stringlengths 14
curiosity and mediocrity seldom coexist |
you should firmly insist that no bobby pins or hair pins be worn in the water |
don't ask me to carry an oily rag like that |
it had assumed the terrifying inertia of inanimate matter |
an official deadline cannot be postponed |
she had your dark suit in greasy wash water all year |
i know i didn't meet her early enough |
each stag surely finds a big fawn |
he slipped outside hugging the walls of buildings and dodging into doorways |
do they allow atheists in church |
the meeting is now adjourned |
look somewhere else |
no fasciculations or sensory defects were found |
porcupines resemble sea urchins |
don't ask me to carry an oily rag like that |
she had your dark suit in greasy wash water all year |
the fifth jar contains big juicy peaches |
the high security prison was surrounded by barbed wire |
we apply auditory modeling to computer speech recognition |
there are people who travel long distances to assure my continued existence |
were you in love with that girl |
continental drift is a geological theory |
don't ask me to carry an oily rag like that |
she had your dark suit in greasy wash water all year |
scholastic aptitude is judged by standardized tests |
smash lightbulbs and their cash value will diminish to nothing |
here they did not need to be in ghettos |
an adult male baboon's teeth are not suitable for eating shellfish |
by the look of him he wasn't that far gone |
they all agree that the essay is barely intelligible |
the easygoing zoologist relaxed throughout the voyage |
don't ask me to carry an oily rag like that |
when shed they leave rust marks |
she had your dark suit in greasy wash water all year |
fill that canteen with fresh spring water |
trish saw hours and hours of movies saturday |
can't seem to locate landmarks in this snow |
the rich should invest in black zircons instead of stylish shoes |
to prepare mustard cream blend mustard with enough water to make a thin paste |
my ideal morning begins with hot coffee |
the hood of the jeep was steaming in the hot sun |
just drop notices in any suggestion box |
don't ask me to carry an oily rag like that |
she had your dark suit in greasy wash water all year |
the most recent geological survey found seismic activity |
stimulating discussions keep students' attention |
he had four extra eggs for breakfast |
a rabbit punch redoubled him |
neglect means spiritual paralysis or death |
he can for example present significant universitywide issues to the senate |
my desires are simple give me one informative paragraph on the subject |
the taxicab broke down and caused a traffic jam |
don't ask me to carry an oily rag like that |
she had your dark suit in greasy wash water all year |
many shapes in bathtubs |
etiquette mandates compliance with existing regulations |
paperweight may be personalized on back while clay is leather hard |
cory attacked the project with extra determination |
we plan to build a new beverage plant |
she seemed irritated |
we're not drunkards she said |
don't ask me to carry an oily rag like that |
she snarled warningly |
the legislature met to judge the state of public education |
she had your dark suit in greasy wash water all year |
vietnamese cuisine is exquisite |
seamstresses attach zippers with a thimble needle and thread |
originals are not necessarily good and adaptations are not necessarily bad |
count the number of teaspoons of soysauce that you add |
it's not easy to create illuminating examples |
nice even if a trifle gaudy |
a huge tapestry hung in her hallway |
they had chosen this night purposely |
a roll of wire lay near the wall |
women may never become completely equal to men |
don't ask me to carry an oily rag like that |
the preschooler couldn't verbalize her feelings about the emergency conditions |
she had your dark suit in greasy wash water all year |
in every major cloverleaf traffic sometimes gets backed up |
landbased radar would help with this task |
we saw eight tiny icicles below our roof |
experiment without a fixed number of trials |
the haunted house was a hit due to outstanding audiovisual effects |
as if drawn by a wire the enemy flew into them |
don't ask me to carry an oily rag like that |
she had your dark suit in greasy wash water all year |
maybe it would work the other way |
cooperation along with understanding alleviate dispute |
a lawyer was appointed to execute her will |
the toddler found a clamshell near the camp site |
thyroid function tests yielded normal results |
spring street is straight ahead |
don't ask me to carry an oily rag like that |
she had your dark suit in greasy wash water all year |
another snarled close overhead |
her auburn hair reminded him of autumn leaves |
take charge of choosing her bride's maids' gowns |
coffee is grown on steep junglelike slopes in temperate zones |
the gorgeous butterfly ate a lot of nectar |
we have also seen the power of faith at work among us |
Subsets and Splits