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5,101 | health | Providing a sample virus detection | Proporcionar una muestra de detección de virus |
5,102 | health | Leaders of global health organisations came together, with representatives of 13 pharmaceutical companies and some major donors. | Qullasiñ tuqit uraqpachan jilir irpirinakaw, qulla aljañ irnaqawinakatx 13 chhijllt’atanakamp ukatx mä qawqha walja qullq churirinakampi, tantachasiwapxi. |
5,103 | health | Yet there are strong demands from the public for action and international cooperation on health priorities, as the BSE fiasco showed, and this process has shown that there are imaginative proposals and policies available if the political will exists. | Ukampisa, jaqenakax wal mayipxe acción cooperación internacional sobre las prioridades de salud, Kunjamti uñacht’aykex el fiasco de la EEB ukaxa, taqe aka luratanakax uñacht’ayaskiwa propuestas y políticas imaginativas disponibles si existe la voluntad política. |
5,104 | health | The recombinant vector according to claim 4, characterized in that the cPPT and CTS sequences are derived from the genome of a HIV-1 or HIV-2 lentivirus. | El vector recombinante según la reivindicación 4, caracterizado en que las secuencias cPPT y CTS se derivan del genoma de un lentivirus VIH-1 o VIH-2. |
5,105 | health | R11.42 Buy now Isordil Isosorbide dinitrate Isordil is used for the treatment and prevention of angina caused by coronary artery disease. | R11.42 Jichhax ak alam Isordil Isosorbida dinitrato Isordil uka qollax tratamiento y la prevención de la angina causada por la enfermedad de las arterias coronarias ukatakiwa. |
5,106 | health | "The results indicate that Interferons are the key to the antiviral effect of dendritic cells and to the inhibition of cytomegaloviruses," says Cicin-Sain. | “Resultadonakax akwa qhanañchi: que los interferones son la clave para el efecto antiviral de las células dendríticas y para la inhibición de los citomegalovirus”, dice Cicin-Sain. |
5,107 | health | Gibbs said he came to his conclusion as part of an effort to trace the virus's origins by analyzing its genetic blueprint. | Gibbs dijo que llegó a su conclusión como parte de un esfuerzo por rastrear los orígenes del virus mediante el análisis de su plan genético. |
5,108 | health | They should have access to quality health services and clean drinking water. | Taqeniwa servicios de salud de calidad y agua potable limpia ukanak katoqapxañapa. |
5,109 | health | Use of a mixture of active agents is present according to claim 1 – 4 for the production of an adjuvant with a preventive and therapeutic properties for virus vaccines or vaccines for the therapy or prophylaxis of in its division rate, degenerated cells. | El uso de una mezcla de agentes activos está presente según la reivindicación 1 – 4 para la producción de un adyuvante con propiedades preventivas y terapéuticas para vacunas de virus o vacunas para la terapia o profilaxis de en su tasa de división, células degeneradas. |
5,110 | health | Criteria CHII for treating multiple sclerosis in Croatia lagged behind, and there are a number of European discriminating criteria that lead to inappropriate or too late administration of drugs that slow the course of this progressive and the autoimmune disease is affected through the RH 6500 person | Tratamiento de la esclerosis múltiple taqe ukax CHII uka criterionakarjamax Croacia markan armataxewa, ukat Europat yaqhachasiri criterionakax utxarakiwa ukaw jan walt’ayi qollanak sum administrañataki ukat qheparayañataki ukasti ralentiza el curso de esta enfermedad progresiva y autoinmune se ve afectada a través de la persona RH 6500 |
5,111 | health | Precaution for use: Do not mix the guarana with anticoagulants or anti-platelet aggregation drugs without medical advice. | Precaución de uso: Guaraná ukat anticoagulantes jan ukax medicamentos antiagregantes plaquetarios ukanakampex jan kitantamti doctorampipun ewxt’ayasim. |
