4 values
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: allergies: thiopental attending: chief complaint: burning in chest over past 3 months with exertion major surgical or invasive procedure: opcabx2(lima->lad, svg->om) history of present illness: 76 year old woman with 3 month hx of chest pain with exertion with + ett and ef 66%. pain relieved with rest and tums. referred for cath which showed 50% lm into lad and cx, lad 80%, d2 70%, 50% cx/om1, lpda 80%, rca 99%. referred to dr. for cabg. past medical history: niddm htn pvd l cea lvh l mastectomy with breast ca elev. chol. tia 11 years ago exc. skin growth chest wall s/p cholecystectomy obesity social history: widowed, but lives near son family history: father mi at 62 physical exam: on day of discharge : 98.4 sr 73 131/57 rr 20 95% ra sat. 74.6 kg nonfocal neurologically lungs cta bil. rrr sternal and leg incisions c/d/i, abd unremarkable with bs extrems 1+ edema pertinent results: 07:00am blood wbc-7.9 rbc-3.41* hgb-10.3* hct-29.9* mcv-88 mch-30.3 mchc-34.6 rdw-14.5 plt ct-177 07:00am blood plt ct-177 07:00am blood glucose-103 urean-26* creat-0.9 na-144 k-4.2 cl-106 hco3-29 angap-13 04:07am blood phos-3.2 mg-2.1 04:44am blood freeca-1.21 brief hospital course: see hpi above. underwent off pump cabg x2 on with lima to lad and y graft svg to om1 by dr. .transferred to csru on neo, propofol, epinephrine and insulin drips. weaned to cpap on pod #1 and weaned from epi, remained on neo drip. lasix diuresis begun. on nitroglycerin drip for bp control on pod #2 and extubated. beta blockade started , nitro weaned and transferred to the floor later in the day. alert and oriented, worked with pt to increase activity level, lopressor increased in sr on pod #3. foley and pacing wires removed without incident. continued to progress well on pod #4 and lisinopril restarted on pod #5. discharged to home with vna services on . medications on admission: asa 325 mg qd atenolol 12.5 qd glipizide 2.5 mg qd hctz 12.5 mg qd lisinopril 20 mg qd metformin 500 mg qd centrum silver qd tums x strength tid lipitor 10 mg qd discharge medications: 1. potassium chloride 10 meq capsule, sustained release sig: two (2) capsule, sustained release po q12h (every 12 hours) for 7 days. disp:*28 capsule, sustained release(s)* refills:*0* 2. docusate sodium 100 mg capsule sig: one (1) capsule po bid (2 times a day). disp:*60 capsule(s)* refills:*2* 3. aspirin 81 mg tablet, delayed release (e.c.) sig: one (1) tablet, delayed release (e.c.) po daily (daily). disp:*30 tablet, delayed release (e.c.)(s)* refills:*2* 4. oxycodone-acetaminophen 5-325 mg tablet sig: 1-2 tablets po q4h (every 4 hours) as needed for pain. disp:*50 tablet(s)* refills:*0* 5. atorvastatin calcium 10 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po daily (daily). disp:*30 tablet(s)* refills:*2* 6. glipizide 5 mg tablet sig: 0.5 tablet po daily (daily). disp:*30 tablet(s)* refills:*2* 7. metformin 500 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po daily (daily). disp:*30 tablet(s)* refills:*2* 8. metoprolol tartrate 25 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po bid (2 times a day). disp:*60 tablet(s)* refills:*2* 9. lisinopril 10 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po daily (daily). disp:*30 tablet(s)* refills:*2* 10. lasix 20 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po twice a day for 7 days. disp:*14 tablet(s)* refills:*0* discharge disposition: home with service facility: discharge diagnosis: coronary artery disease off pump cabg x2 non-insulin dependent dm hypertension peripheral vasc. dz with l cea left ventricular hypertrophy elev. cholesterol tia l breast ca with mast. chest wall growth excision discharge condition: good. discharge instructions: follow medications on discharge instructions. you may not drive for 4 weeks. you may not lift more than 10 lbs. for 3 months. you should shower, let water flow over wounds, pat dry with a towel. do not use lotions, creams, or powders on wounds. call our office for sternal drainage, temp.>101.5 followup instructions: make an appointment with dr. for 1-2 weeks. make an appointment with dr. for 4 weeks. procedure: single internal mammary-coronary artery bypass (aorto)coronary bypass of one coronary artery diagnoses: coronary atherosclerosis of native coronary artery atherosclerosis of aorta other and unspecified angina pectoris Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: history of present illness: the patient is a 78-year-old male with a past medical history significant for myelodysplastic syndrome diagnosed eight years ago and multiple basal cell carcinomas who presented with a 3-day history of dark red/bloody urine. the patient also complained of a painful skin lesion on the left flank. regarding the hematuria, the patient reported painless hematuria with urine that was essentially dark red and never grossly bloody times one week. he denied any history of trauma as well as any dysuria, increased urinary frequency, hesitancy, or difficulty voiding. he also denied abdominal pain. the patient denied bright red blood per rectum, melena, hematemesis, hemoptysis, or epistaxis. he did admit to easy bruising and prolonged time to clot. the patient reported that his myelodysplastic syndrome had been stable until the spring of this year when he started to feel very tired and lethargic. he had started receiving weekly packed red blood cell transfusions seven weeks prior to admission and had started weekly epogen injections three weeks prior to admission. the patient was status post a bone marrow biopsy on that showed decreased erythroid elements with occasional dysplastic forms and decreased myeloid elements with limited maturation. however, there was no evidence of progression to acute leukemia. regarding the skin lesions, the patient reports that the left flank lesion first appeared three to four weeks prior to admission and that over the past week it had become increasingly tender. he says the lesion started out looking like a blister and then "popped." the patient is unsure of the nature of the fluid that it drained. the patient also has a left axillary lesion which he says started out like a blister and has been present for three to four days prior to admission. in the emergency department, the patient received one dose of gentamicin and oxacillin. he was also transfused with 2 units of packed red blood cells and 1 unit of fresh frozen plasma. he was also given potassium chloride. past medical history: 1. myelodysplastic syndrome diagnosed eight years ago; recently transfusion dependent. 2. gout. 3. basal cell carcinoma. 4. squamous cell carcinoma. 5. question history of inferior wall myocardial infarction. past surgical history: mohs surgery for basal cell carcinoma. social history: the patient is a former psychologist at . he is separated from his wife of 14 years. he has seven children. he drinks occasional alcohol. he has a 50 plus year history of cigar smoking and quit six to seven months ago. family history: his family history is significant for a daughter with diabetes. he had a brother who died of leukemia at the age of three and father who died of heart disease. medications on admission: his medications included epogen 20,000 units every tuesday, colchicine as needed, multivitamin with iron, and tylenol as needed. allergies: he has no known drug allergies. physical examination on presentation: the patient's vital signs on presentation were as follows; temperature was 100.6, heart rate was 88, respiratory rate was 24, blood pressure was 107/63, oxygen saturation was 97% on 2 liters. the patient's physical examination on presentation was as follows; in general, he was a pale-appearing elderly male. he was in no apparent distress. his head, eyes, ears, nose, and throat examination revealed sclerae were anicteric. his conjunctivae were pale. his oropharynx was clear. there was no thyromegaly, and no cervical lymphadenopathy, and no jugular venous distention. his lungs revealed bibasilar crackles. his heart examination revealed a regular rate and rhythm with a 2/6 systolic murmur. his abdomen was soft and nontender, with positive bowel sounds. he also had a palpable spleen tip. his back revealed no costovertebral angle tenderness. on his skin were multiple facial telangiectasias. his nose appeared slightly disfigured which was consistent with prior mohr surgery. he had multiple pink plaques, some with overlying scales distributed overlying scale distributed over his back, arms, and legs bilaterally. on his left flank was a well demarcated 7-cm to 8-cm indurated pink plaque with an area of central necrosis. he had a similar-appearing 5-cm to 6-cm pink plaque under his left axilla which; both of which were extremely tenderness to palpation. neurologically, he was alert and oriented times three. he had no focal deficits. his rectal examination revealed occult-blood positive brown stool. pertinent laboratory data on presentation: his laboratories on admission were as follows; complete blood count revealed a white blood cell count of 3.9, his hematocrit was 19.8, with a mean cell volume of 87. of note, the patient had a hematocrit of 25.8 three days prior to admission. his platelet count was 15. the differential of his white blood cell count was as follows; 27% polys, no bands, and 51% lymphocytes. his chemistry-7 was as follows; sodium was 132, potassium was 2.7, chloride was 98, bicarbonate was 22, blood urea nitrogen was 30, creatinine was 1.4, and blood glucose was 105. the patient's baseline creatinine is 1.1 to 1.2. the patient's coagulations were as follows; pt was 15.2, ptt was 41.9, inr was 1.6. the patient had a reticulocyte count that was sent in the emergency department and came back at 0.7. his urinalysis revealed brown cloudy urine, with large blood; it was nitrite positive, protein was greater than 300, glucose was negative, ketones were trace, there was a small amount of bilirubin, a moderate amount of leukocyte esterase; his red blood cell count was greater than 1000 with 3 to 5 white blood cells and many bacteria. there was also occasional uric acid crystals noted. blood cultures and urine cultures were sent from the emergency department on which were negative. hospital course: the hospital course related chronologically was as follows. on the evening of , he was admitted to the cc seven. he was initially treated with dicloxacillin for his skin lesions and started on intravenous ciprofloxacin for question pyelonephritis given the infectious-appearing urinalysis. it was unclear whether the patient's presentation with pancytopenia was secondary to blasts crisis; although, this was felt to be unlikely given that he has had a recent bone marrow biopsy which was negative for blasts, and his peripheral smear was also negative for blasts. his coagulopathy was treated with transfusions of fresh frozen plasma and vitamin k. on , the patient was seen by his outpatient hematologist who questioned whether the patient's skin lesions and hematuria could be secondary to septic emboli. the patient was ordered to get a transthoracic echocardiogram which he refused on several occasions. his antibiotics were also changed from dicloxacillin to oxacillin. on , the patient's coagulations were all evaluated despite vitamin k, and there was noted to be minimal correction of the anemia and thrombocytopenia despite transfusions. a disseminated intravascular coagulation screen was sent off and found to be positive. a dermatology consultation was also called on this day for help in evaluating the skin lesions. they felt that the lesions were most consistent with a neutrophilic dermatosis such as pyodermic gangrenosum versus sweet's disease which has a high incidence in myelodysplastic syndrome. also on the differential diagnosis was exanthematic gangrenosum due to pseudomonas infection as well as a deep fungal infection and cutaneous leukemia/lymphoma. the left axillary lesion was biopsied and sent for bacterial, and fungal, and atypical mycobacterial cultures. the dermatology consultation agreed with intravenous antibiotics. on , the patient was felt to be functionally neutropenic; and given the question of pseudomonas infection, he was started on intravenous ceftazidime. he was also continued on intravenous oxacillin. the infectious disease service was consulted regarding the disseminated intravascular coagulation and choice of antibiotics. they agreed with ongoing ceftazidime and oxacillin. on their differential was bacterial infections; namely furunculosis or xanthomatous granulosum. they also considered sporotrichum infections, mycobacterial infections, tick-borne diseases. they also considered sweet's disease in malignancy associated conditions. they recommended a ct of the abdomen if the workup was unrevealing. a renal ultrasound was also performed on which showed multiple stones in the collecting system, but no evidence of hydronephrosis or renal abscess. on , the patient's skin biopsy gram stain revealed 2+ polys and no organisms, and the aerobic culture grew out coagulase-positive staphylococcus. at that point, it was decided to treat the patient for 10 days with intravenous oxacillin. the preliminary pathology report on the skin biopsy was as follows; clusters of plasma cells with infiltrative lymphocytes and neutrophils. on the differential was pyoderma versus infection versus plasma cell neoplasm. on , a serum protein electrophoresis and urine protein electrophoresis; which had been sent out earlier in the week, came back positive for monoclonal spike in the spep and two abnormal bands on the upep. a monoclonal intact immunoglobulin g lambda and monoclonal free lambda ( -). these results were discussed with the patient's outpatient hematologist who agreed with consulting the inpatient hematology service. the hematology service recommended starting the patient on decadron but holding off on melphalan. they said that overall, the association between myelodysplastic syndrome and multiple myeloma is not known, but they felt that people with malignancy and myeloma could develop severe disseminated intravascular coagulation which was consistent with the patient's clinical picture. on , the patient had a ct of the abdomen, chest, and pelvis to look for sources of occult infection. the ct of the chest was significant for a 1.2-cm nodule in the right upper lung adjacent to the major fissure. the ct of the abdomen and pelvis revealed a 1.2-cm cyst in the body of the pancreas. there was no lymphadenopathy that was noted in the mediastinum, in the axilla, or in the pelvis. on , the patient's diagnosis of myeloma was questioned by dr. (who was the patient's outpatient hematologist), and it was felt that the monoclonal spike most likely represented myoclonal gammopathy of unknown significance rather than myeloma. at that point, the steroids were discontinued, and the decision was made to repeat the skin biopsy given the questionable read of plasmacytoma. in the meantime, the infectious disease workup continued; and - virus, cytomegalovirus, cryptococcal, and coccidia serologies were checked; which all came back as negative. also, babesia thick and thin smears were checked given a history of transfusions. on , the ceftazidime was discontinued after eight days secondary to no known organisms. the patient developed increasing transfusion dependence. previously, he had only required transfusions prior to procedure. at this point, he required transfusions to stop bleeding from his intravenous sites and from his biopsy sites. on , the patient had frank bleeding from his skin biopsy site that required two hours of manual pressure and resuturing to achieve hemostasis. also, the issues of access were raised given that the patient had only one peripheral intravenous line and was in need of multiple blood products. at that point, a peripherally inserted central catheter line was placed in interventional radiology. also, on the evening of , the patient had an adverse reaction while getting transfused with cryoprecipitate. on , the patient had a repeat bone marrow aspiration and biopsy. at that point, it was felt that given that the skin biopsies were nondiagnostic that the question of whether the patient was transforming into an acute leukemia needed to be readdressed. this bone marrow biopsy returned the week later and was consistent with myelodysplastic syndrome with no evidence of acute leukemia. subsequently, from to , the patient continued to require aggressive blood product support through his disseminated intravascular coagulation with daily transfusions of platelets, packed red blood cells, cryoprecipitate, and fresh frozen plasma. disseminated intravascular coagulation laboratories were checked twice a day, and factors and cells were replaced liberally as the patient continued to ooze through his peripherally inserted central catheter site and biopsy sites. on , the patient became acutely hypotensive with a systolic blood pressure in the 90s. he was also symptomatic and complaining of lightheadedness. the patient was boluses with fluids and received blood products with a return of his blood pressure to the 140s. he had a repeat episode on , to which he again responded to fluids and blood products. on , the patient's repeat skin biopsy was read as consistent with intracellular organisms. toxoplasmosis stains done were positive, and the diagnosis of cutaneous toxoplasmosis was made with a question of toxoplasma-induced disseminated intravascular coagulation. on , the patient was started on medications for toxoplasmosis consisting of sulfadiazine, pyrimethamine, and folinic acid. he was also started on g-csf given his profound neutropenia and the possibility of a granulocytosis with a sulfa regimen. multiple urine cultures from to were positive for enterococcus. the infectious disease consultants felt that this was most likely a contaminant and was not initially treated. however, on , the patient was started on vancomycin for an enterococcus urinary tract infection. on the morning of , the patient had multiple sets of blood cultures which came back positive as gram-positive cocci in pairs and clusters. he had also been spiking fevers, and this was felt to be secondary to staphylococcus bacteremia. the patient was maintained on his toxoplasmosis medications as well as vancomycin. he was also on flagyl at this point for stools positive for clostridium difficile. on the evening of , the patient complained of chest pain. the night float intern was called to see the patient, and an electrocardiogram was checked which was unchanged. his chest pain was treated with sublingual nitroglycerin, morphine, and ativan. several hours later, the patient again complained of chest pain, and at this time was markedly tachypneic with a respiratory rate in the 30s and a heart rate in the 100s. a blood gas was checked at this time which revealed a respiratory alkalosis with a large aa gradient. there was concern that the patient may have had a pulmonary embolism. an electrocardiogram was checked which showed ischemic changes across the precordium as well as in the lateral leads. troponin were cycled and found to be elevated. on examination, the patient was found to be in an irregular rhythm. an electrocardiogram was again checked, and that showed that the patient was in atrial fibrillation. he had previously, throughout the course of the admission, been in a normal sinus rhythm. the patient was also tachycardic to the 180s and was given intravenous diltiazem with minimal effect. the medical intensive care unit service was consulted and recommended cardioversion with amiodarone. however, the amiodarone could not be administered on the floor, and the patient required transfer to the medical intensive care unit for cardioversion. in the intensive care unit, on amiodarone, the patient did cardioverted back to sinus rhythm. he was also placed with a femoral line given that his peripherally inserted central catheter line was infected and felt to be the source of his staphylococcus bacteremia. on the evening of , the patient was transferred back from the medical intensive care unit to the floor initially in sinus rhythm; however, the patient converted back to atrial fibrillation shortly thereafter. on the following day, the sensitivities of the patient's blood cultures revealed the organisms were resistant to oxacillin, and the patient was continued on vancomycin. it was noted that his disseminated intravascular coagulation appeared to be stabilized. the patient was requiring fewer blood transfusions and was maintaining his counts for longer periods of time status post transfusions. however, it was notable that from a mental status standpoint, the patient was becoming quite frustrated with the number of complications that he was facing and was increasingly less optimistic about his prognosis. previously during the admission, in fact it was on , the patient; in consultation with his son and with his attending, decided on a do not resuscitate/do not intubate code status. this was later changed to comfort measures only on . his house officer, his attending, and his consultants related the fact that while his overall prognosis was poor, that he was actually showing signs of improvement regarding his disseminated intravascular coagulation and his staphylococcus infection. however, while the patient expressed a clear understanding of this, he wanted to continue with his decision to be comfort measures only. at that point, all intravenous fluids, medications, blood draws, and blood product support were withdrawn. he was ordered for intravenous morphine as needed, and for intravenous ativan, and valium as needed. social work and the palliative care service were involved with helping the patient deal with this decision and helping the family also cope with the imminent loss of their father. note: there will be an addendum that will be added at a later date. , m.d. dictated by: medquist36 procedure: venous catheterization, not elsewhere classified venous catheterization, not elsewhere classified biopsy of bone marrow injection or infusion of other therapeutic or prophylactic substance other conversion of cardiac rhythm closed biopsy of skin and subcutaneous tissue closed biopsy of skin and subcutaneous tissue diagnoses: acidosis acute kidney failure, unspecified hyposmolality and/or hyponatremia atrial fibrillation defibrination syndrome other specified septicemias acute myocardial infarction of unspecified site, initial episode of care multisystemic disseminated toxoplasmosis Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: history of present illness: this is a 56-year-old male who has had a prior history of myocardial infarction, who presented with palpitations and dyspnea and ruled in for a heart attack. past medical history: his past medical history is significant for high cholesterol, reflux, and increased liver function tests as well as an anxiety disorder. past surgical history: the patient has no past surgical history. allergies: he has no known drug allergies. medications: his medications include atenolol 25 mg b.i.d., digoxin 0.5 mg q.d., zantac 150 mg, allopurinol 300 mg, levoxyl 120 mg b.i.d., aspirin 325 mg q.d. physical examination: he was afebrile. his vital signs were stable. his lungs were clear. his heart had a regular rate and rhythm with no murmurs, rubs or gallops. his abdomen was soft, nontender and nondistended. his extremities were warm and well perfused. laboratory data: his sodium was 139, potassium 4.4, bun 23, creatinine 1.2, and blood sugar 108. his electrocardiogram showed a normal sinus rhythm with some decreased t waves in the lateral leads. hospital course: the patient was taken to the catheterization laboratory and was found to have multiple vessel disease and required a coronary artery bypass graft. the patient was taken to the operating room on where a coronary artery bypass graft was performed. the patient was transferred to the csru postoperatively where he did well. his blood pressure was labile; however, he was able to be weaned slowly off of his ventilator, and he was extubated. the patient continued to do well, and his foley was removed. the patient was stable and transferred to the floor postoperatively. however, his sternum began to have increased drainage along the incision site. the incision was opened and began to drain. the patient as started on antibiotics. the patient was readmitted to the intensive care unit on status post sternal debridement. he had an episode of supraventricular tachycardia in the operating room and required cardioversion. again, the patient was extubated and did well. the patient had a wound vac placed, and continued to do well. he stayed in the intensive care unit for a prolonged period of time for drainage. he was reintubated and taken back to the operating room on for an omental flap done by plastic surgery. plastic surgery continued to follow him. physical therapy also followed him. the patient grew out enterobacter from his wound and was on intravenous antibiotics. postoperatively, after the omental flap, the patient was transferred back to the csru where he continued to do well. he was slowly weaned off of his ventilator and was extubated. the patient continued to do well and was transferred to the floor. on , he was transferred to the floor. the patient did well. he was able to get up and walk around. physical therapy approved his discharge home. the picc line, which had been placed in the intensive care unit, had fallen out, so a new picc line was placed for intravenous antibiotics administration. the patient had drain placed during the time of omental flap which was followed by the plastic surgery service. plastic surgery suggested to continue the drain suction until follow-up in outpatient clinic on , at the resident clinic. the patient continued on his intravenous antibiotics. his pain was controlled with p.o. pain medications, and the patient was discharged with services. discharge medications: the patient was discharged on dulcolax, colchicine, ...................., percocet one to two tablets p.o. q.4 hours, amiodarone 200 mg p.o. q.d., levofloxacin 500 mg for a completion of six weeks, vancomycin 1250 mg intravenously b.i.d., lopressor 25 mg p.o. b.i.d., and enteric coated aspirin 325 mg p.o. q.d. follow-up: the patient was instructed to follow-up with the plastic surgery department on tuesday, an was also instructed to follow-up with his primary care physician in one to two weeks as well as following up with cardiology in two to four weeks. the patient was discharged home in stable condition. , m.d. dictated by: medquist36 procedure: insertion of intercostal catheter for drainage continuous invasive mechanical ventilation for less than 96 consecutive hours (aorto)coronary bypass of three coronary arteries extracorporeal circulation auxiliary to open heart surgery coronary arteriography using two catheters left heart cardiac catheterization insertion of endotracheal tube incision of mediastinum other repair of chest wall excisional debridement of wound, infection, or burn excisional debridement of wound, infection, or burn excisional debridement of wound, infection, or burn double internal mammary-coronary artery bypass diagnoses: subendocardial infarction, initial episode of care coronary atherosclerosis of native coronary artery esophageal reflux pure hypercholesterolemia other postoperative infection unspecified essential hypertension other specified cardiac dysrhythmias other specified bacterial infections in conditions classified elsewhere and of unspecified site, other gram-negative organisms Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: history of present illness: patient was initially evaluated in the emergency room for a complaint of left flank pain, which has been present intermittently for several months. she also has noted difficulty with visual changes and focusing. the flank pain occurs with eating. it has been more frequent over the last 3 days. she has also noted blurry vision with difficulty focusing. she denies any nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, bloody stools, melena, fever, chills, chest pain, or shortness of breath. patient was initially evaluated in the emergency room and admitted to the medical service for continued care. allergies: sulfa, manifestations unknown. medications: prilosec, darvocet, metoprolol, metformin, lisinopril, diltiazem, zocor, aspirin, niacin, and cartia. illnesses: insulin-dependent diabetes with neuropathy and a right foot ulceration, history of hypertension, history of uti vre infection treated. social history: the patient lives at home alone. she denies tobacco, alcohol, or drug use. physical exam: vital signs: 98.9, 71, 18, 154/67, and oxygen saturation 98% on room air. general appearance: elderly female in no acute distress sitting up in bed. heent exam is unremarkable. there is no jvd. lungs are clear to auscultation bilaterally. heart is a regular rate and rhythm. abdomen is obese with bowel sounds. it is nontender and left lower quadrant pain cannot be re-elicited. extremities are without edema with bilateral foot ulcers. neurological: a visual field deficit by confrontation. other than the visual changes, no other focal motor deficits. admitting labs: white count 8.0, hematocrit of 34.1, platelets of 174 k, bun 26, creatinine 1.0. urinalysis: positive for protein and glucose. ck was 77 with troponin 0.01. inr was 1.2. chest x-ray was without acute process. hospital course: neurology was consulted for the visual field changes. patient was evaluated by the stroke service for her right visual neglect. a mri was done, which showed a posterior subsulcus changes lateral to the thalamus, chronic microvascular disease. there was no acute bleed. they felt that the findings were probably to microembolization versus small vessel disease. patient was transferred to the neurology service. tte was also recommended in telemetry. patient was started on aggrenox 1 b.i.d. and maintained a systolic blood pressure of 120. taper blood pressure medications as needed. speech therapy, pt, and ot consults. patient had an echocardiogram done, which showed mild left atrial enlargement. the right atrium and intra-atrial septum was mildly dilated. there was normal intra-atrial septum. there was no asd or pfo by 2-d color doppler or saline contrast maneuvers. left ventricle was normal in wall thickness, cavity size, and systolic function with an ejection fraction of 55%. there was no lv mass or thrombus. the right ventricle was normal. the aorta and aortic valve, mitral valves were mildly thickened, but not stenotic, and no mitral regurgitation or mitral valve prolapse. the tricuspid valve was normal with trivial tricuspid regurgitation, normal pa systolic pressures. there was no pericardial effusion. essentially, there was no source for cardiac emboli seen. patient underwent carotid ultrasounds, which demonstrated a 60-69% left internal carotid artery stenosis with heterogeneous calcified plaque. there was no significant right internal carotid stenosis. it was graded at less than 40%. ct of the abdomen demonstrated uncomplicated sigmoid diverticulitis without evidence of frank perforation or abscess. a nodular liver with enlargement of the caudate lobe consistent with cirrhosis and a low attenuation focus was too small to be characterized. initial head ct showed no acute intracranial hemorrhage or infarct. mr of the head was attained, which demonstrated restricted diffusion in the left optic radiation anterior to the occipital of the left lateral ventricle. there was also noted right flare images. a combination of signal patterns would suggest subacute infarct. there are a few discrete foci and confluent areas of t2 hyperintensity within the periventricular deep and subcortical white matter of both cerebral hemispheres consistent with small chronic vessel disease. there is also evidence of foci of prior hemorrhagic infections. there are anterolisthesis of c2 on c3 likely due to degenerative changes. mra of the carotids and head was obtained, which demonstrated severe stenosis of the left common carotid artery before its bifurcation. there was moderate stenosis of the right common carotid artery before its bifurcation. there was a slight irregularity of the left proximal vertebral artery, which may represent atherosclerotic disease versus tortuous vessel. vascular consult was placed on . he was seen by vascular attending, dr. , who felt that a left carotid endarterectomy was indicated. patient was also evaluated by pt and ot, who felt that acute rehab is recommended for the patient before being discharged to home. patient was also evaluated by speech and swallow evaluation for aphasia screening and bedside swallowing evaluation. the speech-swallow findings were there was auditory comprehension, mildly impaired with decreased auditory comprehension as material presented increased in length or complexity. expressive language appeared to be mild-to- moderately impaired. verbal output is fluent. phase length, grammatic form, and melodic line were within normal limits. patient's repetition of words and sentences were normal. responsive naming was normal and confrontation naming was mildly impaired. expository speech output was noted for frequent word retrieval difficulty, and speech was characterized occasional pneumonic paraphasic errors. recommendations that the patient would require complete cognitive-linguistic evaluation and treatment at an acute level rehab. swallow study: the patient did not demonstrate swallowing impairment or aspiration, and that a regular diet could be continued and medications could be given with thick liquids. patient underwent on a left carotid endarterectomy without complications. she was transferred to the pacu in stable condition. the patient was evaluated by cardiology preoperatively and stressed. patient's persantine mibi demonstrated left ventricular cavity and normal size. stress perfusion images revealed mildly decreased tracer uptake in the inferior wall. these changes reversible on rest images. gated images revealed normal wall motion, calculated ejection fraction was 52%. cardiology reviewed the results of the stress test and felt the patient was at moderate risk for surgery and that we could plan surgery to continue beta-blockade. the patient's postoperative course from a cardiac standpoint was unremarkable. the patient was transferred to the pacu to the vicu for continued monitoring and care. postoperative day 1, wounds were evaluated and there was no hematoma. patient was neurologically stable. patient was started on an insulin drip for hyperglycemia. she was followed by dr. for diabetic management, and her insulin dosing was adjusted. diet was advanced as tolerated, and fluids were hep locked. patient's preoperative medications were restarted. patient would be discharged to acute rehab when medically stable. discharge medications: levofloxacin 500 mg q.24h., flagyl 500 t.i.d., pravastatin 40 mg daily, zyloprim 5 mg at bedtime p.r.n., diltiazem 240 mg sustained release daily, protonix 40 mg daily, senna tablets 8.6 mg tablets 2 b.i.d. p.r.n., lisinopril 2.5 mg daily, niacin 500 mg sustained release tablet b.i.d., alprazolam 0.25 t.i.d., omega-3 fatty acids capsule 1 b.i.d., metoprolol tartrate 25 mg t.i.d., insulin 70/30 ninety-five units q.a.m. and 80 units at dinner with an insulin regular sliding scale q.6h. as follows: glucoses less than 120, no insulin; 121-160, 3 units; 161-200, 6 units; 201- 240, 9 units; 241-280, 12 units; glucoses 281-320, 15 units; greater than 320, notify a physician. discharge diagnoses: sigmoid diverticulitis, uncomplicated, right foot ulceration chronic, stable on antibiotics, embolic cerebrovascular accident with expressive aphasia, carotid stenosis status post left carotid endarterectomy, type 2 diabetes, insulin dependent uncontrolled. , procedure: endarterectomy, other vessels of head and neck diagnoses: unspecified essential hypertension ulcer of other part of foot diabetes with neurological manifestations, type ii or unspecified type, uncontrolled diverticulitis of colon (without mention of hemorrhage) occlusion and stenosis of carotid artery with cerebral infarction Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: allergies: patient recorded as having no known allergies to drugs attending: chief complaint: wheezing and somnolence major surgical or invasive procedure: none history of present illness: 64 yo m with complex medical history including history of copd and complex sleep disordered breathing. presented to hospital on from after three days of cough, dyspnea, and loss of appetite. as outpatient he was thought to have pneumonia and was started on levofloxacin with addition of ceftriaxone earlier today when there was no improvement in symptoms. initial labwork at facility showed a leukocytosis of 15.7 with 14% bands and a new elevation in cr up to 2.4. additionally had hypoxemia with o2 sat down to 79%. at that point nrb was applied and patient was transferred to ed. . on the medical floor, the primary team was treating primarily for copd exacerbation and hcap. as patient's breathing was appearing labored around 2200, an abg was 7.34/67/63. given that patient appeared to have a baseline pco2 around 80 in of this year, team opted for close monitoring through the night. at approximately 0200 today, the patient was triggered for increasing somnolence and tachypnea. the covering nightfloat intern performed two separate abgs which showed a trend toward worsening acidosis with serial measures of 7.32/74/80 at 0054 today and 7.28/79/77 at 0147 today. given this trend, decision was made to tranfer to the micu for non-invasive ventilation. patient was afebrile and normotensive on floor. of note, patient has a diagnosis of complex sleep disordered breathing with recent bipap titration in sleep lab on . was initially diagnosed with sleep disordered breathing during inpatient admission in 12/. . while in the micu, the patient was started on a 10-day course of vancomycin/cefepime and 5-day course of azithromycin. he was also re-started on his home bipap. his hypoxemia improved, and he was transferred back to the medical floor. . the patient remained stable on the medical floor and reported subjective improvement in his breathing. his o2sat's remained stable on supplemental oxygen, and he remained afebrile without leukocytosis. when he returned to the medical floor, a hyperkeratotic, hyperpigmented, raised, demarcated patch was noted on his left lower extremity. we will recommend that the patient be followed on an out-patient basis by dermatology. . review of systems: patient minimally interactive and unable to provide full ros past medical history: 1) diabetes mellitus, type ii 2) cad s/p cabg 3) copd on 2l home o2 4) complex sleep-disordered breathing (on was prescribed ipap 13, epap 10, non-vented full face mask, and eers 100ml) 5) hx of pe in on coumadin 6) hypertension 7) peripheral vascular disease 8) chronic renal insufficiency (baseline cr 1.8 - 2.0) 9) ? decreased systolic function on last tte (poor image quality) 10) rheumatoid arthritis 11) depression 12) bipolar disorder 13) schizophrenia 14) recurrent hyperkalemia 15) glaucoma 16) mrsa carrier (swab +ve on ) social history: lives at in currently. not currently working. he ambulates with difficulty using a walker and prefers to be in a wheelchair. he is divorced and has no children. tobacco: he smoked one pack per day for 35 years, but quit about a year ago. question of recently starting again. etoh: he quit drinking about five years ago, but only drank socially before then. illicits: denies family history: mother: father: disease physical exam: vs: t 96.6, hr 94, bp 120/88, rr 20, o2sat 97% 2l nc gen: awake, sitting up right in chair heent: perrl, moist mucous membranes neck: supple, no jvp elevation pulm: decreased air movement bilaterally; no wheezes, rhonchi, or rales. card: rrr, nl s1, nl s2, no m/r/g abd: obese, bs+, soft, nt, nd ext: ble with chronic venous stasis changes, no edema. hyperkeratotic, hyperpigmented, raised, well-demarcated patch noted on left lower extremity. neuro: aox3 pertinent results: on admission: 04:20pm blood wbc-14.9*# rbc-3.56* hgb-10.2* hct-32.3* mcv-91# mch-28.6 mchc-31.5 rdw-15.0 plt ct-190 04:20pm blood neuts-84* bands-0 lymphs-6* monos-10 eos-0 baso-0 04:20pm blood plt ct-190 09:00pm blood pt-14.1* inr(pt)-1.2* 04:20pm blood glucose-110* urean-61* creat-3.1*# na-140 k-5.4* cl-94* hco3-34* angap-17 10:11pm blood type-art po2-63* pco2-67* ph-7.34* caltco2-38* base xs-6 comment-o2 deliver 10:11pm blood lactate-0.7 10:32pm urine color-yellow appear-clear sp -1.009 10:32pm urine blood-tr nitrite-neg protein-75 glucose-neg ketone-neg bilirub-neg urobiln-neg ph-7.0 leuks-neg 10:32pm urine rbc-0-2 wbc-0-2 bacteri-few yeast-none epi-0 10:32pm urine hours-random urean-511 creat-71 na-37 k-29 cl-11 10:32pm urine osmolal-310 discharge labs: 05:50am blood wbc-10.5 rbc-2.96* hgb-8.3* hct-27.9* mcv-94 mch-28.2 mchc-29.9* rdw-15.5 plt ct-251 05:50am blood plt ct-251 05:50am blood pt-31.1* ptt-32.9 inr(pt)-3.1* 05:50am blood glucose-139* urean-73* creat-1.7* na-140 k-5.6* cl-104 hco3-30 angap-12 05:50am blood calcium-9.1 phos-4.1 mg-2.4 legionella urinary antigen (final ): negative for legionella serogroup 1 antigen. urine culture (final ): <10,000 organisms/ml. blood culture, routine (pending): . ecg : sinus tachycardia. qrs width at 160 milliseconds. right bundle-branch block. axis indeterminate. since the previous tracing of the rate is faster. . cxr (ap) : one view of the chest: the lungs are low in volume and show a right upper lobe consolidation. elevation of the left hemidiaphragm is unchanged compared to prior exam. the cardiac silhouette is mildly enlarged. no definite pleural effusions are noted. impression: right upper lobe pneumonia. limited exam. . ecg : sinus rhythm. since the previous tracing the rate is slower. now apparent are st segment elevations in the early precordial leads v2-v6 are more prominent, although were present to a lesser degree on . clinical correlation is suggested. . cxr (ap) : impression: elevation of the left hemidiaphragm and associated left lower lobe atelectasis are longstanding. large area of consolidation in the right upper lobe, new since , is more extensive today than on . heart is mildly enlarged. right lower lung grossly clear. no appreciable pleural effusion. . cxr(ap) : impression: stable right upper lobe consolidation with small right pleural effusion. brief hospital course: 64 yo m with complex medical history including history of copd and complex sleep disordered breathing. presented to hospital with clinical history of pneumonia and then developed somnolence on medical floor in setting of suspected copd exacerbation. transferred to the micu due to increasing somnolence and respiratory acidosis, started on bipap and vancomycin/cefepime/azithromycin antibiotic regimen, then returned to the medical floor with stable o2sats on supplemental oxygen. . #. acute on chronic hypercapneic respiratory failure: patient with history of copd and complex sleep disordered breathing as well as obesity which all are likely contributing to acute presentation of respiratory failure. patient was not ordered for home bipap while on medical floor and this likely contributed to his inability to maintain adequate ventilation. upon night of admission the patient was triggered for increasing somnolence and tachypnea. two separate abgs showed a trend toward worsening acidosis with serial measures of 7.32/74/80 and 7.28/79/77. given this trend, decision was made to tranfer to the micu for non-invasive ventilation. his worsening resp status was attributed to lack of bipap and he was placed back on bipap. he also did have evidence of a rul pneumonia on cxr. given bandemia prior to presentation and tachypnea as well as somnolence, we broadened to pseudomonal coverage. he was treated with cefepime, vancomycin, and azithromycin. for his copd, he was given a steroid burst prednisone 40mg x 6 days and continued on nebs. resp status improved and he was neither tachypneic nor somnolent and had oxygen saturations in the 90s by time of discharge. . #. acute on chronic renal failure: cr on admission was 3.1, up from his baseline of 1.8. pt appeared clinically hypovolemic but his febun of 36% argued against prerenal etiology. his home lasix was held. cr improved to 1.7 by time of discharge with minimal iv fluids. . #. pe history: pt was not tachycardic and ekg did not show changes corresponding to acute pe. he did, however, have a history of pe and was on coumadin. inr was subtherapeutic at 1.2 on admission. he was started on a heparin drip to bridge to coumadin. his coumadin was initially started at 7.5mg and increased to 10mg. his dose was reduced again to 5.0mg and his inr=3.1 on discharge. . #. diabetes: no acute issues. he was maintained on hiss. . #. coronary artery disease: no acute issues. he was continued on his aspirin and beta blocker. he was not on a statin for unclear reasons. . #. bipolar / schizophrenia: no acute issues. he was continued on his home risperidone, oxcarbazepine, and divalproex . #left leg lesion and leg ulcerations: no interventions made while in house, but would consider outpatient dermatology follow up for raised lesion on l leg and vascular surgery follow up for leg ulcers. medications on admission: 1) warfarin (illegible dose in record) 2) duonebs tid 3) alendronate 70mg po qsunday 4) furosemide 60mg daily 5) aspirin 81mg daily 6) spiriva 1 cap daily 7) amlodipine 10mg daily 8) calcitriol 0.25mg daily 9) emulose 10g/15ml daily 10) ventolin hfa 90mcg 2 puffs 11) divalproex 500mg 12) docusate 100mg 13) ferrous sulfate 325mg 14) flovent hfa 110mcg 1 puff 15) hydroxychloroquine 400mg 16) metoprolol 25mg 17) oxcarbazepine 300mg 18) ranitidine 150mg 19) risperidone 3mg qhs 20) tamsulosin 0.4mg qhs 21) hiss discharge medications: 1. warfarin 5 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po once daily at 4 pm. 2. alendronate 70 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po once a week: 1tab every sunday. 3. lasix 20 mg tablet sig: three (3) tablet po once a day. tablet(s) 4. aspirin 81 mg tablet, chewable sig: one (1) tablet, chewable po daily (daily). tablet, chewable(s) 5. spiriva with handihaler 18 mcg capsule, w/inhalation device sig: thirty (30) inhalation once a day. 6. amlodipine 10 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po once a day. 7. calcitriol 0.25 mcg capsule sig: one (1) capsule po daily (daily). capsule(s) 8. ventolin hfa 90 mcg/actuation hfa aerosol inhaler sig: two (2) inhalation twice a day. 9. divalproex 500 mg tablet, delayed release (e.c.) sig: one (1) tablet, delayed release (e.c.) po bid (2 times a day). 10. docusate sodium 100 mg capsule sig: one (1) capsule po bid (2 times a day). 11. ferrous sulfate 300 mg (60 mg iron) tablet sig: one (1) tablet po bid (2 times a day). 12. flovent hfa 110 mcg/actuation aerosol sig: one (1) inhalation twice a day. 13. hydroxychloroquine 200 mg tablet sig: two (2) tablet po bid (2 times a day). 14. metoprolol tartrate 25 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po bid (2 times a day). 15. oxcarbazepine 150 mg tablet sig: two (2) tablet po bid (2 times a day). 16. ranitidine hcl 150 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po daily (daily). 17. risperidone 1 mg tablet sig: three (3) tablet po hs (at bedtime). 18. tamsulosin 0.4 mg capsule, sust. release 24 hr sig: one (1) capsule, sust. release 24 hr po hs (at bedtime). 19. cefepime 2 gram recon soln sig: one (1) recon soln injection q24h (every 24 hours). 20. vancomycin in d5w 1 gram/200 ml piggyback sig: one (1) intravenous q 24h (every 24 hours). 21. insulin lispro 100 unit/ml solution sig: one (1) subcutaneous asdir (as directed). 22. lactulose 10 gram/15 ml solution sig: one (1) po once a day. discharge disposition: extended care facility: - discharge diagnosis: primary: pneumonia, acute renal failure, copd secondary: hypertension, type ii diabetes, coronary artery disease, rheumatoid arthritis, depression, bipolar disorder, schizoaffective disorder, peripheral vascular disease, glaucoma discharge condition: mental status: confused - sometimes. level of consciousness: lethargic but arousable. activity status: out of bed with assistance to chair or wheelchair. discharge instructions: dear mr. -- you were recently hospitalized at the medical center for fever, shortness of breath, and low oxygen saturation. it was likely due to a pneumonia and exacerbation of your copd. you arrived on the medical on and in your first night here you had difficulty breathing and staying awake. your kidney function was also reduced because you were dehydrated. you were transferred to the intensive care unit (icu) in order to improve your oxygenation and then returned to the medical on for further management. while you were in the icu, you were started on antibiotics and given fluids to increase circulation to your kidneys. you were also given your bipap to help you breath while you were sleeping and a picc line to administer the antibiotics. when you returned to the medical , your fever had subsided and your breathing returned to baseline. you were continued on your antibiotics and will complete the full course in the coming days. followup instructions: please follow-up with your pcp when you return to the . you also have the following upcoming appointments in : physician: , md phone: date/time: @ 10:00am physician: , md phone: date/time: @ 10:00am procedure: venous catheterization, not elsewhere classified arterial catheterization diagnoses: pneumonia, organism unspecified abnormal coagulation profile anemia, unspecified congestive heart failure, unspecified acute kidney failure, unspecified hypertensive chronic kidney disease, unspecified, with chronic kidney disease stage i through stage iv, or unspecified obstructive chronic bronchitis with (acute) exacerbation coronary atherosclerosis of unspecified type of vessel, native or graft aortocoronary bypass status unspecified glaucoma chronic kidney disease, unspecified unspecified schizophrenia, unspecified pulmonary collapse acute and chronic respiratory failure chronic systolic heart failure long-term (current) use of anticoagulants rheumatoid arthritis carrier or suspected carrier of methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus hypovolemia bipolar disorder, unspecified atherosclerosis of native arteries of the extremities, unspecified chronic pulmonary embolism Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: allergies: patient recorded as having no known allergies to drugs attending: chief complaint: coffee ground emesis major surgical or invasive procedure: cholecystectomy with closure of cholecystoduodenal fistula for duodenal ulcer with cholecystoduodenal fistula. history of present illness: 55 year-old male with a h/o etoh and hep c cirrhosis, abuse and ?cad and seizure d/o who presented to osh on with several episodes of coffee ground emesis. he apparently went to center for addictive behavior to be detoxed from heroin on . approx 3:30am on the 15th, pt woke up and had a loose stool but did not see the color. at approx 730am, he vomitted black material. he then went to the osh ed where he had coffee ground material in his stomach with some pinkish liquid which did not clear. he also had black positive stool. he then stated he had had some abd cramping during the day . during the day at osh, he stated he was nauseous and dizzy. . he got an egd at osh in evening which showed 2 duodenal ulcers which were clean based. one was noted as having a crater in the center c/w perforation or fistula. had gastric but not esophageal varices. ct and kub both showed no free air but ct showed gas in biliary tree and kub showed ? emphysematous cholecystitis. of note, pt states he has been using nsaids for l knee pain for the last several months. he recieved 6 units ffp and 3 units prbcs a osh as well as kayexalate for hyperkalemia. on morning of transfer, hct 27.8, inr 1.8, tbili 3.5. apparently, on admission, hct 38 but dropped after fluid resuscitation to 24. on admission, inr 1.99 at osh. . on arrival to the icu, the pt has dry mouth, headache, l knee pain and abd pain which he has had for several days. last bm was black and was 24 hrs ago. denies nausea, vomitting, fevers, cp, sob, diarrhea. states he has had dark urine over past several days at rehab. past medical history: hep c/ etoh cirrhosis- per osh, no known h/o ascites, sbp. has h/o hepatic encephalopathy. states had gib 6 mo ago with dark stools but was d/c'd from osh without egd w/ ?dx - tear. gastric varices at osh on egd, no esophageal varices. states recieved a partial course of interferon but d/c'd psych side effects. - poly substance abuse- last used heroin but detoxed at center for addictive behavior . h/o benzodiazepine abuse per osh record. - htn- formerly was on clonidine - ?cad- states tx for possible mi approx 7 yrs ago at hospital - oa of l knee- s/p injury . was taking nsaids prior to admission. h/o arthroscopy which showed avascular necrosis - bilat middle cerebral artery aneurysm- on mri/ mra at osh. pt noted in records to have refused intervention in past - depression and anxiety- h/o si - etoh abuse with h/o withdrawl - seizure d/o- reports last seizure 6 mo ago. on neurontin but per pt should be on other meds as well. does not know names thereof. - chronic headaches - "breathing problems" deviated septum (per hosp record) - ulnar nerve entrapment, l carpal tunnel syndrome -bipolar d/o -h/o drug overdoses social history: homeless living prior to admission at osh at rehab and prior to that at shelter and with girlfriend. abuser- last used heroin iv on a daily basis in early prior to entering detox. states last used etoh 1 yr ago. apparently used heavily in his 20's. smokes cigarettes ppd. family history: positive for substance abuse in 2 sisters. fh of liver disease. aunt with lung ca in her 50s. mother with htn. on fh of heart disease physical exam: vitals: t: bp: hr: rr: o2sat: gen: no acute distress, states in pain but falling asleep during exam heent: perrl, sclera icteric, no epistaxis or rhinorrhea, dry mucous membrane cor: rrr, no m/g/r, normal s1 s2, pulm: lungs ctab, no w/r/r abd: nt, softly distended, +bs, no masses ext: no c/c/e, 2+ dp bilat neuro: alert, oriented x2. unsure of date and day of week. cn ii ?????? xii grossly intact. moves all 4 extremities. slight resting tremor. no asterixis. skin: no cyanosis, or gross dermatitis. no ecchymoses. pertinent results: cxr history: transferred from outside hospital, to evaluate for central catheter. findings: no previous images. no evidence of acute cardiopulmonary disease. right subclavian catheter extends to the mid portion of the svc. the study and the report were reviewed by the staff radiologist. ct abd/pelvis ct abdomen: there are trace bilateral pleural effusions. absence of intravenous contrast limits evaluation of the abdominal parenchymal organs and vasculature. there is ct evidence of anemia. liver is nodular in contour, and slightly shrunken, consistent with reported history of cirrhosis. there is an ill-defined hypodensity in segment iv (2, 19), which is incompletely characterized without iv contrast. there is pneumobilia, as well as air within the gallbladder lumen. gallbladder is also filled partially with oral contrast, which appears to have entered the gallbladder via a fistulous connection from the second portion of the duodenum. in this region, the duodenum is markedly thickened, with prominent peri-duodenal inflammatory stranding. air and oral contrast material is also seen in the distal common bile duct. there is soft tissue prominence in the region of the ampulla, though no definite nodule or mass is seen, and this prominence may be post-procedural related to recent eus. there are prominent porta hepatis, and peripancreatic lymph nodes, but the non-contrast appearance of the pancreas itself is unremarkable. pancreatic duct is not dilated. there are no pancreatic calcifications. prominent varices are seen throughout the left upper abdomen. spleen is mildly enlarged. non-contrast appearance of the kidneys is unremarkable. adrenal glands are normal in size bilaterally. there is no free intraperitoneal air. ct pelvis: pelvic loops of large and small bowel are unremarkable. genitourinary structures are unremarkable. urinary bladder is decompressed with a foley catheter balloon in place. there is no free pelvic fluid or abnormal pelvic or inguinal lymphadenopathy. there is no osseous lesion suspicious for malignancy. mild lumbar spine degenerative changes are noted. impression: 1. pneumobilia, and air and oral contrast material within the gallbladder lumen, concerning for fistulous connection between the adjacent ulcerated second portion of the duodenum seen on recent egd. 2. cirrhotic liver, with incompletely characterized hypodensity in segment iv, prominent periportal lymph nodes, and numerous large splenorenal varices in the left upper quadrant. 3. trace bilateral pleural effusions. labs at discharge: (drawn ) wbc-4.1 rbc-3.52* hgb-11.1* hct-33.1* mcv-94 mch-31.5 mchc-33.5 rdw-16.7* plt ct-116* pt-23.5* ptt-46.9* inr(pt)-2.3* blood glucose-145* urean-8 creat-0.6 na-136 k-3.3 cl-97 hco3-36* angap-6* alt-27 ast-75* alkphos-254* totbili-1.4 albumin-2.2* calcium-7.3* phos-3.2 mg-1.6 brief hospital course: this is a 55 year-old male with a history of etoh/ hep c cirrhosis, abuse who presented from osh with coffee ground emesis, and found to have duodenal ulcers and pneumobilia. upper endoscopy at osh revealed two duodenal ulcers, one which had appeared to be perforated or fistulized. hepatology was consulted and recommended pantoprazole iv drip and octreotide. the octreotide was discontinued after one day. he was given dilaudid for pain. ciprofloxacin and metronidazole were started. surgery was consulted and recommended repeat abdominal ct. ct revealed pneumobilia, with air and oral contrast in gallbladder and cbd, which was thought to be most commmon with fistulous connection between the duodenal ulcer and gallbladder. he was transferred to the surical service on his third hospital day. on , he was given vitamin k 10mg iv x1 on , in preparation for surgery, given his inr was 1.9. he underwent cholecystectomy with closure of cholecystoduodenal fistula for duodenal ulcer with cholecystoduodenal fistula. surgeon was dr. . please see operative note for complete details. operative findings included cirrhotic liver with some ascites and the gallbladder was quite inflamed as was the entire porta. per the op note, "dissection was quite difficult and bloody given the patient's inflammation and cirrhosis. we were able to get around the fistula and the fistula was transected revealing a hole in the duodenum of approximately 1 cm." 4 silk sutures were used to close the duodenal hole. details of the sutures were then used to fix the omentum down over this as a patch. an ng and jp drain were placed. postop, he was sent to the sicu for management. jp drainage was sanguinous.he was transfused with blood products to keep hemodynamics stable. hematocrits stabilized. lfts increased though, but later trended down. daily lactulose enemas were started on pod 1 as he was npo and on bowel rest. tpn was started. iv methadone (10mg q 12 hours) was started to assist with pain control as well as iv dilaudid and ativan prn for agitation given h/o substance abuse. last etoh use was approx 1 yr ago. heroin use iv earlier this month. he did not have signs/symptoms of withdrawl on admission though he was given ativan for anxiety. he was given multivitamins, thiamine, and folic acid. he became increasingly confused/disoriented with o2 desats with pca use. pca was held and dose decreased with improvement. on , he was transferred to the med- unit where npo status and ng continued. ng was removed on . sips were started on . the volume of jp drainage decreased to ~ 110cc/day and became more consistent with ascites fluid. he continued to have waxing/ delerium. lactulose enemas continued and rifaximin was started on . methadone wean was started and weaned off by . ativan and dilaudid doses were decreased with ativan later discontinued but restarted due to anxiety issues. he continued to have a 1:1 sitter to prevent removal of the ng/iv until . lfts trended down and cbc/lytes remained stable on tpn. he became much more clear and the sitter was able to be stopped the jp drainage decreased and the drain was removed on as output was 110cc of straw colored fluid for the previous 24 hours. prolene stitch placed to lrq due to excessive drainage through dressings. stitch to be removed as an outpatient. a picc line was inserted in the left arm. this site became swollen and an us was done to evaluate for dvt. this us revealed a thrombosed left basilic vein with picc line in place. no thrombus in the deep veins of the left arm or in the central veins were noted. tpn continued thru then was d/c'd on as well as the picc line as he tolerated diet advancement. pt was consulted and recommended using a cane for safety. he was cleared for discharge with outpatient continued pt to work on safety, strength and balance. he is ambulating independently with the cane, but required reminders to use the cane as he would forget to use. antibiotics were stopped on (flagyl, ampicillin and cipro). he remained afebrile. the patient has a history of seizure disorder, but not history of seizures while withdrawing in past. he was managed on oral neurontin at home. neurontin was switched to iv keppra and then to po which is his discharge medication. no seizures were noted during this hospital stay. lasix, spironolactone and inderal were restarted at the end of the hospitalization for cirrhosis management. pathology report gallbladder, cholecystectomy: a. chronic cholecystitis. see note. b. cholelithiasis, pigmented type. medications on admission: home medications: lactulose 2 tbsp daily ibuprofen 800mg prn pain inderal 20mg aldactone 50 lasix 20 daily neurontin 100 mirtazepine 45 po qhs celexa 20 daily prilosec- states should be on it but can't afford it. . medications on transfer: neurontin 100 po bid lactulose 20gm po tid levofloxacin 500 po daily metronidazole 500 iv tid mirtazepine 45 po qhs octreotide 500mcg iv gtt pantoprazole 80 iv gtt dilaudid 1mg iv q 4 prn lorazepam 1mg po q 4hr prn discharge medications: 1. rifaximin 200 mg tablet sig: two (2) tablet po tid (3 times a day). 2. pantoprazole 40 mg tablet, delayed release (e.c.) sig: one (1) tablet, delayed release (e.c.) po q24h (every 24 hours). 3. levetiracetam 500 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po bid (2 times a day). 4. mirtazapine 30 mg tablet sig: 1.5 tablets po hs (at bedtime). 5. lorazepam 1 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po q6h (every 6 hours) as needed. 6. hydromorphone 2 mg tablet sig: 1-2 tablets po q6h (every 6 hours) as needed for pain. 7. calcium carbonate 500 mg tablet, chewable sig: one (1) tablet, chewable po qid (4 times a day) as needed. 8. lactulose 10 gram/15 ml solution sig: thirty (30) ml po bid (2 times a day). 9. propranolol 20 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po daily (daily). 10. spironolactone 50 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po bid (2 times a day). 11. furosemide 20 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po daily (daily). 12. citalopram 20 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po daily (daily). discharge disposition: extended care facility: house discharge diagnosis: hcv cirrhosis h/o abuse depression cholecystoduodenal fistula encephalopathy discharge condition: stable discharge instructions: please call dr. office if fever, chills, nauea, vomiting, jaundice, increased abdominal distension/abdominal pain, incision redness/drainage or confusion followup instructions: , md phone: date/time: 8:30 am procedure: parenteral infusion of concentrated nutritional substances cholecystectomy closure of other biliary fistula diagnoses: unspecified essential hypertension chronic hepatitis c without mention of hepatic coma alcoholic cirrhosis of liver cocaine abuse, unspecified opioid type dependence, continuous cerebral aneurysm, nonruptured calculus of gallbladder with other cholecystitis, without mention of obstruction other complications due to other vascular device, implant, and graft epilepsy, unspecified, without mention of intractable epilepsy other ascites aseptic necrosis of head and neck of femur lack of housing unspecified analgesic and antipyretic causing adverse effects in therapeutic use alcohol abuse, in remission osteoarthrosis, localized, not specified whether primary or secondary, lower leg chronic or unspecified duodenal ulcer with perforation, without mention of obstruction Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: history of the present illness: history of present illness was obtained from the patient, who was reliable. is a right-handed 58-year-old white male with a history of hypertension and hyperlipidemia. the patient is a former smoker, who presents with a six-month history of near syncopal episodes with positional changes and visual changes bilaterally, "like water on oil effect." they are not associated with any other symptoms and the visual symptoms are not associated with the near-syncopal episodes. the patient saw his primary care physician, auscultated bilateral bruits. he had a workup on the outside done and mri on , which demonstrated disease bilaterally. he was referred dr. for surgical evaluation. he underwent an arteriogram on , which demonstrated the right internal carotid artery at the origin of 60% to 70% and the left internal carotid artery had a 70% to 80% at the origin. review of systems: review of systems was positive for new left frontal parietal headaches. he denies syncope, seizures, amaurosis, paresis, paralysis, or aphasia. he has a history of coronary artery disease with rare effort angina. this usually describes anterior chest discomfort, relieved with nitroglycerin times one. the patient denies any episodes of congestive heart failure, myocardial infarction, murmur, shortness of breath, dyspnea on exertion, paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea, orthopnea, or edema. the patient does have occasional palpitations. the patient denies dvt, thrombophlebitis or claudication. allergies: the patient has no known drug allergies. past medical history: 1. hypertension. 2. coronary artery disease. 3. hyperlipidemia. 4. degenerative joint disease. past surgical history: previous surgeries included the following: coronary angioplasty times two in , and angioplasty in , tonsillectomy as a child. the patient's cardiologist is dr. at . phone #. medications on admission: 1. lopressor 50 mg. 2. nitro tabs 6.5 mg t.i.d. 3. cardia 180 mg q.d. 4. lipitor 20 mg q.d. 5. alprazolam 0.5 mg p.r.n. 6. cyclobenzaprine 10 mg h.s. 7. ibuprofen 600 mg b.i.d. social history: the patient is a 58-year-old male who is married, former smoker, rate alcohol intake. the patient ambulates independently. physical examination: the patient is an alert and oriented white male in no acute distress. heent: examination was unremarkable. the right groin was clean, dry, and intact; there was no hematoma. pulse examination shows intact pulses bilaterally, carotid, brachial, radial, femoral, dp and pt. the abdominal aorta is nonprominent. he had a bruit on the right and a ??????% on the left. he had no femoral bruits. chest: chest was clear to auscultation. heart: heart revealed regular rate and rhythm with normal s1 and s2; no murmurs, gallops or rubs or extra heart sounds. abdomen: abdomen was benign. bone and joint: examination was unremarkable. neurological: examination was intact. laboratory data: preoperative laboratory work included a cbc with a white count of 8.2, hematocrit 43.6, platelet count 288, bun 11, creatinine 0.9, potassium 3.9, pt/inr, ptt normal. the ekg showed a normal sinus rhythm with a normal axis and a right bundle branch block with q-waves in 3. chest x-ray showed right 6th and 7th rib fractures, old and left 7th rib fracture, old. there was no congestive heart failure or infiltrates. hospital course: the patient was admitted post angiogram to the vascular unit. the department of cardiology was requested to see the patient for a preoperative evaluation prior to undergoing elective endarterectomy. recommendations were to change metoprolol to 75 b.i.d.; begin aspirin 325 mg q.d.; discontinue cartia, begin zestril 5 mg q.d.; folate 800 mg q.d. the patient underwent an exercise persantine thallium, which showed a large reversible defect at the inferior wall. he then underwent a cardiac catheterization, revealing the following: left ventricle with ef 60%, no mitral regurgitation; left main trunk normal; left anterior descending artery showed minimal luminal irregularities; left circumflex showed minimal luminal irregularities; right coronary artery was occluded with left to right collaterization, same as previous cardiac catheterization. the patient was cleared for surgery. he went on . he underwent a right carotid endarterectomy, without complications. he was transferred to the pacu in stable condition. he required neo-synephrine support. postoperatively, he was weaned overnight and on postoperative day #1, he was transferred to the regular nursing floor. he was allowed to ambulate and foley catheter was discontinued. the patient was discharge in stable condition. the wound was clean, dry, and intact. the patient was neurologically intact. discharge medications: 1. zestril 5 mg q.d. 2. lopressor 75 mg b.i.d. 3. aspirin 325 mg daily. 4. lipitor 40 mg q.d. discharge diagnoses: bilateral carotid disease, status post right carotid endarterectomy, hypotension, perioperatively corrected. coronary artery disease, status post left heart catheterization. no intervention. catheterization unchanged from previous catheterization. , m.d. dictated by: medquist36 procedure: angiocardiography of left heart structures left heart cardiac catheterization other and unspecified coronary arteriography arteriography of cerebral arteries endarterectomy, other vessels of head and neck diagnoses: coronary atherosclerosis of native coronary artery unspecified essential hypertension other and unspecified hyperlipidemia other and unspecified angina pectoris occlusion and stenosis of multiple and bilateral precerebral arteries without mention of cerebral infarction Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: allergies: patient recorded as having no known allergies to drugs attending: chief complaint: subarachnoid hemorrhage major surgical or invasive procedure: none history of present illness: patient is year old man with past medical history of hypertension, remote smoking, who presented to ed as a transfer from for evaluation of subarachnoid hemorrhage. per his daughter, he was in usual state of health earlier today. he dozed off in a chair after lunch, which is not unusual for him. then, around 3pm, he woke up and told daughter that he was going outside to take a walk and rake leaves. she heard him raking and thought he was doing just fine. then, around 5pm, a came and knocked on her door; apparently, the found the patient down in the driveway. daughter called 911 and then raced outside. patient just kept perseverating on "let me up". he was combative and fighting against daughter, , and eventually ems interventions. taken to . vitals on arrival with temp 97.0, bp 149/76, hr 90, rr 22, o2 100%/ra. per notes from , he was awake but nonverbal and not following commands. he also vomited several times at . blood pressure there went up to 178/99. labs there notable for white count of 10.1, hct 44.0, plt 180, inr 1.02, cr 1.8. he was transferred to for neurosurgical evaluation. on transfer, he apparently vomited another 2 times. bp in 170-180s systolic. per his daughter, he was recently feeling well with no fevers, chills, chest pain, shortness of breath, headaches, visual changes, previous speech or language disturbances, numbness, weakness, incoordination. past medical history: 1. hypertension 2. hard of hearing 3. right hip fracture 2 years ago 4. lumbar disc surgery l4/l5 several years ago 5. cholecystectomy no history of cardiac disease, diabetes, malignancy. social history: widowed. has lived with daughter for past 20 years. per her report, he is independent in all adls except that she makes his meals. he is quite active and enjoys walking outside, sans cane or walker, in the afternoons. formerly worked as and as an elevator operator for the city of . remote smoker. social alcohol use. daughter is hcp; contact info is . he is dnr/dni. family history: non-contributory. physical exam: tc: 97.0 bp: 183/94 hr: 93 rr: 16 o2sat.: 97%/2l gen: wd/wn, comfortable at times, but also intermittently picking at lines and tubes, nad. heent: nc/at. no scalp lacerations. no battle's sign. no csf rhinorrhea or otorrhea. anicteric. mmm. neck: supple. no masses or lad. no jvd. no thyromegaly. no carotid bruits. ed resident presently putting a ccollar on patient. lungs: cta bilaterally. no r/r/w. cardiac: rrr. s1/s2. no m/r/g. abd: soft, nt, nd, +nabs. no rebound or guarding. no hsm. extrem: warm and well-perfused. no c/c/e. no obvious lacerations or injuries. neuro: mental status: awake and alert, combative at times. unable to tell me his name, answer questions, name or repeat. intermittently says "why" or "ouch" during portions of exam. later, spontaneously says "let me out of here". inconsistently opening and closing eyes on verbal command, but not able to show tongue, wiggle fingers or toes. no obvious neglect. cranial nerves: i: not tested ii: pupils unequal, postsurgical but reactive to light ~4-3mm bilaterally. blinks to threat bilaterally. unable to visualize fundi. iii, iv, vi: full horizontal ductions observed but would not track. could not assess doll's eyes due to cervical collar. v, vii: corneal reflexes brisk bilaterally. facial strength and sensation intact and symmetric. grimaced symmetrically. viii: unable to fully assess. ix, x: +gag. : unable to fully assess. xii: tongue midline without fasciculations. motor: normal bulk and tone bilaterally. no abnormal movements, tremors. moves all four limbs spontaneously. hold both arms above head and against gravity without drift for >5 seconds. moves legs on bed, bending at knees, and withdraws to pain. sensation: withdraws to pain x4. reflexes: b t br pa ac right 2 2 2 1 1 left 1 1 1 1 1 limited as difficult to get patient to fully relax. toes downgoing on left, upgoing on right. coordination: unable to assess. gait: did not assess. pertinent results: 11:40pm blood wbc-13.2* rbc-4.46* hgb-14.7 hct-42.6 mcv-96 mch-32.9* mchc-34.4 rdw-13.4 plt ct-152 11:40pm blood pt-13.2 ptt-24.3 inr(pt)-1.2 11:40pm blood glucose-154* urean-40* creat-1.8* na-143 k-4.8 cl-105 hco3-22 angap-21* 06:40am blood glucose-140* urean-82* creat-3.5* na-149* k-4.6 cl-114* hco3-19* angap-21* 08:40am blood alt-11 ast-22 ld(ldh)-216 ck(cpk)-98 alkphos-75 totbili-0.7 11:40pm blood calcium-9.6 phos-3.2 mg-2.0 03:55am urine color-straw appear-clear sp -1.015 03:55am urine blood-lg nitrite-neg protein-30 glucose-neg ketone-15 bilirub-neg urobiln-neg ph-7.0 leuks-neg 03:55am urine rbc-21-50* wbc-0-2 bacteri-occ yeast-none epi-0 08:25am urine casthy-1* 04:24pm urine eos-negative 11:18am urine hours-random creat-86 na-60 --- bcxx1 with strep viridans() ucx neg --- head ct:1. right frontal intraparenchymal hemorrhage with surrounding edema. the differential diagnosis for etiology of intraparenchymal hemorrhage includes traumatic hemorrhage (contusion) or primary intraparenchymal hemorrhage, including hemorrhage due to vascular malformation or neoplasm. 2. bilateral subarachnoid hemorrhage and probable subdural hemorrhage within the right middle cranial fossa and adjacent to the tentorium. 3. no hydrocephalus. 4. abnormalities suspected in the temporal lobes, left occipital lobe and pons raising the question of posterior circulation infarct or contusion. --- head ct:stable appearance of intracranial injury. no hydrocephalus or midline shift --- cxr :findings: the aorta is tortuous and there are associated mural calcifications. the cardiomediastinal contours are stable in appearance. again noted are bilateral multifocal opacities involving the right upper lobe, right lower lobe, and left lower lobe, which have worsened slightly in the interval, consistent with progressive multifocal pneumonia. also noted is perihilar opacification and small bilateral pleural effusions consistent with a component of heart failure. there is dextroscoliosis of the thoracic spine. brief hospital course: pt was transferred here and found to have an ich as well as sah. unclear if this was all predicated by patient's fall or if hemorrhage secondary to underlying vascular malformation(aneurysm or avm) or hemorrhagic malignant lesion with subsequent fall. he had no history of malignancy though. he also had what looked like an early pna on cxr at admission. neurosurgery declined intervention in his case. he was dnr/dni from the beginning of admission. he was initially admitted to the icu for close bp monitoring/treatment and neuro monitoring. his neurological status did not clinically worsen initially. his repeat scans showed stability of the lesion. he did improve either however. medically however, he did poorly. he developed a bilateral multifocal pna. we assume this is due to aspiration and probably occured before admission. he was treated aggresively with antibiotics but his repsiratory status continued to decline. in addition, he developed arf in the setting of his cri. the reason was uncleasr, but urine eos were negative. this continued to worsen until his death. he also developed a troponin leak(accentuated by his arf) that continued to fise slightly until his death. despite aggressive treatment, he continued to worsen medically, as a result of his pna mainly and with contributions from his arf, new ich, new temporal strokes seen on repeat cts. on the day of his death, he was worsening from a pulmonary status. his heart then began to have asystolic periods for 1-2 hours. finally, his heart stopped and he passed away. his family was in the room immediately after he died. medications on admission: 1. atenolol 50 mg po qd 2. hctz 25 mg po qd 3. lisinopril 20 mg po qd 4. felodiopine 10 mg po qd no asa, other antiplts, or anticoagulants discharge medications: na discharge disposition: expired discharge diagnosis: pna ich sah discharge condition: deceased discharge instructions: - followup instructions: - procedure: transfusion of packed cells diagnoses: congestive heart failure, unspecified unspecified essential hypertension acute kidney failure, unspecified atrial fibrillation unspecified fall pneumonitis due to inhalation of food or vomitus cardiac arrest cortex (cerebral) contusion without mention of open intracranial wound, with no loss of consciousness Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: allergies: celebrex / naprosyn attending: chief complaint: chest pain major surgical or invasive procedure: cardiac catherization history of present illness: the patient is an 88 y/o f with pmhx significant for nstemi (), hypertension, hyperlipidemia, copd (on home o2), and tobacco abuse, admitted on to on with sudden onset of severe sscp radiating down left arm. of note, the patient is a poor historian, which was exacerbated by the benzodiazepines that she received in the cath lab. most of the history was obtained from records from . the patient initially presented to the ed at last night with sscp radiating down her left arm. she was found by ems to have chest pain, sob and ekg changes with "st-elevations". she received 3 sl ntg and was brought to the ed. in the ed there, she was treated with morphine, fentanyl, albuterol, bilaudid, tordal, and xanax. she was thought to not be having a stemi and was managed medically with heparin, aspirin and a plavix load. overnight, her troponins were noted to become positive (0.2->5.39); it was also felt that she had ecg changes consisting of st elevations and twi in v3 through v6. at first, she declined cardiac cath; however, she later became agreeable to the procedure and was transferred to for the procedure. vitals prior to transfer were afebrile, hr 60's-80 sr, 20, 104-120/50's, 3 liters with sats 98. . she could not lie flat for a catherization and on exam in the holding area was in acute distress, anxious and gasping for air with bp 119-140/82-90, hr in 70-80, rr 25 and spo2 100 on 2.5l. ultimately she calmed down and had less laboured breaths in an upright seated position. she was given nebs, lasix (60 mg iv), valium, and nitropaste. she was then admitted to the ccu for optimization of the respiratory status overnight with plans to cath her in the morning. . of note, the patient had similar symptoms in 10/. at that time, she presented to and was found to be having an nstemi. she refused cardiac catheterization and was treated medically. since that time, her functional status has declined steadily such that she rarely leaves the house and has 3 step doe. recently, she stopped several of her medications (plavix, imdur, and her beta blocker). she is currently on only norvasc, hyzaar, and aspirin. . the patient's lab work at was significant for the following cardiac ezymes: at 2235--> ck 76 (3.4mb) and trop 0.02 at 0420--> ck 177/26.7 and trop 5.4 at 0953 --> ck 183/25.1 and trop 3.5 past medical history: 1. cardiac risk factors: dyslipidemia, hypertension 2. cardiac history: nstemi in 3. other past medical history: neuropathy copd on 02 oa htn social history: lives with son in . -tobacco history: 75 years of smoking. occasional smoker. takes off home o2 for cigarrettes -etoh: none -illicit drugs: none family history: several members with dm, son with prostate ca, melanoma. physical exam: vs: t= 98.7 bp= 132/65 hr= 81 rr= 20 o2 sat= 95% on ra. general: 88 y/o f in nad. oriented x 3 (did not know exact date or day of week). anxious. heent: ncat. sclera anicteric. perrl, eomi. dry mucous membranes. ?thrush. neck: no significant jvd noted. cardiac: faint heart sounds. no m/r/g appreciated. lungs: resp were unlabored. decreased air movement. wheezes throughout. abdomen: obese. soft, nd. ttp in the ruq and epigastrum. no hsm noted. some voluntary guarding. no rebound involuntary guarding. extremities: pitting edema in the bilateral lower extremities. skin: no stasis dermatitis, ulcers, scars, or xanthomas noted. pulses: right: dp 2+ pt 2+ left: dp 2+ pt 2+ pertinent results: admission labs wbc-8.0 rbc-3.74* hgb-11.2* hct-32.4* mcv-87 mch-29.9 plt ct-198 pt-16.4* ptt->150* inr(pt)-1.5* glucose-221* urean-16 creat-0.9 na-134 k-3.7 cl-95* hco3-30 angap-13 alt-24 ast-43* ld(ldh)-191 ck(cpk)-178 alkphos-62 totbili-0.4 calcium-8.5 phos-3.7 mg-1.9 cholest-135 triglyc-114 hdl-49 chol/hd-2.8 ldlcalc-63 type-art po2-83* pco2-40 ph-7.43 caltco2-27 base xs-1 intubat-not intuba . cardiac biomarkers 06:40pm ck(cpk)-178 ck-mb-16* mb indx-9.0* ctropnt-0.58* 03:35am ck(cpk)-220* ck-mb-11* mb indx-5.0 ctropnt-0.47* 06:15am blood ck(cpk)-272* 07:20am blood ck(cpk)-347* 06:32am blood ck(cpk)-255* 06:15am blood ck-mb-5 ctropnt-0.25* 07:20am blood ck-mb-5 ctropnt-0.20* 06:32am blood ck-mb-4 ctropnt-0.14* . discharge labs: wbc-6.0 rbc-3.55* hgb-10.2* hct-29.7* mcv-84 rdw-12.8 plt ct-201 glucose-112* urean-26* creat-1.0 na-136 k-3.7 cl-97 hco3-28 angap-15 calcium-8.2* phos-3.3 mg-2.1 . cxr () - findings: no previous images. there is hyperexpansion of the lungs consistent with chronic pulmonary disease. no evidence of acute pneumonia, vascular congestion, or pleural effusion. of incidental note is apparent dense calcification in the descending aorta. . echo: the left atrium is normal in size. there is mild symmetric left ventricular hypertrophy with normal cavity size. there is moderate regional left ventricular systolic dysfunction with near akinesis of the distal half of the left ventricle. a left ventricular mass/thrombus cannot be excluded. tissue doppler imaging suggests an increased left ventricular filling pressure (pcwp>18mmhg). right ventricular chamber size and free wall motion are normal. the aortic valve leaflets are mildly thickened (?#). there is no aortic valve stenosis. the mitral valve leaflets are mildly thickened. the tricuspid valve leaflets are mildly thickened. there is mild pulmonary artery systolic hypertension. there is no pericardial effusion. impression: akinesis of the distal half of the left ventricle. this could be due to stress cardiomyopathy (takotsubo) or multi-vessel cad or focal myocarditis. no significant valvular abnormality. . catherization: 1. single vessel coronary artery disease. 2. severely elevated biventricular filling pressures. 3. severe pulmonary artery hypertension. brief hospital course: 88 f with hx of nstemi, dyslipidemia, htn here with dyspnea and chest pain nstemi and possible chf. . # dysnpea: likely multifactorial. pt has a known history of copd with a significant smoking history. also, catherization showed elevated filling pressures and echo showed inferior hypokinesis. the patient was agressively diuresed and given standing nebulizer treatments and her breathing improved to baseline. patient was offered nicotine patch, but she refused. on discharge she was on ra when stationary needing supplemental o2 for ambulation. she was told to resume home nebulizer/inhaler regimen. . # coronaries / nstemi: pt with a history of known nstemi in , at which time she refused cardiac catheterization. catherization showed left circumflex lesion but no stent was placed. the patient was medically managed with aspirin, plavix, statin, and beta-blocker. . # pump: likely chronic systolic chf w/ ef of 40% and inferior hypokinesis. takotsubo was considered in the differential but mos likely significant h/o cad and prior ischemia. patient will be discharged on hyzaar and spironolactone. vna will follow up and labs will be faxed to her pcp. . # rhythm: sinus rhythm . # hypertension: patient was managed with home hyzaar and beta-blocker. . # dyslipidemia: continue simvastatin. . # osteoarthritis: no acute issues. . # neuropathy: no acute issues. . # delirium: patient had 2 episodes of delirium in late evening/early am this hospitalization. patient has been using benzodiazepines at home and complained of anxiety while hospitalized so was written for home benzo (alprazolam) prn. this was likely precipitant and patient's delirium quickly resolved when off all benzos. told to stop home hospital discharge. medications on admission: hyzaar 50/12.5 qday mvi norvasc 5 qday albuterol spiriva qday alprazolam 0.5 neurontin 300 tid perforomist neb discharge medications: 1. clopidogrel 75 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po daily (daily). disp:*30 tablet(s)* refills:*2* 2. aspirin 81 mg tablet, chewable sig: one (1) tablet, chewable po daily (daily). disp:*30 tablet, chewable(s)* refills:*2* 3. simvastatin 80 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po once a day. disp:*30 tablet(s)* refills:*2* 4. metoprolol succinate 50 mg tablet sustained release 24 hr sig: one (1) tablet sustained release 24 hr po once a day. disp:*30 tablet sustained release 24 hr(s)* refills:*2* 5. hyzaar 50-12.5 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po once a day. disp:*30 tablet(s)* refills:*2* 6. multivitamin tablet sig: one (1) tablet po once a day. 7. albuterol sulfate 90 mcg/actuation hfa aerosol inhaler sig: one (1) puff inhalation every four (4) hours as needed for shortness of breath or wheezing. 8. spiriva with handihaler 18 mcg capsule, w/inhalation device sig: one (1) inhalation once a day. 9. neurontin 300 mg capsule sig: one (1) capsule po three times a day. 10. perforomist 20 mcg/2 ml solution for nebulization sig: one (1) neb inhalation twice a day. 11. outpatient lab work please check chem 10 (na, k, cl, bicarb, bun, cr, glucose, ca, mg, phos) on and fax results to dr. at . 12. spironolactone 25 mg tablet sig: 0.5 tablet po once a day. disp:*15 tablet(s)* refills:*2* discharge disposition: home with service facility: vna discharge diagnosis: primary diagnosis: cad nstemi . secondary diagnosis: copd htn oa discharge condition: alert, able to ambulate discharge instructions: you were admitted after having a heart attack. a cardiac catherization was performed that showed a lesion in one of your coronaries, but no stents were not placed. the catherization showed that the blood pressure in your heart was elevated. we are treating this with the medications listed below. it is important that you have your lab values checked and faxed to your pcp on tuesday . your other medication changes are listed below. . we also treated your copd with nebulizer treatments. it is very important that you stop smoking. please continue to use your supplemental oxygen. do not smoke while using oxygen. . while in the hospital you had episodes of confusion. this was most likely related to taking a type of medications called benzodiazepines. please stop taking alprazolam. . we have made the following changes to your medications 1. stop norvasc 2. restart plavix 75mg by mouth once a day 3. start aspirin 81mg by mouth once a day 4. restart toprol xl 50mg by mouth once a day 5. start simvastatin 80mg by mouth once a day 6. start sprinolactone 12.5mg by mouth once a day. 7. stop alprazolam followup instructions: appointment #1 md: specialty: internal medicine date/ time: thursday, , 1:15pm location: one pearl st, phone number: special instructions for patient: . appointment #2 md: specialty: cardiology date/ time: tuesday, , 1:45pm location: 15 brothers , phone number: special instructions for patient: procedure: combined right and left heart cardiac catheterization coronary arteriography using two catheters diagnoses: subendocardial infarction, initial episode of care coronary atherosclerosis of native coronary artery pure hypercholesterolemia tobacco use disorder congestive heart failure, unspecified unspecified essential hypertension chronic airway obstruction, not elsewhere classified acute on chronic diastolic heart failure primary pulmonary hypertension osteoarthrosis, unspecified whether generalized or localized, site unspecified drug-induced delirium mononeuritis of unspecified site Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: allergies: patient recorded as having no known allergies to drugs attending: chief complaint: melena, lightheadedness major surgical or invasive procedure: egd, colonoscopy history of present illness: patient is a 73 y/o m hx aortic stenosis, afib on coumadin, h/o gi bleeding who is admitted to the micu with 4 days black stools, stools per day. he endorses weakness/light-headedness, he also endorsed some mild abdominal pain a few days ago. this has resolved. he does not have nausea/vomiting, fevers, chills, le edema. denies etoh or ibuprofen. his pcp checked his hct which was found to be 6 points lower than baseline (26 down from 33) & inr 3.0, so he was referred to the ed. of note, in he had a similar episode of gi bleding and had upper and lower endoscopy at shh. the patient believes that no source of bleeding was found. . in the ed his presenting vitals were: bp was 102/50, hr 73, af 98.4, 99% on ra. stool guiac +, ng lavage negative. he was given 2l ivf, 5mg iv vitamin k, and 40mg iv protonix & was consented for 2u blood, 2u ffp. . in the icu he feels well. he denies cp, dyspnea, lh currently. he has had 3 episodes of melena today, none since being at . . past medical history: # afib on coumadin # rheumatic heart disease with moderate aortic stenosis, aortic regurgitation, mitral regurgitation and right atrial pressure. - last echo in omr # s/p aortic valve replacement and mitral valve replacement with tissue valves on for moderate aortic stenosis with a valve area of .2 cm, 2+ aortic regurgitation # cad s/p mi in 12/. had cath but no angioplasty or stents. no angina. # emphysema: asbestos exposure # ckd baseline cr 1.3-1.5 # h/o congestive hepatopathy # osa # peripheral vascular disease status post carotid endarterectomy # recent left body stroke # cough # s/p gi bleed with melena; ?etiology # prostate ca s/p radiation # carotid stenosis s/p l cea in . social history: the patient has 9 children by his first wife who is deceased. he has been married to his current wife for 4 years. he is a retired firefighter for 30 years and for the early years of fighting fires, he often did not wear a mask. he smoked a quarter of a pack a day for 20 years, but quit 27-years-ago. he was exposed to asbestos in his job as a firefighter. he does not drink. family history: non-contributory physical exam: on presentation to micu: 98.4, 123/59, 85, 13, 99% ra general appearance: thin, nad eyes / conjunctiva: perrl, conjunctiva pale head, ears, nose, throat: normocephalic. jvp slightly elevated after transfusion. cardiovascular: s1-s2 nl, +systolic murmur respiratory / chest: cta b/l abdominal: soft, non-tender, non-distended, bowel sounds present extremities: no edema skin: warm neurologic: aao x 3 pertinent results: 06:30pm wbc-7.6 rbc-2.90* hgb-8.6* hct-26.3* mcv-91 mch-29.7 mchc-32.8 rdw-18.8* 06:30pm neuts-76.8* lymphs-16.6* monos-4.9 eos-1.3 basos-0.4 06:30pm plt count-260# . 06:30pm pt-30.2* ptt-30.5 inr(pt)-3.0* . 06:30pm glucose-114* urea n-50* creat-1.0 sodium-141 potassium-4.7 chloride-108 total co2-26 anion gap-12 . hct trend: 06:30pm blood hct-26.3* 10:57pm blood hct-19.8* 02:27am blood hct-24.4* 07:34am blood hct-28.8* 11:33am blood hct-29.3* . coag trend: 06:30pm blood pt-30.2* ptt-30.5 inr(pt)-3.0* 10:57pm blood pt-19.7* ptt-30.7 inr(pt)-1.8* 02:27am blood pt-18.0* ptt-28.8 inr(pt)-1.6* 07:57am blood pt-15.0* ptt-28.0 inr(pt)-1.3* . egd: impression: - normal mucosa in the stomach - normal mucosa in the duodenum - otherwise normal egd to jejunum recommendations: - routine post procedure orders - monitor hcts, prbcs as needed. - proceed to colonoscopy. please prep with 4l golytely for procedure tomorrow. - clear liquid diet. - if colonoscopy negative, will proceed to capsule endoscopy. . cta of abdomen/pelvis: impression: 1. no evidence of aortoenteric fistula or colitis. 4. av fistula right groin. 2. trace pelvic ascites. 3. bilateral pleural effusions with compression atelectasis. . colonoscopy: no source of bleeding, normal colonoscopy. . labs on discharge: 07:15am blood wbc-4.3 rbc-3.41* hgb-10.3* hct-30.7* mcv-90 mch-30.1 mchc-33.5 rdw-18.3* plt ct-200 07:15am blood pt-21.7* ptt-79.3* inr(pt)-2.0* 07:15am blood glucose-87 urean-16 creat-1.1 na-144 k-4.1 cl-108 hco3-27 angap-13 07:15am blood calcium-8.6 phos-3.7 mg-2.2 brief hospital course: 73 yo man with cad, pvd, valvular heart dz s/p bioprosthetic avr and mrv, on coumadin for atrial fibrillation who presents with melena and symptomatic anemia. stabilized with transfusions and bleeding stopped. no sources found on upper or lower scopes. patient was bridged on coumadin for high risk afib (chads 4), and then discharged home with follow up for outpatient capsule endoscopy. . # gi bleeding: given his history of melena for 3-4 days prior to admission, upper source was suspected. his anticoagulation was reversed with 5 mg of po vitamin k. he was transfused a total of 3 u ffp and 4 u prbc in the ed/micu. his inr trended down to 1.3 and his hct came up to 28 and stablized. by am after admission, patient felt much better and an egd showed no obvious source of bleeding. he had a colonoscopy that was unrevealing of any source. his hct remained stable and he had normal stools that were guiac negative. a ct scan showed no arterio-enteric fistulas. plan is for outpatient capsule endoscopy. . # cad: patient has no stents. no recent angina. bb and asa held initially. restarted once on the floor and bp was stable and patient stopped bleeding. . # atrial fibrillation: rate controlled, anticoagulation reversed as above. after colonoscopy and when hct had stabalized, heparin gtt was started and coumadin was restarted. his inr was trended daily and the heparin was stopped and when his inr was 2.0 on the day of discharge. he was sent home on his usual regimen on 3 mg, 3 mg, 1.5 mg cycle. he will have his inr checked the day after discharge and follow up with his pcp. . # h/o chf with valvular heart disease: s/p bioprosthetic avr & mvr. clinically, he appears euvolemic after transfusions. lisinopril & bb were held initially given hypotension, but then restarted on the floor. he was on 20 lasix at home, which was also held initially. he developed some mild pedal edema and lasix 40 mg was given for 2 days and then he was discharged on his home does. he had no pedal edema on discharge. . # h/o stroke/carotid disease: stable, anticoagulated as above, no changes to regimen. . # emphesema: continued home inhalers. . # osa: should be evaluated for cpap as an outpatient. . # av fistula: on ct scan, a known av fistula was seen again in his r groin. has been present since after cath in . was initially seen by vascular surgery at that time and no intervention was needed. an email was sent to both the cardiologist who did that cath and the vascular surgeon who had evaluated him in that it was still present. as he was asymptomatic, it was decided that he could have outpatient follow up and probably would not need an intervention unless symptoms changed. medications on admission: albuterol sulfate (not taking) fluticasone-salmeterol 500 mcg-50 mcg (not taking) inhaled twice a day furosemide - 40mg po daily lisinopril - 2.5 mg po daily lorazepam - 1 mg prn metoprolol tartrate 25mg po daily nitroglycerin - prn (not needed) simvastatin 40mg po daily warfarin - 1.5mg po daily medications - otc aspirin - 81 mg tablet daily (not taking for past 5 days) ferrous sulfate - (not taking) discharge medications: 1. simvastatin 40 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po daily (daily). 2. metoprolol succinate 25 mg tablet sustained release 24 hr sig: one (1) tablet sustained release 24 hr po once a day. 3. lisinopril 5 mg tablet sig: 0.5 tablet po daily (daily). 4. pantoprazole 40 mg tablet, delayed release (e.c.) sig: one (1) tablet, delayed release (e.c.) po q24h (every 24 hours). :*30 tablet, delayed release (e.c.)(s)* refills:*2* 5. lasix 20 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po once a day. 6. coumadin 3 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po once a day: please continue your home schedule of 3 mg, 3 mg, 1.5 mg; then repeat cycle. 7. lorazepam 1 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po every 6-8 hours as needed. 8. aspirin 81 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po once a day. discharge disposition: home discharge diagnosis: primary diagnosis: 1. gi bleed 2. anemia 3. mechanical heart valves 4. atrial fibrillation 5. hypertenison 6. chronic compensated systolic heart failure discharge condition: stable, no bleeding, guiac negative stools, ambulating, trace pedal edema, no shortness of breath discharge instructions: you were admitted to the hospital for dark stools and lightheadedness. we found that you had lost a lot of blood through your gi tract. an egd and colonoscopy evaluated your stomach with th upper part of your small bowel and colon, respectively. there was nothing to explain the bleeding. a ct scan of your abdomen did not show any explanation for the bleeding, either. the blood loss might be coming from your small bowel. to examine this part of your gi tract, you will have an outpatient capsule endoscopy. . we also saw that you still had a fistula in your right groin. we asked vascular surgery and they recommended that you just see them as an outpatient. there is nothing to do for it at this point, but it would be good to have follow up in case things change at some point in the future. . we did not changed any of your medicines. we added protonix 40 mg daily. you can also start taking a multivitamin. . please return to the hospital for any dark or bloody stools, lightheadedness, fainting, vomitting of blood or any other concerns. feel free to call your doctor with any questions. weigh yourself every morning, md if weight > 3 lbs. adhere to 2 gm sodium diet. followup instructions: please follow up with your gastroeneterologist: the next available appointment with dr. is at 3:15pm. you are on a waiting list, and he will call you if sooner appointments are available. you also will be contact with the results of the capsule endoscopy before this visit. call with any questions. . please follow up for a capsule endoscopy: your appointment is on at 8:30 in the morning. the doctor who will be supervising is dr. . you will be receiving some information in the mail. please call with any questions. please follow up with your primary care doctor, dr. , at . you have an appointment with him at 12 noon on wednesday . he will check your blood count and inr and adjust your coumadin level as needed. also go to dr. office and have your inr checked tomorrow, too. follow up with vascular surgery as an outpatient for your fistula in your groin. their number is ( to make an appointment. you can call and see them at your convienence. procedure: other endoscopy of small intestine colonoscopy diagnoses: obstructive sleep apnea (adult)(pediatric) coronary atherosclerosis of native coronary artery congestive heart failure, unspecified acute posthemorrhagic anemia hypertensive chronic kidney disease, unspecified, with chronic kidney disease stage i through stage iv, or unspecified atrial fibrillation personal history of malignant neoplasm of prostate peripheral vascular disease, unspecified percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty status chronic kidney disease, unspecified occlusion and stenosis of carotid artery without mention of cerebral infarction blood in stool old myocardial infarction other emphysema long-term (current) use of anticoagulants personal history of transient ischemic attack (tia), and cerebral infarction without residual deficits heart valve replaced by transplant hyperosmolality and/or hypernatremia personal history of irradiation, presenting hazards to health chronic diastolic heart failure Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: history of present illness: the patient is a 78-year-old male with a history of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and congestive heart failure (on 3 liters of home oxygen) presenting with malaise, shortness of breath, and bilateral lower extremity edema for several days. he has had multiple past admissions for cardiopulmonary problems. of note, he has a questionable history of a pulmonary embolism approximately one year ago and had been on coumadin for this in the past. this had been stopped in recent months. past medical history: 1. coronary artery disease; status post two myocardial infarctions. 2. estimated ejection fraction is approximately 15% to 20%. 3. status post prostatectomy for prostate cancer. 4. atrial arrhythmia, status post pacemaker. 5. chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (on 3 liters nasal cannula at home). 6. history of pulmonary embolism. review of systems: review of systems was notable for only being able to walk approximately 30 feet on admission as opposed to his baseline of 300 yards approximately two months ago. he has difficulty sleeping at night and must sleep at an angle secondary to his breathing problems. medications on admission: medications on admission included glyburide 0.75 mg p.o. q.d., lasix 100 mg p.o. q.d., aspirin 81 mg p.o. q.d., digoxin 0.125 mg p.o. q.d., mavik 1 mg p.o. q.d., prednisone 6 mg p.o. q.d., amiodarone 200 mg p.o. q.o.d. and 100 mg p.o. q.o.d., albuterol and atrovent meter-dosed inhaler 2 puffs b.i.d., lipitor 5 mg p.o. q.d., protonix 40 mg p.o. q.d., aldactone 25 mg p.o. q.d., advair meter-dosed inhaler 1 puff b.i.d., lopressor 25 mg p.o. b.i.d., iron 325 mg p.o. q.d. allergies: allergies include codeine. social history: the patient is a past smoker. no recent ethanol use. he is a retired head of the security at hospital. code status: the patient is do not resuscitate/do not intubate. physical examination on presentation: physical examination on admission revealed the patient's temperature was 97.9, heart rate was 76, blood pressure was 142/74, respiratory rate was 18, saturating 96% on 3 liters nasal cannula. the patient was a well-appearing elderly male in no acute distress. he was able to speak in full sentences. head, eyes, ears, nose, and throat examination revealed sclerae were anicteric. the oropharynx was moist. jugular venous distention went to the angle of the jaw. heart was regular in rate and rhythm with normal first heart sound and second heart sound. the lungs had emphysematous breath sounds with prolonged expiration with occasional anterior wheezing. there were faint crackles at both bases. the abdomen was nontender with the liver edge palpable at 5 cm below the rib cage. no appreciable splenomegaly. extremities revealed 4+ pitting edema bilaterally to the midthigh. neurologic examination revealed cranial nerves ii through xii were intact with no focal deficits. the deep tendon reflexes were 1+ and symmetric throughout. pertinent laboratory data on presentation: laboratories on admission revealed white blood cell count was 11.7, hematocrit was 40.4, platelets were 248. ptt was 28.8, inr was 1.6. digoxin level was 1.2. the patient's chemistry-7 revealed sodium was 128, potassium was 5.2, chloride was 92, bicarbonate was 22, blood urea nitrogen was 77, creatinine was 2.2, and blood glucose was 153. urinalysis on admission revealed a specific gravity of less than 1.005 with nitrites negative. no red blood cells and no white blood cells. radiology/imaging: a chest x-ray had cardiomegaly and was consistent with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease changes. there were no appreciable effusions. the patient had right lower extremity doppler studies which were negative. a v/q scan was intermediate probability. electrocardiogram with a dual-paced at a rate of 70 with no appreciable ischemic changes. hospital course: the patient is a 78-year-old male with a history of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and congestive heart failure presenting with malaise, shortness of breath, and increased lower extremity edema. on physical examination, the patient had signs of right-sided heart failure including elevated jugular venous distention and extremity edema, as well as hepatic congestion. the patient was diuresed aggressively; however, on admission the patient had a creatinine of 2.7 with a baseline of approximately 1.6. the patient's creatinine was monitored during the diuresis. it was felt, based on the patient's history, there was no clinical suspicion of pulmonary embolism, so the patient had initially been started on heparin but this was discontinued early on in his hospital course. the patient also had his chronic obstructive pulmonary disease medications continued. regarding the patient's cardiac history, the patient was diuresed aggressively with intravenous diuresis but was noted to be refractory to diuresis even with increasing doses of lasix and aldactone. the congestive heart failure service was consulted at this point. with regard to the patient's diuresis upon transfer to the c-med service, the patient's regimen had added natrecor to this regimen in addition to bumex and zaroxolyn. at this point, the patient tolerated the diuresis. his systolic blood pressures remained in the 90s to 100s. the patient's symptoms improved with decreased edema; however, the patient still continued to have total volume body overload. he still had difficulty with diuresis and was transferred to the coronary care unit for more aggressive monitoring and diuresis. in the coronary care unit, he was admitted for swan-ganz catheter for further tailored diuresis. he was transferred on . a swan-ganz catheter was placed with initial readings with the right ventricle was 60/26, the pulmonary artery was 60/40, the wedge was 43, cardiac index was 1.6, cardiac output was 2.6, and systemic vascular resistance was 1350. at this point, the patient was started on a milrinone drip. the natrecor was also continued while the patient was in the coronary care unit. the patient was transferred back to the floor on with some effective diuresis. the patient's milrinone was tapered and was stopped on . also, a low-dose ace inhibitor was added for afterload reduction. the patient also was seen by the electrophysiology service during this admission, and the risk and benefits of electrophysiology study, and left ventricular map, as well as a biventricular pacemaker were discussed with the patient. he was reluctant to have groin sticks at this time and said that he would prefer not to have further treatment. he had an episode of ventricular tachycardia which lasted approximately 30 seconds. the patient was unresponsive during the run, but he awoke after the ventricular tachycardia broke. the patient denied any further lightheadedness or dizziness after that. the patient wished not to have a implantable cardioverter-defibrillator placed even given his risk for further tachycardic arrhythmic event, and this was discussed with the electrophysiology service. the patient was aware of the fact that he may have a future arrhythmic event which may lead to early mortality. the patient's amiodarone was continued throughout his whole hospital admission. discharge disposition: the patient's fluid balance had improved, and he was discharged to home with services. condition at discharge: condition on discharge was fair. discharge status: discharge status was to home. discharge diagnoses: 1. congestive heart failure with an ejection fraction of 15% to 20%. 2. coronary artery disease; status post myocardial infarction. 3. status post prostatectomy for prostate cancer. 4. history of atrial arrhythmias; status post pacemaker. 5. chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. 6. history of pulmonary embolism. medications on discharge: (discharge medications included) 1. aspirin 81 mg p.o. q.d. 2. digoxin 0.125 mg p.o. q.d. 3. prednisone 6 mg p.o. q.d. 4. spironolactone 25 mg p.o. q.d. 5. amiodarone 200 mg p.o. q.o.d. and amiodarone 100 mg p.o. q.o.d. (the patient to alter these amiodarone doses). 6. atorvastatin 5 mg p.o. q.d. 7. colace 100 mg p.o. q.d. 8. iron 325 mg p.o. q.d. 9. senna one tablet p.o. b.i.d. as needed. 10. sarna lotion as needed. 11. advair diskus b.i.d. 12. albuterol inhaler 2 puffs q.4-6h. as needed. 13. multivitamin one tablet p.o. q.d. 14. calcium acetate two tablets p.o. b.i.d. 15. protonix 40 mg p.o. q.d. 16. metoprolol 25 mg p.o. q.h.s. 17. lisinopril 5 mg p.o. q.d. 18. bumex 1 mg p.o. b.i.d. discharge followup: the patient was to follow up with home as well as to follow up with dr. in cardiology on . , m.d. dictated by: medquist36 procedure: pulmonary artery wedge monitoring diagnoses: coronary atherosclerosis of native coronary artery congestive heart failure, unspecified chronic airway obstruction, not elsewhere classified personal history of malignant neoplasm of prostate paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia old myocardial infarction cardiac pacemaker in situ Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: allergies: no known allergies / adverse drug reactions attending: chief complaint: overdose ams requiring intubation shock requiring pressor major surgical or invasive procedure: intubation right subclavian cvl a line bronchoscopy self extubation history of present illness: history is based on record and per family 28 yo m with polysubstance abuse, bipolar and schizophrenia (per family) admitted to micu given already intubated state overdose medflighted to from . . per wife, she last saw him on 5pm. they had an argument and he left home and went to a friend's place. they continued to communicate through text-messaging until 8am on . then, all communication between them stopped. the next time, she heard about him was when she was contact by the hospital. per the wife, the girl friend that he stayed with found him unresponsive with foam and blood from his mouth. there was also apparently vomitus around. in addition, he was found to have percocet, clonazepam, coke, heroin, and liquor around him. ems was called and intubated him on the field. per report, he remained unresponsive despite narcan and paralytics. cxr at suggested aspiration and he was reportedly given gent/vanc/ctx/flagyl. he was hypotensive in the 80s, and norepi and phenylephrine were started. he was found to be hyperkalemia to the with ekg change but only received insulin and dextrose. patient was to and had fever up to 101. . in the ed, initial vs hr 122, bp 96/57, rr 16, o2 sat 99% on the vent on fio2 100%, peep 20, volume 450. per report, he got a total of 6 l of ns. he got a right subclavian line. no a-line. he was found to be difficult to sedate, requiring multiple doses of midazolam and fentanyl. tox screen + benzo, cocaine, opiates. has leukocytosis at 12.3. ct c-spine and head were negative. cxr with diffuse opacification of right lung and left perihilar region. vitals upon transfer were hr 114, bp 106/53, rr 24 (set), 450 vt, 100% fio2 and peep 17, satting 94%-99%. past medical history: per wife - history of overdose in the past without hospitalization - h/o bipolar - h/o schizophrenia - h/o suicidal attempts by cutting - h/o kidney related fever - right thigh mass that is increasing in size - s/p pencil stab to the right thigh - h/o penile infection social history: per wife - multiple in the past, most recently x 20 months, just got out about 1 month ago, but has been using substances since - has 5 kids of his own and 3 kids of his wife's - tobacco: yes - alcohol: daily binge, etoh beer then liquor - illicits: iv/sniff heroin, percocet and clonazepam po, sniff cocaine, also mix other meds that she cannot recall family history: - mgm: intestinal cancer - father: history of coke use - father's side also has a lot of psychiatric issues physical exam: pyhysical exam on admission exam vitals: t: 103.1 bp: 131/66 p: 128 r: 25 o2: 98% intubated general: sedated heent: sclera anicteric, mucous membrane dry, intubated neck: supple, no lad chest: r ij in place lungs: coarse breath sounds bilaterally, r worse than left, no wheeze or rhonchi cv: tachycardia, normal s1 + s2, no murmurs, rubs, gallops abdomen: soft, non-tender, non-distended, bowel sounds present, no rebound tenderness or guarding, no organomegaly gu: + foley ext: warm, well perfused, 2+ pulses, no clubbing, cyanosis or edema . physical exam on discharge vss ctab rrr, no mrg abd: snt nd +bs pertinent results: admission labs 06:20pm blood wbc-12.3* rbc-4.96 hgb-15.6 hct-44.2 mcv-89 mch-31.4 mchc-35.3* rdw-13.8 plt ct-247 06:20pm blood neuts-70 bands-3 lymphs-13* monos-12* eos-0 baso-0 atyps-1* metas-1* myelos-0 06:20pm blood hypochr-normal anisocy-normal poiklo-normal macrocy-normal microcy-normal polychr-normal 06:20pm blood pt-16.3* ptt-28.1 inr(pt)-1.4* 06:20pm blood glucose-101* urean-23* creat-2.2* na-142 k-4.5 cl-108 hco3-22 angap-17 06:20pm blood calcium-7.0* phos-1.4* mg-1.5* 06:32pm blood glucose-89 lactate-3.8* na-143 k-4.3 cl-108 calhco3-21 06:20pm blood asa-neg ethanol-neg acetmnp-5* bnzodzp-neg barbitr-neg tricycl-neg 06:36pm blood type-art po2-116* pco2-53* ph-7.23* caltco2-23 base xs--5 06:20pm blood alt-88* ast-77* ld(ldh)-255* ck(cpk)-640* alkphos-59 06:20pm blood ck-mb-15* mb indx-2.3 ctropnt-0.10* 01:56am blood ck-mb-25* mb indx-1.5 ctropnt-0.11* 10:17am blood ck-mb-23* mb indx-1.2 ctropnt-0.12* 04:34pm blood ck-mb-16* mb indx-0.9 ctropnt-0.11* 02:28am blood ck-mb-7 ctropnt-0.09* 06:20pm urine color-yellow appear-hazy sp -1.017 06:20pm urine blood-lg nitrite-neg protein-30 glucose-neg ketone-10 bilirub-neg urobiln-2* ph-5.5 leuks-neg 06:20pm urine rbc-12* wbc-4 bacteri-few yeast-none epi-1 06:20pm urine casthy-40* 06:20pm urine mucous-few 06:20pm urine bnzodzp-pos barbitr-neg opiates-pos cocaine-pos amphetm-neg mthdone-neg . discharge labs 07:05am blood alt-103* ast-49* alkphos-65 04:50am blood glucose-93 urean-12 creat-1.2 na-141 k-4.6 cl-106 hco3-26 angap-14 04:50am blood wbc-9.2 rbc-4.23* hgb-13.3* hct-38.6* mcv-91 mch-31.5 mchc-34.5 rdw-13.6 plt ct-352 . microbiology: urine urine culture-negative urine legionella urinary antigen - negative sputum gram stain-final; respiratory culture-final {staph aureus coag +} staph aureus coag + | clindamycin-----------<=0.25 s erythromycin----------<=0.25 s gentamicin------------ <=0.5 s levofloxacin---------- 0.25 s oxacillin------------- 0.5 s trimethoprim/sulfa---- <=0.5 s 12:12 pm bronchoalveolar lavage leaking specimen, interpret results with caution. gram stain (final ): 2+ (1-5 per 1000x field): polymorphonuclear leukocytes. no microorganisms seen. respiratory culture (final ): no growth, <1000 cfu/ml. legionella culture (preliminary): no legionella isolated. pertinent studies ct head findings: there is no evidence of acute hemorrhage, edema, mass effect, or recent infarction. the ventricles and sulci are normal in size and appearance. no concerning osseous lesion or fracture is seen. there are multiple air-fluid levels throughout the visualized paranasal sinus, commonly seen with intubation. the mastoid air cells are clear. impression: no ct evidence of acute intracranial process. . ct spine findings: no acute fracture or malalignment is seen. the atlantoaxial and atlanto-occipital articulations are preserved. the prevertebral soft tissues are within normal limits. the patient is intubated and a nasogastric tube is noted in the esophagus. air-fluid level in the right maxillary sinus is compatible with intubation. the mastoid air cells are clear. within the visualized portions of the lung apices, opacities of the right lung are partially imaged, better seen on radiograph of the same date. impression: no acute fracture or malalignment. . cxr portable impression: 1. diffuse opacification of the right lung, and to a lesser extent within the left perihilar region. findings may represent multifocal pneumonia, aspiration, or possibly hemorrhage. 2. endotracheal tube and nasogastric tubes in standard positions. . echo the left atrium is normal in size. no atrial septal defect is seen by 2d or color doppler. left ventricular wall thickness, cavity size and regional/global systolic function are normal (lvef >55%). there is no ventricular septal defect. right ventricular chamber size and free wall motion are normal. the diameters of aorta at the sinus, ascending and arch levels are normal. the aortic valve leaflets (3) appear structurally normal with good leaflet excursion and no aortic stenosis or aortic regurgitation. no masses or vegetations are seen on the aortic valve. the mitral valve appears structurally normal with trivial mitral regurgitation. there is no mitral valve prolapse. no mass or vegetation is seen on the mitral valve. the estimated pulmonary artery systolic pressure is normal. no vegetation/mass is seen on the pulmonic valve. there is no pericardial effusion. a picc line is seen in the ra prolapsing through the tricupsid valve without any vegetations seen on the line. impression: no valve vegetations seen. . cxr portable findings: frontal view of the chest. endotracheal tube has been removed. right subclavian catheter terminates at the cavoatrial junction. the heart is of normal size with an unchanged cardiomediastinal silhouette. bilateral diffuse heterogeneous hazy opacities, right greater than left, have slightly improved since . no new focal opacity, pleural effusion, or pneumothorax. impression: interval extubation with slight improvement in diffuse hazy opacities, right worse than left. brief hospital course: 28 yo m with polysubstance abuse, reported schizophrenia & bipolar, found unresponsive requiring intubation, transferred from osh for workup and treatment and was found to have aspiration pneumonia in the setting of polysubstance overdose. . # shock. pt initially present with hypotension requiring 6 l ivf in the ed with upto 2 pressors in the micu. the cause of shock is likely septic in nature, likely secondary to aspiration pneumonia. he was covered with antibiotics since admission, gent/vanco/ceftriaxone/flagyl at osh, unasyn initially in ed of , vanco/zosyn in the micu, clindamycin after arriving the floor and finished with augmentin for an accumulative total of 10 days. his culture was only notable for mssa on sputum culture from the day after admission. his urine, blood culture, and bal were otherwise negative. upon discharge, pt was hemodynamically stable. . # aspiration pneumonia / respiratory distress: pt's chest x-ray on admission was concerning for multilobar pneumonia on the right side. the history of unresponsiveness and fairly rapid radiographical resolution are most consistent with aspiration pneumonia. pt was initially broadly covered with antibiotics, which was later tailed based on the clinical course and mssa grew from the sputum culture (see above). his micu course was notable for hypercarbic hypoxic respiratory failure, requiring high peep (upto 18) and heavy sedation including the use of precedex. this likely developed in the setting hypoventilation secondary to sedative substance overdose. pt's respiratory status improvement significantly after extubation. pt maintained normal saturations without oxygenation difficulties on the hospital floor prior to discharge to 4. . # ams: most likely developed because of substance overdose and pneumonia. he was intubated on the field and improved gradually. ct head/neck negative. he self extubated on . c- collar was cleared. mental status slightly lethargic but improving upon transfer to the floor. he was alert and oriented throughout his stay on the medicine floor. he was treated with haloperidol initially and later switched to zyprexa for anxiety and agitation. . # overdose/polysubstance abuse: pt came in with polysubstance abuse, with tox screen evidence of opiate, benzo, cocaine, tylenol. there is also high likelihood of alcohol abuse given the scene when pt was found. it was suspected that the overdose was a suicidal attempt. pt was evaluate by social worker and psychiatrist during this admission. he was placed on section 12 and one-on-one watch for the concern of suicidal ideation. he received valium for alcohol withdrawal per ciwa protocol, which has been discontinued prior to discharge. pt was also started on thiamine, folate and multivitamin. . # transaminitis: pt was found to have transaminitis, which likely occurred in the setting of hypotensive shock or multidrug toxicity. his alt/ast were down trend since admission. the lft on discharge still showed elevation of alt/ast, which could reflect the ongoing hepatitis c infection. . # hepatitis c: pt was found to have positive hepatitis c antibody, suggesting infection. the potential source of infection includes tattoo and iv drug use. of note, pt was hepatitis b negative. pt will need hepatology followup for further evaluation and potentially treatment. will recommend testing for hiv in the outpatient setting once the insurance situation resolves. . # nstemi: pt had mildly elevated ckmb and troponin. this likely happened in the setting of hypotension and cocaine toxicity. ekg showed st depression in inferior leads. his troponin was down trending, and ckmb returned to . . # acute kidney injudry: most likely prerenal vs atn (in the setting of hypotension and rhabdomyolisis). his creatinine normalized after supportive care. . chronic issues # psychiatric issues: wife reported history of bipolar and schizophrenia, with no prior hospitalization and medication. no clear evidence of active disease was observed. psychiatric followup after the resolution of acute medical problems was recommended. . transitional issues code status: full medication changes: - started thiamine 100 mg qd - started folate 1 mg qd - started multivitamin 1 tablet qd follwoup: - pt will need primary care followup after approval of mass health. - please arrange hepatology followup for newly diagnosed hepatitis c. - please check lft in one week. - needs clarification for potential history of bipolar and schizophrenia. medications on admission: none (per wife) discharge medications: 1. thiamine hcl 100 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po daily (daily). 2. folic acid 1 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po daily (daily). 3. multivitamin tablet sig: one (1) tablet po daily (daily). 4. olanzapine 2.5 mg tablet sig: two (2) tablet po qam (once a day (in the morning)). 5. olanzapine 10 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po qhs (once a day (at bedtime)). 6. olanzapine 2.5 mg tablet sig: two (2) tablet po daily (daily) as needed for anxiety. 7. olanzapine 2.5 mg tablet sig: two (2) tablet po asdir (as directed). discharge disposition: home discharge diagnosis: aspiration pneumonia alcohol withdrawal polysubstance intoxication discharge condition: mental status: clear and coherent. level of consciousness: alert and interactive. activity status: ambulatory - independent. discharge instructions: dear mr. , you were transferred to our hospital for unresponsiveness from what appears to be an overdose of multiple drugs. you had a pneumonia, which likely happened while you were unresponsive. you were intubated by the paramedics, and required a breathing machine while in the medical icu. we treated you with antibiotics for pneumonia and supportive care for withdrawal symptoms from the drugs and alcohol that you consumed. you have been evaluated by our inpatient psychiatry team. while your medical problems have resolved, you will spend time on the psychiatry floor to continue your treatment and healing. please note that the following medications have been changed: - please start to take thiamine 100 mg tablet by mouth daily. - please start to take folic acid 1 mg tablet by mouth daily. - please start to take multivitamin one tablet by mouth daily. - please start the zyprexa schedule noted in your med list, though the psychiatry team may change this medicine while you are hospitalized there are no further medication changes. it has been a pleasure taking care of you here at . we wish you a speedy recovery. followup instructions: - please arrange appointment with a primary care physician once your insurance is settled, this is extremely important to maintain good health in the future. - we found a liver infection called hepatitis c, which is a longstanding and serious infection that requires monitoring by a liver doctor. please call the liver center at ( to make an appointment when you are discharged from the psychiatry floor. md procedure: continuous invasive mechanical ventilation for 96 consecutive hours or more closed [endoscopic] biopsy of bronchus diagnoses: hyperpotassemia subendocardial infarction, initial episode of care acute kidney failure, unspecified severe sepsis unspecified viral hepatitis c without hepatic coma cocaine abuse, unspecified suicide and self-inflicted poisoning by tranquilizers and other psychotropic agents poisoning by benzodiazepine-based tranquilizers acute respiratory failure pneumonitis due to inhalation of food or vomitus septic shock methicillin susceptible pneumonia due to staphylococcus aureus hyperosmolality and/or hypernatremia other and unspecified alcohol dependence, unspecified opioid abuse, unspecified rhabdomyolysis poisoning by heroin suicide and self-inflicted poisoning by other specified drugs and medicinal substances alcohol withdrawal poisoning by cocaine drug-induced mood disorder unspecified episodic mood disorder Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: allergies: patient recorded as having no known allergies to drugs attending: chief complaint: vtach major surgical or invasive procedure: icd placement history of present illness: 86yo gentleman with h/o cad s/p cabg in , htn, and dm admitted after an episode of symptomatic vtach. mr. was walking out of , where he works doing food demonstration (yesterday was lemonade day), when he began to feel faint. he stated he was weak all over and felt short of breath and diaphoretic. he denies chest pain, pressure, or palpitations. some coworkers came to him and helped lie him down. they called ems. although he does not remember it, he was told he lost consciousness. of note, he stopped his asa about 2 weeks ago because of ? hematuria. when ems arrived, he was noted to be in ventricular tachycardia at 200bpm. he abruptly converted to an accelerated junctional rhythm in the 70s and then to sinus tachycardia per their report. he received asa. at , he was given amiodarone 150mg followed by gtt at 1mg/min. he also received 600mg plavix and heparin gtt was started for ? ste in v1-v2. he was transferred to because of concern for acs. in the ed at , his vs were: no temp recorded 85 116/60 18 99% nrb. he was continued on amiodarone gtt at 1mg/min. ste were less pronounced, and after discussing with cardiology, the patient was not felt to have acs. he was admitted to the ccu for further management. upon presentation to the ccu, the patient stated he was feeling well. although he was requiring a nrb in the ed, he was breathing comfortably on 2l oxygen by nc. on review of symptoms, he denies any prior history of stroke, tia, deep venous thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, bleeding at the time of surgery, myalgias, joint pains, cough, hemoptysis, black stools or red stools. he denies recent fevers, chills or rigors. he denies exertional buttock or calf pain. all of the other review of systems were negative. +hematuria about 2 weeks ago. +dyspnea on exertion, though he walks about a mile around the mall, only having to stop a few times. cardiac review of systems is notable for absence of chest pain, paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea, orthopnea, ankle edema, or palpitations. past medical history: cad s/p 3 vessel cabg in , anatomy unknown htn dm ii dyslipidemia s/p ccy bph macular degeneration allergies: nkda outpatient cardiologist: (?) in pcp: of medical group social history: social history is significant for the absence of current tobacco use: he smoked briefly as a teenager. there is no history of alcohol abuse; he drinks a beer occasionally. he is married and lives with his wife. does not use a cane or walker. family history: there is no family history of premature coronary artery disease or sudden death. physical exam: vs: t 95.5, bp 137/60, hr 78, rr 26, o2 98% on 2l gen: pleasant elderly gentleman in nad. oriented x3. mood, affect appropriate. heent: ncat. sclera anicteric. perrl, eomi. conjunctiva were pink, no pallor or cyanosis of the oral mucosa. neck: supple with jvp of 5-6cm. no thyroid enlargement. cv: pmi located in 5th intercostal space, midclavicular line. rr, normal s1, s2. no s4, no s3. chest: +sternotomy scar, well healed. no chest wall deformities, scoliosis or kyphosis. resp were unlabored though he was mildly tachypneic. able to speak in full sentences without difficulty, no accessory muscle use. +scattered crackles at bases. no wheeze or rhonchi. abd: obese, soft, ntnd, no hsm or tenderness. no abdominial bruits. ext: no c/c/e. no femoral bruits. skin: no stasis dermatitis, ulcers, scars, or xanthomas. pulses: right: carotid 2+ without bruit; femoral 2+ without bruit; 2+ dp left: carotid 2+ without bruit; femoral 2+ without bruit; 2+ dp pertinent results: ekgs: no baseline for comparison 17:10 nsr with lahb, left axis deviation. ste in avr, v1 and v2 as well as q waves in v1-v2. 