{ "$schema": "", "$id": "", "title": "ORT resolutions", "description": "The OSS-Review-Toolkit (ORT) provides a possibility to resolve issues, rule violations and security vulnerabilities in a resolutions file. A full list of all available options can be found at", "type": "object", "properties": { "issues": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "object", "properties": { "message": { "type": "string" }, "reason": { "$ref": "#/definitions/issueResolutionReason" }, "comment": { "type": "string" } }, "required": [ "message", "reason" ] } }, "rule_violations": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "object", "properties": { "message": { "type": "string" }, "reason": { "$ref": "#/definitions/ruleViolationResolutionReason" }, "comment": { "type": "string" } }, "required": [ "message", "reason" ] } }, "vulnerabilities": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "object", "properties": { "id": { "type": "string" }, "reason": { "$ref": "#/definitions/vulnerabilityResolutionReason" }, "comment": { "type": "string" } }, "required": [ "id", "reason" ] } } }, "anyOf": [ { "required": [ "issues" ] }, { "required": [ "rule_violations" ] }, { "required": [ "vulnerabilities" ] } ], "definitions": { "issueResolutionReason": { "enum": [ "BUILD_TOOL_ISSUE", "CANT_FIX_ISSUE", "SCANNER_ISSUE" ] }, "ruleViolationResolutionReason": { "enum": [ "CANT_FIX_EXCEPTION", "DYNAMIC_LINKAGE_EXCEPTION", "EXAMPLE_OF_EXCEPTION", "LICENSE_ACQUIRED_EXCEPTION", "NOT_MODIFIED_EXCEPTION", "PATENT_GRANT_EXCEPTION" ] }, "vulnerabilityResolutionReason": { "enum": [ "CANT_FIX_VULNERABILITY", "INEFFECTIVE_VULNERABILITY", "INVALID_MATCH_VULNERABILITY", "MITIGATED_VULNERABILITY", "WILL_NOT_FIX_VULNERABILITY", "WORKAROUND_FOR_VULNERABILITY" ] } } }
{ "$schema": "", "title": "IBM Zapp Document", "description": "JSON schema for zapp.json and zapp.yaml files. Version 1.0.0 -- Licensed Materials - Property of IBM - (c) Copyright IBM Corporation 2022. All Rights Reserved.", "type": "object", "definitions": { "coreProperties": { "type": "object", "required": ["name"], "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "name": { "description": "The name of the Z Project.", "type": "string", "maxLength": 214, "minLength": 1 }, "description": { "description": "This helps people understand your project as it would be used by tools.", "type": "string" }, "version": { "description": "Version is a string and it must be parsable for managing dependencies.", "type": "string", "default": "1.0.0" }, "groupId": { "description": "Defines a group name that is shared for each application part in case of applications composed of multiple parts. Allows to uniquely identify the parts by concatenating with the artifact id. For example a groupId `` with an artifactId `service` would create the unique application identifier ``.", "type": "string", "examples": ["", "payments"] }, "artifactId": { "description": "Define id of the application artifact. Use it in combination with a groupId for multi-part applications.", "type": "string", "default": "", "examples": ["sam"] }, "parentId": { "description": "In case of a multi-part application defines the name of the parent application part. This zapp will inherit properties such as propertyGroups defined in the parent.", "type": "string", "default": "", "examples": [""] }, "keywords": { "description": "This helps people discover your project.", "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" } }, "homepage": { "description": "The url to the project homepage.", "type": "string", "oneOf": [ { "format": "uri" }, { "enum": ["."] } ] }, "license": { "type": "string", "description": "You should specify a license for your package so that people know how they are permitted to use it and any restrictions you're placing on it." }, "author": { "$ref": "#/definitions/person" }, "contributors": { "description": "A list of people who contributed to this package.", "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/person" }, "minItems": 1 }, "maintainers": { "description": "A list of people who maintain this package.", "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/person" }, "minItems": 1 }, "propertyGroups": { "description": "A list properties defining path names for resolving dependencies.", "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/propertyGroupItem" }, "minItems": 1 }, "profiles": { "description": "Profiles are additional groups of properties that should only should become valid under specific conditions such as running in a build job or as part of a debug session.", "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/profile" }, "minItems": 1 } } }, "propertyGroupItem": { "type": "object", "additionalProperties": false, "required": ["name"], "properties": { "name": { "type": "string", "description": "The name of the property group, which is used in hovers and error messages.", "examples": ["sample-local"] }, "language": { "type": "string", "enum": ["cobol", "pl1", "hlasm", "rexx", "jcl"], "description": "Limits the property group to one specific language." }, "compilerOptions": { "type": "string", "description": "Global compiler options separated by a comma that impact the parsing of the programs for the editor. Requires that you specify a language. If there are multiple Property Groups for a language with compiler option then they will be concatenated." }, "libraries": { "type": "array", "description": "An array of potential library locations defining the search order for include files. Libraries with the name 'syslib' will be handled as default include locations. The list can contain many entries of the type 'local' or 'mvs'. It can contain items of the same type twice in case, for example, you want to search in remote locations first, then some local location, and if still not found more remote locations.", "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/libraryItem" }, "minItems": 1 } } }, "libraryItem": { "type": "object", "additionalProperties": false, "required": ["name", "type", "locations"], "properties": { "name": { "type": "string", "description": "Name of the library. The default name should be `syslib` if using unamed libraries.", "default": "syslib", "examples": ["syslib", "currencylib"] }, "type": { "type": "string", "enum": ["mvs", "local"], "description": "The type of the property group defining where dependencies should be located. Allowed values are 'local' for using a local workspace and 'mvs' for dependencies located in MVS Datasets.", "default": "local", "examples": ["local", "mvs"] }, "locations": { "type": "array", "description": "An array of include file locations. For 'local' libraries values can be absolute and relative filename paths using GLOB patterns. For 'mvs' libraries value can be data set names. GLOB patterns for dat sets are currently not supported.", "items": { "type": "string" }, "minItems": 1, "examples": ["**/copybook", "USER1.SAMPLE.COBCOPY"] } } }, "person": { "description": "A person who has been involved in creating or maintaining this package", "type": ["object", "string"], "required": ["name"], "properties": { "name": { "type": "string" }, "url": { "type": "string", "format": "uri" }, "email": { "type": "string", "format": "email" } } }, "profile": { "type": "object", "description": "Profiles are additional groups of properties that should only should become valid under specific conditions such as running in a build job or as part of a debug session.", "additionalProperties": false, "required": ["name", "type"], "properties": { "name": { "type": "string", "description": "The name of the profile.", "examples": ["dbb-build"] }, "type": { "type": "string", "enum": ["dbb", "rseapi", "debug"], "description": "The type of the profile.", "default": "dbb", "examples": ["dbb", "rseapi"] }, "settings": { "description": "Settings objects specific to the type specified for the profile.", "type": "object" } }, "anyOf": [ { "required": ["name", "type", "settings"], "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "name": { "type": "string" }, "type": { "const": "dbb", "type": "string" }, "settings": { "$ref": "#/definitions/dbbSettingsItem" } } }, { "required": ["name", "type", "settings"], "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "name": { "type": "string" }, "type": { "const": "rseapi", "type": "string" }, "settings": { "$ref": "#/definitions/rseapiSettingsItem" } } } ] }, "dbbSettingsItem": { "type": "object", "additionalProperties": false, "required": ["application", "command"], "description": "DBB build script properties for running User Build on remote host.", "properties": { "application": { "type": "string", "description": "Defines the name of the application to build. Will be used to create a folder on USS to upload all files to." }, "command": { "type": "string", "description": "Command that the build script is executed with such as the path to groovyz and it's parameters." }, "buildScriptPath": { "type": "string", "description": "The full path of build script on the remote host that should be used with the command." }, "buildScriptArgs": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" }, "description": "A list of strings that are the parameters for the build script. Check the documentation for built-in variables, such as the name of the program to build, that can be used here." }, "additionalDependencies": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" }, "description": "Lists of GLOB patterns that define the files that should be uploaded to USS for a build. Relative path names are interpreted relative to the location of the ZAPP file that is being used for the build, which is a ZAPP file in the same workspace as the program to be build." }, "logFilePatterns": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" }, "description": "Lists of GLOB patterns that define the files that should be downloaded from USS after the build. Relative path names are interpreted relative to the DBB log directory user setting. If not provided then all files of the user setting location will be downloaded." } } }, "rseapiSettingsItem": { "type": "object", "additionalProperties": false, "description": "RSE API client settings for interactions with a z/OS remote host running an RSE API server.", "required": ["mappings", "default.encoding"], "properties": { "mappings": { "type": "array", "description": "A list of mapping objects that map local file extensions to transfer modes and encodings to MVS datasets that can be specified using wildcards.", "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/rseapiSettingsItemMapping" } }, "default.encoding": { "type": "string", "description": "The encoding to be used when no mapping can be found. If not provided then either the user or server default will be used." } } }, "rseapiSettingsItemMapping": { "type": "object", "additionalProperties": false, "description": "One mapping that contains at least transfer and resource values.", "properties": { "extension": { "type": "string", "description": "A local file extension such as cbl or pl1." }, "transfer": { "type": "string", "enum": ["text", "binary"], "description": "The transfer mode to be used. Can be 'text' or 'binary'." }, "resource": { "type": "string", "description": "The data set name to be mapped to. Can use a wildcard such as '**CPY'." }, "encoding": { "type": "string", "description": "The encoding to be used for text transfer. See the RSE API documentation for the values allowed." }, "memberMappings": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "object", "additionalProperties": false, "description": "One member mapping that contains at least transfer and resource values.", "properties": { "extension": { "type": "string", "description": "A local file extension such as cbl or pl1." }, "transfer": { "type": "string", "enum": ["text", "binary"], "description": "The transfer mode to be used. Can be 'text' or 'binary'." }, "encoding": { "type": "string", "description": "The encoding to be used for text transfer. See the RSE API documentation for the values allowed." }, "resource": { "type": "string", "description": "The data set member name to be mapped to. Can use a wildcard such as '**CPY'." } } }, "description": "A nested mappings array with resource mappings to members of the data sets that were mapped by the parent mapping." } } } }, "anyOf": [ { "$ref": "#/definitions/coreProperties" } ] }
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{ "$schema": "", "$id": "netin.config.template.schema.json", "title": "NetinDS - Device template", "description": "NetinDS device configuration template, defines the drivers used to collect the datapoints and the transformations and alarms to be applied to these datapoints", "type": "object", "definitions": { "schemaVersionDef": { "type": "string", "title": "Schema version", "description": "Fixed value designating the version of the template schema", "markdownDescription": "SemVer style template schema version [See the documentation](", "pattern": "(?<=^v?|\\sv?)(?:(?:0|[1-9][0-9]*).){2}(?:0|[1-9][0-9]*)(?:-(?:0|[1-9][0-9]*|[0-9a-z-]*[a-z-][0-9a-z-]*)(?:.(?:0|[1-9][0-9]*|[0-9a-z-]*[a-z-][0-9a-z-]*))*)?(?:\\+[0-9a-z-]+(?:.[0-9a-z-]+)*)?\\b", "examples": [ "1.5.2", "7.5.3", "7.5.3-test" ], "errorMessage": "Not valid version string, for more information see :" }, "originDef": { "title": "Origin", "description": "Monitored system, subsystem, device or ... source of the datapoint", "type": "string", "pattern": "^\\/\\{[a-zA-Z0-9-_.]{1,80}\\}\\/$|^[a-zA-Z0-9-_.]{1,80}$", "errorMessage": "origin should be a string. Maximum size of 80 alphanumerical characters or symbol: -_." }, "templateIdDef": { "type": "string", "title": "Template identification", "description": "Template identification string", "pattern": "^[a-zA-Z0-9-_ ]{1,80}$", "errorMessage": "templateId should be a string. Maximum size of 80 alphanumerical characters or symbol: -_" }, "templateVersionDef": { "type": "string", "title": "Template version", "description": "SemVer style template version", "markdownDescription": "SemVer style template version [See the documentation](", "pattern": "(?<=^v?|\\sv?)(?:(?:0|[1-9][0-9]*).){2}(?:0|[1-9][0-9]*)(?:-(?:0|[1-9][0-9]*|[0-9a-z-]*[a-z-][0-9a-z-]*)(?:.(?:0|[1-9][0-9]*|[0-9a-z-]*[a-z-][0-9a-z-]*))*)?(?:\\+[0-9a-z-]+(?:.[0-9a-z-]+)*)?\\b", "examples": [ "1.5.2", "7.5.3", "7.5.3-test" ], "errorMessage": "templateVersion should be a valid version string. For more information see :" }, "descriptionDef": { "type": "string", "title": "Template description", "description": "Detailed information about the device or system to be monitored by this device", "minLength": 1, "maxLength": 800, "errorMessage": "description should be a string of at least one character and maximum 800 characters" }, "rangerFilterDef": { "type": "object", "title": "Ranger match configuration", "description": "Tags used by Ranger to match discoverd devices with their respective templates", "properties": { "deviceID": { "type": "string", "title": "deviceID Regex", "description": "Regular expression for PROFINET device identification field in hexadecimal format", "examples": [ "0x0A01", "0x0A0B" ], "errorMessage": "DeviceID should be a string" }, "vendorID": { "type": "string", "title": "vendorID regex", "description": "Regular expression for PROFINET manufacturer identification field in hexadecimal format", "markdownDescription": "Regular expression for [PROFINET manufacturer]( identification field in hexadecimal format", "examples": [ "0x002A" ], "errorMessage": "vendorID should be a string" }, "description": { "type": "string", "title": "Device description Regex", "description": "Regular expression for SNMP sysDescr OID ( device description", "examples": [ "SIMATIC NET, SCALANCE X2" ], "minLength": 1, "maxLength": 800, "errorMessage": "description should be a string of at least one character and maximum 800 characters" } }, "defaultSnippets": [ { "label": "PROFINET based", "description": "Ranger filter for a PROFINET device", "body": { "deviceID": "0x0A01", "vendorID": "0x002A" } }, { "label": "SNMP based", "description": "Ranger filter for a SNMP device", "body": { "description": "SIMATIC NET" } } ] }, "originTypeDef": { "type": "string", "title": "Driver (Origin type) identification", "description": "Driver (Origin type) identification string for the driver", "pattern": "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]{1,80}$", "errorMessage": "Should be a string and follow the pattern: alphanumerical characters and - symbol, maximum length 80" }, "originTypeConfigDef": { "type": "object", "title": "Driver (Origin type) configuration", "description": "Driver (Origin type) configuration object. Check the specific documentation for each driver", "markdownDescription": "Driver (Origin type) configuration object. Check the specific [documentation]( for each driver", "properties": { "originType": { "$ref": "#/definitions/originTypeDef" } }, "defaultSnippets": [ { "label": "PROFINET Driver", "description": "Basic PROFINET Driver configuration", "body": { "originType": "netin-ds-drv-pnio", "ipAddress": "/{DCP_IPAddress}/", "gsd": "GSDML-V2.35-Siemens-ET200SP-20200729" } }, { "label": "SNMP Driver", "description": "Basic SNMP Driver configuration", "body": { "originType": "netin-ds-drv-snmp", "basicConfig": { "retries": 2, "address": "/{ICMP_IPAddress}/", "port": 161, "version": 2, "timeout": 5000 }, "snmpCommunities": { "readCommunity": "public", "writeCommunity": "private" }, "snmpV3Security": { "authAlgorithm": "MD5", "privacyAlgorithm": "DES", "usmUser": "", "authPassword": "", "privacyPassword": "" } } }, { "label": "ICMP Driver", "description": "Basic ICMP configuration", "body": { "originType": "netin-ds-drv-icmp", "address": "/{ICMP_IPAddress}/", "count": 4, "timeout": 1000 } }, { "label": "S7 Driver", "description": "Basic S7 configuration", "body": { "originType": "netin-ds-drv-s7", "s7basicConfig": { "address": "/{ICMP_IPAddress}/", "rack": 0, "slot": 2, "deviceType": "S7-300" }, "s7extraConfig": { "requestTimeout": 15000, "connectionTimeout": 3000, "port": 102 }, "s7security": { "password": "", "accessProtection": false }, "s7diagnosticBuffer": { "loggingEnabled": false } } }, { "label": "MQTT Broker Driver", "description": "Basic MQTT Broker configuration", "body": { "originType": "netin-ds-drv-mqtt", "source": "/{DCP_IPAddress}/", "topics": [ { "topicName": "MyTopic", "datapointSet": "MyDatapointSet", "originStrategy": { "strategyId": "property", "property": "MyProperty", "expression": "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*" }, "operationMode": "extract" } ] } }, { "label": "MODBUS Driver", "description": "Basic MODBUS Broker configuration", "body": { "originType": "netin-ds-drv-modbus-tcp", "address": "/{DCP_IPAddress}/", "slaveId": 1, "port": 502 } } ], "additionalProperties": true, "required": [ "originType" ] }, "datapointSetTypeDef": { "type": "string", "title": "DatapointSet type", "description": "Define the data structure of this datapointSet, check the documentation for more information", "markdownDescription": "Define the data structure of this datapointSet, check the [documentation]( for more information", "enum": [ "map", "tableStatic", "tableDynamic" ], "errorMessage": "datapointSetType should be a string. DatapointSet type is datapointSetType, and should be one of: map, tableStatic, tableDynamic" }, "datapointSetIdDef": { "title": "DatapointSet identification", "description": "DatapointSet identification string", "type": "string", "pattern": "^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{1,40}$", "errorMessage": "DatapointSet identification must be alphanumeric string [1-40], \"-\" & \"_\" are also allowed" }, "tableAddressDef": { "type": "object", "title": "Table address config", "description": "Specific configuration for tabled based datapointSets", "properties": { "rootAddress": { "type": "string", "title": "Table root address", "description": "Main address for the table, this information is specific for each kind of driver", "maxLength": 240, "errorMessage": "rootAddress should be a string [0-240]" }, "indexes": { "type": "array", "title": "Tables indexes", "description": "Array of datapointIds that will act as table indexes, this means columns that acts as keys of the table", "items": { "type": "string", "title": "Table index", "description": "One of the datapointId of the table type datapointSet", "pattern": "^[a-zA-Z0-9#&_-]{1,80}$" }, "errorMessage": "Indexes must be an array of datapoint identification strings" } } }, "broadcastDef": { "type": "boolean", "title": "Broadcast flag", "description": "Flag to indicate that the alarm/datapointSet will be broadcasted to NetinHUB channels", "errorMessage": "Broadcast flag should be a boolean" }, "routingDef": { "type": "object", "properties": { "topic": { "type": "string", "title": "Topic identification", "description": "Define the topic that should be used to transport the data", "maxLength": 80, "errorMessage": "Should be a string of less than 80 characters" }, "service": { "type": "string", "title": "Service identification", "description": "Define the service that should consume the information", "maxLength": 80, "errorMessage": "Should be a string of less than 80 characters" }, "serviceConfig": { "type": "object", "title": "Service configuration", "description": "Object to define the specific configuration of the service", "additionalProperties": true } }, "required": [ "topic" ] }, "dataTypeDef": { "title": "NetinDS data type", "description": "Define the type of the data in the NetinDS context, this means how NetinDS will manage the data before the conversions", "type": "string", "enum": [ "BYTE", "INTEGER", "LONG", "FLOAT", "DOUBLE", "STRING", "BOOLEAN", "DATE", "ARRAY", "INTEGER_ARRAY", "STRING_ARRAY", "DOUBLE_ARRAY", "BOOLEAN_ARRAY", "FLOAT_ARRAY", "LONG_ARRAY", "OBJECT" ], "errorMessage": "DataType should be one of: BYTE, INTEGER, LONG, FLOAT, DOUBLE, STRING, BOOLEAN, DATE, ARRAY, INTEGER_ARRAY, STRING_ARRAY, DOUBLE_ARRAY, BOOLEAN_ARRAY, FLOAT_ARRAY, LONG_ARRAY, OBJECT" }, "originDataTypeDef": { "type": "string", "title": "Driver data type", "description": "Define the type of the data in the driver context, this means how the type of data that driver expect to collect", "pattern": "^[a-zA-Z0-9-_]{1,80}$", "errorMessage": "Driver side data type should follow the pattern: alphanumerical string +\"-\" and \"_\", size [1-80]" }, "originAddressDef": { "type": "string", "title": "Datapoint address (drivers side)", "description": "Define the address of this datapoint. This is specific for each driver", "markdownDescription": "Define the address of this datapoint. [This is specific for each driver](", "pattern": "^[\\w\\d_&#:$.-]{1,80}$", "errorMessage": "Datapoint address should be an alphanumerical string [1-80] and [_&#:$.-]" }, "originAccessTypeDef": { "type": "string", "title": "Datapoint access type", "description": "Access level to the datapoint. This is specific for each driver", "markdownDescription": "Access level to the datapoint. [This is specific for each driver](", "enum": [ "read-only", "write-only", "read-write", "not-accessible" ], "errorMessage": "Datapoint access type should be a string and one of: read-only, write-only, read-write, not-accessible" }, "receiveModeDef": { "type": "string", "title": "Receive mode", "description": "Define how the driver should get the value of this datapoint. This is specific for each driver", "markdownDescription": "Define how the driver should get the value of this datapoint. [This is specific for each driver](", "enum": [ "polling", "singleQuery", "subscription" ], "errorMessage": "Receive mode should be a string and one of: polling, singleQuery, subscription" }, "pollingGroupDef": { "type": "string", "title": "Polling group", "description": "Frequency in which the driver should update the value of this datapoint. This is specific for each driver", "markdownDescription": "Frequency in which the driver should update the value of this datapoint. [This is specific for each driver](", "enum": [ "5s", "10s", "30s", "1m", "5m", "10m", "15m", "30m", "1h", "4h", "6h", "12h", "1d" ], "errorMessage": "Polling group should be a string and one of: 5s, 10s, 30s, 1m, 5m, 10m, 15m, 30m, 1h, 4h, 6h, 12h, 1d" }, "datapointTypeDef": { "type": "string", "title": "Datapoint type", "description": "Define the kind of information types, within NetinDS context, that the driver/zavod instances will generate for this datapoint", "markdownDescription": "Define the kind of [information types](, within NetinDS context, that the driver/zavod instances will generate for this datapoint", "enum": [ "SIMPLE", "TIMEPOINT", "DATAPOINT", "@DATAPOINT", "@TIMEPOINT", "#DATAPOINT", "#TIMEPOINT" ], "errorMessage": "DatapointType must be one of: SIMPLE, TIMEPOINT, DATAPOINT, @DATAPOINT, @TIMEPOINT, #DATAPOINT, #TIMEPOINT" }, "datapointIdDef": { "title": "Datapoint identification", "description": "Datapoint identification string", "type": "string", "pattern": "^[a-zA-Z0-9#&_-]{1,80}$", "errorMessage": "Should be a string and follow the pattern: alphanumerical and symbols #&_- with less than 41 characters" }, "symbolDef": { "type": "string", "title": "Symbol ID", "description": "Identification string for logic expression", "minLength": 1, "errorMessage": "Should be a string of at least one characters and less than 40 characters" }, "expressionDef": { "type": "string", "title": "Expression", "description": "Expression to be evaluated by NetinDS-Zavod", "markdownDescription": "Expression to be [evaluated]( by NetinDS-Zavod", "examples": [ "(^(5|[5-9]\\d*)\\.(3|[3-9]\\d*)\\.(0|[1-9]\\d*)?$).test(datapoint.value)", "datapoint.rawValue" ], "minLength": 1, "maxLength": 800, "errorMessage": "Should be a string of at least one character and less than 800 characters" }, "expressionLogicObjectDef": { "type": "object", "title": "Expressions", "description": "Expressions that will be checked in this evaluation", "properties": { "expression": { "$ref": "#/definitions/expressionDef" }, "symbol": { "$ref": "#/definitions/symbolDef" } }, "additionalProperties": false, "required": [ "expression", "symbol" ] }, "severityDef": { "title": "Alarm severity", "description": "Level of criticality of the alarm", "markdownDescription": "[Level]( of criticality of the alarm", "type": "integer", "minimum": -1, "maximum": 1000, "errorMessage": "Should be a number greater than -1 and lower than 1001" }, "severityForAlarmsDef": { "title": "Alarm severity", "description": "Level of criticality of the alarm", "markdownDescription": "[Level]( of criticality of the alarm", "type": "integer", "minimum": 201, "maximum": 1000, "errorMessage": "Should be a number greater than 200 and lower than 1001" }, "severityForLogsDef": { "title": "Log severity", "description": "Level of criticality of the log", "markdownDescription": "[Level]( of criticality of the alarm", "type": "integer", "minimum": 1, "maximum": 200, "errorMessage": "Should be a number greater than 0 and lower than 201" }, "textDef": { "title": "Alarm related text", "description": "Alarm/event descriptive text", "type": "string", "minLength": 1, "maxLength": 800, "errorMessage": "Should be a string of at least one character and less than 500 characters" }, "auditedDef": { "type": "boolean", "title": "Alarm in audit process", "description": "Flag indication for audit process", "errorMessage": "Should be boolean" }, "hiddenDef": { "type": "boolean", "title": "Hidden flag", "description": "Flag to indicate that the alarm is hidden by user request", "errorMessage": "Should be boolean" }, "facilityDef": { "type": "integer", "title": "Resource group ID", "description": "Ident number for the resource group", "markdownDescription": "[Ident number]( for the resource group", "minimum": -1, "maximum": 255, "errorMessage": "Should be a number in the range [-1, 255]" }, "logicDef": { "type": "string", "title": "Logic operation", "description": "Logic operation to be applied between all the expressions", "examples": [ "evalID1 & evalID2" ], "minLength": 1, "maxLength": 80, "errorMessage": "Should be a string of at least one character and less than 80 characters" }, "evaluationForLogsDef": { "type": "object", "title": "Evaluations array", "description": "Array with all the evaluations that will be checked", "properties": { "expressions": { "type": "array", "title": "Array of logical expressions", "description": "Array of logical expression than should return a boolean value", "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/expressionLogicObjectDef" } }, "logic": { "$ref": "#/definitions/logicDef" }, "severity": { "$ref": "#/definitions/severityForLogsDef" }, "text": { "$ref": "#/definitions/textDef", "title": "Alarm description", "description": "Alarm/event descriptive text" }, "textHelp": { "$ref": "#/definitions/textDef", "title": "Alarm help text", "description": "Descriptive information that help to understand the alarm" }, "onStartup": { "type": "boolean", "title": "Alert on startup", "description": "Indicates wether the alert must be sent when the conditions are met from the beginning" }, "audited": { "$ref": "#/definitions/auditedDef" }, "hidden": { "$ref": "#/definitions/hiddenDef" }, "broadcast": { "$ref": "#/definitions/broadcastDef" }, "facility": { "$ref": "#/definitions/facilityDef" }, "routing": { "$ref": "#/definitions/routingDef" } }, "additionalProperties": true, "required": [ "expressions", "logic", "severity", "text", "textHelp", "onStartup", "audited", "hidden", "broadcast", "facility" ] }, "evaluationForAlarmsDef": { "type": "object", "title": "Evaluations array", "description": "Array with all the evaluations that will be checked", "properties": { "expressions": { "type": "array", "title": "Array of logical expressions", "description": "Array of logical expression than should return a boolean value", "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/expressionLogicObjectDef" } }, "logic": { "$ref": "#/definitions/logicDef" }, "severity": { "$ref": "#/definitions/severityForAlarmsDef" }, "text": { "$ref": "#/definitions/textDef", "title": "Alarm description", "description": "Alarm/event descriptive text" }, "textHelp": { "$ref": "#/definitions/textDef", "title": "Alarm help text", "description": "Descriptive information that help to understand the alarm" }, "onStartup": { "type": "boolean", "title": "Alert on startup", "description": "Indicates wether the alert must be sent when the conditions are met from the beginning" }, "audited": { "$ref": "#/definitions/auditedDef" }, "hidden": { "$ref": "#/definitions/hiddenDef" }, "broadcast": { "$ref": "#/definitions/broadcastDef" }, "facility": { "$ref": "#/definitions/facilityDef" }, "routing": { "$ref": "#/definitions/routingDef" } }, "additionalProperties": true, "required": [ "expressions", "logic", "severity", "text", "textHelp", "onStartup", "audited", "hidden", "broadcast", "facility" ] }, "valueDef": { "title": "Datapoint value or rawValue", "description": "Value or rawValue of a datapoint", "anyOf": [ { "type": "string" }, { "type": "number" }, { "type": "boolean" }, { "type": "array" }, { "type": "object" } ] }, "commonConfigDef": { "type": "object", "title": "Common configuration", "description": "Datapoint common configuration object", "markdownDescription": "Datapoint [common configuration]( object", "properties": { "alias": { "type": "string", "title": "Alias", "description": "Alias name for the datapoint, used as representation label", "examples": [ "Packets errors", "Partner" ], "minLength": 1, "maxLength": 80, "errorMessage": "Should be a string of at least one character and less than 80 characters" }, "description": { "type": "string", "title": "Description", "description": "Detailed information about the datapoint", "examples": [ "Number of packets dropped for error", "Name of the partner" ], "minLength": 0, "maxLength": 1200, "errorMessage": "Should be a string of at least one character and less than 1200 characters" }, "syntaxInfo": { "type": "string", "title": "Syntax", "description": "Description about the syntax of this datapoints values", "minLength": 0, "maxLength": 1200, "errorMessage": "Should be a string of at least one character and less than 1200 characters" }, "datapointType": { "$ref": "#/definitions/datapointTypeDef" }, "datapointId": { "$ref": "#/definitions/datapointIdDef" }, "additionalProperties": false }, "required": [ "datapointId", "datapointType" ] }, "addressConfigDef": { "type": "object", "title": "Address config", "description": "Datapoint address configuration object", "markdownDescription": "(Datapoint address configuration object)[]", "properties": { "dataType": { "$ref": "#/definitions/dataTypeDef" }, "originType": { "$ref": "#/definitions/originTypeDef" }, "originDataType": { "$ref": "#/definitions/originDataTypeDef" }, "originAddress": { "$ref": "#/definitions/originAddressDef" }, "originAccessType": { "$ref": "#/definitions/originAccessTypeDef" }, "receiveMode": { "$ref": "#/definitions/receiveModeDef" }, "pollingGroup": { "$ref": "#/definitions/pollingGroupDef" } }, "additionalProperties": false, "required": [ "dataType", "originType", "originDataType", "originAddress", "originAccessType", "receiveMode", "pollingGroup" ] }, "alertConfigDef": { "title": "Datapoint alert config", "type": "object", "description": "Allows to configure trigger of alarms and events depending on the datapoint values", "markdownDescription": "Allows to configure trigger of [alarms]( and events depending on the datapoint values", "properties": { "evaluations": { "oneOf": [ { "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/evaluationForLogsDef" }, "minItems": 1, "uniqueItemProperties": [ "severity" ] }, { "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/evaluationForAlarmsDef" }, "minItems": 1, "uniqueItemProperties": [ "severity" ] } ] } }, "additionalProperties": false, "required": [ "evaluations" ] }, "calcConfig": { "type": "object", "title": "Calculate datapoint configuration", "description": "Allows to create new datapoints based on an expression", "markdownDescription": "Allows to create [new datapoints]( based on an expression", "properties": { "expression": { "$ref": "#/definitions/expressionDef" } }, "additionalProperties": false, "required": [ "expression" ] }, "convConfigDef": { "type": "object", "title": "Datapoint conversion configuration", "description": "Allows to apply enrichment expressions on the value field", "markdownDescription": "Allows to apply [enrichment expressions]( on the value field", "properties": { "expression": { "$ref": "#/definitions/expressionDef" } }, "additionalProperties": false, "required": [ "expression" ] }, "defaultValueConfigDef": { "type": "object", "title": "Default value configuration", "description": "Allows to apply default values to a datapoint when the value or rawValue