
The woman who died after falling from a bridge over the A21 has been identified as a Sevenoaks mum. Marta Kendle, 37, fell from the Gracious Lane bridge on the morning of February 19. Police were called to the carriageway around 6.10am and the road was promptly closed in both directions. Despite paramedics best efforts, Marta, who was originally from Poland, was pronounced dead at the scene. Kent and Medway Coroners office have confirmed an inquest into her death will open on Wednesday (February 27). Tributes to the mum were left at the scene and on social media. Friend, Jodi Cahill posted on Facebook: "I will certainly remember you. I am sorry we did not see how lost and alone you felt. "Be at peace dear Marta." A floral tribute left at the scene said goodbye to the "beautiful and kind soul". It read: "To a beautiful and kind soul, we are sorry we didn't see your pain. We will miss you always. "Rest in peace Marta, Love from Lorraine, Colin and family." The inquest will take place at the Archbishop's Palace in Maidstone and will examine the circumstances surrounding Mrs Kendle's death. Are you struggling or know someone who is? Watch our video below to find out how the Samaritans could help. Mrs Kendle's death prompted the setting up of a petition calling for higher railings along the Gracious Lane bridge by Sevenoaks Common - to prevent people falling and to protect drivers from below. By today (February 25) 4,500 people had signed. The same site was the scene of another death in July last year when Southborough woman, Angela Skinner, 54, also died after falling on to the A21.
messaging system designed as a plugin-based system. Doubtless the kopete people would disagree with me here, but I'd say that their project was utterly redundant. What advantages does kopete bring that could not have been submitted to gaim itself? Why go to the time and effort to independently develop two programs which do virtually the same thing? Now there are other, significant differences. Gaim uses the GTK+ toolkit. Kopete uses Qt. Gaim is primarily C, Kopete is C++. In fact Kopete is fairly tightly bounded to KDE, whereas I think Gaim is not so quite involved with Gnome. So we can reduce this redundancy problem to the problem of two desktops, if it is a problem. I'm not sure it is, after all competition is good and drives development. Is it that much of a problem that some coders have spent time and effort re-inventing the wheel anyway? Well I think it is a problem, unless you are heavily camped in either desktop. I'm not. When I develop a GUI application, I have to make a decision about which environment suits me best. I know there's more to it than that - Gnome has all that other stuff like Glib and KDE isn't just QT - but the GUI is a major consideration. So if I opt for (say) GTK+, will some QT zealot prefer to code an alternative to using my version? I run a mixture of Gnome and KDE applications. I use Konqueror as a web browser, Gimp for some graphic stuff, etc. The two toolkits are somewhat annoying because they do not interact particularly well. When I write a GUI app, I want the interface code to be as separate from the logic as possible, to make swapping them in and out as easy as possible. Don't code an alternative, write a new interface for me! Glade is a GTK+ interface builder. You use a drag-and-drop program to compose a UI, and it can generate the corresponding GTK+ code. You can save the project seperately as an XML application. What is really exciting however is the companion libglade. This library reads in the XML that Glade writes at runtime and constructs the UI from that. You therefore don't even need to necessarily use the UI builder to generate the XML if you don't want to. Perhaps you'll just translate a UI described in a different XML application. So why do I think this is exciting? Alter/tweak the UI at runtime, without a recompilation. Translate (via XSL) an interface description in a different XML application. I haven't looked at the design of the XML glade dialect much myself, it might be a nightmare; but at least that nightmare could be hidden behind a translation. Want a KDE version? Write a runtime, XML-interpreting UI builder for KDE! Argh! so this rant has gone off-track a little bit. What else have I got to cover?
CHARLES H. MEISNER, one of the prosperous and highly-esteemed business men of Birnamwood, Shawano county, was born in Newton township, Manitowoc Co., Wis., February 14, 1860, and is a son of Frederick and Magarette (Steltzer) Meisner, both natives of Germany. Frederick Meisner was born February 5, 1825, in Mechlenburg, Germany, and after the death of his father he, with his mother and the rest of the family, came to America in 1849, settling in Manitowoc county. Here the mother lived to the good old age, dying in 1888. The parental family comprised six children, namely John, Frederick, Joseph, Dora, Josephine and Mary. The mother of our subject was born in Bavaria about the year 1832. Her mother died in Germany, and about 1850 she came to America with her father and her three brothers; John, William and Nicholas—and three sisters—Mary, Cathrena and Lena. Her father was a farmer by occupation. Frederick Meisner had six children of whom Charles H., Frederick J. and Henry are living; William died when four years old; John when an infant, and a daughter, Bertha, when nine months old. This worthy couple at present reside on a farm purchased by Mr. Meisner some thirty-seven years ago, and which is situated near Manitowoc City. They are consistent members of the German Lutheran Church, and Frederick Meisner is a stanch Republican, although he has never taken a very active part in political matters. Charles H. Meisner was reared to the life of a farmer's boy, obtaining his education in the common schools, and assisting his father upon the farm until he was of age. He then spent several summers working upon a farm. In June, 1884, in company with John Roepke, he came to Birnamwood, where he bought out a store owned by Hunter and Cole, and organized the firm of Roepke & Meisner, proprietors of a general mercantile store. In 1889 they commenced the manufacture of lumber, buying and repairing a mill and furnishing employment to fifteen men, on an average. Both these gentlemen have built themselves handsome residences, and have dealt extensively in real estate, now owning some 1,300 acres of timber and farming lands. Charles H. Meisner was married January 4, 1884 to Miss Meta Pleuss, who was born in the same town and county as her husband. She is a daughter of Frederick and Mary (Levereriz) Pleuss, natives of Germany; who came to, America about 1850. The father; who was a farmer, died in 1877. They had a family of five daughters—Mary, Lizzie, Meta, Augusta and Minnie. Both the parents had children by former marriages. Mr. and Mrs. Meisner have no children. In politics our subject is a good Republican, but has always been too busy attending to his own affairs to become an office-seeker. However, his fellow-citizens have shown their appreciation of his worth by making him town treasurer, and electing him to the minor offices. He was postmaster for eight years, and is one of the trustees of the village. He and his wife are members of the German Lutheran Church, and are held in high esteem.
EVER WONDER WHY SOME PEOPLE CAN WORK NIGHTS AND SLEEP EASILY DURING THE DAY? A new study from Tiina Pauno, a professor at the University of Helsinki, Finland found that many night workers actually have a variant in the genetic code that makes them less influenced by Melatonin and hence the circadian rhythm. They tested 577 shift workers and looked for a genetic changes for job-related exhaustion. The risk variant known as 1A(MTNR1A) gene basically turns off or on the DNA (through methylation). This is another fascinating epigenetic (a new field of genetics studying how our environment changes or genes) mechanism regulating function. The result people who can do this have less receptors and are not sensitive to melatonin and tolerate nights much better. The people with this gene variant can sleep in bright light without any difficulty as well. Hmm all those years you wondered why you couldn’t stay awake at a night job and your peers seemed to have no problems. Sleep is very complex and poorly understood.
Conduct effective product control and valuation control of treasury products and derivatives in banking book. Duties include daily P&L reporting and analysis, balance sheet substantiation, pricing parameter verification and market conformity checking. First point of contact for front office to handle ad hoc queries on position, P&L. University graduate with degree in Financial Engineering, Quantitative Finance, Risk Management, Finance, Economics, Accounting or related disciplines. Further professional qualification such as ACCA, CPA, CFA, FRM would be a plus. At least 2 year of working experience in equity and interest rate related treasury products and/or product control, solid experience in South East Asia is an advantage. Proficiency in financial instruments & market operations.
Stayed here about four years ago and they helped me out this weekend. Thankfully Citadines had a double apartment room for our stay. Usual facilities and a cooker, dishwasher, iron etc. We had a large view of the cathedral and port area and Montjuïc. Fabulous. Non fussy and perfectly functional. 3 star with excellent staff. I wont go anywhere else in the future.
It’s the end of the world,” said the caterpillar. “It’s the beginning of the world,” said the butterfly. In the life cycle of a butterfly, it starts out as an egg that turns into a caterpillar. Then it becomes a cocoon before it turns into a beautiful creature capable of fluttering free through the skies. The search for happiness is universal, and yet it is hard to find. Perhaps we are looking in the wrong place. Are You Chasing the Elusive Butterfly of Happiness? Monarch butterflies journey from the Great Lakes to the Gulf of Mexico, a distance of about 1,800 miles, and return to the north again in the spring. This is a site about Butterflies (but of course!) The butterfly is an inspiration to many because of its rich beauty and spiritual symbolism. Butterflies represent transformation and they stir the imagination of both child and adult alike. As you explore this colorful website, you'll discover a unique assortment of butterfly related information, photos, and folklore from around the world, along with inspirational stories and videos that will enliven and enlighten your mind, heart and soul.
Fasnet 2015: Spindrift & Prince de Bretagne , "Neck to neck" Spindrift reports that After 48 hours of sailing, Spindrift 2 is neck and neck with @trimaranpdb Prince de Bretagne Tri. Both Tris followed by Phaedo, Oman & Concise MOD70s. On corrected time Phaedo 3 leads.
As the nation’s largest no-reserve internet auction firm specializing in construction and agricultural equipment, Purple Wave is focused on transforming the way in which sellers reach buyers to turn their assets into cash. Founded in 2000, Purple Wave was among the first companies to use the power of the internet to streamline the corporate auction process. This early vision led to rapid growth and success, and Purple Wave was widely regarded as a trusted online destination that brought corporate sellers and buyers together. As Purple Wave evolved, it had an opportunity to take advantage of the data it was collecting. After hearing Icimo CEO Bryce Gartner speak at a National Auctioneers Association event, Purple Wave engaged Icimo to develop a business intelligence strategy. The insights gained were striking from the beginning. According to David, data that used to take weeks, months or even years to acquire is now available to management in a matter of minutes, allowing for quick and informed decisions about critical business issues. As Purple Wave began to refocus on specific segments, the continued insight gleaned from icimo and Tableau shifted to a more targeted and strategic marketing effort. For an online business, data is seemingly limitless— if it can be accessed. From historical buying tendencies and product performance, to geographic trends and other factors, Purple Wave is now able to market to customers and prospects with the confidence of having access to accurate and actionable data.
Stretch Therapy (ST) is a comprehensive system that includes stretching, fascia remodelling, strengthening, neural re-patterning, and relaxation. We can hep you ease tension and pain,help prevent injuries, increase your range of movement and adjust any imbalances. Our stretch therapy (AIS technique) allows the body to repair itself and also to prepare for daily activity. The AIS technique involves the method of holding each stretch for only two seconds. This method of stretching is also known to work with the body’s natural physiological makeup to improve circulation and increase the elasticity of muscle joins and fascia. The AIS method of muscle lengthening and fascial release is a type of Athletic Stretching Technique that provides effective, dynamic, facilitated stretching of major muscle groups, but more importantly, AIS provides functional and physiological restoration of superficial and deep fascial planes. AIS is important for injury prevention recovery, as well as performance enhancement. AIS is something that everyone can benefit from. One of the many things that makes AIS superior in dealing with flexibility problems is that it has no age and very few contraindication limits. It can be used by the very young and by the most senior of senior citizens. Other than typical sport massage techniques like deep tissue manipulation, pressure points, joint mobility etc. This modification allowing a combination of stretching techniques. This stretches provide maximum benefits with out opposing tension or resulting trauma. This brief stretch allows the targeted muscle to lengthen without triggering the stretch reflex that contracts the antagonist muscle, or the muscle that opposes the targeted muscle. This gentle stretch is repeated several times for each targeted muscles. To emphasizes prevention and healing injuries of the muscles and tendons. Can be beneficial for the people with injuries, chronic pain and restricted range of motion. At the end of the session the L/R at least symmetrical balance. NOTE: However, you don’t be an athlete to benefit from sport massage stretching. This is also helpful for desk job or office people.
The sport of Bocce Ball is alive and well in Holliston. "Throwing balls toward a target is the oldest game known to mankind. As early as 5000 B.C. the Egyptians played a form of Bocce with polished rocks. Graphic representations of figures tossing a ball or polished stone have been recorded as early as 5200 B.C. While Bocce today looks quite different from its early predecessors, the unbroken thread of Bocce’s lineage is the consistently common objective of trying to come as close to a fixed target as possible. From this early objective, the basic rules of Bocce were born. From Egypt, the game made its way to Greece around 800 B.C. The Romans learned the game from the Greeks, and then introduced it throughout the empire. The Roman influence in bocce is preserved in the game’s name; bocce derives from the Vulgate Latin bottia, meaning boss. The early Romans were among the first to play a game resembling what we know as Bocce today. In early times they used coconuts brought back from Africa and later used hard olive wood to carve out Bocce balls. Beginning with Emperor Augustus, Bocce became the sport of statesman and rulers. From the early Greek physician Hippocrates to the great Italian Renaissance man Galileo, the early participants of Bocce have noted that the game’s athleticism and spirit of competition rejuvenates the body. In 1576, the Republic of Venice publicly condemned the sport, punishing those who played with fines and imprisonment. And perhaps most grave was the condemnation by the Catholic Church which deterred the laity and officially prohibited clergyman from playing the game by proclaiming Bocce a means of gambling. Bocce frequently lost and gained popularity throughout the ages. It was Giuseppe Garibaldi, who, while unifying and nationalizing Italy, popularized the sport as it is known today. In 1896, during a resurgence of popularity, the first Bocce Olympiad was held in Athens, Greece. Bocce has been a part of international sports ever since. Thanks to many Italian immigrants at the turn of the century, Bocce has come to flourish in the United States. During its beginnings in the U.S., there were as many versions of the game as there were towns the immigrants had left. The popularity of Bocce in America has been on the rise since then and there are more than 25,000,000 Bocce enthusiasts throughout the United States today." Next to Soccer and Golf, Bocce is the third most participated sport in the world and is considered the oldest know sport in world history. Al Scaramella hosted the game that I attended. This day there were enough players to field two teams of four, one throwing red balls, the other green. Teams are determined as each player pulls a red or green ball out of a sack. Green always goes first. The game starts with a member of the green team tossing out the Pallino, the small orange ball being thrown by Joe, above, who then rolls his green ball as close as he can to the Pallino. Red then tries to get closer to the Pallino than the green ball and each member of the red team rolls until a red ball ends up closest to the Pallino or all four reds are no closer than the green. Green gets to go again if a red ball ends up closer to the Pallino. Above, the next ball to be thrown would be green since the red ball ended up closest to the Pallino. Capiche? As in most sports, form is everything. Above Tony Alexander displays his form developed over years of playing bocce, starting "when I was only this high" said Tony with his hand waist high. Host Al Scaramella was just as effective using the same form as Tony. Both showed the results of years playing bocce. Strategy plays a big part in the game. Sometimes it's better to hit the ball of an opposing team than try to get close to the Pallino. The boards can also be used to position a ball behind the Pallino. Above, Kevin tosses early in a game as Dennis, Tony, Aaron and Walter wait their turn. Tony and Al usually were anchors for their teams as it becomes important not to hit a ball of your same color and loose a point. Sometimes a measurement has to be taken to determine which ball is closest. In the case above, one red ball is clearly closest but if the second red ball is closer to the Pallino than the green ball, then the red team gets two points instead of just one. Capiche? Between games. Al Zambonis the court. Al built the court about four years ago and has been honing his skills ever since. Most remember when Bertuccis opened in 1984 or 85 with a Bocce court in the middle of the dining room. The court didn't last long for whatever reason. First team to reach 11 and is ahead by at least two points wins. This day the green team won every game even though there were different players each time. There is at least one other Bocce court in Holliston. Teams and tournaments could lead to a shot at the Summer Olympics. Perchè no? I think this is fantastic. I played when I was a kid. Would love to be able to join a league in town. Interesting article, thanks. Would be great to see a bocce court installed at Blair Square near the rail trail! "The court didn't last long for whatever reason." I think I should take some of the blame for the demise of the bocce court at Bertucci's. When it opened, my son was about 5. Bertucci's was a great place to take the kids (still is) and my son loved the bocce court, especially throwing the balls. His form wasn't as good as the pros, and occasionally, one of his throws went "out of bounds". I suspect there were other parents who failed at juggling waiting in line and making sure the balls stayed on the bocce court. Anyway, what goes around, comes around, and the offender is now 36, and expecting his first child in a few weeks.
