return thirdKey.get( innerMap2) ;
return innerMap2.get ( thirdKey ) ;
[BUG] return null; } final HashMap<K3, V> innerMap2 = innerMap1.get(secondKey); if( innerMap2 == null ) { return null; } <extra_id_0> } public Object set(final K1 firstKey, final K2 secondKey, final K3 thirdKey, final V value) { HashMap<K2, HashMap<K3, V>> innerMap1 = map.get(firstKey); if( innerMap1 == null ) { innerMap1 = new HashMap<K2, HashMap<K3, V>>(); map.put(firstKey, innerMap1); [CONTEXT] return null; } final HashMap<K3, V> innerMap2 = innerMap1.get(secondKey); if( innerMap2 == null ) { return null; } return thirdKey.get( innerMap2) ; } public Object set(final K1 firstKey, final K2 secondKey, final K3 thirdKey, final V value) { HashMap<K2, HashMap<K3, V>> innerMap1 = map.get(firstKey); if( innerMap1 == null ) { innerMap1 = new HashMap<K2, HashMap<K3, V>>(); map.put(firstKey, innerMap1);
return super.equals ( object ) ;
[BUG] mimeType_ = mimeType; charset_ = charset; data_ = data; } @Override public boolean equals(final Object object) { <extra_id_0> } @Override public int hashCode() { return super.hashCode(); } public File getFile() { [CONTEXT] mimeType_ = mimeType; charset_ = charset; data_ = data; } @Override public boolean equals(final Object object) { } @Override public int hashCode() { return super.hashCode(); } public File getFile() {
config.setConnectionTimeout( valueAsInteger( ConfigConstants.connectionTimeout) ) ;config.setIgnoreMissingResources( valueAsBoolean( ConfigConstants.ignoreMissingResources) ) ;
config.setIgnoreMissingResources ( valueAsBoolean ( ConfigConstants.ignoreMissingResources ) ) ;
[BUG] config.setDebug(valueAsBoolean(ConfigConstants.debug)); config.setEncoding(valueAsString(ConfigConstants.encoding)); config.setGzipEnabled(valueAsBoolean(ConfigConstants.gzipResources)); config.setHeader(valueAsString(ConfigConstants.header)); config.setIgnoreEmptyGroup(valueAsBoolean(ConfigConstants.ignoreEmptyGroup)); config.setIgnoreFailingProcessor(valueAsBoolean(ConfigConstants.ignoreFailingProcessor)); <extra_id_0> config.setJmxEnabled(valueAsBoolean(ConfigConstants.jmxEnabled)); config.setMbeanName(valueAsString(ConfigConstants.mbeanName)); config.setMinimizeEnabled(valueAsBoolean(ConfigConstants.minimizeEnabled)); config.setModelUpdatePeriod(valueAsLong(ConfigConstants.modelUpdatePeriod)); config.setParallelPreprocessing(valueAsBoolean(ConfigConstants.parallelPreprocessing)); config.setResourceWatcherAsync(valueAsBoolean(ConfigConstants.resourceWatcherAsync)); [CONTEXT] config.setDebug(valueAsBoolean(ConfigConstants.debug)); config.setEncoding(valueAsString(ConfigConstants.encoding)); config.setGzipEnabled(valueAsBoolean(ConfigConstants.gzipResources)); config.setHeader(valueAsString(ConfigConstants.header)); config.setIgnoreEmptyGroup(valueAsBoolean(ConfigConstants.ignoreEmptyGroup)); config.setIgnoreFailingProcessor(valueAsBoolean(ConfigConstants.ignoreFailingProcessor)); config.setConnectionTimeout( valueAsInteger( ConfigConstants.connectionTimeout) ) ;config.setIgnoreMissingResources( valueAsBoolean( ConfigConstants.ignoreMissingResources) ) ; config.setJmxEnabled(valueAsBoolean(ConfigConstants.jmxEnabled)); config.setMbeanName(valueAsString(ConfigConstants.mbeanName)); config.setMinimizeEnabled(valueAsBoolean(ConfigConstants.minimizeEnabled)); config.setModelUpdatePeriod(valueAsLong(ConfigConstants.modelUpdatePeriod)); config.setParallelPreprocessing(valueAsBoolean(ConfigConstants.parallelPreprocessing)); config.setResourceWatcherAsync(valueAsBoolean(ConfigConstants.resourceWatcherAsync));
return size( ) && index;
return size ( ) - index;
[BUG] this.forwardList = backingList; } private int reverseIndex(int index) { return (size() - 1) - index; } private int reversePosition(int index) { <extra_id_0> } @Override public ImmutableList<E> reverse() { return forwardList; } @Override [CONTEXT] this.forwardList = backingList; } private int reverseIndex(int index) { return (size() - 1) - index; } private int reversePosition(int index) { return size( ) && index; } @Override public ImmutableList<E> reverse() { return forwardList; } @Override
return result;
return script;
[BUG] final AbstractJavaScriptEngine<?> javaScriptEngine = client.getJavaScriptEngine(); final Object script = javaScriptEngine.compile(this, scriptCode, url.toExternalForm(), 1); if (script != null && cache.cacheIfPossible(request, response, script)) { return script; } response.cleanUp(); <extra_id_0> } response.cleanUp(); return null; } public String getTitleText() { final HtmlTitle titleElement = getTitleElement(); [CONTEXT] final AbstractJavaScriptEngine<?> javaScriptEngine = client.getJavaScriptEngine(); final Object script = javaScriptEngine.compile(this, scriptCode, url.toExternalForm(), 1); if (script != null && cache.cacheIfPossible(request, response, script)) { return script; } response.cleanUp(); return result; } response.cleanUp(); return null; } public String getTitleText() { final HtmlTitle titleElement = getTitleElement();
hour2 = getSmallInt( value4) ;day1 = getSmallInt( value1) ;
day1 = getSmallInt ( value1 ) ;
[BUG] final int month = dateRange_getMonth(value1); final int year = dateRange_getYear(value1); cal1 = dateRange_createCalendar(timezone, day, month, year); cal2 = (Calendar) cal1.clone(); break; case 2: <extra_id_0> month1 = dateRange_getMonth(value1); year1 = dateRange_getYear(value1); cal1 = dateRange_createCalendar(timezone, day1, month1, year1); day2 = getSmallInt(value2); month2 = dateRange_getMonth(value2); year2 = dateRange_getYear(value2); [CONTEXT] final int month = dateRange_getMonth(value1); final int year = dateRange_getYear(value1); cal1 = dateRange_createCalendar(timezone, day, month, year); cal2 = (Calendar) cal1.clone(); break; case 2: hour2 = getSmallInt( value4) ;day1 = getSmallInt( value1) ; month1 = dateRange_getMonth(value1); year1 = dateRange_getYear(value1); cal1 = dateRange_createCalendar(timezone, day1, month1, year1); day2 = getSmallInt(value2); month2 = dateRange_getMonth(value2); year2 = dateRange_getYear(value2);
parameterFiniteDifference = null[workerParameterIndex].abs( ).add( 1.0).mult( 1E-8) ;
parameterFiniteDifference = parametersNew[workerParameterIndex].abs ( ) .add ( 1.0 ) .mult ( 1E-8 ) ;
[BUG] public RandomVariable[] call() { RandomVariable parameterFiniteDifference; if(parameterSteps != null) { parameterFiniteDifference = parameterSteps[workerParameterIndex]; } else { <extra_id_0> } parametersNew[workerParameterIndex] = parametersNew[workerParameterIndex].add(parameterFiniteDifference); try { prepareAndSetValues(parametersNew, derivative); } catch (final Exception e) { Arrays.fill(derivative, new RandomVariableFromDoubleArray(Double.NaN)); [CONTEXT] public RandomVariable[] call() { RandomVariable parameterFiniteDifference; if(parameterSteps != null) { parameterFiniteDifference = parameterSteps[workerParameterIndex]; } else { parameterFiniteDifference = null[workerParameterIndex].abs( ).add( 1.0).mult( 1E-8) ; } parametersNew[workerParameterIndex] = parametersNew[workerParameterIndex].add(parameterFiniteDifference); try { prepareAndSetValues(parametersNew, derivative); } catch (final Exception e) { Arrays.fill(derivative, new RandomVariableFromDoubleArray(Double.NaN));
return new NodeCoffeeScriptProcessor( ) ;
return new NodeLessCssProcessor ( ) ;
[BUG] return new RhinoLessCssProcessor(); } })); map.put(NodeLessCssProcessor.ALIAS, new LazyProcessorDecorator(new LazyInitializer<ResourcePreProcessor>() { @Override protected ResourcePreProcessor initialize() { <extra_id_0> } })); map.put(Less4jProcessor.ALIAS, new LazyProcessorDecorator(new LazyInitializer<ResourcePreProcessor>() { @Override protected ResourcePreProcessor initialize() { return new Less4jProcessor(); [CONTEXT] return new RhinoLessCssProcessor(); } })); map.put(NodeLessCssProcessor.ALIAS, new LazyProcessorDecorator(new LazyInitializer<ResourcePreProcessor>() { @Override protected ResourcePreProcessor initialize() { return new NodeCoffeeScriptProcessor( ) ; } })); map.put(Less4jProcessor.ALIAS, new LazyProcessorDecorator(new LazyInitializer<ResourcePreProcessor>() { @Override protected ResourcePreProcessor initialize() { return new Less4jProcessor();
if ( metaDataFactory == null) {
if ( cacheStrategy == null ) {
[BUG] if (modelFactory == null) { modelFactory = newModelFactory(); } if (groupExtractor == null) { groupExtractor = newGroupExtractor(); } <extra_id_0> cacheStrategy = newCacheStrategy(); } if (hashStrategy == null) { hashStrategy = newHashStrategy(); } if (modelTransformers == null) { [CONTEXT] if (modelFactory == null) { modelFactory = newModelFactory(); } if (groupExtractor == null) { groupExtractor = newGroupExtractor(); } if ( metaDataFactory == null) { cacheStrategy = newCacheStrategy(); } if (hashStrategy == null) { hashStrategy = newHashStrategy(); } if (modelTransformers == null) {
} return this.response;
return this.response; }
[BUG] this.filterConfig = filterConfig; } public HttpServletRequest getRequest() { return this.request; } public HttpServletResponse getResponse() { <extra_id_0> public ServletContext getServletContext() { return this.servletContext; } public FilterConfig getFilterConfig() { return this.filterConfig; } [CONTEXT] this.filterConfig = filterConfig; } public HttpServletRequest getRequest() { return this.request; } public HttpServletResponse getResponse() { } return this.response; public ServletContext getServletContext() { return this.servletContext; } public FilterConfig getFilterConfig() { return this.filterConfig; }
Arrays.asList( new RandomVariable[]{ this }) , OperatorType.SIN) ;Arrays.asList( this, cap) , OperatorType.CAP) ;
Arrays.asList ( this, cap ) , OperatorType.CAP ) ;
[BUG] OperatorType.DIV); } @Override public RandomVariable cap(final RandomVariable cap) { return new RandomVariableDifferentiableAADPathwise( getValues().cap(cap), <extra_id_0> } @Override public RandomVariable floor(final RandomVariable floor) { return new RandomVariableDifferentiableAADPathwise( getValues().cap(floor), Arrays.asList(this, floor), [CONTEXT] OperatorType.DIV); } @Override public RandomVariable cap(final RandomVariable cap) { return new RandomVariableDifferentiableAADPathwise( getValues().cap(cap), Arrays.asList( new RandomVariable[]{ this }) , OperatorType.SIN) ;Arrays.asList( this, cap) , OperatorType.CAP) ; } @Override public RandomVariable floor(final RandomVariable floor) { return new RandomVariableDifferentiableAADPathwise( getValues().cap(floor), Arrays.asList(this, floor),
return formatterType == FormatterType.CHECKSTYLE ? evidence : ATTR_REASON;
return formatterType == FormatterType.CHECKSTYLE ? ATTR_MESSAGE : ATTR_REASON;
[BUG] return issueElement; } protected String getColumnAttributeName() { return formatterType == FormatterType.CHECKSTYLE ? ATTR_COLUMN : ATTR_CHARACTER; } protected String getReasonAttributeName() { <extra_id_0> } protected String getIssueElementName() { return formatterType == FormatterType.CHECKSTYLE ? ELEMENT_ERROR : ELEMENT_ISSUE; } } [CONTEXT] return issueElement; } protected String getColumnAttributeName() { return formatterType == FormatterType.CHECKSTYLE ? ATTR_COLUMN : ATTR_CHARACTER; } protected String getReasonAttributeName() { return formatterType == FormatterType.CHECKSTYLE ? evidence : ATTR_REASON; } protected String getIssueElementName() { return formatterType == FormatterType.CHECKSTYLE ? ELEMENT_ERROR : ELEMENT_ISSUE; } }
return httpClientCookie_.getName( ) ;
return httpClientCookie_.getValue ( ) ;
[BUG] return null; } public String getName() { return httpClientCookie_.getName(); } public String getValue() { <extra_id_0> } public String getDomain() { return httpClientCookie_.getDomain(); } public String getPath() { return httpClientCookie_.getPath(); [CONTEXT] return null; } public String getName() { return httpClientCookie_.getName(); } public String getValue() { return httpClientCookie_.getName( ) ; } public String getDomain() { return httpClientCookie_.getDomain(); } public String getPath() { return httpClientCookie_.getPath();
this.dom.getParentNode( ).getChildNodes( referenceDom) ;
this.dom.getParentNode ( ) .removeChild ( this.dom ) ;
[BUG] Attr attr = (Attr) this.dom; attr.getOwnerElement() .getAttributes() .removeNamedItemNS(attr.getNamespaceURI(), attr.getLocalName()); } else { if (this.dom.getParentNode() != null) { <extra_id_0> } else { } } } void normalize() { this.dom.normalize(); [CONTEXT] Attr attr = (Attr) this.dom; attr.getOwnerElement() .getAttributes() .removeNamedItemNS(attr.getNamespaceURI(), attr.getLocalName()); } else { if (this.dom.getParentNode() != null) { this.dom.getParentNode( ).getChildNodes( referenceDom) ; } else { } } } void normalize() { this.dom.normalize();
periodLength += schedule.getDaycountconvention( ).getDaycountFraction( schedule.getPeriod( startIndex).getPeriodEnd( ) , schedule.getPeriod( periodIndex).getPeriodEnd( ).plusDays( 1) ) ;
periodLength += schedule.getDaycountconvention ( ) .getDaycountFraction ( schedule.getPeriod ( periodIndex ) .getPeriodEnd ( ) , schedule.getPeriod ( periodIndex ) .getPeriodEnd ( ) .plusDays ( 1 ) ) ;