is null", "markdownDescription": "Allows to apply [default values]( to a datapoint when the value or rawValue is `null`", "properties": { "isDefault": { "type": "boolean", "title": "Substitution flag", "description": "Flag to indicate that the value is used as substitution value" }, "rawValue": { "title": "Default rawValue", "description": "Value to be assigned to rawValue field", "$ref": "#/definitions/valueDef" }, "value": { "title": "Default value", "description": "Value to be assigned to value field", "$ref": "#/definitions/valueDef" } }, "additionalProperties": false, "anyOf": [ { "required": [ "isDefault", "rawValue", "value" ] }, { "required": [ "isDefault", "value" ] }, { "required": [ "isDefault", "rawValue" ] } ] }, "rowFilterConfigDef": { "type": "object", "title": "DatapointSet table filter", "description": "Allows row filtering in table based datapointSets", "markdownDescription": "Allows [row filtering]( in table based datapointSets", "properties": { "expressions": { "type": "array", "title": "Array of logical expressions", "description": "Array of logical expression than should return a boolean value", "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/expressionLogicObjectDef" } }, "logic": { "$ref": "#/definitions/logicDef" } } }, "unitsConfigDef": { "type": "object", "title": "Units conversion configuration", "description": "Allows converts between measure units", "markdownDescription": "Allows converts between [measure units](", "properties": { "from": { "type": "string", "title": "From", "description": "Actual measure units", "examples": [ "m", "g" ] }, "to": { "type": "string", "title": "To", "description": "Desired measure units", "examples": [ "m", "g" ] }, "toBest": { "type": "boolean", "title": "To best", "description": "Select the measure unit that best fit" }, "exclude": { "type": "array", "title": "Exclude", "description": "Array of excluded measure units, when toBest is enabled", "items": { "type": "string", "title": "Exclude unit", "description": "Exclude measure unit", "examples": [ "m", "g" ] } }, "units": { "type": "boolean", "title": "Units", "description": "Flag to indicate that the unit of measure must indicated" } }, "additionalProperties": false, "anyOf": [ { "required": [ "from", "to" ], "not": { "required": [ "toBest", "exclude" ] } }, { "required": [ "from", "toBest" ], "not": { "required": [ "to" ] } } ] }, "valueMapConfigDef": { "type": "object", "title": "Map based conversion configuration", "description": "Allows converts rawValue to value based in a key/value map", "markdownDescription": "Allows converts rawValue to value based in a [key/value]( map", "properties": { "map": { "type": "array", "title": "Map", "description": "Key/Value map with the conversion options", "items": { "type": "object", "title": "Entry", "description": "Entry in the key/value map", "properties": { "key": { "title": "Key", "description": "Entry key", "oneOf": [ { "type": "string" }, { "type": "number" }, { "type": "boolean" } ] }, "value": { "title": "Value", "description": "Entry value", "oneOf": [ { "type": "string" }, { "type": "number" }, { "type": "boolean" }, { "type": "integer" } ] } } } } }, "additionalProperties": false, "required": [ "map" ] }, "datapointConfigDef": { "type": "object", "title": "Datapoint object", "description": "Object that define a complete datapoint configuration", "markdownDescription": "Object that define a complete [datapoint configuration](", "properties": { "addressConfig": { "$ref": "#/definitions/addressConfigDef" }, "commonConfig": { "$ref": "#/definitions/commonConfigDef" }, "alertConfig": { "$ref": "#/definitions/alertConfigDef" }, "calcConfig": { "$ref": "#/definitions/calcConfig" }, "convConfig": { "$ref": "#/definitions/convConfigDef" }, "defaultValueConfig": { "$ref": "#/definitions/defaultValueConfigDef" }, "rowFilterConfig": { "$ref": "#/definitions/rowFilterConfigDef" }, "unitsConfig": { "$ref": "#/definitions/unitsConfigDef" }, "valueMapConfig": { "$ref": "#/definitions/valueMapConfigDef" } }, "additionalProperties": { "type": "object" }, "allOf": [ { "if": { "properties": { "commonConfig": { "type": "object", "properties": { "datapointType": { "const": "#TIMEPOINT" } } } }, "required": [ "commonConfig" ] }, "then": { "properties": { "addressConfig": { "$ref": "#/definitions/addressConfigDef" }, "commonConfig": { "$ref": "#/definitions/commonConfigDef" } }, "required": [ "commonConfig", "addressConfig" ], "additionalProperties": false } }, { "anyOf": [ { "required": [ "commonConfig", "addressConfig" ], "not": { "required": [ "calcConfig" ] } }, { "required": [ "commonConfig", "calcConfig" ], "not": { "required": [ "addressConfig" ] } }, { "required": [ "commonConfig", "defaultValueConfig" ], "not": { "required": [ "addressConfig", "calcConfig" ] } }, { "required": [ "commonConfig", "defaultValueConfig, addressConfig" ], "not": { "required": [ "calcConfig" ] } }, { "required": [ "commonConfig", "defaultValueConfig", "calcConfig" ], "not": { "required": [ "addressConfig" ] } } ] } ] }, "datapointSetConfigDef": { "type": "object", "title": "Datapoint set", "description": "DatapointSet configuration object", "markdownDescription": "[DatapointSet configuration]( object", "properties": { "datapointSetType": { "$ref": "#/definitions/datapointSetTypeDef" }, "datapointSetId": { "$ref": "#/definitions/datapointSetIdDef" }, "alias": { "type": "string", "title": "Alias", "description": "Alias name for the datapointSet, used as representation label", "default": "none", "examples": [ "Port information" ], "minLength": 1, "maxLength": 80, "errorMessage": "Should be a string of at least one characters and less than 80 characters" }, "description": { "type": "string", "title": "Description", "description": "Detailed information about the datapoint set", "default": "none", "examples": [ "Information and statistics about the ethernet interfaces" ], "minLength": 0, "maxLength": 1200, "errorMessage": "Should be a string of at least one characters and less than 1200 characters" }, "tableAddress": { "$ref": "#/definitions/tableAddressDef" }, "broadcast": { "$ref": "#/definitions/broadcastDef" }, "routing": { "$ref": "#/definitions/routingDef" }, "datapoints": { "type": "array", "title": "Datapoints", "description": "Array of datapoints for this datapoint set", "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/datapointConfigDef" }, "minItems": 1, "errorMessage": "Should be an array of datapoint configuration objects. There should be at least one datapoint in a datapointSet" } }, "additionalProperties": false, "required": [ "alias", "datapoints", "datapointSetId", "datapointSetType", "description" ], "allOf": [ { "if": { "properties": { "datapointSetType": { "enum": [ "tableStatic", "tableDynamic" ] } } }, "then": { "required": [ "tableAddress" ] } } ] }, "representationDataDef": { "type": "string", "title": "Widget data", "description": "Datapoints that widget will use for representation", "pattern": "^device\\[[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{1,40}((\\.[0-9]+)?\\.[a-zA-Z0-9#&_-]{1,80})?\\]$", "examples": [ "device[deviceInfo]", "device[deviceInfo.deviceSatate]", "device[pnioAPIs.0.cmInitiatorStationName]" ], "errorMessage": "Data should be an string of device[datapointSetId] or device[datapointSetId.datapointId]" }, "representationMapConfigDef": { "type": "object", "title": "Map widget representation", "description": "Specific configuration for map widget representation", "properties": { "format": { "type": "array", "title": "Map rows", "description": "Representation for each row", "items": { "type": "object", "title": "row", "description": "Row configuration", "properties": { "order": { "type": "integer", "title": "Order of the row", "description": "Number of the row", "minimum": 0, "examples": [ 0, 1, 2 ] }, "datapoint": { "$ref": "#/definitions/datapointIdDef" }, "alias": { "type": "string", "title": "Show text", "description": "Text to display", "minLength": 1, "maxLength": 80, "examples": [ "Name", "Type", "Netmask" ] }, "fieldType": { "type": "string", "title": "row type", "description": "Format for row value", "enum": [ "string", "boolean", "numeric", "date", "severity" ] }, "utc": { "type": "boolean", "title": "UTC time", "description": "Format date to UTC time" } }, "additionalProperties": false, "required": [ "order", "datapoint", "alias" ] }, "minItems": 1 } }, "additionalProperties": false, "required": [ "format" ] }, "representationTableConfigDef": { "type": "object", "title": "Table 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"advanced" ], "title": "Mode", "description": "Indicates if the column should be shown on basic or advance mode" }, "filterable": { "type": "boolean", "title": "Filter enable", "description": "Indicates if the column is filterable" }, "filterType": { "type": "string", "title": "Filter type", "description": "Format for column filter", "enum": [ "string", "boolean", "numeric", "date", "severity" ] }, "width": { "type": "integer", "title": "Column width", "description": "Column initial width", "minimum": 1, "examples": [ 60, 120, 200 ] }, "minScreenSize": { "type": "string", "title": "Screen size", "description": "Column minimun screen size", "enum": [ "xs", "s", "m", "l" ] } }, "additionalProperties": false, "required": [ "order", "datapoint", "alias" ] }, "minItems": 1 }, "pageSize": { "type": "number", "title": "Page size", "description": "Rows number for each page", "minimum": 2, "maximum": 10, "examples": [ 6, 7, 9 ] }, "filterable": { "type": "boolean", "title": "Filter enable", "description": "Indicates if the columns should have filters" } }, "additionalProperties": true, "required": [ "format" ] }, "representationMetricConfigDef": { "type": "object", "title": "metric widget representation", "description": "Specific configuration for metric widget representation", "properties": { "url": { "type": "string", "title": "Metric url", "description": "Define url to opened on click event", "examples": [ "http://${device[origin]}" ] }, "titleEnabled": { "type": "boolean", "title": "Tittle show", "description": "Indicate if tittle should be shown" }, "urlEnabled": { "type": "boolean", "title": "Enable click", "description": "Indicate if event click must be enable" }, "lastUpdateEnabled": { "type": "boolean", "title": "Metric ", "description": "Indicate if timestamp should be shown" } }, "additionalProperties": false }, "representationGaugeConfigDef": { "type": "object", "title": "Gauge widget representation", "description": "Specific configuration for gauge widget representation", "properties": { "format": { "type": "array", "title": "gauge values", "description": "Representation for each gauge value", "items": { "type": "object", "title": "value", "description": "value configuration", "properties": { "datapoint": { "$ref": "#/definitions/datapointIdDef" }, "color": { "type": "string", "title": "Value color", "description": "Color to display the value", "default": "#45A5F5" }, "units": { "type": "string", "title": "Value color", "description": "Color to display the value", "examples": [ "Mb/s", "%", "m/s" ] } }, "additionalProperties": true, "required": [ "datapoint" ] }, "minItems": 1 }, "maxValue": { "type": "number", "title": "Maximum range", "description": "Define the gauge maximum value", "examples": [ 6, 72, 90 ] }, "minValue": { "type": "number", "title": "Minimum range", "description": "Define the gauge minimum value" }, "ranges": { "type": "array", "title": "Value ranges", "description": "Value ranges representation", "items": { "type": "object", "title": "Range", "description": "Gauge range definition", "properties": { "from": { "type": "integer", "title": "First value", "description": "First value of the range" }, "to": { "type": "integer", "title": "Last value", "description": "Last value of the range" }, "severity": { "type": "integer", "title": "Range severity", "description": "Severity of the range" } }, "additionalProperties": false, "required": [ "from", "to", "severity" ] } } }, "additionalProperties": true, "required": [ "format", "maxValue", "minValue" ] }, "representationCommonConfigDef": { "type": "object", "title": "Common representation properties", "description": "Common fields for grid representation", "properties": { "firstRow": { "type": "integer", "title": "Row position", "description": "Define de position of the widget, first row", "minimum": 1, "examples": [ 1, 3, 4 ], "errorMessage": "First row should be a number greater than 1" }, "firstColumn": { "type": "integer", "title": "Column position", "description": "Define de position of the widget, first column", "minimum": 1, "maximum": 8, "examples": [ 1, 4, 5 ], "errorMessage": "First column should be a number between 1 and 8" }, "widgetWidth": { "type": "integer", "title": "Widget width size", "description": "Define de size of the widget, width", "minimum": 1, "maximum": 8, "examples": [ 2, 4, 6 ], "errorMessage": "Widget width should be a number between 1 and 8" }, "widgetHeight": { "type": "integer", "title": "Widget height size", "description": "Define de size of the widget, height", "minimum": 1, "examples": [ 5, 2, 3 ], "errorMessage": "Widget height should be a number greater than 1" }, "widgetType": { "type": "string", "title": "Widget type", "description": "Select widget type", "enum": [ "map", "table", "metric", "gauge" ], "examples": [ "map", "table" ], "errorMessage": "Widget type should be one of the following options: map, table, metric, gauge" }, "widgetTitle": { "type": "string", "title": "Widget title", "description": "Text for widget title", "minLength": 1, "maxLength": 800, "examples": [ "Device Info", "PNIO-Fault" ], "errorMessage": "Widget title should be a string of at least one character and maximum 800 characters" } }, "required": [ "firstRow", "firstColumn", "widgetWidth", "widgetHeight", "widgetType", "widgetTitle" ] }, "representationDef": { "type": "object", "title": "Device representation", "description": "What, where and how information show in device view", "properties": { "data": { "$ref": "#/definitions/representationDataDef" }, "commonConfig": { "$ref": "#/definitions/representationCommonConfigDef" } }, "allOf": [ { "if": { "properties": { "commonConfig": { "type": "object", "properties": { "widgetType": { "const": "map" } } } }, "required": [ "commonConfig" ] }, "then": { "properties": { "data": { "$ref": "#/definitions/representationDataDef" }, "commonConfig": { "$ref": "#/definitions/representationCommonConfigDef" }, "specificConfig": { "$ref": "#/definitions/representationMapConfigDef" } }, "required": [ "data", "commonConfig", "specificConfig" ] } }, { "if": { "properties": { "commonConfig": { "type": "object", "properties": { "widgetType": { "const": "table" } } } } }, "then": { "properties": { "data": { "$ref": "#/definitions/representationDataDef" }, "commonConfig": { "$ref": "#/definitions/representationCommonConfigDef" }, "specificConfig": { "$ref": "#/definitions/representationTableConfigDef" } }, "required": [ "data", "commonConfig", "specificConfig" ] } }, { "if": { "properties": { "commonConfig": { "type": "object", "properties": { "widgetType": { "const": "metric" } } } } }, "then": { "properties": { "data": { "$ref": "#/definitions/representationDataDef" }, "commonConfig": { "$ref": "#/definitions/representationCommonConfigDef" }, "specificConfig": { "$ref": "#/definitions/representationMetricConfigDef" } }, "required": [ "data", "commonConfig", "specificConfig" ] } }, { "if": { "properties": { "commonConfig": { "type": "object", "properties": { "widgetType": { "const": "gauge" } } } }, "required": [ "commonConfig" ] }, "then": { "properties": { "data": { "$ref": "#/definitions/representationDataDef" }, "commonConfig": { "$ref": "#/definitions/representationCommonConfigDef" }, "specificConfig": { "$ref": "#/definitions/representationGaugeConfigDef" } }, "required": [ "data", "commonConfig", "specificConfig" ] } } ] } }, "properties": { "schemaVersion": { "$ref": "#/definitions/schemaVersionDef" }, "origin": { "$ref": "#/definitions/originDef" }, "templateId": { "$ref": "#/definitions/templateIdDef" }, "templateVersion": { "$ref": "#/definitions/templateVersionDef" }, "description": { "$ref": "#/definitions/descriptionDef" }, "rangerFilter": { "$ref": "#/definitions/rangerFilterDef" }, "alias": { "type": "string", "title": "Alias", "description": "Alias name for the template", "examples": [ "SCALANCE XC-200", "SCALANCE X-200" ], "minLength": 1, "maxLength": 80, "errorMessage": "Should be a string of at least one character and less than 80 characters" }, "originTypes": { "title": "Origin types (drivers)", "description": "Origin types (drivers)", "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/originTypeConfigDef" }, "minItems": 1, "uniqueItems": true, "errorMessage": "Should be a array and have at least one entry" }, "datapointSets": { "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/datapointSetConfigDef" }, "uniqueItemProperties": [ "datapointSetId" ], "minItems": 1, "errorMessage": "Should be a array" }, "representation": { "type": "array", "minItems": 1, "errorMessage": "Representation should be a array and have at least one entry", "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/representationDef" } } }, "additionalProperties": false, "required": [ "origin", "templateId", "templateVersion", "description", "datapointSets" ], "errorMessage": "Not valid template object" }
{ "$id": "", "$schema": "", "definitions": { "ExternalStep": { "title": "CodeShip Pro Step", "description": "The definition of a step", "properties": { "name": { "description": "The name of the step. Can be omitted.", "type": "string" }, "type": { "description": "The type of the step. If omitted, defaults to 'run'", "type": "string", "enum": [null, "run", "serial", "push", "parallel", "load", "manual"] }, "tag": { "description": "A pattern matching tags or branches this step and any of its children should be run against. Defaults to always running.", "type": "string" }, "exclude": { "description": "A pattern matching tags or branches on which this step should NOT be run. Defaults to empty.", "type": "string" }, "service": { "description": "The service name defined in codeship-services.yml this step will run on", "type": "string" }, "services": { "description": "A list of service names defined in codeship-services.yml that will be used for this step.", "items": { "type": "string" }, "type": "array" }, "command": { "description": "The command to be run in this step. Required with and can only be used with the 'run' type or no specified type", "type": "string" }, "steps": { "description": "A list of steps to run within this step or on_fail group. Cannot be used with 'run', 'push', or 'load' steps", "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/ExternalStep" }, "type": "array" }, "image_name": { "description": "The image name this push step should push to. Required with and only used by the push step", "type": "string" }, "image_tag": { "description": "The image tag this push step should push to. See for details. Only used by the push step", "default": "latest", "type": "string" }, "registry": { "description": "The image registry this push step should push to. For Docker Hub, use Required with and only used by the push step", "type": "string" }, "encrypted_dockercfg_path": { "description": "The location of a Docker configuration file encrypted by Jet to be used with this step. Optional.", "type": "string" }, "dockercfg_service": { "description": "The name of a service defined in codeship-services.yml that provides the Docker configuration. Optional.", "type": "string" }, "on_fail": { "description": "An optional list of steps to run if this step fails.", "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/ExternalStep" }, "type": "array" } }, "if": { "properties": { "type": { "anyOf": [ { "const": "run" }, { "type": "null" } ] } } }, "then": { "properties": { "steps": { "type": "null" }, "image_name": { "type": "null" }, "image_tag": { "type": "null" }, "registry": { "type": "null" } }, "required": ["command"] }, "else": { "if": { "properties": { "type": { "const": "push" } } }, "then": { "properties": { "command": { "type": "null" }, "steps": { "type": "null" } }, "required": ["image_name", "registry"] }, "else": { "if": { "properties": { "type": { "anyOf": [ { "const": "serial" }, { "const": "parallel" }, { "const": "manual" } ] } } }, "then": { "properties": { "command": { "type": "null" }, "image_name": { "type": "null" }, "image_tag": { "type": "null" }, "registry": { "type": "null" } }, "required": ["steps"] } } }, "type": "object", "additionalProperties": false } }, "description": "codeship-steps.yml is where you configure each step to run in your CI/CD builds with CodeShip.", "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/ExternalStep" }, "title": "CodeShip Pro steps configuration", "type": "array" }
{ "$schema": "", "description": "plagiarize.yaml configuration schema", "id": "", "properties": { "repo": { "required": ["url"], "type": "object", "description": "Configuration for strings, files, and file paths to replace in target file", "properties": { "url": { "description": "Git url of project to plagiarize", "type": "string" }, "checkout": { "description": "Branch, tag, or commit to checkout from project to be plagiarized", "type": "string" } } }, "strings": { "type": "object", "description": "Strings to find in target project and be replaced with plagiarized project's values", "additionalProperties": { "type": ["string", "integer", "boolean"] }, "required": ["project"], "properties": { "project": { "type": "string" } } }, "vars": { "type": "object", "description": "Variables available to be used for finding and replacing by variable name. For example `$var_name: hello` would replace string '$var_name' with 'hello' in target project", "additionalProperties": { "type": ["string", "integer", "boolean"] } } }, "required": ["repo", "strings"], "title": "Plagiarize configuration", "type": "object" }
{ "$id": "", "$schema": "", "additionalProperties": { "type": "object", "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "label": { "title": "A human readable label for the breakpoint", "type": "string" }, "mediaQuery": { "title": "Media query text proper", "examples": ["all and (min-width: 851px)"], "type": "string" }, "weight": { "title": "Positional weight (order) for the breakpoint", "type": "integer" }, "multipliers": { "title": " Supported pixel resolution multipliers", "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string", "pattern": "^\\d+(\\.\\d+)?x$" }, "uniqueItems": true }, "group": { "title": "Breakpoint group", "type": "string" } } }, "title": "JSON schema for Drupal breakpoints file", "type": "object" }
{ "$comment": "", "$id": "", "$schema": "", "definitions": { "slotEnum": { "enum": ["mainhand", "offhand", "feet", "legs", "chest", "head"] }, "numberProvider": { "$comment": "", "properties": { "type": { "title": "Type", "description": "The number provider type.", "type": "string", "enum": [ "minecraft:constant", "minecraft:uniform", "minecraft:binomial", "minecraft:score" ] } }, "allOf": [ { "if": { "properties": { "type": { "const": "minecraft:constant" } } }, "then": { "description": "A constant value.", "properties": { "value": { "title": "Value", "description": "The exact value.", "type": "number" } } } }, { "if": { "properties": { "type": { "const": "minecraft:uniform" } } }, "then": { "description": "A random number following a uniform distribution between two values (inclusive).", "properties": { "min": { "title": "Minimum", "description": "The minimum value.", "type": ["number", "object"], "$ref": "#/definitions/numberProvider" }, "max": { "title": "Max", "description": "The maximum value.", "type": ["number", "object"], "$ref": "#/definitions/numberProvider" } } } }, { "if": { "properties": { "type": { "const": "minecraft:binomial" } } }, "then": { "description": "A random number following a binomial distribution.", "properties": { "n": { "title": "n", "description": "The amount of trials.", "type": ["integer", "object"], "$ref": "#/definitions/numberProvider" }, "p": { "title": "p", "description": "The probability of success on an individual trial.", "$ref": "#/definitions/numberProvider" } } } }, { "if": { "properties": { "type": { "const": "minecraft:score" } } }, "then": { "description": "A scoreboard value.", "properties": { "target": { "title": "Target", "description": "Scoreboard name provider.", "type": ["string", "object"], "enum": ["this", "killer", "direct_killer", "player_killer"], "properties": { "type": { "title": "Type", "description": "Resource location.", "type": "string", "enum": ["fixed", "context"] } }, "allOf": [ { "if": { "properties": { "type": { "const": "fixed" } } }, "then": { "properties": { "name": { "title": "Name", "description": "A UUID or player name.", "type": "string" } } } }, { "if": { "properties": { "type": { "const": "context" } } }, "then": { "properties": { "target": { "title": "Target", "type": "string", "enum": [ "this", "killer", "direct_killer", "player_killer" ] } } } } ] }, "score": { "title": "Score", "description": "The scoreboard objective.", "type": "string" }, "scale": { "title": "Scale", "description": "Scale to multiply the score before returning it.", "type": "number" } } } } ] } }, "description": "Configuration file defining an item modifier for a data pack for Minecraft.", "items": { "properties": { "function": { "title": "Function", "description": "Namespaced ID of the function to apply.", "type": "string", "enum": [ "minecraft:apply_bonus", "minecraft:copy_name", "minecraft:copy_nbt", "minecraft:copy_state", "minecraft:enchant_randomly", "minecraft:enchant_with_levels", "minecraft:exploration_map", "minecraft:explosion_decay", "minecraft:furnace_smelt", "minecraft:fill_player_head", "minecraft:limit_count", "minecraft:looting_enchant", "minecraft:set_attributes", "minecraft:set_banner_pattern", "minecraft:set_contents", "minecraft:set_count", "minecraft:set_damage", "minecraft:set_enchantments", "minecraft:set_loot_table", "minecraft:set_lore", "minecraft:set_name", "minecraft:set_nbt", "minecraft:set_stew_effect" ] } }, "allOf": [ { "if": { "properties": { "function": { "const": "minecraft:apply_bonus" } } }, "then": { "description": "Applies a predefined bonus formula.", "type": "object", "properties": { "enchantment": { "title": "Enchantment", "description": "Enchantment ID used for level calculation.", "type": "string" }, "formula": { "title": "Forumla", "type": "string", "enum": [ "binomial_with_bonus_count", "uniform_bonus_count", "ore_drops" ] }, "parameters": { "title": "Parameters", "description": "Values required for the formula.", "type": "object", "properties": { "extra": { "title": "Extra", "description": "For formula 'binomial_with_bonus_count', the extra value.", "type": "integer" }, "probability": { "title": "Probability", "description": "For formula 'binomial_with_bonus_count', the probability.", "type": "number" }, "bonusMultiplier": { "title": "Bonus Multiplier", "description": "For formula 'uniform_bonus_count', the bonus multiplier.", "type": "number" } } } } } }, { "if": { "properties": { "function": { "const": "minecraft:copy_name" } } }, "then": { "description": "For loot table type 'block', copies a block entity's CustomName tag into the item's display.", "type": "object", "properties": { "source": { "title": "Source", "type": "string", "enum": ["block_entity"], "default": "block_entity" } } } }, { "if": { "properties": { "function": { "const": "minecraft:copy_nbt" } } }, "then": { "description": "Copies NBT to the item.", "type": "object", "properties": { "source": { "title": "Source", "anyOf": [ { "type": "string", "enum": ["block_entity", "this", "killer", "killer_player"] }, { "type": "string" }, { "type": "object", "properties": { "type": { "title": "Type", "description": "NBT provider type.", "type": "string", "enum": ["minecraft:context", "minecraft:storage"] } }, "allOf": [ { "if": { "properties": { "type": { "const": "minecraft:context" } } }, "then": { "properties": { "target": { "title": "Target", "description": "Same as source above.", "type": "string" } } } }, { "if": { "properties": { "type": { "const": "minecraft:storage" } } }, "then": { "properties": { "target": { "title": "Source", "description": "A resource location specifying the storage ID.", "type": "string" } } } } ] } ] }, "ops": { "title": "Operations", "description": "A list of copy operations.", "type": "array", "items": { "type": "object", "properties": { "source": { "title": "Source", "description": "The NBT path to copy from.", "type": "string" }, "target": { "title": "Target", "description": "The NBT path to copy to, starting from the item's tag tag.", "type": "string" }, "op": { "title": "Operation", "description": "Can be replace to replace any existing contents of the target, append to append to a list, or merge to merge into a compound tag.", "type": "string" } } } } } } }, { "if": { "properties": { "function": { "const": "minecraft:copy_state" } } }, "then": { "description": "Copies state properties from dropped block to the item's BlockStateTag tag.", "properties": { "block": { "title": "Block", "description": "A block ID. Function fails if the block doesn't match.", "type": "string" }, "properties": { "title": "Properties", "description": "A list of property names to copy.", "type": "array", "items": { "title": "Property", "description": "A block state name to copy.", "type": "string" } } } } }, { "if": { "properties": { "function": { "const": "minecraft:enchant_randomly" } } }, "then": { "description": "Enchants the item with one randomly-selected enchantment. The level of the enchantment, if applicable, is random.", "properties": { "enchantments": { "title": "Enchantments", "description": "List of enchantment IDs to choose from.", "type": "array" } } } }, { "if": { "properties": { "function": { "const": "minecraft:enchant_with_levels" } } }, "then": { "description": "Enchants the item, with the specified enchantment level (roughly equivalent to using an enchantment table at that level).", "properties": { "treasure": { "title": "Treasure", "description": "Determines whether treasure enchantments are allowed on this item.", "type": "boolean" }, "levels": { "title": "Levels", "description": "Specifies the exact enchantment level to use.", "type": ["integer", "object"], "$ref": "#/definitions/numberProvider" } } } }, { "if": { "properties": { "function": { "const": "minecraft:exploration_map" } } }, "then": { "description": "Converts an empty map into an explorer map leading to a nearby generated structure.", "properties": { "destination": { "title": "Destination", "description": "The type of generated structure to locate. Accepts any of the StructureTypes used by the /locate command (case insensitive).", "type": "string" }, "decoration": { "title": "Decoration", "description": "The icon used to mark the destination on the map. Accepts any of the map icon text IDs (case insensitive).", "type": "string" }, "zoom": { "title": "Zoom", "description": "The zoom level of the resulting map.", "type": "integer", "default": 2 }, "search_radius": { "title": "Search Radius", "description": "The size, in chunks, of the area to search for structures. The area checked is square, not circular.", "type": "integer", "default": 50 }, "skip_existing_chunks": { "title": "Skip Existing Chunks", "description": "Don't search in chunks that have already been generated.", "type": "boolean", "default": true } } } }, { "if": { "properties": { "function": { "const": "minecraft:explosion_decay" } } }, "then": { "description": "For loot tables of type 'block', removes some items from a stack, if there was an explosion. Each item has a chance of 1/explosion radius to be lost." } }, { "if": { "properties": { "function": { "const": "minecraft:furnace_smelt" } } }, "then": { "description": "Smelts the item as it would be in a furnace. Used in combination with the entity_properties condition to cook food from animals on death." } }, { "if": { "properties": { "function": { "const": "minecraft:fill_player_head" } } }, "then": { "description": "Adds required item tags of a player head.", "properties": { "entity": { "title": "Entity", "description": "Specifies an entity to be used for the player head.", "type": "string" } } } }, { "if": { "properties": { "function": { "const": "minecraft:limit_count" } } }, "then": { "description": "Limits the count of every item stack.", "properties": { "limit": { "title": "Limit", "description": "Specifies the exact limit to use.", "type": ["integer", "object"], "$ref": "#/definitions/numberProvider", "properties": { "min": { "title": "Minimum", "description": "Minimum limit to use.", "type": ["integer", "object"], "$ref": "#/definitions/numberProvider" }, "max": { "title": "Max", "description": "Max limit to use.", "type": ["integer", "object"], "$ref": "#/definitions/numberProvider" } } } } } }, { "if": { "properties": { "function": { "const": "minecraft:looting_enchant" } } }, "then": { "description": "Adjusts the stack size based on the level of the Looting enchantment on the killer entity.", "properties": { "count": { "title": "Count", "description": "Specifies the number of additional items per level of looting.", "type": ["integer", "object"], "$ref": "#/definitions/numberProvider" }, "limit": { "title": "Limit", "description": "Specifies the maximum amount of items in the stack after the looting calculation. If the value is 0, no limit is applied.", "type": "integer" } } } }, { "if": { "properties": { "function": { "const": "minecraft:set_attributes" } } }, "then": { "description": "Add attribute modifiers to the item.", "properties": { "modifiers": { "title": "Modifiers", "type": "array", "items": { "type": "object", "additionalProperties": { "properties": { "name": { "title": "Name", "description": "Name of the modifer.", "type": "string" }, "attribute": { "title": "Attribute", "description": "The name of the attribute this modifer is to act upon.", "type": "string" }, "operation": { "title": "Operation", "type": "string", "enum": ["addition", "multiply_base", "multiply_total"] }, "amount": { "title": "Amount", "description": "Specifies the amount of the modifier.", "type": ["number", "object"], "$ref": "#/definitions/numberProvider" }, "id": { "title": "ID", "description": "UUID of the modifier following.", "type": "string" }, "slot": { "title": "Slot", "description": "Slots the item must be in for the modifier to take effect.", "type": ["string", "array"], "$ref": "#/definitions/slotEnum", "items": { "type": "string", "$ref": "#/definitions/slotEnum" } } } } } } } } }, { "if": { "properties": { "function": { "const": "minecraft:set_banner_pattern" } } }, "then": { "description": "Sets tags needed for banner patterns.", "properties": { "patterns": { "title": "Patterns", "description": "List of patterns.", "type": "array", "items": { "type": "object", "additionalProperties": { "type": "object", "properties": { "pattern": { "title": "Pattern", "description": "The pattern type.", "type": "string" }, "color": { "title": "Color", "description": "The color for this pattern.", "type": "string", "enum": [ "white", "orange", "magenta", "light_blue", "yellow", "lime", "pink", "gray", "light_gray", "cyan", "purple", "blue", "brown", "green", "red", "black" ] } } } } }, "append": { "title": "Append", "description": "If true, new patterns will be appended to existing ones.", "type": "boolean" } } } }, { "if": { "properties": { "function": { "const": "minecraft:set_contents" } } }, "then": { "description": "For loot tables of type 'block', sets the contents of a container block item to a list of entries.", "properties": { "entries": { "title": "Entries", "description": "The entries to use as contents.", "type": "array" } } } }, { "if": { "properties": { "function": { "const": "minecraft:set_count" } } }, "then": { "description": "Sets the stack size.", "properties": { "count": { "title": "Count", "description": "Specifies the stack size to set.", "type": ["integer", "object"], "$ref": "#/definitions/numberProvider" }, "add": { "title": "Add", "description": "If true, change will be relative to the current count.", "type": "boolean" } } } }, { "if": { "properties": { "function": { "const": "minecraft:set_damage" } } }, "then": { "description": "Sets the item's damage value (durability) for tools.", "properties": { "damage": { "title": "Damage", "description": "Specifies the damage fraction to set (1.0 is undamaged, 0.0 is zero durability left).", "type": ["number", "object"], "$ref": "#/definitions/numberProvider" }, "add": { "title": "Add", "description": "If true, change will be relative to current damage.", "type": "boolean" } } } }, { "if": { "properties": { "function": { "const": "minecraft:set_enchantments" } } }, "then": { "description": "Sets the item's enchantments.", "properties": { "enchantments": { "title": "Enchantments", "description": "Enchantments to add.", "type": "object", "additionalProperties": { "description": "Key name is the enchantment ID.", "type": ["integer", "object"], "$ref": "#/definitions/numberProvider" } }, "add": { "title": "Add", "description": "If true, change will be relative to current level.", "type": "boolean" } } } }, { "if": { "properties": { "function": { "const": "minecraft:set_loot_table" } } }, "then": { "description": "Sets the loot table for a container (chest etc.).", "properties": { "name": { "title": "Name", "description": "Specifies the resource location of the loot table to be used.", "type": "string" }, "seed": { "title": "Seed", "description": "Specifies the loot table seed. If absent or set to 0, a random seed will be used.", "type": "integer" } } } }, { "if": { "properties": { "function": { "const": "minecraft:set_lore" } } }, "then": { "description": "Adds lore to the item.", "properties": { "lore": { "title": "Lore", "description": "List of JSON text components. Each list entry represents one line of the lore. Advanced components are resolved only if entity successfully targets an entity.", "type": "array", "items": { "type": "object" } }, "entity": { "title": "Entity", "description": "Specifies the entity to act as the source @s in the JSON text component.", "type": "string" }, "replace": { "title": "Replace", "description": "If true, replaces all existing lines of lore, if false appends the list.", "type": "boolean" } } } }, { "if": { "properties": { "function": { "const": "minecraft:set_name" } } }, "then": { "description": "Adds display name of the item.", "properties": { "name": { "title": "Name", "description": "A JSON text component name, allowing color, translations, etc. Advanced components are resolved only if entity successfully targets an entity.", "type": ["array", "object", "string"] }, "entity": { "title": "Entity", "description": "Specifies an entity to act as source @s in the JSON text component.", "type": "string" } } } }, { "if": { "properties": { "function": { "const": "minecraft:set_nbt" } } }, "then": { "description": "Adds NBT data to the item.", "properties": { "tag": { "title": "Tag", "description": "Tag string to add, similar to those used by commands. Note that the first bracket is required and quotation marks need to be escaped using a backslash (\\).", "type": "string" } } } }, { "if": { "properties": { "function": { "const": "minecraft:set_stew_effect" } } }, "then": { "description": "Sets the status effects for suspicious stew.", "properties": { "effects": { "title": "Effects", "description": "The effects to apply.", "type": "array", "items": { "type": "object", "additionalProperties": { "type": "object", "properties": { "type": { "title": "Type", "description": "The effect ID.", "type": "string" }, "duration": { "title": "Duration", "description": "The duration of the effect.", "type": ["integer", "object"], "$ref": "#/definitions/numberProvider" } } } } } } } } ] }, "title": "Minecraft Data Pack Item Modifier", "type": "array" }
