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I take effexor xr 75mg daily - truely do not know if I still need it. | 0 |
Stomach problems early on: bloating, nausea, constipation. | 1 |
No thoughts of suicide just deeper depression. | 1 |
My doctor and I decided to stop taking it. | 0 |
Suicidality increased dramatically in the first three weeks. | 1 |
I have discontinued my daily 10 mg dose to see if I can lose the weight. | 0 |
For a week, I had horrible suicidal thoughts and mood swings, which eventually went away. | 1 |
But these were mostly the side effects, and real improvement in my depression didn't appear for the suggested two weeks. | 1 |
loss of libido, drowsiness. | 1 |
The first day was great, no side effects whatsoever. | 0 |
I began with ten and moved to twenty after a month. | 0 |
My depression is not serious so it looks like I will have to go down a more natural path to help myself. | 0 |
After discussing this drug at great length with my Pdoc, reviewing the research, looking at brain scans etc, we decided this was my best option for managing PTSD symptoms associated with childhood s*xual abuse. | 0 |
I didn't take Lexapro long enough to evaluate it for its intended purpose, because I found the sexual side effects intolerable. | 1 |
But it all went away eventually and I started feeling great. | 0 |
Six hours after my first small (25mg) dose I had diarrhea. | 1 |
the 4th week I went from 30mg daily to 30mg every other day. | 0 |
The last straw was feeling hot all of the time. | 1 |
But it seems less effective in doing so lately. | 0 |
I have thick long dark hair and am devastated, Horrible drug. | 0 |
Moderate to severe dry mouth and dry eyes, occasional constipation or gastric symptoms. | 1 |
You really have to figure out what the right time of day is to take it. | 0 |
Unfortunately, the weight gain and sex drive issue is driving me crazy, and I am considering switching to another drug because of this, but it appears that the other SSRIs have the same issues. | 1 |
It helps me immensely, and the side affects are tolerable, as long as i don't provoke them by missing a dose. | 1 |
During the holidays I increase to 225) I don't get the withdrawal symptoms with this doseage change. | 0 |
Nausea is pretty much gone, and my sleep pattern seems to be normalizing now. | 1 |
I experience frequent headaches as well as insomnia-which has led to a mild addiction to sleeping aids. | 1 |
I would hate to stop the cymbalta but have gone up 3 pant sizes! | 1 |
I will say that withdrawal from Zoloft (or any SSRI) is a very unpleasant experience: severe mental confusion, and objects in your peripheral vision seem to dance about, wheel and lurch unexpectedly (not unlike the "tracers" of LSD). | 0 |
Confusion is really bad, lack of concentration is very bad. | 1 |
Just started taking it a few days ago. | 0 |
We were supposed to get married next month. | 0 |
I was taken off Zoloft and put on Seroquel. | 0 |
Now I have terrible acne and infected cysts under one arm and might go off it all together to see if connected. | 1 |
My family and friends have all noticed how happier I am. | 0 |
I got the "brain zaps" that other people have mentioned. | 1 |
My depression mostly manifested in an inability to start new projects, rather than any feelings of sadness. | 0 |
It really helped my OCD. | 0 |
I was given samples today and took one dose before coming to this site, where I learned that insomnia and decreased libido are serious side effects for many people; these are already major, major issues for me, By now, the first feelings of "tightness" in my head, dry mouth, and a little bit of jitters have begun. | 1 |
Increased sweatiness, extremely oily skin and acne, weight gain, strange dreams, alternating insomnia and then fatigue, and constipation. | 1 |
Felt almost euphoria going off it. | 0 |
I've tried so many, However, I'm ADDICTED I feel. | 0 |
when i would find insects and spiders in the house, i would kill them. | 0 |
I cannot think, spell, or follow through on simple tasks. | 0 |
I get fewer tension headaches. | 0 |
No feelings at all, happy sad, nothing. | 1 |
I felt out of control, & disorientated. | 1 |
It has caused me to be severely fatigued with flu-like symptoms that came on about 24 hours after beginning this drug. | 1 |
I thought there was something seriously wrong with mine, so I'm glad to know it is a side effect and not something else. | 1 |
