ReadingBank / ReadingBank_examples /task-1356-70-8.txt
congtri's picture
Initial commit
4bb6191 verified
8 Species 62.2800 101.5100 96.4170 113.9030 842.0399780273438 594.9600219726562
8 Habit 154.5800 101.5100 177.1070 113.9030 842.0399780273438 594.9600219726562
8 Context 218.3000 101.5100 251.8700 113.9030 842.0399780273438 594.9600219726562
8 Number 296.3300 80.7500 330.4130 93.1430 842.0399780273438 594.9600219726562
8 of 332.9300 80.7500 341.4470 93.1430 842.0399780273438 594.9600219726562
8 Wetland 296.3300 91.1900 331.4300 103.5830 842.0399780273438 594.9600219726562
8 EVCs 296.3300 101.5100 319.8380 113.9030 842.0399780273438 594.9600219726562
8 it 322.3580 101.5100 327.8570 113.9030 842.0399780273438 594.9600219726562
8 is 330.4100 101.5100 337.9340 113.9030 842.0399780273438 594.9600219726562
8 listed 296.3300 111.9500 319.9190 124.3430 842.0399780273438 594.9600219726562
8 to 322.4900 111.9500 330.9890 124.3430 842.0399780273438 594.9600219726562
8 threaten 296.3300 122.1500 331.9160 134.5430 842.0399780273438 594.9600219726562
8 Impact 360.2900 101.5100 389.4141 113.9030 842.0399780273438 594.9600219726562
8 summary 391.8171 101.5100 431.9481 113.9030 842.0399780273438 594.9600219726562
8 Flora 629.6200 101.5100 651.6520 113.9030 842.0399780273438 594.9600219726562
8 Fauna 665.1400 101.5100 691.7261 113.9030 842.0399780273438 594.9600219726562
8 Other 707.7400 101.5100 731.7521 113.9030 842.0399780273438 594.9600219726562
8 impact 734.2600 101.5100 763.3840 113.9030 842.0399780273438 594.9600219726562
8 Paspalum 62.2800 139.0700 102.3840 151.2560 842.0399780273438 594.9600219726562
8 distichum 104.8320 139.0700 142.9020 151.2560 842.0399780273438 594.9600219726562
8 Water 62.2800 150.1850 86.3820 162.5510 842.0399780273438 594.9600219726562
8 Couch 88.9440 150.1850 114.9360 162.5510 842.0399780273438 594.9600219726562
8 Amphibious 154.5800 139.1450 201.6320 151.5110 842.0399780273438 594.9600219726562
8 / 204.2600 139.1450 206.7620 151.5110 842.0399780273438 594.9600219726562
8 Fringing 154.5800 150.1850 187.1420 162.5510 842.0399780273438 594.9600219726562
8 Introduced 218.3000 139.1450 260.8340 151.5110 842.0399780273438 594.9600219726562
8 obligate 218.3000 150.1850 249.8810 162.5510 842.0399780273438 594.9600219726562
8 wetland 252.5300 150.1850 283.4360 162.5510 842.0399780273438 594.9600219726562
8 / 218.3000 161.1050 220.8020 173.4710 842.0399780273438 594.9600219726562
8 Introduced 223.3400 161.1050 265.8650 173.4710 842.0399780273438 594.9600219726562
8 seasonal 218.3000 172.1750 254.3450 184.5410 842.0399780273438 594.9600219726562
8 wetland 218.3000 183.2150 249.3140 195.5810 842.0399780273438 594.9600219726562
8 26 296.3300 139.1450 306.3740 151.5110 842.0399780273438 594.9600219726562
8 Dense 360.2900 139.1450 386.3990 151.5110 842.0399780273438 594.9600219726562
8 smothering 388.8500 139.1450 433.4091 151.5110 842.0399780273438 594.9600219726562
8 growth 435.9100 139.1450 462.8380 151.5110 842.0399780273438 594.9600219726562
8 creating 465.4300 139.1450 497.4160 151.5110 842.0399780273438 594.9600219726562
8 monocultures 499.8700 139.1450 553.8881 151.5110 842.0399780273438 594.9600219726562
8 and 556.5100 139.1450 571.4681 151.5110 842.0399780273438 594.9600219726562
8 altering 574.0300 139.1450 603.4871 151.5110 842.0399780273438 594.9600219726562
8 the 360.2900 150.1850 372.8450 162.5510 842.0399780273438 594.9600219726562
8 habitat. 375.4100 150.1850 404.8671 162.5510 842.0399780273438 594.9600219726562
8 MI 629.6200 139.1450 639.4420 151.5110 842.0399780273438 594.9600219726562
8 LC 629.6200 150.1850 641.1580 162.5510 842.0399780273438 594.9600219726562
8 LI 665.1400 139.1450 672.6820 151.5110 842.0399780273438 594.9600219726562
8 LC 665.1400 150.1850 676.6780 162.5510 842.0399780273438 594.9600219726562
