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tench,Does a tench have scales?,yes
tench,Does a tench have fur?,no
great white shark,Does a great white shark have fur?,no
tiger shark,Do tiger sharks have pointy fins?,yes
electric ray,Does the electric ray have tough skin?,no
stingray,Does a stingray have a tail?,yes
stingray,Does a stingray have a beak?,no
cock,Does the cock have wings?,yes
cock,Does the cock have claws?,no
hen,Does a hen have feathers?,yes
hen,Does a hen have legs?,yes
hen,Does a hen have a blue head?,no
hen,Does a hen have droopy ears?,no
brambling,Does the brambling have wings?,yes
brambling,Does the brambling have shells?,no
house finch,Does the house finch have wings?,yes
junco,Does the junco have feathers?,yes
junco,Does the junco have four legs?,no
indigo bunting,Does an indigo bunting have wings?,yes
indigo bunting,Does an indigo bunting have a beak?,yes
indigo bunting,Does an indigo bunting have shells?,no
indigo bunting,Does an indigo bunting have claws?,no
magpie,Does a magpie have wings?,yes
magpie,Does the magpie have two legs?,yes
magpie,Does a magpie have a shell?,no
magpie,Does a magpie have downward ears?,no
water ouzel,Does the water ouzel have a beak?,yes
vulture,Does a vulture have a beak?,yes
vulture,Do vultures have a sharp beak?,yes
vulture,Do vultures have paws?,no
vulture,Do vultures have a shell?,no
great grey owl,Does the great grey owl have wings?,yes
great grey owl,Does the great grey owl appear to have a sharp beak?,yes
great grey owl,Does the great grey owl have spikes?,no
common newt,Does a common newt have spotted skin?,yes
common newt,Does a common newt have fur?,no
eft,Does an eft have a tail?,yes
eft,Does the eft have four legs?,yes
eft,Does the eft have a spotted pattern on its body?,no
eft,Does the eft have fur on its body?,no
eft,Does the eft have wings?,no
axolotl,Does the axolotl have a caudal fin behind the head?,yes
axolotl,Does the axolotl have fur?,no
bullfrog,Does the bullfrog have furs?,no
loggerhead,Does the loggerhead have a shell?,yes
loggerhead,Does the loggerhead have fur?,no
leatherback turtle,Does the leatherback turtle have a protective shell?,yes
leatherback turtle,Do leatherback turtles have feathers?,no
mud turtle,Does a mud turtle have a shell?,yes
mud turtle,Does a mud turtle only have two legs?,no
terrapin,Does the terrapin have shells?,yes
terrapin,Does the terrapin have fur?,no
terrapin,Does the terrapin have floppy ears?,no
banded gecko,Does the banded gecko have a beak?,no
American chameleon,Does the American chameleon have a tail or not?,yes
American chameleon,Does the American chameleon have wings?,no
American chameleon,Does the American chameleon have fur?,no
whiptail,Does the whiptail have feathers?,no
green lizard,Does the skin of the green lizard have spikes?,yes
green lizard,Does the green lizard have black tails?,no
African crocodile,Do African crocodiles have feathers?,no
American alligator,Does the American alligator have a tail?,yes
American alligator,Does the American alligator have feathers?,no
American alligator,Does the American alligator have a furry tail?,no
thunder snake,Does the thunder snake have legs?,no
ringneck snake,Does the ringneck snake have scales?,yes
ringneck snake,Does the ringneck snake have a sharp beak?,no
hognose snake,Does the hognose snake have fur?,no
king snake,Does the king snake have scales?,yes
water snake,Does the water snake have stripes?,yes
water snake,Does the water snake have legs?,no
vine snake,Does a vine snake have legs?,no
night snake,Does the night snake have spots on its skin?,yes
night snake,Does the night snake have fur?,no
boa constrictor,Do boa constrictors have wings?,no
Indian cobra,Does the Indian cobra have wings?,no
sea snake,Does the sea snake have lines on its body?,yes
horned viper,Does a horned viper have scales?,yes
horned viper,Do horned vipers have horns?,yes
horned viper,Do horned vipers have feathers?,no
horned viper,Do horned vipers have legs?,no
diamondback,Does the diamondback have spots on the skin?,yes
diamondback,Does a diamondback have wings?,no
scorpion,Does a scorpion have a tail?,yes
scorpion,Does a scorpion have fur?,no
black and gold garden spider,Does the black and gold garden spider have fur?,no
black and gold garden spider,Does the black and gold garden spider have a tail?,no
black and gold garden spider,Does the black and gold garden spider have stripes and spots on it?,yes
garden spider,Do garden spiders have spots on their back?,yes
black widow,Does a black widow have a tail or not?,no
tarantula,Does a tarantula have eight legs?,yes
tarantula,Does a tarantula have six legs?,no
tarantula,Does a tarantula have a tail?,no
tick,Does a tick have legs?,yes
tick,Does a tick have fur?,no
tick,Does a tick have a tail?,no
centipede,Does the centipede have fur?,no
ruffed grouse,Does the ruffed grouse have feathers?,yes
ruffed grouse,Does the ruffed grouse have two wings?,yes
ruffed grouse,Does the ruffed grouse have downward ears?,no
ruffed grouse,Does the ruffed grouse have paws?,no
prairie chicken,Does a prairie chicken have wings?,yes
prairie chicken,Does the prairie chicken have stripes on its body?,yes
prairie chicken,Does a prairie chicken have a white tail?,no
peacock,Does the peacock have a beak?,yes
peacock,Does the peacock have fins?,no
quail,Does the quail have wings?,yes
quail,Does the quail have eight legs?,no
partridge,Does a partridge have a plump body?,yes
African grey,Does an African grey have feathers?,yes
African grey,Does the African grey have a spotted pattern?,no
lorikeet,Does the lorikeet have a black mouth?,no
hornbill,Does the hornbill have feathers?,yes
hornbill,Does the hornbill have a yellow beak?,yes
hornbill,Does the hornbill have hanging ears?,no
hornbill,Does the hornbill have spots on the skin?,no
hummingbird,Does the hummingbird have a sharp beak?,yes
hummingbird,Does the hummingbird have spotted skin?,no
drake,Does the drake have a flat mouth?,yes
drake,Do drakes have feathers?,yes
drake,Do drakes have stripes on its body?,no
drake,Do drakes have a sharp beak?,no
red-breasted merganser,Does a red-breasted merganser have four legs?,no
goose,Does the goose have feathers?,yes
goose,Does the goose have scales?,no
black swan,Does the black swan have four legs?,no
black swan,Does the black swan have a tail?,no
echidna,Do echidnas have quills?,yes
echidna,Do echidnas have curly fur?,no
platypus,Does the platypus have earlobes or not?,no
platypus,Does a platypus have wings?,no
platypus,Does the platypus have a beak?,yes
wallaby,Does the wallaby have two wings?,no
koala,Does the koala have a slim body?,no
koala,Does the koala have a tail?,no
wombat,Does the wombat have a tail?,no
jellyfish,Does the jellyfish have tentacles?,yes
jellyfish,Does the jellyfish have tails?,no
sea anemone,Does a sea anemone have tentacles?,yes
sea anemone,Does a sea anemone have tails?,no
