stringlengths 4
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stringlengths 14
Q: ng-repeat in Angular.js not working as expected I have an object of JavaScript that I push it into an array, the code like below:
//Firebase Retrieve Data
var ref = firebase.database().ref().child("pelanggan");
ref.on("child_added", function(snapshot) {
var key = snapshot.key;
console.log("SALES ID : " + key);
var pelangganArr = new Array();
var ref2 = firebase.database().ref().child("pelanggan").child(key);
ref2.on('child_added', function(data) {
var pelanggan = new Object();
pelanggan.alamat = data.val().alamat;
pelanggan.email = data.val().email;
pelanggan.identitas = data.val().identitas;
pelanggan.layanan = data.val().layanan;
pelanggan.lo = data.val().lo;
pelanggan.lt = data.val().lt;
pelanggan.nama = data.val().nama;
pelanggan.noHp = data.val().noHp;
pelanggan.salesId = key;
console.log(pelanggan.salesId+" : "+pelanggan.nama+","+pelanggan.identitas+","+pelanggan.alamat+","+pelanggan.email);
And I use ng-repeat to display it in html, on the console I got:
Sales Controller loaded..
sales.js:120 sales01 : Endang,85764321,Bintaro,[email protected]
sales.js:120 sales01 : Gugi Pratama,1234567894,Jl. Mampang Prapatan,[email protected]
sales.js:120 sales01 : Endang,85764321,Bintaro,[email protected]
sales.js:120 sales01 : Gugi Pratama,1234567894,Jl. Mampang Prapatan,[email protected]
sales.js:120 sales01 : Endang,85764321,Bintaro,[email protected]
sales.js:120 sales01 : Gugi Pratama,1234567894,Jl. Mampang Prapatan,[email protected]
sales.js:120 sales02 : imam farisi,123456789,Jl. Pejaten Raya No.1, Pasar Minggu,[email protected]
sales.js:120 sales02 : Budi,1234567891,Jl. Ragunan Raya No. 1, Jakarta Selatan,[email protected]
sales.js:120 sales02 : Riza Putriyani,1234567892,Jl. Kemang Raya No. 1, Jakarta Selatan,[email protected]
sales.js:120 sales02 : imam farisi,123456789,Jl. Pejaten Raya No.1, Pasar Minggu,[email protected]
sales.js:120 sales02 : Budi,1234567891,Jl. Ragunan Raya No. 1, Jakarta Selatan,[email protected]
sales.js:120 sales02 : Riza Putriyani,1234567892,Jl. Kemang Raya No. 1, Jakarta Selatan,[email protected]
sales.js:120 sales02 : imam farisi,123456789,Jl. Pejaten Raya No.1, Pasar Minggu,[email protected]
sales.js:120 sales02 : Budi,1234567891,Jl. Ragunan Raya No. 1, Jakarta Selatan,[email protected]
sales.js:120 sales02 : Riza Putriyani,1234567892,Jl. Kemang Raya No. 1, Jakarta Selatan,[email protected]
But my view is blank, I wrote the script like:
<tbody ng-controller="SalesCtrl as t">
<tr ng-repeat="pelanggan in pelangganArr">
<td><a class="btn btn-success" ng-click="showEditSalesForm(sales)">Edit</a></td>
<td><a class="btn btn-danger" ng-click="removeSales(sales)">Delete</a></td>
to render it.
I am new in Angular.js.
A: Try
<tr ng-repeat="pelanggan in t.pelangganArr">
A: In your controller declare pelangganArr as $scope.pelangganArr.
Only scope variables are recognised by angular in the DOM and provide 2 way binding.
| {'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42397464', 'timestamp': '2023-03-29', 'source': 'stackexchange', 'question_score': '0'} |
How the National Lottery Finds Jackpot Winners
All winners have 180 days to come forward and claim prizes in the UK, but there is always more interest in whether a large jackpot has been paid out.
As time goes on and prizes remain unclaimed, the balancing act for the National Lottery is spreading the word about big jackpots so that they definitely get claimed before they expire, without releasing information that the winner may not wish to be disclosed.
Find out how the National Lottery locates jackpot winners to help make sure that the luckiest ticket holders receive their money.
If you win any prize, it is entirely your decision as to when you come forward within the 180-day timeframe. The National Lottery will not reveal any details about where a big winning ticket was sold in the first couple of weeks after a draw, in case you would prefer to stay anonymous and keep this information private.
It may be that you want to take some time to seek financial advice, let the news sink in or just enjoy the feeling of normality for a bit longer. Alternatively, you may not check your tickets that regularly; you could have a routine of only looking at your old entries every week or every fortnight, or perhaps you have been on holiday or too busy.
While it is not uncommon for players to wait a few days or more to pick up prizes, especially large ones, the National Lottery does step up its efforts to raise awareness and find jackpot winners after two weeks.
The first course of action is to reveal the area in which the winning ticket was bought. This is done two weeks after the draw and is intended to jog the memories of anyone in that region who bought an entry. The lottery will even send out representatives to the location in question to try and drum up publicity, perhaps having them take part in a fun run or drive around in an ad van.
It is vital to check your entries in the first 30 days after the draw. If you have lost your ticket but think you might be a winner, you could still be paid out if you get in touch with the National Lottery in this time. You need to provide as much information as you can about the ticket, including the shop where you bought it and the date and time of your purchase.
You should also state which draw dates it was valid for, how many entries you purchased and the numbers you played. The more information you can provide, the more chance there is that your claim will be successful, as the National Lottery has a record of all tickets that have been entered and will rigorously investigate any claim before paying out.
If you play online, you still need to contact the National Lottery if you win a prize that is too big to be paid straight into your account. However, it is far less likely that you will miss out on any award as you will be notified by email of any win. Your numbers are also stored safely online so they cannot be lost or stolen.
Days 30 to 180
Beyond the 30th day after a draw, it is not possible to claim a prize unless you have a valid winning ticket. The National Lottery will continue reminding players to check their entries or look anywhere they might have lost one, such as in a trouser pocket or down the back of a sofa.
As long as you come forward with a winning entry before the 180-day deadline, you will still be paid the full amount and have the same rights as anyone who came forward straight away. If you choose to stay anonymous, no more details will be revealed about you or even whether you played individually or as a syndicate.
You can also decide to go public and share your story if you prefer. Andrew Clark, a builder from Boston, opted for publicity in December 2018 when he came forward six weeks after winning a EuroMillions jackpot of £76 million. He had left a collection of tickets in his van all that time and eventually had his partner to thank for urging him to check them.
The 180th day after a draw is the final date that you can come forward. This deadline will be repeatedly publicised so that you know how long you have left, and as long as you make contact with the National Lottery before this day is over you will still be paid your prize.
After more than 180 days have passed, it is too late to come forward and claim any prizes. Even if you take a ticket including all the winning numbers to the National Lottery, your entry will have expired and will be rendered worthless.
After 180 Days
The National Lottery will not pay out on any tickets that are more than 180 days’ old, regardless of the circumstances that may have prevented an earlier claim. Instead, it donates all unclaimed prizes to the Good Causes Fund after 180 days.
This money is used to help support thousands of worthwhile projects in various different sectors - health, education, environment and charitable causes; sports; arts; and heritage. The Good Causes Fund also receives 28p from every £1 spent on National Lottery tickets.
Unfortunately, millions of pounds worth of prizes go unclaimed every year, and in 2012 a EuroMillions jackpot of £63 million was never collected. Go to the Unclaimed Prizes page to see the current list of awards that are still outstanding, and make sure you check your tickets to make sure you don’t miss out on a fortune.
Published: Tuesday 18th June 2019
Lottery News News Archive | {"pred_label": "__label__cc", "pred_label_prob": 0.7340224385261536, "wiki_prob": 0.26597756147384644, "source": "cc/2021-04/en_head_0027.json.gz/line626367"} |
ЗНАЧЕНИЕ: Recorded as Noe, Noy, Noye, Noyce, Noyse, Noice, Noyes, and possibly others, this is an English medieval surname. However spelt it is a patronymic form of the biblical male given name Noah from the Hebrew word 'noach' meaning long-lived. The are two possible origins for the surname. The first is as an Introduction into Europe by the returning Crusaders knights of the 12th century, fresh from their many attempts to rescue the city of Jerusalem from the hands of the Muslims. It became the fashion for these returning warriors to christen their subsequent children with biblical or hebrew names, which later developed into surnames. The second possibity is the name of an actor who played the part of Noah in the medieval miracle plays based on the story of Noah and his ark. The forename is first recorded as Noe in the Staffordshire Chartulary of the year 1125, whilst the surname is well recorded in the surviving London church registers from the Elizabethan times. These recordings include those of Alice Noyes who married an Edmund Holmes at the church of St. Katherine by the Tower (of London) on June 16th 1661, and Richard Noice, who was christened at St Peter-le-Poer, on July 5th 1730. The first recorded spelling of the family name is thought to be that of Thomas Noe, in the register of the Knight Templars (Crusaders) for the county of Warwickshire in the year 1185, and during the reign of King Henry 11nd of England, 1154 - 1189. Throughout the centuries, surnames in every country have continued to 'develop' often leading to astonishing variants of the original spelling.
Однажды, выбежав во двор
И оседлав ракету,
Затеяли ребята спор:
Какую посетить планету?
В фольге у космонавтов
С собою три сосиски,
И пять минут до старта,
Есть список: в этом списке
Луна, Венера, Марс, Юпитер,
Дерзайте, братцы, и летите!
Но вдруг сказала Гаяне:
Нет, я останусь на Земле!
Здесь мама с папой, здесь мой дом
И кошка Люсенька при том,
Летите звезды изучать,
А я вас дома буду ждать! | {"pred_label": "__label__cc", "pred_label_prob": 0.5700320601463318, "wiki_prob": 0.4299679398536682, "source": "cc/2021-04/en_middle_0006.json.gz/line181055"} |
package com.business.data;
import com.business.model.AuctionWinner;
import com.utilities.ExceptionHandler;
import java.util.List;
* Created by zakaria on 29/08/2016.
public class AuctionWinnerDAO {
public synchronized static String insertAuctionWinner(AuctionWinner auctwinner){
return auctwinner.getId()+"";
}catch(Exception e){
ExceptionHandler.handleException("Exception while inserting auctionwinner",e);
return null;
public static String updateAuction (AuctionWinner auctwinner){
try {
AuctionWinner auctU = DAO.getEntityManager().find(AuctionWinner.class,auctwinner.getId());
return auctU.getId()+"";
} catch (Exception e) {
ExceptionHandler.handleException("Exception while updating CaracteristiqueProduit",e);
return null;
public synchronized static boolean deleteAuctwinner(double id){
AuctionWinner auct = DAO.getEntityManager().find(AuctionWinner.class, id);
return true;
}catch(Exception e){
ExceptionHandler.handleException("Exception while deleting auctionwinner",e);
return false;
public synchronized static AuctionWinner getAuctionwinner(double id){
try {
return DAO.getEntityManager().find(AuctionWinner.class,id);
} catch (Exception e) {
ExceptionHandler.handleException("Exception while fetching AuctionWinner by id",e);
return null;
public synchronized static List<AuctionWinner> getAll(){
try {
return DAO.getEntityManager().createQuery("select AuctionWinner from AuctionWinner auct").getResultList();
} catch (Exception e) {
ExceptionHandler.handleException("Exception while fetching all Auction",e);
return null;
| {'content_hash': '7a0c967be5bcf4bd4bfaa6229ff84255', 'timestamp': '', 'source': 'github', 'line_count': 75, 'max_line_length': 125, 'avg_line_length': 39.053333333333335, 'alnum_prop': 0.6353704335950836, 'repo_name': 'mylszakaria/MM-Auction', 'id': '19f11f75b5ab15d308b8f454435581feca8a1f11', 'size': '2929', 'binary': False, 'copies': '1', 'ref': 'refs/heads/master', 'path': 'src/main/java/com/business/data/AuctionWinnerDAO.java', 'mode': '33188', 'license': 'mit', 'language': [{'name': 'Java', 'bytes': '91268'}]} |
Topic Security training and jobs
tiero - Fotolia
Walmart's Jerry Geisler on the CISO position, retail challenges
A global CISO in charge of one of the world's largest cybersecurity programs got his start on the retail floor. He's arrived just in time for the digital transformation.
When he started working at his local Walmart one summer during college, Jerry Geisler had no idea he would spend 27 years at the retailer, learning everything he could as he moved from market teams to the corporate office in Bentonville, Ark., where he investigated fraud and built an internationally accredited (ASCLD/LAB) forensics lab and eDiscovery program. His next challenges lay in information security as Walmart created a security operations center and vulnerability management program that today scans 1 million IP addresses in about four days. Walmart is the second largest employer worldwide with roughly 11,700 stores, clubs and distribution centers in 28 countries. More than half of Walmart's stores are located outside of the United States. And like Amazon, the company is testing a mix of digital and physical delivery models with e-commerce sites in 11 countries.
Three years ago, Geisler moved into an officer role in the assistant CISO position. In January, he was promoted to senior vice president and global CISO, an opportunity that presented itself when the former Walmart CISO Kerry Kilker retired. How did Geisler end up managing the global cybersecurity program of the Fortune 1 retailer? Here, he discusses his retail journey and how opportunities to support a growing business that "sells toothpaste and tennis shoes" led to his security leadership role.
Editor's note: This interview has been edited for length and clarity.
Can you talk about your career trajectory and the steps that led to the CISO position?
Jerry Geisler: I've been with Walmart for 27 years. I started with my local store right out of high school. So I've had an atypical path, I think, to the role that I hold today. When I started with the company, it was a summer job while I was going to college. Eventually, I decided that I wanted to serve, so I joined the Marine Corps. When I came off active duty, I probably had a better sense of service or a better sense of self in terms of where I wanted to go with regard to my career. I went back to college, came back to Walmart. I was actually pursuing a degree with the intention of moving into law enforcement. As I was nearing the completion of that degree, the company presented me with an opportunity to be part of a market team running an area of stores. You know, I considered that offer -- it was one of those points in life where one makes a decision that will drastically alter things -- and I chose to stay with the company. I probably spent 10 years in the field working as part of a market team until I was presented with an opportunity to come into our corporate office. I came into our corporate office into a role where I was conducting insurance fraud investigations and then eventually moved into a role of what we called at the time a corporate fraud examiner, doing more of the corporate fraud investigations.
Did you have a technical background at that point?
Geisler: I did not, outside of being a hobbyist. I was interested in technology but did not have a technical degree at that point. I took an interest in file system forensics, which was sort of a newer field at that time. I recognized as I was engaging in that type of work that very frequently I was having devices coming in to scope or potentially having relevance into whatever matter I was looking into, so I built a laboratory at home. I started devouring everything I could find on file system forensics and interoperability between applications and operating systems and the hardware layer, and understanding what artifacts might be relevant, depending on the operating system, and started to be self-taught. Walmart actually started a forensics team at that point, and I campaigned to move to that team, certainly realizing that I was not perfectly qualified, not having coming up through a traditional technical route.
At the time, I decided to go back to school to also pursue additional business degrees. I was afforded the opportunity to come over as an engineer onto that [forensics] team, and it was interesting, to say the least, because I was surrounded all of a sudden by people who had spent their entire careers in technology, and certainly it was a humbling experience. I probably suffered from imposter syndrome for the first year that I was on the team, but quickly realized that, hey, this is an opportunity to grow -- not only in my career but in shortcutting my technical education.
It was about 15 years ago that I came into technology, so I started to pursue what was at the time technical certifications, to bury myself in on-the-job training, and I started creating what would become the first iterations of some of the documentation for those practices. As I moved up through the engineering ranks, I had previously held roles at the company with managerial or supervisory responsibilities and eventually was asked to lead a team in information security. So I started leading, what was, at the time, our forensics services practices.
And as I was leading that team, there was a realization, I think, at most companies that there was a need to start building SecOps, or security operations capabilities, so I was asked to start looking at that. This would have been in the 2005 to 2006 timeframe. So, the first thing we started looking at was bringing in a security operations center. Of course, I didn't have any expertise in building a security operations center, so we looked externally for expertise to help us with that. And as we did that, we took a step back and said, 'What are the services that we want to provide in our SecOps practices? How do we want to approach this?' And we quickly realized that we were good at a lot of things; we needed to be great at some of them. The team I was leading at the time had responsibility for forensic services and e-discovery that supported our investigations group; we also had threat research, incident response -- all baked into this one team. So we starting splitting these practices apart and growing them and maturing them to a point where they were a very effective capability for information security practices.
As that was occurring, I was afforded the opportunity to advance in my career, so I started as a manager of one team, [became] the senior manager of multiple SecOps teams, eventually moving into a director role running an entire area of information security and then to a senior director, and then to the point where I was tapped by our previous CISO to step into an officer role position as the assistant CISO. I started into that role three years ago, taking on a larger role in the day-to-day operations of the entire department. Until we get to this point where the CISO has retired and I get this opportunity to step into the Walmart CISO role.
Unlike a lot of IT professionals in the CISO position, you really understood the business as you were learning the security aspects of retail.
Geisler: Right, and I intentionally pursued those degrees with the intent of cutting my technical teeth, in certain situations, with on-the-job training and mentorships.
I think understanding our business has served me well in the leadership roles simply because I have a deep appreciation for the history of the company, its values, what is core in terms of our principles and our mission as a company. And that helps me to keep that front and center for our teams, especially in the technology area with things like information security. It is very easy to fall into a myopic view and focus strictly on information security without taking into consideration what is it ultimately that the organization is trying to accomplish strategically. So keeping that front and center for our teams helps not only enable the business but keeps us all grounded because we, as a company, we exist because we sell toothpaste and tennis shoes and all of those things that customers count on us to provide. At the end of the day, we're not in the information security business. So the day that information security makes that prohibitively difficult, there is really no reason for us to be here, so we have to keep that organizational mission front and center.
How much of Walmart's business is online? Is the company still focused on a big box strategy? What are the changes going on there, and how is that affecting your information security programs?
Jerry Geisler
Geisler: Great question! If you look at what the company is doing strategically, it is an omnichannel retail strategy, so certainly brick-and-mortar will remain central, but e-commerce is just as important to us. We want to be able to interact with the consumer however they choose to shop with the company, whether that's in-store, online or via mobile device, and it certainly changes our back-end technology model to deliver those capabilities. New models for security have to emerge as well. So if you think about perhaps the most significant shift occurring across a number of portals, it is the migration to public cloud. As that occurs, we have to rethink how we deploy our security stack in such an environment, and how we have to think differently about security to enable our technology partners and our infrastructure application areas to deliver those services that the business is demanding, that our consumers are demanding, in a way obviously that remains effectively secure.
A [few months] ago, it was reported that one of Walmart's third-party partners likely had a misconfiguration issue with Amazon storage. What happened there?
Geisler: Yes, that's correct. If you look at how retail is evolving in terms of online commerce, it is becoming a platform for other sellers. If you think about Amazon's marketplace or Walmart's marketplace, we are inviting third parties to transact with consumers on our platform. In this particular case, we were contacted by a security researcher who thought that we had exposed a customer database. We quickly triaged that with our incident response team and recognized that it wasn't our environment. It wasn't our database either. It was a company that was selling through our platform, and others, that essentially was storing its customer information. They stored that database in an Amazon S3 bucket, and it was misconfigured and left exposed to the internet. Unfortunately for us, they had named that database Walmart SQL. When you look at the database, there were a number of other retailers in that database besides Walmart, but we were contacted and we got associated with the story.
What is your view of the top challenges for the CISO position in modern environments? Things that are going on now -- you mentioned cloud.
Geisler: I think that it is multifaceted. There is a constantly evolving and emerging threat landscape. We see attacks increase in terms of frequency -- and sophistication. Today, what you see are very sophisticated attacks that can be executed by adversaries that may not be all that technically sophisticated. It has become an underground economy of crimeware services, so you're not dealing with a handful of highly sophisticated and technical miscreants; you could be dealing with thousands more who really are just paying a fee, buying a service, and then pointing an attack at an organization. So I think, in any modern enterprise, the CISO is balancing the business objectives and strategies with the risk that comes hand in hand with those. We have to recognize that most enterprises are not in the information security business; they are in some other business, and you have to understand how to facilitate and enable that business to be successful to achieve those strategic objectives, while also ensuring that we are meeting our obligations of adequately protecting the organization against risk and threats.
I think another area that is a challenge for every CISO is the lure for talent. It is well-documented that security has near full employment or negative unemployment, and you read articles very frequently about what the shortage is going to be in the next two, three, five years. How do you attract that talent to your organization? How do you retain talent? There's a lot of conversation about the diversity of talent in the cybersecurity workforce, and we play a role in creating the opportunities to attract the entirety of the workforce to our organization. What are we doing to grow that next generation of security practitioners or information security leaders so that when it comes time for my retirement or exit from the organization, or any other personnel from the organization, what's our plan to ensure that we don't miss a beat?
When you look at the ever-increasing demand on technology to deliver capabilities to the business, how does security engage in that agile development environment? Are we effectively engaging with our other technology partners so that security does not become the bottleneck or choke point to that business value? And that takes a very concerted and intentional effort but also a mindset that is dedicated to that way of thinking so that security does not start to get perceived as the department of 'no.' Really, security is a partner that helps to solve a technology problem so that the technology organization can deliver value for the business in a way that we are ensuring that we are protecting the business, our customers and our associates.
Your rise to the CISO position is somewhat unique in that your career in security has grown along with the security operations of the organization. Are there any anecdotes that you could share that illustrate some of the lessons that you have learned along the way that may help those who are interested in pursuing a senior security management career?
Geisler: Sure. It is not necessarily my anecdote; it is one that comes from our [president and] CEO Doug McMillon, and I'm certainly not comparing myself to him. And I will tell you that my security journey or my career journey, while it may be somewhat atypical, it is not unique within Walmart. I can point to people all over the organization that have started in vastly different roles and been given the opportunity to do things that they never would have conceived of, myself included. Doug started at the company as a forklift driver in a warehouse, and today [he heads] a Fortune 1 company. And someone asked, 'How does that happen?' And Doug hesitated and then he said, 'You know I just raised my hand a lot.' And I thought that is such a simple answer, but it was absolutely brilliant. And I think how I would translate that back to my own career is when opportunity is presented, while you may realize that you are not perfectly qualified, don't shy away from it.
The other thing I would say is, don't ever feel like you've arrived; be a continuous, lifelong learner. Read a lot. Understand your industry, understand the security industry. Be a mentor; look for mentors. And if you are a mentor, realize that you learn from your mentees as well, so it's not just a one-way conversation.
I'm an average individual that's been offered extraordinary opportunities. And I've been fortunate enough to take those opportunities when presented -- I raised my hand. So, I raised my hand, and then I quickly made a point to understand, 'How am I going to be successful in this next step?' and invested the time necessary to grow and develop as a security practitioner and as a technologist and probably most importantly as a leader.
Find out more about Walmart's vulnerability management and other security initiatives across its environments, including cloud, in part two of this interview.
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Below are answers to Frequently Asked Question by our general audience, if you need additional help or clarification, please use the Online Chat link available in the bottom right.
What does the Ghana Free Zones Authority do?
The Ghana Free Zones Authority promotes investment through the provision of a conducive business environment and attractive incentives.
Where is the Ghana Free Zones Authority located?
The GFZA Head Office is located at 5th Link Road East Cantonment, close to NAFTI Hostel, near American Embassy in Accra. The Free Zone enclaves are located in Tema,Kumasi, and Takoradi.
Is there any obligation to have a Ghanaian partner to be able to establish a Free Zone company in Ghana?
No. A free zone company in Ghana can be 100% foreign owned, 100% Ghanaian owned or investors from different countries coming together to form a company or a joint venture between a Ghanaian and a foreigner.
Do Ghanaians also qualify to be in the free zone?
Yes. Ghanaians qualify to be in the free zones only if they can export atleast 70% of their products.
What is the minimum capital requirement needed to invest in a free zone company?
Free Zone investors do not require any minimum capital investment. However, an investor should be able to show evidence of funding and investors must indicate their ability to fulfill the minimum 70% export requirement.
How does a company become a Free Zone Company? Or what are the procedures to become a free zone company?
c. After completing the application and submitting it with all the necessary and required documents, and upon receipt, GFZA will notify the prospective investor of the status of his/her application for license within 28 working days.
How long does it take to get a Free Zone license?
After completing the application and submitting it with all the necessary and required documents, and upon receipt, GFZA will notify the prospective investor of the status of his/her application for a license within 28 working days.
What incentives do licensed free zone companies get?
a. 100% exemption from payment of direct and indirect duties and levies on all imports for production and exports from free zones.
b. 100% exemption from payment of income tax on profits for 10 years which will not exceed 8% thereafter.
c. Total exemption from payment of withholding taxes from dividends arising out of free zone investment.
d. Relief from double taxation for foreign investors and employees where Ghana has a double taxation agreement with the country of the investors or employees.
a. No import licensing requirements.
d. There are no conditions or restrictions on repatriation of dividends or net profit, payments for foreign loan servicing, payments of fees and charges for technology transfer agreements and remittance of proceeds from sale of any interest in a free zone investment.
e. Free Zone investors are permitted to operate foreign currency accounts with banks in Ghana.
f. At least 70% of annual production of goods and services of Free Zone Enterprises must be exported, consequently up to 30% of annual production of goods and services of a free zone enterprise are authorized for sale in the local market.
g. Free Zone investments are also guaranteed against nationalization and expropriation.
What sectors can free zone companies invest in?
The following priority sectors have been identified by the Board based on the comparative advantages of the country. These sectors are however not exclusive. Investors can invest in any other sector of their choice with exception of plastic manufacturing, Timber related activities and enterprises engaged in the exploration of extraction of precious metals, gas and crude oil.
What is the cost involved in obtaining a free zone license?
The GFZA application form costs US$100.00. In addition to the application form fee, the following fees are also paid based on the sector.
a. A Developer’s license fee of US$5,000.00 or its equivalent in Ghana Cedis is charged by the GFZA in the first instance and a renewal fee of US$4,000.00 or its equivalent in Ghana Cedis is paid annually by the Developer.
or its equivalent in Ghana Cedi is paid annually by the Enterprise Operator.
Will a foreign investor be allowed to bring some skilled labors to Ghana to train local staff?
This is allowed only if the said skill that is being brought to Ghana is proven not to be available in Ghana.
Do special labor law apply to Free Zone companies?
No, Free Zones companies are subject to the same labor laws as any other company in Ghana. They enjoy the same rights and privileges as non-free zone companies.
Is the Ghana Free Zones Authority private or public?
Ghana Free Zones Authority is a public agency under the Ministry of Trade and Industry.
Do Free zone companies pay property tax?
Yes, free zone companies pay property tax.
How long has the Ghana Free Zones Authority been in existence?
The Ghana Frees Zones Authority has been in existence since 1995 by an Act of Parliament, Act 1995 LI 1618. The Act was passed in September 1995 and the Secretariat commenced operation in August 1996. | {'timestamp': '2019-04-25T14:45:56Z', 'url': 'https://gfzb.gov.gh/index.php/faqs/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'} |
how to use @api.constrains decorated method ?
Hello , in this blog we will learn the definition of @api.constrains in Odoo and it’s use cases.
To enforce date integrity Odoo support tow type of constraints : SQL and Python we are going to talk about the Pythonic way @api.constrains.
In our daily usage of Odoo we face some condition that should be checked before using theme in our functions ,for example : check start_date is below end_date , make sure the marks do not underpass 20 (which will be our case in this post).
Here we have declared a marks class and it’s corresponding fields , we want to check that the marks Float exam 1,exam 2,average does not exceed 20.
So we’re going to loop on our record using @api.one (which we are going to explain on next posts). then declare @api.constraints containing the fields which we are going to check. if one or all the fields exceed 20 we trigger an exception and we got a popup we the defined message. | {'timestamp': '2019-04-25T16:02:33Z', 'url': 'https://odooforbeginnersblog.wordpress.com/2017/03/02/how-to-use-api-constrains-decorated-method/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'} |
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U.S. negotiators to head to China on Monday for face-to-face talks
By Shawn Donnan and Jenny Leonard
Published: Wed, July 24, 2019 5:00 AM
People walk by an electronic stock board of a securities firm in Tokyo, Tuesday, July 23, 2019. Asian stock markets rose on Tuesday on optimism over possible new U.S.-China talks despite rising Middle East tensions. [AP Photo/Koji Sasahara]
U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer and senior U.S. officials are set to travel to China next Monday for the first high-level, face-to-face trade negotiations between the world's two biggest economies since talks broke down in May.
Lighthizer and a small team will be in Shanghai through Wednesday, according to people familiar with the plans who asked not to be identified. The meeting will involve a broad discussion of the issues outstanding and isn't expected to yield major breakthroughs, a senior administration official said.
President Donald Trump and Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping met at the Group of 20 summit in Japan last month and declared a tentative truce in their yearlong trade war. The leaders directed their negotiators to resume trade talks. Since then Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, Lighthizer and their Chinese counterparts have spoken by phone.
According to a senior administration official, the Chinese requested that the meeting take place in Shanghai, rather than Beijing.
Stocks jumped to their high for the day, with the S&P 500 up 0.6% as of 2:45 p.m. in New York.
U.S. officials have played down the likelihood of a quick deal with China.
"It is impossible to judge how long it will take when the president's objective is to get a proper deal or go ahead with tariffs," Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross told Bloomberg TV on Tuesday. "It is not important whether it be done a week from Tuesday or a month or two months."
The sides remain at odds over significant issues like Washington's demands for structural reforms to China's economy and Beijing's call for the U.S. to remove existing punitive tariffs on imported Chinese goods.
The talks in recent weeks have focused on Huawei licenses and agriculture purchases, and lacked engagement on structural issues that the U.S. wants addressed in any trade deal.
People familiar with next week's meeting say it's a positive step for talks overall but caution that it's likely to feature a wide-ranging discussion of where things stand, rather than a chance for substantive negotiations. It's still unclear what the starting point will be for deeper discussions. Talks collapsed in May because the two countries disagreed on draft terms of a deal.
The meeting will be the first time that China's Commerce Minister Zhong Shan joins the core group of negotiators, which on the Chinese side has been led by Vice Premier Liu He.
Zhong is seen as more of a hardliner than Liu and some China watchers say he was added to the talks to ensure that a more hawkish view is represented at the table. Zhong is a known quantity for many U.S. officials, including Lighthizer who has met him several times over the past two years at international meetings such as Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summits.
On Monday, Trump and senior White House officials, including Mnuchin and Lighthizer, met with chief executives of U.S. technology companies in a step toward easing a ban on sales to China's Huawei Technologies Co., which has been another point of tension in the relationship.
National Economic Council Director Larry Kudlow told reporters Tuesday that the meeting was positive and cited it as one reason he's optimistic that in-person talks with China were likely to resume soon.
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© 2006-2020 GateHouse Media, LLC. All rights reserved | {"pred_label": "__label__wiki", "pred_label_prob": 0.8366627097129822, "wiki_prob": 0.8366627097129822, "source": "cc/2020-05/en_middle_0111.json.gz/line354070"} |
The first things that I need to get across are 1) I am a technophile, more to the point I love gadgets, I have a very real need for new things to play with on a regular basis. 2) My mobile phone network of choice is Orange, not for any special reason, it’s just that that’s the one I landed on. 3) My contract is due for renewal in July and I’m in the market for an upgrade.
While trying not to deviate from the righteous path of rant into the dark fields of viral marketing Nokia’s new N97 has me Greasy excited.
It would need to really, considering the last Nokia product I owned was a Gen 1 N95 which was so flaky I nearly ate it. While in the bath. I eventually had a hissy fit with it in Blockbuster car park, took the battery out and refused to put it back in. It was at this point I vowed I would never own another Nokia product.
But seriously God-damn that’s one awesome looking gadget!
So any way, I’m thinking woot! awesome new toy just around the corner, let’s have a look at it on the Orange website. Hmm, not on the phones coming soon page, strange you’d think they’d have made more of a fuss about such an important product. So I checked The Feed (Faux corporate blog), one entry, answered with possibly the most insulting, patronising answer a marketing drone could muster. Not the type of coverage you’d expect for a device being hailed as the next big step in mobile technology.
Finally, feeling defeated I turned to google for my answers. The answer I found has left me disappointed, and will probably lead to my changing my service provider. Among its many features the N97 has integrated 3G Skype support, meaning it would allow owners to talk for an unlimited amount of time for free, anywhere in the world. This is no doubt making many mobile service operators tremble as should it catch on it would ultimately negate international call charges.
Using orange as an example, to call Australia using an Orange mobile phone costs a whopping 49 pence per minute! Any where in the rest of the world other than the US, Australia or Europe costs almost a pound a minute. At the moment therefore calling abroad from a mobile would only ever be a final option. Using a Voice over Internet Protocol such as Skype however places all locations under one price-band. zero pence per minute. That’s only short term as well. Should this trend continue, as VoIP phones become more main stream we will eventually see all call charges for become a thing of the past.
This doesn’t really relate to me at the moment. There is no-one I really need to call livng overseas who I really need to talk to, VoIP isn’t yet so popular that I can abandon regular calling. That isn’t and should never be the point though. My point is that a company who I Choose to patronise is refusing to provide me with a product I want, and am willing to pay for because it cannot dictate to me the way the product will be used.
Recently HMV announced that it was to start accepting used games as store credit against any of the items in in the shop, and if you wade throught the extended marketdrone-speak in the MCV article you’ll notice a stunning and somewhat amazing thing; they talk about reselling games in their fancy new oh-so-achingly modern stores but they ever once use the words ‘second hand’ or ‘used’.
As a society I think we’ve become used to doublespeak and the depredations of marketing predators, but are we so vain that we have to revert shady words like ‘pre-owned’ to justify ourselves? Pretty much everyone I know never refers to games as anything except ‘pre-owned’ in this context, myself included. Despite the glaring semantic problem that the phrase pre-owned evokes, it just seems dishonest.
But ’tis not just us proles! The whole damn videogaming establishment is up to it, even in an article complaining about them Mr. David Braben himself shows that he is infected with this terrible meme. Mr. Braben’s abject hatred for us consumers has been well documented in his insistance on forcing the great satan of Lenslok upon us poor Spectrum owners, so maybe he is part of this terrible conspircy to protect us from feeling like a herd of filthy unwashed cockerneys buying our soiled chimneysweep jackets from stalls on Portobello Road.
Back to the point! HMV is staring to sell second hand games and Mr. David Braben thinks this is bad because it stuffs up sales figures. Maybe that’s true, but I have learned one thing in my years of gaming; nobody buys the good games anyway, see Beyond Good and Evil, Psychonauts, Terra Nova and Limbo of the Lost.
Maybe not that last one. | {'timestamp': '2019-04-19T05:05:11Z', 'url': 'https://stuporcollider.wordpress.com/tag/marketdrones/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'} |
Home>401K Directory>A.J. Rose Manufacturing Co.
A.J. Rose Manufacturing Co. Retirement and 401k Plan for Non-Union Employees is a defined contribution plan with a profit-sharing component and 401k feature. This plan has a BrightScope Rating of 79, placing it in the top 15% of all plans in its peer group. This plan is also in the top 15% of plans for Account Balances and Company Generosity. A.J. Rose Manufacturing Co. Retirement and 401k Plan for Non-Union Employees currently has over 100 active participants and over $17.8M in plan assets. | {'timestamp': '2019-04-21T10:27:10Z', 'url': 'https://www.brightscope.com/401k-rating/147018/Aj-Rose-Manufacturing-Co/149240/Aj-Rose-Manufacturing-Co-Retirement-And-401K-Plan-For-Non-Union-Employees/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'} |
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Tag Archives: telengana
What can Telangana learn from the Scottish referendum…
By MK | February 17, 2014 - 8:29 pm | May 6, 2014 blogging
Try typing Telangana on Google and one of the top suggestions you will find is “Telangana issue”. I guess at this point of time there is no surprise that Telangana is known for all the wrong reasons. The question is why Telangana is in such a mess?
Let’s look at the issue in simple terms. Andhra Pradesh(AP) is a state which was formed post independence. Even during that time there was reluctance for Telangana to join Andhra Pradesh. Telangana forms approximately 40% of AP and accounts for 75% of the state’s revenue with the majority coming from Hyderabad which is the capital city. There has been a feeling of exploitation being part of AP as Telangana generates almost three- fourths of the state revenue. This forms the core issue behind requests for a separate Telangana state.
The issue was present in 1956 when Telangana was merged with AP and continues even today. So after 5 decades of peace and violence the Indian Government decides to carve a new state called Telangana. The point to be noted in this is that the Indian central government decides to create a new state and not the people of AP or Telangana even.
This brings me to the question of democracy in India. What is democracy? Abraham Lincoln quoted “Democracy as the government of the people, by the people and for the people”. In actual fact most countries follow a representative democracy rather than a direct democracy where the elected members of the people makes decisions for them and India is also 1 of the countries with a representative democracy. So the Indian government which is the elected representative of the people decide to create a new state.
Now let’s look at the issue of Scotland. Scotland is part of the British Union which is based on a treaty in 1707 and Scotland has remained part of the union till date. Scotland also wants to become a separate nation mostly for economic reasons for several years. In 1997 Scotland formed its own parliament and got some powers of governance over Scotland which it could exercise independent of the UK parliament/government. The concept of home rule or an independent Scotland has been there for ages and the SNP won the elections in Scotland and vowed to hold a referendum on independence by 2010. Although this wasn’t possible due to political reasons, it won the elections again in 2011 and had promised the Scottish people a referendum by 2014 or 2015.
What’s a referendum? Referendum is a direct vote by all of the electorate in relation to a particular proposal. This is an example of a direct democratic exercise. In Scotland the Scottish people get to decide whether they want to be an independent country through the referendum vote which is set for the 18th of Sept 2014. So the proposal was introduced in March 2013 and it gives 18 months for various political parties to voice their views/opinions on it and then let people of Scotland vote on it.
The point that we need to be clear here is that UK also has a representative democracy (although Monarch is the head of state) but on major issues like Scotland they have a referendum. The conservatives have promised that if they are re-elected there will be a referendum on whether UK should be part of the EU.
Switzerland is another country where referendums are used and there was a recent referendum on limiting EU migrants. Although this vote has created more storm in the EU- Swiss relations it is another example of using referendum as a tool to make major policy decisions.