A month ago, India had commissioned world’s first 100 percent solar-powered airport in Cochin. Recently, India’s greenest airport terminal at Chandigarh international airport in Mohali was inaugurated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Built by Larsen and Toubro (L&T), the terminal, spread over 53,000 square meters, is designed in accordance with concept of green building. The terminal sets a new benchmark in sustainability by incorporating various green technologies. The terminal is constructed using over 55 lakh fly ash bricks and features cavity walls, double insulated roofing, energy efficient chillers, and a sensor-based plumbing system to save water. Such an extensive use of fly ash in construction of large structure is highly commendable. The terminal has achieved a 4-star GRIHA (Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment) rating. Unlike other terminals, this does not have huge displays that run on artificial light and consume huge amount of electricity. Absence of displays has helped in cutting down maintenance costs and running expenditures. The terminal does not require artificial lighting during day time owing to a transparent façade. Used glass on the façade is low-heat gain glass, which means it will automatically reduce the need for installing and spending on air conditioners. A lawn laid out right inside the terminal delivers a refreshing treat for passengers. The available air conditioners are equipped with sensors that can detect body heat for automatic activation. Rest of the time, the ACs remain in sleep mode to save energy. To meet the electricity requirements, a 200 KW solar plant is installed on the rooftop of the terminal. Solar plant generates enough energy to meet the major power needs of the building. For lighting during nights, 40 percent of the airport is illuminated with energy-efficient LEDs. The terminal also includes a sewage treatment plant with a capacity of 600 KLD. The treatment plant is based on environment-friendly extended aeration technology. The recycled water is reused for flushing and gardening. The airport terminal is one of its kind in India, may be in world too. It hasn’t received any name yet, but most likely it is to be named after Indian revolutionary freedom fighter Sardar Bhagat Singh. The new airport will facilitate neighboring states including Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, and Jammu and Kashmir.
Stately palm trees reach to the blue sky. The city of Split, and majestic mountains, far off in the distance. Looking up from Trogir’s network of little streets. Cheery lemons await picking, or just admirers. A tiny church, off in the distance. Silhouette of Kairos (the god of the fleeting moment), modeled after a 3rd-century bas-relief found in the town. These are beautiful. Lucky you! Lucky indeed, Caitlin. When we walk out among the buildings adorned with coats of arms, strolling the city’s labyrinthine lanes, I have to pinch myself that I’ve been in such a special city for over a month. The friendly people here make Trogir all the more wonderful. Jen, I agree with you that perpetually sunny skies can get a bit overwhelming. I felt the same way this past fall, visiting sunny Nevada. Sometimes I just yearned for a rain cloud or two. I suppose the “grass is always greener.” I liked your line that once again the “blue skies hold magic” for you. Some great looking up shots, Tricia. Love the one between the houses, with the lamp in, and that cat shot is wonderful. Thanks, Jo! We do a lot of looking up here because a lot of the fun details are hidden up there. Tricia I so loved your blue skies today. It has been the usual 300 days of rain followed by a day of sunshine. This is the rain-forest area so we must accept the rain but right now I do believe I have webbed feet. V. Soon you’ll be admiring all the emerald beauty around you! Those date palms set against blue skies is something to be cheery about. What a beautiful place to choose for home away from home. How long is this stay? Lynne, I didn’t know that those were date palms! Thanks for providing that botanical tidbit. We’ll be returning to Germany/France in May or June. (We can only stay in the Schengen Zone for 90 days at a time.) Since tourist season will be picking up here in the coming weeks and months, we’ll probably flit on off to another home away from home. There are so many lovely options – Montenegro, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Albania? Another spot in Croatia? We’ll see. I am sad at the thought of leaving Trogir, though, as we’ve met some really kind people and are starting to feel a bit like locals. Tricia Mitchell is spending some time in Trogir and exploring Dalmatia and she has written some very interesting posts, which are recommended reading! The blue skies are a striking background for all your beautiful photos. Everything looks good against a clear blue sky! My favorites are the flags. Hi Marilyn, blue is such a regal color – fitting for Trogir’s magnificent architecture! I also find the Croatian flag to be quite striking, especially contrasted with that column and centuries-old buildings. Mark, I have to pinch myself whenever I see so much vibrant life here, even during these late winter months. I am pleased to find you via “Our Adventure in Croatia”. Stunning pics! Tina, the feeling is mutual. Thanks for your flattering feedback and for visiting! In what part of Serbia do you live? I live in the South East. Near Nis. We are kinda distant neighbors. Indeed :) – we might be heading that way – we shall see. So much to explore in this region! How long have you lived there? This time it is a long term stay. (maybe permanent.). We only just arrived in Nov (2012). But we were here two previous times for 5 months each tip. I am getting my bearings. :) Very Challenging with a toddler! Wow, I can imagine how it must be challenging navigating new customs with a little one! Are you speaking multiple languages to your child? Yes, but she cannot speak yet. In time she will be bi-lingual. Ah, beautiful Tricia, croation skies are different than californian skies ,I can see. Enjoy! I’ll have to read up on why the color varies so, Cornelia. The winter light is of course quite different here on the seaside than in Germany. The winter side is usually more bluish,, and the place where you are is usually more yellowish and reddish, talking in photography terms. It all depends on the temperature and the reflection of the sky, just a simple explanation so far. I wonder why that part of the world has such intense blue skies! The puzzled cat and the soaring seagull are my favourite picks Tricia. I thought that too, Madhu. I’ll have to ask my meteorologist friend.
Showcasing Mosaic hops and a delicate blend of malts, this Extra Special Bitter was brewed with the very finest ingredients available. Naughty Hildegard ESB supports big flavours of guava, mango and citrus to deliver a juicy hop-malt balance that is deceptively easy to drink. A Pacific Northwest jam on a UK classic.
Refind is featured in Swedish business weekly "Veckans Affärer" The future is finally here. That's what an article in Veckans Affärer, a Swedish business weekly, is concluding writing about Artificial Intelligence. Together with our friends at Tajitsu, Refind is featured as the company that has successfully managed to bring AI into the physical world with our sorting applications for electronics and batteries.
DOLPHIN FASHION CORP. is an entity registered at NEW YORK county with company number 2297344. DOLPHIN FASHION CORP. located at the address Suite #1007 110 West 40Th St New York, New York, 10018. Company is incorporated on September 14, 1998. Current status of the company is inactive - dissolution by proclamation / annulment of authority (jun 26, 2002). September 14, 1998 Actual DOLPHIN FASHION CORP. DOLPHIN FIRE PROTECTION SERVICES, INC. DOLPHIN FITNESS 23RD ST., INC. DOLPHIN FITNESS 93RD STREET, INC. DOLPHIN FITNESS BATH AVE., INC. DOLPHIN FITNESS BEEKMAN AVE., INC. DOLPHIN ENTERPRISES OF NEW YORK INC.
Congratulations, this is no B.S. free zone! Visual artists are visual thinkers! So we made anatomy books for artists. They don't want to read magnificent, but boring anatomy textbooks, stuffed with medical level information. Instead, the author made a book with clear images, that contain only the necessary information needed, to create a realistic human form. Most pictures in the book are self-explanatory. The text part of this book is only about 2%. The concept of this book came from co-author Uldis Zarins, classically trained sculptor, with 20 years of sculpting experience, looking for good visual anatomy book for his students, that would help to explain the forms of the human figure. After years of fruitless searching, Uldis decided to roll up his sleeves and take one for the team. So, he embarked on an epic quest to create a book for solid anatomical reference for any aspiring artist. The book contains images of various examples of different postures, such as a twisted torso, the movement of arms etc. This means you don't have to guess anymore how each muscle will look from any angle. "A secret weapon" to making a realistic human form. What sets apart good classical artists from others? Major factors are the skills and practice of course, but good live model makes a huge difference! If you have a good reference, you won’t need a live model anymore. Be inspired, and don’t waste your precious time on the search for images in google, basically, everything you need is in this book!
The stock market is the place where stocks and bonds are traded. Stocks are units of ownership in a company, and so they can sell their stock to get money. As an investor, when you buy stock you become a shareholder which means technically you own a part of the company. If the profits of the company increase, you, as a shareholder receive a portion of those profits. Not all investments in stock are successful, stock prices rise and fall regularly and getting a return on your money is never guaranteed, part of investing means you take a risk on a company.
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The more times your children go under general anesthesia but it's not. This will be the 3rd time one of my children gets to experience this. It's really not that big of a deal, but I just feel bad there is nothing I can do to help, watching them wheel them away on the bed screaming, and then bringing them back asleep and waiting for them to wake up, which is never a pleasant thing if you have never experienced that. Unfortunately unlike Lucy he has had an infection that has been with him for a month, no antibiotic has cured it, not only that but the puss and fluid have not drained. So they will make an incision to let it drain before they put in the tubes the bad part is it's very painful, so the doctors tell me. Luckily Talmadge is a tough little boy, most of the time during his ear infections (9 since November) he never really cried, or woke up a lot at night, the only indication I ever has was a fever and loss of appetite. So hopefully he will not be to miserable when it's over. Oh! How not fun! It never DOES get easier to see your kids cry because they are scared or hurt. But at least he won't remember it, and it will help him out a ton in the long (and sounds like short) run. Poor little guy! I can not even imagine what he must feel like. I hope it goes well and solves all the problems! Good luck girl! Let me know how things turn out. Wish I could be up there. So nice to hear your Grandchild is having surgery on a blog spot!! Dad told me or I still wouldn't know. So much for concerned parents/grandparents. Amber you poor thing could anything else happen...Knock on wood. Hey when you get a chance check my blog cause I pictured Tagged you. The rules are on the post. Good luck with all thats going on. Amber - I'm so sorry you have to go through this. Knock on wood, but I haven't had to see my kids go under anesthesia yet. Hang in there. I hope the tubes really help Talmadge!
Alameda is a locals town, which is why we opened a local, non-corporate coffee joint, run by people who love an amazing cup of coffee. Located in historic downtown Alameda, the Local is on the ground floor of the original Masonic Lodge that was built in 1891. This building has been at the heart of the community for over 126 years and the Local strives to be a gathering spot with great coffee and a fun atmosphere. The Local was opened by Otto Wright and his family, who live here in beautiful Alameda, California. Our family has toured the world and found Alameda to be the most livable and enriching towns yet; we love it here and have created this business as a place for the community to gather and enjoy a cup of GREAT coffee - not more corporate swill. We have selected Mr Espresso as our coffee roaster because of their commitment to quality and excellent line of coffees. They have a wide assortment of coffee types that are all unique and present real flavors for all kinds of preferences. We are proud to offer their coffees and eager to help our customers to find their own favorites.
Drinking is sometimes very fascinating especially as you hang out with friends; it is a fun and provides the feeling of well being. However, the odor of alcohol is annoying for the family and co-workers around you at the workplace especially if you are Smelling like alcohol the next day. Drinking alcohol results in a strong odor around you and as soon as you realize it, you will try to get rid of its smell. Also the alcoholic breath is highly unpleasant for the people around you. In this article we will learn some How to get rid of alcohol breath home remedies? 2 How to Get Rid of Alcohol Odor Naturally? The strong smell of alcohol is always one of the serious concerns of the drinkers. Also in the life time, some people drink heavily and they are unaware of the unpleasant smell of alcohol around them. As the alcohol addicts realize that they have strong odor in their breath and body, they need to find some ways to get rid of this unpleasant smell especially as they go to their workplaces. How long does alcohol breath last? It depends on the hygiene measures you are taking afterwards. There are some natural and effective ways to get rid of this annoying smell. Now you can drink without any worries of alcoholic odor. How to Get Rid of Alcohol Odor Naturally? How to get rid of alcohol smell instantly? One of the most easiest and effective remedy to kill the bad odor of alcohol is to eat some other foods after drinking. A packet of chips, fries, some salads, nachos etc can be very helpful in this regard. If you are planning to drink at friend’s place, take some snacks for your group and you will notice faster decline in the odor of alcohol. Besides, you can also get some drinks to stay hydrated, because if after drinking alcohol if you are dehydrated, the odor of alcohol would be much more. How to get rid of alcohol smell day after drinking? Garlic is wonderful remedy to get rid of alcohol odor. Garlic has a strong scent and can provide you faster relief. Garlic will not only kill the odor of alcohol it is also helpful for the body as well due to its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. How to get rid of alcohol smell by garlic? You can take the food which is rich in garlic or a garlic sauce. Another simple way is to chew a slice of garlic raw but it can cause bad garlic breath for a longer time. How to get rid of alcohol smell after drinking? Some people don’t like garlic due to its scent, for such people eating onion is an alternative of garlic serving the same purpose. You can eat onion raw in the form of salad; also you can eat onion by adding it in sandwiches or pasta. How to get rid of alcohol smell at home? Tooth paste is a faster and effective way to kill the bad odor of alcohol. Though it can only kill the bad odor from the mouth not from throat but the use of mouth wash afterwards is effective to get rid of any bad odor. Take a tooth paste with strong scent and brush your teeth with it. For better results, do brush your tongue thoroughly with it as some odor producing bacteria stick to the tongue. Sometimes Alcohol breath without drinking is produced due to bacterial growth in mouth, brushing your teeth can kill the odor producing bacteria living inside the mouth. How to get rid of alcohol smell from mouth? Coffee is another easy and simple remedy for the bad alcohol odor especially alcohol breath. Since coffee has a strong scent and taking a cup of coffee can be helpful to get rid of alcohol smell. Simple black coffee is ideal as mixing other ingredients might mask the coffee’s smell and makes it less effective to relieve alcohol odor. How to get rid of alcohol smell after a night out? Keeping chewing gum with strong scent such as peppermint can be an ideal choice to get rid of alcohol breath. As you take chewing gum, more saliva is produced and hence lesser odor. How to get rid of alcohol smell from car? Use any air freshener and use chewing hum while driving. Keep yourself hydrated; drink plenty of water after drinking any alcoholic drink. The dehydrated bodies can produce more odors as compared to normal and hydrated bodies. Take few glasses of water before and during drinking as it ensures that the alcohol is released into your systems. How to get rid of alcohol breath for breathalyzer? Or what neutralizes alcohol on the breath? Drink as much water as you can as it can neutralize the alcohol on breath fast. How to get rid of alcohol body smell? Odor of alcohol is not only present inside your breath, it is also present in whole body, since our skin is porous, and the odor emerges out from the skin pores giving characteristic odor to the drinkers. How to get rid of alcohol smell on your body? Wash your body thoroughly with a perfumed soap or body wash. You can also make use of body scrubbers for additional benefits and proper body cleaning. How to get rid of alcohol smell quickly? Drinking alcohol is a fun but it is associated with some embarrassing outcomes, alcohol odor is one of them. There are several ways by which you can get rid of alcohol odor simply and naturally. At home you can drink plenty of water, make use of chewing gums, some garlic toasts or onion sandwiches to get rid of alcohol odor. How to get rid of alcohol smell on skin? Taking shower after drinking keeps the body clean and lessens the alcohol odor. Take care of your hygiene in order to stay free of odor once you have taken any alcoholic drink or beverage.
