import os |
import pandas as pd |
import time |
import json |
from tag_tool import year_tag, rating_tag, quality_tag, meta_tags_filter, extract_special_tags |
import random |
import dateutil.parser |
def get_meta_data_by_id(df, id): |
record = df[df['id'] == id].to_dict(orient='records') |
if record: |
return record[0] |
else: |
return None |
def format_meta_data(record): |
special_tags, general_tags = extract_special_tags(record['tag_string_general'].split(" ")) |
date = dateutil.parser.parse(record['created_at']) |
year = date.year |
formatted_record = { |
"danbooru_id": record["id"], |
'image_key':f"danbooru_{record['id']}", |
'image_width': record['image_width'], |
'image_height': record['image_height'], |
'tag_count': record['tag_count'], |
"special_tags": special_tags, |
'rating': record['rating'], |
'rating_tags': [rating_tag(record['rating'])] if rating_tag(record['rating']) else [], |
'created_at': record['created_at'], |
'year_tags': year_tag(record['created_at']), |
'year': year, |
"tag_string": record['tag_string'], |
"fav_count": record['fav_count'], |
'quality_tags': [quality_tag(record['id'], record['fav_count'], record['rating'])] if quality_tag(record['id'], record['fav_count'], record['rating']) else [], |
"created_at": record['created_at'], |
'tag_string_general': record['tag_string_general'], |
"gen_tags": general_tags, |
'tag_string_character': record['tag_string_character'], |
'character_tags': record['tag_string_character'].split(" "), |
'tag_string_artist': record['tag_string_artist'], |
'artist_tags': record['tag_string_artist'].split(" "), |
'tag_string_meta': record['tag_string_meta'], |
'meta_tags': meta_tags_filter(record['tag_string_meta'].split(" ")) if record['tag_string_meta']else [], |
'tag_string_copyright': record['tag_string_copyright'], |
"copyright_tags": record['tag_string_copyright'].split(" "), |
} |
return formatted_record |
def random_list(tags): |
if isinstance(tags, str): |
tags = tags.split(",") |
tags = format_tag_list(tags) |
if len(tags) == 0: |
return [] |
else: |
tags = random.sample(tags, len(tags)) |
return tags |
def list2str(tags): |
if len(tags) == 0: |
return "" |
else: |
return ", ".join(tags) |
def format_tag(tag_string): |
if len(tag_string) > 3: |
tag_string = tag_string.replace("_", " ") |
tag_string = tag_string.strip() |
return tag_string |
def format_tag_list(tag_list): |
return [format_tag(tag) for tag in tag_list] |
def add_base_caption(record): |
caption_base = random_list(record['special_tags']) + random_list(record['character_tags']) + random_list(record["copyright_tags"]) + random_list(record['artist_tags']) + random_list(record['gen_tags']) + random_list(record['meta_tags']) + random_list(record['rating_tags']) + random_list(record['quality_tags']) |
caption_base = format_tag_list(caption_base) |
caption_base = list2str(caption_base) |
return caption_base |
def add_flo2_caption(record, danbooru_flo2_caption_ft_long): |
caption_base = add_base_caption(record) |
if caption_base: |
record['caption_base'] = caption_base |
if str(record['danbooru_id']) in danbooru_flo2_caption_ft_long: |
record['flo2_caption_ft_long'] = danbooru_flo2_caption_ft_long[str(record['danbooru_id'])] |
return record |
else: |
return record |
def gen_meta_by_id(df, id, danbooru_flo2_caption_ft_long): |
record = get_meta_data_by_id(df, id) |
if record: |
formatted_record = format_meta_data(record) |
return add_flo2_caption(formatted_record, danbooru_flo2_caption_ft_long) |
else: |
return None |
def format2webui(tag_string): |
tags = tag_string.split(",") |
tags = [format_tag(tag) for tag in tags] |
for i, tag in enumerate(tags): |
tags[i] = tag.replace("(", r"\(").replace(")", r"\)") |
tags = list2str(tags) |
return tags |
if __name__ == '__main__': |
start = time.time() |
danbooru_parquets_path ="/mnt/data/danbooru_newest-all/table.parquet" |
nlp_path = "/mnt/data/Booru-parquets/danbooru_flo2_caption_ft_long.json" |
with open(nlp_path, "r") as f: |
danbooru_flo2_caption_ft_long = json.load(f) |
df = pd.read_parquet(danbooru_parquets_path) |
print(f"Time taken to read the Parquet file: {time.time() - start} seconds") |
for column in df.columns: |
print(f"Column: {column}") |
print(df[column].head()) |
print("-" * 30) |
start = time.time() |
id = 7356649 |
record = get_meta_data_by_id(df, id) |
print(record) |
record = gen_meta_by_id(df, id, danbooru_flo2_caption_ft_long) |
print(record) |
print(f"Time taken: {time.time() - start} seconds") |
caption = add_base_caption(record) |
print(format2webui(caption)) |
max_id = df['id'].max() |
print(f"Max id: {max_id}") |