The question now is “Is India ready to have referendums on major policy decisions like the Telangana issue to reach a democratic and amicable solution?” Can the people of Telangana decide whether they want to be part of AP? Will they ever get a choice?
Tagged andhra pradesh, india, referrendum, scotland, telengana | {"pred_label": "__label__wiki", "pred_label_prob": 0.5613333582878113, "wiki_prob": 0.5613333582878113, "source": "cc/2023-06/en_head_0049.json.gz/line577804"} |
Brain Injury Attorney Shana De Caro Elected Chairwoman Brain Injury Association of America
De Caro & Kaplen, LLP
Shana De Caro
Shana De Caro elected Chairwoman of the Brain Injury Association of America
I am excited and humbled to accept this new role on behalf of the over 5.2 million Americans living with disability caused by brain trauma.”
— Shana De Caro
PLEASANTVILLE, NEW YORK, USA, January 7, 2021 /EINPresswire.com/ -- Shana De Caro, a partner in the New York personal injury law firm, De Caro & Kaplen, LLP, has been elected as chairwoman of the Brain Injury Association of America (BIAA) for 2021.
De Caro has advocated on behalf of individuals and their families following a traumatic or acquired brain injury for over 35 years, and is respected nationally for her knowledge, passion, and drive to protect the rights of those who have sustained brain damage. She has previously served as vice chair, secretary, and board of directors’ member of the Brain Injury Association of America.
In accepting her new position, De Caro said, “I am excited and humbled to accept this new role on behalf of the over 5.2 million Americans living with disability caused by brain trauma.”
Founded in 1980, the Brain Injury Association of America is the oldest, largest, and only nationwide brain injury advocacy organization in the United States. As the voice of brain injury, BIAA provides help, hope, and healing for the millions of Americans who sustain this life-altering injury.
Shana De Caro, a graduate of the Benjamin Cardozo Law School, has devoted her professional career to representing survivors of brain trauma and other personal injury caused by negligence and medical malpractice. Her professional activities include being elected as the first female chair of the Traumatic Brain Injury Litigation Group, American Association for Justice; president of the Top 25 Brain Injury Attorney Group of the National Trial Lawyer Association; member of the Board of Directors, New York State Academy of Trial Lawyers. She has lectured to brain injury advocacy groups on effectively representing survivors of brain trauma, and is a contributing author on legal aspects of brain injury to the New York Law Journal, Neuro Clinics of North America, and other medical and legal publications.
De Caro further stated, “I am honored our board of directors has elected me to this position of responsibility and trust” and expressed her desire to continue the Brain Injury Association of America’s mission to improve the lives of brain injury survivors, “I will continue to collaborate with the association’s incredible staff and board to build a better world for persons with a brain injury and their families, to further BIAA’s mission to advance awareness, research, treatment, and education, and to improve the quality of life for all people affected by brain injury.”
De Caro & Kaplen, LLP is a New York based personal injury law firm nationally recognized for its expertise in brain injury litigation. Shana De Caro is the lead author of the Amicus Curiae brief submitted to both the United States Third Circuit Court of Appeals and the United States Supreme Court on behalf of the Brain Injury Association of America, which contested the NFL concussion settlement as not being in the best interests of all players who sustained brain trauma while playing professional football.
Michael V. Kaplen
Distribution channels: Education, Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals Industry, Law, Politics
De Caro & Kaplen LLP Announce 2020 Traumatic Brain Injury Scholarship Winner
New York Brain Injury Lawyers Launch “Brain Injury Insider” Video Series | {"pred_label": "__label__wiki", "pred_label_prob": 0.8523525595664978, "wiki_prob": 0.8523525595664978, "source": "cc/2021-04/en_head_0056.json.gz/line709030"} |
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If you are switching jobs: The replacement of job shouldn't be an excuse for labelling the workplace you have worked in as poor. You should show your boss why you're leaving the business and you ought to point out the things that bothered you, take action in a polite and professional method however. Keep a way of measuring professionalism that has led one to this point in your career. This can help one to make solid references in the future. In conversations with brand-new potential employers, it's important to be expert. You should also tell your better that you will be grateful for the chance which you have had in working for his or hers business. You never know whenever your present boss will end up being an excellent reference. Be aware that no one loves to be criticized. Not even from subordinates or colleagues. Should they deserve it still. Anyone with whom you have ever worked with can be a possibly positive reference. Usually do not demolish the bridges behind you. Keep genuine contacts. | {'timestamp': '2019-04-21T07:17:01Z', 'url': 'https://za.careerdp.com/?q=mazars+careers+jobs', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'} |
Swing Central Jazz is a three-day workshop and competition with a collective approach to big band jazz instruction. Led by pianist/composer/educator Marcus Roberts, the clinician team includes a wide range of jazz educators. Wycliffe was once again an instructor for the workshop/competition and performed at the popular closing week “All Star Jam” concert. The festival was a huge success! | {'timestamp': '2019-04-19T09:06:09Z', 'url': 'https://wycliffegordon.com/2018/03/swing-central-jazz-2018/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'} |
Arizona Sun Blanket Flower will grow to be about 8 inches tall at maturity extending to 12 inches tall with the flowers, with a spread of 15 inches. When grown in masses or used as a bedding plant, individual plants should be spaced approximately 12 inches apart. Its foliage tends to remain low and dense right to the ground. It grows at a fast rate, and under ideal conditions can be expected to live for approximately 5 years. This plant should only be grown in full sunlight. It prefers dry to average moisture levels with very well-drained soil, and will often die in standing water. It is considered to be drought-tolerant, and thus makes an ideal choice for a low-water garden or xeriscape application. It is not particular as to soil type or pH, and is able to handle environmental salt. It is highly tolerant of urban pollution and will even thrive in inner city environments. This particular variety is an interspecific hybrid. It can be propagated by division; however, as a cultivated variety, be aware that it may be subject to certain restrictions or prohibitions on propagation. Arizona Sun Blanket Flower is a fine choice for the garden, but it is also a good selection for planting in outdoor pots and containers. It is often used as a 'filler' in the 'spiller-thriller-filler' container combination, providing a mass of flowers against which the thriller plants stand out. Note that when growing plants in outdoor containers and baskets, they may require more frequent waterings than they would in the yard or garden. | {'timestamp': '2019-04-23T17:03:04Z', 'url': 'https://www.calloways.com/plants-flowers/perennials/arizona-sun-blanket-flower/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'} |
From the Institutes
Decisions at the crossroads of cellular life
Stem cells in the finding phase
A barrier is established shortly after stem cells differentiate
Why can body cells be reprogrammed into stem cells? Researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics in Berlin have now investigated the transition phase between stem cells and specialised body cells. They have identified a molecular barrier that determines the efficiency of reprogramming.
In the transition phase, most of the differentiating cells return to their stem cell state as soon as the genes for the stem cell program have been reactivated. Under the microscope, stem cell colonies appear green, while all other cells remain red.
© MPI f. Molecular Genetics/ Evgeny Yurkovsky
That is life: The fertilized egg initially develops into an embryo with indeterminate pluripotent cells, which are then able to generate the whole organism. “In nature, this process is a one-way street”, says Alexander Meissner, Director at the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics in Berlin and Head of the Department of Genome Regulation.
The possibility to reverse the cell’s path from being an all-rounder that turns into highly specialized liver, muscle or skin cells, has been known for more than 50 years, explains Meissner. “It’s just that in 2006, the process suddenly became much easier.” At the time, the Japanese scientist Shinya Yamanaka succeeded in tricking mature skin cells directly into what he termed induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS cells). Meissner, who was working in this field at the time, was fascinated and focused his subsequent studies at Harvard University and now at the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics in Berlin on understanding this remarkable process.
Just like embryonic stem cells, the iPS cells can easily turn into practically any type of cell. “iPS cells need only a few days to differentiate into a somatic cell type,” says Meissner. “We were curious to explore when that decision is final and the cells can no longer turn back.” In a new study recently, the scientist and his team show when it becomes difficult to reverse this commitment and explore the underlying mechanism.
Reprogramming is still a black box for researchers
“The mechanisms underlying the reprogramming of cells are still largely a black box for us,” says Meissner. “From the perspective of developmental biology, it is unclear why all the cells of the body maintain the potential for reprogramming at all.” Because in normal development, the pluripotent stem cells “differentiate” into mature cells and these are not supposed to change their identity anymore. From a liver cell, only more liver cells arise, and the same goes for any cell like muscle cells or skin cells.
Camille Sindhu and Zack Smith from Meissner's team at Harvard started working on the experiments together with Evgeny Yurkovsky from the Iftach Nachman lab at Tel Aviv University. They first generated iPS cells from connective tissue cells of a mouse by activating a group of genes famously called “OSKM”: Oct4, Sox2, Klf4 and c-Myc. These contain the blueprints for transcription factor proteins that are active only in stem cells and control the stem cell program. They trigger a cascade of molecular processes that can plunge already differentiated cells into an “identity crisis”. After two weeks, the factors transform one out of a hundred body cells into a pluripotent stem cell. This cell keeps dividing, but does not differentiate as long as its nutrient solution is supplemented with hormone-like signal substances that act as “stem cell signals”.
Later the team was expanded by Sudhir Thakurela, a computational biologist in the Meissner lab at Harvard and Christina Riemenschneider, an experimental biologist in the lab in Berlin. They removed the stem cell signals in the culture medium and observed as the cells slowly turned into differentiated cells. They then kept checking whether and how well they were able to switch back to the stem cell state, as soon as the cells received just the stem cell signal or in combination with the four OSKM factors.
In a suspended state between stem and body cell
In the experiment, Meissner’s team slid back and forth between the stem cell and specialized body cell states, thereby focusing on the period in the life of the cell, in which it ponders a certain “career path”, but has not yet fully embarked on it. This transition phase is about 48 hours long, the scientists found. During this phase, the differentiating cells quickly and efficiently returned to their stem cell status, as soon as the researchers re-activated the OSKM factors for 12 to 24 hours. Up to 80 percent of cells became stem cells again.
The success rate fell to less than one percent as soon as the scientists gave the cells more than the two days to develop. By then, the cells had become already so highly specialized that reprogramming efforts took the usual two weeks, meaning whether the cells were differentiated for just days or came from mature body cells no longer played a role.
An identity-creating tipping point
As soon as the cells crossed this particular window, the stem cell program could no longer be efficiently re-activated. Meissner’s team was particularly interested in this tipping point and wanted to figure out, what changes from before and after and what exactly defines this transition phase.
The researchers profiled the behavior of the factor Oct4 during this critical phase. As a member of the OSKM group it is indispensable for the reprogramming. The powerful transcription factor controls a variety of genetic programs by selectively docking to different sites on the DNA strand activating thousands of genes.
The way back to indecision
In cells that can still efficiently return to the stem cell state, Oct4 accessed a subset of DNA regions that it usually binds in the stem cells. In total, there are about 3,000 accessible regions in the genome. These sites or at least a subset thereof might be key to pave the way for reactivating the entire stem cell program, the researchers concluded.
Interestingly, some of these DNA sites retain an “epigenetic memory” of the pluripotent state even in the fully differentiated body cells. Usually, cells block out unneeded developmental genes and marks them inactive after differentiation. “Here a small subset of genomic sites appears to remain open to Oct4 in all body cells,” says Meissner. The researcher can only guess, why the cell does not also epigenetically block these sections: “It might have something to do with the development of the gametes, which are specified at a later point in mammalian development.”
During fertilization, the gametes, i.e. ova and sperm, unite to form the first cell of a new organism. They have some regulatory properties that resemble stem cells. After all, they are supposed to develop into a completely new organism. “Maybe the cell cannot afford to epigenetically lock down the stem cell program completely, because the organism has not yet decided which cells should go into the germ line," says the scientist. “Perhaps the germ line program enables cellular reprogramming – as a sort of side effect,” speculates Meissner. This, however, would have to be shown in further studies. Although the publication sheds some light on the “black box” of reprogramming, the exact interplay of genes during the cell’s most important career decisions remains opaque.
Images of Science
Prof. Alexander Meissner
Director, Head of Dept. of Genome Regulation Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics, Berlin +49 30 8413-1880 [email protected]
Dr. Martin Ballaschk
Communications Officer Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics, Berlin +49 30 8413-1160 [email protected]
Sudhir Thakurela, Camille Sindhu, Evgeny Yurkovsky, Christina Riemenschneider, Zachary D. Smith, Iftach Nachman & Alexander Meissner
Differential regulation of OCT4 targets facilitates reacquisition of pluripotency.
Nat Commun. 2019 Sep 30;10(1):4444
2021 Animal Welfare Research Prize for Max Planck researchers
Awards Brain Stem Cells
Max Planck researchers lay the foundation for the automated production and analysis of human 3D tissues for drug and toxicity research
Synthetic tissue model with blood vessels
Researchers investigate which material properties support vessel formation
Cell-based method for the regeneration of myelin
Direct reprogramming of pericytes in oligodendrocyte precursors as a potential basis for cell-based therapeutic strategy
Embryonic development in a Petri dish
Developmental Biology Stem Cells
3D cell culturing technique could replace mouse embryos
Midbrain organoids for automated chemical screening and disease research
Max Planck Innovation licenses process for the generation of organ-like tissue aggregates to biotech company StemoniX
Stem cells moonlight to protect the stomach from bacterial invaders
Infection Biology Stem Cells
A subpopulation of stem cells releases antimicrobial peptides to defend the gastric mucosa against pathogenic bacteria
Organoids reveal inflammatory processes in chlamydia infections
Researchers discover how bacteria could promote inflammation and the development of ovarian cancer
A new genome for regeneration research
Cell Biology Genetics Stem Cells
First complete genome assembly of planarian flatworm reveals treasure trove on the function and evolution of genes
Crowding in the skin
Stem cells sense neighbourhood density to make decisions on their behaviour
Bioengineered livers mimic natural development
Cell Biology Developmental Biology Medicine Stem Cells
Scientists discover that three-dimensional liver buds grown in a dish from stem cells mimic the molecular signatures observed during the natural development of human liver
Stem cells leave blood vessels in areas of the bone marrow with low blood flow
Cell Biology Developmental Biology Stem Cells
Hematopoietic stem cells adhere to net-like blood vessels and transmigrate
Reprogrammable skin stem cells in a test-tube
New system could reduce number of animal experiments | {"pred_label": "__label__wiki", "pred_label_prob": 0.6320567727088928, "wiki_prob": 0.6320567727088928, "source": "cc/2022-05/en_middle_0059.json.gz/line877593"} |
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(2) The protection of journalists and of headquarters or offices of radio-broadcasters in the terms of paragraph (1) may not become a pretext to prevent or restrict the free exertion of their profession or activity.
Searches unfolded at radio-broadcasters’ head offices or precincts shall not prejudice the free expression of journalists nor shall suspend program broadcasting.
(5) The control exerted by the Council regarding the content of program services offered by radio-broadcasters audiovisual media services providersand upon the offer of program services ensured by service distributors shall be usually accomplished on a periodical basis and whenever the Council deems it necessary or whenever a complaint is forwarded in regard to a radio-broadcaster’s failure to observe the legal provisions, the regulation norms in the field or the liabilities recorded in the audio-visual license.
(6) In case of failing to observe the provisions of this Article, the concerned person is rightfully dismissed and his position becomes vacant and is to be occupied by the deputy on the proposal of the specialised standing commission of the Parliament.
(1) The activity of the Council is financed from the state budget.
Provisions of art. 22 and art. 24 shall not apply to program services that are intended for local audiences, covered by broadcasters that are not part of a national network .
(1) With a view to encouraging and facilitating a pluralist expression of opinion trends, broadcasters shall have the obligation to cover the election campaigns in a fair, balanced and unbiased way.
(1) Product placement shall be prohibited.
1) Windows dedicated to broadcasting of teleshopping by a program service that is not exclusively dedicated to teleshopping shall have an uninterrupted duration of minimum 15 minutes.
The National Audiovisual Council is authorized to establish other conditions than those stipulated by art. 28 par. (4)-(7) and art. 35 regarding television program services exclusively dedicated to the national territory and that cannot be directly and indirectly received by the public in one or more other EU member states.
The transmission of programs comprising any form of incitement to hate due to race, religion, nationality, gender or sexual orientation is forbidden.
(1) Any natural or legal person regardless of nationality whose legitimate rights or interests, in particular reputation and good name have been damaged by an assertion of incorrect facts in a program must have a right to reply or equivalent remedies.
(1) The analogue or digital audio-visual license is granted for a 9-year period, both in the field of sound radio-broadcasting and that of television.
(1) The analogue or digital audio-visual license may be ceded to a third party only with the approval of the Council and if the new holder assumes all the liabilities deriving from the license and presents the tax certificate of the company that holds the license .
The multiplex operator broadcasting programs of the public radio and television stations, license holder for the use of radio frequencies in digital terrestrial system shall pay a fee the use radio spectrum, that shall be diminished according to the bad width assigned for transport of public stations programs.
Art. II. (1) The provisions of the par. (1)-(5) of the art. 31 in the Audiovisual Law no. 504/2002, with further completions and modifications, as well as those brought by the present emergency ordinance shall apply only to the programs produced after December 19th, 2009. | {'timestamp': '2019-04-21T14:09:32Z', 'url': 'http://www.altcine.com/details.php?id=398', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'} |
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Before crowdsourcing and kickstarters, before bake sales, before raffles came the fund-raising bazaars and fairs of the 1900s. According to Eric Foner in Gateway to Freedom, they were a "natural outgrowth of the accelerating market revolution" in the 1820s and 1830s." More or less middle-class had extra items to sell to each other, rather than just what was needed to subsist.
He further says (pg. 183), "the abolitionist movement perfected and institutionalized the practice. Fund-raising fairs became a staple of the movement and the primary focus of female antislavery activity."
By March, 1852, the Society had grown to nineteen members, when they held the first of their Festivals, or bazaars. In these events, held annually for over a decade, the women of the Society raised money through the sale of items made locally or contributed by other anti-slavery societies as far away as Britain, and through gate receipts for lectures by Frederick Douglass, Gerrit Smith, or other activists held in the Corinthian Hall. The first Festival was advertised in newspapers as far away as New York, Philadelphia, and Washington, D.C., and by all accounts, it was a rousing success, netting over $250....By the late 1850s, the annual receipts of the Society surpassed $1,500.
Julia was involved with many of these fairs, as an organizer, booth-table staffer, and/or customer. By the 1860s, she was a little tired of them ("fair fatigue"?) as they were not as lucrative as in the past.
I sold a 50 cent pin-cushion to a half drunk German Zouave, a waste of time & very tedious for me. | {'timestamp': '2019-04-19T11:05:38Z', 'url': 'http://www.paulawhitacre.com/blog/2015/08/22/raising-money-through-fairs', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'} |
RESTObject is the library that allows usage of dot notation instead of strings while accessing remote API. It depends on [Direct Proxies support](http://caniuse.com/proxy) and [fetch()](http://caniuse.com/fetch) optionally.
## Usage
To start you need to create RESTObject instance with specifying starting point of your API.
import { createRESTObject } from '@actualwave/rest-object';
const api = createRESTObject('/example/api');
Path is optional, by default it will be an empty string.
const api = createRESTObject(); // will work too
and then you can go to your endpoint just like it is a property of an `api` object.
const api = createRESTObject('/example/api');
const { body: list } = await api.portal.users.customers;
Each property is an object that represents API endpoint, each allows CRUD operations/methods and using Promise.then() or catch() methods starts HTTP request to server using `/example/api/portal/users/customers` URL.
These objects are instances of Proxy wrapper that intercepts accessing object fields and interprets them issuing HTTP requests.
- getting field value normally returns new endpoint object, only if Promise methods(`then()` or `catch()`) used it issues HTTP GET request
- calling field as a method issues HTTP POST request
- setting field value issues HTTP PUT request
- deleting field issues HTTP DELETE request
Additionally they also contains set of CRUD methods
- `create()` for HTTP POST request
- `read()` for HTTP GET request
- `update()` for HTTP PUT request
- `delete()` for HTTP DELETE request
- and `patch()` for HTTP PATCH request
These methods have identical set of arguments `method(queryParameters: object | null, body: any | undefined, customFetchParameters: Object | undefined): Promise<unknown>`.
You can store endpoint as object in a usual way.
const customers = api.portal.users.customers;
After receiving endpoint object, you can work with it by accessing fields
const { body: list } = await customers;
Or callign one of CRUD methods
const { body: list } = await customers.read();
Store endpoint for URL `example/api/portal/users/customers/workshops/invoices/123` and then make GET request:
const invoices = customers.workshops.invoices;
const { body: data } = await invoices[123];
// do something with invoice data
## Example
const api = createRESTObject('/example/api');
const customers = api.portal.users.customers;
// GET /portal/users/customers
const { body: list } = await customers;
// POST /portal/users/customers with body { name: 'New User' }
const { body: list } = await customers({ name: 'New User' });
// PUT /portal/users/customers/111 with body { name: 'New User' }
customers['111'] = { name: 'New User' };
// DELETE /portal/users/customers/111
delete customers['111'];
There are no way to get a Promise on setting new value or deleting field, so we don't know when these operations complete. To wait for completion we may use `forLatest()` method. It returns Promise for last HTTP request for this endpoint object.
const api = createRESTObject('/example/api');
const customers = api.portal.users.customers;
// PUT /portal/users/customers/111 with body { name: 'New User' }
customers['111'] = { name: 'New User' };
await customers.forLatest();
// DELETE /portal/users/customers/111
delete customers['111'];
await customers.forLatest();
HTTP requests can be invoked using CRUD methods
const api = createRESTObject('/example/api');
const customers = api.portal.users.customers;
// GET /portal/users/customers
const { body: list } = await customers.read();
// POST /portal/users/customers with body { name: 'New User' }
const { body: list } = await customers.create(null, { name: 'New User' });
// PUT /portal/users/customers/111 with body { name: 'New User' }
customers['111'].update(null, { name: 'New User' });
// PATCH /portal/users/customers/111 with body { firstName: 'New' }
customers['111'].patch(null, { firstName: 'New' });
// DELETE /portal/users/customers/111
RESTObject works with [fetch()](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Fetch_API/Using_Fetch) by default, this can be changed using `setFetchFn()`.
import { setFetchFn } from '@actualwave/rest-object';
import fetch from 'node-fetch';
Any function could be set, and to work properly, it should accept same arguments and return Promise with Response-type object.
## Example
This repo contains working example, for [browser](https://github.com/burdiuz/js-deferred-data-access/tree/master/examples/rest-object) and [nodejs](https://github.com/burdiuz/js-deferred-data-access/blob/master/testing/rest-object-test.js). To start browser example, run `npm install`, `npm start` and then visit `http://localhost:8081/`.
> Written with [StackEdit](https://stackedit.io/).
| {'content_hash': '8da2a27dc3275c025966b9fcd2a399c6', 'timestamp': '', 'source': 'github', 'line_count': 135, 'max_line_length': 338, 'avg_line_length': 37.41481481481482, 'alnum_prop': 0.7392595525638488, 'repo_name': 'burdiuz/js-deferred-data-access', 'id': 'c8d6032727b4bdb87b0787630e415a8a8c581e58', 'size': '5065', 'binary': False, 'copies': '1', 'ref': 'refs/heads/master', 'path': 'packages/rest-object/README.md', 'mode': '33188', 'license': 'mit', 'language': [{'name': 'HTML', 'bytes': '2914'}, {'name': 'JavaScript', 'bytes': '479697'}]} |
Oracle, Salesforce.com ink nine-year technology partnership
Salesforce.com will embrace Oracle's products even as the companies battle for cloud market share
By Chris Kanaracus
U.S. Correspondent, IDG News Service |
In a coming together of rivals, Salesforce.com and Oracle have signed a nine-year agreement under which the companies will integrate their technologies and Salesforce.com will make a significant investment in Oracle products for its cloud computing platform.
Salesforce.com, long a user of Oracle's database, will standardize on Oracle's Linux OS distribution, Java middleware, and Exadata server platform, as well as continue to use Oracle's database, according to the joint announcement today.
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Oracle will integrate Salesforce.com's software with its Fusion HCM (human capital management) and cloud-based financial software, and Salesforce.com will also implement those two Oracle applications "throughout the company," according to the announcement. The specific product integrations with Oracle seem to position Oracle and Salesforce.com together against the likes of Workday, a rapidly growing provider of cloud-based HCM and financial applications.
"Larry and I both agree that Salesforce.com and Oracle need to integrate our clouds," Salesforce.com CEO Marc Benioff said in a statement. "When customers choose cloud applications they expect rapid low-cost implementations; they also expect application integrations to work right out of the box -- even when the applications are from different vendors," Ellison said in another statement. "That's why Marc and I believe it's important that our two companies work together to make it happen."
The pleasant tone of Ellison and Benioff's prepared remarks belies the long-standing public rivalry between the two software executives, in which they have repeatedly lobbed verbal volleys at one another despite Salesforce.com's use of Oracle technology and Ellison's status as an early investor in Salesforce.com.
It wasn't immediately clear how much money Salesforce.com is committing to the deal, but the broad outline of the agreement revealed today suggests it is significant. It also seems to dim Salesforce.com's interest in exploring the use of other database technologies besides Oracle's, as some evidence has shown to be the case.
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While not mentioned in today's announcement, Salesforce.com is apparently going to use Oracle's 12c database, which is expected to be released imminently. This could result in a significant architectural shift for Salesforce.com in the area of multitenancy, a concept applied by cloud vendors in the interest of serving many customers more efficiently.
Salesforce.com has used an approach where customers share a single instance of its application, with their data kept separate. But 12c pushes multitenancy into the database tier through a feature called pluggable databases. Ellison has called Oracle's approach superior and more secure than application-level multitenancy.
Chris Kanaracus covers enterprise software and general technology breaking news for the IDG News Service. Chris's email address is [email protected].
Chris Kanaracus covers enterprise software and general technology breaking news for the IDG News Service.
Stay up to date with InfoWorld’s newsletters for software developers, analysts, database programmers, and data scientists.
Get expert insights from our member-only Insider articles. | {"pred_label": "__label__wiki", "pred_label_prob": 0.72810959815979, "wiki_prob": 0.72810959815979, "source": "cc/2019-30/en_middle_0062.json.gz/line1522378"} |
I am appointed to a research position as Professor of Law & Information Systems. I specialise in the relationships between information technology and law, and research in the areas of cyberspace law, data protection and privacy, legal information systems and intellectual property.
My current areas of research focus are Asian data protection and privacy laws, public rights in copyright, and the globalization of free Internet access to legal information. I am the co-founder and UNSW Co-Director of AustLII, and the co-founder of the Cyberspace Law & Policy Centre, and from 2000-2010 its Academic Director.
In 2010 I was made a Member of the Order of Australia (AM) with the Citation: "For service to the law through the development of free electronic access to legal information, and as a leader in the protection of privacy." | {'timestamp': '2019-04-20T12:11:48Z', 'url': 'http://www.unsw.adfa.edu.au/our-people/professor-graham-greenleaf', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'} |
Categories: News | Tags: genetic modification, news | Permalink.
Drought resistance – has GM achieved what has been claimed?
Drought resistant crops would have huge benefits, particularly in the many areas of the world where lack of water limits yield. Selective breeding is yet to produce fully drought-resistant plants, so it is no surprise that people have looked to GM to speed up the process of developing drought-resistant plants.
Categories: Improved yield and resilience | Permalink. | {'timestamp': '2019-04-24T10:09:19Z', 'url': 'https://gmfromthefence.wordpress.com/2013/11/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'} |
Edgar Wright – How to Do Visual Comedy
Wright also co-wrote, produced and directed the 2010 film Scott Pilgrim vs. the World. Along with his friend Joe Cornish and Steven Moffat, he co-wrote Steven Spielberg’s The Adventures of Tintin: The Secret of the Unicorn. Wright and Cornish co-wrote the screenplay for the Marvel Studios film Ant-Man, which Wright was intended to direct before departing the project. Read more at Wikipedia.
A film director is a person who directs the making of a film. Generally, a film director controls a film’s artistic and dramatic aspects, and visualizes the script while guiding the technical crew and actors in the fulfillment of that vision. The director has a key role in choosing the cast members, production design, and the creative aspects of filmmaking. Read more at Wikipedia.
If you love visual comedy, you gotta love Edgar Wright, one of the few filmmakers who is consistently finding humor through framing, camera movement, editing, goofy sound effects and music. This is an analysis and appreciation of one of our finest comedic voices.
Edgar Howard Wright is an English director, screenwriter, producer, and actor. He is best known for his comedic Three Flavours Cornetto film trilogy consisting of Shaun of the Dead (2004), Hot Fuzz (2007), and The World’s End (2013), made with recurrent collaborators Simon Pegg, Nira Park and Nick Frost. He also collaborated with them as the director of the television series Spaced.
Previous ProjectDaVinci Resolve 15 Edit Tools Video Course
Next ProjectEmma Thompson on Screenwriting | {"pred_label": "__label__wiki", "pred_label_prob": 0.845674455165863, "wiki_prob": 0.845674455165863, "source": "cc/2023-06/en_head_0057.json.gz/line816792"} |
Ballard To Peterson: Get Your Priorities Straight
Indianapolis GOP mayoral hopeful Greg Ballard thinks Mayor Bart Peterson (D) should devote his time and attention to the city's spiraling crime problem before devoting attention to another Super Bowl bid. Ballard takes aim at the recent revelation about the high number of vacancies existing in the ranks of the city's police officers. That story was broken last week by WXNT radio talk show host Abdul Hakim-Shabazz and picked up on by the Star this week. Ballard says in a press release:
“Mayor Peterson should drop his plans to seek a Super Bowl until he has solved the dangerous shortage of police officers in the new Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department (IMPD).”
Ballard also renewed his call for Mayor Peterson, Sheriff Anderson and Monroe Gray, President of the City-Council, to reopen and adequately staff the police substation at 42nd and College Avenue, citing recent violent assaults against the elderly in the Butler-Tarkington neighborhood. Ballard added "This is just one tragic example of Mayor Peterson's shortcomings in fighting crime."
Local news media cited a department report that says the new IMPD is short 120 sworn officers and 57 civilian employees. Ballard said, “Eight years ago Bart Peterson ran on a pledge promising 200 new police officers. Here we are eight years later and we are 177 officers short—120 of these are sworn officers who should be on patrol in our neighborhoods.”
“Mayor Peterson knows this is a problem. That’s why he is already running campaign ads making even more political promises about his plans to address crime. But the citizens of Indianapolis aren’t going to be fooled by slick campaign ads. We don’t have enough police on the streets—that’s a fact. And so far, we don’t see any aggressive action by the mayor to solve this problem,” stated Ballard.
“Everyone likes the Super Bowl, but it makes no sense for the mayor to spend money, time, energy or political resources on a do-over on a failed Super Bowl bid when we have a serious police shortage and rising violent crime,” said Ballard. If anyone is still wondering why criminals are growing more brazen, I think today's Indianapolis Star article about police shortages should answer his or her questions.
Ballard makes a good point. It's sort of like making plans for the purchase of a new car when you're three months behind on the mortgage payment. Ballard also earns some media attention today from Star columnist Matt Tully in his pursuit of making crime the number one issue in this year's mayoral election. Tully introduces Star readers to the unknown Ballard:
Let's pause here to introduce Ballard. He's a Cathedral High graduate who returned to the city a few years ago after 23 years in the Marines. These days, he teaches a course at Indiana Business College and conducts leadership seminars. He looks and sounds more like a CEO than a Marine.
"I have the ability to look at things and say, 'Why aren't we doing it this way?' " the father of two said. "I've done that all the way through my career."
Ballard talked about his campaign as we walked through the Indianapolis Motor Speedway Hall of Fame Museum on Carb Day. He talked a bit about the cars but mostly about crime and Peterson's record.
"I find it a bit insulting that his first commercial is about crime," he said.
"This man has had eight years, and this city is heading in the wrong direction."
What would a Mayor Ballard do? First, he said, he would ask the legislature to put the mayor back in charge of police. That, he said, is leadership.
Ballard doesn't want to sound like a one-issue candidate, but, he said, "crime is the issue of the day," and it is tied to other core issues such as schools and economic development. Before Election Day, he hopes to introduce himself with TV ads. For now, I asked him what he wanted voters to know.
"I want people to know there is someone capable out here," he said. "Someone who can make a difference, someone who can do it and do it better."
Ballard has five months to sell himself. Whatever the outcome, five months of talking about issues will be good for all of us.
Tully is skeptical Ballard will be able to raise the money needed to become a viable candidate. "At this point, the 52-year-old Pike Township resident doesn't have enough campaign cash to rebut commercials being aired by his opponent, Mayor Bart Peterson, a Democrat," Tully opines. "The reality is Ballard might not ever have enough money to do so." But he qualifies that with the following: "The beauty of U.S. politics is politicians have to face voters every so often. Many deserve re-election -- and that might be the case with Peterson -- but if the press and public do their jobs, elections can put a spotlight on politicians' records and important issues, such as crime." I'm pleased to see Tully concede the press has a responsibility to put a spotlight on Peterson's record. Let's see how well they do their job in the coming months.
Labels: Greg Ballard
Ask Senator Greg Walker how much money it takes to win an election. Not a whole lot apparently. What it did take was a constituency who was ready for a change. Albeit this is a totally different set of circumstances but it is time for Marion County voters to get a clue. It is also time for Marion County Republicans (especially those higher up in the ranks) to show some solidarity.
Blogs have gone a long way to mitigate massive cash advances. It's still a huge obstacle - but not quite as huge as it was say, 10, even 5 years ago.
They have the ability to propel candidates into more media coverage than they would have gotten otherwise.
You're doing good work, Gary. Keep it up.
I shouldn't be surprised, but it really makes me mad hearing Bart Peterson go in front of the news cameras and say IMPD is only down 9 officers. He knows that isn't true. It's not even a half-truth, it is an outright lie. Abdul's blog has a full breakdown of the numbers straight from the department's own documents. The administration is probably angry that the story got out before they could alter the manning tables to make it appear that the department is fully staffed.
The Scribe said...
Surely this isn't the same Matt Tully who was courageous enough to suggest Carson should lose her seat, the day AFTER the election. He then went on to suggest that he waited until after the election so that his column wouldn't effect the vote.
As if the residents of Crown Hill Cemetery and Wheeler Mission, two dependable constituencies of Carson's, even read the Indianapolis Today (as if anyone else does, for that matter).
The real question is not the total manpower shortage - wetherit is 9 or120 or somewhere in between. The real question is how many police BEATS are not being filled during a 24 hour period.
The mayor can say the probationary and academy cadets count toward the total manpower but the cadets are not out there patrolling a beat on a daily basis and when the reach probationary status when they are out on a patrol they have another patrol officer with them.
So as an example - if an area has 10 patrol beats they have to cover and they have 10 patrol officersthey can say they are all being covered. But if 2 of them are probationary officers then really they are covering 8 beats - or those 8 are covering more area to cover those 2 other beats.
That is what needs to be asked of the Mayor and or IMPD chiefs.
Gary, you're not paying attention again. Ballard sent out a release about water...stuff. So much for message control.
Mayor Peterson's a good man. He's done a good job in the face of reactionary "leadership" in the state house when he proposes innovative, smaller, more efficient government reform. He not only will get the third term, but he deserves it and Indianapolis will be all the better for it.
"Mayor Peterson's a good man. He's done a good job in the face of reactionary "leadership" in the state house when he proposes innovative, smaller, more efficient government reform. He not only will get the third term, but he deserves it and Indianapolis will be all the better for it."
Mrs. Peterson your baby boy isn't as good a Mayor as you think. Sorry if this burst your bubble.
Its interesting to see all these "Bart sucks/lies/is an idiot" people in the anonymous world of the internet, but when there is a real opportunity, no credible candidate would come forward.
Oh, Bob "I'm running because the Jews control this country" Parker.
And Greg "I wrote a pamphlet on leadership once" Ballard.
Peterson wins in a walk.
The 42nd and College building is used now for the Police Athletic League, or PAl Club.
At least that's what I've been told. My phone calls to them and emails sent to them 2 weeks ago have yet to be responded to, wonder why?
I think I'll be giving up on Marion County and moving to a more focused community
To come clean: I have voted for, and will again vote for, Mayor Peterson. I think his leadership is spot-on, especially on government efficiency. And evidently the local and state Republican establishment do, too, or they wouldn't have thrown huge roadblocks up against his consolidation proposals in the legislature. Especially when the concepts mirror their own Unigov so closely.
But Ballard has a bully pulpit here, and he should carry on. Focusing on priorities, is what this city needs, and the mayor's folks know it's his Achilles heel. Big time.
Ballard's campaign, though it will lose big time, can play a serious role in helping the city refocus its priorities. Elections are all about emssage, and his, on this issue, is solid.
Carry on, Mr. Ballard.
Oh yeah--don't depend on Tully to do it for you. Not if it involves actually researching or working on something. That's not in his job description or within his ability.
Prediction, if we're lucky: Bart by ten or more, City Council 19-12 Democratic. And I'm praying for a new president.
The Democrat/Republican Coalition will determine the next Mayor. They always have and they always will. It does not matter whom the average citizen wants in the office. The money will hit the streets the week before the election to insure the outcome of the election. Say it isnt' so!
It isn't so.
I think his leadership is spot-on, especially on government efficiency.
Hey Anon 9:33, have you seen the city budget lately?
Nice to know the Simon's earned a new corporate HQ for their contributions, and Jim Irsay got himself a nice new stadium for his, yet what have the kids stuck in IPS gotten lately?
But keep voting Defeatocrat, they're doing so much for us already.
The Mayor has no control over IPS, but he has offered students a choice through Charter Schools. And by the way, IPS has issued some pretty large bonds to pay for school improvements...around $850 Million worth.
Must have gotten mixed in with his plan to put 200 cops on the street.
The Mayor has no control over IPS, but he has offered students a choice through Charter Schools.
Right, what can he add, like one a year? After a convoluted review and approval process? How many total have been added? Like three?
I'm sure the thousands of IPS students doomed to a life of drug dealing and gang banging are as impressed as I am.
Again, this guy is so big on efficient government, the city is broke with a lowered credit rating. All because of his enlightened leadership, I suppose.
BTW, anyone get mugged today?
5:03, try to stay on topic. And don't get confused when facts confound your "logic."