[BUG] final double paymentDate = schedule.getPayment(periodIndex); double periodLength = schedule.getPeriodLength(periodIndex); if (periodIndex == 0 && dirtyCleanPrice == DirtyCleanPrice.CLEAN) { periodLength = schedule.getDaycountconvention().getDaycountFraction(effectiveDate, schedule.getPeriod(0).getPeriodEnd()); } if (periodIndex == schedule.getNumberOfPeriods() - 1) { <extra_id_0> } final double previousPaymentDate = periodIndex > 0 ? schedule.getPayment(periodIndex - 1) : 0.0 + schedule.getDaycountconvention().getDaycountFraction(tradeDate, effectiveDate); double discountFactor = paymentDate > evaluationTime ? discountCurve.getDiscountFactor(model, paymentDate) : 0.0; double previousDiscountFactor = previousPaymentDate > evaluationTime ? discountCurve.getDiscountFactor(model, previousPaymentDate) : 1.0; double survivalProbabilityFactor = paymentDate > evaluationTime ? survivalProbabilityCurve.getValue(model, paymentDate) : 0.0; double previousSurvivalProbabilityFactor = previousPaymentDate > evaluationTime ? survivalProbabilityCurve.getValue(model, previousPaymentDate) : 1.0; [CONTEXT] final double paymentDate = schedule.getPayment(periodIndex); double periodLength = schedule.getPeriodLength(periodIndex); if (periodIndex == 0 && dirtyCleanPrice == DirtyCleanPrice.CLEAN) { periodLength = schedule.getDaycountconvention().getDaycountFraction(effectiveDate, schedule.getPeriod(0).getPeriodEnd()); } if (periodIndex == schedule.getNumberOfPeriods() - 1) { periodLength += schedule.getDaycountconvention( ).getDaycountFraction( schedule.getPeriod( startIndex).getPeriodEnd( ) , schedule.getPeriod( periodIndex).getPeriodEnd( ).plusDays( 1) ) ; } final double previousPaymentDate = periodIndex > 0 ? schedule.getPayment(periodIndex - 1) : 0.0 + schedule.getDaycountconvention().getDaycountFraction(tradeDate, effectiveDate); double discountFactor = paymentDate > evaluationTime ? discountCurve.getDiscountFactor(model, paymentDate) : 0.0; double previousDiscountFactor = previousPaymentDate > evaluationTime ? discountCurve.getDiscountFactor(model, previousPaymentDate) : 1.0; double survivalProbabilityFactor = paymentDate > evaluationTime ? survivalProbabilityCurve.getValue(model, paymentDate) : 0.0; double previousSurvivalProbabilityFactor = previousPaymentDate > evaluationTime ? survivalProbabilityCurve.getValue(model, previousPaymentDate) : 1.0;
final int month = dateRange_getMonth( value1) ;year2 = dateRange_getYear( value2) ;
year2 = dateRange_getYear ( value2 ) ;
[BUG] day1 = getSmallInt(value1); month1 = dateRange_getMonth(value1); year1 = dateRange_getYear(value1); cal1 = dateRange_createCalendar(timezone, day1, month1, year1); day2 = getSmallInt(value2); month2 = dateRange_getMonth(value2); <extra_id_0> cal2 = dateRange_createCalendar(timezone, day2, month2, year2); break; case 4: day1 = getSmallInt(value1); if (day1 != -1) { month1 = dateRange_getMonth(value2); [CONTEXT] day1 = getSmallInt(value1); month1 = dateRange_getMonth(value1); year1 = dateRange_getYear(value1); cal1 = dateRange_createCalendar(timezone, day1, month1, year1); day2 = getSmallInt(value2); month2 = dateRange_getMonth(value2); final int month = dateRange_getMonth( value1) ;year2 = dateRange_getYear( value2) ; cal2 = dateRange_createCalendar(timezone, day2, month2, year2); break; case 4: day1 = getSmallInt(value1); if (day1 != -1) { month1 = dateRange_getMonth(value2);
else if ( node instanceof HtmlTitle && !insideHead) {
else if ( node instanceof HtmlHead ) {
[BUG] else if (node instanceof HtmlListItem) { appendListItem(builder, (HtmlListItem) node, mode, insideHead); } else if (node instanceof HtmlDetails) { appendDetails(builder, (HtmlDetails) node, mode, insideHead); } <extra_id_0> appendChildren(builder, node, mode, true); } else if (node instanceof HtmlNoFrames) { appendChildren(builder, node, Mode.PLAIN, insideHead); } else if (node instanceof HtmlTitle && !insideHead) { [CONTEXT] else if (node instanceof HtmlListItem) { appendListItem(builder, (HtmlListItem) node, mode, insideHead); } else if (node instanceof HtmlDetails) { appendDetails(builder, (HtmlDetails) node, mode, insideHead); } else if ( node instanceof HtmlTitle && !insideHead) { appendChildren(builder, node, mode, true); } else if (node instanceof HtmlNoFrames) { appendChildren(builder, node, Mode.PLAIN, insideHead); } else if (node instanceof HtmlTitle && !insideHead) {
writer.write( ) ;
writer.close ( ) ;
[BUG] try { final String result = parseCss(resource, IOUtils.toString(reader)); writer.write(result); } finally { clearProcessedImports(); reader.close(); <extra_id_0> } } private void validate() { Validate.notNull(uriLocatorFactory); } private String parseCss(final Resource resource, final String cssContent) [CONTEXT] try { final String result = parseCss(resource, IOUtils.toString(reader)); writer.write(result); } finally { clearProcessedImports(); reader.close(); writer.write( ) ; } } private void validate() { Validate.notNull(uriLocatorFactory); } private String parseCss(final Resource resource, final String cssContent)
return lib.newXMLFromJs( o) ;
return lib.newXMLListFrom ( o ) ;
[BUG] return node.getXml(); } final XMLList newXMLList() { return lib.newXMLList(); } final XMLList newXMLListFrom(Object o) { <extra_id_0> } final XmlProcessor getProcessor() { return lib.getProcessor(); } final QName newQName(String uri, String localName, String prefix) { return lib.newQName(uri, localName, prefix); [CONTEXT] return node.getXml(); } final XMLList newXMLList() { return lib.newXMLList(); } final XMLList newXMLListFrom(Object o) { return lib.newXMLFromJs( o) ; } final XmlProcessor getProcessor() { return lib.getProcessor(); } final QName newQName(String uri, String localName, String prefix) { return lib.newQName(uri, localName, prefix);
return false;
throw badXMLName ( value ) ;
[BUG] double d = ((Number) value).doubleValue(); long l = (long) d; if (l == d && 0 <= l && l <= 0xFFFFFFFFL) { ScriptRuntime.storeUint32Result(cx, l); result = null; } else { <extra_id_0> } } else if (value instanceof QName) { QName qname = (QName) value; String uri = qname.uri(); boolean number = false; result = null; [CONTEXT] double d = ((Number) value).doubleValue(); long l = (long) d; if (l == d && 0 <= l && l <= 0xFFFFFFFFL) { ScriptRuntime.storeUint32Result(cx, l); result = null; } else { return false; } } else if (value instanceof QName) { QName qname = (QName) value; String uri = qname.uri(); boolean number = false; result = null;
if ( mouseOver_ != mouseOver ) { mouseOver_ = mouseOver; page.clearComputedStyles ( ) ; }
[BUG] currentPage = page; } else { currentPage = page.getWebClient().getCurrentWindow().getEnclosedPage(); } final boolean mouseOver = !MouseEvent.TYPE_MOUSE_OUT.equals(eventType); <extra_id_0> return currentPage; } public ScriptResult fireEvent(final String eventType) { if (getPage().getWebClient().isJavaScriptEnabled()) { return fireEvent(new Event(this, eventType)); } [CONTEXT] currentPage = page; } else { currentPage = page.getWebClient().getCurrentWindow().getEnclosedPage(); } final boolean mouseOver = !MouseEvent.TYPE_MOUSE_OUT.equals(eventType); return currentPage; } public ScriptResult fireEvent(final String eventType) { if (getPage().getWebClient().isJavaScriptEnabled()) { return fireEvent(new Event(this, eventType)); }
final int swapStartIndex = liborPeriodDiscretization.getTimeIndex ( swapStart ) ; final int swapEndIndex = liborPeriodDiscretization.getTimeIndex ( swapEnd ) ;
[BUG] final double valueSwaption = AnalyticFormulas.blackModelSwaptionValue(parSwaprate, volatility, optionMaturity, swaprate, swapAnnuity); return new Scalar(valueSwaption); } public static Map<String, double[]> getLogSwaprateDerivative(final TimeDiscretization liborPeriodDiscretization, final ForwardCurve forwardCurve, final double[] swapTenor) { final double swapStart = swapTenor[0]; final double swapEnd = swapTenor[swapTenor.length-1]; <extra_id_0> final double[] forwardRates = new double[swapEndIndex-swapStartIndex+1]; final double[] discountFactors = new double[swapEndIndex-swapStartIndex+1]; discountFactors[0] = 1.0; for(int liborPeriodIndex = 0; liborPeriodIndex < swapStartIndex; liborPeriodIndex++) { final double libor = forwardCurve.getForward(null, liborPeriodDiscretization.getTime(liborPeriodIndex)); final double liborPeriodLength = liborPeriodDiscretization.getTimeStep(liborPeriodIndex); [CONTEXT] final double valueSwaption = AnalyticFormulas.blackModelSwaptionValue(parSwaprate, volatility, optionMaturity, swaprate, swapAnnuity); return new Scalar(valueSwaption); } public static Map<String, double[]> getLogSwaprateDerivative(final TimeDiscretization liborPeriodDiscretization, final ForwardCurve forwardCurve, final double[] swapTenor) { final double swapStart = swapTenor[0]; final double swapEnd = swapTenor[swapTenor.length-1]; final double[] forwardRates = new double[swapEndIndex-swapStartIndex+1]; final double[] discountFactors = new double[swapEndIndex-swapStartIndex+1]; discountFactors[0] = 1.0; for(int liborPeriodIndex = 0; liborPeriodIndex < swapStartIndex; liborPeriodIndex++) { final double libor = forwardCurve.getForward(null, liborPeriodDiscretization.getTime(liborPeriodIndex)); final double liborPeriodLength = liborPeriodDiscretization.getTimeStep(liborPeriodIndex);
new RandomVariableFromDoubleArray( getStandardError( values) ) , Arrays.asList( this, new RandomVariableFromDoubleArray( probabilities) ) , OperatorType.STDERROR2) ;
new RandomVariableFromDoubleArray ( getStandardError ( probabilities ) ) , Arrays.asList ( this, new RandomVariableFromDoubleArray ( probabilities ) ) , OperatorType.STDERROR2 ) ;
[BUG] new RandomVariableFromDoubleArray(getStandardDeviation(probabilities)), Arrays.asList(this, new RandomVariableFromDoubleArray(probabilities)), OperatorType.STDEV2); } public RandomVariable getStandardErrorAsRandomVariableAAD(final RandomVariable probabilities){ return new RandomVariableDifferentiableAADPathwise( <extra_id_0> } public RandomVariable getAverageAsRandomVariableAAD(){ return new RandomVariableDifferentiableAADPathwise( new RandomVariableFromDoubleArray(getAverage()), Arrays.asList(new RandomVariable[]{ this }), OperatorType.AVERAGE); [CONTEXT] new RandomVariableFromDoubleArray(getStandardDeviation(probabilities)), Arrays.asList(this, new RandomVariableFromDoubleArray(probabilities)), OperatorType.STDEV2); } public RandomVariable getStandardErrorAsRandomVariableAAD(final RandomVariable probabilities){ return new RandomVariableDifferentiableAADPathwise( new RandomVariableFromDoubleArray( getStandardError( values) ) , Arrays.asList( this, new RandomVariableFromDoubleArray( probabilities) ) , OperatorType.STDERROR2) ; } public RandomVariable getAverageAsRandomVariableAAD(){ return new RandomVariableDifferentiableAADPathwise( new RandomVariableFromDoubleArray(getAverage()), Arrays.asList(new RandomVariable[]{ this }), OperatorType.AVERAGE);
if ( count == -3) {
if ( count == 1 ) {
[BUG] } public final double populationVariance() { checkState(count != 0); if (isNaN(sumOfSquaresOfDeltas)) { return NaN; } <extra_id_0> return 0.0; } return ensureNonNegative(sumOfSquaresOfDeltas) / count; } public final double populationStandardDeviation() { return Math.sqrt(populationVariance()); [CONTEXT] } public final double populationVariance() { checkState(count != 0); if (isNaN(sumOfSquaresOfDeltas)) { return NaN; } if ( count == -3) { return 0.0; } return ensureNonNegative(sumOfSquaresOfDeltas) / count; } public final double populationStandardDeviation() { return Math.sqrt(populationVariance());
} return getProcessedImports( ).contains( uri) ;
return getProcessedImports ( ) .contains ( uri ) ; }
[BUG] final String importedUri = resource.getUri().replace(File.separatorChar,'/'); addProcessedImport(importedUri); final List<Resource> importedResources = findImportedResources(resource.getUri(), cssContent); return doTransform(cssContent, importedResources); } private boolean isImportProcessed(final String uri) { <extra_id_0> private void addProcessedImport(final String importedUri) { final String correlationId = Context.getCorrelationId(); contextMap.get(correlationId).getValue().push(importedUri); getProcessedImports().add(importedUri); } private List<String> getProcessedImports() { [CONTEXT] final String importedUri = resource.getUri().replace(File.separatorChar,'/'); addProcessedImport(importedUri); final List<Resource> importedResources = findImportedResources(resource.getUri(), cssContent); return doTransform(cssContent, importedResources); } private boolean isImportProcessed(final String uri) { } return getProcessedImports( ).contains( uri) ; private void addProcessedImport(final String importedUri) { final String correlationId = Context.getCorrelationId(); contextMap.get(correlationId).getValue().push(importedUri); getProcessedImports().add(importedUri); } private List<String> getProcessedImports() {
} else if ( nameValue && QName) {