conch,Does the conch have a green body?,no
snail,Does the snail have antennas?,yes
snail,Does a snail have fur?,no
slug,Does the slug have fur?,no
slug,Does the slug have legs?,no
sea slug,Do sea slugs have legs?,no
sea slug,Does the sea slug have a patterned body?,yes
sea slug,Do sea slugs have wings?,no
Dungeness crab,Does the Dungeness crab have claws?,yes
Dungeness crab,Does the Dungeness crab have legs?,yes
Dungeness crab,Does the Dungeness crab have a tail?,no
Dungeness crab,Does the Dungeness crab have feathers?,no
rock crab,Does the rock crab have wings?,no
rock crab,Do rock crabs have shells?,yes
rock crab,Do rock crabs have fur?,no
fiddler crab,Does the fiddler crab have a blue tail?,no
king crab,Does the king crab have fur?,no
king crab,Does the king crab have a tail?,no
American lobster,Does the American lobster have antennas?,yes
American lobster,Does the American lobster have a furry tail?,no
flamingo,Does a flamingo have feathers?,yes
flamingo,Does a flamingo have spots on its skin?,no
spiny lobster,Do spiny lobsters have antennas?,yes
spiny lobster,Does a spiny lobster have shells?,yes
spiny lobster,Does a spiny lobster have fur?,no
crayfish,Does the crayfish have antennas?,yes
crayfish,Does the crayfish only have one claw?,no
crayfish,Does the crayfish have a flat mouth?,no
hermit crab,Does the hermit crab have legs?,yes
hermit crab,Does the hermit crab have claws?,yes
hermit crab,Does the hermit crab have wings?,no
hermit crab,Does the hermit crab have scales?,no
isopod,Does the isopod have fur?,no
isopod,Does the isopod have antennae?,yes
white stork,Does a white stork have a pointed beak?,yes
white stork,Does the white stork have thick legs?,no
spoonbill,Does the spoonbill have feathers?,yes
spoonbill,Does a spoonbill have a beak?,yes
spoonbill,Does the spoonbill have a tail?,no
spoonbill,Does a spoonbill have lines on its body?,no
American egret,Do American egrets have horns?,no
American egret,Does the American egret have scales?,no
crane(bird),Does the crane(bird) have wings?,yes
European gallinule,Does the European gallinule have wings?,yes
European gallinule,Does the European gallinule have scales?,no
bustard,Does the bustard have skinny legs?,yes
red-backed sandpiper,Does the red-backed sandpiper have a pointed beak?,yes
redshank,Does a redshank have wings?,yes
redshank,Does a redshank have a ring curled tail?,no
dowitcher,Does a dowitcher have a beak?,yes
dowitcher,Does the dowitcher have feathers?,yes
dowitcher,Does the dowitcher have 4 legs?,no
pelican,Does the pelican have a beak?,yes
pelican,Does a pelican have wings to fly?,yes
pelican,Does the pelican have horns?,no
king penguin,Does a king penguin have a beak?,yes
king penguin,Does a king penguin have many spines on the body?,no
albatross,Does an albatross have wings?,yes
albatross,Does an albatross have a black nose?,no
grey whale,Does a grey whale have fins?,yes
grey whale,Does the grey whale have furs?,no
grey whale,Does the grey whale have wings?,no
killer whale,Does the killer whale have fins?,yes
killer whale,Does the killer whale have fur?,no
killer whale,Does the killer whale have a red dorsal fin?,no
dugong,Does the dugong have a beak?,no
Japanese spaniel,Does the Japanese spaniel have a beak?,no
Shih-Tzu,Does the Shih-Tzu have fur?,yes
Blenheim spaniel,Does the Blenheim spaniel have fur?,yes
Blenheim spaniel,Does the Blenheim spaniel have a beak?,no
papillon,Does the papillon have fur?,yes
papillon,Does the papillon have a green tail?,no
papillon,Does the papillon have red spots on the body?,no
toy terrier,Does the toy terrier have a sharp beak?,no
Rhodesian ridgeback,Does the Rhodesian ridgeback have antennas?,no
Afghan hound,Does the Afghan hound have a ring curled tail?,yes
bloodhound,Does the bloodhound have a black nose?,yes
bloodhound,Does the bloodhound have a protective shell?,no
bluetick,Does a bluetick have four legs?,yes
black-and-tan coonhound,Does the black-and-tan coonhound have a drooping ear?,yes
black-and-tan coonhound,Does the black-and-tan coonhound have a pointy fin?,no
English foxhound,Do most English foxhounds have a white chest?,yes
English foxhound,Do most English foxhounds have stripes and spots on it?,no
borzoi,Do borzois have tails?,yes
Irish wolfhound,Does the Irish wolfhound have an erect ear?,no
Irish wolfhound,Does the Irish wolfhound have fur?,yes
whippet,Does the whippet have feathers?,no
Ibizan hound,Does the Ibizan hound have a tail?,yes
otterhound,Does the otterhound have wings?,no
otterhound,Does the otterhound have human-like ears?,no
Scottish deerhound,Do the Scottish deerhounds have a tail?,yes
American Staffordshire terrier,Does the American Staffordshire terrier have a tail?,yes
Border terrier,Does the Border terrier have fur?,yes
Border terrier,Does the Border terrier have wings?,no
Norwich terrier,Does the Norwich Terrier have a white nose?,no
wire-haired fox terrier,Does the Wire-Haired fox terrier have a lot of hair in its body?,yes
wire-haired fox terrier,Does the wire-haired fox terrier have a stripe of white usually?,no
Lakeland terrier,Does the Lakeland terrier have paws?,yes
Lakeland terrier,Does the Lakeland terrier have curly fur?,yes
Sealyham terrier,Does the Sealyham terrier have lots of hair on the face?,yes
Sealyham terrier,Does a Sealyham terrier have black stripes?,no
Airedale,Does the Airedale have curly hair?,yes
Airedale,Does the Airedale have a pink nose?,no
Airedale,Does the Airedale have a yellow beak?,no
miniature schnauzer,Does the miniature schnauzer dog have hair on its body?,yes
standard schnauzer,Does the standard schnauzer have fur?,yes
Scotch terrier,Does the Scotch terrier have two legs?,no
Tibetan terrier,Does the Tibetan terrier have a drooping ear?,yes
silky terrier,Does the silky terrier have red fur?,no
West Highland white terrier,Does the West Highland white terrier have fur on the body?,yes
Lhasa,Does the Lhasa have erect ears?,no
curly-coated retriever,Does a curly-coated retriever have black eyes?,yes
curly-coated retriever,Does the curly-coated retriever have wings?,no
English setter,Does the English setter have a beak?,no
Brittany spaniel,Does a Brittany spaniel have red hair?,no
Brittany spaniel,Does a Brittany spaniel have green paws?,no
clumber,Does the clumber have paws?,yes
English springer,Does the English springer have fur?,yes
English springer,Does the English springer have wings?,no
Welsh springer spaniel,Does the Welsh springer spaniel have a tail?,yes
Welsh springer spaniel,Does a Welsh springer spaniel have erect ears?,no
kuvasz,Is a kuvasz furry?,yes
Old English sheepdog,Is the Old English sheepdog furry?,yes
Old English sheepdog,Does the Old English sheepdog have stripes on its body?,no
Irish water spaniel,Can an Irish water spaniel have curly fur?,yes
Irish water spaniel,Does the Irish water spaniel have a white chest?,no
malinois,Do the malinoises have feathers?,no
