listlengths 2
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: if the Trump administration “had done its job, the virus wouldn’t come” to New York\n\nQ1: Was Trump administration to blame for the COVID-19 virus spread in New York ?\nA1: Trump receives his most positive ratings for how he is addressing the economic needs of businesses facing financial difficulties. About half of Americans (51%) say the president is doing an excellent or good job addressing the needs of businesses, while 48% say Trump is doing an only fair or poor job.\n\nQ2: What was Trump administration response to Covid-19 ?\nA2: Chairman Pallone, Ranking Member Walden and distinguished members of this committee. It is an honor to appear before you today to discuss the Department of Health and Human Services’ ongoing response to the COVID-19 pandemic. We are grateful for this opportunity to address how each of our agencies and office are harnessing innovation to prevent, diagnose, and treat the novel coronavirus SARs-CoV-2.\n\nCOVID-19 is a new disease, caused by a novel (or new) coronavirus that has not previously been seen in humans. This new disease, officially named Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) by the World Health Organization (WHO), is caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. There are many types of human coronaviruses including some that commonly cause mild upper-respiratory tract illnesses. Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses. Some cause illness in people, and others, such as canine and feline coronaviruses, only infect animals. Rarely, coronaviruses that infect animals have emerged to infect people and can spread between people. This is suspected to have occurred for the virus that causes COVID-19. Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) are two other examples of coronaviruses that originated in animals and then spread to people.",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: It seems that there is no mention of the Trump Administration being the cause of New York having Covid-19 cases. It also looks like 51% of Americans say the president is going an excellent/good job - whilst only 48% think he is doing a fair/poor job.\n\nverdict: 'Refuted'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: A motorcycle fatality in Orlando Florida was counted as a COVID death.\n\nQ1: What is the nature of the data/tally of Covid-19 deaths\nA1: Provisional death counts are based on death certificate data received and coded by the National Center for Health Statistics as of March 8, 2021. Death counts are delayed and may differ from other published sources (see Technical Notes). Counts will be updated periodically\n\nQ2: When was a motorcycle death in Orlando classified as a COVID-19 death\nA2: A spokesman for the Florida Department of Health in Orange County said it was reviewed and removed, but he didn't know exactly when\n\nQ3: Is the motorcycle death listed as a COVID death by the Orlando department of Health\nA3: Kent Donahue, from Dr. Pino's office, said the motorcyclist's death \"was reviewed and he was taken off the list for COVID fatalities",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: It seems that while the fault was made initially form the question and asnwer pairs, it was removed afterwards. Therefore the claim is refuted\n\nverdict: 'Refuted'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: Matt Hancock claimed that the UK covid-19 lockdown began on 16th March 2020.\n\nQ1: Is Matt Hancock quoted as saying the UK Covid lockdown started on March 16th 2020?\nA1: Yes he said:\n\n“The 16th of March is the day that I came to this House and said that all unnecessary social contact should cease. That is precisely when the lockdown was started.”",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: From the QAit indeed seems that Mwtt Hancock said that. Therefore the claim is supported \n\nverdict: 'Supported'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: All workers at Gardenia, a bread-manufacturing factory in the Philippines, had tested positive for COVID-19.\n\nQ1: At the time of this claim, how many worker s in Gardenia Binan had tested positive for COVID-19?\nA1: In a Viber message on July 30, 2020, DOH undersecretary Dr. Maria Rosario Vergeire told AFP: “Fake news! There are two (2) confirmed cases in Gardenia Binan as per our record / Only one (1) remains an active case.”",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: Only 2 people tested positive for COVID-19\n\nverdict: 'Refuted'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: Nigeria, Ghana, Cote d’Ivoire, Senegal and Guinea are responsible for over 80 per cent of COVID-19 cases in West Africa.\n\nQ1: What is the total number of Covid cases in West Africa\nA1: No answer could be found.\n\nQ2: What is the number of Covid-19 cases in Nigeria on July 17\nA2: No evidence could be found\n\nQ3: What is the number of Covid-19 cases in Ghana on July 17\nA3: 26,125\n\nQ4: What is the number of Covid-19 cases in Cote d'Ivorie on July 17?\nA4: 13,403\n\nQ5: What is the number of Covid-19 cases in Senegal on July 17?\nA5: 8,481\n\nQ6: What is the number of Covid-19 cases in Guinea on July 17?\nA6: 6,359\n\nQ7: What is the total number of cases for all these countries?\nA7: 89,222",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: The amount of people with covid in these areas all add up to be above 80% so the claim is correct. \n\nverdict: 'Supported'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: Azerbaijan has threatened to bomb the nuclear power plant in Armenia.\n\nQ1: Has Azerbaijan government threatened to bomb the nuclear plant in Armenia?\nA1: Yes, because \"The Armenian side must not forget that our army's state-of-the-art missile systems allow us to strike the Metsamor nuclear plant with precision, which could lead to a great catastrophe for Armenia,\" Vagif Dargahli, the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry spokesman, said on July 16, hours after hostilities had resumed following a one-day lull.\n\nQ2: Why has the Azerbaijan government threatened to bomb the nuclear plant in Armenia?\nA2: The July 16 warning drew outrage from Yerevan and deepened concerns that the worst violence in four years between Azerbaijan and Armenia, who are technically still in a war begun in the late 1980s, could quickly spiral out of control.\n\nAt least 16 Azerbaijanis and Armenians have died in the fighting near a northern section of their internationally recognized border that has included heavy artillery, tank, and drone attacks since it began on July 12.\n\nYerevan and Baku routinely threaten and accuse the other of provocations that have killed dozens of people in recent years, many of them civilians, with neither side willing to back down publicly for fear of being viewed as weak in the more than 30-year-long standoff.\n\nQ3: Did U.S celebrity Kim Kardashian tweet about the warning ?\nA3: Yes, because American media personality Kim Kardashian West, whose father has Armenian heritage, posted a message about the fighting on social media.",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: The ongoing tensions between the two countries has led to the deaths of many people in recent years, showing no signs of resolution\n\nverdict: 'Supported'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: John Hickenlooper, the former Governor of Colorado accepted donations from Anadarko Petroleum Corp, a oil and gas company involved in a 2017 fatal explosion, in exchange for the company not being penalized.\n\nQ1: Did John Hickenlooper, the former Governor of Colorado, accept donations from Anadarko Petroleum Corp, an oil and gas company involved in a 2017 fatal explosion?\nA1: Yes, because Among the biggest donors was the former Anadarko Oil and Gas. The company donated $25,000 to the governor’s office in 2017, just days after a deadly explosion in Firestone was tied to a leaking underground pipeline owned by the company. Over the course of four years, it gave the governor’s office more than $330,000, money for which there is little accounting.\n\nQ2: Had Anadarko Petroleum Corp donated to Hickenlooper’s administration prior to the Firestone accident?\nA2: Yes, because A Hickenlooper campaign spokesperson told us the company had already contributed nearly $219,000 to Hickenlooper’s administration prior to the Firestone accident.\n\nQ3: Is there evidence to suggest that the donated money by Anadarko Petroleum Corp to Hickenlooper’s administration was a form of pay off?\nA3: No, because The analysis found no evidence that the donations were connected to official action taken by Hickenlooper’s administration.\n\nQ4: Did experts question whether it was possible that donated money by Anadarko Petroleum Corp to Hickenlooper’s administration was a form of pay off?\nA4: Yes, because Frank Lamonte, Director of the Brechner Center for the Freedom of Information, said he’s never heard of direct donations to a governor’s office without oversight. “Big dollar presents like that are the exact kind of things that ethics laws seek to prohibit and regulate.”\n\nWhile CBS4 found no evidence of a quid pro quo, Lamonte said the potential is certainly there. Lamonte calls the donations an end-run around campaign finance laws that come with limits and public disclosure, “Even if it’s well-intentioned and there is no influence buying going on, it just raises all sorts of red flags that it could influence the direction of policy and it could influence what legislation is prioritized, it could give, at least if not influence, it could give preferred access to the governor.”\n\nQ5: Could Anadarko officials have been prosecuted by Hickenlooper’s administration?\nA5: No, because As for no Anadarko officials being prosecuted, Sharon Jacobs, an associate professor at the University of Colorado School of Law, told us that would have been up to the state attorney general at the time — not Hickenlooper.\n\nQ6: How was Anadarko Petroleum Corp prosecuted for the Firestone accident?\nA6: The Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission (COGCC) today announced it has\napproved the $18.25 million penalty against Kerr-McGee, a subsidiary of Occidental\nPetroleum, at an Online Special Hearing. The Commission considered COGCC staff’s\nAdministrative Order by Consent (AOC), as a part of the enforcement process, and heard from\nKerr-McGee and Mrs. Erin Martinez, who lost her husband and brother when her home was\ndestroyed on April 17, 2017.\n\nQ7: What date was Anadarko Petroleum Corp's fine issued on?\nA7: April 13, 2020\n\nQ8: Was Hickenlooper governor on the 13th of April, 2020?\nA8: No, because Hickenlooper’s successor, Democratic Gov. Jared Polis\n\nQ9: Did Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper accepted donations in exchange for not penalizing an oil and gas company involved in a fatal home explosion in 2017 ?\nA9: A Hickenlooper campaign spokesperson told us the company had already contributed nearly $219,000 to Hickenlooper’s administration prior to the Firestone accident. In April 2020, under Hickenlooper’s successor, Democratic Gov. Jared Polis, the COGCC approved a record $18.25 million fine — the largest ever issued by COGCC — against Kerr-McGee, a subsidiary of Occidental Petroleum, which acquired Anadarko in August 2019. The company was fined for violating four rules, the COGCC said in its press release.But the NRSC pointed to an October 2019 Denver Post article that said some promises Colorado leaders made after the Firestone incident, such as providing a comprehensive, public map of all pipelines, hadn’t been fulfilled.\nThat may be, but there’s no evidence that contributions from Anadarko had anything to do with it. This claim is false.",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: the company was fined for violating four rules, there is no evidence that any donations accepted by John Hickenlooper was an exchange for not penalising the company. \n\nverdict: 'Refuted'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: US Businesses that refuse any legal tender can be fined and sued.\n\nQ1: Is there any federal law in the United States that says merchants must accept cash?\nA1: There is no federal law that says merchants must accept cash. But a handful of states and municipalities have passed laws barring businesses from refusing cash.\n\nQ2: What happens if any United States business refuses to accept any legal tender?\nA2: The business and or establishments would get levy fines against them if they refuse cash payment.\n\nQ3: Is there a provision of the law in the US that allows a business to be sued and fined for refusing to accept any legal tender ?\nA3: This bill will prohibit food-service and retail establishments from\nrefusing to accept cash as a form of payment. It would also levy fines\nagainst establishments if they refuse cash payment.",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: The bill prevents businesses from refusing cash \n\nverdict: 'Supported'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: Free federal housing for former inmates.\n\nQ1: Does the 'Unity platform' of U.S. presidential candidate Joe Biden and senator Bernie sanders include free housing for former prison inmates?