16 values
Aside from Reddit, which we all love and cherish dearly, what other sites do you spend way too much time browsing?
I'd seriously like to know what websites people find themselves going back to over and over again aside from the very, very popular ones (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, CNN/FoxNews). For example, I spend a lot of time reading the apple/android flame wars at the bottom of articles on Engadget (don't judge me).
I spend a lot of time on imdb.com and boxofficemojo.com. I have this weird obsession with movie earnings and production budgets.
Does anyone else move their tongue according to what their inner monologue is saying?
I get SO many weird looks for this at work. Or I start smiling because I have won an argument in my own head. Ech
Who here has used a fleshlight and has had sex with a real woman? How did it compare?
My normal-sized fleshlight is wayyyy tighter than the 3 girls I've slept with, which leads me to believe they had loose vaginas.
Flesh light didn't beg for it, and I still haven't been able to knock it up yet.
girl in my dorm got desk attendant fired for simply asking her out with a compliment. is this right?
Yep. If he wants to ask her out when he's not working, fine. But when he did, it was unprofessional. I'm not saying that he was malicious or a bad person (though depending on the "compliment", it might not have been cool at all). However, he probably signed something upon getting hired about appropriate conduct with students while he was at work, and if that conduct code was violated then they have every right to fire him.
Can paraplegic and/or quadriplegic men still have sexual intercourse? How?
Hey guys, I am asking that out of genuine curiosity. I have always been sensitive to the well being of disabled people, having worked in events I always made it a priority that everything that I organised was accessible to people in wheelchairs, and that they got to enjoy the shows as much as everyone else. Unfortunately, this question as always troubled me, and I have always thought that it would be really rude to ask something like that to someone I didn't know extremely well. So, if there are any knowledgeable redditors on the topic, especially if any of you are quadriplegic/paraplegic or have relatives in wheelchairs, I would be really grateful if you could shed some light on the subject!
With their dicks!
Reddit, what was your "there's no denying it, I'm officially an adult" moment?
While watching a talk show yesterday, I found myself making mental notes of all of the home decor tips. I then caught myself saying "I'll do this, this and this *in my house*" I have never actively wished for a house of my own until that moment. I can't deny it anymore....I'm an adult. Scary. What was the defining moment for you?
When I graduated high school..since that is the same day I moved out on my own and have been on my own since then.
Why is karmanaut allowed to ruin r/IAMA?
Politics aside, if they turned the debate into a boxing match who would beat whose ass tonight?
Politics aside, if they turned the debate into a boxing match who would beat whose ass tonight?
Candy Crowley would easily win.
Reddit, my English teacher recently asked us to write about what expectations were placed on us based on gender. What is your opinion?
I'm curious to know what others think of this. It really made me think about how society judges us.
I get really tired of being lumped in with the women who give the rest of us a bad name. The ones who can't drive, the ones who are bitchy, the ones who play games, the ones who create drama, etc.
Does anybody think religion will be gone forever? and if so when?
and i understand this will not be in 100 or something :)
My Drumline at school (12 guys) is doing No-Fap November! Any suggestions on what we should do instead/how we should celebrate October 31st and December 1st?
Maybe by having a massive circlejerk party and save up all the cum from October 31st and drink it on December 1st.
AMA Request: Bloodninja
Bloodninja is one of the most legendary trolls of all time, and I think it would be cool to hear from him. His chat logs are some of the funniest things on the internet: http://people.ambrosiasw.com/~andrew/funny/bloodcyber.html Questions I would like to ask: * How did you get the idea to start trolling these people so badly? * Did you think this shit up on the spot, or did you have an idea of how you were going to mess with them? * Do you mess around with people this much in real life? * Do you tell people who you are, or is this a hidden part of your life? * How do you spend your time on the internet nowadays?/
How to deflect invasive questions about marriage and babies?
Hi reddit, I'm a 26 year old female who is "seriously" involved with a 30 year old male. We've been together for 3 years and lived together for about half of that. We are very happy but marriage is not a priority/focus for me (seriously, I don't care if we ever get married) and I never want children. However, I get pretty frequently asked "When are you and Mr. Multi_verses getting married and having kids?" I used to answer honestly (don't care about marriage/never having kids) but after all the lectures on how I'll "change my mind" about having children and the judgey comments about the level of commitment in my relationship, I'm really just over having to have this conversation with near strangers. I've tried saying "that's private" or something similar to indicate that I just don't want to talk about it but people seem to take offense to that too and act all butthurt about how they were just making conversation or whatever. It's really frustrating to me because I don't think any of this is anyone's business and really just want to be left alone. So I ask you, reddit, how do you deal with invasive questions about your personal life without offending people? Is there something I can respond with to end such a conversation without appearing bitchy or defensive?
Say "I’m sorry, my illness left me barren. Any other personal questions you would like to ask?"
Reddit, I am a lazy, semi broke college student. What are some of the best, cheap, easy to make meals that I can make at home?
Pasta is your god. Worship it. Also look up Uni Student food, the shit is pro.
What are some good ideas for the wifes birthday?
Hey reddit, Im stuck my wifes birthday is in a few days and I have no ideas for what to do that evening. Whats some ideas reddit has.
