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{"eng": "Two wings of the great eagle were given to the woman, that she might fly into the wilderness to her place, so that she might be nourished for a time, times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent.", "aby": "I dai uwaya ari rabu dawa mune siakaro dooro isarike dawa i amaranakunu amae yoweriroma nono Godima i awekabake imukari uike i udu adanu babayai mairo ima wawane anike eme ibe me orofaro anike i dai uwayabairomae yafawere ibeibi. Iro oya buubaini moi oya abanaroini eno ibeibiro Godima dawa yawokenewaa ukaada uruna makeibiro iseibi."}
{"eng": "She was with child. She cried out in pain, laboring to give birth.", "aby": "Nono moi dei ubuwere urero ere. Ie i ari eno, moi aweka una ibiro ere. I aweka danu barukekae eweka barukada nono danu mogoisoe muina kaibai dueroma (12) odike manabe duboro enare ibaada danu amara sabu dofine ukaada oferi daiwere waurada ii weibi."}
{"eng": "and one third of the living creatures which were in the sea died. One third of the ships were destroyed.", "aby": "Inaama eno uke yare me siniro nono moi aneru danu kawia uribaie oraarawere ari inaa domea siakaro dawararo isarikema nono I dawara yaisinaro isare me, moi ena barunaro mane isariba ibake i dawara adua kouro ibisa abuini i adua kouro ibisa eraerabusa yaisina feare me sikaro i ena adua kouro eneibisa boudi yaisina birabira yare me sika."}
{"eng": "of the tribe of Zebulun twelve thousand, of the tribe of Joseph twelve thousand, and of the tribe of Benjamin twelve thousand were sealed.", "aby": "Dawama eno weike nono nabairo eno wei, i widu muka oroue keuwere. I Isaraera orounu akaemuku yaisinabairoma eme keuwere wani aderedi fodi fo dausini (144,000) mune Godibairo odia eno weiro naue. Emenu kakuka ibaie eno, i Diuda oroubairoma eme duero dausini (12,000) mune emenu awararo Danu widu uke odirieke i Rubeni oroubairoma duero dausini (12,000) eme mune emenu awararo Danu widu uke odirieke i Gedi oroubairoma duero dausini (12,000) eme mune emenu awararo enaenari widu uke odirieke i Asura oroubairoma duero dausini (12,000) eme mune emenu awararo uke enaenari widu uke odirieke i Nafadarai oroubairoma duero dausini (12,000) eme mune emenu awararo enaenari widu uke odirieke i Manasa oroubairoma duero dausini (12,000) eme mune emenu awararo enaenari widu uke odirieke i Simioni oroubairoma duero dausini (12,000) eme mune emenu awararo enaenari widu uke odirieke i Riwai oroubairoma duero dausini (12,000) eme mune emenu awararo enaenari widu uke odirieke i Isakara oroubairoma duero dausini (12,000) eme mune emenu awararo enaenari widu uke odirieke i Sebiudoni oroubairoma duero dausini (12,000) eme mune emenu awararo enaenari widu uke odirieke i Diosefu oroubairoma duero dauseni (12,000) eme mune emenu awararo enaenari widu uke odirieke i Bedimani oroubairoma duero dausini (12,000) eme mune emenu awararo enaenari widu uke odirie. Danu widu emenu awararo eno mane widu uke ode fare ane me sini."}
{"eng": "as also in all of his letters, speaking in them of these things. In those, there are some things that are hard to understand, which the ignorant and unsettled twist, as they also do to the other Scriptures, to their own destruction.", "aby": "Iyanu Dai Waria Mima sabu fare dakakuie eme yaisina wirofisaro dubuenaro fafine ibake koro ukaku. Yewa wake imukenewaa uawe. Iyanu naiye, Foru, Godima dawa unu koriro dawa yabake owaowa enaenari yanaike yabairo odairo ya yaisina eka. Enoba dawa danu owaowa yaisinaro owaowaro eno yanake odaku. Danu moi imukekae ubi munekabai arawere ukaku ibake i awara buna me orouma ma nuna ukaada i wakenu ubi ma merama ukaisake Godinu bukaro ibinu ena moi wakenu ubi ma merama ukaisaba ibake emuae emenu onarou feareka daaba ukaisake i merama daabaro anaisa."}