Today we are delighted to introduce you to FarmGirlRosePetals, a three-generation family farm based in Oregon, growing gorgeous flowers and freeze drying the petals for eco-friendly celebrations! How long have you been preserving flowers with freeze drying? When and where did the floriculture life begin for you? I started in 1988 in California… another business with my Mom & Sister. We were buying our flowers from local growers in Watsonville & also importing from South America. We wanted to find a piece of land and begin growing our own flowers so we would have 100% control over the quality of our products. That began our search which lasted for several years until we found our beautiful land. What (or who) inspired you to raise flowers and learn to preserve the petals? My grandparents always had an incredible garden. I remember when I was a very young girl just how special it was to go through the white arch of the picket fence into the back gardens and what a special occasion it always was to have access to their gardens and to be there with them… gardening, harvesting flowers & the sweetest raspberries. My parents both loved gardening as well. The raising of flowers and the preservation of the petals came much later once we found our slice of paradise with our land here in Rainbow Valley, Oregon. Our property sits on the mighty South Umpqua River which is how we responsibly irrigate all of our flower fields using a drip irrigation system. This way, each crop receives the correct amount of water and none is wasted. Do you grow flowers other than roses? We grow roses, hydrangea, peonies, lilacs… all of them are lovingly harvested by hand and carefully loaded into our specialized freeze-dry machines used to preserve the flowers and petals. Everything is done right here on our property… the growing, harvesting, processing and shipping. All done with positive energy and wonderful intentions. What do you enjoy most about the craft of drying rose petals for weddings and special events? Hands down it is the joy of growing the flowers. We are so lucky to see this stunning beauty we create with Mother Nature’s help. We love all of the bees, the butterflies, lady bugs and the sweet floral scent that surrounds us on our land. Maybe even more importantly is how happy our flowers make all of our customers. We are so grateful for all the love they give back to us with glowing reviews, photos and more … they are incredible! What are some of the ways folks can incorporate your flower petals into their celebrations? The uses for our petals are really unlimited. First thing that comes to mind is for a romantic celebration. Valentine’s day is a big one! They are used for proposals, engagement parties, save the date cards, weddings for creating or decorating the aisle, the guests to shower the blissful newlyweds with a petal toss when walking back down the aisle or for their first dance. To decorate the reception tables & couples honeymoon suite, include in thank you notes, gender reveals, babies first photos. They’re also used by resorts and hotels for rose petal turndown and spa services. We have many people that use them to honor and celebrate loved ones for memorials, funerals, celebration of life events. We have had people toss from helicopters, small planes, hot air balloons, military flyovers. Several natural soap, cosmetics and bath bomb companies incorporate our petals into their products. Party & home decorations, the Rose Parade every January. There are unlimited ways to include rose petals into your life… let your imagination have fun creating new ways to use them. Where can your flower petals be purchased at this time? Freeze dried rose petals can be used in culinary projects. Have you ever done this? We have made a number of items with our petals and so have many of our customers. The one that stands out the most is a company that uses our lilac petals in a special microbrew beer they blend. Now that’s creative! What resources do you find invaluable to the novice flower farmer? Do you have any tips for folks who might want to try freeze-drying their own rose petals from their gardens? Freeze drying utilizes highly specialized equipment which is very, very expensive. It is something you are able to do at home if you are willing to invest thousands of dollars for the small table top models. There are other methods of drying flowers, however, they will look like dried flowers verses fresh like freeze-dried petals and flowers look. Follow your heart, do what you are most passionate about. Experiment with plants, annuals, perennials, fruits & veggies… you just never know what will inspire and delight you until you try it! We loved hearing more about your wonderful flower farm and, putting together this post, can almost smell the gorgeous flowers! Your farm is bringing joy to so many celebrations and that is something to celebrate, too. You can keep up with Flyboy Naturals on their Facebook page at Flyboy Naturals Rose Petals and on on Instagram @flyboynaturalsrosepetals. And you can find FarmGirlRosePetals on Facebook, too. Do you have unique ideas for incorporating flower petals into celebrations? Share in the comments, we’d love to hear them! Rose petals can add that special touch to just about any occasion, but when the celebration is over, you might be looking to sweep up those sweet blossoms. Solution? If you haven’t already purchased a farm-crafted, sustainably sourced broom from Little John… what are you waiting for? Sweeping up rosy rose petals is just one small task these mighty brooms are good at. And, since they last forever, there will be many more occasions where sweeping with a “piece of art” will bring you much joy!
Cascara (Cascara sagrada) by Eagle Peak Herbals: This North American shrub is a well known laxative and colon cleanser that has been widely used by physicians as well as native peoples. Many commercial preparations intended to treat constipation contain the cured bark of Cascara sagrada. Famous for "next morning results. Cascara (Cascara sagrada), certified organic grain alcohol, and distilled water.
Thymoquinone protects DRG neurons from axotomy-induced cell death. OBJECTIVE: Peripheral nerve injury (PNI) is a significant health problem that is linked to sensory, motor, and autonomic deficits. This pathological condition leads to a reduced quality of life in most affected individuals. Schwann cells (SCs) play a crucial role in the repair of PNI. Effective agents that promote SC activation may facilitate and accelerate peripheral nerve repair. Thymoquinone (TQ), a bioactive component of Nigella sativa seeds, has an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, and neuroprotective properties. In the present study, the neuroprotective efficacy of TQ was investigated by using a laser microdissection technique in a mouse PNI model. METHODS: Single cells were isolated from dorsal root ganglions (DRGs) of 6-8-week-old mice, maintained in defined culture conditions and treated with or without TQ at different concentrations. Axons were cut (axotomy) using a controllable laser microbeam to model axonal injury in vitro. Under fluorescence microscopy, cell viability was evaluated using the fluorescent dyes. The behavior of the cells was continuously monitored with time-lapse video microscopy. RESULTS: TQ significantly increased neuronal survival by promoting the survival and proliferation of SCs and fibroblasts, as well as the migration of SCs. Furthermore, TQ improved the ability to extend neurites of axotomized neurons. The regenerative effect of TQ was dose-dependent suggesting a target specificity. Our studies warrant further preclinical and clinical investigations of TQ as a potential regenerative agent to treat peripheral nerve injuries. CONCLUSION: TQ exhibits a regenerative potential for the treatment of damaged peripheral nerves.
– Handouts will be uploaded to the website 10 minutes before the webinar. – Please stay muted (turn off your microphone) during the webinar. – Recorded webinars will be available for course subscribers within a few days after the webinar.
The page provides the exchange rate of 26402000000 Emirati Dirham (AED) to Japanese Yen (JPY), sale and conversion rate. Moreover, we added the list of the most popular conversions for visualization and the history table with exchange rate diagram for 26402000000 Emirati Dirham (AED) to Japanese Yen (JPY) from Tuesday, 23/04/2019 till Tuesday, 16/04/2019. Latest update of 26402000000 Emirati Dirham (AED) exchange rate. Convert currency 26402000000 AED to JPY. How much is 26402000000 Emirati Dirham to Japanese Yen? — 804501399825.77 Japanese Yen. 26402000000 Emirati Dirham to Japanese Yen, convert 26402000000 AED in JPY.
CELEBRATIONS reminds us to celebrate the seasons of our lives. Remember the summer fresh-garden herbs and vegetables, the familiar tastes of autumn apples from the orchard just down the road? Whisperings of winter, remind us of the cozy meals that once comforted and soothed. We need time to feast from tables set with traditions and to gather with those we love. Simple, yet savory recipes that seem familiar to us from childhood are the heart of classic meals. As we savor these familiar aromas, the feelings from special gatherings from long ago are reborn, as old things become new again. Some of the treasured recipes given to author by close friends and family are included in this compilation of favorites. Enjoy Roasted Pepper Chicken on Ciabatta or Ginger Glazed Salmon Stir Fry with Wild Berry Pistachio Salad and a Tuxedo Brownie Square.......all delicious! We hope you will use Celebrations as a guide to enjoy simple afternoon luncheons, sunday afternoon games, birthday parties, anniversaries, or even the birth of a newborn baby.
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Consider replacing the flapper and inspect the inside of the tank to see if there is any build-up preventing a proper seal. Also inspect the lift wire/guide to see if it is bent, corroded or catching on something, preventing the flapper from closing properly. The float arm needs to be adjusted so that the water level is 2" below the top of the overflow pipe. The float arm may need to be repositioned to obtain the desired water level. If it is a plastic float arm, adjust the screw located at the top of the arm. Also make sure the refill tube is located about 1/4" over the overflow pipe. If necessary, clip the tube to the overflow pipe to stabilize it and keep it from moving into the overflow pipe. Consider replacing or repairing the service line to prevent larger loss of water. A professional service may need to be contacted for completing this task. At this point, try to determine where the water is going inside the home. Finally, if all of the above tests show no evidence of leaked water, check the appliances that cycle. Water softeners can cause an increase in usage, so check the settings to make sure it is not cycling more often than necessary and monitor its full cycle to make sure it is operating properly. Also check outside spigots and hydrants to make sure they are not dripping, especially when connected to a sprinkler, soaker hose, or irrigation system. Take note of the times when extra water may be used, possibly weekends and evenings, when watering plants and gardens. Check out our Conservation Tips under News & Notices for more suggestions.
LEWISTON — The Calvary United Medthodist Church will hold its monthly bean supper at 4:45 p.m. Saturday, April 13, at the church on Sabattus Street. The meal will include bakes beans, hot dogs, salads, casseroles (including vegetarian), biscuits, brown bread and pies. Cost is $8 for adults and $3 for children under 10. Use the Garden Entrance on Bartlett Street. For more information, call Lucky DiBello at 207-784-3869. PERU — The Rumford Senior Citizens will hold an Easter Luncheon at 11:30 a.m. Monday, April 15, at the old Peru Elementary School, 1 Main St. Cost is $6. This event is open to the public. There are only 40 seats available, so call ahead to make reservations. For more information or to reserve seating, call 207-562-7700.
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Get the latest information on the building project. Want to see a specialist without traveling out of town? Health topics just for women. Johnson Memorial Health Services (JMHS) is a hospital district offering a wide variety of high quality services to our community members and visitors. Book a stay for your next visit.
Who am I? What's this all About? You could say I grew up traveling, when I was young I lived in Lagos, Nigeria with my family. Over the years I spent there we traveled to some of the countries you see highlighted in green. During these travels I saw the pyramids of Egypt, I summited Mt. Kilimanjaro, skied in the alps, learned how to scuba dive in Mauritius, and so much more. I was very lucky in this respect, but living in West Africa exposed me to some stark realities. I quickly came to understand that the world is a harsh place to most people. The struggle for survival is something real and a part of most peoples' everyday lives. It wasn't until later, that I decided to travel again. This time on my own. At the age of twenty, fed up with the mundane routine of my life, I decided to take some time off school and head south. From my home in Colorado I traveled to Belize, Guatemala, and El Salvador. I was interested in environmental science, ecology, and societies different from my own and this area of the world beaconed me. I fell in love with the culture, the people, fellow travelers and the Spanish language. I spent just a few months down there, but I left with a promise to return. After just a couple years I graduated with a degree from Colorado State University, and I fulfilled that promise. It's now been over three years of traveling and I am still living the transient life, as a writer, traveler, and outdoor guide. Where will I be going next? The concept of Tramp-N-Trekker is simple, its a blog about the intersect between outdoor enthusiasm and a loose footing lifestyle. Covering a wide range of topics like the cost of living abroad, backpacking meals, gear reviews, travel tips, musings from the vagabond lifestyle and my personal thoughts on all related matters. This is meant to be for anyone who wants to travel, regardless of location or duration. It is meant to inspire people to travel while offering the tips and tricks I've acquired from doing so myself. During my travels I will be backpacking into the mountains, forests and jungles of the world. Exploring iconic cities and small villages alike. Meeting new people, and doing whatever else comes my way.
A PROCEDURE assessed by NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) and used in research led by the University of Birmingham has been hailed as an exciting development in increasing the number of livers which can be safely used for transplantation. Liver transplantation is a highly successful treatment for end-stage liver disease, which kills 11,000 people a year in England. Deaths from liver disease have soared by 25 per cent in a decade and continue to rise, while the average age of death from liver disease (currently 50-59 years) continues to decrease. Today NICE has issued final guidance which recommends the procedure — ex-vivo machine perfusion for extracorporeal preservation of livers for transplantation — is used under special arrangements as more data is gathered into its efficacy. NICE’s independent advisory committee did not identify any major safety concerns. NHS England and commissioners will decide whether they fund the procedure. However research is already taking place at centres around the UK including studies by experts from the University of Birmingham’s Centre for Liver and Gastrointestinal Research in the Institute of Immunology and Immunotherapy, University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust’s Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham, and the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Birmingham Biomedical Research Centre. University of Birmingham Honorary Professor Darius Mirza, Consultant Transplant Surgeon at University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust, said: “In the 30 years I’ve been involved with transplantation there have been three or four events which have been game changers and I’m absolutely certain we are looking at a game changer that will change the way we practice organ storage and transplantation. Sue Bennett, 45, a mother of three from Ranton in Staffordshire, had a liver transplant using this new technique in 2015. She said: “I signed up for the trial not knowing I would be one of the first to have this procedure in the country. Before my transplant I was very ill. I was losing weight, I couldn’t sleep and my quality of life was quite low. “Having a transplant has changed my life. I‘ve joined the gym, got fit and gone back to work and did some voluntary work for the Staffordshire Search and Rescue team and I also compete nationally and internationally in the Transplant Games as a member of the Team GB transplant team. John Forsythe, associate medical director at NHS Blood and Transplant, said: “There has been a huge amount of research in the area of preservation and perfusion methods that allow us to both assess precious donor organs and to enhance their function. This could potentially mean the organ works better and improve transplant outcomes. “Many of the lead researchers in the area of transplant preservation and perfusion techniques are in UK and it is good to see UK researchers continue to be at the forefront in this field. Vanessa Hebditch, director of policy at the British Liver Trust said, “Every year hundreds of people with advanced liver disease die whilst waiting for a transplant. “This new device offers real hope as it may improve transplant outcomes and allow livers that were previously thought to be unsuitable to be used and also increase the time that livers are able to be kept. For the financial year ending 31 March 2018, there were 1,043 liver transplants in the UK and 359 patients on the UK active transplant list, according to NHS Blood and Transplant. The number of patients on the active transplant list reached a ten year high in 2015 when 611 patients were on the waiting list. However the large drop attributed to the 2018 figure may be due to the introduction of the National Liver Offering Scheme (NLOS) in March 2018.
