ImageNetVC / color.csv
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tench,What's the color of a tench?,green
goldfish,What is the color of a goldfish?,orange
tiger shark,What color is the tiger shark?,gray
stingray,What is the color of the stingray?,gray
cock,What is the color of the cock's comb?,red
cock,What is the common color of a cock's body?,brown
hen,What is the color of the beak of the hen?,orange
hen,What color is the comb of a hen?,red
ostrich,What is the color of the ostrich?,brown
ostrich,What is the color of the neck of the ostrich?,white
brambling,What color is the breast of the brambling?,orange
brambling,What color is the underbelly of the brambling?,white
brambling,What is the color of the brambling's head?,brown
goldfinch,What's the color of a goldfinch's beak?,orange
goldfinch,What is the color of the abdomen of the goldfinch?,yellow
goldfinch,What color is a goldfinch tail?,black
house finch,What is the color of the house finch at its head?,red
house finch,What is the color of the house finch’s beak?,orange
junco,What color are the junco's feathers?,gray
junco,What color is the junco's head?,gray
indigo bunting,What is the color of the indigo bunting?,blue
indigo bunting,What is the color of the lower beak of the indigo bunting?,white
robin,What is the color of the beak of the robin?,yellow
robin,What is the color of the belly of the robin?,orange
robin,What is the color of the wings of the robin?,gray
robin,What is the head color of most robins?,black
robin,What color are the legs of the robin?,black
bulbul,What is the most common color of a bulbul's beak?,black
jay,What is the color of the tail feathers of a jay?,blue
jay,What color is the feather on a jay's belly?,white
jay,What color are most jays' wings?,blue
jay,What is the color of the legs of a jay?,black
magpie,What is the color of the head of most magpies?,black
chickadee,What is the color of most chickadees’ beaks?,black
water ouzel,What is the color of the water ouzel’s beak?,gray
kite,What is the color of the kite?,brown
bald eagle,What is the color of the bald eagle's head?,white
bald eagle,What is the color of the bald eagle's beak?,yellow
bald eagle,What is the color of the bald eagle's body?,black
vulture,What is the color of a vulture's wings?,gray
great grey owl,What is the beak color of the great grey owl?,yellow
European fire salamander,What is the color of the spot of most European fire salamanders?,yellow
eft,What is the color of the eft mostly?,orange
spotted salamander,What is the color of the spots of a spotted salamander?,yellow
bullfrog,What is the color of the bullfrog?,green
tree frog,What color is the tree frog's skin?,green
common iguana,What color is the common iguana usually?,gray
American chameleon,What is the color of the American chameleon?,green
frilled lizard,What is the color of the frilled lizard?,brown
African chameleon,What is the color of the African chameleon?,green
Komodo dragon,What is the color of a Komodo dragon?,gray
African crocodile,What is the color of the African crocodile?,gray
American alligator,What is the color of the American alligator?,brown
thunder snake,What is the color of the thunder snake?,brown
ringneck snake,What is the common color of the ringneck snake?,gray
green snake,What is the color of the green snake?,green
green snake,What color is the green snake's underbelly?,green
garter snake,What color is the line on the garter snake?,yellow
water snake,What common color is a water snake?,brown
vine snake,What is the color of the vine snake?,green
boa constrictor,What is the predominant color of the boa constrictor?,brown
rock python,What is the color of most of the rock python?,brown
rock python,What is the blotches color in rock python?,black
Indian cobra,What is the main color of the Indian cobra?,brown
green mamba,What color is a green mamba?,green
sidewinder,What is the color of the sidewinder?,brown
trilobite,What is the most common color of the trilobite?,brown
black and gold garden spider,What is the color of the black and gold garden spider's web?,white
garden spider,What is the primary color of the garden spider?,brown
black widow,What is the color of the black widow?,black
black widow,What color is the sign on the black widow's body?,red
tarantula,What color is a tarantula's body?,brown
wolf spider,What's the color of the wolf spider?,brown
tick,What is the color of ticks?,brown
centipede,What is the color of the centipede?,brown
centipede,What color are the legs of the centipede?,brown
black grouse,What is the color of the comb of the black grouse?,red
black grouse,What color are the tails of most black grouses?,black