{"eng": "Does a spring send out from the same opening fresh and bitter water?", "aby": "Adua oruroma irauaiai aduaini merama aduaini demuiro fare dakaisa."}
{"eng": "Can a fig tree, my brothers, yield olives, or a vine figs? Thus no spring yields both salt water and fresh water.", "aby": "Nono boruba anaro iro oriwa ana kai uwane dakeibakuro nono gureifi naa didiro boruba ana kai uwane dakeibaku. I ari enoe i dawara ubarenaro ba irau adua ibe dakaku. Nono iyanu demui meanama irauaiai wakeini meramawere wakeini demuiro weaisi."}
{"eng": "Let no man say when he is tempted, “I am tempted by God,” for God can’t be tempted by evil, and he himself tempts no one.", "aby": "Enoba i meramawere uke ereka yabairo fafekuie Godima iya uke iruke erakunia eno da weawe. I meramawere uke iruke erekae Godibairoma da aafekuro nono Godima emebake meramawere da uke yafiaku."}
{"eng": "Then the lust, when it has conceived, bears sin. The sin, when it is full grown, produces death.", "aby": "Nono ainama meramawere uke ereka dawabairo fafekuro dawama enaenari ufekuie dawa i meramawere ukekanu imuka imukeifekuba ibake i meramawere ukeifeku. Enoba i mima danu imukanu meramawere arara mane ufekuie dawa meramawere ufeku. Dawa i ari eno uke meramawere ukeifeku ibake dawae sara feafekuro danu imumu i irau me ibene ibene ibeka orofaro da anifeku."}
{"eng": "yet for love’s sake I rather appeal to you, being such a one as Paul, the aged, but also a prisoner of Jesus Christ.", "aby": "Anu imukari emebairo ukaku ibaibake nanu eenu weeka wake wemane weakune. Nanu ararae Yesu Kerisonu ibiro buna ukaada wemau i deima idua wemauro enaenari ufaku. Nono abake imukari ukaada ibake buna wake da wemauke owainanaku eenu wake mane wemauro naufaku. Na Foru nae ofe iiri mi, nae Yesu Kerisobake weisake ana ebaro odiakaro ibine. Enoya nanu eenu weeka wake wemaro a naua."}
{"eng": "forbidding marriage and commanding to abstain from foods which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth.", "aby": "I orounu meo wefeisa wakeye i ari eno, adara una a aweka da mua, aruma una a eme da mua. Uruna moi da iawe, eno wefeisa."}
{"eng": "For every creature of God is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving.", "aby": "Godima emebairo uruna yaisina marieba emema Godibairo emenu urunabake we ma irauaiai ufeisaie i yaisina ifeisa."}
{"eng": "For it is sanctified through the word of God and prayer.", "aby": "Godima i uruna yaisina we ma irauaiai ukakuba ibake iyama Godibairo iyanu urunabake we ma irauaiai ufeisiie i uruna yaisina irauaiai mane sifeku."}
{"eng": "according to the Good News of the glory of the blessed God, which was committed to my trust.", "aby": "Nono Godima iya ma wiro’iba ibake i darawadue iyanu darawadu me, ie i meramawere ukaisa orounu darawadu. I meramawere ukaisa orou emuae i ari eno ukaisa. Moi orouma moi darawadu medaisa, moi orouma dai orounu wake nauke dakaisa, moi orouma Godi imuke dakaisa, moi orouma ba me merama ukaisa, moi orouma Godinu wake nauke dakaisa, moi orouma wake merama weaisa, moi orouma emeini awekaini ma fearakuneka, moi orouma moi minu aruma aweka enare odaisa, moi orouma Sodomu goi orounu merama ukeka enaenari eme unayaima aiyaka ari ukaisa, moi orouma eme mame munaada emenu orouma oi mafiakane meo weaisa, moi orouma meo wayai wake weaisa, i orouma eno ukaisaba ibake Godima Danu darawadu i oroubairo marie. Nono nama iyanu arakekawere Godinu irau wake i mane weakune. Nono moi orouma i we ma iwoka ukeka wake abanaro ma merama ukaisake imusu imusu meramawere ukaisa. Ibake Godima i darawadu Mosesibairo mai ibake naini iini Godinu irau wake emuabairo weakune."}