And Scribe...the Mayor has no--ZERO--control over the IPS budget. They have a relatively new superintendent who is swimming upstream to try and reform a bloated system. We should all hope he succeeds.
Yeah, I've seen the budget. KInda up-close, and I understand it. It's full of payments for projects ignored by Republican mayors for over 20 years. As said many times before, problems delayed are problems amplified.
But hey, that CSO problem, now costing almost a billion to fix, would've only cost about $90-110 million when first identified, and avoided, by Republican Councilwoman Beulah Coughenour in 1990. Ignored, because the mayors didn't want to raise taxes. Beulah saw the problem, warned against it, and finally gave up.
Ditto the jail, ruled unconstitutionally overcrowded by none other than one of the most conservative Republican federal judges in the country--in 1992. That fix was ignored for over a decade. Costly.
And a buttload of TIFs and tax abatements to Republican-favored businesses over the last 30 years. Do you need a list of those?
All the birds have come home to roost, and finally, we have a mayor who won't run from the problems.
Scribe, learn form history, lest you be doomed to repeat it. Despise the Mayor all you want. He angers me from time to time, too...but he does not bury his head in the sand.
How else do you explain his standing in front of three successive Republican legislatures to ask for consolidation authority?
Consolidation...except for the most corrupt office in the city (at least the one not headed by Bart), the Center Township Trustee. But keep believing that line.
I love how Kool-Aid drinking Defeatocrats automatically assume that anyone who opposes them must be some die-hard Republican.
BTW, what has bart or his buddy Frankie done about the jail situation in the past 8 years?
Where are our 200 cops?
Anyone get mugged today?
"BTW, what has bart or his buddy Frankie done about the jail situation in the past 8 years?"
Funny how Republicans get bashed for not hiking taxes for sewer and other issues, but Peterson gets a pass!!
Instead, Peterson hikes taxes for a stadium and convention center. Then he blames Republicans when he has to hike additional taxes to fix other things. Not only that, why has he waited EIGHT YEARS to do this? Based on the fact that Bart did not have an IPD recruit class for around 2-3 years shows they knew money was an issue at least four years ago. Maybe food and beverage taxes, hotel taxes, etc. should have been raised back then?
Sorry, but Peterson treated the state police like crap for years. That fine agency went from have thousands (7,000) applicants back in the day to maybe getting 700 to show up on test day. Republicans treated them with respect and now the lateral transfers are lining up to get a spot. Now Bart is treating IPD/IMPD like he did ISP, basically "I own you."
Pea Shake said...
Indiana plays host today to the National Association of Attorneys General Racketeering and Influenced Corrupt Organization's (RICO) Act Seminar.
Maybe we will get some action on the illegal Pea Shake network.
Melyssa Donaghy said...
So the "Bart Lies" people are anonymous Internet dwellers? I'm not.
"BART LIES"! And I personally know Bart Lies first hand.
Wilson46201 said...
Since no Republican filed to run against Monroe Gray (and he wins by default), perhaps the County GOP Chair could appoint Melyssa Donaghy to be appointed sacrificial lamb candidate against him? Wouldn't that be a hoot? Melyssa is better known as "Miss Ann", a professional dominatrix. Her GOP candidacy would prove that the Republicans are not in bondage to the Eric Miller wingnuts!
Melyssa said...
Look Wilson...I'm not a republican. And I've thought of running for council and more than one person has pleaded with me to do it. I've also had money offered to me to run.
If I can make men pay me money to jerk a knot in their tale, be one of the top sales people wherever I work, I think I could raise money too run for office as a Libertarian. By the way, Libertarians don't waste taxpayer money running primary elections to slate their candidates.
I'm honest and not afraid to step up and speak the truth.
One of the reasons I'm not running is I don't want to spend the entire campaign talking about my former career, which I promise, is far different than you imagine.
In my former career I often worked with pathetic porn addicted men, forced them to take a look at themselves, how they treat women, what they think of women. Then I would put them in chastity and force them to pay me to learn to SERVE women. Sometimes that meant mowing my neighbor's yard or taking care of an older person. Sometimes it meant doing something just to make me laugh.
I TAUGHT them how to be noble, the value of honor, and service to women. I also taught them the path to their own self-actualization.
And if they didn't like it...if they insisted upon remaining pathetic sex seekers...they knew where the door was.
The Mayor told major lies about me and invited the press to a press conference to tell them so. When I tried to ask a question, he would not let me citing I'm not a member of the press. In spite of the fact that I publish four websites and have a huge on line group.
So in Bart's town, he can slander you in the media, and then refuse to let you confront your accuser.
Peterson picked on the wrong bitch, Wilson. I am not going away. And don't you dare think for one minute my neighbors don't know and like me and I know half this town.
This is MY city and I'm not going to stand by quietly while it goes to hell in a handbasket. I hope I made myself clear you little twit.
And by the way...with as much time as you spend on the Internet. I bet you are a little porn addicted wanker yourself, Wilson. Would not surprise me a bit.
I've been messing around with computer stuff since the late 50s - I'm retired now and have plenty of time to do whatever amuses me: battling the reactionaries, sexists and racists that swarm on the Internet I find fun!
This year all the local crazies are jumping on the Crime-Gone-Wild GOP election-year bandwagon. Last year with incumbent Prosecutor Carl Brizzi up for re-election, they had to keep quiet since the Amazing Carl had solved all the county's woes. Now it's nothing but attack, attack, attack!
Nothing much is funnier than Wilson attacking someone on the basis of morals.
Where can we catch your show, Wilson?
P.S. All these Anon's are confusing. Can't you at least label yourself Defeatocrat Drone A, Defeatocrat Drone B, etc?
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Tully Likes Circus Analogy | {"pred_label": "__label__cc", "pred_label_prob": 0.6223551630973816, "wiki_prob": 0.3776448369026184, "source": "cc/2019-30/en_middle_0020.json.gz/line782294"} |
Provide training to Healthcare Professionals in how to deliver DAFNE.
Hold a register of all DAFNE trained Healthcare Professionals.
Use Research and Development to improve DAFNE Curriculum and provide alternative delivery methods. For example, 5 week (1 day per week for 5 weeks).
Provision of DAFNE training of adults with Type 1 diabetes using Insulin Pump therapy.
Produce teaching resources and supply information and resources for patients to support learning during DAFNE course.
External audit of all centres in the UK and Southern Ireland to maintain standards of delivery and consistency in the delivery of the DAFNE programme.
Provide centres with access to the National Clinical and Research Database for entry of audit biomedical data, pre- and post-course to enable centres to monitor outcomes and benchmark against other DAFNE services.
Have an active Research and Development programme to constantly improve and understand structured patient education.
Lobby and campaign to ensure that structured patient education for Type 1 diabetes is commissioned and provided to meet national agreed minimum standards. | {'timestamp': '2019-04-19T08:14:44Z', 'url': 'http://www.dafne.uk.com/What_we_do-I518.html', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'} |
DYNC1I2 dynein cytoplasmic 1 intermediate chain 2 [ Homo sapiens (human) ]
Gene ID: 1781, updated on 12-Jul-2019
DYNC1I2provided by HGNC
dynein cytoplasmic 1 intermediate chain 2provided by HGNC
This gene encodes a member of the dynein intermediate chain family. The encoded protein is a non-catalytic component of the cytoplasmic dynein 1 complex, which acts as a retrograde microtubule motor to transport organelles and vesicles. A pseudogene of this gene is located on chromosome 10. Alternative splicing results in multiple transcript variants. [provided by RefSeq, Nov 2012]
Ubiquitous expression in brain (RPKM 28.2), endometrium (RPKM 25.0) and 25 other tissues See more
See DYNC1I2 in Genome Data Viewer
109.20190607 current GRCh38.p13 (GCF_000001405.39) 2 NC_000002.12 (171687465..171750158)
105 previous assembly GRCh37.p13 (GCF_000001405.25) 2 NC_000002.11 (172543919..172606668)
Genomic Sequence: NC_000002.12 Chromosome 2 Reference GRCh38.p13 Primary Assembly NC_000002.11 Chromosome 2 Reference GRCh37.p13 Primary Assembly
Dynein regulates cell migration depending on substrate rigidity. Kim D, et al. Int J Mol Med, 2012 Mar. PMID 22200735
Levels of kinesin light chain and dynein intermediate chain are reduced in the frontal cortex in Alzheimer's disease: implications for axoplasmic transport. Morel M, et al. Acta Neuropathol, 2012 Jan. PMID 22094641
Specificity of cytoplasmic dynein subunits in discrete membrane-trafficking steps. Palmer KJ, et al. Mol Biol Cell, 2009 Jun. PMID 19386764, Free PMC Article
Identification of DH IC-2 as a HIF-1 independent protein involved in the adaptive response to hypoxia in tumor cells: A putative role in metastasis. Pyr dit Ruys S, et al. Biochim Biophys Acta, 2009 Nov. PMID 19744529
Cytoplasmic dynein binds dynactin through a direct interaction between the intermediate chains and p150Glued. Vaughan KT, et al. J Cell Biol, 1995 Dec. PMID 8522607, Free PMC Article
SQSTM1 is required for proper dynein motility and trafficking along microtubules.
Title: Interaction of SQSTM1 with the motor protein dynein--SQSTM1 is required for normal dynein function and trafficking.
Using mouse cells as a model, show that Par3 associates with dynein by interacting with dynein light intermediate chain 2.
Title: Par3 and dynein associate to regulate local microtubule dynamics and centrosome orientation during migration.
Submit: New GeneRIF Correction
HIV-1 interactions
Protein interactions
Vpr vpr HIV-1 Vpr is identified to have a physical interaction with dynein, cytoplasmic 1, intermediate chain 2 (DYNC1I2) in human HEK293 and/or Jurkat cell lines by using affinity tagging and purification mass spectrometry analyses PubMed
capsid gag HIV-1 CA uncoating is delayed in the presence of ciliobrevin D, a specific inhibitor of dynein-mediated motor function, indicating that dynein is involved in CA uncoating in cells PubMed
Go to the HIV-1, Human Interaction Database
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Asparagine N-linked glycosylation, organism-specific biosystem (from REACTOME)
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COPI-mediated anterograde transport, organism-specific biosystem (from REACTOME)
COPI-mediated anterograde transport, organism-specific biosystemThe ERGIC (ER-to-Golgi intermediate compartment, also known as vesicular-tubular clusters, VTCs) is a stable, biochemically distinct compartment located adjacent to ER exit sites (Ben-Tekaya et al, 2...
ER to Golgi Anterograde Transport, organism-specific biosystem (from REACTOME)
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Golgi-to-ER retrograde transport, organism-specific biosystem (from REACTOME)
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Membrane Trafficking, organism-specific biosystem (from REACTOME)
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Metabolism of proteins, organism-specific biosystem (from REACTOME)
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Phagosome, conserved biosystem (from KEGG)
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Salmonella infection, organism-specific biosystem (from KEGG)
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Salmonella infection, conserved biosystem (from KEGG)
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Vasopressin-regulated water reabsorption, organism-specific biosystem (from KEGG)
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Vasopressin-regulated water reabsorption, conserved biosystem (from KEGG)
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Vesicle-mediated transport, organism-specific biosystem (from REACTOME)
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RH16687 (e-PCR)
SHGC-62010 (e-PCR)
SHGC-150980 (e-PCR)
Related pseudogene(s)
1 found Review record(s) in Gene
Homologs of the DYNC1I2 gene: The DYNC1I2 gene is conserved in chimpanzee, cow, and chicken.
Orthologs from Annotation Pipeline: 229 organisms have orthologs with human gene DYNC1I2
MGC9324, FLJ21089, FLJ90842, MGC104199, MGC111094
contributes_to ATP-dependent microtubule motor activity, plus-end-directed IBA
Inferred from Biological aspect of Ancestor
dynein heavy chain binding IBA
dynein light chain binding IBA
microtubule motor activity NAS
ER to Golgi vesicle-mediated transport TAS
antigen processing and presentation of exogenous peptide antigen via MHC class II TAS
microtubule-based movement IBA
microtubule-based movement NAS
viral process IEA
cytoplasm NAS
cytoplasmic dynein complex IBA
vesicle IDA
cytoplasmic dynein 1 intermediate chain 2
dynein intermediate chain 2, cytosolic
dynein, cytoplasmic, intermediate polypeptide 2
testis tissue sperm-binding protein Li 66n
NM_001271785.2 → NP_001258714.1 cytoplasmic dynein 1 intermediate chain 2 isoform 1
Transcript Variant: This variant (2) differs in the 5' UTR compared to variant 1. Both variants 1 and 2 encode the same isoform (1).
AC068039, AK055491, AK096579
WD40; WD40 repeat [General function prediction only]
7WD40; WD40 repeat [structural motif]
Dynein_IC2; Cytoplasmic dynein 1 intermediate chain 2
Transcript Variant: This variant (3) has multiple differences in the coding region but maintains the reading frame, compared to variant 1. The encoded isoform (2) is shorter and contains an additional internal region, compared to isoform 1. Both variants 3 and 4 encode the same isoform (2).
AC068039, AK298561, BC091498, DA435365
Transcript Variant: This variant (4) differs in the 5' UTR and in the coding region but maintains the reading frame, compared to variant 1. The encoded isoform (2) is shorter and contains an additional internal region, compared to isoform 1. Both variants 3 and 4 encode the same isoform (2).
AC064826, AC068039, AK316119
Transcript Variant: This variant (5) has multiple differences in the coding region but maintains the reading frame, compared to variant 1. The encoded isoform (3) is shorter, compared to isoform 1. Both variants 5 and 6 encode the same isoform (3).
AC068039, BC091498, DA435365
Transcript Variant: This variant (6) differs in the 5' UTR and in the coding region but maintains the reading frame, compared to variant 1. The encoded isoform (3) is shorter, compared to isoform 1. Both variants 5 and 6 encode the same isoform (3).
AC064826, AC068039, AF250307
AC068039, AY037160, DA435365
Transcript Variant: This variant (9) lacks an alternate in-frame exon compared to variant 1. The resulting isoform (5) has the same N- and C-termini but is shorter compared to isoform 1. Both variants 9 and 10 encode the same isoform (5).
AC068039, AK096579, DA435365
Transcript Variant: This variant (10) differs in the 5' UTR and lacks an alternate in-frame exon compared to variant 1. The resulting isoform (5) has the same N- and C-termini but is shorter compared to isoform 1. Both variants 9 and 10 encode the same isoform (5).
AC068039, AF250307, AK096579, BP355434
AC068039, AF250307, BP355434
NM_001378.3 → NP_001369.1 cytoplasmic dynein 1 intermediate chain 2 isoform 1
Transcript Variant: This variant (1) represents the longest transcript and encodes the longest isoform (1). Both variants 1 and 2 encode the same isoform (1).
XM_017003525.2 → XP_016859014.1 cytoplasmic dynein 1 intermediate chain 2 isoform X1
WD40; WD40 domain, found in a number of eukaryotic proteins that cover a wide variety of functions including adaptor/regulatory modules in signal transduction, pre-mRNA processing and cytoskeleton assembly; typically contains a GH dipeptide 11-24 residues from ...
See identical proteins and their annotated locations for XP_006712410.1
Q13409.3 GenPept UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot:Q13409
Dync1i2 products
Transcriptomine: regulation of the DYNC1I2 gene by nuclear receptor signaling pathways
GeneCard for DYNC1I2
Order full-length ORF clone
Order miRNA target clones
GeneTex Inc
Quality Antibodies
LSBio DYNC1I2 / IC2 Antibodies
LSBio DYNC1I2 / IC2 Proteins
PlasmID Repository at Harvard Medical School
Order full-length cDNA clone
Order DYNC1I2 cDNA clone/Protein/Antibody/RNAi
Reactome Event:Immune System
Reactome Event:Vesicle-mediated transport
Reactome Event:Signal Transduction
Markers, Related pseudogene(s), Clone Names, Homology, Gene Ontology
Order cDNA clone
3D structures
3D structure of a gene
DYNC1I2 dynein cytoplasmic 1 intermediate chain 2 [Homo sapiens]
Gene ID:1781 | {"pred_label": "__label__cc", "pred_label_prob": 0.6406810879707336, "wiki_prob": 0.35931891202926636, "source": "cc/2019-30/en_middle_0028.json.gz/line1565518"} |
Hari has been at Rockingham Dental Centre since December 2010, first as an associate and now as an owner. Originally from India, his family migrated to Perth in 1991 and has since called Australia home. Happily married since 2011, Hari and his wife enjoy travelling and are eager to explore the world before settling down.
A graduate from the University of Western Australia, Hari’s dental career has taken him as far as Darwin where he has had experience in many rural areas with indigenous communities. He has also completed numerous hours of continuing education with an emphasis on aesthetic dentistry ranging from ceramic inlays/onlays, veneers, crowns and restorations for implants. He looks forward to placing implants for his patients in the near future and is always eager for the latest tech and gadgets available on the market.
He looks forward to maintaining an important role in oral health for the Rockingham community for many years to come. | {"pred_label": "__label__cc", "pred_label_prob": 0.5468446612358093, "wiki_prob": 0.4531553387641907, "source": "cc/2021-04/en_head_0036.json.gz/line646991"} |
Board index » Shmups » Development
Aeon Zenith
Squire Grooktook
Post subject: Aeon Zenith
Early work in progress title screen mocked up in advance so my music guy would have something to look at for ideas
So I'm making a shooty game.
It's my first game, so it'll probably be pretty short (like 10-15 minutes), and probably pretty bad (well, I guess it's possible to make a decent game on your first try, but I've been told not to hold my breath).
The aesthetic is basically "Dragon Spirit meets Metal Black". How much we can accomplish depends on how much my artist friends are willing to draw before they get bored/tired. They've been great so far though. They're aiming for an at least sort of classy 16 bit-ish art style instead of some 8-bit programmer art garbage, hopefully it can be pulled off.
Mechanically, it's basically "Dangun Feveron meets Metal Black/Darius Burst". Speed kill stuff to make extra enemy waves appear. You have some special weapons that can be used for either speed killing or bullet cancelling: use them up on all out offense every chance you get for higher scores and flashier gameplay but more dodging to deal with.
Also expect a lot of (hopefully balanced) rng patterns and environmental hazards, and an emphasis on fast movement whether dodging or hunting down enemies.
Don't have a ton to show at the moment. I'm still mostly working with GMOSSE's place holder sprites while I wait for my art bro's to draw stuff. As of this writing, I'm getting close to finishing up a boss fight, and might focus on level design and stuff more once I'm off from school next week.
Current Dev Team:
Me - Programming, Game Design
Hagane, Mike Pixel - Pixel Art
Tusia - Character Design
??? - Sound Design
??? - Music
If anyone else wants to lend a hand, contribute anything at all, that'd be great. We're all mostly doing this for fun when our jobs and school permit, so any extra hands are appreciated.
Japan an almost perfect society always threatened by outsiders....................
Instead I am stuck in the America's where women rule with an iron crotch, and a man could get arrested for sitting behind a computer too long.
Aeon Zenith - My STG.
Last edited by Squire Grooktook on Sat Jul 15, 2017 3:19 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Post subject: Re: Aeon Zenith
Sent this to some friends on Steam, figured I might as well post it here too to show what I've been up to since winter break started.
Early and bad work in progress clip for a boss fight I'm working on. It's basically Simon Says, but played against a rotating blade wheel from Hell.
I'm still using place holder sprites (if you count an ms paint circle as a sprite ^_^) because my spriter friend is still working on animating the player characters wings.
I plan on polishing, nerfing, and changing a ton of things here, it's bad and a loooooooooooong way from done.
Also have about 71 seconds of a stage done, but I'm kind of undecided on how drastically I'm going to change some things about it in the coming days, so I figured I'd save a preview of that for later...hopefully when sprites are done.
i like music and how it's rotating.
Kill the Past / Suda 51 fansite and more | Favorite artwork selection from manuals | My music
For the record, it's the song I had stuck in my head when I came up with and wrote most of that boss lol.
the ship is the spike's one from cowboy beebop, if not it' look loke as^^.
Yeah it's from BZPBanshee's GMOSSE and it was modeled after it.
Like I said, it's a place holder, it ain't staying
There are a lot of neat tricks going on with that boss. The spinning arms + explosions remind me of Dis-Human's final form in RayCrisis. Nice fast attacks too.
DEMON'S TILT [bullet hell pinball] - Music Composer || EC2151 ~ My FM/YM2612 music & more! || 1CC List || PCE-CD: The Search for Quality
Alright, some updates!
So Hagane has been doing fantastic sprite art for me. I haven't implemented any of it yet in-game, since he's still tweaking most of it (last I checked, everything from anatomy to animation to detail was subject to change). Here's a few examples:
Player character "neutral" animation:
Player character "left/right movement" animation:
Player character "Flame Thrower" sprite:
(More on the flame thrower later.)
He says any constructive criticism on these is welcome and requested.
The resolution is 640x360, which was suggested by Hagane as a cleanly scaling res after I explained that I wanted to mimic the movement and perfect square play field in Cho Ren Sha 68k (which is a big influence). 140 px on each side are reserved for borders, leaving a 360x360 play area.
As I said, we're aiming for a bit of a dark fantasy style. Metal Black meets Dragon Spirit. We were talking a bit about enemy/monster designs, and have kind of settled on an organic insect/aquatic + mythological style for many creatures. For example, insectoid knights with exo-skeletons for armor and fly wings for capes, giant Space Whale battleships, etc. IREM was an influence we talked a bit about, alongside Taito's surreal styling's.
Anyway *gameplay* talk!!!11!
Although I originally had most of a first stage done, I ended up having to scrap most of it when I realized that implementing and balancing Dangun Feveron-style extra enemy waves would be more difficult and complex then I initially thought. I spent about 2 weeks of experimentation with various ways of dyanamic enemy spawning, but finally found something I like and have been rebuilding the first stage from the ground up.
Basically this is my philosophy for the extra enemy waves.
If you play pacifist, you will be punished. Balancing offense/defense and risk/reward is a very important concept to me, and besides, this is a shooting game. If you're not shooting things, you're doing it wrong. This might seem like a no brainer, but with a Dangun style system where more enemies spawn the faster you kill them, it was super tough to balance this, but like I said, I think I found a set up I like.
If you kill things adequately, you will have a much better fighting chance. If you kill things faster with the application of extra finesse, you will be rewarded with more enemies, and therefore more points. Extra enemy waves also means that fast-kills won't remove the need to dodge, since the extra waves can be balanced to ensure you'd need to dodge anything that you might've killed before it could fire.
So here's some videos demonstrating all that (see the video descriptions for more in depth talk about the waves/patterns themselves):
(NOTE: Everything aesthetic in here is a place holder, that includes those crazy/awesome over the top YGW explosions lol, I realize those aren't good for large numbers of zakos.)
Pacifism - More bullets on screen, much more punishing. No points.
Adequate play - Fair dodging, average points.
Speed kill - More destruction, more points, no less dodging then "adequate" play.
*edit* (the above videos I kinda screwed up recording settings and made it super tiny and blurry with black borders against Youtubes black auto borders, but pay that no heed, I'm just too lazy to record it again. It's about the same size as the previous video, just higher res. Here's a more accurate screenshot with ugly red borders to show the size..)
None of the level designs or patterns here are finalized. Much to do, and pretty much everything is subject to change. For example, that sine wave pattern is kinda really hard. I am just trying to get through it with the new systems and then tweak/balance things to a finer degree later.
As for other mechanics, I have a Mars Matrix style system in place where the main fire button has 3 different shots depending on how long you hold/tap/release the button. Rapid narrow shot vs spread shot charged by releasing fire vs melee attack charged by holding fire. I want there to be a kind of rhythm between offense/defense, spacing, and button pressing. I'm very concerned about the balance right now though. The spreadshot feels a bit strong against zakos, and I think the melee should have less range.
Lastly, you have a bomb, the "flame thrower" in the video. It recharges over time (which can be sped up by killing enemies or picking up bomb fragments), but you can only stock one full charge at a time. You can use it before it's fully charged, but it'll be much shorter in duration and range, and less damaging. The idea is that you can either use it ASAP every time it recharges to unlock extra enemy waves (offensive, high risk/reward) or use it defensively by holding onto it and saving it for sticky situations (defensive, low risk/reward). When you finally use it, I want it to have a sense of visceral destructiveness and the feeling of unleashing something powerful.
I'm also thinking of adding some medal dropping enemies to spice up some areas and maybe some background medals and destructible scenery (I'd like to include more YGW influences in general), but we'll see. I'd like for the scoring to be kind of like a YGW game or some Treasure games in that each stage/area has its own little gimmicks and pseudo-mini-games to play for more score (ie Flamingos, scenery bombing, secrets, etc.). The flame thrower/dropping enemy wave was kind of a stab at that.
There's more I could talk about, my goals with patterns and enemy movement, influences, other mechanics and ideas I was toying with or that Hagane suggested, aesthetic and atmospheric influences, etc. etc. but this is already becoming rambly enough. Any questions, advice, or criticisms are welcome.
Oh wow, that slicing blade melee is cool. STG swords tend to feel a bit windshield wipery to me but that one looks like it'd remove offending heads/turrets/tentacles nice n' clean.
The range did look a tad generous, as you suggest. As a possible alternative to scaling it back, maybe you could implement varying levels somehow? The biggest slashes remind me of Freeman (Garou)'s super moves.
(Apologies if I'm fixating on a random placeholder, you know I've a 2D slasher compulsion. )
BIL wrote:
Ha ha, I was actually just about to post a Freeman gif as an aesthetic reference for the final version as you edited that in lol. It's a mspaint placeholder I whipped up in a jiffy, but I was thinking the final version would be kind of like a Strider Hiryu Blade/Freeman slash, mixed with a kind of stylized clawmark effect rather then a blade.
Yeah, about the range: I originally set the length when the bullets were much faster. I made it so long in order to make moving into attacking range more comfortable and less "walk into a spawning bullet and feel like an idiot" as one sometimes does in Gunbird 2 :3. However I've scaled back overall bullet speed since, and I plan on telegraphing the faster attacks so as to avoid such things (ie, boss enters a unique "stance" before going fast bullet hell-mode, "don't go close right now"), so it's probably time to make it a bit shorter. A mix of Mars Matrix's piercing cannon and Ayin's charge attack from Sengoku Blade are the two influences at the moment.
Also while on the subject of place holders, the main player shot will probably be a lot wider and chunkier too. I talked about it with Hagane, and I suggested something similar to the Darius series plasma wave, or the twin gouts of flame from a max energy Black Fly in Metal Black. The fire rate is based on the guns in Recca, as I wanted to get something that felt powerful but that wasn't so wide or fast that it it'd annihilate entire swarms before they could descend the screen somewhat. I want to get that sense of "vitriol" that Recca has, when spitting out enemies at you lol.
Those progress videos are very encouraging. My only real comments were already addressed: namely the length of the melee attack and the width of the shot. I would caution against making the shot too wide, as this might exacerbate the feeling of plowing through the games' enemies too easily.
^^^ Thanks ^_^
Expect updates a little bit more frequently for a while. Maybe some more stuff next week.
Location: Mars Colony, 2309
Squire Grooktook wrote:
It sounds like you already have a music dude, but I would love to try my hand at composing a(n FM synth) tune for you, even if it's just menu music, or something.
YouTube | Restart Syndrome | 1cclist | Go Play Mars Matrix
Solunas wrote:
How to Takumi your scoring system
1) Create Scoring System
2) Make it a multiplier for your actual score
LordHypnos wrote:
Well, the situations a little weird, since the guy who was all set kind of disappeared off the internet for a while. He warned me and said he'd be back before he left, but it's starting to seem like he won't be back in a reasonable amount of time (if ever). If he doesn't get back soon I'll have to start considering someone else. *edit* I've updated the op based on this.
I currently have Polkritude signed up as sound designer (he was offering in another thread on this board). He'll start doing original 16-bit/arcade-ish SFX as soon as we're done some original animations (ie the flame thrower sprite, which is apparently almost finished) and enemy designs. He also offered to compose music, to which I gave him the above story. I haven't listened to his stuff though yet or found out what kind of oldschool soundchips he's familiar with though.
So yeah, give it some more time. I'll probably make a choice once we have more aesthetic elements on the first stage done (enemies and some background elements). We're currently brain storming a good design for the spinny boss in the previous posts, sketches and concept art kind of stuff.
Once all that's done I'll take a more thorough listen and decide who's best for the Taito/Siter Skain/megaten style vibe I was hoping for, ha ha. In the mean time, keep up the good work :3 although maybe I will take you up on the that offer for menu music or something later lol.
Okay. Well, that's good to know, thanks
Hey guys, minor update, but I wanted to ask for some feedback on some animation.
First off, the new/improved sprites/animations in question:
Improved neutral animation
Main shot (soon to be animated)
Flame Thrower (Animated Edition - not finished edition)
Now, the reason I'm posting this: could anyone give feedback on the neutral? Particularly the head/neck movement. I've gotten much more mixed feedback on that then any other part. One person said it gives it a sense of propelling forward, another said that it looks like it's trying to vomit (cannot unsee). Another said it had a "hungry hungry hippos" look.
One of the best suggestions I got was adding some extra shading to the head to make it look like it's going up and down, but I'm not sure if that would solve the issue people are having with it. Any analysis or critique of that would be appreciated.
I've gotten mostly positive feedback on the altered wing movement/timing, though one person did think it was janky, but he seemed to be in the minority from people I've talked to (and the previous iteration received criticism for being too slow/awkward, so pretty much the opposite). But do let me know what you guys think of it. Someone also said the tail is a lot smoother then rest, though I'm not sure if that's an issue or just naturally the way it should look, since a tail is going to be more flexible anyway. *edit* another person said that the wings have a flicker effect due to being much bigger on one frame then the adjacent one, though I'm not sure if this was intentional to give it a real batty flap or not. Any thoughts on this?
As for the gameplay, it's going good. I remodeled and nerfed stage 1, keeping things but re-arranging them in a way that has more flow and a more natural difficulty escalation. I think I'm starting to get that left-right-left-right Cho Ren Sha style flow, and some better variety in enemy waves and such. I keep getting multi-day mental blocks on how to make fun patterns with scoring potential, but I get a lot of work done and improvement once the solution finally hits me. Also re-balancing things according to the new shot width and re-balancing the melee range and timing a lot.
Location: Helsinki, FI
The frame-timing on that "improved" neutral animation is really weird to my eyes (it honestly almost looks like there was some technical issue with my browser, it's "that weird") and it doesn't really look like the wings are filling with air, something you would actually require in order to stay in air (assuming dragons could fly in the first place, but let's ignore such technicalities). So... basically I would imagine a dragon to spread wings, extend them all the way slowly to try to get them to fill with air as much as possible and only then flap them down. What's happening right now is kinda like it's spreading and flapping at the same time, which I don't see working very well. So as far as I see (though I'm a programmer, not an artist, so I might not see), there should be at least one "long frame" with the wings all spread before hitting down. Think about how the wings and air(!) should interact and then tweak the timing based on that, it can probably be made to work.
Anyway, here's some ideas (well, things I'd do) for dealing with the "wide shot too strong against popcorn" thing:
Make them invulnerable until they are "on screen" where "on screen" doesn't need to mean "sprite rectangle intersects with screen rectangle" but rather something more like "sprite center is on screen" or "if it decided to shoot right now, the bullet would be on screen" (and then you can make them shoot the first frame they enter screen, so even if instantly killed they still leave a bullet behind). I think Yagawa games do this even with bosses and then people bitch about bosses moving such that they end up invulnerable as "out of screen" for 15 minutes (maybe Yagawa puts the "test point" higher than most other games, I don't know, but you hear complaints about it in Yagawa games specifically), so you might want to try to avoid making it silly like that, but for normal enemies it's generally fine (and you'll notice it in a LOT of good shmups if you actually start to pay attention, I think practically every CAVE game for starters) and not something you even notice when playing except in those specific sections where you're killing enemies faster than they can get on screen.
Do the enemies die when their HP reaches zero (during the collision check), or when their HP is zero after all the collisions are done? This might seem like the same thing, but if player has something like a wide spread-shot with many individual bullets it makes all the difference, since in the latter case a simple popcorn with 1 hp can block any number of player bullets during the frame that it gets hit, saving the next line of popcorn until the next wave of player shots arrives (which might be some 3-5 frames later, but still). Simple way to implement this is to just reduce HP when shot by player and then make the enemies do a "am I dead yet" check in their update next frame (or later same frame, or whatever, doesn't really matter).
Just give them more HP. Somewhere in some pinned thread that I can't find right now it says something along the lines of "popcorn should die when shot once (or very seldom)" and the obvious interpretation is "popcorn has 1 HP" but it's not quite so black and white. They should die when "shot once" but they don't need to die when hit with one small bullet that the player dispatches at an average rate of 20 per frame all around and everywhere. Just bump up their HP slowly until it starts to feel like they don't die when "shot once" anymore, that's the point where you've gone too far and then you just drop it down a bit again and you'll be fine. If your other weapons now feel too weak, you can bump their damage output to compensate (and then bump all the other enemies HPs too, obviously).
This needs to be balanced together with the previous point, but another solution is to simply spam more zako at the player, or make them appear from directions (eg. sides of screen) that the player can't completely cover at once, or make them rush in a little before the previous larger enemy is expected to die, so they get to shoot before the player has time to clear them out... or all of the above.
Those are the things I like to do, anyway. YMMV.
Thanks for the feedback! According to Hagane, the current flap was based on some reference images for a real life Bat's wing flap, so I'm not sure if that makes a difference. I'll show all this to him (I've gotten feedback on other forums too) and let him decide how to proceed.
About the spreadshot: at the time, the biggest issue was "not enough zakos onscreen", since the initial testing areas I used when balancing the weapons were something like Hishouzame: 3-5 zakos on screen at a time but extremely aggressive and nasty. They were balanced around spawning at different points on the screen, to make you move around a lot, so being able to take them all down with one well aimed shot felt kinda ridiculous.
I managed to balance it out by increasing the charge timer, though I'm not sure if that's an optimal solution. My original reasoning for using charged shots for both melee and spread was to give you a reason to not continue shooting when you weren't in front of an enemy, but to begin charging up for some extra spike damage when you next get in range (this was inspired by the Roll shot in Dangun Feveron). So I'm not sure if making the spreads charge so long fits well with that game plan. Currently, the spread (unlike the faster charging melee) doesn't charge fast enough to take advantage of the "gap" of going from one enemy to the next, unless you plan it pre-emptively (though maybe that's an interesting set up in itself?).
I'm still experimenting with melee range/main shot width/etc. as I design and balance the first stage, so at this point I'm thinking I will consider changing or maybe even scrapping the spread shot depending on if I can balance it or find interesting uses for it in the process. Or maybe I'll let playtesters fool around with it and see what they think, once I get the stage 1 done.
I'd guess it's a timing issue, the sprites look quite beautiful to my eyes.
Right. I'd usually start from last stage (for a number of reasons, but generally that would be what I'd want balanced "tightest" so working backwards from there would then just allow relaxing things to gradually prepare the player for what is going to be), but then again I'm horrible at finishing anything anyway so what I do might not be what you want to do. YMMV.
mystran wrote:
Interesting, never thought of that. What I usually do is design stuff that's really hard and then gradually nerf it to where it should be.
Aeon Zenith - Season 2, Episode 4:
Judgment of Destructor ~ The Divine Dragon Revealed??
We got combos
We got stances
We got finishers
Only thing we don't have is mercy.
Everything is still a placeholder except player character and main shot. Hagane came back but he's working a second job now lol. On the bight side, I do have an official composer now who's been sending me prototype stuff. In general I like his work a lot. But like everything else musical placeholders because it's still WIP and too short for usage.
About Melee:
Boomerang and latching on to enemies is meant to make you dance in and out of range, instead of like in some shmups where learning to stand on top of everything and melee them forever is the ideal long term strat. I was kind of inspired by the evolution of Psikyo melee mechanics, where they went from free melee attacks that end up encouraging you to always be close (Sengoku Blade) to melee attacks with an arbitrary cooldown that force you to fight at all ranges consistently but that are kind of unintuitive and forced (Gunbird) to finally the elegant dragon blaze recall mechanic that makes sense visually and perfectly nails the spacing game.
About Judgment:
The idea behind Judgment is that it's a power based on a meter that you can influence but never truly control.
You can kill more enemies and collect falling power ups to speed it up, but its recharge rate is dependent on stage design (how many enemies, how much charge they give, how many items, etc.), and to activate Judgement you have no choice but to use it or miss your chance once its available*. Essentially, it allows me to enforce varied weapon usage and pacing throughout each stage, along with some pragmatic enemy kill chaining. I decide when you dodge and when you destroy, and the ratio will be different each time. Stages could range from dodging fundamentals driven or non-stop high-risk explosive massacres.
Judgment is meant to be risky**, but also highly rewarding both for score and beating the game, if you can master it. If you want to "play safe" you can ignore Judgment and hold on to your meter for an emergency shield (although things might get hairy if you play TOO defensively). I'm trying to design the game so that if you just wanna beat it (and not master) then you have a lot of shields and resources to spam and it's not too hard. But mastery (and maybe seeing the true ending***...) requires risk taking and AGGRESSION.
The ability to extend it by chaining kills and the "kill everything" requirement for the bonus, ult, and meter refill on Judgment also works on both a gameplay and meta/thematic level, as it both genuinely requires you to take risks to hit every enemy and thus master the Judgement Weapons, and also represents the protagonist going into a sort of berserker rage that compells the slaughter of everything in sight. I tried to make the weapons feel as visceral as possible. I'm very happy with the screenshake on certain attacks, though I'm not sure if you can notice it in the video.
At any rate, that's what I'm aiming for. So far it feels nice with the actual enemy formations I've come up with that lend some extra depth to the stages. Hopefully it'll work in the long run.
In fighting game terms, I might also compare it to the "Rage" mechanic in Samurai Shodown or GRD Vorpal in Under-Night, in that its recharge rate depends on the battlefield, and you have a very small window to decide whether to use it or not once it's ready.
Note **
It's worth noting that my intention was that both versions of Judgement would only temporarily slow down bullets rather then cancel them. Only gave them full cancel power in the video because of a bug and because it was too damn hard vs the completely randomized waves I used for the fake-tutorial. Even so, what you're not seeing is the 50 times I re-recorded because I kept dropping the "combo" or getting sniped/kamekazed from the side by a zako during the rush at the end. In fact, I did drop it in the video, just after the white-out started, ha ha.