Vayam Technologies Ltd. has successfully executed Uttar Pradesh Common Services Centre project under National eGovernance Plan across Uttar Pradesh. In 2010, Govt. of Uttar Pradesh and Vayam came together to establish Internet powered service delivery centres at gram panchayat level with a vision to provide access to internet and tech-enabled services to its residents. We established over 6400 centres in 30 districts under three defined zones; Agra, Bareilly and Faizabad in the first phase of the project. After the successful execution of the first phase, the Government of UP awarded Vayam with 20 districts in the second phase. Today the project spreads over 20 Districts of UP namely, Agra, Aligarh, Ambedkar Nagr, Amethi, Bahraich, Ballia, Bareilly, Budaun, Bulandshahr, Etah, Faizabad, Firozabad, Gautam Budh Nagar, Ghaziabad, Mathura, Mau, Meerut, Pilibhit, Shahjahanpur and Sultanpur. With more than 16000 operational centres, Vayam hopes to continue facilitating the people of UP with government and commercial services right in their neighborhood. The successful completion of this project was possible because of the tireless effort and 24x7 support of the HO Team and Field Team working under able supervision.
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Born 1952; Education: Elmira College, B.A.; attended School of Visual Arts, and New School for Social Research. Offıce—375 South End Ave., #12T, New York, NY 10280. Writer and illustrator. Dial Press, New York, NY, worked as a design assistant and secretary for two years; owner of freelance illustration business, 1980—. Lawrence Weinberg, What Is This For?, Little Simon (New York, NY), 1982. Lawrence Weinberg, The ABC's, Little Simon (New York, NY), 1982. The City Mouse and the Country Mouse, Grosset & Dunlap (New York, NY), 1985. The Night before Christmas, Ideals Publishing (Nashville, TN), 1988. Lyn Sandow, My First Tool Books, Warner (New York, NY), 1988. Stephanie St. Pierre, Mystery in the Woods, Marvel (New York, NY), 1988. Sharon Gordon, Home for a Puppy, Troll (Mahwah, NJ), 1988. Joanne Barkan, My First Kitchen Gadget Books, six volumes, Warner (New York, NY), 1989. What a Teddy Bear Needs, Ladybird Books (London, England), 1989. Joanne Barkan, My First Garden Tools, three volumes, Warner (New York, NY), 1990. The Gift of the Magi, Ideals Publishing (Nashville, TN), 1990. Very Scary Halloween, Scholastic (New York, NY), 1991. The First Noel, Ideals Publishing (Nashville, TN), 1992. Lucille Recht Penner, The Tea Party Book, Random House (New York, NY), 1993. An Old-Fashioned Thanksgiving (based on a story by Louisa May Alcott), Ideals Publishing (Nashville, TN), 1993. Lorraine J. Hopping, Wild Weather: Tornadoes!, Scholastic (New York, NY), 1994. Lorraine J. Hopping, Wild Weather: Hurricanes! Scholastic (New York, NY), 1994. Beatrix Potter, The Tale of Peter Rabbit, retold by Maida Silver, Western Publishing (Racine, WI), 1995. Lost Little Bunny, Scholastic (New York, NY), 1995. Tooth Fairy Magic, Scholastic (New York, NY), 1995. (With Renée Graef) Winter on the Farm (based on a story by Laura Ingalls Wilder), HarperCollins (New York, NY), 1996. County Fair (based on a story by Laura Ingalls Wilder), HarperCollins (New York, NY), 1997. Lucille Recht Penner, The Teddy Bear Book, Random House (New York, NY), 1997. Lorraine Jean Hopping, Wild Weather: Blizzards!, Scholastic (New York, NY), 1998. A Farmer Boy Birthday (based on a story by Laura Ingalls Wilder), HarperCollins (New York, NY), 1998. A Farmer Boy Christmas (based on a story by Laura Ingalls Wilder), HarperCollins (New York, NY), 1999. Lorraine Jean Hopping, Wild Weather: Lightning!, Scholastic (New York, NY), 1999. Lorraine Jean Hopping, Wild Earth: Avalanche!, Scholastic (New York, NY), 2000. Lorraine Jean Hopping, Wild Weather: Floods!, Scholastic (New York, NY), 2000. Lorraine Jean Hopping, Wild Earth: Volcanoes!, Scholastic (New York, NY), 2001. Lorraine Jean Hopping, Wild Earth: Earthquake!, Scholastic (New York, NY), 2002. Jean Syswerda, My Sleep-Tight Bible Stories, Zonderkidz (Grand Rapids, MI), 2002. Also illustrator of The Very Scary Jack o' Lantern, Scholastic (New York, NY). Illustrator for educational texts and magazines. Rosemary Wells, The School Play, Hyperion (New York, NY), 2001. Rosemary Wells, Mama, Don't Go!, Hyperion (New York, NY), 2001. Rosemary Wells, Read Me a Story, Hyperion (New York, NY), 2001. Rosemary Wells, Timothy's Tales from Hilltop School, Viking (New York, NY), 2002. Rosemary Wells, Make New Friends, Hyperion (New York, NY), 2002. Rosemary Wells, Practice Makes Perfect, Hyperion (New York, NY), 2002. Rosemary Wells, The Germ Busters, Hyperion (New York, NY), 2002. Rosemary Wells, Bubble-Gum Radar, Hyperion (New York, NY), 2002. Rosemary Wells, When I Grow Up, Hyperion (New York, NY), 2003. Children's book illustrator Jody Wheeler has worked on a variety of books, from nonfiction titles for middle readers to fiction titles for young readers. Focusing on extreme conditions, Wheeler has illustrated more than a half a dozen weather-related titles written by Lorraine Jean Hopping. Included in the series are Wild Weather: Blizzards, which combines historical incidents involving blizzards with facts about these massive storms and descriptions of the job of a meteorologist. Wild Weather: Lightning! includes facts about the study of lightning and its potential deadly consequences, with many maps and illustrations. Booklist's Ilene Cooper called the watercolor artwork in Wild Weather: Blizzards "effective." Wheeler has also teamed up with author Rosemary Wells to produce a series of books for preschoolers, with Wheeler providing the interior artwork. In Read Me a Story, little kitten Yoko knows how to read but does not tell her mother for fear that she will stop reading to her. Yoko's ability comes from a decoder ring she sent for. Finding out about Yoko's talent, the mother assures the kitten that she will keep reading to her, and, in fact, allows Yoko to read to her. School Library Journal critic Anne Knickerbocker said of Wheeler's artwork, "Each page sports a bright, color illustration that will aid beginning readers in decoding the text." Wheeler once told SATA: "I developed a greater than average interest in children's books at an early age, having been influenced and encouraged by my great-aunt Opal Wheeler, a prolific writer of books for young readers in the 1950s. After being trained as a fine artist and art educator, I moved to Manhattan in 1977, and eventually turned to the field of publishing. I worked as a design assistant/secretary at Dial Press in the juvenile books division for two years before establishing my own freelance illustration business in 1980. Since then, I have enjoyed working on a variety of projects ranging from picture books to educational texts and magazines, greeting cards to coloring books." Booklist, May 15, 1999, Ilene Cooper, review of Wild Weather: Blizzards!, p. 1705.
Cluster comprises IBM's Opteron-based eServer 325 server and systems management software and storage devices that can run Linux and Windows operating systems. IBM on Tuesday announced a prepackaged and pretested cluster that is powered by Advanced Micro Devices Inc.s 64-bit Opteron processor. IBM, of Armonk, N.Y., is combining its Opteron-based eServer 325 server—which targets scientific and technical computing users—with systems management software and storage devices to offer a bundled package that can run Linux and Windows operating systems. The new offering, which will be available later this month or in early December, is part of IBMs eServer Cluster 1350, which also includes bundles based on the companys BladeCenter blade servers and two-processor x335 and x345 systems using Intel Corp.s 32-bit Xeon chips. Clusters comprise multiple servers tied together to create a supercomputing environment for users. In a related move, IBM last week announced that it was teaming with Corning Inc., the U.S. Department of Energy and the National Nuclear Security Administration to develop high-speed, optically switched interconnects for supercomputers. The $20 million, two-and-a-half-year project is aimed at increasing network bandwidth by 50 times while at the same time cutting the costs of supercomputers. IBMs 325 systems, powered by 2GHz Opterons, give users a chance to run both their 32-bit and 64-bit applications on a single platform, which is important for mixed-use environments, said David Turek, vice president of IBMs Deep Computing unit. "For many of these users, who have been left with a stark choice—you either run 32-bit or 64-bit—Opteron is an interesting bridge between the two," Turek said. "Its an attractive proposition." AMD, of Sunnyvale, Calif., has pushed Opterons ability to run 32-bit applications as well as it does 64-bit applications as a key differentiator between it and Intels Itanium architecture. The 64-bit Itanium chip maintains a limited amount of backward compatibility, which means that it does not run the 32-bit applications as well as it does the 64-bit software. With the latest Itanium 2 released this summer, officials with Intel, of Santa Clara, Calif., were promoting the companys IA-32 Execution Layer, designed to bridge that performance gap. Intel, which has pushed Xeon-based systems for 32-bit applications and Itanium for 64-bit computing, views the execution layer as a way of helping customers who want to move to 64-bit computing but still have older 32-bit applications running. On Monday, Intel officials said that a software update from Microsoft Corp. that includes the execution layer for Windows applications has been delayed until the second half of next year. However, they said that Linux vendors, including Red Hat Inc. and SuSE Linux AG, both are incorporating the execution layer code in their offerings. /zimages/3/28571.gifRead "MS Delay Hinders Itanium Software Upgrade." Gordon Haff, an analyst with Illuminata Inc., said Opterons adoption path is mirroring that of the older Itanium technology. "Theres a lot of interest in Opteron in [the high-performance computing space]; its nearly exclusively in HPC," said Haff, in Nashua, N.H. "Its a good performing chip, and thats pretty much what HPC [customers are] looking for." While backward compatibility with 32-bit applications may make Opteron more attractive in the commercial space, HPC users are more interested in performance, he said. Turek agreed. "The Intel name carries a lot of weight in the industry," he said. That said, HPC and technical computing customers tend to be among the early adopters of new technology. "Theyre searching for the best technology without so much regard for the brand," he said. The Opteron cluster offering includes IBM Cluster Management Software, which aims to avoid problems and speed up the resolution of problems that do occur by automating repetitive tasks and error detection. Also included in the cluster package is a new Linux Cluster Install Tool, which automates much of the installation work, IBM officials said. In the supercomputing interconnect project, Cornings Science & Technology Division, in Corning, N.Y., will create a prototype for an optically switched interconnect. IBM Research Labs in the United States and Switzerland will build the systems electronic control and monitoring circuitry.
Follow the pace of one of the most popular extreme sports in the world. Featuring fast animation and 3D elements provide the flesh and blood of the video and double the feelings of intense ride. With incredible sound and visual effects the Extreme Ride Logo Reveal leads you to your destination and reveals your logo. Suits perfect to promote your car logo, energetic racing event, to announce an extreme sport competition or simply showcase an animation that requires sine speed. Define your ride and move forward! It’s free as ever!
After we left Zihuatenajo, needed fuel and water so we took a left turn in to Acapulco Bay. The Yacht Club is on the wind protected left side of the big bay, the rest of the shoreline looks like Miami, or Ft. Lauderdale, or Puerto Vallarta. Our first impression was to get what we needed and get out. It was crowded boats on the hook, mooring balls, and a lot of crap tied around the area. We found the marina and fuel docks, met with the management of the thing to get permission to buy some fuel and did just that. They didn’t even have any potable (drinking) water at the dock. (so they said). Turns out it is harder than you would think to find potable water from a hose. Normally, there is drinking water accessible via a water hose just like you have attached to your house. There isn’t a fee for the water since you are purchasing fuel. But we found that once we left Puerto Vallarta, we couldn’t find water until we were so far south that we were almost to Guatamala. The snooty factor in Acapulco is about a 9 on the 10 point snooty scale. Didn’t even drag a camera out. Acapulco helds no interest for us…so goodbye Acapulco.
Kalanchoe is an eye-catching succulent, displaying large heads of bright orange flowers during the winter. Ideal for basket or pot, the Kalanchoe thrives outdoors in a sheltered position, protected from frost. Alternatively, bring the cheerful colour indoors and choose a warm, brightly lit spot. Don’t over water; allow plant to dry out a little between watering. Ideal for containers and sunny, hot spots in the garden. These plants have been selected and grown in W.A. to suit local conditions and for their outstanding water wise feature. Handle with CARE. Plants are not suitable for human or animal consumption.
I was searching for Tahoe City Properties and have a question. Thank you. I'd like to request a showing for 1380 SEQUOIA AVENUE, TAHOE CITY CA. Thank you.
How Important is the Right Architect? Architects shape our communities and our world, giving each country, region and neighborhood its own unique identity. Today builders and investors rely on experienced, talented architects to make their projects engaging, functional, attractive, and in short, successful. GMS Architectural Group knows that successful design involves more than a "new look," the key to success in architecture is innovation. GMS Architectural Group is dedicated to an innovative approach in service, concept, details, production and construction to bring you quality design that sells. We specialize in custom, builder-spec and high-density attached and detached single family home designs. From lot selection to interior design, we can assist you with all areas of home design. GMS' multi-family homes are the award winning recognition of our housing design strengths. We incorporate many of the single family design principles, space planning, and technology into our higher density homes. Our innovative and creative talents are best on display with our collection of Clubhouses/ Recreation Buildings and Sales Centers. It is where the heart of our housing communities start their unique character and charm. The Art and Architecture of our firm's housing designs are put into a living canvas of community landscapes. We have created many notable neighborhoods by integrating our new and original housing designs.
Belying expectations, Prasar Bharti has earned only Rs 58.19 crore (Rs 581.9 million) as revenue during the Commonwealth Games last month. The gross revenue earned by PB on account of telecasting/broadcasting of advertisements on Doordarshan channel and All India Radio during coverage of the Commonwealth Games is Rs 58.17 crore, Minister of State for Information and Broadcasting S Jagathrakshakan informed the Lok Sabha on Tuesday. While AIR earned Rs 2.18 crore (Rs 21.8 million), Doordarshan garnered Rs 55.99 crore (Rs 559.9 million) as revenue, he said. Prasar Bharati had earlier said it knew in advance that the recently concluded Commonwealth Games, for which Doordarshan was the official broadcaster, would not bring in huge advertising revenues. as a result of luke warm response from advertisers. Notably, DD was not allowed to air advertisements during the closing ceremony of the CWG Games following complaints that the opening ceremony had been shown deferred live to accommodate advertisements. After a successful opening ceremony, DD had hiked ad spot rates for the closing ceremony to Rs 2.5 lakh for a ten second spot as compared with Rs 90,000 for the same in the opening of the CWG.