Lady speaking: Think of something that she likes, a hobby or interest of hers, and work off of that. It makes the present seem really thoughtful and we love it when you show that you know us. And sometimes an action can be a much better present than something material. For example, I like nature (especially water) and video games. If my boyfriend took me on a hike to a waterfall and did something like bring out sandwiches arranged into a triforce or something, I don't even know what I would do. If you want to tell me some of her interests, I can help brainstorm ideas for you.
Who would be the best celebrity zombie?
Whitney Houston..... Too soon?
Why is r/politics all about bashing Romney? It may make Obama look better in comparison, but it still isn't good justification to vote Obama.
I don't spend time on r/politics, but what makes the front page from this subreddit is usually just anti-Romney sentiments. I don't really have a political affiliation so I'm not attempting to choose sides. and I'm not saying these posts aren't deserving, but none of these make me see Obama in a better light. Just because Obama may be a better candidate than Romney does not mean I think he should be president. If anything, it makes Obama look even worse knowing he is seriously compared to someone who apparently lies and cheats his way into everything. Food for thought.
Maybe because it's not about casting Obama in any light and just the fact that Romney sucks. Your food for thought tastes like pickled testicles.
Reddit, college biddies make me cringe. My teeth grind by the way they talk, act and look. Anybody else hate this?
I call them carrots, super tan with bleach blonde hair. They talk like in that voice, they wear flipflops and shorts when it's snowing and wonder "oh my gosh it's so slippery?" THEY have the same voice and talk about ughhhhh I've heard countless shit. Examples: - my boyfriend thinks he can ride a horse faster than I can learn the guitar! Oh my gosh - I usually just cross... I thought the car would stop - he takes pictures of girls he fucks with his jizz on their face, I so wanna be in those pictures. I just want to slap them back in reality
Two dolla hollas!
Today I made out with woman only to find that she was trans and stopped because of it. Have you ever had something happened that was complete twist of what you thought it would be and felt bad?
Recently I went over to this person's house to hang out with them and watch a movie. After the movie finished we started making out in there room. About 10 minutes in I started realizing that I wasn't really clicking nor was I turned on, yet I still went with it thinking it'd was just me. At one point the door popped up, so I get up to close it and that's when I noticed she had more of a bulge then I did. As we're laying there I go down and pull out the dick. Afterwards we stopped and I told them that I just couldn't do this anymore. Right now I still feel bad and wish they had just been open with me before all this.
Caught the bus north from Portland, OR to Ft Lewis WA in 1969. Spent a layover in Mary's club downtown. Getting almost to full strip. Caught the bus south from Ft Lewis, WA to Portland, OR in Nov, 1970. Go to Mary's Club to wait for my brother to come and pick me up. See a naked white woman maybe. My brother arrives as they are tossing me out. The stripper got down to panties and pasties and then flashed a cock and balls at me. I'd gone over the counter, when he/she said, "you've got a cute mustache."
Am I a douchebag sexist?
I'm realizing that I have a much harder time remembering the names of women than I do men. I'm a man, and I don't think that I'm especially chauvinistic or sexist, but why do I have this issue? Is this a normal psychological thing or am I just an awful person? edit: I should note that I have ADD and my short-term memory is shit anyway.
If you have to ask, you probably are.
Real men of reddit, I need some assistance. Betas need not apply
Fucksakes. Not this shit again.
I'm considering joining the military but I'm unsure which branch I should choose and if I'm making the right decision. Can I get some advice?
I've recently graduated high school and am now attending a university. But I've always had the military at the back of my mind and my heart was never in school. The main reason why I wanted to join was because I didnt want my parents paying for my college since money is tight enough. My mom makes most the money working two jobs as an RN but she doesn't tell me anything about our financial problems because she doesn't want me to worry about them. Also, I have no idea what I want to do with my life and feel like the military could help make me grow up. I'm leaning towards joining the marines. Some things I'm concerned about are the training, how long I'll be in it, when I can attend school again, future job options, and whether I'm making the right decision. Another concern is missing out on college life while I'm young and then coming back and being older than everybody else. I apologize if I'm not being clear enough I was never good at writing. If somebody could direct me to a site where I could learn more about the military that would be awesome.
I've heard that people in the Air Force ~~get slightly better pay and benefits~~ have slightly better quality of life...not sure how true that is. It probably depends on what you want to do. One thing that's always mentioned is that you can't trust the recruiter that's trying to sign you up. Don't sign anything until you get what you want in writing. Have someone review it and talk to other people that have already been in the military before moving forward. Maybe try /r/military. A lot of people are using the GI benefits to get through college. I think it's a great idea, but it's also a huge sacrifice. Be sure that you know what you are signing up for.
Reddit I am terrible at Procrastination, any tips on how to break that habit? also what habits do you want help breaking?
Are you procrastinating breaking your procrastination habit right now by asking us how to break procrastination?
After seeing the Syrian Father hold his dead son, I realized that I won't truly understands a Father's love until I become one. What are some other things will I not fully understand until I experience it?
What's the best random present a girlfriend could give?
