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80 F is about the time we start saying it's hot. | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2022-11-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoNGlVU1Z5eTlrLWk4bzF5TjBkN3EzeFM4aFBkQkF1MC1vZ0oyLUVwaG5yZ3FsV3VQQlFMQzhxRVBUR2JLd01qMlRtZ3VpMWJmQUhYY1VtSHFiUk0zSkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsRHk2dVhnYkRKU2MzWWJXbkxYYi1SVUcxZFRHQ09MR1VuM3AtNG0zWUthQ19oajBtaEJmek9OS2g2YzlzRTkwdFVBbWIwTy1ZZnpkY0xfQmxBV2pSLTFXblktNDRFeWk1MkxDb1lUYXJzMlNzcGNjdmFjcmRYYUo2UzZleThrMm1KWVFJWWxsZkhtWUEwUkpGVUVWUzJJLUVsRUpYWUxySDYxd2dzbFc5STJJS09meEc1Zk85Y2paSTdld2FybF9aWXJrUXdRZXYwN0hpN2JHWWNSaktDQT09 |
Ohio, like most of America, is what is considered “flyover country,” that is to say places that you fly over in a plane from New York/Washington DC to Los Angeles. If you have never been to the US and only know it from movies and television, chances are your image of America is drawn primarily from three cities.
Of course, within America, most people don’t live in those cities, and instead live in “flyover country.” These areas are often called the “real America” or “Heartland” by those who are partial toward them. They are generally thought of as safe, stable places that are nice to live in, but without much to draw visitors. Ohio is one of these.
This internet meme about Ohio is a little old, and has only recently gotten new life on Tik Tok. It began with a [photo of a sign that said “Ohio will be eliminated,”](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/ohio-vs-the-world) which as I recall was a reference to an Ohio sports team being eliminated from a competition. The ominous picture, along with the general sense that Ohio is a not an dangerous place, became an ironic internet meme about how Ohio has to be eliminated because it is in some way dangerous.
By the way, having been to Ohio many times myself, I can confirm that it is a very nice state, and would be a great place to live, but not very interesting for most tourists. | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2022-11-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktobWR2Vy1WR19NTl9lb3QwYWFuQ3hCQnNRYS1wa0pRcC1hTDZoV1hVQjFkNExlbk1QN1paQmJuRWVDampYZWd5ZWhzWWh6eERKN3pSQ3NOdkI5OHprSFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsXzNrS0pJSTRxY0RSNnpKdFRvcnpFUmJRemFCMUR1ZWFjRVVQSS0ycDhyWm85MlFINWpUOUg4aW1SYmN6emZpanYwaUp1dTJLbEI5ZW1JSU15UEtYZTQwcDNoUTQ4ZTZleWJUM3FMQ1QxV2haUFVxcER4bVhzZkdGWDV6dHdMRmoyMlJnNlJWRTFMUlpoZTB5MnZSQkYxbGtjN1NzN2RDWWRYWVlMcVlod2xJRHhBejRfZEhmNFU5X291ZkdYSHE1MHRTYkhtQXBDcERoajl5eFJ4YmxnQT09 |
It doesn’t work that way. It’s a long process. A much simpler and more legal way is to get hired for a job in the United States. Usually you have to show that you have a skill that is in short supply in America and find a company willing to hire you. | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2022-12-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoUUdCUExTOXo1T0pyUVl2Q0hIUExnUzduYktEMThHaHVrbVBJNEYxWVhkdi1HVFEyMmNNMThwMW56NXpTVlBLZjliTjZkVnFGbUFsVHI4TWlqSW8yRFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktscEMyV1poTDJiSF9BeWo5Nm5tNmx3ZVRFYm5jbEhsSlBUb21DTU56NmRvd21zcEtnQ0NBamRtanFmdnA5QlRUbERQZDJ3WFo2bC1xSkp3TERLOExNRjdMQUxNdkZjWjVvSHJzZGp5RTdvRHZpUjFOSzU4WmZTMGJxZjRQXzJwemt6NVVnWWxfdTE4ajBrRDF5aDhxUVVkTURHbXdYbFZRNnNvdDBFcUh0dWFzPQ== |
Thats easy part i just need a girl | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2022-12-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoTGFzYUtEdHNvcENFNTJXYnZHNXMzZ1dCajdPMXFkcnJ1TzdUZWpucE5jYTNBM1NHMkx5TURsQjBLY0xFbm1WN1hVQ1FheDh0aW56WVJGcEZhS2ljMjJQMnlrUkdhdk1QeW16aThqRHh2OTQ9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsWkthaHJqeEJqQ3R6NTREallHdHRFVkZPZDB5Z1hEa1ZLVXRoUWtLZUw4aHVKOFdXMDZlWE1xSkhzTTc3MzFOTzhKbFp4UFhhWk1CS2JuV3NDWUpfTzdROHpzcy1vb193MWZ0Q083OEtDUHhXMHZjV3ZKNTRkcGdXTnJxUVJCUV9lOC1GUmFmWXFtY3hoT1RkcjVuYXQtTHoyZ0VPckRlOHBBc19YWmUxSEpjPQ== |
Start with shelter dogs if you can!! Look online for rescue shelters near you. If you are 100% set on pure bred, check Craigslist or online | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2022-12-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoR2t0Z2NOMDJ2WjNjNjBMSWN2UDlnU0dxR2lBRTc1clVVX2hXbXFrZENzZG10VVBlN2hvTmlyZXZ0NmU0bk8zXzI5OFAyclFBcmVnU2NUNnJXLXUtWFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsdjNla1ljNUhoeWNPTEN5SWdpYkh2dUktdklvSXExbkVPbzVUalFxRkpoMHBUcEJoYnFNRnRiTTZ0QUx5MGx2SlRBbVR5MjVSQnBhdUJOOXVJaG8zdUUxZkx5ZXM5WGpFWXFFQTR0cGJFX3FIZENtck5iT1B3bXpTZUFoMlJnOGh3OGRzMUg3azYyck1TQkFibG9qd0x2dEtBeXctd1Z5SmFaMGRQc0dpemRzPQ== |
You've asked the same question 3 times and no one has responded. Try a different group, maybe one for your university. | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2022-12-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoSlFoY0N1Y0RoeG10dmE1eTRCY01IMEtqUmdSUlRZdmhFVGhSYkNZZzA3OGVFT1VxbTF1YzljZmhuYzhvU3p4ZFZUbWo4WUlLekVfM09sdmRqc1RfeGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsYndIaHdyRWNSZnlrRk1mRVJpbDBCd193UUdsQ0preGl0eURCLXdkWmgydU9TQWZOZHgxNXNyaWVBVmJsb19idEJnR3VuMGdVRlZxTml4WTFhV3ExMDlKZ1ZQeVc5UkpneDZmMkZoVURTU0xSbUZ4Q3RrRmFHWVlyREl6elltSWxIMFRQN3JmQ1ljcEcwdTZ2WmxLcXZuNG91YmNjTXowS1pBSGxNZmRjLVdxZ2VZRUtXbGJ6eHdMVzhfTXZNUUtsMzFhYlJYc1FfVlRJVm9wWFNjRm1oZz09 |
Which is better and what are the differences? | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2023-01-05 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoa29HdmFYSTVOb3dkZWhTTlV5MTVJVkNCR05xZDFWSFF4aWpINk5Rak4zQVBEeHRoWkRIcWIxSWw0SUpnZ0IwQmtnMU9DTmdmX1BsNUFfWF9SQ1B0OFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsMFNldk5SUllwVjBPZEtQMjh6a2Rpa0tJVGV1N3hoRUZINHlyc3RhbGdVNGNBeHpaWG80a1JabzdpYkpYZFNlSHhRRXpJLW9OT3dTek9vVXNSTHJhaDVGcHR0b0pJa3FDajdoMHFQc0tMbUVnbjJjSTlZUVFBT1VIQUdqVnlZTUpIMjZrb2VoNmVSeWpDSVk1WVllem9Zdk5GTUx1T05kUXFxQXMxRGtrTGtRPQ== |
And from your expirience do people from USA buy pure breds from Europe? | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2023-01-07 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoNXZhTk9EQXFCQTZTak5aWVZhWm1HS2gyeWZHdmJyZ1g5M1MyLU40UEJVMF9EeEpKZmJyak9idTJ5LVFFLUpWTmpmNlNJOUwyeVN6X2RacmpKc2ZRVkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsUzR2TTBkcW1XWkVBVzJ0TmJIRWo3U1VmWTYtVzRrSUpNS2o5N3BOYXVtblo1M3RfeEstRDNNMDlnSDU1TXM0SDVCSFpqc0pZY0VQY0taeUNFd19RVWstSjR6NFhxMGd4bmVEbGtpT3dneHNkd2FCNjNtM3RJZlQ2MWFjYVVKRmdOd2VhUEJuN292YkU4bDEwaDhaQjctU3VWRzRCU2VXVGFDZ1RkMlFmd1dmSm1sVktRM3lGYVVDeV9vQWZlUHBLVDlPZ2t1UndnT2tsa0lsb2pJN3V2Zz09 |
Are you sure you’re American? This is the most un-American thing I’ve read all day. This is what they do in places like China. It will never happen here. | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2023-01-07 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoVUpNSGhHSDZPOFN5WWR0NWc5ZU9icE11SEdpUEpFb09tNkJOaWhFZ0laWUpsMUlBNC1UcHVpMnZyNC03akI1MXdvUWtmeXNYZHIxMGtzUmUwV2RWalE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsTHNhTnpXS3hoQmxVUGNkQlV0TnM5VFpwSUszUXotUkE5U2p1U0hXMzN0OTM0dV9Ebm1lNnEyb1Yya2pkTXVxcGRFamcwcHoxQTBjci1hS2U2aDNZUk1Kc19DRWdNVEh2eS1LaFBQVlp0OWlpVkhYLTd0RmM2Qk1BNElsVEJwMlM3OVlxS2Y5a2ZMM1lhOFJoS1hTUFFUdnZzR3Z3dUZmQjEyd2IwaHQzYXVFcTNBQkFsc0ZIQ0RqVTJDSERrcWRO |
1 - since BITTENSOR uses the same mining protocol as Bitcoin - if a bitcoin mining company was to plug in to the TAO network to use its framework (efficient mining data) would this mining company be able to leverage AI and possibly more efficiently mine bitcoin blocks? or is bitcoin mining so random that even AI can't help compete at a level other than what exists today
2 - if an AI company - call it COMPANY X - leverages the bittensor network - which is now a polkadot parachain - would company X have access to all polkadot parachain services including bridges to ETH / COSMOS etc - therefore being able to use AI functionality to seek out the best possible blockchain utlities that eist and aggregate them into a data set via dot / bittensor?
My third question
If Bittensor is a polkadot parachain - can other parachains now buy TAO and use the bittensor framework to do the reverse of question #2
Leverage AI to request information across all blockchains to return me the most valuable, aggregated data in which I can construct my parachain services
DeFi - Code Structure, Data, etc
interested to hear the community thoughts | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2023-01-07 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoOTVPLTFMYnRJT2YtX0d5blUzTVFhakczc0JBeDJLLWtPQWpMQndJYmI0SDU4d3VockFwdXl4VUFKQzRkUjlOY2hzQ2Y3UkVNdnY0RHE4M0R2WjZkUlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsSWRJYUt1a05hYWRFTmFZdmtqejhXcGxqVjRPM3I0ZzAtUk1JUmlPVGtiUEUxTU1makpGN0IyTGZJSXd6WmQtMGxzYTVYZUd0VTZHaGhOMnc5dFVQaG4xRDdDdG9Fb1pXV2NoV1hoNzVaV3ljczl0NmJkWjNGc0hKaDlYV0dqOXdXRnhXMmhXYVpXTFhQaFJISHZzVmdzR1hSRDBnN1dWRUF3aU1RUTZBN041SzRzaGk1ZFVMMEhsT1pGdmYxVlBi |
Am interested in how apps that build on Bittensor will increase the strength and usage of the Polkadot network (as Bittensor is a parachain of Polkadot)
From what I figure - types of companies I can see build on Bittensor would be
Data Aggregation
Transaction Automation
The above verticals would then be avaialable for all Polkadot Parachains to use via XCM messaging, which would make their respective projects more efficient
On top of that - via bridging through parachains like Moonbeam / Astar (also Polkadot parachains) - any teams deployed on Ethereum or Cosmos could also tap in to the Bittensor network even from their end via Polkadot
Interested in thoughts, ideas and discussions.
IMO the addition of AI to Polkadot at the level Bittensor claims to have developed will literally change everything and make Polkadot the center of the entire cryptocurrency universe. | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2023-01-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoWXI0YXFwdThfLUM1QjVGTndQa3d0XzVZeDVTbVRXMUlqelRYRE5CZmxJcjFBNi1mNUpiN0IzOUxyaUxwMnNFQVplSnFWUEUtZk5OUGVQeGtWREFlLXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsRUxFQlZWQk5UQ182Y3RBWHd5bU9wbG9uUDhVTUtJSWNqUVJzMVBVb3AxR3FMS3lIMjR2a0pNZ3JvN2RvQ3BlS2w4R05CdFRjcjdzOVFza2U4ZnVsRGtfRGM5MUFuVHhnQ1FadkJ3bXJEYklsaFZrcmxZdWxZeW4xVUNpZnViRnpBYU5NR3lUWjhWeDlEd0JNTlNlRlBuSF9feDBSY0xEdjNVeHVRbktCS0xYVThsUC1KaHVFLUFQOXhWTzBNZUZ2WW5EazVKbWtpWmlFSW5NZU1ZREVZdz09 |
Hey all,
I am invested in Bittsensor and excited about this project.
However, coming from the crypto world, I am only really seeing this project through the lens of crypto and CT.
I wondered - does anyone have a gauge or read on how this project is respected within the AI community? Are they as excited about the prospect as crypto speculators? | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2023-01-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoWGVnM1o4NmRVVWNsRjhscGNhckM0X0Vmd1RydHdhSW5yeHkxWGFsekdOVEhDazExNFI4YjVheFVXZlc0ZWhPa1JKTWxxWndGNGV5MWJuMHN1V1Yycnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsTkpVNzFENjB2Ykt4RFV2WkJlOXhOY2hSNXV6RXc5UmdCLTNhVnVwU0N4M1g0THNla3JqSDR2VHJ2d2RjNlM2RFRuMDVlR1NEUW53X2N3RXN3bC1yekJWYXgyV1ZrR0l3S21WTjJqOTJPazZZZDNqb1J4dGwxcVhmR2lXb3FmQzFvN2xuMGdiQ2k0MkgxS0xrdi1BcWIyRW1lVzlsYkxaNldmVDNTeU9YTko5d1pWVFVqM3lfWmdtYTJqZC00WTNs |
I can't speak for the southern US, but I think most people I know in northeastern US would consider it ridiculous (but funny). One of my friends had a guest with a cowboy hat on at their wedding reception as a gimmick; it was indeed ridiculous (and entertaining).