5,112 | health | The medical situation and the individual preferences of the patients will determine the best method in the individual case. | La situación médica ukat pacientenakax kunsa munapxe ukarjamaw determinasi sapa maynitak metodonakxa. |
5,113 | health | They were ready to commit to a highly specific goal to achieve the WHO Roadmap’s targets for 10 neglected tropical diseases. | Akch’akipxanaw amtamp 10 jan yäqat junt’u usunaka OMS amtanak phuqhañatak chikañcht’asiñataki. |
5,114 | health | You can enter non-scheduled vital sign readings into the Health Guide by using the “Take a Measurement” feature at the Home screen. | Puede ingresar lecturas de signos vitales no programadas en la Guía de salud utilizando la función “Tomar una medida” en la pantalla de inicio. |
5,115 | health | “ The open-angle glaucomas are chronic, progressive optic neuropathies , that have in common characteristic morphological changes at the optic nerve head and retinal fibre layer in the absence of other ocular disease or congenital anomalies. Progressive retinal ganglion cells death and visual field | Los glaucomas de ángulo abierto son neuropatías ópticas crónicas y progresivas, que tienen en común cambios morfológicos característicos en la cabeza del nervio óptico y la capa de fibra de la retina en ausencia de otras enfermedades oculares o anomalías congénitas. Células ganglionares de la retina y campo visual uka célulanakax juk’at juk’atwa jiwapxe |
5,116 | health | Who knows, can be through any time will is proved that this "not medical" will appear most that on is the medical. | Janiw khitis yatkiti, kuna tiempotsa voluntadatsa uñacht’ayaniwa que este “no médico” aparecerá más que en es el médico. |
5,117 | health | Part of this symposium will call international attention to the specific issues surrounding women and heart disease, including the causes, preventive measures and treatments. | Uka arst’awinakatxa mä qhawqhanakawa yaqha markanakar kuna jan walinakansa warminakax uñjasipxe ukat enfermedades cardíacas, incluidas las causas, las medidas preventivas y los tratamientos, taqe ukanakatwa amuyt’ayani. |
5,118 | health | However, dogs predisposed to kidney disease (such as those affected by old age or with a history of ulcers in the gastrointestinal system) are at higher risk for developing NSAID toxicity. | Ukampisa, anunakax maymurunakat usuntapki ukhaxa (como los afectados por la vejez o con antecedentes de úlceras en el sistema gastrointestinal) toxicidad por AINE ukaw juk’amp desarrollasispa. |
5,119 | health | • Geriatrics: treatments specially adjusted to the needs of older people and their diseases | • Geriatría: usutapki uka jiliri jaqenakatak jupanakatakxam tratamientos especiales |
5,120 | health | I suffered a very bad bruise and was forced to seek medical help. | Walpun usuchxasta ukatwa munkir jan munkir mä doctor thaqer sarta. |
5,121 | health | The locations involved in the operations optimization plan are facilities that are serving the beauty, personal care, food, beverage, and consumer health care markets. | Las ubicaciones involucradas en el plan de optimización de operaciones uka instalacionanakaxa askiwa mercados de belleza, cuidado personal, alimentos, bebidas y atención médica del consumidor taqe ukanakati. |
5,122 | health | In dry eye disease, both the tear film and the ocularsurface cells lose water and are considered hypertonic. | Waña nayra uka usunja, tanto la película lagrimal como las células de la superficie ocular ukan umapaw chhaqti ukatwa hipertónicas ukham sataxa. |
5,123 | health | According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), falls are the leading cause of injury related deaths for seniors age 65 and older. | Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC) ukankirinakax sapxewa, 65 jan ukax jila marani jiliri jaqenakaw tinkusax usuchjasipxe ukatwa jiwapxe. |