Nice is kind of an understatement. I love this guy like there's no tomorrow. I've been dealing with depression and he's been really wonderful the whole time. I want to do the male equivalent of buying him flowers or taking him on a fancy date or something. Making him food probably isn't a good idea. He's pretty picky with things and doesn't really like chocolate or cakes or cookies or anything. He loves video games, but I don't really know enough about them to get him one he likes/doesn't already have. I'm 20, so I can't buy him alcohol. I could take him somewhere, but he has a car and I do not, so it couldn't really be a surprise of where we are going. Sexual favors are definitely possible, although blowjobs already occur 2-3 times a week, so they aren't really that special and neither of us are into anal. He likes Star Trek, Game of Thrones, Zelda, and other generally nerdy things. I'm pretty good at knitting/crocheting and could make him something, although I also do that on a regular basis. So if you wanted some sweet gesture from your girlfriend, what would it be? If you wanted to have a perfect night together, what would you do?
Steak and bj.
Is life more important than your mobile phone.
Would you say it's more important and why
No. Because Android
I have TOO MANY REMOTE CONTROLS! Is there such a thing as a mini remote control that can ...
Is there such a thing as a mini remote control (something like the Apple remote control) that lets you program a function into each button? For example -- I have a home theatre receiver remote with a million buttons, but I only use "power", "volume_up", "volume_down", and "input_select" -- if I could program just these functions into a little Apple style remote, I'd be golden. Similarly, I'd like to do the same for my Sony TV, my Sony Blu-ray player, and so on. Any ideas?
this is about as simple as i see with an input select button edit: no wait, how about http://www.amazon.com/Acoustic-Research-Universal-Compatible-Products/dp/B003EYV238/
What are some good anniversary gifts to give to my boyfriend?
need ideas please :)
I always get my bf tickets to special events or things to do. A concert, a day at the diy beer-making place, a trip through a few brewery tours. Experiences make great gifts.
My father died last Christmas what can I do with his candy bar?
My father was diagnosed with COPD October of 2010. He drank (he was an alcoholic) and smoked until his death. A week before Christmas we called an ambulance because he was suffering he had been in and out of the hospital for 5 years even before he was diagnosed. We didn't know if my father was going to come home and we knew in our hearts that he wasn't going to. He didn't have any presents under the tree yet so I bought him his favorite candy bar and put it on the tree on the off chance he would make It I didn't want him to be without something for Christmas. Christmas day we get the call that he passed away. The first anniversary of his death is coming up and I want to incorporate the candy bar from last year into this years anniversary. Reddit what should I do? Edit: it's a herseys symphony bar
Make a Christmas ornament out of it.
Why does this increase range of key-less entry remote?
If you hold your remote for you key-less entry under you chin you get a much larger range. So my friend started asked me if I had ever heard of this before, and said he wanted to submit it to Myth Busters. I figured I'd ask you guys first and see what explanations you all could come up with. His theory is your head acts as an antenna but that just sounds a little odd. It also doesn't seem to work on other parts of the body. I was shocked to see anywhere from a 15%-25% range improvement when walking to my car after work. If I took it off my chin and hit it I was at a range where I got nothing, then put it back and BAM lights flashed to unlock. Was able to repeat multiple times. So what do you think, is my skull boosting the reception?
Maybe the back of your skull is acting as a collector dish and focusing the signal. If you ask me, brain cancer is a small price to pay for the convenience.
Online Survey Taking?
Has anyone actually found this to be profitable? I'm not trying to knock anyone that does this at all. I'm just in a bit of a hard place financially right now and I'm looking for a way to make some extra cash each month. If anyone has success stories or tips on how to get started. Please let me know, I'm interested to hear what you've got to say for sure!
its tough... i know theres probably 1 or 2 FULLY legit ones, but any of them that use paypal (for example) will have lovely reprocussions from paypal itself... 500$ limit on pulling money out, plus after so long, if you do start making a lot of money, youll need to sign some paperwork for taxes because youll be making too much to be considered "under the table" sort of speak... aka, DO YOUR RESEARCH! idk of any fully functional legit ones, so if you manage to find one, feel free to let me know, but just always keep in mind what the catches are. there will ALWAYS be one...
Does anyone else stand up to wipe their arse?
We are taught to use the toilet at a very young age. I dont think I was taught that way just done it thou habit, it doesn't seem logical to stand as it only pushes the cheeks together. Am I weird? P.s maybe I should have posted this on a throw away account : |
If your cheeks come together doesn't that spread the mess? Make your life more difficult? What is the benefit? WHY?!?!?
Do woman always know when they touch you with their breast?
Say at work for instance, I know a lot of the girls there think I'm hot (I am one of those oblivious hot guys.) A lot of times ill get a female co worker coming up behind me or next to me or over my shoulder to help me with an issue, and they get a little too close, often times pushing their chest against me. Is this on accident, or can I read into this as an invitation to try and bang? Edit - Im basically looking to know if women will use this type of innocent situation as an opportunity to turn a guy on? I know that sometimes they do, but im wondering if more often then not if this is just a situation where she didnt realize how far her chest was coming out. Do you feel it when it pushes against something? If so, then they must know they are letting it linger. 2nd point - Its not like im getting raging boners when this happens. Im old enough to control my hormones in situations of all kinds. I dont let this ruin my professional integrity either. Im really just curious as to a females p.o.v. Edit 2 - For the good of man kind (if you are female) can you give us a list of techniques women use to flirt, subtly?