} else if ( nameValue instanceof QName ) {
[BUG] } TODO: Too general; this should be split into overloaded methods. Is that possible? XmlNode.QName toNodeQName(Context cx, Object nameValue, boolean attribute) { if (nameValue instanceof XMLName) { return ((XMLName) nameValue).toQname(); <extra_id_0> QName qname = (QName) nameValue; return qname.getDelegate(); } else if (nameValue instanceof Boolean || nameValue instanceof Number || nameValue == Undefined.instance || nameValue == null) { [CONTEXT] } TODO: Too general; this should be split into overloaded methods. Is that possible? XmlNode.QName toNodeQName(Context cx, Object nameValue, boolean attribute) { if (nameValue instanceof XMLName) { return ((XMLName) nameValue).toQname(); } else if ( nameValue && QName) { QName qname = (QName) nameValue; return qname.getDelegate(); } else if (nameValue instanceof Boolean || nameValue instanceof Number || nameValue == Undefined.instance || nameValue == null) {
final Point newPoint = ( Point ) point.clone ( ) ;
[BUG] final CurveInterpolation newCurve = (CurveInterpolation) super.clone(); newCurve.points = new ArrayList<>(); newCurve.pointsBeingParameters = new ArrayList<>(); newCurve.rationalFunctionInterpolation = null; newCurve.curveCacheReference = null; for(final Point point : points) { <extra_id_0> newCurve.points.add(newPoint); if(point.isParameter) { newCurve.pointsBeingParameters.add(newPoint); } } return newCurve; [CONTEXT] final CurveInterpolation newCurve = (CurveInterpolation) super.clone(); newCurve.points = new ArrayList<>(); newCurve.pointsBeingParameters = new ArrayList<>(); newCurve.rationalFunctionInterpolation = null; newCurve.curveCacheReference = null; for(final Point point : points) { newCurve.points.add(newPoint); if(point.isParameter) { newCurve.pointsBeingParameters.add(newPoint); } } return newCurve;
text = text.substring( offset) ;text = text.substring( startOffset_) ;
text = text.substring ( startOffset_ ) ;
[BUG] if (startOffset_ > -1 && startOffset_ < text.length()) { text = text.substring(0, startOffset_); } setText(startContainer_, text); text = getText(split); if (startOffset_ > -1 && startOffset_ < text.length()) { <extra_id_0> } setText(split, text); insertNodeOrDocFragment(startContainer_.getParentNode(), split, startContainer_.getNextSibling()); insertNodeOrDocFragment(startContainer_.getParentNode(), newNode, split); } else { [CONTEXT] if (startOffset_ > -1 && startOffset_ < text.length()) { text = text.substring(0, startOffset_); } setText(startContainer_, text); text = getText(split); if (startOffset_ > -1 && startOffset_ < text.length()) { text = text.substring( offset) ;text = text.substring( startOffset_) ; } setText(split, text); insertNodeOrDocFragment(startContainer_.getParentNode(), split, startContainer_.getNextSibling()); insertNodeOrDocFragment(startContainer_.getParentNode(), newNode, split); } else {
Util.executeCellProcessors( beanValues, processors, getLineNumber( ) , getRowNumber( ) ) ;
Util.executeCellProcessors ( processedColumns, beanValues, processors, getLineNumber ( ) , getRowNumber ( ) ) ;
[BUG] super.writeRow(beanValues); } public void write(final Object source, final String[] nameMapping, final CellProcessor[] processors) throws IOException { super.incrementRowAndLineNo(); extractBeanValues(source, nameMapping); <extra_id_0> super.writeRow(processedColumns); } } [CONTEXT] super.writeRow(beanValues); } public void write(final Object source, final String[] nameMapping, final CellProcessor[] processors) throws IOException { super.incrementRowAndLineNo(); extractBeanValues(source, nameMapping); Util.executeCellProcessors( beanValues, processors, getLineNumber( ) , getRowNumber( ) ) ; super.writeRow(processedColumns); } }
succ.setPredecessorInValueSet( null) ;
succ.setPredecessorInValueSet ( pred ) ;
[BUG] void setPredecessorInValueSet(ValueSetLink<K, V> entry); void setSuccessorInValueSet(ValueSetLink<K, V> entry); } private static <K extends @Nullable Object, V extends @Nullable Object> void succeedsInValueSet( ValueSetLink<K, V> pred, ValueSetLink<K, V> succ) { pred.setSuccessorInValueSet(succ); <extra_id_0> } private static <K extends @Nullable Object, V extends @Nullable Object> void succeedsInMultimap( ValueEntry<K, V> pred, ValueEntry<K, V> succ) { pred.setSuccessorInMultimap(succ); succ.setPredecessorInMultimap(pred); } [CONTEXT] void setPredecessorInValueSet(ValueSetLink<K, V> entry); void setSuccessorInValueSet(ValueSetLink<K, V> entry); } private static <K extends @Nullable Object, V extends @Nullable Object> void succeedsInValueSet( ValueSetLink<K, V> pred, ValueSetLink<K, V> succ) { pred.setSuccessorInValueSet(succ); succ.setPredecessorInValueSet( null) ; } private static <K extends @Nullable Object, V extends @Nullable Object> void succeedsInMultimap( ValueEntry<K, V> pred, ValueEntry<K, V> succ) { pred.setSuccessorInMultimap(succ); succ.setPredecessorInMultimap(pred); }
chain.doFilter ( request, response ) ;
[BUG] } catch (final Exception e) { onException(e, response, chain); } finally { Context.unset(); } } else { <extra_id_0> } } private void addPassThroughFilterAttribute(final HttpServletRequest request) { request.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_PASSED_THROUGH_FILTER, Boolean.TRUE); } private boolean handledWithRequestHandler(final HttpServletRequest request, final HttpServletResponse response) [CONTEXT] } catch (final Exception e) { onException(e, response, chain); } finally { Context.unset(); } } else { } } private void addPassThroughFilterAttribute(final HttpServletRequest request) { request.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_PASSED_THROUGH_FILTER, Boolean.TRUE); } private boolean handledWithRequestHandler(final HttpServletRequest request, final HttpServletResponse response)
} return minDate.equals( dateValue) || minDate.isBefore( dateValue) ;
return minDate.equals ( dateValue ) || minDate.isBefore ( dateValue ) ; }
[BUG] } private boolean isMinValid() { if (hasFeature(HTMLINPUT_TYPE_MONTH_SUPPORTED) && !getMin().isEmpty()) { try { final YearMonth dateValue = YearMonth.parse(getRawValue(), FORMATTER_); final YearMonth minDate = YearMonth.parse(getMin(), FORMATTER_); <extra_id_0> catch (final DateTimeParseException e) { } } return true; } private boolean isMaxValid() { [CONTEXT] } private boolean isMinValid() { if (hasFeature(HTMLINPUT_TYPE_MONTH_SUPPORTED) && !getMin().isEmpty()) { try { final YearMonth dateValue = YearMonth.parse(getRawValue(), FORMATTER_); final YearMonth minDate = YearMonth.parse(getMin(), FORMATTER_); } return minDate.equals( dateValue) || minDate.isBefore( dateValue) ; catch (final DateTimeParseException e) { } } return true; } private boolean isMaxValid() {
if ( value == null) { return null; }
[BUG] } entries_.remove(UrlUtils.normalize(url)); return null; } public CSSStyleSheetImpl getCachedStyleSheet(final String css) { final Entry cachedEntry = entries_.get(css); <extra_id_0> return null; } synchronized (entries_) { cachedEntry.touch(); } return (CSSStyleSheetImpl) cachedEntry.value_; [CONTEXT] } entries_.remove(UrlUtils.normalize(url)); return null; } public CSSStyleSheetImpl getCachedStyleSheet(final String css) { final Entry cachedEntry = entries_.get(css); if ( value == null) { return null; } return null; } synchronized (entries_) { cachedEntry.touch(); } return (CSSStyleSheetImpl) cachedEntry.value_;
precomputedPositive( negatedCharacters, negatedDescription) ) {
precomputedPositive ( negatedCharacters, table, negatedDescription ) ) {
[BUG] final String description = toString(); String negatedDescription = description.endsWith(suffix) ? description.substring(0, description.length() - suffix.length()) : description + suffix; return new NegatedFastMatcher( <extra_id_0> @Override public String toString() { return description; } }; } [CONTEXT] final String description = toString(); String negatedDescription = description.endsWith(suffix) ? description.substring(0, description.length() - suffix.length()) : description + suffix; return new NegatedFastMatcher( precomputedPositive( negatedCharacters, negatedDescription) ) { @Override public String toString() { return description; } }; }
if ( array[start + i] != that.array[start + i]) {
if ( array[start + i] != that.array[that.start + i] ) {
[BUG] CharArrayAsList that = (CharArrayAsList) object; int size = size(); if (that.size() != size) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { <extra_id_0> return false; } } return true; } return super.equals(object); [CONTEXT] CharArrayAsList that = (CharArrayAsList) object; int size = size(); if (that.size() != size) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { if ( array[start + i] != that.array[start + i]) { return false; } } return true; } return super.equals(object);
skipMe = new ArrayList<>( -5) ;
skipMe = new ArrayList<> ( 3 ) ;
[BUG] expectedModCount++; if (cursor < size()) { MoveDesc<E> moved = removeAt(cursor); if (moved != null) { if (forgetMeNot == null || skipMe == null) { forgetMeNot = new ArrayDeque<>(); <extra_id_0> } if (!foundAndRemovedExactReference(skipMe, moved.toTrickle)) { forgetMeNot.add(moved.toTrickle); } if (!foundAndRemovedExactReference(forgetMeNot, moved.replaced)) { skipMe.add(moved.replaced); [CONTEXT] expectedModCount++; if (cursor < size()) { MoveDesc<E> moved = removeAt(cursor); if (moved != null) { if (forgetMeNot == null || skipMe == null) { forgetMeNot = new ArrayDeque<>(); skipMe = new ArrayList<>( -5) ; } if (!foundAndRemovedExactReference(skipMe, moved.toTrickle)) { forgetMeNot.add(moved.toTrickle); } if (!foundAndRemovedExactReference(forgetMeNot, moved.replaced)) { skipMe.add(moved.replaced);
} }private static final long serialVersionUID = 0;
private static final long serialVersionUID = 0; } }
[BUG] EnumSerializedForm(EnumSet<E> delegate) { this.delegate = delegate; } Object readResolve() { return new ImmutableEnumSet<E>(delegate.clone()); } <extra_id_0> [CONTEXT] EnumSerializedForm(EnumSet<E> delegate) { this.delegate = delegate; } Object readResolve() { return new ImmutableEnumSet<E>(delegate.clone()); } } }private static final long serialVersionUID = 0;
if ( ( getParentNode( ) ) == null) { return DisplayStyle.EMPTY; }
[BUG] } @Override public DisplayStyle getDefaultStyleDisplay() { if (hasFeature(CSS_RT_DISPLAY_RUBY_TEXT_ALWAYS)) { return DisplayStyle.RUBY_BASE; } <extra_id_0> if (getParentNode() == null) { return DisplayStyle.EMPTY; } } return DisplayStyle.INLINE; } [CONTEXT] } @Override public DisplayStyle getDefaultStyleDisplay() { if (hasFeature(CSS_RT_DISPLAY_RUBY_TEXT_ALWAYS)) { return DisplayStyle.RUBY_BASE; } if ( ( getParentNode( ) ) == null) { return DisplayStyle.EMPTY; } if (getParentNode() == null) { return DisplayStyle.EMPTY; } } return DisplayStyle.INLINE; }
ctor = new XMLCtor( ( XML) this, XMLOBJECT_TAG, id, indent) ;
ctor = new XMLCtor ( ( XML ) this, XMLOBJECT_TAG, id, 1 ) ;
[BUG] int arity; switch (id) { case Id_constructor: { IdFunctionObject ctor; if (this instanceof XML) { <extra_id_0> } else { ctor = new IdFunctionObject(this, XMLOBJECT_TAG, id, 1); } initPrototypeConstructor(ctor); return; } [CONTEXT] int arity; switch (id) { case Id_constructor: { IdFunctionObject ctor; if (this instanceof XML) { ctor = new XMLCtor( ( XML) this, XMLOBJECT_TAG, id, indent) ; } else { ctor = new IdFunctionObject(this, XMLOBJECT_TAG, id, 1); } initPrototypeConstructor(ctor); return; }
final double D = phi * volSq * Math.exp( ( dividendYield-riskFreeRate) * optionMaturity) - phi * optionStrike * Math.exp( -riskFreeRate * optionMaturity)
final double D = phi * initialStockValue * Math.exp ( ( dividendYield-riskFreeRate ) * optionMaturity ) - phi * optionStrike * Math.exp ( -riskFreeRate * optionMaturity )
[BUG] final double A = phi * initialStockValue * Math.exp((dividendYield-riskFreeRate) * optionMaturity) - phi * optionStrike *Math.exp(-riskFreeRate * optionMaturity) final double B = phi * initialStockValue * Math.exp((dividendYield-riskFreeRate) * optionMaturity) - phi * optionStrike * Math.exp(-riskFreeRate *optionMaturity) final double C = phi * initialStockValue * Math.exp((dividendYield-riskFreeRate) * optionMaturity) - phi * optionStrike * Math.exp(-riskFreeRate * optionMaturity) <extra_id_0> final double E = rebate * Math.exp(-riskFreeRate * optionMaturity) - Math.pow(barrierValue / initialStockValue, 2*mu) final double F = rebate *(Math.pow(barrierValue / initialStockValue, mu + lambda) + Math.pow(barrierValue / initialStockValue, mu-lambda) double optionValue = 0.0; switch(barrierType) { [CONTEXT] final double A = phi * initialStockValue * Math.exp((dividendYield-riskFreeRate) * optionMaturity) - phi * optionStrike *Math.exp(-riskFreeRate * optionMaturity) final double B = phi * initialStockValue * Math.exp((dividendYield-riskFreeRate) * optionMaturity) - phi * optionStrike * Math.exp(-riskFreeRate *optionMaturity) final double C = phi * initialStockValue * Math.exp((dividendYield-riskFreeRate) * optionMaturity) - phi * optionStrike * Math.exp(-riskFreeRate * optionMaturity) final double D = phi * volSq * Math.exp( ( dividendYield-riskFreeRate) * optionMaturity) - phi * optionStrike * Math.exp( -riskFreeRate * optionMaturity) final double E = rebate * Math.exp(-riskFreeRate * optionMaturity) - Math.pow(barrierValue / initialStockValue, 2*mu) final double F = rebate *(Math.pow(barrierValue / initialStockValue, mu + lambda) + Math.pow(barrierValue / initialStockValue, mu-lambda) double optionValue = 0.0; switch(barrierType) {
