Set the dag run's state to running. Set for a specific execution date and its task instances to running.
def set_dag_run_state_to_running( *, dag: DAG, execution_date: datetime | None = None, run_id: str | None = None, commit: bool = False, session: SASession = NEW_SESSION, ) -> list[TaskInstance]: """ Set the dag run's state to running. Set for a specific execution date and its task instances to running. """ return __set_dag_run_state_to_running_or_queued( new_state=DagRunState.RUNNING, dag=dag, execution_date=execution_date, run_id=run_id, commit=commit, session=session, )
Set the dag run's state to queued. Set for a specific execution date and its task instances to queued.
def set_dag_run_state_to_queued( *, dag: DAG, execution_date: datetime | None = None, run_id: str | None = None, commit: bool = False, session: SASession = NEW_SESSION, ) -> list[TaskInstance]: """ Set the dag run's state to queued. Set for a specific execution date and its task instances to queued. """ return __set_dag_run_state_to_running_or_queued( new_state=DagRunState.QUEUED, dag=dag, execution_date=execution_date, run_id=run_id, commit=commit, session=session, )
Triggers DAG run. :param dag_id: DAG ID :param dag_bag: DAG Bag model :param run_id: ID of the dag_run :param conf: configuration :param execution_date: date of execution :param replace_microseconds: whether microseconds should be zeroed :return: list of triggered dags
def _trigger_dag( dag_id: str, dag_bag: DagBag, run_id: str | None = None, conf: dict | str | None = None, execution_date: datetime | None = None, replace_microseconds: bool = True, ) -> list[DagRun | None]: """Triggers DAG run. :param dag_id: DAG ID :param dag_bag: DAG Bag model :param run_id: ID of the dag_run :param conf: configuration :param execution_date: date of execution :param replace_microseconds: whether microseconds should be zeroed :return: list of triggered dags """ dag = dag_bag.get_dag(dag_id) # prefetch dag if it is stored serialized if dag is None or dag_id not in dag_bag.dags: raise DagNotFound(f"Dag id {dag_id} not found") execution_date = execution_date or timezone.utcnow() if not timezone.is_localized(execution_date): raise ValueError("The execution_date should be localized") if replace_microseconds: execution_date = execution_date.replace(microsecond=0) if dag.default_args and "start_date" in dag.default_args: min_dag_start_date = dag.default_args["start_date"] if min_dag_start_date and execution_date < min_dag_start_date: raise ValueError( f"The execution_date [{execution_date.isoformat()}] should be >= start_date " f"[{min_dag_start_date.isoformat()}] from DAG's default_args" ) logical_date = timezone.coerce_datetime(execution_date) data_interval = dag.timetable.infer_manual_data_interval(run_after=logical_date) run_id = run_id or dag.timetable.generate_run_id( run_type=DagRunType.MANUAL, logical_date=logical_date, data_interval=data_interval ) dag_run = DagRun.find_duplicate(dag_id=dag_id, execution_date=execution_date, run_id=run_id) if dag_run: raise DagRunAlreadyExists(dag_run=dag_run, execution_date=execution_date, run_id=run_id) run_conf = None if conf: run_conf = conf if isinstance(conf, dict) else json.loads(conf) dag_runs = [] dags_to_run = [dag, *dag.subdags] for _dag in dags_to_run: dag_run = _dag.create_dagrun( run_id=run_id, execution_date=execution_date, state=DagRunState.QUEUED, conf=run_conf, external_trigger=True, dag_hash=dag_bag.dags_hash.get(dag_id), data_interval=data_interval, ) dag_runs.append(dag_run) return dag_runs
Triggers execution of DAG specified by dag_id. :param dag_id: DAG ID :param run_id: ID of the dag_run :param conf: configuration :param execution_date: date of execution :param replace_microseconds: whether microseconds should be zeroed :return: first dag run triggered - even if more than one Dag Runs were triggered or None
def trigger_dag( dag_id: str, run_id: str | None = None, conf: dict | str | None = None, execution_date: datetime | None = None, replace_microseconds: bool = True, ) -> DagRun | None: """Triggers execution of DAG specified by dag_id. :param dag_id: DAG ID :param run_id: ID of the dag_run :param conf: configuration :param execution_date: date of execution :param replace_microseconds: whether microseconds should be zeroed :return: first dag run triggered - even if more than one Dag Runs were triggered or None """ dag_model = DagModel.get_current(dag_id) if dag_model is None: raise DagNotFound(f"Dag id {dag_id} not found in DagModel") dagbag = DagBag(dag_folder=dag_model.fileloc, read_dags_from_db=True) triggers = _trigger_dag( dag_id=dag_id, dag_bag=dagbag, run_id=run_id, conf=conf, execution_date=execution_date, replace_microseconds=replace_microseconds, ) return triggers[0] if triggers else None
Return python code of a given dag_id. :param dag_id: DAG id :return: code of the DAG
def get_code(dag_id: str) -> str: """Return python code of a given dag_id. :param dag_id: DAG id :return: code of the DAG """ dag = check_and_get_dag(dag_id=dag_id) try: return DagCode.get_code_by_fileloc(dag.fileloc) except (OSError, DagCodeNotFound) as exception: error_message = f"Error {exception} while reading Dag id {dag_id} Code" raise AirflowException(error_message, exception)
Return a list of Dag Runs for a specific DAG ID. :param dag_id: String identifier of a DAG :param state: queued|running|success... :return: List of DAG runs of a DAG with requested state, or all runs if the state is not specified
def get_dag_runs(dag_id: str, state: str | None = None) -> list[dict[str, Any]]: """ Return a list of Dag Runs for a specific DAG ID. :param dag_id: String identifier of a DAG :param state: queued|running|success... :return: List of DAG runs of a DAG with requested state, or all runs if the state is not specified """ check_and_get_dag(dag_id=dag_id) dag_runs = [] state = DagRunState(state.lower()) if state else None for run in DagRun.find(dag_id=dag_id, state=state): dag_runs.append( { "id":, "run_id": run.run_id, "state": run.state, "dag_id": run.dag_id, "execution_date": run.execution_date.isoformat(), "start_date": ((run.start_date or "") and run.start_date.isoformat()), "dag_run_url": url_for("Airflow.graph", dag_id=run.dag_id, execution_date=run.execution_date), } ) return dag_runs
Return the Dag Run state identified by the given dag_id and execution_date. :param dag_id: DAG id :param execution_date: execution date :return: Dictionary storing state of the object
def get_dag_run_state(dag_id: str, execution_date: datetime) -> dict[str, str]: """Return the Dag Run state identified by the given dag_id and execution_date. :param dag_id: DAG id :param execution_date: execution date :return: Dictionary storing state of the object """ dag = check_and_get_dag(dag_id=dag_id) dagrun = check_and_get_dagrun(dag, execution_date) return {"state": dagrun.get_state()}
Get lineage information for dag specified.
def get_lineage( dag_id: str, execution_date: datetime.datetime, *, session: Session = NEW_SESSION ) -> dict[str, dict[str, Any]]: """Get lineage information for dag specified.""" dag = check_and_get_dag(dag_id) dagrun = check_and_get_dagrun(dag, execution_date) inlets = XCom.get_many(dag_ids=dag_id, run_id=dagrun.run_id, key=PIPELINE_INLETS, session=session) outlets = XCom.get_many(dag_ids=dag_id, run_id=dagrun.run_id, key=PIPELINE_OUTLETS, session=session) lineage: dict[str, dict[str, Any]] = defaultdict(dict) for meta in inlets: lineage[meta.task_id]["inlets"] = meta.value for meta in outlets: lineage[meta.task_id]["outlets"] = meta.value return {"task_ids": dict(lineage)}
Return the task object identified by the given dag_id and task_id.
def get_task(dag_id: str, task_id: str) -> TaskInstance: """Return the task object identified by the given dag_id and task_id.""" dag = check_and_get_dag(dag_id, task_id) # Return the task. return dag.get_task(task_id)
Return the task instance identified by the given dag_id, task_id and execution_date.
def get_task_instance(dag_id: str, task_id: str, execution_date: datetime) -> TaskInstance: """Return the task instance identified by the given dag_id, task_id and execution_date.""" dag = check_and_get_dag(dag_id, task_id) dagrun = check_and_get_dagrun(dag=dag, execution_date=execution_date) # Get task instance object and check that it exists task_instance = dagrun.get_task_instance(task_id) if not task_instance: error_message = f"Task {task_id} instance for date {execution_date} not found" raise TaskInstanceNotFound(error_message) # API methods has access to the database. if isinstance(task_instance, TaskInstance): return task_instance raise ValueError("not a TaskInstance")
Get pool by a given name.
def get_pool(name, session: Session = NEW_SESSION): """Get pool by a given name.""" if not (name and name.strip()): raise AirflowBadRequest("Pool name shouldn't be empty") pool = session.scalar(select(Pool).filter_by(pool=name).limit(1)) if pool is None: raise PoolNotFound(f"Pool '{name}' doesn't exist") return pool
Get all pools.
def get_pools(session: Session = NEW_SESSION): """Get all pools.""" return session.scalars(select(Pool)).all()
Create a pool with given parameters.
def create_pool(name, slots, description, session: Session = NEW_SESSION): """Create a pool with given parameters.""" if not (name and name.strip()): raise AirflowBadRequest("Pool name shouldn't be empty") try: slots = int(slots) except ValueError: raise AirflowBadRequest(f"Bad value for `slots`: {slots}") # Get the length of the pool column pool_name_length =[0].type.length if len(name) > pool_name_length: raise AirflowBadRequest(f"Pool name can't be more than {pool_name_length} characters") session.expire_on_commit = False pool = session.scalar(select(Pool).filter_by(pool=name).limit(1)) if pool is None: pool = Pool(pool=name, slots=slots, description=description, include_deferred=False) session.add(pool) else: pool.slots = slots pool.description = description session.commit() return pool
Delete pool by a given name.