5,124 | health | They made the London Declaration. | Londres markan Qhananchäwi lurt’awapxi. |
5,125 | health | In each hotel you will find a small pharmacy with first aid products, and if needed, the hotel staff will provide you with all the necessary information concerning pediatricians, pharmacies, hospitals and nearby medical facilities. | Sapa hotelanakanxa jisk’a farmacianakaw utji primeros auxilios ukatakisti phoqatpacha qollanakaniwa, wakisini ukhaxa, ukan trabajirinakawa pediatras, farmacias, hospitales e instalaciones médicas cercanas taqe ukanakat yatiyapxarakitam. |
5,126 | health | The quality requirements for our products and services vary due to divergent regulatory demands: the manufacture of pharmaceutical and medical devices in particular is subject to extraordinarily stringent requirements. | Requisitos de calidad nanakan productonakajatakex ukat servicionakajatakisa mayjt’apuniwa kunatex walja requisitonakwa mayipxe: fabricación de productos farmacéuticos y médicos taqe ukanakatakexa requisitonakapax wali estrictopuniwa. |
5,127 | health | - Mental health certificates | - Certificados de salud mental |
5,128 | health | Technology at its best: effective mobile oxygen therapy for hospitals, medical practices, and nursing homes. | Tecnologíax suma tiemponkapuniwa: oxigenoterapia móvil efectiva para hospitales, consultorios médicos ukat hogares jiliri jaqenakataki. |
5,129 | health | The clinical data of all patients admitted with the ICD diagnosis T75.4 (effects of electric current) to the Charité Berlin—Campus Virchow Medical Center between January 2001 and December 2008 were included in the analysis. | Taqpach usutanakan datos clínicos con el diagnóstico de DCI T75.4 taqe ukax aka cheqaruw apayasi (efectos de la corriente eléctrica) Charité Berlin-Campus Virchow Medical Center ukaru, ukat enero 2001 marata diciembre 2008 marakam apayaschi ukhaxa análisis ukamp chikawa. |
5,130 | health | According to the data collected by Scott and Duncan which describe the disease process of the Black Death, hemorrhagic smallpox is almost virtually identical to the Black Death. | Scott y Duncan jupanakaw Peste Negra usut yatjatapaxana uka toqet qellqatanakaparjamaxa Peste Negra usuj, viruela hemorrágica sat usupej niya kipkakipxewa. |
5,131 | health | Many recommended the procedure is particularly respiratory diseases, bronchial asthma, pulmonary diseases, chronic bronchitis, sinus inflammation, respiratory allergy in adults and children. | Wajaniw recomendapxe procedimiento sea particularmente enfermedades respiratorias, asma bronquial, enfermedades pulmonares, bronquitis crónica, inflamación sinusal, alergia respiratoria en adultos y niños. |
5,132 | health | Maximum, Steadily Increasing Coverage The German Medical Journal has developed to become one of the most renowned and widespread professional medical journals within just a few years. | Walja ukat taqenitaki. El German Medical Journal sat revistax lurasiwa ukar uñtasit yaqha revistanakat sipansa mä qhawqha maranakan taqe cheqan wali uñt’atañapataki . |
5,133 | health | Use of manganese superoxide dismutase (Mn-SOD) for the production of a pharmaceutical preparation for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of joints, containing 1 to 20 µg Mn-SOD per volume of a knee joint of 100 µl. | Uso de superóxido dismutasa de manganeso (Mn-SOD) para la producción de una preparación farmacéutica para el tratamiento de enfermedades inflamatorias de las articulaciones, que contiene de 1 a 20 μg de Mn-SOD por volumen de una articulación de la rodilla de 100 μl. |
5,134 | health | What I want to do in the future: I would like to apply the extensive experience I have gained at various healthcare and hospital establishments during my training to help my future patients in the best way possible. | Akwa jutir urunakan lurañ munta: Nayax hospitalanakanwa sum yateqta Jichhax uka experiecianakarxamawa jutiri pacientenakarux wali sum yanapt’añ muntxa. |
