"""KILT tasks training and evaluation data""" |
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function |
import json |
import logging |
import datasets |
_CITATION = """\ |
@inproceedings{fb_kilt, |
author = {Fabio Petroni and |
Aleksandra Piktus and |
Angela Fan and |
Patrick Lewis and |
Majid Yazdani and |
Nicola De Cao and |
James Thorne and |
Yacine Jernite and |
Vassilis Plachouras and |
Tim Rockt\"aschel and |
Sebastian Riedel}, |
title = {{KILT:} a {B}enchmark for {K}nowledge {I}ntensive {L}anguage {T}asks}, |
journal = {CoRR}, |
archivePrefix = {arXiv}, |
year = {2020}, |
""" |
KILT tasks training and evaluation data. |
- [FEVER](https://fever.ai) | Fact Checking | fever |
- [AIDA CoNLL-YAGO](https://www.mpi-inf.mpg.de/departments/databases-and-information-systems/research/ambiverse-nlu/aida/downloads) | Entity Linking | aidayago2 |
- [WNED-WIKI](https://github.com/U-Alberta/wned) | Entity Linking | wned |
- [WNED-CWEB](https://github.com/U-Alberta/wned) | Entity Linking | cweb |
- [T-REx](https://hadyelsahar.github.io/t-rex) | Slot Filling | trex |
- [Zero-Shot RE](http://nlp.cs.washington.edu/zeroshot) | Slot Filling | structured_zeroshot |
- [Natural Questions](https://ai.google.com/research/NaturalQuestions) | Open Domain QA | nq |
- [HotpotQA](https://hotpotqa.github.io) | Open Domain QA | hotpotqa |
- [TriviaQA](http://nlp.cs.washington.edu/triviaqa) | Open Domain QA | triviaqa |
- [ELI5](https://facebookresearch.github.io/ELI5/explore.html) | Open Domain QA | eli5 |
- [Wizard of Wikipedia](https://parl.ai/projects/wizard_of_wikipedia) | Dialogue | wow |
To finish linking TriviaQA questions to the IDs provided, follow the instructions [here](http://github.com/huggingface/datasets/datasets/kilt_tasks/README.md). |
""" |
_DATA_URLS = { |
"fever": { |
"train": "http://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/KILT/fever-train-kilt.jsonl", |
"validation": "http://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/KILT/fever-dev-kilt.jsonl", |
"test": "http://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/KILT/fever-test_without_answers-kilt.jsonl", |
}, |
"aidayago2": { |
"train": "http://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/KILT/aidayago2-train-kilt.jsonl", |
"validation": "http://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/KILT/aidayago2-dev-kilt.jsonl", |
"test": "http://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/KILT/aidayago2-test_without_answers-kilt.jsonl", |
}, |
"wned": { |
"validation": "http://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/KILT/wned-dev-kilt.jsonl", |
"test": "http://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/KILT/wned-test_without_answers-kilt.jsonl", |
}, |
"cweb": { |
"validation": "http://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/KILT/cweb-dev-kilt.jsonl", |
"test": "http://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/KILT/cweb-test_without_answers-kilt.jsonl", |
}, |
"trex": { |
"train": "http://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/KILT/trex-train-kilt.jsonl", |
"validation": "http://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/KILT/trex-dev-kilt.jsonl", |
"test": "http://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/KILT/trex-test_without_answers-kilt.jsonl", |
}, |
"structured_zeroshot": { |
"train": "http://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/KILT/structured_zeroshot-train-kilt.jsonl", |
"validation": "http://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/KILT/structured_zeroshot-dev-kilt.jsonl", |
"test": "http://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/KILT/structured_zeroshot-test_without_answers-kilt.jsonl", |
}, |
"nq": { |
"train": "http://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/KILT/nq-train-kilt.jsonl", |