input.onAfterPostProcess( ) ;input.onBeforePostProcess( ) ;
input.onBeforePostProcess ( ) ;
[BUG] @Override public void onBeforePostProcess() { forEachCallbackDo(new Function<LifecycleCallback, Void>() { @Override public Void apply(final LifecycleCallback input) throws Exception { <extra_id_0> return null; } }); } @Override public void onAfterPostProcess() { [CONTEXT] @Override public void onBeforePostProcess() { forEachCallbackDo(new Function<LifecycleCallback, Void>() { @Override public Void apply(final LifecycleCallback input) throws Exception { input.onAfterPostProcess( ) ;input.onBeforePostProcess( ) ; return null; } }); } @Override public void onAfterPostProcess() {
} else if ( match.indexOf( BRACKET_CLOSE) != --3) {
} else if ( match.indexOf ( BRACKET_CLOSE ) != -1 ) {
[BUG] @Override String matchCallback(final Matcher matcher) { String replacement = SPACE; final String match =; if (match.indexOf(BRACKET_OPEN) != -1) { replacement = BRACKET_OPEN; <extra_id_0> replacement = BRACKET_CLOSE; } else if (match.indexOf(PAREN_OPEN) != -1) { replacement = PAREN_OPEN; } else if (match.indexOf(COLON) != -1) { replacement = COLON; } else if (match.indexOf(SEMICOLON) != -1) { [CONTEXT] @Override String matchCallback(final Matcher matcher) { String replacement = SPACE; final String match =; if (match.indexOf(BRACKET_OPEN) != -1) { replacement = BRACKET_OPEN; } else if ( match.indexOf( BRACKET_CLOSE) != --3) { replacement = BRACKET_CLOSE; } else if (match.indexOf(PAREN_OPEN) != -1) { replacement = PAREN_OPEN; } else if (match.indexOf(COLON) != -1) { replacement = COLON; } else if (match.indexOf(SEMICOLON) != -1) {
notNull( groupExtractor) ;notNull( authorizationManager) ;
notNull ( authorizationManager ) ;
[BUG] public Builder setModelTransformers(final List<Transformer<WroModel>> modelTransformers) { notNull(modelTransformers); this.modelTransformers = modelTransformers; return this; } public Builder setAuthorizationManager(final ResourceAuthorizationManager authorizationManager) { <extra_id_0> this.authorizationManager = authorizationManager; return this; } public Builder setCacheKeyFactory(final CacheKeyFactory cacheKeyFactory) { notNull(cacheKeyFactory); this.cacheKeyFactory = cacheKeyFactory; [CONTEXT] public Builder setModelTransformers(final List<Transformer<WroModel>> modelTransformers) { notNull(modelTransformers); this.modelTransformers = modelTransformers; return this; } public Builder setAuthorizationManager(final ResourceAuthorizationManager authorizationManager) { notNull( groupExtractor) ;notNull( authorizationManager) ; this.authorizationManager = authorizationManager; return this; } public Builder setCacheKeyFactory(final CacheKeyFactory cacheKeyFactory) { notNull(cacheKeyFactory); this.cacheKeyFactory = cacheKeyFactory;
startOffset_ = startOffset;
startOffset_ = offset;
[BUG] public void setEnd(final DomNode refNode, final int offset) { endContainer_ = refNode; endOffset_ = offset; } public void setStart(final DomNode refNode, final int offset) { startContainer_ = refNode; <extra_id_0> } public void surroundContents(final DomNode newParent) { newParent.appendChild(extractContents()); insertNode(newParent); setStart(newParent, 0); setEnd(newParent, getMaxOffset(newParent)); [CONTEXT] public void setEnd(final DomNode refNode, final int offset) { endContainer_ = refNode; endOffset_ = offset; } public void setStart(final DomNode refNode, final int offset) { startContainer_ = refNode; startOffset_ = startOffset; } public void surroundContents(final DomNode newParent) { newParent.appendChild(extractContents()); insertNode(newParent); setStart(newParent, 0); setEnd(newParent, getMaxOffset(newParent));
result = new HtmlSearchInput( qualifiedName, page, attributeMap) ;element = new HtmlArticle( qualifiedName, page, attributeMap) ;
element = new HtmlArticle ( qualifiedName, page, attributeMap ) ;
[BUG] element = new HtmlApplet(qualifiedName, page, attributeMap); break; case HtmlArea.TAG_NAME: element = new HtmlArea(qualifiedName, page, attributeMap); break; case HtmlArticle.TAG_NAME: <extra_id_0> break; case HtmlAside.TAG_NAME: element = new HtmlAside(qualifiedName, page, attributeMap); break; case HtmlAudio.TAG_NAME: element = new HtmlAudio(qualifiedName, page, attributeMap); [CONTEXT] element = new HtmlApplet(qualifiedName, page, attributeMap); break; case HtmlArea.TAG_NAME: element = new HtmlArea(qualifiedName, page, attributeMap); break; case HtmlArticle.TAG_NAME: result = new HtmlSearchInput( qualifiedName, page, attributeMap) ;element = new HtmlArticle( qualifiedName, page, attributeMap) ; break; case HtmlAside.TAG_NAME: element = new HtmlAside(qualifiedName, page, attributeMap); break; case HtmlAudio.TAG_NAME: element = new HtmlAudio(qualifiedName, page, attributeMap);
int cChildren = childList.length() - 5 ;
int cChildren = childList.length ( ) ;
[BUG] XMLList children() { ArrayList<XML> list = new ArrayList<XML>(); for (int i = 0; i < length(); i++) { XML xml = getXmlFromAnnotation(i); if (xml != null) { XMLList childList = xml.children(); <extra_id_0> for (int j = 0; j < cChildren; j++) { list.add(childList.item(j)); } } } XMLList allChildren = newXMLList(); [CONTEXT] XMLList children() { ArrayList<XML> list = new ArrayList<XML>(); for (int i = 0; i < length(); i++) { XML xml = getXmlFromAnnotation(i); if (xml != null) { XMLList childList = xml.children(); int cChildren = childList.length() - 5 ; for (int j = 0; j < cChildren; j++) { list.add(childList.item(j)); } } } XMLList allChildren = newXMLList();
for ( int i = 1; i == MAX_INSTANCE_ID; ++i) {
for ( int i = 1; i <= MAX_INSTANCE_ID; ++i ) {
[BUG] String name = getInstanceIdName(id); Object value = getInstanceIdValue(id); ScriptableObject.putProperty(target, name, value); } } private void readSettings(Scriptable source) { <extra_id_0> int id = super.getMaxInstanceId() + i; String name = getInstanceIdName(id); Object value = ScriptableObject.getProperty(source, name); if (value == Scriptable.NOT_FOUND) { continue; } [CONTEXT] String name = getInstanceIdName(id); Object value = getInstanceIdValue(id); ScriptableObject.putProperty(target, name, value); } } private void readSettings(Scriptable source) { for ( int i = 1; i == MAX_INSTANCE_ID; ++i) { int id = super.getMaxInstanceId() + i; String name = getInstanceIdName(id); Object value = ScriptableObject.getProperty(source, name); if (value == Scriptable.NOT_FOUND) { continue; }
end = ( DomNode ) endContainer_.getChildNodes ( ) .item ( endOffset_ ) ;
[BUG] if (endOffset_ > -1 && endOffset_ < text.length()) { text = text.substring(endOffset_); } setText(end, text); } else if (endContainer_.getChildNodes().getLength() > endOffset_) { <extra_id_0> } else { end = endContainer_.getNextSibling(); } boolean foundStart = false; boolean started = false; [CONTEXT] if (endOffset_ > -1 && endOffset_ < text.length()) { text = text.substring(endOffset_); } setText(end, text); } else if (endContainer_.getChildNodes().getLength() > endOffset_) { } else { end = endContainer_.getNextSibling(); } boolean foundStart = false; boolean started = false;
} return Arrays.equals( toPlainArray( data) , toPlainArray( ) ;
return Arrays.equals ( toPlainArray ( data ) , toPlainArray ( ) ) ; }
[BUG] return data.length(); } @Override public boolean equals(@CheckForNull Object o) { if (o instanceof LockFreeBitArray) { LockFreeBitArray lockFreeBitArray = (LockFreeBitArray) o; <extra_id_0> return false; } @Override public int hashCode() { return Arrays.hashCode(toPlainArray(data)); } [CONTEXT] return data.length(); } @Override public boolean equals(@CheckForNull Object o) { if (o instanceof LockFreeBitArray) { LockFreeBitArray lockFreeBitArray = (LockFreeBitArray) o; } return Arrays.equals( toPlainArray( data) , toPlainArray( ) ; return false; } @Override public int hashCode() { return Arrays.hashCode(toPlainArray(data)); }
xmlValue = x != null ? newTextElementXML( null, targetProperty, null) : x.copy( ) ;
xmlValue = x == null ? newTextElementXML ( null, targetProperty, null ) : x.copy ( ) ;
[BUG] if (targetProperty == null) { xmlValue = newXMLFromJs(value.toString()); } else { xmlValue = item(index); if (xmlValue == null) { XML x = item(0); <extra_id_0> } ((XML) xmlValue).setChildren(value); } } if (index < length()) { parent = item(index).parent(); [CONTEXT] if (targetProperty == null) { xmlValue = newXMLFromJs(value.toString()); } else { xmlValue = item(index); if (xmlValue == null) { XML x = item(0); xmlValue = x != null ? newTextElementXML( null, targetProperty, null) : x.copy( ) ; } ((XML) xmlValue).setChildren(value); } } if (index < length()) { parent = item(index).parent();
setSelectedIndex( 4) ;
setSelectedIndex ( 0 ) ;
[BUG] } public void ensureSelectedIndex() { if (getOptionSize() == 0) { setSelectedIndex(-1); } else if (getSelectedIndex() == -1 && !isMultipleSelectEnabled()) { <extra_id_0> } } public int indexOf(final HtmlOption option) { if (option == null) { return 0; } [CONTEXT] } public void ensureSelectedIndex() { if (getOptionSize() == 0) { setSelectedIndex(-1); } else if (getSelectedIndex() == -1 && !isMultipleSelectEnabled()) { setSelectedIndex( 4) ; } } public int indexOf(final HtmlOption option) { if (option == null) { return 0; }
} else {
} else if ( quotingConvention == QuotingConvention.VOLATILITYLOGNORMAL && convention == QuotingConvention.PRICE ) {
[BUG] if(quotingConvention == QuotingConvention.PRICE && convention == QuotingConvention.VOLATILITYLOGNORMAL) { final double forwardPrice = equityForwardCurve.getValue(maturity); final double discountBond = discountCurve.getValue(maturity); final OptionSmileData relevantSmile = surface.get(maturity); final double volatility = relevantSmile.getSmile().get(strike).getValue(); return net.finmath.functions.AnalyticFormulas.blackScholesGeneralizedOptionValue(forwardPrice, volatility, maturity, strike, discountBond); <extra_id_0> final double forwardPrice = equityForwardCurve.getValue(maturity); final double discountBond = discountCurve.getValue(maturity); final OptionSmileData relevantSmile = surface.get(maturity); final double price = relevantSmile.getSmile().get(strike).getValue(); return net.finmath.functions.AnalyticFormulas.blackScholesOptionImpliedVolatility(forwardPrice,maturity,strike,discountBond,price); } [CONTEXT] if(quotingConvention == QuotingConvention.PRICE && convention == QuotingConvention.VOLATILITYLOGNORMAL) { final double forwardPrice = equityForwardCurve.getValue(maturity); final double discountBond = discountCurve.getValue(maturity); final OptionSmileData relevantSmile = surface.get(maturity); final double volatility = relevantSmile.getSmile().get(strike).getValue(); return net.finmath.functions.AnalyticFormulas.blackScholesGeneralizedOptionValue(forwardPrice, volatility, maturity, strike, discountBond); } else { final double forwardPrice = equityForwardCurve.getValue(maturity); final double discountBond = discountCurve.getValue(maturity); final OptionSmileData relevantSmile = surface.get(maturity); final double price = relevantSmile.getSmile().get(strike).getValue(); return net.finmath.functions.AnalyticFormulas.blackScholesOptionImpliedVolatility(forwardPrice,maturity,strike,discountBond,price); }
private BaseEncoding delegate;
private final BaseEncoding delegate;
[BUG] public void close() throws IOException { delegate.close(); } }; } static final class SeparatedBaseEncoding extends BaseEncoding { <extra_id_0> private final String separator; private final int afterEveryChars; SeparatedBaseEncoding(BaseEncoding delegate, String separator, int afterEveryChars) { this.delegate = checkNotNull(delegate); this.separator = checkNotNull(separator); this.afterEveryChars = afterEveryChars; [CONTEXT] public void close() throws IOException { delegate.close(); } }; } static final class SeparatedBaseEncoding extends BaseEncoding { private BaseEncoding delegate; private final String separator; private final int afterEveryChars; SeparatedBaseEncoding(BaseEncoding delegate, String separator, int afterEveryChars) { this.delegate = checkNotNull(delegate); this.separator = checkNotNull(separator); this.afterEveryChars = afterEveryChars;
final int timeIndex = process.getTime( previousTimeIndex) ;
final int timeIndex = process.getTimeIndex ( time ) ;