Marketers are employed in the public sector as well as the private sector. Most people think of marketing as a strictly private sector activity, but the reality is people with sales and marketing backgrounds are hired by government agencies in a number of capacities. Government agencies at the local, state and federal level all employ marketing professionals in areas including, but not limited to, public relations, property disposal, bond sales and purchasing. Almost all major government agencies have their own public-relations staff, and in many cases it is a stand-alone department with a public relations or media director and several support staff. Government agency PR departments are responsible for producing news releases, holding press conferences, and generally promoting activities of the agency, such as tourism or encouraging new businesses to move into the area. Government agencies are constantly buying supplies, equipment and other property and selling off old equipment and property. The departments tasked with disposing of this government property often hire individuals with a background in marketing. Their job is to assist the agency in coming up with creative ways to sell or otherwise dispose of obsolete government property. Most government agencies have to follow complicated regulations for purchasing supplies and equipment. In many cases, agencies can only buy from certain suppliers or can only buy goods within specific price ranges. Agencies often hire purchasing agents with marketing backgrounds to help them manage their purchases, including setting criteria for suppliers and establishing price ranges. Government purchasing agents must be very familiar with current purchasing regulations at their agency. Local, state and federal agencies sometimes sell bonds to finance capital improvement projects in their jurisdictions. These agencies hire bond and securities marketing specialists to prepare bond prospectuses for investors, which detail the terms of the bond, and to organize marketing campaigns to sell the bonds. Bond marketing specialists also typically manage media relations for bond campaigns. Browne, Clayton. "Are There Marketing Jobs in the Government?" Work -, Accessed 24 April 2019. What Is the Role of the Owner of the Supermarket? What Does a Beer Rep Do?
hey. I can not start any programs because of the error "Access denied" (see photo). What can I do? To fix this it needs to implement a few permissions to wine and it should be installed to external storage. Temporary - until the next wine will be published - it can be done using some apk-editor/modification-utility through adding those permissions manually to the manifest. Also create some new folder on /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/. Call this folder "" and add in there another folder like "drive_z". Use a sophisticated file-manager to connect the wine-app with the ""-folder and create the connection to drive_z, i.e. "Z:\" through wineconfig. 4. permission to mount/unmount filesystems. Good Morning. I have the same problem. It says "Access Denied" every time I want to execute an .exe file. I am a root user and I have tried to modify the permissions with applications like "total commander" but I did not succeed. I thank you for helping us. Excuse my English, I'm from Argentina, I speak Spanish. Can you be a little clearer? I do not understand why I do not handle my English very well. Thank you! Hello, I am new to this forum. I've been able to modify the app manifest to install on the sd card, grant read/write permission, and mount/unmount file systems. I couldn't quite find the other permissions that were suggested. Also, do you mind elaborating on how to do this? Or which app could be used to do so? Thanks! But it finally makes sense now. "Access denied" must come up whenever trying to run a program that isn't compiled for ARM. I was able to copy and paste the wine iexplorer.exe file into my phone's Download folder, and it ran fine from there. Now the hard part is finding .exe files that will actually work on a snapdragon SoC.
Los Shapis – Volverás Mi NiñoSubscribe now!! Youtube channel entirely dedicated to Latin and South Amrican music.Salsa, Merengue, Bachata, Mambo, Cha Cha Cha and all the south american artists in one great channel!!!
Too much? That's good because we were almost out of card puns for this one. Regardless of the terrible puns, we stand by what we said about fitting in but also being an individual and all that jazz. Which is exactly why we think a playing card its the perfect representational costume of the dichotomy of individualism vs. collectivist natures... and also we really like cards. Throwing them at things, building card castles with them, and playing games with them. Perhaps you have a kid like this. What? No, not a kid posing rhetorical questions about individualism, a kid who likes cards. If you do have a kid like this, well then we have the perfect outfit for them. Our Kids Ace of Clubs Costume has a white, foam-backed sleeveless tunic designed to look like the ace of clubs. Attached is a black velvet hood and cowl collar, shaped to look like a club, with a zipper up the back. The neck of the hood has elastic around the front edge for a snug fit around the face, and it comes with black velvet mitts with wide cuffs and elastic at the wrists. Your kid will look fancy enough to be invited to royal croquet parties in the garden. Ooh! You could say your kid will be "on deck" in this outfit!... Wait, we can do better than that. This fun outfit will have your kid ready to shuffle!... Alright, we're done now. Promise.
Friends, I have some pretty exciting news. I’ve been nominated me for a Liebster blogging award. This is an award that’s given to new bloggers as a way to recognize & encourage them in their work. Ayanna over at 21 Flavors of Splendor has nominated me for this award, and I couldn’t be more grateful. I’ve been following Ayanna, pretty much since I started blogging. She’s always been encouraging and this nomination is just further proof of that. Head over to check out her blog, oh and her Instagram is one full of encouragement and fun peaks into her everyday! Another blog that I really love is Rachael’s over at Oh Lord Help Us. This is a woman sharing her faith and sharing her resources. It’s clear from the moment you enter the world of her blog, she’s looking to be real, have real conversation, and share her real learning. In addition to her blog, she’s also making some pretty sweet jewelry pieces. And as if that weren’t enough, she’s donating the proceeds from sales to invest back in her ministry to share Gods truth with woman of faith to know who they were created to be. This is a ministry and blog that will encourage women to live to their full potential as strong and fierce daughters of God. Check her out over at her blog, Instagram or any of her social media accounts. She’s always dishing out some encouragement. The rules of this nomination encourage each blogger to share some randomness about ourselves. This is such a fun way to get to know each other a little better. So here we go! I often make myself giggle. I’m the funniest person I know. Kidding..a little! I’ve watched “The Office” and embarrassing number of times, I could probably quote the entire series. My family and I speak fluent movie quotes…it keeps things interesting! I typically eat all the snacks after my kids are asleep, then claim to have no idea what happened to them. NO SELF CONTROL! Some more encouraged fun is answering questions from the person who nominated you, and posing 10 of your own for your nominations to answer on their website. Ayanna asked some really good ones, check them out below. I started blogging as a creative outlet. At first, I was into the thrill of learning the in’s and out’s of the process. Then I realized, I had a voice, actual things to say that could help others. This is why I continue to blog. The name of my website perfectly describes the main themes of my life. We’re a family totally dependent of God’s grace to make it through the struggles of everyday life. Giggling is how we keep sane! Italy, definitely Italy! Or maybe Main, I hear they have the most amazing Autumn seasons. What is your favorite fiction book? Is it bad that I don’t have one? I’m not much of a reader. Lately my reading is mostly of other’s blogs. I’ve been learning so much from my blogging buddies, and have gained new perspectives. New friends! Admittedly, I’m not a social media person at all. In fact before my blog, I had almost no presence on any of it. Since I started blogging, I’ve made many friends all around the globe and have joined in prayer, joys, and sorrows with them. If you could meet any person, who is still alive, who would it be and why? I had to really think about this one, but here’s who I came up with…ANY MISSIONARY. I know that God has me tethered to my current place, so I often look in amazement at folks who are picking up and moving out all in an effort to further the Kingdom of heaven and help as many people as possible. It’s a pretty interesting calling and life to lead. Coffee & my Bible. I know that’s two things, but it measures up to one good morning. If you could eat one food every day and not worry about the calories, what would it be? Ice cream, with tons of stuff in it. I love stuff, any stuff, in my ice cream! What do you see happening on your blog in year 5? I’ve started praying for God to use my website as a way to lift others, and to connect a body of of like minded people to encourage each other and share life stories. I’m letting God lead me at this point, I’m willing to turn in any direction He leads me to. What’s your favorite activity (outside of blogging, of course!)? What’s the one T.V. show that you hope(d) never goes (went) off the air? If you were to start a charity, who would it benefit? Are you a morning person? If so, please help me with some tips! What’s one piece of advice you can give to new bloggers? What’s you favorite social media platform? What are some goals you have for your website? Ladies, I’m so excited to read all the answers to these questions! Have fun with your answers. Thank you again to Ayanna, who gave me this opportunity to not only share more about myself, but to keep this recognition train rolling. Thank the person who nominated you, and post a link to their blog on your blog. Display the award on your blog — by including it in your post, or by having it as the feature image. Write a 150-300 word post about your favorite blog that is not your own. Explain why you like the blog, provide links. Provide 10 random facts about yourself. Answer the questions from your nominator. Nominate 5 – 11 blogs that you feel deserve the award, who have less than 200 followers. Ask your nominees questions of your own. Jesus really is the reason-Sorry Santa! Welcome to this space on the world wide web I’ve carved out for faith, family, food & funnies. Here I’m sharing all the things that bring me joy. I didn’t always know God, but this much I do know, He’s always been with me. I’m so sure that God intended for us to share with each other for the sake of community & encouragement. So for that reason, I’m laying out for you all that I’m learning. Oh, and I have the privilege of bringing you the testimonies of some serious God loving women! Feel free to jump in, leave comments & share along with us. (c) 2016 - All Rights Reserved.
Installed correctly including ASPI file. Will not work at all. It says BadCdD Repair can't access data! No kidding, neither can I. That's what this is supposed to do, fix corrupted files from CD's. Don't bother with this one!
Take a listen to this podcast about how ancient Cambodian dance continues to embolden youths in Lowell, Massachusetts. Anita Walker, Executive Director of Mass Cultural Council, speaks with Linda Sopheap Sou. Linda’s parents moved to Lowell in 1981 as Cambodian Refugees. Her father, Tim Thou, is co-founder of Angkor Dance Troupe. Linda danced with the troupe for 25 years and spent several years as the dance troupe’s executive director. She currently works at Lowell Community Health Center.
The Fox6 is a multirotor drone surveyor with 6 carbon blades. Its solid structure and in-flight stability allows its use on a wide variety of sites. Fully automatic, the Fox6 can carry out photogrammetry missions of up to 1.5 km². It is the perfect tool for large scale mapping missions as well as for static work and volume measurements. Thanks to its HD sensor and compatibility with DroneBox RTK, the Fox6 provides high precision for georeferenced photo collages, orthophotos, point clouds and DTMs / DSMs. Reliability : With 6 carbon blades and brushless motors, Fox6 has motor fault tolerance in all circumstances. Fully automatic, it is the ideal tool for difficult missions requiring power and stability. Versatility : With its folding arms and legs and removable blades, the Fox6 is compact and easy to transport. With a maximum load of up to 1 kg, it can carry a variety of sensors and perform any type of mission. Data accuracy : Thanks to DroneBox RTK and a 24 megapixel HD sensor for photogrammetry missions, each photo may be georeferenced with precision a high density acquisition of several million points may be achieved.
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TNEA Rank list 2013: Tamil Nadu Engineering Admission (TNEA 2013) was conducted by Anna University Chennai for the admission to Anna University affiliated engineering colleges and university departments - government, government aided and private self financing colleges for the academic year 2013 – 2014. For the Anna University engineering counseling rank list has been announced on June 12, 2013. Candidates will be called for counseling based on the TNEA engineering rank list 2013. Thus everyone are very keen for publication of tnea rank list 2013. How Anna university Rank list 2013 is formed? TNEA Sports quota counseling will be conducted based on the tnea sports quota rank list 2013. TNEA counseling for Ex servicemen quota, etc will be conducted along with single window counseling 2013 (General counseling 2013). Seats under Ex servicemen quota can be chosen by candidates based on TNEA reservation rank list. You can get your Anna university admission rank list 2013 in the below link. Get your Anna university be rank list 2013 by entering your application number.
Shri Lal Mahal is one of the best manufacturer, exporter and supplier of empire basmati rice in Delhi, India. We provide world class best quality rice. Another advantage of Empire Basmati Rice is that its consumption is not restricted in people with certain medical conditions, unlike other potential vehicles such as sugar (restricted in people with diabetes) and fish sauce, fish paste, and salt (restricted in people with renal disorders and hypertension). As it contains minimal, rather negligible sugar, it is fit and healthy to be consumed by all age groups. Since it is easily digestible, even after consuming this rice you still feel light and yet energetic. Empire Rice will work with you for every meal you plan. From simple and delicious dishes to sweet puddings, the possibilities are endless !!
Ankylosing spondylitis is an inflammatory disease that over time can cause vertebral fusion in the spine. This fusion makes the spine less flexible and can lead to a curved posture forward. When the ribs are touched, it can be difficult to breathe deeply. Ankylosing spondylitis affects men more than women. Signs and symptoms usually begin in early adulthood. Inflammation can also occur in other parts of the body, most often in the eyes. Ankylosing spondylitis cannot be cured, but treatments can reduce their symptoms and possibly delay the progression of the disease. It is a type of arthritis which especially affects the spine. Mostly men at their teen age get attack by this disease. Its actual causing reason is still unknown. But it is hypothesized that some genes like HLA-B27 may be responsible for developing this disease.
Anonymous. 2019. Vanellus duvaucelii (Lesson, 1826) – River Lapwing. Birds of India Consortium (eds.). Birds of India, v. 1.75. Indian Foundation for Butterflies.
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Η GMC παρουσιάζει την Nightfall έκδοση του Terrain που θα κάνει ντεμπούτο στην έκθεση της Νέας Υόρκης. Το μοντέλο ξεχωρίζει από την μαύρη γρίλια, τα μαύρα γυαλιστερά διακοσμητικά, τις μαύρες ράγες οροφής και τις μαύρες/αλομινένιες ζάντες 18″. Είναι διαθέσιμο σε τέσσερα εξωτερικά χρώματα (Onyx Black, Crimson Red Metallic, Graphite Gray Metallic και Summit White) και στο εσωτερικό διαθέτει το σύστημα ενημέρωσης και ψυχαγωγίας IntelliLink με οθόνη αφής 7″ και συνδεσιμότητα 4G LTE με Wi-Fi hotspot. Οι πωλήσεις του θα ξεκινήσουν από το φθινόπωρο. The News Ahead of its debut at the New York International Auto Show, GMC today introduced the 2017 GMC Terrain Nightfall Edition – a stylized special edition combining blacked-out exterior details and wheels, with popular technologies such as IntelliLink with available 4G LTE connectivity and Wi-Fi hotspot. It joins the Canyon Nightfall Edition and the all-new Sierra All Terrain X as the latest GMC vehicle to offer an exclusive, personalized appearance with the Terrain’s premium features and refinement. Product Details The Terrain Nightfall offers an edgy appearance with 18-inch machine-faced aluminum wheels and gloss black spokes, a charcoal grill with a gloss black surround and accents, gloss black front and rear fascia accents, gloss black rear license plate surround trim, gloss black outside mirrors and black luggage rails. Terrain Nightfall Edition will be offered on SLE-2 and SLT models with four exterior color options: Summit White, Onyx Black, Graphite Gray Metallic and Crimson Red Metallic. About the Terrain Coming off a record sales year in 2015, the restyled 2016 Terrain is a capable crossover with room for five, premium features and technologies that allow passengers to stay connected wherever the road or trail takes them. It also offers an EPA-estimated 32 mpg highway (FWD models) with the standard 2.4L engine. GMC IntelliLink with a 7-inch-diagonal color touchscreen is standard on the Terrain Nightfall Edition’s SLE-2 and SLT trims, along with available 4G LTE connectivity and Wi-Fi hotspot. The standard, GM MultiFlex rear seat can be moved fore or aft nearly eight inches (200 mm) for increased passenger comfort or more cargo room, including a maximum 63.9 cubic feet (1,810 liters) with the rear seat folded. A programmable power liftgate with a memory-stop function is available. Safety features include six standard air bags and a standard rear-vision camera. Available active safety features include Rear Cross Traffic Alert, Side Blind Zone Alert, Forward Collision Alert, Lane Departure Warning and Rear Park Assist. FAST FACTS • Terrain enjoyed record sales in 2015, with 112,030 deliveries • Terrain is GMC’s second-highest selling vehicle in 2015, behind only Sierra • Nearly half of Terrain customers are new to GMC • About 50 percent of Terrain customers are women – GMC’s highest rate of female buyers.