\nA1: No, because 'It will ensure that 100 percent of returning citizens\nhave access to transitional housing upon reentry from jail or prison.",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: The claim is vague but I think it may be common knowledge that \"federal\" implies this relates to the USA.\nThe claim doesn't mention the \"unity platform\"\n\nverdict: 'Refuted'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: Betting on online slot machines has increased by 25% during lockdown.\n\nQ1: How was the 25% increase in slot machine usage during lockdown calculated?\nA1: The figure was obtained by comparing the number of players involved in slot machine usage in March 2019 (2,095,824) with usage in March 2020 (2,618,165). This was a year on year increase of 25% in users, but not in usage of slot machines, which fell by 2%.",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: Slot machine USERS increased by 25% but not in usage. \n\nverdict: 'Refuted'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: United States citizens don't get the level of benefits that Bidens policy would be looking to give illegal immigrants\n\nQ1: What US benefits does US President Joe Biden want to make extented to immigrants\nA1: Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Programs to low-income and lawfully present immigrants.\n\nQ2: Can US citizens claim Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance benefits?\nA2: Programs require you to be a U.S. citizen or eligible non-citizen.",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: The program is for both US citizens and eligible non-citizens \n\nverdict: 'Refuted'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: The Democrats want to abolish US police departments. They want to abolish our prisons, I guess.\n\nQ1: What is this claim referring to?\nA1: BIDEN-SANDERS UNITY TASK FORCE RECOMMENDATIONS\nCOMBATING THE CLIMATE CRISIS AND PURSUING ENVIRONMENTAL\nJUSTICE\n\nQ2: Does the document mention abolishing police departments or prisons?\nA2: No, because \"Abolish\" is mentioned 4 times but not with any reference to police departments or prisons.",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: The word Abolish has not been used in relevance to police departments or prisons.\n\nverdict: 'Refuted'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: Biden wants to end mandatory minimums in criminal sentences.\n\nQ1: What has Biden said about mandatory minimum sentencing?\nA1: Biden's Unity document says they will fight to repeal federal mandatory minimums in sentencing.",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: Confirmed by unity document.\n\nverdict: 'Supported'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: Vaccines were responsible for 50 million deaths during the Spanish flu pandemic in 1918.\n\nQ1: Was there a vaccine available in 1918 for the Spanish flu?\nA1: (There was not a vaccine)\n\n\"With no vaccine to protect against influenza infection and no antibiotics to treat secondary bacterial infections that can be associated with influenza infections, control efforts worldwide were limited to non-pharmaceutical interventions such as isolation, quarantine, good personal hygiene, use of disinfectants, and limitations of public gatherings, which were applied unevenly.\"",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: From the 1st QA there seems to have been no vaccine. Therefore the claim is refuted \n\nverdict: 'Refuted'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: Biden plans to \"mandate net-zero carbon emissions for homes, offices and all new buildings by 2030. That basically means no windows, no nothing.\n\nQ1: What are Zero energy buildings\nA1: Zero energy buildings combine energy efficiency and renewable energy generation to consume only as much energy as can be produced onsite through renewable resources over a specified time period\n\nQ2: Are energy efficient buildings supposed to be windowless\nA2: No, because The energy efficient buildings are meant to use high-performance windows that meet ENERGY STAR v5.0 and v6.0 specifications (depending on climate zone). The required U and solar heat gain coefficient (SHGC) values are shown below, effective 8/22/2016.",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: From the 2nd QA it seems that the houses are not windowless. Therefore, the claim is refuted\n\nverdict: 'Refuted'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: One of the key elements of the Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force Recommendations (Biden, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, and Sanders, the leading voice for the most progressive Democrats Biden-Sanders (Biden, the presumptive US Democratic presidential nominee, and Sanders, the leading voice for the most progressive US Democrats) is that all charter schools will be abolished.\n\nQ1: What was stated in the Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force Recommendations regarding charter schools?\nA1: ...we will ban for-profit private charter\nbusinesses from receiving federal funding. And we recognize the need for more stringent\nguardrails to ensure charter schools are good stewards of federal education funds. We support\nmeasures to increase accountability for charter schools, including by requiring all charter schools\nto meet the same standards of transparency as traditional public schools, including with regard to\ncivil rights protections, racial equity, admissions practices, disciplinary procedures, and school\nfinances. We will call for conditioning federal funding for new, expanded charter schools or for\ncharter school renewals on a district’s review of whether the charter will systematically\nunderserve the neediest students.",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: The answer shows that the claim is refuted because charter schools will not be abolished.\n\nverdict: 'Refuted'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: Biden plans to stop all deportation.\n\nQ1: What does Biden's plan say about deportation?\nA1: The plan doesn’t say to permanently stop deportations. It calls for a 100-day moratorium on deportations of people already in the country (not people arriving at the border). The task force recommended that during the pause, there be a full-scale review of U.S. deportation practices.",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: Joe Biden's plan does not permanently stop deportations; instead, it calls for a 100-day moratorium on deportations of people already in the country (not people arriving at the border). The task force recommended that during the pause there be a full-scale review of U.S. deportation practices. Hence, the claim is refuted.\n\nverdict: 'Refuted'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: The US Biden-Sanders unity task force seeks to abolish immigration detention in the US.\n\nQ1: What is the intention of the Biden-Sanders unity task force as regards immigration\nA1: We believe detention should be a last resort, not the default. Democrats will prioritize\ninvestments in more effective and cost-efficient community-based alternatives to detention. We\nwill end for-profit detention centers and ensure that any facility where migrants are being\ndetained is held to the highest standards of care and guarantees the safety and dignity of families.\nDetention of children should be restricted to the shortest possible time, with their access to\neducation and proper care ensured.",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: The only Q&A pair states that the Biden admin only want to end 'for profit' centres and improve the detention centres overall, not abolish detention centres as is claimed.\n\nverdict: 'Refuted'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: The Democrats want to rejoin the Paris Climate Accord and seek an even higher level of restrictions on climate change.\n\nQ1: Do the Democrats want to rejoin the Paris Climate Accord and seek an even higher level of restrictions on climate change?\nA1: Some Democratic candidates have said they will make the goals of the Paris climate agreement more ambitious.\n\nFormer Vice President Joe Biden’s climate plan states that he’ll ramp up the targets of the agreement, make the commitments more transparent and enforceable, and, more broadly, integrate climate change into his foreign policy strategy. That includes conditioning trade agreements on partners meeting targets for cutting emissions.\n\nMassachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren proposed a plan to address climate change in her approach to national security. She wants the Pentagon to achieve net-zero carbon emissions for its non-combat bases and infrastructure by 2030.",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: It seems from the QA that some individuals indeed do want to rejoin the Paris Climate Accord. Therefore, the label is supported\n\nverdict: 'Supported'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: Border-wall construction under the Trump administration has replaced already existing barriers.\n\nQ1: How many miles of wall existed when Trump took office?\nA1: When Trump took office, 655 miles of the nearly 2,000-mile border between the U.S. and Mexico already had barriers. Most were constructed during the presidencies of Barack Obama and George W. Bush, who in 2006 signed the Secure Fence Act, authorizing “hundreds of miles of additional fencing.”\n\nQ2: How much of the wall built during Trump's administration, was new wall?\nA2: According to CNN's fact-checker, Daniel Dale, official figures as of June 19 show that out of the 216 miles built since January 2017, only three miles were new. The rest, according to Dale, replaced old barriers or were secondary barriers.",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: Only 3 miles were newly built under Trump, the rest were replacements for already existing walls \n\nverdict: 'Supported'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: The Biden-Sanders unity platform includes a plan to appoint social justice prosecutors in order to free violent criminals.\n\nQ1: What is the Biden-Ssnders unity platform?\nA1: A 110-page document of policy recommendations is the product of weeks of negotiations between six- and eight-person “Unity Task Forces” appointed by Biden (the presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden) and Bernie Sanders, the former vice president’s longest-lasting rival in the Democratic presidential primary. \nThe task forces drafted a joint approach to climate change, criminal justice, the economy, education, health care and immigration underscoring the party’s unity less than four months from November’s general election.\n\nQ2: What does the Biden-Sanders unity platform document state with regard to the appointment of prosecutors?\nA2: Appointing Prosecutors: Appoint people committed to criminal justice reform to key prosecutorial positions, including AG (Attorney General), DAG (Deputy Attorney General) and U.S. Attorneys.\n\nQ3: Does the Biden-Sanders unity platform document include a plan to free violent criminals?\nA3: No, because The document includes a plan to support state prosecutors to ensure public safety while reducing incarceration.",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: Aim is to reduce incarceration time without compromising public safety\n\nverdict: 'Refuted'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: Abolish immigration detention. No more detention. You come in here illegally, no more detention.\n\nQ1: Did Democrats want to abolish immigration detention?\nA1: No, because they proposed to end for-profit detention centers, but not for an abolition of all detention centers",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: Taken out of context and missing that it only includes profit based detention centres.\n\nverdict: 'Refuted'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: Donald Trump claimed that Biden's mandate for net zero carbon emissions for home, offices and new buildings would mean no windows.\n\nQ1: What is Joe Biden's net zero carbon emissions plan by 2030?\nA1: The Biden administration has committed to reduce those emissions 50% by 2030 below 2005 levels. That’s a critical first step of a global energy transition that must achieve net-zero emissions by midcentury to limit warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 F) and thereby avert the worst impacts of climate change.\n\nQ2: What is the specific buildings plan?\nA2: A net-zero emissions building portfolio by 2045, including a 50 percent emissions reduction by 2032.\n\nQ3: Does net-zero mean having no windows in buildings?\nA3: Net-zero really has nothing to say about whether you can have windows or not. As can be seen in the photo above, this important net-zero building has lots of windows.",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: This claim is refuted. According to the QA pairs, there is quite literally nothing in Biden's mandate that means \"no windows\" to combat carbon emissions. The mandate explains that emissions need to be reduced by 50% to pre-2005 levels. There was not a single mention of \"no windows\" anywhere as the claim states. Therefore, this claim is refuted.\n\nverdict: 'Refuted'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: Under Biden’s policy, immigrants in the country illegally \"get welfare benefits. United States citizens don't get what they're looking to give illegal immigrants.\n\nQ1: Do illegal immigrants in the USA get welfare benefits ?