SRL for [in step]: God wanted to put me [in step] with the people of Malawi .
ARG-1: me | ARG-2: with the people of Malawi
SRL for [Ma Ying - jeou]: Therefore , the evaluation of Ma Ying - jeou as " incapable " was inaccurate . [Ma Ying - jeou] is very cunning and collusive .
SRL for [clearing]: The name , which means " beside the forest , " indicates that the early settlers must have had a tough time [clearing] land for their crops .
ARG-1: land | ARG-M-GOL: for their crops
SRL for [my interest in the forbidden arts]: This book has reanimated [my interest in the forbidden arts] .
SRL for [far]: Her talents have [far] outmatched her opportunitites .
SRL for [a kid with hematuria]: How do you work up [a kid with hematuria] ?
SRL for [award]: The National Academy of Engineering gives two inventors of thesemiconductor microchip a $ 350,000 achievement [award]
ARG-1: $ 350,000 | ARG-3: achievement
SRL for [stung]: Takeover - stock traders , [stung] by their huge losses in UAL stock ...
ARG-1: Takeover - stock traders | ARG-0: by their huge losses in UAL stock
SRL for [righted]: `` I think the ship is now [righted] , the bilges are pumped and we are on course , '' Mr. Hutchinson said of the restructuring program .
ARG-M-TMP: now | ARG-1: the ship
SRL for [Former Rajan gangster 's own men]: [Former Rajan gangster 's own men] did him in , say cops
SRL for [disabled]: City crews tallied the wreckage to buildings , but lacked a clear sense of how gravely transportation arteries were [disabled] .
ARG-1: transportation arteries | ARG-M-EXT: how gravely
SRL for [condescend]: I wo n't [condescend] to read others ' mail .
ARG-0: I | ARG-M-MOD: wo | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-1: to read others ' mail
SRL for [guided]: In a joint - venture deal , Mitsui [guided] Candela through Tokyo 's bureaucratic maze .
ARG-M-LOC: In a joint - venture deal | ARG-0: Mitsui | ARG-1: Candela | ARG-2: through Tokyo 's bureaucratic maze
SRL for [regrets]: Allianz also suggested , without saying so directly , that it [regrets] that Paribas is n't bidding for all of Navigation Mixte 's shares .
ARG-0: it | ARG-1: that Paribas is n't bidding for all of Navigation Mixte 's shares
SRL for [Stars]: [Stars] hyperventilating and dig tears getting a tour of it .
SRL for [reallocated]: About a quarter of this share has already been [reallocated] , according to the industry , but the remaining 23,403 tons are still a lucrative target for growers because the current U.S. price of 18 cents a pound runs as much as a nickel a pound above the world rate .
ARG-M-TMP: already | ARG-1: About a quarter of this share | ARG-M-DIS: according to the industry
SRL for [him]: Now that they had him back in Kansas they ensnarled [him] in expensive lawsuits .
SRL for [into the two major surface classes]: Such binarization [into the two major surface classes] .
SRL for [him]: The eastern church canonized [him] as Simon , the Black one , because his was the high and holy honor of bearing for the weary Christ , his cross of shame and pain .
SRL for [John]: [John] combed his hair .
SRL for [for a very small pickup in yield]: `` Why should I bother with something that 's an unknown [for a very small pickup in yield] ? '' he said .
SRL for [companies]: Tuesday 's earthquake will depress local real - estate values in the short term and force [companies] to reconsider expanding in or relocating to the Bay Area and California , real - estate and relocation specialists said .
SRL for [pimped]: Robert was n't content to simply don a Santa costume ... so he ' [pimped] his ride ' by adding antlers and a Rudolph - style red nose to the limo ,
ARG-0: he | ARG-1: his ride | ARG-2: by adding antlers and a Rudolph - style red nose to the limo
SRL for [only one other]: Of his four roommates at Harvard , [only one other] was pre - med .
SRL for [Immersion]: [Immersion] in a foreign language rewires your brain
ARG-2: in a foreign language
SRL for [it]: Pittsburgh figures [it] will be dethroned but plans to accept its ouster graciously .