19:04 lahb as above except decreased ste as compared with prior (absent in avr and only 0.5mm in v1-v2. vtach strips: rate about 200 with negative qrs in inferior leads . telemetry demonstrated: nsr in 60s . 2d-echocardiogram: none . ett: none . cardiac cath: none . hemodynamics: none . laboratory data: na/k 141/5 cl/hco3 109/23 bun/cr 40/1.5 gluc 190 mg 2.3 . ck 160 mb 5 trop 0.03 . alt 30 ast 34 . wbc 10.8 hct 34.4 plt 187 . cxr (my read): no infiltrate; +mild pulmonary edema brief hospital course: 86yo gentleman with cad s/p cabg in , htn, and dm admitted with presyncope and wide complex tachycardia. . # rhythm: patient presented with wide complex tachycardia. patient's episode was not associated with chest pain or typical anginal symptoms, ekg changes not evolving and enzymes negative x3, so it seemed unlikely that he had an ischemic event. it was thought that he might have scar mediated vt. different ekgs showed lafb vs. rbbb. episodes of wide complex tachycardia while inpatient appeared more likely consistent with svt. however, eps showed inducible vt, degenerating into vf, leading to icd placement. icd was interrogated by electrophysiology and found to be functioning normally. pa/lateral cxr was done, showing good lead placement. he was discharged on three days of prophylactic keflex. finally, his outpatient coreg regimen was changed to toprol xl 100qd. a decision was made to change from carvedilol to metoprolol because it was felt that his blood pressure was unable to tolerate increases in carvedilol. . # pump: patient noted to have lv systolic and diastolic failure with ef 15-20%, severe lv hypokinesis except at basal and lateral segments, dystolic dysfunction, mild mr. was initially somewhat volume overloaded, with signs of pulmonary edema and bibasilar crackles. he was diuresed well, responding well to lasix 20mg po. he likely developed some mild pulmonary edema in the setting of possible vt, which resolved with diuresis. by the time of discharge, he was oxygenating well, with good oxygen saturation on room air, and appeared fairly euvolemic. his diovan was initially held, but he was restarted on his outpatient dosage of 80qd prior to discharge. . # cad s/p cabg: no signs of active ischemia were noted. no ekg changes suggestive of ischemia were noted, and cardiac enzymes were negative x3. his aspirin, lipitor and diovan were continued. he was switched from carvedilol to metoprolol. . # arf: baseline cr unknown, creatinine while inpatient was approximately 1.3 and fairly stable. this may have been related to transient poor perfusion in the setting of vt. initially, diovan was held, but it was restarted prior to discharge. . # htn: beta blocker switched from carvedilol to metoprolol because his blood pressure would not tolerate further increases in carvedilol. initially, diovan was held, but it was restarted prior to discharge. . # dm: metformin was held and he was covered with sliding scale insulin. . # anemia: he was noted to be somewhat anemic, but his hematocrit was fairly stable. this was not worked up while inpatient, but he was advised to consider an outpatient colonoscopy following discharge. medications on admission: metformin 500mg daily coreg 6.25mg lipitor 20mg qhs diovan 60mg daily discharge medications: 1. aspirin 325 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po daily (daily). 2. atorvastatin (lipitor) 40 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po once a day. 3. cephalexin 500 mg capsule sig: one (1) capsule po q8h (every 8 hours) as needed for icd implantation for 3 days. 4. valsartan 80 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po daily (daily). 5. metoprolol succinate 100 mg tablet sustained release 24 hr sig: one (1) tablet sustained release 24 hr po daily (daily). 6. metformin 500mg daily discharge disposition: home discharge diagnosis: primary 1. ventricular tachycardia s/p icd 2. supraventricular tachycardia secondary 1. htn 2. dm type 2 3. cad s/p cabg 4. acute renal failure 5. dyslipidemia 6. bph 7. macular degeneration 8. s/p cholecystectomy? discharge condition: stable. discharge instructions: you were admitted to after passing out. you underwent a study which found a dangerous, abnormal heart rhythm, for which you received a defibrillator. you tolerated the procedure well. you were started on the following new medications: aspirin 325mg po every day cephalexin 500 mg po every 8 hours for another two days (you will need a total of three days, but you received one day of cephalexin while in the hospital) metoprolol succinate xl 100 mg daily for the earlier part of your stay here at , you were not given your regular dose of diovan 80 mg daily. we restarted you on diovan 80 mg daily before discharging you, and you should continue this medication. the following medications were changed: - lipitor was increased to 40 mg daily the following medications were discontinued: - coreg 6.25 mg please take all medications as prescribed. you may discuss decreasing or discontinuing the aspirin with your cardiologist at a later time. if you experience chest pain, lightheadedness, loss of consciousness, or other concerning symptoms, please call 911 or go to the ed. followup instructions: cardiovascular: device clinic at phone: date/time: 11:30 dr. in phone: date/time: wednesday at 9:30am dr. at phone: date/time: friday at 11:20am . primary care: dr. phone: ( date/time: monday at 10:30am. procedure: implantation or replacement of automatic cardioverter/defibrillator, total system [aicd] diagnoses: anemia, unspecified congestive heart failure, unspecified unspecified essential hypertension diabetes mellitus without mention of complication, type ii or unspecified type, not stated as uncontrolled acute kidney failure, unspecified coronary atherosclerosis of unspecified type of vessel, native or graft aortocoronary bypass status paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia macular degeneration (senile), unspecified combined systolic and diastolic heart failure, unspecified Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: allergies: benadryl / ace inhibitors attending: addendum: on admission baseline creatinine 1.4 with decrease postoperatively due to volume. however over the first few days postoperatively his creatinine progressively increased and peaked at 2.6 on . he had received fluids and was on multiple pressors to maintain blood pressure post operatively. due to oliguria he was treated with fluids and lasix for diuresis with medication adjustment due to acute renal failure that was resolving at discharge with creatinine decreased to 1.9. acute on chronic systolic heart failure based on echo with ef 10-20% . due to renal function and blood pressure was not started on ace inhibitor or . although discharged on ciprofloxacin for positive urinalysis, final culture was no growth. discharge disposition: extended care facility: md procedure: continuous invasive mechanical ventilation for less than 96 consecutive hours single internal mammary-coronary artery bypass extracorporeal circulation auxiliary to open heart surgery (aorto)coronary bypass of two coronary arteries open and other replacement of aortic valve with tissue graft diagnoses: other primary cardiomyopathies coronary atherosclerosis of native coronary artery congestive heart failure, unspecified acute kidney failure, unspecified aortic valve disorders diabetes with neurological manifestations, type ii or unspecified type, not stated as uncontrolled polyneuropathy in diabetes unspecified transient mental disorder in conditions classified elsewhere long-term (current) use of insulin macular degeneration (senile), unspecified acute on chronic systolic heart failure other nonspecific findings on examination of urine other acute postoperative pain Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: allergies: sulfa (sulfonamides) attending: chief complaint: increased bp and anxiety at term pregnancy major surgical or invasive procedure: primary cesarean section exploratory laparotomy, management of retro-peritoneal bleed history of present illness: 35 yo g4p1 @38+0wks presents to l+d for iol given ght, sga. testing on day of admission showed efw 2374g (10%). booking bp 108/56; has had bp elevated to 130-140s/80-90s since 34wks. bps on day of admission was comparable. no ha, visual changes, ruq pain. slightly uncomfortable ctxs, no lof, no vb. +afm. past medical history: pobhx: - sab -> d&c - term svd after iol for ?ghtn - sab -> no d&c pgynhx: no abnl paps, no stis pmh: anxiety, +ppd with neg cxr s/p inh in psh: ear tubes, d&c social history: married no cig/etoh/recreational drugs physical exam: bp 142/76, hr 101 nad, anxious ctab rrr abd - nt, gravid, efw 6# l.ext - nt, nonedematous, dtrs 2+ b/l sve: /-2 fht 140s/moderate variability/+accels/-decels toco: q2-4min pertinent results: 07:33pm urine blood-neg nitrite-neg protein-neg glucose-neg ketone-tr bilirubin-neg urobilngn-neg ph-7.0 leuk-neg 07:33pm urine color-yellow appear-clear sp -1.005 07:33pm plt count-226 07:33pm wbc-9.1 rbc-3.92* hgb-11.7* hct-34.1* mcv-87 mch-29.9 mchc-34.4 rdw-14.5 07:33pm uric acid-5.5 07:33pm alt(sgpt)-16 07:33pm creat-0.5 brief hospital course: pt was admitted for induction of labour for ghtn and sga infant. pt was started on pitocin per protocol, given that she was contracting too often for cytotec. over the course of hd#1 and 2, pt had occasional variable decels for which the pitocin was adjusted accordingly. on hd#2, pt had an arrest of dilation at 8cm and a 300cc clot noted in vaginal vault. for arrest of dilation and suspected abruption, pt was informed of risks and benefits of c/s, and agreed to ltcs. the details of the procedure is available in an operative report elsewhere. pod#0 s/p ltcs, pt was tachycardic to 130s and with low uop. pt also pale, weak and nauseated. hct trended down from preop 34 to 25 postop, and subsequently down to 18. pt had no vaginal bleed, ff, and slightly distended abd. with concern for intrabdominal bleeding, pt was given 2uprbc and ob hemorrhage protocol was initiated. pt returned to the or for exploartory laparotomy with gyn oncologist called to assist. s/p ex-lap, r uterine artery ligation (details of this surgery is available in an operative report elsewhere), pt was transfered to the icu for further management, where she remained intubated and required pressors to control bps. pt also required an additional 3u prbc and 4u ffp. pod#1 s/p ex lap r uterine artery ligation s/p ltcs, pt was extubated and off pressors. uop was monitored closely and bolused as needed. hct had increased back up to 27.8, and received another unit of prbc, after which her hct stablized throughout the rest of her hospital stay around 27-28. lytes were repleted prn. pt was transfered back to the postpartum floor later the same day, where she c/o sob and calf pain, with o2sat down to 87% on ra, although it increased up to 91% with deep breaths. in setting of postop, immobililty, though scd in place, with concern for dvt/pe, lenis and cta were obtained. lenis negative for dvt, cta negative for pe, but showed moderate b/l pleural effusions, mild intersitial fullness c/w fluid overload, atelectasis. on pod#2, given increased sx of sob and with rales from base of lungs b/l, ivf were turned down and lasix 20mg x1 provided. a second dose of lasix was subsequently given, and pt improved further through pod#3. on pod#3, pt's bps were noted to be elevated, for which preeclampsia labs were sent and labetalol was started at 200mg . labs were found to be wnl, and bps were monitored closely through pod#, and were well controlled on labetalol. pt's staples were removed on pod#6. pt was discharged home in good condition, tolerating po, ambulant, with good pain control and adequate bp control. medications on admission: pnv discharge medications: 1. percocet 5-325 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po every hours as needed for pain. disp:*30 tablet(s)* refills:*0* 2. colace 100 mg capsule sig: one (1) capsule po three times a day. disp:*90 capsule(s)* refills:*2* 3. labetalol 200 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po twice a day. disp:*60 tablet(s)* refills:*2* 4. lorazepam 0.5 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po at bedtime as needed for insomnia for 10 days. disp:*10 tablet(s)* refills:*0* discharge disposition: home discharge diagnosis: pregnancy complicated with terminal gestational htn, abruptio placentae, retroperitoneal hemorrhage, discharge condition: stable discharge instructions: follow detailed discharge planning instructions. call for fever, heavy bleeding, depression, mastitis etc followup instructions: 2 weeks post partum and 6 weeks post-partum procedure: continuous invasive mechanical ventilation for less than 96 consecutive hours insertion of endotracheal tube control of hemorrhage, not otherwise specified incision of adrenal gland low cervical cesarean section other artificial rupture of membranes medical induction of labor fetal ekg (scalp) diagnoses: iron deficiency anemia secondary to blood loss (chronic) carrier or suspected carrier of group b streptococcus other immediate postpartum hemorrhage, delivered, with mention of postpartum complication anemia of mother, delivered, with mention of postpartum complication other current conditions classifiable elsewhere of mother, delivered, with or without mention of antepartum condition outcome of delivery, single liveborn poor fetal growth, affecting management of mother, delivered, with or without mention of antepartum condition elderly multigravida, delivered with or without mention of antepartum condition unspecified inflammatory disease of uterus premature separation of placenta, delivered, with or without mention of antepartum condition secondary uterine inertia, delivered, with or without mention of antepartum condition major puerperal infection, delivered, with mention of postpartum complication transient hypertension of pregnancy, delivered , with or without mention of antepartum condition Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: history of present illness: mr. is a 43-year-old gentleman with a history of chronic renal failure status post renal transplant in , on azathioprine and prednisone, mesenteric ischemia status post inferior mesenteric artery bypass in , status post brief admission to the intensive care unit on to for fevers, hypoxia, and hypertension. the patient presented with fevers, chills, and shortness of breath in the emergency department on , and was found to be mildly hypoxic with o2 saturations of 80% and also hypotensive with a systolic blood pressure in the 70s to 80s. per the patient his baseline systolic blood pressure runs from the 90s to 100s. a chest x-ray revealed bilateral mid lung zone infiltrates. he was started on vancomycin, levofloxacin, flagyl, and steroids, and was transferred to the on 5 mcg of dopamine. in the intensive care unit the dopamine was weaned and the levofloxacin and flagyl were continued. bactrim was added for possible pneumocystis carinii pneumonia. during this time his steroids were started to be weaned. one sputum was collected and was negative for pneumocystis carinii pneumonia x 1. the patient then had a bronchoscopy with a bronchoalveolar lavage with a pneumocystis carinii pneumonia dfa pending. when the patient was hemodynamically stable, saturating well, and taking good p.o.'s he was transferred to the for further observation. past medical history: 1. chronic renal failure secondary to vesiculo-ureteral reflux status post renal transplant in . 2. mesenteric ischemia status post internal mammary artery bypass with 45-pound weight loss. 3. ophthalmic zoster. 4. colitis with anal fistulae. allergies: the patient has no known drug allergies.. medications: azathioprine 100 mg p.o. once daily; multivitamin one tablet p.o. once daily; levothyroxine 200 mcg p.o. once daily; prednisone 10 mg p.o. q.o.d. physical examination: vital signs: temperature 98.2, pulse 70s to 80s; blood pressures 80s-110s/60s, saturating greater than 95% on room air. general: he was a thin male in no apparent distress. head, eyes, ears, nose and throat: mucous membranes were moist. cardiovascular: regular rate and rhythm, normal s1 and s2. lungs: he had rales at the left mid to base. his right lung was clear. abdomen: soft, scaphoid. extremities: no cyanosis, clubbing or edema. laboratory data: white count 7, hematocrit 26, platelet count 385, sodium 138, potassium 2.6, bun 108, bicarbonate 17, bun 29, creatinine 1.1, glucose 108. chest x-ray revealed persistent diffuse airspace consolidation in the left lung with partial resolution of the consolidation of the right lower zone. these findings are consistent with viral pneumonia. hospital course: after being transferred to the medicine floor the patient was transfused with two units of packed red blood cells which improved his hematocrit to 40.1. his prednisone was tapered to 10 mg every other day and he was restarted on azathioprine. because his results were negative for pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, bactrim was discontinued. he was continued on his levofloxacin, for which he will finish a 14-day course. his blood was sent for iron studies, which were pending at the time of discharge. condition on discharge: stable. discharge status: discharged to home. discharge medications: 1. levofloxacin 500 mg p.o. once daily for a total of 14 days. 2. azathioprine 100 mg p.o. once daily. 3. multivitamin 1 tablet p.o. once daily. 4. levothyroxine 200 mcg p.o. once daily. 5. prednisone 10 mg p.o. q.o.d. 6. aspirin 325 mg p.o. q.d. 7. folic acid 1 mg p.o. q.d. 8. protonix 40 mg p.o. q.d. discharge instructions: the patient will return to the emergency room if he develops recurrent fevers, chills, or shortness of breath. follow up: he will follow up with his primary care physician, . at her next available appointment. problem list: 1. chronic renal failure status post renal transplant. 2. mesenteric ischemia status post internal mammary artery bypass. 3. ophthalmic zoster. 4. colitis with anal fistulae. 5. community-acquired pneumonia. , m.d. dictated by: medquist36 d: 17:38 t: 09:36 job#: procedure: closed [endoscopic] biopsy of bronchus diagnoses: pneumonia, organism unspecified acute kidney failure, unspecified unspecified septicemia kidney replaced by transplant polyglandular dysfunction, unspecified Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: allergies: penicillins / bactrim attending: chief complaint: morbid obesity major surgical or invasive procedure: 1. laparoscopic roux en y gastric bypass. () 2. laparoscopic cholecystectomy. () 3. takeback for laparoscopic abdominal exploration. () history of present illness: mrs. is a 50 year old woman, with longstanding morbid obesity, refractory to non operative attempts at weight loss. she has a preoperative weight of 230.7 pounds, a height of 63 inches and a body mass index of 40.9. she was evaluated by a multi-disciplinary bariatric team and deemed a suitable candidate for gastric bypass in accordance with the national institute of health consensus statement. past medical history: she suffers from associated comorbidities including hypertension, non insulin dependent diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, cardiac disease consisting of diastolic dysfunction, gastroesophageal reflux, non alcoholic hepatitis, cholelithiasis, urinary stress incontinence, osteoarthritis of the lower extremities and low back pain. social history: socially, she does not smoke although she has a 10-pack-year history. she does not use drugs or drink excessive amounts of alcohol. she is a nurse with a doctor at education and employed at the in . she is married and lives with her husband and two children. family history: her family history is noteworthy for heart disease, arthritis, obesity, and diabetes. physical exam: on examination, her recorded blood pressure is 142/82 with a pulse of 82. she is alert and oriented and in no acute distress. pupils are equal, round, and reactive to light. sclerae are anicteric. oropharynx is without lesions. there are no loose teeth. neck is supple without jugular venous distention, bruits, lymphadenopathy, thyromegaly, or nodules. trachea is in midline. lungs are clear to auscultation bilaterally. heart is regular with no murmurs, rubs, or gallops. abdomen is obese, soft, nontender, and nondistended. there is no organomegaly or masses. there are no hernias. extremities have trace edema bilaterally with no evidence of venous stasis or varices. there is no spine or flank tenderness. neurologically, cranial nerves ii through xii are intact and otherwise nonfocal. pertinent results: 10:14pm wbc-11.2*# rbc-4.18* hgb-11.7* hct-35.0* mcv-84 mch-27.9 mchc-33.4 rdw-13.4 10:14pm neuts-86.5* bands-0 lymphs-10.2* monos-2.9 eos-0.3 basos-0.1 10:14pm glucose-167* urea n-10 creat-0.6 sodium-139 potassium-4.1 chloride-102 total co2-28 anion gap-13 brief hospital course: patient tolerated lap rygbp and ccy and was transferred to pacu. on night of pod0, patient was nauseous refractory to zofran, compazine, and phenergan. subsequently her pca was changed from mso4 to dilaudid and she was provided a scopolamine patch. later in the night, patient desat'ed to 79% on ra with continued nausea. in am of pod1, patient was transferred to t-sicu for hypoxia. cta of chest was done and demonstrated no pe, but evidence of bilateral consolidation. ct abdomen demonstrated no obvious leak. she was started on iv antibiotics for question aspiration pneumonia. after being seen by dr. in sicu, team decided to take patient back to or for laparoscopic exploration to rule out leak. no leak was found in or. patient tolerated procedure well and was back in pacu. she was transferred to floor without incident. post-op course was unremarkable thereafter. on , she was started on stage i and transitioned to stage ii later in the day. on day of discharge, patient did well on stage iii with good pain control on oral roxicet. patient was sent home with oral antibiotics for 10 days. discharge medications: 1. roxicet 5-325 mg/5 ml solution sig: teaspoons po every 4-6 hours as needed for pain. disp:*250 ml* refills:*0* 2. zantac 15 mg/ml syrup sig: ten (10) ml po twice a day for 1 months. disp:*qs * refills:*0* 3. multi-vitamins w/iron tablet, chewable sig: one (1) tablet, chewable po twice a day. disp:*60 tablet, chewable(s)* refills:*2* 4. levofloxacin 500 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po q24h (every 24 hours) for 10 days: needs 10 total days of levo & flagyl. disp:*10 tablet(s)* refills:*0* 5. metronidazole 500 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po tid (3 times a day) for 10 days: needs 10 total days of levo & flagyl. disp:*30 tablet(s)* refills:*0* discharge disposition: home discharge diagnosis: morbid obesity s/p laparoscopic roux-en-y gastric bypass cholethiasis hypertension non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus dyslipidemia discharge condition: good discharge instructions: please stay on stage 3 diet until follow-up. do not self-advance diet, drink from a straw, or chew gum. no heavy lifting (>10lbs) for 6 weeks. you may shower (no tub bathing or swimming for 6 weeks) as long as no drainage from wound sites. if there is clear drainage, cover wound and stop showering. please md for temp >101.5, persistent nausea/vomiting or pain, or drainage from wound. please crush all pills. followup instructions: in 3 weeks at clinic. please call for appointment. procedure: laparoscopy other gastroenterostomy without gastrectomy laparoscopic cholecystectomy diagnoses: unspecified essential hypertension diabetes mellitus without mention of complication, type ii or unspecified type, not stated as uncontrolled calculus of gallbladder with other cholecystitis, without mention of obstruction morbid obesity Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: allergies: niacin attending: chief complaint: generalized weakness, odynophagia major surgical or invasive procedure: hd history of present illness: 85-year-old man with a history of recently diagnosed kaposi's sarcoma with visceral involvement, duodenal ulcer, esrd not on hd, htn, hl, schf w/ef 40%, recent admission for gib, is transferred here from osh for generalized weakness, confusion, odynophagia. . patient received his cycle 2 of paclitaxel on and has been experiencing odynophagia from mucositis. for the past few days he has felt "not well" at home, complaining of intermittent shortness of breath, odynophagia and dysphagia. he presented to on . there, he was found to have pancytopenia. initially chf exacerbation was suspected given clinical status and bnp of 65,987. however, chest ct without contrast showed moderate pleural effusion with right lower lobe atelectasis, but no evidence of pulmonary edema. pneumonia was suspected and patient was started on ceftriaxone and vancomycin. his home furosemide was held. . while at , patient started to be delirious, not knowing where he was, attempting to get out of bed frequently, and at one point falling without head trauma, per his family. at osh, hct 23 and plts 35. his cxr showed bilateral pleural effusions. he was started on ceftriaxone and vancomycin empirically. . review of systems: (+) per hpi (-) denies fever, chills, night sweats, recent weight loss or gain. denies blurry vision, diplopia, loss of vision, photophobia. denies headache, sinus tenderness, rhinorrhea or congestion. denies chest pain or tightness, palpitations, lower extremity edema. denies cough, shortness of breath, or wheezes. denies nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain, melena, hematemesis, hematochezia. denies abnormal bleeding, bruising, lymphadenopathy. denies dysuria, stool or urine incontinence. denies arthralgias or myalgias. denies rashes or skin breakdown. no numbness/tingling in extremities. all other systems negative. past medical history: past oncologic history: kaposi's sarcoma diagnosed by lle biopsy by dermatology; evidence of visceral involvement on gi capsule study . admitted by dr. on for cycle 1 of taxol. . other past medical history: upper gi bleed though secondary to dieulafoy's lesion esrd with right sided av fistula, not on hd cad s/p cabgx3 in , s/p svg to rca stent , svg to om stent . recent p-mibi with moderate ischemia in anterior wall in , cath deferred due to renal function. chf, chronic systolic and diastolic, ef 40% on recent p-mibi moderate aortic stenosis anemia hearing impairment right av fistula placed hyperparathyroidism due to esrd obesity htn hl bph intraocular lens social history: lives at home on of home with wife who has early . has a caretaker who is in every other day to help with medications, appointments. previously worked for local school system, fought in the infantry in wwii in and in . distant history of tobacco use 60 years ago, 1ppd for 2 years, denies etoh and illicit drug use. family history: sister w/brain ca, brother w/ ca, both deceased. brother died of sudden cardiac death at age 56. father died at age 80 of ?cva. mother died of in her 80's. physical exam: vs: t 99.1, bp 122/70, hr 78, rr 24, 98%ra gen: elderly man in nad, awake heent: eomi, perrl, sclera anicteric, conjunctivae clear, op moist and without lesion neck: supple, no jvd cv: reg rate, normal s1, s2. no m/r/g. chest: resp were unlabored, no accessory muscle use. bibasilar crackles r > l, scattered expiratory wheezes abd: soft, nt, nd, no hsm, bowel sounds present msk: normal muscle tone and bulk ext: 1+ bilateraly le edema to mid-shin, 2+ dp/pt bilaterally skin: no rash, warm skin neuro: oriented to name, "hospital," but not date; answered "" for us president; normal attention but hard of hearing; cn ii-xii intact, 5/5 strength throughout but exam not accurate due to patient's not fully cooperating, intact sensation to light touch psych: slightly confused, asking family members about non-relevant things lymph: no cervical, axillary, inguinal lad pertinent results: 12:08am blood wbc-0.3*# rbc-3.17* hgb-9.2* hct-26.0* mcv-82 mch-29.1 mchc-35.4* rdw-16.7* plt ct-47*# 12:08am blood plt ct-47*# 12:08am blood pt-13.7* ptt-26.8 inr(pt)-1.2* 12:08am blood glucose-118* urean-133* creat-4.1* na-144 k-4.3 cl-105 hco3-24 angap-19 . imaging: # chest ct (osh) moderate r pleural effusion with rll atelectasis # cxr : findings: in comparison with the study of , there is layering of substantial right pleural effusion. probably smaller left pleural effusion shows layering as well. continued enlargement of the cardiac silhouette with evidence of pulmonary vascular congestion. underlying lungs are difficult to evaluate, though there are probably at least atelectatic changes at both bases. # cxr : impression: findings suggestive of a pleural effusion on the right with opacities that can likely be attributed to atelectasis. pneumonia cannot be completely excluded, however. follow-up radiographs may be helpful for continued evaluation. brief hospital course: 85-year-old man with kaposi's sarcoma with visceral involvement, chf, ckd presents with confusion, dyspnea, odynophagia, generalized weakness. . #. goals of care: patient was transferred to the icu for hypoxia to the high 80s from pulmonary edema and the plan to initiate dialysis to remove fluid. the patient did receive one round of dialysis before he and his family decided to change his goals of care. while in the icu, it was decided that the patient would be made comfort measures only. the patient was started on a morphine drip, benadryl for itching related uremia, and haldol for terminal delirium. the patient was subsequently transfered to the oncology inpatient service. pt expired the following night. . #. dyspnea: patient presented with some wheezing on exam, bilateral crackles r>l. ct showed right-sided pleural effusion. intermittently tachypneic but with good o2 saturation. there is no clear evidence of pneumonia. patient does not have significant coughs and the chest ct showed no clear infiltrate. antibiotics were discontinued on the oncology service. the patient received nebs prn. patient further received furosemide given concern for chf on exam. pt had one round of dialysis but did not resolve pt's tachypnea. . #. confusion: not at home but started being delirious at . might be due to hospitalization-related delirium in an elderly person, chf exacerbation, pneumonia. head bleed is a possible cause given thrombocytopenia. uremia (urea > 100) from ckd was ultimately presumed to be the most likely cause. . #. htn: normotensive on admission. the patient was continued on hydralazine, labetolol and ranolazine initially, though these meds were held for hypotension that may likely happen with dialysis. . #. odynophagia: was presumed due to mucositis from recent chemotherapy. patient received pain control with narcotics and was monitored closely for thrush. pt was also started on fluc and acyclovir. . #. ckd: cr 4.0 at baseline but urea in the 130s from the usual 80s. the patient subsequently received one round of dialysis before his goals of care were changed. . #. kaposi's sarcoma with known visceral involvement: patient was pancytopenic from recent chemotherapy. pt was started on neupogen and wbc responded appropriately. . # pt was on pneumoboots for dvt ppx as pt had thrombocytopenia. pt was dnr/dni on admission, then made cmo in icu. pt was npo given high risk of aspiration. medications on admission: meds on transfer: hydralazine 25 mg tid rosuvastatin 40 mg daily ferrous sulfate 324 mg daily fluconazole 150 mg iv daily nephrocaps 1 capsule daily filgrastim 300 mcg sc daily nitroglycerin sl prn labetolol 200 mg famotidine 20 mg finasteride 5 mg daily ranolazine 5 mg daily calcitriol 0.25 mg daily vitamin d units . meds at home: ondansetron prn prochlorperazine prn furosemide 80 mg po bid aspirin 81 mg daily labetalol 200 mg daily calcitriol 0.25 mcg daily cholecalciferol (vitamin d3) 2,000 unit daily atorvastatin 80 mg daily finasteride 5 mg daily ranolazine sr 500 mg daily ranitidine 150 mg qhs hydralazine 25 mg q8h epoetin alfa 10,000 unit/ml 1 injection weekly clopidogrel 75 mg daily renal caps 1 mg capsule daily discharge disposition: expired discharge diagnosis: kaposi's sarcoma chf esrd discharge condition: expired procedure: hemodialysis diagnoses: end stage renal disease congestive heart failure, unspecified atrial fibrillation coronary atherosclerosis of unspecified type of vessel, native or graft aortocoronary bypass status aortic valve disorders percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty status hypertensive chronic kidney disease, unspecified, with chronic kidney disease stage v or end stage renal disease other and unspecified hyperlipidemia unspecified hearing loss antineoplastic and immunosuppressive drugs causing adverse effects in therapeutic use secondary hyperparathyroidism (of renal origin) obesity, unspecified do not resuscitate status other malaise and fatigue tachycardia, unspecified neutropenia, unspecified fever presenting with conditions classified elsewhere dysphagia, unspecified chronic combined systolic and diastolic heart failure mucositis (ulcerative) due to antineoplastic therapy kaposi's sarcoma, skin Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: allergies: no known allergies / adverse drug reactions attending: chief complaint: chest pain major surgical or invasive procedure: coronary artery bypass graft x4 -- left internal mammary artery to left anterior descending artery and saphenous vein grafts to diagonal, obtuse marginal 1, and obtuse marginal 2 history of present illness: mr. is a 50 year old man who had four days of chest and left arm pain and was admitted to after a subsequent cardiac catheterization revealed multi-vessel coronary artery disease. he was transferred to for surgical evaluation. past medical history: hypertension diabetes mellitus depression anxiety benign prostatic hypertrophy skin lesion removal of right infraorbital area s/p turp social history: race:hispanic last dental exam:> 1 year lives with:wife contact: phone #( occupation:disability due to depression cigarettes: smoked no yes last cigarette hx: 1.5ppd times 25 years etoh: < 1 drink/week drinks/week >8 drinks/week illicit drug use - no family history: no premature coronary artery disease physical exam: pulse:50 resp:16 o2 sat:100%ra b/p l:147/81 height:5"3 weight:151 lbs general: skin: dry intact heent: perrla eomi neck: supple full rom chest: lungs clear bilaterally heart: rrr irregular murmur grade i/vi diastolic abdomen: soft non-distended non-tender bowel sounds + extremities: warm , well-perfused edema none varicosities: none neuro: grossly intact pulses: femoral right:2+ left:2+ dp right:2+ left:2+ pt :2+ left:2+ radial right:2+ left:2+ carotid bruit right:- left:- pertinent results: ct : no intrathoracic, intra-abdominal, or intrapelvic pathology identified. . echo: : pre-bypass: the left atrium is dilated. no spontaneous echo contrast or thrombus is seen in the body of the left atrium/left atrial appendage or the body of the right atrium/right atrial appendage. no atrial septal defect is seen by 2d or color doppler. right ventricular chamber size and free wall motion are normal. there are simple atheroma in the aortic arch. there are simple atheroma in the descending thoracic aorta. the aortic valve leaflets (3) are mildly thickened but aortic stenosis is not present. no aortic regurgitation is seen. the mitral valve leaflets are mildly thickened. no mitral regurgitation is seen. there is no pericardial effusion. dr. was notified in person of the results before surgical incision. postbypass: preserved biventricular systolic function. lvef 55%. intact thoracic aorta. no new valvular findings. brief hospital course: as mentioned in the hpi, mr. was transferred from outside hospital after cardiac cath revealed severe coronary artery disease. upon admission he was medically managed and underwent pre-operative work-up. on he was brought to the operating room where he underwent a coronary arterty bypass graft x 4. please see operative note for details. following surgery he was transferred to the cvicu for invasive monitoring in stable condition. his awoke from sedation hemodynamically stable and was weaned from the ventilator and extubated. he was started on betablockers, lasix, asa and statin therapy. ct and temporary pacing wires were removed per protocol. he was evaluated by physical tehrpay for strnegth and conditioning. on 3 separate occasions when he was walking on the stairs he became hypotensive w/ sbp 70's-80's and diaphoretic. his medications were adjusted and he was given 2 uprbc for post-op anemia( hct 22) with stabilization of his hemodynamics. an echo was done without evidence of pericardial effusion. cxr revealed a moderate left effusion which has responded to diuresis. on pod# 6 he was cleared for dischrge to home and all follow up instructions and appointments were advised. medications on admission: lisinopril 20mg daily, lantus 50 units at bedtime, aspirin 81mg daily, remeron 45mg daily, zocor 80mg daily, relafen 750mg prn, colace 100mg , metformin 1000mg discharge medications: 1. docusate sodium 100 mg capsule sig: one (1) capsule po bid (2 times a day). 2. aspirin 81 mg tablet, delayed release (e.c.) sig: one (1) tablet, delayed release (e.c.) po daily (daily). disp:*30 tablet, delayed release (e.c.)(s)* refills:*2* 3. mirtazapine 15 mg tablet sig: three (3) tablet po hs (at bedtime). 4. oxycodone-acetaminophen 5-325 mg tablet sig: 1-2 tablets po q4h (every 4 hours) as needed for pain. disp:*65 tablet(s)* refills:*0* 5. metoprolol tartrate 25 mg tablet sig: 1.5 tablets po bid (2 times a day). disp:*90 tablet(s)* refills:*2* 6. simvastatin 40 mg tablet sig: two (2) tablet po daily (daily). disp:*60 tablet(s)* refills:*2* 7. metformin 500 mg tablet sig: two (2) tablet po bid (2 times a day). 8. furosemide 20 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po daily (daily) for 5 days. disp:*5 tablet(s)* refills:*1* 9. potassium chloride 10 meq tablet extended release sig: two (2) tablet extended release po once a day for 5 days. disp:*10 tablet extended release(s)* refills:*1* 10. glargine take only 10 units of lantus at bedtime and check you fingerstick before meals and at bedtime discharge disposition: home with service facility: all care vna of greater discharge diagnosis: coronary artery disease s/p coronary artery bypass graft x 4 past medical history: hypertension diabetes mellitus depression anxiety benign prostatic hypertrophy skin lesion removal of right infraorbital area s/p turp discharge condition: alert and oriented x3 nonfocal ambulating with steady gait incisional pain managed with incisions: sternal - healing well, no erythema or drainage leg left - healing well, no erythema or drainage. edema- none discharge instructions: please shower daily including washing incisions gently with mild soap, no baths or swimming until cleared by surgeon. look at your incisions daily for redness or drainage please no lotions, cream, powder, or ointments to incisions each morning you should weigh yourself and then in the evening take your temperature, these should be written down on the chart no driving for approximately one month and while taking narcotics, will be discussed at follow up appointment with surgeon when you will be able to drive no lifting more than 10 pounds for 10 weeks please call with any questions or concerns **please call cardiac surgery office with any questions or concerns . answering service will contact on call person during off hours** followup instructions: you are scheduled for the following appointments surgeon: dr. on at 1:00pm in the medical office building, cardiologist: dr. on at 10:45am wound check: , on at 11:00am please call to schedule appointments with your primary care dr. in weeks **please call cardiac surgery office with any questions or concerns . answering service will contact on call person during off hours** md procedure: (aorto)coronary bypass of three coronary arteries single internal mammary-coronary artery bypass extracorporeal circulation auxiliary to open heart surgery diagnoses: other iatrogenic hypotension anemia, unspecified coronary atherosclerosis of native coronary artery unspecified pleural effusion unspecified essential hypertension diabetes mellitus without mention of complication, type ii or unspecified type, not stated as uncontrolled hyposmolality and/or hyponatremia personal history of tobacco use long-term (current) use of insulin unspecified hereditary and idiopathic peripheral neuropathy chronic total occlusion of coronary artery precordial pain Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: allergies: patient recorded as having no known allergies to drugs attending: chief complaint: inability to ambulate, diplopia. major surgical or invasive procedure: 1. lumbar puncture 2. duodenal biopsy 3. sural nerve and muscle biopsy history of present illness: patient is a 21 year old male with mental retardation with history of viral encephalitis/adem who presented to with fever, altered ms and inability to walk. the patient has been having low grade temperatures at the house. at baseline, he was what sounds like cerebral palsy, mild ataxia (he is wheelchair dependent), and slurred speech. he was becoming more drowsy and started having worsened slurred speech and inability to ambulate. he was seen at ed on with respiratory symptoms of difficulty breathing/cough in addition slurred speech and ataxia. it was thought at time that primary respiratory disease may have been contributing to exacerbation of prior deficits from infectious/inflammatory cns disease (hospitalization -). he was discharged from ed and his residential home did not think he ever improved. . has been hospitalized for neurological deficits in the past. in the years and , he had neurological symptoms that were alternatively labeled meningitis, encephalitis, and adem. he recovered from this episode with only mild clumsy walking. he was again seen in for left facial droop but otherwise nonfocal exam. mri at that time showed "a focus of increased t2 and flair signal in right cerebral peduncle". . patient again developed neurologic issues in with progressive gait instability and speech became more garbled. he was admitted to from . on mri with gadolinium showed progression of the t2 signal abnormality and contrast enhancement within the pontomesencephalic portion of brainstem. this was thought to be atypical of demylinating lesions. lumbar puncture showed 13 wbc with atypical lymphocytes in csf. over the first 24 hours of that admission patient had problems with secretions and then he had more ataxia, unability to speak, and facial weakness. csf analysis for infectious etiology negative (cryptococcal antigen neg, hsv neg, ebv neg, protein electrophoresis showed no oligoclonal banding, viral cx, fungal cx, afb neg, vzv neg, serum mycoplasma and hiv neg. patient was treated with 5 days of steroids and improved speech, drooling and gait. during that hospitilization he developed aspiration pneumonia. he later worsened neurologically, becoming anarthric, drooling. repeat mri showed progression of brainstem enhancing lesion extending from pons, spreading to the inferior cerbellar peduncle and extending to the left thalamic lesion. he again was treated with 5 days of iv steroids and transitioned to 5 week course of oral steroids. cta head negative for vasculitis. he continued to have problems swallowing and went home on a dysphagia diet. . he was discharged to a rehab hospital on a steroid taper and eventually recovered to his baseline. past medical history: 1. meningoencephalitis versus acute disseminated encephalomyelitis 2. post traumatic stress disorder 3. attention deficit hyperactivity disorder 4. microcytic anemia 5. asthma 6. obstructive sleep apnea (on cpap at night) social history: he lives in group home (the center). history of substance abuse. patient's legal guardianship is through the department of social services. contact = . supervisor = . family history: family history reveals both parents with substance abuse issues. his siblings, 2 brothers and 1 sister, are described as healthy. physical exam: physical exam on admission: o: tm: 100.6 tc: 99.3 bp: 145 / 86 hr: 72 rr: 24 o2sat96% gen: african american , obese male; drowsy. heent: nc/at. anicteric. mmm. thrush in op. neck: supple. no masses or lad. no jvd. no thyromegaly. lungs: coarse ua sounds thoughout. cardiac: rrr. s1/s2. no m/r/g. abd: soft, nt, nd, +nabs. no rebound or guarding. extrem: warm and well-perfused. no c/c/e. . neuro: mental status: drowsy but rouses to voice. orientation: oriented to person, place, and date. attention: able to say forwards but unable to do 20->1 registration intact. recall: 0/3 objects at 5 minutes. language: speech severly dysarthic with good comprehension and repetition. naming intact . no apraxia, no neglect. intact. . cranial nerves: i: not tested ii: pupils left pupil 5mm->4 mm/ l 2.5-> 2.5 mm. inattentive for confrontation but blinks to threat bilaterally. iii, iv, vi: has lateral nystagmus on endagaze to right. is not able to fully abduct right eye. v, vii: has diminished nasolabial on right lower. overall poor facial strength and tone. unable to raise eyebrows. reports normal touch in v1, v2, v3. viii: hearing intact to finger rub bilaterally. ix, x: palatal elevation symmetrical. : sternocleidomastoid and trapezius normal bilaterally. xii: tongue midline without fasciculations, moves weakly side to side. . motor: increased tone throughout but greater in ue, left greater than right. patient has giveway weakness. tri bic we wf fe ff r 5- 5 5 5 5 5- 5- l 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 note: (ips sustained 15 sec antigravity, at least 3+). . ip hipad hipab quads hamstrings df pf te tf r 3+ 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 l 3+ 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 . sensation: patient responds "yup" to all modalities. unable to obtain more clear exam. does not have sensory level on back/thorax. . reflexes: b t br pa ac 3+ with crossed adductors and jaw jerk. grasp reflex absent. toes upgoing bilaterally. . coordination: normal on finger-nose-finger mild dysmetria and intention tremor, rapid alternating movements with slow taps bilaterally, mild incoordination with heel to shin (?weakness). . gait: patient sits at edge of bed but refuses to walk. pertinent results: pertinent results: 05:30pm blood wbc-8.4 rbc-5.85 hgb-14.9 hct-44.3 mcv-76* mch-25.5* mchc-33.6 rdw-13.6 plt ct-281 10:00am blood neuts-90.1* bands-0 lymphs-5.3* monos-3.6 eos-0.9 baso-0.1 05:30pm blood neuts-71.5* lymphs-20.5 monos-5.8 eos-1.2 baso-1.0 09:59am blood aca igg-17.0* aca igm-8.2 09:35am blood esr-20* 05:30pm blood glucose-83 urean-11 creat-1.0 na-141 k-4.0 cl-103 hco3-25 angap-17 06:56am blood glucose-75 urean-15 creat-0.8 na-135 k-3.7 cl-103 hco3-25 angap-11 05:37am blood albumin-3.1* calcium-8.6 phos-3.4 mg-2.2 07:15am blood anca-negative b 09:35am blood crp-37.8* 10:20am blood gq1b igg antibodies-pnd 07:15am blood mycoplasma pneumoniae antibody igm-test 07:15am blood mycoplasma pneumoniae antibody, igg-test 07:15am blood angiotensin 1 - converting -test 08:30pm cerebrospinal fluid (csf) wbc-395 rbc-5* polys-83 lymphs-12 monos-5 08:30pm cerebrospinal fluid (csf) totprot-52* glucose-49 03:40pm cerebrospinal fluid (csf) varicella dna (pcr)-pnd 03:40pm cerebrospinal fluid (csf) herpes 6 pcr-pnd 08:50pm cerebrospinal fluid (csf) multiple sclerosis (ms) profile-test name 10:25pm cerebrospinal fluid (csf) enterovirus pcr-test 10:25pm cerebrospinal fluid (csf) herpes simplex virus pcr-test name 03:28pm cerebrospinal fluid (csf) ebv-pcr-test . mri brain : since , new enhancement of the posterior pons and mid brain with new swelling of the left cerebral peduncle. resolution of the enhancement of the lower pons, left inferior and middle cerebellar peduncles, and the left internal capsule/thalamus. . the above findings may represent demyelinating disease vs. lymphoma. sarcoid is another possibility, although this would be an unusual presentation. . mri c-spine : no abnormal signal or enhancement of the cervical and upper thoracic cord. . eeg : this is a mildly abnormal eeg in the waking and drowsy states. occasional bursts of theta slowing was seen in a random distribution, suggesting a mild encephalopathy, which may be seen with infections, medications, toxic metabolic abnormalities or ischemia. no focal, lateralizing or epilpetiform features were noted. . ct torso : 1. no evidence of mass or lymphadenopathy within the chest, abdomen, or pelvis. . scrotal us : normal bilateral testicular ultrasound. no evidence of testicular mass. . duodenal biopsy : within normal limits. . sural nerve and muscle biopsy : the biopsies lack diagnostic evidence of a vasculitis. the muscle does have some difficult to categorize and non-specific myopathic features. . mr head and mra : significant improvement in the enhancement seen within the posterior pons and mid brain on examination from . no new areas of abnormal enhancement identified. normal mr spectrographic analysis of the midbrain and pons. . liver ultrasound : no hepatobiliary abnormality is identified. brief hospital course: patient was admitted for concern of meningitis, brainstem encephalitis to general neurology service. . 1. neurology: upon admission, patient had copius oral secretions, minimal alertness, worsening spasticity, and ophthalmoplegia with left 3rd nerve involvement and bilateral 6th cranial involvement. lumbar puncture on admission showed wbc 150 wbc, 160 rbc with diff of 77%polys, 12% lymphs, 11% monos with tp 52, glucose 49; gram stain with 2+pmns. he was kept in icu for concern of poor handling of secretions and was stable for step-down unit the next day. mri brain on admission showed new enhancement of the posterior pons and mid brain with new swelling of the left cerebral peduncle since scan. there was resolution of the prior enhancement of the lower pons, left inferior and middle cerebellar peduncles, and the left internal capsule/thalamus. mri c-spine was normal. was making some mouthing movements that were concerning for seizure. however, a routine eeg showed occasional bursts of theta slowing in a random distribution, suggesting a mild encephalopathy. . over the first week of his hospital course, his opthalmoplegia worsened and he developed facial diplegia. he had increased tone in all extremities and had extensor posturing to minimal stimulation. he had a hyperactive gag and jaw jerk indicative of pseudobulbar palsy. he was treated with 5 day course of solumedrol without improvement. he was then started on 5 day course of ivig and was noted to be more alert and improved extraocular movements by day 3 of this treatment. patient started on ampicillin, ceftriaxone, vancomycin, acyclovir upon admission for concern of bacterial meningitis/hsv encephalitis. acyclovir was discontinued once hsv pcr negative. though csf bacterial cultures were negative, he continued on course of ceftriaxone/vancomycin/ampicillin for 13 days. patient had repeat lumbar puncture for further work-up of brainstem findings. . work-up of his condition included 2 lumbar punctures, muscle/nerve biopsy by neurosurgery and small bowel biopsy by gi for concern of whipple's disease. differential diagnosis of etiology included 1. infection (though serum toxoplama igm and igg ab neg, serum cryptococcal ag neg, serum mycoplasma ab igm neg, igg pos (1.7), serum ebv ab panel neg, serum lyme neg, rpr non-reactive and csf ebv pcr negative, csf enterovirus pcr negative, csf cx negative, csf hhv6 negative, csf lyme negative, csf vzv negative; csf tuberculosis-pcr and gq1b igg ab pending), 2. inflammatory, eg demyelinating disease ( neg, anca neg, anticardiolipin igg 17 (nl 0-15), anticardiolipin iga 8.2 (nl 0-12.5), ace 15, esr 20, crp 37.8, csf-pep no oligoclonal banding, csf igg index and synthesis rate normal, csf whipple's pcr negative; work-up for behcet's including ophthamological exam for uveitis and skin test with subcutaneous injection of saline negative) and 3. neoplastic (cytology sent, ct torse negative for adenopathy, scrotal us negative for mass). . a repeat lumbar puncture on showed 3 wbc, 0 rbc, tp 26, glucose 81; gram stain was negative. cytology sent was sent and showed atypical lymphocytes but flow studies will have to be repeated at later date becuase poor sample. a mrs was done on and showed improvement in the enhancement seen within the posterior pons and mid brain on examination from . no new areas of abnormal enhancement were identified and there was normal mr spectrographic analysis of the midbrain and pons. tissue samples of small bowel was within normal limits. tissue of left gastrocnemius showed mild myopathy, chronic and active and no inflammatory findings on sural nerve pathology. review of old medical records from of () indicated that midbrain was biopsied during a similar presentation of illness with t2 bright lesions in midbrain and pons. this biopsy revealed only gliotic changes in grey and white matter. no evidence of tumor or inflammatory changes. there were rare "rod cells" and lymphocytes associated with disorganized fragment of leptomeninges suggestive of encephalitis. a metabolic work-up had not been initiated at and patient had very long chain fatty acids (within normal limits), mma (80 with normal range 87-318) sent on this admission. further metabolic work-up may be considered in future. . final results of muscle/nerve biopsy are pending. . on discharge, his bulbar function has improved, as has his strength. he is now, however, showing signs of pseudobulbar affect (mainly inappropriate laughter). he continues to have difficulty with speech and swallowing, as well as sitting up without support. . 2. cv/resp: patient was initially admitted to icu for concern of poor handling of secretions. he developed an oxygen requirement several times during his hospitalization, which usually improved with suctioning. he was stable on room air at the time of discharge. . 3. fen/gi: mr. was fed via ng tube until he was more alert. during a speech and swallow evaluation on , it was determined that patient should remain npo. a peg tube was inserted. his ast/alt were elevated on . gi was consulted and it was thought that his transaminitis was most likely drug-induced due to ceftriaxone. labs were sent for possible infectious causes: hcv ab neg, hbsag neg, hbsab pos, hbcab neg; hcv and cmv viral loads pending. a liver ultrasound was normal. on , his ast/alt began to trend downwards. patient was also noted to have constipation and was kept on an aggressive bowel regimen. . 4. heme: patient noted to have an anemia of chronic disease. hct decreased from 36 to 29 on . dic labs, coags, stool guaics were normal. . 5. id: see neuro. patient had low grade fevers for which he was cultured on . bcx and ucx were negative. he had an episode of hematuria on with the foley inserted. blood cultures were negative. foley was removed. . 6. rehab: patient worked with pt for concern of spasticity. . 7. rheum: rheum service consulted for concern of vasculitis who suggested angiogram in future. . 8. ophthalmology: an ophthamologic exam was done to look for signs of uveitis which may be consistent with behcet's disease. exam was negative for uveitis but was found to have an increased cup-to-disc ratio and increased intraocular pressure. follow-up was recommended in 6 mos to evaluate for glaucoma, especially given treatment with steroids. medications on admission: 1. flonase 2 sprays q nostril/qday 2. albuterol prn 3. loratidine 10 mg po qd 4. singulair 10 mg po qd discharge medications: 1. heparin (porcine) 5,000 unit/ml solution : one (1) injection tid (3 times a day). 2. albuterol sulfate 0.083 % solution : one (1) inhalation q4-6h (every 4 to 6 hours) as needed for wheeze. 3. insulin regular human 100 unit/ml solution : one (1) injection asdir (as directed): insulin sliding scale as attached, while on steroids. 4. nystatin 100,000 unit/ml suspension : five (5) ml po bid (2 times a day) as needed for thrush. 5. docusate sodium 50 mg/5 ml liquid : one (1) po bid (2 times a day). 6. senna 8.6 mg tablet : one (1) tablet po daily (daily). 7. magnesium hydroxide 400 mg/5 ml suspension : thirty (30) ml po q6h (every 6 hours) as needed. 8. bisacodyl 10 mg suppository : one (1) suppository rectal hs (at bedtime) as needed. 9. lansoprazole 30 mg tablet,rapid dissolve, dr : one (1) tablet,rapid dissolve, dr daily (daily). 10. bisacodyl 10 mg suppository : one (1) suppository rectal daily (daily). 11. prednisone 20 mg tablet : three (3) tablet po daily (daily): decrease dose by 10mg every friday then taper off. 12. miconazole nitrate 2 % powder : one (1) appl topical (2 times a day). 13. bacitracin zinc 500 unit/g ointment : one (1) appl topical (2 times a day). 14. flonase 50 mcg/actuation aerosol, spray : one (1) nasal twice a day. 15. loratadine 10 mg tablet : one (1) tablet po once a day. 16. singulair 10 mg tablet : one (1) tablet po once a day. 17. tubefeeding: replete w/fiber full strength; tubefeeding: replete w/fiber full strength; starting rate: 10 ml/hr; advance rate by 10 ml q8h goal rate: 80 ml/hr residual check: q8h hold feeding for residual >= : 100 ml flush w/ 100 ml water q8h discharge disposition: extended care facility: - discharge diagnosis: 1. brainstem encephalitis 2. asthma discharge condition: improved with continued speaking and swallowing deficits. moves all limbs antigravity but still with hypertonia, hyperreflexia and right>left upper motor neuron pattern of weakness. discharge instructions: 1. continue to monitor lfts until there is resolution of his elevated transaminases. . 2. continue on 6 week prednisone taper with reduction in dose by 10 mg every friday. . 3. he will require ongoing physical therapy for improvement in strength of axial muscles and upper and lower extremities with goal of independent sitting and walking. followup instructions: the following appointments have already been scheduled: 1. provider: , md phone: date/time: 3:00 2. provider: breathing tests phone: date/time: 9:40 3. provider: , intepretation billing date/time: 10:00 . follow-up with ophthalmology to monitor for glaucoma, given cup-to-disc ratio found in-house. md procedure: venous catheterization, not elsewhere classified spinal tap incision of lung spinal tap incision of lung enteral infusion of concentrated nutritional substances percutaneous [endoscopic] gastrostomy [peg] esophagogastroduodenoscopy [egd] with closed biopsy open biopsy of soft tissue open biopsy of cranial or peripheral nerve or ganglion splenotomy injection or infusion of immunoglobulin diagnoses: obstructive sleep apnea (adult)(pediatric) acute and subacute necrosis of liver asthma, unspecified type, unspecified constipation, unspecified iron deficiency anemia, unspecified rash and other nonspecific skin eruption hypoxemia hepatitis, unspecified infantile cerebral palsy, unspecified unspecified intellectual disabilities cephalosporin group causing adverse effects in therapeutic use unspecified causes of encephalitis, myelitis, and encephalomyelitis difficulty in walking Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: history of present illness: the patient is a 45-year-old man who reports that he had had progressive shortness of breath and occasional chest pain for the past several years, especially with exertion. the patient was admitted in of last year, ruled out for myocardial infarction but was diagnosed with hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy after transesophageal echocardiogram showed dynamic outflow obstruction with a peak gradient of 32. a subsequent catheter showed a systolic gradient of 130 after pvc and 96 after valsalva. trial of medical management failed to relieve the patient's symptoms, as did a prior alcohol septal ablation in . therefore, the patient was brought to catheter lab on the day of admission for a second more aggressive alcohol ablation. in the catheter lab here, the patient's systolic gradient was noted to be absent, however it was seen to rise to 100 mmhg with dobutamine stress. the initial septal artery was noted to be absent and the second septal artery which had two branches, both of which were injected with ethanol and that resulted in the complete resolution of the gradient even with dobutamine stress in the lab. the patient was brought to the coronary critical care unit with 6/10 chest pain, however he had no shortness of breath, diaphoresis, nausea or vomiting when he arrived on the unit. past medical history: 1. hypertrophic cardiomyopathy 2. hypercholesterolemia medications prior to arriving here: 1. aspirin 325 mg q day 2. verapamil 180 mg q day 3. metoprolol 50 mg q day physical exam: vital signs: temperature 96.3??????, pulse 72, blood pressure 125/78, respiratory rate 16. patient was saturating 98% on room air. general: he is alert and oriented x3 in no acute distress, obese middle aged man. head, ears, eyes, nose and throat: pupils were equal, round and reactive to light. mucous membranes were moist. his oropharynx was clear. neck: he had no jugular venous distention, elevation while lying flat. the patient had no thyromegaly. the patient had no lymphadenopathy. cardiovascular: he had a regular rate, normal s1, normal s2 and no murmurs when he presented to the unit. lungs: clear to auscultation bilaterally. no wheezes. extremities: he had 2+ dorsalis pedis and posterior tibialis pulses bilaterally. no thrill, hematoma or bruit over either catheter site. labs upon admission: chem-7: sodium 141, potassium 4.1, chloride 104, bicarbonate 25, bun 18, creatinine 0.8, glucose 101. his ck was 1237. ck/mb was 175. his index was 14.1. his white blood cell count was 12.1, hemoglobin 14.4, hematocrit 39.9, platelets 289. his second ck was 1874 with a ck/mb of 281 and index of 15. his third ck on , the second day of admission, was 1,119 with a ck/mb of 59 and an index of 5.3. fasting lipid profile was drawn on which showed a triglyceride level of 178, hdl 41 and an ldl of 137 with a cholesterol to hdl index of 5.2. hospital course: 1. cardiovascular: a. coronary artery disease: the patient had no known coronary artery disease, however he demonstrated increased ldl on the fasting lipid profile and has a history of hyperlipidemia. the patient should be keeping his ldl under 100 in light of his compromised cardiovascular situation. the patient was started on 20 mg q day of lipitor for his hyperlipidemia. the patient was continued on his once a day aspirin regimen. b. pump: the patient's outflow gradient seemed to be decreased based on an echocardiogram done in the catheter lab, but it was not clear if the patient will have clinical improvement. the patient had a quick ck washout as expected and peaked adequately indicating good septal ablation. serial electrocardiograms showed evidence of a right bundle branch block that was consistent with his prior electrocardiogram, but no other evidence of av conduction block. the patient was sent home with 100 q day of atenolol and 240 mg q day of verapamil. c. rhythm: the patient was placed on a prophylactic transvenous pacer due to the high risk of complete heart block with septal ablation. he was conducting on his own throughout his hospitalization and his pacer was not needed to capture beats. the transvenous pacer was removed on the day prior to discharge. the patient had no evidence of heart block throughout the hospitalization. 2. pulmonary: the patient saturated well on room air throughout his hospitalization. 3. renal: serial chem-7 showed no adverse effect from the large dye load the patient received in the catheter lab. 4. fluids, electrolytes and nutrition/gastrointestinal: no issues. 5. infectious disease: the patient spiked a temperature to 104?????? on hospital day #2. pan cultures were negative at the time of discharge with no growth to date. chest x-ray was normal. the patient was thought to have spiked a fever as the result of possibly atelectasis or potentially as a symptom of alcohol withdrawal for which he was given ativan x1, however the patient had no other symptoms of alcohol withdrawal, as he is a binge drinker reporting 12 drinks per week all on the same occasion. the patient was monitored per the ciwa protocol and the only evidence of withdrawal was the fever. low index is suspicion for alcohol withdrawal for his hospitalization. 6. prophylaxis: the patient was given protonix throughout his hospitalization and docusate throughout his hospitalization. disposition: the patient was discharged to home. discharge condition: good discharge diagnoses: 1. hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy, status post septal ablation 2. hyperlipidemia 3. right bundle branch block 4. alcohol withdrawal , m.d. dictated by: medquist36 d: 11:54 t: 12:15 job#: procedure: coronary arteriography using two catheters intraoperative cardiac pacemaker left heart cardiac catheterization excision or destruction of other lesion or tissue of heart, endovascular approach diagnoses: other primary cardiomyopathies other and unspecified hyperlipidemia right bundle branch block examination of participant in clinical trial alcohol withdrawal Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: allergies: benzocaine / zosyn attending: chief complaint: fever and hypoxia, witnessed aspiration at rehabilitation facility major surgical or invasive procedure: none history of present illness: 22 y/o male w/ h/o 's syndrome (dm, di, optic atrophy, deafness), presenting from after a witnessed aspiration pna and 1 day of fevers. pt also with central hypoventilation requiring ventilation at night (now with trach, peg for meds), h/o mrsa/pseudomonal pna's and persistent pulm infitrates. pt was on zosyn/caspofungin/amikacin/bactrim/linezolid at rehab (for 2 wk course) and was scheduled to have ct at to evaluate infiltrates. pt also with intermittent agitation treated with ativan/haldol prn. in ed, given versed, vanco, zosyn, put on vent/ps. past medical history: 's (didmoad) syndrome, seizures hypoglycemia, mrsa pna, pseudomonas, trach collar, hashimoto's thyroiditis, anxiety/mdd, avnrt, central hypoventilation, social history: resident of ; full code family history: non-contributory physical exam: pe on admit to micu: vitals: t 102.3, bp 110/50, hr 62, vent settings: ps 20, peep 5, vt 590, rr 8, o2 97-100% o2 gen: sedated but in nad heent: non-icteric, mm dry chest: coarse bs bilat. cv: rrr. no murmurs abd: soft, nt/nd. peg tube ext: no c/c/e neuro: surgical pupils b/l; neuro exam difficult sedation pertinent results: 08:01pm lactate-2.2* 08:00pm urine color-straw appear-clear sp -1.008 08:00pm urine blood-neg nitrite-neg protein-neg glucose-tr ketone-neg bilirubin-neg urobilngn-neg ph-6.5 leuk-neg 07:30pm glucose-250* urea n-9 creat-0.8 sodium-132* potassium-3.8 chloride-95* total co2-23 anion gap-18 07:30pm wbc-9.1 rbc-4.43*# hgb-13.7*# hct-39.5*# mcv-89 mch-30.8 mchc-34.6 rdw-15.3 07:30pm neuts-85.3* lymphs-10.8* monos-2.8 eos-1.0 basos-0.2 07:30pm plt count-189# 07:30pm pt-14.2* ptt-27.8 inr(pt)-1.3 cxr: bilateral pleural effusions, without definite focal consolidation cta-chest: 1. no evidence of pulmonary embolism. 2. bilateral pleural effusions with atelectasis and air bronchograms in the lung bases. 3. micronodular opacities are present in the right lung base, consistent with pneumonia. video swallow study: the patient was unable to swallow the barium tablet with thin liquid and demonstrated a moderate amount of thin liquid aspiration during this attempt. there was no spontaneous cough, and a cued cough was ineffective in clearing the aspiration. video swallow study: aspiration of thin and nectar thick barium. penetration to the vocal cords with pudding consistency barium. prominence of the cricopharyngeus muscle with episodes of apparent spasm. brief hospital course: 22 y/o m with h/o 's disease (didmoad), central hypoventilation, recurrent pna (h/o mrsa/pseudomonas/klebsiella), presenting s/p witnessed aspiration event, with intermittent fevers, afebrile since abx discontinued on . 1. pneumonitis: mr. was admitted on following a witnessed aspiration event at . he had recent reported histoy of broad spectrum antibiotics over the last 2 weeks (linezolid/zosyn/caspofungin/bactrim/amikacin). on admission to he was initially monitored in the icu given his central hypoventilation with ventilation dependence. initial cxr here was negative for infiltrate (reported as bilateral atelectasis and small effusions). sputum cultures grew pseudomonas/klebsiella on two separate days. it was thought that these organisms could represent colonization vs infection. given his persistent fever and bandemia, infection was suspected and he was initially started on vanco (d1=) and zosyn. zosyn was changed to merepenem (d1=) after final sensitivies returned (pseudomonas resistant to zosyn and ceftaz). given his persistent fevers, other etiologies of his fever were pursued including pe and meds. ct-angio was performed on which demonstrated multi-nodular opacities in the right lung base thought to be c/w pneumonia. no evidence of pulmonary embolism. non-pathologically enlarged lymph nodes were noted in the mediastinum and hilar regions. however, repeat cxr's continued to demonstrate no evidence of infiltrate. in addition, the patient developed a rash that was thought to be consistent with drug rash. all antibiotics were discontinued on given lack of clinical findings c/w pneumonia and given possible drug rash/fever. he subsequently remained afebrile off antibiotics for the next week. his rash subsequently resolved as well, with suspected to zosyn (no respiratory compromise, no hives). his respiratory status improved and he was able to maintain o2 sats >93% on 35% trach collar and off ventilation assistance completely. given his subsequent improvement without continued antibiotics, the thought was that he was likely to have pneumonitis rather than a new pneumonia. his wbc count remained stable at 9-10 over the following week off antibiotics. however, on , his wbc count increased to 18 with 3% bands. he remained afebrile, but he was noted to have increased thick yellow sputum production. repeat cxr demonstrated evidence of a right lower lobe pna vs atelectasis. therefore he was re-started on antibiotics on with vanco and cefipime. however, he subsequently had resolution of his wbc count the following day (wbc =9, with 0 bands) and antibiotics were discontinued. a new infection was thought to be unlikely as he quickly recovered and remained afebrile and clinically stable throughout the remainder of his course. on discharge he is off all antibiotics and is afebrile with stable respiratory status. 1a. cricothyroid muscle spasms: given his recurrent aspirations and secondary aspiration pnuemonitis/pneumonia he was evaluated further by the speech and swallow service. evaluation demonstrated that he had paroxysmal cricothyroid muscle spasms leading to aspiration. spasm was noted to occur despite multiple preceding normal swallows were documented. in addition he was noted to have absent cough reflex. these spasms were thought to be the likely etiology of his aspirations. in addition, gerd was thought to be exacerbating his symptoms, with noted epiglottic edema. manometry demonstrated no evidence of ues dysfunction or spasm (over swallows). however,there was still concern over paroxysmal muscle spasm. therefore he underwent egd w/dilatation of his ues on . however, repeat video swallow study on demonstrated continued aspiration of thin liquids with intermittent esophogeal spasms (please obtain online medical record for full report). there was also noted difficulty initating swallow. after consultation, we decided to pursue conservative management of this problem. it is unclear whether botox injections to his cm muscle would help at this time. therefore, we have resumed a diet of thickened liquids with strict aspiration precautions, including maintaing the chin down in postition while swallowing. he has tolerated thickened liquids quite well and has had no evidence of pneumonia. if he subsequently has reccurrent aspiration pneumonitis or pna, he may follow-up with dr. for potential botox injection. he has follow-up scheduled for for initial visit w/ dr. . **he should have a repeat video swallow study to evaluate for aspiration and potential advancement of diet. 2. hyper/hyponatremia: over the course of his hospital stay, mr. had brittle sodium levels. his difficult sodium balance was secondary to his central diabetes insipidus in the setting of decreased po intake (nutrition was given per tube feeds). he does have an intact thirst reflex, however po's were initially held in the setting of his known aspiration risk. in the icu he developed hypernatremia with na levels up to the 150's, treated with free water flushes. in addition he was continued on his ddavp (desmopressin) at 1.0mcg iv bid + and additional mid-day dose at 0.5mcg. however, he subsequently developed hyponatremia w/ na down to 123. he remained asymptomatic without seizure. his free water flushes were held in addition to his ddavp in setting of hyponatremia. he persisted to have very brittle sodium control, with return of sodium to 149. he was re-started on ddavp at 1.0mcg iv bid. this regimen lead to good sodium control. of note, since he started taking in po's, he has been drinking thickened water,resulting in sodium fall to 139. however, we do not want to discourage his po intake, so instead we have decreased his ddavp dose. on discharge we have him on 0.5mcg iv morning dose and 1.0mcg iv evening dose. 3. epilepsy: continued on dilantin with seizure precautions. dosed by levels. dilantin level was 20.9, so we decreased dilantin to 200mg . 4. hypothyroidism: continued on synthroid. 5. dmii- insulin dependent: followed by in the hospital. he also was noted to have brittle diabetes with blood sugars fluctuating from low's of 40's-50's with highs up to the 300's. eventually, he was able to be maintatined with good glycemic control on the regimen as follows: nph insulin 30qam/25qhs + sliding scale humalog. 6. anemia/thrombocytopenia: both stable, initially down from admission. concern for hit/zosyn-related low platelets. hit negative. plts have since recovered; hct stable. 7. fen: probalance full strength via peg. in addition, we would recommend a calorie count if he continues to take in significant po's, since he may not need continued full strength tube feeds. 8. allergic derm rxn: on had fever,blanching erythematous rash with non-blanching 1/2 mm papules. the rash abatted in <2hrs after benadryl iv. he was also given albuterol nebs, but had no dyspnea. he has had resolution of his rash off of antibiotics, with no current fever, so leading diagnosis is drug rash/fever, likley secondary to zosyn. of note, he did not develop rash on cefipime. 9.conjunctivitis: be related to drug reaction. we do not have high clinical suspicion that this is a bacterial conjunctivitis, however have treated with erythromycin eye drops for a 6 day total course. clinically resolving. 10. anxiety: on ativan 2-4mg po/iv q6h prn. paroxetine 30qday. trazadone prn at night. medications on admission: meds on tx from rehab: nph 36 u qam/10qpm, ddavp 1mcg iv bid, 0.5 mcg at 2pm, zosyn 4.5gm iv q8 (day # 14),caspofungin (day # 14), amakacin 375mg iv q12, dilantin 100mg po bid, mag gluconate 1000mg tid, protonix 40mg po qd, bactrim ds 1 tab po bid (day #14), linezolid 600mg po bid, synthroid 150 mcg po qday, haldol 5mg q 2-4 hours prn, ativan 1-2 mg q 4-6 hrs prn, colace 100mg po tid discharge medications: 1. levothyroxine sodium 150 mcg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po qd (). 2. phenytoin 100 mg/4 ml suspension sig: two (2) po twice a day. 3. lactulose 10 g/15 ml syrup sig: thirty (30) ml po tid (3 times a day). 4. senna 8.6 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po bid (2 times a day). 5. albuterol sulfate 0.083 % solution sig: one (1) inhalation q4h (every 4 hours) as needed. 6. docusate sodium 150 mg/15 ml liquid sig: one (1) po bid (2 times a day). 7. lansoprazole 30 mg capsule, delayed release(e.c.) sig: one (1) capsule, delayed release(e.c.) po bid (2 times a day). 8. calcium carbonate 500 mg tablet, chewable sig: one (1) tablet, chewable po qid (4 times a day) as needed. 9. camphor-menthol 0.5-0.5 % lotion sig: one (1) appl topical tid (3 times a day) as needed. 10. heparin sodium (porcine) 5,000 unit/ml solution sig: one (1) injection tid (3 times a day). 11. desmopressin acetate 4 mcg/ml solution sig: one (1) mcg injection qpm. 12. insulin nph human recomb 100 unit/ml syringe sig: one (1) units subcutaneous as scheduled: nph 30 units qam nph 25 units qhs. 13. ddavp 4 mcg/ml solution sig: 0.5 mcg injection qam. 14. lorazepam 1 mg tablet sig: 2-4 tablets po q4-6h (every 4 to 6 hours) as needed for agitation. 15. trazodone hcl 50 mg tablet sig: 0.5 tablet po hs (at bedtime) as needed. 16. erythromycin 5 mg/g ointment sig: one (1) ophthalmic qid (4 times a day) for 3 days. discharge disposition: extended care facility: - discharge diagnosis: aspiration pneumonitis (didmoad) syndrome drug fever- secondary to zosyn diabetes ii-insulin requiring hyper/hyponatremia discharge condition: good. hd stable. off vent dependence. afebrile. no evidence of pneumonia. able to take in pre-thickened liquids while on strict aspiration precautions. discharge instructions: call your doctor if you experience fever greater than 100.4, shaking chills, seizure, shortness of breath or worsening cough. : please do a repeat video swallow study to evaluate for aspiration and potential advancement of diet. thank you. followup instructions: 1. pleae follow-up with dr. on at 1pm: , phone: 2. if you would like to f/u with podiatry, you may call to schedule an appt at procedure: venous catheterization, not elsewhere classified continuous invasive mechanical ventilation for 96 consecutive hours or more other endoscopy of small intestine enteral infusion of concentrated nutritional substances dilation of esophagus diagnoses: thrombocytopenia, unspecified hyposmolality and/or hyponatremia unspecified acquired hypothyroidism other convulsions acute respiratory failure pneumonitis due to inhalation of food or vomitus unspecified hearing loss hyperosmolality and/or hypernatremia diabetes mellitus without mention of complication, type i [juvenile type], not stated as uncontrolled diabetes insipidus tracheostomy status profound impairment, both eyes, impairment level not further specified conjunctivitis, unspecified reflux esophagitis Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: allergies: amoxicillin attending: chief complaint: worsening sob and chest pressure major surgical or invasive procedure: cardiac catheterization history of present illness: 78 m with pmh htn, hypercholesterolemia, parkinson's disease, crf (baseline cr 1.2-1.5), presents with worsening sob, chest pressure, n/v, sweating. pt denied fever, chills or cough. he notes pnd and orthopnea. recieved lasix 80iv, and ntg at hebreb with some relief. no cough, no sputum, no f/c. +pnd, +orthopnea, worsening sob since discharged from . . pt was recently discharged 1 wk ago for sepsis secondary to mrsa aspiration pneumonia (requiring pressors, intubation), stress dose steroids (adrenal insufficiency). hospital course complicated by hypertensive episodes and acute renal failure. he was treated with and discharged on vanco/levo/flagyl. . in the , pt was found to be tachypneic, tachycardic, bp 199/113. pt was started on ntg drip, given lasix 80 iv x1, which improved his sob. pt's chest pressure improved on ntg, and he had good urine output. ekg showed rate 116, 0. elevations in v2-v3 (j point elevation), troponin 2.09. past medical history: disease hypertension chronic lower back pain chronic renal insufficiency (baseline creat 1.2-1.5) cad h/o melanoma s/p resection 20yrs ago gerd bph social history: lives at rehab with his wife. a former international relations professor. independent in most adls. smoked previously, but quit 45 years ago, had 5 years of 1ppd. occasional alcohol at special occasions, dinner. no ivda. family history: son and daughter have renal cysts physical exam: vitals: bp: 160/104 p: 98 rr: 24 oxygen sat: 96% on ra fs 172 gen: nad in bed, not acutely sob heent: jvd to 10 cm, no lad lungs: rales in bases bilaterally heart: apical sem, no r/g abd: distended, +bs, obese, soft, diffusely mildly tender, 3+ hip/sacral edema, scars. guiaic negative. neuro: motor lue, motor rue, motor les, 3+ lower extremity edema pertinent results: cxr : 1. moderate congestive failure. 2. unchanged parenchymal opacities bilaterally within the lower lobes. these were previously described as aspiration pneumonia. 3. small bilateral pleural effusions. . echo : the left atrium is mildly dilated. left ventricular wall thicknesses are normal. lv systolic function appears depressed however views are technically suboptimal for assessment of regional wall motion. resting regional wall motion abnormalities include mid to distal septal/anterior, apical and basal inferior hypokinesis (estimated ejection fraction ?35-40%. no definite apical thrombus seen but cannot exclude. the aortic valve leaflets (3) are mildly thickened. mild (1+) aortic regurgitation is seen. the mitral valve leaflets are mildly thickened. there is mild pulmonary artery systolic hypertension. there is a trivial/physiologic pericardial effusion. compared with the report of the prior study (tape unavailable for review) of , left ventricular systolic function is now significant impaired and mitral regurgitation is now more prominent. . stress mibi : moderate fixed inferior wall perfusion defect. transient ischemic dilatation of the left ventricle. moderate global hypokinesis with lv ef of 38%. . cardiac catheterization : 1. selective coronary angiography in this right dominant circulation demonstrated three vessel disease. the lmca was very short versus dual ostia. the lad was calcified and diffusely diseased. there was a 50% proximal stenosis and then a 70% stenosis after the takeoff of the d1. the distal lad had moderate diffuse disease. the d1 had moderate diffuse disease proximally. the lcx had a 60% ostial stenosis and then a serial 70% stenosis in the proximal segment. there was moderate diffuse disease in the distal lcx. the om1 had an 80% stenosis at its origin. the l-pl had mild diffuse disease. the rca was totally occluded which appeared chronic. there were moderate left to right collaterals. 2. resting hemodynamics from right heart catheterization demonstrated mildly elevated right and left heart filling pressures (rvedp=13mmhg, mean pcwp=17mmhg). there was moderate pulmonary and systemic arterial hypertension (pa=47/17mmhg, ao=170/67mmhg). the calculated cardiac output by the fick method was 6.4 l/min with a cardiac index of 2.8. moderate hypoxemia was noted with an arterial oxygen saturation of 88% on 2l o2 by nasal cannula. 3. a cardiothoracic surgery evaluation is recommended. however, given that this patient may not be an ideal surgical candidate given his comorbidities, a persantine mibi may be consider. this would allow identification of a major area at risk for ischemic which then can potentially be intervened upon via pci. brief hospital course: a/p: 78 m with pmh of htn, hypercholesterolemia, parkinson's ds, crf (with baseline cr 1.2-1.5), discharged 1 wk ago for mrsa aspiration pna (requiring pressors, intubation), d/ced on vanco/levo/flagyl, presented on with worsening sob, chest pressure, n/v, sweating, found to have nstemi. . 1. nstemi: though it was a nstemi, his echo shows a large area of hypokinesis which is new. he was pain free after admission and his ck trended downward. his cath was initially deferred secondary to worsened cri. during this time, he was maintained on asa/bb/heparin/statin. he was originally started on a nitro drip but this was d/c in favor of hydralazine and isordil during this time period. his ace-i was held secondary to his worsening renal function but restarted once his kidney function normalized. as his creatinine improved he was taken to cath where he was seen to have 3vd. he was evaluated by cardiac surgery who felt that he was too high risk to intervene on. he had a stress mibi showing global hypokinesis with transient ischemic dilitation suggesting that a focused pci would not be effective. it was decided to medically manage the patient. . 2. sob: on admission he was volume-overloaded by exam and cxr and was unable to lie flat for any period of time. this was also complicated by an infectious picture. he was originally maintained on a nitroglycerin drip that was titrated off over his admission and replaced by hydralazine and isordil. because of his previous admission for pna, vancomycin/flagyl/ceftazidime were continued for a 10d course. his cxr gradually improved and he began autodiuresing. he was able lie flat and his o2 requirement was weaned. his hydralazine and isordil were switched to an ace-i prior to d/c. . 3. anemia: on admission, the pt had a baseline hct of 27-33 and iron studies c/w an anemia of chronic disease. secondary to his ischemia, he was transfused x3 units over three days to maintain his hct over 30. he remained guaiac negative throughout his admission and was maintained on gi prophylaxis. . 4. tachyarrhythmia: he had an episode of afib on the day after admission that was self limited and never recurred. he was maintained on bblocker for rate control throughout his admission and had no further episodes. . 5. hypertension: his hypertension was initially managed with metoprolol which was titrated up to 75tid but further titration was limited by hr. he was initially also maintained isordil and hydralazine but these were switched to lisinopril as his creatinine normalized. his lisinopril was titrated up to 40qd on the day of discharge as his sbp was still in the 160s. he will need continued outpatient management of his blood pressure meds and will need to have his bp checked at his rehab facility. . 6. hypercholesterolemia: he was maintained on a statin throughout his admission. . 7. lower back pain: he received his outpatient oxycodone doses while hospitalized. . 8. parkinson's disease: he was maintained on carbidopa/levadopa at home doses. . 9. gerd: he was fed a cardiac diet and kept on a ppi. . 10. bph: he remained on his outpatient meds and had a foley throughout his stay in the ccu. . 11. fen: lytes were repleted prn. . 12. code: he is a full code . medications on admission: aspirin 325 senna 17.2bid gabapentin 600 zoloft 100 zocor 80 oxycodone 20bid tamsulosin 0.4 imdur 60 docusate 100bid toprol 50 lisinopril 20 carbidopa/levodopa 25/100 qid amlodipine 10 tolterodine 4 prevacid 30 finasteride 5 discharge medications: 1. aspirin 325 mg tablet, delayed release (e.c.) sig: one (1) tablet, delayed release (e.c.) po daily (daily). disp:*30 tablet, delayed release (e.c.)(s)* refills:*2* 2. senna 8.6 mg tablet sig: two (2) tablet po bid (2 times a day). disp:*120 tablet(s)* refills:*2* 3. gabapentin 300 mg capsule sig: one (1) capsule po q12h (every 12 hours). disp:*60 capsule(s)* refills:*2* 4. sertraline 100 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po daily (daily). disp:*30 tablet(s)* refills:*2* 5. simvastatin 40 mg tablet sig: two (2) tablet po daily (daily). disp:*30 tablet(s)* refills:*2* 6. oxycodone 20 mg tablet sustained release 12hr sig: one (1) tablet sustained release 12hr po q12h (every 12 hours). disp:*60 tablet sustained release 12hr(s)* refills:*0* 7. tamsulosin 0.4 mg capsule, sust. release 24hr sig: one (1) capsule, sust. release 24hr po hs (at bedtime). disp:*30 capsule, sust. release 24hr(s)* refills:*2* 8. docusate sodium 100 mg capsule sig: one (1) capsule po bid (2 times a day). disp:*60 capsule(s)* refills:*2* 9. carbidopa-levodopa 25-100 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po qid (4 times a day). disp:*120 tablet(s)* refills:*2* 10. tolterodine tartrate 2 mg tablet sig: two (2) tablet po qhs (once a day (at bedtime)). disp:*60 tablet(s)* refills:*2* 11. finasteride 5 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po daily (daily). disp:*30 tablet(s)* refills:*2* 12. metoprolol tartrate 25 mg tablet sig: three (3) tablet po tid (3 times a day). disp:*270 tablet(s)* refills:*2* 13. clopidogrel 75 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po daily (daily). disp:*30 tablet(s)* refills:*2* 14. lisinopril 20 mg tablet sig: two (2) tablet po daily (daily). disp:*60 tablet(s)* refills:*2* 15. hydrocortisone 2.5 % cream sig: one (1) appl rectal (2 times a day). disp:*1 tube* refills:*2* 16. nitroglycerin 0.3 mg tablet, sublingual sig: one (1) tablet, sublingual sublingual prn (as needed). 17. isosorbide mononitrate (extended release) 30 mg po daily take 1 tab po qd. #30. refills: 3 18. furosemide 20 mg po daily #30. refills: 3 discharge disposition: extended care facility: for the aged - ltc discharge diagnosis: nstemi discharge condition: stable discharge instructions: 1. please take all medications as prescribed. 2. please keep all appointments with physicians as below. 3. please return to the emergency room if you experience chest pain, shortness of breath, palpitations. followup instructions: primary care appointment: , md where: phone: date/time: 2:30 cardiologist appointment: , md where: cardiac services phone: date/time: 2:30 procedure: venous catheterization, not elsewhere classified combined right and left heart cardiac catheterization coronary arteriography using two catheters angiocardiography of right heart structures transfusion of packed cells diagnoses: acidosis anemia of other chronic disease subendocardial infarction, initial episode of care coronary atherosclerosis of native coronary artery esophageal reflux pure hypercholesterolemia congestive heart failure, unspecified atrial fibrillation hypertensive chronic kidney disease, unspecified, with chronic kidney disease stage v or end stage renal disease paralysis agitans pneumonitis due to inhalation of food or vomitus methicillin susceptible pneumonia due to staphylococcus aureus personal history of malignant melanoma of skin Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: allergies: no known allergies / adverse drug reactions attending: chief complaint: dyspnea major surgical or invasive procedure: hemodialysis history of present illness: 77 year old male with htn/hl/copd/hcv and recent diagnosis of pna, who was admitted to mc 3 wks prior to admission, d/ced to rehab ( hc), where he was found to have progressively worsening gait abnormality, ? urinary retention and/or incontienence, who was transferred to for evaluation of dyspnea from . no further history is available, above obtained from son. on arrival to the ed sbps initially in 100s, pt. on cpap of 5cm. . in the ed, initial vs were: 136 77/58 23 98% ra. ecg w/ regualr wct. initial labs na:127, k:8.7, cl:95, tco2:13, glu:264, lactate:2.2. received 2 amps cacl, 1 amp bicarb, insulin (10ur)/d50, kayexalate and 100mg iv hydrocortisone and started on levophed. pt. was intubated 7.5 ett (etomidate/rocuronium/fentaly/versed), with abg 7.22/52/439. repeat labs notable for wbc of 12k, hct 33%, inr 1.0, ptt46, chem 7 of 128/9/89/13/243/18. renal was consulted who recomended initiation of emergent dialysis. currently on levophed 0.2 mcg/kg sbp 127/85, hr 103, 100% on 20x380x5x50%. noted to have frank blood per rectum and had coffee grounds. of note, upon foley insertion, noted to have 3l output. . in addition, og lavage showed "dark blood" and pt. was noted to have frank blood per rectum. was started on ppi gtt w/ 80mg iv bolus. gi was consulted who recommended conservative management. while in the micu, as mentioned, he underwent emergent hd, foley placement and received finasteride with complete recovery of renal function (cr 0.6 today). he only received one hd session. given concern for pna, he was started on vancomycin and levofloxacin (cefepime discontinued on ), for which he will complete an 8 day course (day 1- ). given his hypotension, he underwent and echo which revealed an interatrial septal aneurysm. cardiology was consulted and recommended aspirin and statin. neurology also consulted and agree with cardiology. neurology also following for recent history of left arm weakness, for which they recommend a c-collar and mri c-spine. there was a question of cauda so he was started on methylprednisolone. on , the patient coughed up a pill that was stuck in his oropharynx. given this, he was made npo and s/s was consulted. they are planning to do a video swallow evaluation on . he was maintained on iv ppi while in the micu with an equivocal h.pylori. in addition, while pulling his central line yesterday, the patient became hypotensive and hypoxic secondary to an air embolus. echo at that time was stable. he was given lasix 10mg iv x 2 with 1.2l urine output and resolution of symptoms. he is being transferred to the medicine floor for further management on arrival to the floor, vital signs were t- 97.9, bp- 158/96, hr- 90, rr- 18, sao2- 99% on 2l nc. the patient was comfortable and aao x 2 (person, place, ""). past medical history: - coronary artery disease - pmr on prednisone - "thickened bladder" - benign prostatic hypertrophy - aaa 3.7 cm on at u/s - copd - hyperlipidemia - hypertension - hep c - pneumonia social history: lives alone in , divorced, wife still visits him at home and . prior to recent hospitalization at , ambulated independently, not on home o2. was able to do his own bills up to 1mo ago, had hha x2/wk and meals on wheels. former restaurant chef. - tobacco: 30 yrs ago, prior extensive. - alcohol: denies - illicits: denies family history: mother w/ skin cancer, brother with brain cancer and mi in 80s. physical exam: admission physical exam: general: intubated, sedated, not following commands. malnourished and chornically ill appearing man. heent: sclera anicteric, dmm neck: supple, jvp flat cv: regular rate, normal s1 + s2, no murmurs or rubs lungs: clear to auscultation bilaterally, poor air movement. abdomen: soft, scaphoid, non-distended, bowel sounds present, no organomegaly gu: foley ext: warm, well perfused, 2+ pulses, no clubbing, cyanosis or edema neuro: intubated, sedated, not following commands. per, 1.5mm minimally reactive, intact corneals b/l, intact oculocephalics, + gag. no withdrawal to noxious. . discharge physical exam: vs: tm 98.0 tc97 bp 130/78 (118-150/70s-80s) hr 90s-100s rr18 o2 95-100% 2l gen: emaciated elderly gentleman, awake, alert, appropriate, follows simple commands heent: sclera anicteric, moist mm, oropharynx clear, poor dentition neck: supple cv: prominent pmi, rrr, nl s1/s2, no murmurs, rubs pulm: ctab, no rhonchi, rales or wheezes abd: +bs, non-tender, non-distended, no guarding/rebound gu: + foley, flexiseal ext: warm, well perfused, 2+ ankle edema, 1+ upper extremity edema neuro: follows commands, cn2-12 intact, moves all four extremities spontaneously pertinent results: admission labs: 10:21pm wbc-12.7* rbc-3.25* hgb-10.1* hct-33.3* mcv-102* mch-31.0 mchc-30.3* rdw-13.8 10:21pm glucose-297* urea n-243* creat-18.0* sodium-128* potassium-9.1* chloride-89* total co2-13* anion gap-35* 10:21pm alt(sgpt)-17 ast(sgot)-15 alk phos-44 tot bili-0.2 10:21pm pt-11.2 ptt-46.6* inr(pt)-1.0 10:33pm urine blood-mod nitrite-neg protein-neg glucose-neg ketone-neg bilirubin-neg urobilngn-neg ph-5.0 leuk-neg 10:33pm urine rbc-9* wbc-6* bacteria-none yeast-none epi-<1 03:23am urine osmolal-373 03:23am urine hours-random urea n-574 creat-80 sodium-30 potassium-44 chloride-22 10:54pm type-art temp-36.1 tidal vol-400 peep-5 po2-439* pco2-52* ph-7.22* total co2-22 base xs--6 intubated-intubated 03:03am hbsag-negative hbs ab-negative hbc ab-negative 03:03am tsh-1.3 03:03am hcv ab-negative 03:03am caltibc-170* vit b12-1496* folate-11.6 ferritin-1033* trf-131* 03:03am albumin-3.3* iron-150 03:03am ck(cpk)-71 04:05am ck-mb-6 ctropnt-0.05* 04:05am ck(cpk)-64 01:37pm ck-mb-5 ctropnt-0.02* 01:37pm ck(cpk)-48 01:49pm lactate-0.8 . cxr: 1. no evidence of acute disease. 2. endotracheal tube terminating approximately 7 cm above the carina. if clinically indicated, advancing the tube by 2-3 cm could be considered for more optimal positioning. 3. moderate relative elevation of the right hemidiaphragm. . : renal ultrasound: impression: 1. mild bilateral hydronephrosis. 2. slightly small kidneys, both less than 10 cm in size. 3. no evidence for renal artery stenosis. . ruq ultrasound: impression: 1. no evidence for cirrhosis. 2. moderate bilateral hydronephrosis. 3. aneurysmal dilatation of abdominal aorta which measures 3.7cm in maximal diameter. . ct head: impression: no evidence of hemorrhage or infarction. partial opacification of bilateral sphenoid sinuses as well as bilateral mastoid air cells . : mr findings: there is normal anatomic alignment and vertebral body height. there are degenerative-type endplate changes at multilevel more evident at l3-4 level. schmorl's nodes are noted at the inferior endplate of l1 and superior endplate of l4. the spinal cord terminates at l1-2 level, with normal distribution of the cauda nerve roots. there are bilateral renal cysts vs. dilatation of the right renal pelvis. there is atrophy of the paraspinal muscles. at t11-t12 level, there is no significant disc bulge, spinal canal stenosis, or neural foraminal narrowing. at t12-l1 level, there is a disc bulge, asymmetric to the right as well as mild bilateral facet arthrosis causing mild narrowing of the right neural foramen. at l1-2 level, there is a diffuse disc bulge, bilateral facet arthrosis and ligamentum flavum thickening causing mild right and moderate left neural foraminal narrowing as well as mild spinal canal stenosis. at l2-3 level, there is a disc bulge, bilateral facet arthrosis and ligamentum flavum thickening causing moderate right and severe left neural foraminal narrowing as well as mild spinal canal stenosis. at l3-4 level, there is a diffuse disc bulge, bilateral facet arthrosis and ligamentum flavum thickening causing moderate to severe narrowing of the bilateral neural foramina and moderate to severe spinal canal stenosis. at l4-5 level, there is a disc bulge, bilateral facet arthrosis and ligamentum flavum thickening causing severe narrowing of the right neural foramen, moderate narrowing of the left neural foramen and moderate spinal canal stenosis. at l5-s1 level, there is a disc bulge and bilateral facet arthrosis causing severe narrowing of the bilateral neural foramina and mild to moderate spinal canal stenosis. a small annular tear is noted. impression: multilevel degenerative changes of the lumbar spine as described above. no evidence of fracture. . egd: duodenitis, gastritis, gastric ulcer recommend omeprazole 40 mg daily for gastritis h. pylori serology and treat if positive. . echo: impression: suboptimal image quality as patient could not be repositioned due to concern for air embolism. right ventricle is normal in size and has borderline normal free wall motion (apex not well-visualized). the patient is tachycardic with frequent premature atrial contractions. hypermobile, aneurysmal interatrial septum. borderline pulmonary artery systolic hypertension. . mri c-spine (): images are degraded by motion artifact. there is normal anatomic alignment and vertebral body height. the bone marrow signal is within normal limits. limited evaluation of the paraspinal soft tissues is grossly unremarkable. the posterior fossa is within normal limits. at c2-3 level, there is a posterior disc bulge touching the spinal cord as well as bilateral uncovertebral and facet arthrosis causing severe right and moderate left neural foraminal narrowing. at c3-4 level, there is a posterior disc bulge asymmetric to the right, deforming the spinal cord as well as bilateral uncovertebral and facet arthrosis causing severe spinal canal stenosis and severe bilateral neural foraminal narrowing. at c4-5 level, there is a posterior disc bulge, deforming the spinal cord as well as bilateral uncovertebral and facet arthrosis causing moderate right and severe left neural foraminal narrowing and moderate-to-severe spinal canal stenosis. at c5-6 level, there is a posterior disc-osteophyte complex asymmetric to the left as well as bilateral uncovertebral and facet arthrosis causing moderate narrowing of the right neural foramen, severe narrowing of the left neural foramen, anterior deformity of the spinal cord with moderate spinal canal stenosis. at c6-7 level, there is a posterior disc bulge touching the spinal cord as well as bilateral uncovertebral and facet arthrosis causing mild right and moderate-to-severe left neural foraminal narrowing. at c7-t1 level, there is a posterior disc bulge indenting the thecal sac as well as bilateral uncovertebral and facet arthrosis, but no significant spinal canal stenosis and neural foraminal narrowing. there is abnormal cord signal at c3-4 and c4-5 level, related to the severe spinal canal stenosis. impression: 1. no evidence of acute fracture or ligamentous injury. 2. multilevel severe degenerative changes of the cervical spine, worse at c3-4 level with severe spinal canal stenosis and abnormal spinal cord signal. cta abd/pelvis: 1. no evidence for active extravasation on this examination. high-density material within bowel loops may represent ingested material versus blood products from known gi bleed. 2. moderate atherosclerotic calcification of the aorta and its branching vessels with an infrarenal aortic aneurysm and aneurysm of the left common iliac artery. 3. bilateral small effusions with associated atelectasis. cxr: the right picc terminates in the mid to lower svc. there is no pneumothorax. ng tube terminates in the stomach. elevation of the right hemidiaphragm, dilated bowel gas pattern, and basilar atelectasis are unchanged from . subcutaneous gas has resolved. video swallow study: barium passes freely through the oropharynx into the upper esophagus without evidence of obstruction. there was penetration with thin liquids, nectar-thick liquids and ground solids. no gross aspiration was seen. colonoscopy: diverticulosis of the left side colon. terminal ileal mucosa normal. stool in the solid stool in left side colon and liquid stool in right side colon. otherwise normal colonoscopy to cecum and terminal ileum. discharge labs: 05:54am blood wbc-4.4 rbc-2.65* hgb-8.2* hct-26.4* mcv-100* mch-30.9 mchc-31.0 rdw-15.9* plt ct-179 12:41pm blood hct-26.4* 02:16am blood pt-11.6 ptt-28.9 inr(pt)-1.1 05:54am blood glucose-130* urean-7 creat-0.5 na-145 k-3.8 cl-106 hco3-36* angap-7* 05:54am blood calcium-7.8* phos-2.4* mg-1.9 cholest-112 05:54am blood triglyc-98 hdl-pnd brief hospital course: 77 yo m w/ copd, htn/hl, cad, who p/ , hypotension tx for obstructive uropathy w/ foley, urgent hd, with hospital course complicated by pneumonia and gib initially gastritis and subsequently diverticular in nature. # hypotension, adrenal insufficiency the patient's hypotension was likely multifactorial and secondary to a combination of hypovolemia from gi bleed, infection from pneumonia, and unstable tachycardia. see below for treatment of each of these problems. the patient also received stress dose steroids, but was ultimately transitioned back to his home prednisone as he stabilized. cardiac enzymes were not suggestive of mi. the patient was resuscitated fully and left the micu slightly hypertensive because he was npo and could not take his home nifedipine. while on the medicine floor, the patient had no episodes of hypotension and did well on his home metoprolol dose. his home nifedipine was held, but this can be gradually restarted if his pressures require it. #bacterial pneumonia: the patient's x-ray on admission showed a rll opacity. unclear if chronic or new, infectious vs. malignant, based on old records. the patient was treated for hcap with vancomycin, cefepime, and levofloxacin, which was tailored back to vancomycin and levofloxacin as the patient stabilized. he completed an 8 day course- last day was . he continued to have a 2l oxygen requirement which was attributed to atelectasis in the setting of deconditioning. he will benefit from continued physical therapy and incentive spirometry. # acute renal failure due to urinary retention this was due to obstructive uropathy, given large amount (3l) of uop after foley placement in ed. he was uremic with extensive electrolyte abnormalities and acidosis. his initial ekg showed changes consistent w/ his hyperkalemia. the patient's ultrasound suggested bilateral hydronephrosis. the patient was emergently hemodialyzed in one two hour session. he did not require further dialysis. between the placement of a foley catheter and the dialysis, the patient's renal function rapidly improved and his creatinine was normal by the time he left the icu. he was started on finasteride and tamsulosin and foley was kept in place. urology recommended foley for at least two weeks with outpatient follow-up for a voiding trial. # etiology of urinary obstruction. multiple possibilities, the most concerning of which was cauda syndrome. an mri showed no cauda , stress dose steroids for possible cauda were stopped. thought to be caused by benign prostatic hyperplasia. urology consult was placed and they recommended foley for at least two weeks with outpatient follow-up for a voiding trial. they did not see an indication for any acute urologic intervention during the hospitalization. # acute blood loss anemia due to diverticulosis with bleeding: the patient was was initially given ddavp 0.4mcg/kg over 10 mins. a ppi drip, and resuscitation with fluids. the patient underwent endoscopy, which showed gastritis, gastric ulcer, duodenitis. he was then started on ppi . his h pylori serology was equivocal, stool antigen was ultimately negative. he was called out to the floor but returned to the icu following additional episodes of hypotension and bright red blood per rectum. he required transfusions of red blood cells (4 units). his cta abdomen was negative, but his colonoscopy showed left-sided diverticulosis which was believed to be the etiology of his bleed. he will require gi follow up (scheduled) with dr. for repeat egd given concern for gastric metaplasia in the setting of his gastritis. # severe malnutrition/aspiration risk: on second to last day of patient's initial icu stay, the patient coughed up a large pill that was stuck in his posterior throat. he was made npo, his medications were switched to iv. on , s/s team felt the patient was high risk for aspiration so he remained npo, failing multiple trials until when he passed a video swallow and was started on a nectar thick liquids, pureed solids diet. after completion of gi studies and resolution of the bleed, patient was given tube feeds for nutrition. these will need to be continued while his swallowing mechanism is still improving and nutritional status poor. we would recommend nutrition to follow him and perform calorie counts to help decide when to discontinue tubefeeds. would recommend monitoring for refeeding syndrome given severe malnutrition and several days w/o food in setting of gi bleed. # lue weakness: on , the patient was seen not using his left arm. neurological exam showed biceps and triceps weakness, with no obvious sign of shoulder dislocation. strength in hand was , though patient had some swelling of dorsum of left hand. ue ultrasound was scheduled, but patient refused that test on . neurology was called. they recommended soft cervical collar and mri spine. mr performed on , which showed degenerative changes, posterior disc bulge throughout w/ severe spinal stenosis. he may benefit from neurology follow up as an outpatient. # possible air embolism: shortly after the patient's hd line was removed, he had hypotension and destauration. this was thought to be secondary to an air embolism. the patient was placed on his left lateral decubitus. an echo was obtained that did not suggest right heart strain or pulmonary embolism. the patient's condition slowly improved until he only needed 2l nasal cannula. this can continue to be weaned as tolerated. # intraatrial septal aneurysm: incidental finding on echocardiography. following discussion with cardiology and neurology, the patient may be placed on aspirin once he is out of the window of his acute gi bleed. # cad: echo w/ ef 55%, no wall motion abnormality, though notable for interatrial septal aneurysm. per cardiology and neurology recommended aspirin and statin. we have been holding aspirin given his recent bleed but this can be restarted if hcts remain stable and no signs of further bleed. he was continued on his metoprolol and restarted on his statin on discharge. # polymyalgia rheumatica: he briefly received stress dose steroids as above, but then was switched tot methylpred 4mg iv daily. on discharge he was restarted on his home prednisone 5 mg daily. the patient will need to establish care with a pcp and is interested in doing so at the . he will need to follow up with urology and gi as detailed in the discharge instructions. he had extensive code status discussions during this hospitalization and he decided to be dnr/dni. his health care proxy is son (. medications on admission: - colace - lactulose prn constipation - asa 81 - metoprolol succ 50mg daily - lisinopril 20mg daily - doxycycline 100mg - cyclobenzaprine 10mg tid prn - nifedipine 60mgdaily - prednisone 5mg daily (per records, 10 mg daily) - herbal supplements - simvastatin 10 mg daily - mv daily discharge medications: 1. simvastatin 10 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po once a day. 2. multivitamin tablet sig: one (1) tablet po once a day. 3. prednisone 5 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po once a day. 4. finasteride 5 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po daily (daily). 5. albuterol sulfate 90 mcg/actuation hfa aerosol inhaler sig: two (2) puff inhalation q4h (every 4 hours) as needed for shortness of breath or wheezing. 6. colace 100 mg capsule sig: one (1) capsule po twice a day as needed for constipation. 7. metoprolol succinate 50 mg tablet extended release 24 hr sig: one (1) tablet extended release 24 hr po once a day. 8. tamsulosin 0.4 mg capsule, ext release 24 hr sig: one (1) capsule, ext release 24 hr po hs (at bedtime). 9. omeprazole 40 mg capsule, delayed release(e.c.) sig: one (1) capsule, delayed release(e.c.) po twice a day. 10. lidocaine 5 %(700 mg/patch) adhesive patch, medicated sig: one (1) adhesive patch, medicated topical daily (daily). 11. acetaminophen 325 mg tablet sig: two (2) tablet po q6h (every 6 hours) as needed for pain. discharge disposition: extended care facility: - discharge diagnosis: primary- respiratory failure health care associated pneumonia diverticular bleed gastritis renal failure secondary- coronary artery disease hyperlipidemia hypertension copd bph discharge condition: mental status: clear and coherent. level of consciousness: alert and interactive. activity status: ambulatory - requires assistance or aid (walker or cane). discharge instructions: dear mr. , you were admitted to the hospital with kidney and lung failure. while here, you were admitted to the icu and placed on a breathing machine. you underwent hemodialysis due to the kidney failure. you were treated with iv antibiotics for a pneumonia and also developed two gi bleeds, one that was secondary to inflammation in your stomach and a second that was related to a diverticulum in your colon. you were treated with an acid-blocking medication and bowel rest. you did well in the icu and were transferred to the medicine floor for further management. you had no further bleeding and passed a swallowing exam so are being trialed on a soft diet. you will continue to get feeds by the -gastric tube until you are stronger and eating well. you are being discharged to rehab. the following changes were made to your medications: 1. start omeprazole 40mg by mouth twice daily 2. start finasteride 5mg daily 3. start tamsulosin 0.4 mg qhs 4. stop aspirin until otherwise instructed by a doctor 5. stop nifedipine until otherwise instructed by a doctor 6. stop cyclobenzaprine 7. stop doxycycline 8. stop lisinopril 9. start lidocaine patch as needed for pain please continue your other medications as prescribed by your outpatient providers. you will need to keep the foley catheter in for at least 2 weeks and will need to see a urologist as an outpatient for further evaluation of your urinary obstruction. you will also need to follow up with gastroenterology. it was a pleasure taking care of you. we wish you a speedy recovery. followup instructions: **please discuss with the staff at the facility the need for a follow up appointment with a primary care physician when you are ready for discharge. if you need assistance obtaining a new pcp at , you can contact our find a doctor line and . they are available monday - friday from 8:30am - 5:00pm.** please follow up at the appointments below: name: , k. md specialty: urology location: address: , 3rd fl, , phone: **we are working on a follow up appointment with dr. 1-2 weeks. you will be called at home with the appointment. if you have not heard from the office within 2 days or have any questions, please call the number above.** department: div. of gastroenterology when: tuesday at 1 pm with: , md building: ra (/ complex) campus: east best parking: main garage procedure: continuous invasive mechanical ventilation for less than 96 consecutive hours other endoscopy of small intestine enteral infusion of concentrated nutritional substances hemodialysis venous catheterization for renal dialysis closed [endoscopic] biopsy of bronchus colonoscopy diagnoses: pneumonia, organism unspecified acidosis hyperpotassemia polymyalgia rheumatica long-term (current) use of steroids acute posthemorrhagic anemia acute kidney failure, unspecified chronic airway obstruction, not elsewhere classified pulmonary collapse other specified forms of chronic ischemic heart disease other and unspecified hyperlipidemia hypertrophy (benign) of prostate with urinary obstruction and other lower urinary tract symptoms (luts) acute respiratory failure other shock without mention of trauma unspecified gastritis and gastroduodenitis, with hemorrhage gastric ulcer, unspecified as acute or chronic, without mention of hemorrhage or perforation, without mention of obstruction kidney dialysis as the cause of abnormal reaction of patient, or of later complication, without mention of misadventure at time of procedure do not resuscitate status metabolic encephalopathy duodenitis, without mention of hemorrhage hyperosmolality and/or hypernatremia diverticulosis of colon with hemorrhage systemic inflammatory response syndrome due to noninfectious process with acute organ dysfunction other complications due to renal dialysis device, implant, and graft foreign body accidentally entering other orifice nutritional marasmus aneurysm of heart (wall) other fluid overload other musculoskeletal symptoms referable to limbs body mass index less than 19, adult other dysphagia urinary obstruction, not elsewhere classified foreign body in pharynx Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: past medical history: he has no known cad. cardiac risk factors were tobacco. he has no diabetes, hyperlipidemia, or hypertension. positive family history of mi at 60 years old in the family but not less than 55. he denied cocaine use. review of systems: denied pnd, orthopnea. he smokes one pack per day. he had exertional angina times five to six weeks. in the catheterization laboratory, his numbers were wedge 26, pa 44/25, cardiac index 3.62, cardiac output 7.38. iv fluid was 1,200 cc. also, in the catheterization laboratory, he was found to have rca status post two stents. he had a total proximal lesion which was acute, consistent with thrombotic occlusion. he also had a long proximal mid rca with timi-iii flow, 0% restenosis, small mitral side branch was jailed. his rv infarct hemodynamics was rv 44/15, left main was okay, calcified. he had an 85% mid lad involving the diagonal. his left circumflex had minor irregularities. the procedure was complicated by hypotension, bradycardia which required temporary pacing and temporary dopamine. he complained of nausea, vomiting with groin pressure. ecgs at the outside hospital: ecg number one showed st elevations in ii, iii, and avf with iii greater than ii, approximately 4 mm, sinus, 92, normal axis. number two: right-sided leads v4 greater than 1 mm. post catheterization, the ecg at ii, iii, and avf showed that the st elevations had decreased to 2 mm. laboratory data at the outside hospital: pt 15, inr 1.2. hemoglobin 14.1, hematocrit 41.1, platelets 29.8. here at the , the white count was 18.7, hematocrit 38.8, platelets 257,000, pmns 81%. sodium 141, potassium 3.9, chloride 101, bicarbonate 27, bun 14, creatinine 0.8, ck 147, mb 3, ast 31, alt 48, inr 1.3, calcium 9.4, phosphorus 4, albumin 4.1. the patient's peak ck was 3,238 on . it had decreased to 1,793 and then 147 on . the mb index was 19.8 on the second. physical examination on admission: on examination the day following catheterization revealed a blood pressure of 140/76, pulse 91. general: in no acute distress, lying flat, leg in the leg immobilizer. heent: eomi. perrla. op clear. jv to the angle of the mandible. lungs: clear to auscultation anteriorly. heart: regular rate and rhythm. s1, s2, no murmurs, rubs, or gallops appreciated. he is obese. abdomen: nontender, no rebound tenderness, soft. extremities: no clubbing, cyanosis or edema, dorsalis pedis and posterior pulses. neurologic: a&o times three. cranial nerves ii through xii. the right groin had a hematoma which was soft. there was no bruit. right groin swan was in place. hospital course: he had no drips at the time of arriving at the floor. the patient is a 48-year-old male with a history of tobacco use, imi, right ventricular infarct who presents to from an outside hospital for catheterization status post rca stenting complicated by hypertension, bradycardia requiring transient pressors, transient temporary pacing. 1. coronary artery disease: the patient received a beta blocker at the outside hospital and restarted beta blocker after the dopamine was weaned. plavix, aspirin, and integrelin 18 hours postprocedure. lipids were checked and current smoke cessation. the patient has beta blocker dose titrated up, had an ace inhibitor added, started on a statin. on , the patient was taken to the catheterization laboratory for intervention on the left system. he had left angiography of the left system. the left main was normal, proximal lad had mild disease, middle lad had 70% stenosis involving the d2 origin which had a 60% stenosis at the circumflex without significant disease. successful ptca of the d2 ostium was performed. there was 30% residual stenosis, normal flow, no apparent dissection. successful stent. direct stenting of the lad was performed. there was distal straightening/stenosis that required placement of an additional stent. there was no original stenosis, normal flow, and no apparent dissection. 2. congestive heart failure: despite the patient's jvd, he had no symptoms consistent with chf. the lungs were clear to auscultation. he had no pnd, no orthopnea. he had an echocardiogram on which showed a tr gradient of approximately 15 mmhg, left atrium was mildly dilated, right atrium mildly dilated, left ventricular wall thickness was normal, left ventricular size was normal. overall left ventricular systolic function was normal wall motion. the following regional left ventricular wall abnormalities were seen: basal inferior ak, midinferoseptal ak, basal inferior ak, midinferior ak, basal inferolateral ak, mid inferior lateral ak, septal apex ak, inferior apex ak. the remaining septums of the left ventricular wall were hypokinetic. right ventricular wall thickness was normal. right ventricular chamber size was normal. right ventricular systolic function appeared depressed, mildly dilated aortic trivial mr, no pericardial effusion. ef was estimated to be 20-25%, severely depressed. 3. renal: the patient had normal creatinine function despite the two dye loads. his renal function was monitored without a bump. 4. heme: he had a right groin hematoma. it was monitored and was stable. the patient had an ultrasound of the groin on which showed a right inguinal hematoma after cardiac catheterization. there was duplex carotid doppler of the right inguinal area. small av fistula involving the right common femoral, iliac artery, and right common femoral vein. no evidence of pseudoaneurysm and the recommendation was only to perform a follow-up if the patient became symptomatic. the team saw the patient, feeling again that there was no indication for surgical intervention and that the patient would have a follow-up ultrasound as an outpatient, should just follow the progress of the right groin. it was felt by the primary cardiology team that there was no reason to anticoagulate given the right-sided lesion and that the patient would likely regain his ef with time and the risk was not as great with a right-sided lesion as compared to a left-sided lesion despite the wall motion abnormality. 5. rhythm: the patient had some bouts of nsvt times three in the first 24 hours, status post mi. he was asymptomatic during all of them. in fact, he was sleeping during all of them. his lytes were monitored and adjusted appropriately and the patient had no further svt during his stay. the patient had signal-averaged ekg prior to discharge and was to follow with dr. and electrophysiology one month status post discharge. condition on discharge: good. discharge diagnosis: 1. inferior myocardial infarction with right ventricular involvement. 2. hyperlipidemia. 3. coronary artery disease. 4. hypertension. 5. congestive heart failure. 6. av fistula, right groin. discharge instructions: the patient was instructed not to drive for one week. instructed not to overtire for six weeks. instructed not to lift greater than 20 pounds. the patient was instructed to follow-up with dr. of cardiology in two weeks status post discharge and instructed to call dr. of electrophysiology and follow-up within one month. instructed to follow-up with dr. of vascular within two weeks to have follow-up with the right av fistula and instructed to call radiology to make a follow-up appointment. major surgical procedure: he had cardiac catheterization times two. status post rca stent times two. status post times one. status post ptca to the diagonal. discharge medications: 1. aspirin 325 mg p.o. q.d. 2. plavix 75 mg p.o. q.d. 3. lipitor 10 mg q.d. 4. toprol xl 200 mg q.d. 5. zestril 5 mg q.d. 6. nitroglycerin sublingual p.r.n. , m.d. dictated by: medquist36 procedure: insertion of non-drug-eluting coronary artery stent(s) insertion of non-drug-eluting coronary artery stent(s) combined right and left heart cardiac catheterization coronary arteriography using two catheters coronary arteriography using two catheters intraoperative cardiac pacemaker injection or infusion of platelet inhibitor left heart cardiac catheterization diagnoses: coronary atherosclerosis of native coronary artery tobacco use disorder hematoma complicating a procedure paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia other and unspecified hyperlipidemia family history of ischemic heart disease acute myocardial infarction of inferoposterior wall, initial episode of care Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: allergies: codeine / cimetidine attending: chief complaint: epistaxis major surgical or invasive procedure: posterior nasal packing - now removed history of present illness: 83 yo f wth history of htn, mi, aaa, afib, on plavix +/- asa who presents after developing bilateral epistaxis morning associated with fatigue but not associated with lightheadedness or syncope. of note, she had an epistaxis episode 6 weeks ago per report resulting in bradycardia/cardiac arrest although patient and daughter deny. she denies other prior episodes of epistaxis and has never previously required nasal packing. she also noted spitting up of blood with some nausea. denies any brbpr, melena, diarrhea/ constipation. she initially presented to an osh ed where they used expanding gelfoam for an anterior deep packing. also given unasyn 3g morphine 2mg and transferred to . osh vs hr 49-62, rr 18-20, bp 134-178/63-80, 100%ra . in the ed, vs: 99.0 92 180/100 18 100%ra. ent was consulted and assessed bilateral nasal packing. no repeat episodes of bleeding were noted. ent was consulted and thought that she ran the risk of repeat bradycardia given extent of packing, recommended monitoring in icu. . currently, pt reports some discomfort at the back of her throat and mild nausea but is otherwise without complaints. past medical history: htn cad s/p mi 3 months ago, no stent, pci aaa pvd gerd afib angina . psurghx: tonsils & adenoids sigmoid colectomy ischemic bowel with colostomy, take down of splenic flexure and pouch l aka social history: patient lives at home with daughter . she uses wheelchair and walker at home. accomplishes bed transfers on her own family history: no bleeding diatheses physical exam: vs: 96.7 95 196/100-> 164/84 18 98% ra gen: nad, pleasant eyes: perrl eomi face: symmetric, fn normal heent: nose with bilateral packings with inflatable attachments inflated with air. no evident bleeding anteriorly. op clear without active bleeding, no clots in posterior oropharynx. mmm neck: supple, thin, no ladd, no mass cv: tachy. reg. no m/r/g resp: cta bl abd: soft. nt/nd +bs ext: no c/c/e left groin pusatile mass, baseline per daughter. bruit pertinent results: 02:15pm blood wbc-11.4* rbc-3.28* hgb-10.1* hct-31.3* mcv-95 mch-30.9 mchc-32.4 rdw-14.0 plt ct-224 03:28am blood wbc-11.8* rbc-3.08* hgb-9.5* hct-28.8* mcv-93 mch-30.8 mchc-33.0 rdw-14.4 plt ct-234 02:15pm blood pt-12.9 ptt-26.4 inr(pt)-1.1 03:28am blood glucose-130* urean-34* creat-1.6* na-138 k-4.9 cl-107 hco3-19* angap-17 06:00am blood wbc-6.9 rbc-3.31* hgb-9.9* hct-30.6* mcv-92 mch-30.0 mchc-32.5 rdw-14.8 plt ct-242 06:15am blood wbc-7.8 rbc-2.55* hgb-7.9* hct-24.0* mcv-94 mch-31.1 mchc-33.1 rdw-14.4 plt ct-212 studies: cta : impression: 1. no evidence for vascular malformation or tumor. however, the sensitivity of most causes of epistaxis is poor on this study. if further evaluation is warranted, a catheter arteriogram is recommended. 2. small sub-2-mm aneurysm at the lmca bifurcation. 3. air-fluid levels within bilateral maxillary sinuses. 4. old right medial wall blowout fracture. u/a: clean cxr:impression: no pneumonia or chf. knee film:there is extensive vascular calcification noted. the patient is status post amputation. the visualized distal femur does not show any fracture. the overlying soft tissues appear unremarkable. micro: none brief hospital course: 83 yo f wth history of htn, mi, aaa, afib, on plavix had epistaxis this morning requiring bilateral nasal packing ("rapid rhino") with reported prior history of severe epistaxis resulting in bradycardic arrest admitted to micu for close monitoring. # epistaxis: epistaxis most likley secondary to recently starting plavix , and intermittent use of asa. this is reportedly her second episode of significant epistaxis while on plavix. admitted to the icu for close monitoring of serial hcts and hemodynamics given her past history of siginificant bleed with hemodynamic compromise. serial hcts 31.3-->28.8. she had no signs of ongoing bleeding overnight in the icu. she did have guiac positive stools, c/w her initial brisk epistaxis. ent evaluated patient the morning after admission, suggested keeping the packing in place for 5 days and monitoring closely while packing in place. pt was also kept on keflex for ppx from staph infections. pt did not have any significant bleeds while on the floor. her hct did however drift down to 24. at that point she was given 1 unit prbc. her hct increased appropriately to 31. pt's hct remained stable subsequetly. a cta was ordered to evalautate for any evidence of vasc tumors of avm which were not found. incidentally she was found to have basillar/ica aneurysms (see below). pt's packing was removed without any complications and no obvious source was found. pt's keflex was d/c'd. pt should also have a humidifier at home at all times. pt should continue epistaxis precautions (no nose-blowing, no straining, no heavy lifting, no hot showers)if bleeds, afrin nasal spray and hold anterior aspect of nose bypinching for at least 20 min. if occurs again may have to consider ir intervention for embolization if bleeding source identified. bp controlled but will need close outpt managment as outpt. # aneursym: incidentally found on the cta were a 4mm basilar, 2mm basilar tip, and likely ica aneurysm. neursurg was consulted who recommended to f/u with them as an outpt in 1 year and repeat cta at that time. # cad s/p mi: we initially held her plavix given epistaxis. will need to consider re-initiating plavix given that she has now had two significant episodes of epistaxis while on plavix. when more history was obtained it was found out that she did not have a stent placed, and her outpt doctor agreed to discontinuing her plavix. restarted asa on discharge. # pt has difficult to control htn on multiple home medications. we continued his home meds and gave prn anti-hypertensice medications as needed to keep sbp<160. pt was continued on her outpt lisinopril 30 , metop 50mg , nifedipene 90, ntg 0.2. all efforts should be made to maintatin her at normotensive levels to prevent further epistaxsis. # paroxysmal afib- stayed in sinus # cri- likely chronic but no prior data avilable. cr 1.3 currently # dementia - stable on donepezil 5 medications on admission: meds: plavix 75 daily asa 81 occasionally clarinex 5 mg po daily aricept 5 mg daily pantopazole 40 mg po daily metoprolol 50 nifedipine er 90 daily budeprion sr 100 daily lisinopril 30 nitroglycerin patch 1 daily discharge medications: 1. aspirin 81 mg tablet, chewable sig: one (1) tablet, chewable po once a day. 2. clarinex 5 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po once a day. 3. aricept 5 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po once a day. 4. pantoprazole 40 mg tablet, delayed release (e.c.) sig: one (1) tablet, delayed release (e.c.) po q24h (every 24 hours). 5. nitroglycerin 0.2 mg/hr patch 24 hr sig: one (1) patch 24 hr transdermal q24h (every 24 hours). disp:*30 patch 24 hr(s)* refills:*2* 6. nifedipine 90 mg tablet sustained release sig: one (1) tablet sustained release po daily (daily). 7. bupropion 100 mg tablet sustained release sig: one (1) tablet sustained release po qam (once a day (in the morning)). 