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Mothercare's My First Velour Jacket is an adorable piece, super soft to touch and perfect for layering – a must have for your new baby's first wardrobe. … The super soft feel of the velour fabric. The Mothercare Unisex My First Velour Jacket is a must have piece that you're sure to use again and again. Made with soft velour cotton, this jacket is extra kind to baby's sensitive skin and is sure to keep them snuggly and warm. The versatile white colour makes this jacket ideal for little boys or girls and is a perfect choice for mixing and matching, or for layering on cooler days. Our My First jacket has a full popper front opening, making changing simple. What's more, our poppers are all nickel free to ensure irritation free skin. Made with durability in mind, the Mothercare My First velour jacket is machine washable and tumble dryer safe, making it a super practical piece for any growing wardrobe. Available from Early Baby to 6 months. Take a look at the rest of our My First range to build on your little one's wardrobe.
Using pine for tank frame • Bearded Dragon . org . Hello. I am currently building a custom tank thats being made out of plywood. I want to make a frame for it and most hardware stores have pine 2x4's. Would that be safe if it were sealed or should we try finding another wood to use? If you seal it it's fine. You should be sealing your ply too. I will definitely be sealing the ply too. Thanks!
After an even enough opening half, after which Monaghan led by three points, 1-5 to 0-5 while playing with the wind, any hopes Kildare had of turning the game around disappeared soon after the restart with Monaghan opening with two quick points and then adding a second goal, when a long ball in was won by Donnacha Swinburne over his marker, he turned and fired to to net to leave it 2-7 to 0-5 with just 36 minutes gone in the second half. Despite the wind rising and the rain lashing down their was little improvement from Kildare while Monaghan kept the score board ticking, without playing particularly well it has to be said, but they simply had too much for a Kildare side that looked more tired as the game went on and at times bereft of ideas. KILDARE: John Ball (Clane); John Lynch (Clane), Conor McGroary (Naas), Jack Himill (Raheens); Sean Englishy (Leixli), Kevin Kelleher (Ballymore Eustace), Daniel Caulfield (Sallins); Liam Broderick (Ballymore Eustace), Marcus Kiely (Two Mile House); Jack Cleary (Naas), Alex Beirne (Naas), Padraig Behan (Kilcullen); Eogan O'Haire (Newtown Gaels), Aaron Kennedy (St Laurence's), Paddy McDermott (Naas). Subs: Nick Jackman (Athy) for Sean Englisby (half time); Sam Reilly (Clane) for Liam Broderick (half time); Muiris Curtin (Rathangan) for Marcus Kiely (54 minutes); SeanHill (Kilcock) for Daniel Caulfield (55 minutes); Drew Costello (Naas) for Jack Cleary (59 minutes); Sam Morrissey (Naas) for Eoghan O'Hehir (63 minutes). MONAGHAN: Ryan Farrelly; Ronan Grimes, Jack Doogan, Shane Hanratty; Christopher Flood, Brendán Óg Ó Dufaigh, Michael Meehan; Jordan McGarrell, Andrew Moore; Aaron Mulligan, Sean Jones, Karl Gallagher; Donnacha Swinburne, Loughlinn Power, Jason Irwin. Subs: Oisín O'Hanlon for Loughlinn Power (55 minutes); Joel Wilson for Jordan McGarrell (58 minutes); Jck McGeown for Ronan Grimes (59 minutes); Robbie Hanratty (63minutes).
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"Main feature has English subtitles. There are 4 bonus features including an alternative ending and all have English subtitles. No other subtitles in any other language. " Story: Joe Wright directs this adventure thriller starring Saoirse Ronan, Cate Blanchett and Eric Bana. Raised deep in the Finnish wilderness by her ex-CIA agent father Erik (Bana), Hanna (Ronan) has been carefully trained throughout her childhood to become the perfect assassin. Now in her teens, she is finally judged by her father to be ready to be sent out on a mission, and she sets out across Europe to carry out her deadly assignment. On her trail is Marissa Wiegler (Blanchett), a ruthless intelligence agent with a few dark secrets of her own.
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The enterprising and energetic Franklin Food Elves soon will be canvassing neighborhoods all around Franklin collecting goods during the “12 Days of Donating” campaign to benefit the Franklin Food Pantry. From December 1 to December 12, citizens can donate items in their own neighborhoods or at local participating businesses to help neighbors in need. The Food Elves is a charitable community service group made up of more than 60 students ranging from elementary through high school. For the past two years they have joined forces with the Franklin Downtown Partnership to operate the “12 Days of Donating” campaign with great success. This year the Elves aim to beat last year’s record-breaking collection drive by raising more than $5,700 and 4,200 pounds of goods. According to the Food Pantry, about 600 households are registered to use Pantry services. This year’s need will be even greater due to a decrease in SNAP benefits in November. Health and hygiene items are not covered by those benefits and are a particular need. In early December, Food Elves will notify their neighbors about the collection campaign, including what items can be collected and the collection dates. Residents simply place bags of goods at their mailboxes on the designated pickup day and the Elves will do the rest. Collection dates will be Saturday, December 7, Sunday, December 8, or Saturday, December 14. In case there’s no Elf in your neighborhood, it is still easy to donate. The Elves have placed bright red collection bins at participating Downtown Partnership member businesses. If the Elves meet their goal of collecting more than 1,200 pounds of goods, each business has pledged to donate $200. There will be a donation bin at the Holiday Stroll tree lighting ceremony at Dean College on Thursday, December 5, or you can drop off donations at the Food Pantry, 43 West Central St., and designate them for the “12 Days of Donating” drive. DCU, 500 West Central St. Dean Bank, 21 Main St. Emma’s Quilt Cupboard, 12 Main St. Franklin Downtown Partnership Office, 9 East Central St. Jane’s Frames, 11 East Central St. Murphy Business, 15 East Central St. Pour Richard’s Wine & Spirits, 14 Grove St. Colin and CJ Berg; Gabbie Blood; Malik, Hatim, Suhail and Nasir Brahimi; Julia and Katie Buccella; Cara and Chris Callahan; Sarah Carroll; Austin and Carter Castillo; Avery and Erin Chalk; Allie Champlin; Gillian Cristiano; Karen Cunningham; Jacob and Julia Dextradeur; Ryan Dombroski; Brendan Donaghey; Jamie Dragsbaek; Adam Duval; Kaleigh, Abby, Megan and Maddie Egan; Griffin and John Fenton; Haley Frank; Megan Georges; Alexa Katsaros; Maddie Lacman; Nicolette McCarthy; Kyle Neenan; Connor O’Brian; Cameron Piana; Dylan, Kaitlyn, Lindsey and Sydney Rappa; Ashley and Taylor Reutlinger; Sara Richardson; Aubree, Cassi and Corey Ronan; Abby, Chloe and Cooper Ross; Emily Shea; Jake Signo; Cam and Evan Strouse; Ellie and Katie Teixeira; Ben and Dan Weiss. For more information about the Franklin Food Elves and the “12 Days of Donating” campaign, please contact the Franklin Downtown Partnership at (774)571-3109 or [email protected]. For more information about the Franklin Food Pantry and what items are needed, go to their website,, or call (508) 528-3115. To download and print this release click here.
Editor’s note: The Consulate General of Belgium in Atlanta each month puts out a newsletter recounting its activities across the region and informing its compatriots about vital information from the foreign ministry. Follow the consulate on Facebook. As with each edition, this month’s included a spotlight on Belgian living and working in the consulate’s jurisdiction. Known as “The Belgian in the Picture,” the series aims to show just how deeply impactful the country’s economic and cultural engagement with the South is, despite its small size. The below Q&A is reprinted with permission and has been lightly edited for clarity and style. Belgian Consulate: Paul De Sloover, a veteran Belgian entrepreneur in the U.S., is being spotlighted in this month’s newsletter — appropriated given that his latest venture provides an innovative way to generate power from the sun. Mr. De Sloover, can you tell us more about the solar roof tiles made by Desol Power Tiles? Mr. de Sloover: Solar roof tiles are roof tiles with integrated solar panels. Instead of installing unsightly solar panels on top of an existing roof, with DeSol Power Tiles it is your roof itself that captures the sunlight. The tiles themselves look like regular classic Nordic style roof tiles, and when installed as instructed they form a completely sealed, walkable and hurricane-resistant roof. Belgian Consulate: What are other reasons more people are choosing solar roof tiles rather than solar panels? Mr. de Sloover: An issue a lot of people run into when they consider turning to solar energy, is that most home owners’ associations don’t accept the looks of large solar panels. Because our solar roof tiles don’t affect the aesthetic or architectural appeal of the roof, it removes that hurdle entirely. Belgian Consulate: With 31 years of experience as an entrepreneur in the U.S., what is your favorite aspect of doing business here? Mr. de Sloover: I would have to say the easy access to people and institutions, and the willingness of people to inform and help you in what you want to realize. And, of course, the advantages of the sheer size of the market and having unified regulations in that one big market. That is a definite advantage compared to Europe where every country has different regulations regarding solar roof tiles. Belgian Consulate: What would you tell a budding Belgian entrepreneur dreaming of taking his chances in the U.S.? Mr. de Sloover: Don’t dream, act. America, the United States, is a very open country. Spend time going to business fairs and talking to professional people. Do not assume that what works in Belgium will work in the States. Do your research. Belgian Consulate: How do you see the future of eco-friendly energy in the US? Mr. de Sloover: At this point there are two different schools of thought. Part of the people want to keep everything the way it is, and the other group of people wants renewable energy. Recent polls show that 73 percent of the American population believes in renewable energy. It will take time to get there, because this country, the United States, has an abundance of fossil fuels in its soil. But it also has an abundance of sunshine. So I would say, the future is bright.
Lease for $78 a month! Apply now. Store, charge, secure, and transport up to 42 iPad or iPad mini devices. This is the Mobility Cart 42 for iPad and iPad mini builds on cart design featured in the Mobility Cart 20 for MacBook, providing individual slots for up to 42 iPad and iPad mini devices.
Camilla is a very gentle cat and she gets on well with both other cats and with dogs. She does not like small children. She's arrived back at the shelter after being in foster care for some time. She does well as an inside cat provided she has access to an outside enclosure attached to the house so she can come and go as she pleases. She would also make a good farm cat but she'd have to be brought inside at night. If you'd like to help with Camillas day to day care by sponsoring her while she awaits her forever home please email Nat at [email protected] and she'll be happy to organise a Sponsorship Certificate for you. Thank you.
Final Fantasy X introduces a new mini-game called, 'Blitzball'. Blitzball takes place in the water, you have to pass the ball to your teammates through the water dome in order to get closer to the 'adversaries' goalkeeper and then be able to score a goal. Unlike many other sports games (and like Squaresoft games) instead of playing in "live action" you have to choose commands for each movement you will do. Each team has 6 players. Each one of your teammates (which are NOT the main party members of FFX) has his own statistics, and depending on them and in your strategy, you will be able to win tournaments and/or leagues of the game. By doing this you'll receive rare items depending in which place you ended. HP - Hit Points. You use hit points for everything. From defending to shooting, the HP are like the stamina of your player. CAT - Catching. Only used by goalkeepers. It is used to stop shoots. The more Cathing, the more shots your goalkeeper will stop.
The terrific & neat theme for the Ghost blogging platform. Ordentlich is the terrific and neat theme for Ghost. It's free, responsive and ready to rumble! See it live in action on for example pages like Coding w/ Passion Mag. Ordentlich is heavily using Bourbon, Neat, Bitters and the nice flex boxes. Build the theme using gulp as described on the official Github page.
This Conversations API method allows a user to remove another member from a channel. ID of conversation to remove user from. User ID to be removed.
Now there are four. A fourth R Boat has joined PIRATE, ALOHA and LADY VAN, welcome ACE to her first Port Townsend Wooden Boat Festival. Thanks to Lin Parks for these great pictures.
To Be Built By Professional Local Builders! Post Modern Located On The Vanderbilt Little Neck Peninsula In Centerport. SD#6, Open Floor Plan Perfect For Entertaining With Every Amenity And Fine Finishes Thru-Out. 4/5 Bedrooms, 3 Full Baths. 2 Lot Subdivision, One Still Available. Still Time To Pick Your Finishings. Architecturally Designed to perfection w/ timeless elegance & high attention to detail, this Centerport colonial is sure to impress from the moment you walk in the door. Beautiful oak hardwood floors, custom millwork and tons of natural sunlight are essential focal points throughout the entire home. Boasting a chefs kitchen with stainless appliances, double ovens and large quartzite center island, this is an entertainers dream. Situated on a low maintenance property in the Harborfields SD!
^ Source: Wilson (1999, 2). The many changes of European political borders since Mozart's time make it difficult to assign him a unambiguous nationality; for discussion see Mozart's nationality. Abert, Hermann. Cliff Eisen, 编. W. A. Mozart. 由Stewart Spencer翻译 . New Haven: Yale University Press. 2007. ISBN 978-0-300-07223-5. OCLC 70401564. Deutsch, Otto Erich. Mozart: A Documentary Biography. 由Peter Branscombe, Eric Blom, Jeremy Noble翻译 . Stanford: Stanford University Press. 1965. ISBN 978-0-8047-0233-1. OCLC 8991008. Halliwell, Ruth. The Mozart Family: Four Lives in a Social Context. New York City: Clarendon Press. 1998. ISBN 978-0-19-816371-8. OCLC 36423516. Sadie, Stanley (编). The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians 6th. London: Macmillan. 1980. ISBN 0-333-23111-2. OCLC 5676891.
