stringlengths 1
⌀ | label
int64 0
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int64 1
LaBute can't avoid a fatal mistake in the modern era: He's changed the male academic from a lower-class Brit to an American, a choice that upsets the novel's exquisite balance and shreds the fabric of the film. | 0 | 19,708 |
^(#$!@#$)(()))****** | 1 | 13,441 |
<///style///><span %2F onmousemove='alert(1)'>SPAN | 1 | 725 |
<img\x10src=x onerror="javascript:alert(1)"> | 1 | 1,850 |
<div draggable="true" contenteditable>drag me</div><input2 ondrop=alert(1) contenteditable style=display:block>drop here</input2> | 1 | 4,627 |
0.541873813 | 0 | 26,981 |
There's a reason the studio didn't offer an advance screening. ``The Adventures of Pluto Nash'' is a big time stinker. | 0 | 19,424 |
Do we really need a 77-minute film to tell us exactly why a romantic relationship between a 15-year-old boy and a 40-year-old woman doesn't work? | 0 | 14,807 |
File "F:\AI\t5\lib\site-packages\flask\", line 2529, in wsgi_app | 0 | 28,924 |
As well-acted and well-intentioned as All or Nothing is, however, the film comes perilously close to being too bleak, too pessimistic and too unflinching for its own good. | 0 | 19,012 |
<BR SIZE="&{javascript:alert(1)}"> | 1 | 546 |
<figcaption onafterscriptexecute=alert(1)><script>1</script> | 1 | 5,087 |
2q8OiCPI | 0 | 25,091 |
Eight Legged Freaks is clever and funny, is amused by its special effects, and leaves you feeling like you've seen a movie instead of an endless trailer. | 0 | 18,251 |
It strikes hardest... when it reminds you how pertinent its dynamics remain. Fifty years after the fact, the world's political situation seems little different, and (director Phillip) Noyce brings out the allegory with remarkable skill. | 0 | 24,603 |
<col oncopy=alert(1) value="XSS" autofocus tabindex=1 style=display:block>test | 1 | 3,970 |
file:\\\etc/passwd | 1 | 13,767 |
You will emerge with a clearer view of how the gears of justice grind on and the death report comes to share airtime alongside the farm report. | 0 | 15,403 |
It manages to squeeze by on Angelina Jolie's surprising flair for self-deprecating comedy. | 0 | 16,484 |
The cast is top-notch and I predict there will be plenty of female audience members drooling over Michael Idemoto as Michael. | 0 | 16,326 |
<main onmouseout="alert(1)" style=display:block>test</main> | 1 | 6,455 |
<SCRIPT "a='>'" SRC=""></SCRIPT> | 0 | 2,394 |
By the final whistle you're convinced that this Mean Machine was a decent TV outing that just doesn't have big screen magic. | 0 | 22,852 |
麓贸脨隆脨麓禄矛脧媒脠脝鹿媒拢潞<ScRipt>alert(5)</script> | 1 | 11,359 |
<a href="javaascript:javascript:alert(1)">test1</a> | 1 | 591 |
<svg onunload svg onunload="javascript:javascript:alert(1)"></svg onunload> | 1 | 181 |
The film has several strong performances. | 0 | 16,035 |
<style>@keyframes slidein {}</style><sup style="animation-duration:1s;animation-name:slidein;animation-iteration-count:2" onwebkitanimationiteration="alert(1)"></sup> | 1 | 9,230 |
xvSZM3bw | 0 | 25,351 |
The film makes a fatal mistake: It asks us to care about a young man whose only apparent virtue is that he is not quite as unpleasant as some of the people in his life. | 0 | 21,228 |
<pre onkeydown="alert(1)" contenteditable style=display:block>test</pre> | 1 | 7,439 |
0.392850366 | 0 | 27,716 |
Bears is even worse than I imagined a movie ever could be. | 0 | 24,232 |
<del onmousemove="alert(1)" style=display:block>test</del> | 1 | 4,303 |
A recipe for cinematic disaster...part Quentin Tarantino, part Guy Ritchie, and part 1960s spy spoof, it's all bad. | 0 | 21,945 |
<article onmouseleave="alert(1)" style=display:block>test</article> | 1 | 3,209 |
"`'><script>\xEF\xBF\xAEjavascript:alert(1425)</script> | 1 | 12,657 |
<rt onpointerleave=alert(1) style=display:block>XSS</rt> | 1 | 7,658 |
<img src\x00=x onerror="javascript:alert(618)"> | 1 | 11,850 |
It's the movie equivalent of a sweaty old guy in a rain coat shopping for cheap porn. | 0 | 23,919 |
Might best be enjoyed as a daytime soaper. | 0 | 19,872 |
<style>@keyframes x{}</style><element style="animation-name:x" onanimationend="alert(1)"></element> | 1 | 9,601 |
<rp onkeyup="alert(1)" contenteditable style=display:block>test</rp> | 1 | 7,605 |
<svg><use xlink:href=data:image/svg | 1 | 11,175 |
<;BGSOUND SRC=";javascript:alert(1877);";>; | 1 | 13,107 |
It's a film that's destined to win a wide summer audience through word-of-mouth reviews and, not far down the line, to find a place among the studio's animated classics. | 0 | 16,802 |
<p id=x tabindex=1 onfocusin=alert(1)></p> | 1 | 7,261 |
aXYZABCDEFGHIJ | 1 | 13,588 |
<iframe2 oncontextmenu="alert(1)" style=display:block>test</iframe2> | 1 | 5,714 |
With an obvious rapport with her actors and a striking style behind the camera, H茅l猫ne Angel is definitely a director to watch. | 0 | 18,426 |
<applet onbeforescriptexecute=alert(1)><script>1</script> | 1 | 3,116 |
