Nuclear Weapons and Stop War Through Diplomacy Act . 2. Findings Congress finds the following: (1) In his Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech on December 10, 2009, President Obama said, I know that engagement with repressive regimes lacks the satisfying purity of indignation. But I also know that sanctions without outreach—and condemnation without discussion—can carry forward a crippling status quo. No repressive regime can move down a new path unless it has the choice of an open door. . (2) President Obama stated on November 14, 2012, that, With respect to Iran, I very much want to see a diplomatic resolution to the problem. I was very clear before the campaign, I was clear during the campaign and I’m now clear after the campaign—we’re not going to let Iran get a nuclear weapon. But I think there is still a window of time for us to resolve this diplomatically. We’ve imposed the toughest sanctions in history. It is having an impact on Iran’s economy. There should be a way in which they can enjoy peaceful nuclear power while still meeting their international obligations and providing clear assurances to the international community that they’re not pursuing a nuclear weapon. . (3) While the United States has engaged in direct negotiations with Iran without preconditions under the Obama Administration, official representatives of the United States and official representatives of Iran have held only two direct, bilateral meetings in over 30 years, both of which occurred in October 2009, one on the sidelines of the United Nations Security Council negotiations in Geneva, and one on the sidelines of negotiations brokered by the United Nations International Atomic Energy Agency (referred to in this Act as the IAEA ) in Vienna. (4) Resolving all of the outstanding issues between the United States and Iran cannot be achieved instantaneously and will require a robust, sustained diplomatic effort involving multilateral and bilateral negotiations. (5) Under the Department of State’s current no contact policy, officers and employees of the Department of State are not permitted to make any direct contact with official representatives of the Government of Iran without express prior authorization from the Secretary of State. (6) On September 20, 2011, then-Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Mike Mullen called for establishing direct communications with Iran, stating, I’m talking about any channel that’s open. We’ve not had a direct link of communication with Iran since 1979. And I think that has planted many seeds for miscalculation. When you miscalculate, you can escalate and misunderstand. . (7) While the International Atomic Energy Agency continues to verify the non-diversion of declared nuclear material in Iran and has inspectors and monitoring devices located at Iranian nuclear facilities, the agency has expressed concerns regarding Iran’s past and ongoing nuclear work that can only be resolved through increased transparency, more robust safeguards, and a more vigorous inspections regime. (8) On October 3, 2012, former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates stated, The results of an American or Israeli military strike on Iran could, in my view, prove catastrophic, haunting us for generations in that part of the world. , adding that [S]uch an attack would make a nuclear-armed Iran inevitable. They would just bury the program deeper and make it more covert. . 3. Statement of policy It should be the policy of the United States— (1) to prevent Iran from pursuing or acquiring a nuclear weapon and to resolve the concerns of the United States and of the international community about Iran’s nuclear program and Iran’s human rights obligations under international and Iranian law; (2) to ensure inspection of suspected prohibited cargo to or from Iran, as well as the seizure and disposal of prohibited items, as authorized by United Nations Security Council Resolution 1929 (June 9, 2010); (3) to pursue sustained, direct, bilateral negotiations with the Government of Iran without preconditions in order to reduce tensions, prevent war, prevent nuclear proliferation, support human rights, and seek resolutions to issues that concern the United States and the international community; (4) to utilize all diplomatic tools, including engaging in direct bilateral and multilateral diplomacy, leveraging sanctions, engaging in Track II diplomacy, creating a special envoy described in section 4, and enlisting the support of all interested parties to prevent a nuclear-armed Iran and to prevent war; (5) to secure an agreement that ensures Iran does not engage in nuclear weapons work and that Iran’s nuclear enrichment program is verifiably limited to civilian purposes through the implementation of robust safeguards and enhanced IAEA inspections, including through the implementation of the Additional Protocol; (6) to pursue opportunities to build mutual trust and to foster sustained negotiations