Perhaps it's partially a reality TV thing? Or much more common in parts of the South. | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2023-01-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoMEh3SDFuaVJKRG5ueFZ6UFJVaEUwSjd5bzc3VElaRnEzQ09CMVg5VWppZ09LdldZZkVyODRIOFRXSjlQZWNQRGxNNUx6dE85cUlCWUxEck03d1Y2N0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktscUZHdUFmdE5pRlBFcHlSdW51NXpXV3VtbnRaSllRR1pMZ1REUE5JN3U1Sml6QUI1UlZZTVJqbmZVNEhFS0Q4N1M2UVBlaFpyU3VvNm0yaTFUOGZMbmVDSEJ4ZDFFdVJ0UF9hMEk0bXZyQ1JvelBFcXUwaEx2eUpfOGdpUW0tbHBZQjctVERKT28wRXRwYXlac1BCam9ya1hBdW53MGVXcVpDTE9SeTZiMUJTWTNCbUlaZkx4ckhoUGFJOERnWlFX |
I wouldn't say it's considered incorrect, I think we'd just acknowledge it as British spelling. I wouldn't worry too much! | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2023-01-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoS21SbnY3VzQ5TnI2MzlxZ3BSbG5sN3VXNFhIMW1vdDNEM1hoUXVQWEJ3UzBMckFtZVdQTGtUTUNiMi1WUU83cVZ3ZDNKTTlKYjljb05PRk1HX213OXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsOEkxR3duVEU0QTFPWXJCamYwd1Vocm50aHdjYWFyejhoaTlwUkRMWTV1M2tMcGRNMGR5NWpveWdwVy12YVdXc0RWcVpUR2ZzbklueWc5ZHV5STBRbGtkb3VQa3I5TmxLWExfOWpHQlFfeTBVdWxDQ3U3RGdaMFZTeF9acWlGOG9USTBqTTVPWTJ5eHN4M21JQXhWODFkcVlDRFB5Zmc1c3hQcU41djRCMDBkMkhwNV9CN1M2cU1YVXJ4aUlGMEVk |
Thanks a lot! :) | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2023-01-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoUkxhSnI2R0s3d3dCeUE0WlNJOHVUcW1BX284NTc4WEFvTUhCYTBiNE5yaDJ1RHRHcnR0Ry0yYzRlaEdnWlNPLUVueWIxbjdjdE1PQ0xYYmFGdU42WGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsQ3JMSkFOZ1pWVGxfZmVuUDFDd2RVcGwyS0VuTlVyREM2SXozU3dZa2dnazNUV0ZSbW9tNjBWUmJlREZhNER0c2Vha0JCeGVMN0ttY284YkgyU2luOWVXcjhyaW80OUszeGF3QThqb0RpMmJvdkRXUndYWm92bGpFa3oyV0FXUktYdUdQaWRUWXNXU1RKRUdfTDJJUkVhZERXTmRpbXo1NzkwUnhoMWpad18xTjJHcTBEcjI2U0RoVXB4MGJ5d0oy |
Is there a simple way to stake TAO with less than 1024? | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2023-01-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoRC02clFTbkM3OV9YazRtQ0NTUjR3cllmS3VSSnpKcVd0cUtjRFZGb0FXclUyM211WG9YZzBkVm9Ick0tU0VjbFQydTdIekNGSWxCTW40Wkx3Wl9ydWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsM09qNDRtZ0otTU1kTVpuVkI4VVlQTWFpUHpOeGZPUDJMZkR6WHdycWJrUUJYVlRYbVV1bVNYMGJEbnR6SnZkdG80aE90c2tGcm9JbmVkbkl0ZXN5TmtTR0xnemc2ckNERURhUk9VZldFOHhneFcwVEhER18yUXozaEh5N3ZYS2JrU2xURE5UVW45UEh3TUhwTDJNSThhNGlRa1c3N1ltZ2RySHpJRUxwNmp1SVd2QjJoSUNqbnhHZFFGcmdWUzMx |
i live in idaho and the southern culture runs strong here for some reason. it’s not entirely unusual to see someone in full country outfit, complete with belt buckle and boots, at least in those southern-adjacent places. often people who work in agriculture or on farms adopt that kind of style because it’s practical. but in more urban places outside of the south it would be pretty unusual—when i lived in california i didnt see a cowboy hat til i moved to bakersfield. every place is different! | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2023-01-29 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoZVNCLVpOQzVFWnZ2OWZtUjJ5ZEs3SjFvT3dHOFl4VVowUTJncTdLWnBJZnhpNFYwRnJ1dFkyNEp4eEE0RFpWZE9LYUdOOWV4bHd4VUNfam9aNTBVUmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsM0tHbS1CWXYyN1dEWEpuQTdJelVlUHd5TmF0U1htb21FdnhEUWotdTFPS3dJSk1uVTM5R0I2am9xa096MmNMalNFaEVyXzJTVGdLNXJRVzgzRE1MaDlHTE1ucERQWDVrMjE0OVFwazJCTlh0ZWF2aDVfTFpxaUhSQ3BMR2pPTDJCX0dWZXZ5VlRmWnZfMk9pVTBBbDZxZlRZZFVXeGR1cUxTT2VnaUFXQVBwYUwtSnJRYnNoOHN6LXVTVTBlX3lP |
well you have to realize that america doesnt have the same condensed nature that the uk does. in the us, if you live in a different timezone, that means they likely do live in a different state. and the states are very very very very big. exponentially bigger than the uk in many places. so it is more like time zones between countries than anything else. also, no time is “right”, the time one person says equals to a different time in a different time zone. | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2023-01-29 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoWkluRUp6UWhaZGZnNHBRS1pOOW0xSGo4NDNoMkxCSi1aYWZfLXd5alNILVdzaTRCX1hYbnBCOUp6Y0pNY2xJTHhWNXpzbnN5WW9iMnpjVXpXOTRlM1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsbUZDVFpXU0p4OFVMZDVYSk5vZDVwbnVxRlRtNk1PLU9IaFhJUlM4WkoxeFpDUy0yS3I0V21UZXRydVdhaG1MUTdPR21MU2EycVVaTVB4cy1GYTJ3Nk5HV3V1bWNtcG5DQ29jZmpBV0NZVEhrOW5ubENqTXpVY1NKT1I1a25NR0pCY2x0dGpDRngxTE1WcXZKemZoNGkwQUNWZ2lVWW9VMEJ2eE5ULWg3UEw1dXJRVjhidmlhNjNpZXppOVVaands |
although honestly if you don’t have a grasp on timezones generally the time zone system in the united states will be confusing | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2023-01-29 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoQ3hNRFBhRnRrcUxnZXZFTmNIeU5USmlMZkFpczhodkNhdWI2Vld3ZFBKRU5QSDh5dVp0SFRGODhlX3pYY3Fkbi1YRk12V1ZMMFhnQWk3anJxc05HU0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsaWsyTndtR0tNajJNc3RLVnBpc3FCajZCY0JsU21ObDB2Ym5BTGpVSThSc0luT3dtRW1PRk40Qmg1cFlrUVRuczcweWpwSDlwbHV4OFN2UWJ1T0Ffdk92clJqYnZiZEhSdFBkTFdZWmdpZGRSUnZTQXJaRjlHVEFNM0tPYXU1U0MxX3FMS1JhY0ZVd2JDS2dudzhuWm95cUwycG9EN1BMekZWOVQ0LWVLUW5xZklxbEx6LUVoSm1VU2FiRk1QMnRY |
hi eveyone,
does Bitensor have a Discord Channel yet?
thank you | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2023-02-05 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoVzJiMUsxZ0hWaEVxRS1NVkthc1ZEak5WQm9wdldRbFdvLVYzVFZtVXVKMnFBd3VNV19mdk9aZEdWLTFtQ2wtbklrWGhuUFVBVWoydXRZTTBMU1hyNHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsUXUtbnVINTBfNVc5Y0J1Y0RwMWlLNy1Zc3dHNTdUNlFpdWtpd3JBMDBKNUdoU0FGWWJTbWRTaEtiSXpCMW9SQ3BpS2NOZW05RWJnWVFCdlVMeHNzTUs2dGhwZDYzS1hKd1kzSms2MW1kNjVPLUFQamw0V01OSThtODJMQ0VwbDBDTHdqc3RXTmJ6U3lrNWNPUm42T3R6ZDRPTW5qTi1HWTk1NnduZEthc2N3PQ== |
Hello, I just came across this project recently, and after doing some research it looks very promising. I\`m new to mining. I have a pc with Nvidia gpu and 32gb ram , but I am still very intimidated by the process to start mining. First of all I would like to know if it is feasible as electricity is €0.10 per 1 kwhr in my country . Lets assume I have a top tier rtx40 or rtx30 which will consume around 300\~400watts and equate to 7\~9 kwhr daily units of electricity. With the current difficulty level how much would one earn in a day of mining using any of these cards ? | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2023-02-07 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoU0FBRzllZjF4d2Zla2VDRG9ITEJDZmFaekFiOUFGT0d6OXlnMVItWVlHSFhvaTRfNWlxQkh6QlVhekhaUkZnMThHWm5xczBOSExIRHlGVFRaa1ZQaXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsMERPYnBWaUJpa2pSbHRETVFPTzZxb2FOQk1EUnhJdFBrVVFNd1JaT0RkcDR5SW5sU3Y0cXpxeHZpUnZSWV9XSnpkdnB3Umlia3o5SGhYU1V1SGlMNV9DTXlhT29PN3dzTnJXRDZRZnBqUFRkeXNURjg1Q19CcEl0UEVoR21ZNEd1NnY3OTNfMy1GajMzOHRNOUswMWFPQ19rZW4zZ3pPT0h4cWE4OGltX3J3PQ== |
I get this error message when trying to sync my Polkadot wallet to the Bittensor oracle. Any idea how I can resolve it. I am using ledger to send my BTC when I place a buy order. I see the Tao I have bought when I add my wallet address to the address book but my account doesn’t appear. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
One or more extensions are detected in your browser, however no accounts has been injected.
Ensure that the extension has accounts, some accounts are visible globally and available for this chain and that you gave the application permission to access accounts from the extension to use them.
Since some extensions, such as the polkadot-js extension, protects you against all community reported phishing sites, there are valid reasons to use them for additional protection, even if you are not storing accounts in it. | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2023-02-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoekNUeUIxdE5NWmxaZTN1TkMwTEdmZDI5dHA4VmRsYTBmR01QVkpMQ05MS3VZQjhkNTZiVlh3TFhpQmJLakFfMzlmTzJDWU9zMUd3aURkakV1VmtORTNZQUJRclhGODdXbGFMaVRXTXpRekU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsRklrX0UyTnc4dzlBdTdjN2pITGNPNklNNGtJS1lsdmNjM3JJanFwUFZLTHA5MVRvVkViQmJHVW05MXFrVUNEdC14TWc1X3R5YTU0YUlZS1UzMklpY0g2VmgwM09BRTJwREE0M2lEMWptdkthSEdORlVHdTNyckQ1Rl90V0tLTU9WMkZVcEFySTBHSzMyTjdsVnJldUxCLU8zOTRqX3dJQVBoeFhpQmVmR0JFPQ== |
https://youtu.be/t5u1sYDImew | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2023-02-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoX0p1QVZnM0hKZHlnRXM0Z3BrakdCY3p5QnFYdVBFaHZsVEx5dEcwME9zNEsxWllBTGlJRzJrX3lKRWNNRUhPNl9FVjhfajBJb3VYcFRLZmh3a3pRbVFxMWRERnZSa1hBQ0Zhbk9HVkJwQ1E9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsRzlwOUNsbi1OSnI5VGg0YzBVMmJ6QmVFYVFYVjBOMzZZLVg2ZFNYRTI1eTRLQndic2ltUVFWS0JIQkxRRW1tZlk2a1lqekREZk1NU1FSTXdjVmJCYWpTcGpOcHNXQ0M3UlBjTzhwOUNmRFYySmh3ZXdlM0pqMFNoOXRYakhzQ1VLNVF3MHRMY2hUUnd6MDhqMGUzdnFjNGpQbUlZM0l1TTdxNVJWLUNhZTFRPQ== |
Kind of winds me up.
There is no doubt in my mind that there is same percentage of utter fking morons here in the UK, as there are in the US.
There's just more of them, and they seemed to master the keyboard and internet quicker than our own dumb-arses, so that says something too. | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2023-02-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoWklxYjJFMWtWWFVPakFQbWtKbVZrX1RGZlliNlk2clZIbUEyLWZPbG1HU0Q5WDhhVThCdWxPT29kM3lTTm8tdGtwYWdxQjdmYlJEMFp6QVpBenJ4Z0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsYmRQQVlUMFh1X1hoN3VGdGpQSGhDVFB1LWtvWUx3YlFzWDNyZkJGMlFGY0ZkVkFKSUNBQkhmeUlfV2NpMFBiNFAzUGY5R09JRmw1b0RhaV9rSHoxaDViM0FCRjBfa1VzSXd2eXJKbmEyYXh0Yl9XSE91cXQwZXl4aWViX2ZtU1k2UjFBQWJUV3FFM0FXenl3WV81VUJ1R3FzVFR4T1pBSkpRQmIyb1hsMUpLY3F1UWNXS3dHTDFaQnpVZ0VJazBEV2VNdkhpNEtEa2Y0eU5rcEM3VVVodz09 |
To understand the answers to some of your questions, you have to understand the concept of federalism. Every state in America is its own sovereign and governs a great deal of its own policies. Although federalism has weakened a bit in recent decades, it still matters — so, for example, during the COVID pandemic, different states made their own policies.
1.) Because where you live determines what you can vote for. If you live in Ohio, you can’t vote in elections in Nebraska. Your town will have its own elections, for local candidates, all the way down to the local school board. Registering to vote just confirms “this is the district where I live and should vote.”
2.) In the beginning, the Federal government (the national government) couldn’t collect taxes at all, and had to rely on the states. For almost 100 years, we had no Federal income tax. Income, however, is complicated — so, for example, if your only income is from your workplace, that is easy (and in fact the form for that is called the 1040 EZ (“EZ” is a pun on “easy”). Most people, though, have more complicated income. If you get child support, or income from selling property or stocks, etc., you have to claim that. Also, some kinds of income are excepted — so, for example, if you own a house and live in it, that is taxed at a much lower rate than a second house. If you have kids or have an older relative depending on you, you can get tax breaks. Of course, if you want, you can just fill out the EZ form, but then you’re losing hundreds or thousands of dollars. You fill out the complicated forms to point out the government all the tax breaks you can claim. And of course, state and local taxes are different depending on where you live.
3.) People don’t actually use their Social Security card (federal, again) for ID much at all. I’ve probably had to show mine less than 10 times in my whole life (and I’m over 50). Again, we use state issues ID cards — mostly drivers licenses, but if you don’t drive you can get just a regular card from the state.
4.) Again, federalism. Under our Constitution, the national government has no authority over drivers licenses, marriage laws, local commerce, education policy, etc. Those powers belong to the states. Actually, the national government doesn’t even get to control national elections! American states have much more power than localities do in most countries.