Oh my God. Are you 13? Get off the internet & ask one of your Goddamn friends. Or your dad. Jesus.
What in the world does it mean when someone pokes you on Facebook?
They want the d
I lack the ability to smell. What are your favorite scents, and can you describe them?
Yeah, so I have never been able to smell anything. On one hand, I can't smell "yucky" things like litter boxes, skunks, and farts. On the other hand, I can't "good" scents like flowers, shampoo, rain, and barbecue / food. If I must lack one of the five senses, I supposed I would still choose smell... I don't think I'm missing much... But then, everyone I know claims some things to smell just wonderful. I can't really comprehend it. It's like describing color to a blind person, I suppose. So yeah, what are your favorite scents, and can you describe them?
Freshly cut grass. It makes the tip of my nose itch * in a good way. The scent of the grass overwhelms all smells and can quickly go away as quick as it comes.
I just found my co-worker on Gonewild. What should I do to mess with them?
And before anybody asks, I'm not looking to extend Doxtober or do anything bad to this person.
Link or it didn't happen.
My mom follows Fox News like a cult.
so reddit, my mother is one of those over passionate right wing republican conservatives and she worships fox news. No matter how much I argue with her about how journalism is journalism and it will always be biased, she swears to God that Fox is 100% unbiased and always 100% truthful. I have given her concrete evidence (misleading edits and insinuations) and she still wont realize that Fox News isn't the god of media. so I just want to ask how I can really prove to her that Fox News is total bullshit. THANKS TL;DR mother is crazy Fox News supporter; want help disproving her.
First go clean your room.
What is a good PC friendly alternative to iTunes?
So I made the mistake of updating iTunes drunk. Now it wont work at all. So I need a program that can load music onto my iPhone 4. I can't seem to find one that lets me sync my device, and load music onto it. Please help me before I smash my phone and computer with a hammer.
Dang as a recent android user this would be so nice!
Any Redditors know Latin?
I recently was given this page of an illustrated manuscript and I'd like to know what it says. If anyone here can help I'd greatly appreciate it! The Page: http://i.imgur.com/ExwSR.jpg
/r/latin probably...
Sending a care package to my bf in the military what should I put in it?
He loves Halo, the idea of a zombie apocalypse and pretty much anything super hero related. I want it to be cute and sweet but also awesome and unique any suggestions?
When I was in Iraq, I preferred snacks, like Cheez-its. I also needed hygiene items like soap, shaving cream, razors, etc. You should draw him a picture of some of his favorite things, Halo or anything else for that matter.
Reddit, what are little things that people do that most other people might not notice but which make you really like someone?
I like someone who simply shows a little interest in my day, even if it's asking how it was. Doesn't matter if they really care about my day, just them asking is enough.
Anyone who laughs with me if I nervously struggle through a joke is a fucking godsend.
Planning to try and get off of disability and reenter the workforce (in the US). What are some steps I should take in order to make it work?
Hey, everyone! I'm currently disabled but I want to try to reenter the workforce and see if I can maintain employment. I'm going to take it slow and build up the stamina needed. Also, if it doesn't work, I have a nine month period to tell the Social Security Administration that I am not going to pursue employment so I've got time to see how it goes once I start. **My biggest issue is the planning. I was hoping you could help me with that.** My information: - My disability is actually an amalgam of diseases that make working on a continuous basis hard. I have chronic fatigue syndrome, minor symptoms of fibromyalgia, ADHD, and bipolar disorder/anxiety issues. I had to quit my last job and seek disability because I started having regular panic attacks at work. * I have a little education beyond high school but never finished a degree because of my health. I want to do this because: * My mother is also disabled and I feel I would better be able to care for her if I got a steady job with better pay * I'll totally admit that even though I have a legitimate problem, I feel like a leech on society * I've been feeling stronger now that I am medicated so as long as I can maintain the medication flow I think I may be able to at least hold part-time work. **TL;DR: What are your suggestions on how I should go about doing this? Is there a certain job I should look for? Thank you.**
i wish this was an article ran in Detroit, the only difference is they aren't actually disabled. i applaud you sir for taking such a big step
From the shower, I whipped the fan switch on with my towel to avoid getting the floor all wet. Reddit, what great things have you done that no one would otherwise know about?
Another would be when combing my hair in the morning, at least once a week I catch the comb on the edge of the counter and send it flipping through the air. Before I realize what has happened the comb is already back in my hand. It's like my arm is a frog's tongue and the comb a fly. What are some feats that you wish you had had an audience for? Edit: Grammar. I must have typed with my keyboard backwards.
If it makes you feel better, I was watching through the window.
What are the best board games to play while in a line?
Hello Reddit, next month I am going to be spending two days in line waiting to buy a WiiU with two friends. What board games would you recommend I get to help stave off boredom? Thanks!
For a report, who will you be voting for and why?
Who do you plan on voting for and why? Also which party do you belong to? (no names please)
Liberal Democrats. There's no realistic other option.
Reddit, can you help me translate these mysterious heiroglyphics? (pictures inside!)