\nA1: The task force recommended that Biden extend health care coverage to immigrants illegally in the country by allowing them to purchase insurance through the Affordable Care Act marketplace, and allowing them to have health care coverage during a pandemic. Being allowed to buy health insurance isn’t the same as getting welfare.\n\nQ2: Can illegal immigrants buy health care?\nA2: Immigrants illegally in the country currently are not eligible to buy health insurance offered through the Health Insurance Marketplace created under the Affordable Care Act. However, they may be eligible for Emergency Medicaid to cover emergency medical needs.",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: they do not get welfare benefits but it was suggested they could buy healthcare, which isn't the same as welfare. \n\nverdict: 'Refuted'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: People Not Wearing Masks Can Be Reported to (281) 330-8004\n\nQ1: Was the claim made from a government source\nA1: The source isn't a government source so could be regarded as fake",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: The source of the answer can be loaded. No evidence can be found to support or refute the claim.\n\nverdict: 'Not Enough Evidence'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: What they're going to do is they're going to rip down the wall. They're taking it down.\n\nQ1: What does the claim refer to?\nA1: The speaker is Donald Trump, speaking in the U.S, about the dismantling of the southern border 'wall'\n\nQ2: How is the wall building funded?\nA2: Donald Trump could not get money from Congress to build the wall so he declared a national emergency. which allowed the Défense Department to take funds from other construction projects to fund the wall.\n\nQ3: Are the trumps political opponents planning on removing the southern boarder wall?\nA3: Beto O'Rourke said he would take down existing walls and fencing at the U.S.-Mexico border if he could.\n\nQ4: why did Trump make this statement\nA4: Owing to the lack of funding\n\nQ5: Is the US government taking down the wall\nA5: In theory, the projects are deferred, not cancelled, and the Defense Department says Congress could backfill the funds. But Democrats seem unlikely to smooth the way for a wall that they see as a waste of taxpayer money.",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: The 5th Q and A pair show that there is no plan to take down the wall. Some democrats do not want it but there is no plan to take it down.\n\nverdict: 'Refuted'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: Migrant arrests and expulsions in the US along the southern border are down.\n\nQ1: Was overall migrant movement down in 2020 due to the wall being built?\nA1: Border Patrol agents apprehended about half as many migrants at the U.S.-Mexico border in fiscal 2020 as they did the year before, according to newly released federal data. The sharp drop in the number of apprehended migrants follows a virtual shutdown of the border and new restrictions in the way asylum cases are handled in response to the coronavirus outbreak.\n\nFollowing a dramatic rise in fiscal 2019, apprehensions at the U.S.-Mexico border fell by about half in fiscal 2020 as COVID-19 closed borders. There were 400,651 apprehensions in the 2020 fiscal year (October 2019-September 2020), a 53% decrease from the previous fiscal year, when apprehensions soared to their highest level in 12 years.\n\nQ2: What happened to immigration numbers in 2020\nA2: After surging in 2019, migrant apprehensions at U.S.-Mexico border fell sharply in fiscal 2020",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: True\n\nverdict: 'Supported'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: The Biden-Sanders agenda proposes to end cash bail, releasing dangerous criminals onto US streets.\n\nQ1: Do the Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force recommendations support ending cash bail?\nA1: Democrats support eliminating the use\nof cash bail and believe no one should be imprisoned merely for failing to pay fines or fees.\n\nQ2: Is the End Cash Bail proposal aimed at dangerous criminals?\nA2: No, because Such concerns led California to make the controversial decision in August 2018 to eliminate cash bail altogether, a move that the bail bond industry blocked pending a 2020 statewide referendum. In the new system, judges would detain defendants pretrial only if they are deemed dangerous or likely to skip court.\n\nQ3: Are there states that don't have the authority to determine if someone is dangerous for pre-trial release?\nA3: Thanks to a 1971 law, New York is the only state in the country where judges don’t have the authority to consider a person’s possible “dangerousness” in determining the conditions of their release before trial. When reform negotiations in the state began and the door was opened to modifying that system, some lawmakers wanted to add dangerousness as a sanctioned factor for pre-trial release, in exchange for the total abolition of bail in the state. Progressive reformers bristled—arguing that too often, judges ascribe dangerousness in ways that amplify the racial discrimination that pervades the justice system. Ultimately, they pursued a compromise that did not add dangerousness but preserved bail only for the most serious crimes.",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: The proposal is to end cash bail, unless the person is deemed dangerous or likely to skip court.\n\nverdict: 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: Bonnie Henry issued advice about living with the threat of Covid-19.\n\nQ1: Is Bonnie Henry qualified to give sound medical advice\nA1: Yes, because Dr. Bonnie Henry, MD MPH FRCPC, Deputy Provincial Health Officer for the Province of British Columbia, and Associate Professor, UBC School of Population of Public Health, is a specialist in Public Health and Preventive Medicine and is Board Certified in Preventive Medicine in the U.S\n\nQ2: Has Bonnie Henry made any statements concerning the Covid-19 pandemic\nA2: Yes, because An example is when she made a statement about the easing of restrictions imposed due to the pandemic",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: From question 2 the answer and source explains that the Dr made a statement about the easing of restrictions and therefore this does match the claim made.\n\nverdict: 'Supported'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: The United States has one of the lowest Covid-19 mortality rates\n\nQ1: How many deaths has there been from Covid-19 in United States?\nA1: 572,200\n\nQ2: How does USA Covid-19 mortality rate rank among other countries?\nA2: USA has 174.32 deaths per 100.000 people, 5th highest in the world",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: US is the 5th highest in the world.\n\nverdict: 'Refuted'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: Former Indian Deputy Chief Minister and rebel Congress leader Sachin Pilot has joined the Bharatiya Janata Party.\n\nQ1: Did Former Indian Deputy Chief Minister Sachin Pilot join the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in July of 2020?\nA1: I am not joining BJP. Those saying that are just trying to lower me in Gandhis’ eyes,” Sachin Pilot told Hindustan Times. around July 15th 2020",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: Evidence includes a denial quote. \n\nverdict: 'Refuted'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: Philippine Depositary Receipts are equal to actual ownership in the Philippines.\n\nQ1: What are PDRs?\nA1: PDRs are forms of securities that grant holders the right to the delivery of sale of underlying shares.\n\nQ2: Are they equal to actual ownership?\nA2: PDRs are forms of securities that grant holders the right to the delivery of sale of underlying shares. They are, however, “not evidences [sic] or statements nor certificates of ownership of a corporation,” according to the Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE).",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: They don't serve as evidence of ownership in the Philippines \n\nverdict: 'Refuted'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: Clinical trials have been completed for potential Russian COVID-19 vaccine.\n\nQ1: When was the claim made?\nA1: July 2020\n\nQ2: How many stages are there in vaccine trials?\nA2: There are 4 phases of biomedical clinical trials:\n\n* Phase I studies usually test new drugs for the first time in a small group of people\n* Phase II studies test treatments that have been found to be safe in phase I but now need a larger group of human subjects\n* Phase III studies are conducted on larger populations and in different regions and countries,\n* Phase IV studies take place after country approval and there is a need for further testing in a wide population over a longer timeframe.\n\nQ3: Did Russia have a potential COVID-19 vaccine in July 2020.\nA3: No, because The vaccine was only in Phase one at this time, It had not completed all clinical trials.",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: The vaccine was only at the first phase of the trial when the claim was made \n\nverdict: 'Refuted'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: The Obama administration stopped testing during the H1N1, Swine Flu, pandemic.\n\nQ1: Did the US stop testing for H1n1?\nA1: Individual case counts were kept early during the 2009 H1N1 outbreak when the 2009 H1N1 virus first emerged. As the outbreak expanded and became more widespread, individual case counts become increasingly impractical and not representative of the true extent of the outbreak. This isbecause only a small proportion of persons with respiratory illness are actually tested and confirmed for influenza (including 2009 H1N1) so the true benefit of keeping track of these numbers is questionable. In addition, the extensive spread of 2009 H1N1 flu within the United States made it extremely resource-intensive for states to count individual cases. On July 24, 2009, CDC discontinued reporting of individual cases of 2009 H1N1, but continued to track hospitalizations and deaths.\n\nQ2: What was WHO's stance on H1N1 testing?\nA2: For all of these reasons, WHO will no longer issue the global tables showing the numbers of confirmed cases for all countries. However, as part of continued efforts to document the global spread of the H1N1 pandemic, regular updates will be provided describing the situation in the newly affected countries. WHO will continue to request that these countries report the first confirmed cases and, as far as feasible, provide weekly aggregated case numbers and descriptive epidemiology of the early cases.\n\nQ3: Did the Obama administration stopped testing during the H1N1, Swine Flu, pandemic.\nA3: On July 24, 2009, the Obama administration did not stopped testing during the H1N1, rather CDC discontinued reporting of individual cases of 2009 H1N1, but continued to track hospitalizations and deaths.",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: It seems from the last QA that the testing did not stop, it was the reporting that became less frequent, therefore the label is refuted\n\nverdict: 'Refuted'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: South Africa has “expertise in the development and trial of a range of vaccines”\n\nQ1: What is an example of research work carried out in South Africa?\nA1: The American Society for Microbiology Journals published online on April 3, 2019, a research paper entitled Prime-Boost Immunizations with DNA, Modified Vaccinia Virus Ankara, and Protein-Based Vaccines Elicit Robust HIV-1 Tier 2 Neutralizing Antibodies against the CAP256 Superinfecting Virus written by authors from South Africa's\nInstitute of Infectious Disease and Molecular Medicine, Faculty of Health Science, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa;\nDivision of Medical Virology, Department of Pathology, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa;\nCentre for HIV and STIs, National Institute for Communicable Diseases of the National Health Laboratory Service, Johannesburg, South Africa;\nFaculty of Health Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa;\nCentre for the AIDS Programme of Research in South Africa (CAPRISA), University of KwaZulu-Natal, Congella, South Africa;\nBiopharming Research Unit, Department of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa\n\nQ2: Who is Biovac?\nA2: Headquartered in Cape Town, the Biovac Institute is the result of a partnership formed with the South African government in 2003 to establish vaccine manufacturer in South Africa. The company partners with various organisations across the vaccine value chain, from development to manufacturing and distribution..\n\nQ3: What technology packages has Biovac developed to create bacterial vaccines?\nA3: We have developed a technology package for the manufacture of Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) conjugate vaccine. To date, this has been transferred to two international vaccine manufacturers. One of our partners has successfully commercialised a pentavalent vaccine containing Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis, Hepatitis B, Haemophilus influenzae b (DTP-HepB-Hib) using our conjugate Hib vaccine technology. The second partner has started clinical trials.",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: There are institutions in South Africa with adequate facilities that deals in vaccine value chain, from development to manufacturing and distribution. \n\nverdict: 'Supported'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: Russia's Sechenov University has completed clinical trails of COVID-19 vaccine.