{"eng": "to the saints and faithful brothers in Christ at Colossae: Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.", "aby": "Godima Danu arararo uike na Foru Yesu Kerisonu afasoro mi we mune odikara. Naini Dimodini uwama yewa owaowa yanake odaisada ya Godinu wake naukaisa Korose goi orou, ya Godi imukenewaa ukaisa oroubairo yewa owaowa yanake odaisaisua eawe. Godima ya unu kofiake Danu kakawera irau ukeka mafiaro irauaiai mane ibifone weaisu."}
{"eng": "For most certainly that which has been made glorious has not been made glorious in this respect, by reason of the glory that surpasses.", "aby": "I feareka darawadu daabaro fari ena edoroe daiwerero nono i Godima eme ma gienabu ukakune ibainu arakekaro fari ena edoroma i adina edoro ma berekada edoro daiwere ukaku."}
{"eng": "for you are still fleshly. For insofar as there is jealousy, strife, and factions among you, aren’t you fleshly, and don’t you walk in the ways of men?", "aby": "Nanu we wakeye ara mero nudawere moi awekanu ama iduda ari eno. Yae daiwere mebake ara wake, ba uruna ari yabairo we daueke nudawere wake mane i ama iduda ari wake mane yabairo we. Nono awoenae ya enaenari ukaisa. Godinu arara uke dakaisake yanu arara mane ukaisa. Yae dino ukaada urane rarane ukaisake imusu imusu ibaisaie Godinu arara uke dakaisake yanu arara mane ukaisa. Eno ukaisaba ibake yae i orofa akakaro Godinu wake nauke dakaisa orou ari eno sine ibaisa."}
{"eng": "The commanding officer answered, “I bought my citizenship for a great price.” Paul said, “But I was born a Roman.”", "aby": "Eno weiro ame orou yawokeibirie dai mima uyarike Forubairo anike dawabake eno wei, ae Romani miba me weibaie Foruma euwa weiro ame orou yawokeibirie dai mima eno wei, nanu ba doo medeke Romani orofa dai oiwerema make muneke Romani mi sineke awoena ewado ibinea wei. Eno weiro Foruma ma owerike eno wei, nanu babae Romani mi ibake naini Romani miya wei."}
{"eng": "For I know that after my departure, vicious wolves will enter in among you, not sparing the flock.", "aby": "Foruma eno weike nono wei, na animauro moi merama orouma yaini urafeisaya wei. (Waa boroma gasira ifine anakuro fiake ia iyare anaisa i ari) moi merama orouma uyafeisake Godinu wake naukaisa oroubairo fafeisake we ma berafiakaisaya wei."}
{"eng": "Therefore watch, remembering that for a period of three years I didn’t cease to admonish everyone night and day with tears.", "aby": "Moi meomao orouma uyafeisake meo wake wefeisake we irufiakaisaro moi orouma emenu umuro aninao ufeisaba emua yawokenewaa ufiakau wei. Nama yabake imukari ukaada ii weada aine wai ure Godinu wake wenewaa ukeibisaraya wei. Nono awoenae ya Godibairo odimiauro Godima ya yawofiakua wei."}
{"eng": "He found a certain Jew named Aquila, a man of Pontus by race, who had recently come from Italy with his wife Priscilla, because Claudius had commanded all the Jews to depart from Rome. He came to them,", "aby": "Foruma Adena goi medike Korinida goiro ane fari. I goiro moi Du mi danu ibiye Akuira dawaini danu awekaini iro ibeibisi. Akuira dawa doka orofae Fonidia. Akuira danu awekanu ibiye Fasira, enoba emuama Idari orofaroma awoena Korinida goiro faki. Moi mi danu ibiye Korodiasi Sisa, dawae i Romani orofa yawokeibi dai mi. Dawama Du orou yaisina emua Romani goiro ibeka dawa arara daui ibake weiro ia sika. Ia sikaba i Romani goi meisike Korinida goiro faki. Fakiro Foruma emua efiane ane emenu uwararo ani."}
