question,answer,columns_used,type,column_types,sample_answer |
Are there any reflections with more than 10 sentences?,True,['num_sentence'],boolean,['number[uint8]'],False |
Is there a reflection from 'USA' with over 5 sentences?,True,"['country', 'num_sentence']",boolean,"['category', 'number[uint8]']",False |
Are there any reflections categorized as 'affection'?,True,['predicted_category'],boolean,['category'],True |
Are there any married individuals who reflected on 'exercise'?,True,"['marital', 'predicted_category']",boolean,"['category', 'category']",False |
How many unique reflection periods are there?,2,['reflection_period'],number,['category'],2 |
"On average, how many sentences are there in the reflections?",1.3407668971005122,['num_sentence'],number,['number[uint8]'],1.05 |
What's the highest age of an individual in the dataset?,233.0,['age'],number,['number[UInt8]'],54.0 |
How many reflections are from 'IND'?,16729,['country'],number,['category'],2 |
Which country has the highest average number of sentences in their reflections?,UKR,"['country', 'num_sentence']",category,"['category', 'number[uint8]']",USA |
Which gender has the most reflections categorized as 'affection'?,f,"['gender', 'predicted_category']",category,"['category', 'category']",f |
From which country is the oldest individual who reflected?,USA,"['country', 'age']",category,"['category', 'number[UInt8]']",USA |
Which marital status has the most reflections on 'bonding'?,single,"['marital', 'predicted_category']",category,"['category', 'category']",single |
Which are the top 3 countries with the highest average number of sentences in their reflections?,"['UKR', 'CRI', 'HKG']","['country', 'num_sentence']",list[category],"['category', 'number[uint8]']","['USA', 'IND']" |
List the 4 most common predicted categories in the dataset.,"['affection', 'achievement', 'enjoy_the_moment', 'bonding']",['predicted_category'],list[category],['category'],"['affection', 'achievement', 'enjoy_the_moment', 'nature']" |
Which 5 countries have the youngest average age of reflectors?,"['KAZ', 'ALB', 'LKA', 'MAR', 'SLV']","['country', 'age']",list[category],"['category', 'number[UInt8]']","['IND', 'USA']" |
List 2 genders with the most number of reflections.,"['m', 'f']",['gender'],list[category],['category'],"['f', 'm']" |
What are the top 4 reflection IDs with the most number of sentences?,"[455, 455, 508, 455]","['wid', 'num_sentence']",list[number],"['number[uint16]', 'number[uint8]']","[5032, 8129, 2634, 645]" |
List the 3 highest ages in the dataset.,"[233.0, 233.0, 233.0]",['age'],list[number],['number[UInt8]'],"[54.0, 49.0, 48.0]" |
Which 5 reflection IDs have the least number of sentences?,"[2053, 2, 1936, 6227, 45]","['wid', 'num_sentence']",list[number],"['number[uint16]', 'number[uint8]']","[8129, 2634, 645, 783, 13285]" |
List the age of the 6 youngest individuals in the dataset.,"[2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0]",['age'],list[number],['number[UInt8]'],"[22.0, 22.0, 24.0, 24.0, 24.0, 26.0]" |