No , you're right . But nudity doesn't bother me . What bothered me were all the jokes about masturbation , stuff like that . It was too sick .
Oh , you are too conservative . It's just realistic .
Oh , you are too conservative . It's just realistic .
I don't think it's realistic . I thought it was sick . Why does a movie have to use that kind of humor ?
I don't think it's realistic . I thought it was sick . Why does a movie have to use that kind of humor ?
People think it's funny .
Have you noticed the Mexican restaurant on the other side of this street ?
You mean the one with the yellow bricks ? But last time I saw it , it wasn ’ t really in business yet . I saw some people inside furnishing the rooms . Is it open now ?
You mean the one with the yellow bricks ? But last time I saw it , it wasn ’ t really in business yet . I saw some people inside furnishing the rooms . Is it open now ?
Yes , someone give me a pamphlet introducing the restaurant and its business hours when I passed by this morning.So , let ’ s have a try . My treat .
Yes , someone give me a pamphlet introducing the restaurant and its business hours when I passed by this morning.So , let ’ s have a try . My treat .
Great , I like the idea of trying some new food .
Great , I like the idea of trying some new food .
Good for you . Today we have more chances to try some new food because there are now many new form restaurants in our city coming from places all over the world .
Good for you . Today we have more chances to try some new food because there are now many new form restaurants in our city coming from places all over the world .
Also some traditional Chinese food , like noodles and dumpling are marketed in modern ways with improved food quality . I heard this year , the government has imposed very stringent inspection on the hygiene conditions restaurants and suppliers of food are also under tighter control .
Also some traditional Chinese food , like noodles and dumpling are marketed in modern ways with improved food quality . I heard this year , the government has imposed very stringent inspection on the hygiene conditions restaurants and suppliers of food are also under tighter control .
For sure all the customers will benefit from this .
Mary , could you please come in for a short while ?
No problem .
No problem .
Mary , I'd like you to meet Richard , Our new executive in the marketing .
Mary , I'd like you to meet Richard , Our new executive in the marketing .
Nice to meet you , Austin .
Nice to meet you , Austin .
Welcome to our department . I hope you'll like it here .
Welcome to our department . I hope you'll like it here .
By the way , Richard will assist me in the planning work . I hope you can work well together .
By the way , Richard will assist me in the planning work . I hope you can work well together .
Sure , if you've got any problem you can ask me .
Sure , if you've got any problem you can ask me .
Thank you.It ' s very kind of you .
Thank you.It ' s very kind of you .
Richard , Mary is a very helpful and experienced secretary indeed , and I'm sure you will find out .
Richard , Mary is a very helpful and experienced secretary indeed , and I'm sure you will find out .
Thank you , sir . I'll try my best to assist Richard in his work .
How's everything , Janice ?
I sent my resume to a computer company and am waiting for their call .
I sent my resume to a computer company and am waiting for their call .
Which company ?
Which company ?
Pineapple Computer Company . A secretary is needed there , and it is worth a try . Do you get any information or advertisement for employment ?
Pineapple Computer Company . A secretary is needed there , and it is worth a try . Do you get any information or advertisement for employment ?
Yep ! I got some , in which I am interested . But ...
Yep ! I got some , in which I am interested . But ...
But what ? You always act like this , when you face difficulties .
But what ? You always act like this , when you face difficulties .
All the fears are nothing . You can make it . There is no other choice for you . Be brave .
All the fears are nothing . You can make it . There is no other choice for you . Be brave .
Seemingly there is no turning back . I have to face it somehow .
Seemingly there is no turning back . I have to face it somehow .
It's all or nothing .
Excuse me , where is the nearest gas station ?
Go along this street to the traffic lights .
Go along this street to the traffic lights .
To the traffic lights ?
To the traffic lights ?
That's right , and turn left at the lights .
That's right , and turn left at the lights .
Left at the lights ?
Left at the lights ?
And then right at the bridge .
And then right at the bridge .
Right at the bridge ?
Right at the bridge ?
Yes . The gas station is on the left . And you can't miss it .
Hello ! Is your taxi engaged ?
No , this taxi is free .
No , this taxi is free .
Please take me to the Honging Hotel .
Please take me to the Honging Hotel .
OK . Please get in . I'm glad to serve you .
OK . Please get in . I'm glad to serve you .
Could you get there in twenty minutes ?
Could you get there in twenty minutes ?
It will take half an hour to get to the hotel .
It will take half an hour to get to the hotel .
I am in a hurry . Please take a shortcut . I have a friend waiting for me .
I am in a hurry . Please take a shortcut . I have a friend waiting for me .
OK , I promise we'll get there in twenty minutes .
OK , I promise we'll get there in twenty minutes .
Thanks .
It's the 17th week now , isn't it ?
Yes , it is .
Yes , it is .
Oh , the final exam is coming soon . I feel a little bit nervous .
Oh , the final exam is coming soon . I feel a little bit nervous .
Take it easy . There is still one more week left before the exam begins . Have you prepared for it well ?
Take it easy . There is still one more week left before the exam begins . Have you prepared for it well ?
No , I haven't began my preparations .
No , I haven't began my preparations .
Then shall we make preparations together ?
