what states border hawaii ?
what states border indiana ?
what states border kentucky ?
what states border michigan ?
what states border missouri ?
what states border montana ?
what states border new hampshire ?
(state(A),next_to(A,B),const(B,stateid('new hampshire')))
what states border new jersey ?
(state(A),next_to(A,B),const(B,stateid('new jersey')))
what states border ohio ?
what states border rhode island ?
(state(A),next_to(A,B),const(B,stateid('rhode island')))
what states border states that border colorado ?
what states border states that border mississippi ?
what states border states that border states that border florida ?
what states border states that border states that border states that border texas ?
what states border states that border the state with the largest population ?
what states border states that the mississsippi runs through ?
what states border states that the ohio runs through ?
what states border states which the mississippi runs through ?
what states border texas ?
what states border texas and have a major river ?
what states border the mississippi river ?
what states border the most populous state ?
what states border the state that borders the most states ?
what states border the state with the most cities ?
what states border the state with the most major cities ?
what states border the state with the smallest area ?
what states border the states with the most cities ?
what states border wisconsin ?
what states capital is dover ?
what states contain at least one major rivers ?
what states does the colorado river run through ?
what states does the delaware river run through ?
what states does the mississippi river run through ?
what states does the mississippi run through ?
what states does the missouri river run through ?
what states does the missouri run through ?
what states does the ohio river go through ?
what states does the ohio river run through ?
what states does the shortest river run through ?
what states have a capital that is the highest point in the state ?
what states have a city named austin ?
what states have cities named austin ?
what states have cities named dallas ?
what states have cities named plano ?
what states have cities named portland ?
what states have cities named rochester ?
what states have cities named salt lake city ?
(state(A),loc(B,A),city(B),const(B,cityid('salt lake city',_)))
what states have no bordering state ?
(state(A),\+ (next_to(A,B),state(B)))
what states have rivers named colorado ?
what states have rivers running through them ?
what states have towns named springfield ?
what states high point are higher than that of colorado ?
what states in the united states have a city of springfield ?
what states neighbor maine ?
what states surround kentucky ?
what texas city has the largest population ?
whats the largest city ?
where are mountains ?
where is austin ?
where is baton rouge ?
(loc(B,A),const(B,cityid('baton rouge',_)))
where is dallas ?
where is fort wayne ?
(loc(B,A),const(B,cityid('fort wayne',_)))
where is houston ?
where is indianapolis ?
where is massachusetts ?
where is mount whitney ?
(loc(B,A),const(B,placeid('mount whitney')))
where is mount whitney located ?
(loc(B,A),const(B,placeid('mount whitney')))
where is new hampshire ?
(loc(B,A),const(B,stateid('new hamsphire')))
where is new orleans ?
(loc(B,A),const(B,cityid('new orleans',_)))
where is portland ?
where is san diego ?
(loc(B,A),const(B,cityid('san diego',_)))
where is san jose ?
(loc(B,A),const(B,cityid('san jose',_)))
where is scotts valley ?
(loc(B,A),const(B,cityid('scotts valley',_)))
where is springfield ?
where is the chattahoochee river ?
where is the highest mountain of the united states ?
where is the highest point in hawaii ?
where is the highest point in montana ?
where is the lowest point in maryland ?
where is the lowest point in the us ?
where is the lowest spot in iowa ?
where is the most populated area of new mexico ?
largest(B,(population(A,B),city(A),loc(A,C),const(C,stateid('new mexico'))))
where is the smallest city ?
which capitals are in the states that border texas ?
which capitals are not major cities ?
(capital(A),\+ (major(A),city(A)))
which city in california has the largest population ?
which is the density of the state that the largest river in the united states runs through ?
which is the highest peak not in alaska ?
highest(A,(mountain(A),\+ (loc(A,B),const(B,stateid(alaska)))))
which is the longest river in usa ?
which is the lowest point of the states that the mississippi runs through ?
which is the shortest river ?
which is the smallest state ?
which of the states bordering pennsylvania has the largest population ?
which river goes through the most states ?
which river runs through most states ?
which river runs through the most states ?
which river traverses most states ?
which rivers are in alaska ?
which rivers do not run through texas ?
(river(A),\+ (traverse(A,B),const(B,stateid(texas))))
which rivers do not run through usa ?
(river(A),\+ (traverse(A,B),const(B,countryid(usa))))