Which state you live in America affects more than just the climate — the people in the different states decide on different laws. | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2023-02-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoQjMxUEdEdW1MUjF3T0JJanpjNTE3d1l6aURHcE1aczY1NmJ6Y3gwRy1mSTJWaXdmRjNpTzFPY013SWxsc2N1OG1wZUM1LUNKTFZCMGtHT0VPdEI5MWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsd2YtdloxUGV2UzVQeHZGOTV5SWh0ZmhjQ2lrTEowa2E3bW1QSzBVS0JXYURSNG9MZDZLYThsdlB4cUMycHRmV0ZSWlZpSGZROU5BZEkxc2pTMzN4QkZzQXRGTnRXX19tZXJDVG5kZy1wQmlSdjMxcTZ5ekNwQXlQVnEybmJKSnJpTVp5bnNsUlA1OEU1bDd2OXh5S3VFNjBzTzA5NUo0NlRuemxyNWNPM0h3PQ== |
We don’t have a shortage so that people can’t get eggs, but the price has skyrocketed. Eggs today cost about 3 times as much as they did two years ago.
Because of America’s wealth, we rarely have actual shortages on things, but we have to pay more when there are shortages elsewhere in the world. | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2023-02-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoX1RhcGFJNkgwZU9vQmVuNkNpNlh3b2NTdWdhenBnRjBrd1I5SnQ2ektTbGlma3lra0pUalBPdF9obTBReVFWQlZMWXRsdnZjUlNET1hlMTVadzNNaXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsX0pKYzFHVDFSTmFoSTVWeWJWRlBkYk5IRk52em5yaTdmLXFKZUxRRWtOZDJpZzBzZHBOYl80S3BMN2dOWDZLN0E3VnVaSjZDaHpsNjlQSWF3bWIzcG9LeDFWNVNfa05pTnV2RkhrWlhiT2RObnlBZVZFd0FVWDFzcUtxNXZjZzVYRDBpaHhNTUNLc2d1dngteWpXVVFBY0NScEZWcVYwYnJQYjNUM0VpZjFEVHRfSkVZdVZyTW53NGZwSjRVbm5p |
Thanks! very informative but still i my own opinion i think the government should register you automatically, the state or local If not the federal government to me it seems like a small incovenice to make less people vote.
Thanks again for the info! | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2023-02-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoZHJsM0k3cUdMdmdpM1FTZFFBbVVwTXhZcWc4ZXZaeHpCNTc1QWlXaTlYSGhPRmhyYjV3aDB6RXBGdXBUNEtsSTZBd0VTd3U0THN4a3RZTWlJMkR2dmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsX2hNRDNiNk1jTU9ZcjNkSzdXYlE3bksyejNXQW1QR2h3TG5wM0dKVlRjVkZoamlLVHJpRDZnTjlaZmlHdGU3NDYtRXY0OUJHNTk0Z1B1UElGN3IxZTJvX1R1S2diZDhicVhkYUNEVWsydW9oVzh2eUFMOG5wOXpPbGNfdzJzdXozd0c1aHdPM2pnNm9UbmdmaFpkalhNMllwdlZnUlFWVHR6SEJZcmdmd2l3PQ== |
i think you’ve just been to some shitty places. i wouldn’t consider US coffee watery. however i WOULD consider it very sweet—i have a sweet tooth and my friends in the UK would make fun of me for putting so much sugar in my coffee, while in the US i rarely have to doctor it up. that’s america for you—very salty and very sweet. | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2023-02-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoQThKMVVueEJ1clMtdVM4Z0FaM203U1Fxdm56YzdVWExfMGpGeWY0N1NvUVpVcDhBTFB3ZTNvdkNDNVBQU0E0ZlVwcEpxZDA4UGxkSXRlb2haMVFuLWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsM2YtRjJTN0hwZ3k4bml3MlAxcUlucnMxVkxOcGxLcFlRejR6cUtaYnpXR09mT0ltcVFsdEtwMU13d21oc2M1aDRPUGR0N0ExOUUxV0t4d25ubHROUFZ2RS0xOXlpUTFmay1NZ3ktNnVTY2YwN1FVNXlnNmJqb0hBQkNPbkE1cURCUWdlemVTc21jRFZYT0JpaEJsVDlEaFZUT1RUSGdYMExlQzBTenVoWEVsalRMX1F0YWF6dXliSnNzcVVXTUpk |
May I ask what country you are from? | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2023-02-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoUGlxV1ZoanNUN1RuRFJLdmlNVVp1VjZJYklKbVpkSlVXc1NGTjZfQzRINVU4UVZmajMyM1RjZUpQQnhRa0Q0NFVzVEhmSVBiQ1gweUp2SVdIcGI4RHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsVng0N1BvaDR5LUwyVnFncmVBTFdUejg3OE5SVVd6Q3pWTHkwVkVHWDdCUHV5aTIwT3FfYlp5WXBwN0dVWHJOV3FIZHhIMzVpa05ucTB4b0xxeTJ2TGE0VHM5ckM1RnI4S1FuS1ZfVGljbFZRcHMwYktlT0NPN1J4bkxrRGlSa1VCdTBzd1oyeko3VktodTZrUXpNS3IwTjlnXzNsVW5VeWVLUGo2SGlOTkhBPQ== |
Romania | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2023-02-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoRFpjbXU5aGVRRWN5ekFDUXE3SlZITmNTd0U5aXk5QlJoUVpXZ3BwMl93MllTYW1INERVcDJxaVQydFdVcGp2T3hidzhnNjdaWVBTMG5KckZaVWZ5WWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsRHpLdkM4bkRfRG9qYjJaUlRraGVwRHJ1S1UyejdzdlhUM0hkXzJjcllJaTRWRWtZZFgxU3lJWkJYd1Z5VzlxRzFZLXBRRUNZU25HVWF5UkVrTGU4bXpidkVhcUVMbUVYZzl3Wjk5eGZvRnRNdndpcG84WFhJV3l3bnd5MXBnNGRfMFJZUlFHM095N1VFTnJWUzU5RjEzRjlkZlp2NDRDS3BFdnFZSDhIQ0xnPQ== |
It means absolutely nobody asked but I'm gonna give my wild opinion or share my random thought regardless. Or like, no one was talking, but I'm just gonna offer up this information unprovoked. If I wanted to use the meme to tease someone else, say, my boss who's a shopaholic, I might use it as follows:
"[my boss' name here]: *spends $200 on stupid shit*
It can be a way to highlight something about someone, something they're very loud about. | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2023-03-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoY2RsRUd6dFRqdzVaX3Rma3NCRXpmNTJhNjBISkJkazNWUVdSTlhCUWFvSWMyZU9ZR0wtamt3NGRLWGJsVVV3cDIycjFnNTliR3lCcnJXTjM2M1ZkYnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsU3dkR18wSHNPTkN2NXV2TmVVM1p0UzRYNlJfaUZQSUtZU1MtZEU3Y0N2QUJScDdQMDZqUFh0MWpCeFlWaEl2LUZKQlVOSnhROUlLd290SnJUQjM3MkJRN0lQdTNzMU1qamVIT09YVHJEZnpHT3Q4cU82U1VnSHNxcGhxM3VXR3QwSDFXcjJjV21hdXN3bm5ocXZTVlZXcm5zTW5pRDJzVW5wcS0yRm1aQk9PeTdxcGczRkpoMEQ0OXRQSFpwTDRyVElHMTE5LXE3WTFkY3hQLXpGS2Z1QT09 |
Example: 1 pm west coast time = 4 pm east coast time. So if an east coast friend was going to FaceTime a west coast friend that evening, they could describe it as "8 pm my time, 5 pm your time." | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2023-03-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoVDdQS3FXQW5iVHJWeHZxU2E2ZnN1dWhYYjI4VGdUak9LMjRYaVRPV2prNzhqSi1VYkNxc3BEaFhTVmJLOGNMVzBaSkEyTmVYLWp0NmlQSXdfVnZYaGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsOWFtM2dja3NORUNMVzIwQTlhQnd6TlZpY3lNWVplQ3ZqenMwWlZ2dTEzaEhfNTVXcnNUdWZyS09wUDNjRXo1a29mcGcwVjhLSXNmSE5QZUdBNDZkMVJmU0JrNHBhekMtWXVXaU00YlVuZHFkd2FNSnZhOUZob1JqZEZDdlJDRnQyZ05Oa3pMQXFaNzVUeG5NZzlzNS1YN283RmRLZEI4emxhT25WamtidGdmLU1KaS1OLUNXQVl0S2VLVlRNOHFR |
70s F | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2023-03-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoalBVdEpNbUhYeEV4bE51SmVqN3kwTjZIUWJtTFVHQUU5eUplWjV0RC1SVnY1OXlsU1REY0dCaklzNkp4bWY3Z2dReDNzeFhHNzFvRHlSSXhDRUw1VFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsRms1Tm56Ym9xV1YtaHpyNVduVW9Zd2htNFVLTHR5dXUxcUlHdHp5X0g4RUtya2hCLWp5aW1lS0IzTTYxa0pGWTlHZEpTb0RMT1dTblNBQkxvWFJyVHkyeTNJNDhJMW94Ql95aVBSZ1EzNmUzT3hYRkNkUmNhSktSa0dIMkZoaU1ESHluYV9nY0lzQWFRcE0zb0c0aW4xdmJkSk12QUx3YXdwOFVQZllFRTNqSlRZSGVZcmpTUzlYV2VCZXRKdGdXakpYc3liME5vQ2dmcWxpNzVEZkRQZz09 |
Yes | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2023-03-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoci1kbVFaSEMyUTQwZjBNU2lOUWFabHpzVEhwNV9kSG1Qb1NVbkYxWUJ2aUY1a2hvSVA1ekxkSzdkQ0ZvdVo4ZW45eEd3dlNCSTh6NXVmbEVjbzA2Smc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsRnoyaktwVjZuWHdsS29BSTFXa2F1M0VwaTVmLV8zRTB3QUdGeWx6eUFBdU5xRi1zQ1YyZmtCUnN0QWduUzJ1U3F0M1JDYWstVWhiQ3JRTnhXdVVGRl9XVkt0WHFDNF9PTVo1VWgtemViY0RIOFMwdlZMTS1vdzN4M3JtbW1nODA4UVhDWFA1UmtiVEI5VUdpZHczX1VGWEZ6LTNEM2JQbzdhQkI3dG5TTjdidUZfVlJFNUVBdU4wUV9OZEZyYUx6UVR2RkhkOEl3dFg4dnVleTJGQXJidz09 |
Ok, thank you! | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2023-03-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoamlpZDVLdmE0SXpVVkZrb1o4N25waTcxeG5WOGVfWEw4UnZtNndrSFRYQ3VMY005QWg3Ym1mMHVPdmdJN1VUbk5vdFRzcXo5QVU4eTItTHNfU181RGt1eWRNdkZUMllQYlpQNHNrR2NXcE09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktscGV3ZTBRSld2ZVJKeUlmOE5sWVd6V0d5Q2x1WkdoWjliUlRvZnVEUkhjM2ZqVzJTNl84anhMaTVNc2lHT1Fob3ZDeEQ2VEtQemYtNmdvOURRZTFNdHRWYXBQSERNRy1URjRkWVhQT3ZERmVQYnZHTXhodV85S2VrSF92dTRvcG5iOS1YeklDaVBGZE92aU5lMXRTV0Z2Mi1KN2tpcXRrVmRTUlhOZEpyb1hhNms2X0ZIZ1BZMjV6VHNiQjF0VXFnYTJockd1VDZHdHo1dGl3YUp2Q2tqZz09 |
You're very welcome! :) | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2023-03-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoYzZGWkVWSWZOUHl0SFVQSnZBV3BFOUFaTmxNTWd4TmJlMjRybGZ3UGMydlJtRDQwYXYyTWtFWW5qN3oxVGpWeTQ0Z3Jreko2WmZGZklnX2pxSDdZT1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsUW1KdkY2OXU3LXktbElHMlZEQjZ6N19HaWJZZGFwR1VLdFJNZ2xfN1VvM1dzRVNrdWUwbkZfWFlrNFVnWWhWblFyYkdNczdEdVRfRk5rTzlicXVZN2gzelJsY1BUbEI1Y2ExT1B5SWxPVkozS05odXFFUFd2Nk1XdkFBWFdqdTRDREdGa0JjcEl4QmxUc253c0hPNUdrU3VzZy1EdERmOGxNbjBCRVQwVkU2Tjk1V3J6R0RuaDVORTBGWWNnMkVyMWZyZy1qTEJpM2xucVpVb0t6UHhoUT09 |
The usage is regional, but in general apartments are rented. Condominiums are owned. If you own your place tell people you live in a condo. In most places there’s physically no difference between the two. | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2023-03-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoTkU4NjFVQUE2eXQyb2dFUFBERkRDNWs4aXFDTi0xa2tpZmxTWjFBVnY4a0NOOWh2UFhsYnhnaEpWSkllbjFhbzlQb2JrUEFyYjU3bXNGVlRhSWk1eGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsQVBxd0JQSUo3MzNQVUx4cXlWR2QzNU1idFhIa3lGb1NVdHdURkk1U3pJcjlRMVc4T240a1dSdUstRmFadkN6VUNldGc5MHgtcGRYRjByUUdMckNBb19uemxCazRvSG1OTDJ3ZkZOSUllMGlqN1FCMm1yekRWX3gxdGhBam5jcFlQOW83TzJ6cVhJNDRxTXo3TzB5bTlEOUp3dnphcGVhUlIxSndSWEhneHFVUC1tckJMMXpNS0lhUkhNc0hFam1l |
It’s for PBS which is funded by the government any by donations from viewers. That station has no commercials to help pay for things. Science shows like Nova and kids shows like Sesame Street are on PBS. Money drives are pretty common. | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2023-03-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoVWYxSXZRVDBtejlUdXp5WmMtRHBYZzRKZ2FzSUxEeDlXRmNxRXlrS0pYRXM5TFJ4MldTUkxpeWVUMlNvMlItMm4teEtxdnZlc2VUSWJWblA5bkYwSkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsRTZCQUtOdlJaWmRLMjBkaElRdWxVUzAtbDBCM3lCUmM2Tkd5WFZ2anY2ckJWUG5SVlVxcUo5dGxNdklkeTdNaTAxckxWbVB3UlZsamRIR0YzOU1acmhsSU5JWU8xYXd2MjJHZ3YtY18zMHdLdTN3ZkJjWkpPX3N6Wl9ucWFlc1JhSUhGUURNbHM4S1lVeHk1WG02RnI1TVlTbTRtT0MwMUU1aEtkTkphSFNzckhXMGcta1AzMWZGWmhva09iQmhPTWJPZXNzajAwWklpNTlieFhsZ3hLZz09 |
Oh, that helps, thank you! | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2023-03-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoT194UGFqYVBJZVY0NGo0VnZib0ZOVDFrLVQwaHU1WVF6cmxqUm9rOVJtUjk5N3I0Rk1GSmhldDNZckNjSUhFQ3V4OE9tdzZnZ3BGS3pQS3BTT2RMSVdNNFlJdFJNdHUxZGZPcVNQSUM2YlE9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsc014QXRnc0VvSTdvZE5qZm9qNGJLdzB3TjdycjVtcGVlQXo5WXlNcVE5ZzJ0dExadndkemotRW5fcmotcFQtNnF6R0NkVGNVb0hNNzMxcWFxb09VWmk5T2NxNkIwX1lxNDZwRmdFcHk2Z012VlppYm8zZmpsWExrQ2pRdHp0SkdrQkxmWVJGbV9zdVNmS2xUS2tjOUx1TjgxTFVpWVNfN2pmZEhKYUlfRVRWeS1GcnlOM1hVQ0RyYkllTGIxdE9L |
Charities are big business and a great tax write off | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2023-03-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoclgtTHRTT2F1V2diN081X2xrWF9JT2haa3JrSHZDNzBfSW1kOEJPS1VESkdZUGJWTFR4V0JaVU5SejJQa21PZW5ER2V4NldZWnlULTBvQTM4WXBDSVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsSldpVVliU2d4NGoyUnhXXzJubVVLdHVQMVNDa01fbG1ULWVzb3hRcFp2T0RFV1hOSDhhajAwa0JLaGg2dGZxeHQzS0tVbGM0c1BDd3l6Wi1MRGtGQW5wR0psR2pleFo4c3oxLV8zLTZXbXdHVGhuTFJOMl9SV25rYjFzMXNhQ0JGcHBBdVE2NzVROXdJbENBc2tkSjFOem9mNDZRSDllUDQ5TGlLQjJ4eDdFWHE5VldRcmVKTUp3LUpYdG5CYlN1dUZhb3c2UDdpS3BidlRiSms3bkhjUT09 |
I personally look at Spain as Europe’s step cousin who goes to the family reunion but is extremely uncomfortable the whole time. But I don’t see a lot of Spain hate you guys just are kinda a presence we are aware of but don’t pay attention too. I will say your people, language and, culture are all beautiful though. | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2023-03-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoM3JWYnFXX1E3Y2Y3S2dOZ3laSnJsRWJyY01YLVBySjlPSjQyZWYxVG9pY0c4dTRHc3hYMUo4VS1qUDFQSmh6V1Z0ekY3WDR1c0U0WkhqVFVZZkdRMkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsemZGMHhZQVQ5UGZoTlBsS1E1NzVCcFJ1aUtjMjZDdllWQURnbWlJUWY4OGNxbTVfcUJWTWpybGZYR2tZNFBfb3FyQTItS3ZULUNseURUZlE5ejN3NUVTZ0VIeURVTU82dkhWZ3hEN3A4YUZiTkFmanhMN183bTI1Y3ZVSGhsQkI4eTdaNm4wdFFmTXdFTWNWeEFlbU1PVl9yMEtoUV91LU84WEtNcGo4YzdnPQ== |
I’m afraid the truth is that Americans neither love nor hate Spaniards because we don’t think about them much at all. When you tell Americans you are from Spain and they have any reaction at all, it will probably involve some misunderstood facts, such as mixing up Spain with Portugal, or thinking you are Mexican.
