import os, gc, glob, sys, re |
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs |
import pandas as pd |
from html2text import html2text |
from datasets import load_dataset |
from lxml import etree |
from tqdm import tqdm |
import subprocess |
from merge_parquets import merge_parquet_dir |
XML_DIR = "./xml" |
SOURCE = "stackexchange-{0}" |
HF_DATASET = "donfu/oa-stackexchange" |
PARQUET_FILE = "{0}.parquet" |
MAX_LENGTH = 1000 |
def main(): |
datasets = sys.argv[1:] if len(sys.argv) > 1 else list_cached_datasets() |
for dataset in datasets: |
process_dataset(dataset) |
def list_cached_datasets(): |
xml_files = glob.glob(f"{XML_DIR}/*.xml") |
datasets = [os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file))[0] for file in xml_files] |
datasets.sort() |
return datasets |
def process_dataset(dataset): |
xml_file = f"{XML_DIR}/{dataset}.xml" |
parquet_file = PARQUET_FILE.format(dataset) |
source = SOURCE.format(dataset) |
if not os.path.exists(xml_file): |
print(f"XML file {xml_file} not found, please download first. Skipping...") |
elif not os.path.exists(parquet_file): |
df = parse_and_convert(xml_file, source) |
save_parquet(df, dataset) |
else: |
print(f"File already converted {xml_file}. Skipping...") |
def parse_and_convert(path: str, source: str): |
""" |
Parse (very large) XML files with sax parser and load it into a pandas Dataframe |
""" |
total_rows = int(subprocess.getoutput(f"grep -c '<row' {path}")) |
print(f"Parsing {total_rows} rows from {path}...") |
columns = "Id PostTypeId Body Title Tags Score AcceptedAnswerId ParentId" |
rows = [] |
max_process = 10**6 |
processed = 0 |
oa_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=["INSTRUCTION", "RESPONSE", "SOURCE", "METADATA"]) |
context = etree.iterparse(path, events=("end",)) |
for _, element in tqdm(context, total=total_rows): |
if element.tag == "row": |
if len(element.get("Body")) > MAX_LENGTH: |
continue |
rows.append(parse_row(element)) |
processed += 1 |
element.clear() |
while element.getprevious() is not None: |
del element.getparent()[0] |
if processed % max_process == 0 or processed == total_rows: |
df = pd.DataFrame(rows, columns=columns.split()) |
rows = [] |
oa = convert_to_oa(df, source) |
oa_df = pd.concat([oa_df, oa]) |
del df |
del oa |
gc.collect() |
return oa_df |
def parse_row(element): |
return [ |
int(element.get("Id")), |
int(element.get("PostTypeId")), |
element.get("Body"), |
element.get("Title", ""), |
element.get("Tags", ""), |
int(element.get("Score", 0)), |
int(element.get("AcceptedAnswerId", 0)), |
int(element.get("ParentId", 0)), |
] |
def convert_to_oa(all, source): |
""" |
Convert dataframe to Open Assistant format with INSTRUCTION, RESPONSE, SOURCE, METADATA columns |
Only include questions with an AcceptedAnswerId |
""" |
questions = all[all["AcceptedAnswerId"] != 0] |
merged = pd.merge( |
questions, |
all, |
how="inner", |
left_on="AcceptedAnswerId", |
right_on="Id", |
suffixes=("_q", "_a"), |
) |
del all |
merged["INSTRUCTION"] = ( |
merged["Title_q"] + "\n" + merged["Body_q"].apply(to_markdown) |
) |
merged["RESPONSE"] = merged["Body_a"].apply(to_markdown) |
merged["SOURCE"] = source |
merged["METADATA"] = merged.apply(create_metadata, axis=1) |
return merged[["INSTRUCTION", "RESPONSE", "SOURCE", "METADATA"]] |
def convert_tags(raw): |
return raw.replace("-", " ").replace("><", ", ").replace("<", "").replace(">", "") |
def create_metadata(row): |
return { |
"tags": convert_tags(row["Tags_q"]), |
"question_score": row["Score_q"], |
"answer_score": row["Score_a"], |
} |
def save_parquet(df, dataset): |
""" |
Save Dataframe to Parquet. See here for specs: |
https://projects.laion.ai/Open-Assistant/docs/data/datasets#creating-a-dataset-on-hugging-face |
""" |
parquet_file = PARQUET_FILE.format(dataset) |
df.to_parquet(parquet_file, row_group_size=100, engine="pyarrow", index=False) |
print(f"Converted {len(df)} instructions into {parquet_file}") |
def upload_hf(dataset): |
""" |
Upload to Hugging Face |
""" |
parquet_file = PARQUET_FILE.format(dataset) |
dataset = load_dataset("parquet", data_files=parquet_file, name=dataset) |
dataset.push_to_hub(HF_DATASET, max_shard_size="500MB") |
print("Uploaded to Hugging Face: " + HF_DATASET) |
remove_markdown_links_pattern = r"\[([^\]]+)\]\(([^\)]+)\)" |
remove_remaining_links = r"https?:\/\/[^\s]+" |
def remove_emojis(string): |
emoji_pattern = re.compile( |
"[" |
"\U0001F600-\U0001F64F" |
"\U0001F300-\U0001F5FF" |
"\U0001F680-\U0001F6FF" |
"\U0001F1E0-\U0001F1FF" |
"\U00002702-\U000027B0" |
"\U000024C2-\U0001F251" |
"]+", |
flags=re.UNICODE, |
) |
return emoji_pattern.sub(r"", string) |
def to_markdown(text): |
try: |
text = html2text(text, bodywidth=0).strip() |
except Exception as e: |
print(e) |
text = re.sub(r"<[^>]*>", "", str(text)) |
text = re.sub(remove_markdown_links_pattern, r"\1", text) |
text = remove_emojis(text) |
return re.sub(remove_remaining_links, "", text) |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
main() |