ptarmigan,What is the color of the beak of the ptarmigan?,black
ruffed grouse,What is the color of the ruffed grouse?,brown
prairie chicken,What is the color of the prairie chicken?,brown
peacock,What's the color of a peacock's body?,blue
peacock,What is the color of the neck of a peacock?,blue
quail,What is the color of the quail?,gray
partridge,What is the color of the partridge?,brown
African grey,What's the color of the African grey?,gray
African grey,What is the color of the African grey's head?,white
macaw,What color are the macaw's talons?,black
sulphur-crested cockatoo,What color are the wings of the sulphur-crested cockatoo?,white
sulphur-crested cockatoo,What is the color of the feathers on the top of the sulphur-crested cockatoo?,yellow
sulphur-crested cockatoo,What is the beak color of the sulphur-crested cockatoo?,black
sulphur-crested cockatoo,What is the common color of the sulphur-crested cockatoo?,white
lorikeet,What's the color of a lorikeet's beak?,red
lorikeet,What is the color of the head of a lorikeet?,blue
lorikeet,What is the color of the lorikeet's wings?,green
coucal,What color are the mantle and wings of the coucal?,brown
coucal,What's the color of a coucal's eyes?,red
coucal,What is the feather color of coucal?,brown
bee eater,What color is the bee eater's beak?,black
hornbill,What is the color of the hornbill's wings?,black
hornbill,What is the color of the hornbill's beak?,yellow
hummingbird,What's the color of a hummingbird's beak?,black
jacamar,What color are the wings of most jacamars?,green
toucan,What color is the toucan's body?,black
toucan,What is the color of the beak of the toucan?,yellow
drake,What color is the drake's head?,green
drake,What is the color of the drake's beak?,yellow
drake,What is the color of the drake's legs?,yellow
red-breasted merganser,What is the color of the red-breasted merganser's long and thin bill?,orange
red-breasted merganser,What is the head color of the red-breasted merganser?,black
goose,What is the primary colour of the goose's neck?,black
goose,What's the color of the goose’s beak mostly?,black
black swan,What color is the black swan?,black
tusker,What is the color of the ivory of the tusker?,white
echidna,What color is the echidna?,brown
echidna,What color are the spines of the echidna?,brown
platypus,What's the color of a platypus's mouth?,black
platypus,What is the primary colour of the platypus?,brown
wallaby,What is the color of the wallaby?,brown
koala,What is the color of the koala?,brown
wombat,What is the color of the wombat?,gray
nematode,What color do most nematodes glow under a black light?,green
conch,What are the typical colors of a conch?,yellow
chambered nautilus,What is the color of the chambered nautilus?,white
king crab,What is the color of a king crab?,red
American lobster,What color is the American lobster?,red
spiny lobster,What is the main color of a spiny lobster?,orange
crayfish,What color is the crayfish?,red
hermit crab,What is the common color of the hermit crab?,brown
white stork,What color are the feathers on the bottom of the white stork wings?,black
white stork,What color is the white stork's beak?,orange
black stork,What is the color of the abdomen of a black stork?,white
black stork,What is the color of the legs of a black stork?,yellow
black stork,What is the color of the beak of a black stork?,red
flamingo,What's the color of a flamingo?,pink
flamingo,What is the color of the flamingo's beak tip?,black
flamingo,What are some of the colors that provide the muted appearance of the flamingo’s feathers?,pink
little blue heron,What color is the little blue heron?,blue
American egret,What is the color of the American egret's beak?,yellow
American egret,What color are the feathers of an American egret?,white
bittern,What color are the feathers of the bittern?,brown
limpkin,What is the colour of the limpkin?,brown
European gallinule,What color is the European gallinule?,blue
European gallinule,What's the color of the European gallinule's beak?,red
American coot,What is the color of the American coot?,black
American coot,What is the color of the beak of the American coot?,white
bustard,What color is the bustard?,gray
ruddy turnstone,What color is the belly of a ruddy turnstone?,white
ruddy turnstone,What is the color of the beak of the ruddy turnstone?,black
ruddy turnstone,What is the color of a ruddy turnstone's legs?,orange
red-backed sandpiper,What color is the beak of the red-backed sandpiper?,black
red-backed sandpiper,What color Is the belly of red-backed sandpiper?,white
red-backed sandpiper,What is the color of the red-backed sandpiper’s back?,brown