{"eng": "said with a loud voice, “Stand upright on your feet!” He leaped up and walked.", "aby": "Foruini Banabasini emua fakiro i mima Forunu wake nauiro Foruma i mi erenewaa ukaada i mi dawa wirofine imukakua eno we imuike daiwereroma eno wei, anu umuma uyare enaa wei. Eno weibaie i mi idua sabu uyarike enari."}
{"eng": "He said, “Brothers and fathers, listen. The God of glory appeared to our father Abraham when he was in Mesopotamia, before he lived in Haran,", "aby": "Eno weiro Sidiwinima moko wake ma owerike eno wei, babaemukuini naburaka, nanu wake nauawe wei, iyanu sisia sirorari mi, Eibaramu, danu ibeibi orofa Mesofadeimia orofaro ibeibike iroma Erani goiro ane daui. Iro me ibeibiro iyanu Babae Godi, Dawae iyanu dai Godi ibake Dawama Eibaramubairo aare fari."}
{"eng": "and said to him, ‘Get out of your land and away from your relatives, and come into a land which I will show you.’", "aby": "Aare farike eno wei, anu goi orouini yewa orofaini mediake moi orofaro ania wei. I awoena orofa abake ma iwoka umane ukakunea iro ania wei."}
{"eng": "Then he came out of the land of the Chaldaeans and lived in Haran. From there, when his father was dead, God moved him into this land where you are now living.", "aby": "Eno weiba ibake i Karidia orofa medike i orofaro idua ani. Medike ane Erani goiro fari. Iro ane farike iro ibeebe danu babae i Erani goiro feari. Danu babae feariro Godima Eibaramu yewa Isaraera orofa iyanu ibinisi orofaro waure fare odi."}
{"eng": "whom heaven must receive until the times of restoration of all things, which God spoke long ago by the mouth of his holy prophets.", "aby": "Enoba awoenae Dawa urero ibinuba nono dubuenaro orofa akaka eraerabusaini eme ma wirokeka odo fafekuro nono isare aafekua wei. Adinaro Godima Danu we bou urie oroubairo i odobake weia Fidama eno wei."}
{"eng": "And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself.”", "aby": "Na korosiro ure odifokaisaroma eme yaisina ma youre Nanu enaro odimiaua eno wei."}
{"eng": "But he said this, signifying by what kind of death he should die.", "aby": "(Danu feafekubai emuabairo we ma boroo yaraada ibake eno wei.)"}
{"eng": "Now a certain man was sick, Lazarus from Bethany, of the village of Mary and her sister, Martha.", "aby": "Moi mi danu ibiye Rasorosi, dawa arama daiwere ui. Dawaini danu arumayai, Merini Madaini emua Bedeni goiro ibeibisa."}
{"eng": "It was that Mary who had anointed the Lord with ointment and wiped his feet with her hair, whose brother Lazarus was sick.", "aby": "(I arama ui minu moi aruma, Meri, dawae adinaro Yesunu umuro irauaiai urumuma imusu ari aduama ma oinike Yesunu umu uroike nono danu yafa fouma idima adua fofo ma isuri.)"}
{"eng": "Behold, he speaks openly, and they say nothing to him. Can it be that the rulers indeed know that this is truly the Christ?", "aby": "Yesuma i kodo ureka wake eno weiro moi Derusaremu goi orouma eno weisa, yewae emenu ma feafisane weaisa miba me weisa? Eno weisake nono weisa, Dawa iyabairo wake daiwere weakuro i orouma wake muu ukaisaya weisa. Iyanu dai orouma Dawae i Mesaiaba me eno we imukaisa?"}
{"eng": "Jesus therefore, lifting up his eyes and seeing that a great multitude was coming to him, said to Philip, “Where are we to buy bread, that these may eat?”", "aby": "Ibake Yesuma Danu naisama erieke i eme keuwere eraada Firifubake eno wei, aneme aneme uruna oima make mufeisike mafiakikiro i eme yaisina ifeisa eno wei."}