Beyond that, LVL1 requires manual aiming while leaving yourself unable to move, and LVL2 requires you to dash into close range (and doesn't even get full protection when not firing). Requires some commitment and finesse, as screwing it up can cost you a life or put you in a very bad situation with no meter. Also if the bosses look easy, keep in mind you need to do that while their moving and shooting at you, which would require using your shield from releasing the fire button (and also a slower drain rate, once again things changed for the sake of the demonstration).
Also on that note, keep in mind this is still subject to balancing. The recharge rate of everything and duration is kind of up in the air since I test things on a wave by wave basis when designing stages, and I'm just on the verge of putting it all together which may see some important tweaks. More may come as the difficulty of the game hikes in later stages too.
Note ***
Thinking of including a post-ending scene that reveals the fate of a few characters if you score above a certain threshold.
One concern I have right now is that the double leveled meter is a bit confusing. I was thinking I might change it to something like a single bar that loops and swaps a weapon icon every time it fills. Unfortunately, after month's of work, I thought of that idea late (as in yesterday).
In the mean time, here's an instruction manual style documentation on it:
aaaaaand I just realized there's a typo in there. Fuck.
Any questions/comments/suggestions/criticisms/etc. go right ahead.
Last edited by Squire Grooktook on Sun Sep 25, 2016 3:12 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Location: Wherever.
Most terrifying boss ever!
In seriousness, looking forward to trying this firsthand.
"Fight me IRL if you want to man up so badly."
Glossary / Discussion / The Bizaar / Vasara HS
Oh also, for those whom I didn't personally send it to or who aren't subscribed to my Youtube, here's an early miniboss WIP from a few weeks ago
Featuring the most hyperactive annotation commentary you'll ever see.
Looks like the game system is really taking shape! I can already visualise a lot of potential for calculatedly aggressive Judgement massacres there, at the cost of dodging flak a more conservative player could shield themselves from. Sounds like a fine model to build classically "offense is the best defense" stage designs around.
Totally offhand, a double-layered meter does sound a bit more intuitive and compact - maybe have it change colour as it hits the next level? ie blue while LV1, red while LV2, Judgement markers a consistent neutral colour.
Loved the appearance of the Elemental Master fire manji, such an underrated weapon with a whole lot of body-ramming potential.
Thanks. Also was hoping someone would notice the EM aesthetic cribbing ^_^
The aimed attack was also an attempt to mix Guwanges familiar with the Hunter from Thunder Force.
Good idea on the color swap btw, might do that.
I'm really digging the wave shot's graphics. Looking forward to seeing a playable demo level!
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1CCs • Restart Syndrome scores
BareKnuckleRoo wrote:
Yeah, that'll probably be the next major update ^_^ I'm probably going to send out some pm's later to a few individuals around here of outstanding taste, for preparation and to gauge interest.
BTW Hagane said he wanted to animate the wave a bit further, maybe adding a frame or two more so it looks a bit more fluid. He also wanted to do a "falling back" animation for backwards movement on the Dragon, along with a few other tweaks from feedback.
Which brings me to something I wanted to mention but forgot: Since he's so busy and only has time for small assets at a glacial pace right now, Hagane recommended I search for a secondary sprite artist to fill in.
So if anyone on this board knows any sprite artists capable of a similar art style, or want to recommend a place for finding one, please let me know. My budget is modest, but I think I will be open to pay commissions pretty soon, so that's on the table if necessary.
I already know a few people (and a few places) that I'm considering, but more options is good.
It's been a while, hasn't it?
Well, let's start with what is probably the most exciting news first: we got original music mothafuckaaaaaaas
Gonna do more of an update later with recorded first stage proto footage (it's in the balancing stage, 1:40 seconds long with trimming and tweaking to be done everywhre), but thought I'd send this to a few friends before then.
Opening/Title Theme: http://www.mediafire.com/file/e9iq45o777qfk29/LMD.ogg
First stage theme: http://www.mediafire.com/file/anqbtymktt8trdk/TB.ogg
Composed by GenesisKeys
Also demonstrated in the video below.
I've had these for about 2 months, but wanted to save 'em for the next big update. I couldn't resist blabbing to a few friends here and on Steam, as well as #gamedev on the Shmups Discord, so this probably isn't news to everybody.
Besides that, the other big part of this update: Stage 1 Prototype footage!
Normally I would do youtube annotations for all the scoring tricks and nuances to it, but I'm tired and it's 7 am so I'll just do them here.
This wave encompasses squads of 3 zakos that spawn in a semi random pattern. Every even squad spawns in the middle of the screen, and every odd spawns randomly to the left or right. Reacting quickly and killing them quickly will result in 1-2 additional squads appearing. The very last one will always spawn in the center of the screen, the following wave also uses a left/right random choice, so it forces you into the middle as it begins to make your time to reach either one "even".
A "Drop Ball" enemy spawns from either the left or right, with the next one always alternating to the other side. Killing them extremely quickly (before they fire, think quickshot, Raiden Fighters style) greatly reduces the time until the next one spawns.
The minimum number of drop ball spawns is 2, but you can trigger up to 6 if you react and move fast enough. I designed the sixth drop ball so that it will spawn and begin to move before you can reach it for a melee attack, forcing you to carefully aim the boomerang to hit it.
The zakos are actually static, they are based on a sine wave that shortens to bring you towards the center ("even", again) before each drop ball spawn. There times are also reduced by rapid death.
Sine wave enemies spawn rapidly. It's difficult, though possible, to kill all of them with your main shot. But this wave was designed for "Judgement" on an optimal run. It is harder than it looks to nail all of the marked zakos with the aiming cursor, but successfully doing it will let you annihilate the entire wave and also speed kill the following two tanky enemies for a massive bonus.
Tanky dudes spawn. They have two patterns. Up to 3 pairs can spawn. if you defeat all 3 of them before the next wave is set to trigger, the extremely fast moving zakos will show up.
I designed it so that you would: kill the first pair with Judgments Ult. Kill the second two with melee attacks and a risky "rush" through the red lasers to hit the second one. And finally an agressive strategy and kamekaze attack vs the third pair.
Afterwards, you'd need to use Null Judgement's homing shots and clones with some finesse to kill all the zakos, since they're too numerous and too spread out for your main shot.
This wave was scripted somewhat complex. The wave becomes more rapid with time.
The "random spray" tank enemies spawn very rapidly but there can be only 1-2 on screen at a time, so killing them immediately with a melee can boost your score immensely.
The zakos that use the red star pattern also have a unique system where they reduce the cooldown till the next spawn greatly when killed, but only if you can shoot them before they bounce off the walls.
The "zig zag" zakos are kind of shit and were added at the last second because I wanted to make it look more manic and recca-esque.
Lastly, the final dropping zako rush cannot begin until all the above-mentioned enemies are dead, so the faster you kill them all off, the more zakos you'll get (and more score).
Miniboss. I have a fully annotated video on this guy already.
I'm rather proud of the rhythm and dodging on this pattern, as far as early game stuff goes, as well as the depth. Basically half of these enemies will spawn if you aren't very precise with your movements. But aggressive and high risk action gets you more enemies and points along with more dodging.
This is an idea I've had for a while. Enemies that can be knocked into eachother for extra damage by destroying parts.
You can also destroy them with the piercing or returning effect of the boomerang, but only striking the core with the slash will be fatal.
If you're slow, only 2 waves will spawn. But 4 is possible if you know what you're doing.
Cho-Ren-Sha/Dangun style side switched repeat of the 1:04 pattern. I like it enough that I enjoy doing it again. And I like the rhythm.
Assuming you can gun them down before they shoot (which is what you'll be doing if you're scoring this optimally), this is the only truly static pattern here. As such you can squeeze a lot of extra points out of this with some frame/pixel perfect movement.
Based on that, I should note that patterns with random elements are usually balanced so that an "optimal" amount of score is the most that can be attained through proper reaction. Trying to guess won't get you more because it caps out at what you'd get for an honest reaction.
There's also a new revenge and recovery mechanic when damaged. See here:
Kinda inspired by Garegga and Gunnail. Optimal Scoring means playing on 1 life at all times.
So about the stage: Basically, I've been working on individual enemy waves since last summer. For a long time I was paranoid that I wouldn't be able to come up with enough waves to fill a 5 stage game. But a month or two ago, I took the time to count the seconds (in frames) of all the waves I had created, and realized I already had enough for 2 stages and part of a 3rd. So now it's definitely time to start implementing and balancing them.
Speaking of which, there's still a lot of balancing and polishing to do in the prototype above. I don't use Judgment in the stage mini-boss onward because I haven't balanced the optimal route for it yet (I actually haven't balanced the optimal kamekaze attack usage for the first half either, that will come later). I also haven't worked on the boss or miniboss since last summer, so they are in deplorable states.
Next update, I plan to have the stage and boss in a relatively playable state, and will be open to giving out demos to friends and those who would like to play for feedback. I still have some momentus tasks to accomplish first. Besides all the balancing and polishing, I need to rejigger the games handling of resolution and screen size along with hud positioning, and I also plan on redoing and rebalancing the Judgment meter both based on what BIL suggested back here and also some discoveries and learning I've managed from my own playtime with it. Ultimately it should ditch the feeling of complexity that some people have noted, and make it clear that the system bassically amounts to "SHOOT ENEMIES TO FILL METER > PRESS BUTTON WHEN METER FILLED FOR RISKY HYPER MODE AND MAYBE MORE POINTS". At any rate, the retooling I had planned will take a while.
Let's see...what else, aesthetics I guess: Everything is still a placeholder except the previously mentioned Hagane assets. I'm going to use this update as an opportunity to try and contact him again and see if his second job has lightened up a bit. Otherwise, I'm thinking I will wait till I have at least 2-3 stages done before I commission someone new for sprite art. I actually am talking with another artist right now for something related, but that's a secret for a month or two :3
Placeholders have been working well though. Giving me a nice idea of how to actually script effects, and also an idea of what I'll ultimately probably be wanting maybe.
I nerfed the Michael Bay explosions a bit (for most zakos, at least, enemies with HP > 1 have the old messy explosion) to be a bit less intrusive and added in some new explosion routines (including one where the enemy sprite is blown backwards and explodes upon impacting a wall or top of the screen). Still testing the waters on them a bit though. There aren't a lot of bullets on stage 1, so it's hard to guage whether they're distracting or not in game after just a few days of testing.
I've also been fooling around with screenflashes and screenshake a BIT more. Been looking at various fighting games, brawlers and action platformers for reference in making things feel a bit more visceral.
For instance, when you melee an enemy, there's now a 1/4 chance of a 1-frame long white screen flash. This was inspired by Capcoms Dungeons and Dragons brawlers where you have a chance to "critical hit" on every blow, causing a flash. I always found that flashy intermittency made slashing things feel more volatile and impactful, and so far I like it in here as well. I could remove it or make it optional if you guys find it annoying, however.
Similarly, I also added a (also 1-frame long) red flash and a very brief (8 frames long) screenshake when you get damaged. This was inspired by one of the damage or death animations in Kirby Super Star. HAL always had a penchant for making 2d brawling feel violent, and I was trying to channel the same sense of brutality. I'm not sure if it distracts from the snazziness of the tech roll, though. You can see the difference in the "tutorial" video, which doesn't have it implemented yet.
I'm very much open to changing all this, and I'm still tweaking. So let me know what you think and I'll consider. Anyway, apologies if this update is once again baffingly written. I'm really tired
Last edited by Squire Grooktook on Mon Jan 09, 2017 3:04 am, edited 3 times in total.
that's some nice stage progression there
As for the explosions, maybe that shade of green is a little too bright? Or at the very least it is rather bright compared to a black space background.
As for Null Judgement, is the starting angle for the two angled blasts random or fixed? I don't know if you intend for the execution of the Ultimate to be a matter of timing, as with a fixed starting angle you could muscle memorize the timing for when the two angled blasts intersect with the target, whereas a random starting angle would make memorizing the proper timing rather impossible and force one to pay attention to the lines first before firing. Having two angled blasts would also make it seem like you could use it against two larger enemies at once, even if you can only mark one enemy at a time. Would that ever come into play?
Durandal wrote:
Hadn't thought of that. Yeah, that might be a factor. I'll try out some different colors and shades and see how that affects things.
As for Null Judgement, is the starting angle for the two angled blasts random or fixed?
Fixed and static timing yes. It dfefaults to straight ahead, aiming the laser sights inward, and rotates them outwards and then inward from there. Keep in mind you can actually rotate the positions of the bits with left/right input and the aim angle along with it, which you might need to do for moving targets. Basically it's the vertical position of the intersection that timing controls.
Hopefully that gets you the mental picture. I could post a brief video fooling around with the aim if needed.
. Having two angled blasts would also make it seem like you could use it against two larger enemies at once, even if you can only mark one enemy at a time. Would that ever come into play?
Yeah. If you ram/get rammed by a zako or anything else with low hp, you can opt to angle them to clear more enemies that way. Intersection is only for heavy damage vs high hp targets.Since zakos and 1 hp enemies tend to be tiny (and thus MUCH harder to pull off the cross) it works out that way. | {"pred_label": "__label__cc", "pred_label_prob": 0.6046935319900513, "wiki_prob": 0.39530646800994873, "source": "cc/2020-05/en_middle_0007.json.gz/line1046361"} |
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The feminization of American space policy
This is the title of an essay by Dwayne Day published in this week’s issue of The Space Review. In the article he notes that space policy, like much of the rest of American politics, has seen a shift from “masculine” language like leadership to “feminine” language, where, as he puts it, “virtually all policies are justified in terms of their impact on children.” This transition had already been noted by others observing mainstream politics; Day applies it to space policy, noting that Bush’s January speech unveiling the new space initiative makes no mention of American leadership in space, unlike the space race rhetoric of the 1960s. I must admit that I didn’t think of policy in terms of masculine or feminine language before, but he makes a compelling case in his essay. The question remains, though, whether this shift in language will prove beneficial to the new initiative.
8 comments - (Comments are closed)
8 comments to The feminization of American space policy
Bill White
After reading this essay, I was struck by the incongruence of President Bush NOT talking about space policy in terms of American leadership when leadership is the central focus of the Bush political identity and American foreign policy.
Are there any other policy arenas where President Bush has personally made a similiar shift in language? Since strong leadership is the central plank of the Bush re-election campaign, perhaps this de-emphasis of leadership in the space arena signals a lack of genuine interest.
While the nuances of language are important and Dwayne Day may well have made some legitimate observations, I am less convinced that choosing the words “masculine” or “feminine” as metaphors is useful as it can interject political issues unrelated to space policy into the discussion.
Any attempt to define “masculine” or “feminine” with any degree of precision will surely take us places I do not wish to go.
Nathan Horsley
I know Dwayne peruses this blog, so this will be addressed to him personally. Apologies for the length in advance.
“There is probably no returning to the masculine rhetoric of space exploration of days past, even if space policy has adopted more ambitious and challenging goals. Politicians and bureaucrats will try to develop new language and descriptions to broaden the appeal of these plans.”
Is this supposed to be a bad thing, or is this just a normatively neutral observation?
If it is supposed to be neutral, in my opinion it fails in its goal, as the only positive description of the “feminization” shift is the statement above, and that statement doesn’t even imply that the purported goal of broadening support is actually furthered by the shift in language. The many references to “days past” and the days of the Apollo program make it seem as it you are nostalgic for the days when men were men, and women stayed off the launch pad. Furthermore, the reference to feminization without any attempt to discuss what this means (beyond the circular definition by example provided in the rest of the piece), in my mind at least, implies some action by “feminists”, a nebulous term that is often used as a derogatory label (in many cases with justification) outside of its limited community.
If the shift to “feminine language” is supposed to be a bad thing, we’ve got major problems. I kind of like the idea of space having a broad appeal. There is a pretty good argument that it is necessary to attaining continued funding, and promoting future economic leadership. If we want the public to find space relevant enough to them to continue spending tax dollars on it, targeting less than half the population isn’t such a great idea.
Mostly Factual issues:
If NASA banned the use of the phrase “manned space program” apparently no one got the memo (or maybe it is just NASA that isn’t using the phrase, either way “space policy” makers still use the term). This phrase is still synonymous with the program to put people in space, as is demonstrated most frequently by the rhetoric of the manned space v. robotic space debate (one will also find a discussion of humans v. robots, but in the vast majority of the discussions the term “manned space” is used at least once even if it is not the go to term). In fact, I have considered writing on the need to move away from “manned space” rhetoric in order to better stimulate the interest of young women in space (Uh oh, did I just appeal to the children, better check my testicles to see if I’m still masculine. Sorry for the snideness Dwayne, I couldnt resist that one).
Since when has exploration been held to be a “feminine” concept? Exploration is less hegemony centered than domination or colonization, but that is a far cry from making something feminine (even if it is possible and useful to essentialize gender roles).
Final questions:
What is a feminine, a masuline, or a feminization, or at least in what sense are you using the terms (I am familiar with the physical distinctions, and with at least three competing definitions based on behavioral distinctions, which are you using)? What level of space policy are you discussing (government, private, White House, NASA, etc.)? Does the shift in public relations rhetoric mirror a change in the way policymakers conceptualize issues, is it merely a way to garner public support, is it a combination of the two, or some other alternative? Does the shift actually function to garner public support? Does the shift function to hinder development in any way?
I applaud your attempting to bring rhetorical theory into the space policy discussion (even though as Bill suggests, this might be more of a distraction from more influential factors than it is worthwhile, at least in the very short term), but I would respectfully suggest that you have further to go in your analysis before it provides more answers than questions.
Dwayne A. Day
Due to a shortage of time, I am going to make several posts responding to your issues one by one.
“Is this supposed to be a bad thing, or is this just a normatively neutral observation? ”
First, it is meant to be neutral. I am not longing for the rhetoric of days past, nor am I even longing for the _policies_ of days past. What I was attempting to do was note that both the policies _and_ the rhetoric have changed over the years and–here is the big point–even if the policies change again, the rhetoric will not change back. If an American president wants to re-do Apollo today, he will use different language than was used in the 1960s because some of that language is anachronistic and some of it is now considered at least slightly offensive. I was trying not to say that this is a good or bad thing, but to note that it has happened.
A little background: A few weeks ago a senior space policy writer mentioned that “leadership” had long been a central foundation of American space policy. I thought about this and it occurred to me that this term is not generally used in American space policy discussions these days. In fact, as I remembered a bit (and my memory is fallible), I seem to recall that around 1993-94 or so the Russians complained that NASA officials were treating them as second-class partners, rather than equals in the space station effort. The result was that NASA deliberately started editing their own language so as not to upset the Russians. For instance, they would not call the Russians “junior partners” or anything like that. (There was another effect as well–the Europeans started complaining that although they had been early partners in the space station program, they were now relegated to positions behind the Russians. The Europeans felt that their complaints about this were ignored.)
Now “leadership” when used in American space policy documents used to mean something very specific–beating the Russians with undefined space spectaculars. But once the Cold War ended, it was no longer necessary to keep demonstrating that the United States was technologically superior to the Soviet Union in space. So the term “leadership” really lost its meaning around this time. (And note that I also mentioned that other Big Science projects such as SSC and fusion used to justify their budgets in terms of “leadership” against the USSR as well.)
So I started thinking about how this word “leadership” had begun disappearing from civil space policy documents and speeches after the end of the Cold War. I searched through Bush’s speech and did not find it there, but did find a lot of mention of “exploration.” This prompted me to think about other terms that were no longer used. It also prompted me to think about policy changes that had also occurred. The policies and the rhetoric are closely related, but not completely related.
As I discussed this with people, some of them suggested looking at both Carnes Lord’s book and Kathleen Hall Jamieson’s book. Both of them applied the terms “masculine” and “feminine” to define certain policies and rhetoric.
(Sidenote: Hall Jamieson’s book dates from 1988, when feminist language criticism was in the ascendant. Lord’s book is much more recent. Someone told me that if I had written my essay on space policy in 1989, feminist scholars would barely note it, because they themselves were focusing on these issues. But she also said that using the terms “masculine” and “feminine” to describe rhetorical language is anachronistic in the gender studies field. I am no expert on this, however.)
Lord equates “leadership” with a willingness to disadvantage someone and he says that this is a “masculine” term. He doesn’t say that women cannot be leaders and I never said that either. In fact, Hall Jamieson’s book fits in to this discussion well because what she discussed is _how_ women chose to compete with men for leadership positions in politics. She said that they developed their own style of rhetoric and speech–and also their own issues. For instance, female political candidates realized that if they tried to debate men on strictly national security issues (bombs and guns and foreign policy), they had a greater chance of losing because American society was biased against women in these areas. So women political candidates picked different issues and different styles and used these against men. What Hall Jamieson also noted is that, rather surprisingly, male candidates began adopting what she called “the Effeminate Style.” This was a way for male candidates to expand their appeal to other groups of voters (particularly women). If you find a copy of her book, look at chapter 4.
I could have substituted other words for “masculine” language and “feminine” language–I could have called them “Type 1″ and “Type 2.” That would have carried less baggage, but I also think it would have brought less to the discussion, because gender is involved in this to some extent. After all, there has been a change over the years in American space policy to try and include more women. They were largely excluded in the early years of spaceflight (no women astronauts being the best example). Once they were included, the image of the agency changed, and the language that the agency used also changed as well.
So, to get back to your question that I re-posted above, I was not pining toward the “good ole days” when men were in charge and could say whatever they wanted. I was trying to note that policies and rhetoric have changed and using this as a jumping off point for further discussion. What does it mean? Where is it going?
I’ll also admit, however, that the ending of the essay is weak. But this essay was mainly supposed to be a discussion piece and certainly not a polemic. I looked at this and thought “there’s something going on here, but I’m not sure what it is or what it means.” So I wrote it up and tossed it out into the world for discussion.
More later.
Bill White wrote:
“I am less convinced that choosing the words “masculine” or “feminine” as metaphors is useful as it can interject political issues unrelated to space policy into the discussion.”
Two points:
First, as I noted in the piece, I didn’t come up with this idea. Others have already written about it (I cited Lord and Hall Jamieson, but I’m sure there are others). Lord was interested in the idea as it applies to political leadership in the modern day. Hall Jamieson was interested in the idea as it applies to how male and female politicians speak and campaign. I simply applied it to space policy. It is possible that there are actually better terms to define these policy and rhetorical changes. If so, I’m open to suggestions.
Second, I actually think that gender plays a role here and cannot be ignored. Women were _excluded_ from civil spaceflight for many years. They did not hold management positions at NASA and they could not be astronauts. That did not begin to change until the late 1970s.
Now once this change occurred, the policies and the language changed as well. I think it is worthwhile asking how policies and language changed as a result of the increasing numbers of women involved in American space policy, particularly NASA.
In addition, the rhetoric in American politics (outside of space) changed over the same time, in part to start including women rather than excluding them. I doubt that there is anybody who would argue that women are less involved in politics today than they were in 1962. Clearly they play a much greater role.
Politicians, whether male or female, always want to expand their voting block (that is, they want more people to vote for them). They realized that by appealing to issues that women were interested in, they could attract more votes. It is worth asking if bureaucracies (like NASA) did this as well. I think that one can make a good case that NASA officials made a conscious effort to appeal to a broader base of support. They wanted to appeal to women and minorities and so they changed their language and other symbolism.
I have not done this myself, but I bet that you could survey NASA literature, like public affairs brochures, and see a big change. Look at brochures from the 1960s and you will see white men. Look at the 1970s and the 1980s and later and you will see women and minorities in the photographs. The inherent message is that NASA is friendly to these groups. (Universities do this all the time. Virtually every university admissions brochure has a photograph of a group of ethnically and gender diverse students smiling while sitting on the steps of an idyllic campus library–usually in the fall. “Diversity” is a major goal of universities in their admissions policies and they try to communicate this goal through the photographs and language they use in their literature.)
Whether or not you think this good or bad is a personal decision. But it happens and I think it’s worth noting.
Bill White also wrote:
Yeah, I figured that even attempting to do this topic (especially since I have no training in gender studies) was fraught with danger. I actually have no strong opinions on this either way (and I’m not going to care if somebody writes a 2000-word essay proving that I’m completely wrong). I simply thought that it was an interesting observation and I would like to see it discussed.
Nathan Horsley wrote:
“Furthermore, the reference to feminization without any attempt to discuss what this means (beyond the circular definition by example provided in the rest of the piece), in my mind at least, implies some action by “feminists”, a nebulous term that is often used as a derogatory label (in many cases with justification) outside of its limited community.”
I never mentioned “feminists” once. And if you imply that they are a “limited community” then you would probably offend many people.
I used the word “feminization” four times, two of them in title headings. But it should have been clear from the context that I was using it as Carnes Lord defined it, and also trying to extend it out. National security is no longer used to justify civilian space policy, but other issues such as inspiring children are. Can you provide a better term that explains this change in issues and rhetoric? Perhaps “democratization” would work, but I don’t think it does, because the change has not simply been intended to expand the appeal to new groups of supporters, but has also moved away from some old issues (leadership vs. other nations) and toward new ones.
“If we want the public to find space relevant enough to them to continue spending tax dollars on it, targeting less than half the population isn’t such a great idea.”
And this is a big reason why it has occurred–in order to expand the constituency. It has certainly been happening in American politics in general. There used to be many political issues that were not publicly debated at all until relatively recently (the past 20 years or so).
“If NASA banned the use of the phrase “manned space program” apparently no one got the memo (or maybe it is just NASA that isn’t using the phrase, either way “space policy” makers still use the term).”
Here there has been a shift. I have not researched the use of “human spaceflight” vs. “manned spaceflight” in NASA literature. But there was a time when NASA actually had offices with “manned” in the title and now those offices have “human” in the title instead. What year did that happen and why?
Dan Goldin used to get very mad if he ever heard the term “manned spaceflight” and he would yell at the speaker. But I have been told that these days the term is used more at NASA than it used to be in the 1990s, even if it is official policy not to use it. So it would seem that the pendulum has swung backwards a bit.
I was primarily concerned with civil space policy at the White House-NASA level, not with commercial space policy or military space or private groups, although I think that they have changed as well.
Here is what I wrote in the essay:
“In order to build the coalitions necessary to pursue this new policy, Bush could not embrace the old language about conquering the heavens or even leading the world. So he has adopted the word exploration as a compromise term.”
“Compromise term.” In other words, I never said that exploration was a “feminine concept.” What I did say was that Bush justified this exploration plan not in terms of conquest or leadership (traditionally “masculine” terms), but in terms of inspiring children.
The pendulum swung back a bit–as one would expect to happen when a conservative president takes over–but there are limits to what language Bush can use. I think it’s an interesting excercise to try and identify those limits.
Insofar as Constance Adams is currently one of my top space hero(ines) maybe I was too quick to bash the gender thing. If her style of analysis is feminine, then okay I am all for feminine.
But setting that aside, what is “exploration” anyway?
I know that I have not finished answering Mr. Horsley’s excellent questions yet, but I think that your question above is a good one. In fact, it is something that I have been discussing with several colleagues of mine. One of them, an astrophysicist, said that at first his colleagues in the astronomy community were happy that NASA was finally going to make this distinction. They wanted a clear distinction so that people would not justify human exploration as “science” when it had very little science component.
The problem is that the two terms have not been defined. And this is leading to confusion within NASA. One danger is that now that “exploration” has been labeled the agency’s top priority, anything that is perceived as “merely science” could be eliminated.
Personally, I think that somebody should take a crack at defining the differences and similarities of exploration and science, and how they overlap and diverge.
Thanks for clarifying. You’ve certainly dealt with my major concern. As a piece designed to raise questions, I agree with it whole heartedly. My major concern was that the baggage your language carried seemed to tilt the message (course that baggage could be my interpretation, so take this at face value).
I still would argue against using the masculine and feminine labels on the grounds that it sends the signal that there is such a thing as an essential feminine or masculine (which is a huge side issue I sure dont want to have to get into). However, I can understand your reason for doing so and agree that it is something that ought to be considered carefully. As a suggestion for alternate labels, I would turn to the “dominance feminism” theories of Judy Butler. The argument is that behavior is more accurately explained by describing the relative power of the people involved than by looking to historical conceptions of maleness or femaleness. This sort of idea is extended in the study of the rhetoric of international relations in the conception of unilateralism/hegemonic v. multilateralism/cooperative. This I think better echoes the concerns that are driving policy makers (or publicists as the case may be) to be careful in thier language. While they are catering to women to be sure, they are also trying to cater to everyone else. This then brings up the only question that you did not specifically address: what is the reason for the change in rhetoric? (not really looking for an answer, just encouraging thought, but an answer would of course be welcome)
Nostalgia for my old philosophy days aside, I would agree with the concensus that finding out the meaning of “exploration” is the more important concern for the exploration initiative.
For me the term has less meaning in itself than it reflects the nature of the space policy and advocacy circles. It is a “vision” without actually being a discrete plan; and it has to be given the lack of conscensus in the space community. Exploration is what you make of it. It is everything that the space community wants all at once and allows each person to insert their own specific plan and have reason to beleive that if they work for it, they can make the overall vision reflect their meaning of exploration. I see it is as the PR portion of a great space “vision”. But I’m interested to see how others percieve it. | {"pred_label": "__label__cc", "pred_label_prob": 0.6186442971229553, "wiki_prob": 0.3813557028770447, "source": "cc/2022-05/en_head_0005.json.gz/line1078834"} |
Jackson Withrow (Omaha, Nebraska; 7 de julio de 1993) es un jugador de tenis estadounidense.
Withrow compitió en el Abierto de Estados Unidos, donde recibió junto con su compañero Jack Sock una invitación para participar en el torneo. En la primera ronda fueron derrotados por Xavier Malisse de Bélgica y Mark Knowles de Bahamas.
En el Campeonato de Tenis Masculino de la NCAA 2016, Withrow y su compañero de equipo Arthur Rinderknech perdieron el campeonato individual de dobles frente a Mackenzie McDonald y Martin Redlicki de UCLA por 4-6, 1-6.
Withrow y Jack Sock obtuvieron una invitación para el torneo de dobles de Cincinnati, donde perdieron contra Juan Sebastián Cabal y Fabio Fognini en la primera ronda.
Ganó su primer partido de dobles de nivel ATP con su compañero Austin Krajicek en el Abierto de Estados Unidos al derrotar a Philipp Oswald y André Sá en la primera ronda.
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Títulos ATP Challenger (11; 0+11)
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Deportistas de Nebraska
Tenistas masculinos de Estados Unidos
Tenistas masculinos de Texas A&M Aggies
Campeones del Abierto de Estados Unidos junior
Nacidos en Omaha | {'title': 'Jackson Withrow', 'url': 'https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jackson%20Withrow', 'language': 'es', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
Home International Relations International membership
In the ever changing world of public health with its dependence on political favour, the focus on devasting neglected tropical diseases, which only affect low-income countries, is increasingly being directed to more high profile areas of public health. In order to keep the focus on diseases of poverty and neglected diseases, advocacy is needed from the initiatives/groups etc. who are directly involved with trying to alleviate this insufferable burden.
EVI, which has for many years, been a member of the Malaria Vaccine Funders Group, has recently joined two other advocacy groups involved in creating informed awareness at the European Commission and other funding institutions.
The Malaria Vaccine Funders Group (MVFG)
The Malaria Vaccine Funders Group - having a joint vision for a major contribution to a world free from malaria morbidity and mortality through vaccination - has its origins in discussions among representatives from WHO, USAID, the EC and EVI at a meeting in The Gambia and in subsequent meetings in Washington, Brussels and Geneva during the last decade of the 20th century. In 2001, the discussion was expanded to the newly formed Malaria Vaccine Initiative at PATH (MVI), and several additional members were added to the group. The Malaria Vaccine Funders Group was established in order to exchange information and opinions between internationally active funding bodies for malaria vaccine development with the hope that progress can be accelerated. The group's work aims at facilitating the coordination of vaccine research activities by defining and making use of synergies between ongoing and planned programmes/activities, structuring and prioritising vaccine research efforts, thereby reducing unnecessary overlaps and identifying areas of research needs where support can be assembled in a complementary manner.
The Initiative for Vaccine Research (IVR) of the World Health Organization acts as the secretariat of this group; coordinating agendas and outcomes of each meeting with all group members. Meetings represent the fora for Funders to discuss opportunities and challenges that are best addressed jointly, for identification of synergies and for the development of joint activities/measures, if appropriate and feasible.
The Malaria Vaccine Funders Group aims to hold its meetings twice a year. On a day-to-day basis or when needed members organise consultations or other processes jointly with other members of the Funders Group. The Funders Group meetings are also used as a way to share the results of recent consultations organised by individual Funders.
The provision of funds by these organizations is not limited to regions or countries; the organisations fulfil donor but not investigator roles; the focus of the group lies in the development of new vaccines and associated technologies; capacity strengthening is supported as required for the development of the new vaccines.
MVFG produced a White Paper in 2008 entitled Rational Design of Children’s Malaria Vaccines.
The members of MVFG are as follows:
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF )
European Commission (EC )
European and Developing Countries' Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP )
The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) Extramural Malaria Program
Malaria Vaccine Initiative (MVI ) at Program for Appropriate Technology in Health (with whom EVI has signed a Memorandum of Understanding)
United States Agency for International Development (USAID ), with whom EVI has signed a Memorandum of Understanding
World Health Organization, IVR (WHO), with whom EVI has signed a Memorandum of Intent
Roll Back Malaria Partnership (RBM)
RBM was launched in 1998 by WHO, UNICEF, UNDP and the World Bank, in an effort to provide a coordinated global response to malaria. It mobilises for action and resources and forges consensus among partners. The Partnership is comprised of more than 500 partners organised in eight constituencies,.including malaria endemic countries, their bilateral and multilateral development partners, the private sector, non-governmental and community-based organisations, foundations, and research and academic institutions.
Roll Back Malaria Partnership | {"pred_label": "__label__wiki", "pred_label_prob": 0.5565581321716309, "wiki_prob": 0.5565581321716309, "source": "cc/2020-05/en_head_0042.json.gz/line218715"} |
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Last edited by Tygojar
6 edition of Gene Simmons House of Horrors TPB found in the catalog.
by Dwight L. MacPherson
Published April 25, 2008 by IDW Publishing .
Comics & Graphic Novels / Graphic Novels / Horror,
Horror comic books, strips, etc
gene simmons is here to unlock the doors to the temple. Gene Simmons, KISS front-man, multi-hyphenate entrepreneur, and master of self-invention, shares his philosophy on power—how to attain it, how to keep it, and how to harness it as a driving force in business and in : HarperCollins Publishers. gene simmons is here to unlock the doors to the temple. Gene Simmons, KISS front-man, multi-hyphenate entrepreneur, and master of self-invention, shares his philosophy on power—how to attain it, how to keep it, and how to harness it as a driving force in business and in life.
Think money doesn't buy happiness? Think again, says Kiss frontman Gene Simmons, In his recently released book, "On Power: My Journey Through the . This edit will also create new pages on Comic Vine for: Beware, you are proposing to add brand new pages to the wiki along with your edits. Make sure this is what you intended.
Musician Gene Simmons signs copies of his new book 'Me, Inc.' at Barnes & Noble bookstore at The Grove on Octo in Los Angeles, California. (Photo by Tommaso Boddi/WireImage)Author: Neil Parmar. Simmons' recordings for Sun and Hi were reissued on CD during the decade. Haunted House gained a new lease of life when it was recorded in .
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Gene Simmons House of Horrors TPB by Dwight L. MacPherson Download PDF EPUB FB2
Gene Simmons House of Horrors book. Read 5 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. You knock at the door of the old mansion up on the hil /5(5).
Gene Simmons house of horrors is a great anthology comic. It gives you the thrill you need in very graphic images and very different stories. Unlike Tales from the Crypt or Creepshow, this book is more mature and gorey. It is definitely not for the faint of heart/5(2). Gene Simmons house of horrors is a great anthology comic.
It gives you the thrill you need in very graphic images and very different stories. Unlike Tales from the Crypt or Creepshow, this book is more mature and gorey. It is definitely not for the faint of heart/5.
The Gene Simmons House Of Horrors TPB will be in stores April 9, ; call comic-book () to find a store near you. ABOUT IDW PUBLISHINGIDW PUBLISHING is a division of Idea and Design Works, LLC, a revolutionary creative service company with a wide range of clients.
House of Horrors tpb - IDW Publishing + Gene Simmons. $ + $ Shipping. Gene Simmons House Of Horrors & The Monster Book. $ + $ Shipping. TRANSFORMERS Movie Prequel TPB -- IDW -- OOP. $ + $ Shipping. ASHLEY WOOD DOOMED TPB IDW PUBLISHING robert bloch matheson rare oop popbot Rating: % positive.
Gene Klein (born Chaim Witz on Aug ), known professionally as Gene Simmons, is an Israeli-American musician, singer, songwriter, record producer, entrepreneur, actor, author and television known by his stage persona The Demon, he is the bassist and co-lead singer of Kiss, the rock band he co-founded with lead singer and rhythm guitarist Paul Stanley in the early : Aug (age 70), Tirat Carmel, Israel.
The TPB includes the original intros and outros written by the book’s host, Gene Simmons, as well as a new collection introduction from Simmons. In addition, Nick Simmons–Gene’s son, budding co-star on Gene Simmons Family Jewels, the top-rated A&E reality show, and the creator of the upcoming Platinum Studios comic Skullduggery–has.
Official Press Release. San Diego, CA - In Julyrock legend Gene Simmons takes the stage in an all-new capacity-as the mysterious master of ceremonies for his own quarterly horror anthology, GENE SIMMONS HOUSE OF HORRORS, which kicks off with a deliriously gruesome cover image by the legendary creator of Spawn, Todd McFarlane, based on an idea by Simmons.
Gene Simmons has 48 books on Goodreads with ratings. Gene Simmons’s most popular book is The Art of War. Career. Simmons is a member of the Screen Actors Guild and is most notable as part of the cast of A&E reality television series Gene Simmons Family Jewels from to He has also performed voice-over work on Cartoon Network's Robot Chicken.
He branched out into writing, most notably for comic contributed a story for the comic book anthology Gene Simmons House of Horrors, the. The Gene Simmons House Of Horrors TPB will be in stores April 9, ; call comic-book () to find a store near you.