in good faith with Iran and to explore areas of mutual benefit to both Iran and the United States, such as regional security, the long-term stabilization of Iraq and Afghanistan, the establishment of a framework for peaceful nuclear energy production, other peaceful energy modernization programs, and counter-narcotics efforts; and (7) that no funds appropriated or otherwise made available to any executive agency of the Government of the United States may be used to carry out any military operation or activity against Iran unless the President determines that a military operation or activity is warranted and seeks express prior authorization by Congress, as required under article I, section 8, clause 2 of the United States Constitution, which grants Congress the sole authority to declare war, except that this requirement shall not apply to a military operation or activity— (A) to directly repel an offensive military action launched from within the territory of Iran against the United States or any ally with which the United States has a mutual defense assistance agreement; (B) in hot pursuit of forces that engage in an offensive military action outside the territory of Iran against United States forces or an ally with which the United States has a mutual defense assistance agreement and then enter into the territory of Iran; or (C) to directly thwart an imminent offensive military action to be launched from within the territory of Iran against United States forces or an ally with which the United States has a mutual defense assistance agreement. 4. Appointment of high-level United States representative or special envoy (a) Appointment At the earliest possible date, the President, in consultation with the Secretary of State, shall appoint a high-level United States representative or special envoy for Iran. (b) Criteria for appointment The President shall appoint an individual under subsection (a) on the basis of such individual’s knowledge and understanding of Iran and the issues regarding Iran’s nuclear program, experience in conducting international negotiations, and ability to conduct negotiations under subsection (c) with the respect and trust of the parties involved in such negotiations. (c) Duties The high-level United States representative or special envoy for Iran shall— (1) seek to facilitate direct, unconditional, bilateral, and multilateral negotiations with Iran for the purpose of easing tensions and normalizing relations between the United States and Iran; (2) lead the diplomatic efforts of the United States with regard to Iran; (3) consult with other countries and international organizations, including countries in the region, where appropriate and when necessary to achieve the purpose specified in paragraph (1); (4) act as liaison with United States and international intelligence agencies where appropriate and when necessary to achieve the purpose specified in paragraph (1); and (5) ensure that the bilateral negotiations under paragraph (1) complement the ongoing international negotiations with Iran. 5. Duties of the secretary of state (a) Elimination of no contact policy Not later than 30 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of State shall rescind the no contact policy that prevents officers and employees of the Department of State from making any direct contact with official representatives of the Government of Iran without express prior authorization from the Secretary of State. (b) Office of high-Level United States representative or special envoy Not later than 30 days after the appointment of a high-level United States representative or special envoy under section 4, the Secretary of State shall establish an office in the Department of State for the purpose of supporting the work of such representative or special envoy. 6. Reporting to Congress (a) Reports Not later than 60 days after the high-level United States representative or special envoy for Iran is appointed under section 4 and every 180 days thereafter, such United States representative or special envoy shall submit to the committees specified in subsection (b) a report on the steps that have been taken to facilitate direct, unconditional, bilateral, and multilateral negotiations with the Government of Iran under section 4(c). Each such report may, when necessary or appropriate, be submitted in classified and unclassified form. (b) Committees The committees referred to in subsection (a) are— (1) the Committee on Appropriations, the Committee on Foreign Affairs, the Committee on Armed Services, and the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence of the House of Representatives; and (2) the Committee on Appropriations, the Committee on Foreign Relations, the Committee on Armed Services, and the Select Committee on Intelligence of the Senate. 7. Authorization of appropriations There is authorized to be appropriated to carry out this Act such sums as may be necessary for each of fiscal years 2013 and 2014.