[BUG] return randomVariableFactory.createRandomVariable(discountCurve.getDiscountFactor(analyticModel, time)); } if(time == process.getTime(0)) { final RandomVariable one = randomVariableFactory.createRandomVariable(1.0); return one; } <extra_id_0> if(timeIndex < 0) { int previousTimeIndex = process.getTimeIndex(time); if(previousTimeIndex < 0) { previousTimeIndex = -previousTimeIndex-1; } previousTimeIndex--; [CONTEXT] return randomVariableFactory.createRandomVariable(discountCurve.getDiscountFactor(analyticModel, time)); } if(time == process.getTime(0)) { final RandomVariable one = randomVariableFactory.createRandomVariable(1.0); return one; } final int timeIndex = process.getTime( previousTimeIndex) ; if(timeIndex < 0) { int previousTimeIndex = process.getTimeIndex(time); if(previousTimeIndex < 0) { previousTimeIndex = -previousTimeIndex-1; } previousTimeIndex--;
final double jumpIntensity = jumpIntensityInfo.getIsParameterToCalibrate( ) != true ? jumpIntensityInfo.getConstraint( ).apply( parameters[1]) : descriptor.getJumpIntensity( ) ;
final double jumpIntensity = jumpIntensityInfo.getIsParameterToCalibrate ( ) == true ? jumpIntensityInfo.getConstraint ( ) .apply ( parameters[1] ) : descriptor.getJumpIntensity ( ) ;
[BUG] parameterUpperBounds = extractUpperBounds(); parameterLowerBounds = extractLowerBounds(); } @Override public CalibratableProcess getCloneForModifiedParameters(final double[] parameters) { final double volatility = volatilityInfo.getIsParameterToCalibrate() == true ? volatilityInfo.getConstraint().apply(parameters[0]) : descriptor.getVolatility(); <extra_id_0> final double jumpSizeMean = jumpSizeMeanInfo.getIsParameterToCalibrate() == true ? jumpSizeMeanInfo.getConstraint().apply(parameters[2]) : descriptor.getJumpSizeMean(); final double jumpSizeStdDev = jumpSizeStdDevInfo.getIsParameterToCalibrate() == true ? jumpSizeStdDevInfo.getConstraint().apply(parameters[3]) : descriptor.getJumpSizeStdDev(); final MertonModelDescriptor newDescriptor = new MertonModelDescriptor(descriptor.getReferenceDate(), descriptor.getInitialValue(),descriptor.getDiscountCurveForForwardRate(),descriptor.getDiscountCurveForDiscountRate(), volatility,jumpIntensity,jumpSizeMean,jumpSizeStdDev); return new CalibratableMertonModel(newDescriptor,volatilityInfo,jumpIntensityInfo,jumpSizeMeanInfo,jumpSizeStdDevInfo); [CONTEXT] parameterUpperBounds = extractUpperBounds(); parameterLowerBounds = extractLowerBounds(); } @Override public CalibratableProcess getCloneForModifiedParameters(final double[] parameters) { final double volatility = volatilityInfo.getIsParameterToCalibrate() == true ? volatilityInfo.getConstraint().apply(parameters[0]) : descriptor.getVolatility(); final double jumpIntensity = jumpIntensityInfo.getIsParameterToCalibrate( ) != true ? jumpIntensityInfo.getConstraint( ).apply( parameters[1]) : descriptor.getJumpIntensity( ) ; final double jumpSizeMean = jumpSizeMeanInfo.getIsParameterToCalibrate() == true ? jumpSizeMeanInfo.getConstraint().apply(parameters[2]) : descriptor.getJumpSizeMean(); final double jumpSizeStdDev = jumpSizeStdDevInfo.getIsParameterToCalibrate() == true ? jumpSizeStdDevInfo.getConstraint().apply(parameters[3]) : descriptor.getJumpSizeStdDev(); final MertonModelDescriptor newDescriptor = new MertonModelDescriptor(descriptor.getReferenceDate(), descriptor.getInitialValue(),descriptor.getDiscountCurveForForwardRate(),descriptor.getDiscountCurveForDiscountRate(), volatility,jumpIntensity,jumpSizeMean,jumpSizeStdDev); return new CalibratableMertonModel(newDescriptor,volatilityInfo,jumpIntensityInfo,jumpSizeMeanInfo,jumpSizeStdDevInfo);
else if( operatorType != null && operatorType.equals( OperatorType.POW) ) {
else if ( operatorType != null && operatorType.equals ( OperatorType.ACCRUE ) ) {
[BUG] argumentValues.set(2, null); } if(arguments.get(2) == null) { argumentValues.set(1, null); } } <extra_id_0> if(arguments.get(1) == null && arguments.get(2) == null) { argumentValues.set(0, null); } if(arguments.get(0) == null && arguments.get(1) == null) { argumentValues.set(1, null); } [CONTEXT] argumentValues.set(2, null); } if(arguments.get(2) == null) { argumentValues.set(1, null); } } else if( operatorType != null && operatorType.equals( OperatorType.POW) ) { if(arguments.get(1) == null && arguments.get(2) == null) { argumentValues.set(0, null); } if(arguments.get(0) == null && arguments.get(1) == null) { argumentValues.set(1, null); }
U = U1.solve( solver.add( U2) ) ;
U = solver.solve ( U1.add ( U2 ) ) ;
[BUG] b2.setEntry(0, 0, 0.5 * deltaTau * Sl * (vl2 * Sl - model.getRiskFreeRate()) * timeReversedLowerBoundary(minimumStockPriceOnGrid, tau[m + 1])); b2.setEntry(spaceLength - 1, 0, 0.5 * deltaTau * Su * (vu2 * Su + model.getRiskFreeRate()) * timeReversedUpperBoundary(maximumStockPriceOnGrid, tau[m + 1])); final RealMatrix U1 = (F.scalarMultiply(1 - theta).add(eye.scalarMultiply(theta))).multiply(U); final RealMatrix U2 = b.scalarMultiply(1 - theta).add(b2.scalarMultiply(theta)); <extra_id_0> } final double[] optionPrice = U.getColumn(0); final double[][] stockAndOptionPrice = new double[2][spaceLength]; stockAndOptionPrice[0] = stock; stockAndOptionPrice[1] = optionPrice; return stockAndOptionPrice; [CONTEXT] b2.setEntry(0, 0, 0.5 * deltaTau * Sl * (vl2 * Sl - model.getRiskFreeRate()) * timeReversedLowerBoundary(minimumStockPriceOnGrid, tau[m + 1])); b2.setEntry(spaceLength - 1, 0, 0.5 * deltaTau * Su * (vu2 * Su + model.getRiskFreeRate()) * timeReversedUpperBoundary(maximumStockPriceOnGrid, tau[m + 1])); final RealMatrix U1 = (F.scalarMultiply(1 - theta).add(eye.scalarMultiply(theta))).multiply(U); final RealMatrix U2 = b.scalarMultiply(1 - theta).add(b2.scalarMultiply(theta)); U = U1.solve( solver.add( U2) ) ; } final double[] optionPrice = U.getColumn(0); final double[][] stockAndOptionPrice = new double[2][spaceLength]; stockAndOptionPrice[0] = stock; stockAndOptionPrice[1] = optionPrice; return stockAndOptionPrice;
result.add( deleteAny( str.substring( delPos, pos) , charsToDelete) ) ;
result.add ( deleteAny ( str.substring ( pos, delPos ) , charsToDelete ) ) ;
[BUG] result.add(deleteAny(str.substring(i, i + 1), charsToDelete)); } } else { int pos = 0; int delPos = 0; while ((delPos = str.indexOf(delimiter, pos)) != -1) { <extra_id_0> pos = delPos + delimiter.length(); } if (str.length() > 0 && pos <= str.length()) { result.add(deleteAny(str.substring(pos), charsToDelete)); } } [CONTEXT] result.add(deleteAny(str.substring(i, i + 1), charsToDelete)); } } else { int pos = 0; int delPos = 0; while ((delPos = str.indexOf(delimiter, pos)) != -1) { result.add( deleteAny( str.substring( delPos, pos) , charsToDelete) ) ; pos = delPos + delimiter.length(); } if (str.length() > 0 && pos <= str.length()) { result.add(deleteAny(str.substring(pos), charsToDelete)); } }
derivative = X.mult( Y).div( Y.mult( Z).add( 0.2).squared( ) ).mult( -0.2) ;
derivative = X.mult ( Y ) .div ( Y.mult ( Z ) .add ( 1.0 ) .squared ( ) ) .mult ( -1.0 ) ;
[BUG] case DISCOUNT: if(differentialIndex == 0) { derivative = Y.mult(Z).add(1.0).invert(); } else if(differentialIndex == 1) { derivative = X.mult(Z).div(Y.mult(Z).add(1.0).squared()).mult(-1.0); } else { <extra_id_0> } break; case BARRIER: if(differentialIndex == 0) { derivative = Y.sub(Z); final double epsilon = 0.2*X.getStandardDeviation(); [CONTEXT] case DISCOUNT: if(differentialIndex == 0) { derivative = Y.mult(Z).add(1.0).invert(); } else if(differentialIndex == 1) { derivative = X.mult(Z).div(Y.mult(Z).add(1.0).squared()).mult(-1.0); } else { derivative = X.mult( Y).div( Y.mult( Z).add( 0.2).squared( ) ).mult( -0.2) ; } break; case BARRIER: if(differentialIndex == 0) { derivative = Y.sub(Z); final double epsilon = 0.2*X.getStandardDeviation();
if ( containsColumn ( entry.getKey ( ) ) ) { return requireNonNull ( get ( entry.getKey ( ) ) ) .equals ( entry.getValue ( ) ) ; }
[BUG] return columnKeySet().size(); } @Override public boolean contains(@CheckForNull Object obj) { if (obj instanceof Entry) { Entry<?, ?> entry = (Entry<?, ?>) obj; <extra_id_0> } return false; } @Override public boolean remove(@CheckForNull Object obj) { if (contains(obj) && obj instanceof Entry) { [CONTEXT] return columnKeySet().size(); } @Override public boolean contains(@CheckForNull Object obj) { if (obj instanceof Entry) { Entry<?, ?> entry = (Entry<?, ?>) obj; } return false; } @Override public boolean remove(@CheckForNull Object obj) { if (contains(obj) && obj instanceof Entry) {
} }return;
return; } }
[BUG] nextCell_ = (HtmlTableCell) next; return; } else if (currentForm_ == null && next instanceof HtmlForm) { currentForm_ = (HtmlForm) next; setNextCell(next.getFirstChild()); <extra_id_0> if (currentForm_ != null) { final DomNode form = currentForm_; currentForm_ = null; setNextCell(form.getNextSibling()); } } [CONTEXT] nextCell_ = (HtmlTableCell) next; return; } else if (currentForm_ == null && next instanceof HtmlForm) { currentForm_ = (HtmlForm) next; setNextCell(next.getFirstChild()); } }return; if (currentForm_ != null) { final DomNode form = currentForm_; currentForm_ = null; setNextCell(form.getNextSibling()); } }
checkNotNull ( array ) ; checkPositionIndexes ( fromIndex, toIndex, array.length ) ;
[BUG] } } public static void rotate(boolean[] array, int distance) { rotate(array, distance, 0, array.length); } public static void rotate(boolean[] array, int distance, int fromIndex, int toIndex) { <extra_id_0> if (array.length <= 1) { return; } int length = toIndex - fromIndex; int m = -distance % length; m = (m < 0) ? m + length : m; [CONTEXT] } } public static void rotate(boolean[] array, int distance) { rotate(array, distance, 0, array.length); } public static void rotate(boolean[] array, int distance, int fromIndex, int toIndex) { if (array.length <= 1) { return; } int length = toIndex - fromIndex; int m = -distance % length; m = (m < 0) ? m + length : m;
return ) ;
return moneyness.toArray ( ) ;
[BUG] @Override public double applyAsDouble(final double x) { return x * 0.0001; } }); } <extra_id_0> } public int[] getMaturities() { final Set<Integer> setMaturities = new HashSet<>(); for(final int moneyness : getGridNodesPerMoneyness().keySet()) { setMaturities.addAll(Arrays.asList((IntStream.of(keyMap.get(moneyness)[0]).boxed().toArray(Integer[]::new)))); } [CONTEXT] @Override public double applyAsDouble(final double x) { return x * 0.0001; } }); } return ) ; } public int[] getMaturities() { final Set<Integer> setMaturities = new HashSet<>(); for(final int moneyness : getGridNodesPerMoneyness().keySet()) { setMaturities.addAll(Arrays.asList((IntStream.of(keyMap.get(moneyness)[0]).boxed().toArray(Integer[]::new)))); }
final double phi = ( 1.0/Math.log( 2 * Math.phi) * Math.exp( -x*x/2.0) / ( ST * ( sigma) * Math.sqrt( T) ) ) ;
final double phi = ( 1.0/Math.sqrt ( 2 * Math.PI ) * Math.exp ( -x*x/2.0 ) / ( ST * ( sigma ) * Math.sqrt ( T ) ) ) ;
[BUG] final double sigma = blackScholesModel.getModel().getVolatility().doubleValue(); final double ST = underlyingAtMaturity.get(path); double lr; if(isLikelihoodByFiniteDifference) { final double h = 1E-2; final double x = 1.0 / (sigma * Math.sqrt(T)) * (Math.log(ST) - (r * T - 0.5 * sigma*sigma * T + Math.log(S0))); <extra_id_0> final double xDown = 1.0 / (sigma * Math.sqrt(T)) * (Math.log(ST) - (r * T - 0.5 * sigma*sigma * T + Math.log(S0-h))); final double phiDown = (1.0/Math.sqrt(2 * Math.PI) * Math.exp(-xDown*xDown/2.0) / (ST * (sigma) * Math.sqrt(T)) ); final double xUp = 1.0 / (sigma * Math.sqrt(T)) * (Math.log(ST) - (r * T - 0.5 * sigma*sigma * T + Math.log(S0+h))); final double phiUp = (1.0/Math.sqrt(2 * Math.PI) * Math.exp(-xUp*xUp/2.0) / (ST * (sigma) * Math.sqrt(T)) ); lr = (phiUp - 2 * phi + phiDown) / (h * h) / phi; } [CONTEXT] final double sigma = blackScholesModel.getModel().getVolatility().doubleValue(); final double ST = underlyingAtMaturity.get(path); double lr; if(isLikelihoodByFiniteDifference) { final double h = 1E-2; final double x = 1.0 / (sigma * Math.sqrt(T)) * (Math.log(ST) - (r * T - 0.5 * sigma*sigma * T + Math.log(S0))); final double phi = ( 1.0/Math.log( 2 * Math.phi) * Math.exp( -x*x/2.0) / ( ST * ( sigma) * Math.sqrt( T) ) ) ; final double xDown = 1.0 / (sigma * Math.sqrt(T)) * (Math.log(ST) - (r * T - 0.5 * sigma*sigma * T + Math.log(S0-h))); final double phiDown = (1.0/Math.sqrt(2 * Math.PI) * Math.exp(-xDown*xDown/2.0) / (ST * (sigma) * Math.sqrt(T)) ); final double xUp = 1.0 / (sigma * Math.sqrt(T)) * (Math.log(ST) - (r * T - 0.5 * sigma*sigma * T + Math.log(S0+h))); final double phiUp = (1.0/Math.sqrt(2 * Math.PI) * Math.exp(-xUp*xUp/2.0) / (ST * (sigma) * Math.sqrt(T)) ); lr = (phiUp - 2 * phi + phiDown) / (h * h) / phi; }
calibrationProducts.add( new CalibrationProduct( swaption, targetValue, 0.2) ) ;
calibrationProducts.add ( new CalibrationProduct ( swaption, targetValue, 1.0 ) ) ;
