48 Hogan 90.0240 69.9359 127.3704 88.6652 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 & 130.9400 69.9359 141.8631 88.6652 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 Morgan, 145.3400 69.9359 193.2024 88.6652 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 Administrative 196.7300 71.3679 278.9903 88.5108 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 Law 282.5300 71.3679 306.7630 88.5108 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 in 310.1300 71.3679 321.1100 88.5108 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 Ireland 324.6700 71.3679 365.7650 88.5108 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 – 369.3100 72.2087 376.3300 87.7569 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 Student 379.8700 69.9359 422.5094 88.6652 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 Version, 426.0615 69.9359 473.9098 88.6652 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 (2012, 477.3637 69.9359 513.4885 88.6652 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 Roundhall) 90.0240 94.0759 153.0917 112.8052 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 Hogan 90.0240 118.1959 127.3704 136.9252 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 & 130.9400 118.1959 141.8631 136.9252 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 Morgan, 145.3400 118.1959 193.2024 136.9252 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 Administrative 196.7300 119.6279 278.9903 136.7708 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 Law 282.5300 119.6279 306.7630 136.7708 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 in 310.1300 119.6279 321.1100 136.7708 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 Ireland, 324.6700 119.6279 369.3400 136.9252 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 (2010, 372.7900 118.1959 409.0272 136.9252 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 Roundhall) 412.5100 118.1959 475.4653 136.9252 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 Delaney, 90.0240 142.4359 140.0766 161.1652 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 Judicial 143.5400 143.8679 188.7909 161.0108 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 Review 192.4100 143.8679 232.8312 161.0108 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 of 236.2100 143.8679 247.1931 161.0108 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 Administrative 250.7300 143.8679 332.9902 161.0108 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 Action 336.5500 143.8679 373.1803 161.0108 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 (2013, 376.7500 142.4359 412.8749 161.1652 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 Roundhall) 416.3500 142.4359 479.3053 161.1652 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 Coffey, 90.0240 166.5558 132.3967 185.2852 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 Administrative 135.8600 167.9879 218.3450 185.1308 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 Law, 221.9300 167.9879 249.6800 185.2852 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 (2010, 253.1300 166.5558 289.3672 185.2852 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 Roundhall) 292.8500 166.5558 355.8053 185.2852 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 De 90.0240 190.6758 106.3377 209.4052 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 Blacam, 109.8200 190.6758 156.0397 209.4052 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 Judicial 159.5000 192.1079 204.7509 209.2508 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 Review, 208.2500 192.1079 252.3200 209.4052 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 (2009, 255.7738 190.6758 291.8987 209.4052 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 Bloomsbury) 295.3525 190.6758 369.0905 209.4052 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 Hogan 90.0240 214.7958 127.3704 233.5252 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 & 130.9400 214.7958 141.8631 233.5252 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 Whyte, 145.3400 214.7958 186.0139 233.5252 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 Kelly’s 189.5300 217.0687 229.2795 232.6169 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 Irish 232.8500 216.2279 259.3014 233.3708 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 Constitution, 262.8500 216.2279 335.6200 233.5252 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 4th 339.0739 214.7958 357.0029 233.5252 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 edn 360.5500 214.7958 380.6552 233.5252 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 (2003, 384.1900 214.7958 420.4272 233.5252 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 Dublin; 423.8811 214.7958 466.6469 233.5252 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 Butterworths) 90.0240 239.0359 167.8477 257.7653 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 Other 72.0240 287.6722 107.8837 307.1176 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 Relevant 111.3800 287.6722 164.2827 307.1176 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 Texts 167.7800 287.6722 200.3669 307.1176 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 Bradley, 90.0240 311.4258 137.8021 330.1552 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 Judicial 141.2600 312.8579 186.5250 330.0008 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 Review 190.1300 312.8579 230.5512 330.0008 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 (Thomson, 234.0500 311.4258 295.0959 330.1552 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 Round 298.6100 311.4258 335.8581 330.1552 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 Hall 339.4300 311.4258 363.4945 330.1552 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 ) 367.0300 311.4258 371.7053 330.1552 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 Craig, 90.0240 335.6659 124.7168 354.3952 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 Administrative 128.1800 337.0979 210.6790 354.2408 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 Law, 214.1300 337.0979 241.8800 354.3952 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 (Sweet 245.3300 335.6659 284.2629 354.3952 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 and 287.8100 335.6659 307.9153 