5,135 | health | The pharmaceutical companies’ commitment to expand the supply of drugs was crucial. | Qulla lurir irnaqawinakan amtapax juk’amp qulla alasipxañapatak lurawix waki askinawa. |
5,136 | health | International Medical Interpreters Association The IMIA is a US-based international organization committed to the advancement of professional medical interpreters as the best practice to equitable language access to healthcare for linguistically diverse patients. | Asociación Internacional de Intérpretes Médicos El IMIA es una organización internacional con sede en los Estados Unidos comprometida con el avance de los intérpretes médicos profesionales como la mejor práctica para el acceso equitativo al idioma a la atención médica para pacientes lingüísticamente diversos. |
5,137 | health | It is imperative to research these and all possible causes of autism spectrum disorders in order to prevent every preventable case and treat every treatable case until this disease has been eliminated from humanity. | Trastornos del espectro autista kunasa ukat kunanakas uñstayi taqe ukanak investigañaw wakisi ukhamatwa uka usut jark’aqsna tratamientonaks luraraksna uka usuj taqe jaqenakat chhaqtañapkama. |
5,138 | health | As a consequence of this, the disease spectrum will change, and this will need to be managed by the health system. | Ukarjamaxa, espectro de la enfermedad cambianiwa, ukxa sistema de salud ukaw apnaqapxañaparaki. |
5,139 | health | But who from us with full confidence will distinguish a medical bloodsucker, from not the medical? | Ukampisa, ¿jiwasanakat khitisa wali confianzampi distinguispa chupasangre médico, de no al médico? |
5,140 | health | Metabolism: The energy made available is generally not used and leads to raised blood sugar and blood fat levels and thus to diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. | Metabolismo: Ukankaski uka energíaja janiw utilizaskiti uktwa wilan azucarax wal jiljatti ukhamarakiw lik’ex wilan jiljattaraki, ukhamarakiw diabetes y las enfermedades cardiovasculares ukanakar pasi. |
5,141 | health | This means that because the disease is rare, it has not been possible to obtain complete information about Naglazyme. | Ukax sañ muniwa uka usuj mayjatapatxa, Naglazyme sat qollatxa janiw phoqatpacha información jikhataskiti. |
5,142 | health | In addition electrophysiological examination is important for diagnosing eye diseases which are not genetically determined, such as toxic retinopathy, paraneoplastic syndromes, non organic loss of vision, uveitis with retinal detachment and opacities in refractive media and finally, cases of visual | Ukampis, examen electrofisiológicoj wali importantewa diagnosticañatak nayran usunakapa jan genéticamente determinataki ukhaxa, sañäni la retinopatía tóxica, los síndromes paraneoplásicos, la pérdida no orgánica de la visión, la uveítis con desprendimiento de retina y las opacidades en medios refractivos y, por último, los casos de |
5,143 | health | Health state of the import session. | Estado de mantenimiento de la sesión de importación. |
5,144 | health | Agreements with public and deprived institutions, work with all the medical specialties. | Instituciones públicas y desfavorecidas ukanakamp convenionakax, especialidades médicas taqe ukanakamp trabajiñatakiwa. |
5,145 | health | Why are some people healthy and some ill? | ¿Kuntsa yaqhep jaqenakax q’marapxe yaqhepax usutapxaraki? |
5,146 | health | Bill Gates, Co-Chair of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, said at the meeting: “Maybe as the decade goes on, people will wonder if these should be called neglected diseases. | Bill Gates, Fundación Bill ukatx Melinda Gates ukan payir jilir irpiripa, tantachawin ak sawäyi: “tunka mar turkakipawin, jaqix akanakax jan yäqat usunak sutiñcht’atapxañapat jupanak pachpaw sikt’asipxani. |