\n\nQ1: Did Russia's Sechenov University complete clinical trails of COVID-19 vaccine?\nA1: Sechenov University has completed the first phase of clinical trials of COVID-19 vaccine.",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: The Q/A finds that the Sechenov University has completed the first phase of clinical trials of COVID-19 vaccine so it would appear that the claim is supported.\n\nverdict: 'Supported'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: South Africa has expertise in the development and trial of a range of vaccines.\n\nQ1: Has South Africa developed vaccines?\nA1: But there is only one locally developed human vaccine, The vaccine, developed by a team mostly from UCT, aimed to protect people against a strain of HIV. .\n\nQ2: What other experience does South Africa have in vaccine development?\nA2: They have developed a technology package for the manufacture of Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) conjugate vaccine, and the institute is currently developing a vaccine against group b strep, or GBS. This bacterium is usually found in the gut, and can cause pneumonia and meningitis in newborns.\n\nThere are currently more than a thousand clinical trials underway in South Africa, according to the South African National Clinical Trial Register.",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: They have a number of clinical trials that are up and running \n\nverdict: 'Supported'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: Sarah Sachin Pilot attacks Gehlot in a tweet saying that even \"big magicians\" will start sweating when they turn to Delhi.\n\nQ1: Did Sarah Sachin Pilot attack Gehlot in a tweet saying that even \"big magicians\" will start sweating when they turn to Delhi?\nA1: No, because Please don't use tweets from here to file stories. This is a FAKE twitter account. \n\nSurprised to see tweets from this account making it to mainstream news and agency stories. \n@TwitterIndia please take note\n\nQ2: Was the account of ‘Sarah Sachin Pilot’ verified?\nA2: No, because ... the account of ‘Sarah Sachin Pilot’ was not verified.",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: She did not tweet such a claim.\n\nverdict: 'Refuted'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: An Indian student finds a Home remedy cure for Covid-19 and it is accepted by WHO (World Health organization)\n\nQ1: According to the WHO is there a cure for COVID-19\nA1: While some western, traditional or home remedies may provide comfort and alleviate symptoms of mild COVID-19, there are no medicines that have been shown to prevent or cure the disease. WHO does not recommend self-medication with any medicines, including antibiotics, as a prevention or cure for COVID-19. However, there are several ongoing clinical trials of both western and traditional medicines.",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: There is no cure according to WHO so no home remedy has been approved.\n\nverdict: 'Refuted'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: South Africans have the right to resist isolation or quarantine if found to hsve the virus\n\nQ1: What virus does the claim refer to?\nA1: Coronavirus Covid 19\n\nQ2: Do guidelines in South Africa require isolation or quarantine of Covid infected individuals?\nA2: Yes, because South Africa’s health guidelines for COVID-19 state that an individual can successfully self-quarantine if they have access to a separate room where no one else spends time\n“Where these requirements cannot be met, the person should quarantine in a designated facility,” the government advises.\n\nQ3: Can a person legally refuse to self isolate or quarantine?\nA3: According to Regulation 4 of the Disaster Management Act, no one suspected of potentially contracting COVID-19 may refuse a medical examination or admission to a health facility or quarantine site.\n\nQ4: What does the legal health document say on an individuals right to refuse to isolate or quarantine?\nA4: No person who has been confirmed as a clinical case or as a lab confirmed cade as having contracted Covid 19, or who is susspected of having contracted Covid 19, or who has been in contact with a person who is a carrier of Covid 19 may refuse consent to ...\n- submission to a medical exemption, including any bodily sample by an authorised person.\n- Admission of that person to a health faculty for quarantine or isolation.",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: It seems from the 4th QA that the people s5ill have to quarantine, therefore the claim is refuted \n\nverdict: 'Refuted'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: South Africa “has an established vaccine manufacturing capability”\n\nQ1: Is South African president Ramaphosa correct about country’s ability to make vaccines?\nA1: South Africa has a history of producing human vaccines, though since the early 2000s it has not manufactured vaccines start to finish, largely due to cost.\nThe country has the expertise to develop vaccines, though to date only one locally developed human vaccine has made it to the human-trial stage of testing.\nMany clinical trials are run in the country, including one currently for a potential Covid-19 vaccine.\n\nQ2: does the governemt have the capacity to produce vaccines\nA2: No, because but is a public-private entity responsible for the government’s human vaccine procurement. It sources and provides vaccines as part of the government’s expanded programme on immunisation.",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: it's clear that South does develop vaccines, and has the capacity to do some testing, but isn't able to do so start to finish due to cost, so this is conflicting evidence. \n\nverdict: 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: A cobbler in West Bengal, Sanjoy Rabidas, scored 93% in West Bengal board exams. He is also an RSS member.\n\nQ1: What score did Sanjay Rabidas get in his exams?\nA1: He got 465/700 (66%)\n\nQ2: Is Sanjoy Rabidas an RSS member?\nA2: In an interview with India Today Anti Fake News War Room Sanjoy said he was not a member of RSS.",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: Not an RSS member, scored 66% not 93%.\n\nverdict: 'Refuted'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: Answering a call from '+140' will empty your bank account.\n\nQ1: Why are people receiving calls from +140 numbers\nA1: It was a gimmick to promote Sony LIV’s new series Undekhi\n\nQ2: Will answering a call from a +140 empty your bank account\nA2: No, because Sony LIV tweeted that it was a promotional activity and If you have received a call for our show Undekhi & it has disturbed you we would like to sincerely apologise to you. This was a test activity which has gone out accidentally & our intention was not to cause any kind of discomfort or panic. We sincerely regret any inconvenience.",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: Q1 establishes what the claim is about and Q2 directly addresses the claim.\nThe answer to Q2 doesn't really address the question asked unless one assumes Sony LIV can be trusted. There is a better source in support of Q2 (link available in source given)\nStill, it is clear that this claim is refuted.\n\nverdict: 'Refuted'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: Prof Stephen Adei praises Prof Naana Opoku-Agyeman as a great leader\n\nQ1: Did 3FM interview Prof Stephen Adei?\nA1: Host of the Sunrise morning show on 3FM Alfred Ocansey has dismissed reports making rounds that the Board Chairman of the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA), Professor Stephen Adei, was granted an interview on his show on Friday regarding the nomination of Professor Naana Jane Opoku-Agyemang as the running mate to John Dramani Mahama for this year’s elections. Mr Ocansey stated on the show on Monday, July 13 that no such interview was conducted, hence the said report should be disregarded and be treated with the contempt that it deserves.",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: Prof Stephen Adei did not interview and praise Prof Naana Opoku-Agyema.\n\nverdict: 'Refuted'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: In 1920 #Mahashivratri was celebrated at Karachi. It just took 100 years to completely eradicate the festival. This decades-old Mahashivratri celebration held annually in Karachi was cancelled in 2020.\n\nQ1: What is the Mahashivratri celebration?\nA1: Maha Shivaratri (IAST: Mahāśivarātri) is a Hindu festival celebrated annually in honour of the god Shiva. The name also refers to the night when Shiva performs the heavenly dance called Tandava.\n\nQ2: Is there an annual Maha Shivratri (Mahāśivarātri) festival in Karachi?\nA2: This annual festival in honor of Lord Shiva's marriage to Parvati Devi is still celebrated by the Hindu community in Clifton, near the beach in Karachi. Men and women both fast, wash the icon of Lord Shiva in holy water, and then proceed to the ocean during the pooja where they can break the fast in the early morning. The 2019 festival is scheduled for March 4th. Hindus celebrate Maha Shivratri festival in Karachi - Paper Jewels 2018-22\n\nQ3: Was the Mahashivratri celebrated in Karachi in 2020?\nA3: No answer could be found.",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: Unknown if the festival was actually cancelled in 2020.\n\nverdict: 'Not Enough Evidence'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: A graphic from the World Health Organization (WHO) lists the “7 biggest brain damaging habits\n\nQ1: What did the WHO website say about the image circulating with their name attached to it\nA1: Searching their website shows no evidence of the said graphic",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: This claim is refuted. According to the QA pairs, there is no evidence whatsoever to support the claim. The claim has been checked on the WHO's official website and social media (twitter) and no alleged \"graphic\" has been found. Therefore, this claim is refuted.\n\nverdict: 'Refuted'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: PR stunt by TV channel leads to police warning on phone no. starting with 140\n\nQ1: What did the PR stunt involve?\nA1: clip of Maharashtra police requesting the public not to answer phone calls coming from the numbers starting with 140 or +91140 were being shared. If answered, the police personnel warned that their mobiles will be hacked and they would lose all the money in their bank accounts.\n\nQ2: Has it been confirmed as a PR stunt?\nA2: Yes, because @Mumbai Police clarified that numbers starting with +140 are telemarketing calls. and for people not to believe The viral message rumour.",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: Supported claim\n\nverdict: 'Supported'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: You no longer have to quarantine if you have returned to England from an exempt country before July 10.\n\nQ1: when will it be legal not to quarantine yourself in the UK\nA1: 10th July\n\nQ2: Which countries consists the common travel areas\nA2: The Common Travel Area (CTA) is a long-standing arrangement between the UK, the Crown Dependencies (Bailiwick of Jersey, Bailiwick of Guernsey and the Isle of Man) and Ireland that pre-dates both British and Irish membership of the EU and is not dependent on it.\n\nQ3: when does the quarantine end if you arrived England from an exempt country\nA3: “If you arrived back in England before 10 July 2020, you should follow the self-isolation rules that applied at the time you arrived.”",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: Until the 10th July you still had to obey self isolation rules.\n\nverdict: 'Refuted'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: Proud to be AMU alumnus, 35-year-old scientist Kushbu Mirza, has been promoted as Director in ISRO. She is an alumnus of Aligarh Muslim University and only the 2nd Muslim Scientist after Dr.A.P.J. Abdul Kalam to hold this rank at ISRO\n\nQ1: Has Kushbu Mirza been promoted to a Director role in ISRO?\nA1: No she has been promoted to Director Rank ‘Scientist -F ‘\n\nQ2: Has Kushbu Mirza commented on her promotion?\nA2: In a now deleted tweet She said: “Dear friends and well-wishers, With your blessings, I have been promoted to the next grade in my organization recently. Though it is a big milestone in my career. it's not as big as some of you think. I have seen many news items spreading some false articles about me,” .\n\nQ3: Was the former President Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam the first muslem to hold position of Director in ISRO?\nA3: No, because Kalam was Project director for SLV-III project which was India’s first indigenously designed and produced a satellite launch vehicle. Later he was shifted to the Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO).",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: She was not promoted to Director in ISRO rather director of scientists Rank F\n\nverdict: 'Refuted'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: The CDC may have to stop calling COVID-19 an ‘epidemic’ due to a remarkably low death rate.