malinois,Do the malinoises have fur?,yes
komondor,Does the komondor have fur on the body?,yes
komondor,Does the komondor have a slim body?,no
Shetland sheepdog,Does the Shetland sheepdog have furs on legs?,yes
Shetland sheepdog,Does the Shetland sheepdog have dots on its back?,no
collie,Does the collie have tails?,yes
Border collie,Does the Border collie have a black nose?,yes
Border collie,Does the Border collie have stripes?,no
EntleBucher,Does the EntleBucher have a black tail?,yes
boxer,Does a boxer have legs?,yes
boxer,Does a boxer have wings?,no
bull mastiff,Does the bull mastiff have white spots on its body?,no
Great Dane,Does the Great Dane have thick hair?,no
dalmatian,Does the dalmatian have a black tail?,no
basenji,Does the basenji have wings?,no
Newfoundland,Does the Newfoundland have fur?,yes
Great Pyrenees,Does the Great Pyrenees have black fur?,no
Great Pyrenees,Does the Great Pyrenees have a black nose?,yes
Samoyed,Does the Samoyed have fur?,yes
Samoyed,Does the Samoyed have a spotted pattern on its back?,no
Samoyed,Does the Samoyed have paws?,yes
Samoyed,Does the Samoyed have wings to fly?,no
Pomeranian,Does a Pomeranian have a red nose?,no
Pomeranian,Does the Pomeranian have a furry tail?,yes
Brabancon griffon,Does a Brabancon griffon have erect ears?,no
Pembroke,Does the Pembroke have fur?,yes
toy poodle,Does the toy poodle have a pink nose?,no
toy poodle,Does the toy poodle have a beak?,no
miniature poodle,Does the miniature poodle have lots of tail fur?,yes
Mexican hairless,Does the Mexican hairless have furry ears?,no
timber wolf,Does a timber wolf have a green mouth?,no
white wolf,Does the white wolf have 4 legs?,yes
red wolf,Does the red wolf have a spotted pattern on its body?,no
dhole,Does the dhole have a tail?,yes
dhole,Does the dhole have black hair in the tail?,yes
dhole,Does the dhole have a green tail?,no
dhole,Does the dhole have green hair in the tail?,no
red fox,Does the red fox have a fluffy tail?,yes
red fox,Does the red fox have wings?,no
red fox,Does the red fox have two legs?,no
kit fox,Does the kit fox have a snout?,yes
kit fox,Does the kit fox have a red nose?,no
kit fox,Does the kit fox have green ears?,no
Arctic fox,Does the Arctic fox have a white tail?,yes
tabby,Does a tabby have fur?,yes
tabby,Does a tabby have wings?,no
tiger cat,Do tiger cats have stripes?,yes
tiger cat,Do tiger cats have red skin?,no
Persian cat,Does the Persian cat have red hair?,no
Egyptian cat,Do Egyptian cats have black eyes?,no
lynx,Does the lynx have paws?,yes
leopard,Does the leopard have paws?,yes
tiger,Does the tiger have black stripes?,yes
tiger,Does the tiger have green stripes?,no
cheetah,Do cheetahs have spots?,yes
cheetah,Do cheetahs have white body furs?,no
brown bear,Does the brown bear have fur?,yes
American black bear,Does the American black bear have antennas?,no
ice bear,Does the ice bear have fur?,yes
ice bear,Does the ice bear have four legs?,yes
ice bear,Does the ice bear have a drooping ear?,no
sloth bear,Does the sloth bear have fur?,yes
sloth bear,Does the sloth bear have antennas?,no
sloth bear,Does the sloth bear have stripes?,no
meerkat,Do meerkats have huge ears?,no
ladybug,Does a ladybug have dots on its back?,yes
ladybug,Does a ladybug have yellow dots on its back?,no
leaf beetle,Does leaf beetle have spotted skin?,yes
dung beetle,Do dung beetles have antennae?,yes
dung beetle,Do dung beetles have yellow legs?,no
weevil,Does the weevil have many legs?,yes
weevil,Does the weevil have a tail?,no
fly,Does a fly have translucent wings?,yes
fly,Does a fly have feathers?,no
fly,Does a fly have a tail?,no
bee,Does a bee have wings?,yes
mantis,Does the mantis have antennas?,yes
mantis,Does the mantis have blue eyes?,no
cicada,Does the cicada have wings?,yes
cicada,Does the cicada have antennas?,no
lacewing,Do lacewings have wings?,yes
lacewing,Do lacewings have antennae?,yes
lacewing,Do lacewings have furs?,no
lacewing,Do lacewings have paws?,no
dragonfly,Does a dragonfly have translucent wings?,yes
damselfly,Does a damselfly have wings?,yes
damselfly,Does the damselfly have fur?,no
damselfly,Does the damselfly have paws?,no
cabbage butterfly,Does a cabbage butterfly have antennas?,yes
cabbage butterfly,Does a cabbage butterfly have a tail?,no
cabbage butterfly,Does a cabbage butterfly have floppy ears?,no
lycaenid,Does the lycaenid have tails?,no
lycaenid,Does the lycaenid have antennae?,yes
sea urchin,Does the sea urchin have many spines on the body?,yes
hare,Does a hare have eyes?,yes
hare,Does a hare have wings?,no
hare,Does a hare have a beak?,no
hare,Does a hare have stripes?,no
Angora,Does an Angora rabbit have black furs?,no
hamster,Does the hamster have four legs?,yes
porcupine,Does the porcupine have floppy ears?,no
porcupine,Does the porcupine have a pointed beak?,no
fox squirrel,Does the fox squirrel have antennas?,no
beaver,Does the beaver have paws?,yes
beaver,Does the beaver have a tail?,yes
beaver,Does a beaver only have two legs?,no
beaver,Do beavers have red furs?,no
warthog,Do warthogs have horns?,yes
warthog,Do warthogs have antennae?,no
warthog,Does a warthog have a drooping ear?,no
bison,Does the bison have horns?,yes
ibex,Does the ibex have tails?,yes
ibex,Does the ibex have wings?,no
hartebeest,Do hartebeests have tails?,yes
hartebeest,Does a hartebeest have horns?,yes
hartebeest,Does a hartebeest have spots?,no
hartebeest,Does a hartebeest have paws?,no
hartebeest,Does a hartebeest have stripes?,no
gazelle,Do gazelles have wings?,no
gazelle,Does the gazelle have horns?,yes
llama,Does the llama have spotted skin?,no
llama,Does the llama have wings?,no
weasel,Does the weasel have sharp teeth?,yes
black-footed ferret,Does the black-footed ferret have a tail?,yes
skunk,Does the skunk have claws?,yes
badger,Does a badger have a stripe of white usually?,yes
badger,Does a badger have translucent wings?,no
armadillo,Does an armadillo always have a shell?,yes
three-toed sloth,Does the three-toed sloth have fur on the body?,yes
orangutan,Does the orangutan have lots of hair on the face?,no
gorilla,Does the gorilla have wings?,no
gorilla,Does the gorilla have spikes?,no
chimpanzee,Does the chimpanzee have a tail or not?,no
patas,Does a patas have a tail?,yes
baboon,Do baboons have fur?,yes
langur,Does the langur have lots of fur on the face?,no
langur,Does the langur have tails?,yes
proboscis monkey,Does the proboscis monkey have a tail?,yes
proboscis monkey,Does the proboscis monkey have wings?,no
marmoset,Does the marmoset have fur?,yes
capuchin,Does the capuchin have a tail?,yes
capuchin,Does the capuchin have wings?,no
capuchin,Does the capuchin have spots on their back?,no
howler monkey,Does the howler monkey have a tail?,yes
howler monkey,Do howler monkeys have horns?,no
spider monkey,Do spider monkeys have red tails?,no
spider monkey,Does the spider monkey have fur on its body?,yes