As for speaking poor English — in my experience living in different countries around the world, the USA is the most tolerant of people not speaking the native language well. Because of the many varieties of English (British, South African, Indian, etc.) and our huge number of immigrants and foreign visitors, Americans are very accustomed to a wide variety of accents and grammatical errors. I live in a rural area, and it’s fairly common to meet people with poor English.
Also, after English, Spanish is the most widely-spoken language in America, especially in the Southern states. You will find many, many people who can speak Spanish, but they may assume you are Cuban or Mexican.
In other words, if someone is a jerk to you in America, it will more likely be because they are generally a jerk rather than as a reaction to you being a Spaniard. | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2023-03-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoeXpkQnl5c1hlODVSckx0aUxIMTdldXctRTl6Vzk1aTZuZHZ3R1hCdlcxb0ZXNFhsSy1ubmJ3RUtkUGFiNGw5Q2VfVWJIUzdqdDM4aFZ5aFgxYncxd0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsYzF1SF85cWQ4TWpOSzQ2am5kR0U4bUdRQ1lhdFl6eUt1aHlwVndPQnRBREx5MUxYbHhpS1ZqWG42eFR2VjZEdHdoMGFGWDhJeGRXMW5CQUMwNVFFM3R4YXZCQ1Ntd3B4REtiQ2JjZDhCdUdXRTJZSHdXZFlGTFFISjBGQXFrTmR2UWhTU25wTExYaGl3eTA2c1lNWkxRQTJqMDhBcUw4bUVHSFpkSFppaUZnPQ== |
I don’t think Americans really think about Spaniards one way or the other. Most probably don’t even know a single famous Spaniard except for Christopher Columbus but he’s not too popular these days. | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2023-03-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoZVNYTHpQMldiTzd3YWtXazJtaEJNUkMzZ3NZZzcyUXVRNG92TVh6WDJJUXRvczViaVE5NGJKejNaZmg0N2Z5NC1Fc1dsRVJXTVRnanpKNEpfVDctbVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktscTZ2OUdNSzFueGhHdlJvZldmbjZCZzBUZjVMZUxBcFZiYmZ1ZUVqZk55emtIVUcwaHVJOTRyVGF3RmhUdnNKaEk3YVppVjRpQ0Jtbi1CdmtDckE4Tk9PVTd6S0JKSk9IYmx4ZmtKRmhOQzlldk9rbWtYT0k5LW5yNGpLRUtNSWp0ZTN2cHByNmhNaV9ueUQwX2xDTUI4LVFBSkJWTS1BYzFVeTNEemxpSUpFPQ== |
What do you mean? It’s the same as Europe. Kids go to school and sit in class until they’re 18. | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2023-03-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoZUhyVVVmWnRNR21USnRDNk5Razk5NDRoVFc0cE90S0gyYlc2VDlPb3prY0p1NlNZbzlyTV9fN0lGSHlLZkVsZDZodEo3dERtbU9hc2N6Ry12SlQ1NVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsUnJiNlZ4ckxMM1hmLW1WemRrNmJCd25DeTRvaW9PcGlQaTM1ZXFZVkp4T2RQV2tyT2J1Qi11REwxcGtDeXBSWWVtcUJrMERpWW5QYktvaEFrTVpfMkRMR0RXdDZoa2dWZFZPZVVmNWR3QzJiVFpUVWJINVdoaWJPSlBvVjk4Z3J4cXVPNWdob3hXTTZxWHdxSEhTOXk5X0p4SE1TaUprVndPWG90N2xBLVM5UGUyYVJ4a1l2Q0o0V3hGVkwxWFRuclc4RFpXZ09hUFFuZGdpWE4xUnpHUT09 |
No, i mean, what does doffer from Europe? Such as grades, the subjects and the time you spend in school on a daily basis | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2023-03-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktodlNpTFA1QXkzS3ZTZ0NMQ0d3Q3FJWGRBcm5ockJwbEZfR09HaXdPTmMzaFhTV2RleWhuQTZ3d1JxTkxoR01CSXl6RlMtVUtFTWtiR3YwWU83SDFUX0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsdkdaMWtzSDhLcDVlbW1jVC1TaTdzbXgtOHJVVTRUOTI4TTZPekZIMmlnUFdob2NoSUctNUFHaGNLLW1ROWxTNzRJUWV6VTdJQ2hSWmo0R3YzbkNYc1Y5VnppbnYwVERnbmRHSElRV3AydkdvaWlGUnBDVkZNX1hPaU5sbkVrUkgzd3NOM2duY2Jnc0tkV2FaYkNlTVZWNS00eWlMVUNVeHRzZkFGTEY5UHFpN3ZPZ3hjSlBBc1Fad05mS0hVQVBleHhOanNfZ3VveUhzbk9oUXhSemxPUT09 |
No, it’s not really the way. I’m assuming you got that idea from movies.
One time I was pulled over for no good reason — it turned out that my friend had just gotten a job with the Sheriff’s department and pulled me over to tell me the good news. | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2023-03-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoTHYxUDQ3TDJIX1dqZjY3dmJYUC1SYzBLYWx4ZjNfYld4R2ZiV0prZUpOQnNwcUZZVENTTWlDZ0VDclpfdWkyb2Q5TFpaQjk3UFpqS0VLenBMNk0xQXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsWWVGZ2Y5dE1RX0ltRE8weGNlVFkxbDktTVJHb2dkS2dYS01uMVBZS0JDeHRYTkQ1SjNVZ0NCanVVNjZpbnhHa0FacGIzdXZzVUJCaVdta0dYZHpOa1pjRjZfNXFaLVAyempidnpLVTc1R1B0Ykw3NDVBMElfcEE4VXhrdGZiNjBoLVhWZ3hMMFFtaTY2TWlSUkt3OUQzZFJWQnBNNzMtdnkxOV9Yb29pcTdvcmc5a3dFTHpPS19jWmhNNEY3VTZZbnU0cHRBNk1VNGRteHdfYUxwNnotUT09 |
Nah just from Reddit posts | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2023-03-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoaVlZMnNxWWFkRnMtUmNvRklCVjhyamtiU1V5NF9YR3IzdWt5WGxqWXk3REZUUll5SDJCUU14OXZqZVpQV0ZfMTZ2Vl84dkk0YmJMdDRjMmFaZm1WZ2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsT1pBbExMYldjY3NZS3ppeWVVR2lvNHk4ZEhvTUpoMDkyS0pxZGIzM2h5SGZRbk1QYVBSYVZtaUd3aDVfeVR2OHlRZkt1TEdGQjllVC1fU0o5eS1XbG9LWFpQWGFWQ3dxd2h0SnFSQnhWdktlWXlVMEFrVzM3dVUxVU4tNXVJWW51S21XRENYeVVXWmJ2bldSQzBUcTE0QUdYdDczNUxVakdVNUdzTk1DYnZhWXJuYmg4Y1VCUThaVWJlVUwtc2ttU2o2Y3hLdF9HZ1c0X1RqQkJlTG5Jdz09 |
Thanks for replying :) | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2023-03-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoV3B1dTBZa1RDZ1pSdFEtN0NKWHFDcko4UzJ0UHJmRnhDMUlraTVXMEtEcUV3VkpkNjNxSUNkZWIybktWU3VhUDZVWWV6b245QVZFZk5DWnRKSzh2ZVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsLU1SZjh2dFNFUzVHbVRJekpjWk5XelFhRXplVkd2YUFKalBUdnZnd283UzU2RXZTUE9lN1pJM2hJcDlLWVZhRkNIcldtbU1CcElWVE42bGNQSTEzOFdhUVF6Sm9nSTBiRGlpbDhxSFdHZGEydlBuUkNQQkExM29DQUtMb01MajRnVndqd1JJLVQ4eDVBelRTOWlMT0VYWFlPUS1ZdGVQaFBtVWloU2NKeUVDRV84VnU2OWZicEpDQ0RQY2ZxZnJrTW54TjBLaDVPcVhoaXF5bnVqLXNSQT09 |
You were right to be a little skeptical of Redditors: “The police stopped me and I wasn’t even doing anything!”
I’m reminded of something that happened many years ago. A student was late for class, and said it was because the police pulled him over for no reason, and that they were always hassling him. When I asked why he thought that was, he told me “They say it’s because my vehicle looks like a pimp-mobile”
Naturally I asked, “Why do they say that? What does it look like?” He thought for a second and said, “a pimp-mobile.”
His claim that the police were harassing him for no reason was undercut later that semester when he was arrested out of class for dealing drugs. The police handled it very quietly, knocking on the door and asking for him to come out. He did so, but students in one row could see him getting handcuffed. One of the other students later said that he was a notorious drug dealer in his neighborhood. | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2023-03-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoRlJhV09UR3ZpWTVTc0FCSjBSaXI2MmlaVDJ3eEtzNDlJOWpXd3lzekJReW1CY2x2cm9DVUV4el9BZTd1RGRiMnAtcDA0YV9rOF9uM3pTczlUd2JWeXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsMmc2QXBJMm05VHBWbWZwaUtDa2NiaXJrUmZjQXJnRmVmWWF3eVg5MzRPSEVPTmRCUnpoRUMtY0JKTmZWRVpFSXRWd2RWRHdvVHdZOG1VS21MWUQyYnZaQTlZREVFUmVsVlI3VkEwX3pvLTZ0WlNnMDZPS3hDSElIX2wyYmh0ZUw4MjFiazRzbDVHdVdQWV84MWg5VUFWWndNbTgtMlQxdjN1ai02ZzhuZ0JaSkt2Z2o5Z2hVdTVvcGFsZGJHckZnLXdaSTVXTUwxaUVlNVpDM2Qzbi1lZz09 |
This is one of those “depends” questions. I lived in the UK and had a major medical issue and am very thankful that everything was covered except for my prescriptions which were price capped at a certain amount. I never felt as if they were doing any unnecessary and always felt that they really had my best interests in mind. However, I was also in one of the best hospitals in England and have heard that NHS services are not the same throughout the country so my experience may not be reflective of experiences elsewhere. My major compliant with the NHS is that non-emergency appointments sometimes I had to wait a few weeks and when the appointment came my appointment would get changed at the last minute to some time that wouldn’t work. Getting someone on a phone to get that fixed was a pain.
The same is true in the USA. It depends on your healthcare plan and where in the US you are. Healthcare in places like Nevada are not so good. I’m in a large city where healthcare is excellent and I’ve got a very good healthcare plan through my employer. I never have to wait more than a few days for an appointment and don’t need a referral to see a specialist. Quality of care is excellent, and I would say on par with what I got in the UK. However, some parts of the US the healthcare isn’t so good and quality of care is poor. It very much depends on where you will be in the US and your healthcare plan. | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2023-03-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktocWYwc3k3SWFNWVg1VkdEZ1lRWG15ZkVHWVFudmhoUWVDUks3S3M1T2dkZ3UyOVF2bDVZRFVGcmhvX3BmZVhESHc5djBDR3Fvblg3eTZ3dTNZQ1FsdXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsNmtJN2ZrRkFVbjJndjAyM1NpWTN2TmdJU2t3N2VZb3JFX2MwVTNwRkFhSmNiZ2EyWG41WG03QjEyRm9ueWh6OWp3VEs5MWlXNXhCSEFzaDBPZTFDV1pBNXdzVG9wd0VzWHpMTWdGSTBFMTBVTE5ieXpjVzRVcGE5ak1Nckx3WHI1WE1PS294NVlwam5uSllaUVNldzBmUzg0VEtrRnZoMUlmamZMTjlvSnlBPQ== |
What area of the U.K. did you live, that it was like noted for having one of the best hospitals? Just wondering | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2023-03-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktodW80bHBwV25DbERWTE1sbWp6VDdydnF4Mm1CeXIwZVBmcXJ1OHp3Z0JFeTdUazMtcHFmWUNIOEt4WFJKeVNvT3ZqY3BpM0JCWlBBbXktY3d5WHQyaXlEOEFhYV9aamFBc3ZlNEVRZVZraHM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsQjgtRTJ3T2tVNkhWeG5tazF1S2FBaVhHS19Hem9Qelcxc3R3aWxDVndOd1dXMnY2NjZ0UURlcXpPLWM5d0hQeGdGWF81NjY0MUpOSV91dVIycVR0YTUzOUNSQTVhUkVmUDNWUnhpZWlDNHM2WFViM210SklpckFIdlJtdnAtZWUxUVY3cENCc1BfRWdYSjZqbTVwUTk2UlloaC1yb241bUppel92WVItWmtJPQ== |
I want to be gentle here, because I know British devotion to the NHS is total, but colleagues from the UK with whom I’ve worked through the years would often get medical treatments in the US before they returned home. Although I can’t speak to the nature of their medical treatments, they clearly were not emergencies, and at least one woman delayed her return so she could get some kinds of obgyn services associated with her pregnancy in America rather than the UK.