\n\nQ1: Has the novel coronavirus been described as an epidemic by the CDC\nA1: Health officials and leaders have made several official declarations about the novel coronavirus. But the major ones weren’t about declaring an epidemic, and none were made by the CDC\n\nQ2: Does low death rate translate to the novel coronavirus not being an epidemic\nA2: No, because The epidemic threshold \"refers to the point at which the observed proportion of deaths is significantly higher than would be expected at that time of the year in the absence of substantial influenza, and now COVID-related mortality.\" Deaths are a lagging indicator of COVID-19, partly because of a delay in the processing of death certificates. Death rates alone don’t \"have bearing on whether COVID-19 is still an epidemic,\" given that the extent of the outbreak is the primary factor.\n\nQ3: Is mortality rate alone enough to classify a disease as an epidemic\nA3: Death rates alone do not define an epidemic",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: Q&A's state that death rate has no bearing on weather a virus outbreak is called 'epidemic'\n\nverdict: 'Refuted'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: A letter from a consultant at a hospital in Surrey claims that hospitals are empty and that there is no pandemic.\n\nQ1: What did the NHS say about the claims concerning the pandemic\nA1: These claims have been denied by the National Health Service\n\nQ2: What are the number of deaths in Surrey according to NHS records\nA2: 1,100 deaths",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: The answer and sources show that there were deaths in Surrey from covid so the claim is refuted.\n\nverdict: 'Refuted'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: The World Health Organization (WHO) is advertising home-based jobs to \"fight coronavirus\" and says no experience is necessary.\n\nQ1: Did the World Health Organisation respond to the claim that they were advertising home-based jobs to fight coronavirus?\nA1: We’ve noticed a fake job advert making rounds on social media. \nWe request the general public to disregard it because it’s FAKE❗️\nAll job opportunities at WHO are posted on who.int",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: The WHO named in the claim stated in a social media post that no such jobs exist, and they have not made any such job postings.\n\nverdict: 'Refuted'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: Peter Navarro said a Covid-19 study “showed an astonishing 50% reduction in the mortality rate for patients taking hydroxychloroquine,”\n\nQ1: What is hydroxychloroquine?\nA1: Hydroxychloroquine belongs to the family of medicines called “antimalarials” (AMs), which are also classified as disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs, or DMARDs. These drugs were initially used to prevent and to treat malaria but are no longer used for those purposes and are now often used for lupus.\n\nQ2: Has hydroxychloroquine been used to treat COVID-19?\nA2: There was some early off-label use of hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19\n\nQ3: Is there a study showing 50% reduction in the mortality rate for patients taking hydroxychloroquine?\nA3: Yes, because A study from the Henry Ford Health System in Michigan did show a 50% reduction in the risk of death in those who received hydroxychloroquine vs other drugs like azithromycin\n\nQ4: Does the FDA approve the use of hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19 patients?\nA4: No, because The FDA revoked the use of hydroxychloroquine for hospitalised patients, citing other trials showing it is unlikely to be effective.\n\nQ5: Are there other studies which show different results of the use of hydroxychloroquine?\nA5: In this observational study involving patients with Covid-19 who had been admitted \nto the hospital, hydroxychloroquine administration was not associated with either a \ngreatly lowered or an increased risk of the composite end point of intubation or \ndeath. Randomized, controlled trials of hydroxychloroquine in patients with Covid-19 \nare needed. (Funded by the National Institutes of Health.",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: It appears from the Q&As that there is conflicting evidence with regards to the use of Hydroxychloroquine. As some reports have found it works whilst some haven't.\n\nverdict: 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: Scottish Government got £21m from Summer economic update.\n\nQ1: Is £21m the maximum Scotland will receive?\nA1: When asked whether the Scottish Government would receive just £21 million as a result of the Plan for Jobs as the Scottish Finance Minister has claimed, I said that I couldn’t see how you would arrive at such a number given the schemes just mentioned, as well as the stamp duty holiday for England and Northern Ireland. It would get much more.",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: Seems though the Scottish Government would get more than £21 million - Hence somewhat true.\n\nverdict: 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: Deaths from COVID-19 are nearing zero in the U.S. in early July 2020.\n\nQ1: What date was this claim made?\nA1: 08/07/2020\n\nQ2: What were the latest weekly Coid-19 deaths at 08/07/2020?\nA2: w/e 4th July 2020 - provisional -181 deaths involving Covid-19.\n\nQ3: What data is used to report weekly deaths?\nA3: The provisional counts for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) deaths are based on a current flow of mortality data in the National Vital Statistics System. National provisional counts include deaths occurring within the 50 states and the District of Columbia that have been received and coded as of the date specified. It is important to note that it can take several weeks for death records to be submitted to National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), processed, coded, and tabulated. Therefore, the data shown on this page may be incomplete, and will likely not include all deaths that occurred during a given time period, especially for the more recent time periods. Death counts for earlier weeks are continually revised and may increase or decrease as new and updated death certificate data are received from the states by NCHS. COVID-19 death counts shown here may differ from other published sources, as data currently are lagged by an average of 1–2 weeks.",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: The answer and sources show that there were still deaths from covid at that time and so the claim is refuted.\n\nverdict: 'Refuted'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: People are developing fungal lung infections due to wearing face masks.\n\nQ1: What is a fungal lung infection?\nA1: A variety of fungi can cause deep and systemic infections. People frequently become infected because they come in contact with the environment where a fungus grows, such as infected soil. Lung infections typically start with the inhalation of fungal spores. With lung infections, and with fungal infections that have spread below the surface of the skin, the invading fungi have the potential to disseminate from the original infection location and move to the blood (septicaemia) and/or spread throughout the body – into organs, tissues, bone, and sometimes into the meninges that cover the spinal cord, and into the brain.\n\nQ2: Can prolonged wearing of a facemask cause a fungal lung infection in the wearer?\nA2: Wearing a mask does not cause fungal infections in the lungs,\" said Dr. Ranit Mishori, professor of family medicine at Georgetown University School of Medicine. \"",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: Refuted by doctor in the 2nd QA pair.\n\nverdict: 'Refuted'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: The founder of Ghana's Progressive People’s Party (PPP), Dr Paa Kwasi Nduom tweeted that Prof. Jane Opoku Agyeman was far better than Ghana's current Vice-President Mahamudu Bawumia.\n\nQ1: What is the official Twitter handle of the founder of Ghana's Progressive People’s Party (PPP), Dr Paa Kwasi Nduom?\nA1: The official Twitter handle of Dr Nduom is @pknduom.\n\nQ2: What is the handle of the twitter account which made the claim?\nA2: The twitter handle of the claim tweet was @paakwasijunior.",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: Q&A establish the facts but in an odd way.\nThe source refutes the claim.\n\nverdict: 'Refuted'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: Herbal drink made of snake grass can cure cancer by killing cancer cells in 24 hours.\n\nQ1: What is snake grass?\nA1: snake grass or belalai gajah, Clinacanthus nutans is a Thai herbal folk medicinal plant. It has been used to treat skin rashes, snake bites and herpes simplex virus.\n\nQ2: Has there been any scientific study on the effects of snake grass on cancer cells?\nA2: researchers reviewed the pharmacological properties of the tropical plants that were reported to be used for cancer, and they selected seven promising plant species for further investigation. These medicinal plants are Bandicoot Berry (Leea indica), Sabah Snake Grass (Clinacanthus nutans), Fool's Curry Leaf (Clausena lansium), Seven Star Needle (Pereskia bleo), Black Face General (Strobilanthes crispus), South African Leaf (Vernonia amygdalina), and Simpleleaf Chastetree (Vitex trifolia)\n\nQ3: Was snake grass effective at killing cancer cells in a scientific study?\nA3: the leaf extract of the Snake Grass was not very effective in inhibiting growth of cancer cells.",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: This claim is not backed up with any evidence or studies \n\nverdict: 'Refuted'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has said that bubonic plague can be spread through cough droplets.\n\nQ1: What information about the spread of the bubonic plague has the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released?\nA1: The bite of an infected flea causes the infection to spread.\n\nQ2: If left untreated, can the bubonic plague form into another disease?\nA2: Yes, because The pneumonic plague is another form of the disease which can develop from untreated bubonic plague.\n\nQ3: How does the pneumonic plague spread?\nA3: Pneumonic plague may develop from inhaling infectious droplets or may develop from untreated bubonic or septicemic plague after the bacteria spread to the lungs. The pneumonia may cause respiratory failure and shock. Pneumonic plague is the most serious form of the disease and is the only form of plague that can be spread from person to person (by infectious droplets).",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: Answers show that cough droplets can't spread the bubonic plague, but it can spread pneumonic plague, which is another form of the disease which can develop from untreated bubonic plague. \n\nverdict: 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: International students contributed over $40 billion to the U.S. economy in 2018-19.\n\nQ1: How much did international students contribute to the U.S. economy in 2018-19?\nA1: International students in America contributed $41 billion to the U.S. economy.",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: The Q&A pair give a simple answer that shows the main figure in the claim is true.\n\nverdict: 'Supported'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: Over 1 million international students studied at American universities in the 2018-19 school year.\n\nQ1: What are the official figures for foreign students studying in the USA?\nA1: WASHINGTON, D.C., November 18, 2019—The number of international students in the United States set an all-time high in the 2018/19 academic year, the fourth consecutive year with more than one million international students. The total number of international students, 1,095,299, is a 0.05 percent increase over last year, according to the 2019 Open Doors Report on International Educational Exchange.",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: 1,095,299 international students studied.\n\nverdict: 'Supported'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: Bubonic plague is “airborne” and “can be spread when an infected person coughs.”\n\nQ1: What is Bubonic plague?\nA1: Plague is one of the deadliest diseases in human history, \nBubonic plague is the most common form of the disease that people can get. The name comes from the symptoms it causes - painful, swollen lymph nodes or 'buboes' in the groin or armpit.\n\nQ2: Is bubonic plague an 'airborne' infectious disease?\nA2: No, because The pneumonic plague is an airborne plague not the bubonic plague.\n\nQ3: Can Bubonic plague be spread by people coughing?\nA3: It can be spread by Inhaling infected respiratory droplets spread by infected people or animals The infection could also enter the body through a cut in the skin if the person came in close contact with an infected animal's blood.",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: Not airborne, but droplets spread by coughing can be a vector for infection.\n\nverdict: 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: Drivers in Canada face penalties of three demerit points and a $1,500 fine if a passenger in their car is using a mobile phone\n\nQ1: Is it true that Drivers in Canada face penalties of three demerit points and a $1,500 fine if a passenger in their car is using a mobile phone?