145 SP 76.8240 72.2819 87.6709 83.7106 612.0 792.0 |
145 203:Development 89.9040 72.2819 154.6662 83.7106 612.0 792.0 |
145 of 76.8240 83.4620 83.6551 94.8907 612.0 792.0 |
145 new 85.9440 83.4620 100.9582 94.8907 612.0 792.0 |
145 sources(Drilling 76.8240 94.6220 133.1782 106.0507 612.0 792.0 |
145 of 135.5000 94.6220 142.3311 106.0507 612.0 792.0 |
145 of 90.5040 116.9420 97.3351 128.3707 612.0 792.0 |
145 small 99.6240 116.9420 118.6987 128.3707 612.0 792.0 |
145 pans 120.9800 116.9420 138.7451 128.3707 612.0 792.0 |
145 and 141.0200 116.9420 154.6822 128.3707 612.0 792.0 |
145 Dams 76.8240 128.1019 98.1798 139.5306 612.0 792.0 |
145 and 100.4600 128.1019 114.1222 139.5306 612.0 792.0 |
145 Construction 76.8240 139.2620 122.7302 150.6907 612.0 792.0 |
145 of 125.0600 139.2620 131.8911 150.6907 612.0 792.0 |
145 new 134.1800 139.2620 149.1942 150.6907 612.0 792.0 |
145 water 76.8240 150.4219 96.7933 161.8506 612.0 792.0 |
145 supplies) 99.1440 150.4219 131.8422 161.8506 612.0 792.0 |
145 Directorate 160.7000 72.2819 200.7099 83.7106 612.0 792.0 |
145 of 160.7000 83.4620 167.5311 94.8907 612.0 792.0 |
145 -Increased 212.6900 72.2819 251.3962 83.7106 612.0 792.0 |
145 coverage 212.6900 83.4620 246.3753 94.8907 612.0 792.0 |
145 of 248.6900 83.4620 255.5211 94.8907 612.0 792.0 |
145 Consumers 212.6900 94.6220 254.5435 106.0507 612.0 792.0 |
145 using 256.8500 94.6220 276.3721 106.0507 612.0 792.0 |
145 water 212.6900 105.7819 232.6593 117.2106 612.0 792.0 |
145 from 235.0100 105.7819 251.3853 117.2106 612.0 792.0 |
145 protected 212.6900 116.9420 246.8334 128.3707 612.0 792.0 |
145 sources 249.1700 116.9420 277.8165 128.3707 612.0 792.0 |
145 through 212.6900 128.1019 240.4789 139.5306 612.0 792.0 |
145 pipeline 242.8100 128.1019 270.9873 139.5306 612.0 792.0 |
145 Storage 224.0743 150.4219 252.7297 161.8506 612.0 792.0 |
145 and 255.0500 150.4219 268.7122 161.8506 612.0 792.0 |
145 within 212.6900 161.5820 233.5667 173.0107 612.0 792.0 |
145 reasonable 235.8500 161.5820 276.3678 173.0107 612.0 792.0 |
145 distance. 212.6900 172.6219 245.4188 184.0507 612.0 792.0 |
145 -Increasded 287.4500 72.2819 330.7178 83.7106 612.0 792.0 |
145 Number 287.4500 83.4620 316.5526 94.8907 612.0 792.0 |
145 of 318.8900 83.4620 325.7211 94.8907 612.0 792.0 |
145 functional 287.4500 94.6220 322.4904 106.0507 612.0 792.0 |
145 water 324.7900 94.6220 344.7593 106.0507 612.0 792.0 |
145 facilities. 287.4500 105.7819 318.7644 117.2106 612.0 792.0 |
145 --20No. 351.1900 72.2819 378.5326 83.7106 612.0 792.0 |
145 Boreholes 351.1900 83.4620 387.9937 94.8907 612.0 792.0 |
145 150Km 351.1900 94.6220 377.0671 106.0507 612.0 792.0 |
145 pipeline 351.1900 105.7819 379.3673 117.2106 612.0 792.0 |
145 Extensions. 351.1900 116.9420 393.3907 128.3707 612.0 792.0 |
145 Increase 351.1900 128.1019 382.5944 139.5306 612.0 792.0 |
145 storage 351.1900 139.2620 378.5108 150.6907 612.0 792.0 |
145 200Km 403.1500 105.7819 429.0271 117.2106 612.0 792.0 |
145 pipeline 403.1500 116.9420 431.3273 128.3707 612.0 792.0 |
145 Extensions. 403.1500 128.1019 445.3507 139.5306 612.0 792.0 |
145 Increase 403.1500 139.2620 434.5544 150.6907 612.0 792.0 |
145 storage 403.1500 150.4219 430.4708 161.8506 612.0 792.0 |
145 to 432.7900 150.4219 439.6123 161.8506 612.0 792.0 |
145 70% 403.1500 161.5820 419.6438 173.0107 612.0 792.0 |
145 250Km 451.7500 105.7819 477.6271 117.2106 612.0 792.0 |
145 pipeline 451.7500 116.9420 479.9273 128.3707 612.0 792.0 |
145 Extensions 451.7500 128.1019 491.6811 139.5306 612.0 792.0 |