def delete_pool(name, session: Session = NEW_SESSION): """Delete pool by a given name.""" if not (name and name.strip()): raise AirflowBadRequest("Pool name shouldn't be empty") if name == Pool.DEFAULT_POOL_NAME: raise AirflowBadRequest(f"{Pool.DEFAULT_POOL_NAME} cannot be deleted") pool = session.scalar(select(Pool).filter_by(pool=name).limit(1)) if pool is None: raise PoolNotFound(f"Pool '{name}' doesn't exist") session.delete(pool) session.commit() return pool
Check DAG existence and in case it is specified that Task exists.
def check_and_get_dag(dag_id: str, task_id: str | None = None) -> DagModel: """Check DAG existence and in case it is specified that Task exists.""" dag_model = DagModel.get_current(dag_id) if dag_model is None: raise DagNotFound(f"Dag id {dag_id} not found in DagModel") dagbag = DagBag(dag_folder=dag_model.fileloc, read_dags_from_db=True) dag = dagbag.get_dag(dag_id) if not dag: error_message = f"Dag id {dag_id} not found" raise DagNotFound(error_message) if task_id and not dag.has_task(task_id): error_message = f"Task {task_id} not found in dag {dag_id}" raise TaskNotFound(error_message) return dag
Get DagRun object and check that it exists.
def check_and_get_dagrun(dag: DagModel, execution_date: datetime) -> DagRun: """Get DagRun object and check that it exists.""" dagrun = dag.get_dagrun(execution_date=execution_date) if not dagrun: error_message = f"Dag Run for date {execution_date} not found in dag {dag.dag_id}" raise DagRunNotFound(error_message) return dagrun
Use to capture connexion exceptions and add link to the type field.
def common_error_handler(exception: BaseException) -> flask.Response: """Use to capture connexion exceptions and add link to the type field.""" if isinstance(exception, ProblemException): link = EXCEPTIONS_LINK_MAP.get(exception.status) if link: response = problem( status=exception.status, title=exception.title, detail=exception.detail, type=link, instance=exception.instance, headers=exception.headers, ext=exception.ext, ) else: response = problem( status=exception.status, title=exception.title, detail=exception.detail, type=exception.type, instance=exception.instance, headers=exception.headers, ext=exception.ext, ) else: if not isinstance(exception, werkzeug.exceptions.HTTPException): exception = werkzeug.exceptions.InternalServerError() response = problem(, detail=exception.description, status=exception.code) return FlaskApi.get_response(response)
Validate that a datetime is not naive.
def validate_istimezone(value: datetime) -> None: """Validate that a datetime is not naive.""" if not value.tzinfo: raise BadRequest("Invalid datetime format", detail="Naive datetime is disallowed")
Format datetime objects. Datetime format parser for args since connexion doesn't parse datetimes This should only be used within connection views because it raises 400
def format_datetime(value: str) -> datetime: """ Format datetime objects. Datetime format parser for args since connexion doesn't parse datetimes This should only be used within connection views because it raises 400 """ value = value.strip() if value[-1] != "Z": value = value.replace(" ", "+") try: return timezone.parse(value) except (ParserError, TypeError) as err: raise BadRequest("Incorrect datetime argument", detail=str(err))
Check the limit does not exceed configured value. This checks the limit passed to view and raises BadRequest if limit exceed user configured value
def check_limit(value: int) -> int: """ Check the limit does not exceed configured value. This checks the limit passed to view and raises BadRequest if limit exceed user configured value """ max_val = conf.getint("api", "maximum_page_limit") # user configured max page limit fallback = conf.getint("api", "fallback_page_limit") if value > max_val: log.warning( "The limit param value %s passed in API exceeds the configured maximum page limit %s", value, max_val, ) return max_val if value == 0: return fallback if value < 0: raise BadRequest("Page limit must be a positive integer") return value
Create a decorator to convert parameters using given formatters. Using it allows you to separate parameter formatting from endpoint logic. :param params_formatters: Map of key name and formatter function
def format_parameters(params_formatters: dict[str, Callable[[Any], Any]]) -> Callable[[T], T]: """ Create a decorator to convert parameters using given formatters. Using it allows you to separate parameter formatting from endpoint logic. :param params_formatters: Map of key name and formatter function """ def format_parameters_decorator(func: T) -> T: @wraps(func) def wrapped_function(*args, **kwargs): for key, formatter in params_formatters.items(): if key in kwargs: kwargs[key] = formatter(kwargs[key]) return func(*args, **kwargs) return cast(T, wrapped_function) return format_parameters_decorator
Apply sorting to query.
def apply_sorting( query: Select, order_by: str, to_replace: dict[str, str] | None = None, allowed_attrs: Container[str] | None = None, ) -> Select: """Apply sorting to query.""" lstriped_orderby = order_by.lstrip("-") if allowed_attrs and lstriped_orderby not in allowed_attrs: raise BadRequest( detail=f"Ordering with '{lstriped_orderby}' is disallowed or " f"the attribute does not exist on the model" ) if to_replace: lstriped_orderby = to_replace.get(lstriped_orderby, lstriped_orderby) if order_by[0] == "-": order_by = f"{lstriped_orderby} desc" else: order_by = f"{lstriped_orderby} asc" return query.order_by(text(order_by))
Check that the request has valid authorization information.
def check_authentication() -> None: """Check that the request has valid authorization information.""" for auth in get_airflow_app().api_auth: response = auth.requires_authentication(Response)() if response.status_code == 200: return # Even if the current_user is anonymous, the AUTH_ROLE_PUBLIC might still have permission. appbuilder = get_airflow_app().appbuilder if appbuilder.get_app.config.get("AUTH_ROLE_PUBLIC", None): return # since this handler only checks authentication, not authorization, # we should always return 401 raise Unauthenticated(headers=response.headers)
Check current user's permissions against required permissions. Deprecated. Do not use this decorator, use one of the decorator `has_access_*` defined in airflow/api_connexion/ instead. This decorator will only work with FAB authentication and not with other auth providers. This decorator might be used in user plugins, do not remove it.
def requires_access(permissions: Sequence[tuple[str, str]] | None = None) -> Callable[[T], T]: """ Check current user's permissions against required permissions. Deprecated. Do not use this decorator, use one of the decorator `has_access_*` defined in airflow/api_connexion/ instead. This decorator will only work with FAB authentication and not with other auth providers. This decorator might be used in user plugins, do not remove it. """ warnings.warn( "The 'requires_access' decorator is deprecated. Please use one of the decorator `requires_access_*`" "defined in airflow/api_connexion/ instead.", RemovedInAirflow3Warning, stacklevel=2, ) from airflow.providers.fab.auth_manager.decorators.auth import _requires_access_fab return _requires_access_fab(permissions)
Define the behavior whether the user is authorized to access the resource. :param is_authorized_callback: callback to execute to figure whether the user is authorized to access the resource :param func: the function to call if the user is authorized :param args: the arguments of ``func`` :param kwargs: the keyword arguments ``func`` :meta private:
def _requires_access(*, is_authorized_callback: Callable[[], bool], func: Callable, args, kwargs) -> bool: """ Define the behavior whether the user is authorized to access the resource. :param is_authorized_callback: callback to execute to figure whether the user is authorized to access the resource :param func: the function to call if the user is authorized :param args: the arguments of ``func`` :param kwargs: the keyword arguments ``func`` :meta private: """ check_authentication() if is_authorized_callback(): return func(*args, **kwargs) raise PermissionDenied()
Convert config dict to a Config object.
def _conf_dict_to_config(conf_dict: dict) -> Config: """Convert config dict to a Config object.""" config = Config( sections=[ ConfigSection( name=section, options=[ConfigOption(key=key, value=value) for key, value in options.items()] ) for section, options in conf_dict.items() ] ) return config
Convert a single config option to text.
def _option_to_text(config_option: ConfigOption) -> str: """Convert a single config option to text.""" return f"{config_option.key} = {config_option.value}"
Convert a single config section to text.
def _section_to_text(config_section: ConfigSection) -> str: """Convert a single config section to text.""" return ( f"[{}]{LINE_SEP}" f"{LINE_SEP.join(_option_to_text(option) for option in config_section.options)}{LINE_SEP}" )
Convert the entire config to text.
def _config_to_text(config: Config) -> str: """Convert the entire config to text.""" return LINE_SEP.join(_section_to_text(s) for s in config.sections)
Convert a Config object to a JSON formatted string.
def _config_to_json(config: Config) -> str: """Convert a Config object to a JSON formatted string.""" return json.dumps(config_schema.dump(config), indent=4)
Get current configuration.
def get_config(*, section: str | None = None) -> Response: """Get current configuration.""" serializer = { "text/plain": _config_to_text, "application/json": _config_to_json, } return_type = request.accept_mimetypes.best_match(serializer.keys()) if conf.get("webserver", "expose_config").lower() == "non-sensitive-only": expose_config = True display_sensitive = False else: expose_config = conf.getboolean("webserver", "expose_config") display_sensitive = True if return_type not in serializer: return Response(status=HTTPStatus.NOT_ACCEPTABLE) elif expose_config: if section and not conf.has_section(section): raise NotFound("section not found.", detail=f"section={section} not found.") conf_dict = conf.as_dict(display_source=False, display_sensitive=display_sensitive) if section: conf_section_value = conf_dict[section] conf_dict.clear() conf_dict[section] = conf_section_value config = _conf_dict_to_config(conf_dict) config_text = serializer[return_type](config) return Response(config_text, headers={"Content-Type": return_type}) else: raise PermissionDenied( detail=( "Your Airflow administrator chose not to expose the configuration, most likely for security" " reasons." ) )
Delete a connection entry.
def delete_connection(*, connection_id: str, session: Session = NEW_SESSION) -> APIResponse: """Delete a connection entry.""" connection = session.scalar(select(Connection).filter_by(conn_id=connection_id)) if connection is None: raise NotFound( "Connection not found", detail=f"The Connection with connection_id: `{connection_id}` was not found", ) session.delete(connection) return NoContent, HTTPStatus.NO_CONTENT
Get a connection entry.
def get_connection(*, connection_id: str, session: Session = NEW_SESSION) -> APIResponse: """Get a connection entry.""" connection = session.scalar(select(Connection).where(Connection.conn_id == connection_id)) if connection is None: raise NotFound( "Connection not found", detail=f"The Connection with connection_id: `{connection_id}` was not found", ) return connection_schema.dump(connection)
Get all connection entries.