5,147 | health | CMV affects more live births than Down syndrome or fetal alcohol syndrome[2], making it a key public health priority and a strong candidate for recommended universal vaccination and reimbursement[3]. | CMV uka usuj nacipki uka wawanakaruw afekti síndrome de Down jan ukax síndrome alcohólico fetal[2] ukat sipansa, lo que lo convierte en una prioridad clave de salud pública y un fuerte candidato para la vacunación universal recomendada y el reembolso[3]. |
5,148 | health | Better cooperation is needed in the response to pandemics. | Wali suma yanapt’anakaw munasi pandemia usunakar atipañatakexa. |
5,149 | health | A real cannabis tonic, this great strain offers an almost 1:1 ratio of THC to CBD. CBD is known to have many medical benefits. She is a cross of MK Ultra and the famous G13 Haze. | Un verdadero tónico de cannabis, esta gran variedad ofrece una proporción de casi 1: 1 de THC a CBD. Yatiisiwa CBD uka qollax walxa beneficionakaniwa qollañatakexa. Ella es una cruz de MK Ultra y el famoso G13 Haze. |
5,150 | health | I am convinced that the text adopted will create an appropriate balance between patients' rights related to cross-border healthcare and the Member States' obligation to organise and provide healthcare services and medical care. | Estoy convencido de que el texto aprobado creará un equilibrio adecuado entre los derechos de los pacientes relacionados con la asistencia sanitaria transfronteriza y la obligación de los Estados miembros de organizar y prestar servicios sanitarios y asistencia médica. |
5,151 | health | (7) The Treaty requires that the definition and implementation of all Community policies and activities ensure a high level of human health protection. | (7)Uka tratadoja wayt’iwa definición ukat aplicación takpach políticas ukat acciones comunitarias taqe ukamp garantizañapatak wali suma protección de la salud humana. |
5,152 | health | Ask your doctor or health care professional for advice, some nonprescription medicines may increase possible side effects. | Doctoramampi jan ukax yaqha doctorampi ewxt’ayasim, qollanakax jan recetampexa efectos secundarios uk jiljatayaspawa. |
5,153 | health | • to offer guidance to affected people in developing a personal health-friendly lifestyle in their personal and social environment. | • ofrecer orientación a las personas afectadas en el desarrollo de un estilo de vida personal favorable a la salud en su entorno personal y social. |
5,154 | health | Is exercise more effective than psychological therapies or other non-medical treatments for depression? | ¿Depresión uka usutakexa ejercicionakax wali askiti terapias psicológicas jan ukax yaqha tratamientonakat sipansa? |
5,155 | health | Healthcare Product update: if you are looking for the enlarged prostate treatment, we may offer an alternative product. | Actualización del producto sanitario: prostata jacha’ptayañatakiti tratamiento thaqaskta, yaqha ukham productow uttjapxetu. |
5,156 | health | The free virus scanner ClamAV is included in the package and enters operation immediately after installation. | El escáner de virus gratuito ClamAV ukamp chikaw juti ukat instalataxe uka qhepatwa jank’ak funcionxe. |
5,157 | health | Maybe as the milestones go on, we will call them just tropical diseases.” 2017 is the fifth anniversary of the London Declaration. | Inas aka musparkay pachanak turkakipawipan, junt’u usunak sutinik jisxchiñani”. 2017 maran Londres markan Qhananchäwit phisqhir sapa mar amtawiwa. |
5,158 | health | Does my site make claims relating to the benefit or performance of a specific medical treatment, commercial product or service? | ¿Aka toqetti nayan sitiojax reclamonak luri beneficio o el rendimiento de un tratamiento médico específico, producto comercial o servicio? |
5,159 | health | Yes, Clarius is not the best image solution if you want to compare it with a hospital device, but it is a good option if you are thinking about a smart solution for healthcare providers in out-of-hospital context. | Si, Clarius no es la mejor solución de imagen si desea compararla con un dispositivo hospitalario, pero es una buena opción si está pensando en una solución inteligente para proveedores de atención médica en un contexto extrahospitalario. |