{ "$comment": "Schema derived from and", "$schema": "", "additionalProperties": false, "definitions": { "dateYYYYMMDD": { "type": "string", "pattern": "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$", "description": "A date in the format YYYY-MM-DD", "$comment": "If we targeted draft-07 we could use the 'date' format instead of this format pattern. We cannot use the 'date-time' format because our existing values don't validate against it." }, "releaseVersion": { "type": "string", "description": "A SemVer-compatible version string", "pattern": "^(0|[1-9]\\d*)\\.(0|[1-9]\\d*)\\.(0|[1-9]\\d*)(?:-((?:0|[1-9]\\d*|\\d*[a-zA-Z-][0-9a-zA-Z-]*)(?:\\.(?:0|[1-9]\\d*|\\d*[a-zA-Z-][0-9a-zA-Z-]*))*))?(?:\\+([0-9a-zA-Z-]+(?:\\.[0-9a-zA-Z-]+)*))?$" }, "releaseType": { "type": "string", "enum": ["sts", "lts"], "description": "An enumeration describing the different releaes types of a product", "$comment": "If we targeted draft-06 we could use oneOf/const in combination to add descriptions to the enum values" }, "supportPhase": { "type": "string", "enum": ["preview", "go-live", "active", "maintenance", "eol"], "description": "An enumeration describing the different support phases of a product", "$comment": "If we targeted draft-06 we could use oneOf/const in combination to add descriptions to the enum values" }, "product": { "type": "object", "properties": { "channel-version": { "type": "string", "title": "ProductVersion", "description": "The version of the product, e.g '5.0' or '1.1'", "pattern": "^[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+$" }, "eol-date": { "oneOf": [ { "$ref": "#/definitions/dateYYYYMMDD" }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "EndOfLifeDate", "description": "The end-of-life (EOL) date for this Product when it is considered to be out of support. The value may be `null` if the EOL date is undetermined, e.g. when a product is still a prerelease." }, "security": { "type": "boolean", "title": "LatestReleaseIncludesSecurityUpdate", "description": "`true` if the latest release of this product includes a security update, `false` otherwise." }, "latest-release-date": { "$ref": "#/definitions/dateYYYYMMDD", "title": "LatestReleaseDate", "description": "The date of the latest release of this product." }, "latest-release": { "$ref": "#/definitions/releaseVersion", "title": "LatestReleaseVersion", "description": "The version of the latest release" }, "latest-runtime": { "$ref": "#/definitions/releaseVersion", "title": "LatestRuntimeVersion", "description": "The version of the runtime included in the latest release" }, "latest-sdk": { "$ref": "#/definitions/releaseVersion", "title": "LatestSdkVersion", "description": "The version of the SDK included in the latest release. This is usually the SDK with the highest feature band. A ProductRelease may include multiple SDKs across different feature bands, all of which carry the same runtime version." }, "product": { "type": "string", "title": "ProductName", "description": "The name of the product." }, "releases.json": { "description": "The URL pointing to the releases.json file that contains information about all the releases associated with this Product.", "type": "string", "format": "uri", "$comment": "Since this is always an absolute uri, the 'uri' format is unambiguous" }, "release-type": { "$ref": "#/definitions/releaseType", "description": "The type of Product release indicating whether the release is Standard Term Support (sts) or Long Term Support (lts)." }, "support-phase": { "$ref": "#/definitions/supportPhase", "description": "The support phase of the Product." } }, "required": [ "channel-version", "security", "latest-release-date", "latest-release", "latest-runtime", "latest-sdk", "product", "releases.json", "release-type", "support-phase" ], "additionalProperties": false } }, "description": "A collection of manifests for .NET products, which is updated with each preview and stable release of the .NET SDK and/or Runtime", "id": "", "properties": { "releases-index": { "type": "array", "description": "A collection of all released products", "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/product" } } }, "required": ["releases-index"], "title": "JSON schema for .NET product collection manifests", "type": "object" }
{ "$id": "", "$schema": "", "additionalProperties": true, "allOf": [ { "if": { "properties": { "ctype": { "const": "swagger-codegen" } } }, "then": { "required": ["swagger-codegen"], "properties": { "swagger-codegen": { "title": "swagger codegen", "type": "object", "description": "swagger-codegen Configuration", "additionalProperties": false, "required": ["schemas"], "properties": { "schemas": { "type": "array", "description": "List of schemas (microservices) to generate it's libraries.", "items": { "title": "schema", "type": "object", "additionalProperties": false, "required": ["name", "actions"], "properties": { "name": { "type": "string", "pattern": "[a-zA-Z]+", "description": "Name of schema. This will be used to generate codes, only `[a-zA-Z]+` is accepted.", "examples": ["authorization"] }, "disable": { "type": "boolean", "default": true, "description": "Disables all actions over this schema." }, "actions": { "type": "array", "description": "Determines the actions should be applied over this schema.", "uniqueItems": true, "items": { "anyOf": [ { "title": "action", "type": "object", "additionalProperties": false, "description": "Defines a download schema task.", "required": ["type", "sourceUrl", "id"], "properties": { "type": { "type": "string", "const": "download", "description": "Type of action to apply." }, "sourceUrl": { "type": "string", "examples": [ "http://somewhere/path/to/swagger.json" ], "pattern": "http[s]?:\\/\\/.*\\/swagger\\.json", "description": "Source of `swagger.json` schema to download" }, "id": { "type": "number", "description": "A unique specific ID of this download to be referenced (`DOWNLOAD_ID`).", "default": 0 }, "disable": { "$ref": "#/definitions/disable" } } }, { "title": "action", "type": "object", "additionalProperties": true, "description": "Defines a TS code generator task.", "required": [ "type", "ngVersion", "id", "downloadId" ], "properties": { "type": { "type": "string", "const": "generate", "description": "Type of action to apply." }, "ngVersion": { "$ref": "#/definitions/version", "description": "Specifies Angular version which codes will be generated for.", "default": "12.2.14" }, "id": { "type": "number", "description": "A unique specific ID of this generation to be referenced (`GENERATE_ID`).", "default": 0 }, "downloadId": { "type": "number", "description": "The `DOWNLOAD_ID` of downloaded schema to generate codes based on.", "default": 0 }, "disable": { "$ref": "#/definitions/disable" } } }, { "title": "action", "type": "object", "additionalProperties": false, "description": "Defines a code correction task.", "required": ["type", "generateId"], "properties": { "type": { "type": "string", "const": "correction", "description": "Type of action to apply." }, "generateId": { "$ref": "#/definitions/generateId" }, "disable": { "$ref": "#/definitions/disable" } } }, { "title": "action", "type": "object", "additionalProperties": false, "description": "Defines a TS code builder task.", "required": [ "type", "typescriptVersion", "id", "generateId" ], "properties": { "type": { "type": "string", "const": "build", "description": "Type of action to apply." }, "typescriptVersion": { "$ref": "#/definitions/version", "description": "Specifies TypeScript version to install before build.", "default": "4.3.5" }, "id": { "type": "number", "description": "A unique specific ID of this build to be referenced (`BUILD_ID`)." }, "generateId": { "$ref": "#/definitions/generateId" }, "disable": { "$ref": "#/definitions/disable" } } }, { "title": "action", "type": "object", "additionalProperties": false, "description": "Defines a `npm publish` task.", "required": ["type", "registryUrl", "token", "id"], "properties": { "type": { "type": "string", "const": "publish", "description": "Type of action to apply." }, "registryUrl": { "type": "string", "description": "The Url of registry accepting this respository.", "pattern": "http[s]?://.*", "default": "http://verdaccio.anywork.local:4873" }, "token": { "type": "string", "description": "Token to use access registry.", "default": "bzKaK7hK2OAoCK9d72S0UevXGZEjj8rZpv8AFoaZ+/w=", "examples": [ "bzKaK7hK2OAoCK9d72S0UevXGZEjj8rZpv8AFoaZ+/w=" ] }, "buildId": { "$ref": "#/definitions/buildId" }, "id": { "type": "number", "description": "A unique specific ID of this publish to be referenced (`PUBLISH_ID`).", "default": 0 }, "disable": { "$ref": "#/definitions/disable" } } }, { "title": "action", "type": "object", "additionalProperties": false, "description": "Defines a Api install task.", "required": ["type", "targetPath", "publishId"], "properties": { "type": { "type": "string", "const": "install", "description": "Type of action to apply." }, "publishId": { "type": "number", "description": "The `PUBLISH_ID` to use for this task.", "default": 0 }, "targetPath": { "type": "string", "description": "The relative or absolute physical path of directory containing `packages.json` to install specified" }, "disable": { "$ref": "#/definitions/disable" } } } ] } } } } } } } } } } ], "definitions": { "version": { "pattern": "^[\\^~]?(0|[1-9]\\d*)\\.(0|[1-9]\\d*)\\.(0|[1-9]\\d*)(?:-((?:0|[1-9]\\d*|\\d*[a-zA-Z-][0-9a-zA-Z-]*)(?:\\.(?:0|[1-9]\\d*|\\d*[a-zA-Z-][0-9a-zA-Z-]*))*))?(?:\\+([0-9a-zA-Z-]+(?:\\.[0-9a-zA-Z-]+)*))?$" }, "buildId": { "type": "number", "description": "The `BUILD_ID` to use for this task.", "default": 0 }, "generateId": { "type": "number", "description": "The `GENERATE_ID` to use for this task.", "default": 0 }, "disable": { "type": "boolean", "description": "Determines if this task is disabled.", "default": true } }, "description": "Used to configure any part of AnyWork automation.", "properties": { "ctype": { "type": "string", "description": "type of configuration, means who will use this configuration." }, "cversion": { "type": "integer", "default": 1, "description": "Version of configuration. The reader will parse configuration based on this." } }, "required": ["ctype", "cversion"], "title": "AnyWork Automation Configuration schema", "type": "object" }
{ "$schema": "", "definitions": { "branch-object": { "type": "object", "additionalProperties": false, "required": ["name"], "properties": { "name": { "type": "string" }, "channel": { "type": "string" }, "range": { "type": "string" }, "prerelease": { "oneOf": [ { "type": "boolean" }, { "type": "string" } ] } } } }, "id": "", "properties": { "extends": { "description": "List of modules or file paths containing a shareable configuration. If multiple shareable configurations are set, they will be imported in the order defined with each configuration option taking precedence over the options defined in a previous shareable configuration", "oneOf": [ { "type": "string" }, { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" } } ] }, "branches": { "description": "The branches on which releases should happen.", "oneOf": [ { "type": "string" }, { "$ref": "#/definitions/branch-object" }, { "type": "array", "items": { "anyOf": [ { "type": "string" }, { "$ref": "#/definitions/branch-object" } ] } } ], "default": [ "+([0-9])?(.{+([0-9]),x}).x", "master", "next", "next-major", { "name": "beta", "prerelease": true }, { "name": "alpha", "prerelease": true } ] }, "repositoryUrl": { "type": "string", "description": "The git repository URL" }, "tagFormat": { "type": "string", "description": "The Git tag format used by semantic-release to identify releases. The tag name is generated with Lodash template and will be compiled with the version variable.", "default": "v${version}" }, "plugins": { "type": "array", "description": "Define the list of plugins to use. Plugins will run in series, in the order defined", "items": { "anyOf": [ { "type": "string" }, { "type": "array" } ] }, "default": [ "@semantic-release/commit-analyzer", "@semantic-release/release-notes-generator", "@semantic-release/npm", "@semantic-release/github" ] }, "dryRun": { "type": "boolean", "description": "The objective of the dry-run mode is to get a preview of the pending release. Dry-run mode skips the following steps: prepare, publish, success and fail. In addition to this it prints the next version and release notes to the console" }, "ci": { "type": "boolean", "description": "Set to false to skip Continuous Integration environment verifications. This allows for making releases from a local machine", "default": true } }, "title": "semantic-release Schema", "type": "object" }
{ "$schema": "", "id": "", "properties": { "identity": { "type": "object", "required": ["internalName"], "properties": { "description": { "type": "string", "title": "Description", "description": "A description for the extension. Required if the extension is not a VSIX.", "minLength": 1, "maxLength": 280 }, "displayName": { "type": "string", "title": "DisplayName", "description": "A display name for the extension. Required if the extension is not a VSIX.", "minLength": 1, "maxLength": 80 }, "icon": { "type": "string", "title": "Icon", "description": "An icon for the extension. Required if the extension is not a VSIX. Can be relative to the current json file's directory.", "minLength": 1 }, "installTargets": { "type": "array", "title": "InstallTargets", "description": "A list of install targets for the extension. At least one is required if the extension is not a VSIX.", "minItems": 1, "uniqueItems": true, "items": { "title": "InstallTarget", "description": "An installation target for the extension.", "type": "object", "required": ["sku", "version"], "properties": { "sku": { "type": "string", "title": "Install target SKU", "description": "The SKU name of the installation target.", "enum": [ "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Community", "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Enterprise", "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Express_All", "Microsoft.VisualStudio.IntegratedShell", "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Pro", "Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestProfessional", "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Ultimate", "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Premium", "Microsoft.VisualStudio.VBExpress", "Microsoft.VisualStudio.VCExpress", "Microsoft.VisualStudio.VCSExpress", "Microsoft.VisualStudio.VPDExpress", "Microsoft.VisualStudio.VSLS", "Microsoft.VisualStudio.VSWinExpress", "Microsoft.VisualStudio.VSWinDesktopExpress", "Microsoft.VisualStudio.VWDExpress" ] }, "version": { "type": "string", "title": "Install target version range", "description": "The version range of the install target that the extension can be installed to.", "pattern": "^[0-9\\[\\(,. \\)\\]]+$" } } } }, "internalName": { "type": "string", "title": "Internal name", "description": "The internal name of the extension. A marketplace extension is identified as 'publisherName'.'internalName'. Cannot contain spaces.", "minLength": 1, "maxLength": 63, "pattern": "^[^\\s-]+$" }, "language": { "type": ["string", "number"], "title": "Language", "description": "The default language the extension applies to. Must be a CLR locale code or an lcid code.", "pattern": "^(\\d{4})$|^([a-zA-Z]{2}(-[A-Za-z]{2})?)$|^neutral$" }, "tags": { "type": "array", "title": "Tags", "description": "A list of tags for the extension.", "items": { "type": "string", "title": "Tag", "description": "A tag for the extension.", "minLength": 1, "maxLength": 50 } }, "version": { "type": "string", "title": "Version", "description": "The version of the extension. Required if the extension is not a VSIX.", "pattern": "^([0-9]+\\.){1,3}([0-9]+)$" }, "vsixId": { "type": "string", "title": "VsixId", "description": "The vsix identifier of the extension.", "minLength": 1 } } }, "assetFiles": { "type": "array", "title": "AssetFiles", "description": "A list of assets to include in the package sent to the marketplace.", "items": { "type": "object", "required": ["pathOnDisk", "targetPath"], "properties": { "pathOnDisk": { "type": "string", "title": "PathOnDisk", "description": "A path to the file to include in the package. Can be relative to the current json file's directory.", "minLength": 1 }, "targetPath": { "type": "string", "title": "TargetPath", "description": "The path to embed the file in the package. This can be referenced from your overview file via an image link, for example", "default": "" } } } }, "categories": { "type": "array", "title": "Categories", "description": "A list of categories that the extension applies to.", "minItems": 1, "maxItems": 3, "uniqueItems": true, "items": { "anyOf": [ { "type": "string", "title": "Category", "description": "A valid category on the marketplace that the extension applies to.", "minLength": 1 }, { "enum": [ "ajax", "build", "coding", "connected services", "data", "database", "documentation", "extension sdk", "framework and libraries", "lightswitch", "lightswitch controls", "lightswitch templates", "modelling", "office", "other", "other templates", "performance", "process templates", "programming languages", "reporting", "scaffolding", "security", "services", "setup and deployment", "sharepoint", "sharepoint controls", "sharepoint templates", "silverlight controls", "source control", "start pages", "team development", "testing", "visual studio extensions", "wcf", "web", "windows forms templates", "windows forms controls", "workflow", "wpf templates", "wpf controls", "xna" ] } ] } }, "overview": { "type": "string", "title": "Overview", "description": "A path to a markdown file that will be displayed on the extension's page in the marketplace. The path can be relative to the current json file's path.", "minLength": 1 }, "priceCategory": { "type": "string", "title": "PriceCategory", "description": "The pricing model for the extension.", "default": "free", "enum": ["free", "trial", "paid"] }, "publisher": { "type": "string", "title": "Publisher", "description": "The publisher of the extension. Must not be a display name of the publisher.", "minLength": 1 }, "private": { "type": "boolean", "title": "Private", "description": "If true, the extension will be uploaded as a private extension.", "default": false }, "qna": { "type": "boolean", "title": "Q&A", "description": "If true, the extension will have a Q&A page on the marketplace.", "default": true }, "repo": { "type": "string", "title": "Repo", "description": "A URL that points to the GitHub repo for the extension.", "format": "uri" } }, "required": ["categories", "identity", "overview", "publisher"], "type": "object" }
{ "$id": "", "$schema": "", "additionalProperties": false, "definitions": { "address": { "description": "A physical or virtual address, or a range of addresses, in an 'addressable region' (memory or a binary file).", "additionalProperties": false, "type": "object", "properties": { "absoluteAddress": { "description": "The address expressed as a byte offset from the start of the addressable region.", "type": "integer", "minimum": -1, "default": -1 }, "relativeAddress": { "description": "The address expressed as a byte offset from the absolute address of the top-most parent object.", "type": "integer" }, "length": { "description": "The number of bytes in this range of addresses.", "type": "integer" }, "kind": { "description": "An open-ended string that identifies the address kind. 'data', 'function', 'header','instruction', 'module', 'page', 'section', 'segment', 'stack', 'stackFrame', 'table' are well-known values.", "type": "string" }, "name": { "description": "A name that is associated with the address, e.g., '.text'.", "type": "string" }, "fullyQualifiedName": { "description": "A human-readable fully qualified name that is associated with the address.", "type": "string" }, "offsetFromParent": { "description": "The byte offset of this address from the absolute or relative address of the parent object.", "type": "integer" }, "index": { "description": "The index within run.addresses of the cached object for this address.", "type": "integer", "default": -1, "minimum": -1 }, "parentIndex": { "description": "The index within run.addresses of the parent object.", "type": "integer", "default": -1, "minimum": -1 }, "properties": { "description": "Key/value pairs that provide additional information about the address.", "$ref": "#/definitions/propertyBag" } } }, "artifact": { "description": "A single artifact. In some cases, this artifact might be nested within another artifact.", "additionalProperties": false, "type": "object", "properties": { "description": { "description": "A short description of the artifact.", "$ref": "#/definitions/message" }, "location": { "description": "The location of the artifact.", "$ref": "#/definitions/artifactLocation" }, "parentIndex": { "description": "Identifies the index of the immediate parent of the artifact, if this artifact is nested.", "type": "integer", "default": -1, "minimum": -1 }, "offset": { "description": "The offset in bytes of the artifact within its containing artifact.", "type": "integer", "minimum": 0 }, "length": { "description": "The length of the artifact in bytes.", "type": "integer", "default": -1, "minimum": -1 }, "roles": { "description": "The role or roles played by the artifact in the analysis.", "type": "array", "minItems": 0, "uniqueItems": true, "default": [], "items": { "enum": [ "analysisTarget", "attachment", "responseFile", "resultFile", "standardStream", "tracedFile", "unmodified", "modified", "added", "deleted", "renamed", "uncontrolled", "driver", "extension", "translation", "taxonomy", "policy", "referencedOnCommandLine", "memoryContents", "directory", "userSpecifiedConfiguration", "toolSpecifiedConfiguration", "debugOutputFile" ] } }, "mimeType": { "description": "The MIME type (RFC 2045) of the artifact.", "type": "string", "pattern": "[^/]+/.+" }, "contents": { "description": "The contents of the artifact.", "$ref": "#/definitions/artifactContent" }, "encoding": { "description": "Specifies the encoding for an artifact object that refers to a text file.", "type": "string" }, "sourceLanguage": { "description": "Specifies the source language for any artifact object that refers to a text file that contains source code.", "type": "string" }, "hashes": { "description": "A dictionary, each of whose keys is the name of a hash function and each of whose values is the hashed value of the artifact produced by the specified hash function.", "type": "object", "additionalProperties": { "type": "string" } }, "lastModifiedTimeUtc": { "description": "The Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) date and time at which the artifact was most recently modified. See \"Date/time properties\" in the SARIF spec for the required format.", "type": "string", "format": "date-time" }, "properties": { "description": "Key/value pairs that provide additional information about the artifact.", "$ref": "#/definitions/propertyBag" } } }, "artifactChange": { "description": "A change to a single artifact.", "additionalProperties": false, "type": "object", "properties": { "artifactLocation": { "description": "The location of the artifact to change.", "$ref": "#/definitions/artifactLocation" }, "replacements": { "description": "An array of replacement objects, each of which represents the replacement of a single region in a single artifact specified by 'artifactLocation'.", "type": "array", "minItems": 1, "uniqueItems": false, "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/replacement" } }, "properties": { "description": "Key/value pairs that provide additional information about the change.", "$ref": "#/definitions/propertyBag" } }, "required": ["artifactLocation", "replacements"] }, "artifactContent": { "description": "Represents the contents of an artifact.", "type": "object", "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "text": { "description": "UTF-8-encoded content from a text artifact.", "type": "string" }, "binary": { "description": "MIME Base64-encoded content from a binary artifact, or from a text artifact in its original encoding.", "type": "string" }, "rendered": { "description": "An alternate rendered representation of the artifact (e.g., a decompiled representation of a binary region).", "$ref": "#/definitions/multiformatMessageString" }, "properties": { "description": "Key/value pairs that provide additional information about the artifact content.", "$ref": "#/definitions/propertyBag" } } }, "artifactLocation": { "description": "Specifies the location of an artifact.", "additionalProperties": false, "type": "object", "properties": { "uri": { "description": "A string containing a valid relative or absolute URI.", "type": "string", "format": "uri-reference" }, "uriBaseId": { "description": "A string which indirectly specifies the absolute URI with respect to which a relative URI in the \"uri\" property is interpreted.", "type": "string" }, "index": { "description": "The index within the run artifacts array of the artifact object associated with the artifact location.", "type": "integer", "default": -1, "minimum": -1 }, "description": { "description": "A short description of the artifact location.", "$ref": "#/definitions/message" }, "properties": { "description": "Key/value pairs that provide additional information about the artifact location.", "$ref": "#/definitions/propertyBag" } } }, "attachment": { "description": "An artifact relevant to a result.", "type": "object", "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "description": { "description": "A message describing the role played by the attachment.", "$ref": "#/definitions/message" }, "artifactLocation": { "description": "The location of the attachment.", "$ref": "#/definitions/artifactLocation" }, "regions": { "description": "An array of regions of interest within the attachment.", "type": "array", "minItems": 0, "uniqueItems": true, "default": [], "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/region" } }, "rectangles": { "description": "An array of rectangles specifying areas of interest within the image.", "type": "array", "minItems": 0, "uniqueItems": true, "default": [], "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/rectangle" } }, "properties": { "description": "Key/value pairs that provide additional information about the attachment.", "$ref": "#/definitions/propertyBag" } }, "required": ["artifactLocation"] }, "codeFlow": { "description": "A set of threadFlows which together describe a pattern of code execution relevant to detecting a result.", "additionalProperties": false, "type": "object", "properties": { "message": { "description": "A message relevant to the code flow.", "$ref": "#/definitions/message" }, "threadFlows": { "description": "An array of one or more unique threadFlow objects, each of which describes the progress of a program through a thread of execution.", "type": "array", "minItems": 1, "uniqueItems": false, "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/threadFlow" } }, "properties": { "description": "Key/value pairs that provide additional information about the code flow.", "$ref": "#/definitions/propertyBag" } }, "required": ["threadFlows"] }, "configurationOverride": { "description": "Information about how a specific rule or notification was reconfigured at runtime.", "type": "object", "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "configuration": { "description": "Specifies how the rule or notification was configured during the scan.", "$ref": "#/definitions/reportingConfiguration" }, "descriptor": { "description": "A reference used to locate the descriptor whose configuration was overridden.", "$ref": "#/definitions/reportingDescriptorReference" }, "properties": { "description": "Key/value pairs that provide additional information about the configuration override.", "$ref": "#/definitions/propertyBag" } }, "required": ["configuration", "descriptor"] }, "conversion": { "description": "Describes how a converter transformed the output of a static analysis tool from the analysis tool's native output format into the SARIF format.", "additionalProperties": false, "type": "object", "properties": { "tool": { "description": "A tool object that describes the converter.", "$ref": "#/definitions/tool" }, "invocation": { "description": "An invocation object that describes the invocation of the converter.", "$ref": "#/definitions/invocation" }, "analysisToolLogFiles": { "description": "The locations of the analysis tool's per-run log files.", "type": "array", "minItems": 0, "uniqueItems": true, "default": [], "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/artifactLocation" } }, "properties": { "description": "Key/value pairs that provide additional information about the conversion.", "$ref": "#/definitions/propertyBag" } }, "required": ["tool"] }, "edge": { "description": "Represents a directed edge in a graph.", "type": "object", "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "id": { "description": "A string that uniquely identifies the edge within its graph.", "type": "string" }, "label": { "description": "A short description of the edge.", "$ref": "#/definitions/message" }, "sourceNodeId": { "description": "Identifies the source node (the node at which the edge starts).", "type": "string" }, "targetNodeId": { "description": "Identifies the target node (the node at which the edge ends).", "type": "string" }, "properties": { "description": "Key/value pairs that provide additional information about the