def get_connections( *, limit: int, offset: int = 0, order_by: str = "id", session: Session = NEW_SESSION, ) -> APIResponse: """Get all connection entries.""" to_replace = {"connection_id": "conn_id"} allowed_sort_attrs = ["connection_id", "conn_type", "description", "host", "port", "id"] total_entries = session.execute(select(func.count( query = select(Connection) query = apply_sorting(query, order_by, to_replace, allowed_sort_attrs) connections = session.scalars(query.offset(offset).limit(limit)).all() return connection_collection_schema.dump( ConnectionCollection(connections=connections, total_entries=total_entries) )
Update a connection entry.
def patch_connection( *, connection_id: str, update_mask: UpdateMask = None, session: Session = NEW_SESSION, ) -> APIResponse: """Update a connection entry.""" try: data = connection_schema.load(request.json, partial=True) except ValidationError as err: # If validation get to here, it is extra field validation. raise BadRequest(detail=str(err.messages)) non_update_fields = ["connection_id", "conn_id"] connection = session.scalar(select(Connection).filter_by(conn_id=connection_id).limit(1)) if connection is None: raise NotFound( "Connection not found", detail=f"The Connection with connection_id: `{connection_id}` was not found", ) if data.get("conn_id") and connection.conn_id != data["conn_id"]: raise BadRequest(detail="The connection_id cannot be updated.") if update_mask: data = extract_update_mask_data(update_mask, non_update_fields, data) for key in data: setattr(connection, key, data[key]) session.add(connection) session.commit() return connection_schema.dump(connection)
Create connection entry.
def post_connection(*, session: Session = NEW_SESSION) -> APIResponse: """Create connection entry.""" body = request.json try: data = connection_schema.load(body) except ValidationError as err: raise BadRequest(detail=str(err.messages)) conn_id = data["conn_id"] try: helpers.validate_key(conn_id, max_length=200) except Exception as e: raise BadRequest(detail=str(e)) connection = session.scalar(select(Connection).filter_by(conn_id=conn_id).limit(1)) if not connection: connection = Connection(**data) session.add(connection) session.commit() return connection_schema.dump(connection) raise AlreadyExists(detail=f"Connection already exist. ID: {conn_id}")
Test an API connection. This method first creates an in-memory transient conn_id & exports that to an env var, as some hook classes tries to find out the conn from their __init__ method & errors out if not found. It also deletes the conn id env variable after the test.
def test_connection() -> APIResponse: """ Test an API connection. This method first creates an in-memory transient conn_id & exports that to an env var, as some hook classes tries to find out the conn from their __init__ method & errors out if not found. It also deletes the conn id env variable after the test. """ if conf.get("core", "test_connection", fallback="Disabled").lower().strip() != "enabled": return Response( "Testing connections is disabled in Airflow configuration. Contact your deployment admin to " "enable it.", 403, ) body = request.json transient_conn_id = get_random_string() conn_env_var = f"{CONN_ENV_PREFIX}{transient_conn_id.upper()}" try: data = connection_schema.load(body) data["conn_id"] = transient_conn_id conn = Connection(**data) os.environ[conn_env_var] = conn.get_uri() status, message = conn.test_connection() return connection_test_schema.dump({"status": status, "message": message}) except ValidationError as err: raise BadRequest(detail=str(err.messages)) finally: os.environ.pop(conn_env_var, None)
Get basic information about a DAG.
def get_dag( *, dag_id: str, fields: Collection[str] | None = None, session: Session = NEW_SESSION ) -> APIResponse: """Get basic information about a DAG.""" dag = session.scalar(select(DagModel).where(DagModel.dag_id == dag_id)) if dag is None: raise NotFound("DAG not found", detail=f"The DAG with dag_id: {dag_id} was not found") try: dag_schema = DAGSchema(only=fields) if fields else DAGSchema() except ValueError as e: raise BadRequest("DAGSchema init error", detail=str(e)) return dag_schema.dump( dag, )
Get details of DAG.
def get_dag_details( *, dag_id: str, fields: Collection[str] | None = None, session: Session = NEW_SESSION ) -> APIResponse: """Get details of DAG.""" dag: DAG = get_airflow_app().dag_bag.get_dag(dag_id) if not dag: raise NotFound("DAG not found", detail=f"The DAG with dag_id: {dag_id} was not found") dag_model: DagModel = session.get(DagModel, dag_id) for key, value in dag.__dict__.items(): if not key.startswith("_") and not hasattr(dag_model, key): setattr(dag_model, key, value) try: dag_detail_schema = DAGDetailSchema(only=fields) if fields else DAGDetailSchema() except ValueError as e: raise BadRequest("DAGDetailSchema init error", detail=str(e)) return dag_detail_schema.dump(dag_model)
Get all DAGs.
def get_dags( *, limit: int, offset: int = 0, tags: Collection[str] | None = None, dag_id_pattern: str | None = None, only_active: bool = True, paused: bool | None = None, order_by: str = "dag_id", fields: Collection[str] | None = None, session: Session = NEW_SESSION, ) -> APIResponse: """Get all DAGs.""" allowed_attrs = ["dag_id"] dags_query = select(DagModel).where(~DagModel.is_subdag) if only_active: dags_query = dags_query.where(DagModel.is_active) if paused is not None: if paused: dags_query = dags_query.where(DagModel.is_paused) else: dags_query = dags_query.where(~DagModel.is_paused) if dag_id_pattern: dags_query = dags_query.where(DagModel.dag_id.ilike(f"%{dag_id_pattern}%")) readable_dags = get_auth_manager().get_permitted_dag_ids(user=g.user) dags_query = dags_query.where(DagModel.dag_id.in_(readable_dags)) if tags: cond = [DagModel.tags.any( == tag) for tag in tags] dags_query = dags_query.where(or_(*cond)) total_entries = get_query_count(dags_query, session=session) dags_query = apply_sorting(dags_query, order_by, {}, allowed_attrs) dags = session.scalars(dags_query.offset(offset).limit(limit)).all() try: dags_collection_schema = ( DAGCollectionSchema(only=[f"dags.{field}" for field in fields]) if fields else DAGCollectionSchema() ) return dags_collection_schema.dump(DAGCollection(dags=dags, total_entries=total_entries)) except ValueError as e: raise BadRequest("DAGCollectionSchema error", detail=str(e))
Update the specific DAG.
def patch_dag(*, dag_id: str, update_mask: UpdateMask = None, session: Session = NEW_SESSION) -> APIResponse: """Update the specific DAG.""" try: patch_body = dag_schema.load(request.json, session=session) except ValidationError as err: raise BadRequest(detail=str(err.messages)) if update_mask: patch_body_ = {} if update_mask != ["is_paused"]: raise BadRequest(detail="Only `is_paused` field can be updated through the REST API") patch_body_[update_mask[0]] = patch_body[update_mask[0]] patch_body = patch_body_ dag = session.scalar(select(DagModel).where(DagModel.dag_id == dag_id)) if not dag: raise NotFound(f"Dag with id: '{dag_id}' not found") dag.is_paused = patch_body["is_paused"] session.flush() return dag_schema.dump(dag)
Patch multiple DAGs.
def patch_dags(limit, session, offset=0, only_active=True, tags=None, dag_id_pattern=None, update_mask=None): """Patch multiple DAGs.""" try: patch_body = dag_schema.load(request.json, session=session) except ValidationError as err: raise BadRequest(detail=str(err.messages)) if update_mask: patch_body_ = {} if update_mask != ["is_paused"]: raise BadRequest(detail="Only `is_paused` field can be updated through the REST API") update_mask = update_mask[0] patch_body_[update_mask] = patch_body[update_mask] patch_body = patch_body_ if only_active: dags_query = select(DagModel).where(~DagModel.is_subdag, DagModel.is_active) else: dags_query = select(DagModel).where(~DagModel.is_subdag) if dag_id_pattern == "~": dag_id_pattern = "%" dags_query = dags_query.where(DagModel.dag_id.ilike(f"%{dag_id_pattern}%")) editable_dags = get_auth_manager().get_permitted_dag_ids(methods=["PUT"], user=g.user) dags_query = dags_query.where(DagModel.dag_id.in_(editable_dags)) if tags: cond = [DagModel.tags.any( == tag) for tag in tags] dags_query = dags_query.where(or_(*cond)) total_entries = get_query_count(dags_query, session=session) dags = session.scalars(dags_query.order_by(DagModel.dag_id).offset(offset).limit(limit)).all() dags_to_update = {dag.dag_id for dag in dags} session.execute( update(DagModel) .where(DagModel.dag_id.in_(dags_to_update)) .values(is_paused=patch_body["is_paused"]) .execution_options(synchronize_session="fetch") ) session.flush() return dags_collection_schema.dump(DAGCollection(dags=dags, total_entries=total_entries))
Delete the specific DAG.
def delete_dag(dag_id: str, session: Session = NEW_SESSION) -> APIResponse: """Delete the specific DAG.""" from airflow.api.common import delete_dag as delete_dag_module try: delete_dag_module.delete_dag(dag_id, session=session) except DagNotFound: raise NotFound(f"Dag with id: '{dag_id}' not found") except AirflowException: raise AlreadyExists(detail=f"Task instances of dag with id: '{dag_id}' are still running") return NoContent, HTTPStatus.NO_CONTENT
Delete a DAG Run.
def delete_dag_run(*, dag_id: str, dag_run_id: str, session: Session = NEW_SESSION) -> APIResponse: """Delete a DAG Run.""" deleted_count = session.execute( delete(DagRun).where(DagRun.dag_id == dag_id, DagRun.run_id == dag_run_id) ).rowcount if deleted_count == 0: raise NotFound(detail=f"DAGRun with DAG ID: '{dag_id}' and DagRun ID: '{dag_run_id}' not found") return NoContent, HTTPStatus.NO_CONTENT
Get a DAG Run.