They seemed embarrassed to be doing so, and would loudly proclaim the superiority of the NHS, but I think their actions probably answer your question. | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2023-03-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktodXZZbUFMSHFtQVZyTE1wNDlvQjBubC1vMm5fX1N2MlJ5WUJyWHlqcVZrMUkzUHp0UlNYRy1KYzAtQ3QxSHNmSHZCREdFTFQyaGpCMk42VmF3VnIwVFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsS1BwajM1WmVacm1IT0lGWGNNcjdhX1B1Vm5kS2kyaTZ5X1NaY0ZUSy1EdlY1RkVVNkZNVmN5ME1HQVR1Vjd3TS1Gd1kwa1pPaWtfWTVEY0g2ejlkbldRY2FVRS0wbXB4eHB0aC1nOTExSTZPdElITndrZ1JuUmlWWTV4WnlfR0tXSmd6bk1WTmV1NWJlQUxocnBwUWI4dDhCakhocnpvSEVVTU16X3dWeWRzPQ== |
Your question is far too broad to answer. The West Coast is huge. Although I don’t know where you are from, it’s likely longer than your entire country, and has most things America has to offer. Perhaps you could be more specific about where you are going, exactly how many people, etc? | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2023-03-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoalJXdjdabHBPVkVnSzhiQjhNc1BUaXlLVHhSMWRMRDlOaVI2Y3FHVFNQc1pvUGJxUC1HZ1BYRXdJeWNvZWNjYldic2EydHRlQjZxNVBaYXRUQWxlc0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktscC1CaXlhcVFiYVNjMmJXOGxZdzRZeWhNNDFnRjIzd1hWNnMyYVR3OVlxQkpSZnlIZG00cllETHY2MmJnN0lPcjFGeU5rUjFLWjNqdEF3VVMtajJVeHQ5LTF4bFZEN0Y4T0tFUEhCblB2WTFsT3pXSmhCQnBTVzlIeFJXekZ3blVhRHFfNnVfZFFRcHpZSkItcUNBUElJRHUwSHFzV0tpOW5WaUg4VkQxMEo0ZTBVY0VBbFZhZ3pCamZ5VENYOGJo |
Were they like notably wealthy or would travel insurance cover that? | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2023-03-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktocnNwMmZNWW9heHVUWWNiZ1BXcVFHbE9hTUpLb1cyQzRVcTg4U1ZPV21HVEppT1V0eFZsakMyOHNHNVRQYnVUaV9QaEFZb21DR3lKTXM4Y243WlRUV3RBd29hYy1xR3c2eXczWFFCZFFvSFU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsRlEyLWZua3BucU5jRjJ6ZTRtdDg2dmstSGg0SEV3bDBDRm9CZmk2cElEdzN5d1B5cXFnd2lvWmpvX1MwWURUcEs3Q2cyN0FKTl9USDdUQXZ0WGpVaTZIMHIyUlIwbi05NFBJMTJMWWtZTmY1Q0lyVW1kdE9Oa0hFaGYtd1drQjNUX0laclVLdTFXRGJyQVNpWFJ0bzBiakVlWW1xZWstdEFKNEhSYmZITEZzPQ== |
Definitely not wealthy (they were all academics at American universities), and I have no idea whether or not they had travel insurance, though I doubt it. Perhaps I misunderstood your question -- I thought it was about the normal workplace insurance in America.
I'm talking about academics who worked for the universities either as a 1-2 year Visiting Professor or British nationals who had a tenure-track line, so they had the normal workplace insurance that the rest of us had through the university. What I'm saying is that some UK Visiting Professors chose to quickly get medical procedures done in America before returning to the UK after their appointment, and some with TT lines chose to get medical procedures done before returning to summer back home in England.
So, using their normal American insurance at normal American doctors, clinics, and hospitals, they preferred to use those rather than the NHS. Again, except for my pregnant colleague (and some dental work for a few others), I don't actually know what they were being treated for, so there may be some elements of the NHS that are superior to American care, and visa-versa. Obviously, this was all elective or at least schedulable, since you get emergency treatment wherever you happen to be at the moment of the emergency.
I should say that I am only talking about my observations of others -- although I have researched in the UK on occasions, I've never had to use the NHS. | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2023-03-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoNmhhcDc2ekw5UEZTYVVpRENJMDlYeDVJSm51MTJGZlNTNWVxZ1NFUmNfbjZrNWFrN2s4THVDeTJKUlRpRG5ERndKRnltTmpaUkc2NGxKME04UVdmdEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsNGFVM3dlZVRNNVNmV05PMVI0QlozY0ZnWmo4UzdGNVJvYXkwMFh6OTB1SU5mQzVZa0IyVGhVZG85NnVMdHNMSnhPSGh5ekh4aXE0SFhSYkdRY1p0OHByTHdFZFprMDdlcWZpaDRKcXA3d1ZGc1BBNGhmRVV0amthdG1fZ0ZyZmJWeWhMQU40MUppdjlXYXdGQ3l5ZmdyZER6ZVZyQUI2TXJHRTZlSktIb3hjPQ== |
Actually, one other thing about travelers insurance for people coming to work in America:
A few years back we had someone get injured in a car accident within a day or two of arriving in America, so she hadn't actually started work or filled out any of her HR paperwork. I was concerned about her "in-between" situation, and spoke directly with our insurance company for the university (Blue Cross Blue Shield, which is one of the largest health insurance providers in America) about the situation.
He told me that she had "wasted" her money on traveler's insurance, because she was already covered by university insurance even though she hadn't worked a single day or filled out any of the paperwork. In fact, he told me that if her plane had crashed on her way to America and she survived, she would have been covered even though she hadn't stepped foot in the US.
Fortunately, I've never seen his claims put to the test by such a grim scenario, but if you're coming to work in America, you may want to consider whether travelers insurance is of any actual benefit. | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2023-03-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoN2x2eWlzb0tnQ3hyYTNrc0FjYjVOOTdNaF9HbTdKNVlfcTFucVozS2gtZllObG5DZ3ZzZEdNMUhvbVVNWVpjR2dLbDNKaEYza0VZbEs1U1dqT2d0S2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsOFVkZjF4UnBpR1Zjd0NRVldMODFoQkU3Qi1LUEV1aFpDb3pqZWpxQTZCSTFmWE5QbkxuXzRWbGZZZ3dNVTdSbE5RaTRTbXl4ODN2MEFuUy0wakgyRXNUc2M2c1VDS0txc0cyaW1scU1HVlBTNmw1WXpFRlVtZmhVb0tqTEJicFdvTlhFb0RiLWZkNWVXRnNlRkVmV0tTazdTakp5T2JWSGdVRndDSmpJSUZBPQ== |
It’s funny I guess it’s all relative but I always considered academics in the US to be fairly wealthy, 6 figure salaries are pretty common place right? | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2023-03-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoaGZ5VGRfbF82TlhUeDhxRGoyN3BzNUVIRWRsNFJzS0VWVmRJNUdKQXVhcXJyTlRjaWdLQzZPV05KLVl1c1VVRUZtYWxaNUQwUjd2OEVSbWNTd25zUFU5TjBHdmhHNExYY3gwcHRma2hldUE9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsRGpsUTR1d3BDNmNzSDdVbGFLX2FYdW5BNjJjTlV1MXFXcFJYOVZDNkh2ZjBiNWF3TTdoZWsxS3lOU1FRdEhKUk9vTm1vazdOeXM0REhiVl9UNnJPWmVrd2hlWEpVWHBQczBONDB4alV3djhlSWtVZnZYVkdZVWxyaTZNT0szR09mcXZVTnYzLXhjcGZvNzVqd3ZFRHhVUXU0SFdpd1VCenJmQzlDcnJwaDVBPQ== |
That’s interesting, I have a few years before I finish my PhD but will keep that in mind once I start the US job hunt | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2023-03-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoMzBtM2doQ2FKYlllV3N1d1poX2FnVVF5cjVvaXQ0dDFNdThWV1ctNGtfTFc0Q3F1S0N3OW9qbVlmZXRfc2xEN2RFa19WV0ZRdTlrUjNtV1VzTkVzZFR5ZDRGN2JCaVN3NzNzRlpka3FETkU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsRWV5bVF5QVlhemFMREt0SmlQTEV5TmFyc09DN2hCZTMwS2VLeUNCN2JXNk5FSjBidG1XSUpGVlBEOXN3OTBlZTlPMjRmRTNudERHVmZZSER1Zi1NUWhuSjAzc0UyWGNoajNjNjUwN0hyaXE4WDVyRFZUdnhQSDVLdHF0SEFyRGlfb3U4ZVZ0N2xiQnp6NUJZaVRpVWtScGl1RWx3Q1FUeHpRSm5LZ2pScVVvPQ== |
Depends on your field. Most of these were well below, but the late-career folks might have barely gotten into the low six figures. | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2023-03-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoTjA1dHdqMm1MX2xEc1hKY09ubFREbTA2bUNEUFZ3VlNHOUFlRHFhMkY2UnYtRVFZUFJZQURCY1Zia0FFcXBhVUdNZGpCOEUtMnFfZzN4cGxhT3dJSmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsRllHTDVvUks2RXhlUHpLd3lPdzJQM19FOF9xWEY1TXoyU0YybjFjUjQ3LVVvYk1KX01EcDlLMDRHclRrenlZQTFIemFFYU9DUDE4NmgzWGN4YV9UN1V6bW5vNlVDb3BqR0tDX2RNLURlaHpwNUprUWMzczhnWGp0cFR0Q0lncHhZWllfUVlQa1Vqa3BNSHJIQy0yell0RkJsbFlmV1BWQ3hnSUpUMVktMkdjPQ== |
Great question!
We use “changing a tire” because that’s the part that must be replaced. For example, on a bicycle we only change the tire, even leaving the wheel on. If we remove the whole wheel from a tire (such as when we are locking it up or transporting it) we remove the wheel — so for a bicycle, we use the terms just as you would expect.
As you noted, usually when you change a car tire in an emergency, you change the whole wheel, but not always! When you take your car to get new tires because the old ones are worn out, we still call it “changing a tire,” regardless of whether the rest of the wheel is changed as well.
But what about that metal mount the tire goes on? Actually, we usually don’t call that the “wheel,” we call that the “rim.” So if you are changing that part, we call it changing the rims. When we use the term “wheel,” we typically are referring to both the rims and the tires together.
“Changing a tire” then doesn’t refer to the parts being removed, since we use that term whether we change the rims too or not. The phrase indicates that the tire is the part that requires changing.
Such a great subtle etymology question! | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2023-03-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoVWJnWVpqYmowSkR6LUtIWnJJc2RmUXhmWEdLU1dEUmJPV2o5RUxuWFVCR1hRR2lZdE5UdGJ0djFXUkZsYXYzZGRCdUxiRGRpS2tKZ1RlZXJNT3ZpdFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsQzZONHFRUndRanJmY3k4aWRNbk9xQVhITlVBT2hEdUpid29NR3BmYXNJcVZNVDVfX0E4RzlwTjl2aTVPV1U4RXE4OVNrWFFPZ29LZHJycTZ1N0pjdzM3M3R1a3B6R2dQa3VaY3A2Rnl1SnBINW45QlU3Z3VSc2xqdk4wSDduSU5uMGlSQlYwcnl3dWNPc3U2ZXgzY2NoRFZ5YWpWWVRaOXpxU1lmRnpGdUZQSkp3X1VNUG5ucm5wb2FXMTJwUGlaUVZCWmNiWDVGM0xFdERTR1ViT3NyUT09 |
Makes sense now.
You are indeed changing the tire, that is damaged. The wheel being attached is secondary, or incidental.