5,160 | health | He has a medical condition which precludes transfer. | Jumax mä usunitamatwa transferencia lurañatak jark’aqe. |
5,161 | health | the health risk related to treatment and the time delay related to testing therefore prevents the import of ratites for slaughter from countries in Asia or Africa. | por lo tanto, el riesgo para la salud relacionado con el tratamiento y el retraso en el tiempo relacionado con las pruebas impiden la importación de rátidas para el sacrificio procedentes de países de Asia o África. |
5,162 | health | Ultimately, you want to start the program in addition to your eating habits, it will help you accelerate your metabolism and improve the health of your heart. | aka qhepatxa, uka program qalltañ muniwa ukat kuna manq’arus yatintataki uksa, ukawa metabolismo sumañpatak yanapt’atam ukat lloqomas mejorarakiniwa. |
5,163 | health | Marketing of disposable medical and veterinary materials at low prices, wholesale and retail. | Materiales médicos y veterinarios desechables iraqt’at precionakaru, al por mayor y al por menor. |
5,164 | health | Health Insurance for Students- TU Kaiserslautern With visiting this site I accept that it uses cookies for website analytics. | Estudiantenakatak seguro de salud- TU Kaiserslautern Aka sitio visitasax, cookies para el análisis del sitio web uk usañapatakiw aceptaskta. |
5,165 | health | Their investigations focused on estimating the magnitude of effects on health of regional and national programs to reduce GHG emissions, assuming systematic implementation. | Investigacionanakapxa ak sum amyt’asaw luräna qhawqhapunisa afectaspa sobre la salud de los programas regionales y nacionales las emisiones de GEI uk minust’ayañataki asumiendo una implementación sistemática. |
5,166 | health | Their entire family led a healthy and happy life. | Taqpach familiapawa wali suma kusisita ukhamaw jakasipxana. |
5,167 | health | In Europe we have three doctors per 1000 people and, as she has said, we are still short of health professionals. | Europa markanxa 1000 jaqenakatxa kimsaniw doctorapxe. Kunjamti jupax siskexa, profesionales sanitarios ukax faltaskakiwa. |
5,168 | health | In 2007, 15 countries had a life expectancy at birth of more than 80 years. | 2007 maranx 15 markanakan jaqinakax wawanakan yuriñ urunx 80 maratat wali qatuqatanwa. |
5,169 | health | Strong progress has been made overall, in relation to specific diseases, and in particular countries. | Wali suma jakthäpiwiw luratatayna, juk’ampis mä qawqha usunakataki, mä qawqha markanakana. |
5,170 | health | The paper also provides an estimate of the capital currently 'frozen' in equipment purchase that could be freed for immediate and urgent operational priorities and healthcare transformation initiatives. | Documentoxa kuna maquinanakatï alaski “jan kun luraskaraki” uka capitalax qhawqhäpachasa ukwa qhanañchi, ukax kuna cheqanakantï juk’amp munaskaspa ukhamarak salud toqen jaqenakar juk’amp sum atiendisiñapatakiw yanapt’aspa. |
5,171 | health | In addition, the Department Health Sciences acts increasingly in health promotion activities as a protagonist in local health care. | Janiw ukakïkiti, jan ukasti Departamento de Ciencias de la Salud ukax kunanakatï jaqenakar qollasiñapatak luraski ukanakanxa juk’ampinakwa luraski, p’eqt’arakiwa. |
5,172 | health | The makers of PhenQ also warn that you should consult your medical professional before taking this supplement if you have a pre-existing medical problem or are taking any sort of medicines. | Jumatï yaqha usunakanïsta jan ukax qollanak umasksta ukhaxa, aka qolla janïr umkasax doctoramar jiskt’añamatakiw PhenQ uk luririnakax ch’am’añcht'axtam. |