Gene Simmons House Of Horrors TPB Categories: IDW Publishing. The Gene Simmons House of Monsters is an illustrated comic book. "You knock on his door of the old mansion up on the hill, and who answers?.
None other than Gene Simmons himself. You will be entering another of his comic books with stories all presided by Simmons Rating: % positive. Morris Eugene "Jumpin' Gene" Simmons (J – Aug ) was an American rockabilly singer and songwriter, best known for his novelty single "Haunted House". Biography.
Morris Eugene Simmons was born in Itawamba County, Mississippi, and began his recording career with Sun Records in a couple of years after performing as an opening act for former labelmate Elvis : JItawamba County. Gene Simmons House of Horrors kicks of an all-new line of comics created by the rock legend.
Up first, this quarterly anthology of tales of terror, all presided over by the man in black, Gene Simmons, who also scripts all his own dialogue for the comic. Gene Simmons House of Horrors includes the fifteen different and terrifying stories all presided over by Simmons and featuring a cover by fellow legend Todd McFarlane.
Download Link: Download links are not available at this moment. KISS co-founder Gene Simmons really likes power. So much so that his new book’s title contains this word three times. On Power: My Journey Through the Corridors of Power and How You Can Get More Power is his self-help manifesto that alleges to outline the finer points of focused ambition.
Though he does deserve credit for breaking taboos with his extremely Darwinian worldview and advice. Musicians: Jumpin' Gene Simmons (vocal) Writer: Robert Geddins.
I just moved in my new house today. Movin' was hard but I got squared away. Bells started ringin' and chains rattled loud. I spoke to Gene Simmons about why he focused on power for his new book, how he defines the word power, how employees can gain power in the workplace, how technology can be used for good or evil.
The book’s farrago of libertarianism, traditionalism, and avarice appeals to a set of aging baby boomers, the same ones who propelled Trump to the White House; in Author: Dan Piepenbring.
It's a new year filled with new scares at Gene Simmons House of Horrors. Master of the macabre, Gene Simmons, returns to host five original tales of tantalizing terror. Throw in a bizarrely twisted prose tale from demon spawn Nick Simmons, and you've got all the makings of fright comics at their finest.
Full color. Cover price $. Gene Simmons: I haven’t slept with 4, women it’s 4,International superstar Gene Simmons creates his own version of the classic 'stranger in a strange land' in this first collection of his all-new science fiction title, Zipper.
After a daring escape from his other-dimensional home, the Nether Ether, denizen Xeng Ral finds himself on planet Earth-. Arcana Comics and Simmons Comics Group are proud to present this special anthology, featuring the third chapters of Zipper, Dominatrix, and Gene Simmons House of Horrors, as well as the third and final chapter of the first-ever crossover between Zipper and Dominatrix, The Slave Trade/5(3).
elizrosshubbell.com - Gene Simmons House of Horrors TPB book © 2020 | {"pred_label": "__label__wiki", "pred_label_prob": 0.5422987937927246, "wiki_prob": 0.5422987937927246, "source": "cc/2021-04/en_middle_0044.json.gz/line335405"} |
Meedo flinders är en spindelart som beskrevs av Norman I. Platnick 2002. Meedo flinders ingår i släktet Meedo och familjen Gallieniellidae.
Artens utbredningsområde är Sydaustralien. Inga underarter finns listade i Catalogue of Life.
flinders | {'title': 'Meedo flinders', 'url': 'https://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meedo%20flinders', 'language': 'sv', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
The Dedham Vale & Constable Country
Download a Dedham Vale Desktop Wallpaper
To the North of Colchester you will discover the Dedham Vale, affectionately known as Constable Country; an area of natural beauty which has inspired great English painters through the ages.
The only designated Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty in Essex, the Dedham Vale contains numerous scenes which inspired famous English artists including 19th Century landscape painter John Constable, 18th century artist Thomas Gainsborough and 20th Century equestrian artist Sir Alfred Munnings.
Dedham is one of the most attractive villages in Essex, and the association with John Constable is particularly close. The historic church of St Mary the Virgin dominates the High Street and features in several of Constable's paintings.
Artists continue to be inspired by the area's landscape, and the work of equestrian artist Sir Alfred Munnings is celebrated in the Munnings Art Museum, the artist's former home in the village.
Download the AONB Constable Country Guide
Things to do in Dedham
You'll find a range of tea shops, country pubs and independent shops lining Dedham High Street, with the Dedham Craft Centre proving a favourite shopping destination with visitors.
The River Stour, which runs through the village is ideal for walks, picnics, and most famously boating, with rowing boat hire a popular activity for tourists.
Further down the river you will discover Flatford Mill, including the iconic Willy Lott's Cottage, immortalised in Constable's most famous landscape, The Haywain.
Take a short trip away from the village and you'll discover more of Constable Country including Dedham Vale Vineyard, Boxted Airfield, and other scenic towns and villages including East Bergholt, Stratford St Mary, and Manningtree.
Boxted Airfield Museum
Boxted Airfield Museum station 150. The most important US fighter base in the UK in WW2.
A stylish and contemporary bar and brasserie with a no booking policy but all day dining to ensure you get your table!
Dedham Vale Vineyard
Forty acre site including seven acres of vines and a variety of trails through woodland, around lakes and wildflower meadows. Self guided tours and tastings of our wines. Winery powered by wind and sun generated energy.
Dedham Art and Craft Centre
Dedham Art & Craft Centre is housed in a converted church in this popular village. The Centre exudes historic charm and is the perfect place to visit, shop and eat.
Set by the River Stour, Dedham is in the heart of Constable Country. It was here that Britain's greatest landscape artist went to school.
Essex Rose, Dedham
The Essex Rose Tea Room serves a range of sandwiches, lunch specials, hot and cold snacks, cakes and home-made scones.
Le Talbooth
Beside the River Stour on Essex/Suffolk border. Award winning restaurant offering great food, service and atmosphere.
RSPB Flatford Wildlife Garden
A fabulous wildlife garden to inspire you to Give Nature a Home where you live. New family trail to get your children involved.
Flatford: Bridge Cottage
A delightful 16th century cottage just minutes from Flatford Mill. Why not visit our Constable exhibition then sit by the river and enjoy a freshly baked cake at the National Trust tea room and find a gift in our shop.
Explore the life and work of renown British artist Sir Alfred Munnings (1878-1959) in his former home and studio.
Welcome to Manningtree, a gateway to Constable country and more... As England's smallest town - at just over 19 hectares - Manningtree is small but packs in a great deal for residents and visitors alike.
Flatford & The River Stour
Continue the Constable theme by visiting a National Trust property: Flatford Bridge Cottage. Flatford Mill and Willy Lott's House, immortalised in "The Haywain", can be seen from the outside and a short walk along the banks of the river Stour rewards you with views of untouched Constable landscapes.
The adjoining Flatford wildlife garden is managed by the RSPB, and includes a trail of carved wooden creatures and living willow tunnel.
Like Dedham, Flatford welcomes huge numbers of visitors each year, so avoid the crowds by visiting at quieter, off peak periods, such as the winter or during the week.
Flowing from Sudbury in the West, through Dedham, Flatford, Manningtree and then onto Ipswich in the East the River Stour is a scenic and charming waterway, once again immortalised on numerous occasions by John Constable. Hire a rowing boat in Dedham and explore the river, or take a less energetic trip on an electric boat trip from Flatford. Kayaking, and even wild swimming are also possible.
If messing about on the river is not for you, simply enjoy a scenic walk along the banks and take in the scenery. Picturesque locks, as well as breathtaking views of the stunning landscape can be found along the waterside trails.
Stay in Constable Country
Modern, contemporary bar brasserie with 15 stylish en-suite bedrooms. The place to eat, drink and stay in the Dedham Vale. Open for full à la carte menu all day, so no rush.
Small Hotel with 15 rooms, £98-£120 prpn
The Crown, Stoke-by-Nayland is our traditional vintage Inn & privately-owned boutique hotel. We have built an enviable reputation from our commitment to providing friendly service, luxurious accommodation & delicious food, wine & real ales.
Small Hotel with 11 rooms, £165-£225 prpnb
Dragonfly Colchester Hotel
Just 10 minutes from Colchester Centre, Dragonfly Hotel Colchester offers spacious rooms with flat screen TV’s. Next to the A12 motorway, there is an on-site restaurant and free parking.
Hotel with 50 rooms, £32-£75 pppn
Fabulous country house hotel situated over looking Constable Country and the Dedham Vale. 12 luxurious suites all individually designed and decorated. Day spa, tennis court, outdoor swimming pool and hot tubs. Dine at Le Talbooth.
Country House Hotel with 12 rooms, £475 prpnb
Walking in Constable Country
Explore the Dedham Vale
There are a number of free walking guides for Constable Country available from the Dedham Vale AONB Project. These include the long-distance Stour Valley Path, individual guides for Dedham, Nayland and more, and shorter walks of interest. The pick of the bunch being a stroll through Dragon Country following the legend of a Dragon (or perhaps an escaped crocodile?) that roamed the vale. | {"pred_label": "__label__cc", "pred_label_prob": 0.5587807297706604, "wiki_prob": 0.4412192702293396, "source": "cc/2020-05/en_middle_0013.json.gz/line444041"} |
Plain colored shirt that contrast surroundings, background, hair, etc.
Little to no jewelry (rings, bracelets, earrings). If you don’t know if it is too much, don’t wear it.
Jewelry that has meaning can be worn, please let me know that the ring, necklace, earrings are important to you in some way.
Long hair should be tied back to prevent distraction and face blockage.
Nails should be kept short and no vibrant colors.
Be careful when you record, if it could be visually distracting cover it, replace it, or remove it.
No gum when presenting. You would not give a presentation in English while chewing gum, you will not give a presentation in ASL while chewing gum. | {'timestamp': '2019-04-23T16:44:27Z', 'url': 'https://www.dichiricoasl.com/how-to-film-your-videos.html', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'} |
Maggie Sottero Wedding Dresses
About Maggie Sottero - Brand, Designers, and Dresses
Weddings are all about family, and no one understands that better than Maggie Sottero. The Sottero family has been hand crafting wedding dresses for over five generations, so it’s no surprise that brides visit boutiques around the world asking for a Maggie Sottero dress.
Ask any bride what they like most about their Sottero dress and you’re bound to hear what’s become known in the wedding industry as “Maggie Magic.” Maggie Sottero dresses first became famous because of their custom corset closures, which not only makes it much easier to get in and out of the dress, but is also said to reduce a bride’s waist by two sizes! It really is magic.
Celebrities are also huge fans of the Maggie Sottero brand. Desiree Hartsock, from Season 9 of ‘The Bachelorette’, wore a custom-made Maggie Sottero for her wedding and even launched her own collection with the brand.
Each season the brand launches nearly 100 new styles that match a wide variety of tastes, so there are always plenty of options to choose from. That being said, the brand’s specialty is a sweetheart neckline combined with a sumptuous, beaded lace bodice. The superb fit of the Sottero corset does wonders to accentuate the heart shape of the bride’s bust. If you want to walk down the aisle looking absolutely captivating, there really is no better pairing than a Sottero-sweetheart. When it comes to color choices, diamond white is a favorite choice among Maggie brides because the relaxed hue is compliments every skin tone.
If you can’t find the right style for you from the collection above, Mon Cheri Bridal dresses and Amare Couture gowns feature similar designs. | {"pred_label": "__label__cc", "pred_label_prob": 0.7380434274673462, "wiki_prob": 0.2619565725326538, "source": "cc/2022-05/en_middle_0066.json.gz/line1603360"} |
Home News Interest Rates Drop to Record Low
Interest Rates Drop to Record Low
Please Note: This Article is 3 years old. This increases the likelihood that some or all of it's content is now outdated.
The Bank of England has today announced the first interest rate cut in over seven years, as the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) decision led to the unveiling of a package of measures with the aim of preventing another recession following the recent Brexit vote.
There was a unanimous decision from the committee to cut rates a quarter per cent to a record low in the Bank’s 300 year history, 0.25pc from the previous record low of 0.5pc.
Announcing a 170bn package of additional measures designed to boost the economy, the Bank said it would also be expanding quantitative easing by 60bn over the coming 6 months. The Bank will be buying up to 10bn of high quality corporate debt, commencing September 2016, which will reduce corporate funding costs.
The current Bank Rate of 0.5pc has been sustained since March 2009, but Mr Carney, the Bank Governor, said that a “markedly” weaker growth outlook meant that a cut further towards zero was needed, but he has ruled out going negative.
A “Term Funding Scheme” designed to offset the impact of cutting interest rates on bank profits will allow commercial banks to borrow a proportion of their outstanding lending to UK businesses and households, and measures have been taken by the Bank to ensure that banks pass on the lower rates to firms and consumers.
UK growth forecasts were slashed by the biggest margin since the Bank started publishing quarterly economic forecasts in 1993, but the Governor said he did not think there would be a Brexit-induced recession.
UK growth is now forecast to flat-line for the rest of this year, and is forecast to grow by just 0.8pc in 2017, down from its previous forecast of 2.3pc.
The Bank of England has today announced the first interest rate cut in over seven years, to a record low of 0.25pc. https://t.co/hlYxUyKQqq
— LandlordZONE (@LandlordZONE) August 4, 2016
Previous articleHolding or Pre-Contract Deposits
Next articleCorbyn’s plans spell disaster for tenants | {"pred_label": "__label__wiki", "pred_label_prob": 0.6746212244033813, "wiki_prob": 0.6746212244033813, "source": "cc/2020-05/en_middle_0046.json.gz/line361356"} |
Fieldsports Cookies
We connect businesses with fieldsports enthusiasts all over the world.
Our films are seen by millions of people. We can track what people watch by using cookies.
Let’s say you run the Acme Hunting Company. We can put you in touch with people who have seen our film and read our article about your company and your company’s products. That makes it miles easier to advertise to them.
Would you like to meet thousands – maybe millions – of people who already know about your products and services? Fieldsports Cookies runs banner and video advertising campaigns to do just that, priced per cookie.
Want to know more? Want to find out how many of your cookies we have?Talk to our commercial director James Westbrook [email protected] +447718126762
What’s a cookie?
It’s not a biscuit.
It’s a small piece of data stored in your web browser. It doesn’t tell us your email address, your phone number or your shoe size, but it does tell us which of our pages you have visited. When you surf round the internet, you will see adverts. If our cookie is on your browser, we bid more for the advert space, wherever you are on the internet, because we advertise hunting and shooting companies and we know you are interested in hunting and shooting. Easy. That way, you get to see adverts for hunting and shooting kit instead of boring insurance companies.
This a new kind of advertising, isn’t it?
Yes it is. And it is incredibly – almost unbelievably – effective. Fieldsports Cookies came from a series of campaigns we ran on Fieldsports Channel’s work for its clients. Here is some of what we have achieved so far.
Case study: airguns
This was a tricky one, but we pulled it off. If you think you can’t sell guns on the internet, think again. If you think there is no way you can sell high value items, think again. And if you are a manufacturer who doesn’t want to offend your dealer network by advertising a direct online sale, think again.
An airgun manufacturer approached us about selling their products. It has a wide dealer network, with a good relationship with one of its dealers which has a good online presence. Working with the dealer, we identified a package including an airgun that would sell well to our audience, value just under £1,000 (€1,300/US$1,600). We agreed we would drive sales to the dealer’s ecommerce page and the manufacturer would pick up the bill for our campaign.
Next up is the difficulty about advertising guns via the Facebook and Google ad networks. Facebook was relatively straightforward. Google’s problem with guns goes back to its Doubleclick days, which brought anti guns and anti ammunition policies to Google when Google bought it. The power of the networks and our remarketing lists on them means we had to work a brand campaign as part of the click campaign we had been hired to do. At the same time, we put a lot more effort into our native ad network.
The results speak for themselves. Because of the difficulties, we quoted £10 (€13/US$16) CPC. With a potential order value of £1,000 (€1,300/US$1,600), the client accepted that. We achieved a CPC of an incredible £3.53 (€4.59/US$5.69). And to show how hard we worked for this, the client achieved a bonus CPM for the brand ad of £3.80 (we quote more than six times that amount, £25).
Case study: insurance
A large hunting organisation wanted to sell an insurance package. It had excellent access to its members and felt it had reached them through every method it could.
There is good crossover between the hunting organisation’s membership and the nearly 10 million people on Fieldsports Channel’s remarketing list. We discussed running a click-through campaign. We could put adverts in front of our audience that are designed to drive calls to action, whether that’s the collection of emails through a competition, or clicks to an ecommerce site.
However, the organisation wanted to complement another campaign it was running in the print media. So we came up with a brand campaign. The aim of both campaigns was to reach the waverers among the organisation’s membership – people who believed in the organisation’s brand, who needed the insurance but, for whatever reason (dog barking, phone ringing) had not completed the purchase.
The print media was able to offer CPMs in the range £50-£100 (€65/US$80-€130/US$160). Our campaign guaranteed £25 (€32.50/US$40) CPM and achieved under £20 (€26/US$32) In addition, it drove clicks, a bonus that print media is unable to offer.
Case study: tickets
A major rural event hired Fieldsports Channel as its lead digital creative agency for two years. We took its existing creative and adapted it for a digital campaign including banners/MPUs and video in order to drive a click campaign.
Year 1 was a test campaign. We established the best weeks to reach our audience in order to drive online ticket sales. We went further. We established the best-value demographics, time of day, and geographies. By year 2, we were achieving twice the value for the client, and we provided this information as a series of reports.
We quote £3 (€3.90/US$4.80) CPC for a campaign like this, and achieve as low as 60p (€0.78c/US$0.96c). We now work for all the national game fairs and gun shows in the UK. | {"pred_label": "__label__cc", "pred_label_prob": 0.6447460055351257, "wiki_prob": 0.35525399446487427, "source": "cc/2022-05/en_middle_0028.json.gz/line656557"} |
Любиш () — село в Дятьковському районі Брянської області Російської Федерації.
Населення становить 60 осіб. Входить до складу муніципального утворення Большежуковське сільське поселення.
Від 2005 року входить до складу муніципального утворення Большежуковське сільське поселення.
Населені пункти Дятьковського району | {'title': 'Любиш', 'url': 'https://uk.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9B%D1%8E%D0%B1%D0%B8%D1%88', 'language': 'uk', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
Welcome to the Vaad Hakashruth of Kansas City, home to the Kansas City Kosher BBQ Festival. You can find the latest information about this years BBQ festival in the KCKBBQ section of this website. Team registration is now open and we’re very excited to welcome our new and returning event sponsors to the Kosher BBQ family! | {'timestamp': '2019-04-24T22:12:17Z', 'url': 'https://vaadkc.org/author/ysilver/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'} |
Italian Studies (BA) (York University) Italian Studies (BA) (York University) Italian Studies (McGill University) Italian (HBA) (University of Toronto - Mississauga)
The Italian Studies section within the Department of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures has as its mission to maintain the traditions and study of the great classics as well as to provide a window on an increasingly complex and diverse contemporary Italian culture. It promotes the study of the Italian language through an excellent and rigorous language training program. It offers courses in Italian literature, both in Italian and in English, as well as in Italian film. The department periodically invites scholars specializing in contemporary politics, the Italian immigrant experience and social change, enabling students to gain both a broader and more critical understanding of various aspects of Italian culture, through contact with specialists in these areas.
Italian Studies at McGill University
Grade for Entrance Previous Year (%)*
Grade12 Français or Grade12 English
Applicants must have obtained, prior to the start of classes, a Diplôme d’études collégiales (DEC).
Test of English as a Foreign Language (Paper Based) [min. 577] or International English Language Testing System (academic or immigration) [min. 6.5] or Test of English as a Foreign Language (Internet Based) [min. 90]
* The entrance grade may change from year to year. Please contact the school for further information. | {"pred_label": "__label__cc", "pred_label_prob": 0.7097170948982239, "wiki_prob": 0.2902829051017761, "source": "cc/2022-05/en_head_0005.json.gz/line724068"} |
Acting EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler, seated left, signs an order withdrawing federal protections for countless waterways and wetlands, as Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works Rickey "RD" James, seated right, looks on, at EPA headquarters in Washington, Tuesday, Dec. 11, 2018. Looking on behind are Senate Agriculture Committee Chairman Pat Ross, R-Kansas, left, and Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke, second from right. (AP Photo/Cliff Owen)
Trump administration proposes major rollback of water rules
WASHINGTON (AP) — Cabinet chiefs and GOP lawmakers celebrated alongside farm and business leaders Tuesday as the Trump administration made good on one of its biggest promised environmental rollbacks, proposing to lift federal protections for thousands of waterways and wetlands nationwide...
Boaz Yunior Wibowo | Dreamstime.com
Apparent Grinch On Video Driving Through Christmas Display
An apparent Grinch was spotted on surveillance video plowing through a Christmas display outside a suburban Indianapolis home and tips are being sought to find the man.
GREENWOOD, Ind. (AP) — An apparent Grinch was spotted on surveillance video plowing through a Christmas display outside a suburban Indianapolis home and tips are being sought to find the man. WRTV broadcast the video recorded Sunday night by a neighbor's camera in Greenwood. The video starts with a...
In this November 2018 photo, Casey Grogan, owner of Silver Bells Tree Farm and president of the Pacific Northwest Christmas Tree Association, trims a noble fir at his 400-acre Christmas tree farm in Silverton, Ore. Christmas tree farmers are pushing back against the increasing popularity of artificial trees with a social media advertising campaign called "It's Christmas. Keep It Real!" (AP Photo/Gillian Flaccus)
Christmas tree farmers combat popularity of artificial trees
TUALATIN, Ore. (AP) — Rosa Villarreal's three young sons jumped and ran around the field of Christmas trees like jackrabbits, their excitement palpable as they raced from evergreen to evergreen. The boys, ages 2, 4 and 6, were picking out a real tree this year — a new tradition their young parents...
What Is The Right Gift For Your Child?
Christmas, the season for giving, loving, and forgiving... but also, a season that comes with much stress!
© Kit1nyc | Dreamstime.com
Protestor Arrested Outside A Church, Told Children Santa Is Not Real
CLEBURNE (1080 KRLD) - Police say a 31-year-old protester who told children Santa Claus is not real has been arrested for trespassing at a North Texas church. Aaron Urbanski was arrested Saturday after authorities were called to a church in Cleburne, which was hosting a breakfast with Santa event...
In this image taken from NASA Television, the SpaceX Dragon cargo spacecraft is captured by a robotic arm for docking to the International Space Station, Saturday, Dec. 8, 2018. A SpaceX delivery full of Christmas goodies has arrived at the International Space Station. The Dragon capsule pulled up at the orbiting lab Saturday, three days after launching from Florida. (NASA TV via AP)
SpaceX Christmas Delivery Arrives At Space Station
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) — A SpaceX delivery full of Christmas goodies arrived at the International Space Station on Saturday, following a slight delay caused by a communication drop-out. The Dragon capsule pulled up at the orbiting lab three days after launching from Cape Canaveral. Commander...
Kinfay Moroti/news-press.com
Teacher Who Spoiled Santa Will Not Return To School
School officials say a substitute teacher who told first-grade students in New Jersey that Santa Claus isn’t real will not be returning to the school.
Britain's Prince William speaks with a man at the Akrotiri Royal Air Force base, near the south coastal city of Limassol, Cyprus, Wednesday, Dec. 5, 2018. The visit on Wednesday is designed to honor the estimated 11,000 British soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines deployed overseas over the holidays. (AP Photo/Petros Karadjias)
Prince William, wife Kate bring gifts to UK forces in Cyprus
RAF AKROTIRI, Cyprus (AP) — Prince William and his wife Kate brought Christmas gifts and holiday greetings Wednesday to British servicemen at the Royal Air Force Base Akrotiri in Cyprus. The visit by William and the Duchess of Cambridge was designed to honor the estimated 11,000 British soldiers,...
Do You Feel The Holiday Stress?
For some of us the Christmas season JUST got started.... for others, it's been going on since before Thanksgiving! | {"pred_label": "__label__wiki", "pred_label_prob": 0.6295083165168762, "wiki_prob": 0.6295083165168762, "source": "cc/2019-30/en_middle_0041.json.gz/line1146559"} |
Eadie, Alexander
Alexander Eadie
A determined, technically sound actor, Alexander Eadie has a passion for theatre that began young. Alexander can be seen on the small screen in Legacies on The CW and Netflix, as well as guest on Amazon Prime’s Deathless directed by Matthew Manyek. Alexander’s love for on screen acting has also led to his success in the film industry. He played the leading role in Uncasual Sex produced by 4D Studios LLC and in Travis & Lily produced by The Art Institute of Tampa. Eadie also played supporting roles in God Help Us directed by Luke Sokolewicz, Triggered directed by Mace Walker, and Coffee and Dessert directed by Austin Janowsky. Upcoming, he will be starring in the short film Piercing.
Recently, Alexander just wrapped up filming The Re-Education of Molly Singer, alongside actress Brit Robertson and directed by Andy Palmer. Alongside this movie, Alexander performed in Stranger Things, The Ms. Pat Show, and The First Wives Club.
Alexander has also appeared in theatrical productions including John Wright in Trifles directed by Rosemary Lucyx, Claudio in the play Measure for Measure directed by Fanni Green and an ensemble member in Cabaret directed by Douglas Hall.
Eadie graduated Cum Laude with his Bachelor of Arts in Theatre Performance from the University of South Florida. While at University, Alexander trained in Script Analysis, Voice and Body Improvisation, Character Development, Acting, Movement and, Special Skills in Movement: Mask. Moreover, during his time at the University, Alexander developed a transgender artist, media, and entertainment course, as well as created and hosted the first trans/nonbinary artist panel at the school, featuring both students and faculty.
Alexander is passionate about LGBTQ+ artist awareness and creating space for transgender artists, like himself. His passion extends into his work in exploring various trans artists and entertainers, what it’s like to be trans in the media, and how the trans body connects to the performances artists give.
In order to support his community, Alexander uses social media, in particular Tik-Tok where he amassed 25k followers. He uses this opportunity to educate and normalize the trans community in order to create a safe space for everyone. | {"pred_label": "__label__wiki", "pred_label_prob": 0.8942267894744873, "wiki_prob": 0.8942267894744873, "source": "cc/2022-05/en_head_0014.json.gz/line131867"} |
Q: How do I make tcpdump to write to file for each packet it captures? I'm running the following version of tcpdump:
*tcpdump version 4.0.0
*libpcap version 1.0.0
I want to make tcpdump write to a file for each packet it captures. Currently, I could only see the captured packets if I quit tcpdump.
tcpdump -i em1 -w /tmp/pkts.pcap -s 1500
I need to quit to be able to open /tmp/pkts.pcap - until then I assume tcpdump is buffering. Is there a way to make tcpdump write to the file immediately instead of buffering?
A: Use the -U option in combination with the -woption and check if you have a version of libcap that supports pcap_dump_flush(). From the man page (version 4.3.0-1):
-U If the -w option is not specified, make the printed packet output ``packet-
buffered''; i.e., as the description of the contents of each packet is printed, it
will be written to the standard output, rather than, when not writing to a terminal,
being written only when the output buffer fills.
If the -w option is specified, make the saved raw packet output ``packet-buffered'';
i.e., as each packet is saved, it will be written to the output file, rather than
being written only when the output buffer fills.
The -U flag will not be supported if tcpdump was built with an older version of
libpcap that lacks the pcap_dump_flush() function.
| {'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://superuser.com/questions/273489', 'timestamp': '2023-03-29', 'source': 'stackexchange', 'question_score': '6'} |
Elliot Phippen
What friends?
You’d think that the Quidditch Pitch would be the biggest novelty for New York-bred Elliot Phippen, but NYC actually had plenty of sky. Elliot had taken his Cirrus Falcon 5 out over the high-rise-dotted skyline with a Disillusionment Charm dozens of times, and the feeling of Wronski Feint-ing down a skyscraper was indescribably epic.
But what they didn’t have at home was a swimming pool. Obviously there were swimming pools in NYC (Uncle Zack lived in the rich part of the city and he had one, and sometimes Elliot and his sister Ariana went over there, mostly when Dad and Mama had date nights but also sometimes when Zack was pretending to be a single dad to impress a date), but the Phippens didn’t usually have pool access. You could fly anywhere, but if you didn’t have a pool, where were you gonna swim, the Hudson? Not unless you wanted to catch, like, a million diseases that were probably New Jerseyan (and thus 40 times worse) in origin.
RMI had an amazing swimming pool with slides and waterfalls and shit. Also Elliot had had some kind of growth spurt over the summer, and while he definitely wasn’t swole, he was starting to get abs in the way that track stars were fit, because that was how Seekers did. So Elliot was not shy about strolling all the way from Aquila to the Edwards Recreation Center in just his swim trunks (electric blue, patterned with white dolphins) and flip flops, with a school towel slung around his shoulders.
Someone was in the Rec Center when Elliot got there, but they weren’t swimming. Oh boy, what kind of ego-driven nonsense was JD up to now? Elliot had to check this out. He sauntered over to the silly little booth to see what the pop princeling had decided to make his latest obsession.
Well, it was definitely not a lemonade stand. This was hilarious. And weird. Usually JD only did shenanigans in full view of the public. There weren’t any cameras in the rec center. So Elliot could probably have some fun with this. “You know, you don’t strike me as the fundraising type,” Elliot said, leaning on JD’s booth with both hands. “What’s the money for?”
Getting By With a Little Help from My Friends - Jameson Daegan || September 27
What friends? - Elliot Phippen || October 04
How rude! - Jameson Daegan || October 17
I calls it like I sees it - Elliot Phippen || October 18 | {"pred_label": "__label__wiki", "pred_label_prob": 0.7420406937599182, "wiki_prob": 0.7420406937599182, "source": "cc/2021-04/en_middle_0087.json.gz/line243886"} |
As Guinea is facing a new round of political demonstrations, the authorities must take all necessary measures to protect the right to peaceful assembly and ensure that no more lives are lost because of violence from all sides, including the deadly excesses of security forces, Amnesty International said today.
Since the beginning of 2018, at least 18 people have died in the context of demonstrations, including three individuals who were shot by firearms allegedly fired by security forces on 16, 23 and 30 October in the capital Conakry.
No one has yet been tried for Guinea’s stadium massacre of September 28, in which at least 156 opposition supporters were killed and more than a hundred women were raped, five human rights organizations said today. The organizations are the Association of Victims, Parents and Friends of the September 28 Massacre (AVIPA), the Guinean Human Rights Organization (OGDH), the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH), Amnesty International, and Human Rights Watch.
While the investigation has been completed since the end of 2017, it is imperative that the judges be appointed and a timetable be established. These are the conditions for this emblematic trial to open in 2019 and for the 13 defendants – three of whom have been detained beyond the legal limits – to finally be tried.
On April 9, 2018, Justice Minister Cheick Sako set up a steering committee tasked with the practical organization of the trial. It should adopt a clear roadmap as soon as possible, in order to move ahead efficiently toward the trial.
(Dakar, October 10, 2016) – Authorities in Guinea should take concrete and immediate steps to ensure justice for the victims and the families of those who were shot, raped, or beaten to death during the 2015 presidential election period, Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch said today in a joint letter to President Alpha Condé.
Guinea’s authorities should ensure that members of the security forces and mobs linked to both the ruling party and opposition groups are held accountable for the killing of 12 people, several rapes, and the looting of several markets in Conakry, the capital, during the election period. To date, no one has been brought to justice in relation to these crimes.
Security forces killed at least three people in election-related violence in Guinea’s capital city Conakry, including two who were shot in the back and one who was beaten to death, Amnesty International revealed today.
Three others were killed in Conakry, and at least 80 injured, in clashes between supporters of rival parties. Across the rest of the country at least seven others died in violence between supporters. The killings happened between 8 and 13 October, immediately before and after the country’s Presidential election. With the election results disputed, and local elections to be held in 2016, there are fears that future protests could lead to more deaths unless security forces show restraint and those suspected of firing on civilians are brought to justice in fair trials before civilian ordinary courts.
Guinean authorities must rein in security forces ahead of October's presidential elections and ensure there is no repeat of excessive use of force during clashes with protesters, Amnesty International said in a briefing published today. Six people died and more than 100 were injured in demonstrations earlier this year.
“Guinea: Preventing the excessive use of force and respecting freedom of peaceful assembly in the 2015 presidential elections and beyond”, examines protests which took place between April and May and warns that, without concerted action by the authorities, there could be more deaths and injuries during demonstrations ahead of October’s vote. It also calls for legal reform after the election to prevent such violence reoccurring in the future, as well as to facilitate peaceful assembly, and ensure accountability for any violation.
Authorities in Guinea must urgently carry out a thorough and independent investigation into the military shooting which resulted in the death of one opposition protester and injured at least 15 others, Amnesty International said today.
A 30 year old man was shot dead from a bullet to the chest on Monday 13 April 2015 during clashes between the security forces and demonstrators at an opposition rally in the capital Conakry. Eleven people including minors have been arrested and charged with participating in a non-authorized demonstration causing public disorder.
“Law enforcement officials must apply non-violent means before resorting to the use of force and firearms, which may be used only if non-violent means have proven to be ineffective. The use of such excessive force, which resulted in one death and several injuries, is deeply worrying” said Gaetan Mootoo, Amnesty International West Africa researcher.
“The Guinean authorities must not bring back the old demons of violence. All those responsible for the excessive use of force must be clearly identified and brought to trial”. | {'timestamp': '2019-04-23T00:53:14Z', 'url': 'https://www.amnesty.ca/category/country/guinea', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'} |
Empathetic Space on Screen
Product code: BLQIA
Publisher: Springer International Publishing AG
Empathetic Space on Screen (Paperback)
Amedeo D'Adamo
This book sets out to fill the lack of a clear account of the power of setting and place that we are now reduced to describing as 'atmospheric' or 'emotionally moody'. The volume begins by showing how one unifying aspect of these iconic settings sets them apart from ordinary cinema settings. While the settings of most films pass by as a dispassionate backdrop or sometimes as simple eye-candy - and therefore have a weak relationship to the film's protagonist. In cinema and television, certain settings stand out above others. Think of the iconic gooey dripping tunnels that Ripley stumbles through in Aliens, Norman's bird-decorated parlour in Psycho or the dark Gotham of certain Batman movies. But what makes these particular places so powerful and iconic? This work argues that there is a clear but complex relationship between setting and character. We learn that there are three distinct forms of narrative space before focusing on the most powerful of these forms termed by the author as `Dantean Space'. In `Dantean Space', a character can be understand as both within a place but also within herself as the story's setting becomes a projection of the character's inner emotional drama. The author explains which characters we cry for and why, revealing an important but as yet uncovered machinery of empathy in visual narrative space through popular case studies such as Apocalypse Now, Goodfellas, Homeland and The Secret Garden. This original and insightful investigation is the first to really explain what makes some settings so effective and will be an invaluable resource for young filmmakers designing their very own narrative spaces for the screen. | {"pred_label": "__label__wiki", "pred_label_prob": 0.7442432045936584, "wiki_prob": 0.7442432045936584, "source": "cc/2020-05/en_middle_0064.json.gz/line228227"} |
Tokyo Metro was going to expand the radio communication in certain routes targeting at foreign travelers = the no charge "Wi-Fi", and to introduce it to all rail routes by 2020 because of the Tokyo Olympic Games and the Paralympics.
The Wi-Fi was something that connected smart phone, tablet terminal and radio equipment, and this service could connect the internet without passing through the cellular phone circuit.
About the no charge Wi Fi, Tokyo Metro made it its policy to expand it to all routes and all vehicles by the summer of 2020 when Tokyo Olympic Games and Paralympics would be opened.
Tokyo Metro was doing this service for foreign travelers and at present it could be used free of charge in certain vehicles in the Ginza Line and Hibiya Line by downloading an exclusive application beforehand. But having received comments which said that in Japan there were not many places where Wi Fi could be used for free, the company decided to expand this service.
Moving towards an expansion to the all lines and all vehicles, it would be introduced to certain vehicles in the Touzai line and Chiyoda line within this year; in the coming years the target of expansion would be the Yuurakuchou line and Hanzoumon line.
By an estimation of Tokyo Metro, in the previous fiscal year on average there were about 74,000 foreign passengers each day; it was approximately an increase of 1.4 times of 4 years ago, the service such as selling the all-you-can-travel tickets to foreign travelers had been strengthened.
Obviously Japan is preparing for the 2020 Olympics. | {'timestamp': '2019-04-22T00:35:26Z', 'url': 'http://wing-hojoki.blogspot.com/2017/10/tokyo-metro-free-wi-fi-for-foreigners.html', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'} |
**The total calls for service for the past 24 hours could not be pulled and localized due to technical issues. Total calls for service was 550++.
From 6:00 a.m. on 06/25/2019 through 6:00 a.m. on 06/26/2019, MPD received _____ calls for service. This number does not include parking complaints or 911 misdials. For purposes of clarification, the following abbreviations are short-hand for race designations: W=White, AA=African American, NA=Native American, H=Hispanic, ME=Middle Eastern, A=Asian, MR=Mixed Race, U=Unknown. MPD shifts are staggered as follows: 1st detail=7 a.m. to 3 p.m., 2nd detail=12 p.m. to 8 p.m., 3rd detail=3 p.m. to 11 p.m., 4th detail=8 p.m. to 4 a.m., 5th detail=11 p.m. to 7 a.m.
To further break down the ______ calls for service for the past 24-hours, this is how the calls came in per district: Central ( ), East ( ), Midtown ( ), North ( ), South ( ), West ( ), and Other ( ). Other=these are calls for service that either do not have a sector listed or the sector is not in the City. For example, if one of our officers assists another law enforcement agency, their sector is not listed in our districts so therefore it is listed under "other".
**Priority calls only from 7:19pm-8:08pm due to calls for service.
1) MIDTOWN: Weapons Offense/Shots Fired – 4:28 a.m. Officers responded to Lumley Road for a report of a single gunshot with people arguing. Officers checked the area and located one casing. No injuries or property damage reported. No involved parties were located. Incident report on MPD's website completed. Investigation continuing. *This was a late call that did not make the previous 24-hour cycle call notes due to officers being involved at the scene and reports from the field were not yet typed.
2) NORTH: Drug Incident/Overdose – 5:43 a.m. Officers responded to Boyd Ave for a report of subject (32-year-old WM) experiencing an overdose. MPD and MFD provided life saving measures to the subject. The subject denied any drug use and was conveyed to a local hospital. No charges have been substantiated at this time. Investigation continuing. *This was a late call that did not make the previous 24-hour cycle call notes due to officers being involved at the scene and reports from the field were not yet typed.
