Mike: Hi. Got a favor to ask. John: What is it? Mike: My car died. John: Sorry to hear. John: Don't tell you want to borrow my car:0! Mike: Actually, I'd like to:) John: No way, man. Can't do. Even for my best friend:( Mike: Right. No harm in trying;=)
Mike's car died. He wants to borrow John's car, but John refuses.
Makayla: Hey! :) Makayla: I've got a discount for yoga and meditation classes for 2 Makayla: All classes take place take place at yoga studio near post office. Makayla: Wanna sign up? Stella: hi :) Stella: i wish i could, but i still haven't recovered from my back injury :( Stella: my doctor says I can only swim and walk Makayla: Wow, you had that accident months ago! Makayla: I hope you'll get better soon. :) Stella: thanks, me too :) Stella: have fun at these classes and learn all these fabulous yoga poses ;) Makayla: thanks! Makayla: next time you see me I'm gonna look like this XD Makayla: <file_photo> Stella: haha :D hope so!
Makayla has a discount for yoga and meditation classes and she invites Stella to sign up. Stella can't go, because she hasn't recovered from her back injury yet.
Ada: Hi, thank you very much for your feedback, I'm really grateful. where and when I can get it? Unfort, I don't have anything in exchange, but I can pay. Gigi: hello! I will be more than happy to give you a spath. You can get it under the address I gave you. When would you like to come? Ada: That's awesome! I coulde be tomorrow around noon, is it OK for you? Gigi: Perfect. I'm at home with a baby, almost all the time. Ada: Fantastic. I will be in touch and I'm gonna target 12:00 Gigi: See you then :)) Ada: (Y)
Ada will come to Gigi at about noon tomorrow to get a spath. Gigi is at home with a baby.
Brenda: Happy Birthday to my favorite brother!!!!! :) :) :) when do we get to celebrate?!?! did you get my gift? Nick: Thanks! can't do anything this week because I gotta go to Florida but mom wanted to go out to eat on Sunday, would be 6:30 or so? Brenda: Cool! Yeah we've got no plans so we will be around the house. What about the gift?! Nick: that Bluetooth speaker is awesome, thanks! gonna try it under water next time we get on the boat, gotta remember to attach it to something!
Brenda sends birthday wishes to her brother Nick. Brenda gave Nick a gift (Bluetooth speaker). Nick is going to Florida this week. Brenda and Nick are going out to eat on Sunday around 6:30.
Ricky: Did you get home fine? Noemi: Yes, thanks Ricky: It was great! you should have stayed over night, we could have had some nice sex in the morning too ;-) Noemi: I don’t stay overnight with the newly met guys Noemi: I love my bed too much… Ricky: Maybe next time in your bed then? ;-) Noemi: Who said there would be next time? ;-)
Noemi and Ricky just met. They had sex. Noemi came back home safe and sound. She wouldn't stay at Rick's. She prefers sleeping in her own bed.
Jim: why r u not picking up? Greg: toilet Jim: hahaha sorry bro Greg: i'll call u back
Greg cannot pick up Jim's phone call because he is in the restroom.
Mason: have you already eaten dinner?? Robert: nope, i was too lazy to cook anything Mason: i got coupons for pizza hut Mason: interested? Robert: a friend in need is a friend indeed :D where are we meeting? Mason: maybe in pizza hut? Robert: ok Robert: see ya Mason: bye! :)
Robert hasn't eaten dinner yet. Mason has coupons for Pizza Hut. Mason and Robert will meet at Pizza Hut.
Luna: Do you have shopping time today? Ann: Shopping? Always! Luna: Cool :)
Anna and Luna are going shopping today.
Esme: let's have a skype call tonight? Eliza: sure, at what time? Rose: Sure! Esme: 8pm i was thinking? Eliza: cool! Rose: Perfect! :)
Esme, Eliza and Rose are having a Sype meeting at 8 p.m.
Veronica: I've just learn that during winter, when you heat your home Veronica: You should buy air humidifier because the air from the heating gets dry Veronica: I will buy today Natalie: Yeah. My doctor told me so too. I had problems with sleeping some time ago and I went to doctor to ask about it. Natalie: She said that humidifier will help me. Natalie: It was winter back then too. Veronica: Oh. So it helps? Natalie: It makes breathing a lot easier and I sleep well when it's on. Veronica: Good to know. Thanks. Natalie: You're welcome ;-)
Veronica wants to buy the air humidifier. Natalie bought one last year and she sleeps well when it's on.
Mags: How was your photo session? Rachel: Awesome! Rachel: Thanks for the present, Mags Josh: We really appreciate it Rachel: Yes, a great idea! Mags: I'm glad Mags: When do you get to see the photos? Rachel: She said she would send a few in a couple of days Rachel: Then we'll choose 5 or 6 and she'll finish them off Mags: Will you give me a shout when they're ready? Mags: I would like to see them Rachel: Sure! Mags: thanks :) Josh: Thanks, Mags!
Rachel and Josh had a photo session. It was a present from Mags. They will see the photos in a few days, then they'll choose 5 or 6 and the photographer will finish them off.