spider monkey,Do spider monkeys have green arms?,no
spider monkey,Does the spider monkey have a red nose?,no
squirrel monkey,Does the squirrel monkey have fur?,yes
indri,Does an indri have red-spotted patterns on its body?,no
indri,Do most indris have a green belly?,no
indri,Do most indris have a red face?,no
Indian elephant,Does the Indian elephant have four legs?,yes
barracouta,Does the barracouta have feathers?,no
coho,Does a coho have eyes?,yes
coho,Does a coho have wings?,no
rock beauty,Does a rock beauty have fins?,yes
rock beauty,Does the rock beauty have four legs?,no
anemone fish,Does the anemone fish have stripes?,yes
anemone fish,Does the anemone fish have fur?,no
lionfish,Does a lionfish have four legs?,no
lionfish,Does the lionfish have stripes on its body?,yes
puffer,Does the puffer have spots?,yes
abaya,Does an abaya have buttons?,no
abaya,Does an abaya have numbers on it?,no
academic gown,Does an academic gown have sleeves?,yes
acoustic guitar,Does an acoustic guitar have strings?,yes
acoustic guitar,Does the acoustic guitar have fingerboards?,yes
acoustic guitar,Does an acoustic guitar have a screen?,no
acoustic guitar,Does the acoustic guitar have rubber sticks?,no
aircraft carrier,Does the aircraft carrier have antennas?,yes
aircraft carrier,Does the aircraft carrier have a hole?,no
aircraft carrier,Does the aircraft carrier have four wheels?,no
airliner,Does the airliner have wings?,yes
airliner,Does the airliner have windows?,yes
airliner,Does the airliner have a flat bottom?,no
airliner,Does the airliner have rocks?,no
altar,Does an altar have an area in which to set items?,yes
altar,Does an altar always have a green roof?,no
ambulance,Does the ambulance have windows?,yes
ambulance,Do ambulances have lights?,yes
ambulance,Does the ambulance have a pointed front?,no
ambulance,Does the ambulance have petals?,no
apiary,Does the apiary have wheels?,no
apron,Does the apron have sleeves?,no
apron,Does the apron have a hat?,no
backpack,Does the backpack have handles?,yes
backpack,Does the backpack have pockets?,yes
backpack,Does the backpack have zippers?,yes
backpack,Does the backpack have lights?,no
backpack,Does the backpack have windows?,no
bakery,Does a bakery have cakes?,yes
balloon,Does a balloon have an opening?,yes
balloon,Does a balloon have a screen?,no
ballpoint,Do most of the ballpoints have a pressing button at the bottom?,yes
banjo,Does a banjo have strings?,yes
barber chair,Do most barber chairs have armrests?,yes
barber chair,Do most barber chairs have headrests?,yes
barber chair,Do barber chairs have a foot rest?,yes
barber chair,Do barber chairs have wheels?,no
barbershop,Does the barbershop have mirrors?,yes
barometer,Does a barometer have numbers on it?,yes
barrel,Does the barrel have lights?,no
barrel,Does the barrel have lids?,yes
basketball,Does the basketball have stripes?,yes
basketball,Does the basketball have handles?,no
basketball,Does the basketball have an opening?,no
bassoon,Does the bassoon have strings?,no
bassoon,Does the bassoon have metal keys?,yes
bathtub,Does a bathtub have a basin?,yes
bathtub,Does the bathtub have wheels?,no
bathtub,Does the bathtub have windows?,no
beach wagon,Does the beach wagon have windows?,yes
beaker,Does the beaker have a handle?,no
beaker,Do beakers have an opening?,yes
beer bottle,Does a beer bottle have a flat base?,yes
beer bottle,Does a beer bottle have handles?,no
binoculars,Does the binocular have a lens?,yes
birdhouse,Does the birdhouse have a roof?,yes
birdhouse,Does the birdhouse have a chimney?,no
birdhouse,Does the birdhouse have handles?,no
boathouse,Does the boathouse have a steering wheel?,no
boathouse,Does the boathouse have a roof?,yes
bookcase,Does a bookcase have shelves?,yes
bottlecap,Do bottlecaps typically have some sort of printing on them?,yes
bottlecap,Does a bottlecap have a flat top?,yes
bottlecap,Does the bottlecap usually have a handle?,no
brassiere,Does the brassiere have a zip?,no
broom,Does the broom have a brush?,yes
broom,Does the broom have a screen?,no
bucket,Does a bucket have lights?,no
bucket,Do most buckets have handles?,yes
bucket,Do most buckets have windows?,no
bulletproof vest,Do bulletproof vests usually have sleeves?,no
bullet train,Does the bullet train have windows?,yes
bullet train,Does the bullet train have wheels?,yes
bullet train,Does the bullet train have a handle?,no
bullet train,Does the bullet train have an opening?,no
cab,Does the cab have four wheels?,yes
cannon,Does the cannon have wheels?,yes
cannon,Does the cannon have barrels?,yes
cannon,Does the cannon have patterns on the surface?,no
cannon,Does the cannon have handles?,no
canoe,Does a canoe have a pointed front?,yes
canoe,Does the canoe have windows?,no
can opener,Does the can opener have a handle?,yes
carousel,Does the carousel have wheels?,no
carousel,Do carousels have bright lights?,yes
carousel,Does the carousel have windows?,no
carpenter's kit,Does a carpenter's kit have many compartments?,yes
cash machine,Do most cash machines have buttons?,yes
cash machine,Does the cash machine have wheels?,no
cash machine,Does the cash machine have handles?,no
cassette player,Does the cassette player have a display?,yes
cassette player,Does the cassette player have handles?,yes
catamaran,Does a catamaran have a pointed front?,yes
catamaran,Does the catamaran have a deck?,yes
catamaran,Does the catamaran have a wheels?,no
CD player,Does a CD player have buttons?,yes
CD player,Does a CD player have a display?,yes
CD player,Does a CD player have a mouse?,no
CD player,Does a CD player always have a red keyboard?,no
cello,Does the cello have strings?,yes
cello,Does the cello have buttons and keys?,no
cello,Does the cello have an attached mirror?,no
cello,Does the cello have handles?,no
cellular telephone,Does the cellular telephone have a screen?,yes
cellular telephone,Does the cellular telephone have a keypad?,yes
cellular telephone,Does the cellular telephone have wheels?,no
chain saw,Do chain saws have handles?,yes
china cabinet,Does the china cabinet have wheels?,no
Christmas stocking,Does a Christmas stocking have a handle?,no
church,Does the church have a roof?,yes
church,Does the church have windows?,yes
church,Does the church have wheels?,no
cinema,Does a cinema have a blackboard in it?,no
cleaver,Does the cleaver have a handle?,yes
cliff dwelling,Does the cliff dwelling have holes?,yes
cloak,Do most cloaks have a hood?,yes
cloak,Do most cloaks have a many holes?,no
cocktail shaker,Does a cocktail shaker have handles?,no
cocktail shaker,Does a cocktail shaker have many holes?,no
coffee mug,Does the coffee mug usually have a handle?,yes
coffeepot,Does a coffeepot have an opening?,yes
combination lock,Does the combination lock have moveable parts?,yes
computer keyboard,Does the computer keyboard have a handle?,no
container ship,Does a container ship have windows?,yes