def get_dag_run( *, dag_id: str, dag_run_id: str, fields: Collection[str] | None = None, session: Session = NEW_SESSION ) -> APIResponse: """Get a DAG Run.""" dag_run = session.scalar(select(DagRun).where(DagRun.dag_id == dag_id, DagRun.run_id == dag_run_id)) if dag_run is None: raise NotFound( "DAGRun not found", detail=f"DAGRun with DAG ID: '{dag_id}' and DagRun ID: '{dag_run_id}' not found", ) try: # parse fields to Schema @post_dump dagrun_schema = DAGRunSchema(context={"fields": fields}) if fields else DAGRunSchema() return dagrun_schema.dump(dag_run) except ValueError as e: # Invalid fields raise BadRequest("DAGRunSchema error", detail=str(e))
If dag run is dataset-triggered, return the dataset events that triggered it.
def get_upstream_dataset_events( *, dag_id: str, dag_run_id: str, session: Session = NEW_SESSION ) -> APIResponse: """If dag run is dataset-triggered, return the dataset events that triggered it.""" dag_run: DagRun | None = session.scalar( select(DagRun).where( DagRun.dag_id == dag_id, DagRun.run_id == dag_run_id, ) ) if dag_run is None: raise NotFound( "DAGRun not found", detail=f"DAGRun with DAG ID: '{dag_id}' and DagRun ID: '{dag_run_id}' not found", ) events = dag_run.consumed_dataset_events return dataset_event_collection_schema.dump( DatasetEventCollection(dataset_events=events, total_entries=len(events)) )
Get all DAG Runs.
def get_dag_runs( *, dag_id: str, start_date_gte: str | None = None, start_date_lte: str | None = None, execution_date_gte: str | None = None, execution_date_lte: str | None = None, end_date_gte: str | None = None, end_date_lte: str | None = None, updated_at_gte: str | None = None, updated_at_lte: str | None = None, state: list[str] | None = None, offset: int | None = None, limit: int | None = None, order_by: str = "id", fields: Collection[str] | None = None, session: Session = NEW_SESSION, ): """Get all DAG Runs.""" query = select(DagRun) # This endpoint allows specifying ~ as the dag_id to retrieve DAG Runs for all DAGs. if dag_id == "~": query = query.where( DagRun.dag_id.in_(get_auth_manager().get_permitted_dag_ids(methods=["GET"], user=g.user)) ) else: query = query.where(DagRun.dag_id == dag_id) if state: query = query.where(DagRun.state.in_(state)) dag_run, total_entries = _fetch_dag_runs( query, end_date_gte=end_date_gte, end_date_lte=end_date_lte, execution_date_gte=execution_date_gte, execution_date_lte=execution_date_lte, start_date_gte=start_date_gte, start_date_lte=start_date_lte, updated_at_gte=updated_at_gte, updated_at_lte=updated_at_lte, limit=limit, offset=offset, order_by=order_by, session=session, ) try: dagrun_collection_schema = ( DAGRunCollectionSchema(context={"fields": fields}) if fields else DAGRunCollectionSchema() ) return dagrun_collection_schema.dump(DAGRunCollection(dag_runs=dag_run, total_entries=total_entries)) except ValueError as e: raise BadRequest("DAGRunCollectionSchema error", detail=str(e))
Get list of DAG Runs.
def get_dag_runs_batch(*, session: Session = NEW_SESSION) -> APIResponse: """Get list of DAG Runs.""" body = get_json_request_dict() try: data = dagruns_batch_form_schema.load(body) except ValidationError as err: raise BadRequest(detail=str(err.messages)) readable_dag_ids = get_auth_manager().get_permitted_dag_ids(methods=["GET"], user=g.user) query = select(DagRun) if data.get("dag_ids"): dag_ids = set(data["dag_ids"]) & set(readable_dag_ids) query = query.where(DagRun.dag_id.in_(dag_ids)) else: query = query.where(DagRun.dag_id.in_(readable_dag_ids)) states = data.get("states") if states: query = query.where(DagRun.state.in_(states)) dag_runs, total_entries = _fetch_dag_runs( query, end_date_gte=data["end_date_gte"], end_date_lte=data["end_date_lte"], execution_date_gte=data["execution_date_gte"], execution_date_lte=data["execution_date_lte"], start_date_gte=data["start_date_gte"], start_date_lte=data["start_date_lte"], limit=data["page_limit"], offset=data["page_offset"], order_by=data.get("order_by", "id"), session=session, ) return dagrun_collection_schema.dump(DAGRunCollection(dag_runs=dag_runs, total_entries=total_entries))
Trigger a DAG.
def post_dag_run(*, dag_id: str, session: Session = NEW_SESSION) -> APIResponse: """Trigger a DAG.""" dm = session.scalar(select(DagModel).where(DagModel.is_active, DagModel.dag_id == dag_id).limit(1)) if not dm: raise NotFound(title="DAG not found", detail=f"DAG with dag_id: '{dag_id}' not found") if dm.has_import_errors: raise BadRequest( title="DAG cannot be triggered", detail=f"DAG with dag_id: '{dag_id}' has import errors", ) try: post_body = dagrun_schema.load(get_json_request_dict(), session=session) except ValidationError as err: raise BadRequest(detail=str(err)) logical_date = pendulum.instance(post_body["execution_date"]) run_id = post_body["run_id"] dagrun_instance = session.scalar( select(DagRun) .where( DagRun.dag_id == dag_id, or_(DagRun.run_id == run_id, DagRun.execution_date == logical_date), ) .limit(1) ) if not dagrun_instance: try: dag = get_airflow_app().dag_bag.get_dag(dag_id) data_interval_start = post_body.get("data_interval_start") data_interval_end = post_body.get("data_interval_end") if data_interval_start and data_interval_end: data_interval = DataInterval( start=pendulum.instance(data_interval_start), end=pendulum.instance(data_interval_end), ) else: data_interval = dag.timetable.infer_manual_data_interval(run_after=logical_date) dag_run = dag.create_dagrun( run_type=DagRunType.MANUAL, run_id=run_id, execution_date=logical_date, data_interval=data_interval, state=DagRunState.QUEUED, conf=post_body.get("conf"), external_trigger=True, dag_hash=get_airflow_app().dag_bag.dags_hash.get(dag_id), session=session, ) dag_run_note = post_body.get("note") if dag_run_note: current_user_id = get_auth_manager().get_user_id() dag_run.note = (dag_run_note, current_user_id) return dagrun_schema.dump(dag_run) except ValueError as ve: raise BadRequest(detail=str(ve)) if dagrun_instance.execution_date == logical_date: raise AlreadyExists( detail=( f"DAGRun with DAG ID: '{dag_id}' and " f"DAGRun logical date: '{logical_date.isoformat(sep=' ')}' already exists" ), ) raise AlreadyExists(detail=f"DAGRun with DAG ID: '{dag_id}' and DAGRun ID: '{run_id}' already exists")
Set a state of a dag run.
def update_dag_run_state(*, dag_id: str, dag_run_id: str, session: Session = NEW_SESSION) -> APIResponse: """Set a state of a dag run.""" dag_run: DagRun | None = session.scalar( select(DagRun).where(DagRun.dag_id == dag_id, DagRun.run_id == dag_run_id) ) if dag_run is None: error_message = f"Dag Run id {dag_run_id} not found in dag {dag_id}" raise NotFound(error_message) try: post_body = set_dagrun_state_form_schema.load(get_json_request_dict()) except ValidationError as err: raise BadRequest(detail=str(err)) state = post_body["state"] dag = get_airflow_app().dag_bag.get_dag(dag_id) if state == DagRunState.SUCCESS: set_dag_run_state_to_success(dag=dag, run_id=dag_run.run_id, commit=True) elif state == DagRunState.QUEUED: set_dag_run_state_to_queued(dag=dag, run_id=dag_run.run_id, commit=True) else: set_dag_run_state_to_failed(dag=dag, run_id=dag_run.run_id, commit=True) dag_run = session.get(DagRun, return dagrun_schema.dump(dag_run)
Clear a dag run.
def clear_dag_run(*, dag_id: str, dag_run_id: str, session: Session = NEW_SESSION) -> APIResponse: """Clear a dag run.""" dag_run: DagRun | None = session.scalar( select(DagRun).where(DagRun.dag_id == dag_id, DagRun.run_id == dag_run_id) ) if dag_run is None: error_message = f"Dag Run id {dag_run_id} not found in dag {dag_id}" raise NotFound(error_message) try: post_body = clear_dagrun_form_schema.load(get_json_request_dict()) except ValidationError as err: raise BadRequest(detail=str(err)) dry_run = post_body.get("dry_run", False) dag = get_airflow_app().dag_bag.get_dag(dag_id) start_date = dag_run.logical_date end_date = dag_run.logical_date if dry_run: task_instances = dag.clear( start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date, task_ids=None, include_subdags=True, include_parentdag=True, only_failed=False, dry_run=True, ) return task_instance_reference_collection_schema.dump( TaskInstanceReferenceCollection(task_instances=task_instances) ) else: dag.clear( start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date, task_ids=None, include_subdags=True, include_parentdag=True, only_failed=False, ) dag_run = session.execute(select(DagRun).where( == return dagrun_schema.dump(dag_run)
Set the note for a dag run.
def set_dag_run_note(*, dag_id: str, dag_run_id: str, session: Session = NEW_SESSION) -> APIResponse: """Set the note for a dag run.""" dag_run: DagRun | None = session.scalar( select(DagRun).where(DagRun.dag_id == dag_id, DagRun.run_id == dag_run_id) ) if dag_run is None: error_message = f"Dag Run id {dag_run_id} not found in dag {dag_id}" raise NotFound(error_message) try: post_body = set_dagrun_note_form_schema.load(get_json_request_dict()) new_note = post_body["note"] except ValidationError as err: raise BadRequest(detail=str(err)) current_user_id = get_auth_manager().get_user_id() if dag_run.dag_run_note is None: dag_run.note = (new_note, current_user_id) else: dag_run.dag_run_note.content = new_note dag_run.dag_run_note.user_id = current_user_id session.commit() return dagrun_schema.dump(dag_run)
Get source code using file token.