Then shall we make preparations together ?
Great . You can help me a lot with English .
Great . You can help me a lot with English .
All right . But I am very poor at math . Would you like to help me with my math ?
All right . But I am very poor at math . Would you like to help me with my math ?
No problem .
Does he know that he has already at his wits ' end ?
I think he has realized that . But he is still whistling in the dark by putting up an act .
I think he has realized that . But he is still whistling in the dark by putting up an act .
He might be driven up a wall . You should not handle your relation with him with kid gloves .
He might be driven up a wall . You should not handle your relation with him with kid gloves .
But when I noticed that he was left in the cold , I could not help wanting to help him to get out of the situation .
Hello , Sara are you finished packing yet ? Do you need a hand ?
Thanks . Dad , but I can manage it myself .
Thanks . Dad , but I can manage it myself .
Make sure you have your ID card . You will need it while you travel .
Make sure you have your ID card . You will need it while you travel .
Yes , I know . The problem is that I can't find it . Where did you put it ?
Yes , I know . The problem is that I can't find it . Where did you put it ?
All your important documents and certificates should be in the desk drawer .
All your important documents and certificates should be in the desk drawer .
Oh , yes , here it is .
Oh , yes , here it is .
Sara ?
Sara ?
What's up ?
What's up ?
Did you buy a map ? Traveling can be really inconvenient without one , and you could even wind up lost
Did you buy a map ? Traveling can be really inconvenient without one , and you could even wind up lost
No . Dad . We have a tour guide .
No . Dad . We have a tour guide .
Also , take these pills in case you have any airsickness , and take some cold medicine , too . How about some band-aids ?
Also , take these pills in case you have any airsickness , and take some cold medicine , too . How about some band-aids ?
No , I won't get sick . I promise . Ok . I've finished . Bye , Dad . See you !
No , I won't get sick . I promise . Ok . I've finished . Bye , Dad . See you !
Take care , dear ! Be careful ! Oh Sara , wait a minute ! You forget your raincoat and umbrella .
Take care , dear ! Be careful ! Oh Sara , wait a minute ! You forget your raincoat and umbrella .
Dad , that's all right . I don't think it will rain . And it doesn't make any sense to take that many things on a trip . Besides I like to travel light . Bye !
How is he ?
Not very well . He was white about the gills .
Not very well . He was white about the gills .
Did he see the doctor ?
Did he see the doctor ?
Yeah , but he refused to take the medicine .
Yeah , but he refused to take the medicine .
Why ?
Why ?
I don't know the reason .
Miss Wang , would you mind my asking you a personal question ?
No , not at all . Go ahead .
No , not at all . Go ahead .
Are you married ?
Are you married ?
Yes . Is that so important ?
Yes . Is that so important ?
Frankly yes . We like to employ married people . By the way , do you have any children ?
Frankly yes . We like to employ married people . By the way , do you have any children ?
Yes , I have a three-year-old son .
Excuse me , waiter . Could we change our table for that one ? My wife is quite interested in the scenery .
I am sorry . That table has been booked .
I am sorry . That table has been booked .
It doesn't matter . This one is fine .
May I help you ?
Have you any package tour to Italy ?
Have you any package tour to Italy ?
Yes , of course . Here are all the tour routes we have to Italy .
Yes , of course . Here are all the tour routes we have to Italy .
How long does the route No . 5 last ?
How long does the route No . 5 last ?
2 weeks . Is that OK ?
2 weeks . Is that OK ?
We have just 10 days for the vacation .
What qualities do you think a business manager should possess ?
Creativity , the ability to organize , the entrepreneur's spirit , comprehensive knowledge of human studies , ability of gathering information , expert competence of communication and deep professional skills .
Creativity , the ability to organize , the entrepreneur's spirit , comprehensive knowledge of human studies , ability of gathering information , expert competence of communication and deep professional skills .
If a client complains about the service of your department , what will you do ?
If a client complains about the service of your department , what will you do ?
If I'm in the service center . I'll listen to the client patiently , and accept the criticism objectively . Then I will have the claim reasonably settled .
I haven ’ t met Bob for years . How is he ?
He has been keeping bach after divorce .
He has been keeping bach after divorce .
He would have recovered from the stress and got married again .
He would have recovered from the stress and got married again .
Once bitten , twice shy . He said he would rather keep bach than to live in disgust .
I finally went out to dinner with him last night .
Just the two of you ?
Just the two of you ?
Yup .
Yup .
Where did you go ?
Where did you go ?
True , a sea food restaurant .
True , a sea food restaurant .
True ? The food is terrible .
True ? The food is terrible .
I didn't notice . I don't really even know what I ate .
I didn't notice . I don't really even know what I ate .
Really ?
Good coming , sir . What can I do for you ?
I'm Mr . Bob , Room 309 . I'm checking out today . Can I have my bill now ?
I'm Mr . Bob , Room 309 . I'm checking out today . Can I have my bill now ?
Certainly . Please wait a moment . Here is your bill .
Certainly . Please wait a moment . Here is your bill .
What's the 30 yuan for ?
What's the 30 yuan for ?
This is the charge for your laundry service on Nov . 20thA