container ship,Does the container ship have a deck?,yes
container ship,Does the container ship have wheels or not?,no
convertible,Does the convertible have headlights?,yes
convertible,Do convertibles have tires?,yes
convertible,Does the convertible have windows?,yes
convertible,Does the convertible not have any seats?,no
convertible,Does the convertible have a roof?,no
convertible,Does the convertible have shelves?,no
corkscrew,Does a corkscrew have an opening?,no
corkscrew,Does a corkscrew have buttons?,no
cowboy boot,Do most cowboy boots have high heels?,no
cowboy boot,Does a cowboy boot usually have designs on it?,yes
crash helmet,Does a crash helmet have decorations?,yes
crash helmet,Does a crash helmet have wooden handles?,no
crash helmet,Does a crash helmet have wheels?,no
crib,Does the crib have high fence-like edges?,yes
crib,Does the crib have legs?,yes
crib,Does the crib have three legs?,no
Crock Pot,Does the Crock Pot have a lid?,yes
Crock Pot,Does the Crock Pot have handles?,yes
Crock Pot,Does the Crock Pot have holes?,no
cuirass,Does a cuirass have sleeves?,no
desktop computer,Does a desktop computer have a screen?,yes
desktop computer,Does a desktop computer have a opening?,no
desktop computer,Does a desktop computer have a handles?,no
diaper,Does the diaper have wheels?,no
digital watch,Does a digital watch have numbers on it?,yes
digital watch,Does a digital watch always have a silk strap?,no
digital watch,Does a digital watch have buttons on it?,yes
digital watch,Does a digital watch have handles?,no
drilling platform,Do most of the drilling platforms have pillars?,yes
drilling platform,Do most of the drilling platforms have a pointed front?,no
drilling platform,Do most of the drilling platforms have tires?,no
dumbbell,Does a dumbbell have holes?,no
Dutch oven,Does a Dutch oven have an opening?,yes
Dutch oven,Does a Dutch oven have a lid?,yes
Dutch oven,Does a Dutch oven have holes?,no
Dutch oven,Does a Dutch oven have transparent lids?,no
electric guitar,Does the electric guitar have a fingerboard?,yes
electric locomotive,Does the electric locomotive have wheels?,yes
electric locomotive,Does the electric locomotive have windows?,yes
electric locomotive,Does the electric locomotive have an opening?,no
electric locomotive,Does the electric locomotive have a pointed top?,no
electric locomotive,Does the electric locomotive have rocks?,no
entertainment center,Does an entertainment center have shelves?,yes
envelope,Do the envelopes have corners?,yes
envelope,Do the envelopes have holes?,no
espresso maker,Does the espresso maker have a handle?,yes
espresso maker,Does the espresso maker have switches to operate?,yes
espresso maker,Does the espresso maker have a handle?,yes
espresso maker,Does the espresso maker have holes?,no
espresso maker,Does the espresso maker have windows?,no
espresso maker,Does the espresso maker have strings?,no
face powder,Do face powders usually have a lid?,yes
face powder,Do face powders usually have a mirror?,yes
face powder,Do face powders usually have a handle?,no
face powder,Do face powders usually have holes?,no
file,Does a file have shelves?,yes
file,Does a file have wooden handles?,no
file,Does a file have drawers?,yes
file,Does a file have a handle?,no
fire screen,Does the fire screen have corners?,yes
fire screen,Does the fire screen have designs on it?,yes
fire screen,Does the fire screen have wheels?,no
fire screen,Does the fire screen have shelves?,no
flute,Does the flute have holes?,yes
folding chair,Does the folding chair have legs?,yes
folding chair,Does the folding chair have 8 legs?,no
football helmet,Do most football helmets have bars in the front?,yes
football helmet,Do the football helmets have a handle?,no
football helmet,Do the football helmets have buttons?,no
forklift,Does the forklift have glass windows?,no
forklift,Does a forklift have four wheels?,yes
fountain,Does the fountain have water?,yes
fountain,Does the fountain have a stone base?,yes
fountain,Does the fountain have holes?,yes
fountain,Can the fountain have a multi-layer display?,yes
fountain,Does the fountain have buttons?,no
fountain,Does the fountain have corners?,no
fountain,Does the fountain have windows?,no
freight car,Does the freight car have wheels?,yes
freight car,Does the freight car have holes?,no
French horn,Does a French horn have an opening?,yes
French horn,Does the French horn have handles?,yes
French horn,Does the French horn have corners?,no
French horn,Does the French horn have windows?,no
French horn,Does the French horn have a flat bottom?,no
frying pan,Do frying pans have a flat bottom?,yes
frying pan,Does the frying pan have a handle?,yes
frying pan,Does the frying pan have holes?,no
fur coat,Does the fur coat have green spots on it?,no
fur coat,Does the fur coat have sleeves?,yes
garbage truck,Does the garbage truck have wheels or not?,yes
garbage truck,Do garbage trucks usually have two wheels?,no
garbage truck,Do garbage trucks usually have windows?,yes
gas pump,Does the gas pump have a digital meter on it?,yes
gas pump,Does the gas pump have a hose?,yes
gas pump,Does the gas pump have legs?,no
goblet,Do goblets have stems?,yes
go-kart,Does a go-kart have a seat?,yes
go-kart,Does a go-kart have 4 seats?,no
go-kart,Does the go-kart have steering wheel?,yes
golfcart,Does the golfcart have wheels?,yes
golfcart,Does the golfcart have steering wheel?,yes
golfcart,Does the golfcart have numbers on it?,no
gondola,Does the gondola have wheels?,no
gondola,Does a gondola have a pointed front?,yes
grand piano,Does the grand piano have legs?,yes
grand piano,Does the grand piano have handles?,no
grocery store,Does a grocery store have shelves?,yes
hair spray,Does the hair spray bottle have buttons?,yes
hair spray,Does the hair spray have many holes?,no
half track,Do half tracks have tank tracks in the back?,yes
half track,Does the half track have wheels?,yes
half track,Does the half track have a windshield?,yes
half track,Does the half track have a deck?,no
half track,Does the half track have a pointed end?,no
hamper,Do most hampers have a lid?,yes
hand blower,Does the hand blower have a handle?,yes
hand-held computer,Do these hand-held computers have a key pad?,yes
handkerchief,Do handkerchiefs usually have holes?,no
harp,Does the harp have strings?,yes
harvester,Does the harvester have tires?,yes
home theater,Does the home theater have a screen?,yes
hoopskirt,Does the hoopskirt have hoops?,yes
hoopskirt,Does the hoopskirt have buttons?,no
hoopskirt,Does the hoopskirt have holes?,no
hoopskirt,Does the hoopskirt have numbers?,no
horse cart,Do most of the horse carts have wheels?,yes
horse cart,Do most of the horse carts have strings?,yes
horse cart,Do most of the horse carts have a windshield?,no
horse cart,Do most of the horse carts have a digital meter on it?,no
hourglass,Does the hourglass have two joined bulbs?,yes