8. lisinopril 30 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po twice a day. 9. sodium chloride 0.65 % aerosol, spray sig: sprays nasal qid (4 times a day). disp:*qs 30 day supply* refills:*2* 10. afrin 0.05 % aerosol, spray sig: nasal twice a day as needed for nose bleed. disp:*1 1 month supply* refills:*2* 11. metoprolol tartrate 25 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po twice a day. disp:*60 tablet(s)* refills:*2* discharge disposition: home with service facility: vna of upper discharge diagnosis: primary diagnosis: - severe epistaxis secondary diagnosis: - basillar and ica aneurysms - hypertension - coronary artery disease - mi 3 months ago - aaa - abdominal aortic aneurysm - peripheral vascular disease - atrial fibrillation - gerd discharge condition: good, vitals stable, hct stable discharge instructions: you had a severe nose bleed that was likely related to having high blood pressure. the packing was removed and there was no further bleeding. the ct of the head did not show any specific sources for bleeding either. to prevent this again: - patient should have a humidifier in the room at all times - if bleeds, afrin nasal spray and hold the nose by pinching for at least 20 min. medication changes: - your plavix was discontinued - your nitroglycerin patch was increased to 0.2mg once per day - saline nasal spray was added - afrin nasal spray was added if pt has another nose bleed - the metoprolol was decreased to 25mg twice per day if your nose bleeds restart and are not stopped by afrin use, or you become light-headed weak, chest pain, or temp > 101, please return to the ed immediately. followup instructions: please follow up with your pcp, . , in 2 days for management of your blood pressure. () friday :30pm please follow up with ent for the nose bleeds. dr. . () in weeks please call to make an appointment. please follow up with clinic on future management of the aneurysms (. you will have an appointment with dr. in 1 year. you also need a repeat cta in 1 yr. procedure: transfusion of packed cells diagnoses: acidosis anemia in chronic kidney disease coronary atherosclerosis of native coronary artery esophageal reflux acute posthemorrhagic anemia hypertensive chronic kidney disease, unspecified, with chronic kidney disease stage i through stage iv, or unspecified atrial fibrillation peripheral vascular disease, unspecified other persistent mental disorders due to conditions classified elsewhere chronic kidney disease, unspecified cerebral aneurysm, nonruptured other and unspecified angina pectoris old myocardial infarction long-term (current) use of anticoagulants abdominal aneurysm without mention of rupture epistaxis other agents affecting blood constituents causing adverse effects in therapeutic use salicylates causing adverse effects in therapeutic use Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: allergies: patient recorded as having no known allergies to drugs attending: chief complaint: unable to turn on shower, unresponsivness major surgical or invasive procedure: arteriogram arterial embolization history of present illness: ms. is a 57 year-old left handed woman with no known significant past medical history who initially presented to hospital following an episode of non-fluent speech and was transferred to the after a non-contrast ct of the head showed left-sided intraparenchymal hemorrhage. . the patient and her husband explain that the patient was in her usual state of health until the day of evaluation. she went out to get groceries in the afternoon and struck her forehead on the doorframe while retrieving the goods. she "saw stars" but did not lose consciousness. she continued activities as usual, making dinner for her husband. thereafter she recalls drawing a bath. upon trying to turn off the running water, she found she could not perform the action. she is unsure why she could not complete the task; she says that she knew what to do and had the strength to do it. however, she wandered out of the bathroom and into the bedroom to find her husband. thinks her gait was "staggering." he asked what was wrong and she was able to say "i don't know." she sat down on the edge of the bed. she recalls feeling "lightheaded" and and trying to anwer his questions. she denies associated headache and other symptoms. she then has a lapse in memory. however, her husband indicates she developed non-fluent speech as "if she couldn't get the words out." he called emergency services and turned back to find that she had fallen off the bed into a seated position on the floor. she did not respond to verbal questions. by the time ems arrived, she had become "agitated" and was noted to be vigorously moving all limbs with force. her husband thinks she returned to her baseline within about one hour. . she was initially transported to hospital where a non-contrast ct was thought to show a left parietal hemorrhage. after a cta was done, she was mediflighted to for further evaluation and care. . the patient denies preceding chest discomfort and shortness of breath. she has no known history of cardiac arrhythmia. she denies micturition, cough, and other maneuvers immediately prior to the event. she denies a move from a supine/seated position to a stand prior to the spell. she had just eaten dinner and has no history of diabetes. she denies recent medication changes and maintains she stays well-hydrated. the patient has no history of seizure disorder. her husband denies witnessing shaking of the limbs and incontinence during the presenting syndrome. . she denies recent travel. .neurological review of systems - positive for: lightheadedness with changes of position - negative for: headache, vision change, changes in hearing, trouble swallowing, difficulty understanding speech, focal weakness, numbness, tingling, bowel incontinence, urinary incontinence or retention. . general review of systems: - positive for: chills, weight gain over two years after quitting smoking - negative for: fevers, chest discomfort, shortness of breath, cough, abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, dysuria. past medical history: - pneumonia - 2 years ago - right shoulder pain s/p repair of some kind social history: - former nurse - married for 35 yrs with two children - lives in family history: - negative for known vascular diseases, stroke, seizure - bone cancer (father) physical exam: physical examination: vitals: t: 97.7 p: 86 r: 16 bp: 131/60 sao2: 100% ra general: awake, cooperative, nad. heent: normocepahlic, atruamatic, no scleral icterus noted. mucus membranes dry, no lesions noted in oropharynx neck: supple. cardiac: regular rate, normal s1 and s2. pulmonary: lungs clear to auscultation bilaterally. abdomen: round. normoactive bowel sounds. soft. non-tender, non-distended. extremities: warm, well-perfused. skin: non-blancing erythematous petechial rash on face, neck, and bilateral upper extremities - most notable in wrist region neurologic examination: mental status: * degree of alertness: alert. able to relate history with encouragement to focus. * orientation: oriented to person, place, month, year, situation * attention: attentive. able to name the days of the week forwards and backwards without difficulty. * memory: pt able to repeat 3 words immediately and recall unassisted/with prompts at 30-seconds and 5-minutes. * language: language is fluent without evidence of paraphasic errors. repetition is intact. comprehension appears intact; pt able to correctly follow midline and appendicular commands. prosody is normal. pt able to name high (pen) and low frequency objects (knuckles) without difficulty. and writing abilities intact. * calculation: pt able to calculate number of quarters in $1.50 * neglect: no evidence of sensory neglect. * luria sequencing: unable to perform . cranial nerves: * i: olfaction not evaluated. * ii: perrl 4 to 2mm and brisk. visual fields full to confrontation. funduscopic exam revealed no clear papilledema, exudates, or hemorrhages. * iii, iv, vi: eomi without nystagmus. normal saccades. * v: facial sensation intact to light touch in the v1, v2, v3 distributions. * vii: no facial droop, facial musculature symmetric. * viii: hearing intact to finger-rub bilaterally. * ix, x: palate elevates symmetrically. * : 5/5 strength in trapezii bilaterally. * xii: tongue protrudes in midline. motor: * bulk: no evidence of atrophy. * tone: normal. * drift: no pronator drift bilaterally. * adventitious movements: no tremor or asterixis noted. . strength: * left upper extremity: 5 throughout delt, biceps, triceps, wrist ext, wrist flex, finger ext, finger flex * right upper extremity: giveway throughout delt, biceps (baseline shoulder injury), 5 throughout triceps, wrist ext, wrist flex, finger ext, finger flex * left lower extremity: 5 throughout iliopsoas, quad, ham, tib ant, gastroc, ext hollucis longis * right lower extremity: 5 throughout iliopsoas, quad, ham, tib ant, gastroc, ext hollucis longis --> some motor perseveration reflexes: * left: 2+ throughout biceps, triceps, bracheoradialis, patellar, achilles * right: 2+ thoughout biceps, triceps, bracheoradialis, patellar, achilles * babinski: mute bilaterally . sensation: * light touch: intact bilaterally in lower extremities, upper extremities, trunk, face * pinprick: intact bilaterally intact bilaterally in lower extremities, upper extremities, trunk, face * temperature: intact to cold sensation * vibration: intact bilaterally at level of medial malleolus * proprioception: intact bilaterally at level of great toe * extinction: no extinction to double simultaneous stimulation * cortical: no evidence of agraphesthesia . coordination * finger-to-nose: intact bilaterally (although initially inaccurate on right) * rapid alternating movements: symmetric gait: * description: good initiation. relatively -based with normal-lentgh stride and symmetric arm-swing * romberg: positve pertinent results: basic admission labs: 03:45am blood wbc-18.5* rbc-5.07 hgb-15.1 hct-44.7 mcv-88 mch-29.8 mchc-33.9 rdw-14.2 plt ct-398 03:45am blood neuts-90.9* lymphs-6.6* monos-2.0 eos-0.1 baso-0.4 03:45am blood pt-11.3 ptt-24.9 inr(pt)-0.9 03:45am blood ck(cpk)-658* 03:45am blood ck-mb-16* mb indx-2.4 03:45am blood asa-neg acetmnp-neg bnzodzp-neg barbitr-neg tricycl-neg 03:45am glucose-110* urea n-21* creat-1.1 sodium-134 potassium-3.9 chloride-97 total co2-24 anion gap-17 05:10am blood calcium-8.5 phos-3.6 mg-2.3 07:00am cerebrospinal fluid (csf) wbc-2 rbc-1* polys-11 lymphs-89 monos-0 07:00am cerebrospinal fluid (csf) totprot-32 glucose-80 micro: blood culture, routine (final ): viridans streptococci. isolated from one set only. staphylococcus, coagulase negative. isolated from one set only. sensitivities performed on request.. viridans streptococci. second morphology. isolated from one set only. . repeat labs: 04:45am blood wbc-6.8 rbc-4.62 hgb-13.3 hct-40.8 mcv-88 mch-28.7 mchc-32.6 rdw-13.8 plt ct-357 06:30am blood neuts-60.9 lymphs-31.2 monos-4.9 eos-2.4 baso-0.5 06:30am blood ck(cpk)-94 06:30am blood ck-mb-notdone ctropnt-<0.01 03:45am blood ctropnt-<0.01 micro: blood culture: no growth to date . imaging: ct/cta: 1. left parietal intraparenchymal hemorrhage has increased in size since the prior study, measuring 36 x 23 mm, causing mild effacement of the adjacent sulci, there is no evidence of significant midline shifting or herniation. 2. cta-ctv, demonstrates a prominent vessel adjacent to the region with no evidence of large arterial vascular malformation, however, an occult development of venous anomaly or other entities cannot be completely excluded. 3. possible fenestrations identified in the basilar artery as described above with no evidence of basilar artery stenosis. no aneurysms seen. . cerebral angiogram: report pending, however arteriovenous malformation identified with vein coming off of mca branch showing early filling on left. . brain mri: 1. stable left parietal intraparenchymal hemorrhage, similar in size and distribution. 2. multiple nonspecific flair hyperintensities in a callosal-septal striation pattern. this raises the question of multiple sclerosis; however, the differential remains broad and includes other conditions such as vasculitis or other demyelinating process. . functional mri: unchanged left parietal intraparenchymal hemorrhage. the functional paradigm demonstrates a supplementary area during the involvement of the right foot at approximately 2 mm of distance from the hemorrhagic lesion. brief hospital course: admission assessment: ms. is a 57 year-old left handed woman with no known significant past medical history who initially presented to hospital following an episode of non-fluent speech and was transferred to the after a non-contrast ct of the head showed left-sided intraparenchymal hemorrhage. examination is notable for a non-blanching erythematous rash affecting the face, neck, dorsum of the wrists/hands, inattention (performs dow backwards but needs constant redirection to stay on task), inability to perform luria sequencing, giveway weakness in right delt/biceps (baseline per pt), and positive romberg. imaging shows left parietal hemorrhage with very proximal prominent vessel. the differential diagnosis includes hemorrhage secondary to avm or cortical vein thrombosis. given increased ck (658), leukocytosis, lack of recall for event, and cortical location of the lesions, seizure could also have played a role in the presenting syndrome. leukocytosis and a quick onset of rash raises concern for infectious process. initial recommendations for ed: - please perform lp to evaluate for infection - after lp please cover empirically with amp/ctx/vanc at meningitic doses - ua, cxr - please have dermotology evaluate the rash - stox, utox - dispo pending lp . addendum: lp was performed in the ed: protein 30, glucose 80 wbc 2, rbc 1 ploy 11, lymp 89, mono 0 . admission plan: the patient was admitted to the stroke service in the care of dr. . neuro: - cta/v of head to evaluate for contributory vascular abnormalities - routine eeg to evaluate for seizure activity - start keppra as seizure prophylaxis . cvs - telemetry to monitor for contributory cardiac arrhythmias - goal sbp of 140-180 . metab/tox - check urine and serum tox screens as above . abd/gi - regular diet . id/inflamm - tylenol 650 mg po q6 prn fever with a goal of normothermia - ua as above - cxr as above . ppx - pneumoboots - bowel regimen . ***hospital course*** . neurology: the patient was admitted to the neurology service for additional evaluation. she was maintained on keppra given concern that her initial event was a seizure, and this was kept at a dose of 750 mg given that she had no additional episodes concerning for seizure. the patient underwent a cta scan which revealed concern for arteriovenous malformation. based upon these findings, a conventional angiogram was performed by dr. which revealed an arteriovenous malformation with a vein showing early filling from a branch of the mca. decision was made that she would need an embolization to reduce the risk of further hemorrhage. while awaiting procedures sbp was maintained less than 140 without need for additional medication. exam remained essentially normal except for very subtle findings such as very mild agraphisthesia in the right palm, difficulty with complex calculational tasks, and mild proprioceptive difficulties mistaking a quarter for a nickel. for pre-operative planning she underwent a functional mri scan. embolization was completed on in the morning. the angio was successful, however a left branch mca clot was noted during the procedure. based upon this thrombus, she was started on aspirin 81 mg daily. she was noted to have some problems with language and , thus she was referred to outpatient speech therapy. in addition, she is to be maintained on keppra prophylaxis unter further follow-up with neurology. she will follow-up with neurosurgery in one month. . infectious disease: the patient initially had low-grade fever, elevated white count, thus a blood culture was sent. one set of culture grew coag negative staph as well as strep viridans. these were thought most likely to be contaminants, but she was briefly treated with vancoymcin for 48 hours while additional culture were pending which were negative. after two days off of vancomycin repeat cultures were sent per id verbal suggestion given that strep viridans contamination is somewhat unsual. they felt that if repeat culture was negative, it was likely contaminant. . rash: at admission the patient was noted to have erythematous cheeks and petechiae in some upper extremity, chest, face regions. this was thought most likely a drug rash. the only medications given at the outside hospital were compazine and zofran. compazine was thought to be the most likely culprit, but the patient was advised to avoid both drugs in the future if possible, though it was not an anaphylactic reaction so these could be used if needed in the future. . vascular: per dr. (neurosurgery), he spoke with dr. in vascular as she was determined to have prior claudication and a stenotic right ext iliac artery, she was referred to vascular as an outpatient. medications on admission: - no regular meds; occasionally takes aspirin 81 mg po daily discharge medications: 1. levetiracetam 500 mg tablet sig: 1.5 tablets po bid (2 times a day). disp:*90 tablet(s)* refills:*2* 2. senna 8.6 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po bid (2 times a day) as needed for constipation. disp:*30 tablet(s)* refills:*0* 3. aspirin 81 mg tablet, chewable sig: one (1) tablet, chewable po daily (daily). 4. outpatient occupational therapy occupational therapy 5. outpatient speech/swallowing therapy outpatient speech therapy discharge disposition: home discharge diagnosis: primary: left parietal intraparenchymal hemorrhage due to av malformation secondary: none discharge condition: neurological exam at time of discharge notable for: some difficulty with but could name most common objects and repetition intact. full strength in all extremities. discharge instructions: you were admitted to with a intracranial hemorrhage (bleed). it was determined that this bleed was due to a blood vessel malformation. because of this, you underwent a brain vessel angiogram and embolization (purposeful clotting off of the blood vessel malformation). this procedure was successful. in addition, you were found to have a stenosis (partial blockage) of your external iliac artery. because of the bleed the following changes were made to your medications: - keppra 750 mg twice daily was started - senna for constipation as needed - aspirin 81 mg daily you were discharged home. followup instructions: neurology: please call the office of dr. ( to arrange a follow up appointment within 1 month of your discharge from the hospital. neurosurgery: please call the office of dr. at ( to arrange follow up within one month of your discharge. vascular surgery: please call the office of dr. at ( for follow up of your leg pain and external iliac artery stenosis as described above. please avoid heavy lifting (over ten pounds) and no driving for at least six months. md, procedure: spinal tap incision of lung arteriography of cerebral arteries arteriography of cerebral arteries endovascular embolization or occlusion of vessel(s) of head or neck using bare coils diagnoses: other convulsions candidiasis of mouth intracerebral hemorrhage rash and other nonspecific skin eruption atherosclerosis of native arteries of the extremities, unspecified aphasia anomalies of cerebrovascular system other symbolic dysfunction Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: allergies: patient recorded as having no known allergies to drugs attending: chief complaint: mental status change/slurred speech bradycardia major surgical or invasive procedure: 1.) central line placement (left subclavian) history of present illness: 57 yo male with pmh of hep c/etoh cirrhosis, history of recurrent hepatic encephalopathy (controlled by lactulose at home), history of seizures in (thought narcotic and cocaine withdrawl - further w/u not done) who presents to ed after being sent by his pcp after noted to have some slurred speech/change in mental status, then noted to have bradycardia in ed. . pt was called by his pcp at home last night to be given some lab results and noted to have some slurred speech on the phone. as patient has a history of recurrent hepatic encephalitis, was sent to ed by pcp for further /u. pt reports feeling confused and some dizziness earlier in the day. also c/o severe thirst. otherwise denied syncope/loc, chest pain/pressure, sob, n/v, fever/chills, focal weakness, loss of sensation, neck stiffness, ha, photophobia. reports taking his lactulose as directed with 3 bm/day. . on presentation to ed, intitially (14:45) t 97.1, hr 35, bp 84/35, rr 18, o2 96% on ra. he was confused, agitated, noted to have slurred speech, + asterixis on exam. initial ekg demonstrated hr 44, no change from previous ekg from pcp office in , read by dr. , demonstrated ectopic atrial rhythm at slow rate of 46 bpm (same p'-wave morphologies). when hr 30, bp 94/56, pt c/o lightheadedness and was given atropine 0.5mg x 1 and glucagon 5mg iv x 1 (at 16:32), hr increased to 61, bp 112/61. repeat ekgs essentially unchanged, hr ranging 36-54. patient also received 3l ns and lactulose 30ml x 1. stool was guiac negative in ed. pt w/ improved mental status to a+ox3, still slightly agitated by time reached the floor. past medical history: --cirrhosis (h/o ascites, h/o encephalopathy, esophageal varicies, spenomegaly) - appointment with hepatology on --seizures: from etoh withdrawl and in presented to with sz, thought to be narcotic (oxycontin/codone) withdrawl - represented next day s/p syncope and tox screen positive for cocaine - therefore thought sz narcotic and cocaine withdrawl. pcp set up mri for further w/u but patient did not show up at appointment. pcp also set up appointment with neurology but patient did not show. --guiac + stool in - s/p colonoscopy that showed incomplete exam due to poor prep. colonoscopy in that showed sessile polyp that was removed - path showed fragments of adenoma. plans for f/u in 1 year. --egd in - grade ii esophageal varices, hiatal hernia, portal hypertensive gastropathy - started on nadolol. endoscopy scheduled for . --pancreatitis ( etoh) --left foot injury - pins placed - on oxycodone and oxycontin for pain control (of note, when he stops taking, experiences withdrawl symptoms such as n/v, piloerection, diaphoresis) --htn --thrombocytopenia - thought likely etoh use, also noted to have hypersplenism. --pain control - currently on oxycodone and oxycontin. has been on methadone in past. followed at pain clinic at . appointment scheduled for social history: etoh abuse gallon of vodka/day, stopped one year ago. cocaine and heroine abuse currently. 1 ppd cigarette smoker x 40 yrs, down to 2-3 cigarettes/day over last year. family history: nc physical exam: vitals - t 97.8, bp 114/60, hr 47, rr 14, o2 97% ra, wt 98kg general - awake, alert, nad, still with slurred/slow speech heent - perrl (3mm->2mm), eomi, no nystagmus, op clear without lesions, dry mm cvs - rrr (hr 60 during exam), no m/r, +s1,s2, +s3 lungs - cta b/l abd - soft, obese, nt/nd, +bs, no fluid wave appreciated ext - no c/c/e skin - prior site of cellulitis on l hand without erythema/fluctuance, + b/l palmar erythema, no noted spider angiomata, no noted track marks, no caput madusa neuro - a+o x 3, cnii-xii intact, strength 5/5 ue and le b/l, no asterixis, finger-to-nose slow but no frank dysmetria, thumb-to-finger coordination slow, +romberg, patellar reflexes brisk, symmetric b/l, gait slightly unsteady. pertinent results: labs on admission: 03:16pm blood wbc-4.2 rbc-3.51* hgb-11.0* hct-34.2* mcv-97 mch-31.3 mchc-32.2 rdw-17.2* plt ct-63* 03:16pm blood pt-14.5* ptt-30.5 inr(pt)-1.4 03:16pm blood glucose-90 urean-24* creat-1.1 na-140 k-4.2 cl-111* hco3-22 angap-11 03:16pm blood alt-30 ast-41* alkphos-111 amylase-42 totbili-1.4 03:16pm blood lipase-30 03:16pm blood ck-mb-4 ctropnt-<0.01 03:16pm blood albumin-3.0* 03:00pm blood ammonia-91* 03:16pm blood tsh-4.1 03:16pm blood asa-neg ethanol-neg acetmnp-neg bnzodzp-neg barbitr-neg tricycl-neg 10:50am blood vitb12-1077* labs on discharge: 05:30am blood wbc-7.0# rbc-3.25* hgb-10.4* hct-31.2* mcv-96 mch-31.9 mchc-33.2 rdw-17.3* plt ct-58* 05:30am blood glucose-110* urean-14 creat-0.8 na-138 k-4.0 cl-108 hco3-24 angap-10 05:30am blood calcium-9.2 phos-2.4* mg-1.8 microbiology: urine cx - negative rpr - pending blood culture - ngtd imaging: head ct: no evidence of acute intracranial pathology, including no evidence of acute intracranial hemorrhage. cxr: stable appearance of the chest, with no evidence of acute cardiopulmonary abnormality. ekg: rate pr qrs qt/qtc p qrs t 44 190 86 484/432.15 -26 23 43 ekg: rate pr qrs qt/qtc p qrs t 58 162 92 446/441.15 -46 29 41 brief hospital course: assessment/plan: 57 yo man with hx etoh cirrhosis, hep c, hx hepatic encephalopathy, hx sz of unclear etiology in recent past who presents to ed with slurred speech, mental status changes, also noted to be bradycardic in ed. . 1.) change in mental status: tox screen negative, tsh normal here (4.1). etiology likely hepatic encephalopathy as had asterixis on initial assessment, history of recurrent hepatic encephalopathy in past. also ?contributed to by oxycodone/oxycontin overuse, as patient very intent on getting his pain medication and both are hepatically metabolized. b12 deficiency was ruled out with normal b12 levels, rpr sent, but pending at time of discharge. seizure disorder was also initially entertained, as patient had a history of seizures in , attributed to his oxycodone/oxycontin withdrawl and cocaine and heroin use, but had incomplete follow up (patient failed to show up at scheduled mri and neurology appointment). patient was treated with lactulose 60ml qid, titrated to 4 bowel movements/day, and decreased dose of oxycontin to 30mg (from 60mg as outpatient) with improvement of mentation/somnolence. also was kept on his outpatient dose of b12, and given thiamine and folate, even though no evidence of alcohol use x 1.5 years. patient's hepatic encephalopathy resolved, and patient was discharged on home dose of lactulose (30ml tid, titrate to 3 bowel movements/day) with instructions to follow up with his pcp, hepatology, and with pain clinic appointment for further management of his ongoing pain issues (see below). . 2.) bradycardia: pt noted to be bradycardic to 30's in ed. however, when compared to ekg in , shows similar rate and rhythm with ectopic atrial focus. patient on nadolol as an outpatient. initial assessment = ?intrinsic disorder (i.e. sick sinus syndrome) vs secondary to his nadolol. nadolol was held and atropine and glucogon given in the ed with minimal improvement. patient was initially admitted to medicine floor on telemetry, but demonstrated hr in 30's-40's with long pauses on telemetry to 5-8 seconds. therefore was transferred to ccu on hospital day #1 for closer monitoring in case needed temporary pacing. ep was consulted and initially recommended placement of pacemaker, which patient refused at current time and also non-candidate as evidence of recent ivdu. ccu course notable for improvement of hr from 40's --> 60's, decrease in pauses, without interventions (attributed to nadolol effect wearing off). therefore thought likely bradycardia was secondary to patient's nadolol initiating likely sick sinus syndrome. therefore, patient's nadolol continued to be held throughout hospital course, and was discharged off of nadolol with plans to follow up with pcp and hepatology. follow up with cardiology in future as well - will defer to pcp. . 3.) pain control: pt with history of significant pain with difficulty controlling. currently on oxycodone and oxycontin (60mg ). has been on methadone in past. during hospital course, oxycontin dose was decreased to 30mg (as above, as ?mental status changes contributed to by oxycontin/codone use), and oxycodone was held (although given x 2 due to patient's pain). has appointment scheduled with pain clinic for . therefore discharged with instructions to take the decreased dose of oxycodone and oxycontin only as needed and follow up with pain clinic for further managment. . 4.) hx gi bleed and known varices and colon polyp: patient was guiac negative on presentation without complaints of melena, maroon stools, or any brbpr. nadolol was held during hospitalization in setting of bradycardia as described above. held on discharge with plans to follow up with pcp and hepatology for ?alternative management of varices. no events during hospital course. patient also with follow up egd scheduled for . . 5.) hx of sz: unclear etiology. per osh records, secondary to narcotic (oxycontin/codone) withdrawl and cocaine and heroin use. further work up was scheduled by pcp including mri and neurology follow up were not attended by patient. no active seizure issues occurred during hospitalization. defer to outpatient managment. . 6.) thrombocytopenia: patient with known thrombocytopenia as outpatient. platelets stable during hospital course. no events. . 7.) fen: patient maintained on low protien diet during hospital course, in setting of hepatic encephalopathy. . 8.) ppx: patient maintained on sc heparin, protonix, bowel regimen throughout hospital course. medications on admission: lactulose 30ml tid nadalol 20mg qd oxycontin 60mg neurontin 600mg oxycodone protonix 40mg qd folate 1mg qd vitamin b trazadone 50mg qhs spironolactone discharge medications: 1. gabapentin 300 mg capsule sig: two (2) capsule po daily (daily). 2. spironolactone 25 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po daily (daily). 3. cyanocobalamin 100 mcg tablet sig: 0.5 tablet po daily (daily). 4. pantoprazole 40 mg tablet, delayed release (e.c.) sig: one (1) tablet, delayed release (e.c.) po q24h (every 24 hours). 5. oxycodone 10 mg tablet sustained release 12hr sig: three (3) tablet sustained release 12hr po q12h (every 12 hours). 6. oxycodone 5 mg tablet sig: 1-2 tablets po every 6-8 hours as needed for pain. 7. lactulose (for encephalopathy) 10 g/15 ml solution sig: thirty (30) ml po three times a day: please titrate up dose of lactulose to have 3 bowel movements/day. disp:*qs qs for 4 week supply* refills:*6* discharge disposition: home discharge diagnosis: 1.) hepatic encephalopathy 2.) bradycardia - likely sick sinus syndrome discharge condition: stable. patient with improved mentation/somnolence (resolved hepatic encephalopathy) and heart rate improved to 60's, no pauses, asymptomatic. discharge instructions: 1.) please contact physician if develop /agitation, fever > 100.4, vomit or stool with blood, lightheadedness/dizziness, fainting, weakness, any other questions/concerns 2.) please take medications as directed 3.) please follow up with appointments as directed 4.) please stop taking nadolol followup instructions: 1.) provider: . where: lm center phone: date/time: 11:40 2.) provider: ,(a) pain management center where: fd building (/ complex) pain management center phone: date/time: 2:30 3.) please call this number provided on monday morning () to schedule earlier appointment for this week or next week for follow up after hospitalization --> provider: , md where: phone: date/time: 2:30 md procedure: venous catheterization, not elsewhere classified diagnoses: thrombocytopenia, unspecified tobacco use disorder alcoholic cirrhosis of liver portal hypertension unspecified viral hepatitis c without hepatic coma other convulsions opioid type dependence, continuous other specified cardiac dysrhythmias hypotension, unspecified accidents occurring in other specified places surgical or other procedure not carried out because of patient's decision hepatic encephalopathy other specified intestinal malabsorption esophageal varices in diseases classified elsewhere, without mention of bleeding drug withdrawal cocaine dependence, continuous alcohol withdrawal other drugs and medicinal substances causing adverse effects in therapeutic use acute alcoholic intoxication in alcoholism, continuous Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: allergies: no known allergies / adverse drug reactions attending: chief complaint: positive stress test major surgical or invasive procedure: two vessel coronary artery bypass grafting utilizing a free left internal mammary artery to left anterior descending artery with saphenous vein graft to obtuse marginal. history of present illness: mr. is a 77 year old male with multiple cardiac risk factors and known cardiomyopathy. he recently underwent ett which revealed a large fixed anterior wall defect, suggestive of prior mi with an overall lvef of 35%. he was subsequently referred for cardiac catheterization which revealed a 90% left main lesion. he remained pain free on medical therapy and was transferred to the for surgical revascularization. past medical history: coronary artery disease non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus chronic systolic heart failure chronic wenckebach rhythm abdominal aortic aneurysm s/p herniorrhaphy social history: race: caucasian lives: alone occupation: works in a wine store cigarettes: quit 27 years ago etoh: drinks/week illicit drug use: denies family history: denies premature coronary artery disease physical exam: admit exam bp 142/86 pulse: 90 resp:18 o2 sat: 96% on ra height: 74" weight: 93.4 kg general: wdwn male in no acute distress skin: dry intact heent: perrla eomi neck: supple full rom chest: lungs clear bilaterally heart: rrr irregular murmur grade ______ abdomen: soft non-distended non-tender bowel sounds + extremities: warm , well-perfused edema: none varicosities: none neuro: grossly intact pulses: femoral right: cath site left: 2+ dp right: 1+ left: 1+ pt : 1+ left: 1+ radial right: 2+ left: 2+ carotid bruit right: no left: no pertinent results: wbc-5.0 rbc-4.03* hgb-12.9* hct-41.2 mcv-102* rdw-12.1 plt ct-206 pt-11.4 ptt-28.0 inr(pt)-1.1 glucose-109* urean-21* creat-0.9 na-139 k-4.5 cl-104 hco3-30 alt-18 ast-29 ld(ldh)-179 alkphos-51 amylase-107* totbili-0.8 %hba1c-5.8 eag-120 . echocardiogram: the left atrium is mildly dilated. left ventricular wall thicknesses are normal. the left ventricular cavity is mildly dilated. regional left ventricular wall motion is normal. overall left ventricular systolic function is severely depressed with global hypokinesis and a relative sparing of the basal inferolateral segment (lvef= 15 %). right ventricular chamber size and free wall motion are normal. the aortic root is mildly dilated at the sinus level. the aortic arch is mildly dilated. the aortic valve leaflets (3) appear structurally normal with good leaflet excursion and no aortic stenosis or aortic regurgitation. the mitral valve appears structurally normal with trivial mitral regurgitation. the estimated pulmonary artery systolic pressure is normal. there is no pericardial effusion. impression: mildly dilated left ventricle with normal wall thickness and severe global left ventricular hypokinesis. mildly dilated aortic root and aortic arch. no clinically signficant valvular regurgitation or stenosis. normal pulmonary artery systolic pressure. . carotid ultrasound: right antegrade vertebral artery flow. left antegrade vertebral artery flow. right ica <40% stenosis. left ica <40% stenosis. . cardiac mr: 1. moderately increased left ventricular cavity size. global left ventricular hypokinesis with severe hypokinesis to akinesis of the mid to distal anterior wall, apex, and entire inferior wall. abnormal motion of the septum and left ventricular intraventricular dyssynchrony. the lvef was severely depressed at 23%. 2. no cmr evidence of prior myocardial scarring/infarction. 3. normal right ventricular cavity size with normal global and regional systolic function. the rvef was normal at 49%. 4. mild tricuspid regurgitation. 5. mild biatrial enlargement. . 05:48am blood wbc-7.4 rbc-2.64* hgb-8.5* hct-25.4* mcv-96 mch-32.3* mchc-33.6 rdw-11.8 plt ct-116* 05:48am blood glucose-130* urean-15 creat-0.7 na-137 k-4.0 cl-99 hco3-33* angap-9 brief hospital course: mr. was admitted to cardiac surgical service and underwent further preoperative evaluation. echocardiogram confirmed severely depressed lv function with an ef 15%. there was no aortic valve disease with only trivial mitral regurgitation. cardiac mr myocardium. he remained pain free on medical therapy, and was eventually cleared for surgery. on , dr. performed two vessel coronary artery bypass grafting. for surgical details, please see operative note. given his prolonged hospital stay, vancomycin was used for perioperative antibiotic coverage. following surgery, he was brought to the cvicu for invasive monitoring. within 24 hours, he awoke neurologically intact and was extubated without incident. he maintained stable hemodynamics and transferred to the floor on postoperative day one. he remains on imdur for his free left internal mammary artery graft for three months. low dose beta blocker was started and the electrophysiology service was consulted due to his chronic wenchebach block. this was changed to carvedilol due to his systolic dysfunction. an echocardiogram prior to discharge demonstrated a left ventricular ejection fraction of 20% (v. 10-15% immediaetly off bypass). medications on admission: actos 22.5mg daily, metformin 500mg , glipizide er 5mg daily, lovastatin 40mg daily, aspirin daily, multivitamin daily, fish oil 100mg daily, vitamin d units daily, vitamin b complex daily discharge medications: 1. atorvastatin 40 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po daily (daily). 2. magnesium hydroxide 400 mg/5 ml suspension sig: thirty (30) ml po hs (at bedtime) as needed for constipation. 3. acetaminophen 325 mg tablet sig: 1-2 tablets po q4h (every 4 hours) as needed for pain, fever. 4. pioglitazone 15 mg tablet sig: 1.5 tablets po daily (daily). 5. metformin 500 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po bid (2 times a day). 6. glipizide 5 mg tablet extended rel 24 hr sig: one (1) tablet extended rel 24 hr po daily (daily). 7. isosorbide mononitrate 30 mg tablet extended release 24 hr sig: one (1) tablet extended release 24 hr po daily (daily) for 3 months. 8. b complex vitamins capsule sig: one (1) cap po daily (daily). 9. cholecalciferol (vitamin d3) 400 unit tablet sig: one (1) tablet po daily (daily). 10. omega-3 fatty acids capsule sig: capsules po daily (daily). 11. aspirin 81 mg tablet, delayed release (e.c.) sig: one (1) tablet, delayed release (e.c.) po daily (daily). 12. carvedilol 3.125 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po twice a day. 13. docusate sodium 100 mg capsule sig: one (1) capsule po bid (2 times a day). discharge disposition: extended care facility: house nursing home - discharge diagnosis: coronary artery disease s/p coronary artery bypass grafts chronic systolic congestive heart failure non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus discharge condition: alert and oriented x3, nonfocal ambulating with steady gait incisional pain managed with oral analgesics incisions: sternal - healing well, no erythema or drainage leg left - healing well, no erythema or drainage. edema trace discharge instructions: please shower daily including washing incisions gently with mild soap, no baths or swimming until cleared by surgeon. look at your incisions daily for redness or drainage please no lotions, cream, powder, or ointments to incisions each morning you should weigh yourself and then in the evening take your temperature, these should be written down on the chart no driving for approximately one month and while taking narcotics, will be discussed at follow up appointment with surgeon when you will be able to drive no lifting more than 10 pounds for 10 weeks please call with any questions or concerns **please call cardiac surgery office with any questions or concerns . answering service will contact on call person during off hours** followup instructions: you are scheduled for the following appointments provider: . r. () on at 1:45 cardiologist: dr. office will call with an appointment. please call to schedule appointments with your primary care: dr. in weeks **please call cardiac surgery office with any questions or concerns . answering service will contact on call person during off hours** procedure: single internal mammary-coronary artery bypass extracorporeal circulation auxiliary to open heart surgery (aorto)coronary bypass of one coronary artery diagnoses: coronary atherosclerosis of native coronary artery intermediate coronary syndrome congestive heart failure, unspecified diabetes mellitus without mention of complication, type ii or unspecified type, not stated as uncontrolled personal history of tobacco use other specified forms of chronic ischemic heart disease old myocardial infarction other left bundle branch block chronic systolic heart failure abdominal aneurysm without mention of rupture other second degree atrioventricular block Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: allergies: penicillins / compazine / benadryl / dilantin / reglan / klonopin / depakote / neurontin / lamictal / lithium attending: chief complaint: acute sob,tachycardia, fever, and witnessed seizure major surgical or invasive procedure: picc placement arterial line history of present illness: 73f pmh bipolar d/o, sz d/o, depression, cva x2, and recent humerus fracture s/p screw placement () presents with acute sob and witnessed seizure. pt was found in bed tachypneic with rr 40, sat 60%, and hr 160's. she had 1 1-min seizure in amb on the way to the hospital that resolved on its own, and sat 100% on bag mask. pt 105 pr, received tylenol. upon arrival at the , pt given 1 mg ativan and intubated for post-ictal airway protection. abg on 100% nrb prior was 7.03/89/281. s/p intubation on ac 450x22, fio2 50%, peep 5, mv 8.7 - abg 7.49/30/145. on minimal sedation-propofol. received 5l fluids, vanco 1g and ctx 2g for possible meningitis. temp decr to 99.2, bp 140/85, hr 108. ortho consulted about possible septic joint: recommended humerus films and ct humerus to r/o necrotizing fascitis. pt has past drug overdoses and medication abuse with etoh. past medical history: depression-s/p ect ; cvax2; s/p appy; tah/bso; subtotal colectomy; nl cors ()-ef 65%; chronic abd pain; osteoporosis; grade iii esophagitis-nl egd in ; htn; migraine; pmr; sjogren's; seizure d/o; bipolar; ptsd; h/o sa social history: pt was born in to parents, put in concentration camp at age 10 for a year, and prior to that in work camps. pt has 1 living brother in . married, and divorced in . daughter, 46, refuses to stay in contact with her. currently, has a legal guardian, (hcm) cell. family history: father died diabetes complications. mother died of melanoma. physical exam: vs (ed): t 105 p 108 bp 148/84 r 22 p/t intubation vent: ac 450x22 fio2 50%, peep 5 -> abg 7.49/30/145 pe: g: intubated, sedated h: pupils non-reactive (l<r), neck stiff-able to lift pt up by head, nc/at, no jvd, no l: coarse bs bl, no w/r/c h: tachy, nl s1, s2, no m/r/g a: soft, nt, nd, bs+ e: 2+ distal pulses, good cap refill ~2 sec, warm, dry lue: staple in place in wound, appears c/d/i, no erythema, mildly warmer over site. 2+ pitting edema distal to arm. neuro: intubated, sedated. no babinski pertinent results: 04:05am blood wbc-16.7* rbc-3.11* hgb-9.0* hct-27.8* mcv-89 mch-29.0 mchc-32.5 rdw-14.9 plt ct-256 03:25am blood wbc-14.3* rbc-3.44* hgb-10.0* hct-30.7* mcv-90 mch-29.0 mchc-32.5 rdw-14.8 plt ct-248 04:00am blood wbc-15.5* rbc-4.02* hgb-11.6* hct-36.7 mcv-91 mch-28.9 mchc-31.7 rdw-14.7 plt ct-279 07:14pm blood wbc-14.8* rbc-4.08* hgb-12.0 hct-36.7 mcv-90 mch-29.4 mchc-32.6 rdw-14.7 plt ct-295 04:00pm blood wbc-14.4* rbc-4.03* hgb-12.1 hct-36.2# mcv-90# mch-29.9 mchc-33.4# rdw-14.7 plt ct-258 09:46am blood wbc-22.3*# rbc-4.67 hgb-13.4 hct-46.9# mcv-101*# mch-28.7 mchc-28.6*# rdw-14.3 plt ct-327# 07:14pm blood neuts-64.4 lymphs-32.2 monos-2.7 eos-0.3 baso-0.3 04:00pm blood neuts-75.1* lymphs-21.6 monos-3.0 eos-0.1 baso-0.3 09:46am blood neuts-54 bands-0 lymphs-24 monos-8 eos-2 baso-0 atyps-12* metas-0 myelos-0 07:14pm blood hypochr-1+ 04:00pm blood hypochr-1+ 09:46am blood hypochr-normal anisocy-2+ poiklo-1+ macrocy-2+ microcy-1+ polychr-occasional ovalocy-occasional burr-1+ 04:05am blood plt ct-256 03:25am blood plt ct-248 04:00am blood plt ct-279 07:14pm blood plt ct-295 04:00pm blood plt ct-258 04:00pm blood pt-12.4 ptt-22.1 inr(pt)-1.0 09:46am blood plt smr-normal plt ct-327# 09:46am blood pt-13.2 ptt-20.5* inr(pt)-1.1 09:46am blood fibrino-571* 04:00am blood esr-0 04:05am blood glucose-122* urean-11 creat-0.8 na-141 k-3.7 cl-110* hco3-19* angap-16 03:25am blood glucose-145* urean-11 creat-0.7 na-134 k-3.3 cl-103 hco3-17* angap-17 10:02am blood k-4.5 04:00am blood glucose-118* urean-10 creat-0.7 na-139 k-3.3 cl-107 hco3-22 angap-13 07:14pm blood glucose-117* urean-11 creat-0.7 na-143 k-4.4 cl-112* hco3-20* angap-15 04:00pm blood glucose-133* urean-11 creat-0.7 na-143 k-3.2* cl-110* hco3-20* angap-16 09:46am blood glucose-231* urean-16 creat-1.2* na-144 k-5.4* cl-103 hco3-15* angap-31* 09:46am blood alt-13 ast-55* ld(ldh)-679* ck(cpk)-98 alkphos-184* totbili-0.4 09:46am blood lipase-18 09:46am blood ck-mb-4 ctropnt-0.07* 04:05am blood mg-1.7 03:25am blood calcium-8.3* phos-1.9* mg-1.5* 04:00am blood calcium-8.4 phos-3.0 mg-2.1 07:14pm blood albumin-2.9* calcium-7.9* phos-3.1 mg-1.3* 04:00pm blood calcium-7.9* phos-2.6*# mg-1.3* 09:46am blood calcium-9.6 phos-5.7*# mg-1.8 09:46am blood osmolal-307 10:02am blood crp-17.85* 11:50am blood vanco-5.3* 10:02am blood vanco-25.9* 09:46am blood -neg ethanol-neg acetmnp-14.9 bnzodzp-neg barbitr-neg tricycl-neg 09:46am blood greenhd-hold 11:49am blood type-art temp-36.2 o2-90 po2-149* pco2-25* ph-7.46* calhco3-18* base xs--3 aado2-481 req o2-80 intubat-not intuba 06:07am blood type-art o2-70 po2-71* pco2-23* ph-7.46* calhco3-17* base xs--4 intubat-not intuba 05:12am blood type-art temp-37.7 o2-35 o2 flow-6 po2-66* pco2-26* ph-7.31* calhco3-14* base xs--11 intubat-not intuba vent-spontaneou 01:16am blood type-art temp-38.7 o2-40 po2-125* pco2-35 ph-7.38 calhco3-22 base xs--3 10:53pm blood type-art temp-38.1 rates-/24 tidal v-420 peep-5 o2-40 o2 flow-12 po2-149* pco2-26* ph-7.46* calhco3-19* base xs--2 intubat-intubated vent-spontaneou 04:13pm blood type-art tidal v-400 o2-50 po2-223* pco2-25* ph-7.52* calhco3-21 base xs-0 intubat-intubated 12:24pm blood type-art peep-5 o2-100 po2-145* pco2-30* ph-7.49* calhco3-23 base xs-1 aado2-555 req o2-90 intubat-intubated 10:04am blood type-art po2-281* pco2-89* ph-7.03* calhco3-25 base xs--9 06:07am blood lactate-3.8* 05:12am blood lactate-9.7* 10:53pm blood lactate-1.7 04:13pm blood lactate-2.2* 12:24pm blood lactate-2.5* k-3.3* 09:54am blood lactate-1.3 06:07am blood o2 sat-96 brief hospital course: pt intubated and admitted to icu. lp performed, normal findings r/o meningitis. pt put on vanco and ctx, and blood, urine, sputum cultures obtained. pt extubated without complications. ortho consulted, determined low likelihood of infection wound infection. pt experienced episode of aggitation in am, fever spike and tachycardia. re-cultured and bolused with fluid. uc returned e.coli to everything, other cultures were still pending. psychiatry consulted and recommended holding seroquel and trazodone, avoiding benzos if possible, giving fentanyl only for obvious pain, and using haldol ladder (1mg, 1/2 hr wait, then 2mg, then 1/2 hr, then 5mg, 10mg, then if no relief 10mg and 0.5 mg ativan). pt lost access and required picc insertion as pt had no po intake. pt is d/c with picc in place for completion of ab (ctx) course for uti. psychiatrist, , encouraged to restart seroquel and trazodone upon d/c and recovered ms, if no po intake can use haldol iv as equivalent to seroquel. no iv anti-depressent available if pt can't take po celexa. as per ortho, staples should be removed in 4 days, pt should follow up with dr. in weeks. on morning of d/c, patient had 3 episodes of watery diarrhea, stool sent for cdiff toxin. need to f/u results so pt can be started on appropriate ab. medications on admission: acetominophen, percocet, , , seroquel, trazodone, citalopram, ambien, fentanyl patch, prednisone discharge medications: 1. aspirin 81 mg tablet, chewable sig: one (1) tablet, chewable po qd (once a day). 2. prednisone 5 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po qd (once a day). 3. ferrous sulfate 325 (65) mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po qd (once a day). 4. acetaminophen 325 mg tablet sig: 1-2 tablets po q4-6h (every 4 to 6 hours) as needed. 5. albuterol sulfate 0.083 % solution sig: one (1) inhalation q6h (every 6 hours) as needed. 6. ipratropium bromide 0.02 % solution sig: one (1) inhalation q6h (every 6 hours). 7. fentanyl 25 mcg/hr patch 72hr sig: one (1) patch 72hr transdermal q72h (every 72 hours). 8. haloperidol lactate 5 mg/ml solution sig: one (1) injection q2-3h (every 2-3 hours) as needed for agitation. 9. famotidine 20 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po bid (2 times a day). 10. ceftriaxone sodium in d5w 20 mg/ml piggyback sig: one (1) intravenous q24h (every 24 hours). discharge disposition: extended care facility: center - discharge diagnosis: urinary tract infection, delirium discharge condition: stable discharge instructions: continue antibiotics, follow up cdiff toxin results followup instructions: as needed md procedure: continuous invasive mechanical ventilation for less than 96 consecutive hours venous catheterization, not elsewhere classified spinal tap incision of lung insertion of endotracheal tube arterial catheterization diagnoses: polymyalgia rheumatica urinary tract infection, site not specified unspecified essential hypertension unspecified septicemia other convulsions sepsis acute respiratory failure osteoporosis, unspecified sicca syndrome Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: history of present illness: baby boy , twin #1, was born at 35 5/7 weeks gestation to a 36-year-old g3, p2 now 4 mother with spontaneous twin gestation. edc . prenatal screen: blood type a positive, antibody negative, rpr nonreactive, hbsag negative, gbs negative, rubella nonimmune. there was a benign antepartum course with a planned c-section due to breech presentation of this twin. there was spontaneous rupture of membranes at 2:30 a.m. on the day of delivery. therefore, they were delivered by c- section that morning. no antibiotic prophylaxis was given intrapartum. this infant emerged with a spontaneous cry and required only routine care in the or. apgar scores were 9 and 9. the infant was transferred to the nicu for observation due to prematurity and twin gestation. of significant note was that mother had postpartum bleeding requiring a hysterectomy. physical examination: birth weight 3,185 grams (7lb)which is 75th to 90th percentile, length 48.5 cm which is 75th to 90th percentile, head circumference 35 cm which is greater than the 90th percentile. heent: anterior fontanelle was soft and flat. there was an approximately 0.5 cm rounded elevated skin lesion on the posterior scalp which was waxy in appearance, not pustular or vesicular of unclear etiology. no skull defect was noted underneath and it was in the midline position. red reflex was deferred at that time. the palate was intact. lungs were clear and equal with no increased work of breathing on room air. heart sounds were normal with no murmur, 2 plus peripheral pulses, pink and well perfused. abdomen was benign without hepatosplenomegaly or masses. normal back and extremities with stable hips. normal male genitalia with testes descended bilaterally. skin was pink and well perfused, appropriate tone and strength. hospital course: 1. respiratory-the infant has remained on room air since birth and has required no methylxanthine therapy, although he did present with a bradycardiac episode at rest on day of life #1. a spell count was done based on that bradycardic episode at rest and the infant remained in the nicu primarily for a spell count pending 5 days spell-free prior to transfer to the newborn nursery. 2. cardiovascular-the infant has remained hemodynamically stable. he had a soft murmur present on day #1 of life resolved and was felt to be a closing patent ductus arteriosus. there were no further issues with hemodynamics. stable blood pressure and stable heart rate have been observed. 3. fluids, electrolytes, and nutrition: the infant was started on ad lib p.o. feeds on the newborn day. there was initial d stick of 44 and the infant was subsequently fed and the d sticks have remained stable since that time. he is presently taking similac 20 with iron ad lib p.o. and taking at least 135 ml per kilo per day. most recent weight was 3,095gms (6lb 13 oz) on . 4. gi: the infant has had mild hyperbilirubinemia.the bilirubin was checked on day #3 of life when the state screen was sent. bilirubin was 5.6/0.1. no phototherapy has been required and the infant does not have any jaundice at this time. 5. hematology-no blood typing has been done on this infant. no cbcs or blood cultures have been measured. 6. infectious disease-no cbcs or blood cultures were done on the newborn day. the infant has remained free of signs and symptoms of infection. there have been no issues. 7. integumentary: since there is a midline scalp lesion on the anterior occiput of the infant's head which measures approximately 1 cm in size at this time, is hairless, and flesh in color, a dermatology consult was done on which is newborn day. dermatology recommended a cranial ultrasound to look for any neurologic or significant vascular connections from the lesion through into the brain tissue. a head ultrasound was done on the newborn day which showed a soft tissue lesion with minimal vascular involvement and no neurologic involvement. dr. was consulted on . he is a plastics physician from who specializes in head and face abnormalities. he recommended a cat scan which was done on which essentially showed a normal soft tissue lesion with no neurological connections to intracranial tissue. dr. recommended an outpatient removal of the lesion by 1 year of age. parents are to follow-up with drs and 1-2 months after discharge. the parents have the phone numbers to make the followup appointments. 8. neurologic-the infant has maintained a normal neurologic exam. both the head ultrasound done on and the ct scan showed normal intracranial anatomy. 9. sensory-audiology- the hearing screen performed prior to discharge was within normal limits. 10. ophthalmology-no ophthalmologic exams are indicated for this infant at this time. 11. psychosocial-a social worker has been in contact with the family. there are no ongoing social service issues at this time. if there are any concerns, the social worker can be reached at . condition on discharge: good. discharge disposition: home. primary pediatrician: pediatircs, , ma ( care recommendations: 1. feedings-similac 20 with iron ad lib p.o. feeds. 2. medications-none. 3. car seat position screening-the car seat screening was done on and the baby passed. 4. newborn screen was sent on day #3 of life, results pending. 5. immunizations received-hepatitis b vaccine was given on . immunizations recommended: synagis rsv prophylaxis should be considered from through for infants who meet any of the following 3 criteria. 1) born at less than 32 weeks gestation. 2) born between 32 and 35 weeks gestation with 2 of the following; at a day care during rsv season, a smoker in a household, neuromuscular disease, airway abnormalities, or school age siblings; or #3 with chronic lung disease. influenza immunization is recommended annually in the fall for all infants once they reach 6 months of age. before this age and for the first 24 months of the child's life immunization against influenza is recommended for household contacts and all out of home caregivers. follow-up: follow-up appointments recommended: 1. pediatric appt within first week after discharge 2. drs and at within 1-2 months after discharge. the phone numbers are ( or (. 3. consider early intervention follow-up- referral not initiated during hospitalization. discharge diagnoses: 1. cranial soft tissue skin lesion. 2. prematurity (35 5/7 weeks). 3. bradycardia- resolved. 4. hypoglycemia - resolved reviewed by: dr., 50-622 revised by: - pnp dictated by: , nnp procedure: prophylactic administration of vaccine against other diseases circumcision diagnoses: need for prophylactic vaccination and inoculation against viral hepatitis twin birth, mate liveborn, born in hospital, delivered by cesarean section neonatal bradycardia 35-36 completed weeks of gestation other preterm infants, 2,500 grams and over neonatal hypoglycemia routine or ritual circumcision unspecified disorder of skin and subcutaneous tissue Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: allergies: patient recorded as having no known allergies to drugs attending: chief complaint: asymptomatic major surgical or invasive procedure: min. invasive asd closure history of present illness: 50 yo female with asd found on incidental tte. referred here for cath which revealed normal coronaries and a left to right shunt. referred for surgical repair. past medical history: iron deficiency anemia cns infection asd social history: no tobacco use, no etoh lives with husband family history: non-contrib. physical exam: nad rrr no m/r/g ctab abd benign , well healed with no edema or varicosities 2+ dp/pts right groin ath site c/d/i foely in place 60" 59 kg pertinent results: 06:00am blood wbc-9.3 rbc-3.52* hgb-10.8* hct-30.4* mcv-86 mch-30.6 mchc-35.4* rdw-15.2 plt ct-183 06:00am blood plt ct-183 06:00am blood glucose-66* urean-8 creat-0.8 na-139 k-3.9 cl-100 hco3-30 angap-13 04:08pm blood %hba1c-5.9 cardiology report echo study date of patient/test information: indication: intra-op tee for minimally invasive asd closure height: (in) 60 weight (lb): 130 bsa (m2): 1.56 m2 bp (mm hg): 107/64 hr (bpm): 72 status: inpatient date/time: at 12:20 test: tee (complete) doppler: full doppler and color doppler contrast: none tape number: 2007aw674-3:2 test location: anesthesia west or cardiac technical quality: adequate referring doctor: dr. measurements: left ventricle - ejection fraction: 55% to 60% (nl >=55%) interpretation: findings: left atrium: normal la size. right atrium/interatrial septum: normal ra size. aneurysmal interatrial septum. left-to-right shunt across the interatrial septum at rest. large secundum asd. left ventricle: normal lv wall thickness, cavity size, and systolic function (lvef>55%). right ventricle: moderately dilated rv cavity. normal rv systolic function. aorta: normal aortic diameter at the sinus level. normal ascending aorta diameter. normal aortic arch diameter. normal descending aorta diameter. aortic valve: normal aortic valve leaflets (3). no as. no ar. mitral valve: normal mitral valve leaflets with trivial mr. tricuspid valve: mild to moderate +] tr. pulmonic valve/pulmonary artery: physiologic (normal) pr. pericardium: no pericardial effusion. general comments: a tee was performed in the location listed above. i certify i was present in compliance with hcfa regulations. the patient was under general anesthesia throughout the procedure. no tee related complications. the patient appears to be in sinus rhythm. results were personally reviewed with the md caring for the patient. see conclusions for post-bypass data the post-bypass study was performed while the patient was receiving vasoactive infusions (see conclusions for listing of medications). conclusions: pre-bypass: 1. the left atrium is normal in size. 2. the interatrial septum is aneurysmal. a left-to-right shunt across the interatrial septum is seen at rest. a large secundum atrial septal defect is present. 3. left ventricular wall thickness, cavity size, and systolic function are normal (lvef>55%). 4. the right ventricular cavity is moderately dilated. right ventricular systolic function is normal. 5. the aortic valve leaflets (3) appear structurally normal with good leaflet excursion and no aortic regurgitation. 6. the mitral valve appears structurally normal with trivial mitral regurgitation. 7. there is no pericardial effusion. post-bypass: for the post-bypass study, the patient was receiving vasoactive infusions including phenylephrine. 1. prior asd has been repaired. a very small residual left to right shunt is noted even after protamine. 2. lv function is preserved 3. rv function is moderately hypokinetic with subsequent improvement 4. tr is unchanged 5. other findings are unchanged electronically signed by , md, md on 14:39. physician: , ( brief hospital course: admitted and underwent cardiac cath prior to surgery. underwent surgery with dr. in . transferred to the csru in stable condition on phenylephrine and propofol drips. extubated that evening and transferred to the floor on pod #1 to begin increasing her activity level. chest tube removed without incident. made good progress and was cleared for discharge to home on pod # 3. medications on admission: ferrous sulfate 324 mg daily motrin prn discharge medications: 1. docusate sodium 100 mg capsule sig: one (1) capsule po bid (2 times a day) for 2 weeks. disp:*28 capsule(s)* refills:*0* 2. ranitidine hcl 150 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po bid (2 times a day) for 2 weeks. disp:*28 tablet(s)* refills:*0* 3. oxycodone-acetaminophen 5-325 mg tablet sig: 1-2 tablets po q4h (every 4 hours) as needed for pain. disp:*40 tablet(s)* refills:*0* 4. aspirin ec 81 mg tablet, delayed release (e.c.) sig: one (1) tablet, delayed release (e.c.) po daily (daily). disp:*30 tablet, delayed release (e.c.)(s)* refills:*2* 5. ferrous sulfate 325 (65) mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po once a day. discharge disposition: home with service facility: all care vna of greater discharge diagnosis: s/p asd closure iron deficiency anemia cns infection psh: 4 c-sections discharge condition: good discharge instructions: shower daily and pat incisions dry no lotions, creams, or powders on any incision no driving for 2 weeks no lifting greater than 10 pounds for one month call for fever greater than 100.5, redness or drainage followup instructions: see dr. in weeks see dr. in 4 weks md procedure: extracorporeal circulation auxiliary to open heart surgery coronary arteriography using two catheters angiocardiography of left heart structures other and unspecified repair of atrial septal defect right heart cardiac catheterization diagnoses: congestive heart failure, unspecified acquired cardiac septal defect other specified iron deficiency anemias Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: history of present illness: this is a 59 year old woman with a history of hypertension and borderline hypercholesterolemia who presents complaining of shoulder and arm pain that nausea and vomiting. she was noted to awake from sleep with ten out of ten substernal chest pain described as heavy pressure with shortness of breath radiating to her left shoulder and arm and she went to , given two sublingual nitroglycerin and started on aspirin, aggrestat, heparin and oxygen with a decrease in her symptoms with her pain rated as a two out of ten. she was noted to be for emergent catheterization. she was noted to have similar symptoms of left sided chest pain and shortness of breath, nausea and vomiting approximately one week ago rated two to three out of ten while at work. she felt better after vomiting and left work while feeling fatigued. these episodes of chest pain are now new for her and seemingly unrelated to exertion. she is currently chest pain free, denies shortness of breath or palpitations, but continues with nausea. initial cardiac catheterization revealed cardiac output of 6.14, cardiac index of 3.77, wedge of 17, right atrial pressure of seven, right ventricular pressure of 29/4, pulmonary artery pressure of 26/15. left ventriculogram revealed mitral regurgitation with low normal ejection fraction with inferobasal hypokinesis. right dominant system, 85% proximal lesion in the left anterior descending, 40% lesion in the left circumflex at the origin. the right common artery was tortuous with a distal occlusion and distal vessel comprised of two small diffuse diseased vessels that were unable to stent. past medical history: 1. hypertension. 2. hypothyroidism. 3. increased lipids. medications on admission: 1. avapro 150 mg p.o. once daily. 2. synthroid 112 mcg p.o. once daily. allergies: the patient has no known drug allergies. social history: the patient smokes approximately for twenty plus pack years, currently smoking one pack every other day. she denies any alcohol or intravenous drug abuse. she is divorced and has five kids and lives in and works at . family history: significant for colon cancer and alzheimer's disease. no coronary artery disease. review of systems: she denies currently fever, chills, headaches, eye pain, ear pain, dysphagia and abdominal pain, melena, hematochezia or myalgias. physical examination: on admission, temperature was 98.4, blood pressure 99/42, heart rate 67, respiratory rate 20, 98% oxygen saturation on two liters nasal cannula. in general, she appears comfortable, sleeping on the stretcher. head, eyes, ears, nose and throat - the pupils are equal, round, and reactive to light and accommodation. extraocular movements are intact. normocephalic and atraumatic. mucous membranes are moist. she has dentures. her oropharynx is pink and moist. the neck revealed no lymphadenopathy, flat neck veins, no carotid bruits and 2+ carotid pulses bilaterally. the lung examination was clear to auscultation bilaterally, no wheezes, rales or rhonchi. cardiovascular examination reveals s1 and s2, regular rate, ii/vi systolic murmur at the right upper sternal border which is nonradiating, no rubs or gallops. abdominal examination - bowel sounds present, soft, nontender, nondistended, no guarding, tenderness or rebound, no masses palpated, no hepatosplenomegaly. groin revealed no hematoma and no femoral bruit. extremity examination revealed warm extremities, no cyanosis, clubbing or edema, 2+ dorsalis pedis pulses bilaterally. laboratory data: white blood cell count 7.2, hematocrit 32.5, platelets 298,000. sodium 138, potassium 4.3, chloride 104, co2 22, blood urea nitrogen 21, creatinine 0.7, glucose 185. cpk at outside hospital was 348; at 8:00 p.m. on arrival to hospital was 386 with a mb fraction of 36. electrocardiogram on admission revealed normal sinus rhythm, rate 54 beats per minute, normal qrs axis, borderline left ventricular hypertrophy, good r wave progression, pr interval of 0.15, qrs 0.09, q waves found in leads ii, iii and avf, flipped t waves in ii, iii, avf, v5 and v6, approximately 1. elevations in ii and avf. hospital course: 1. cardiovascular - the patient was taken to emergent cardiac catheterization but was unable to stent the right coronary artery. the proximal lesion found in the left anterior descending was initially left alone. she was started on an aspirin and lipitor as well as a low dose ace inhibitor and beta blocker. however, the patient continued to experience mild to moderate episodes of nausea and vomiting as well as recurrent chest and shoulder pain. she was brought back to the cardiac catheterization laboratory and the proximal left anterior descending lesion was stented and her symptoms of nausea and shoulder pain resolved. an echocardiogram after her second catheterization revealed an ejection fraction of 55%, mildly dilated left atrium, mild regional left ventricular systolic dysfunction with focal akinesis of the basal third of the inferior wall, mild aortic regurgitation, trivial mitral regurgitation and no pericardial effusion was present. her ace inhibitor and beta blocker were titrated upwards. she did continue to experience mild left shoulder pain usually present in the morning that was alleviated with a combination of tylenol and sublingual nitroglycerin. imdur 30 mg was started for long acting anginal control. her ace inhibitor and beta blocker were changed to once daily dosing. these episodes of shoulder pain and mild nausea were not accompanied by electrocardiographic changes. her cpk peaked at 633 with a mb fraction of 55 and a troponin greater than 50. these cardiac enzymes down trended throughout the remainder of her hospital admission and she appeared stable for discharge on hospital day number five. she is to follow-up with her primary care physician in regards to choosing a cardiologist as well as pursuing an outpatient cardiac rehabilitation program. 2. hematology - the patient was noted to have a baseline hematocrit of 32.0 which down trended after her cardiac catheterization. she was transfused two units throughout her hospital admission and her hematocrit remained stable thereafter and she had no transfusion complications. 3. pulmonary/infectious disease - the patient was noted to have low grade temperature after her second cardiac catheterization. blood cultures, urine cultures, chest x-ray were sent in regards to finding a possible infectious etiology of her temperatures. her blood cultures were no growth to date at the time of this dictation. her urine cultures were no growth to date at the time of dictation. her urinalysis was normal with slight leukocyte esterase, white blood cells and occasional bacteria. she was not complaining of dysuria at this time. chest x-ray revealed no infiltrates. it was felt that this low grade temperature was secondary to atelectasis, and her fever grade remained low grade and incentive spirometry was encouraged. she will be afebrile for approximately 24 hours prior to discharge. condition on discharge: deceased. discharge status: deceased. addendum: the patient on the day prior to discharge became unresponsive with code called. the patient was attempted to be resuscitated but all attempts failed. initial rhythm was pulseless electrical activity and despite maximal measures including temporary ventricular pacing, acls protocols and urgent echocardiography (to rule out pericardial effusion) the patient could not be resuscitated. medications on discharge: 1. atenolol 12.5 mg p.o. once daily. 2. lisinopril 20 mg p.o. once daily. 3. atorvastatin 20 mg p.o. once daily. 4. levoxyl 112 mcg p.o. once daily. 5. plavix 75 mg p.o. once daily for thirty days. 6. aspirin 325 mg p.o. once daily. 7. imdur 30 mg p.o. once daily. discharge diagnoses: 1. acute inferior myocardial infarction, status post left anterior descending stent. s/p cardiac arrest without ability to resuscitate. 2. anemia requiring transfusion. 3. atelectasis. , m.d. dictated by: medquist36 procedure: insertion of non-drug-eluting coronary artery stent(s) combined right and left heart cardiac catheterization combined right and left heart cardiac catheterization coronary arteriography using two catheters coronary arteriography using two catheters angiocardiography of left heart structures diagnoses: coronary atherosclerosis of native coronary artery tobacco use disorder unspecified essential hypertension accidental puncture or laceration during a procedure, not elsewhere classified pulmonary collapse other and unspecified hyperlipidemia cardiac arrest acute myocardial infarction of other inferior wall, initial episode of care Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: history of present illness: the patient was admitted to ct surgery on . he has a past medical history of end stage renal disease with hemodialysis. he had some chest pain while on dialysis on . his electrocardiogram showed st depressions in his v leads. he had a catheterization at hospital on prior to admission. it showed a 60% left main and two vessel coronary artery disease. no lv gram was done. his wedge pressure was 30. pa pressures were 78/28. he signed out against medical advice from hospital on the 13th and returned on for his dialysis treatment and was then transfused to . past medical history: 1. hypertension. 2. end stage renal disease on hemodialysis times four and a half years. 3. hepatitis c. 4. question hepatitis b. 5. chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. 6. history of gastrointestinal bleed. 7. substance abuse, which patient was presently receiving valium and percocet. medications on admission: lopressor, zestril, prilosec, phos-lo, procardia xl, valium, percocet prn and albuterol multidose inhaler prn. allergies: listed as being intolerant to norvasc. physical examination: he was cachectic and appearing older than his age. he was lethargic but awakened easily. he had a nonfocal neurological exam. he had expiratory wheezes bilaterally. he had s1, s2 regular rate and rhythm and no murmur was noted. he had a large round firm abdomen with a positive fluid wave and positive bowel sounds. he had a nontender abdomen. he had numerous weeping lesions on his entire body. his extremities were warm with dorsalis pedis pulses bilaterally. hospital course: he was to be evaluated by dr. . he was seen by the renal fellow, who is managing his dialysis and renal status, and on , he underwent off-pump coronary artery bypass graft times two with a left internal mammary artery to the left anterior descending and a vein graft to the om by dr. . he was transferred to cardiothoracic intensive care unit in stable condition. of note, he did have endoscopic vein harvest from his right thigh. on postoperative day one, he had some poor 02 saturations overnight with a question of aspiration and spiked a temperature to 102. his milrinone was turned off. his neo was at 1.5 and a propofol of 50. he had a temperature maximum of 102.4. he had a reasonable cardiac output and index. he remained intubated with a hematocrit of 31, a bun of 51, creatinine of 8.6, which was slightly elevated from his preop 34 and 6.7. he remained intubated and sedated. incisions were clean, dry and intact. his sternum was stable. his extremities were warm and he was moving all four extremities. propofol was to be weaned as well as a ventilator wean began. he remained on neo and plavix for his off-pump bypass surgery. he continued to be followed by renal and received hemodialysis on postoperative day one. on postoperative day two, he had a temperature maximum again of 102.4. his bun trended down 33 with a creatinine of 6.4 with a white count now of 16 and a hematocrit of 24. platelet count was 172,000. he remained intubated and sedated. his exam was benign. he was receiving morphine prn for pain. adjustments remained in his ventilator. he was continued on a neodrip and propofol. he was seen by case management. on postoperative day three, he remained on the ventilator with a temperature maximum of 101.5 in the 80s in sinus rhythm with a good blood pressure. pa pressures of 59/26. he remained on levofloxacin, vancomycin, plavix and propofol. his hematocrit was 22 with a potassium of 4.8. again, he was squeezing hands to commands and moving toes. he had course breath sounds with bilateral rales. his sputum culture showed 3+ gram negative rods and 2+ gram positive cocci. his propofol was discontinued. he received chest pt and after dialysis, the plan was to pull his chest tubes. he was transfused one unit of packed red blood cells for his hematocrit. he was screened by the nutrition team and followed by renal. they recommended changing his antibiotics to ciprofloxacin and ceftazidine. he was also seen by physical therapy. on postoperative day five, he was now on ceftazidine and ciprofloxacin, as well as his lopressor and aspirin, prilosec and combivent. his ciprofloxacin was to be a 14 day course. his wires were discontinued. discharge planning was begun and on the 20th. the patient decided that he wanted to go home. he was hemodynamically stable in sinus rhythm. his lungs were clear. his av fistula had good flow and he decided to leave against medical advice on after his dialysis, against the recommendation of his cardiac surgery team. he was discharged on the following medications: discharge medications: 1. lopressor 25 mg po b.i.d. 2. colace 100 mg po b.i.d. 3. aspirin 81 mg po q.d. 4. ciprofloxacin 500 mg po q.d. times 14 days. 5. phos-lo 4 tablets po b.i.d. with meals. 6. prilosec 20 mg po q.d. 7. combivent mdi 2 puffs q.i.d. 8. plavix 75 mg po q.d. 9. percocet 5, 1-2 tablets po prn q.4-6 hours for pain. discharge diagnoses: 1. coronary artery disease. 2. status post off pump coronary artery bypass graft times two. 3. chronic renal failure with hemodialysis. 4. hypertension. 5. chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. 6. hepatitis c. 7. question hepatitis b. 8. substance abuse. he left against medical advice on . , m.d. dictated by: medquist36 procedure: single internal mammary-coronary artery bypass hemodialysis (aorto)coronary bypass of one coronary artery diagnoses: pneumonia, organism unspecified acidosis coronary atherosclerosis of native coronary artery cirrhosis of liver without mention of alcohol chronic hepatitis c without mention of hepatic coma portal hypertension chronic airway obstruction, not elsewhere classified other chronic pulmonary heart diseases hypertensive chronic kidney disease, unspecified, with chronic kidney disease stage v or end stage renal disease Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: allergies: patient recorded as having no known allergies to drugs attending: chief complaint: bicyclist struck by car major surgical or invasive procedure: exploratory laporatomy with bladder exploration & repair orif open left olecranon fracture orif pelvic fracture orif left acetabular fracture history of present illness: 47yo m helmeted bicyclist brought to s/p being struck by car, + loc, complaining of l hip & elbow pain, found to have + l thigh deformity, + open l elbow fracture. past medical history: none social history: none family history: none physical exam: vs - 96.4, 68, 150/100, 26, 95% heent - nc/at, perrl/eomi, tm's clear neck - collared, midline trachea back - non-tender chest - cta bilat cv - rrr abd/pelvis - soft, nd, tender l hip region ext - lue with open wound/deformity at elbow, lt/pulses/cap refill intact x 4 neuro - intact pertinent results: 08:27am blood wbc-9.1 rbc-4.76 hgb-14.6 hct-40.4 mcv-85 mch-30.8 mchc-36.3* rdw-12.2 plt ct-211 08:27am blood pt-12.5 ptt-18.9* inr(pt)-1.0 08:27am blood fibrino-235 07:42pm blood glucose-113* urean-14 creat-0.9 na-141 k-4.5 cl-110* hco3-23 angap-13 08:27am blood amylase-27 07:42pm blood calcium-7.3* phos-6.1* mg-1.2* 08:27am blood asa-neg ethanol-neg acetmnp-neg bnzodzp-neg barbitr-neg tricycl-neg 02:22pm blood type-art rates-14/ tidal v-750 po2-263* pco2-33* ph-7.39 calhco3-21 base xs--3 intubat-intubated vent-controlled brief hospital course: - pt admitted to trauma service @ , ortho consulted, pt intubated prior to closed reduction of l hip posterior dislocation, ex lap & bladder exploration due to suspicion of bladder injury, orif of left elbow fx. - neurosurgical consultation for l5 bipedicle fracture, recommending tlso brace - pt to or for orif of l acetabular fx & symphysis diastasis. - pt extubated - pt transferred from t/sicu to floor - pt noted to have some delirium overnight - persists through day & worsening again at night, neurology consulted, mri w/o evidence of traumatic brain injury or infarct, delirium thought to be secondary to narcotics/benzo use in icu with subsequent withdrawal although eeg was recommended. - delirium improving, eeg performed - delirium completely resolved - d/c to rehab medications on admission: none discharge medications: 1. enoxaparin sodium 30 mg/0.3 ml syringe sig: one (1) syringe subcutaneous q12h (every 12 hours) for 3 weeks. disp:*42 syringe* refills:*0* 2. acetaminophen 325 mg tablet sig: two (2) tablet po q4-6h (every 4 to 6 hours) as needed for pain. disp:*30 tablet(s)* refills:*0* 3. ferrous sulfate 325 (65) mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po daily (daily). disp:*30 tablet(s)* refills:*2* discharge disposition: extended care facility: - discharge diagnosis: closed head injury open left olecranon fracture dislocation left hip open pelvic fracture left acetabular fracture l5 bipedicle fracture delirium discharge condition: good discharge instructions: -non-weight bearing left arm, keep in brace at all times -non-weight bearing left leg -lovenox for total of 4 weeks to prevent blood clots -follow-up with clinic in 10 days -tlso brace when out of bed followup instructions: follow-up with dr. in orthopedic clinic in 10 days, call ( for appointment. follow-up with neurosurgery for evaluation of lumbar vertebral fracture, call ( for appointment. follow-up in trauma clinic in weeks, call ( for appointment. procedure: continuous invasive mechanical ventilation for less than 96 consecutive hours insertion of endotracheal tube enteral infusion of concentrated nutritional substances incision of abdominal wall open reduction of fracture with internal fixation, femur arteriography of other specified sites open reduction of fracture with internal fixation, radius and ulna transfusion of packed cells debridement of open fracture site, radius and ulna internal fixation of bone without fracture reduction, other bones closed reduction of fracture without internal fixation, femur other repair of bladder diagnoses: acidosis drug-induced delirium closed fracture of lumbar vertebra without mention of spinal cord injury concussion with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration motor vehicle traffic accident involving collision with other vehicle injuring pedal cyclist closed fracture of acetabulum injury to other intra-abdominal organs without mention of open wound into cavity, retroperitoneum closed dislocation of hip, unspecified site closed dislocation, sacrum open fracture of olecranon process of ulna closed fracture of epiphysis (separation) (upper) of neck of femur Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: past medical history: 1. history of coronary artery disease, status post pci in and . 2. history of hypertension. 3. history of diabetes. 4. history of chf. 5. history of hyperlipidemia. 6. history of djd. 7. history of depression. 8. history of diverticulosis. allergies: the patient has no known drug allergies. admission medications: 1. amlodipine 10 mg p.o. q.d. 2. aspirin 325 mg p.o. q.d. 3. lipitor 10 mg p.o. q.d. 4. atenolol 100 mg p.o. q.d. 5. glucophage 500 mg p.o. q.d. 6. hydrochlorothiazide 25 mg p.o. q.d. 7. isordil 40 mg p.o. t.i.d. 8. zestril 40 mg p.o. q.d. 9. potassium 20 meq p.o. q.d. 10. nph insulin 54 units subcutaneously q.a.m. 11. prozac 10 mg p.o. q.d. social history: she does not smoke cigarettes. she drinks one drink per month. family history: significant for coronary artery disease. review of systems: as above. physical examination on admission: general: she is an elderly african-american female in no apparent distress. vital signs: stable. afebrile. heent: normocephalic, atraumatic. the extraocular movements were intact. the oropharynx was benign. the neck was supple, full range of motion. no lymphadenopathy or thyromegaly. the carotids were 2+ and equal bilaterally without bruits. lungs: clear to auscultation and percussion. cardiovascular: regular rate and rhythm with a ii/vi crescendo/decrescendo murmur heard best at the left lower sternal border. abdomen: soft, nontender with positive bowel sounds. no masses or hepatosplenomegaly. extremities: without clubbing, cyanosis or edema. hospital course: she underwent cardiac catheterization on the day of admission which revealed that she had a proximal 95% lad lesion, 75% diagonal i lesion, 100% om1 lesion, and a 60% mid rca lesion. her left ventricle had a 70% ejection fraction with apical inferior hypokinesis. dr. was consulted and vascular was consulted as well and they did not see a contraindication for heparinization in the or and felt that she did not need intervention on her aortic aneurysm. on , she underwent a cabg times four with lima to the lad, reverse saphenous vein graft to the om with sequential to the diagonal and reverse saphenous vein graft to the rca. the cross-clamp time was 93 minutes, total bypass time 107 minutes. she was transferred to the csru on dobutamine, nitroglycerin, and propofol. she was slightly acidotic postoperatively and required volume and bicarbonate and remained intubated overnight. she recovered overnight. on postoperative day number one, she was extubated. on postoperative day number two, she had her chest tubes discontinued. she continued to require aggressive diuresis and respiratory therapy. she remained in the csru. she did have an echocardiogram on which revealed an ef of 45-50 with no pericardial effusion. she was aggressively diuresed. on postoperative day number six, she was transferred to the floor in stable condition. she continued to have a stable postoperative course. on postoperative day number eight, she had her epicardial pacing wires discontinued. she was discharged to rehabilitation in stable condition. discharge medications: 1. lopressor 100 mg p.o. b.i.d. 2. albuterol nebulizers p.r.n. 3. glucophage 500 mg p.o. q.d. 4. potassium 40 meq p.o. q.d. 5. colace 100 mg p.o. b.i.d. 6. ecotrin 325 mg p.o. q.d. 7. percocet one to two p.o. q. four to six hours p.r.n. pain. 8. lisinopril 40 mg p.o. q.d. 9. nph insulin 15 units subcutaneously q.h.s. 10. norvasc 10 mg p.o. q.d. 11. lipitor 10 mg p.o. q.d. 12. prozac 10 mg p.o. q.d. 13. lasix 40 mg p.o. q.d. times seven days. 14. hydrochlorothiazide 25 mg p.o. q.d. when the lasix is discontinued. 15. hydralazine 25 mg p.o. q. six hours p.r.n. for hypertension. laboratory data on discharge: hematocrit 29.7, white count 9,200, platelets 405,000. sodium 141, potassium 4.4, chloride 102, c02 30, bun 25, creatinine 1.5, blood sugar 73. follow-up: the patient will be followed by dr. in one to two weeks and dr. in four weeks. , m.d. dictated by: medquist36 procedure: (aorto)coronary bypass of three coronary arteries single internal mammary-coronary artery bypass extracorporeal circulation auxiliary to open heart surgery coronary arteriography using two catheters angiocardiography of left heart structures left heart cardiac catheterization monitoring of cardiac output by other technique diagnoses: acidosis subendocardial infarction, initial episode of care coronary atherosclerosis of native coronary artery pure hypercholesterolemia percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty status pulmonary collapse cardiac catheterization as the cause of abnormal reaction of patient, or of later complication, without mention of misadventure at time of procedure dissection of aorta, abdominal Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: allergies: vioxx / protonix attending: chief complaint: lgi bleeding major surgical or invasive procedure: tracheostomy percutaneous gastric tube placement history of present illness: 72 year old male with cad who was admitted to hospital after mva causing r. tibial fracture. he subsequently underwent orif; post op he had increasing pain that was difficult to control; as sa result of increased pain meds he became sedated which was felt to have led to an aspiration event; he was given narcan. subsequently on he had a hypoxic event and a diagnosis of pe was made; which required intubation. since that time he has required ac ventilation with requirements of fio2 80%/peep 5. of note, this hypoxic event was felt to be extensive and patients neurologic status has not improved since. he was transferred to for rehab on the ventilation while on heparin & today was transferred back to for evaluation for trach/peg. he was noted to have brbpr, a hct was 22 (down from 27). ptt>150. he was given 1u prbcs and per report an egd was done with no source of bleeding. the gi service felt pt would benefit from arteriogram with vasopressin adminstration; he was given peripheral vasopressin he was subsequently transferred to for evaluation of gib plus evaluation for trach/peg. past medical history: cad s/p mi and ; most recent mi accompanied by cardiac arrest; tx medically with sotalol lumbar stenosis s/p lumbar surgery polymyalgia rheumatica s/p ccy hyperlipidemia djd copd- 3 ppd history social history: 60 pack-year smoking history. he is now down to 6 cigarettes per day. he denies any alcohol consumption. he is married and lives with his wife. has 3 children. he used to work as a parking garage manager. family history: no history of malignancy in first degree relatives. history of coronary artery disease. physical exam: vitals - t:99.3 bp:113/68 hr:77 rr:29 02 sat:100% general: sedated, intubated heent:intubated, et tube in place cardiac: regular rate and rhythm lung: scattered rhonchi anteriorly abdomen: soft, non-distended, bs present ext: edema r>l neuro:not responsive to verbal stimuli cool extremities pertinent results: ================== admission labs ================== 04:33am blood wbc-17.4*# rbc-2.68*# hgb-8.2*# hct-24.7*# mcv-92 mch-30.5 mchc-33.2 rdw-17.7* plt ct-233 04:33am blood neuts-89.7* lymphs-7.6* monos-2.1 eos-0.4 baso-0.2 04:33am blood pt-13.7* ptt-27.4 inr(pt)-1.2* 04:33am blood glucose-186* urean-32* creat-0.6 na-139 k-4.0 cl-102 hco3-32 angap-9 04:33am blood calcium-7.4* phos-3.1 mg-2.1 04:33am blood cortsol-22.2* brief hospital course: 54 year old woman with past medical history of morbid obesity (s/p gastric lap banding), hypertension, hyperlipidemia, presenting with acute respiratory distress and malignant hypertension. . # respiratory failure: the patient was initially intubated at an osh following respiratory failure in the setting of increased sedation and pe. he was intubated and remained intubated upon transfer to rehab. he was referred for trach/peg, but while undergoing the procedure he was found to have a gi bleed and transferred to . on arrive the patient with respiratory failure likely multifactorial including pe, hap/aspiration and volume overload. his prior sputum cultures had grown enterobacter aerogenes and initially treated with cefepime. however, his abx were changed to vancomycin/zosyn after repeat cxr showed new left sided infiltrate. he completed a 14 day course of vancomycin/zosyn on . additionally, given his pulmonary edema he was diuresed with iv lasix. he was also restarted on his heparin gtt for his prior pe, leni were negative for dvt. the patient underwent trach and peg on and weaned to ps support. the trach should not be changed for 10 days after placement and if he needed to be re-intubated it should be from above. the patient was on mmv ventilation on discharge tv 500, rr 6, fio2 50%, peep 8 psv 12 #. mental status: the patient with limited mental status after his accident and respiratory arrest. he was aaox3 and fully functional prior to his accident. he was evaluated by neurology and underwent an eeg that showed some questional delta activity concerning for seizure. he was started on phenytoin per neuro. he also underwent an mri that did not show evidence of anoxic brain injury. the etiology of his mental status is likely metabolic encephalopathy, but his prognosis is unclear. the plan is to lighten sedation and assess neurologic status. per the wife if he does not have meaningful recovery and ventilator dependent then will likely be transitioned to comfort care. he will continue dilantin 100mg tid and levels should be checked. #hypotension- patient initially hypotensive on arrival and on vasopressin. he was changed over the levophed and it was sucessfully weaned off on . the patient's hypotension was likely multifactorial including infectious (pneumonia), gib and sedation. #lgib- the patient was noted to have bright red blood per rectum at rehab while on heparin gtt. his heparin gtt was held and after evaluation at the osh he was noted to have 7pt hct drop and received 1u prbcs. per report, he had egd and did not find a source of bleeding. on arrive the the micu he was noted to have brown stool that was guaiac positive, but no further episodes of brbpr. the patient was transfused a total of 3u prbc during his admssion, the most recent on . given that the patient did not have any further episodes of bleeding he was restarted on his heparin gtt without further evidence of bleeding. he was also evaluated by gi and recommended outpatient colonoscopy and follow-up given no evidence of acute bleeding. #lv thrombus/pe: pt with history of lv thrombus previously on coumadin. a repeat tte did not show evidence of lv thrombus. he was transitioned to lovenox on discharge and will need to be started on coumadin. #h/o cad s/p cardiac arrest : the pateint was continued on his home sotolol. his aspirin was held given his history of gi bleed. #dm: the patient was covered with an insulin sliding scale medications on admission: acetaminophen 650mg q6prn aspirin 81mg atropine 0.5mg iv push q1hr prn calcium carbonate/vit d daily colace 100mg zetia 10mg daily fentanyl 50mcg/hr topical patch q72hr heparin gtt (off since at 8am) glargine 40u scqhs inulin regular flovent 4puffs wid jevity 1.2 cal; full strength at 60mg/hr; shut off 730am () lactobacillus 2u per ngt tid lactulose 30mg per ngt q12prn lansoprazole 30mg disintegrating daily ativan 2mg iv q1hr prn morphine sulfate 2mg iv q2prn zosyn 3.375g q6; start date propofol gtt sotalol 80mg po q12 discharge medications: 1. calcium carbonate 500 mg tablet, chewable : one (1) tablet, chewable po daily (daily). 2. ipratropium-albuterol 18-103 mcg/actuation aerosol : four (4) puff inhalation q6h (every 6 hours). 3. lansoprazole 30 mg tablet,rapid dissolve, dr : one (1) tablet,rapid dissolve, dr daily (daily). 4. sotalol 80 mg tablet : one (1) tablet po bid (2 times a day). 5. chlorhexidine gluconate 0.12 % mouthwash : 1-2 mls mucous membrane (2 times a day). 6. white petrolatum-mineral oil 42.5-56.8 % ointment : one (1) appl ophthalmic prn (as needed) as needed for dry eyes. 7. docusate sodium 50 mg/5 ml liquid : po bid (2 times a day). 8. fentanyl citrate 25-50 mcg iv q1:prn pain for trach / peg pain 9. fentanyl 25 mcg/hr patch 72 hr : one (1) patch 72 hr transdermal q72h (every 72 hours). 10. lovenox 80 mg/0.8 ml syringe : one (1) subcutaneous twice a day. 11. phenytoin 50 mg tablet, chewable : two (2) tablet, chewable po q8h (every 8 hours). 12. insulin regular human 100 unit/ml cartridge : one (1) unit injection four times a day: per sliding scale; see attached. discharge disposition: extended care facility: - discharge diagnosis: respiratory failure pulmonary embolism lower gi bleed vap metabolic encephalopathy seizures discharge condition: mental status:confused - always level of consciousness:lethargic and not arousable activity status:bedbound discharge instructions: you were admitted to the hospital for gi bleed and management of your respiratory status. you did not have any further bleeding. you did undergo a tracheostomy and peg. you were evaluated by neurology and there was concern for seizures thus you were started on phenytoin, an anti-seizure medication. followup instructions: please follow-up with gi as an outpatient you will be followed by the doctors who will make recommendations regarding follow up when discharged. procedure: venous catheterization, not elsewhere classified continuous invasive mechanical ventilation for 96 consecutive hours or more other endoscopy of small intestine fiber-optic bronchoscopy percutaneous [endoscopic] gastrostomy [peg] temporary tracheostomy diagnoses: polymyalgia rheumatica toxic encephalopathy diabetes mellitus without mention of complication, type ii or unspecified type, not stated as uncontrolled chronic airway obstruction, not elsewhere classified other and unspecified hyperlipidemia epilepsy, unspecified, without mention of intractable epilepsy malignant essential hypertension hemorrhage of gastrointestinal tract, unspecified other motor vehicle traffic accident involving collision with motor vehicle injuring driver of motor vehicle other than motorcycle ventilator associated pneumonia other pulmonary embolism and infarction acute edema of lung, unspecified dependence on respirator, status bariatric surgery status Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: allergies: patient recorded as having no known allergies to drugs attending: chief complaint: headache major surgical or invasive procedure: cerebral angiogram history of present illness: 47y/o white female with history of falls. she was transferred in from hospital for tsah. pts daughter reports that pt has a history of falls / approx 1/week since "hysterectomy resulted in some sort of nerve damage". pt uses cane to walk. daughter states she fell 1 1/2 weeks ago while shopping. then this past friday (4 days ago)- the pt had diarrhea and when she was getting up from the toilet - she suddenly got dizzy and started to vomit. daughter states she has not been herself since that time/unable to have conversation over the phone. has had a headache and intemittent emesis since associated with lethargy and inability to "interact appropriately". daughter is rn and came from ct after work this pm to sort things out. pt was seen at another hospital for the same complaints(other ) and was treated for dehydration and released. past medical history: ? cervical cancer with hysterectomy, depreesion, chronic pain/ seen at pain center. social history: 40pack yr tobacco, no etoh or drugs according to daughter family history: unknown physical exam: o: t: afebrile bp: 107/60,87,13,96% gen: lethargic - unable to fully participate with exam. heent: pupils: trace reaction 2.5mm b/l, eomi with nystagmus, ?diplopia, no battles no raccoons, no hemotympanum. midstage bruising to chin/ no lac. neck: unable to assess due to unreliable participation. lungs: cta bilaterally. cardiac: no obvious murmur to this examiner abd: soft, nt, bs+ extrem: warm and well-perfused. neuro: mental status: lethargic, not cooperative with exam. orientation: oriented to person only, / and hospital. recall: unable language: speech slightly slurred naming intact. cranial nerves: i: not tested ii: pupils equally round and reactive to light visual fields grossly intact with ? diplopia iii, iv, vi: extraocular movements intact bilaterally with nystagmus. v, vii: unable to assess facial strength and sensation viii: hearing intact to voice. ix, x: unable to assess. : non participatory. xii: non participatory. motor: normal bulk and tone bilaterally. no abnormal movements, tremors. strength full power throughout. ? left pronator drift vs poor participation sensation: unable to assess pertinent results: 05:46am glucose-100 urea n-11 creat-0.6 sodium-140 potassium-3.8 chloride-106 total co2-26 anion gap-12 05:46am calcium-8.6 phosphate-3.4 magnesium-2.1 05:46am wbc-9.5 rbc-4.32 hgb-12.7 hct-37.1 mcv-86 mch-29.4 mchc-34.2 rdw-17.0* 05:46am plt count-314 05:46am pt-11.0 ptt-25.6 inr(pt)-0.9 03:45am urine bnzodzpn-neg barbitrt-pos opiates-pos cocaine-neg amphetmn-neg mthdone-neg 03:45am urine color-straw appear-clear sp -1.009 03:45am urine blood-tr nitrite-neg protein-tr glucose-neg ketone-tr bilirubin-neg urobilngn-neg ph-6.5 leuk-neg 03:45am urine rbc-0-2 wbc-0-2 bacteria-none yeast-none epi-<1 mr head w & w/o contrast 8:34 pm this very limited study appears to show no definite sign for an intracranial mass or hydrocephalus, nor is there shift of normally midline structures. the flair images disclose high signal within a few cerebral sulci of the posterior aspect of the right frontal lobe, the anterior aspect of the right parietal lobe, as well as the central sulcus. these findings presumably correspond to the subarachnoid hemorrhage noted on the prior ct scan. there is no definite evidence for a source of the hemorrhage. there were no other visible intracranial abnormalities on this admittedly limited study. there is moderate mucosal thickening in the ethmoid sinuses, and to a mild degree within the maxillary sinuses. the sinus abnormalities could represent an allergic or some other type of inflammatory process. conclusion: technically limited study, with apparent redemonstration of localized right cerebral hemispheric subarachnoid hemorrhage, as noted above. as was stressed in the dictation of the ct scan and ct angiogram, standard catheter angiography is the optimum technique to exclude a vascular malformation and provide the most detailed assessment for potential aneurysms. by dr. cta head w&w/o c & recons 1:20 am non-contrast axial scanning was performed through the brain. a cta was performed of the head during rapid infusion of intravenous contrast. no prior studies are available for comparison. findings: the non-contrast head ct scan demonstrates subarachnoid hemorrhage in the right sylvian fissure. there is no evidence of infarction and there is no hydrocephalus. the ct arteriogram demonstrates patency of the internal carotid arteries, vertebral and basilar arteries, and their major intracranial branches. no stenoses or occlusions are noted. there is a tiny outpouching at the left middle cerebral artery bifurcation. this measures approximately 2 mm in diameter. it appears focally enough that it likely represents a tiny aneurysm. however, an infundibulum cannot be excluded. there is a prominent vein coursing through the right sylvian fissure on the preliminary report, this raised a concern of an arteriovenous malformation. however, i do not detect a nidus of an avm. this may represent a simply anomalously enlarged venous drainage pattern without a high flow lesion. a dural arteriovenous malformation could give rise to an enlarged cerebral vein without demonstration of the nidus on a cta. if an arteriovenous malformation or a dural fistual remain clinical concerns, a catheter arteriogram would be the most reliable test to confirm or exclude this diagnosis. the remainder of the vessels appear normal. conclusion: 2-mm infundibulum or aneurysm at the left middle cerebral artery bifurcation. prominent right sylvian vein. no nidus is identified. this may represent an anomalously enlarged vein without an arteriovenous shunt. however, a dural arteriovenous malformation is an alternative cause of this prominent vein. if clinically significant, this distinction would best be made with a catheter arteriogram. by dr. . ct head w/o contrast 10:42 pm findings: there is no significant change compared to the prior examination. subarachnoid hemorrhage is again seen within sulci of the right frontal lobe and the sylvian fissure. there is no mass effect, shift of the normally midline structures, or major vascular territorial infarct. the -white matter differentiation is preserved. there is no hydrocephalus. the osseous structures are unremarkable. the paranasal sinuses and mastoid air cells are well aerated. impression: no significant change compared to the prior examination and extent of subarachnoid hemorrhage involving the right frontal lobe and sylvian fissure. by dr. and dr. carot/cereb 8:55 am operators: drs. , , . findings: comparison is made to mr of the head from as well as a cta of the head from the same date. the right internal carotid artery injection shows no aneurysms, vascular malformations, or stenoses. note is made of a prominent vein of . the left internal carotid artery injection shows a small aneurysm of the undersurface of the mid portion of the m1 segment of the left middle cerebral artery (mca). this aneurysm points inferiorly and laterally has a length of 2 mm and a neck of 2.6 mm. this aneurysm is arising from the origin of a right posterior cortical branch. there is another shallow aneurysm at the left mca bifurcation which measures 1.1 mm in length and 2.3 mm at its neck. the external carotid artery injections bilaterally and the left vertebral artery injection shows no abnormalities. the right vertebral artery injection could not be performed due to the patient's inability to lie still and cooperate with the exam. impression: 1. small aneurysm of the undersurface of the m1 segment of the left mca as well as a small shallow aneurysm at the left mca bifurcation. 2. no aneurysms of the right mca. 3. the right vertebral artery arteriogram could not be performed due to patient's inability to cooperate. 4. a followup cerebral angiogram in one to two weeks is recommended under general anesthesia to reassess aneurysms. by dr. and dr. brief hospital course: pt is a 47 yo female with h/o recent falls and ha, who was transferred from osh on for r sah. pt also presented with altered ms, lethargy. she initially went to the tsicu for observation. cta revealed 2mm aneurysm of left mca and large vein of right sylvian fissure. angio on showed left 1mm and 3mm aneurysm. post-angio ct on the same day is stable. there were no complications from having the angiography. however, she remained in the tsicu as there were no stepdown neuro beds available. we restarted he heparin the day following her angiogram and the team scheduled a repeat angiogram for monday. her exam and vital signs remained stable. on , she defervesced to an neuro stepdown bed on 5. she continued to do well with no problems over the next several days. a repeat angio was reviewed by the attending and the final report is still pending. pt's symptoms have improved since admission. her ha still continues and the only thing that relieves it is po dilaudid. unfortunately, she missed her pain clinic appointment last week so we will try to contact her pain physician today as she needs refills on her narcotic medications. she will follow up in our clinic. neurologically she was discharged completely intact without deficits. medications on admission: fentanyl, effexor, oxycodone discharge medications: 1. nimodipine 30 mg capsule sig: two (2) capsule po every four (4) hours. disp:*70 capsule(s)* refills:*0* 2. docusate sodium 100 mg capsule sig: one (1) capsule po bid (2 times a day): use while on narcotic. disp:*60 capsule(s)* refills:*2* 3. fentanyl 50 mcg/hr patch 72hr sig: one (1) patch 72hr transdermal q72h (every 72 hours). disp:*3 patch 72hr(s)* refills:*0* 4. nicotine 21 mg/24 hr patch 24hr sig: one (1) patch 24hr transdermal daily (daily). disp:*7 patch 24hr(s)* refills:*0* 5. oxycodone 40 mg tablet sustained release 12hr sig: two (2) tablet sustained release 12hr po q8h (every 8 hours). disp:*40 tablet sustained release 12hr(s)* refills:*0* 6. hydromorphone 2 mg tablet sig: 1-2 tablets po q6h (every 6 hours) as needed: as needed for breakthrough pain. disp:*50 tablet(s)* refills:*0* discharge disposition: home discharge diagnosis: subarachnoid hemorrhage discharge condition: stable. discharge instructions: ?????? take your pain medicine as prescribed ?????? no lifting, straining ?????? you may shower with assistance ?????? increase your intake of fluids and fiber as pain medicine (narcotics) can cause constipation ?????? unless directed by your doctor, do not take any anti-inflammatory medicines such as motrin, aspirin, advil, ibuprofen etc. ?????? take anti-seizure medication as prescribed and follow up with laboratory blood drawing as ordered ?????? clearance to drive and return to work will be addressed at your post-operative office visit call your surgeon immediately if you experience any of the following: ?????? new onset of tremors or seizures ?????? any confusion or change in mental status ?????? any numbness, tingling, weakness in your extremities ?????? pain or headache that is continually increasing or not relieved by pain medication ?????? any signs of infection at the wound site: redness, swelling, tenderness, drainage ?????? fever greater than or equal to 101?????? f use tylenol also for pain do not exceed 4grams a day followup instructions: please call to schedule an appointment with dr. to be seen in 4 weeks. you will also need a cta at that time. you are also scheduled to see dr at 8:50am on . .please follow up with dr in 4 weeks with brain mri w/ and w/o gado; please schedule a cta in 6 months. md procedure: arteriography of cerebral arteries arterial catheterization diagnoses: pneumonia, organism unspecified unspecified fall subarachnoid hemorrhage following injury without mention of open intracranial wound, with no loss of consciousness Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: allergies: aspirin / allopurinol attending: chief complaint: thrombocytopenia major surgical or invasive procedure: l ij triple lumen catheter r femoral aterial line history of present illness: . hpi: ms. is an 88yf with cll who presented to clinic the day prior to admission complaining of fatigue, anorexia, and nausea, at which time allopurinol was stopped (it had been started as initial treatment for cll in ). a cbc was drawn, which was significant for thrombocytopenia of 7. she was admitted to the floor for platelet transfusions and further workup. this morning, she woke up with a "black eye", which was non-painful. she denies history of trauma and visual changes. . oncological history: first documented elevated wbc was in , with flow cytometry in confirming a diagnosis of cll. in she was noted to have bulky axillary lymphadenopathy. a staging ct in showed widespread lymphadenopathy involving the chest, abdomen, and pelvis with a large conglomeration of mesenteric lymph nodes. despite her reluctance to consider treatment she agreed to begin allopurinol 300 mg per day on . she saw dr. in clinic on , but over the last week she had become anorectic, with sore throat and recent weight loss. . past medical history: . cll as above hypercholesterolemia hypertension . social history: . used to work as a psychiatric social worker. died of metastatic colon cancer. denies tobacco and alcohol use. . family history: . no family history of cancer, heart disease, or diabetes. . physical exam: . vitals t100.5, hr 94, rr 20, bp 102/46, sat 96%ra general: no acute distress, thin elderly woman heent: eomi, left eye with conjunctival hemorrhage, 2cm ecchymosis below left eye; multiple confluent petechiae/ecchymoses on hard palate neck: anterior cervical lymphadenopathy appreciated lungs: clear to auscultation bilaterally heart: rrr normal s1/s2, no murmurs appreciated abd: soft, non-tender, no discrete splenomegaly appreciated, normal active bowel sounds ext: 2+ dp pulses bilaterally, no edema . pertinent results: persistently low platelet count: 9k (low) . gran-ct - 20 . hct ( low 20 ) . cxr () - severe elevation of the right hemidiaphragm is more pronounced consistent with severe eventration or phrenic nerve palsy. lungs are clear. heart size is normal. thoracic aorta is tortuous and calcified but not dilated. there is no pleural abnormality . ruq u/s () - no evidence of cholelithiasis or acute cholecystitis. . ekg: sinus rhythm. narrow qrs interval. incomplete right bundle-branch block. low normal voltage. rsr' pattern in lead v1 compatible with variant pattern. . rle u/s: focused scanning of the right lower leg over are of erythema demonstrates diffuse subcutaneous swelling however no focal fluid collection is identified. . rle ct-scan (): 1. no gas in the soft tissues or abnormal enhancement of the fascia is visualized to suggest necrotizing fasciitis 2. no large deep fluid collection is visualized. there is diffuse reticular edema to the soft tissues of the entire right leg, with a moderate dependent component. 3. blister of the right lateral calf subcuticular tissues, amenable to direct inspection. 4. varicosities of the proximal popliteal vein bifurcation, and venous engorgement through the thigh. . bone marrow biopsy: hypercellular bone marrow for age with extensive involvement by chronic lymphocytic leukemia/small lymphocytic lymphoma. severely decreased hematopoietic elements. . ct chest/abd/pelvis: () 1. overall reduced size of previously evident mesenteric, retroperitoneal, and mediastinal lymphadenopathy. 2. lung bases demonstrate bilateral moderate pleural effusion and patchy opacities. this could possibly be consolidation due to infection considering recent history of bacteremia. however,, metastasis cannot be entirely excluded. please confirm resolution after appropriate treatment. . b/l upper extrem u/s: in the left ij, there is a focal area of increased echogenicity, adjacent to the wall, that may represent a nonocclusive thrombus. normal flow and augmentation is demonstrated in all vessels bilaterally. areas of focal dilation present in the right basilic vein. multiple lymph nodes are demonstrated in axillae bilaterally. . cxr (): compared to the prior study, tip of the left picc line is in the proximal svc. there is persistent elevation of the right hemidiaphragm. the band of linear density at the right lung base has resolved. there is persistent opacity in the right cardiophrenic angle, most consistent with atelectasis. there is atelectasis at the left lung base as well. brief hospital course: . # septic shock: after admission, she became febrile overnight to 103 and was started empirically on cefepime. the following morning, she was noted to be hypotensive to 70s/30s and tachycardic to the low 100s. she received 3.5l ns without response in either bp nor hr. additionally, she was ordered for 2u prbcs and was transfused 1u prior to tx to the icu. dic labs were sent on the floor and revealed elevated fibrinogen, no fdp. she was transfered to for gnr sepsis without obvious source. on transfer, she met criteria for sirs/septic shock w/ fever, tachycardia and w/ septicemia and hypotension. she was aggressively repleted with ivf to achieve goal cvp 10-12. she was briefly on levophed and vasopressin to achieve goal of map>60 but was quickly weaned off of pressors after ivf repletion. antibiotic coverage was changed from cefepime to zosyn/vanco. blood cultures have grown gnrs-->pseudomonas. urine culture is negative. per review of systems, etiology of her gnr septicemia is not entirely clear as she denies gi/urinary/respiratory symptoms that would suggest underlying infective source. given anc of 170 and cll, however, she is clearly immunocompromised and this perhaps may be translocation of bacteria from gut. afebrile since transfer. bp stable off pressors, cvp responded appropriately to aggressive ivf repletion. mixed venous o2 sat 71%. cortisol was elevated to 190, 188.8 on repeat. ruled out for mi. vanco was d/c'd. the patient was then transferred to the floor. she developed rle edema, erythema and was seen by both id and surgery, thought to be ecthyma gangrenosum. she was maintained on ceftazidime alone and afebrile for several days. this was followed by a similar progression of erythema, edema on her arms b/l, also thought to be related to her gram negative sepsis. on she spike a fever again, and blood cx showed gram negative rods and yeast and her picc line was d/c'd. she was then placed on meropenem, caspofungin, vancomycin and ciprofloxacin. . # thrombocytopenia: most likely etiology is allopurinol induced thrombocytopenia, however w/ anemia worse than baseline and new renal failure, ttp was a concern. however, no evidence of hemolysis by labs nor on smear (reviewed by hem/onc team). received one bag of platelets on the floor prior to transfer to the . received additional 4 units during her stay for goal platelets > 20. she received platelet transfusions approximately qod while on the floor for platlet counts <15k. . # cellulitis: new area of bruising, erythema, warmth, and tenderness on medial aspect of r lower leg, noted on . concern for cellulitis. ?mrsa given hospitalized and immunocompromised. - will add back vanco - continue to follow clinically . # pleural effusions: cxr () showed b/l pleural effusions. she was given 10mg iv lasix and was net negative overnight. no complaints of sob this am. sat'ing high 90s on ra. - continue to monitor o2 sat - low threshold for more diuresis, pt is likely volume overloaded given aggressive fluid repletion on transfer to icu . # acid/base: initial abg prior to icu transfer revealed acute respiratory alkalosis. abg following line placement (pt. was in trendelenberg) revealed respiratory acidosis and is likely to position for central line given her known right hemidiaphragm paresis and raised hemidiaphragm. mildly low hco3, borderline gap acidosis. lactate has been normal despite septicemia. - check abg if respiratory status changes . # hypercarbia: as above, likely in the setting of trendelenberg position for line placement and her probable paralyzed right diaphragm as no underlying pulmonary process, copd to suggest as a cause and not hypoxic. improved after transient period on bipap. - as above, recheck abg if clinically worsens . # elevated t bili: elevated to 2.6 on with otherwise normal transaminases. concern for early biliary obstruction picture. no abdominal tenderness on exam or h/o gi symptoms. ruq ultrasound was negative. - follow lfts . # anemia: baseline hct 33-35 prior to . elevated mcv, nml. rdw. not previously transfusion dependent. hct was 23.6 on admission and dropped to 19.6 this am and received some fluids overnight (amt. unclear) to suggest partially hemodilutional. hemolysis labs were negative and smear showed no e/o schistocytes per hem/onc review so as not to suggest process such as ttp/hus (w/ renal failure, anemia, thrombocytopenia). given septic, will check mixed venous o2 sat and transfuse as needed to maintain hct >30 if o2 sat <70%. w/ fluid overload, respiratory status will remain an issue w/ further need for transfusion. received additional 3u prbcs for hct 21 with goal > 30. hct stable, 28.7 today. - follow daily cbc - goal crit > 21 . # acute renal failure: now resolved. from previously normal baseline, creatinine has bumped throughout the day to 1.9 and she was oliguric. fena 0.2% and urine na 10 c/w prerenal etiology (likely in the setting of her hypotension). uop is just now picking up with improvement in her maps to 60-65. given prolonged hypotension, likely prerenal etiology and clearly at risk for atn. also, uric acid elevated to 7 to her cll for which she was previously on allopurinol. she had been receiving ivf w/ hco3 to alkalinize. uric acid normalized. cr decreased to 0.8. - cont. to monitor renal function . # cll: as above, neutropenic w/ anc 170. followed by dr. of hem/onc. - f/u hem/onc recs . # hyponatremia: now resolved. likely represented hypovolemic hyponatremia as urine lytes c/w prerenal/hypovolemic state and sodium has since normalized with aggressive ivfs. - cont. to monitor na/lytes . # code: full . # access: left ij - plan to pull ij and place pic . # communication: , nephew (home) . medications on admission: . lipitor 10mg daily hydrochlorothiazide 25mg daily fosamax 70mg weekly calcium allopurinol 300mg daily (d/c'd ) . discharge disposition: expired facility: - discharge diagnosis: cll discharge condition: expired discharge instructions: n/a followup instructions: n/a procedure: venous catheterization, not elsewhere classified non-invasive mechanical ventilation biopsy of bone marrow other incision with drainage of skin and subcutaneous tissue transfusion of packed cells transfusion of platelets diagnoses: unspecified pleural effusion unspecified essential hypertension acute kidney failure, unspecified severe sepsis other and unspecified hyperlipidemia acute respiratory failure cellulitis and abscess of leg, except foot other specified septicemias septic shock encounter for palliative care septicemia due to escherichia coli [e. coli] chronic lymphoid leukemia, without mention of having achieved remission septicemia due to pseudomonas other pyoderma Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: allergies: codeine / morphine / hydrocodone / oxycodone / ativan attending: chief complaint: lethargy major surgical or invasive procedure: none history of present illness: this is a 51 year old male with a history of cirrhosis secondary to alcohol use and possibly hemochromatosis who was admitted for unresponsiveness. per his family, he was found by the nursing staff to be unresponsive on the morning of , they were unable to arouse him. per his sister, the day prior they had seen him at the hospital after his elective egd, and he was doing well, talking, at his baseline. she came to visit him today with the rest of the family and states that he was able to recognize them, but definitely far from his baseline. she states that this seems like prior episodes when "his ammonia is high." he has had prior episodes of encephalopathy, last at from because he "couldn't speak" per the family. after receiving lactulose, he returned back to his baseline. he has since had 2 falls in - once on mother's day where he tripped and broke his right hip. no intervention was done. he then fell again, which per the family he doesn't remember. he had head strikes during both falls (one requiring stitches to the forward), but per the family, he was no different mentally after those falls. . on , he underwent an egd at hospital for a hct that was trending down of unclear etiology. he has been getting blood transfusions for this downtrending hct. over this time his edema has been getting worse and a foley catheter was placed days prior to admit as his scotal swelling prevented him from voiding effectively. per his family he has been taking all of his medications as prescribed. . on admission yesterday, he was noted to be in the 90s systolic, afebrile. a ruq us could not get great views of vasculature, but no ascites. a cxr was difficult to interpret but showed no obvious consolidation. he is guaiac negative and given a lactulose enema in the ed. in the micu, he received 3 doses of 30ml lactulose, and 1 dose of pr enema with ~ 3 bm's. he was placed on lasix 20mg iv bid and spironolactone 100mg po daily. he is net negative 2l during his micu stay. he seemed improved after lactulose enemas per the micu team. . on the floor, he is arousable to voice, able to answer a few questions, states his name. very poor attention. . ros: denies pain. otherwise unable to obtain given pt's mental status. but, per the family, he was not having any pain, fever, or other complaints the day prior. past medical history: 1. cirrhosis alcohol and hemochromatosis complicated by encephalopathy 2. recurrent cellulitis of left leg 3. dvt following trauma to left leg (mva) was on warfarin for 1 year. 4. chronic low back pain 5. depression 6. anxiety social history: no current tobacco use, former tobacco ~ 10 pack years (quit 3 years ago). former alcohol and klonopin abuse. patient lives in center, he does not work. he is separated from his wife. the patient's weekly exercise regimen consists of walking daily around the building. patient usually tries to adhere to a sensible diet and manages adls well with assistance. he is separated from his wife. has 3 grown children ages 31, 27 and 23 who live in . he quit smoking 3 years ago. family history: his father died of lung cancer and his mother has diabetes. he has 3 sisters and 1 brother who are healthy. his 3 children who are healthy. physical exam: admission: on the medicine floors, hod#2 vitals: t: 96.5 bp: 105/60 p: 79 r: 12 o2: 97%ra general: sleeping, arouses to voice, poor attention, appears very somnolent, able to only answer few questions with one word answers including stating his name and "no" to pain heent: ncat, perrl, ecchymoses over left eyelid, dry mm, unable to fully visualize oropharynx, no apparent tongue fasiculations neck: supple, obese, jvp not elevated lungs: no use of access mm, poor effort, no crackles or wheezes cv: rrr, nl s1 s2, no murmurs, rubs, gallops abdomen: +nabs, soft, non-tender, non-distended, no rebound tenderness or guarding, no organomegaly, no fluid wave, no flank dullness gu: foley in place, dark yellow urine, diffusely edematous/tense scrotum ext: warm, diffuse anasarca up to his abdomen neuro: somnolent, poor attention, oriented only to self, able to follow limited commands, raise hands, unable to wiggle toes, 2+ dtr's in biceps & brachioradialis, downgoing toes, + asterixis discharge: vitals: 98.4 98.2 92-115/46-66 70-101 18 100%ra bg 133-228 24h 1750/inc, bmx4 8h 540/inc, large bm general: awake, lying in bed, able to follow commands, tremulous, nad, appears confused heent: ncat, mildly icteric sclera, dobhoff in place neck: supple, obese, jvp not elevated lungs: clear anteriorly without wheezes or crackles, no use of access mm cv: rrr, nl s1 s2, no murmurs, rubs, gallops abdomen: +nabs, soft, non-distended, non-tender, no rebound tenderness or guarding, no fluid wave, no flank dullness gu: in adult diaper, no foley ext: pitting edema to hip, left leg with 3+ edema in shin, stasis dermatitis, tender to palpation of shins bilaterally neuro: oriented to person, states he does not know, says "" for the date, says "i'm confused," +asterixis **pt's mental status fluctuates throughout the day. pt is always oriented to person, but occasionally not oriented to place or date. he seems to be better in the afternoon, frequently oriented to place and year but not exact date. pertinent results: admission labs: 02:38pm urine bnzodzpn-neg barbitrt-neg opiates-neg cocaine-neg amphetmn-neg mthdone-neg 12:50pm glucose-123* urea n-21* creat-0.8 sodium-138 potassium-4.6 chloride-104 total co2-30 anion gap-9 12:50pm alt(sgpt)-43* ast(sgot)-88* alk phos-143* tot bili-4.2* dir bili-0.9* indir bil-3.3 12:50pm lipase-26 12:50pm ctropnt-<0.01 12:50pm albumin-2.2* calcium-8.4 phosphate-3.3 magnesium-1.7 iron-187* 12:50pm caltibc-213* ferritin-1494* trf-164* 12:50pm ammonia-173* 12:50pm asa-neg ethanol-neg acetmnphn-neg bnzodzpn-neg barbitrt-neg tricyclic-neg 12:50pm wbc-4.5 rbc-3.35* hgb-11.8* hct-34.2* mcv-102* mch-35.2* mchc-34.4 rdw-19.9* 12:50pm neuts-78.4* lymphs-13.3* monos-5.8 eos-2.1 basos-0.5 12:50pm plt count-50* 12:50pm pt-16.9* ptt-32.7 inr(pt)-1.5* 12:48pm glucose-116* lactate-1.9 na+-136 k+-4.4 cl--101 tco2-29 12:48pm hgb-12.0* calchct-36 12:40pm urine color-yellow appear-clear sp -1.017 12:40pm urine blood-lg nitrite-neg protein-30 glucose-neg ketone-neg bilirubin-neg urobilngn-neg ph-8.5* leuk-tr 12:40pm urine rbc->182* wbc-3 bacteria-none yeast-none epi-0 trans epi-<1 12:40pm urine mucous-rare discharge labs: na 136 k 5.4 cl 99 hco3 36 bun 34 cr 1.3 bg 182 wbc 3.2 hgb 9.2 hct 27.3 plt 58 inr 1.5 alt 14 ast 29 ap 90 tbili 2.8 pertinent studies: urine hemosiderin: negative ammonia: 35 igg: 1323 qg6pd: 11.8 (normal) upep: no abnormalities spep: no abnormalities tsh: 2.4 freet4 1.2 ret-aut: 3.6 hfe gene: result: negative a1at: 122 (range 83-199 mg/dl) ceruloplasmin: 13 l (range 18-36 mg/dl) copper: 34 (low) : negative fsh: <1.0 lh: <1.0 testost: 19 shbg: 41 calcft: 3.6 tsh:4.3 free-t4:1.1 acth, plasma 12 ( pg/ml) cortisol, free results pending cortisol binding globulin (transcortin) results pending studies: cxr : findings: in comparison with the study of , there are lower lung volumes. increased opacification in the retrocardiac region most likely represents pleural fluid and atelectasis. in the appropriate clinical setting, the possibility of supervening pneumonia would have to be considered. ct head w/o : impression: 1. no acute intracranial abnormality. 2. global cerebral atrophy, disproportionate to the patient's age. 3. diffuse sinus inflammatory disease. 4. incidental note made of an arachnoid cyst in the left middle cranial fossa. liver u/s : findings: evaluation is limited due to patient's body habitus and overlying bowel gas. within the limitations the extremely limited portion of the liver that was imaged is unremarkable. the portal vein, common hepatic duct, spleen or pancreas could not be seen. a stone is noted in the gallbladder. the partially imaged gallbladder appears unremarkable. no ascitic fluid is noted. impression: gallstone noted. severely limited study cxr : findings: as compared to the previous radiograph, the pre-existing left basal opacity has decreased in extent and severity. otherwise, the radiograph is unchanged. no newly appeared focal parenchymal changes. ct abd : could not fully visualize hepatic vv due to contrast timing impression: 1. patent portal vein, although direction of flow cannot be evaluated with this study. 2. cirrhosis with evidence of portal hypertension, recanalized umbilical vein and splenorenal shunt. 3. cholelithiasis and choledocholithiasis without evidence for inflammation. tte : conclusions the left atrium is elongated. no atrial septal defect is seen by 2d or color doppler. left ventricular wall thicknesses are normal. the left ventricular cavity is moderately dilated. regional left ventricular wall motion is normal. overall left ventricular systolic function is low normal (lvef 50-55%). no masses or thrombi are seen in the left ventricle. there is no ventricular septal defect. right ventricular chamber size and free wall motion are normal. the aortic root is mildly dilated at the sinus level. the aortic arch is mildly dilated. there is no aortic valve stenosis. no aortic regurgitation is seen. the mitral valve leaflets are mildly thickened. physiologic mitral regurgitation is seen (within normal limits). the pulmonary artery systolic pressure could not be determined. there is no pericardial effusion. compared with the report of the prior study (images unavailable for review) of , no change. ruq u/s : findings: note is made that this is a very limited ultrasound technically due to the patient's body habitus and his inability to hold his breath. no gross hepatic lesion is identified and no gross biliary dilatation is seen, although visualization of the liver is very limited. gallstones are again seen within the gallbladder. the spleen is enlarged measuring about 14.5 cm. no ascites is seen in the abdomen. doppler examination: color doppler and pulse-wave doppler images were obtained. within the right portal vein, flow is noted to be reversed. flow in the left portal vein is presumed to be patent and forward as there is a large patent umbilical vein. the main portal vein could not be identified. impression: extremely limited visualization of the anatomy due to the patient's body habitus. a large patent umbilical vein is identified. shadowing gallstones are again seen within the gallbladder. splenomegaly is also identified and there is no ascites seen. visualization of the remainder of the structures is extremely poor. leni left leg : no dvt in the left lower extremity. micro: urine cx : no growth. blood cx : no growth. stool cx, c diff : c. diff negative 7:39 am stool consistency: soft source: stool. **final report ** fecal culture (final ): no salmonella or shigella found. campylobacter culture (final ): no campylobacter found. ua : rbc 17 wbc 146 nitrite pos leuks few urine cx : urine culture (final ): yeast. 