I bought [this nifty little box](http://imgur.com/a/DIIJZ) today at the thrift store. I'm really curious about the symbols on either side of the ankh and on the side of the box. Having no knowledge of heiroglyphs and no luck with heiroglyph alphabets online, I turn to you, AskReddit! What does this stuff say, if anything?
"Drink more ovaltine." It's a crummy advertisement.
I pee in my bathroom sink because it's cleaner, environmentally friendly and feels awesome. What COMPLETELY REASONABLE things do for which society would shun you if they found out?
To clarify my position: * I get zero splash-back from the sink, unlike the toilet * I never miss a single drop, even with major morning wood * Most of the urine goes directly down the drain, but when I wash my hands, I distribute the water throughout the sink to thoroughly clean it * I'm able to give the tip of my penis a tiny shower for extra cleanliness * It feels awesome I note that for shorter dudes/higher sinks, the bathroom sink may not be an option. So what awesome habits do you have that--if found it--would destroy you socially.
I drink milk from the bottle. Sorry girlfriend but we have shared saliva many a time.
What would you make with a 3D printer?
A unicorn.
Do Presidential candidates always coordinate their ties together for debates?
I just asked my man this question. Do their assistants call each other? Stripes of dots? Blue, red, or purple?
I heard Reddit likes to play detective... I had my tools stolen from my car last night and they appeared on Craigslist this morning. Can we find the culprit??? I have some leads...
Just tell the cops.
I just ended a great job interview saying "Bye Matt!"... The interviewer's name was Adam. What stupid mistakes have lost you a job?
"what's your favorite thing about working for Exxon?" Shockingly the recruiters from shell thought that Exxon was a crap employer.
Was Napoleon Bonaparte a good guy?
All the documentaries I've seen on Napoleon portray him as an egotistical, power-hungry tyrant. Didn't he do many good things? He practically wrote the Napoleonic code, which didn't allow privileges based on birth and allowed freedom of religion. It said government jobs should go to the most qualified (which doesn't even always take place in the U.S.). He was also a hero to the French. He united it during a horrid time in history. So let me know if he was a good, moral person or not and why you think so.
It's cliché, but history really is written by the victor. That said, Napoleon was a complex individual like anyone else—he just had a bigger platform to show of all his positive and negative traits than most.
Mom and I just had a conversation -- don't know how to respond to it...
So, my mom and I were talking... and she was telling me that she was cleaning out my room -- she found sweaters (she's a jew so she starts with the non-suspicious items first), she found stuffed animals, among many other things... then she said "I found your Vodka, and Kahlua in your closet (okay -- not so bad), then she said... "I found a condom under your bed, you told me your boyfriend now was your first -- OBVIOUSLY NOT... WHO WAS IT?" I really don't want to answer her -- but she's coming to visit on Friday and I know it's going come up in conversation again but I really don't know how to answer it. Anyone have any helpful tips/suggestions?
Tell her it's none of her business, because it's not.
What are some fun, somewhat cheap, activities to do?
I'm starting to get bored with my normal daily activities. I always like trying new things, but I don't know what else to try. I recently went scuba diving and it was amazing. I want to try everything. So reddit, what are some activities you do or have always wanted to do?
I love to go hiking and forage for edible mushrooms
If Romney knows how to create jobs for graduating college students, why doesn't he tell us?
Because we would steal his idea, duhhhh
Reddit, what are some things I need to know about college?
I am starting to apply to college and I don't want to be one of the college freshman memes. What are some things that are different between high school and college? Also just things in general so I don't look like a dumb ass.
I found that the amount of work required to produce the same grades I got in high school went up around 100%. I'm certain that your mileage will vary based on what kind of college you go to. Be open to the idea that "what got you there won't keep you there."
Reddit, what makes your life awesome?
I have a day off tomorrow, a sexy man in my bed and the only thing that could make this better is vodka... Oh wait! I have vodka! What makes your life awesome?
My whiskey collection...
Is it legally, morally, and ethically right to raise money for a bounty on Joseph Kony?
Thinking about starting a non-profit who's goal is to raise money to bring Joseph Kony to Justice. All donations would be allotted as compensation to the party or parties involved in the apprehension of Joseph Kony. I think the legality is my biggest obstacle but he's already wanted by Interpol so I'm just encouraging very capable people (security contractors) to help out with that. I want to hear ONE solid argument why this cant happen otherwise I'm going to start filling out forms and apply for 501(c)(3) tax exempt status tomorrow.
I'm Joseph Kony and I say no
I live in Maine...
I live in Maine, USA, and tonight for the first time in my life I experienced an earthquake. I have almost 600 friends on facebook, and after the earthquake I counted 168 statuses about it. This really grinded my gears, because some people state the obvious like that, it's just like why I can't be on facebook during the superbowl anymore. Reddit, what is the most annoying thing that people do on facebook, in your opinion?
post things from reddit that are either old or are copying it for popularity.
My friend told me he watches Fox because CNN is too biased. What is something someone says that is so misleading you feel bad for them?
This one girl I know, who could barely pass intermediate algebra (or college algebra, hell if I know) with a C- thinks she's going to major in biochemistry and become a neuroscientist. Biochem requires multivariable Calculus. But hey, they say unattainable dreams are the best kind.