hourglass,Does an hourglass have a fat middle?,no
iPod,Does the iPod have a screen?,yes
iPod,Does the iPod have buttons on it?,yes
iPod,Does the iPod have wheels?,no
iPod,Does the iPod have handles?,no
iron,Does an iron have holes?,yes
iron,Does an iron have spots on it?,no
jack-o'-lantern,Does the jack-o'-lantern have light inside?,yes
jack-o'-lantern,Does the jack-o'-lantern have a lens?,no
jack-o'-lantern,Does the jack-o'-lantern have buttons?,no
jeep,Does a jeep have a windshield?,yes
jeep,Does a jeep have only two wheels?,no
jeep,Does a jeep have an opening?,no
jigsaw puzzle,Does a jigsaw puzzle have many pieces?,yes
jigsaw puzzle,Does the jigsaw puzzle have a flat surface?,yes
jigsaw puzzle,Does a jigsaw puzzle have a hole?,no
jigsaw puzzle,Does a jigsaw puzzle have a lid?,no
jinrikisha,Does the jinrikisha have wheels?,yes
jinrikisha,Does the jinrikisha have handles?,yes
jinrikisha,Does the jinrikisha have a windshield?,no
jinrikisha,Does the jinrikisha have a digital meter on it?,no
lab coat,Do most lab coats have pockets?,yes
lab coat,Does the lab coat have sleeves?,yes
lab coat,Does the lab coat have buttons?,yes
lab coat,Does the lab coat have holes?,no
lab coat,Does the lab coat have a screen?,no
lab coat,Does the lab coat have numbers on it?,no
ladle,Do ladles usually have handles?,yes
lampshade,Does the lampshade have a light bulb?,yes
laptop,Does the laptop have a keyboard?,yes
laptop,Does a laptop have wheels?,no
lawn mower,Do most lawn mowers have engines?,yes
lens cap,Do most lens caps have a brand name written on them?,yes
letter opener,Does the letter opener have handles?,yes
library,Do people have food in the library?,no
limousine,Does the limousine have headlights?,yes
limousine,Does the limousine have a red roof?,no
limousine,Does the limousine have buttons?,no
liner,Does the liner have windows?,yes
lipstick,Does the lipstick have a pointed top?,yes
Loafer,Does a loafer have an opening?,yes
Loafer,Do loafers have laces?,no
lotion,Does the lotion bottle have handles?,no
loupe,Does the loupe have lenses?,yes
lumbermill,Does the lumbermill have lots of woods?,yes
lumbermill,Does the lumbermill have a pointed top?,no
magnetic compass,Does the magnetic compass have numbers?,yes
magnetic compass,Does the magnetic compass have an opening?,no
mailbag,Do mailbags have handles?,yes
mailbag,Do mailbags have windows?,no
mailbag,Do mailbags have a display?,no
mailbox,Does the mailbox have an opening?,yes
mailbox,Does the mailbox have windows?,no
maillot(swim),Does a maillot(swim) have sleeves?,no
manhole cover,Does the manhole cover have holes?,yes
maraca,Does the maraca have a handle?,yes
marimba,Does the marimba have handles?,no
marimba,Does the marimba have stands?,yes
mask,Does the mask usually have a handle?,no
matchstick,Does the matchstick have an igniter?,yes
maze,Does the maze typically have a design?,yes
maze,Does the maze usually have only one path?,no
measuring cup,Do most measuring cups have handles?,yes
medicine chest,Does the medicine chest have shelves?,yes
military uniform,Does the military uniform have buttons?,yes
milk can,Does the milk can have a handle?,yes
milk can,Does the milk can have windows?,no
minibus,Does a minibus have windows?,yes
minibus,Does a minibus have a screen?,no
minibus,Does a minibus have wheels?,yes
minivan,Does a minivan have windows?,yes
minivan,Does a minivan have headlights?,yes
minivan,Does the minivan have an opening on its roof?,no
minivan,Does a minivan have petals?,no
missile,Does a missile have a pointed end?,yes
missile,Does the missile have wheels?,no
mitten,Does the mitten have five fingers on each?,no
mixing bowl,Does the mixing bowl have a handle?,no
mobile home,Does the mobile home have a roof?,yes
mobile home,Does a mobile home have a basement?,no
mobile home,Does the mobile home have a window?,yes
mobile home,Does a mobile home have wheels?,yes
mobile home,Does a mobile home have barrels?,no
Model T,Does the Model T have windows?,yes
Model T,Does the Model T not have wheels?,no
Model T,Does the Model T have a green roof?,no
modem,Does the modem have holes?,yes
monitor,Does the monitor have a screen?,yes
monitor,Does the monitor have holes?,no
moped,Does the moped have handlebars?,yes
moped,Does the moped have seats?,yes
moped,Does the moped have three wheels?,no
moped,Does the moped have lights?,yes
moped,Does the moped have shelves?,no
mortarboard,Does a mortarboard have spots on it?,no
mosque,Do most mosques have a dome?,yes
mosque,Does the mosque have numbers on it?,no
mosque,Does the mosque have tires?,no
mountain bike,Do mountain bikes have wheels?,yes
mountain bike,Does the mountain bike have a seat?,yes
mountain tent,Does the mountain tent have a roof?,yes
mountain tent,Does the mountain tent have wheels?,no
mountain tent,Does the mountain tent have a hole?,no
mouse,Does the mouse have a flat bottom?,yes
mouse,Does the mouse have an opening?,no
muzzle,Does the muzzle have holes?,yes
muzzle,Does the muzzle have buttons?,no
nail,Does the nail have handles?,no
notebook,Does a notebook have a keyboard?,yes
notebook,Does a notebook have a screen?,yes
notebook,Does a notebook have a built mouse?,no
notebook,Does a notebook have an opening?,no
ocarina,Does the ocarina have holes?,yes
odometer,Does the odometer have a needle?,yes
odometer,Does the odometer have numbers?,yes
odometer,Does the odometer have pointers?,yes
odometer,Does the odometer have a handle?,no
odometer,Does the odometer have a keypad?,no
oil filter,Does the oil filter have holes?,yes
oscilloscope,Does the oscilloscope have a screen?,yes
oscilloscope,Does the oscilloscope only have one button?,no
oxcart,Does the oxcart have wheels or not?,yes
oxygen mask,Does the oxygen mask have a nose clip?,yes
oxygen mask,Do the oxygen mask usually have a handle?,no
oxygen mask,Do oxygen masks usually have lights?,no
oxygen mask,Do oxygen masks usually have a lens?,no
packet,Does the packet have corners?,yes
padlock,Does a padlock have a hole?,yes
paintbrush,Does the paintbrush have a needle?,no
parking meter,Does the parking meter have a stand?,yes
parking meter,Does the parking meter have holes?,no
passenger car,Does a passenger car have windows?,yes
pay-phone,Can the pay-phone have a tires?,no
pay-phone,Can the pay-phone have shelves?,no
pencil box,Does the pencil box have an opening?,yes
pencil box,Does the pencil box have wheels?,no
pencil box,Does the pencil box have a handle?,no
pencil sharpener,Does the pencil sharpener have a razor inside?,yes
pencil sharpener,Does the pencil sharpener have a hole?,yes
pencil sharpener,Does the pencil sharpener have buttons?,no
pencil sharpener,Does the pencil sharpener have a keyboard?,no
Petri dish,Does a petri dish have a flat bottom?,yes
photocopier,Does the photocopier have buttons?,yes
photocopier,Does the photocopier have seats?,no
pickelhaube,Does the pickelhaube have a pointy top?,yes