<set onpointerup=alert(1) style=display:block>XSS</set> | 1 | 7,989 |
Blue Crush is so prolonged and boring it isn't even close to being the barn-burningly bad movie it promised it would be. | 0 | 19,883 |
Eddie Murphy and Owen Wilson have a cute partnership in I Spy, but the movie around them is so often nearly nothing that their charm doesn't do a load of good. | 0 | 23,132 |
What makes the film special is the refreshingly unhibited enthusiasm that the people, in spite of clearly evident poverty and hardship, bring to their music. | 0 | 17,736 |
The gorgeously elaborate continuation of ``The Lord of the Rings'' trilogy is so huge that a column of words cannot adequately describe co-writer/director Peter Jackson's expanded vision of J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle-earth. | 0 | 14,200 |
Despite the opulent lushness of every scene, the characters never seem to match the power of their surroundings. | 0 | 24,110 |
A feature-length, R-rated, road-trip version of Mama's Family. | 0 | 19,536 |
<animatemotion onkeypress="alert(1)" contenteditable style=display:block>test</animatemotion> | 1 | 3,049 |
Director Uwe Boll and writer Robert Dean Klein fail to generate any interest in an unsympathetic hero caught up in an intricate plot that while cleverly worked out, cannot overcome blah characters. | 0 | 20,690 |
<nav onmouseenter="alert(1)" style=display:block>test</nav> | 1 | 6,824 |
OpenAI曾于1个月之前在官网公开了一款名为“Web Browsing”的ChatGPT插件。该插件可以利用Bing的API,在网上搜索问题的相关信息,给出具体答案。 | 0 | 29,033 |
<header draggable="true" ondragstart="alert(1)" style=display:block>test</header> | 1 | 5,459 |
/WEB-INF/web.xml | 1 | 13,788 |
<style>@keyframes x{}</style><button style="animation-name:x" onanimationend="alert(1)"></button> | 1 | 9,513 |
<BR SIZE="&{javascript:alert(675)}"> | 1 | 11,907 |
<w contenteditable id=x onfocus=alert()> | 1 | 1,309 |
<dt onbeforecut="alert(1)" contenteditable>test</dt> | 1 | 4,882 |
There seems to be no clear path as to where the story's going, or how long it's going to take to get there. | 0 | 21,072 |
There is something in Full Frontal, I guess, about artifice and acting and how it distorts reality for people who make movies and watch them, but like most movie riddles, it works only if you have an interest in the characters you see. | 0 | 20,391 |
The mystery of Enigma is how a rich historical subject, combined with so much first-rate talent ... could have yielded such a flat, plodding picture. | 0 | 19,622 |
<div draggable="true" contenteditable>drag me</div><colgroup ondragover=alert(1) contenteditable style=display:block>drop here</colgroup> | 1 | 4,544 |
<style>:target {transform: rotate(180deg);}</style><html id=x style="transition:transform 2s" ontransitionrun=print()></html> | 1 | 8,877 |
Handsome and|65892 | 0 | 28,792 |
ABC<div style="x:\x20expression(javascript:alert(1)">DEF | 1 | 269 |
0.980709054 | 0 | 26,666 |
Ydl65pn8 | 0 | 24,862 |
<style>@keyframes x{from {left:0;}to {left: 1000px;}}:target {animation:10s ease-in-out 0s 1 x;}</style><pre id=x style="position:absolute;" onanimationcancel="print()"></pre> | 1 | 9,378 |
Isn't it a bit early in his career for director Barry Sonnenfeld to do a homage to himself? And it's a lousy one at that. | 0 | 23,364 |
u57EYwBA | 0 | 25,489 |
Witty, touching and well paced. | 0 | 14,975 |
Has a certain ghoulish fascination, and generates a fair amount of B-movie excitement. | 0 | 15,761 |
0.366555475 | 0 | 27,467 |
<OBJECT TYPE="text/x-scriptlet" DATA=""></OBJECT> | 1 | 13,287 |
<img\x47src=x onerror="javascript:alert(1)"> | 1 | 1,849 |
<li onpointerrawupdate=alert(1) style=display:block>XSS</li> | 1 | 6,344 |
The journey to the secret's eventual discovery is a separate adventure, and thrill enough. | 0 | 16,232 |
A dreary movie. | 0 | 24,714 |
``its successes are also tempered with elements which prove the direct antithesis of what it gets right.'' | 0 | 14,458 |
<html id=x style="transition:outline 1s" ontransitionend=alert(1) tabindex=1></html> | 1 | 5,583 |
<style><!--</style><script>document.vulnerable=true;//--></script> | 1 | 2,483 |
Despite slick production values and director Roger Michell's tick-tock pacing, the final effect is like having two guys yelling in your face for two hours. | 0 | 23,266 |
<FRAMESET><FRAME SRC="javascript:document.vulnerable=true;"></frameset> | 1 | 2,439 |
<style>:target {color:red;}</style><audio id=x style="transition:color 1s" ontransitionstart=alert(1)></audio> | 1 | 8,537 |
<INPUT TYPE="IMAGE" SRC="javascript:alert('XSS');"> | 1 | 1,249 |
a?name=abc | 1 | 13,966 |
Director Todd Solondz has made a movie about critical reaction to his two previous movies, and about his responsibility to the characters that he creates. | 0 | 18,029 |
"><img src=x onerror=javascript:alert(('A'))> | 1 | 1,793 |
An Asian neo-realist treasure. | 0 | 17,340 |
LaPaglia's ability to convey grief and hope works with Weaver's sensitive reactions to make this a two-actor master class. | 0 | 15,331 |