Thank you. | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2023-03-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoTFR5TERQWGZFa3RON1FzNW5LUFg3VGljTkg2S1gwdE5QdVFuWHRhazNWakMxWHBPMURpQkViYjNTRWNjTkRzclNja3VyeGp1clJySXpISjg2R2NZZWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsVjJ0aG5oOE91bUlLaktpMHZNd3ZwdTlycHU1dXJ1V2R4czM3VTNyajVFaFZpNWwzY1NzYlRHaWl0WW4xQmdIVEFxM09vTWo5dk1mNGRCSVRmNXR3Ry1ydDM0YWpUcVk2bHh4Uk9nakhuSU9ybzZhQ1FqS3hoZ0l6aWNVRVhmczBsbVpKVDBWNzJlNjBIUHU0YW9LV3lXRFp4TzNSM25fUERvbFNnS3dOcG5FNzk2UzZWSTlNeWhfY0kwQjZqVFpRTlc3NzJPb0lGWWRpcW1iUUpUdk9rZz09 |
That is a very broad question. Especially since school varies alot from one European countries to another one aswell | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2023-04-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoNFFZOWw4MnZVMmhpbWtfUEFhZnlKN3ZXRlM1Y08teHJ6M2NpWEhMT2JfNVQtdXRxcEZDX0dYck1Kb082QnVvNWg2NVJ0M3Q5SHlQY2F2TEdvcjBJWGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktscHdSTk85MFZtYkdIb1g1NEFncDJ0aU8xMjVBdmNFdURZTE92RHF5c2tIVndiaWxCU0htYVpvbmJSRmxFdUROZFhxT0Nnam9QT0JfSC1PSW9UUkZRemMwWTB6X21wY25lWVdha21GZE9vVkprSWlOSXFnS0VQNjVXNlBMZGlVdWNWUUMwREZaQmFNbGkzV05BUTJQRlZfOUJSVTRnUzRSN0JOUFdqLUxhN0tIN1lhcExwLUF5OVEyUnQ4cUtldE4tY283ZE1DSGVvMTBWbUNtYkJpdHN4Zz09 |
Maybe because are very similar cultures? | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2023-04-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoZTlYdl8zR3FXZ1pnR3VNTnAzVzBPakttM0xxVEt4YzJ3bk9YTHZ4ZkRkYUY1bE1GRkFXU0xVTVAxYTg0ZEhOMHRWMjlmTHVScnByeHNCODBlUnBZeVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsSDRhcWZhLXliN0dPS1BvSWFqcEg0ZjBPSjFIYXkzQkRIUi1HVkZqXzR0MkhzZ01oakhkYS1IZkF0UHlVQTRoTmpBbk9vQmZROUwzNjYyYVZucE13OHRhUHRnRzNoOXhOb05NRjNIaTF5S2NNSkpEYS15X0JxM3ozNEp2UU1DUjQ2TS0wREJqeF9kTmRvbWVXSkRTR0hseHJRaWVfYXZBOFlBZFlXT0RDR2Z3NVdBbDNiRlVSYV9lRjZFZFhQajRVOXRqOE94MU5icHFua0ltc3VHWnVGQT09 |
If understand your question correctly, he wants to bring you a souvenir back to Belgium, but he’s not sure what to bring? | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2023-04-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoUHAxWEswZUV5V2hSUGlMcjZVWjRlUXFtbHJtUFE4YjRzMFFyNWhkWGxjbm50aFNwUFVnb1plWS1CU0o4S0UwdGs5ZktybHh6V182Y1ZXTDU0Zk5PX0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsdEdLWXBCVFJtWEhmM0N3dHo5eDg4MTJYbTlnRUp2YW5mNUNJdEdObmN1ZUxZamFTYmI5eGphWUtiaGdzdjhPcUh4cHZ6eDVvVkRZcXVUNE5sX3lraUVKd3BkYUEzU3dvT0gzTGdVdGF1MTdnZTlWVUdlYWVTVFNxWDV6S085Y1VJVHpHVzhITFU5XzEySFlILV9Fa2duLUVKUUctR21zOVBkdFpqc3hzQ1A4PQ== |
Well I’m not in the US a buddy of mine is and he insist in bringing us something from the US | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2023-04-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktocjk5UEJlM1N4eGotN3NUc2Rlb3hBN0EtZkJEOGk0RzJhc0tCUDlzSFBvVG5pcVFsM2hBc0liYTBzLVV5a2NxRHd5clRPa1FQSHhOOUxoOEpORjdpeWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktscWhNeVA5dHM5X3FzdDBtZHBnYWhUYm9OLVRMQ2JJSG1wNlRNV2lqamlKZE8wVkZ4cHc5Y1Mxclk2S0lSaWtIeGgtbnFPdFIzR2RCdTF6dzNKMmZOal9jdVJjMEFtMGdCSTE1a0tDdEV4dmdwSE1XbkJqUGRsNGxMZHNhU3Z2Ql9OSUV2SnAtaGktV0VTaEVyc0Z2LUJKUk1DRTNxYWpCTjNvUUpyRHFRbmN3PQ== |
Where is he? Perhaps it might be good to get something regional. | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2023-04-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoM2JYb0RnbU1pbktLZi0zX2Nmc0psMnBVSHVLX3o1OFZWb1RpQ1FXZmVmc0k1bU9OeU10REpTUWJCZnZGMWlrV2pCbFc5VmtneUFVQlY0Vk5fLXFoeFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsSnluaUNSZzVvbmRLM09rZzJLVXI5cHluYk91UDFXZzhkd2xqSTE1aVlWLTJCUERJWlJ2UXE0cEdLR3FEeEIxclF5QmliaGFLUjNqZVZkbGJLWlJ2bVFMdVZ2UEJocHZHcHRhd21xREV3MDhWSnhlSGFTVjB2SzFvMHBTZWc3eHJxSG1BMmNvQi1mM1ZjSlYxQkFLSEp6MTFUajROX2k3cndoa3RNTDlOWFhjPQ== |
Would you like to do a Zoom call? Or do you just need a few quotations? | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2023-04-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoN0thVHNieHoxSHB1Sl9MNUo4UElFY1lXWjZYbk5YS2djeVE2Q2lkQVRuTFE3NjNveklFX0tJRExHS1hKZlNOWTd0NEtrWlRmZTJrLXl1YWo5WUgzMUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsVDJIaTNTWnV1WGtkV3Q2a28tNXJJZ3pXMzlQaDdKR2QxeVBCaXQ0TnFHTlRnbGFwYkFZQUF0SmV5UDZNU1hqQzFIQ0k5T3ZZaG1lRVlHaTdsUGw1Y0V2X0o2S3R2Q1BLR3NfR3I0TzM4M2RBN1JzZlE4cjN4cHlnNHdnaHJNVnF5NThMYVVjcktiRkgzQTgzeS1KRTVvTkpTcWp5RW01TjltaEdDWmdzMDhRPQ== |
Ah, yes. The compilation videos.
Some of it is likely real. If I can say anything in our defense: sample bias. It's a collection of the most shocking, shareable, viewable things caught on camera. Some of it is probably fabricated to optimize for clicks and views. There's a market for this kind of content (people like it for schadenfreude, cringe comedy, etc), and some people are desperate enough to do it. Possible some of it is parody taken out of context. It's also a really big country, so culture varies dramatically between, say, New York, California, or Texas. We're also very politically divided, and the two parties almost act like two different cultures (see the concept of "culture war". Where I live it's not common to have friends outside of your politics.)
My guess is that the authentic content is composed of bad political behavior (painfully true to life unfortunately), people who fit the stereotype for poverty, people being jerks in public (rudeness to service workers is a huge problem here), and people with mental illness. I actually really dislike the practice of filming people having nervous breakdowns, even if they're making a bit of a scene. People can end up being defined by one moment when they were very ill, and that's sad.
I certainly don't believe that those videos represent most Americans most of the time - I don't think we'd be able to function at all if they did - but there are legitimate problems with US society that these videos might reflect. But the truth is always more complex, and I know many intelligent, admirable, kind, sensitive people who are American. And a handful of people who are... less so. | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2023-04-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktobUxfOFpuZm44X2lvMlpaT0RfekxPY3pGbWl0U2twblhRWDBfc0NRMG9vME9ldVZrZHdVYUpUVVZLd0NZNXpyUHNyVVhqZU1MblJkWENONG1iejMzbzhUQ0RKVzJNbGstTmhVaEJNQ1Bnb1k9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsR3NrZ1AzRUh5M1pqam93ZTF4TGo2QU02ZE9QSl9lejM1eHYxd3ZHR0FFT2VXVVVfWm1Sc19nTlBpR0NTSVFwZkplSWdLc0JiaWIwN3JLb2lFNk1zeWFRZ3daYnZkaVA3NHJjMVBkTmk4RGVSLVlHNVBQb0xnRU1OS24wZHYwSlBCUDJSdkNFYjluRjRmbFRjRGZLNWRNaTcybHU2SlVOTVpwbVZIekYwdjk0Y3NYMWVOX0VOaVpqRmR2Mll2a0hHeUdOREJ1Y3d3MHpFOTB4RDZ5dTU4UT09 |
TL:DR [https://www.rd.com/article/how-much-to-tip/](https://www.rd.com/article/how-much-to-tip/) seems like a good reference.You're on the right track: the tipping thing is all about food or personal services like hotel service. Always for restaurants where they physically bring you the food (waiters), and for food delivery.
Never for supermarkets or general shops. Rarely for delivery drivers bringing you objects. Not necessary for fast food or takeout unless you want to - anything where you get it from the counter. The "flip the IPad around at the checkout" thing is new and designed to make you feel pressured, but you *don't* have to tip coffee shops. I sometimes do it anyway if it's a small business that I don't want to get eaten by chains. I think you're supposed to tip taxi drivers, but more common these days is Uber and Lyft, for which you don't *definitely* have to tip.
The reason I tip despite service quality is because these people are notoriously overworked, and expected to put on this over-the-top friendliness routine, so I sympathize. Things that aren't the serviceworkers' fault I would definitely not choose to tip less for, because it just punishes that individual, and the company will never even know. However, if you perceive a waiter as rude, it is normal to tip somewhat less.
The truth is that there aren't many consequences for not tipping; it's just not a nice thing to do, since it's legal to pay these workers below minimum wage and they rely on tips. If you develop a reputation at one restaurant you're definitely at risk for getting poor service. Chased down the street, not so much.
Some people argue that tipping allows corporations to avoid paying their employees decent wages. I agree, but unfortunately not tipping probably won't change that. It's a strange system and even we don't totally get it. | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2023-04-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoOG9KLXkzbG44bnYxS0pJWGtkT01wdXA1Zm1pUHQtaXY1czE2OVRuSU4yNHU2enNaNExVYU50Q0IzaEZaM2lla1l5X2FDa09jd2hMbTI3aER4QWdrQllIRjNXVFF0Rmd3TzhGazBSVUo5c1E9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsSW1xTzhvUjdMOXVCbVYyTkN2NktxV0VhUnlicmpyNEk0ZTVhbWpYdWJUSW9tNzVqQ1NCbC1QbjF3UFpJeHM5Mno1cHR3N2t3Tk1nSnQyWE14TjBKeThtVm9oOG0ySHJnMzhSYUptSWhkZjRQZkRsTjlDS2dXaE5ZcV9JSXNySWN0cnFwNVFyTVBXdlI3b1F1dGVRS1NfSDhHT1VwTUFSbVVhaHIyc21iV3NOYzF6ZGwyUmM5SkRQRThwZ1JGVFlKRi1aLTZLYzlXQng0UHlsX19pQnI1UT09 |
From my perspective, all citizens should have the right to protect themselves with the same (or at least similar) force as the police and/or criminals. Manu people believe that if we were to ban guns in the US, then all gun crimes would simply disappear. However, most people who are willing to commit gun violence are also equally willing to obtain said guns illegally. Thus, banning normal law-abiding citizens from owning guns for protection would take away our ability to protect ourselves from criminals who will get guns, whether they're legal or not. | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2023-04-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoa19tYlR3eEtYZmg5RG5sTkUtWE85Q2ZWSGZXRGtnWmlRcWxmUWlVRXN2YThZai03SUZRUFNnTDRmWkZqOXdZVzFoNUFOV2hxRDEzTnJ5V1VCcENDM1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsYUxMZkNuT1hpUXM4WE5lNUstR2JCdGktRnB4WVJEUmRRLWVmci1WeVk2OXBUU3RZVmhBSF9zRVo2WUpXblJxR3Rqa05NWlVRSVE0MGlCQmZkYlYyQk5DUzhNZXRtcUlYMnN6dWFzYVd1dEdLdEpDaE5jT01ncUFySFRuUmt2MDE4WlUyem5zdFZjQWg2UlhOVEwtUGlVS25pUmx5X28wdG05cDJJTnFjZmVjPQ== |
Just tip if they put extra effort into what they did in order to do a better job. If they do the bare minimum, don't tip. If they go above and beyond, tip some. If you can't afford to tip, don't tip. | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2023-04-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoWHBxUFZFeUx1QUlYa2tDZlkxa2l2NXhCWHZ4RUpFR3NySV9DaUI5Z29Uenp4Q0NqbllTUHlDdHJpNUthSkprNkV5UEZxQ3BTcTJ0cm0tbHlXWWdkRGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsTG8ydDdaMG1KZUVFWk1qdGtuSzZ1VHBJNFlhVmFGYmY2V1FaSHBHMHdVQzFRNWQxWVZrUVBpQW1JWlctODBpS180azBXY0FoWjdZWUVVdW5tUnc1ZkJ3T19UeThRR2p2SUgyejAxdGZNVGkteTRaTms0c3hNRkZzdFZBRTNDVHBTWmV1Vk1UeTNYNTdVMGUxbmVkN0hOYkctTHhZdng4c3VVVy05V05jdG5oNnVZSUVjei1vVklMQmxUYU9veXhfZkxfcHlHTXNtVkc3RzU4MTRodkoyUT09 |
This was really interesting, I have never thought about it that way. Thank you! | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2023-04-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoNXB4aHduTC11YTdPQ0xDTWZDQWZYWUlDTjJ5WExxUHc0NkdrWE1acV9lNTZGM2lTbDVXVy0tWmpmNmFiYm0yUEFjMVBvTTJLY0lXekxrWERaQ21wLXhyRWM4MFgtV3lLTlNOSjZHN2RWSWM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsZTU3d0VBam80UnVDQ2xEcVp0cjBMbTVLZk52R3c5VkYxUnh4MVg0Qzl6Um9vdm5XRFlETTRfT194VThiRlk0OHBlTDJwLUhVeG9DMFhOeDhZSWM5TmN4aUJLdkU2X0l4aE5LNG1kNWFPUHRkNzVRYnc3V2ZSd01RZ25lTVNMcGpMWlFPQ2NPeFhWeXVPQW55VWx1V1g5alNtd3J2YXh2aWw2NFFQUUpwaDZnPQ== |
I'm glad you found it helpful :) | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2023-04-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoQWpmN2haYWZrMUppM1J0S3hpc005d2p3dzlCYmpXdGUycWFJOGRHRW9Sb2l5c0VWRmFxbXFoNXhRdW1aQm8wVV95U1p4R1ZNQ015QkktRFowczBEdlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsQTIwdXlFZEM4ckFwMjEwNHMxQjJzNG56Z18yaEw0Sk85RWJEdXJKUVJHZENDNjhMVlJfQlI0VkdrXzdWQlBBU0gydFBqa3Rrc1JCaVZaMEw0Ql9IWW13ZzdYTjFYZHJ3OU40TTFUSlBLRk1lNWpCYXp0ekhLNmxsVnFtYjR3TVFzT0dkWi1hZ1RuTHlfVXBwWEMybTNxWnVCVmktdzhSWDJRdWNYY2xOZHdvPQ== |
I'd recommend Wikipedia for this question. It's very well explained. | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2023-04-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoamNPWF9saV9XSnA5d3NQMGVaZU5KZU5lSTBLbmV3eUQtVFpiTHRYYW9ybzVoam91MTdUdVFzX0VoU2VtVFlaZ3NQdWN6ZTd6c3N1b2k2RlF1LVhaWUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsTzhNQ2hhQVI0SlZPUHhucktKdWpocVFpRU1kSG5yUUhTR29jTy03N2NiMnpNRW1LRFdCaHVwaVc3bHpmZ3M3SDV0N1BIU3QySUVzVERGWW8tZTBOLVl1dk9ucFBUaHc0cjhDUFIzZnllR1ptYnNHR21qNTZRR3VMMmxOd2JqQ1poRmdvMDlibHM5TTg2Zk5ROS16a3RSbHdCOG15LU8wY1hCWnhaUHhnTmdtY0JrSW94V0RVSnJRUmN2RmYyWXdJNnBUaFFnZ0xwOU1uSHJKSDhmaDdTdz09 |
No, it’s not real. The athleticism is real, but everything is choreographed. | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2023-04-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoVkx1aDlYWjVXYnd5OWpfU3FRekM4Qmx3bVJUZWJRd0JKZWdXeVFZWlVnYlRuNVVrbXA3eEctQ3I3dnlaN2daUjg0ZU5Xb1N0R3ZtZmJkY2d2aTk4dXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsM0pGUXVLR1Z4WWQ1SnYtVHh6YzlGMHEzNmJ0UGtTMWpzQU8tSmZ4eHFuV1ZHSUl0cGh6WmhiZmQtN3lnbm05V3o4MjFLRUxlcFNJanpPVHVDZWx5NWlxMW10M1pWMGRrQWIwQ2NBVGRWakZqeFJreDhlZWRGaFNWZUtwbXluemlfd1RWblRRUF9lcVY1SHRWM2lNOG5lbHFla3huWk9tZWZkQkRIZVhYa1JFPQ== |
They use blood squibs then. Knew it. | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2023-04-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoNVZ5LVBJNHhWZFNsQVpicmNaUThsMS1sNDBCOTdUamhBTXZ5S05JUllWclE5ZDhzczlVSTRVWC1aM0FuTE5WLUJoYzRsd0dhVVNvRDVVWi10RDNkNkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsMGw5T3F3U3dyZlVvNTFDUHJYd0I5NjVUWHVwWkFUX3dpc3djUU9HcnJJTUZRUHZMTWk4OTdtVk5FZEJTYm9qODFzSnk1bTVkVW9fcWRkS2tVM3h0UDhnM0t3UUNsYkNQRDZqNmdrWW5tTDFiOGdRbmlySmc1SUNyZjN5NXBnWm44RTFUbXRZTllXOXJFU3lfRXZOVW9keHU2cnlvS0lGZ2pXMU5ZVGRzQlZZPQ== |
Sometimes the blood is real. I have a family member who’s a semi-professional wrestler, and sometimes they use a razor to cut themselves just enough so that the slice breaks open when they are fighting. He will put cuts in his forehead creases that can’t be seen until the blood starts flowing. | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2023-04-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktocjdwZDRiNUVlTXdaY0lMS2xPZS05ajVmeVpWc1pldENoQ1RHdk9KTVRoT2doVXBtVmdNUHBlcm9SUXRHQWpzWi1DLTZpNWpHOU9UOE9NX0NDS3pnQkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsdml1SExCSUFabGR1WUM4cjBkNjZJclhzQU1fMk1LeTJ6cEh2dnZoM0w5YWVRaTJGVDdZN3NYLVpsdkc0MHo4ZDQzWXBfWmFfMnhLTDNBZVg2LUtUejFtV0hURy0xYVcyX1p4U3lzR3NZZU9aUEM4TVJwcmdzbmVyaVBXR0Vza1dTS3VOM3dhTTlOZHF2Z0lHbmxOQU93bmdRYjJacW1HakxMTXRYVDFVdUZJPQ== |
Well that’s just stupid. | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2023-04-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktocWtaV3ZJbEJuWTFCX2Nob2ZDN3lDWUpTQlVTcDk5WHhjYzJSclRVNURGTzlqeGJiMUxDcEV0UEpsMFc3ZktodERwVUdDVlg1dzlJN29vLUJBQS16akE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsZEFnYlk1YkZlWTJSeEVEekNPR1Q1MTVLMFc5QjZQZThCN2wwMnhkZUF0U2t0YWlmSThBa2RpNVZnQll0SDRnVjR1eEhTYXIzcFNGbEpzcjhZREIzRzZIbG1JVGk0OV9kVHc2eV9KNW4xMzFYQ3RJMnZ2b3ExTXlTNXFHX0RsWkZGSXVYSk83REh5eUwySEtzVGhyaC1TTEFxb18zdFB6Mmx2bHNNWkxPOEFnPQ== |
Hi I have a question about mining/contributing to the network - and would be grateful if someone could answer
The white paper seems to state
That the team behind Bittensor
Created Bittensor to prevent siloed
Data and create decentralisation - although on the hand those
With smaller gpu power will become de - registered overtime -
Surely this will result in siloed data
To those who have the highest gpu
Power ?