10,000-100,000 organisms/ml. blood culture , , , : no growth. brief hospital course: pt is a 51 year old male with etoh cirrhosis and possible hemochromatosis (still undergoing evaluation) who presented with increased confusion at home. he was initially taken to the icu for close monitoring. he had no active s/s infection. he was treated with lactulose for hepatic encephalopathy and mildly improved. he was transferred to the medicine service where he continued to improve with lactulose. however, several days into his stay he appeared more confused. infectious workup was resent, and pt was found to have a uti, and was treated for 14 day course. pt continued to be encephalopathic and was treated with vancomycin for cellulitis of his left leg. hospital course was complicated by hypotension, most likely due to diuresis and poor intravascular volume. he had mild renal insufficiency secondary to overiduresis. tube feeds were started for nutrition. eventually, pt was no longer able to be diuresed, and family meeting was , with the decision to be discharged to ltac for further care and pt. he will follow-up with hepatology on discharge. # hepatic encephalopathy: on admission to the icu, patient was arousable to pain and had asterixis, concerning for he. there was no evidence of infection. most likely precipitating factor was a medication effect from pain medicine and sedating medicine from the egd (at osh) or possibly medication noncompliance. ruq u/s was performed to look for thrombus but inconclusive for pvt. ct scan showed patent portal vein but unable to fully visualize hepatic vein given contrast timing. pt was transferred to the medicine liver service, where he continued to improve after increasing bowel movements with lactulose. however, as discussed below, course was complicated by complicated uti, cellulitis, and hypotension, all likely contributing to continued encephalopathy. on discharge, he was more alert than on admission, but his mental status continued to fluctuate throughout the day. he was always oriented to person, able to state facts (such as president, current events), but occasionally not oriented to place or date and had poor attention. he had no other sources of infection and no further etiologies to treat to improve encephalopathy. # cirrhosis: alcoholic (last drink 4 years prior) and possible hemochromatosis suspected initially (based on elevated ferritin and iron deposition on previous imaging). multiple decompensations in the past with hepatic encephalopathy. on rifaximin (only once daily) and lactulose (only 60ml daily), and had been taking these as directed per the family and facility. prior to admission, had started evaluation for transplant, but had not yet completed it. his continued decompensation was concerning for secondary process in addition to alcoholic cirrhosis. ferritin levels were elevated and previous imaging suggested possible hemochromatosis. pt had no family history but has received blood transfusions in the past. hfe gene mutation analysis was negative. additional studies for other etiologies for cirrhosis were sent, including igg, , a1at, copper, ceruloplasmin. igg was normal, negative, a1at negative, ceruloplasmin mildly low at 13, copper was low at 34, 24hour urine copper showed normal levels. he was continued on spironolactone 100mg daily, and his lasix was uptitrated given anasarca (see below). however, given hypotension, further diuresis was limited and for last several days prior to discharge. he was continued on rifaxamin, increased to twice daily as it was recorded only as once daily at facility. lactulose dose was uptitrated as well, and should maintain at least bowel movements per day. **at , he will need to have diuretics restarted and titrated as able. **need to ensure bowel movements per day. # macrocytic anemia: ddx included hemolysis vs. hypersplenism vs. bleeding vs. acd. hct had been reportedly been drifting down at osh, requiring blood transfusions, with egd without any bleeding and no varices seen, guaiac negative here on admission. hapto <5 and elevated ldh concerning for hemolysis. however, given that he has cirrhosis, not unexpected that haptoglobin would be low, and ldh to be mildly elevated. spep and upep were negative. hematolgoy was consulted, and reported that there were spherocytes in the peripheral smear, but no schistocytes. the dat was negative, making differential for coombs negative hemolysis hereditary spherocytosis (hs)/erythrocyte membrane defect (can also cause splenomegaly), g6pd, and paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria all possible. g6pd was normal. urine hemosiderin showed was negative. he was transfused one unit prbc's on with hct at 25.7, mostly for improvement in intravascular volume (no active bleeding), with appropriate increase in hct. he was found to have brown, guaiac positive stools the week prior to discharge, thought to be possibly due to gastritis seen on egd at osh. he had no melena or frank blood. his hct remained stable at 27-28 for one week prior to discharge. on discharge he will follow-up with hematology. # anasarca: most likely low albumin and cirrhosis with poor synthetic function. no protein seen in the urine. pt was diuresed with iv lasix 40mg , increased titration limited by sbp in 90s. he was continued on spironolactone 100mg daily. however, pt became hypotensive, requiring decreased diuresis. diuresis was attempted with albumin given back. however, pt had some mild arf as well, and further diuresis was . nutrition was consulted and while he was eating well, he was started on tf's to try to improve nutrition. **on discharge, the physicians at rehab will restart and titrate diuresis as able (limitations will be renal insufficiency and hypotension). # hypotension: ddx includes overdiuresis & dry intravascular volume, vs. sirs physiology vs. adrenal inusfficiency. diuretics stopped . midodrine uptitrated and given albumin. consulted endocrine given low cortisol on testing, though confusing picture given albumin only 2.1, therefore assay difficult to interpret. pt was treated with appropriate antibiotics for uti and cellulitis, and did not appear to be septic. diuresis was as above. he was started on midodrine. repeat ruq u/s and cxr were unremarkable. repeat urine cultures showed yeast, and the foley was discontinued. blood cultures on repeat showed no growth. endocrine followed and did not think the picture was consistent with adrenal insufficiency. lh, fsh were low, in addition to low testosterone. he was restarted on testosterone patch. his bp remained stable in the systolic 90s-100s for 48hrs prior to discharge. he was discharged to continue midodrine 10mg tid. # acute renal failure: pre-renal etiology given attempted diuresis, with cr bump to 1.4. diuresis was discontinued. his creatinine was stable at 1.3 for 2 days prior to discharge. # complicated uti: discovered on after pt appeared more confused, and infectious workup resent. he was treated with ceftriaxone for 14 day course. repeat urine culture showed yeast, but no bacterial growth. # left leg erythema: started on vancomycin to cover for possible cellutlitis. pt had already been on ctx for uti, and therefore was getting adequate coveraged accept for mrsa. completed a 7 day course with improvement. leni was checked to ensure no dvt, which was negative. he had some mild erythema of bilateral legs on discharge, attributed to stasis dermatitis. # depression: home abilify given concern for causing somnolence in addition to side effects of leukopenia in this patient who is already at risk. recommend follow-up with pcp after discharge for further management. # leukopenia: most likely hypersplenism, cirrhosis. no s/s infection. wbc remained stable. his wbc ranged from high 2s-3s consistently for the last 2 weeks prior to discharge. # back pain: chronic in nature. continued lidocaine patch and tramadol for pain. # recent avulsion fracture: conservative management. pt was consulted and recommended acute rehab. given tramadol for pain control. transitional care: 1. code: full 2. contact: sister (hcp) (c), (w); brother 3. ow-up: - liver transplant - pcp after discharge - hematology - endocrinology 4. medical management: - stopped lasix, abilify - increased lactulose, increased rifaximin, start miralax prn - start humalog sliding scale - nutrition with tube feeds 5. outstanding tasks: - tests: cortisol, free results pending , cortisol binding globulin (transcortin) results pending. pt will be seen by endocrinology on follow-up. medications on admission: -atrac-tain 10% cream apply to both lower extremities daily -nystatin 100000units/gm apply to skin folds -abilify 10mg daily -lidoderm 5% patch 12 hours on lower back -tramadol 50mg q6hrs prn pain -lasix 20mg 2 tabs daily -androderm 5mg/24hr patch for 24hr -benadryl 25mg q6hrs prn agitation -calcium+d 600-400 twice daily -ergocalciferol 50,000 units cap weekly for 12 weeks (end date ) -folic acid 1mg daily -lactulose 60ml daily -magnesium oxide 400mg po bid -mvi daily -omeprazole 20mg po bid -thiamine 100mg daily -vitamin b6 100mg daily -xifaxan 550mg daily discharge medications: 1. rifaximin 550 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po bid (2 times a day). 2. lidocaine 5 %(700 mg/patch) adhesive patch, medicated sig: one (1) adhesive patch, medicated topical daily (daily): to lower back and hip. 3. tramadol 50 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po q6h (every 6 hours) as needed for pain. 4. testosterone 5 mg/24 hr patch 24 hr sig: one (1) patch 24 hr transdermal q24h (every 24 hours). disp:*2 patch 24 hr(s)* refills:*0* 5. calcium citrate + d 315-200 mg-unit tablet sig: one (1) tablet po twice a day. 6. folic acid 1 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po daily (daily). 7. thiamine hcl 100 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po daily (daily). 8. multivitamin tablet sig: one (1) tablet po daily (daily). 9. pyridoxine 25 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po daily (daily). 10. heparin (porcine) 5,000 unit/ml solution sig: 5000 (5000) units injection tid (3 times a day). 11. omeprazole 20 mg capsule, delayed release(e.c.) sig: one (1) capsule, delayed release(e.c.) po bid (2 times a day). 12. ergocalciferol (vitamin d2) 50,000 unit capsule sig: one (1) capsule po 1x/week (we) for 3 weeks: to be completed . 13. nystatin 100,000 unit/g powder sig: powder to skin folds topical twice a day as needed for rash. 14. lactulose 10 gram/15 ml syrup sig: thirty (30) ml po qid (4 times a day). 15. acetaminophen 325 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po q6h (every 6 hours) as needed for pain: limit to 2g/24hrs. 16. polyethylene glycol 3350 17 gram/dose powder sig: seventeen (17) grams po daily (daily) as needed for <3 bm's day prior. 17. insulin lispro 100 unit/ml solution sig: as directed subcutaneous asdir (as directed): see humalog sliding scale. 18. midodrine 10 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po three times a day. discharge disposition: extended care facility: northeast - discharge diagnosis: primary diagnoses: 1. hepatic encephalopathy 2. anasarca 3. hypotension 4. macrocytic anemia 5. complicated urinary tract infection 6. cellulitis secondary diagnoses: 1. depression 2. chronic low back pain 4. avulsion hip fracture discharge condition: mental status: confused - sometimes. level of consciousness: lethargic but arousable. activity status: out of bed with assistance to chair or wheelchair. discharge instructions: dear mr. , it was a pleasure taking care of you during this admission. you were admitted with unresponsiveness. you were initially cared for in the icu. you were given lactulose, and you began to feel better. we sent off several tests to assess for your liver disease. however, we think the cirrhosis is mostly due to your previous alcohol use. you had a lot of swelling, and we had to increase the amount of diuretics you were getting. however, your blood pressure was a bit low, and we had to stop the diuretics. we had the endocrinologists see you to make sure there was problem with your adrenal glands. we restarted you on testosterone. your blood sugars were high, and we had to start you on insulin. we found two infections during this admission, a urinary tract infection and cellulitis. we treated both of these with antibiotics. we had the nutritionists see you because your albumin was low. they recommended tube feeds, which we started you on to improve your nutrition. you continued to be confused. we discussed with you and your family that perhaps more intensive would be the best for you. the following medications were changed during this admission: - stop abilify **this medication can cause sleepiness and also lower your blood counts. please discuss with your doctors whether there is a better medication for you. - stop benadryl, as this can cause confusion - stop magnesium oxide - stop lasix 20mg 2 tablets daily **the doctors need to restart diuretics when you are there. - increase the amount of lactulose you were taking from 60ml daily to 30ml four times daily to at least bowel movements per day. - increase the dose of rixafamin from 550mg daily to twice daily - change the pyridoxine dose from 100mg daily to 25mg daily - start insulin per the sliding scale provided - start midodrine 10mg by mouth three times daily - start acetaminophen 325mg by mouth every 6 hours as needed for pain (do not exceed 2grams/day) - start miralax 17g by mouth daily as needed for constipation please continue the other medications you were taking prior to this admission. followup instructions: please follow-up with the following appointments: department: cardiac services when: tuesday at 11:40 am with: , md building: campus: east best parking: garage department: hematology/oncology when: wednesday at 4:30 pm with: , md building: sc clinical ctr campus: east best parking: garage department: transplant center when: friday at 1 pm with: , md building: lm bldg () campus: west best parking: garage department: div of gi and endocrine when: wednesday at 2:00 pm with: , md building: ra (/ complex) campus: east best parking: main garage **your primary care doctor, dr. , need to get prior authorization so that you can see the endocrinologists before your appointment. procedure: insertion of other (naso-)gastric tube insertion of (naso-)intestinal tube diagnoses: hyperpotassemia thrombocytopenia, unspecified other chronic pain urinary tract infection, site not specified alcoholic cirrhosis of liver acute kidney failure, unspecified hyposmolality and/or hyponatremia other and unspecified alcohol dependence, in remission personal history of tobacco use dysthymic disorder hypotension, unspecified alkalosis personal history of venous thrombosis and embolism hepatic encephalopathy lumbago other and unspecified coagulation defects splenomegaly other abnormal glucose unspecified deficiency anemia other testicular hypofunction leukocytopenia, unspecified aftercare for healing traumatic fracture of hip edema other hemochromatosis Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: allergies: no known allergies / adverse drug reactions attending: chief complaint: right retroesophageal abscess, esophageal perforation, sarcoidosis. major surgical or invasive procedure: flexible esophagoscopy, incision and drainage of right retroesophageal phlegmon. history of present illness: 32 yo female with a history of sarcoid who presents on transfer from an osh with a question of a deep neck space infection. her history is notable for about a 5 day history of dysphagia and odynophagia. she has no prior issues with eating or drinking and no recent neck trauma. she was evaluated today at an osh. ct scan showed a right side paraesphageal phlegmon from the level of the inferior aspect of the thyroid gland to just above the aorta. she has no airway complaints at this time. she was started 5 days ago on a course of levoquin and a prednisone taper. the orl service is consulted for assistance with a deep neck space infection. past medical history: sarcoid social history: live with family, nonsmoker brief hospital course: ms. was admitted to the medical center on . give her clinical presentation and possibility of deep neck space infection based on extent of ct scan, the decision was made to take the patient to the or. thoracic surgery was also consulted in the ed who agreed with the plan and was ready should their involvement become necessary. she underwent flexible esophagoscopy and deep neck exploration of the retro/paraesophageal space. post-operatively, she was taken to the trauma surgical icu with a penrose drain from the neck incision for further care. while in the icu, she was started on zosyn and flagyl, placed on iv fluids with nothing per mouth. a chest x-ray did not find pneumomediastinum and her lungs were clear. repeat cxrs had in slight interval increase in the mediastinal width which remained stable after a subsequent day of observation. clinically, she remained afebrile with tachycardia to the 110s that resolved prior to transfer from the icu. a swab from the neck was sterile and her neck wound remained clean, dry without erythema. however, 1 of 2 blood cultures taken from the or returned positive for gram positive cocci in pairs/clusters. infectious disease was consulted and recommended antibiotic coverage of vancomycin and zosyn. her wbc decreased appropriately and repeat blood cultures were sterile. rheumatology was also consulted for question of esophageal involvement of her sarcoidosis as a cause for the perforation. their suspicion was very low that a rheumatologic cause was the reason for her perforation. after a watchful period in the icu with stable cxrs, ms. was transferred to the floor. her pain was intially controlled with a pca pump, then transitioned to oral medications once taking po. an esophageal leak study was performed on pod5 which did not find evidence of a leak. her diet was slowly advance to sips of clear liquids, then clear liquids, then full liquids which she tolerated. she did complain of difficulty swallowing pills and a globus sensation, so her medications were switched to a liquid form. the patient continued on zosyn on the floor and a swab of her penrose drainage returned sterile. her wbc trended down to within normal limits and she remained afebrile without evidence of cellulitis of her wound site. the penrose drain was discontinued prior to discharge. on pod5, she was found to have an elevated creatinine. medicine was consulted for question of atn. urine studies were consistent with atn and the hypothesis was a drug-induced nephropathy. renal ultrasound found slightly hyperechoic renal parenchyma compatible with medical renal disease without hydronephrosis or renal vasculature abnormalities. infectious disease recommended switching zosyn for clindamycin. repeat chemistry studies found demonstrated a down-trending creatinine level. a repeat level should be checked closely as an outpatient. ms. was discharged to home in good condition on . at the time, she was afebrile and hemodynamically stable. her neck was flat, wound clean and intact without erythema. her cranial nerves were intact. she ambulated independently and her pain was well controlled on oral medications. she will complete a 3 week total course of antibiotics (finishing with po clindamycin) and follow-up with dr. from infectious disease. she was also recommended to follow-up with her pcp to have her creatinine level checked. finally, she will follow-up with dr. as an outpatient. medications on admission: prednisone taper discharge medications: 1. acetaminophen 325 mg tablet sig: two (2) tablet po q6h (every 6 hours) as needed for mild pain. 2. oxycodone 5 mg/5 ml solution sig: five (5) ml po every hours as needed for pain. 3. clindamycin hcl 150 mg capsule sig: four (4) capsule po q6h (every 6 hours) for 16 days. disp:*256 capsule(s)* refills:*0* discharge disposition: home discharge diagnosis: paraesophageal space infection discharge condition: mental status: clear and coherent. level of consciousness: alert and interactive. activity status: ambulatory - independent. discharge instructions: 1. you may shower, but pat your incision very dry afterwards. 2. wean yourself off the prescribed pain medication as tolerated. 3. call dr. or go to the emergency department if your neck becomes red, hot, swollen, and painful ; if you cannot breathe ; or if you cannot eat/drink anything at all followup instructions: 1. , md (infectious disease) phone: date/time: 10:00 ( , basement , ma) 2. , md (ear nose throat). please call to schedule a follow-up within 1-2 weeks. phone 3. follow-up this week or early next week with dr. , your pcp to have your creatinine level checked procedure: endoscopic excision or destruction of lesion or tissue of esophagus diagnoses: sarcoidosis other esophagitis perforation of esophagus Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: allergies: penicillins / codeine attending: chief complaint: respiratory distress major surgical or invasive procedure: none history of present illness: ms. is an 80 year old woman with hx of chronic pe, therapeutic on warfarin, and tia who presented from rehab with hypoxia in the 70-80s on ra at her living facility. she is on oxygen with ambulation at baseline. she was also noted to have retractions and dyspnea worse than at baseline. hypoxia was slowly responsive to o2. denies recent fevers or cough. . on , patient was diagnosed with pe by v/q scan, subsequently started on enoxaparin 40mg sq daily along with bridge to warfarin 2mg daily. warfarin dose was increased to 4mg daily on at which time inr was noted to be 1.7. on admission patient had been taking 3mg of warfarin daily, per rehab. . in the ed, initial vs were: 98.4 88 130/64 24 92% on simple face mask. pt was intermittently tachypnic up to mid 40s, started on nrb. desatted quickly to low 80s when nrb removed and takes a while to return to low 90s. ekg showed s wave in lead i, q waves and inverted t waves in lead iii. ct-a showed apparent filling defect in the right upper lobe subsegmental branch, compatible with pe (age indeterminate), dilation of the branch suggestive of a more acute component. patient was given a dose of levofloxacin and vancomycin in the ed. vitals in ed prior to transfer to micu were as follows: 98.2f hr 82 bp 122/72 o2 sat 82-97% on nrb. past medical history: # anemia: baseline 31-33, negative w/u # bilat total knee replacements x 2 # gerd # hypertension # tia: residual tongue deviation to r # cataract surgery # hiatal hernia # atypical chest pain: negative cardiac stress tests # "neck problems" x 20 years social history: no etoh, no tobacco. retired bookkeeper. moved to rehab to be near husband who requires more care, has two sons, (, hcp) and (neurologist). family history: mother - died in age 80s: colon ca, cad father - died at 84: ami no history of lung disease physical exam: admission physical exam in micu: vitals: bp: 121/65 p: 81 r: 29 o2: 97% nonrebreather general: alert, no acute distress; oriented to self only heent: sclera anicteric, mmm, oropharynx clear neck: supple, jvp half way to jaw, no lad lungs: crackles to mid-posterior lung fields bilaterally cv: regular rate and rhythm, normal s1 + s2, no murmurs, rubs, gallops abdomen: non-tender, mildly-distended, bowel sounds present, no rebound tenderness or guarding, hepatomegaly present gu: foley draining light yellow urine ext: warm, well perfused, 1+ pulses, no clubbing, cyanosis or edema discharge physical exam: ************ vitals: 97.6 107/67 hr98 rr19 98%ra general: nad, somnolent, heent: sclera anicteric, mmm, oropharynx clear neck: supple, jvp 3cm above clavicle lungs: poor breath sounds possibly secondary to low inspiratory effort, no wheezes, rales, ronchi cv: regular rate and rhythm, normal s1 + s2, no murmurs, rubs, gallops abdomen: soft, non-tender, non-distended, no rebound tenderness or guarding ext: warm, well perfused, 2+ pulses, no clubbing, cyanosis or edema. neuro: ox1, answering with one word, not able to do days of the week or numbers backwards. pertinent results: admission labs: 01:45pm blood wbc-11.9*# rbc-4.42 hgb-11.3* hct-35.4* mcv-80*# mch-25.5*# mchc-31.8 rdw-15.4 plt ct-669* 01:45pm blood neuts-85* bands-0 lymphs-8* monos-7 eos-0 baso-0 atyps-0 metas-0 myelos-0 01:45pm blood pt-29.5* ptt-30.2 inr(pt)-2.9* 01:45pm blood glucose-117* urean-30* creat-1.1 na-138 k-5.0 cl-105 hco3-22 angap-16 01:45pm blood alt-98* ast-76* ld(ldh)-438* alkphos-149* totbili-0.4 01:45pm blood albumin-4.5 abgs: 09:17am blood type-art po2-54* pco2-32* ph-7.48* caltco2-25 base xs-0 03:35pm blood type-art po2-57* pco2-34* ph-7.53* caltco2-29 base xs-5 intubat-not intuba 06:40am blood ck-mb-7 ctropnt-0.04* 09:20pm blood ck-mb-6 ctropnt-0.05* 11:20am blood ck-mb-5 ctropnt-0.04* discharge labs: 05:50am blood wbc-9.6 rbc-4.98 hgb-12.3 hct-38.2 mcv-77* mch-24.8* mchc-32.3 rdw-15.2 plt ct-408 05:40am blood pt-28.1* ptt-34.8 inr(pt)-2.7* 05:50am blood glucose-97 urean-17 creat-0.9 na-137 k-4.5 cl-99 hco3-33* angap-10 05:50am blood calcium-10.3 phos-2.8 mg-2.3 06:50am blood tsh-1.7 06:40am blood pth-62 vitamin d, 25 oh, total 29 l 30-100 ng/ml vitamin d, 25 oh, d3 12 ng/ml vitamin d, 25 oh, d2 17 ng/ml ****************** reports: cxr: impression: there has been marked interval increase in the size of the cardiac silhouette with, in particular, a somewhat globular configuration. underlying cardiomyopathy along with a possible accompanying pericardial effusion may account for this appearance. there is also mild perihilar opacity which could be related to underlying central vascular congestion and early interstitial edema. bilateral pleural effusions support the possible negative fluid balance. incidentally noted, but not mentioned above, there is healed deformity of the mid diaphysis of the left clavicle from prior fracture. cta: 1. apparent filling defect demonstrated within a right upper lobe subsegmental branch compatible with pulmonary embolism, age indeterminate. expansion of the vessel and overall morphology suggests an acute component. also chronic embolism noted in right lower lobe segmental branches. 2. diffuse centrally located ground-glass opacification and right greater than left pleural effusions, most compatible with a component of congestive heart failure. 3. cardiomegaly. 4. mediastinal lymphadenopathy of unknown etiology. tte: the right atrium is moderately dilated. a patent foramen ovale is present. there is symmetric left ventricular hypertrophy. the left ventricular cavity is unusually small. the right ventricular cavity is markedly dilated with moderate global free wall hypokinesis. there is abnormal septal motion/position consistent with right ventricular pressure/volume overload. the aortic valve leaflets (3) are mildly thickened but aortic stenosis is not present. moderate tricuspid regurgitation is seen. there is severe pulmonary artery systolic hypertension. there is a trivial/physiologic pericardial effusion. impression: patent foramen ovale with right-to-left shunting at rest. dilated and hypokinetic right ventricle. small left ventricle with preserved systolic function. at least moderate tricuspid regurgitation. severe pulmonary hypertension. cxr: tube is probably within the proximal stomach. heart is enlarged. there is no definite vascular congestion, although the central vessels appear somewhat prominent. no suspicious infiltrates or pleural effusions are noted. old fractures of the left clavicle and humerus are again noted. cxr:an enteric feeding tube tip terminates within the stomach. there are no new focal opacities concerning for pneumonia. there may be perihilar opacification that may indicate a component of mild interstitial pulmonary edema. there is stable cardiomegaly. there are no large pleural effusions or pneumothorax. impression: no evidence of focal pneumonia. speech and swallow: findings: barium passes freely through the oropharynx into the esophagus without evidence of holdup. there is mild-to-moderate residue in the valleculae after a bite of crackers; however, there is no gross aspiration or penetration. 05:50am blood wbc-9.6 rbc-4.98 hgb-12.3 hct-38.2 mcv-77* mch-24.8* mchc-32.3 rdw-15.2 plt ct-408 05:40am blood pt-28.1* ptt-34.8 inr(pt)-2.7* 05:50am blood glucose-97 urean-17 creat-0.9 na-137 k-4.5 cl-99 hco3-33* angap-10 06:40am blood ck-mb-7 ctropnt-0.04* 09:20pm blood ck-mb-6 ctropnt-0.05* 11:20am blood ck-mb-5 ctropnt-0.04* 05:50am blood calcium-10.3 phos-2.8 mg-2.3 06:50am blood tsh-1.7 06:40am blood pth-62 brief hospital course: ms is an 80 year old female with history of tia and pe on coumadin who presented with hypoxia. hypoxia was believed to be secondary to volume overload based on clinical exam. pt has known right heart failure and pulmonary htn from chronic pes, with a patent pfo causing right to left shunting that seems to become clinically significant in setting of volume overload. she was evaluated by the cardiology service who recommended against closure of pfo given need for permanent anticoagulation for pe. they also felt that the pfo was unlikely to be clinically significant if patient maintained euvolemic status. she was started on sildenafil and diuresed in the micu and the floor, home amlodipine was held to allow room for diuresis with blood pressure, not restarted given pressures in the 120s. at the time of discharge she was euvolemic on 1l oxygen by nasal cannula, dry weight today is 39.1kg. she will require daily weights and weekly electrolyte checks with addition of 20mg po if there is concern for increased volume. she also developed multifactorial delirium hypercalcemia, prolonged hospital stay, possibly poor sleep and underlying dementia. an infectious work-up on the floor was negative for uti, pneumonia, cellulitis. she was found to be hypercalcemic to 11.3, pth high normal, started on cinacalcet for hypercalcemia/primary hyperparathyroidism per the endocrine team. there was concern about bisposphonate use with gerd and immobility. mirtazipine for chronic insomnia was reduced from 12.5mg to 7.5mg. she was started on seroquel 12.5mg as the most sedating antipsychotic to improve sleep and hopefully reduce daytime somnolence. be stopped on if pt is sleeping well. during her hosptialization she was evaluated by speech and swallow who found her to be aspirating food and liquid with two failed video swallows. she had a dobhoff placed temporarily to maintain nutrition. repeat video swallow evaluation when patient's mental status was improved allowed patient to tolerate modified diet . she was restarted on thin liquids, ensure plus three times a day, and moist ground solids and crushed meds. aspriation precautions should be maintained. her hospitalization was also complicated by electrolyte disturbances from overdiuresis, which was easily corrected with free water flushes. she was noted to have an ecoli uti treated with ceftriaxone x 7 days. to do: - daily weights, weekly assement of volume status and weekly electrolye checks, pt demonstrate any signs of volume overload lasix 20mg po should be added to maintain euvolemic state. - calcium check in q weekly x 1month to monitor for efficacy treatment of cinacalcet. - cinacalcet should be increased to 30mg in 2 weeks if persistent hypercalcemia - d/c seroquel as mental status improves - encourage oral nutrition - daily physical therapy - will need four week follow up with dr. medications on admission: mirtazapine 15 mg tablet qhs amlodipine 10 mg tablet daily acetaminophen 975 mg po qhs namenda 10 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po twice a day. exelon 9.5 mg/24 hour patch 24 hr sig: one transdermal daily warfarin 3 mg dailly at 1800 ergocalciferol unit q 21 days calcium carbonate 650 mg po daily benzonatate 100 mg po bid omeprazole 20 mg po daily magnesium hydroxide 30 mg po daily discharge medications: 1. memantine 5 mg tablet sig: two (2) tablet po bid (2 times a day) as needed for dementia . 2. sildenafil 20 mg tablet sig: two (2) tablet po tid (3 times a day). 3. warfarin 1 mg tablet sig: three (3) tablet po once daily at 6 pm. 4. mirtazapine 15 mg tablet sig: 0.5 tablet po hs (at bedtime). 5. cinacalcet 30 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po qd () as needed for parahypercalcemia. 6. omeprazole 20 mg tablet, delayed release (e.c.) sig: one (1) tablet, delayed release (e.c.) po once a day. 7. exelon 9.5 mg/24 hour patch 24 hr sig: one (1) transdermal every twenty-four(24) hours. 8. seroquel 25 mg tablet sig: 0.5 tablet po at bedtime: please give for 7 days to help with delirium and sleep, but d/c by if not needed. 9. benzonatate 100 mg capsule sig: one (1) capsule po twice a day as needed for cough. 10. colace 100 mg capsule sig: one (1) capsule po twice a day. 11. senna 8.6 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po twice a day as needed for constipation. 12. calcium 500 500 mg calcium (1,250 mg) tablet sig: two (2) tablet po once a day. 13. vitamin d 400 unit capsule sig: two (2) capsule po once a day. discharge disposition: extended care facility: for the aged - macu discharge diagnosis: primary: - pfo with left to right shunt - hypoxemia - acute pulmomary embolism - chronic thromboembolic hypertension - cor pulmonale - hyperparathyroidism - hypercalcemia - e. coli uti - delirium secondary: - dementia - tia - hypertension - hiatal hernia - gerd discharge condition: mental status: confused - sometimes. level of consciousness: lethargic but arousable. activity status: out of bed with assistance to chair or wheelchair. discharge instructions: dear ms. , it was a pleasure taking care of you. you were admitted to the hospital because you were having trouble breathing and the levels of oxygen in your blood were found to be very low. it was thought that your low oxygen level was due to having too much fluid in your body, building up in your lungs, as well as due to increased pressure in the blood vessels in your lungs. you were also found to have a hole in your heart between two compartments which allowed blood without oxygen to go straight to the rest of your body without going to your lungs. because of the increased fluid in your body you were given a pill to make you urinate to reduce your fluids. you were also started on a medication called sildenafil to treat the increased pressure in your lung blood vessels. as you had less fluid in your body, the amount of fluid going through the hole in your heard decreased. when we spoke to the cardiologists, they recommended against closing the hole because they felt it was not contributing much to your low oxygen. you improved as the amount of oxygen in your blood increased. you also became a little confused and sleepy while you were in the hospital which we think was due to being in the hospital for a long time, as well as having high calcium in your blood. you were started on a medication called cinacalcet to reduce your calcium levels. you were also started on a medication called sildenafil to reduce the high blood pressure in your lungs to improve your breathing. please make the following changes to your medications: - stop amlodipine - start sildenafil - start cinacalcet - start seroquel 12.5mg nightly for short term use only - decrease mirtazapine - increase calcium 1000mg daily - vitamin d to 800mg daily. it is very important that you attend all your follow up appointments. followup instructions: please set up an appointment with ms. primary care physician within one week of discharge. please set up a follow up appointment in 4 weeks with dr. or dr. at . procedure: enteral infusion of concentrated nutritional substances diagnoses: hyperpotassemia urinary tract infection, site not specified congestive heart failure, unspecified acute kidney failure, unspecified other chronic pulmonary heart diseases other persistent mental disorders due to conditions classified elsewhere diaphragmatic hernia without mention of obstruction or gangrene ostium secundum type atrial septal defect long-term (current) use of anticoagulants hypoxemia hyperparathyroidism, unspecified do not resuscitate status metabolic encephalopathy acute diastolic heart failure hyperosmolality and/or hypernatremia other pulmonary embolism and infarction insomnia, unspecified benign essential hypertension dysphagia, unspecified Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: allergies: patient recorded as having no known allergies to drugs attending: chief complaint: gi bleed major surgical or invasive procedure: upper endoscopy exploratory laparotomy, ligation of duodenal with biopsy, vagotomy and j-tube placement. history of present illness: briefly, this is a 69 year old male with hx copd (on steroids) cad s/p cabg, duodenal , admitted with recurrence of gi bleed. he was hospitalized at from for gib. he had reportedly received 21 units of blood at outside hospitalizations but after an endoscopy at an osh he remained without further bleeding for 48 hours before his admission. during the admission he had a nonbleeding duodenal clipped and another shallow, nonbleeding monitored; he required no blood transfusions. he was sent to rehab, found to have continued bleeding with 1-2 loose black stools/day and was sent to (hospitalization was /-). initially, his primary issue was some respiratory distress for which he had an ultrasound guided right sided thoracentesis with removal of 600 cc of serious fluid. this improved his dyspnea but he has continued to have issues with unstable blood volume and chronic blood loss. he was transfused to 9.1 on but then dropped back to 7.5 by . he had an egd on , which revealed a posterior dudodenal with visible vessel and active bleeding that was secured with clip, bicap cautery, and epinephrine injection. he also had diffuse erosive gastropathy noted. presumably, he was transfused again on to a hgb of 10 that had fell to 8.6 today on . thus, he was transfused a unit on before being transferred here for continued care. overall he recieved 5u prbc at . . on arrival to the floor he was found to have stable vs,denied any chest pain, worsened dyspnea from his baseline, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, hematemesis, constipation, syncope, presyncope, fevers, chills, night sweats or other acute issues. he reported he felt well but was frustrated with the continued issues relating to this bleed and was asymptomatic with a hct of 33.6 decreased to 28.5 this am. he continues to have black tarry stools. a rectal this am showed brown stool in the vault, which was guiac positive. past medical history: - cad s/p cabgx4 - chf - atrial fibrillation/flutter - htn - hyperlipidemia - dm type ii complicated by neuropathy - copd v. boop v. asbestos (although per last d/c summary, nsip, d/c'd on steroids) - chronic kidney disease (baseline cr 1.6-2) - rheumatoid arthritis - gerd - duodenal - skin cancer - anemia - guaiac positive stools - bph - l cataract - s/p l total knee replacement social history: used to live alone but could not continue climbing 16 stairs each day; now lives with daughter (31yo); has many grandchildren; retired general contractor with exposure to asbestos; served in the navy x5years; 50 pack-year smoking history (quit in ); drinks 3-4 alcoholic drinks a couple times a week; no recreational drug use family history: father--died of lung cancer "from the shipyard" at 53; mother--died of at 70, hypertension; brother--recent sudden death; sister--cva. denies history of gastric or liver cancers. physical exam: vs: t 96.2, bp 138/96 range 152/88, p 62 range 58, rr 20, o2 sat 98% on 1l gen: obese gentleman sitting up in chair in nad heent: normocephalic, anicteric, perrl, op benign, mmm neck: no masses or lymphadenopathy, right ij cvl cv: irregular, tachycardic, no m/r/g; there is no jugular venous distension appreciated pulm: expansion equal bilaterally, good air movement, diffuse end expiratory wheezes abd: obese, soft, nontender, nondistended, normoactive bs, no organomegaly or masses. midline incision c/d/i. j tube site c/d/i extrem: warm and well perfused, 2+ lower extremity edema to knees neuro: a and o*3 with appropriate mental status to gross exam, moving all extremities. unable to extend r 3rd, 4th, 5th fingers psych: pleasant, cooperative, easily engaged skin/integument: mucous membranes dry. mild tearing eyes bilaterally. hyperkeratotic lesions scattered over dorsal surface hands bilaterally s/p topical therapy. onchomycosis of toenails. pertinent results: : x-ray wrist right. 1. there is no evidence of an acute bony injury. 2. there is deformity of the fifth metacarpal suggesting an old healed fracture. 3. there is joint space narrowing and there are large dorsal osteophytes at the fifth carpal/metacarpal joint. picc line placement. one view. comparison with the previous study of . streaky density at the lung bases and bilateral pleural thickening and/or fluid are again demonstrated. there is a calcified pleural plaque at the right base as before. the patient is status post median sternotomy as demonstrated previously and mediastinal structures are unchanged. a right internal jugular catheter has been replaced. the new catheter terminates at the level of the cavoatrial junction or right atrium. there is no other significant change. impression: line placement as described 04:13am blood wbc-5.9 rbc-3.04* hgb-8.8* hct-27.8* mcv-92 mch-29.1 mchc-31.8 rdw-16.4* plt ct-269 04:13am blood glucose-163* urean-38* creat-2.0* na-146* k-3.7 cl-107 hco3-32 angap-11 04:13am blood calcium-8.0* phos-2.6* mg-2.2 04:13am blood wbc-5.9 rbc-3.04* hgb-8.8* hct-27.8* mcv-92 mch-29.1 mchc-31.8 rdw-16.4* plt ct-269 brief hospital course: the patient was admitted to the general surgical service for evaluation and treatment. the patient presented with recurrence of his gi bleed. this has been a difficult to control issue over the last months. most recent egd revealed discrete duodenal ulcers with visible vessel and persistent bleeding as well as oozing gastritis. he has had multiple attempts to achieve permanent hemostasis of the that have likely been made more problem by his continued steroid use. an endoscopy on showed a 25mm duodenal with visible vessels and this was clipped and cauterized. the patient continued however to have melanotic stools and required additional blood transfusions although his vital signs were stable and he was asymptomatic throughout. a repeat endoscopy on showed active bleeding with blood clots at the previously clipped single bleeding in the pylorus channel. he was maintained on a ppi drip initially, and then transitioned to a oral ppi post endoscopy. his prednisone which he was taking for his pulmonary disease were tapered back to his baseline 10mg daily. given the refractoriness of his ulcers to endoscopic intervention, he was transferred to the surgical service for surgical intervention. on , the patient underwent an exploratory laparotomy, ligation of duodenal with biopsy, vagotomy and j-tube placement. the surgery went well without complication (reader referred to the operative note for details). after a brief, uneventful stay in the pacu, the patient was transferred to the sicu intubated secondary to his lung disease, npo, on iv fluids and antibiotics, with a foley catheter, and on propofol/fentanyl for pain control. he was extubated and tube feeds were started. the patient continued to do well and was transfered to the floor. the patient was hemodynamically stable. neuro: the patient received roxicet with good effect and adequate pain control. cv: postoperatively, the patient remained stable from a cardiovascular standpoint; vital signs were routinely monitored. he presented with diffuse edema and anasarca. he did have a bnp in the 8000's and was found to be in a chf flare. he received aggressive diuresis with effect. he received diuretics with all blood transfusions preoperatively. no signs/symptoms of active ischemia. presistently elevated troponin (0.04) presumably due to renal failure. he was in atrial fibrillation. because of his gi bleed, he was initially started on lower doses of his beta blocker, however he did not achieve good rate control on these lower doses, and so he resumed his home dose of metoprolol with effect. pulmonary: the patient remained stable from a pulmonary standpoint; pulmonology service was involved in his care and they made recommendations regarding his steroid regimen that he is currently on for his lung disease. vital signs were routinely monitored. good pulmonary toilet, early ambulation and incentive spirrometry were encouraged throughout hospitalization. gi/gu/fen: post-operatively, the patient was made npo with iv fluids. diet was advanced when appropriate, which was well tolerated. he is on tube feeds (nutren 2.0 @40cc/hour that we have been weaning down (now at 20cc/hour) as we advanced his diet to regular. patient's intake and output were closely monitored, and iv fluid was adjusted when necessary. electrolytes were routinely followed, and repleted when necessary. id: the patient's white blood count and fever curves were closely watched for signs of infection. wound care .... endocrine: the patient's blood sugar was monitored throughout his stay; insulin dosing was adjusted accordingly. hematology: the patient's complete blood count was examined routinely; no transfusions were required postoperatively. msk: tendon rupture: the patient experienced the sensation of his wrist popping during use, although he had no hand trauma. since then he was unable to extend his fourth and fifth right fingers, however sensation was . neurology was consulted and felt that there was no neurologic pattern to his deficit. hand service was consulted and his hand was splinted, with recommendation for mri. he was scheduled to follow up with the hand service as an outpatient. prophylaxis: the patient received subcutaneous heparin and venodyne boots were used during this stay; was encouraged to get up and ambulate as early as possible. at the time of discharge, the patient was doing well, afebrile with stable vital signs. the patient was tolerating a regular diet and tube feeds, ambulating, voiding with assistance, and pain was well controlled. the patient received discharge teaching and follow-up instructions with understanding verbalized and agreement with the discharge plan. medications on admission: home medications. 1. simvastatin 10 mg tablet : two (2) tablet po daily (daily). 2. tamsulosin 0.4 mg capsule, sust. release 24 hr : one (1) capsule, sust. release 24 hr po hs (at bedtime). 3. finasteride 5 mg tablet : one (1) tablet po daily (daily). 4. glipizide 5 mg tablet : one (1) tablet po daily (daily). 5. clonidine 0.1 mg tablet : one (1) tablet po qhs (once a day (at bedtime)). 6. metoprolol tartrate 50 mg tablet : three (3) tablet po bid (2 times a day). 7. cholecalciferol (vitamin d3) 400 unit tablet : two (2) tablet po daily (daily). 8. calcium carbonate 500 mg tablet, chewable : three (3) tablet, chewable po daily (daily). 9. trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole 80-400 mg tablet : one (1) tablet po daily (daily). 10. fluticasone 50 mcg/actuation spray, suspension : two (2) spray nasal daily (daily). 11. tiotropium bromide 18 mcg capsule, w/inhalation device : one (1) cap inhalation daily (daily). 12. symbicort 160-4.5 mcg/actuation hfa aerosol inhaler : one (1) inh inhalation (2 times a day). 13. pantoprazole 40 mg tablet, delayed release (e.c.) : one (1) tablet, delayed release (e.c.) po q12h (every 12 hours). 14. leflunomide 10 mg tablet : two (2) tablet po daily (). 15. fluconazole 200 mg tablet : 0.5 tablet po q24h (every 24 hours) for 2 weeks. 16. prednisone 20 mg tablet : one (1) tablet po daily (daily) for 6 days. 17. prednisone 5 mg tablet : three (3) tablet po daily (daily) for 7 days. 18. prednisone 10 mg tablet : one (1) tablet po daily (). 19. insulin lispro 100 unit/ml cartridge : see sliding sclae subcutaneous four times a day: breakfast/lunch/dinner: 151-200 2 units, 201-250 4 units, 251-300 6 units, 301-350 8 units, 351-400 10 units; bedtime 201-250 1 unit, 251-300 2 units, 301-350 3 units, 351-400 4 units. 20. furosemide 80 mg tablet : one (1) tablet po daily (daily): please titrate for net negative 500ml-1l fluid balance daily. 21. aspirin 81 mg tablet, chewable : one (1) tablet, chewable po daily (daily). 22. potassium chloride 20 meq packet : one (1) packet po once a day. medications on transfer 1. humalog insulin sliding scale 2. simvastatin 20 mg po qhs 3. finasteride 5 mg po qam 4. tamsulosin 0.4 mg po qhs 5. glipizide 5 mg po qam 6. clonidine 0.1 mg po qhs 7. metoprolol tartrate 150 mg po bid 8. fluticasone nasal 2 sprays each nostril qam 9. tiotropium inhaler daily 10. budesonide-formeterol inhaler 11. fluconazole 100 mg po bid (through ) 12. calcium carbonate 1500 mg po qam 13. prednisone 15 mg po daily through (then switch to 10mg daily) 14. amlodipine 5 mg po qam 15. albuterol neb 2.5 mg by neb q6hrs and q2hrs prn 16. feosol 5 grains po bid 17. furosemide 60 mg iv bid 18. bacitracin to lower extremity ulcerations 19. colchicine 0.6 mg po daily 20. leflunomide 20 mg po qam 21. vitamin d 50,000 units weekly 22. kcl 20 meq po daily 23. sucralfate 1 gm po 4* daily 24. pantoprazole 80 mg iv q10 hours 25. apap prn discharge medications: 1. simvastatin 40 mg tablet : 0.5 tablet po daily (daily). 2. tamsulosin 0.4 mg capsule, sust. release 24 hr : one (1) capsule, sust. release 24 hr po hs (at bedtime). 3. clonidine 0.1 mg tablet : one (1) tablet po qhs (once a day (at bedtime)). 4. metoprolol tartrate 50 mg tablet : three (3) tablet po bid (2 times a day). 5. calcium carbonate 500 mg tablet, chewable : three (3) tablet, chewable po qam (once a day (in the morning)). 6. fluticasone 50 mcg/actuation spray, suspension : two (2) spray nasal daily (daily). 7. pantoprazole 40 mg tablet, delayed release (e.c.) : one (1) tablet, delayed release (e.c.) po q12h (every 12 hours). 8. finasteride 5 mg tablet : one (1) tablet po daily (daily). 9. sucralfate 1 gram tablet : one (1) tablet po qid (4 times a day). 10. prednisone 10 mg tablet : one (1) tablet po daily (daily). 11. acetaminophen 500 mg tablet : one (1) tablet po q8 (). 12. tiotropium bromide 18 mcg capsule, w/inhalation device : one (1) cap inhalation daily (daily). 13. glipizide 5 mg tablet : one (1) tablet po daily (daily). 14. diltiazem hcl 30 mg tablet : one (1) tablet po tid (3 times a day). disp:*90 tablet(s)* refills:*2* 15. lansoprazole 30 mg tablet,rapid dissolve, dr : one (1) tablet,rapid dissolve, dr po bid (2 times a day). disp:*60 tablet,rapid dissolve, dr(s)* refills:*12* 16. ipratropium bromide 17 mcg/actuation aerosol : two (2) puff inhalation qid (4 times a day). 17. fluticasone-salmeterol 250-50 mcg/dose disk with device : one (1) disk with device inhalation (2 times a day). 18. oxycodone-acetaminophen 5-325 mg/5 ml solution : 5-10 mls po q4h (every 4 hours) as needed for pain. disp:*500 ml(s)* refills:*0* 19. symbicort 160-4.5 mcg/actuation hfa aerosol inhaler : one (1) inhalation twice a day. 20. docusate sodium 50 mg/5 ml liquid : one (1) po bid (2 times a day). disp:*60 * refills:*2* discharge disposition: extended care facility: hospital discharge diagnosis: primary: 1. duodenal . secondary: 1. right extensor tendon rupture 2. congestive heart failure 3. atrial fibrillation discharge condition: stable, good, 02 saturation 98% on 1l nc. mental status . ambulating with assistance. discharge instructions: you were admitted to the hospital because you were having bleeding. you had an endoscopy which showed a large duodenal . please return to the doctor or call the clinic if you experience bleeding, black, tarry stools, feel light headed, have blurry vision, feel short of breath, or any other symptoms that are concerning to you. . please weigh yourself every morning, md if weight goes up more than 3 lbs. . please adhere to 2 gm sodium diet. . please resume all regular home medications , unless specifically advised not to take a particular medication. also, please take any new medications as prescribed. please get plenty of rest, continue to ambulate several times per day, and drink adequate amounts of fluids. avoid lifting weights greater than lbs until you follow-up with your surgeon, who will instruct you further regarding activity restrictions. avoid driving or operating heavy machinery while taking pain medications. please follow-up with your surgeon and primary care provider (pcp) as advised. please get plenty of rest, continue to ambulate several times per day, and drink adequate amounts of fluids. avoid lifting weights greater than lbs until you follow-up with your surgeon, who will instruct you further regarding activity restrictions. avoid driving or operating heavy machinery while taking pain medications. please follow-up with your surgeon and primary care provider (pcp) as advised. incision care: *please call your doctor or nurse practitioner if you have increased pain, swelling, redness, or drainage from the incision site. *avoid swimming and baths until your follow-up appointment. *you may shower, and wash surgical incisions with a mild soap and warm water. gently pat the area dry. *if you have staples, they will be removed at your follow-up appointment. *if you have steri-strips, they will fall off on their own. please remove any remaining strips 7-10 days after surgery. j tube care: check j tube site daily for signs of infection, redness, swelling, discharge. clean daily with alcohol swab or hydrogen peroxide. followup instructions: provider: (pulmonary) dr. 8:30am friday medical specialty provider: (surgery) dr. phone: campus ground floor surgical specialties 2pm provider: clinic monday 9:30 procedure: venous catheterization, not elsewhere classified other enterostomy other endoscopy of small intestine enteral infusion of concentrated nutritional substances endoscopic control of gastric or duodenal bleeding suture of duodenal ulcer site other pyloroplasty open biopsy of small intestine vagotomy, not otherwise specified diagnoses: congestive heart failure, unspecified long-term (current) use of steroids acute posthemorrhagic anemia acute kidney failure, unspecified iron deficiency anemia secondary to blood loss (chronic) unspecified protein-calorie malnutrition chronic airway obstruction, not elsewhere classified hypertensive chronic kidney disease, unspecified, with chronic kidney disease stage i through stage iv, or unspecified atrial fibrillation acute on chronic diastolic heart failure aortocoronary bypass status diabetes with neurological manifestations, type ii or unspecified type, not stated as uncontrolled polyneuropathy in diabetes atrial flutter hypertrophy (benign) of prostate without urinary obstruction and other lower urinary tract symptom (luts) chronic kidney disease, unspecified other and unspecified hyperlipidemia other complications due to other vascular device, implant, and graft rheumatoid arthritis obesity, unspecified chronic or unspecified duodenal ulcer with hemorrhage, without mention of obstruction candidal esophagitis nontraumatic rupture of extensor tendons of hand and wrist Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: *allergies: dilantin, tegratol, amoxacillin, pcn, benzos **event: this am (0830) after turning, pt noted to be coughing vigorously, not getting volumes, sbp > 220, unable to pass sxn cath, paged ip stat as rt felt stent was possibley out of place. dr. responded, emergency done and found that ett had come out of stent and gone back down outside of the stent. this was corrected and ett now @ 24 to lip and taped extra securely. during this episode pt received a total of 10mg morphine, 10mg hydralazine for bp, 20mcg (2ml) propofol, 300cc w/ open ivf. ip recommended to team that we maintain hr, bp and fluid control. pt is on air bed and has not been turned since to allow rest for the day. neuro: in and out of sleep, easily arousable ( states he sleeps often @ home as well), answers w/ nodding and tries to mouth words at times, perrl 3mm/brisk, no complaints of pain. r sided weakness (s/p stroke 8 years ago) no movement rue, rle moves on bed, l side w/ normal strength. cardiac: nsr w/o ectopy, hr 72-92, sbp 107-130. bp tolerating diuresis w/ 40mg iv lasix. metoprolol was held this am d/t low bp, given this afternoon. k was repleated in am, may need repeat lab following afternoon diuresis. hct stable @ 36. resp: a/c 60%/600/16/12, last abg was 7.38/33/173/20 on 100% forllowing episode, fio2 now @ 60%. attempted wean overnight but pt did not tolerate (desat and increased secretions). vent settings to remain as is if tolerating to allow for rest overnight, mdi's. sxn periodically. last cxr showed improving infiltrate (pna), but slightly increased . ip as of yet has not determined the cause of his poor oxygenation, ?ards. this shift, rr 16-19, o2sat 90-96. ls coarse throughout, but more diminished in bases. gi/gu: tf (nurtren pulmonary) @ goal 55cc/hr. hyperactive bs, abd firm/distended, no stool this shift, +ileus, kub repeated today, results pnd, started narcan to treat but may take a few days for effect, told to tf. collect c.diff if stools. urine out foley yellow/clear in minimal amts until 40mg lasix iv w/ good effect, to diurese prn as tolerated w/ goal even to -500cc for 24h. fsbg 129, no coverage per riss. id: temp 98.4-98.6, wbc 8.4. aztreonam. vanco level this am 36, holding pm dose. changed to qd, draw level w/ am labs and do not give dose in am until level is read, goal vanco level 15-20. skin: purple area on coccyx treated this am w/ aloe vesta cream. iv sites wnl. procedure: continuous invasive mechanical ventilation for less than 96 consecutive hours venous catheterization, not elsewhere classified continuous invasive mechanical ventilation for 96 consecutive hours or more insertion of endotracheal tube insertion of endotracheal tube enteral infusion of concentrated nutritional substances other bronchoscopy other bronchoscopy other bronchoscopy other lavage of bronchus and trachea other lavage of bronchus and trachea percutaneous [endoscopic] gastrostomy [peg] arterial catheterization other intubation of respiratory tract temporary tracheostomy closed [endoscopic] biopsy of bronchus other operations on trachea endoscopic excision or destruction of lesion or tissue of bronchus replacement of laryngeal or tracheal stent infusion of vasopressor agent diagnoses: anemia of other chronic disease congestive heart failure, unspecified acute kidney failure, unspecified unspecified protein-calorie malnutrition hypertensive chronic kidney disease, unspecified, with chronic kidney disease stage i through stage iv, or unspecified other convulsions chronic kidney disease, unspecified acute and chronic respiratory failure pneumonitis due to inhalation of food or vomitus bacteremia other late effects of cerebrovascular disease paralytic ileus mechanical complication due to other implant and internal device, not elsewhere classified hypoxemia hypovolemia other and unspecified complications of medical care, not elsewhere classified other specified hypotension bronchitis, not specified as acute or chronic other diseases of trachea and bronchus foreign body in main bronchus muscle weakness (generalized) Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: allergies: patient recorded as having no known allergies to drugs attending: chief complaint: transfer with subarachnoid hemorrhage major surgical or invasive procedure: clipping of right mca aneurysm cerebral angiogram history of present illness: 64f was reportedly eating dinner on , c/o ha, then became unresponsive for +/- 5min. she regained conciousness at the time of ems arrival. bp on the field was 173/114. she was sent to hospital where a ct showed r mca hemorrhage. patient was intubated and paralysed (fentanyl/versed/vecuronium) for transfer to . patient was given dilantin 800mg loading dose at osh. past medical history: migraine, arthritis, osteoporosis, htn - no meds last 6mo due to no insurance. social history: resident of ; living with daughter and husband in mass since ; smoker. no alcohol use. family history: no family history of anuersyms physical exam: t: 100 (pr) bp: 152/82 hr:78 r 12 o2sats100% on vent gen: intubated/sedated/paralysed/unresponsive heent: pupils: perrla neck: supple. lungs: cta bilaterally. cardiac: rrr. s1/s2. abd: soft, nt, bs+ extrem: warm and well-perfused. neuro: mental status: intubated/sedated/paralysed/unresponsive cranial nerves: i: not tested ii: pupils equally round and reactive to light, 2.5mm to 2mm bilaterally. no corneal response bilaterally. the rest of cranial nerves unable to assess. motor: normal bulk bilaterally. flaccid extremity x4. no posturing. sensation: no grimace/withdrawal to noxious stimuli bilaterally. reflexes: diminished throughout. toes neutral bilaterally brief hospital course: mrs. was admitted to the intensive care unit, her bp was kept strictly less than 130. she was started on nimodipine, for sah prophylaxis and required mechanical ventilation. on hd1 she underwent a cerebral angiogram which showed: an approximately 7 x 5 mm aneurysm of the bifurcation of the right middle cerebral artery with an approximately 2 mm neck and multiple m2 segment branches arising from the aneurysm. it also showed an approximately 3 mm aneurysm arising from the distal m1 segment of the left middle cerebral artery, and a third, approximately 3 mm, aneurysm arising from the proximal m2 segment of the left middle cerebral artery. she had a external ventriculosty drain placed prophylactically in preparation of a craniotomy. . on hd2 () she underwent a right sided craniotomy for clipping of the right mca aneurysm without peri-operative complications. postoperatively she underwent angiogram #2 and she was found to have an approximately 3 mm moderate focal stenosis of the distal m1 segment of the right middle cerebral artery just proximal to the clip site. during the capillary phase of filling, lack of flow was identified within the temporal lobe which was likely due to parenchymal hematoma. additionally, there is lack of blood flow seen in the temporoparietal region with extension towards the cortex suggesting temporoparietal infarct. . a ct scan was performed on and showing slight interval increase in size of large right frontotemporal intraparenchymal hematoma with slightly more mass effect on the right lateral ventricle, new pneumocephalus underlying the right frontal and temporal lobes, with new preseptal emphysema. a suspected stroke was seen on the 28th: interval increase in the size of the right frontal- temporal intraparenchymal hemorrhage with an increase in the mass effect, shift of normally midline structures, and uncal herniation. of note, there is a focal area of hypodensity seen in the right internal capsule which was not seen on prior studies. this may represent a focal area of ischemia/infarct. . neurologically she had a poor exam for the bulk of the stay, with unresponsiveness and only with limited eye opening on repeated noxious stimulation. her pupils were equall, round and reactive throughout the stay, with intact oculocephalic reflexes, and gag reflexes. initially she was flaccid with all 4 extremities, later she developed a dense hemisparesis on the l, with internal rotation of the ue on noxious stimulation, and a triple response on the lle. despite upgoing toes bilaterally, she appeared to more purposefully attempt a withdraw on the rle, with localization of the rue, at times brisk but overall slow and poor. due to hypertonicity that started to affect all 4's, she was given orthotic shoes and braces for her arms and hands to prevent contractions. she remained in this state thoughout her stay, and on - close to a month after admission, she was in virtually the same condition, with slight increased arousability, albeit brief. . on a ct noted increased midlineshift (mls) and perilesional edema, and there was a question of a rebleed. images were reviwed by the neurosrugery team, and clinically, she had not deteriorated. she was started on mannitol 25 mg q6 after a single bolus of 100 mg iv. she received a peg/trach on due to prolonged need for ventilator support. she was started on dilantin and later switched to keppra because of suspected drug-induced fever. she was started on tube feeds around hd3. . serial ctas were done on a regular basis to assess for vasospasm on which was demonstrated on ( mild, non-occlusive aca's bilateral and l mca) and she was started on hhh therapy, nimodipine was continued. subsequent angiograms showed mild non-occlusive vasospasm seen involving the anterior cerebral arteries bilaterally, as well as the left middle cerebral artery, verapamil given. : ct: continued midlline shift . went to or for r hemicraniectomy. id treated with vanco and ceftaz for 14 days for fevers of unknown origin all cultures were negative. she was transferred to neuro stepdown, was weaned off her ventricualr drain. staples were removed from incision which was well healed. she was seen by pt and ot. neurologically at time of discharge she did not open eyes to voice and attempted to localize to noxious stimulation in extremities. medications on admission: otc excedrin for ha, family unsure about dosage/last dose. occasional vicodin. no current prescrition meds. discharge medications: 1. bisacodyl 5 mg tablet, delayed release (e.c.) sig: two (2) tablet, delayed release (e.c.) po daily (daily) as needed. 2. famotidine 20 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po bid (2 times a day). 3. acetaminophen 160 mg/5 ml solution sig: po q4h (every 4 hours) as needed. 4. heparin (porcine) 5,000 unit/ml solution sig: one (1) injection tid (3 times a day). 5. miconazole nitrate 2 % powder sig: one (1) appl topical tid (3 times a day) as needed. 6. nystatin-triamcinolone 100,000-0.1 unit/g-% ointment sig: one (1) appl topical (2 times a day) as needed. 7. zinc oxide-cod liver oil 40 % ointment sig: one (1) appl topical prn (as needed). 8. levetiracetam 500 mg tablet sig: three (3) tablet po bid (2 times a day). 9. artificial tear with lanolin 0.1-0.1 % ointment sig: one (1) appl ophthalmic prn (as needed). 10. albuterol sulfate 0.083 % (0.83 mg/ml) solution sig: one (1) inhalation q2h (every 2 hours) as needed. 11. nystatin 100,000 unit/ml suspension sig: five (5) ml po qid (4 times a day) as needed. 12. metoprolol tartrate 50 mg tablet sig: two (2) tablet po tid (3 times a day). discharge disposition: extended care facility: healthcare center - discharge diagnosis: sah r mca anuerysm discharge condition: neurologically stable discharge instructions: ?????? have a family member check your incision daily for signs of infection ?????? take your pain medicine as prescribed ?????? exercise should be limited to walking; no lifting, straining, excessive bending ?????? you may wash your hair only after sutures and/or staples have been removed ?????? you may shower before this time with assistance and use of a shower cap ?????? increase your intake of fluids and fiber as pain medicine (narcotics) can cause constipation ?????? unless directed by your doctor, do not take any anti-inflammatory medicines such as motrin, aspirin, advil, ibuprofen etc. ?????? if you have been prescribed an anti-seizure medicine, take it as prescribed and follow up with laboratory blood drawing as ordered ?????? clearance to drive and return to work will be addressed at your post-operative office visit call your surgeon immediately if you experience any of the following: ?????? new onset of tremors or seizures ?????? any confusion or change in mental status ?????? any numbness, tingling, weakness in your extremities ?????? pain or headache that is continually increasing or not relieved by pain medication ?????? any signs of infection at the wound site: redness, swelling, tenderness, drainage ?????? fever greater than or equal to 101?????? f followup instructions: your will need a follow up angiogram, repeat head ct,and surgery to replace bone flap. follow up with dr in 8weeks. call for appt. procedure: venous catheterization, not elsewhere classified continuous invasive mechanical ventilation for 96 consecutive hours or more insertion of endotracheal tube enteral infusion of concentrated nutritional substances percutaneous [endoscopic] gastrostomy [peg] clipping of aneurysm arteriography of cerebral arteries intravascular imaging of intrathoracic vessels temporary tracheostomy other craniotomy diagnoses: obstructive hydrocephalus unspecified essential hypertension subarachnoid hemorrhage acute respiratory failure alkalosis osteoporosis, unspecified migraine, unspecified, without mention of intractable migraine without mention of status migrainosus essential thrombocythemia Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: allergies: bactrim / simvastatin / ibuprofen attending: chief complaint: hypotension major surgical or invasive procedure: s/p pulmonary vein isolation (ablation) pericardiocentesis right heart catheterization history of present illness: 75yo female with hx of paroxysmal afib since . she has failed medical management with sotalol with breakthrough episodes of afib and underwent pvi in . she was asx since that time until mid-. she had a presyncopal episode with lightheadedness, n/v x1 at church. she was taken to and was reportedly in afib with hr of 144, per patient. dr. , her cardiologist at , did a nuclear stress test, the results of which are not available from his office. during this hospitalization, she was started on pradaxa (she had previously been taking coumadin), and she reports taht she has been tolerating pradaxa well. since discharge from , she reports feeling of pain in her sternum once or twice, which she believes is related to her episodes of afib, but says "it may be my reflux," and she has not had this pain recently. she denies more syncope or pre-syncope since her presentation to . . the patient was referred for pvi today with dr. . the patient tolerated the procedure will initially but then became hypotensive and was noted to have significant pericardial effusion but without tamponade physiology. she was started on neosynephrine in her procedure, 3.8l of ivf. . the patient is otherwise in good health and is fully functional and independent. in the ccu, she is feeling nauseous, which is how she feels every time she has anesthesia. . on review of systems, the patient endorses exertional calf pain. she also endorses a nonproductive cough, which she relates to starting diltiazem. she denies any prior history of stroke, tia, deep venous thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, bleeding at the time of surgery, myalgias, joint pains, hemoptysis, black stools or red stools. she denies recent fevers, chills or rigors. all of the other review of systems were negative. . cardiac review of systems is notable for absence of chest pain, dyspnea on exertion, paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea, orthopnea, ankle edema, palpitations, syncope or presyncope. . past medical history: 1. cardiac risk factors: -diabetes, +dyslipidemia, -hypertension 2. cardiac history: - cabg: none - percutaneous coronary interventions: none - pacing/icd: none 3. other past medical history: paroxysmal atrial fibrillation arthritis osteoporsis left total knee replacement slow to wake from anesthesia acid reflux tonsillectomy history of uti syncope/presyncope social history: lives with husband and adult son but independent in adls. retired from being a secretary, no home services. - tobacco history: denies - etoh: rare (3 times per year) - illicit drugs: denies family history: - no family history of early mi, arrhythmia, cardiomyopathies, or sudden cardiac death; otherwise non-contributory. - mother: deceased of colon ca in her 60s - father: deceased of pna in his 70s - 2 brothers with afib; one with hx of stroke - 1 brother healthy - 2 sons healthy in their 40s physical exam: admission physical exam vs: t=95.6 bp=131/72 hr=92 rr=14 o2 sat= 96% 2l general: nad. oriented x3. mood, affect appropriate. heent: ncat. sclera anicteric. perrl, eomi. conjunctiva were pink, no pallor or cyanosis of the oral mucosa. no xanthalesma. neck: supple with jvp at mid-neck when lying supine. negative kussmaul's cardiac: pmi located in 5th intercostal space, midclavicular line. rr, normal s1, s2. no m/r/g. no thrills, lifts. no s3 or s4. lungs: no chest wall deformities, scoliosis or kyphosis. resp were unlabored, no accessory muscle use. ctab, no crackles, wheezes or rhonchi. abdomen: soft, ntnd. no hsm or tenderness. extremities: no c/c/e. no femoral bruits. r femoral bandage blood stained with no ecchymosis. skin: no stasis dermatitis, ulcers, scars, or xanthomas. pulses: right: carotid 2+ femoral 2+ popliteal 2+ dp 2+ pt 2+ left: carotid 2+ femoral 2+ popliteal 2+ dp 2+ pt 2+ pertinent results: admission labs . 05:15pm blood hct-33.6* 11:00pm blood wbc-17.7*# rbc-4.26 hgb-12.4 hct-38.7 mcv-91# mch-29.2 mchc-32.1 rdw-13.5 plt ct-334 07:00am blood pt-12.4 ptt-52.4* inr(pt)-1.1 11:00pm blood glucose-141* urean-18 creat-0.7 na-144 k-4.1 cl-114* hco3-20* angap-14 11:00pm blood calcium-8.0* phos-3.9 mg-1.7 . pertinent labs and studies: 04:53am blood type-art po2-138* pco2-41 ph-7.36 caltco2-24 base xs--1 07:55am blood type-art temp-36.1 po2-60* pco2-32* ph-7.49* caltco2-25 base xs-1 intubat-not intuba echo 5:30 pm the estimated right atrial pressure is at least 15 mmhg. overall left ventricular systolic function is normal (lvef>55%). there is a moderate sized pericardial effusion measuring 1.2-2.0 centimeters that is most prominent anteriorly and apically. there is no significant transmitral inflow respiratory variation. there is brief right atrial diastolic collapse consistent with possible early tamponade. impression: moderate pericardial effusion. signs of increased pericardial pressure with the suggestion of possible early tamponade. . echo 9pm the estimated right atrial pressure is at least 15 mmhg. there is a moderate sized pericardial effusion measuring up to 1.8 centimeters in greatest dimension with preferential fluid deposition anteriorly and apically. there is no clinically significant transmitral inflow respiratory variation. brief right atrial diastolic collapse is seen. impression: moderate pericardial effusion. brief right atrial diastolic collapse consistent with possible early tamponade. compared with the findings of the prior study, the findings are similar. . pericardial fluid analysis negative for malignant cells . echo overall left ventricular systolic function is normal (lvef>55%). there is a moderate sized, echo-dense pericardial effusion, measuring up to 2 centimeters in greatest dimension with preferential fluid deposition anteriorly and apically. there is the suggestion of transient right ventricular diastolic collapse in some views, consistent with impaired fillling/tamponade physiology. impression: moderate sized pericardial effusion with early tamponade physiology. compared with the findings of the prior study the rv is smaller and there is now echocardiographic evidence of early tamponade. . pericardiocentesis/ right heart cath pericardiocentesis: was performed via the subxyphoid approach, using an 18 gauge thin-wall needle, a guide wire, and a drainage catheter. right heart catheterization: was performed using a 5f pa catheter advanced through a 5f venous sheath in the right femoral vein. . echo 3:40am the estimated right atrial pressure is at least 15 mmhg. overall left ventricular systolic function is normal (lvef>55%). right ventricular chamber size and free wall motion are normal. there is moderate pulmonary artery systolic hypertension. there is a very small pericardial effusion. the effusion appears circumferential. there are no echocardiographic signs of tamponade. impression: limited study/focused views. very small, circumferential pericardial effusion without echocardiographic evidence of tamponade. compared with the prior study (images reviewed) of , a moderate sized, circumferential pericardial effusion with echocardiographic evidence of pericardial tamponade is no longer seen. moderate pulmonary artery systolic hypertension is now appreciated; its absence/presence was not previously assessed. . cxr there is moderate increased in size of the cardiac sillouethe. the mediastinum is widened. bilateral pleural effusions are large, associated with left greater than right adjacent atelectasis. there is mild vascular congestion. there is no evident pneumothorax. . ct chest 1. apparent mediastinal widening on the chest radiograph is explained by technical factors and mediastinal congestion. no evidence of meadiastinal hematoma or mass lesion. 2. following pericardiocentesis mild pericardial fluid remains, no evidence of cardiac tamponade. 3. bilateral, moderate, posteriorly layering pleural effusions with no pleural thickening or enhancement, could be partially hemorrhagic, exudate or longstanding transudate. . cxr 1. bilateral pleural effusions with interval increase in left pleural effusion. 2. slightly increased mediastinal widening. attention on followup is recommended. 3. mild vascular congestion is slightly improved. . cxr bilateral pleural effusions obscure cardiac silhouette. thus interval change in its size cannot be entirely assessed, although no substantial change within this limited assessment is noted. mediastinal contours are unchanged. left and right perihilar opacities most likely represent mild degree of pulmonary edema. . pericardial fluid culture : staph coag neg blood culture x 2 : pending urine culture : negative stool c diff : negative brief hospital course: 75yo female with pmhx of afib, s/p pvi complicated by pericardial effusion with tamponade physiology requiring pericardiocentesis with inadvertent access and injection of dye into the pleural space, now with pleural effusions, pulmonary edema, leukocytosis. . # hypoxia and acute pulmonary edema: the patient became acutely short of breath on requiring nrb. cxr showed pulmonary edema with pleural effusions. she was diuresed aggressively but still had oxygen requirement. there was low suspicion for pneumonia although the patient did have a leukocytosis, as she had no localizing symptoms and her cxr was more concerning for fluid overload secondary to aggressive fluids given during rescicitation for pericardial tamponade. she did have one pericardial fluid grow coag negative staph but it was thought to be likely contaminant. . # pericardial effusion: the patient had a sigificant pericardial effusion with tamponade physiology which formed after pvi. she received pericardiocentesis and tolerated the procedure well, the drain was not left in the pericardium as the patient was experiencing too much pain the drain. her pericardial effusion has not reaccumulated as seen on informal bedside echo done after the pericardiocentesis. she did have some positional pain after the pericardiocentesis, which was thought to be pericarditis and the patient was started on colchicine. . # leukocotysis: the patient has developed a leukocytosis with a white count from 16 to 22.9 and then trended down to 10.1. one culture from pericardial fluid growing gpc although clinically does not appear to have purulent pericarditis. she has been afebrile. her ua is negative, blood cultures no growth to date. pulmonary source considered given alveolar findings on imaging and antibiotics were not given. . # atrial fibrillation: pt has hx of syncope with paroxysmal afib and has failed medical management. she is s/p pvi and is currently in sinus rhythm with atrial ectopy. had 1 hr episode of likely due to pericardial irritation s/p drainage which she spontaneously reverted back to nsr. she was restarted on diltiazem and did have one episode of afib with , her dilitazem was increased to 180mg daily and sotalol was also started. . chronic care: # hyperlipidemia: continue statin and omega3 fatty acids . # gerd: continue pantoprazole . transitions of care issues: 1. at the time of discharge, blood cultures from this admission were pending but without growth. 2. we stopped pradaxa and we restarted warfarin again to pevent a stroke until you see dr. in . dr. will monitor your inr for the next month. 3. we increase your diltiazem to keep your heart rate low and prevent atrial fibrillation and this will be managed by your cardiologist. 4. you will need to use a cardiac event mornitor ( of hearts) again until you see dr. in . 5. please contact office regarding inr monitoring when you get home. medications on admission: atorvastatin - (prescribed by other provider) - 10 mg tablet - 1 tablet(s) by mouth at bedtime dabigatran etexilate - (prescribed by other provider) - 150 mg capsule - one capsule(s) by mouth twice a day denosumab - (prescribed by other provider) - 60 mg/ml syringe - twice per year lat dose diltiazem hcl - (prescribed by other provider) - 120 mg capsule, ext release 24 hr - one capsule(s) by mouth once a day pantoprazole - (prescribed by other provider) - 40 mg tablet, delayed release (e.c.) - one tablet(s) by mouth once a day in am ascorbic acid - (prescribed by other provider) - 500 mg capsule, extended release - 1 capsule(s) by mouth daily calcium carbonate-vitamin d3 - (prescribed by other provider) - 600 mg-400 unit tablet - 1 tablet(s) by mouth twice a day cholecalciferol (vitamin d3) - (prescribed by other provider) - dosage uncertain magnesium - (prescribed by other provider) - dosage uncertain milk thistle - (prescribed by other provider) - dosage uncertain multivitamin-minerals-lutein - (prescribed by other provider) - tablet - 1 tablet(s) by mouth daily omega-3 fatty acids-fish oil - (prescribed by other provider) - dosage uncertain discharge medications: 1. atorvastatin 10 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po hs (at bedtime). 2. prolia 60 mg/ml syringe sig: one (1) injection subcutaneous 2x/ year. 3. ascorbic acid 500 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po once a day. 4. calcium 600 + d(3) 600 mg(1,500mg) -400 unit tablet sig: one (1) tablet po twice a day. 5. cholecalciferol (vitamin d3) 400 unit tablet sig: one (1) tablet po once a day. 6. magnesium 250 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po once a day. 7. milk thistle 200 mg capsule sig: one (1) capsule po twice a day. 8. centrum silver tablet sig: one (1) tablet po once a day. 9. fish oil 1,000 mg capsule sig: one (1) capsule po twice a day. 10. aspirin 81 mg tablet, delayed release (e.c.) sig: one (1) tablet, delayed release (e.c.) po daily (daily). 11. diltiazem hcl 180 mg capsule, extended release sig: one (1) capsule, extended release po daily (daily). disp:*30 capsule, extended release(s)* refills:*2* 12. sotalol 80 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po bid (2 times a day). disp:*60 tablet(s)* refills:*2* 13. colchicine 0.6 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po daily (daily) for 2 weeks. disp:*14 tablet(s)* refills:*0* 14. warfarin 1 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po days (,mo,tu,we,th,fr,sa). disp:*30 tablet(s)* refills:*2* 15. pantoprazole 40 mg tablet, delayed release (e.c.) sig: one (1) tablet, delayed release (e.c.) po q24h (every 24 hours). 16. outpatient lab work please check inr, chem-7 on friday with results to dr. 131 ornac jcb #800 , phone: ( discharge disposition: home discharge diagnosis: s/p pulmonary vein isolation (ablation) pericardial tamponade atrial fibrillation gerd dyslipidemia discharge condition: mental status: clear and coherent. level of consciousness: alert and interactive. activity status: ambulatory - independent. discharge instructions: you had a pulmonary vein isolation (ablation) procedure to treat your atrial fibrillation. the procedure was complicated by the accumulation of blood in the pericardial space around the heart. this blood is now going away but is causing some inflammation that may be leading to intermittant atrial fibrillation. you will be on colchicine to treat this inflammation and sotolol to prevent atrial fibrillation. if you have worsening pain in either groin, fevers, chills or shortness of breath call dr. . if you have light headedness or dizziness and think you are in atrial fibrillation, please use the event monitor to transmit a strip, lie down on your bed and rest. a cardiology fellow or the holter lab will contact you about your rhythm and what to do next. . we made the following changes to your medicines: 1. start sotolol to prevent atrial fibrillation 2. stop pradaxa, start warfarin again to pevent a stroke until you see dr. in . dr. will monitor your inr for the next month. 3. increase diltiazem to keep your heart rate low and prevent atrial fibrillation. . you will need to use an even mornitor ( of hearts) again until you see dr. in . . please contact office regarding inr monitoring when you get home. followup instructions: department: cardiology, dr when: thursday at 4:40 pm * office* . name: , md specialty: internal medicine when: wednesday at 10:30am address: 131 ornac jcb bldg, , phone: procedure: pericardiocentesis excision or destruction of other lesion or tissue of heart, endovascular approach atrial cardioversion cardiac mapping right heart cardiac catheterization intracardiac echocardiography diagnoses: esophageal reflux pure hypercholesterolemia cardiac complications, not elsewhere classified atrial fibrillation accidental puncture or laceration during a procedure, not elsewhere classified osteoporosis, unspecified other specified surgical operations and procedures causing abnormal patient reaction, or later complication, without mention of misadventure at time of operation other respiratory complications knee joint replacement hemopericardium acute edema of lung, unspecified acute pericarditis, unspecified cardiac tamponade personal history, urinary (tract) infection other fluid overload other specified forms of effusion, except tuberculous Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: allergies: demerol / nsaids attending: chief complaint: gi bleed major surgical or invasive procedure: exploratory laparotomy, enterectomy, enteroenterostomy, ligation of av malformation x2. enteroscopy history of present illness: this patient had previously been admitted with gastrointestinal bleeding and had had the av malformation coiled to see whether or not it would be therapeutic. it was not and she was admitted with another gi bleed. past medical history: cad, s/p mi dm2 s/p tia - small, l posterior limb of the internal capsule; seen at gi bleeds since migraines s/p ccy s/p lumbar surgery "fast heart rate" anemia 3 nsvd social history: lives at home with husband, 2 children, and grandchild. works in medical billing. quit smoking many years ago, no etoh, no other drugs. family history: daughter with ulcerative colitis. brother died of esophageal ca, father died of prostate ca, mother with "heart problems," siblings with diabetes. physical exam: 98.2 150/70 91 22 97% ra gen- pleasant lady resting comfortably in bed. no acute distress anicteric cardiac- regular rate and rhythm. ii/vi systolic ejection murmur at lusb. pulm- clear to auscultation bilaterally. no wheezes, rales, or rhonchi. abdomen- soft. nontender nondistended. positive bowel sounds. extremities- no clubbing cyanosis or edema. warm. pertinent results: 01:30pm blood wbc-9.4 rbc-1.97*# hgb-6.3*# hct-18.6*# mcv-95# mch-31.8 mchc-33.6 rdw-20.1* plt ct-241 02:49am blood wbc-8.6 rbc-3.26*# hgb-10.4*# hct-29.3* mcv-90 mch-31.9 mchc-35.5* rdw-17.6* plt ct-179 09:00pm blood wbc-7.8 rbc-3.13* hgb-10.0* hct-27.8* mcv-89 mch-31.8 mchc-35.8* rdw-17.0* plt ct-188 05:35am blood wbc-7.3 rbc-3.74* hgb-11.5* hct-33.2* mcv-89 mch-30.8 mchc-34.7 rdw-17.2* plt ct-186 12:17am blood hct-29.1* 01:11pm blood wbc-16.8*# rbc-3.62* hgb-11.5* hct-33.0* mcv-91 mch-31.8 mchc-34.9 rdw-17.4* plt ct-210 07:03am blood wbc-9.1 rbc-3.36* hgb-10.8* hct-30.5* mcv-91 mch-32.1* mchc-35.4* rdw-16.7* plt ct-154 03:07am blood wbc-7.8 rbc-3.01* hgb-9.4* hct-27.4* mcv-91 mch-31.1 mchc-34.2 rdw-15.6* plt ct-249 01:30pm blood pt-13.3 ptt-23.2 inr(pt)-1.2 06:15am blood pt-13.6* ptt-56.2* inr(pt)-1.2 02:50am blood pt-14.2* ptt-55.7* inr(pt)-1.4 02:14am blood pt-14.2* ptt-49.1* inr(pt)-1.4 06:05am blood pt-24.1* ptt-34.8 inr(pt)-4.2 05:37pm blood thrombn-150* 05:37pm blood protcfn-72 protsfn-67 aca igg-pnd aca igm-pnd 01:30pm blood glucose-188* urean-14 creat-0.6 na-143 k-3.8 cl-110* hco3-22 angap-15 07:03am blood glucose-207* urean-10 creat-0.5 na-137 k-4.1 cl-105 hco3-27 angap-9 03:07am blood glucose-154* urean-5* creat-0.5 na-143 k-3.9 cl-108 hco3-26 angap-13 01:30pm blood ck(cpk)-62 05:53am blood alt-24 ast-26 alkphos-92 amylase-45 totbili-0.2 09:12am blood ck(cpk)-227* 05:53am blood lipase-9 01:30pm blood ck-mb-notdone ctropnt-<0.01 12:39am blood ck-mb-9 ctropnt-0.47* 09:12am blood ck-mb-6 ctropnt-0.15* 04:16pm blood ck-mb-5 ctropnt-0.09* 02:49am blood calcium-8.5 phos-3.7 mg-1.7 07:03am blood albumin-3.0* calcium-8.7 phos-3.1 mg-1.6 iron-18* 05:53am blood albumin-2.8* calcium-8.3* phos-3.5 mg-2.1 02:14am blood calcium-8.2* phos-3.1 mg-1.6 cholest-127 07:03am blood caltibc-265 ferritn-84 trf-204 02:14am blood triglyc-140 hdl-31 chol/hd-4.1 ldlcalc-68 05:37pm blood homocys-4.5 11:23am blood ammonia-18 12:00pm blood vanco-10.0* 05:53am blood phenyto-6.9* 06:05am blood phenyto-11.2 09:00am blood freeca-1.08* 03:29am blood freeca-1.18 helicobacter pylori antibody test (final ): negative by eia. reference range: negative. 12:05 am sputum site: endotracheal **final report ** gram stain (final ): >25 pmns and <10 epithelial cells/100x field. 3+ (5-10 per 1000x field): gram positive rod(s). 1+ (<1 per 1000x field): gram positive cocci. in pairs and clusters. 1+ (<1 per 1000x field): gram negative rod(s). 12:48 pm catheter tip-iv source: cvl. **final report ** wound culture (final ): no significant growth. 12:40am urine blood-neg nitrite-neg protein-neg glucose-neg ketone-neg bilirub-neg urobiln-neg ph-5.0 leuks-sm radiology final report -59 distinct procedural service 7:30 pm reason: evaluate for source of bleeding. embolize if possible. contrast: optiray medical condition: 64 year old woman with active gi bleed seen on enteroscopy but no site identified. reason for this examination: evaluate for source of bleeding. embolize if possible. indication: history of recurrent active gi bleeding seen on enteroscopy, but no site identified. comparison: images from a prior mesenteric angiogram from . physicians: the procedure was performed by drs. and , with dr. , the attending radiologist, being present and supervising throughout the procedure. dr. reviewed the exam. procedure: prior to initiation of the procedure, written informed consent was obtained and a preprocedure timeout was performed. the right groin was prepped and draped in sterile fashion. a 19-gauge needle was used to access the right femoral artery, after which a 0.035 guide wire was advanced through the needle. the needle was exchanged for a 5 french sheath. a 4 french cobra glide catheter was advanced over the needle, and the tip was positioned within the celiac artery. the wire was removed, and contrast injected with arteriogram demonstrating no areas of active extravasation arising from branches of the celiac artery. the catheter was then positioned within the sma. contrast was injected and sma arteriogram was performed, and a focal area of contrast extravasation was identified, localized to a branch of the sma adjacent to the embolized area on the prior exam. based on the diagnostic findings, it was decided to proceed with embolization. a fast tracker microcatheter was then advanced through the cobra catheter and positioned within the bleeding vessel. the vessel was then embolized with two 2 mm x 1 cm microcoils. contrast was then injected demonstrating successful embolization of this bleeding vessel. however, bleeding was noted to have started from a new adjacent area, which could not be embolized. the catheters were then removed. the sheath was removed and manual compression was applied for 20 minutes until adequate hemostasis was achieved. anesthesia: local anesthesia was provided with 8 cc of 1% lidocaine. 2.5 mg of versed and 125 mcg of fentanyl were also administered. contrast: 100 ml of iv optiray contrast was administered. complications: no immediate complications. impression: 1. mesenteric angiogram demonstrated active contrast extravasation from a branch of the sma adjacent to the area of the previously embolized vessel. this vessel was successfully embolized with two microcoils. 2. subsequent injection after successful embolization demonstrated area of contrast extravasation adjacent to the embolized artery. access could not be obtained to this vessel, and this could not be embolized. results were discussed with the covering attending physician immediately after the procedure. radiology final report gi bleeding study gi bleeding study reason: egd but continues to have melena indication: 64-year-old woman with history of upper gi bleeding presenting with continued melena. a recent upper endoscopy was negative. interpretation: following intravenous injection of autologous red blood cells labelled with technetium-m, blood flow and dynamic images of the abdomen for 60 minutes were obtained. the flow images are limited, in that they represent posterior views. the dynamic blood flow images show bleeding, which begins in the distal duodenum or proximal jejunum, starting at 9 minutes, and then passing distally. the more likely source is the proximal jejunum. impression: evidence of active gastrointestinal bleeding, with the source either the distal duodenum or proximal jejunum. name birthdate age sex pathology # , 64 female report to: dr. . gross description by: dr. . /dif specimen submitted: small bowel--2 parts.. procedure date tissue received report date diagnosed by dr. /jip diagnosis: i. segmental resection of small bowel #1 (a-f): 1. focal fresh hemorrhage in the mucosa, submucosa, and muscularis propria. 2. foci of abnormally large caliber thick and thin-walled blood vessels in areas of hemorrhage and non-hemorrhagic bowel wall. the vessels are in the submucosa and muscularis propria. 3. fresh hemorrhage, focal, in the mesentery. ii. segmental resection of small bowel #2 (g-o): 1. focal acute hemorrhagic mucosal ischemic infarctions. the resection margins contain focal mucosal hemorrhage, but no necrosis is identified. 2. foci of abnormally large caliber thick and thin-walled blood vessels in areas of mural hemorrhage and in non-hemorrhagic bowel. these vessels are located primarily in the submucosa and muscularis propria, but focally involve the adjacent mesentery (slide o). a. recent thrombi present in submucosal arteries (slides g, i). b. organized thrombi in arterial vessels (slides g, n). 3. focal fresh hemorrhage in the mesentery. radiology final report mr contrast gadolin 8:23 pm mr head w & w/o contrast; mr contrast gadolin reason: mri stroke protocol plus mri with gadolinium contrast: magnevist medical condition: 64 year old woman with acute ams s/p removal of rij cvl. please eval acute stroke, seizure focus, etc. reason for this examination: mri stroke protocol plus mri with gadolinium contraindications for iv contrast: none. mr head clinical information: acute ams, status post removal of right internal jugular cvl. evaluate for acute stroke. technique: multiplanar, multisequence mri of the head with dwi. 3d tof mra of the circle of . findings: the dwi images demonstrate scattered foci of hyperintense abnormality along the expected region of the watershed territory of the aca and mca bilaterally (see series 10, image 410). the corresponding coronal t1 post-contrast images demonstrate subtle enhancement along the aca/mca watershed territories, more prominent on the left. these findings are in keeping of acute aca/mca watershed territory infarct. no further focus of abnormal enhancement is present. no additional t1 or t2 signal abnormalities within the cerebrum, cerebellum, or brainstem. ventricular size and configuration are within normal limits. basal cisterns are patent. -white matter differentiation is otherwise preserved. the 3d tof mra images demonstrate somewhat narrowed a1 segments of the acas bilaterally, of uncertain significance. otherwise, the circle of , and its principal branches demonstrate normal flow signal, with no critical stenosis, occlusion, or aneurysm greater than 3 mm is evident. no evidence of vascular malformation within the field of view. conclusion: 1. mr features of acute aca/mca watershed territory infarcts bilaterally. 2. no additional signal abnormality, mass, or mass effect. 3. hypoplastic a1 segments of the acas bilaterally, otherwise a normal cerebral mra. radiology final report cta chest w&w/o c &recons 6:03 pm cta chest w&w/o c &recons; ct 100cc non ionic contrast reason: please eval for pe field of view: 36 contrast: optiray medical condition: 64 year old woman with altered mental status and low o2 sat reason for this examination: please eval for pe contraindications for iv contrast: none. indication: assess for pulmonary embolism. technique: ct examination of the chest utilizing contiguous axial imaging was performed with and without the administration of intravenous contrast bolus per ct pulmonary angiogram protocol. images were reformatted in the sagittal and coronal planes. findings: no prior ct for comparison. study is somewhat limited secondary to motion. no filling defect is identified within the main or segmental pulmonary arteries. no evidence of central pulmonary embolism. the thoracic aorta is normal in caliber throughout, without aneurysmal dilatation. the heart is not enlarged. there is no pericardial effusion. there are no enlarged mediastinal, hilar, or axillary lymph nodes. small lymph nodes are seen within the prevascular and paratracheal distribution. the central airway is patent, without filling defect. evaluation of the lungs reveals multiple ill-defined pulmonary nodules. within the right middle lobe, there are two nodules measuring 4 and 5 mm respectively (images 42 and 52), within the right lower lobe measuring 6 mm (image 32), and within the left lower lobe abutting the major fissure measuring 5 mm (image 67). no dominant mass is identified. there is dependent atelectasis bilaterally. there is mild central venous engorgement, and mild prominence of the interlobular septum, findings most compatible with mild underlying pulmonary edema. limited evaluation through the upper abdomen is grossly normal. there is degenerative change of the thoracic spine without lytic or sclerotic lesion. incidental note is made of hypodensities within the left lobe of the thyroid, better evaluated with ultrasound. impression: 1. no pulmonary embolism. 2. multiple small pulmonary nodules as described. a followup ct examination is recommended in three months to further evaluate. 3. incidental note of hypodense lesion within the left lobe of the thyroid, which would be better evaluated with ultrasound. 4. mild pulmonary edema. radiology preliminary report bilat up ext veins us 10:26 am bilat up ext veins us reason: eval carotids and subclavians (i.e. neck and upper chest) fo medical condition: 64 year old woman with post/ant embolic infarcts on mri reason for this examination: eval carotids and subclavians (i.e. neck and upper chest) for source indication: this patient is a 64-year-old female with embolic infarcts on mri. the patient had a line in the left subclavian vein. comparisons: no comparisons are available. bilateral upper extremity dvt study: grayscale and doppler son of the bilateral internal jugular veins, subclavian veins, axillary veins, and brachial veins were performed. there is normal flow, compressibility, and augmentation of these vessels. no intraluminal thrombus was identified. impression: no evidence of dvt. radiology final report carotid series complete port 12:56 pm carotid series complete port reason: post/ant embolic infarcts medical condition: 64 year old woman with post/ant embolic infarcts on mri reason for this examination: to evaluated for arterial stenosis history: posterolateral embolic infarcts. findings/technique: b-mode, duplex, and doppler interrogation of the extracranial carotid arteries was performed. right side: no calcified plaques were noted. vertebral artery demonstrated antegrade flow. peak systolic velocities were as follows: 76 cm/sec ica, 75 cm/sec cca, 77 cm/sec eca, 55 cm/sec vertebral artery. ica/cca ratio was 1.01. left: no calcified plaques were identified. vertebral arteries demonstrated antegrade flow. peak systolic velocities were as follows: 63 cm/sec ica, 81 cm/sec cca, 91 cm/sec eca, 87 cm/sec vertebral artery. the ica/cca ratio was 0.77. impression: no hemodynamically significant stenosis in the extracranial internal carotid arteries. referring doctor: dr. . measurements: left atrium - long axis dimension: 3.7 cm (nl <= 4.0 cm) left atrium - four chamber length: *5.3 cm (nl <= 5.2 cm) right atrium - four chamber length: *5.2 cm (nl <= 5.0 cm) left ventricle - septal wall thickness: 1.1 cm (nl 0.6 - 1.1 cm) left ventricle - inferolateral thickness: 1.1 cm (nl 0.6 - 1.1 cm) left ventricle - diastolic dimension: 4.3 cm (nl <= 5.6 cm) left ventricle - ejection fraction: 35% to 40% (nl >=55%) aorta - valve level: 3.3 cm (nl <= 3.6 cm) aorta - ascending: 3.1 cm (nl <= 3.4 cm) aortic valve - peak velocity: 1.4 m/sec (nl <= 2.0 m/sec) mitral valve - e wave: 1.2 m/sec mitral valve - a wave: 1.2 m/sec mitral valve - e/a ratio: 1.00 interpretation: findings: lateral and septal e'=0.08m/s left atrium: mild la enlargement. right atrium/interatrial septum: normal ra size. left ventricle: normal lv wall thicknesses and cavity size. apical lv aneurysm. moderate regional lv systolic dysfunction. tvi e/e' >15, suggesting pcwp>18mmhg. no lv mass/thrombus. lv wall motion: regional lv wall motion abnormalities include: mid anterior - hypo; mid anteroseptal - hypo; mid inferoseptal - hypo; anterior apex - akinetic; septal apex- akinetic; inferior apex - akinetic; lateral apex - hypo; apex - dyskinetic; right ventricle: normal rv chamber size and free wall motion. aorta: normal aortic root diameter. normal ascending aorta diameter. aortic valve: normal aortic valve leaflets (3). no as. no ar. mitral valve: normal mitral valve leaflets. mild (1+) mr. tricuspid valve: normal tricuspid valve leaflets with trivial tr. normal pa systolic pressure. pulmonic valve/pulmonary artery: normal pulmonic valve leaflets with physiologic pr. pericardium: there is an anterior space which most likely represents a fat pad, though a loculated anterior pericardial effusion cannot be excluded. general comments: based on aha endocarditis prophylaxis recommendations, the echo findings indicate a low risk (prophylaxis not recommended). clinical decisions regarding the need for prophylaxis should be based on clinical and echocardiographic data. echocardiographic results were reviewed by telephone with the houseofficer caring for the patient. conclusions: the left atrium is mildly dilated. left ventricular wall thicknesses and cavity size are normal. there is moderate regional left ventricular systolic dysfunction with hypokinesis of the distal half of the inferior septum and akinesis of the distal third of the anterior septum, anterior wall, and inferior wall. the apex is mildly dyskinetic and anerysmal. no masses or thrombi are seen in the left ventricle. tissue velocity imaging e/e' is elevated (>15) suggesting increased left ventricular filling pressure (pcwp>18mmhg). right ventricular chamber size and free wall motion are normal. the aortic valve leaflets (3) appear structurally normal with good leaflet excursion and no aortic regurgitation. the mitral valve leaflets are structurally normal. mild (1+) mitral regurgitation is seen. the estimated pulmonary artery systolic pressure is normal. there is an anterior space which most likely represents a fat pad, though a loculated anterior pericardial effusion cannot be excluded. impression: regional left ventricular systolic dysfunction c/w cad (mid-lad lesion). compared with the study (images reviewed) of , the left ventricular regional dysfunction is new. based on aha endocarditis prophylaxis recommendations, the echo findings indicate a low risk (prophylaxis not recommended). clinical decisions regarding the need for prophylaxis should be based on clinical and echocardiographic data. radiology final report mr head w & w/o contrast 12:57 pm mr head w & w/o contrast; mr contrast gadolin reason: stroke protocol contrast: magnevist medical condition: 64 year old woman s/p ex-lap, coded ?stroke reason for this examination: stroke protocol mri of the brain with contrast indication: stroke followup exam. multiplanar t1- and t2-weighted images of the brain were obtained without and with intravenous gadolinium administration. comparison is made to the prior examination from . there are persistent foci of restricted diffusion seen on diffusion images involving the right aca and posterior watershed territory. a focal area of decreased diffusion is noted along the splenium of the corpus callosum. these most likely represent evolving a small infarct, which could be related to hypoperfusion. they could also be embolic in nature. there is t2 hyperintensity within the mastoid sinuses suggestive of fluid retention or inflammatory mastoiditis. there is t2 hyperintensity along the splenium of the corpus callosum and abutting the adjacent occipital lobes consistent with small evolving infarcts. t2 hyperintensity is also present along the posterior parietal lobes. there is no midline shift seen. residual cytotoxic edema is present due to the evolution of multiple infarcts described previously. signal flow voids are present. there is mucosal thickening within the ethmoid and sphenoid sinuses. no pathologic enhancement is seen within the brain following intravenous contrast administration. impression: multiple evolving subacute infarcts involving the occipital, posterior parietal, and right frontal lobes along the right aca and posterior watershed zone distribution. these infarcts persist to be of decreased diffusion as noted on diffusion images. there is no intraparenchymal or subdural hemorrhage. further follow should be based on clinical grounds. there is bilateral inflammatory mastoid sinus disease, which was not present on the previous exam. ent correlation might be helpful. interpretation: findings: left atrium: no spontaneous echo contrast or thrombus in the la/laa or the ra/raa. right atrium/interatrial septum: normal interatrial septum. no asd or pfo by 2d, color doppler or saline contrast with maneuvers. left ventricle: overall normal lvef (>55%). no lv mass/thrombus. aorta: no atheroma in aortic arch. simple atheroma in descending aorta. aortic valve: normal aortic valve leaflets (3). no as. no ar. no masses or vegetations on aortic valve. mitral valve: normal mitral valve leaflets. no mass or vegetation on mitral valve. mild (1+) mr. tricuspid valve: normal tricuspid valve leaflets with trivial tr. no mass or vegetation on tricuspid valve. pulmonic valve/pulmonary artery: pulmonic valve not well seen. general comments: a tee was performed in the location listed above. i certify i was present in compliance with hcfa regulations. the patient was monitored by a nurse throughout the procedure. the patient was sedated for the tee. medications and dosages are listed above (see test information section). local anesthesia was provided by benzocaine topical spray. the posterior pharynx was anesthetized with 2% viscous lidocaine. contrast study was performed with 3 iv injections of 8 ccs of agitated normal saline, at rest, with cough and post-valsalva maneuver. echocardiographic results were reviewed with the houseofficer caring for the patient. conclusions: no spontaneous echo contrast or thrombus is seen in the body of the left atrium/left atrial appendage or the body of the right atrium/right atrial appendage. no atrial septal defect or patent foramen ovale is seen by 2d, color doppler or saline contrast with maneuvers. overall left ventricular systolic function is normal (lvef>55%). the lv apex was not well seen. no masses or thrombi are seen in the left ventricle. there are simple atheroma in the descending thoracic aorta. the aortic valve leaflets (3) appear structurally normal with good leaflet excursion and no aortic regurgitation. no masses or vegetations are seen on the aortic valve. the mitral valve leaflets are structurally normal. no mass or vegetation is seen on the mitral valve. mild (1+) mitral regurgitation is seen. brief hospital course: this patient had previously been admitted with gastrointestinal bleeding and had had the av malformation coiled to see whether or not it would be therapeutic. it was not and she was admitted about 72 hours ago on the medical service and underwent a series of studies including a push enteroscopy by dr. which did not see any bleeding, followed by a labeled red cell scan which showed bleeding in the left upper quadrant and followed by an angiogram and coiling of an area which they thought showed extravasation. she also received a total of 4u of prbcs with hcts checked every 6 hours. she did, however, continued to bleed and therefore was taken to the icu, surgery consult was obtained. she was stabilized overnight and the first thing in the morning, when the gastroenterologist would be available for the push enteroscopy in case we needed it, she was taken to the or for exploratory laparotomy. multiple avms were found, small bowel resection x 2 were performed with reanastamosis and ligation of avms x 3. patient was extubated in the operating room and then taken to the sicu for overnight monitoring with an ngt and foley catherter. patient did well post-op. pod 1 ngt was dc'd and patient was transferred to the floor. tpn was also started. h. pylori cultures were sent which were negative. central line was changed over a guidewire. pod 2 patient continued to improve. foley catherter was dc'd and tpn advanced. pod 3 tpn was at goal, reglan and insulin started. pod 4, insulin was advanced, patient started on sips. pod 5 patient advanced to clears. however, on removal of rij, pt became hypoxic, desatted, and unresponsive x 2min--code called. responded with oxygen. pt c ?sz activity--loss of bladder and bowel. pe suspected-->ctpa neg. pt eval for cva by neurology c resultant sz in mri requiring intubation, mri demonstrative of b/l thromboembolic strokes. tx to sicu, started heparin drip, propofol. pod 6 b/l ue us: neg venous thrombosis, ct hd x 2: unchanged, eeg: non-status. patient had serial neuro exams throughout the day, improving in responsiveness and following commands. pod 7 was successfully extubated. patient appeared to have normal mental status and pre-op motor ability later int he day without residual deficits. echo done showed lvef 35% with new dysfuction and no vegetations. pod 8 repeat mri was unchangedshowing multiple evolving subacute ifracts in watershed distribution, patient was started on clears and advanced to soft solids. pod 9 repeat echo showed ef >55% and no new deficits, no asd or pfo, no thrombi. patient was trasnferred to the floor in good condition. pod 10 patient was restarted on the remainder of her home meds. patient was dischraged on pod 11 in good condition, on coumadin, dilatin and baby aspirin. medications on admission: protonix, folate 1, feso4 325, 70/30 insulin 56/48, verapamil sa 180, pravachol 20, () discharge medications: 1. hydrocodone-acetaminophen 5-500 mg tablet sig: 1-2 tablets po q4-6h (every 4 to 6 hours) as needed for pain. disp:*30 tablet(s)* refills:*0* 2. aspirin 81 mg tablet, delayed release (e.c.) sig: one (1) tablet, delayed release (e.c.) po daily (daily). disp:*30 tablet, delayed release (e.c.)(s)* refills:*2* 3. phenytoin sodium extended 100 mg capsule sig: one (1) capsule po tid (3 times a day). disp:*90 capsule(s)* refills:*2* 4. folic acid 1 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po daily (daily). disp:*30 tablet(s)* refills:*2* 5. multivitamin,tx-minerals tablet sig: one (1) tablet po daily (daily). disp:*30 tablet(s)* refills:*2* 6. pravastatin 20 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po daily (daily). disp:*30 tablet(s)* refills:*2* 7. pantoprazole 40 mg tablet, delayed release (e.c.) sig: one (1) tablet, delayed release (e.c.) po q12h (every 12 hours). disp:*60 tablet, delayed release (e.c.)(s)* refills:*2* discharge disposition: home discharge diagnosis: primary diagnosis: upper gi bleed discharge condition: good discharge instructions: 1. please take all medications as prescribed. 2. please keep all follow up appointments. 3. seek medical attention for fevers, chills, chest pain, shortness of breath, abdominal pain, black stools, dizziness, or any other concerning symptoms. 4. please see you primary care physician tomorrow to have your inr checked and coumadin dose adjusted. you should have daily inrs checked for the next few days until you are on a stable coumadin regimen. followup instructions: please call dr office for an appoitnemtn in about 2 weeks. please call dr. (, neurologist) to schedule a follow up appointment which should be in weeks. continue taking dilantin and coumadin until then. please see your primary care physician tomorrow to have your inr drawn and coumadin dose adjusted. cardiology team will call you to arrange for your follow up and catherization. procedure: venous catheterization, not elsewhere classified continuous invasive mechanical ventilation for 96 consecutive hours or more parenteral infusion of concentrated nutritional substances other endoscopy of small intestine other endoscopy of small intestine diagnostic ultrasound of heart insertion of endotracheal tube other surgical occlusion of vessels, abdominal veins arteriography of other intra-abdominal arteries other surgical occlusion of vessels, abdominal arteries other endovascular procedures on other vessels transfusion of packed cells multiple segmental resection of small intestine diagnoses: subendocardial infarction, initial episode of care unspecified essential hypertension acute posthemorrhagic anemia diabetes mellitus without mention of complication, type ii or unspecified type, not stated as uncontrolled other pulmonary insufficiency, not elsewhere classified other convulsions old myocardial infarction angiodysplasia of intestine with hemorrhage cerebral embolism with cerebral infarction Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: history of present illness: the patient is an 84 year old male who had a long standing history of gastroesophageal reflux disease and barrett's esophagus and had high grade dysplasia diagnosed on recent endoscopy. the patient elected to have an esophagectomy performed. past medical history: 1. hypertension. 2. question renal insufficiency. 3. gastroesophageal reflux disease. medications: 1. norvasc. 2. prilosec. 3. carafate. physical examination: on admission, the patient is an elderly man in no acute distress. vital signs are stable. afebrile. chest is clear to auscultation bilaterally. cardiovascular is regular rate and rhythm without murmur, rub or gallop. abdomen is soft, nontender, nondistended without masses or organomegaly. extremities are warm, not cyanotic and not edematous times four. neurological is grossly intact. hospital course: the patient was taken to the operating room on , where he underwent transhiatal esophagectomy without significant complication. in the postoperative course, he was initially admitted under the intensive care unit care and kept in the post anesthesia care unit overnight. the patient was seen to have a low urine output and both metabolic and respiratory acidosis and was given approximately 8.5 liters of crystalloid in the perioperative period, including or. the patient was briefly agitated in the post anesthesia care unit and discontinued his nasogastric tube. on postoperative day number one, the patient was doing well with a fairly normalized blood gas of 7.35/43/94/25/minus 1 and was transferred to the floor. on postoperative day two, the patient was seen to have a baseline oxygen requirement of 70% face mask in the morning but was saturating well and otherwise seemed to be doing relatively well. the patient had a white count of 22.1 which prompted a chest x-ray showing bilateral pleural effusion and patchy bibasilar atelectasis but no focal infiltrates. over the course of the day, the patient had deteriorating in his respiratory status and became increasingly tachypneic with wheezing and coarse breath sounds. an ekg was performed which showed atrial fibrillation but no ischemic changes. a baseline arterial blood gas was obtained at that point which was 7.37/47/86/28/zero, again on 70% face mask. intravenous fluids were then stopped and the patient was begun on 20 mg of intravenous lasix and albuterol nebulizers. the patient was transferred to another floor for telemetry purposes and cycled for myocardial infarction. his respiratory status during transfer seemed somewhat improved. upon arrival to the other floor, the patient stopped respiring briefly and went bradycardic. upon stimulation, he was tachycardic to the 110s with a blood pressure 130/70. immediately subsequent to that the patient went pulseless and into respiratory and cardiac arrest and was down for approximately two to three minutes. cpr was begun and the patient intubated and 15 to 20 cc. of brownish fluid was suctioned from the endotracheal tube post intubation. the patient regained pulse and cardiac activity and was transferred to the intensive care unit. cardiac consultation at that time recommended aspirin, cycling enzymes and agreed with probable aspiration event. they suggested a heparin drip but not is surgically contraindicated. a heparin drip was not started. the patient ruled in for myocardial infarction with a troponin of 26.5. in the patient's intensive care unit stay, he was supported with a dopamine drip and diuresed for fluid overload. pressors were weaned off on postoperative day number eight. respiratory function was supported throughout his intensive care unit course appropriately with mechanical ventilation. the patient was noted to be unresponsive after the aspiration event, with some slow return of responsiveness over the next several days, but no purposeful movement. to evaluate possible neurologic injury, a ct scan was obtained after the patient was felt to be stable enough to be transferred. on postoperative day six, the ct scan showed no acute intracranial event but was consistent with chronic microvascular infarction. eeg was also obtained which revealed diffuse widespread encephalopathy. there was a question of possible seizure activity involving the left upper extremity and phenytoin was begun empirically. a repeat eeg was obtained on postoperative day number 10 and again showed moderately severe diffuse encephalopathy with no seizure focus. a neurology consultation was obtained and assessed the patient to have minimal chance for a meaningful recovery. in accordance with the patient's living will, the family's wishes and discussion with the surgical attending, the patient was made comfort measures only and expired on postoperative day number 11. , m.d. dictated by: medquist36 procedure: continuous invasive mechanical ventilation for 96 consecutive hours or more parenteral infusion of concentrated nutritional substances insertion of endotracheal tube total esophagectomy intrathoracic esophagogastrostomy diagnoses: pure hypercholesterolemia unspecified essential hypertension pneumonitis due to inhalation of food or vomitus cardiac arrest mixed acid-base balance disorder Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: allergies: sulfa (sulfonamides) attending: chief complaint: abdominal pain, acute renal failure, hypotension major surgical or invasive procedure: left subclavian central line upper endoscopy transfusion of packed red blood cells history of present illness: ms. is a 74 year old woman with a history of chf, chronic renal insufficiency, peptic ulcer disease, cad, htn, who is admitted to the micu for management of acute renal failure, abdominal pain, and hypotension. she was brought in to the ed yesterday after reportedly having several days of poor po intake and abdominal pain at her facility, per her daughter. the patient gives a vague history of recent uri symptoms, and she reports a mechanical fall yesterday, without any head trauma or loss of consciousness. . at the ed, she was noted to be in acute-on-chronic renal failure with a creatinine of 4.9 and a serum hco3 of 6. she had a sbp in the mid-80s and was reportedly hypothermic to 95.8, with a leukocytosis to . an abg showed a metabolic acidosis (7.22/22/175 on 2l n.c.). she was noted to vomit 200cc of "blood-tinged mucous". she underwent an abdominal ct with po (no iv) contrastwhich showed no acute process. she was given a dose of metronidazole and moxifloxacin for empiric antibiotics. she was also given a dose of iv ondansetron, a 1000cc ns bolus, and 150 meq of nahco3. a left-sided subclavian central line was placed and she was transferred to . . upon arrival to the ed, she was afebrile with a temperature of 98.2, bp 91/59, hr 84. she was given 1000cc ns bolus and 1000cc d5w with 150 meq hco3. she reportedly had a decrease in her bp to 56/44 which improved to 102/58 with a 250cc ns bolus and low dose of norepinephrine. she was also given 10 mg of iv dexamethasone for unclear reasons. she had a ct which showed no acute process and an abdominal ultrasound which showed a mildly dilated (1.1cm) cbd; no gallbladder was identified. per the ed resident, she was noted on two separate rectal examinations to have black tarry stool which was guaiac negative. . upon arrival to the micu, she had a dry black stool which was guaiac positive. her norepinephrine was weaned off upon arrival to the micu. . of note, she had a similar presentation to hospital in when she presented with acute-on-chronic renal failure, decreased po intake, and left-sided abdominal pain. an egd on that admission showed a nonbleeding gastric ulcer, and her ppi was changed from pantoprazole to omeprazole and increased . she also had a question of antral thickening on a ct scan, and antral biopsies were taken, the results of which are unavailable to us at the time of this note. past medical history: past medical history: - congestive heart failure (by report, lvef 50% om ) - cad with ?mi - peptic ulcer disease with ? bleeding ulcer in distant past; egd in showed nonbleeding gsatritis; egd in showed nonbleeding erythematous gastritis and nonbleeding gastric ulcer - short-term memory loss - ?cva vs tia - chronic renal insufficiency (baseline creatinine 1.6) with multiple recent episodes of acute exacerbations - htn - hx c2 fracture with hardware in place - "moderate" right-sided ras - s/p appendectomy - s/p cholecystectomy - s/p partial colectomy for diverticulitis - osteoporosis - hyperlipidemia - copd . social history: social history: quit smoking >15 yrs ago. no alcohol or drugs. lives in river bay club facility. family history: family history: per daughter, the patient's father died at an early age from an mi. physical exam: t 97.8 bp 121/58 hr 93 rr 23 sat 100% on 2l n.c. cvp 4cm general: uncomfortable, but in no acute distress heent: no scleral icterus, mm moderately dry neck: jvp 6cm, no thyromegaly chest: clear to auscultation throughout, no w/r/r cv: regular rate/rhythm, normal s1s2, no m/r/g abdomen: soft, mild voluntary guarding esp. in llq; tenderness to moderate palpation mostly in llq; no rebound extremities: no edema, 2+ pt pulses skin: no rashes neuro: alert, oriented to self, "" and "river bay club". pertinent results: from ctr: abg (9:45pm) 7.22/22/175 on 2l n.c. . labs on admission: 12:30am blood wbc-16.2* rbc-3.56* hgb-11.1* hct-32.5* mcv-91 mch-31.3 mchc-34.3 rdw-14.1 plt ct-253 12:30am blood neuts-95.9* bands-0 lymphs-2.8* monos-1.2* eos-0.1 baso-0 12:30am blood pt-13.2 ptt-26.0 inr(pt)-1.1 06:09am blood ret aut-0.7* 12:30am blood glucose-196* urean-119* creat-4.0* na-137 k-4.7 cl-110* hco3-13* angap-19 12:30am blood alt-14 ast-25 ck(cpk)-164* alkphos-143* amylase-68 totbili-0.2 12:30am blood lipase-80* 12:30am blood ck-mb-8 ctropnt-0.01 12:30am blood calcium-9.5 phos-3.3 mg-2.3 06:09am blood caltibc-148* ferritn-397* trf-114* 06:05am blood osmolal-307 06:15am blood pep-no specifi 06:02am blood type-art po2-123* pco2-22* ph-7.36 caltco2-13* base xs--10 12:31am blood lactate-1.3 06:02am blood freeca-1.28 . labs on discharge: 11:00am blood wbc-9.5 rbc-2.75* hgb-9.1* hct-26.0* mcv-95 mch-33.2* mchc-35.1* rdw-14.5 plt ct-266 06:04am blood glucose-83 urean-8 creat-1.2* na-140 k-4.0 cl-108 hco3-22 angap-14 06:04am blood calcium-9.1 phos-3.3 mg-1.5* . microbiology: blood culture - negative urine culture - negative c diff - negative blood culture - negative h pyloi - negative . other studies: abd ct (- from ): appendix is not identified. atrophic kidneys. gallbladder is not visualized. atherosclerotic aorta. old healed deformity of left anterior and superior pubic rami. . head ct (): examination is mildly limited by motion artifact. there is no hemorrhage, mass effect, shift of the normally midline structures, or vascular territorial infarct. mild periventricular white matter hypodensity is consistent with chronic microvascular ischemia. there is no hydrocephalus. the -white matter differentiation is preserved. orthopedic hardware is seen within the dens. the visualized paranasal sinuses and mastoid air cells are well aerated. . abd us (): the liver is unremarkable without focal or textural abnormality. the portal vein is patent with appropriate hepatopedal flow. there is no intrahepatic biliary dilatation. the common bile duct is dilated measuring 1.1 cm. the gallbladder is not definitively identified. the structure interrogated on multiple views located near the gallbladder fossa most likely represents bowel/stomach with gallstone-filled gallbladder. . ecg (): nsr at 93 bpm. normal axis, normal intervals. poor baseline. biphasic t waves noted in i, avl, ii, avf, and v5-v6. . ct abd/pelvis (): impression: 1. mild colonic wall thickening extending from the splenic flexure to the distal sigmoid, suggestive of infectious or less likely, ischemic etiology. no perforation or fluid collection. no abscess. following recuperation of renal function, a ct angiogram of the mesenteric vessels could be performed if clinically indicated. 2. likely subacute fracture of the left symphysis pubis and rami. correlation with prior outside imaging studies may be of assistance. 3. lll 6 mm pulmonary nodule. 6 month fllow-up exam advised. . ct abd/pelvis, repeat (): impression: 1. resolution of mild colonic wall thickening seen on prior study. 2. no additional evidence to explain patient's symptoms. brief hospital course: 74 year old woman with abdominal pain, guaiac-positive black stool, and acute-on-chronic renal failure. . 1) guaiac-positive black stool: patient was initially admitted to the icu for management. gi consulted and recommended endoscopy, ppi, and c. diff studies. endoscopy was performed demonstrating a non-bleeding duodenal ulcer w/o exposed vessels, and gastritis. continued on ppi with stable hct thereafter. h. pylori negative. . 2) abdominal pain: certainly could be due to pud, though the location of her pain is not classic for pud. abdominal ct scan report from osh unrevealing (status post cholecystectomy and appendectomy). pancreatic/hepatic labs within normal limits. abdominal ct without contrast here with mild distal colonic thickening - unclear if infectious vs. inflammatory vs. ischemic (less likely). gi consulted for guiac + stool. recommended c. diff studies (negative x1). on transfer to the floor abdominal pain remained mild, but persisted over several days. patient had unimpressive abdominal exam, but with definite tenderness to palpation in the llq and rlq. repeat ct of the abdomen was performed demonstrating clearance of the colonic thickening. her abdominal pain was ultimately attributed to constipation, as she had not had a bowel movement in 7 days. bowel regimen was uptitrated resulting in multiple bowel movements (and some diarrhea) with some resolution of abdominal discomfot. . 3) acute renal failure: likely due to hypovolemia/prerenal azotemia given cvp of 4 on initial presentation to icu, poor po intake, known renal artery stenosis. creatinine improved with iv hydration and reached nadir of 1.1 - 1.2, patient's baseline. . 4) metabolic acidosis/hypophosphatemia: patient was noted to have metabolic acidosis in setting of renal failure. renal consulted. they felt this was likely due to the patients renal failure, and did not recomend chronic bicarbonate repletion. unable to clearly diagnose type i or type ii rta in setting of acute renal failure. upon resolution of renal failure, acidemia resolved. . 5) hyphophatemia: floor course complicated by severe hypophosphatemia requiring aggressive repletion and thought due to chronic poor po intake and refeeding syndrome. resolved by time of discharge. . 6) tachypnea: patient notably tachypneic throughout most of her icu course, but without sob, cough or other pulmonary complaints. all pulmonary work up was negative and this was felt due to her metabolic acidosis with respiratory compensation. resolved with resolution of metabolic acidosis. . 7) hypotension: patients sbp improved with iv hydration. cultures were negative. was orthostatic on transfer to the floor, but resolved with further hydration. felt all to be due to dehydration/gi bleed. completely resolved at time of discharge. . 8) leukocytosis: patient with prominent leukocytosis on admission. c. diff negative, cultures ngtd. steadily improved over hospitalization and thought to be due to low level gi bleed and uti. urine culture was negative, but treated for uti as below. . 9) urinay tract infection: during work up for leukocytosis above, urinalysis was sent, which was borderline positive. she was treated with 7 day course of levofloxacin, as this was felt to be a foley catheter related uti. urine culture returned negative. . 10) pulmonary nodule: patient had right lower lobe lung nodule noted incidentally on abdominal ct scan. this will require follow up with repeat chest ct in 6 months medications on admission: home medications: ferrous sulfate 325 mg daily lisinopril 10 mg daily aspirin 81 mg daily multivitamin 1 tab daily calcium carbonate/vitamin d 1 tab daily docusate 100 mg ipratropium/albuterol mdi 2 puffs mirtazapine 7.5 mg qhs atorvastatin 80 mg daily acetaminophen 500 mg tid omeprazole 20 mg daily discharge medications: 1. acetaminophen 325 mg tablet sig: 1-2 tablets po q6h (every 6 hours) as needed for pain, fever. 2. albuterol 90 mcg/actuation aerosol sig: 1-2 puffs inhalation q6h (every 6 hours) as needed. 3. ipratropium bromide 17 mcg/actuation aerosol sig: two (2) puff inhalation qid (4 times a day). 4. atorvastatin 80 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po daily (daily). 5. pantoprazole 40 mg tablet, delayed release (e.c.) sig: one (1) tablet, delayed release (e.c.) po q12h (every 12 hours). disp:*60 tablet, delayed release (e.c.)(s)* refills:*2* 6. docusate sodium 100 mg capsule sig: one (1) capsule po bid (2 times a day). disp:*60 capsule(s)* refills:*2* 7. senna 8.6 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po bid (2 times a day): take an extra 2 tablets per day as needed for constipation. disp:*60 tablet(s)* refills:*2* 8. cholecalciferol (vitamin d3) 400 unit tablet sig: two (2) tablet po daily (daily). 