\nA1: No province has a $1,500 fine for distracted driving, according to this Canadian Automobile Association website.\n\nQ2: What's the penalty that drivers in Canada face if a passenger in their car is using a mobile phone?\nA2: No answer could be found.\n\nQ3: Is there a driving fine in Canada that amounts to $1,500?\nA3: No, because Fines for distracted driving vary across different regions of Canada, but there's no fine of $1,500.",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: There is insufficient evidence to determine whether a passenger in a car could face a penalty for using a mobile phone in Canada. However, fines for distracted driving vary by region in Canada, and there is no $1,500 fine.\n\nverdict: 'Not Enough Evidence'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: Ghana’s Health Minister, Kwaku Agyeman-Manu claims that President Akufo-Addo is tired of the coronavirus fight due to citizens reluctance to adhere to the preventive protocols.\n\nQ1: Is Ghana’s Health Minister, Kwaku Agyeman-Manu quoted as saying that that President Akufo-Addo is tired of the coronavirus fight due to citizens reluctance to adhere to the preventive protocols.\nA1: Health Minister Kwaku Agyeman-Manu says recent media reports quoting him as saying the President is tired of the COVID-19 fight are a mistranslation of his comments he made in his native bono language.\n\nAccording to the report circulated online, the health minister made the comments at a ceremony in Dormaa to suggest that President Akufo-Addo and health officials at the forefront are already tired adding that Ghanaians must take personal responsibility to protect themselves from contracting the virus.\n\nBut Mr Agyeman-Manu says the story is inaccurate.\n\n\"I only pleaded with Ghanaians on our normal COVID education awareness and I spoke about the hard work the President has put in to this battle. The tireless efforts that the President and health officials have put into this fight require that we all help and adhere to the safety protocols. If we don’t, may put the President’s labour in vain.\"\n\n\"I did not mean that the President or the government are tired\" he said, adding that \"I spoke in Bono and I suspect those translating got it wrong.\" \n\nMr Agyeman-Manu has asked the general public to disregard the false reports.",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: His speech was translated wrong - Ghana’s Health Minister, Kwaku Agyeman-Manu then clarified what he meant.\n\nverdict: 'Refuted'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: President Donald Trump claimed that Nascar's decision to ban confederate flags at NASCAR events, has caused the lowest ratings ever.\n\nQ1: When was the confederate flag banned from Nascar events?\nA1: June 10th 2020.\n\nQ2: Did the banning of the Confederate flag at Nascar events effect viewer ratings?\nA2: Overnight TV ratings for Wednesday night’s Cup Series race at Martinsville were up 104 percent from the same spot on the series schedule last year",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: From the 2nd question-answer pair it seems that the cancellation had no effect on the viewing of the event. Therefore, the claim is refuted\n\nverdict: 'Refuted'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: NOT ONE POLITICIAN DIED, LOST THEIR JOB OR WORN MASKS DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC\n\nQ1: Had any politician died by July 2020?\nA1: Louisiana State Rep. Reggie Bagala, South Dakota State Rep. Bob Glanzer and former Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain, according to media reports. Politicians in countries across the globe have also died due to the virus, per Al Jazeera.\n\nQ2: Has any polician lost his job due to the COVID-19?\nA2: Yes, because At least one politician lost his job in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro fired former Health Minister Luiz Henrique Mandetta in April after weeks of disagreements about how to handle the coronavirus pandemic, CNN reported. Mandetta sent a series of tweets on April 16 announcing his removal as health minister.\n\nQ3: Have politicians been wearing masks?\nA3: Yes, because Among those who have worn masks are President Donald Trump, Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, among countless others.",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: The Q&a pairs list politicians who died, wore masks and lost jobs due to Covid 19.\n\nverdict: 'Refuted'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: An image in New Zealand shows that a rural New Zealand town is set to remove a trout statue\n\nQ1: Which locality in New Zealand has a trout statue\nA1: IN Gore, a town of 12,500 on the South Island of New Zealand, street signs proclaim that the visitor has arrived in the world capital of brown trout. To reinforce the point, town officials have erected a huge sculpture of the fish in a grassy park halfway between the town’s bustling main business street and the Mataura River, a world-famous brown trout stream a quarter-mile away.\n\nQ2: Has the Gore district officials decided to remove the trout statue\nA2: No, because A search of the Gore official website reveals no information about it",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: Based on no statement/information presented on the official website.\n\nverdict: 'Refuted'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: The COVID-19 pandemic has seen conspiracy theories emerge with claims 5G vendors have used the lockdown in Australia – and elsewhere – to roll out 5G networks without public knowledge. Accompanying those are claims that the expanded network may cause negative health effects in people.\n\nQ1: When was the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown in Australia?\nA1: 12 March, (2020) when the WHO officially called it a pandemic, to 1 May,\n\nQ2: When did 5G rollout start in Australia?\nA2: 2019 was the year of 5G in Australia (and around the world)\n\nQ3: What is the impact on health from the radiation emitted by 5G devices.\nA3: There is no established evidence that low level radio wave exposure from 5G and other wireless telecommunications can affect the immune system or cause any other long term or short term health effects.",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: From the 3rd QA it is evident that 5G has not been found to have an impact on health, therefore the claim is refuted\n\nverdict: 'Refuted'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: PCR (polymerase chain reaction) tests for coronavirus pierce the blood-brain barrier.\n\nQ1: Are pcr tests for covid unsafe?\nA1: Safely and easily be performed by the patient in their own car or at home.\n\nQ2: How is a PCR test performed?\nA2: Usually that means a narrow swab is placed in a person's nose or mouth to collect cells from the back of the throat.\n\n\"An upper respiratory specimen, particularly a nasopharyngeal swab, is the most common sample collected to reliably detect the virus,\" says Dr. Rodino. \"Some lower respiratory samples like sputum are also acceptable in some settings.\"\n\nQ3: Can a nasal swab damage or penetrate the blood-brain barrier?\nA3: No answer could be found.",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: No evidence has been provided to refute the claims state of PCR tests pierce the blood-brain barrier.\n\nverdict: 'Not Enough Evidence'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: The Israeli Air Force has bombarded nuclear installations in Iran, practically putting an end to its nuclear ambitions.\n\nQ1: What did the media report on bombardments of nuclear installations in Iran?\nA1: DUBAI (Reuters) - Iran will retaliate against any country that carries out cyber attacks on its nuclear sites, the head of civilian defence said, after a fire at its Natanz plant which some Iranian officials said may have been caused by cyber sabotage.\n\nQ2: What was the media's reportage In connection with claims that the attacks were carried out by the Israeli Air Force?\nA2: Two of the Iranian officials said Israel could have been behind the Natanz incident, but offered no evidence.\n\nQ3: What was the comment by the Israel defence minister Benny Gantz about the incident?\nA3: JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israel’s defence minister said on Sunday it is not “necessarily” behind every mysterious incident in Iran, after a fire at the Natanz nuclear site prompted some Iranian officials to say it was the result of cyber sabotage.",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: The claim wording uses 'Bombarded' whilst the Q&A pairs state that a bomp may have been planted, or cyber attack caused a fire, no Q&A pair state a bombardment..\nAlso, no evidence has been found as reported by the pairs to support any of the claims intent.\n\nverdict: 'Not Enough Evidence'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: Muslims failing to understand government messaging were responsible for Leicester’s local outbreak.\n\nQ1: When did Leicester go into lockdown?\nA1: lockdown was reinstated 30 June 2020\n\nQ2: Why was lockdown reinstated?\nA2: The Health Secretary said an \"unusually high\" incidence of coronavirus in children was revealed when extra testing was carried out to contain a surge\nThe Department of Health and Social Care told Leicester Live that it believed a rise in cases was due to “transmission within households, lower compliance with social distancing in the community, and workplace transmission may all be contributing",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: From the question and answer pairs it seems that, that there is not enough evidence that Muslims were responsible for the outbreak, Therefore, the claim is refuted\n\nverdict: 'Refuted'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: Ghislaine Maxwell, the recently arrested associate of Jeffrey Epstein, has tested positive for COVID-19 in jail.\n\nQ1: Where was this claim published?\nA1: Brown Valley Observer\n\nQ2: What is Brown Valley Observer?\nA2: This is an entertainment website written to satirize news events, politics, and popular faces and ideas, and to provide commentary on social attitudes and trends.",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: The claim is from a satirical website \n\nverdict: 'Refuted'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: local government in the Australian state of Victoria has begun handing out an AUD1,500 (USD1,044) payment to “anyone who tested positive for COVID-19”.\n\nQ1: What payment is Australian state of Victoria offering to people testing positive with Covid-19?\nA1: The $1500 Pandemic Leave Disaster Payment is a one-off payment to help Victorian workers who have been directed to self-isolate or quarantine for 14 days, or care for someone who has been directed to self-isolate or quarantine.\n\nQ2: Is the payment available for anyone who has tested positive for Covid-19?\nA2: No, because It is only for Victorian workers who have been directed to self-isolate or quarantine for 14 days, or care for someone who has been directed to self-isolate or quarantine.",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: $1500 payment is for workers in Victoria who have been directed to self-isolate or quarantine, or to care for such a person - so individual does not have to have tested positive for COVID-19 to qualify for the payment.\n\nverdict: 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: American rapper Kanye West is running for President of the United States in the 2020 elections.\n\nQ1: Did rapper Kayne West plan on run for President of the U.S in 2020?\nA1: He tweeted 'I am running for president of the United States 🇺🇸! #2020VISION' in 2020.",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: yes, he announced he was running for president\n\nverdict: 'Supported'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: Obasanjo said there will be a second war in Nigeria\n\nQ1: Does the quote in the headline that Obasanjo predicts another NIgerian war, appear in the article?\nA1: Searching the document does not find the quote. The headline does not appear in the article.\n\nQ2: Did Obasanjo say there would be a second war in Nigeria in an interview with Premium Times?\nA2: There is no mention of a second war in Nigeria within the Premium Times interview with Obasanjo.\n\nQ3: Who made this claim?\nA3: Biafra Star website\n\nQ4: Where did the Biafra Star website insinuate the claim came from?\nA4: in an interview with Premium Times.",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: There's no mention of a second war by Obasanjo in the article\n\nverdict: 'Refuted'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: Muslims can’t use alcohol-based hand sanitiser as it is against their religion.\n\nQ1: Do Muslims use alcohol based hand sanitizers\nA1: While we try to survive a global pandemic, most Muslims will pay attention to health guidelines and use the products as much as necessary.\n\nIt is Islamically halal (permissible) to do so too. Most Muslims will agree that anything that’s a necessity is allowed, meaning alcohol-based cleaning products that don’t have an intoxicating effect are halal.\n\nQ2: Are Muslims permitted to use hand sanitizers with alcohol?