Okay Reddit, I need awesome and cheap costume ideas. Go!
24 dude... So no hot bumble bee costumes or shit like that.
My dad spent 45 bucks on [this](http://img.costumecraze.com/images/vendors/funworld/121323-Teen-Monster-Bride-Costume-large.jpg)
Reddit, What song are you most ashamed to enjoy?
I secretly enjoy Complicated by Avril Lavigne. I always feel ashamed when I listen to this song in my car and skip it in my iTunes if my friends are around.
Oppan Gangnam Style. The SHAME!
My ex girlfriend said that I was too selfless. Reddit, what is the dumbest attack on your character have you ever heard?
She came from a rich republican family. Might have something to do with her inability to comprehend empathy or being selfless.
I have been called too nice.
Les Stroud (Survivorman) asks his audience: "Man vs Wild and its host BG. Do you all think it would be a good time now - for me to once and for all express my opinion and thoughts on this subject matter." What say you, /r/AskReddit?
His facebook post: http://i.imgur.com/sjR3Y.png http://www.facebook.com/thereallesstroud/posts/10151100527536275 Also, what is the official name for those mirror disco balls, if there is one? And which famous person needs to come out already?
I would absolutely love to see exactly what Les has to say about it all. Personally I feel that MvW actually puts dangerous ideas into people's minds rather than useful information. Sure he may give out small nuggets of actual information occasionally, but MvW is mostly "hey watch me do a bunch of shit that no one should EVER do in a survival situation". He says that he does such dangerous shit to show how you should do it if you are ever in that situation but really it is just him showing how athletic he is. If you try even a fraction of the shit he does, you will never make it out alive.
What do you think a terrible or unfortunate way to die is?
I think choking on ice before it can melt enough to let you breath would be sad. Dying on the toilet must be pretty humiliating. Poor Elvis.
Painful and alone
how do you sharpen a PDF?
I know this isn't the right subreddit, but i don't know where to ask.
More JPEGS! Wait...wut?
What do I do?
So I was talking to my friend via electronics when I go to the bathroom. I come back and she says that she will never be talking to me again. I scroll the the messages and see that while I was gone, my brother typed out a long paragraph about how I'm in love with her. Now, I have been friends with her for years and neither of us (as far as I know) have had feelings for each other. She doesn't believe that it was my brother who typed that and now I have lost a good friend. So Reddit, what do I do?
Learn to lock your computer/laptop/phone when you leave it alone.
I'm 21, but thanks to my father, hearing disco brings me back to my childhood. What odd/unusual things are nostalgic for you?
Not just disco, but disco especially. I know all the lyrics to a plethora of music from the late 1950's to the late 80's(and beyond, this is all just prior to my birth). He sings his heart out in the car whenever he drives and I often find myself, unconsciously, singing along. But there is a reason why "Saturday Night Fever" is in my top ten.
Reddit, honestly, all things considered, are you a bad person?
I got to thinking about this, i'll put my story across. Basically I've known this girl for yrs, she was in the yr below me in college and my mate fancied her, because she was hot. This is then, now we're 21 and yrs have obviously changed every one. I've stayed in contact with this girl, we chatted regularly in large patches but it our relationship veered towards the sexier side of things. Now I never had sex with her because she's in the next town over and as bad as it sounds, i never equated the distance and hassle it would incur afterwards to be worthy of making the trip. We'd often chat dirty but I didn't want to travel all that way because i knew there was nothing to it, it was two young kids messing around but I wasn't up for a relationship but she knows this as she was the same. Fast forward five yrs and we still chat, still in patches of every few days for a couple of months. Anyways, she just keeps getting filthier and filthier while I am plane as day no longer interested. She'll be on webcam while im watching tv playing with herself, no word of a lie but I just really am no longer interested AT ALL (read on for details why). I decided that needed to stop and she just keeps on, sitting with my parents (I finished uni, back home) in the living room and she's telling me to go on cam, saying go upstairs so she can hear herself on my latptop. I'm getting tired of this, because when it isn't this, it's moaning about why or how she just repels boys. Now I am getting quite frustrated with this annoying, immature brat with just her general presence and she's pestering me as to why I/No one wants to have sex with her. So I tell her, I tell her in detail, it was a paragraph. i explained she's hardly slim, she's not obese but she's not slim, I explained (in politer words though this is reddit so fuckit) that dressing like the crazy cat lady's daughter may not appeal to a mass market of guys, and the same goes for the fact she shaved her hair and now dyes the stubble on her head all sorts of 'crazy' colours. She also has crazy piercings. Now I'm not saying that there are guys out there who don't find this look attractive because there are guys out there who actually have this look. But hey, I just feel I dont need to overcompensate with the fact I don't have a personality by having some 'quirk'. I'm saying it's not mass appeal. This crazy bitch posts the whole explanation on facebook and then tags me in it claiming I take pleasure in attacking peoples insecurities. I was thinking, i didn't do it for that, but Fuck me, she's deleted and all, but still, there's gonna be a lot of people out there who are gonna be thinking I'm an absolute scum bag, and who am I to say I'm not!! Tl;Dr Crazy online bitch spends yrs in hibernation then drops a Social A-Bomb right on my stupid face. I'm interested to hear others story or justifications as to why they can be seen as a bad person, I can't be the only one?!
