question,answer,columns_used,type,column_types,sample_answer |
Are there talks with more than a million views?,True,['views'],boolean,['number[uint32]'],True |
Is there a talk by 'Elon Musk'?,True,['speaker_1'],boolean,['category'],False |
Are there any TEDx events included?,True,['event'],boolean,['category'],True |
Are there talks available in more than 10 languages?,True,['available_lang'],boolean,['list[category]'],True |
How many unique speakers are there in the dataset?,3274,['speaker_1'],number,['category'],20 |
What's the average number of views for the talks?,2148005.5737827714,['views'],number,['number[uint32]'],1502352.85 |
What's the maximum duration of a talk (in seconds)?,3922,['duration'],number,['number[uint16]'],1523 |
How many talks have more than 500 comments?,186,['comments'],number,['number[UInt16]'],2 |
Which event has the highest average views?,TEDxPuget Sound,"['event', 'views']",category,"['category', 'number[uint32]']",TEDxRainier |
Which speaker's talk has the most comments?,Richard Dawkins,"['speaker_1', 'comments']",category,"['category', 'number[UInt16]']",{0: 'Suzana Herculano-Houzel'} |
Which talk's title has the least views?,Por qué necesitamos proteger el alta mar,"['title', 'views']",category,"['text', 'number[uint32]']",Online predators spread fake porn of me. Here's how I fought back |
In which event was the longest talk held?,Countdown,"['event', 'duration']",category,"['category', 'number[uint16]']",TED1984 |
Which are the top 4 events with the highest average number of comments?,"['TEDxPuget Sound', 'TEDxHouston', 'TEDxFiDiWomen', 'TEDxUW']","['event', 'comments']",list[category],"['category', 'number[UInt16]']","['TEDGlobal 2013', 'TED2016', 'TEDxRainier', 'TEDIndia 2009']" |
List the top 3 most frequent speakers in the dataset.,"['Alex Gendler', 'Iseult Gillespie', 'Emma Bryce']",'speaker_1',list[category],['category'],"[""{0: 'Miwa Matreyek'}"", ""{0: 'Thomas Pogge'}"", ""{0: 'Asher Hasan'}""]" |
Which 5 events have the shortest average talk durations?,"['TEDxConcorde', 'Small Thing Big Idea', 'The TED Interview', 'TEDxConcordiaUPortland', 'The Way We Work']","['event', 'duration']",list[category],"['category', 'number[uint16]']","['TEDIndia 2009', 'TED2007', 'TED-Ed', 'TEDGlobal 2017', 'TEDxRainier']" |
List 2 events with the most number of talks.,"['TED-Ed', 'TED2018']",'event',list[category],['category'],"['TEDGlobal 2010', 'TEDxCanberra']" |
What are the top 4 most viewed talks' view counts?,"[65051954, 57074270, 56932551, 49730580]",['views'],list[number],['number[uint32]'],"[3492293, 3082440, 2478498, 2438526]" |
List the 3 shortest talk durations in the dataset.,"[60, 78, 78]",['duration'],list[number],['number[uint16]'],"[268, 279, 287]" |
Which 5 talks have the highest number of comments?,"[6449.0, 4931.0, 3424.0, 3006.0, 2984.0]",['comments'],list[number],['number[UInt16]'],"['What is so special about the human brain?', 'The case for optimism on climate change', 'The linguistic genius of babies', 'My message of peace from Pakistan', 'Glorious visions in animation and performance']" |
List the view counts of the 6 least viewed talks.,"[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]",['views'],list[number],['number[uint32]'],"[195172, 310677, 451421, 477710, 779329, 887739]" |