def get_dag_source(*, file_token: str, session: Session = NEW_SESSION) -> Response: """Get source code using file token.""" secret_key = current_app.config["SECRET_KEY"] auth_s = URLSafeSerializer(secret_key) try: path = auth_s.loads(file_token) dag_ids = session.query(DagModel.dag_id).filter(DagModel.fileloc == path).all() requests: Sequence[IsAuthorizedDagRequest] = [ { "method": "GET", "details": DagDetails(id=dag_id[0]), } for dag_id in dag_ids ] # Check if user has read access to all the DAGs defined in the file if not get_auth_manager().batch_is_authorized_dag(requests): raise PermissionDenied() dag_source = DagCode.code(path, session=session) except (BadSignature, FileNotFoundError): raise NotFound("Dag source not found") return_type = request.accept_mimetypes.best_match(["text/plain", "application/json"]) if return_type == "text/plain": return Response(dag_source, headers={"Content-Type": return_type}) if return_type == "application/json": content = dag_source_schema.dumps({"content": dag_source}) return Response(content, headers={"Content-Type": return_type}) return Response("Not Allowed Accept Header", status=HTTPStatus.NOT_ACCEPTABLE)
Get DAG warnings. :param dag_id: the dag_id to optionally filter by :param warning_type: the warning type to optionally filter by
def get_dag_warnings( *, limit: int, dag_id: str | None = None, warning_type: str | None = None, offset: int | None = None, order_by: str = "timestamp", session: Session = NEW_SESSION, ) -> APIResponse: """Get DAG warnings. :param dag_id: the dag_id to optionally filter by :param warning_type: the warning type to optionally filter by """ allowed_sort_attrs = ["dag_id", "warning_type", "message", "timestamp"] query = select(DagWarningModel) if dag_id: query = query.where(DagWarningModel.dag_id == dag_id) else: readable_dags = get_readable_dags() query = query.where(DagWarningModel.dag_id.in_(readable_dags)) if warning_type: query = query.where(DagWarningModel.warning_type == warning_type) total_entries = get_query_count(query, session=session) query = apply_sorting(query=query, order_by=order_by, allowed_attrs=allowed_sort_attrs) dag_warnings = session.scalars(query.offset(offset).limit(limit)).all() return dag_warning_collection_schema.dump( DagWarningCollection(dag_warnings=dag_warnings, total_entries=total_entries) )
Get a Dataset.
def get_dataset(*, uri: str, session: Session = NEW_SESSION) -> APIResponse: """Get a Dataset.""" dataset = session.scalar( select(DatasetModel) .where(DatasetModel.uri == uri) .options(joinedload(DatasetModel.consuming_dags), joinedload(DatasetModel.producing_tasks)) ) if not dataset: raise NotFound( "Dataset not found", detail=f"The Dataset with uri: `{uri}` was not found", ) return dataset_schema.dump(dataset)
Get datasets.
def get_datasets( *, limit: int, offset: int = 0, uri_pattern: str | None = None, dag_ids: str | None = None, order_by: str = "id", session: Session = NEW_SESSION, ) -> APIResponse: """Get datasets.""" allowed_attrs = ["id", "uri", "created_at", "updated_at"] total_entries = session.scalars(select(func.count( query = select(DatasetModel) if dag_ids: dags_list = dag_ids.split(",") query = query.filter( (DatasetModel.consuming_dags.any(DagScheduleDatasetReference.dag_id.in_(dags_list))) | (DatasetModel.producing_tasks.any(TaskOutletDatasetReference.dag_id.in_(dags_list))) ) if uri_pattern: query = query.where(DatasetModel.uri.ilike(f"%{uri_pattern}%")) query = apply_sorting(query, order_by, {}, allowed_attrs) datasets = session.scalars( query.options(subqueryload(DatasetModel.consuming_dags), subqueryload(DatasetModel.producing_tasks)) .offset(offset) .limit(limit) ).all() return dataset_collection_schema.dump(DatasetCollection(datasets=datasets, total_entries=total_entries))
Get dataset events.
def get_dataset_events( *, limit: int, offset: int = 0, order_by: str = "timestamp", dataset_id: int | None = None, source_dag_id: str | None = None, source_task_id: str | None = None, source_run_id: str | None = None, source_map_index: int | None = None, session: Session = NEW_SESSION, ) -> APIResponse: """Get dataset events.""" allowed_attrs = ["source_dag_id", "source_task_id", "source_run_id", "source_map_index", "timestamp"] query = select(DatasetEvent) if dataset_id: query = query.where(DatasetEvent.dataset_id == dataset_id) if source_dag_id: query = query.where(DatasetEvent.source_dag_id == source_dag_id) if source_task_id: query = query.where(DatasetEvent.source_task_id == source_task_id) if source_run_id: query = query.where(DatasetEvent.source_run_id == source_run_id) if source_map_index: query = query.where(DatasetEvent.source_map_index == source_map_index) query = query.options(subqueryload(DatasetEvent.created_dagruns)) total_entries = get_query_count(query, session=session) query = apply_sorting(query, order_by, {}, allowed_attrs) events = session.scalars(query.offset(offset).limit(limit)).all() return dataset_event_collection_schema.dump( DatasetEventCollection(dataset_events=events, total_entries=total_entries) )
Get DatasetDagRunQueue where clause.
def _generate_queued_event_where_clause( *, dag_id: str | None = None, dataset_id: int | None = None, uri: str | None = None, before: str | None = None, permitted_dag_ids: set[str] | None = None, ) -> list: """Get DatasetDagRunQueue where clause.""" where_clause = [] if dag_id is not None: where_clause.append(DatasetDagRunQueue.target_dag_id == dag_id) if dataset_id is not None: where_clause.append(DatasetDagRunQueue.dataset_id == dataset_id) if uri is not None: where_clause.append( DatasetDagRunQueue.dataset_id.in_( select( == uri), ), ) if before is not None: where_clause.append(DatasetDagRunQueue.created_at < format_datetime(before)) if permitted_dag_ids is not None: where_clause.append(DatasetDagRunQueue.target_dag_id.in_(permitted_dag_ids)) return where_clause
Get a queued Dataset event for a DAG.
def get_dag_dataset_queued_event( *, dag_id: str, uri: str, before: str | None = None, session: Session = NEW_SESSION ) -> APIResponse: """Get a queued Dataset event for a DAG.""" where_clause = _generate_queued_event_where_clause(dag_id=dag_id, uri=uri, before=before) ddrq = session.scalar( select(DatasetDagRunQueue) .join(DatasetModel, DatasetDagRunQueue.dataset_id == .where(*where_clause) ) if ddrq is None: raise NotFound( "Queue event not found", detail=f"Queue event with dag_id: `{dag_id}` and dataset uri: `{uri}` was not found", ) queued_event = {"created_at": ddrq.created_at, "dag_id": dag_id, "uri": uri} return queued_event_schema.dump(queued_event)
Delete a queued Dataset event for a DAG.
def delete_dag_dataset_queued_event( *, dag_id: str, uri: str, before: str | None = None, session: Session = NEW_SESSION ) -> APIResponse: """Delete a queued Dataset event for a DAG.""" where_clause = _generate_queued_event_where_clause(dag_id=dag_id, uri=uri, before=before) delete_stmt = ( delete(DatasetDagRunQueue).where(*where_clause).execution_options(synchronize_session="fetch") ) result = session.execute(delete_stmt) if result.rowcount > 0: return NoContent, HTTPStatus.NO_CONTENT raise NotFound( "Queue event not found", detail=f"Queue event with dag_id: `{dag_id}` and dataset uri: `{uri}` was not found", )
Get queued Dataset events for a DAG.
def get_dag_dataset_queued_events( *, dag_id: str, before: str | None = None, session: Session = NEW_SESSION ) -> APIResponse: """Get queued Dataset events for a DAG.""" where_clause = _generate_queued_event_where_clause(dag_id=dag_id, before=before) query = ( select(DatasetDagRunQueue, DatasetModel.uri) .join(DatasetModel, DatasetDagRunQueue.dataset_id == .where(*where_clause) ) result = session.execute(query).all() total_entries = get_query_count(query, session=session) if not result: raise NotFound( "Queue event not found", detail=f"Queue event with dag_id: `{dag_id}` was not found", ) queued_events = [ QueuedEvent(created_at=ddrq.created_at, dag_id=ddrq.target_dag_id, uri=uri) for ddrq, uri in result ] return queued_event_collection_schema.dump( QueuedEventCollection(queued_events=queued_events, total_entries=total_entries) )
Delete queued Dataset events for a DAG.
def delete_dag_dataset_queued_events( *, dag_id: str, before: str | None = None, session: Session = NEW_SESSION ) -> APIResponse: """Delete queued Dataset events for a DAG.""" where_clause = _generate_queued_event_where_clause(dag_id=dag_id, before=before) delete_stmt = delete(DatasetDagRunQueue).where(*where_clause) result = session.execute(delete_stmt) if result.rowcount > 0: return NoContent, HTTPStatus.NO_CONTENT raise NotFound( "Queue event not found", detail=f"Queue event with dag_id: `{dag_id}` was not found", )
Get queued Dataset events for a Dataset.
def get_dataset_queued_events( *, uri: str, before: str | None = None, session: Session = NEW_SESSION ) -> APIResponse: """Get queued Dataset events for a Dataset.""" permitted_dag_ids = get_auth_manager().get_permitted_dag_ids(methods=["GET"]) where_clause = _generate_queued_event_where_clause( uri=uri, before=before, permitted_dag_ids=permitted_dag_ids ) query = ( select(DatasetDagRunQueue, DatasetModel.uri) .join(DatasetModel, DatasetDagRunQueue.dataset_id == .where(*where_clause) ) total_entries = get_query_count(query, session=session) result = session.execute(query).all() if total_entries > 0: queued_events = [ QueuedEvent(created_at=ddrq.created_at, dag_id=ddrq.target_dag_id, uri=uri) for ddrq, uri in result ] return queued_event_collection_schema.dump( QueuedEventCollection(queued_events=queued_events, total_entries=total_entries) ) raise NotFound( "Queue event not found", detail=f"Queue event with dataset uri: `{uri}` was not found", )
Delete queued Dataset events for a Dataset.