pickelhaube,Does the pickelhaube have designed patterns?,yes
pickelhaube,Does the pickelhaube have headlights?,no
picket fence,Does the picket fence have vertical boards?,yes
pickup,Does the pickup have windows?,yes
pickup,Does the pickup have antennas?,no
piggy bank,Does the piggy bank have legs?,yes
piggy bank,Does a piggy bank have three legs?,no
piggy bank,Does a piggy bank have windows?,no
pill bottle,Do pill bottles have pills in them?,yes
pinwheel,Does the pinwheel usually have strings?,no
pinwheel,Does the pinwheel usually have a lid?,no
pitcher,Does the pitcher have a handle?,yes
plastic bag,Do most plastic bags have handles?,yes
plastic bag,Do most plastic bags have zippers?,no
pole,Does the pole have holes?,no
police van,Does a police van have lights?,yes
pool table,Does a pool table have only two pockets?,no
pop bottle,Does the pop bottle have handles?,no
pot,Does a pot have a flat bottom?,yes
pot,Does a pot have a sharp tip?,no
potter's wheel,Does the potter's wheel have a flat surface?,yes
power drill,Does the power drill have a sharp tip?,yes
power drill,Does the power drill have a handle?,yes
power drill,Does the power drill have a press button on the handle?,yes
power drill,Does the power drill have lights?,no
power drill,Does the power drill have a lid?,no
prayer rug,Does the prayer rug typically have a design?,yes
prayer rug,Does the prayer rug have buttons?,no
prayer rug,Does the prayer rug have a hole?,no
printer,Do printers have plastic coverings?,yes
printer,Do the printer have a handle?,no
prison,Does the prison have bars?,yes
projectile,Does the projectile have wings?,yes
projector,Does the projector have a lens?,yes
purse,Does a purse always have a handle?,no
quill,Does the quill have a metal body?,no
racer,Does a racer always have a windshield?,yes
racket,Does the racket have handles?,yes
radio telescope,Does the radio telescope always have a base?,yes
rain barrel,Does the rain barrel have an opening?,yes
rain barrel,Does the rain barrel have handles?,no
reflex camera,Does the reflex camera have a lens?,yes
reflex camera,Does the reflex camera have buttons?,yes
reflex camera,Does the reflex camera have handles?,yes
refrigerator,Does the refrigerator have light inside?,yes
remote control,Does the remote control have buttons?,yes
revolver,Does the revolver have a trigger?,yes
revolver,Does the revolver have a hole?,yes
revolver,Does the revolver have a glass handle?,no
rifle,Does the rifle have a trigger?,yes
rocking chair,Does the rocking chair have armrests?,yes
rocking chair,Do most of the rocking chairs have backrests?,yes
rocking chair,Does a rocking chair usually have legs?,yes
rocking chair,Does the rocking chair have pockets?,no
rocking chair,Does the rocking chair have a hood?,no
running shoe,Do running shoes always have laces?,yes
safe,Does the safe have a lock?,yes
safe,Do most safes have a keypad?,yes
safe,Does the safe have shelves inside?,yes
safe,Do most safes have wheels?,no
safe,Does the safe have windows?,no
saltshaker,Does the saltshaker have holes?,yes
sandal,Does the sandal have holes?,yes
scale,Does the scale have a digital meter on it?,yes
school bus,Does the school bus have windows?,yes
school bus,Does the school bus have wheels?,yes
school bus,Does the school bus have a pointed top?,no
schooner,Does a schooner usually have one sail?,no
scoreboard,Does the scoreboard have numbers?,yes
screen,Does the screen have corners?,yes
screw,Do most screws have openings?,no
screwdriver,Do both ends of a screwdriver have a flat bottom?,no
sewing machine,Does a sewing machine have a base?,yes
sewing machine,Does the old sewing machine have wheels?,yes
sewing machine,Does a sewing machine have mirrors?,no
shield,Does a shield have a handle?,yes
shield,Does a shield have openings?,no
shoe shop,Does a shoe shop have multiple shoes?,yes
shopping basket,Does a shopping basket have wheels?,no
shopping basket,Does the shopping basket have a handle?,yes
shopping basket,Does the shopping basket have an opening?,yes
shopping basket,Does the shopping basket have windows?,no
shopping cart,Does the shopping cart have handles?,yes
shopping cart,Does the shopping cart usually have wheels?,yes
shovel,Does a shovel have a handle?,yes
shower curtain,Does the shower curtain have hooks?,yes
shower curtain,Does the shower curtain have handles?,no
ski mask,Does a ski mask have holes?,yes
sleeping bag,Does a sleeping bag have an opening?,yes
sleeping bag,Does a sleeping bag have a screen?,no
slide rule,Do slide rules have numbers on them?,yes
slot,Does the slot have designed patterns?,yes
snowmobile,Does the snowmobile have wheels?,no
snowmobile,Does the snowmobile have windshields?,yes
space shuttle,Do space shuttles have wings?,yes
space shuttle,Do space shuttles have openings?,no
spatula,Does the spatula have a handle?,yes
spatula,Does a spatula have holes?,yes
spatula,Does a spatula have a sharp tip?,no
speedboat,Does a speedboat have a pointed front?,yes
speedboat,Do most speedboats have roofs?,no
spindle,Does a spindle have handles?,yes
sports car,Does a sports car have a low profile?,yes
stage,Does the stage usually have lights?,yes
steam locomotive,Does the steam locomotive have chimney?,yes
steel arch bridge,Does the steel arch bridge have pillars?,yes
steel drum,Does the steel drum have strings?,no
stopwatch,Does a stopwatch have numbers on it?,yes
stove,Does a stove have an opening?,yes
strainer,Do the strainers have holes?,yes
strainer,Does a strainer have a basin?,yes
strainer,Do the strainers have a lid?,no
strainer,Do the strainers have a flat surface?,no
streetcar,Does the streetcar have windshields?,yes
streetcar,Does the streetcar have wheels?,yes
streetcar,Does the streetcar have leaves?,no
stupa,Does a stupa dome have a pointed top?,yes
stupa,Does the stupa have an opening on its roof?,no
sundial,Does a sundial have numbers on it?,yes
sunscreen,Does the sunscreen have handles?,no
suspension bridge,Do suspension bridges have wire cords?,yes
sweatshirt,Does a sweatshirt have armholes?,yes
sweatshirt,Does the sweatshirt have a hood?,yes
sweatshirt,Does the sweatshirt have buttons on it?,no
swimming trunks,Do swimming trunks have holes?,yes
swimming trunks,Do swimming trunks have sleeves?,no
switch,Does the switch have buttons?,yes
switch,Does the switch have lights on it?,no
syringe,Does the syringe have numbers?,yes
syringe,Does the syringe have a needle?,yes
syringe,Does the syringe have corners?,no
syringe,Does the syringe have a flat surface?,no
tank,Does a tank have wheels?,yes
tank,Does the tank have windows?,no
tank,Does the tank have headlights?,no
tape player,Does the tape player have handles?,yes
tape player,Does the tape player have buttons?,yes
tape player,Does the tape player have armrests?,no
teapot,Do teapots have lids?,yes
teapot,Do teapots have spouts?,yes
teapot,Does the teapot have handles?,yes