\nA2: Yes, because The Muslim Faith and the use of Alcohol Based Hand Sanitisers\n\nDeb Group Ltd has sought advice on this matter from the Muslim Council of Britain\nand the NHS, and has been given the following guidelines.\n\nMuslims in the UK should not be concerned about using alcohol based sanitisers on\ntheir skin because:\n\n1. Any alcohol sold for use on the skin is rendered undrinkable, by law.\n\n2. The issue of alcohol in the Muslim faith relates to the drinking of alcohol, and\nnot its use in other ways, such as the disinfection of skin.\n\n3. Muslims are permitted to use alcohol based sanitisers for alleviating illness or\nimproving health.\n\n4. The Muslim Food Board (UK) has confirmed that the use of alcohol based\nsanitisers is permitted by their scholars.\n\n5. For further reassurance, there is evidence to show that when using a sanitiser\nthe amount of alcohol absorbed through the skin is negligible.",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: The COVID-19 Guidance for Muslim Communities does not forbids the use of alcohol-based hand sanitiser. It is Islamically permissible, since alcohol-based cleaning products that don’t have an intoxicating effect.\n\nverdict: 'Refuted'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: Zara closed 1,200 stores due to effects the covid19 pandemic had on the \neconomy\n\nQ1: How many stores has Zara closed down in Spain?\nA1: Inditex plans to have a total network of between 6,700 and 6,900 stores, which will involve opening 450 new stores and absorbing between 1,000 and 1,200 smaller-sized stores. Most of these smaller stores are older stores belonging to brands other than Zara\n\nQ2: Have Zara shops been closed down in Spain due to Covid-19 pandemic?\nA2: There is no mention in the Inditex group's plans for 2022 that any shops will be closed due to the Covid-19 pandemic.",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: From answers below it seems no zara stores were closed down due to COVID-19. \n\nverdict: 'Refuted'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: The founder of AirBnb said that because of this pandemic, 12 years of efforts were destroyed in 6 -8 weeks due to effects the covid19 pandemic had on the \neconomy\n\nQ1: Did The founder of AirBnb say that because of this pandemic, 12 years of efforts were destroyed in 6 -8 weeks due to effects the covid19 pandemic had on the economy?\nA1: Brian Chesky, CEO and founder of Airbnb, said in an interview with CNBC on June 22, 2020: “We spent 12 years building Airbnb’s business and lost almost all of it in the matter of 4-6 weeks.”\n\n“Travel as we knew it is over. It doesn't mean travel is over, just the travel we knew is over, and it's never coming back,” he added.",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: The founder did say this. \n\nverdict: 'Supported'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: Prime Minister Narendra Modi has “inducted” 22-year-old Prathap NM from Karnataka, who builds drones from e-wastes, into the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO).\n\nQ1: Who did PM Narendra Modi induct into the Defence Research and Development Service\nA1: No answer could be found.\n\nQ2: Can PM Modi induct someone into the DRDO\nA2: Every year RAC recruits Scientists in DRDS mostly at entry level (Scientist 'B'). However, depending on the requirements in specialized areas of research & development, limited number of scientists are also recruited in higher grades (Scientist 'C' to Scientist 'H').",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: There is no evidence shown below to support or refute the claim about the specific person Prathap NM being inducted into the DRDO therefore I can not make a decision.\n\nverdict: 'Not Enough Evidence'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: Victoria’s Secret has declared bankruptcy due to effects the covid19 pandemic had on the \neconomy\n\nQ1: Where has Victoria's Secret declared bankruptcy?\nA1: In it's UK branches\n\nQ2: What kinds of changes has Victoria's secret apply to its administration at the time of the claim?\nA2: According to Oriental Daily, the company fell into administration which, like filing for bankruptcy, allow them to postpone the payment of unpaid debt. But unlike filing for bankruptcy, the management can still run the business with the consent of the administrators.\n\nStatistics show that the retail company’s store in the UK has lost 170 million pounds (about RM 923 million) as of February 2019.\n\nHowever, the business outside of the UK will not be affected.\n\nQ3: What was the reason behind these changes?\nA3: Lingerie giant Victoria’s Secret has become the next victim to the lockdown due to coronavirus — the owner, L Brands Inc. filed for protection from creditors last Friday (June 5).\nL Brands Inc. has over 800 employees and 25 stores of Victoria’s Secret in the UK, all of which has been shut down for weeks due to the lockdown.",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: The 1st Q and A shows that they fell into administration not declared bankruptcy so the claim is cherrypicking.\n\nverdict: 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: Tata Motors has come up with a new electric car called EVision, which can run up to 1,000 kms on being charged once and the battery has a 10-year warranty.\n\nQ1: When did TATA announce the new EVision electric car\nA1: Tata EVision concept electric car was showcased at the 2018 Geneva Motor Show and still remains a concept car with no official announcement about its production future\n\nQ2: Has TATA released a car that is fully electric and can go 1000kms in one charge and has a battery life warranty of 10 years\nA2: Suresh Rangarajan, Head of Corporate Communications at Tata Motors, on a Linkedin post said “fake news that has been travelling far and wide – no such announcements made by the company. Someone’s imagination running wild.”\n\nQ3: Is there a working example of the Tata Evision?\nA3: Tata EVision concept electric car was showcased at the 2018 Geneva Motor Show and still remains a concept car with no official announcement about its production future.",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: The company CEO has refuted that claim\n\nverdict: 'Refuted'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: Rolex discontinued production due to effects the covid19 pandemic had on the \neconomy\n\nQ1: What do Rolex produce?\nA1: Watches.\n\nQ2: Do Rolex still produce watches?\nA2: Rolex produced new models of watch in 2020, 2021 and 2022.\n\nQ3: Did Rolex watches stop being produced through any of the Covid-19 pandemic years?\nA3: An internal letter to employees from CEO Jean-Frederic Dufour was sent out to employees and stated that “Rolex will close production facilities in Geneva, Bienne, and Crissier for 10 days effective Tuesday, March 17, 2020.”\n\nQ4: Was the closure of production due to the economy?\nA4: No, because As stated in the CEOs letter, it was to protects the workers families and limit the risks of spreading the Coronavirus as much as possible.",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: The reason for the discontinued production was as a result of COVID-19 health risks not the effects on the economy\n\nverdict: 'Refuted'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: Shanghai-based clothing company La Chapelle Closed 4391 stores due to effects the covid19 pandemic had on the \neconomy\n\nQ1: When was the first outbreak of Covid-19?\nA1: 31st Dec 2019\n\nQ2: Has LaChapelle closed any stores?\nA2: Year ending 31 Dec 2019\nThe number of\ndomestic operating outlets of the Group decreased from 9,269\nas at 31 December 2018 to 4,878 as at 31 December 2019.\nThe Group added 586 retail outlets in overseas region for the\nfinancial year ended 31 December 2019 due to the acquisition\nof the French brand Naf Naf during 2019\n\nQ3: Were LaChapelle's closures done over the year to 21 Dec 2019?\nA3: Yes, because During the Reporting Period, it continued to optimize offline direct sales channels and closed\ndirectly-operated stores with low efficiency and were loss-making\n\nQ4: Why did LaCahpelle close some stores in 2019?\nA4: the Company proactively implemented a\nstrategic contraction strategy. During the Reporting Period, it continued to optimize offline direct sales channels and closed\ndirectly-operated stores with low efficiency and were loss-making. As at the end of 2019, the number of domestic operating\noutlets of the Company was 4,878, with a net decrease of 4,391 from 9,269 at the end of 2018,\n\nQ5: Why did LaChapelle close some stores in 2019?\nA5: The Company proactively implemented a\nstrategic contraction strategy. During the Reporting Period, it continued to optimize offline direct sales channels and closed\ndirectly-operated stores with low efficiency and were loss-making. As at the end of 2019, the number of domestic operating outlets of the Company was 4,878, with a net decrease of 4,391 from 9,269 at the end of 2018.\n\nQ6: Did La Chapelle close 4391 stores before the first outbreak of COVID-19?\nA6: Yes, because It closed stores prior to 31st December 2019.",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: Shanghai-based clothing company La Chapelle closed Closed 4391 stores to proactively implement a\nstrategic contraction strategy. La Chapelle continued to optimize offline direct sales channels and closed\ndirectly-operated stores with low efficiency and were loss-making. \n\nverdict: 'Refuted'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: Viral video shows Pakistani and Chinese soldiers celebrating after 20 Indian soldiers were killed in action at Galwan Valley.\n\nQ1: What is the original source of the viral video which claims to show Pakistani and Chinese soldiers celebrating after 20 Indian soldiers were killed in action at Galwan Valley.\nA1: The source was found to be from a YouTube channel by Amyn Yar Baig, and was posted in 2018, so cannot be from the 2020 clash in the Galwan Valley.",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: The Q&A show that the video cannot be from the Galwan valley in 2020, so is therefore refuted. \n\nverdict: 'Refuted'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: Dr VK Srinivas, Vice President of Bharat Biotech photographed having the first COVID-19 vaccine developed by Bharat Biotech.\n\nQ1: Was Dr VK Srinivas the Vice President of Bharat Biotech in 2020?\nA1: No answer could be found.\n\nQ2: Was Dr VK Srinivas photographed having his Covid-19 vaccination in 2020?\nA2: No, because There is no evidence to suggest this.\n\nQ3: Was Dr VK Srinivas the first person to receive the Bharath Biotech Covid-19 vaccine?\nA3: No, because The image shown is not of Dr V K Srinivas and the Bharath vaccine was still in development in July 2020.",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: From the evidence, the man in the image is not Dr VK Srinivas \n\nverdict: 'Refuted'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: One in four NI adults are now at risk of hunger and malnutrition.\n\nQ1: What research did this claim come from?\nA1: Feeding Britain and Northumbria University's healthy living lab.\n\nQ2: Was this research for the whole of the UK or did it just cover NI?\nA2: All of the Uk and as not broken down into areas, so no NI specific figure is available.",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: The 2nd Q&A points out that the data is for the whole of the country, not the one specific part in the claim, so the figure is inaccurate, and so refuted by the Q&A pair\n\nverdict: 'Refuted'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: A cartoon showing piglets with given names of Indian national media outlets feeding on a pig with the face of Indian Prime Minister Nerendra Modi is drawn by American cartoonist Ben Garrison.\n\nQ1: Is the cartoon showing piglets with given names of Indian national media outlets feeding on a pig with the face of Indian Prime Minister Nerendra Modi drawn by American cartoonist Ben Garrison.?\nA1: No, The original image was called lipstick on a pig and of Hillary Clinton.",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: The answer and source shows that the drawing is not what the claim suggests so the claim is refuted.\n\nverdict: 'Refuted'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: People are starting to enter ERs with fungal lung infections from wearing masks.\n\nQ1: Can wearing a face mask cause fungal lung infections?\nA1: There is no evidence indicating that masks increase the wearer’s risk of developing pneumonia or other bacterial, viral, or fungal lung infections.\n\nThe WHOTrusted Source acknowledge that if a person wears the same mask for a long time, microorganisms may grow on the fabric.\n\nThe CDCTrusted Source recommend that a person removes the face covering once they return home and washes it before using it again.\n\n“All masks should be changed if wet or visibly soiled; a wet mask should not be worn for an extended period of time. […] Either discard the mask or place it in a sealable bag where it is kept until it can be washed and cleaned,” the WHOTrusted Source advise.\n\nQ2: Have there been reports of people going to ERs with fungal lung infections from wearing masks?\nA2: No, because There are no news reports on people going to ERs with fungal lung infections from wearing masks.\n\nQ3: How should masks be used safely?