SRL for [This strategy]: [This strategy] always niggled her conscience .
SRL for [segregated]: The union sued the state in November 1985 , alleging that it intentionally [segregated] job classifications by sex and paid employees in predominantly female jobs less than males in comparable jobs .
ARG-0: it | ARG-M-MNR: intentionally | ARG-1: job classifications | ARG-M-MNR: by sex
SRL for [broke ground]: On East Beach , where the Houston - based Falcon Group recently [broke ground] on two high - rise condominium buildings called Palisade Palms , the only mark of the storm was an awning that fell from the sales trailer set up at the site .
ARG-0: the Houston - based Falcon Group | ARG-M-TMP: recently | ARG-1: on two high - rise condominium buildings called Palisade Palms | ARG-M-LOC: where
SRL for [that this is , in fact , a primary tumor]: I have suggested a CT of the chest , liver , and adrenals to be certain [that this is , in fact , a primary tumor] .
SRL for [narrowed]: That range was quickly [narrowed] to $ 145 to $ 155 , although traders surrounding the post were told that $ 148 to $ 150 would be the likely target .
ARG-M-MNR: quickly | ARG-1: That range | ARG-4: to $ 145 to $ 155 | ARG-M-ADV: although traders surrounding the post were told that $ 148 to $ 150 would be the likely target
SRL for [VIA]: In these ways , [VIA] is moving step by step to enlarge its intellectual holdings .
SRL for [crumped]: Kimi 's engine [crumped] in practice yesterday incurring a ten grid position penalty .
ARG-1: Kimi 's engine | ARG-M-LOC: in practice | ARG-M-TMP: yesterday | ARG-M-ADV: incurring a ten grid position penalty
SRL for [hulled]: We had not killed or wounded anyone , although the enemy often [hulled] us .
ARG-0: the enemy | ARG-M-TMP: often | ARG-1: us
SRL for [festooned]: Besides term life and whole life ( the old standbys ) , we now have universal life , universal variable life , flexible adjustable universal life , policies with persistency bonuses , policies [festooned] with exotic riders , living benefit policies , and on and on .
ARG-1: policies | ARG-2: with exotic riders
SRL for [The puppy]: [The puppy] snuffled the roses in the garden .
SRL for [about it]: Rather than keep the loss a secret from the outside world , Michelle blabs [about it] to a sandwich man while ordering lunch over the phone .
SRL for [harassed]: John finally [harassed] Mary into giving him some ice cream .
ARG-0: John | ARG-M-TMP: finally | ARG-1: Mary | ARG-2: into giving him some ice cream
SRL for [on the so-called priority watch list]: Five countries will remain [on the so-called priority watch list]
SRL for [on an exhibition team called Cripple Creek Cloggers]: In her spare time she clogs [on an exhibition team called Cripple Creek Cloggers]
SRL for [the two points of view]: The danger that Ms. Bogart seems to be courting here is one of obfuscation rather than rejuvenation , a vision so at odds with the playwright 's that [the two points of view] nullify , rather than illuminate , each other .
SRL for [recordkeeping]: The current 14 - year drought is the most severe since [recordkeeping] for the Colorado River began , in 1906
ARG-3: for the Colorado River
SRL for [in consequence]: But in that case the actual vacancy of the throne - arose from the incapacity of a King to govern [in consequence] of expulsion for his crimes
ARG-2: the incapacity of a King to govern | ARG-1: of expulsion for his crimes
SRL for [sense]: `` It does n't make [sense] to parachute out at this price , '' Mr. Steinhardt says , though he has stopped his takeover talk and now commends USAir managers ' `` operating skills . ''
ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-M-LVB: make | ARG-1: to parachute out at this price
SRL for [Companies]: [Companies] raise their payouts most robustly only after profits are high .
SRL for [boast]: Eloff was enabled to carry out his [boast] to his fellow Boers that he would breakfast at Dixon 's Hotel the morning after the attack .
ARG-0: his | ARG-2: to his fellow Boers | ARG-1: that he would breakfast at Dixon 's Hotel the morning after the attack
SRL for [guidance]: There was almost no [guidance] from the court on how to do it .