"validation": "http://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/KILT/nq-dev-kilt.jsonl", |
"test": "http://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/KILT/nq-test_without_answers-kilt.jsonl", |
}, |
"hotpotqa": { |
"train": "http://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/KILT/hotpotqa-train-kilt.jsonl", |
"validation": "http://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/KILT/hotpotqa-dev-kilt.jsonl", |
"test": "http://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/KILT/hotpotqa-test_without_answers-kilt.jsonl", |
}, |
"triviaqa": { |
"train": "http://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/KILT/triviaqa-train_id-kilt.jsonl", |
"validation": "http://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/KILT/triviaqa-dev_id-kilt.jsonl", |
"test": "http://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/KILT/triviaqa-test_id_without_answers-kilt.jsonl", |
}, |
"eli5": { |
"train": "http://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/KILT/eli5-train-kilt.jsonl", |
"validation": "http://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/KILT/eli5-dev-kilt.jsonl", |
"test": "http://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/KILT/eli5-test_without_answers-kilt.jsonl", |
}, |
"wow": { |
"train": "http://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/KILT/wow-train-kilt.jsonl", |
"validation": "http://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/KILT/wow-dev-kilt.jsonl", |
"test": "http://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/KILT/wow-test_without_answers-kilt.jsonl", |
}, |
} |
class KILTTasksConfig(datasets.BuilderConfig): |
"""BuilderConfig for KILTTasks.""" |
def __init__(self, **kwargs): |
"""BuilderConfig for KILTTasks. |
Args: |
. |
**kwargs: keyword arguments forwarded to super. |
""" |
super(KILTTasksConfig, self).__init__( |
version=datasets.Version("1.0.0", "KILT tasks training and evaluation data"), **kwargs |
) |
class KILTTasks(datasets.GeneratorBasedBuilder): |
"""WikipediaKILT: Wikipedia pre-processed for KILT. Version 1.0.""" |
KILTTasksConfig( |
name="all_tasks", |
description="All KILT tasks traiing and evaluation data", |
), |
] |
def _info(self): |
return datasets.DatasetInfo( |
description=_DESCRIPTION, |
features=datasets.Features( |
{ |
"id": datasets.Value("string"), |
"input": datasets.Value("string"), |
"meta": datasets.Features( |
{ |
"left_context": datasets.Value("string"), |
"mention": datasets.Value("string"), |
"right_context": datasets.Value("string"), |
"partial_evidence": datasets.features.Sequence( |
{ |
"start_paragraph_id": datasets.Value("int32"), |
"end_paragraph_id": datasets.Value("int32"), |
"title": datasets.Value("string"), |
"section": datasets.Value("string"), |
"wikipedia_id": datasets.Value("string"), |
"meta": datasets.features.Sequence( |
{ |
"evidence_span": datasets.Value("string"), |
} |
), |
} |
), |
"obj_surface": datasets.features.Sequence({"text": datasets.Value("string")}), |
"sub_surface": datasets.features.Sequence({"text": datasets.Value("string")}), |
"subj_aliases": datasets.features.Sequence({"text": datasets.Value("string")}), |
"template_questions": datasets.features.Sequence({"text": datasets.Value("string")}), |
} |
), |
"output": datasets.features.Sequence( |
{ |
"answer": datasets.Value("string"), |
"meta": datasets.Features({"score": datasets.Value("int32")}), |
"provenance": datasets.features.Sequence( |
{ |
"bleu_score": datasets.Value("float32"), |
"start_character": datasets.Value("int32"), |
"start_paragraph_id": datasets.Value("int32"), |
"end_character": datasets.Value("int32"), |
"end_paragraph_id": datasets.Value("int32"), |
"meta": datasets.Features( |
{ |