145 Increase 451.7500 139.2620 483.1544 150.6907 612.0 792.0 |
145 Storage 451.7500 150.4219 480.3954 161.8506 612.0 792.0 |
145 to 482.7400 150.4219 489.5623 161.8506 612.0 792.0 |
145 80% 451.7500 161.5820 468.2438 173.0107 612.0 792.0 |
145 250km 499.3000 94.6220 523.8425 106.0507 612.0 792.0 |
145 Pipeline 499.3000 105.7819 528.3041 117.2106 612.0 792.0 |
145 Extension. 499.3000 116.9420 537.4172 128.3707 612.0 792.0 |
145 Increase 499.3000 128.1019 530.7044 139.5306 612.0 792.0 |
145 Storage 499.3000 139.2620 527.9454 150.6907 612.0 792.0 |
145 to 530.2600 139.2620 537.0823 150.6907 612.0 792.0 |
145 90% 499.3000 150.4219 515.7938 161.8506 612.0 792.0 |
145 SP 77.1840 196.7419 88.0309 208.1707 612.0 792.0 |
145 204:Stakeholders 90.2640 196.7419 154.5499 208.1707 612.0 792.0 |
145 Collaboration 77.1840 207.9019 125.3710 219.3306 612.0 792.0 |
145 and 127.7000 207.9019 141.3622 219.3306 612.0 792.0 |
145 Networking-Water 77.1840 219.0620 142.6420 230.4907 612.0 792.0 |
145 Sector(PPP) 77.1840 230.2219 122.5712 241.6506 612.0 792.0 |
145 Directorate 160.8200 196.7419 200.8299 208.1707 612.0 792.0 |
145 of 160.8200 207.9019 167.6511 219.3306 612.0 792.0 |
145 Enhanced 212.9300 196.7419 249.7228 208.1707 612.0 792.0 |
145 Public 252.0500 196.7419 274.3918 208.1707 612.0 792.0 |
145 Private 212.9300 207.9019 238.3285 219.3306 612.0 792.0 |
145 Partnership 212.9300 219.0620 254.7625 230.4907 612.0 792.0 |
145 within 257.0900 219.0620 277.9667 230.4907 612.0 792.0 |
145 the 212.9300 230.2219 224.3032 241.6506 612.0 792.0 |
145 Department 226.6100 230.2219 269.4084 241.6506 612.0 792.0 |
145 through 212.9300 241.3820 240.7189 252.8107 612.0 792.0 |
145 Private 243.0500 241.3820 268.4485 252.8107 612.0 792.0 |
145 Operators 212.9300 252.5720 249.3752 264.0007 612.0 792.0 |
145 engagements. 212.9300 263.7319 264.8418 275.1606 612.0 792.0 |
145 -Number 287.6900 196.7419 319.5526 208.1707 612.0 792.0 |
145 of 321.8900 196.7419 328.7211 208.1707 612.0 792.0 |
145 Proposals 287.6900 207.9019 324.0355 219.3306 612.0 792.0 |
145 developed 287.6900 219.0620 325.4388 230.4907 612.0 792.0 |
145 and 327.7900 219.0620 341.4522 230.4907 612.0 792.0 |
145 forwarded 287.6900 230.2219 324.1242 241.6506 612.0 792.0 |
145 to 326.4700 230.2219 333.2923 241.6506 612.0 792.0 |
145 Development 287.6900 241.3820 335.8966 252.8107 612.0 792.0 |
145 partners. 287.6900 252.5720 320.0502 264.0007 612.0 792.0 |
145 -Number 287.6900 263.7319 319.5526 275.1606 612.0 792.0 |
145 of 321.8900 263.7319 328.7211 275.1606 612.0 792.0 |
145 Community 287.6900 274.8919 329.0753 286.3206 612.0 792.0 |
145 Projects 287.6900 286.0519 317.1731 297.4807 612.0 792.0 |
145 receiving 287.6900 297.2119 320.4190 308.6407 612.0 792.0 |
145 donor 322.7300 297.2119 343.6753 308.6407 612.0 792.0 |
145 funding. 287.6900 308.2520 316.8232 319.6807 612.0 792.0 |
145 Number 287.6900 319.4120 316.7926 330.8407 612.0 792.0 |
145 of 319.1300 319.4120 325.9611 330.8407 612.0 792.0 |
145 stakeholders 287.6900 330.5720 334.1050 342.0007 612.0 792.0 |
145 forums 287.6900 341.7319 312.7608 353.1606 612.0 792.0 |
145 held. 319.6100 341.7319 337.3490 353.1606 612.0 792.0 |
145 Nil 351.5500 196.7419 361.0404 208.1707 612.0 792.0 |
145 - 351.5500 230.2219 354.2686 241.6506 612.0 792.0 |
145 workshops 403.1500 230.2219 442.2544 241.6506 612.0 792.0 |
145 workshops 451.7500 219.0620 490.8544 230.4907 612.0 792.0 |
145 7 499.3000 196.7419 503.8423 208.1707 612.0 792.0 |