9. ferrous sulfate 325 mg (65 mg iron) tablet sig: one (1) tablet po once a day. 10. lisinopril 10 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po once a day. 11. aspirin 81 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po once a day. 12. multivitamins tablet, chewable sig: one (1) tablet, chewable po once a day. 13. calcium 500+d 500 (1,250)-400 mg-unit tablet, chewable sig: one (1) tablet, chewable po twice a day. 14. mirtazapine 7.5 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po once a day. discharge disposition: home with service facility: elder services plan discharge diagnosis: primary: acute renal failure hypotension-dehydration mixed metabolic acidosis left sided colitis nos hypophosphatemia duodenal ulcer left lower lobe 6 mm pulmonary nodule constipation secondary: osteoporosis subacute fracture - left symphysis pubis and rami ckd stage iii copd c2 fracture s/p instrumentation hyperlipidemia cad nos diastolic heart failure nos depression s/p appendectomy s/p cholecystectomy s/p partial colectomy for diverticulitis discharge condition: good. patient ambulating, symptoms improved. discharge instructions: you were admitted to the hospital for evaluation of a mechanical fall, and treatment of low blood pressure, acute renal failure and abdominal pain. during your hospital course, your low blood pressure and acute renal failure resolved with fluid hydration. you were also evaluated for a low blood level with an endoscopy that demonstrated an ulcer, and inflammation of your stomach. you were started on pantoprazole 40mg twice daily. your abdominal pain was evaluated with a ct scan, repeat was normal. however it did incidentally note a small left sided pulmonary nodule which will need to be followed up in 6 months time. otherwise your abdominal pain was treated with giving you medications to help you have a bowel movement. . please take all medications as directed. . please follow up with all appointments as directed. . please contact physician if develop worsening abdominal pain, diarrhea, blood in stool, weakness/dizziness, black colored stools, any other questions or concerns. followup instructions: please follow up with your primary care physician, . ( in weeks time. . of note, you had a left lower lobe lung nodule that was 6mm in size that was noted on a ct scan during your hospital course. you will need a 6 month follow-up ct scan that should be scheduled by your primary care physician. . please have your primary care physician set you up with follow up with gastroenterology, for follow up of your duodenal ulcer. procedure: esophagogastroduodenoscopy [egd] with closed biopsy diagnoses: acidosis other and unspecified noninfectious gastroenteritis and colitis coronary atherosclerosis of native coronary artery urinary tract infection, site not specified congestive heart failure, unspecified acute kidney failure, unspecified chronic airway obstruction, not elsewhere classified hypertensive chronic kidney disease, unspecified, with chronic kidney disease stage i through stage iv, or unspecified constipation, unspecified other and unspecified hyperlipidemia chronic kidney disease, stage iii (moderate) hypotension, unspecified disorders of phosphorus metabolism chronic systolic heart failure urinary catheterization as the cause of abnormal reaction of patient, or of later complication, without mention of misadventure at time of procedure dehydration hyperosmolality and/or hypernatremia unspecified gastritis and gastroduodenitis, without mention of hemorrhage infection and inflammatory reaction due to indwelling urinary catheter duodenal ulcer, unspecified as acute or chronic, without hemorrhage or perforation, without mention of obstruction Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: allergies: ativan attending: chief complaint: fever, confusion major surgical or invasive procedure: none history of present illness: 75yom with a squamous cell ca of the nasopharynx s/p 3 rounds of chemotherapy, recent course of radiation, s/p peg who presents with fever, shakes, productive cough. per patient and pt's wife, the patient finished his most recent course of radiation to the nasopharynx and neck on . since that time he has been at home. the patient has had increased sputum from baseline, worsening fevers over the past two days, and mild confustion over the past 24 hrs. of note the pt also has been undergoing chemotherapy (s/p 2 cycles of cisplatin) and now on his third cycle of chemotherapy having recently been changed to carboplatin. during his chemoradiation course the pt has been experiencing mucositis and has had complaints of coughing and a sensation of choking with increased phlegm. the patient does endorse some orthopnea related to the feeling of phlegm going down his throat when reclining. the pt has also endorsed an increased concentration in his urine. . in the ed, tc 102.1, 189/92, 99, rr 20, o2 94 on ra. on exam with cough productive with rhonchi at bases (per report), diaphoretic, foul appearing urine. cxr unrevealing, cta revealed rml pna. pt given vancomycin 1gm, cefepime 2gm x1, tylenol 1gm pr, motrin 800mg (via gt) in addition to 1.5l. upon transfer from the e.d. the patients vitals had stabilized to hr 90's 143/59, rr low 30's, 98 2l. . ros: the patient denies any weight change, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, melena, hematochezia, chest pain, lower extremity oedema, urinary frequency, urgency, dysuria, lightheadedness, gait unsteadiness, focal weakness, vision changes, headache, rash or skin changes. past medical history: # poorly differentiated squamous cell ca of the nasopharynx (bx ) # radiation to the nasopharynx and neck completed on (total dose of 6996 cgy over 33 fractions). # peg () # colon cancer stage iia (moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma), s/p laparoscopic right colectomy ()- last colonoscopy () # monoclonal gammopathy (followed for mgus since ) # iron deficiency anemia # diverticulosis # diverticulitis # htn # bph # gerd # arthritis # af (in , on coumadin for 6 months) social history: lives in with wife and adopted 10yo daughter. 80 pack/year smoker, rare etoh. family history: mother passed away from breast cancer physical exam: on discharge: af, vss, on room air gen: thin, elderly male, nad heent: eomi, perrl, sclera anicteric, dry some mucositis neck: erythematous skin at radiation site cor: rrr, no m/g/r, normal s1 s2 pulm: l basilar faint crackles, r basilar rhonchi, no w/r/r abd: soft, peg in place without surrounding erythema, nt, nd, +bs, no hsm, no masses ext: no c/c/e neuro:cn ii ?????? xii grossly intact. moves all 4 extremities. strength 5/5 in upper and lower extremities. skin: no jaundice, cyanosis, . no ecchymoses. pertinent results: admission labs: 07:40pm blood wbc-3.6*# rbc-3.31* hgb-9.7* hct-27.6* mcv-83 mch-29.4 mchc-35.3* rdw-15.4 plt ct-204 07:40pm blood neuts-73* bands-3 lymphs-10* monos-12* eos-2 baso-0 atyps-0 metas-0 myelos-0 07:40pm blood pt-13.9* ptt-25.4 inr(pt)-1.2* 07:40pm blood glucose-133* urean-24* creat-1.0 na-127* k-4.2 cl-85* hco3-35* angap-11 07:40pm blood calcium-8.8 phos-2.3* mg-1.8 07:46pm blood lactate-1.7 03:56am blood hapto-334* 03:56am blood alt-21 ast-29 ld(ldh)-304* alkphos-251* totbili-1.6* . imaging: cta chest: impression: 1. no central or main pulmonary embolus or aortic dissection. respiratory motion severely limits evaluation beyond main pulmonary branches. 2. right middle lobe pneumonia. . discharge labs: 06:25am blood wbc-4.1 rbc-3.52* hgb-10.6* hct-30.4* mcv-86 mch-30.3 mchc-35.0 rdw-15.7* plt ct-45* 06:25am blood plt ct-45* 06:25am blood pt-17.8* ptt-26.2 inr(pt)-1.6* 06:25am blood glucose-108* urean-20 creat-0.8 na-136 k-3.9 cl-97 hco3-35* angap-8 06:34am blood alt-19 ast-14 alkphos-138* totbili-0.5 06:34am blood calcium-7.9* phos-3.8 mg-1.6 06:07am blood tsh-0.39 06:07am blood free t4-1.3 06:40am blood caltibc-168* ferritn-1008* trf-129* 03:56am blood hapto-334* 04:18pm urine color-yellow appear-clear sp -1.019 04:18pm urine blood-neg nitrite-neg protein-tr glucose-neg ketone-neg bilirub-neg urobiln-2* ph-7.0 leuks-neg 04:18pm urine rbc-1 wbc-1 bacteri-none yeast-none epi-<1 transe-<1 ================ video oropharyngeal swallow: study done today in conjunction with speech and swallow division. multiple consistencies of barium were administered to the patient under constant video fluoroscopy. oral phase: there is moderate reduction in oral phase, with tongue pumping and tongue weakness noted. pharyngeal phase: there is mild reduction in the elevation of the palate, with mild reduction in laryngeal valve closure and absent epiglottic deflection. there was a large amount of residue within the vallecula after each swallow, with minimal clearing despite multiple swallows. aspiration/penetration: patient had an episode of laryngeal penetration with thin liquids. no aspiration was seen. impression: severe oropharyngeal dysphagia, with large amount of residue seen within the pharynx, and an episode of penetration. =============== ap upright chest: there has been little change since the most recent prior study with poorly defined right heart border with adjacent patchy opacity. no new areas concerning for infection are identified, and there is no evidence of pulmonary edema. there may be mild posterior blunting of the right costophrenic angle. impression: stable right middle lobe opacity, compatible with pneumonia. =============== echo conclusions the left atrium is moderately dilated. no left atrial mass/thrombus seen (best excluded by transesophageal echocardiography). there is mild symmetric left ventricular hypertrophy with normal cavity size and regional/global systolic function (lvef>55%). the estimated cardiac index is normal (>=2.5l/min/m2). right ventricular chamber size and free wall motion are normal. the aortic root is moderately dilated at the sinus level. the ascending aorta is mildly dilated. the aortic valve leaflets (3) are mildly thickened but aortic stenosis is not present. trace aortic regurgitation is seen. the mitral valve appears structurally normal with mild mitral regurgitation. the tricuspid regurgitation jet is eccentric and may be underestimated. there is moderate pulmonary artery systolic hypertension. there is no pericardial effusion. =============== comparison: ct torso, . technique: axial imaging was performed from the thoracic inlet to the diaphragm following the uneventful administration of iv contrast. coronal and sagittal reformations were provided. ct chest with iv contrast: there is no central or main pulmonary embolus or aortic dissection. however, the timing of contrast bolus, as well as respiratory motion significantly limits evaluation of the more distal branches and pulmonary parenchyma. there is central right middle lobe opacification with air bronchograms, consistent with pneumonic consolidation. there is also left basilar atelectasis as well as opacification with mild mucoid impaction of the left lower lobe bronchi. the bronchi are otherwise patent to the subsegmental level. there is no pleural or pericardial effusion. a g-tube is in the expected location. coronary artery calcifications are not changed in appearance. there is a pattern of diffuse osteopenia. there is moderate degenerative change of the thoracic spine. impression: 1. no central or main pulmonary embolus or aortic dissection. respiratory motion severely limits evaluation beyond main pulmonary branches. 2. right middle lobe pneumonia. brief hospital course: this is a 75 year-old male with a squamous cell carcinoma of the nasopharnx who presents with fever, shakes, productive cough, altered mental status. . # right middle lobe pneumonia: noted on admission chest ct. bacterial versus aspiration pneumonia. he was treated with levofloxacin to complete a 10 day course. he was kept npo (he came in npo, getting nutrition through g tube which was placed for his chemo/radiation for his cancer). his symptoms improved and oxygenation remained stable. . # atrial fibrillation: mr. developed atrial fibrillation during his hospital course with rapid ventricular response. his tsh was checked and was normal. his atrial fibrillation was attributed to his acute illness and recent radiation. he was given metoprolol (changed from his outpatient atenolol, short acting for titration) which was titrated up to 150 mg per tube tid. coumadin was also initiated after discussion with patient and cardiology. however, it was held after his platelets dropped below 50k. the decision to hold until seen in follow up by oncology was discussed with the patient, his wife, and his oncology providers. tentatively, we thought bridging anticoagulation with lovenox, started after his platelets increased, would be best in light of the need for future port placement. echo was obtained and is copied in results section. cardiology consult was obtained and assisted with his care throughout his hospital course, as the patient is followed by dr. as an outpatient. . # thrombocytopenia/pancytopenia: patients platelet count was noted to trend down during his hospital course, and the rest of his blood lines also trended down. although this was felt likely due to his recent chemotherapy with carboplatin, his subcutaneous heparin was held and a hit antibody was sent which was negative. they began to rebound prior to discharge, and will be followed closely by his outpatient oncologists. . # squamous cell carcinoma of the nasopharynx: recently completed radiation course, chemo, changed from cisplatin to carboplatin. his outpatient oncologist followed him throughout his hospital course and he will follow up with them on discharge. . # mucositis: related to his recent chemo/radiation as above. he was treated with viscous lidocaine/maalox/benadryl prn. . # anemia: remained stable during hospital course except during trend down as above (pancytopenia). attributed to his recent chemotherapy. . # benign hypertension: continued his outpatient medications, along with titration of nodal blocking agents as above. . # code: full medications on admission: amlodipine 5mg po daily aprepitant 125mg peg daily take 125 mg per peg on day 1 of chemotherapy, then take 80 mg per peg on days 2 and 3. atenolol 50mg po daily chlorpromazine 10mg po 1-2 tabs q6hr prn hiccups clonazepam (unknown dose) doxazosin 4mg po daily esomeprazole (nexium) 10mg oral suspension, 40mg packet daily fentanyl 25 mcg/hour patch 72 hr fentanyl 50 mcg/hour patch 72 hr finasteride 5 mg tablet po daily lidocaine-diphenhyd--mag- lisinopril 20mg po daily lorazepam 0.5mg po daily ondnsetron 8mg po q6-8hr prn nausea oxycodone-acetaminophen 5mg-325mg 5-10mls solution po q6h prn pain prochlorperazine (compazine) 10mg po q8h prn nausea trazaone 50mg po daily colace 50mg/5ml liquid, 10ml per peg discharge medications: 1. fentanyl 50 mcg/hr patch 72 hr : one (1) patch 72 hr transdermal q72h (every 72 hours). 2. docusate sodium 50 mg/5 ml liquid : one (1) po bid (2 times a day) as needed. 3. lansoprazole 30 mg tablet,rapid dissolve, dr : one (1) tablet,rapid dissolve, dr daily (daily). 4. finasteride 5 mg tablet : one (1) tablet po daily (daily). 5. doxazosin 1 mg tablet : two (2) tablet po hs (at bedtime). 6. chlorpromazine 10 mg tablet : one (1) tablet po q6h (every 6 hours) as needed for nausea. 7. nystatin 100,000 unit/ml suspension : five (5) ml po tid (3 times a day): swish and spit. 8. clonazepam 0.5 mg tablet : one (1) tablet po qhs (once a day (at bedtime)) as needed. 9. lisinopril 20 mg tablet : two (2) tablet po daily (daily). disp:*60 tablet(s)* refills:*0* 10. oxycodone 5 mg/5 ml solution : five (5) mg po every hours as needed for pain. disp:*qs 60 ml* refills:*0* 11. levofloxacin 250 mg tablet : three (3) tablet po daily (daily) for 2 days: end date . disp:*6 tablet(s)* refills:*0* 12. metoprolol tartrate 50 mg tablet : three (3) tablet po tid (3 times a day). disp:*270 tablet(s)* refills:*0* 13. senna 8.6 mg tablet : one (1) tablet po bid (2 times a day) as needed. 14. amlodipine 2.5 mg tablet : one (1) tablet po once a day. disp:*30 tablet(s)* refills:*0* 15. home suction device suction secretions prn 16. nutren 2.0 tube feeds goal 45 ml/hr, with water flush 200 ml q4hours. dispense qs 1 month refills none discharge disposition: home with service facility: home health care discharge diagnosis: primary: right middle lobe pneumonia - bacterial versus aspiration atrial fibrillation urinary tract infection thrombocytopenia secondary: squamous cell carcinoma of nasopharynx, with chemo/radiation hypertension, benign gerd discharge condition: good. patient afebrile with stable vital signs, heart rate controlled. discharge instructions: you were admitted to the hospital with fevers and altered mental status, found to have a pneumonia. you were treated with antibiotics. your hospital course was complicated by development of atrial fibrillation, which was controlled with medication adjustments. please take medications as directed. you will need to discuss anticoagulation with dr. at your appointment tomorrow, to begin either coumadin or lovenox after your platelets improve. please follow up with appointments as directed. please contact physician if develop fevers/chills, shortness of breath, chest pain/pressure, palpitations, any neurological symptoms (weakness, numbness, difficulty speaking), any other questions or concerns. followup instructions: please follow up with previously scheduled appointments: provider: , md phone: date/time: 3:00 provider: , md phone: date/time: 3:00 provider: , rn phone: date/time: 4:00 please follow up with dr. ( on at 11:40am call speech therapy as instructed in their directions for a follow up appointment. procedure: enteral infusion of concentrated nutritional substances transfusion of packed cells diagnoses: esophageal reflux urinary tract infection, site not specified congestive heart failure, unspecified hyposmolality and/or hyponatremia atrial fibrillation hypertrophy (benign) of prostate without urinary obstruction and other lower urinary tract symptom (luts) pneumonitis due to inhalation of food or vomitus antineoplastic and immunosuppressive drugs causing adverse effects in therapeutic use personal history of malignant neoplasm of large intestine acute diastolic heart failure diverticulosis of colon (without mention of hemorrhage) tracheostomy status benign essential hypertension bacterial pneumonia, unspecified monoclonal paraproteinemia mucositis (ulcerative) due to antineoplastic therapy other specified aplastic anemias malignant neoplasm of other specified sites of nasopharynx Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: allergies: patient recorded as having no known allergies to drugs attending: chief complaint: admitted after mva major surgical or invasive procedure: bolt placement history of present illness: (patient unable to give history due to intubation/sedation) 78m getting out of car when struck past medical history: alzheimer's disease social history: non-contributory family history: non-contributory physical exam: physical exam upon admission: t:96.6 bp:110 / 52 hr:40 r14 o2sats 100 gen: wd/wn, in hard collar, intubated, sedated examined on stretcher in trauma bay ed heent: facial abrasions, no battle signs, raccoon eyes, no csf or blood in ears or nares pupils:2.5mm trace reactive neck: hard collar skin: multiple abrasions on all 4 extremities and face neuro:intubated, sedated, does open eyes to voice, follows commands, moving all 4 extrems spontaneously. toes upgoing bilaterally pertinent results: ct head : findings: an evolving infarction in the superior right middle cerebral artery territory is again seen. previously noted foci of hemorrhage within the infarction is slightly less dense. multiple other previously described foci of parenchymal and subarachnoid hemorrhage have become slightly less dense as well. hyperdense subdural blood remains present along the left tentorium. there is no evidence of new acute hemorrhage. the hypodense left frontal subdural collection is stable in size. moderate diffuse ventricular dilatation is stable, with blood again seen in the posterior lateral ventricles. there is no evidence of new cerebral edema or new major vascular territorial infarction. there is mucosal thickening and aerosolized secretions in the right sphenoid sinus. impression: 1. evolving subacute infarction in the right superior middle cerebral artery territory with slightly decreased density of blood products. 2. expected evolution of intra-axial and extra-axial intracranial hemorrhage. no evidence of new acute hemorrhage. 3. stable chronic subdural collection along the left convexity. 4. stable diffuse ventricular dilatation with stable intraventricular hemorrhage. cxr : findings: in comparison with the study , the opacification at both bases persists, most likely reflecting bilateral atelectasis. the possibility of supervening pneumonia cannot definitely excluded in the absence of a lateral view. the degree of free intraperitoneal gas is decreased, a finding related to prior tube placement. tracheostomy tube and right central catheter remain in place. upper extremity u/s right : nonocclusive thrombus in the right axillary and upper right basilic veins. brief hospital course: the patient was admitted to the icu after having an mva and was intubated and sedated. on repeat imaging his bleeds were increasing. therefore on a bolt was placed to monitor icp. additionally it was felt that his neuro exam was slightly worse. his icp remained normal and the bolt was removed on . the patient received a trach and peg on as he was unable to be extubated. his family consented to this procedure but they did make his code status dnr. on the patient was found to have drainage from the wound on his right elbow. this wound was from the initial accident. the culture from the site grew coag. neg. staph. ortho was consulted who recommended dressing changes . the wbc was 18 that day as well. the following day cxr revealed a new infiltrate. id was consulted and the patient was placed on triple antibiotics for a ventilator-associated-pneumonia. the wbc started to decrease and the neuro exam remained stable. he was transferred to the neuro stepdown unit on . his exam has remained unchanged. he opens his eyes slightly and has purposeful movement with rue. lue has no withdrawal. he moves his legs spontaneously. the patient was treated for a pneumonia and completed his course of antibiotics. he has been afebrile for several days and his wbc is trending down. his oxygen requirement has been stable. the patient was noted to not be moving the rue very often and nursing felt that he as guarding it. a clavicle fx was found which is non-displaced. he does not need surgery on it and has no restrictions for rom or weightbearing on the arm. the patient was evaluated by pt and ot who recommended rehab. he is currently on a trach mask and is not requiring frequent suctioning. he will be discharged today . medications on admission: aricept discharge medications: 1. chlorhexidine gluconate 0.12 % mouthwash sig: one (1) ml mucous membrane tid (3 times a day) as needed. 2. bacitracin zinc 500 unit/g ointment sig: one (1) appl topical qid (4 times a day) as needed. 3. senna 8.6 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po bid (2 times a day) as needed. 4. levetiracetam 500 mg tablet sig: two (2) tablet po bid (2 times a day). 5. docusate sodium 50 mg/5 ml liquid sig: one (1) po bid (2 times a day). 6. bisacodyl 5 mg tablet, delayed release (e.c.) sig: two (2) tablet, delayed release (e.c.) po daily (daily) as needed. 7. sodium chloride 1 gram tablet sig: one (1) tablet po tid (3 times a day). 8. metoprolol tartrate 50 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po tid (3 times a day). 9. famotidine 20 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po bid (2 times a day). 10. heparin (porcine) 5,000 unit/ml solution sig: one (1) injection tid (3 times a day) as needed for ppx. 11. acetaminophen 650 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po q6h (every 6 hours) as needed. 12. insulin please see attached insulin fixed dose and sliding scale. discharge disposition: extended care facility: discharge diagnosis: subdural hematoma subarachnoid hemorrhage intraventricular hemorrhage intraparenchymal hemorrhage pneumonia, ventilator aquired right non-displaced clavicle fracture discharge condition: neurologically stable discharge instructions: general instructions ??????take your pain medicine as prescribed. ??????exercise should be limited to walking; no lifting, straining, or excessive bending. ??????increase your intake of fluids and fiber, as narcotic pain medicine can cause constipation. we generally recommend taking an over the counter stool softener, such as docusate (colace) while taking narcotic pain medication. ??????unless directed by your doctor, do not take any anti-inflammatory medicines such as motrin, aspirin, advil, or ibuprofen etc. ??????you have been prescribed dilantin (phenytoin) for anti-seizure medicine, take it as prescribed and follow up with laboratory blood drawing in one week. this can be drawn at your pcp??????s office, but please have the results faxed to . call your surgeon immediately if you experience any of the following ??????new onset of tremors or seizures. ??????any confusion, lethargy or change in mental status. ??????any numbness, tingling, weakness in your extremities. ??????pain or headache that is continually increasing, or not relieved by pain medication. ??????new onset of the loss of function, or decrease of function on one whole side of your body. followup instructions: follow-up appointment instructions ??????please call ( to schedule an appointment with dr. , to be seen in 4 weeks. ??????you will need a ct scan of the brain without contrast prior to your appointment. this can be scheduled when you call to make your office visit appointment. procedure: venous catheterization, not elsewhere classified continuous invasive mechanical ventilation for 96 consecutive hours or more percutaneous [endoscopic] gastrostomy [peg] temporary tracheostomy closed [endoscopic] biopsy of bronchus closure of skin and subcutaneous tissue of other sites intracranial pressure monitoring magnetic removal of embedded foreign body from cornea diagnoses: motor vehicle traffic accident involving collision with pedestrian injuring pedestrian alkalosis fever, unspecified alzheimer's disease dementia in conditions classified elsewhere without behavioral disturbance closed fracture of one rib ventilator associated pneumonia cerebral artery occlusion, unspecified with cerebral infarction pneumonia due to klebsiella pneumoniae street and highway accidents other and unspecified cerebral laceration and contusion, without mention of open intracranial wound, with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration closed fracture of clavicle, unspecified part open wound of elbow, without mention of complication Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: allergies: penicillins attending: chief complaint: jaundice major surgical or invasive procedure: paracentesis , left subclavian central venous line history of present illness: this is a 58 y/o m with recently diagnosed alcoholic cirrhosis who is being called out of the icu where he was admitted overnight for monitoring post-ercp. . initially transferred from on for diagnosis of obstructive jaundice with radiographic evidence of dilated intra-hepatic duct on the left lobe of liver. presented with several days of fatigue, lethargy and ?ruq pain. at osh, noted to be hypotensive to 80's with leukocytosis to 22k and elevated bilirubin to 23. abdominal u/s demonstrated evidence of perihepatic/perisplenic ascites, ?cirrhosis and focal biliary ductal dilation on left lobe liver. mri confirmed these findings and ercp at osh showed suggestion of polyp at bifurcation of chd. . transferred to for further evaluation via repeat ercp but procedure limited by bowel wall edema and unable to cannulate ampulla. hemodymically stable in procedure and pacu but transferred to micu for further montioring. in micu overnight, blood pressure low/stable in 90's with prn ns boluses. maintaining urine output at 30cc per hour. mentating but with mild encephalopathy. lactate 1.4. osh demonstrated gpc in blood cx. blood, urine cultures repeated here. in addition cxr was performed which demonstrated ?infiltrate. . he underwent repeat ultrasound on which did not show intra or extra hepatic ductal dilatation. a 1.7 cm hypoechoic lesion was seen in the central portion of the liver which was thought to possibly represent hepatoma. of note there was normal hepatopedal flow and non-distended sludge was visualized in gallbladder. initial discussion in regards to percutaneous decompression of dilated duct, however hepatology was consulted and recommeded holding off on this procedure. felt that findings most consistent with acute on chronic etoh cirrhosis. recommend continued work-up for underlying infection and mrcp/repeat ercp for further evaluation. (see consult note for formal recommendations). . given hemodynamic stability overnight, called out to floor ( 10) on . past medical history: no major medical history prior to this hospitalization, was not taking any medications. 1. ? hilar tumor on abdominal ct 2. obstructive jaundice 3. alcoholism 4. cirrhosis as per hpi 5. anemia at osh social history: maternal grandmother with gastric ca. family history: - divorced, used to be truck driver until 6mos ago. - smokes 1 ppd x years, vodka tonics/day since age 23 (no etoh x 2 weeks), no ivdu, lives alone physical exam: vitals- t 96.4, l arm 96/52, r arm 82/38, p 94, r 16, 100% on ra gen- sleepy but arousable, cachectic. heent- icteric sclerae, jaundice, op clear pulm- cta bilaterally cv- rrr, nl s1, s2, no extra sounds abd- distended, soft, nt, nd ext- trace pedal edema neuro- a&o x 4, no asterixis pertinent results: labs: admission labs: wbc 32.2, hct 27.6 (mcv 108), plt 206 na 133, k 5.3, cl 105, hco3 16, bun 38, cr 0.9 alt 107, ast 250, alk phos 295, ldh 266, t bili 24.5 hepatitis serologies: negative. afp: <1.0. ca /9: hiv: negative. : negative. ama: positive at 1:160. microbiology: blood cultures at osh - 2/4 bottles (one from each set) positive for coag. negative staph aureus, resistant to oxacillin, sensitive to vancomycin. , 29 blood cultures: pending. urine culture: negative. , , stool: c. difficile negative. . paracentecis: wbc rbc polys lymphs monos eos basos mesothe macroph 39 572 47 27 0 1 1 6 18 . studies at : ruq liver u/s: findings: the liver has a nodular surface contour in keeping with underlying cirrhotic change. in the central portion of the right lobe of liver, there is an ovoid hypoechoic nodular lesion measuring up to 1.7 cm in size. some vascular flow demonstrated along its anterior aspect on color doppler assessment. this lesion could represent a small hepatoma and as such, further evaluation with mri of the liver is advised. normal hepatopetal direction of flow is demonstrated in the right portal vein. normal venous flow demonstrated in the middle hepatic vein. assessment of the left lobe of liver and main portal vein was difficult due to the presence of a larger amout of intra-abdominal ascites. an ink mark was placed over the largest depth of ascites in the right lower quadrant to facilitate any planned paracentesis. non-distended sludge containing gallbladder. no intra- or extra-hepatic biliary dilatation. . conclusion: 1. cirrhotic liver. 2. a 1.7-cm hypoechoic nodule in the central portion of the right lobe, could represent a small hepatoma. further evaluation with mri of the liver advised. 3. large amount of intra-abdominal ascites (ink mark placed over the largest area in the right lower quadrant. preferably paracentesis should be performed prior to any liver mri). . cxr: lung volumes are low. consolidation at the medial aspect of the left lung base could be pneumonia. configuration of the diaphragmatic pleural contour suggests small bilateral pleural effusions. opacified structure in the right upper abdominal quadrant looks more like a gallbladder than kidney. if the patient has not received any contrast agents, this finding suggests biliary obstruction. . ercp: 1. portal hypertensive gastropathy was present. scant coffee grounds were present. 2. the bowel wall was edematous. 3. the ampulla was extremely edematous. the papilla was intermittently visualized behind collapsing mucosal folds, but cannulation was not successful due to this limitation. . mrcp: 1. extensive peribiliary cysts within the hepatic hilum and left hepatic lobe greater than the right. mild-moderate peripheral left hepatic biliary ductal dilatation suggests a compressive effect of the cysts on the drainage of left biliary system. right biliary system does not show dilation. 2. narrow common hepatic duct near its origin with lack of visualization of the confluence from the right and left hepatic ducts. this is likely from compression by peribiliary cysts. no filling defects within the common hepatic duct or common bile duct evident, though the common hepatic duct is not completely visualized. 3. cirrhosis and portal hypertension without evidence of hcc. 4. splenic infarcts. . egd: 1. medium hiatal hernia. linear erosion in hernia sac. 2. mosaic appearance in the antrum and stomach body compatible with portal gastropathy. 3. erythema in the gastroesophageal junction. 4. varices at the gastroesophageal junction and lower third of the esophagus. 5. otherwise normal egd to second part of the duodenum. . ercp: 1. grade i esophageal varices were seen. a small hiatal hernia was noted. 2. changes of portal hypertensive gastropathy were seen involving the stomach. 3. duodenal bulb erosions were seen. 4. cannulation of the pancreatic duct was performed with a sphincterotome using a free-hand technique. contrast medium was injected resulting in partial opacification of the distal pd. limited pancreatogram revealed a normal distal pancreatic duct. 5. selective cannulation of the biliary duct was difficult with a sphincterotome. therefore, a pre-cut sphincterotomy was performed with a needle knife to gain access to the bile duct. 6. cholangiogram revealed a dilated bile duct with extrinsic compression at the hilum. the left intrahepatic duct filled with contrast preferentially and appeared mildly dilated. 7. a 10 fr 12 cm cotton biliary stent was placed successfully across the hilum into the left hepatic duct and bile was seen draining into the duodenum. brief hospital course: mr. is a 58 y/o m with recently diagnosed alcoholic cirrhosis, w/?obstructive jaundice, who was transferred from to . . # leukocytosis: his white blood cell count was initially elevated near 30,000. although he did not have a fever or focal signs, he did have positive blood cultures from (coagulase negative staph in bottles - one from each set). surveillance blood cultures were negative at . urine cultures and stool tests for c. difficile were negative as well. a diagnostic paracentecis was done at which was negative but was performed while he was already on antibiotics. initially he was broadly covered with vancomycin, levofloxacin, and flagyl. as his white count began to come down and his cultures remained negative, vancomycin was discontinued and he was continued on levofloxacin and flagyl. . # cirrhosis: this was thought most likely due to etoh given his history of heavy etoh use. hepatitis serologies were negative as were and hiv test. an ama was positive at 1:160. he was treated supportively with nutrition, folate, mvi, and vitamin k and multiple therapeutic paracenteces for dyspnea. complications included hematemesis which an associated fall in hematocrit. an egd showed no active site of bleeding but did show grade 2 varices, portal gastropathy, and linear erosions. he also had a persistently elevated bilirubin. an mrcp revealed multiple peribiliary cysts some of which were extrinsically compressing the biliary system. an ercp was performed and a stent was placed into the left hepatic duct. following this his bilirubin remained elevated and at discharge was around 40. . # hypotension: he was initially hypotensive to the 70s and required to be in the micu for one night following his ercp. his blood pressure stabilized into the mid 90s and he was called out to the floor. the differential for his hypotension included hypoalbuminemia due to his cirrhosis vs. sepsis due to his staph bacteremia. he had persistent hypotension with systolics in the 70s to 90s but he had good mentation through this and this was thought to be due to his underlying liver disease. he was supported with intermittent albumin. . # heme: he had a baseline macrocytic anemia due to his alcoholism. he also had a few episodes of hematemesis and an egd showed grade 2 varices, portal gastropathy, and linear erosions but no active site of bleeding. he required intermittent support with red blood cell transfusions. he also had thrombocytopenia thought secondary to his liver disease and alcoholism and he required intermittent platelet transfusions. . # hyponatremia: this was thought to be secondary to his cirrhosis and he was fluid restricted. . # non-gap metabolic acidosis: this was thought most likely due to diarrhea as his renal function was normal. . # dispo: after several weeks of supportive treatment, he felt subjectively about the same but, given the severity of his disease and his poor prognosis, he wished to orient his care towards comfort measures. at this point non-essential medications were stopped and he was treated supportively with pain medications and anti-emetics as needed. on he passed away. medications on admission: was not taking any medications prior to hospitalization. meds on transfer: levaquin 500mg iv q24 flagyl 500mg iv q8 vanco 1g iv q12 midodrine 5 mg po tid vit k 5mg sc x 3 days folic acid valium ciwa scale discharge medications: n/a discharge disposition: extended care discharge diagnosis: 1. alcoholic hepatitis/cirrhosis. discharge condition: expired. discharge instructions: n/a followup instructions: n/a procedure: venous catheterization, not elsewhere classified other endoscopy of small intestine other endoscopy of small intestine percutaneous abdominal drainage percutaneous abdominal drainage percutaneous abdominal drainage endoscopic sphincterotomy and papillotomy endoscopic insertion of stent (tube) into bile duct transfusion of packed cells transfusion of other serum transfusion of platelets diagnoses: thrombocytopenia, unspecified tobacco use disorder acute and subacute necrosis of liver alcoholic cirrhosis of liver acute kidney failure, unspecified acquired coagulation factor deficiency hyposmolality and/or hyponatremia diaphragmatic hernia without mention of obstruction or gangrene bacteremia other specified disorders of biliary tract hematemesis other disorders of plasma protein metabolism esophageal varices in diseases classified elsewhere, without mention of bleeding other specified disorders of stomach and duodenum cholangitis obstruction of bile duct other and unspecified alcohol dependence, unspecified acute alcoholic hepatitis folate-deficiency anemia Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: allergies: metformin attending: chief complaint: sob and body aches major surgical or invasive procedure: none history of present illness: this is an 81 year old female with history of asthma, dm, htn, and osa presenting with increasing lethargy since this morning. per her daughter , the patient has been quite lethargic over the past few days, but tonight at 8pm (the evening prior to admission), she complained of "pain everywhere" and her mental status deteriorated quickly from there with decreased responsiveness. she described a sensation of difficulty breathing, pointing to her throat, and asked to call 911. when ems arrived, she was minimally responsive, hypoxic on room air, but still protecting her airway. fs measured at 190. she denies any access to narcotic medications in the house and the patient takes ibuprofen only for her chronic osteoarthritis pain. most recent changes in meds were addition of olanzapine and increased in gabapentin dose about 1 month ago. . in the ed, she was minimally verbally responsive, did not follow commands, and was not reactive to pain (iv stick). her lungs were clear and head ct unremarkable. her o2 sats dropped to 78% on 2l nc, improved to 96% when sat upright. portable cxr showed some bilateral pleural effusions and some vascular congestion, with bnp of 351 (mildly elevated above her baseline). she received naloxone without any change in her mental status. she also received 1 dose each of vanc/zosyn as well as 40mg iv lasix and a nitro gtt. she received 1.5 hours of cpap and a repeat abg was unchanged (7.20/123/67/50). her last normal abg in was 7.43/56/119/38. she was then intubated, with subsequent improvement in her abg to 7.45/57/86/41, and started on propofol. she was afebrile at transfer with a hr of 75, bp 108/58, rr 22 on ac at a peep of 8 and fio2 40%. . she was most recently seen by her pcp for a pre-operative check-up prior to planned retinal surgery in . she was in good health at that point, with well-controlled t2dm (hba1c 7.4 on ) and no acute complaints. of note, she had a recent fall just last week and also in , when she fell out of bed somehow with the railing up and was found face first against the floor by her daughter. . ros: unable to be performed secondary to patient's intubated status past medical history: -type 2 diabetes mellitus -hypertension -atypical peripheral neuropathy with cutaneous sensations ("dust on her skin", seen by neurology, on gabapentin + olanzapine) -copd/asthma -macular edema (planned retinal surgery on ) -neovascular glaucoma secondary to her proliferative diabetic retinopathy -osa (prescribed bipap, not currently using) -osteoarthritis social history: patient is wheelchair bound due to old osteoarthritis and vision loss. in setting of a few recent falls in her apartment, her daughter stays with her at her apartment. born and grew up in the carribean. worked in a chocolate factory in in the . arrived in the us in . denies tobacco, etoh, ivda. family history: father with diabetes mellitus, died at age 69. mother with heart failure, died at age . oldest daughter with diabetes mellitus and polymyositis. physical exam: s: temp: 96.4 bp: 148/63 hr: 74 rr: o2sat 100% ac 430/16/5/40%; pip 29, pplat 16 gen: obese female, intubated, sedated heent: pupils nonreactive cataracts, anicteric, mmm, no supraclavicular or cervical lymphadenopathy, no jvd appreciated, no thyromegaly or thyroid nodules resp: cta b/l with good air movement throughout cv: rr, s1 and s2 wnl, no m/r/g abd: obese, +bs, soft, nt, mild distended, no masses or hsm ext: trace to 1+ edema skin: no rashes/no jaundice, skin intact neuro: intubated, sedated, unable to perform cn exam pertinent results: 11:29pm blood type-art po2-83* pco2-125* ph-7.15* caltco2-46* base xs-9 01:02am blood type-art po2-67* pco2-123* ph-7.20* caltco2-50* base xs-14 intubat-not intuba 02:42am blood type-art tidal v-500 fio2-40 po2-86 pco2-57* ph-7.45* caltco2-41* base xs-12 -assist/con intubat-intubated 05:04am blood type- temp-35.8 rates-16/ fio2-40 po2-31* pco2-74* ph-7.40 caltco2-48* base xs-16 intubat-intubated 04:45pm blood type-art po2-57* pco2-52* ph-7.50* caltco2-42* base xs-14 10:19pm blood lactate-0.8 04:45pm blood lactate-1.2 10:12pm blood wbc-5.9 rbc-4.44 hgb-12.6 hct-39.6 mcv-89 mch-28.3 mchc-31.7 rdw-13.7 plt ct-129* 01:00pm blood wbc-6.2 rbc-4.52 hgb-12.5 hct-39.4 mcv-87 mch-27.5 mchc-31.6 rdw-14.2 plt ct-159 10:12pm blood neuts-74.7* lymphs-19.1 monos-4.1 eos-1.6 baso-0.5 04:48am blood neuts-64.1 lymphs-26.0 monos-8.0 eos-1.3 baso-0.6 10:12pm blood pt-13.6* ptt-25.2 inr(pt)-1.2* 04:48am blood pt-13.3 ptt-24.0 inr(pt)-1.1 10:12pm blood glucose-207* urean-13 creat-0.8 na-138 k-5.1 cl-92* hco3-39* angap-12 01:00pm blood glucose-274* urean-12 creat-0.8 na-137 k-3.5 cl-96 hco3-34* angap-11 04:48am blood alt-38 ast-32 ld(ldh)-242 alkphos-65 totbili-0.6 . : ct head non contrast findings: there is no evidence of hemorrhage, edema, mass effect, or acute territorial infarction. the -white matter differentiation is preserved. the ventricles and sulci are normal in size and configuration. note is made of bilateral basal ganglia calcifications and extensive parafalcine calcification. in addition, note is made of hyperostosis frontalis. there is no fracture. the mastoid air cells and paranasal sinuses are well pneumatized and aerated. impression: no acute intracranial process. . ct chest: findings: since the prior examination, the patient has undergone endotracheal tube placement with tip in standard position 4.5 cm above the carina. a nasogastric tube courses below the diaphragm. the lungs are unchanged in appearance demonstrating extensive perihilar opacification and probable small bilateral pleural effusions, most compatible with interstitial pulmonary edema. there are no new focal consolidations. cardiomediastinal and hilar contours are stable. pulmonary vascularity is increased with redistribution and cephalization. impression: 1. endotracheal tube in standard position with tip 4.5 cm above the carina. 2. unchanged pulmonary edema. . ct pa/lat: comparison is made with prior study performed the same day earlier in the morning. aeration of the right lower lobe has improved. small bilateral pleural effusions are associated with adjacent opacities, left greater than right, consistent with atelectasis that on the left have minimally increased from two days before. the upper lobes are clear. there is no pneumothorax. cardiomediastinal contours are unchanged. brief hospital course: this is an 81 year old woman with history of asthma and osa who presented with progressive decrease in the level of consciousness secondary to co2 narcosis that was refractory to naloxone and noninvasive ventilation. she developed hypercapnic respiratory failure (recurrent, her last admission for hypercarbia was in that responded quickly to bipap from an asthma exacerbation caused by influenza). she has stopped using bipap at home for several months (due to development of tactile hallucinations). she was intubated for several hours while in he icu for hypercapnic respiratory failure (micu attributed that to increased doses of gabapentin and olanzapine and hypoventilation). she was extubated without complication. she has a high c02 at baseline. her head ct showed no central cause of hypercarbia. infectious work up was negative, she had no leukocytosis, and there was no evidence of sirs/sepsis. she was on tamiflu until her influenza returned negative. she received antibiotics in the ed but these were discontinued in the icu as there was no clear infectious etiology. she grew staph aureus that is coag negative and her vancomycin was stopped. she was alert and oriented x3 when called out to the floor and on discharge. she was monitored on the floor for 48 hours and did great. we continued nph which was half dose while npo. she was continued on iss. her nph was increased and she was asked to resume her home dose. we consulted sleep medicine who will arrange for home visit to inspect her bipap and we arranged a follow up with them on for refitting. total discharge time 45 minutes. she was discharged home with vna. medications on admission: albuterol sulfate - 0.83mg/ml solution for nebulization - use as directed up to three times a day for asthma flares albuterol sulfate - 90 mcg hfa aerosol inhaler - 2 inhalations orally up to qid as needed for flare of asthma (substitute for albuterol cfc mdi) brimonidine - 0.15 % drops - 1 drop(s) both eyes three times a day diltiazem hcl - 240 mg capsule,ext release degradable - one capsule,degradable cnt release(s) by mouth once a day dorzolamide - 2 % drops - 1 drop(s) both eyes three times a day fluticasone-salmeterol - 250 mcg-50 mcg/dose disk with device - 1 inhalation po twice a day gabapentin - 300 mg capsule - capsule(s) by mouth po tid hydrochlorothiazide - 25 mg tablet - 1 (one) tablet(s) by mouth once a day ibuprofen - 600 mg tablet - 1 tablet(s) by mouth up to tid arthritis pain lisinopril - 20 mg tablet - one tablet(s) by mouth twice a day olanzapine - 2.5 mg tablet - 1 tablet(s) by mouth qd to tid for strange sensations on the skin. sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim - 800 mg-160 mg tablet - 1 tablet(s) by mouth every twelve (12) hours travoprost - 0.004 % drops - 1 drop(s) both eyes at bedtime triamcinolone acetonide - 0.1 % cream - apply to affected areas twice a day medications - otc acetaminophen - (otc) - 500 mg tablet - 2 tablet(s) by mouth at bedtime aspirin - 81 mg tablet, delayed release (e.c.) - 1 tablet, delayed release (e.c.)(s) by mouth once a day cholecalciferol (vitamin d3) - (otc) - 400 unit tablet, chewable - 2 tablet(s) by mouth once a day docusate sodium - 100 mg capsule - 1 capsule(s) by mouth up to insulin regular human - 100 unit/ml solution - as directed per ss nph insulin human recomb - 100 unit/ml suspension - 80 units in am as directed senna - 8.6 mg tablet - 1 tablet(s) by mouth up to as needed for constipation discharge medications: 1. bisacodyl 5 mg tablet, delayed release (e.c.) sig: two (2) tablet, delayed release (e.c.) po daily (daily) as needed for constipation. 2. senna 8.6 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po bid (2 times a day) as needed for constipation. 3. docusate sodium 50 mg/5 ml liquid sig: one (1) po bid (2 times a day). 4. brimonidine 0.15 % drops sig: one (1) drop ophthalmic q8h (every 8 hours). 5. dorzolamide 2 % drops sig: one (1) drop ophthalmic tid (3 times a day). 6. fluticasone-salmeterol 250-50 mcg/dose disk with device sig: one (1) disk with device inhalation (2 times a day). 7. hydrochlorothiazide 12.5 mg capsule sig: one (1) capsule po daily (daily). 8. aspirin 81 mg tablet, chewable sig: one (1) tablet, chewable po daily (daily). 9. albuterol sulfate 2.5 mg /3 ml (0.083 %) solution for nebulization sig: one (1) inhalation q4h (every 4 hours) as needed for shortness of breath or wheezing. 10. ipratropium bromide 0.02 % solution sig: one (1) inhalation q6h (every 6 hours) as needed for shortness of breath or wheezing. 11. latanoprost 0.005 % drops sig: one (1) drop ophthalmic hs (at bedtime). 12. diltiazem hcl 240 mg tablet extended release 24 hr sig: one (1) tablet extended release 24 hr po once a day. 13. calcium carbonate 200 mg (500 mg) tablet, chewable sig: one (1) tablet, chewable po tid (3 times a day). 14. cholecalciferol (vitamin d3) 400 unit tablet sig: two (2) tablet po daily (daily). 15. lisinopril 20 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po bid (2 times a day). 16. humulin n 100 unit/ml suspension sig: please resume your previous home dose subcutaneous once a day. 17. humulin r 100 unit/ml solution sig: one (1) injection please resume your previous sliding scale. discharge disposition: home with service facility: family services discharge diagnosis: combination of obstructive sleep disordered breathing and obesity hypoventilation. discharge condition: mental status: clear and coherent. level of consciousness: alert and interactive. activity status: ambulatory - independent. discharge instructions: you had respiratory failure from high co2 in the blood because you were not using your bipap. please use it always. we stopped some of your medications. please restart them only after a consultation with your pcp and neurologist. followup instructions: we will ask medical to verify the pressures and machine (bipap). we also recommend she see a sleep physician in the sleep clinic. please contact our sleep clinic scheduling office at if you have any question regarding you appointment with dr. . department: opthalmology when: tuesday at 12:30 pm campus: east best parking: garage department: center when: wednesday at 8:10 am with: , m.d. building: sc clinical ctr campus: east best parking: garage department: when: thursday at 10:40 am with: , md building: campus: east best parking: garage department: medical specialties when: friday at 9:00 am with: , md building: sc clinical ctr campus: east best parking: garage procedure: continuous invasive mechanical ventilation for less than 96 consecutive hours insertion of endotracheal tube diagnoses: thrombocytopenia, unspecified obstructive sleep apnea (adult)(pediatric) congestive heart failure, unspecified unspecified essential hypertension asthma, unspecified type, unspecified polyneuropathy in diabetes acute respiratory failure alkalosis long-term (current) use of insulin osteoarthrosis, unspecified whether generalized or localized, site unspecified obesity, unspecified chronic obstructive asthma, unspecified chronic diastolic heart failure diabetes with neurological manifestations, type ii or unspecified type, uncontrolled glaucoma associated with vascular disorders diabetes with ophthalmic manifestations, type ii or unspecified type, uncontrolled proliferative diabetic retinopathy obesity hypoventilation syndrome wheelchair dependence body mass index 31.0-31.9, adult Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: allergies: patient recorded as having no known allergies to drugs attending: chief complaint: hypercarbic respiratory failure major surgical or invasive procedure: rigid bronchoscopy intubation central line placement history of present illness: 58 y/o woman w/ sclc, metastatic, s/p xrt, chemo with recent non-response to chemotherapy admitted to with dyspnea. she was found to have a right upper lobe collapse, and a pleural effusion. a pleurex catheter was placed. she was transfered to for ip evaluation and possible tracheal stenting. bronchoscopy however, demonstrated extensive involvement of the right mainstem, right upper lobe, right middle lobe, and right lower lobe with tumor. she is not a candidate for a stent given distal airway disease. after the procedue she developed hypercarbic respiratory failure. they attempted non-invasive ventilation but she failed this with continued hypercapnea. she was intubated with initial vent settings of pressure support 22/5 peep, 50% fi02. her rr was 30-40. she was tachycardic and an attempt was made to obtain a cta of her chest. she was hypotensive to the 50s sytolic during the study and was returned to the tsciu. she was then transfered to the micu. . when in the micu, she was transitioned to volume control ventilation with tv 350/rr 20/100% fi02 and 10 peep. her abgs improved on these settings. given her underlyign copd, her minute ventilation was approx with a prolonged expiratory time and ap about the findings which was new to him. she was last seen by her oncologist in . he expressed that she would not want aggresive measures taken and that surgery was not in line with her goals of care. . neurosurgery was prior to speaking with his husband who iv decadron. manitol coudl not be used secondary to pressor dependance and hyperventialtion also coudl not be performed due to her unerlying lung disease. past medical history: small cell lung cancer - treated @ medical center. had chemotherapy last summer. copd - unknown pulmonary function. hyperlipidemia psoriasis social history: to be obtained family history: deferred physical exam: heent: clear op, mmm neck: supple, no lad, no jvd cv: rr, nl rate. nl s1, s2. no murmurs, rubs or lungs: course breath soudns bilaterally, moves air bilateraly, moreon left than right. she has end expiratory wheezing on left. abd: soft, nt, nd. nl bs. no hsm ext: no edema. 2+ dp pulses bl neuro: intubated and sedated. pupils were equal and responsive with corneal refelxes. pertinent results: 04:50pm pt-13.1 ptt-22.1 inr(pt)-1.1 04:50pm plt count-210 04:50pm wbc-8.6 rbc-3.26* hgb-10.1* hct-29.9* mcv-92 mch-30.9 mchc-33.6 rdw-15.6* 04:50pm calcium-9.2 phosphate-3.8 magnesium-2.2 04:50pm estgfr-using this 04:50pm glucose-146* urea n-25* creat-0.9 sodium-140 potassium-4.9 chloride-101 total co2-35* anion gap-9 . cxr line placement: in comparison with earlier study of this date, the right subclavian catheter extends to the mid portion of the svc. there is even further diffuse opacification involving the right hemithorax with congestion in the left lung. the possibility of a left lower lung pneumonia can certainly not be excluded. . cxr : no previous images. there is extensive opacification of the right hemithorax consistent with some combination of pleural effusion, atelectasis, and pneumonia. the mediastinal structures appear to be within the midline. the left lung is clear. . ct head : enhancing mass lesions centered within the left thalamus, right pons and left cerebellar hemisphere, concerning for metastatic disease. there is mass effect with downward displacement of the left cerebellar tonsil and compression of the third and fourth ventricles with asymmetric dilatation of the posterior left ventricular . if clinically indicated, further characterization could be performed with contrast-enhanced mri to assess for small lesions not seen on ct. . cxr : little overall change except for placement of nasogastric tube. . cta chest : 1. no evidence of pulmonary embolus. 2. known mass replacing the majority of the right lung and significantly compressing both the pulmonary arterial and bronchial trees. there is extensive associated thoracic adenopathy. 3. patchy left lung opacity has an appearance more suggestive of an infectious or inflammatory process. brief hospital course: ms. is a 58 y/o female with sclc admitted with hypercarbic respiratory failure, found to have several large brain metastases with tonsillar herniation on head ct. . #) hypercarbic respiratory failure. unclear etiology/inciting event. she did receive sedation, but she had a bronchoscopy the day prior with sedation and no subsequent respiratory failure. brain lesions may be contributing, but no acute herniation event (pupils still reactive). no pe seen on cta. mechanical ventilation continued. nebulizers, steroids, and empiric levofloxacin/metronidazole were started. after a discussion with the family, a mutual goal of weaning the ventilatory was established so that the patient could communicate and interact with her family. she was discharged to hospital on ac 330x30, 80%, 10. . # brain metastasis. found on head ct, large and multiple. had received previous whole brain prophylactic radiation 2 years ago. neurosurgery was consulted and recommended steroids iv as well as mannitol. given the size of the masses, they could be removed prior to any pallitive radiation, but in her current decompensated respiratory state, is unlikely to offer benefit, even short term. if we are able to get her off the ventilator, woudl be reasonable to discuss possible intervention. however, the family believes that she would not want surgery, so the goals of care shifted more towards palliation, with goals to wean the ventilator. . # post-obstructive pneumonia. seen on bronchoscopy, with elevated wbc and fevers to 102. empiric treatment with levofloxacin/metronidazole. . # hypotension: concerning for both hypovolemia and sepsis. other etiologies could be sedation related. central compression also possible. blood, urine, and sputum cultures sent. pressors given as needed (phenylephrine). . # sclc: as above, metastatic. further treatment discussions largely dependent on if it is possible to wean her from ventilator. . # cad: continue statin, hold aspirin/metoprolol given brain metastases and hypotension, respectively. . # depression: continued citalopram. medications on admission: methotrexate 10qfri metoprolol 50' celexa 20' zocor 20' prednisone 60' asa 81 albuterol atrovent mg oxide discharge medications: 1. heparin (porcine) 5,000 unit/ml solution sig: one (1) injection injection tid (3 times a day). 2. citalopram 20 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po daily (daily). 3. simvastatin 10 mg tablet sig: two (2) tablet po daily (daily). 4. magnesium oxide 400 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po daily (daily). 5. methotrexate sodium 2.5 mg tablet sig: four (4) tablet po qfri (every friday). 6. chlorhexidine gluconate 0.12 % mouthwash sig: five (5) ml mucous membrane (2 times a day). 7. ipratropium bromide 17 mcg/actuation aerosol sig: two (2) puff inhalation qid (4 times a day). 8. famotidine 20 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po q12h (every 12 hours). 9. midazolam 5 mg/ml solution sig: one (1) iv drip injection titrate to (titrate to desired clinical effect (please specify)). 10. fentanyl citrate (pf) 50 mcg/ml solution sig: one (1) iv drip injection infusion (continuous infusion). 11. acetaminophen 325 mg tablet sig: two (2) tablet po q4h (every 4 hours). 12. ibuprofen 600 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po q8h (every 8 hours). 13. docusate sodium 50 mg/5 ml liquid sig: ten (10) ml po bid (2 times a day). 14. senna 8.6 mg tablet sig: 1-2 tablets po bid (2 times a day) as needed. 15. insulin lispro 100 unit/ml solution sig: one (1) insulin sliding scale subcutaneous asdir (as directed). 16. albuterol 90 mcg/actuation aerosol sig: 1-2 puffs inhalation q4h (every 4 hours). 17. levofloxacin in d5w 750 mg/150 ml piggyback sig: seven y (750) mg intravenous daily (daily) for 7 days. 18. metronidazole in nacl (iso-os) 500 mg/100 ml piggyback sig: five hundred (500) mg intravenous q8h (every 8 hours) for 7 days. 19. dexamethasone sodium phosphate 4 mg/ml solution sig: four (4) mg injection q6h (every 6 hours). 20. mannitol 20 % 20 % parenteral solution sig: 12.5 gm intravenous q8h (every 8 hours). 21. levophed 1 mg/ml solution sig: 1.5 mg/kg/min intravenous continuous: titrate to map < 60. discharge disposition: extended care discharge diagnosis: small cell lung cancer with brain metastases right lower lobe collapse hypoxic and hypercarbic respiratory failure copd discharge condition: stable for transfer: ac 330cc x 30 breath/min, 80% fio2, 10 peep discharge instructions: you were admitted for rigid bronchoscopy and evaluation of the right lung. unfortunately, no stenting could be performed due to the extensive involvement of tumor in the right lung. you developed respiratory failure after the procedure, and you were intubated; ct head revealed brain metastases, likely from your primary lung cancer. you are being discharged to hospital to be closer to your family. . please take all your medications as prescribed. if you develop any concerning symptoms, please speak to the medical personnel at hospital. followup instructions: none md procedure: continuous invasive mechanical ventilation for less than 96 consecutive hours venous catheterization, not elsewhere classified insertion of endotracheal tube other bronchoscopy arterial catheterization diagnoses: pneumonia, organism unspecified other iatrogenic hypotension unspecified pleural effusion unspecified essential hypertension chronic airway obstruction, not elsewhere classified coronary atherosclerosis of unspecified type of vessel, native or graft depressive disorder, not elsewhere classified compression of brain other and unspecified hyperlipidemia secondary malignant neoplasm of brain and spinal cord malignant neoplasm of other parts of bronchus or lung obesity, unspecified other psoriasis unspecified procedure as the cause of abnormal reaction of patient, or of later complication, without mention of misadventure at time of procedure Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: discharge medications: 1. iron. 2. colace. 3. percocet. 4. motrin. history of hospitalization: the patient was admitted status post total abdominal hysterectomy secondary to uterine fibroids. please see admission operative note for full details. she is a 45-year-old gravida 2, para 2 with a history of large fibroid uterus and menometrorrhagia. her fibroid uterus was approximately 20 cm in size. past medical history: c section x2. she has no medical history. physical examination: physical exam is within normal limits. with noting her fibroid uterus, decision was made to proceed with a total abdominal hysterectomy. at the time, this was felt to be uncomplicated, however, when the patient was transferred to the floor, she was dizzy and nauseated. her blood pressure is found to be 54/palp and the heart rate was in the 100s, the sat was 95%. she was evaluated at that time, placed on trendelenburg, and given iv bolus until her blood pressures resolved to the 80s-90s/30s-40s. a second drop in blood pressure was noted 67/38. a stat hematocrit was sent, and a micu consult was initiated. she had been putting out 200-400 cc urine in each hour, however, the concern was for bleeding, and she was noted to be slightly distended. decision was made to proceed to the operating room. she was type and crossed for 4 units, and she proceeded to the operating room. the laparotomy revealed bleeding at the right uterine artery pedicle which was ligated. please see full operative report for details of that procedure. she received 2 units of blood intraoperatively as well as 2 units postoperatively. she was transferred to the micu postoperatively for immediate postoperative care as she was extubated 8:30 or 9 pm. she was maintained overnight in the micu. was found to be hemodynamically stable, and transferred to the floor the following morning. at that time, her hematocrit was noted to be 34.4 and her laboratory values were within normal limits. she was advanced within her diet. her calcium was noted to be low at 7.1 and was repleted. she was hemodynamically stable with adequate urine output. her blood pressure was stable. she was maintained on std prophylaxis, and she was transferred on postoperative day one from the micu to the floor. at that time, the beginnings of her routine postoperative care were initiated. her diet was advanced over the following few days, and she was able to tolerate a regular diet. she was noted to be tachycardic on postoperative day one on the late afternoon with a heart rate in the 120s. the chest x-ray was obtained, and she was found to have a small left pleural effusion. chem-10 was obtained and all electrolytes were noted to be within normal limits. the following day she was monitored, the question of pain medications arose with regard to her tachycardia. she also noted had chest discomfort and cta was ordered the following day which was read as negative with small bilateral pleural effusions and patient was not thought to have a pulmonary embolus. she was maintained on the next four days. her diet was advanced. her pain control improved. her tachycardia resolved, and she underwent routine postoperative care. on , two days prior to discharge, she was notably vomiting and had nausea overnight, however, this was self limited, resolved on its own, and on postoperative day five, , she was greatly improved. she was tolerating regular diet, voiding spontaneously without a foley catheter. her tachycardia had stabilized at 90s-100s, and she was discharged home in stable condition on postoperative day five to followup with dr. . , m.d. dictated by: medquist36 procedure: reopening of recent laparotomy site diagnoses: hypocalcemia acute posthemorrhagic anemia hemorrhage complicating a procedure other specified surgical operations and procedures causing abnormal patient reaction, or later complication, without mention of misadventure at time of operation intramural leiomyoma of uterus subserous leiomyoma of uterus Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: allergies: hmg-coa reductase inhibitors (statins) attending: addendum: per rheum note (see omr note for full details): ?????? abi testing would likely help determine the severity of pvd if this has not already been done. ?????? would suggest out patient rheum follow up if he develops any new symptoms that would suggest pmr or gca. . suggest primary team look for other causes of elevated esr if warranted (although he does have significant cardiac disease). discharge disposition: home md procedure: continuous invasive mechanical ventilation for less than 96 consecutive hours combined right and left heart cardiac catheterization other and unspecified coronary arteriography diagnoses: anemia in chronic kidney disease coronary atherosclerosis of native coronary artery pure hypercholesterolemia tobacco use disorder mitral valve disorders congestive heart failure, unspecified acute kidney failure, unspecified coronary atherosclerosis of autologous vein bypass graft hypertensive chronic kidney disease, unspecified, with chronic kidney disease stage i through stage iv, or unspecified peripheral vascular disease, unspecified chronic kidney disease, unspecified anxiety state, unspecified acute respiratory failure atherosclerosis of renal artery other emphysema acute on chronic combined systolic and diastolic heart failure Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: allergies: codeine / wellbutrin attending: chief complaint: gu abscess. major surgical or invasive procedure: ct-guided drainage of perinephric and prostatic fluid collections. operative drainage of prostatic abscess foley placement history of present illness: mr. is a 60 yo man with history of renal stones, esrd on hd, anxiety, and hypertension admitted from the ed with abdominal pain. the pt reports an intermittent history of renal stones, stretching back as long as twenty years ago. two months ago he underwent external lithotripsy for a left kidney stone. he reports tolerating this procedure well, but his stone-related symptomes persisted. two weeks ago he underwent left ureteroscopy with laser lithotripsy and uretal stent placement. on , the pt was scheduled to undergo stent removal in the office his urologist (dr. at hospital. the stent could not be successfully retrieved, thus the pt was scheduled to go to the or at a later date. over the last two days, the pt began to notice increasing fatigue and malaise. on the day of admission, he had n/v, chills, suprapubic pain, dysuria and urinary frequency. he presented to hospital for evaluation, where his initial temperature was 100.6. there, a ct scan was suspicious for pylonephritis, prostatitis, left renal absess and possible prostate abscess. he was treated there with vancomycin, gentamycine and levofloxacin, then transferred to the for further urologic care. in our ed, repeat ct scan preliminarily confirms the presence of left renal abscess and possible prostate abscess, as well as bilateral renal calculi and left ureteral calculus. urology recommended speaking with ir, who has agreed to attempt drainage of the renal abscess. initial vitals in the ed were hr 103 / 108/63 / rr 18 / 98% on ra. the pt was given dilaudid for pain control and admitted to the for further care. upon arrival to the unit, the pt endorses some ongoing gu discomfort but otherwise feels mildly improved. ros: as above. no difficultly swallowing but decreased appetite. no chest, jaw or arm pain. no palpitations. no cough, sob or wheeze. mild constipation. no focal weakness. past medical history: esrd on hd mwf (follows with dr. in ) htn renal stones past etoh abuse s/p appendectomy jaw surgery left wrist surgery social history: home: lives with wife and two children occupation: former machinist, currently disabled etoh: none current, formerly heavy use drugs: endorses marijuana use tobacco: quite in , previously 1 ppd x 45 years family history: mother had multiple cvas and died at 69. father died of lung ca at 65. one brother with esophageal ca at 62. another brother with mental illness. physical exam: gen: well appearing adult male, moderate discomfort. heent: perrl, eomi. mmm. conjunctiva well pigmented. neck: supple, without adenopathy or jvd. no tenderness with palpation. chest: ctab anterior and posterior. right subclavian hd catheter in place without focal evidence of infection. cor: normal s1, s2. rrr. no murmurs appreciated. abdomen: positive voluntary guarding with rebound tenderness. non-distended. +bs, no hsm. gu: positive cva tenderness, mostly on left. per urology exam, "exquisitely tender and boggy" prostate. extremity: warm, without edema. 2+ dp pulses bilat. neuro: alert and oriented. cn 2-12 intact. motor strength intact in all extremities. sensation intact grossly. pertinent results: labs at admission: 03:25am blood wbc-25.8* rbc-4.03* hgb-12.4* hct-36.1* mcv-90 mch-30.8 mchc-34.4 rdw-15.9* plt ct-160 03:25am blood neuts-57 bands-28* lymphs-2* monos-5 eos-0 baso-0 atyps-0 metas-6* myelos-2* 03:25am blood pt-16.5* ptt-29.4 inr(pt)-1.5* 03:25am blood glucose-105 urean-43* creat-7.0* na-135 k-4.8 cl-94* hco3-25 angap-21* 03:25am blood albumin-3.9 calcium-8.8 phos-5.7* mg-1.5* 03:25am blood alt-11 ast-12 alkphos-67 totbili-0.3 03:28am blood lactate-3.3* . imaging studies: ct abdomen and pelvis (): 1. left perinephric fat stranding, striated nephrogram and a focal fluid collection in the perinephric space concerning for abscess and pyelonephritis as described above. 2. prostatic hypodensities also concerning for abscesses as described above. extensive perivesicular, periprostatic, and perirectal fat stranding. 3. bilateral renal calculi and left ureteral calculus. left ureteral stent in place. no evidence of hydronephrosis. 4. vascular calcifications. 5. gallbladder adenomyomatosis. . ct interventional procedure (): 1. 4 cc of hemorrhagic fluid aspirated from left perinephric collection. 2. 5 cc of turbid reddish pus aspirated from prostate. 3. no immediate complications. . cxr (): 1) probable subsegmental atelectasis or scarring at the left base. consider followup imaging to exclude progression to infiltrate, if clinically indicated. 2) no chf. 3) right ij line tip, as described. no ptx. . microbiology: blood culture : 3:30 am blood culture blood culture, routine (preliminary): pseudomonas aeruginosa. final sensitivities. sensitivities: mic expressed in mcg/ml _________________________________________________________ pseudomonas aeruginosa | amikacin-------------- 4 s cefepime-------------- 4 s ceftazidime----------- 2 s ciprofloxacin--------- =>4 r gentamicin------------ =>16 r meropenem------------- 8 i piperacillin---------- <=4 s piperacillin/tazo----- <=4 s tobramycin------------ =>16 r aerobic bottle gram stain (final ): gram negative rod(s). reported by phone to 5/2/09/ 1115am #. . 3:30 am blood culture blood culture, routine (preliminary): pseudomonas aeruginosa. final sensitivities. sensitivities: mic expressed in mcg/ml _________________________________________________________ pseudomonas aeruginosa | amikacin-------------- 4 s cefepime-------------- 4 s ceftazidime----------- 2 s ciprofloxacin--------- =>4 r gentamicin------------ =>16 r meropenem------------- 8 i piperacillin---------- <=4 s piperacillin/tazo----- <=4 s tobramycin------------ =>16 r aerobic bottle gram stain (final ): gram negative rod(s). reported by phone to 5/2/09/ 1115am #. brief hospital course: the patient is a 60 year old man with history of esrd on hd, nephrolithiasis, hypertension who initally presented on with left peri-nephric abscess, prostatic abscess and pseudomonas bacteremia. . # pseudomonas bactremia/pylonephritis/prostatitis/perinephric and prostatic abscesses: patient was in his usual state of health until approximately 2 months ago when he underwent lithotripsy for left kidney stone. however, he had continued symptoms following this procedure, so ultimately underwent ureteroscopy with stent placement approximately 2 weeks prior to admission. 2 days prior to admission, he developed left sided flank pain, malaise, fatiuge, fevers. he presented to hospital with these symptoms on , where ct scan was performed and was suspicious for pylonephritis, prostatitis, left renal absess and possible prostate abscess. he was therefore transferred to for urologic evaluation. he was initially admitted to the icu for peri-sepsis. his work up and evaluation demonstrated definite left peri-nephric abscess, pseudomonas bacteremia, and possible prostatic abscess. he was started on appropriate antibiotics, and urology and id were consulted. he also underwent ir drainage of the left peri-nephric abscess with removal of pus (on - pus grew pseudomonas). the possible prostatic abscess was attempted to be drained at ir as well, but only clear-ish fluid was removed (?urine from bladder). there was thought that perhaps there was no abscess and more edema/prostatitis. he subsequently stabilized in and was called out to the regular medical floor where he was maintained on antibiotics, with urology and id following. on floor, he continued to have severe rectal pain. ultrasound was attempted to evaluate for ?persistent prostatic abscess but was not tolerated due to pain - therefore patient underwent mri that demonstrated clear prostatic abscess. he was therefore taken to the or on by urology with unroofing of the abscess with removal of pus. the procedure was tolerated well, and he was re-admitted to the prophylactically following the procedure. he was then called out to the regular medical floor where he remained stable and was then discharged home. he was discharged to complete a 6 week course of ceftazadime to be dosed at dialysis. he has a foley catheter in placed, and was discharged on tamsulosin and finasteride with follow up scheduled with both urology and infectious disease. his lfts and cbc will need to be monitered on a weekly basis. . # end-stage renal disease on hemodialysis: he is on a mwf schedule. renal was following during this admission. he has a right tunneled hd line which initially renal wanted to remove/change given pseudomonas bacteremia, but id felt the line could stay in. of note, the pt had an av fistula, but this fistula has been damaged by use of a blood pressure cuff over it while maturing, so his only access is his catheter at this time. he was discharged to continue outpatient dialysis. . # hypertension: we held his antihypertensives at admission due to tenuous clinical status. when blood pressure allowed, his lisinopril, clonidine, and amlodipine were restarted. . # anemia: there was no baseline for comparison. likely this is multifactorial from acute marrow suppression and end-stage renal disease. an active type and screen was maintained but there was no need for transfusion. iron studies showed fe 15. reticulocyte count low at 1.5. patient is receiving epo with hd. . # urinary retention: as above, foley catheter was placed and he was started on tamsulosin and finasteride, with urology follow up on discharge. medications on admission: lisinopril 20mg daily amlodipine 10mg daily clonidine 0.1mg twice daily nephrocaps once daily renagel 2400mg three times daily folate 1mg daily bactrim ds twice daily - started , planned for 14 day course discharge medications: 1. tamsulosin 0.4 mg capsule, sust. release 24 hr sig: one (1) capsule, sust. release 24 hr po hs (at bedtime): this medication may may you dizzy. it is best to take this medicine at night and stand-up slowly so as to prevent falls. disp:*30 capsule, sust. release 24 hr(s)* refills:*2* 2. b complex-vitamin c-folic acid 1 mg capsule sig: one (1) cap po daily (daily). 3. sevelamer hcl 400 mg tablet sig: six (6) tablet po tid w/meals (3 times a day with meals). 4. acetaminophen 500 mg tablet sig: 1-2 tablets po q6h (every 6 hours) as needed for fever/pain: this is tylenol. 5. folic acid 1 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po daily (daily). 6. amlodipine 5 mg tablet sig: two (2) tablet po daily (daily). 7. lisinopril 20 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po daily (daily). 8. ceftazidime 2 gram recon soln sig: two (2) gram injection qhd (each hemodialysis) for 38 days. 9. docusate sodium 100 mg capsule sig: one (1) capsule po bid (2 times a day): this is an over the counter stool softener. 10. senna 8.6 mg tablet sig: two (2) tablet po daily (daily) as needed for constipation: this is an over the counter stool softener. 11. lactulose 10 gram/15 ml syrup sig: thirty (30) ml po q8h (every 8 hours) as needed for constipation. disp:*100 ml(s)* refills:*0* 12. bisacodyl 5 mg tablet, delayed release (e.c.) sig: two (2) tablet, delayed release (e.c.) po daily (daily) as needed for constipation: this can be purchased over the counter for constipation. can use oral or suppository. 13. finasteride 5 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po once a day. disp:*30 tablet(s)* refills:*2* 14. clonidine 0.1 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po bid (2 times a day). 15. outpatient lab work please bring this slip to dialysis please check weekly liver function tests (ast, alt, total bili, ldh) and weekly cbc and fax to dr. at 16. ceftazidime 2 gram recon soln sig: two (2) grams injection qhd (each hemodialysis): through . discharge disposition: home facility: & rehab center - discharge diagnosis: primary diagnoses: prostatitis and prostatic abscess pseudomonas bacteremia pyelonephritis kidney stones urinary retention secondary diagnoses end-stage renal disease on hemodialysis hypertension discharge condition: vital signs stable. pain adequately-controlled. discharge instructions: you were admitted to the hospital for evaluation of fluid collections around the kidney and prostate gland. under ct-guidance, these fluid collections were drained and they were found to grow out bacteria. the same bacteria were also isolated from samples of the urine and blood. we have treated the infection with antibiotics. urology and infectious disease has recommended for continuation of the antibiotics for 6 weeks. . you will need to follow up with dr. of urology in 2 weeks to have your stent removed and your foley removed. you also will need to follow up with dr. of infectious disease as scheduled. please see below for details. . please note the following changes to your medicines: -tamsulosin and finasteride were started to help with prostate enlargement -senna, colace, and bisacodyl as needed to treat constipation (these are over the counter) -lactulose as needed for constipation (you were given a prescription for this) . please call your doctor or return to the emergency room if you have: -fever -worsening abdominal or pelvic pain -any other symptoms that are concerning to you followup instructions: 1. urology: please follow up with dr. on at 8:45 am, building , surgical specialties, . they will take your foley and ureteral stent out at this appointment. . 2. infectious disease: dr. on at 11:00 am phone:; , , ground floor, , 3. please follow up with your nephrologist dr. at dialysis. you will need to have weekly labs done at dialysis, and a prescription is written for these labs - please bring this prescription with you to dialysis. . 4. please follow up with dr. in the next 1 week. procedure: percutaneous abdominal drainage incision of prostate percutaneous aspiration of prostate diagnoses: anemia in chronic kidney disease end stage renal disease pulmonary collapse hypertensive chronic kidney disease, unspecified, with chronic kidney disease stage v or end stage renal disease anxiety state, unspecified bacteremia retention of urine, unspecified calculus of kidney pseudomonas infection in conditions classified elsewhere and of unspecified site acute pyelonephritis without lesion of renal medullary necrosis acute prostatitis renal and perinephric abscess abscess of prostate Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: history of present illness: the patient is a 24-year-old male with no significant past medical history who on was riding on his motorcycle which was hit by a car. he was found to be unconscious at the scene with a gcs of 3. ems had difficulty intubating him and apparently he was resuscitated for fifteen minutes before medics had arrived and was able to intubate him. he was hemodynamically stable on arrival to the er and was emergently taken to the or. on exam, his pupils were equal and reactive. he had purposeful movements of all of his limbs. he was in sinus, his lungs were clear. his abdomen was soft. his lower extremities were warm. his admission labs were a white count of 14.2, creatinine of 34, platelets of 311. his coags were 12.9, 25.4 and 1.1. his fibrinogen was 174. his chem 7 on admission was 145, 3.9, 116, 22, 9, 0.7 and 123. his alcohol level was 150. hospital course: the patient was admitted and brought to the operating room for emergent splenectomy. the patient was found to have a splenic avulsion, superficial liver laceration, left iliac retroperitoneal hematoma and a hematoma of the greater curve of the stomach. the patient was brought back up to the icu in stable condition. he was monitored in the intensive care unit and continued to remain stable. the patient was noted on his head ct to have a tiny right frontal subarachnoid blood in the anterior sylvan fissure, left orbital fracture, maxillary sinus lateral wall fracture, basilar skull fracture, damaged ear ossicle, mandibular fracture which required repair, right scapular fracture, t1 fracture treated with a hard collar and no surgery. on , he had spontaneous purposeful movements of his limbs. on , he opened his eyes to verbal stimuli. on , he made eye contact for brief periods when spoken to and he squeezed hands to command twice. on , he appeared to be acknowledging questions and answering yes or no, nodding. because of concern for airway protection and prolonged neuro rehab, the patient was taken to the operating room on and underwent a percutaneous tracheostomy tube placement. a percutaneous and gastrostomy tube was attempted, however, because of the inability to visualize the stomach, the procedure was aborted and the patient's mandible was repaired. on , the patient was transferred to the floor. he required bed because of his frontal inhibitions. the patient appeared to be recovering well, however, on underwent a bedside swallow evaluation. he did not pass the swallow exam on , but on , he was reevaluated because of his increased alertness. he was started on a diet of nectar, thick liquids and pureed solids. the patient continued to do well and was making more and more progress as far as his cognitive abilities and on , the patient's tracheostomy tube was removed. the patient continued to do well and his mother felt that she could take care of him at home with outpatient rehab for cognitive function. the patient was discharged to home on and was to follow up with the plastic surgery clinic for his mandibular fracture, neurobehavioral rehab and trauma for evaluation of his splenectomy. the patient received all of his vaccinations postsplenectomy. , m.d. dictated by: medquist36 procedure: venous catheterization, not elsewhere classified continuous invasive mechanical ventilation for 96 consecutive hours or more other gastroscopy enteral infusion of concentrated nutritional substances other bronchoscopy non-invasive mechanical ventilation exploratory laparotomy arteriography of cerebral arteries temporary tracheostomy total splenectomy open reduction of mandibular fracture injection of therapeutic substance into joint or ligament diagnoses: anoxic brain damage traumatic pneumothorax without mention of open wound into thorax closed fracture of malar and maxillary bones injury to liver without mention of open wound into cavity laceration, unspecified injury to other intra-abdominal organs without mention of open wound into cavity, peritoneum injury to spleen without mention of open wound into cavity, unspecified injury injury to other intra-abdominal organs without mention of open wound into cavity, retroperitoneum closed fracture of mandible, unspecified site other closed skull fracture with subarachnoid, subdural, and extradural hemorrhage, unspecified state of consciousness Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: allergies: codeine attending: chief complaint: metastatic endometrial cancer to the liver plus diaphragmatic involvement. major surgical or invasive procedure: right hepatic lobectomy, cholecystectomy, resection of a portion of the right hemidiaphragm with repair, a 32-french chest tube placement and excision of cystic duct lymph node. history of present illness: per dr. note: "the patient is a 62-year-old female who underwent exploratory laparotomy, peritoneal washings, total abdominal hysterectomy, tumor debulking, sigmoid colectomy and primary anastomosis, infracolic omentectomy for endometrial adenocarcinoma. she has been treated with chemotherapy and radiation therapy but first presented with liver metastases on a ct scan in . at that time there was a 4.0 x 2.5 cm mass that was thought to be either within the liver or represent a serosal implant. follow-up ct scans since then have shown continued enlargement of the mass. a ct on demonstrated a large heterogeneous lesion in segment vii/viii of the liver that increased in size and now measures 11.9 x 8.5 cm. the right hepatic vein was occluded and the lesion extended to the border of the left middle hepatic vein. the portal vein and splenic vein and smv were patent. ct scan of the chest demonstrated no evidence of pulmonary metastases. ct of the pelvis demonstrates a mass in the left pelvis that has also increased in size compared to last exam. therefore, the plan is for combined procedure with dr. from gyn oncology. she has provided informed consent for right hepatic lobectomy, cholecystectomy, and intraoperative ultrasound." past medical history: met endometrial ca, s/p tahbso, sigmoidectomy ('), chemo/xrt social history: non-smoker, non-etoh she is a retired teacher. never married. no children family history: paternal aunt with endometrial ca physical exam: 97.5 94 120/62 20 100%ra 5'6", 59.5kg a&o,thin heent:anicteric sclerae neck: free range of motion lungs: clear cor: rrr, abd: nd/nt, soft, no palpable massess, liver palpable beneath the right costal margin on inspiration ext no edema pertinent results: on admission: wbc-9.7# rbc-2.99* hgb-9.8* hct-27.8* mcv-93 mch-32.9* mchc-35.4* rdw-14.5 plt ct-325 pt-14.3* ptt-30.0 inr(pt)-1.2* glucose-158* urean-13 creat-0.5 na-143 k-3.9 cl-111* hco3-22 angap-14 alt-310* ast-460* alkphos-75 totbili-1.9* albumin-3.1* calcium-8.7 phos-3.7 mg-1.6 on discharge: wbc-7.7 rbc-3.61* hgb-11.3* hct-32.8* mcv-91 mch-31.3 mchc-34.5 rdw-14.0 plt ct-265 glucose-113* urean-11 creat-0.5 na-136 k-3.3 cl-96 hco3-35* angap-8 alt-55* ast-31 alkphos-135* totbili-0.9 albumin-2.8* calcium-8.3* phos-3.8 mg-1.7 brief hospital course: on , she underwent right hepatic lobectomy, cholecystectomy, resection of a portion of the right hemidiaphragm with repair, a 32-french chest tube placement and excision of cystic duct lymph node for metastatic endometrial cancer to the liver plus diaphragmatic involvement. surgeon was dr. . please see operative reports from drs. and per dr. note, "after resection of the mass,margins were felt to be 1-2 mm, although with argon beam of the cut surface of the liver that provides an additional 3-4 mm of margin. the microscopic sections were negative for involvement of the margin." exploration of the pelvis demonstrated a mass in the left pelvis. also, per dr. note, "it should be noted in closing the diaphragm, we had to be careful not to narrow or distort the vena cava going through into the right atrium." dr. performed a primary repair of the umbilical hernia. postop, she was transferred to the sicu intubated for management. she received iv boluses and albumin for hypotension and low urine outputs with good response. hct trended down to 25 from 34.7 on . the chest tube was maintained to suction. pain was well controlled with an epidural. she was extubated on . lfts trended down. on she became tachycardic to the 120-140 range. an ekg revealed sinus tach. a chest xray demonstrated apical pneumothorax. hct was stable at 27.3. urine output was low. albumin was given. a repeat hct was 25. two units of prbc were given. on she was started on beta blockade with good response.iv lasix was given to diurese her as her wt was up significantly from baseline. chest tube was put to water seal and then removed on . cxr on showed the right apical pneumothorax to be smaller, and on showed further resolution. she was ambulatory, vital signs were stable and she was tolerating a regular diet. the jp drain continued to have outputs ranging between 400-700cc of yellow-gold colored fluid, she will d/c home with this drain. a jp bilirubin was 2.5 on . the incision was c/d/i. staples and sutures removed by the respective teams prior to discharge. medications on admission: coenzyme q10, compazine, fish oil, flaxseed, glucosamine, mtv discharge medications: 1. metoprolol tartrate 25 mg tablet sig: 0.5 tablet po bid (2 times a day). disp:*30 tablet(s)* refills:*2* 2. docusate sodium 100 mg capsule sig: one (1) capsule po bid (2 times a day). disp:*60 capsule(s)* refills:*2* 3. oxycodone-acetaminophen 5-325 mg tablet sig: 1-2 tablets po q4h (every 4 hours) as needed: prn pain. disp:*30 tablet(s)* refills:*0* 4. medications continue home regimen of supplements/vitamins discharge disposition: home discharge diagnosis: metastatic endometrial ca to liver right apical pneumothorax sinus tachycardia pelvic mass discharge condition: good discharge instructions: please call dr. office if fever >101, chills, nausea, vomiting, yellowing of eyes or skin, inability to eat,take or keep down medications. measure and record drain output at least twice daily, more often as necessary. note changes in drain output, color changes or if it develops a foul odor. bring record of drain output with you to dr office. monitor incision for redness, drainage or bleeding. continue stool softener as long as you are taking narcotic pain medications do not drive if taking narcotic pain medication no heavy lifting you may shower, pat incision dry. place dressing around drain site, change daily you have started on a new medication called metoprolol, that will help control your heart rate. when standing up, do so slowly. monitor for dizziness, lightheadedness as this medication can also lower blood pressure followup instructions: dr office () will contact you for appointment weds , md phone: date/time: 11:30 , m.d. phone: date/time: 9:30 md, procedure: insertion of intercostal catheter for drainage cholecystectomy biopsy of lymphatic structure other open umbilical herniorrhaphy lobectomy of liver excision of lesion or tissue of diaphragm diagnoses: malignant neoplasm of liver, secondary secondary malignant neoplasm of other specified sites iatrogenic pneumothorax removal of other organ (partial) (total) causing abnormal patient reaction, or later complication, without mention of misadventure at time of operation personal history of malignant melanoma of skin umbilical hernia without mention of obstruction or gangrene volume depletion, unspecified secondary and unspecified malignant neoplasm of intra-abdominal lymph nodes secondary malignant neoplasm of retroperitoneum and peritoneum secondary malignant neoplasm of large intestine and rectum Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: allergies: patient recorded as having no known allergies to drugs attending: chief complaint: leg pain major surgical or invasive procedure: none history of present illness: pt is a 79 yo female with chf, htn, chronic venous stasis of legs who comes in with inability to ambulate since friday due to pain in her legs. she says that the pain is much worse in the right leg ("like a knife") and worsened with ambulation. she denies fevers, chills, n/v/d. on further questioning she does report intermittant sob and cp with ambulation. past medical history: -ischemic cardiomyopathy, ef 30-35% on echo in -chronic lower extremity cellulitis -diabetes mellitus -hypertension -coronary artery disease -s/p tkr in -hyperlipidemia social history: the pt. is widowed and lives alone in an apartment. she is originally from but has lived in the us for 35 years. she has two children. she has a remote history of tobacco use. she denied use of alcohol or iv drugs. family history: noncontributory. physical exam: v/s t 97 bp 185/75 p 97 o2 100 ra gen: alert and oriented x 3 skin: erythema and scaling in multiple intriginous areas such as under breasts, flank skin folds, and stomach skin folds neck: no jvp, rij in place lungs: cta heart: s1 s2 2/6 sem abd: obese, nl bs, nt/nd ext: 3+ edema and erythema bilaterally, venous stasis changes from feet to knees, tender to touch r>l, warmth r>l, dp pulses + bilaterally (doppler) pertinent results: u/s- no dvt ct ab/pelvis- 1. small bowel obstrcution, with transition point at the base of a bowel- containing anterior abdominal hernia. this finding was discussed with the surgical team, including doctors and , at the time of image acquisition and interpretation. 2. distention of the ascending, transverse, and a portion of the descending colon. this finding is of uncertain etiology and could possibly relate to mass effect upon the descending colon by an adjacent distended loop of small bowel, or, alternatively, could represent focal colonic ileus due to inflammation within the adjacent obstructed small bowel. although this is a noncontrast examination and limited in the evaluation of the mucosa, there is no definite evidence of bowel wall thickening. the possibility of bowel ischemia cannot be entirely excluded, although there are no definite signs of ischemia such as gas within the portal mesenteric circulation. these findings were also discussed with dr. . 3. distention of the gallbladder, without evidence of pericholecystic stranding and with normal caliber of the common bile duct. 4. ascites. 5. bilateral pleural effusions and bibasilar atelectasis. brief hospital course: pt is a 79 yo female with mult med problems who presents with bilat le swelling and erythema. ddx: cellulitis vs. chronic venous stasis vs. ischemic disease le cellulitis- seemed chronic, however the pain in right leg was new. cellulitis on right more likely since pain was present at all times and rle was warm. she was treated with iv abx and there was great improvment with elevation and ace wrap. cutaneous fungal infection- multiple areas of fungal type infection in intriginous regions especially right flank skin folds. -nystatin powder and a wound care nurse visited the patient every day. chf- ischemic cardiomyopathy, ef 30-35% on echo in , legs seem very edematous, neck veins hard to evaluate. she was treated with lasix, aldactone, ace, bb diabetes mellitus -cont'd glypizide -riss -diabetic diet hypertension -cont'd ace, , bb coronary artery disease- -cont'd outpt asa -ekg showed no new changes hyperlipidemia -continued outpt lipitor depression -she was cont on outpt zoloft diarrhea- patient developed diarrhea on and wbc count was increased on to 19.5 on , c. diff and stool cultures were sent and came back neg. patient's condition started to deteriorate on , becoming more somnelant and a markedly tender abdomen and her abdominal hernia was not longer reducible. she was promptly evaluated by the surgery team to reduced her hernia and an ng tube was placed to send her for ct scan. at that time, patient's daughter insisted that the patient be full code although she was noted to be dnr/dni. patient confirmed in the presence of an interpreter that she did not want to be resuscitated or intubated. finally ct scan showed incarcerated hernia and patient was transferred to the micu. in the micu she was treated supportively, however, her condition deteriorated and she passed away on . medications on admission: lasix aldactone toprol xl lisinopril diovan asa zoloft lipitor discharge disposition: expired discharge diagnosis: incarcerated hernia diarrhea chf hypothyroid depression cad diabetes type 2 hyperlipidemia discharge condition: death md procedure: venous catheterization, not elsewhere classified insertion of other (naso-)gastric tube infusion of vasopressor agent diagnoses: congestive heart failure, unspecified unspecified essential hypertension diabetes mellitus without mention of complication, type ii or unspecified type, not stated as uncontrolled acute kidney failure, unspecified unspecified septicemia severe sepsis unspecified acquired hypothyroidism acute respiratory failure cellulitis and abscess of leg, except foot septic shock morbid obesity acute vascular insufficiency of intestine knee joint replacement ulcer of heel and midfoot venous (peripheral) insufficiency, unspecified dermatophytosis of the body umbilical hernia with obstruction Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: allergies: tetracycline / ativan attending: chief complaint: abdominal pain, nausea, emesis major surgical or invasive procedure: - endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography history of present illness: this is a 74 year-old male with a pmh significant for chronic lower extremity pain syndrome (on narcotics), htn, osa (not on cpap), chronic constipation and undefined asymptomatic cardiac septal defect who presented with acute onset abdominal pain, nausea and emesis for 1-day who was found to have evidence of gallstone pancreatitis and transferred from for further management. . the patient notes that he awoke feeling well on and ate a hotdog for lunch without issues; however, within an hour of consumption he felt nausea and generalized malaise with chills. following these symptoms, he developed epigastric abdominal pain that was in intensity, that was intermittent and achy-dull in character radiating through to his back. he notes that he had a similar pain after breakfast a week prior to this episode; but never before that. the patient also notes associated non-bilious, non-bloody emesis surrounding his nausea. he denies fevers. no unintentional weight loss. he notes yellowing of the skin. he denies headache or vision changes. no loose or bloody stools, notes recent constipation issues (last bm morning of admission to osh was dark, formed and non-bloody). around 7pm, his pain worsened and he presented to . of note, he has had on-going, bilateral proximal lower extremity pain issues that has been managed for several months with percocet (previously with celecoxib) and recent he started prednisone 15 mg po daily with some improvement. . at , the patient arrived with vs 98.2 75 169/83 22 94% ra. exam was notable for epigastric abdominal pain and yellowing of the skin. laboratory studies notable for wbc 12.6 (86.9% neutrophilia, no bandemia), hct 47.5%, plt 161. creatinine 0.87. lfts: ast 446, alt 413, ap 59, t-bili 3.8 with lipase 639. troponin 0.01. u/a negative. a ct abdomen and pelvis demonstrated multiple gallstones, a prominent gallbladder measured to 9-cm with mild stranding. there was also mild pancreas stranding without evidence of small bowel obstruction. he received 1l ns x 3, zosyn 3.375 g iv x 1, morphine 8 mg iv x 1 and fentanyl 100 mcg iv x 1 for pain control; he received zofran 4 mg iv x 2, protonix 80 mg iv x 1 with infusion following. he also received benadryl 25 mg iv x 1, metoclopramide 10 mg iv x 1 and his recent steroid use, hydrocortisone 100 mg iv x 1. he was transferred to for further management and ercp team evaluation. . in the ed, initial vs 100.5 82 182/84 18 98%ra. exam notable for improved abdominal pain. laboratory data notable for wbc 9.6 (neutrophilia 89%), hct 45.7, plt 173. creatinine 0.8. inr 1.2. lfts: ast 452, alt 512, ap 73, t-bili 4.1, albumin 0.8, lipase 645. lactate 2.1. an ekg demonstrated nsr @ 85, na/ni, ivcd, no st-changes. ercp fellow evaluated patient and agreed with transfer for urgent ercp needs. he received dilaudid 2 mg iv x 1, zofran 4 mg iv x 1 and a foley catheter was placed prior to transfer. he received 1l ns x 2. vitals prior to transfer, 97.9 149/79 81 15 95%ra. . on arrival to , he appears non-toxic and stable. he has some epigastric abdominal complaints with mild nausea. past medical history: past medical & surgical history: 1. chronic proximal lower extremity pain (on chronic narcotic therapy, has trialed celecoxib and recently started prednisone treatment) 2. hypertension 3. chronic constipation ( narcotic use) 4. septal defect in myocardium (stable since childhood, serially monitored with 2d-echo) 5. obstructive sleep apnea (does not tolerate cpap use) 6. hypogonadism 7. s/p appendectomy (years prior) social history: patient lives at home with his wife, . they have four children who are grown. he is a retired finance officer. prior tobacco use for 20 years (15-20 pack-year); quit 25 years prior. recently discontinued alcohol use after his steroid initiation ( mixed drinks daily with 4-5 on weekends). no recreational substance use. family history: mother had lung cancer; father with gallstones and aggressive thyroid carcinoma. no strong cardiovascular history or history of other malignancies. physical exam: admission exam: . vitals: 97.9 149/79 81 15 96% ra general: appears in no acute distress. alert and interactive. non-toxic appearing with notable jaundice. heent: normocephalic, atraumatic. eomi. perrl. nares clear. mucous membranes dry. scleral icterus noted. neck: supple without lymphadenopathy. jvd difficult to assess body habitus. cvs: regular rate and rhythm, ii/vii mid-systolic murmur heard at llsb without radiation, no rubs or gallops. s1 and s2 normal. resp: decreased breath sounds at bases bilaterally without adventitious sounds. no wheezing, rhonchi or crackles. stable inspiratory effort. abd: soft, diffusely tender to deep palpation, non-distended, with normoactive bowel sounds. no palpable masses or peritoneal signs. negative sign. extr: no cyanosis, clubbing or edema, 2+ peripheral pulses neuro: cn ii-xii intact throughout. alert and oriented x 3. strength 5/5 bilaterally, sensation grossly intact. gait deferred. . pertinent results: . imaging: ct abdomen & pelvis (from ) - multiple gallstones, a prominent gallbladder measured to 9-cm with mild stranding. there was also mild pancreas stranding without evidence of small bowel obstruction (per radiology report). . 05:50am blood wbc-10.5 rbc-4.50* hgb-12.6* hct-38.5* mcv-86 mch-28.0 mchc-32.7 rdw-15.7* plt ct-183 05:00pm blood hct-37.2* 10:53am blood wbc-11.3* rbc-4.41* hgb-12.5* hct-38.2* mcv-87 mch-28.4 mchc-32.8 rdw-15.7* plt ct-141* 05:00am blood wbc-18.1* rbc-4.97 hgb-14.0 hct-43.5 mcv-88 mch-28.2 mchc-32.2 rdw-15.4 plt ct-146* 03:35pm blood hct-43.8 04:17am blood wbc-18.4* rbc-4.78 hgb-13.1* hct-41.4 mcv-87 mch-27.4 mchc-31.7 rdw-15.9* plt ct-149* 09:05pm blood wbc-11.8* rbc-5.05 hgb-13.6* hct-44.5 mcv-88 mch-26.8* mchc-30.5* rdw-15.9* plt ct-149* 09:05pm blood hypochr-2+ anisocy-1+ poiklo-1+ macrocy-normal microcy-1+ polychr-normal ovalocy-1+ schisto-occasional 11:35pm blood neuts-85.6* lymphs-5.7* monos-8.2 eos-0.4 baso-0 04:17am blood pt-15.2* ptt-34.6 inr(pt)-1.4* 06:09am blood pt-12.7* ptt-28.2 inr(pt)-1.17* 05:50am blood glucose-98 urean-11 creat-0.6 na-142 k-2.8* cl-101 hco3-30 angap-14 07:20pm blood glucose-98 urean-12 creat-0.7 na-143 k-2.7* cl-103 hco3-28 angap-15 10:53am blood glucose-96 urean-9 creat-0.6 na-146* k-3.2* cl-104 hco3-28 angap-17 11:35pm blood glucose-88 urean-9 creat-0.6 na-135 k-3.1* cl-93* hco3-27 angap-18 05:00am blood glucose-89 urean-9 creat-0.6 na-132* k-3.4 cl-93* hco3-26 angap-16 07:30am blood glucose-88 urean-9 creat-0.7 na-130* k-3.3 cl-94* hco3-26 angap-13 04:17am blood glucose-97 urean-10 creat-0.6 na-132* k-3.5 cl-98 hco3-25 angap-13 06:45am blood glucose-95 urean-12 creat-0.7 na-138 k-3.7 cl-106 hco3-22 angap-14 09:05pm blood glucose-107* urean-13 creat-0.7 na-140 k-3.9 cl-109* hco3-22 angap-13 06:09am blood glucose-119* urean-16 creat-0.8 na-138 k-4.1 cl-105 hco3-22 angap-15 05:50am blood alt-71* ast-18 alkphos-54 totbili-2.5* 10:53am blood alt-83* ast-22 ck(cpk)-180 alkphos-52 totbili-2.9* dirbili-1.4* indbili-1.5 11:35pm blood alt-99* ast-25 ck(cpk)-60 alkphos-56 totbili-2.6* 11:55am blood ck(cpk)-83 05:00am blood alt-148* ast-23 ck(cpk)-86 alkphos-57 totbili-2.6* dirbili-0.8* indbili-1.8 07:30am blood alt-225* ast-32 ck(cpk)-109 alkphos-65 amylase-78 totbili-3.0* 04:17am blood alt-222* ast-32 alkphos-59 amylase-88 totbili-2.5* 06:45am blood alt-332* ast-83* ld(ldh)-291* alkphos-71 totbili-2.4* 09:05pm blood alt-393* ast-139* ld(ldh)-205 alkphos-72 totbili-2.9* 06:09am blood alt-512* ast-452* alkphos-73 totbili-4.1* 05:50am blood lipase-37 05:00am blood lipase-22 06:45am blood lipase-545* 09:05pm blood lipase-1345* 06:09am blood lipase-645* 10:53am blood ck-mb-6 ctropnt-<0.01 11:35pm blood ck-mb-3 ctropnt-<0.01 11:55am blood ck-mb-3 ctropnt-<0.01 05:00am blood ck-mb-3 ctropnt-<0.01 probnp-3649* 07:30am blood ck-mb-3 ctropnt-<0.01 05:50am blood calcium-8.4 phos-2.7 mg-2.2 07:20pm blood calcium-8.3* phos-2.2* mg-2.2 10:53am blood calcium-8.4 phos-1.4* mg-2.2 11:35pm blood calcium-8.6 phos-1.6* mg-1.7 12:03am blood type- po2-140* pco2-37 ph-7.50* caltco2-30 base xs-5 ercp impression: cannulation of the biliary duct was successful and deep with a sphincterotome after a guidewire was placed. contrast medium was injected resulting in complete opacification. the common bile duct was dilated to 12 mm. there were several filling defects in the mid-cbd consistent with stones and/or sludge. a sphincterotomy was performed in the 12 o'clock position using a sphincterotome over an existing guidewire. balloon sweep x 3 was performed with successful extraction of copious amounts of sludge and debris. final cholangiogram was normal without filling defects. . recommendations: npo overnight with aggressive iv hydration with lr at 200 cc/hr. follow for response and complications. if any abdominal pain, fever, jaundice, gastrointestinal bleeding please call ercp fellow on call () continue aggressive management of pancreatitis. continue antibiotics x 7 days. consider cholecystectomy. . ct abdomen/pelvis: impression: 1. findings consistent with reported diagnosis of pancreatitis with minimally increased peripancreatic and periduodenal fat stranding as well as interval development of notable pancreatico-duodenal groove bowel wall thickening likely related to either groove pancreatitis or duodenal hematoma recent ercp. no complications of pancreatitis such as : splenic venous thrombosis, splenic artery pseudoaneurysm, focal abscess, or phlegmon formation. 2. new bilateral pleural effusions, both small in size, right greater than left. 3. bilateral hyperdense renal cystic lesions likely represent hemorrhagic cysts, could be further evaluated with renal ultrasound. . leni : impression: no dvt in the left upper extremity. . cxr : left picc line tip is at the mid svc. ng tube passes below the diaphragm terminating most likely in the stomach. there is interval development of pulmonary edema on the top of preexisting consolidations in the lung bases. pulmonary hypertension is most likely present the prominence of pulmonary arteries. . head ct: impression: no ct evidence for acute intracranial process. ct abd pelvis: impression: 1. interval increase in peripancreatic stranding and duodenal wall thickening. no pseudocyst or other complication identified. 2. hypodensities within the portal vein adjacent to the pancreatic head may represent flow artifact or less possibly thrombus. attn on followup. 3. poor opacification of smv does not allow for adequate assessment. . cxr: findings: in comparison with the study of , there is continued enlargement of the cardiac silhouette with mild improvement in pulmonary venous pressure. prominent pulmonary arteries are again seen bilaterally. little change in the appearance of the nasogastric tube . video fluoroscopy: swallowing videofluoroscopy: oropharyngeal swallowing videofluoroscopy was performed in conjunction with the speech and swallow division. multiple consistencies of barium were administered. barium passed freely through the oropharynx without evidence of obstruction. there is penetration with thin liquids. there was no gross aspiration. the barium tablet is held up at the vallecula but clears with multiple swallows of barium. degenerative change is seen in the cervical spine. impression: penetration with thin liquids. for details, please refer to speech and swallow note in omr. kub: findings: two upright and two supine frontal views of the abdomen show gaseous distention of several loops of small bowel, increased from . there is gas in non-dilated loops of large bowel as well as the rectum. no air-fluid level or evidence of pneumoperitoneum is detected. multiple calcific densities are noted in the pelvis which may represent vascular calcifications seen on recent ct of . the visualized lung bases demonstrate mild atelectasis. the osseous structures are within normal limits. impression: gaseous distention of the small bowel increased from most likely represents ileus; partial small bowel obstruction cannot be entirely excluded. no free air. kub in comparison with the study of , there is gas within mildly dilated transverse colon. remainder of the bowel gas is essentially within normal limits, so that the overall pattern most likely reflects adynamic ileus. brief hospital course: 74m with a pmh significant for chronic lower extremity pain syndrome (on narcotics and steroids), htn, osa (not on cpap), chronic constipation and undefined asymptomatic cardiac septal defect who presented with acute onset abdominal pain, nausea, emesis and jaundice for 1-day with ct evidence of obstructing common biliary duct stone; mild-moderate transaminitis, hyperbilirubinemia with lipasemia consistent with acute gallstone pancreatitis now s/p ercp with successful sludge extraction. hospital course was complicated by delirium, hypertensive urgency with cp but no evidence of acs. he also developed pulmonary edema from aggressive hydration for his pancreatitis, ileus, and required nutritional supplement with tpn. . #moderate-severe pancreatitis, acute/gallstone pancreatitis/choledocholithiasis w/ obstruction: patient presented with abdominal, nausea, emesis and jaundice for 1-day with ct imaging evidence of obstructing common biliary duct stone; mild-moderate transaminitis, hyperbilirubinemia with lipasemia consistent with gallstone pancreatitis. no prior history of biliary colic or prior episodes of pancreatitis, despite significant alcohol history. ercp evaluated the patient and felt urgent ercp was necessary, this was performed with stone and sludge extraction. pt was felt to have had a moderate pancreatitis and the general surgery and ercp teams followed the patient. pt was aggressive iv fluids and zosyn for concern of possible early cholangitis at osh prior to admission. zosyn was continued for 10 days. pt was iv narcotics and antiemetics for pain control. continued pain on the medical floor, pt had a ct scan of the abdomen performed on showing concern for possible duodenal hematoma vs. edema from pancreatitis. both the ercp and surgery teams felt this to be consistent with edema from pancreatitis stability of hct. ng tube was placed ileus. prolonged, npo status ppn was initiated as there was no central access. repeat ct scan showed interval increase in peripancreatic stranding and duodenal wall thickening. no pseudocyst or other complication identified. his abdominal pain gradually improved. he had a picc line placed for tpn which he pulled out while delirious so it was replaced and he continued on tpn as his diet was gradually advanced. he failed a bedside speech and swallow and underwent video swallow study. speech and swallow recommended ground solids and thin liquids. this should also be low fat and low residue. unfortunately he re-developed nausea and vomiting and kub showed increased gaseous distention. he was made npo again. repeat kub showed ileus. his diet was slowly advanced, and he tolerated it well, without nausea or increase in abdominal pain. at the time of discharge, his diet was low-fat, no dairy, no coffee (as recommended by gi). . #fever/leukocytosis-likely due to above. ct scanning showed acute pancreatitis. no dysuria, diarrhea, or cough to suggest additional causes. lactate normal. pt developed fever to 102 on . vancomycin was added to the zosyn regimen. serial bcx, ucx were drawn which remained negative. repeat cxr and ct abd/pelvis did not show any new signs of infection. vanco was d/ced on and the pt was monitored without any further fever or leukocytosis. zosyn was d/ced on after 10 days (including osh coverage). . #metabolic encephalopathy-initially the patient was a&o x 3 but with developed sundowning and delirium. he denied headache or signs of meningitis. no evidence for seizures. etiology was likely multifactoral related to polypharmacy from opioids, anti-emetics, age, acute illness, hospitalization. infectious work up was unrevealing ekg was not suggestive of ischemia. pt was a 1:1 sitter to prevent pulling out of lines. zyprexa 5mg was administered. head ct showed no acute intracranial abnormalities. his mental status gradually improved and at discharge he is alert and oriented x3, newspapers. . #chest pain/hypertensive urgency-pt developed cp and sob overnight in setting of sbp 180-200. ekg unchanged from prior. serial cardiac biomarkers negative. he was aspirin and sl nitro in that setting. no events were recorded on telemetry. this was likely due to pain, pulmonary edema and hypertensive urgency. pt was placed on standing iv hydralazine and metoprolol which was later transitioned to po metoprolol. lisinopril was also added later in his hospitalization. . #pulmonary edema/volume overload-thhis was related to aggressive fluid resuscitation as recommended for gallstone pancreatitis. iv fluids were decreased and pt was lasix. he required 2l of nc but this was weaned off. . # polymyalgia rheumatica on systemic steroid therapy chronic lower extremity pain - patient presented with long-standing history of chronic lower extremity edema which has been managed with chronic narcotics (percocet), trial of celecoxib and now prednisone dosing (since ) with improvement. pain symmetric and isolated to the proximal lower extremities concerning for polymylagia rheumatica. his emg was reassuring. the differential also includes rheumatoid arhtirits vs. hypothyroidism vs. spondyloarthropathy vs. fibromyalgia vs. myopathy. pt was continued on prednisone 15mg daily which was converted to hydrocortisone when the pt was npo. he received dilaudid for pain but when his mental status improved, he was transitioned to oxycodone. he did not have any signs of vascular compromise. he should follow up with his pcp for further management. . # hypertension - history of hypertension that has been managed on acei previously, but now only beta-blockers (atenolol daily). see above, pt was standing iv hydralazine and metoprolol but was later restarted on an acei. hydralazine was not continued. . #duodenal hematoma?-there was concern raised on ct imaging. hct remained stable. other differential included edema related to acute pancreatitis. surgery and ercp teams monitored the patient. . #acute on chronic constipation with ileus - this has been an on-going issue since his narcotic use for his lower extremity pain. ct without evidence of bowel obstruction and his last bowel movement was formed, hard and non-bloody the morning prior to admission. aggressive bowel regimen attempted, but pt was found to have an ileus. ngt was placed and the patient remained npo especially as he was also delirious. when his mental status improved, ngt was d/ced and he was restarted on a po bowel regimen. he later developed diarrhea but kub showed increased gaseous distention suggestive of an ileus. . # diarrhea - later in his hospitalization, the pt developed diarrhea. cdiff test was negative. diarrhea improved. . #hyponatremia/hypernatremia - this was managed with ivf intermittently during his hospitalization. . #osa-does not tolerate cpap. outpt f/u. . #thrombocytopenia-could be due to acute illness, vs. medication effect. improved. transitional issues 1. follow a low-fat diet, avoiding dairy and coffee. 2. antihypertensives changed to metoprolol 25 mg and lisinopril 20 mg daily. 3. check k and cr next week (on here, k was 3.6 and cr 0.7). 4. follow-up with surgery for elective cholecystectomy 5. other notable labs on last check: hct 39.4 (borderline low), alt 101, ast 41, alkphos 65, total bili 0.7. would repeat lfts in the outpatient setting. 6. abd ct on showed: "bilateral hyperdense renal cystic lesions likely represent hemorrhagic cysts, could be further evaluated with renal ultrasound." can consider renal ultrasound in outpatient setting, if clinically indicated. 7. abd ct on showed: "hypodensities within the portal vein adjacent to the pancreatic head may represent flow artifact or less possibly thrombus. attn on followup." would consider repeat imaging in follow-up. medications on admission: home medications (confirmed with patient's pharmacy) 1. percocet 5/325 mg (1-2 tabs) po q6h prn pain 2. aspirin 81 mg po daily 3. atenolol 50 mg po daily 4. prednisone 15 mg po daily (started ) 5. sennosides 2 tabs po daily 6. testosterone (androgel) 1 application topically daily 7. citalopram 20 mg po daily 8. ergocalciferol 50,000 units po weekly 9. lactulose 30 ml ( teaspoons) po daily discharge medications: 1. nystatin 100,000 unit/ml suspension sig: five (5) ml po bid (2 times a day). disp:*1 bottle* refills:*0* 2. pantoprazole 40 mg tablet, delayed release (e.c.) sig: one (1) tablet, delayed release (e.c.) po once a day. disp:*30 tablet, delayed release (e.c.)(s)* refills:*0* 3. metoprolol tartrate 25 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po bid (2 times a day). disp:*60 tablet(s)* refills:*0* 4. prednisone 5 mg tablet sig: three (3) tablet po daily (daily). 5. senna 8.6 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po bid (2 times a day) as needed for constipation. disp:*60 tablet(s)* refills:*0* 6. oxycodone 5 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po q4h (every 4 hours) as needed for pain. disp:*20 tablet(s)* refills:*0* 7. lisinopril 20 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po daily (daily). disp:*30 tablet(s)* refills:*0* 8. aspirin 81 mg tablet, chewable sig: one (1) tablet, chewable po once a day. discharge disposition: home with service facility: gentiva/ discharge diagnosis: acute gallstone pancreatitis choledocholithiasis delirium fever pulmonary edema ileus discharge condition: mental status: clear and coherent. level of consciousness: alert and interactive. activity status: ambulatory - independent. discharge instructions: you were admitted for further evaluation of gallstone pancreatitis. for this, you underwent an ercp which removed stones from your bile ducts. ultimately, you will likely need your gallbladder removed. your hospital course was complicated by delirium, fever, hypertension, and ileus. your symptoms improved. . medication changes: 1. lisinopril 20 mg daily for blood pressure 2. metoprolol 25 mg for blood pressure (instead of atenolol). . you should have your liver function tests, potassium level, and creatinine level (kidney function) checked at your visit with dr. next week. . please take all of your medications as prescribed and follow up with the appointments below. followup instructions: name: , specialty: internal medicine address: , , phone: appointment: wednesday at 2:30pm **your appointment for wednesday has been cancelled and the appointment above has replaced it.** department: general surgery/ with: , md when: tuesday at 1:15 pm with: acute care clinic building: lm bldg () campus: west best parking: garage department: div. of gastroenterology when: wednesday at 1 pm with: , md building: ra (/ complex) campus: east best parking: main garage procedure: endoscopic sphincterotomy and papillotomy diagnoses: thrombocytopenia, unspecified obstructive sleep apnea (adult)(pediatric) other chronic pain polymyalgia rheumatica unspecified pleural effusion unspecified essential hypertension hyposmolality and/or hyponatremia personal history of tobacco use constipation, unspecified long-term (current) use of other medications paralytic ileus diarrhea metabolic encephalopathy pulmonary congestion and hypostasis hyperosmolality and/or hypernatremia chest pain, unspecified acute pancreatitis other testicular hypofunction calculus of bile duct without mention of cholecystitis, with obstruction other fluid overload pain in limb unspecified defect of septal closure Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: history of present illness: this 50 year old hispanic male with a history of diabetes mellitus reported feeling chest tightness accompanied by tingling in his left arm. this discomfort was related to activity such as walking quickly to catch the bus or after climbing about three flights of stairs. he also noticed shortness of breath with the episodes of chest discomfort. he had a positive stress test on , which revealed an ejection fraction of 52 percent and a small area of anterior and lateral ischemia with no infarct. he also has a history of hypertension and hyperlipidemia. he is now admitted for elective cardiac catheterization. past medical history: noninsulin dependent diabetes mellitus. hypertension. hyperlipidemia. gastroesophageal reflux disease. status post hernia repair twenty years ago. allergies: he has no known allergies. medications on admission: 1. glucophage 850 mg p.o. q.a.m. and 1250 mg p.o. q.p.m. 2. actos 15 mg p.o. daily. 3. lisinopril 20 mg p.o. daily. 4. viagra 100 mg p.r.n. 5. lipitor 40 mg p.o. daily. family history: significant for coronary artery disease. social history: he does not smoke cigarettes and has occasional alcohol and lives with his long term girlfriend. is the head of security at college. review of symptoms: significant for transient ischemic attack in , but he did not have a stroke. physical examination: on physical examination, he is a well- developed, well-nourished male in no apparent distress. vital signs are stable, afebrile. head, eyes, ears, nose and throat examination is normocephalic and atraumatic. extraocular movements are intact. oropharynx is benign. neck was supple with full range of motion. no lymphadenopathy or thyromegaly. carotids two plus and equal bilaterally without bruits. lungs were clear to auscultation and percussion. cardiovascular examination is regular rate and rhythm, normal s1 and s2, with no rubs, murmurs or gallops. the abdomen was soft, nontender with positive bowel sounds, no masses or hepatosplenomegaly. extremities were without cyanosis, clubbing or edema. neurologic examination was nonfocal. pulses were two plus bilaterally with radial and one plus bilaterally on the dorsalis pedis and posterior tibial. hospital course: on , he underwent a cardiac catheterization which revealed an ejection fraction of 60 percent, 80 percent proximal left anterior descending coronary artery lesion and 80 percent diagonal lesion and 80 percent obtuse marginal one lesion and 80 percent left circumflex lesion with dr. who was consulted and on , the patient underwent a coronary artery bypass graft times four with left internal mammary artery to the left anterior descending coronary artery, saphenous vein graft to the diagonal, obtuse marginal and posterior descending coronary artery. cross clamp time was 72 minutes, total bypass time was 85 minutes. he was transferred to the csru on propofol in stable condition. he was extubated on postoperative day number one. he was also transferred to the floor later that day. his chest tubes were discontinued that day as well. on postoperative day number three, his epicardial pacing wires were discontinued. the patient continued to progress and, on postoperative day number five, he was discharged to home in stable condition. medications on discharge: 1. lasix 20 mg p.o. twice a day for seven days. 2. potassium 20 meq p.o. twice a day for seven days. 3. colace 100 mg p.o. twice a day. 4. aspirin 81 mg p.o. daily. 5. dilaudid one to two p.o. q4hours p.r.n. pain. 6. lipitor 40 mg p.o. daily. 7. metformin 850 mg p.o. q.a.m. and 1250 mg p.o. q.p.m. 8. ibuprofen 600 mg p.o. q6hours p.r.n. 9. actos 15 mg p.o. daily. 10. lopressor 75 mg p.o. twice a day. his laboratories on discharge were hematocrit 28.4, white blood cell count 8.0. sodium 138, potassium 4.2, chloride 101, co2 30, blood urea nitrogen 24, creatinine 0.8, blood sugar 175. discharge diagnoses: noninsulin dependent diabetes mellitus. hypertension. hyperlipidemia. coronary artery disease. follow up: he will be seen by dr. in one to two weeks and by dr. in four weeks. , m.d. procedure: (aorto)coronary bypass of three coronary arteries single internal mammary-coronary artery bypass extracorporeal circulation auxiliary to open heart surgery coronary arteriography using two catheters angiocardiography of left heart structures left heart cardiac catheterization diagnoses: coronary atherosclerosis of native coronary artery esophageal reflux unspecified essential hypertension diabetes mellitus without mention of complication, type ii or unspecified type, not stated as uncontrolled other and unspecified hyperlipidemia other and unspecified angina pectoris Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: history of present illness: the patient is a 70 year old man who is admitted to the podiatry service in , for a necrotic eschar times two on his lateral right mid-foot. he was seen and evaluated by vascular surgery at that time and was felt to be a poor candidate for re-vascularization. the ulcers were managed conservatively with antibiotics. he presented to the emergency room on with fever. he was initially admitted to the vascular surgery service. past medical history: 1. coronary artery disease. 2. diabetes mellitus, type 2. 3. peripheral vascular disease. 