def delete_dataset_queued_events( *, uri: str, before: str | None = None, session: Session = NEW_SESSION ) -> APIResponse: """Delete queued Dataset events for a Dataset.""" permitted_dag_ids = get_auth_manager().get_permitted_dag_ids(methods=["GET"]) where_clause = _generate_queued_event_where_clause( uri=uri, before=before, permitted_dag_ids=permitted_dag_ids ) delete_stmt = ( delete(DatasetDagRunQueue).where(*where_clause).execution_options(synchronize_session="fetch") ) result = session.execute(delete_stmt) if result.rowcount > 0: return NoContent, HTTPStatus.NO_CONTENT raise NotFound( "Queue event not found", detail=f"Queue event with dataset uri: `{uri}` was not found", )
Create dataset event.
def create_dataset_event(session: Session = NEW_SESSION) -> APIResponse: """Create dataset event.""" body = get_json_request_dict() try: json_body = create_dataset_event_schema.load(body) except ValidationError as err: raise BadRequest(detail=str(err)) uri = json_body["dataset_uri"] dataset = session.scalar(select(DatasetModel).where(DatasetModel.uri == uri).limit(1)) if not dataset: raise NotFound(title="Dataset not found", detail=f"Dataset with uri: '{uri}' not found") timestamp = timezone.utcnow() extra = json_body.get("extra", {}) extra["from_rest_api"] = True dataset_event = dataset_manager.register_dataset_change( dataset=Dataset(uri), timestamp=timestamp, extra=extra, session=session, ) if not dataset_event: raise NotFound(title="Dataset not found", detail=f"Dataset with uri: '{uri}' not found") event = dataset_event_schema.dump(dataset_event) return event
Get a log entry.
def get_event_log(*, event_log_id: int, session: Session = NEW_SESSION) -> APIResponse: """Get a log entry.""" event_log = session.get(Log, event_log_id) if event_log is None: raise NotFound("Event Log not found") return event_log_schema.dump(event_log)
Get all log entries from event log.
def get_event_logs( *, dag_id: str | None = None, task_id: str | None = None, run_id: str | None = None, owner: str | None = None, event: str | None = None, excluded_events: str | None = None, included_events: str | None = None, before: str | None = None, after: str | None = None, limit: int, offset: int | None = None, order_by: str = "event_log_id", session: Session = NEW_SESSION, ) -> APIResponse: """Get all log entries from event log.""" to_replace = {"event_log_id": "id", "when": "dttm"} allowed_sort_attrs = [ "event_log_id", "when", "dag_id", "task_id", "run_id", "event", "execution_date", "owner", "extra", ] query = select(Log) if dag_id: query = query.where(Log.dag_id == dag_id) if task_id: query = query.where(Log.task_id == task_id) if run_id: query = query.where(Log.run_id == run_id) if owner: query = query.where(Log.owner == owner) if event: query = query.where(Log.event == event) if included_events: included_events_list = included_events.split(",") query = query.where(Log.event.in_(included_events_list)) if excluded_events: excluded_events_list = excluded_events.split(",") query = query.where(Log.event.notin_(excluded_events_list)) if before: query = query.where(Log.dttm < timezone.parse(before)) if after: query = query.where(Log.dttm > timezone.parse(after)) total_entries = get_query_count(query, session=session) query = apply_sorting(query, order_by, to_replace, allowed_sort_attrs) event_logs = session.scalars(query.offset(offset).limit(limit)).all() return event_log_collection_schema.dump( EventLogCollection(event_logs=event_logs, total_entries=total_entries) )
Get extra links for task instance.
def get_extra_links( *, dag_id: str, dag_run_id: str, task_id: str, session: Session = NEW_SESSION, ) -> APIResponse: """Get extra links for task instance.""" from airflow.models.taskinstance import TaskInstance dagbag: DagBag = get_airflow_app().dag_bag dag: DAG = dagbag.get_dag(dag_id) if not dag: raise NotFound("DAG not found", detail=f'DAG with ID = "{dag_id}" not found') try: task = dag.get_task(task_id) except TaskNotFound: raise NotFound("Task not found", detail=f'Task with ID = "{task_id}" not found') ti = session.scalar( select(TaskInstance).where( TaskInstance.dag_id == dag_id, TaskInstance.run_id == dag_run_id, TaskInstance.task_id == task_id, ) ) if not ti: raise NotFound("DAG Run not found", detail=f'DAG Run with ID = "{dag_run_id}" not found') all_extra_link_pairs = ( (link_name, task.get_extra_links(ti, link_name)) for link_name in task.extra_links ) all_extra_links = {link_name: link_url or None for link_name, link_url in sorted(all_extra_link_pairs)} return all_extra_links
Raise an HTTP error 400 if the auth manager is not FAB. Intended to decorate endpoints that have been migrated from Airflow API to FAB API.
def _require_fab(func: Callable) -> Callable: """ Raise an HTTP error 400 if the auth manager is not FAB. Intended to decorate endpoints that have been migrated from Airflow API to FAB API. """ def inner(*args, **kwargs): from airflow.providers.fab.auth_manager.fab_auth_manager import FabAuthManager auth_mgr = get_auth_manager() if not isinstance(auth_mgr, FabAuthManager): raise BadRequest( detail="This endpoint is only available when using the default auth manager FabAuthManager." ) else: warnings.warn( "This API endpoint is deprecated. " "Please use the API under /auth/fab/v1 instead for this operation.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=1, # This decorator wrapped multiple times, better point to this file ) return func(*args, **kwargs) return inner
Get role.
def get_role(**kwargs) -> APIResponse: """Get role.""" return role_and_permission_endpoint.get_role(**kwargs)
Get roles.
def get_roles(**kwargs) -> APIResponse: """Get roles.""" return role_and_permission_endpoint.get_roles(**kwargs)
Delete a role.
def delete_role(**kwargs) -> APIResponse: """Delete a role.""" return role_and_permission_endpoint.delete_role(**kwargs)
Update a role.
def patch_role(**kwargs) -> APIResponse: """Update a role.""" kwargs.pop("body", None) return role_and_permission_endpoint.patch_role(**kwargs)
Create a new role.
def post_role(**kwargs) -> APIResponse: """Create a new role.""" kwargs.pop("body", None) return role_and_permission_endpoint.post_role(**kwargs)
Get permissions.
def get_permissions(**kwargs) -> APIResponse: """Get permissions.""" return role_and_permission_endpoint.get_permissions(**kwargs)
Get a user.
def get_user(**kwargs) -> APIResponse: """Get a user.""" return user_endpoint.get_user(**kwargs)
Get users.
def get_users(**kwargs) -> APIResponse: """Get users.""" return user_endpoint.get_users(**kwargs)
Create a new user.
def post_user(**kwargs) -> APIResponse: """Create a new user.""" kwargs.pop("body", None) return user_endpoint.post_user(**kwargs)
Update a user.
def patch_user(**kwargs) -> APIResponse: """Update a user.""" kwargs.pop("body", None) return user_endpoint.patch_user(**kwargs)
Delete a user.
def delete_user(**kwargs) -> APIResponse: """Delete a user.""" return user_endpoint.delete_user(**kwargs)
Return the health of the airflow scheduler, metadatabase and triggerer.
def get_health() -> APIResponse: """Return the health of the airflow scheduler, metadatabase and triggerer.""" airflow_health_status = get_airflow_health() return health_schema.dump(airflow_health_status)
Get an import error.
def get_import_error(*, import_error_id: int, session: Session = NEW_SESSION) -> APIResponse: """Get an import error.""" error = session.get(ParseImportError, import_error_id) if error is None: raise NotFound( "Import error not found", detail=f"The ImportError with import_error_id: `{import_error_id}` was not found", ) session.expunge(error) can_read_all_dags = get_auth_manager().is_authorized_dag(method="GET") if not can_read_all_dags: readable_dag_ids = security.get_readable_dags() file_dag_ids = { dag_id[0] for dag_id in session.query(DagModel.dag_id).filter(DagModel.fileloc == error.filename).all() } # Can the user read any DAGs in the file? if not readable_dag_ids.intersection(file_dag_ids): raise PermissionDenied(detail="You do not have read permission on any of the DAGs in the file") # Check if user has read access to all the DAGs defined in the file if not file_dag_ids.issubset(readable_dag_ids): error.stacktrace = "REDACTED - you do not have read permission on all DAGs in the file" return import_error_schema.dump(error)
Get all import errors.
def get_import_errors( *, limit: int, offset: int | None = None, order_by: str = "import_error_id", session: Session = NEW_SESSION, ) -> APIResponse: """Get all import errors.""" to_replace = {"import_error_id": "id"} allowed_sort_attrs = ["import_error_id", "timestamp", "filename"] count_query = select(func.count( query = select(ParseImportError) query = apply_sorting(query, order_by, to_replace, allowed_sort_attrs) can_read_all_dags = get_auth_manager().is_authorized_dag(method="GET") if not can_read_all_dags: # if the user doesn't have access to all DAGs, only display errors from visible DAGs readable_dag_ids = security.get_readable_dags() dagfiles_stmt = select(DagModel.fileloc).distinct().where(DagModel.dag_id.in_(readable_dag_ids)) query = query.where(ParseImportError.filename.in_(dagfiles_stmt)) count_query = count_query.where(ParseImportError.filename.in_(dagfiles_stmt)) total_entries = session.scalars(count_query).one() import_errors = session.scalars(query.offset(offset).limit(limit)).all() if not can_read_all_dags: for import_error in import_errors: # Check if user has read access to all the DAGs defined in the file file_dag_ids = ( session.query(DagModel.dag_id).filter(DagModel.fileloc == import_error.filename).all() ) requests: Sequence[IsAuthorizedDagRequest] = [ { "method": "GET", "details": DagDetails(id=dag_id[0]), } for dag_id in file_dag_ids ] if not get_auth_manager().batch_is_authorized_dag(requests): session.expunge(import_error) import_error.stacktrace = "REDACTED - you do not have read permission on all DAGs in the file" return import_error_collection_schema.dump( ImportErrorCollection(import_errors=import_errors, total_entries=total_entries) )
Get logs for specific task instance.