"fever_page_id": datasets.Value("string"), |
"fever_sentence_id": datasets.Value("int32"), |
"annotation_id": datasets.Value("string"), |
"yes_no_answer": datasets.Value("string"), |
"evidence_span": datasets.features.Sequence( |
{"text": datasets.Value("string")} |
), |
} |
), |
"section": datasets.Value("string"), |
"title": datasets.Value("string"), |
"wikipedia_id": datasets.Value("string"), |
} |
), |
} |
), |
} |
), |
supervised_keys=None, |
homepage="https://github.com/facebookresearch/KILT", |
citation=_CITATION, |
) |
def _split_generators(self, dl_manager): |
file_paths = {} |
for task_name, task_urls in _DATA_URLS.items(): |
file_paths[task_name] = dl_manager.download_and_extract(task_urls) |
return [ |
datasets.SplitGenerator(name=split + "_" + task, gen_kwargs={"filepath": downloaded_path}) |
for task, split_paths in file_paths.items() |
for split, downloaded_path in split_paths.items() |
] |
def _generate_examples(self, filepath): |
"""Generate Wikipedia articles for KILT. |
Args: |
filepath: a string |
Yields: |
dictionaries representing article data and metadata |
""" |
logging.info("generating examples from = %s", filepath) |
with open(filepath, encoding="utf-8") as f: |
for idx, line in enumerate(f): |
article = json.loads(line.strip()) |
article["input"] = article.get("input", "") |
article["meta"] = article.get("meta", {}) |
for k in ["left_context", "mention", "right_context"]: |
article["meta"][k] = article["meta"].get(k, "") |
for k in ["obj_surface", "sub_surface", "subj_aliases", "template_questions"]: |
article["meta"][k] = {"text": article["meta"].get(k, [])} |
article["meta"]["partial_evidence"] = article["meta"].get("partial_evidence", []) |
if "partial_evidence" in article["meta"]: |
dct_list = {} |
for k in ["start_paragraph_id", "end_paragraph_id"]: |
dct_list[k] = [dct.get(k, -1) for dct in article["meta"]["partial_evidence"]] |
for k in ["title", "section", "wikipedia_id"]: |
dct_list[k] = [dct.get(k, "") for dct in article["meta"]["partial_evidence"]] |
if any(["meta" in dct for dct in article["meta"]["partial_evidence"]]): |
dct_list["meta"] = [dct.get("meta", {}) for dct in article["meta"]["partial_evidence"]] |
for meta in dct_list["meta"]: |
meta["evidence_span"] = meta.get("evidence_span", []) |
else: |
dct_list["meta"] = [] |
article["meta"]["partial_evidence"] = dct_list |
article["output"] = article.get("output", []) |
dct_list = {} |
dct_list["answer"] = [dct.get("answer", "") for dct in article["output"]] |
if any(["meta" in dct for dct in article["output"]]): |
dct_list["meta"] = [dct.get("meta", {"score": 0}) for dct in article["output"]] |
else: |
dct_list["meta"] = [] |
dct_list["provenance"] = [] |
for dct in article["output"]: |
if "provenance" in dct: |
prov_list = dct["provenance"] |
prov_dct_list = {} |
prov_dct_list["bleu_score"] = [prov.get("bleu_score", 0.0) for prov in prov_list] |
if any(["meta" in prov for prov in prov_list]): |
prov_dct_list["meta"] = [prov.get("meta", {}) for prov in prov_list] |
for meta_dct in prov_dct_list["meta"]: |
meta_dct["fever_page_id"] = meta_dct.get("fever_page_id", "") |
meta_dct["fever_sentence_id"] = meta_dct.get("fever_sentence_id", -1) |
meta_dct["yes_no_answer"] = meta_dct.get("yes_no_answer", "") |
meta_dct["annotation_id"] = str(meta_dct.get("annotation_id", -1)) |
meta_dct["evidence_span"] = {"text": meta_dct.get("evidence_span", [])} |
else: |
prov_dct_list["meta"] = [] |
for k in ["start_character", "start_paragraph_id", "end_character", "end_paragraph_id"]: |
prov_dct_list[k] = [prov.get(k, -1) for prov in prov_list] |
for k in ["section", "title", "wikipedia_id"]: |
prov_dct_list[k] = [prov.get(k, "") for prov in prov_list] |
dct_list["provenance"] += [prov_dct_list] |
article["output"] = dct_list |
yield idx, article |