edge.", "$ref": "#/definitions/propertyBag" } }, "required": ["id", "sourceNodeId", "targetNodeId"] }, "edgeTraversal": { "description": "Represents the traversal of a single edge during a graph traversal.", "type": "object", "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "edgeId": { "description": "Identifies the edge being traversed.", "type": "string" }, "message": { "description": "A message to display to the user as the edge is traversed.", "$ref": "#/definitions/message" }, "finalState": { "description": "The values of relevant expressions after the edge has been traversed.", "type": "object", "additionalProperties": { "$ref": "#/definitions/multiformatMessageString" } }, "stepOverEdgeCount": { "description": "The number of edge traversals necessary to return from a nested graph.", "type": "integer", "minimum": 0 }, "properties": { "description": "Key/value pairs that provide additional information about the edge traversal.", "$ref": "#/definitions/propertyBag" } }, "required": ["edgeId"] }, "exception": { "description": "Describes a runtime exception encountered during the execution of an analysis tool.", "type": "object", "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "kind": { "type": "string", "description": "A string that identifies the kind of exception, for example, the fully qualified type name of an object that was thrown, or the symbolic name of a signal." }, "message": { "description": "A message that describes the exception.", "type": "string" }, "stack": { "description": "The sequence of function calls leading to the exception.", "$ref": "#/definitions/stack" }, "innerExceptions": { "description": "An array of exception objects each of which is considered a cause of this exception.", "type": "array", "minItems": 0, "uniqueItems": false, "default": [], "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/exception" } }, "properties": { "description": "Key/value pairs that provide additional information about the exception.", "$ref": "#/definitions/propertyBag" } } }, "externalProperties": { "description": "The top-level element of an external property file.", "type": "object", "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "schema": { "description": "The URI of the JSON schema corresponding to the version of the external property file format.", "type": "string", "format": "uri" }, "version": { "description": "The SARIF format version of this external properties object.", "enum": ["2.1.0"] }, "guid": { "description": "A stable, unique identifier for this external properties object, in the form of a GUID.", "type": "string", "pattern": "^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[1-5][0-9a-fA-F]{3}-[89abAB][0-9a-fA-F]{3}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$" }, "runGuid": { "description": "A stable, unique identifier for the run associated with this external properties object, in the form of a GUID.", "type": "string", "pattern": "^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[1-5][0-9a-fA-F]{3}-[89abAB][0-9a-fA-F]{3}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$" }, "conversion": { "description": "A conversion object that will be merged with a separate run.", "$ref": "#/definitions/conversion" }, "graphs": { "description": "An array of graph objects that will be merged with a separate run.", "type": "array", "minItems": 0, "default": [], "uniqueItems": true, "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/graph" } }, "externalizedProperties": { "description": "Key/value pairs that provide additional information that will be merged with a separate run.", "$ref": "#/definitions/propertyBag" }, "artifacts": { "description": "An array of artifact objects that will be merged with a separate run.", "type": "array", "minItems": 0, "uniqueItems": true, "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/artifact" } }, "invocations": { "description": "Describes the invocation of the analysis tool that will be merged with a separate run.", "type": "array", "minItems": 0, "uniqueItems": false, "default": [], "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/invocation" } }, "logicalLocations": { "description": "An array of logical locations such as namespaces, types or functions that will be merged with a separate run.", "type": "array", "minItems": 0, "uniqueItems": true, "default": [], "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/logicalLocation" } }, "threadFlowLocations": { "description": "An array of threadFlowLocation objects that will be merged with a separate run.", "type": "array", "minItems": 0, "uniqueItems": true, "default": [], "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/threadFlowLocation" } }, "results": { "description": "An array of result objects that will be merged with a separate run.", "type": "array", "minItems": 0, "uniqueItems": false, "default": [], "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/result" } }, "taxonomies": { "description": "Tool taxonomies that will be merged with a separate run.", "type": "array", "minItems": 0, "uniqueItems": true, "default": [], "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/toolComponent" } }, "driver": { "description": "The analysis tool object that will be merged with a separate run.", "$ref": "#/definitions/toolComponent" }, "extensions": { "description": "Tool extensions that will be merged with a separate run.", "type": "array", "minItems": 0, "uniqueItems": true, "default": [], "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/toolComponent" } }, "policies": { "description": "Tool policies that will be merged with a separate run.", "type": "array", "minItems": 0, "uniqueItems": true, "default": [], "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/toolComponent" } }, "translations": { "description": "Tool translations that will be merged with a separate run.", "type": "array", "minItems": 0, "uniqueItems": true, "default": [], "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/toolComponent" } }, "addresses": { "description": "Addresses that will be merged with a separate run.", "type": "array", "minItems": 0, "uniqueItems": false, "default": [], "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/address" } }, "webRequests": { "description": "Requests that will be merged with a separate run.", "type": "array", "minItems": 0, "uniqueItems": true, "default": [], "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/webRequest" } }, "webResponses": { "description": "Responses that will be merged with a separate run.", "type": "array", "minItems": 0, "uniqueItems": true, "default": [], "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/webResponse" } }, "properties": { "description": "Key/value pairs that provide additional information about the external properties.", "$ref": "#/definitions/propertyBag" } } }, "externalPropertyFileReference": { "description": "Contains information that enables a SARIF consumer to locate the external property file that contains the value of an externalized property associated with the run.", "type": "object", "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "location": { "description": "The location of the external property file.", "$ref": "#/definitions/artifactLocation" }, "guid": { "description": "A stable, unique identifier for the external property file in the form of a GUID.", "type": "string", "pattern": "^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[1-5][0-9a-fA-F]{3}-[89abAB][0-9a-fA-F]{3}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$" }, "itemCount": { "description": "A non-negative integer specifying the number of items contained in the external property file.", "type": "integer", "default": -1, "minimum": -1 }, "properties": { "description": "Key/value pairs that provide additional information about the external property file.", "$ref": "#/definitions/propertyBag" } }, "anyOf": [ { "required": ["location"] }, { "required": ["guid"] } ] }, "externalPropertyFileReferences": { "description": "References to external property files that should be inlined with the content of a root log file.", "additionalProperties": false, "type": "object", "properties": { "conversion": { "description": "An external property file containing a run.conversion object to be merged with the root log file.", "$ref": "#/definitions/externalPropertyFileReference" }, "graphs": { "description": "An array of external property files containing a run.graphs object to be merged with the root log file.", "type": "array", "minItems": 0, "uniqueItems": true, "default": [], "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/externalPropertyFileReference" } }, "externalizedProperties": { "description": "An external property file containing a object to be merged with the root log file.", "$ref": "#/definitions/externalPropertyFileReference" }, "artifacts": { "description": "An array of external property files containing run.artifacts arrays to be merged with the root log file.", "type": "array", "minItems": 0, "uniqueItems": true, "default": [], "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/externalPropertyFileReference" } }, "invocations": { "description": "An array of external property files containing run.invocations arrays to be merged with the root log file.", "type": "array", "minItems": 0, "uniqueItems": true, "default": [], "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/externalPropertyFileReference" } }, "logicalLocations": { "description": "An array of external property files containing run.logicalLocations arrays to be merged with the root log file.", "type": "array", "minItems": 0, "uniqueItems": true, "default": [], "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/externalPropertyFileReference" } }, "threadFlowLocations": { "description": "An array of external property files containing run.threadFlowLocations arrays to be merged with the root log file.", "type": "array", "minItems": 0, "uniqueItems": true, "default": [], "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/externalPropertyFileReference" } }, "results": { "description": "An array of external property files containing run.results arrays to be merged with the root log file.", "type": "array", "minItems": 0, "uniqueItems": true, "default": [], "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/externalPropertyFileReference" } }, "taxonomies": { "description": "An array of external property files containing run.taxonomies arrays to be merged with the root log file.", "type": "array", "minItems": 0, "uniqueItems": true, "default": [], "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/externalPropertyFileReference" } }, "addresses": { "description": "An array of external property files containing run.addresses arrays to be merged with the root log file.", "type": "array", "minItems": 0, "uniqueItems": true, "default": [], "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/externalPropertyFileReference" } }, "driver": { "description": "An external property file containing a run.driver object to be merged with the root log file.", "$ref": "#/definitions/externalPropertyFileReference" }, "extensions": { "description": "An array of external property files containing run.extensions arrays to be merged with the root log file.", "type": "array", "minItems": 0, "uniqueItems": true, "default": [], "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/externalPropertyFileReference" } }, "policies": { "description": "An array of external property files containing run.policies arrays to be merged with the root log file.", "type": "array", "minItems": 0, "uniqueItems": true, "default": [], "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/externalPropertyFileReference" } }, "translations": { "description": "An array of external property files containing run.translations arrays to be merged with the root log file.", "type": "array", "minItems": 0, "uniqueItems": true, "default": [], "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/externalPropertyFileReference" } }, "webRequests": { "description": "An array of external property files containing run.requests arrays to be merged with the root log file.", "type": "array", "minItems": 0, "uniqueItems": true, "default": [], "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/externalPropertyFileReference" } }, "webResponses": { "description": "An array of external property files containing run.responses arrays to be merged with the root log file.", "type": "array", "minItems": 0, "uniqueItems": true, "default": [], "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/externalPropertyFileReference" } }, "properties": { "description": "Key/value pairs that provide additional information about the external property files.", "$ref": "#/definitions/propertyBag" } } }, "fix": { "description": "A proposed fix for the problem represented by a result object. A fix specifies a set of artifacts to modify. For each artifact, it specifies a set of bytes to remove, and provides a set of new bytes to replace them.", "additionalProperties": false, "type": "object", "properties": { "description": { "description": "A message that describes the proposed fix, enabling viewers to present the proposed change to an end user.", "$ref": "#/definitions/message" }, "artifactChanges": { "description": "One or more artifact changes that comprise a fix for a result.", "type": "array", "minItems": 1, "uniqueItems": true, "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/artifactChange" } }, "properties": { "description": "Key/value pairs that provide additional information about the fix.", "$ref": "#/definitions/propertyBag" } }, "required": ["artifactChanges"] }, "graph": { "description": "A network of nodes and directed edges that describes some aspect of the structure of the code (for example, a call graph).", "type": "object", "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "description": { "description": "A description of the graph.", "$ref": "#/definitions/message" }, "nodes": { "description": "An array of node objects representing the nodes of the graph.", "type": "array", "minItems": 0, "uniqueItems": true, "default": [], "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/node" } }, "edges": { "description": "An array of edge objects representing the edges of the graph.", "type": "array", "minItems": 0, "uniqueItems": true, "default": [], "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/edge" } }, "properties": { "description": "Key/value pairs that provide additional information about the graph.", "$ref": "#/definitions/propertyBag" } } }, "graphTraversal": { "description": "Represents a path through a graph.", "type": "object", "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "runGraphIndex": { "description": "The index within the run.graphs to be associated with the result.", "type": "integer", "default": -1, "minimum": -1 }, "resultGraphIndex": { "description": "The index within the result.graphs to be associated with the result.", "type": "integer", "default": -1, "minimum": -1 }, "description": { "description": "A description of this graph traversal.", "$ref": "#/definitions/message" }, "initialState": { "description": "Values of relevant expressions at the start of the graph traversal that may change during graph traversal.", "type": "object", "additionalProperties": { "$ref": "#/definitions/multiformatMessageString" } }, "immutableState": { "description": "Values of relevant expressions at the start of the graph traversal that remain constant for the graph traversal.", "type": "object", "additionalProperties": { "$ref": "#/definitions/multiformatMessageString" } }, "edgeTraversals": { "description": "The sequences of edges traversed by this graph traversal.", "type": "array", "minItems": 0, "uniqueItems": false, "default": [], "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/edgeTraversal" } }, "properties": { "description": "Key/value pairs that provide additional information about the graph traversal.", "$ref": "#/definitions/propertyBag" } }, "oneOf": [ { "required": ["runGraphIndex"] }, { "required": ["resultGraphIndex"] } ] }, "invocation": { "description": "The runtime environment of the analysis tool run.", "additionalProperties": false, "type": "object", "properties": { "commandLine": { "description": "The command line used to invoke the tool.", "type": "string" }, "arguments": { "description": "An array of strings, containing in order the command line arguments passed to the tool from the operating system.", "type": "array", "minItems": 0, "uniqueItems": false, "items": { "type": "string" } }, "responseFiles": { "description": "The locations of any response files specified on the tool's command line.", "type": "array", "minItems": 0, "uniqueItems": true, "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/artifactLocation" } }, "startTimeUtc": { "description": "The Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) date and time at which the run started. See \"Date/time properties\" in the SARIF spec for the required format.", "type": "string", "format": "date-time" }, "endTimeUtc": { "description": "The Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) date and time at which the run ended. See \"Date/time properties\" in the SARIF spec for the required format.", "type": "string", "format": "date-time" }, "exitCode": { "description": "The process exit code.", "type": "integer" }, "ruleConfigurationOverrides": { "description": "An array of configurationOverride objects that describe rules related runtime overrides.", "type": "array", "minItems": 0, "default": [], "uniqueItems": true, "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/configurationOverride" } }, "notificationConfigurationOverrides": { "description": "An array of configurationOverride objects that describe notifications related runtime overrides.", "type": "array", "minItems": 0, "default": [], "uniqueItems": true, "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/configurationOverride" } }, "toolExecutionNotifications": { "description": "A list of runtime conditions detected by the tool during the analysis.", "type": "array", "minItems": 0, "uniqueItems": false, "default": [], "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/notification" } }, "toolConfigurationNotifications": { "description": "A list of conditions detected by the tool that are relevant to the tool's configuration.", "type": "array", "minItems": 0, "uniqueItems": false, "default": [], "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/notification" } }, "exitCodeDescription": { "description": "The reason for the process exit.", "type": "string" }, "exitSignalName": { "description": "The name of the signal that caused the process to exit.", "type": "string" }, "exitSignalNumber": { "description": "The numeric value of the signal that caused the process to exit.", "type": "integer" }, "processStartFailureMessage": { "description": "The reason given by the operating system that the process failed to start.", "type": "string" }, "executionSuccessful": { "description": "Specifies whether the tool's execution completed successfully.", "type": "boolean" }, "machine": { "description": "The machine that hosted the analysis tool run.", "type": "string" }, "account": { "description": "The account that ran the analysis tool.", "type": "string" }, "processId": { "description": "The process id for the analysis tool run.", "type": "integer" }, "executableLocation": { "description": "An absolute URI specifying the location of the analysis tool's executable.", "$ref": "#/definitions/artifactLocation" }, "workingDirectory": { "description": "The working directory for the analysis tool run.", "$ref": "#/definitions/artifactLocation" }, "environmentVariables": { "description": "The environment variables associated with the analysis tool process, expressed as key/value pairs.", "type": "object", "additionalProperties": { "type": "string" } }, "stdin": { "description": "A file containing the standard input stream to the process that was invoked.", "$ref": "#/definitions/artifactLocation" }, "stdout": { "description": "A file containing the standard output stream from the process that was invoked.", "$ref": "#/definitions/artifactLocation" }, "stderr": { "description": "A file containing the standard error stream from the process that was invoked.", "$ref": "#/definitions/artifactLocation" }, "stdoutStderr": { "description": "A file containing the interleaved standard output and standard error stream from the process that was invoked.", "$ref": "#/definitions/artifactLocation" }, "properties": { "description": "Key/value pairs that provide additional information about the invocation.", "$ref": "#/definitions/propertyBag" } }, "required": ["executionSuccessful"] }, "location": { "description": "A location within a programming artifact.", "additionalProperties": false, "type": "object", "properties": { "id": { "description": "Value that distinguishes this location from all other locations within a single result object.", "type": "integer", "minimum": -1, "default": -1 }, "physicalLocation": { "description": "Identifies the artifact and region.", "$ref": "#/definitions/physicalLocation" }, "logicalLocations": { "description": "The logical locations associated with the result.", "type": "array", "minItems": 0, "uniqueItems": true, "default": [], "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/logicalLocation" } }, "message": { "description": "A message relevant to the location.", "$ref": "#/definitions/message" }, "annotations": { "description": "A set of regions relevant to the location.", "type": "array", "minItems": 0, "uniqueItems": true, "default": [], "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/region" } }, "relationships": { "description": "An array of objects that describe relationships between this location and others.", "type": "array", "default": [], "minItems": 0, "uniqueItems": true, "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/locationRelationship" } }, "properties": { "description": "Key/value pairs that provide additional information about the location.", "$ref": "#/definitions/propertyBag" } } }, "locationRelationship": { "description": "Information about the relation of one location to another.", "type": "object", "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "target": { "description": "A reference to the related location.", "type": "integer", "minimum": 0 }, "kinds": { "description": "A set of distinct strings that categorize the relationship. Well-known kinds include 'includes', 'isIncludedBy' and 'relevant'.", "type": "array", "default": ["relevant"], "uniqueItems": true, "items": { "type": "string" } }, "description": { "description": "A description of the location relationship.", "$ref": "#/definitions/message" }, "properties": { "description": "Key/value pairs that provide additional information about the location relationship.", "$ref": "#/definitions/propertyBag" } }, "required": ["target"] }, "logicalLocation": { "description": "A logical location of a construct that produced a result.", "additionalProperties": false, "type": "object", "properties": { "name": { "description": "Identifies the construct in which the result occurred. For example, this property might contain the name of a class or a method.", "type": "string" }, "index": { "description": "The index within the logical locations array.", "type": "integer", "default": -1, "minimum": -1 }, "fullyQualifiedName": { "description": "The human-readable fully qualified name of the logical location.", "type": "string" }, "decoratedName": { "description": "The machine-readable name for the logical location, such as a mangled function name provided by a C++ compiler that encodes calling convention, return type and other details along with the function name.", "type": "string" }, "parentIndex": { "description": "Identifies the index of the immediate parent of the construct in which the result was detected. For example, this property might point to a logical location that represents the namespace that holds a type.", "type": "integer", "default": -1, "minimum": -1 }, "kind": { "description": "The type of construct this logical location component refers to. Should be one of 'function', 'member', 'module', 'namespace', 'parameter', 'resource', 'returnType', 'type', 'variable', 'object', 'array', 'property', 'value', 'element', 'text', 'attribute', 'comment', 'declaration', 'dtd' or 'processingInstruction', if any of those accurately describe the construct.", "type": "string" }, "properties": { "description": "Key/value pairs that provide additional information about the logical location.", "$ref": "#/definitions/propertyBag" } } }, "message": { "description": "Encapsulates a message intended to be read by the end user.", "type": "object", "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "text": { "description": "A plain text message string.", "type": "string" }, "markdown": { "description": "A Markdown message string.", "type": "string" }, "id": { "description": "The identifier for this message.", "type": "string" }, "arguments": { "description": "An array of strings to substitute into the message string.", "type": "array", "minItems": 0, "uniqueItems": false, "default": [], "items": { "type": "string" } }, "properties": { "description": "Key/value pairs that provide additional information about the message.", "$ref": "#/definitions/propertyBag" } }, "anyOf": [ { "required": ["text"] }, { "required": ["id"] } ] }, "multiformatMessageString": { "description": "A message string or message format string rendered in multiple formats.", "type": "object", "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "text": { "description": "A plain text message string or format string.", "type": "string" }, "markdown": { "description": "A Markdown message string or format string.", "type": "string" }, "properties": { "description": "Key/value pairs that provide additional information about the message.", "$ref": "#/definitions/propertyBag" } }, "required": ["text"] }, "node": { "description": "Represents a node in a graph.", "type": "object", "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "id": { "description": "A string that uniquely identifies the node within its graph.", "type": "string" }, "label": { "description": "A short description of the node.", "$ref": "#/definitions/message" }, "location": { "description": "A code location associated with the node.", "$ref": "#/definitions/location" }, "children": { "description": "Array of child nodes.", "type": "array", "minItems": 0, "uniqueItems": true, "default": [], "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/node" } }, "properties": { "description": "Key/value pairs that provide additional information about the node.", "$ref": "#/definitions/propertyBag" } }, "required": ["id"] }, "notification": { "description": "Describes a condition relevant to the tool itself, as opposed to being relevant to a target being analyzed by the tool.", "type": "object", "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "locations": { "description": "The locations relevant to this notification.", "type": "array", "minItems": 0, "uniqueItems": true, "default": [], "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/location" } }, "message": { "description": "A message that describes the condition that was encountered.", "$ref": "#/definitions/message" }, "level": { "description": "A value specifying the severity level of the notification.", "default": "warning", "enum": ["none", "note", "warning", "error"] }, "threadId": { "description": "The thread identifier of the code that generated the notification.", "type": "integer" }, "timeUtc": { "description": "The Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) date and time at which the analysis tool generated the notification.", "type": "string", "format": "date-time" }, "exception": { "description": "The runtime exception, if any, relevant to this notification.", "$ref": "#/definitions/exception" }, "descriptor": { "description": "A reference used to locate the descriptor relevant to this notification.", "$ref": "#/definitions/reportingDescriptorReference" }, "associatedRule": { "description": "A reference used to locate the rule descriptor associated with this notification.", "$ref": "#/definitions/reportingDescriptorReference" }, "properties": { "description": "Key/value pairs that provide additional information about the notification.", "$ref": "#/definitions/propertyBag" } }, "required": ["message"] }, "physicalLocation": { "description": "A physical location relevant to a result. Specifies a reference to a programming artifact together with a range of bytes or characters within that artifact.", "additionalProperties": false, "type": "object", "properties": { "address": { "description": "The address of the location.", "$ref": "#/definitions/address" }, "artifactLocation": { "description": "The location of the artifact.", "$ref": "#/definitions/artifactLocation" }, "region": { "description": "Specifies a portion of the artifact.", "$ref": "#/definitions/region" }, "contextRegion": { "description": "Specifies a portion of the artifact that encloses the region. Allows a viewer to display additional context around the region.", "$ref": "#/definitions/region" }, "properties": { "description": "Key/value pairs that provide additional information about the physical location.", "$ref": "#/definitions/propertyBag" } }, "anyOf": [ { "required": ["address"] }, { "required": ["artifactLocation"] } ] }, "propertyBag": { "description": "Key/value pairs that provide additional information about the object.", "type": "object", "additionalProperties": true, "properties": { "tags": { "description": "A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.", "type": "array", "minItems": 0, "uniqueItems": true, "default": [], "items": { "type": "string" } } } }, "rectangle": { "description": "An area within an image.", "additionalProperties": false, "type": "object", "properties": { "top": { "description": "The Y coordinate of the top edge of the rectangle, measured in the image's natural units.", "type": "number" }, "left": { "description": "The X coordinate of the left edge of the rectangle, measured in the image's natural units.", "type": "number" }, "bottom": { "description": "The Y coordinate of the bottom edge of the rectangle, measured in the image's natural units.", "type": "number" }, "right": { "description": "The X coordinate of the right edge of the rectangle, measured in the image's natural units.", "type": "number" }, "message": { "description": "A message relevant to the rectangle.", "$ref": "#/definitions/message" }, "properties": { "description": "Key/value pairs that provide additional information about the rectangle.", "$ref": "#/definitions/propertyBag" } } }, "region": { "description": "A region within an artifact where a result was detected.", "additionalProperties": false, "type": "object", "properties": { "startLine": { "description": "The line number of the first character in the region.", "type": "integer", "minimum": 1 }, "startColumn": { "description": "The column number of the first character in the region.", "type": "integer", "minimum": 1 }, "endLine": { "description": "The line number of the last character in the region.", "type": "integer", "minimum": 1 }, "endColumn": { "description": "The column number of the character following the end of the region.", "type": "integer", "minimum": 1 }, "charOffset": { "description": "The zero-based offset from the beginning of the artifact of the first character in the region.", "type": "integer", "default": -1, "minimum": -1 }, "charLength": { "description": "The length of the region in characters.", "type": "integer", "minimum": 0 }, "byteOffset": { "description": "The zero-based offset from the beginning of the artifact of the first byte in the region.", "type": "integer", "default": -1, "minimum": -1 }, "byteLength": { "description": "The length of the region in bytes.", "type": "integer", "minimum": 0 }, "snippet": { "description": "The portion of the artifact contents within the specified region.", "$ref": "#/definitions/artifactContent" }, "message": { "description": "A message relevant to the region.", "$ref": "#/definitions/message" }, "sourceLanguage": { "description": "Specifies the source language, if any, of the portion of the artifact specified by the region object.", "type": "string" }, "properties": { "description": "Key/value pairs that provide additional information about the region.", "$ref": "#/definitions/propertyBag" } } }, "replacement": { "description": "The replacement of a single region of an artifact.", "additionalProperties": false, "type": "object", "properties": { "deletedRegion": { "description": "The region of the artifact to delete.", "$ref": "#/definitions/region" }, "insertedContent": { "description": "The content to insert at the location specified by the 'deletedRegion' property.", "$ref": "#/definitions/artifactContent" }, "properties": { "description": "Key/value pairs that provide additional information about the replacement.", "$ref": "#/definitions/propertyBag" } }, "required": ["deletedRegion"] }, "reportingDescriptor": { "description": "Metadata that describes a specific report produced by the tool, as part of the analysis it provides or its runtime reporting.", "additionalProperties": false, "type": "object", "properties": { "id": { "description": "A stable, opaque identifier for the report.", "type": "string" }, "deprecatedIds": { "description": "An array of stable, opaque identifiers by which this report was known in some previous version of the analysis tool.", "type": "array", "minItems": 0, "uniqueItems": true, "items": { "type": "string" } }, "guid": { "description": "A unique identifier for the reporting descriptor in the form of a GUID.", "type": "string", "pattern": "^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[1-5][0-9a-fA-F]{3}-[89abAB][0-9a-fA-F]{3}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$" }, "deprecatedGuids": { "description": "An array of unique identifies in the form of a GUID by which this report was known in some previous version of the analysis tool.", "type": "array", "minItems": 0, "uniqueItems": true, "items": { "type": "string", "pattern": "^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[1-5][0-9a-fA-F]{3}-[89abAB][0-9a-fA-F]{3}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$" } }, "name": { "description": "A report identifier that is understandable to an end user.", "type": "string" }, "deprecatedNames": { "description": "An array of readable identifiers by which this report was known in some previous version of the analysis tool.", "type": "array", "minItems": 0, "uniqueItems": true, "items": { "type": "string" } }, "shortDescription": { "description": "A concise description of the report. Should be a