redshank,What is the color of the legs of a redshank?,orange
redshank,What is the color of a redshank?,brown
redshank,What is the color of the beak of a redshank?,orange
dowitcher,What color is the dowitcher?,brown
oystercatcher,What's the color of an oystercatcher's beak?,orange
oystercatcher,What color is the oystercatcher's underbelly?,white
pelican,What is the main color of the pelican?,white
king penguin,What's the color of the king penguin's abdomen?,white
king penguin,What is the color of a king penguin's head?,black
king penguin,What color is a king penguin's back?,black
albatross,What is the color of the albatross around its neck and chest?,white
albatross,What color are the wings of the albatross?,black
grey whale,What is the color of the grey whale?,black
dugong,What is the color of the back of the dugong?,gray
sea lion,What is the color of most sea lions?,black
Japanese spaniel,What is the color of the ears of most Japanese spaniels?,black
Maltese dog,What color is the Maltese dog?,white
papillon,What is the color of the papillon?,white
Rhodesian ridgeback,What is the color of a Rhodesian ridgeback?,brown
Afghan hound,What color is the Afghan hound's fur?,brown
beagle,What color are the beagle's underside and legs?,white
bloodhound,What is the color of a bloodhound?,brown
bluetick,What is the color of the bluetick?,gray
bluetick,What's the color of a bluetick's snout?,black
black-and-tan coonhound,What color is the back of the black-and-tan coonhound?,black
black-and-tan coonhound,What is the common color of the black-and-tan coonhound?,black
Walker hound,What is the color of the Walker hound?,brown
Walker hound,What is the color of the tail of the Walker hound?,white
English foxhound,Which is the color of the legs of English foxhounds?,white
English foxhound,What is the colour of the spots of English foxhounds?,brown
redbone,What is the color of a redbone?,brown
Irish wolfhound,What is the color of the body of the Irish wolfhound?,brown
Italian greyhound,What color are the most Italian greyhounds are?,brown
whippet,What color is the belly of the whippet?,white
Norwegian elkhound,What is the color of the Norwegian elkhound?,gray
Norwegian elkhound,What is the color of the legs of the Norwegian elkhound?,white
Scottish deerhound,What is the most common color of the Scottish deerhounds?,gray
Weimaraner,What is the color of the Weimaraner?,brown
Staffordshire bullterrier,What is the color of the Staffordshire bullterrier?,black
Bedlington terrier,What is the color of the Bedlington terrier?,white
Border terrier,What is the color of the fur of the Border terrier?,brown
Kerry blue terrier,What is the color of the Kerry blue terrier?,black
Irish terrier,What is the general color of the Irish terrier?,brown
Norfolk terrier,What color is the Norfolk terrier?,brown
Norwich terrier,What is the color of the Norwich terrier?,brown
Yorkshire terrier,What is the color of a Yorkshire terrier?,brown
Lakeland terrier,What is the color of the Lakeland Terrier?,brown
Sealyham terrier,What is the primary colour of most Sealyham terriers?,white
cairn,What is the color of a cairn?,brown
Australian terrier,What is the color of the Australian terrier?,brown
Dandie Dinmont,What's the color of a Dandie Dinmont's fur?,white
Dandie Dinmont,What color can Dandie Dinmont dogs be besides white?,brown
giant schnauzer,What color is the giant schnauzer's fur?,black
standard schnauzer,What is the color of the standard schnauzer?,gray
soft-coated wheaten terrier,What is the color of the soft-coated wheaten terrier?,brown
West Highland white terrier,What is the color of a West Highland white terrier?,white
Lhasa,What is the colour of the fur of a Lhasa?,white
flat-coated retriever,What color is the flat-coated retriever hound?,black
curly-coated retriever,What is the color of a curly-coated retriever?,black
golden retriever,What is the color of the golden retriever?,brown
Labrador retriever,What is the color of the Labrador retrievers?,brown
Chesapeake Bay retriever,What color is a Chesapeake Bay retriever?,brown
vizsla,What is the color of a vizsla?,brown
vizsla,What is the color of the ear of the vizsla?,brown
Irish setter,What is the color of Irish setters?,brown
Gordon setter,What color is the Gordon setter?,black
Gordon setter,What color are the feet of the Gordon setter?,brown
Brittany spaniel,What is the color of the Brittany spaniel ears?,brown
clumber,What is the color of the fur on the body of most clumbers?,white
English springer,What color are the feet of the English springer?,white
Welsh springer spaniel,What colour are the feet of a Welsh springer spaniel?,white