I feel with feelings (not "numbed"), can cry, laugh and enjoy life. | 0 |
After other patients' ratings and experiences, I learned about Trazadone, I started to sleep, complete with vivid detailed dreams. | 0 |
I've found that the side effects are tolerable in exchange for the remarkably stable feeling I have and the absence of any depression or suicidal thoughts. | 0 |
I dont have fits of rage anymore, I am calm when things happen and that way I deal with them better. | 0 |
Did not work at all. | 0 |
It DID help combat fatigue. | 0 |
The risks of such dangerous and hidden physiological side effects are in NO WAY worth the potential positive effects of so-called subjective "mental stability" which is merely illusory and masks the hidden danger. | 1 |
sick of losing track of what I wanted to say, feeling of numbness, the constant need to sleep. | 1 |
Difficulty reaching orgasm, wierd dreams, weight gain. | 1 |
I also gained like 7lb while on zoloft. | 1 |
I have a subtle ringing in my ears. | 1 |
I only take it now when I am having a particularly BAD day (suicidal). | 0 |
Even with all this I function normally & I am self employed, which is extremely stressful. | 0 |
but it made me feel bad and i was scared to continue. | 0 |
i experienced all these symptoms after just one 10mg pill and still sufering the side effects two weeks later. | 1 |
Insomnia, tension, somnolence, loss of memory, jaw movements. | 1 |
Emotionally much better and able to function but getting depressed about the side effects. | 1 |
Now, it's an incredible change; I feel like I'm a *person* again. | 0 |
Dry Mouth, chronic forgetfulness, a mental 'haze', it feels like I am peeing every liquid out of my body. | 1 |
And there is a chance that it will give you PSSD, which as the name suggests persists even after you stop taking the drug, Just google 'PSSD' and you'll see what I mean, So please: NEVER take this drug, not even one tablet. | 1 |
I also have the worst headaches and while I have the headaches my right eye is blurry. | 1 |
Initial weight gain, but have since lost it. | 1 |
I was also missing meetings! | 1 |
And also sometimes I just can't sleep, I don't feel tired at bedtime (even though I was tired an hour before). | 1 |
These effects go away in 1-3 days. | 1 |
I asked my phamacist, & he said it should subside. | 0 |
Was bedridden that day, Didn't take another tab but still feeling side effects a day later. | 1 |
all subsided within a week. | 0 |
Looked like I could have been in "Night of the Living Dead", Never, never, never again. | 0 |
I was on a very low dose, so I'm not sure if the fatigue and brain fog was due to the drug or the depression that proceeded it, HOWEVER, I had experienced TERRIBLE withdrawal when coming off the drug. (These information are findings, just this ) | 0 |
I insisted that 30mg was working wonders, and he reluctantly prescribed a 2 week course at 30mg Well, that's where I've remained for 3 months now. | 0 |
changed my life | 0 |
It might be worth use by others but it is very hard to stop taking it; not a plus. | 0 |
Not addiction, just an alteration. | 0 |
before i knew it, i was dependent on sleep meds, and was being prescribed tranquilizer type meds too . | 0 |
My meds cost about $800.00 all togther. | 0 |
It is now almost time for bed/my next dose and I still have that feeling in my head and slight headache. | 1 |
but withdrawal is a *bitch*. | 0 |
I am on the low dose, 30mg daily. | 0 |
I guess that's because it's an effective anti-anxiety drug for me. | 0 |
Extreme anxiety attacks lasting for 3 full days and nights . | 1 |
This is the only SSRI that didn't give me gastric side effects. | 0 |
Brief headache, increased sweating at night. | 1 |
But I think there is a life cycle to taking it, maybe 5 years or so; when they increased it to 90mg (April 2012) my cognition got noticeably worse, fatigue got much worse, every side effect amplified | 1 |
I am suffering and should of not trusted the NP who prescribed the pills without first checking it out. | 0 |
After about two weeks, the side effects settled down and I thought I was doing alright. | 1 |
Cymbalta seemed to deaden everything. | 0 |
Zoloft did help with my anxiety but the side effects were just to much to handle to the point that I would rather live with anxiety than to live with these ugly side effects. | 1 |
The counselling does wonders for me. | 0 |
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