8 Water 707.7400 139.1450 731.8420 151.5110 842.0399780273438 594.9600219726562
8 quality 734.3800 139.1450 760.3181 151.5110 842.0399780273438 594.9600219726562
8 Phalaris 62.2800 203.9000 94.8240 216.0860 842.0399780273438 594.9600219726562
8 arundinacea, 62.2800 214.8200 114.4820 227.1410 842.0399780273438 594.9600219726562
8 Reed 62.2800 225.9350 83.8350 238.3010 842.0399780273438 594.9600219726562
8 Canary-grass 86.4240 225.9350 140.3360 238.3010 842.0399780273438 594.9600219726562
8 Amphibious 154.5800 203.9750 201.6320 216.3410 842.0399780273438 594.9600219726562
8 / 204.2600 203.9750 206.7620 216.3410 842.0399780273438 594.9600219726562
8 Fringing 154.5800 214.8950 187.1420 227.2610 842.0399780273438 594.9600219726562
8 Introduced 218.3000 203.9750 260.8340 216.3410 842.0399780273438 594.9600219726562
8 seasonal 218.3000 214.8950 254.3450 227.2610 842.0399780273438 594.9600219726562
8 wetland 218.3000 225.9350 249.3140 238.3010 842.0399780273438 594.9600219726562
8 2 296.3300 203.9750 301.3340 216.3410 842.0399780273438 594.9600219726562
8 Dense 360.2900 203.9750 386.3990 216.3410 842.0399780273438 594.9600219726562
8 perennial 388.8500 203.9750 425.8490 216.3410 842.0399780273438 594.9600219726562
8 monocultures 428.4700 203.9750 482.3711 216.3410 842.0399780273438 594.9600219726562
8 displace 484.8700 203.9750 517.9180 216.3410 842.0399780273438 594.9600219726562
8 native 520.5100 203.9750 544.4591 216.3410 842.0399780273438 594.9600219726562
8 plants, 547.0300 203.9750 573.5081 216.3410 842.0399780273438 594.9600219726562
8 therefore 576.0700 203.9750 611.8992 216.3410 842.0399780273438 594.9600219726562
8 changing 360.2900 214.8950 396.8210 227.2610 842.0399780273438 594.9600219726562
8 the 399.4100 214.8950 411.9650 227.2610 842.0399780273438 594.9600219726562
8 character 414.4100 214.8950 451.9311 227.2610 842.0399780273438 594.9600219726562
8 of 454.5100 214.8950 461.9320 227.2610 842.0399780273438 594.9600219726562
8 the 464.4700 214.8950 477.0250 227.2610 842.0399780273438 594.9600219726562
8 vegetation. 479.3500 214.8950 523.4321 227.2610 842.0399780273438 594.9600219726562
8 Altered 526.0300 214.8950 554.4251 227.2610 842.0399780273438 594.9600219726562
8 habitat 556.9900 214.8950 584.0621 227.2610 842.0399780273438 594.9600219726562
8 leads 586.5100 214.8950 607.9211 227.2610 842.0399780273438 594.9600219726562
8 to 610.5400 214.8950 618.0640 227.2610 842.0399780273438 594.9600219726562
8 changes 360.2900 225.9350 394.3910 238.3010 842.0399780273438 594.9600219726562
8 to 396.8900 225.9350 404.4140 238.3010 842.0399780273438 594.9600219726562
8 fauna. 406.9700 225.9350 431.8911 238.3010 842.0399780273438 594.9600219726562
8 Despite 434.4201 225.9350 464.9481 238.3010 842.0399780273438 594.9600219726562
8 this, 467.3871 225.9350 483.8031 238.3010 842.0399780273438 594.9600219726562
8 the 486.4300 225.9350 498.9850 238.3010 842.0399780273438 594.9600219726562
8 changed 501.4300 225.9350 536.0350 238.3010 842.0399780273438 594.9600219726562
8 habitat 538.5100 225.9350 565.5821 238.3010 842.0399780273438 594.9600219726562
8 clearly 568.0300 225.9350 594.0941 238.3010 842.0399780273438 594.9600219726562
8 provides 360.2900 236.9750 394.3820 249.3410 842.0399780273438 594.9600219726562
8 valuable 396.8900 236.9750 430.4150 249.3410 842.0399780273438 594.9600219726562
8 habitat. 432.8451 236.9750 462.4191 249.3410 842.0399780273438 594.9600219726562
8 MI 629.6200 203.9750 639.4420 216.3410 842.0399780273438 594.9600219726562
8 LC 629.6200 214.8950 641.1580 227.2610 842.0399780273438 594.9600219726562
8 MI 665.1400 203.9750 674.9620 216.3410 842.0399780273438 594.9600219726562
8 HC 665.1400 214.8950 678.1180 227.2610 842.0399780273438 594.9600219726562
8 Hydrology 707.7400 203.9750 748.3120 216.3410 842.0399780273438 594.9600219726562