single sentence that is understandable when visible space is limited to a single line of text.", "$ref": "#/definitions/multiformatMessageString" }, "fullDescription": { "description": "A description of the report. Should, as far as possible, provide details sufficient to enable resolution of any problem indicated by the result.", "$ref": "#/definitions/multiformatMessageString" }, "messageStrings": { "description": "A set of name/value pairs with arbitrary names. Each value is a multiformatMessageString object, which holds message strings in plain text and (optionally) Markdown format. The strings can include placeholders, which can be used to construct a message in combination with an arbitrary number of additional string arguments.", "type": "object", "additionalProperties": { "$ref": "#/definitions/multiformatMessageString" } }, "defaultConfiguration": { "description": "Default reporting configuration information.", "$ref": "#/definitions/reportingConfiguration" }, "helpUri": { "description": "A URI where the primary documentation for the report can be found.", "type": "string", "format": "uri" }, "help": { "description": "Provides the primary documentation for the report, useful when there is no online documentation.", "$ref": "#/definitions/multiformatMessageString" }, "relationships": { "description": "An array of objects that describe relationships between this reporting descriptor and others.", "type": "array", "default": [], "minItems": 0, "uniqueItems": true, "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/reportingDescriptorRelationship" } }, "properties": { "description": "Key/value pairs that provide additional information about the report.", "$ref": "#/definitions/propertyBag" } }, "required": ["id"] }, "reportingConfiguration": { "description": "Information about a rule or notification that can be configured at runtime.", "type": "object", "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "enabled": { "description": "Specifies whether the report may be produced during the scan.", "type": "boolean", "default": true }, "level": { "description": "Specifies the failure level for the report.", "default": "warning", "enum": ["none", "note", "warning", "error"] }, "rank": { "description": "Specifies the relative priority of the report. Used for analysis output only.", "type": "number", "default": -1, "minimum": -1, "maximum": 100 }, "parameters": { "description": "Contains configuration information specific to a report.", "$ref": "#/definitions/propertyBag" }, "properties": { "description": "Key/value pairs that provide additional information about the reporting configuration.", "$ref": "#/definitions/propertyBag" } } }, "reportingDescriptorReference": { "description": "Information about how to locate a relevant reporting descriptor.", "type": "object", "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "id": { "description": "The id of the descriptor.", "type": "string" }, "index": { "description": "The index into an array of descriptors in toolComponent.ruleDescriptors, toolComponent.notificationDescriptors, or toolComponent.taxonomyDescriptors, depending on context.", "type": "integer", "default": -1, "minimum": -1 }, "guid": { "description": "A guid that uniquely identifies the descriptor.", "type": "string", "pattern": "^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[1-5][0-9a-fA-F]{3}-[89abAB][0-9a-fA-F]{3}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$" }, "toolComponent": { "description": "A reference used to locate the toolComponent associated with the descriptor.", "$ref": "#/definitions/toolComponentReference" }, "properties": { "description": "Key/value pairs that provide additional information about the reporting descriptor reference.", "$ref": "#/definitions/propertyBag" } }, "anyOf": [ { "required": ["index"] }, { "required": ["guid"] }, { "required": ["id"] } ] }, "reportingDescriptorRelationship": { "description": "Information about the relation of one reporting descriptor to another.", "type": "object", "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "target": { "description": "A reference to the related reporting descriptor.", "$ref": "#/definitions/reportingDescriptorReference" }, "kinds": { "description": "A set of distinct strings that categorize the relationship. Well-known kinds include 'canPrecede', 'canFollow', 'willPrecede', 'willFollow', 'superset', 'subset', 'equal', 'disjoint', 'relevant', and 'incomparable'.", "type": "array", "default": ["relevant"], "uniqueItems": true, "items": { "type": "string" } }, "description": { "description": "A description of the reporting descriptor relationship.", "$ref": "#/definitions/message" }, "properties": { "description": "Key/value pairs that provide additional information about the reporting descriptor reference.", "$ref": "#/definitions/propertyBag" } }, "required": ["target"] }, "result": { "description": "A result produced by an analysis tool.", "additionalProperties": false, "type": "object", "properties": { "ruleId": { "description": "The stable, unique identifier of the rule, if any, to which this notification is relevant. This member can be used to retrieve rule metadata from the rules dictionary, if it exists.", "type": "string" }, "ruleIndex": { "description": "The index within the tool component rules array of the rule object associated with this result.", "type": "integer", "default": -1, "minimum": -1 }, "rule": { "description": "A reference used to locate the rule descriptor relevant to this result.", "$ref": "#/definitions/reportingDescriptorReference" }, "kind": { "description": "A value that categorizes results by evaluation state.", "default": "fail", "enum": [ "notApplicable", "pass", "fail", "review", "open", "informational" ] }, "level": { "description": "A value specifying the severity level of the result.", "default": "warning", "enum": ["none", "note", "warning", "error"] }, "message": { "description": "A message that describes the result. The first sentence of the message only will be displayed when visible space is limited.", "$ref": "#/definitions/message" }, "analysisTarget": { "description": "Identifies the artifact that the analysis tool was instructed to scan. This need not be the same as the artifact where the result actually occurred.", "$ref": "#/definitions/artifactLocation" }, "locations": { "description": "The set of locations where the result was detected. Specify only one location unless the problem indicated by the result can only be corrected by making a change at every specified location.", "type": "array", "minItems": 0, "uniqueItems": false, "default": [], "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/location" } }, "guid": { "description": "A stable, unique identifier for the result in the form of a GUID.", "type": "string", "pattern": "^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[1-5][0-9a-fA-F]{3}-[89abAB][0-9a-fA-F]{3}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$" }, "correlationGuid": { "description": "A stable, unique identifier for the equivalence class of logically identical results to which this result belongs, in the form of a GUID.", "type": "string", "pattern": "^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[1-5][0-9a-fA-F]{3}-[89abAB][0-9a-fA-F]{3}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$" }, "occurrenceCount": { "description": "A positive integer specifying the number of times this logically unique result was observed in this run.", "type": "integer", "minimum": 1 }, "partialFingerprints": { "description": "A set of strings that contribute to the stable, unique identity of the result.", "type": "object", "additionalProperties": { "type": "string" } }, "fingerprints": { "description": "A set of strings each of which individually defines a stable, unique identity for the result.", "type": "object", "additionalProperties": { "type": "string" } }, "stacks": { "description": "An array of 'stack' objects relevant to the result.", "type": "array", "minItems": 0, "uniqueItems": true, "default": [], "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/stack" } }, "codeFlows": { "description": "An array of 'codeFlow' objects relevant to the result.", "type": "array", "minItems": 0, "uniqueItems": false, "default": [], "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/codeFlow" } }, "graphs": { "description": "An array of zero or more unique graph objects associated with the result.", "type": "array", "minItems": 0, "uniqueItems": true, "default": [], "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/graph" } }, "graphTraversals": { "description": "An array of one or more unique 'graphTraversal' objects.", "type": "array", "minItems": 0, "uniqueItems": true, "default": [], "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/graphTraversal" } }, "relatedLocations": { "description": "A set of locations relevant to this result.", "type": "array", "minItems": 0, "uniqueItems": true, "default": [], "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/location" } }, "suppressions": { "description": "A set of suppressions relevant to this result.", "type": "array", "minItems": 0, "uniqueItems": true, "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/suppression" } }, "baselineState": { "description": "The state of a result relative to a baseline of a previous run.", "enum": ["new", "unchanged", "updated", "absent"] }, "rank": { "description": "A number representing the priority or importance of the result.", "type": "number", "default": -1, "minimum": -1, "maximum": 100 }, "attachments": { "description": "A set of artifacts relevant to the result.", "type": "array", "minItems": 0, "uniqueItems": true, "default": [], "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/attachment" } }, "hostedViewerUri": { "description": "An absolute URI at which the result can be viewed.", "type": "string", "format": "uri" }, "workItemUris": { "description": "The URIs of the work items associated with this result.", "type": "array", "minItems": 0, "uniqueItems": true, "items": { "type": "string", "format": "uri" } }, "provenance": { "description": "Information about how and when the result was detected.", "$ref": "#/definitions/resultProvenance" }, "fixes": { "description": "An array of 'fix' objects, each of which represents a proposed fix to the problem indicated by the result.", "type": "array", "minItems": 0, "uniqueItems": true, "default": [], "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/fix" } }, "taxa": { "description": "An array of references to taxonomy reporting descriptors that are applicable to the result.", "type": "array", "default": [], "minItems": 0, "uniqueItems": true, "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/reportingDescriptorReference" } }, "webRequest": { "description": "A web request associated with this result.", "$ref": "#/definitions/webRequest" }, "webResponse": { "description": "A web response associated with this result.", "$ref": "#/definitions/webResponse" }, "properties": { "description": "Key/value pairs that provide additional information about the result.", "$ref": "#/definitions/propertyBag" } }, "required": ["message"] }, "resultProvenance": { "description": "Contains information about how and when a result was detected.", "additionalProperties": false, "type": "object", "properties": { "firstDetectionTimeUtc": { "description": "The Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) date and time at which the result was first detected. See \"Date/time properties\" in the SARIF spec for the required format.", "type": "string", "format": "date-time" }, "lastDetectionTimeUtc": { "description": "The Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) date and time at which the result was most recently detected. See \"Date/time properties\" in the SARIF spec for the required format.", "type": "string", "format": "date-time" }, "firstDetectionRunGuid": { "description": "A GUID-valued string equal to the automationDetails.guid property of the run in which the result was first detected.", "type": "string", "pattern": "^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[1-5][0-9a-fA-F]{3}-[89abAB][0-9a-fA-F]{3}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$" }, "lastDetectionRunGuid": { "description": "A GUID-valued string equal to the automationDetails.guid property of the run in which the result was most recently detected.", "type": "string", "pattern": "^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[1-5][0-9a-fA-F]{3}-[89abAB][0-9a-fA-F]{3}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$" }, "invocationIndex": { "description": "The index within the run.invocations array of the invocation object which describes the tool invocation that detected the result.", "type": "integer", "default": -1, "minimum": -1 }, "conversionSources": { "description": "An array of physicalLocation objects which specify the portions of an analysis tool's output that a converter transformed into the result.", "type": "array", "minItems": 0, "uniqueItems": true, "default": [], "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/physicalLocation" } }, "properties": { "description": "Key/value pairs that provide additional information about the result.", "$ref": "#/definitions/propertyBag" } } }, "run": { "description": "Describes a single run of an analysis tool, and contains the reported output of that run.", "additionalProperties": false, "type": "object", "properties": { "tool": { "description": "Information about the tool or tool pipeline that generated the results in this run. A run can only contain results produced by a single tool or tool pipeline. A run can aggregate results from multiple log files, as long as context around the tool run (tool command-line arguments and the like) is identical for all aggregated files.", "$ref": "#/definitions/tool" }, "invocations": { "description": "Describes the invocation of the analysis tool.", "type": "array", "minItems": 0, "uniqueItems": false, "default": [], "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/invocation" } }, "conversion": { "description": "A conversion object that describes how a converter transformed an analysis tool's native reporting format into the SARIF format.", "$ref": "#/definitions/conversion" }, "language": { "description": "The language of the messages emitted into the log file during this run (expressed as an ISO 639-1 two-letter lowercase culture code) and an optional region (expressed as an ISO 3166-1 two-letter uppercase subculture code associated with a country or region). The casing is recommended but not required (in order for this data to conform to RFC5646).", "type": "string", "default": "en-US", "pattern": "^[a-zA-Z]{2}|^[a-zA-Z]{2}-[a-zA-Z]{2}?$" }, "versionControlProvenance": { "description": "Specifies the revision in version control of the artifacts that were scanned.", "type": "array", "minItems": 0, "uniqueItems": true, "default": [], "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/versionControlDetails" } }, "originalUriBaseIds": { "description": "The artifact location specified by each uriBaseId symbol on the machine where the tool originally ran.", "type": "object", "additionalProperties": { "$ref": "#/definitions/artifactLocation" } }, "artifacts": { "description": "An array of artifact objects relevant to the run.", "type": "array", "minItems": 0, "uniqueItems": true, "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/artifact" } }, "logicalLocations": { "description": "An array of logical locations such as namespaces, types or functions.", "type": "array", "minItems": 0, "uniqueItems": true, "default": [], "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/logicalLocation" } }, "graphs": { "description": "An array of zero or more unique graph objects associated with the run.", "type": "array", "minItems": 0, "uniqueItems": true, "default": [], "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/graph" } }, "results": { "description": "The set of results contained in an SARIF log. The results array can be omitted when a run is solely exporting rules metadata. It must be present (but may be empty) if a log file represents an actual scan.", "type": "array", "minItems": 0, "uniqueItems": false, "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/result" } }, "automationDetails": { "description": "Automation details that describe this run.", "$ref": "#/definitions/runAutomationDetails" }, "runAggregates": { "description": "Automation details that describe the aggregate of runs to which this run belongs.", "type": "array", "minItems": 0, "uniqueItems": true, "default": [], "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/runAutomationDetails" } }, "baselineGuid": { "description": "The 'guid' property of a previous SARIF 'run' that comprises the baseline that was used to compute result 'baselineState' properties for the run.", "type": "string", "pattern": "^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[1-5][0-9a-fA-F]{3}-[89abAB][0-9a-fA-F]{3}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$" }, "redactionTokens": { "description": "An array of strings used to replace sensitive information in a redaction-aware property.", "type": "array", "minItems": 0, "uniqueItems": true, "default": [], "items": { "type": "string" } }, "defaultEncoding": { "description": "Specifies the default encoding for any artifact object that refers to a text file.", "type": "string" }, "defaultSourceLanguage": { "description": "Specifies the default source language for any artifact object that refers to a text file that contains source code.", "type": "string" }, "newlineSequences": { "description": "An ordered list of character sequences that were treated as line breaks when computing region information for the run.", "type": "array", "minItems": 1, "uniqueItems": true, "default": ["\r\n", "\n"], "items": { "type": "string" } }, "columnKind": { "description": "Specifies the unit in which the tool measures columns.", "enum": ["utf16CodeUnits", "unicodeCodePoints"] }, "externalPropertyFileReferences": { "description": "References to external property files that should be inlined with the content of a root log file.", "$ref": "#/definitions/externalPropertyFileReferences" }, "threadFlowLocations": { "description": "An array of threadFlowLocation objects cached at run level.", "type": "array", "minItems": 0, "uniqueItems": true, "default": [], "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/threadFlowLocation" } }, "taxonomies": { "description": "An array of toolComponent objects relevant to a taxonomy in which results are categorized.", "type": "array", "minItems": 0, "uniqueItems": true, "default": [], "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/toolComponent" } }, "addresses": { "description": "Addresses associated with this run instance, if any.", "type": "array", "minItems": 0, "uniqueItems": false, "default": [], "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/address" } }, "translations": { "description": "The set of available translations of the localized data provided by the tool.", "type": "array", "minItems": 0, "uniqueItems": true, "default": [], "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/toolComponent" } }, "policies": { "description": "Contains configurations that may potentially override both reportingDescriptor.defaultConfiguration (the tool's default severities) and invocation.configurationOverrides (severities established at run-time from the command line).", "type": "array", "minItems": 0, "uniqueItems": true, "default": [], "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/toolComponent" } }, "webRequests": { "description": "An array of request objects cached at run level.", "type": "array", "minItems": 0, "uniqueItems": true, "default": [], "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/webRequest" } }, "webResponses": { "description": "An array of response objects cached at run level.", "type": "array", "minItems": 0, "uniqueItems": true, "default": [], "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/webResponse" } }, "specialLocations": { "description": "A specialLocations object that defines locations of special significance to SARIF consumers.", "$ref": "#/definitions/specialLocations" }, "properties": { "description": "Key/value pairs that provide additional information about the run.", "$ref": "#/definitions/propertyBag" } }, "required": ["tool"] }, "runAutomationDetails": { "description": "Information that describes a run's identity and role within an engineering system process.", "additionalProperties": false, "type": "object", "properties": { "description": { "description": "A description of the identity and role played within the engineering system by this object's containing run object.", "$ref": "#/definitions/message" }, "id": { "description": "A hierarchical string that uniquely identifies this object's containing run object.", "type": "string" }, "guid": { "description": "A stable, unique identifier for this object's containing run object in the form of a GUID.", "type": "string", "pattern": "^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[1-5][0-9a-fA-F]{3}-[89abAB][0-9a-fA-F]{3}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$" }, "correlationGuid": { "description": "A stable, unique identifier for the equivalence class of runs to which this object's containing run object belongs in the form of a GUID.", "type": "string", "pattern": "^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[1-5][0-9a-fA-F]{3}-[89abAB][0-9a-fA-F]{3}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$" }, "properties": { "description": "Key/value pairs that provide additional information about the run automation details.", "$ref": "#/definitions/propertyBag" } } }, "specialLocations": { "description": "Defines locations of special significance to SARIF consumers.", "type": "object", "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "displayBase": { "description": "Provides a suggestion to SARIF consumers to display file paths relative to the specified location.", "$ref": "#/definitions/artifactLocation" }, "properties": { "description": "Key/value pairs that provide additional information about the special locations.", "$ref": "#/definitions/propertyBag" } } }, "stack": { "description": "A call stack that is relevant to a result.", "additionalProperties": false, "type": "object", "properties": { "message": { "description": "A message relevant to this call stack.", "$ref": "#/definitions/message" }, "frames": { "description": "An array of stack frames that represents a sequence of calls, rendered in reverse chronological order, that comprise the call stack.", "type": "array", "minItems": 0, "uniqueItems": false, "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/stackFrame" } }, "properties": { "description": "Key/value pairs that provide additional information about the stack.", "$ref": "#/definitions/propertyBag" } }, "required": ["frames"] }, "stackFrame": { "description": "A function call within a stack trace.", "additionalProperties": false, "type": "object", "properties": { "location": { "description": "The location to which this stack frame refers.", "$ref": "#/definitions/location" }, "module": { "description": "The name of the module that contains the code of this stack frame.", "type": "string" }, "threadId": { "description": "The thread identifier of the stack frame.", "type": "integer" }, "parameters": { "description": "The parameters of the call that is executing.", "type": "array", "minItems": 0, "uniqueItems": false, "default": [], "items": { "type": "string", "default": [] } }, "properties": { "description": "Key/value pairs that provide additional information about the stack frame.", "$ref": "#/definitions/propertyBag" } } }, "suppression": { "description": "A suppression that is relevant to a result.", "additionalProperties": false, "type": "object", "properties": { "guid": { "description": "A stable, unique identifier for the suppression in the form of a GUID.", "type": "string", "pattern": "^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[1-5][0-9a-fA-F]{3}-[89abAB][0-9a-fA-F]{3}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$" }, "kind": { "description": "A string that indicates where the suppression is persisted.", "enum": ["inSource", "external"] }, "state": { "description": "A string that indicates the state of the suppression.", "enum": ["accepted", "underReview", "rejected"] }, "justification": { "description": "A string representing the justification for the suppression.", "type": "string" }, "location": { "description": "Identifies the location associated with the suppression.", "$ref": "#/definitions/location" }, "properties": { "description": "Key/value pairs that provide additional information about the suppression.", "$ref": "#/definitions/propertyBag" } }, "required": ["kind"] }, "threadFlow": { "description": "Describes a sequence of code locations that specify a path through a single thread of execution such as an operating system or fiber.", "type": "object", "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "id": { "description": "An string that uniquely identifies the threadFlow within the codeFlow in which it occurs.", "type": "string" }, "message": { "description": "A message relevant to the thread flow.", "$ref": "#/definitions/message" }, "initialState": { "description": "Values of relevant expressions at the start of the thread flow that may change during thread flow execution.", "type": "object", "additionalProperties": { "$ref": "#/definitions/multiformatMessageString" } }, "immutableState": { "description": "Values of relevant expressions at the start of the thread flow that remain constant.", "type": "object", "additionalProperties": { "$ref": "#/definitions/multiformatMessageString" } }, "locations": { "description": "A temporally ordered array of 'threadFlowLocation' objects, each of which describes a location visited by the tool while producing the result.", "type": "array", "minItems": 1, "uniqueItems": false, "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/threadFlowLocation" } }, "properties": { "description": "Key/value pairs that provide additional information about the thread flow.", "$ref": "#/definitions/propertyBag" } }, "required": ["locations"] }, "threadFlowLocation": { "description": "A location visited by an analysis tool while simulating or monitoring the execution of a program.", "additionalProperties": false, "type": "object", "properties": { "index": { "description": "The index within the run threadFlowLocations array.", "type": "integer", "default": -1, "minimum": -1 }, "location": { "description": "The code location.", "$ref": "#/definitions/location" }, "stack": { "description": "The call stack leading to this location.", "$ref": "#/definitions/stack" }, "kinds": { "description": "A set of distinct strings that categorize the thread flow location. Well-known kinds include 'acquire', 'release', 'enter', 'exit', 'call', 'return', 'branch', 'implicit', 'false', 'true', 'caution', 'danger', 'unknown', 'unreachable', 'taint', 'function', 'handler', 'lock', 'memory', 'resource', 'scope' and 'value'.", "type": "array", "minItems": 0, "uniqueItems": true, "default": [], "items": { "type": "string" } }, "taxa": { "description": "An array of references to rule or taxonomy reporting descriptors that are applicable to the thread flow location.", "type": "array", "default": [], "minItems": 0, "uniqueItems": true, "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/reportingDescriptorReference" } }, "module": { "description": "The name of the module that contains the code that is executing.", "type": "string" }, "state": { "description": "A dictionary, each of whose keys specifies a variable or expression, the associated value of which represents the variable or expression value. For an annotation of kind 'continuation', for example, this dictionary might hold the current assumed values of a set of global variables.", "type": "object", "additionalProperties": { "$ref": "#/definitions/multiformatMessageString" } }, "nestingLevel": { "description": "An integer representing a containment hierarchy within the thread flow.", "type": "integer", "minimum": 0 }, "executionOrder": { "description": "An integer representing the temporal order in which execution reached this location.", "type": "integer", "default": -1, "minimum": -1 }, "executionTimeUtc": { "description": "The Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) date and time at which this location was executed.", "type": "string", "format": "date-time" }, "importance": { "description": "Specifies the importance of this location in understanding the code flow in which it occurs. The order from most to least important is \"essential\", \"important\", \"unimportant\". Default: \"important\".", "enum": ["important", "essential", "unimportant"], "default": "important" }, "webRequest": { "description": "A web request associated with this thread flow location.", "$ref": "#/definitions/webRequest" }, "webResponse": { "description": "A web response associated with this thread flow location.", "$ref": "#/definitions/webResponse" }, "properties": { "description": "Key/value pairs that provide additional information about the threadflow location.", "$ref": "#/definitions/propertyBag" } } }, "tool": { "description": "The analysis tool that was run.", "additionalProperties": false, "type": "object", "properties": { "driver": { "description": "The analysis tool that was run.", "$ref": "#/definitions/toolComponent" }, "extensions": { "description": "Tool extensions that contributed to or reconfigured the analysis tool that was run.", "type": "array", "minItems": 0, "uniqueItems": true, "default": [], "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/toolComponent" } }, "properties": { "description": "Key/value pairs that provide additional information about the tool.", "$ref": "#/definitions/propertyBag" } }, "required": ["driver"] }, "toolComponent": { "description": "A component, such as a plug-in or the driver, of the analysis tool that was run.", "additionalProperties": false, "type": "object", "properties": { "guid": { "description": "A unique identifier for the tool component in the form of a GUID.", "type": "string", "pattern": "^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[1-5][0-9a-fA-F]{3}-[89abAB][0-9a-fA-F]{3}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$" }, "name": { "description": "The name of the tool component.", "type": "string" }, "organization": { "description": "The organization or company that produced the tool component.", "type": "string" }, "product": { "description": "A product suite to which the tool component belongs.", "type": "string" }, "productSuite": { "description": "A localizable string containing the name of the suite of products to which the tool component belongs.", "type": "string" }, "shortDescription": { "description": "A brief description of the tool component.", "$ref": "#/definitions/multiformatMessageString" }, "fullDescription": { "description": "A comprehensive description of the tool component.", "$ref": "#/definitions/multiformatMessageString" }, "fullName": { "description": "The name of the tool component along with its version and any other useful identifying information, such as its locale.", "type": "string" }, "version": { "description": "The tool component version, in whatever format the component natively provides.", "type": "string" }, "semanticVersion": { "description": "The tool component version in the format specified by Semantic Versioning 2.0.", "type": "string" }, "dottedQuadFileVersion": { "description": "The binary version of the tool component's primary executable file expressed as four non-negative integers separated by a period (for operating systems that express file versions in this way).", "type": "string", "pattern": "[0-9]+(\\.[0-9]+){3}" }, "releaseDateUtc": { "description": "A string specifying the UTC date (and optionally, the time) of the component's release.", "type": "string" }, "downloadUri": { "description": "The absolute URI from which the tool component can be downloaded.", "type": "string", "format": "uri" }, "informationUri": { "description": "The absolute URI at which information about this version of the tool component can be found.", "type": "string", "format": "uri" }, "globalMessageStrings": { "description": "A dictionary, each of whose keys is a resource identifier and each of whose values is a multiformatMessageString object, which holds message strings in plain text and (optionally) Markdown format. The strings can include placeholders, which can be used to construct a message in combination with an arbitrary number of additional string arguments.", "type": "object", "additionalProperties": { "$ref": "#/definitions/multiformatMessageString" } }, "notifications": { "description": "An array of reportingDescriptor objects relevant to the notifications related to the configuration and runtime execution of the tool component.", "type": "array", "minItems": 0, "uniqueItems": true, "default": [], "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/reportingDescriptor" } }, "rules": { "description": "An array of reportingDescriptor objects relevant to the analysis performed by the tool component.", "type": "array", "minItems": 0, "uniqueItems": true, "default": [], "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/reportingDescriptor" } }, "taxa": { "description": "An array of reportingDescriptor objects relevant to the definitions of both standalone and tool-defined taxonomies.", "type": "array", "minItems": 0, "uniqueItems": true, "default": [], "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/reportingDescriptor" } }, "locations": { "description": "An array of the artifactLocation objects associated with the tool component.", "type": "array", "minItems": 0, "default": [], "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/artifactLocation" } }, "language": { "description": "The language of the messages emitted into the log file during this run (expressed as an ISO 639-1 two-letter lowercase language code) and an optional region (expressed as an ISO 3166-1 two-letter uppercase subculture code associated with a country or region). The casing is recommended but not required (in order for this data to conform to RFC5646).", "type": "string", "default": "en-US", "pattern": "^[a-zA-Z]{2}|^[a-zA-Z]{2}-[a-zA-Z]{2}?