4. hypercholesterolemia. past surgical history: 1. bilateral hallux amputations. medications: at time of admission include: 1. glucophage 1000 mg twice a day. 2. glyburide 10 mg q. a.m., 5 mg q. p.m. 3. atenolol 50 mg q. day. 4. lisinopril 2.5 mg q. day. 5. ambien 5 mg p.r.n. allergies: he is allergic to penicillin which causes a rash and codeine which causes confusion. physical examination: at time of admission, vital signs with temperature 103.0 f.; blood pressure 100/56; heart rate 128; respiratory rate 16; o2 saturation 79% on room air. general, in no acute distress. chest: heart sounds regular rate and rhythm, s1, s2. chest clear to auscultation bilaterally anterior only. abdomen is soft, nontender, nondistended. extremities: femoral pulses bilaterally. popliteal pulses bilaterally. dorsalis pedis and posterior tibial doppler-able pulses bilaterally, posterior tibial greater than the dorsalis pedis. right lateral foot with open ulcer distal to the tarsus with more proximal abscess which drained purulent material. laboratory: at time of admission, white count 22.9, hematocrit 34.8, sodium 132, potassium 4.3, chloride 95, co2 22, bun 23, creatinine 1.2, glucose 99. cultures from showed staphylococcus aureus, coagulase positive, oxicillin resistant. chest x-ray showed no pleural effusions, no infiltrates, no congestive heart failure and no pneumonia. hospital course: the patient was admitted to the vascular service. his foot ulcer was incised and debrided. he was started on vancomycin, ciprofloxacin, and flagyl with three times a day wet-to-dry dressing changes. on the day after admission, the patient reported feeling nauseous. given his past admission and catheterization revealing three-vessel disease, cardiac enzymes were sent and it showed a positive troponin and therefore the cardiology service was consulted. the patient underwent an angiogram of his lower extremity which showed infra-popliteal three-vessel occlusions. cardiology was again consulted to review his catheterization which was done in . please see catheterization report for full details. in summary, the catheterization showed he had a co-dominant system with obstructive three-vessel disease. the left anterior descending had a 70% stenosis; the left circumflex had a 50 to 60% stenosis. the right coronary artery had a focal 70% stenosis. there was also a nominus artery noted which originated at the proximal right coronary artery and travelled in a superior access. the artery was anastomosed to the pulmonary artery. he had elevated right and left sided filling pressures with a wedge of 18. calculated cardiac output was 6.1. there was no pressure gradient at the aortic valve. following the cardiology service consultation, vascular surgery consulted cardiothoracic surgery to see if the patient could undergo coronary re-vascularization prior to his lower extremity re-vascularization. the patient was seen by cardiothoracic surgery and consented to undergo a coronary artery bypass grafting. on , he was brought to the operating room at which time he had a coronary artery bypass graft times three; please see the or report for full details. in summary, he had a coronary artery bypass graft times three with a left internal mammary artery to the left anterior descending and svg to the pda and an svg to the obtuse marginal. he tolerated the operation well and was transferred from the operating room to the cardiothoracic intensive care unit. the patient did well in the immediate postoperative period. the day of the surgery he was kept sedated and intubated. over the course of the night on the morning of postoperative day one, his sedation was discontinued. over the course of that morning he was weaned from his ventilator and ultimately extubated. in addition, his cardioactive intravenous medications were weaned off. his swan-ganz catheter was removed and his chest tubes were also removed. late in the afternoon of postoperative day one, the patient experienced atrial fibrillation with a ventricular response of about 120. he was started on amiodarone and lopressor at that time, after which he converted to normal sinus rhythm. postoperative day two, the patient remained hemodynamically stable. at that time, a decision was made to transfer him to the floor for continuing postoperative care and cardiac rehabilitation. over the next several days, the patient did well. he remained hemodynamically stable. his activity level was slowly increased with the assistance of the nursing staff and physical therapy. he continued to be followed by the vascular service as well as the clinic for his diabetes mellitus. on postoperative day four, a picc line was placed in his left antecubital space and plans were made to transfer the patient to rehabilitation center for continuing postoperative care and cardiac rehabilitation. on postoperative day nine, the patient was deemed stable and ready for transfer to a rehabilitation center. at that time, his physical examination is as follows: vital signs, temperature 98.0 f.; heart rate 79 and sinus rhythm; blood pressure 120/65; respiratory rate 18; o2 saturation 98% on two liters nasal prongs. weight preoperatively was 140 kilograms; at discharge it is 149 kilograms. laboratory data, white count 10.7, hematocrit 24, platelets 404. sodium 135, potassium 5.0, chloride 99, co2 27, bun 23, creatinine 1.1, glucose 106. physical examination: neurologic: alert and oriented, moves all extremities, conversant. respiratory: clear to auscultation bilaterally; somewhat diminished in the bases bilaterally. heart sounds regular rate and rhythm, s1, s2, no murmurs, rubs or gallops. sternum is stable; incision with staples, open to air, clean and dry. abdomen is large and nontender with positive bowel sounds. extremities: right lateral foot wound is beefy red with a moist base; no odor and minimal serous drainage. left lower extremity saphenous vein graft sites are healing well. incision with steri-strips, open to air, clean and dry. discharge diagnoses: 1. coronary artery disease status post coronary artery bypass graft times three with a left internal mammary artery to the left anterior descending; saphenous vein graft to the patent ductus arteriosus and a saphenous vein graft to obtuse marginal. 2. diabetes mellitus, type 2. 3. hypercholesterolemia. 4. peripheral vascular disease status post incision and drainage of the left foot; wound culture positive for methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus. past surgical history: bilateral hallux amputations. medications at time of discharge: 1. combivent mdi four puffs q. six hours. 2. heparin 5000 units subcutaneously three times a day. 3. amiodarone 400 mg twice a day times seven days and then q. day. 4. metoprolol 25 mg twice a day. 5. furosemide 20 mg twice a day. 6. potassium chloride 20 meq twice a day. 7. colace 100 mg twice a day. 8. enteric coated aspirin 325 q. day. 9. nicoderm patch 21 mg q. 24 hours. 10. ranitidine 150 mg twice a day. 11. vancomycin 1 gram intravenous q. 12 hours times one month. 12. glucophage 1000 mg twice a day. 13. glyburide 10 mg q. a.m. and 5 mg q. p.m. 14. regular insulin sliding scale. 15. percocet 5/325 one to two tablets q. four hours p.r.n. disposition: the patient is to be discharged to rehabilitation. discharge instructions: 1. he is to have follow-up with vascular surgery in two weeks. 2. follow-up with his primary care provider in three to four weeks. 3. follow-up with dr. in four weeks. 4. the staples are to be removed at rehabilitation on . , m.d. dictated by: medquist36 procedure: venous catheterization, not elsewhere classified single internal mammary-coronary artery bypass extracorporeal circulation auxiliary to open heart surgery (aorto)coronary bypass of two coronary arteries diagnostic ultrasound of heart excisional debridement of wound, infection, or burn other incision with drainage of skin and subcutaneous tissue endoscopic excision or destruction of lesion or tissue of esophagus diagnoses: coronary atherosclerosis of native coronary artery pure hypercholesterolemia cardiac complications, not elsewhere classified atrial fibrillation other chronic pulmonary heart diseases ulcer of other part of foot atherosclerosis of native arteries of the extremities with ulceration cellulitis and abscess of foot, except toes coronary artery anomaly Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: allergies: patient recorded as having no known allergies to drugs attending: chief complaint: shortness of breath major surgical or invasive procedure: none history of present illness: ms. is a yo f w/hx of afib on coumadin, copd, mr, tr who presented on from her nursing home with falls and questionable left facial droop. she was initially a code stroke in the ed. she was evaluated by neurology who determined that she did not have a stroke and she did not require further neurologic evaluation. she had ct head noncon and cta head/neck, both were negative. she also had a negative urine and cxr except cardiomegaly. on admission she required 3l nc. over the course of her hospitalization she has developed worsening hypoxia so that in the evening of she required 100% facemask. she was given 40mg iv lasix and urinated 1700ml and improved to 2l nc. cta done overnight showed no pe but did show bileratal pleural effusions l>r with lll collapse and mediastinal lymphadenopathy. over the course of the day on she again had worsening oxygen requirement and developed worsening tachycardia with afib and rvr. blood pressure was stable in the 130s-140s/80s-90s. . on arrival to the icu, she is breathing comfortably. she denies shortness of breath, chest pain, palpitations. she has not had fevers, chills or night sweats. she has no cough. . review of systems: (+) per hpi (-) denies fever, chills, night sweats, recent weight loss or gain. denies headache, sinus tenderness, rhinorrhea or congestion. denies cough, shortness of breath, or wheezing. denies chest pain, chest pressure, palpitations, or weakness. denies nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain, or changes in bowel habits. denies dysuria, frequency, or urgency. denies arthralgias or myalgias. denies rashes or skin changes. past medical history: -afib on warfarin -chronic leukocytosis and thrombocytosis -copd -mitral and tricuspid regurgitation -chronic gait instability -htn -depression -s/p back surgery for tumor resection on spinal cord. did not received chemo or radiation per son. -spinal stenosis -hysterectomy -osteoporosis -gerd social history: currenlty in rehab center for cellulitis. prior she lives alone and has 2 aides who assist her with bathing and household chores. she attends an adult day program twice per week. she is retired, formerly worked in retail. no hx ofsmoking, denies etoh family history: family hx: son with cad s/p mi physical exam: vitals: t: bp: p: r: 18 o2: general: alert, oriented, breathing in the 30s without clear distress heent: sclera anicteric, mmm, oropharynx clear neck: supple, jvp not elevated, no lad lungs: decreased breath sounds at the bases bilaterally, l moreso than r side. no crackles or wheezes. cv: tachycardic, irregular, no mumurs appreciated. abdomen: soft, non-tender, non-distended, bowel sounds present, no rebound tenderness or guarding, no organomegaly gu: + foley ext: warm, well perfused, 2+ pulses, r leg wrapped in bandages. pertinent results: 06:24pm urine hours-random 06:24pm urine uhold-hold 06:24pm urine color-straw appear-clear sp -1.012 06:24pm urine blood-neg nitrite-neg protein-neg glucose-neg ketone-neg bilirubin-neg urobilngn-neg ph-5.0 leuk-neg 05:38pm glucose-112* urea n-23* creat-1.0 sodium-144 potassium-4.2 chloride-108 total co2-24 anion gap-16 05:38pm estgfr-using this 05:38pm wbc-20.3* rbc-6.11* hgb-10.7* hct-38.6 mcv-63* mch-17.6* mchc-27.8* rdw-19.3* 05:38pm plt count-657* 05:38pm pt-17.4* ptt-31.7 inr(pt)-1.6* brief hospital course: patient transferred to icu with worsening hypoxia and afib with rvr. 1. hypoxia: on admission patient had a new oxygen requirement, 3l nasal cannula, while at baseline she was on room air. throughout her admission, patient denied shortness of breath but did complain of fatigue. given her rapid heart rate, the patient underwent a cta to rule out pe. cta showed bilateral pleural effusions with lll collapse, but no pe. given cta findings her initial presentation was thought to be secondary to heart failure, possibly exacerbated by a fib w/ rvr and she was diuresed with po lasix. cta did show extensive mediastinal lymphadenopathy and so infectious vs. malignant etiologies were considered. . over the course of her hospitalization, she required two admissions to the micu. on she decompensated with hypoxia and a-fib with rvr with a question of aspiration event. her a-fib was managed by increasing metoprolol dose and digoxin loading/maintenance with good hr (70s-80s) and bp control (110-120s). given the rise in wbc, she was started and completed an 8 day course for hcap with vanc and zosyn. she was diuresed in the with iv lasix. a tee was done that showed diastolic dysfunction and bnp was elevated to 10k. ce were trended but were flat. she was transferred to the floor for further management. . on the floor patient improved with diuresis and antibiotic course. her leukocytosis also downtrended. speech and swallow consulted who did not see si/sx of aspiration. however, there remained concern that patient was aspirating and she was placed on aspiration precautions. she had another episode of hypoxia with afib and rvr requiring nrb; abg on nrb showed 7.52/36/65/30 with lactate 4.8. she was transferred to the micu a second time. a repeat chest ct was concerning for right middle lobe pneumonia, patient weaned off to nasal cannula and lactate trended down. patient was diuresed and transferred back to the floor. on , patient spiked a fever, and was started on iv meropenem and vanc for an 8 day course of aspiration pneumonia, and pan-cultured. she improved with antibiotics and defervesced. urine and blood culture showed no growth on discharge. . patient was managed with chest pt and aggressive pulmonary toilet. pulmonology was consulted, who agreed with management of antibiotics, diuresis, and bp/rate control. given her anatomy thoracentesis thought to be unlikely to result in re-expansion of her left lung. goals of care were discussed further with patient. patient decided that further micu transfers were not align with her goals of care and decided to be dni. patient was discharged to nursing facility with plans to transition to hospice care. ultimately decision was made with family and patient for do not hospitalize as this would not be consistent with patient's goals of care. - continue iv vanc and meropenem until to complete 8 day course - continue nasal cannula, wean as tolerated - patient has decided to be: dnr/dni/dnh . 2. afib with rvr: this may have been precipitated by lung etiology given hypoxia. blood pressure was initially stable though dipped into the low 100s systolic. she was on metoprolol on admission which was increased to 75mg po tid. patient had several episodes of rvr to 160s which were managed with gentle bolus, with minimal response, then iv metoprolol and iv dilt. she was ruled out for an mi, and infectious work up was revealing for pneumonia. her coumadin was initially held given her history of falls. this was restarted during her hospitalization. however, as patient remained hypoxic and weak, further discussions regarding risk/benefit of coumadin were had with patient and son. ultimately, the immediate risks of bleed were thought to outweigh the long-run benefits. coumadin was stopped on discharge. - hold metoprolol or diltiazam if sbp<100, hr<60 . 3. acute heart failure: ct scans notable for bilateral pleural effusions. a tte was done that showed ef 55%, rv moderately dilated with mild global free wall hypokinesis. ce were negative. she was maintained with lasix, bb, ccb, and digoxin. she was transitioned from iv lasix to 40mg po lasix, to keep net even to 500cc net negative. - suspect that lasix dose will need to be reduced. when patient stops iv antibiotics please determine new lasix dose by po intake and fluid status. consider reducing dose back to home dose of 10mg daily. . 4. extensive mediastinal lymphadenopathy: this was seen on cta and the differential thought to include infection vs. malignancy. on repeat imaging, there was small improvement in lymphadenopathy after diuresis and antibiotic treatment. pulmonology consulted and given goals of care (as stated above), further invasive work up was not in line with patient's wishes. as stated above she spiked a temp and was pan-cultured and started on vanc/ x8days for aspiration pna. . 5. leukocytosis: seen by hematologist dr. at , with leukocytosis in the past in 13s-17s. throughout her admission, wbc ranged from 9 to 30 w/ primarily pmn diff (90s). she was treated for pneumonia infection with two course of antibiotics which improved her leukocytosis. . 6. thrombocytosis: it was confirmed w/ her outpatient hematologist that patient has a known jack2 mutation by pcr. she was continued on hydroxyurea 3 days per week. medications on admission: 1. omeprazole 40 mg daily 2. aspirin 81 mg daily 3. mirtazapine 45 mg qhs 4. escitalopram 20 mg daily 5. tiotropium bromide 18 mcg inh daily 6. fluticasone-salmeterol 250-50 mcg/dose inh 7. metoprolol 50 mg 8. diltiazem 120 mg daily 9. coumadin 4 mg daily 10. cephalexin 500mg tid (started pm of ) 11. apap 650mg q4h prn 12. colace 100mg 13. hydroxyurea 500mg tu/th/ 14. mvi daily 15. senna 2 tabs qhs 16. milk of mg 30ml qid prn 17. furosemide 10mg daily . discharge medications: 1. omeprazole 20 mg capsule, delayed release(e.c.) sig: two (2) capsule, delayed release(e.c.) po daily (daily). 2. mirtazapine 15 mg tablet sig: three (3) tablet po hs (at bedtime). 3. escitalopram 10 mg tablet sig: two (2) tablet po daily (daily). 4. digoxin 125 mcg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po daily (daily). 5. metoprolol tartrate 25 mg tablet sig: three (3) tablet po tid (3 times a day). 6. diltiazem hcl 120 mg capsule, sust. release 24 hr sig: one (1) capsule, sust. release 24 hr po once a day. 7. aspirin 81 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po once a day. 8. acetaminophen 500 mg tablet sig: two (2) tablet po tid (3 times a day) as needed for pain. 9. hydroxyurea 500 mg capsule sig: one (1) capsule po 3x/week (,tu,th). 10. multivitamin tablet sig: one (1) tablet po daily (daily). 11. senna 8.6 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po hs (at bedtime) as needed for constipation. 12. docusate sodium 100 mg capsule sig: one (1) capsule po bid (2 times a day). 13. heparin (porcine) 5,000 unit/ml solution sig: one (1) injection tid (3 times a day). 14. vancomycin in d5w 1 gram/200 ml piggyback sig: 1000 (1000) mg intravenous q48h (every 48 hours) for 8 days: to be completed . 15. magnesium hydroxide 400 mg/5 ml suspension sig: thirty (30) ml po q6h (every 6 hours) as needed for constipation. 16. fluticasone-salmeterol 250-50 mcg/dose disk with device sig: one (1) inhalation twice a day. 17. furosemide 20 mg tablet sig: two (2) tablet po daily (daily). 18. lidocaine 5 %(700 mg/patch) adhesive patch, medicated sig: one (1) adhesive patch, medicated topical daily (daily). 19. ipratropium bromide 0.02 % solution sig: one (1) inhalation every six (6) hours. 20. metoprolol succinate 200 mg tablet sustained release 24 hr sig: one (1) tablet sustained release 24 hr po daily (daily). 21. metoprolol succinate 25 mg tablet sustained release 24 hr sig: one (1) tablet sustained release 24 hr po once a day. 22. meropenem 500 mg recon soln sig: one (1) recon soln intravenous q8h (every 8 hours) for 8 days: to be completed . discharge disposition: extended care facility: nursing home - discharge diagnosis: primary: acute chf exacerbation pneumonia lung collapse atrial fibrillation with rapid ventricular rate discharge condition: a&ox3 discharge instructions: we had the pleasure of taking care of you while you were at the . you were admitted because you fell and because of shortness of breath. your shortness of breath was from volume overload from your heart failure, lung collapse, and infection. we treated you with lasix, antibiotics, and inhalers. you also had a very fast heart rate due to your atrial fibrillation. we increased your metoprolol and started you on a new medication called digoxin. while you were here we did a chest ct that showed opacities and enlarged lymph nodes in the lung. a pulmonologist saw you and you agreed that you did not want further invasive testing. you also decided that you did not want any icu tranfers and to change your code status from do not resuscitate (dnr) and okay to intubate, to dnr/dni (do not resuscitate and do not intubate). we have made the following changes to your medications: 1. we have changed your metoprolol to metoprolol succinate daily for your atrial fibrillation 2. we have started you on digoxin for atrial fibrillation 3. we have stopped your cephalexin 4. we have started you on lidocaine patch for pain 5. we have started you on vancomycin and meropenem for aspiration pneumonia 6. we have increased your lasix dose to 40mg daily 7. we have stopped your coumadin if you feel lightheaded or your blood pressure drops, you should not take your lasix. followup instructions: department: cardiac services when: monday at 3:00 pm with: , m.d. building: sc clinical ctr campus: east best parking: garage department: when: monday at 1:50 pm with: , md building: (, ma) campus: off campus best parking: free parking on site the office will be sending you a new patient packet in the mail. please fill out the forms and bring it with you to your appointment. md procedure: venous catheterization, not elsewhere classified venous catheterization, not elsewhere classified diagnoses: mitral valve disorders unspecified pleural effusion congestive heart failure, unspecified unspecified essential hypertension acute kidney failure, unspecified chronic airway obstruction, not elsewhere classified atrial fibrillation acute on chronic diastolic heart failure pulmonary collapse pneumonitis due to inhalation of food or vomitus cellulitis and abscess of leg, except foot long-term (current) use of anticoagulants dehydration enlargement of lymph nodes diseases of tricuspid valve ulcer of other part of lower limb Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: allergies: codeine / vicodin / percocet / compazine / percodan / tigan / latex / betadine viscous gauze / protonix / surgical lubricant attending: chief complaint: fatigue major surgical or invasive procedure: none history of present illness: ms. is a 60 year old woman with a history of cirrhosis secondary to etoh abuse and fatty liver who presented to the ed with hypotension, hyponatremia and worsening le edema. the patient is a vague historian who has great difficulty recalling recent events. she notes that she has been feeling steadily worse over the past few weeks, with decreased appetite and po intake. in addition, she has beomce more fatigued, with increasing lower extremity edema and light-headedness. over the past week in particular, she has developed abdominal pain which she has difficult describing. she also notes that recently, she has been unable to walk very far before needing to rest, though it is difficult for her to say if that is because of dyspnea or another symptom. she complains that she has been unable to engage in normal daily activities like cooking or going outside recently. she endorses etoh intake, though she is vague about the exact amount per day. she denies fevers/chills, vomiting or diarrhea, cough, uri symptoms, chest pain, dyspnea, dysuria. she is normally aided in daily activities by her , , but according to pcp notes he has become overwhelmed with her medical issues. . on the day of admission, she presented to her pcp, . , who noted 20 lbs of weight gain, blood pressure of 76/50 and serum na of 125. he send her to the ed for evaluation. in the ed, her bp was 68/37 hr 102, t afeb, rr 14, sao2 96% ra. she was given 1l ns with only transient improvement in her bp. a rij line was placed and the patient was given levophed with improvement of her bp to 103/57. due to diffuse abdominal tenderness, the patient was given iv ceftriaxone and received an abd/pelvis ct which showed small ascites. she was admitted to the micu for further evaluation. on the floor, her vitals were afeb, 112/67, 104, 95%ra. she was receiving levophed and in no acute distress. past medical history: 1. cirrhosis 2. h/o pancreatitis 3. etoh abuse 4. cholelithiasis 5. obesity 6. hypothyroidism 7. venous insuffuciency 8. chronic lower extremity edema 9. spinal stenosis 10. reflex sympathetic dystrophy 11. hypokalemia 12. mitral regurgitation 13. neuropathy 14. bilateral hand weakness 15. osteoporosis 16. macrocytic anemia 17. thrombocytopenia 18. uterine fibroids social history: lives with her roomate. is a former constable and volunteer police officer. drinks 3-4 beers/day x 12 yrs. no h/o withdrawl szs. no tobacco or illicit drug use. estranged from family. no hcp, though patient believes that father or could be hcp. family history: aunt with cirrhosis. mother with alcoholism physical exam: admission: vs: afeb, 112/67, 104, 95%ra, weight 248 lbs gen: no acute distress, morbidly obese heent: mmm, no scleral icterus, rij line in place cv: nl s1/s2, no m/r/g lungs: ctab, good air entry abd: distended, obese, soft, diffuse tenderness, most prominent tenderness in ruq. difficult to palpate liver due to tenderness. hypoactive bowel sounds. ext: 2+ pulses in all extremities. marked, tense swelling in bilateral lower extremities with erythema, warmth and tenderness to palpation. flaky, scaling skin on legs bilaterally. neuro: aox2 (date = "19 something"), mild asterixis discharge: pe: 98.1 98/d (98-114/d-80) 86 (85-99) 20 97% ra gen: morbidly obese, aox3 heent: mmm cv: rrr s1/s2 heard. no murmurs/gallops/rubs. pulm: mild crackles at bilateral bases, no wheezes, otherwise anteriorly abd: obese, midline surgical scar, normal bs, soft, diffuse ttp, no palpable hsm, midline reducible ventral hernia extremities: 2+ pulses in ue b, 1+ pulses in le b, peripheral swelling, tender to palpation, with appearance consistent with venous stasis changes. neuro/psych: improved asterixis pertinent results: ruq us with dopplers: 1. hepatic cirrhosis. limited study, but findings are consistent with patent hepatic vasculature. 2. ascites. 3. splenomegaly. kub: : impression: new gaseous distention of small bowel,with some gas within the large bowel, ascites, and mucosal fold thickening. the findings may reflect early or partial small-bowel obstruction or ileus. there is moderate gastric distention for which placement of an ng tube should be considered. ct abd : 1. cirrhosis with ascites. 2. growing ventral wall hernia containing fat and ascites but no bowel. 3. scattered diverticulosis without diverticulitis. culture data: urine culture (preliminary): escherichia coli. >100,000 organisms/ml.. presumptive identification. warning! this isolate is an extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (esbl) producer and should be considered resistant to all penicillins, cephalosporins, and aztreonam. this isolate demonstrates carbapenemase production. consider infectious disease consultation.. meropenem = resistant ( <=1 mcg/ml ). minocycline = sensitive. fosfomycin = sensitive. doxycycline = sensitive. tigecycline = sensitive ( 0.5 mcg/ml ). isolate sent to laboratories for colistin sensitivity testing . sensitivities: mic expressed in mcg/ml _________________________________________________________ escherichia coli | ampicillin------------ =>32 r ampicillin/sulbactam-- =>32 r cefazolin------------- =>64 r cefepime-------------- r ceftazidime----------- r ceftriaxone----------- r ciprofloxacin--------- =>4 r gentamicin------------ =>16 r imipenem-------------- <=1 r meropenem------------- r nitrofurantoin-------- 64 i piperacillin/tazo----- i tetracycline---------- s tobramycin------------ 4 s trimethoprim/sulfa---- =>16 r ------- 12:08 pm urine source: catheter. **final report ** urine culture (final ): enterococcus sp.. 10,000-100,000 organisms/ml.. yeast. 10,000-100,000 organisms/ml.. sensitivities: mic expressed in mcg/ml _________________________________________________________ enterococcus sp. | ampicillin------------ =>32 r linezolid------------- 2 s nitrofurantoin-------- 64 i tetracycline---------- =>16 r vancomycin------------ =>32 r brief hospital course: patient is a 60 f w/ cirrhosis, etoh abuse and obesity admitted for hypotension and hyponatremia initially managed in the micu then transferred to the floor when normotensive with a hospital course complicated by esbl uti and ileus which resolved after decreasing home pain regimen. #hypotension: her hyponatremia was thought to be secondary to worsening liver disease, very likely exacerbated by continued etoh intake as seen through patient history, persistent macrocytic anemia, and isolated ast elevation. she only required levophed for a very short time in the ed. patient is normally quite hypotensive at home with sbp's of 80-90's. a diagnostic paracentesis was performed and was negative for sbp. blood cultures were negative. patient developed uti after foley placed and may have contributed to her hypotension. initially lasix and spironolactone were held, however both were restarted at lower doses. she is currently on lasix 40 mg daily and spironolactone 50 mg daily. if blood pressure is stable, would incrase lasix to home dose of 60 mg daily on friday, . if blood pressure continues to be stable after increasing lasix, would titrate up spironolactone to home dose of 200 mg daily. #hyponatremia: secondary to volume overload and chronic liver disease, siadh. given her hypotension, her furosemide and spironolactone were intially held. on discharge, her furosemide was restarted at 20 mg po daily and her spironolactone was restarted at 50 mg daily. these should be uptitrated to home doses, if tolerated, while at rehab. #ileus: patient developed an ileus on with nausea, vomiting, and dilated loops of bowel on kub. repeat ct was done and did not show any sign of obstruction. the ileus was thought to possibly be caused by her pain medications and morphine sr was decreased from 60 mg po q12 to 30 mg po q12. an ng tube was placed for decompression and she was keep npo with ivf and albumin. her ileus resolved 2 days later and she was advanced to clears and then a regular diet without issue. #uti: patient developed foley catheter associated uti. her ucx on grew esbl e. coli which was intially treated with nitrofurantoin but was then discovered it was resistant and she was switched to tobramycin iv as she was unable to take po abx while npo for ileus. repeat urine on showed vre, however per id was thought to be colonized rather than infection. she will continue tobramycin iv until and then switch to tetracycline po 500 mg qid starting until . #cirrhosis: patient continued to drink etoh at home as she recounted in her history and also shown in her abnormal labs: elevated ast plus macrocytic anemia. lfts improved over her length of stay. she had a paracentesis with a saag suggestive of portal hypertension but not sbp. her diurectics were initially held given her hypotension. her lasix was then restarted at a decreased dose of 20 mg po daily and spironolactone restarted at 50 mg po daily. her lactulose was initially given at 45 ml tid but was then decreased to 30 mg po tid as her encephalopathy improved. she was also started on rifaximin for encephalopathy. the liver team also recommended maintaining a calories per day diet. she will follow up in liver clinic. #acute kidney injury: creatinine increased to 1.2 on admission from baseline of 0.9-1.0, likely secondary to hypotension. her creatinine improved throughout her lenghth of stay. #lower extremity edema: most consistenet with a stasis dermatitis. medications on admission: alendronate - 70 mg tablet - 1 tablet(s) by mouth once a week furosemide - 20 mg tablet - 3 tablet(s) by mouth once a day morphine 30mg q6h prn pain - morphine 60 mg tid omeprazole - 20 mg daily potassium chloride - 10 meq tablet, er particles/crystals - 2 tab(s) by mouth twice a day pramipexole - 1mg qhs spironolactone 200mg daily topiramate 200mg tid trazodone 300mg qhs . other prn meds: hydroxyzine hcl - 25 mg tablet - 1 tablet(s) by mouth four times a day as needed for prn for itching may cause drowsiness kristalose - 10g packet - packets by mouth every day as needed for constipation phenazopyridine - 100 mg tablet - 1 tablet(s) by mouth three times a day as needed for dysuria . uncertain/poor compliance meds: betamethasone valerate - 0.1 % cream - apply to itchy areas twice a day ciprofloxacin - 250 mg tablet - x7 days clonidine - (prescribed by other provider) - 0.1 mg/24 hour patch weekly - one patch every week triamcinolone acetonide - 0.1 % cream - apply to affected area twice a day lidocaine - 5 %(700 mg/patch) adhesive patch zofran - 8mg tablet - one by mouth four times a day . otc meds: calcium citrate-vitamin d3 - 315 mg-200 unit tablet - 2 tablet(s) by mouth twice a day replaces caltrate (calcium carbonate) cholecalciferol (vitamin d3) - 1,000 unit tablet - 1 tablet(s) by mouth once a day cyanocobalamin (vitamin b-12) - 1,000 mcg tablet - 1 tablet(s) by mouth once a day docusate sodium - 100mg capsule - one by mouth twice a day multivitamin-minerals-lutein - tablet - 1 tablet(s) by mouth once a day discharge medications: 1. alendronate 70 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po once a week. 2. morphine 30 mg tablet extended release sig: one (1) tablet extended release po every twelve (12) hours. disp:*60 tablet extended release(s)* refills:*2* 3. morphine 15 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po q6h (every 6 hours) as needed for pain. disp:*45 tablet(s)* refills:*0* 4. omeprazole 20 mg capsule, delayed release(e.c.) sig: one (1) capsule, delayed release(e.c.) po daily (daily). 5. potassium chloride 10 meq tablet, er particles/crystals sig: two (2) tablet, er particles/crystals po twice a day. 6. mirapex 1 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po at bedtime. 7. trazodone 300 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po at bedtime. 8. hydroxyzine hcl 25 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po every six (6) hours as needed for itching. 9. lactulose 10 gram/15 ml solution sig: two (2) po three times a day. disp:*2700 ml* refills:*0* 10. phenazopyridine 100 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po three times a day as needed for pain: use as needed for pain on urination. 11. triamcinolone acetonide 0.1 % cream sig: one (1) topical twice a day: apply as needed to affected areas. 12. lidocaine 5 %(700 mg/patch) adhesive patch, medicated sig: one (1) topical once a day: 12 hours on, 12 hours off. 13. zofran 8 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po four times a day as needed for nausea. 14. calcium citrate + d 315-200 mg-unit tablet sig: two (2) tablet po twice a day. 15. vitamin d-3 1,000 unit tablet, chewable sig: one (1) tablet, chewable po once a day. 16. cyanocobalamin (vitamin b-12) 1,000 mcg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po once a day. 17. docusate sodium 100 mg capsule sig: one (1) capsule po twice a day. 18. centrum silver tablet sig: one (1) tablet po once a day. 19. tobramycin sulfate 40 mg/ml solution sig: one hundred-ten (110) mg injection q24h (every 24 hours): last dose on . disp:*qs mg* refills:*2* 20. furosemide 20 mg tablet sig: two (2) tablet po daily (daily). 21. spironolactone 25 mg tablet sig: two (2) tablet po daily (daily). 22. rifaximin 550 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po bid (2 times a day). 23. tetracycline 500 mg capsule sig: one (1) capsule po four times a day: start on , last day . 24. heparin (porcine) 5,000 unit/ml solution sig: one (1) injection tid (3 times a day). 25. potassium chloride 20 meq tablet, er particles/crystals sig: one (1) tablet, er particles/crystals po once a day for 3 days: please recheck potassium in 3 days (friday ) and cotninue if k <4.0. discharge disposition: extended care facility: livingcenter - discharge diagnosis: primary: -decompensated cirrhosis -hyponatremia -urinary tract infection -small bowel ileus discharge condition: mental status: clear and coherent. level of consciousness: alert and interactive. activity status: ambulatory - independent. discharge instructions: you were admitted to the hospital with low blood pressure and low sodium. since your blood pressure was so low, you were managed in the intensive care units. you were given in fluids and medications to raise your blood pressure. your blood pressure stabilized and you were transferred to the medicine floor. you also had very low sodium. this was treated by restricting the amount of fluid you can drink to 1.2 l. this caused an increase in your sodium. we also found that you had a urinary tract infection and you were treated with antibiotics. you will need to continue to take antibiotics at home. you also developed a temporary blockage of your intestines. this condition is also called having an ileus. -gastric tube was placed to remove gastric fluid. the blockage resolved on its own and the tube was removed. the following changes were made to your medications: -start taking tobramycin daily, last day . -start taking tetracycline 500 mg four times a day starting , last day -start taking rifaximin 550 mg twice a day -decreased lasix to 40 mg once a day -decreased spironolactone to 50 mg a day -started potassium 20 meq a day for three days -stopped clonidine -started lactulose to 30 ml three times a day -stopped kristalose -decreased ms contin from 60 mg every 8 hours to 30 mg every 12 hours -decreased morphine ir from 30 mg to 15 mg every 6 hours as needed for breakthrough pain followup instructions: please keep the following appointments: department: center when: tuesday at 11:00 am with: / md building: sc clinical ctr campus: east best parking: garage department: when: wednesday at 1 pm with: , m.d. building: campus: east best parking: garage department: liver center when: wednesday at 10:20 am with: dr. building: lm campus: west best parking: garage md, procedure: percutaneous abdominal drainage central venous catheter placement with guidance central venous catheter placement with guidance diagnoses: urinary tract infection, site not specified alcoholic cirrhosis of liver acute kidney failure, unspecified portal hypertension atrial fibrillation hypotension, unspecified osteoporosis, unspecified morbid obesity paralytic ileus other ascites personal history of noncompliance with medical treatment, presenting hazards to health other disorders of neurohypophysis other and unspecified alcohol dependence, continuous unspecified deficiency anemia venous (peripheral) insufficiency, unspecified other ventral hernia without mention of obstruction or gangrene alcoholic fatty liver body mass index 40.0-44.9, adult Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: allergies: patient recorded as having no known allergies to drugs attending: chief complaint: found down major surgical or invasive procedure: peg history of present illness: pt. is an 88 year old with a history of htn and bilateral hip replacement who is brought in by ems today after being found down. history is per daughter and per ems report. daughter reports that pt. is very active at baseline, lives independantly, does her own shopping, takes care of a grandchild 2 days a week. she was last seen well yesterday afternoon by a friend. friend was expecting her at church this morning but she did not arrive. she went over to her house afterwards and tried to knock but pt. did not answer. her friend became concerned and called ems. ems found her lying on the floor of her bathroom, with a puddle of cleaning fluid around her. they describe her as being awake but not oriented. she was unable to state how long she had been on the floor. her bp was 200/110 on the scene. here she has been noted to be in a fib, with a rate in the 70s-80s. pt. has no complaints at presents, denies pain, weakness. does not know where she is or why she is here. past medical history: hypertension bilateral hip replacement bilateral cataract repair, daughter reports she has anisocoria at baseline no history of arrhythmia or stroke that daughter is aware of social history: lives alone in , daughter, who is an ob/gyn at , lives in the area. no tobacco, occ social etoh. very active and independant at baseline. daughter, , hcp at ), h , c , bp family history: father -> aortic stenosis mother -> alzheimer's, ? stroke brother -> mi physical exam: t- 97.8 bp- 210/151 hr- 78 rr- 18 o2sat- 96% on ra gen: lying in bed, nad heent: nc/at, moist oral mucosa, + racoon eyes bilaterally neck: in c collar cv: rrr, nl s1 and s2, no murmurs/gallops/rubs lung: clear to auscultation bilaterally abd: +bs soft, nontender ext: no edema neurologic examination: mental status: awake and alert. cannot say where she is, or what the month or year are, says first name when asked (not last name). speech is non-fluent, says a few words only (says her name, answers simple y/n questions, when asked her last name and where she is says something unintelligible, paucity of spontaneous speech); follows simple commands (stick out tongue, wiggle toes, raise arm). no dysarthria. + r sided neglect. cranial nerves: r pupil 6 mm, irregular, nr. l pupil 2.5 mm, minimally reactive. r nlf flattening. tongue midline. blinks to threat on l, not r. crosses midline to r, but does not bury sclera, burys sclera on l gaze. l gaze preference. motor: decreased bulk throughout. tone normal. no observed myoclonus or tremor. holds l arm anti-gravity x 10 sec with no drift. holds r arm anti-gravity x 10 sec with some drift and some motor impersistance. holds r leg briefly anti-gravity, but quickly drifts to bed. holds l leg anti-gravity x 5 sec. sensation: withdraws to pain all 4 extremities. reflexes: +2 and symmetric throughout. toes upgoing on r, down on l pertinent results: 03:19pm blood alt-41* ast-73* ck(cpk)-923* alkphos-141* amylase-47 totbili-1.4 04:35am blood ck-mb-14* mb indx-3.3 ctropnt-0.04* 10:30pm blood ck-mb-23* mb indx-3.7 ctropnt-0.04* 03:19pm blood ctropnt-0.04* 06:30am blood calcium-9.2 phos-3.9 mg-1.4* 05:55pm blood calcium-9.4 phos-3.4 mg-1.6 07:25am blood calcium-9.2 phos-2.2* mg-1.9 08:55pm blood %hba1c-6.0* 12:35am blood triglyc-72 hdl-52 chol/hd-3.1 ldlcalc-94 12:55pm blood osmolal-257* 02:59pm blood osmolal-266* 05:55pm blood tsh-7.7* 03:19pm blood tsh-3.9 05:55pm blood cortsol-23.8* 06:30am blood t3-74* free t4-1.2 03:19pm blood asa-neg ethanol-neg acetmnp-neg bnzodzp-neg barbitr-neg tricycl-neg 03:31pm blood lactate-4.1* head ct: 1. left early subacute infarct with hemorrhagic transformation in the posterior cerebral artery territory involving the left posterior corona radiata, thalamus, temporal lobe, and occipital lobe. 2. right frontal lobe late subacute infarct echo: the left atrium is moderately dilated. the right atrium is moderately dilated. there is mild symmetric left ventricular hypertrophy with normal cavity size and regional/global systolic function (lvef>55%). no masses or thrombi are seen in the left ventricle. right ventricular chamber size and free wall motion are normal. the aortic valve leaflets are severely thickened/deformed. there is moderate to severe aortic valve stenosis (area 0.8-1.0cm2), but the valve area may have been slightly derestimated, because of the technically suboptimal acquisition of lvot velocities. moderate (2+) aortic regurgitation is seen. the mitral valve leaflets are mildly thickened. moderate (2+) mitral regurgitation is seen. there is moderate pulmonary artery systolic hypertension. there is a physiologic pericardial effusion. mra/mri: findings: the carotid and vertebral arteries are visualized from their origins to their intracranial courses. there is no evidence of stenosis or occlusion. there are mild atherosclerotic changes identified. the distal cervical internal carotid arteries measure 4.3 mm diameter on the left and 4.5 mm diameter on the right following nascet criteria. conclusion: mild atherosclerotic changes of the cervical arterial vessels. otherwise, no evidence of stenosis or occlusion. brief hospital course: ms. is a 89-year-old woman with a history of hypertension who presented after being found down. her hospital course by problem is as follows: 1. neuro: stroke. ms. was admitted to the stroke service for further evaluation. an mri of the brain showed the left subacute infarct of the posterior corona radiata, thalamus, temporal lobe, and occipital lobe, as well as a right frontal lobe infarct. as these appeared to be the result of multiple emboli and as she was discovered to have atrial fibrillation (previously unknown), she was started on a heparin drip. the next morning, she was found to be excessively somnolent; stat head ct showed hemorrhagic transformation of her ischemic strokes. the ich and heparin was discussed with her daughter who is the medical decision maker. the daughter decided to continue with the heparin despite the risk of worsening ich. she was transferred to the step-down for closer monitoring. her blood pressure was controlled with iv prn bb initally; ultimately it was controlled with oral lisinopril and metoprolol. she was maintained euglycemic and normothermic. she was continued on heparin with goal ptt 40-60 and started on coumadin. after several days of low inrs, her inr was found to be 10.6 on ; she was given 5 mg of vitamin k subcutaneously and 5 mg orally, and 2 units of ffp. she was then resumed on the heparin drip while her inr was again sub-therapeutic; she was restarted on a lower dose of warfarin. her goal inr is . her exam improved somewhat so that she is fully awake and alert and moving her left side well; she is hemiparetic on the right but does have some movement in the r le. 2. hypercholesterolemia. ldl was found to be 94; as her goal will be < 70, she was started on lipitor 10. 3. dens fracture. she was found to have a dens fracture on ct due to her initial fall. she was evaluated by the spine service who recommended to keep the c-collar for 3 months (through ). 4. atrial fibrillation. she was rate controlled with metoprolol and anti-coagulated as above. 5. id. she had mild temperature bumps for which she was pan-cultured. she was empirically started on vanco and zosyn and her leukocytosis improved. no infectious source was found, and she remained afebrile after the completion of these antibiotics. 6. hyponatremia. this was thought to be due to a combination of cerebral salt wasting and siadh. the renal service was consulted. after fluid restriction failed to improve the sodium, they recommended using 3% saline. this improved her na, and once her peg was in place, her sodium was maintained with salt tabs. 7. subclinical hypothyroidism. she was found to have elevated tsh with a normal free t4 (1.2) and low t3 (73). this was not clinically significant at this point, but should be followed as an outpatient in the future. 8. nutrition. she was evaluated by speech and swallow on several occasions but failed her feeding trial. a peg was therefore placed for further feeding. 9. airway edema. after being electively intubated for the peg placement, she was found to have significant epiglottal edema preventing extubation. she was given 3 days of prednisone, but bronchoscopic evaluation after these 3 days revealed persistent edema. in consultation with her daughter, it was decided that she should receive a tracheotomy. 10. code: she is dnr; intubated electively as above. 11. dispo: she was discharged to a rehab facility. medications on admission: lisinopril atenolol discharge medications: 1. acetaminophen 325 mg tablet sig: 1-2 tablets po q6h (every 6 hours) as needed for pain, fever: per peg. 2. bisacodyl 10 mg suppository sig: one (1) suppository rectal daily (daily) as needed. 3. famotidine 20 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po q24h (every 24 hours): per peg. 4. metoprolol tartrate 25 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po bid (2 times a day): per peg. 5. sodium chloride 1 g tablet sig: one (1) tablet po tid (3 times a day): per peg. 6. miconazole nitrate 2 % powder sig: one (1) appl topical prn (as needed): per peg. 7. senna 8.6 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po bid (2 times a day) as needed: per peg. 8. atorvastatin 10 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po daily (daily): per peg. 9. warfarin 1 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po daily (daily): per peg. 10. lisinopril 5 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po daily (daily): per peg. 11. neutra-phos mg packet sig: two (2) packets po once a day for 1 doses: please give once per peg at 8 pm . discharge disposition: extended care facility: for the aged - macu discharge diagnosis: 1. stroke 2. intracranial hemorrhage 3. atrial fibrillation 4. pneumonia 5. hyponatremia discharge condition: stable. on neurological examination, the patient is awake and alert, but aphasic, without speech. she has findings consistent with a right homonymous hemianopsia. right pupil is surgical and the left reactive. her left arm and leg are consistently anti-gravity (3+). however, her right arm and leg are generally weaker and have often fluctuated during the hospital course, ranging between a 1+ and a 3+. on day of discharge her right side was +. discharge instructions: please take your medications as prescribed and follow up with your appointments as scheduled. if you have new, worsening, or concerning symptoms, please call your phyician or return to the nearest emergency room. the patient is to contune to wear her cervical collar for 3 months until her follow up appointment with the orthopedic clinic at that time. please follow up the inr daily, as the paient is on coumadin with a history of atrial fibrillation. her goal inr is . given her history of hyponatremia, please check a chemistry (including soudium) and a cbc at least weekly. please aim for a systolic blood pressure in the 120's to 130's if possible. lisinopril was added just prior to discharge. followup instructions: 1. provider: , .d. phone: date/time: 3:30 2. provider: xray (scc 2) phone: date/time: 10:40 provider: . phone: date/time: 11:00 md, procedure: continuous invasive mechanical ventilation for 96 consecutive hours or more insertion of endotracheal tube fiber-optic bronchoscopy enteral infusion of concentrated nutritional substances temporary tracheostomy other gastrostomy diagnoses: pure hypercholesterolemia urinary tract infection, site not specified unspecified essential hypertension unspecified acquired hypothyroidism atrial fibrillation unspecified fall intracerebral hemorrhage acute respiratory failure closed fracture of second cervical vertebra family history of ischemic heart disease other disorders of neurohypophysis aphasia hemiplegia, unspecified, affecting unspecified side hip joint replacement cervical spondylosis without myelopathy edema of larynx Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: allergies: zithromax / haldol / levaquin attending: chief complaint: s/p fall from outside hospital major surgical or invasive procedure: none history of present illness: pt is a 76 year old male with pmh of pud (), cad s/p mi 4 weeks ago (medically managed), esrd on hd, afib, copd, htn, dementia, who presented initially to from osh on following a mechanical fall which resulted in fracture of c1-2 and r shoulder fracture. pt was initially admitted to trauma service for monitering, then transferred to neurosurgery service. pt was stable neurologically and stable on floor until when pt returned from dialysis and had hematemesis of coffee ground emesis. he also had some grossly melenotic stool. he quickly developed afib with rvr to 120's-130's, did not respond to iv lopressor, transient response to iv diltiazem. bp remained stable and slightly elevated with sbp 140-170s. could not assess o2 sat acurately. labs taken acutely at this time notable for normal hct at 46.1, and elevated wbc to 25.5. gi was notified, pt ordered for prbc, og tube was placed and pt was transferred to micu for further care and monitering. of note, hospital course otherwise notable for failed speech and swallow evaluation w/ gross aspiration on . past medical history: 1.cad (s/p mi 4 weeks ago - medically managed) 2.svt 3.afib (rate controlled) 4.copd 5.dementia(question etoh vs. alzeimer's. (-) tsh, head ct) 6.htn 7.esrd on hd (s/p kidney transplant 9 yr ago) 8.hyperlipidemia 9.diverticulitis s/p resection 10.recurrent skin cancer 11.recent pna's 12.hard of hearing 13.pud s/p bleed in treated at w/ prilosec social history: pt is a retired firefighter, lives with his wife. remote tobacco and alcohol history. family history: non-contributory physical exam: initial physical exam: gen: wd/wn, comfortable, nad. heent: pupils: 3 to 2mm bilaterally. eoms intact neck: supple. lungs: cta bilaterally. cardiac: rrr. s1/s2. abd: soft, nt, bs+ extrem: warm and well-perfused. no c/c/e. neuro: mental status: awake and alert, cooperative with exam, normal affect. pt is hard of hearing and did not have hearing aid in place, hence, could not hear all instructions/commands. orientation: oriented to person, place, and date. motor: d b t fe ff ip q at g r 5 throughout l 5 throughout sensation: intact to light touch bilaterally. reflexes: b t br pa ac not assessed toes downgoing bilaterally rectal exam normal sphincter control . . . physical exam on transfer to the icu: vitals - t 102.8, hr 130, bp 143/78, rr 26, o2 86% nrb gen - confused, obtunded cvs - tachycardic, irregular lungs - scattered rhonci on r abd - soft, + gaurding, no noted hepatosplenomegaly ext - no le edema b/l pertinent results: 05:20pm glucose-196* lactate-2.8* na+-135 k+-4.2 cl--91* tco2-26 05:19pm urea n-44* creat-7.6* 05:19pm amylase-53 05:19pm asa-neg ethanol-neg acetmnphn-neg bnzodzpn-neg barbitrt-neg tricyclic-neg 05:19pm plt count-260 05:19pm pt-12.5 ptt-26.1 inr(pt)-1.1 05:19pm fibrinoge-498* mr head w/o contrast 7:18 am mr head w/o contrast; mra brain w/o contrast reason: eval for potential stroke medical condition: 76 year old man with ? evolving stroke on ct reason for this examination: eval for potential stroke indications: 76-year-old man with question of stroke. comparisons: ct from . technique: multiplanar t1- and t2-weighted imaging of the brain was performed. an mr angiogram of the circle of was also performed with three-dimensional time-of-flight weighted imaging. findings: there is no mass effect, hydrocephalus or shift of the normally midline structures. the ventricles, cisterns and sulci are all similarly prominent, consistent with atrophic change. there are numerous bilateral cerebral foci of white matter hyperintensity on t2-weighted imaging, consistent with chronic small vessel ischemic disease. there are no areas of restricted diffusion, however, to suggest recent infarction. there are two focal regions of susceptibility artifact outlining the sulci along the left temporal convexity, most likely due to siderosis associated with prior subarachnoid hemorrhage. there is no indication of recent intracranial hemorrhage, however. mr angiogram of the circle of : there are no areas of stenosis or aneurysmal dilatation. the internal carotid and basilar arteries, and their branches, show appropriate anterograde flow. impression: 1. similar atrophic changes. 2. extensive foci of hyperintensity on t2-weighted imaging, most suggestive of chronic small vessel ischemic disease. 3. no evidence of recent infarction. 4. likely siderosis along the left temporal convexity, probably due to old subarachnoid hemorrhage. these findings were discussed with dr. on . the study and the report were reviewed by the staff radiologist. dr. dr. . approved: fri 11:23 pm shoulder (ap, neutral & axillary) trauma bilat 5:42 pm shoulder (ap, neutral & axilla; elbow (ap, lat & oblique) righ reason: fractures medical condition: 76 year old man s/p fall from standing with bilateral humeral head fractures reason for this examination: fractures indication: 76-year-old man status post fall with bilateral humeral head fractures. bilateral shoulders, four views: limited views secondary to technique and patient positioning. there is a minimally displaced fracture through the surgical neck of the humerus. there is no evidence of dislocation. the surrounding osseous and soft tissue structures are unremarkable. the left humeral head appears intact. no fracture is identified, although the gleoid is not well evaluated. there is no evidence of dislocation on these two views, but again, an axial view was not obtained. the surrounding osseous and soft tissue structures show swelling about the right shoulder and minimal left acromio- clavicular joint degenerative changes. right elbow, three views: limited views secondary to technique. there is no evidence of a fracture, malalignment, or significant soft tissue abnormality including effusion. impression: limited views as described above. minimally displaced right humeral head fracture through the surgical neck. no evidence of joint dislocation. right shoulder soft tissue swelling. no definite fracture identified within the left humeral head or right elbow. the study and the report were reviewed by the staff radiologist. dr. . dr. dr. approved: 10:15 am ct c-spine w/o contrast 5:25 pm ct c-spine w/o contrast reason: s/p fall medical condition: 76 year old man s/p fall reason for this examination: s/p fall contraindications for iv contrast: none. indication: status post fall, neck pain. ct cervical spine: -type comminuted minimally displaced fracture of the c1 ring is identified. horizontal fracture of the body of the odontoid is also seen, with minimal anterior widening. no other fractures are identified. minimal soft tissue swelling is seen. there are extensive degenerative changes of the cervical spine, with fusion of c3-4 and c6-7, and loss of disc height at c2-3 and c5-6. centrilobular emphysematous changes in both lungs and left lung apical scarring is noted. there are extensive carotid calcifications. impression: 1. fracture of c1 and type 2 odontoid fracture with minimal anterior widening. this is a technically unstable fracture. 2. emphysematous changes. preliminary findings were relayed to the ed dashboard at the time of interpretation. note added at attending review: there is moderate spinal canal narrowing due to a posterior vertebral body osteophyte at c4-5. the study and the report were reviewed by the staff radiologist. dr. dr. approved: wed 11:11 am brief hospital course: this 76 y/o white male was admitted to the trauma icu to the trauma service for injuries sustained after a mechanical fall. he sustained a right shoulder fracture as well as a frature of c1 c2 for whcih he was placed in a cervical collar. he had an mri of the brain to r/o cva. this study was negative for cva. pt sustained right shoulder fracture for which he was seen by ortho - their plan was to maintain this gentleman in a sling to right arm for 2 weeks. he is to follow up in the ortho clinic 4 weeks after d/c with dr. . he is cleared by ortho for pendulum exercises after 2 weeks. from a neurosurgical standpoint this pts cervical spine fracture treatments were discussed with the family. given options of cervical collar/ halo placement or surgical intervention - the family was requesting that he be stabilized surgically due to the fact that he is demented and non compliant. they feel the collar/halo would not be tolerated by the patient and this would leave him at risk for further injury. he was scheduled for surgery originally as an add on for thursday however the or is not able to accomidate himnm on that date - he was then rescheduled for friday . pt has recieved hd during this hospital stay for crf. today on the pt had hd, and then was to have a ngt placed under fluro after multiple attempts to place and ngt were unsuccessful. this was not done as pt was dusky with an elevated hr on return form hd. an ekg was obtained and the pt was transferred to the stepdown unit on 5. hd was contact and the rn states there were no difficulties during his session. ce's x 3 were ordered as well as electrolytes. a medicine consult was called and the pt was formally evaluated. he was given metoprolol and diltiazem iv with his hr response coming down to the 90's. the pts color improved - it was difficult to assess whether or not he had active chest pain or sob as he is unreliable. his lung fields were clear at the time of event. dr. , , from nephrology came to see the pt as he just finished dialysis. he left no new orders. the medicine team evaluated patient and initially were going to transfer the patient to general medicine service. however, during evaluation, patient returned with rapid hr to 130's, had coffee ground emesis, became diaphoretic and tachypnic and therefore patient was admitted to micu give his critical appearance. on presentation to micu, patient was noted to remain in afib with hr in 130's, temp noted to be 102.8. bp stable at 140/38. had some difficulty placing o2 sat moniter, but upon receiving a good pleth, noted to have o2 sat of 75-90% on nrb. at this time, given patient's code status of dnr/dni, discussions ensued with pt's wife/hcp. she was notified of patient's poor condition, given overall picture of likely gi bleed, need of central line access, c1-2 and shoulder fractures, esrd on hd, and now ?aspiration with poor respiratory status, which would require intubation for rescusitation. wife was very clear that patient's wishes were to die - he had in fact been wanting to discontinue his dialysis. he was also very clear about the fact that he did not want any sort of mechanical ventilation or resuscitation. it was therefore decided by the patient's wife to refrain from further treatment, including further work up of his fever, line placement, intubation, and to make him comfort measures only. therefore all lab draws and medications were discontinued and patient was placed on morphine drip for comfort. wife is contacting the remainder of his family to come to the hospital. patient died morning after micu admission. family was notified. medications on admission: prilosec 20 mg qam, renegel 800 mg tid, phoslo 667 mg tid, renal soft gel 1 gel q day, namenda 10 mg q day, lisinopril 20 mg q day discharge medications: none discharge disposition: expired discharge diagnosis: -respiratory failure and death, likely secondary to aspiration pneumonia -s/p minimally displaced right humeral head fracture through the surgical neck -chronic renal failure -c1 c2 fracture: fracture of c1 and type 2 odontoid fracture with minimal anterior widening. this is a technically unstable fracture. -afib -mi (4 weeks ago) discharge condition: expired discharge instructions: na followup instructions: na procedure: hemodialysis transfusion of packed cells diagnoses: end stage renal disease congestive heart failure, unspecified chronic airway obstruction, not elsewhere classified atrial fibrillation unspecified fall other persistent mental disorders due to conditions classified elsewhere hypertensive chronic kidney disease, unspecified, with chronic kidney disease stage v or end stage renal disease acute respiratory failure pneumonitis due to inhalation of food or vomitus closed fracture of second cervical vertebra unspecified hearing loss closed fracture of first cervical vertebra acute myocardial infarction of unspecified site, subsequent episode of care closed fracture of greater tuberosity of humerus Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: ? allergies, ? meds pt admitted from or at 4am, intubated and sedated on propofol w/ neo gtt for bp. bp initially dipping to the 80's yet given fluid bolus of 700cc's w/ improved bp, pt w/ k of 2.3 from or. central line placed for more concentratred electrolyte repletion, pt transfused w/ one bag of platelets prior to line attempt, pt then taken to ct for pan scan of c-spine and torso and post-op head ct. current ros pt sedated on propofol at 40-80mcgs kg min, best neuro exam w/ pt light yet not completely off gtt, at that time pt open eyes to voice, very tremulous yet responsive and mae's following some simple commands such as "show me one finger'. pupils w/ left one slightly larger than right yet both sides constricting to light but only slightly. pt w/ head ct pnd. dilantin loaded in or. jp drain to bulb suction draining large amt bloody drainage. pt in sr w/ hr 100-110 sinus, no ectopy, sbp 100-125/78-88, neo gtt weaned off when pt lightened. hct 23, lytes extremely low, please see flow sheet, lytes repleted as ordered, k 2.3, 40meq's hung thus far, kphos and mag hung as well. extremities warm and dry, pedal pulses easily palpable bilaterally. resp- please see flow sheet for vent changes and , pt saturating well at 98-100%, bs's clear bilaterally, suctioned for scant amt blood tinged sputum. breathing over vent when light. gi- abd soft nondistend, hypoactive , ogt to lcs w/ bilious output, pt to start famotidine. gu- brisk u/o via foley cath. endo- blood sugar 160's no coverage yet, to be covered by sliding scale as ordered. id- t 100.4 on admission, no abx's at this time, had one dose kefzol in or. pt w/ ecchymosis around around right eye and large purple contusion and edema on right cheek, large contused area in medial upper left thigh/groin area, right knee w/ large contusion, and multiple scattered small contusions on back. social- no family contact at this time. pneumo boots, famotidine for prophalaxis procedure: continuous invasive mechanical ventilation for less than 96 consecutive hours venous catheterization, not elsewhere classified incision of cerebral meninges insertion of endotracheal tube enteral infusion of concentrated nutritional substances diagnoses: pneumonia, organism unspecified urinary tract infection, site not specified unspecified fall alcohol abuse, unspecified epilepsy, unspecified, without mention of intractable epilepsy subdural hemorrhage following injury without mention of open intracranial wound, with no loss of consciousness takotsubo syndrome extradural hemorrhage following injury without mention of open intracranial wound, with no loss of consciousness Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: allergies: penicillins attending: chief complaint: seizure/sepsis major surgical or invasive procedure: cvl, intubation history of present illness: ms. is an 84 yo female with pmh of dm, resident of a nursing home, who presented to after being found at her nursing home with periods of unresponsiveness of facial twitching. per her daughter, she was talking and in her normal state of health at her evening meal on . she had a repeat of these periods at . per report, there was no generalized tonic-clonic component but possibly some tonic head turning and upper extremity shaking. there, she was also noted to be hypotensive with systolic bp in the 80s and as low as 50/p and hypothermic to 95. she was intubated for airway protection in the setting of possible status and also for hypotension. she had a negative head ct as well as a ct thorax which was unremarkable. she was given phosphenytoin, vancomycin 1g, possibly levo, ativan, cerebryx and sent to because there was no neurologist there. . she has had a big decline over the past year cognitively. she suffered a fall last year and has since been in a nursing facility. she has had dementia diagnosed. she also has had two heel ulcers in the last year, the latest over the past four months last requiring antibiotics 2 months ago. she has also lost 15lb in the last 2 months with decreased appetite. . initial vitals in the ed: t 95 hr 73 110/60 rr18 intubated, sedated with fentanyl/versed, on dopamin (10-15mcg). her pupils were reactive and her neck supple. she was noted to have pyuria > 50, + nitrite, wbc 20 with 90% neutrophils, and a heel ulcer that looked infected. cefepime was added to the vanc she already had. an ij was attempted for access, but was not successful, so a right femoral line was placed. she was given 2l ivf rapidly, but her sbp remained in the 80s if the dopa was taken off. they did however get her dopa down to 5mcg with the fluid and reduction of her sedation. neurology was consulted who recommended keppra 1g iv. her lactate was 1.5, down to 0.7 on repeat. abg showed ph 7.40/34/312. . upon arrival, she is on 7.5mcg of dopa. . past medical history: dm neuropathy gout pvd cervical ca age 49 s/p hysterectomy chronic heel ulcers social history: yr smoking history, quit in her late 30s. no alcohol. retired bookkeeper. lives in a nursing home. husband died in his late 60s. family history: no history of seizure disorder physical exam: vitals: 110/56 86 100% 50% fio2. ac 500/12 gen: intubated sedated. not responding to voice or painful stimuli. heent: ncat, mmm. pupils pinpoint 2 to 1 mm reactive to light. neck: jvd 10-12 cm pulm: cta anteriorly. no w/r/r cv: hrrr, 1/6 sem throughout. quiet s1/s2. abd: nt/nd. hypoactive bs neuro: intubated, sedated, not responding to voice or painful stimuli. not following commands. extremities: dressing on right heal ulcer. no c/c/e. non dopplerable le peripheral pulses, 2+ in ues. pertinent results: 05:49pm cerebrospinal fluid (csf) protein-50* glucose-96 05:49pm cerebrospinal fluid (csf) wbc-2 rbc-27* polys-3 lymphs-46 monos-50 atyps-1 04:20pm type-art po2-236* pco2-41 ph-7.38 total co2-25 base xs-0 04:20pm lactate-1.5 04:10pm wbc-14.2* rbc-3.47* hgb-9.1* hct-28.7* mcv-83 mch-26.3* mchc-31.7 rdw-18.0* 04:10pm plt count-483* 04:10pm pt-12.6 ptt-24.1 inr(pt)-1.1 04:10pm fibrinoge-596* 05:09am glucose-141* lactate-0.7 05:06am glucose-177* urea n-18 creat-0.9 sodium-141 potassium-3.5 chloride-108 total co2-21* anion gap-16 05:06am alt(sgpt)-9 ast(sgot)-20 alk phos-207* tot bili-0.5 05:06am calcium-7.5* phosphate-3.8 magnesium-1.9 05:06am wbc-17.2* rbc-3.39* hgb-9.1* hct-28.3* mcv-83 mch-26.9* mchc-32.3 rdw-17.6* 05:06am neuts-89.8* lymphs-6.5* monos-3.5 eos-0.1 basos-0.1 05:06am plt count-349 01:18am type-art rates- tidal vol-500 peep-5 po2-312* pco2-34* ph-7.40 total co2-22 base xs--2 -assist/con intubated-intubated 12:59am glucose-185* lactate-1.5 k+-4.0 12:50am urea n-22* creat-1.2* 12:50am lipase-35 12:50am asa-neg ethanol-neg acetmnphn-neg bnzodzpn-neg barbitrt-neg tricyclic-neg 12:50am urine hours-random 12:50am urine bnzodzpn-pos barbitrt-neg opiates-neg cocaine-neg amphetmn-neg mthdone-neg 12:50am wbc-20.0* rbc-4.08* hgb-10.5* hct-34.1* mcv-84 mch-25.7* mchc-30.8* rdw-17.6* 12:50am neuts-90.9* lymphs-5.0* monos-3.7 eos-0.1 basos-0.3 12:50am plt count-415 12:50am pt-12.3 ptt-23.6 inr(pt)-1.0 12:50am fibrinoge-666* 12:50am urine color-yellow appear-cloudy sp -1.020 12:50am urine blood-lg nitrite-pos protein-300 glucose-100 ketone-15 bilirubin-sm urobilngn-1 ph-5.0 leuk-lg 12:50am urine rbc-21-50* wbc->50 bacteria-many yeast-none epi- 12:50am urine amorph-mod ct head from : there is no evidence for midline shift. there is no ct evidence for an acute infarct or intracranial hemorrhage or for hydrocephalus. moderate white matter disease and volume loss are identified. the sinuses, mastoids and orbits appear normal. there is no evidence for an acute fracture or malalignment. impression: there are no acute concerning abnormalities. . ct chest/abd/pelvis from : there is no evidence for aortic dissection or for a pericardial effusion on these noncontrast images. it is not possilbe to assess for pulmonary embolus on these noncontrast images. the tip of the endotracheal tube is approximately 3.5cm above the carina. there is no signficant adenopathy. there is probable atelectasis/scar in the lungs. there is a small right pleural effusion. tehre is no pneumothorax. degenerative change i identified in the spine. there is no evidence for acute fracture or malalignment. there has been a cholecystecomy. there is no evidence for pancreatitis. there is no evidence for renal calcifications or for hydronephrosis. the urteters appear normal in caliber where visualized. hypodenisities in the kidney are too small to definitiely characterize although statistically they most likely represent benign cysts. there is a large amount of stool in the rectosigmoid colon suggesive of constipation. there is no significant bowel dilation. bowel evaluation is limited on these noncontrast images. no bowel mass is seen. degenerative change is identified in the spoine. there is no evidence for acute fracture or malalignment. there is no evidence for abdominal or pelvic adneopathy by ct size criteria. impression: there is a large amount of stool in the rectosigmoid colon suggestive of constipation. there is a small right pleural effusion. there is no pneurmothorax. . cxr : endotracheal 2.7 cmabove advanced og tube gastric distension streaky opacity likely atelectasis no consolidation. . eeg: impression: abnormal portable eeg due to the disorganized and slow background and bursts of generalized slowing, a few with triphasic or sharp appearances. these findings indicate a widespread encephalopathy affecting both cortical and subcortical structures. there were no areas of prominent focal slowing, but encephalopathies may obscure focal findings. sharp features appear to be more likely part of the encephalopathy. there were no simple spike or sharp and slow wave discharges. an abnormal cardiac rhythm was noted, but this would be assessed better through routine ecg tracings. . mri head: impression: 1. no evidence of acute infarct, mass or hemorrhage. 2. diffuse enlargement of the ventricles, including the temporal horns indicating brain and medial temporal atrophy. brief hospital course: # sepsis: originally she met sirs criteria with wbc 17-20 and temp 95f, and most likely sources urinary +/- skin (right heel). she also has septic shock with low uop and seizures possibly related to her sepsis. pulmonary source less likely with negative cxr. cns source had to be considered since she had seizures. a femoral line was placed because of collaps of her ij during insertion, suggesting still significant volume depletion. lactate wnl and cr wnl. intubation did not appear to be for respiratory failure, but for airway protection and sepsis. she was weaned off pressors after agressive ivf resuscitation. she was initially started on broad spectrum abx to cover meningitis, urinary sources, and heel ulcers as these were thought most likely causes of her septic shock. eventually urine culture grew out ecoli sensitive to ceftriaxone (resistant to cipro), lp was negatve, and blood cultures were no growth so patient's antibiotics were weaned to just ceftriaxone for a planned 14-day course. her femoral line was replaced with a midline prior to discharge to the floor. on transfer to the floor, she was changed to oral antibiotics (cefpodoxime) with plan to take 8 days as outpatient to complete 14 day course. on discharge, she was afebrile and hemodynamically stable. midline iv was pulled prior to discharge. # seizures: no known seizure history. differential includes primary cns vs related to septic process. she does have a remote history of cervical ca at age 49. ct head from osh not suggesting primary cns source. seen by neuro in the ed and started on keppra. mri of the head was unrevealing with only age-related changes. lp was performed and was negative. abx were tailored to treat uti only from meningitis coverage (originally with vancomycin and ceftriaxone at 2gm to ceftriazone only). neurology continued to follow. keppra was discontineud and eeg off keppra showed no seizure activity. neurology recommended she follow-up with a neurolgist as an outpatient. should mrs. decide to follow-up at , the number has been provided. ultram was not continued on discharge due to potential to lower seizure threshold. # right heel pressure ulcer - present on admission and originally concerned for possible source of infection. wound consult was obtained and pressure ulcer was cared for per wound care recommendations. # dm: controlled with humalog insulin sliding scale. discharged on sliding scale without restarting standing novolin n. nursing home facility can restart novolin n pending evaluation of po intake and blood sugars. # dementia: restarted dementia medications after cns infeciton ruled-out. medications on admission: per nursing home allopurinol 100 mg daily lidoderm patch daily r cervical spine mvi with minerals prilosec 40 mg daily kcl 20 meq daily lopid 600mg namenda 10 mg ultram 25 mg zyprexa 2.5 mg po bid es tylenol 1000mg q8h aricept 10 mg qhs melatonin 1mg qhs glucerna health novolin n 12u sc qam before breakfast fs 6:30am, 4:30pm iss with regular insulin 70-130 0 180 2 240 4 300 6 350 8 400 10 >400 12 prn glucagon discharge medications: 1. cefpodoxime 100 mg tablet sig: two (2) tablet po q12h (every 12 hours) for 8 days: last day . 2. allopurinol 100 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po daily (daily). 3. lidocaine 5 %(700 mg/patch) adhesive patch, medicated sig: one (1) adhesive patch, medicated topical daily (daily): to right cervical spine. apply for 12 hours then remove for 12 hours prior to placing next patch. 4. multivitamin,tx-minerals tablet sig: one (1) tablet po daily (daily). 5. prilosec 40 mg capsule, delayed release(e.c.) sig: one (1) capsule, delayed release(e.c.) po once a day. 6. gemfibrozil 600 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po bid (2 times a day). 7. memantine 5 mg tablet sig: two (2) tablet po bid (2 times a day). 8. olanzapine 2.5 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po bid (2 times a day): hold for sedation. 9. acetaminophen 500 mg tablet sig: two (2) tablet po q8h (every 8 hours). 10. donepezil 5 mg tablet sig: two (2) tablet po hs (at bedtime). 11. melatonin 1 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po at bedtime. 12. docusate sodium 50 mg/5 ml liquid sig: one (1) po bid (2 times a day). 13. humalog 100 unit/ml solution sig: 0-10 subcutaneous three times a day: per sliding scale. discharge disposition: extended care facility: discharge diagnosis: primary diagnosis: - sepsis - respiratory failure - urinary tract infection - hypotension - seizure - right heel pressure ulcer (present on admission) secondary diagnosis: - diabetes discharge condition: mental status: confused - sometimes. level of consciousness: alert and interactive. activity status: out of bed with assistance to chair or wheelchair. discharge instructions: you were admitted to the hospital with a very serious infection that affected many organs. you required antibiotics, medicaiton to raise your blood pressure and a machine to temporarily breath for you. the source of the infection was felt to be from an untreated urinary tract infection. you also had a seizure at the emergency room prior to transfer to hospital. you were temporarily placed on medication to help prevent seizures while the neurologists evaluated you and felt you did not need to continue the medication, but should be evaluated by neurologist after discharge. changes in medications: start - cefpodoxime 200 mg by mouth twice a day for 8 days stop - ultram stop - novolin n (may restart once po intake improved) stop - potassium chloride hold - glucerna (may restart once evaluated in nursing home) please take all other medication as previously prescribed. followup instructions: please follow-up with a nuerologist as an outpatient. an appointment should be arranged at your earliest convenience. if you choose to see a neurologist at , please call procedure: continuous invasive mechanical ventilation for less than 96 consecutive hours spinal tap incision of lung insertion of endotracheal tube arterial catheterization diagnoses: urinary tract infection, site not specified severe sepsis diabetes with neurological manifestations, type ii or unspecified type, not stated as uncontrolled polyneuropathy in diabetes other persistent mental disorders due to conditions classified elsewhere acute respiratory failure long-term (current) use of insulin septic shock epilepsy, unspecified, without mention of intractable epilepsy pressure ulcer, heel septicemia due to escherichia coli [e. coli] atherosclerosis of native arteries of the extremities, unspecified personal history of malignant neoplasm of cervix uteri pressure ulcer, unspecified stage personal history of infections of the central nervous system Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: allergies: codeine attending: chief complaint: prolonged seizure major surgical or invasive procedure: eeg history of present illness: 59yo woman with recently diagnosed renal cell cancer with brain metastases diagnosed by mri , presented with a prolonged seizure at home. per her husband, she has had no c/o recently including f/c/cp/sob/gu/gi sx; she was supposed to have a radiology study and mask fitting in preparation for cyberknife procedure the morning of admission. her husband woke up at 4am and heard some commotion from living room - he walked in to find the patient standing up, nodding her head up and to the right, rhythmically, with eye deviation to the right, some blinking (?rhythmic), not talking. he changed her clothes and helped her into the car, then drove her to the hospital. along the way, he asked her if she could squeeze his hand, and she periodically gave weak squeezes on command. when she arrived at (5am) she was not following commands, and rhythmic eye-blinking was noted, with r eye deviation; she received 6mg total ativan, with some effect (and was following commands again), and given 1gm pht load. past medical history: renal cell cancer diagnosed in with a left renal mass, presented with le swelling. now s/p l nephrectomy and adrenalectomy , pathology showing renal cell. on had mri with a hemorrhagic metastasis l frontal, following with dr. . chf with ef 40-55% mitral valve regurgitation htn anemia related to folate and iron defic factor deficiency social history: lives with husband and son, hs education; formerly worked at club/sales, quit tob 30 yrs ago, formerly smoked <1pd x 10 yrs, former etoh, no drugs, no toxic exposures family history: son with sz d/o, father d. lung ca with mets to brain; mother d. stroke, sister with cervical ca, brother with cad physical exam: examination on admission: afeb hr 120 bp 144/97 rr 20 99%ra general appearance: thin white female heent: moist mucus membranes, clear oropharynx neck: supple heart: regular lungs: clear ant only abdomen: soft, nontender +bs extremities: warm, well-perfused mental status: the patient has her eyes open, blinking spontaneously (not rhythmically at this point), staring straight, but can track on command and follow commands to squeeze hand wiggle toes, close eyes; no speech heard cranial nerves: blinks to threat bilat, optic discs are normal in appearance, eye movements are normal with tracking and with ocr (both vertical and horizontal), no nystagmus. pupils slightly anisocoric (<0.5mm difference, l>r) but both briskly reactive to light; no obvious facial asymmetry with grimace, intact corneals; hearing is intact to voice. the palate elevates in the midline. the tongue protrudes in the midline and is of normal appearance. sensorimotor: pt w/d vigorously all 4 ext to stim, squeezes hands and wiggles toes, but did not raise legs off bed. reflexes: the tendon reflexes are brisk throughout, slightly brisker on the right than the left. the plantar reflexes are flexor. gait, coord could not be tested. pertinent results: admission labs: 05:16am blood wbc-7.6 rbc-3.40* hgb-9.7* hct-28.6* mcv-84 mch-28.7 mchc-34.1 rdw-17.1* plt ct-539* 05:16am blood neuts-63.3 lymphs-25.3 monos-8.0 eos-3.0 baso-0.4 05:16am blood pt-14.0* ptt-25.6 inr(pt)-1.2* 05:16am blood glucose-87 urean-15 creat-0.6 na-137 k-4.3 cl-99 hco3-26 angap-16 05:16am blood alt-61* ast-44* alkphos-324* amylase-68 totbili-0.3 05:16am blood albumin-3.2* phos-3.9 mg-2.0 05:16am blood lipase-101* 05:16am blood digoxin-0.5* . imaging: cxr: no evidence of pneumonia or chf. redemonstration of numerous pulmonary lesions consistent with the patient's known metastatic renal cell carcinoma. . head ct : there is a 14 mm ovoid hyperdense focus in the left frontal lobe, consistent with hemorrhage at the site of the patient's known metastatic lesion. this focus appears slightly larger than on prior examination. there is also a significant increase in hypodensity in the surrounding left frontal lobe consistent with edema. this edema is compressing the frontal of the left lateral ventricle. there is slight shift of normally midline structures to the right, as shown by subfalcine herniation. no new areas of hemorrhage are identified. there is no hydrocephalus. the osseous and soft tissue structures are unremarkable. . mri head : the metastasis in the superior left frontal lobe is again demonstrated. it appears to have increased in size compared to . for example, on the sagittal images, it has increased from approximately 12 mm to 16 mm in oblique superior/inferior dimension. there is more anterior extension of edema as well. . there is now a second punctate lesion in the left cerebellar hemisphere with surrounding edema, as discussed by the radiology residents with dr. on . . the other small areas of flair hyperintensity present on the current study were present previously and no underlying enhancing lesions are seen, most consistent with small vessel disease. there is new mass effect on the left frontal from the left frontal metastasis and edema. the cerebellar edema does not affect the fourth ventricle. as seen previously, there is a degree of ventriculomegaly. the craniovertebral junction is normal. . impression: 1. there is a second punctate enhancing lesion in the left cerebellum with surrounding edema, new since10/25 and most consistent with a second metastasis. 2. a left frontal lesion appears to have enlarged from approximately 12 to approximately 16 mm since and there is slightly more surrounding edema with new mass effect on the left frontal . . eeg : abnormality #1: sharp and slow wave complexes over the left anterior quadrant occurred during wakefulness with a frequency of 0.5-1 hz. during these discharges, the patient was able to follow simple commands, but was unable to state the date appropriately. background: a 9.5 hz posterior predominant rhythm was recorded in the waking state, which attenuated with eye opening. the normal anterior to posterior voltage gradient was observed. hyperventilation: contraindicated. intermittent photic stimulation: portable study precluded photic testing. sleep: the patient remained awake throughout the recording. no state i or ii sleep was recorded. cardiac monitor: a generally regular rhythm was recorded, with an average rate of 90 beats per minute. impression: this is an abnormal eeg in the waking state due to the periodic sharp and slow wave complexes in the left anterior quadrant occuring at a frequency of 0.5-1 hz. no seizures were recorded. brief hospital course: impression: 58yo woman with rcc with metastases to the brain, who presented with a prolonged seizure likely to be focal motor partial status. the seizure focus was felt to be her l frontal lobe lesion, which was consistent with her symptoms and eeg findings. she was given 6mg ativan and 1gm dilantin in the ed with resolution of her symptoms. she was started on decadron in the ed and continued on this throughout her hospital stay at 4 mg po q6. she was initially admitted to the icu for close monitoring. an eeg showed l frontal spikes occuring approximately every 5 seconds. she slowly improved over the course of the next several days, with persistent non-fluent aphasia with preserved repetition. she was continued on dilantin with keppra added for more long term seizure prophylaxis (goal to wean pt of dilantin and titrate up keppra on an outpatient basis). as her exam improved she was transferred to the floor. . she had an mri by cyberknife protocol on , which showed a new cerebellar lesion in addition to her frontal lesion. her radiation oncology, neurooncology, and neurosurgical teams were notified of this. they decided that, due to potential impact of the radiation on the edema surrounding the frontal lesion, it would be advisable to proceed surgically with the anterior frontal lesion, scheduled to happen in the week following discharge by dr. . on , the patient was seen at the radiation planning center for cyberknife planning regarding the cerebellar lesion and the lesion was radiated on . pt. was monitored overnight with no clinical evidence of increased edema or mass effect radiation. . on discharge her exam was significant for a mild non-fluent aphasia as above and mild r sided umn pattern weakness and r nlf flattening. she will be contact in the week following discharge re: an appointment to come back into the hospital for resection of her met, and dr. will follow up with her at that time. medications on admission: 1. ativan 0.5 mg q.8h. as needed for anxiety. 2. digoxin 250 mcg a day. 3. folinic acid 1 mg a day. 4. ferrous sulfate 325 mg a day. 5. lisinopril 10 mg a day. 6. metoprolol 25 mg b.i.d. discharge medications: 1. digoxin 250 mcg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po daily (daily). 2. phenytoin sodium extended 100 mg capsule sig: one (1) capsule po tid (3 times a day). disp:*90 capsule(s)* refills:*2* 3. folic acid 1 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po daily (daily). 4. ferrous sulfate 325 (65) mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po once a day. 5. metoprolol tartrate 25 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po bid (2 times a day). 6. lisinopril 10 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po once a day. 7. dexamethasone 4 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po q6h (every 6 hours). disp:*120 tablet(s)* refills:*0* 8. pantoprazole 40 mg tablet, delayed release (e.c.) sig: one (1) tablet, delayed release (e.c.) po q24h (every 24 hours). disp:*30 tablet, delayed release (e.c.)(s)* refills:*2* 9. levetiracetam 500 mg tablet sig: two (2) tablet po bid (2 times a day). disp:*120 tablet(s)* refills:*2* discharge disposition: home discharge diagnosis: renal cell carcinoma with metastases to lung and brain l frontal and cerebellar brain mass status epilepticus, focal motor, likely brain mass discharge condition: stable, aphasia improved but present, no seizure activity for > 48 hours, able to walk without assistance, afebrile, no confusion or lethargy discharge instructions: please call your doctor or go to the er if your speech gets worse, you develop any headaches, vision changes, double vision, nausea, vomiting, weakness in your arms or legs, unsteadiness or trouble walking, confusion, excessive sleepiness, any further seizures, or any other symptoms that concern you. please take all medications as prescribed. followup instructions: neuro-oncology: dr. will see you in the hospital when you come back to have your tumor resected. please call her office at if you have any questions or problems before that. from dr. office will be in contact with you on about scheduling a date for your tumor resection by dr. . please call her office at if you have any questions about this. previously scheduled appointments: cardiology: provider: , m.d. phone: date/time: 10:40 oncology: provider: , md phone: date/time: 5:00 provider: , /oncology-cc9 date/time: 5:00 md, procedure: other radiotherapeutic procedure diagnoses: mitral valve disorders congestive heart failure, unspecified intracerebral hemorrhage secondary malignant neoplasm of brain and spinal cord iron deficiency anemia, unspecified secondary malignant neoplasm of lung personal history of malignant neoplasm of kidney late effects of cerebrovascular disease, aphasia congenital deficiency of other clotting factors epilepsia partialis continua, with intractable epilepsy folate-deficiency anemia Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: allergies: ciprofloxacin attending: chief complaint: neck pain, right shoulder pain. major surgical or invasive procedure: none. history of present illness: patient is a 81m s/p mechanical fall on black ice on the afternoon of admission (witnessed by daughter). per daughter's report, he fell striking his head and lost consciousness for approximately one minute. she then called ems. at osh ct performed revealing 7mm acute right frontal/parietal sdh with layering along falx and tentorium. no midline shift or mass effect noted at osh. presently he denies headache. past medical history: 1. embolic cva 2. depression 3. bph 4. htn 5. pna 6. s/p right eye enucleation ' with prosthesis 7. s/p left eye cataract surgery 8. sleep apnea requiring cpap use 9. glaucoma social history: patient resides at home with his daughter who is retired. patient is widowed and primarily spanish speaking. family history: non-contributory physical exam: upon admission: t:97.8 bp: 234/118 hr:70 rr:18 o2sats:97% ra gen: wd/wn, comfortable, nad. heent: normocephalic, atraumatic pupils:right prosthesis, left with lens implant eoms: intact with left eye neuro: mental status: awake and alert, cooperative with exam, normal affect. orientation: oriented to person, place, and date. language: speech fluent with good comprehension and repetition. naming intact. no dysarthria or paraphasic errors. cranial nerves: i: not tested ii: right eye prosthesis, left pupil is surgical, reactive. iii, iv, vi: extraocular movement intact(lt),without nystagmus. v, vii: facial strength and sensation intact and symmetric. viii: hearing intact to voice. ix, x: palatal elevation symmetrical. : sternocleidomastoid and trapezius normal bilaterally. xii: tongue midline without fasciculations. motor: normal bulk and tone bilaterally. no abnormal movements, tremors. strength full power throughout. no pronator drift sensation: intact to light touch, proprioception. toes downgoing bilaterally coordination: normal on finger-nose-finger. pertinent results: labs on admission: 07:45pm blood wbc-9.2 rbc-4.90 hgb-14.8 hct-41.7 mcv-85 mch-30.2 mchc-35.5* rdw-13.1 plt ct-197 07:45pm blood neuts-82.1* lymphs-12.3* monos-3.3 eos-1.9 baso-0.4 07:45pm blood pt-13.5* ptt-26.6 inr(pt)-1.2* 07:45pm blood glucose-129* urean-13 creat-1.0 na-137 k-3.8 cl-100 hco3-26 angap-15 02:41am blood calcium-8.7 phos-2.9 mg-2.1 labs on discharge: 07:40am blood wbc-9.6 rbc-3.68* hgb-11.3* hct-31.7* mcv-86 mch-30.7 mchc-35.7* rdw-13.4 plt ct-221 07:40am blood plt ct-221 07:40am blood glucose-119* urean-22* creat-0.9 na-132* k-3.9 cl-99 hco3-27 angap-10 imaging: head ct : interval increase of right acute sdh from 7mm to 9mm in maximal diameter. there is again layering of acute blood over the tentorium and falx. minimal midline shift. mild effacement of the sulci on the affected side. plain images of right shoulder : negative for acute fracture per trauma evaluator. c-spine ct : degenerative changes of c3-4 c4-5 with stenosis. ossified fracture of spinous process of t7, per trauma evaluator. head ct : the right parafalcine, supratentorial-suboccipital subdural and frontal subdural hematoma appears unchanged in thickness and distribution. small amount of subarachnoid hemorrhage in the superior aspect of bifrontal lobes is unchanged. small intraventricular hemorrhage in the left occipital is unchanged. no new focus of hemorrhage is detected. no hydrocephalus is fracture is identified. mild mucosal thickening of ethmoid sinuses is unchanged. the patient is status post placement of globe implant on the left side. impression: unchanged thickness and distribution of subdural hematomas and small subarachnoid and intraventricular hemorrhage, as described. head ct : impression: no significant change from prior study. brief hospital course: 81 yo spanish-soeaking gentleman w/ a h/o of htn, cva with a subdural hematoma after slipping on ice. . # subdural hematoma: patient was on plavix at the time of admission for prior embolic cva. he was admitted to the trauma service after a mechanical fall slipping into the ice and hitting his head, passing out immediately. patient had a head ct scan that showed a right-sided subdural hemorrhage with 3 mm of subfalcine herniation. plavix was stopped and patient was monitored with serial ct scans, initially every 5 hours. subdural hematoma was stable and neurologic exam was unchanged. neurosurgery signed off and transfered patient to medicine. the only complication observed so far has been hyponatremia due to associated siadh (and thiazide). patient's neurologic status kept improving and patient was discharged to rehab. he will need a ct scan in 2 weeks and follow up with neurosurgery. . # hyponatremia: patient had hyponatremia with nadir of 122 on with euvolemia, serum osmolarity was not checked originaly, but sodium was measured using a direct assay. urine osmolarity was 549 and urine sodium of 97. during this time patient was on hctz for blood pressure control and was stopped. siadh was diagnosed, patient was fluid restricted and given normotonic fluids at 30 cc/hr with salt tablets. upon transfer to medicine on fluids were stopped and fluid restriction was continued. sodium trended up slowly and was 132 upon discharge. . #. fever: patient developed fever late in the course if his hospitalization with wrosening of his baseline cough. his blood and urine cultures were negative and his cxr was unchanged with small l pleural effusion and bibasilary mild consolidations (old) compatible with atelectases or pna. pt was started on azithromycin 500 mg iv (3 doses) and ceftriaxone and was switched to cefpodoxime 36 hours prior to discharge. he was afebrile and improving clinically and wbc trending down 19from to 6.0 upon discharge. please continue cefpodoxime and check temperature. . # somnolence: neurology service was consulted by the neurosurgical service for worsening somnolence, thought to be of toxic metabolic etiology. sodium was 122, tox screen and negative work up were negative. ct scan showed sdh. pt had normal lfts, low-grade temp up to 100.8 and negative cxr. hctz was stopped, bp was controlled with captopril, salt tablets were given and pt was fluid restricted and improved. now at baseline per family. . # hypoxia: ra sat at rest 92%, but desated at night (ra). patient was put in bipap and later in his home-settings cpap and symptoms resolved. he had bibasilar rales and atelectases on cxr. improved with incentive spirometry as well. no evidence of pna, shunt or pe since pt improved. . # hyperglycemia: mild but no h/o dm. a1c was 6.3%. pt was maintained on iss while in the hospital. will need pcp follow up and possibly outpatient treatment. would recommend starting metfromin. . # htn: outpatient regimen was with coreg 25 mg daily. patient required labetalol drip and hydral iv for pressure control while in the icu. upon transfer to the medical floor patient was on carvedilol 37.5mg po daily, captopril 25mg po tid, hydralazine 75mg po q6hrs prn. his coreg was switched to 25 mg po bid, captopril was increased to 50 tid and his bp was controlled. . # osa: cpap at night on his home-settings. . # ppx: dvt ppx w/ sc heparin tid, s+s evaluation, pt/ot consult, will require rehab plcmt prior to returning home. continue h2 blocker. . code: full code . dispo: rehab. medications on admission: 1. plavix 75mg daily 2. carvedilol 25mg daily 3. famotidine 20mg daily 4. fluoxetine 20mg daily discharge medications: 1. fluoxetine 20 mg capsule sig: one (1) capsule po daily (daily). 2. levetiracetam 500 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po bid (2 times a day). 3. famotidine 20 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po daily (daily). 4. lisinopril 40 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po once a day. disp:*30 tablet(s)* refills:*2* 5. carvedilol 12.5 mg tablet sig: two (2) tablet po bid (2 times a day). disp:*120 tablet(s)* refills:*2* 6. atorvastatin 80 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po daily (daily). disp:*30 tablet(s)* refills:*2* 7. oxycodone 5 mg capsule sig: one (1) capsule po every six (6) hours as needed for pain for 10 days: be aware of sedative effect of this medication. do not drive or do high-risk activities while taking it. disp:*30 capsule(s)* refills:*0* 8. colace 100 mg capsule sig: one (1) capsule po twice a day for 10 days. disp:*20 capsule(s)* refills:*0* 9. cefpodoxime 200 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po every twelve (12) hours for 5 days. discharge disposition: extended care facility: for extended care - discharge diagnosis: primary diagnosis: acute right frontoparietal subdural hematoma hyponatremia secondary to siadh mechanical fall . secondary diagnosis: obstructive sleep apnea hypertension discharge condition: neurologically stable, breathing comfortably on room air, walking, mental status at baseline, tolerating po. discharge instructions: you were seen at the after slipping in the ice and hitting your head. you had a ct scan looking for bleeding of fracture, where we found a subdural hematoma (bleeding between your bones and your brain). you were folllowed by the neurosurgery team, that after seeing how you improved and that your bleeding was stable on serial imaging studies you did not require further therapy at this time point. you had delirium (confusion), that was thought to be multifactorial in the setting of being in the icu, having low sodium and possibly an infection. you required iv medications to control your blood pressure. you were transfered to medicine, where we managed your sodium, obtained a negative work up for infection and worked with physical therapy. later, you developed a fever and had an unchanged chest x-ray, negative blood and urine cultures, but since your cough was worse you were started in two antibiotics for a possible pneumonia. you are being discharged and will need follow up with your pcp and neurosurgery as below. . general instructions ?????? take your pain medicine as prescribed. ?????? exercise should be limited to walking; no lifting, straining, or excessive bending. ?????? increase your intake of fluids and fiber, as narcotic pain medicine can cause constipation. we generally recommend taking an over the counter stool softener, such as docusate (colace) while taking narcotic pain medication. ?????? unless directed by your doctor, do not take any anti-inflammatory medicines such as motrin, aspirin, advil, or ibuprofen etc. ?????? if you were on a medication such as coumadin (warfarin), or plavix (clopidogrel) prior to your injury, you may safely resume taking when your pcp or neurologist tells you. call your doctor immediately if you experience any of the following ?????? new onset of tremors or seizures. ?????? any confusion, lethargy or change in mental status. ?????? any numbness, tingling, weakness in your extremities. ?????? pain or headache that is continually increasing, or not relieved by pain medication. ?????? new onset of the loss of function, or decrease of function on one whole side of your body. . the following changes were made to your home medications: * your plavix was stopped to prevent you from bleeding * you were started on atorvastatin 80 mg daily to prevent you from another stroke * you were started on lisinopril 40 mg daily * your coreg was changed to 25 mg (twice a day) * you were started on oxycodone for the pain. you can take 1 pill q6hrs prn pain. be aware of sedative effect of this medication. do not drive or do high-risk activities while taking it. * you were started on colace to help you moving your bowels. you can take 1 pill twice a day only if you require pain medication (oxycodone). followup instructions: follow-up appointment instructions ??????please call ( to schedule an appointment with dr. , to be seen in 2 weeks. ??????you will need a ct scan of the brain without contrast prior to your appointment. this can be scheduled when you call to make your office visit appointment. . follow up with your pcp, will also check your sodium: md: dr. specialty: internal medicine date and time: friday at 1:30pm location: . , dorcherster office phone number: ( md, procedure: electroencephalogram diagnoses: pneumonia, organism unspecified obstructive sleep apnea (adult)(pediatric) unspecified essential hypertension unspecified glaucoma hypertrophy (benign) of prostate without urinary obstruction and other lower urinary tract symptom (luts) hypoxemia other disorders of neurohypophysis subdural hemorrhage following injury without mention of open intracranial wound, with brief [less than one hour] loss of consciousness fall from other slipping, tripping, or stumbling other alteration of consciousness street and highway accidents eye globe replaced by other means Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: discharge diagnosis: premature twin 2, 34 2/7 weeks gestation. history of present illness: is the former gram twin number two born at 34 and 2/7 weeks gestation to a 25 year-old gravida 3 para 1 now 3 living 3, o positive female. pregnancy was a diamniotic dichorionic spontaneous twins, premature rupture of membranes 24 hours prior to delivery transverse and converted to breech. infants were delivered vaginally. twin number two emerged with apgars of 1 and 8 and was given bag and mask ventilation in the delivery room. he was . 31.5 cm, length 47 cm, all appropriate for gestational age. problems during hospital stay: 1. respiratory: infant remained in room air throughout his hospital course. he did have apnea and bradycardia of prematurity. however, insufficient to start medication. he remained in hospital until he was at least five days free of any episodes. 2. cardiac: initially the infant required a saline bolus for hypotension. following that he remained normotensive throughout the remainder of his hospital stay. the patient did have a soft murmur heard along the left sternal border, and under both clavicles,loudest towards the apex and can be heard over both scapula. it is grade 1, no bounding pulses and thought to be consistent with peripheral pulmonic stenosis. if the murmur is still heard two months post delivery he will be followed up at cardiology. 3. infectious disease: because of the prolonged ruptured membranes and prematurity he had a cbc, which was benign and a blood culture at 48 hours ampicillin and gentamycin were discontinued with negative culture results. monilial rash in diaper area, treated with nystatin. 4. feeding and nutrition: the infant initially was slow to start po feeding. at the time of discharge he is being bottle and breast fed with no more then two breast feedings suggested a day. he is currently on breast milk or enfamil 20 calories per ounce.his discharge weight is 2545 grams 5. immunizations: mother has requested that hepatitis b nor synagis be given. this was discussed with her and pediatrician is aware. mom has not immunized her other two children. 6. hematologic: the infant had a peak bilirubin level of 13.3 and was under phototherapy for several days. his admission hematocrit was 50.1. he is not on ferinsol as his mother has not been bringing in much breastmilk and he is on for formula with iron. 7. hearing screen passed on . discharge medications: poly-vi- 1 cc daily, fer-in- 0.2 cc daily were d'c'd as baby mostly on formula with iron. . follow up: at coppley center dr. and mother will see physician within five days of discharge. will be seen on with sibling. , m.d. dictated by: medquist36 procedure: enteral infusion of concentrated nutritional substances other phototherapy audiological evaluation diagnoses: neonatal jaundice associated with preterm delivery primary apnea of newborn neonatal bradycardia other preterm infants, 1,750-1,999 grams 33-34 completed weeks of gestation twin birth, mate liveborn, born in hospital, delivered without mention of cesarean section stenosis of pulmonary valve, congenital diaper or napkin rash Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: allergies: amoxicillin / verapamil / univasc attending: chief complaint: lower extremity swelling major surgical or invasive procedure: right internal jugular line placement with replacment over a guidewire picc line placement history of present illness: year old female with asthma, atrial fibrillation on dabigatran and s/p dual-chamber (ra-rv) ppm in , hypertension, and heart failure with preserved ef (ef 55% on tte but normal e wave, low deceleration time 133 msec) and moderate pulmonary hypertension by tte (tr gradient + ra = pasp: 44 mm hg) who presented to the ed with lower extremity edema. she reported considerable problems with lower extremity edema over the weeks preceding admission with an approximately 12-lb weight gain and pillow orthopnea. she further reported dyspnea on exertion but not at rest. she has also had two admissions within the last six weeks for af with rvr. she had been doing reasonably well despite persistent lower extremity edema until the day prior to admision when she tripped and was unable to get herself off the floor for a few hours due to weakness. she denies having any shortness of breath, chest pain, dyspnea on exertion or palpitations in association with this. she denies striking her head. her grandson eventually was able to help her to her feet and she seemed well without confusion so no additional assistance was pursued at that time. she did report three days of persistent cough, intermittently productive of whitish sputum but denied any fevers. the morning after her fall (the morning of admission), her family decided to bring her in for further evaluation given her persistent cough and leg swelling. past medical history: -coronary artery disease -paroxysmal atrial fibrillation on dabigatran with dual-chamber ppm (ra/rv) -hypertension -hyperlipidemia -mild aortic insufficiency -chronic kidney disease (stage iii) -asthma -osteopenia -diverticulosis -gallstones -cataracts -internal hemorrhoids -allergic rhinitis -impaired glucose tolerance -breast cancer s/p rind ' -sp tabhso for dysfunctional bleeding social history: retired book-keeper at a diamond merchant. she lives with her sister, who is 14 years younger. mobilizes with cane, exercise tolerance 25 meters. smoking/tobacco: never smoked. etoh: none. illicits: none. family history: mother died from a myocardial infarction at 65 y/o but had t2dm, pvd, and chf. father had hodgkin's disease and laryngeal carcinoma. brother died from pancreatic cancer. sister has cad c/b by mi x2 s/p pci. physical exam: admission physical exam: vs: t 98, p 76, bp 90/51, rr 18 general: mildly uncomfortable appearing female in nad heent: atraumatic, normocephalic, mmm, op clear neck: supple, jvp not able to be assessed due to right sided cvl with some surrounding blood lungs: bilateral expiratory wheezes, mild respiratory distress on speaking cv: irregularly irregular, normal s1 + s2, no murmurs, rubs, gallops appreciated abdomen: soft, non-tender, non-distended, bowel sounds present, no rebound, tenderness or guarding, no organomegaly gu: foley ext: warm, well perfused, 3+ edema in lower extremities to knee bilaterally, left lower extremity with 4*4 area of ecchymoses followed by nontender, slightly indurated red area that is nontender discharge physical exam: gen: alert and resting in bed, pleasant, oriented x 4, nad cv: rrr (av paced) with audible s1/s2, no murmurs or s3 pulm: poor ae bilaterally due to kyphosis but clear without rales or wheezes abd: soft, nt, nd gu: no dysuria, no foley ext: 2+ radial pulses, 1+ dp pulses bilateral. 1+ bilateral pitting edema in legs with l stasis dermatitis on the shin skin: dry skin throughout, worse on trunck and face with flaking. left lower back with 7x4 cm erythematous patch--non raised, no tenderness or pruritis pertinent results: admission labs: 12:30pm blood wbc-13.4* rbc-4.10* hgb-11.5* hct-34.0* mcv-83 mch-28.1 mchc-33.9 rdw-16.0* plt ct-265 12:30pm blood neuts-83.8* lymphs-10.9* monos-4.5 eos-0.6 baso-0.2 07:13pm blood pt-32.9* ptt-83.2* inr(pt)-3.3* 12:30pm blood glucose-107* urean-59* creat-2.1* na-130* k-4.3 cl-86* hco3-28 angap-20 08:15pm blood calcium-8.5 phos-3.5 mg-2.1 . cardiac labs: 12:30pm blood ck-mb-7 ctropnt-0.02* probnp-8710* 01:53am blood ck-mb-5 ctropnt-0.02* 03:21am blood probnp-* 06:30am blood probnp-5233* . thyroid studies: 07:00am blood tsh-6.9* 04:15am blood t3-56* free t4-1.3 . ekgs: 1. : ventricular paced rhythm with a seven-beat run of an irregular intrinsic wide complex rhythm of uncertain mechanism but may be atrial fibrillation. intermittent atrial pacer activity also appears to be present. clinical correlation is suggested. since the previous tracing of uniform atrial pacing has been replaced by rhythm as outlined. 2. : atrial paced rhythm. left ventricular hypertrophy. diffuse st-t wave abnormalities are non-specific but cannot exclude myocardial ischemia. clinical correlation is suggested. since the previous tracing of atrial pacing is now present throughout and ventricular pacing is not seen. . tib/fib xray (): no acute fracture or dislocation in either tibia or fibula. . right shoulder xray (): no acute fracture or dislocation. findings suggestive of underlying rotator cuff disease. . relevant cxr: 1. : mild congestive heart failure with small bilateral pleural effusions. opacities within the lung bases may represent atelectasis but infection or aspiration cannot be excluded. 2. : bilateral pleural effusions blunt the pleural sinuses and obliterate the diaphragmatic contours. they also conceal major portions of the cardiac silhouette which undoubtedly represents marked cardiac enlargement. the pulmonary vasculature is congested with perivascular haze and hazy peripheral densities in the mid lung field which have now increased in comparison with the last study and suggest development of pulmonary edema. no pneumothorax has developed. there is no evidence of central airway occlusion and occlusion atelectasis related to mucus airway plugging. comparison is made with multiple chest examinations obtained during the last week and they disclose findings consistent with chf, continues progression of pulmonary congestion. 3. : there is no pulmonary edema or appreciable pulmonary vascular engorgement. bilateral pleural effusions, moderate-to-large on the right and moderate on the left are stable, obscuring cardiac silhouette, which is probably enlarged but not changed in the interim. right pic line can be traced to the upper right atrium. no pneumothorax. . tte (): suboptimal image quality. the left atrium is moderately dilated. no atrial septal defect is seen by 2d or color doppler. there is mild symmetric left ventricular hypertrophy with normal cavity size and regional/global systolic function (lvef>55%). there is no ventricular septal defect. the diameters of aorta at the sinus, ascending and arch levels are normal. the aortic valve leaflets (3) are mildly thickened but aortic stenosis is not present. mild (1+) aortic regurgitation is seen. the mitral valve leaflets are mildly thickened. mild to moderate (+) mitral regurgitation is seen. the tricuspid valve leaflets are mildly thickened. moderate tricuspid regurgitation is seen. there is moderate pulmonary artery systolic hypertension. there is no pericardial effusion. compared with the prior study (images reviewed) of , the estimated pa systolic pressure is lower. . tte (): the left atrium is moderately dilated. there is mild symmetric left ventricular hypertrophy with normal cavity size and regional/global systolic function (lvef>55%). right ventricular chamber size and free wall motion are normal. the aortic root is mildly dilated at the sinus level. the aortic valve leaflets are mildly thickened (?#). there is no aortic valve stenosis. mild (1+) aortic regurgitation is seen. the mitral valve leaflets are mildly thickened. the tricuspid valve leaflets are mildly thickened. the estimated pulmonary artery systolic pressure is normal. impression: mild symmetric left ventricular hypertrophy with normal global and regional biventricular systolic function. mild aortic and mitral regurgitation. compared with the prior study (images reviewed) of , severity of tricuspid regurgitation and degree of pulmonary hypertension have both decreased. . discharge labs: creatinine 1.9 potassium 4.7 sodium 140 brief hospital course: y/o female with cad, atrial fibrillation c/b tachy-brady syndrome s/p ppm placement, ckd, asthma and heart failure with preserved ef, who presented with cough, lower extremity edema and hypotension. patient was initially treated with norepinephrine for hypotension and diuresed on a lasix drip, with a loss of approximately 12 pounds. chest radiography revealed a possible infiltrate and the patient received 8 days of antibiotics for a health-care associated pneumonia (vancomycin plus zosyn, which was switched to cefepime, and, finally, levofloxacin to complete the course). no definitive cause of her initial hypotension was identified, though interrogation of pacemaker early in her hospitalization revealed several prolonged episodes of atrial tachycardia (one lasting approximately 50 hours). such episodes may have lead to a loss of atrial kick with subsequent drop in cardiac output. though she was treated for an infection, the icu team did not feel that septic physiology was to blame for her presentation. serum am cortisol of 26.4 argued against adrenal insufficiency. tsh was elevated but did not indicate significant hypothyroidism (see discussion below). the patient was subsequently transfered to the inpatient cardiology service to continue care for her hypotension and acute on chronic kidney disease. diuresis had been held for 48 hours prior to transfer. diuresis was intermittently continued on the cardiology service with little improvement in her peripheral edema. patient developed a persistent metabolic alkalosis and her serum creatinine remained elevated at approximately 2, up from a baseline of 1.5, which was concerning for overdiuresis. urine lytes were not helpful in assessing for intravascular volume depletion (feurea ~ 43%, una 33). a tte did not reveal evidence of worsening cardiac function or valvular disease but did reveal a near-normalization of pulmonary artery pressures as well as loss of a tr gradient, which fit with a clinical picture of overdiuresis. a diuretic regimen of torsemide 20 mg po daily was eventually restarted and patient was discharged on this regimen. other issues by problem: 1. atrial fibrillation c/b tachy-brady syndrome: patient had dual-chamber (ra/rv) pacemaker placed on for tachy-brady syndrome. pacemaker interrogation on admission revealed frequent and prolonged episodes of atrial fibrillation. patient was continued on her dabigatran throughout admission. her amiodarone was dose reduced from 200 mg po tid to 200 mg po daily as review of records indicated that she may have received a load as high as 25 grams. she will need to take 200 mg amiodarone daily for 10 days, then dose reduce to 100 mg daily for maintenance. metoprolol required dose reduction due to hypotension and at discharge was prescribed as metoprolol succinate (toprol xl) 25 mg po daily. patient was continued on dabigatran at the time of discharge. 2. acute on chronic kidney disease: baseline creatinine in recent months was ~ 1.5. her serum creatinine peaked at approximately 2. urine lytes did not help in differentiating the etiology (feurea ~ 43%, una 33) but other data suggested overdiuresis. on discharge her cr stabilzed in the range of 1.8-1.9 after several days of regular diet with oral fluids and torsemide 20 mg po daily to maintain treatment of lower extremity edema. 3. left lower extremity erythema: patient was treated for cellulitis during a recent admission in . at that time a lle us was without evidence of dvt to explain the asymmetry between the lle and rle. she was evaluated for fracture in the ed but imaging was negative. her erythema gradually improved throughout the hospitalization and at the time of discharge looked like the chronic changes of stasis dermatitis. 4. leukocytosis: patient presented with wbc count of 13.4 with neutrophil predominance though no bands or atypicals. wbcs intermittently as high as 19.2. blood cultures negative on admission. ua negative on admission (no urine culture performed). cough and cxr suggestive of consoliation concerning for hcap, for which she received 8 days of appropriate antibiotics. c. difficile toxin negative by eia once. patient remained afebrile following transfer to the cardiology service. her leukocytosis resolved prior to discharge. ultimately, it was likely due to possible infection or stress response. 5. metabolic alkalosis: patient developed elevated serum bicarbonate (peak of 45) in setting of diuresis. she received three days of acetazolamide while diuresis was pursued. her serum bicarbonate at discharge was normalized. this was likely due to volume contraction/overdiuresis. 6. abnormal thyroid function tests: baseline tsh 1.5 prior to initiation of amiodarone. tsh on is 6.9. elevated tsh may reflect a consequence of significant iodine load from amiodarone though it is difficult to interpret in the setting of an acute illness. t4 is within normal limits and t3 is reduced which is more consistent with a sick euthyroid state in the setting of an icu stay. no treatment was initiated in the acute setting, especially as tsh < 10, but tfts should be closely monitored following discharge. 7. asthma: patient initially managed with levalbuterol however was transitioned to salmeterol given concern for worsening tachycardia and compromising hemodynamics. 8. normocytic anemia: hematocrit 34 on admission and remained stable in the low 30s. 9. hyperglycemia/impaired glucose tolerance: patient was maintained on a humalog insulin sliding scale for hyperglycemic correction though only required this very infrequently and did not need to be continued at discharge. 10. right shoulder pain: in ed patient complained of right shoulder pain in the setting of a recent fall. shoulder xray revealed no fracture but did indicate chronic rotator cuff disease. transition issues: 1. close monitoring of thyroid function tests as above 2. close monitoring of creatinine and bun as above. d/c cr 1.9 3. close monitoring of symptoms of diastolic heart failure. see d/c physical exam. 4. daily standing weight, if greater than 3lbs change, call dr. . ppx: the patient was maintained on sq heparin throughout the hospital course code status: full code contact: (sister), h:, c: lines: none access issues: difficult but possible with peripheral sticks dispo: extended stay rehab facility medications on admission: 1. dabigatran etexilate 75 mg po twice a day. 2. simvastatin 20 mg po daily 3. vitamin d 50,000 unit po once a month. 4. travoprost z 0.004 % drops : one ophthalmic at bedtime. 5. psyllium powder once a day. 6. furosemide 80 mg qam, 40 mg qpm daily 7. amiodarone 200 mg tid 8. metoprolol succinate 100 mg po daily 9. acetaminophen 650 mg po every six hours as needed for pain discharge medications: 1. dabigatran etexilate 75 mg capsule sig: one (1) capsule po bid (2 times a day). disp:*30 capsule(s)* refills:*2* 2. metoprolol succinate 25 mg tablet extended release 24 hr sig: one (1) tablet extended release 24 hr po once a day. disp:*30 tablet extended release 24 hr(s)* refills:*2* 3. simvastatin 20 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po once a day. disp:*30 tablet(s)* refills:*2* 4. latanoprost 0.005 % drops sig: one (1) drop ophthalmic hs (at bedtime). 5. vitamin d 50,000 unit capsule sig: one (1) capsule po once a month. 6. acetaminophen 325 mg tablet sig: two (2) tablet po q6h (every 6 hours) as needed for pain. 7. torsemide 20 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po daily (daily) as needed for chf: hold for sbp < 95. disp:*30 tablet(s)* refills:*1* 8. guaifenesin 100 mg/5 ml syrup sig: 5-10 mls po q6h (every 6 hours) as needed for cough. disp:*50 ml(s)* refills:*2* 9. salmeterol 50 mcg/dose disk with device sig: one (1) disk with device inhalation q12h (every 12 hours): inhale once in the morning and once at night. disp:*60 disk with device(s)* refills:*2* 10. amiodarone 100 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po once a day: for ten days, take 2 tablets each day in the morning. after ten days decrease to one tablet each morning. hold for sbp < 95 or hr < 50. disp:*30 tablet(s)* refills:*2* 11. miconazole nitrate 2 % powder sig: one (1) topical once a day as needed: apply once a day to area under breasts if moist or painful. disp:*2 tubes* refills:*2* 12. docusate sodium 50 mg capsule sig: capsules po twice a day as needed for constipation. disp:*30 capsule(s)* refills:*2* discharge disposition: extended care facility: - discharge diagnosis: primary 1. congestive heart failure 2. hypotension (low blood pressure) 3. acute on chronic kidney disease 4. healthcare associated pneumonia 5. atrial tachycardia discharge condition: mental status: clear and coherent. level of consciousness: alert and interactive. activity status: out of bed with assistance to chair or wheelchair. discharge instructions: 1. you were admitted to with low blood pressure and leg swelling, likely due to heart failure. fluid was removed with a diuretic called lasix but the amount of fluid that could be taken off was limited by your blood pressure. you will need to continue diuretics as an outpatient. 2. the following changes were made to your medications: change amiodarone 200 mg by mouth daily x 10 days. patient is scheduled to follow-up with dr. (pcp) in 10 days, and amiodarone dose will be adjusted as necessary then. start torsemdie 20 mg daily change metoprolol succinate (toprol xl) 25 mg daily start salmeterol disukus twice daily stop furosemide (lasix) 3. it is very important that you keep the appointments with your doctors including dr. and dr. . followup instructions: you will be discharged to a rehab facility. 1. please keep your appointment with your primary car doctor, dr. on at 1:30 pm. his phone number is . his address is: ,2nd fl, , procedure: venous catheterization, not elsewhere classified central venous catheter placement with guidance diagnoses: pneumonia, organism unspecified acidosis coronary atherosclerosis of native coronary artery congestive heart failure, unspecified acute kidney failure, unspecified hypertensive chronic kidney disease, unspecified, with chronic kidney disease stage i through stage iv, or unspecified atrial fibrillation acute on chronic diastolic heart failure asthma, unspecified type, unspecified other chronic pulmonary heart diseases personal history of malignant neoplasm of breast other and unspecified hyperlipidemia chronic kidney disease, stage iii (moderate) hypotension, unspecified cardiac pacemaker in situ leukocytosis, unspecified paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: allergies: lorazepam attending: chief complaint: 6.6cm aneurysm major surgical or invasive procedure: infrarenal aaa (aortobifem) for 6.6cm aneurysm history of present illness: this 77-year-old gentleman has a 6.4 cm aneurysm of the infrarenal abdominal aorta extending nearly to the renals with a 3-1/2 cm right common iliac aneurysm and a smaller left common iliac artery aneurysm. here for surgery. past medical history: pmh: afib, gerd; echo ef 55%, biatrial enlargement; stress inf wall reversible defect, etoh abuse social history: remote smoker, quit 10 years ago etoh daily. quit etoh 2 weeks prior to surgery. family history: n/c wife and children rn physical exam: t 97, bp 140/60 hr 84, o2 sat 99%ra gen: nad cv: irreg/irreg abd: obese, soft, open wound/surgical incision- vac in place. no drainage. granualting tissue lungs: cta ext: +le edema, dopplerable pt/dp pulses pertinent results: 06:05am blood wbc-11.2* rbc-3.64* hgb-12.1* hct-34.6* mcv-95 mch-33.1* mchc-34.9 rdw-14.1 plt ct-648* 06:05am blood plt ct-648* 06:05am blood glucose-137* urean-13 creat-0.8 na-138 k-3.9 cl-99 hco3-29 angap-14 07:15am blood alt-40 ast-28 alkphos-115 amylase-34 totbili-0.5 06:05am blood calcium-8.3* phos-3.0 mg-2.1 8:41 pm blood culture aerobic bottle (final ): no growth. anaerobic bottle (final ): reported by phone to @ 1743 on - fa11. presumptive peptostreptococcus species. isolated from one set only. 8:00 am swab site: abdomen source: abdominal wound. gram stain (final ): no polymorphonuclear leukocytes seen. no microorganisms seen. wound culture (final ): no growth. anaerobic culture (preliminary): no growth. repeat bc x2 negative cdiff x 2 negative brief hospital course: mr. , was admitted on for an elective resection and repair of abdominal aortic aneurysm with 16 x 8 aortobifemoral graft. pre-operatively, he was consented, prepped, and brought down to the operating room for surgery. intra-operatively, he was closely monitored and remained hemodynamically stable. he tolerated the procedure well without any difficulty or complication. post-operatively, he was extubated and transferred to the for further stabilization and monitoring. after stabalization in the . he was transfered to the in stable condition. pt had ng tube, when bowel sounds improved. ngt was dc'd diet was advanced. at this time foley was dc'd / aline, swan dc'd. while in the pt had continuos drainage from his wound, persistant white count and fevers. an id consult was obtained. they recommended a ct scan. this was essentiallly negative. it did show some straining of the pancrease. pancreatic / hepatic enzymes were obtained. the pancreatic enzymes were borderline high, after a complete id work-up,, which was negative, it was thought that the persistant high wbc anf fevers were from pancreatitis. to note pt did not have any overt signs of pancreatitis. on dc pt is afebrile. wbc is at 11, down from 26. because of the drainage in the wound and given the pt body habitus. staples were removed. the wound was allowed to drain. to note the fascia was intact. this was thought to be due to a seroma. the wound was managed with a vac dressing. pt to go home with vac dressing. this wound was also cx. site: abdomen source: abdominal wound. gram stain (final ): no polymorphonuclear leukocytes seen. no microorganisms seen. wound culture (final ): no growth. anaerobic culture (preliminary): no growth. to note pt had one positve blood cx. peptostreptococcus. id thought this was a contaminant. but given that the patient had abdominal wound open. they thought the patient would benefit from treatment for two weeks. pt to go home on po ab. also while in the pt did have post opertive confusion. pt placed on ciwa scale. treated with ativan and haldol. pt was vigorously diuresed, during this hospital stay for fluid overload from intra-op fluid resusitation. pt will also recieve 7 day course of lasix and potassium. pt also had diarrhea. c-diff negative x 3. he was then transferred to the floor for further recovery. on the floor, he remained hemodynamically stable with his pain controlled. he progressed with physical therapy to improve his strength and mobility. he continues to make steady progress without any incidents. he was discharged home with services in stable condition. medications on admission: celebrex 200qd; coumadin; omeprazole 20qd; toprol xl 25qd discharge medications: 1. aspirin 325 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po daily (daily). 2. warfarin 5 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po daily (daily): continue routine following of coumadin with primary care md . 3. metoprolol tartrate 25 mg tablet sig: three (3) tablet po tid (3 times a day): metoprolol 75mg 3x per day. disp:*270 tablet(s)* refills:*2* 4. nitroglycerin 0.3 mg tablet, sublingual sig: one (1) tablet, sublingual sublingual prn (as needed) as needed for chest pain. 5. lasix 20 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po twice a day for 7 days. disp:*14 tablet(s)* refills:*0* 6. potassium chloride 20 meq tab sust.rel. particle/crystal sig: two (2) tab sust.rel. particle/crystal po once a day for 7 days. disp:*14 tab sust.rel. particle/crystal(s)* refills:*0* 7. pantoprazole 40 mg tablet, delayed release (e.c.) sig: one (1) tablet, delayed release (e.c.) po q24h (every 24 hours): resume home dose of prilosec. 