The Super Bowl can leave you broke. But you can lessen the damage. What We Built. Why We Built It. And What’s Next for You. In 2018, we went beyond investing, building the tools you need to put your entire financial life in focus. What Are Cash Back Cards and What Are the Benefits? Cash back is only the beginning.
With inflatable water slide rentals starting at just $180 and inflatable combo rentals starting at just $160, Family Time Inflatables has one of the largest Inflatable Selections in New Orleans. We rent inflatable bounce houses, combo bounce houses, slides, waterslides, toddler bounce houses, obstacle courses. Family Time inflatable bounce house rentals and inflatable water slide rentals is a full service inflatable party supply rental company that proudly delivers the cleanest and safest inflatable rental units in New Orleans. PartyZone Inflatables is your New Orleans and River Parishes one stop shop for your inflatable bounce houses, combo bounce houses, slides, waterslides, toddler bounce houses, obstacle courses and much more! We offer themed inflatables for any type of party for your kids. Our waterslides are great for your backyard summer parties! Call us today and book an event!!! We rent spacewalks 4in1 combos and 5in1 combos and waterslides. We also rent cotton candy, sno ball,popcorn machines. We also do tables and chairs. We specialize in themes for your parties.
Approach your problems from the right end It isn't that they can't see the solution. It is and begin with the answers. Then one day, that they can't see the problem. perhaps you will find the final question. G. K. Chesterton. The Scandal of Father 'The Hermit Clad in Crane Feathers' in R. Brown 'The point of a Pin'. van Gulik's The Chif1ese Maze Murders. Growing specialization and diversification have brought a host of monographs and textbooks on increasingly specialized topics. However, the "tree" of knowledge of mathematics and related fields does not grow only by putting forth new branches. It also happens, quite often in fact, that branches which were thought to be completely disparate are suddenly seen to be related. Further, the kind and level of sophistication of mathematics applied in various sciences has changed drastically in recent years: measure theory is used (non- trivially) in regional and theoretical economics; algebraic geometry interacts with physics; the Minkowsky lemma, coding theory and the structure of water meet one another in packing and covering theory; quantum fields, crystal defects and mathematical programming profit from homotopy theory; Lie algebras are relevant to filtering; and prediction and electrical engineering can use Stein spaces. And in addition to this there are such new emerging subdisciplines as "experimental mathematics", "CFD", "completely integrable systems", "chaos, synergetics and large-scale order", which are almost impossible to fit into the existing classification schemes. They draw upon widely different sections of mathematics. Self-Organization and Information Theory.- The Mathematics Needed for Self-Organisation.- Entropy and Order.- Pattern Formation for a One Dimensional Evolution Equation Based on Thom's River Basin Model.- On the Modelling of Vehicular Traffic Flow.- Alternative Exploitation of Dissipation Inequality Demonstrated for Hyperbolic Heat Conduction.- A New Approach to Thermodynamics of Irreversible Processes by Means of Lagrange-Formalism.- A Boundary-Layer Theory for the Dynamics and Thermodynamics of Phase-Interfaces.- Large Scale Magnetic Fields in Fluids - An Example of a Dissipative Structure.- Facing Some Problems with Entropy.- On the Spontaneous Emission from Two-Level Atoms in a Damped Cavity.- Polynucleotides - A Class of Self-Organizing Biomolecules.- Stages of Emerging Life - Five Principles of Early Organization.- The Physical Matrix for Self-Organisation.- Spontaneously Broken Symmetries and Dissipative Structures.- On the Coherence of Ultraweak Photonemission from Living Tissues.- Evolution: Natural Selection or Self-Organization?.- Thermodynamics and Complex Systems.- The Transition from Town to City: Metropolitan Behaviour in the 19th Century.- Creation, Organisation and Preservation of Dissipative Structures.
I always love a good nosey into people’s bags – it kind of shows you a little bit more of their personality. This backpack is from Urban Outfitters which I actually picked up in the sale for the bargainous price of £20. I’m not one to carry around a lot of things with me on a daily basis – these are the main things I had. I had just bought the two Models Own nail polish featured above – Boots are currently having a 2 for £8 offer on them, so now is the time to snap some up. I’m looking forward to trying the Hed Kandi collaboration – a have seen it on a few friends nails and it looks fabulous. I always need some hand cream with me because I hate how dry my hand gets from using cheap soap at work – this works a treat. The superbalm from Liz Earle is really good for lips and any dry patches you might have – it works wonders on elbows! I am loving the new Revlon Lip Butters – I often find lipsticks really drying so this is a perfect solution. My sheep keyring was from the Mark Fast goodie bag I managed to grab while I was at fashion week – I like this little dude on my keys, don’t you? I just picked up this case for my phone and I love it – it made me feel like I had a whole new phone again. I always throw this beanie in my bag to keep my hair dry and under control in this ridiculous weather we have been having in the UK. Lastly is my purse from Zara which my mum got me at Christmas – skulls and spiky studs, pretty much me in purse form.
The world’s first collection of waters designed for different styles of wine. Follow us on Fundedbyme and get updates when our campaign starts. Water affects your experience of your wine. It depends on the waters mineral content, pH level, and carbonation. The minerality in the water interacts with the tannins, structure, and flavors of the wine. A glass of water can either destroy or enhance your wine experience. The collection of MINVINO is designed to match and harmonize with different styles of wine. It is spring water from Sweden, enhanced with carefully curated minerals and a super light carbonation to awake the taste buds and prolong the taste of the wine. It is water for the true wine lovers.
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THE Greens are promising to double Fremantle’s tree canopy by 2040 under an “urban forest” plan. Freo council has already adopted a policy to increase the dire coverage of trees over barren streets, but Greens WA senator Scott Ludlam reckons the issue is so serious it needs federal attention. Perth’s lost 75 per cent of its bushland and about a third of what’s left is at risk. The Greens say this increases the intensity of heatwaves, which kill more Australians than any other natural disaster. Climate change modelling suggests there’ll be twice as many heatwaves in Australia by 2050. • $1.2 million a year to facilitate at least 10 per cent of buildings to have a “green” roof, wall or facade. This week the Greens took the party faithful through the policies and strategy for the coming election, with a green economy the main theme. The Greens want better investment in public transport, full renewable energy by 2030 and have committed to full social security. The party’s Fremantle candidate Kate Davis introduced the evening, which was held at Victoria Hall.
CompactFlash cards are not very popular anymore as Secure Digital cards are typically much cheaper. That being said, pro-sumer Digital SLR cameras as well as full Professional SLR cameras use CompactFlash as it seems to be more reliable and is certainly faster when it comes to continuous write speeds. Today we are taking a look at a very expensive 16GB card from SanDisk that is from their flagship line – the Extreme Pro. These cards claim to have a write speed of up to 90MB/sec – making them some of the fastest flash cards to ever hit the general public. How much will this set you back? SanDisk lists the MSRP at a mere $335.99USD currently. Before you choke and run away, let’s take a look and see if this price tag is justified in any way, shape or form. Founded in 1988 by Dr. Eli Harari, an internationally recognized authority on non-volatile memory technology, SanDisk has grown to become the world’s largest supplier of innovative flash memory data storage products. SanDisk currently has more than 1,100 U.S. patents, more than 600 foreign patents, and more than 1440 patent applications pending in the U.S. SanDisk is the only company, worldwide, that has the rights to both manufacture and sell every major flash card format, including CompactFlash®, SD™, miniSD™, microSD™, MultiMediaCard™, Reduced Size MultiMediaCard (RS-MMC™), Memory Stick PRO™ and related Memory Stick® products, xD-Picture Card™ and USB flash drives. SanDisk became a publicly traded company (NASDAQ:SNDK) in November 1995, and in 2008 revenues were 3.3 billion. With more than 3,400 employees worldwide, SanDisk is headquartered in Milpitas, California. My interest in a fast CompactFlash card was recently piqued when I picked up a Nikon D300s DSLR. This card uses both SD and CF media and you can specify which picture format gets stored on each card. Normally I take pictures and save them lossless as RAW (NEF) as well as JPG. I love the convenience of the Eye-Fi SD card for uploading my pictures to Flickr and to my computer and it is nice to have all the RAW files stored on a separate card. The problem is that each RAW image is over 9MB and the camera takes up to 8FPS with a battery grip. It doesn’t take long to fill the buffer and start slowing the camera down. The Extreme Pro series of CompactFlash cards come in 16GB, 32GB and 64GB capacities and can cost you almost $900 for the 64GB version. These cards are not for the weak of heart, but they do offer a nice bunch of features. The following information has been pulled from the SanDisk product page and posted here for your convenience. Now there’s a memory card fast enough to keep up with your advanced DSLR: The SanDisk Extreme® Pro™ CompactFlash® card. With lightning-fast (up to 90 MB/s* read/write) speed, you’ll be able to capture more continuous burst shooting-and get the most out of your professional digital SLR camera. And with up to 64GB** of storage, you’ll be ready for more RAW+JPEG and high-def video. SanDisk engineered its Power Core™ Controller to take whatever your camera’s buffer can dish out. By distributing image data across the card more rapidly and efficiently, this card delivers professional performance. POWER CORE CONTROLLERTM & ENHANCED SUPER-PARALLEL PROCESSINGTM “ESP”: Was invented by SanDisk to increase the card’s performance level. On the next page we’ll take a look at this cards performance in our camera and on our computer. For this review we used the speedy Addonics ADSACF-N SATA CompactFlash card reader . This device supports UDMA enabled CompactFlash cards and is about the fastest CompactFlash card reader we could get our hands on with short notice. Some Firewire 800 card readers are available as well and they should certainly push the limits of this card. As previously mentioned, we also used a Nikon D300s DSLR camera that shoots in continuous mode at 7FPS with the built-in battery and up to 8FPS with the additional MB-D10 battery pack. For this review we used the MB-D10 battery grip in order to push the limits of this card. For comparison in both HDTach as well as the actual camera tests, we compared the SanDisk Extreme Pro 600x card with an affordable Lexar 8GB 80x card. Obviously the difference should be obvious, but it is interesting to see how much difference there is in the real world. While the Extreme Pro supports UDMA 6 (Ultra ATA/133), the Addonics Card Reader only supports UDMA 5 (Ultra ATA/100). This is still faster than any built-in USB card reader on your laptop or desktop computer and HDTach should show some interesting performance. We start things off with a look at HDTach and compare the Lexar 8GB 80x card against the SanDisk 16GB 600x card. As you can see read performance is taken care of by the SanDisk card. It doesn’t come close to its 90MB/sec speed, but it does burst to over 67MB/sec and averages 34.6MB/sec read speed. Compare this to the Lexar card which bursts to 15.9MB/sec and averages a 15.6MB/sec read speed. With those numbers in mind, we popped these cards into the D300s and started clicking. We shot images in bright daylight at 1/200 shutter speed at ISO100, with no noise reduction. The Tokina 11-16mm lens was set at f2.8 and we ran through a couple of tests. The first test was to see how fast the camera could fill the buffer and once it was full, we’d take two more frames to get our first result. In RAW mode, the images at 4288×2848 and were averaging about 9.28MB in size. The SanDisk card shot 20 images in exactly 3 seconds. The buffer filled at about 18 images and we snapped a couple more for a realistic result. The Lexar card started out pretty good, but when the buffer filled, it slowed down to a crawl as it couldn’t write data very fast. We took 19 images in 5 seconds with this card. Once we did the initial speed test, we timed out how long it took to take 30 images. Once again we started out with the SanDisk Extreme Pro and we took 30 images in 5 seconds flat. That works out to six images per second – including the time it take to write to the card once the buffer is full. The Lexar card took 19 seconds to snap the same 30 image set. The first 17 were very fast, but the next images were painfully slow. The above information doesn’t really indicate actual write speed as the camera buffer is holding 17 images and writing as fast as possible. The reality is that you can continue to shoot 5 images per second while the SanDisk card is writing data and the Lexar card takes over a second to write a single image. The Lexar card is more than 6x slower in the real world. While I’m sure that most people wouldn’t consider spending $250+ on a 16GB CompactFlash Card, if you’re a budding photographer and you just have to capture that action shot to get your big break, the SanDisk Extreme Pro card won’t leave you waiting. It writes incredibly fast, reads data from the card in a snap and worked flawlessly through the weeks that we pounded this card in our tests. We used it in low temperatures -10C without issues and I’m confident that this card will keep on kicking long after your SD cards have corrupted. In the D300s, I used it to record my RAW images and sent the JPEGs to an SD card and this convenience and performance is fantastic. The bottom line is this: “Would I spend $250 on this card?” I wish I had $250 to spend on it as it gives you the freedom to shoot as much as you need to without worrying about slowing down your camera considerably while the card writes images from the buffer. The performance you gain from this card is remarkable – if you have a fast camera – but you’ll have to decide if the performance is worth the price. This makes it hard to score value – as it is extremely expensive for 16GB of storage, but for the speed it is priced not too badly. If you’re even considering this card, you probably have over $2000 worth of camera kit hanging around your neck and this would only represent about 10% of your investment. If you look at it that way, it’s probably not a bad buy.
ENVASS prescribes to various environmental legal newsletters from large and accountable legal firms in South Africa. ENVASS also prescribes to the Environmental Leader (US based), IEMA (Europe based), Green Building (RSA based) newsletters and the Mining weekly newsletter which provides continuous and relevant updates and insights. The ENVASS process management office is tasked to extract relevant information from these mentioned newsletters and to compile a quarterly newsletter to all our clients. This quarterly newsletter contains all the relevant and significant events. Should there, however, be important notices and or information sharing, particular related to regulations and or legal promulgations, the ENVASS newsletter provides this directly to our client base.
Did you know Snappy Photobooths is a proud preferred supplier for Icebergs in Bondi Beach? What a top location for a wedding with amazing views of the famous Bondi Beach! We recently attended their wedding expo to showcase the fun and excitement a photobooth hire can be for a wedding. There were other suppliers, from Entertainment, Celebrants, Decorators, Photographers to Car hire. This was an awesome night out and we are looking forward to some further events due to this exhibition. Spice up your Icebergs wedding with a Snappy Photobooth.