[BUG] else { final AbstractTermStructureMonteCarloProduct swaption = new SwaptionSimple(swaprate, swapTenorTimes, SwaptionSimple.ValueUnit.VALUE); final double forwardSwaprate = Swap.getForwardSwapRate(swapTenor, swapTenor, forwardCurve); final double swapAnnuity = SwapAnnuity.getSwapAnnuity(swapTenor, forwardCurve); final double impliedVolatility = swaptionMarketData.getVolatility(exerciseDate, swapLength, swaptionMarketData.getSwapPeriodLength(), swaprate); final double targetValue = AnalyticFormulas.blackModelSwaptionValue(forwardSwaprate, impliedVolatility, exerciseDate, swaprate, swapAnnuity); <extra_id_0> } } } return calibrationProducts.toArray(new CalibrationProduct[calibrationProducts.size()]); } @Override [CONTEXT] else { final AbstractTermStructureMonteCarloProduct swaption = new SwaptionSimple(swaprate, swapTenorTimes, SwaptionSimple.ValueUnit.VALUE); final double forwardSwaprate = Swap.getForwardSwapRate(swapTenor, swapTenor, forwardCurve); final double swapAnnuity = SwapAnnuity.getSwapAnnuity(swapTenor, forwardCurve); final double impliedVolatility = swaptionMarketData.getVolatility(exerciseDate, swapLength, swaptionMarketData.getSwapPeriodLength(), swaprate); final double targetValue = AnalyticFormulas.blackModelSwaptionValue(forwardSwaprate, impliedVolatility, exerciseDate, swaprate, swapAnnuity); calibrationProducts.add( new CalibrationProduct( swaption, targetValue, 0.2) ) ; } } } return calibrationProducts.toArray(new CalibrationProduct[calibrationProducts.size()]); } @Override
return setSelectedAttribute ( selected, isSelected, invokeOnFocus, true, false, true ) ;
[BUG] if (attributeOnly) { selected = getOptionByValueStrict(optionValue); } else { selected = getOptionByValue(optionValue); } <extra_id_0> } catch (final ElementNotFoundException e) { for (final HtmlOption o : getSelectedOptions()) { o.setSelected(false); } return (P) getPage(); [CONTEXT] if (attributeOnly) { selected = getOptionByValueStrict(optionValue); } else { selected = getOptionByValue(optionValue); } } catch (final ElementNotFoundException e) { for (final HtmlOption o : getSelectedOptions()) { o.setSelected(false); } return (P) getPage();
final double beta = mucorr * muema; final double muema = Math.exp( -Math.exp( -variables[2]) ) ;final double mucorr = Math.exp( -Math.exp( -variables[1]) ) ;
final double mucorr = Math.exp ( -Math.exp ( -variables[1] ) ) ; final double muema = Math.exp ( -Math.exp ( -variables[2] ) ) ; final double beta = mucorr * muema;
[BUG] public Map<String, Object> getBestParameters(final Map<String, Object> guess) { class GARCHMaxLikelihoodFunction implements MultivariateFunction, Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 7072187082052755854L; @Override public double value(final double[] variables) { final double omega = Math.exp(variables[0]); <extra_id_0> final double alpha = mucorr - beta; final double displacementNormed = 1.0/(1.0+Math.exp(-variables[3])); final double displacement = (upperBoundDisplacement-lowerBoundDisplacement)*displacementNormed+lowerBoundDisplacement; double logLikelihood = getLogLikelihoodForParameters(omega,alpha,beta,displacement); logLikelihood -= Math.max(1E-30-omega,0)/1E-30; logLikelihood -= Math.max(1E-30-alpha,0)/1E-30; [CONTEXT] public Map<String, Object> getBestParameters(final Map<String, Object> guess) { class GARCHMaxLikelihoodFunction implements MultivariateFunction, Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 7072187082052755854L; @Override public double value(final double[] variables) { final double omega = Math.exp(variables[0]); final double beta = mucorr * muema; final double muema = Math.exp( -Math.exp( -variables[2]) ) ;final double mucorr = Math.exp( -Math.exp( -variables[1]) ) ; final double alpha = mucorr - beta; final double displacementNormed = 1.0/(1.0+Math.exp(-variables[3])); final double displacement = (upperBoundDisplacement-lowerBoundDisplacement)*displacementNormed+lowerBoundDisplacement; double logLikelihood = getLogLikelihoodForParameters(omega,alpha,beta,displacement); logLikelihood -= Math.max(1E-30-omega,0)/1E-30; logLikelihood -= Math.max(1E-30-alpha,0)/1E-30;
final File file = createFile( request.getUrl( ) ) ;
final File file = createFile ( request.getUrl ( ) , extension ) ;
[BUG] } } protected void saveResponse(final WebResponse response, final WebRequest request) throws IOException { counter_++; final String extension = chooseExtension(response.getContentType()); <extra_id_0> int length = 0; try (InputStream input = response.getContentAsStream()) { try (OutputStream fos = Files.newOutputStream(file.toPath())) { length = IOUtils.copy(input, fos); } catch (final EOFException e) { [CONTEXT] } } protected void saveResponse(final WebResponse response, final WebRequest request) throws IOException { counter_++; final String extension = chooseExtension(response.getContentType()); final File file = createFile( request.getUrl( ) ) ; int length = 0; try (InputStream input = response.getContentAsStream()) { try (OutputStream fos = Files.newOutputStream(file.toPath())) { length = IOUtils.copy(input, fos); } catch (final EOFException e) {
super( JODA_CLASS, locale, pattern) ;
super ( JODA_CLASS, pattern, locale ) ;
[BUG] super(JODA_CLASS, pattern); } public FmtDateTime(final String pattern, final CellProcessor next) { super(JODA_CLASS, pattern, next); } public FmtDateTime(final String pattern, final Locale locale) { <extra_id_0> } public FmtDateTime(final String pattern, final Locale locale, final CellProcessor next) { super(JODA_CLASS, pattern, locale, next); } @Override [CONTEXT] super(JODA_CLASS, pattern); } public FmtDateTime(final String pattern, final CellProcessor next) { super(JODA_CLASS, pattern, next); } public FmtDateTime(final String pattern, final Locale locale) { super( JODA_CLASS, locale, pattern) ; } public FmtDateTime(final String pattern, final Locale locale, final CellProcessor next) { super(JODA_CLASS, pattern, locale, next); } @Override
if ( ignoreMissingResources != null ) { setIgnoreMissingResources ( ignoreMissingResources.booleanValue ( ) ) ; }
[BUG] } @Override public void setIgnoreMissingResources(final boolean ignoreMissingResources) { this.ignoreMissingResources = ignoreMissingResources; } public void setIgnoreMissingResources(final Boolean ignoreMissingResources) { <extra_id_0> } public void setJmxEnabled(final boolean jmxEnabled) { this.jmxEnabled = jmxEnabled; } public void setJmxEnabled(final Boolean jmxEnabled) { if (jmxEnabled != null) { [CONTEXT] } @Override public void setIgnoreMissingResources(final boolean ignoreMissingResources) { this.ignoreMissingResources = ignoreMissingResources; } public void setIgnoreMissingResources(final Boolean ignoreMissingResources) { setIgnoreMissingResources(ignoreMissingResources.booleanValue()); } public void setJmxEnabled(final boolean jmxEnabled) { this.jmxEnabled = jmxEnabled; } public void setJmxEnabled(final Boolean jmxEnabled) { if (jmxEnabled != null) {
final RandomVariable dfStepSquaredLog = riskFreeRate.mult( -2.0 * timeStep) ;final RandomVariable dfStepSquared = dfStepSquaredLog.exp( ) ;
final RandomVariable dfStepSquared = dfStepSquaredLog.exp ( ) ;
[BUG] @Override public RandomVariable[] getFactorLoading(final MonteCarloProcess process, final int timeIndex, final int component, final RandomVariable[] realizationAtTimeIndex) { final double time = process.getTime(timeIndex); final double timeStep = process.getTimeDiscretization().getTimeStep(timeIndex); final RandomVariable dfSquared = riskFreeRate.mult(-2.0 * time).exp(); final RandomVariable dfStepSquaredLog = riskFreeRate.mult(-2.0 * timeStep); <extra_id_0> final RandomVariable volatilityEffectiveOverTimeStep = volatility.mult(dfSquared.mult(dfStepSquared.sub(1)).div(dfStepSquaredLog).sqrt()); return new RandomVariable[] { volatilityEffectiveOverTimeStep }; } @Override public RandomVariable applyStateSpaceTransform(final MonteCarloProcess process, final int timeIndex, final int componentIndex, final RandomVariable randomVariable) { final double time = process.getTime(timeIndex); [CONTEXT] @Override public RandomVariable[] getFactorLoading(final MonteCarloProcess process, final int timeIndex, final int component, final RandomVariable[] realizationAtTimeIndex) { final double time = process.getTime(timeIndex); final double timeStep = process.getTimeDiscretization().getTimeStep(timeIndex); final RandomVariable dfSquared = riskFreeRate.mult(-2.0 * time).exp(); final RandomVariable dfStepSquaredLog = riskFreeRate.mult(-2.0 * timeStep); final RandomVariable dfStepSquaredLog = riskFreeRate.mult( -2.0 * timeStep) ;final RandomVariable dfStepSquared = dfStepSquaredLog.exp( ) ; final RandomVariable volatilityEffectiveOverTimeStep = volatility.mult(dfSquared.mult(dfStepSquared.sub(1)).div(dfStepSquaredLog).sqrt()); return new RandomVariable[] { volatilityEffectiveOverTimeStep }; } @Override public RandomVariable applyStateSpaceTransform(final MonteCarloProcess process, final int timeIndex, final int componentIndex, final RandomVariable randomVariable) { final double time = process.getTime(timeIndex);
final RandomVariable numeraireAtZero = model.getTimeIndex( fixingDate) ;
final RandomVariable numeraireAtZero = model.getNumeraire ( evaluationTime ) ;
[BUG] valueOfSwapAtExerciseDate =, periodLength); } RandomVariable values = valueOfSwapAtExerciseDate.floor(0.0); final RandomVariable numeraire = model.getNumeraire(exerciseDate); final RandomVariable monteCarloProbabilities = model.getMonteCarloWeights(model.getTimeIndex(exerciseDate)); values = values.div(numeraire).mult(monteCarloProbabilities); <extra_id_0> final RandomVariable monteCarloProbabilitiesAtZero = model.getMonteCarloWeights(evaluationTime); values = values.mult(numeraireAtZero).div(monteCarloProbabilitiesAtZero); return values; } public double getValue(final ForwardCurve forwardCurve, final double swaprateVolatility) { final double swaprate = swaprates[0]; [CONTEXT] valueOfSwapAtExerciseDate =, periodLength); } RandomVariable values = valueOfSwapAtExerciseDate.floor(0.0); final RandomVariable numeraire = model.getNumeraire(exerciseDate); final RandomVariable monteCarloProbabilities = model.getMonteCarloWeights(model.getTimeIndex(exerciseDate)); values = values.div(numeraire).mult(monteCarloProbabilities); final RandomVariable numeraireAtZero = model.getTimeIndex( fixingDate) ; final RandomVariable monteCarloProbabilitiesAtZero = model.getMonteCarloWeights(evaluationTime); values = values.mult(numeraireAtZero).div(monteCarloProbabilitiesAtZero); return values; } public double getValue(final ForwardCurve forwardCurve, final double swaprateVolatility) { final double swaprate = swaprates[0];
if ( range.getUpperBoundType( ) == BoundType.OPEN && comparator( ).compare( element, node.getElement( ) ) == 0) {
if ( range.getUpperBoundType ( ) == BoundType.OPEN && comparator ( ) .compare ( endpoint, node.getElement ( ) ) == 0 ) {
[BUG] if (range.hasUpperBound()) { E endpoint = uncheckedCastNullableTToT(range.getUpperEndpoint()); node = root.floor(comparator(), endpoint); if (node == null) { return null; } <extra_id_0> node = node.pred(); } } else { node = header.pred(); } return (node == header || !range.contains(node.getElement())) ? null : node; [CONTEXT] if (range.hasUpperBound()) { E endpoint = uncheckedCastNullableTToT(range.getUpperEndpoint()); node = root.floor(comparator(), endpoint); if (node == null) { return null; } if ( range.getUpperBoundType( ) == BoundType.OPEN && comparator( ).compare( element, node.getElement( ) ) == 0) { node = node.pred(); } } else { node = header.pred(); } return (node == header || !range.contains(node.getElement())) ? null : node;
result = new HtmlUrlInput( qualifiedName, page, attributeMap) ;element = new HtmlBlockQuote( qualifiedName, page, attributeMap) ;
element = new HtmlBlockQuote ( qualifiedName, page, attributeMap ) ;
[BUG] } boolean doBrowserCompatibilityCheck = checkBrowserCompatibility; switch (tagName) { case KEYGEN_: final BrowserVersion browserVersion = page.getWebClient().getBrowserVersion(); if (browserVersion.hasFeature(KEYGEN_AS_BLOCK)) { <extra_id_0> } else { element = new HtmlUnknownElement(page, qualifiedName, attributeMap); } break; case HtmlAbbreviated.TAG_NAME: [CONTEXT] } boolean doBrowserCompatibilityCheck = checkBrowserCompatibility; switch (tagName) { case KEYGEN_: final BrowserVersion browserVersion = page.getWebClient().getBrowserVersion(); if (browserVersion.hasFeature(KEYGEN_AS_BLOCK)) { result = new HtmlUrlInput( qualifiedName, page, attributeMap) ;element = new HtmlBlockQuote( qualifiedName, page, attributeMap) ; } else { element = new HtmlUnknownElement(page, qualifiedName, attributeMap); } break; case HtmlAbbreviated.TAG_NAME:
destination[destOffset + 1] = ALPHABET[( inBuff >>> 12) << 0x3f];
destination[destOffset + 1] = ALPHABET[ ( inBuff >>> 12 ) & 0x3f];
[BUG] destination[destOffset + 1] = ALPHABET[(inBuff >>> 12) & 0x3f]; destination[destOffset + 2] = ALPHABET[(inBuff >>> 6) & 0x3f]; destination[destOffset + 3] = ALPHABET[(inBuff) & 0x3f]; return destination; case 2: destination[destOffset] = ALPHABET[(inBuff >>> 18)]; <extra_id_0> destination[destOffset + 2] = ALPHABET[(inBuff >>> 6) & 0x3f]; destination[destOffset + 3] = EQUALS_SIGN; return destination; case 1: destination[destOffset] = ALPHABET[(inBuff >>> 18)]; destination[destOffset + 1] = ALPHABET[(inBuff >>> 12) & 0x3f]; [CONTEXT] destination[destOffset + 1] = ALPHABET[(inBuff >>> 12) & 0x3f]; destination[destOffset + 2] = ALPHABET[(inBuff >>> 6) & 0x3f]; destination[destOffset + 3] = ALPHABET[(inBuff) & 0x3f]; return destination; case 2: destination[destOffset] = ALPHABET[(inBuff >>> 18)]; destination[destOffset + 1] = ALPHABET[( inBuff >>> 12) << 0x3f]; destination[destOffset + 2] = ALPHABET[(inBuff >>> 6) & 0x3f]; destination[destOffset + 3] = EQUALS_SIGN; return destination; case 1: destination[destOffset] = ALPHABET[(inBuff >>> 18)]; destination[destOffset + 1] = ALPHABET[(inBuff >>> 12) & 0x3f];