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<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="billres.xsl"?> <!DOCTYPE bill PUBLIC "-//US Congress//DTDs/bill.dtd//EN" "bill.dtd"> <bill bill-stage="Introduced-in-House" bill-type="olc" dms-id="HB7B8453FCDF8472D845E6D5CA085FFB0" public-private="public"> <metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 HR 784 IH: States’ Medical Marijuana Property Rights Protection Act </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. House of Representatives </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-02-15 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata> <form> <distribution-code display="yes"> I </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> H. R. 784 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130215"> February 15, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="L000551"> Ms. Lee of California </sponsor> (for herself, <cosponsor name-id="B000574"> Mr. Blumenauer </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="P000598"> Mr. Polis </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="F000030"> Mr. Farr </cosponsor> ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="HJU00"> Committee on the Judiciary </committee-name> , and in addition to the Committee on <committee-name committee-id="HIF00"> Energy and Commerce </committee-name> , for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> A BILL </legis-type> <official-title> To amend the Controlled Substances Act so as to exempt real property from civil forfeiture due to medical-marijuana-related conduct that is authorized by State law. </official-title> </form> <legis-body id="H543116C2AC9C487B8065BEB3E948D5A0" style="OLC"> <section id="H897683B6C58947A3811B7CFEC3D5E3CD" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> Short title </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> This Act may be cited as the <quote> <short-title> States’ Medical Marijuana Property Rights Protection Act </short-title> </quote> . </text> </section> <section id="H92CB4CDE11B643E9AE5344480106EDD5"> <enum> 2. </enum> <header> Findings </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Congress makes the following findings: </text> <paragraph id="H62B03631AAC44379953470CEA88A56B1"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> 18 States and the District of Columbia have, through ballot measure or legislative action, approved the use of marijuana for medical purposes when recommended by a physician. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HA687772F4FAD43B9916709ED3C4F4DB6"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Marijuana has long-established medical uses as an effective treatment for conditions that include HIV/AIDS, multiple sclerosis, arthritis, gastro-intestinal disorders, chronic pain, and others as well. </text> </paragraph> </section> <section id="H5617DAEA9EBA4A4D961A88113922ADF1"> <enum> 3. </enum> <header> Civil forfeiture exemption for marijuana facilities authorized by State law </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> Paragraph (7) of section 511(a) of the Controlled Substances Act ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/21/881"> 21 U.S.C. 881(a)(7) </external-xref> ) is amended— </text> <paragraph id="HA610899AA9AA45569DF968F899C10B98"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> by striking <quote> (7) All </quote> and inserting <quote> (7)(A) Except as provided in subparagraph (B), all </quote> ; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="HBBC0D2CA1AD54CB19E521708D87AC9F7"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> by adding at the end the following: </text> <quoted-block display-inline="no-display-inline" id="H5864BA7D5E6F4E2FAE95A873E5C163BF" style="OLC"> <subparagraph id="H44F733337A48442583192C37592268E4" indent="up1"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> No real property, including any right, title, and interest in the whole of any lot or tract of land and any appurtenances or improvements, shall be subject to forfeiture under subparagraph (A) due to medical marijuana-related conduct that is authorized by State law. </text> </subparagraph> <after-quoted-block> . </after-quoted-block> </quoted-block> </paragraph> </section> </legis-body> </bill>
I 113th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 784 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES February 15, 2013 Ms. Lee of California (for herself, Mr. Blumenauer , Mr. Polis , and Mr. Farr ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary , and in addition to the Committee on Energy and Commerce , for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned A BILL To amend the Controlled Substances Act so as to exempt real property from civil forfeiture due to medical-marijuana-related conduct that is authorized by State law. 1. Short title This Act may be cited as the States’ Medical Marijuana Property Rights Protection Act . 2. Findings Congress makes the following findings: (1) 18 States and the District of Columbia have, through ballot measure or legislative action, approved the use of marijuana for medical purposes when recommended by a physician. (2) Marijuana has long-established medical uses as an effective treatment for conditions that include HIV/AIDS, multiple sclerosis, arthritis, gastro-intestinal disorders, chronic pain, and others as well. 3. Civil forfeiture exemption for marijuana facilities authorized by State law Paragraph (7) of section 511(a) of the Controlled Substances Act ( 21 U.S.C. 881(a)(7) ) is amended— (1) by striking (7) All and inserting (7)(A) Except as provided in subparagraph (B), all ; and (2) by adding at the end the following: (B) No real property, including any right, title, and interest in the whole of any lot or tract of land and any appurtenances or improvements, shall be subject to forfeiture under subparagraph (A) due to medical marijuana-related conduct that is authorized by State law. .