Welcome to Boston Mamas Rock! – where we’re giving a voice to fabulous local mamas from all walks of life. Read on for today’s interview with Susan Dorson & Amy Weitzman, two local moms on a mission to save their community library and provide parents with an eco-friendly, affordable shopping option via The Little Fox Shop. Then go ahead and nominate yourself or a friend! Christine: Welcome, Susan and Amy! You were nominated for this feature because of the work you have done to start The Little Fox Shop at the Edith Fox Branch Library in East Arlington, where all proceeds go to support the library (whose doors have been on the verge of closing for some time due to budget cuts). Now, everyone (present company included) talks about the importance of preserving local libraries, but your efforts truly walk the walk. What inspired you to action to help save the Fox Branch? Susan: I have always loved the Fox Library but when I was pregnant with my first son, I would take daily walks up to the Fox and chat with the librarians and it became a part of my life. After my son was born, there were days when I was very lonely but I knew that my local library was a place I could find people to talk to - and of course books. The thing about a branch library is that it is more than just a place to get books; it is a community gathering place. Owing in part to the smaller population that the Fox serves, you can see the same faces each week, you can network and go to events, and it becomes central to your life. I couldn't see this taken away from me, my children, or my neighborhood. The main branch is wonderful but to be able to walk into a place and have everybody know your name....well, that's special. Amy: When Susan asked me be to part of a new children's secondhand store inside the library, I didn't hesitate to join her. I have always loved libraries and seriously considered becoming a school librarian a few years ago, but was disheartened when I saw that librarian positions were being eliminated at many schools around the country. Running the shop to save my local library seemed like the next best thing to me. Susan informed me that Arlington elementary schools no longer have librarians. The Fox Library will be the best way for my children to access the wealth of knowledge that librarians have on children's books and reading. That really motivated me. Also, the recycling aspect of the Little Fox is tremendously important to both Susan and me. When you buy a recycled item from the Little Fox instead of new from another store, the earth smiles. Christine:How difficult was it to get this effort going? What was the rough timetable from conception to opening? Did the town of Arlington help with startup funds to spruce up the space and get your website going or was it all pieced together through friends and family? Some combination of both? Susan & Amy: Getting the Little Fox started took a lot of thinking and planning. The time from conception to opening was about 8 weeks. One of our most important goals was to create an atmosphere in which people would enjoy shopping and volunteering. We didn't receive any funds from the town, but they gave us the space and free reign over it. Almost nothing in the shop was purchased new. One of us would spy a good shelf on the curb for trash and haul it over to the shop. We would have "pizza night" at the store and our husbands and children would come and they would play while we worked. Friends would come with us to the shop and help us get ready for the opening as well. Susan has a really good eye for store design and has done most of the arranging and decorating of our physical space. Amy worked in advertising and software development before she had children, so she was able to create our website and organizes our online schedule of volunteers. Our different skill sets compliment each other very well. One of the inspirations for the Little Fox was the PTO Thrift Store, which operated in the basement of the Fox Library for four years. It was a great success and many people in Arlington were sad to see it closing. They sold anything and everything, but we love and need kid stuff and decided to focus exclusively on children's items. We opened the same month the PTO Thrift Store closed, and they generously gave us many of their racks and shelving. Also, the librarians at both the Fox and Robbins Libraries have been wonderfully helpful and supportive. Christine: What used to live in the space where The Little Fox shop now resides? Did you take before and after photos? From a design perspective, what transformed the space from (presumably) dingy storage space to what your nominator called a “hip thrift shop”? Susan & Amy: The space most recently held the Arlington Early Intervention program, which moved about a year ago. I don't think we have any before pictures, but it wasn't very appealing when we took over the space. While we wanted to repaint the entire space, that was one thing were weren't allowed to do, so it was all about distracting the eye from the beat-up beige walls; we used paintings, colorful decorations that hang from the wall and ceiling, and the items we are selling tend to come in bold, bright colors so that helps, too. We put stuffed animals out as decorations and created a clothesline on our most prominent wall to display seasonal items; right now we have Halloween costumes on that wall. Christine: You sell kids' clothing, toys, baby gear, and maternity clothes. What have been some of your favorite, most amazing finds to walk in the door? Amy: It's funny, the best "finds" are very personal. I love stuffed animals that are characters from books and get excited when a new one comes in, like Madeline or Snoopy. Susan: I love when great gear shows up, like an almost new jogging stroller or a highly sought after Bumbo seat. I also get very excited about great books and particularly cute girls clothes (as I have two boys, I enjoy the chance to see all of the great girls things)! We recently got a Thomas Train table and I am waiting to see how long that will last. Christine: Your nominator wrote, “Since opening this summer, Amy and Susan have opened a beautiful retail space, organized a small army of volunteers, and raised over $7,000!” Are you aware of what that money actually funds (e.g., staff, longer library hours, utilities, etc.)? Meaning, roughly, what does it take to keep a small but thriving branch library open for business? Susan & Amy: The library costs approximately $90,000 per year to operate, although closing it wouldn't save the town nearly that much, as most of the salary costs of the senior staff positions would simply be transferred to the cost of operating the main library. Our goal is to raise enough money to keep the town from considering The Fox a liability. Christine: Clearly, your efforts are paying off and the shop is growing. Where are your greatest areas of need for volunteers? How can people get involved to help? What kind of commitment is involved? Susan & Amy: We are constantly amazed at the quality and dedication of our volunteers, but we can always use more. Since many of the volunteers who run the shop are also moms, their availability can change at a moment's notice; when something in their household changes, whether it is a shift in childcare arrangements or a new job for themselves or their partner. We also have a few retired people working at the shop and they are a great help since they are able to work hours that are difficult for those with young families to volunteer (like pickup time at the elementary schools). Working at the Little Fox is fun! If you worked retail as a young person, running the register can bring back memories. For retired people, the Little Fox can be a low-key workplace and a place to socialize. Our volunteers work as little as once a month for a couple of hours or 2-3 hours each week; it's completely up to them. See the volunteer page of our website for more information on volunteering at the shop. Christine: You’re both mothers of two children. How do you juggle your efforts with The Little Fox Shop with parenting? Do your children come to work with you? Susan & Amy: Susan often brings her children to the store while she works. Sometimes she lets them borrow books or small toys from the shop as an incentive, but most of the time they are happy to be there since it's a toy store where they can play with all of the toys! Amy is able to work in the store with her older daughter who is 4 1/2, but not very well with her younger girl, who is 18 months old (she likes to wander out the door)! Amy's husband works at home, so she often runs over to the store during her younger daughter's nap or works the evening shift on Wednesday while her husband makes dinner and puts the kids to bed. The summer was a challenging time to start the store since our kids were home with us full-time, but now that we have volunteers running the store much of the time, things have gotten much easier for us and our families. And it helps that we both live within walking distance of the store. Christine: I truly find your efforts so commendable and I wonder whether one or both of you have strong roots in community service. Is this work part of a long history of helping others? Susan & Amy: We definitely love to help others. Susan's background is in Macro Social Work, which means working with groups and populations on issues that they face; one facet of that is community organizing of which there is a strong element at the Little Fox. For the past 2 years, Amy has been running the Arlington Parents List, an email list with over 1500 local parents. Before that, she taught a basic computer skills class for low-income mothers. We also have a strong interest in recycling, and the fact that we are helping families to reuse and recycle is important to us. Christine: We’ve talked exclusively about The Little Fox Shop until now. We’d love to know more about you both; give us a snapshot of your history and interests. Susan: A snapshot of my history? That is tough. OK, very quick. I grew up the daughter of two ministers learning about helping to give to our community and protecting our world. In college I majored in psychology and then afterwards worked in children's theater with a focus on social issues. As I said before, my graduate degree is in Macro Social Work (from BU). My interests are making everything around me better....maybe that is too ambitious?! In reality I love to read, camp, bike, and go on adventure with my family. I love to be challenged and am relishing my experiences in starting a non-profit! Amy: I grew up in Texas and California, but came to Boston as a freshman at BU. I majored in English Literature but added a Computer Science minor at the last minute so I'd be able to find a job when I graduated! My husband and I love to travel and have tried to continue to explore the world, even though we now take up more than one row on an airplane. I enjoy making paper collage and reading crafty blogs. I also have been known to stay up half the night reading a book. Text the word "novel" to the number 41411 to get a list of my favorite books. Try it, it really works! Susan: As a Boston mama I love the fact that there is so much to do. I can take my children to festivals, fairs, concerts, and museums or just bike on the Esplanade, sail on lakes and rivers, or explore the parks. If you can't find something to do or somewhere to go, you simply aren't trying hard enough! Amy: Playgrounds and sandwiches. I'm not kidding, Boston has the best sandwiches. We love to get a great sandwich and eat it while the kids play at the playground. Most of our favorite places for sandwiches are in Cambridge, but we have been known to get a pizza and walk to Spy Pond right here in Arlington and watch the sun go down as the girls play with stones on the edge of the water.
MIDDLETOWN, NJ - The Middletown Township Public Library and the Township of Middletown are pleased to announce the appointment of Kim Rinaldi as Provisional Library Director, beginning on February 24, 2014. Ms. Rinaldi will earn a salary of $95,000.00 per year. Ms. Rinaldi comes to the Middletown Township Public Library after having served as the Library Director of the Margaret E. Heggen Free Public Library in Washington Township, New Jersey. During her tenure in Washington Township, Ms. Rinaldi managed 26 employees and a $2.5 million annual budget. Ms. Rinaldi has also served as the Director of the Brielle Public Library and as a Senior Librarian at the Ocean County Library, Long Beach Island Branch in Surf City, New Jersey. Ms. Rinaldi holds a Masters in Library and Information Science from Texas Women’s College and has extensive experience in library administration, budgeting and project management. Ms. Rinaldi is credited with outsourcing material cataloging and processing at the Margaret E. Heggan Free Public Library, reducing annual operating costs by $150,000.00. Ms. Rinaldi also managed a successful $2 million library building project. Ms. Rinaldi is excited to begin her new position as Provisional Library Director and looks forward to working with the Board of Trustees, staff and residents to continue to make the Middletown Township Public Library a premier resource and destination of choice for the residents of the Township.
ATPases belong to the class of acid anhydride hydrolases. The most common ATPases (24 proteins) contain the classical mononucleotide-binding motif, which is known as the P-loop or Walkermotif. A second subfamily exists as the GHL ATPase family, including Hsp90, PMS2, MutL and DNA gyrase B, and share the same left-handed β-α-β-fold. Four conserved sequence motifs have been identified in these enzymes. Finally, β-actin, Hsp70 and FtsA contain a more complex nucleotide-binding site and form the third and last subfamily of ATPases. The presence of various types of nucleotide-binding site in ATPases is of interest for drug discovery, as it might allow the design of compounds that specifically target only one type. The class of Heat-shock proteins (Hsps; EC 3.6.-.-), the molecular chaperones, comprises five major and broadly conserved families: Hsp100s, Hsp90s, Hsp70s, Hsp60s, and small heat shock proteins (sHsps). The stress proteins are typically named after their molecular size in kilodaltons. They are required for the correct folding and maintenance of client proteins in biologically active conformations, and to stabilize them against heat stress and toxic chemicals (particularly heavy metals). Although Hsps are ubiquitously expressed proteins, increased expression of Hsps in a stressed cell is mediated primarily by so-called heat shock transcription factors (HSFs, 1-4). Hsps bind adenosine triphosphate (ATP), and ATP hydrolysis is required for its function, and is the key driving force for conformational conversions within the chaperone. Although inactive heat shock proteins exhibit weak to nonexistent ATPase activity, the presence of a substrate peptide in the binding domain stimulates the ATPase activity of Hsps, increasing its normally slow rate of ATP hydrolysis,. In addition, a variety of co-chaperones, immunophilins, and other proteins are involved in the Hsp90-mediated protein folding pathway. ATPases as drug targets: learning from their structure. P. Chène. Nat. Rev. Drug Discov. 2002, 1, 665-673. K. Richter et al. Intrinsic Inhibition of the Hsp90 ATPase Activity. J. Biol. Chem. 2006, 281, 11301-11311. J. Verghese et al. Biology of the Heat Shock Response and Protein Chaperones: Budding Yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) as a Model System. Microbiol. Mol. Biol. Rev. 2012, 76, 115-158. M. Rowlands et al. Detection of the ATPase Activity of the Molecular Chaperones Hsp90 and Hsp72 Using the Transcreener™ADP Assay Kit. J. Biomol. Screen. 2010, 15, 279-286.
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Star Wars fans were introduced to Chris Pirillo when he hilariously debuted the Hasbro Millennium Falcon on Lucasfilm’s “Force Friday” 18-hour marathon livestream. We talk completing vintage collections, how Episodes VIII and IX will affect our The Force Awakens reviews and get into a passionate chat about why trolls troll. YOU CAN HELP “Steele Wars” with a sweet five-star review on iTunes or plug the show on Facebook or Twitter. I really appreciate it.
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which relied too heavily on clichés and juvenile humor as characters had to explain everything instead of showing it (always a kiss of death for children’s animation) began to elicit yawns from the press row at the screening in just the opening twenty minutes as one prominent member promptly fell asleep. Upon its opening, we’re acquainted with three young flies, led by Nat McFly (as in “Think, McFly, think…” to steal a Back to the Future quote) who decide to tag along on Buzz Aldrin’s legendary Apollo 11 rocket mission in 1969. Featuring the voices of Christopher Lloyd, Kelly Ripa, Nicollette Sheridan, Tim Curry, Ed Begley Jr., Robert Patrick, and others, the film’s over-reliance on what they felt was a fascinating and relatable children’s plot involving the young insects bogs down the film which would have benefited greatly by focusing exclusively on the astronauts. This is especially apparent as it seems both completely awkward and like some strange “surprise party” styled prank on the audience in the film’s conclusion when heroic Buzz Aldrin himself walks out during the end titles to discredit every single thing that had transpired in the fictitious animated adventure, most likely to distance NASA from what can truly be called a cinematic waste of “space.” So, in other words, grab a swatter and some bug spray as that'll teach kids to imagine that houseflies have "the right stuff."
There is a lot of discussion right now about stress reduction. Today we see an increased work load of mental health professionals, increased occurrences of abuse or violence faced by social workers and other therapists, and the terrible struggles facing our returning veterans. All of these things have increased our awareness of the stressful elements of our society and the impact those elements have on both our clients and the professionals whose job it is to help. As a social worker I am aware of the impact of work related stress on me, my family and my ability to do my job effectively. In my exploration of this topic, I found the blog of a young British social worker who wrote a blog called “Fighting Monsters.” She has since closed the blog, for personal reasons she did not disclose. But I was very struck by the quote she references while explaining the name of her blog. “Be careful when you fight the monsters, lest you become one.” Nietzsche. For her that was about the monster “mental disorder and illness.” For me it applies to all of the various ways we want to help and give care. If we don’t pay attention, we will fall into the very trap we are trying to help our clients climb out of. Stress, anxiety and depression are the most common warnings of the beginning fall. As professionals who work to support clients facing any number of difficult challenges, we need to be sure we have the appropriate tools to manage stress. But knowing stress is a problem and doing something about it are frequently two different things. It’s a bit of the forest from the trees problem. When we are standing in the middle of the stress we really think we are handling it quite well. If we can step back a few steps, we frequently find that we are doing a pretty poor job of it. The most amazing part of this discussion, is that everything we use when we talk with clients are things that are available to us as professionals – and vice versa. Everything we talk about in these articles on stress are important for clients and therapists alike. There are four important elements in any stress management approach – TALK, WRITE, THINK, MOVE. The next four posts will take them on.
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Dataset Summary

Various subsets of C4 with different numbers of tokens measured with the GPT2Tokenizer.

This data is used in the paper Scaling Data-Constrained Language Models.

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  title={Scaling Data-Constrained Language Models},
  author={Muennighoff, Niklas and Rush, Alexander M and Barak, Boaz and Scao, Teven Le and Piktus, Aleksandra and Tazi, Nouamane and Pyysalo, Sampo and Wolf, Thomas and Raffel, Colin},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.16264},
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