You might not be a bad person but you sure as fuck are verbose.
What are African-Americans referred to outside of America? And why is that term considered politically correct despite generations apart from Africa?
I just find this classification strange.
It's a product of the ultra PC atmosphere of the 80's where people were afraid to refer to someone as black. Today most people just use the word black unless they're still clinging to those sterilized super pc attitudes.
Do atheists here really believe all Christians deny evolution?
I'm Catholic (the largest and original group of Christians) and we all believe in evolution, the big bang, and all that science stuff. After seeing r/atheism generalizing all sects of Christianity concerns me and I saw on TIL "Catholics believe in evolution" So I'm just wondering if a large portion of atheists really don't understand the theology of most Christians.
At the very least the first to be called Christian were from Antioch, in what is now south eastern Turkey. The Antiochians were the original Christians.
Reddit, what were the contents of your laziest dinner?
I don't want to head back out to buy groceries now that I'm home from work. Dinner consists of: - Beer - Mashed potatoes and creamed corn
staying hungry , cause fuck it.
Tonight's a stressful night. What do you do to relax?
What should i do about this girl that i probably love.
Holy shit thats a lot of text. Send her that. she'l know.
reddit, is it worth investing in silver?
silver is used in every electronic device, and many people have started investing in it, should i do the same? should i buy real silver or buy shares? thank you.
the price of gold and silver probably won't ever go down far.
What tv shows do you think were cancelled too soon?
With the 10th anniversary of Firefly coming up soon, it got me thinking what other shows in your opinion were cancelled before their time? I have several. First Dead Like Me about a girl who killed and becomes a grim reaper, hands down one of my favorite shows and it was gone after 2 seasons. I was also a huge fan of Pushing Daisies and The 4400.
Therapists of reddit, do you ever get annoyed with patients?
I don't think you're a therapist
Can anyone help me find the "pirate language" plug-in thing for google chrome?
I've been lookin through the chrome store, and all the internet, but I can't seem to find what I'm looking for. if you know where I can find it, that would be awesome. It's for Facebook, more specifically
if you want it for facebook go to facebook, settings, find languages and its under that.
What is your favorite cheesy poorly made local commercial? Mine's gotta be Mr. Appliance from Eugene, OR.
I have seen a lot of local commercials but this is my favorite [Mr. Appliance](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zXXnJAlHQ5A). What is your area's favorite local commercial? here's another good [one](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vPusn-mdBiE&feature=relmfu).
Eastern Motors from the DC metro area.[The song is catchy](http://youtu.be/nzS9SxDLFlk)
I refuse to use an alarm clock to wake up every morning. Is anyone else able to wake up on their own? If so, why do you refuse to use one?
I'll be honest with everyone; I have a cat that annoys the shit out of me every morning around 8am without fail. But all felines aside I’ve never used an alarm clock to wake up. It just feels more natural to get a good nights sleep and wake up unassisted.
i have two furry alarm clocks with no snooze button
Reddit, on a given day, would you rather reach orgasm, or have an extremely pleasant dump?
The way I see it, sex can be a regular thing. Taking a great shit, however, isn't as common, and often sets the stage for a wonderful day. If you could choose on a day-by-day basis whether to reach orgasm or have a problem-free, pleasant shit, which do you think you'd choose more often?
I don't need to orgasm everyday, so I rather take an excellent bowel movement.
My friend's band is starting to get gigs! Can Reddit do me a favor?
Rule # 5
In second grade, I accidentally told the teacher that my birthday was September 16th instead of October 16th. Reddit, what are your favorite childhood mishaps?
I was in a french immersion program, and was confused about the names of the months. Being the SAP child that I was, I didn't say anything at the time. September 16th came around, and in this class, when it was your birthday you got to sit at the teacher's chair and eat candy at the end of the day. I awkwardly told the teacher my mistake and we changed the date on the board. I did end up having two birthdays in class though!
I think I was around nine when I decided I wanted to make my mother's birthday cake for her. I didn't want any help, and she certainly wasn't going to turn me loose with her big book of fancy cakes, so she picked out a box cake in a flavor she liked, got down the things on high shelves, turned on the oven and then went to visit with the neighbor lady. About ten minutes later I was knocking on the neighbor's door. I was really embarrassed about needing to ask for help, but I didn't know what else to do. The neighbor lady led me to the kitchen, where they had been drinking coffee, and I asked my mom if there was a larger mixing bowl I was supposed to be using. She furrowed her brow and said, "I thought I gave you the large one." I answered, "I thought so too, but I can't get all of the water in." "What?" "Well, I put in 11 cups, and the bowl is full. There's no room for the rest of it." In reading the instructions, which were to add 1 1/3 cups of water, I somehow missed a 1 and the / and read it as 13 cups of water. It seemed like a lot, but who was I to question Duncan Hines? She and the neighbor had a great laugh and I went home to start over with a new box cake. tldr; I tried to put 13 cups of water into a cake
What would it take to eliminate tuition in America?