3) CENTRAL: Adult Arrested Person – 7:47 a.m. Officers responded to W. Johnson Street for a report of a suspect (19-year-old HM) trashing the home of his ex-girlfriend/victim (20-year-old WF). The victim and suspect had been engaged in a verbal argument which then turned physical. The suspect pushed and strangled the victim. The suspect resisted officers when they contacted him. During the arrest of the suspect, two MPD officers sustained minor injuries. The suspect was conveyed to jail on charges of battery, strangulation, disorderly conduct, intimidation of a victim and criminal damage to property (all domestic-related charges). The suspect was also charged with possession of drug paraphernalia and bail jumping. Investigation continuing.
4) WEST: Recovered/Stolen Auto – 10:24 a.m. An officer located two stolen vehicles on Flagship Drive. The registered owner of one of the vehicle's responded to the area and re-took possession of it. The second stolen vehicle was towed. Investigation continuing.
5) CENTRAL: Adult Arrested Person – 2:46 p.m. A Parking Enforcement Officer was flagged down in the 100 block of State Street for a report of a suspect (63-year-old UM) who flashed a gun during a verbal dispute. Capitol PD located the suspect and detained him until MPD officers arrived. No weapon was located. The suspect was arrested for disorderly conduct (domestic) and an active warrant. The suspect was conveyed to a local hospital for a medical clearance for a pre-existing injury. Investigation continuing.
6) WEST: Traffic Arrest – 4:05 p.m. An officer attempted contact with a subject/suspect (29-year-old UM) on Hammersley Road. The suspect fled on his dirt bike. Another officer located the suspect. The suspect was arrested, conveyed to jail and charged with eluding.
7) MIDTOWN: Check Person – 7:01 p.m. Officers responded to Randall Court to check the welfare of a suicidal subject/suspect (21-year-old AAM). The suspect was wanted for a substantial battery incident that involved his ex-girlfriend. Contact was made with the suspect and he was arrested for the outstanding warrant and a new domestic-related charge. Investigation continuing.
8) CENTRAL: Information/Sexual Assault – 8:00 p.m. Officers met with a victim (24-year-old AF) who reported a possible sexual assault by an acquaintance/suspect (26-year-old AAM). Investigation continuing.
9) WEST: PNB/AED Response – 8:24 p.m. Officers, along with MFD, responded to Plaza Drive for a pulseless non-breathing subject (83-year-old WM). Officers performed CCR until MFD arrived. The subject was revived and transported to a local hospital. The subject was left in the care of medical staff.
10) WEST: Missing/Runaway Juvenile – 9:40 p.m. Officers responded to a report of a missing/runaway juvenile from Hammersley Road. It was reported that the juvenile (15-year-old WF) had made suicidal statements earlier in the day. Areas checked. Attempt to locate aired. The juvenile was listed as missing/runaway in the appropriate databases. Investigation continuing.
11) WEST: Missing/Runaway Juvenile – 9:44 p.m. Officers responded to Rimrock Road for a report of a missing/runaway juvenile (15-year-old AAF). Areas checked. Attempt to locate aired. The juvenile was listed as missing/runaway in the appropriate databases.
12) CENTRAL: Disturbance – 10:53 p.m. Officers responded to the 700 block of E. Washington Avenue for a disturbance. The suspect (26-year-old AAM) pushed an officer and attempted to flee on foot. The suspect was apprehended, arrested and conveyed to jail on charges of disorderly conduct, possession of cocaine with intent to delivery, resisting and a probation/parole hold.
13) WEST: Domestic Disturbance – 12:45 a.m. Officers responded to a report of a domestic disturbance between two subjects (45-year-old HM victim and 40-year-old WF suspect) that took place on Alison Lane. The couple had been arguing via text for the last two days. The suspect confronted the victim and punched him in the face. The suspect was arrested for domestic battery. | {"pred_label": "__label__cc", "pred_label_prob": 0.6299632787704468, "wiki_prob": 0.3700367212295532, "source": "cc/2023-06/en_head_0016.json.gz/line895698"} |
Participating Departments
Akematsu, Takahiko
Conibear, Anne
Cimatti, Laura
Desideri, Enrico
Elgendy, Mohamed
Kiakos, Konstantinos
Koller, Antje
Rumpf-Kienzl, Cornelia
Silva, Nicola
Terenzi, Alessio
Tubiana, Luca
INDICAR-Workshop 2016
INDICAR: Interdisciplinary Cancer Research
Our Fellows
INDICAR Workshop 2016
Postdoctoral Fellowship Programme of the University of Vienna
Welcome to the University of Vienna INDICAR initative
The crucial role of postdoctoral fellows for the advancement of science and innovation is well understood at the University of Vienna. The University, founded in 1365, has a long-standing tradition of scientific excellence and in 2015 celebrated proudly its 650th anniversary. The University stands the forefront of excellent science and education, which is especially notable by its high number of Nobel Prize winners, such as Karl Landsteiner, Erwin Schrödinger or Konrad Lorenz.
The primary vision of the University is to further promote interdisciplinary and highly interactive research between research groups and across faculties. The University is in the strong position to offer such an interdisciplinary approach as it encompasses 15 different faculties and four scientific centres covering almost all sciences.
The University of Vienna launched a new initiative, the INDICAR Postdoctoral Fellowship Programme, to promote a new vision of postdoctoral training in the field of cancer research. A central goal of INDICAR is to further strengthen the role of post-doctoral researchers as critically thinking, independent, autonomous and risk taking researchers and innovators, who will contribute to the benefit of academia and society at large. The researchers are free to choose the research department of their choice or to undertake research within the framework of a multidisciplinary research platform. This freedom means that there is the potential for the researcher to undertake novel and new research and to build on their scientific independence. Furthermore, the INDICAR Fellowship Programme, which is co-funded by the EU Frameworkprogramme 7 (FP7) Marie Curie Actions (Grant Agreement No. 609431), offers mentoring, coaching and career development activities, in addition to optimal employment conditions, a competitive salary and family support.
Key features of the postdoctoral fellowship positions include:
- Funding for research projects in the field of cancer research
- Three years' of secure funding with attractive salaries, health care benefits and pension access
- Mentoring and support schemes
Berggasse 7 (Second Floor)
T: +43-1-4277-18246
[email protected] | {"pred_label": "__label__wiki", "pred_label_prob": 0.5042497515678406, "wiki_prob": 0.5042497515678406, "source": "cc/2019-30/en_middle_0085.json.gz/line420638"} |
It was June 5th2019. Today was to be my first participation in a lobbying day and to say I was looking forward to it would be a giant understatement. I would be joining the Delaware Nature Society’s (DelNature’s) advocacy staff, DelNature volunteers and an array of like-minded organizations who have banded together as the Clean Water Alliance. Today, we Water Warriors were here to show our support for House Bill 200, which, when passed, will provide a reliable funding source for efforts to protect and restore the waters of Delaware.
Participants who registered to lobby were each given a blue t-shirt. As we gathered on the steps of Legislative Hall in Dover, I could see a sea of blue rising. Representing 34 other state representatives, House Majority Leader Valerie Longhurst stepped to the microphone, “Clean water isn’t a privilege, it is a human right.” I added my voice to the enthusiastic cheers of the crowd. In addition to state representatives and directors of nonprofits, Collin O’Mara, current president of the National Wildlife Federation (NWF) and former Secretary of the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC), had made time to fly back into Delaware in support of dedicated clean water funding. “I’m tired of having to deliver bottled water to Ellendale and Blades,” he said. The lobbying contingent from southwest Sussex County shouted their agreement. I got the feeling that some of those supporters had been needing to bathe in bottled water too long.
Now was the time for the crowd to adjourn to the legislative chambers to hear and give testimony regarding HB 200 (H2 “O” as Representative Longhurst cleverly pointed out). Well, the time had come for me to make a decision. I held my breath and dove in, I put my name on the list of those who wanted to testify!
I went into the chamber and found one of the last seats. To my surprise, Mr. O’Mara happened to sit right down next to me. Between his tapping on his smartphone, confirming a flight for an engagement he had in St. Louis later that day, he told me that in the current political climate, it was more important than ever for citizens to get involved in protecting the environment. He said NWF membership has increased significantly over the past two years. Hobnobbing with the big boys, I replied, “DelNature is glad to be part of that wave, for sure.’ Mr. O’Mara answered that he was glad NWF had an affiliate like Delaware Nature Society in Delaware.
Well, my name was called and as I looked up from the podium I saw a beautiful blue sky of blue t-shirts up in the gallery. The two minutes of testimony time that had been allotted to each speaker went by quickly, but I did finish in time, whew.
The highlight of the whole day arrived when the Chair of the Natural Resource Committee requested a show of hands on the motion to release HB 200 from Committee. HB200 passed unanimously! I don’t think I’ve felt a comparable rush of excitement since the Eagles won the Super Bowl!
This clean water legislation still has an upstream battle in front of it. But our efforts today have the promise of going from a trickle in a crack in a mountain to a great lake that can ensure clean, safe water for all.
Matt Bailey, a Clean Water Campaign Water Warrior, spent 20 years as a Wildlife Biologist working with Endangered Species. He now is pleased to be volunteering with the Delaware Nature Society. | {"pred_label": "__label__cc", "pred_label_prob": 0.5859144330024719, "wiki_prob": 0.4140855669975281, "source": "cc/2020-05/en_head_0021.json.gz/line30077"} |
Home ► Media Centre ► Fairtrade Blog ► Six Ways Fairtrade Strengthens Human Rights
Post published:10 December, 2018
Six Ways Fairtrade Strengthens Human Rights
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was a landmark document, enshrining inalienable human rights such as the right to life, health and a decent standard of living for the first time. At Fairtrade we echo the UN’s call to stand up for equality, justice and human dignity.
Seventy years on, there is still much work to do. More than 40 million people are trapped in modern day slavery, with one in four of these children. World hunger is now rising again, to 821 million people in 2018. That means one in nine people are going hungry.
Human rights are an integral part of Fairtrade’s mission. For 30 years we have been working with farmers and workers in developing countries to improve their livelihoods and enable them to take control of their lives. What does this mean in practice?
Here are six ways in which Fairtrade works to strengthen human rights:
1. Ensuring farmers and workers have their say
Farmers and workers aren’t just beneficiaries of Fairtrade. They are co-owners and partners in our work to make trade fair and sustainable for all.
Fairtrade is freedom; it’s dialogue; it’s sustainability; it’s empowerment. It’s everything for us in a world that is so competitive.
Diomedes Rodriguez, Member of Coobana banana co-operative, Panama
From deciding how to spend the Fairtrade Premium in their cooperative, to having their say on changes to our standards, producers are involved in decisions throughout Fairtrade. What’s more, producers have 50% of the vote at the Fairtrade General Assembly, Fairtrade’s highest decision-making body. At every level, producers have a voice and are supported to stand up for their rights.
2. Setting strong standards
Fairtrade Standards are all about protecting farmers’ and workers’ rights and providing the framework for them to build thriving farms and organisations. Strong core criteria to protect farmers, workers and their environment are combined with development requirements, which mean organisations can continuously improve and invest in their farms and communities. Fairtrade regards exploitation and abuse as totally unacceptable.
The Standards are based on the core conventions of the International Labour Organisation and are developed with input from the farmers and workers themselves.
Examples of human rights requirements in the Fairtrade Standards include:
No child or forced labour
No discrimination, harassment or abuse of any kind
A ban on dangerous pesticides
The right to freedom of association and collective bargaining
Health and safety at the workplace
Read more about the Fairtrade Standards
3. Pressing towards a living income and living wage
All farmers and workers deserve to earn a decent living from their work. Fairtrade’s top priority is making this a reality, but we are the first to admit we are not there yet. Research shows that many farmers and workers are doing better with Fairtrade. But the challenges are huge, and greater efforts are needed across the supply chain to allow farmers and workers to escape poverty.
We have developed a holistic strategy to work towards a living income for smallholder farmers, focusing on cocoa as an immediate priority with coffee to follow. We recently increased our Minimum Price and Premium for cocoa, and have established a Living Income Reference Price for the crop in West Africa, providing the first target price for the industry based on household needs and farm costs. At the same time we are finalizing a strategy to move towards living wages for plantation workers, particularly in bananas. We will continue working with committed partners to test these strategies and drive them forward.
4. Supporting workers to know their rights
Workers on farms and in factories at the far end of the supply chain are among the most vulnerable people in global trade. Historically they have had very few rights and no voice. That makes achieving change a slow process.
That’s why Fairtrade is building up additional programmes alongside our Standards, to support workers to improve their own livelihoods and negotiate their wages and terms of work. One recent example is of a Fairtrade banana plantation in Cameroon, where a Fairtrade buyer and allies in the labour movement came together to support the creation of a joint union platform. This has already led to better conditions and higher satisfaction for workers.
5. Supporting communities to tackle child labour
Fairtrade has chosen to engage in areas with a known risk of child and forced labour, as we believe that is where the benefits of Fairtrade are needed the most. Fairtrade’s approach combines rights-based Standards – supported by rigorous certification and auditing – with supporting producers and their communities to take ownership and tackle human rights abuses themselves. Our Youth Inclusive Community Based Monitoring and Remediation programme is all about putting the local community at the heart of tackling the root causes of child labour.
A Fairtrade sugar organisation in Belize is one of the groups actively putting it into practice. Recent grassroots research by young people involved in the programme there has given unique insights into the experience of young sugar cane cutters, as well as recommendations to address child labour.
6. Empowering women
Fairtrade supports women to challenge historic gender roles. Our Gender Strategy sets ambitious targets to increase the participation of women in decision-making and ensure the benefits of Fairtrade are shared more equally.
The [Women’s School of Leadership] programme is so important. Women are such an important factor to the development of a society. Everything passes through women. They were not just made for farming or to have children. We made them understand that they can do anything. Like men.
Awa Traoré Batiba, Cocoa Farmer and General Manager of CAYAT co-operative, Côte d’Ivoire
One example is the Women’s School of Leadership established by Fairtrade Africa and funded by Compass Group UK & Ireland and the Co-op. In a country where women make up some 68 percent of the labour force, training in business skills can be a powerful tool to support women to take on leadership roles in their cooperatives and communities. Women from seven different Fairtrade cocoa co-operatives (representing almost 5,000 members) took part in practical training in skills like finance, negotiation and decision-making. The school also trained men, helping them promote the value of gender equality in their communities.
Read about the Women’s School of Leadership
Fairtrade cannot solve all human rights issues in global supply chains on its own. But with strong standards and programmes, allied with the commitment of every actor in the supply chain, we can increase transparency and help protect the most vulnerable against trade-related exploitation. Let’s work together and ensure that equality, justice and human dignity become a reality for farmers and workers around the globe.
*This article was amended on 11 December to clarify the role of ILO conventions in our Standards and the role of producers in Fairtrade decision-making.
25 Years of Fairtrade Impact
Tags: human rights | {"pred_label": "__label__wiki", "pred_label_prob": 0.6057175397872925, "wiki_prob": 0.6057175397872925, "source": "cc/2022-05/en_head_0012.json.gz/line1708522"} |
You are here:Home/Resources/ Bliss-Tyler Correspondence/ Annotations/ Hermann Fiedler (1866–1940)
Hermann Fiedler (1866–1940)
Little is known about Hermann Fiedler, a man who played an important role in assisting Wolfgang Friedrich “Fritz” Volbach and Royall Tyler in negotiating possible art acquisitions in Germany and Switzerland for Mildred and Robert Woods Bliss. According to Royall Tyler, however, he was a retired banker and not a professional art dealer. He was born in Cottbus, Brandenburg, Germany on September 17, 1866, and was married to Margarete Lehmann. Sometime around 1930, he and his wife moved to Lugano, Switzerland. According to Royall Tyler, he died on April 30, 1940, and was buried in Castagnola, a village on the northern shore of Lake Lugano, Switzerland.
Previous: Henry Walters (1848–1931)
Next: Horace Cole (1881–1936) | {"pred_label": "__label__cc", "pred_label_prob": 0.6303465962409973, "wiki_prob": 0.3696534037590027, "source": "cc/2021-04/en_head_0031.json.gz/line792796"} |
latest-news-headlines Market Intelligence /marketintelligence/en/news-insights/latest-news-headlines/inside-investment-bank-btig-s-move-to-work-from-home-for-all-of-2020-59876311 content esgSubNav
Inside investment bank BTIG's move to work from home for all of 2020
Street Talk Episode 87
A New Dawn for European Bank M&A Top 5 Trends
Insight Weekly: US banks' loan growth; record share buybacks; utility M&A outlook
Banking Essentials Newsletter 2021: December Edition
Author Declan Harty
Theme Banking
➤ In July, BTIG became one of the first major U.S. financial institutions to say its U.S. employees will work remotely for the duration of 2020.
➤ While having traders work from home was "completely unprecedented" leading up to the COVID-19 pandemic, the shift has gone "remarkably well," according to BTIG COO Jennifer Mermel.
➤ BTIG's management is now having conversations about how remote work could figure into its culture well beyond the pandemic, Mermel said.
When Wall Street institutions began taking steps toward reopening their offices to a handful of employees, BTIG LLC was heading in the exact opposite direction.
With COVID-19 still raging across the country, the investment bank and brokerage decided in July that its 520 employees across the U.S. would work from home for the rest of 2020.
In doing so, BTIG became one of the first major U.S. financial institutions to state publicly that its employees would be able to continue to work out of their basements, home offices and spare bedrooms, a decision that other companies on Wall Street such as BlackRock Inc. reportedly have come to as well.
Now, BTIG executives are starting to think about how working from home will figure into the company's strategy beyond the COVID-19 era, according to COO Jennifer Mermel, who recently spoke with S&P Global Market Intelligence about BTIG's decision and what the future holds for remote work at the company.
The following is a transcript of that conversation, edited for length and clarity.
BTIG COO Jennifer Mermel
Source: BTIG
S&P Global Market Intelligence: What drove BTIG to allow employees to work from home for the remainder of 2020?
Jennifer Mermel: Mainly, we've been watching the guidelines from the governors, which is to say that, if you can work from home, you should work from home. And we can. We've proven that. Our employees have proven that they can work from home and communicate with one another and clients. That ability to actually conduct business operations at full scale from home was really the No. 1 factor to even think about it.
We've also talked about it from a national scale. As the reopenings started, we thought, "Well, we have a dozen people who live in Texas so maybe Dallas can reopen. They haven't really been affected." And just as we were starting to model out that scenario — what the return would look like and how we would ease into it — Texas started seeing this terrible upward swing. It was a real learning moment for us that this wasn't over. It's unpredictable.
How have employees reacted to the decision? Why did BTIG feel the need to make a work-from-home announcement for the rest of the year in July?
It's been extremely positive. I think they've been grateful that we have taken the long view.
One of the impetuses for making the announcement so early was we recognized that people need to plan, whether they're planning for childcare or commuting. We've had over 100 employees relocate on a temporary basis as a result of the coronavirus. And we wanted people to have the ability to make commitments. We think they do their best work when they're not constantly thinking about transitions. So we hope that this decision provides people with some certainty.
When BTIG made the year-long remote work announcement, it made a point of saying the decision included trading teams. Across Wall Street, some of the largest investment banks and trading shops have been bringing employees back into the office. Why did BTIG not feel that same pressure? Had BTIG traders worked from home in the past?
It was completely unprecedented. If you had told anybody at BTIG in January about traders working from home, it would have seemed almost impossible. But it's gone remarkably well. The traders, in addition to our bankers and investment analysts, all of our teams, have done great remotely with tremendous efficiency and accuracy. They've really exceeded our expectations. They went into uncharted territory, and they made it work.
BTIG has highlighted that remote work will play a "prominent role" in the company's culture going forward. What does that mean in your eyes? Do you think remote work will extend beyond the pandemic at BTIG and its trading desk?
We're thinking beyond. We are a high-touch firm. That's how we refer to ourselves in our interactions with clients, and we really believe our employees benefited from being in the office, feeding off of one another's energy, having rapid-fire engagement and seeing what was going on. It really elevated the experience for everybody and shaped our culture.
Having gone through this real-time social experiment, we realized people can do their best work at home. For many people, doing work from home, even if it's not 100% of the time, can reduce a lot of stress in life and make them more focused when it comes to work. Whether it's reducing somebody's commute time, enabling them to have a little bit more time with their families — or sometimes [home] can be a place for silent work free of office interruptions. There were benefits that we hadn't fully appreciated. We're now actively talking within the management team about what that return might look like. Certain roles will have to come back. But we think many roles will come back with some hybrid schedule.
As a regulated business, any decision [on traders] we make in the future will have to be done in step with FINRA. Right now, FINRA has been very cooperative and supportive of the firm's decision to have everyone work from home. But until they issue a long-term view, we're not going to shape ours on trading.
READ MORE: Sign up for our weekly coronavirus newsletter here, and read our latest coverage on the crisis here.
Declan Harty | {"pred_label": "__label__wiki", "pred_label_prob": 0.8147989511489868, "wiki_prob": 0.8147989511489868, "source": "cc/2022-05/en_middle_0051.json.gz/line883745"} |
RCC’s new Student Services building breaks ground
Posted: March 25, 2015 | Written by Jacob Filek
Ray Orozco, ASRCC president, Ravneet Kaur, student senator of CCCBG, Rusty Bailey, mayor of Riverside, RCCD Board of Trustee members, Michael Burke, chancellor of RCCD and Wolde-Ab Isaac, interim president of RCC break ground at the construction site of RCC’s future Student Services and Administration building on March 13.
To celebrate both Riverside City College’s 99th birthday and the beginning of a new era in student services, RCC hosted a groundbreaking event for construction of the new Administration and Student Services Building on March 13th. The new building will be dedicated to Charles Kane, former college President and Superintendent.
Construction officially began in December at the corner of Magnolia Avenue and Ramona Drive across from the Math and Science building.
Among those who attended were Riverside Community College District faculty members, Riverside city officials and several of Kane’s children. The RCC marching band kicked off the event, leading multiple speakers (complete with an American Sign Language interpreter) and finished with the groundbreaking itself. Wolde-Ab Isaac, interim RCC president talked about how this new building will be replacing several student services and administration buildings that are currently scattered around RCC’s campus, which should make things easier on the students. Officials addressed their excitement and involvement in the project in their to the audience. Michael Burke, chancellor of RCCD explained that funding for the new building comes from the taxes brought in by Measure C and that the new building will become “the Front Door” of RCC.
Chris Carlson, RCCD chief of staff and facilities director was able to shed some light on the details of the project. Construction is expected to be finished in Spring of 2016, with several “rainy days” scheduled in for any delays that might occur.The entire project is expected to cost around $25 million, all of which comes from Measure C.
“The current Admin building will be demolished for parking, but those plans could change,” Isaac said. “The student services building will be repurposed.”
Following the event, guests were free to talk with faculty and city officials, take photographs or enjoy the catering provided by the school cafeteria. Despite being a hot and windy day, around 120 people attended the event according to Scott Zwart, Director of Facilities.
FCC releases 313-page document for Net Neutrality rulings
Baseball: Today in Tiger history
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How the West Was Spun
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March 1, 1999 Topics: Society Tags: NeoconservatismAcademiaBalkansCold WarSoviet UnionCommunismWar On TerrorismMutual Assured DestructionPax AmericanaWar In AfghanistanHeads Of StateRiga Summit
Mini Teaser: Christopher Coker's Twilight of the West looks at present geopolitical trends and predicts the West's dissolution; David Gress, in From Plato to Nato, sees them as yet another episode in the long struggle between the mainstream W
by Author(s): John O'Sullivan
David Gress, From Plato to Nato (New York: Free Press, 1998), 592 pp., $28.
Christopher Coker, Twilight of the West (Boulder, co: Westview Press, 1998), 203 pp., $28.
Is the West an idea? A civilization? Or a set of political
arrangements? Plainly it is all three and, as a result, difficult to
pin down between hard covers. For if we talk about the decline of the
West, we may be discussing the difficulties that NATO encounters in
formulating policy toward the Balkans, or the rise of ideologies such
as environmentalism that blame the problems of the world on Western
science and capitalism, or the debasement of Western (and other)
cultures by Hollywood's entertainment industry. Or ten other topics.
So both David Gress and Christopher Coker have set themselves a
formidable task when they attempt to chart the West's progress. And
though they are fairly near to each other on the political
spectrum--Mr. Gress being a judicious Danish neoconservative and Mr.
Coker a pessimistic English conservative--they have written very
different books. To oversimplify, Mr. Gress is inclined to stress the
concept of the West as an organic civilization--though one repeatedly
riven by civil and cultural wars--and therefore to believe that its
political structures are natural and likely to survive. Mr. Coker
tends to see the West as an idea in the minds of poets and
philosophers, and he therefore envisages its political links being
gradually eaten away by the intellectual acids of Europeanism,
multiculturalism and postmodern skepticism.
Yet it is Mr. Gress who opens his book on a note of strong skepticism
about the idea of the West--or, rather, that particular idea of the
West he calls "the Grand Narrative." This was the account,
promulgated in such forums as the contemporary civilization course at
Columbia and the "Great Books" program at the University of Chicago,
that depicted Western history as the progress of liberty from the
ancient Greeks to modern America. Mr. Gress concedes that these were
great educational enterprises in their day, but he skillfully
deconstructs their claim to be an adequate account of the actual
social and intellectual history of the West.
Their essential error was to treat liberty as a moral abstraction,
invented by the Greeks and passed on to the modern age, almost
outside of history, by a series of great thinkers and great books.
This involved a number of distortions. It blurred the serious
differences between the Greek concept of liberty as the right to
participate in government, and the Western idea of liberty as, in
Benjamin Constant's phrase, "the individual's right to his own
pursuits." It leapt nimbly over those lengthy historical interludes
that did not lend themselves to a buoyant account of liberty's
progress--i.e., the Roman Empire, the Dark Ages and indeed most of
the period from the Greeks to 1776. It downplayed crucial elements in
Western history, such as the specifically religious aspects of
Christianity, which had helped to form Western ideas of liberty but
which did not conform to the political sympathies of its liberal
authors, and such as the importance of the Germanic tribes in the
Dark Ages (because of possible confusion with a modern nation-state
of the same name). And it exaggerated the role that (admittedly
important) philosophers, such as Locke and Rousseau, had played in
making Western freedom a practical possibility. In other words the
"Grand Narrative" saw the whole of Western history "from Plato to
Nato" as a teleological process leading up to moral perfection in the
form of the modern American liberal circa 1955.
In the words of Private Eye: Shome misthtake, surely. Neither the
West nor any real-world civilization could possibly live up to this
idealized picture of inevitable progress punctuated by what Gress
calls "Magic Moments"--Magna Carta! The Copernican Revolution! 1776!
The Atlantic Charter! The actual history of the West has included
such unpleasant features as war, slavery, social oppression,
religious bigotry and torture, economic inequality and racial
arrogance. These evils were not confined to the West, of course, and
a case could easily be made that Western civilization has acted to
correct them sooner and more thoroughly than any other civilization.
But their mere existence undermined the "Grand Narrative." Western
civilization was more--and worse--than a history of liberty. It was
not even the story of liberty triumphing over these evils, since, in
greater or lesser form, they still exist. Might it not be, then, that
the West was the story of these evils triumphing over liberty--and
then hypocritically donning the red cap? Indeed, that was the
judgment of anti-Western radicals (themselves usually Western) in the
Sixties and, after the briefest possible resistance, the verdict
accepted by the very liberals whose story the "Grand Narrative" had
Having demolished the authorized version, Gress sets down his own
account of how liberty actually developed--not as an isolated
abstraction but intertwined with slavery, war and oppression and
flourishing especially in the interstices of Western history. He
quotes Montesquieu to the effect that freedom and prosperity occur
"in societies where several govern", as when the clashes between the
Holy Roman Empire and the Papacy enabled not only kings but also
self-governing cities to demarcate some autonomy. And because liberty
produced prosperity when it was allowed to do so, intelligent rulers
often left its accidental occurrences alone or, more rarely,
deliberately instituted limited editions of it. "Liberty grew because
it served the interests of power", says Gress in the first sentence
of his book. As the West took on distinctive shape, however, Power
increasingly found that Liberty had either slipped from its control
or that its benefits were too valuable to risk losing.
But this is to summarize brutally what is a tour de force of
historical argument and criticism. In search of changing concepts of
the West, Gress guides us through the Roman Empire, late Antiquity,
the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, the age of Liberalism and our own
century. He deals exhaustively with an extraordinary range of topics,
from the political institutions of the Germanic tribes to the
emergence of romantic love, that have helped shape a distinctive
Western identity. And he presents the theories of scholars from
Gibbon to Samuel Huntington on all of these matters as he goes along,
subjecting them to a judicious and generally persuasive criticism.
The Radical and Skeptical Traditions
What emerges from this large survey is that there are several
"Wests." Emperors, popes, kings and revolutionaries fought for
different international orders, and philosophers disputed over what
the outcomes of these struggles signified. "The West" is what
emerged, either victorious or persuasive, at any one time. And such
struggles continue in our own day.
Nonetheless, Gress selects two such "Wests" as sailing along--and by
their drift revealing--the main currents of Western civilization.
What he calls the "Old West" was the medieval synthesis, achieved
around 1000 a.d., of three powerful civilizational forces: Roman
imperial order (the memory of which inspired attempts to construct
international polities like the Holy Roman Empire); the "aristocratic
freedom" of the Germanic tribes (which evolved into consultative, if
not democratic, methods of government); and Christianity, or what
Gress calls "Christian ethnicity" (which provided otherwise different
peoples with a common underlying moral and psychological outlook).
Until the Reformation and the nation-state jointly overthrew it, this
medieval synthesis gave rise to a broad sense of Western identity in
certain classes across Europe. Paradoxically, the religious wars
confirmed this, for people on both sides shared a common view of what
was at stake.
If the wars of religion helped destroy the "Old West", what emerged
from them was what Gress calls the "New West" of science, democracy
and capitalism, which is essentially the same modern West that
recently won the Cold War. But was this New West an outgrowth of the
Old? Or was it, to coin a phrase, a novus ordo seculorum, a
historical caesura and something new under the sun? Gress argues
forcefully that it grew directly out of the Old West; that, for
instance, the green shoots of capitalism and democracy could be
detected beneath the melting snows of the late Middle Ages.
This is a crucial dispute; even the Enlightenment--which is in effect
the intellectual crystallization of the New West--expressed divided
opinions on this very point. The "radical Enlightenment" of Voltaire,
Rousseau and the French revolutionaries conceived modernity as
something to be achieved against the past. The philosophes, for
instance, saw institutional Christianity as an obstacle to political
and intellectual freedom, to be either overthrown or exiled from the
public square into private life by the secular power. The "skeptical
Enlightenment" of Hume, Locke and Montesquieu, on the other hand, saw
freedom as emerging, however imperfectly, from the practices,
traditions and institutions of the Old West, including the Christian
religion. "Superstition", said David Hume, "is an enemy to civil
liberty, and enthusiasm a friend to it." By which he meant that
evangelical Protestant sects had nurtured the kind of personality
that not only demonstrated economic enterprise but also thought for
itself--a truth still wreaking progress in Latin America. As David
Martin's Tongues of Fire reminds us, Wesleyism may be the most
profound, because the most personal, revolutionary force of the last
three hundred years. It is, however, a revolution within tradition
rather than against it.
Essay Types: Book Review | {"pred_label": "__label__wiki", "pred_label_prob": 0.8853341937065125, "wiki_prob": 0.8853341937065125, "source": "cc/2023-06/en_middle_0008.json.gz/line1804855"} |
Razorback fans should be patient for football to turn around
By David GrimesSpecial to the Log Cabin
Sep 14, 2018 at 12:39 PM Sep 14, 2018 at 12:39 PM
There is a great song from the 1990’s by the Gin Blossoms called “Hey Jealousy.”
It contains one of my favorite lyrics, when they sing, “If you don’t expect too much from me, you might not be let down.”
The song is about a relationship between a man and a woman. But those lyrics can apply to a lot of things in life.
It can easily be applied to the relationship between fans and their favorite teams. It’s what a lot of Arkansas Razorback supporters are experiencing right now.
Fans enter each new season with high hopes. That’s how it is supposed to work. Everyone is undefeated. Anything and everything seems possible.
A new head Hog in Chad Morris perked up expectations. Some were a bit lofty. If you listened to local sports radio or read message boards, there were a lot of overly optimistic opinions.
I’m not saying Morris can’t turn the program around, but it’s going to take time. After the loss to Colorado State, some folks are already calling for his head.
There’s an old gridiron axiom stating that it’s not about the X’s and O’s, it’s about the Jimmy’s and Joe’s. Sure, coaching matters, but you’ve got to have players.
Recruiting is an inexact science, and there are always exceptions, but generally signing higher rated high school players is better than signing lower rated high school players.
And the more higher rated players, the better.
The Hogs’ 2016 recruiting class ranked 23rd overall. Not bad.
The problem is that in the SEC they ranked only 9th. Even worse, it was 6th in the seven team SEC West.
Their 2017 class was similar, ranking 27th. But again, just 10th in the conference and sixth in the division.
Morris is already building a nice 2019 class that might shape up to be one of the better the Hogs have had in a while.
But what Morris also has to build is a culture of winning. The Razorbacks have infamously blown several large leads in recent years, including last week against the Rams.
They must figure out how to win games they are supposed to win.
Another lyric from the song goes, “If I hadn’t blown the whole thing years ago, I might be here with you.”
One could say this applies to the Bobby Petrino saga.
A lot of fans wish Petrino was still coaching at the University of Arkansas.
His final 2011 team went 11-2, won the Cotton Bowl, and finished ranked number five in the nation.
But he blew it. In my opinion, he’s not the kind of guy you want as the face of your program.
A lyric near the end of the song is, “The past is gone but something might be found to take its place.”
Razorback fans have found themselves with Chad Morris. I’m hopeful he can to turn the program into a winner. Just not this this year. | {"pred_label": "__label__cc", "pred_label_prob": 0.6746798157691956, "wiki_prob": 0.32532018423080444, "source": "cc/2019-30/en_head_0008.json.gz/line1142851"} |
Illinois paramedics, ambulance company sued for man’s death
Authorities in Illinois say medical workers Peter Cadigan, 50, and Peggy Finley, 44, have been charged with first-degree murder.(Sangamon County Detention Facility)
CHICAGO (AP) — The family of an Illinois man whose death prompted murder charges against two paramedics who strapped him facedown on a stretcher has filed a lawsuit against them and their employer, attorneys said Thursday.
Ben Crump, whose firm often handles civil rights cases and frequently represents the families of Black men killed by police, is representing 35-year-old Earl Moore’s family in the lawsuit against Peter Cadigan, Peggy Finley and LifeStar Ambulance Service. Speaking to reporters, Crump said police video of the paramedics’ interactions with Moore showed “barbaric” behavior.
“We saw it with so many tragedies in America,” Crump said, referencing killings of Black men by police, including George Floyd. “It’s just so tragic that now this pattern seems to be spilling over to the first responders, to the EMTs. When you look at that video, the reason it’s so shocking is because they offer Earl no consideration.”
Prosecutors have separately charged Cadigan and Finley with first-degree murder, accusing them of tightly strapping Moore on a stretcher after Springfield police who initially responded to a 911 call at Moore’s home requested an ambulance. Under Illinois law, a first-degree murder charge can be filed when a defendant “knows that such acts create a strong probability of death or great bodily harm.”
Moore’s mother, Rose Washington, said losing her only son has been unimaginably painful.
“They tied him down like some kind of animal and killed him,” she said. “My baby suffocated because of their actions.”
Edward Unsell, Cadigan’s attorney, said he had not seen the suit yet but a civil lawsuit had been anticipated. As for the murder charge, Unsell said he doesn’t believe prosecutors have probable cause against Cadigan.
W. Scott Hanken, Finley’s attorney, also called the criminal charge unwarranted, saying, “What happened may be negligent, but it’s not a criminal act and certainly not first-degree murder.”
A woman who answered the phone at LifeStar Ambulance Service’s office and did not provide her name declined to comment.
Experts in emergency medicine have said the Springfield case is a rare instance of prosecutors filing criminal charges against emergency medicine providers. Another prominent example is pending in Colorado, where a grand jury in 2021 indicted two paramedics along with three police officers for manslaughter and other charges in the death of a Black man, Elijah McClain.
Cadigan and Finley remain in the Sangamon County jail on $1 million bond each. They appeared via video for a brief court appearance Thursday, but no additional details of the case were discussed. They were scheduled to appear again Friday morning.
After Sangamon County prosecutors filed the charges this month, Springfield police released the videos which show a woman inside Moore’s home telling police that he is in withdrawal from alcohol and hallucinating. Police then call for an ambulance.
When Finley arrives she enters the bedroom, where Moore is on the floor. Soon after, she yells at him to sit up and asks repeatedly for his birth date.
“Sit up,” she says. “You know what, I am not playing. Sit up. Quit acting stupid. Sit up. Sit up now. I am not playing with you tonight.”
“You’re gonna have to walk cause we ain’t carrying you,” she adds.
Once outside the house, the video shows Cadigan forcefully putting Moore onto his stomach on the stretcher and both paramedics tightening straps across his back.
Springfield Police Chief Ken Scarlette has said he asked Illinois State Police to investigate after learning that Moore died after arriving at the hospital. An autopsy report listed Moore’s cause of death as homicide by compressional and positional asphyxia. | {"pred_label": "__label__wiki", "pred_label_prob": 0.9051647782325745, "wiki_prob": 0.9051647782325745, "source": "cc/2023-06/en_middle_0017.json.gz/line217416"} |
in 3. PRESS RELEASES AND NEWS, Council, Downpatrick, Littering/Vandalism/Crime, Pollution and Working with other Parties
. Closed Tags: Cadogan Enright, litter, littering, robert burgess.
Councilor Cadogan Enright has supported a call from fellow Councilor Robert Burgess for a full report by management at next month’s Environment Committee on Council managements failure to take prosecutions for dumping at Downpatrick’s Heritage Railway system based on witness statements, photographs, maps and people willing to give evidence about the dumping.