8. levaquin 500 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po once a day for 7 days. disp:*7 tablet(s)* refills:*0* 9. outpatient lab work please draw inr 2x per week and prn as directed patient primary care md dr. (pt has been on coumadin) discharge disposition: home with service facility: discharge diagnosis: s/p infrarenal aaa (aortobifem) for 6.6cm aneurysm history of afib, gerd; echo ef 55%, biatrial enlargement; stress inf wall reversible defect, discharge condition: good. cr 0.8, inr 2.2 abdominal suture line opened, vac wound care system initiated discharge instructions: division of vascular and endovascular surgery abdominal aortic aneurysm (aaa) surgery discharge instructions what to expect when you go home: 1. it is normal to feel weak and tired, this will last for weeks ?????? you should get up out of bed every day and gradually increase your activity each day ?????? you may walk and you may go up and down stairs ?????? increase your activities as you can tolerate- do not do too much right away! 2. it is normal to have incisional and leg swelling: ?????? wear loose fitting pants/clothing (this will be less irritating to incision) ?????? elevate your legs above the level of your heart (use pillows or a recliner) every 2-3 hours throughout the day and at night ?????? avoid prolonged periods of standing or sitting without your legs elevated 3. it is normal to have a decreased appetite, your appetite will return with time ?????? you will probably lose your taste for food and lose some weight ?????? eat small frequent meals ?????? it is important to eat nutritious food options (high fiber, lean meats, vegetables/fruits, low fat, low cholesterol) to maintain your strength and assist in wound healing ?????? to avoid constipation: eat a high fiber diet and use stool softener while taking pain medication what activities you can and cannot do: ?????? no driving until post-op visit and you are no longer taking pain medications ?????? you should get up every day, get dressed and walk, gradually increasing your activity ?????? you may up and down stairs, go outside and/or ride in a car ?????? increase your activities as you can tolerate- do not do too much right away! ?????? no heavy lifting, pushing or pulling (greater than 5 pounds) until your post op visit ?????? you may shower (let the soapy water run over incision, rinse and pat dry) ?????? your incision may be left uncovered, unless you have small amounts of drainage from the wound, then place a dry dressing over the area that is draining, as needed ?????? take all the medications you were taking before surgery, unless otherwise directed ?????? take one full strength (325mg) enteric coated aspirin daily, unless otherwise directed ?????? call and schedule an appointment to be seen in 2 weeks for staple/suture removal what to report to office: ?????? redness that extends away from your incision ?????? a sudden increase in pain that is not controlled with pain medication ?????? a sudden change in the ability to move or use your leg or the ability to feel your leg ?????? temperature greater than 101.5f for 24 hours ?????? bleeding from incision ?????? new or increased drainage from incision or white, yellow or green drainage from incisions followup instructions: call dr. office at to schedule post op visit to be seen in 1 week. procedure: venous catheterization, not elsewhere classified resection of vessel with replacement, aorta, abdominal diagnoses: other postoperative infection atrial fibrillation bacteremia morbid obesity abdominal aneurysm without mention of rupture aneurysm of iliac artery other specified bacterial infections in conditions classified elsewhere and of unspecified site, other anaerobes Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: history of present illness: this is a 75 year old russian speaking male with shortness of breath times five hours today at the with tachypnea and room air saturation in the 70s with a temperature of 102.2 f., with presumed aspiration. he was noted to be coughing while swallowing on the morning of admission. in the emergency department, the patient had saturation of 87% on a non-rebreather, then switched to bipap and started to have saturations of 97%. he received levofloxacin and flagyl as well as 1500 cc of intravenous fluids. past medical history: 1. hypertension. 2. dementia. 3. question of body. 4. benign prostatic hypertrophy. 5. history of multiple falls. 6. fecal and urinary incontinence. 7. hyperlipidemia. 8. gastritis and gastroesophageal reflux disease. 9. question of history of normal pressure hydrocephalus. the patient received a pneumococcal vaccine. medications: 1. depakote 500 mg twice a day, syrup. 2. norvasc 5 mg p.o. q. day. 3. aspirin 81 mg q. day. 4. prevacid 30 mg p.o. q. day. 5. risperdal 0.25 mg twice a day. 6. zoloft 50 mg q. h.s. 7. ativan 0.5 mg q. four p.r.n. 8. percocet 1 mg twice a day. 9. b12, 100 micrograms q. day. 10. tylenol p.r.n. 11. anusol p.r.n. allergies: ambien causes anxiety. social history: the patient lives at . he is close with his daughter, . the patient is wheelchair bound. no alcohol, tobacco or drugs. family history: noncontributory. physical examination: temperature 102.0 f.; pulse 88; blood pressure 127/60; respiratory rate 24; saturation of 96% on non-rebreather. in general, laying flat, mildly arousable, opens eyes, thin elderly man. heent: anicteric. mucous membranes were moist. flat neck veins. cardiovascular: quiet and regular with no murmurs, rubs or gallops. radial and dorsalis pedis pulses two plus. respiratory with crackles at the bases posteriorly, no wheezes. abdomen is firm to palpation; the patient reports pain, but no guarding or rebound. extremities are warm without edema. neurological: pupils equal, round and reactive to light. the patient's legs are contracted. laboratory: arterial blood gases are 7.44, 37, 130. repeat arterial blood gases was 7.45, 38, 74. lactate of 3.9. white blood cell count 6.9, hematocrit 48.2, platelets 207; 69% neutrophils, 10% bands, 1% lymphs. sodium of 141, potassium 4.3, chloride 101, bicarbonate 26, bun 29, creatinine 0.7, glucose 131. ck is 72, troponin t is 0.14. ekg shows sinus tachycardia at a rate of 114, regular lad and normal intervals with the exception of qtc of 386. no st elevations or t wave inversions. chest x-ray showed left base consolidation and prominence of the vasculature on the right due to rotation. hospital course: the patient was admitted and his hospital course was significant for the following issues: 1. respiratory failure: the patient was initially placed on bi-pap in the emergency room and was initially admitted to the medical intensive care unit, however, upon arrival he did not require bi-pap since his paco2 and pao2 were acceptable on 100% non-rebreather. the patient was continued on levofloxacin and flagyl for aspiration pneumonia with a differential that also included over-sedation from multiple psychiatric medications. all p.o. medications were held. the patient's respiratory status improved over the following few days and he was transferred to the floor where the o2 was weaned slowly and the patient became more alert. the patient's sputum culture was positive for gram positive cocci and he was started on vancomycin. a bedside picc line was attempted without success. at the time of this dictation, the patient was scheduled to have interventional radiology place a picc line for intravenous antibiotics prior to discharge. the patient was maintained on droplet precautions pending final results of viral culture for influenza, even though influenza antigens were negative. 2. coronary artery disease: troponin leak attributed to demand ischemia with tachycardia secondary to infection. the patient was not continued on cardiac medications since he was not taking p.o. 3. hypertension: again, the patient was unable to take his p.o. anti-hypertensive medications. he was placed on lopressor 5 mg intravenously q. six. 4. dementia: currently the patient has a presumed body dementia and has been noted to be hyperactive at times at requiring depakote, risperdal, zoloft and ativan. at the time of this dictation, the patient was more alert but still unwilling or unable to communicate, although part of this may be related to language barrier as well as he was able to give me his name through a russian speaking physician. 5. fluids, electrolytes and nutrition: the patient probably has weight loss for greater than two years likely secondary to poor p.o. intake. discontinued on intravenous fluids and started on total parenteral nutrition. the patient had a bedside swallowing study which he failed and was scheduled to undergo a video swallowing study to determine whether he could take at least crushed pills. work-up included a ct scan which noted enlarged ventricles which were stable or perhaps slightly increased from last ct scan in 11/. an lumbar puncture was deemed not to be indicated. the large ventricles were chronic and the patient was not likely to be a candidate for a shunt. code status: "do not resuscitate", "do not intubate" the rest of this dictation will be dictated by the intern taking over the service. dr., 12-972 procedure: venous catheterization, not elsewhere classified parenteral infusion of concentrated nutritional substances non-invasive mechanical ventilation diagnoses: pure hypercholesterolemia unspecified essential hypertension hypertrophy (benign) of prostate without urinary obstruction and other lower urinary tract symptom (luts) acute respiratory failure other specified cardiac dysrhythmias pneumonitis due to inhalation of food or vomitus urinary incontinence, unspecified dementia with lewy bodies Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: allergies: no known allergies / adverse drug reactions attending: chief complaint: common bile duct dilatation, admitted for ercp major surgical or invasive procedure: ercp w/ stent placement percutaneous cholecystostomy tube placed history of present illness: hpi: 85 y/o man with history of cva, essential tremor, compression fractures, hyperlipidemia, recurrent falls, previous cdiff who presented to from rehab with generalized weakness, nausea and abdominal pain. per his rehab facility, he vomited a large amount of bilious emesis the day prior to presentation also and was becoming progressively more confused. he also endorses recent decreased appetite. at , ruq ultrasound showed cbd dilation and gallbladder sludge in setting of elevated lfts. (dbili 2.2) and leukocytosis (wbc 21). the patient was reportedly persistently nauseous, vomiting although afebrile and was started on cipro/flagyl for presumed acalculous cholecystitis. he was subsequently transferred to for ercp. incidentally, in the setting of tachypnea and tachycardia, he was found to have pe on ct abdomen and pelvis at and started on heparin gtt. he was initially admitted to the general surgery service (dr. and ercp contact for urgent cholangiogram and ?extraction of stones. as ercp was not available at , he was transferred to . . the patient had recently been admitted to (unsure dates) for fall with vertebral fractures and post-operatively was treated with clindamycin and ceftriaxone for pneumonia. he developed c.diff colitis that required treatment with flagyl (started ). he had completed all of these antibiotics courses although felt the flagyl made him nauseous. . on transfer to , the patient was resting comfortably in bed although remained tachypneic, confused. denied any symptoms, though, including chest pain, shortness of breath, abdominal pain, nausea. he received one liter normal saline bolus for persistent tachycardia into hr130s and 400mg ciprofloxacin and 500mg flagyl as he was due. past medical history: - recent admission for vertebral compression fractures, gluteal hematomas, epidural hematoma, rib fractures s/p fall down 14 stair steps () - cerebellar pontine stroke: in , on coumadin therapeutically to prevent progression. also ?prior cva with inconclusive bubble study for atrial septal defect vs. pfo. residual gait instability. - essential tremor: with gait and eating interference. has been treated with propranolol and primidone by dr. . orthostatic component to tremor? - seborrheic dermatitis - multiple lumbar compression fractures (old) with presumed osteoporosis - osteoarthritis of spine - hypercholesterolemia - macular degeneration with partial blindness - fecal incontinence (from prolapsed rectum) - s/p sigmoid colectomy - h/o recurrent falls - h/o cdiff (recently, at rehab facility) social history: prior to rehab, lived in two story home in with wife (also frail, elderly, currently hospitalized also). does not drive secondary to back issues, ambulates with walker with wheels. graduated from , was director of seminar series in salzburg, until retirement. smoking history of pack years, not currently. denies alcohol. family history: non-contributory physical exam: vs: t97.3, hr117-137, bp 111/68, 96% on 3l nasal cannula general appearance: no(t) well nourished, thin, breathing rapidly cardiovascular: (s1: normal), (s2: normal), tachycardic peripheral vascular: (right radial pulse: not assessed), (left radial pulse: not assessed), (right dp pulse: not assessed), (left dp pulse: not assessed) respiratory / chest: (breath sounds: clear : ) abdominal: soft, non-tender, bowel sounds present, no peritoneal signs, no organomegaly extremities: right lower extremity edema: absent, left lower extremity edema: absent skin: warm in general, cold bilateral lower extremities distally (feet) but with palpable pulses neurologic: responds to: verbal stimuli, movement: not assessed, tone: not assessed, aaox1 pertinent results: 06:22pm pt-18.6* ptt-29.3 inr(pt)-1.7* 06:22pm plt count-470*# 06:22pm neuts-93.4* lymphs-3.2* monos-2.8 eos-0.3 basos-0.3 06:22pm wbc-26.8*# rbc-4.01* hgb-13.3* hct-39.6*# mcv-99* mch-33.2* mchc-33.6 rdw-14.4 06:22pm lipase-10 06:22pm glucose-126* urea n-17 creat-0.8 sodium-141 potassium-3.9 chloride-109* total co2-20* anion gap-16 07:41pm urine blood-lg nitrite-neg protein-100 glucose-tr ketone-neg bilirubin-lg urobilngn-neg ph-6.5 leuk-mod brief hospital course: mr. is an 85 year old man with a pmhx s/f cva, recent c diff infection at rehab, pe, and acalculous cholecystitis who presented as a transfer from for an ercp. his major issues during the hospitalization included acalculous cholecystitis, sepsis, respiratory distress, acute kidney injury, delerium, and pe. # acalculous cholecystitis: mr. initially presented with alt/ast of 215/289, ldh of 339, alk phos of 726, and a tbili/dbili/indbili of 3.8/3.5/0.3 suggesting an obstructive biliary tree. ercp was performed on and a stent was placed. no major pus or biliary drainage was observed during the procedure. at the time of ercp, it was thought that mirrizi's syndrome was the etiology of his biliary obstruction, and the gi team recommended a percutaneous cholecystostomy tube. (mr. was not a candidate for cholecystectomy due to his elevated inr of 2.2). on , a percutaneous cholecystostomy tube was placed under ct guidance. on , his lfts had downtrended to alt/ast of 89/149, ldh of 293, alk phos of 594, and a tbili of 3.0. # sepsis: mr. initially was admitted with a wbc of 26.8, tachypnea to 24, and tachycardia to 95 consistent with sepsis with a suspected biliary source. a septic workup was performed including urine culture, blood culture, sputum culture, and culture of gallbladder secretions. zosyn was begun empirically due to suspected biliary source. from to wbc declined from 26.8 to 13.1 and mr. remained afebrile. on the day of transfer, blood/sputum/gallbladder cultures were no growth to date. on day of transfer urine culture was reported to grow enterococcus 10-100,000 cfu with sensitivities below: ampicillin------------ =>32 r linezolid------------- 2 s nitrofurantoin-------- 128 r tetracycline---------- =>16 r vancomycin------------ =>32 r enterococcus was consistent with vre. however, due to mr. clinical improvement, the decision was made not to treat with linezolid. furthermore, due to the low colony forming unit count for mr. vre, it was thought to be unlikely to contribute to his sepsis. it is likely that mr. bladder is colonized and not infected with vre. note that wbc increased from 11.8 to 13.1 on day of transfer. the icu team felt however, that his overall clinical improvement on zosyn spoke against the need for linezolid therapy. # respiratory distress: initially, mr. was tachypnic to 25-30 with an abg of 7.42/31/99/16 on ra consistent with a metabolic acidosis with a compensatory respiratory alkalosis. mr was also electively intubated for his ercp procedure and remained intubated post-operatively due to his tenuous condition; he was extubated approximately 24 hours later when it was determined that his clinical condition did not deteriorate and that he did not require ventilatory support. from a respiratory standpoint, mr continued to improve and at the time of discharge was on 2l nc satting 97%. # acute kidney injury: on admission, mr. had a bun/cr of 17/0.8. at the time of discharge, his renal function worsened to a bun/cr of 31/1.3. initially his uop was low (20-30cc/hr), which improved with fluid over time. upon discharge, his uop was 50-60cc/hr. at ~80kg, this is above his minimum of 40cc/hr. on , urine lytes were sent which revealed a fena of 0.49% and a una of 36. # delirium: mr. was found to have waxing and consciousness on admission which is not his baseline per his wife and family friend. his level of consciousness improved from aox1-2 on to aox2-3 on discharge, although he is not at his baseline. # pe: a subsegmental pe was discovered incidentally at . during this admission, he was maintained on a heparin gtt. warfarin was not initiated due to pt. being npo and need for future cholecystectomy. # c diff: mr. completed his flagyl course during this admission for previous c diff colitis. following cessation of his current antibiotic therapy (zosyn), mr. will require 2 weeks of prophylactic zosyn. medications on admission: * lipitor 10mg daily * ritalin 5mg twice daily * colace 1mg twice daily * buproprion 150mg twice daily * heparin gtt * flagyl 500mg daily discharge medications: 1. zosyn 4.5 gram recon soln sig: one (1) intravenous every eight (8) hours. 2. famotidine(pf) in (iso-os) 20 mg/50 ml piggyback sig: one (1) intravenous q24h (every 24 hours). 3. heparin (porcine) in ns 10,000 unit/1,000 ml parenteral solution sig: as directed per heparin sliding scale intravenous as directed per heparin sliding scale. discharge disposition: extended care discharge diagnosis: primary diagnoses: severe sepsis, acalculous cholecystitis, ascending cholangitis, pulmonary embolism, acute kidney injury, respiratory distress, delerium discharge condition: improved, stable condition. discharge instructions: it was a pleasure taking care of you here at . you were admitted for cholecystitis and cholangitis, an infection of the gallbladder and biliary tree, for which you were given antibiotics. initially your blood pressure was low and you were given fluids to bring it back to normal. you had an ercp (endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography), during which a stent was placed in your bile duct to keep it open. eventually, a cholecystostomy tube was also placed, which goes through your abdomen into your gallbladder to drain and decompress your gallbladder. after placement of this tube, your condition improved dramatically. you were then transferred to for further care. you were transferred on zosyn, an antibiotic, which your physicians at will continue or change at their discretion. followup instructions: you should follow up with your pcp within one week of discharge from . in addition, please attend the following appointments: department: endo suites when: thursday at 10:00 am department: digestive disease center when: thursday at 10:00 am with: , md building: building (/ complex) campus: east best parking: main garage procedure: continuous invasive mechanical ventilation for less than 96 consecutive hours venous catheterization, not elsewhere classified insertion of endotracheal tube endoscopic insertion of stent (tube) into bile duct percutaneous aspiration of gallbladder diagnoses: acidosis pure hypercholesterolemia acute kidney failure, unspecified unspecified septicemia severe sepsis personal history of tobacco use other and unspecified hyperlipidemia acute respiratory failure alkalosis osteoporosis, unspecified paralytic ileus personal history of transient ischemic attack (tia), and cerebral infarction without residual deficits acute cholecystitis cholangitis obstruction of bile duct other and unspecified coagulation defects other pulmonary embolism and infarction pathologic fracture of vertebrae spondylosis of unspecified site, without mention of myelopathy essential and other specified forms of tremor Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: allergies: patient recorded as having no known allergies to drugs attending: chief complaint: 59 year old with fall from 14 foot roof on his left lower extremity sustaining an open tibia/fibula fracture and lumbar discomfort. major surgical or invasive procedure: 8/17:1. irrigation and debridement down to the level of the bone, complex. 2. open reduction, internal fixation, tibia. 3. placement of ankle-spanning external fixation for this distal pilon fracture :irrigation and debridement and change of vacuum dressing. 8/22:1. posterior instrumentation segmental l2-l4. 2. harvested bone marrow aspirate. 3. harvested iliac crest, nonstructural right side. 4. posterolateral arthrodesis and . : rectus abdominus flap to open wound on left lower extremity and split thickness skin graft history of present illness: 59 year old with fall from 14 foot roof on his left lower extremity sustaining an open tibia/fibula fracture and lumbar discomfort. transfer from osh, hemodynaically stable. past medical history: hypertension hyperlipidemia social history: no etoh, no tob family history: nc physical exam: vitals 99.8, 84, 164/90, 98% ra, rr-12 gen: nad neuro: a&ox 3 heent: perrla, eomi resp: ctab cv: rrr, abd: soft, nt/nd pelvis: stable rectal: normal tone, guaic neg, no high riding prostate spine/back: no ttp over tls, no stepoffs ext: dp's intact bilaterally, + cap refill, nvi left foot, left foot shortened pertinent results: 07:27pm glucose-149* urea n-16 creat-1.2 sodium-139 potassium-4.9 chloride-107 total co2-25 anion gap-12 07:27pm calcium-8.3* phosphate-4.4 magnesium-1.9 07:27pm wbc-15.0* rbc-3.83* hgb-11.3* hct-31.9* mcv-83 mch-29.6 mchc-35.6* rdw-13.7 07:27pm plt count-235 07:27pm pt-13.7* ptt-26.0 inr(pt)-1.2* 12:51pm urine color-amber appear-clear sp -1.028 12:51pm urine rbc-0-2 wbc-0-2 bacteria-rare yeast-none epi-0-2 12:51pm urine wbccast-0-2 12:51pm urine mucous-occ 12:35pm glucose-104 urea n-21* creat-1.2 sodium-139 potassium-3.9 chloride-106 total co2-21* anion gap-16 12:35pm amylase-45 12:35pm asa-neg ethanol-neg acetmnphn-neg bnzodzpn-neg barbitrt-neg tricyclic-neg 12:35pm plt count-291 brief hospital course: pt initially admitted to the trauma service. hd#1 underwent ex-fix/orif of left ankle with orthopaedics. nsg evaluated for l3 burst fx. no cord compression on mri, placed in lso. patient taken back to the or for washout of lle with orthopaedics. afterwards, patient was placed on wound vac and lovenox. nsg took to or for lumbar fusion of l2-l4 for l3 burst fracture on . patient remained afebrile throughout trauma course. patient received plastic surgery consultation on for consideration of wound closure. he received an angiogram to evaluate for flap. patient had rectus free flap to lle from a right thigh donor site. spiked a fever on to 102.4 and 102.8 on received cxr which showed possible right infrahilar opacity. pt was placed on ceftriaxone as well as vancomycin. id was consulted and evaluated the patient, recommended repeat cxr and continuation of ceftriaxone and vanc. pt remained afebrile on and id suggested discontinuing abx. cxr on showed a pleural effusion on the left. patient was started on dangle protocol and continue to do well. he remained afebrile, and on he was d/c with instructions for ortho f/u in 2 weeks, nwb lle as well as f/u in plastics clinic in 2 weeks. discharge medications: 1. docusate sodium 100 mg capsule sig: one (1) capsule po bid (2 times a day) as needed. disp:*60 capsule(s)* refills:*0* 2. oxycodone 5 mg tablet sig: 1-2 tablets po q4h (every 4 hours) as needed. disp:*60 tablet(s)* refills:*0* 3. enoxaparin 30 mg/0.3 ml syringe sig: thirty (30) mg subcutaneous q12h (every 12 hours): sq. disp:*qs one month* refills:*0* 4. equipment patient requires a commode chair, a standard walker, and a wheelchair for discharge home 5. aspirin 325 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po once a day. tablet(s) discharge disposition: home with service facility: vna discharge diagnosis: left open tibia and fibula fracture l3 burst fracture discharge condition: good good discharge instructions: you should remain non-weight bearing on your left leg until you follow-up with orthopaedics. you should dangle your left leg off of the bed for 10 minutes 4 times a day for 2 days and then increase to 15 mins with leg dependent for 3 days then increase to 20 mins with leg dependent until you come back to clinic. will reevaluate dangling time when follow up in plastic surgery clinic. you were admitted to the hospital for a left open tib/fib fx and l3 burst fracture. you should call your doctor or return to the er should you experience any of the following: severe increase in pain in left leg numbness/tingling/paralysis in left leg pus or drainage from left leg fever > 101 severe pain to right leg numbness/tingling/paralysis of right leg severe dizziness nausea/vomiting severe chest pain/sob any other symptoms that worry you. followup instructions: please follow-up in plastic surgery clinic in in 2 weeks. you should call ( to schedule an appointment. please follow-up with dr. of orthopaedics in 2 weeks. you should call ( to schedule an appointment. please follow-up with dr. of neurosurgery in 6 weeks. you should call ( to schedule an appointment. please follow-up with your primary care doctor in weeks for adjustments to your longterm medications. you should call and schedule an appointment. md procedure: lumbar and lumbosacral fusion of the anterior column, posterior technique other skin graft to other sites graft of muscle or fascia excisional debridement of wound, infection, or burn debridement of open fracture site, tibia and fibula debridement of open fracture site, tibia and fibula open reduction of fracture with internal fixation, tibia and fibula transfusion of packed cells other immobilization, pressure, and attention to wound fusion or refusion of 2-3 vertebrae diagnoses: unspecified pleural effusion unspecified essential hypertension other and unspecified hyperlipidemia other diseases of lung, not elsewhere classified other specified complications of procedures not elsewhere classified closed fracture of lumbar vertebra without mention of spinal cord injury family history of diabetes mellitus accidental fall from scaffolding open fracture of unspecified part of fibula with tibia Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: discharge medications: none. reviewed by: , m.d. dictated by: medquist36 procedure: continuous invasive mechanical ventilation for less than 96 consecutive hours parenteral infusion of concentrated nutritional substances insertion of endotracheal tube enteral infusion of concentrated nutritional substances non-invasive mechanical ventilation other phototherapy diagnoses: observation for suspected infectious condition twin birth, mate liveborn, born in hospital, delivered by cesarean section respiratory distress syndrome in newborn neonatal jaundice associated with preterm delivery other preterm infants, 1,250-1,499 grams 31-32 completed weeks of gestation other specified congenital anomalies of brain Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: allergies: pollen/hayfever attending: chief complaint: fever major surgical or invasive procedure: thoracentesis history of present illness: hpi: patient is a 61 y/o male with cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma metastatic to regional lymph nodes currently receiving xrt with cisplatin who p/w malaise and febrile neutrophenia. pt noted malaise for the last couple of days prior to admission, with temp elevated to 101.5 at home. sx included sore throat, "tickle cough," and chronic rhinorrhea, unchanged from baseline. no n/v/d or dysuria. most recent anc on was 486. upon arrival to floor, pt did not want to discuss his symptoms at length with examiner and wanted to sleep. he did say that he has been able to eat and drink adequately although his taste/appetite are decreased. on arrival to the ed, his temperature was measured at 102.4, and other vital signs were hr 90 bp 112/75 rr 18 98%ra. he was given vancomycin and tylenol and cefepime prior to transport to . past medical history: pmh: left temporal scc: s/p mohs procedure left malar scc: with firm preauricular and submandibular adenopathy noted (), with fna positive for scc cll (dx ) managed with low dose weekly cisplatin 20mg/m2 with concurrent xrt x 4 weeks. held on to neutropenia. last dose was . htn atrial flutter s/p ablation social history: married with one child. he is an oral pathologist at . he does not smoke tobacco; however, he drinks three to four glasses of wine nightly and has done this for many years without impairment, none currently. family history: significant for prominent coronary artery disease. no one has had lymphomas or leukemias or any other malignancies. physical exam: t 100.2 hr 82 bp 93/54 rr 18 96%ra general: tired-appearing 61 y/o male in nad, asking to be left alone so he could sleep. heent: nc/at. perrla. eomi. erythema, dry skin, and flaking skin with some crusting over left face where he is currently receiving radiation. also evidence of some mucositis on upper left inner buccal region without fungus. mmm. cv: normal s1, s2 without any m/r/g. pulm: ctab without any wheezes or crackles. abd: soft, nt/nd with normoactive bs. ext: no c/c/e. neuro: a/o x 3. cns ii-xii grossly intact. sensation intact. nonfocal. skin: as above on face. no other rashes pertinent results: cbc 05:18am blood wbc-0.3* rbc-2.53* hgb-8.5* hct-25.1* mcv-99* mch-33.7* mchc-34.0 rdw-16.3* plt ct-48* 06:30pm blood wbc-1.6* rbc-2.39* hgb-8.5* hct-24.0* mcv-101* mch-35.4* mchc-35.2* rdw-15.1 plt ct-82* diff: 06:30pm blood neuts-17* bands-0 lymphs-83* monos-0 eos-0 baso-0 atyps-0 metas-0 myelos-0 chem7 05:18am blood albumin-2.6* calcium-7.3* phos-1.8* mg-1.8 abgs 07:57am blood type-art po2-91 pco2-32* ph-7.53* caltco2-28 base xs-4 10:28pm blood type-art temp-37.0 po2-143* pco2-36 ph-7.45 caltco2-26 base xs-2 lactate: 10:28pm blood lactate-0.6 na-132* cl-101 06:35pm blood lactate-1.1 ct chest/abdomen/pelvis 1. no evidence of acute hemorrhage. 2. stable bilateral lower lobe pneumonia and pleural effusions. 3. small amount of non-hemorrhagic fluid in the pelvis. ct head : negative for hemorrhage or edema pleural fluid: negative for malignant cells , , , blood cultures negative urine culture negative sputum cultures x3 poor samples cmv pcr negative pleural fluid cultures: negative , c diff x2 negative alt 107, ast 81, ldh 232, alk phos 228, tbili 0.8 alt 142, ast 58, ldh 191, alk phos 202, tbili 0.9 alt 616, ast 550, ldh 360, alk phos 313, tbili 0.9 brief hospital course: a/p: 61 y/o male with cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma metastatic to regional lymph nodes currently receiving xrt with cisplatin presented with neutropenic fever, hypoxia. # neuropenic fevers: pt presented with neutropenic fever on work up was found to have a large rll pneumonia with rul extension. pt was started on a course of cefepime/vanc/flagyl which changed to meropenem/vanc/voriconazole/acyclovir per id recommendations. pt was also noted to have a picc line that was erythematous and discontinued. pt was also inititated on neupogen whicb was discontinued prior to discharge as neutropenia resolved. as pt's oxygenation improved antibiotic coverage was changed to meropenem, caspofungin were continued. pt underwent bronchoscopy with a bal showing no nocardia, or pcp. on this result pt was started on levofloxacin and flagyl. prior to discharge pt was afebrile and was discharged on a course of levofloxacin and flagyl per id recommendations and will need to continue this regimen until his chest x-ray is radiographically normal. discussed plan via e-mail with dr. . #hypoxia: hospital course was complicated with several bouts of hypoxia requiring 2 icu stays. most likely due to a combination of mucous plug, rul/rll pna and bilateral effusions. during his work up for hypoxia pt underwent a cta which showed no pe. prior to discharge pt was saturating well on room air. # cll: bone marrow bx showed infiltration. rituxan/vincristine was initiated on , and he received the vincristine, but only rituxan prior to onset of rigors/fevers/desaturations, and rituxan was restarted on . ivig was attempted twice and discontinued the first time concern for allergic reaction given intra procedure tachypnea and hypoxia, rigors, and fevers to 104-105. # nutrition. pt's nutrition was noted to be poor during hospitalization. pt stated his appetite was decreased. pt initially had a dobhoff placed and was started on droberinol. pt's poor po intake contunied leading to peg tube placement. prior to discharge pt was able to tolerate his home goal rate in house, pt and pt's wife were also educated no how to use the kangaroo pumps as well as basic peg care. pt was also started on omeprazole as part of his peg regimen. # depression: pt was noted be extremely depressed during hospital course. pt was started on fluoxetine, prior to discharge pt's mood and affect appeared to improve. # pain: pt experienced a lot of back and pleuritic pain. pt was started and discharged on prn oxyocodone and bowel regimen. medications on admission: lipitor 10 mg po daily dyazide 37.5/25 mg po daily mvi thiamine 100 mg po daily verapamil 240 mg po qam and 120 mg po qpm compazine prn tretinoin 0.025% cream chlor-trimeton 4 mg po prn discharge medications: 1. tretinoin 0.025 % cream sig: one (1) appl topical qhs (once a day (at bedtime)). 2. multivitamin tablet sig: one (1) tablet po daily (daily). 3. thiamine hcl 100 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po daily (daily). 4. prochlorperazine maleate 10 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po q6h (every 6 hours) as needed for nausea. 5. pantoprazole 40 mg tablet, delayed release (e.c.) sig: one (1) tablet, delayed release (e.c.) po q24h (every 24 hours). disp:*30 tablet, delayed release (e.c.)(s)* refills:*2* 6. fluoxetine 20 mg capsule sig: one (1) capsule po daily (daily). disp:*30 capsule(s)* refills:*2* 7. docusate sodium 50 mg/5 ml liquid sig: two (2) po bid (2 times a day). disp:*60 60* refills:*2* 8. senna 8.6 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po bid (2 times a day) as needed for constipation. disp:*60 tablet(s)* refills:*2* 9. oxycodone 5 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po q8h (every 8 hours) as needed for pain. disp:*60 tablet(s)* refills:*0* 10. levofloxacin 500 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po daily (daily) for 20 days. disp:*20 tablet(s)* refills:*0* 11. metronidazole 500 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po tid (3 times a day) for 20 days. disp:*60 tablet(s)* refills:*0* 12. lipitor 10 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po at bedtime. 13. outpatient lab work please get your blood drawn to check your complete blood count, (electrolytes) sodium, potassium, chloride, carbon dioxide, bun, creatinine, magnesium, phosphorous, calcium every monday and thursday. please have results faced to dr. office ( discharge disposition: home with service facility: home therapies discharge diagnosis: malnutrition pneumonia progresson of cll squamous cell carcinoma of the neck depression discharge condition: fair, afebrile. discharge instructions: you were admitted with fever and decreasing white blood cell counts. you required transfer to the intensive care unit as you developed respiratory distress. you were also found to have progression of you cll which required administration of chemotherapy. you were also found to have a lesion in your lungs that was consistent with a pneumonia. we gave you antibiotics to help fight this process and you showed clinical improvement. your white blood cell count also were also given a peg tube to help with your nutrition. a vna nurse will help you with your tube feedings. we have started you on seven new medications. you are on two antibiotics which you will continue to take until your chest xray shows that you have no pneumonia and dr. says it ok for you to stop. you will need to take levofloxacin 500 mg once a day and metronidazole 500 mg three times a day. you have also been started on fluoxetine (antidepressant). pantoprazole (stomach pill), oxycodone (for pain) and docusate sodium, senna (both are to prevent any constipation when you are taking the oxycodone). you will also need to get your blood drawn every monday and thursday. you will also need to get a chest xray the morning of before you see dr. . we stopped the following medications. please do not take 1) dyazide 37.5/25 mg po daily 2) verapamil 240 mg po qam and 120 mg po qpm 3) chlor-trimeton 4 mg po prn please return to the ed if you experience fever, chills, shortness of breath, chest pain, abdominal pain or any other symptom that concerns you. followup instructions: provider: , md phone: date/time: 2:30 **please call your pcp . for a follow up appointment to see you within the next two weeks** procedure: venous catheterization, not elsewhere classified venous catheterization, not elsewhere classified thoracentesis percutaneous [endoscopic] gastrostomy [peg] biopsy of bone marrow insertion of other (naso-)gastric tube closed [endoscopic] biopsy of bronchus closed [endoscopic] biopsy of bronchus colonoscopy transfusion of packed cells injection or infusion of cancer chemotherapeutic substance transfusion of platelets injection or infusion of immunoglobulin injection or infusion of biological response modifier [brm] as an antineoplastic agent diagnoses: pneumonia, organism unspecified other iatrogenic hypotension anemia, unspecified unspecified pleural effusion unspecified essential hypertension unspecified septicemia unspecified protein-calorie malnutrition atrial flutter sepsis candidiasis of mouth constipation, unspecified acute respiratory failure personal history of other malignant neoplasm of skin antineoplastic and immunosuppressive drugs causing adverse effects in therapeutic use abscess of lung pressure ulcer, lower back accidents occurring in other specified places surgical or other procedure not carried out because of patient's decision accidents occurring in residential institution drug induced neutropenia foreign body accidentally entering other orifice chronic lymphoid leukemia, without mention of having achieved remission radiological procedure and radiotherapy as the cause of abnormal reaction of patient, or of later complication, without mention of misadventure at time of procedure foreign body in larynx other specified disorders of liver burn [any degree] involving less than 10 percent of body surface with third degree burn, less than 10 percent or unspecified burn of unspecified degree of neck Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: allergies bee stings procedure: insertion of non-drug-eluting coronary artery stent(s) insertion of non-drug-eluting coronary artery stent(s) combined right and left heart cardiac catheterization coronary arteriography using two catheters coronary arteriography using two catheters intraoperative cardiac pacemaker injection or infusion of platelet inhibitor left heart cardiac catheterization diagnoses: coronary atherosclerosis of native coronary artery tobacco use disorder hematoma complicating a procedure paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia other and unspecified hyperlipidemia family history of ischemic heart disease acute myocardial infarction of inferoposterior wall, initial episode of care Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: allergies: patient recorded as having no known allergies to drugs attending: chief complaint: found down, s/p fall from ladder, transferred from osh major surgical or invasive procedure: peg placement ivc filter placement history of present illness: the patient is a 68m who was apparently taking down decorations when he had an unwitnessed fall in his garage. the patient was not seen until approximately 3hours later when he was found standing by his family. he was alert and speaking but confused per family report. the family brought him to an osh where he found to be disoriented and confused with a body temperature of 88f. the patient was sedatedand intubated and transferred to after ct head revealed bifrontal contusions and 2.5mm sdh in middle cranial fossa. past medical history: 1. copd 2. htn 3. hypercholesterolemia 4. hiatal hernia 5. lower esophageal ring s/p dilitation 6. bph, prostate nodule 7. colonic polyps last colonoscopy social history: lives with spouse, has large family support system. denies etoh, tobacco, or recreational drug use. wife family history: noncontributory physical exam: on admission: 99.8 r 92 156/88 16 100% (vent) gen: intubated, sedated eyes: perla 4-->3, r periorbital echymosis ent: tm clear, intubated, good condensation respiratory: breath sounds equal bilaterally cardiovascular: normal rate, regular rhtm abdomen: soft, non-tender, pelvis stable skin: posterior head lac . on discharge pertinent changes: 98.2 ax 79 114/74 20 95% 2l gen:nad resp: bs equal bilaterally cardiovascular: nl rate, reg. rhythm abd: soft, peg in place, dressings covering superficial abdominal scars skin: legs in sheepskin neuro: not following commands, not moving le pertinent results: on admission: 10:47pm glucose-174* lactate-2.9* na+-145 k+-3.5 cl--102 tco2-23 10:40pm wbc-21.4* rbc-4.49* hgb-14.7 hct-41.7 mcv-93 mch-32.7* mchc-35.2* rdw-12.5 10:40pm urea n-13 creat-1.0 10:40pm alt(sgpt)-18 ast(sgot)-31 alk phos-87 tot bili-0.9 10:40pm alt(sgpt)-20 ast(sgot)-30 ck(cpk)-184* alk phos-89 amylase-60 tot bili-1.1 10:40pm ctropnt-<0.01 10:40pm ck-mb-5 10:40pm asa-neg ethanol-neg acetmnphn-neg bnzodzpn-neg barbitrt-neg tricyclic-neg 10:40pm urine bnzodzpn-neg barbitrt-neg opiates-neg cocaine-neg amphetmn-neg mthdone-neg 10:40pm urine blood-sm nitrite-neg protein-neg glucose-100 ketone-neg bilirubin-neg urobilngn-0.2 ph-8.0 leuk-neg pertinent imaging: ct c-spine : neg ct torso : neg ct head : mod r frontal subgaleal hematoma, r frontal bone fx c sup sag sutural diastasis & ext into occipital bone, b/l frontal hemoarrhagic contusions, sm sdh along falx/tentorium, ?mild intravent ext of hemorrhage s hydroceph, no herniation ct head : no change mri head : b/l frontal hemorrhagic contusions c edema, smaller hemorrhagic contusions in r vertex & b/l temp lobes, bld in post horns of lat vent, 4th vent, interpeduncular fossa, sm l parasag sdh, b/l parietal sah, no hydroceph/midline shift/infarction mri tl spine : no cord compression/spinal stenosis. subarachnoid blood in spinal canal mri c spine : no fx or cord compression, mild dz ct head : no significant change. r temporal contusion slightly more conspicuous. ct head : no interval change in contusions, subarachnoid, subdural hemorrhages. unchanged mass effect. mr l spine : evolution of the stable volume of blood within the thecal sac. no evidence of new canal or foraminal stenoses. brief hospital course: the patient was brought to the emergency department as a basic trauma on , and had ct head, c-spine, chest, abdomen, and pelvis as detailed above. he was admitted to the ticu, with dr. , attending physician. neurosurgery team was immediately consulted regarding his subdural hematoma. he was loaded with dilantin, and a repeat head ct was performed the subsequent day, , which did not demonstrate any change. on he remained intubated on propofol gtt in the ticu. he continued to have q1hour neuro checks, but his neuro exam was inconsistent. there was question whether he was moving his lower extremities at all. a mri head, t and l spine was performed at night. subarachnoid blood was seen in the spinal canal, but it was not felt to be impinging on the cord. on he was extubated, and neurology was consulted due to concern for lower extremity weakness. recommendations by neurology were to continue dilantin and to start manitol to reduce icp. on , he was found to be a&o x1 only and a repeat head ct showed no significant change. on patient was taken to the or for ivc and peg tube placement which was performed without complication however postoperative the patient developed anisocoria with dilation of the right pupil which resolved spontaneously. another repeat head ct was negative. tf were also started on and were advanced to goal on . patient was extubated on and the mannitol was discontinued. was transfered to the floor on and screening for rehab was undertaken. patient had physical therapy work with him allowing him to be able to go from the bed to the chair. on the neurology team felt as though his reflexes were decreased in his right leg and an mri was done which showed no acute processes. per neurology, his dilantin may be weaned at rehab. patient will need to schedule an appointment with neurology to be followed as an outpatient. on patient was deemed stable for discharge. upon discharge patient was tolerated tube feeds at goal, was able to tolerate being transferred from the bed to chair, continued to have decreased movement in his lower extremities and had no other acute surgical issues. he is oriented x1 when awake. he is incontinent of bladder and bowels, and requires a diaper. on discharge his sao2 was 100% on 2l. this may be weaned as tolerated. patient will be transferred to a rehabilitation facility and will follow up in clinic in weeks. medications on admission: asa 81', terazosin 5', lipitor 10', advair 250/50, salmeterol, cardizem 180' discharge medications: 1. docusate sodium 50 mg/5 ml liquid : one (1) po bid (2 times a day). 2. lansoprazole 30 mg tablet,rapid dissolve, dr : one (1) tablet,rapid dissolve, dr daily (daily). 3. phenytoin 100 mg/4 ml suspension : one hundred (100) mg po q8h (every 8 hours). 4. warfarin 1 mg tablet : one (1) tablet po daily (daily) as needed for dvt prophylaxis. 5. magnesium hydroxide 400 mg/5 ml suspension : thirty (30) ml po daily (daily). 6. senna 8.6 mg tablet : one (1) tablet po bid (2 times a day). 7. insulin sliding scale please see attached sheet for insulin sliding scale 8. bisacodyl 10 mg suppository : one (1) suppository rectal hs (at bedtime) as needed for constipation. suppository(s) 9. sodium chloride 0.9% flush 3 ml iv daily:prn peripheral iv - inspect site every shift 10. fluticasone-salmeterol 250-50 mcg/dose disk with device : one (1) disk with device inhalation (2 times a day). 11. albuterol sulfate 2.5 mg/3 ml solution for nebulization : one (1) nebulizer inhalation q6h (every 6 hours). nebulizer discharge disposition: extended care facility: - discharge diagnosis: multiple hemorrhagic contusions & subdural hematoma discharge condition: stable discharge instructions: please md or visit er if you experience any of the following: temp>101.5, chest pain, shortness of breath, severe nausea/vomiting, severe abdominal pain, redness or drainage from around the peg site or any other concerning symptoms. you may shower however keep all incisions clean and dry. followup instructions: please follow up in clinic with dr. in approximately weeks. you have been arranged to see him on at 8:30 on the of clinical center. you will also need to follow up with dr. , behavioral neurology. please call ( to arrange for an appointment. md, procedure: continuous invasive mechanical ventilation for less than 96 consecutive hours venous catheterization, not elsewhere classified interruption of the vena cava enteral infusion of concentrated nutritional substances percutaneous [endoscopic] gastrostomy [peg] computer assisted surgery with fluoroscopy diagnoses: pure hypercholesterolemia unspecified essential hypertension unspecified protein-calorie malnutrition chronic airway obstruction, not elsewhere classified hypertrophy (benign) of prostate without urinary obstruction and other lower urinary tract symptom (luts) accidental fall from ladder hypothermia personal history of colonic polyps other musculoskeletal symptoms referable to limbs accident due to excessive cold due to weather conditions closed fracture of vault of skull with cerebral laceration and contusion, unspecified state of consciousness Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: history of present illness: is the former 3 kg product of a 36 and 6/7 weeks gestation pregnancy, born to a 40 year-old, g3, p1 now 2 woman. prenatal screens: blood type 0 positive, antibody negative, rubella immune, rpr nonreactive, hepatitis b surface antigen negative, group beta strep status unknown. the mother's obstetrical history is notable for an intrauterine fetal demise at 32 weeks gestation which occurred in . this pregnancy was uncomplicated with planned early delivery secondary to concern with the prior intrauterine fetal demise. the mother was taken to elective cesarean section on . the infant emerged with spontaneous respirations. she required oxygen, bulb suctioning as part of her resuscitation. apgars were 7 at 1 minute and 8 at 5 minutes. she was admitted to the nicu due to respiratory distress. physical examination: upon admission to the neonatal intensive care unit, weight was 3000 grams; length was 49 cm; head circumference was 34 cm. general: non dysmorphic, near term female in moderate respiratory distress. heent: anterior fontanel soft and flat; non dysmorphic facies; palate intact. neck and mouth normal. mild nasal flaring. chest: mild subcostal retractions. good breath sounds bilaterally. no adventitious sounds. cardiovascular: well perfused. regular rate and rhythm. femoral pulses normal. normal s1 and s2. no murmur. abdomen soft, nondistended, no organomegaly, no masses. bowel sounds active. anus patent. genitourinary: normal female genitalia. spine straight, normal sacrum. skin normal. no rashes. extremities: moving all, hips stable. neurologic: active, alert, reactive to stimuli. tone normal and symmetric, moving all extremities. suck, root, gag intact. facies symmetric. hospital course: 1. respiratory: had respiratory distress consistent with retained fetal lung fluid. she did require 400 cc of nasal cannula oxygen flow for the first few hours after birth. by day of life 1, she was in room air and she continued in room air for the rest of her neonatal intensive care unit admission. she had an episode of spontaneous apnea and bradycardia associated with a feeding on day of life 2. therefore, she remained for an additional 5 day observation. during that time, she has not had any further episodes of apnea and bradycardia. at the time of discharge, she is breathing comfortably in room air with a respiratory rate of 30 to 50 breaths per minute. 1. cardiovascular: has maintained normal blood pressure and heart rates. no murmurs have been noted. baseline heart rate is 130 to 160 beats per minute with a recent blood pressure of 71/42 mmhg, mean arterial pressure of 52 mmhg. 1. fluids, electrolytes and nutrition: was initially n.p.o. and maintained on iv fluids. enteral feeds were started on day of life 1 and were advanced to full volumes. at the time of discharge, she is breast feeding or taking similac 20 formula ad lib. weight on the day of discharge is 2.755 kg with a corresponding head circumference of 34 cm and a length of 49.5 cm. 1. infectious disease: due to the unknown etiology of the respiratory distress and the unknown group beta strep status of the mother, was evaluated for sepsis upon admission to the nicu. a complete blood count was within normal limits and a blood culture was obtained prior to starting iv ampicillin and gentamycin. the blood culture was no growth at 48 hours and the antibiotics were discontinued. 1. hematology: is blood type 0 positive and is direct antibody test negative. hematocrit at birth was 44.3%. she did not receive any transfusions of blood products. 1. gastrointestinal: had a peak serum bilirubin occur on day of life 4 with a total of 13.4 mg/dl. her repeat bilirubin on day of life 5 was down to 12.3 mg/day of life total. a serum bilirubin obtained on the day of discharge is 10.6/0.3. 1. neurologic: has maintained a normal neurologic exam during admission. there are no concerns at the time of discharge. 1. sensory: audiology: hearing screening was performed with automated auditory brain stem responses. passed in both ears on . condition on discharge: good. discharge disposition: home with the parents. primary pediatrician: dr. , ., , , telephone number . care and recommendations: 1. ad lib p.o. feeding; breast feeding or similac 20 formula. 2. no medications. 3. car seat position screening was performed. was observed in her car seat for 90 minutes without any episodes of oxygen desaturation or bradycardia. 4. state newborn screen was sent on . there has been no notification of abnormal results to date. 5. immunizations: hepatitis b vaccine was administered on . 6. immunizations recommended: synagis rsv prophylaxis should be considered from through for infants who meet any of the following three criteria: (1) born at less than 32 weeks; (2) born between 32 weeks and 35 weeks with two of the following: day care during rsv season, a smoker in the household, neuromuscular disease, airway abnormalities or school age siblings; (3) chronic lung disease. influenza immunization is recommended annually in the fall for all infants once they reach 6 months of age. before this age, and for the first 24 months of the child's life, immunization against influenza is recommended for household contacts and out-of-home caregivers. follow up: 1. appointment with dr. within 3 days of discharge. discharge diagnoses: 1. prematurity at 36 and 3/7 weeks gestation. 2. transitional respiratory distress. 3. suspicion for sepsis, ruled out. , md procedure: enteral infusion of concentrated nutritional substances prophylactic administration of vaccine against other diseases diagnoses: single liveborn, born in hospital, delivered by cesarean section need for prophylactic vaccination and inoculation against viral hepatitis observation for suspected infectious condition primary apnea of newborn neonatal bradycardia 35-36 completed weeks of gestation other preterm infants, 2,500 grams and over transitory tachypnea of newborn Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: allergies: patient recorded as having no known allergies to drugs attending: chief complaint: left temporal bone fracture. major surgical or invasive procedure: . history of present illness: 32 yo s/p assault w/ baseball bat. patient seen in osh ed after being struck in head w/bat. patient was combative in ed and rapidily declined in mental status. he received a ct head concerning for left sided sah and sdh w/ left temporal bone fx. he was transferred here intubated and sedated. past medical history: none social history: unknown family history: none physical exam: physical exam: t: 97 bp: 117/74 hr:78 rr:16 o2sats:100% gen: intubated and sedated. pupils - left: 5 -> 4 right: 3 mm and minimally reactive unable to perform any other reliable exam given sedation. on discharge: a&ox3 perrl motor: moves all extremities symmetrically and purposefully pertinent results: 05:30am fibrinoge-230 05:30am pt-12.2 ptt-29.3 inr(pt)-1.0 05:30am plt count-179 05:30am wbc-13.3* rbc-4.23* hgb-14.0 hct-41.7 mcv-99* mch-33.2* mchc-33.7 rdw-13.5 05:30am asa-neg ethanol-143* acetmnphn-neg bnzodzpn-pos barbitrt-neg tricyclic-neg 05:30am lipase-22 05:30am urea n-10 creat-1.0 05:31am hgb-14.3 calchct-43 o2 sat-76 carboxyhb-2 met hgb-0 05:31am glucose-146* lactate-2.6* na+-140 k+-3.3* cl--101 tco2-23 ct head 1. comminuted left temporal bone fracture involving the middle ear and aditus ad antrum. temporal bone ct should be obtained to assess the ossicles and the integrity of the middle ear. this was discussed with dr. in the trauma sicu at 9:05 am on . 2. the fracture extends to the body of the sphenoid bone bilaterally. involvement of the left petrous carotid canal cannot be excluded. cta of the head is recommended to assess the integrity of the internal carotid artery. 3. the fracture also involves the parietal bones bilaterally, with associated subgaleal hematomas and scalp lacerations. 4. thin left-sided subdural hematoma. extensive left subarachnoid hemorrhage. evolving left parietal, temporal and occipital hemorrhagic contusions. diffuse left sulcal effacement with mild rightward midline shift, mild mass effect on the left lateral ventricle, and mild mass effect on the left suprasellar cistern. cta head the carotids are imaged from their origin to their petrous segments and show no evidence of traumatic injury. small locules of ectopic gas are noted adjacent to the left carotid space at the level of the uppermost portions of the extracranial ica. diminutive left vertebral artery. paraseptal emphysematous changes biapically. ct head: impression: 1. no significant interval change in appearance of contusion. 2. stable left-sided subdural hematoma. 3. no evidence of new hemorrhage. 4. stable skull fracture. mri c-spine: impression: no evidence of ligamentous injury. minimal degenerative change at t1-t2 level. mild posterior disc bulging without critical spinal canal or neural foraminal compromise at c3-4 and c6-7. ct-head: impression: 1. comminuted left temporal bone fracture involving the middle ear cavity and aditus ad antrum. 2. left parietotemporal noncomminuted fracture extending into the left middle cranial fossa. 3. stable appearance of left-sided hemorrhagic contusions and subdural hematoma. no shift of normally midline structures or hydrocephalus at this time. ct head: impression: re-demonstration of parenchymal hemorrhage, centered in the parietal lobe on the left with adjacent edema and sulcal as well as left lateral ventricular effacement. overall, the extent of these findings is similar to that seen five days previously. there is no new subfalcine or other herniation. brief hospital course: pt transfered from osh after he was assaulted in the head with a baseball bat. at arrival to osh his mental status continued to decline and he was intubated and sedated prior to transfer to . upon arrival to he was taken to the icu for further care including q1 neuro checks and strict blood pressure control. a repeat head ct was obtained and showed a left parietal skull fracture with l sided temporal contusion. the patient's fracture extended to the sphenoid and a cta of the head and neck was obtained for further evaluation. this study proved to be negative and had no abnormality. the patient was extubated on this day per the icu team and he was noted to be somewhat awake. on exam he was following commands but only opened eyes to noxious and did not state where he was and could not give very reliable information. pt repeat head ct on the evening of showed an increase in the size of his l temporal contusion. he remained in the icu for neuro checks. he was noted to be somewhat more awake on exam though still slowed to respond. he was oriented to time and self but not place. he underwent a repeat head ct on this day and it was stable. he had a negative ct of the cervical spine but had an unreliable physical exam so mri of the cervical spine was ordered. pt slightly more awake. still confused and perseverative. mae with full strength. pt transfered to step down unit on this day and remained on ancef 1g q8 and dilantin 100mg q8 for seizure prophylaxis. mri of the c spine was negative for ligamentous injury and his cervical collar was removed. ent was consulted for left temporal bone fracture extending to the auditory canal. they recommended ancef x 1 week and ciprofloxacin ear drops as well as full audiogram as an outpatient. pt continued to improve and aox3. mannitol was discontinued on this day and he was transfered to the floor from the step down unit. a ct of the temporal bone showed a question of left tmj fracture and omfs team was consulted but recommended no surgical intervention. pt seen by physical and occupational therapy. current recomendations are for discharge to acute rehab secondary to cognitive impairment. pt is currently without insurance (masshealth pending) so discharge is pending. his posterior scalp sutures were removed without difficulty and laceration is well healing. dilantin was also discontinued at this time. - ciprofloxacin ear drops dc'd. awaiting gaurdianship and masshealth upgrade. exam remians stable. patient has refused all am labs and subcutaneous heparin. on , his exam was stable and patient independent in hospital. he was discharged to rehab. medications on admission: none discharge medications: . 1. outpatient congnitive therapy outpatient cognitive therapy- occupational therapy for diagnosis of l temporal depressed fracture, l sah, and sdh. 2. butalbital-acetaminophen-caff 50-325-40 mg tablet sig: tablets po q4h (every 4 hours) as needed for headache. disp:*30 tablet(s)* refills:*0* 3. docusate sodium 100 mg capsule sig: one (1) capsule po bid (2 times a day) as needed for constipation. disp:*60 capsule(s)* refills:*0* 4. bisacodyl 5 mg tablet, delayed release (e.c.) sig: two (2) tablet, delayed release (e.c.) po daily (daily). 5. ibuprofen 600 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po q8h (every 8 hours) as needed for jaw pain. 6. sodium chloride 0.9% flush 3 ml iv q8h:prn line flush peripheral line: flush with 3 ml normal saline every 8 hours and prn. 7. oxycodone 5 mg tablet sig: 1-2 tablets po q3h (every 3 hours) as needed for pain. disp:*30 tablet(s)* refills:*0* discharge disposition: extended care discharge diagnosis: left temporal depressed skull fracture discharge condition: aox3. activity as tolerated. discharge instructions: general instructions ?????? take your pain medicine as prescribed. ?????? exercise should be limited to walking; no lifting, straining, or excessive bending. ?????? increase your intake of fluids and fiber, as narcotic pain medicine can cause constipation. we generally recommend taking an over the counter stool softener, such as docusate (colace) while taking narcotic pain medication. ?????? unless directed by your doctor, do not take any anti-inflammatory medicines such as motrin, aspirin, advil, or ibuprofen etc. ?????? if you were on a medication such as coumadin (warfarin), or plavix (clopidogrel), or aspirin prior to your injury, you may not resume taking this until follow up with dr. . ?????? if you have been prescribed dilantin (phenytoin) for anti-seizure medicine, take it as prescribed and follow up with laboratory blood drawing in one week. this can be drawn at your pcp??????s office, but please have the results faxed to . if you have been discharged on keppra (levetiracetam), you will not require blood work monitoring. call your surgeon immediately if you experience any of the following ?????? new onset of tremors or seizures. ?????? any confusion, lethargy or change in mental status. ?????? any numbness, tingling, weakness in your extremities. ?????? pain or headache that is continually increasing, or not relieved by pain medication. ?????? new onset of the loss of function, or decrease of function on one whole side of your body. followup instructions: follow-up appointment instructions ??????please call ( to schedule an appointment with dr. to be seen in 8 weeks. ??????you will need a ct scan of the brain without contrast prior to your appointment. this can be scheduled when you call to make your office visit appointment. procedure: continuous invasive mechanical ventilation for less than 96 consecutive hours diagnoses: aphasia assault by striking by blunt or thrown object closed fracture of vault of skull with subarachnoid, subdural, and extradural hemorrhage, with no loss of consciousness closed fracture of base of skull with subarachnoid, subdural, and extradural hemorrhage, with no loss of consciousness Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: allergies: seafood systems review cv: sbp is now in the 90s-100s on neo, unable to place an aline at present, hr in the 70s, he was on a dilt gtt on the floor for rate control, this was shut off prior to transport. pt needs a central line - the surgical team knows this and is awaiting an attending. abd is dry and intact, ~ 12" of staples. pulm: ls coarse, cxr pending s/p intubation, sx for copious amounts of thick, tan sputum. sputum sent for gm stain and c&s. wbc 21.8, to start on antibiotics. gi: coffee gounds from his ngt, to start on zantac, hct 34 gu: poor u/o after the lasix procedure: continuous invasive mechanical ventilation for less than 96 consecutive hours venous catheterization, not elsewhere classified parenteral infusion of concentrated nutritional substances insertion of endotracheal tube pulmonary artery wedge monitoring resection of vessel with replacement, aorta, abdominal diagnoses: pneumonia, organism unspecified anemia, unspecified atrial fibrillation obstructive chronic bronchitis with (acute) exacerbation abdominal aneurysm without mention of rupture late effects of cerebrovascular disease, aphasia Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: allergies: codeine / crestor / lipitor / fosamax attending: chief complaint: nausea, diaphoresis major surgical or invasive procedure: cardiac catheterization pci to rca history of present illness: 74f with hx of recent right tkr on lovenox presents with stemi. she states that around 4:30am, she had been up watching tv and didn't feel herself. she walked to the bathroom and found herself very pale and diaphoretic. she started feeling dizzy and nauseous. bp checked by the nurses and found to be 60/40 with a heart rate of 40. ems was called and on arrival, did ekg that showed 2mm st elevations in ii, iii, avf. she was given asa 325mg and ntg x 1 and transferred to . on arrival to the er, she received 600mg plavix and was started on integrillin and heparin gtts. vitals were stable at 12/69 with heart rate of 98, satting 96% on 2l. of note, pt only notes slight chest pressure on the way the hospital. in the er, she was noted to have transient wenckebach, with heart rate of 42. . pt was take to the cath lab, arriving at 6:15am. there she was found to have a totally occluded rca and a cypher stent was placed. lvgram showed an ef of 55%. right heart cath showed ra mean of 17mmhg, rv 47/11 with end diastolic of 20mmhg, pap 46/18 (33) and wedge of 23; co 3.11 (ci 1.74) . on arrival to the ccu, pt felt well, no chest pain, shortness of breath, pain. . on ros, pt denies pnd, orthopnea, lower ext swelling. she normally exercises daily, swimming one mile per day (but not since due to her knee). she wears o2 at night due to sleep apnea and chronic hypoxia due to her hernia (lung did not expand following her hernia surgery). also with recent pain in right ankle, treated as cellulitis with keflex and then ceftriaxone when it failed to improve. now much better past medical history: 1. asthma 2. sleep apnea, on cpap at home 3. morgagni hernia s/p repair . 4. htn 5. s/p tia 10 years ago 6. recurrent r ear herpes, r bell's palsy 7. s/p tah 8. bladder diverticula 9. s/p right total knee arthroplasty (replacement) 10. pvc's (followed by dr. , on lopressor) social history: currently at rehab s/p knee replacement. retired nurse. husband retired family pratice physician. tobacco, ethanol, or ivdu. family history: father had first mi at age 39, died of mi at age 68 physical exam: temp 97.5, bp 118/57, hr 78, r 18, o2 100% on 3l gen: oriented x3. mood, affect appropriate. heent: ncat. sclera anicteric. perrl, eomi. conjunctiva were pink, no pallor or cyanosis of the oral mucosa. no xanthalesma. neck: supple with jvp of 10cm. cv: pmi located in 5th intercostal space, midclavicular line. rr, normal s1, s2. distant sounds, no murmurs chest: resp were unlabored, no accessory muscle use. ctab, no crackles, wheezes or rhonchi. abd: soft, ntnd. no hsm or tenderness. abd aorta not enlarged by palpation. no abdominial bruits. pressure dressing in place in left groin ext: left lower ext cool with palp pulses; right lower ext warm, 1+ edema, palp pulses; no erythema; tkr scar c/d/i skin: no stasis dermatitis, ulcers, scars, or xanthomas. . pulses: right: carotid 2+ dp 2+ pt 2+ left: carotid 2+ dp 2+ pt 2+ pertinent results: initial ekg (at 5:30a) demonstrated nsr at 65 bpm, normal axis, prolonged pr, st elevations in ii, iii, and avf (4mm in iii, 3mm in ii and avf) with 1mm st elevation in v1, st depressions in i, avl. right sided ekg showed 2mm st elevation in v4 . ekg following cath showed nsr at 80, nl axis, small q waves in iii, avf . 2d-echocardiogram performed on demonstrated: la is normal in size. no asd or patent foramen ovale is seen by 2d, color doppler or saline contrast with maneuvers. mild symmetric lvh with normal cavity size and systolic function (lvef>55%). regional left ventricular wall motion is normal. tissue doppler imaging suggests a normal left ventricular filling pressure (pcwp<12mmhg). av leaflets (3) are mildly thickened but aortic stenosis is not present. no ar. mv appears structurally normal with trivial mr. mitral valve prolapse. mod pa systolic hypertension. there is a trivial/physiologic pericardial effusion. . cardiac cath performed on demonstrated: lvgram: ef 55%, mild mr normal with modest calcification lad: modest calcification with mild luminal irregularities lcx: non-dominant vessel with mid-segment 80% lesion in avg rca: dominant vessel with mid-segment 99% lesion with noted thrombus s/p 3.0 x 18 cypher stent; final residual was 0% with normal flow . l groin us : communicating with the left common femoral artery, there is a 2.1 x 2.2 x 1.2 cm pseudoaneurysm that contains two-third of thrombosed clot with a one- third residual lumen with flow. a 0.3 cm neck is visualized communicating with the common femoral artery. . l groin us : scans through the left groin now show a residual hematoma measuring 2.4 x 2.8 x 1.1 cm. there is no flow within the hematoma, and there has been complete thrombosis of the previously shown pseudoaneurysm. . rle us : 1. no evidence of deep venous thrombosis in the right lower extremity 2. cyst within the right popliteal fossa. . tte : there is mild regional left ventricular systolic dysfunction with basal inferior hypokinesis (ef 50-55%). the other segments appear to contract well, although they are only visualized in the short-axis view. the right ventricular cavity is mildly dilated. there is focal hypokinesis of the apical free wall of the right ventricle. impression: mild regional left and right systolic dysfunction, c/w cad. technically limited study. compared with the prior study (images reviewed) of , left and right ventricular regional systolic dysfunction are new. brief hospital course: 74f with hx of htn who presents with dizziness, diaphoresis and nausea found to have acute inferior stemi due to totally occluded rca now s/p cypher stent. course c/b groin hematoma. . 1) cad/stemi: the patient initially had symptoms of dizziness, diaphoresis, nausea, she was found to be hypotensive and ems was called. the initial ekg demonstrated st elevations in inferior leads ii, iii, an avf. a right sided ekg showed st elevations on v4r indicating a likely rv infarct. she was given asa, plavix, heparin and integrillin and taken urgently to the cath lab. she was found to have 2vd with a 90% lesion in the distal lad and a 95% occlusion of the mrca. a cypher stent was deployed to the mrca lesion. she was monitored in the ccu given risk of hypotension and bradycardia following rv infarct. she was asymptomatic following catheterization. she remained hemodynamically stable. she was continued on asa and plavix which she will need for 1 year. her integrillin was stopped due to a groin hematoma as discussed below. once her groin hematoma stablized she was restarted on lovenox. the patient has a know allergy to lipitor and crestor, therefore, she was started on pravastatin as this statin has a lower occurence of side effects. she tolerated this well. initially her antihypertensives were held in light of her low cardiac output and recent wenckebach. when her cardiac profile improved, she was restarted on her beta-blocker, aspirin, and plavix. she has an outpatient appointment with her cardiologist to follow up. . 2) groin hematoma: post-cath the patient was noted to have a left groin hematoma so her integrillin was stopped. a stat groin us showed a small 2x2cm pseudoaneurysm that was thrombosed. a pressure dressing was applied and her hematoma remained stable. her hematocrit was stable at 24 (down from baseline of 35), the patient refused transfusion. a second groin us showed no flow in the pseudoaneurysm and complete thrombosis. a residual hematoma was noted and stable. . 3) rhythm: in the , ekg was significant for wenckebach. this resolved, she remained in nsr on telemetry. . 4) pump: during her cardiac catheterization she was noted to have depressed cardiac function in the setting of her mi. the lvgram showed a ef 55%, co 3.11, and wedge of 23. a repeat echo showed new, mild regional left and right systolic dysfunction and an ef of 50-55%. however, the study was technically limited and an outpatient echo with contrast has been ordered. . 5) htn: at home the pt was on cozaar, hctz and lopressor. during her inpatient stay her medications were adjusted, she as discharged on lower doses of her beta blocker and cozaar and her hctz was discontinued since her blood pressure was well controlled without it. her bp meds should be uptitrated or restarted as needed as an outpatient. . 6) elevated blood glucose: the patient's blood glucose was noted to be elevated. a hba1c was high normal at 5.7. her elevated glucose could be stress induced. however, this could also indicate new glucose intolerance. this should be followed as an outpatient. she was maintained in house on a riss. . 7) cellulitis: mrs. had evidence of cellulitis of the rle. she was started on ceftrioxone with good results and completed her course of antibiotics prior to discharge. an us of the lower extremities was done and showed no dvt. . 8) leukocytosis: on presentation to the ccu, the patient had a wbc count of 14, this was likely due to cellulitis or inflammation from her mi. she completed her course of ceftrioxone during her stay and her wbc count continued to trend down. she had a low grade fever of 100, cxr was performed that was negative for an acute process and ua showed increased wbc but no bacteria. her fever was attributed to likely atelectasis. . 9) fen: cardiac diet . 10) ppx: sq heparin, bowel reg . 11) access: piv . 12) code: full . 13) comm: daughter medications on admission: * lovenox 40mg qd * keflex 500mg tid x 10 days (d/c'd ) * ceftriaxone 1gram qd (first day , last day ) * oxybutynin 2.5mg * metoprolol 75mg * colace/senna * fluticasone 1spray to nostrils daily * advair 100/50 * hctz 25mg qd * cozaar 100mg qd * mvi * omeprazole 40mg qd * tylenol as needed * oxycodone 10mg q4hrs prn discharge medications: 1. aspirin 325 mg tablet, delayed release (e.c.) sig: one (1) tablet, delayed release (e.c.) po daily (daily). 2. clopidogrel 75 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po daily (daily). disp:*30 tablet(s)* refills:*2* 3. pravastatin 20 mg tablet sig: two (2) tablet po daily (daily). disp:*60 tablet(s)* refills:*2* 4. enoxaparin 40 mg/0.4 ml syringe sig: one (1) injection subcutaneous daily (daily) for 4 days. disp:*4 injection* refills:*0* 5. metoprolol tartrate 25 mg tablet sig: 0.5 tablet po bid (2 times a day). disp:*30 tablet(s)* refills:*2* 6. oxybutynin chloride 5 mg tablet sig: 0.5 tablet po bid (2 times a day). 7. losartan 25 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po daily (daily). disp:*30 tablet(s)* refills:*2* 8. dilaudid 2 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po every six (6) hours as needed for pain for 5 days. disp:*20 tablet(s)* refills:*0* 9. fluticasone-salmeterol 100-50 mcg/dose disk with device sig: one (1) disk with device inhalation (2 times a day). 10. fluticasone 50 mcg/actuation aerosol, spray sig: one (1) spray nasal daily (daily). 11. acetaminophen 325 mg tablet sig: 1-2 tablets po q4-6h (every 4 to 6 hours) as needed. 12. pantoprazole 40 mg tablet, delayed release (e.c.) sig: one (1) tablet, delayed release (e.c.) po q24h (every 24 hours). discharge disposition: home with service facility: homecare discharge diagnosis: discharge worksheet-discharge diagnosis-finalized:,, md on @ 1536 primary: myocardial infarction groin hematoma right total knee replacement asthma hypertension pvc's secondary: sleep apnea on cpap at home morgagni hernia s/p repair recurrent r ear herpes, r bell's palsy tah bladder diverticula discharge condition: tolerating pos. hemodynamically stable. chest pain free. discharge instructions: you had a myocardial infarction and were emergently taken to the cardiac catheterization lab. there you were found to have a blocked coronary artery. a drug eluting stent was placed in the artery. you will need to take plavix every day for at least 1 year (to be discussed with your cardiologist). do not miss one dose. . you also developed a pseudoaneurysm at your catheter site, this is now resolved. . activity: 50% partial weight bearing only to operative leg. unlocked brace to right leg whenever out of bed. cpm machine advance as tolerated. brace not needed for cpm use and must be kept off in bed to prevent skin breakdown. no strenuous exercise or heavy lifting. . your diuretic hctz has been held and you are on a lower dose of your cozaar and beta blocker since your blood pressure has been well controlled. your pcp /or cardiologist should increase and restart your blood pressure medications as needed. . you have prescribed the oral pain medicine dilaudid to be taken only if you experience severe pain since you developed itching to your previous pain medication oxycodone. please avoid excessive use of this strong pain medicine. . if you experience any fevers, chills, chest pain, shortness of breath or other worrisome symptoms please seek medical attention. followup instructions: your ultrasound study of the heart (echocardiogram) was limited. thus, you should have an echocardiogram with contrast (called definity) done within 1-2 weeks after discharge before you will see your cardiologist dr. . an order has been placed for this study. please make an appointment by calling the echo lab at ( on monday. please call dr. office at if there are any problems with scheduling this important study. . please follow up with: provider: , md phone: date/time: 1:40 note: dr. office will contact you for an earlier appointment (you should follow up with him within 2 weeks from now). . please follow up with your primary care physician weeks. , l. - during your stay, your blood glucose was slightly elevated, you may be developing glucose intolerance. this should be followed by your primary care physician. . please also follow up with orthopedic surgeon dr. (his office number is () on at 12.45pm, bldg, . . please also follow up with: provider: , phone: date/time: 12:45 procedure: combined right and left heart cardiac catheterization coronary arteriography using two catheters injection or infusion of platelet inhibitor combined right and left heart angiocardiography insertion of drug-eluting coronary artery stent(s) cranial or peripheral nerve graft insertion of one vascular stent excision of lingual thyroid percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty [ptca] procedure on single vessel diagnoses: coronary atherosclerosis of native coronary artery unspecified essential hypertension hematoma complicating a procedure asthma, unspecified type, unspecified other and unspecified hyperlipidemia personal history of other diseases of circulatory system unspecified sleep apnea acute myocardial infarction of other inferior wall, initial episode of care cardiac catheterization as the cause of abnormal reaction of patient, or of later complication, without mention of misadventure at time of procedure accidents occurring in residential institution knee joint replacement arterial embolism and thrombosis of lower extremity aneurysm of artery of lower extremity other premature beats Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: allergies: patient recorded as having no known allergies to drugs attending: chief complaint: vfib major surgical or invasive procedure: cardiac catherization history of present illness: this is a 85 yo m w/ h/o copd, dm presents from after polymorphic vt. the day prior to presentation the patient was golfing when he started to feel lightheaded. the patient has a chronic history of vertigo that is treated with meclizine but he states that this was different from his usual vertigo. this episode was associated with diaphoresis and pain in the neck that radiated to the jaw. he also had stomach pain. this lasted 30-60 minutes. patient presented to osh w/ presyncopal episode. k on arrival was 3.1. on traimterene/thiazide at home. he was given total of 100meq k. he was ruled out for mi. on day of transfer patient syncopized. rhythm was polymorphic vt that patient spontaneously terminated. he was loaded with amiodarone 15- and transferred to icu. hr was 70 and bp was 130/70 at that time. qtc was 502 initially but 440 on day of transfer. there was concern that he might have acs causing vt so he was stared on heparin gtt, loaded with plavix, and continued on his aspirin prior to transfer. he also got 4gm mg empirically. prior to transfer k was 2.9 so he got 80 of po k. vitals on transfer were hr 63 93% on 2l 26 bp 123/65. . of note ptient was being treated for copd exacerbation with advair, albuterol, atrovent. no pulmonary edema or consolidation was seen on cxr. . he had also been complaining of abdominal pain for 48 hours. there was some concern for mesenteric ischemia, but no workup had been done. . ros negative except as noted in hpi. of note, no abdominal pain on admission. past medical history: 1. cardiac risk factors: diabetes, dyslipidemia, hypertension 2. cardiac history: -cabg: none -percutaneous coronary interventions: none -pacing/icd: none 3. other past medical history: s/p appendectomy 30 years ago s/p retinal surgery 3 years ago social history: lives at home with wife who needs help. -tobacco history: none -etoh: none -illicit drugs: none family history: rather had died at the age of 55 from heart disease. brother had myocardial infarction in his 50s and has had multiple stents. physical exam: general: nad heent: conjunctiva were pink, no pallor or cyanosis of the oral mucosa. no xanthalesma. slightly dry mm neck: supple with no jvd. cardiac: rrr, no m/r/g lungs: ctab anteriorly abdomen: soft, ntnd. extremities: no edema pulses: right: carotid 2+ dp 2+ left: carotid 2+ dp 2+ pertinent results: ekg: prolonged pr (252), left axis deviation, q wave in avf that is old, likely lead placement error in v3 explaining poor r wave progression . cxr : cardiomegally. . head ct w/o contrast at osh no acute pathology . kub at osh no evidence of bowel obstruction or ileus. suggest the possibility of a gallstone in the right upper quadrant . osh labs: 00:05 ck 110 ck-mb 1.4 index 1.3 trop 0.04 . 13:50 ck 117 ck mb 1.5 index 1.3 trop 0.03 10:08pm pt-13.2 ptt-35.1* inr(pt)-1.1 10:08pm plt count-223 10:08pm wbc-11.5* rbc-5.03 hgb-14.7 hct-42.5 mcv-85 mch-29.3 mchc-34.6 rdw-14.9 10:08pm albumin-3.8 calcium-9.1 phosphate-3.0 magnesium-2.4 10:08pm ck-mb-2 ctropnt-<0.01 10:08pm alt(sgpt)-40 ast(sgot)-38 ld(ldh)-153 ck(cpk)-129 alk phos-101 tot bili-0.5 10:08pm glucose-173* urea n-15 creat-0.9 sodium-138 potassium-3.8 chloride-99 total co2-30 anion gap-13 10:20pm lactate-1.7 cardiac cath results 1. selective coronary angiography of this right dominant system demonstrated three vessel coronary artery disease. the lmca had no significant stenosis. the lad had a long 50% lesion in the mid vessel. the lcx had a 70% origin lesion and a 50% mid-vessel lesion. the rca had a long 99% proximal complex lesion and an 80% lesion just beyond the pda. 2. limited resting hemodynamics revealed a mildly elevated lvedp of 17 mmhg. there was no gradient upon carefull pullback from left ventricle to aorta. the central aortic pressure was elevated at 160/69 mmhg. final diagnosis: 1. three vessel coronary artery disease. 2. mild left ventricular diastolic dysfunction. discharge labs: 07:30am blood wbc-9.8 rbc-4.64 hgb-13.4* hct-40.4 mcv-87 mch-29.0 mchc-33.2 rdw-15.0 plt ct-246 07:30am blood glucose-141* urean-15 creat-0.9 na-137 k-3.8 cl-101 hco3-27 angap-13 brief hospital course: this is a 85 yo m w/ h/o dm, htn, presents from osh w/ monomorphic vt . # vt: strips were reviewed and consistent w/ monomorphic vt. he was initially maintained on amiodarone drip, which was stopped on hospital day #2. patient ruled out for mi. he was taken to cath lab, that demonstrated chronic 3 vessel cad and mild lv diastolic dysfunction (no intervention done). prior to discharge, the pt had a cardiac mri which was pending at the time of discharge. the ep and ccu teams felt the pt was safe for discharge on thursday . he will return next week when ep study with dr. with possible vt ablation can be arranged. . # copd: he was given ipratropium/albuterol nebs prn and advair,which was changed to symbicort (home med) at discharge. his home theophylline was discontinued given small risk of arrhythmia with this medication. . # gout: continued colchicine with 1 extra dose on for early gout flare in the ankles which resolved after this dose. . # bph: continued flomax. . # htn: continued losartan and started on spironolactone. also started on metoprolol. triamtere/hctz was stopped given hypokalemia, methyldopa also d/c'd. . # chronic dizziness: continued home meclizine twice daily rather than four times daily. medications on admission: transfer meds: aspirin 325 qday nitro prn tylenol prn docusate prn maalox prn theophylline 100mg po bid metformin 500mg po bid triamterene/hctz 37.5-25mg po qday losartan 50mg po qday colchicine 0.6mg po qday tamulosin 0.4mg po qhs meclizine 25mg po bid adviar 1 puff gbid glipizide xl 5mg po qday medications cited from : glipizide 5mg po daily nasonex 2 sprays daily symbicort 160/4.5 two puffs colchicine 0.6mg triamterene/hctz 37.5/25 1 tab daily methyldopa 250mg cozaar 50mg daily omeprazole 20mg daily metformin 500mg meclizine 25mg four times/day simvastatin 40mg daily astelin nasal spray 2 puffs daily discharge medications: 1. aspirin 325 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po daily (daily). 2. docusate sodium 100 mg capsule sig: one (1) capsule po twice daily as needed. disp:*60 capsule(s)* refills:*2* 3. tamsulosin 0.4 mg capsule, sust. release 24 hr sig: one (1) capsule, sust. release 24 hr po hs (at bedtime). disp:*30 capsule, sust. release 24 hr(s)* refills:*2* 4. senna 8.6 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po bid (2 times a day) as needed for constipation. disp:*30 tablet(s)* refills:*0* 5. spironolactone 25 mg tablet sig: 0.5 tablet po daily (daily). disp:*30 tablet(s)* refills:*2* 6. metoprolol tartrate 25 mg tablet sig: 0.5 tablet po bid (2 times a day). disp:*30 tablet(s)* refills:*2* 7. colchicine 0.6 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po every twelve (12) hours. 8. losartan 50 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po daily (daily). 9. meclizine 12.5 mg tablet sig: two (2) tablet po bid (2 times a day). 10. metformin 500 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po twice a day. 11. glipizide 5 mg tablet extended rel 24 hr sig: one (1) tablet extended rel 24 hr po once a day. 12. nasonex 50 mcg/actuation spray, non-aerosol sig: two (2) sprays nasal once a day. 13. symbicort 160-4.5 mcg/actuation hfa aerosol inhaler sig: two (2) puffs inhalation twice a day. 14. omeprazole 20 mg tablet, delayed release (e.c.) sig: one (1) tablet, delayed release (e.c.) po once a day. 15. simvastatin 40 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po once a day. 16. astelin 137 mcg aerosol, spray sig: two (2) sprays nasal once a day. discharge disposition: home with service facility: discharge diagnosis: primary diagnosis: ventricular tachycardia . secondary diagnosis cad diabetes hyperlipidemia dyslipidemia discharge condition: mental status: clear and coherent. level of consciousness: alert and interactive. activity status: ambulatory - independent. discharge instructions: you were admitted to the hospital with an irregular heart rate. you had a cardiac catheterization but no stents were placed although your heart had some signs of chronic heart disease. you received an mri of the heart, and will still require a catheterization of the heart next week. dr. team will contact you with the time and date for this study. if you do not hear from them by tuesday , please call his office at . . we have made the following changes to your medications: we stopped your theophylline we started a medication called spironolactone which is a diuretic which is also good for your heart we stopped your diuretic triamterene/hctz we stopped your methyldopa for your blood pressure we started metoprolol for your blood pressure we started docusate and senna as needed for constipation we started tamsulosin for your prostate we decreased your meclizine to twice daily followup instructions: name: , location: healthcare - address: , , phone: date/time: tuesday 3:00pm . name: dr. (cardiologist) address: 15 brother's way, , phone: date/time: thursday at 4:50 md, procedure: coronary arteriography using two catheters left heart cardiac catheterization diagnoses: coronary atherosclerosis of native coronary artery diabetes mellitus without mention of complication, type ii or unspecified type, not stated as uncontrolled chronic airway obstruction, not elsewhere classified gout, unspecified hypertrophy (benign) of prostate without urinary obstruction and other lower urinary tract symptom (luts) hypopotassemia paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia ventricular fibrillation Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: allergies: nsaids attending: chief complaint: weakness, vomiting major surgical or invasive procedure: none history of present illness: 73 m hx of mds, pancreatic adenocarcinoma s/p surgery in and xrt last in , and previous gi bleed ulcers presents to the ed with weakness and vomiting. since his discharge for ulcers, he has been feeling well. his energy level has improved. he denies any abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. states that he has been eating well. denies any recent weight loss and actually says he has gained about a few pounds since his recent admission. he does however report 2 wk hx of fatigue. day before admission, in afternoon vomited, accompanied by transient nausea. nonbilous, nonbloody. awoke from sleep b/c nausea, vomited, nonbilous, nonbloody,non mucous. denied coffee grounds or frank blood. denies any dizziness, abdominal pain, cp, sob, fever, headache, cough, or cold symptoms. he also denies any recent changes in his bowel habits. no brbpr, hematochezia, or malanotic stools. . of note, patient had an admission from of this year for gi bleeding with a very similar presentation. at that time, egd showed bleeding gastric, pyloric and duodenal ulcers. an endo clip was put around duodenal ulcer, others were injected with epi and cauterized with good hemostasis. admission hct=16, transfused 6u. . in the pt was guiac + but had a ng lavage which was negative for any frank blood or coffee grounds. he was given 1 l ns followed by 1 unit prbc and 40 mg iv protonix. he was also treated with 2 grams cefapime for a wbc which was felt to be elevated above his usual abnormally high baseline. pt was transfered to micu for decrease in hct despite transfusion, hct=17. egd was done, showed changed c/w gastritis. transfused x 6u, hct=29.1 stable. transferred to floor. . yesterday, the patient has had 1 melonotic bm, hct=27.1 at that time. 1u blood was transfused and we are currently awaiting his post-transfusion hct. if post transfusion hct <28, he will be sent for another egd to assess for active bleeding. . past medical history: # onc history: pt has had mds x 15 years/ ring sideroblastic anemia diagnosed in the early by bone marrow biopsy: - managed by dr. , his pcp. , almost 1 yr pta he visited dr. for further management. in he began getting procrit 60,000 qo-week with good response. vit b-6. in he developed dm and treated with oral antihyperglycemics. ct scan in early that demonstrated a mass in the pancreas - f/u mri redemonstrated this. on , he was taken to the or for a partial pancreatectomy and splenectomy; path revealed pancreatic adenocarcinoma grade i with 2 out of 27 lymph nodes positive and positive margins. the surgery was uncomplicated and the pt did well therafter. given high risk dz with pos nodes and margine, he has been treated with a 6 week course of xeloda (antimetabolite) and externak beam xrt. last dose of xeloda was . last xrt is . repeat ct neg. 4 cycles of genmcitbine started in to consolidate adjuvant tx, however, because of the underlying mds and subsequent gi bleed he was unable to tolerate gemcitabine adjuvant chemotherapy and it was put on hold. #. dm dx'd #. benign prostatic hypertrophy. #. gout: the patient had one flare in to the right ankle, which was his only episode and he was then on allopurinol for quite some time. #. scarlet fever as a child. #. diverticulosis social history: the patient was married, had three children and quit tobacco in . prior to that, he had a 30 pack year history. he used alcohol rarely. he worked as a tax attorney in . he lived in . family history: his sister died of congestive heart failure. physical exam: vitals: tm97.7 tc97.7 bp152/68 hr72 rr22 02sat 95% gen: lying flat in bed in nad heent: perrla, eomi, neck supple, op clear, mmm cv: rrr, nl s1s2, holosystolic murmur best heard @ upper sternal border lung: ctab abd: soft, nt, nd, +bs, no hepatomegaly ext: no cyanosis, or edema. neuro: normal strength and sensation throughout pertinent results: 11:46pm hct-24.6* 09:50am alt(sgpt)-157* ast(sgot)-128* 09:50am wbc-53.4* rbc-2.39*# hgb-7.6*# hct-21.8* mcv-91 mch-31.9 mchc-34.9 rdw-23.0* 09:50am plt count-494* 09:50am pt-13.7* ptt-26.8 inr(pt)-1.2* 06:00am urine hours-random 06:00am urine gr hold-hold 06:00am urine color-straw appear-clear sp -1.013 06:00am urine blood-sm nitrite-neg protein-neg glucose-neg ketone-neg bilirubin-neg urobilngn-neg ph-5.0 leuk-neg 06:00am urine rbc-0-2 wbc-0 bacteria-none yeast-none epi-0 05:43am comments-green top 05:43am lactate-1.9 02:09am hgb-5.9* calchct-18 01:50am glucose-146* urea n-61* creat-1.2 sodium-137 potassium-5.0 chloride-102 total co2-22 anion gap-18 01:50am alt(sgpt)-183* ast(sgot)-153* alk phos-458* amylase-27 tot bili-1.0 01:50am lipase-23 01:50am calcium-9.8 phosphate-3.3 magnesium-2.2 01:50am wbc-68.0*# rbc-1.86*# hgb-5.9*# hct-17.7*# mcv-95 mch-31.7 mchc-33.4 rdw-28.2* 01:50am neuts-49* bands-15* lymphs-5* monos-5 eos-2 basos-0 atyps-0 metas-15* myelos-6* promyelo-2* nuc rbcs-76* other-1* 01:50am hypochrom-3+ anisocyt-2+ poikilocy-2+ macrocyt-2+ microcyt-1+ polychrom-1+ ovalocyt-1+ target-occasional schistocy-occasional stippled-occasional how-jol-occasional envelop-occasional 01:50am pt-13.8* ptt-27.5 inr(pt)-1.2* 01:50am plt count-571* lplt-1+ pltclm-1+ . studies: ekg- sinus rhythm left axis deviation intraventricular conduction defect since previous tracing, no significant change . cxr- lungs are clear. heart size is normal. no pleural effusion or pneumoperitoneum. . egd-: c/w gastritis, single chronic cratered non-bleeding 20mm ulcer in duodenal bulb. brief hospital course: 73 man history of mds, pancreatic adenocarcinoma s/p surgery and xrt, previous gi bleed presents to the ed with nausea and vomiting. found to have guiac + stool and acutely decreased hct. . #gi bleeding: patient has history of gi bleeding secondary to gastric ulcers (). patient presented to ed guaic postive stool with hct=17. gastric lavage was done in ed, which did not reveal frank blood or blood clots. hct did not increase despite transfusion and patient was admitted to the micu for gi bleed. egd was done which revealed gastric changes consistent with gastritis and a well-healed, nonbleeding duodenal ulcer was seen. at that time patient was transfused a total of 6u prbc with increase and stabilization of hct to 29.1. patient was subsequently transferred to medical floor. ppi drip was discontinued and he was placed on ppi 80mg ivi and sucralfate. while in hospital patient had a total of episodes of melena, no vomiting, however vital signs were stable. it was questionable if melena was from active bleed or old blood. hct continued to decrease to as low as 26 with continued requirements for blood transfusion, however patient's vital signs remained relatively stable. hct remained between 26-28 and as per gi, patient was scheduled for outpatient repeat egd. h. pylori was negative. . . #leukocytosis: patient's baseline widely variable but appears to be 20-30's. upon admission, wbc was 68 with highest wbc being 80. patient also had a left shift of 15% bands, but usually has some bandemia his underlying mds. still, given the acute rise, may want to screen for possible infection. patient was afebrile during entire hospital course and denied any symptoms of infection. in the ed he received 2 grams empiric cefapime. heme-onc was consulted, who came to see patient and indicated this transient increase in wbc above baseline was likely secondary to stress reaction. peripheral blood smear was evaluated and was negative for blasts, making blastic transformation of mds less likely. urineanalysis was negative, chest x-ray was within normal limits. patient has follow up appointment with heme-onc as outpatient. . #dm: patient's finger sticks ranged between 150-220's while in hospital. his home oral medications were held and patient was maintained on regular insulin sliding scale. he ws discharged back on home regimine. . #pancreatic cancer: s/p surgery and xrt for grade i, t3 n1b adenocarcinoma recently on clinical trial, followed by dr. , who was contact via email in regard to patient's admission. . #mds: pt has had mds x at least 15 years vitamin b6, folic acid was continued while inpatient and iron was stopped secondary to blood transfusions. as per heme/onc from peripheral blood smear, patient did not appear to have transformation to blastic crisis and remained stable throughout hospital course. . #gout: remained stable. allopurinol was continued. . medications on admission: 1. procrit 60,000u qo week 2. glipizide 10mg 3. protonix 40mg 4. metformin 500mg discharge medications: 1. sucralfate 1 g tablet sig: one (1) tablet po qid (4 times a day): please make into a slurry (crush pill and mix with water). disp:*120 tablet(s)* refills:*0* 2. allopurinol 300 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po daily (daily). 3. pantoprazole 40 mg tablet, delayed release (e.c.) sig: two (2) tablet, delayed release (e.c.) po twice a day: please take two tablets two times a day. disp:*120 tablet, delayed release (e.c.)(s)* refills:*0* 4. glipizide 10 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po twice a day. 5. metformin 500 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po twice a day. 6. nulytely 420 g recon soln sig: one (1) po once a day for 1 days. disp:*1 * refills:*0* discharge disposition: home discharge diagnosis: primary: gastritis and nonbleeding duondenal ulcer . secondary : 1. pancreatic adenocarcinoma 2. blood loss anemia 3. myelodysplastic syndrome 4. diabetes, type ii 5. gout discharge condition: stable discharge instructions: complete the colonoscopy prep and attend your scheduled gi appointments on monday. . please return to your pcp or emergency department if you experience increase in vomiting, increase in bloody or dark colored stools, lightheadedness, chest pain or shortness of breath. followup instructions: 1. you are scheduled for endoscopy with gastroenterologist, , md (phone:) on monday 10:00am. please arrive at 9:00am. suite gi rooms . 2.provider: , md phone: on monday, 3:30 with dermatology . 3.please go to appointment with heme/onc. dr., on wednesday, . please call ( to find out what time. md procedure: other endoscopy of small intestine transfusion of packed cells diagnoses: acute posthemorrhagic anemia diabetes mellitus without mention of complication, type ii or unspecified type, not stated as uncontrolled gout, unspecified hypertrophy (benign) of prostate without urinary obstruction and other lower urinary tract symptom (luts) unspecified gastritis and gastroduodenitis, with hemorrhage personal history of malignant neoplasm of other gastrointestinal tract other specified disease of white blood cells duodenal ulcer, unspecified as acute or chronic, without hemorrhage or perforation, without mention of obstruction Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: allergies: sulfa (sulfonamides) attending: chief complaint: fall major surgical or invasive procedure: s/p posterior cervical fusion c2-3 history of present illness: hpi: pt is a 44 yo male w/ pmhx sig for asthma, anxiety, and htn who presents as transfer from osh after fall. the patient had three 8 oz cocktails this afternoon. he was moving a grill when he fell down 20 stairs and lost consciousness. the next thing he remember is wakiing up at the hospital. pt denies headache, visual changes, nausea, vomiting, fevers, chills, night sweats, bowel/bladder incontinence. past medical history: past medical history: agoraphobia all: sulfa - exacerbated asthma social history: social history: on disability for agoraphobia. family history: family history: noncontributory physical exam: vitals: t ; bp 103/65; p 90; rr 17; o2 sat 96% general: lying in bed in cervical collar heent: ncat, moist mucous membranes pulmonary: cta b/l cardiac: regular rate and rhythm, with no m/r/g carotids: no blood flow murmur abdomen: soft, nontender, non distended, normal bowel sounds extremities: no c/c/e. neurological exam: mental status: a & o x3, able to say moyb. fluent speech with no paraphasic or phonemic errors. adequate comprehension. follows simple and multi-step commands. cranial nerves: i: not tested ii: perrl, 4-->2mm with light. vff. iii, iv, vi: eomi. no nystagmus. v, vii: facial sensation intact, facial strength viii: hearing intact b/l to finger rubbing. ix, x: palatal elevation symmetrical. : scm xii: tongue midline without fasciculations. motor: normal bulk. normal tone. no pronator drift. pain with l hand movements otherwise full strength througout. sensation: patchy pinprick loss in lue, otherwise intact to light touch, vibration, and position sense. reflexes: bic t br pa ac right 2 2 2 2 2 left 2 2 2 2 2 toes downgoing bilaterally. coordination: fnf intact. pertinent results: labs: 141 106 15 - - - - - - gluc 91 3.9 20 1.1 : 63 serum etoh 236 urine opiates pos urine benzos, barbs, cocaine, amphet, mthdne negative wbc 6.6 plt 104 radiology: ct spine - avulsion fracture of rt c2-c3 facet joint w/ loose body in joint. fracture of anterior aspect of c2 w/ body of c2 displaced posteriorly ~ 4.5 mm. non-displaced r posterior c4 fracture. c7 spinous fracture involving posterior ring of c7 w/ small intracanal loose body. non displaced t4 vertebral fracture. brief hospital course: pt was admitted to icu where close neurochecks were performed. the patient was placed on spinal and alcohol withdrawl precautions. no other injuries were noted. on his first hospital day he was noted to have slight weakness of his right arm and clonus in his right lower leg. an mri was ordered to rule out spinal cord injury. mr needed to be intubated prior to the mri. the mri showed: fracture at c2 level without marrow edema but given the prevertebral soft tissue changes, this may represent an acute fracture. increased signal within the spinal cord at c2 and c3 level has an unusual appearance of post-traumatic contusion. this could represent focal cord infarct or a preexisting lesion. moderate-to-severe spinal stenosis at c5-6 which appears to be secondary to disc osteophyte complex with indentation on the spinal cord and increased signal within the spinal cord indicative of cord edema/myelomalacia. fractures of the spinous process of c6 and c7 with extensive soft tissue edema extending from this region superiorly. fracture of t5 vertebral body without significant retropulsion. abnormal increased signal within the ligamentum flavum at this level with slight buckling indicative of ligamentous injury. no evidence of intraspinal hematoma. subtle increased signal within the spinal cord at t5 level suggestive of cord edema/contusion. the patient was extubated on , he was found to have strenght in right upper extremitie. he was treated with alcohol withdrawl prophylaxis such as folate, thiamine and b12. he was transferred to the floor on and fitted with a tlso brace. on he underwent a posterior c2-3 fusion under general anesthesia. he tolerated this procedure well and was transferred to pacu and then floor. on the patient had increasing urinary frequency and required a straight cath x 1. overnight his uop was normal. he has a post-void residual of 22cc on the morning of and has no other urinary symptoms. activity and diet were advanced. incision was clean and dry. pt and ot evaluated pt and recommended discharge to rehab facility. medications on admission: medications: does not know names of medications discharge medications: 1. docusate sodium 100 mg capsule sig: one (1) capsule po bid (2 times a day). 2. folic acid 1 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po qpm (once a day (in the evening)). 3. sertraline 100 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po daily (daily). 4. levothyroxine 100 mcg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po daily (daily). 5. atorvastatin 10 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po qpm (once a day (in the evening)). 6. aripiprazole 10 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po bid (2 times a day). 7. allopurinol 300 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po daily (daily). 8. methylphenidate 20 mg tablet sustained release sig: two (2) tablet sustained release po qam (once a day (in the morning)). 9. clonidine 0.1 mg/24 hr patch weekly sig: one (1) patch weekly transdermal qthur (every thursday). 10. nicotine 21 mg/24 hr patch 24 hr sig: one (1) patch 24 hr transdermal daily (daily). 11. thiamine hcl 100 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po daily (daily). 12. hexavitamin tablet sig: one (1) cap po daily (daily). 13. famotidine 20 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po bid (2 times a day). 14. albuterol 90 mcg/actuation aerosol sig: 1-2 puffs inhalation q6h (every 6 hours) as needed. 15. metoprolol tartrate 25 mg tablet sig: 1.5 tablets po bid (2 times a day). 16. bisacodyl 5 mg tablet, delayed release (e.c.) sig: two (2) tablet, delayed release (e.c.) po daily (daily). 17. senna 8.6 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po bid (2 times a day). 18. oxycodone-acetaminophen 5-325 mg tablet sig: 1-2 tablets po q4-6h (every 4 to 6 hours) as needed. 19. heparin (porcine) 5,000 unit/ml solution sig: one (1) injection tid (3 times a day). 20. insulin regular human 100 unit/ml solution sig: one (1) injection asdir (as directed). discharge disposition: extended care facility: - discharge diagnosis: avulsion fx c2-c3, non-displaced c4 fracture, c7 spinous process fracture discharge condition: neurologically stable discharge instructions: ?????? do not smoke ?????? begin daily showers on / no tub baths or pools until seen in follow up. ?????? no pulling up, lifting> 10 lbs., excessive bending or twisting ?????? limit your use of stairs to 2-3 times per day ?????? have a family member check your incision daily for signs of infection ?????? you are required to wear back brace if sitting up and whenever out of bed. ?????? you may shower briefly without back brace unless instructed otherwise ?????? take pain medication as instructed; you may find it best if taken in the a.m. when you wake for morning stiffness and before bed for sleeping discomfort ?????? do not take any anti-inflammatory medications such as motrin, advil, aspirin, ibuprofen etc. unless directed by your doctor ?????? increase your intake of fluids and fiber as pain medicine (narcotics) can cause constipation ?????? clearance to drive and return to work will be addressed at your post-operative office visit call your surgeon immediately if you experience any of the following: ?????? pain that is continually increasing or not relieved by pain medicine ?????? any weakness, numbness, tingling in your extremities ?????? any signs of infection at the wound site: redness, swelling, tenderness, drainage ?????? fever greater than or equal to 101?????? f ?????? any change in your bowel or bladder habits followup instructions: please return to the clinic on for staple removal. follow up with dr. in 6 weeks with xrays, call for appt. procedure: other exploration and decompression of spinal canal repair of vertebral fracture other cervical fusion of the posterior column, posterior technique fusion or refusion of 2-3 vertebrae diagnoses: unspecified essential hypertension asthma, unspecified type, unspecified alcohol abuse, unspecified closed fracture of second cervical vertebra accidental fall on or from other stairs or steps closed fracture of dorsal [thoracic] vertebra without mention of spinal cord injury closed fracture of seventh cervical vertebra closed fracture of fourth cervical vertebra alcohol withdrawal Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: allergies: patient recorded as having no known allergies to drugs attending: chief complaint: mental status changes major surgical or invasive procedure: none history of present illness: this is a 36 year old man with history of type 1 dm, esrd on hd with numerous previous admissions secondary to autonomic dysfunction and malignant hypertension who was admitted for "twitching" and likely seizure in the setting of hypertensive urgency and hyperglycemia. he was first reported to not be feeling well at dialysis. he was confused with blurry vision, later found to have deviated gaze to the right and unable to move r side of body. . he was brought to the ed and found to have sbp 250s. he was thought to have seizure activity of rue. he did not lose consciousness. in the ed, given ativan 4 mg iv with termination of sz activity. head ct negative for acute bleed. he was started on nipride/esmolol gtt with decreased sbp to 130s. given r sided weakness, had neuro eval to r/o cva. had eeg, mri/mra . for hyperglycemia he was started on insulin gtt. his antihypertensive regimen with clonidine, hydralazine, amlodipine, metoprolol was tailored as his drip was tapered. past medical history: 1. dmi for over 10 years 2. severe autonomic dysfunction with recurrent hospitalizations for hypertensive emergencies, gastroparesis, and orthostatic hypotension 3. esrd on hd started 4. history of esophageal erosion, mw tear 5. cad wtih 50% first diagonal stenosis, nl stress in -cad 6. recent admit in late for aspiration vs community-acquired pneumonia 7. recent port-a-cath related coag neg staph infection, s/p prolonged course iv vancomycin and replacement of port-a-cath in social history: he lives with his girlfriend of 14 years and three of their children. he previously worked in real estate and has been disabled approximately two years. he denies cigarette, alcohol, drug or herbal medication use. family history: his father recently died of esrd and diabetes. his mother is in her 50s and has hypertension. he has two sisters, one with diabetes; six brothers, one with diabetes and five children, ranging in age from 11 to 15. physical exam: on transfer to floor: t98.0 bp 150/102 hr 81 r20 99% ra gen: nad heent: mmm op clear, poor dentition with caries on upper incisors heart: rrr ii/vi sem at llsb lungs: cta bilaterally abd: soft, ntnd +bs ext: r great toe with ulcer neuro: a+ox3 pertinent results: admission labs: 1:50p 89 12.0 \ 12.8 / 147 / 42.0 \ n:72.9 l:12.4 m:2.2 e:12.3 bas:0.2 129 91 52 agap=18 -------------< 698 4.4 24 8.1 comments: notified 1455 ck: 147 mb: 8 ca: 7.5 mg: 1.4 p: 7.8 d alt: 6 ap: 111 tbili: alb: ast: 10 serum asa, etoh, acetmnphn, benzo, barb, tricyc negative comments: 80 (these units) = 0.08 (% by weight) pt: 13.9 ptt: 30.0 inr: 1.2 trop-*t*: 0.44 comments: notified @ 1449 on ctropnt > 0.10 ng/ml suggests acute mi chest (portable ap) 5:32 pm reason: eval for infiltrate medical condition: 36 year old man with mental status changes reason for this examination: eval for infiltrate indication: 36-year-old man with mental status changes. comparison: . single supine portable ap view of the chest: there are low lung volumes. a right-sided central venous line is seen terminating in the svc. allowing for technique, cardiac, mediastinal, and hilar contours have not significantly changed. however, there has been interval appearance of multifocal patchy opacities in both lung fields. bilateral lower lobe atelectasis is seen. note is made of stool at the splenic flexure. surrounding soft tissues and osseous structures are otherwise unchanged. impression: bilateral lower lobe atelectasis, with interval development of bilateral patchy opacities, which may represent multifocal pneumonia. low lung volumes. repeat films requested. .... mra brain w/o contrast 10:35 pm mr head w/o contrast; mra brain w/o contrast reason: mri/mra head for stroke medical condition: 36 year old man with mental status changes, seizure. reason for this examination: mri/mra head for stroke indication: 36-year-old male with mental status change, seizure. ? stroke. technique: multiplanar t1 and t2 weighted images of the brain according to standard departmental protocol. no prior studies for comparison. findings: there is no area of restricted diffusion. no white matter lesions are identified. no susceptibility artifacts are present. there is a tiny region of scalp swelling to the right of the midline which raises the question of recent injury. if patient has a temporal lobe based seizure, recommend temporal lobe imaging utilizing high resolution sections. impression: no acute infarct. no white matter lesions. if patient has temporal lobe based seizures, recommend temporal lobe imaging utilizing high resolution cuts. brain mr angiogram. technique: 3d time of flight imaging of anterior and posterior cerebral circulations were obtained. there are no prior studies for comparison. findings: there is no hemodynamically significant stenosis or aneurysmal dilatation of the visualized vasculature. impression: head mr angiogram. cardiology report ecg study date of 4:50:36 pm sinus rhythm anterior st segment elevation - possible early repolarization or injury nonspecific flat t waves in avl since previous tracing, qrs - st changes in lead v3 - ? lead placement brief hospital course: 1) seizure - the patient was felt to have had a seizure at presentation. possible etiologies included hyperglycemia, hypertensive encephalopathy, electrolyte abnormalities in the setting of dialysis. head ct was negative. mr , and eeg showed sleet with no epileptiform activity. neurology was consulted who said that this was most likely seizure activity in the setting of metabolic abnormalities so there was no need for anticonvulsants. - monitor for repeat seizures 2) htn urgency - he has had multiple workups in the past for causes of secondary hypertension. the current theory is that this is from autonomic hyperreactivity from diabetes, and has been evaluated by dr. in the past. the hypertension was moderately controlled on clonidine, but the patient reported not being able to get all the clonidine that was prescribed from his pharmacy. the pharmacy was contact and had problem dispensing the required medication. he was changed from amlodipine to nifedipine xl due to restrictions. lisinopril was also continued. hydralazine was used for systolic hypertension above 180, but generally his pressures ranged from 140-180 systolic after transfer to the medicine floor. 3) diabetes - the patient had an episode of diarrhea. c dif was sent and is pending. 4) diabetes mellitus - he was continued on nph and sliding scale. 5) right hallux ulcer - podiatry was consulted for recommendations. 6) esrd- he was dialyzed on his schedule of every t/th/sat. renal team followed and made recommendations while he was in the hospital with regard to blood pressure management. he hopes to have a living donor kidney transplant from his girlfriend soon. medications on admission: sevelamer hcl 800 mg tid fentanyl 50 mcg/hr patch 72hr metoprolol succinate 50 mg qd aspirin 81 mg tablet qd atorvastatin calcium 40 mg poqd paroxetine hcl 20 mg tablet poqd amlodipine besylate 5 mg po qhs protonix 40 mg tablet poqd furosemide 120 mg poqd coumadin 2 mg poqd clonidine hcl 1 mg tid reglan 10 mg tablet po 4x daily dilaudid prn ativan 1 mg po every 4-6 hours as needed for pain. discharge medications: 1. b complex-vitamin c-folic acid 1 mg capsule sig: one (1) cap po daily (daily). 2. calcium acetate 667 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po tid w/meals (3 times a day with meals). 3. aspirin 325 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po daily (daily). 4. atorvastatin calcium 10 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po daily (daily). 5. pantoprazole sodium 40 mg tablet, delayed release (e.c.) sig: one (1) tablet, delayed release (e.c.) po q24h (every 24 hours). 6. insulin nph human recomb subcutaneous 7. sevelamer hcl 800 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po tid (3 times a day). 8. nifedipine 60 mg tablet sustained release sig: one (1) tablet sustained release po daily (daily). disp:*30 tablet sustained release(s)* refills:*2* 9. metoprolol tartrate 25 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po bid (2 times a day). disp:*60 tablet(s)* refills:*2* 10. clonidine hcl 0.3 mg/24 hr patch weekly sig: one (1) patch weekly transdermal qtues (every tuesday). disp:*4 patch weekly(s)* refills:*2* 11. clonidine hcl 0.2 mg tablet sig: two (2) tablet po tid (3 times a day). disp:*180 tablet(s)* refills:*2* 12. humalog 100 unit/ml solution sig: as directed subcutaneous three times a day: according to scale. discharge disposition: home discharge diagnosis: hypertensive emergency seizure diabetic ketoacidosis esrd on hd discharge condition: good. blood pressure controlled. tolerating po's. discharge instructions: it is very important that you take all of your medications as prescribed. if you are unable to obtain your medications from your pharmacy, or are unable to take them for any reason, please come to the emergency room or call your pcp . please check your fingerstick blood sugars regularly. please notify your pcp if your blood sugars are greater than 150-200 regularly. instructions: provider: , md where: lm center phone: date/time: 10:30 see your pcp . in the next week. call for an appointment. provider: md where: lm disease phone: date/time: 9:00 procedure: hemodialysis debridement of nail, nail bed, or nail fold diagnoses: hypertensive chronic kidney disease, malignant, with chronic kidney disease stage v or end stage renal disease coronary atherosclerosis of native coronary artery hyposmolality and/or hyponatremia other convulsions ulcer of other part of foot diabetes with neurological manifestations, type i [juvenile type], not stated as uncontrolled gastroparesis peripheral autonomic neuropathy in disorders classified elsewhere Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: history of present illness: the patient is a 78-year-old female with a history of tobacco use, one pack per day times 60 years, and hypothyroidism. the patient awoke on the morning of admission with severe substernal chest pain, shortness of breath, and diaphoresis. the patient stated that she had never experienced these symptoms before. she went to the emergency department at hospital where she was found to have electrocardiogram abnormalities with st segment elevation in v1-v5 and q-wave in v1 and v2. compared to her prior electrocardiogram, these changes were new. in the emergency department, the patient was given aspirin, started on a nitroglycerin drip, and was administered lovenox. tb3a inhibitor and thrombolytics were held due to concern for possible left-sided facial droop. the patient did have a head ct which was negative for bleed at the outside hospital. the patient was transferred to for further management. the patient was taken directly for cardiac catheterization. coronary angiography of her right dominant system revealed three-vessel disease. the lmca was free of flow-limiting lesions. the left anterior descending was totally occluded proximally. the left circumflex had a proximal 70% stenosis and mild luminal irregularities throughout. the dominant right coronary artery had mild luminal irregularities throughout with a 50-60% stenosis in its mid segment. the occluded proximal left anterior descending was successfully treated by angiojet and stenting using two overlapping stents extending from the proximal to mid left anterior descending. final angiography revealed no residual stenosis within the stents. there was no angiographic evidence of dissection in fast timi-2 flow. there was a severe, diffuse disease in the distal left anterior descending which was left untreated. during the procedure, the patient was given dopamine and neo-synephrine, and an intra-aortic balloon pump was placed. past medical history: hypothyroidism. left hip fracture. right humerus fracture sustained approximately two weeks ago. allergies: no known drug allergies. medications: oxycodone p.r.n., levothyroxine, aspirin. social history: the patient smokes one pack per day times 60 years. she denied use of alcohol and drugs. physical examination: general: the patient was an elderly female lying in bed in no apparent distress. vital signs: temperature 96.4??????, pulse 118, blood pressure 133/81, respirations 16, oxygen saturation 95% on nonrebreather. heent: normocephalic, atraumatic. pupils equal, round and reactive to light. slight left eye droop. moist mucous membranes. oropharynx clear. neck: supple. difficult to assess jugular venous distention. heart: regular, rate and rhythm. heart sounds muffled by intra-aortic balloon pump. lungs: clear to auscultation anteriorly. abdomen: soft, nontender, nondistended. positive bowel sounds. extremities: no clubbing, cyanosis, or edema. left femoral groin line present. right arm immobilized in sling. neurological: the patient was alert and oriented times three. there was a left eye droop. exam otherwise nonfocal. laboratory data: white count 9.1, hematocrit 31.8, platelet count 320; initial ck 66, mb 3; chemistry showed a bun and creatinine of 11 and 1. electrocardiogram normal sinus rhythm, 80 beats per minute, normal intervals, slight left axis deviation, st segment elevation in v2-v5, st segment depression in ii, iii and avf. head ct at the outside hospital was negative for bleed. impression: this was a 78-year-old female with history of tobacco use and hypothyroidism who was found to have acute anterior wall myocardial infarction status post catheterization with stents to left anterior descending. hospital course: the patient was admitted to the ccu for further management. 1. cardiology/ischemia: the patient was administered plavix, beta-blocker, aspirin, statin, and an ace inhibitor was introduced as her blood pressure tolerated. as noted above, cardiac catheterization disclosed three-vessel coronary artery disease. there was also severe systolic and diastolic ventricular dysfunction. her acute anterior myocardial infarction was managed by acute ptca. she underwent successful angiojet and stenting of the occluded proximal left anterior descending, as well as successful placement of an intra-aortic balloon pump. due to the finding of three-vessel disease, ct surgery was consulted. the patient will be seen by ct surgery on , 2:30, . at that point, dr. will determine when the patient should go to or. coumadin and plavix should be discontinued one week prior to surgery. lipid panel: was obtained during the hospitalization. the patient's ldl was mildly elevated at 107. she will continue on pravastatin 20 mg p.o. q.d. pump: as noted above, the patient was initially on neo-synephrine and dopamine, as well as intra-aortic balloon pump when she came out of the catheterization lab. these pressors were eventually weaned off, and the intra-aortic balloon pump was also discontinued. the patient underwent echocardiogram on . the results of the echocardiogram disclosed a left atrium normal in size. there was moderate regional left ventricular systolic dysfunction with severe hypokinesis of the distal half of the anterior septum, apex and distal anterior wall, right ventricular chamber size and free wall motion are normal, no aortic regurgitation seen. the mitral valve leaflets were mildly thickened. there was mild 1+ mitral regurgitation. there was mild pulmonary artery systolic hypertension. there was trivial physiologic pericardial effusion. anticoagulation: the patient was started on coumadin. the patient was maintained on heparin during her hospital stay. she was started on coumadin on , due to echocardiogram findings of severe hypokinesis of the anterior wall. the patient's goal inr is 1.8-2.5. rhythm: the patient remained in normal sinus rhythm during her hospital stay. she was monitored closely on telemetry. 2. hematologic: the patient was noted to be anemic on admission with a hematocrit of 31.8. she was given 2 u packed red blood cells on . iron studies, b12 and folate were within normal limits; however ferratin was on the low end of normal at 26. due to concern for iron deficiency, the patient should undergo colonoscopy as an outpatient. 3. musculoskeletal: the patient noted that she had a humerus fracture two weeks prior to her presentation. shoulder film at disclosed a fracture involving the surgical neck and greater tubercle of the humerus. there was mild impaction and anterior displacement of the distal fragment. the patient was seen by the orthopedic service who recommended that the patient be maintained in a sling. she may do passive range of motion and assisted active range of motion exercises. they recommended pain control as needed and that she should follow-up with orthopedics in weeks. 4. psychiatry: the patient has a significant smoking history. the patient underwent counseling for smoking cessation and was maintained on a nicotine patch during her hospital stay. 5. endocrine: the patient has a history of hypothyroidism. the patient was maintained on levothyroxine during her hospital stay. 6. infectious disease: on , the patient spiked a temperature and was noted to have an area of cellulitis/phlebitis on her left upper extremity. blood cultures were drawn, and 1 out of 2 bottles initially grew mrsa. the patient is to be treated with vancomycin for a 14-day course via picc line. the patient did have additional sets of blood cultures drawn. these should be followed for organisms. echocardiogram should be considered. since the patient looks clinically well, it is likely that this initial organism was a contaminant. the patient has remained afebrile since . 7. fen: the patient was maintained on a cardiac heart-healthy diet during her hospital stay. she was noted to have hyponatremia with a sodium of 128 on . urine electrolytes were sent off, and sodium was noted to be less than 10. hyponatremia was likely due to the patient's heart failure. her sodium should be monitored while she is at rehabilitation. the patient's fluid intake should be restricted to 1.5 l a day. 8. renal: the patient's renal function has remained stable during her hospital stay. condition on discharge: good. discharge status: the patient will be discharged to a rehabilitation facility. discharge instructions: 1. the patient will follow-up with dr. from ct surgery on , 2:30 p.m. dr. office is located at . 2. the patient should follow-up with an orthopedist in weeks. the patient's outpatient orthopedist is dr. . the patient's arm should be maintained in a sling at the present time. 3. the patient should follow-up with her primary care physician . at the ................. clinic in , . the patient should see her primary care physician in two weeks. 4. due to the patient's anemia, she should undergo colonoscopy as an outpatient. 5. the patient's blood cultures drawn at should be followed; the set from has been negative for 48 hours. 6. the patient's sodium should be followed closely while she is at rehabilitation. her fluids should be restricted to 1.5 l/day. 7. the patient's inr should be followed closely with goal inr of 1.8-2.5. discharge diagnosis: 1. three-vessel coronary artery disease. 2. severe systolic and diastolic ventricular dysfunction. 3. acute anterior myocardial infarction, managed by acute percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty. 4. successful angiojet and stenting of occluded proximal left anterior descending. 5. successful placement of intra-aortic balloon pump. discharge medications: coumadin 5 mg p.o. h.s., lopressor 25 mg p.o. b.i.d., sublingual nitroglycerin 0.5 mg p.r.n. chest pain, bisacodyl 10 mg p.o./p.r. q.d. p.r.n., lisinopril 7.5 mg p.o. q.d., colace 100 mg p.o. b.i.d., percocet tab p.o. q.4-6 hours p.r.n., senna 1 tab p.o. h.s. p.r.n., levothyroxine sodium 25 mcg p.o. q.d., prevacid 20 mg p.o. q.d., plavix 75 mg p.o. q.d. x 9 months, enteric coated aspirin 325 mg p.o. q.d., vancomycin 1 g iv q.24 x 10 days to be administered through picc line, lovenox 60 mg b.i.d. to be administered until the patient's inr reaches goal range between 1.8 and 2.5. , m.d. dictated by: medquist36 procedure: venous catheterization, not elsewhere classified insertion of non-drug-eluting coronary artery stent(s) combined right and left heart cardiac catheterization coronary arteriography using two catheters implant of pulsation balloon diagnoses: coronary atherosclerosis of native coronary artery tobacco use disorder congestive heart failure, unspecified acute myocardial infarction of other anterior wall, initial episode of care infection with microorganisms resistant to penicillins methicillin susceptible staphylococcus aureus in conditions classified elsewhere and of unspecified site cardiogenic shock cellulitis and abscess of upper arm and forearm combined systolic and diastolic heart failure, unspecified Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: allergies: diltiazem / demerol attending: chief complaint: shortness of breath. major surgical or invasive procedure: cardiac catheterization history of present illness: events / history of presenting illness: (per hpi) "84 year old woman with known cad (s/p bms to rca x 2 in ', des to lad ), systolic hf (ef 45%), pvd (s/p bilateral le bypass,) htn, ras, paf, who presented to an outside hospital w/ sudden onset of sob. patient awoke in middle of night w/ difficulty breathing. when ems arrived, she was found to be hypoxic to 84%. she was initially admitted to the icu for cpap, but with a significant symptomatic improvement to lasix, she was able to have oxygen titrated down to nc. she denies any ensuing cp prior to the episode and had no palpitations. she denies any recent le swelling, premonitory sob, or lightheadedness. patient had a recent hospitalization 2 weeks prior to presentation. at that time she ruled out for mi, and was discharged following adjustments to medication. patient underwent a pharm neuclear stress test, which was nondiagnostic on ekg, with failure to show changes in baseline sinus bradycardia. there is no report in the transfer records of elevated cardiac enzymes. per report, nuclear imaging showed nuclear mixed inferior defect. patient was transfered to for cardiac catheterization." . oon , pt underwent a cardiac catheterization which showed isrs and she had 2 des to the lad placed. she did well post-cath and received renal protection via bicarb and mucomyst. her volume status remained tenuous and she was aggressively diuresed. however, her renal function also began to decline, raising concern for overdiuresis. her room air sats remained low, though, so her outpatient lasix dose was resumed. today, she was given her am dose of lasix, but her afternoon dose was held because of her rising creatinine and her euvolemic status. however, in the evening, the patient began to complain of respiratory distress. her sbp were found to be in the 160s-170s. she was given: 60mg iv lasix (with minimal uop), 4mg iv morphine total, and nitroglycerin gtt at 1.4mcg/kg/min. sats were 78% on 3-4l -> improved only to 90-92% on nrb. she was given an additional dose of 120mg lasix iv with minimal uop. an abg showed ph 7.18, pco2 95, and po2 94. decision was made to attempt bipap but that was unable to be performed on the floor. the patient was minimally responsive and was using accessory muscles of respiration. the decision was made to intubate her for airway protection and control. she was intubated easily (with etom/succ) and brought to the ccu for further management. ekg performed on arrival to the sicu were concerning for st elevations in the precordial leads, but they resolved somewhat with time so the decision was made to follow her enzymes and not go to cath urgently. she remained on heparin iv overnight for possible acs as her troponins were elevated (but her ck was flat). past medical history: -cad -> multivessel s/p 2 complex angioplasties of rca; she underwent ptca/stenting of the mid/distal rca; lmca had a mild proximal stenosis, lad had a 60% proximal stenosis at d1. the remainder of the vessel had mild-moderate diffuse disease. . -the circumflex system was small with a 40% focal om1 lesion. the rca had a 20% proximal stenosis. there were serial 90% and 80% focal in-stent restenotic lesions of the mid and distal vessel. the pda filled via collaterals from the left. successful ptca of the rca was performed using a 3.0x15 mm cutting balloon proximally and a 2.5x15 mm cutting balloon distally. there was 20% residual stenosis in the mid-rca and 10% distally with normal flow and no apparent dissection. . -des to lad in --chf - h/o recurrent admissions for chf exacerbations; cath showed elevated filling pressures but normal ef. recent ett with anterior apical ischemia. lvef 45-50% . --h/o pseudoaneurysm of brachial artery h/o difficult access due to -- --dm --htn --pvd s/p aortobifemoral bypass --hypercholesterolemia --anemia (baseline hct 31-34) --paf . cardiac risk factors: diabetes, dyslipidemia, hypertension . cardiac history: as above . percutaneous coronary intervention, in anatomy as follows: as above . pacemaker/icd: n/a social history: lives with daughter, non , no etoh. family history: + dm, physical exam: exam: vs: t 97.3, bp 116/42, hr 62, rr 19, sats 100% on ac 450x18, fi02 100%, peep 5 i/o -1130 since arrival to unit gen: elderly female, sedated and intubated. heent: sclera anicteric, ncat. pupils are small, minimially reactive to light. ett in place. neck: supple, jvp ~9cm. cv: nl s1 s2, rrr, ii/vi systolic murmur at lusb. lungs: coarse, crackles anteriorly and at bases bilaterally. + wheezes. abd: soft, ntnd. + bs throughout. no masses. ext: unable to palpate femoral pulses, dp or pt bilaterally, but are warm to touch w/o evidence of pitting edema. no c/c. has erythematous area on l second toe. pertinent results: . admission labs . 