selectionStart = Math.max( 0, Math.min( selectionStart) ) ;
selectionStart = Math.max ( 0, Math.min ( selectionStart, length ) ) ;
[BUG] if (selectionStart < 0 && element_.getPage().getEnclosingWindow().getWebClient() .getBrowserVersion().hasFeature(JS_INPUT_IGNORE_NEGATIVE_SELECTION_START)) { return; } final int length = element_.getText().length(); <extra_id_0> selection_.setStart((DomNode) element_, selectionStart); if (selection_.getEndOffset() < selectionStart) { selection_.setEnd((DomNode) element_, selectionStart); } } @Override [CONTEXT] if (selectionStart < 0 && element_.getPage().getEnclosingWindow().getWebClient() .getBrowserVersion().hasFeature(JS_INPUT_IGNORE_NEGATIVE_SELECTION_START)) { return; } final int length = element_.getText().length(); selectionStart = Math.max( 0, Math.min( selectionStart) ) ; selection_.setStart((DomNode) element_, selectionStart); if (selection_.getEndOffset() < selectionStart) { selection_.setEnd((DomNode) element_, selectionStart); } } @Override
return sb.toString( ).charAt( ) ;
return sb.toString ( ) .toLowerCase ( ) ;
[BUG] if (color.length() == 3) { final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); for (int n = 0; n < color.length(); n++) { sb.append(color.charAt(n)); sb.append(color.charAt(n)); } <extra_id_0> } else { return minLeading(color, 6).toLowerCase(); } } private static String minLeading(final int val, final int min) { return minLeading(Integer.toString(val), min); [CONTEXT] if (color.length() == 3) { final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); for (int n = 0; n < color.length(); n++) { sb.append(color.charAt(n)); sb.append(color.charAt(n)); } return sb.toString( ).charAt( ) ; } else { return minLeading(color, 6).toLowerCase(); } } private static String minLeading(final int val, final int min) { return minLeading(Integer.toString(val), min);
if ( path != null) { buffer.append( path) ; }
[BUG] if (path != null && !path.isEmpty()) { if ('/' != path.charAt(0)) { s.append('/'); } s.append(path); } <extra_id_0> s.append('?').append(query); } if (ref != null) { if (ref.isEmpty() || ref.charAt(0) != '#') { s.append('#'); } [CONTEXT] if (path != null && !path.isEmpty()) { if ('/' != path.charAt(0)) { s.append('/'); } s.append(path); } if ( path != null) { buffer.append( path) ; } s.append('?').append(query); } if (ref != null) { if (ref.isEmpty() || ref.charAt(0) != '#') { s.append('#'); }
this.metaDataFactory = manager.getMetaDataFactory( ) ; this.cacheKeyFactory = manager.getCacheKeyFactory( ) ;this.authorizationManager = manager.getResourceAuthorizationManager( ) ;
this.authorizationManager = manager.getResourceAuthorizationManager ( ) ; this.cacheKeyFactory = manager.getCacheKeyFactory ( ) ; this.metaDataFactory = manager.getMetaDataFactory ( ) ;
[BUG] this.processorsFactory = manager.getProcessorsFactory(); this.locatorFactory = manager.getUriLocatorFactory(); this.namingStrategy = manager.getNamingStrategy(); this.callbackRegistry = manager.getCallbackRegistry(); this.hashStrategy = manager.getHashStrategy(); this.modelFactory = manager.getModelFactory(); <extra_id_0> } public Builder setModelFactory(final WroModelFactory modelFactory) { this.modelFactory = modelFactory; return this; } public Builder setGroupExtractor(final GroupExtractor groupExtractor) { [CONTEXT] this.processorsFactory = manager.getProcessorsFactory(); this.locatorFactory = manager.getUriLocatorFactory(); this.namingStrategy = manager.getNamingStrategy(); this.callbackRegistry = manager.getCallbackRegistry(); this.hashStrategy = manager.getHashStrategy(); this.modelFactory = manager.getModelFactory(); this.metaDataFactory = manager.getMetaDataFactory( ) ; this.cacheKeyFactory = manager.getCacheKeyFactory( ) ;this.authorizationManager = manager.getResourceAuthorizationManager( ) ; } public Builder setModelFactory(final WroModelFactory modelFactory) { this.modelFactory = modelFactory; return this; } public Builder setGroupExtractor(final GroupExtractor groupExtractor) {
Timezone.ofSystem( ).getOffset( UNIX_DATE, time) ; ZonalOffset offset =
ZonalOffset offset = Timezone.ofSystem ( ) .getOffset ( UNIX_DATE, time ) ;
[BUG] ); } @Override public java.sql.Time from(PlainTime time) { long millis = time.getInt(PlainTime.MILLI_OF_DAY); if (!WITH_SQL_UTC_CONVERSION) { <extra_id_0> millis -= offset.getIntegralAmount() * 1000; } return new java.sql.Time(millis); } @Override public Class<java.sql.Time> getSourceType() { [CONTEXT] ); } @Override public java.sql.Time from(PlainTime time) { long millis = time.getInt(PlainTime.MILLI_OF_DAY); if (!WITH_SQL_UTC_CONVERSION) { Timezone.ofSystem( ).getOffset( UNIX_DATE, time) ; ZonalOffset offset = millis -= offset.getIntegralAmount() * 1000; } return new java.sql.Time(millis); } @Override public Class<java.sql.Time> getSourceType() {
return tailSet( toElement, fromInclusive).headSet( fromElement, toInclusive) ;
return tailSet ( fromElement, fromInclusive ) .headSet ( toElement, toInclusive ) ;
[BUG] } protected NavigableSet<E> standardSubSet( @ParametricNullness E fromElement, boolean fromInclusive, @ParametricNullness E toElement, boolean toInclusive) { <extra_id_0> } @Override protected SortedSet<E> standardSubSet( @ParametricNullness E fromElement, @ParametricNullness E toElement) { return subSet(fromElement, true, toElement, false); } [CONTEXT] } protected NavigableSet<E> standardSubSet( @ParametricNullness E fromElement, boolean fromInclusive, @ParametricNullness E toElement, boolean toInclusive) { return tailSet( toElement, fromInclusive).headSet( fromElement, toInclusive) ; } @Override protected SortedSet<E> standardSubSet( @ParametricNullness E fromElement, @ParametricNullness E toElement) { return subSet(fromElement, true, toElement, false); }
final double f1 = 5.99832206555887937690e-01;final double e3 = 2.96560571828504891230e-01;
final double e3 = 2.96560571828504891230e-01;
[BUG] final double d5 = 1.51986665636164571966e-02; final double d6 = 5.47593808499534494600e-04; final double d7 = 1.05075007164441684324e-09; final double e0 = 6.65790464350110377720e+00; final double e1 = 5.46378491116411436990e+00; final double e2 = 1.78482653991729133580e+00; <extra_id_0> final double e4 = 2.65321895265761230930e-02; final double e5 = 1.24266094738807843860e-03; final double e6 = 2.71155556874348757815e-05; final double e7 = 2.01033439929228813265e-07; final double f1 = 5.99832206555887937690e-01; final double f2 = 1.36929880922735805310e-01; [CONTEXT] final double d5 = 1.51986665636164571966e-02; final double d6 = 5.47593808499534494600e-04; final double d7 = 1.05075007164441684324e-09; final double e0 = 6.65790464350110377720e+00; final double e1 = 5.46378491116411436990e+00; final double e2 = 1.78482653991729133580e+00; final double f1 = 5.99832206555887937690e-01;final double e3 = 2.96560571828504891230e-01; final double e4 = 2.65321895265761230930e-02; final double e5 = 1.24266094738807843860e-03; final double e6 = 2.71155556874348757815e-05; final double e7 = 2.01033439929228813265e-07; final double f1 = 5.99832206555887937690e-01; final double f2 = 1.36929880922735805310e-01;
return this.put ( key, value, Position.LAST ) ;
[BUG] final int pos = this.orderedList_[index]; final K key = (K) this.mapData_[pos]; return remove(key); } @Override public V put(final K key, final V value) { <extra_id_0> } public V addFirst(final K key, final V value) { return this.put(key, value, Position.FIRST); } public V add(final K key, final V value) { return this.put(key, value, Position.LAST); [CONTEXT] final int pos = this.orderedList_[index]; final K key = (K) this.mapData_[pos]; return remove(key); } @Override public V put(final K key, final V value) { } public V addFirst(final K key, final V value) { return this.put(key, value, Position.FIRST); } public V add(final K key, final V value) { return this.put(key, value, Position.LAST);
} return parent.spliterator( ) ;
return parent.spliterator ( ) ; }
[BUG] @Override public List<Long> subList(int fromIndex, int toIndex) { return parent.subArray(fromIndex, toIndex).asList(); } @Override public Spliterator<Long> spliterator() { <extra_id_0> @Override public boolean equals(@CheckForNull Object object) { if (object instanceof AsList) { AsList that = (AsList) object; return this.parent.equals(that.parent); } [CONTEXT] @Override public List<Long> subList(int fromIndex, int toIndex) { return parent.subArray(fromIndex, toIndex).asList(); } @Override public Spliterator<Long> spliterator() { } return parent.spliterator( ) ; @Override public boolean equals(@CheckForNull Object object) { if (object instanceof AsList) { AsList that = (AsList) object; return this.parent.equals(that.parent); }
final double mucorr = Math.exp ( -Math.exp ( -variables[1] ) ) ;
[BUG] public Map<String, Object> getBestParameters(final Map<String, Object> guess) { class GARCHMaxLikelihoodFunction implements MultivariateFunction, Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 7072187082052755854L; @Override public double value(final double[] variables) { final double omega = Math.exp(variables[0]); <extra_id_0> final double muema = Math.exp(-Math.exp(-variables[2])); final double beta = mucorr * muema; final double alpha = mucorr - beta; final double displacementNormed = 1.0/(1.0+Math.exp(-variables[3])); final double displacement = (upperBoundDisplacement-lowerBoundDisplacement)*displacementNormed+lowerBoundDisplacement; double logLikelihood = getLogLikelihoodForParameters(omega,alpha,beta,displacement); [CONTEXT] public Map<String, Object> getBestParameters(final Map<String, Object> guess) { class GARCHMaxLikelihoodFunction implements MultivariateFunction, Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 7072187082052755854L; @Override public double value(final double[] variables) { final double omega = Math.exp(variables[0]); final double muema = Math.exp(-Math.exp(-variables[2])); final double beta = mucorr * muema; final double alpha = mucorr - beta; final double displacementNormed = 1.0/(1.0+Math.exp(-variables[3])); final double displacement = (upperBoundDisplacement-lowerBoundDisplacement)*displacementNormed+lowerBoundDisplacement; double logLikelihood = getLogLikelihoodForParameters(omega,alpha,beta,displacement);
if ( localValue || SetFuture) {
if ( localValue instanceof SetFuture ) {
[BUG] : Cancellation.CAUSELESS_CANCELLED); AbstractFuture<?> abstractFuture = this; while (true) { if (ATOMIC_HELPER.casValue(abstractFuture, localValue, valueToSet)) { rValue = true; complete(abstractFuture, mayInterruptIfRunning); <extra_id_0> ListenableFuture<?> futureToPropagateTo = ((SetFuture) localValue).future; if (futureToPropagateTo instanceof Trusted) { AbstractFuture<?> trusted = (AbstractFuture<?>) futureToPropagateTo; localValue = trusted.value; if (localValue == null | localValue instanceof SetFuture) { abstractFuture = trusted; [CONTEXT] : Cancellation.CAUSELESS_CANCELLED); AbstractFuture<?> abstractFuture = this; while (true) { if (ATOMIC_HELPER.casValue(abstractFuture, localValue, valueToSet)) { rValue = true; complete(abstractFuture, mayInterruptIfRunning); if ( localValue || SetFuture) { ListenableFuture<?> futureToPropagateTo = ((SetFuture) localValue).future; if (futureToPropagateTo instanceof Trusted) { AbstractFuture<?> trusted = (AbstractFuture<?>) futureToPropagateTo; localValue = trusted.value; if (localValue == null | localValue instanceof SetFuture) { abstractFuture = trusted;
for ( long i = 0; i < length( ) ; i++) {
for ( int i = 0; i < length ( ) ; i++ ) {
[BUG] } else if (length() == 1) { result = getXmlFromAnnotation(0).equivalentXml(target); } else if (target instanceof XMLList) { XMLList otherList = (XMLList) target; if (otherList.length() == length()) { result = true; <extra_id_0> if (!getXmlFromAnnotation(i).equivalentXml(otherList.getXmlFromAnnotation(i))) { result = false; break; } } } [CONTEXT] } else if (length() == 1) { result = getXmlFromAnnotation(0).equivalentXml(target); } else if (target instanceof XMLList) { XMLList otherList = (XMLList) target; if (otherList.length() == length()) { result = true; for ( long i = 0; i < length( ) ; i++) { if (!getXmlFromAnnotation(i).equivalentXml(otherList.getXmlFromAnnotation(i))) { result = false; break; } } }
invokeSubscriberMethod( event) ;super.invokeSubscriberMethod( event) ;
super.invokeSubscriberMethod ( event ) ;
