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"Are there records where the RETRINOIN_xRZI exceeds 10,000?",True,[RETRINOIN_xRZI],boolean,['number[double]'],True
Are there any female respondents who belong to the ESTE NUTS1 region?,True,"[SEXO, NUTS1]",boolean,"['category', 'category']",True
Do we have respondents who fall under both PRIVADO control and NACIONAL market?,True,"[CONTROL, MERCADO]",boolean,"['category', 'category']",True
"Are there records with RETRINOIN_WwQk less than 5,000?",True,[RETRINOIN_WwQk],boolean,['number[double]'],False
How many unique respondents belong to the ESTE NUTS1 region?,58852,[NUTS1],number,['category'],2
"On average, what's the RETRINOIN value for male respondents?",29370.243704368546,"[SEXO, RETRINOIN]",number,"['category', 'number[double]']",26024.9957143
What's the highest value for RETRINOIN_ac1q in the dataset?,199496.34,[RETRINOIN_ac1q],number,['number[double]'],59117.54
How many unique clusters are present in the 'umap_cluster' column?,73,[umap_cluster],number,['category'],15
Which 'ANOS2' category has the most number of respondents?,DE 40 A 49,[ANOS2],category,['category'],DE 40 A 49
In which 'NUTS1' region do we find the highest average RETRINOIN?,COMUNIDAD DE MADRID,"[NUTS1, RETRINOIN]",category,"['category', 'number[double]']",CENTRO
Which 'MERCADO' category is the least common in the dataset?,UNIÓN EUROPEA,[MERCADO],category,['category'],UNIÓN EUROPEA
Which 'umap_cluster' is the most dominant in the dataset?,Cluster 1,[umap_cluster],category,['category'],Cluster 7
What are the top 4 'CNACE' categories with the highest frequency?,"['Actividades administrativas y servicios auxliares: actividad', 'Actividades sanitarias y de servicios sociales: actividades', 'Comercio al por mayor y al por menor; reparación de vehículo', 'Actividades profesionales, científicas y técnicas: actividad']",[CNACE],list[category],['category'],"[\'Industria manufacturera: industria de la alimentación, fabri\', \'Actividades administrativas y servicios auxliares: actividad\', \'Actividades profesionales, científicas y técnicas: actividad\', \'Actividades artísticas, recreativas y de entrenimiento: acti\']"
Which are the 3 least common 'ANOS2' categories in the dataset?,"['MENOS 19 AÑOS', 'MÁS DE 59', 'DE 20 A 29']",[ANOS2],list[category],['category'],"[\'DE 50 A 59\', \'DE 20 A 29\', \'DE 30 A 39\']"
List the top 5 'NUTS1' regions by frequency.,"['ESTE', 'COMUNIDAD DE MADRID', 'NORESTE', 'SUR', 'CENTRO']",[NUTS1],list[category],['category'],"[\'ESTE\', \'NOROESTE\', \'NORESTE\', \'CENTRO\', \'SUR\']"
Which 2 'umap_cluster' categories are the least represented?,"['Cluster 71', 'Cluster 73']",[umap_cluster],list[category],['category'],"[\'Cluster 20\', \'Cluster 10\']"
List the top 5 recorded RETRINOIN values.,"[4225998.36, 4153877.05, 4021902.63, 3903390.45, 2192967.2]",[RETRINOIN],list[number],['number[double]'],"[59117.54, 50502.32, 35417.81, 30993.25, 29699.05]"
What are the 4 lowest x values in the dataset?,"[-23714.217, -23706.5, -23698.271, -23697.166]",[x],list[number],['number[double]'],"[-19757.53, -16221.655, -10021.664, -5854.7065]"
Rank the highest 3 y values in the dataset.,"[28352.02, 28313.926, 28283.78]",[y],list[number],['number[double]'],"[22543.754, 21725.412, 15036.662]"
Which 6 RETRINOIN_ac1q values are the most frequent in the dataset?,"[0.0, 10302.6, 18000.0, 30000.0, 12000.0, 21000.0]",[RETRINOIN_ac1q],list[number],['number[double]'],"[29699.05, 13871.31, 50502.32, 27320.4, 26262.3, 20237.57]"