$" }, "contents": { "description": "The kinds of data contained in this object.", "type": "array", "uniqueItems": true, "default": ["localizedData", "nonLocalizedData"], "items": { "enum": ["localizedData", "nonLocalizedData"] } }, "isComprehensive": { "description": "Specifies whether this object contains a complete definition of the localizable and/or non-localizable data for this component, as opposed to including only data that is relevant to the results persisted to this log file.", "type": "boolean", "default": false }, "localizedDataSemanticVersion": { "description": "The semantic version of the localized strings defined in this component; maintained by components that provide translations.", "type": "string" }, "minimumRequiredLocalizedDataSemanticVersion": { "description": "The minimum value of localizedDataSemanticVersion required in translations consumed by this component; used by components that consume translations.", "type": "string" }, "associatedComponent": { "description": "The component which is strongly associated with this component. For a translation, this refers to the component which has been translated. For an extension, this is the driver that provides the extension's plugin model.", "$ref": "#/definitions/toolComponentReference" }, "translationMetadata": { "description": "Translation metadata, required for a translation, not populated by other component types.", "$ref": "#/definitions/translationMetadata" }, "supportedTaxonomies": { "description": "An array of toolComponentReference objects to declare the taxonomies supported by the tool component.", "type": "array", "minItems": 0, "uniqueItems": true, "default": [], "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/toolComponentReference" } }, "properties": { "description": "Key/value pairs that provide additional information about the tool component.", "$ref": "#/definitions/propertyBag" } }, "required": ["name"] }, "toolComponentReference": { "description": "Identifies a particular toolComponent object, either the driver or an extension.", "type": "object", "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "name": { "description": "The 'name' property of the referenced toolComponent.", "type": "string" }, "index": { "description": "An index into the referenced toolComponent in tool.extensions.", "type": "integer", "default": -1, "minimum": -1 }, "guid": { "description": "The 'guid' property of the referenced toolComponent.", "type": "string", "pattern": "^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[1-5][0-9a-fA-F]{3}-[89abAB][0-9a-fA-F]{3}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$" }, "properties": { "description": "Key/value pairs that provide additional information about the toolComponentReference.", "$ref": "#/definitions/propertyBag" } } }, "translationMetadata": { "description": "Provides additional metadata related to translation.", "type": "object", "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "name": { "description": "The name associated with the translation metadata.", "type": "string" }, "fullName": { "description": "The full name associated with the translation metadata.", "type": "string" }, "shortDescription": { "description": "A brief description of the translation metadata.", "$ref": "#/definitions/multiformatMessageString" }, "fullDescription": { "description": "A comprehensive description of the translation metadata.", "$ref": "#/definitions/multiformatMessageString" }, "downloadUri": { "description": "The absolute URI from which the translation metadata can be downloaded.", "type": "string", "format": "uri" }, "informationUri": { "description": "The absolute URI from which information related to the translation metadata can be downloaded.", "type": "string", "format": "uri" }, "properties": { "description": "Key/value pairs that provide additional information about the translation metadata.", "$ref": "#/definitions/propertyBag" } }, "required": ["name"] }, "versionControlDetails": { "description": "Specifies the information necessary to retrieve a desired revision from a version control system.", "type": "object", "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "repositoryUri": { "description": "The absolute URI of the repository.", "type": "string", "format": "uri" }, "revisionId": { "description": "A string that uniquely and permanently identifies the revision within the repository.", "type": "string" }, "branch": { "description": "The name of a branch containing the revision.", "type": "string" }, "revisionTag": { "description": "A tag that has been applied to the revision.", "type": "string" }, "asOfTimeUtc": { "description": "A Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) date and time that can be used to synchronize an enlistment to the state of the repository at that time.", "type": "string", "format": "date-time" }, "mappedTo": { "description": "The location in the local file system to which the root of the repository was mapped at the time of the analysis.", "$ref": "#/definitions/artifactLocation" }, "properties": { "description": "Key/value pairs that provide additional information about the version control details.", "$ref": "#/definitions/propertyBag" } }, "required": ["repositoryUri"] }, "webRequest": { "description": "Describes an HTTP request.", "type": "object", "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "index": { "description": "The index within the run.webRequests array of the request object associated with this result.", "type": "integer", "default": -1, "minimum": -1 }, "protocol": { "description": "The request protocol. Example: 'http'.", "type": "string" }, "version": { "description": "The request version. Example: '1.1'.", "type": "string" }, "target": { "description": "The target of the request.", "type": "string" }, "method": { "description": "The HTTP method. Well-known values are 'GET', 'PUT', 'POST', 'DELETE', 'PATCH', 'HEAD', 'OPTIONS', 'TRACE', 'CONNECT'.", "type": "string" }, "headers": { "description": "The request headers.", "type": "object", "additionalProperties": { "type": "string" } }, "parameters": { "description": "The request parameters.", "type": "object", "additionalProperties": { "type": "string" } }, "body": { "description": "The body of the request.", "$ref": "#/definitions/artifactContent" }, "properties": { "description": "Key/value pairs that provide additional information about the request.", "$ref": "#/definitions/propertyBag" } } }, "webResponse": { "description": "Describes the response to an HTTP request.", "type": "object", "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "index": { "description": "The index within the run.webResponses array of the response object associated with this result.", "type": "integer", "default": -1, "minimum": -1 }, "protocol": { "description": "The response protocol. Example: 'http'.", "type": "string" }, "version": { "description": "The response version. Example: '1.1'.", "type": "string" }, "statusCode": { "description": "The response status code. Example: 451.", "type": "integer" }, "reasonPhrase": { "description": "The response reason. Example: 'Not found'.", "type": "string" }, "headers": { "description": "The response headers.", "type": "object", "additionalProperties": { "type": "string" } }, "body": { "description": "The body of the response.", "$ref": "#/definitions/artifactContent" }, "noResponseReceived": { "description": "Specifies whether a response was received from the server.", "type": "boolean", "default": false }, "properties": { "description": "Key/value pairs that provide additional information about the response.", "$ref": "#/definitions/propertyBag" } } } }, "description": "Static Analysis Results Format (SARIF) Version 2.1.0-rtm.4 JSON Schema: a standard format for the output of static analysis tools.", "properties": { "$schema": { "description": "The URI of the JSON schema corresponding to the version.", "type": "string", "format": "uri" }, "version": { "description": "The SARIF format version of this log file.", "enum": ["2.1.0"] }, "runs": { "description": "The set of runs contained in this log file.", "type": "array", "minItems": 0, "uniqueItems": false, "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/run" } }, "inlineExternalProperties": { "description": "References to external property files that share data between runs.", "type": "array", "minItems": 0, "uniqueItems": true, "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/externalProperties" } }, "properties": { "description": "Key/value pairs that provide additional information about the log file.", "$ref": "#/definitions/propertyBag" } }, "required": ["version", "runs"], "title": "Static Analysis Results Format (SARIF) Version 2.1.0-rtm.4 JSON Schema", "type": "object" }
{ "$schema": "", "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.DataConnector", "definitions": { "strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.AzureBlobStorageContainerLocation": { "type": "object", "properties": { "clientSecretCredential": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.AzureBlobStorageContainerLocation/definitions/client_secret_credential" }, "containerName": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.AzureBlobStorageContainerLocation/definitions/container_name" }, "storageAccountUri": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.AzureBlobStorageContainerLocation/definitions/storage_account_uri" } }, "patternProperties": { "^client_secret_credential$": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.AzureBlobStorageContainerLocation/definitions/client_secret_credential" }, "^container_name$": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.AzureBlobStorageContainerLocation/definitions/container_name" }, "^storage_account_uri$": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.AzureBlobStorageContainerLocation/definitions/storage_account_uri" } }, "additionalProperties": { "title": "Unknown field" }, "definitions": { "client_secret_credential": { "oneOf": [ { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.AzureClientSecretCredential" }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.AzureClientSecretCredential client_secret_credential = 3;", "description": "The AAD client secret credential used to acquire a token for the AAD application that has the required\n permissions on this Blob Storage Container.", "default": { } }, "container_name": { "oneOf": [ { "type": "string" }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "string container_name = 2;", "description": "(-- api-linter: core::0122::name-suffix=disabled\n We refer to a container name. --)\n Name of the Storage Container", "default": "" }, "storage_account_uri": { "oneOf": [ { "type": "string" }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "string storage_account_uri = 1;", "description": "The base URI of the Azure Storage Account. Typically this is 'https://<your-account-name>',\n but Azure users can map this to their own domain or subdomain.", "default": "" } } }, "strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.ConsentLevelExtractor": { "type": "object", "properties": { "field": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.ConsentLevelExtractor/definitions/field" }, "fieldPatterns": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.ConsentLevelExtractor/definitions/field_patterns" } }, "patternProperties": { "^field_patterns$": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.ConsentLevelExtractor/definitions/field_patterns" } }, "additionalProperties": { "title": "Unknown field" }, "definitions": { "field": { "oneOf": [ { "type": "string" }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "string field = 1;", "default": "" }, "field_patterns": { "oneOf": [ { "type": "object", "additionalProperties": { "oneOf": [ { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.ConsentLevels" }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.ConsentLevels", "default": { } } }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "map<string, strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.ConsentLevels> field_patterns = 2;", "default": { } } } }, "strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.DataType": { "type": "object", "properties": { "csv": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.DataType/definitions/csv" }, "database": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.DataType/definitions/database" } }, "additionalProperties": { "title": "Unknown field" }, "definitions": { "csv": { "oneOf": [ { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.CsvConfig" }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.CsvConfig csv = 1;", "default": { } }, "database": { "oneOf": [ { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.DatabaseConfig" }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.DatabaseConfig database = 2;", "default": { } } } }, "strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.BatchJob": { "type": "object", "properties": { "consent": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.BatchJob/definitions/consent" }, "derivedData": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.BatchJob/definitions/derived_data" }, "encryptedData": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.BatchJob/definitions/encrypted_data" }, "encryption": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.BatchJob/definitions/encryption" }, "encryptionKeysData": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.BatchJob/definitions/encryption_keys_data" }, "eventContractRef": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.BatchJob/definitions/event_contract_ref" }, "policyId": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.BatchJob/definitions/policy_id" }, "ref": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.BatchJob/definitions/ref" }, "sourceData": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.BatchJob/definitions/source_data" }, "states": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.BatchJob/definitions/states" } }, "patternProperties": { "^derived_data$": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.BatchJob/definitions/derived_data" }, "^encrypted_data$": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.BatchJob/definitions/encrypted_data" }, "^encryption_keys_data$": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.BatchJob/definitions/encryption_keys_data" }, "^event_contract_ref$": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.BatchJob/definitions/event_contract_ref" }, "^policy_id$": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.BatchJob/definitions/policy_id" }, "^source_data$": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.BatchJob/definitions/source_data" } }, "additionalProperties": { "title": "Unknown field" }, "definitions": { "consent": { "oneOf": [ { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.ConsentConfig" }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.ConsentConfig consent = 4;", "default": { } }, "derived_data": { "oneOf": [ { "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.DerivedData", "title": "strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.DerivedData", "default": { } } }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "repeated strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.DerivedData derived_data = 9;", "default": [ { } ] }, "encrypted_data": { "oneOf": [ { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.EncryptedData" }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.EncryptedData encrypted_data = 7;", "default": { } }, "encryption": { "oneOf": [ { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.EncryptionConfig" }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.EncryptionConfig encryption = 5;", "default": { } }, "encryption_keys_data": { "oneOf": [ { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.EncryptionKeysData" }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.EncryptionKeysData encryption_keys_data = 8;", "default": { } }, "event_contract_ref": { "oneOf": [ { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.EventContractRef" }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.EventContractRef event_contract_ref = 6;", "default": { } }, "policy_id": { "oneOf": [ { "type": "string" }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "string policy_id = 10;", "default": "" }, "ref": { "oneOf": [ { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.BatchJobRef" }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.BatchJobRef ref = 1;", "default": { } }, "source_data": { "oneOf": [ { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.DataConnectorAndType" }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.DataConnectorAndType source_data = 3;", "default": { } }, "states": { "oneOf": [ { "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.BatchJobState", "title": "strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.BatchJobState", "default": { } } }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "repeated strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.BatchJobState states = 2;", "default": [ { } ] } }, "description": "********************************\nBatch Jobs\nCurrently we only support:\n- CSV as DataFormat type\n- a clean database for every batch job\n- CSV files with a header row, because the header is needed to get the field names\n*******************************" }, "strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.ConsentLevels": { "type": "object", "properties": { "consentLevels": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.ConsentLevels/definitions/consent_levels" } }, "patternProperties": { "^consent_levels$": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.ConsentLevels/definitions/consent_levels" } }, "additionalProperties": { "title": "Unknown field" }, "definitions": { "consent_levels": { "oneOf": [ { "type": "array", "items": { "oneOf": [ { "type": "string" }, { "type": "integer" } ], "title": "int32" } }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "repeated int32 consent_levels = 1;", "default": null } } }, "strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.EncryptionKeysData": { "type": "object", "properties": { "target": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.EncryptionKeysData/definitions/target" } }, "additionalProperties": { "title": "Unknown field" }, "definitions": { "target": { "oneOf": [ { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.DataConnectorAndType" }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.DataConnectorAndType target = 1;", "default": { } } } }, "strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.BatchJobRef": { "type": "object", "properties": { "billingId": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.BatchJobRef/definitions/billing_id" }, "id": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.BatchJobRef/definitions/id" }, "projectId": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.BatchJobRef/definitions/project_id" } }, "patternProperties": { "^billing_id$": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.BatchJobRef/definitions/billing_id" }, "^project_id$": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.BatchJobRef/definitions/project_id" } }, "additionalProperties": { "title": "Unknown field" }, "definitions": { "billing_id": { "oneOf": [ { "type": "string" }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "string billing_id = 1;", "default": "", "deprecationMessage": "Field \"billing_id\" is marked as deprecated" }, "id": { "oneOf": [ { "type": "string" }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "string id = 2;", "description": "the UUIDv4 of the job, generated upon creation", "default": "" }, "project_id": { "oneOf": [ { "type": "string" }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "string project_id = 3;", "description": "the UUIDv4 of the STRM Privacy project", "default": "" } } }, "strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.KeyStreamRef": { "type": "object", "properties": { "billingId": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.KeyStreamRef/definitions/billing_id" }, "name": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.KeyStreamRef/definitions/name" }, "projectId": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.KeyStreamRef/definitions/project_id" } }, "patternProperties": { "^billing_id$": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.KeyStreamRef/definitions/billing_id" }, "^project_id$": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.KeyStreamRef/definitions/project_id" } }, "additionalProperties": { "title": "Unknown field" }, "definitions": { "billing_id": { "oneOf": [ { "type": "string" }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "string billing_id = 1;", "default": "", "deprecationMessage": "Field \"billing_id\" is marked as deprecated" }, "name": { "oneOf": [ { "type": "string" }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "string name = 2;", "description": "the name of the stream", "default": "" }, "project_id": { "oneOf": [ { "type": "string" }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "string project_id = 3;", "default": "" } }, "description": "refers to a key stream." }, "strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.AzureClientSecretCredential": { "type": "object", "properties": { "clientId": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.AzureClientSecretCredential/definitions/client_id" }, "clientSecret": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.AzureClientSecretCredential/definitions/client_secret" }, "tenantId": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.AzureClientSecretCredential/definitions/tenant_id" } }, "patternProperties": { "^client_id$": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.AzureClientSecretCredential/definitions/client_id" }, "^client_secret$": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.AzureClientSecretCredential/definitions/client_secret" }, "^tenant_id$": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.AzureClientSecretCredential/definitions/tenant_id" } }, "additionalProperties": { "title": "Unknown field" }, "definitions": { "client_id": { "oneOf": [ { "type": "string" }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "string client_id = 2;", "description": "Client ID of the Azure AD Application.", "default": "" }, "client_secret": { "oneOf": [ { "type": "string" }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "string client_secret = 3;", "description": "Client secret to use for authentication.", "default": "" }, "tenant_id": { "oneOf": [ { "type": "string" }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "string tenant_id = 1;", "description": "Tenant ID of the Azure AD Application.", "default": "" } } }, "strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.DatabaseType": { "enum": [ "DATABASE_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED", 0, "POSTGRES", 1, "MYSQL", 2, "BIGQUERY", 3, "SNOWFLAKE", 4 ], "markdownEnumDescriptions": [ "(or 0) ", "(or \"DATABASE_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED\") ", "(or 1) ", "(or \"POSTGRES\") ", "(or 2) ", "(or \"MYSQL\") ", "(or 3) ", "(or \"BIGQUERY\") ", "(or 4) ", "(or \"SNOWFLAKE\") " ] }, "strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.DerivedData": { "type": "object", "properties": { "consentLevelType": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.DerivedData/definitions/consent_level_type" }, "consentLevels": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.DerivedData/definitions/consent_levels" }, "maskedFields": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.DerivedData/definitions/masked_fields" }, "target": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.DerivedData/definitions/target" } }, "patternProperties": { "^consent_level_type$": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.DerivedData/definitions/consent_level_type" }, "^consent_levels$": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.DerivedData/definitions/consent_levels" }, "^masked_fields$": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.DerivedData/definitions/masked_fields" } }, "additionalProperties": { "title": "Unknown field" }, "definitions": { "consent_level_type": { "oneOf": [ { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.ConsentLevelType" }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.ConsentLevelType consent_level_type = 3;", "default": "CONSENT_LEVEL_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED" }, "consent_levels": { "oneOf": [ { "type": "array", "items": { "oneOf": [ { "type": "string" }, { "type": "integer" } ], "title": "int32" } }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "repeated int32 consent_levels = 2;", "default": null }, "masked_fields": { "oneOf": [ { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.MaskedFields" }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.MaskedFields masked_fields = 4;", "default": { } }, "target": { "oneOf": [ { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.DataConnectorAndType" }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.DataConnectorAndType target = 1;", "default": { } } } }, "strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.MicroAggregationBatchJob": { "type": "object", "properties": { "aggregationConfig": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.MicroAggregationBatchJob/definitions/aggregation_config" }, "dataContractRef": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.MicroAggregationBatchJob/definitions/data_contract_ref" }, "ref": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.MicroAggregationBatchJob/definitions/ref" }, "sourceData": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.MicroAggregationBatchJob/definitions/source_data" }, "states": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.MicroAggregationBatchJob/definitions/states" }, "targetData": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.MicroAggregationBatchJob/definitions/target_data" } }, "patternProperties": { "^aggregation_config$": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.MicroAggregationBatchJob/definitions/aggregation_config" }, "^data_contract_ref$": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.MicroAggregationBatchJob/definitions/data_contract_ref" }, "^source_data$": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.MicroAggregationBatchJob/definitions/source_data" }, "^target_data$": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.MicroAggregationBatchJob/definitions/target_data" } }, "additionalProperties": { "title": "Unknown field" }, "definitions": { "aggregation_config": { "oneOf": [ { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.MicroAggregationConfig" }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.MicroAggregationConfig aggregation_config = 6;", "description": "Configuration specifically for the aggregation algorithm.", "default": { } }, "data_contract_ref": { "oneOf": [ { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.DataContractRef" }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.DataContractRef data_contract_ref = 5;", "default": { } }, "ref": { "oneOf": [ { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.BatchJobRef" }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.BatchJobRef ref = 1;", "default": { } }, "source_data": { "oneOf": [ { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.DataConnectorAndType" }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.DataConnectorAndType source_data = 3;", "default": { } }, "states": { "oneOf": [ { "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.BatchJobState", "title": "strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.BatchJobState", "default": { } } }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "repeated strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.BatchJobState states = 2;", "default": [ { } ] }, "target_data": { "oneOf": [ { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.DataConnectorAndType" }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.DataConnectorAndType target_data = 4;", "default": { } } }, "description": "********************************\nK-Member Micro-aggregation Batch Job\nCurrently we only support:\n- CSV as DataFormat type\n- CSV files with a header row, because the header is needed to get the field names\n- Numerical, Categorical & Ordinal data\n*******************************" }, "strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.StreamRef": { "type": "object", "properties": { "billingId": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.StreamRef/definitions/billing_id" }, "name": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.StreamRef/definitions/name" }, "projectId": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.StreamRef/definitions/project_id" } }, "patternProperties": { "^billing_id$": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.StreamRef/definitions/billing_id" }, "^project_id$": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.StreamRef/definitions/project_id" } }, "additionalProperties": { "title": "Unknown field" }, "definitions": { "billing_id": { "oneOf": [ { "type": "string" }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "string billing_id = 1;", "default": "", "deprecationMessage": "Field \"billing_id\" is marked as deprecated" }, "name": { "oneOf": [ { "type": "string" }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "string name = 2;", "description": "the name of the stream\nconstraints: generic name", "default": "" }, "project_id": { "oneOf": [ { "type": "string" }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "string project_id = 3;", "default": "" } }, "description": "refers to a event stream." }, "google.protobuf.Duration": { "type": "string", "pattern": "s$", "default": "0s" }, "google.protobuf.Timestamp": { "type": "string", "format": "date-time", "default": "" }, "strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.BatchJobState": { "type": "object", "properties": { "message": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.BatchJobState/definitions/message" }, "state": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.BatchJobState/definitions/state" }, "stateTime": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.BatchJobState/definitions/state_time" } }, "patternProperties": { "^state_time$": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.BatchJobState/definitions/state_time" } }, "additionalProperties": { "title": "Unknown field" }, "definitions": { "message": { "oneOf": [ { "type": "string" }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "string message = 3;", "default": "" }, "state": { "oneOf": [ { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.BatchJobStateType" }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.BatchJobStateType state = 2;", "default": "BATCH_JOB_STATE_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED" }, "state_time": { "oneOf": [ { "$ref": "#/definitions/google.protobuf.Timestamp" }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "google.protobuf.Timestamp state_time = 1;" } } }, "strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.CsvConfig": { "type": "object", "properties": { "charset": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.CsvConfig/definitions/charset" } }, "additionalProperties": { "title": "Unknown field" }, "definitions": { "charset": { "oneOf": [ { "type": "string" }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "string charset = 1;", "default": "" } } }, "strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.MicroAggregationConfig": { "type": "object", "properties": { "aggregationFields": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.MicroAggregationConfig/definitions/aggregation_fields" }, "minimumKAnonymity": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.MicroAggregationConfig/definitions/minimum_k_anonymity" } }, "patternProperties": { "^aggregation_fields$": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.MicroAggregationConfig/definitions/aggregation_fields" }, "^minimum_k_anonymity$": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.MicroAggregationConfig/definitions/minimum_k_anonymity" } }, "additionalProperties": { "title": "Unknown field" }, "definitions": { "aggregation_fields": { "oneOf": [ { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string", "title": "string" } }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "repeated string aggregation_fields = 2;", "description": "If specified, these fields will be used to aggregate on. Otherwise, fields specified as Quasi Identifiers in the data contract are used instead.", "default": null }, "minimum_k_anonymity": { "oneOf": [ { "oneOf": [ { "type": "string" }, { "type": "integer" } ] }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "int32 minimum_k_anonymity = 1;", "description": "The desired k-anonymity level.", "default": 0 } } }, "strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.BatchExporter": { "type": "object", "properties": { "dataConnectorRef": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.BatchExporter/definitions/data_connector_ref" }, "includeExistingEvents": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.BatchExporter/definitions/include_existing_events" }, "interval": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.BatchExporter/definitions/interval" }, "keyStreamRef": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.BatchExporter/definitions/key_stream_ref" }, "pathPrefix": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.BatchExporter/definitions/path_prefix" 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"#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.BatchExporter/definitions/stream_ref" } }, "additionalProperties": { "title": "Unknown field" }, "definitions": { "data_connector_ref": { "oneOf": [ { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.DataConnectorRef" }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.DataConnectorRef data_connector_ref = 8;", "default": { } }, "include_existing_events": { "oneOf": [ { "type": "boolean" }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "bool include_existing_events = 7;", "default": false }, "interval": { "oneOf": [ { "$ref": "#/definitions/google.protobuf.Duration" }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "google.protobuf.Duration interval = 4;", "description": "granularity of seconds, nanos is unused" }, "key_stream_ref": { "oneOf": [ { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.KeyStreamRef" }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.KeyStreamRef key_stream_ref = 3;", "default": { } }, "path_prefix": { "oneOf": [ { "type": "string" }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "string path_prefix = 6;", "default": "" }, "ref": { "oneOf": [ { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.BatchExporterRef" }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.BatchExporterRef ref = 1;", "default": { } }, "sink_name": { "oneOf": [ { "type": "string" }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "string sink_name = 5;", "description": "(-- api-linter: core::0122::name-suffix=disabled\n We refer to the sink by name. --)\n Deprecated in favor of data_connector_ref", "default": "", "deprecationMessage": "Field \"sink_name\" is marked as deprecated" }, "stream_ref": { "oneOf": [ { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.StreamRef" }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.StreamRef stream_ref = 2;", "default": { } } }, "description": "A batch exporter." }, "strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.DataConnectorDependentEntities": { "type": "object", "properties": { "batchExporters": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.DataConnectorDependentEntities/definitions/batch_exporters" }, "batchJobs": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.DataConnectorDependentEntities/definitions/batch_jobs" }, "microAggregationBatchJobs": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.DataConnectorDependentEntities/definitions/micro_aggregation_batch_jobs" } }, "patternProperties": { "^batch_exporters$": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.DataConnectorDependentEntities/definitions/batch_exporters" }, "^batch_jobs$": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.DataConnectorDependentEntities/definitions/batch_jobs" }, "^micro_aggregation_batch_jobs$": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.DataConnectorDependentEntities/definitions/micro_aggregation_batch_jobs" } }, "additionalProperties": { "title": "Unknown field" }, "definitions": { "batch_exporters": { "oneOf": [ { "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.BatchExporter", "title": "strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.BatchExporter", "default": { } } }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "repeated strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.BatchExporter batch_exporters = 1;", "default": [ { } ] }, "batch_jobs": { "oneOf": [ { "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.BatchJob", "title": "strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.BatchJob", "default": { } } }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "repeated strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.BatchJob batch_jobs = 2;", "default": [ { } ] }, "micro_aggregation_batch_jobs": { "oneOf": [ { "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.MicroAggregationBatchJob", "title": "strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.MicroAggregationBatchJob", "default": { } } }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "repeated strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.MicroAggregationBatchJob micro_aggregation_batch_jobs = 3;", "default": [ { } ] } } }, "strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.DatabaseConfig": { "type": "object", "properties": { "columns": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.DatabaseConfig/definitions/columns" }, "schema": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.DatabaseConfig/definitions/schema" }, "table": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.DatabaseConfig/definitions/table" } }, "additionalProperties": { "title": "Unknown field" }, "definitions": { "columns": { "oneOf": [ { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string", "title": "string" } }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "repeated string columns = 3;", "default": null }, "schema": { "oneOf": [ { "type": "string" }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "string schema = 1;", "default": "" }, "table": { "oneOf": [ { "type": "string" }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "string table = 2;", "default": "" } } }, "strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.EventContractRef": { "type": "object", "properties": { "handle": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.EventContractRef/definitions/handle" }, "name": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.EventContractRef/definitions/name" }, "version": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.EventContractRef/definitions/version" } }, "additionalProperties": { "title": "Unknown field" }, "definitions": { "handle": { "oneOf": [ { "type": "string" }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "string handle = 1;", "description": "constraint: handle should already exist", "default": "" }, "name": { "oneOf": [ { "type": "string" }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "string name = 2;", "description": "constraints: generic name constraint, unique within handle", "default": "" }, "version": { "oneOf": [ { "type": "string" }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "string version = 3;", "description": "constraints: semantic version, e.g. 1.12.3", "default": "" } } }, "strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.BatchExporterRef": { "type": "object", "properties": { "billingId": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.BatchExporterRef/definitions/billing_id" }, "name": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.BatchExporterRef/definitions/name" }, "projectId": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.BatchExporterRef/definitions/project_id" } }, "patternProperties": { "^billing_id$": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.BatchExporterRef/definitions/billing_id" }, "^project_id$": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.BatchExporterRef/definitions/project_id" } }, "additionalProperties": { "title": "Unknown field" }, "definitions": { "billing_id": { "oneOf": [ { "type": "string" }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "string billing_id = 1;", "default": "", "deprecationMessage": "Field \"billing_id\" is marked as deprecated" }, "name": { "oneOf": [ { "type": "string" }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "string name = 2;", "default": "" }, "project_id": { "oneOf": [ { "type": "string" }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "string project_id = 3;", "default": "" } } }, "strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.ConsentLevelType": { "enum": [ "CONSENT_LEVEL_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED", 0, "CUMULATIVE", 1, "GRANULAR", 2 ], "description": "Consent level is meant to interpret the consent-levels of an event for decryption purposes only.\n\nCumulative means that the highest consent-level in an event must be greater than or equal to the single requested level\nfor the decrypted stream.\n\nGranular means that the set of consent-levels in an event must enclose the set of requested event levels for the\ndecrypted stream.", "markdownEnumDescriptions": [ "(or 0) ", "(or \"CONSENT_LEVEL_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED\") ", "(or 1) ", "(or \"CUMULATIVE\") ", "(or 2) ", "(or \"GRANULAR\") " ] }, "strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.DataConnectorAndType": { "type": "object", "properties": { "dataConnectorRef": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.DataConnectorAndType/definitions/data_connector_ref" }, "dataType": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.DataConnectorAndType/definitions/data_type" }, "fileName": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.DataConnectorAndType/definitions/file_name" }, "pathPrefix": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.DataConnectorAndType/definitions/path_prefix" } }, "patternProperties": { "^data_connector_ref$": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.DataConnectorAndType/definitions/data_connector_ref" }, "^data_type$": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.DataConnectorAndType/definitions/data_type" }, "^file_name$": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.DataConnectorAndType/definitions/file_name" }, "^path_prefix$": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.DataConnectorAndType/definitions/path_prefix" } }, "additionalProperties": { "title": "Unknown field" }, "definitions": { "data_connector_ref": { "oneOf": [ { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.DataConnectorRef" }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.DataConnectorRef data_connector_ref = 1;", "default": { } }, "data_type": { "oneOf": [ { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.DataType" }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.DataType data_type = 4;", "default": { } }, "file_name": { "oneOf": [ { "type": "string" }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "string file_name = 3;", "description": "(-- api-linter: core::0122::name-suffix=disabled\n We think file_name is a better name. --)", "default": "" }, "path_prefix": { "oneOf": [ { "type": "string" }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "string path_prefix = 2;", "description": "If omitted, files are read from the root of the bucket.", "default": "" } } }, "strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.MaskedFields.PatternList": { "type": "object", "properties": { "fieldPatterns": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.MaskedFields.PatternList/definitions/field_patterns" } }, "patternProperties": { "^field_patterns$": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.MaskedFields.PatternList/definitions/field_patterns" } }, "additionalProperties": { "title": "Unknown field" }, "definitions": { "field_patterns": { "oneOf": [ { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string", "title": "string" } }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "repeated string field_patterns = 1;", "default": null } } }, "strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.DataConnector": { "type": "object", "properties": { "azureBlobStorageContainer": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.DataConnector/definitions/azure_blob_storage_container" }, "dependentEntities": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.DataConnector/definitions/dependent_entities" }, "googleCloudStorageBucket": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.DataConnector/definitions/google_cloud_storage_bucket" }, "jdbcLocation": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.DataConnector/definitions/jdbc_location" }, "ref": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.DataConnector/definitions/ref" }, "s3Bucket": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.DataConnector/definitions/s3_bucket" }, "uuid": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.DataConnector/definitions/uuid" } }, "patternProperties": { "^azure_blob_storage_container$": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.DataConnector/definitions/azure_blob_storage_container" }, "^dependent_entities$": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.DataConnector/definitions/dependent_entities" }, "^google_cloud_storage_bucket$": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.DataConnector/definitions/google_cloud_storage_bucket" }, "^jdbc_location$": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.DataConnector/definitions/jdbc_location" }, "^s3_bucket$": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.DataConnector/definitions/s3_bucket" } }, "additionalProperties": { "title": "Unknown field" }, "definitions": { "azure_blob_storage_container": { "oneOf": [ { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.AzureBlobStorageContainerLocation" }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.AzureBlobStorageContainerLocation azure_blob_storage_container = 4;", "default": { } }, "dependent_entities": { "oneOf": [ { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.DataConnectorDependentEntities" }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.DataConnectorDependentEntities dependent_entities = 6;", "default": { } }, "google_cloud_storage_bucket": { "oneOf": [ { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.GoogleCloudStorageBucketLocation" }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.GoogleCloudStorageBucketLocation google_cloud_storage_bucket = 3;", "default": { } }, "jdbc_location": { "oneOf": [ { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.JdbcLocation" }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.JdbcLocation jdbc_location = 7;", "default": { } }, "ref": { "oneOf": [ { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.DataConnectorRef" }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.DataConnectorRef ref = 1;", "default": { } }, "s3_bucket": { "oneOf": [ { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.AwsS3BucketLocation" }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.AwsS3BucketLocation s3_bucket = 2;", "default": { } }, "uuid": { "oneOf": [ { "type": "string" }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "string uuid = 5;", "default": "" } } }, "strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.DataContractRef": { "type": "object", "properties": { "handle": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.DataContractRef/definitions/handle" }, "name": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.DataContractRef/definitions/name" }, "version": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.DataContractRef/definitions/version" } }, "additionalProperties": { "title": "Unknown field" }, "definitions": { "handle": { "oneOf": [ { "type": "string" }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "string handle = 1;", "description": "constraint: handle should already exist", "default": "" }, "name": { "oneOf": [ { "type": "string" }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "string name = 2;", "description": "constraints: generic name constraint, unique within handle", "default": "" }, "version": { "oneOf": [ { "type": "string" }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "string version = 3;", "description": "constraints: semantic version, e.g. 1.12.3", "default": "" } } }, "strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.DataConnectorRef": { "type": "object", "properties": { "billingId": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.DataConnectorRef/definitions/billing_id" }, "name": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.DataConnectorRef/definitions/name" }, "projectId": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.DataConnectorRef/definitions/project_id" } }, "patternProperties": { "^billing_id$": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.DataConnectorRef/definitions/billing_id" }, "^project_id$": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.DataConnectorRef/definitions/project_id" } }, "additionalProperties": { "title": "Unknown field" }, "definitions": { "billing_id": { "oneOf": [ { "type": "string" }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "string billing_id = 1;", "default": "", "deprecationMessage": "Field \"billing_id\" is marked as deprecated" }, "name": { "oneOf": [ { "type": "string" }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "string name = 2;", "default": "" }, "project_id": { "oneOf": [ { "type": "string" }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "string project_id = 3;", "default": "" } } }, "strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.GoogleCloudStorageBucketLocation": { "type": "object", "properties": { "bucketName": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.GoogleCloudStorageBucketLocation/definitions/bucket_name" }, "credentials": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.GoogleCloudStorageBucketLocation/definitions/credentials" } }, "patternProperties": { "^bucket_name$": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.GoogleCloudStorageBucketLocation/definitions/bucket_name" } }, "additionalProperties": { "title": "Unknown field" }, "definitions": { "bucket_name": { "oneOf": [ { "type": "string" }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "string bucket_name = 1;", "description": "(-- api-linter: core::0122::name-suffix=disabled\n We refer to a bucket name. --)", "default": "" }, "credentials": { "oneOf": [ { "type": "string" }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "string credentials = 2;", "description": "The Google Cloud Service Account credentials JSON that is used to access the Google Cloud Storage bucket.\n We do not support credentials in P12 format.", "default": "" } } }, "strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.JdbcLocation": { "type": "object", "properties": { "databaseType": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.JdbcLocation/definitions/database_type" }, "jdbcUri": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.JdbcLocation/definitions/jdbc_uri" }, "privateKey": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.JdbcLocation/definitions/private_key" } }, "patternProperties": { "^database_type$": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.JdbcLocation/definitions/database_type" }, "^jdbc_uri$": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.JdbcLocation/definitions/jdbc_uri" }, "^private_key$": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.JdbcLocation/definitions/private_key" } }, "additionalProperties": { "title": "Unknown field" }, "definitions": { "database_type": { "oneOf": [ { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.DatabaseType" }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.DatabaseType database_type = 3;", "default": "DATABASE_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED" }, "jdbc_uri": { "oneOf": [ { "type": "string" }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "string jdbc_uri = 1;", "default": "" }, "private_key": { "oneOf": [ { "type": "string" }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "string private_key = 2;", "description": "this is a private key for a service account to authenticate with google bigquery. It is added by the cli upon\n creating the jdbc data connector", "default": "" } } }, "strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.EncryptionConfig": { "type": "object", "properties": { "batchJobGroupId": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.EncryptionConfig/definitions/batch_job_group_id" }, "timestampConfig": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.EncryptionConfig/definitions/timestamp_config" } }, "patternProperties": { "^batch_job_group_id$": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.EncryptionConfig/definitions/batch_job_group_id" }, "^timestamp_config$": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.EncryptionConfig/definitions/timestamp_config" } }, "additionalProperties": { "title": "Unknown field" }, "definitions": { "batch_job_group_id": { "oneOf": [ { "type": "string" }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "string batch_job_group_id = 2;", "default": "" }, "timestamp_config": { "oneOf": [ { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.TimestampConfig" }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.TimestampConfig timestamp_config = 1;", "default": { } } } }, "strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.BatchJobStateType": { "enum": [ "BATCH_JOB_STATE_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED", 0, "PENDING", 1, "STARTED", 2, "ERROR_STARTING", 3, "RUNNING", 4, "FINISHED", 5, "ERROR", 6 ], "markdownEnumDescriptions": [ "(or 0) ", "(or \"BATCH_JOB_STATE_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED\") ", "(or 1) ", "(or \"PENDING\") ", "(or 2) ", "(or \"STARTED\") ", "(or 3) ", "(or \"ERROR_STARTING\") ", "(or 4) ", "(or \"RUNNING\") ", "(or 5) ", "(or \"FINISHED\") ", "(or 6) ", "(or \"ERROR\") " ] }, "strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.ConsentConfig": { "type": "object", "properties": { "consentLevelExtractor": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.ConsentConfig/definitions/consent_level_extractor" }, "defaultConsentLevels": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.ConsentConfig/definitions/default_consent_levels" } }, "patternProperties": { "^consent_level_extractor$": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.ConsentConfig/definitions/consent_level_extractor" }, "^default_consent_levels$": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.ConsentConfig/definitions/default_consent_levels" } }, "additionalProperties": { "title": "Unknown field" }, "definitions": { "consent_level_extractor": { "oneOf": [ { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.ConsentLevelExtractor" }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.ConsentLevelExtractor consent_level_extractor = 2;", "default": { } }, "default_consent_levels": { "oneOf": [ { "type": "array", "items": { "oneOf": [ { "type": "string" }, { "type": "integer" } ], "title": "int32" } }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "repeated int32 default_consent_levels = 1;", "default": null } } }, "strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.MaskedFields": { "type": "object", "properties": { "fieldPatterns": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.MaskedFields/definitions/field_patterns" }, "hashType": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.MaskedFields/definitions/hash_type" }, "seed": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.MaskedFields/definitions/seed" } }, "patternProperties": { "^field_patterns$": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.MaskedFields/definitions/field_patterns" }, "^hash_type$": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.MaskedFields/definitions/hash_type" } }, "additionalProperties": { "title": "Unknown field" }, "definitions": { "field_patterns": { "oneOf": [ { "type": "object", "additionalProperties": { "oneOf": [ { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.MaskedFields.PatternList" }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.MaskedFields.PatternList", "default": { } } }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "map<string, strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.MaskedFields.PatternList> field_patterns = 3;", "description": "map of event-contract-ref vs field patterns\n\nconstraints:\n data-contract-refs should be existing data contracts\n field_patterns should be valid values (checked by events-core)\n the field_patterns list should have no duplicates.", "default": { } }, "hash_type": { "oneOf": [ { "type": "string" }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "string hash_type = 1;", "description": "Default Murmurhash3 if empty", "default": "" }, "seed": { "oneOf": [ { "type": "string" }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "string seed = 2;", "description": "hashing seed", "default": "" } } }, "strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.TimestampConfig": { "type": "object", "properties": { "defaultTimeZone": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.TimestampConfig/definitions/default_time_zone" }, "field": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.TimestampConfig/definitions/field" }, "format": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.TimestampConfig/definitions/format" } }, "patternProperties": { "^default_time_zone$": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.TimestampConfig/definitions/default_time_zone" } }, "additionalProperties": { "title": "Unknown field" }, "definitions": { "default_time_zone": { "oneOf": [ { "$ref": "#/definitions/google.type.TimeZone" }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "google.type.TimeZone default_time_zone = 3;", "default": { } }, "field": { "oneOf": [ { "type": "string" }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "string field = 1;", "description": "generic field name", "default": "" }, "format": { "oneOf": [ { "type": "string" }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "string format = 2;", "description": "Java Time Format template, see", "default": "" } } }, "google.type.TimeZone": { "type": "object", "properties": { "id": { "$ref": "#/definitions/google.type.TimeZone/definitions/id" }, "version": { "$ref": "#/definitions/google.type.TimeZone/definitions/version" } }, "additionalProperties": { "title": "Unknown field" }, "definitions": { "id": { "oneOf": [ { "type": "string" }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "string id = 1;", "description": "IANA Time Zone Database time zone, e.g. \"America/New_York\".", "default": "" }, "version": { "oneOf": [ { "type": "string" }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "string version = 2;", "description": "Optional. IANA Time Zone Database version number, e.g. \"2019a\".", "default": "" } }, "description": "Represents a time zone from the\n [IANA Time Zone Database](" }, "strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.AwsS3BucketLocation": { "type": "object", "properties": { "assumeRoleArn": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.AwsS3BucketLocation/definitions/assume_role_arn" }, "bucketName": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.AwsS3BucketLocation/definitions/bucket_name" }, "credentials": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.AwsS3BucketLocation/definitions/credentials" } }, "patternProperties": { "^assume_role_arn$": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.AwsS3BucketLocation/definitions/assume_role_arn" }, "^bucket_name$": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.AwsS3BucketLocation/definitions/bucket_name" } }, "additionalProperties": { "title": "Unknown field" }, "definitions": { "assume_role_arn": { "oneOf": [ { "type": "string" }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "string assume_role_arn = 3;", "description": "The ARN of the role to assume.\nIf present, start an AssumeRole flow to get temporary credentials in another AWS account.\nThis is used when the customer has a separate users account.\nDefault there is no assumed role.", "default": "" }, "bucket_name": { "oneOf": [ { "type": "string" }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "string bucket_name = 1;", "description": "(-- api-linter: core::0122::name-suffix=disabled\n We refer to a bucket name. --)", "default": "" }, "credentials": { "oneOf": [ { "type": "string" }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "string credentials = 2;", "description": "The AWS IAM credentials that give access to this bucket, in JSON format as returned by the AWS CLI. This means a\n JSON with at least one property: \"AccessKey\", which contains at least the two properties: \"AccessKeyId\" and\n \"SecretAccessKey\".", "default": "" } } }, "strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.EncryptedData": { "type": "object", "properties": { "target": { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.EncryptedData/definitions/target" } }, "additionalProperties": { "title": "Unknown field" }, "definitions": { "target": { "oneOf": [ { "$ref": "#/definitions/strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.DataConnectorAndType" }, { "type": "null" } ], "title": "strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.DataConnectorAndType target = 1;", "default": { } } } } }, "title": "strmprivacy.api.entities.v1.DataConnector" }
{ "$schema": "", "id": "", "properties": { "alt-require": { "description": "Alt of img must be present and alt of area[href] and input[type=image] must be set value.", "type": "boolean", "default": false }, "attr-lowercase": { "description": "Attribute name must be lowercase.", "type": "boolean", "default": false }, "attr-no-duplication": { "description": "The same attribute can't be specified twice.", "type": "boolean", "default": false }, "attr-unsafe-chars": { "description": "Attribute value cant not use unsafe chars.", "type": "boolean", "default": false }, "attr-value-double-quotes": { "description": "Attribute value must closed by double quotes.", "type": "boolean", "default": false }, "attr-value-not-empty": { "description": "Attribute must set value.", "type": "boolean", "default": false }, "doctype-first": { "description": "Doctype must be first.", "type": "boolean", "default": false }, "doctype-html5": { "description": "Doctype must be html5.", "type": "boolean", "default": false }, "head-script-disabled": { "description": "The script tag can not be used in head.", "type": "boolean", "default": false }, "href-abs-or-rel": { "description": "Href must be absolute or relative.", "default": false, "enum": [false, "abs", "rel"] }, "html-lang-require": { "description": "The lang attribute of an <html> element must be present and should be valid.", "type": "boolean", "default": false }, "id-class-ad-disabled": { "description": "Id and class can not use ad keyword, it will blocked by adblock software.", "type": "boolean", "default": false }, "id-class-value": { "description": "Id and class value must meet some rules: underline, dash, hump.", "default": false, "enum": [false, "underline", "dash", "hump"] }, "id-unique": { "description": "ID attributes must be unique in the document.", "type": "boolean", "default": false }, "inline-script-disabled": { "description": "Inline script cannot be used.", "type": "boolean", "default": false }, "inline-style-disabled": { "description": "Inline style cannot be used.", "type": "boolean", "default": false }, "space-tab-mixed-disabled": { "description": "Spaces and tabs can not mixed in front of line.", "default": false, "enum": [false, "space", "tab"] }, "spec-char-escape": { "description": "Special characters must be escaped.", "type": "boolean", "default": false }, "src-not-empty": { "description": "Src of img(script,link) must set value. Empty of src will visit current page twice.", "type": "boolean", "default": false }, "style-disabled": { "description": "Style tag can not be used.", "type": "boolean", "default": false }, "tag-pair": { "description": "Tag must be paired.", "type": "boolean", "default": false }, "tag-self-close": { "description": "The empty tag must closed by self.", "type": "boolean", "default": false }, "tagname-lowercase": { "description": "Tagname must be lowercase.", "type": "boolean", "default": false }, "title-require": { "description": "<title> must be present in <head> tag.", "type": "boolean", "default": false } }, "title": "JSON schema for HTMLHint configuration files", "type": "object" }
{ "$comment": "", "$defs": { "jsone-value": { "oneOf": [ { "$ref": "#" }, { "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "#" } }, { "type": ["null", "boolean", "number", "string", "integer"] } ] }, "jsone-array": { "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "#/$defs/jsone-value" } }, "jsone-object-array": { "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "#" } } }, "$id": "[email protected]", "$schema": "", "additionalProperties": { "$ref": "#/$defs/jsone-value" }, "properties": { "$eval": { "type": "string" }, "$json": { "$ref": "#/$defs/jsone-value" }, "$if": { "type": "string" }, "$then": { "$ref": "#/$defs/jsone-value" }, "$else": { "$ref": "#/$defs/jsone-value" }, "$flatten": { "$ref": "#/$defs/jsone-array" }, "$flattenDeep": { "$ref": "#/$defs/jsone-array" }, "$fromNow": { "type": "string" }, "$let": { "type": "object", "additionalProperties": { "additionalProperties": { "$ref": "#" } } }, "in": { "$ref": "#" }, "$map": { "$ref": "#/$defs/jsone-array" }, "$match": { "$ref": "#" }, "$switch": { "$ref": "#" }, "$merge": { "$ref": "#/$defs/jsone-object-array" }, "$mergeDeep": { "$ref": "#/$defs/jsone-object-array" }, "$sort": { "anyOf": [ { "$ref": "#" }, { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "number" } } ] }, "$reverse": { "$ref": "#" } }, "title": "JSON-e templates", "type": "object" }
