what are major rivers in texas ?
what are the biggest rivers in texas ?
what are the capital cities of the states which border texas ?
what are the capital city in texas ?
what are the capitals of states that border missouri ?
what are the capitals of the states that border texas ?
what are the cities in california ?
what are the cities in states through which the mississippi runs ?
what are the cities of the state with the highest point ?
what are the highest points of all the states ?
what are the highest points of states surrounding mississippi ?
what are the lakes in states bordering texas ?
what are the largest cities in the states that border the largest state ?
what are the major cities in alabama ?
what are the major cities in alaska ?
what are the major cities in california ?
what are the major cities in delaware ?
what are the major cities in kansas ?
what are the major cities in missouri ?
what are the major cities in new mexico ?
(major(A),city(A),loc(A,B),const(B,stateid('new mexico')))
what are the major cities in new york ?
(major(A),city(A),loc(A,B),const(B,stateid('new york')))
what are the major cities in north carolina ?
(major(A),city(A),loc(A,B),const(B,stateid('north carolina')))
what are the major cities in ohio ?
what are the major cities in oklahoma ?
what are the major cities in rhode island ?
(major(A),city(A),loc(A,B),const(B,stateid('rhode island')))
what are the major cities in states through which the mississippi runs ?
what are the major cities in texas ?
what are the major cities in the largest state ?
what are the major cities in the smallest state in the us ?
what are the major cities in the state of california ?
what are the major cities in the states through which the major river in virginia runs ?
what are the major cities in the usa ?
what are the major cities in vermont ?
what are the major cities in wyoming ?
what are the major cities of texas ?
what are the major cities of the united states ?
what are the major cities of the us ?
what are the major lakes in united states ?
what are the major rivers in ohio ?
what are the major rivers in the us ?
what are the names of the major cities in illinois ?
what are the neighboring states for michigan ?
what are the population densities of each us state ?
what are the population of mississippi ?
what are the populations of all the major cities in montana ?
what are the populations of states through which the mississippi river run ?
what are the populations of states through which the mississippi river runs ?
what are the populations of states through which the mississippi run ?
what are the populations of states through which the mississippi runs ?
what are the populations of states which border texas ?
what are the populations of the major cities of texas ?
what are the populations of the states through which the mississippi river run ?
what are the populations of the states through which the mississippi river runs ?
what are the populations of the states through which the mississippi run ?
what are the populations of the states through which the mississippi runs ?
what are the rivers in alaska ?
what are the rivers in the state of indiana ?
what are the rivers in the state of texas ?
what are the rivers of montana ?
what are the states ?
what are the states that border the state with the greatest population ?
what are the states that the potomac run through ?
what are the states through which the longest river runs ?
what can you tell me about the population of missouri ?
what capital has the largest population ?
what capital is the largest in the us ?
what cities are located in pennsylvania ?
what cities in california ?
what cities in texas have the highest number of citizens ?
what cities in texas have the highest populations ?
what city has the largest population ?
what city has the least population ?
what city has the most people ?
what city in the united states has the highest population density ?
what is capital of iowa ?
what is capital of the state with the lowest point ?
what is largest capital ?
what is the adjacent state of california ?
what is the area of alaska ?
what is the area of all the states combined ?
what is the area of california ?
what is the area of florida ?
what is the area of idaho ?
what is the area of maine ?
what is the area of maryland in square kilometers ?
what is the area of new mexico ?
(area(B,A),const(B,stateid('new mexico')))
what is the area of ohio ?
what is the area of seattle ?
what is the area of south carolina ?
(area(B,A),const(B,stateid('south carolina')))
what is the area of texas ?
what is the area of the largest state ?
what is the area of the smallest state ?
what is the area of the state with the capital albany ?
what is the area of the state with the smallest population density ?
what is the area of the states ?
what is the area of the texas state ?
what is the area of wisconsin ?
what is the average population of the us by state ?
what is the average population per square km in pennsylvania ?
what is the average population per square km in the us ?