9.plot/ ...........................................................................................................................................339
10.report/ .....................................................................................................................................341
11.server/ .....................................................................................................................................349
12.solve/ .......................................................................................................................................351
13.surface/ ...................................................................................................................................373
14.switch-to-meshing-mode ....................................................................................................375
15.turbo/ ........................................................................................................................................377
16.views/ ........................................................................................................................................379
17.battery-model/ ......................................................................................................................381
17.1. Single-P otential Empir ical Battery Model...............................................................................381
17.2. Dual-P otential MSMD and C ircuit N etwork Battery Models .....................................................382
18. Fuel C ell Text Commands ............................................................................................................385
18.1. Using the PEMFC Text User In terface......................................................................................385
18.1.1. IV-C urve Calcula tions U sing the Text Interface...............................................................387
18.2. Using the F uel C ell and E lectrolysis Text User In terface...........................................................389
18.2.1. IV-C urve Calcula tions U sing the Text Interface...............................................................391
18.3. Using the S olid O xide F uel C ell With U nresolv ed E lectrolyte Text User In terface......................393
19. Magnet ohydrodynamics Text Commands .................................................................................395
20.continuous-fiber/ ...............................................................................................................397
Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation
of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. ivText Command ListList of F igur es
8.1. Rezoning M ultiply C onnec ted F aces......................................................................................................89
vRelease 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation
of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation
of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. viPart I: Introduc tion
The sec tion descr ibes the gener al asp ects of the t ext command in terface for F luen t.
•Using This M anual (p.3) gives a br ief descr iption of v arious chapt ers in this manual.
•Text User In terface (p.7) gives an o verview of the t ext command language , including basic syn tax and
capabilities .
•Appendix A: Text Command List C hanges in ANSY S Fluen t 2019 R3 (p.19) lists changes t o the Text Command
List f or the cur rent release .Chapt er 1: Using This M anual
Imp ortant
Under U.S. and in ternational c opyright law, ANSY S, Inc. is unable t o distr ibut e copies of the
pap ers list ed in the biblio graph y, other than those published in ternally b y ANSY S, Inc. Use
your libr ary or a do cumen t deliv ery ser vice to obtain c opies of c opyrighted pap ers.
This manual descr ibes the t ext-based user in terface of ANSY S Fluen t Meshing which ma y be used f or
scripting and other ad vanced w orkflows. Here is wha t you will find in each chapt er and app endix:
Introduc tion:
•Text User In terface (p.7) gives an o verview of the t ext command language , including basic syn tax and
capabilities .
•Appendix A: Text Command List C hanges in ANSY S Fluen t 2019 R3 (p.19) lists changes t o the Text Command
List f or the cur rent release .
Meshing M ode:
•boundary/ (p.23) lists the c ommands used f or cr eating , managing , mo difying , deleting b oundar y (fac e)
zones and sur face mesh.
•cad-assemblies/ (p.47) lists c ommands used t o interact with y our C AD mo del.
•diagnostics/ (p.51) lists c ommands used t o find and r epair fac e zone pr oblems r elated t o connec tivit y
and qualit y.
•display/ (p.53) lists c ommands used t o control the r ender ing of y our mo del and mesh in the gr aphic al
windo w.
•exit (p.71) lists the c ommand t o close the pr ogram.
•file/ (p.73) lists c ommands used t o input and output y our da ta.
•material-point/ (p.85) lists c ommands used t o manage ma terial p oints in y our mo del.
•mesh/ (p.87) lists c ommands used t o create, manage , mo dify and delet e cell z ones and v olume mesh.
•objects/ (p.125) lists c ommands used in the objec t-based meshing w orkflow, from C AD imp ort to volume
•parallel/ (p.135) lists c ommands sp ecific t o par allel pr ocessing .
•report/ (p.137) lists c ommands used t o retur n volume and sur face mesh sta tistics such as c oun ts or
qualit y.
3Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation
of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.•scoped-sizing/ (p.139) lists c ommands used t o create and manage sc oped siz e controls.
•size-functions/ (p.141) lists c ommands used t o create and manage siz e func tions such as global or
periodic siz es.
•switch-to-solution-mode (p.143) lists the c ommand t o transf er your mesh da ta to the F luen t solv er.
•Appendix A: Query and U tility Functions (p.145) lists API func tions used t o interact with y our mo del b y
passing inf ormation such as names or lists of z ones or objec ts, statistics , and diagnostics . Boolean op erations
and e xamples ar e included .
•Appendix B: Boundar y Functions (p.175) lists API func tions used t o manage b oundar y (fac e) zone mesh. Ex-
amples ar e included .
•Appendix C: Connec t Functions (p.187) lists API func tions used t o manage b oundar y (fac e) zone c onnec tivit y.
Examples ar e included .
•Appendix D: Size Field F unctions (p.191) lists API func tions used t o manage geo desic siz e controls and siz e
fields . Examples ar e included .
•Appendix E: Wrap F unctions (p.201) lists API func tions used t o manage y our mesh in UT M cases . Examples
are included .
Solution M ode:
•adapt/ (p.213) lists c ommands r elated t o mesh adaption.
•adjoint/ (p.217) lists c ommands r elated t o the adjoin t solv er.
•define/ (p.225) lists c ommands r elated t o pr oblem definition, such as mo dels , boundar y conditions , ma-
terials, etc.
•display/ (p.295) lists c ommands used t o control the r ender ing of y our mo del and mesh in the gr aphic al
windo w.
•exit / close-fluent (p.315) lists the c ommand t o close the pr ogram.
•file/ (p.317) lists c ommands used t o input and output y our da ta.
•mesh/ (p.329) lists c ommands used t o create and manage mesh pr operties.
•parallel/ (p.335) lists c ommands sp ecific t o par allel pr ocessing .
•plot/ (p.339) lists c ommands sp ecific t o plotting da ta.
•report/ (p.341) lists c ommands used t o retur n sta tistics f or the simula tion.
•server/ (p.349) lists c ommands used c ontrol the F luen t Remot e Visualiza tion C lient and S erver.
•solve/ (p.351) lists c ommands used t o create and manage solution c ontrols, such as anima tion, cell regist ers,
monit ors, initializa tion, etc.
•surface/ (p.373) lists c ommands r elated t o creating and manipula ting sur faces.
Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation
of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 4Using This M anual•switch-to-meshing-mode (p.375) lists the c ommand t o transf er your solution da ta to Fluen t in meshing
•turbo/ (p.377) lists c ommands r elated t o results and r eporting f or turb omachiner y.
•views/ (p.379) lists c ommands r elated t o camer a and view manipula tion in the gr aphics windo w.
5Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation
of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es.Release 2019 R3 - © ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation
of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 6Chapt er 2: Text User In terface