teapot,Does the teapot have a screen?,no
teapot,Does the teapot have light inside?,no
television,Does the television have a screen?,yes
thatch,Does the thatch have a red roof?,no
thresher,Do threshers have wheels?,yes
thresher,Does the thresher have an axle?,yes
thresher,Do threshers have a windshield?,no
thresher,Does the thresher have a seat?,no
throne,Does the throne only have two legs?,no
toaster,Do toasters usually have wheels?,no
tobacco shop,Does the tobacco shop have shelves?,yes
totem pole,Do totem poles have decorations?,yes
totem pole,Do totem poles have a seat?,no
tractor,Does a tractor have a seating area?,yes
tractor,Does a tractor have a steering wheel?,yes
tractor,Does a tractor have only two wheels?,no
trailer truck,Does the trailer truck have wheels?,yes
trench coat,Does the trench coat have buttons?,yes
tricycle,Does the tricycle have only two wheels?,no
trimaran,Does the trimaran have wheels?,no
tripod,Does the tripod have four legs?,no
trombone,Does the trombone have holes?,yes
trombone,Does the trombone have two speakers?,no
vacuum,Does the vacuum have a sucking tube?,yes
vacuum,Does the vacuum have handles?,yes
vacuum,Does the vacuum have a lens?,no
vending machine,Do most vending machines have glass windows?,yes
vending machine,Does the vending machine have wheels?,no
viaduct,Does the viaduct have more than one arch?,yes
viaduct,Does the viaduct have an opening between it?,yes
viaduct,Does the viaduct have arches?,yes
viaduct,Does the viaduct have a roof?,no
viaduct,Does the viaduct have antennas?,no
violin,Does the violin have strings?,yes
waffle iron,Does the waffle iron have handles?,yes
wall clock,Does the wall clock have numbers on it?,yes
wall clock,Do most wall clocks have eyes?,no
wall clock,Do most wall clocks have fingerboards?,no
wallet,Do wallets have separate sections?,yes
wallet,Does the wallet have a mirror?,no
warplane,Does a warplane have wheels?,yes
warplane,Does a warplane have wings?,yes
warplane,Does a warplane have a flat base?,no
warplane,Does a warplane have a stone base?,no
washer,Does every washer have a window?,no
water bottle,Does a water bottle have a hole?,yes
water bottle,Does a water bottle have handles?,no
water bottle,Does a water bottle have a metal body?,no
water jug,Do most water jugs have a handle?,yes
whiskey jug,Does a whiskey jug have a handle?,yes
whiskey jug,Does a whiskey jug have zippers?,no
whiskey jug,Does a whiskey jug have engines?,no
whistle,Does the whistle have antennas?,no
wine bottle,Does the wine bottle have a slender neck?,yes
wine bottle,Does the wine bottle have a flat bottom?,yes
wine bottle,Does the wine bottle have a light bulb?,no
wine bottle,Does the wine bottle have a pressing button at the bottom?,no
wok,Does the wok have handles?,yes
wok,Does the wok have eyes?,no
yurt,Does the yurt have a flat top?,no
web site,Do many web sites have menus?,yes
street sign,Does the street sign have words on it?,yes
book jacket,Does a book jacket have headrests?,no
bagel,Does a bagel always have a hole?,yes
pretzel,Do most pretzels have two circles?,yes
pretzel,Do most pretzels have leaves?,no
hotdog,Do most hotdogs have toppings?,yes
hotdog,Does the hotdog have apples in it?,no
head cabbage,Does the head cabbage have leaves?,yes
spaghetti squash,Does the spaghetti squash have seeds?,yes
spaghetti squash,Does the spaghetti squash have holes?,no
butternut squash,Does the butternut squash have seeds?,yes
butternut squash,Does the butternut squash have spots on it?,no
artichoke,Does the artichoke have petals?,yes
orange,Does the orange have an opening?,no
lemon,Does the lemon have a pointed end?,yes
lemon,Do lemons have a shiny surface?,yes
lemon,Do lemons have cheese in it?,no
pineapple,Does the pineapple have spikes?,yes
pineapple,Does the pineapple have a shiny surface?,no
banana,Does the banana have skin?,yes
banana,Does the banana have many pieces?,no
custard apple,Does the custard apple have seeds?,yes
pomegranate,Does a pomegranate have green seeds?,no
pizza,Does a pizza have a sharp bottom?,no
pizza,Does the pizza have cheese in it?,yes
cup,Does the cup have a handle?,yes
cup,Does the cup have eyes?,no
cliff,Does the cliff have grass on it?,yes
cliff,Do most cliffs have fountains on them?,no
coral reef,Does the coral reef have a bumpy surface?,yes
promontory,Does the promontory have rocks?,yes
seashore,Do some seashores have rocks?,yes
seashore,Do most seashores have green sand?,no
seashore,Does the seashore have icebergs?,no
volcano,Does the volcano have a roof?,no
rapeseed,Does the rapeseed have leaves?,yes
daisy,Does the daisy have petals?,yes
daisy,Does a daisy have three petals?,no
acorn,Does an acorn have holes on it?,no
buckeye,Does the buckeye have a shell?,yes
agaric,Does the agaric have a rectangular top?,no
agaric,Does the agaric have a rugged surface?,yes
gyromitra,Does a gyromitra have a spotted cover?,no
hen-of-the-woods,Do hen-of-the-woods have multiple layers?,yes
hen-of-the-woods,Do hen-of-the-woods have stems?,yes
hen-of-the-woods,Do hen-of-the-woods have lots of woods?,no
ground beetle,Do ground beetles have shiny shells?,yes
German short-haired pointer,Does the German short-haired pointer have a short snout?,no
German short-haired pointer,Does the German short-haired pointer have a long tail?,no
German short-haired pointer,Does the German short-haired pointer have horns?,no
German short-haired pointer,Does the German short-haired pointer have scales?,no
vulture,Are there many feathers on the head of a vulture?,no
Arctic fox,Is the Arctic fox furry?,yes
tabby,Are most tabbies striped?,yes
tiger cat,Is the tiger cat striped?,yes
Siamese cat,Is the Siamese cat furry?,yes
snow leopard,Are there any spots on the fur of the snow leopard?,yes
leaf beetle,Is the leaf beetle furry?,no
coho,Is the coho furry?,no
analog clock,Are there always numbers on the analog clock?,yes
baseball,Are there stitchings on the baseball?,yes
baseball,Are there red stitches on most baseballs?,yes
baseball,Is there an opening on the baseball?,no
baseball,Is there a handle on the baseball?,no
buckle,Is there a head portrait on the surface of the buckle?,no
cloak,Is the cloak normally spotted?,no
cloak,Are all cloaks furry?,no
combination lock,Are there always numbers written on the combination lock?,yes
scale,Are there screens on most scales?,yes
scale,Does it usually show numbers on the scale?,no
thatch,Is there always a balloon on the top of the thatch?,no
viaduct,Are there windows on the viaduct?,no
volcano,Are there many plants near a volcano?,no
Saluki,Does the Saluki have slim legs?,yes
French bulldog,Does the French bulldog have long legs?,no
Cardigan,Do Cardigans have erect ears?,yes
jaguar,Does the jaguar have a spotted pattern on its body?,yes
digital clock,Are there numbers on the digital clock?,yes
typewriter keyboard,Are there letters on the typewriter keyboard keys?,yes