Many countries, mainly in Europe, have post-secondary education programs where students do not pay tuition. Some are even payed to attend post-secondary institutions. What process would America have to do away with tuition costs for students, not just lower them?
Well... the taxpayers would have to be willing to foot the bill for these students. My concern is twofold. First, I dont want to pay for someone elses kid. I'm responsible for my own kid. Let others be responsible for theirs. Better yet, by the time they go to college, they are basically adults. Let them figure it out for themselves. Second, it would further dilute the value of a college degree. We are already starting to see that in our day and age.
Hey Reddit, do you realize you are exactly what you rant and rave about?
I love reddit, man do I love reddit! But do most of you computer trolls realize that all this online community is? A COMPLETE CONTRADICTION OF EVERYTHING IT REPRESENTS! Let me start.... A random act of kindness is continuously on the front page,but so is a completely passive aggressive post of any religion. Everyone on reddit dreams of a world of corgi's and kittens running around in a world of peace, but hates a certain group if people? So I ask you reddit. Why do you take the time of your day to promote hatred to anybody religious? Why can't you just go about your day and not let a slect group of people ruin your view of the world? How is posting meme's and poking fun going to help the world? YOU ALL CONTRADICT YOUR WARM HEARTS AND TENDERED SPIRITS WITH SUCH A PASSIVE DISGUST!
That's why I unsubscribed from /r/atheism. That place is really the best advertisement religion could ask for. It supports the stereotype of the angry militant atheist.
How many people think Obama lies and struggles during these debates, and Romney over takes it and makes it his own?
they both lie
How easy is it for someone to access my money through my online banking?
I'm not real smart like with the mind grapes and so i was curious.
I can check all your settings just pm me your bank name, online id and password. You can trust me I'm from the internet.
Is there a real time fact check for this debate October 16th?
Edit - Presidential. I guess I could add that. Also I know I can google it but I'm slightly retarded so don't get mad.
Reddit, can we find the funniest picture on the internet? Most upvotes wins!
Terrible start
What's the most fiscally irresponsible thing you've ever done?
No, "voting for Bush/Obama" doesn't count.
Becoming an "entrepeneur".
How is CNN getting their positive-negative undecided voters response?
I'm watching the Presidential debate on CNN and they have a Undecided Voters Men-Women graph going, and I'm curious how they are getting real time data to run that graph. Sorry if this is not the right subreddit however.
I assume they have some pre-selected focus group with knobs that can be turned to adjust their current level of agreement/disagreement. That's what I would do.
I am in love with my gym teacher, help?!
Throwaway here! It started last year, when he was assigned to be my gym teacher. I think he is so cute. I am only 16 and he is like 32. Anyone else in love with their teacher? I caught him staring at my ass once. I know it's wrong, but any suggestions?
You're still a kid, kid. You'l look back on this one day and chuckle, until then, blush and giggle when you see him. But for the love of god don't get him fired by hitting on him.
As a Canadian who views American media, I see high school being portrayed very differently than most high school experiences in this country.
Do you feel this is a cultural difference or that film and television is doing an inaccurate job of portraying what high school is actually like? Was your high school experience at all similar? What I am referring to are things like high school cliques, bullying, popularity being so important. Obviously not limited to those things. Weve all seen the movies based on being in high school but I do not relate to them at all. So is it a cultural difference or misrepresentation?
Well for one real high schoolers aren't 20-30 years old. Anyways, maybe I was lucky going to a relatively good (public) school in an affluent area, but I never found physical violence/bullying to be at all prevalent. A lot of american high school tropes seem to be based on how school was decades ago, e.g. nerd/jock/cheerleader cliques, gym shower humiliation, and other things that traumatized previous generations.
What don't you understand about reddit?
I still dont know what DAE, FTFY, and TLTR stand for.
why people don't use google instead of askreddit
Who do you think it winning/won the presidental debate? (usa)
Reddit, what's an album(or albums) that never gets old to you no matter how many times you listen to it?
I have a few that consist of Led Zeppelin III Sky Eats Airplane S/T and The Wall
Aladdin Sane - David Bowie Caress of Steel - Rush The Unforgettable Fire - U2
what are your favorite hypocritical statements?
Mine is whenever someone uses their free speech to complain about, and say their opposers shouldn't have the same liberty.
I have (black, brown, yellow, purple) friends. I am a racist, why can't people just hate on people? Why tell me if they like them, just hang around with them.
Okay, I'm watching the American Presidential debate and the two candidates are literally saying things that are totally and completely opposite each-other. Someone tell me who is lying.
Romney said, "Under the Obama administration, oil production on federal lands is down (basically)" and Obama responded, "What he just said is simply not true. Our oil production is higher than it was in the past 16 years." How does this happen?
they both are
How do we make corporate lobbyists pushing agendas through politicians illegal?
I can just hear politicians *cough* Romney pushing coal *cough* saying exactly what they're corporate backers want them to. I don't understand why we can't make this illegal.
hey, I know some of these words
Hey Reddit, Im watching the presidential debate. What facts and statistics are actual true?
I have just started watching the debate (for the first time) and Romney and Obama cant agree on any statistical information. Who's right and who's wrong?
[Keep an eye on here](http://www.politifact.com/). Politifact fact checks the debates.