Also if this is the case how would this incentivise greater network? | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2023-04-30 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoOHJUZENxYkhDRDRnNHNUVWhxQzUteW1UR2JMOVV2YWx4M2U4RFl0eW1MbkNqVW1mR0JWUXBGTlpRNXViRVhYZ1E1MlJsY0EzWEJGSE44LVlXUWhVTHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsaFdnYWNsUlk2OVFObk9QdTNpMG1oaUxCNHlZUUhLclhfbEtsMWFvaG9VTlc0enY5eE8wTzNGWFlnc1FSeWJXS0pXYzdibi1wbktLUmxuX1ZBbUo3eEtyS2xEUlgyeXZSSnJxel9CeTljZm1KaHFpTS1nYzZuSlU5bjZZalB3UzA0OVdPZlA0dGUxaEJVQTg1c0I0cUlHVzYzSGU4d2phM21nanpoUVM2b05rPQ== |
Thanks he’s in Texas in the Austin area | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2023-05-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoaV9jX3JocS04QWxJejVESzBQeVNIcXhqWnBkSExtanRVb2dUUnoyc1JmR0xybndJM3E1dlRvMUxVUWdZUUVrMFJVcGF2MS1lTjRaVmk1bFBscVZRYnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsaHQ0bXR6TnJzMDdIR0hjdkRQdWJhNlZid2djNnRaaUdSWFpRTzVLSUF0UUhORGc3dUNVQV9rXzV2a3NCZ3FXSFFLMllCbzd0YUJpYk9IdW5TcEFINFljeXlkVXl3ZWtITnZLLUozaHBLZkZWTmtNaU96Q2JJLU03a1JQbDZ4RF9rX0twVEFtWHpEUUR1ZFY4YnFMekhoUjJiOWFmNUF5TUJ2RGZZQVhtb3VNPQ== |
Maybe a Texas flag to decorate your room (guessing you guys are young), and some sort of barbecue sauce or chili powder the local people love if that's allowed through customs. Ask your friend to go to a LARGE truck stop and there will be so many cool souvenirs to choose from, guaranteed. | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2023-05-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktodkJ5OVVFWElLT2E3OUU2RzZnMnByX2dxQU9DQjdRck8ydnF1MmhjTVpxd1ZZeldYRU1zcHpKUXdTSEU0QUQwRGUxZG5rS2xPYnY0QXg2NWhLMjVkeWE4RDU0b0hKVzEzcng5UExOWlM4UTA9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsbFlzV3oySWd4U3JWa25SS1lvdmR0Tjd2c1JZVVdoek10a21icFFaMTR4ejBTN1hYU2luLUwwS290WE94aFZTb2Z2a1J3ODUxZ2c3cHJMSzltUmlhZV92TnJxR2p0a3hqSjYzNVcyUDVEY2o0RkpsR2lWR245ZmZWalUtdG94TEhXMWliU0o2enlOQVVPRTkwbmt5d3pJdlBNVHR1R3N2NTBUZVJUTVV2V2lRPQ== |
This is an easy one - just take my own family as an example.
My 8th great-grandmother is a Mohegan Indian, but that's 1/1024 or so of my heritage, so I don't know that language or the culture. Bunches of my folks got here in 1607 Jamestowne/ 1620 Mayflower and in the waves of immigration from England to 1640, and I speak English, so I guess that's my heritage there.
But I have Dutch heritage through the Brevoort family of Manhattan, as well as French Huguenot ancestry and German, Scottish and Irish ancestry arriving here well before 1700. And then... two of my third great-grandparent couples later immigrated from Ireland and Scotland respectively around 1850.
So to keep up with all "my" languages and cultures I would probably need to learn at least 10 languages and cultures.
TL;DR we Americans are mutts. 💕 | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2023-05-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoVTZpLU43Q3BvVVJqRXJGVHJYZjFLSTNyQzJKT0dZWVdRb3dzU2NCNHBGbEpvakJfRE9CZDVOMEdiek81bXc4R3BweFFGMGxhZmlFREpRNmNfM2tHNlJ2YjFxZlFRN292aUJEZE82TG1yNEU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsMlI3N215T1ZrNU5VaTl0RlQyQUpXVnZsUGE1bzNVclFadVVPVDlJZWVsS0RoMG14RWpyeV9OVk8zY2tyX0lPaDNEdm02NlNPcWZNOGt0RGdqaVJ0WG9lb3ZKTmNQT01qemw4MUdDclhHd0xmQldHYVpSaUJtUGo3YjBYQVNGS3hybVdTQktxZUplZnhxbDV1NzFzeVVpMGFtbTViUWJEczk2YmstcjNtZ3JUb3duWHlKeUQ5R1N4Y0Y5QXp0bDV4WHA3Ny1VczNlTHdUdUoyMVU1S0tsUT09 |
Yea that's really interesting and the exact opposite of the UK.
We believe if people or cops have guns, criminals will HAVE to bring a gun, to compete.
So we took guns from everyone - and indeed the criminals stopped carrying guns as the risk to the criminal outweighed the rewards. | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2023-05-05 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktod0pyTEpGeW11VVpBbk44ejBCTzU1ckZTTTZqaG05X0FvdW94NldhNWRGMmtFRThNLTZ4SU5zQml3ZzFTTWRuR0M3Yk4wbVhTR3FFNnF4YzNWTXAtNnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsMlAyalFZN0g2ZGhaRGsxblpxMzlOcGhwM0NsNnh1bEVPMTVCNFh6SEpMSWlhaUpxanFwVW1iallBZzdpWTBYb3ZfRkZHMXFKdTlKZXB0eG1TNzVsWU9yNEtPbFNZeWVpR2c2MENramhNVWZLZWRqRjNnaHFCdFowQWZBZkhvOTFWb0NmOUR0a09QcnB3OVplal9PRHlpQWxmZ29EZjdOQ1o1MV9sclpCTkZvPQ== |
Healthcare in the UK costs about 25% of what it costs in the US per person - because of the lack of paperwork, middlemen - and the capability for the NHS to buy in bulk. | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2023-05-05 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoRkFRVjJQYVM2Q1licHN4OFFORHJyM3NSTTlZbFI2T0dZcTJwSTRQLXhkU1N0bi1JUTZWUzg3R2stRklYNVl1Q1oycHowMVRMZjlTaHNEanVPRzRRRlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsV3NlSnNreWRULWZFRHNwbDI2X3FxcUxsRF85dDFpV1BUYldoblZjV2owWGhMWWJMMEdpOE8zNmFHc250SkRLd0FEcThuVG15b2pTelpsUW1PQ1JjcDVOZG50UXZfYU1ndVNGWVJ5aXd3d1A3bzk0c3RBYm40QUN2VUFmQ3VoeWVsMHk4THh1UklDSW9KdU8zeURNVFMtUkxMN1QzVlUzeXZGRzA5NXRJNFVJPQ== |
It obviously depends. My aunt had to get on an international flight to the UK pretending not to have 2 broken wrists - so she could get them fixed for free on the NHS rather than for $31,000. So each unto their own I guess. | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2023-05-05 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoQ2xWbnFJMVBVN0t3cUZFVS0tVk9IN1ZaN19zLXJNekd1US02UXdFOGZCdTBRajJ3MUFPUmV5c3RQTWVZUEd2SEN3U0dpVWkxOWlGcFpJS0VmZFpTWmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktsWUdOcHM1UnVESWgxSXNTYW96MnNpQUxHYXBlZlNYM1V6MDQ0ekZWbGtMZU16MGFKT1BIOWZQQkEtNG81MmVBR3R5RWRQWURBNEJGd0NWamFxdDVtc2NzWVRHYzRBMVBUaVpYT2JqLWQtakRBYV9xdUlpWTZmUWFrQ1dKMTZNeXdyZU02bzJzVWJIYUVtOHhIeGJtdUFzRGpCeFBTZGplekxPaTdaeDlMWHZvPQ== |
Yes. It’s not a great system, but what we’re stuck with. If someone steals it, you kinda screwed. | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2023-05-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoRGJCcXYxZlpqaGRfYmdhMV9qMXhrQzl2dmxFWUFmN2lUZFJUZFplWDZPb0hocWFjRG9ZaXFjWHpJM0FCRy1mNDNsZFBaNWZhWEhNVjc3VXB6bXNMQnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRkttUW1EM19UQ0JVWVFnVHJOQVpKQ25VSHk5VkRSanhpR0txMG1ka1IxUG1QR3RFRldmMFBzQXpvVWVTejB0dVJQdWRUN0VvUXFuYzNUU0lMbnhDaXJjZW1WaTFOUFZpQW1uUThHSFhGb216Qnh5WkVJbWZZNUJQSmloTDdZWkVQSFFqTzJjQ0ZtZ3JudFVHbGJQVndNY3MxNFZIcW1nb0VscVBFSWRYOE1aQlg1bXFnYU5jTG44T01YWUJNVWZtVVA2YnJQOGVodkhzZnJNZlplckZLMjl2QT09 |
Upon request from community members we added Bittensor to our website where we feature coin statistics, market capitalization, coin investment ratings and Machine Learning based forecasts. We wish the best in the future!
Website: [https://walletinvestor.com/](https://walletinvestor.com/)
Bittensor: [https://walletinvestor.com/currency/bittensor](https://walletinvestor.com/currency/bittensor)
(forecasts and additional information will be present soon as we gather data) | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2023-05-07 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoZHhvbWNwTEU0RjRkQ1pQTnZld3VidFlSMndSeWp3YzlyejM2bms1VS15aU1aRV9BRXA0aGU3YkpCWTQ0clgzVkJLWWxxQUFWai0yUWtydHFFc0lKblE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRkttLXhwUUJLbGlvTFE5V25XVWZwaEMzc1FNTnRPOUpsYXJuU0hESGdYLXJES1ZYQ01MS3pfSF9qSzZzYWU4UVhWVEFfWTRMdHVPaTM4bnJkc2s4YlhBcU5aNG5yRDdtUF9pLVBUZHRGTEJHRVhENlJnLXFiVHczYk1Ka3BWSXlySUw4VlQ2Z2lqNHZWcjdMMm10LUlaSFRubXFwNU1SV0hWOEpZaXNvaEFrRXhqRXhCT2QyUEpJdUdxd09qQThYS2dMOU1GY0dldTRsbDVHemFxd1R0eXFqQT09 |
Easy, extend the trip. This country is huge | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2023-05-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoMG1kVDhCWk4tbHU3ZVlvbmZCQXkyWmt2Qk9NY0xVTkw5YUFsUDNZRUxkcGZjNEVzdkFPQVVzeXBhYTByUGhtbkswclhkYmttZDU0SWl0YmdVLTRXS1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRkttNk83am5OVnZla2FMYW5USk5VTUN6anZnMV9FX1JsaHdEY2h6eGxsOEoxREN3T1p1b3ZuaWNLa0ppNllqR01MUkphYjhjaXkxUWwyYzQ1THJqajNpbTVwdnZEbmgyZUx5RnVERGp3RHUyQUtMTjlrRnFvMGFkT1RVRXZKR2dhcktyMUZ0UzJtUC12cHZOSW5zVFUxODVXYTZuaFg5eHhUUGRRU0N1dlFCdEtUdkRSZ2VFdkhmbEZBWUh6M0FkZ1JF |
Except for the fact you can call them and order a new number and card..? So not really screwed, just out like $40 bucks. | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2023-05-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoZE54blYwZ3EwZWFKcVl1WGlOcXdYU3BhYjBsSk5yalpOaEpFc3ZQR29HakVZTnlEMDFxdWQwYnFNTzNwMmMxUV96eEoxUERRLTNCRmtvbGVxZ3NPRmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRkttcjJMLW9HbU1fbDZldjhzOWJhV2pJWnFnTGc4bVR5cGdKUGVqUmw3Z19fQ3dvbW8wUjdmaXlLb2x5SWU4TDF2UGxwdWFnSXhhd3N3bzh4eUdKNFNPUkQ5VVVZUVpDZXYxYWtTdXVtVFgtWEVhQ2JKcFlLTU9EOVU0YlFTVDlRNDZxRWhXU3JBdGVqNl9SV0NfekhkOWdVcDBTSEFUNmV0Tkh0RndhZlUzRXp0YmY0RTNiQl9DYXhOZEJrYVB4Qmd1VHFkbmxTeGt4Y2Vlb1hTY1I2R0FYQT09 |
UK answer
It depends on how well you know the person. I would go with £0 unless you have a good relationship with them.