From the Left Cllr Cadogan Enright, Tommy Mathers, John Wilson and Cllr Robert Burgess
Cllr Enright said, “We now believe that the situation has raised the whole attitude of the department as needing to be brought to committee for attention. The reluctance to prosecute, the apparent belief that patrolling is a substitute for prosecutions, and even the suggestion that patrolling itself is no use as staff wear high-vis uniforms so the dumpers will simply wait till they are out of sight. It almost sounds like this department are trying to do themselves out of a job.”
Cllr Burgess said “I have reviewed this correspondence and note that the department received witness statements from the then Chair of Down Railway accompanied by maps and photographs. The excuses for not pursuing this matter were quite unacceptable. When someone is prepared to write in with supporting materials like this they MUST be taken seriously.”
Cllr Burgess continued “I note that considerable effort was expended by railway representatives to provide the environmental department with the material to take action against the small group of repeat offenders who deposit such a large amount of litter in the car parking areas facing the railway on the right hand side.”
“I note that even at this late stage council officials could take action to trace these individuals, but seem to me making a new round of unacceptable excuses as to why they should not do so. I am insisting that action is now taken to trace the drivers of these vehicles.” Said Cllr Robert Burgess,
“We have a situation here where we know where the offending occurs, know when it occurs, we know several of the regular offenders and their cars of which we have photographs and we have witness statements. It is open for our staff to go down their most evenings and make prosecutions, or follow up on existing good witness statements. The solutions here are very obvious to Robert Burgess and I and we will be expecting answers at our next meeting.” Concluded Cllr Cadogan Enright | {"pred_label": "__label__wiki", "pred_label_prob": 0.5908940434455872, "wiki_prob": 0.5908940434455872, "source": "cc/2019-30/en_middle_0012.json.gz/line52325"} |
The Varsity Blues women’s soccer team had their best season in program history COURTESY OF HENRY ZHAO/VARSITY BLUES
Blues women’s soccer weekend recap
Kelly, Staggolis, Wolever shine for Varsity Blues women’s soccer team
By Laura Ashwood, Michael Teoh — Published September 8, 2019
Saturday, September 7 vs. UOttawa
By the time University of Ottawa Gee-Gees star Mikayla Morton opened the scoring in the 28th minute, it seemed like the floodgates would open and that last season’s USPORTS champions would wash the U of T Varsity Blues. Up to that point, the Gee-Gees had been superior in every department, deftly dancing through the Blues’ midfield and forcing defensive errors with a high press.
Instead, the goal served as a catalyst for the Blues who, with the introduction of third-year striker Erin Kelly, grew into the game. Eight minutes after conceding, third-year midfielder Miranda Badovinac scored the equalizer with what turned out to be the game’s final goal. Blues goalkeeper Vanna Staggolis put in an excellent performance to secure the draw, making a number of key saves and snapping the Blues’ four-game losing streak against the Gee-Gees.
The Blues started with a narrow 4-3-3 formation; the lack of width left midfield trio Kristin Parkes, Valentina Greco, and Maddie MacKay unable to spread the ball in the face of constant barrages by the Gee-Gees’ press. When they lost the ball, the trio — perhaps fearing the potency with which the Gee-Gees could break — were unwilling to press their opponents, allowing them free rein to lob the ball to their dynamic attack.
This double jeopardy prevented the Blues’ midfield from supporting their defence or joining their attack, rendering them largely ineffective for much of the first 30 minutes.
The Gee-Gees exploited this tactical flaw well and, in the 26th minute, a ball from their own half allowed forward Emma Lefebvre to force Blues defender Anna Crone to concede a corner. The Blues defence capitulated following the short corner, with right back Rena Nakajima and centreback Mikayla Ford both out of position in an unsuccessful attempt to play the offside trap.
The ball was floated into the right of the box, where Gee-Gees midfielder Hailey Walsh and Morton found themselves in acres of space. Walsh received the ball at the edge of the box and Nakajima, closing her down, puzzlingly ducked out of the way of her cross. Ford was equally at fault for the goal, completely missing Morton’s run behind her, which gave the fourth-year Gee-Gees forward ample space to head the ball in, despite Staggolis’ efforts.
Shortly after conceding, the Blues withdrew MacKay and brought on Kelly, who slotted into the centre forward position. Her introduction proved to be a revelation as she produced exceptional hold-up play by using her physicality to stave off a number of Gee-Gees tackles.
Kelly marauded down the right flank and forced a corner after dribbling past two players. The Blues’ ensuing corner mimicked the one they had conceded as striker Jenny Wolever found herself unmarked on the far side of the goal. She slammed a shot toward the goal, which goalkeeper Margot Shore spilled into the path of Badovinac, who found the net from four yards out.
Following the half-time break, the Blues returned a much improved side, pressing as a unit and adopting a more fluid approach off-ball. Nakajima and Ford both made a number of important challenges, as did Crone, who showed good composure and passing.
Despite their improvement, the Blues still lacked width in the midfield; they opted to address this in the 58th minute by bringing on Daniella Cipriano for Badovinac. Cipriano proved to be an effective conduit between midfield and attack, finding Wolever numerous times with great through balls. In the 69th minute she switched play to Wolever, only for the latter to hit the side netting.
Wolever, who played for the Queen’s Gaels for four years as an undergraduate prior to moving to U of T this summer, was named the Ontario University Athletics East’s Most Valuable Player last year.
The Blues continued to threaten until the 75th minute, but found little joy against both Gee-Gees right back Trinity Esprit, who halted a number of attacks and passed the ball forward well, and midfielder Katherine Bearne, who displayed remarkable dribbling and vision.
The tide of the game swung in the Gee-Gees’ favour in the last 15 minutes as they searched for the winning goal, but Staggolis remained a colossal figure in the Blues net. She was called into action in the 89th minute, denying Lefebvre from close range.
While the Blues had their chances to take the lead in the second half, a draw against the country’s best team — to whom they lost to three times last season — is definitely a step in the right direction for a team trying to find its attacking identity following the departures of star players Chelsea Cheung and Natasha Klasios.
As seen on display at Varsity Stadium, Cipriano and Kelly appear to be the natural choices to support Wolever as the Blues rebuild their attack.
Sunday, September 8 vs. Queen’s
After a hard-fought first half in which Toronto conceded two goals to the Queen’s Gaels, standout rookie Miranda Badovinac scored twice in the second half to tie the match with the Gaels, who are the second-highest ranking team in the Ontario University Athletics (OUA).
From the first minute, the pressure was on: possession shifted rapidly as the ball found its way to either end of the pitch. Keeper Levanta Staggolis kept the score 0–0 with some quick saves in the first few minutes, impressing spectators and frustrating opponents.
The Blues’ offence was aggressive throughout, with Erin Kelly, Jenny Woelver, and Badovinac, among others, creating shot opportunities. In the early stages of the game, Kelly executed a promising shot on the net, fed by Badovinac thanks to a cross from Wolever. The play was executed with speed, and revealed a well-practiced offensive formation.
“It’s been fun playing with [Wolever] because we’re both new to the team, so it’s been fun… building our own legacy together,” said Badovinac.
Anna Crone, Mikayla Ford, and Rena Nakajima delivered a series of impressive defensive plays in the first half: in the 26th minute, for example, Nakajima proved her defensive prowess by shutting down a breakaway from Gaels striker Jenna Matsukubo. However, Queen’s slipped through the cracks to score twice. Organization and morale noticeably dwindled after the first Gael goal, but a change in mindset at half-time brought the team back to the same page.
“First half we kind of lost ourselves, we weren’t really focused,” admits Staggolis. “Once those two goals were in, our heads went down. We weren’t into it at all. But our half-time talk got us ready to go.”
“We had a couple formation changes as well that would allow for more aggressive attacks,” adds Badovinac.
Due to these pivotal half-time changes, Badovinac found her offensive stride, hitting the back of the net twice in the 44th and 63rd minutes. “They were both off of crosses. Just was kind of hoping for the best when I hit [the first one],” said Badovinac. “The other one was from a cross in the air. I was lucky that it hit perfectly to my head and I was able to get something on it.”
“We’re content with the result. Obviously you’re always looking for three points, but we’ll take it,” says Staggolis.
With a tie granting the Blues one point for their second game of the season, the team is ready for their next game against the University of Ontario Institute of Technology this coming Friday.
Disclaimer: Michael Teoh previously served as Volume 138 Deputy Senior Copy Editor and Volume 139 Business Editor of The Varsity.
Tags: soccer, sports, uottawa, Varsity Blues
Opinion: Is Victor Wembanyama the most interesting NBA prospect ever?
Does intermittent fasting work?
Teams to watch at the 2022 FIFA World Cup
Verstappen enters US Grand Prix with F1 Championship Clinched | {"pred_label": "__label__wiki", "pred_label_prob": 0.9372029900550842, "wiki_prob": 0.9372029900550842, "source": "cc/2023-06/en_middle_0033.json.gz/line191507"} |
The Postal Museum news The Loco and the Mule
The Loco and the Mule
There’s always something curious going on down in Mail Rail. This time, while part of an old loco leaves, a mockup ‘mule’ takes to the rails…
This loco, nicknamed ‘Banana’, was painted yellow for 1991 Hollywood film ‘Hudson Hawk’
For 76 years, if a train down in Mail Rail came to an unplanned stop, a battery-powered locomotive – or ‘loco’ – would come to its aid.
Sometimes it was due to a simple technical fault, but other times there were greater issues, like when a metal mail-container landed on the track and shorted large swathes of it out.
Whatever the problem, the staff of Mail Rail always found a solution, and the three locos – hauling tools, equipment, and even whole trains if needed – played a pivotal role.
A driver’s view, taking a Mail Rail loco through the tunnels
Extraordinary circumstances called for extraordinary equipment. The locos were capable of shifting almost eight times their own weight – 54 tonnes each – in trials, and this required serious battery power.
Recently, one of these batteries – itself a conglomeration of smaller batteries – finally left Mail Rail for a well-earned rest. Here we follow its journey out through the only route it would fit down – or rather, up:
Part of the crew readies the old loco battery for hoisting out of Mail Rail
The loco battery is ready for lift-off
It may not look it, but the battery lift goes smoothly
The battery is loaded onto a waiting truck for removal
As one thing leaves the tracks, another takes its place: deeper into Mail Rail, train-builders Severn Lamb have been testing their ‘mule’.
How do you make sure that the new train you are building fits through a quirky and irregular set of tunnels? You build a wooden prototype, of course, matching the dimensions of your design at its greatest points. Then you put it on the tracks and see what happens.
It may not look much, but it has proven very important, with designs being adapted to make sure that the new Mail Rail ride’s trains squeeze through safely.
Soon, the trains that will take thousands upon thousands of visitors around Mail Rail for the first time – a lot more shiny and comfortable than the mule, it must be said – will go into production.
To find out more about The Postal Museum and what we’re doing in Mail Rail, have a look around our website and watch our blog for further updates. | {"pred_label": "__label__cc", "pred_label_prob": 0.6094685196876526, "wiki_prob": 0.3905314803123474, "source": "cc/2019-30/en_middle_0066.json.gz/line1603290"} |
Bank of America pays NO FEDERAL INCOME TAXES? On Monday 4/18, let’s ask them WHY, with US Uncut NYC!
Bank of America (“BoA”) is sending representatives to the main Post Office on tax day to warmly thank the ordinary New Yorkers (including members of the media) for helping to pay its taxes. Even as New York faces billions in budget cuts, Bank of America succeeded in paying zero dollars in federal income taxes for 2010.
Reps will be giving out a tangible (albeit tiny) token of BoA’s gratitude in the form of hard candies (i.e., “suckers”). We believe that it is the most we can do – and who could take issue with the gift’s appropriateness?
BoA representatives will also be available to explain to those who may be confused (and perhaps even mildly annoyed) when they learn that BoA received a $1.9 billion tax CREDIT on net profits of $4.4 billion. Tax advisors well versed in BoA’s world-class evasion techniques will be available to explain in great detail how one of America’s biggest banks managed to pay nothing while everyone else pays their fair share.
The very last line, “…while everyone else pays their fair share.”, is no doubt a reference to the average worker paying a tax on his or her earned income. The presumption that there is anything fair about such a tax in the first place shows how far we are from understanding the true nature of the income tax. Our culture needs to change from “income tax fundamentalists” (true believers) to “income tax agnostics.” There is so much to question about this form of taxation, yet we believe it to be legitimate only because that’s what we’ve been told our entire lives. We need to ask ourselves what we believe and, more importantly, why.
If huge corporations paid taxes, we could easily wipe out our entire national debt, fund totally free education through the university level, provide free health care for everyone in America, and take care of our elderly and poor. And that would be fine for the poor and middle classes. But did you ever stop to consider the needs of the corporations? I mean come on, it’s the poor this and the poor that, and oh, we have to make sure our children get educated, but because NO ONE is considering the needs of the wealthy, they have to look out for themselves and pay no taxes. And come on, let’s be fair: if you don’t like the way that the multimillionaires and billionaires are behaving, all you have to do is make your own hundreds of millions or billions, and behave differently. | {'timestamp': '2019-04-19T06:30:48Z', 'url': 'http://markcrispinmiller.com/2011/04/bank-of-america-pays-no-federal-income-taxes-on-monday-418-lets-ask-them-why-with-us-uncut-nyc/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'} |
Access our new patient forms/statement of non-discrimination, hear what our patients are saying, and view our brightest smiles.
We have a simple goal at Clarksville Smiles: to help people from throughout the community enjoy sound oral health and beautiful smiles for a lifetime. We do this by offering our patients a comprehensive range of treatments, from general and pediatric dentistry to cosmetic and implant dentistry. And for those individuals who suffer from dental phobia or dental anxiety, we are happy to offer sedation dentistry as well. We believe that anyone looking for a dentist in Clarksville shouldn't have to travel to Nashville to have their needs met.
At Clarksville Smiles, fearful patients can be treated, dental implants can be placed, smiles can be restored, and teeth can be rejuvenated. We invite you to contact our dental office today to arrange an appointment - we would be happy to work with you!
Thanks to extensive training and use of the most advanced dental technology in the industry, our team is able to perform many complex treatments in-office, including the placement and restoration of dental implants, the administration of oral conscious and nitrous oxide sedation, and the extraction of wisdom teeth. Dr. Richard C. Ribeiro, a renowned dentist and our lead practitioner at Clarksville Smiles, is committed to providing for his patients' oral health needs.
The foundation of dental care is preventive treatment. Quite simply, routine examinations and cleanings are the the basis of general dentistry, and the most effective ways to safeguard against decay and preserve the health and appearance of your teeth and gums.
Patients of all ages are welcome at Clarksville Smiles. If you are seeking a family dentist in the Clarksville or Fort Campbell area, you can trust our team to provide superb care.
The appearance of your smile can have a dramatic impact on your self-esteem, confidence, social life, and self-image. If you are unhappy with the appearance of your teeth, we urge you to take action today.
At Clarksville Smiles, we understand the anxiety and feelings of trepidation that people can experience at the dentist. Thanks to our expertise and experience, we are happy to offer sedation dentistry as a solution.
The longest-lasting, most durable, and most effective treatment for missing or extensively decayed teeth is dental implants. With more than 18 years of experience in restoring implants, Dr. Ribeiro is uniquely qualified to perform this treatment. | {'timestamp': '2019-04-23T02:11:49Z', 'url': 'https://www.clarksvillesmilestn.com/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'} |
#import "TiBase.h"
#import "KrollObject.h"
#import "KrollMethod.h"
#define COMPONENT_TYPE_PROXIES @"proxies"
#define COMPONENT_TYPE_MODULES @"modules"
#define COMPONENT_TYPE_OTHER @"other"
#define API_TYPE_FUNCTION @"function"
#define API_TYPE_PROPERTY @"property"
#define COVERAGE_TYPE_GET @"propertyGet"
#define COVERAGE_TYPE_SET @"propertySet"
#define COVERAGE_TYPE_CALL @"functionCall"
@protocol KrollCoverage <NSObject>
-(void)increment:(NSString*)apiName coverageType:(NSString*)coverageType apiType:(NSString*)apiType;
@interface KrollCoverageObject : KrollObject <KrollCoverage> {
NSString *componentName, *componentType;
@property(nonatomic,copy) NSString *componentName;
@property(nonatomic,copy) NSString *componentType;
+(void)incrementCoverage:(NSString*)componentType_ componentName:(NSString*)componentName_ apiName:(NSString*)apiName_ coverageType:(NSString*)coverageType_ apiType:(NSString*)apiType_;
+(void)incrementTopLevelFunctionCall:(NSString*)componentName name:(NSString*)apiName;
-(id)initWithTarget:(id)target_ context:(KrollContext*)context_;
-(id)initWithTarget:(id)target_ context:(KrollContext*)context_ componentName:(NSString*)componentName_;
@interface KrollCoverageMethod : KrollMethod <KrollCoverage> {
NSString *parentName, *parentType;
id<KrollCoverage> parent;
@property(nonatomic,copy) NSString *parentName;
@property(nonatomic,copy) NSString *parentType;
-(id)initWithTarget:(id)target_ context:(KrollContext *)context_ parent:(id<KrollCoverage>)parent_;
-(id)initWithTarget:(id)target_ selector:(SEL)selector_ argcount:(int)argcount_ type:(KrollMethodType)type_ name:(id)name_ context:(KrollContext*)context_ parent:(id)parent_;
#endif | {'content_hash': '21bb573fe092080f36e7572f9593252a', 'timestamp': '', 'source': 'github', 'line_count': 62, 'max_line_length': 185, 'avg_line_length': 31.016129032258064, 'alnum_prop': 0.7795111804472179, 'repo_name': 'AppWerft/SunTracker', 'id': 'a35c96cbe93d2220f17c7fc21f3d721e8b64e370', 'size': '2220', 'binary': False, 'copies': '1', 'ref': 'refs/heads/master', 'path': 'build/iphone/Classes/KrollCoverage.h', 'mode': '33188', 'license': 'apache-2.0', 'language': [{'name': 'C', 'bytes': '139582'}, {'name': 'C++', 'bytes': '56872'}, {'name': 'D', 'bytes': '1093222'}, {'name': 'JavaScript', 'bytes': '31672'}, {'name': 'Objective-C', 'bytes': '3310532'}, {'name': 'Shell', 'bytes': '270'}]} |
"You've Been Living in Riobamba For Over 10 Years?!!!"
"Have you really been living in Riobamba with your family for over 10 years?"
That's my favorite question, whenever I met a tourist and we start to exchange travel stories.
The reason it's my favorite question?
I don't even need words to answer! I just say (OK, maybe a few words), look around you.
And they understand just how beautiful this place really is.
this town's undisputed natural beauty is one of the main tourist attractions.
"Riobamba is a diamond in the rough".
Mm. Ah. The smell of pure air. Think you know what the color green really looks like? Only here can you rediscover the color green, the color of nature, the color of life itself. A town where you can experience life in its purest state.
The sun high in the blue-blue sky, the snow that never seems to melt off the top of Chimborazo, one of the many (extinct) volcanoes that surround this town, giving it a picture perfect scenery.
Living in this town has been a life changing experience. It is definitely a get-away-from-it-all kind of place. A place for nature lovers.
To get away from the pollution, the dirty cities, the traffic, the highly stressful jobs. A place where you can just lay back and finally relax!
This town has the power to immediately put a visitors mind at ease.
They say time flies when you are having fun, well who ever said that must have at some point in their lives made a trip to Ecuador. As a family who came to Ecuador just for a visit (our vacation here was only supposed to last a week then we were going to take a plane back to Long Island where we're from).
But the tranquility and natural beauty captivated us, we stayed, and moved near our relatives (by the way, half my family is Ecuadorian).
Also the low-cost life style was one of the many motives that helped my family make the big decision of moving here. Despite being a low-key place, Riobamba, also known as "the heart of Ecuador", is one of the few places on earth where you will find it impossible to get bored (another motive).
Such an incredible town that has so much to offer: from its colonial architecture style building with cobble streets that give off a post-colonial feeling, to its parks and monthly colorful parades.
Then its mouthwatering food, next of course is the famous indigenous market that later on you will see why I call it an "outdoor eBay", last but not least is people here that have been known to treat tourists as family.
Yes, in case you are wondering that is a roasted pig. One of the city's many delicious traditional delights. Another attraction is, due to the fact that that this town is high in the central Andes of Ecuador.
Surrounded by mountains and volcanoes which attract hundreds of professional mountain bikers, and mountain climbers from all over the planet every year.
And don't think you have to have an over-sized wallet to enjoy the many things this town has to offer tourists, no way! This town has proven time and again to be (in my family's opinion) the best place in the world for an unforgettable low-cost vacation.
There is just so much to see, eat, explore, do, and experience. That by the end of the day you will need a good night's sleep under the blanket of stars that aren't but should be an attraction in Riobamba.
With that said I hope you enjoy your vacation! | {'timestamp': '2019-04-18T14:21:28Z', 'url': 'https://www.riobamba-official-tourism-guide.com/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'} |
We are the manufacturing enterprise combined with raising industry in China. We specialized in designing and producing automatic poultry farm equipment. 20 Years' Equipment Producing Experience. Focusing on manufacturing, researching and developing automatic layer, broiler and pullet raising equipment and Brand new heavy apron feeder with high quality, GOLDENEGG provides customers with poultry farming solutions, including product research and development, project design, production, installation and service.
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AC Sparta Praha is de vrouwenafdeling van
voetbalclub Sparta Praag uit Praag, Tsjechië. De club werd opgericht in 1975. De club speelde vele malen in de Champions League, waarbij ze in 2005-06 de kwartfinale haalden.
Kampioen van Tsjechoslowakijke: 1976, 1977, 1978, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1989, 1990, 1991 (12 x)
Nationaal kampioen Tsjechië: 1994–2002, 2005–2013, 2018
Beker van Tsjechië: 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2017, 2018
Europese wedstrijden
Sparta Praag | {'title': 'AC Sparta Praag (vrouwenvoetbal)', 'url': 'https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/AC%20Sparta%20Praag%20%28vrouwenvoetbal%29', 'language': 'nl', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
Summer is finally here! We have been seeing great dry fly fishing the last couple of weeks. The Upper West Fork still has some salmonfly activity but it sure seems to be settling down. As the transition happens look for the fish to switch their focus to Golden Stones. As for the main river, we are starting to see Golden Stones and Yellow Sallies. We have also been seeing lots and lots of Green Drakes, Grey Drakes, Brown Drakes and PMD’s. Even on sunny days! The fish are readily taking the mayflies, so if you see rising fish try a parachute pattern like the Purple Haze, Adams, or a Brown, Green or Grey Drake to get them hooked up. If you aren’t getting much action on the surface don’t be afraid to hang a dropper off of a Golden Stone. Rubber Legs, San Juan Worms, Prince Nymphs and Hare’s Ear’s should all bring fish to the net.
Our shop is fully stocked up for the summer and we have a TON of new fly patterns and of course we still have the old standby’s. We have lots of new apparel as well, and all the miscellaneous odds and ends like tippet, floatant, tapered leaders and such to make your day of fishing even more enjoyable.
With the hot weather approaching watch for changing conditions on the river. The flows are fluctuating with small bumps at night and then dropping a bit during the day. As this happens, it has the potential for new obstructions in the river. Keep your eyes downstream if you are floating and be prepared for surprises. We haven’t been getting a lot of reports of new problem areas, but the potential is there. Also, don’t forget that with the hot daytime temps we are having, you need to drink more water. Nothing can ruin a great day of fishing like getting sick from dehydration. Keep hydrated, be safe, catch lots of fish and for gosh sake’s HAVE FUN!!! | {'timestamp': '2019-04-18T12:16:17Z', 'url': 'https://texasflycaster.com/bitterroot-fishing-report/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'} |
Ariana Grande Pete Davidson 'covering up Ariana Grande tribute tattoos already' after split after she hides her tiny inking with Band-Aid Ariana wore a Band-Aid over the tiny 'Pete' tattoo on her finger as she took to the stage last night. Machine wash cold, non-chlorine bleach, dry flat, do not iron, do not dry clean;.
of over 4, results for "onesies for toddlers 3t" Showing selected results. See all results for onesies for toddlers 3t. Gerber Baby 4 Pack Onesies, White, 3T. by Gerber. $ $ 12 99 Prime. FREE Shipping on eligible orders. out of 5 stars Shop toddler girl bodysuits at skachat-clas.cf Shop Oshkosh B'gosh, the most trusted name in kids and baby clothes, plus our world famous overalls. CBO Baby understands the great need for larger size toddler onesies and bodysuits that are stylish, durable and comfortable for your child. That is why we’ve embarked on the wonderful journey of producing high quality, hard-to-find onesies. | {'timestamp': '2019-04-20T06:52:45Z', 'url': 'http://skachat-clas.cf/gekaz/3t-onesies-for-toddlers-140.php', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'} |
The first two letters of support for Gordon Brown are shown in full, as they are signed by two of the most prominent public servants in Britain who have endorsed the campaign with their support. Other letters are shown in thumbnail format, and can be expanded by clicking on the small thumbnail. Most of the authors are actively supportive of the campaign, including some public servants who are restrained by the conventions of their post. We would like to thank all those who have taken time to read the pamphlet and actively responded to it. | {'timestamp': '2019-04-21T16:43:50Z', 'url': 'https://gordonbrownisinnocent.co.uk/support/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'} |
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Sheriff seeks new direction for county farm
BARNSTABLE — County Sheriff James Cummings wants out of the farming business.
Cummings told Barnstable County commissioners yesterday that his office, which manages the 99-acre county farm on Route 6A, should turn the tractors and fields over to someone else.
"I see it as a property that's very underutilized and it's a chance for the county to make some money," Cummings said.
Located west of Mary Dunn Road in Barnstable, the county farm was once a dairy farm and now is the largest piece of land under cultivation on the Cape, with the sheriff's office selling flowers and vegetables grown on the property. The Cape Cod Cooperative Extension also uses the land for agricultural programs.
Yesterday's county commission meeting was held at the sheriff's Youth Ranch in West Barnstable. The ranch, located on land leased from the town of Barnstable, hosts intervention programs for troubled teens and has livestock, one possibility raised for the county farm.
Local farmers have expressed interest in using the county farm land, including inquiries to use the property for an organic farm, Cummings said.
Although the county farm's inmate labor program is a worthy effort, it doesn't make economic sense now that the jail is located in Bourne and the inmates must be transported farther than when the jail was next door in Barnstable, Cummings said. "We're not getting a big enough bang for our buck," he said.
Correctional officers at the jail guard inmates at a ratio of 1-to-72, while a half dozen inmates are supervised at the farm by four officers, he said.
The inmate labor could still be used on the property under a new lease, Cummings said.
Of the farm's 99 acres, about 80 acres are fit for farming. The rest of the land accommodates buildings and other uses, said William Clark, director of the cooperative extension.
There are some challenges to farming the land, including limited water resources on the south side of the farm and poor soil in some areas, Clark said. The land is under an agricultural deed restriction and no new buildings can be built on the property, he said.
Before a request for proposals for the farm is released, ideas will be solicited from local farmers, according to Lance Lambros, chairman of the county commissioners.
"I think the vision is probably to put together a farming cooperative," said Billy Snowden, owner of Hawk's Wing Farm in Yarmouthport and chairman of the Yarmouth Agricultural Commission. A cooperative farm could take several forms, he said, including pasture for livestock and fruit orchards.
Snowden would favor wind turbines and other renewable sources of energy on the property constructed through partnerships with the Cape's technical schools.
"We get to tie into every emerging new resource on Cape Cod," he said. "New technology, new resources are merging with the oldest job and the oldest industry in the world — that's agriculture."
The property would need a lot of work whatever the use, said Tim Friary, who farms 13½ acres in Cummaquid and Barnstable. The county property would be ideal for an organic livestock farm, he said, adding that one could be set up in the form of so-called community supported agriculture, an arrangement where people buy shares in a farm then collect crops or meat in return.
Rotation of grazing patterns could also help to build up the soils, Friary said.
County commissioners plan to collect more information, including comments from the Cape and Islands Farm Bureau, in the next month.
The panel would then release a request for information in October, followed by a request for proposals for the property in November.
County officials have stepped up their agricultural efforts recently. In a first for the county, agriculture was included as its own section in a draft of the 2008 Cape Cod Regional Policy Plan.
There has also been increased interest in agricultural commissions across the Cape and the possible creation of a countywide agricultural commission. | {"pred_label": "__label__wiki", "pred_label_prob": 0.9649683833122253, "wiki_prob": 0.9649683833122253, "source": "cc/2023-06/en_head_0029.json.gz/line1720873"} |
Lucy Sibbick
Hair, Makeup and Prosthetics Designer
Agent: Alice Dunne
Alice Dunne
Assistant: Flora Line
[email protected]
Lucy is an Academy Award and BAFTA-winning makeup artist with extensive experience in prosthetics, make-up and hair and over the last ten years she has been working as an artist, supervisor and designer.
Lucas Films
FX Prosthetic Make Up Supervisor
Dir: JJ Abrams Prod: J.J. Abrams, Kathleen Kennedy, Michelle Rejwan (with Daisy Ridley, Adam Driver, Richard E. Grant)
Perfect World Pictures
Prosthetic Hair Artist (Gary Oldman), Prosthetic Makeup Artist (Gary Oldman)
Dir: Joe Wright Prod: Tim Bevan (with Gary Oldman, Lily James, Kristin Scott Thomas)
2017 Academy Award winner - Best Achievement in Makeup and Hairstyling
2017 BAFTA Award winner - Best Make Up and Hair
2017 Awards Circuit Community Award for Best Makeup & Hairstyling
Arc Light Films Ltd
Prosthetic Makeup Key Artist
Dir: Nitya Mehra Prod: Farhan Akhtar (with Sidharth Malhotra, Katrina Kaif, Sayani Gupta)
Panorama Films
Dir: Ben Stiller Prod: Allegra Clegg (with Ben Stiller, Owen Wilson, Penélope Cruz)
Prosthetics Makeup Artist
Dir: Burr Steers Prod: Sue Baden-Powell (with Lily James, Sam Riley, Jack Huston)
Dir: Sean Ellis Prod: Sean Ellis, Mickey Liddell, Pete Shilaimon (with Jamie Dornan, Cillian Murphy, Brian Caspe)
Prosthetic Make-up Artist
Dir: Ron Howard Prod: David Bergstein (with Chris Hemsworth, Cillian Murphy, Brendan Gleeson)
Prosthetic Makeup Artist
Dir: Ridley Scott Prod: Peter Chernin, Mark Huffam (with Christian Bale, Joel Edgerton, Ben Kingsley)
Prosthetic Make Up Artist
Dir: Gary Shore Prod: Michael De Luca (with Luke Evans, Dominic Cooper, Sarah Gadon)
Paramount Pictures,
Dir: Brett Ratner Prod: Beau Flynn, Barry Levine, Brett Ratner (with Dwayne Johnson, John Hurt, Ian McShane)
Dir: Ruairi Robinson Prod: Andrea Cornwell (with Liev Schreiber, Elias Koteas, Romola Garai)
Prosthetic Make Up Artist (additional photography)
Dir: Marc Forster Prod: Brad Pitt, Dede Gardner, Jeremy Kleiner, Ian Bryce (with Brad Pitt, Mireille Enos, Daniella Kertesz)
Key Hair Stylist, Key Makeup Artist
Dir: Justin Chadwick Prod: Alison Owen (with Alicia Vikander, Dane DeHaan, Jack O'Connell)
Kudos Pictures
BBC Films
Make up Assistant
Dir: David Cronenberg Prod: Robert Lantos, Paul Webster (with Naomi Watts, Viggo Mortensen, Armin Mueller-Stahl)
Prosthetics Artist
Dir: David Nutter, Prod: David Benioff
Prosthetic Make up Artist,
Dir: Johan Renck Prod: Craig Mazin, Carolyn Strauss, Jane Featherstone (with Jared Harris, Stellan Skarsgård, Emily Watson)
Fifty Fathoms Productions
Makeup Supervisor
Dir: Kieron Hawkes Prod: Patrick Spence
Kudos Film and Television
Dir: Ed Bye Prod: Gary Janetti (with Derek Jacobi, Ian McKellen, Frances de la Tour)
(ep.9 - Blackwater)
Dir: Neil Marshall Prod: George R.R. Martin (with Peter Dinklage, Lena Headey, Charles Dance)
Hat Trick Productions
Dir: James Hawes Prod: Nigel Marchant, Neil McKay, Mark Redhead (with Paddy Considine, Peter Capaldi, Tom Georgeson) | {"pred_label": "__label__wiki", "pred_label_prob": 0.790034294128418, "wiki_prob": 0.790034294128418, "source": "cc/2019-30/en_middle_0092.json.gz/line1378542"} |
Alternate pipeline route pitched would still run through Abbotsford
Trans Mountain Pipeline panel hears proposal to reroute expanded line south through Abbotsford at Sumas crossing.
Jeff Nagel
Nov. 25, 2016 12:00 p.m.
Activists have pledged fierce opposition if Kinder Morgan's proposed Trans Mountain Pipeline is approved to run to Burnaby.
Former B.C. Premier Mike Harcourt is urging the prime minister to insist on a different route for the Trans Mountain pipeline to carry diluted bitumen out to tankers at Tsawwassen or Cherry Point in Washington State, instead of risking massive civil disobedience by opponents in Burnaby.
But such a route would still go through Abbotsford, albeit not through the Sandy Hill neighbourhood on Sumas Mountain nor Matsqui Prairie. (INTERACTIVE MAP: See the pipeline’s current route through Abbotsford.)
Harcourt argued Kinder Morgan’s proposed pipeline twinning largely has local support along most of the route from Alberta to the B.C. coast so a “plan B” that diverts the pipeline south to a different terminal is worth exploring.
“The pipeline by and large has been approved from the oil sands to Surrey,” Harcourt told Black Press. “Where it hits conflict is when it gets to Burnaby and into Burrard Inlet, where one spill would be a disaster.”
He said it was imprudent not to look at alternate routing to a less contentious tidewater port than the existing Westridge Marine Terminal in Burnaby.
Some have suggested that the pipeline’s current route through the Fraser Valley be diverted in Abbotsford and instead head south, through Sumas and along the route of an existing Trans Mountain line that ends at refineries in Ferndale, Wash. Others have suggested the pipeline end at an alternate terminal at Deltaport.
“It avoids some of the real and legitimate fears and concerns people have expressed about tripling the traffic in Burrard Inlet,” said Harcourt, who was NDP premier in 1993 during mass protests against logging in Clayoquot Sound. “I’d like to avoid a violent and sustained set of protests.”
Activist groups have vowed the $6.8-billion project will hit a wall of opposition, particularly in Metro Vancouver, and comparisons have been made to the violent standoff over a pipeline project in North Dakota.
Burnaby Mountain was the site of more than 100 arrests two years ago to make way for Kinder Morgan survey crews.
The idea of diverting the pipeline to a different terminal that would keep additional tankers out of Burrard Inlet and Vancouver harbour has previously been raised by Burnaby Mayor Derek Corrigan and Alberta NDP Premier Rachel Notley.
And the concept got a fresh lift this fall when it was flagged for further consideration by a ministerial panel review of the project appointed by the federal government to fill in gaps in the National Energy Board process.
That new review, co-chaired by former Tsawwassen First Nation chief Kim Baird, urged the federal government to consider whether Trans Mountain’s current route “is the right one.”
Kinder Morgan has so far rejected suggestions of an alternate terminal at Deltaport, saying it would add to the costs and environmental impacts.
Harcourt said any higher cost to accommodate a new terminal must be considered against the risk for the oil industry and the country as a whole of not getting a new pipeline at all. He said extra construction costs could be borne by oil shippers over time.
Vicki Huntington, the independent MLA for Delta South, said rerouting the pipeline to Deltaport is a “non-starter” because of the critical ecological habitat at the mouth of the Fraser River that would be vulnerable to a spill of bitumen.
The pipeline has also encountered resistance from those living east of the proposed detour, including those in Abbotsford.
Michael Hale, a Trans Mountain opponent with the Pipe Up group in the Fraser Valley, said Harcourt is wrong to conclude the pipeline will face less resistance if it only extends as far southwest as Abbotsford or Delta.
“Over 90 per cent of B.C. presenters were opposed [during the latest panel hearings] – it didn’t matter if you were from Chilliwack or Burnaby,” he said.
Climate change activists in particular who want to keep Alberta oil in the ground will aim to block the pipeline expansion wherever they can in B.C., he said.
Nor do specific environmental concerns for the Salish Sea end with a different terminal.
“When you think of the ecosystems out from Deltaport – the salmon, the endangered orca populations – that region is already heavily threatened,” Hale said. “That’s going to mobilize people everywhere, whether it’s Burnaby or Delta or virtually anywhere else they can think of on this coast.”
A final federal government decision is required by mid-December on the NEB’s recommendation for conditional approval of the Trans Mountain expansion.
-with files from Tyler Olsen
ALR has won over critics, but challenges remain
Surrey man sentenced for two Abbotsford robberies in 2015 | {"pred_label": "__label__wiki", "pred_label_prob": 0.9370788335800171, "wiki_prob": 0.9370788335800171, "source": "cc/2020-05/en_middle_0014.json.gz/line66987"} |
Jim Leonhard Paul Chryst Luke Fickell College sports College football Sports Football
Big Ten Wisconsin Cincinnati
Jim Leonhard says he won't return to Wisconsin staff
Wisconsin interim head coach Jim Leonhard on the field before an NCAA football game between against Wisconsin and Minnesota Saturday, Nov. 26, 2022, in Madison, Wis. (AP Photo/Andy Manis)
MADISON, Wis. (AP) — Jim Leonhard, who served as Wisconsin’s interim coach for the last seven games of the regular season, says he won’t be back with the Badgers next season.
Leonhard tweeted Tuesday night that he would work as Wisconsin’s defensive coordinator for its Dec. 27 Guaranteed Rate Bowl matchup with Oklahoma State but wouldn’t be part of new coach Luke Fickell’s staff next season.
“It has been an honor to coach these young men and thank you to all the fans who supported us along the way,” Leonhard tweeted. “On Wisconsin!”
Leonhard had served as Wisconsin’s defensive coordinator before getting promoted to interim coach after the Oct. 2 firing of Paul Chryst.Leonhard posted a 4-3 record and said he hoped to keep the job beyond this season.