cocker spaniel,What is the common color of a cocker spaniel?,brown
Sussex spaniel,What color are most Sussex spaniels?,brown
Irish water spaniel,What is the color of the Irish water spaniel?,brown
kuvasz,What is the color of a kuvasz's body?,white
kuvasz,What colour is the kuvasz's snout?,black
schipperke,What is the colour of the schipperke?,black
groenendael,What is the color of the groenendael?,black
kelpie,What is the body color of the kelpie?,black
komondor,What color is the komondor's fur?,white
Old English sheepdog,What color is the belly of the Old English sheepdog?,white
collie,What color is the face of the collie?,brown
Bouvier des Flandres,What is the color of a Bouvier des Flandres?,black
Rottweiler,What color are the feet of a Rottweiler?,brown
German shepherd,What color is the mouth of a German shepherd?,black
miniature pinscher,What's the color of a miniature pinscher's snout?,black
Greater Swiss Mountain dog,What is the most common color of a Greater Swiss Mountain dog?,black
Bernese mountain dog,What color is the chest of the Bernese mountain dog?,white
Appenzeller,What color is the chest of the Appenzeller?,white
Appenzeller,What color are the paws of the Appenzeller?,white
Appenzeller,What color are the ears of the Appenzeller?,black
Appenzeller,What color is the Appenzeller?,black
boxer,What is the color of the boxer?,brown
bull mastiff,What color is the bull mastiff's face?,brown
Tibetan mastiff,What is the color of the Tibetan mastiff?,black
Tibetan mastiff,What is the color of the legs of the Tibetan mastiff?,brown
Saint Bernard,What color is a Saint Bernard dog's tongue?,pink
Saint Bernard,What color are Saint Bernard's legs?,white
Eskimo dog,What is the fur color of the Eskimo dog?,white
Eskimo dog,What is the common color of the Eskimo dog?,white
dalmatian,What color are the dots in dalmatian?,black
affenpinscher,What is the color of the affenpinscher?,black
Leonberg,What is the color of the Leonberg?,brown
Leonberg,What is the color of the Leonberg's face?,black
Newfoundland,What color are a Newfoundland's ears?,black
Newfoundland,What is the main color of the Newfoundland?,black
Great Pyrenees,What color is the fur of a Great Pyrenees?,white
Samoyed,What is the color of the Samoyed's body?,white
Pomeranian,What is the most common color of the Pomeranian?,brown
Brabancon griffon,What color is the mouth of the Brabancon griffon?,black
toy poodle,What color is the snout of most toy poodles?,black
Mexican hairless,What is the color of the Mexican hairless?,black
Mexican hairless,What color is the ear of a Mexican hairless?,black
timber wolf,What is the colour of the timber wolf?,brown
white wolf,What is the color of the white wolf?,white
red wolf,What is the color of the red wolf?,brown
coyote,What is the color of the coyote?,brown
dingo,What's the color of a dingo?,brown
dhole,What's the color of a dhole?,brown
African hunting dog,What color does the African hunting dog have on the tip fur of the tail?,white
hyena,What is the color of the hyena?,brown
kit fox,What is the color of the kit fox?,brown
Arctic fox,What is the color of the Arctic fox?,white
Arctic fox,What color is the tip of the Arctic fox's tail?,white
grey fox,What color is the grey fox?,brown
tabby,What is the strip color of the tabby?,black
Siamese cat,what is the color of the Siamese cat's whiskers?,white
Egyptian cat,What is the colour of an Egyptian cat?,gray
cougar,What is the color of the cougar?,brown
cougar,What is the color of the cougar's fur near the mouth?,white
cougar,What's the color of the cougar's nose?,pink
lynx,What is the color of the lynx?,brown
leopard,What color are the spots on the belly of the leopard?,black
snow leopard,What color is the snow leopard?,gray
snow leopard,What is the colour of the snow leopard's spots on their body?,black
lion,What color is the lion?,brown
tiger,What color are the stripes of the tiger?,black
tiger,What's the color of a tiger's whiskers?,white
tiger,What is the primary color of a tiger?,brown
cheetah,What is the cheetahs' skin color?,brown
cheetah,What is the color of the cheetah's spots?,black
ice bear,What is the color of the ice bear?,white
sloth bear,What color is the sloth bear?,black
mongoose,What is the color of the mongoose?,brown
ladybug,What color is the back of the ladybug?,orange
ladybug,What color is the shell of the ladybug?,orange
ground beetle,What's the color of a ground beetle?,black
long-horned beetle,What color is the body of the long-horned beetle?,black
dung beetle,What is the most common color of a dung beetle?,black
rhinoceros beetle,What color is usually a rhinoceros beetle?,black
ant,What is the color of the ants?,brown