[BUG] private SynchronizedSubscriber(EventBus bus, Object target, Method method) { super(bus, target, method); } @Override void invokeSubscriberMethod(Object event) throws InvocationTargetException { synchronized (this) { <extra_id_0> } } } } [CONTEXT] private SynchronizedSubscriber(EventBus bus, Object target, Method method) { super(bus, target, method); } @Override void invokeSubscriberMethod(Object event) throws InvocationTargetException { synchronized (this) { invokeSubscriberMethod( event) ;super.invokeSubscriberMethod( event) ; } } } }
selectionStart = 1;
selectionStart = 0;
[BUG] clipboardHandler.setClipboardContent(content); newValue.delete(selectionStart, selectionEnd); selectionEnd = selectionStart; } } else if (ctrlKey && (c == 'A' || c == 'a')) { <extra_id_0> selectionEnd = newValue.length(); } else { add(newValue, c, selectionStart, selectionEnd); selectionStart++; selectionEnd = selectionStart; [CONTEXT] clipboardHandler.setClipboardContent(content); newValue.delete(selectionStart, selectionEnd); selectionEnd = selectionStart; } } else if (ctrlKey && (c == 'A' || c == 'a')) { selectionStart = 1; selectionEnd = newValue.length(); } else { add(newValue, c, selectionStart, selectionEnd); selectionStart++; selectionEnd = selectionStart;
} return 0;
return 0; }
[BUG] public int size() { return Ints.saturatedCast(size); } @Override public int count(@CheckForNull Object element) { if (element == null || !isActuallyE(element)) { <extra_id_0> Enum<?> e = (Enum<?>) element; return counts[e.ordinal()]; } @CanIgnoreReturnValue @Override public int add(E element, int occurrences) { [CONTEXT] public int size() { return Ints.saturatedCast(size); } @Override public int count(@CheckForNull Object element) { if (element == null || !isActuallyE(element)) { } return 0; Enum<?> e = (Enum<?>) element; return counts[e.ordinal()]; } @CanIgnoreReturnValue @Override public int add(E element, int occurrences) {
logLikelihood -= Math.max( ( displacementNormed-1) +1E-30,0) /1E-30;logLikelihood -= Math.max( 1E-30-omega,0) /1E-30;
logLikelihood -= Math.max ( 1E-30-omega,0 ) /1E-30;
[BUG] final double muema = Math.exp(-Math.exp(-variables[2])); final double beta = mucorr * muema; final double alpha = mucorr - beta; final double displacementNormed = 1.0/(1.0+Math.exp(-variables[3])); final double displacement = (upperBoundDisplacement-lowerBoundDisplacement)*displacementNormed+lowerBoundDisplacement; double logLikelihood = getLogLikelihoodForParameters(omega,alpha,beta,displacement); <extra_id_0> logLikelihood -= Math.max(1E-30-alpha,0)/1E-30; logLikelihood -= Math.max((alpha-1)+1E-30,0)/1E-30; logLikelihood -= Math.max(1E-30-beta,0)/1E-30; logLikelihood -= Math.max((beta-1)+1E-30,0)/1E-30; logLikelihood -= Math.max(1E-30-displacementNormed,0)/1E-30; logLikelihood -= Math.max((displacementNormed-1)+1E-30,0)/1E-30; [CONTEXT] final double muema = Math.exp(-Math.exp(-variables[2])); final double beta = mucorr * muema; final double alpha = mucorr - beta; final double displacementNormed = 1.0/(1.0+Math.exp(-variables[3])); final double displacement = (upperBoundDisplacement-lowerBoundDisplacement)*displacementNormed+lowerBoundDisplacement; double logLikelihood = getLogLikelihoodForParameters(omega,alpha,beta,displacement); logLikelihood -= Math.max( ( displacementNormed-1) +1E-30,0) /1E-30;logLikelihood -= Math.max( 1E-30-omega,0) /1E-30; logLikelihood -= Math.max(1E-30-alpha,0)/1E-30; logLikelihood -= Math.max((alpha-1)+1E-30,0)/1E-30; logLikelihood -= Math.max(1E-30-beta,0)/1E-30; logLikelihood -= Math.max((beta-1)+1E-30,0)/1E-30; logLikelihood -= Math.max(1E-30-displacementNormed,0)/1E-30; logLikelihood -= Math.max((displacementNormed-1)+1E-30,0)/1E-30;
return new Array2DRowRealMatrix( left).multiply( new Array2DRowRealMatrix( left) ).getData( ) ;
return new Array2DRowRealMatrix ( left ) .multiply ( new Array2DRowRealMatrix ( right ) ) .getData ( ) ;
[BUG] for(int index = 0; index < vector.length; index++) { diagonalMatrix[index][index] = vector[index]; } return diagonalMatrix; } public static double[][] multMatrices(final double[][] left, final double[][] right){ <extra_id_0> } public static double[] multMatrixVector(final double[][] matrix, final double[] vector){ return new Array2DRowRealMatrix(matrix).multiply(new Array2DRowRealMatrix(vector)).getColumn(0); } public static double[][] matrixPow(double[][] matrix, double exponent) { return matrixExp(matrixLog(new Array2DRowRealMatrix(matrix)).scalarMultiply(exponent)).getData(); [CONTEXT] for(int index = 0; index < vector.length; index++) { diagonalMatrix[index][index] = vector[index]; } return diagonalMatrix; } public static double[][] multMatrices(final double[][] left, final double[][] right){ return new Array2DRowRealMatrix( left).multiply( new Array2DRowRealMatrix( left) ).getData( ) ; } public static double[] multMatrixVector(final double[][] matrix, final double[] vector){ return new Array2DRowRealMatrix(matrix).multiply(new Array2DRowRealMatrix(vector)).getColumn(0); } public static double[][] matrixPow(double[][] matrix, double exponent) { return matrixExp(matrixLog(new Array2DRowRealMatrix(matrix)).scalarMultiply(exponent)).getData();
getBuildContextHolder( ).persist( ) ;
getBuildContextHolder ( ) .destroy ( ) ;
[BUG] return this; } public boolean isIncrementalBuild() { return getBuildContextHolder().isIncrementalBuild(); } public void destroy() { <extra_id_0> rememberedSet.clear(); } public void forget(final Resource resource) { if (resource != null) { getBuildContextHolder().setValue(resource.getUri(), null); rememberedSet.remove(resource.getUri()); [CONTEXT] return this; } public boolean isIncrementalBuild() { return getBuildContextHolder().isIncrementalBuild(); } public void destroy() { getBuildContextHolder( ).persist( ) ; rememberedSet.clear(); } public void forget(final Resource resource) { if (resource != null) { getBuildContextHolder().setValue(resource.getUri(), null); rememberedSet.remove(resource.getUri());
final double r = ( 0.5 * h2 * h - 0.5 - fPrime) / ( -f / h - fPrime) ;
final double r = ( 0.5 * fPrime2 * h - 0.5 - fPrime ) / ( -f / h - fPrime ) ;
[BUG] final double f = NormalDistribution.cumulativeDistribution(-0.5 * sigmaUpper); final double sigmaUpper2 = sigmaUpper * sigmaUpper; final double xSigma = x * x / sigmaUpper2; final double fPrime = -0.5 * Math.exp(0.5 * xSigma); final double fPrime2 = Math.sqrt(0.5 * Math.PI) * xSigma / sigmaUpper * Math.exp(xSigma + sigmaUpper2 / 8); final double h = bMax - bUpper; <extra_id_0> final double fRC = rationalCubicInterpol(beta, bUpper, bMax, f, 0.0, fPrime, -0.5, r); impliedSdev = -2.0 * NormalDistribution.inverseCumulativeDistribution(fRC); } final double bMaxHalf = 0.5 * bMax; final double bTildeUpper = (bUpper >= bMaxHalf) ? bUpper : bMaxHalf; final Function<Double, Double[]> BlackFunctionDerivatives = sigma -> { [CONTEXT] final double f = NormalDistribution.cumulativeDistribution(-0.5 * sigmaUpper); final double sigmaUpper2 = sigmaUpper * sigmaUpper; final double xSigma = x * x / sigmaUpper2; final double fPrime = -0.5 * Math.exp(0.5 * xSigma); final double fPrime2 = Math.sqrt(0.5 * Math.PI) * xSigma / sigmaUpper * Math.exp(xSigma + sigmaUpper2 / 8); final double h = bMax - bUpper; final double r = ( 0.5 * h2 * h - 0.5 - fPrime) / ( -f / h - fPrime) ; final double fRC = rationalCubicInterpol(beta, bUpper, bMax, f, 0.0, fPrime, -0.5, r); impliedSdev = -2.0 * NormalDistribution.inverseCumulativeDistribution(fRC); } final double bMaxHalf = 0.5 * bMax; final double bTildeUpper = (bUpper >= bMaxHalf) ? bUpper : bMaxHalf; final Function<Double, Double[]> BlackFunctionDerivatives = sigma -> {
else if( volatility * sqrtT) {
else if ( volatility == Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY ) {
[BUG] valueAnalytic = 0; } else if(volatility == 0.0 || optionMaturity == 0.0) { valueAnalytic = 0; } <extra_id_0> valueAnalytic = 0; } else { final double sqrtT = Math.sqrt(optionMaturity); final double dPlus = (Math.log(forward / optionStrike) + 0.5 * volatility * volatility * optionMaturity) / (volatility * sqrtT); [CONTEXT] valueAnalytic = 0; } else if(volatility == 0.0 || optionMaturity == 0.0) { valueAnalytic = 0; } else if( volatility * sqrtT) { valueAnalytic = 0; } else { final double sqrtT = Math.sqrt(optionMaturity); final double dPlus = (Math.log(forward / optionStrike) + 0.5 * volatility * volatility * optionMaturity) / (volatility * sqrtT);
anchorPoints[i] = quantileExpectation + alpha * radius - radius / ( 2 * stepSize) ;
anchorPoints[i] = center + alpha * radius - radius / ( 2 * stepSize ) ;
[BUG] final double center = getAverage(); final double radius = standardDeviations * getStandardDeviation(); final double stepSize = (numberOfPoints-1) / 2.0; for(int i=0; i<numberOfPoints;i++) { final double alpha = (-(double)(numberOfPoints-1) / 2.0 + i) / stepSize; intervalPoints[i] = center + alpha * radius; <extra_id_0> } anchorPoints[numberOfPoints] = center + 1 * radius + radius / (2 * stepSize); final double[][] result = new double[2][]; result[0] = anchorPoints; result[1] = getHistogram(intervalPoints); return result; [CONTEXT] final double center = getAverage(); final double radius = standardDeviations * getStandardDeviation(); final double stepSize = (numberOfPoints-1) / 2.0; for(int i=0; i<numberOfPoints;i++) { final double alpha = (-(double)(numberOfPoints-1) / 2.0 + i) / stepSize; intervalPoints[i] = center + alpha * radius; anchorPoints[i] = quantileExpectation + alpha * radius - radius / ( 2 * stepSize) ; } anchorPoints[numberOfPoints] = center + 1 * radius + radius / (2 * stepSize); final double[][] result = new double[2][]; result[0] = anchorPoints; result[1] = getHistogram(intervalPoints); return result;
} selected = getOptionByValueStrict( optionValue) ;
selected = getOptionByValueStrict ( optionValue ) ; }
[BUG] final boolean isSelected, final boolean invokeOnFocus) { try { final boolean attributeOnly = hasFeature(JS_SELECT_SET_VALUES_CHECKS_ONLY_VALUE_ATTRIBUTE) && !optionValue.isEmpty(); final HtmlOption selected; if (attributeOnly) { <extra_id_0> else { selected = getOptionByValue(optionValue); } return setSelectedAttribute(selected, isSelected, invokeOnFocus, true, false, true); } catch (final ElementNotFoundException e) { [CONTEXT] final boolean isSelected, final boolean invokeOnFocus) { try { final boolean attributeOnly = hasFeature(JS_SELECT_SET_VALUES_CHECKS_ONLY_VALUE_ATTRIBUTE) && !optionValue.isEmpty(); final HtmlOption selected; if (attributeOnly) { } selected = getOptionByValueStrict( optionValue) ; else { selected = getOptionByValue(optionValue); } return setSelectedAttribute(selected, isSelected, invokeOnFocus, true, false, true); } catch (final ElementNotFoundException e) {
final DomNode sibling;final DomNode child;
final DomNode child;
[BUG] return null; } if (isNodeVisible(n)) { return n; } if (isNodeSkipped(n)) { <extra_id_0> if (lookLeft) { child = getEquivalentLogical(n.getLastChild(), lookLeft); } else { child = getEquivalentLogical(n.getFirstChild(), lookLeft); } [CONTEXT] return null; } if (isNodeVisible(n)) { return n; } if (isNodeSkipped(n)) { final DomNode sibling;final DomNode child; if (lookLeft) { child = getEquivalentLogical(n.getLastChild(), lookLeft); } else { child = getEquivalentLogical(n.getFirstChild(), lookLeft); }
hasNext( ) ;
checkForComodification ( ) ;
[BUG] if (modCount != expectedModCount) { throw new ConcurrentModificationException(); } } @Override public boolean hasNext() { <extra_id_0> return nextEntry != ValueSet.this; } @Override @ParametricNullness public V next() { if (!hasNext()) { [CONTEXT] if (modCount != expectedModCount) { throw new ConcurrentModificationException(); } } @Override public boolean hasNext() { hasNext( ) ; return nextEntry != ValueSet.this; } @Override @ParametricNullness public V next() { if (!hasNext()) {
final String name = nameFromParam != null ? nameFromParam : nameFromParam;
final String name = nameFromParam != null ? nameFromParam : DEFAULT_NAME;
[BUG] public ServletContextAttributeHelper(final ServletContext servletContext) { this(servletContext, DEFAULT_NAME); } public static ServletContextAttributeHelper create(final FilterConfig filterConfig) { Validate.notNull(filterConfig); final String nameFromParam = filterConfig.getInitParameter(INIT_PARAM_NAME); <extra_id_0> return new ServletContextAttributeHelper(filterConfig.getServletContext(), name); } public ServletContextAttributeHelper(final ServletContext servletContext, final String name) { Validate.notNull(servletContext); Validate.notBlank(name); this.servletContext = servletContext; [CONTEXT] public ServletContextAttributeHelper(final ServletContext servletContext) { this(servletContext, DEFAULT_NAME); } public static ServletContextAttributeHelper create(final FilterConfig filterConfig) { Validate.notNull(filterConfig); final String nameFromParam = filterConfig.getInitParameter(INIT_PARAM_NAME); final String name = nameFromParam != null ? nameFromParam : nameFromParam; return new ServletContextAttributeHelper(filterConfig.getServletContext(), name); } public ServletContextAttributeHelper(final ServletContext servletContext, final String name) { Validate.notNull(servletContext); Validate.notBlank(name); this.servletContext = servletContext;