5,173 | health | Warfare has led to the decimation of hospitals, clinics and schools, leading to the loss of health provision, social care and education. | Hospitalanakasa, clinicanakasa, escuelanakas guerranak utjipan tukjataw uñjasipxe. Ukatwa kunanakatï qollañatak wakiski ukanaka, kunanakatï jaqenakar yanapt’añatak luraski ukanaka, yatichañataki yanapt’anak apt’asiñax utji. |
5,174 | health | Fluticasone propionate (interaction with ritonavir): in a clinical study where ritonavir 100 mg capsules bid were co-administered with 50 µg intranasal fluticasone propionate (4 times daily) for 7 days in healthy subjects, the fluticasone propionate plasma levels increased significantly, whereas the | Propionato de fluticasona (ritonavir ukamp juntow trabaji): mä yatxatäwinxa ritonavir 100 mg capsulanakampi, propionato de fluticasona intranasal 50 μg ukampex (urun 4 kuti uchasa) q’umara jaqenakar 7 urunakwa uchasïna, ukatxa propionato de fluticasona ukan plasmático sasin uñt’atäki ukax juk’ampiw jilxattäna, ukampis |
5,175 | health | A product for polyclinics, medical offices and laboratories for analysis, management of patients, evidence of consultations and analysis and more. | Ukajja policliniconakataki, mediconakan consultoriopataki, análisis lurañatak laboratorionakataki, usutanakar yanapt’añataki, consultanak luraski uka registronakataki, análisis lurañataki ukat juk’ampinakatakiwa. |
5,176 | health | At present, the public health care schemes, Medicaid and Medicare, mainly insure the poor and pensioners. | Medicaid ukat Medicare ukanakan jaqenakar qollañatak utji uka amtanakapaxa, pobrenakampiru pensión katoqerinakampiruw jichhürunakan juk’amp yanapt’i. |
5,177 | health | How about your health? | ¿Jumajj q’umaräsktati? |
5,178 | health | A Lyme disease treatment center with an actual medical doctor available for consultation is the CLEAR Center of Health based in Mill Valley, San Francisco. | Lyme usu qollañataki tratamientonaksa mä doctorsa Clear Center of Health ukanwa utji, ukan sedepax Mill Valley lugarankiwa, San Francisco markana. |
5,179 | health | Regular social checks are carried out to ensure a safe and healthy working environment and a fair system of remuneration. | Sapa ratuw trabajiñ lugarax suma segurötapa, jan usuntañjamätapa, sum pagasitap amuyañatakex controlanak lurasi. |
5,180 | health | In 2015, 1.2 billion treatments were given, equivalent to 40 every second. | 2015 märanxa,1.2 waranq waranq usutanakaw qullataski ukasti sapa 40 ch’ipxtarurakiw tupt’ataski. |
5,181 | health | Complete the Intel Health Guide Disinfection Certificate Form if returning the Health Guide to the manufacturer. | Jumatï luririrox Guía de mantenimiento satäki uk kutt’ayätaxa, certificado de desinfección de intel Health Guide sat formulario phoqantañama. |
5,182 | health | Total (Life other than health insurance, including Unit-Linked) | Total (Seguro de enfermedad satäki ukat mayjawa, seguro de dependencia ukamp kunarakiwa) |
5,183 | health | John’ s wort, check viral levels and if possible efavirenz levels. | Hierba de Juan, qhawqha virusanisa uk yatjjatam, puedsta ukhaxa, efavirenz ukax qhawqhäskisa yatxatarakim. |
5,184 | health | The best organic products care and body health. | Cuerpom sum cuidañatakisa jan usuntañatakis aka natural qollanakaw yaqhanakat sipans juk’amp sumaxa. |
5,185 | health | Applied in pharmaceutical field, rhubarb extract is frequently used as medicine supplement or OTCS ingredients and owns good efficacy for treatment of cancer and cardio-cerebrovascular disease. | Farmacéutico toqet parlkasax ruibarbo plantan jugopaxa, medicina jan ukax otcS ukan ingredientenakap lantiw walja kuti apnaqasi, cáncer usu qollañatak tratamientonakatakex wali suma qollawa, cardio-cerebrovascular uk qollañatakis ukhamarakiwa. |
5,186 | health | Just as every day we order at home or on our agenda, it would be very beneficial to our health, to do the same with our minds. | Utasansa jan ukax yaqha lurañanakasansa sapüruw maytanxa, jiwasatï amuyusampi ukham luraraksna ukhaxa q’umaräñatakiw yanapt’istapa. |