{"eng": "He said this to test him, for he himself knew what he would do.", "aby": "(Yesu Dawa aneaneme ufeku ibai Dawa iwoka uikema Firifu me we nauke eraada ibake eno wei.)"}
{"eng": "He took them, and ate in front of them.", "aby": "Eno weiro Dawabake aisa yaka aduaro abu maisaro munike emenu ibooro iseibiro eka."}
{"eng": "One of them, named Cleopas, answered him, “Are you the only stranger in Jerusalem who doesn’t know the things which have happened there in these days?”", "aby": "Yesuma emuabairo eno wei, aneme wake weada anaisi wei? Eno weiro i miyaima imuka merama daiwere uisike moi mi iboo imusu nauwaro odiro nono moi mi danu ibiye Kiriofasi, dawama Yesubake eno wei, i Derusaremu goi orou yaisina i yaina odo uisa ibai emua yaisina iwoka sinaisaro nono ade aneaneme ibai a iwoka me wei?"}
{"eng": "(he had not consented to their counsel and deed), from Arimathaea, a city of the Jews, who was also waiting for God’s Kingdom.", "aby": "Moi Arimadia goi mi Diosefu dawae moi kanisoro mi, dawae Godinu wake naukeibi. Dawae irauaiai mi. Dawae Godinu yawokaku odo yawokeibi. Adinaro i moi kanisoro orouma Yesu ma feafisane weisaro nono dawae arara me Yesu ma feareka."}
{"eng": "Jesus said to the chief priests, captains of the temple, and elders, who had come against him, “Have you come out as against a robber, with swords and clubs?", "aby": "Eno uike Yesuma i dai ofereni ode sibore sianeka orouini dai sosi uwara furisi kafudenini i Du dai orouini, Dawa mufisane faka oroubake eno wei, Nae waira ukeka mi mebairo anemebake ba bauini goreini waure faraisa wei?"}
{"eng": "When I was with you in the temple daily, you didn’t stretch out your hands against me. But this is your hour, and the power of darkness.”", "aby": "Eno weike nono wei, i dai sosi uwararo yabairo ibeibisara i furo Na mune naama umu wana uwane dayakakema nono awoenae yanu odo farinuro ibake eno ukaisaya weike nono wei, awoenae seidaninu bunaroba ibake eno ukaisaya wei."}
{"eng": "One of them, when he saw that he was healed, turned back, glorifying God with a loud voice.", "aby": "Moi i bou irau siniro wiroi mima danu ofe irauaiai siniro iwoka uike owerike anaadae Godi daiwere we ma irauaiai uike ani."}
{"eng": "He fell on his face at Jesus’ feet, giving him thanks; and he was a Samaritan.", "aby": "Eno uisa ibake i mima Yesubairo farike Yesunu umu udiro ifoma kodudu yanakada Yesu we ma irauaiai ui. I mi dawae Samaria orofa mi."}
{"eng": "and desiring to be fed with the crumbs that fell from the rich man’s table. Yes, even the dogs came and licked his sores.", "aby": "Dawa eno uke aine wai ure eno mane ukeibiro nono i ba me bou biobao bobo mima danu uwara aisame udiro ainada i eraerabusa keuwere bobo minu uruna ifurubai ifine ukeibi. Eno ukaada aineibiro kuasirima danu bou yabuneibisa."}
{"eng": "“Glory to God in the highest, on earth peace, good will toward men.”", "aby": "Eno weibibaie idua buna aneru keuwere i aneru unabairo fakake Godi we ma irauaiai uisake eno weisa, urero Godinu ibi we ma daiwere ufeisia weisa. Nono yewa dooro aina ainama Godinu wake naufeisaie Danu irau ukeka emuabairo mafiakuro me irauaiai ibifeisaya weisa."}
{"eng": "The veil of the temple was torn in two from the top to the bottom.", "aby": "Eno weiro Yesuma daiwere weike ido feari. Yesu feariro dai sosi uwara ubarenaro ooru raarayai enare kuure oisa dai burudu wau ido ekua barunaroma gagane isare aare ubiro fari."}