I wouldn't think the exact contributions by person would be shared with them.
But like I said I'm UK, I got nothing for wedding or birth of 2 kids and didn't expect any. USA could be different | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2023-05-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoOE5tMHJ3RjNoZW4zVWIxZGVqeTdnRjRfU3dvWHR1bXFUOXpNTWdWaXRNb1lwUzNJRDRVbkwyenR1SmZOWWRfSUhFVW1vWHA0U1BsY19oTFh3LUtGVmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRkttZVp0VHF1ZjRrSDlKbFVmUURoU3U5aElubkxzZVdiOEg1U09NYWt6OG5SU1ZrRUpnMkwxQkc5MGpQZ1dhY0xDV3Q0ZDVkTDBueVV5THJFMXJuM3lJaVpjblpldjFhY2tqT2pIcTg2V3VLNXNvano0YXBfbmZlQjlaY3JMdldSejE2dUV2RXpIdWVMX20zTFpiSjBLc1ZZbDRKa3F2eXVtdmdVNXlvSGRYcW93PQ== |
Yeah, I can understand that view, especially because it's the UK because it's a much different place. It's a whole lot easier to take away all the guns if you don't have the cartel at your back door flooding the country with drugs and guns.
Also, it's not criminals alone. One of the primary arguments from anti-gun activists is that the government shouldn't be outgunned by the people. And while at first that makes sense, it begins to lose that validity when you think about the fact that for the government to be outgunned, they would have to have the entire country against them. If that happens, then I think we need guns to protect ourselves from whatever tyranny would cause that reaction. Think about how different WW2 could have been if the jews had the facilities to protect themselves. Or Fidel Castro. Or North Korea. Or Communist Russia.
BUT overall, I can't express how much I appreciate a civil response rather than insults as usual. Breath of fresh air. Thank you | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2023-05-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktocDlMeUI1SXNLVnBTQWMxTUxtcTBETS11bEs5Ymw4U0k1TF9YT0l3SnpNb3RORXFfM1pPV09zUlBZWnlYOFJwUWFkcXo4VU9fUG1kQUxxNjczSFpUNnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRkttWmxRZW1VaUY0TjFIVzNYMFVSZWxWZmNiaW8zSDlReXprU1U3TEVlNVdaYlpTTHFRT1FwZ1hkUzFmUTFEc3NNbDIzRWl1M2djUGE4LXlnY01lYnRMSFFfYm51eFFzWXY0b0FLUGZLb1J0MnZCTW5yMGxLc3BjelJtRHNpQ3l6VnllTV9KcDdfV2twT1lOUHFwWDJhRk5pWDNHMG5PblNBYnoxaHh5MXR5MGRBPQ== |
It's America that floods the cartels with guns, not the other way around!!. Apart from that, interesting points. I don't think the government is scared of the people having small arms though, that's pretty out there. For example, if that was the case, Waco wouldn't have happened. | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2023-05-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoNURzNDRsMVgwV1ZwS0xzVElUQ1VzUTExUlViVnZxbEdFX2E4RkhfOE9FTlhxVHMyVV83UzBXb0tUNWZ3WFV6dml1XzZ0QTVFZ3JHanRDWlBQVm5LSVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRkttRk40SmljT1l2Ykc2amk3akxjM3g2M2MzYTR5X2JGVVNPRjBscGZVSWtyUTJsSjhHOHIzSUNnRURuMjNXaGw5OGN1OHJHczc5VTRhSmhvbmpBSDZSbHRBTFNsMmNTMm5tVEc1MzZkMkROZ2RmbmhXTDN1QzcwMlh5cnpsREZiTFFhRXczWVZ3aWlnRnpqN2VCTjBMOW1Ca1E3WEVSLWFCQ3ZYSW9SUVp4OUc0PQ== |
Yes, the government has given guns to dangerous people. Hence why good people need them to protect themselves. Also, Waco happened because the ATF wanted publicity after Ruby Ridge. Nothing that the ATF did was legal, and they ended up murdering 72 citizens (mostly women and children) who were only trying to protect themselves because the ATF shot first. I definitely don't agree with what David Karesh was doing and I think it was depraved and evil, but even still the ATF had absolutely no business there to begin with. Not to even mention all the things that would have violated the Geneva Convention if they'd been committed against another country (psychological warfare and stuff) | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2023-05-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoX0ZGWXI0NEhiQm1UVXlFb3kyV2NBSUN0NXl1OF9XQ2dnYzV1a1VmTWxyNGFHb3NOWE5sRUxWX09BdFdkbFZ1OG8xUEhyYlVvZ3BzakJCTXFDZFRwVnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRkttSmk4bFlyVG5wWGdOWml5c2lwdEI2NWtpUTJRam5reXRYdVk3bUpVc2I2ZjhHTjZ6RWFyVExmZFl2TGduMmI1WG9zTkN6cDl4OGxjdF9tMGg3NHByTktidDdvM0VVOVNrX2hpeXRSd3JTUW1QRVlSSTk4aVJNSUwzVHdZX1pKREEtMFFocmhtTVhTajlfYUhVRldrNWJhRUFySEo3RDBIQzlxMG9GZFctaTg0PQ== |
First off, don't be nervous -- travelling abroad can be fun and is an adventure even when things go wrong.
Second, you've got an accent that shields you from most *faux pas*. I've found that most places in the world people are very tolerant of small etiquette mistakes when they can tell you're a foreigner, and Americans especially so. Being from the UK is the sweet spot -- you speak the language fluently AND are clearly a foreigner.
A few things to keep in mind for the first time traveler to America:
* America has a very strong car culture, which is great if you love cars (especially classic cars), but not great if you want public transportation. Except in the most extreme urban places, even poor Americans have a car, so you should expect either to rent a car or use services like Uber or Lyft.
* The US is big. Really big. For comparison, the state of Ohio alone is about 90% the size of England, and it's considered a middling state. If you're thinking, "Oh, after the music festival I'll pop off to see the Statue of Liberty and maybe the Grand Canyon the next day" -- forget about that. Enjoy the region you're visiting, and leave off other places for future visits.
* In my experience, folks from the UK often stress about taxes and tipping. Because of our federalist system, different places have slightly different tax rates -- e.g. the town I live in has a 9.5% tax rate, which is a little high. For most things, you can just assume a 10% rate and that's about right, but some places will have a much higher tax rate for things used by tourists (such as hotels), so assume about 20% there.
* As for tipping, as a tourist the main places you will be tipping will be sit-down restaurants and maybe any place where someone carries your luggage (usually like hotels or drivers who are lifting your bags for you). In the case of bags, $1 per bag is fine. As for tipping at restaurants, 15%-20% is usual. I've seen Europeans pull out a calculator and stress over that amount -- listen, it's not that rigid, no need to panic. If your tip was going to be $4.27 and you tip only $4, no one is even going to notice. Here's what you do -- figure 10% of your bill (easy enough, right? Just move the decimal), double it, and that's the HIGH end of your tip.
* America has a very strong customer service culture -- actually, this is one of the reasons we have a tipping culture, because good wait staff can make WAY more money than they ever could in another unskilled labor job. For Brits, this can be disconcerting, because people in stores and restaurants will constantly be asking "Can I help you? Do you need anything? Is everything OK?" I had a friend who thought the staff at the store were following him around because they suspected him of being a shoplifter, when in fact they were just trying to offer attentive customer service. By the way, this customer service expectation is true everywhere, even in places with no tipping.
* The same is true for American friendliness. It's very VERY common for Americans to strike up conversations with total strangers. Sometimes Brits can find this nerve-wracking to have people constantly greeting you and making small talk. Fortunately, your accent saves you with the small talk. If you get stuck in a conversation, just tell them you're a first time visitor and you can just talk about your trip.
* Refills on (non-alcoholic) drinks in restaurants are almost always free. Enjoy!
* The nickname for people from Ohio is "Buckeyes," but there is a local candy called buckeyes, these little balls of peanut butter and chocolate. I would recommend trying them if you see them for sale anywhere.
* In Columbus, you're near enough to Cincinnati to get some good Cincinnati style chili (also sometimes called "Skyline chili" after a famous brand). It's basically chili on spaghetti with cheese, onions, oyster crackers, etc. I'd recommend giving it a try as long as you're in the region.
* I don't know what your itinerary is, but Ohio has some nice cave systems. If you are interested in natural beauty, get yourself a tour underground.
* You're also not very far from Amish country in Ohio. The Amish are an ethnic religious group that strives for plain living and so eschews electricity, automobiles, etc. They ride around in horses and buggies and mostly farm.
You're going to have a great time! Welcome! | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2023-05-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoaTJqUV9sMlItYlB1SEUwTUhPU1Bpb1AxTzQwVEZqMVZGaDFzdE14aW9SRWNQTmNmMEMwZENXclRVYnRlcWJmOUs3WWs1dHdnYUFrWFdtWmRRRmFLZlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRkttWC16VU1JSFBBZVc5bDhBcHR2UUtfNEI2MTc1UC0yd2JDVTAxVm1zNzBmd3E2S2hkWjIySDM4VVU3RGlYTmVkUVRtdEdSZFRfS3JYNEdXUnJ0TUJQd3M2SXFKeXI5TTJNV3M2NDR6VjZncGhIbXJNWkhsREZUSG5DT2pETUFFWGxnY1pOUEZnUDRMRlI0TmJyM010b29TanJXMTBzcXQ5cjZDT3JnMUVXVmZlWVpzaTE2eXpKSl9XZTZWWlhMMmJsWWRlTTcyTi1abjNqaHB0VjBaVEdBQT09 |
I hope you find the PDF files at this link useful.
Compared with the UK, very little 2020 U.S. Census data have been published. More coming late next week. Keep in mind, except for the apportionment counts, it's all been trashed with Differential Privacy. | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2023-05-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoQ2k0aGZKdVpXTTdLSXlsRUdSN09TXzJhbV9pYjBDb2xJMW9LREl1MnZzNFpjSG82U1J2amJHYXF2VmVuYzE1a01Qek1leEJpV0I0eDRKYmVnQ1dndWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRkttT1pYUWZXTDlaNjdCZW5UU3RrUWR0UDRmcEs5UFRDZXg3alowbmlwcUlLN3p1WVhZcGhXaHF0WXpRWVBzVjhLbWlIYzVOVDdrcmh4WlE1UDJIaVRtaHcxaTFrdDVSX1RpT1NkSG8xUk5TeGhEWnNrTllsNmJQQ3ExdHpUR1k0RU5wWmZPMTFPSlFIY1JESnVSU2pJMEFlRGNpM3kzc2JhNE9wcU1naUotTGg0PQ== |
Thank you so much! It's very different to Switzerland, where there's just one big ass report published as soon as the work is done. I need the numbers about race-percentages. I think I must live with citing a website in my thesis...
Thank you anyways for your help! | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2023-05-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoRGtSTmtoaDhVSzZqLXM5anZRWGN2TVVvRWwzTTF4d0NWbkZxNWZDWm9LTEZodTVRdnR3QmZWelBQWmhYQWh4aHdEQ1NQZjV0XzJBUFFCY3dZMk9WVHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRkttdTlPckV3bVFkSzN2eXZERGpxdWhrb01LTWJwQ0RJQ1E3TGdyVlFJMV85amVNQzM3VUtzb3l2ZWZ1Q2J1MFZQdWlibFoxRk9pa0phbjJ5YWx0eWI0eGRDNjEwSzcwQmcxX09hY1pUYmJFVHdMUTdPZEhna2ZhMjdHd0FNQXhHWVl4d1JZY21rRDlqRzBXZkF6c0tJLTBKdGRRbEhZQ2JsZ0hGWWhNMnQzUmZRPQ== |
https://libguides.whitman.edu/c.php?g=109630&p=6580643 | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2023-05-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoakdTWXl1ZDViWmN6d05MbUJ6SGtqaGZtOURBUEIxS2ljaGRKaEJZTk84WEJaeGRUZ3FONGkxQjgzY3lrR3BlOGREUUU4eHZhRGlfeE9GM09qVXBVQWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktteDVHSENlWk5ScHFKbHc0SDEzblVKMy1vcTIxSDJ1d3lMem1wWmJUakNOQUVhZ2FtamF1bW9pN0tKSlJRa0ljTEd0TDhXZ19nZGZla0I5N3MtRWZZU1pkRHE5X3QtazJZN3NyV2VJNm11a0V1WHJiTThzVmd6MU1wdUhUU3dPOGxXMHdmUlMwQ3FNV3BUV0VfUTBUOTJJVV9mdHFxMGJkZWFJRGQwRFpfMWxvPQ== |
I’m with him. Life it’s a journey, why not enjoy it? Plot out spots you have not been to yet and places he wants to see. Then adjust the trip around those and you’ll both enjoy the trip rather than feel like you need to complete a chore. | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2023-05-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktoSW0xZWVMQ3NrR1Z3d2h1MjdvSUtKUVc4bWRudEtlYWlhak1DdVJEU3lXNVdfNFUxUi0ySEJqRVNqVkVTMU5POFYtMjZDQzdqVUNlWGNIRE5Pa3NPNlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRkttb3RIVVQ4YWZZQkJtRFEtc2JqSWZacUlad3AxUHJHSnpzWUhwYTNNT25UcmZRSHMxaHJLUnZDN1pEQzdoV2pzZnlFbVFaYnJqVHg1Z0hsYnRfMjU4SEg1NTJNSUJROWJZVklVUG53cGcxMmp6V2FFN05fVW9HcVUyaWVWVVlvbDIzTWNUMVFzZkU1dDFuWjJCRG1jQlhyTXBWVlc1RWt1QmRVQnhTVVpvM0xITlhhOS1heHdMajEzTlJhc3N2QS1HZnVMOVUxZUl5RkU4MkpTSTk4Tll2UT09 |
No, not the correct site. US government websites generally end in .gov. This is the correct website: https://www.uscis.gov/green-card/green-card-eligibility-categories and this site for lottery: https://www.usa.gov/green-card-lottery | r/askus | comment | r/AskUS | 2023-05-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRktodjlBUS1Wejd5ekRLdXNwTFdmdVE5UFNzYWJfSUxnbXRQVG9wajBrVHhKYmxrSm1YRUgzZWh0d1pQLUVOOEhMZjNlX2ZWdzhuX2hpNTdFX3RLaHhmSkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5NRkttczEtZ1ZXQTEzQnZyb0dWX2d2X1c5NHpFVWgwVnFzSThmSzhRSzBXVkR1NnJsTlRiUjh6dGplcHpPdkpNYU1CTW85NTNOV3pZTEJZTjRDalBzWUFKSHR4WmV5dmlaMVBXY1Azcl93REVtQkJQbmtCWFZPUV9SUWRzTjV3cmlIandwWG1ES25KaGVkS1h2R01jeTh1NHVidEZmd0xMb0dFSExhVjFKWmctUXFrQ0c4eUlCV09qaFRBZ2F3MHFWU21v |