reddew / reddit /
chitravyanjan's picture
reddit code
history blame
6.36 kB
import os
from typing import Dict
import requests
from .utils import Utils
from os import path as osp
from pathlib import Path
import pandas as pd
import concurrent
class WallpaperDownloader:
Core class to download images from Reddit.
def __init__(self,
subreddit: str = 'wallpaper',
sort_by: str = 'top',
sort_time: str = 'all',
save_dir: str = 'default'):
Initialize the preference and link to subreddit.
:param subreddit: Name of the subreddit.
:param sort_by: Sort by? Hot/Top/New/Controversial.
:param sort_time: Sort time. day/week/month/year/all
self._url = '{}/{}/.json?raw_json=1&t={}&limit=100'.format(subreddit,
self._preferences_file = Path(save_dir) / 'wp_preferences.json'
self._preferences = self._setup_preferences(save_dir=save_dir)
self.executor = concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=16)
def preferences(self) -> Dict:
Get the preferences.
:return: Preferences Dict.
return Utils.load_preferences(self._preferences_file)
def download_image(image_url, img_save_name):
if osp.exists(img_save_name):
dummy_img_save_name = img_save_name + ".dummy"
with requests.get(image_url, stream=True) as r:
with open('{}'.format(img_save_name), 'wb') as f:
for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=26214400):
if chunk:
if osp.exists(dummy_img_save_name):
def download(self, max_count: int = 200):
This is where all the downloading takes place.
:param max_count: Maximum number of images to download.
:return: num_downloaded: Number of downloaded images.
# Update URL to fetch entries based on max_count.
self._url += '&limit={}'.format(
max_count * 1000) # There are a lot of unwanted images, so setting it to high value.
# Fetch the JSON file for subreddit here.
subreddit_data = Utils.fetch_subreddit_data(subreddit_url=self._url)
# If we can't get subreddit data even after 20 trials, we close the program. Try later.
if subreddit_data is None:
#print('Unable to connect to reddit. Check internet connection. Or try later.')
return 0
count = 0
saved_images = []
for content in subreddit_data['data']['children']:
if content['data'].get('post_hint', 'none') == 'image' and 'preview' in content['data']:
# Get the information about the image.
image_url = content['data']['preview']['images'][0]['source']['url']
image_title = content['data']['title'][:15]
image_title = ''.join(filter(str.isalnum, image_title))
image_id = content['data']['id']
# Set image save name
img_save_name = '{}_{}.jpg'.format(image_title, image_id)
img_save_name = osp.join(self._preferences['wallpaper_dir'], img_save_name)
dummy_img_save_name = img_save_name + ".dummy"
# If we have already downloaded the image, we can skip.
if osp.exists(img_save_name):
open(img_save_name, 'a').close()
os.utime(img_save_name, None)
# Actually downloading the image.
#self.executor.submit(WallpaperDownloader.download_image, image_url, img_save_name)
with requests.get(image_url, stream=True) as r:
with open('{}'.format(img_save_name), 'wb') as f:
for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=26214400):
if chunk:
# Update the preferences.
self._preferences['urls'][image_id] = {'title': image_title,
'url': image_url}
Utils.save_to_preferences(self._preferences, self._preferences_file)
count += 1
# Done downloading, so remove unwanted images and return the total number of saved images.
if count >= max_count:
count_removed = Utils.remove_unwanted_images(saved_images)
return len(saved_images) - count_removed
return count
def _setup_preferences(self, save_dir='default') -> Dict:
Setup the preferences for downloading. Find the machine type etc if its running for the first time.
:return: preferences - Loaded preferences.
# Load the preferences file.
preferences = Utils.load_preferences(self._preferences_file) if osp.exists(self._preferences_file) else {}
# If it's empty (running for the first time), we set it up manually.
if preferences == {}:
os_type, wallpaper_dir = Utils.get_os()
# If wallpapers directory is not there, we create it.
if not osp.exists(wallpaper_dir):
preferences['os_type'] = os_type
preferences['wallpaper_dir'] = wallpaper_dir
preferences['urls'] = dict()
# Update the default dir here.
if save_dir != 'default':
preferences['wallpaper_dir'] = save_dir
# Just save preferences back to file in case of update.
Utils.save_to_preferences(preferences, self._preferences_file)
return preferences