def get_log( *, dag_id: str, dag_run_id: str, task_id: str, task_try_number: int, full_content: bool = False, map_index: int = -1, token: str | None = None, session: Session = NEW_SESSION, ) -> APIResponse: """Get logs for specific task instance.""" key = get_airflow_app().config["SECRET_KEY"] if not token: metadata = {} else: try: metadata = URLSafeSerializer(key).loads(token) except BadSignature: raise BadRequest("Bad Signature. Please use only the tokens provided by the API.") if metadata.get("download_logs") and metadata["download_logs"]: full_content = True if full_content: metadata["download_logs"] = True else: metadata["download_logs"] = False task_log_reader = TaskLogReader() if not task_log_reader.supports_read: raise BadRequest("Task log handler does not support read logs.") query = ( select(TaskInstance) .where( TaskInstance.task_id == task_id, TaskInstance.dag_id == dag_id, TaskInstance.run_id == dag_run_id, TaskInstance.map_index == map_index, ) .join(TaskInstance.dag_run) .options(joinedload(TaskInstance.trigger).joinedload(Trigger.triggerer_job)) ) ti = session.scalar(query) if ti is None: metadata["end_of_log"] = True raise NotFound(title="TaskInstance not found") dag = get_airflow_app().dag_bag.get_dag(dag_id) if dag: try: ti.task = dag.get_task(ti.task_id) except TaskNotFound: pass return_type = request.accept_mimetypes.best_match(["text/plain", "application/json"]) # return_type would be either the above two or None logs: Any if return_type == "application/json" or return_type is None: # default logs, metadata = task_log_reader.read_log_chunks(ti, task_try_number, metadata) logs = logs[0] if task_try_number is not None else logs # we must have token here, so we can safely ignore it token = URLSafeSerializer(key).dumps(metadata) # type: ignore[assignment] return logs_schema.dump(LogResponseObject(continuation_token=token, content=logs)) # text/plain. Stream logs = task_log_reader.read_log_stream(ti, task_try_number, metadata) return Response(logs, headers={"Content-Type": return_type})
Get plugins endpoint.
def get_plugins(*, limit: int, offset: int = 0) -> APIResponse: """Get plugins endpoint.""" plugins_info = get_plugin_info() collection = PluginCollection(plugins=plugins_info[offset:][:limit], total_entries=len(plugins_info)) return plugin_collection_schema.dump(collection)
Delete a pool.
def delete_pool(*, pool_name: str, session: Session = NEW_SESSION) -> APIResponse: """Delete a pool.""" if pool_name == "default_pool": raise BadRequest(detail="Default Pool can't be deleted") affected_count = session.execute(delete(Pool).where(Pool.pool == pool_name)).rowcount if affected_count == 0: raise NotFound(detail=f"Pool with name:'{pool_name}' not found") return Response(status=HTTPStatus.NO_CONTENT)
Get a pool.
def get_pool(*, pool_name: str, session: Session = NEW_SESSION) -> APIResponse: """Get a pool.""" obj = session.scalar(select(Pool).where(Pool.pool == pool_name)) if obj is None: raise NotFound(detail=f"Pool with name:'{pool_name}' not found") return pool_schema.dump(obj)
Get all pools.
def get_pools( *, limit: int, order_by: str = "id", offset: int | None = None, session: Session = NEW_SESSION, ) -> APIResponse: """Get all pools.""" to_replace = {"name": "pool"} allowed_sort_attrs = ["name", "slots", "id"] total_entries = session.scalars(func.count( query = select(Pool) query = apply_sorting(query, order_by, to_replace, allowed_sort_attrs) pools = session.scalars(query.offset(offset).limit(limit)).all() return pool_collection_schema.dump(PoolCollection(pools=pools, total_entries=total_entries))
Update a pool.
def patch_pool( *, pool_name: str, update_mask: UpdateMask = None, session: Session = NEW_SESSION, ) -> APIResponse: """Update a pool.""" request_dict = get_json_request_dict() # Only slots and include_deferred can be modified in 'default_pool' if pool_name == Pool.DEFAULT_POOL_NAME and request_dict.get("name", None) != Pool.DEFAULT_POOL_NAME: if update_mask and all(mask.strip() in {"slots", "include_deferred"} for mask in update_mask): pass else: raise BadRequest(detail="Default Pool's name can't be modified") pool = session.scalar(select(Pool).where(Pool.pool == pool_name).limit(1)) if not pool: raise NotFound(detail=f"Pool with name:'{pool_name}' not found") try: patch_body = pool_schema.load(request_dict) except ValidationError as err: raise BadRequest(detail=str(err.messages)) if update_mask: update_mask = [i.strip() for i in update_mask] _patch_body = {} try: # MyPy infers a List[Optional[str]] type here but it should be a List[str] # there is no way field is None here (UpdateMask is a List[str]) # so if pool_schema.declared_fields[field].attribute is None file is returned update_mask = [ pool_schema.declared_fields[field].attribute # type: ignore[misc] if pool_schema.declared_fields[field].attribute else field for field in update_mask ] except KeyError as err: raise BadRequest(detail=f"Invalid field: {err.args[0]} in update mask") _patch_body = {field: patch_body[field] for field in update_mask} patch_body = _patch_body else: required_fields = {"name", "slots"} fields_diff = required_fields.difference(get_json_request_dict()) if fields_diff: raise BadRequest(detail=f"Missing required property(ies): {sorted(fields_diff)}") for key, value in patch_body.items(): setattr(pool, key, value) session.commit() return pool_schema.dump(pool)
Create a pool.
def post_pool(*, session: Session = NEW_SESSION) -> APIResponse: """Create a pool.""" required_fields = {"name", "slots"} # Pool would require both fields in the post request fields_diff = required_fields.difference(get_json_request_dict()) if fields_diff: raise BadRequest(detail=f"Missing required property(ies): {sorted(fields_diff)}") try: post_body = pool_schema.load(get_json_request_dict(), session=session) except ValidationError as err: raise BadRequest(detail=str(err.messages)) pool = Pool(**post_body) try: session.add(pool) session.commit() return pool_schema.dump(pool) except IntegrityError: raise AlreadyExists(detail=f"Pool: {post_body['pool']} already exists")
Get providers.
def get_providers() -> APIResponse: """Get providers.""" providers = [_provider_mapper(d) for d in ProvidersManager().providers.values()] total_entries = len(providers) return provider_collection_schema.dump( ProviderCollection(providers=providers, total_entries=total_entries) )
Cast request dictionary to JSON.
def get_json_request_dict() -> Mapping[str, Any]: """Cast request dictionary to JSON.""" from flask import request return cast(Mapping[str, Any], request.get_json())
Get simplified representation of a task.
def get_task(*, dag_id: str, task_id: str) -> APIResponse: """Get simplified representation of a task.""" dag: DAG = get_airflow_app().dag_bag.get_dag(dag_id) if not dag: raise NotFound("DAG not found") try: task = dag.get_task(task_id=task_id) except TaskNotFound: raise NotFound("Task not found") return task_schema.dump(task)
Get tasks for DAG.
def get_tasks(*, dag_id: str, order_by: str = "task_id") -> APIResponse: """Get tasks for DAG.""" dag: DAG = get_airflow_app().dag_bag.get_dag(dag_id) if not dag: raise NotFound("DAG not found") tasks = dag.tasks try: tasks = sorted(tasks, key=attrgetter(order_by.lstrip("-")), reverse=(order_by[0:1] == "-")) except AttributeError as err: raise BadRequest(detail=str(err)) task_collection = TaskCollection(tasks=tasks, total_entries=len(tasks)) return task_collection_schema.dump(task_collection)
Get task instance.
def get_task_instance( *, dag_id: str, dag_run_id: str, task_id: str, session: Session = NEW_SESSION, ) -> APIResponse: """Get task instance.""" query = ( select(TI) .where(TI.dag_id == dag_id, TI.run_id == dag_run_id, TI.task_id == task_id) .join(TI.dag_run) .outerjoin( SlaMiss, and_( SlaMiss.dag_id == TI.dag_id, SlaMiss.execution_date == DR.execution_date, SlaMiss.task_id == TI.task_id, ), ) .add_columns(SlaMiss) .options(joinedload(TI.rendered_task_instance_fields)) ) try: task_instance = session.execute(query).one_or_none() except MultipleResultsFound: raise NotFound( "Task instance not found", detail="Task instance is mapped, add the map_index value to the URL" ) if task_instance is None: raise NotFound("Task instance not found") if task_instance[0].map_index != -1: raise NotFound( "Task instance not found", detail="Task instance is mapped, add the map_index value to the URL" ) return task_instance_schema.dump(task_instance)
Get task instance.
def get_mapped_task_instance( *, dag_id: str, dag_run_id: str, task_id: str, map_index: int, session: Session = NEW_SESSION, ) -> APIResponse: """Get task instance.""" query = ( select(TI) .where(TI.dag_id == dag_id, TI.run_id == dag_run_id, TI.task_id == task_id, TI.map_index == map_index) .join(TI.dag_run) .outerjoin( SlaMiss, and_( SlaMiss.dag_id == TI.dag_id, SlaMiss.execution_date == DR.execution_date, SlaMiss.task_id == TI.task_id, ), ) .add_columns(SlaMiss) .options(joinedload(TI.rendered_task_instance_fields)) ) task_instance = session.execute(query).one_or_none() if task_instance is None: raise NotFound("Task instance not found") return task_instance_schema.dump(task_instance)
Get list of task instances.