{"eng": "The high priest stood up in the middle, and asked Jesus, “Have you no answer? What is it which these testify against you?”", "aby": "Moibaima eno weisaro nono moibaima imusu wake weisaro i dai ofereni ode sibore sianeka mi danu yaure ibi orofaroma uyarada Yesubake eno wei, i orounu weaisa wake naukinu wei? I dai ofereni ode sibore sianeka mima Yesubake nono wei, anemebake moko wake we dauke ibinu weike wei, ama aneme aneme wefaku wei?"}
{"eng": "As they sat and were eating, Jesus said, “Most certainly I tell you, one of you will betray me—he who eats with me.”", "aby": "Dumudumu siniro Yesu Dawaini Danu iwoka ukeka orou duweroini (12) emuama i uwara ubarenaro amuke fare yaukake i uruna isaada Yesuma eno wei, moi uruna isaku mima na we sibofekuro mune ane korosiro ufokaisaya wei."}
{"eng": "They also had a few small fish. Having blessed them, he said to serve these also.", "aby": "Adua abua dai mebainakuini enaenari uike makaada yewaini mayakawe weiro mukake emuama mariekaro isa."}
{"eng": "For a woman whose little daughter had an unclean spirit, having heard of him, came and fell down at his feet.", "aby": "Moi aweka danu arumanaku seidaninu merama imumu bobo ibake dawama Yesu fare ibibai nauike ido aare farike ifoma kodudu yanai."}
{"eng": "Now the woman was a Greek, a Syrophoenician by race. She begged him that he would cast the demon out of her daughter.", "aby": "I awekae Du aweka me, dawae Guriki orofa aweka. Danu goiye Sairofonisia. I awekama faraada ifoma kodudu yanaike eenu wei, i seidaninu merama imumu nanu arumanakunu imuka ubarenaro ibinua we beraa wei."}
{"eng": "They sat down in ranks, by hundreds and by fifties.", "aby": "Eno weisaro Yesuma eno wei, yaufisa weawe wei. Weiro moi orofaro eme wani aderedi yaukaro moi orofaro eme fifidi (50) yauka."}
{"eng": "How he entered into God’s house at the time of Abiathar the high priest, and ate the show bread, which is not lawful to eat except for the priests, and gave also to those who were with him?”", "aby": "Eno weisaro Yesuma emuabake ma owerike eno wei, Deiwidini danu orouini desini ureibibake uruna mune iseibisa i wake ya kakuraisakema nono ma nuna ukaisaya wei. Eno weike nono wei, Abiada dawa Godinu dai ofereni ode sibore sianeka mi i dai sosi yawokeibiro Deiwidima Godinu dai sosi uwara ubarenaro amuiro Abiadama i dai sosi uwara yawokeka orounu Godi ereibi iifa buredi mairo munike isaada danu oroubairo mariero isaya eno wei. Emuae eno uisaroma nono Godinu darawaduma emua unu koreka daaba dadau uke dakakua wei."}
{"eng": "Take that which is yours, and go your way. It is my desire to give to this last just as much as to you.", "aby": "Eno weisaro i waiya ubi mima emenu moi mibake eno wei, naiye, abake meramawere uke daunea wei. Oi waria we makanada oi kai demui mufeisi eno yaini naini eno ufeisi weisi enoya anu oi idua muake ania wei. Eno weike wei, Nanu ararae i dubuena anisa orouini ya bokai anisa orouini demui moko makeka ibake eno maniaya wei."}
{"eng": "They all ate and were filled. They took up seven baskets full of the broken pieces that were left over.", "aby": "Mariekaro mune isake boana urie. Ise soakaro uruna iuwa iuwabai mukake bosearo youkaro bosea seweni (7) wake faka."}
{"eng": "Those who ate were four thousand men, in addition to women and children.", "aby": "Eme keuwere yaisina fo dausinini (4,000) awekaboini emenu amarananakuini emua yaisina i uruna isa."}
{"eng": "For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.”", "aby": "Yesuma eno wei, yabake ba weakune. Godinu kodo odo fafekuro Godima emenu me sara wake yaisina we nauke efeku wei. I odoro Godima yanu irauaiai wakebake yabairo irauaiai ufeku. I ari eno, i odoro emenu meramawere wake yaisinabake Godima emuabairo kodo ufekua Yesuma eno wei."}