ARG-M-NEG: no | ARG-0: from the court | ARG-2: on how to do it
SRL for [the weakness in both the junk bond market and the stock market]: Given [the weakness in both the junk bond market and the stock market] , traders fear that these transactions may be revised yetagain .
SRL for [colonoscopy]: They did a [colonoscopy] on him with biopsies and told him that he did not have c diff , but did have UC .
ARG-0: They | ARG-M-LVB: did | ARG-1: on him | ARG-M-ADV: with biopsies
SRL for [storage]: Maintain a 50 - foot buffer zone from the facility boundary for container [storage] of ignitable or reactive wastes .
ARG-2: container | ARG-1: of ignitable or reactive wastes
SRL for [contextualize]: Short but highly informative introductions to each section situate and [contextualize] the individual readings .
ARG-0: Short but highly informative introductions to each section | ARG-1: the individual readings
SRL for [taking on]: Despite the concern of their lawyers and accountants about their [taking on] new partners , they developed a plan to open a dozen food businesses under the same brand utilizing committed , passionate business partners that upheld the same ideals of community involvement .
ARG-0: their | ARG-1: new partners
SRL for [income from those operations]: However , third - quarter operating profit fell 14 % , as USX sold sizable chunks of its diversified and steel segments , *trace* eliminating [income from those operations] .
SRL for [the wood]: How carelessly you have heaped [the wood] .
SRL for [has eye on ball]: Next , how could I forget ... our wonderful Alderman Tunney ... who constantly [has eye on ball] regarding how big the signs will be in Wrigley Field while his constituents get robbed and beaten outside of their homes .
ARG-0: who | ARG-M-TMP: constantly | ARG-1: regarding how big the signs will be in Wrigley Field | ARG-M-TMP: while his constituents get robbed and beaten outside of their homes
SRL for [The allegations]: [The allegations] , ranging from theft and bribery to coercion and lewdness , repaint a disquieting picture .
SRL for [on the North Shore]: They wintered with both parents [on the North Shore] .
SRL for [retrograded]: After his death , our literature [retrograded] .
ARG-M-TMP: After his death | ARG-1: our literature
SRL for [killed off]: Such films have [killed off] the local movie industry .
ARG-0: Such films | ARG-1: the local movie industry
SRL for [the opposing sides]: Nomura , the world 's biggest securities company largely by virtue of its protected home field , and Industrial Bank of Japan , Japan 's most innovative and aggressive bank in capital markets abroad , captain [the opposing sides] .
SRL for [they]: In Cuba though , where President Castro had his country sit out last year 's revelry , [they] 'll be making up for it as major festivities are set .
SRL for [re - emphasized]: Mary [re - emphasized] to John that he must never ever call her ' Snoogie - wookums ' in public .
ARG-0: Mary | ARG-2: to John | ARG-1: he must never ever call her ' Snoogie - wookums ' in public
SRL for [he]: Sen. Glenn said [he] had already made a complete disclosure of his role in the affair and `` I am completely satisfied to let this matter rest in the hands of the Senate Ethics Committee . ''
SRL for [with a blind cast that was off the mark]: It was not the first time that day I had failed to see the bonefish in the roiled water and spooked them [with a blind cast that was off the mark] .
SRL for [while reading]: I noticed blurring in both eyes [while reading] .
SRL for [earnings]: He declined to make a specific [earnings] estimate .
SRL for [intrude]: Two ironies [intrude] .
ARG-1: Two ironies
SRL for [with monodisperse aerosols]: Clogging of fiberous filters [with monodisperse aerosols]
SRL for [till]: " the high - speed rail is coming!"cheer some folks , enthusiastic because they will no longer have to [till] their fields .
ARG-0: they | ARG-1: their fields
SRL for [the transactions]: [Mr. Dang]-1 is alleged [*-1]-2 to have used the account of Singapore hotel and property magnate Ong Beng Seng [*-2] to effect [the transactions] .
SRL for [contracted out]: Costa Rican bananas had been [contracted out] early to large corporations .