def get_mapped_task_instances( *, dag_id: str, dag_run_id: str, task_id: str, execution_date_gte: str | None = None, execution_date_lte: str | None = None, start_date_gte: str | None = None, start_date_lte: str | None = None, end_date_gte: str | None = None, end_date_lte: str | None = None, updated_at_gte: str | None = None, updated_at_lte: str | None = None, duration_gte: float | None = None, duration_lte: float | None = None, state: list[str] | None = None, pool: list[str] | None = None, queue: list[str] | None = None, limit: int | None = None, offset: int | None = None, order_by: str | None = None, session: Session = NEW_SESSION, ) -> APIResponse: """Get list of task instances.""" # Because state can be 'none' states = _convert_ti_states(state) base_query = ( select(TI) .where(TI.dag_id == dag_id, TI.run_id == dag_run_id, TI.task_id == task_id, TI.map_index >= 0) .join(TI.dag_run) ) # 0 can mean a mapped TI that expanded to an empty list, so it is not an automatic 404 unfiltered_total_count = get_query_count(base_query, session=session) if unfiltered_total_count == 0: dag = get_airflow_app().dag_bag.get_dag(dag_id) if not dag: error_message = f"DAG {dag_id} not found" raise NotFound(error_message) try: task = dag.get_task(task_id) except TaskNotFound: error_message = f"Task id {task_id} not found" raise NotFound(error_message) if not needs_expansion(task): error_message = f"Task id {task_id} is not mapped" raise NotFound(error_message) # Other search criteria base_query = _apply_range_filter( base_query, key=DR.execution_date, value_range=(execution_date_gte, execution_date_lte), ) base_query = _apply_range_filter( base_query, key=TI.start_date, value_range=(start_date_gte, start_date_lte) ) base_query = _apply_range_filter(base_query, key=TI.end_date, value_range=(end_date_gte, end_date_lte)) base_query = _apply_range_filter(base_query, key=TI.duration, value_range=(duration_gte, duration_lte)) base_query = _apply_range_filter( base_query, key=TI.updated_at, value_range=(updated_at_gte, updated_at_lte) ) base_query = _apply_array_filter(base_query, key=TI.state, values=states) base_query = _apply_array_filter(base_query, key=TI.pool, values=pool) base_query = _apply_array_filter(base_query, key=TI.queue, values=queue) # Count elements before joining extra columns total_entries = get_query_count(base_query, session=session) # Add SLA miss entry_query = ( base_query.outerjoin( SlaMiss, and_( SlaMiss.dag_id == TI.dag_id, SlaMiss.task_id == TI.task_id, SlaMiss.execution_date == DR.execution_date, ), ) .add_columns(SlaMiss) .options(joinedload(TI.rendered_task_instance_fields)) ) if order_by is None: entry_query = entry_query.order_by(TI.map_index.asc()) elif order_by == "state": entry_query = entry_query.order_by(TI.state.asc(), TI.map_index.asc()) elif order_by == "-state": entry_query = entry_query.order_by(TI.state.desc(), TI.map_index.asc()) elif order_by == "duration": entry_query = entry_query.order_by(TI.duration.asc(), TI.map_index.asc()) elif order_by == "-duration": entry_query = entry_query.order_by(TI.duration.desc(), TI.map_index.asc()) elif order_by == "start_date": entry_query = entry_query.order_by(TI.start_date.asc(), TI.map_index.asc()) elif order_by == "-start_date": entry_query = entry_query.order_by(TI.start_date.desc(), TI.map_index.asc()) elif order_by == "end_date": entry_query = entry_query.order_by(TI.end_date.asc(), TI.map_index.asc()) elif order_by == "-end_date": entry_query = entry_query.order_by(TI.end_date.desc(), TI.map_index.asc()) elif order_by == "-map_index": entry_query = entry_query.order_by(TI.map_index.desc()) else: raise BadRequest(detail=f"Ordering with '{order_by}' is not supported") # using execute because we want the SlaMiss entity. Scalars don't return None for missing entities task_instances = session.execute(entry_query.offset(offset).limit(limit)).all() return task_instance_collection_schema.dump( TaskInstanceCollection(task_instances=task_instances, total_entries=total_entries) )
Get list of task instances.
def get_task_instances( *, limit: int, dag_id: str | None = None, dag_run_id: str | None = None, execution_date_gte: str | None = None, execution_date_lte: str | None = None, start_date_gte: str | None = None, start_date_lte: str | None = None, end_date_gte: str | None = None, end_date_lte: str | None = None, updated_at_gte: str | None = None, updated_at_lte: str | None = None, duration_gte: float | None = None, duration_lte: float | None = None, state: list[str] | None = None, pool: list[str] | None = None, queue: list[str] | None = None, offset: int | None = None, session: Session = NEW_SESSION, ) -> APIResponse: """Get list of task instances.""" # Because state can be 'none' states = _convert_ti_states(state) base_query = select(TI).join(TI.dag_run) if dag_id != "~": base_query = base_query.where(TI.dag_id == dag_id) else: base_query = base_query.where(TI.dag_id.in_(get_readable_dags())) if dag_run_id != "~": base_query = base_query.where(TI.run_id == dag_run_id) base_query = _apply_range_filter( base_query, key=DR.execution_date, value_range=(execution_date_gte, execution_date_lte), ) base_query = _apply_range_filter( base_query, key=TI.start_date, value_range=(start_date_gte, start_date_lte) ) base_query = _apply_range_filter(base_query, key=TI.end_date, value_range=(end_date_gte, end_date_lte)) base_query = _apply_range_filter(base_query, key=TI.duration, value_range=(duration_gte, duration_lte)) base_query = _apply_range_filter( base_query, key=TI.updated_at, value_range=(updated_at_gte, updated_at_lte) ) base_query = _apply_array_filter(base_query, key=TI.state, values=states) base_query = _apply_array_filter(base_query, key=TI.pool, values=pool) base_query = _apply_array_filter(base_query, key=TI.queue, values=queue) # Count elements before joining extra columns total_entries = get_query_count(base_query, session=session) # Add join entry_query = ( base_query.outerjoin( SlaMiss, and_( SlaMiss.dag_id == TI.dag_id, SlaMiss.task_id == TI.task_id, SlaMiss.execution_date == DR.execution_date, ), ) .add_columns(SlaMiss) .options(joinedload(TI.rendered_task_instance_fields)) .offset(offset) .limit(limit) ) # using execute because we want the SlaMiss entity. Scalars don't return None for missing entities task_instances = session.execute(entry_query).all() return task_instance_collection_schema.dump( TaskInstanceCollection(task_instances=task_instances, total_entries=total_entries) )
Get list of task instances.
def get_task_instances_batch(session: Session = NEW_SESSION) -> APIResponse: """Get list of task instances.""" body = get_json_request_dict() try: data = task_instance_batch_form.load(body) except ValidationError as err: raise BadRequest(detail=str(err.messages)) dag_ids = data["dag_ids"] if dag_ids: requests: Sequence[IsAuthorizedDagRequest] = [ { "method": "GET", "details": DagDetails(id=id), } for id in dag_ids ] if not get_auth_manager().batch_is_authorized_dag(requests): raise PermissionDenied(detail=f"User not allowed to access some of these DAGs: {list(dag_ids)}") else: dag_ids = get_airflow_app() states = _convert_ti_states(data["state"]) base_query = select(TI).join(TI.dag_run) base_query = _apply_array_filter(base_query, key=TI.dag_id, values=dag_ids) base_query = _apply_array_filter(base_query, key=TI.run_id, values=data["dag_run_ids"]) base_query = _apply_array_filter(base_query, key=TI.task_id, values=data["task_ids"]) base_query = _apply_range_filter( base_query, key=DR.execution_date, value_range=(data["execution_date_gte"], data["execution_date_lte"]), ) base_query = _apply_range_filter( base_query, key=TI.start_date, value_range=(data["start_date_gte"], data["start_date_lte"]), ) base_query = _apply_range_filter( base_query, key=TI.end_date, value_range=(data["end_date_gte"], data["end_date_lte"]) ) base_query = _apply_range_filter( base_query, key=TI.duration, value_range=(data["duration_gte"], data["duration_lte"]) ) base_query = _apply_array_filter(base_query, key=TI.state, values=states) base_query = _apply_array_filter(base_query, key=TI.pool, values=data["pool"]) base_query = _apply_array_filter(base_query, key=TI.queue, values=data["queue"]) # Count elements before joining extra columns total_entries = get_query_count(base_query, session=session) # Add join base_query = base_query.join( SlaMiss, and_( SlaMiss.dag_id == TI.dag_id, SlaMiss.task_id == TI.task_id, SlaMiss.execution_date == DR.execution_date, ), isouter=True, ).add_columns(SlaMiss) ti_query = base_query.options(joinedload(TI.rendered_task_instance_fields)) # using execute because we want the SlaMiss entity. Scalars don't return None for missing entities task_instances = session.execute(ti_query).all() return task_instance_collection_schema.dump( TaskInstanceCollection(task_instances=task_instances, total_entries=total_entries) )
Clear task instances.
def post_clear_task_instances(*, dag_id: str, session: Session = NEW_SESSION) -> APIResponse: """Clear task instances.""" body = get_json_request_dict() try: data = clear_task_instance_form.load(body) except ValidationError as err: raise BadRequest(detail=str(err.messages)) dag = get_airflow_app().dag_bag.get_dag(dag_id) if not dag: error_message = f"Dag id {dag_id} not found" raise NotFound(error_message) reset_dag_runs = data.pop("reset_dag_runs") dry_run = data.pop("dry_run") # We always pass dry_run here, otherwise this would try to confirm on the terminal! dag_run_id = data.pop("dag_run_id", None) future = data.pop("include_future", False) past = data.pop("include_past", False) downstream = data.pop("include_downstream", False) upstream = data.pop("include_upstream", False) if dag_run_id is not None: dag_run: DR | None = session.scalar(select(DR).where(DR.dag_id == dag_id, DR.run_id == dag_run_id)) if dag_run is None: error_message = f"Dag Run id {dag_run_id} not found in dag {dag_id}" raise NotFound(error_message) data["start_date"] = dag_run.logical_date data["end_date"] = dag_run.logical_date if past: data["start_date"] = None if future: data["end_date"] = None task_ids = data.pop("task_ids", None) if task_ids is not None: task_id = [task[0] if isinstance(task, tuple) else task for task in task_ids] dag = dag.partial_subset( task_ids_or_regex=task_id, include_downstream=downstream, include_upstream=upstream, ) if len(dag.task_dict) > 1: # If we had upstream/downstream etc then also include those! task_ids.extend(tid for tid in dag.task_dict if tid != task_id) task_instances = dag.clear(dry_run=True, dag_bag=get_airflow_app().dag_bag, task_ids=task_ids, **data) if not dry_run: clear_task_instances( task_instances, session, dag=dag, dag_run_state=DagRunState.QUEUED if reset_dag_runs else False, ) return task_instance_reference_collection_schema.dump( TaskInstanceReferenceCollection(task_instances=task_instances) )