grasshopper,What's the color of a grasshopper?,green
cricket,What is the usual color of a cricket?,green
cockroach,What is the primary color of cockroaches?,brown
mantis,What is the color of the mantis?,green
leafhopper,What is the color of the leafhopper?,green
ringlet,What is the color of the ringlet?,brown
monarch,What color are the circles in the monarch's wings?,white
monarch,What is the color of the monarch's legs?,black
monarch,What is the major color of the monarch's wings?,orange
cabbage butterfly,What color are the wings of the cabbage butterfly?,white
sulphur butterfly,What color are the wings of the sulphur butterfly?,yellow
sulphur butterfly,What color is the body of the sulphur butterfly?,yellow
wood rabbit,What is the color of the wood rabbit?,brown
hare,What is the skin color of the hare?,brown
Angora,What is the color of the Angora?,white
hamster,What is the color of the nose of the hamster?,pink
porcupine,What color is common on a porcupine?,black
fox squirrel,What is the color of a fox squirrel?,brown
marmot,What color is the marmot?,brown
beaver,What is the color of the beaver?,brown
sorrel,What color are sorrels predominantly?,brown
wild boar,What is the common color of the wild boar?,brown
warthog,What is the color of warthogs?,gray
hippopotamus,What color is the hippopotamus?,brown
water buffalo,What is the color of a water buffalo?,black
bison,What color are bisons?,brown
bighorn,What is the color of the bighorn?,brown
ibex,What color of fur does the ibex have?,brown
hartebeest,What's the color of a hartebeest?,brown
hartebeest,What color are hartebeests horns?,brown
impala,What is the main color of the impala's fur?,brown
gazelle,What color is the gazelle's belly?,white
Arabian camel,What is the color of an Arabian camel?,brown
weasel,What is the common color of a weasel?,brown
mink,What is the color of mink generally?,brown
polecat,What color is the face of most polecats?,white
black-footed ferret,What is the common color of the black-footed ferret?,brown
otter,What is the color of an otter?,brown
badger,What is the nail color of a badger?,black
armadillo,What is the color of an armadillo?,gray
three-toed sloth,What is the color of the three-toed sloth?,brown
orangutan,What color is the hair of the orangutan?,brown
orangutan,What is the colour of the face of the orangutan?,black
gorilla,What color is the hair of the gorilla?,black
chimpanzee,What is the body color of the chimpanzee?,black
gibbon,What is the color of most gibbons' faces?,black
siamang,What is the color of the siamang?,black
guenon,What is the color of a guenon?,black
patas,What is the colour of the patas?,brown
baboon,What is the common color of the baboon?,brown
macaque,What is the color of a macaque's face?,red
langur,What is the usual color of the langur's face?,black
colobus,What is the color of the outline around the colobus's face?,white
proboscis monkey,What is the colour of the proboscis monkey?,orange
marmoset,What is the most fur colour of the marmoset seen?,brown
capuchin,What color is the fur on the top of the capuchin's head?,black
capuchin,What color is the back of the capuchin?,black
capuchin,What color is the face of the capuchin?,white
titi,What is the color of the mouth of the titi?,black
titi,What color is the titi's body hair?,brown
spider monkey,What is the color of the spider monkey?,brown
squirrel monkey,What color is the fur around the eyes of the squirrel monkey?,white
squirrel monkey,What color is a squirrel monkey?,brown
Indian elephant,What color is the tusk of the Indian elephant?,white
Indian elephant,What color is the body of the Indian elephant?,gray
African elephant,What is the color of the African elephants?,gray
African elephant,What color is the tusk of the African elephant?,white
African elephant,What color is the trunk of the African elephants?,gray
lesser panda,What is the main colour of a lesser panda?,brown
giant panda,What color are a giant panda's ears?,black
barracouta,What color are the spots on the sides of a barracouta?,white
coho,What's the color of a coho?,gray
rock beauty,What is the color of a rock beauty?,yellow
sturgeon,What colour is a sturgeon's underbelly?,white
puffer,What's the color of a puffer's belly?,white
abaya,What is the color of the abaya?,black
academic gown,What color is an academic gown?,black
acoustic guitar,What is the common color of this acoustic guitar?,brown
airliner,What is the colour of most airliners?,white
ambulance,What color is the shell of the ambulance in most cases?,white
assault rifle,What is the color of the assault rifle generally?,black
bakery,What is the color of the bread in a bakery?,brown