\nA3: The WHOTrusted Source acknowledge that if a person wears the same mask for a long time, microorganisms may grow on the fabric.\n\nThe CDCTrusted Source recommend that a person removes the face covering once they return home and washes it before using it again.\n\n“All masks should be changed if wet or visibly soiled; a wet mask should not be worn for an extended period of time. […] Either discard the mask or place it in a sealable bag where it is kept until it can be washed and cleaned,” the WHOTrusted Source advise.\n\nQ4: What precautions should be taken when using masks?\nA4: The WHOTrusted Source acknowledge that if a person wears the same mask for a long time, microorganisms may grow on the fabric.\n\nThe CDCTrusted Source recommend that a person removes the face covering once they return home and washes it before using it again.\n\n“All masks should be changed if wet or visibly soiled; a wet mask should not be worn for an extended period of time. […] Either discard the mask or place it in a sealable bag where it is kept until it can be washed and cleaned,” the WHOTrusted Source advise.\n\nQ5: Do studies into the the long term use of masks report lung infections?\nA5: No, because Prolonged use of N95 and surgical masks by healthcare professionals during COVID-19 has caused adverse effects such as headaches, rash, acne, skin breakdown, and impaired cognition in the majority of those surveyed. As a second wave of COVID-19 is expected, and in preparation for future pandemics, it is imperative to identify solutions to manage these adverse effects. Frequent breaks, improved hydration and rest, skin care, and potentially newly designed comfortable masks are recommendations for future management of adverse effects related to prolonged mask use.",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: None of the Q&A suggest that the claim is true. \n\nverdict: 'Refuted'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: Donald Trump tweeted that he told the South Dakota governor that “everyone is fine without a mask. They just need to close there (sic) border with California.”\n\nQ1: DID DONALD TRUMP TWEET THAT SOUTH DAKOTA NEEDS TO CLOSE ITS BORDER WITH CALIFORNIA?\nA1: appears to be fabricated. There is no record of Donald Trump ever saying this even in his deleted tweets.\n\nQ2: Did Donald Trump tweet that he told the South Dakota governor that \"everyone is fine without a mask. They just need to close there (sic) border with California.\"?\nA2: There is no evidence found via ProPublica’s archive of Donald Trump's tweet.",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: there is no evidence that this is true. \n\nverdict: 'Refuted'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: Ferdinand Marcos left ‘90%’ of his wealth to Filipinos\n\nQ1: Is there a portion of Ferdinand Marcos' will that has him give any amount of money to the Filipinos\nA1: No answer could be found.\n\nQ2: Did Ferdinand Marcos have a ;last will and testament\nA2: Yes, because A portion of it was released online",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: Since there isn't an answer to whether any money of this man will be given to Filipinos, the label is not enough evidence\n\nverdict: 'Not Enough Evidence'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: Budweiser admits several employees have been pissing in its beer tanks for years.\n\nQ1: Who published the claim?\nA1: satire website called “foolishumor.com\".\n\nQ2: What sort of site is this?\nA2: Taken from their website This website is a humorous page whose sole purpose is entertainment. The content of Foolish Humor is fiction and does not correspond to reality.\n\nQ3: So is there any proof found that the claim is true?\nA3: No answer could be found.",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: The site publishing the claim is a satire website and therefore it is unlikely to be based on truth. \n\nverdict: 'Refuted'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: Photos showing sewer, sacks and trash-filled beaches in Boracay were taken during the past administration of former president Benigno Aquino III.\n\nQ1: When were the images used in the claim taken originally\nA1: The images were taken after Typhoon Ursula hit the Philippines in 2016\n\nQ2: Who was the President of the Philippines in 2016\nA2: Rodrigo Duterte",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: The 1st Q&A pair states the images in the claim were taken after a typhoon which is does not fault a government administration which it appears attributed to in the claim, The 2nd Q&A pair state that the president in the claim was not the president at the time the images were taken either, thus refuting both parts of the claim.\n\nverdict: 'Refuted'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: A Budweiser employee has been urinating in a beer tank for 12 years.\n\nQ1: Where was this story posted ?\nA1: A site called foolishhumor.com\n\nQ2: What sort of site is this?\nA2: At the end of the website, there is a disclaimer that stated, “This website is a humorous page whose sole purpose is entertainment. The content of Foolish Humor is fiction and does not correspond to reality.”",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: Satire news story.\n\nverdict: 'Refuted'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: Wearing of a face mask while carrying a gun is a class 4 felony.\n\nQ1: What is a class 4 felony in the U.S?\nA1: A Class 4 felony is a classification of a type of crime. Although a Class 4 felony is the least serious of all felony charges, it still is a very serious charge.\n\nFelony charges (from most serious to least) are: Class X, Class 1, Class 2, Class 3 and Class 4. The level below a Class 4 felony is a Class A Misdemeanour.\n\nQ2: It it illegal to wear a mask whilst carrying a gun in any U.S\nA2: Only in Illinois is it a class 4 felony, And only when an individual commits the crime of unlawful use of weapons (no concealed carry permit)\n\nQ3: Is there any federal law that bans carrying a concealed weapon while wearing a face mask\nA3: There is no nationwide law banning carrying a concealed weapon while wearing a face mask.\n\nQ4: In what context could this claim have been misconstrued\nA4: carries or possesses in a vehicle or on or about his or her person any pistol, revolver, stun gun or taser or firearm or ballistic knife when he or she is hooded, robed or masked in such manner as to conceal his or her identity;\n\nAccording to the law, this is a class 4 felony.\n\nAlthough this is one of the least severe penalties, it can still carry a potential jail sentence between 1 to 3 years.\n\nQ5: What did the governor of Illinois say to provide clarity\nA5: The Governor’s Executive Order regarding the wearing of masks or protective facial coverings in public settings during this serious global pandemic was not intended to negatively impact permit holders under the Illinois Concealed Carry Act while legally carrying firearms. The Executive Order does not require or suggest that law enforcement should arrest or criminally charge conceal carry license permit holders for wearing protective masks while in public as long as they are complying with the other provisions of the Illinois Concealed Carry Act and are not committing any other violations of Illinois law. ISP has confidence that law enforcement officers across the state will use appropriate judgment and that elected State’s Attorneys will likewise exercise sound prosecutorial discretion.”",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: The Q&As show that the claim is untrue so the claim is refuted.\n\nverdict: 'Refuted'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: \"Now Even The COMMON COLD Is Being Counted As A Positive COVID-19 Result.\n\nQ1: Did the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) say that the common cold counts as a positive COVID-19 result?\nA1: No, that's not true: The CDC was talking about antibody tests, not viral tests, when it said that a positive result may mean that a person has antibodies from an infection with a virus, such as the one that causes the common cold.",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: CDC was talking about antibody tests, not viral tests.\n\nverdict: 'Refuted'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: New Zealand’s national debt has risen to more than $NZ120 billion.\n\nQ1: How much is New Zealand's National Debt?\nA1: NZ$ 120 Billion+",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: It is seems from the Q&A that the figure is correct so it's supported. \n\nverdict: 'Supported'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: Kapil Sibal, an Indian lawyer and politician, is going to challenge India's government’s decision to ban 59 Chinese apps, including TikTok, in India's Supreme Court.\n\nQ1: Is Kapil Sibal fighting a case against 59 Chinese apps, including TikTok?\nA1: No, because ...to get the confirmation we reached out to Kapil Sibal who told us that the claim in the viral post is false. Neither he has been approached for any such case, nor he is fighting this case.\n\nQ2: Has Kapil Sibal spoken on the ban of Chinese apps?\nA2: Yes, because On Twitter, Kapil Sibal wrote:\n\nReclaim our territory \n\nWhile you ban\nthose Chinese apps\ntry and fill our\nsecurity gaps\nlet not our trust\nin you collapse \n\nOur brave soldiers\nwill force them back\nto make Chinese\nredraw their maps",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: refuted by Kapil Sibal in direct communication.\n\nverdict: 'Refuted'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: Everyone including essential workers will be compensated $1,000 by FEMA.\n\nQ1: Who are FEMA?\nA1: The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is an agency of the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS), initially created under President Jimmy Carter\n\nQ2: Does FEMA give financial help to individuals?\nA2: FEMA can help support your recovery from a major disaster.\n\nQ3: How do you get the assistance from FEMA?\nA3: To find help for your immediate needs, please enter an address to get a list of the closest FEMA Disaster Recovery Centers (DRCs), starting with the closest three.\n\nIf no resource is close to you, contact your state’s emergency management agency to ask about other resources or to get your county’s contacts. To find your closest hospital, use the U.S. Hospital Finder .\n\nQ4: Did FEMA give individuals financial help during the pandemic?\nA4: No federal assistance was given in the form of hazard pay, nor has FEMA directly paid individuals.",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: FEMA did not directly pay individuals.\n\nverdict: 'Refuted'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: Taylor Swift Says We Should Remove The Statue of Liberty\n\nQ1: DID TAYLOR SWIFT CALL FOR THE REMOVAL OF THE STATUE OF LIBERTY?\nA1: But there is no evidence Swift has called for such action. No statement about the Statue of Liberty being removed could be found on Swift’s social media pages. When reached for comment, a representative for Swift directed the Daily Caller to a USA Today article debunking the claim.\n\nG1 does not appear to have published the article featured in the Facebook post. A search of the G1 website turned up no articles about Swift and the Statue of Liberty. The use of the Portuguese phrase “Atualizado ha 1 hora” in the screen grab, while the rest appears in English, indicates it is likely photoshopped.\n\nWhile there is no record of Swift calling for the Statue of Liberty’s removal, she did ask the state of Tennessee to remove the statues of “racist historical figures” in a June 12 tweet.\n\nQ2: Did Taylor Swift urge people to remove the The Statue of Liberty ?\nA2: Taylor Swift is urging Tennessee officials to permanently remove statues 'that celebrate racist historical figures who did evil things' in the state.",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: From the 1st QA it is evident that the call was made for a statue in Tennessee, therefore the claim is refuted\n\nverdict: 'Refuted'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "Your task is to predict the verdict of a claim based on the provided question-answer pair evidence. The possible labels are: 'Supported', 'Refuted', 'Not Enough Evidence', 'Conflicting Evidence/Cherrypicking'. Justify your answer using the provided evidence and select the correct label.\n\nClaim: A Muslim woman who ordered a drink from a Target Starbucks was given a cup with “ISIS” written on the cup instead of her name.\n\nQ1: Where did this supposedly happen?\nA1: Aishah went to the St. Paul-Midway Target Starbucks on July 1, 2020. She was wearing a hijab and a face mask. Aishah repeated her name to the barista several times.\n\nQ2: Did the barista write the word ISIS on the cup?\nA2: Yes, because The barista said that she could not hear the name and that is why she wrote “ISIS” on the cup. ISIS is the acronym for the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. It is considered a fringe terrorist group.\n\nQ3: Was the action considered a hate crime by anyone?\nA3: Yes, because CAIR-MN calls for firing of St. Paul Starbucks worker who wrote ‘ISIS’ on Muslim woman’s coffee cup",
"role": "user"
"content": "justification: Q&As support this claim. \n\nverdict: 'Supported'",
"role": "assistant"
] |
Subsets and Splits