ARG-1: Costa Rican bananas | ARG-M-TMP: early | ARG-2: to large corporations
SRL for [I]: He weighed 173 pounds dressed and [I] aged him at 2 1/2 but I am an amature at ageing teeth .
SRL for [every five minutes]: Using Gnu - Emacs , the spy could substitute a bogus `` atrun '' program for the one that routinely cleans up the Unix system [every five minutes] .
SRL for [delusters]: Titanium dioxide [delusters] the fibers .
ARG-0: Titanium dioxide | ARG-1: the fibers
SRL for [happens]: Its workforce [happens] to include its most productive members .
ARG-1: Its workforce | C-ARG-1: to include its most productive members
SRL for [even]: `` Most of them were n't [even] born the last time the painting was displayed publicly , '' he says .
SRL for [it]: Orkem , France 's third - largest chemical group , said [it] would fund the acquisition through internal resources .
SRL for [Analysts]: [Analysts] had been projecting fully diluted earnings in the third quarter in the range of about $ 1.30 a share .
SRL for [lie]: all the blocks [lie] on the ground
ARG-1: all the blocks | ARG-2: on the ground
SRL for [conduct]: She apologized for her improper [conduct] , and accepted the public reprimand as recommended by the panel .
ARG-0: her | ARG-1: improper
SRL for [irrupted]: Previously rare spider species [irrupted] in the absence of birds .
ARG-1: Previously rare spider species | ARG-M-MNR: in the absence of birds
SRL for [He]: [He] was blue from the cold .
SRL for [1.1 %]: Advertising volume at the company 's 35 regional newspapers decreased [1.1 %] .
SRL for [while walking]: So if I found a person who circumducted his or her foot [while walking] , I would then have to muscle test his or her anterior tibialis and hip flexors .
SRL for [quick]: These investors are looking for a [quick] profit .
SRL for [for the UAL buy - out]: However , several people said that British Air might yet rejoin the bidding group and that the carrier made the statement to answer questions from British regulators about how it plans to use proceeds of a securities offering previously earmarked [for the UAL buy - out] .
SRL for [His jowls]: [His jowls] were spiked by barbs of graying beard .
SRL for [repackage]: It took months to [repackage] and redesign the load of high explosives that was eventually used against the ' Cole ' .
ARG-1: the load of high explosives that was eventually used against the ' Cole '
SRL for [precassetted]: [precassetted] cores
ARG-1: cores
SRL for [culturally]: A [culturally] responsive program will seek to involve and include individuals and families of different cultures at all levels .
SRL for [activity]: The doctor was not pleased with his lack of [activity] .
SRL for [trickling]: But so far , he declares , there 's little evidence the `` new urgency '' is [trickling] down to the managers who actually do hiring .
ARG-1: the `` new urgency '' | ARG-M-DIR: down | ARG-2: to the managers who actually do hiring
SRL for [perfection]: political [perfection]
ARG-1: political
SRL for [auguster]: Now , it will [auguster] into the surface of the Red Planet and put those samples into various scientific instruments .
ARG-M-TMP: Now | ARG-1: it | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-2: into the surface of the Red Planet
SRL for [of the portal vein]: This in turn by its occlusion [of the portal vein] interfered with the intestinal circulation , and caused the ascites and other symptoms noted during life .
SRL for [assembly]: The [assembly] of the new bicycle took all day .
ARG-1: of the new bicycle
SRL for [That response]: [That response] annoyed Rep. Markey , House aides said , and the congressman snapped back that there had been enough studies of the issue and that it was time for action on the matter .
SRL for [to redistrict the municipality]: The City Council Democrats unveiled their plan [to redistrict the municipality] based on 2010 U.S. Census numbers .
SRL for [Pacific First Financial 's acquisition by Royal Trustco Ltd of Toronto for $ 27 a share , or $ 212 million]: Shareholders disapproved [Pacific First Financial 's acquisition by Royal Trustco Ltd of Toronto for $ 27 a share , or $ 212 million] .
SRL for [the White House]: Pro - life advocates say [the White House] never wavered over the veto .