Band Aid,What is the color of the band aids?,brown
barbell,What is the color of most of the weights of the barbell?,black
barrel,What is the color of barrels?,brown
baseball,What is the color of most baseballs?,white
basketball,What color is a basketball?,brown
bathtub,What color are bathtubs generally?,white
beach wagon,What is the color of the alloys of the wheels of the beach wagon?,silver
beach wagon,What is the color of the beach wagon wheels?,black
beacon,What color is the beacon usually?,white
bearskin,What color are the traditional bearskins?,black
bearskin,What is the color of the bearskin lace?,yellow
binoculars,What color are the binoculars?,black
bullet train,What is the color of the bullet train?,white
butcher shop,What's the color of the butcher shop meat?,red
caldron,What is the color of most caldrons?,gray
candle,What color is the wick part of the candle?,white
candle,What is the colour of the candle light?,orange
cannon,What is the color of most cannons?,black
canoe,What's the color of the canoe?,brown
car wheel,What is the color of the tyre of the car wheel?,black
cello,What's the color of the cello?,brown
chainlink fence,What color is the chainlink fence?,gray
chain mail,What color is the chain mail?,silver
chiffonier,What is the colour of most chiffoniers?,red
Christmas stocking,What is the general color of the Christmas stocking?,red
cleaver,What is the colour of a cleaver blade?,silver
cowboy boot,What are the common colors of a cowboy boot?,brown
cradle,What color is the cradle generally?,white
crate,What is the color of crates typically?,brown
dam,What color is the outside of a dam?,white
dining table,What color is the dining table?,brown
fire engine,What color are fire engines typically?,red
French horn,What is the color of the French horn?,yellow
frying pan,What is the color of most of the frying pans?,black
golf ball,What color is the golf ball?,white
grand piano,What is the color of the grand piano?,black
grille,What is the general color of the grille?,silver
guillotine,What is the colour of most of the guillotines?,brown
hamper,What is the colour of most hampers?,brown
holster,What is the common color of a holster?,black
honeycomb,What color is the honeycomb?,brown
jack-o'-lantern,What color are most jack-o'-lanterns?,orange
jean,What color are most jeans?,blue
lab coat,What color are lab coats typically?,white
lawn mower,What is the wheel color of the lawn mower?,black
lens cap,What is the color of most lens caps?,black
lifeboat,What color are most lifeboats?,orange
liner,What color are most liners?,white
lotion,What is typically a lotion’s color?,white
loudspeaker,What is the color of most loudspeakers?,black
matchstick,What is the color of the fire in the matchstick?,yellow
matchstick,What is the colour of the tip of the matchstick?,red
megalith,What color is the megalith?,gray
minivan,What is the color of the minivan tires?,black
mortarboard,What is the color of most mortarboards?,black
mosquito net,What color are most mosquito nets?,white
motor scooter,What color are the wheels of most motor scooters?,black
mountain bike,What is the color of the wheels of a mountain bike?,black
muzzle,What color are most muzzles?,black
nail,What is the color of the nail?,black
oboe,What is the common color of the oboe?,black
paddlewheel,What color are most paddlewheels?,red
paper towel,What color are most paper towels?,white
photocopier,What color is the photocopier?,white
potter's wheel,What color are most potter's wheels?,white
projector,What is the color of the projector lens?,black
puck,What is the color of the puck?,black
radiator,What is the color of the radiator?,white
radio telescope,What is the color of the radio telescope?,white
recreational vehicle,What is the color of recreational vehicles generally?,white
recreational vehicle,What is the general color of recreational vehicles?,white
reflex camera,What color are most reflex cameras?,black
refrigerator,What is the color of the outer surface of the refrigerator?,white
revolver,What color is the material of the revolver barrel?,silver
rubber eraser,What is the general color of the rubber eraser?,white
rugby ball,What color is always on a rugby ball?,white
safe,What color are most safes?,white
saltshaker,What color is the saltshaker cap usually?,silver
sax,What is the colour of the sax mouthpiece?,black
sax,What color is the body of the sax?,yellow
school bus,What is the color of most school buses?,yellow
screen,What color is the screen when it is off?,black
shoji,What color are most shoji frames?,brown
slide rule,What color is used for the units in the slide rule?,black
speedboat,What is the majority color of the speedboat?,white