07:10am blood wbc-5.5 rbc-4.37# hgb-12.1# hct-37.3# mcv-85 mch-27.7 mchc-32.4 rdw-16.8* plt ct-314 11:00pm blood plt ct-290 07:10am blood glucose-224* urean-32* creat-1.3* na-140 k-4.0 cl-98 hco3-30 angap-16 11:00pm blood ck(cpk)-22* 07:10am blood mg-2.5 cholest-128 08:19pm blood %hba1c-5.7 07:10am blood triglyc-122 hdl-41 chol/hd-3.1 ldlcalc-63 . . cardiac enzymes 11:00pm blood ck(cpk)-22* 06:26am blood ck(cpk)-64 12:21pm blood ck(cpk)-251* 08:58pm blood ck(cpk)-351* 10:48am blood ck(cpk)-563* 11:16am blood ck(cpk)-337* 12:10am blood ck(cpk)-162* 03:00pm blood ck(cpk)-48 . 01:13am blood ck-mb-notdone ctropnt-0.27* 06:26am blood ck-mb-notdone ctropnt-0.24* 12:21pm blood ck-mb-28* mb indx-11.2* ctropnt-0.62* 04:11am blood ck-mb-42* mb indx-9.9* ctropnt-1.20* 10:48am blood ck-mb-52* mb indx-9.2* ctropnt-1.52* 11:16am blood ck-mb-20* mb indx-5.9 ctropnt-2.64* 12:10am blood ck-mb-10 mb indx-6.2* ctropnt-2.58* 03:00pm blood ck-mb-notdone ctropnt-3.77* . . labs before death . 05:00am blood wbc-7.1 rbc-3.40* hgb-9.8* hct-28.9* mcv-85 mch-28.8 mchc-33.9 rdw-17.7* plt ct-388 05:00am blood neuts-90.2* lymphs-7.0* monos-2.3 eos-0.4 baso-0 05:00am blood plt ct-388 05:00am blood pt-13.8* ptt-32.0 inr(pt)-1.2* 05:00pm blood glucose-132* urean-103* creat-4.1* na-133 k-3.6 cl-90* hco3-28 angap-19 05:00pm blood calcium-8.8 phos-5.4* mg-2.9* 05:00am blood calcium-8.5 phos-5.9* mg-3.0* 05:00am blood osmolal-311* 04:43pm blood osmolal-315* 04:44pm urine hours-random urean-408 creat-43 na-34 04:44pm urine osmolal-347 . last ecg cardiology report ecg study date of 2:01:08 am . sinus rhythm. diffuse low voltage. intraventricular conduction delay. probable prior lateral myocardial infarction. compared to the prior tracing of the rate has increased. otherwise, no diagnostic interim change. . read by: , . last cxr chest (portable ap) 7:45 am reason: monitoring pulm edema and l pleural effusion medical condition: 84 year old woman with fluid overload, thoracentesis on , arf, stent thrombosis, s/p pci. reason for this examination: monitoring pulm edema and l pleural effusion reason for examination: fluid overload and pleural effusion monitoring. . portable ap chest radiograph compared to . . there is no significant change in bilateral perihilar haziness suggesting pulmonary edema. in contrary, there is significant increase in right pleural effusion. the left pleural effusion remains unchanged. the bilateral atelectases are noted left more than right with no significant interval change. . impression: interval increase in moderate-to-large right pleural effusion. unchanged mild-to-moderate pulmonary edema. . . cardiac cath . brief history: patient is a 84 year old woman with cad, cri, dm, pvd with stenting to lad 5 days ago for in-stent restenosis in the setting of pulmonary edema which is her anginal equivalent. she had two taxus stents 2.5x24 and 2.75x12 overlapping placed into the lad. she now presents again with chf and had to be briefly intubated. her troponin rose and was thought to initially be demand but when ck rose to 500's and echo showed anterior wall motion abnormality today, stent thrombosis in the lad became a concern. ekg with lbbb which had been present intermittently in past. patient was taken emergently to cath lab to exclude sub-acute stent thrombosis. . ptca comments: initial angiography revealed an occlusion of the mid lad at the distal edge of the recently placed taxus stent consistent with stent thrombosis. we planned to treat this lesion with ptca and stenting. heparin and integrelin were started in addition to asa and plavix. a 6f xblad guide provided good support for the procedure. a pt graphix wire crossed the lesion without difficulty. we dottered through the lesion and re-established flow. a voyager 2x15mm balloon was inflated at 8 atm and the lesion was stented with a 2.5x12 mm vision stent at 18atm. the stent was post-dilated with a highsail 2.75x8mm balloon at 26atm. final angiography revealed no angiographically apparent dissection and timi 2 flow. patient left the cath lab in stable condition. . comments: 1. selective coronary angiography of the left system revealed occlusion of the recently stented lad. the lmca, lcx and their branches were unchanged from cath 5 days ago. the rca was not engaged. 2. limited hemodynamics revealed systemic blood pressure of 125/49 with hr of 56. 3. successful treatment of mid lad stent thrombosis with vision 2.5x12mm stent. final angiography revealed timi 2 flow. . final diagnosis: 1. single vessel cad with stent thrombosis of the lad 2. successful recanalization of lad and stenting with vision bare metal stent. . attending physician: , m. referring physician: , cardiology fellow: , m. , m. attending staff: , a. . . cardiac echo . this study was compared to the prior study of . left atrium: mild la enlargement. right atrium/interatrial septum: moderately dilated ra. normal interatrial septum. no asd by 2d or color doppler. left ventricle: normal lv wall thickness. normal lv cavity size. no lv mass/thrombus. severely depressed lvef. no resting lvot gradient. no vsd. right ventricle: normal rv chamber size. mild global rv free wall hypokinesis. aorta: normal aortic diameter at the sinus level. normal ascending aorta diameter. aortic : mildly thickened aortic leaflets (3). no as. no ar. mitral : mildly thickened mitral leaflets. no mvp. mild mitral annular calcification. mild thickening of mitral chordae. calcified tips of papillary muscles. moderate (2+) mr. : mildly thickened leaflets. mild to moderate +] tr. moderate pa systolic hypertension. pulmonic /pulmonary artery: no ps. pericardium: no pericardial effusion. . conclusions the left atrium is mildly dilated. the right atrium is moderately dilated. no atrial septal defect is seen by 2d or color doppler. left ventricular wall thicknesses are normal. the left ventricular cavity size is normal. no masses or thrombi are seen in the left ventricle. overall left ventricular systolic function is severely depressed (lvef= 25%) with global hypokinesis and regional akinesis of the mid to distal septum and apex. there is no ventricular septal defect. right ventricular chamber size is normal. there is mild global right ventricular free wall hypokinesis. the aortic leaflets (3) are mildly thickened but aortic stenosis is not present. no aortic regurgitation is seen. the mitral leaflets are mildly thickened. there is no mitral prolapse. moderate (2+) mitral regurgitation is seen. the leaflets are mildly thickened. there is moderate pulmonary artery systolic hypertension. there is no pericardial effusion. . compared with the prior study (images reviewed) of , the lvef is now significantly depressed. electronically signed by , md, interpreting physician 16:06 . . cardiac cath . brief history: 84 year old female with a past medical history of cad, diabetes, hypertension, and hypercholesterolemia. presented to an outside hospital with pulmonary edema which was thought to be her anginal equivalent. history of severe pvd (multiple bypass surgeries) as well as multiple coronary pcis. . indications for catheterization: coronary artery disease, canadian heart class iv, stable. . hemodynamics results body surface area: 1.65 m2 hemoglobin: 11.9 gms % fick **pressures right atrium {a/v/m} 12/12/8 right ventricle {s/ed} 53/12 pulmonary artery {s/d/m} 53/16/31 pulmonary wedge {a/v/m} 18/18/16 left ventricle {s/ed} 138/16 aorta {s/d/m} 138/40/60 . ptca comments: initial angiography revealed a 90% mid lad isr and 70% disease just distal to the prior stent. we planned to treat this lesion with ptca and stenting. heparin was started prophylactically for the procedure. an xblad guiding catheter provided adequate support for the procedure. the lesion was crossed with a prowater wire with minimal difficulty. the lesion was dilated with a 2.0x15mm voyager balloon at 10 atm and then at 12 atm. a 2.5x24mm taxus stent was ythen deployed in the distal stenosis at 6 atm., a 2.75x12mm taxus stent was then deployed overlapping the proximal edge of the just-placed stent and within the previously stented region at 18 atm. the stents were postdilated with a 2.5x20mm nc balloon at 18 atm, 22 and then at 24 atm sequentially. final angiography revealed o% residual stenosis, no angiographically apparent dissection and timi 3 flow. the patient left the lab free of angina and in stable condition. . comments: 1. selective coronary angiography in this right dominant system demonstrated two vessel coronary artery disease. the lmca had moderate diffuse disease, was moderately calcified, and had a distal taper of 40%. the lad had a 40% stenosis at its origin. the previously placed stent had 90% in-stent restenosis. there was distal lad had a 90% stenosis. the lcx was a nondominant vessel without critical lesions. there is a mid-segment 40% lesion unchanged from the previous angiograpm. the rca was the dominant vessel with a previously placed and widely patent stent. the previous 60% stenosis in now 40%. there is diffuse plb disease that was unchanged from previous angiography. 2. resting hemodynamics demonstrated normal right sided filling pressures. the rvedp wa 12 mmhg. there was pulmonary arterial hypertension with a pulmonary artery pressure of 53/16/31 (systolic/diastolic/mean in mmhg). lvedp was 16 mmhg. there were no gradients across the , pulmonary, mitral, or aortic valves. 3. successful ptca and stenting of the mid lad with overlapping 2.5x24mm taxus and 2.75x12mm taxus both post dilated to 2.5mm. final angiography revealed o% resiudal stenosis, no angiographically apparent dissection and timi 3 flow (see ptca comments). . final diagnosis: 1. two vessel coronary artery disease. . attending physician: , a. referring physician: , w. cardiology fellow: , t. , a. attending staff: , a. . brief hospital course: mrs. was an 84 y/o woman admitted for a chf exacerbation, anginal equivalent. she went to cardiac cath on , was found to have 90% instent restenosis of her lad and 90% stenosis just distal to the end of the stent. two overlapping taxus stents were placed at this time. patient returned to the floor. she was noted to have a creatinine rise at this time. she developed volume overload and went into flash pulmonary edema on the floor. she was emergently intubated on . she at this time had no urine output to 60mg iv lasix. she then put out to 120mg iv lasix and diuril. patient was noted to have a new lbbb at this time. pt was noted to have an enzyme leak at this time, but her troponins were flat for the next day. the following day she was extubated. she at that time developed shortness of breath and her enzymes trended up. she was taken back to the cardiac cath lab where she was noted to have an sub-acute thrombosus of at the distal margin of her recently placed lad taxus stent. ptca was done and a bare metal stent was placed. a repeat transthoracic echo was showed a lvef of 25%, with global hypokinesis, a change from patients echo. . at this time patient was noted to be in fluid overload. she had a left sided pleural effusion and an increasing oxygen requirement. on a thoracentesis was done to help reduce oxygen requirement. . patient had received two dye loads in one week. she at this time was making urine, but not putting out substantially to her lasix. a lasix drip was started. at this time the patient developed acute renal failure. her cr had climbed from 2.0 (1.3 on admit) to cr 4.0. patient was not responding well to diuril or lasix. the renal service was consulted to evaluate for cvvh. cvvh was considered and on the day prior to death, it was felt that clinically the patient could wait another day before starting dialysis. . around this time metoprolol was stopped as patient was considered to be in an acute systolic chf exacerbation. she was also started on milrinone to help forward flow, in the hopes that it would aide in kidney perfusion and lead to better diuresis. . in the early morning of . patient reported sudden onset of shortness of breath. an ecg was done which showed no change from prior. patients vitals were stable. she was slightly tachycardic, but normotensive. patients oxygen requirements had not changed and on physical exam her lungs sounded clearer than earlier in the day. she was given iv morphine, started on a nitro drip and her milrinone was discontinued. patients shortness of breath was relieved by this regimen. . starting 4 hours prior to this the patient stopped making urine. she was not responding to lasix at this time. the patient's vitals were at this time stable. normal heart rate, normotensive, normal rr, above 90% oxygen saturations. she was breathing with out distress and denied any more sensation of chest pain or dyspnea. the team felt that there was no need to consult for urgent dialysis. renal had evaluated the patient only 7 hours prior and felt cvvh was not needed. plans were in place for renal to reevaluate for cvvh first thing in the morning. . at 3am, the housestaff was notified by nursing that the patient had passed away. there was no change in vitals or further complaints by patient prior to passing. telemetry showed the patient went from normal sinus rhythm straight into asystole. the patient had been made dnr/dni two days prior to this episode, so no code was called. . the attending physician and next of were notified. pcp was later notified. patient's daughter who was the healthcare proxy was offered and refused an autopsy. the primary cause of death was considered to be coronary artery disease. the immediate cause was unknown as there was no post-mortem. it was hypothesized that the cause of death was from a very sudden etiology such as acute thrombosus of her lad, pulmonary embolism or another condition leading to a possible pea cardiopulmonary arrest. this is however only speculation. pt was never witnessed to be in pea. . md medications on admission: lasix 60mg amiodarone 200mg daily atenolol 50mg daily plavix 75mg daily imdur 60mg daily folate 1mg daily simvastatin 40mg daily hydralazine 25mg qid iron sulfate 325 mg calcium/vit d alendronate 70mg q wed asa 325 mg daily nph insulin 21 units qam 14u in hs and riss discharge disposition: home with service facility: vna discharge diagnosis: cardiopulmonary arrest primary cause of death was coronary artery disease, over years. discharge condition: expired discharge instructions: no instructions. pt expired. followup instructions: no follow up patient expired from unknown etiology. post-mortem analysis was refused by patient's next of . procedure: continuous invasive mechanical ventilation for less than 96 consecutive hours venous catheterization, not elsewhere classified insertion of non-drug-eluting coronary artery stent(s) combined right and left heart cardiac catheterization coronary arteriography using two catheters coronary arteriography using two catheters left heart cardiac catheterization insertion of endotracheal tube thoracentesis insertion of drug-eluting coronary artery stent(s) cranial or peripheral nerve graft insertion of one vascular stent transposition of cranial and peripheral nerves insertion of two vascular stents excision of lingual thyroid percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty [ptca] excision of lingual thyroid percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty [ptca] procedure on single vessel procedure on single vessel diagnoses: subendocardial infarction, initial episode of care coronary atherosclerosis of native coronary artery pure hypercholesterolemia urinary tract infection, site not specified congestive heart failure, unspecified acute kidney failure, unspecified percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty status acute respiratory failure other complications due to other cardiac device, implant, and graft family history of ischemic heart disease acute on chronic systolic heart failure atherosclerosis of native arteries of the extremities with ulceration unspecified renovascular hypertension Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: allergies: no known allergies / adverse drug reactions attending: chief complaint: pneumonia major surgical or invasive procedure: none history of present illness: 73 yo m with ild, osa, presents from siani with question of repeat pna in the setting of rapidly progressing interstitial lung disease. patient was discharged from the to siani following a long hospital course. briefly, patient was admitted to the va for respiratory distress, intubated and brought to the for a second opinion on . he was found to have rapidly progressing interstitial lung disease and underwent tracheostomy placement . course was complicated by bacterimia and he was treated for a mdr klebsiella vap with cefepime until and vancomycin until . while at rehab, patient was treated for cdiff colitis. per report, patient has been declining since weekend with increased secretions and increased respiratory rate. patient was found to have saturations in the 80s on vent, breathing 30-40/min. per ems he improved slightly after being taken off the vent and bagged while en route. in the ed initial vitals at 16:10 98.2 114 113/65 36 99%. respiratory rate remained in the 40s, pulling large tidal volumes, currently denies any pain or shortness of breath. lowest reported blood pressure in the ed was 90/45, which recovered with 1l ns. patient's highest temperature was 99.9. cxr prelminary demonstrated new left-sided consolidation and baseline interstitial lung disease. patient was given 2g iv cefepime, 1g vancomycin and 750mg levofloxacin. he was also given 1g acetaminophen. on arrival to the micu, patient is still tachypnic with tidal volumes in the 25l/min range. he denies any chest pain and is in no acute distress. he states that at baseline he coughs frequently, although denies any aspiration events. patient is extremely hard of hearing at baseline and is unable to communicate well unless by lipreading. review of systems: (+) per hpi (-) denies fever, chills, night sweats, recent weight loss or gain. denies headache, sinus tenderness, rhinorrhea or congestion. denies chest pain, chest pressure, palpitations, or weakness. denies nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain, or changes in bowel habits. denies dysuria, frequency, or urgency. denies arthralgias or myalgias. denies rashes or skin changes. past medical history: prostate cancer s/p xrt and hormone rx pmr hypertension morbid obesity type ii dm osa - did not tolerate cpap interstitial lung disease (uip/ipf) but no definitive diagnosis as never had bronch/bx, trach course as per hpi. social history: smoked until 90pkyrs, former etoh use, no ivdu, retired from truck driving, worked in navy for 4 years, no known asbestos exposure. lived with wife in . one son from previous marraige. family history: no cad, no dm, no cancers physical exam: admission pe: vitals: temp = 98.2, hr = 114, br = 113/65, rr = 36, o2sat = 99% general: alert, oriented, tachypnic heent: sclera anicteric, mmm, oropharynx clear, eomi, perrl neck: supple, jvp unable to see due to collar, no lad cv: tachycardic irregular rate/ rhythm, normal s1 + s2, no murmurs, rubs, gallops lungs: diminished at bases with crackles. abdomen: soft, non-tender, obese, gtube present without erythema, bowel sounds present, no organomegaly gu: no foley ext: warm, well perfused, 2+ pulses, no clubbing, cyanosis or edema neuro: cnii-xii intact, 5/5 strength upper/lower extremities, grossly normal sensation, 2+ reflexes bilaterally, gait deferred, finger-to-nose intact skin: per report: large decubitus ulcer, not visualized due to patient discomfort. discharge exam: general: alert, oriented, tachypneic heent: sclera anicteric, mmm, oropharynx clear, eomi, perrl neck: supple, jvp unable to see due to collar, no lad cv: tachycardic irregular rate/ rhythm, normal s1 + s2, no murmurs, rubs, gallops lungs: diminished at bases with crackles. abdomen: soft, non-tender, obese, gtube present without erythema, bowel sounds present, no organomegaly gu: foley in place, flexiseal in place draining stool ext: warm, well perfused, 2+ pulses, no clubbing, cyanosis or edema neuro: a&ox3, cnii-xii intact, 5/5 strength upper/lower extremities, grossly normal sensation, 2+ reflexes bilaterally, gait deferred, finger-to-nose intact skin: per report: large decubitus ulcer, not visualized due to patient discomfort. pertinent results: 09:29pm type-art po2-78* pco2-46* ph-7.46* total co2-34* base xs-7 04:53pm type- peep-5 po2-64* pco2-46* ph-7.45 total co2-33* base xs-6 intubated-intubated 04:44pm po2-114* pco2-42 ph-7.49* total co2-33* base xs-8 comments-green top 04:44pm lactate-2.5* 04:43pm urine hours-random 04:43pm urine uhold-hold 04:43pm urine color-yellow appear-cloudy sp -1.020 04:43pm urine blood-mod nitrite-neg protein-30 glucose-neg ketone-neg bilirubin-neg urobilngn-neg ph-5.5 leuk-sm 04:43pm urine rbc-27* wbc-12* bacteria-many yeast-none epi-0 04:30pm glucose-178* urea n-51* creat-0.9 sodium-141 potassium-4.8 chloride-102 total co2-30 anion gap-14 04:30pm estgfr-using this 04:30pm ctropnt-<0.01 04:30pm probnp-4396* 04:30pm wbc-12.7* rbc-2.83* hgb-7.9* hct-25.9* mcv-91 mch-28.1 mchc-30.7* rdw-15.1 04:30pm neuts-86.3* lymphs-8.3* monos-4.7 eos-0.6 basos-0.1 04:30pm plt count-362 04:30pm pt-33.1* ptt-28.6 inr(pt)-3.2* ecg baseline artifact. atrial fibrillation with rapid ventricular rate and multifocal ventricular premature contractions. left axis deviation with left anterior fascicular block. generally poor r wave progression suggests prior anterior myocardial infarction. diffuse repolarization abnormalities in the limb leads. compared to the previous tracing of the rate is much faster and now tachycardic. ventricular ectopy is new. depolarization and repolarization abnormalities are similar. read by: , intervals axes rate pr qrs qt/qtc p qrs t 109 0 100 310/395 0 -43 44 cxr: findings: the patient is status post tracheostomy, which appears unchanged. a picc line terminates in the superior vena cava, as before, inserted via right-sided approach. the cardiac, mediastinal and hilar contours appear unchanged including widening of the vascular pedicle, perihilar fullness, and cardiomegaly. a moderate-to-severe interstitial abnormality suggests known interstitial lung disease without significant change. this appearance includes confluent opacification at the lung bases. because of severe background lung abnormality, it is difficult to exclude a superimposed edema or pneumonia. impression: similar severe widespread predominantly interstitial opacification, most confluent at the lung bases; although there is no definite change, subtle superimposed process could be readily obscured by a severe background abnormality. cxr: findings: as compared to the previous radiograph, there is no relevant change. low lung volumes with massive bilateral diffusely distributed reticular or reticulonodular opacities. the presence of small pleural effusions cannot be excluded. tracheostomy tube is unchanged. moderate cardiomegaly. no pneumothorax. 04:30pm blood probnp-4396* 04:30pm blood wbc-12.7* rbc-2.83* hgb-7.9* hct-25.9* mcv-91 mch-28.1 mchc-30.7* rdw-15.1 plt ct-362 03:30pm blood wbc-12.3* rbc-2.78* hgb-7.7* hct-25.2* mcv-91 mch-27.6 mchc-30.5* rdw-15.2 plt ct-357 05:00am blood wbc-11.4* rbc-2.68* hgb-7.6* hct-24.7* mcv-92 mch-28.2 mchc-30.7* rdw-15.2 plt ct-333 06:13am blood wbc-10.3 rbc-2.79* hgb-7.7* hct-25.3* mcv-91 mch-27.7 mchc-30.5* rdw-15.4 plt ct-352 04:59pm blood wbc-13.5* rbc-3.14* hgb-8.7* hct-28.9* mcv-92 mch-27.6 mchc-30.0* rdw-16.0* plt ct-425 05:59am blood wbc-12.6* rbc-2.98* hgb-8.2* hct-27.6* mcv-93 mch-27.5 mchc-29.7* rdw-16.3* plt ct-388 02:57am blood wbc-16.0* rbc-3.19* hgb-8.8* hct-29.5* mcv-92 mch-27.7 mchc-30.0* rdw-16.9* plt ct-411 05:33am blood wbc-12.6* rbc-3.17* hgb-9.0* hct-29.2* mcv-92 mch-28.4 mchc-30.8* rdw-17.1* plt ct-358 04:46am blood pt-39.7* ptt-28.8 inr(pt)-3.9* 06:26am blood pt-24.5* ptt-27.1 inr(pt)-2.3* 06:07am blood pt-14.8* ptt-23.5* inr(pt)-1.4* 02:57am blood pt-31.7* ptt-36.1 inr(pt)-3.1* 05:59am blood pt-28.7* inr(pt)-2.8* 02:57am blood pt-31.7* ptt-36.1 inr(pt)-3.1* 05:33am blood pt-28.7* ptt-34.1 inr(pt)-2.8* 04:59pm blood glucose-149* urean-30* creat-0.7 na-140 k-4.8 cl-96 hco3-39* angap-10 05:59am blood glucose-140* urean-30* creat-0.8 na-141 k-4.2 cl-99 hco3-38* angap-8 02:57am blood glucose-145* urean-30* creat-0.8 na-139 k-4.3 cl-99 hco3-36* angap-8 05:33am blood glucose-157* urean-32* creat-0.9 na-140 k-4.2 cl-98 hco3-36* angap-10 brief hospital course: 73 yo m with ild, osa, presents from siani with question of repeat pna in the setting of rapidly progressing interstitial lung disease. # respiratory distress: pt initially fit sirs criteria with tachypnea and leukocytosis. pna was suspected by leukocytosis and history of frequent cough, as well as potential aspiration risk. pt was recently treated for mdr klebsiella vap with cefepime until and vancomycin until . it appears that the previous culture grew two strains of klebsiella, only one was sensitive to cefepime, so it was possible that it was incompletely treated. also possible is pe, but less likely given supratherapeutic inr. pt's sputum culture grew pseudomonas and received 8 days of meropenem for presumed hcap. albuterol and ipratropium mdis were also given during course along with lasix diuresis. pt's respiratory status improved throughout sstay and tolerated 2 hour periods off of the ventilator by the end of course. on the day on his planned discharge () he was noted to have secretions which were thought to be fluid status. a cxr was performed which was slightly improved from prior. sputum cx were sent, however there was low concern for infection given he had finished his 8 day course of meropenem the day prior. his lasix 40mg iv bid was restarted out of concern for fluid overload. this was transitioned to 80mg po bid in anticipation of discharge. electrolytes and weights should be monitored and lasix dose should be adjusted. of note, on the day of discharge it was noted that his sputum culture had grown pseudomonas so rehab was called and the physician taking care of him there was personally advised to continue meropenem for a total of two weeks (with a planned stop date of ) in an effort to completely and optimally treat this pseudomonas. finally, there were multiple family meetings with the patient's wife and the patient - he is aware that he is chronically critically ill and that his likelihood of completely coming off the ventilator is guarded at best; he (and his wife) elect to continue pursuing rehab at this time, although the idea of hospice was introduced during this hospitalization - neither he nor his wife is ready to consider complete transition to palliative care at this time. # c-diff by report: pt was found to be c. diff toxin positive at previous hospitalization at osh, and was continued on flagyl at with flexiseal in place. was the projected date to stop flagyl (2 weeks after completion of meropenem). # atrial fibrillation: pt's chads2 score of 4, but anticoagulation was held initially due to supratherapeutic inr. coumadin restarted once inr was below <2. pt was rate controlled with metoprolol tartrate 25 mg po tid. his inr was difficult to control likely due to antibiotic therapy and decreased hepatic clearance. his warfarin was decreased to 2.5 and eventually held for multiple doses given a supratheraputic inr. today inr was 2.8 and warfarin can be restated at 2.5mg. inr should be rechecked on and warfarin dose can be adjusted at that time. # anemia: 28.6 at discharge on . unsure if this is anemia of chronic disease versus occult bleed from elevated inr. guaiac stools were negative and no obvious acute bleeding was found during micu stay. hematocrit remained stable. # polymyalgia rheumatica: was previously treated with prednisone 15mg po daily, but was never given pcp . we discontinued hydroxycholoroquine in the setting of treating pneumonia along with titrating down pt's prednisone from 15mg to 10mg po daily. bactrim pcp prophylaxis was given. # type ii dm: pt was on metformin (glucophage) 1000 mg po bid, pioglitazone 30 mg po daily and nph 4 units breakfast, nph 4 units dinner with iss pre-admission. we continued pt on iss and serum glucose remained in mid 100s. # history of hypothyroidism: tsh 2.0 from and was on levothyroxine sodium 300 mcg po daily upon admission. pt was discharged on this dose with recommendations for follow-up on tsh at rehab. # hyperlipidemia: unknown control. pt was discharged on home dose of simvastatin 40 mg po daily and niacin 250 mg po tid # right sided picc: picc line terminates in the superior vena cava, as before, inserted via right-sided approach. pt was discharged with picc. # tube feeds: g tube in place. pt tolerated isosource 1.5 cal full strength at 70cc/hr. # rash in perianal area: pt's decubitus wound was dressed with following regimen: cleanse area around flexiseal with foam cleanser and pat dry. apply criticade clear, then wrap xeroform gauze around flexiseal. # med rec: - continue acetaminophen 650 mg po q6h:prn fever/ pain - hold docusate sodium 100 mg po bid:prn constipation - hold senna 1 tab po bid:prn constipation - hold alprazolam 0.25 mg po tid:prn anxiety - oxycodone (immediate release) 5 mg po/ng q8h:prn pain - hold albuterol-ipratropium puff ih q2h:prn dyspnea transitional issues: - complete two weeks of meropenem (last day ) for pseudomonas treatment. - consider further prednisone titration if his pmr symptoms are adequately controlled on 10mg q24h - ideally would like to titrate prednisone off if possible. - tsh level in 6 months for followup - monitor inr while on coumadin - discontinue flagyl on (end of 2 week course for c. diff) - dnr. discussion had with patient who does not wish to pursue palliative care at this time. - monitor i&o while on lasix, adjust lasix dose as needed. medications on admission: preadmission medications listed are correct and complete. information was obtained from siani list. 1. levothyroxine sodium 300 mcg po daily 2. metformin (glucophage) 1000 mg po bid 3. pioglitazone 30 mg po daily 4. prednisone 15 mg po daily 5. simvastatin 40 mg po daily 6. aspirin 81 mg po daily 7. hydroxychloroquine sulfate 200 mg po bid 8. nph 4 units breakfast nph 4 units dinner insulin sc sliding scale using reg insulin 9. chlorhexidine gluconate 0.12% oral rinse 15 ml oral 10. niacin 250 mg po tid 11. sulfameth/trimethoprim ds 1 tab po daily 12. metronidazole (flagyl) 500 mg po q 8h 13. miconazole 2% cream 1 appl tp q8h to perianal area 14. furosemide 20 mg iv bid 15. loperamide 2 mg po/ng q8h 16. albuterol-ipratropium puff ih q6h 17. metoprolol tartrate 25 mg po tid 18. cefepime 1 g iv q12h 19. acetaminophen 650 mg po q6h:prn fever/ pain 20. docusate sodium 100 mg po bid:prn constipation 21. senna 1 tab po bid:prn constipation 22. alprazolam 0.25 mg po tid:prn anxiety 23. oxycodone (immediate release) 5 mg po/ng q8h:prn pain 24. lorazepam 0.5 mg iv q8h:prn anxiety 25. albuterol-ipratropium puff ih q2h:prn dyspnea discharge medications: 1. acetaminophen 650 mg po q6h:prn fever/ pain 2. aspirin 81 mg po daily 3. chlorhexidine gluconate 0.12% oral rinse 15 ml oral 4. glargine 8 units breakfast insulin sc sliding scale using hum insulin 5. levothyroxine sodium 300 mcg po daily 6. lorazepam 0.5 mg iv q4h:prn anxiety 7. metoprolol tartrate 25 mg po tid 8. metronidazole (flagyl) 500 mg po q 8h 9. niacin 250 mg po tid 10. meropenem - restarted after d/c in communication with rehab (last day to be ) 10. oxycodone (immediate release) 5 mg po q8h:prn pain 11. prednisone 10 mg po daily tapered dose - down 12. simvastatin 40 mg po daily 13. albuterol-ipratropium puff ih q6h 14. albuterol-ipratropium puff ih q2h:prn dyspnea 15. docusate sodium 100 mg po bid:prn constipation 16. loperamide 2 mg po q8h 17. miconazole 2% cream 1 appl tp q8h to perianal area 18. senna 1 tab po bid:prn constipation 19. warfarin 2.5 mg po daily16 duration: 1 doses 20. lansoprazole oral disintegrating tab 30 mg po daily 21. heparin flush (10 units/ml) 2 ml iv prn line flush picc, heparin dependent: flush with 10ml normal saline followed by heparin as above daily and prn per lumen. 22. furosemide 80 mg po bid 23. ipratropium bromide mdi 6 puff ih qid 24. albuterol inhaler 6 puff ih q4h:prn dyspnea/ wheeze discharge disposition: extended care facility: for the aged - macu discharge diagnosis: ventilator associated pneumonia interstitial lung disease clostridium difficile colitis atrial fibrillation discharge condition: mental status: clear and coherent. level of consciousness: alert and interactive. activity status: out of bed with assistance to chair or wheelchair. discharge instructions: dear mr. , it was our pleasure caring for you at the . you were admitted to the for treatment of pneumonia. your sputum cultures confirmed that you had a pneumonia and you tolerated the 8 day course of antibiotics very well. your respiratory status improved during your stay. you also had fluid in your lungs which made it difficult for you to breate; we gave you diuretics to help remove this fluid. after several discussions, you decided to go back to rehab to help you transition off the ventilator. followup instructions: you will be followed by the physicians at the rehabilitation center. procedure: continuous invasive mechanical ventilation for 96 consecutive hours or more enteral infusion of concentrated nutritional substances diagnoses: polymyalgia rheumatica unspecified essential hypertension long-term (current) use of steroids diabetes mellitus without mention of complication, type ii or unspecified type, not stated as uncontrolled severe sepsis unspecified acquired hypothyroidism atrial fibrillation other chronic pulmonary heart diseases personal history of tobacco use atrial flutter other specified procedures as the cause of abnormal reaction of patient, or of later complication, without mention of misadventure at time of procedure acute and chronic respiratory failure pneumonia due to pseudomonas intestinal infection due to clostridium difficile postinflammatory pulmonary fibrosis morbid obesity pressure ulcer, buttock other septicemia due to gram-negative organisms do not resuscitate status ventilator associated pneumonia accidents occurring in residential institution tracheostomy status pressure ulcer, stage ii body mass index 37.0-37.9, adult Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: history of present illness: baby is a 25 week gestational age male with respiratory distress syndrome. para 2 with an obstetric history significant for a spontaneous abortion at 12 weeks in , preterm labor at 28 weeks with subsequent delivery of a 38 week female in , a fetal loss at 22 weeks with evidence of chorioamnionitis in , and a full term appropriate for gestational age female in . upper respiratory infection at age four. prenatal screens: blood type a positive, antibody negative, rpr nonreactive, rubella immune, hepatitis b surface antigen negative, and group b streptococcus status unknown. antepartum history: the mother's last menstrual period was with an estimated date of confinement of and estimated gestational age of 25 2/7 weeks. dates were confirmed by first trimester ultrasound and subsequent fetal survey reportedly normal. alpha fetoprotein also within normal limits. group b streptococcus status unknown. pregnancy uncomplicated with the exception of the upper respiratory infection two weeks prior to delivery, treated with azithromycin. intrapartum history: onset of preterm labor noted on with spontaneous rupture of membranes 48 hours prior to delivery. full course of betamethasone as well as antepartum antibiotic coverage administered. she progressed to a cesarean section under general anesthesia for breech presentation, with no fetal distress noted antepartum. the infant had good tone and normal heart rate at delivery, and cried intermittently during intubation. he was suctioned, dried and pre-oxygenated with positive pressure ventilation for one minute, then intubated on the second attempt. heart rate well maintained throughout resuscitation. fairly poor compliance as evidenced by poor excursion and poor breath sounds on peak inspiratory pressures greater than 30, but pink and vigorous in 100% fio2 following endotracheal tube placement. the patient was transferred to the newborn intensive care unit in stable condition. apgar scores were 5 at one minute and 8 at five minutes. physical examination: weight 820 grams (50th percentile), length 32.5 cm (25th to 50th percentile) and head circumference 24 cm (50th percentile), heart rate 158, respiratory rate 40 to 60, blood pressure 40/33 with a mean arterial pressure of 38, oxygen saturation in 21% fio2 93%. head, eyes, ears, nose and throat: nondysmorphic infant, lips, gums and palate intact, anterior fontanelle open and flat, oral 2.5 endotracheal tube 6 cm at the lip. chest: fair excursion on peak inspiratory pressure of 25, fair breath sounds bilaterally, few scattered crackles following surfactant administration. cardiovascular: well perfused, regular rate and rhythm, femoral pulses strong, normal s1 and s2, no murmur. abdomen: soft, nondistended, three vessel cord, liver 1 cm below right costal margin, no splenomegaly, no masses. genitourinary: normal male genitalia, testes undescended bilaterally, anus patent. neurologic: infant very active, tone average for gestational age, moving all extremities symmetrically, clavicles intact, spine straight, without dimples, masses and no hip clicks. hospital course: 1. respiratory: received one dose of surfactant and then weaned to low ventilator settings. ventilator support gradually increased over the first two weeks of life and he required several sodium bicarbonate boluses for persistent metabolic acidosis. on day of life number 26, the patient was started on beclovent and combivent inhalers. he was weaned to c-pap on day of life number 40 and beclovent inhalers were discontinued on day of life number 47. he weaned from c-pap to nasal cannula oxygen on day of life number 53. he is currently on nasal cannula oxygen 13 cc/100%. caffeine citrate was started on day of life number three. this was discontinued on day of life number 67 and the last apnea and bradycardia episode was on . 2. cardiovascular: an umbilical artery catheter and umbilical venous catheter were placed shortly after admission to the newborn intensive care unit. the patient received several normal saline boluses for blood pressure support shortly after admission, and was placed on dopamine with a maximum dose of 5 mcg/kg/minute. dopamine was weaned off within the first 48 hours of life. with the patient's persistent metabolic acidosis, an echocardiogram was done on day of life number six, which showed an atrial septal defect versus a patent foramen ovale, but no patent ductus arteriosus. a murmur was noted on day of life number 14. a repeat echocardiogram on day of life number 17 showed a patent ductus arteriosus with left-to-right flow with a 20 mm gradient. he received a course of indomethacin and tolerated that well. a repeat echocardiogram on showed a closed patent ductus arteriosus. he has remained hemodynamically stable for the remainder of his hospitalization. 3. fluids, electrolytes and nutrition: was started on intravenous fluids of d10w at 100 cc/kg/day upon admission. fluid volume was advanced to a maximum of 150 cc/kg/day. enteral feedings were started on day of life number four. he advanced to full volume feeds of breast milk by day of life number 12 and advanced to 30 calorie breast milk by day of life number 18. nutrition was supported by parenteral nutrition and intralipid while feeds were advanced. feeds were held for the indomethacin course. they were restarted and advanced back to full volume and caloric density without incident. he has had no history of feeding intolerance. his electrolytes have been stable throughout his hospital course. the patient's last set of laboratory data on showed a sodium of 134, potassium 5.3, chloride 101 and total bicarbonate 27. serum calcium at that time was 10.1 with an albumin of 3.4, phosphorous 5.6 and alkaline phosphatase 407. the patient's discharge weight is 2,170 grams, length 43 cm and head circumference 31.5 cm. 4. gastrointestinal: peak bilirubin on day of life number one was 4.5 with a direct of 0.4. the patient was started on single phototherapy at that time. phototherapy was discontinued on day of life number 12 with a rebound bilirubin of 1.9 and a direct of 0.5 on day of life number 13. 5. hematology: receive three transfusions of packed red blood cells, 20 cc/kg, during his hospitalization. his last transfusion was on . his hematocrit and reticulocyte count on , prior to the transfusion, were 26.2 and 8% respectively. 6. infectious disease: had a complete blood count and blood culture drawn upon admission to the newborn intensive care unit. his white blood cell count was 7,000, hematocrit 42, platelet count 281,000 and differential of 37% neutrophils and 11% bands. blood culture was negative at that time. he received seven days of ampicillin and gentamicin. a lumbar puncture was done on day of life number three with a protein of 107, glucose 57, red blood cells , and white blood cells 1. the patient was evaluated for sepsis several times during his hospitalization, especially with increasing respiratory support, but all were found to be negative. no further antibiotics were required. a tracheal aspirate on day of life number 21 was positive for corynebacterium and propionibacterium; other organisms were deemed contaminants. 7. neurology: initial head ultrasound on day of life number seven showed a left grade ii intraventricular hemorrhage. follow-up studies also showed mild left ventricular dilatation. his last head ultrasound was on , which showed a resolving left intraventricular hemorrhage with no increased ventricular size. cerebellar and cerebral architecture were found to be normal. his head circumference is stable at 31.5 cm. sensory and audiology screen have not been performed. 8. ophthalmology: the patient's eyes were examined most recently on , revealing immaturity of the left retinal vessels and stage i retinopathy of prematurity on the right eye with anterior zone ii, 3 o'clock hours. 9. psychosocial: social worker has been involved with the family. the contact social worker can be reached at . condition at time of transfer: infant stable, on full volume feeds, stable temperature, in open crib, on low flow nasal cannula oxygen. disposition: to via ambulance. primary pediatrician: dr. of pediatrics, , fax . care recommendations: 1. feeds at time of transfer: breast milk enriched to 30 calories with 4 calories of hmf, 4 calories mct oil and 2 calories of polycose, also with promod at 150 cc/kg/day given by mouth/pg. 2. medications: iron supplements 0.15 cc once daily and vitamin e supplements 5 iu once daily. 3. last newborn screen was sent on and no abnormal results have been reported. 4. immunizations received: , hepatitis b vaccine, dtpa, hib, ipv, prevnar. 5. a) immunizations recommended: synagis rsv prophylaxis should be considered from through for infants who meet any of the following three criteria: (1) born at less than 32 weeks gestation; (2) born between 32 and 35 weeks with plans for day care during rsv season, with a smoker in the household or with preschool siblings or; (3) with chronic lung disease. b) influenza immunization should be considered annually in the fall for preterm infants with chronic lung disease once they have reached six months of age. before this age, the family and other care givers should be considered for immunization against influenza to protect the infant. 6. eye examination for follow-up of rop one week after his previous examination. discharge diagnoses: 1. prematurity at 25 2/7 weeks. 2. respiratory distress syndrome. 3. patent ductus arteriosus. 4. hyperbilirubinemia. 5. presumed sepsis. 6. apnea of prematurity. 7. anemia of prematurity. 8. chronic lung disease. 9. stage 1 retinopathy of prematurity. , m.d. dictated by: medquist36 procedure: continuous invasive mechanical ventilation for less than 96 consecutive hours spinal tap incision of lung insertion of endotracheal tube arterial catheterization other phototherapy umbilical vein catheterization diagnoses: single liveborn, born in hospital, delivered by cesarean section observation for suspected infectious condition extreme immaturity, 750-999 grams respiratory distress syndrome in newborn neonatal jaundice associated with preterm delivery chronic respiratory disease arising in the perinatal period patent ductus arteriosus anemia of prematurity intraventricular hemorrhage, grade ii Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: history of present illness: this is an 88 year old armenian speaking gentleman transferred to from status post acute anterolateral st elevation mi. the patient's st elevation mi was complicated by ventricular fibrillation and ventricular tachycardia arrest two to three times in the field. on , the patient underwent cardiac catheterization for progressive exertional angina. the cardiac catheterization on , showed one vessel disease and the patient underwent successful stenting of his left anterior descending coronary artery/diagonal two bifurcation using the crush technique. the patient does have a history of lower gastrointestinal bleed felt secondary to hemorrhoids based on past colonoscopy and subsequently developed a hematocrit drop, reportedly from 34.0 to 26.0 while on aspirin and plavix. his primary care physician discontinued his aspirin and plavix given the concern for the lower gastrointestinal bleeding on . on the morning of admission, , the patient developed chest pain, dyspnea, diaphoresis. ems was called and the patient was found to have an anterior myocardial infarction. the patient had several ventricular fibrillation/ventricular tachycardia arrests in the field and, at the outside hospital, each time he responded to 200 joule shocks. he was treated with lidocaine, heparin drip, aspirin, aggrastat, dopamine and was transferred to for more urgent cardiac care. cardiac catheterization on arrival to showed a thrombosis of the previously placed left anterior descending coronary artery stent. the patient underwent successful rheolytic treatment and percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty. the patient had an intraaortic balloon pump placed in the cardiac catheterization laboratory and was transferred to the cardiac icu for further monitoring. past medical history: coronary artery disease. gastrointestinal bleed, colonoscopy , reportedly found only hemorrhoids. hypertension. hard of hearing bilaterally. status post bilateral knee surgery. the patient does not have a history of diabetes mellitus or high cholesterol. history of smoking, however, he quit over thirty years ago. social history: the patient is a retired shirt maker. he lives alone and has a very active life according to his sons. has two sons, and , and a daughter, . is an armenian immigrant. family history: noncontributory. medications on admission: 1. aspirin 325 mg p.o. once daily. 2. plavix 75 mg p.o. once daily, both of which have been held since . 3. lopressor 25 mg p.o. twice a day. 4. terazosin 2 mg q.h.s. 5. lipitor 10 mg p.o. once daily. 6. senokot p.r.n. 7. nitroglycerine p.r.n. allergies: the patient has no known drug allergies according to his children. physical examination: on arrival, he is afebrile, temperature 96.8, heart rate 115 to 116, blood pressure 120s to 130s over 80s to 90s, respiratory rate 23, weight 87 kilograms. in general, the patient was intubated, somewhat somnolent but responsive to his sons, following commands on occasions. he was in no apparent distress. head, eyes, ears, nose and throat examination is normocephalic and atraumatic. his sclera were anicteric. the pupils are equal, round and reactive to light and accommodation. extraocular movements were intact bilaterally. the mucous membranes are moist. the oropharynx is clear. the neck was supple and jugular venous pressure was approximately seven centimeters at 45 degree angle. he had no audible bruits. he had a left internal jugular central line which was clean, dry and intact. cardiovascular examination was regular, rate 90s to 115. he had normal s1 to s2 without audible murmurs, rubs or gallops. the chest was clear to auscultation anteriorly with good aeration. the abdomen was obese, soft, nontender, nondistended, normoactive bowel sounds, no palpable hepatosplenomegaly or pulsatile masses. extremities were warm and dry with no cyanosis, clubbing or edema, one plus pedal pulses bilaterally. his skin was without rashes. right groin catheter and sheath site were clean, dry and intact with minimal oozing and no palpable hematoma. neurological examination: he is following intermittent commands from sons speaking armenian. he had no obvious focal neurological deficits. he was moving all extremities. laboratory data: on arrival to the coronary care unit, his intraaortic balloon pump was at 1:1. admission electrocardiogram was notable for a junctional tachycardia at 105 beats per minute, left axis deviation, st elevations which were 3.0 millimeters v2 through v6, new compared to previous electrocardiogram . outside electrocardiograms were similar to the electrocardiogram on arrival to , however, the st elevations have been even more pronounced including i and avl at the outside hospital. he had no known previous echocardiogram. cardiac catheterization on , showed thrombotic occlusion at the proximal left anterior descending coronary artery stent, treated with rheolytic treatment, percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty with 20 percent residual disease at the left anterior descending coronary artery stent, 40 percent at the diagonal origin. there is no evidence of dissection. hemodynamics in the cardiac catheterization laboratory were reported at cardiac index of 3.4, cardiac output of 7.13, pulmonary capillary wedge pressure with a mean of 35 and right atrial mean pressure of 17 and pulmonary artery pressures of 44/29. laboratory from outside hospital showed a ck of 60, mb 0.8. chem7 showed sodium of 142, potassium 3.9, chloride 105, bicarbonate 20, blood urea nitrogen 28, creatinine 1.6, glucose 157. complete blood count showed a white blood cell count of 9.0, hematocrit 29.8, platelet count 364,000, mcv 82. calcium 8.8, alt 23, ast 17. albumin 3.3, total bilirubin 0.3, alkaline phosphatase 109. inr 1.02, partial thromboplastin time 20.0. hospital course: this is an 88 year old gentleman was transferred to from outside hospital status post acute anterolateral st elevation myocardial infarction complicated by several episodes of ventricular fibrillation/ventricular tachycardia arrest and was found on emergent cardiac catheterization here to have restenosis of his proximal left anterior descending coronary artery stent which was successfully opened with rheolytic and percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty therapy requiring intraaortic balloon pump postprocedure. st elevation myocardial infarction - based on his electrocardiogram, the patient had a large st elevation myocardial infarction. he was continued on aggrastat 24 hour postprocedure. he will require plavix therapy for nine months post left anterior descending coronary artery stenosis. he will need to continue aspirin indefinitely. post cardiac catheterization, the patient was continued on heparin therapy. post cardiac catheterization, the patient require intraaortic balloon pump to maintain cardiac output. in addition, he was requiring dopamine for blood pressure support. the patient's dopamine was weaned down over the next several days. his intraaortic balloon pump was discontinued on . the patient had an echocardiogram to evaluate his myocardial function post st elevation myocardial infarction. the patient's echocardiogram documented his left atrium was mildly dilated. he had mild left ventricular hypertrophy, severe regional left ventricular systolic dysfunction with near akinesis of the anterior septum, anterior wall, apex, distal and inferior wall hypokinesis as well. his ejection fraction was approximately 25 percent. no left ventricular aneurysm was noted and no masses or thrombi were noted in the left ventricle. based on the significant akinesis, it was felt the patient would likely benefit from long term anticoagulation to prevent the risk of thrombotic embolic stroke. the team discussed with the patient's family the risks and benefits of anticoagulation given his history of lower gastrointestinal bleeding. the team explained that aspirin and plavix were clearly indicated, however, coumadin was somewhat controversial. even with it being controversial, the team did feel that he would possibly benefit from coumadin over the long term and felt that a trial of coumadin in the controlled setting of the hospital would be beneficial for the patient. after discussing this with the family, the family talked with the patient and the patient was initiated on coumadin. the patient was noted to have guaiac positive stool after initiating coumadin and gastroenterology was consulted for further workup. at this point, the patient's coumadin was discontinued, however, he was continued on aspirin and plavix. in addition in the setting of recent myocardial infarction, the patient was initiated on higher dose of lipitor 80 mg p.o. once daily. he should have his liver function tests reevaluated four weeks after initiating this medication on . atrial fibrillation - after discontinuing the intraaortic balloon pump, the patient was noted to be in supraventricular tachycardia. electrocardiogram of this rhythm noted it to be most consistent with atrial fibrillation. the patient continued to have bursts of atrial fibrillation throughout his hospital stay which seemed to be best controlled with intravenous amiodarone. an attempt was made to transition the patient from intravenous amiodarone after significant loading to p.o. amiodarone, however, the patient continued to have bursts of atrial fibrillation on the p.o. amiodarone. the patient's rapid atrial fibrillation was treated with metoprolol intravenously at 2.5 mg increments. this did seem to help break the patient out of his atrial fibrillation rhythm by virtue of the slower rapid ventricular response, however, the patient was noted to have significant sinus pauses with the use of metoprolol. his atrial fibrillation was complicated by the fact that the patient developed flash pulmonary edema with these episodes of atrial fibrillation. in addition, his sinus pauses were up to five seconds when the atrial fibrillation was treated with intravenous metoprolol. therefore, the patient was restarted on intravenous amiodarone therapy. the team felt that possibly his significant volume overload status was due to inability to absorb p.o. medications through his bowel wall. a plan was in place to transition the patient back to p.o. amiodarone after several days of intravenous amiodarone therapy. congestive heart failure - the patient was noted to have evidence of increased pulmonary vascular markings and peripheral edema consistent with congestive heart failure after multiple episodes of atrial fibrillation. in addition, the patient had received significant volume resuscitation with his hypotension post cardiac catheterization and intraaortic balloon pump placement. it was felt that the volume resuscitation for his hypotension as well as rapid atrial fibrillation contributed to development of congestive heart failure. the patient was initially started on nesiritide drip as well as ace inhibitor for afterload reduction in the hopes of diuresis. the nesiritide was continued from , to , when the nesiritide was discontinued secondary to hypotension. at this point, the patient's hypotension became a limiting factor in terms of further diuresis. however, after several days, his blood pressure stabilized and we were able to further diurese the patient with intravenous lasix. due to difficulty with his fluid status, the patient did have a swan- ganz catheter placed after initiating coumadin , to have better assessment of the patient's hemodynamics. initial swan pressures showed right atrial pressure 18, right ventricular pressure 51/20, pulmonary artery pressures 55/30/44 and pulmonary capillary wedge pressure of approximately 35, however, this was felt to be a poor wedge. repeat wedge pressures was a mean of 23. swan-ganz catheter was discontinued on , after significant progress had been made in his volume status. the patient was noted to have significant bilateral pleural effusions. these were tapped by interventional pulmonary service for diagnostic purposes. cultures were sent. there were no organisms and no polymorphonuclear cells on gram stain. cultures did not grow any bacteria. this was felt to be likely just a result of his congestive heart failure. gastrointestinal bleed - the patient has a history of lower gastrointestinal bleed felt secondary to hemorrhoids based on past colonoscopy. on admission to coronary care unit, he did have a nasogastric tube and was noted to have gastric occult positive nasogastric output. the patient was continued on heparin post cardiac catheterization and decision was made after speaking with the family about the benefits to initiate coumadin therapy in a controlled setting. after several days of coumadin, the patient was noted to have heme positive stool. gastroenterology was consulted regarding further workup of his gastrointestinal bleeding. upper endoscopy was performed which documented three gastric erosions which were not actually bleeding but were felt to be the source of the gastrointestinal bleed. the gastroenterology team felt that given his recent st elevation myocardial infarction, he was too high risk to perform lower intestinal evaluation with colonoscopy. they recommended follow-up colonoscopy in several months. the patient was empirically treated with protonix p.o. twice a day. in addition, he was tested for h. pylori antigen and his h. pylori antibody was positive suggestive of active or past infection. a decision was made to hold on treating his h. pylori immediately given his multiple medical problems and concern that the patient may be at risk for aspiration with multiple p.o. tablets. however, the patient should initiate h. pylori therapy prior to discharge. e. coli bacteremia - on , the patient had blood cultures drawn. three out of four bottles came back positive for e. coli which was resistant only to ampicillin and ampicillin/sulbactam. the patient was started on levofloxacin immediately with the first fever spike and given the concern for infection. in addition, his antibiotics were broadened to vancomycin and zosyn the following day given concern that this could be multiple sources such as associated pneumonia, line infection, urinary tract infection. however, after the blood cultures grew out e. coli, the patient's antibiotics were narrowed to ciprofloxacin 200 mg intravenously once daily. in addition, one out of four bottles grew out coagulase negative staphylococcus which was felt to be a contaminant. the patient had received several days of vancomycin which should have covered for this. on , the patient's vancomycin was discontinued. given the need for pacemaker placement, infectious disease service was consulted regarding the duration of the antibiotic therapy. infectious disease recommended that the patient continue on ciprofloxacin for a full fourteen day course. his last day of antibiotics should be . all repeat blood cultures from , , , , have been no growth to date at the time of this dictation. the source of infection was possibly secondary to bacterial translocation across the bowel wall in the setting of gastrointestinal bleeding, especially given multiple negative urine cultures. arrhythmia, sinus pause - the patient was noted to have significant sinus pause with beta blocker treatment of rapid atrial fibrillation. the patient was noted to have junctional rhythm in the 30s after 2.5 of intravenous metoprolol as well as five second pause. decision was made to avoid further nodal blocking agents. most likely, the patient will require a pacemaker for this. electrophysiology was consulted and agreed with this course of therapy. he should have a pacemaker placed prior to discharge home, however, this will not be done until the patient has been adequately treated with intravenous antibiotics for his e. coli bacteremia. aspiration - concern was raised regarding the patient's ability to swallow without aspiration. the patient was noted to cough on multiple occasions after eating and drinking. the patient did have a bedside swallowing evaluation on . the swallowing assessment noted that the patient cleared his throat on several occasions after coughing following sips of thin liquids from the cup as well as through the straw. he was noticed to have a pill get stuck in his throat which cleared after a sip of water. however, he did grimace occasionally with swallowing. bedside swallow evaluation recommended that the patient have a video swallow to definitively rule out aspiration and make safe diet recommendations. in the meantime, the patient was continued on nectar thick liquids with cups of only pureed solids. the patient's seemed to be tolerating this well. he should have a video swallow prior to discharge. please see discharge summary addendum for remainder of hospital course, discharge status and discharge medications. , md procedure: venous catheterization, not elsewhere classified combined right and left heart cardiac catheterization coronary arteriography using two catheters other endoscopy of small intestine thoracentesis initial insertion of dual-chamber device initial insertion of transvenous leads [electrodes] into atrium and ventricle arterial catheterization colonoscopy implant of pulsation balloon transfusion of packed cells injection or infusion of nesiritide ligation of hemorrhoids diagnoses: congestive heart failure, unspecified acute kidney failure, unspecified severe sepsis atrial fibrillation acute myocardial infarction of anterolateral wall, initial episode of care cardiogenic shock other complications due to other cardiac device, implant, and graft hemorrhage of gastrointestinal tract, unspecified septicemia due to escherichia coli [e. coli] Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: allergies: penicillins / percocet / morphine attending: chief complaint: dyspnea, hypertension major surgical or invasive procedure: 1. ultrasound guided tap 2. venogram history of present illness: ms. is a 24 year old female with a history of sle, esrd on hd, h/o malignant htn, svc syndrome, pres, prior ich, with frequent admission for hypertensive urgency/emergency, with chronic abdominal pain that presented to the ed with critically high blood pressure and dyspnea. she was recently discharged on for hypertensive urgency and dyspnea. she was treated with labetolol gtt, , and her home medications with improvement of her bp. she was discharged home in stable condition on . she had been doing well at home, but missed her hd session on due to transportation issues. she has been taking her medications without any difficulty. on the morning of admission, she noted increase dyspnea, and had a dry cough, although this is not particularly new. she presented to the er for dyspnea. she continues to have the chronic abdominal pain which is unchanged, and is controlled right now. in the emergency department, vs= 98.1, 240/140, 128, 30, 96%ra. on initial evaluation, she was noted to have sbp 70s on the right arm, 240s on the left arm. she did not complain of any pain. she underwent cta torso to eval for dissection which was negative for dissection or pe. the imaging showed persistent svc thrombus. there was also note of bilateral ground glass and nodularities therefore was given levofloxacin 750 mg iv x 1. she was given labetalol iv, then started on a labetalol gtt. her bp remained elevated, therefore she was transferred to the icu for bp control and then . she was also given dilaudid 1 mg iv x 1 as well. ms. was taken to the micu and treated for malignant hypertension. she was given hemodialysis and her blood pressure stabilized. she was transferred to the medical floor. she continued to receive tuesday, thursday, and saturday. on , she had a paracentesis of her abdomen. she is complaining of focal tenderness around the point of insertion. on , she was transferred back to the micu because of stridor that was treated with heliox. she was stabilized, and came back to the floor on . on , ms. had a venogram. on , an angiography intervention for an occlusion of her left brachiocephalic vein was discontinued because her occlusion was not as drastic as prior imaging indicated when tested with a 22 gauge needle. ms. was discharged on with stable blood pressures and abdominal pain controlled. past medical history: 1. systemic lupus erythematosus since age 16 complicated by uveitis and end stage renal disease since . -s/p treatment with cyclophosphamide and mycophenolate and now maintained on prednisone 2. ckd/esrd: diagnosed in and has previously been on pd and now hd 3. malignant hypertension with baseline sbp's 180's-220's and history of hypertensive crisis with seizures. 4. thrombocytopenia 5. thrombotic events with negative hypercoagulability work-up - svc thrombosis (); related to a catheter - negative lupus anticoagulant (, , ) - negative anticardiolipin antibodies igg and igm x4 (-) - negative beta-2 glycoprotein antibody (, ) 6. hocm: last noted on echo 7. anemia 8. history of left eye enucleation for fungal infection 9. history of vaginal bleeding lasting 2 months s/p depoprovera injection requiring transfusion 10. history of coag negative staph bacteremia and hd line infection - and 11. thrombotic microangiopathy 12. obstructive sleep apnea on cpap 13. left abdominal wall hematoma 14. mssa bacteremia associated with hd line -, . 15. pericardial effusion 16. cin i noted in , not further worked up due to frequent hospitalizations and inability to see in outpatient setting 17. gastric ulcer 18. pres social history: denies tobacco, alcohol or illicit drug use. lives with mother and is on disability for multiple medical problems. family history: no known autoimmune disease. physical exam: general: a&ox3. nad, oriented x3. heent: nc/at; perrla on right, enucleated eye on left; op clear, neck: supple, no lad lungs: cta b, with few crackles at bases. cv: rrr, s1, s2 abdomen: soft, minimally distended, diffuse mild tenderness to palpation ext: palpable dp/pt pulses, no clubbing, cyanosis or edema. neuro: cn 2-12 intact. moving all four extremities spontaneously. pertinent results: 07:50am blood wbc-2.8* rbc-2.51* hgb-7.3* hct-23.1* mcv-92 mch-29.1 mchc-31.8 rdw-21.1* plt ct-134* 10:30am blood wbc-3.5* rbc-2.36* hgb-6.8* hct-21.6* mcv-92 mch-28.9 mchc-31.6 rdw-20.5* plt ct-121* 07:50am blood pt-14.7* ptt-35.0 inr(pt)-1.3* 07:50am blood glucose-154* urean-20 creat-4.4* na-138 k-4.0 cl-103 hco3-23 angap-16 10:30am blood vanco-17.8 09:35am blood wbc-3.8* rbc-2.39* hgb-7.0* hct-21.6* mcv-90 mch-29.2 mchc-32.4 rdw-19.8* plt ct-120* 12:30pm blood wbc-3.6* rbc-2.49* hgb-7.0* hct-22.5* mcv-90 mch-28.3 mchc-31.3 rdw-18.8* plt ct-121* 09:35am blood plt ct-120* 09:35am blood pt-19.7* ptt-38.4* inr(pt)-1.8* 12:30pm blood plt ct-121* 12:30pm blood pt-29.5* ptt-43.9* inr(pt)-2.9* 09:35am blood glucose-90 urean-19 creat-4.2*# na-138 k-4.2 cl-102 hco3-25 angap-15 12:30pm blood glucose-72 urean-34* creat-6.0*# na-137 k-4.5 cl-102 hco3-24 angap-16 12:30pm blood calcium-8.2* phos-4.6* mg-1.6 05:44am blood calcium-8.9 phos-5.1* mg-1.7 12:27pm blood -positive * titer-1:80 12:27pm blood c3-69* c4-17 12:30pm blood vanco-16.7 08:57am blood vanco-15.9 04:16am blood vanco-19.2 07:27am blood type-art po2-66* pco2-52* ph-7.30* caltco2-27 base xs--1 02:06pm blood lactate-1.0 brief hospital course: 24 y/o female with h/o sle, esrd on hd, malignant htn, h/o svc syndrome, pres, prior ich, and recent sbo, presented to ed on for dyspnea and hypertensive urgency. 1. hypertensive urgency - pt presented to er with sbp in 240s and c/o dyspnea. her blood pressures were reported as unequal and cta in er was done. this study showed no signs of dissection. pt's blood pressure was controlled with labetalol gtt. at time of transfer, she denied cp and sob. ce's were flat. she was started on her home bp regimen of oral labetalol on , and nifedipine/hydralazine/aliskerin soon after admission. pt was also continued on her hd regimen for esrd, for volume control. . 2. angioedema - pt developed facial swelling and shortness of breath while on medical floor. she was taken to icu and responded favorably to heliox. patient returned to floor and has been comfortably breathing since. given history of svc, venogram was ordered that did not indicate a complete occlusion of the left brachiocephalic vein, as previously thought, with help of 22 gauge needle. 3. cough: pt presented with chronic cough/dyspnea without fevers. chest ct revealed bilateral infiltrates and nodularities, noted possibly infectious vs edema. pt was started on vanc/zosyn given recent hospitalization, brief temp spike, and pulm infiltrates. abx were stopped after cultures were neg. at time of transfer, pt's dyspnea was largely resolved and these findings were felt to be more consistent with edema given hypertensive urgency. . 4. chronic abdominal pain - pt has had chronic abdominal pain, which was well controlled at time of transfer. she was continued on her current outpt pain regimen of po dilaudid, fentanyl patch, lidoacine patch. her lfts and lipase were wnl. she had no signs of sbo. . 5. bacteremia - gpc in pairs and clusters; started on vanco on . . 6. ascites - unclear etiology and new findings for her. pt is to get workup with liver team as outpatient. her seems to have slightly improved this finding. her coags were unremarkable. she was seen by hepatology in house who did not have any specific recommendations at this time but asked to see her in follow up as an outpatient. . 7. esrd on hd - hd satuth,. pt was continued on her hd regimen while in house. sevelamer was continued as well. . 8. anemia/pancytopenia - chronic anemia, baseline pancytopenia, likely ckd and sle, currently above baseline, though has h/o gib. pt's pancytopenia remained stable; c3 and c4 studies were performed and it was felt that her sle was not active at this time. guiac stools were neg. epo was continued at hd. . 9. h/o gastric ulcer - ppi was continued throughout hospitalization. . 10. sle - pt was continued on home regimen of prednisone 4mg po qdaily. . 11. h/o svc thrombosis - patient's warfarin was discontinued after discussion with dr. . she frequently is outside of therapeutic range on this medication and given the suspected problems with medication compliance, it was felt it was safer to discontinue it altogether. . 12. seizure disorder - pt was continued on home regimen keppra 1000 mg po 3x/week (tu,th,sa). . 13. depression - pt was continued on her home celexa. . medications on admission: 1.nifedipine 90 mg po daily (daily). 2.nifedipine 60 mg tablet sustained release po hs (at bedtime). 3.lidocaine 5 % patch q24hr. 4.aliskiren 150 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po bid 5.citalopram 20 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po daily (daily). 6.fentanyl 25 mcg/hr patch 72 hr sig: one (1) patch q72h 7.prednisone 4 mg po daily (daily). 8.clonidine 0.1 mg/24 hr patch qsat (every saturday). 9.clonidine 0.3 mg/24 hr patch qsat (every saturday). 10.sevelamer hcl 1600 mg po tid w/meals (3 times a day with meals). 11.gabapentin 100 mg capsule sig: one (1) capsule po qhd 12.labetalol 1000 mg tablet tablet po tid 13.hydralazine 100 mg tablet po q8h 14.warfarin 3 mg tablet po once daily at 4 pm. 15.pantoprazole 40 mg po q12h (every 12 hours). 16.levetiracetam 1000 mg po 3x/week (tu,th,sa). discharge medications: 1. protonix 40 mg tablet, delayed release (e.c.) sig: one (1) tablet, delayed release (e.c.) po every twelve (12) hours. 2. clonidine 0.3 mg/24 hr patch weekly sig: one (1) patch weekly transdermal qthur (every thursday). 3. nifedipine 60 mg tablet sustained release sig: one (1) tablet sustained release po at bedtime. 4. nifedipine 30 mg tablet sustained release sig: three (3) tablet sustained release po qam (once a day (in the morning)). 5. aliskiren 150 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po bid (2 times a day). 6. citalopram 20 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po daily (daily). 7. fentanyl 25 mcg/hr patch 72 hr sig: one (1) patch 72 hr transdermal q72h (every 72 hours). 8. lidocaine 5 %(700 mg/patch) adhesive patch, medicated sig: one (1) adhesive patch, medicated topical daily (daily). 9. prednisone 1 mg tablet sig: four (4) tablet po daily (daily). 10. clonidine 0.1 mg/24 hr patch weekly sig: one (1) patch weekly transdermal every thursday. 11. sevelamer hcl 400 mg tablet sig: four (4) tablet po tid w/meals (3 times a day with meals). 12. gabapentin 100 mg capsule sig: one (1) capsule po qhd (each hemodialysis). 13. labetalol 200 mg tablet sig: five (5) tablet po tid (3 times a day): please hold if systolic blood pressure < 100 or hr < 55. 14. hydralazine 50 mg tablet sig: two (2) tablet po q8h (every 8 hours). 15. levetiracetam 500 mg tablet sig: two (2) tablet po 3x/week (tu,th,sa). 16. hydromorphone 2 mg tablet sig: 1-2 tablets po q4h (every 4 hours) as needed for pain. 17. vancomycin 500 mg recon soln sig: one (1) recon soln intravenous hd protocol (hd protochol). 18. senna 8.6 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po bid (2 times a day) as needed for constipation. disp:*60 tablet(s)* refills:*2* 19. docusate sodium 100 mg capsule sig: one (1) capsule po bid (2 times a day). disp:*60 capsule(s)* refills:*2* 20. dilaudid 2 mg tablet sig: 1-2 tablets po every six (6) hours as needed for pain: do not drive or operate heavy machinery with this medication as it can cause drowsiness. disp:*20 tablet(s)* refills:*0* discharge disposition: home discharge diagnosis: primary: malignant hypertension angioedema ascites end stage renal disease secondary: chronic abdominal pain anemia/pancytopenia lupus gastric ulcer svc thrombosis seizure disorder depression discharge condition: hemodynamically stable with blood pressures 130-140 / 60-90 discharge instructions: you were admitted to on because of critically high blood pressure. while here, you were given iv antihypertensive medications, and then you were switched to antihypertnsive medications by mouth. you received multiple sessions of hemodialysis. you had a distended, tender belly, and you underwent a ultrasound guided tap to remove the fluid in your abdomen. on , you developed throat and facial swelling, and you were transferred from the medical floor to the icu. you were given medication to help open your airway; you were stabilized and went to hemodialysis several times. you were transferred back to the medical floor. you had a venogram on , and the results at this time are still pending. you had blood cultures drawn that were positive for bacteria. you received iv antibiotics while at hemodialysis. you will continue to receive these antibiotics at your appointments. please keep all of your medical appointments. please go to the nearest emergency room if you experience any of the following: 1. chest pain 2. headaches 3. lightheadedness 4. changes in vision 5. nausea and vomiting followup instructions: please continue your regular hemodialysis schedule. you have the following appointments scheduled. please call if you need to cancel or change your appointments. provider: ,schedule hemodialysis unit date/time: 12:00 provider: , md phone: date/time: 2:00 provider: clinic phone: date/time: 3:15 procedure: hemodialysis percutaneous abdominal drainage non-invasive mechanical ventilation transfusion of packed cells phlebography of other specified sites using contrast material diagnoses: hypertensive chronic kidney disease, malignant, with chronic kidney disease stage v or end stage renal disease chronic glomerulonephritis in diseases classified elsewhere other primary cardiomyopathies systemic lupus erythematosus thrombocytopenia, unspecified anemia in chronic kidney disease anemia of other chronic disease end stage renal disease obstructive sleep apnea (adult)(pediatric) other chronic pain abdominal pain, unspecified site other specified procedures as the cause of abnormal reaction of patient, or of later complication, without mention of misadventure at time of procedure unspecified disease of pericardium bacteremia compression of vein long-term (current) use of anticoagulants epilepsy, unspecified, without mention of intractable epilepsy personal history of venous thrombosis and embolism unspecified accident other ascites other specified peripheral vascular diseases gastric ulcer, unspecified as acute or chronic, without mention of hemorrhage or perforation, without mention of obstruction personal history of transient ischemic attack (tia), and cerebral infarction without residual deficits angioneurotic edema, not elsewhere classified infection and inflammatory reaction due to other vascular device, implant, and graft staphylococcus infection in conditions classified elsewhere and of unspecified site, other staphylococcus stridor Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: history of present illness: the patient is a 60 year-old male with a history of hypertension, atrial fibrillation, history of sbl, question of crohn's disease with an etoh history who initially presented from the outside hospital with jarring and tearing abdominal pain with radiation to the back and hypotension from 68/30 to 38/palp. he was transferred to the on when he was fluid resuscitated with good response, given 3 units of fresh frozen platelets, 1 unit of packed red blood cells. he had an abdominal ct, which revealed subcapsular liver hematoma and was guaiac positive. he was transferred to the intensive care unit. initially white blood cell count was 21.6, hematocrit was 29.7, inr 1.8, creatinine 1.7 with normal liver function tests. the patient was intubated on and had a liver angiogram, because the ct with contrast revealed multiple liver masses and a cirrhotic liver with the largest mass bleeding. the patient received chemo embolization of two branches of the left hepatic artery as well as coiling. a left subclavian was placed on and then changed over a wire on . the patient's hematocrit post procedure was noted to drop from 29.7 to 22.8. he received a total of 10 units of packed red blood cells, 4 bags of platelets, 1 cryo, 17 units of fresh frozen platelets between and . the patient's blood cultures were positive for one out of four bottles of coag negative staph. the patient began to spike on to a max of 102.6. he grew out gram negative rods consistent with e-coli in his sputum on and was started on zosyn and then was changed to levo. the patient also had an elevated sodium to a max of 157 on . a right subclavian was placed on . repeat ct on revealed no abscess, but revealed an interval increase in ascites and multiple liver masses. the patient's antibiotics were then changed to vancomycin and zosyn based on mrsa positive sputum on and . antibiotics were then changed to vancomycin, ceftriaxone and flagyl on . past medical history: 1. hypertension. 2. atrial fibrillation. 3. asthma. 4. question of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. 5. crohn's. 6. nsbo. 7. obesity. past surgical history: the patient had a colon polypectomy. allergies: penicillin causes a rash. medications on transfer to the micu: 1. vancomycin. 2. lansoprazole. 3. lopressor. 4. subq heparin. 5. insulin sliding scale. 6. albuterol nebulizer. 7. atrovent nebulizer. 8. singulair. 9. clonidine. 10. tube feeds. 11. ceftriaxone. 12. flagyl. social history: prior extensive tobacco use. currently does not smoke. etoh, currently not drinking, however, prior very heavy history. lives with wife. currently not working. physical examination: temperature max was 103.1. temperature current 100.8. pulse 77 current, range was 67 to 113. blood pressure 101 to 171/54 to 86, current was 119/60. respiratory rate 15 to 32. satting 100% on room air. the patient was on simv vent, tidal volume 600, respiratory rate 14 to 24, fio2 0.4, fio2 pressures support 5 of peep. cvp 11 to 19, current 11, pip 26, plateau 24, ins and outs were 23, 20/11, 40. physical examination, the patient was sedated, eyes opened, but not responding to commands. pupils are equal, round and reactive to light. sclera anicteric. the patient was jaundice diffusely including under tongue. he was intubated. cardiovascular regular rate and rhythm. pulmonary no wheezes, occasional rhonchi heard at bases bilaterally. abdomen was distended, difficult to appreciate hepatosplenomegaly. positive bowel sounds. the patient had 2+ pitting edema bilaterally to the knees. pneumoboots in place. neurological unable to respond to voice. skin modeling bilateral in thighs. 2+ dorsalis pedis pulses and warm. data: fibrinogen 378, inr 1.3, pt 14, ptt 28.4, white blood cell count 14.4, hematocrit 33.2, platelet count 218, neutrophils 86 bands, 7 lymphocytes, 3 monocytes. urinalysis large blood, 30 protein, urobilinogen 1, 11 to 20 red blood cells, 3 to 5 white blood cells, 0 to 2 epithelials, moderate bacteria, negative glucose, negative nitrite, negative leukocyte esterase, negative ketone, negative bilirubin. tox screen negative on . sodium 148, k 4.3, chloride 112, bicarbonate 30, bun 44, creatinine 0.9, glucose 219, phos 1.3, magnesium 2.4, alt 100, ast 109, alkaline phosphatase 123, amylase 14, t bili 4.1, lipase 30, ldh 641, afp 3, 59.5. troponin 0.03. hep serologies all pending. c-diff pending. blood cultures pending. other results as stated above. hospital course: 1. cirrhosis: throughout his hospitalization the patient had elevated transaminases. additionally his liver parenchymal was consistent with cirrhosis. the patient had continued ascites throughout his hospitalization. paracentesis was performed and was consistent with a transudate. additionally it was not significant for an sbp. during his hospitalization there was concern regarding possible compartment syndrome based on the fact that the patient's ascites would continue to grow. the patient had decreased urine output. however, a bladder pressure was obtained, which ruled out compartment syndrome. hepatology was following and felt that repeated paracentesis was indicated only should the patient have pulmonary compromise. however, the patient remained stable on room air and then on oxygen by nasal cannula, hence a repeat paracentesis was not performed. the patient's cytology and pathology results was consistent with hepatoma. given that his disease was so diffuse with multiple hepatic masses and most likely seeding in his abdomen the family decided that they did not want to initiate any chemotherapy at the current time. hep serologies remained negative. 2. the patient had persistent fevers initially. the differential diagnoses include mrsa, pneumonia, e-coli, necrotizing hepatic masses, ischemic bowel, sbp, diarrhea, endocarditis, deep venous thrombosis, pe, drug fever given that the patient was on zosyn and has a penicillin allergy, atelectasis, endocarditis, dvt and pe were all ruled out. sbp was ruled out based on peritoneal fluid analysis and the patient's fever curb trended down. it was felt secondary to heavy tumor burden and consistent with patient metastatic cancer. pan cultures were obtained, however, and remained negative except for those mentioned above. 3. cardiovascular: the patient did have episodes of a supraventricular tachycardia, however, remained asymptomatic during these episodes. he had multiple rule out protocols performed and ruled out for myocardial infarction on repeated occasions. 4. acute renal failure: the patient had acute on chronic worsening of his renal failure, but with hydration his creatinine normalized to the baseline of 1.3. additionally his hyponatremia improved with free water boluses. 5. fen: the patient was maintained on tube feeds. 6. lines: the patient had a peripheral as well as ....... in his left upper extremity. 7. communication: with his wife. after having extensive discussions with the wife it was decided that the patient should be made dnr/dni and then later the patient was made comfort measures only. this was due to the fact that the patient had widely metastatic carcinoma with mets to the liver and most likely peritoneal seating with an increase in his ascites. by the time of transfer to the micu to the general medicine floor the patient again had elevated sodiums up to 152. these were managed with free water boluses, otherwise the patient's ascites continued to increase. however, he remained stable on 2 liters of oxygen. his family did not reparacentesis. they felt that the patient should be transitioned into hospice care. a hospice bed could not be found given that there was conflict between the facilities available in the area where the patient lived and his type of insurance. the patient was eventually transferred to the medicine service and per report the patient expired a few days thereafter. however, the intern taking care of him on the medicine floor will dictate that part of the discharge summary. dr., 12-944 dictated by: medquist36 procedure: continuous invasive mechanical ventilation for 96 consecutive hours or more parenteral infusion of concentrated nutritional substances insertion of endotracheal tube enteral infusion of concentrated nutritional substances closed (percutaneous) [needle] biopsy of liver percutaneous abdominal drainage injection or infusion of other therapeutic or prophylactic substance aortography arteriography of other intra-abdominal arteries pulmonary artery wedge monitoring diagnoses: acute kidney failure with lesion of tubular necrosis acute posthemorrhagic anemia acute and subacute necrosis of liver secondary malignant neoplasm of other specified sites other shock without mention of trauma bacteremia methicillin susceptible pneumonia due to staphylococcus aureus malignant neoplasm of liver, primary Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: allergies: patient recorded as having no known allergies to drugs attending: addendum: patient was transfered to the regular floor on he remained neurologically stable. he was evaluated by dr from behavior neurology who felt he needed 24 supervision and would improve in -four weeks. he will followup with dr in two weeks with repeat head ct and rpeat mri in six weeks and followup with dr in four weeks call 1- for appointment. discharge disposition: extended care facility: life care center of md, procedure: arteriography of cerebral arteries diagnoses: intracerebral hemorrhage other and unspecified hyperlipidemia Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: history of present illness: the patient was admitted for evaluation and treatment of a right-sided mandibular abscess secondary to osteonecrosis of the mandible. past medical history: (the patient's past medical history included the following) 1. knee surgery. 2. seizure disorder that has been inactive times four years. 3. possibly coronary artery disease that is undocumented. 4. throat cancer. 5. left leg surgery. medications on admission: (the patient's medications at the time of admission were as follows) 1. naproxen 500 mg by mouth twice per day. 2. atenolol 100 mg by mouth once per day. 3. verapamil sustained release 180 mg by mouth in the morning. 4. dilantin 100 mg by mouth three times per day. 5. oxazepam 10 mg by mouth three times per day. allergies: penicillin (resulting in a skin rash). physical examination on presentation: the patient's physical examination performed by the surgical intensive care unit team revealed the patient's pupils were equal, round, and reactive to light and accommodation. the patient's lungs were recorded to be heard with occasional crackles. the patient's cardiovascular examination revealed a regular rate and rhythm. the patient's abdomen was documented to have a percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy tube in place with positive bowel sounds. the patient's extremities revealed no edema and muscle wasting. the patient's lower extremities had 2+ dorsalis pedis and posterior tibialis pulses. the patient also had a xeroform dressing on the right side of his mandible. the patient's vital signs at the time of admission revealed that he was afebrile with vital signs stable and intact. the patient's temperature was 95.8 degrees fahrenheit, his blood pressure was 173/81, his heart rate was 70, and his respiratory rate was 16. the patient's chemistry-7 revealed a glucose of 152, sodium was 136, chloride was 102, blood urea nitrogen was 16, and the patient's potassium was 4.5. the patient's hco3 was 22, and the patient's urea was 0.7. concise summary of hospital course by issue/system: the patient is a 60-year-old gentleman with a history of oropharyngeal cancer at the base of the tongue and in his pharynx. the patient was admitted from an outside hospital where he was found to have a right mandibular abscess secondary to osteonecrosis of the mandible. the patient was scheduled to be taken to the operating room for debridement and biopsy of his area. the patient now returns for additional debridement and resection of his right mandible with the placement of a free flap. the patient was initially admitted to the surgical intensive care unit postoperatively for monitoring of his free flap placement. on the patient's postoperative check, he was found to be stable and his flap was pink with a good capillary refill times. his incision was clean, dry, and intact with his - draining serosanguineous fluid. it was at this time that the patient was deemed to have tolerated anesthesia and procedure well, and he would continue to be followed by the plastics team. the patient also had a tracheostomy tube placed by the otolaryngology and was placed on a respiratory ventilator at this time to assist with breathing. this was to be followed by the respiratory team and managed by the other team as well. the patient continued to recover from the procedure and anesthesia well with no complications or events. the graft and split-thickness skin graft appeared viable with good capillary refill time and good coloration. it appeared at this time that there was a 100% take of the graft. it was noted that on postoperative day two, the patient did have a low-grade fever which was felt most likely to be secondary to clostridium difficile. stool titers were collected and sent for evaluation of the presence of clostridium difficile. the patient's flap continued to be dressed in a kerlix and a dry sterile dressing. the patient was instructed to keep his head elevated at all times. the patient's airway continued to be managed by the ear/nose/throat service. it was also on postoperative day two that the patient was counseled to the physical therapy service where he was instructed to be out of bed three times per day as tolerated. on postoperative day three, the patient was stable enough to be transferred to the floor from the intensive care unit. currently, the patient was afebrile with vital signs stable and intact. the patient's wound from his donor site was clean, dry, and intact with no hematoma or ecchymosis. the patient's tracheostomy tube was intact, and the patient's split-thickness skin graft remained under his dressing. the patient's flap continued to look good with good coloration and capillary refill time. the patient did continue to demonstrate the low-grade fever at this time. the patient was encouraged to be out of bed and to continue to have his head elevated. on postoperative day four, the patient continued to recover uneventfully. the patient remained with a low-grade temperature. otherwise, his vital signs were stable and intact. the patient was noted to have some secretions from his tracheostomy tube which were noted to have been decreasing steadily from their first appearance on postoperative day three. of note, on postoperative day four, the patient's clostridium difficile titers were found to be negative at this time. the patient was continued on his current treatment course with head elevation and encouragement to be out of bed with assistance three times per day. the patient's postoperative day five was significant for a thrombophlebitis formation in his right arm. to treat this, the patient was encouraged to keep his arm elevated. the patient was continued on antibiotics from his postoperative admission, and the patient was encouraged to place cold packs on his right arm for comfort. the antibiotic choice for the patient's right arm phlebitis was clindamycin. the patient also received a nutrition consultation so as to properly manage and maximize his nutritional care through his tube feeds. on postoperative day six, the patient's examination showed that he was afebrile with vital signs stable and intact. the patient had good urine output and good nutritional intake. the patient's flap looked good with a good capillary refill time and coloration. it appeared at this time that the graft had a 100% take. the patient continued to be followed by the plastics team during his hospital stay. on postoperative day seven, the patient was found to have some serosanguineous drainage on the left side of his neck split-thickness skin graft. within the oral cavity, his incision from his skin flap had dehisced, and there was some air noted within the tissues. upon re-examination by the plastics team, the patient's anterior flap which was intraoral was found to have some dehiscence with some necrotic tissue on the skin flap of his neck. it was at this time that the patient was determined to have developed an orocutaneous fistula. the patient's plan and treatment would be to pack the wound open at the neck with new gauze to control the fistula. the patient was okay to continue tube feeds and was deemed to be stable. it was at this time that no additional intervention was deemed to be necessary, and that simply the patient's wound would be packed open twice per day. on postoperative day eight, the patient was complaining of increased secretions and shortness of breath despite suctioning of his oral cavity. the patient's oxygen saturation was currently 98% at this time. the patient's lung examination was noted to have coarse rales bilaterally. there was a thick brown sanguinous drainage noted during the suctioning of his oral cavity. the patient's tracheostomy tube was in place. it was undetermined at this time the origin of the patient's increased secretions. the patient was determined to not have desaturated at this time. the workup of the patient's shortness of breath and increased secretions included chest x-rays to rule out pulmonary causes for increased secretions and a sputum culture. the patient's fistula also continued to be packed open and painted with a topical bacitracin ointment. on postoperative day eight, the patient was also found to have the skin flaps around his neck skin graft to be erythematous. in addition, the patient's right forearm and wrist thrombophlebitis had increased and was now determined to be a soft tissue cellulitis. there was also a note of purulent drainage from a previous intravenous site. this purulent drainage was cultured and sent for workup. in addition, to the workup from the purulent drainage and infectious disease consultation was placed to better manage the patient's phlebitis/cellulitis. infectious disease recommendations consisted of continuing levofloxacin and clindamycin as well as adding vancomycin for empiric coverage of methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus species. on postoperative day nine, the patient was found to be afebrile with vital signs stable and intact. the patient's sputum culture came back negative for pneumonia. the patient's right arm cellulitis began to improve since switching to the vancomycin, levofloxacin, and clindamycin combination. the patient's overall health and condition seemed to be improving at this time. the patient no longer had any difficulty breathing or shortness of breath. the patient's oxygen saturations remained stable and within an acceptable range. on postoperative day nine, the following infectious disease recommendations were made and instituted. the patient was switched from clindamycin to flagyl with a total antibiotic regimen consisting of flagyl, levaquin, and vancomycin. the patient's right arm cellulitis continued to improve with infectious disease requesting blood cultures which were negative at this time. infectious disease recommendations also included a 6-week course of antibiotics at the least for treatment of this right-sided neck fistula secondary to having hardware in place in this area. from this point on, the patient continued his hospital course relatively uneventfully with no other events or complications other than those previously noted. the patient was afebrile. vital signs were stable and intact. the patient's fistula continued to be packed open by the plastics team. on postoperative day eleven, the infectious disease team left the following recommendations. they noted that the patient's orocutaneous fistula may not heal without further surgical revision. this recommendation would further be discussed between all teams following the patient as well as with the patient and his family. the infectious disease team also noted that the patient's right arm and neck wound cellulitis were most likely due to methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus and recommended continuing the patient on vancomycin. blood cultures from (it appears) as noted in the infectious disease note showed that he was methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus positive in his right arm and his neck wound. also on postoperative day eleven, the patient was transferred so that the plastic surgery team was now his primary care team. on postoperative day twelve, the patient's treatment regimen was now including mild bedside debridement of some mild fibrous exudate around his orocutaneous fistula. this area continued to be packed open as before, and the rest of his treatment regimen remained the same. on postoperative day fifteen, the hospital course remained steady an uneventful. at this time, during the gentle bedside debridements, it was noted that the patient's mandibular plate had become exposed anteriorly with the remaining flap intact. the patient continued to have the presence of an orocutaneous fistula. it was at this time that the decision was made to take the patient back to the operating room for some additional debridement of his wound with a possible local skin wound closure. the patient was made aware of the plan which was discussed with him fully, and the patient demonstrated that he understood the outcome and possibilities of the surgical plan and indicated that he wished to proceed at this time. on , the patient was taken to the operating room for debridement with pectoralis myocutaneous split-thickness skin graft from his right thigh to his chin. the patient's surgeons consisted of dr. , dr. , and dr. . following the patient's procedure on , the patient's postoperative check showed that he was afebrile with vital signs stable and intact. the patient was alert and oriented times three and in no apparent distress. the patient's breathing was comfortable and unlabored. the patient's dressings immediately postoperatively were intact and dry with zero strike through. the patient's chemistries, including hematocrit and electrolytes, were found to be relatively stable; although there was a deficiency in magnesium and calcium which were repleted at this time. the patient's urine output was excellent. details of the patient's surgery and procedure can be located in the corresponding operative note. the patient did have two - drains; one on either side of the skin flap for drainage. the patient's new postoperative recovery continued uneventfully with no complications or events. the patient remained afebrile with vital signs stable and intact. the patient was in no apparent distress, and he was alert and oriented times three. the patient's mental attitude appeared to be much improved at this time. the patient seemed to be in good spirits. the patient was slowly weaned off his oxygen for his tracheostomy tube. the patient's amount of activity out of bed was increased both secondary to the plastic surgery team's recommendations and the patient's wishes. dressings were left in place until when his bolster dressing was taken down. the skin flap over the area looked good and viable with good coloration and good capillary refill time. the left-sided - drain was removed, but the right-sided - drain was left in place and will be left in place until the patient's follow-up visit with dr. following his discharge. from this time forward, xeroform and bacitracin were to be applied to the patient's split-thickness skin graft. it was noted that there appeared to be good take of this new graft and that there was no openings of fistulas present intraorally. the patient continued his hospital course uneventfully with vital signs stable and intact. the patient was afebrile. he was alert and oriented times three and in no apparent distress. the patient continued to increase his activity level, and his graft continued to show moderate-to-excellent take. it was noted that this was at the point during the patient's previous treatment course that he breakdown of his split-thickness skin graft. therefore, it was planned to have additional examinations of the patient at this time. the patient was also determined to be stable enough for discharge to a rehabilitation facility. the anticipated discharge date (once again) is . discharge disposition: the patient's discharge status was to be a rehabilitation facility pending bed placement. condition at discharge: the patient's condition on discharge was stable/good. discharge diagnoses: osteonecrosis of the right mandible; this was treated with split-thickness skin grafts to the right mandible. medications on discharge: (the patient's discharge medications were as follows) 1. naproxen 500 mg by mouth twice per day. 2. atenolol 100 mg by mouth once per day. 3. verapamil sustained release 100 mg by mouth in the morning. 4. dilantin 100 mg by mouth three times per day. 5. oxazepam 10 mg by mouth three times per day. discharge instructions/followup: 1. the patient was to be discharged to a rehabilitation facility for a period of time to allow for additional healing. 2. the patient was instructed to follow up with dr. following his discharge. 3. the patient was to continue to receive dressing changes per instructions from the plastic surgery team while he is in his rehabilitation facility. 4. the patient was encouraged to continue to increase his activity levels with the hope and desire of returning to a normal preadmission activity and lifestyle. discharge status: the rehabilitation facility at this time has not been determined pending a bed placement. note: an addendum will be made to this report to include any changes in the patient's remaining hospital course. , m.d. dictated by: medquist36 procedure: continuous invasive mechanical ventilation for less than 96 consecutive hours venous catheterization, not elsewhere classified enteral infusion of concentrated nutritional substances temporary tracheostomy other skin graft to other sites other skin graft to other sites graft of muscle or fascia graft of muscle or fascia nonexcisional debridement of wound, infection or burn other reconstruction of mandible partial excision of pituitary gland, transsphenoidal approach local excision or destruction of lesion of facial bone partial mandibulectomy diagnoses: other convulsions cellulitis and abscess of upper arm and forearm other vascular complications of medical care, not elsewhere classified late effect of radiation radiological procedure and radiotherapy as the cause of abnormal reaction of patient, or of later complication, without mention of misadventure at time of procedure persistent postoperative fistula mechanical complication due to graft of other tissue, not elsewhere classified other specified diseases of the jaws Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: allergies: librium attending: chief complaint: hematemesis, encephalopathy major surgical or invasive procedure: feeding tube placement intubation egd history of present illness: 55-year-old female with alcohol cirrhosis with ?esophageal varices (last variceal bleed 6 years ago) presenting from osh with hematemesis. pt states that she has been drinking heavily recently due to recent life stressors, about a quart of vodka daily. last drink at 7pm on . had 3 episodes of hematemesis yesterday morning; could not quantify amount. also noted dark stools for the last three days. denies abdominal pain or diarrhea. she was seen at where she had two more episodes of hematemesis. she received 1unit prbc, zofran iv 8mg, and was placed on octreotide gtt. she was transferred here because endoscopy suite was not available until 7am. in the ed, initial vs were: 98.4 100 167/71 16 96% 2l nc. hct was 39. inr 1.3. serum etoh level 16. gi was called who stated that they would perform egd in am. she was given 1g ceftriaxone and placed on protonix and octreotide gtts. she received 1l ivfs. she remained hemodynamically stable, mildly hypertensive. she had another episode of emesis 150cc in ed of frank blood. vitals on transfer: 96 169/70 21 94%ra. past medical history: 1. major depression 2. alcoholic dependance 3. post traumatic stress disorder 4. h/o pancreatitis 5. hypertension 6. alcoholic cirrhosis social history: lives alone in subsidized housing in . 20 year history of alcoholism. states that she was sober for 6 weeks in - but recently struggled with several tragedies (death of close friend, separation of oldest son from his wife, another close friend involved in ) and has relapsed. drinks about a quart of vodka daily. reports hx of dts previously when withdrawing. has three children; son and daughter live nearby but oldest son is in . has 25 pack year history; curently smoking about 1ppd. remote hx of cocaine and ivdu, none recently. family history: - mother: died lung ca > 60yo, alcoholism, ? psychiatric illness - father: 76, alive & well, no h/o heart disease, cancer, diabetes - 4 siblings; 3 are alcoholics physical exam: admission physical exam vitals: 98.6 166/67 107 22 95%3l general: alert, oriented x 3, no acute distress heent: sclera anicteric, dry mm, erythema of posterior oropharynx, eomi, perrl neck: supple, jvp not elevated, no lad cv: mildly tachycardic, normal s1 + s2, no murmurs, rubs, gallops lungs: clear to auscultation bilaterally, no wheezes, rales, ronchi abdomen: soft, non-tender, non-distended, bowel sounds present, no organomegaly gu: no foley ext: warm, well perfused, 2+ pulses, no clubbing, cyanosis or edema; no asterixis neuro: cnii-xii intact discharge exam: 98.5, 117/42, 77, 18, 96% ra nad, aox3, slightly slowed mentation anicteric, dobhoff in place heart: rrr, no mrg lungs: scattered crackles, no consolidations or wheezes abd: soft, obese, nontender, no fluid appreciated exdt: trace edema neuro: no asterixis, nonfocal pertinent results: admission labs 03:54am blood hgb-12.8 calchct-38 03:40am blood asa-neg ethanol-16* acetmnp-neg bnzodzp-neg barbitr-neg tricycl-neg 03:40am blood albumin-3.8 calcium-8.5 phos-2.7 mg-1.7 03:40am blood alt-34 ast-93* alkphos-153* totbili-1.7* 03:40am blood ctropnt-<0.01 03:40am blood lipase-44 03:40am blood glucose-300* urean-19 creat-0.6 na-141 k-4.9 cl-103 hco3-27 angap-16 03:40am blood pt-14.2* ptt-32.2 inr(pt)-1.3* 03:40am blood plt ct-101* 03:40am blood neuts-69.8 lymphs-19.4 monos-7.6 eos-2.3 baso-0.9 03:40am blood wbc-7.5 rbc-3.86* hgb-12.6 hct-39.2 mcv-101* mch-32.6* mchc-32.1 rdw-16.9* plt ct-101* micro: - ucx (5/8,14,16): neg - bcx (5/14,15,16): ngtd - cdiff (): neg studies: - head ct (): impression: no acute intracranial process; bifrontal cortical atrophy. - ruq u/s with dopplers (): impression: -> no portal vein thrombus identified. reversed flow is again seen in the main, right and left portal veins. -> the liver is very heterogeneous and nodular. ultrasound cannot exclude an underlying liver mass. a ct is recommended for further evaluation of the hepatic architecture. -> cholelithiasis. no biliary dilatation seen. - bilateral le u/s (): impression: negative study for bilateral lower extremity deep vein thrombosis. discharge labs: 06:05am blood wbc-6.9 rbc-2.47* hgb-7.7* hct-25.6* mcv-104* mch-31.3 mchc-30.2* rdw-17.3* plt ct-79* 06:05am blood pt-14.2* ptt-33.3 inr(pt)-1.3* 06:05am blood glucose-227* urean-15 creat-0.5 na-133 k-4.1 cl-103 hco3-22 angap-12 06:05am blood alt-37 ast-85* alkphos-146* totbili-2.0* 06:05am blood calcium-8.3* phos-2.4* mg-2.1 brief hospital course: 55-year-old female with alcohol cirrhosis with known varices (last variceal bleed 6 years ago) presenting from osh with hematemesis. hospital course complicated by significant encephalopathy. 1. hematemesis: pt with several episodes of hematemesis at home and at osh. she has been prescribed propranolol but was not been taking this consistently at home. hct on admission was stable at 39. she was initially placed on iv ppi gtt and iv octreotide. initially, she was intubated for egd which showed varices at lower third of esophagus that was ligated as well as varices at ge junction and fundus and portal gastropathy. she did not have further episodes of hematemesis during hospital stay and hct remained stable. she completed a 7 day course of abx for infection prophylaxis. she was started on nadolol for her varices. she should have repeat egd as outpatient. 2. st elevations: after being intubated for planned egd, patient had st elevations on telemetry. 12 lead ekg revealed st elevations were in leads i/avl with reciprocal depressions in avf/iii. she was seen urgently by cardiology and taken to cardiac catheterization which revealed clean coronaries. the likely diagnosis was coronary vasospasm. tte showed ef > 75%, mild symmetric left ventricular hypertrophy with preserved global and regional biventricular systolic function. no pathologic valvular abnormality seen. no further cardiac complications during admission. 3. altered mental status: initially was admitted to the micu for gi bleeding reasons, but was sent to floor on . however, readmitted to the micu on morning of for worsening mental status. infection was ruled out. the patient's decompensation was likely due to holding of lactulose, polypharmacy, and gi bleed. cxr, le u/s, head ct, ruq u/s were all unrevealing for cause of ams and all cultures of blood/urine were negative. she was not placed on antibiotics and slowly cleared with aggressive lactulose. at discharge, she is alert and oriented x 3. 4. alcoholic cirrhosis with alcoholic hepatitis: pt with alcoholic cirrhosis that decompensated due to gi bleed and continued alcohol/drug use. her bili started to trend up, peaking at 4.4 on . she was not started on steroids due to gi bleed. a biopsy was not done. the patient was treated with aggressive nutrition and her bilirubin trended down on discharge. 5. polysubstance abuse: pt had active alcohol abuse. urine tox was also positive for methadone and benzos. she was seen by social work and addictions consult. she was started on mvi, thiamine, and folic acid. she initially had significant alcohol withdrawal and required high doses of iv ativan and haloperidol that was eventually weaned. the patient had family support throughout her hospital stay. 6. copd: pt with questionable hx of copd. currently smokes 1ppd, on nicotine patch. she was continued on albuterol and advair inhalers. 7. depression: pt with severe depression, particularly in setting of recent life tragedies. her home psych meds were held in the setting of confusion, and only duloxetine and seroquel have been restarted prior to discharge. the patient will need psychiatry follow-up after discharge for management and uptitration of her medications. she reports also taking 100mg zoloft daily and 50mg of topamax. 8. vaginal pruritis: patient complained of vaginal discomfort on day of discharge and was started on empiric treatment for candidiasis with intravaginal miconazole cream. 9. hyperglycemia: patient had elevated blood sugars requiring glargine and insulin sliding scale while in the hospital. this should be further evaluated by her pcp at discharge and workup for possible underlying diabetes should be done. transitional issues: - continue 7 day course of intravaginal miconazole - slowly restart psychiatric medications as above, patient reports her psychiatrist is dr. ( - titrate lactulose to achieve 3 bowel movements daily medications on admission: medications: (has not been taking consistently) 1. topiramate 25 mg tablet sig: two (2) tablet po bid (2 times a day). 2. sertraline 100 mg tablet sig: 1 tablet po at bedtime. 3. prazosin 5 mg capsule sig: one (1) capsule po qhs (once a day (at bedtime)). 4. propranolol 10 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po bid (2 times a day). 5. risperidone 1 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po bid (2 times a day): 9a, 9p. 6. folic acid 1 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po daily (daily). 7. seroquel 100 mg tablet sig: 2.5 tablets po at bedtime. 8. dextroamphetamine 10 mg tablet sig: three (3) tablet po twice a day. 9. duloxetine 20 mg capsule, delayed release(e.c.) sig: one (1) capsule, delayed release(e.c.) po qam (once a day (in the morning)). 10. lactulose 10 gram/15 ml solution sig: two (2) tablespoons po four times a day: to maintain bms daily. 11. albuterol sulfate 90 mcg/actuation hfa aerosol inhaler sig: inhalation every 4-6 hours as needed for shortness of breath or wheezing. 12. advair diskus 250-50 mcg/dose disk with device sig: one (1) puff inhalation twice a day. discharge medications: 1. albuterol sulfate 90 mcg/actuation hfa aerosol inhaler sig: 1-2 puffs inhalation every 4-6 hours as needed for shortness of breath or wheezing. 2. fluticasone-salmeterol 250-50 mcg/dose disk with device sig: one (1) puff inhalation (2 times a day). 3. nicotine 14 mg/24 hr patch 24 hr sig: one (1) patch 24 hr transdermal daily (daily). 4. multivitamin tablet sig: one (1) tablet po daily (daily). 5. folic acid 1 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po daily (daily). 6. rifaximin 550 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po bid (2 times a day). 7. acetaminophen 325 mg tablet sig: two (2) tablet po q8h prn () as needed for pain. 8. nadolol 20 mg tablet sig: two (2) tablet po daily (daily). 9. thiamine hcl 100 mg tablet sig: one (1) tablet po daily (daily). 10. phenol 1.4 % aerosol, spray sig: one (1) spray mucous membrane q4h (every 4 hours) as needed for sore throat. 11. lactulose 10 gram/15 ml syrup sig: thirty (30) ml po tid (3 times a day). 12. duloxetine 20 mg capsule, delayed release(e.c.) sig: one (1) capsule, delayed release(e.c.) po daily (daily). 13. quetiapine 100 mg tablet sig: 2.5 tablets po qhs (once a day (at bedtime)). 14. sucralfate 1 gram tablet sig: one (1) tablet po qid (4 times a day). 15. pantoprazole 40 mg tablet, delayed release (e.c.) sig: one (1) tablet, delayed release (e.c.) po q12h (every 12 hours). 16. miconazole nitrate 2 % cream sig: one (1) appl vaginal hs (at bedtime) for 7 days: start date . 17. insulin glargine 100 unit/ml solution sig: five (5) units subcutaneous at bedtime. 18. humalog insulin sliding scale please continue humalog insulin sliding scale. 19. lidocaine viscous 2 % solution sig: five (5) milliliters mucous membrane every 4-6 hours as needed for sore throat. discharge disposition: extended care facility: - discharge diagnosis: alcoholic cirrhosis upper gi bleed encephalopathy poor nutrition discharge condition: level of consciousness: alert and interactive. activity status: ambulatory - requires assistance or aid (walker or cane). mental status: clear and coherent. discharge instructions: you were admitted to the hospital with gi bleeding and confusion due to buildup of chemicals related to your liver disease. you were initially stabilized in the icu where an endoscopy was performed and a vessel was banded in the esophagus. you continued to have confusion, which slowly resolved as your liver improved. you required a feeding tube to help with your nutrition as your liver recovers. you will be discharged to rehab. you must refrain from any further substance abuse or your liver will get more sick and you may die. please take your medications as prescribed. please make all of your follow-up appointments. your medication list will be sent with you to rehab. followup instructions: department: liver center when: monday at 11:50 am with: , md building: lm campus: west best parking: garage procedure: continuous invasive mechanical ventilation for less than 96 consecutive hours coronary arteriography using two catheters other endoscopy of small intestine left heart cardiac catheterization insertion of endotracheal tube enteral infusion of concentrated nutritional substances diagnoses: tobacco use disorder unspecified essential hypertension alcoholic cirrhosis of liver portal hypertension chronic airway obstruction, not elsewhere classified depressive disorder, not elsewhere classified hypoxemia hepatic encephalopathy esophageal varices with bleeding hyperosmolality and/or hypernatremia other specified disorders of stomach and duodenum opioid abuse, unspecified other and unspecified alcohol dependence, continuous other abnormal glucose acute alcoholic hepatitis candidiasis of vulva and vagina alcohol withdrawal delirium sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic abuse, unspecified other nutritional deficiency prinzmetal angina Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to
Consider the following medical report that includes the patient's historical health records. Use it to predict the disease that the patient is high likely exposed to. Medical Report: allergies: sulfa (sulfonamide antibiotics) / gammagard liquid attending: chief complaint: chest discomfort; admitted to micu for hypotension major surgical or invasive procedure: none history of present illness: ms. is a 63y/o lady with history of relapsed refractory multiple myeloma, status post allogeneic stem cell transplant in , status post dli in , , and and ongoing velcade/revlimid/xrt who was transferred from an osh due to chest pain and tachycardia, and has been found to have neutropenic fever. . of note, she had a recent admission (>1 week ago) for back pain and urinary retention - she was found to have t10/t11 vertebral fracture but no cord compression. she was started on steroids and t8-t12 spine radiation. she was also treated for pan-s e.coli uti with cipro for 7d (). her last velcade infusion was 3 days prior to presentation. . on the day of presentation, she went to an onc f/u appointment and her temp was 98.6, bp 102/69, hr 101. afterwards, she went to xrt, and then she experienced chest pain on the way home. she describes it as substernal, nonpleuritic "heaviness" that did not radiate anywhere. not associated with sweating, but did come with some mild breathing discomfort. she first noticed the pain when she was sitting in the car, and it lasted until she got to . it resolved with dilaudid 1.5 mg iv and fentanyl 100 mcg iv. ekg was not concerning for ischemia, and troponin was negative. for tachycardia she was given 1l ns but due to persistent sinus tachycardia to 120 she was transferred to . . in the ed, initial vs were: t99.4, hr 120, bp 122/74, rr 18, pox 99% 2l nc. here, she had no complaints of chest pain. labs were notable for wbc 1.6 (anc 1163), which on repeat was wbc 0.9 (anc 715). cr was 3.3 which is baseline. troponin 0.2 and ekg with nsr, no concern for ischemia. she was noted to spike to 102.2 and received cefepime as well as tylenol. cxr suggested increased small b/l pleural effusions and old sternal/rib fractures. ua was negative. bedside fast was negative (no pericardial effusion, normokinetic heart). he triggered for sbp 80's after 2nd l ns. after the 3rd l ns, she improvement to sbp 110s but still intermittently dropped to sbp 80's. given her hypotension and febrile neutropenia, she was admitted to the micu. vs prior to transfer were t99.8, hr 106, bp 90/55, rr 13, pox 99% 2l nc. . on arrival to the micu, she feels exhausted, "wiped out." mouth is very dry. notes that she did get a much milder form of the chest discomfort when moving from stretcher to bed just now; it is barely there but is bothersome. she is in disbelief about having to be admitted again. denies any fevers/chills at home, rhinorrhea/uri, cough, loose stools, urinary discomfort. no mouth ulcers or rash. . review of systems: (+) per hpi. also notable for chronic joint aches (which she thinks is related to gvh). chronic issues with constipation (had small bm yesterday). (-) denies fever, chills, night sweats, recent weight loss or gain. denies headache, sinus tenderness, rhinorrhea or congestion. denies cough, shortness of breath, or wheezing. denies palpitations. denies nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain. denies dysuria, frequency, or urgency. past medical history: past oncologic history: multiple myeloma --presented in with a compression fracture and hypercalcemia initially thought to be due to hyper-pth, treated with thyroidectomy and parathyroidectomy --presented again with anemia and renal failure with bence- proteinuria (5.9 g) but no serum m spike detectable --bm biopsy showed multiple myeloma with 13q abnormalities --highly aggressive disease and many treatments since in the following order: cycles - auto () - cycles - allo () remission until then cycles this summer both auto and allo transplants --cycle therapy: since cyclophosphamide, velcade, cytoxan, velcade, doxil, velcade --dli . . other medical history: # s/p fracture of 4 vertebrae # s/p parathyroidectomy and accompanying thyroidectomy for benign nodules seen at time of surgery in # hyperparathyroidism # hypothyroidism (secondary to surgery), on synthroid now # hypertension in context of multiple myeloma # tubal ligation social history: -home: patient is retired and lives with husband and has 3 grown children. -occupation: she is currently on disability, but was previously an icu nurse in . she is independent of adls, iadls except driving. -etoh: denies drinking alcohol. -tobacco: smoked in high school. -illicits: none. family history: mother died at 72 of metastatic breast cancer. father committed suicide. no siblings. physical exam: admission exam vitals: t: 100.4 bp: 87/54 p: 110 r: 11 o2: 93% ra general: thin chronically ill-appearing lady, breathing comfortably heent: sclera anicteric, mmm, oropharynx clear with small 0.5cm ulcer on left tongue, eomi, perrl neck: supple, neck veins flat, no lad cv: tachycardic, regular, normal s1 + s2, diastolic murmur heard best at lsb; no muffled heart sounds lungs: clear to auscultation bilaterally, no wheezes, rales, ronchi abdomen: protuberant but non-distended, soft, nontender, bowel sounds present, no organomegaly ext: warm, well perfused, 2+ pulses, no cyanosis; 1+ pitting edema to the knees bilaterally neuro: cnii-xii intact, 5/5 strength upper/lower extremities, grossly normal sensation, 2+ reflexes bilaterally, gait deferred, finger-to-nose intact discharge exam pertinent results: admission labs 10:55am blood wbc-1.6* rbc-2.88* hgb-9.5* hct-27.9* mcv-97 mch-33.1* mchc-34.2 rdw-19.7* plt ct-64* 10:55am blood neuts-72.7* lymphs-15.8* monos-5.9 eos-4.8* baso-0.8 09:55pm blood wbc-0.9* rbc-2.91* hgb-9.4* hct-27.7* mcv-95 mch-32.2* mchc-33.9 rdw-18.9* plt ct-64* 09:55pm blood neuts-79.4* lymphs-13.2* monos-5.0 eos-1.0 baso-1.5 09:55pm blood glucose-122* urean-40* creat-3.3* na-142 k-3.6 cl-102 hco3-24 angap-20 10:55am blood alt-25 ast-29 ld(ldh)-420* alkphos-85 totbili-0.5 09:55pm blood ck(cpk)-540* 10:55am blood calcium-7.6* phos-4.9* mg-2.2 09:55pm blood ctropnt-0.02* 10:15pm blood lactate-1.6 discharge labs (pending) micro data : ua - negative, ucx - pending : bcx x2 - pending ekg nsr, rate 112, normal axis, qtc 457. no significant st-t wave changes compared to prior. cxr there are increased small bilateral pleural effusions, greater on the left than the right, with bibasilar atelectasis, underlying consolidation, particularly in the retrocardiac region, can not be exluced. cardiomediastinal silhouette remains mildly enlarged. myelomatous bony changes as well as old sternal fracture of multiple vertebral body wedge compression fractures were better evaluated on prior ct from . ct chest 1. no new sternal fracture. sternal body fracture healed, unchanged since . pathologic right second rib fracture, new since , is nondisplaced, shows increased callus formation since , but no mass or hematoma. healing right seventh rib fracture, stable since . multiple severe, longstanding pathologic thoracic vertebral fractures; moderate t5 body fracture, new since , increased slightly over two weeks. 2. new moderate bilateral pleural effusions, new moderate pericardial effusion, absent any indication of tamponade, and worsening anasarca, presumably related. mild increase in pulmonary artery caliber could be due to increased left atrial pressure, although there is no pulmonary edema. leni negative v/q 1/25 negative cxr pending read brief hospital course: ms. is a 63y/o lady with history of relapsed refractory multiple myeloma, status post allogeneic stem cell transplant, dli, and ongoing velcade/xrt who was transferred from an osh due to chest pain and tachycardia, and was found to have neutropenic fever and hypotension. pt was admitted to micu from osh with septic shock ( uti), which was treated with broad spectrum antibiotics and responsive to fluids. pt was subsequently transferred to bmt floor, as hypotension resolved. on floor, she was treated for neutropenic fever. on , she developed mental status changes, becoming more and more lethargic. she developed acute renal failure, likely atn. pt ultimately developed afib with rvr, which was controlled with diltiazem and metoprolol. mental status and renal function continued to deteriorate and family meeting was arranged. decision was made not to pursue agressive treatment and lp and hd were determined not to be keeping with goals of care. a morphine drip was started and pt was continued on abx. on night of , family decided to make pt . she expired on . medications on admission: dexamethasone taper: -- 2mg po bid -- 1mg po bid -- stop medication revlimid 15 mg po every other day (missed dose 1/23) acyclovir 400 mg po bid pentamidine 300 mg inhaled once a month levothyroxine 112 mcg daily gabapentin 300 mg qhs oxycontin 15 mg oxycodone 5 mg po q6h prn zolpidem 5 mg po hs prn lorazepam 0.5-1 mg po q6h prn anxiety/nausea/insomnia ondansetron 8 mg rapid dissolve po q8h prn calcium acetate 667 mg po tid w/ meals calcium carbonate-vitamin d3 multivitamin daily docusate sodium 100 mg po bid senna 17.2 mg po bid polyethylene glycol 1 packet po daily prn bisacodyl 10 mg (e.c.) po daily prn pantoprazole 40 mg (e.c.) daily discharge medications: expired discharge disposition: expired discharge diagnosis: expired discharge condition: expired discharge instructions: expired followup instructions: expired procedure: injection or infusion of cancer chemotherapeutic substance diagnoses: acute kidney failure with lesion of tubular necrosis hypertensive chronic kidney disease, unspecified, with chronic kidney disease stage i through stage iv, or unspecified atrial fibrillation chronic kidney disease, unspecified peripheral stem cells replaced by transplant unspecified disease of pericardium hypotension, unspecified other constipation do not resuscitate status encephalopathy, unspecified chest pain, unspecified tachycardia, unspecified personal history of antineoplastic chemotherapy personal history of irradiation, presenting hazards to health neutropenia, unspecified postsurgical hypothyroidism fever presenting with conditions classified elsewhere personal history of pathologic fracture other pancytopenia multiple myeloma, in relapse Answer: The patient is high likely exposed to