354.3952 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 Maxwell) 311.4500 335.6659 365.8971 354.3952 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 Wade: 90.0240 359.7859 126.5561 378.5152 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 Administrative 130.1000 361.2179 212.5990 378.3608 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 Law, 216.0500 361.2179 243.8000 378.5152 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 (Oxford 247.2500 359.7859 292.2762 378.5152 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 University 295.8500 359.7859 355.0145 378.5152 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 Press) 358.3900 359.7859 392.7880 378.5152 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 Barnett, 90.0240 383.9059 134.7975 402.6352 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 Constitutional 138.2600 385.3379 218.4284 402.4808 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 and 221.9300 385.3379 242.9760 402.4808 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 Administrative 246.5300 385.3379 328.9026 402.4808 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 Law 332.3500 385.3379 356.5830 402.4808 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 (London: 360.0700 383.9059 412.1864 402.6352 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 Cavendish) 415.7386 383.9059 479.3958 402.6352 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 De 90.0240 408.0259 106.3377 426.7552 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 Smith, 109.8200 408.0259 146.8716 426.7552 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 Woolf 150.3254 408.0259 186.0572 426.7552 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 and 189.6500 408.0259 209.8676 426.7552 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 Jowell’s 213.2900 410.2988 259.9753 425.8470 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 Principles 263.5700 409.4579 321.0918 426.6008 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 of 324.5500 409.4579 335.4131 426.6008 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 Judicial 338.9500 409.4579 384.0043 426.6008 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 Review 387.5500 409.4579 427.9852 426.6008 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 (OUP) 431.4700 408.0259 468.7883 426.7552 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 Leyland 90.0240 432.1659 135.9067 450.8952 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 and 139.4600 432.1659 159.6776 450.8952 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 Anthony, 163.2200 432.1659 215.5471 450.8952 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 Textbook 219.0500 433.5979 270.4926 450.7408 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 on 274.0100 433.5979 287.9900 450.7408 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 Administrative 291.5300 433.5979 373.9026 450.7408 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 Law, 377.4700 433.5979 405.1000 450.8952 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 (OUP) 408.5500 432.1659 445.8683 450.8952 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 Academic 72.0240 480.8922 131.1605 500.3376 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 Instrument 134.6600 480.8922 202.3047 500.3376 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 Tutorial 72.0240 504.6459 117.1766 523.3752 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 attendance 120.7288 504.6459 180.5251 523.3752 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 and 184.1000 504.6459 204.3036 523.3752 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 participation: 207.7700 504.6459 282.4066 523.3752 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 10% 285.8042 504.6459 311.6237 523.3752 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 End 72.0240 528.7659 94.6284 547.4952 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 of 98.0640 528.7659 109.8193 547.4952 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 term 113.3000 528.7659 139.0775 547.4952 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 exam: 142.3400 528.7659 176.4713 547.4952 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 90% 180.0200 528.7659 205.7413 547.4952 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 Semester 72.0240 577.4922 126.4852 596.9376 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 & 129.9800 577.4922 141.6753 596.9376 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 Year 145.1000 577.4922 174.7244 596.9376 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 to 178.2200 577.4922 189.9200 596.9376 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 be 193.3700 577.4922 207.4038 596.9376 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 First 210.8900 577.4922 239.7843 596.9376 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 Offered 243.2900 577.4922 289.8467 596.9376 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 Spring 72.0240 601.2458 109.3844 619.9752 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 2010 112.9400 601.2458 140.9498 619.9752 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 LA4044 72.0240 698.0377 126.2880 720.1423 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 – 130.3400 700.4778 138.3200 718.1522 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 LAW 142.3400 698.0377 180.4684 720.1423 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 OF 184.4600 698.0377 206.5715 720.1423 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 THE 210.6500 698.0377 244.3575 720.1423 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 EUROPEAN 248.3475 698.0377 338.1385 720.1423 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 UNION 342.1285 698.0377 395.3871 720.1423 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 2 399.5500 698.0377 407.5300 720.1423 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 Module 72.0240 749.9582 117.9629 769.4036 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 Leader 121.4600 749.9582 164.2961 769.4036 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 Laura 315.4300 749.5919 348.1713 768.3212 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |
48 Donnellan 351.6700 749.5919 409.9079 768.3212 595.3200073242188 841.9199829101562 |