spindle,What's the color of the spindle?,brown
steam locomotive,What is the color of the steam locomotive usually?,black
steel drum,What is the color of the steel drum?,silver
stone wall,What colour is the stone wall?,gray
submarine,What is the color of the submarine?,gray
sunscreen,What color is the sunscreen?,white
syringe,What color are most syringes?,white
tennis ball,What color are tennis balls?,green
tennis ball,What color are the lines on a tennis ball?,white
thatch,What is the color of the thatch's roof mostly?,brown
theater curtain,What color is the most theater curtain?,red
tile roof,What is the most common color of a tile roof?,red
toilet seat,What colour are the toilet seats?,white
trailer truck,What color are the tires of the trailer trucks?,black
tub,What are the common tub colors?,white
turnstile,What color are most turnstiles?,silver
unicycle,What is colour of the unicycle wheel?,black
upright,What color is an upright piano?,brown
wardrobe,What is the color of the wardrobe?,brown
washbasin,What color is the washbasin in general?,white
washer,What is the classic color of the washer?,white
wine bottle,What color are most wine bottles?,green
wing,What colour are the wings of an airplane?,gray
wok,What is the common color of a wok?,black
wooden spoon,What is the color of a wooden spoon?,brown
crossword puzzle,What color of squares have words written on them in a crossword puzzle?,white
menu,What color is the background of the menu?,white
guacamole,What is the color of the guacamole?,green
French loaf,What is the color of a French loaf?,brown
bagel,What is the color of the bagel?,brown
pretzel,What is the color of a pretzel?,brown
cheeseburger,What is the color of the bun in the cheeseburger?,yellow
mashed potato,What is the color of the mashed potato?,yellow
head cabbage,What is the colour of the head cabbage?,green
broccoli,What color is the broccoli?,green
broccoli,What color is the stem of the broccoli?,green
zucchini,What color typically is the zucchini?,green
zucchini,What color is a zucchini flower?,yellow
spaghetti squash,What is the colour of the spaghetti squash?,yellow
acorn squash,What color is the inside of the acorn squash?,orange
acorn squash,What color is the surface of the acorn squash?,green
butternut squash,What color is the flesh of the butternut squash?,yellow
cucumber,What color are cucumbers?,green
cucumber,What color is the stem of a cucumber?,green
artichoke,What is the color of the artichoke?,green
cardoon,What color is the stem of the cardoon?,green
cardoon,What color is the leaf of the cardoon?,green
Granny Smith,What is the color of the Granny Smith?,green
strawberry,What color is the strawberry?,red
strawberry,What color are the seeds on the surface of the strawberry?,yellow
strawberry,What color are the leaves of the strawberry?,green
orange,What is the color of the orange?,orange
orange,What color is the flesh inside the orange?,orange
fig,What is the color of the flesh of the fig?,red
fig,What color is the outside of the fig?,green
pineapple,What is the color of the pineapple?,yellow
pineapple,What is the color of the top of the pineapple?,green
banana,What colour is the banana?,yellow
banana,What color are the spots on the bananas?,brown
jackfruit,What is the colour of the jackfruit inside?,yellow
jackfruit,What is the colour of the jackfruit outside?,green
custard apple,What color is the custard apple?,green
custard apple,What is the color of the custard apple seed?,black
pomegranate,What is the color of the seeds of the pomegranate?,red
hay,What color is the hay?,yellow
carbonara,What colour is the carbonara?,yellow
chocolate sauce,What color is the chocolate sauce?,brown
pizza,What is the prominent color on top of the pizza?,red
red wine,What color is the red wine?,red
eggnog,What is the color of the eggnog?,yellow
alp,What color is the snow covering the alps?,white
cliff,What colour is the surface of a cliff?,brown
geyser,What colour is the geyser?,white
sandbar,What color is a sandbar?,brown
seashore,What color does the water on the seashore look like?,blue
seashore,What color is the sand on the seashore?,brown
groom,What color does the groom wear?,black
rapeseed,What color is the rapeseed?,yellow
daisy,What is the color of the daisy?,white
yellow lady's slipper,What is the color of yellow lady's slippers?,yellow
corn,What color is the corn?,yellow
hip,What color are hips usually?,red
agaric,What is the color of most of the agaric?,red
gyromitra,What is the color of the gyromitra?,brown
toilet tissue,What is the color of the toilet tissue?,white
basset,What color are ears of the basset?,brown