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Type aliases MUST be in PascalCase.", "additionalProperties": { "$ref": "#/definitions/ExternalTypeDefinition" } }, "definitions": { "$ref": "#/definitions/NamedTypesDefinition", "description": "The types specified in this definition." } } }, "ExternalTypeDefinition": { "type": "object", "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "base-type": { "$ref": "#/definitions/ConjureType", "description": "A base-type is provided as a hint to generators for how to handle this type when no external type reference is provided. Note that the serialization format of the base-type fallback should match the format of the imported type. If the imported type is a non-primitive JSON object, then a base-type of any should be used." }, "external": { "$ref": "#/definitions/ExternalImportDefinition", "description": "The external types to reference." } } }, "ExternalImportDefinition": { "type": "object", "description": "References to types that are not defined within Conjure.", "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "java": { "description": "The fully qualified Java type.", "type": "string" } } }, "NamedTypesDefinition": { "type": "object", "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "default-package": { "type": "string" }, "objects": { "type": "object", "additionalProperties": false, "propertyNames": { "$ref": "#/definitions/TypeName" }, "patternProperties": { "": { "oneOf": [ { "$ref": "#/definitions/AliasDefinition" }, { "$ref": "#/definitions/ObjectTypeDefinition" }, { "$ref": "#/definitions/UnionTypeDefinition" }, { "$ref": "#/definitions/EnumTypeDefinition" } ] } } }, "errors": { "type": "object", 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"additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "alias": { "description": "The Conjure type to be aliased.", "$ref": "#/definitions/ConjureType" }, "safety": { "$ref": "#/definitions/LogSafety" }, "docs": { "$ref": "#/definitions/DocString" }, "package": { "type": "string" } }, "required": [ "alias" ] }, "ObjectTypeDefinition": { "type": "object", "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "fields": { "additionalProperties": { "anyOf": [ { "$ref": "#/definitions/FieldDefinition" }, { "$ref": "#/definitions/ConjureType" } ] } }, "docs": { "$ref": "#/definitions/DocString" }, "package": { "type": "string" } }, "required": [ "fields" ] }, "FieldDefinition": { "type": "object", "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "type": { "$ref": "#/definitions/ConjureType" }, "safety": { "$ref": "#/definitions/LogSafety" }, "docs": { "$ref": "#/definitions/DocString" }, "package": { "type": "string" }, "deprecated": { "$ref": "#/definitions/DocString" } }, "required": [ "type" ] }, 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"#/definitions/DocString" }, "tags": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" }, "uniqueItems": true } }, "required": [ "http" ] }, "ArgumentDefinition": { "type": "object", "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "type": { "$ref": "#/definitions/ConjureType" }, "param-id": { "type": "string" }, "param-type": { "$ref": "#/definitions/ArgumentDefinitionParamType" }, "safety": { "$ref": "#/definitions/LogSafety" }, "docs": { "$ref": "#/definitions/DocString" }, "tags": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" }, "uniqueItems": true }, "markers": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" }, "uniqueItems": true } }, "required": [ "type" ] }, "ArgumentDefinitionParamType": { "enum": [ "auto", "path", "body", "header", "query" ] }, "DocString": { "type": "string" }, "LogSafety": { "enum": [ "safe", "unsafe", "do-not-log" ] }, "UpperCase": { "pattern": "^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$" }, "PascalCase": { "type": "string", "pattern": "^[A-Z][a-z0-9]+([A-Z][a-z0-9]+)*$" } 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{ "$schema": "", "$id": "", "title": "cli configuration", "description": "Defines configuration to be used with cli", "type": "object", "properties": { "recorder": { "title": "recorder command configuration", "type": "object", "properties": { "url": { "description": "Initial URL to start recording from", "examples": [ "" ], "type": "string" }, "workdir": { "description": "Directory where logs (eg: jtl files) and other relevant data is stored", "type": "string", "default": "recording" }, "urlIncludes": { "description": "Regular expressions used to only record requests with matching URLs.\nNOTE: Don't include scheme (e.g: http://) in regex", "examples": [ "[^?]**" ], "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" } }, "urlExcludes": { "description": "Regular expressions used to NOT record requests with matching URLs.\nNOTE: Don't include scheme (e.g: http://) in regex", "examples": [ ".**" ], "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" } }, "urlIgnoreDefaultFilter": { "description": "Specifies to use or not the default URL filter. The default filter ignores URLs matching: (?i).*\\.(bmp|css|js|gif|ico|jpe?g|png|svg|swf|ttf|woff2?|webp)(\\?.*)?", "type": "boolean", "default": false }, "logFilteredRequests": { "description": "Specifies to include in generated JTL file, filtered and not recorded requests or not.", "type": "boolean", "default": false }, "headerExcludes": { "description": "Regular expressions used to ignore matching headers from recording", "examples": [ "(?i)sec-.*" ], "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" } }, "headerIgnoreDefaultFilter": { "description": "Specifies to use or not the default headers filter. The default filter ignores these headers: Accept-Language,Upgrade-Insecure-Requests,Accept-Encoding,User-Agent,Accept,Referer,Origin,X-Requested-With,Cache-Control", "type": "boolean", "default": false }, "correlations": { "description": "Specifies list of correlation rules between requests and previous responses, avoiding fixed and brittle recorded test plans", "type": "array", "items": { "title": "correlation", "type": "object", "properties": { "variable": { "description": "Name of the variable used to store a value extracted from a response and to be used in a following request", "examples": [ "productId" ], "type": "string" }, "extractor": { "description": "Defines regular expression and, optionally, other parameters which define how to extract values from responses (or even requests), to be used in following requests", "oneOf": [ { "description": "Regular expression where the first capturing group defines the extracted value, while the rest is used for context matching", "type": "string", "examples": [ "name=\"productId\" value=\"([^\"]+)\"" ] }, { "type": "object", "properties": { "regex": { "description": "Regular expression where the first capturing group defines the extracted value, while the rest is used for context matching", "type": "string", "examples": [ "name=\"productId\" value=\"([^\"]+)\"" ] }, "target": { "description": "Specifies sample result property to apply the extractor to.\nFor details on available options check:", "type": "string", "enum": [ "RESPONSE_BODY", "RESPONSE_HEADERS", "REQUEST_URL", "REQUEST_HEADERS", "RESPONSE_BODY_UNESCAPED", "RESPONSE_BODY_AS_A_DOCUMENT", "RESPONSE_CODE", "RESPONSE_MESSAGE" ], "default": "RESPONSE_BODY" } }, "required": ["regex"] } ] }, "replacement": { "description": "Regular expression used to replace in requests previously extracted values. The first capturing group defines the place where the extracted value should appear (and replaced by variable reference), while the rest of the regex is used for context matching", "examples": [ "productId=(.*)" ], "type": "string" } }, "additionalProperties": false } } }, "additionalProperties": false } }, "additionalProperties": false }
{ "$comment": "", "$id": "", "$schema": "", "properties": { "blank_issues_enabled": { "description": "Specify whether allow blank issue creation\n", "type": "boolean" }, "contact_links": { "title": "contact links", "description": "Contact links\n", "type": "array", "minItems": 1, "items": { "type": "object", "required": ["name", "url", "about"], "properties": { "name": { "description": "A link title\n", "type": "string", "minLength": 1, "examples": ["Sample name"] }, "url": { "description": "A link URL\n", "type": "string", "pattern": "^https?://", "examples": ["https://sample/url"] }, "about": { "description": "A link description\n", "type": "string", "minLength": 1, "examples": ["Sample description"] } }, "additionalProperties": false } }, "additionalProperties": false }, "title": "GitHub issue template chooser config file schema", "type": "object" }
{ "$schema": "", "id": "", "properties": { "classPrefix": { "type": "string", "description": "A string that is added before each CSS class" }, "minify": { "type": "boolean", "description": "A flag indicating whether to minify the Modernizr source" }, "options": { "type": "array", "description": "A list of Modernizr options to include in the build", "uniqueItems": true, "items": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "addTest", "atRule", "domPrefixes", "hasEvent", "html5shiv", "html5printshiv", "load", "mq", "prefixed", "prefixes", "prefixedCSS", "setClasses", "testAllProps", "testProp", "testStyles" ] } }, "feature-detects": { "type": "array", "description": "A list of the browser features to be detected", "uniqueItems": true, "items": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "a/download", "ambientlight", "applicationcache", "audio", "audio/loop", "audio/preload", "audio/webaudio", "battery", "battery/lowbattery", "blob", "canvas", "canvas/blending", "canvas/todataurl", "canvas/winding", "canvastext", 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{ "$id": "", "$schema": "", "title": "All k3d config versions", "type": "object", "oneOf": [ { "allOf": [ { "properties": { "version": { "const": "v1alpha5" } } }, { "$ref": "" } ] }, { "allOf": [ { "properties": { "version": { "const": "v1alpha4" } } }, { "$ref": "" } ] },{ "allOf": [ { "properties": { "version": { "const": "v1alpha3" } } }, { "$ref": "" } ] }, { "allOf": [ { "properties": { "version": { "const": "v1alpha2" } } }, { "$ref": "" } ] } ] }
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{ "$defs": { "group": { "properties": { "children": { "patternProperties": { "[a-zA-Z-_0-9]": { "$ref": "#/$defs/group" } } }, "hosts": { "patternProperties": { "[a-zA-Z.-_0-9]": { "type": ["object", "null"] } }, "type": ["object", "string"] }, "vars": { "type": "object" } }, "type": ["object", "null"] }, "special-group": { "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "children": { "type": ["object", "null"] }, "groups": { "type": ["object", "null"] }, "hosts": { "type": ["object", "null"] }, "vars": { "type": ["object", "null"] } }, "type": "object" } }, "$id": "", "$schema": "", "additionalProperties": true, "description": "Ansible Inventory Schema", "examples": [ "inventory.yaml", "inventory.yml", "inventory/*.yml", "inventory/*.yaml" ], "markdownDescription": "All keys at top levels are groups with `all` and `ungrouped` having a special meaning.\n\nSee [How to build your inventory](", "properties": { "all": { "$ref": "#/$defs/special-group" }, "ungrouped": { "$ref": "#/$defs/group" } }, "title": "Ansible Inventory Schema", "type": "object" }
{ "$id": "", "$schema": "", "description": "", "properties": { "array_width": { "type": "integer", "description": "Maximum width of an array literal before falling back to vertical formatting.\n\n[Documentation](", "default": 60 }, "attr_fn_like_width": { "type": "integer", "description": "Maximum width of the args of a function-like attributes before falling back to vertical formatting.\n\n[Documentation](", "default": 70 }, "binop_separator": { "type": "string", "description": "Where to put a binary operator when a binary expression goes multiline\n\n[Documentation](\n\n### Unstable\nThis option requires Nightly Rust.", "default": "Front", "enum": ["Front", "Back"] }, "blank_lines_lower_bound": { "type": "integer", "description": "Minimum number of blank lines which must be put between items\n\n[Documentation](\n\n### Unstable\nThis option requires Nightly Rust.", "default": 0 }, "blank_lines_upper_bound": { "type": "integer", "description": "Maximum number of blank lines which can be put between items\n\n[Documentation](\n\n### Unstable\nThis option requires Nightly Rust.", "default": 1 }, "brace_style": { "type": "string", "description": "Brace style for items\n\n[Documentation](\n\n### Unstable\nThis option requires Nightly Rust.", "default": "SameLineWhere", "enum": ["AlwaysNextLine", "PreferSameLine", "SameLineWhere"] }, "chain_width": { "type": "integer", "description": "Maximum length of a chain to fit on a single line.\n\n[Documentation](", "default": 60 }, "color": { "type": "string", "description": "What Color option to use when none is supplied: Always, Never, Auto\n\n[Documentation](\n\n### Unstable\nThis option requires Nightly Rust.", "default": "Auto", "enum": ["Always", "Never", "Auto"] }, "combine_control_expr": { "type": "boolean", "description": "Combine control expressions with function calls\n\n[Documentation](\n\n### Unstable\nThis option requires Nightly Rust.", "default": true, "enum": [true, false] }, "comment_width": { "type": "integer", "description": "Maximum length of comments. No effect unless wrap_comments = true\n\n[Documentation](\n\n### Unstable\nThis option requires Nightly Rust.", "default": 80 }, "condense_wildcard_suffixes": { "type": "boolean", "description": "Replace strings of _ wildcards by a single .. in tuple patterns\n\n[Documentation](\n\n### Unstable\nThis option requires Nightly Rust.", "default": false, "enum": [true, false] }, "control_brace_style": { "type": "string", "description": "Brace style for control flow constructs\n\n[Documentation](\n\n### Unstable\nThis option requires Nightly Rust.", "default": "AlwaysSameLine", "enum": ["AlwaysSameLine", "ClosingNextLine", "AlwaysNextLine"] }, "disable_all_formatting": { "type": "boolean", "description": "Don't reformat anything\n\n[Documentation](", "default": false, "enum": [true, false] }, "edition": { "type": "string", "description": "The edition of the parser (RFC 2052)\n\n[Documentation](", "default": "2015", "enum": ["2015", "2018", "2021"] }, "emit_mode": { "type": "string", "description": "What emit Mode to use when none is supplied\n\n[Documentation](\n\n### Unstable\nThis option requires Nightly Rust.", "default": "Files", "enum": [ "Files", "Stdout", "Coverage", "Checkstyle", "Json", "ModifiedLines", "Diff" ] }, "empty_item_single_line": { "type": "boolean", "description": "Put empty-body functions and impls on a single line\n\n[Documentation](\n\n### Unstable\nThis option requires Nightly Rust.", "default": true, "enum": [true, false] }, "enum_discrim_align_threshold": { "type": "integer", "description": "Align enum variants discrims, if their diffs fit within threshold\n\n[Documentation](\n\n### Unstable\nThis option requires Nightly Rust.", "default": 0 }, "error_on_line_overflow": { "type": "boolean", "description": "Error if unable to get all lines within max_width\n\n[Documentation](\n\n### Unstable\nThis option requires Nightly Rust.", "default": false, "enum": [true, false] }, "error_on_unformatted": { "type": "boolean", "description": "Error if unable to get comments or string literals within max_width, or they are left with trailing whitespaces\n\n[Documentation](\n\n### Unstable\nThis option requires Nightly Rust.", "default": false, "enum": [true, false] }, "fn_args_layout": { "type": "string", "description": "Control the layout of arguments in a function\n\n[Documentation](", "default": "Tall", "enum": ["Compressed", "Tall", "Vertical"] }, "fn_call_width": { "type": "integer", "description": "Maximum width of the args of a function call before falling back to vertical formatting.\n\n[Documentation](", "default": 60 }, "fn_single_line": { "type": "boolean", "description": "Put single-expression functions on a single line\n\n[Documentation](\n\n### Unstable\nThis option requires Nightly Rust.", "default": false, "enum": [true, false] }, "force_explicit_abi": { "type": "boolean", "description": "Always print the abi for extern items\n\n[Documentation](", "default": true, "enum": [true, false] }, "force_multiline_blocks": { "type": "boolean", "description": "Force multiline closure bodies and match arms to be wrapped in a block\n\n[Documentation](\n\n### Unstable\nThis option requires Nightly Rust.", "default": false, "enum": [true, false] }, "format_code_in_doc_comments": { "type": "boolean", "description": "Format the code snippet in doc comments.\n\n[Documentation](\n\n### Unstable\nThis option requires Nightly Rust.", "default": false, "enum": [true, false] }, "format_generated_files": { "type": "boolean", "description": "Format generated files\n\n[Documentation](\n\n### Unstable\nThis option requires Nightly Rust.", "default": true, "enum": [true, false] }, "format_macro_bodies": { "type": "boolean", "description": "Format the bodies of macros\n\n[Documentation](\n\n### Unstable\nThis option requires Nightly Rust.", "default": true, "enum": [true, false] }, "format_macro_matchers": { "type": "boolean", "description": "Format the metavariable matching patterns in macros\n\n[Documentation](\n\n### Unstable\nThis option requires Nightly Rust.", "default": false, "enum": [true, false] }, "format_strings": { "type": "boolean", "description": "Format string literals where necessary\n\n[Documentation](\n\n### Unstable\nThis option requires Nightly Rust.", "default": false, "enum": [true, false] }, "group_imports": { "type": "string", "description": "Controls the strategy for how imports are grouped together\n\n[Documentation](\n\n### Unstable\nThis option requires Nightly Rust.", "default": "Preserve", "enum": ["Preserve", "StdExternalCrate", "One"] }, "hard_tabs": { "type": "boolean", "description": "Use tab characters for indentation, spaces for alignment\n\n[Documentation](", "default": false, "enum": [true, false] }, "hex_literal_case": { "type": "string", "description": "Format hexadecimal integer literals\n\n[Documentation](\n\n### Unstable\nThis option requires Nightly Rust.", "default": "Preserve", "enum": ["Preserve", "Upper", "Lower"] }, "hide_parse_errors": { "type": "boolean", "description": "Hide errors from the parser\n\n[Documentation](\n\n### Unstable\nThis option requires Nightly Rust.", "default": false, "enum": [true, false] }, "ignore": { "type": "array", "description": "Skip formatting the specified files and directories\n\n[Documentation](\n\n### Unstable\nThis option requires Nightly Rust.", "default": [] }, "imports_granularity": { "type": "string", "description": "Merge or split imports to the provided granularity\n\n[Documentation](\n\n### Unstable\nThis option requires Nightly Rust.", "default": "Preserve", "enum": ["Preserve", "Crate", "Module", "Item", "One"] }, "imports_indent": { "type": "string", "description": "Indent of imports\n\n[Documentation](\n\n### Unstable\nThis option requires Nightly Rust.", "default": "Block", "enum": ["Visual", "Block"] }, "imports_layout": { "type": "string", "description": "Item layout inside a import block\n\n[Documentation](\n\n### Unstable\nThis option requires Nightly Rust.", "default": "Mixed", "enum": [ "Vertical", "Horizontal", "HorizontalVertical", "LimitedHorizontalVertical", "Mixed" ] }, "indent_style": { "type": "string", "description": "How do we indent expressions or items\n\n[Documentation](\n\n### Unstable\nThis option requires Nightly Rust.", "default": "Block", "enum": ["Visual", "Block"] }, "inline_attribute_width": { "type": "integer", "description": "Write an item and its attribute on the same line if their combined width is below a threshold\n\n[Documentation](\n\n### Unstable\nThis option requires Nightly Rust.", "default": 0 }, "license_template_path": { "type": "string", "description": "Beginning of file must match license template\n\n[Documentation](\n\n### Unstable\nThis option requires Nightly Rust.", "default": "\"\"" }, "make_backup": { "type": "boolean", "description": "Backup changed files\n\n[Documentation](\n\n### Unstable\nThis option requires Nightly Rust.", "default": false, "enum": [true, false] }, "match_arm_blocks": { "type": "boolean", "description": "Wrap the body of arms in blocks when it does not fit on the same line with the pattern of arms\n\n[Documentation](\n\n### Unstable\nThis option requires Nightly Rust.", "default": true, "enum": [true, false] }, "match_arm_leading_pipes": { "type": "string", "description": "Determines whether leading pipes are emitted on match arms\n\n[Documentation](", "default": "Never", "enum": ["Always", "Never", "Preserve"] }, "match_block_trailing_comma": { "type": "boolean", "description": "Put a trailing comma after a block based match arm (non-block arms are not affected)\n\n[Documentation](", "default": false, "enum": [true, false] }, "max_width": { "type": "integer", "description": "Maximum width of each line\n\n[Documentation](", "default": 100 }, "merge_derives": { "type": "boolean", "description": "Merge multiple `#[derive(...)]` into a single one\n\n[Documentation](", "default": true, "enum": [true, false] }, "newline_style": { "type": "string", "description": "Unix or Windows line endings\n\n[Documentation](", "default": "Auto", "enum": ["Auto", "Windows", "Unix", "Native"] }, "normalize_comments": { "type": "boolean", "description": "Convert /* */ comments to // comments where possible\n\n[Documentation](\n\n### Unstable\nThis option requires Nightly Rust.", "default": false, "enum": [true, false] }, "normalize_doc_attributes": { "type": "boolean", "description": "Normalize doc attributes as doc comments\n\n[Documentation](\n\n### Unstable\nThis option requires Nightly Rust.", "default": false, "enum": [true, false] }, "overflow_delimited_expr": { "type": "boolean", "description": "Allow trailing bracket/brace delimited expressions to overflow\n\n[Documentation](\n\n### Unstable\nThis option requires Nightly Rust.", "default": false, "enum": [true, false] }, "print_misformatted_file_names": { "type": "boolean", "description": "Prints the names of mismatched files that were formatted. Prints the names of files that would be formated when used with `--check` mode.\n\n[Documentation](", "default": false, "enum": [true, false] }, "remove_nested_parens": { "type": "boolean", "description": "Remove nested parens\n\n[Documentation](", "default": true, "enum": [true, false] }, "reorder_impl_items": { "type": "boolean", "description": "Reorder impl items\n\n[Documentation](\n\n### Unstable\nThis option requires Nightly Rust.", "default": false, "enum": [true, false] }, "reorder_imports": { "type": "boolean", "description": "Reorder import and extern crate statements alphabetically\n\n[Documentation](", "default": true, "enum": [true, false] }, "reorder_modules": { "type": "boolean", "description": "Reorder module statements alphabetically in group\n\n[Documentation](", "default": true, "enum": [true, false] }, "report_fixme": { "type": "string", "description": "Report all, none or unnumbered occurrences of FIXME in source file comments\n\n[Documentation](\n\n### Unstable\nThis option requires Nightly Rust.", "default": "Never", "enum": ["Always", "Unnumbered", "Never"] }, "report_todo": { "type": "string", "description": "Report all, none or unnumbered occurrences of TODO in source file comments\n\n[Documentation](\n\n### Unstable\nThis option requires Nightly Rust.", "default": "Never", "enum": ["Always", "Unnumbered", "Never"] }, "required_version": { "type": "string", "description": "Require a specific version of rustfmt\n\n[Documentation](\n\n### Unstable\nThis option requires Nightly Rust.", "default": "1.4.38" }, "single_line_if_else_max_width": { "type": "integer", "description": "Maximum line length for single line if-else expressions. A value of zero means always break if-else expressions.\n\n[Documentation](", "default": 50 }, "skip_children": { "type": "boolean", "description": "Don't reformat out of line modules\n\n[Documentation](\n\n### Unstable\nThis option requires Nightly Rust.", "default": false, "enum": [true, false] }, "space_after_colon": { "type": "boolean", "description": "Leave a space after the colon\n\n[Documentation](\n\n### Unstable\nThis option requires Nightly Rust.", "default": true, "enum": [true, false] }, "space_before_colon": { "type": "boolean", "description": "Leave a space before the colon\n\n[Documentation](\n\n### Unstable\nThis option requires Nightly Rust.", "default": false, "enum": [true, false] }, "spaces_around_ranges": { "type": "boolean", "description": "Put spaces around the .. and ..= range operators\n\n[Documentation](\n\n### Unstable\nThis option requires Nightly Rust.", "default": false, "enum": [true, false] }, "struct_field_align_threshold": { "type": "integer", "description": "Align struct fields if their diffs fits within threshold\n\n[Documentation](\n\n### Unstable\nThis option requires Nightly Rust.", "default": 0 }, "struct_lit_single_line": { "type": "boolean", "description": "Put small struct literals on a single line\n\n[Documentation](\n\n### Unstable\nThis option requires Nightly Rust.", "default": true, "enum": [true, false] }, "struct_lit_width": { "type": "integer", "description": "Maximum width in the body of a struct lit before falling back to vertical formatting.\n\n[Documentation](", "default": 18 }, "struct_variant_width": { "type": "integer", "description": "Maximum width in the body of a struct variant before falling back to vertical formatting.\n\n[Documentation](", "default": 35 }, "tab_spaces": { "type": "integer", "description": "Number of spaces per tab\n\n[Documentation](", "default": 4 }, "trailing_comma": { "type": "string", "description": "How to handle trailing commas for lists\n\n[Documentation](\n\n### Unstable\nThis option requires Nightly Rust.", "default": "Vertical", "enum": ["Always", "Never", "Vertical"] }, "trailing_semicolon": { "type": "boolean", "description": "Add trailing semicolon after break, continue and return\n\n[Documentation](\n\n### Unstable\nThis option requires Nightly Rust.", "default": true, "enum": [true, false] }, "type_punctuation_density": { "type": "string", "description": "Determines if '+' or '=' are wrapped in spaces in the punctuation of types\n\n[Documentation](\n\n### Unstable\nThis option requires Nightly Rust.", "default": "Wide", "enum": ["Compressed", "Wide"] }, "unstable_features": { "type": "boolean", "description": "Enables unstable features. Only available on nightly channel\n\n[Documentation](\n\n### Unstable\nThis option requires Nightly Rust.", "default": false, "enum": [true, false] }, "use_field_init_shorthand": { "type": "boolean", "description": "Use field initialization shorthand if possible\n\n[Documentation](", "default": false, "enum": [true, false] }, "use_small_heuristics": { "type": "string", "description": "Whether to use different formatting for items and expressions if they satisfy a heuristic notion of 'small'\n\n[Documentation](", "default": "Default", "enum": ["Off", "Max", "Default"] }, "use_try_shorthand": { "type": "boolean", "description": "Replace uses of the try! macro by the ? shorthand\n\n[Documentation](", "default": false, "enum": [true, false] }, "version": { "type": "string", "description": "Version of formatting rules\n\n[Documentation](\n\n### Unstable\nThis option requires Nightly Rust.", "default": "One", "enum": ["One", "Two"] }, "where_single_line": { "type": "boolean", "description": "Force where-clauses to be on a single line\n\n[Documentation](\n\n### Unstable\nThis option requires Nightly Rust.", "default": false, "enum": [true, false] }, "wrap_comments": { "type": "boolean", "description": "Break comments to fit on the line\n\n[Documentation](\n\n### Unstable\nThis option requires Nightly Rust.", "default": false, "enum": [true, false] } }, "title": "rustfmt schema", "type": "object", "x-taplo-info": { "authors": ["Aloso ("], "patterns": ["^(.*(/|\\\\)\\.?rustfmt\\.toml|rustfmt\\.toml)$"] } }
{ "$schema": "", "title": "flagd Flag Configuration", "description": "Defines flags for use in flagd, including typed variants and rules", "type": "object", "properties": { "flags": { "type": "object", "$comment": "flag objects are one of the 4 flag types defined in $defs", "additionalProperties": false, "patternProperties": { "^.{1,}$": { "oneOf": [ { "title": "Boolean flag", "description": "A flag associated with boolean values", "$ref": "#/$defs/booleanFlag" }, { "title": "String flag", "description": "A flag associated with string values", "$ref": "#/$defs/stringFlag" }, { "title": "Numeric flag", "description": "A flag associated with numeric values", "$ref": "#/$defs/numberFlag" }, { "title": "Object flag", "description": "A flag associated with arbitrary object values", "$ref": "#/$defs/objectFlag" } ] } } } }, "$defs": { "flag": { "title": "Flag Base", "description": "Base object for all flags", "type": "object", "properties": { "state": { "description": "Indicates whether the flag is functional. Disabled flags are treated as if they don't exist", "type": "string", "enum": [ "ENABLED", "DISABLED" ] }, "defaultVariant": { "description": "The variant to serve if no dynamic targeting applies", "type": "string" }, "targeting": { "type": "object", "description": "JsonLogic expressions to be used for dynamic evaluation. The \"context\" is passed as the data. Rules must resolve one of the defined variants, or the \"defaultVariant\" will be used." } }, "required": [ "state", "defaultVariant" ] }, "booleanVariants": { "type": "object", "properties": { "variants": { "type": "object", "additionalProperties": false, "patternProperties": { "^.{1,}$": { "type": "boolean" } }, "default": { "on": true, "off": false } } } }, "stringVariants": { "type": "object", "properties": { "variants": { "type": "object", "additionalProperties": false, "patternProperties": { "^.{1,}$": { "type": "string" } } } } }, "numberVariants": { "type": "object", "properties": { "variants": { "type": "object", "additionalProperties": false, "patternProperties": { "^.{1,}$": { "type": "number" } } } } }, "objectVariants": { "type": "object", "properties": { "variants": { "type": "object", "additionalProperties": false, "patternProperties": { "^.{1,}$": { "type": "object" } } } } }, "$comment": "Merge the variants with the base flag to build our typed flags", "booleanFlag": { "allOf": [ { "$ref": "#/$defs/flag" }, { "$ref": "#/$defs/booleanVariants" } ] }, "stringFlag": { "allOf": [ { "$ref": "#/$defs/flag" }, { "$ref": "#/$defs/stringVariants" } ] }, "numberFlag": { "allOf": [ { "$ref": "#/$defs/flag" }, { "$ref": "#/$defs/numberVariants" } ] }, "objectFlag": { "allOf": [ { "$ref": "#/$defs/flag" }, { "$ref": "#/$defs/objectVariants" } ] } } }
{ "$schema": "", "additionalProperties": false, "definitions": { "env": { "type": "object", "required": ["name", "value"], "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "name": { "type": "string", "description": "ํ™˜๊ฒฝ๋ณ€์ˆ˜ ์ด๋ฆ„", "pattern": "[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*" }, "value": { "type": "string", "description": "ํ™˜๊ฒฝ๋ณ€์ˆ˜ ๊ฐ’" }, "branch": { "type": "string", "description": "ํ™˜๊ฒฝ๋ณ€์ˆ˜๋ฅผ ์ ์šฉํ•  ๋ธŒ๋žœ์น˜" } } }, "build-condition": { "type": "object", "description": "๋นŒ๋“œ ์‹คํ–‰ ์กฐ๊ฑด", "additionalProperties": true, "properties": { "push": { "type": "object", "description": "Push ์ด๋ฒคํŠธ์— ์˜ํ•œ ์กฐ๊ฑด", "properties": { "branches": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" }, "default": ["*"], "description": "Push ๋นŒ๋“œ์˜ branch ์กฐ๊ฑด", "minItems": 1 }, "tags": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" }, "default": ["*"], "description": "Push ๋นŒ๋“œ์˜ tag ์กฐ๊ฑด", "minItems": 1 }, "commit": { "type": "object", "properties": { "message-contain": { "type": "string", "description": "commit message์— ์ฃผ์–ด์ง„ ๋ฌธ์ž์—ด์„ ํฌํ•จํ•œ ๊ฒฝ์šฐ๋งŒ ๋นŒ๋“œ" } } } }, "additionalProperties": false }, "pull-request": { "type": "object", "description": "PullRequest ์ด๋ฒคํŠธ์— ์˜ํ•œ ์กฐ๊ฑด", "properties": { "branches": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" }, "default": ["*"], "description": "PR๋นŒ๋“œ์˜ target ๋ธŒ๋žœ์น˜ ์กฐ๊ฑด", "minItems": 1 }, "types": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "assigned", "unassigned", "labeled", "unlabeled", "opened", "edited", "closed", "reopened", "synchronize", "converted_to_draft", "ready_for_review", "locked", "unlocked", "review_requested", "review_request_removed", "auto_merge_enabled", "auto_merge_disabled" ] }, "default": ["opened", "synchronize", "reopened"], "description": "PR ์ด๋ฒคํŠธ ํƒ€์ž…", "minItems": 1 }, "commit": { "type": "object", "description": "Commit ์กฐ๊ฑด", "properties": { "message-contain": { "type": "string", "description": "์ปค๋ฐ‹ ๋ฉ”์‹œ์ง€๊ฐ€ 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"string" } }, "caches": { "type": "array", "description": "๋‹ค์Œ ๋นŒ๋“œ์˜ ์†๋„ ํ–ฅ์ƒ์„ ์œ„ํ•œ ์บ์‹œ ์„ค์ •", "default": [], "items": { "type": "object", "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "key": { "type": "string", "description": "์บ์‹œ ์‹๋ณ„ํ‚ค (repo scope)", "pattern": "^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{1,40}$" }, "path": { "type": "string", "description": "์บ์‹œํ•  ํŒŒ์ผ ํ˜น์€ ๋””๋ ‰ํ† ๋ฆฌ ๊ฒฝ๋กœ" } } } }, "max-execution-time": { "type": "string", "description": "์ตœ๋Œ€ ์‹คํ–‰์‹œ๊ฐ„ (e.g. '1h', '100m')", "default": "1h", "pattern": "^([0-9]+)(h|m)$" }, "post-process": { "type": "object", "description": "๋นŒ๋“œ ํ›„์ฒ˜๋ฆฌ๊ธฐ ์„ค์ •", "additionalProperties": true, "properties": { "app-center-release": { "$ref": "#/definitions/app-center-release" }, "git-ops": { "$ref": "#/definitions/git-ops" } } } } }, "run-on": { "type": "object", "description": "์‹คํ–‰ํ™˜๊ฒฝ ์„ค์ •", "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "image": { "type": "string", "description": "docker image", "default": "+@basebox", "pattern": "^(\\+@[a-z0-9-]+|\\+\\/[a-z0-9-]+|[a-z0-9/.-]+)(:[a-z0-9\\-]+)?$" }, "resources": { "description": "์‹คํ–‰์— ์‚ฌ์šฉํ•  ๋ฆฌ์†Œ์Šค ํฌ๊ธฐ ์„ค์ •", "anyOf": [ { "type": "string", "default": "small", "enum": [ "small", "medium", "large", "xlarge", "xxlarge", "xxxlarge" ] }, { "type": "object", "required": ["cpu", "memory"], "properties": { "cpu": { "anyOf": [ { "type": "string", "default": "1.0", "pattern": "^[0-9]+(\\.[0-9]+)?$" }, { "type": "number", "default": 1 } ], "description": "cpu (e.g. '1.0')", "default": "1.0" }, "memory": { "type": "string", "description": "memory (e.g. '500Mi', '2Gi').", "default": "1Gi", "pattern": "^([0-9]+)(Mi|Gi)$" } } } ] }, "use": { "type": "array", "description": "์‹คํ–‰ํ™˜๊ฒฝ์—์„œ ์‚ฌ์šฉํ•  ๊ธฐ๋Šฅ ์„ค์ •", "default": [], "items": { "type": "string", "enum": ["docker", "mobil-keystore"] } }, "platform": { "type": "string", "description": "์‹คํ–‰ํ™˜๊ฒฝ ํ”Œ๋žซํผ", "default": "k8s", "enum": ["k8s", "macos"] } } }, 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"branch"], "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "repo": { "type": "string", "description": "repo('owner/repo')", "pattern": "[.a-zA-Z0-9_-]+/[.a-zA-Z0-9_-]+" }, "branch": { "type": "string", "description": "branch", "pattern": "[a-zA-Z0-9/_.@-]+" } } }, "update": { "type": "array", "description": "manifest repo๋ฅผ ์—…๋ฐ์ดํŠธํ•˜๊ธฐ ์œ„ํ•œ ๋ช…๋ น", "items": { "type": "string" }, "minItems": 1 }, "with-artifacts": { "type": "array", "description": "๋นŒ๋“œ ์ž‘์—…์—์„œ manifest reop๋กœ ์ „๋‹ฌํ•  artifacts", "items": { "type": "string" } } } } }, "id": "", "properties": { "on": { "$ref": "#/definitions/build-condition", "description": "์‹คํ–‰ ์กฐ๊ฑด" }, "jobs": { "type": "array", "description": "์‹คํ–‰ํ•  ์ž‘์—…๋“ค: ๋…๋ฆฝ์ ์œผ๋กœ ๋ณ‘๋ ฌ ์‹คํ–‰๋จ", "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/job" } }, "environment": { "type": "array", "description": "ํ™˜๊ฒฝ๋ณ€์ˆ˜", "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/env" } } }, "required": ["jobs"], "title": "KoDE/CI Build Spec", "type": "object" }
{ "$id": "", "$ref": "#/definitions/MBOATS", "$schema": "", "definitions": { "MBOATS": { "type": "object", "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "appId": { "type": "string", "default": "MBOAPPL", "description": "5-7 letter capitalized abbreviated word representing the application", "pattern": "^[\\w]{5,7}$" }, "appName": { "type": "string", "default": "MBO Application", "description": "Application Name" }, "pageLoadTimeout": { "type": "integer", "default": 60000, "minimum": 30000, "maximum": 120000 }, "elementFindTimeout": { "type": "integer", "default": 8, "minimum": 3, "maximum": 15 }, "soundfx": { "type": "boolean", "default": false }, "headless": { "type": "boolean", "default": false }, "invocationCount": { "type": "integer", "default": 1, "minimum": 1, "maximum": 5 }, "mode": { "type": "string", "default": "local", "enum": ["local", "remote"], "description": "The mode of test execution." }, "runnerParallelism": { "type": "string", "default": "feature", "enum": ["feature", "scenario"] }, "threadCount": { "type": "integer", "default": 1, "minimum": 1, "maximum": 5 }, "clients": { "type": "string", "default": "chrome", "enum": ["chrome", "firefox", "edge"] }, "clientParallelism": { "type": "string", "default": "stacked", "enum": ["stacked", "interleaved"] }, "video": { "$ref": "#/definitions/MBOATS/definitions/Video" }, "networkLogs": { "$ref": "#/definitions/MBOATS/definitions/NetworkLogs" }, "email": { "$ref": "#/definitions/MBOATS/definitions/Email" }, "mongodb": { "$ref": "#/definitions/MBOATS/definitions/MongoDB" }, "awss3": { "$ref": "#/definitions/MBOATS/definitions/AWSS3" }, "awsec2": { "$ref": "#/definitions/MBOATS/definitions/AWSEC2" }, "threadbare": { "$ref": "#/definitions/MBOATS/definitions/Threadbare" } }, "required": ["appId", "appName"], "title": "MBOATS Framework Properties", "definitions": { "AWSEC2": { "type": "object", "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "publicName": { "type": "string" }, "serverPort": { "type": "integer" } 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