Wisconsin instead hired Fickell, who had gone 57-18 in six seasons at Cincinnati and led the Bearcats to a College Football Playoff appearance last year. Fickell said at his introductory news conference last week that he’d be open to including Leonhard on the staff but added that Leonhard probably would have plenty of options.
Leonhard, a former All-America safety at Wisconsin who played 10 seasons in the NFL, joined Chryst’s staff in 2016 as defensive backs coach and was promoted to defensive coordinator the following year.
Wisconsin led all Football Bowl Subdivision teams in total defense (284.8 yards) and ranked second in pass defense (181.4) and third in run defense (103.4) and scoring defense (17.3 points) over a five-season stretch from 2017-21.
“It has meant the world to me to be able to pour my heart and soul into the UW football program over the last 7 years,” Leonhard tweeted. | {"pred_label": "__label__wiki", "pred_label_prob": 0.9877994060516357, "wiki_prob": 0.9877994060516357, "source": "cc/2023-06/en_head_0065.json.gz/line1654846"} |
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Alzheimer's Association is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization. © 2019 Alzheimer's Association. All rights reserved. | {"pred_label": "__label__wiki", "pred_label_prob": 0.8359524011611938, "wiki_prob": 0.8359524011611938, "source": "cc/2019-30/en_middle_0002.json.gz/line86851"} |
United Have RVP Bid Rejected
Date: 20th July 2012 at 11:51am
Written by: Ryan
Whilst it appeared to be just paper speculation, Manchester United’s interest in Robin Van Persie could be genuine as a number of news outlets are reporting that we have had a bid turned down for the want away Arsenal striker.
Whilst Van Persie is said to prefer a move to Italy, United are being reported as the preferred destination in England for the striker who has a year left on his deal at Arsenal.
A bid of £20m is reported to be the fee that will see Arsenal relinquish their captain, but so far it is yet to be matched, with United’s bid said to have been well short of £15m, as the club are reluctant to splash on a striker with a sketchy injury history and who turns 29 next month.
Van Persie looks set to miss Arsenal’s tour of Asia as the race for his signature hots up, and with Man City and Juventus also in the hunt, also having bids rejected, RVP’s departure from Arsenal seems a lot more certain. | {"pred_label": "__label__wiki", "pred_label_prob": 0.7327920198440552, "wiki_prob": 0.7327920198440552, "source": "cc/2021-04/en_middle_0057.json.gz/line97855"} |
Accidents and injuries happen all the time. When they are caused by someone else’s negligence, you need a bodily injury lawyer who will fight hard to receive fair compensation for your lost wages, medical bills, and pain and suffering. At Silverthorne Attorneys, you will have an experienced plaintiff attorney by your side to help you get through the confusing legal process.
Life comes with many challenges. You may have to deal with long commutes each day along the San Bernardino Freeway or other busy highways. You may also face long hours at work surrounded by dangerous chemicals or heavy machinery. In these situations, it is not uncommon for auto or workplace accidents to occur. If you were in a crash or work-related event that left you injured, you will benefit from consulting with a personal injury lawyer.
The 210 freeway runs through Rialto, and interstates 10 and 15 are very close. This means you may have to share the road with numerous large trucks. Since many big rig drivers do not get enough rest and often become distracted while driving, you may face devastating consequences from a truck accident. An injury lawyer can help.
If your employer does not adhere to safety procedures, your life may be at risk. When injury occurs, you are due fair compensation. An injury attorney will make sure employers uphold a safe environment and pay when their negligence causes harm to employees.
An injury lawyer will help you recover damages for dog bites or other animal attacks as well. When you are taking a walk alone or are spending time with your pet at a facility like the Wildwood Dog Park, you expect to remain safe. If someone else’s dog gets loose or attacks, the owner is responsible. California law is quite clear about these matters. A bodily injury attorney will uphold the state’s statute, which explains animal owners are accountable for their pets’ actions.
A Rialto injury lawyer understands premises liability. If you become harmed while on someone else’s property, and the injuries could have been prevented, you may file a personal injury claim. In California, a property owner must provide safe conditions for tenants and visitors. If you trip on a cracked sidewalk or slip and fall down an unstable set of stairs, you may have grounds for a lawsuit and should consult with an injury attorney.
When companies bring products to market, they are responsible for the public’s safety. If a defect or malfunction causes injuries, manufacturers are liable. If you fall victim to this kind of harm, a bodily injury attorney will handle the case and help you get back on your feet.
After you have been injured, it is essential to seek proper medical help. It is also imperative to notify the authorities. A personal injury attorney always advises clients to contact the police after a serious accident. If the situation involves an animal, it is wise to call your local animal control agency. However, before making a statement to an insurance company, it is vital to consult with an injury attorney.
Personal injury cases can get tricky, which is why you need a lawyer working on your behalf. The early stages of a case usually involves negotiations with the defendant’s insurance company. It is common for these organizations to use persuasive tactics to make you settle for a low amount. A solid plaintiff lawyer will handle insurance adjusters and uphold the value of your claim. This professional will make sure you do not say or do anything that may hurt your case.
When you are injured, your body requires time to heal. The stress of a personal injury case will only prolong your recovery. An injury lawyer will act as your advocate and fight tirelessly so that you receive the compensation you deserve. An attorney will handle all the courtroom legalities and the piles of paperwork that must be completed. At Silverthorne Attorneys, we work diligently to negotiate a fair settlement so that you do not have to worry about lost wages or expensive medical bills.
At Silverthorne Attorneys, you will receive representation from a personal injury lawyer who has your best interests at heart. We care about our clients and always treat them like family. We will carefully examine all the details of your case and work passionately to make sure the guilty parties pay for their negligence.
To fight this type of case, you need a qualified personal injury attorney who will not rest until you receive an adequate settlement. However, you should not have to worry about paying a lawyer while you are facing medical expenses and other emotional trauma. Our team of bodily injury lawyers is ready to get to work without charging a cent until we win your case. To speak with an attorney you can trust, call our office and schedule a free consultation. | {'timestamp': '2019-04-23T10:43:03Z', 'url': 'https://www.silverthorneattorneys.com/san-bernardino-county/rialto/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'} |
Nancy Sutcliffe worked as a medical illustrator before becoming a glass engraver, and her early training and interest in anatomy has informed much of her work in glass.
Through her experiments with gold leaf and how it might be applied to engraved glass, Nancy has developed a characteristic style.
Nancy has work in public and private collections. She exhibits internationally, most notably as a finalist in the Toyama International Glass Exhibition 2018 in Japan and in 2014 at the Coburg Glass Prize, Germany.
Nancy graduated from North Staffs Polytechnic in 1979 with a degree in design. She worked as a scientific and medical illustrator in London before moving to Herefordshire in 1989.
From her studio in Canon Bridge she began to experiment with decorative glass techniques. A chance meeting with local stipple engraver Jan Studerus led nancy to join the Guild of Glass Engravers and subsequently take a course in drill engraving.
Nancy began to explore the possibilities of combining glass engraving with gilding, and this has become characteristic of her practice.
The work on show here is experimental in nature and draws together several fascinating techniques. Multiple sheets of thin glass are engraved, painted, water gilded with gold leaf, and sandwiched together.
Nancy is a tutor in drill engraving at West Dean College, UK, and has also taught at Boda Glasbruk, Sweden; Bild-Werk Frauenau, Germany; and the Studio at the Corning Museum of Glass, New York, USA.
She exhibits internationally in museums and galleries. She also works to commission.
Rorschach boys: painted, engraved and gilded (pink silver) on glass, 60 x 15 cm
mirror mirror: a pair of 40 cm painted, engraved and water-gilded panels
Fog: seven white glass panels mounted on board, engraved and gilded with platinum leaf. 80 x 15 cm | {"pred_label": "__label__cc", "pred_label_prob": 0.5462007522583008, "wiki_prob": 0.4537992477416992, "source": "cc/2023-06/en_head_0067.json.gz/line1628002"} |
I have sold a property at 667 BLYTHE AVE in NANAIMO.
This home has 5 beds and a den and includes a fully authorised 2 bed suite so ideal for investment or having a mortgage helper. The lower level was renovated in 2009 with the addition of the suite so not only new drywall, baseboard heating, flooring and kitchen cabinets in the basement but also new condensing gas furnace for the upstairs heating, new energy windows, extra hot water tank and a separate Hydro meter for the suite. The main house has 3 bedrooms and a den with the master having a 2 piece ensuite and the den could also easily be converted into a fourth bedroom. There is hardwood upstairs and as an added bonus the home is also energy efficient with an EnerGuide rating of 76. The home is centrally located in a quiet neighbourhood and not far from shopping or the hospital. | {'timestamp': '2019-04-23T15:55:27Z', 'url': 'https://greathomesinnanaimo.ca/blog.html/i-have-sold-a-property-at-667-blythe-ave-in-nanaimo-2539979', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'} |
If you know someone who has lost an infant or young child, please consider sponsoring a care package sent to the grieving parents from Hope for the Mourning. The care package would be an excellent way to demonstrate your love and concern to the grieving parents, their living children, and the rest of the family. The care package includes many items that would be of practical benefit to the grieving parents, including books written from a Christian perspective on grief and loss. For a tax-deductible gift in the amount of $100.00, you could sponsor the cost of the care package. If you wish, you could also provide a personalized message to the parents along with the package. Not only would the grieving parents appreciate the items within the care package, but the grieving parents would appreciate your thoughtfulness and care in providing them with the care package.
Hope for the Mourning is a website administered and maintained by the Micah Wessman Foundation, a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization.
As a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization, Hope for the Mourning relies upon gifts from individuals and organizations to offset its costs, including the costs associated with sending care packages to grieving families. We would be honored for you to sponsor a grieving family. | {'timestamp': '2019-04-18T13:16:36Z', 'url': 'http://hopeforthemourning.com/sponsor-a-family.aspx', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'} |
Q: PostgresSQL AND Operator I have a query like the following.
Where A and B are conditions (B is slower than A).
Does anybody know if A and B will be evaluated all the time or if B is only evaluated if A evaluates to 'true'?
Many thanks
A: The behaviour, which you desribe is called "Short circuit evaluation".
There are already many entries regarding this topic on stackOverflow, e.g. here.
But in short:
You do not know!
See PostgreSQL documentation here.
It says:
The order of evaluation of subexpressions is not defined. In particular, the inputs of an operator or function are not necessarily evaluated left-to-right or in any other fixed order. Furthermore, if the result of an expression can be determined by evaluating only some parts of it, then other subexpressions might not be evaluated at all.
If you continue reading the documentation then you see that it stays consistently vague like this.
So summary: In general SQL is declarative, meaning that you can tell the database-framework what you want, but not how you want it to be computed.
The system can make freely choices in that regard.
| {'language': 'en', 'url': 'https://stackoverflow.com/questions/73323579', 'timestamp': '2023-03-29', 'source': 'stackexchange', 'question_score': '1'} |
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Copyright © 2023 The University of Alabama | Disclaimer | Privacy | Accessibility | {"pred_label": "__label__wiki", "pred_label_prob": 0.8066689968109131, "wiki_prob": 0.8066689968109131, "source": "cc/2023-06/en_middle_0067.json.gz/line522887"} |
Worst CoD! Refrained from voting.
In what way? You mean MP?
heat added. great story. MP was a chore.
Agreed. Although I played some MP I stuck with extinction and did the campaign twice. It was the easiest veteran campaign to date but worth it and when Eminems - Survival played and you got the gold trophy / achievement it was worth it.
MP currently is amazing. dedicated players online who dont camp play currently as the masses of 12 year olds have flocked to play advanced warfare.
also season pass with wristband for ps4 can be picked up for £10 on amazon, great MP maps and all extinction maps for a unbelievable price. HAVE SOME HEAT!
MP currently is amazing. dedicated players online who dont camp play … MP currently is amazing. dedicated players online who dont camp play currently as the masses of 12 year olds have flocked to play advanced warfare.also season pass with wristband for ps4 can be picked up for £10 on amazon, great MP maps and all extinction maps for a unbelievable price. HAVE SOME HEAT!
ah seems sold out since I purchased. google ghosts season pass with paracord band and look on ebay for the pass at a discounted price to the psn store.
Isn't it hacked yet and unplayable? What usually happens to the current cod when the new ones are out.
What the douce is Siansburys!?
I play through every CoD campaign during the first week after launch until the multiplayer servers settle.
The Ghosts campaign must have been as forgettable as all the others as I don't remember it!
Actually CoD 4.. THAT was a campaign to remember.
This hot uk DEALS not hot uk OPINIONS.
Vote on the DEAL not on whether you like the product.
This is a fantastic DEAL. Voted accordingly.
This hot uk DEALS not hot uk OPINIONS.Vote on the DEAL not on whether you … This hot uk DEALS not hot uk OPINIONS.Vote on the DEAL not on whether you like the product.This is a fantastic DEAL. Voted accordingly.Sigh.
Actually I saw this in my Sainsburys (st clares/hampton) for £5 the other day also. Sadly only the xbox one version. There were a couple of copies there then so maybe it's a more widespread offer. It does actually have a big save money label rather than just a sticker change only.
Sure not the best CoD available but play through the campaign and have 5 minutes on the multiplayer and it's a good price at a fiver.
Campaign is worth a fiver, dog bit was pants though (although the bark button was quite amusing!). Multiplayer was garbage IMO, maps were too big and again the dogs were annoying. Shoot the bloke, get eaten by his dog or kill the dog and get shot by the bloke... There was only one way to play it, grab a nice rug, some sandwiches and a flask then find a place to park up, CoD really does mean Camp Or Die in this game. Like I said though, there's a fivers worth of entertainment to be had in the campaign for sure.
People moaning about people giving their opinions, hypocrites.
Yes its cheap, but its cheap for a reason and they're only trying to help people not waste money. Ghosts is crap, it wasn't worth the £15 I paid for it, its barely worth £5. If want to waste £5, enjoy.
Worth a fiver for the campaign alone.
Seriously underrated comment right here.
Voted hot despite not being in my local.
If only this would be available at our locals.
Is this also available on PS4 at this price? | {'timestamp': '2019-04-20T12:23:27Z', 'url': 'https://www.hotukdeals.com/deals/call-of-duty-ghosts-xbox-one-5-sainsburys-in-store-2272994', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'} |
Red Data Girl 4-5
Peter S Red Data Girl May 5, 2013 2 Minutes
Izumiko looks worried. I wonder why?
Since I watched Red Data Girl #1-3 in preview format, it’s been a while since I’ve seen it. Episode 4, though fairly low key (apart from the homunculus and the computer blowing up), sucked me back in without much effort. Now things shift from the rustic and pastoral to a rich kids’ school. I expected a lot of class snobbery, but there isn’t much. Instead, all the petty hatreds of high school seem to be shifted to the otherworldly. The super rich and smart and snobby Takayanagi is set up as the enemy when Ricardo, Brazilian exchange student and homunculus (not much class snobbery, but the show here relies on “other people” as threats, even while taking pains to deny it by showing a couple others who are perfectly normal), is spotted as such by Izumiko. Still, it’s an effective threatening sequence overall. The end is marred by people stepping out of shadows (or through windows) to reveal themselves as more than they seem, but I’ll let that slide.
Then I watched episode four, where not only do more people step out of shadows but they have a lot of confusing things to talk about. We start with the confrontation between Manatsu and Takayanagi … some confrontation. Manatsu whips out a third version of himself (his sister Mayuma is the second) and we get an explanation which confused the hell out of me, especially the guy wearing the dress, while he wipes out Ricardo the homunculus and some flying glowing things to boot. I had to resort to Wikipedia to figure out what had just happened. It’s nice that the show is trying so hard to keep us informed, but it kind of makes the events lag …
No, just a wall of backstory.
We get something to latch onto after that, as the other Sagara joins the school as a lecturer and tells Miyuki to basically piss off. Miyuki goes into a snit, joins the student council (why?) and tells Izumiko to stay away, until he learns that Izumiko is meeting some other characters who have secret powers and their own stories to tell, whereupon he forgets his snit, and goes off to save the day, only to have Izumiko go into himegami mode and not need the help. It gets confusing here again; I think the new guys thought Izumiko was some sort of performance god, but Izumiko/Himegami tells them emphatically NO, even if she has her own light show.
Now even meek Izumiko is telling him off.
Miyuki’s in a tough position. No one there (well, the list is getting longer) knows about Izumiko’s potential and Miyuki is partly saddled with helping her keep the secret (while Izumiko doesn’t feel like she should keep secrets from her friends, and that list is growing, too), but as the older Sagara’s arrival suggests, he’s not really powerful enough to do much on his own. On the other hand, the himegami wants him to keep Izumiko from taking on this role, which goes against everything he’s been trying to do and turns the plot on its head as well. I think so, anyway. A lot of this episode just made me scratch my head.
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3 thoughts on “Red Data Girl 4-5”
Joojoobees says:
This show can be difficult to follow at times, but I think it looks great, has a very interesting setting (meaning the way they have incorporated the supernatural aspects, not the school), and the plot is at least not ordinary. I’m really enjoying it so far.
I am, too, that is, after that rough start where it looked like it would be a reverse harem series with a thoroughly disagreeable male lead. But he’s settled down and the show’s given us some interesting twists to what could still be a routine series. Also, PA Works almost always makes a smart, deliberate production. And Izumiko looks cool as hell when she gets possessed, sort of a glowing Uesaka Sumire.
“a glowing Uesaka Sumire”
That’s a funny comparison, but very apt! | {"pred_label": "__label__cc", "pred_label_prob": 0.6430960297584534, "wiki_prob": 0.35690397024154663, "source": "cc/2020-05/en_middle_0112.json.gz/line696274"} |
Celebrity Hookups We Didn’t See Coming In 2019
In the world of celebrities, there are always going to be hookups and, this year, there were many! While some weren’t that big of a surprise, there were others that were. Here are the 12 celebrity hookups in 2019 that we just didn’t see coming:
12. Miley Cyrus and Cody Simpson
Since calling it quits with Liam after less than one year of marriage and a decade together (on and off), Miley Cyrus has wasted no time mourning the loss of that relationship. After a whirlwind relationship with Kaitlynn Carter, she quickly moved on with Australian singer Cody Simpson. The two were spotted making out around L.A. before going public on social media. Even though they are still together, there’s no saying how long this one will last.
JStone / Shutterstock.com / DFree / Shutterstock.com
11. Kate Beckinsale and Pete Davidson
After his engagement with Ariana fell through, Pete Davidson quickly moved on with none other than Kate Beckinsale, who is twenty years his senior. The two weren’t shy about showing PDA and were spotted making out at a Rangers game. The relationship slowly fizzled after this and by the end of March, they were done.
Tinseltown / Shutterstock.com / Everett Collection
10. KJ Apa and Britt Robertson
KJ Apa and Britt Robertson worked together on the 2017 film A Dog’s Purpose where they played love interests, so when news broke in July 2019 that the two were spotted kissing and holding hands at an Entertainment Weekly party, it was quite the surprise that they were suddenly an item! The two most recently starred in the movie I Still Believe together.
Kathy Hutchins / Shutterstock.com / DFree / Shutterstock.com
9. Pete Davidson and Margaret Qualley
Us Weekly broke the news in August that Pete Davidson was dating Andie McDowell’s daughter Margaret Qualley and had been for a couple of months. The romance didn’t last, though. By mid-October, Us Weekly announced that the two were over, but remain friends.
Everett Collection / lev radin / Shutterstock.com
8. Emma Roberts and Garrett Hedlund
At the same time that it was announced that Emma Roberts and Evan Peters had ended their engagement, it was also revealed that Roberts had moved on with Garrett Hedlund. It was reportedly not serious and that the two were just “having fun hanging out and hooking up.”
Abaca Press / Jaguar PS / Shutterstock.com
7. Rosario Dawson and Cory Booker
Rosario Dawson revealed in March that she’s in a romantic relationship with none other than presidential candidate Cory Booker. The two have been dating since October 2018 when they met a friend’s party and now they are in love!
6. Miranda Lambert and Brendan McLoughlin
In February 2019, Miranda Lambert announced – completely out of the blue – that she had married a New York City police officer, Brendan McLoughlin, three months after the two had started dating. While the two seem happy together, their relationship wasn’t without any drama. The week that they met, his ex gave birth to his child!
4. Pete Davidson and Kaia Gerber
After dating Kate Beckinsale and Margaret Qualley, Pete Davidson recently moved on with 18-year-old Kaia Gerber, who is best known for being an up and coming model and for being Cindy Crawford’s daughter. They were most recently spotted together in Miami, lounging by the pool and packing on the PDA.
DFree / Shutterstock.com / Kathy Hutchins / Shutterstock.com
Miley Cyrus and Kaitlynn Carter’s short relationship came out of nowhere. Carter just split up with Brody Jenner while Cyrus had just announced that she had separated from Liam Hemsworth when she and The Hills star were spotted canoodling on a yacht in August. These two were all hot and heavy for a month and a half before it was announced in September that they had broken up.
2. Liam Hemsworth and Maddison Brown
After Miley Cyrus went public with her relationship with Kaitlynn Carter, Liam Hemsworth was spotted photographed in October holding hands with Dynasty actress Maddison Brown. The two have since been spotted kissing and, even though it appears that they both like each other, it seems as though they are taking things really slowly.
Tinseltown / Shutterstock.com / Pascal Le Segretain/Getty Images)
1. Gigi Hadid and Tyler Cameron
When Tyler Cameron was spotted after an overnight date with Hannah Brown in early August, many thought the two of them were about to embark on a relationship; however, everyone’s hopes were dashed when Cameron was spotted a few days later on a date with supermodel Gigi Hadid. These two continued to date for the remainder of the summer and into the fall and they even attended a few VMA after-parties together, but they called it quits at the end of October.
Tinseltown / Shutterstock.com / Jon Kopaloff/Getty Images | {"pred_label": "__label__wiki", "pred_label_prob": 0.8565645813941956, "wiki_prob": 0.8565645813941956, "source": "cc/2021-04/en_middle_0083.json.gz/line64562"} |
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GroupM Foresees 11.8% Gain For 2021 U.S. Ad Spending
by Steve McClellan @mp_mcclellan, December 1, 2020
While parts of the economy remain in tatters due to COVID-19 GroupM’s latest ad spending forecast for the U.S. finds that the damage won’t be as a bad as the firm initially believed in June when it predicted a 13% drop in advertising (excluding political) for this year.
Now the company is forecasting just a 9% drop for 2020 on an underlying basis to $214.5 billion. But add political—a massive $14 billion this year—and the overall decline is “only” 3.9% for a total of $228.1 billion.
That’s a steeper decline than the ad recession of 2001, but “certainly better” than the fallout experienced after the financial crisis of 2008, GroupM concludes.
And 2021 is forecast to yield a solid double-digit underlying gain of 11.8% to nearly $240 billion. Factor in political and the growth is still a healthy 6.2% to $242.1 billion. For 2022, the firm is forecasting underlying growth of 4.8% and for the following two years an additional 4% growth for each. The growth in all three years will reflect “an accelerated pace of investment in digital media by marketers of all sizes,” per the report, entitled “This Year, Next Year.”
The forecast, penned by GroupM Global President, Business Intelligence Brian Wieser, describes the recovery as “K-shaped,” where some parts of the overall and advertising economy recover quickly after taking a beating while other parts continue to suffer extremely.
Digital, for example, took a sizeable hit early in the year but rebounded by the third quarter. But locally-skewed traditional media like radio, newspapers and OOH plummeted in Q2 and continued to decline sharply in Q3.
Digital is the “bright spot” in a pretty dark year for the industry, and will grow by 9% during 2020 on an underlying basis. During 2021, GroupM estimates that digital advertising will account for 55% of all advertising it tracks. During 2020, roughly 4% of total digital advertising was political.
National TV advertising will see a decline of 7.9% during 2020 and rebound with 6.6% growth during 2021. At that pace, national TV is faring better than every category of media other than digital, per the report.
Local TV advertising will have an underlying decline of 21% this year but, next year should experience a 2.7% underlying gain.
OOH advertising, including its digital extensions, will decline by 31% during 2020 on an underlying basis. Next year the report forecasts a partial rebound of 23% growth.
Audio advertising, including its digital extensions, will fall by 27% this year (underlying) with what the report described as “muted growth” next year of around 6.6%.
ad spending, forecast
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Lynn Tusa
Lynn Tusa, Chief Development and Communications Officer
Lynn Tusa joined SPEF in 2014 as the Director of Development and Communications. In her leadership role with the Foundation, she engages in fundraising activities, including overseeing grant writing, direct marketing, and special events. She also works with her team to raise the non-profit’s profile in the community through public relations, social media, and email campaigns. During her tenure, working closely with SPEF’s CEO, the agency’s operating budget has grown from $733,000 in FY16 to $2,526,530 in FY22.
Previously, Lynn spent five years as the Director of Development and Communications at The Rowan Center (previously known as The Center for Sexual Assault Crisis Counseling and Education), where, similarly, she planned and implemented multifaceted fundraising and communication strategies, engaging with the eight towns in Lower Fairfield County. Before entering the non-profit world, Lynn served as Senior Vice President, Marketing, for seven years at Starpoint Solutions, a $100 million technology services firm, and ten years as Vice President Marketing for Apertus Technologies/Systems Strategies, a $60 million public company providing communications software and hardware to Fortune 500 companies and resellers.
Lynn is an active community volunteer, currently serving on Stamford Public School’s PT Council and Stamford High’s Governance Council and providing meals for clients at the New Covenant Center. She previously participated in Stamford High School’s PTO Board for four years and Rogers International PTO for eight years.
Lynn holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Literature and Rhetoric and a certificate in Human Services & Society from Binghamton University, and an Executive MBA from the University of New Haven. | {"pred_label": "__label__cc", "pred_label_prob": 0.6202914714813232, "wiki_prob": 0.37970852851867676, "source": "cc/2023-06/en_head_0024.json.gz/line1842379"} |
“How ya doin’?” barrel-chested Dennis asked, rounding my desk at my public works job. He grabbed my jar of chocolates and took one.
“Good! Tonight’s going to be a long one, so I hope you had some downtime today.” He unwrapped a candy. “Wha’d ya do?” he asked.
“Some backcountry skiing,” I replied.
I didn’t clarify the differences. Whether on cross-country or backcountry skis, I enjoy the beauty and quietness of simply being out there—but there are other aspects even more compelling, which rouse more primal, visceral and satisfying feelings within me. Sitting at my desk, I thought of the past weekend, when Mike and I went to Lassen Volcanic National Park, with its jagged peaks amid ancient volcanic remnants.
At the Kohm Yah-mah-nee Visitor Center, we found the snow still firm. Our destination, Mt. Diller, at 9,000 feet, features the Sunbowl, a steep, south-facing amphitheater topped by a short chute. As we kickturned away from the trailhead, it felt good to get into a rhythm; we climbed, chatting about straight-lining the chute.
Halfway up, the day closed in with light snow. We watched the snow deepen to five inches as we reached tree line beneath the bowl. Mike wanted to zigzag up the amphitheater and then traverse the ridge westward for more vertical. I wanted to climb straight to the high point. So we decided to race to the rendezvous point west of the chute, via our own paths.
I climbed swiftly, veering only to circumvent a three-story promontory. When I stopped to don my goggles and helmet, my knees leaning into the slope, I waved at Mike moving up the eastern side. He raised a ski pole. The snowfall intensified as the steepness increased. I climbed on, my breathing growing heavier with the elevation.
I could see Mike and wanted to beat him to the rendezvous. As we neared our crux, I realized that the crest was an insurmountable, powdery arc over rocks. The turbulence below the arc created a visible dervish of snow, and I turned and saw Mike’s blurred silhouette making motions to go down. Strong gusts rocked me, so I returned a similar sign.
One of Mike’s skins flapped wildly in the wind. I stabbed my skis into the slope, and they began oscillating when I released my hold. Mike began making tentative turns as flurries obscured him from view.
I struggled with my bindings. Then something snapped, and my boot and ski came apart. I fell to my knees and snatched the ski off the slope. Holding it close to my face, I saw that a piece was missing. I pressed my boot into the binding anyway, looking down toward Mike, seeing his gray silhouette flipping his skis downhill. My first turns were cautious. I didn’t want to test the toepiece or the sluffing snow beneath my edges.
“You OK?” I yelled when I neared the bottom. He replied with a thumbs up. With snow howling, we took cover in the well of a large spruce.
“We shouldn’t stay here long.” Mike said, and I nodded.
We ate in silence then took inventory. Through calmer snow swirls we could see deep, light powder everywhere. The snow felt like clouds beneath our skis. We spun 360s between the trees, skiing fearlessly to the truck.
Later, in my office, I gripped my chair’s armrest. A meeting over the next several hours would provide its own challenges and satisfactions. But all I wanted was to be back on that slope, head down, kicking steps through the howling wind, amid the rhythmic retreat of the mountains. | {'timestamp': '2019-04-25T10:55:02Z', 'url': 'https://backcountrymagazine.com/stories/backstory-sunbowl-retreat/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'} |
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1-917-341-2678 [email protected]scolumbia.org | {"pred_label": "__label__wiki", "pred_label_prob": 0.8164607286453247, "wiki_prob": 0.8164607286453247, "source": "cc/2020-05/en_middle_0115.json.gz/line839960"} |
BILL GATES: A new kind of terrorism could wipe out 30 million people in less than a year — and we are not prepared
Bill Gates, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Feb. 18, 2017, 9:00 AM
Mike Nudelman/Business Insider
The following op-ed was exclusively provided to Business Insider to coincide with a speech Bill Gates is giving for the Munich Security Conference. The following is an abridged version of his remarks.
When I decided 20 years ago to make global health the focus of my philanthropic work, I didn't imagine that I'd be speaking at a conference on international security policy. But I'm speaking here at the Munich Security Conference because I believe our worlds are more tightly linked than most people realize.
War zones and other fragile state settings are the most difficult places to eliminate epidemics. They're also some of the most likely places for them to begin—as we've seen with Ebola in Sierra Leone and Liberia, and with cholera in the Congo Basin and the Horn of Africa.
It's also true that the next epidemic could originate on the computer screen of a terrorist intent on using genetic engineering to create a synthetic version of the smallpox virus . . . or a super contagious and deadly strain of the flu.
The point is, we ignore the link between health security and international security at our peril. Whether it occurs by a quirk of nature or at the hand of a terrorist, epidemiologists say a fast-moving airborne pathogen could kill more than 30 million people in less than a year. And they say there is a reasonable probability the world will experience such an outbreak in the next 10-15 years.
Business Insider/Skye Gould
It's hard to get your mind around a catastrophe of that scale, but it happened not that long ago. In 1918, a particularly virulent and deadly strain of flu killed between 50 million and 100 million people.
You might be wondering how likely these doomsday scenarios really are. The fact that a deadly global pandemic has not occurred in recent history shouldn't be mistaken for evidence that a deadly pandemic will not occur in the future.
And even if the next pandemic isn't on the scale of the 1918 flu, we would be wise to consider the social and economic turmoil that might ensue if something like Ebola made its way into a lot of major urban centers.
The good news is that with advances in biotechnology, new vaccines and drugs can help prevent epidemics from spreading out of control. And, most of the things we need to do to protect against a naturally occurring pandemic are the same things we must prepare for an intentional biological attack.
We need to invest in vaccine innovation
First and most importantly, we have to build an arsenal of new weapons—vaccines, drugs, and diagnostics.
Vaccines can be especially important in containing epidemics. But today, it typically takes up to 10 years to develop and license a new vaccine. To significantly curb deaths from a fast-moving airborne pathogen, we would have to get that down considerably—to 90 days or less.
We took an important step last month with the launch of a new public-private partnership called the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations. The hope is that CEPI will enable the world to produce safe, effective vaccines as quickly as new threats emerge.
The really big breakthrough potential is in emerging technology platforms that leverage recent advances in genomics to dramatically reduce the time needed to develop vaccines. Basically, they create a delivery vehicle for synthetic genetic material that instructs your cells to make a vaccine inside your own body. And the great thing is that once you've built a vaccine platform for one pathogen, you can use it again for other pathogens—which means we could also apply it to other hard-to-treat diseases like HIV, malaria, and tuberculosis.
Of course, the preventive capacity of a vaccine won't help if a pathogen has already spread out of control. Because epidemics can quickly take root in the places least equipped to fight them, we also need to improve surveillance.
That starts with strengthening basic public health systems in the most vulnerable countries. We also have to ensure that every country is conducting routine surveillance to gather and verify disease outbreak intelligence.
Dave Thompson - WPA Pool /Getty Images
And we must ensure that countries share information in a timely way, and that there are adequate laboratory resources to identify and monitor suspect pathogens.
The third thing we need to do is prepare for epidemics the way the military prepares for war. This includes germ games and other preparedness exercises so we can better understand how diseases will spread, how people will respond in a panic, and how to deal with things like overloaded highways and communications systems.
We also need trained medical personnel ready to contain an epidemic quickly, and better coordination with the military to help with logistics and to secure areas.
It is encouraging that global alliances like the G7 and the G20 are beginning to focus on pandemic preparedness, and that leaders like Chancellor Merkel and Prime Minister Solberg are championing health security.
But there isn't enough money to help the poorest countries with epidemic preparation. The irony is that the cost of ensuring adequate pandemic preparedness worldwide is estimated at $3.4 billion a year—yet the projected annual loss from a pandemic could run as high as $570 billion.
The pandemic is one of the 3 biggest threats the world faces
Bill Gates believes climate change, nuclear war and pandemics are the three biggest world threats.
Andrew Burton/Getty
When I was a kid, there was really only one existential threat the world faced. The threat of a nuclear war. By the late 1990s, most reasonable people had come to accept that climate changed represented another major threat to humankind.
I view the threat of deadly pandemics right up there with nuclear war and climate change. Innovation, cooperation, and careful planning can dramatically mitigate the risks presented by each of these threats.
I'm optimistic that a decade from now, we can be much better prepared for a lethal epidemic—if we're willing to put a fraction of what we spend on defense budgets and new weapons systems into epidemic readiness.
When the next pandemic strikes, it could be another catastrophe in the annals of the human race. Or it could be something else altogether. An extraordinary triumph of human will. A moment when we prove yet again that, together, we are capable of taking on the world's biggest challenges to create a safer, healthier, more stable world.
This column does not necessarily reflect the opinion of Business Insider.
This is an opinion column. The thoughts expressed are those of the author(s).
NOW WATCH: BILL GATES: A deadly epidemic is a real possibility and we are not prepared
More: Bill Gates Op-Ed Opinion Pandemic
IBM has spun off IBM Watson Marketing into a new company, Acoustic, and it could be bad news for Adobe, Oracle, and Salesforce | {"pred_label": "__label__wiki", "pred_label_prob": 0.7137810587882996, "wiki_prob": 0.7137810587882996, "source": "cc/2019-30/en_head_0008.json.gz/line28701"} |
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Kevin Gerard Wade (30 June 1922 – 18 July 2001) was an Australian rules footballer who played with Collingwood in the Victorian Football League (VFL).
Wade, who arrived at Collingwood from Northcote CYMS, started his career as a half forward and kicked four goals in a win over Hawthorn in round 16 of the 1942 VFL season. By 1945 he was being used as a half back flanker and was one of just three Collinwood players to play all 22 games that year, including their 10-point preliminary final loss to Carlton. He also played finals football for Collingwood in 1946 and 1948.
At the start of the 1950 football season he joined Camberwell briefly, but was unable to get a clearance and returned to Collingwood. He was then, on 25 May, reported to be in transfer talks with the Hawthorn Football Club. Just four days after this was reported he broke his leg in a seconds match against Richmond.
1922 births
2001 deaths
Australian rules footballers from Victoria (Australia)
Collingwood Football Club players | {'title': 'Kevin Wade (footballer)', 'url': 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kevin%20Wade%20%28footballer%29', 'language': 'en', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
On tap at Amazing Grapes, interesting soft-toned Neopolitan ice cream knockoff spreads creamy brown chocolate and vanilla sweetness above sugared strawberry sass. Beneath the surface, hop-charred black malts gain black currant bittering to contrast tertiary red grape, black cherry, raspberry and blackberry undertones and chocolate truffle wisps. In the bottle, dark-roasted nuttiness underscores chocolate-vanilla creaminess and less obvious strawberry tartness. Worthy dessert beer. | {'timestamp': '2019-04-23T16:51:26Z', 'url': 'http://www.beermelodies.com/saugatuck-neopolitan-milk-stout/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'} |
Windies batsmen lead way with half-tons
BANGALORE – West Indies’ limited overs batsman Lendl Simmons struck a half-century in only his second innings of the new Indian Premier League season to help Mumbai Indians beat Chris Gayle’s Royal Challengers Bangalore by 18 runs, and end their losing streak here yesterday.
Without a win in five outings this season, Mumbai piled up 209 for seven from their 20 overs and then restricted RCB to 191 for seven at the M. Chinnaswamy Stadium.
Simmons stroked nine fours and two sixes in making 59 off 44 deliveries while Unmukt Chand smashed 58 off 37 balls with eight fours and two sixes.
Chand and Rohit Sharma, who made 43, added 42 for the third wicket but West Indies and Trinidad and Tobago big hitter Kieron Pollard failed, lasting only three balls for his five.
In reply, RCB were off to a troubled start, losing Gayle for ten off 24 balls and even though AB de Villiers hammered a shot-filled 42 from just 11 deliveries with five fours and three sixes, they fell short.
In another match yesterday, Dwayne Bravo smashed an exhilarating unbeaten half-century but then leaked runs with his medium pace as the previously unbeaten Chennai Super Kings crashed to an eight-wicket defeat to high-flying Rajasthan Royals in Ahmedabad.
Opting to bat first Chennai reach 156 for four in their 20 overs with Bravo striking 62 off 36 deliveries with eight fours and a six.
Bravo’s West Indies teammate Dwayne Smith hammered 40 from 29 balls with three fours and two sixes at the top of the order.
In reply, Royals were propelled by a 144-run opening stand between Ajinkya Rahane, who hammered 76 not out and Australian Shane Watson who finished 73 not out.
Rahane struck six fours and two sixes off 55 balls while Watson clobbered six fours and four sixes in a 47-ball knock. (EZS/CMC) | {"pred_label": "__label__wiki", "pred_label_prob": 0.960188627243042, "wiki_prob": 0.960188627243042, "source": "cc/2023-06/en_middle_0101.json.gz/line604721"} |