5,187 | health | It provides little support, healthcare, or aid to the population there. | Qollañ toqetsa jan ukax jaqenakar yanapt’añ toqetsa ukan juk’akwa yanapt’apxe. |
5,188 | health | cancer and other tumoral diseases, | cáncer usumpi yaqha tumor usunakampi, |
5,189 | health | During this period, many German Falun Gong practitioners also received emails that appeared to be from another practitioner and which contained a virus; it was later discovered that they had actually not been sent by that practitioner. | Uka tiemponxa, Falun Gong ukankir alemán walja practicantenakax ukhamarakiw correos electrónicos katoqapxäna, amuyatax ukanak yaqha practicante apayäna mä virusanirakïnwa; ukampis qhepatxa akwa yatisïna, uka correonakxa janiw uka practicantex apaykänti. |
5,190 | health | The default Server Administrator page shows the Properties tab, with the Health information displayed. | Administrador del servidor uka ajllit paginax Propiedades sat mä ficha uñachayi, kunjamäskisa ukwa ukan uñachayaraki. |
5,191 | health | Since 2013, one country every year in the Americas has freed its population from River Blindness. | 2013 märatxa,sapa märaw Amirika jach’a markpachanw janchi usumpita nayra usunakampitwa qullataski. |
5,192 | health | Bass was both Head of Drug Toxicology at the Institute for Drugs at the Federal Health Office (BGA) in Berlin and Adjunct Professor of Pharmacology and Toxicology at the Free University of Berlin. | Bass sat chachax Toxicología de Drogas ukan jefepänwa, Berlín markan Instituto de Drogas de la Oficina Federal de Salud (BGA) ukana, ukatxa Farmacología y Toxicología ukan Profesor Adjunto ukarakïnwa ukax Berlín markan Universidad Libre ukankiwa. |
5,193 | health | (End of testimony) A short summary As you've just read, you can live healthy without getting sick, just by taking care of your diet, and your lifestyle. | (Tukuya) Mä qhawqha arunaka Niyakexay liyiñ tukuystaxa, suma maq’anak manqt’asisasa cuerpom sum cuidasisasa, jan usuntasaw jakasisma. |
5,194 | health | A healthy nail needs liquid because it consists of 16% water. | Sillox patakat 16 umawa ukatwa mä suma sillox uma necesiti. |
5,195 | health | But it work when the Seto virus used an offline key for encryption. | Ukampis kunapachatï Seto sat virusax cifra yatiñatak jan suma alineata mä clavenïki ukhax funcioniwa. |
5,196 | health | And supervises his medical Institute» | Instituto Médico uksa supervisarakiwa» |
5,197 | health | Patients with inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) are often treated with anti-TNFa therapy. | Enfermedades inflamatorias intestinales (EII) uka usunakani jaqenakaxa, jilapartex anti-TNFa sat terapiampiw qollatäpxe. |
5,198 | health | As a result, users typically don’t question the process or expect it to be a virus when it comes to NisSrv that is far from true. | Ukhamätapatxa jilaparte apnaqerinakax kunjamtï luraski ukat janiw jiskt’apxeti janirakiw NisSrv ukat parlkasax mä virusäñap suyapkiti, cheqans ukax janiw mä virusäkiti. |
5,199 | health | Overall incidence of CLL is around four per 100,000 and is 50% more common in men than in women1. CLL is currently considered incurable; therefore the aim of treatment is to control the disease by managing symptoms and extending the time patients live without their disease worsening (progression-fre | CLL ukaroxa sapa 100.000 jaqenakat pusiniw sarapxe, taqe saririnakat chikatax 1 warminakat sipans chachanakawa. Jichhürunakanxa CLL ukax jan qollañjamätapwa yatisi; ukhamax sintomanak uñjasa, jaqenakax qhawqha tiempos usup jan peort’kipan jakapxe (progresión-fre uk uñjasaw uka usur tratamiento churañ amtasi |
5,200 | health | After graduating, he went on to research his doctoral thesis at the Institute for Virus Research at the German Cancer Research. | Graduasxasaxa, Investigación de Virus en la Investigación Alemana del Cáncer ukanwa jupan tesis doctoralap uñakipañ qalltäta. |