Just at that point the magicians wife comes into the room.
Shes got a silver tray and on it are two cups and a teapot.
She hands one of the cups to Mohan and she starts to pour the tea.
And just as the first drop of tea hits the bottom of the cup, theres a giant earthquake.
The whole house is really shaking.
The magicians wife drops the tray, runs out of the room.
The magician runs out of the room.
Mohan drops his cup and runs out of the room.
All the servants, everybody from the house, theyre jumping on the backs of the horses and riding away.
And he jumps on the back of this horse and hangs on for dear life because the stallion is panicked and just runs off.
Mohans just hanging on to the horses neck.
Cant see where hes going and just trying not to fall off.
The horse runs for, dont know, maybe five, seven, eight minutes.
Then it begins to slow down.
Now we got to go back to the magicians house.
So he pushes the horses head, gets it turned around, start following the tracks back to town.
Well, theyve gone about two minutes towards town when suddenly the wind picks up.
And the horse is run out into the desert.
And when the wind picks up, its going to be a sandstorm.
And Mohan guides the horse into the outcropping before the sandstorm gets really bad.
And theres nothing they can do but they just have to wait out the sandstorm.
He goes on for like an hour and a half.
And then suddenly as it started, the wind dies down.
But the horse knows the way home, right Just mount up on the horse.
The horse starts walking and walking.
Horse, you know where youre going Starting to get dark.
Well, maybe you can see a light.
Mohan is lost in the desert now on a horse who doesnt know its way home.
Well, stopping is not a great idea because if he stops, he goes to sleep.
When he wakes up itll be daytime in the desert.
Maybe just let the horse keep walking and itll find its way home.
So Mohans riding bareback on this horse and eventually he gets sleepy and falls off the horse.
But luckily he lands in a bush and he gets a little scratched up but hes not hurt and the horse doesnt run off.
Is that a light No, thats the sun coming up.
Now its gonna get dangerous because the suns gonna come up.
He didnt even get to drink his tea.
Then suddenly the horse pricks up its ears.
And they come to a river.
The horse face down in the water.
Mohan face down in the water upstream from the horse.
And they both drink their water and theres some grass for the horse to eat but Mohan doesnt eat grass.
Hes just gonna have to be hungry and theyre gonna have to find some shade.
But they start down the river and its not long.
They come to another big rock outcropping and they can get on the north side of the rock outcropping and be in the shade.
And nothing to do but leave the horse there and hope it doesnt wander off because Mohan doesnt have a rope or anything.
And he is worn out and he sleeps all day.
When he wakes up the sun is just going down.
Sun just comes over the horizon.
Now by this time the rivers gotten pretty big.
And he comes to a bridge across the river.
And he starts across the bridge.
And as soon as the noise picks up the door of the house opens and out comes three people.
He comes to the three people and jumps off the horse.
And he says, there was a big earthquake.
And jumped on the horse and it ran away and need to get back to the magicians village.
And can you help me And the people are just staring at him like, do you know where the magicians village is Do you know how can get back there And do you have any food Im like really hungry.
And theyre just staring at him.
And the old man says, we thought we were the only ones.
Mohans like, what The only ones You mean you thought you were the only people on earth
We thought we were the only ones.
Oh, youre not the only ones.
You should see Calcutta where come from.
And the old woman says, we thought we were the only ones.
You really thought you were the only ones Yeah, we thought we were the only ones.
Would you like something to eat Yes, that would be very nice.
Ill just put my horse in the corral and Ill come right in.
And so he puts his horse in the corral and he comes in.
These three people had just been sitting down to their breakfast.
And so they get out another bowl and they serve it up and Mohan is really hungry.
And over breakfast he gets the story from these people.
The man and the woman many years ago had lived a little bit further downstream in a village where there was a ford across the river.
And this was where the caravans would come to cross the river.
And the village made a pretty good living.
They would grow food which they could sell to the caravan people and exchange for whatever goods the caravans were carrying.
And if they got something they didnt like it, they could trade it with another caravan.
And they had a pretty good deal.
But then one year when the caravans were due to come, no caravan showed up.
Its like a month goes by and theres no caravans and the people are like, whats going on Where are the caravans Two months go by, still no caravans.
Finally a lone horseman comes and theyre like everybodys rushing out to meet him.
Oh, youre waiting for the caravans.
They built a bridge kilometers downstream and so the caravans cross there.
It saves them several days of travel.
Theyre not going to be coming this way again.
They didnt quite understand what was happening but they realized the caravans not coming.
This was going to be a serious problem.
About a month later the disease hit.
Somebodyd wake up in the morning feeling a little weird.
And whatever this was it just swept through the village, killing everybody one after another.
What could they do So they moved out of the village to this farm that was up the river
and they had been living there ever since.
They had a daughter but they thought they were the only ones.
And so they were totally shocked to see Mohan.
And he explained what had gone on.
And they said well you should maybe rest up before trying to find the magicians village.
We dont know where it is.
But maybe if you ride further downstream you can find it or something.
Well that sounded good to Mohan.
They knew a lot of stories.
They had learned stories from the caravaners who had come through.
And guess it was the next day the old man said, you know if we could borrow your horse for a couple of days we could plow our fields much easier.